# UFO Event Timeline, KWIC Index Page: b [Back to Main timeline](timeline.html) ## Letters Directory: [a](kwic_a.html) [b](kwic_b.html) [c](kwic_c.html) [d](kwic_d.html) [e](kwic_e.html) [f](kwic_f.html) [g](kwic_g.html) [h](kwic_h.html) [i](kwic_i.html) [j](kwic_j.html) [k](kwic_k.html) [l](kwic_l.html) [m](kwic_m.html) [n](kwic_n.html) [o](kwic_o.html) [p](kwic_p.html) [q](kwic_q.html) [r](kwic_r.html) [s](kwic_s.html) [t](kwic_t.html) [u](kwic_u.html) [v](kwic_v.html) [w](kwic_w.html) [x](kwic_x.html) [y](kwic_y.html) [z](kwic_z.html) [numbers](kwic_numbers.html) [misc](kwic_misc.html) ## Words Directory: "b-" "b-001-014-055" "b-1" "b-13" "b-17" "b-17s" "b-18" "b-18a" "b-2" "b-24" "b-25" "b-25's" "b-25s" "b-26" "b-29" "b-29-sized" "b-29s" "b-36" "b-36's" "b-36-sized" "b-47" "b-47's" "b-47s" "b-50" "b-50d" "b-50s" "b-52" "b-52g" "b-52h" "b-52s" "b-57" "b-58" "b-66" "b-727" "b-747" "b-757" "b-shaped" "b-t" "b000uflpmm" "b004urryps" "b00m5jy398" "b01ik2n38u" "b01kj04kfg" "b08vyr4dz6" "b0916jqdcs" "b09hr54gqf" "b0bk3kp6x2" "b1-b" "b1022" "b17" "b17+airline" "b17+ground" "b17s" "b2" "b24" "b25" "b25s" "b26" "b29" "b29s" "b308" "b3157" "b3187" "b3347" "b36" "b36's" "b36s" "b4507" "b47" "b47s" "b50" "b50d" "b52" "b52'" "b52+many" "b52-size" "b5429" "b56" "b57" "b58" "b6265" "b651" "b66" "b727" "b727+air" "b737" "b757" "b787" "ba" "baakline" "baarn" "baass" "baass-contracted" "baass-like" "babalon" "babbitt" "babel" "babia" "babies" "babinda" "babiogorsky" "baborów" "babson" "baby" "baby's" "baby-sitting" "babysitter" "babysitting" "bac-111" "baca" "bacau" "baccarat" "bacchante" "bachaquero" "bachelard" "bacherini" "bachmeier" "bachner" "bachère" "bacillus" "baciu" "back" "back'" "back-" "back-and" "back-and-forth" "back-engineering" "back-forth" "back-tracked" "back-woods" "back14jun" "backbone" "backdoor" "backdrop" "backed" "backfire" "backfired" "backford" "backgammon" "backgate" "background" "backgrounds" "backhoe" "backing" "backlights" "backlit" "backlund" "backpack" "backpacked" "backpacker" "backpackers" "backpacking" "backpacks" "backs" "backseat" "backside" "backsjön" "backswing" "backtraced" "backtrack" "backtracked" "backtracks" "backup" "backups" "backward" "backwards" "backwards--flames" "backwash" "backyard" "backyards" "bacoli" "bacon" "bacqueville" "bacteria" "bacteriological" "bacteriologist" "bacup" "bad" "badaber" "badajoz" "badalucco" "badan" "baden" "baden-baden" "bader" "badge" "badge-shape" "badge-shaped" "badger" "badges" "badgley" "badia" "badlands" "badly" "badufos" "badung" "bae" "bae-146" "bae146" "baelen" "baena" "baependi" "baer" "baez" "baf" "baffin" "baffle" "baffled" "baffling" "bag" "bagansiapiapi" "bage" "bage'" "baggy" "baghdad" "bagley" "baglike" "bagnacavallo" "bagnell" "bagneres-de-bigorre" "bagneres-de-luchon" "bagneux" "bagnoles" "bagnols-sur-ceze" "bagnulo" "bagotville" "bags" "bagshot" "bagsvaerd" "baguio" "baha" "bahama" "bahamas" "baharu" "bahia" "bahnay" "bahnson" "bahía" "baia" "baier" "baigorry" "baikal" "baikonur" "bail" "baile" "bailesti" "bailey" "bailey's" "baileys" "bailiff" "baillaud" "bailleul-" "bailleul-neuville" "baillolet" "bailly" "bailly-en-campagne" "bailout" "bails" "bain" "bainbridge" "bains" "bainville" "baird" "bairio" "bairnsdale" "bairoa" "bairoil" "bairon" "bait" "baiting" "baits" "baiyun" "baja" "bajada" "bajenov" "bajeola" "baka" "bakaev" "bake" "baked" "bakelite" "baker" "baker's" "baker-2" "baker-nunn" "bakers" "bakersfield" "bakery" "bakewell" "bakhrushev" "baking" "bakke" "baku" "bal" "bala" "balaban" "balaclava" "baladonia" "balagny-sur-therain" "balaia" "balaklava" "balakovo" "balance" "balance-shaped" "balanced" "balances" "balancing" "balbo" "balboa" "balcarce" "balch" "balchen" "balclutha" "balconies" "balcony" "bald" "bald-" "bald-headed" "baldacchino" "baldhead" "baldheaded" "baldheads" "baldim" "baldone" "baldpate" "baldwin" "baldwin's" "baldwinsville" "baldy" "bale" "baleares" "balearic" "baleia" "balfour" "bali" "balice" "baling" "balita" "balizac" "balkcom" "ball" "ball'" "ball-" "ball-antennas" "ball-bearings" "ball-disk" "ball-dumbell" "ball-figure" "ball-light" "ball-lightning" "ball-like" "ball-night" "ball-saucer" "ball-shaped" "balladonia" "ballarat" "ballard" "ballast" "ballater" "balled" "ballena" "baller" "ballerup" "ballesta" "ballester" "ballester-olmos" "ballesterolmos" "ballet" "ballgame" "ballheim" "balliet" "balliettsville" "ballieu" "ballina" "ballinasloe" "ballinger" "ballistic" "balloon" "balloon'" "balloon-cylinder" "balloon-like" "balloon-object" "balloon-shaped" "balloon-type" "ballooney" "ballooning" "balloons" "balloonshaped" "ballot" "ballou" "ballpark" "ballpoint" "ballroom" "balls" "balls-of-light" "ballshaped" "ballston" "ballymena" "balmaceda" "balmoral" "balneário" "balocco" "balogh" "bals" "balsa" "balsam" "balsawood-like" "baltazar" "baltazzi" "baltic" "baltimore" "baltiysky-35" "balustrade" "balvidares" "balwyn" "bamboo" "bambridge" "bamford" "ban" "banak" "banal" "banana" "banana-crescent" "banana-delta" "banana-object" "banana-shape" "banana-shaped" "banana-ufo" "bananeiras" "banaras" "banat" "banbury" "banchs" "bancroft" "band" "banda" "bandaged" "bandages" "banded" "bandeirante" "bandelier" "bandera" "banderas" "bandicoot" "bandit" "bandol" "bandoleer" "bandon" "bands" "bandurant" "bandy" "baneasa" "baneberry" "banel" "banes" "banescu" "banff" "bang" "bangalore" "banged" "banging" "bangkalan" "bangkok" "bangor" "bangs" "bangues" "bangui" "baniara" "banias" "banish" "banished" "banister" "banjarmasin" "bank" "bank's" "banked" "banker" "bankers" "banket" "banking" "banknotes" "bankok" "bankrolls" "bankrupt" "bankruptcy" "banks" "banksons" "bankstown" "banksville" "banlolet" "bann" "bannalec" "banned" "banner" "banning" "bannister" "bannock" "bannockburn" "banon" "banos" "banshee" "bantam" "bantzenheim" "banyard" "baoji" "baotou" "baptist" "baptiste" "baptiste-de-rouville" "baqueiro" "bar" "bar'" "bar's" "bar-bell" "bar-restaurant" "bar-shaped" "bar-sur-aube" "bar-sur-loup" "barabon" "baracaldo" "barack" "baragiola" "barahona" "barakhudzir" "baralaba" "baralba" "baranagua" "baranovichi" "baranówka" "baras" "barauna" "baraúna" "barbacena" "barbados" "barbamarco" "barbara" "barbato" "barbazan" "barbeau" "barbecue" "barbed" "barbed-wire" "barbee" "barbeiros" "barbel" "barbell" "barbell-shaped" "barbencon" "barbentane" "barber" "barbereau" "barbers" "barberton" "barbiana" "barbiano" "barbie" "barbier" "barbieri" "barbiturates" "barbosa" "barbula" "barbury" "barbwire" "barc" "barca" "barcelar" "barcelona" "barcelona-puigcerda" "barcelonnette" "barcelos" "barcis" "barclay" "bard" "bardenas" "bardi" "bardi's" "bardney" "bardsley" "bardstown" "bare" "barefoot" "bareheaded" "barely" "barentin" "barents" "barge" "bargemon" "barger" "bargersville" "barges" "bargis" "barham" "bari" "baridiami" "barika" "bariloche" "barinas" "barinova" "baritu" "barium" "bark" "barked" "barken" "barker" "barkhamsted" "barkhan" "barkhoff" "barkhurst" "barking" "barks" "barksdale" "barkun" "barletta" "barley" "barlow" "barmah" "barmouth" "barn" "barn-size" "barn-sized" "barnabe" "barnagearagh" "barnard" "barnaul" "barnea" "barnegat" "barnes" "barnesville" "barnet" "barnett" "barney" "barney's" "barnhill" "barnick" "barnoldswick" "barns" "barnsdall" "barnsley" "barnstable" "barnum" "barnwell" "barnyard" "barossa" "barq" "barque" "barquisimento" "barquisimeto" "barquismeto" "barr" "barra" "barraba" "barrack" "barracks" "barracuda" "barragan" "barrage" "barrame" "barrameda" "barranca" "barranqueras" "barranquilla" "barranquitas" "barrault" "barre" "barre-des-cevennes" "barred" "barreiro" "barrel" "barrel-chested" "barrel-on-canoe" "barrel-rolled" "barrel-rolls" "barrel-shape" "barrel-shaped" "barrelhead" "barrels" "barreme" "barren" "barrera" "barrett" "barricaded" "barrie" "barrier" "barriers" "barriga" "barring" "barrington" "barrio" "barrionuevo" "barrios" "barrocao" "barron" "barroso" "barrot" "barrow" "barrow-in-furness" "barrowclough" "barry" "bars" "barsac" "barshi" "barski" "barstow" "bart" "barta" "bartel" "bartelso" "bartender" "bartenders" "barter" "bartheleme-d'anjou" "barthelemy" "bartholomew" "bartis" "bartlett" "barto" "bartoli" "bartoll" "barton" "baru" "baruch" "barueri" "barvaux" "barwood" "bary" "bas-rhein" "bas-rhin" "bas-rhine" "basalt" "bascara" "base" "base's" "base-roswell" "baseball" "baseball-bat" "baseball-orbs" "baseball-size" "basecles" "based" "basel" "baseless" "baseline" "basella" "basement" "bases" "bases'" "basford" "bashed" "bashkir" "basiago" "basic" "basically" "basidomycetes" "basildon" "basile" "basilica" "basilio" "basilly" "basin" "basin-shaped" "basingstoke" "basins" "basis" "baskatong" "basket" "basket-like" "basket-saucer" "basket-shaped" "basketball" "basketball-shaped" "basketball-size" "basketball-sized" "basketballs" "baskets" "baskunchak" "bason" "basque" "bass" "bassano" "basse" "basse-gorce" "bassee" "basses" "basses-alpes" "bassett" "bassing" "bassoues" "bastards" "basterfield" "bastia" "bastiani" "bastida" "bastos" "bastrop" "basye" "basècles" "bat" "bat-delta" "bat-figure" "bat-like" "bat-mobile" "bat-saucer" "bat-wing" "bata" "batavia" "batch" "bateau" "baterias" "bates" "batesburg" "batesville" "batf" "bath" "bathe" "bathed" "bathers" "bathes" "bathgate" "bathhouse" "bathing" "batholith-1" "batholith-2" "bathrobe" "bathroom" "baths" "bathtub" "bathtubs" "bathtup-shaped" "batista" "batlike" "batman" "baton" "bator" "batovice" "bats" "battaglia" "battalion" "battease" "battelle" "battello" "batter" "batteries" "battery" "battery-operated" "battery-powered" "battey" "battice" "battle" "battlefield" "battlefront" "battleship" "battleship-gray" "battleship-sized" "battlespace" "battos" "baturite" "batwing" "batwing-shaped" "batz-sur-mer" "baudette" "baudour" "bauer" "bauffe" "baughman" "bauhan" "baulhaut" "baulmes" "baumer" "baumes-les-dames" "baumgartner" "bauquay" "bauru" "bautista" "bavaria" "bavarian" "bavay" "bavella" "bavic" "bavilliers" "bavonne" "bavota" "bawdsey" "bawl" "baxter" "bay" "bayamon" "bayan" "bayard" "baye" "bayer" "bayerische" "bayfield" "bayford" "bayhead" "baylor" "bayonne" "bayou" "bayport" "bayramgulovo" "bays" "baytown" "bayview" "baza" "bazargani" "bb" "bb#" "bb_unknowns" "bbc" "bbc-2" "bbcworld" "bbk7491" "bbpdf" "bbs" "bbs-01" "bbu" "bc" "bcci" "bcciandmisc" "bcckenham" "bch" "bd" "bd5" "bdf" "bdigital" "bdm" "bdmmsc" "bdr" "be90" "bea" "beach" "beach-los" "beachcomber" "beaches" "beachfront" "beachgoers" "beachner" "beachport" "beachwood" "beacon" "beacon-news" "beacons" "bead-like" "beads" "beady" "beagle" "beagles" "beak" "beaker" "beaks" "beal" "beale" "beallsville" "bealor" "beam" "beam-box" "beam-like" "beaman" "beamed" "beaming" "beaminster" "beamlike" "beams" "beamsley" "bean" "bean-shape" "bean-shaped" "beanpot" "beans" "bear" "beard" "beard--and" "bearded" "bearden" "beardon" "beards" "beards--one" "bearer" "bearing" "bearings" "bears" "beast" "beat" "beata" "beaten-earth" "beater" "beather" "beating" "beatrice" "beatriz" "beats" "beatty" "beaucourt" "beaucourt-sur-ancre" "beaucourt-sur-l" "beaudoin" "beaudoin's" "beaudoins" "beaufays" "beaufighter" "beauford" "beaufort" "beaufort-en-vallee" "beaufort-la" "beaugency" "beauharnois" "beaulieu" "beaumont" "beaumont-en-diois" "beaune" "beaupertuis" "beaupuy" "beauquay" "beauregard-barret" "beaurepaire" "beausejour" "beausoleil" "beautician" "beautiful" "beauty" "beauvain" "beauvais" "beauvallon" "beauvechain" "beauvois-en-cambresis" "beauzelle" "beaver" "beavercreek" "beaverdam" "beaverlodge" "beaverton" "bebedouro" "becalmed" "became" "becar" "bechar" "bechdolt" "bechtel" "beck" "becke" "beckemeyer" "beckenham" "becker" "becket" "beckford" "beckington" "beckley" "beckman" "beckon" "beckoned" "beckoning" "beckons" "becky" "become" "becomes" "becoming" "bed" "bed-like" "bedarrides" "bedcovers" "beddau" "bedee" "bedel" "bedell" "bedeque" "bedet" "bedford" "bedfords" "bedfordshire" "bedhampton" "bedjara" "bedlington" "bednesti" "bedoga" "bedoin" "bedoya" "bedroom" "beds" "bedsheets" "bedside" "bedwyn" "bee" "bee's" "bee-buzz" "bee-swarm" "beeamed" "beebalm" "beech" "beech-18" "beechcraft" "beecher" "beef" "beehive" "beehive-shaped" "beeler" "beemer" "beep" "beep-beep" "beeper" "beeping" "beeps" "beer" "beer-can" "beer-keg" "beer-key" "beers" "bees" "beet" "beetle" "beetle-shaped" "beets" "beez" "befabs" "befall" "befallen" "beforehand" "befriended" "beg" "beg-meil" "began" "beganto" "begay" "begg" "beggars" "begged" "begging" "begich" "begin" "beginning" "begins" "begius" "begs" "begun" "behalf" "behave" "behaved" "behaves" "behaving" "behavior" "behavioral" "behaviorists" "beheld" "behencourt" "behgough" "behind" "behind-the-scenes" "behnay" "behold" "behr" "behshahr" "bei" "beige" "beige-colored" "beige-gray" "beige-pale" "beighey" "beign" "beihang" "beijing" "beind" "beine" "being's" "being-like" "beings" "beira" "beirne" "beirut" "beit" "beitbridge" "beja" "bejar" "bekes" "bel" "bel-air" "bela" "belan-sur-ource" "belanger" "belarus" "belated" "belatedly" "belchar's" "belches" "belcourt" "belden" "beldon" "belem" "belen" "belesta" "belfast" "belfast-allentown" "belfort" "belfry" "belge" "belgian" "belgium" "belgm" "belgogradskaya" "belgorod" "belgrade" "belgrano" "belgrave" "belie" "belief" "beliefs" "believe" "believed" "believeed" "believer" "believers" "believes" "believing" "beligneux" "belil" "belinski" "belknap" "bell" "bell-" "bell-helmet" "bell-jar" "bell-parachute" "bell-saucer" "bell-shape" "bell-shaped" "bell-shapes" "bella" "bellac" "bellagio" "bellamy" "bellanca" "bellantoni" "bellaria" "bellatoni" "bellbrook" "belle" "belle-ile" "belle-vue" "belledonne" "bellefontaine" "belleman" "bellenaves-st" "bellenden" "bellerby" "bellero" "bellerose" "belleville" "belleville-sur-saone" "bellevue" "bellflower" "bellicose" "bellies" "belligerence" "belligerency" "belligerent" "bellingeri" "bellingeris" "bellingham" "bellino" "belljar" "bellmore" "bellomonte" "bellonzo" "belloq--the" "bellovin" "bellow" "bellowed" "bellowing" "bellowings" "bellows" "bells" "bellshaped" "bellsquarry" "belltower" "belluco" "belluno" "belluzo" "belluzzo" "bellville" "bellwood" "belly" "belmar" "belmont" "belo" "beloeil" "beloit" "beloite" "belokorovichi" "belon" "belong" "belonged" "belonging" "belongings" "belongs" "belorus" "below-ground" "belper" "belpre" "belt" "belt-buckle" "belterra" "belton" "beltran" "belts" "beltsville" "beltway" "beluga" "beluran" "belval" "belvedere" "belvidere" "belvoir" "belye" "belém" "bemelmans" "ben" "benabbio" "benacazon" "benagever" "benagues" "benajarafe" "benalla" "benavente" "benavidez" "benayeo" "benazzi" "benbow" "bench" "bench-like" "benches" "bend" "bender" "bendigo" "bending" "bendix" "bends" "beneath" "benedetto" "benedict" "benedito" "benefactors" "beneficial" "benefit" "benest" "benet" "benevenuto" "benevides" "benevolence" "benevolent" "benfleet" "bengal" "benger" "benghazi" "bengoa" "bengough" "bengt" "benham" "benign" "benin" "benitez" "benito" "benito's" "benjamin" "benkelman" "benkelmen" "bennell" "bennet" "bennett" "bennewitz" "bennie" "benning" "benns" "benoit" "benowa" "bensalem" "benshahr" "benson" "bensonville" "bent" "benthal" "bentham" "bentilee" "bentine" "bentleigh" "bentley" "bentleyville" "bento" "benton" "bentor" "bentrup" "bents" "bentsen" "bentwaters" "benumbed" "benz" "benzene" "benzilate" "benzine" "benítez" "beoley" "bequette" "bera" "berali" "berard" "berates" "berceto" "berchtesgaden" "berck" "berdsk" "berea" "bereaved" "beregovoy" "berehan" "bereits" "beresford" "beret" "berets" "beretta" "berezovsky" "berg" "berga" "bergamo" "bergeggi" "bergen" "bergen-aan-see" "berger" "bergerac" "bergh" "bergin" "berglund" "bergstrom" "berhala" "beria" "berici" "beridale" "berii" "bering" "beriozovsky" "berisso" "berk-bisk" "berkeley" "berkhampstead" "berkley" "berkner" "berkow" "berks" "berkshire" "berl" "berlaimont" "berlin" "berlina" "berliner" "berlitz" "berm" "bermejo" "bermuda" "bermudez" "bermúdez" "bern" "berna" "bernacillo" "bernadino" "bernadotte" "bernal" "bernalillo" "bernard" "bernardino" "bernardo" "bernay" "berne" "bernerd" "bernhard" "bernice" "bernie" "bernor" "bernt" "berossus" "berra" "berrahal" "berre" "berri" "berridale" "berries" "berry" "berryessa" "berryville" "bersaillin" "berserk" "bert" "bertangles" "bertelsen" "bertha" "berthed" "berthierville" "berthold" "berti" "bertiaux" "bertil" "bertioga" "bertol" "bertona" "bertoo" "bertram" "bertrand" "bertrandias" "beru" "beruges" "berwick" "berwyn" "beryl" "beryllium" "berzasca" "berzerk" "bescancon" "beserra" "beside" "besides" "besieged" "besmond" "bessa" "bessancourt" "besse" "bessemer" "bessie" "bessingby" "bessor" "best" "best-documented" "best-guess" "best-selling" "bestseller" "bestselling" "bestuzhev-lada" "bestwood" "bet" "beta" "betances" "betancourt" "betelgeuse" "betelguese" "beth" "bethany" "bethel" "bethelem" "bethells" "bethesda" "bethlehem" "bethpage" "bethune" 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"bois-seigneur-isaac" "boise" "boisseuges" "boisvert" "boitte" "bojnord" "bok" "bokoelia" "bol" "boland" "bolander" "bolatre" "bolazec" "boldesti" "boldface" "bolen" "bolender" "boletim" "boletín" "bolfango" "bolide" "bolinas" "boling" "bolingbrook" "bolivar" "bolivia" "bolivian" "bollen" "bollene" "bolling" "bollullos" "bollwiller" "bolmen" "bologna" "bologoye" "bolotov" "bols" "bolshaya" "bolshevik" "bolster" "bolstering" "bolt" "bolted" "bolten" "boltman" "bolton" "bolts" "boltzmann" "bolume" "bolv" "bolvian" "bolzano" "bolívar" "bom" "bomb" "bomb-bearing" "bomba" "bombarded" "bombardier" "bombarding" "bombardment" "bombay" "bombed" "bomber" "bomber's" "bomber-trainer" "bombers" "bombing" "bombings" "bombs" "bombshell" "bompas" "bomporto" "bon" "bon-encontre" "bona" "bona-fide" "bonabot" "bonaire" "bonanza" "bonaparte" "bonar" "bonarda" "bonaventure" "bonbeach" "bond" "bondarchuk" "bondi" "bondowoso" "bonds" "bonduel" "bondy" "bone" "bone-dry" "bone-shape" "bonefish" "boneless" 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"bottle-shaped" "bottles" "bottom" "bottom-" "bottom-center" "bottomed" "bottoms" "botucatu" "botz" "bouaci" "bouahmama" "bouamama" "bouchard" "boucher" "bouches-du-rhone" "bouches-du-rhône" "bouches-rhone" "bouchez" "boudreaux" "bouffioulx" "bouffioux" "bougainville" "bouganville" "bougard" "bought" "bouillancourt-la-bataille" "bouiller" "boukanefis" "boulan" "boulange" "boulaur" "boulder" "boulders" "bouldoux" "boule" "boulevard" "boulmer" "boulogne" "boulou" "bounce" "bounced" "bounces" "bouncing" "bound" "bound--to" "boundary" "bounded" "bounding" "bounding-like" "bounds" "bountiful" "bouquet" "bourbeau" "bourbon" "bourbon-l'archambault" "bourg" "bourg-de-peage" "bourg-en-bresse" "bourgata" "bourgeois" "bourges" "bourget" "bourget-le-lac" "bourgneuf" "bourgneuf-la-foret" "bourgueyraud" "bourke" "bourke's" "bourland" "bournbrook" "bournebrook" "bournel" "bournemouth" "bourrasol" "bourrasole" "bourret" "bourriot" "bourtembourg" "bourton" "bousard" "bouscat" "bouschet" "bouselham" 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"boyfriend" "boykin" "boyle" "boyne" "boynton" "boys" "boys'" "boyscouts" "boyup" "bozeman" "boötis" "bp" "bpp" "bpvts" "br" "brabant" "brabazon" "brabham" "bracamonte" "brace" "bracebridge" "braced" "bracelet" "bracelets" "braces" "bracewell" "brachet" "bracing" "bracken" "brackenridge" "bracket" "bracketed" "brackets" "brackett" "brad" "bradbury" "braddock" "braden" "bradenton" "bradfield" "bradford" "bradley" "bradshaw" "brady" "bradys" "braemar" "braeside" "braga" "bragalia" "bragatto" "bragg" "braided" "braila" "brain" "brainchild" "braine" "braine-le-chateau" "braine-le-compte" "braine-le-comte" "brainerd" "brains" "braintree" "brainwashed" "brainwashing" "brake" "braked" "brakeman" "brakes" "braking" "brambila" "brambilla" "bramfield" "brampton" "bramston" "branca" "branch" "branches" "branching" "branco" "brand" "brand's" "brand-new" "brandenburg" "brandenton" "brandmeyer" "brandon" "brands" "brandsen" "brandstorp" "brandt" "brandt-jensen" "brandvlei" "brandy" "brandywine" "branges" "braniff" "braniff#603" "brantley" "branton" "brashear" "brasher" "brasil" "brasilia" "brasiliera" "brasov" "brass" "brass-" "brass-colored" "brasschaat" "brassen" "brassy" "brasvell" "braswell" "brasília" "braternitz" "brattleboro" "brauer" "braulino" "braun" "braun's" "braunger" "brava" "brave" "bravely" "braviken" "bravo" "bravo-one" "bravone" "brawdy" "brawley" "brax" "braxton" "bray" "bray-sur-seine" "braybrook" "brayfield" "brazel" "brazel's" "brazelle" "brazey" "brazey-en-morvan" "brazil" "brazil--where" "brazilia" "brazilian" "brazoria" "brazos" "brazzaville" "brea" "breach" "breached" "bread" "break" "break-in" "break-ins" "breakage" "breakaway" "breakdown" "breaker" "breakers" "breakfast" "breaking" "breakneck" "breaks" "breakthrough" "breakthroughs" "breakup" "breakwater" "breast" "breastfeeding" "breasts" "breath" "breath-taking" "breathable" "breathe" "breathed" "breathing" "breathtaking" "breau" "breaux" "brechant" "breckel" "brecksville" "brecon" "breda" "breed" "breeder" "breeding" "breen" "breese" "breeus" "breezand" "breeze" "breiland" "breisach" "breit" "brekke" "brekkens" "bremen" "bremerton" "bremond" "bremondans" "brenac" "brenda" "brenes" "brenil" "brennan" "brenner" "brent" "brent-sur-montreux" "brentwood" "brera" "brescia" "bresee" "breslau" "breslin" "bressol" "bressuire" "brest" "bretagne" "brethren" "bretigny" "breton" "brett" "brettnach" "brettner" "brettschneider" "breuil" "brevard" "brevik" "brew" "brewed" "brewer" "brewery" "brewster" "brezhnev" "brian" "briar" "briarcliff" "briatexte" "bribie" "briceville" "brichambaut" "brick" "brick-wall" "bricker" "bricklayer" "bricklayers" "brickner" "bricks" "brickworks" "bricy" "bridal" "brides" "bridestones" "bridge" "bridgeland" "bridgeman" "bridgeport" "bridges" "bridgeton" "bridgewater" "bridgeworth" "bridgwater" "bridle" "bridlington" "bridport" "brie" "brief" "briefcase" "briefed" "briefer" "briefing" "briefing-book" "briefings" "brieflv" "briefly" "briefs" "briele" "brien" "brienne" "brier" "brierley" "brig" "brigade" "brigadeiro" "brigades" "brigadier" "brigantine" "briggs" "brigham" "brighly" "brighouse" "bright" "bright-" "bright-and-dim" "bright-blue" "bright-blue-green" "bright-colored" "bright-dim" "bright-green" "bright-metal" "bright-orange" "bright-red" "bright-silver" "bright-white" "bright-yellow" "brighten" "brightened" "brightening" "brightens" "brighter" "brightest" "brightly" "brightly-lighted" "brightly-lit" "brightness" "brighton" "brights" "brignoles" "brill" "brill-blue" "brill-shiny" "brillance" "brillant" "brillian" "brilliance" "brilliancy" "brilliant" "brilliant-white" "brilliantly" "brim" "brimfield" "brimmed" "brimstone" "brindisi" "bring" "bringing" "brings" "briniger" "brininger" "brink" "brinkerhoff" "brinkley" "brinklow" "brinkmann" "brinkworth" "brino" "brinsley" "brinson" "brion" "brisbane" "brisk" "briskly" "brisola" "bristled" "bristly" "bristol" "brit" "britain" "britannia" "britannica" "britax" "brite" "british" "british-armenian" "british-russian" "british-swedish" "brito" "briton" "brits" "britt" "brittany" "brittle" "britto" "britton" "brive" "brives-charensac" "brix" "brixham" "brixton" "brize" "brno" "broach" "broad" "broad-shouldered" "broadband" "broadcast" "broadcaster" "broadcasters" "broadcasting" "broadcasts" "broader" "broadlands" "broadly" "broadmeadows" "broadshouldered" "broadside" "broadus" "broadwater" "broadway" "broager" "brochure" "brock" "brockenhurst" "brocklehurst" "brockleys" "brockton" "brockville" "brockway" "brockworth" "broden" "brodski" "brodu" "brogan" "brogden" "broiught" "broke" "broken" "broker" "brome" "bromley" "bromwich" "bron" "bronco" "bronk" "bronkhorstspruit" "bronowicki" "bronson" "bronte" "bronwen" "bronwood" "bronx" "bronze" "bronze-colored" "bronze-green" "brood" "brooder" "brook" "brookby" "brooke" "brooker" "brookesmith" "brookfield" "brookhaven" "brookings" "brookland" "brookley" "brooklyn" "brooks" "brooks-swift" "brooksher" "brookside" "brooksville" "brooksville-harborside" "broom" "broomall" "broome" "broomfield" "broomstick" "broquerie" "brosius" "brosse" "brosseau" "brosses" "brosses-thillot" "brosses-tillots" "broteas" "brothels" "brother" "brother's" "brother-in-law" "brother-in-law's" "brotherhood" "brothers" "brou" "brough" "brougham" "brought" "broughton" "broughty" "brousse" "brouwer" "brovary" "brovst" "brow" "broward" "browerville" "brown" "brown's" "brown--were" "brown-colored" "brown-green" "brown-red" "brown-skinned" "browne" "browned" "brownell" "brownfield" "brownie" "browning" "brownish" "brownish-" "brownish-black" "brownish-golden" "brownish-orange" "brownlow" "brownout" "brownouts" "browns" "brownstown" "brownsville" "browntown" "brownwood" "brows" "broxa" "broxburn" "broyle" "broyles" "bru" "bruay-en-artois" "brubaker" "bruce" "bruce's" "bruceville" "bruderovskiy-raspadok" "brue-auriac" "bruejouis" "bruen" "brugeda" "bruges" "brugine" "bruise" "bruised" "bruises" "bruising" "brumac" "brumfield" "brummond" "brun" "brundage" "bruneau" "brunei" "brunel" "brunelli" "bruner" "brunflo" "bruni" "bruno" "brunoy" "bruns" "brunsell" "brunson" "brunsville" "brunswick" "bruny" "brusc" "bruscarella" "brush" "brush-off" "brushed" "brushes" "brushing" "brushoff" "brushwood-covered" "brushy" "brusk" "brusque" "brussels" "bruswick" "bruton" "bruzual" "bry" "bry-sur-marne" "bryan" "bryandbender" "bryant" "bryce" "bryey" "bryn" "brynmor" "bryson" "brz" "brzeg" "brzezie" "brzezinksi" "brzinski" "brzózka" "bráz" "brăila" "bs" "bsra" "bsra's" "bsrf" "bt" "bt-13" "bt13a" "btn" "btwn" "bua" "bubb" "bubble" "bubble-dome" "bubble-like" "bubble-shaped" "bubble-top" "bubble-type" "bubbled" "bubblelike" "bubbles" "bubbletop" "bubbling" "bubi" "bubye" "buca" "bucegi" "buchanan" "bucharest" "buchert" "buchser" "buchy" "bucine" "buck" "buckboard" "bucket" "buckets" "buckeye" "buckhannon" "buckhaven" "buckhorn" "buckingham" "buckinghamshire" "buckland" "buckle" "buckles" "buckley" "bucknall" "buckner" "bucks" "buckskin" "buckwheat" "bucov" "bucura" "bucuresti" "bud" "budabest" "budacu" "budapest" "budd" "buddhism" "buddhist" "buddies" "buddy" "bude" "budge" "budget" "budgetary" "budgets" "budinger" "budleigh" "budville" "buech" "buell" "buen" "buena" "buenas" "buenos" "bufa" "bufalino" "buff" "buff-colored" "buffalo" "buffenbarger" "buffeted" "buffeting" "buffiere" "bufflot" "buffoons" "buffs" "buffumville" "bufkin" "bufoi" "bufora" "bufora-j" "buford" "buftea" "bug" "bug-" "bug-eyed" "bug-spray" "bugatti" "bugeat" "bugey" "bugged" "bugging" "buggy" "buggy-a" "bugs" "buhl" "buhler" "buhr" "buigny-st" "buiietin" "build" "build-up" "builder" "builders" "building" "buildings" "builds" "built" "buire" "buire-sur-ancre" "buitendag" "bujoreanca" "bukit" "buland" "buland--drove" "bulava" "bulawayo" "bulb" "bulb-balloon" "bulb-cylinder" "bulbous" "bulbous-shaped" "bulbs" "bulczyński" "bulebush" "bulg" "bulgaria" "bulge" "bulged" "bulges" "bulging" "bulgy" "bulk" "bulkhead" "bulkier" "bulkley" "bulky" "bull" "bulla" "bullard" "bullard'82" "bullard's" "bulldozed" "bulldozer" "bulldozers" "buller" "bulles" "bullet" "bullet-" "bullet-cone" "bullet-cylinder" "bullet-delta" "bullet-diamond" "bullet-dome" "bullet-object" "bullet-rectangle" "bullet-shape" "bullet-shaped" "bullet-ufo" "bulletin" "bulletins" "bullets" "bullfighter" "bullfrog" "bullfrogs" "bullion" "bulloo" "bulls" "bully" "bully-les-mines" "bulnes" "bulverde" "bulwell" "bumbling" "bumm" "bump" "bumper" "bumper-to-" "bumping" "bumps" "bumpy" "bun" "bun-shaped" "bunceton" "bunch" "bunched" "bunching" "bundle" "bundles" "bundy" "bunea" "bunescu" "bungalow" "bungalows" "bungawalban" "bungawalbin" "buninyong" "bunker" "bunkers" "bunkie" "bunks" "bunn" "bunnel" "bunnell" "buns" "buntar" "bunyan" "buono" "buoy" "buoy-object" "buoyancy" "buoyant" "buran" "buraquinho" "burato" "buratto" "burbage" "burbank" "burbling" "burchi" "burchii" "burden" "burdened" "burdett" "burdette" "bureau" "bureaucrat" "bureaucratic" "buren" "buret" "burevestnik" "burford" "burgara" "burge" "burger" "burger-bun" "burger-buns" "burger-saucer" "burgess" "burgh" "burghausen" "burghfield" "burglar" "burglarized" "burglarizing" "burgles" "burgoberbach" "burgoon" "burgos" "burgoyne" "burguillo" "burguillos" "burgundy" "burial" "buriat" "buried" "burien" "burisch" "burisis" "burk" "burke" "burkes" "burkhala" "burkhalter" "burkhard" "burkhardt" "burklington" "burlap-covered" "burleson" "burley" "burlingame" "burlington" "burmarsh" "burmeister" "burn" "burn-off" "burnaby" "burnd" "burned" "burnedmemo-s1-pgs1-2" "burnedmemo-s1-pgs3-9" "burnedmemocoverletter" "burnell" "burner" "burnes" "burnet" "burnett" "burnham" "burnie" "burning" "burnished" "burnisland" "burniston" "burnley" "burns" "burnside" "burnsville" "burnt" "burnt-brown" "burnt-orange" "burr" "burrel" "burrell" "burren" "burro" "burros" "burroughs" "burrs" "burrumbeet" "burruyacú" "bursa" "burscough" "burson" "burst" "bursting" "bursts" "burt" "burton" "burtons" "burtoo" "buruish" "burwood" "bury" "bury's" "burying" "burzaco" "burzet" "bus" "bus-like" "bus-shaped" "bus-size" "bus-sized" "bus-stop" "busan" "busbies" "buscot" "buses" "bush" "bushbridge" "bushel" "bushes" "bushey" "bushkill" "bushman" "bushnell" "bushroe" "bushwell" "bushwick" "bushy" "busied" "busies" "busily" "business" "businesses" "businessman" "businessman--were" "businessman-pilot" "businessmen" "businesswoman" "buskerud" "busload" "busot" "buss" "busse" "bussed" "bussieres" "bussieres-saint-georges" "bussieres-st" "bussy" "bust" "busteni" "buster" "bustinza" "buston" "bustos" "busts" "busy" "butane" "butano" "butcher" "butchered" "butchering" "buteo" "butler" "butner" "butt" "butte" "butterflies" "butterfly" "buttermore" "butternut" "butterworth" "buttes" "buttocks" "button" "buttoned" "buttonhole" "buttonhook" "buttons" "buttram" "buttressed" "butts" "buxton" "buy" "buyer" "buying" "buys" "buzancy" "buzau" "buzz" "buzz-bomb" "buzzard" "buzzards" "buzzed" "buzzed-spins" "buzzes" "buzzin" "buzzing" "buzzsaw" "buzău" "buzăului" "bvpts" "bw" "bwi" "by-pass" "by-standers" "by-step" "bydgoszcz" "bye" "bygholm" "bygone" "bykovsky" "bynowhisfear" "bypassing" "byrd" "byrne" "byrnes" "byron" "bystanders" "byungsun" "bz" "bzowski" "b¬47" "bâlea" "békéscsaba" "bóbr" "bölebyn" "búsqueda" "bălaşa" "bălcescu" "băneasa" "będzienica" ## Word: "b-" (Back to Top)
e near Enid, Oklahoma, also with a B- 29 at 25,000 feet. The aircrews makin 5/28/1952 #6378  
 was seen by the crew of an Iberia B- 727 airliner as it flew between Valen 7/25/1981 #36035  
## Word: "b-001-014-055" (Back to Top)
p14)   https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/260/mode/2up (p260-p2 9/23/1947 #3419  
262)   https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/476/mode/2up (p476-p4 9/23/1947 #3419  
site.  https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/396/mode/2up          10/1947 #3440  
.htm   https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/282/mode/2up   http:/ 3/10/1954 #9611  
ake)   https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/406/mode/2up   https: 7/1980 #35398  
## Word: "b-1" (Back to Top)
c Ocean Object Tracked on Radar by B-1 Bomber (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Cod 3/29/1977 #31930  
## Word: "b-13" (Back to Top)
d (or disabled) alien craft. (Case B-13 in Status Report II, Leonard String Spring 1977 #31919  
## Word: "b-17" (Back to Top)
 formation. One hits the wing of a B-17 bomber, setting it on fire. The bom 9/6/1943 #1528  
rt, Germany During a bombing run a B-17 crews of the 384th Group noticed, a 10/14/1943 #1535  
cs Put Up Protective Shield Around B-17 Formation ??? (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 10/24/1943 #1537  
ail gunner on the Phyllis Marie, a B-17 of the 390th Bombardment Group, see Winter 1943 #1555  
to the rear and gets caught in the B-17’s backwash and disappears.          Winter 1943 #1555  
o An Army Air Force pilot flying a B-17 sees a fast-moving, glowing green o 3/1944 #1584  
riatic Sea Capt. William D. Leet’s B-17 crew (part of the 2nd Bombardment G 11/24/1944 #1705  
itting off the left wingtip of the B-17. It is bright and perfectly circula 11/24/1944 #1705  
                  Austria, Austria B-17 pilot (William D. Leet) and crew, o 12/1944 #1712  
observers on a morning flight on a B-17 between Port Lyauttey, Mauritania a 5/7/1945 #1866  
ny day with intermittent clouds, a B-17 bomber was en route from Morocco to 5/25/1945 #1869  
 autopilots are installed in eight B-17 bombers, converting them into remot 7/1/1946 #2024  
tak Atoll in the Marshall Islands. B-17 pilotless drone aircraft are flown  4/15/1948 #3623  
ned to remove the filters from the B-17 drones have apparently carried out  5/15/1948 #3651  
                Anderson AFB, Guam B-17 Crew Encounters Cylinder Reported B 12/19/1952 #8434  
                      Richmond, IN B-17 Photographic Mission Case (NICAP: 0 5/24/1954 #9831  
rthwest of Richmond, Indiana, in a B-17, USAF Maj. Leo N. Brubaker observes 5/24/1954 #9832  
                   At 12:25 p.m. a B-17 on a photo mapping mission over Ric 5/24/1954 #9833  
   Westlake, Ohio Witness:  ex-AAF B-17 gunner (19 missions) N.E. Schroeder 8/2/1954 #10093  
E. Schroeder, an ex-Army Air Force B-17 gunner--who had flown on 19 combat  8/2/1954 #10095  
ts a tail like the stabilizer on a B-17.                                    6/1959 #15753  
   At 9:30 p.m. what looked like a B-17 aircraft rumbled by Mennecy, Hauts- 3/14/1994 #41458  
## Word: "b-17s" (Back to Top)
         Germany Night. A group of B-17s from the 384th Bombardment Group a 10/14/1943 #1536  
## Word: "b-18" (Back to Top)
2 a.m. Two witnesses flying a SAAB B-18 bomber on a navigational training f 8/14/1946 #2133  
## Word: "b-18a" (Back to Top)
ignaler, Cpl. Möller, are flying a B-18A bomber at 650 feet 4 miles northea 8/14/1946 #2135  
## Word: "b-2" (Back to Top)
 disappear.” Marckus suggested the B-2 Spirit utilized an electrostatic fie 1968 #23633  
s more than double the cost of the B-2 Spirit program at the time and was r 1985 #37542  
e, California The Northrup Grumman B-2 stealth bomber is first publicly dis 11/22/1988 #38718  
not allowed to see the rear of the B-2. However, Aviation Week editors find 11/22/1988 #38718  
omber fly-off that resulted in the B-2 Spirit.                              3/1990 #39434  
 whether the objects were American B-2 or F-117 military aircraft, stating  3/1990 #39435  
 of vehicles beyond the F-117A and B-2. One is a “triangular-shaped, quiet  10/1/1990 #39756  
aircraft beyond the F-117A and the B-2, claiming one is triangular shaped a 10/1/1990 #39757  
gies” that the people building the B-2 bombers (Northrop Grumman) “would li 3/9/1992 #40368  
first operational Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit stealth bomber is delivered t 12/17/1993 #41331  
"I just want to emphasize that the B-2 and the F-117 fighter have a distinc 10/29/2002 #44424  
e and was at least as large as the B-2."                                    10/29/2002 #44424  
ht for a moment that it might be a B-2 bomber, but it made no noise at all  6/7/2008 #45146  
lane, the SR-71 and the F-117A and B-2 stealth aircraft. Sites within this  2013 #45356  
## Word: "b-24" (Back to Top)
Bonin) Archipelago, Japan Night. A B-24 bomber flying near Chichijima in th 2/22/1945 #1794  
ia Fala Island Early morning. Nine B-24’s with the 11th Bombardment Group’s 5/3/1945 #1862  
 cherry red again. Both follow the B-24 through all sorts of evasive action 5/3/1945 #1862  
 predawn hours a US Army Air Force B-24 bomber flying over Fala Island in t 5/3/1945 #1863  
, Vaud, Switzerland, is watching a B-24 Liberator flying overhead at 15,000 7/12/1946 #2053  
## Word: "b-25" (Back to Top)
R, KS Army Air Force (AAF) Major / B-25. Bright silver 40' saucer / 10K' al 7/6/1947 #2752  
r, KS 30-50' Circular Object Paces B-25, Accelerates (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  7/6/1947 #2804  
. A. B. Browning and the crew of a B-25 flying over Clay Center, Kansas, se 7/6/1947 #2808  
en flying aboard an Army Air Force B-25 near Clay Center, Kansas saw a silv 7/6/1947 #2818  
maining debris is transferred to a B-25 that is flying to Wright Field in D 7/8/1947 #3019  
and Davidson are on their way in a B-25. They arrive in the late afternoon. 7/31/1947 #3264  
                                 A B-25 plane containing materials retrieve 8/1/1947 #3278  
Maj. George Sander, then board the B-25 for Hamilton Army Airfield [now clo 8/1/1947 #3281  
                   Albuquerque, NM B-25 Crew Encounters Rectangular Object  6/7/1952 #6460  
que, New Mexico Witnesses: crew of B-25 bomber #8840 at 11,500'.  One recta 6/7/1952 #6461  
out 6'x4', flew 250-300' below the B-25.                                    6/7/1952 #6461  
aluminum colored object followed a B-25 bomber during its flight. Both of t 6/7/1952 #6462  
AFB (100 miles E of), CA UFO Paces B-25 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code:  6/18/1952 #6538  
Lt. Clifton Ashley, while flying a B-25 about 100 miles east of March AFB [ 6/18/1952 #6541  
t. Colonels McGinn and Barton in a B-25 bomber. Three silver, delta-shaped  7/24/1952 #7114  
 crossed in front of and above the B-25 at high speed, in 3-4 seconds.      7/24/1952 #7114  
 Col. John R. Barton, are flying a B-25 out of Hamilton AFB [now closed] in 7/24/1952 #7115  
ph, crossing the sky in front of a B-25 USAF bomber. The military witnesses 7/24/1952 #7118  
    Columbus (10 miles SSW of), OH B-25 Crew & Pentagon Brass See Lights (N 7/27/1952 #7204  
Marietta, Georgia Witness:  ex-AAF B-25 gunner. Two large white disc-shaped 9/1/1952 #7812  
0:50 p.m., a former Army Air Force B-25 gunner sees two large white disc-sh 9/1/1952 #7818  
es. Twenty minutes later an ex-AAF B-25 gunner saw two large white disc-sha 9/1/1952 #7821  
ckton, California Witnesses:  USAF B-25 bomber pilots. #1 was a bright yell 2/20/1953 #8689  
   North Truro, MA (McDonald list) B-25 / (Gnd) Radar/Visual of 700 MPH Obj 12/3/1953 #9336  
encil-Shaped Object Encountered By B-25 Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, C 7/30/1954 #10067  
ots Englert and Peterson, flying a B-25 bomber.  One metallic, pencil-shape 7/30/1954 #10068  
chise, NM Huge Metallic Disc Paces B-25 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code:  1/1/1955 #11907  
structor and student pilot in USAF B-25 bomber/trainer. A metallic disc, sh 1/1/1955 #11908  
nd 120-130' in diameter, paced the B-25, showing both its edge and its face 1/1/1955 #11908  
ol. William T. Coleman is flying a B-25 out of Miami, Florida, with a copil 7/1955 #12226  
             The crewmen of a USAF B-25 flying northwest of Fort Worth, Tex 1/16/1957 #13462  
## Word: "b-25's" (Back to Top)
rth and), TX Object Maneuvers Near B-25's (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code 1/16/1957 #13460  
## Word: "b-25s" (Back to Top)
00 p.m. The crews of two Air Force B-25s are flying about 90 miles north of 1/16/1957 #13461  
se in about 12 seconds. One of the B-25s refuels and is sent on a 4-hour se 1/16/1957 #13461  
## Word: "b-26" (Back to Top)
a new “aerial light” attached to a B-26 aircraft is in use that makes an “a 4/7/1952 #6043  
                   Carson Sink, NV B-26 Crew Encounters 3 Triangular UFOs ( 7/24/1952 #7108  
sses: pilot and crew chief of UAAF B-26 bomber. A series of black smoke bur 11/27/1952 #8348  
d a crew chief of a U.S. Air Force B-26 bomber reported seeing a series of  11/27/1952 #8349  
e AFB, Misawa, Japan USAF crews of B-26 (Ashley and Wood) and F-84G (Col. D 12/29/1952 #8459  
ear Denison, Texas, are piloting a B-26 on a training flight headed west at 12/29/1952 #8462  
followed FAB (Brazilian Air Force) B-26, hovered near airport. [NICAP UFOE, 7/14/1959 #15849  
ght followed a Brazilian Air Force B-26 bomber plane for one hour as it fle 7/14/1959 #15854  
 on top resembling the canopy on a B-26, rested on legs, and had very brigh 3/23/1966 #20047  
 on top resembling the canopy on a B-26. It rested on legs, and had very br 3/23/1966 #20055  
## Word: "b-29" (Back to Top)
ing of maneuvering UFO which paced B-29 (Reida case) during mission. [NICAP 8/10/1944 #1637  
 light paced a U.S. Army Air Force B-29 bomber over the ocean between Palem 8/10/1944 #1639  
Capt. Alvah M. Reida is piloting a B-29 bomber based at Kharagpur, India, o 8/11/1944 #1640  
arboard wing. It keeps up with the B-29, then flying at 210 mph. Reida trie 8/11/1944 #1640  
               US Honshu, Japan US B-29 bombers over Honshu, Japan, encount 4/3/1945 #1838  
and 25 — Night. In the wake of two B-29 raids on Tokyo, Japan, both nights, 5/5/1945 #1864  
t, constant position, same size as B-29 landing light. (Page 166 Ref.1) (NI 5/14/1945 #1867  
   Tokyo, Japan Fireball follows a B-29 of the 39th Bombardment Group for 5 5/25/1945 #1870  
               Unknown City, Japan B-29 followed by strong white light. (Pa 6/19/1945 #1877  
ig ball of fuzzy orange-red light; B-29 fired on object, appearing to hit w 7/7/1945 #1892  
Nearby Kirtland Field is used as a B-29 base for aircraft compatibility and 9/1945 #1935  
 long cylinder twice the size of a B-29 with luminous portholes. After 3 mi 8/1/1946 #2100  
nder was about twice the size of a B-29, and approached to within 1,000 yar 8/1/1946 #2101  
iptical object about the size of a B-29 heading northwest at 10,000 feet ov 5/17/1947 #2287  
 was estimated to be the size of a B-29 (140 feet wingspan) traveling north 5/17/1947 #2288  
 Mexico 1:00 p.m. Marcel goes on a B-29 special flight (the second) to Fort 7/8/1947 #3019  
n aviation editor and former (AAF) B-29 pilot Dave Johnson. Watched for mor 7/9/1947 #3052  
wn from Roswell to Fort Worth in a B-29, according to Staff Sgt. Robert A.  7/9/1947 #3054  
atesman aviation editor and former B-29 pilot David N. Johnson, flying in a 7/9/1947 #3063  
s convinced it is the remains of a B-29 bomber. He remains at the site for  7/9/1947 #3066  
ficer Capt. William Rhyerd, ex-AAF B-29 pilot Ward Stewart. Watched for unk 7/29/1947 #3252  
Capt. William H. Ryherd and ex-AAF B-29 pilot 1Lt Ward Stewart see two roun 7/29/1947 #3255  
 Furnas County, Nebraska. Two Army B-29 bombers circle the area until night 2/18/1948 #3579  
4° 0' N, 85°20' W. (McDonald list) B-29 Radar Tracks Objects (NICAP: 09 - R 1/12/1950 #4482  
southwest of Florida) 11:25 p.m. A B-29 aircraft is flying over the Gulf of 1/12/1950 #4484  
ed on the radar scope orbiting the B-29 from all quadrants. The objects are 1/12/1950 #4484  
ximately 30 minutes, following the B-29 all the time. The radar operator sw 1/12/1950 #4484  
f Mexico northwest of Cuba, a USAF B-29 picked up three unidentified radar  1/12/1950 #4485  
d for awhile, and then orbited the B-29 at 3,000 mph. The bomber's airborne 1/12/1950 #4485  
Jones Jr. to investigate it in his B-29, but he cannot catch up with it. Ed 2/1/1950 #4524  
                         Tampa, FL B-29 Crew, Others, See 300' Object At 2, 2/8/1950 #4534  
 “as big as the cross-section of a B-29” with a rotor turning counterclockw 6/30/1950 #5027  
a (29' 40' N, 67' 28' W) Witness:  B-29 radarman S/Sgt. William Shaffer. Ra 8/25/1950 #5138  
sible blue streak 3 minutes later. B-29 followed unidentified target, then  8/25/1950 #5138  
ollowed for 5 minutes, then passed B-29 and sped away.  Total time of track 8/25/1950 #5138  
/Sgt. William Shaffer, flying in a B-29, picked up an unidentified radar bl 8/25/1950 #5139  
up an unidentified radar blip. The B-29 followed the unidentified target, t 8/25/1950 #5139  
e next five minutes. It passed the B-29 and sped away. A blue streak was se 8/25/1950 #5139  
Uncorrelated Targets Comparable to B-29 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R,  11/10/1950 #5273  
 and 4 miles away. It looks like a B-29 fuselage with wings but no engines  1/20/1951 #5407  
po, Korea Witnesses:  crew of USAF B-29 bomber, including scanners and tail 3/10/1951 #5476  
he same time, a tracker watching a B-29 with binoculars sees a large UFO ne 7/14/1951 #5575  
n oval-shaped object flying near a B-29 was viewed from the ground through  7/14/1951 #5576  
Pear-shaped object the length of a B-29 fuselage (100 ft), (NICAP: 02 - Clo 8/31/1951 #5640  
r-shaped object with a length of a B-29 fuselage (100'), aluminum or silver 8/31/1951 #5641  
pear-shaped object the length of a B-29 fuselage (100 feet). It is aluminum 8/31/1951 #5642  
ew saw an orange sphere follow the B-29 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code:  1/29/1952 #5882  
three feet in diameter, followed a B-29 Superfortress flying 30 miles west- 1/29/1952 #5887  
s SE of), NM Unusual Fireball Near B-29 Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, C 2/17/1952 #5905  
 over North Korea Witness: Captain/B-29 navigator. One bluish cylinder, thr 2/23/1952 #5922  
veral turns and levelled out under B-29 which was evading mild antiaircraft 2/23/1952 #5922  
orea 11:15 p.m. The navigator on a B-29 bomber sees a pulsating bluish cyli 2/23/1952 #5923  
11:15 p.m. the navigator of a USAF B-29 sighted a bluish cylindrical UFO, t 2/23/1952 #5924  
urns before leveling out under the B-29. The bomber was evading mild anti-a 2/23/1952 #5924  
-Sized Cylinder Tries To Intercept B-29? (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 2/24/1952 #5928  
ue cylindrical object approached a B-29 flying over Antung, Korea at 11:15  2/24/1952 #5929  
                  Ft. Stockton, TX B-29 and radar (McDonald list; BB Rpt 5) 2/27/1952 #5933  
 Rpt 7) Flattened Oval As Large As B-29 (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 3/15/1952 #5959  
Concepcion, California Witnesses:  B-29 navigator and radar operator.  One  3/24/1952 #5972  
a AFB, Okinawa Witnesses:  crew of B-29 bomber, on ground. One elliptical o 4/22/1952 #6153  
          Goodland (North of ), KS B-29 Encounters Pulsing Light (NICAP: 11 4/29/1952 #6212  
        Goodland, Kansas Witness:  B-29 bombardier Lt. R.H. Bauer. One whit 4/29/1952 #6214  
s at one o'clock in the afternoon, B-29 bombardier Lt. R. H. Bauer sighted  4/29/1952 #6217  
 8:10 p.m., the crews of five USAF B-29 bombers see green spherical objects 5/28/1952 #6378  
     MacDill AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investigated radar target, sa Summer 1952 #6571  
                     Kelly AFB, TX B-29 Encounters Flat Object With Pointed 6/21/1952 #6572  
     MacDill AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investigated radar target, sa Summer 1952 #6574  
. Howard Davis, flight engineer of B-29 bomber at 8,000' altitude. One flat 6/21/1952 #6577  
trailed sparks as it dove past the B-29 at a distance of 500', in l second. 6/21/1952 #6577  
Howard Davis, flight engineer of a B-29 bomber flying at 8,000 feet altitud 6/21/1952 #6578  
trails sparks as it dives past the B-29 at a distance of 500 feet in one se 6/21/1952 #6578  
0 feet flying at 460 mph. A nearby B-29 volunteers to investigate, searchin Summer 1952 #6581  
rd Davis, the flight engineer of a B-29 bomber flying at 8,000' altitude, w 6/21/1952 #6582  
trailed sparks as it dove past the B-29 at a distance of 500 feet for a ver 6/21/1952 #6582  
r sharp return about the size of a B-29. It suddenly appears 85 miles north 6/23/1952 #6607  
8 a.m., the pilot and copilot of a B-29 bomber on landing approach are vect 7/22/1952 #7027  
Dill and traveling faster than the B-29. The B-29 fire control radar locks  7/22/1952 #7027  
raveling faster than the B-29. The B-29 fire control radar locks onto the o 7/22/1952 #7027  
     MacDill AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investigated radar target, sa 7/24/1952 #7112  
dge AFB, Michigan Witnesses: three B-29 bomber crewmen on ground.  Many rou 7/27/1952 #7211  
t Virginia Witnesses: crew of USAF B-29 bomber. A lot of bright, metallic p 9/24/1952 #8021  
to 3' in length, streamed past the B-29 for 15 minutes.                     9/24/1952 #8021  
                The crew of a USAF B-29 bomber, flying near Charleston, Wes 9/24/1952 #8023  
They are at Rogers Dry Lake when a B-29 passes overhead. Cameraman Carlos G 9/30/1952 #8070  
pears shortly after a US Air Force B-29 passes overhead going in the direct 11/20/1952 #8307  
six separate unknowns, seen on the B-29 radarscopes (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 12/6/1952 #8387  
5:24 a.m. The 3-man crew of a USAF B-29 (1st Lt. Norman Karas and 1st Lt. W 12/6/1952 #8389  
25 a.m. five blue objects buzzed a B-29 flying at 5000 mph off the Louisian 12/6/1952 #8390  
                     Santa Ana, CA B-29 Bomber Crew Watch V-Formation (NICA 1/9/1953 #8520  
   Santa Ana, California 7:27 p.m. B-29 copilot 1st Lt. Charles C. Loveless 1/9/1953 #8525  
side and saw what he thought was a B-29 aircraft, but when the object disap 4/12/1953 #8820  
, which is 3–4 times the size of a B-29 in diameter and glowing blue-white. 12/17/1977 #32791  
ear weapon was being loaded into a B-29 in the 1950s at Kirtland AFB. Lytle 1/1/2008 #45110  
## Word: "b-29-sized" (Back to Top)
             Rapid City AFB, SD 12 B-29-Sized Elliptical Objects Seen (NICA 8/15/1947 #3335  
## Word: "b-29s" (Back to Top)
s a “huge ball of fire,” paces two B-29s on the same night, 80 miles from e 1/29/1952 #5886  
 p.m. with a different squadron of B-29s flying near Sunchon, Korea.        1/29/1952 #5887  
ion of 12 Air Force bombers—either B-29s or B-50s—flying west over Albuquer 5/1/1952 #6245  
ue, New Mexico, and involves three B-29s flying at 15,000 feet. Another sig 5/28/1952 #6378  
## Word: "b-36" (Back to Top)
ject seems to be as big as several B-36 bombers. As he stands there stunned 3/1945 #1805  
s, Texas. It buzzes a high- flying B-36. It hovers under the bomber for a m 3/16/1950 #4656  
missile celestial guidance test. A B-36 was also scrambled and took off fro 4/18/1950 #4867  
 Three Uncorrelated Targets Like A B-36 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R,  1/24/1951 #5415  
estimated at 1.5 times wingspan of B-36 bomber,or 350'. Dark, chordwise str 8/25/1951 #5623  
 wing, but 1.5 times as large as a B-36, flying at 80 feet at about 300 mph 8/25/1951 #5626  
ted as 1.5 times the wingspan of a B-36 bomber, or 350 feet. It had dark, c 8/25/1951 #5628  
udson Strait to Baffin Island, CAN B-36 Radar Picks Up Object Seen Visually 9/17/1951 #5672  
, Nunavut Labrador 10:20 p.m. USAF B-36 radar operator Maj. Paul E. Gerhart 9/18/1951 #5678  
 visually on the right side of the B-36, which is flying at 18,000 feet ove 9/18/1951 #5678  
avels about 35 mph faster than the B-36, crosses the front from right to le 9/18/1951 #5678  
s still visible at 11:50 p.m., the B-36 autopilot and APQ-24 radar set malf 9/18/1951 #5678  
and S/Sgt. Doty T. Larimore on two B-36 flights over Labrador on September  9/18/1951 #5678  
                  A U.S. Air Force B-36 on a training flight near Goose Bay 9/18/1951 #5679  
t a high altitude. It looks like a B-36 without wings. Smith observes it ri 4/2/1952 #6017  
sc-shaped UFOs approached close to B-36 bomber, also seen from ground       5/1/1952 #6241  
wo shiny, round objects overtake a B-36 flying above. The objects slow down 5/1/1952 #6243  
harp, no-radius turn away from the B-36, moving away a bit. Then one of the 5/1/1952 #6243  
 The first object is the size of a B-36 at high altitude. Bechtel alerts th 5/10/1952 #6296  
 9:00 p.m. an object the size of a B-36 bomber was picked up on radar flyin 7/12/1952 #6786  
rmation of four UFOs the size of a B-36. They are circular in shape, alumin 1/28/1953 #8601  
, disc-shaped object the size of a B-36 flying in squadron formation over M 1/29/1953 #8617  
metallic discs, each the size of a B-36 bomber, flew over Malibu Beach, Cal 1/29/1953 #8618  
                       Rosalia, WA B-36 Encounters Light At 7,000' (NICAP:  2/6/1953 #8641  
International Airport] 1:34 a.m. A B-36 aircraft piloted by Maj. Leo J. Mof 2/6/1953 #8643  
d for a period of 3–5 minutes. The B-36 makes a 180° descending turn toward 2/6/1953 #8643  
                At 1:13 a.m. PST a B-36 was flying in the vicinity of Rosal 2/6/1953 #8644  
rly course, and began circling the B-36 and rising above it as the aircraft 2/6/1953 #8644  
riod of three to five minutes. The B-36 made a 180 degree turn toward the l 2/6/1953 #8644  
ing that the object circled as the B-36 approached it, and the light commen 2/6/1953 #8644  
f propulsion. It was larger than a B-36, had no tail, left no trail of exha 2/6/1954 #9538  
arget (several times the size of a B-36), which continues moving to the nor 8/13/1956 #13080  
y accelerates in parallel with the B-36 and then rises about 30° above the  Fall 1956 #13239  
## Word: "b-36's" (Back to Top)
 five "flying saucers" as large as B-36's with a light underneath. They dis 5/13/1952 #6319  
## Word: "b-36-sized" (Back to Top)
             Mailbu Beach, CA Four B-36-Sized Discs Observed By 3-Man Crew  1/29/1953 #8609  
## Word: "b-47" (Back to Top)
                       Wichita, TX B-47 crew and passengers saw an elliptic 11/15/1952 #8278  
Minnesota Witnesses:  crew of USAF B-47 jet bomber at 34,000' altitude.  On 6/1/1954 #9859  
   At 9:00 p.m. the crew of a USAF B-47 jet bomber was flying at 34,000' al 6/1/1954 #9862  
J. Waste and the 9-man crew of his B-47 bomber are flying at 25,000 feet in 9/3/1954 #10239  
ms to be glowing. After pacing the B-47 a short time, it shoots ahead and z 9/3/1954 #10239  
Waste and the nine man crew of his B-47 bomber were flying near Dallas, Tex 9/3/1954 #10242  
         San Diego, CA Crew flying B-47 saw 2 objects pass the plane (NICAP 12/29/1954 #11874  
ifornia. Immediately afterwards, a B-47 pilot reports to March AFB [now Mar 1/14/1955 #11933  
n object struck the wing of a USAF B-47 flying over California. The plane w 1/14/1955 #11934  
    Salton Sea (35 miles N of), CA B-47 Pilot Sees Circular Object (NICAP:  3/16/1955 #12051  
rcular, luminous object approached B-47, quickly reversed direction and sho 5/25/1955 #12158  
                   Kansas City, KS B-47 Encounters Moving At 1,300 Knots (N 7/26/1955 #12289  
n, Arizona Lovington, New Mexico A B-47 from Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson, A 10/3/1955 #12486  
                    Caddo Lake, LA B-47 Tracks Oblong Object (NICAP: 09 - R 12/13/1955 #12610  
 The radar blips are the size of a B-47.                                    2/13/1957 #13502  
 an object “at least the size of a B-47” over the salt flats some 100 miles 7/17/1957 #13809  
d says instead that the pilots saw B-47 bombers refueling in flight from a  3/19/1959 #15652  
ruptly changing course and vectors B-47 and F-89 aircraft to identify it. R 9/24/1959 #15987  
ve just successfully intercepted a B-47 and are descending to land at James Early 1960 #16146  
 on continuous airborne alert, and B-47 medium bombers are dispersed to var 10/25/1962 #17495  
## Word: "b-47's" (Back to Top)
-10 Picks Up Target Large As Three B-47's (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 12/11/1957 #14710  
## Word: "b-47s" (Back to Top)
euvers for over an hour. Two other B-47s in the squadron are behind the lea 9/3/1954 #10239  
## Word: "b-50" (Back to Top)
sition to each other following the B-50 Superfortress launch aircraft from  8/30/1950 #5150  
stimated speeds up to 10 times the B-50 (roughly 2,500 mph) for short dista 8/30/1950 #5150  
ers are flying at 15,000 feet in a B-50 Superfortress near Holloman AFB, Ne 3/14/1951 #5483  
    Fort Stockton, TX (Now an IFO) B-50 Radarscope / Scope Photos (Downgrad 3/26/1952 #5976  
                    Salton Sea, CA B-50 Pilot Spots Object Changing Colors  11/20/1952 #8305  
## Word: "b-50d" (Back to Top)
Flat Nevada Test Site An Air Force B-50D bomber drops the first atomic bomb 1/27/1951 #5419  
## Word: "b-50s" (Back to Top)
 Air Force bombers—either B-29s or B-50s—flying west over Albuquerque, New  5/1/1952 #6245  
## Word: "b-52" (Back to Top)
ht red-orange object was seen by a B-52 crew flying over North Dakota. At s 10/28/1956 #13295  
similar bright orange-red UFO. The B-52 was vectored closer by the base whi 10/28/1956 #13295  
    Huntsville (10 miles W of), TX B-52 Crew Member Observes Object / Spuyn 6/12/1958 #15091  
     N Montana, MT (McDonald list) B-52 & Gnd Radar / Radar Visual / Radar  3/25/1959 #15668  
                  Westover AFB, MA B-52 On Flight Line Tracks Seven Targets 9/1959 #15949  
lf of Mexico, At Sea Two Radars On B-52 Track UFO At 14,000 Knots (NICAP: 0 1/18/1960 #16154  
, Nebraska, scrambles the crews of B-52 bombers armed with nuclear warheads 10/5/1960 #16481  
 Force pilot is flying a brand new B-52 with a full crew out of Wichita, Ka 1962 #17006  
al ball following close behind the B-52. The top and bottom gunners also se 1962 #17006  
N Three Strange Lights Observed By B-52 Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, C 6/21/1962 #17235  
il gunner M/Sgt. Roberts, aboard a B-52 heavy jet bomber.  Three bright, st 6/21/1962 #17236  
il gunner M/Sgt. Roberts, aboard a B-52 heavy jet bomber flying over Indian 6/21/1962 #17240  
only confirmed time in US history, B-52 bombers go on continuous airborne a 10/25/1962 #17495  
imestone, Maine Day. Two Air Force B-52 Stratofortress bombers are returnin Late 10/1962 #17496  
visible openings. After the second B-52 lands, the UFO silently zooms away  Late 10/1962 #17496  
     Thaxton, VA Cigar Larger Than B-52 (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Co 1/14/1965 #18726  
 that were looking for a Low level B-52 at the time got a lockon to a UFO t 4/15/1966 #20298  
to refit the D-21 to launch from a B-52 bomber in order to not endanger any 7/30/1966 #20696  
 navigator’s compartment of a USAF B-52 near Thule Air Base, Greenland. The 1/21/1968 #23684  
es NW of), ND Minot Tracks Object, B-52 Sees & Tracks UFO (NICAP: 09 - RADA 10/24/1968 #24586  
 Bowbells, North Dakota, which the B-52 navigator Capt. Patrick D. McCaslin 10/24/1968 #24587  
tures the tracking on film. As the B-52 starts its descent back to Minot AF 10/24/1968 #24587  
appearing off the radarscope. Both B-52 UHF radios cannot transmit during t 10/24/1968 #24587  
s, RAPCON provides vectors for the B-52 to overfly a stationary UFO on or n 10/24/1968 #24587  
rving it at close range. After the B-52 lands, both outer and inner-zone in 10/24/1968 #24587  
is of the radarscope film, and the B-52 crew debriefing. Werlich provides B 10/24/1968 #24587  
ther in support. He attributes the B-52 radar contact and loss of UHF trans 10/24/1968 #24587  
peration Menu. Under Freedom Deal, B-52 bombing is expanded to a much large 3/18/1969 #25025  
ission over China, launched from a B-52. It flies over the Lop Nur Nuclear  11/9/1969 #25454  
worked security over nuclear-armed B-52 bombers. The base had a nuclear wea 10/1973 #27903  
ct that looked about the size of a B-52, then lost sight of it behind a clu 10/19/1973 #28191  
ntries, two military pilots, and a B-52 maintenance supervisor independentl 10/14/1974 #29527  
w a light flying directly behind a B-52 bomber. Using his rifle scope to ge 11/11/1975 #30606  
hen briefly attached itself to the B-52, detached itself, and climbed out o 11/11/1975 #30606  
 the object attached itself to the B-52, the plane's radar equipment went o 11/11/1975 #30606  
s a light flying directly behind a B-52 bomber. Using his rifle scope to ge 11/11/1975 #30610  
hen briefly attaches itself to the B-52, detaches, and climbs out of sight. 11/11/1975 #30610  
 the object attaches itself to the B-52, the plane’s radar equipment goes o 11/11/1975 #30610  
Lake, MT 5:00 p.m. UFO flying near B-52. (NIDS UFO 35) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 12/9/1975 #30700  
n odd, triangular object above the B-52 Alert Pad about half a mile away. I 5/1980 #35296  
.m. that he thought at first was a B-52. It was a huge flying triangle with 9/5/2002 #44390  
## Word: "b-52g" (Back to Top)
ah River plant in South Carolina A B-52G Strategic Air Command bomber colli 1/17/1966 #19844  
er is completely destroyed and the B-52G breaks apart, killing 3 of its 7 c 1/17/1966 #19844  
 four Mk28-type hydrogen bombs the B-52G carries, three are found on land n 1/17/1966 #19844  
## Word: "b-52h" (Back to Top)
he attention of the USAF crew of a B-52H Stratofortress bomber at 2,000 fee 10/24/1968 #24587  
## Word: "b-52s" (Back to Top)
e object is about the size of five B-52s and moving at 2,000 feet altitude  4/16/1981 #35901  
## Word: "b-57" (Back to Top)
ia A promotional photo of a Martin B-57 Canberra bomber taken near Edwards  1954 #9421  
ct, which seems to be trailing the B-57 in flight. NICAP photoanalyst Ralph 1954 #9421  
ceston, Tasmania 10:40 a.m. A USAF B-57 Canberra reconnaissance aircraft op 11/15/1960 #16505  
ing at 35,000 feet, just below the B-57, and traveling at about 920 mph. It 11/15/1960 #16505  
            Stallion Test Site, NM B-57 radios white object landed, phto re 4/30/1964 #18227  
lamogordo, New Mexico Alamogordo A B-57 pilot at Holloman AFB, Alamogordo,  4/30/1964 #18231  
 at Holloman AFB. That same day, a B-57 pilot at Holloman AFB radios the co 4/30/1964 #18236  
## Word: "b-58" (Back to Top)
Nuclear Weapons Storage Area and a B-58 bomber service site. It hovers for  11/4/1957 #14289  
## Word: "b-66" (Back to Top)
                Eglin AFB, FL USAF B-66 crew saw 3 objects, tracked by grou 11/25/1957 #14611  
## Word: "b-727" (Back to Top)
      San Martin de Los Andes, Arg B-727 crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)  12/29/1971 #26522  
                  Lisbon, Portugal B-727 crew rep v-form of 10-15 objects ( 1/26/1974 #28706  
 GERM 2 small metallic orbs follow B-727. Going up [to] and going quickly e 8/28/1978 #33582  
 was seen by the crew of an Iberia B-727 airliner as it flew between Valenc 7/25/1981 #36036  
## Word: "b-747" (Back to Top)
         Kazakhstan Republic, USSR B-747 encounters maneuvering object (NIC 1/27/1994 #41383  
## Word: "b-757" (Back to Top)
 Center 10:30 p.m. An America West B-757 airliner is cruising at 39,000 fee 5/25/1995 #42227  
## Word: "b-shaped" (Back to Top)
            SALT LAKE CITY, UT Odd B-shaped object. 2 compartments. Lights  4/5/1947 #2259  
## Word: "b-t" (Back to Top)
stian Petersen, tells the magazine B-T that multiple-witness sightings are  4/25/1958 #15000  
## Word: "b000uflpmm" (Back to Top)
eamland-Slim-Case-Bruce-Burgess/dp/B000UFLPMM                               7/7/2007 #45037  
## Word: "b004urryps" (Back to Top)
ernment-Demonic-Afterlife-ebook/dp/B004URRYPS/ref=sr11?keywords=nick+redfer 3/31/2011 #45322  
## Word: "b00m5jy398" (Back to Top)
trange-Human-Alien-Hybrid-ebook/dp/B00M5JY398                               2005 #44803  
## Word: "b01ik2n38u" (Back to Top)
t-think-tanks-secretaries-ebook/dp/B01IK2N38U                               3/1/1955 #12028  
## Word: "b01kj04kfg" (Back to Top)
ilization-Richard-Lecture-ebook/dp/B01KJ04KFG/ (p28)                        1990 #39356  
## Word: "b08vyr4dz6" (Back to Top)
gation-impossible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6 (p210)     Note: TTSA advisor 10/26/2017 #45488  
gation-impossible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6 (p309)                        11/2/2017 #45490  
gation-impossible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6 (p216)                        7/2018 #45532  
gation-impossible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6     Note: The source describe 8/1/2021 #45703  
## Word: "b0916jqdcs" (Back to Top)
nt-Informants-Involvement-ebook/dp/B0916JQDCS (p136-p137) *   https://intel 4/25/2019 #45572  
nt-Informants-Involvement-ebook/dp/B0916JQDCS (p137)                        4/25/2019 #45572  
## Word: "b09hr54gqf" (Back to Top)
gon-Insiders-Account-Government/dp/B09HR54GQF (p99-105)   https://www.pearl 5/8/2009 #45221  
## Word: "b0bk3kp6x2" (Back to Top)
-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness-ebook/dp/B0BK3KP6X2/ref=sr11                      1990 #39355  
-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness-ebook/dp/B0BK3KP6X2/ref=sr11                      10/20/2022 #45779  
-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness-ebook/dp/B0BK3KP6X2/ref=sr                        10/20/2022 #45781  
-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness-ebook/dp/B0BK3KP6X2/ref=sr                        10/20/2022 #45782  
-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness-ebook/dp/B0BK3KP6X2/ref=sr                        10/20/2022 #45783  
## Word: "b1-b" (Back to Top)
 42. Silver object and 3 orbs over B1-B tests. Abduction rumor.             6/4/1989 #38976  
-shaped UFOs during testing of the B1-B bomber. There is also a rumor of an 6/4/1989 #38977  
at 7:45 p.m. during testing of the B1-B bomber. There was also a rumor of a 6/4/1989 #38978  
## Word: "b1022" (Back to Top)
OUTH / COLCHESTER, ESSEX 2 / car / B1022. Large square object 200' altitude 6/27/1991 #40104  
## Word: "b17" (Back to Top)
                      CARLSBAD, NM B17 pilot. Fast sphere with halo. Brusk  3/1944 #1580  
ti-Aircraft guns/teams gunners. US B17 lands. No crew! All 10 parachutes ab 11/23/1944 #1701  
                                   B17 / KLAGENFURT, AUSTRIA Light and heat 11/24/1944 #1703  
                                   B17 / PORT LYAUTTEY GOING QUICKLY [TO] D 5/7/1945 #1865  
                       MENNECY, FR B17 rumbles by. Long silent octagon hide 3/14/1994 #41456  
## Word: "b17+airline" (Back to Top)
saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes B17+airline(s)/airliner. Fast 180 turns. 5/25/1955 #12157  
## Word: "b17+ground" (Back to Top)
 ANDERSON AIR FORCE BASE, GUAM 2 / B17+ground observer(s). Mystery cylinder 12/19/1952 #8433  
## Word: "b17s" (Back to Top)
ny 8cm silver disks seen / British B17s. Chaff? flak? / LDLN#338.           10/14/1943 #1534  
## Word: "b2" (Back to Top)
its wings, and it is shaped like a B2 stealth bomber.                       2/23/2018 #45508  
## Word: "b24" (Back to Top)
, AUSTRIA Solid crystal ball paces B24 12M from gunner's window.            4/1945 #1833  
 TRUK B29 crew. 2 red circles pace B24 through complex maneuvers going [to] 5/3/1945 #1860  
## Word: "b25" (Back to Top)
4. 2 frosty-color objects zip over B25 at Peterson Airfield.                4/15/1949 #4091  
E, NM Project Bluebook Case #1260. B25 crew / 11.5K' altitude. 6' x4' recta 6/7/1952 #6458  
 x4' rectangular object 300' under B25.                                     6/7/1952 #6458  
BASE, CA Strange object paces USAF B25 / 30 minutes. 90 minute(s) / Loren G 6/18/1952 #6532  
       SSW / COLUMBUS, OH 5 USAF / B25. White night light / 2350m altitude. 7/27/1952 #7183  
all about. Tease Air Force jet and B25. Going quickly west extremely fast.  7/30/1952 #7347  
     OVER ZUNI, NM USAF Col. Cox / B25. Large blimp glows and makes impossi 10/14/1952 #8132  
ect Bluebook Case #2426. Air Force B25 pilots. 2 separate night lights / co 2/20/1953 #8687  
                   LOS ANGELES, CA B25 Test Pilot. Metal pencil-shape hover 7/30/1954 #10064  
E, AZ Project Bluebook Case #3382. B25 pilot and 1. 130' metal saucer ESE g 1/1/1955 #11904  
IRMINGHAM, AL 2 Air Force pilots / B25. 15m silver saucer going quickly sou 6/5/1956 #12884  
## Word: "b25s" (Back to Top)
bout. Follows 2 separate Air Force B25s. Radio compass electro-magnetic eff 1/16/1957 #13459  
## Word: "b26" (Back to Top)
aph-reconnaissance airman Hendry / B26. Very fast porcelain-white object.   6/2/1952 #6423  
4+1 UFO's / 180m altitude. 600kph. B26 finds nothing.                       8/10/1952 #7535  
EAST-NORTHEAST / TUCUMCARI, NM 2 / B26. Vibrant bright white night light li 12/29/1952 #8456  
 BRZ Night light follows Air Force B26 / one hour. Hovers / airport. Quickl 7/14/1957 #13795  
## Word: "b29" (Back to Top)
            CEYLON TO/FROM SUMATRA B29 / bombing run paced. 2M sphere/orb/g 8/10/1944 #1636  
                          EVERY US B29 BASE IN MARIANAS ISLANDS Fireballs m 5/1945 #1857  
                 FALA ISLAND, TRUK B29 crew. 2 red circles pace B24 through 5/3/1945 #1860  
                      NEAR BERMUDA B29 rescue team. 1 mile / red glowing se 1/24/1949 #3975  
. Man / ground. 8 disks 1000' over B29. Outpace bomber / same direction.    7/26/1949 #4291  
ook. 3 RADAR blips hover and orbit B29 / 3000mph. RADAR jammed / an extra 1 1/12/1950 #4481  
ail. Slows and going quickly west. B29 chases.                              2/1/1950 #4522  
Bluebook Case #787. 8 civil and US B29 RADAR. Blip lets B29 pass by. Then z 8/22/1950 #5135  
 civil and US B29 RADAR. Blip lets B29 pass by. Then zips off / 400knt.     8/22/1950 #5135  
rver(s). 2' orange fireball buzzes B29. Flashes blue-white and shoots by.   3/10/1951 #5474  
 WHITE SANDS PG, NM 2 objects near B29. 2 RADAR's and film and telescopes.  7/14/1951 #5572  
WSW / WONSAN, NORTH KOREA 3 USAF / B29. Orange fireball / sphere. Paces pla 1/29/1952 #5879  
5MI SSE / SUNCHON, NORTH KOREA 2nd B29. 3' orange glowing-saucer. Going sou 1/29/1952 #5880  
KOREA Project Bluebook Case #1061. B29 crew. Blue cylinder/cylindrical obje 2/23/1952 #5921  
      SOUTH / ANTUNG, CH (XE2838). B29 hit / NK searchlights. 10' cylinder/ 2/24/1952 #5927  
l object rises / ground and scouts B29 after.                               2/24/1952 #5927  
N, CA Project Bluebook Case #1077. B29 navigator and RADAR OP. Blip tracked 3/24/1952 #5970  
D, KS Project Bluebook Case #1168. B29 bombardier. White fan-shaped light p 4/29/1952 #6210  
kly [to] by extremely fast. Size / B29 / 1 mile. 8k' altitude?              6/20/1952 #6555  
              (CENTRAL), MS 2 USAF B29. Cone-saucer / collision course. 2nd 6/20/1952 #6557  
E, TX Project Bluebook Case #1319. B29 crew. Brilliant 3'GUITAR-pick dives  6/21/1952 #6566  
REA 7' cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes B29 / weather reconnaissance. Glows red- 8/23/1952 #7685  
ographs and more. 2 saucers circle B29. Hover dart and maneuver. Out and ba 9/30/1952 #8067  
DO, NM Strong RADAR blip. Bigger / B29. Comes and goes / 600-1400mph. Sever 11/8/1952 #8253  
             GMX SOUTH / COAST, LA B29 crew. 20 fireballs going quickly eas 12/6/1952 #8381  
                OVER SANTA ANA, CA B29 pilots. V formation / blue night lig 1/9/1953 #8517  
formation / blue night lights near B29. Bank and climb away. / r242p21.     1/9/1953 #8517  
     300MI SOUTHWEST / ICELAND RAF B29. Long cylinder/cigar-shape going qui 11/19/1953 #9309  
). 10 saucers / V formation follow B29 going quickly west. 3 break away and 6/1954 #9852  
## Word: "b29s" (Back to Top)
USAF. 15' grey metal saucers chase B29s / bombing raids. Fast and maneuvera 5/23/1945 #1868  
 quickly northeast / 500mph when 3 B29s near.                               12/31/1949 #4454  
 / ALBUQUERQUE, NM AND WIDE AREA 5 B29s see green fireballs-orbs straight a 5/28/1952 #6370  
## Word: "b308" (Back to Top)
                                   B308 SOUTHWEST / FALKIRK, SCOTLAND 2 obs 3/18/1995 #42109  
## Word: "b3157" (Back to Top)
                                   B3157 / EGGERDON HILL, DORSET Car gets c 9/24/1974 #29472  
## Word: "b3187" (Back to Top)
                                   B3187 NORTHWEST / WELLINGTON, ENG Car ma 10/16/1973 #28075  
## Word: "b3347" (Back to Top)
                    A338 road [now B3347] south of Sopley, Hampshire, Engla 11/6/1967 #23414  
On a section of the A338 road [now B3347] south of Sopley, Hampshire, Engla 11/6/1967 #23414  
## Word: "b36" (Back to Top)
ewis. 25' saucer stops right under B36 bomber. Then quickly going up. / r29 3/16/1950 #4651  
n saw a flat oval UFO pass under a B36 bomber. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 3/16/1950 #4654  
kly northwest. Flying hubcaps pace B36 also.                                3/23/1950 #4708  
ver sphere tilts. 4 hours / RADAR. B36 scrambles.                           4/18/1950 #4862  
guard&family. Flying wing larger / B36 going quickly SSE. / r28p313.        8/25/1951 #5620  
             SOUTH / THULE, GRNLND B36 crew paced. RADAR jammed. Autopilot  9/18/1951 #5674  
 AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 saucers pace B36 / wingtips. Going quickly south. Big 5/1/1952 #6231  
          NEAR SONORA, TX 8 / USAF B36. 7-9 white ovoids pass / tilted stac 5/19/1952 #6338  
 observer(s). 2 silver orbs follow B36 going east / lower altitude. Take su 6/18/1952 #6534  
 thru) binoculars watches 6-engine B36. So does motionless saucer / 10 minu 7/1/1952 #6684  
operators and RADAR photographs. 2 B36 = sized blips / 1700mph.             7/12/1952 #6767  
    ONTARIO, CA Bright ovoid leads B36. Darts in and out / clouds. Tilts sh 8/15/1952 #7601  
              NNW / RAPID CITY, SD B36 flight engineers 10 mile(s) / east.  9/2/1952 #7823  
euvers all over/all about to study B36? Away and back several X.            1/13/1953 #8537  
g [to] 1000mph. Each the size of a B36 bomber.                              1/28/1953 #8584  
             OVER ROSALIA, WA USAF B36 crew. White night light circles goin 2/6/1953 #8639  
E, TX RADAR-visual (observation) / B36 bomber crew. 3 night lights in forma 2/13/1953 #8667  
, MO 4+3 metal saucers near follow B36. Tight formations. 600mph and more/o 4/16/1953 #8829  
een thru) binoculars. Disk follows B36 going east. Both objects lost / larg 3/18/1954 #9626  
## Word: "b36's" (Back to Top)
t; FUFOR Index) GCA Targets Big As B36's (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 10/6/1956 #13264  
## Word: "b36s" (Back to Top)
linder/cigar-shape follows several B36s / succession. Row / windows / side. 6/10/1953 (approximate) #8931  
## Word: "b4507" (Back to Top)
disk follows car closely / winding B4507 going west. Near quarry.           2/7/1977 #31795  
## Word: "b47" (Back to Top)
nd. Fireball drops / low altitude. B47 buzzed / fireball just after. / MJ#2 1/14/1954 #9483  
                   NEAR DALLAS, TX B47 crew and ground RADAR. Metal cylinde 9/3/1954 #10236  
al saucer going quickly [to] under B47. 2nd saucer joins. Both hover and fl 12/29/1954 #11872  
     OVER FORSYTH, GA Civil and? / B47. Metal ovoid changes position as pla 1/12/1955 #11929  
RK, CA Strategic Air Command (SAC) B47 pilot. Silver circular object going  3/16/1955 #12050  
                   KANSAS CITY, MO B47 pilot. White saucer / 66K' altitude. 7/26/1955 #12287  
## Word: "b47s" (Back to Top)
d observer(s). UFO behind flight / B47s east going quickly west. Peels off  11/2/1954 #11533  
## Word: "b50" (Back to Top)
Silver object going [to] alongside B50 bomber. 3 separate observer(s) see s 6/24/1952 #6617  
  10 MI EAST / SALTON SEA, CA USAF B50. Night light hovers and changes colo 11/20/1952 #8304  
## Word: "b50d" (Back to Top)
t Bluebook Case #1079. 4 Air Force B50D pilots and RADAR photographs. Red a 3/26/1952 #5975  
## Word: "b52" (Back to Top)
 CARSON SINK, NV 2 USAF Colonels / B52. 3 silver deltoids going [to] over 1 7/24/1952 #7099  
, NM Several observer(s). Wingless B52 fuselage circles slow / high altitud 12/1/1958 #15466  
N Project Bluebook Case #7957. 3 / B52 bomber. 3 star-like night lights joi 6/21/1962 #17234  
BENTON, MT Night light attaches to B52 during bombing games! RADAR onboard  11/11/1975 #30600  
## Word: "b52'" (Back to Top)
ylinder/cigar-shape 'much larger / B52'. Offloads 6 smaller saucers-they fa 11/18/1980 #35650  
## Word: "b52+many" (Back to Top)
RTHWEST / MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND B52+many others and RADAR's and more/oth 10/24/1968 #24581  
## Word: "b52-size" (Back to Top)
     STONESFIELD, ENGL 1 observer. B52-size dumbell-shape going quickly [to 7/10/1956 #12958  
## Word: "b5429" (Back to Top)
ES Blue delta hovers 100' over RTE B5429. 150' wide. Back next night.       12/22/1992 #40760  
## Word: "b56" (Back to Top)
RMUDA Project Bluebook Case #3088. B56 RADAR. 6 saucers around large saucer 7/3/1954 #9986  
## Word: "b57" (Back to Top)
                    CINCINNATI, OH B57 pilot / 12km altitude and more/other 2/20/1959 #15593  
            STALLION TEST SITE, NM B57 radios white ovoid landed. Photo rec 4/30/1964 #18223  
## Word: "b58" (Back to Top)
bjects maneuver all over/all about B58 bomber. Chase futile. No further det 10/17/1961 #16914  
## Word: "b6265" (Back to Top)
                                   B6265 NORTH / SKIPTON, NORTH YORKS Sauce 1/11/1988 #38407  
## Word: "b651" (Back to Top)
                                   B651 NEAR WHEATHAMPSTEAD, HERTFS 2 / car 6/25/1977 #32193  
## Word: "b66" (Back to Top)
UTH CHINA SEA 112.35E-20.38N. USAF B66 pilot and gunner. 16 cream-colored o 7/4/1959 #15812  
## Word: "b727" (Back to Top)
        NEAR PITTSBURGH, PA US Air B727. Shiny rectangular object flies int 1/13/1991 #39951  
                   OVER TOLUCA, MX B727 crew and RADAR's and Air Traffic Co 12/15/2001 #44290  
## Word: "b727+air" (Back to Top)
      SAN MARTIN DL ANDES, ARG 3 / B727+Air Traffic Controllers. Groups / r 12/28/1971 #26520  
## Word: "b737" (Back to Top)
eeds Airport, England 10:13 p.m. A B737 is approaching the runway at Leeds  9/1/2020 #45660  
## Word: "b757" (Back to Top)
 West Sussex, England 12:45 p.m. A B757 airliner pilot is approaching Gatwi 5/5/2018 #45526  
## Word: "b787" (Back to Top)
       London, England 2:00 p.m. A B787 airliner pilot flying over London,  3/30/2019 #45568  
## Word: "ba" (Back to Top)
                         DUDIGNAC, BA, ARG 2 observer(s). Tremendous domed  8/30/1955 #12417  
                         TAPALQUE, BA, ARG UFO's here and Pastora and Alvea 7/27/1968 (approximate) #24236  
                          FLORIDA, BA, ARG 200+observer(s). Brown colored 7 7/27/1968 #24237  
                         NECOCHEA, BA, ARG Saucer seen. 36' circle / burnt  11/8/1968 #24642  
       OVER PENNINE MOUNTAINS, ENG Ba 747 with 60 aboard buzzed / bright tr 1/6/1995 #41954  
## Word: "baakline" (Back to Top)
                                   BAAKLINE, LEBANON Several / (seen thru)  8/4/1972 #26872  
er a mountain, by six witnesses in Baakline, Lebanon. It had windows around 8/4/1972 #26873  
## Word: "baarn" (Back to Top)
               Soestdijk Palace in Baarn The Hague George Adamski has an au 5/18/1959 #15737  
Netherlands at Soestdijk Palace in Baarn on his world lecture tour, amid fi 5/18/1959 #15737  
## Word: "baass" (Back to Top)
 to Project Blue Book and eventual BAASS/AAWSAP subcontractor Jacques Vallé 5/22/1992 #40469  
investigating the case in 2009 for BAASS, concludes tat the object “was no  11/14/2004 #44784  
 Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) A $10 million initial contract fo 9/22/2008 #45170  
 Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) project with 40–50 full-time supp 9/22/2008 #45170  
 Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) to provide BAASS with technical p 10/17/2008 #45175  
d Space Studies (BAASS) to provide BAASS with technical papers on the subje 10/17/2008 #45175  
ctors for propulsion.  Soon after, BAASS served as a contractor for the Pen 10/17/2008 #45175  
s at AAWSAP. It is also unknown if BAASS disclosed to MATE that they were a 10/17/2008 #45175  
                       One unnamed BAASS project member tells Jacques Vallé 12/24/2008 #45198  
acques Vallée that a member of the BAASS team is going to Area 51 to retrie 1/23/2009 #45208  
r, he reports the license plate to BAASS, which tracks it to a Department o 5/8/2009 #45220  
 Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), a contractor for the Defense Int 5/8/2009 #45221  
ems Applications Program (AAWSAP). BAASS tracks the license plate to a DHS  5/8/2009 #45221  
ir Force “nor others” will talk to BAASS until a SAP is set up for AAWSAP.  11/29/2009 #45258  
 Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) directors James T. Lacatski, Colm 12/11/2009 #45262  
mised to see what he could do, but BAASS needs to be accepted into some Spe 12/11/2009 #45262  
 Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) Director of Investigation Larry G 2010 #45263  
ractor aircraft. In December 2010, BAASS directors James T. Lacatski, Colm  2010 #45263  
ase Anacostia-Bolling. Angelo told BAASS it needed to be accepted into some 2010 #45263  
 Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) Director of Investigation Larry G Late 1/2010 #45268  
 Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) asks remote viewer Joseph McMonea 3/2010 #45270  
 the UK government’s UFO releases, BAASS cases investigated, Skinwalker Ran 9/30/2010 #45300  
 Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) director James T. Lacatski, a con 2/2011 #45312  
astructure of the town. Mover told BAASS to look into the event.  https://w 2/2011 #45312  
rtment of Defense. He recounts the BAASS investigations into UAPs and the p 2/7/2011 #45313  
HS to determine if they can set up BAASS as a UAP analysis program within D 6/2011 #45327  
n asked. Bell and Mover later told BAASS that they believed advanced techno 6/2011 #45327  
and others decided not to contract BAASS within DHS.  https://www.pearl-hif 6/2011 #45327  
a collaboration between EarthTech, BAASS and an aerospace company “like Rat 6/24/2018 #45530  
 Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) A Popular Mechanics article by UF 2/14/2020 #45633  
 Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) was contracted under the auspices 2/14/2020 #45633  
lan states a source who worked for BAASS and AAWSAP told him the Atomic Ene 4/29/2020 #45644  
o the claim, Eric Davis states the BAASS source is “ill-informed” and not “ 4/29/2020 #45644  
## Word: "baass-contracted" (Back to Top)
d as non-malignant lymphoma, but a BAASS-contracted physician suspects Jone 5/8/2009 #45220  
## Word: "baass-like" (Back to Top)
an (I-Conn.) to attempt to get the BAASS-like project funded. Negotiations  2/7/2011 #45313  
## Word: "babalon" (Back to Top)
xico Origins: Parsons, Hubbard and Babalon Working. Markale remains convinc 3/11/1998 #43532  
## Word: "babbitt" (Back to Top)
 contributes more than 130 surplus Babbitt duplex housing units for long-te 8/1961 #16776  
## Word: "babel" (Back to Top)
servers are being fooled.  https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=osu.32435 2/27/1951 #5464  
r00keyh/page/86/mode/2up   https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015 10/29/1962 #17518  
## Word: "babia" (Back to Top)
ugh roofs. A local rock formation, Babia Skała, has been shattered by an ap 1/14/1993 #40795  
## Word: "babies" (Back to Top)
 and the planet is said to be the “babies’ heaven.” At the next sitting, sh 8/1895 #319  
## Word: "babinda" (Back to Top)
                                   BABINDA, QLD, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). M 8/15/1990 #39688  
## Word: "babiogorsky" (Back to Top)
                                   BABIOGORSKY NAT.PK, POLAND Flying 'buckl 12/21/1968 #24784  
## Word: "baborów" (Back to Top)
                                   Baborów, Poland 5:00 a.m. An 18-year-old 9/11/2011 #45332  
d 5:00 a.m. An 18-year-old girl in Baborów, Poland, is awakened by a light  9/11/2011 #45332  
## Word: "babson" (Back to Top)
esearch Foundation, MIT, the Roger Babson Gravity Research Institute of New 11/20/1955 #12580  
## Word: "baby" (Back to Top)
time, had been mysteriously losing baby rabbits from his locked rabbit hutc 11/9/1954 #11611  
Her daughter later recalled being "baby sat" by the one remaining entity. T 1/25/1967 #21389  
 Ms. Barbara Ward, awakened by her baby, glanced out her window on the Bent 9/2/1967 #22984  
. 3 hour display. 1 observer loses baby after.                              4/22/1973 #27436  
th another couple and the couple's baby. Nancy and Jim had just settled dow 10/14/1973 #28031  
y, IN 9:45 p.m. Couple in car with baby approach small bright silver figure 10/22/1973 #28238  
 100MIN / missing time. Couple and baby abduction. Pregnant mother gets nee 11/25/1978 #34000  
d cool, and there is a smell like “baby powder” in the air. Other men weari 5/16/1979 #34563  
 cool, and there was a smell like "baby powder" in the air. There were othe 5/16/1979 #34564  
IGA, LATVIA Image / observer(s) as baby and her mother appear by helmeted p 9/1980 #35486  
 over the barn roof, the sows with baby pigs in the barn jumped up and bega 10/26/1980 #35591  
looking at. John described a small baby floating in some type of hearvier-t 12/31/1980 #35759  
e of "them" saying this particular baby was his and that he had to show it  12/31/1980 #35759  
 to love it, to feel love for that baby. I need to connect; they tell me it 12/31/1980 #35759  
ect; they tell me it will help the baby feel part of something. I can't bel 12/31/1980 #35759  
appening!" After showing John "his baby", the beings escorted him to anothe 12/31/1980 #35759  
th. One miscarries. 2nd / disabled baby. / r123.                            4/1982 #36421  
 a camping tent in Fey Canyon, her baby granddaughter was also with her. Th 4/1982 #36422  
        Frunze, Russia Space Alien Baby Found Alive (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 7/14/1983 #36911  
t tall entity at the corner of his baby son's crib. The dwarf wore a black  5/5/1992 #40454  
d by an unsettling dream about the baby, and later by another frightening i 5/5/1992 #40454  
effect (EME). Cop can't wake wife. Baby reacts. Dog sick.                   8/29/1992 #40594  
unable to wake his wife, but their baby reacted to the close encounter, and 8/29/1992 #40596  
young mother was breastfeeding her baby in her fourth floor apartment in Am 7/23/2001 #44210  
ut to the father of her daughter's baby that the heavy stainless steel door 9/3/2003 #44592  
## Word: "baby's" (Back to Top)
had to make a stop to change their baby's diaper. As the husband looked for 4/12/1977 #31978  
## Word: "baby-sitting" (Back to Top)
PA 1:45 AM. A 17-year old girl was baby-sitting when she spotted an object  2/14/1981 #35828  
## Word: "babysitter" (Back to Top)
riving west with his wife Anne and babysitter Gail Yemm about 20 minutes ea 8/15/1968 #24331  
e it and returned with the teenage babysitter of his children. Both witness 10/25/1973 #28287  
## Word: "babysitting" (Back to Top)
00 p.m. A 17-year-old male is home babysitting the family pets and his youn 2/24/1959 #15605  
go into their house where they are babysitting, and the object shines a spo 10/29/1977 #32631  
## Word: "bac-111" (Back to Top)
                  Wilkes-Barre, PA BAC-111 crew encountered daylight disc ( 7/6/1975 #30164  
## Word: "baca" (Back to Top)
ed by Jose Padilla, 9, and Remigio Baca, 7, when they are looking for a cow 8/16/1945 #1924  
 confirmed. Country: USA Name: “De Baca” Yield: 2.2KT                       10/26/1958 #15384  
                                   BACA COUNTY, CO Big wave / livestock mut 10/1975 #30402  
tion occurred. This time it was in Baca Grande, Colorado in the San Luis Va 11/25/1992 #40730  
on this night. The next morning at Baca Rach, Colorado in Saguache County a 4/1/1993 #40923  
 her bedroom window in the town of Baca in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. 8/5/1993 #41108  
                        A woman in Baca Chalets, Saguache County in the San 8/20/1993 #41148  
Kimmy Martin awoke with a start in Baca Chalets in the San Luis Valley of C 11/18/1993 #41284  
                                   BACA AND CRESTONE AND MOFFAT AND MORE/OT 11/30/1993 #41310  
           In 1993 at 8:45 p.m. in Baca Ranch, Colorado author and UFO inve 12/1/1993 #41316  
cross the sky from west to east in Baca Chalets, Colorado at 8:25 p.m. One  9/7/1994 #41724  
                   At 7:30 p.m. at Baca Rach and Highway 66T in the San Lui 10/26/1996 #43097  
n Luis Valley, and was viewed from Baca Grande, Colorado. It had unblinking 9/11/1997 #43406  
 the Pecos River at Route 84 in De Baca County, New Mexico at 11:00 a.m. Th 4/3/1998 #43543  
                On this evening in Baca Grande, Colorado a woman heard some 10/30/1998 #43671  
 about 350 meters from the road in Baca, Merida, Mexico. It was a cloudy ni 4/12/2008 #45128  
## Word: "bacau" (Back to Top)
                                   BACAU, ROMANIA Light zips over park. 2nd 4/28/1968 #23928  
 hydro-electric dam in Capataneni, Bacau, Romania. The sighting lasted two  6/8/1968 #24015  
                                   BACAU, ROM 1 night light overtakes 2nd.  9/1968 #24411  
                                   BACAU TO/FROM ROMAN, ROMANIA 3 observer( 6/1/1969 #25186  
## Word: "baccarat" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Baccarat” YieldMax: 20KT                 1/24/1979 #34376  
## Word: "bacchante" (Back to Top)
 England, were cruising aboard "La Bacchante" when an object resembling a f 6/11/1881 #244  
 England, were cruising aboard "La Bacchante" when a flying object resembli 6/11/1881 #245  
## Word: "bachaquero" (Back to Top)
                                   BACHAQUERO, VNZL Engineer and many. Sauc 12/15/1954 #11812  
                                   BACHAQUERO, VNZL 2 / farm. 2 cylinders h 10/21/1957 #14136  
## Word: "bachelard" (Back to Top)
                Mazaye, France Mr. Bachelard was driving a light truck on r 10/16/1954 #11143  
At 5:30 p.m. in Mazaye, France Mr. Bachelard was driving a light truck on r 10/16/1954 #11149  
Dôme, France Coheix 5:30 p.m. A M. Bachelard is driving a light truck south 10/18/1954 #11212  
om Coheix, Puy-de-Dome, France Mr. Bachelard, age 42, was going around a be 10/18/1954 #11218  
## Word: "bacherini" (Back to Top)
ano, Italy in Tuscany two hunters, Bacherini and Formiconi, heard a series  9/17/1954 #10335  
## Word: "bachmeier" (Back to Top)
ce W. Vinther and copilot James F. Bachmeier of Mid-Continent Airlines Flig 1/20/1951 #5407  
## Word: "bachner" (Back to Top)
o Los Angeles, piloted by Capt. Ed Bachner, has a near collision with an ob 7/17/1957 #13809  
 100 miles east of El Paso, Texas. Bachner puts the plane into a dive and t 7/17/1957 #13809  
## Word: "bachère" (Back to Top)
e time, a restaurant manager named Bachère is driving toward Bordeaux when  6/19/1978 #33291  
## Word: "bacillus" (Back to Top)
rnia, using two types of bacteria (Bacillus globigii and Serratia marcescen 9/1950 #5160  
New York City The US Army releases Bacillus globigii into the tunnels of th 6/6/1966 #20536  
## Word: "baciu" (Back to Top)
                                   BACIU FOREST, ROMN 4 observer(s). Silent 8/18/1968 #24348  
                              Hoia Baciu forest Baciu Cluj-Napoca, Romania  8/18/1968 #24352  
                 Hoia Baciu forest Baciu Cluj-Napoca, Romania 1:20 p.m. Tec 8/18/1968 #24352  
friends are picnicking in the Hoia Baciu forest near Baciu, not far from Cl 8/18/1968 #24352  
king in the Hoia Baciu forest near Baciu, not far from Cluj-Napoca, Romania 8/18/1968 #24352  
## Word: "back" (Back to Top)
g on clouds, set sail to transport back to this same region the fruits of t 812 #2  
ecords. 3 'suns' hover / one hour. Back again 18 Mar. '1639. No further det 5/10/1614 #37  
ight” appears above them. It darts back and forth across the river, sometim 1638 #41  
t to a shape like “two half-moons, back to back, having a short luminous st 9/10/1798 #96  
hape like “two half-moons, back to back, having a short luminous stream bet 9/10/1798 #96  
iant 12M square / light guides him back to road twice!                      10/1828 (approximate) #124  
wing wheels spin and descend slow. Back / 1880. / r2p17.                    5/15/1879 #218  
servatory, Greenwich, London Hog’s Back, Surrey, England 6:00 p.m. An auror 11/17/1882 #249  
m his private observatory on Hog’s Back, Surrey, England, in association wi 11/17/1882 #249  
] over Russian fort. Hovers. Turns back going west.                         3/22/1892 (approximate) #299  
flies into wind / 30 min and more. Back 21 November.                        11/17/1896 #339  
oing quickly north one hour later. Back 26 November / 'good observer(s)'.   11/23/1896 #351  
observer(s). Huge red night light. Back gliding going south / 27 November w 11/26/1896 #363  
         OMAHA, NEBR Great airship back. Ridicule abates when all see its l 4/5/1897 #415  
shine down on Main Street from its back and front. Suddenly there is a hiss 4/10/1897 #424  
ight in front and a green light in back.                                    4/13/1897 #453  
 air with an electric light on his back.”                                   4/14/1897 #469  
he rope cut the end free, and went back aboard the craft, which flew away t 4/25/1897 #572  
e and cut the end free. He climbed back aboard the craft, which flew away t 4/25/1897 #575  
a. When the witness was on his way back one hour later he saw the object ri 4/26/1897 #578  
s. When the witness was on his way back, one hour later, he saw the object  4/26/1897 #579  
s not rain." The same witness went back through the same spot 40 min later  5/6/1897 #592  
s not rain." The same witness went back to the same spot 40 minutes later b 5/6/1897 #594  
usk. A 12-year-old girl is walking back to her farm from Cadwst, Denbighshi Summer 1900 #640  
 and waves him away. The beings go back in the craft, a bright flash surrou Summer 1901 #645  
e over the hills, tipping its mast back, and disappears.                    1904 #667  
 to the left of the other. Running back to the house, he calls for his moth 6/1904 #672  
 As he approaches it, a door rolls back and he is welcomed inside by two hu 1906 #684  
Rattling motor sound. Going north. Back / 2230hrs.                          5/12/1909 #735  
 and flew off to the north. It was back again at 10:30 p.m.                 5/12/1909 #736  
ntains. Dips and swerves and turns back.                                    7/27/1909 #785  
ed, swerved in the sky, and turned back.                                    7/27/1909 #786  
 east. After ascending, it circles back in the direction it came from. The  8/7/1909 #801  
bject with lights on its front and back sails at a great altitude from west 8/9/1909 #802  
g up and down [to] under overcast. Back 19 December. / r224p39.             12/13/1909 #818  
 goes south slowly. Turns and goes back going north. / r85p35.              12/24/1909 #823  
t circles buildings. Engine sound. Back / 31 August.                        8/30/1910 #845  
ut it doesn’t cry out. The boys go back and check the spot the next day, bu 5/1913 #888  
e, walk around the machine, and go back inside. The object takes off.       3/1914 #897  
ys there a few moments then swings back to where it had been about 2 miles  3/12/1916 #945  
 kids. Flash. Small woman appears. Back every month to October.             5/13/1917 #957  
owards the earth before zigzagging back to its normal position. Witnesses r 10/13/1917 #970  
 to be hurrying the smaller figure back into the object. The door slams shu 7/1919 #990  
away to his farmhouse. Harry walks back to the car alone and sees 20 little Late Summer 1919 #993  
ed, he continues and does not look back.                                    Late Summer 1919 #993  
rosses field going [to] old mines. Back / Jan. '85. Poltergeists.           1/31/1920 #997  
 in a few moments he finds himself back on the ground. He must walk all aft 1921 #1010  
 He must walk all afternoon to get back to the place where the UFO picked h 1921 #1010  
y are looking into a window in the back of a house. A tube extends from the 11/1926 #1067  
lmets into a tank on each figure’s back. They turn to look at him and he se 11/1926 #1067  
five dwarfish figures were running back and forth. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 6/12/1929 #1096  
five dwarfish figures were running back and forth. He heard their pointed,  6/12/1929 #1097  
r or five dwarfish figures running back and forth within 6 meters of the ob 6/12/1929 #1099  
r. Fiery disks spin and light sky. Back / good Friday / 1941+1975.          3/25/1932 #1138  
. It travels in a loop and circles back to the woods in a steady path of 35 6/1932 #1144  
nd cold. After 10 minutes, he goes back to the car, replaces the tire, and  Summer 1933 #1163  
ds. Makes U-turn 6' away. Away and back.                                    6/1934 #1209  
ve into a nearby snowbank then run back to Eklutna.                         10/1936 #1250  
a sudden chill. The platform rises back up, and the object glows with an in 7/25/1938 #1288  
orth, Texas A girl sleeping in the back yard of her home in Fort Worth, Tex Late Summer 1939 #1314  
re ghosts, he runs. Later he comes back and confirms there is no building o Summer 1940 #1340  
cal exam is performed. He wakes up back at his sentry post.                 Late Summer 1942 #1440  
 is flying an RAF Lancaster bomber back over the English Channel when he an 5/1943 #1498  
g with the bombers. The crews talk back and forth, discussing and confirmin 10/14/1943 #1536  
t, growing bigger, then decreasing back to a pinpoint. The display lasts fo 4/1944 #1588  
n reach altitude, the object moves back to the west at high speed. They cat 2/7/1945 #1774  
took us about three days to get it back up to full power again.”            3/10/1945 #1810  
maneuvers going [to] Guam. 1 turns back.                                    5/3/1945 #1860  
o orange to white lights, and then back to cherry again; they followed airc 5/3/1945 #1863  
till. When it moves again, it goes back to the general area it started from 9/26/1945? #1940  
iles, north for 73 miles, and then back over a final 140-mile leg to comple 12/5/1945 #1950  
ject, flaring in intensity, swayed back and forth in a rocking motion betwe 8/12/1946 #2125  
ickly east. 1 going quickly north. Back 18 August / N. side.                8/15/1946 #2137  
een flame is shooting out near the back, and it is traveling too fast for a Fall 1946 #2189  
white in front and bluish-white in back. She sees about 10 objects pass per 10/10/1946 #2202  
r / 30 minute(s). Vanish in place. Back twice.                              2/3/1947 #2237  
 / 4 second(s) going quickly west. Back 3 weeks later. / local news.        3/1947 #2245  
bject seems to turn around and fly back eastward briefly.                   3/21/1947 #2249  
 / center west going quickly east. Back 6 July / Case#385.                  5/10/1947 #2279  
triangle/box-like craft formation. Back / 1415h going south. / r171p66.     6/23/1947 #2369  
s saucers upon water." They tilted back and forth as they flew. One object  6/24/1947 #2402  
d screwball. I wonder what my wife back in Idaho thinks.”                   6/27/1947 #2431  
f loosely bunched objects, rocking back and forth as they fly noiselessly a 6/27/1947 #2433  
on. Although MacKenzie was ordered back to Roswell, the operators at White  7/1/1947 #2501  
t saucer going southeast / 100mph. Back going northwest / 2200h. / r131#3.  7/1/1947 #2509  
up into two responses, then merged back together again into one large respo 7/1/1947 #2525  
fast straight and level. 3 objects back 3 July.                             7/2/1947 #2542  
fohatic teleportation.” “He is now back and what is going to be done depend 7/3/1947 #2551  
oing east / 400mph. Circle and fly back going quickly west. / wire service  7/3/1947 #2561  
 scare livestock. Going southwest. Back next night.                         7/4/1947 #2631  
Bright saucer circle town. Out and back 3X. Hovers. Going quickly south. Ba 7/4/1947 #2635  
k 3X. Hovers. Going quickly south. Back 7 July going south again.           7/4/1947 #2635  
es it for a few minutes, then goes back to bed.                             7/4/1947 #2653  
he human-appearing occupants waved back to her, and then the disc flew away 7/4/1947 #2674  
O flew fast across the sky but was back again for ten minutes, when it then 7/4/1947 #2678  
kly [to] overhead. Same / Chicago. Back 6 July.                             7/5/1947 #2696  
unterclockwise. Going [to] out and back. Hovers and flutters and circles ag 7/5/1947 #2716  
he east over the city; one circled back over the city. In the afternoon fiv 7/5/1947 #2717  
e. Brazel either loads it into the back of his truck or drags it along behi 7/5/1947 #2725  
'clock in the morning; one circled back over the city. In the afternoon fiv 7/5/1947 #2728  
g north. Turns on edge. Turns 180° back going south and away.               7/6/1947 #2761  
oing northwest. Change color(s). 1 back from northwest / 2025hrs veers goin 7/6/1947 #2767  
 small saucers play / sky. Out and back several X. Going south toward(s) L. 7/6/1947 #2797  
idan W. Cavitt. They escort Brazel back to his ranch and examine the debris 7/6/1947 #2812  
ed down out of the sky and climbed back up again south of St. Joseph, Misso 7/6/1947 #2828  
                    LAWTON, OK 1 / back yard. Bright aluminum plate going q 7/7/1947 #2860  
adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Back 8 July 1500h going north.           7/7/1947 #2880  
ow and stop. Bird following scared back.                                    7/7/1947 #2895  
arately. Stop. Join. Hover. 1 goes back going quickly east.                 7/7/1947 #2909  
ion. Fast going quickly northwest. Back 9 Jul. '47 / 0350hrs.               7/7/1947 #2910  
tt. About dusk they begin the trip back to Roswell.                         7/7/1947 #2928  
disc. 4:20 p.m., Col. Warren calls back and says the incident is a hoax.    7/7/1947 #2933  
, but Rhodes is unable to get them back. However, Kenneth Arnold obtains th 7/7/1947 #2940  
oing quickly south. High altitude. Back / 1400-1430h. Going southeast.      7/8/1947 #2969  
m Gen. Carl Spaatz’s office writes back on July 21 to tell him the Army Air 7/8/1947 #3017  
outh. 500mph. Dips below trees and back up.                                 7/9/1947 #3037  
to go to the crash site and report back to him about what is going on. He g 7/9/1947 #3066  
 for about 90 minutes then reports back to Easley.                          7/9/1947 #3066  
ipped below the tree line and came back up again.                           7/9/1947 #3073  
ups that hung in the sky, swinging back and forth in a pendulum motion. The 7/15/1947 #3188  
A, CITY, OK 1M disk drops / cloud. Back up / cloud when plane passes. Very  7/17/1947 #3194  
nt rudder and two jet pipes in the back. About 8:00 p.m., witnesses in Gans 7/19/1947 #3201  
, Idaho Mr. Denton saw a UFO swing back and forth in a pendulum motion.     7/20/1947 #3207  
eyebrows, and a metal box on their back, emerged from the craft. They were  7/23/1947 #3216  
eyebrows, and a metal box on their back, emerged from the craft. They were  7/23/1947 #3219  
 the nose down when he got control back.                                    7/23/1947 #3220  
le. Brown and Davidson leave to go back to Hamilton for Air Force Day the n 7/31/1947 #3264  
l Jones Flying Service. Peck hauls back on his controls to bring his plane  8/4/1947 #3291  
ver(s). Saucer maneuvers. Away and back / 15 minute(s). Maneuvers / 30 minu 8/6/1947 #3295  
10:00 p.m, then flew away. It came back 15 minutes and maneuvered for anoth 8/6/1947 #3302  
t went over trees they didn't sway back and forth, but rather the treetops  8/13/1947 #3322  
he nose. The pilot then parachutes back to the ground, a chute opens on the 8/20/1947 #3355  
e has an overpowering desire to go back to bed. She tells no one about the  1948? #3524  
eodolite it looks fuzzy across its back edge as if “dipped in cream.” He sa 2/20/1948 #3583  
 1:15 p.m. It was fuzzy across its back edge as if "dipped in cream", and w 2/20/1948 #3584  
ct 12 miles NE of Aztec NM, radios back to HQ in Camp Hale, which relayed t 3/25/1948 #3597  
g wing or half-moon with a “turtle back,” it resembles no military craft in 4/1/1948 #3603  
gn goes to investigate. On the way back, he consults with astronomer Paul H 5/7/1948 #3643  
quickly south extremely fast. Turn back going quickly north. / J. Aldrich.  8/15/1948 (approximate) #3780  
 S. Vandenberg. (Report was kicked back for additional proof; later declass 9/1948 #3792  
imself, who rejects it and bats it back to Cabell with a strong sense of di 9/30/1948? #3817  
d they are having none of the ETH. Back at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, De 11/12/1948 #3874  
 accompanies search teams to bring back any fragments. They end up in the a 1/31/1949 #3988  
n leave as a volunteer and must go back to the University of New Mexico, un 2/24/1949 #4023  
ice in a formal ceremony. He rides back to the Pentagon with his opponent S 3/28/1949 #4058  
inch metallic cone attached to the back. It silently approaches them in a l 4/27/1949 #4118  
ngle/box-like crafts exit. Objects back 24 October and 20 December and 11 J 10/23/1949 #4400  
ing formation, moving up and down, back and forth. The objects continue to  11/3/1949 #4411  
les base / erratic. Goes going up. Back / 25 th.                            2/24/1950 #4548  
ss little to no curiosity. He goes back to get a camera and tries to take p 3/28/1950 #4750  
d sees a 12-inch-tall man with his back turned to her. When he turns around 4/1950 #4784  
then turns around and heads slowly back. Four high school students in Monte 4/10/1950 #4841  
de-down banana like inverted moon. Back next night.                         4/20/1950 #4875  
 Gravy-boat object flies overhead. Back / 0130hrs next day.                 4/24/1950 #4884  
ct hovered at 100' altitude, moved back and forth for 10 minutes and then f 5/7/1950 #4932  
near Sheridan, Oregon], is walking back to her farmhouse after feeding rabb 5/11/1950 #4939  
bject. After a short time, he goes back inside to get a camera and manages  5/11/1950 #4939  
. The engineer runs out and drives back to his hotel. He returns the next d 5/15/1950 #4944  
t of the object. Sperry turns left back onto his original course to get the 5/29/1950 #4972  
 original course to get the object back in view, but it apparently stays st 5/29/1950 #4972  
d the two figures, for they rushed back to the object, clambering up the si 6/17/1950 #4992  
also has fins one-third of the way back from the front of the fuselage and  7/1950 #5035  
FO contact and is taken to NYC and back in 30 minutes                       7/4/1950 #5041  
t, which flies him to New York and back in 30 minutes. Fry has further enco 7/4/1950 #5042  
            TOLOVANA PK, OR Saucer back studying clay bank / beam again. Hi 8/11/1950 #5117  
 disk going down / dark low cloud. Back up and down again. Going quickly so 8/29/1950 #5143  
lites. Photographs hazy / objects. Back 31 Aug. 5.                          8/30/1950 #5144  
s away. Suddenly the objects halt, back up, and begin a jittering motion, k 9/1950 #5159  
d swerve unsteadily,” then streaks back and forth in a north-south line thr 12/27/1950 #5368  
that breaks into a V-formation and back to a “swirl,” then a V again. The o 3/14/1951 #5483  
 it makes an apparent loop, coming back over the field. At the top of the l 3/15/1951 #5489  
ured to each other. They later got back aboard and took off, flying off tow 8/14/1951 #5605  
ndous speed then hovering. They go back and forth between his location and  Mid 8/1951 #5608  
set malfunction, the latter coming back a few minutes later when the object 9/18/1951 #5678  
silvery aircraft with highly swept back 45° wings (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 9/23/1951 #5683  
silver airplane with highly swept- back wings,” although one of them says t 9/23/1951 #5685  
silvery aircraft with highly swept back 45° wings. The F-86's tried to clim 9/23/1951 #5687  
t at the one o'clock high position back to the north toward Muroc/Edwards A 9/23/1951 #5687  
f, and Cummings and Rosengarten go back to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio to  10/1/1951 #5694  
. Liner paced / 20 minute(s)-turns back.                                    11/18/1951 #5777  
r about 20 minutes and then turned back.                                    11/18/1951 #5779  
r about 20 minutes and then turned back.                                    11/18/1951 #5780  
e witness missed a turn, had to go back toward Auburn, and had reached a po 12/1951 #5802  
iny flew above ridge to clouds and back again twice, taking 30-40 seconds e 12/7/1951 #5811  
rs from the screen. The F-94 heads back to refuel, and a second fighter is  1/22/1952 #5876  
glowing-saucer. Going south. Turns back going quickly north. / r242p124.    1/29/1952 #5880  
 / San Francisco. Orange fireballs back 24 February.                        2/19/1952 #5909  
reservists sprint the quarter-mile back to the base.                        3/1952 #5940  
ped objects pass overhead, swaying back and forth like a pendulum. (NICAP r 3/10/1952 #5952  
o the Air Force, but hears nothing back, despite USAF demanding reports fro 3/14/1952 #5957  
t takes a sub-machine gun from the back of the car and debates whether to f 3/29/1952 #5995  
th. Turns red. 90-turn going west. Back / 11 19+21 Apr. '52.                4/4/1952 #6022  
 Silent saucer. 6mm / ARMs-length. Back / 2100 hours. / r136#7p58.          4/17/1952 #6097  
 town 2X. Going quickly northwest. Back 18 hours later.                     4/18/1952 #6113  
 green and white. 1 makes 90° turn back going quickly south.                4/21/1952 #6146  
de a ninety-degree turn and turned back in flight toward the south.         4/21/1952 #6149  
ack speck, high in the sky, moving back and forth. It went straight up out  5/3/1952 #6254  
bjects. One circled. Other out and back.                                    5/5/1952 #6257  
le another flew away and then came back. This case is listed as a Project B 5/5/1952 #6261  
minous light. It appeared to waver back and forth before fading out of sigh 5/10/1952 #6285  
object rise from the sea and waver back and forth before fading from sight  5/10/1952 #6297  
     ALCOBATA, PORTUGAL Cigar goes back and forth several times. 'Blows up' 5/13/1952 #6308  
morning a cigar-shaped object flew back and forth in the sky several times  5/13/1952 #6318  
e the second object darted out and back.                                    5/13/1952 #6318  
ge orbs. 1 hovers. 1 darts out and back.                                    5/14/1952 #6321  
y, while the other darted away and back for 30 minutes.                     5/14/1952 #6324  
ge oysters" circle town and double back going quickly north. / FBI report.  5/25/1952 #6353  
nd OSI predecessor documents going back to ghost rockets of 1946) and menti 6/1952 #6403  
46) and mentioning sightings going back to the Bible. The possibility of sw 6/1952 #6403  
t after reaching 35,000 feet turns back. At 7:35 p.m., a UFO emitting a gol 6/15/1952 #6510  
Case #1305. Soft white light jumps back and forth / 60 minute(s). No furthe 6/18/1952 #6535  
kids. Red sphere maneuvers out and back / 10 minute(s). Nears. Going quickl 6/21/1952 #6565  
 and looking at the sky. They went back inside, and shortly thereafter the  Summer 1952 #6575  
objects zigzag all over/all about. Back / 1000 hours. Extremely fast.       6/22/1952 #6584  
ect then flew to the west, circled back taking about 45 to 60 seconds to ex 6/22/1952 #6589  
re/orb/globe-saucer changes shape. Back 30X / min! Vanishes!                6/27/1952 #6643  
ct moves to the southwest and then back north. It accelerates instantaneous 6/29/1952 #6666  
uge dark glasses. The gondola goes back up, and three smaller UFOs appear a 7/1952 #6679  
 following the first some distance back. No vapor trails are visible. The w 7/1/1952 #6689  
e witnesses watch the F-94s search back and forth far below the UFOs. At 7: 7/1/1952 #6689  
 a grayish UFO hovering and arcing back and forth across the sky for about  7/1/1952 #6690  
lowing the first one some distance back. Both were moving just a little fas 7/1/1952 #6691  
watched as the two F-94's searched back and forth far below the UFOs. The A 7/1/1952 #6691  
s still at first and then seems to back away and change shape, becoming fla 7/5/1952 #6716  
r. We reversed our course and went back, but we couldn’t spot it again.”    7/5/1952 #6716  
e lights / side. Instant 180° turn back going quickly [to] WNW.             7/12/1952 #6769  
 circles atomic plant 2X and gone. Back / 0123 hours.                       7/14/1952 #6810  
euvers. Vanishes when planes near. Back 18-23 Jul. '52.                     7/17/1952 #6850  
kly southeast. Stops here. Zigzags back going quickly northwest. Extremely  7/18/1952 #6884  
Royal, Virginia and then zigzagged back toward the northwest at high speed. 7/18/1952 #6902  
“can reverse directions and cruise back and forth; they travel at high spee 7/19/1952 #6930  
tch a greenish glowing object dart back and forth silently and erratically  7/19/1952 #6931  
other one moved east and then came back, then both objects ascended vertica 7/19/1952 #6937  
ith blue-glow. Slants down. Shoots back up.                                 7/23/1952 #7041  
ller object, delta-shaped or swept back, flew around it at 1,000-1,500 kts. 7/23/1952 #7075  
 saucers glow red-orange. Away and back. Small objects orbit.               7/26/1952 #7150  
 the airliner approaches then come back in behind him after he passes throu 7/29/1952 #7320  
makes a 360° turn, comes around in back, follows for 2 minutes, then disapp 7/29/1952 #7322  
ude rises to 10K' when C97 passes. Back down.                               7/30/1952 #7343  
ps from 600M altitude. Sudden turn back up and away.                        7/31/1952 #7369  
bject dives to the west then turns back northwest. They all disappear after 8/3/1952 #7435  
 rainy weather forces them to turn back after they reach 15,000 feet altitu 8/5/1952 #7470  
na, breaking it, and fell into the back yard. The object was eight feet lon 8/6/1952 #7493  
ed disk spins like a top. Away and back. Turns and going quickly northwest. 8/12/1952 #7550  
ight / 900M. Turns and dives away. Back 21 August. / r136#4p39.             8/13/1952 #7568  
es then moves at an excessive rate back to the east and resumes its course  8/13/1952 #7574  
. Many fast-smooth maneuvers. Same back / 1110hrs / 2 separate observer(s). 8/14/1952 #7581  
alytical description of UFOs going back to the 1946 Scandinavian ghost rock 8/15/1952 #7610  
 / light circle mud lake. Away and back. Circle some more..                 8/21/1952 #7667  
'. 2 6' silver saucers. Turn away. Back / 7mn. / r242+159.                  8/24/1952 #7696  
ice. 2 small orange disks maneuver back and forth. Also silver objects.     8/24/1952 #7701  
. Hovers / 20 minute(s). Whistles. Back / 2230hrs.                          8/24/1952 #7703  
rhead / seconds. Out like a light. Back next night.                         8/28/1952 #7760  
 going west. Repositions front and back / planes.                           9/7/1952 #7872  
 BASE, MD Silent shiny saucer goes back and forth over airfield / 3 minute( 9/10/1952 #7889  
, elliptical, silent object moving back and forth near the base. It is visi 9/10/1952 #7891  
2M altitude. Scares cows. Away and back. / r242p146.                        9/14/1952 #7920  
 civil. Saucer glows. Dims. Shifts back and forth / 30 minute(s). No furthe 9/16/1952 #7956  
 RAF Meteor jet aircraft two miles back. The UFO lost altitude, and then fl 9/19/1952 #7981  
. Hover dart and maneuver. Out and back. / r242p57.                         9/30/1952 #8067  
s to 0020hrs. Near Cape Canaveral. Back 06 Oct(up.)                         10/3/1952 #8088  
us UFOs flying around. Félix comes back another day by himself; eventually  11/1952 #8227  
pe into a disc-shaped object, then back into a cigar shape, and then faded  11/4/1952 #8248  
ut that the CIA Robertson Panel is back on again after being postponed on D 12/22/1952 #8442  
loud. Rises. Shoots going east and back. Exits going quickly northeast.     12/30/1952 (approximate) #8463  
takes an evasive measure and flies back to base.                            1953 #8479  
round, and withdrew. They then got back into the craft and it flew away. Th 1/3/1953 #8500  
r/all about to study B36? Away and back several X.                          1/13/1953 #8537  
ation going [to] row-formation and back.                                    1/28/1953 #8585  
changed into a row formation, then back again into a V formation. Speed was 1/28/1953 #8605  
AF C119 crew. Buzzed / disk. Falls back and follows / long time. / r242.    2/11/1953 #8661  
 the area for 15 minutes, he heads back for fuel. Flying south at 20,000 fe 2/11/1953 #8664  
fter turning his navigation lights back on, he notices that the light has r 2/11/1953 #8664  
 Toll collector and many. "Blinky" back. Various maneuvers. Throb sound.    2/13/1953 #8670  
nk to pale white to white and then back to red. An explanation of the sight 2/17/1953 #8685  
ike pail with creek water and goes back inside the craft (which has one sma 5/20/1953 #8889  
r-shape darts into cloud and jumps back out. Very high.                     5/23/1953 #8902  
 at noon on this day. It then flew back out again.                          5/23/1953 #8907  
itutes—“people who could not fight back,” as one agency officer puts it.    6/9/1953 #8930  
e was being watched, then scurried back to the craft and zoomed away. His p 6/20/1953 #8944  
e the object, rotated, then glided back. The object tilted toward the west  6/24/1953 #8966  
e the object, rotated, then glided back. The object tilted toward the west  6/24/1953 #8971  
es connected to the collars on the back of their necks. Under their arms th 8/18/1953 #9081  
ops near ground. Odd noise. Shoots back quickly going up.                   8/22/1953 #9096  
fore dropping him off and shooting back into space.                         8/24/1953 #9108  
. Huge green disk drops and curves back up. Green light floods windshield.  8/27/1953 #9114  
binoculars. Hovers / 15 minute(s). Back 22 SEPT53.                          9/14/1953 #9167  
 The objects then reverse and move back across the English Channel at 32,00 10/9/1953 #9217  
s landing lights and the UFO beams back a blinding light back at the DC-6.  10/19/1953 #9243  
he UFO beams back a blinding light back at the DC-6. Kidd puts the plane in 10/19/1953 #9243  
 swing out over the lake, and move back to the road, circling and following 11/1953 #9271  
 plunges going down. Stops. Shoots back going up. Thunder.                  11/19/1953 #9307  
RG, FR 2 gardeners. Brilliant disk back and forth / sky. Going quickly sout 12/1/1953 #9332  
ance watched a brilliant disc move back and forth in the sky. It shot off t 12/1/1953 #9333  
und object lands. Emits red light. Back 01 Jan. '54.                        12/21/1953 #9387  
maneuver / treetop level / 6 days. Back 27 Jan. Jets chase.                 1/4/1954 #9440  
rails / smoke. Slow and very fast. Back 18 Jan.                             1/12/1954 #9478  
several seconds, it suddenly heads back in the direction of Saint-Arnaud at 1/18/1954 #9494  
 1500'. Stops and paces C54. Drops back and gone.                           1/28/1954 #9504  
ay at 2:30 p.m. They were swinging back and forth in a falling leaf motion. 3/1/1954 #9590  
on from vertical to horizontal and back again. They estimate it is 15,000 f 3/18/1954 #9629  
[to] going down. 1 shoots away and back.                                    3/29/1954 #9649  
. 1 night light going [to] out and back several X. Silent. No contrails.    4/3/1954 #9662  
umanoid suspended beneath it, skim back and forth over the water of Lake Mi 4/8/1954 #9677  
 returns to the object which moves back over the lake then takes off at hig 4/8/1954 #9677  
a Sr. Emelino Martinez was walking back from hunting in the hills outside o 4/10/1954 #9681  
e stopped for an instant to glance back toward his pursuer. He then saw two 4/10/1954 #9681  
 April 1954. KA states he was sent back to Sampson AFB where his superior a 4/12/1954 #9685  
-TV studio said he had just gotten back from Washington, D.C., where he has 4/18/1954 #9697  
ng quickly south / several passes. Back 6+11 May.                           5/5/1954 #9752  
s. 2 bright objects swoop down and back up and gone. 0 / RADAR.             6/8/1954 #9874  
 checks out mission / I5 min. Goes back going north.                        6/18/1954 #9908  
neuvers for 15 minutes then shoots back over the northern horizon.          6/18/1954 #9910  
ton State, and instantly transmits back the correct coded responses. The bl 6/21/1954 #9921  
-47. The control tower vectors him back to the first target. Atkins cannot  7/2/1954 #9984  
on. Human looking men with humps / back. / r11p320.                         7/15/1954? #10019  
owly going up [to] going down [to] back and forth over trees.               7/31/1954 #10069  
lliptical object that moved slowly back and forth over some trees.          7/31/1954 #10070  
ucer hovers west / tower. Away and back. Vanishes as helicopter nears.      8/12/1954 #10134  
enning. It flew away and then came back, but finally vanished when a helico 8/12/1954 #10139  
n was a bronze color. After waving back to the visitor, they asked who he w 8/20/1954 #10158  
t. Moments later he put both items back into his tunic through a seam that  8/20/1954 #10158  
 the man motioned for them to step back. He then opened a hatch at the base 8/20/1954 #10158  
 has two cylinders strapped on its back. The being floats to a nearby UFO h 9/2/1954 #10232  
two two-foot long cylinders on his back. He ran or glided, apparently float 9/2/1954 #10233  
de 3 cops. Saucer east going west. Back again / 90 minute(s). Also seen in  9/5/1954 #10250  
 east to west at 9:30 a.m. It came back again 90 minutes later, and was als 9/5/1954 #10257  
 climb and reform as plane passes. Back to line.                            9/6/1954 #10258  
). Telephoto photograph. 5 saucers back 2350hrs / 10 September.             9/9/1954 #10275  
 made friendly gestures, then went back into the brush, entered a cigar-sha 9/10/1954 #10283  
unintelligible words. Then it goes back into the brush, enters a cigar-shap 9/10/1954 #10285  
 made friendly gestures, then went back into the brush, entered a cigar-sha 9/10/1954 #10287  
e. Disk going quickly [to] out and back. / r138#8.                          9/14/1954 #10294  
. Swain, 12, was driving a tractor back from the fields when he saw a small 9/14/1954 #10297  
." He carried two cylinders on his back and had long, pointed ears.         9/14/1954 #10297  
ain, age 12, was driving a tractor back from his family's fields in Coldwat 9/14/1954 #10302  
d. He carried two cylinders on his back and had long, pointed ears.         9/14/1954 #10302  
e patted the guard’s shoulder, got back into his craft, fastened safety bel 9/20/1954 #10373  
o frightened witnesses they glided back in the direction of the craft, whic 9/20/1954 #10374  
object changes color(s). 180° turn back going quickly west extremely fast.  9/23/1954 #10408  
rance Mr. Cisterne, who was coming back with his tractor, saw a luminous ob 9/24/1954 #10435  
near Ussel, France. He was driving back to the barn at 11:00 p.m. with his  9/24/1954 #10442  
e-et-Marne, France. It is swinging back and forth over an area of about 984 9/30/1954 #10516  
r and Phelippeau, who were driving back from Royan, saw a little man cross  10/1/1954 #10560  
ect dove toward them, then climbed back into the sky.                       10/1/1954 #10573  
r and Phelippeau, who were driving back from Royan at eight o'clock at nigh 10/1/1954 #10575  
 going up [to] going NNE to space. Back 03 October.                         10/2/1954 #10585  
hting on northeast-southwest line. Back again 10 / 14 / 54 at 1813 hours.   10/2/1954 #10588  
nct words.) They gave a pat on the back to Mr. Garreau's dog and took off a 10/4/1954 #10693  
nct words.) They gave a pat on the back to Mr. Garreau's dog and took off a 10/4/1954 #10702  
CE, FR Orange saucer dances / sky. Back 9 October and in St.-Chamas / 2000- 10/8/1954 #10812  
ge. The children run away but look back in time to see the object flying aw 10/8/1954 #10817  
 The children ran away, but looked back in time to see the object flying aw 10/9/1954 #10848  
echnician, J. P. Mitto, was coming back from Toulouse with two other person 10/9/1954 #10850  
 The children ran away, but looked back in time to see the object flying aw 10/9/1954 #10866  
eaves rapidly. The headlights come back on, the paralysis ends, and the eng 10/11/1954 #10938  
in French not to touch it. He went back inside the craft, which flew in loo 10/12/1954 #10973  
in French not to touch it. He went back inside the craft, which flew in loo 10/12/1954 #10983  
ject bursts ahead of him. He walks back with his moped and is able to start 10/14/1954 #11060  
0 fast objects / V-formation. Same back 16+17 October. Bottoms lit up.      10/15/1954 #11089  
 vanished silently when she looked back.                                    10/15/1954 #11104  
 vanished silently when she looked back. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flying Sauc 10/15/1954 #11120  
Guy Puyfourcat, 22, who was coming back from the fields, leading a mare by  10/16/1954 #11142  
Guy Puyfourcat, age 22, was coming back from the fields leading a mare by h 10/16/1954 #11148  
ome time later the headlights came back on by themselves, and Dr. Robert sa 10/16/1954 #11150  
 get closer, but the beings rushed back inside the object at surprising spe 10/17/1954 #11180  
e "Dbano da skigyay o dbano," went back aboard their craft, and flew away.  10/19/1954 #11240  
ife. When he turned around to look back the being had still not moved. They 10/19/1954 #11252  
banoda skigyay o dbano," then went back aboard their craft and flew away.   10/19/1954 #11254  
 m tall, emerged from it, and went back inside almost immediately. The craf 10/21/1954 #11296  
t) tall, emerged from it, and went back inside almost immediately. The craf 10/21/1954 #11305  
notice any portholes. At the broad back end there was a bent tripod. After  10/24/1954 #11368  
emerged from the object, then went back inside. The object then took off at 10/25/1954 #11402  
bject suddenly descended then shot back up into the sky, emitting a very lo 10/29/1954 #11482  
milar to a welder's torch. It came back, turned, and flew to the southwest. 10/31/1954 #11499  
milar to a welder's torch. It came back, turned, and flew off toward the so 10/31/1954 #11500  
 the UFO. Dainelli flees, glancing back only once.                          11/1/1954 #11518  
otti ran away, and when she looked back, after running 100 yards, she saw t 11/1/1954 #11520  
ll stocky beings. They were moving back and forth in an erratic manner. See 11/1/1954 #11522  
Small humanoid (or Grey) / tank on back. Tube leads / face. Hides / blue cl 11/2/1954 #11531  
e to a cylindrial container on his back. When they came close to it, the be 11/2/1954 #11536  
of the door and runs away. Looking back at the object from 30 feet away, he 11/2/1954 #11537  
out 30 feet away he turned to look back and saw that the craft was now hove 11/2/1954 #11539  
y put into a metal tube. They jump back into the object, which takes off ve 11/4/1954 #11564  
 in a metal tube. They then jumped back in the craft. The UFO rose vertical 11/4/1954 #11568  
 round heads andlarge eyes running back and forth to the sphere. They ran m 11/4/1954 #11569  
going down / road. Vibration felt. Back 3X. Going quickly east.             11/6/1954 #11584  
motorcycle. Rider frozen. Away and back as 6M cone. Going north. / r8#333.  11/8/1954 #11595  
raná, Brazil. They see him and run back into the UFO.                       11/14/1954 #11651  
oat” with a brilliant light on the back. The object then approached the gro 11/27/1954 #11714  
' saucer stops / 3 minute(s). Goes back going quickly south. / r70p3-39.    11/28/1954 #11717  
h fur. But the creature pushed him back, while two other dwarfs emerged fro 11/28/1954 #11720  
ape going northeast. Stops. Shoots back going quickly southwest into clouds 11/29/1954 #11728  
eam of light from the sky searched back and forth, then struck and gave an  11/29/1954 #11729  
e. It stopped in midair, then shot back toward the southwest into the cloud 11/29/1954 #11731  
 smiled, picked it up, and gave it back to him, after which they motioned h 12/9/1954 #11784  
y release him, but promise to come back for him later. Aquilante is terrifi 12/9/1954 #11786  
 a smile, picked it up and gave it back to him. All three men were broad sh 12/9/1954 #11789  
hts. Alarmed, the witnesses rushed back to their car and took off driving a 12/28/1954 #11869  
e ran to get his brothers and came back to the craft, which turned white, t 12/29/1954 #11875  
swered by a "fact sheet" referring back to the 1955 report. A 1957 "fact sh 1955 #11888  
ht light follows SNOWPLOWs. Hides. Back as plowing resumes. / r107p264.     1/28/1955 #11946  
hen the snowplow stopped, but came back when plowing resumed.               1/28/1955 #11949  
 disk going southwest stops. Turns back going quickly northeast toward(s) r 3/11/1955 #12040  
he southwest, stopped, then turned back toward the Thames Rivers, then flew 3/11/1955 #12042  
nge color from white to orange and back again. Over the next few minutes, t 3/24/1955 #12059  
lowed to 12-15 mph. The UFO swayed back and forth while hovering and shot a 3/30/1955 #12071  
d cylinder/cigar-shape to 0408hrs. Back 21+28 May / 36 saucers. / r139#4.   4/9/1955 #12090  
observer(s). Brilliant sphere zips back and forth / one hour. Spirals. Abso 5/1/1955 #12112  
, or an unknown rate of 13%. Going back to August 12, 1954, and removing ca 6/30/1955 #12221  
 1 pokes / asphalt with rod. Jumps back / avoid car. / r112p121.            7/2/1955 #12230  
eculiar and the hairs on his dog's back were standing straight up. He looke 7/17/1955 #12267  
o another family nearby. It swings back to the original group, “moving like Late 7/1955 #12285  
 his first attempt, and it bounces back into the air, but he manages to suc 8/1/1955 #12316  
 directly from the object. He runs back into the house as the UFO moves ove 8/1/1955 #12317  
resident Eisenhower has decided to back the launch of a US scientific satel 8/2/1955 #12324  
aft come down from the sky and fly back up again at a high rate of speed. O 8/5/1955 #12332  
itude. Shoots going quickly north. Back 22 Nov. '55.                        8/15/1955 #12361  
 70 cm out of the water, then sink back into the reservoir. Later, they saw 9/17/1955 #12460  
 saucers / high-altitude. Away and back / 1300h. Angel hair / r64p275.      10/2/1955 #12479  
aneuvers. Going quickly southwest. Back 4X / 7 nights. / r242p66.           11/23/1955 #12587  
rises up to 30,000 feet then dives back down in a circle, buzzing the jets. 12/11/1955 #12605  
ht silver "saucer" curves down and back up to clouds going quickly southwes 12/12/1955 #12607  
ver disc curved down and then flew back up into the clouds over Hitchin, En 12/12/1955 #12609  
 is a US aircraft, Akkuratov heads back into the clouds. After flying for 4 1956 #12636  
 balls shoot down. Converge. Bank. Back up and going quickly west xfast.    1/16/1956 #12662  
lver-white UFO going quickly west. Back west going quickly east chased / je 2/8/1956 #12701  
1979, which links the force fields back to T. Townsend Brown, later the fou 4/1956 #12777  
 later link the alleged experiment back to T. Townsend Brown, the founder o 4/1956 #12779  
e, from round to ellipse, and then back to a circle again.                  4/16/1956 #12811  
ers / 300M altitude. Loops. Speeds back going quickly east. No flame.       4/24/1956 #12813  
endages underneath. The pilot went back to his car which started with no tr Summer 1956 #12912  
f their officers immediately drove back to the scene. On the ground at the  Summer 1956 #12912  
 green light like a flame from the back. It made no sound when it exploded  7/22/1956 #13008  
and her sister were sitting on the back porch of her sister's home in the e 7/23/1956 #13013  
fter 10 minutes, the fighter heads back. The UFO follows briefly, then stop 8/13/1956 #13080  
ere/orb/globe over Lake Champlain. Back 01 SEPT66. / r140#2p44.             8/15/1956 #13086  
discs hover / port / 10 second(s). Back 28 August / 0815hrs.                8/25/1956 #13128  
igar-shape hovers. Mars also seen. Back 27 August / 10 minute(s). / r140#3p 8/26/1956 #13132  
like material. They try to take it back with them, but Thomas has to put it 9/7/1956 #13202  
southwest to east to northeast and back again, while swoooping up and down. 9/14/1956 #13221  
southwest to east to northeast and back again, while swooping up and down.  9/14/1956 #13222  
One hovered while the other rocked back and forth. They both had a dark cir 9/24/1956 #13242  
/cigar-shape swoops over river and back up. Hiss. Odors. / r70p349.         10/2/1956 #13259  
               CULVER CITY, CA 2 / back yard. Flat plain metallic object fo 10/8/1956 #13268  
NZ Land mass going up / sea. Sinks back. Ray / light going down / cloud on  10/10/1956 #13270  
Z Cone-saucer exits clouds. U-turn back. Out again as Dakota plane passes.  10/10/1956 #13271  
ng up [to] and going quickly east. Back / same observer(s) 31 October / r14 10/25/1956 #13290  
tenna tilt up, it could be brought back on the screen. It disappeared once  11/8/1956 #13315  
ared at about 55 miles, then moved back to 70 miles. The speed was estimate 11/8/1956 #13315  
tarts “slowly gliding down,” rocks back and forth, and comes to a stop in t 11/11/1956 #13322  
 the truck and the headlights come back on. Seeing that the grass at the la 11/11/1956 #13322  
vers. Changes color(s). Portholes? Back / 8 December.                       11/28/1956 #13361  
t object from hills. Stops. Shoots back to hills.                           12/1956 #13374  
k hovers / coast. Going northwest. Back going southeast. Quickly going up.  12/5/1956 #13390  
t tall, standing motionless in her back lawn. Both wear helmets and snug-fi 12/17/1956 #13409  
t on them for 3 minutes, then runs back to tell her husband. 15 minutes lat 12/17/1956 #13409  
. Going quickly east. Red fireball back / 2300h.                            1/8/1957 #13450  
changing altitude. Radar calls Ott back and says they have a scramble under 3/22/1957 #13553  
aucer shoots near. Stops. Away and back. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#2. 3/29/1957 #13569  
Jets chase. Going quickly west and back going quickly east. All / 25k' alti 5/24/1957 #13676  
s out and the radio equipment goes back into operation.                     5/31/1957 #13690  
bject follows teen girls. Away and back. Eyes bloodshot.                    8/14/1957 #13891  
 it first moved away and then came back again. The women were reported to b 8/14/1957 #13895  
, which takes off toward the city. Back at his barn, Penteado notices that  9/1957 #13966  
L, FL 12 observer(s). White saucer back / 2nd night. Maneuvers. / r142#1p2+ 10/7/1957 #14067  
be going down. Away when lamp out. Back when lit. Follows beam / light.     10/31/1957 #14171  
towards Levelland. The lights come back on spontaneously and the engine res 11/2/1957 #14216  
80M ovoid lands / 1st A-test site. Back / 2000h. / r111p92+/ r242p169.      11/3/1957 #14228  
 goes out for a time then switches back on. At its largest, it seems 30 fee 11/5/1957 #14345  
s up some other witnesses and goes back to the landing site, but the object 11/5/1957 #14345  
en shifting from left to right and back again in the sky. It shot off towar 11/5/1957 #14354  
omething behind) trail near. Turns back toward(s) mountains. Back 07 Novemb 11/6/1957 #14376  
r. Turns back toward(s) mountains. Back 07 November / 0540h.                11/6/1957 #14376  
ve yellowish-green skin. They went back inside the craft, which left rapidl 11/6/1957 #14411  
t was similar to German. They went back to the craft in a manner the witnes 11/6/1957 #14413  
ing approaching English. They walk back to the object, which takes off. Aft 11/6/1957 #14421  
s later, he calls to bring the dog back and sees Frisky with other dogs on  11/6/1957 #14422  
all. Journalist Carson Brewer goes back to the site with Clark and finds an 11/6/1957 #14422  
 light-coloured jerseys. They went back inside the craft, which left rapidl 11/6/1957 #14434  
unded similar to German. They went back inside the craft in a manner the wi 11/6/1957 #14436  
 vibration. One of the object came back three times, then went away quickly 11/6/1957 #14439  
rver(s). Silver ovoid hovers. Goes back and forth / 2 minute(s). No further 11/7/1957 #14448  
seemed like an eternity." They got back into the machine and it took off st 11/7/1957 #14457  
 the speedometer is jumping wildly back and forth from the top to the botto 11/7/1957 #14460  
seemed like an eternity." They got back into the machine and it took off st 11/7/1957 #14464  
nd 40–50 feet wide. The wings come back to about 30 feet from the rear of t 11/9/1957 #14505  
it for 20–30 minutes, and she runs back into the house and locks the door.  11/10/1957 #14521  
    Canutillo, TX Silvery UFO sped back and forth, ascended. [UFOE, VII] (N 11/22/1957 #14594  
s to the east, then south. They go back to the car and shine their lights o 11/23/1957 #14604  
ect darting from left to right and back again ahead of him. Passengers and  12/11/1957 #14713  
object began to move to the right, back in the direction from which it had  12/16/1957 #14736  
razil for ten minutes, maneuvering back and forth from side to side of the  12/16/1957 #14737  
ject paces Sputnik. Veers away and back! Time-photograph. / r111p145.       12/18/1957 #14744  
a grove of trees 100 feet from the back porch. Three individuals come out o 12/30/1957 #14771  
ing up and carries something heavy back to the object. After 2–3 minutes, i 12/30/1957 #14771  
 is to send astronauts to Mars and back. The spaceship would be 16 stories  1958 #14780  
the object, which instantly shoots back toward China and disappears in seco 1958 #14783  
 stepped from the machine. He went back in after a few minutes; the craft t 1/4/1958 #14805  
niform. After a few minutes he got back in the craft, and it took off witho 1/4/1958 #14807  
ect reversing direction and flying back over a craggy mountaintop.          1/16/1958 #14832  
in, some on their kneecaps and the back of their lower legs, even though th 2/17/1958 #14878  
area shaped like a triangle on her back. An acquaintance, Paul Boyett, has  2/17/1958 #14878  
ne ball” descend and land in their back yard in Miami, Florida. Outside, he 2/28/1958 #14898  
s act up. Night light rises / sea. Back 10 April. / Flying Saucer Review (F 4/9/1958 #14966  
hers watched reddish-white UFO arc back and forth. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 01 - D 4/11/1958 #14976  
. Domed saucer tilts and vanishes. Back / 220Ohrs. [ 1956?? ].              7/14/1958 #15141  
             Ruppelt writes Keyhoe back, saying he has “always been convinc 7/30/1958 #15162  
crosses sky extremely fast. Shoots back again. All repeated 3X.             8/26/1958 #15225  
full length of the train, front to back (about a half mile). After passing  10/3/1958 #15311  
rain, the objects swing east, turn back, and follow the train. The bright g 10/3/1958 #15311  
 40 meters in diameter, maneuvered back and forth just above tree top level 10/3/1958 #15312  
sked the driver to stop. They went back to the police station, and the disp 10/28/1958 #15395  
ight up and out of sight. She goes back to bed and the phone rings; it is a 11/11/1958 #15438  
ed / metallic shafts. Objects turn back going north and away.               11/25/1958 (approximate) #15458  
 round, white glowing object moved back and forth for 90 minutes new Lake E 12/1/1958 #15467  
t. Reddish glow. Light-bulb shape. Back in May nearby.                      1/1959 #15519  
re sent to retrieve it and brought back a piece of un-rusted metal whose co 1/21/1959 #15560  
 a cigarette in appearance, jerked back and forth over a cloud in Miami, Fl 2/12/1959 #15587  
is making a third pass and he goes back inside. When the parents return hom 2/24/1959 #15605  
bsence of his jacket. He was flown back to Fort Bliss and placed under obse 2/28/1959 #15624  
dmiral George J. Dufek, on his way back from commanding Operation Deepfreez 3/11/1959 #15634  
allic dome / 1M altitude. Away and back. Follows motorbike / 5km. Separate  4/14/1959 #15702  
 Shoot going quickly northwest and back several X. Then quickly going up.   6/15/1959 (approximate) #15769  
 4 small humanoids (or Greys) wave back! Blue beam shot going up. Going qui 6/26/1959 #15786  
he figures on the main object wave back. Gill waves a flashlight and the ob 6/26/1959 #15790  
 a flashlight and the object moves back and forth laterally. Gill goes in f 6/26/1959 #15790  
ther Gill. One of the beings waved back in an apparent response to hand wav 6/26/1959 #15791  
cylinder/cigar-shape. Follow cloud back up after. Going southeast.          6/27/1959 #15795  
our UFO occupants appeared to wave back. Flashlight signals were answered b 6/27/1959 #15799  
 and channels a message from Affa. Back in Washington on July 6, Larsen goe 7/5/1959 #15817  
hannels some messages. Friend goes back to Dayton, Ohio, and prepares a mem 7/5/1959 #15817  
e Naval officer. The word traveled back quickly to Washington officials and 7/9/1959 #15829  
 were put to him, and answers came back quickly. "Do you favor any governme 7/9/1959 #15829  
n made a 180 degree turn traveling back to the northeast.                   7/21/1959 #15868  
e rear. Then both compasses settle back to normal. The controller at Albuqu 8/13/1959 #15913  
s light. The motor and lights come back on when the UFOs cross the road, an 8/13/1959 #15914  
 line. After UFO left, keys turned back on. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)         8/17/1959 #15922  
e glowing-saucer maneuver away and back / 15 minutes. Flame-glow / rim.     9/3/1959 #15953  
irliner passes. Going quickly [to] back again.                              9/10/1959 (approximate) #15963  
was of waking up in the house in a back bedroom. The witness subsequently e 9/13/1959 #15973  
ortheast sky. Too bright to watch. Back 21 October.                         10/20/1959 #16045  
g. The witness was later deposited back in his vehicle unharmed.            11/15/1959 #16088  
 seconds. Jensen’s car lights come back on. He resumes driving, but 600 fee 12/1959 #16107  
eter umbrella-shaped craft swaying back and forth in the sky in overcast sk 1/31/1960 #16161  
arge artifact, but fails to report back. In 1969, the National Research Cou 6/12/1960 #16312  
the water. He and his partner went back to the location on two more occasio 6/22/1960 #16316  
 her husband who are asleep in the back. The light gradually fades and disa 7/2/1960 #16327  
ght fly overhead, stop, hover, and back up (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/19/1960 #16339  
zags. It then accelerates, changes back to white, and zooms off.            Late 8/1960 #16416  
andfather, sitting on the upstairs back porch of their home in Memphis, Ten Late 8/1960 #16417  
ute, all the UFOs abruptly reverse back into the rain squall at the same sp 10/4/1960 #16477  
s become unusually warm. They look back and see an aluminum-colored object  11/3/1960 #16493  
 on the hill behind them. They run back toward it, but it lifts off and sho 11/3/1960 #16493  
ed, and a flashing white light ran back and forth along the rod. The UFO ma 11/27/1960 #16516  
 the Gulf, made a U- turn and sped back over the Gulf. Photographed on 8 mm 1/22/1961 #16585  
he Gulf, makes a U-turn and speeds back over the Gulf. Harry Caslar is film 1/22/1961 #16587  
s of black smoke. The object rolls back and forth rapidly and travels slowl 2/28/1961 #16615  
AR. Glowing-object dives at plane. Back 5 July. No further details. / r28p4 7/4/1961 #16746  
cupants inside. Frightened, he ran back to his car where Betty waited. They 9/19/1961 #16848  
ically controlled hypnosis brought back what apparently was the memory of t 9/19/1961 #16852  
culars away from his eyes and runs back to his car. In a near hysterical st 9/19/1961 #16857  
y a psychiatrist in Boston brought back memories of their abduction experie 9/19/1961 #16858  
erson of the 100th Bomb Wing calls back with a few questions.               9/21/1961 #16866  
      CHARLESTON, SC Ovoid zigzags back and forth / coastline. Dome-lights  10/8/1961 #16901  
ing east. 2 saucers follow. Clouds back / 15 October. / APRO Mar'62.        10/14/1961 #16909  
itness wakes up from dozing in the back seat as the car is negotiating sogg Late 11/1961 #16978  
story and agrees to accompany them back to the site. They see red lights mo Late 11/1961 #16978  
ut. When he wakes up, he is nearly back to his beach house and it is 11:30  Late 11/1961 #16979  
 ball flew or fell down, then went back up during 3-10 minute sighting.  No 3/26/1962 #17087  
 of bright white light. They drive back home to alert her husband, Joseph A 4/24/1962 #17127  
d ball fly or fall down, then rise back up (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 5/26/1962 #17205  
nces appear briefly then are drawn back in. The third object also drops som 6/25/1962 #17245  
s wife were traveling on their way back to Crespo, Entre Rios, Argentina wh 7/18/1962 #17283  
's scarf, but he ran away and came back with a group of people, who found t 7/30/1962 #17305  
ights go out, and the object rocks back and forth, taking off to the north  8/1962 #17309  
. Jets chase. Night light away and back. Then going up.                     8/7/1962 (approximate) #17325  
ly. After the jets circle and head back, the light returns, descends toward 8/7/1962 #17328  
ject. The light flew away and came back, then rose vertically and was gone. 8/7/1962 #17329  
 behind; the UFO took off but came back and the third witness suffered from 8/30/1962 #17374  
op and another under it at darting back and forth near Oradell Reservoir. A 9/15/1962 #17403  
saucer going down [to] over house. Back over quarry / 20+24 September. Avoi 9/18/1962 #17411  
ed from red to silver to green and back to red. In the evening, a Hawthorne 9/24/1962 #17437  
-12 is to be air-launched from the back of an A- 12 and uses key technology 10/1962 #17449  
efensive purposes.” Kennedy writes back, bluntly reminding Khrushchev that  10/23/1962 #17489  
e. The Soviet arms freighters turn back toward Europe, but the oil tanker B 10/25/1962 #17495  
R, CO Large black parachute weaves back and forth over mountains and reserv 10/26/1962 #17497  
ck parachute-shaped object weaving back and forth over the mountains somewh 10/26/1962 #17501  
 the moment when both nations step back from the brink of war.              10/27/1962 #17505  
ilver colored box and carried them back onboard. The object made a vertical 10/28/1962 #17514  
 them in terror and saw them going back toward a luminous, blue object hove 11/1962 #17524  
denly reversed direction, doubling back on its original course. A friend wi 6/13/1963 #17782  
onds, reversed direction, and went back from east to west," she reported. S 6/13/1963 #17782  
ast, reversed direction and headed back west. Later, it headed southeast ri 6/18/1963 #17792  
car going southeast. Circles. Goes back northwest. UFO / news.              7/15/1963 (approximate) #17829  
at the entity, and the dwarf fired back using what looked like a black tube 7/18/1963 #17839  
titude. The UFO moved up and down, back and forth, but remained in the same 7/20/1963 #17843  
nute(s). Brightens and "explodes". Back / 14 August.                        8/13/1963 #17892  
s to the ground, and Fernando gets back up and faces the cyclops. Now all t 8/28/1963 #17922  
ature then turns around and stares back at the UFO. Fernando, spotting a br 8/28/1963 #17922  
ers at the moon and begins to walk back toward the UFO. José asks if he wil 8/28/1963 #17922  
FO. José asks if he will ever come back. The cyclops shakes his head affirm 8/28/1963 #17922  
t again. The cyclops slowly floats back up into the vehicle, and the UFO ta 8/28/1963 #17922  
ange objects for 40 minutes in the back courtyard of their house. One UFO h 10/21/1963 #17997  
ne of the objects has been rocking back and forth, the witnesses find innum 10/21/1963 #17997  
 hilltop; house radio failed, came back on when UFO left (NICAP: 03 - EME C 11/14/1963 #18038  
t footprints on the sand, and went back to the machine and flew off.        12/25/1963 #18094  
tprints in the sand, and then went back to the machine and flew off.        12/25/1963 #18095  
 appeared to follow car, then fell back and seemed to head toward ground. D 1/26/1964 #18120  
 as he points it. The witness goes back to sleep.                           2/3/1964 #18125  
alls, and a brown jacket. She sank back into her bed and fell asleep. She l 2/3/1964 #18126  
and dirt samples. The creature got back in the craft and it took off vertic 4/23/1964 #18186  
 an 8-foot dynamite shack. He runs back to the patrol car and radios headqu 4/24/1964 #18200  
When they became afraid and walked back to the car, the sphere followed the 5/24/1964 #18296  
mage is an overexposed view of the back of Templeton’s wife. After the phot 5/24/1964 #18297  
 twice more in the evening, moving back and forth from east to west.        5/26/1964 #18307  
nd object paces private pilot 15km back. Going quickly [to] under plane goi 6/10/1964 #18341  
all-sized object has landed in his back yard. As he goes out the side door  6/14/1964 #18356  
 Beach, Florida. The object tipped back and forth as they did so. They firs 6/23/1964 #18370  
urs. The discs flew along, tipping back and forth. They formed a V formatio 6/24/1964 #18372  
 near Lavonia, Georgia, on his way back from a business trip when he notice 6/30/1964 #18386  
emical smell. Lights area / green. Back / 2230h.                            7/7/1964 #18396  
 see it crawling through the weeds back to the UFO. A round, flattened area 7/16/1964 #18421  
er going north over town. Away and back 2X. Slow spin. Colored lights.      7/28/1964 #18453  
nce frightens Schrum, so he climbs back up in the tree. After a while two h 9/5/1964 #18539  
 to frighten the beings away; they back away. Finally, he shoots an arrow a 9/5/1964 #18539  
ckly (instant stop and instant go) back and forth between Site 6 and Site 8 Late 1964 #18583  
movement from Site 6 to Site 8 and back, repeatedly.  Though Moore states h Late 1964 #18584  
 trees a half mile away and moving back and forth. It lights up the sky lik 11/3/1964 #18605  
the sky from east to west and then back again at a speed 4.5 times that of  11/14/1964 #18616  
urnal light move to the east, then back to the west to follow the Echo-II s 11/14/1964 #18617  
hands, but he is persuaded to come back. Suddenly the light disappears and  11/26/1964 #18639  
any life inside the craft; he went back to his barracks later that night an 12/10/1964 #18655  
ry. The lights and radio then came back on and the engine also started by i 1/14/1965 #18734  
 spot in the mountains and brought back to the beach after two hours.       1/30/1965 #18785  
an altitude of about 20 m. He came back to the site with other persons, and 2/3/1965 #18795  
O, PORTUGAL Powerful light in sky. Back 15 Jun. '71 / 2315hrs flying fast.  2/15/1965 #18815  
 emits a flash 3 times, then walks back to the landed vehicle and climbs in 3/2/1965 #18832  
in the hospital, they are released back to their unit.                      3/2/1965 #18832  
lightly over a mile away. It moves back and forth from its original positio 3/15/1965 #18859  
r observer, sighted a 40 foot long back, oval-shaped object with four light 4/4/1965 #18896  
shot away, then moments later came back on the same path, hovered again, an 5/14/1965 #18943  
g ran and hid, while the horse ran back and forth on its tether with its ea 5/20/1965 #18947  
 forth on its tether with its ears back and eyes wild.                      5/20/1965 #18947  
of her face and the witness jumped back, but when he again passed it close  5/30/1965 #18977  
next thing she remembers was being back on her roof watching the object dep 5/30/1965 #18977  
 it is going to crash, so they run back into the barn after 3 minutes. It i 6/19/1965 #19017  
de to side maneuvers. Going north. Back 22 July.                            7/1/1965 #19040  
, and had a door showing two seats back to back. Near it were two dwarfs th 7/1/1965 #19045  
d a door showing two seats back to back. Near it were two dwarfs the size o 7/1/1965 #19045  
, and had a door showing two seats back to back. Nearby it were two dwarfs  7/1/1965 #19049  
d a door showing two seats back to back. Nearby it were two dwarfs the size 7/1/1965 #19049  
hite object that undulated, darted back and forth, zig-zagged, and then cli 7/8/1965 #19083  
s above some nearby woods, rocking back and forth. She rushes back to warn  7/12/1965 #19096  
rocking back and forth. She rushes back to warn her husband, Manuel Fernand 7/12/1965 #19096  
orth at full speed. The radio goes back to normal.                          7/12/1965 #19096  
 a spot on the ground before going back to the main object. It emitted a bl 7/19/1965 #19130  
 a spot on the ground before going back to the main object. It emitted a bl 7/19/1965 #19137  
humanoids (or Greys) float out and back.                                    7/28/1965 (approximate) #19194  
id hovers over house. Zips off and back. Changes colors and gone.           7/29/1965 #19198  
ll north to Norman to Chandler and back south through Meeker and Shawnee, O 8/1/1965 #19243  
 Report going [to] Highway Patrol. Back 04 August.                          8/2/1965 #19249  
s camera inside the house and runs back outside just in time to see the obj 8/2/1965 #19263  
Rotates 180°. 90° turn going east. Back / 2 days.                           8/3/1965 #19279  
bubbles" pass. Last 3 flash lights back and forth!                          8/3/1965 #19280  
globular bathes town / blue light. Back / date unknown.                     8/4/1965 #19295  
n all his lights go out. They come back on intermittently. A UFO passes jus 8/4/1965 #19319  
 a farmer approached they "whipped back into it" and took off at once.      8/6/1965 #19334  
fter that, his car was transported back through the air to the spot from wh 8/9/1965 #19350  
aucer hovers near radio-telescope. Back next AM.                            8/10/1965 #19354  
raviolet exposure. His vision came back gradually over a period of several  8/13/1965 #19379  
rge pores, and a protrusion at the back of their heads. They wore purple je 8/13/1965 #19380  
ared when the running girls looked back.                                    8/13/1965 #19380  
al head. His face was gray but the back of his head had a bulbous extension 8/13/1965 #19383  
e girls fled, and when they looked back after running 50 feet the beings ha 8/13/1965 #19383  
cesuits. One carried a sack on its back, into which the other was putting c 8/16/1965 #19410  
 to come out of the ditch, slipped back, then emerged and stood in front of 8/16/1965 #19410  
erent planets. Finally she was led back to her car; the UFO ascended, and t 8/16/1965 #19410  
or toward the ground, then bounces back to the ship as it hovers about 10 f 8/19/1965 #19427  
ect. It moved right and left, then back, etc. Ultimately it disappeared beh 8/20/1965 #19437  
ect. It moved right and left, then back and forth, etc. Ultimately it disap 8/20/1965 #19441  
vertical mouths." They quickly got back inside into their craft, which then 8/20/1965 #19443  
 he became nauseated, so they went back to their car. After awhile they saw 8/26/1965 #19466  
1 swoops down near observer(s) and back up. Maneuvers. Going quickly [to] h 9/3/1965 #19500  
4 a.m. Officer Bertrand drives him back to the field along Route 150 to inv 9/3/1965 #19511  
ts rises up over the trees, moving back and forth, tilts, and comes toward  9/3/1965 #19511  
road for a moment.The hairs on the back of his neck rose during the encount 9/3/1965 #19515  
e beings approach Ferro, then move back to the two UFOs. They pick up a tom 9/10/1965 #19550  
ortholes hovers. Beams going down. Back several X. / r8#654.                9/15/1965 #19564  
ucer hovers and vanishes in place! Back 29 September. / r204p91+/ r79p53.   9/25/1965 #19595  
, TASMANIA Lighthouse. White ovoid back and 6+15+17+18 / October and 24 Nov 10/5/1965 #19644  
ike rubber. He drove at high speed back to Long Prairie to report his close 10/23/1965 #19679  
 a triangular-shaped object moving back and forth for 20 minutes over Luleå 11/5/1965? #19701  
power plant. Rainy day. Go off and back 3X.                                 11/16/1965 #19724  
ed 1,000-1,200 m.p.h., maneuvering back and forth. Soon afterwards he obser 1/3/1966 #19803  
car repeatedly dimmed out and came back on. The radio also had heavy static 1/11/1966 #19830  
linder/cigar-shape with spotlights back on 16 Apr. '66.                     1/14/1966 #19833  
in legs. He turned around and came back, and saw a "large saucer of light"  1/21/1966 #19865  
road. 2 observer(s) turn and drive back. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC. 1/29/1966 #19870  
 witnesses turned around and drove back to Rexburg.                         1/29/1966 #19872  
t chases training flight. Away and back. Hovers / steeple.                  2/8/1966 #19892  
 at 10:30 p.m. The UFOs then moved back and forth in the sky, vanished and  3/2/1966 #19933  
ased but stays close to the M-21’s back for a few seconds, which seems like 3/5/1966 #19941  
id maneuvers over sea. Phones out. Back / 16 March. / r111p271.             3/6/1966 #19943  
 green flashing lights. They swung back and forth in the sky like pendulums 3/14/1966 #19967  
s. Mannor’s son-in-law Bob Wagner, back at the house, sees the object light 3/20/1966 #20012  
med. All law officers were ordered back and their film was confiscated. Lat 3/21/1966 #20014  
 Hampshire. He came upon it moving back and forth over some power lines at  3/21/1966 #20023  
tness approached, the "pilot" went back inside, a sound resembling that of  3/23/1966 #20047  
tness approached, the "pilot" went back inside, and a sound resembling that 3/23/1966 #20055  
sh Columbia. Ruby-red lights flash back and forth between them, as if they  3/25/1966 #20082  
ma Two civilian women were driving back from Amarillo when they saw an obje 3/26/1966 #20090  
            Two women were driving back from Amarillo, Texas at just before 3/26/1966 #20095  
ating luminous white object moving back and forth. Its color changing from  3/29/1966 #20133  
white to red to green to blue, and back to white. The object, circled, hove 3/29/1966 #20133  
in a clockwise motion, and settles back on the ground. Intermittent electri 3/29/1966 #20139  
 police approached, the beings got back in the craft and it took off.       4/4/1966 #20226  
holes hovered above trees, rocking back and forth. Finally it accelerated a 4/6/1966 #20255  
round it, telling everyone to stay back. Another man appeared, this one wea 4/6/1966 #20259  
ights flew ahead of a car, circled back emitting sound (unspecified), and s 4/7/1966 #20262  
ing outside. They left and started back to their car. When the buzzing star 4/7/1966 #20271  
se, was lost in the fog, then came back at treetop level with a strong whis 4/11/1966 #20284  
 end. The object hovered, and sped back and forth several times. (Fowler 19 4/18/1966 #20326  
se red body lights. When he turned back to investigate, the UFO flew off th 4/18/1966 #20329  
 and maneuvered to the horizon and back three times. The perimeter of the o 4/18/1966 #20333  
nd white lights, hovered and swung back and forth like a pendulum. (Fowler  4/19/1966 #20343  
 seemed to do some work on it, got back in and then took off.               4/22/1966 #20379  
r. The entire family rushes to the back porch, where they watch the object  4/23/1966 #20390  
rth toward Boston. The lights come back on. NICAP’s investigation shows tha 4/23/1966 #20390  
uickly as he could without looking back.                                    4/26/1966 #20422  
ing it with these beams. They went back aboard their craft "as if carried b 5/10/1966 #20471  
ing it with these beams. They went back aboard their craft "as if carried b 5/10/1966 #20475  
ers. Then going quickly northeast. Back 24 May. / MJ#103.                   5/16/1966 #20484  
 Spain Manuel Hernandez was coming back from the fields near Cordoba when h 5/16/1966 #20488  
       Manuel Hernandez was coming back from the fields near Cordoba, Spain 5/16/1966 #20489  
       Manuel Hernandez was coming back from the fields during this afterno 5/16/1966 #20491  
 identifying letters. The boys ran back at the same time the men raced for  6/3/1966 #20529  
ject, and when they paused to look back, they were expecting the craft to t 6/3/1966 #20529  
 300M altitude. Fast. Stops. Turns back. Circles. Goes going up and down.   7/16/1966 #20647  
 Pebre and two others were driving back from Draguignan when they saw a gra 7/17/1966 #20648  
 Pebre and two others were driving back from Draguignan at 3:45 a.m. when t 7/17/1966 #20649  
d to orange to yellow to green and back to white. (Fowler 1974, p. 341.) (N 7/20/1966 #20659  
d to orange to yellow to green and back to white. It made no sound as it fl 7/20/1966 #20661  
ce. The little beings then all ran back to the saucer-shaped UFO, which fla 7/21/1966 #20663  
orange to red to blue to green and back to orange.  Followed witness' car a 7/25/1966 #20682  
e to red to blue to green and then back to orange, and it also wobbled on i 7/25/1966 #20685  
-size night light rises. Vanishes. Back Aug. '68 with zigzag sawtooth traje 8/1966 #20708  
 they loop around it in an upward, back, and onward motion, then continue o 8/1966 #20711  
nd ankles. She brought her friends back to the spot where she claimed to ha 8/11/1966 #20739  
nd less than 80 m away, but tilted back on edge and flew into the clouds at 8/19/1966 #20769  
he process of taking two prisoners back to Canada, sees a silvery domed dis 8/19/1966 #20772  
ss than 80 meters away, but titled back on edge, then rose up vertically in 8/19/1966 #20773  
 there." When finished they rolled back up the ramp, the ramp slid in, and  8/20/1966 #20781  
urns and hums overhead. Going [to] back.                                    9/1966 #20822  
slowly up in the sky and then came back down again.                         9/1/1966 #20834  
ed, darted, and went away and came back several times over a 45 minute peri 9/7/1966 #20862  
tenna / top? Separate observer(s). Back / 30 separate. / r73p70.            9/16/1966 #20888  
 changing color to green, red, and back to white. When a spotlight was shon 9/22/1966 #20913  
hanging color to green to red then back to white. It hangs motionless for 1 9/22/1966 #20915  
f on their bicycles and don’t look back. Some days later, investigators fin 10/4/1966 #20957  
ime. The greenish-blue object flew back in front of the car, then was lost  11/2/1966 #21068  
ime. The greenish-blue object flew back in front of her car, and then was l 11/2/1966 #21072  
150 feet altitude. The lights come back on and it starts moving toward the  11/6/1966 #21080  
wings” that are folded against its back. Terrified, they drive away but pas 11/15/1966 #21107  
ead, who accompanies the witnesses back to the site. He hears strange stati 11/15/1966 #21107  
r. The Scarberrys and Mallettes go back to the site in the daylight and fin 11/15/1966 #21107  
...days." He turned, walked slowly back to the ladder and climbed into the  11/17/1966 #21119  
ing quickly [to] behind road-bank. Back 26 Jul. '67 / power lines.          12/13/1966 #21195  
he woods about 1.7 km away. Coming back the next day, he located traces of  12/30/1966 #21228  
tput at about one megawatt. Coming back the next day, he locates traces of  12/30/1966 #21230  
rt, code-named BITBR (“Boys in the Back Room”). Wood networks with James E. 1967 #21238  
ject code-named BITBR (Boys in the Back Room).  Wood meets James E. McDonal 1967 #21240  
 then the engine and headlights go back on again by themselves.             Early 1/1967 #21244  
/, FR 6 spheres and glowing-pillar back. Small humanoids (or Greys). Beams. 1/6/1967 #21264  
to the door. Stunned, she reported back to her mother, "It's the strangest  1/9/1967 #21278  
 was a perfectly round spot on the back of his head as if that area had bee 1/9/1967 #21278  
to 50 meters altitude then dropped back again to near ground level. Becomin 1/11/1967 #21288  
peed. As it did so his lights came back on and he was able to start the car 1/11/1967 #21288  
isually for 30 seconds then blinks back on. The UFO floods the jet with an  1/13/1967 #21299  
nks out, comes on again, and falls back behind the left wing. It then pulls 1/13/1967 #21299  
hough he could not say why. He got back into bed but continued to watch the 1/13/1967 #21300  
and hovered again for five minutes back in its original position before fly 1/13/1967 #21300  
sually for 30 seconds then blinked back on. Albuquerque control contacted a 1/13/1967 #21301  
d off-on again and started to fall back behind the left wing, but then pull 1/13/1967 #21301  
 lights go out, and when they come back on the portholes are showing red li 1/15/1967 #21311  
mething on the object. He then got back into the UFO and it took off. The t 1/25/1967 #21387  
rning from the journey she was led back to her home by two of the entities, 1/25/1967 #21389  
this date things were more or less back to normal at the Kushner household  1/28/1967 #21411  
m (body lights). The object zipped back and forth at terrific speed. Observ 2/3/1967 #21446  
 toward him and catches him by the back of the neck, leaving a burned wound 2/5/1967 #21460  
ran after him, catching him by the back of the neck and causing burn marks. 2/5/1967 #21462  
his granddaughter immediately went back into the house to call his wife, bu 2/5/1967 #21463  
ehind the shaft, the object rocked back and forth, took off, and sped away. 2/14/1967 #21544  
 in a muddy field, and was rocking back and forth. Several small humanoid b 2/14/1967 #21552  
ing night light going down. Shoots back up to 2400M altitude.               2/16/1967 #21557  
 ejected a small red object, moved back and forth, then suddenly accelerate 2/16/1967 #21566  
cted a small red object that moved back and forth before suddenly accelerat 2/16/1967 #21575  
linder that moved up and down, and back and forth, with a "quivering" motio 2/21/1967 #21613  
NOT, ND Saucer(?) going east turns back going west over golf course. Then q 2/22/1967 #21617  
t nose. Seeing the witness, he got back inside the machine, which took off  2/24/1967 #21641  
n it sees the man looking, it gets back into the object and takes off.      2/24/1967 #21643  
t hovers glides and shoots around. Back / 8PM each night for days.          3/1967 #21688  
The object stopped, hovered, moved back and forth 500 feet away, then accel 3/1/1967 #21710  
n, looked at it and then handed it back. Baldwin claimed the humanoid broke 3/1/1967 #21715  
urly hair." He told me he would be back, walked up to the saucer, got in an 3/1/1967 #21715  
its hair stands up straight on its back. As they turn off the highway towar 3/7/1967 #21787  
s of light shone through the car's back window. A dog in the car was badly  3/7/1967 #21788  
t and level. Gentle curve down and back. Gone / 30 seconds. Balloon?        3/8/1967 #21799  
 railroad station, reappear and go back into the clouds, disappearing after 3/8/1967 #21802  
ace turns the car around and heads back for a closer look. The glow is from 3/8/1967 #21815  
the light, something pulls his arm back and drops it on the roof of the car 3/8/1967 #21815  
 as his wife is trying to pull him back. As the lights and radio come back  3/8/1967 #21815  
back. As the lights and radio come back on, the UFO rocks back and forth, r 3/8/1967 #21815  
 radio come back on, the UFO rocks back and forth, rises with a humming sou 3/8/1967 #21815  
ound, and disappears. Wallace goes back into the car, which now starts norm 3/8/1967 #21815  
s “slow and sluggish” on the drive back, and he collides with the garage do 3/8/1967 #21815  
 large heads that were flat in the back, and gray in color. They had normal 3/10/1967 #21854  
Frightened, they let the car coast back down the hill, and the engine start 3/12/1967 #21872  
r saw a glowing cigar that drifted back and forth about 30 feet above a sno 3/16/1967 #21902  
ugh the car was stopped, it rocked back and forth quite violently. The UFO  3/21/1967 #21938  
nd. Faster / jet planes. 2 saucers back 20 Apr. '67.                        3/24/1967 #21959  
om red to blue-green to white, and back to red. After about 25 minutes, the 3/24/1967 #21963  
pproached, it took off and settled back, hidden from the highway.  Sighting 3/24/1967 #21969  
proaches, it takes off and settles back, hidden from the highway. Numerous  3/24/1967 #21974  
pproached, it took off and settled back further away, hidden from the highw 3/24/1967 #21975  
 hovers low / missile site. Up and back down. Separate observer(s).         3/25/1967 #21979  
humanoids were seen moving rapidly back and forth. The report said that one 3/28/1967 #22003  
ge-headed humanoids moving rapidly back and forth about 50 feet ahead. He s 3/28/1967 #22004  
nt out. Two sisters who had stayed back at the ranch saw a man running down 3/28/1967 #22006  
s and looks like “it had lights in back of a painted black glass.” It flies 4/5/1967 #22066  
ed light turns / bottom/underside. Back 19-20 Apr. '67.                     4/11/1967 #22106  
d the sheriff's office, then drove back to the site with his wife and child 4/21/1967 #22200  
r-shaped object with a dome, swept back wings, and red body lights. As it p 4/26/1967 #22221  
object with a dome. It had a swept back wing, and red body lights. As it pu 4/26/1967 #22225  
hovered over the tractor, swinging back and forth like a pendulum. It was a 5/1/1967 #22263  
ed up to the dome and then climbed back down to the window and entered. Fin 5/1/1967 #22263  
al countryside of Arnett, Oklahoma back home. It then shot off to the west  5/7/1967 #22298  
red lights pulsating from front to back underneath (body lights). Indianapo 5/15/1967 #22345  
und. 30' red-orange saucer zigzags back and forth over passing jet going no 5/17/1967 #22361  
 Round, orange-colored obj. zigzag back and forth over jet (NICAP: 11 - Avi 5/17/1967 #22367  
ize to a small aircraft, zigzagged back and forth over a jet that was headi 5/17/1967 #22368  
pe hides / trees. Follows 2 / car. Back at Stanley, ND. 12M away.           5/19/1967 #22373  
flashing lights. He pulls his head back, noting that the wall is 18 inches  5/20/1967 #22382  
evere nausea, so he starts driving back to his motel. He eventually gets to 5/20/1967 #22382  
n, and fly earthbound terrestrials back to their home planet Ummo.          5/20/1967 #22383  
ight seems to follow them, weaving back and forth over the road. Finally it 5/26/1967 #22405  
noisy, zipped into bushes. It came back and submerged."                     5/29/1967 #22422  
th a map of Canada embossed on the back stop, consisting of stones provided 6/3/1967 #22457  
the electricity in the school came back on. Damage was reported on two gene 6/5/1967 #22468  
to "watch the rocket ship--he'd be back." Then he flew up on the roof with  6/9/1967 #22484  
 with the aide of two tanks on his back shooting out white smoke. The boy s 6/9/1967 #22484  
he ship. Then the first being came back, asked Leland what a tree in the ba 6/9/1967 #22484  
ture of the being, who quickly ran back into the object which took off and  6/11/1967 #22496  
atching for 10 minutes, Cuneo goes back to find another witness, but when h 6/13/1967 #22503  
d about a half mile away, and came back over the house again before disappe 6/25/1967 #22554  
 she recovered after being dragged back to the ground.                      6/30/1967 #22580  
 to his quarters before being sent back to Pendleton for punishment. RT sta 7/3/1967 #22604  
15 a.m. It stopped, flew "half-way back", then made numerous high-speed loo 7/6/1967 #22623  
y for a moment, and when he looked back the object was gone. (Letter to Geo 7/7/1967 #22626  
e woods. They returned and drifted back into the craft. (Flying Saucer Revi 7/17/1967 #22678  
s. Several minutes later they came back and drifted back into the craft, wh 7/17/1967 #22685  
s later they came back and drifted back into the craft, which rose silently 7/17/1967 #22685  
btained a small Kodak camera. Once back outside he saw a small figure emerg 7/21/1967 #22721  
veral times rapidly. Then it comes back below Polaris and just sits there.  8/1967 #22771  
as it descended, landed, then shot back up and away to the east. (Unidentif 8/6/1967 #22826  
ded giving off a red glow. It shot back up into the sky after a short while 8/6/1967 #22834  
ck rods zips over Lakeshore. Comes back.                                    8/9/1967 #22850  
 Going up and down / place. Tilts. Back / 11 August. Red and green lights.  8/10/1967 #22856  
 light descend for 5 minutes, move back and forth for one minute, then sudd 8/10/1967 #22859  
. The pair watches them a they zip back and forth in different directions f Mid 8/1967 #22882  
hite suits and helmets. They "flew back" into the object at once and it lef 8/23/1967 #22901  
s, appear to be startled and hurry back into the craft, which takes off at  8/23/1967 #22904  
hen they see a reddish glow moving back and forth in the nearby woods. Cont 8/23/1967 #22905  
the south, stopped, and then moved back again. It made no sound.            8/25/1967 #22928  
standers from other cars carry him back to the roadside and tell him that h 8/27/1967 #22940  
identified driver gives him a ride back to Pueblo in a camper               8/27/1967 #22940  
he UFO went dark, and as he walked back a creature of some sort flew overhe 8/29/1967 #22956  
 going [to] saucer. Fast maneuver. Back = going [to] fog going east. / r9p1 9/2/1967 #22979  
e could see shadowy figures moving back and forth in front of the bright li 9/2/1967 #22984  
 an hour she became tired and went back to bed. The UFO had not moved durin 9/2/1967 #22984  
ndrade declined, the creature flew back into the object, which left.        9/4/1967 #22996  
drade declines, the creature flies back into the object, which takes off.   9/4/1967 #22997  
ndrade declined, the creature flew back into the object, which left.        9/4/1967 #23000  
ght signals with 20 second(s) lag. Back 26 Oct. '67.                        9/8/1967 #23018  
ght on top at 10:30 p.m. It passed back and forth in front of the witnesses 9/8/1967 #23022  
y east stops. Drops object / lake. Back searching. / r109p31.               9/11/1967 #23035  
ke a search of a park area, moving back and forth and in figure 8's, at abo 9/11/1967 #23040  
ides up. 2 2M men going [to] "come back tomorrow".                          9/14/1967 #23051  
, but the figure tells him to come back the next day or they will take his  9/14/1967 #23060  
 with tail paces ferryboat. U-turn back going west. / r84p236.              9/18/1967 #23080  
anges colors to white, green, then back to red. It takes off in a zigzag mo 9/29/1967 #23147  
vers-spins-goes going up and down. Back 17 Jan with delta.                  10/2/1967 #23162  
jects then move across the sky and back at high speed. Observations are als 10/4/1967 #23176  
ding a bicycle along a wash in the back of his home in the area of the Tucs 10/9/1967 #23201  
iangle. He notices a figure in the back seat of their car and a violet glow 10/11/1967 #23216  
s chase 8M football / 12km. Chases back! / r109p170.                        10/13/1967 #23230  
y outdistanced them so they turned back. (Hitt, 1999.) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 10/22/1967 #23284  
. Fortney also experiences leg and back pain, sunburn on his face and hands 10/22/1967 #23290  
trol panels visible. Object tilted back up, shot out of sight in seconds    10/24/1967 #23303  
ugh windows. The object then tilts back and shoots out of sight. Their hand 10/24/1967 #23305  
 next recollection was of standing back on the ground, looking up, but the  10/24/1967 #23310  
n. One week later, the hair on the back of Putnam’s hands disappears, his h 10/25/1967 #23322  
/ field. Stops. Going [to] out and back. / r30p290.                         10/28/1967 #23359  
overalls and carries a pack on its back. It opens the car door and sits beh 11/2/1967 #23390  
 entity returns, and the two float back to the craft, which rises and depar 11/2/1967 #23390  
 down and tells his story. They go back to the site, where they find Begay  11/2/1967 #23390  
overalls and carried a pack on his back. To their horror, the being opened  11/2/1967 #23392  
. By the time they accompanied him back to the field the object had departe 11/2/1967 #23392  
 triangle formation. Signal lights back and forth.                          11/3/1967 #23395  
 highway, crossed over it, crossed back and went out of sight. (NICAP repor 11/3/1967 #23396  
 It hovered at low altitude, moved back and forth (maneuvered), then disapp 11/8/1967 #23421  
 white glowing lights in front and back (body lights). (Pennsylvania NICAP  11/15/1967 #23461  
ities dress him again and beam him back to the field. He runs home in a sta 11/17/1967 #23477  
going east. Circles 360° 3X. Heads back going west.                         11/24/1967 #23503  
degrees three times before heading back to the west.                        11/24/1967 #23509  
in the police booth, but they came back on as soon as the object departed.  11/28/1967 #23518  
t the size of a car with a rounded back, a pointed end, and two or three li 11/29/1967 #23522  
       Condon and Low write Keyhoe back separately and do not commit to loo 12/1/1967 #23531  
n shoot up out of sight. He drives back to the police station and writes in 12/3/1967 #23545  
at about 100 feet, separated, came back together and disappeared. (Unidenti 12/4/1967 #23550  
y Group. The embassy does not hear back and does not pursue the subject.    12/12/1967 #23574  
y became terrified. Her son in the back seat looks immobilized with his eye 12/12/1967 #23575  
ar then moves out of the ditch and back onto the road facing the wrong way. 12/12/1967 #23575  
out 50 feet high. The object rocks back and forth within a range of 10–15 f 12/13/1967 #23581  
n 2–3 seconds. His headlights come back on, but he starts the motor only wi 12/13/1967 #23581  
y of the car — it was warm. He got back in and watched the object, which ro 12/13/1967 #23582  
d watched the object, which rocked back and forth 10-15 feet but stayed ove 12/13/1967 #23582  
three seconds. The headlights came back on, but the motor could only be sta 12/13/1967 #23582  
 He noticed an acrid smell. He got back into the car and then noticed a str 12/16/1967 #23594  
 south. The engine and lights come back on as it departs.                   12/24/1967 #23606  
h. The engine and lights both came back on as it departed. Two minutes befo 12/24/1967 #23608  
. Two people are traveling along a back road in Wells Township, Bradford Co 12/27/1967 #23615  
UFO flashes. The two witnesses get back in their truck and drive on, but th 12/27/1967 #23615  
or from red to reddish-orange then back to white. It emitted four small red 1/13/1968 #23663  
followed car for 30 minutes, moved back and forth across road, made sharp t 2/13/1968 #23754  
followed car for 30 minutes, moved back and forth across road, made sharp t 2/13/1968 #23755  
eir car for 30 minutes. It crossed back and forth across the road at an alt 2/13/1968 #23756  
and about 30 feet long. They drive back into town for more witnesses, but w 2/18/1968 #23763  
d light in the middle, and it slid back and forth across sky as if on rail. 2/21/1968 #23775  
brate. Perry gets upset and climbs back into the truck, driving it fast dow 2/27/1968 #23787  
 to the north, the headlights come back on, but the radio still fails. He i 3/4/1968 #23824  
d puts them into a rucksack on his back. Two legs emerge from the rucksack  3/10/1968 #23834  
. Night light follows plane in and back out again. / r226#014.              3/14/1968 #23840  
 long valley. Going quickly south. Back going north / 0630h.                3/15/1968 #23842  
ickly southwest. Emerges and flies back northeast. RADAR.                   3/16/1968 #23844  
llow in the middle and blue at the back was observed for a few passes, then Spring 1968 #23851  
nd skyquake. Plunging objects veer back up!                                 3/27/1968 #23862  
m west. Zigzags and hovers. Shoots back going quickly west.                 3/29/1968 #23868  
Secretary of the Air Force, writes back to say that “we expect that Dr. Con 4/30/1968 #23932  
ject, effective May 24 and will go back to his job as assistant to Thurston 5/15/1968 #23963  
hroom before going to bed. He goes back to work, then at about 1:00 a.m., h 5/17/1968 #23969  
 and was rocking his body slightly back and forth. Mr. Banescu became frigh 5/22/1968 #23980  
se to get away, and when he looked back again the little man had disappeare 5/22/1968 #23980  
nds. Odor. Burnt grass and shrubs. Back / 16 June. / Flying Saucer Review ( 5/29/1968 #23993  
. Then it swerves in a right angle back to the plane. It is also seen by ai 6/6/1968 #24013  
 He heard the noise again and went back outside. Looking towards a nearby e 6/10/1968 #24018  
slow. Turns going west and inland. Back 27+28 June. R213p45.                6/25/1968 #24077  
he next thing he recalls was being back in the laboratory, where it took hi 6/30/1968 #24097  
          Warren, OH Object darted back & forth near Cessna 172 (NICAP: 11  7/8/1968 #24158  
e west. Ten minutes later it moved back to the first spot it had occupied.  7/9/1968 #24164  
ircle the craft. These beings move back and forth, passing each other, and  7/22/1968 #24204  
cled the craft. These beings moved back and forth, passing each other, and  7/22/1968 #24205  
kly and vanished — the engine came back on by itself.                       7/25/1968 #24228  
rrified them so much that they ran back to the house. It had a big head 'im 7/28/1968 #24245  
f toward the barn. After they were back in the house, it came up to a windo 7/28/1968 #24245  
(electro-magnetic effects). Lights back on as saucer lands! Stays 45 minute 7/29/1968 #24248  
 from the car, the headlights came back on. The object remained on the grou 7/29/1968 #24255  
ite ovoid stops over hill. Returns back going quickly southeast. / r30p298. 7/31/1968 #24265  
d a bizarre event. "I wanted to go back indoors and watch TV," she told rep 8/4/1968 #24297  
sked her if she would like to come back to New England and talk about the i 8/7/1968 #24308  
gure then suddenly stopped, walked back to the object, and got back in. The 8/8/1968 #24310  
walked back to the object, and got back in. The craft then climbed vertical 8/8/1968 #24310  
ral beams going down / lake. Flips back. / r98#60 / r41p380.                8/16/1968 #24338  
radio stopped working, but it came back after the UFOs gathered together, a 8/22/1968 #24370  
urs, then just after midnight they back away behind the mountain. Mr. and M 8/26/1968 #24379  
ld figure / cemetery. Black beard. Back / 4 days. Vanishes! Night lights.   8/29/1968 #24395  
ors from red to green to white and back to red. After the light was gone, t 8/29/1968 #24402  
thout opening the door, she pulled back a curtain and saw a very tall man-l 8/31/1968 #24410  
o further details. 3 white saucers back 4 SEPT68 early.                     9/1/1968 #24418  
and take blood samples before gong back to the UFO. However, the two later  9/1/1968 #24421  
red inside each beam. All ascended back up to the craft through the same me 9/20/1968 #24490  
 on earth. Soon the treadmill goes back up into the object, the entrance cl 9/26/1968 #24516  
). Maneuvers shrinks and vanishes. Back Oct. 30.                            9/30/1968 #24524  
 changed shape to a dumbbell, then back to a sphere. It also changed colors 9/30/1968 #24528  
t stopped in midair, and then shot back up into the sky. The two men then s 10/15/1968 #24563  
 hitchhiker then suggested they go back to the car for a gun, and the figur 10/15/1968 #24563  
lm. As the B-52 starts its descent back to Minot AFB, the UFO appears to cl 10/24/1968 #24587  
 ground. 15 minute(s) later shoots back going up [to] and lost / space.     10/30/1968 #24602  
d 20 yards past the object, looked back, and saw that the man outside the o 11/1/1968 #24618  
uldn't decide whether he should go back to speak to him, but while he was t 11/1/1968 #24618  
n moving. After the child had gone back to sleep, the doctor went out onto  11/1/1968 #24620  
 Milakovic pushes his wife and son back into the car and speeds away from t 11/20/1968 #24672  
 faint. The UFOnauts calmly walked back to their craft, which they then boa 11/21/1968 #24676  
ong antenna like protrusion on its back. It appeared to have duck-like feet 11/28/1968 #24729  
d light. Then the first light came back and the three formed a triangle aga 11/29/1968 #24732  
own Paris TN 1 Witness was driving back to college with roommate. It was a  12/8/1968 #24751  
rce wasn’t there when they checked back later.                              12/12/1968 #24766  
2 observer(s). Silent glowing-ball back. Circles cannery. Hovers / boat. Di 12/16/1968 #24774  
 a domed disc with an antenna move back and forth over a school in Havelock 12/20/1968 #24782  
er(s). 1M saucer lands(?) / woods. Back / 28 Mar. '69.                      12/22/1968 #24787  
ew South Wales, Australia the area back in 1950 and at that time had experi 12/28/1968 #24794  
oing down / ends. East going west. Back 20 Jan / r230.                      1/4/1969 #24815  
, first to blue, then to red, then back to white, before appearing to reced 1/6/1969 #24821  
hwest turns going west. Small disk back / 15 Jan.                           1/14/1969 #24841  
 thumb of his hand was set further back than on a human hand. The beings sp 2/6/1969 #24897  
ls out to him, and the beings walk back to the UFO, still facing him, and j 2/7/1969 #24901  
 thumb of his hand was set further back than it would be on a human's hand. 2/7/1969 #24902  
cks. At first stunned, Luis fought back effectively, knocking them both to  2/12/1969 #24915  
t other witnesses but when she got back the UFO and tall figure were gone.  2/17/1969 #24925  
UFO moves about a mile away, turns back to red, switches off the beam, and  3/4/1969 #24968  
reen, then blue, then purple, then back to green. The color changing UFO ca 3/11/1969 #24998  
ay, both the car and motorist were back to normal.                          3/11/1969 #24998  
surface of the object flung itself back, and three human-like figures stood 3/17/1969 #25020  
 exist. He was eventually released back to his vehicle, which could quickly 3/17/1969 #25020  
 as it dimmed, the headlights went back to normal. The two cars kept drivin 3/19/1969 #25030  
n then horizontal. Then goes fast. Back 14 April.                           4/13/1969 #25060  
effects). 2 observer(s) paralyzed. Back 2 minute(s) later.                  4/15/1969 #25063  
p the road and flew away, but came back two minutes later.                  4/15/1969 #25064  
third seems to be walking toward a back door. All three are apparently huma 4/25/1969 #25090  
rom fright. By the time David came back to the site with his stepfather the 4/26/1969 #25096  
ng themselves. They carry da Silva back to their machine; there follows ano 5/4/1969 #25114  
lva was again blindfolded, dragged back to the spacecraft, and returned to  5/4/1969 #25115  
 Brazil. Going outside through his back door at 1:00 a.m., he saw "the whit 5/20/1969 #25151  
looking at him. He quickly stepped back inside and bolted the door, without 5/21/1969 #25153  
nd follows trucks. Speeds away and back.                                    5/22/1969 #25154  
ingtips / 2500M altitude. Away and back.                                    6/17/1969 #25218  
object going down / lake and flies back out!                                6/20/1969 #25228  
 saw lights that erratically "went back and forth across the sky." Policema 6/20/1969 #25230  
y looked away, and when she looked back the object had disappeared.         7/4/1969 #25254  
northeast. It subsequently doubled back, and finally shot straight up and w 7/17/1969 #25276  
as necessary for you; we will come back to see you.” Then he disappeared. M 8/11/1969 #25317  
 of the window was a woman staring back at her. The woman was well proporti 8/22/1969 #25326  
iny saucer drops behind mountains. Back 1100h next day.                     10/1/1969 #25390  
 going down / mountains? No trace. Back 2 October / 1105h / 400 observer(s) 10/1/1969 #25391  
tly at Steven, then put his helmet back on and re-entered the UFO.          10/16/1969 #25417  
ts under the UFO seem to be moving back and forth inside the craft, visible 10/24/1969 #25422  
 is 600 feet away, the power comes back on. The smaller objects, never comi 10/24/1969 #25422  
s. We flashed to it and it flashed back. We clapped the light on it and it  11/9/1969 #25455  
ad no reaction, but when he turned back to look out the window a short time 11/15/1969 #25461  
is hand, picking it up and running back to put it in the basket. When two t 12/27/1969 #25510  
shoots into the sky. The car comes back to life, but Patric inexplicably re 12/28/1969 #25512  
Stops overhead / 6 minute(s). Goes back going south.                        1/10/1970 #25544  
speed. The headlights did not come back on until 10 minutes after the objec 1/30/1970 #25565  
SWD 15+observer(s). Adamski saucer back and forth descending. 2 antennas. T 2/28/1970 #25596  
 then stranded in space, would get back home safely. "Yes they will", was t 4/15/1970 #25633  
in front, with two exhaust jets in back.                                    6/7/1970 #25694  
he street. She watches it bouncing back and forth for 15 minutes as a serie 7/4/1970 #25726  
streetlight has gone out and comes back on when the object leaves. Her son  7/4/1970 #25726  
sked to be returned, and was taken back into the craft, through the vortex, 7/4/1970 #25727  
ough the vortex, and found himself back in bed.                             7/4/1970 #25727  
ens. Changes color and trajectory. Back in August. Hobana p268+269.         7/11/1970 #25730  
water. He was eventually deposited back at the same spot on the beach where 8/15/1970 #25787  
meter night lights 2M over ground. Back several X / 3 weeks. / r50p31.      8/24/1970 #25800  
om the craft. The humanoids rushed back into the object as a large crowd ga 8/24/1970 #25801  
the witnesses at the bus stop went back to the site that evening and found  8/24/1970 #25803  
e the earth's interior. Soon awoke back in the car.                         9/7/1970 #25828  
to] and going east / 40 second(s). Back 18 September / 2100h / r230v4#5.    9/15/1970 #25838  
eated in the front, and two in the back. Each had on dark suits and hats si 9/25/1970 #25852  
lateral triangle going west. Turns back going quickly east.                 9/28/1970 #25856  
ject flew to the west, then turned back and shot away toward the east.      9/28/1970 #25858  
 choking effect upon her. She went back inside, fainted, came to 10-15 minu 10/5/1970 #25870  
foot but became frightened and ran back to the car. As they drove away they 10/24/1970 #25886  
 to north, then to the south, then back to the north again over Hackney, En 11/21/1970 #25914  
why. The being then took the paper back. Finally they disappeared by passin 11/24/1970 #25917  
, and disappears. The student gets back on his bike and sees a bright flash 11/29/1970 #25922  
ct was absolutely silent and moved back and forth in a small area of the sk 1/8/1971 #25986  
, the being turns around and heads back to the UFO. As the humanoid is risi 2/5/1971 #26014  
the UFO. As the humanoid is rising back up into the air, Aliranta grabs it  2/5/1971 #26014  
 2 months later. The humanoid gets back inside, and the UFO takes off with  2/5/1971 #26014  
 with a hum. Before the two men go back, they look at markings in the snow. 2/5/1971 #26014  
 at once. As soon as the being was back inside the object it ascended with  2/5/1971 #26015  
 Follows car. Lights rotate / rim. Back / 18 April.                         4/15/1971 #26074  
ion, numbness, and fear. They fled back into their house which had been ren 5/16/1971 #26115  
utes the witness saw a figure walk back and forth in the opening of the obj 5/21/1971 #26120  
r two minutes he saw a figure walk back and forth within the doorway of the 5/21/1971 #26121  
haped object darted around, rocked back and forth while hovering, rapid acc 5/24/1971 #26128  
haped object darted around, rocked back and forth while hovering, rapid acc 5/24/1971 #26129  
om the object her car's power came back fully. No other vehicles were in th 5/25/1971 #26137  
lent flashing disk / 15 minute(s). Back 05 June. Extremely fast.            5/26/1971 #26138  
. The object moved up-and-down and back and forth in a pendulum motion.     5/29/1971 #26142  
ering, the dog forced his mistress back inside the house. After the object  6/9/1971 #26165  
s hovered outside his second story back porch. Two humanoid occupants of th 6/15/1971 #26176  
t for a while, but eventually went back to bed.                             6/26/1971 #26197  
ps he finds himself walking calmly back. The object then moves along a mud  6/29/1971 #26203  
etracts wings and going [to] away. Back / 18 th.                            7/17/1971 #26233  
om the ground. The little men went back inside the object, closing the door 7/27/1971 #26247  
wn to it and had to hold on to the back of the settee so as not to fly out  8/11/1971 #26280  
 for a second and when they looked back the being had completely vanished.  8/16/1971 #26290  
e mess hall for a beer. On his way back to the barracks he came upon an unl 8/16/1971 #26291  
 dropped his tobacco pipe and went back to retrieve it. The bridge was stil 8/16/1971 #26291  
de. They appeared to be scrambling back and forth. There were a couple of h 8/16/1971 #26291  
e little ones. Renz was then taken back to the Air Force base.              8/16/1971 #26291  
uzzing" sensation he found himself back in his car. He thinks the experienc 8/17/1971 #26293  
. It stopped in midair and dropped back down again. Nothing was found on th 8/23/1971 #26302  
ect rises / mountain. Spins. Drops back going down / seconds.               9/13/1971 #26334  
 Luminous sphere/orb/globe rotates back and forth. Leaves (something behind 9/25/1971 #26376  
ss of the mountain roads, it turns back after more than 3 miles.            Late 9/1971 #26378  
me into view he was gently lowered back down to the ground, and the object  9/25/1971 #26379  
d its occupants vanished. He drove back to Itaperuna and reported his close 9/25/1971 #26379  
is truck, but found no one. Coming back around to the front of his vehicle  9/27/1971 #26384  
 of its head. It had a pack on its back from which two tubes led to the hea 9/27/1971 #26384  
oom lights went dim. He opened the back door and saw a seven foot tall "cre 9/30/1971 #26388  
ntal silent tube / light vanishes. Back vertical. Fast.                     10/1971 (approximate) #26393  
red in front of the car. It passed back and forth across the road, oscillat 10/3/1971 #26405  
e roadway. The group tried to turn back but the van came under the control  10/16/1971 #26427  
ng at them through the window. The back door of the van was opened and four 10/16/1971 #26427  
ed his sight and composure, he ran back to the family house to alert the ot 11/2/1971 #26450  
 but standing erect. She retreated back inside her house, and when she look 11/3/1971 #26452  
t a sudden feeling of fear and ran back to Andrijah and Iris. Before he rea 12/6/1971 #26490  
nds / flashlight signals. Away and back several X.                          12/7/1971 #26491  
s slowly. Lights area red. Zigzags back / 1700h 14 December.                12/13/1971 #26495  
ering by the side of road, rocking back and forth and making a shrill whist 12/22/1971 #26515  
end when they see lights traveling back and forth in an odd pattern in the  1/1972 #26535  
ds / trees. Quickly going up / 1h. Back / 3 weeks. / r30p370+/ Flying Sauce 1/25/1972 #26553  
. Hovers over field / 10 min, goes back going quickly north again.          2/10/1972 #26567  
 factory. Going northwest / jumps. Back / 3 days running.                   3/1/1972 #26585  
ard the northwest in jumps. It was back again the next night, and again the 3/1/1972 #26586  
 flies all over old mining tunnel. Back and forth. Gone. Reappears.         3/18/1972 #26609  
aw this figure motion to him to go back. The figure was between five foot a 3/25/1972 #26623  
 leaves, the vehicle’s lights come back on and the engine returns to normal 4/1/1972 #26633  
Pennsylvania at 9:30 p.m., swaying back and forth in the sky in a "falling  4/2/1972 #26635  
around 8:00 a.m. As she sat in the back seat she looked out the window to h 6/1/1972 #26696  
and 8 saucers going quickly south. Back / 28 July. / FSRv18#5+/ r222+/ APRO 7/26/1972 #26835  
short while later they both looked back towards a barn and caught sight of  7/26/1972 #26836  
uld pass the line of trees leading back down the road to the gate, but saw  7/26/1972 #26836  
r at Utuado High School is driving back from town with his brother when the 8/1972 #26864  
ntil 6am. House gets hot. 1 saucer back Monday.                             8/5/1972 #26874  
ed with the creature, but soon got back into the car and drove away, stoppi 8/6/1972 #26882  
outside the forest. They then went back, but the creature had disappeared b 8/6/1972 #26882  
ear. After a few seconds, she runs back inside the tent.                    8/9/1972 #26889  
d when she recovered found herself back in her tent with her husband. That  8/9/1972 #26890  
 samples of the vegetation and got back into the object, which then lifted  8/25/1972 #26954  
s and smiled at him, and he smiled back, then a look of distress came upon  8/26/1972 #26956  
th 4 luminous "legs" hovers / air. Back 11+13 Sep. '72. / r221p50.          9/7/1972 #26978  
ight. 0300h dogs bark. Night light back. Tree burnt. Tripod marks.          9/14/1972 #26994  
assed directly overhead, then came back and circled the car. Next it hovere 9/14/1972 #27002  
rritation, repeated headaches, and back pain in his lumbar region for eight 9/21/1972 #27022  
r(s). Saucer / fireball. 7' batman back / auto plant. Cycle malfunctions du 9/27/1972 #27033  
reen. Going up [to] and going SSW. Back and lands / 0440h.                  10/5/1972 #27049  
ward the south-southwest, but came back again at 4:40 a.m. and landed. Late 10/5/1972 #27051  
ll humanoids (or Greys) 150M away. Back / 2130h with others and phony car.  10/7/1972 #27054  
riangular formation of lights move back and forth in the sky from the terra 10/13/1972 #27071  
 towards the ground, and then come back up again.                           10/13/1972 #27071  
e building and summoned Hillsgeck. Back outside both men observed two "crea 10/14/1972 #27077  
ing towards the fence. Briggs went back into the building and telephoned th 10/14/1972 #27077  
k's hockey net. The UFOnaut walked back, and with one of the others, was se 11/28/1972 #27151  
 rise in the road. The lights come back on but vary in intensity several ti 11/30/1972 #27154  
he motor and lights die. They came back on, then sputtered several times. A 11/30/1972 #27155  
ght has arrived within 165 feet in back of the house. Three small beings em 12/13/1972 #27176  
liant white ring wobbles. Zigzags. Back / 3 nights.                         12/18/1972 #27179  
nd a tube that ran to a box on his back. With a shower of sparks, the UFO t 12/30/1972 #27193  
to return only after 48 hours, her back still showing burn marks. She now s 12/30/1972 #27193  
g red light. Their car engine came back on by itself after the UFO had gone 1/1/1973 #27210  
e and a constable accompanied them back to the site. The light was gone and 2/4/1973 #27270  
ve players on his team are driving back to Clearwater after a game. On US H 2/21/1973 #27305  
ht source then reappeared and flew back over her. She estimated it was 60 f 2/26/1973 #27318  
ed her snowmobile around and drove back about 150 meters, then got off and  2/26/1973 #27318  
broke free and pushed her attacker back so that he fell down into the snow. 2/26/1973 #27318  
other sitting in the snow. She ran back to her snowmobile and grabbed a fla 2/26/1973 #27318  
ject chased by helicopters. Saucer back 8 March.                            3/6/1973 #27333  
 Silva turned on his heels and ran back into the house, where his wife was  3/29/1973 #27390  
s). Row / 40cm saucers going east. Back going west. Last seen going quickly 3/30/1973 #27391  
 and mom. 50cm glowing-ball scouts back yard. Probes parked car. Odd noises 4/1973 #27395  
ject departed, the headlights came back on as bright as before. The object  4/15/1973 #27431  
figure by railroad/railway tracks. Back several times. Traces / ground.     4/25/1973 #27445  
rical object with 2 bright lights. Back 12 May. / SKYLOOK#68-1973p8.        5/10/1973 #27473  
en thru) binoculars. Follows plane back?                                    5/11/1973 #27476  
 100 feet when something holds him back. Turning, he sees that a rod of blu 5/22/1973 #27518  
t day he feels an itchiness on his back and stomach. Irritated patches of h 5/22/1973 #27518  
 the highway. When he turned to go back to his truck he saw it suddenly eng 5/22/1973 #27520  
ildings on the ground floor in the back some 50 feet away. The object is wh 5/27/1973 #27533  
beyond the horizon. Mrs. Geni goes back to work, but she now has pains in h 5/27/1973 #27533  
oman who rents the building in the back arrives to help. She also has heard 5/27/1973 #27533  
uptly disappeared. She then looked back toward the first object and found i 6/23/1973 #27584  
r edge of the oval. The oval moves back near its original position and disa 6/28/1973 #27598  
Sphere / woods. Spotlight reflects back stronger!                           8/1973 (approximate) #27668  
ver half-egg descends over garage. Back 1M over road later.                 8/1973 #27669  
eft. Soon they see lightning going back and forth from the two clouds but n 8/1973 #27672  
ired, she forced her concentration back to her driving when she noticed col 8/4/1973 #27683  
st one black line, or slot, on the back wall. She was with three vague shap 8/4/1973 #27683  
 another time. She was asked to go back to that experience and she found he 8/4/1973 #27683  
 and delta/triangle/box-like craft back next 2 days.                        8/6/1973 #27686  
to look inside. The creature moved back awkwardly as the witness moved. Her 8/21/1973 #27718  
 red/green/blue lights going east. Back / 0515hrs. / r28p373.               8/30/1973 #27730  
ply, he then asked, "Will you come back?" The answer was "Yes." Another mem 9/9/1973 #27794  
ouple, a boy and girl also driving back from Westchester to Connecticut. Me 9/11/1973 #27803  
hen drove north into town to bring back two additional witnesses. The large 9/11/1973 #27803  
tnesses at Bonu's field had gotten back in their cars and drove north again 9/11/1973 #27803  
s Kent. However, when they all got back in their cars and drove after them, 9/11/1973 #27803  
ouple, a boy and girl also driving back from Westchester to Connecticut. Me 9/12/1973 #27809  
hen drove north into town to bring back two additional witnesses. The large 9/12/1973 #27809  
tnesses at Bonu's field had gotten back in their cars and drove north again 9/12/1973 #27809  
s Kent. However, when they all got back in their cars and drove after them, 9/12/1973 #27809  
llow car. Going quickly [to] fast. Back 15 separate.                        9/14/1973 #27820  
d like an ocean liner with rounded back and flat bottom and top. (NICAP: 01 9/23/1973 #27858  
 approaches the truck, then swings back and forth. He tries to jump back in 9/23/1973 #27859  
s back and forth. He tries to jump back in the truck but apparently passes  9/23/1973 #27859  
lat noses. Their ears were pressed back against the side of their heads. No 10/3/1973 #27926  
 about 10 feet off ground, swaying back and forth. Humanoid being appeared, 10/4/1973 #27933  
 about 10 feet off ground, swaying back and forth. Humanoid being appeared, 10/4/1973 #27935  
s 80-100 feet away and was swaying back and forth 10 feet above the ground. 10/4/1973 #27936  
arments and helmets, moved quickly back and forth between the two objects f 10/6/1973 #27961  
es away, the lights and radio come back, but the engine will not start for  10/8/1973 #27966  
hich had reappeared. They left him back at the place where they had found h 10/11/1973 #28005  
right light shining in through the back window. Then the camper door sudden 10/14/1973 #28031  
e driving, they took off. En route back to Milwaukee Nancy and Jim, riding  10/14/1973 #28031  
, and the bed sheets folded neatly back.                                    10/15/1973 #28059  
 a wide mouth, and feathers on its back. It holds onto a handrail on the cr 10/16/1973 #28086  
r goes down to the ground. It gets back in and the object rises into the ai 10/16/1973 #28086  
es the truck cab and goes into the back. William manages to persuade her to 10/16/1973 #28087  
. All wore a skullcap, tied at the back of the head and ending just above t 10/16/1973 #28089  
It had feather like objects on its back, which opened and closed when it mo 10/17/1973 #28140  
he next thing he remembered he was back on the highway going about 90 mph i 10/17/1973 #28143  
 while he was on the air. She came back to report that she was sighting som 10/18/1973 #28165  
tes him as saying the creature got back into the saucer-shaped object and f 10/19/1973 #28196  
 sideways across the road and then back again by some unseen force. Other e 10/19/1973 #28197  
 the UFO. Eventually it was "taken back into the vessel."                   10/20/1973 #28219  
s the car's engine and lights came back on spontaneously without his having 10/23/1973 #28253  
ect to light up and illuminate her back yard. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 10/24/1973 #28265  
es, the car engine and lights come back on without his having to start the  10/24/1973 #28267  
s the car's engine and lights came back on without him having to touch the  10/24/1973 #28272  
 Later, they said, they would come back and take him with them. Llanca rega 10/28/1973 #28311  
 Falmouth, Nova Scotia and circled back at 6:15 p.m.                        11/8/1973 #28394  
elta/triangle/box-like craft exits back going west.                         11/11/1973 #28404  
umps all over/all about. Vanishes. Back 12 November. / r232#3p8'74.         11/11/1973 #28408  
 his hand to greet him, he stepped back and motioned him to stop between th 11/18/1973 #28443  
 places apparently on earth. Later back aboard the mother ship Castillo cla 11/18/1973 #28443  
r the end of the runway. It darted back and forth in the sky, so he gave ch 11/30/1973 #28491  
isc descends to north. Then shoots back up / UFO investigator.              12/6/1973 #28530  
aming ovoid blinks. NNW going SSE. Back / 0500hrs.                          12/10/1973 #28547  
verhead. It appeared to be rocking back and forth. She went back inside the 12/12/1973 #28559  
e rocking back and forth. She went back inside the house and she next heard 12/12/1973 #28559  
er and maneuver and loop. Away and back. Going quickly east.                12/19/1973 #28583  
t, France. They flew away and came back briefly, then left going toward the 12/19/1973 #28588  
, flew up high in the sky and came back down to a low altitude. It changed  12/20/1973 #28594  
n. He did not stay around but came back later with investigators, who found 12/31/1973 #28623  
car to get her children out of the back seat when she looks up and sees a m 1974 #28632  
t over reservoir. Beam going down. Back / FEB'74+APR'75.                    1/5/1974 #28645  
. The witness feels a shock to the back of his head and hears a low- pitche 1/7/1974 #28660  
witness felt a slight shock on the back of his head and heard, simultaneous 1/7/1974 #28661  
 wheeled around and walked quickly back to the object, which now pulsated a 1/7/1974 #28661  
r motorcycle / deserted road. Goes back. Lands? / r30p438.                  1/9/1974 #28671  
overs still as clouds pass. Saucer back 2 Jun. '76. / r251p90.              2/3/1974 #28728  
 altitude. Vanishes and reappears. Back / 2 days.                           2/8/1974 (approximate) #28746  
k seems to momentarily float, come back down, and coast to a stop. Ahead of 2/14/1974 #28772  
gg hovers vertical. Underside lit. Back / 25 February. / LDLN#135.          2/24/1974 #28793  
st. Turn going south. Night lights back 29 March and 17 August.             2/28/1974 (approximate) #28816  
 who brought out from a bag on his back a small piece of substance resembli 2/28/1974 #28822  
ith a bright light. She helped him back up to the house and he went inside  3/1/1974 #28842  
no answer. Frightened, they jumped back into their truck and fled. The ligh 3/1/1974 #28843  
id and saucer. Colored balls exit. Back 15+23 March and 5 May / LDLN#136+13 3/5/1974 #28860  
id, and that someday they would be back. He could not recall anything else. 3/15/1974 #28892  
After he passed the site he looked back and saw that one object had landed  3/21/1974 #28920  
car comes to a near stop, wavering back and forth like a feather.           3/23/1974 #28935  
to the north over the low hills in back of their home in Tijeras Canyon, Ne 4/15/1974 #29031  
e, flew a good distance, then dove back into the water again.               4/15/1974 #29033  
rns in their direction, then moves back. All three beings then rotate in un 4/16/1974 #29040  
vers and goes going quickly south. Back / 0030h going quickly southeast.    4/20/1974 #29049  
 It shot away to the south. It was back again at 12:30 a.m., then it moved  4/21/1974 #29055  
ield disappears, and he goes right back to sleep.                           5/1974 #29074  
rection it leaves. The lights come back on and all the bunker alarms go off 5/1974 #29075  
ad, with one hose running down the back. The figure stepped out briefly ont 5/20/1974 #29120  
nous bowl bottom going north slow. Back / 27 th.                            5/25/1974 #29133  
ite to red, green and orange, then back to silver-white every five minutes, 6/13/1974 #29186  
t. When he switches his headlights back on, the object begins approaching a 6/14/1974 #29191  
UFO moves away; when he turns them back on, the UFO approaches and follows  6/16/1974 #29202  
FO moved away; when he turned them back on the UFO approached, and followed 6/16/1974 #29203  
s). Bright yellow ball going west. Back going north / 2200h. Wobby descent. 6/18/1974 #29209  
a luminous cigar-shaped object fly back and forth over the city of Sao Bern 6/20/1974 #29217  
ere/orb/globe joins and maneuvers. Back 06 July.                            7/2/1974 #29236  
olitan areas, all chosen by Jones. Back in the SRI lab, Targ monitors Price 7/9/1974 #29253  
ked up they had vanished. She went back to bed and tried to convince hersel 7/17/1974 #29266  
cers signal the object, it signals back, then veers away.                   8/11/1974 #29323  
going quickly [to] east-northeast. Back / 2305h.                            8/15/1974 #29348  
. Ball / steady speed stops / sky. Back / 2315hrs / separate observer(s).   8/15/1974 #29352  
northeast / 1 minute(s) intervals. Back 18 August / r30p507.                8/16/1974 #29360  
 40 yards distant. Alarmed, he got back into his car and drove off. The ent 8/20/1974 #29373  
ns him and he backs away. Climbing back on the swather, he looks around and 9/1/1974 #29417  
d her head forward. Looking at the back of her head, one being said, "Yes,  9/3/1974 #29418  
e whose resident gives them a ride back to the car to see what is wrong. Th 9/16/1974 #29459  
 after a short while they all went back to check on their vehicle. The ligh 9/16/1974 #29460  
in a fraction of a second. He gets back in the car and the radio is playing 9/21/1974 #29467  
bservers shine beam. UFO beams red back! Dogs frantic.                      9/26/1974 #29480  
ght on the UFO, and the UFO beamed back a red beam of light. Their dogs wer 9/26/1974 #29484  
 and then I lost it because of the back of the airplane.”                   10/10/1974 #29512  
ing southeast. Larger one follows. Back 19 October.                         10/11/1974 #29515  
 to grab one witness by her sleeve back into the house. Another dog, chaine 10/15/1974 #29531  
s Deviates”; Bob Gribble, “Looking Back,” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 258 (Octob 10/15/1974 #29531  
ood for what we need” and is taken back to the original location, where he  10/15/1974 #29531  
approach the object, everyone goes back inside. The object is gone 30 minut 11/1974 #29574  
 sighting. The mass of light moves back and forth, rises up and away from t 11/1974 #29575  
ded corners. Flames shoot from the back as it performs elaborate rolls and  11/7/1974 #29588  
 box-like object that was swinging back and forth, apparently looking for s 11/15/1974 #29597  
other witnesses, but when he looks back the object is gone. The photo shows 11/17/1974 #29598  
R CO., MN Farm security light out. Back on / 2330 hours. Pig found mutilate 11/28/1974 #29615  
dering, he turned around and drove back. He followed the same route but he  11/30/1974 #29622  
 no longer following him, had gone back to look for him. He saw a white hea 11/30/1974 #29622  
e from round to oval and cigar and back to oval before it disappears and di 12/1974 #29625  
farmer William L. Bosak is driving back to his house southeast of Frederic, 12/2/1974 #29629  
n. Its head hair seems to be swept back, and the calf-like ears stretch out 12/2/1974 #29629  
r and a private pilot, went to his back door to let the dog in. He immediat 1/2/1975 #29698  
ore coveralls with helmets and got back into a domed disc-shaped craft. (So 1/12/1975 #29743  
ore coveralls with helmets and got back into a domed disc-shaped craft. The 1/12/1975 #29745  
 going east / low altitude. Curves back going north over highway.           2/6/1975 #29786  
e. Then Séverin is hurled onto his back by a powerful flash of light. The b 2/14/1975 #29812  
 group / students. Hums and rocks. Back / hours.                            2/20/1975 #29830  
 but his companion took him on his back and carried him from the vineyard.  2/23/1975 #29839  
side of a mountain. Then it sweeps back across the lake beneath the object  2/26/1975 #29852  
ide of the mountain. Then it swept back across the lake beneath the object  2/26/1975 #29853  
r-shape / both towns. Night lights back / Aveiro / 7 Aug. '75.              3/1975 #29858  
ut found nothing. Her husband went back to sleep, but she remained awake. A 3/6/1975 #29876  
w a light in the corridor and went back to check. There she confronts a bea 3/6/1975 #29876  
 at its ears. Jane carried the dog back into the house because she refused  3/14/1975 #29899  
nal location, but the girls in the back seat are terrified. They drive 9 mi 3/22/1975 #29916  
ed down and so the son-in-law went back to bed. Soon the intensity of the s 3/31/1975 #29927  
ested to them that they had driven back to the location of the UFO, but had 4/6/1975 #29975  
 Manuel in the hotel. He then went back to the window and saw a luminous ov 4/6/1975 #29978  
rtains from the curtain rod. Going back to the controls, he cut into the mu 4/6/1975 #29978  
he house went out. The lights came back on when the UFO moved away toward t 4/9/1975 #29982  
he house went out. The lights came back on when the UFO moved away toward t 4/9/1975 #29983  
me and tries to get it transferred back to the Defense Staff. His request i 4/14/1975 #29986  
 halt. Hernandez was later brought back to his vehicle. He was then told th 4/22/1975 #30000  
es to panic. The six witnesses got back into their cars and drove away, but 4/26/1975 #30007  
 the car approached towns but came back. It tracked the car for 20 minutes. 5/3/1975 #30030  
ovoid / mountains. UFO follows car back. Hums. Going quickly southeast. Pho 5/7/1975 #30046  
, Arizona; the UFO follows the car back, making a humming sound.            5/7/1975 #30047  
me afraid and left. When he looked back, he saw the UFO lifting off from th 6/1/1975 #30074  
vers 4M over field / 30 minute(s). Back / 15 June.                          6/14/1975 #30102  
 2 men. Same 60cm sphere/orb/globe back! Wheat waves underneath.            6/15/1975 #30105  
 going up and down / 45 minute(s). Back 30 June / 2145h.                    6/29/1975 #30131  
othing wrong with the car. He gets back in, starts the car, and they go hom 7/1975 #30142  
ODESIA Orange UFO hours near home. Back again 08 July. No balloon. News.    7/4/1975 #30152  
n Kitley, ages 16 and 17, had gone back out to their pickup truck to talk o 7/4/1975 #30159  
 not seeing him pass, Richard went back down to discover that he had gone,  7/12/1975 #30175  
ill. Pat tried desperately to turn back, but her efforts failed. After a sh 7/12/1975 #30175  
 short while Pat decided to return back inside the coffee bar, only to find 7/12/1975 #30175  
glides along road. To the side and back. 2 observer(s). Returns.            7/14/1975 #30178  
em. Next day the young people went back to the site. Although they could no 8/8/1975 #30244  
nt for 1.5 hours. The next day his back was inflamed and he discovered a sm 8/13/1975 #30258  
d poked a rod like device into his back. After this they escorted him about 8/13/1975 #30258  
or. Moody gets a pain in his lower back in the afternoon. Soon he is put in 8/13/1975 #30264  
 witnesses walked away they looked back, and saw two of the forms in a tree 8/18/1975 #30288  
of their experience when they went back with investigators later.           8/22/1975 #30298  
air, and three of the objects shot back upwards. This being had a luminosit 8/26/1975 #30309  
ackie finds herself sitting in the back seat (she had been in the front sea 8/26/1975 #30310  
air, and three of the objects shot back upwards. Sandy had a peculiar feeli 8/26/1975 #30312  
ckie suddenly found herself in the back seat with no memory of how she got  8/26/1975 #30312  
n heard a humming noise and looked back to see that the "tent" was encircle 8/28/1975 #30315  
 Costa sick. His friend helped him back to his car. The next day he returne 8/28/1975 #30315  
s fly over sea. Go north and south back and forth fast. / r30.              8/29/1975 #30316  
immediately. He then found himself back in his truck. When he arrived at hi 9/11/1975 #30353  
nts. The witnesses eventually move back to Denver, where they are interview Fall 1975 #30379  
rk. Zigzags. Going northwest. Same back / 6 October.                        10/3/1975 #30412  
ire. However, when he starts going back to his sister’s house he finds a la 10/7/1975 #30421  
se and leaves a number to call him back. He calls the number later and talk 10/7/1975 #30421  
ce, and disappeared. Suffern raced back to his house and arrived in time to 10/7/1975 #30422  
-cylinder/cigar-shape going south. Back going north. Hovers / several spots 10/17/1975 #30432  
the truck’s lights and engine come back on. Struble notices that his nonele 10/18/1975 #30444  
gles going down [to] over town and back up going west.                      10/22/1975 #30457  
ord Bronco and drove away. Looking back, they saw a glowing orange disc-sha 10/26/1975 #30476  
heir vehicle abruptly turns onto a back road leading into Oxford, Maine. Gr 10/27/1975 #30486  
Poland, Maine, turn around, and go back the way they came. After a few minu 10/27/1975 #30486  
t done with you yet. We are coming back for you.” It is now 6:30 a.m. At 7: 10/27/1975 #30486  
rea at a low altitude of 150 feet. Back at the weapons dump, Lewis notifies 10/27/1975 #30487  
It turned of its own accord onto a back road full of potholes, but they fel 10/27/1975 #30489  
d reached West Poland. They turned back, and the car automatically turned o 10/27/1975 #30489  
othes, and was somehow transported back to his car. The beings told him the 10/27/1975 #30489  
Ford Bronco and drove off. Looking back, they saw a glowing orange, disc-sh 10/27/1975 #30491  
G AIR FORCE BASE, ME Silent saucer back over ammunition dump. Going northea 10/28/1975 #30496  
5 p.m. base security police at the back gate of Wurtsmith reported to the c 10/30/1975 #30523  
" with no lights had come over the back gate and hovered at a low altitude  10/30/1975 #30523  
 object. The others beg him to get back in the truck, but he feels compelle 11/5/1975 #30562  
hes the craft cautiously, glancing back to the truck now and then as his fr 11/5/1975 #30562  
en taken from the silo and brought back to the base. Eventually the entire  11/7/1975 #30576  
n the afternoon he decided to come back later. He returned with a friend on 11/8/1975 #30584  
, Ontario, at 0615 was standing in back yard facing south. Observed one bri 11/15/1975 #30623  
bright yellow object moving up and back, leaving a tail. It was very high b 11/15/1975 #30623  
ficer accompanies the two students back to the location but sees nothing un 11/17/1975 #30636  
t  followed a car west, but turned back quickly to the east when the car ap 11/23/1975 #30655  
clear power plant is being brought back online after scheduled maintenance  11/30/1975 #30677  
t them, he went with them into his back room and undressed. The woman went  12/4/1975 #30685  
ite skin. The upper lip was pulled back to show teeth, while the lower lip  12/11/1975 #30705  
d and looks up at the light, falls back, wipes his eyes, and vanishes. At t 12/14/1975 #30715  
ghts and engine spontaneously came back on by themselves.                   12/23/1975 #30733  
high. He can see 3–4 images moving back and forth inside the craft. After a 1976 #30750  
ls and had long blond hair. On the back of each hand was a green circle. He 1/5/1976 #30761  
er(s). Same 2M pseudo-human/entity back. Chases boy / 10. Ovoid / 1.5M alti 1/6/1976 #30763  
of the car, but Stafford pulls her back in. There is a “dead silence,” thei 1/6/1976 #30770  
hes. They find the car has started back up on its own and is moving at 85 m 1/6/1976 #30770  
e was no discernible face, and the back of the head was flat and corrugated 1/11/1976 #30785  
 3-4 seconds before slowly ducking back behind the ridge. When it came up a 1/11/1976 #30785  
 10M altitude. Going down / 1M and back going up. / r30p601.                1/15/1976 #30791  
e central emblem. He wanted to get back into his car but felt paralyzed and 1/29/1976 #30833  
pposed to be there." He was at the back of the trailer looking south at the 2/7/1976 #30850  
nd Hegele lost his courage and ran back to his car. While he was chasing th 2/22/1976 #30895  
nd, but periodically rose and fell back down another 15 feet.               2/22/1976 #30895  
      At dusk Mrs. T.  went to her back doorstep in Cheshire, Connecticut t 3/5/1976 #30928  
n bed. Both felt nauseous, and the back door of their house was found to be 3/5/1976 #30928  
 yellow cloth. She is about to get back in when its lights come back on by  3/22/1976 #30952  
o get back in when its lights come back on by themselves. She throws the cl 3/22/1976 #30952  
omplex of wires. She was levitated back to her house at dawn. She saw a sma 4/18/1976 #31000  
ts follows tractor to barn. Shoots back / 180° going quickly east.          5/4/1976 #31032  
aucer hovers / small isle / river. Back / orange / 17 May. / r30p613.       5/16/1976 #31057  
ith yellow-orange halo. Going [to] back and forth then going quickly west.  6/11/1976 #31097  
en. Red ovoid / 35° tilt by house. Back snooping / 19 June.                 6/14/1976 #31108  
 silent 5M saucers hover. Away and back extremely fast / planes pass. LDLN# 6/21/1976 #31120  
f light coming from it that swings back and forth as it passes his car. It  6/21/1976 #31121  
nce. They moved away and then came back extremely quickly.                  6/21/1976 #31124  
 SPAIN Huge saucer hovers / hours. Back several times / wide area. 90° turn 7/4/1976 #31148  
g time over Bilbao, Spain. It flew back over the city and surrounding area  7/4/1976 #31149  
g time over Bilbao, Spain. It flew back over the city and surrounding area  7/4/1976 #31152  
going quickly west extremely fast. Back west going quickly east. All insect 7/26/1976 #31184  
ucer / 6M altitude. Lights out and back on gradually. / r30p627.            8/2/1976 #31220  
ace of it after stopping and going back to look for it again.               8/2/1976 #31222  
mediately on the object, then came back on gradually.                       8/2/1976 #31223  
ki-brown suits. The witnesses flee back into the car. The object moves away 8/6/1976 #31240  
 a collapsible telescope, and rose back upwards in a coherent light fashion 8/6/1976 #31241  
iting. All four family members ran back to their car, which still could not 8/6/1976 #31241  
tes, the three male witnesses fled back to the car, where Mr. Chiasson vomi 8/6/1976 #31241  
raight into their bedroom. They go back to sleep. In the morning, Francisco 8/10/1976 #31251  
om. He then turned around and went back to sleep. In the morning they were  8/10/1976 #31252  
ount of altitude. The pilot climbs back to his cruise altitude and calls on 8/13/1976 #31261  
do-human/entity pops out and right back. Going quickly [to] away.           8/15/1976 #31267  
 northeast. Turns / lights / edge. Back 18 Aug. '76.                        8/15/1976 #31268  
ll WEIC disk-jockey. Flying-boxcar back. See Greenup, IL.                   8/19/1976 #31280  
ersation, Treena put her spacesuit back on, and gave Anderson an envelope m 8/23/1976 #31294  
five seconds the boy found himself back in his house, and ran upstairs. Lat 8/25/1976 #31302  
r several hours, they were floated back down into their canoe.              8/26/1976 #31307  
ddle. The object arcs upward, then back down, and seems to disappear into t 9/3/1976 #31334  
le. The object arced upwards, then back down, and seemed to just disappear  9/3/1976 #31337  
 of the being, and when she looked back she saw the object take off at high 9/3/1976 #31338  
 light goes out, and da Silva runs back to the bar and flattens himself aga 9/9/1976 #31362  
identify the source, but they come back with a negative response, saying he 9/10/1976 #31372  
t up the foothills, then it rushed back over the neighbor's property again  9/10/1976 #31373  
gone in 30 seconds. The power came back on in Mr. Pecha's mobile home; the  9/10/1976 #31373  
ver. As soon as he switches on the back light, he sees a man in dark clothi 9/11/1976 #31376  
ers of the Hood family are driving back along a country road to their home  9/11/1976 #31377  
 smaller object. Jafari is ordered back to the base, but the light follows  9/18/1976 #31395  
 Moments later both figures walked back to their craft. At this point the t 10/29/1976 #31505  
 p.m. the witness was being driven back home by her husband on his motorcyc 10/31/1976 #31512  
the sides, and a blue light in the back, all blinking. One banks slightly b 11/10/1976 #31538  
fter a few seconds came staggering back and whimpering. Four more times the 11/12/1976 #31540  
o the trees, but each time he came back in the same manner. Then Trejo glim 11/12/1976 #31540  
were alarmed and ran home. Looking back, they saw a nine foot tall milky wh 11/12/1976 #31541  
when they leave, the object rushes back over the serviceman’s house and dis 11/24/1976 #31571  
inds slight burns on his chest and back. The case is investigated by the Sw Early 12/1976 #31579  
) / black suit says garble and "go back". Observer(s) retreats quickly.     12/3/1976 #31580  
r-year old daughter leaning on the back window looking up. He then looked a 12/6/1976 #31587  
s from it she stopped and tried to back up. Instead the car was pulled forw 12/10/1976 #31594  
 arc through the air from front to back. All at once the lights went out, a 12/10/1976 #31594  
herman. Large glowing-ovoid stops. Back going west / 1445h / 24000kph!      12/16/1976 #31607  
ignal them. The UFOs flashed light back at them for a few seconds, then ski 12/26/1976 #31632  
 sphere/orb/globe going southwest. Back / 2 weeks when 3' small humanoid (o 1/1977 #31662  
l of his proposal, but never hears back from the White House again. The req 1/1977 #31666  
6, FR 2 / car chased by 35' ovoid. Back 40 minute(s) later. Eyes hurt. Watc 1/1/1977 #31671  
ke a one-foot-square box. He races back to the house and brings family memb 1/10/1977 #31715  
 to pick up a rake, hoe, and pole. Back at the pond, McCarthy sees that the 1/10/1977 #31715  
 object. A bit unnerved, Maki goes back to the lodge and positions himself  Mid 1/1977 #31723  
 moves out of sight, and Maki goes back to work about 15 minutes later. Soo Mid 1/1977 #31723  
 abnormal silence, heat, boat held back as if by invisible force, light bea 1/21/1977 #31737  
 abnormal silence, heat, boat held back as if by invisible force, light bea 1/21/1977 #31739  
nto the woods. Menesses is already back at camp and has not seen the light. 1/21/1977 #31743  
 minutes he suddenly found himself back in his truck with no idea of how he 1/27/1977 #31761  
s low. Avoids spotlight / away and back.                                    2/1977 #31768  
round head. It seemed to be moving back and forth behind the window. One ch 2/3/1977 #31784  
TEVILLE, NS 1 observer. Car pulled back 250' by 60' UFO. Memory loss. Abduc 2/10/1977 (approximate) #31804  
ova Scotia, when his car is pushed back 250 feet by a 30-by-60 foot object  2/10/1977 #31807  
disappears. The teacher takes them back inside, separates them, and tells t 2/16/1977 #31821  
step out of the object and then go back inside.                             2/17/1977 #31825  
everal moving figures moved slowly back and forth. At one point he was appr 2/20/1977 #31833  
s were rocking their torsos slowly back and forth. Their eyes were slanted  2/24/1977 #31846  
shine light going up. Object beams back going down [to]!                    3/8/1977 #31876  
lights maneuver. No body resolved. Back / April.                            3/11/1977 #31895  
isappeared, over about 15 seconds, back towards our 8:00 o’clock position a 3/12/1977 #31901  
 and he said they "would be coming back for her." The witness asked when an 4/4/1977 #31943  
lew off to the south. When she got back in the house she found her face and 4/4/1977 #31944  
she saw a strong light come in her back window. When she raised the blind s 4/6/1977 #31952  
she saw a strong light come in her back window. When she raised the blind s 4/6/1977 #31953  
Nadon River, where it again dashed back and forth. The two boys followed it 4/6/1977 #31953  
he air with arms out and legs bent back, like a "free fall parachutist." (S 4/7/1977 #31956  
he air with arms out and legs bent back, like a "free fall parachutist." Th 4/7/1977 #31957  
icht radar watches the target fall back east of the plane and rush at high  4/14/1977 #31980  
f the plane and rush at high speed back to a 1 or 2 o’clock position only 3 4/14/1977 #31980  
wo spherical lights that flickered back and forth between orange and deep r 4/16/1977 #31983  
L Night lights. Guard gone 15 min. Back / 5-day beard. Watch says 30 April! 4/25/1977 #32022  
ho has been standing a few feet in back of the others, notices a strange hu 4/25/1977 #32026  
who had been standing a few meters back of the others, noticed a strange hu 4/25/1977 #32027  
y 4, 1976 that UFOnauts would come back for him. He turned up the next day, 5/4/1977 #32055  
 domed saucer going down / canyon. Back / 0930h. "Figure(s) inside".        5/6/1977 #32063  
3 minutes. The yellow object sways back and forth. The white light disappea 5/11/1977 #32089  
oys run across the street and look back in time to see the figures fade fro 5/20/1977 #32116  
xtended from the object, and swung back and forth like a pendulum. At ball  5/23/1977 #32125  
xtended from the object, and swung back and forth like a pendulum. At ball  5/23/1977 #32126  
 and notices steam pouring off his back and legs, which are getting unbeara 6/6/1977 #32151  
ing “dots of color” that are drawn back to the source. It remains stationar 6/10/1977 #32157  
 away. It was doubled up, with its back toward him, as if injured. He also  6/12/1977 #32161  
nwardly terrified. The parents are back at the camp and see none of this. T 6/17/1977 #32172  
m the sky to chase him. It circled back and came to hover above some nearby 7/10/1977 #32256  
m the sky to chase him. It circled back and came to hover above some nearby 7/10/1977 #32257  
inous point on top. On the being's back was a box like a knapsack. Sr. De O 7/12/1977 #32266  
 light. When she did the being ran back to the fence, passed under it, and  7/12/1977 #32266  
15° from its original position and back again. The object remains in the sa 7/16/1977 #32282  
adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Back 2X.                                 7/21/1977 #32295  
ops again. When the witnesses look back, it has disappeared.                7/21/1977 #32298  
their light. The object then moved back to its original location. They agre 7/21/1977 #32299  
Greys) near house. Move tombstone? Back days and months later. / Internatio 7/23/1977 #32303  
d to rise up into the air and move back and forth. A figure taller than the 7/23/1977 #32304  
s to rise up into the air and move back and forth. A figure taller than the 7/23/1977 #32305  
h him and, 5 minutes later, deploy back into adjacent fields. One of them a 7/23/1977 #32305  
d to rise up into the air and move back and forth. A figure taller than the 7/23/1977 #32306  
 and, five minutes later, deployed back into adjacent fields. One of them a 7/23/1977 #32306  
air that hung to the middle of her back, but the man's hair was shorter and 8/3/1977 #32356  
ark. Frightened and upset, she ran back home. It was 8:50 p.m. when she got 8/3/1977 #32356  
 It moves to the north, then veers back to the highway and runs a parallel  8/17/1977 #32409  
ok. All the lights go out and come back on at the same time.                8/28/1977 #32434  
 orange lights. The young men fled back to Sturno, where they found three o 8/30/1977 #32441  
her friends, and all of them drove back to the area in a car. When they got 8/30/1977 #32441  
s if by a halo. Instead, they sped back to Sturno, returning again with two 8/30/1977 #32441  
ope. After the flash, the men fled back to the village. When they again ret 8/30/1977 #32441  
o the original two witnesses going back and forth to a nearby village to co 8/31/1977 #32445  
 orange lights. The witnesses fled back to Sturno where they found three fr 8/31/1977 #32446  
nd they became frightened and went back to Sturno, returning this time with 8/31/1977 #32446  
pe. After the flash the group fled back to the village. They returned again 8/31/1977 #32446  
 chest. The woman screamed and ran back inside her house to alert the other 8/31/1977 #32447  
veral passes. 90° turn going west. Back going east. Leaves going quickly no 9/7/1977 #32467  
ree turn to the west, then another back to the east, and left going toward  9/7/1977 #32472  
 enormous hat.” He takes two steps back and is grabbed by two men. Suddenly 9/15/1977 #32484  
ou want from me?" The figures fell back at the sound and tumbled all over t 9/15/1977 #32485  
aneuvers over old stone buildings. Back 17 separate.                        9/17/1977 #32490  
inting downward. Alarmed, she runs back to the house and the object speeds  Late 9/1977 #32518  
the men fires a shotgun to lure it back; when this fails, they pursue it in 10/1/1977 #32542  
mmed with a shining metal, and the back end is trailing sparks. The object  10/15/1977 #32578  
and her four children were driving back to their Ripperston Farm home near  10/30/1977 #32639  
r. 3 silent spheres / single file. Back again / opposite direction.         11/6/1977 #32659  
ight. They turned around and drove back toward the light and observed, abou 11/13/1977 #32671  
 hands and arms. Jenkins helps him back to their security vehicle. When Jen 11/16/1977 #32677  
ecurity vehicle. When Jenkins goes back to the rear fence line, he sees two 11/16/1977 #32677  
t up, hovers again, and then tilts back (showing its bottom portion with tw 11/24/1977 #32697  
urn-like rings of light) and flies back in front of the moon and disappears 11/24/1977 #32697  
o with four swept-back fins at the back with a round band connecting them,  12/1/1977 #32722  
y in their kennels. He goes to the back door and sees a landed saucer-shape 12/2/1977 #32726  
AUS Large and 2 small UFO's signal back and forth. "Spectacular". / r249p50 12/13/1977 #32764  
again. The UFOs appeared to signal back and forth. Soil and grass samples c 12/13/1977 #32765  
again. The UFOs appeared to signal back and forth. Soil and grass samples c 12/13/1977 #32769  
cer lights area like day. Away and back / 20 minute(s).                     12/15/1977 #32774  
 like day, then flew away. It came back again the same site 20 minutes late 12/15/1977 #32776  
 like day, then flew away. It came back again the same site 20 minutes late 12/15/1977 #32777  
ore minutes. The second woman gets back in her car, starts it up, and drive 12/17/1977 #32791  
ude. Going [to] toward(s) town and back.                                    12/21/1977 #32800  
d with a heavy, slow motion walked back towards a metallic blue, saucer-sha 1/6/1978 #32856  
ir window. One of them ran out the back door to glimpse the object disappea 1/9/1978 #32862  
ard a noise at the window. Pulling back the curtains, he saw a white figure 1/9/1978 #32862  
hite figure standing on top of the back porch roof, only four feet away. Th 1/9/1978 #32862  
on. After awhile the witness drove back home and on his way there spotted a 1/10/1978 #32872  
security patrol was ordered to the back gate of McGuire AFB to allow entry  1/18/1978 #32889  
s a triangle with the point at the back and many red and white lights.      1/31/1978 #32929  
out. When they turn the headlights back on, the UFO lights up again.        2/1/1978 #32940  
 place so that one could mail them back to the agency as proof that they ex 2/2/1978 #32945  
ject with blue lights on front and back approaching from the northwest. It  2/2/1978 #32946  
 shoots toward him. Mosychuk leans back to avoid the beam, but it shines on 2/2/1978 #32946  
. He runs away, and when the looks back the object is flying away to the no 2/2/1978 #32946  
ing down behind the houses, moving back up, and maneuvering abruptly. They  2/5/1978 #32955  
ing screen and Julio found himself back in telepathic communication with hi 2/5/1978 #32957  
er, the metal door rose and he was back outside, in bright sunlight. He sta 2/5/1978 #32957  
, in bright sunlight. He staggered back to his car, where his dog awaited h 2/5/1978 #32957  
ove away without bothering to look back at the disc. Among the information  2/5/1978 #32957  
s away, turned around, then walked back into the light. No traces or footpr 2/13/1978 #32970  
and Mr. Coronado were on their way back to the town of Cocula, Mexico from  2/17/1978 #32974  
hree men ran across the field, got back into their vehicle, and drove away  2/17/1978 #32974  
er walking around the car, he goes back inside and finds his girlfriend cry 2/23/1978 #32997  
nd other lights around him. He got back into his car where he found his wif 2/23/1978 #32998  
 1km altitude. Going [to] away and back. Lands / woods. Quickly going up.   3/11/1978 #33029  
t Kawerau, New Zealand, is driving back to Gisborne when a brilliant orange 3/12/1978 #33036  
s in front and smaller ones in the back.                                    3/16/1978 #33043  
ce engineer Ken Edwards is driving back from a union meeting in Sale, Great 3/17/1978 #33048  
and slow just over riverbank. Turn back going north to mountains.           3/18/1978 (approximate) #33049  
ees. Suddenly he falls flat on his back, paralyzed. After a short time, he  3/24/1978 #33078  
 and recognizes him, and takes him back to town. Serra is examined in the h 3/24/1978 #33078  
LAMMARE DI SAPRI, IT Power out and back on. Luminous half-moon over railroa 3/27/1978 #33086  
oad at the front and narrow at the back, with two red lights, a green light 4/2/1978 #33121  
e light moving in the sky, darting back and forth. Some neighbors come over 4/6/1978 #33128  
ights; two in front and two in the back. Then a blue light appeared between 4/7/1978 #33131  
-3M altitude. Vanishes. Reappears. Back / 13 Jul. '89.                      4/18/1978 #33151  
he window a white face was staring back at her, just inches above the groun 4/19/1978 #33154  
her companions but when she turned back again to look the entity was gone.  4/19/1978 #33154  
L Large UFO hovers / 15 minute(s). Back 18 May and 7 June and 8 June and 15 4/21/1978 #33156  
aved and the hair was just growing back. His skin had an unusual olive hue. 4/25/1978 #33171  
And with that the stranger stepped back, turned and just disappeared. The m 4/25/1978 #33171  
rightened that he hides behind the back seat of the family car. However, He 4/29/1978 #33179  
ome planet 3 light years away then back to Earth, all taking about 40 minut 5/1978 #33181  
and ran away quickly away. Looking back he did not see the figure again, an 5/2/1978 #33185  
flash. Also, he has no burn on his back, which is away from the car window  5/13/1978 #33202  
e formation of white lights in the back and a triangular formation of red a 6/10/1978 #33265  
e formation of white lights in the back and a triangular formation of red a 6/10/1978 #33266  
e formation of white lights in the back and a triangular formation of red a 6/10/1978 #33267  
, flies higher, zigzags, and dives back into the water,                     6/15/1978 #33280  
northeast. Then shoots up and arcs back. Color(s) change.                   6/22/1978 #33296  
 recedes to a star size, then arcs back in two minutes and disappears in th 6/22/1978 #33298  
ceased. Finally their car "landed" back on the highway near Lujan de Cuyo,  7/6/1978 #33346  
suits. He drove away but soon came back with his wife and her mother, who s 7/8/1978 #33355  
server(s). Glittering night lights back again. Zip hover and maneuver. Chan 7/12/1978 #33369  
Many with telescopes. Night lights back. Resolve to cone-hat shapes. Change 7/14/1978 #33381  
like houses and hills, then coming back to the road in front of the group o 7/14/1978 #33382  
there and larger in size. She goes back outside and approaches the light, t 7/21/1978 #33406  
2 kids. Small red sphere/orb/globe back / ground level. Changes several col 8/4/1978 #33470  
). Area lit. Night light maneuvers back and forth. Fades away. / r241p6.    8/5/1978 #33474  
 small white light appears, moving back and forth at tree level. It remains 8/5/1978 #33475  
over their car to their right, cut back to the top of a hill, turn around,  8/5/1978 #33476  
ject. A nocturnal light maneuvered back and forth for 30 minutes, then fade 8/5/1978 #33477  
o white strobe lights in front and back with three rows of red lights that  8/8/1978 #33490  
t stays in place, rocking silently back and forth, before taking off to the 8/20/1978 #33532  
onds of remaining still, it shoots back to the left again and departs at hi 8/23/1978 #33553  
 second. When the witnesses looked back, the lights were gone.              8/24/1978 #33567  
er berates him and tells him to go back. When he returns, he finds a large  9/6/1978 #33638  
rier. Perez jumps out the door and back to the ground. The tall being follo 9/6/1978 #33638  
cked and he barely managed to ride back home. When he got home, his father  9/6/1978 #33640  
rimanded him and ordered him to go back to get the horses. Back in the fiel 9/6/1978 #33640  
 him to go back to get the horses. Back in the field he encountered a large 9/6/1978 #33640  
e blood in the process. As he rode back toward home carrying the glove, two 9/6/1978 #33640  
ctly straight trajectory. It moves back to his 3 o’clock position before it 9/10/1978 #33655  
house, but then stopped and turned back. The UFO came in fast at this point 9/15/1978 #33683  
 the house, but then stop and turn back. The UFO comes in fast at this poin 9/15/1978 #33686  
onal witnesses, but when they came back out he was unable to locate anyone. 9/23/1978 #33737  
eated to their barracks, then came back out, noticing that the being was st 9/24/1978 #33744  
ongsville, OH Disc with dome moved back and forth, heavy static on FM radio 9/26/1978 #33750  
utes both witnesses were deposited back on the ground. There apparently wer 9/26/1978 #33753  
ddenly drop and rise. Stop. Return back going north.                        9/27/1978 #33754  
e children, and they panic and run back to school, one child losing his sho 9/27/1978 #33761  
om the object. The two entities go back inside and the object takes off and 9/27/1978 #33762  
ly drops halfway to the ground and back up again in 5 seconds before moving 9/27/1978 #33763  
glow in the roadway when he looked back. Earlier in the same area other wit 10/8/1978 #33822  
nner. The two UFOnauts then walked back over to the object and got aboard.  10/15/1978 #33837  
ness felt an electric shock on the back of his neck and strange vibrations  10/15/1978 #33837  
hover for 30 seconds. It then dove back down to a depth of 20 meters.       10/24/1978 #33869  
 follows and circles fishing boat. Back 7 Nov. '78.                         11/3/1978 #33916  
epot/facility down-phones and all. Back / 0400hrs. / MJ#203.                11/9/1978 #33930  
ilver saucer rises / forest. Sinks back going down [to] when seen / schoolg 11/17/1978 #33961  
 UFO hovers / water tower / 30 mn. Back 23+29 November. Photographs. / r10p 11/21/1978 #33971  
like craft paces plane to airport. Back several X. / r171.                  11/23/1978 #33986  
ow Airport, Kent, England. It came back several times during the three minu 11/23/1978 #33990  
lls. The smaller one starts moving back and forth from right to left in ver 11/24/1978 #33995  
rge boots. The being walked slowly back and forth in front of the object, a 11/24/1978 #33996  
witness became frightened and went back inside.                             11/28/1978 #34015  
 then went inside the UFO and came back out holding a black box and handed  12/6/1978 #34070  
put away the box and calmly walked back into their craft, which left silent 12/6/1978 #34070  
ect departed the car’s lights came back on and the tape deck resumed playin 12/12/1978 #34101  
lepathy = "from 17 th star-will be back".                                   12/14/1978 #34111  
d his nose, forehead, and from the back of his ears. He suffered severe hea 12/14/1978 #34127  
am of light transported the beings back into the craft. The craft then shot 12/15/1978 #34138  
                                   Back on the island of Sicily at 11:45 p. 12/15/1978 #34140  
ow over beach. Shoots rays / dome. Back 22 December.                        12/19/1978 #34171  
em and was told that they would be back soon.                               12/28/1978 #34220  
d dark triangular spots that moved back and forth on the surface of the obj 12/31/1978 #34240  
es the passengers to accompany him back to Blenheim. Fogarty, Crockett, and 12/31/1978 #34246  
d dark triangular spots that moved back and forth on the surface of the obj 12/31/1978 #34251  
e 10 minutes later the lights come back on and they notice the object is go Early 1/1979 #34280  
ed complexion. Soon the men walked back to the craft and entered the object 1/5/1979 #34303  
in leg-like protrusions telescoped back into the craft, which then rose up  1/5/1979 #34303  
RADFIELD, SOUTH YORKS Domed saucer back 50' away. Observer(s) going [to] ca 1/13/1979 #34336  
to another room and the other went back inside the object. A reddish beam o 1/13/1979 #34339  
 any attention. But he soon looked back at the two figures more closely and 1/19/1979 #34362  
 for a few minutes and then walked back into the woods. Soon after his enco 1/19/1979 #34362  
e. His next recollection was being back in his car, where he noticed that h 1/24/1979 #34374  
th a soft whirring noise, she gets back on her feet. She estimates she was  2/1979 #34398  
k rest stop, where his lights come back on and the engine starts perfectly. 2/9/1979 #34416  
zontal straight line. It then went back into the clouds. The witnesses incl 2/13/1979 #34421  
istracted her, and when she looked back again the figures were gone. The br 2/21/1979 #34441  
y all four car windows go down and back up; then they go down halfway and b 4/12/1979 #34508  
 up; then they go down halfway and back up. The same thing happens when the 4/12/1979 #34508  
ees. It hovered as the witness ran back toward her house, and then shot str 5/3/1979 #34539  
eces. Afterwards the creatures ran back into their tiny craft. Another stud 5/19/1979 #34569  
ed, he runs away and does not look back. The next morning, he feels as if s 5/22/1979 #34574  
 at his side. He remembers looking back at his body and seemingly walking o 6/6/1979 #34601  
nd goes outside. When he opens the back door he sees a uniformly glowing “b 6/26/1979 #34632  
lowly towards the witness, who ran back inside his house. There were three  7/15/1979 #34655  
a physical exam while lying on her back. A probe was inserted into her leg, 7/25/1979 #34680  
up a cloud of dust. Sr. Ibanez got back in his car and drove off to inspect 7/25/1979 #34681  
de and each has a hump between the back of the neck and the shoulders. The  8/1979 #34692  
/globe going [to] over cop-car and back. Hovers. Going north. Radio electro 8/1/1979 #34693  
 12 minutes later, it comes flying back, hovers, shoots over his car again, 8/1/1979 #34696  
m and the dogs stop barking and go back. The beings are dressed in coverall 8/10/1979 #34725  
ande do Norte, Brazil were walking back home late at night when they saw a  8/26/1979 #34783  
Johnson’s 1977 Ford LTD patrol car back to the garage. The inside light on  8/27/1979 #34787  
stance covers the truck. He drives back home but is confused and his eyes a 8/29/1979 #34803  
driver pulls over. The lights come back on but go off again when the car mo 9/3/1979 #34829  
 light is blocked, the lights come back on. The object moves on to the sout 9/3/1979 #34829  
izontal bands across it. They turn back to a railway crossing and alert the 9/5/1979 #34838  
llinois. It approaches, then moves back to the west, dipping left and right 9/9/1979 #34852  
, Germany at 9:30 p.m. They darted back and forth in front of the light pla 9/9/1979 #34854  
tiple nocturnal lights maneuvering back and forth across the sky were made  9/11/1979 #34863  
, whereupon she then found herself back in her bed again.                   9/14/1979 #34884  
 height of about 30 cm, and landed back in the garden. Goralski ran home, a 9/20/1979 #34909  
rd it, he feels sharp pains in his back and his knees collapse. The hum bec 10/1979 #34936  
he hum becomes louder as he crawls back to the truck and drives away. He lo 10/1979 #34936  
uter edge is more yellow. It moves back and forth, somersaults, and disappe 10/25/1979 #34965  
 red ovoid going quickly north and back. Circles water-tower 3X.            11/1979 #34980  
n keep approaching, so the men run back into the craft, which takes off in  11/15/1979 #35000  
At 6:16 p.m., the pilot is heading back to Los Llanos when he sees three po 11/17/1979 #35005  
ares up, and goes out. Torres goes back to the TV set, but after 15 minutes 11/30/1979 #35031  
t their viewing point and and went back to watching television.  A few minu 11/30/1979 #35034  
latform and its occupant to return back to the hovering object offshore. At 11/30/1979 #35034  
 this point the witnesses returned back inside and did not see the object d 11/30/1979 #35034  
 between themselves as they walked back to their craft. A thin cloud of smo 12/4/1979 #35052  
low altitude. Jumps up / slant and back. Abrupt turns.                      12/7/1979 #35057  
s it pass, and the tingling at the back of his neck intensifies. When it is 12/27/1979 #35101  
 he went to the window and saw the back of a very tall figure wearing a ver 12/30/1979 #35104  
ke several black dots on his upper back. His arms were at his sides. The fi 12/30/1979 #35104  
h one of the sheep. When he looked back towards the beings he saw an intens 2/6/1980 #35160  
s wearing black clothing. She went back inside and looked at the creature a 2/11/1980 #35168  
lack of appetite, weakness, lumbar back pain, and leg pain. There was also  2/11/1980 #35170  
tionless 20' away from ground near back of house. Three antenna-like sticks 3/9/1980 #35209  
ear Keithsberg, Illinois. It moved back and forth, descending and ascending 3/19/1980 #35223  
1 goes nuts. Luminous domed object back again. No further details.          3/24/1980 #35234  
haped with lights on the front and back and one side. A truck driver has al 4/13/1980 #35271  
noids that seemed to quickly glide back and forth above the ground. Accompa 4/20/1980 #35281  
approach the truck, forcing her to back up the truck. Finally, the phenomen 5/9/1980 #35319  
f light move across their mother’s back and behind her hair. She does not f 5/9/1980 #35319  
ls of light moved across a woman's back and the hair on her head. The balls 5/9/1980 #35321  
shape going [to] 100M away. Curves back out to sea.                         5/11/1980 #35323  
ground for 5 minutes. Then it goes back to the horizontal and fades out in  6/21/1980 #35385  
          Lima, OH Witness knocked back by light beam. 5-min duration and t 8/17/1980 #35461  
hovers for about 5 minutes, moving back and forth. Battle’s CB radio does n 8/17/1980 #35462  
shoots out at Battle, knocking him back against his truck, scarring his kne 8/17/1980 #35462  
 scarring his knee and hurting his back and kidneys. The beam also reddens  8/17/1980 #35462  
ph saucer. Rotates. Silent out and back. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v26#5 8/23/1980 #35477  
 a few seconds before disappearing back into the opening, which then fills  9/21/1980 #35524  
with runners on two sides. It went back up through the clouds.              9/21/1980 #35526  
ed and blue light on the front and back. It is moving at about 25 mph at an 10/19/1980 #35576  
 smokestacks. Going south slow and back. Going quickly north. / MJ#270.     10/23/1980 #35580  
apart with a flashing red light in back like a lopsided triangle. Their ani 10/26/1980 #35589  
apart with a flashing red light in back like a lopsided triangle. Each whit 10/26/1980 #35591  
ouse and yard. My husband had gone back into the house to watch from the fr 10/26/1980 #35591  
ildren are crying, and I am on the back porch having the time of my life.”  10/26/1980 #35591  
ights with a flashing light in the back. When it moved further away it look 10/26/1980 #35592  
 mist, couple examined. Car placed back on road                             11/19/1980 #35658  
mits static before fading out. The back wheels of the car leave the pavemen 11/19/1980 #35659  
from his bedroom window. They move back and forth in the southern sky and d 11/24/1980 #35664  
ee small lights shoot out and snap back in again. They watch the display fo 12/5/1980 #35701  
 in Lima, Ohio. Suddenly it curves back upward in a backwards “J,” continui 12/13/1980 #35712  
lot nursed his crippled Cessna 172 back to North Las Vegas Airport. The obj 12/18/1980 #35724  
ENGL Delta/triangle/box-like craft back. Well observed and taped. Military  12/26/1980 #35735  
A USAF security patrol outside the back gate of RAF Woodbridge likely had t 12/27/1980 #35748  
fore long they are ordered further back. A staff car arrives, carrying Col. 12/28/1980 #35750  
 and stare at them. Warren arrives back at Security Control at 4:30 a.m. Mo 12/28/1980 #35750  
 Spain at 2:30 a.m. He was walking back to his house when he observed sever 2/13/1981 #35827  
is wife became frightened and went back to bed. Later, he heard footsteps a 2/13/1981 #35827  
 CA 2+observer(s). Red night light back. Slow pass overhead then fast. RADA 2/19/1981 #35835  
 witness and a friend were driving back home when they noticed three bright 4/1/1981 #35883  
tic motions. Then, slowly drifting back, it paces him. The object is glowin 4/8/1981 #35887  
former Navy pilot turned and drove back. He and his wife then saw the objec 4/12/1981 #35894  
est very fast. Type unknown. Turns back going quickly northeast. No further 4/21/1981 #35911  
lly calling media outlets, he goes back outside and finds the object is now 4/25/1981 #35915  
               Sandia Laboratories back yard of his home on the east side o 6/10/1981 #35961  
r at Sandia Laboratories is in the back yard of his home on the east side o 6/10/1981 #35961  
ndreds of other cases (some dating back to 1940) are published in the journ Summer 1981 #35978  
n it moves rapidly high, then low, back to its original location. A second  7/1981 #35982  
g down / hills and trees. Away and back and away.                           7/11/1981 #35994  
 Ken Thew are driving east along a back road from Pleasant Point to Temuka, 7/12/1981 #36002  
lights. It paced their car along a back road, making no sound. The object h 7/12/1981 #36003  
 AM. Three women were on their way back home on the A5 expressway when they 7/16/1981 #36010  
ickly west. Shoots blue rays. Same back / 1810h / 24 July.                  7/23/1981 #36024  
ge of the water, then moves slowly back to the east.                        7/23/1981 #36025  
n object with bright lights moving back and forth across the sky. As they a 7/30/1981 #36041  
 and the boat is drifting. They go back ashore to their cottage, their head 7/31/1981 #36048  
land. He leaves them briefly to go back to a camping area and sees, 500 fee 8/8/1981 #36064  
a ball.” He walks past them, looks back, and they have disappeared. On his  8/8/1981 #36064  
ng bell, he sees the fireball come back down the tower, go past him, and bu 8/15/1981 #36075  
from his vehicle. He found himself back in his vehicle 15 minutes later and 8/30/1981 #36093  
vening the main witness was coming back from school when she saw a man poin 9/1981 #36096  
hind the house. As she goes to the back of the bungalow, she sees an enormo 9/10/1981 #36108  
comes from the object and hits the back of her hand and she cannot move. Th 9/10/1981 #36108  
und three a.m. he decided to drive back to the site where the light had com 9/11/1981 #36110  
und three a.m. he decided to drive back to the site where the light had com 9/12/1981 #36112  
Y, CA Disk hovers. Shoots away and back. Spins. Colored lights. (Near Georg 9/17/1981 #36120  
t hovered, shot away and then came back. It was spinning, had colored light 9/17/1981 #36122  
altitude. Going [to] behind hills. Back 21 September. / MJ#167.             9/18/1981 #36125  
t behind some hills, and then came back.                                    9/18/1981 #36130  
was glittering. When Ferreira came back with help, Boro was dead; his body  10/17/1981 #36176  
ter. A few moments later he walked back into the object, which took off at  11/8/1981 #36211  
stalled car. It rose up, then came back and followed the car into town. The 12/19/1981 #36269  
 object left the streetlights came back on 20 minutes later.                1/29/1982 #36315  
he 1948 Aztec C/R. Stringfield sat back dumbfounded, because in the past th 2/6/1982 #36322  
itude. Lights farm. Darts away and back. / r241'82.                         3/14/1982 #36390  
alia. It darted away and then came back.                                    3/14/1982 #36391  
d. U-turn going north. Night light back 01 April.                           3/30/1982 #36417  
he visited Vandenberg AFB and came back “certain” there was a secret govern 4/6/1982 #36435  
e object. The two men began moving back and forth very quickly. The UFO the 6/3/1982 #36492  
s red turnip over mountains. Goes. Back / 10 minute(s).                     6/18/1982 #36506  
f the road. The beings then walked back to the object as if in slow motion. 7/20/1982 #36537  
arby field. The beings then walked back to the object as if in slow motion. 7/20/1982 #36538  
It flew to the north, then circled back, and finally flew off by making a v 7/21/1982 #36541  
 of light into the sky which moved back and forth like a searchlight. The o 8/2/1982 #36559  
 of light into the sky which moved back and forth like a searchlight. The o 8/10/1982 #36568  
k. She could only remember getting back in the car and by the time she arri 9/1982 #36588  
ged with his hands tied behind his back and his lab in shambles. The man pl 9/29/1982 #36619  
ront and a flashing green light in back. They have it in sight for 15 secon 10/18/1982 #36653  
ht light follows trees. Makes 180° back. Several night lights maneuver.     11/4/1982 #36675  
ting directly at him, then rotates back into its original position. Grooms  11/25/1982 #36690  
ides / car slows. Paces again 800M back..                                   12/21/1982 #36719  
hen the car slowed down, then come back and pace the car when the driver sp 12/21/1982 #36721  
hen the car slowed down, then come back and pace the car when the driver sp 12/21/1982 #36724  
 to be 150 feet long from front to back. The UFO turned and flew away.      3/10/1983 #36778  
 quickly northeast. Faint humming. Back / 9PM. / International UFO Reporter 3/24/1983 #36794  
tching it for 20 minutes, he heads back to his jeep, at which time the UFO  3/24/1983 #36808  
e boomerang shape. The lights come back on and he follows the object for mo 3/24/1983 #36808  
20M over cows. Going [to] away and back / wide turns.                       7/13/1983 #36910  
d elongated but with the front and back ends dropping down. It has two rows 7/25/1983 #36925  
ith lights maneuvers behind trees. Back 11 August.                          8/1/1983 #36928  
k from above. It dragged the truck back from accelerating when the driver a 8/1/1983 #36930  
own, so they push it home and head back on foot to the party. They pass the 8/12/1983 #36949  
inked off and on. Car dropped hard back onto road, engine stalled. Severe p 10/15/1983 #37009  
 Croton Falls Reservoir on his way back to Mahopac, New York, when he sees  10/28/1983 #37026  
n Group (Poker Squadron) is flying back to Santa Maria Air Force Base from  1984 #37096  
s to the southeast. The woman goes back to bed, but soon feels a powerful e 1/3/1984 #37105  
 object three times, then returned back to its original position. It left b 1/9/1984 #37125  
e to a metallic chrome color, then back to orange. It also had dozens of fl 1/30/1984 #37167  
his home, got his camera, and went back to the site of his encounter. His c 2/3/1984 #37175  
his home, got his camera, and went back to the site of his encounter. His c 2/3/1984 #37176  
ts in formation. 1 going north and back. 1 going south and back. Instant ac 2/17/1984 (approximate) #37189  
 north and back. 1 going south and back. Instant acceleration.              2/17/1984 (approximate) #37189  
 White lights are at the front and back, blinking red lights at the sides,  2/29/1984 #37210  
. Metallic ovoid maneuvers out and back / 20 minute(s). Light rumble heard. 4/24/1984 #37283  
long tail hung in the sky, rocking back and forth 80 feet above the ground  4/25/1984 #37290  
long tail hung in the sky, rocking back and forth 80 feet above the ground  4/25/1984 #37295  
o watch the light, which is moving back and forth and constantly changing c 4/26/1984 #37302  
000 mph, changes course, and flies back into outer space.                   5/5/1984 #37317  
wn object changed course, and flew back out into outer space.               5/5/1984 #37320  
hanges course, and allegedly flies back into outer space. This story made i 5/5/1984 #37321  
 to call his two neighbors to come back and see the strange light, but he d 5/19/1984 #37335  
fe who is a sound sleeper. He went back outside and the UFO was there as be 5/19/1984 #37335  
 After 90 seconds it quickly moves back to the Gori, ascends at an angle of Mid 6/1984 #37364  
ration. Reported his ex-wife would back him up. Case never investigated. (R 7/1984 #37384  
s). Cylinder/cigar-shape maneuvers back and forth / low altitude. Blows ste 7/15/1984 #37397  
as it moved. The object maneuvered back and forth at low altitude, then fle 7/15/1984 #37400  
80-degree turn, and he told her to back into the driveway of a farmhouse. T 7/15/1984 #37401  
. When he turned around and walked back to his car, one of the lights follo 8/14/1984 #37433  
ar, one of the lights followed him back to car.                             8/14/1984 #37433  
ead and carrying a blue box on its back that features tubes running into th 10/8/1984 #37480  
g into the helmet and the entity’s back. Its body is covered with long, dar 10/8/1984 #37480  
s over a neighbor’s house. They go back to watching TV, but the red light t 12/1984 #37514  
ights exit going quickly north and back and going quickly north again. Cyli 4/15/1985 #37579  
hes are clean and dry. Mullis goes back to the cabin for some sleep. Later, Summer 1985 #37606  
ojected a beam of light that moved back and forth like a searchlight. The b 8/2/1985 #37635  
ear shape going down. Makes V-turn back up into rectangular object! Going q 8/7/1985? #37638  
 missile with steering fins in the back. It occasionally changes its course 8/18/1985 #37647  
-shaped object with rounded, swept back or drooping wings flew silently ove 10/10/1985 #37678  
endarmerie in France dating as far back as 1974.                            11/1985 #37698  
oids car and power lines. Strobes. Back 22 November.                        11/19/1985 #37708  
rey object swoops down by boat and back up and away.                        4/20/1986 #37826  
and approached the boat, then flew back up and away.                        4/20/1986 #37828  
several. Fireball low over trees / back yard. Flash and blast. Fuses Blown  7/3/1986 #37928  
ps near parked pickup truck. Goes. Back / 3 Aug. '86.                       7/30/1986 #37958  
a luminous trail. The engine comes back on as the objects disappear.        8/31/1986 #38005  
adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Back 09 September.                       9/7/1986 #38019  
ue to pace the airplane, then drop back and are lost from view both visuall 11/17/1986 #38072  
After the course change, they look back and see the object still following  11/17/1986 #38072  
done so. Later official statements back away from this and try to ascribe t 11/17/1986 #38072  
y trail of smoke is coming out the back. The object continues moving slowly 2/6/1987 #38113  
). 8' ovoid paces car in front and back / 7mi. Car parks. UFO hovers and go 2/9/1987 #38118  
orm from silver to pitch black and back to silver again. Then it flies away 2/25/1987 #38123  
p and two red glowing areas on the back, followed by a short vapor trail. F 3/6/1987 #38130  
to his house. The next day he went back to the location with his family and 3/7/1987 #38134  
 days. The orange light filled the back of her yard so thoroughly that it s 3/23/1987 #38153  
overs / lake. Going quickly south. Back / 2 nights. / r121p10.              6/1/1987 #38184  
l but one of the soldiers are sent back to Leningrad. In September, a succe Early 8/1987 #38225  
dark shape appears passing from in back of them from the north over the roo Early Autumn 1987 #38274  
r a couple minutes before it sways back and forth. Suddenly it makes large  9/11/1987 #38281  
8:25 p.m. Rick Devine goes out the back door of his home in Shreve, Ohio, t 11/23/1987 #38332  
nt to a baseball diamond. It moves back across the road, and the Devines fo 11/23/1987 #38332  
e was finally able to move, he ran back to the house and grabbed his camera 12/2/1987 #38348  
BURY, WEST YORKS Round night light back and forth / sky. Swish sound. Turns 1/4/1988 #38403  
Dewsbury at 11:30 p.m. a disc flew back and forth in the sky, making a swis 1/4/1988 #38404  
 white light struck Walters on the back of his legs. The object next began  1/12/1988 #38411  
Walters, who then managed to crawl back into his truck and was somehow able 1/12/1988 #38411  
approach the object, but soon goes back to driving eastward. The family bec 1/20/1988 #38422  
. Henley and another trucker drive back to the scene and find skid marks an 1/20/1988 #38422  
r a short period, then was dropped back onto the highway surface, causing t 1/20/1988 #38423  
ly rising. The man carries the dog back to the car and the woman drives off 2/9/1988 #38448  
t like a blimp is silently rocking back and forth, blinding white light ema 3/4/1988 #38487  
 / spiral path going northeast and back going southwest.                    4/1988 #38524  
 mails Steinman’s handwritten note back to him from Penn State, not Florida 4/1988 #38525  
 nearby field. He recalled walking back inside the house. Under hypnosis he 5/21/1988 #38574  
oss the lawn, into their house and back inside through the unopened front d 5/21/1988 #38574  
s bed. Three or four of them stood back, but one approached him. The being  10/24/1988 #38687  
th fatigue, and passed out or fell back asleep. He awoke in a sterile type  10/24/1988 #38687  
me, and he recovered consciousness back in his bed two hours later; his arm 10/24/1988 #38687  
oking Glass, concerned with seeing back in time.                            12/6/1988 #38748  
ip. The UFO veered to left, turned back, and then reduced speed. Both jets  12/28/1988 #38764  
ght. The beings touched her on the back with a very cold metallic triangula 2/6/1989 #38818  
g. After awhile the humanoids went back into their circular objects and the 2/7/1989 #38820  
t at one of the objects it flashed back and then they all disappeared.      2/8/1989 #38826  
ia. It has spotlights in front and back, porthole-like openings along the s 2/13/1989 #38839  
nd, moves left and right, and sits back down. He has access to and reads mo 3/1989 #38855  
 shots / figure(s) / window. Power back on..                                5/1/1989 #38930  
er pole. The electrical power came back on.                                 5/1/1989 #38932  
th red, yellow, and blue lights in back and a blinking red light on right s 5/4/1989 #38936  
leged technological project to see back in time.  https://www.otherhand.org 5/15/1989 #38953  
 silent flashy fireball over lake. Back days later.                         6/1989 #38969  
. Moore leaves the stage through a back door, his reputation in ruins.      7/1/1989 #39002  
observer. 5 1' orange balls play / back yard! Turn white. Light grass. Mane 7/2/1989 #39003  
hing in front of them, they turned back for the Bar Harbor-Trenton airport. 7/22/1989 #39030  
he object disappeared the DME came back on. When they landed they discovere 7/22/1989 #39030  
. Saitov and his companions rushed back to their car and followed the creat 8/10/1989 #39051  
male witness, who watched from the back door of the house. The 3-foot wide  8/13/1989 #39061  
/box-like craft hovers over trees. Back / 23 Aug. '98.                      8/22/1989 #39067  
were blocking here view.  She went back to the point of her first view, but 8/25/1989 #39074  
quence to get it to come apart/put back together.  https://archive.org/deta 10/1989 #39139  
ed color into a dull red, and then back to a dull white light. A second wit 10/8/1989 #39151  
big rectangular white light on the back end and a red light near the apex.  10/8/1989 #39151  
. The mother puts the child in the back seat for safety. The man continues  10/9/1989 #39155  
 over garage. Away going north and back over barn. Local wave.              10/13/1989 #39167  
moved away to the north, then came back to hover over a barn. A 22-year-old 10/13/1989 #39170  
l feeling apprehensive, she walked back into the living room and attempted  10/31/1989 #39199  
deotape them. Later, while playing back the results, they discovered a smal 10/31/1989 #39201  
usan" and "Jennifer," were driving back from a business conference in Color 11/6/1989 #39216  
y. Lights / edge. Going southeast. Back / 15 December.                      11/22/1989 #39244  
 2 minutes and then suddenly turns back toward Eupen. Nicoll and von Montig 11/29/1989 #39272  
had also noticed "something at the back of the craft that was turning round 11/29/1989 #39277  
was oncoming traffic, then turning back on. Finally, all the lights blinked 12/6/1989 #39301  
hanging color from blue to red and back. The object is metallic, with an oa 12/12/1989 #39315  
ght into the sky. The witness goes back to bed. The next morning, he report 12/12/1989 #39315  
. Either the same two objects flew back over the plant from the opposite di 12/23/1989 #39328  
nded front. Colored lights / rear. Back 9+16 April. / FSRv35#4.             2/15/1990 #39419  
ening when her dog lay down on his back and started whining. The dog wouldn 2/18/1990 #39422  
to the right, descends, performs a back turn and a 5,000-foot sudden descen 2/21/1990 #39424  
d woke up her husband, but he fell back asleep. At 1:30 a.m. she took a fla 3/13/1990 #39458  
NIA Hundreds / observer(s). Saucer back. Lands / same substation. Photograp 3/27/1990 #39486  
 low overhead. Driver fled, looked back, saw object hovering over a field ( 3/27/1990 #39488  
 low overhead. Driver fled, looked back, saw object hovering over a field   3/27/1990 #39489  
s to a dead stop. It hovers, moves back and forth several times, then ascen 4/14/1990 #39524  
PRODZERZHINSK, UKR Red ball-saucer back again. Telepathy going [to] trucker 5/11/1990 #39571  
nded the boy, then accompanied him back home. The boy remembers being told  5/30/1990 #39600  
y goes blank and she finds herself back in the field with her goats, the st 7/6/1990 #39637  
eserted and locked, so he then ran back to the road. The object had now com 7/23/1990 #39658  
hem, ascending silently and moving back toward Grâce-Hollogne.              7/26/1990 #39663  
he witness was not afraid and went back to sleep. Ten minutes later she saw 7/29/1990 #39667  
 feet away from her. She then fell back to sleep again and did not see the  7/29/1990 #39667  
idual movements. Some of them move back and forth between the two groups. T 8/24/1990 #39701  
/ 350' altitude. Changes shape and back. Vanishes!                          8/27/1990 #39705  
ld. Near her front door she looked back and saw the UFO departing, decreasi 9/13/1990 #39731  
rtheast slowly. Shoots white beam. Back going quickly west.                 11/5/1990 #39839  
titude. Photographs. Ovoid circles back going quickly east.                 11/5/1990 #39860  
s. Stops. Going quickly northeast. Back again / 29 Nov. '90.                11/22/1990 (approximate) #39897  
d. Motorscooter noise. Going east. Back 4+7 December.                       12/3/1990 #39922  
ny colored lights hovers overhead. Back hours later.                        2/4/1991 #39972  
s on the Rue Alexis Maneyrol, goes back to look for the star and notices no 2/6/1991? #39974  
a triangular motion. While walking back through the woods, she is struck by 2/6/1991? #39974  
rying to trap her, but she escapes back to her house. She goes to sleep but 2/6/1991? #39974  
ct, two rectangular objects moving back and forth, and a red blaze of light 3/18/1991 #40021  
en returns when the beam is turned back on. Investigators suspect that the  4/26/1991 #40050  
grabbed a piece of wood and struck back at one of the creature's arms. He m 5/14/1991 #40060  
 also a steady red light. Slightly back from the central axis, she sees a r 5/17/1991 #40066  
gs including some from the Vatican back to the 15th century; allegedly the  7/1991 #40108  
ican has UAP sighting photos going back to 1915 of all shapes and sizes rum 7/1991 #40108  
 its long arms. The girls next ran back into the house and attempted to tel 7/21/1991 #40129  
t the cousin ignored them and went back to bed. The girls then went back in 7/21/1991 #40129  
t back to bed. The girls then went back into the den and resumed watching t 7/21/1991 #40129  
 awhile, ascended, and then merged back into the large object.              7/25/1991 #40133  
age crisis, Iran deliberately held back American hostages to help Ronald Re 8/10/1991 #40147  
oat above the ground moving around back and forth. Although they were human 8/13/1991 #40152  
edge-saucer maneuvers / mountains. Back / 16 August. Going quickly south. G 8/15/1991 #40156  
The jets had no alternative but to back off, and the object proceeded east  8/28/1991 #40168  
nth later reports began to trickle back to Bishkek that a huge UFO had been 8/28/1991 #40168  
 which they then reset. On the way back to the Oscar Launch Control Facilit 9/1991 #40178  
   A man was riding around on some back roads in Daviston, Alabama on this  11/9/1991 #40224  
ng he remembers was being escorted back to his vehicle by the Grey alien.   11/9/1991 #40224  
ever he went. At four p.m. he went back to feed the pigs and when he was fi 12/4/1991 #40254  
 green in color. The farmer walked back to his house, noticing that all the 12/4/1991 #40254  
returned. Later that night he went back out into the yard and again came fa 12/4/1991 #40254  
ice say, three times, "I will come back!"                                   12/4/1991 #40254  
at the aliens had put her earrings back on backwards.                       12/15/1991 #40261  
. Rises and circles airliner. Goes back going northwest. Moon-size overhead 12/20/1991 #40262  
etween hills 2km away. Inside lit. Back / late FEB'92.                      1/5/1992 (approximate) #40279  
t consciousness, and later woke up back in her bed. The next day large red  1/24/1992 #40302  
rds. Classic saucer. Power outage. Back / 5 hours. / r121p246.              2/9/1992 #40324  
found his shotgun, and then walked back to town. Luis described the humanoi 3/5/1992 #40359  
ion, so the other decided to drive back to her home. Once at her house they 3/13/1992 #40377  
nal witnesses and they again drove back to the area where the light had bee 3/13/1992 #40377  
next thing he remembers is sitting back in a chair inside the craft, feelin 4/12/1992 #40414  
ould recall turning away and going back into the house.                     5/3/1992 #40449  
igzags going [to] yards and trees. Back 5 June. 40' box / 4 June.           5/19/1992 #40466  
 UFO changed color to orange, then back to white, then paced their car, and 7/18/1992 #40526  
hrough binoculars, but through the back of my own head.” The blonde reaches 7/23/1992 #40530  
d hair that fell half way down her back. To Khoury, the hair looked very ex 7/23/1992 #40531  
with both her hands and cupped the back of his head, drawing his face towar 7/23/1992 #40531  
nd looked at the Asian woman, then back at the witness. Involuntarily, Khou 7/23/1992 #40531  
s penis felt very painful. Pulling back the foreskin he found two thin blon 7/23/1992 #40531  
tly overhead, and the witness gets back in the car and speeds away. He sees 8/19/1992 #40583  
manoid figures standing and moving back and forth. No sound was reported.   9/20/1992 #40634  
em to vanish, but when she stepped back it would reappear again. This disap 9/24/1992 #40639  
t night light / forest. Very fast. Back in September. Air Force interrogate 10/28/1992? #40695  
tion lights on the left, right and back. Within a minute the object vanishe 11/9/1992 #40707  
startled witnessed decided to turn back and take another look, but the huma 11/23/1992 #40724  
iangle/box-like craft with squared back going quickly southwest overhead. / 12/18/1992 #40751  
 diamond-shaped UFO with a squared back fly over toward the southwest at 7: 12/18/1992 #40752  
rs 100' over RTE B5429. 150' wide. Back next night.                         12/22/1992 #40760  
T/Sgt John W. Mills III is driving back to Malmstrom AFB near Great Falls,  1/1993 #40782  
stop. She gets out, hoping to walk back to the house, when she sees a ball  1/1/1993 #40785  
kin to tingle. The headlights come back on, the car lurches forward, and sh 1/1/1993 #40785  
iangular center. Moves to and fro. Back on Sunday.                          1/15/1993 #40797  
 to go to the bathroom. On the way back to her bedroom she suddenly felt co 1/27/1993 #40816  
w. She then became afraid and went back to bed, but as she turned over in b 1/27/1993 #40816  
ding in his doorway and then going back to sleep.                           1/27/1993 #40816  
 move or call out. The being moved back and disappeared, but before it did  2/1/1993 #40831  
the front and a white light in the back. The UFO eventually moves away but  2/4/1993 #40838  
t saucer / 200' altitude. Away and back several X. Going west.              2/8/1993 #40843  
hen felt strangely compelled to go back to her kitchen. Later during a sear 3/20/1993 #40894  
uthwest. Going quickly north. Also back. Away going quickly south.          3/24/1993 #40898  
year-old woman was standing on her back porch in Roslyn Estates, Nassau Cou 3/26/1993 #40902  
 the following day Carmel ventured back into her backyard and saw the impri 3/30/1993 #40907  
e window and out of sight. He fell back into a deep sleep and had a dream o 4/17/1993 #40940  
s the sky. The two red lights move back and forth like a pendulum before he 4/26/1993 #40951  
n the light, which begins to drift back and forth as the spot washes over i 4/28/1993 #40953  
ounterclockwise loops and doubling back to the rear of the helicopter. Grah 4/28/1993 #40953  
e zigzags. Becomes round. Away and back. Odd.                               5/2/1993 #40963  
bjects exit from it and then merge back into it.                            5/10/1993 #40974  
 if standing guard. They soon went back inside. Large circular ground trace 5/12/1993 #40975  
ted that she was later transported back to her house via a blue beam of coh 5/19/1993 #40986  
e alone, I am busy." The woman ran back to her bedroom to wake up her husba 5/30/1993 #40997  
o another in Rogers, Arkansas then back to the first cloud formation on the 6/1/1993 #41000  
lver objects join. Gone very fast. Back several X.                          6/8/1993 #41008  
gh hovers and maneuvers very fast. Back 2, 3, 20+22 July. 18+photographs.   6/12/1993 #41014  
ver(s). Glow saucer 120M over sea. Back / 24 JUNE93.                        6/21/1993 #41027  
ehind trees / a few seconds. Dives back going down.                         7/3/1993 #41049  
rcs going down. Reappears and arcs back up going west.                      7/23/1993 #41079  
d out. She later she found herself back on her bed.                         7/24/1993 #41082  
this evening Leah Haley was in the back room of an old house in Pensacola,  8/10/1993 #41123  
nd object goes going southeast and back going northwest in elliptical traje 8/13/1993 #41134  
nto a semi-fetal position, rocking back and forth. She then pointed to the  8/18/1993 #41146  
nged shape to a disc, then changed back again to an H-shape. It followed th 10/6/1993 #41221  
he continued driving home and went back to look for it again ten minutes la 10/6/1993 #41222  
         KINGS LYNN, NORFOLK UFO's back again. R-G-west night lights play o 10/18/1993 #41243  
 She screamed, it startled, jumped back, and then vanished. The being had a 10/23/1993 #41249  
ok flesh samples from her legs and back, leaving scoop marks. She was retur 11/8/1993 #41266  
e-saucer follows car. Crosses road back and forth / 7k.                     1/16/1994 #41372  
going quickly [to] east-northeast. Back 28 Jan.                             1/18/1994 #41375  
olute(ly) silent. 5 bright lights. Back / 01 Feb. 9. / r147.                1/21/1994 #41380  
e in unison. 3 lights / underside. Back next night.                         3/7/1994 #41446  
ht light hovers 2 minute(s). Gone. Back. Away / high speed.                 4/10/1994 #41486  
(s) aim light. Saucer shines light back and quickly going up.               4/25/1994 #41502  
 to approach, the humanoid climbed back into the object. Minutes later a bo 5/10/1994 #41521  
omptly dimmed and took off, flying back towards the hills at a high speed a 5/10/1994 #41521  
ructures with rounded edges moving back and forth about 180 feet above a va 7/2/1994 #41601  
." He was told by his mother to go back to bed and sleep.                   7/27/1994 #41644  
 bedroom. She then apparently fell back to sleep, because she was woken up  8/2/1994 #41653  
. Silent UFO with 3 bright lights. Back 28 Aug. '94.                        8/27/1994 #41691  
  WYCLIFFE WELL, AUSTR Night light back. Buzzes car / malfunctions due to E 8/29/1994 #41699  
 more small flashing lights on the back of the object.                      9/7/1994 #41722  
lly, he was told it was time to go back, and he next found himself standing 9/11/1994 #41734  
as long, straight, black hair tied back with a headband around its larger t 9/16/1994 #41754  
next thing he remembers was he was back in his bed sweating.                9/20/1994 #41765  
ch takes the disassembled aircraft back to the US.                          9/26/1994 #41775  
 the government does know. I can’t back that up, but I think that at Wright 10/1/1994 #41779  
lue ovoid going quickly northeast. Back / 2300h. Paces car. Hides.          10/4/1994 #41783  
 to a triangle configuration, then back to a row again before lost from sig 10/11/1994 #41801  
 with windows flash colored lights back and forth / hours.                  11/2/1994 #41830  
er trees. Going up [to] to clouds. Back / 2100-2330hrs.                     11/4/1994 #41834  
ist photographs silent top-saucer. Back several times to 22 Nov. '94.       11/16/1994 #41850  
e. No planet / amateur astronomer. Back 5 December.                         12/3/1994 #41878  
lows car matching turns etc. Jumps back.                                    12/12/1994 #41892  
elp. She eventually floated gently back to her bed where she was able to mo 12/15/1994 #41895  
es. Ray / light. Fireball follows. Back Jan. 23.                            12/27/1994 #41907  
we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.”    1995 #41923  
 of light along the middle. It was back the next night at the same time as  1/5/1995 #41952  
rs. Shoots away as observers near. Back 26 Jan and 01 March.                1/11/1995 #41968  
color(s) and oscillates over lake. Back 12 Jan.                             1/11/1995 #41969  
ound level / crazy speed/velocity. Back going up. Jets chase.               2/2/1995 #42009  
lway staring at her. She then went back to sleep.                           2/2/1995 #42013  
nusual, so he fed his dog and went back to the guard shack. Fifteen seconds 2/9/1995 #42031  
nally moved its right arm and hand back and forth. The witness heard no noi 2/10/1995 #42033  
ver and scoot. Small objects exit. Back / 20 February.                      2/18/1995 #42050  
e. Hovers 10 minute(s) / distance. Back 14 March.                           3/11/1995 #42086  
 by them, and she was forced to go back to sleep despite the alarm that she 3/19/1995 #42112  
leged “humanoids” operating on the back side of the moon; another duty was  3/31/1995 #42130  
e creature with his car, he looked back and saw it still standing in the mi 4/3/1995 #42138  
h dry woods. Follow road. No fire. Back 9 May. '97.                         4/20/1995 #42161  
 dot high / sky. Speeds into wind. Back 16 Jul. '95.                        6/27/1995 #42276  
s go out, so he is forced to climb back to 9,800 feet, accompanied by the U 7/31/1995 #42347  
 city. When the ground lights come back on, the UFO shoots away at tremendo 7/31/1995 #42347  
 lights going [to] to sea and turn back going quickly east. 3rd large night 8/13/1995 #42380  
rns. Delta/triangle/box-like craft back / 15 August / 0430hrs. / r60.       8/14/1995 #42382  
 red eyes and a spiny crest on its back in a nearby  park.                  8/18/1995 #42401  
eculiar objects maneuver over sea. Back 13 Oct. '95 / 0550hrs.              8/25/1995 #42414  
 on his motorcycle. When he looked back he saw the humanoids walking toward 8/26/1995 #42417  
1' fireball / trees shoots our and back. Swings to and fro.                 9/2/1995 #42436  
 low over some trees shoot out and back a number of times, swinging back in 9/2/1995 #42437  
d back a number of times, swinging back in forth in the sky in a pendulum m 9/2/1995 #42437  
e disk nears remote peak. Away and back with 2nd small object.              9/12/1995 #42463  
indow. Grows. Going quickly north. Back next Mornin.                        9/13/1995 #42466  
ver house. Black disk over garage. Back / 25 September.                     9/23/1995 #42503  
ectangular object hovers / desert. Back 4X. 11 planes chase.                10/5/1995 #42533  
lights / triangle formation gyrate back and forth. Power outage.            10/20/1995 #42560  
phed into a delta-shaped UFO, then back into a sphere. Photometric analysis 11/8/1995 #42588  
aucer. Night lights spiral out and back. Follows car.                       11/18/1995 #42606  
at she was alright. They then went back to sleep. The next morning there wa 12/4/1995 #42638  
llow orbs drop from clouds. Hover. Back going up [to] into clouds.          1/3/1996 #42664  
 home to tell her husband. He went back to the area and noticed the pungent 1/4/1996 #42666  
inha, Brazil, search units venture back into the woods. Two plainclothes of 1/20/1996 #42696  
urth creature, forcing it into the back of their car. They bring it to a he 1/20/1996 #42696  
dome rose from the woods, but sank back down again. It had a metallic door  1/29/1996 #42727  
ock. Thin figure / garden beckons. Back 17 February.                        2/10/1996 #42753  
ddenly became alarmed and returned back home. She threw some furniture outs 2/10/1996 #42754  
ing from intense pain in the lower back and fever.                          2/12/1996 #42759  
 circle farm. Buzz. Animals react. Back 01 March.                           2/23/1996 #42773  
de for a short while and then went back inside the UFO, which promptly took 2/28/1996 #42788  
 and carried the children from the back seat of the vehicle. The abductees  3/6/1996 #42809  
 going south as plane nears. Comes back going quickly north after.          3/19/1996 #42829  
t land previously in the same area back in February observed a similar larg 4/16/1996 #42871  
ey stare at each other. Clepf goes back into the restaurant but soon comes  4/21/1996 #42876  
into the restaurant but soon comes back out and the creature is still there 4/21/1996 #42876  
n window. She stepped out onto the back porch and noticed a disc-shaped obj 5/19/1996 #42905  
 her house. As the started walking back into the house to call additional w 5/19/1996 #42905  
2 / house. Car-size saucer lands / back yard. Going up [to] and west. Helic 6/1996 #42919  
Stiff hair. Almond eyes. Vanishes. Back / 26 June.                          6/19/1996 #42935  
istrict police car that was coming back from a routine patrol, but getting  7/8/1996 #42950  
ng east / 2 minute(s). "No plane". Back 13 July.                            7/10/1996 #42954  
oticed a curious fact. If he moved back about three meters he could no long 7/16/1996 #42959  
Blue-white balls / light cross sky back and forth 3 times. Away fast. No fu 8/21/1996 #42989  
 marks on his arm and later on his back. He remembers that while he was sta 9/16/1996 #43025  
he found himself lying flat on his back in the middle of a soccer stadium,  9/16/1996 #43026  
hite light. The witnesses returned back to the area at 9:55 p.m. and watche 9/23/1996 #43039  
all being again, standing with its back to them. Viewing the hovering objec 9/23/1996 #43039  
ss the clearing, swinging its arms back and forth like a soldier. It had lo 9/24/1996 #43041  
 of its head and dangling down its back. Its skin color was light blue and  9/24/1996 #43041  
op, moved to the east, then headed back displaying FAA lighting. Several mi 10/26/1996 #43097  
full Moon was overhead. Having got back into the vehicle with his two frien 11/9/1996 #43110  
es it moving east to west and then back several times. It now moves in a st 12/1996 #43127  
rew from the middle of their heads back, and they had large ears and mouths 12/9/1996 #43133  
urs had already passed. On his was back to the craft the witness saw a huge 12/9/1996 #43133  
tchen, still sweating. When he got back to his bedroom his wife was still i 1/5/1997 #43166  
but when nothing happened they ran back toward the cabin. Their way was blo 1/7/1997 #43167  
erpowered. Ryan felt a pain in the back of his neck as he fell to the groun 1/7/1997 #43167  
0 p.m. A man is driving on a quiet back road just south of Llangynidr, Powy 1/27/1997 #43178  
hen his dog began barking. Looking back, he saw three ten-foot-tall entitie 2/20/1997 #43199  
t has a disc attached to it on the back and a big light on the front. When  3/8/1997 #43222  
em left. Soon after this they flew back into the purple light via the orang 3/10/1997 #43225  
rescent in / sea. Lights 10M area. Back out going quickly northeast.        4/6/1997 #43255  
get a better look. He suddenly ran back in fear yelling that they had to le 4/28/1997 #43283  
 sky. Going [to] behind trees then back briefly. No further details.        5/9/1997 #43290  
 east-northeast. Lights / corners. Back / 16 May.                           5/15/1997 #43294  
grass. A few minutes later he rose back up into the sky vertically, and dis 5/18/1997 #43298  
s to have a light on its front and back. The witness is inexplicably fright 6/8/1997 #43318  
 ran away, but she called her dogs back. The creature was last seen moving  6/26/1997 #43341  
, which had a bizarre crest on its back. Frightened, he ran away from the a 8/3/1997 #43366  
silent with lights / edges. Saucer back / 20 mn.                            9/6/1997 #43397  
eing watched. Frightened, she went back inside her house and noticed that t 9/9/1997 #43403  
had been drugged. She wanted to go back to sleep, but somehow she knew if s 9/11/1997 #43405  
had been drugged. She wanted to go back to sleep, but somehow she knew if s 9/12/1997 #43407  
 to videotape the object. They got back in their car and started driving aw 9/30/1997 #43421  
 such a manner that his left lower back was exposed to the two needles. At  10/15/1997 #43429  
he robotic arm moved closer to his back and plunged the needle into his bac 10/15/1997 #43429  
ck and plunged the needle into his back. He felt the clear liquid being inj 10/15/1997 #43429  
nstead of injecting. It then moved back and the second needle performed the 10/15/1997 #43429  
ing feeling some pain in his lower back with a triangular shaped imprint on 10/15/1997 #43429  
vents the satellite from reporting back that the second shot has struck the 10/17/1997 #43431  
ting a silverware tray, sliding it back and forth. Suddenly one of the huma 10/19/1997 #43433  
s suddenly and the headlights come back on, so he resumes driving. When he  11/4/1997 #43437  
lver objects. 1 going [to] out and back. Both quickly going up [to] extreme 11/17/1997 #43445  
ver some grain silos. It then came back over the house and shone a beam of  12/14/1997 #43461  
ive, so the aliens bring abductees back to touch and interact with the chil 1/1998 #43482  
The lights, radio, and engine come back on by themselves after the object i 2/1998 #43509  
ooked around briefly and then went back inside the object. The object then  2/14/1998 #43521  
ation has gone too far for STAC to back down. STAC-5 also informs that WPAF 3/11/1998 #43532  
se yelling for their dad. They ran back out to see the object float away. T 5/7/1998 #43562  
 will be left behind. She then lay back on the table and saw two "tubes" de 6/8/1998 #43584  
he opposite direction, not looking back at the humanoids. The night before  6/21/1998 #43591  
 At first it was standing with its back to them, but when it turned around  8/24/1998 #43637  
child-like figure was seen walking back and forth as if inspecting the area 9/18/1998 #43648  
egan to pick up strength. She went back inside her house at 8 p.m., and soo 9/21/1998 #43650  
 the white light. The figure moved back and forth, apparently looking out.  9/21/1998 #43650  
ior. The witnesses then saw in the back seat of the front car a lone entity 9/25/1998 #43652  
e in Alamosa, Colorado through her back door. It slowly headed up the hallw 10/30/1998 #43672  
where six short humanoids, running back and forth and seemingly looking for 3/15/1999 #43748  
 left. As he walked away he looked back and saw the object climb into the s 3/15/1999 #43748  
ters away as this short being went back and forth within the lighted area,  4/1/1999 #43752  
hin the lighted area, then floated back up into the object and disappeared. 4/1/1999 #43752  
hovered overhead. The craft darted back and forth over Ontario Airport. Whe 4/20/1999 #43759  
driving on Route N-3333 on his way back to Los Arenales, Spain when he noti 5/10/1999 #43767  
      At 10:30 p.m. an object flew back and forth through the sky over Gran 5/10/1999 #43768  
de his house. When he went out the back door he was surprised to see an obj 5/23/1999 #43773  
ery long arms. Frightened, he went back inside his house. He looked out aga 5/23/1999 #43773  
while Jehovah was a DOD project to back engineer recovered UAP hardware and 7/7/1999 #43798  
it up. Finally, his car radio came back on.                                 7/15/1999 #43804  
felt a pleasant touch on his upper back, and the sensation as an “arm” pass 7/18/1999 #43807  
aft hovers / water plant. Away and back 3X. Small sphere/orb/globe exits go 8/21/1999 #43828  
s head briefly, and when he looked back the figure was gone.                9/3/1999 #43842  
y watch it for 45 minutes, then go back to sleep.                           10/10/1999 #43860  
trange contrail-like cloud and fly back into it. A few seconds later, it sh 10/29/1999 #43867  
 offshore. Vibrant bright lights / back.                                    11/4/1999 #43872  
 be 15 years old. Zhang brings her back to Beijing to meet Cao Gong, who id 12/1999 #43890  
titude. There were three lights in back and many dimmer lights sprinkled on 1/5/2000 #43922  
ong balita, anong balita." Looking back they caught a glimpse of what appea 3/12/2000 #43966  
s). Missing time. Driver wakens in back seat / car.                         4/9/2000 #43979  
ecollections of an exam table. His back is bruised.                         4/9/2000 #43980  
ed dark wing-like membranes on its back, which may have helped propell it u 4/26/2000 #43986  
pened next, Mr. Ruiz found himself back in his home. Subsequently, his body 5/3/2000 #43988  
and examined. Later he was brought back to his room.                        7/12/2000 #44015  
strange creature standing with its back to her, only 15 feet away. It was w 7/31/2000 #44024  
oluntarily close her eyes and step back. She rubbed her eyes repeatedly and 7/31/2000 #44024  
 empty the trash and was returning back to the house when she noticed somet 8/2/2000 #44026  
 of the other [outer] ring, coming back to where they started and coming to 9/11/2000 #44038  
anning" device. She was then taken back to her car, and she drove away appa 9/23/2000 #44045  
ng arms. Her next memory was being back in her bedroom at 4:30 a.m. She aga 10/15/2000 #44058  
could not speak, and began to sway back and forth on his bed. One of the fi 10/15/2000 #44059  
. The beam of light then retreated back into the object and another thunder 10/19/2000 #44060  
he encounter, because a persistent back pain went away, but she also experi 10/19/2000 #44060  
y turned off, and he decided to go back to the farm home. When he got back  11/30/2000 #44094  
back to the farm home. When he got back his dogs acted aggressively toward  11/30/2000 #44094  
d a mountain. It returns and flies back again.                              1/5/2001 #44117  
n-shaped object was seen "swinging back and forth" over Kelowna, British Co 1/5/2001 #44120  
lained of headaches, stomachaches, back pain, and dizziness.                2/9/2001 #44138  
and red, blue, and green lights on back surface flew over Irricana, Alberta 2/27/2001 #44143  
ent bone structure. On her descent back to her home she remembered seeing i 5/2/2001 #44174  
hen lit up again and came straight back overhead without making a banking t 8/16/2001 #44236  
ed there for 15 seconds, then came back up into the ship. "Then both ships  8/29/2001 #44247  
r about an hour the creatures went back inside their spacecraft, and took o 9/11/2001 #44258  
witnesses saw rain pelting off the back of the UFO as it flew off, and then 10/31/2001 #44270  
northwest. In five minutes it came back heading southwest. When over the ci 11/15/2001 #44277  
lved in titanium metallurgy as far back as Vannevar Bush’s war research.  h 12/17/2001 #44294  
n lazy turns, banking and doubling back. Each craft had six white lights on 5/12/2002 #44343  
med to fly along slowly. They went back to the area where they observed the 6/8/2002 #44349  
er, but at 8:30 p.m. they had gone back up on the roof after dinner. To the 7/28/2002 #44367  
could hover, levitate upwards, and back up.                                 1/8/2003 #44475  
 As the witness drove by he looked back to see the creature still standing  1/22/2003 #44477  
nard, California. The object moved back and forth in the sky.               1/22/2003 #44478  
ent, after which he was able to go back to sleep.                           1/26/2003 #44480  
t yet done. Soon she found herself back on her bed, very scared and confuse 1/27/2003 #44481  
fe starts screaming for him to get back inside. He retreats to the kitchen, 2/8/2003 #44484  
turned his car engine on and drove back to his office.                      2/13/2003 #44490  
nd chairs into a shed. As they got back into their van, at around 3:30 a.m. 5/2/2003 #44521  
 two. Somewhat spooked, they drove back toward town. They described the fig 5/2/2003 #44521  
3:30 a.m. a man was sitting on his back porch in North Richland Hills, Texa 5/3/2003 #44523  
 local time. It then flew silently back out to sea heading east. There were 5/19/2003 #44541  
 to an unbelievable speed and shot back and forth between wo stars, and the 7/12/2003 #44563  
ed, but she did have a scar on the back of her neck. The mother convinced h 7/12/2003 #44563  
herself that the mark was from the back of the car door when she "fell" out 7/12/2003 #44563  
ancashire, England and were almost back home when they looked up and saw th 7/16/2003 #44565  
othing visible was attached to his back and he made no sound, at least noth 7/16/2003 #44565  
ack object behind the trees in the back alley. The two step out on the pati 8/11/2003 #44574  
ed with them, and the witness fell back to sleep  very rapidly and had an e 9/3/2003 #44592  
 could see some of the skin on her back, and she believed could see that th 9/3/2003 #44592  
y Meath. As the aircraft throttles back to 265 mph at 2,500 feet, the UFO t 1/4/2004 #44644  
y for analysis. The agency reports back to the MoD on August 2, saying that 1/27/2004 #44657  
heir house, and returned by flying back out over the Pacific Ocean.         2/9/2004 #44660  
 and went to the bathroom and then back to her bedroom. As she passed throu 2/13/2004 #44664  
es and started to feel so she went back to bed. During the night she had a  2/13/2004 #44664  
val-shaped object with light moved back and forth in the sky over a residen 2/16/2004 #44666  
light. Seconds later everything is back to normal and the object is gone.   2/20/2004 #44668  
ruded out near the end and tapered back to a point at the rear. The creatur 4/5/2004 #44684  
t that came in through both of her back windows. She then closed her curtai 5/17/2004 #44703  
r a flashlight when the power came back on. Earlier that night around 12:30 7/26/2004 #44717  
nt she saw it she screamed and ran back inside, locking the door behind her 7/26/2004 #44717  
he highway so he decided not to go back.                                    7/27/2004 #44718  
rned to argue, and when she looked back it was gone.                        8/22/2004 #44739  
 direction, then changed direction back again to west to east until it was  8/29/2004 #44745  
 also saw a triangle UFO that came back the next night as well.             9/10/2004 #44752  
. Later he found that his face and back were slightly sunburned and his hai 10/2/2004 #44766  
ights flew ahead, dashed right and back, and then resumed its flight over W 10/30/2004 #44775  
om 80,000 feet and going “straight back up.” As they are looking for the ob 11/14/2004 #44784  
wo weapons systems officers in the back seats of the two airplanes) witness 11/14/2004 #44784  
30 minutes they were cleared to go back outside after the aircraft landed,  2005 #44804  
ver them for four minutes, shifted back and forth, then shot away towards t 2/15/2005 #44814  
e very agitated and seemed to want back in to the house. The witness next s 5/9/2005 #44838  
After awhile the three beings went back into the craft, entering through th 6/14/2005 #44847  
 also reports on materials brought back from a recent abduction by Stan Rom 7/22/2005 #44856  
10 minutes, then reversed and went back in the same direction and at the sa 8/6/2005 #44859  
 eight foot tall creature. He came back inside running and out of breath, r 10/26/2005 #44894  
 brother saw two similar creatures back in the summer of 2004.              10/26/2005 #44894  
 crash site. He took photos, drove back to Datil, and notified Sandia Army  11/1/2005 #44898  
--was whimpering and hid under the back deck. As he stood watching the UFO  11/25/2005 #44905  
but by now everything seemed to be back to normal.                          11/25/2005 #44906  
angle-shaped object with a rounded back, and a blacklight colored rear wind 3/14/2006 #44930  
e and drinking a beer, the men ran back up the hill with their dogs. The li 8/5/2006 #44952  
id not see the eyes, for they were back lit by the light coming from behind 8/6/2006 #44953  
seen shooting beams of white light back and forth to one another.           8/13/2006 #44954  
. Next, it stopped abruptly, moved back towards the witnesses, and finally  8/20/2006 #44956  
bject with flames shooting out the back at 4:00 a.m.                        9/24/2006 #44967  
ed by a ramp worker who is pushing back United Airlines Flight 446, which i 11/7/2006 #44981  
and three orange lights around the back.The craft made no noise and was est 12/5/2006 #44990  
nk, and a white antenna that moved back and forth, with a green light at th 3/6/2007 #45011  
ue light aloft to the North moving back and forth, almost flittering like a 4/17/2007 #45018  
he next saw raised the hair on the back of his neck, because the lights see 4/17/2007 #45018  
ures entered the craft they looked back at the witness, and their eyes glow 8/29/2007 #45050  
m he saw a green light being waved back and forth. He immediately thought i 9/16/2007 #45059  
ings in front and two wings in the back. It backed up, came forward, then w 9/21/2007 #45067  
wers in his garden. He had arrived back home from work after parking the ca 4/12/2008 #45127  
t a higher altitude after doubling back.                                    9/16/2008 #45168  
h an orb-shaped compartment in the back of the craft, was then seen over Fl 10/31/2008 #45183  
parate lights was encountered on a back road country road in Newark, Ohio a 11/21/2008 #45189  
ractor attempting to get into the “back door.” This member believed the com 12/24/2008 #45198  
s that referred to a MJ-12 project back in the 1950s designed to mislead So 1/23/2009 #45208  
at change to greenish to white and back to bluish. The smaller objects dart 5/8/2009 #45220  
using a burning sensation. He runs back into the house, where he watches tw 5/8/2009 #45220  
elop lumps on his legs, groin, and back; they enlarge, multiply to 24, and  5/8/2009 #45220  
s and lumps on his legs, groin and back diagnosed as non-malignant lymphoma 5/8/2009 #45221  
to the house, they decide to drive back, this time with flashlights. After  7/5/2009 #45230  
 Axelrod, the phenomena follow her back home to Virginia, where she experie 8/2009 #45231  
ds some nearby woods and then came back to hover over her house. Scared, sh 8/28/2009 #45239  
ng. After the wife started to walk back to her tent, she stopped because sh 8/30/2009 #45240  
pproach, but she ran away, and got back to her tent and found her husband.  8/30/2009 #45240  
's some [expletive deleted] aliens back there!" After he had finally calmed 8/30/2009 #45240  
 to stay in the tent and he walked back to see, but he found nothing. Throu 8/30/2009 #45240  
le head or facial figures. Looking back in his rearview mirrow the entity w 9/14/2009 #45247  
r-like object was observed roaming back and forth over the Livermore, Calif 5/12/2010 #45281  
. He called his sister to come out back to see what he was witnessing while 5/16/2010 #45282  
ginal shape. Then the light shrank back to the white color, and within an i 5/16/2010 #45283  
 About half a mile away she looked back and could no longer see the object. 6/1/2013 #45369  
returned to normal, her radio came back on, and she was able to make cell p 6/1/2013 #45369  
cend erratically. It seems to wave back and forth, rather than just move st 10/6/2013 #45389  
are unable to see it again out the back window or in the rearview mirrors.  10/6/2013 #45389  
 white pulsing lights that are set back or surrounded by a shroud. As the o 11/19/2013 #45397  
te projects   Russia has their own back engineered craft and operates it on 4/5/2016 #45449  
unexplained health problems dating back to late 2016. The health problems t 8/2017 #45477  
unacknowledged SCI programs dating back to a 1947 Truman memorandum still e 2018 #45498  
anti-drone equipment. Gatwick goes back to normal operations on December 21 12/19/2018 #45552  
ity announce that they are scaling back investigations into drone sightings 1/13/2020 #45626  
re and people from the future come back in time to create “past events” whi 3/20/2020 #45640  
t service it was)...I had your job back in the ‘80s.” Elizondo states this  7/19/2020 #45653  
ructuring its operations to “scale back its initiatives in science and comm 2/17/2021 #45677  
nts in the 2021 report date as far back as 2004 and are based on both senso 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "back'" (Back to Top)
observer. Round object 'W / turtle back' going [to] straight & level flight 7/10/1947 #3090  
## Word: "back-" (Back to Top)
ses fighter aircraft, and though a back- up system immediately kicks in, mi 7/1/1977 #32227  
## Word: "back-and" (Back to Top)
tated as it hovered, with a slight back-and forth, pendulum motion. No soun 6/14/1974 #29193  
## Word: "back-and-forth" (Back to Top)
Venezuela saw a silver orb zipping back-and-forth and hovering over the tow 8/26/1955 #12411  
ions, pulsated, moved up-and-down, back-and-forth, and once emitted a flare 8/6/1963 #17873  
white light on each end. It swayed back-and-forth, inclined at a 45-degree  10/2/1965 #19639  
 object as big as the moon darting back-and-forth across the highway. She h 4/22/1966 #20377  
 on each side in the sky, swinging back-and-forth in a pendulum motion maki 2/26/1967 #21663  
 a small aircraft, which zigzagged back-and-forth for five minutes over a j 5/17/1967 #22371  
rren, Ohio at 10:20 p.m. It darted back-and-forth, then sped away to the ea 7/8/1968 #24160  
 photograph by him) descended in a back-and-forth motion in Falkenberg, Swe 3/2/1970 #25597  
 It went down and up rapidly, then back-and-forth. The second UFO was a dom 10/16/1975 #30431  
 it approached the ground it swung back-and-forth in a pendulum motion. The 10/5/1976 #31449  
itory, Canada. The UFOs would dart back-and-forth in the sky. The river use 12/26/1976 #31632  
bright light making extremely fast back-and-forth motions. At one point it  6/24/1978 #33306  
lights. It spun, and rocked slowly back-and-forth. Two small white lights m 5/5/2002 #44338  
ada. It was moving up-and-down and back-and-forth. It had blue lights aroun 8/11/2004 #44731  
hat it was moving more in a quick, back-and-forth movement instead of what  4/17/2007 #45018  
r kneeboard, in the cockpit.” In a back-and-forth with Rep. Brad Wenstrup ( 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "back-engineering" (Back to Top)
ower protections and references to back-engineering                         12/23/2022 #45791  
## Word: "back-forth" (Back to Top)
d sideways at 12:10 p.m. It rocked back-forth in the sky while hovering, an 5/24/1971 #26131  
## Word: "back-tracked" (Back to Top)
 seemed to hover in place and then back-tracked. It caused eight serious in 8/7/1970 #25776  
## Word: "back-woods" (Back to Top)
e were investigating an UFO in the back-woods roads when the purplish UFO s 9/3/1965 #19495  
## Word: "back14jun" (Back to Top)
uare trajectory. Jets can't reach. BACK14JUN. / r173p161.                   6/12/1954 #9894  
## Word: "backbone" (Back to Top)
is ribs and other odd marks on his backbone.                                12/14/1983 #37074  
## Word: "backdoor" (Back to Top)
 to come on. Then he walked to the backdoor, and looking up at the sky pres 11/28/1972 #27150  
d he was hired to program a secret backdoor in the software used by IC agen 5/13/1992 #40463  
## Word: "backdrop" (Back to Top)
ters of the Delaware Bay as a dark backdrop. Curious, the jet pilot adjusts 8/12/1952 #7559  
as seen against the mountains as a backdrop, and had an estimated diameter  10/2/1961 #16890  
s, he sees a dark object against a backdrop of white stratocumulus clouds,  6/17/1977 #32171  
aisetsuzan National park. Mountain backdrop.                                5/9/1982 #36467  
kkaido, Japan. There is a mountain backdrop in the photograph.              5/9/1982 #36468  
ark without lights but blocked the backdrop of stars as it flew over.       5/14/2004 #44700  
## Word: "backed" (Back to Top)
uch a best-guess summary, strongly backed with as much fact as possible. Us 9/30/1948? #3817  
 as the body. It stopped, started, backed up for 45 minutes.                12/17/1957 #14740  
wan, CAN (McDonald list) Sightings Backed By FPS-20 & FPS-6A (NICAP: 09 - R 5/7/1960 #16258  
ead, stopped and hovered, and then backed up.  Sighting lasted 20 minutes.  7/19/1960 #16340  
ead, stopped and hovered, and then backed up. The sighting lasted 20 minute 7/19/1960 #16341  
 South Kingston, New Hampshire. It backed away, landed, then rose in a rock 2/22/1966 #19914  
in 2 m of it, he became afraid and backed up, but the object suddenly flew  3/31/1966 #20174  
t 20 m away 1 m in diameter, which backed up and flew away "like a bullet." 6/23/1966 #20596  
 just one meter in diameter, which backed up and flew away "like a bullet." 6/23/1966 #20601  
ed. When the mystery men left they backed their vehicle out onto the roadwa 1/28/1967 #21411  
t them. Making a humming sound, it backed up and disappeared.               7/9/1967 #22637  
ened and closed its mouth, then it backed off toward the barn. After they w 7/28/1968 #24245  
After hovering overhead, the craft backed away some 20 feet and descended t 12/10/1968 #24757  
ar. The driver stopped his car and backed away. The ball of light changed c 1/26/1971 #26003  
e. The witness got scared, then it backed away, and floated out of sight.   10/31/1971 #26442  
t hovered there for a minute, then backed away very slowly. It curved away  4/15/1972 #26647  
l occupants within, seated on high backed chairs and wearing bright colored 1/8/1974 #28667  
hing was seen. The witness at once backed up and got out of the road; then  3/15/1974 #28891  
d three black reclining style high backed chairs at a control panel. After  5/26/1974 #29135  
meters above the road as the woman backed up the car to escape. It then sho 9/22/1974 #29470  
 It approached the creek, and then backed away. At this point both witnesse 7/23/1977 #32306  
clicking sound again. The UFO then backed away and rose at an angle. On his 12/14/1978 #34127  
ey encounter a roadblock with cars backed up for miles. The base dispatcher 1/1993 #40782  
e multiple witnesses, and many are backed by ground radio communications an 10/15/2000 #44056  
rly morning hours. The UFO halted, backed up, rose to the height of some po 1/2/2001 #44116  
ritish Columbia at 6:00 a.m., then backed away.                             10/28/2005 #44897  
ront and two wings in the back. It backed up, came forward, then went up an 9/21/2007 #45067  
## Word: "backfire" (Back to Top)
uxhaven, Germany British Operation Backfire near Cuxhaven: V-2 launch test  10/2/1945 #1943  
uxhaven, Germany British Operation Backfire near Cuxhaven: V-2 launch test  10/15/1945 #1945  
## Word: "backfired" (Back to Top)
if that is what it was, apparently backfired. Angered by USAF Col. Tacker's 6/1961 #16706  
r's lights went out and the engine backfired but it did continue running. T 4/6/1967 #22083  
## Word: "backford" (Back to Top)
t 1:00 a.m. two police officers in Backford, near Chester, saw a multicolor 5/3/1990 #39551  
## Word: "backgammon" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Backgammon” YieldMax: 20KT               11/29/1979 #35028  
## Word: "backgate" (Back to Top)
er hovering or on legs outside the backgate, Woodbridge. Being early mornin 12/27/1980 #35738  
## Word: "background" (Back to Top)
mall, blurred white oval against a background of sky, but when enlarged the 7/4/1947 #2662  
s also a Board member. Bryan III’s background in psyops was not known at th 3/27/1950 #4742  
unexplained increase in alpha-beta background radiation is detected; after  10/12/1950 #5222  
n claiming to have an intelligence background becomes an active supporter a 1/1952 #5853  
gging until it fades away into the background of stars.                     5/31/1952 #6394  
 and Oak Ridge at a time when the “background radiation count had risen ine 8/15/1952 #7610  
nsity by 1975. Detected by routine background radiation testing, the beams  1/1953 #8486  
and were seen against the mountain background, for 15 minutes.              1/28/1954 #9507  
ficer, and was given the following background information. A Canadian woman 7/9/1959 #15829  
o sound is heard over street-noise background.                              2/5/1960 #16168  
aff. Bryan never discloses his CIA background to NICAP or Keyhoe. Although  Summer 1962 #17238  
on April 23. Adamski was of Polish background and had a noticeable accent.  4/24/1965 #18916  
owed it was higher than the normal background level.                        7/19/1965 #19135  
ntgens/hr, roughly 10–20 times the background level.                        3/21/1966 #20021  
e have an official with scientific background responsible for investigating 9/19/1966 #20898  
 With clouds as a reference in the background, it was estimated to be about 5/28/1967 #22417  
, although others think it is only background radiation. The Pueblo Chiefta 9/9/1967 #23026  
Walter N. Webb years later. Webb’s background checks, buttressed by psychol 8/7/1968 #24307  
white object against a mountainous background. An analysis by the Argentine Late 12/1968 #24790  
uge metallic disc against the dark background of the lake. The object does  9/4/1971 #26317  
 resembling "S C Y" against a blue background. There was also a long instru 12/30/1972 #27193  
ering down out of the windows. The background behind the figures was red, m 7/10/1973 #27627  
 Lorenzen is suspicious of Hynek’s background and does not provide him the  2/1974 #28724  
f colors, that exactly matched the background scenery. The object went into 7/22/1975 #30201  
 scenery. The object went into the background like a chaleleon, and in a fe 7/22/1975 #30201  
ect was much brighter than the sky background and was sharply outlined. The 11/11/1975 #30605  
3 roentgens per hour versus normal background radiation of .001 roentgen).  1/10/1977 #31715  
 photographs / fuzzy domed saucer. Background sharp.                        6/25/1977 #32193  
hat stands out distinctly from the background noise. The team quickly rules 8/15/1977 #32402  
this time for all mankind.” (“U.N. Background,” IUR 3, no. 10/11 (Oct./Nov. 7/7/1978 #33349  
 She last sees the light against a background of trees up ahead, lower than 8/24/1978 #33563  
ol car, shows a black dot on white background. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Ca 12/11/1978 #34089  
ol car, shows a black dot on white background.                              12/11/1978 #34092  
is about 10 times as bright as the background stars. It is in sight for abo 1/1/1979 #34275  
ngle again silhouetted against the background.                              2/11/1980 #35171  
unlight, and were seen against the background of hills and the overcast sky 4/20/1980 #35282  
rts to curve, it is seen against a background of mesa. They stop the car fo 11/2/1980 #35609  
t only 30–40 microR/hr, around the background level. Furthermore, they dete 12/28/1980 #35749  
oactivity, but there is none above background. AMDEL states that the car ti 1/20/1988 #38422  
CHANABIRI, THAILAND Ovoid hovers / background. Photograph at bridge / River 6/5/1994 #41551  
behind, the crew sees it against a background of thunderclouds. When the ba 5/25/1995 #42227  
kground of thunderclouds. When the background clouds pulse with lightning,  5/25/1995 #42227  
t out. He could hear voices in the background. He was then told by an angry 10/15/1997 #43429  
 the encounter was that all normal background sounds were absent.           8/3/2000 #44027  
cloud-like object, darker than the background clouds and not moving with th 10/2/2000 #44050  
an lying about 4 cots away. In the background she could hear a low steady s 5/2/2001 #44174  
5-year-old man with an engineering background. At around 9:55 p.m. PST, the 4/17/2007 #45018  
ed-53890a291fac (rg - Uhouse's mil background verified)     Note: Uhouse st 11/1/2013 #45392  
## Word: "backgrounds" (Back to Top)
n sightings and peaks in radiation backgrounds. Now there are indications t 11/4/1952 #8245  
of volunteers with both scientific backgrounds and mountain climbing experi 8/28/1991 #40168  
## Word: "backhoe" (Back to Top)
wks was operating a tractor with a backhoe when his tractor stalled. Lookin 8/11/1960 #16370  
## Word: "backing" (Back to Top)
ow "drawn" to it, but succeeded in backing away in spite of his terror. (NI 1880 #223  
ow "drawn" to it, but succeeded in backing away in spite of his terror.     1880 #225  
ed. This leads to Garland secretly backing the Life magazine article. Appar 1/29/1952 #5884  
mid-1952, and CIA OSI sought “full backing” of the DCI for MIT to formally  12/2/1952 #8364  
ll be necessary to secure the full backing of the DCI in order that a scien 12/3/1952 #8366  
re that, without intention, he was backing out of the craft, literally drag 11/2/1954 #11539  
gzagging, up and down, in circles, backing up, speeding up for 1 minute. Th 12/19/1976 #31621  
nication” project with White House backing. He plans to establish a compreh 1/1977 #31666  
t, and some of the creatures began backing away. But moments later a long n 8/1/1978 #33464  
lammed the car into reverse. After backing up about 50 feet they saw that t 7/15/1984 #37401  
 for InterNASA and told it had CIA backing for technology development based 2/26/2019 #45564  
## Word: "backlights" (Back to Top)
CA 3 UFO's maneuver. Beam on ocean backlights island. Seen from coast.      6/1971 (approximate) #26151  
s low. Going [to] behind trees and backlights them.                         2/19/2002 #44317  
## Word: "backlit" (Back to Top)
e could not be seen because he was backlit by the light coming from behind  6/10/1998 #43586  
es an “out-of-focus low-resolution backlit plane” filmed at a distance. [A  11/14/2004 #44784  
## Word: "backlund" (Back to Top)
ite. The debris is taken to Dr. B. Backlund at a laboratory in Kubikenborg, 7/10/1946 #2046  
## Word: "backpack" (Back to Top)
IA 1.1M small humanoid (or Grey) / backpack and helmet etc. Guts sheep and  12/1968 #24738  
seems to be scared and activates a backpack that lets it climb upward over  7/12/1977 #32264  
nd two blue lights appeared on the backpack with two downward jets of spark 7/12/1977 #32266  
e resting David was putting on his backpack when he noticed a flash of ligh 3/1978 #33003  
pened. He remembers putting on his backpack when a dwarf-like creature in a 3/1978 #33003  
ith a visor. The being also wore a backpack connected to the helmet by two  2/13/1997 #43191  
ody armor equipped with a luminous backpack.                                8/8/1998 #43620  
erious man dressed in black with a backpack is seen wading to shore and is  10/16/2014 #45417  
## Word: "backpacked" (Back to Top)
at 5:00 p.m. He had never hiked or backpacked at the park before, so Carl w 9/16/2007 #45059  
 backpacks, and set off. They only backpacked about one mile out due to it  9/16/2007 #45059  
## Word: "backpacker" (Back to Top)
                           A young backpacker, Ricardo Machado Oliveira, wa 9/15/1996 #43020  
## Word: "backpackers" (Back to Top)
                 EAST / EUGENE, OR Backpackers. 747-size disk going south / 9/28/1974 #29487  
en it is 50–60 feet above him. Two backpackers witness this and come runnin 7/4/1979 #34646  
                 MILLER PEAK, AZ 2 backpackers. 2 delta/triangle/box-like c 7/1/1995 #42287  
## Word: "backpacking" (Back to Top)
 had decided to go on an overnight backpacking adventure. Their destination 9/16/2007 #45059  
On this morning two witnesses were backpacking around near Glenorchy on Sou 8/3/2008 #45154  
## Word: "backpacks" (Back to Top)
 3 small humanoids (or Greys) with backpacks exit and take rocks and plants 4/7/1964 #18160  
.m. Two 5-foot-tall beings wearing backpacks with aerials were seen near a  9/20/1970 #25844  
e craft, using what appeared to be backpacks. His parents felt the vibratio 3/6/1975 #29875  
 closer, wearing buttoned jackets, backpacks, and helmets with antennae. Th 9/21/1978 #33725  
bout two inches tall. Both carried backpacks and some sort of weapons. Thei 6/18/1980 #35380  
 into the campground, loaded their backpacks, and set off. They only backpa 9/16/2007 #45059  
## Word: "backs" (Back to Top)
rt luminous stream between the two backs” over the course of 5 minutes.     9/10/1798 #96  
hout hair, lying snugly upon their backs.” The article is an elaborate hoax 8/25/1835 #130  
er(s). 2 men with devices on their backs. They fly away. No further details 1/1914? #894  
small, black, shiny boxes on their backs. They had helmets under their arms 8/18/1953 #9080  
hem, but they don’t understand. He backs out of the object, dragging his fe 11/2/1954 #11537  
nd purple blinking lights. Udvardy backs up and his car is buffeted by gust 3/31/1966 #20179  
head, two men, talking, with their backs to them. The boys said the two men 6/3/1966 #20529  
t looked like scuba tanks on their backs." One of the youngsters was so sur 6/3/1966 #20529  
n photos. Also, the numbers on the backs of the photographs are out of sequ 11/13/1966 #21098  
here with metallic band nears car. Backs off and paces car / news.          4/5/1967 #22057  
 and had scuba like packs on their backs. The eighth UFOnaut wore a blue un 4/13/1967 #22128  
breathing apparatus boxes on their backs, and one of them wore a blue color 4/15/1967 #22135  
e looking at them, they turn their backs and the object disappears in a sud 7/31/1968 #24271  
ked their faces. They turned their backs and there was a brilliant flash of 7/31/1968 #24272  
me upon two men sitting with their backs to the road and their feet in a di 2/22/1969 #24939  
ed, rigid, and positioned on their backs, the bodies bear no visible wounds 5/4/1969 #25114  
masks to small containers on their backs. They blindfolded him and brought  5/4/1969 #25115  
nd saw five figures all with their backs to him. The figures were humanoid  8/15/1970 #25787  
er-like black diver suits, and the backs of their heads were elongated, as  10/28/1972 #27097  
g any heat. When his dog barks, he backs away. The object waits a moment, t 8/1973 #27672  
a mask and a tube going onto their backs. The beings walked out of the wate 1/15/1974 #28680  
eath it. This frightens him and he backs away. Climbing back on the swather 9/1/1974 #29417  
s are enclosed in black cones. The backs of their heads are disproportionat 6/22/1976 #31128  
. The creatures touch the couple’s backs and they feel a burning sensation. 9/8/1976 #31356  
that approaches the creek and then backs away. At this point both witnesses 7/23/1977 #32305  
have no impact and no other nation backs Grenada.                           12/8/1978 #34076  
from a box-like apparatus on their backs. He is taken toward the landed UFO 5/16/1979 #34563  
from a box like apparatus on their backs. He was taken towards the landed o 5/16/1979 #34564  
beings also carried boxes on their backs and had an insignia on their chest 6/18/1979 #34616  
beings also carried boxes on their backs and had an insignia on their chest 6/18/1979 #34618  
n the lights off again, the object backs away. The lights go on again, and  4/1/1982 #36427  
When they reach their driveway, it backs off and hovers above a field, then 4/27/1984 #37306  
th several bizarre wounds on their backs. Some of the cows also had a visco 11/28/1995 #42628  
## Word: "backseat" (Back to Top)
rld is that?" Her youngster in the backseat responded, "Look mommy, a flyin 6/1/2013 #45369  
## Word: "backside" (Back to Top)
 with a dollar bill, which had the backside of the bill colored yellow.     11/11/1973 #28410  
ed by haze, with a reddish colored backside, and moved behind some trees, c 11/22/1976 #31564  
aucer on edge. 3 circles / 1 side. Backside plain.                          6/1978 (approximate) #33243  
## Word: "backsjön" (Back to Top)
                              Lake Backsjön Gunnarskog, Värmlands, Sweden A 7/27/1999 #43814  
ople living near the shore of Lake Backsjön, near Gunnarskog, Värmlands, Sw 7/27/1999 #43814  
## Word: "backswing" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Backswing” YieldMax: 20KT                5/14/1964 #18265  
## Word: "backtraced" (Back to Top)
   EARTH ORBIT Much unknown debris backtraced / time and place. Very large  12/18/1955 #12615  
## Word: "backtrack" (Back to Top)
 documents on file, Doty begins to backtrack. Maccabee also meets Russ Curt 8/8/1980 #35447  
## Word: "backtracked" (Back to Top)
in flight, reversed direction, and backtracked by shooting off toward the n 4/21/1952 #6149  
ross the sky at 9:30 p.m. and then backtracked. At 10:15 p.m. five bright l 1/29/2000 #43936  
## Word: "backtracks" (Back to Top)
 change color(s) fast. 1 stops and backtracks going quickly north. / news.  4/21/1952 #6145  
flames from its sides. The witness backtracks and loses sight of it, but se 10/8/1984 #37480  
ject’s maneuvers, including loops, backtracks, crash dives, and fast climbs Mid 12/1986 #38083  
## Word: "backup" (Back to Top)
 soil samples are retrieved by the backup drone tank. Both tanks are subseq 5/15/1948 #3651  
ard radioed Goose Bay, Canada, for backup escort, upon which the smaller UF 6/29/1954 #9958  
 Bedford, Massachusetts, assumes a backup role for squadron operations.     7/1/1961 #16742  
s, but his field phone is out. The backup generators fail to turn on. Some  5/1974 #29075  
uter facility with a magnetic tape backup. In 1982 it proves too expensive  1976 #30742  
 It caused a two mile long traffic backup, and there were over 75 witnesses 5/19/1978 #33228  
ot work when he tried to radio for backup. The UFO shot straight up and awa 8/9/1980 #35453  
kraine, has a power surge during a backup generator test. Flawed reactor de 4/26/1986 #37843  
Center for UFO Studies has another backup copy, and Johnson is able to merg 1990 #39349  
ey have lost power and are using a backup generator. As light fades, howeve 1/14/2001 #44124  
m, while Sgt. Medina was the first backup officer to arrive on the scene. H 7/21/2002 #44362  
://archive.ph/TZuYJ (rg - archived backup)   https://web.archive.org/web/20 2008 #45108  
tational-waves.html (rg - archived backup)     Note: This article was publi 2008 #45108  
wledges the problem, saying that a backup system could have launched the mi 10/23/2010 #45303  
## Word: "backups" (Back to Top)
kette version from one of the tape backups for use in his own research. Unf 1990 #39349  
## Word: "backward" (Back to Top)
ed of 200 mph, turns around, darts backward, and shoots up and disappears.  12/17/1916 #953  
st of Dodge City, Kansas. It moves backward and forward, then up and down,  5/22/1951 #5517  
r, 25 m above ground. Then it flew backward over the water and hovered, mak 6/24/1953 #8966  
ers above the ground. Then it flew backward over the water and hovered, mak 6/24/1953 #8971  
ht. Martinez saw his attacker move backward, blood spurting from his head w 4/10/1954 #9681  
two blue lights, and he was thrown backward. No craft was observed.         10/26/1954 #11414  
ght at the witness, who was thrown backward when struck by the rays. No cra 10/26/1954 #11422  
es with a side mirror and staggers backward, but manages to get inside. Loo 12/1959 #16107  
ke emanates from it, and it shoots backward rapidly. Again it hovers and ch 4/11/1964 #18169  
 Mr. Field allowed his car to roll backward away from the UFO. The engine r 3/30/1966 #20166  
t at Mrs. Tibbetts, who is knocked backward and gets spots before her eyes. 11/1/1966 #21061  
t, and she feels helpless, falling backward. The entity walks slowly toward 6/15/1968 #24039  
to the witness the entities walked backward and re-entered through the door 2/6/1969 #24897  
d out to Tiago the entities walked backward and re-entered the craft throug 2/7/1969 #24902  
onds. It stops for 1 second, hooks backward, and stops again. When the witn 7/21/1977 #32298  
but he feels a hot blast and falls backward into the snow. Two other soldie 9/23/1978 #33736  
n? Observer(s) wakes / car pointed backward.                                12/3/1990 (approximate) #39923  
ghts dance to and fro. Forward and backward. All vanish.                    7/4/1993 #41051  
 witness in the eyes, knocking him backward with its force. It stung like n 8/11/1995 #42376  
 and apparently moving forward and backward, left and right. Meanwhile, the 7/15/2019 #45593  
## Word: "backwards" (Back to Top)
(s). Humming. 2M cone dives / lake backwards. 0 found. / r10p57.            7/19/1946 #2068  
craft, literally dragging his feet backwards one step after another. They m 11/2/1954 #11539  
 PISA, ITALY 6 saucers fly over in backwards V-formation! 1 larger than oth 8/19/1955 #12371  
 the figure, moving stiffly, falls backwards out of the tree and floats slo 7/16/1964 #18421  
or. The being floated stiffly in a backwards motion out of the tree. The cr 7/16/1964 #18422  
arc flash and the robot is knocked backwards. This is repeated two more tim 9/5/1964 #18539  
multidimensional, this short-term ‘backwards grant’ was doomed to fail befo 11/1/1966 #21060  
ing his chest, sending him reeling backwards, and burning his shirt and und 5/20/1967 #22382  
ber-coated glove, and he was blown backwards by a hot blast of air. The obj 5/20/1967 #22384  
r, with its hands and feet pointed backwards." The creature flew eastward a 9/8/1967 #23021  
. The objects dart about sideways, backwards, in circles, in jagged lines,  10/12/1967 #23228  
 reverse, causing the car to drive backwards.                               6/29/1968 #24095  
tched the strange figure move away backwards without taking his gaze off he 8/31/1968 #24410  
YORKVILLE, IL Long cone going [to] backwards. Car malfunctions due to EME ( 1/25/1969 #24868  
ct seems to be noiselessly rocking backwards and forwards, at a frequency o 4/25/1969 #25090  
promised to return. It took a step backwards and disappeared in an instant. 4/15/1970 #25633  
 hovers and maneuvers. Going [to] "backwards". / NICAP November 72.         6/29/1972 #26741  
y the chin, attempting to drag her backwards. Thinking it must be her young 2/26/1973 #27318  
ps. Three small figures climb down backwards. They are speaking to each oth 5/5/1974 #29085  
he craft by climbing down the ramp backwards. They were all less than five  5/7/1974 #29093  
ords "like a tape recorder running backwards." The boy who had been touched 2/23/1975 #29839  
 but their car was abruptly pulled backwards several times by an unseen for 10/1/1975 #30409  
ne a flashlight on it, and it fell backwards behind a ridge. When the flash 1/11/1976 #30785  
n a tree nearby who had legs "bent backwards like a bird." It had red glowi 7/4/1976 #31151  
having entered a narrow dirt trail backwards. Then the engine stopped, the  2/5/1978 #32957  
t. That soldier suddenly fell over backwards. The being then bent down and  9/24/1978 #33744  
icle in its tracks, then pulled it backwards into the mud on the side of th 10/30/1978 #33894  
icle in its tracks, then pulled it backwards into the mud on the side of th 10/30/1978 #33898  
uddenly it curves back upward in a backwards “J,” continuing to move in the 12/13/1980 #35712  
    NEW ALBANY, IN Phony 747 flies backwards. 60m altitude 60m away / obser 12/17/1987 #38366  
 He continued to struggle and fell backwards on top of one of the creatures 5/1/1988 #38551  
T, VA Woman abduction. Earrings on backwards afterward. Repeater. / USA tod 12/15/1991 #40260  
liens had put her earrings back on backwards.                               12/15/1991 #40261  
erior. He exits and begins to walk backwards away from the object. He tries 3/20/1992 #40394  
uriosity. The figures then receded backwards and with an apparent look of b 6/9/1992 #40489  
like craft 75M overhead going [to] backwards very slow. Many colored lights 12/1/1992 #40738  
 about 250 feet altitude. It moved backwards, with the pointed end toward t 12/1/1992 #40739  
bserver. Silent winged ovoid flies backwards / 6m altitude over car. No pla 2/2/1993 #40832  
  NEAR FT ATKINSON, WI Delta flies backwards. Lights / corners. Blue ball e 2/4/1993 #40836  
und and watches the light sweeping backwards and forwards across the field  3/31/1993 #40914  
. Invisible force drags cow uphill backwards. Gone. 2nd mutilated!          9/13/1994 #41740  
ssed a cow being dragged up a hill backwards into the underbrush. One cow w 9/13/1994 #41744  
triangle/box-like craft going [to] backwards. Small lights / Lead.edge. Bri 1/27/1995 #41998  
m the craft, which caused him fall backwards into the boat's cabin. He grab 1/30/2000 #43937  
forced picked him up and threw him backwards about two meters, and he lande 7/11/2000 #44014  
ure resembling an arrowhead flying backwards, with what looked like a head  4/5/2004 #44684  
the strange thing is it was flying backwards.                               8/9/2007 #45045  
## Word: "backwards--flames" (Back to Top)
/cylindrical object paces Lear jet backwards--flames / front!               7/27/1984 #37420  
## Word: "backwash" (Back to Top)
rear and gets caught in the B-17’s backwash and disappears.                 Winter 1943 #1555  
## Word: "backyard" (Back to Top)
EBROOK, ENG Boy. Small domed box / backyard. 4' small humanoids (or Greys)  8/1901 (approximate) #646  
England, Henry Thomas slips into a backyard and finds three figures dressed 11/1926 #1067  
 Rinaldi is standing in a friend’s backyard in Engle, New Mexico, when he h 9/11/1946 #2177  
c-shaped object descended into the backyard of a Mr. Johnston in Waterloo,  6/28/1947 #2449  
 William Rhodes was working in his backyard in Phoenix, Arizona when he hea 7/7/1947 #2947  
 Lyon Ducker Jr.) are sitting in a backyard at Lubbock, Texas, when they se 8/25/1951 #5625  
n, Oberg, Ducker, and George--in a backyard in Lubbock, Texas saw the "Lubb 8/25/1951 #5627  
     TRENTON, NJ Former USAF man / backyard. Strange night light. Swirling  6/19/1952 #6546  
ying in a swirling motion over the backyard of his home in Trenton, New Jer 6/19/1952 #6554  
OUTH BEND, IN USAF Captain Kloth / backyard. 2 night lights going quickly s 7/23/1952 #7055  
orth Carolina. It crashes into his backyard. When he approaches it, the lig 8/6/1952 #7490  
parachute wind up in a homeowner’s backyard. The jet should have crashed ne 6/1953 #8922  
ard, as she is hanging wash in her backyard, she hears the voice say, “Well 9/1953 #9131  
ct heading north directly over his backyard in Cleveland, Ohio, at less tha 9/7/1953 #9154  
 other teen girls are sitting in a backyard in Marietta, Ohio, when they se Summer 1954 #9922  
.m. Billy Ray Taylor goes into the backyard of the Elmer “Lucky” Sutton far 8/21/1955 #12386  
aucer / plastic dome spins 4' over backyard. Going up / cold wind. No trace 8/27/1956 #13135  
 four feet above the ground over a backyard in Altoona, Pennsylvania. The w 8/27/1956 #13142  
68-year-old woman, went out in her backyard with a flashlight and was surpr 12/17/1956 #13410  
ing the family dogs barking in the backyard, a Mrs. Martin who lives on Hop 3/6/1957 #13523  
. 2 observer(s). 1M saucer lands / backyard. More UFO's / separate observer 3/14/1958 #14927  
, California Two persons, in their backyard, saw a round object 1 m in diam 3/14/1958 #14929  
me from the west and land in their backyard, only 15 meters away. It took o 3/14/1958 #14934  
ELMONT, NSW Buzz. Big top-saucer / backyard! Pseudo-human/entity / south-su 8/1960 #16354  
ds see hovering 500 feet above his backyard in Mosborough, Sheffield, Engla 2/1962 #17033  
d images painted on glass over the backyard scenery, fooling even his fathe 2/1962 #17033  
ground level and passes over their backyard before making a sharp left turn 4/24/1962 #17127  
land, 12, are camping out in their backyard at 7466 East 18th Street, Tucso 6/25/1962 #17245  
elo Horizonte, Brazil Gualbertos’s backyard 7:00 p.m. José Marcos Gomes Vid 8/28/1963 #17922  
lberto, 7, are in the Gualbertos’s backyard in Sagrada Familia, Belo Horizo 8/28/1963 #17922  
30cm sphere/orb/globe going down / backyard! Shocks felt near. / r8+/ MJ#25 6/14/1964 #18354  
 nearby barn. Several items in the backyard have been moved (lawn mower, ch 6/14/1964 #18356  
 awakened by an explosion in their backyard in Mount Airy, North Carolina.  8/19/1965 #19426  
take some Polaroid photos from the backyard of their home of a domed object 1/9/1967 #21277  
reddish-orange light outside their backyard in South Ashburnham, Massachuse 1/25/1967 #21389  
k, asked Leland what a tree in the backyard was, and pointed a device that  6/9/1967 #22484  
teenagers were sleeping out in the backyard of a home when they saw a brigh 6/25/1967 #22556  
ll tells him the UFO landed in his backyard. Keel gathers affidavits from R 7/21/1967 #22718  
ike an upside-down candle from his backyard at the edge of Poienarii Burchi 11/21/1967 #23491  
rilliant red ovoid / going up [to] backyard. 20' burnt grass. / FS observer 3/1968 #23794  
re at a family get-together in the backyard of their father’s home in Woole 7/2/1968 #24132  
ple were sleeping outside in their backyard on this summer night in Portlan 6/10/1969 #25209  
TX 3' boat floats / 20' altitude / backyard. Going down / 3'. Whirrs. Blue- 9/1969 (approximate) #25346  
tical moon" object lighting up her backyard and part of the pasture beyond. 11/3/1971 #26452  
are camping out in a garden in the backyard of some friends’ home just off  8/9/1972 #26889  
tion of some kind in her walled-in backyard. When she goes to her porch doo 5/27/1973 #27533  
gins to behave erratically. In the backyard, a dwarf coconut tree and a jab 5/27/1973 #27533  
ear-old girl saw a UFO land in her backyard in Chevy Chase, Maryland. A dia 6/6/1973 #27554  
en are watching the stars in their backyard in San Antonio, Texas. Two “ver 8/1973 #27672  
ee teenage girls, camping out in a backyard along the Housatonic, observed  9/11/1973 #27803  
ee teenage girls, camping out in a backyard along the Housatonic, observed  9/12/1973 #27809  
s hanging clothes on a line in her backyard when she notices a column of sm 10/6/1973 #27960  
ing with "some old monster" in the backyard. He said it was gray with wrink 10/11/1973 #27993  
ing with "some old monster" in the backyard. He said the monster was gray w 10/11/1973 #28006  
        BURBANK, CA Domed saucer / backyard. 4 figure(s) invite 2 tots aboa 10/16/1973 #28076  
 the boy's father stepped into the backyard minutes after the sighting, the 10/16/1973 #28090  
y 20 feet over an open area of her backyard. Something "lit up" and the lig 10/24/1973 #28270  
e/orb/globe weaves through trees / backyard. Shoots going up. Fin / bottom. 5/23/1974 #29126  
g" sound on the screen door to the backyard, and the purple and white light 9/8/1974 #29437  
his dog barking insistently in the backyard of his home in Vălenii de Munte 12/11/1974 #29637  
15-year-old David Mahon was in his backyard in Brownstown, Illinois photogr 1/5/1975 #29724  
 Extremely bright cone hovers over backyard. Lights area strongly. No furth 1/28/1976 #30825  
 foot, 6 inch tall humanoid in his backyard in Daw Park, South Australia at 5/31/1976 #31076  
 road. Wife of rural family out in backyard notices wide band of white ligh 8/15/1976 #31269  
human/entity / silver suit float / backyard. Disappears when cops come!     1/1977 #31661  
 some small bushes in front of the backyard fence. The whole area was brill 2/24/1977 #31846  
es wide is discovered in someone’s backyard on an island in the Mississippi 8/7/1977 #32369  
:00 p.m. Ethel May Field is in her backyard in Parkstone, Poole, Dorset, En Late 9/1977 #32518  
/Sgt Steven N. Haidinger is in his backyard at Chanute AFB [now closed] nea 10/13/1977 #32572  
uminated blue-greenish rail in her backyard in Mendoza, Argentina. When she 12/4/1978 #34058  
oise. It hovered over a neighbor’s backyard for about 30 seconds before fly 12/31/1978 #34252  
", landed on a picnic table in the backyard of a home in Mississauga, Ontar 6/26/1979 #34636  
over TV tower. Go to radio tower / backyard.                                3/18/1980 #35220  
ut 70 feet wide hovering above his backyard trees 110 feet away. Hundreds o 9/11/1980 #35514  
ing his own full-size model in his backyard, announces to his friends and p 11/29/1980 #35683  
 and a small disc cavorting over a backyard garage and shed. They came very 6/6/1981 #35955  
 and a small disc cavorting over a backyard garage and shed in Little Rock, 6/6/1981 #35957  
- Carol Palmero was sitting in her backyard at about 2 p.m. when she saw a  6/28/1981 #35980  
 her driveway, it hovers above her backyard about 25 feet away then silentl Mid 2/1982 #36347  
 by indigestion and a noise in his backyard. He opened the door and went ou 11/29/1982 #36702  
ned at 2:00 a.m. by a noise in his backyard. He opened the door and was con 11/30/1982 #36703  
.m. A schoolboy is in his parents’ backyard in Jüchen, Germany, when he see 5/24/1983 #36868  
ter they notice a section of their backyard has turned brown, a circular ar Early 7/1983 #36900  
gate. She sees a domed disk in her backyard about 75 feet away, partially o 3/23/1987 #38152  
king at a domed disc parked in her backyard. The dome was about six feet in 3/23/1987 #38153  
eudo-human/entity / diving-suit in backyard!                                6/1987 #38181  
pot, 13 feet in diameter, in their backyard in the midst of their lush, wel 1/1988 #38385  
EN, CT Small sphere hovers 3M over backyard. Red and blue lights pulse. / r 2/7/1989 #38819  
ts hovering only 3 meters over her backyard in New Haven, Connecticut. It w 2/7/1989 #38821  
n Mansura, Louisiana went into his backyard at 10:30 a.m. and saw a small y 8/13/1989 #39061  
ucer maneuvers / low altitude over backyard. Oily trace / lawn.             7/18/1990 #39647  
ed bright flashing lights over her backyard. She went to the window and wit 7/18/1990 #39649  
r hearing their dog barking in the backyard. They then saw a man wearing a  5/14/1991 #40061  
a TV program and had gone into the backyard to play on a trampoline in Spri 7/21/1991 #40129  
de of the house to a corner of the backyard, where a large tree stood. One  7/21/1991 #40129  
 Michigan were stargazing in their backyard at 1:30 a.m. when a white ball  8/4/1991 #40143  
observer. 10' domed saucer rises / backyard. Flips over. 3 10' circular tra 9/11/1992 #40618  
olina a 45-year-old man was in his backyard closing up his shop when he saw 9/30/1992 #40651  
             Three men were in the backyard of a home in Clare, South Austr 10/1/1992 #40659  
 day Carmel ventured back into her backyard and saw the imprint of the craf 3/30/1993 #40907  
deos domed saucer / 11 second(s) / backyard.                                5/6/1993 #40968  
namo humming sound. He went to his backyard and saw a multi-colored cigar-s 7/13/1993 #41065  
and forth. She then pointed to the backyard. Jill looked out through a slid 8/18/1993 #41146  
sliding glass door that led to the backyard and saw a creature with glowing 8/18/1993 #41146  
r(s). Saucer / tree-level. Close / backyard. Extremely bright. Lights hill. 12/6/1993 #41326  
next found himself standing in his backyard.                                9/11/1994 #41734  
time her dogs began howling in the backyard, and her small Yorkshire terrie 2/21/1995 #42055  
Dolores Torres had gone out in his backyard in Barranquitas, Guayama, Puert 5/15/1995 #42211  
humanoid (or Grey)-monster lands / backyard. Observer(s) shoots. Flies away 9/16/1995 #42475  
group of nearby power lines in her backyard in West Manchester, Ohio. The r 8/20/1996 #42986  
w three strange beings enter their backyard. The beings moved around the ya 11/13/1998 #43682  
ect with five beings aboard in her backyard. Three days earlier her mother  1/3/2000 #43917  
a wall before it faded. Out in her backyard was a large triangular object w 1/12/2000 #43924  
 noises coming from her neighbor's backyard. The noise of something falling 7/31/2000 #44024  
 Brazil, to tend to his dog in the backyard. An intense white light comes d 2/8/2003 #44484  
very bright light came down into a backyard, very close to the house and re 2/29/2004 #44670  
had just let his dogs out into his backyard in Stafford, Virginia when they 8/29/2007 #45050  
ted by his two dogs barking in his backyard in northern Georgia, where his  5/8/2009 #45220  
ur smaller spherical UAP above his backyard. When “Jones” attempts to photo 5/8/2009 #45221  
m. EDT the main witness was in his backyard smoking a cigarette on a very c 5/16/2010 #45282  
## Word: "backyards" (Back to Top)
   SILVER CITY, NM 2 observer(s) / backyards. Brilliant flying disk west go 7/11/1947 #3133  
8cm clear bubble floats going [to] backyards. 3 lights inside. Maneuvers. T 8/30/1976 #31313  
## Word: "bacoli" (Back to Top)
                  Miliscola Beach, Bacoli, Naples, Italy Two men at Milisco 5/18/1973 #27506  
 Italy Two men at Miliscola Beach, Bacoli, Naples, Italy, see a bright disc 5/18/1973 #27506  
## Word: "bacon" (Back to Top)
 Texas Witnesses:  Dan Benson, Mr. Bacon. A total of eight yellow circular  6/5/1952 #6445  
 reported. At the same time, C. W. Bacon is flying a private jet about 35 m 7/14/1974 #29259  
## Word: "bacqueville" (Back to Top)
                                   BACQUEVILLE, FR 2 separate observer(s).  1/4/1994 #41359  
## Word: "bacteria" (Back to Top)
ea, California, using two types of bacteria (Bacillus globigii and Serratia 9/1950 #5160  
mophilus pertussis, whooping cough bacteria, from Fort Detrick in Frederick 3/1955 #12024  
the air, and small animals and the bacteria living in and on them are exter 6/1959 #15754  
olorado project and concludes that bacteria, birds, and coyotes are respons 9/9/1967 #23026  
s an intermediate organism between bacteria and fungus, and is “often found 11/2/1971 #26450  
of naturally occurring Clostridium bacteria in the heart but is unable to r 3/24/1978 #33077  
ecause of the possibility that the bacteria represent postmortem contaminat 3/24/1978 #33077  
 attack of three kinds of virulent bacteria. Doctors order his body to be c 2/15/1996 #42764  
## Word: "bacteriological" (Back to Top)
,” the flying discs are not secret bacteriological weapons designed by a fo 7/8/1947 #3016  
fic Laboratory for microscopic and bacteriological studies, while samples f 3/24/1978 #33077  
## Word: "bacteriologist" (Back to Top)
chemist; name withheld) and Dr. Y (bacteriologist, name also withheld). Des 4/25/1952 #6180  
unty 11:00 a.m. A biochemist and a bacteriologist are driving to their offi 4/25/1952 #6185  
            Fort Detrick, Maryland Bacteriologist Frank Olson is a leading  11/19/1953 #9310  
## Word: "bacup" (Back to Top)
                                   BACUP, LANCS Radio Frequency Interferenc 10/27/1967 #23337  
crackling sound was heard over the Bacup, Lancashire, England police statio 10/27/1967 #23355  
                                   BACUP, LANCS, ENG 2 observer(s). 2 semic 12/10/1982 #36710  
     At 9:00 p.m. two observers in Bacup, Lancashire, England sighted a UFO 12/10/1982 #36713  
                                   Bacup, Lancashire Todmorden, Yorkshire,  2/4/1988 #38439  
10 p.m. A woman is driving between Bacup, Lancashire, and Todmorden, Yorksh 2/4/1988 #38439  
                                   BACUP, LANCS Several calls / police. Met 10/4/1994 (approximate) #41782  
## Word: "bad" (Back to Top)
y substance with an overwhelmingly bad smell. It is covered with a nap that 8/13/1819 #110  
m, described as “good for some and bad for others.”                         6/13/1917 #959  
lack saucer / staircase maneuvers. Bad film. / r185p1.                      7/9/1947 #3041  
kly southwest / 1600kph and more / bad weather. No visual observer(s).      9/19/1947 #3405  
isiana was testing radar to detect bad weather at 5:30 p.m. when his radar  9/19/1947 #3409  
41r1CQCLcBGAs/s1600/img.jpg (Note: Bad URL?)     Note: CIA psychological wa 3/27/1950 #4742  
                   CENTREVILLE, VA Bad smell. 4+2 observer(s). 6 colored ni 9/21/1952 #7991  
                                   BAD HERSFELD, HESSE, GER Saucer photogra 8/1953 (approximate) #9030  
                                   BAD AXE, MI Several observer(s). Object  9/22/1953 #9171  
a secluded cabin. Olson has a very bad trip and still hasn’t recovered afte 11/19/1953 #9310  
no d'Erba, Italy Renzo Pugina, 37, bad just put his car in the garage when  10/20/1954 #11274  
noids (or Greys). Saucer / tripod. Bad date and location going quickly / r8 10/28/1954 #11460  
ch FAA uses in some planes to spot bad weather ahead. It is capable of "see 11/8/1956 #13315  
UFOs as etheric (good) and astral (bad) entities that are engaged in a batt 1958 #14782  
hat the static on his radio was so bad that he had to turn it off. Wilted l 6/18/1967 #22520  
Beam. Voice says "your friend hurt bad". / MJ#236.                          12/12/1967 #23570  
ad say: “Do not be afraid, nothing bad will happen to you, you will feel no 8/11/1969 #25317  
ie, Manitoba, on a poor highway in bad weather. He stops to clean mud off t 10/3/1969 #25395  
of control. Missing time. Car hot. Bad dreams.                              10/15/1973 #28035  
                                   Bad Traunstein, Austria 11:30 p.m. Karl  10/28/1973 #28310  
range-yellow light to the south of Bad Traunstein, Austria, that projects t 10/28/1973 #28310  
            Ulltichschlag, Austria Bad Traunstein 6:00 p.m. Johann Pritz no 11/17/1973 #28437  
schlag, Austria. He drives home to Bad Traunstein and continues watching th 11/17/1973 #28437  
PLOUAY, FR Several observer(s) and bad photograph. 50cm saucer-cylinder/cig 2/3/1974 #28729  
 LANNION, 22, FR 2 observer(s) and bad photograph. Flame-shaped object goin 2/3/1974 #28731  
                                   Bad Traunstein, Austria 10:30 p.m. A mar 12/9/1974 #29634  
ria 10:30 p.m. A married couple in Bad Traunstein, Austria, watch for more  12/9/1974 #29634  
ssible abduction? Observer cured / bad cancer! / MJ#309.                    9/14/1975 #30357  
 / field-ditch. Search beam / top. Bad photographs.                         10/28/1977 #32624  
OUTHWEST / GRAFTON, NSW, AUS Man / bad road. Phony chicken Coop flies. Fog. 1/10/1978 #32864  
ion, Cheshire, England experienced bad radio static, then had a close encou 11/28/1978 #34016  
. Hallucinations. Abduction signs. Bad burns. UFO's seen.                   12/11/1979 #35070  
pinning around and doing something bad to Boro, who was shaking with fear.  10/17/1981 #36176  
ing northeast. Follows police car. Bad photographs.                         2/21/1982 #36360  
nt of nuclear weapons will lead to bad things for Earth. Tasca wakes up aro 12/14/1983 #37074  
atuck Valley. Absolute(ly) silent. Bad photographs.                         1/9/1986 #37761  
 ovoid GB-type saucer. Photographs bad.                                     3/4/1988 #38484  
er / windows. Photographs come out bad.                                     3/14/1988 #38504  
on, Larry Lorenzen, that this is a bad move and that the APRO board should  4/12/1988 #38541  
per and John Lear from ParaNet for bad behavior and peddling probable disin 10/26/1988 #38697  
It said: "Don't be afraid, nothing bad will happen to you." Actually, thoug 2/18/1990 #39422  
-like craft with lights / corners. Bad photographs taken.                   3/18/1990 #39466  
 / invisible bubble. Birds hit it. Bad dreams after. / r243.                10/18/1990 #39793  
it discusses the issue in his book Bad Astronomy, agreeing with NASA. Howev 9/15/1991 #40187  
 going [to] horizon / 8 minute(s). Bad video / audio like sonar!            3/3/1992 #40344  
                                   Bad Kreuznach, Germany Würselen, Germany 6/5/1993 #41005  
 Gesellschaft für UFO-Forschung in Bad Kreuznach, Germany, and begins publi 6/5/1993 #41005  
melessly". No further details. Too bad.                                     2/25/1996 #42780  
sing time? Watch off 60 minute(s). Bad dreams.                              7/16/1996 #42957  
ehow she knew if she did something bad would happen. After struggling for a 9/11/1997 #43405  
ehow she knew if she did something bad would happen. After struggling for a 9/12/1997 #43407  
 were designed in a way to trigger bad trips when the subjects were on LSD  8/4/2008 #45155  
 at him and I could tell something bad had happened, he was freaked out and 8/6/2013 #45381  
## Word: "badaber" (Back to Top)
                          Pakistan Badaber (Peshawar Air Station) President 7/1958 #15128  
secret US intelligence facility at Badaber (Peshawar Air Station) to fly U- 7/1958 #15128  
## Word: "badajoz" (Back to Top)
tanas farm Granja de Torrehermosa, Badajoz, Spain Morning. Victoriano Maeso 12/3/1954 #11754  
miles from Granja de Torrehermosa, Badajoz, Spain, when they hear an unusua 12/3/1954 #11754  
eported over the next two weeks in Badajoz, Zaragoza, Teruel, Guipúzcoa, an 12/3/1954 #11754  
Spain Talavera la Real Air Base in Badajoz Torrejón Air Base in Madrid Day. 6/9/1967 #22482  
y the Talavera la Real Air Base in Badajoz and Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, 6/9/1967 #22482  
t same evening a family in Merida, Badajoz, Spain saw a disc-shaped object  3/12/1969 #25003  
              In Talavera la Real, Badajoz, Spain at 12:30 a.m. four people 4/8/1972 #26641  
                         Medellín, Badajoz, Spain Castillo 5:30 a.m. Santia 6/14/1974 #29191  
ido Romero is driving in Medellín, Badajoz, Spain, near the Castillo when h 6/14/1974 #29191  
ge close to Talavera Air Base near Badajoz, Spain three days earlier. On th 11/8/1974 #29589  
Talavera La Real Air Force Base in Badajoz, Spain when at 1:45 a.m. they he 11/12/1976 #31540  
ght in the sky in the direction of Badajoz, “like a flare,” which lit up a  11/12/1976 #31540  
## Word: "badalucco" (Back to Top)
                                   BADALUCCO, ITALY 1 / car / malfunctions  2/1/1994 #41395  
                                   Badalucco, Liguria, Italy Cigar-shaped o 2/1/1994 #41396  
                                   Badalucco, Liguria, Italy Cigar-shaped o 2/1/1994 #41397  
itness's vehicle engine stalled in Badalucco, Italy as a silvery cigar-shap 2/1/1994 #41398  
## Word: "badan" (Back to Top)
o, Brazil, where doctors Fortunato Badan Palhares and Conradín Metz begin p 1/23/1996 #42709  
## Word: "baden" (Back to Top)
                               NEW BADEN, IL Electric eng. fishing. Glowing 9/18/1954 #10339  
                                   BADEN, PA 100M saucer going north / 50mp 8/13/1965 #19374  
                                   Baden, PA Object Crosses Moon / Medical  8/13/1965 #19378  
                                   Baden, Pennsylvania A 37-year-old civili 8/13/1965 #19379  
                                   Baden, Pennsylvania Beaver, Pennsylvania 8/13/1965 #19382  
ust put his car into his garage at Baden, Pennsylvania, when he sees a disc 8/13/1965 #19382  
                               NEW BADEN, IL 2 observer(s). Heat. Saucer /  3/21/1967 #21929  
                               New Baden, IL Multiple witnesses, landing, ( 3/21/1967 #21933  
 light over a wooded area near New Baden, Illiniois. The light made a sharp 8/5/1969 #25311  
## Word: "baden-baden" (Back to Top)
                  AUTOBAHN 5 NNE / BADEN-BADEN 2 / car. Car ahead blows gra 10/14/1987 #38302  
## Word: "bader" (Back to Top)
 and British Group Captain Douglas Bader, and General David Sarnoff, presid 8/19/1946 #2145  
tte FAA air traffic controller Ray Bader confirms two unknown targets on ra 12/27/1977 #32814  
## Word: "badge" (Back to Top)
rsation Mr. Christiansen noticed a badge on the stranger's shirt pocket, wh 1/9/1967 #21278  
cket. It resembled a gold or brass badge and it seemed to have a big K on i 1/9/1967 #21278  
, Rex Heflin, claimed a man with a badge from NORAD confiscated his photos  3/1/1967 #21719  
here; Wilhelm states he saw her ID badge and she told him six months before 8/1978 #33460  
 contacts. Moore had sported an ID badge that is identical to other DIS bad 5/8/1986 #37858  
 “Nevada Test Site” and carrying a badge from the DOE’s National Nuclear Se 5/14/2008 #45138  
## Word: "badge-shape" (Back to Top)
      YAKIMA IND. RSV, WA 2 / car. Badge-shape overhead. Rises and blows fo 6/10/1981 #35959  
## Word: "badge-shaped" (Back to Top)
inated. Overhead they see a large “badge-shaped” object about 35 feet in th 6/10/1981 #35960  
## Word: "badger" (Back to Top)
ance The Liberty ship SS George E. Badger is off Omaha Beach in Normandy, F 6/10/1944? #1605  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Badger” Yield: 23KT                      4/18/1953 #8834  
ft a trail of sparks flew over the Badger Army Ordnance ammunition plant ou 3/1/1998 #43526  
## Word: "badges" (Back to Top)
dge that is identical to other DIS badges Graham has seen. Moore says his s 5/8/1986 #37858  
## Word: "badgley" (Back to Top)
/March 1952 issue. However, Robert Badgley, a Scarborough, Ontario, member  7/2/1950 #5039  
## Word: "badia" (Back to Top)
                                   BADIA POLESINE, ITL 2 observer(s). Unusu 7/8/1955 #12240  
                                   BADIA TEBALDA, ITL 10M circle / light la 10/26/1978 #33878  
## Word: "badlands" (Back to Top)
ue-green UFO that hovered over the badlands near Burlington, Wyoming. It re 6/8/1964 #18340  
ng north on Highway 371 near Bisti badlands in San Juan County, New Mexico  9/21/2007 #45069  
## Word: "badly" (Back to Top)
ng men also see the object and are badly frightened.                        Summer 1910 #839  
San Antonio, Texas. Supposedly the badly burned body of a nonhuman entity i 7/7/1948 #3699  
dy is that of a human pilot who is badly disfigured by intense heat followi 7/7/1948 #3699  
reported seeing 2 saucers. One was badly damaged the other almost perfectly 1/16/1950 #4493  
oject Grudge. It offends people so badly that many pilots afterward refuse  1/1951 #5380  
aws and torches, and a small body, badly burned, was recovered.  [Retrieval 1952 #5847  
ll drops / sky. Hits bomber wing / badly damaged. No crash.                 1/14/1955 #11931  
Elmira, New York, describes it as “badly damaged, slightly radioactive cott 2/21/1955 #12011  
 Small humanoid (or Grey) / ground badly injured. Converses. Dies.          7/1955 #12223  
he has rashes and her eyes hurt so badly she visits a doctor.               11/10/1957 #14521  
rby airfield at Aktyubinsk. It was badly damaged by some kind of explosion  9/26/1959 #15994  
taly, when the boat begins to roll badly. More than one-half mile away, the 6/3/1961 #16715  
ey find burning brush (including a badly damaged creosote bush) where the U 4/24/1964 #18200  
NM Fiery saucer swoops down. Child badly burnt. Soot / no pain. / r111p226+ 6/2/1964 #18316  
a man who obviously was frightened badly by what he did see.” He says he ca 11/5/1964 #18607  
ar, which goes off the road and is badly damaged. Phil Patton and his wife  1/17/1967 #21333  
 back window. A dog in the car was badly frightened. The UFO, which was rep 3/7/1967 #21788  
t does so. Statenberg returns home badly shaken.                            Mid 4/1967 #22134  
 became heavier. The witnesses are badly shaken by the experience.          4/21/1967 #22191  
s of the craft. The witnesses were badly shaken by the incident.            4/21/1967 #22195  
e!" He turned and fled to his car, badly frightened and in an agitated stat 4/21/1967 #22200  
ing the plane to crash. The pilot, badly injured, kept transmitting until h 7/27/1967 #22743  
time, and the car, whose paint was badly scorched, was parked in an unknown 5/1968 #23936  
s travel clock starts keeping time badly.                                   10/29/1970 #25893  
alongside the road. She drove home badly frightened. She went to bed but at 3/7/1972 #26590  
r blanket over her, which provided badly needed warmth. Noticing her freque 10/16/1973 #28089  
er field. Static / air. Truck runs badly 2 hours earlier.                   11/4/1973 #28365  
ulses. Metallic noises. Car shaken badly.                                   8/2/1974 #29299  
ntrols refuse to respond. Although badly shaken, Carlos notifies Mexico Cit 5/3/1975 #30026  
 10, a lighted object followed and badly frightened 12-year-old Imelda Vict 9/15/1975 #30363  
e before crossing the lake. He was badly shaken by the incident. "It's all  10/7/1975 #30422  
es from the ground. They were both badly frightened and the driver turned o 11/14/1976 #31549  
57, four bodies were recovered and badly burned but their silver spacesuits 1977 #31658  
 5+hours / missing time. 1 dead. 2 badly burnt. Zero recall with hypnosis.  4/25/1977 #32023  
rns. The brakes are found to be so badly worn that they need a complete res 6/6/1977 #32151  
he plane lands in one piece with a badly shaken pilot. During the encounter 6/17/1977 #32171  
 light beam came through the roof, badly frightening her. She was immediate 10/26/1977 #32618  
bout one minute, leaving the dials badly out of calibration. Franchi feels  12/24/1978 #34201  
t up out of sight. The witness was badly frightened, and claimed to have a  9/26/1980 #35538  
 brightly illuminated car, witness badly frightened, memory loss. Fired pis 8/30/1981 #36091  
 brightly illuminated car, witness badly frightened, memory loss. Fired pis 8/30/1981 #36092  
ttempted to flee the scene. He was badly frightened by the experience, and  8/30/1981 #36093  
departing. The officer’s eyes hurt badly from the brightness and he feels i 12/4/1988 #38743  
d patrol car, E-M effects, officer badly frightened                         3/19/1992 #40389  
t Hills/Malibu sheriff's office, a badly shaken man reported that an uniden 6/14/1992 #40494  
he north. The event frightened her badly.                                   12/29/1994 #41912  
g lights. The kids in the car were badly frightened.                        8/15/1995 #42388  
h an acrid odor like burnt wiring. Badly frightened, Arias ran from his van 7/21/2002 #44362  
## Word: "badufos" (Back to Top)
disinfo-ops-71a044802b27   https://badufos.blogspot.com/2019/03/the-anti-gr 2/26/2019 #45564  
## Word: "badung" (Back to Top)
therlands Navy Australia Battle of Badung Strait Bali Indonesia Timor Sea R 2/26/1942 #1395  
g to Australia after the Battle of Badung Strait (off Bali in Indonesia), r 2/26/1942 #1395  
## Word: "bae" (Back to Top)
ented in the UK to E.J.C. Rickman. BAE Systems studied this design in May 1 3/1990 #39436  
sian technology transfer controls. BAE Systems and Lockheed Martin also con 7/29/2002 #44370  
s Vallée that a high ranking VP of BAE Systems is just one figure involved  9/27/2006 #44969  
                                   BAE Systems engineer Ronald Evans disclo 12/2015 #45441  
space applications. It is reported BAE had no success in their experiments, 12/2015 #45441  
roject-greenglowb8683404     Note: BAE Systems has expressed an interest in 12/2015 #45441  
er mentions working with Boeing or BAE again, though Lockheed Martin Skunk  12/2015 #45441  
erest are TRW, Lockheed, Northrop, BAE, E-Systems and EG&G, among others.   4/30/2019 #45575  
tin, Boeing, Bigelow Aerospace and BAE Systems. It is seemingly published b 8/8/2019 #45605  
r mentioned working with Boeing or BAE. Lockheed Martin Skunk Works veteran 8/8/2019 #45605  
AL and disappeared. Coulthart says BAE Systems deserves a very close look b 2/28/2023 #45797  
## Word: "bae-146" (Back to Top)
ire, England between an Aer Lingus BAe-146 airliner and a unidentified flyi 6/7/1997 #43317  
## Word: "bae146" (Back to Top)
nmark Yorkshire A British Debonair Bae146 charter jet encounters a “long cy 2/3/1999 #43721  
## Word: "baelen" (Back to Top)
                                   BAELEN, BELGIUM Several separate observe 11/29/1989 #39263  
## Word: "baena" (Back to Top)
ied couple and their little son in Baena, Spain. It hovered over their car  12/10/1978 #34086  
## Word: "baependi" (Back to Top)
                                   Baependi, Minas Gerais State (near), Bra 5/16/1979 #34561  
                                   Baependi, Minas Gerais, Brazil 10:30 a.m 5/16/1979 #34563  
 with two friends in a forest near Baependi, Minas Gerais, Brazil, when he  5/16/1979 #34563  
 with two friends in a forest near Baependi, Minas Gerais State, Brazil aro 5/16/1979 #34564  
## Word: "baer" (Back to Top)
 hours. Tracked / military RADAR / Baer Field.                              10/9/1973 #27968  
WAYNE, IN Air Traffic Controller / Baer Field. Many calls. UFO / RADAR / un 10/9/1973 #27969  
 Evening, Military radar at nearby Baer Field picked up the object, (NICAP: 10/9/1973 #27970  
## Word: "baez" (Back to Top)
ed in Kirkwood, Missouri to Robert Baez, although no details are available. 11/14/1973 #28421  
## Word: "baf" (Back to Top)
re, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The BAF crew describes it as a “reddish-colo 3/27/1967 #22001  
 reports is good… Investigation by BAF [Belgian Air Force] continues.” It n 3/1990 #39435  
## Word: "baffin" (Back to Top)
                  Hudson Strait to Baffin Island, CAN B-36 Radar Picks Up O 9/17/1951 #5672  
n Strait northern Canada southwest Baffin Island, Nunavut Labrador 10:20 p. 9/18/1951 #5678  
ying at 18,000 feet over southwest Baffin Island, Nunavut. The object has a 9/18/1951 #5678  
                                   BAFFIN ISLAND, NWT USAF weathermen / the 6/25/1952 (approximate) #6620  
                                   Baffin Island, Nunavut 1:35 p.m. A Canad 7/25/1973 #27650  
00 feet above the eastern coast of Baffin Island, Nunavut, when the pilot s 7/25/1973 #27650  
## Word: "baffle" (Back to Top)
e, IN Mysterious Markings in Field Baffle Perry County Farm Family. A five  Late 6/1964 #18374  
## Word: "baffled" (Back to Top)
o the press that he is “completely baffled” by flying saucer reports that a 4/5/1950 #4799  
ght / airport/apartment tower. All baffled. / r107p262.                     1/20/1955 #11938  
s per second. The FCC admits it is baffled, but suspects that it comes from 11/7/1957 #14461  
fe, disturbed by his condition and baffled by a mysterious burn on the side 3/23/1974 #28939  
pically news authorities have been baffled in trying to find explanations.  2/24/1985 #37559  
d a black pick-up truck. They were baffled as to how the truck could have g 6/4/1996 #42921  
## Word: "baffling" (Back to Top)
954. Ministry records contain many baffling radar/visual cases. He speaks o 2/21/1974 #28787  
## Word: "bag" (Back to Top)
bove the car floats a cigar-shaped bag about the same length and 8–10 feet  4/4/1897 #414  
ctagular shaped was a cigar-shaped bag, about the same length but 10 feet t 4/8/1897 #419  
t. It seems to be an elongated gas bag under which a framework with a prope 7/25/1908 #715  
5 minutes. The car beneath the gas bag is plainly visible.                  9/3/1909 #810  
rrogated / USAF. Bodies in laundry bag. / MJ#129.                           10/1953 (approximate) #9196  
ing the tracking of a Project Grab Bag balloon launch, a 40-foot object lea 10/15/1953 #9230  
e resembling "a child in a plastic bag, with eyes larger than human eyes."  9/26/1954 #10450  
, resembling "a child in a plastic bag, with eyes larger than human eyes."  9/26/1954 #10452  
ike it comes from a carpet sweeper bag.                                     2/21/1955 #12011  
 has absorbed the net as well as a bag containing sheep entrails, and puts  3/10/1968 #23834  
gel hair that he puts in a plastic bag and freezes. A chemist analyzes the  11/6/1968 #24637  
P Red cylinder/cylindrical object "bag"hangs / tree / 9 hours. Going quickl 3/27/1970 #25609  
hanged his clothes, packed a small bag, drove to the airport and took a pla 7/4/1970 #25727  
 (or Greys) / silver suits / yard. Bag samples. Dog scared. / r83p313.      11/3/1973 #28357  
 the other, who brought out from a bag on his back a small piece of substan 2/28/1974 #28822  
g down. Small humanoids (or Greys) bag dirt samples. Observer(s) zapped and 2/14/1975 #29807  
und and putting them into a little bag. The witness thought the man was wea 2/19/1976 #30887  
and appears to suck up a polythene bag. Both objects now move off to the we 1/21/1977 #31742  
im dressed and carrying a shopping bag, with his teeth chattering; another  9/15/1977 #32485  
outh, or nose. It had some sort of bag, which it threw over the witness. He 9/15/1978 #33689  
 a camera. The first one takes his bag of mushrooms. Marciniak shakes hands 9/27/1978 #33762  
mothered themselves with a plastic bag. Videotaped statements left behind e 3/26/1997 #43240  
 witness climbed into his sleeping bag around 11:00 p.m. in his tent while  5/4/2009 #45217  
## Word: "bagansiapiapi" (Back to Top)
                                   BAGANSIAPIAPI, INDONESIA 2 / boat / malf 11/6/1957 #14375  
                                   Bagansiapiapi, Sumatra, Indonesia 5:00 p 11/6/1957 #14424  
y fisherman are in a waterway near Bagansiapiapi, Sumatra, Indonesia, when  11/6/1957 #14424  
## Word: "bage" (Back to Top)
                                   Bage City, Brazil A blinding object, red 11/16/1957 #14566  
 then near the Rural Exhibition in Bage City, Brazil at 10:30 p.m.          11/16/1957 #14568  
## Word: "bage'" (Back to Top)
                                   BAGE', BRZ Several observer(s). Red-yell 11/16/1957 #14565  
## Word: "baggy" (Back to Top)
brown coveralls that were somewhat baggy in the legs but tight-fitting at t 5/11/1969 #25128  
## Word: "baghdad" (Back to Top)
 them, appeared over Zawra Park in Baghdad, Iraq.                           4/3/2003 #44509  
## Word: "bagley" (Back to Top)
                                   BAGLEY, MN Several observer(s). Saucer g 4/22/1966 #20357  
                                   Bagley, MN 3:30 p.m. CST. Several witnes 4/22/1966 #20368  
                                   Bagley, Minnesota Several people were sa 4/22/1966 #20370  
y at low altitude and land outside Bagley. Four dwarfs seemed to make repai 4/22/1966 #20370  
aucer flew down the main street of Bagley, Minnesota at a low altitude, jum 4/22/1966 #20379  
## Word: "baglike" (Back to Top)
 being wore a blue-green tunic and baglike trousers, and had some kind of h 1/15/1967 #21312  
eature wore a blue-green tunic and baglike trousers, and had some sort of h 1/15/1971 #25989  
## Word: "bagnacavallo" (Back to Top)
                                   BAGNACAVALLO, ITL 2 observer(s). 7M box  7/25/1972 #26829  
## Word: "bagnell" (Back to Top)
rdo, New Mexico Witness:  USAF Lt. Bagnell. One pale blue oval, with its lo 10/7/1952 #8101  
## Word: "bagneres-de-bigorre" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / BAGNERES-DE-BIGORRE, FR Silent 30M sauce 3/15/1968 #23842  
## Word: "bagneres-de-luchon" (Back to Top)
                                   BAGNERES-DE-LUCHON, FR Yellow cylinder/c 8/25/1880 #239  
## Word: "bagneux" (Back to Top)
                                   BAGNEUX, FR M. Compard. Large luminous/g 2/1948 #3569  
                  MONTILLY TO/FROM BAGNEUX, FR 8M H-shaped object follows c 5/15/1978 #33215  
## Word: "bagnoles" (Back to Top)
           MARCOULE, GARD Man from Bagnoles. Saucer / wavy trajectory going 2/21/1974 #28785  
## Word: "bagnols-sur-ceze" (Back to Top)
jectory over the nuclear center at Bagnols-sur-Ceze, Gard, France heading w 2/24/1974 #28796  
                            EAST / BAGNOLS-SUR-CEZE, FR Cops and many. Stra 3/15/1974 #28888  
## Word: "bagnulo" (Back to Top)
Italy Night. Bank official Gerardo Bagnulo is on a pleasure outing with mem Early 9/1966 #20835  
## Word: "bagotville" (Back to Top)
dio Frequency Interference (RFI) / Bagotville Airport.                      7/1974 #29233  
n, Vermont Quebec City, Quebec CFB Bagotville in Saguenay, Quebec RCAF Stat 7/14/1974 #29259  
ionary. Air traffic control at CFB Bagotville in Saguenay, Quebec, reports  7/14/1974 #29259  
                     Greenland CFB Bagotville, Quebec Canada's north Atlant 11/21/2018 #45548  
er jets are soon launched from CFB Bagotville in Quebec to locate the “unkn 11/21/2018 #45548  
## Word: "bags" (Back to Top)
 five men, two of whom take rubber bags and procure water from his well. Th 4/28/1897? #582  
und at the site and collected into bags. A journalist from Svenska Dagblade 7/10/1946 #2046  
sheets, are now in lead-lined body bags. Only those with the highest cleara 7/5/1947 #2722  
the way out sees soldiers carrying bags that he thinks might contain body p Autumn 1953 #9176  
es short, dark shapes “like potato bags” moving around the object. He speed 10/1/1954 #10568  
aw short, dark shapes "like potato bags" moving about the object. He sped u 10/1/1954 #10576  
aw short, dark shapes "like potato bags" moving about the object. He sped u 10/2/1954 #10607  
e short, dark shapes, “like potato bags” moving about the object. He sped u 10/2/1954 #10619  
sentially resembled "white plastic bags" lit from within. The figures emerg 10/25/1954 #11404  
wo human beings dressed in "yellow bags" take a tobacco plant and a chicken 12/11/1954 #11800  
e walk-in refrigerator, empty body bags, men at work with technical instrum 7/3/1967 #22593  
it on skids had several empty body bags.  RT states he was seen looking int 7/3/1967 #22604  
FO, dig up soil, and collect it in bags for about 3 minutes before returnin 1/12/1975 #29744  
 Pseudo-human/entity / silver suit bags dirt and rocks. Saucer rises / scho 8/25/1976 (approximate) #31298  
nd wife were in a pair of sleeping bags by the seashore when they saw a bri 3/20/1977 #31920  
nd wife were in a pair of sleeping bags by the seashore in Pebble Beach, Ca 3/20/1977 #31921  
ry presence” that is loading “body bags” onto a Sea King helicopter. When t 3/24/1997 #43239  
## Word: "bagshot" (Back to Top)
                                   BAGSHOT HEATH, ENGL 4 / car. 50' disk wi 9/15/1985 #37661  
                                   Bagshot Heath, Surrey, UK Disc-shaped ob 9/15/1985 #37662  
                                   Bagshot Heath, Surrey, UK Disc-shaped ob 9/15/1985 #37663  
                                In Bagshot Heath, Surrey, England a fifty-f 9/15/1985 #37664  
                                In Bagshot, Surrey, England a married coupl 8/18/2009 #45237  
## Word: "bagsvaerd" (Back to Top)
                                   BAGSVAERD, DK 2 / car. Silent domed sauc 2/18/1985 #37557  
## Word: "baguio" (Back to Top)
                                   BAGUIO, LUZON, PI Hundreds / observer(s) 2/13/1995 #42041  
## Word: "baha" (Back to Top)
 Mars, and that Sunar had once met Baha’u”llah, the founder of the Baha’i r 8/23/1976 #31294  
et Baha’u”llah, the founder of the Baha’i religion. After about 20 minutes  8/23/1976 #31294  
## Word: "bahama" (Back to Top)
                    60 MI SSE / GD.BAHAMA AUX.AFB RADAR blip circles 2X and 3/10/1959 #15632  
                             Grand Bahama Island, West Indies (McDonald lis 3/10/1959 #15633  
## Word: "bahamas" (Back to Top)
      20 MI EAST / BIMINI ISLANDS, BAHAMAS Military observer(s). 5 objects  11/25/1951 #5792  
l Diseases in Howard, Rhode Island Bahamas New Mexico José Manuel Rodríguez 1952 #5837  
e and in open-air compounds in the Bahamas and New Mexico. He explores the  1952 #5837  
                           NORTH / BAHAMAS Brilliant night light follows PA 3/29/1957 #13568  
                 unknown location, Bahamas (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 7/9/1959 #15828  
                      OFF CAT CAY, BAHAMAS 4 / boat. Cylinder/cigar-shape d 4/23/1968 #23919  
             WEST / ANDROS ISLAND, BAHAMAS 5 / boat / Miami. 2 ovoids just  6/21/1968 #24060  
islands of Bimini to Andros in the Bahamas. Inside the cloud was a glowing  12/4/1970 #25926  
               NEAR BIMINI ISLAND, BAHAMAS Eastern Airlines 747 pilot. Shin 8/1985 (approximate) #37632  
periments and wild dolphins in the Bahamas; something he also told Jacques  7/2011 #45330  
aluation Center (AUTEC) in Andros, Bahamas “many” times. Warner IV claims h 10/14/2022 #45775  
## Word: "baharu" (Back to Top)
                             JOHOR BAHARU, MALAYSIA Cigar-shaped object fli 4/29/1952 #6207  
                             JOHOT BAHARU, MALAYA Cop and 1. 4 30M saucers  5/15/1956 #12848  
gar-shaped mother craft over Johot Baharu, Malaysia at 9:15 p.m. The discs  5/15/1956 #12849  
## Word: "bahia" (Back to Top)
 low over the horizon in Salvador, Bahia state, Brazil. It split in half. O 12/6/1957 #14679  
           Santo Antônio de Jesus, Bahia, Brazil Salvador 3:05 a.m. Attorne 2/24/1958 #14889  
iving near Santo Antônio de Jesus, Bahia, Brazil. The car engine sputters a 2/24/1958 #14889  
                               OFF BAHIA, BRZ Varig pilot. Luminous/glowing 5/27/1958 #15052  
                                   Bahia State Coast, Brazil Varig Airlines 5/27/1958 #15055  
Grande do Norte Pernambuco Paraíba Bahia Piauí Maranhão 7:00 p.m. More than 5/13/1960 #16266  
Pernambuco, two in Paraíba, two in Bahia, and one each in the states of Pia 5/13/1960 #16266  
veral motorists on Highway 35 near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Arg 5/9/1962 #17155  
                  RN35 NORTHWEST / BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Several observer(s). R 5/12/1962 #17161  
                                   Bahia Blanca Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Ar 5/12/1962 #17165  
 Humberto Zenobi) are driving from Bahia Blanca to Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, 5/12/1962 #17165  
 Nacional del Sur, both in or near Bahia Blanca. It consists of calcium car 5/12/1962 #17165  
se encounter occurred northwest of Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Arg 5/12/1962 #17166  
                                   BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Local photograph gets  5/21/1962 #17184  
                                   Bahia Blanca, Argentina Miguel Thomé, a  5/21/1962 #17186  
 photos of a luminous object above Bahia Blanca, Argentina, one of which is 5/21/1962 #17186  
  Comandante Espora Air Naval Base Bahia Blanca, Argentina 7:10–7:45 p.m. A 5/22/1962 #17191  
omandante Espora Air Naval Base in Bahia Blanca, Argentina, observes severa 5/22/1962 #17191  
 Argentine Navy pilot in Florista, Bahia State, Argentina.                  9/8/1962 #17392  
                                   BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Large fireball drops s 7/19/1965 #19125  
                                   BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Many observer(s). Stra 7/22/1968 #24201  
                                   Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina -  8/31/1968 #24410  
                On this evening in Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Arg 9/19/1971 #26348  
 local ranch in Estacion Gil, near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina wh 9/20/1971 #26354  
                         Salvador, Bahia, Brazil Alberto Romero founds Grup 1972 #26531  
s Aérospaciais Zenith in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. It begins publishing Bole 1972 #26531  
 develop problems while driving in Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Arg 8/8/1972 #26885  
s driving home between Medanos and Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina wh 8/28/1972 #26966  
                     Dias d’Ávila, Bahia, Brazil 7:04 p.m. Fritz Abbehusen  12/13/1972 #27176  
en is watching TV in Dias d’Ávila, Bahia, Brazil, when his set experiences  12/13/1972 #27176  
 enjoys an excellent reputation in Bahia" was walking through his property  5/16/1973 #27496  
property by the river in Parafuso, Bahia, Brazil carrying his shotgun, when 5/16/1973 #27496  
                     Villa Bordeu, Bahia Blanca, Arg Dionisio Llanca humano 10/28/1973 #28308  
 a deserted road at 1:15 a.m. near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Arg 10/28/1973 #28311  
n Puerto Ingeniero, a town outside Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina wh 1/5/1975 #29723  
                                   BAHIA BLANCA, ARG TV repairman. Car malf 6/4/1976 #31083  
   SOUTH CRISTOBAL AND CABANAS AND BAHIA HONDA, CUBA Wave classic and donut 12/14/1995 #42643  
## Word: "bahnay" (Back to Top)
        El Mahalla El Kubra, Egypt Bahnay El-Qantara el-Sharqîya Suez Canal 10/5/1954 #10731  
ver El Mahalla El Kubra, Egypt. At Bahnay, aerial cylinders emit dark smoke 10/5/1954 #10731  
## Word: "bahnson" (Back to Top)
 was hired as a consultant for the Bahnson Company of North Carolina and in 1952 #5843  
he work of T.T. Brown/Bielfeld and Bahnson, Naudin, Hartman, Nipher, Pages, 1/1998 #43483  
## Word: "bahía" (Back to Top)
                                   Bahía Blanca Partido Macachín Estación H 5/15/1950 #4944  
s driving in an isolated region in Bahía Blanca Partido (possibly between M 5/15/1950 #4944  
omandante Espora Air Naval Base in Bahía Blanca, Argentina The A-12 achieve 5/4/1962 #17150  
omandante Espora Air Naval Base in Bahía Blanca, Argentina.                 5/4/1962 #17150  
                         Highway 3 Bahía Blanca, Argentina 1:15 a.m. Truck  10/28/1973 #28309  
along Highway 3 some 11 miles from Bahía Blanca, Argentina, when a UFO land 10/28/1973 #28309  
lier street, Ingeniero White, near Bahía Blanca, Argentina Buenos Aires Hos 1/4/1975 #29715  
lier street, Ingeniero White, near Bahía Blanca, Argentina, when he is blin 1/4/1975 #29715  
                 Feira de Santana, Bahía, Brazil Around 5:00 a.m. Farmer Be 1/12/1995 #41971  
is property near Feira de Santana, Bahía, Brazil, when he finds an object t 1/12/1995 #41971  
## Word: "baia" (Back to Top)
Teixeira, were duck hunting on the Baia dos Patos, near the city of Pedras  11/28/1953 #9325  
                                   BAIA DO SUL, BRZ UFO hovers. Tube / ligh 5/24/1978 #33234  
## Word: "baier" (Back to Top)
bject moved slowly. Authorities at Baier Field were notified, who reported  9/24/1973 #27864  
## Word: "baigorry" (Back to Top)
               In Saint Etienne de Baigorry, Pyrenees-Atlantiques, France a 10/24/1954 #11368  
## Word: "baikal" (Back to Top)
now Krasnoyarsk Krai], Russia Lake Baikal Eastern Siberian taiga 7:14 a.m.  6/30/1908 #711  
ers in the hills northwest of Lake Baikal observe a column of bluish light, 6/30/1908 #711  
## Word: "baikonur" (Back to Top)
                 Russia Kazakhstan Baikonur Cosmodrome Pacific Ocean Russia 8/27/1957 #13936  
n ICBM, the R-7 Semyorka, from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The d 8/27/1957 #13936  
                                   Baikonur Cosmodrome Kazakhstan The Sovie 5/15/1958 #15035  
 The Soviets launch Sputnik 3 from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.       5/15/1958 #15035  
t site near Saryshagan, Kazakhstan Baikonur Cosmodrome near Tyuratam, Kazak 4/9/1960 #16219  
ar Saryshagan, Kazakhstan; and the Baikonur Cosmodrome near Tyuratam, Kazak 4/9/1960 #16219  
                Peshawar, Pakistan Baikonur, Kazakhstan Chelyabinsk, Russia 5/1/1960 #16248  
graphic aerial reconnaissance over Baikonur, Kazakhstan, and Chelyabinsk, R 5/1/1960 #16248  
                                   Baikonur Cosmodrome, Soviet Kazakhstan S 10/1965 #19626  
                                   Baikonur Cosmodrome Soviet super-heavy N 2/21/1969 #24937  
                                   Baikonur Cosmodrome Soviet super heavy N 7/3/1969 #25246  
                                   Baikonur Cosmodrome Soviet super heavy N 6/26/1971 #26194  
                                   Baikonur Cosmodrome Soviet super heavy N 11/23/1972 #27133  
                                   Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan Two UFOs 6/1/1982 #36489  
Two UFOs allegedly hover above the Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, for 14  6/1/1982 #36489  
                                   BAIKONUR COSMODROME, RUSSIA 2 saucers ho 7/1982 (approximate) #36523  
aneuvers were verified by radar at Baikonur, Alma-Alta, and Bishkek. The je 8/28/1991 #40168  
                                   BAIKONUR, KZK Many observer(s). Orange n 7/1/1993 #41044  
## Word: "bail" (Back to Top)
avidson fail to signal distress or bail out. After hearing the news, Arnold 8/1/1947 #3281  
rops and Suggs signals Barkhoff to bail out. Suggs bails out and he and his 6/1953 #8922  
## Word: "baile" (Back to Top)
                                   BAILE TUSNAD, ROM Night light traces tra 7/30/1968 #24259  
                                   BAILE TUSNAD, ROM Cone-UFO with tail. Gr 6/2/1969 #25189  
                         In Tusnad Baile, Romania at 2:30 a.m. a silent, co 6/2/1969 #25191  
                                   BAILE HERCULANE, ROM Geophysicist. Radia 9/20/1972 #27014  
## Word: "bailesti" (Back to Top)
                                   BAILESTI, ROMANIA 3 cylinder/cylindrical 5/22/1968 #23979  
## Word: "bailey" (Back to Top)
tudies (RIAS), Lear Inc., Jansky & Bailey, Brush Development Co., and Hanco 1952 #5843  
metaphysics enthusiasts, Alfred C. Bailey and his wife Betty of Winslow, Ar 8/2/1952 #7424  
l Morse Code message on August 22. Bailey approaches a coworker on the Sant 8/2/1952 #7424  
rd, Lyman, his wife, and Alfred C. Bailey hear a mysterious code coming thr 8/22/1952 #7683  
         Williamson, Streeter, and Bailey receive coded radio messages indi 8/24/1952 #7714  
s Café California Albert and Betty Bailey go to the Palomar Gardens Café in Late 8/1952 #7734  
         Williamson, Streeter, and Bailey receive a radio message saying, “ 9/11/1952 #7894  
       Flatwoods, West Virginia G. Bailey Fisher farm West Virginia Nationa 9/12/1952 #7905  
 land belonging to local farmer G. Bailey Fisher. The boys go to the home o 9/12/1952 #7905  
:00 p.m. Williamson, Streeter, and Bailey attempt to meet the saucer intell 9/28/1952 #8048  
ll take place soon. Williamson and Bailey ask Adamski to call them before h 11/4/1952 #8247  
cy McGinnis, accompanied by Alfred Bailey, to drive him a bit more than hal 11/20/1952 #8307  
              Adamski McGinnis and Bailey Kodak Brownie 1:57 p.m. Adamski s 11/20/1952 #8308  
t up his equipment as McGinnis and Bailey return to the rest of the group.  11/20/1952 #8308  
they have a falling out. Alfred C. Bailey later says he has seen neither sp 11/24/1952 #8333  
r is working at a home adjacent to Bailey’s Beach, Newport, Rhode Island. H 4/29/1961 #16667  
                               The Bailey and Lore families had observed UF 3/26/1967 #21998  
d 7:30 p.m., Robert Lore and Cecil Bailey drove north of their farms to loo 3/26/1967 #21998  
## Word: "bailey's" (Back to Top)
                                   Bailey's Beach, Newport, Rhode Island Oc 4/29/1961 #16667  
              Mr. Gallagher was at Bailey's Beach, Newport County, Rhode Is 4/29/1961 #16668  
## Word: "baileys" (Back to Top)
5 p.m. Affa of Uranus contacts the Baileys, the Streeters, and the Williams 8/25/1952 #7733  
panic from the messages he and the Baileys have received from space people. 10/16/1952 #8138  
ge Adamski is in on this too.” The Baileys have already met with Adamski (i 10/16/1952 #8138  
          Palomar Gardens Café The Baileys and Williamsons come up together 11/4/1952 #8247  
resence of the Williamsons and the Baileys. At one of these sessions, a spa 11/4/1952 #8247  
 They meet the Williamsons and the Baileys at Blythe, California, at 8:00 a 11/20/1952 #8306  
 9:00 p.m. The Williamsons and the Baileys, with Adamski’s permission, driv 11/20/1952 #8310  
a photo of the Williamsons and the Baileys. Adamski becomes instantly famou 11/24/1952 #8333  
                                   BAILEYS BEACH, NY Red ball floats 600' o 4/29/1961 #16666  
## Word: "bailiff" (Back to Top)
ight. The examining magistrate and bailiff at Demirköy, Kirklareli, Turkey, 6/3/1982 #36491  
## Word: "baillaud" (Back to Top)
ng photos of Mars taken at the new Baillaud dome at the Pic du Midi Observa 9/20/1909 #811  
## Word: "bailleul-" (Back to Top)
he is going through the village of Bailleul- Neuville, he sees in his headl 10/15/1954 #11111  
## Word: "bailleul-neuville" (Back to Top)
 Baillolet, Seine-Maritime, France Bailleul-Neuville Evening. Veterinarian  10/15/1954 #11111  
## Word: "baillolet" (Back to Top)
      Londinières Normandy, France Baillolet, Seine-Maritime, France Baille 10/15/1954 #11111  
, is driving on route RN 314, near Baillolet, Seine-Maritime, France. He se 10/15/1954 #11111  
                                   Baillolet, France Dr. Robert, while driv 10/16/1954 #11144  
       Dr. Robert, driving through Baillolet, France at nightfall, saw four 10/16/1954 #11150  
## Word: "bailly" (Back to Top)
                      VERBERIE AND BAILLY, FR Very dark triangle with 2 bea 11/5/1990 #39857  
## Word: "bailly-en-campagne" (Back to Top)
                                   BAILLY-EN-CAMPAGNE, FR 4 saucers. 1 goin 10/15/1954 #11086  
## Word: "bailout" (Back to Top)
r altitude to perform a controlled bailout but cannot separate his parachut 1/5/1967 #21260  
## Word: "bails" (Back to Top)
ignals Barkhoff to bail out. Suggs bails out and he and his parachute wind  6/1953 #8922  
r, “Beyond,” in which a test pilot bails out and loses his plane because he 4/5/1955 #12081  
## Word: "bain" (Back to Top)
 Air Desk, Squadron Leader William Bain sends another priority telex to the 10/4/1967 #23176  
## Word: "bainbridge" (Back to Top)
                                   Bainbridge Island, WA SAUCER SIGHTED YEA Spring 1929 #1094  
                                   BAINBRIDGE, NY Silver saucer with 4 port 5/30/1954 #9844  
  Driving west on Interstate 88 in Bainbridge, Chenango County, New York a  12/5/2004 #44799  
## Word: "bains" (Back to Top)
erver(s). Shiny saucer hovers over Bains Kloof. Hovers. Wobbles. Then going 5/9/1961 #16678  
ny saucer-shaped object hover over Bains Kloof Mountain Pass near Wellingto 5/9/1961 #16679  
## Word: "bainville" (Back to Top)
                                   BAINVILLE SUR MADON, FR Rounded cylinder 11/16/1978 #33960  
## Word: "baird" (Back to Top)
        Memphis, TN C1 reported by Baird. No details available. (MUFON Skyl 5/31/1969 #25172  
## Word: "bairio" (Back to Top)
                                   Bairio Paraiso dos Barbeiros, Brazil Stu 7/12/1965 #19095  
njo da Silva, a student driving in Bairio Paraiso dos Barbeiros, Brazil nea 7/12/1965 #19099  
## Word: "bairnsdale" (Back to Top)
                                   BAIRNSDALE, AUSTRALIA 2 / car. Night lig 2/6/1995 #42023  
## Word: "bairoa" (Back to Top)
                                In Bairoa, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico a woma 7/31/2000 #44024  
## Word: "bairoil" (Back to Top)
                                   BAIROIL, WY Oilmen. Round glowing-object 9/14/1955 #12453  
## Word: "bairon" (Back to Top)
                                   BAIRON RESERVOIR / CHESNE, 08, FR 4 obse 11/11/1995 #42591  
## Word: "bait" (Back to Top)
Charley Hickson, looking around to bait his hook, saw a domed, football-sha 10/11/1973 #28005  
But the letter is disinformational bait to see whether the Lorenzens might  7/1980 #35397  
h concern” there was an attempt to bait and capture a UAP. Lue Elizondo als 3/18/2022 #45741  
 on something true; that they were bait to try and recruit Russians; they d 9/2022 #45766  
## Word: "baiting" (Back to Top)
 UAP. Lue Elizondo also states UAP baiting occurred during his time at AATI 3/18/2022 #45741  
## Word: "baits" (Back to Top)
     Derna, Libya 9:30 p.m. Mr. R. Baits is on the beach at Derna, Libya, w 5/31/1952 #6394  
## Word: "baiyun" (Back to Top)
                           Guiyang Baiyun Duxi Forest Farm Guiyang, Guizhou 12/1/1994 #41875  
re feet of woodland in the Guiyang Baiyun Duxi Forest Farm near Guiyang, Gu 12/1/1994 #41875  
## Word: "baja" (Back to Top)
                     west coast of Baja California, Mexico George W. Crusse 1/1892? #297  
water lagoons on the west coast of Baja California, Mexico, when they see a 1/1892? #297  
days. Called ball-lightning. WSW / Baja.                                    8/18/1940 (approximate) #1344  
disc-shaped objects over Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico and that two had 7/7/1947 #2943  
                                   Baja (near), CA Donnelly Case, (M) (NICA 11/3/1949 #4408  
                         Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico 11:00 a.m. USAF  11/3/1949 #4411  
h about 2 miles north of Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico, with a friend w 11/3/1949 #4411  
ed object north of Rosarita Beach, Baja California, Mexico. The objects had 11/3/1949 #4412  
                         300KM OFF BAJA CALIFORNIA 12M blot / light. Hovers 8/1956 (approximate) #13032  
                        200MI WITH BAJA CALIFORNIA Ship crew. Cloud going n 12/16/1965 #19772  
                      NORTH / VEGA BAJA, PR 2 / Cessna. 30M dull metallic o 4/6/1967 #22070  
la returned to his home in La Paz, Baja California, Mexico at around 11:00  5/15/1967 #22348  
                       EAST / VEGA BAJA, PR 2 / car. Color-white saucer / r 12/31/1968 #24798  
           A local resident of Toa Baja, Puerto Rico reported encountering  11/24/1995 #42622  
           On this night near Vega Baja, Arecebo, Puerto Rico Jesus Medina  11/28/1995 #42628  
                    In San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico a bright light w 4/25/2001 #44166  
               Southern California Baja California, Mexico Day. A military  10/10/2002 #44416  
he coast of Southern California or Baja California, Mexico, is looking down 10/10/2002 #44416  
## Word: "bajada" (Back to Top)
vered above the road leading to La Bajada. As the police were driving to th 1/8/1962 #17016  
                                   BAJADA GRANDE, ARG 3-eyed Melonhead grab 7/28/1962 #17294  
eachers commuting to schools in La Bajada, Catamarca province, Argentina sa 6/1/1978 #33248  
## Word: "bajenov" (Back to Top)
ssian Tupolev Tu-2 piloted by Maj. Bajenov and Boris Surikov are flying ove 1944 #1559  
## Word: "bajeola" (Back to Top)
                                   Bajeola Grande, Argentina Roberto Mievre 7/30/1962 #17305  
## Word: "baka" (Back to Top)
om a Japanese development called a Baka Bomb, but exhaust flames can only b 7/1945 #1886  
s neither Venus nor the moon nor a Baka Bomb.”                              7/1945 #1886  
## Word: "bakaev" (Back to Top)
Minister of Merchant Marine Viktor Bakaev charges that US military aircraft 1/12/1961 #16577  
## Word: "bake" (Back to Top)
s / 13' saucer ask farmer / water. Bake pancakes! / MJ#276.                 4/18/1961 #16650  
## Word: "baked" (Back to Top)
ce. Phosphorous may also have been baked out of the soil and may have been  11/2/1971 #26450  
rtheast. Soil / 300° C. Vegetation baked. / r149p63+/ LDLN#207+/ r12.       1/8/1981 #35774  
r Grey) behind control panel. Tree baked!                                   6/3/1992 #40483  
## Word: "bakelite" (Back to Top)
s on them, and material resembling Bakelite. Marcel and Cavitt walk the per 7/7/1947 #2928  
h-black plastic like material like Bakelite; and fragments of I-beams with  3/6/1991 #40002  
## Word: "baker" (Back to Top)
ortsmouth, England 2:00 a.m. Annie Baker of 39 Highland Road, Southsea, Por Late 7/1921 #1012  
                                   Baker Dry Lake Mojave Desert, California 7/3/1941 #1368  
8-foot wingspan, is first flown at Baker Dry Lake in the Mojave Desert, Cal 7/3/1941 #1368  
 The pilots names were McFalls and Baker.                                   12/22/1944 #1728  
y on this night. The two man crew, Baker and McFalls, watched the light pac 12/24/1944 #1733  
er, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Baker” Yield: 21KT                       7/24/1946 #2077  
                                   Baker nuclear test Bikini Atoll Marshall 7/25/1946 #2080  
test Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands Baker nuclear test, Bikini Atoll in the  7/25/1946 #2080  
                       NORTHEAST / BAKER, OR 2 observer(s). Pie-tin saucer  6/22/1947 #2361  
  HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Sgt. Baker and several. 3 round rolling objec 7/8/1947 #2955  
er, Massachusetts 5:48 p.m. Warren Baker Eames is driving with his wife Ali 7/13/1947 #3171  
    Kokomo, Indiana Witness:  Earl Baker. One grey metallic disc, 50' in di 4/8/1950 #4829  
ed for 2 minutes, then flew away.  Baker aroused from sleep by his dog.     4/8/1950 #4829  
             At 2:00 a.m. Mr. Earl Baker, a metal worker in Kokomo, Indiana 4/8/1950 #4831  
ews the film; so does Robert M. L. Baker Jr. in 1954, and the Colorado proj 8/15/1950 #5126  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Baker” Yield: 8KT                        1/28/1951 #5420  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Baker” Yield: 3.5KT                      10/28/1951 #5749  
tions similar to Manzano are: Site Baker at Killeen Base, adjacent to Gray  2/22/1952 #5920  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Baker” Yield: 1KT                        4/15/1952 #6082  
ski, though credited to Jerrold E. Baker, is taken secretly the day before  12/13/1952 #8414  
                       DUNEDIN, NZ Baker. Blue object with red rim going qu 1/14/1953 #8538  
                          GORE, NZ Baker. Luminous object going quickly ESE 1/20/1953 #8555  
, South Australia 4:45 p.m. Sydney Baker is at a radar post in the RAAF Woo 5/5/1954 #9753  
 Ridgeway, Canada Mr. and Mrs. Guy Baker saw a disk, about 14 m in diameter 6/21/1954 #9917  
Ridgeway, Ontario, Guy and Valeria Baker see a hovering, domed disc about 4 6/21/1954 #9920  
                  Mr. and Mrs. Guy Baker saw a hovering, domed disc-shaped  6/21/1954 #9923  
                 Loctudy, France A baker, P. Lucas, was draining water from 10/5/1954 #10726  
e, France 4:00 a.m. M. P. Lucas, a baker in Loctudy, Finistère, France, is  10/5/1954 #10732  
   Loctudy, France. At 4:00 a.m. a baker, Mr. P. Lucas, was draining water  10/5/1954 #10737  
                        BOMPAS, FR Baker Sebelli and more/others. 2M cylind 10/9/1954 #10839  
     PIERREFONTAINE-LES-VARANS, FR Baker. Reddish saucer going northwest sl 10/14/1954 #11011  
              ST. PIERRE HALTE, FR Baker. 4M mushroom lands / railroad/rail 10/15/1954 #11076  
      Saint-Pierre-Halte, France A baker saw a brilliant yellow craft desce 10/15/1954 #11100  
erre-Halte, France. At 3:40 a.m. a baker saw a brilliant yellow craft desce 10/15/1954 #11116  
                 On this afternoon baker M. Lelu was in his vehicle on Rout 10/23/1954 #11346  
, Alene Sutton, June Taylor, O. P. Baker) plus 3 children (Charlton, Lonnie 8/21/1955 #12386  
ave Desert 6:55–7:20 a.m. Frank E. Baker, supervisor of civilian camera ope 5/2/1957 #13643  
. They need to get permission from Baker to photograph anything, so they ca 5/2/1957 #13643  
r appearance when high in the sky. Baker gives them his approval and they b 5/2/1957 #13643  
ncluding a Mr. Duncan and Allan D. Baker. Stokes stops and gets out, sees a 11/4/1957 #14286  
ystem Trijanon Lee Childers Jr., a baker from Detroit, Michigan, speaks at  6/28/1958 #15123  
a 10:45 p.m. Leo Haley and Bert C. Baker are driving on US Highway 2, some  1/18/1960 #16155  
wo men driving in a car, Haley and Baker, at 10:55 p.m. in Lakota, North Da 1/18/1960 #16156  
CAYMANS, WEST INDIES Observer(s) = Baker and Ralston. No further details. P 10/19/1961 #16916  
             US91 17KM SOUTHWEST / BAKER, CA 3 observer(s). Brown colored s 4/30/1964 #18224  
                                   Baker, California Gloria Biggs, her husb 4/30/1964 #18228  
t on a hilltop about 17 km west of Baker on U.S. Highway 91. They lost sigh 4/30/1964 #18228  
illtop about 17 kilometers west of Baker, California on U. S. Highway 91. T 4/30/1964 #18233  
                                   Baker, OR (McDonald list) Object Observe 12/4/1964 #18651  
tt and his business partner Harold Baker claim they were invited to MacDill 1966 #19799  
 116 feet in diameter. Pickett and Baker say they interviewed base personne 1966 #19799  
ternoon in Bingham, Maine Miss Kim Baker, a 6-year-old girl, saw a shiny me 4/23/1966 #20392  
        Kansas, Ohio Witness:  Max Baker. One bright silver, cigar-shaped o 6/8/1966 #20542  
                               Max Baker, age 43, was driving west on Sandu 6/8/1966 #20546  
k Church (D-Idaho) and Sen. Howard Baker (R-Tenn.). The FBI begins COINTELP 8/1967 #22770  
nd.). Witnesses included Robert M. Baker, Robert L. Hall, James A. Harder,  7/29/1968 #24253  
er (UC-Berkeley), and Robert M. L. Baker Jr. (UCLA) give testimony. Hynek i 7/29/1968 #24254  
hor Heyerdahl and navigator Norman Baker, aboard their boat the Ra II, radi 6/11/1970 #25697  
 Telgruc-sur-Mer Paris 7:00 p.m. A baker named Le Meur, with his wife and t 5/20/1974 #29119  
y disc-shaped UFO witnessed by the Baker family left a ring-shaped ground m 3/13/1975 #29895  
                  Great Slave Lake Baker Lake The Soviet reconnaissance sat 1/24/1978 #32912  
mile path from Great Slave Lake to Baker Lake. The effort to recover radioa 1/24/1978 #32912  
 away. They knock on the door of a baker named Varisse to tell their story, 6/19/1978 #33291  
ll Exeter, Devon 10:00 p.m. Gordon Baker and two others watch two cross-sha 8/4/1987 #38228  
Detroit 8:35 p.m. Sheila and Henry Baker and their three children are drivi 3/4/1988 #38487  
                              Utah Baker, California 5:00 p.m. A truck driv 11/11/1988 #38711  
ruck driver returning from Utah to Baker, California, goes through a series 11/11/1988 #38711  
fter midnight before he returns to Baker and leave him terrified. During th 11/11/1988 #38711  
Post, is with general manager Teri Baker when she snaps three time-lapse ph 3/9/1989 #38869  
                                   BAKER GOING QUICKLY [TO] HOLT, FL 3 / SR 4/14/1995 #42149  
e: In 2008, AATIP scientist Robert Baker who specialized in high frequency  8/1/1997 #43364  
stone Arsenal with AC Gravity, and Baker states she “never presented them w 8/1/1997 #43364  
h a final report” on the contract. Baker did not know where Li went or why  8/1/1997 #43364  
hy she didn’t finish her contract. Baker also states he is working with Fan 8/1/1997 #43364  
W research at this time.  In 2019, Baker clarified he was on the Army’s ove 8/1/1997 #43364  
e “didn’t quite get around to it.” Baker states he has communicated with Li 8/1/1997 #43364  
sults-5d9f9560e1a6  Note: In 2020, Baker stated there was zero publicly dis 8/1/1997 #43364  
 HFGW research including Robert M. Baker, Heinz Dehnen, Fernando Romero-Bor 5/6/2003 #44526  
1997) and AATIP contributor Robert Baker.  https://www.prweb.com/releases/2 3/28/2006 #44931  
by physicists.  Ning Li and Robert Baker were working on Li-Baker HFGW dete 2008 #45108  
author of the AAWSAP paper, Robert Baker of GravWave LLC, accuses the JASON 10/2008 #45173  
genda to discredit HFGW research,” Baker and GravWave responded: “it is dif 10/2008 #45173  
## Word: "baker's" (Back to Top)
in Saint-Pierre Halte, France by a baker's assistant from Calais.           10/14/1954 #11062  
 morning in Mellen, Wisconsin Jane Baker's dog reacted to a domed disc-shap 3/14/1975 #29899  
## Word: "baker-2" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Baker-2” Yield: 8KT                      2/2/1951 #5429  
## Word: "baker-nunn" (Back to Top)
d optical tracking stations (using Baker-Nunn camera-telescopes) come onlin 9/11/1956 #13214  
                                   Baker-Nunn cameras Naval Space Command N 1959 #15509  
d in conjunction with a network of Baker-Nunn cameras that can see an objec 1959 #15509  
## Word: "bakers" (Back to Top)
                 BOUKANEFIS, ALG 2 bakers. "Agile" dinner-plate going quick 7/15/1952 #6823  
             At 12:55 p.m. EDT two bakers saw a slow moving, red tinged whi 8/13/1965 #19385  
                                   BAKERS LAKE / BARRINGTON, ILL Dozens / o 11/1/1974 (approximate) #29576  
a "chicken coop" at a place called Bakers Creek Falls, near Armidale, New S 1/10/1978 #32867  
a "chicken coop" at a place called Bakers Creek Falls, near Armidale, New S 1/10/1978 #32870  
 lake ice to rumble and crack. The Bakers get nervous and drive home, where 3/4/1988 #38487  
wer Plant about 20 miles away. The Bakers alert the Coast Guard, and Seaman 3/4/1988 #38487  
## Word: "bakersfield" (Back to Top)
                                   BAKERSFIELD, CA Several separate observe 11/26/1896 #363  
                                   BAKERSFIELD, CA 1 observer. Metallic obj 10/18/1927 #1080  
                                   Bakersfield, California Richard Sweed is 10/18/1927 #1081  
s driving west on the outskirts of Bakersfield, California, when he sees a  10/18/1927 #1081  
that was flying low over a road in Bakersfield, California. A human looking 10/18/1927 #1082  
                                   Bakersfield, CA Physicist and his wife n 1941 #1350  
CA Physicist and his wife north of Bakersfield, California watch a long sle 1941 #1350  
            US Highway 99 north of Bakersfield, California A physicist and  1941 #1352  
ng notrh on US Highway 99 north of Bakersfield, California, and pull off to 1941 #1352  
                                   Bakersfield, CA Ten "Almost Round" Objec 6/14/1947 #2328  
                        At noon in Bakersfield, California a man saw 10 fly 6/14/1947 #2329  
                                   BAKERSFIELD, CA Pilot Rankin and 1+2. 10 6/23/1947 #2369  
                                   Bakersfield, California Afternoon. Disab 6/23/1947 #2375  
in a V-formation over his house in Bakersfield, California. About two hours 6/23/1947 #2375  
                                   BAKERSFIELD, CA Several observer(s). Shi 7/4/1947 #2603  
                            WEST / BAKERSFIELD, CA DC3. Large star / sharp  11/27/1950 #5291  
toward a DC-3 transport plane over Bakersfield, California at 9:08 p.m., fl 11/27/1950 #5295  
                           SOUTH / BAKERSFIELD, CA 100+/ drive-in. 2 silent 8/12/1952 #7554  
                            WEST / BAKERSFIELD, CA Oilmen and more. 6 disks 7/22/1956 #13002  
le named McMullins driving between Bakersfield and Pixley, California repor 7/22/1956 #13008  
                        California Bakersfield, California Between 9:00 and Summer 1974 #29219  
ht zigzagging through the sky near Bakersfield, California. They follow the Summer 1974 #29219  
                                   Bakersfield, Missouri 8:30 p.m. Richard  9/10/1978 #33655  
500 feet southeast at 170 mph near Bakersfield, Missouri, when he sees a ye 9/10/1978 #33655  
 near Lake Isabella, 35 miles from Bakersfield, California watching televis 12/11/1979 #35073  
                                   BAKERSFIELD, VT Delta/triangle/box-like  2/8/1982 #36324  
                                   Bakersfield, VT A delta-shaped object fo 2/8/1982 #36326  
                   That evening in Bakersfield, Vermont a delta-shaped obje 2/8/1982 #36329  
                Vermont Highway 36 Bakersfield, Vermont 9:00 p.m. Aubre Bro Mid 2/1982 #36347  
ving along Vermont Highway 36 near Bakersfield, Vermont, when she sees a li Mid 2/1982 #36347  
                            WEST / BAKERSFIELD, VT 3 teens / car. Ovoid hov 11/28/1993 #41306  
                                   BAKERSFIELD, CA 2 observer(s). 3 odd obj 4/3/1995 #42135  
                                   BAKERSFIELD, CA Many observer(s) / 8 hou 8/6/1995 #42360  
lly to the east of his location in Bakersfield. The object was observed for 10/3/1996 #43052  
## Word: "bakery" (Back to Top)
. Slow white globe going [to] over bakery. Descends over power towers nearb 8/13/1965 #19376  
globe glide noiselessly over their bakery in Lynn, Massachusetts. The UFO t 8/13/1965 #19385  
## Word: "bakewell" (Back to Top)
                                   BAKEWELL, DERBY Scores / observer(s). 30 9/26/1993 #41210  
## Word: "bakhrushev" (Back to Top)
                                   Bakhrushev, Russia 10:05 p.m. LT. By a w 5/17/1967 #22366  
## Word: "baking" (Back to Top)
o, Brazil - Geni Lisboa was busily baking wedding cakes early in the mornin 5/27/1973 #27535  
## Word: "bakke" (Back to Top)
ag, Norway 11:15 p.m. Capt. Erling Bakke and his wife see a peculiar vessel 7/4/1972 #26765  
## Word: "baku" (Back to Top)
                              USSR Baku, Azerbaijan Prague, Czechoslovakia  10/4/1955 #12488  
he USSR, is on a Soviet train near Baku, Azerbaijan, when he spots a disc-s 10/4/1955 #12488  
 trans-Caucasus railway outside of Baku, Azerbaijan on this day in 1955. Wh 10/4/1955 #12489  
photograph of a spherical UFO over Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan.    1/2/2003 #44462  
## Word: "bal" (Back to Top)
ct with bright light. Rumor only / Bal.Olmos.                               3/11/1976 #30932  
## Word: "bala" (Back to Top)
                              LAKE BALA, WALES 30 Army reserves seek plane  7/1/1966? #20628  
## Word: "balaban" (Back to Top)
the actors who are interested (Bob Balaban, Richard Dreyfuss, Melinda Dillo 7/23/1976 #31183  
## Word: "balaclava" (Back to Top)
ring blue-green coveralls, a brown balaclava, and an open brown jacket appe 2/3/1964 #18125  
## Word: "baladonia" (Back to Top)
              Thirty miles east of Baladonia, Western Australia a 30-year-o 2/5/1978 #32956  
## Word: "balagny-sur-therain" (Back to Top)
                                   BALAGNY-SUR-THERAIN, FR Glowing-ovoid ov 3/25/1974 #28946  
. a 34-year-old man was driving in Balagny-sur-Therain, Oise, France an sig 3/25/1974 #28950  
## Word: "balaia" (Back to Top)
                          Hotel Da Balaia Albufeira, Portugal 5:00 a.m. Ter 8/10/1976 #31251  
ddenly in her room at the Hotel Da Balaia in Albufeira, Portugal, and sees  8/10/1976 #31251  
cq were on holiday at the Hotel Da Balaia in Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal a 8/10/1976 #31252  
## Word: "balaklava" (Back to Top)
Black Sea Sevastopol Crimea Russia Balaklava District During naval exercise 12/1982 #36704  
tified target is detected over the Balaklava District at a low altutude. It 12/1982 #36704  
## Word: "balakovo" (Back to Top)
                                   Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant, Saratov Ob 6/27/1985 #37609  
tartup of the first reactor at the Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant, Saratov Ob 6/27/1985 #37609  
## Word: "balance" (Back to Top)
ter hovering 12 feet in the air to balance itself, it rapidly accelerates u 8/1914 #907  
ut his body, had to stop, lost his balance several times as he returned to  9/13/1952 #7914  
dy, had to stop, and then lost his balance several times as he returned to  9/13/1952 #7916  
zy and has trouble maintaining his balance. The effect wears off in about o 11/17/1954 #11663  
quantities” that might disrupt the balance of the universe. They claim the  11/10/1965 #19711  
ge whites of the eyes. They lacked balance and coordination, and felt light 10/27/1975 #30489  
raft was oval in shape appeared to balance itself just above the ground. Cr 12/6/1978 #34068  
eeks afterward, and their sense of balance is disturbed.                    7/31/1981 #36048  
tense nightmares and disruption of balance. Hypnosis was unsuccessful in re 7/31/1981 #36050  
## Word: "balance-shaped" (Back to Top)
-Maritime, France, when they see a balance-shaped object in the sky. One si 10/18/1954 #11214  
## Word: "balanced" (Back to Top)
. One description said the object "balanced gently in the air." (NICAP: 01  12/5/1963 #18065  
the clear morning sky. The object "balanced gently in the air."             12/5/1963 #18066  
lves. The ball is almost perfectly balanced, and it takes only a small stim 3/27/1974 #28961  
haped and about one meter tall. It balanced above the ground before landing 5/16/1979 #34564  
## Word: "balances" (Back to Top)
rport. Metallic saucer hovers and "balances gently". / r78p199.             12/5/1963 #18064  
## Word: "balancing" (Back to Top)
 feet away and “rocked twice, in a balancing motion.” Rodriguez feels stron 5/5/1958 #15018  
r three seconds, rocked twice in a balancing motion, then shot away toward  5/5/1958 #15019  
 10 meters away. It appeared to be balancing itself with short ascending an 2/19/1982 #36357  
two or 2.5 meters high, and it was balancing about half a meter from the gr 7/8/1996 #42950  
iting on it. One symbol had a seal balancing a ball on its nose, and there  12/12/2020 #45669  
## Word: "balbo" (Back to Top)
eazzo Ciano, and Air Marshal Italo Balbo, with scientific support from Gugl 6/13/1933 #1159  
## Word: "balboa" (Back to Top)
                                   BALBOA, PANAMA CZ Several observer(s). O 12/10/1955 #12602  
                                   BALBOA, PANAMA CZ Silver object crosses  1/8/1959 #15539  
                                   BALBOA PARK / SAN DIEGO, CA Odd humming. 10/23/1972 #27086  
 An odd humming sound was heard in Balboa Park in San Diego, California. Al 10/23/1972 #27088  
                      Fort Clayton Balboa, Panama Fuerte Amador 1:20 p.m. P 6/17/1978 #33286  
rom Fort Clayton [now closed] near Balboa, Panama. Her final frame shows an 6/17/1978 #33286  
## Word: "balcarce" (Back to Top)
                                   BALCARCE, ARG 100 saucers north going qu 7/19/1947 #3200  
                            EAST / BALCARCE, ARG Ray / light going [to] bri 5/20/1971 #26118  
                                   BALCARCE, ARG Foggy morn. Clamshell sauc 5/14/1976 #31050  
## Word: "balch" (Back to Top)
ity of Montana sociologists Robert Balch and David Taylor locate the follow 10/1975 #30407  
ration and possible assassination. Balch and Taylor describe the cult in a  10/1975 #30407  
## Word: "balchen" (Back to Top)
 District) of Finland Russia Bernt Balchen, Norwegian Airline director and  10/14/1947 #3457  
## Word: "balclutha" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BALCLUTHA, NZ 2 observer(s). Flying boat 7/27/1909 #785  
## Word: "balconies" (Back to Top)
der/cylindrical object floats past balconies. 2nd cylinder/cylindrical obje 10/21/1990 #39799  
## Word: "balcony" (Back to Top)
g with both hands on the bar of my balcony, looking with astonishment at th 10/8/1954 #10814  
h Street, Teheran, Iran was on the balcony of the second floor of his house 10/8/1954 #10818  
g with both hands on the bar of my balcony, looking with astonishment at th 10/8/1954 #10818  
      BEJA, PORTUGAL Observer(s) / balcony. Saucer-shaped object seen. No f 7/12/1958 #15138  
er two daughters to observe from a balcony an object shaped like two plates 8/31/1966 #20818  
s "rust" on the pavement below his balcony. Several neighbors had also obse 8/6/1967 #22832  
 the witness when he rushed to the balcony. Other people had seen a strange 8/7/1967 #22839  
s "rust" on the pavement below his balcony. Several neighbors had observed  8/7/1967 #22840  
leep, the doctor went out onto the balcony of his house, located on a hills 11/1/1968 #24620  
      LIMA, PERU Saucer zaps man / balcony. Myopia and rheumatism cured. Ab 12/9/1968 #24754  
 some air and stepped out onto her balcony. She confronted a very heavy mis 10/5/1970 #25870  
 Suddenly, he finds himself on the balcony of his house, and two hours have 10/22/1972 #27085  
their house. Mr. Silva went to the balcony and saw the two blue, capsule sh 3/29/1973 #27390  
ere his wife was watching from the balcony. The two UFOs that had come down 3/29/1973 #27390  
to, São Paulo, Brazil. Through her balcony window she sees a reflection of  5/27/1973 #27533  
atle John Lennon and 1 / penthouse balcony. UFO near UN building then right 8/23/1974 #29377  
e and calls her father. From their balcony they watch an intense white ligh 11/5/1976 #31528  
rdones, age 42, was resting on the balcony of his house in Quebradillas, Pu 7/12/1977 #32266  
, but by mistake she turned on the balcony light. When she did the being ra 7/12/1977 #32266  
ver(s). Saucer / sky hovers. Man / balcony unable to scream. Going [to] tow 7/9/1978 #33359  
nd, waved, then lept right out the balcony window, a distance of about 10 f 8/22/1978 #33551  
rt humanoid figure standing on the balcony of her house and facing the wind 9/28/1978 #33770  
s standing in her living room by a balcony overlooking the sea when she not 12/16/1978 #34155  
         SOUTH / SORRENTO, ITL 3 / balcony. Huge sphere low / peninsula. Od 12/20/1978 #34177  
orrento, Italy Three people on the balcony of their house south of the city 12/20/1978 #34181  
in the morning three people on the balcony of their house south of the city 12/20/1978 #34184  
e watched the two figures from his balcony. The two humanoids wore transpar 1/2/1979 #34281  
          RUBIANA, ITALY Several / balcony. Saucer and balls rise / mountai 7/21/1983 #36916  
6.5 feet tall from the first-floor balcony. It is hovering at first, then s 3/24/1984 #37240  
IRENZE, ITL 1 observer. Ovoid near balcony. 2 men / glass dome. Extends leg 8/8/1985 #37639  
to her home. She did, and from the balcony observed an object with multicol 5/13/1988 #38569  
earby. 1 swoops going down [to] to balcony.                                 10/6/1988 #38664  
Miami, Florida, couple is on their balcony terrace when they see 3 yellow l 10/25/1988 #38693  
   At 9:22 p.m. two witnesses on a balcony in St. Louis, Missouri witnessed 4/22/1989 #38921  
ht. A. N. Olkhovay goes out on her balcony in Kyiv, Ukraine, and sees a dim 6/24/1989 #38994  
 NAVARRE BEACH, FL 2 observer(s) / balcony. Delta/triangle/box-like craft o 8/23/1989 #39070  
g [to] red sphere/orb/globe seen / balcony.                                 9/29/1989 #39133  
 saw a luminous sphere through the balcony door on the upper level of house 9/13/1990 #39730  
 sees small humanoids (or Greys) / balcony. Telepathy. See reference.       1/18/1991 #39957  
. One witness saw humanoids on the balcony of an apartment building. Later  1/18/1991 #39961  
s (or Greys) take leaves / plant / balcony! Mumble. Walk to lake. / r121p24 8/14/1991 #40153  
 taking leaves from a plant on the balcony of a home in Maguayo, Puerto Ric 8/14/1991 #40154  
mall humanoid (or Grey)-monster on balcony. Mutilated goat found / 8 Septem 9/7/1995 #42446  
ature standing on his second story balcony for about ten minutes. He descri 9/7/1995 #42447  
                  LODZ, POLAND 7 / balcony and more/others. 2 luminous/glow 12/31/1995 #42653  
3 a.m. a witness observed from his balcony a huge (700 meter) triangular ob 9/7/1997 #43399  
, was standing on her second floor balcony at night when an unknown alien l 10/16/1997 #43430  
everywhere" opposite the witness's balcony.                                 10/16/1997 #43430  
nset two women were sitting on the balcony of a house belonging to one of t 9/14/1998 #43646  
irely. Then from their first floor balcony the witnesses saw three strange  11/13/1998 #43682  
 humanoid standing in front of the balcony door and curtain. After a few se 7/23/2001 #44210  
 Rzesnów, Poland, notices from his balcony five strange, whirling red-orang 5/26/2009 #45223  
## Word: "bald" (Back to Top)
 file towards him. Their heads are bald, and the figures are dressed in lea Late Summer 1919 #993  
 translucent suits, with oversized bald heads, huge round eyes, no eyelashe 7/23/1947 #3216  
omed object going down / garden. 3 bald small humanoids (or Greys) exit. No 2/4/1951 #5431  
he garden and three humanoids with bald, domed heads exited. The men wore k 2/4/1951 #5432  
                                   BALD TOP, CA 2 / beach. 7 round flat obj 7/19/1952 #6916  
bjects were seen at sea level from Bald Top, California. One object ascende 7/19/1952 #6939  
CAZERES, FR 2 egg-yolks / field. 2 bald 90cm small humanoids (or Greys) nea 8/1955 #12308  
observed to have a reddish face, a bald head and very fine teeth. The craft 9/16/1955 #12456  
inescent heelless boots, and had a bald head. The observation lasted 10 min 11/23/1958 #15456  
inescent heelless boots, and had a bald head. The observation lasted 10 min 11/23/1958 #15457  
visible. The apparition had a huge bald head. The witness screamed, awakeni 6/26/1962 #17248  
yclops. Three of them are thin and bald, while the other looks like an over 8/28/1963 #17922  
e of eight-year-old children, with bald heads, normal human eyes, and fine  7/1/1965 #19049  
all, with very high foreheads, and bald. Inside the vessel were two “normal 9/3/1965 #19518  
earing a green work suit. He has a bald head, large eyes, and a huge grinni 10/11/1966 #20992  
oaches the car. It is 3 feet tall, bald, with ears set high on its head, ro 11/2/1967 #23390  
 no more than three feet tall, and bald with ears set up high on his head.  11/2/1967 #23392  
d an abundant head of hair, became bald in less than a year. A circular bur 5/17/1968 #23970  
          COLERAINE, QB 2 kids. 1M bald figure / cemetery. Black beard. Bac 8/29/1968 #24395  
bout 4 feet tall, with a shaven or bald head, naked chest, heavy black bear 8/29/1968 #24401  
t tall beings with unusually large bald heads, wearing coveralls. Behind th 9/1/1968 #24422  
row. The boy could see that he was bald and had a pale green complexion. He 10/16/1969 #25417  
 several 7-foot-tall Grey skinned, bald humanoids with 6 webbed fingers and 8/17/1971 #26293  
ings / pendulum. Goes and returns. Bald spot / field. Rocky fragments.      8/27/1972 #26957  
xion was very pallid, and he had a bald head with high, pointed ears. The g 9/21/1972 #27022  
ment tight at the wrists. It has a bald head with high, pointed ears, and v 9/27/1972 #27034  
r 2.5 meters tall and his head was bald, with the skull flattened at the re 9/28/1972 #27038  
            NORTH MELBOURNE, AUS 2 bald figure(s) float and sway / bedroom. 10/3/1973 #27920  
ad her mind. One of the humans was bald, about 55, and talked with her and  10/16/1973 #28093  
g their hands. The little men were bald, with pale skin, seemingly complete 11/18/1973 #28443  
legs appeared rather short.” He is bald and looks old. The scene is well li 5/5/1974 #29085  
five feet tall and had long, large bald heads and arms with clawed hands; t 5/7/1974 #29093  
me on the top of the UFO. They are bald with long prominent ears and long n 5/3/1975 #30027  
 paper, entered the room. It had a bald, mushroom-shaped white head and sla 10/27/1975 #30489  
ike room, observed by three short, bald creatures. He fights with them unti 11/5/1975 #30562  
wide thin mouths. The man was also bald, and the woman appeared to be weari 12/4/1975 #30685  
 approached, he saw that they were bald and had close set squinting eyes, a 1/29/1976 #30833  
igger than human eyes; he was also bald. He was looking at the man with an  3/5/1976 #30928  
an upturned nose like a pig. It is bald, has no eyebrows, and wears a tight 6/23/1976 #31134  
. They were about seven feet tall, bald, and looked very ugly to the witnes 8/6/1976 #31241  
.5-foot-tall creature with a large bald head, large red eyes, and green ski 9/22/1976 #31418  
RALIA Boxy night light out to sea. Bald 150cm man with fly-eyes and long le 10/10/1976 #31458  
heads, large pointy ears, and were bald headed. They had small mouths and t 8/31/1977 #32447  
figures were of average height and bald headed, and dressed in bright yello 1/31/1978 #32930  
ur teeth missing and is completely bald with his hair burned off. He has a  3/24/1978 #33078  
 over their bones. Their heads are bald, and at the sides are enormous ears 11/24/1978 #33995  
d yellowish skin, large smooth and bald elongated heads, long pointed noses 11/24/1978 #33997  
n something. They have large eyes, bald heads, and yellowish skin, and they 10/1979 #34937  
 The head was round and was either bald or covered with a white helmet. The 12/30/1979 #35104  
red having had a “dream” of little bald men with big round eyes leading the 10/27/1989 #39188  
ar-shaped head that was completely bald. It had two large black almond-shap 7/21/1991 #40129  
trils, and thin lips. Its head was bald and prominent. It had a potbelly an 2/1/1993 #40831  
hen she opened her eyes she saw "a bald giant, 7 to 8 feet tall, with round 3/31/1993 #40915  
ur feet 8 inches tall with a large bald head who wore a bluish colored unif 2/16/1997 #43194  
up straight from the tops of their bald heads. They wore tight fitting, two 6/5/1997 #43311  
ralls and blue boots. His head was bald and he had large black eyes. The hu 12/5/1999 #43894  
g up. His head was oval-shaped and bald. His color was gray like smoke. No  7/23/2001 #44210  
 were really very short with large bald heads. The tall figures appeared to 9/16/2007 #45059  
## Word: "bald-" (Back to Top)
ated at those windows are 20 or so bald- headed beings with close-set eyes. Summer 1922 #1022  
## Word: "bald-headed" (Back to Top)
y and the light went out. A short, bald-headed being with a big head, large 6/23/1976 #31135  
 They are about average height and bald-headed, dressed in bright yellow ou 1/31/1978 #32928  
## Word: "baldacchino" (Back to Top)
ncent Costes takes over from Roger Baldacchino as manager of Groupe d'Étude 11/2021 #45718  
## Word: "baldhead" (Back to Top)
observed to have a reddish face, a baldhead, and very fine teeth. The craft 9/16/1955 #12457  
transparent being with an enormous baldhead, surrounded by a green light. I 6/26/1962 #17249  
manoid being 3.5 feet tall, with a baldhead, peeking out from behind a tree 8/13/1965 #19384  
hite, tight-fitting uniform, had a baldhead, slit-like ears and somewhat la 6/11/1967 #22496  
grayish complexion and had a large baldhead with large eyes. The witness se 7/4/1970 #25727  
heavyset being, with large eyes, a baldhead, long arms, wearing a gray outf 2/11/1995 #42036  
## Word: "baldheaded" (Back to Top)
 Next to the object stood a short, baldheaded humanoid who sported a black  6/11/1968 #24023  
n the ground and three tall, thin, baldheaded figures were seen moving arou 8/3/1977 #32350  
n the ground and three tall, thin, baldheaded figures were seen moving arou 8/3/1977 #32355  
## Word: "baldheads" (Back to Top)
he alien humanoid bodies, they had baldheads, small sunken eyes, small nose 7/4/1947 #2672  
 translucent suits, with oversized baldheads, huge round eyes, no eyelashes 7/23/1947 #3219  
-under four feet tall--with large, baldheads, slits for mouths and small no 5/30/1965 #18977  
dentical in appearance, with large baldheads, gray skin, large wrap-around  1/25/1967 #21389  
d and feet. The entities had large baldheads, no noses and "tapered" faces. 6/25/1967 #22557  
ide to side. Both beings had large baldheads, slanted eyes, lipless mouths, 10/3/1973 #27926  
ll humanoids materialize. They had baldheads; grayish white wrinkled skin a 10/15/1973 #28059  
th small, slender bodies and large baldheads. They were wearing glass fish  6/12/1977 #32161  
recalled that the aliens had huge, baldheads, and deep-set eyes. They had a 11/25/1978 #34005  
40 and 1.60 meters in height, with baldheads and gray skin. They had normal 2/18/1990 #39422  
## Word: "baldim" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BALDIM, BRAZIL Ovoid going [to] over / 3 5/1977 #32040  
                                   BALDIM, BRAZIL Blazing ovoid chases man  6/1990 #39602  
## Word: "baldone" (Back to Top)
                                   Baldone Astrophysical Observatory in Lat 7/26/1965 #19180  
is, and Esmeralda Vitolniek at the Baldone Astrophysical Observatory in Lat 7/26/1965 #19180  
## Word: "baldpate" (Back to Top)
         Georgetown, Massachusetts Baldpate Sanitarium Betty and Barney Hil 3/1962 #17067  
k J. Quirke, a psychiatrist at the Baldpate Sanitarium in Georgetown, Massa 3/1962 #17067  
## Word: "baldwin" (Back to Top)
C-46. The witnesses are Capt. John Baldwin, Capt. George Robertson, H. D. S 7/5/1952 #6716  
H. D. Shenkel, and Steven Summers. Baldwin says that the disc stands still  7/5/1952 #6716  
artment of Transport Minister John Baldwin closes the Shirley’s Bay, Ontari 8/31/1954 #10219  
                                   BALDWIN HILLS, CA Domed saucers / infrar 3/5/1955 #12034  
 reported the witness, a man named Baldwin.                                 2/9/1966 #19894  
                            DeWitt Baldwin was raccoon hunting at night in  3/1/1967 #21715  
ked at it and then handed it back. Baldwin claimed the humanoid broke the m 3/1/1967 #21715  
zle of the gun while examining it. Baldwin said, "He wasn't white and he wa 3/1/1967 #21715  
t {UFO) from the edge of Quincy to Baldwin Field before it disappeared . (N 9/29/1973 #27886  
                                   BALDWIN, WI 1 observer. 2 bright night l 10/20/1979 #34961  
                                   Baldwin, Wisconsin 12:30 a.m. A 15-year- 10/20/1979 #34962  
 15-year-old boy in a farmhouse in Baldwin, Wisconsin, sees two intese whit 10/20/1979 #34962  
## Word: "baldwin's" (Back to Top)
ere he had been born. He then took Baldwin's gun, looked at it and then han 3/1/1967 #21715  
## Word: "baldwinsville" (Back to Top)
                                   BALDWINSVILLE, NY Many observer(s) / wav 4/6/1978 #33126  
## Word: "baldy" (Back to Top)
                             Mount Baldy, California 3:50 p.m. An Army Nati 7/8/1947 #3023  
onal Guard pilot flying near Mount Baldy, California, observes a flat objec 7/8/1947 #3023  
                               MT. BALDY, CA Observer(s) / ski-lift. Silver 1/25/1953 #8565  
                               OLD BALDY AND PORK CHOP HILL, KOREA W. Morga 3/20/1953 #8764  
past few days in Pork Chop and Old Baldy Hills area, Western Korean Front ( 3/20/1953 #8765  
port says the object is in the Old Baldy (Hill 266) and Pork Chop Hill area 4/19/1953 #8838  
                               MT. BALDY, CA 2 / camp. 100 silver saucers g 9/23/1954 #10404  
slowly going quickly west over Mt. baldy.                                   12/1/1955 #12597  
                            WEST / BALDY PEAK, AZ Pilot. Red night light /  10/12/1973 #28011  
                             Mount Baldy, Arizona 4:00 a.m. A commercial pi 10/12/1973 #28017  
iper PA-32 Cherokee Six near Mount Baldy, Arizona, at an altitude of 2,500  10/12/1973 #28017  
 800 mph, moving up and over Mount Baldy, following its contours. The pilot 10/12/1973 #28017  
                               MT. BALDY, IN Hiker. Domed metallic "tent" 1 12/21/2000 #44107  
## Word: "bale" (Back to Top)
n, Texas. The object looks like “a bale of cotton suspended in the air afte 6/13/1891 #293  
## Word: "baleares" (Back to Top)
              Fornells de Minorca, Baleares Islands, Spain. Mr. Galvez, a 5 12/17/1958 #15480  
y in Lluchmayor Palma de Mallorca, Baleares, Spain when he saw a very small 8/25/1977 #32423  
                                   Baleares Islands (near), Mediterranean S 2/9/1979 #34414  
ed the Escombreras refinery in the Baleares Islands. The radar of a second  2/9/1979 #34414  
ed the Escombreras refinery in the Baleares Islands. The ship's log reports 2/9/1979 #34417  
 over Santa Ponsa, Islas Malgrata, Baleares, Spain at 8:00 p.m. It made upw 1/5/1980 #35125  
## Word: "balearic" (Back to Top)
                Montuïri, Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain 3:00 p.m. Enriqu 4/25/1950 #4895  
heel fashion in Montuïri, Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. Probable hoax.  4/25/1950 #4895  
                          Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain Washington, D.C. 5/22/1960 #16298  
33 a.m. An observatory on Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, sees a white, t 5/22/1960 #16298  
ranean island of Palma de Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. From her window 7/7/1967 #22631  
                FORMENTERA ISLAND, BALEARIC ISLANDS, SPAIN 2 observer(s). V 9/1/1973 #27741  
                            Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain The wife of a jo 5/22/1974 #29125  
The wife of a journalist on Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain, photographs an  5/22/1974 #29125  
                Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain An Iberian Airli 3/11/1976 #30936  
ot flying above Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, watches an elon 3/11/1976 #30936  
       Salzburg, Austria Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain Las Palmas in th 11/11/1979 #34997  
made a refueling stop on Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, before setting  11/11/1979 #34997  
## Word: "baleia" (Back to Top)
                                LA BALEIA, BRZ Domed saucer / field. Door s 9/14/1967 #23051  
                                La Baleia, Brazil Fabio J. Diniz, 16, was w 9/14/1967 #23059  
                       Hospital da Baleia Belo Horizonte, Brazil 10:50 a.m. 9/14/1967 #23060  
f an isolation unit at Hospital da Baleia on the outskirts of Belo Horizont 9/14/1967 #23060  
 was walking near a hospital in La Baleia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil when  9/14/1967 #23061  
              That night at the Da Baleia Hospital, Minas Gerais, Brazil a  9/26/1967 #23134  
## Word: "balfour" (Back to Top)
                                   BALFOUR, NZ Small saucer plays tag with  1/13/1957 #13453  
early touched down on the grass in Balfour, New Zealand at 3:10 a.m., but i 1/13/1957 #13454  
                                   Balfour, New Zealand William West and Wa 1/15/1957 #13456  
early morning hours of this day in Balfour, New Zealand, William West and W 1/15/1957 #13457  
## Word: "bali" (Back to Top)
 Australia Battle of Badung Strait Bali Indonesia Timor Sea Royal Netherlan 2/26/1942 #1395  
r the Battle of Badung Strait (off Bali in Indonesia), reports a large, alu 2/26/1942 #1395  
                                   BALI ISL.INDONESIA Man photographs Mt. G 8/17/1976 #31276  
                         DENPASAR, BALI, INSPECT Multi-color sphere stops o 2/3/2000 #43940  
## Word: "balice" (Back to Top)
nowice Kraków County Poland Kraków Balice 7:00 p.m. Residents of Jerzmanowi 1/14/1993 #40795  
bserved by the fight controller in Balice, the Polish Army refuses to discl 1/14/1993 #40795  
## Word: "baling" (Back to Top)
ut trees for about four minutes in Baling, Kedah State, Malaysia, and then  12/15/2003 #44629  
## Word: "balita" (Back to Top)
ng noise that sounded like: "Anong balita, anong balita." Looking back they 3/12/2000 #43966  
sounded like: "Anong balita, anong balita." Looking back they caught a glim 3/12/2000 #43966  
## Word: "balizac" (Back to Top)
                                   BALIZAC, FR 1 observer wakens. Small hum 4/1969 #25043  
## Word: "balkcom" (Back to Top)
og starts barking furiously, James Balkcom notices a bright light moving al 3/24/1980 #35238  
## Word: "ball" (Back to Top)
loud noise outside and see a large ball of fire descend from the north and  8/15/1663 #44  
       At noon on this day a large ball of fire, 45 meters in diameter, des 8/15/1663 #45  
 first. After 2–3 minutes, a fiery ball drops from the upper cloud to the l 3/19/1847 #143  
oing south. Shoots out small fiery ball / 90° to original trajectory.       12/8/1850 (approximate) #146  
the reports collected are meteors, ball lightning, and other celestial and  6/21/1866 #167  
a A 14-year-old boy saw a luminous ball descending from the sky and hoverin 1880 #223  
a A 14-year-old boy saw a luminous ball descending from the sky and hoverin 1880 #225  
orm when the engineer sees a large ball of fire rushing down the rails to t Early 7/1880 #235  
es a circular flying object with a ball at each end moving above the train  7/28/1880 #237  
distant from each other. The first ball emits a tail that envelops the two  9/30/1880 #240  
90 miles northeast of Bermuda. One ball is black and the other is luminous  3/19/1887 #279  
ater is parted for yards by a huge ball of fire at least 10 feet in diamete Early 9/1888 #285  
nd Benjamin W. Blue see a luminous ball in the northeastern sky about 30° a Late 11/1894 #317  
the naked eye it looks like a huge ball of fire, but through opera glasses  4/11/1897 #431  
      Kokomo, Indiana 10:10 p.m. A ball of fire is seen moving slowly and h 4/22/1897 #558  
ichigan several people saw a green ball of light fly overhead.              4/26/1897 #581  
 BAYE, FR 2 kids and many. 10M red ball crosses N51 / steady trajectory goi 4/27/1899 #632  
ternoon a 10 meter in diameter red ball crossed highway N51 near the town o 4/27/1899 #633  
gh that “nothing but a small black ball far up in the heavens could be disc 7/4/1899 #636  
a, in his carriage when a dazzling ball of white light crosses the road ahe 10/1899 #638  
Ivanku Petrovszky saw a glistening ball of light illuminate the countryside 12/24/1903 #664  
h described as a “possible case of ball lightning,” the object appears more 7/2/1907 #697  
      Durango, Colorado Evening. A ball of fire the size of the full moon i 7/22/1911 #855  
and, sees an aircraft “like a huge ball” passing silently overhead in a sou 1/27/1913 #874  
e cutting plant Afternoon. A large ball of fire sweeps over the southeast p 8/14/1914 #912  
illiant light the size of a tennis ball appears in a garden at Shuttlewood, 1/22/1919 #983  
  A two foot wide, intense glowing ball flew slowly at a low altitude over  1/22/1919 #984  
                     BREST, FR Red ball 2X sun-size and huge black cylinder 8/1920 (approximate) #1004  
 submit reports on observations of ball lightning to its Meteorological Off 9/1921 #1014  
dict Driscoll begins writing about ball lighting in his syndicated column,  1/3/1928 #1083  
g them Einar Rostivold, saw a huge ball of light giving off fiery colors, 2 7/1929 #1101  
g them Einar Rostivold, saw a huge ball of light giving off fiery colors, 2 7/1929 #1102  
ARDINIA 2 observer(s). Fake soccer ball west going east slow and level / 1M 5/1931 #1125  
 him and appears as a silvery-blue ball about 14 inches in diameter. It tra 6/1932 #1144  
he calls his wife and she sees the ball make a final loop before it disappe 6/1932 #1144  
ATTSBURG, PA 1+1 observer(s). 35cm ball / light exits woods. Makes U-turn 6 6/1934 #1209  
m a “great blazing light, almost a ball of fire,” that is moving around the 1/22/1935 #1223  
ter examing 280 cases, argues that ball lightning is caused by persistence  1936 #1239  
 FR 4 / car. Silent luminous green ball studies each observer(s)! / LDLN#31 6/1937 #1271  
here are two types of phenomena: a ball of fire that is shot from the groun 9/25/1942 #1448  
his entire crew see a “huge orange ball on or near the sea” 7,000–8,000 fee 5/1943 #1498  
, FR Teen. Luminous/glowing yellow ball takes off. Arcs slowly going south. 11/1943 #1538  
     Location Unknown, Unknown Red ball; yellow/red flames followed aircraf 1/29/1944 #1565  
they were being watched, as if the ball was observing the island. It covere 6/1944 #1597  
           MONT-DE-MARSAN, FR 30cm ball enters building. Stops over 5 worke 8/1944 #1630  
ddish-orange, pulsing, maneuvering ball of light paced a U.S. Army Air Forc 8/10/1944 #1639  
 spherical object & like a rolling ball. (Page 83 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 9/1944 #1660  
Munich, Germany Light blue colored ball of fire approximately three feet in 10/29/1944 #1686  
                Cologne, Germany A ball of fire; circular, pale orange, cle 10/30/1944 #1687  
uds when the rear gunner reports a ball of orange fire closing in on them.  10/30/1944 #1688  
m Btn., Germany Bright fuzzy round ball, twice the size of full moon; yello 12/1944 #1714  
 and blue in color; size of tennis ball at arms length. (Page 119 Ref.1) (N 12/1944 #1715  
nd Brown takes off in pursuit of a ball of fire that quickly leaves him beh 12/23/1944 #1731  
               KARLSRUHE, GERM Red ball going up [to] and paces US fighters 12/24/1944 #1732  
                             A red ball of light climbed to the altitude of 12/24/1944 #1733  
    Worms, Germany Circular, fiery ball; triangle of ovals three circular,  12/26/1944 #1735  
Neuwied / Koblenz, Germany A green ball about six inches in diameter; motio 12/28/1944 #1738  
resembling a balloon; shiny silver ball looking like a very bright weather  2/4/1945 #1772  
and Po Valley (Central), Italy Red ball of fire that did not appear to be J 2/17/1945 #1788  
ny Two sightings: (1) large orange ball hanging in air; (2) similar ball th 3/5/1945 #1808  
e ball hanging in air; (2) similar ball that was moving horizontally at sam 3/5/1945 #1808  
, Japan Multiple sightings: yellow ball of fire about 6 inches in diameter; 3/24/1945 #1823  
; six white balls of fire; grayish ball of fire about size of soccer ball;  3/24/1945 #1823  
 ball of fire about size of soccer ball; red ball of fire. (Page 152-153 Re 3/24/1945 #1823  
ire about size of soccer ball; red ball of fire. (Page 152-153 Ref.1) (NICA 3/24/1945 #1823  
  OVER LINZ, AUSTRIA Solid crystal ball paces B24 12M from gunner's window. 4/1945 #1833  
ball; streamer of light behind the ball of fire; ball of fire emitting a st 4/3/1945 #1837  
 of light behind the ball of fire; ball of fire emitting a steady phosphore 4/3/1945 #1837  
cent glow; wing in connection with ball of fire &; amber colored searchligh 4/3/1945 #1837  
                     Nagoya, Japan Ball of fire changing colors; orange to  4/7/1945 #1841  
         Fukuoka, Japan One bright ball of fire; no fuselage or any wings.  6/19/1945 #1878  
  Sasebo, Japan Foo fighter; a big ball of fuzzy orange-red light; B-29 fir 7/7/1945 #1892  
kes up and sees a 35-foot dazzling ball of fire streaking in her direction  8/1945 #1911  
. The test assembly he has built—a ball of plutonium surrounded by tungsten 8/21/1945 #1925  
ith Douglas Gowdy. A bright orange ball appears in the road about 1 mile ah 3/14/1946 #1977  
like a saucer with a round, golden ball in the center, evenly split between Summer 1946 #2013  
hey hear a clicking noise, and the ball drops through the saucer until it i Summer 1946 #2013  
of. More clicks are heard, and the ball rises through and above the saucer  Summer 1946 #2013  
8–9 feet. In the space between the ball and the disc the witnesses see two  Summer 1946 #2013  
. B. strand. Fast silent grey 50cm ball flies going quickly east. / news /  7/8/1946 #2031  
TEN / MALARHOJDEN, SWD Silent 20cm ball / treetop level flies going quickly 7/13/1946 #2055  
 surrounded by blue-green, shining ball with tail, torpedo-shape, black obj 9/9/1946 #2172  
ALENTEJO AREA, PORTUGAL Odd bluish ball / light seen / 5 minute(s). Luminou 9/14/1946 #2181  
r Bombay, India. Then a round blue ball of light appeared, surrounded by sm 6/6/1947 #2314  
 CITY, ND Fireman. Bright red 40cm ball going quickly west / ~20M altitude. 6/16/1947 (approximate) #2332  
 car / mountains. Big shiny silver ball hovers / several minutes. Then zoom 6/23/1947 #2370  
              A large shiny silver ball hovered for several minutes over a  6/23/1947 #2377  
ANYON, AZ Doctor and 3. Big silver ball passes north rim fast. / r22p19.    6/26/1947 #2413  
et, when he looks down and sees a “ball of fire, with a fiery blue tail beh 6/27/1947 #2432  
AL OAK, MI Sid Trezise. 5cm silver ball going quickly southeast fast. Whizz 7/2/1947 #2539  
           At 11:00 p.m. an orange ball of light, "as big around as a barre 7/4/1947 #2678  
I 2 separate private pilots. White ball drops / clouds. Stops. Going east.  7/7/1947 #2859  
tly overhead, where it hovers as a ball of fire. A similar object comes fro 7/7/1947 #2939  
ise nearby. Looking up, they see a ball of white, sparkling fire, like a Fo 7/9/1947 #3068  
GALT, ONT Observer(s) wakens. 20cm ball / light over head! Observer(s) thro 7/12/1947 #3141  
 SILVER LAKE, WA Lumberman. Silver ball purrs. Reflects sun. Lost going [to 7/12/1947 #3143  
MA 2 air observer(s). Shiny silver ball going quickly northwest rising over 7/24/1947 #3223  
    KUNGSHOLMEN, SWD 12M blue-grey ball with 12M antenna passes cloud to cl 9/25/1947 (approximate) #3426  
AJOKI, FINL 1 observer. Red-yellow ball / light. Row / windows / turn off.  11/2/1947 #3477  
      Wake Island (near), At Sea A ball of fire explode like a shell (NICAP 5/6/1948 #3640  
 A. Bonneville sees a bright white ball, three times as bright as a locomot 5/17/1948 #3653  
rgo, ND Small 6-8-inch round white ball of light with a flat, no-depth disc 10/1/1948 #3825  
e 7; app 22;00 - Colonel Hayes obs ball of light, descending vertically, wh 11/23/1948 #3886  
         CINCINNATI, OH Huge white ball / light circles airport tower. Both 1/1949 #3949  
X AFOSI Case 18; 20: 17:54 - green ball shaped obj broke into pieces (NICAP 1/30/1949 #3983  
Hood (east of), TX A reddish white ball of fire pass horizontally over the  3/31/1949 #4060  
 Base, Texas, sees a reddish-white ball of fire passing horizontally above  3/31/1949 #4063  
s, NM AFOSI Case 71; 00:40 - green ball of light with no sound (NICAP: 01 - 6/2/1949 #4223  
), NM OSI Case 161 yellowish-white ball of light at about 45° elevation cha 1/7/1950 #4477  
ennessee watched a brilliant fiery ball of light hover over restricted mili 1/14/1950 #4489  
uvering red exhaust-like or orange ball of fire circle (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 1/22/1950 #4502  
conds and describes it as a “large ball of orange fire.” At 4:40 a.m., Lieu 1/22/1950 #4503  
bserver(s). Luminous/glowing white ball leaves (something behind) white smo 3/28/1950 #4745  
cilities watched a brilliant fiery ball of light hover over restricted mili 6/14/1950 #4986  
       Gulf of Mexico, At Sea Huge ball of fire descend slowly in 1-1/2 min 6/23/1950 #4999  
he object first appears as a round ball; after it crosses their flight path 7/11/1950 #5056  
nd, Aleutians, AK Strange deep red ball of fire near the horizon (NICAP: 01 9/1/1950 #5163  
n this night a huge green luminous ball dove three kilometers toward a Stra 11/28/1950 #5297  
OUTH LONDON, ENG Blue Book. Silver ball high / 3 minute(s). Then 18 more. A 12/12/1950 #5341  
Y LAKE, MN 50 observer(s). Crystal ball maneuvers. Hovers. Shoots going up  5/22/1951 #5514  
imultaneously report a large green ball, very bright and trailing streaks o 7/1/1951 #5558  
            Corona, NM Red glowing ball about size of full moon (NICAP: 01  7/9/1951 #5567  
ing as a silvery "flattened tennis ball" (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, C 10/9/1951 #5710  
mployee saw h.s. "flattened tennis ball" (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)   10/9/1951 #5712  
FO shaped like a “flattened tennis ball” is sighted by a Civil Aviation Adm 10/9/1951 #5715  
ct speed by as a bright blue-green ball that leaves a streak of brilliant r 11/3/1951 #5766  
ukee (25 miles E of), WI An orange ball of fire with blue tail flying on a  11/26/1951 #5793  
 object, also described as a “huge ball of fire,” paces two B-29s on the sa 1/29/1952 #5886  
p.m. In addition to zigzagging the ball of light swooped up and down. There 2/19/1952 #5910  
s an “attacking bomber look like a ball of fire in the sky.” It is essentia 4/7/1952 #6043  
ith (seen thru) binoculars. Orange ball with tail at low angular speed.     6/12/1952 #6483  
             Fort Smith, AR Orange ball with a tail fly with a low angular  6/12/1952 #6484  
nel, using binoculars.  One orange ball with a tail flew with a low angular 6/12/1952 #6486  
sing binoculars, watched an orange ball with a tail fly with a low angular  6/12/1952 #6489  
 (60 miles SW of ), D.C. Saw round ball of bluish-white light hovering Brue 7/13/1952 #6795  
acksonville, Florida, sees a round ball of bluish-white light about 60 mile 7/13/1952 #6797  
ensely glowing, nonblinking orange ball of light moving steadily overhead f 7/19/1952 #6922  
harp turn similar to the path of a ball bouncing off a wall.                7/23/1952 #7078  
 8:20 p.m. local time a blue green ball of light approached an F-94 jet fly 7/23/1952 #7088  
 AFB, WA Dull, glowing, blue green ball, size of a dime at arms' length (NI 7/28/1952 #7253  
ron. One dull, glowing, blue-green ball,.the size of a dime at arms' length 7/28/1952 #7259  
  LAKE CHARLES, LA 2 USAF men. Red ball with blue flame flew straight and l 8/2/1952 #7415  
              Lake Charles, LA Red ball with blue flame tail fly straight a 8/2/1952 #7420  
 Theil, one enlisted man.  One red ball with a blue flame tail flew straigh 8/2/1952 #7423  
and enlisted man Edwards see a red ball with a trail of blue flame fly stra 8/2/1952 #7424  
ed man named Edwards watched a red ball with a blue flaming tail fly straig 8/2/1952 #7425  
                Phoenix, AZ Yellow ball which lengthened and narrowed to pl 8/4/1952 #7447  
:  USAF A/3c W.F. Vain. One yellow ball which lengthened and narrowed to pl 8/4/1952 #7449  
Airman W. F. Vain sighted a yellow ball of light that lengthened and narrow 8/4/1952 #7451  
, Korea made contact with a moving ball of fire with a stream of flame trav 8/9/1952 #7527  
ES, LA Several observer(s). Yellow ball / light maneuvers all over Mathieso 8/14/1952 #7590  
chemical plant 10:30 p.m. A yellow ball of light undulates up and down and  8/14/1952 #7595  
anner. Witnesses estimate that the ball passes over at 5,000 feet, growing  8/14/1952 #7595  
U, FR 2 observer(s). Silent orange ball hovers / N824. Going quickly south  8/17/1952 #7623  
France two witnesses saw an orange ball of light hovering over highway N824 8/17/1952 #7627  
flare coming from a hatch in a red ball of light (and burns his cap as well 8/19/1952 #7651  
     EAST / GLENDALE, CA Huge gold ball. Altitude = 30 km. Seen / 8 min goi 8/25/1952 #7722  
NGSVILLE, PA 4 observer(s). Silver ball hovers / 2 hours / high clear sky.  9/7/1952 #7873  
 reportedly see a large pulsating “ball of fire” about 50 feet to their rig 9/12/1952 #7905  
        FAIRFAX, VA Teacher. White ball / light with plasma. Dances about a 9/14/1952 #7921  
 Momence, IL CAP Pilot Sees Silver Ball At 1000' (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 10/19/1952 #8162  
            BELLE ILE, FR Luminous ball spins and wobbles. Changes color(s) 11/23/1952 #8325  
TON, NI, NZ Glowing green luminous ball has band / bright spots. Hissing so 12/6/1952 #8382  
E, NJ Several / ground. Orange-red ball maneuvers over airfield. Silent. 70 12/12/1952 #8411  
FB (NE of), Puerto Rico Red-Orange Ball Passes RB-36 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  12/31/1952 #8467  
men jumped out. They had a shining ball on each of their square-toed shoes. 1/3/1953 #8500  
iant lead" colored suits w shining ball on each of their square-toed shoes. 1/12/1953 #8536  
r three minutes a fiery red-orange ball traveling soundlessly from north to 1/22/1953 #8560  
ill School, Maine, watch a big red ball of fire moving west-northwest for 1 3/8/1953 #8740  
ilitary-pilots. Can't catch orange ball / too fast. / r185.                 3/27/1953 #8788  
tor. Visual observation one orange ball travelling 500-600 kts. (600-700 m. 9/28/1953 #9185  
bourne. Odd box turns / sky. Vapor ball joins it. Both vanish.              1/3/1954 #9438  
                 Ft Lauderdale, FL Ball With Golden Ring Stops Near F-9F (N 3/25/1954 #9642  
lines and soon saw a white glowing ball of light wobbling and gliding down  3/28/1954 #9648  
ork when they see a gleaming white ball about 10 feet in diameter float 50  4/22/1954 #9705  
ARCY, ARK 6 men. White 3M luminous ball spins wildly over house. Dives / ob 4/23/1954 #9708  
evening a three meter wide glowing ball of light circled a house in Pearcy, 4/23/1954 #9712  
ome people report seeing a glowing ball before the explosion; other witness 5/1/1954 #9744  
                BOSTON, MASS White ball hovers / 15 minute(s). 2 night ligh 6/13/1954 #9898  
everal cars stop. Large red-orange ball rises / sea. Shrinks / distance goi 7/1954 #9975  
           ST. JUST DE MALMONT, FR Ball / light going down / field. Approac 8/1/1954? #10088  
anta Fe, New Mexico A bright white ball shoots across the sky over Santa Fe 8/6/1954 #10105  
a Fe, New Mexico a brilliant white ball of light left a luminous trail as i 8/6/1954 #10106  
ivo], Madagascar 5:00 p.m. A green ball is seen in the sky over Tananarive  8/16/1954 #10148  
RE = CHUR, SWZL Brilliant metallic ball going quickly west toward(s) Ilanz  8/18/1954 #10150  
TAFFORD, ENG 2 observer(s). Orange ball going up and down [to] oddly. / Gav 9/4/1954 #10243  
nd took on the appearance of a red ball.                                    9/19/1954 #10360  
nd took on the appearance of a red ball. It flew off to the southeast.      9/19/1954 #10363  
nd took on the appearance of a red ball.                                    9/20/1954 #10371  
W, CA Cops and more/others. Orange ball zigzags all over/all about and spar 9/21/1954 #10375  
          Barstow, CA A red-orange ball giving off sparks (NICAP: 01 - Dist 9/21/1954 #10379  
highway patrolman.  One red-orange ball giving off sparks, and a smaller li 9/21/1954 #10381  
patrolman watched a reddish-orange ball of light giving off sparks. A small 9/21/1954 #10386  
iving off sparks. A smaller orange ball of light make a zigzag descent and  9/21/1954 #10386  
ARIS, FR 1 observer. Small glowing ball nears. Rises going up / clouds. / P 9/22/1954 #10390  
 gets out and sees a huge luminous ball hanging motionless. It is reddish a 9/22/1954 #10395  
ng smoke. Suddenly, another bright ball emerges from the bottom, falls, slo 9/22/1954 #10395  
 from Orly Airport approaches, the ball rises at high speed and disappears. 9/22/1954 #10395  
BIERES, 21, FR N5 = A38. Cops. Red ball / sky blinks on / off. Jerky motion 9/23/1954 #10412  
eral observer(s). Luminous/glowing ball going down [to] slowly southwest /  10/2/1954 #10595  
 TESTE, FR 7 observer(s). Huge red ball / low altitude. Leaves (something b 10/3/1954 #10624  
 Douti, and Marplat see a luminous ball moving west to east 1,500 feet away 10/5/1954 #10734  
partment, France when he saw a red ball of light above which was a greenish 10/10/1954 #10899  
kplace when he spots a huge orange ball in the sky that seems to be above S 10/11/1954 #10939  
away. It looked like a fieryorange ball, illuminated the vinyard for nearly 10/12/1954 #10975  
nce. It looked like a fiery orange ball, illuminated the vineyard for nearl 10/12/1954 #10985  
 VOLONNE, 04, FR Vintners. Big red ball turns and spins rapidly. No further 10/14/1954 #11006  
home when he saw an orange colored ball arrive and land on the ground not f 10/14/1954 #11041  
 saw an object shaped like a rugby ball resting on crutch-like landing gear 10/14/1954 #11061  
                   NEAR GAVRES, FR Ball / light going north and going down. 10/20/1954 #11264  
, Mr. Fillonnau, stoped as a large ball of fire flew near it. A violent air 10/21/1954 #11299  
lonnau, stopped when a large fiery ball flew near it. A violent air displac 10/21/1954 #11308  
railway men run toward(s) luminous ball over tracks. Going [to] out over fi 10/26/1954 #11412  
Loir, France ran toward a luminous ball of light over the railroad tracks.  10/26/1954 #11421  
blocked by a 10-foot-wide, glowing ball hovering 6 feet above the street. W 11/28/1954 #11722  
ISBON, PORTUGAL 1 observer. Silver ball expels blue flame / 10 minute(s). / 12/10/1954 #11791  
ss reported seeing a flying silver ball expelling a blue flame for 10 minut 12/10/1954 #11797  
bomber/trainer.  One red and white ball hovered off the left wing of the TB 2/1/1955 #11959  
d 2:00 p.m. A “shining, glittering ball” zigzags across the sky over Lisbur 8/19/1955 #12374  
re, 17, says it looks like a steel ball at first, then as it gets closer it 8/19/1955 #12374  
ne(s)/airliner crew. Huge luminous ball changes color(s). Away extremely fa 10/28/1955 #12526  
bserver(s). Long large "pipe" with ball underneath. Going quickly east / 50 10/29/1955 #12530  
NAPIER, NZ 5+20 observer(s). Green ball hovers. Turns red. Going west. Goin 11/22/1955 #12584  
arvin Poer and John Freeland see a ball of fire plunge behind the breakwate 2/9/1956 #12703  
two brothers, 18 and 20, saw a red ball to their left coming down and hover 4/8/1956 #12802  
rothers, ages 18 and 20, saw a red ball of light come down to their left an 4/8/1956 #12804  
Sands range area, NM A pale yellow ball of indistinct outline and approxima 7/14/1956 #12970  
g lights. The upper one releases a ball of fire that drops into the top of  7/26/1956 #13020  
      COVINA, CA 4 kids / pool. 6M ball / light passes overhead. Returns an 8/23/1956 #13124  
es man. Whirrs. Bounces / sky like ball. Going up.                          10/8/1956 #13267  
 VALLEY CITY, ND Cops. Small round ball / 300M altitude. Maneuvers going up 12/1/1956 #13379  
catur Bldv., observed a huge white ball which came straight down out of the 1/17/1957 #13463  
 Several / Army. Large shiny metal ball hovers and vanishes 2X. Small brown 1/21/1957 #13467  
                Columbia, SC Fiery Ball With Tail Passes C-47 (NICAP: 11 -  3/9/1957 #13539  
                  At 6 p.m. a huge ball of fire rose up from behind a barn  3/23/1957 #13559  
            WARRENSBURG, MO Orange ball paces 3 / car. Small blue objects e 6/5/1957 #13703  
ng together in a car had an orange ball of light approach and follow their  6/5/1957 #13707  
        SOUTHINGTON, CT Large blue ball drops in jerks. Brighter / sun. Sho 7/15/1957 #13797  
 with portholes, as it rested on 2 ball shaped landing gears in a field out 7/30/1957 #13860  
 Cops / car. Huge luminous/glowing ball going southeast. Abrupt turn and 90 9/22/1957 #14025  
 described as "a dark, transparent ball" about 50 cm in diameter rising fro 10/11/1957 #14099  
 described as "a dark, transparent ball" about 50 cm in diameter rising fro 10/11/1957 #14100  
              WHAKAPARA, NZ Orange ball hovers. Night lights exit and maneu 10/17/1957 #14133  
orce calls the Levelland sightings ball lightning or St. Elmo’s fire, even  11/2/1957 #14216  
eman in Kodiak, Alaska, sees a red ball of fire with a greenish-yellow trai 11/4/1957 #14288  
ioch, Illinois, when they notice a ball of fire fluctuating from white to y 11/5/1957 #14345  
 / BULAWAYO, RHOD 2 / road. Flashy ball / light stops. Hovers. Drops going  11/10/1957 #14517  
MT. ELGIN, ON 2 / ground. Metallic ball hovers. Going quickly SSE when ligh 11/15/1957 #14554  
uglas, Isle of Man, when an orange ball of fire crosses the sky. As it pass 11/29/1957 #14638  
 small, 18 cm in diameter luminous ball circled very low over a road two mi 11/29/1957 #14640  
burg, Washington, watch a “strange ball of fire” for 20 minutes. A truck dr 12/3/1957 #14667  
 area of Ellensburg saw a "strange ball of fire" for 20 minutes. A truck dr 12/3/1957 #14668  
araguayan border. They see a large ball of light about the size of the full 12/21/1957 #14755  
e something like a “large medicine ball” descend and land in their back yar 2/28/1958 #14898  
grows in size, forming a brilliant ball that quickly approaches the aircraf 5/13/1958 #15031  
sea was calm. A big orange-colored ball of light descended very quickly tow 6/12/1958 #15092  
er being whipped up around it. The ball came rolling toward the fishermen's 6/12/1958 #15092  
    A two meter in diameter orange ball of fire was sighted by many at 7:15 6/21/1958 #15113  
ed like an inverted skittle with a ball handle dove in the River Derwent.   1/8/1959 #15542  
ell as local residents watch a red ball of light hovering above the airfiel 4/12/1959 #15699  
et. Descriptions vary from a black ball with a red light to a long red ciga 4/12/1959 #15699  
w and ground observer(s). Luminous ball hovers. Vanishes. Reappears elsewhe 5/7/1959 #15724  
                 ST. ROSE, LA 60cm ball going southwest / 30kph. 700M altit 7/21/1959 #15866  
d out his bedroom window and saw a ball of fire shooting through the sky, a 9/29/1959 #15997  
ATESVILLE, NC AND MORE/OTHERS Blue ball / light paces car / miles. Stops wi 11/6/1959 #16081  
 tell them they had seen a flaming ball that rotated, made a 90° turn, and  11/16/1959 #16089  
Ten minutes later a luminous green ball of light was spotted along the coas 5/17/1960 #16281  
t up with a bright blue light as a ball of fire approaches out of the south 7/2/1960 #16327  
 Sokol reported seeing a round red ball or wheel-like object with a central 7/19/1960 #16341  
OSA, CA Deputy. Dull red flattened ball hovers and floats near horizon.     8/17/1960 #16399  
n see a figure standing behind the ball. It is a glowing nude, generally hu Late 8/1960 #16417  
. for 20 minutes. It looked like a ball with a long antenna rod attached, a 11/27/1960 #16516  
th a jerky motion “like a bouncing ball.” It changed color from red to purp 12/3/1960 #16523  
“Mysterious objects ‘lit up like a ball of fire and going fast’ zoom over P 2/5/1961 #16596  
             BAILEYS BEACH, NY Red ball floats 600' offshore. Going up [to] 4/29/1961 #16666  
he afternoon when he noticed a red ball floating about 600 feet offshore. I 4/29/1961 #16668  
outh of Osakis, Minnesota, sees a “ball of fog approximately 3 feet in diam 5/10/1961 #16681  
e sea is “bulging like an enormous ball, with long billows going out.” An o 6/3/1961 #16715  
              Copemiah, MI A large ball fly slow, split into 4 after 45 min 7/7/1961 #16750  
aitress Nannette Hilley. One large ball flew slow, split into four after 45 7/7/1961 #16751  
Nannette Hilley saw a large flying ball of light slow down and split into f 7/7/1961 #16752  
ed to look up and see this strange ball flying through the air. It was kind 11/18/1961 #16964  
n settling down on everything. The ball was about as big around as a tracto 11/18/1961 #16964  
apan. One of the objects emitted a ball of light. The pilot, Mr. Matsumura, 12/21/1961 #17002  
 that there is a round shiny metal ball following close behind the B-52. Th 1962 #17006  
ified young people.  One large red ball flew or fell down, then went back u 3/26/1962 #17087  
laims that the object is a glowing ball of light about the size of a soccer 4/18/1962 #17120  
f light about the size of a soccer ball. He says it is white with a yellowi 4/18/1962 #17120  
y at 4:45 a.m. One object--a fiery ball of light 30 meters in diameter--cam 5/13/1962 #17173  
ew out, lined up behind the larger ball, then flew away in formation.       5/13/1962 #17173  
/others. Brilliant blue and yellow ball / light maneuvers / all directions. 5/20/1962 #17181  
           Westfield, MA Large red ball fly or fall down, then rise back up 5/26/1962 #17205  
utside. They merge into one larger ball that moves toward Rivalino, envelop 8/17/1962 #17336  
          ST. MAXIMIN, FR Luminous ball rises fast. Stops. Going east. Stop 9/23/1962 #17432  
Case #8182. Duck Hunter. 3' silver ball trails string. Makes duck calls!    10/23/1962 #17486  
    Farmington, UT Grey and silver ball, trailing what looked like twine (N 10/23/1962 #17487  
. Christensen. One grey and silver ball, trailing what looked like twine wi 10/23/1962 #17488  
n shut. Half an hour later a fiery ball flew over Belgrade, Montana causing 2/22/1963 #17681  
THEAST / RIANS, FR 3 / car. Silent ball / light follows car going southeast 7/15/1963 (approximate) #17829  
r with a humming, yellowish orange ball of light on Highway 15 at 11:30 p.m 8/4/1963 #17864  
ystery object like an orange beach ball maneuver in the sky for 25 minutes. 9/19/1963 #17946  
bject, resembling a huge, aluminum ball, which hit the river, changed direc 10/31/1963 #18016  
object resembling a huge aluminium ball near the Peropava River in Iguape,  10/31/1963 #18019  
er five min. It was described as a ball of fire without structure, about 75 5/24/1964 #18296  
restarted. The sphere was a fuzzy "ball of fire," only 75 centimeters in di 5/24/1964 #18298  
light, shaped like the bottom of a ball (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 5/26/1964 #18303  
light, shaped like the bottom of a ball, was spotted in a field and chased  5/26/1964 #18305  
 light shaped like the bottom of a ball in a field at Pleasant View, Pennsy 5/26/1964 #18308  
 light shaped like the bottom of a ball (hemispherical) was spotted in a fi 5/26/1964 #18311  
h, 1964 a 10-foot diameter glowing ball was seen ascending slowly in the sk 6/5/1964 #18333  
w altitude in Cleveland, Ohio. The ball of light ascended at a 45-degree an 6/5/1964 #18333  
                  Denver, CO White ball of fire, the size of a car, climb s 7/27/1964 #18445  
rado Witness:  A. Borsa. One white ball of fire, the size of a car, climbed 7/27/1964 #18448  
ddenly notices a strange, colorful ball of light coming from the sky. The l 8/1964 #18466  
p.m. a ten-foot in diameter yellow ball of light crossed highway in front o 8/28/1964 #18518  
.m. Irene Page watches a sparkling ball of light that maneuvers around her  10/29/1964 #18595  
Through night binoculars he sees a ball of light traveling south toward him 11/9/1964 #18611  
ght at fantastic speed. It emits a ball of fire as it disappears.           1/26/1965 #18768  
             Point au Fer Reef, LA Ball Of Light Hovers Over Water (NICAP:  3/3/1965 #18834  
 a.m. an orange to crimson colored ball of light maneuvered, and then sped  8/10/1965 #19363  
                  Urbana, OH White Ball Hits Road Flies Away (NICAP: 02 - C 8/30/1965 #19475  
y, N. Smith, T. Nastoff. One white ball, 5-8' in diameter and trailed by a  8/30/1965 #19477  
 sighted a low flying, small white ball of white at 10:30 p.m. while drivin 8/30/1965 #19481  
cribed as a yellow elongated rugby ball with a dome through binoculars. It  8/30/1965 #19481  
he Junon see the object as a large ball of light or a disc on edge arriving Late 9/1965 #19604  
 a sharply defined, brillian white ball of light in Andover, Massachusetts  9/27/1965 #19616  
RO SWAMP, NY 2 / light plane. Huge ball / fire where high tension power lin 11/9/1965 #19703  
 the afternoon saw a bright silver ball hurtle through the sky, like a "gia 11/30/1965 #19743  
n, Alabama. He sees a large silver ball about 15–20 feet in diameter that d 1/7/1966 #19814  
ol when he observed a large silver ball about 15-20 feet in diameter. The b 1/7/1966 #19815  
 about 15-20 feet in diameter. The ball was only 15 feet from his car at it 1/7/1966 #19815  
. Silent blinding white 25cm solid ball turns going quickly southeast. / A. 3/7/1966 #19945  
em, Ohio, see the UFO as a “bright ball” much larger than a jet. They also  4/17/1966 #20318  
 York, when a “brilliant, flashing ball of fire” appears three feet above t 4/24/1966 #20404  
o the right of their car. The fire ball lights up the surrounding area, fal 4/24/1966 #20404  
 a loud snap, and vanishes. As the ball lightning hits, Viola feels a shock 4/24/1966 #20404  
 in color, and cigar-shaped with a ball on one end. It stops and hovers at  6/2/1966 #20523  
iend off. On the way home the blue ball returns; his car begins to pick up  9/24/1966 #20923  
0 a.m. EDT. Police sighted a white ball of light surrounded by a bluish-whi 9/30/1966 #20938  
doors and sees the UFO eject a red ball, which maneuvers while the first UF 10/2/1966 #20949  
t UFO takes off southward. The red ball flies 75–100 feet over Janet’s head 10/2/1966 #20949  
tdoors and saw the UFO eject a red ball, which maneuvered about while the f 10/2/1966 #20950  
st UFO took off southward. The red ball flew 100 feet over Jane's head. It  10/2/1966 #20950  
ibed it as being spherical, like a ball, with a wide, flat rim around it. T 11/17/1966 #21119  
one point the object emitted a red ball of light. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 12/14/1966 #21202  
              Aveyon, France White ball, oval near ground, whistling sound; 1/11/1967 #21286  
 The man then proceeded to chase a ball of light in his car. The nocturnal  1/11/1967 #21288  
T 8:15 p.m. MST. A man saw a solid ball (sphere) with blinking yellow body  1/26/1967 #21395  
     CROTHERSVILLE, IN Cop follows ball / colored lights / 10 mile(s). Flat 2/5/1967 #21451  
e post reported he followed a huge ball of greenish-blue and white lights f 2/5/1967 #21455  
UFO now appeared as a red-luminous ball about 25 feet in diameter. This bal 2/5/1967 #21463  
ll about 25 feet in diameter. This ball took off and was soon lost from vie 2/5/1967 #21463  
r reporter watched a bright orange ball or cylinder hovering over pine tree 2/8/1967 #21481  
y and 2 cops. Large glowing orange ball drifts across sky. Hovers over hous 2/16/1967 #21559  
ed a large pulsating orange-yellow ball of light that flattened out and cha 2/21/1967 #21612  
uminous orange dome-shaped object (ball with bottom third cut off), clearly 2/27/1967 #21672  
everal sightings of a bright fuzzy ball of light (spherical) one-fourth of  3/3/1967 #21739  
s saw an object shaped like a half ball with its flat side down (dome-shape 3/10/1967 #21847  
 9:45 p.m. A glowing orange-yellow ball that swung in a large arc was obser 4/10/1967 #22102  
huge, polished, metallic-appearing ball that hovered, started to descend, a 4/27/1967 #22228  
huge, polished, metallic-appearing ball that hovered, started to descend, a 4/27/1967 #22234  
ee previous case re: dropped "fire ball."] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   4/30/1967 #22248  
ted) object that had a glowing red ball at each end. A white glowing object 5/10/1967 #22308  
e, Washington at 9 p.m. when a red ball came in through the window and stru 6/9/1967 #22484  
                      COVENTRY, CT Ball / light hovers low / sky. Grass twi 7/5/1967 #22612  
ntry, a motorist sighted an orange ball of light which appeared to be hangi 7/5/1967 #22613  
 the road from the point where the ball of light had been seen.             7/5/1967 #22613  
entry, Connecticut, sees an orange ball of light that appears to be hanging 7/5/1967 #22615  
t hovered over their driveway. One ball disappeared inside the other t (obj 7/12/1967 #22654  
n ex-military pilot, saw an orange ball (sphere) hovering at low altitude,  7/14/1967 #22658  
sses reported seeing an orange-red ball (see July 12, Orion, Mich., and Jul 7/15/1967 #22663  
nesses saw an orange light "like a ball of fire" that approached from the h 7/29/1967 #22748  
d object about the size of a rugby ball was sighted by a married couple in  8/9/1967 #22852  
d object about the size of a rugby ball was sighted by a married couple in  8/9/1967 #22853  
 Michael Swartz see a bright round ball, about 50–60 feet in diameter, in t 8/10/1967 #22859  
B Rivers [now closed] sees a round ball of orange light moving northwest. A 8/28/1967 #22943  
8 miles east of Rivers, sees a red ball of flame trailed by a blue light at 8/28/1967 #22943  
st named O'Sullivan saw a luminous ball of light in the sky while driving t 9/22/1967 #23116  
 TONGXIAN, BEIJING, CH Sentry. Red ball / light south going north. Circles  10/1967 (approximate) #23150  
        ROOSEVELT, UT Large orange ball hovers over corral. Joined by 2nd.  10/17/1967 #23241  
 MDT. A couple saw a large orange, ball of light that hovered over a corral 10/17/1967 #23244  
. It was joined by a second orange ball (rendezvous), and they flew away to 10/17/1967 #23244  
      At 10:00 p.m. a large orange ball hovered over a corral in Roosevelt, 10/17/1967 #23249  
    Lake Charles, LA Bright, fiery ball flash 4 times while moving E, just  10/18/1967 #23262  
:  John Herbert. One bright, fiery ball flashed four times while moving eas 10/18/1967 #23263  
 Herbert witnessed a bright, fiery ball that flashed four times while movin 10/18/1967 #23266  
.m. EDT. Two police officers saw a ball of white light flying at treetop le 10/22/1967 #23284  
another room where he saw a bright ball of light; it communicated telepathi 10/24/1967 #23310  
              ROOSEVELT, UT Orange ball going quickly east toward(s) Vernal 10/25/1967 #23315  
 copoles saw a soft glowing orange ball (sphere) that changed to long star  10/26/1967 #23330  
 which disappeared leaving a black ball with pinpoints of light on each sid 10/26/1967 #23330  
ses saw a shiny metallic-appearing ball with small discs positioned to each 11/15/1967 #23462  
pm. Multiple witnesses saw a white ball of light, possibly with red blinkin 11/15/1967 #23463  
city. First it looked like a large ball, then it stopped directly over Sofi 11/21/1967 #23490  
AMBALLE, FR Many / train. Luminous ball follows train. Lights inside / cars 12/1967 #23527  
rizes that sightings are caused by ball lightning and anomalous free-floati 1968 #23627  
). Very large brilliant red-orange ball going up and down / trees. Blinks.  1/12/1968 #23660  
 to come outside. They watch a big ball of red and orange fire to the east. 1/20/1968 #23683  
M altitude. Large luminous/glowing ball / 45° elevation / March / 2300hrs.  2/1968 #23716  
ed and Barton saw a reddish orange ball of light that was much larger than  2/1/1968 #23725  
xcited. Huge vibrant bright orange ball moves near phone lines.             2/16/1968 #23760  
AZORES 2+observer(s). Bright white ball becomes ovoid. No further details.  2/23/1968 #23778  
ing close by was heard next, and a ball of light was seen shooting off at a 3/3/1968 #23816  
, SP Day. Pseudo-human/entity with ball in hand walks around UFO. Observer( 4/1968 #23879  
, ARG 4 electricians / van. Orange ball over railroad/railway tracks. Maneu 6/11/1968 #24019  
 off and the dog howled. An orange ball of fire slowly descended toward a m 6/21/1968 #24069  
 binoculars it looked like a green ball with a reddish trail. When an airpl 7/5/1968 #24146  
             CARCOUET, FR Luminous ball stops / intersection. Paces tractor 7/11/1968 #24167  
eir hands to show a small luminous ball, whereupon all the witnesses were o 7/25/1968 #24226  
:30 p.m. Slowly moving round white ball projecting white beam of light onto 8/16/1968 #24340  
, ROMANIA 2 observer(s). Red-white ball bigger / moon. Going quickly [to] f 9/2/1968 #24424  
            A brilliant royal blue ball of light with a whitish-yellow oute 9/2/1968 #24425  
GEORGIA SSR Astronomer. Big orange ball. 2 tiny balls join later. Gone / fl 9/19/1968 #24484  
ched as a  bright pulsating orange ball descended over the ocean as it was  9/19/1968 #24487  
alls, TX Police officer saw a huge ball of fire falling directly downward.  9/20/1968 #24489  
 downward. Other officers said the ball appeared to be 20' in diameter. NAR 9/20/1968 #24489  
lobe going [to] dumbell going [to] ball! Changes color(s). Maneuvers shrink 9/30/1968 #24524  
the weapon fires it and a luminous ball hits Pereira in the stomach, paraly 10/2/1968 #24537  
t lights and lit / beams. Red 30cm ball hovers / trees.                     10/12/1968 #24558  
         SOUTHEAST BERGA, SP White ball / light / roadside. 2M burnt circul 10/19/1968 #24573  
ansmission to “a plasma similar to ball lightning.”                         10/24/1968 #24587  
f their home when they saw a large ball of fire approaching from the nearby 11/9/1968 #24649  
incident, which she described as a ball of fire that floated around over th 11/9/1968 #24649  
r(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Red ball maneuvers / 15 minute(s). / r156#4. 11/19/1968 #24665  
YFFINIAC, FR 20 observer(s). White ball follows train / 12km going [to] WNW 12/16/1968 #24775  
 onlookers could see him only as a ball of light. Then, with a slight gestu 1/31/1969 #24882  
d the boys pointed out a “luminous ball the size of the sun” stationary jus 2/6/1969 #24898  
30 p.m. a truck driver saw a fiery ball hovering over some snow covered tre 2/10/1969 #24910  
rush. Luis's dog “rolled up into a ball on the ground for protection” durin 2/12/1969 #24915  
ukeva reports that the objects are ball or disc-shaped but cannot determine 4/12/1969 #25057  
al observer(s). Luminous moon-size ball slows over city. Trail / smoke. Sho 4/16/1969 #25065  
     Three witnesses sighted a red ball of light at 3:00 a.m. at Santa Cata 5/11/1969 #25126  
 PELOTAS TO/FROM CAMAGUA, RGS, BRZ Ball / light near ground. 3 observer(s). 5/21/1969 #25152  
the window to see a reddish-orange ball of light rotating and spinning coun 7/12/1969 #25264  
SAINTES TO/FROM ROYAN, FR Luminous ball paces car in front. Sways Left and  10/11/1969 #25404  
           At 4:30 a.m. a luminous ball of light paced a car driving betwee 10/11/1969 #25407  
 California, are followed by a red ball of light the size of a beach ball.  Early 1970 #25524  
 ball of light the size of a beach ball. They get scared and run ahead to t Early 1970 #25524  
 locking the door behind them. The ball stops at the edge of their yard, ho Early 1970 #25524  
ng in size. After 4–5 minutes, the ball moves away and creates a vortex, ca Early 1970 #25524  
                           A shiny ball about four feet in diameter, lookin 2/15/1970 #25584  
iameter, looking like the mirrored ball in a ballroom or disco, zoomed by a 2/15/1970 #25584  
   BIBERACH, GERM Transparent 40cm ball rolls against wind. Sphere/orb/glob 4/9/1970 #25626  
ng hoop shaped object and a yellow ball, both of which were lost from view  6/27/1970 #25716  
         PORT MONMOUTH, NJ Glowing ball bounces / meadows. Imprints / grass 7/4/1970 #25725  
ife wakes up and sees a “big round ball” with an “eerie white glow” hoverin 7/4/1970 #25726  
n Saladare, Ethiopia a red glowing ball of fire swept through the village,  8/7/1970 #25776  
  At 6:30 p.m. a bright red-orange ball of light descended slowly behind so 9/20/1970 #25845  
SP 2 / gas station/depot/facility. Ball of light makes 2 short turns passin 10/6/1970 #25871  
mirror in sky hovers. Shrinks to a ball and gone!                           10/17/1970 #25880  
 It rapidly shrank down to a small ball and vanished. The sky then turned p 10/17/1970 #25881  
-white light that hurt his eyes. A ball of light 20 feet in diameter came d 10/29/1970 #25894  
e needles as big as fingers with a ball of ice on top and some soot. The fo 1/3/1971 #25972  
Australia was paced by a one-meter ball of light  for 13 minutes. It flew a 1/5/1971 #25978  
opped his car and backed away. The ball of light changed color from orange  1/26/1971 #26003  
A 2 / Piper PA-28 plane. Large red ball stays off right wing.. No further d 2/1/1971 #26010  
gland. Inside the object was a red ball, which twisted and turned, shooting 3/2/1971 #26039  
ralia sighted a fiery orangish-red ball of light that showed white and trai 4/23/1971 #26079  
 sound, 20 Mins. House size silver ball illuminated brilliant red, green, b 5/16/1971 #26114  
he body of the object was a silver ball illuminated by brilliant red, green 5/16/1971 #26115  
 failed. They next observed a huge ball of light during a widespread Califo 6/18/1971 #26179  
enty. She saw a large bright white ball of light above her neighbor's house 6/26/1971 #26197  
UGO 4 / car. Radio quits. Metallic ball with wings lands. Retracts wings. G 8/2/1971 #26263  
, PA Weatherman / car. Silent grey ball / smoke maneuvers under cloudy sky. 8/5/1971 #26266  
ZIL Numerous observer(s). Moonlike ball / light maneuvers over airport and  8/25/1971 #26304  
chase vibrant bright orange-yellow ball. No luck.                           10/4/1971 #26406  
close encounter at ten p.m. with a ball of fire, which burnt a sugar cane f 11/5/1971 #26460  
ock. Another family had seen a red ball of light in the area the previous n 12/1971 #26482  
oligie Hill, South Australia a red ball of light was sighted by neighbors o 12/25/1971 #26518  
when he saw something like "half a ball" with orange and blue flashing ligh 1/26/1972 #26556  
OIS, FR 4 observer(s). 2M luminous ball spins near factory. Going northwest 3/1/1972 #26585  
 two-meter wide spinning, luminous ball of light hung over a factory in Bou 3/1/1972 #26586  
 down / tripod and emits small red ball. Car Acts up. / r246p185.           3/10/1972 #26594  
land 200 meters away. It had a red ball of light on top of it and two porth 3/10/1972 #26599  
MT. FARON, FR 1 observer. Luminous ball east going west toward(s) mountain. 3/27/1972 #26626  
a.m. four people watched an orange ball of light in a 1.5 meter column of w 4/8/1972 #26641  
A, SWD Man / car. Luminous/glowing ball / 10M altitude paces car to Navekva 4/13/1972 #26643  
d with halo vanishes. Bright green ball speeds up going quickly northeast.  4/27/1972 #26662  
elgium at 2:10 a.m. A bright green ball of light (BOL) sped up, flew away f 4/27/1972 #26663  
lored shoes. She carried a silvery ball by a handle, and it had three anten 5/5/1972 #26671  
NTICELLO, WI Cops and many. Orange ball / light varies size and speed all o 5/16/1972 #26684  
Africa, is alerted to a “fiery red ball hovering at tree-top level” by his  6/26/1972 #26735  
        VRYBORG, RSA 5 / car. Huge ball hovers just over house and over roa 7/5/1972 #26773  
 wakened / car noise. Red luminous ball in staircase maneuvers slow and sil 7/15/1972 #26801  
ing outside and sees a shiny white ball the size of a small car sitting in  8/9/1972 #26889  
              ARARIMU, NI, NZ Huge ball / light shakes house. Dogs agitated 9/13/1972 #26989  
nd KLM crews. Brilliant blue-white ball going quickly SSW extremely fast. / 9/22/1972 #27024  
hite sphere the size of a billiard ball. He had on a wide silver belt and l 9/28/1972 #27038  
AND BARRIO TANANA, PR Huge glowing ball goes over. Local power failures.    10/18/1972 #27078  
 street lights dim. Brilliant gold ball rises / trees. Car malfunctions due 2/1973 #27253  
ELER LAKE, AL Several observer(s). Ball / light in treetops going down / re 2/4/1973 #27268  
e boys reported they saw an orange ball coming out of the west (NICAP: 01 - 2/8/1973 #27272  
mped with calls regarding a "giant ball" which moved quickly across the eve 3/15/1973 #27348  
from the road, they saw a luminous ball whose light diminished in intensity 3/24/1973 #27373  
 it from behind. A second luminous ball, likewise in the field, was about 2 3/24/1973 #27373  
e beam then went out, and then the ball disappeared. On their way home thei 3/24/1973 #27373  
ay home their car was pursued by a ball of yellowish-white light that turne 3/24/1973 #27373  
e, France. They spotted a luminous ball in a field near Songeons only 250-3 3/25/1973 #27376  
t from the rear. A second luminous ball was then seen in another field abou 3/25/1973 #27376  
am went out, and next the luminous ball turned off. On their way home their 3/25/1973 #27376  
ay home their car was pursued by a ball of yellow-white light, then yellowi 3/25/1973 #27376  
                  A reddish-orange ball of light flew parallel to I-95 sout 3/27/1973 #27381  
mont (SE of), MO 10:30 p.m. Orange ball of light observed from Cessna 150 a 4/12/1973 #27425  
           At 10:30 p.m. An orange ball of light was observed from a Cessna 4/12/1973 #27427  
 of Piedmont, Missouri. The orange ball of light appeared on the slope of C 4/12/1973 #27427  
imated at 330 G's. Also, a glowing ball or disc-shaped object was chased by 4/12/1973 #27427  
all arms, and wearing a cap with a ball in the center. Each holds a device  5/27/1973 #27533  
ORGE, BC Several observer(s). Huge ball / light abruptly vanishes in sight. 6/20/1973 #27575  
CTON, AVON 1 observer. Huge "Rugby ball" object followed / zigzagging night 6/28/1973 #27591  
e object which looked like a rugby ball cut on lower part. (NICAP: 11 - Avi 7/16/1973 #27634  
ight sphere/orb/globe-saucer. Blue ball and electro-magnetic effect (EME) / 7/17/1973 #27635  
LAGE, FR 2 observer(s). Orange-red ball south going north over sea. Rises i 7/19/1973 #27641  
round 2:00 a.m. they saw an orange ball descend behind a copse. Walking tow 9/9/1973 #27794  
R OSTROHOVE, FR 4 observer(s). Red ball jumps going east to Mt. Lambert. No 9/12/1973 #27806  
 “electric whirring” and the green ball shoots straight up. Her dogs return 9/17/1973 #27829  
goes off at the base after a large ball of light is reported hovering 100–1 10/1973 #27902  
that when handled becomes a “small ball which melted as it was touched.” Th 10/18/1973 #28171  
GIUM Several separate observer(s). Ball / sky constantly changes color(s).  10/27/1973 #28300  
 p.m. Cop observed an OBOL (Orange Ball of Light) which reacted to light. ( 11/2/1973 #28351  
          WEST / MADRID, SPAIN Red ball south going north. 10 small orbs ho 11/13/1973 #28416  
          SSW / TRACY, QB Luminous ball paces car. Pink fog / road. Figure  11/18/1973 #28438  
when they see a “watermelon-sized” ball of yellowish light suddenly appear  11/18/1973 #28442  
ontreal by a luminous white flying ball of light. It was perhaps the size o 11/18/1973 #28444  
. He sees a luminous, multicolored ball of light changing from violet to bl 11/30/1973 #28490  
teauneuf-sur-Loire, France a green ball of light dropped from the sky. At t 12/15/1973 #28578  
RTIGUES-LAVERA, FR Luminous yellow ball and going east over oil-port. Exits 12/28/1973 #28610  
NTPELIER AND CEYRAS, FR Small blue ball going quickly south over City Hall. 12/28/1973 #28611  
X, FR Amateur Astronomer. Moonlike ball going [to] Sirius. Zigzags. Goes to 1/6/1974 #28651  
y, when he sees a “strange shining ball” in the sky. He stops his car, gets 1/18/1974 #28684  
Numerous observer(s). Luminous red ball hovers glassworks / hours. Darkens  2/24/1974 #28792  
UFO has slanting tube beneath with ball / each end. Luminous trail.         3/5/1974 #28857  
   MEUZAC, FR Farmer sees luminous ball. Yellow light-beams rotate counterc 3/19/1974 #28908  
1 observer. Brilliant white silent ball in treetops. Suddenly turns going q 3/22/1974 #28924  
S, FR 4 / car. Silent red luminous ball northeast going southwest / 10 minu 3/25/1974 #28944  
metal sphere the size of a bowling ball and weighing 22 pounds. They think  3/27/1974 #28961  
oid indicates that the sphere is a ball check valve produced by the Bell &  3/27/1974 #28961  
of the company’s check valves. The ball is almost perfectly balanced, and i 3/27/1974 #28961  
 his sculptures, remembers loading ball check valves into the rooftop lugga 3/27/1974 #28961  
 some strange lights and an orange ball. They stop the car where the road e Early 4/1974 #28990  
R Separate observer(s). Big orange ball going northwest slow. Silent 5M cyl 4/4/1974 #28992  
 8 observer(s). Huge silent "Rugby ball" hovers overhead / 20 second(s) / 5 4/14/1974 #29016  
   At 6:15 a.m. a yellowish-orange ball of light, one meter in diameter, la 5/7/1974 #29092  
At 11:00 p.m. an enormous luminous ball of light approached Haisnes-lez-la  5/20/1974 #29121  
/ CLUSES, FR Surgeon and 1. Bright ball spirals up into clouds. Missile tes 6/12/1974 #29179  
w all over the place, while a huge ball of light was seen to land. Ground t 6/14/1974 #29194  
Several observer(s). Bright yellow ball going west. Back going north / 2200 6/18/1974 #29209  
ton recorded seeing an unexplained ball of light for twenty minutes beginni 7/20/1974 #29271  
HE, ISERE Man sees yellow luminous ball going north going south over earthq 8/12/1974 #29332  
LONEL, 26, FR 2 observer(s). White ball with halo going quickly northeast t 8/12/1974 #29333  
E, FR Group / students. Big silver ball emits red threads. 2nd small object 8/12/1974 #29334  
E, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Luminous ball going quickly SSE. Instant 90° turn 8/15/1974 #29348  
 HALLE, BELGIUM Aviation mechanic. Ball / steady speed stops / sky. Back /  8/15/1974 #29352  
CHENY, FR 2 observer(s). Moon-size ball / sky. Tilts showing disk profile.  8/25/1974 #29384  
nary. The diameter of the original ball was about 25 feet, and the UFOnauts 8/26/1974 #29391  
RUP J., DK Yellow luminous/glowing ball paces girl / moped. Low drone sound 9/1974 (approximate) #29408  
erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Ball / light over power lines shoots goi 9/10/1974 #29450  
uth. 2nd object = moon-size orange ball.                                    9/18/1974 #29463  
     ELKHART, IND Orange and green ball hovers. Auto engines electro-magnet 10/20/1974 #29545  
ford, Connecticut, when they see a ball of fire in the sky. They ride to on 11/7/1974 #29588  
nesota saw a large orange luminous ball crossing the sky in the evening and 11/26/1974 #29610  
OD Several observer(s). 40' orange ball glows and pulses over shops. Shoots 12/31/1974 #29664  
Luminous/glowing, sphere/orb/globe ball immobile / sky / 2-3 minute(s). Sud 1/1975 #29682  
ll) reported that a "large, orange ball" with the apparent size of the full 1/1/1975 #29688  
ARI, BRZ 2+4 observer(s). Luminous ball stops / beach. "Photograph flashes" 1/8/1975 #29731  
MP VERDE, AZ Big ovoid hovers. Red ball exits going down. 3rd object exits  1/13/1975 #29746  
t a fire, but a large red blinking ball of light, larger than a "washtub",  1/20/1975 #29756  
UK On this night an orange glowing ball flew over and illuminated the area. 1/24/1975 #29764  
   On this night an orange glowing ball flew over Barham, Kent, England at  1/24/1975 #29765  
, WEST YORKS Man / bus-stop. Amber ball / light hovers and TURNs sharply. N 1/28/1975 #29770  
th of Lundar, Manitoba, when a red ball of light, 14–16 inches in diameter, Early 2/1975 #29782  
en Island, New York, see a glowing ball, 20 feet in diameter, hovering abou 2/10/1975 #29800  
ENOIT, REUNION Girl / 16. Luminous ball going north at low altitude. / Lt.  2/16/1975 #29813  
   DRAGUIGNAN, VAR Silent luminous ball floats by rotating counterclockwise 4/7/1975 #29980  
AY, FR Several cops. Bright-yellow ball east going west going down / 3M alt 5/1/1975 #30016  
            A bright yellow-orange ball of light was seen at low altitude o 5/1/1975 #30017  
. two gendarmes observed an orange ball of light (BOL) the apparent size of 5/4/1975 #30034  
France encountered a 30-meter wide ball of light hovering only 15 meters ab 6/6/1975 #30089  
bed also like a large incandescent ball, was seen to fall into the sea some 6/20/1975 #30110  
bed also like a large incandescent ball, was seen to fall into the sea some 6/20/1975 #30112  
 their van chased by a huge orange ball of light. It was 100 feet from the  8/4/1975 #30235  
, FR 4 / car. Luminous/glowing red ball follows car going east to Egreville 8/11/1975 #30249  
      At 10:30 p.m. a luminous red ball followed four witnesses in a car ea 8/11/1975 #30251  
lights continued to work. When the ball of light, which was four meters in  8/22/1975 #30299  
 GUISCRIFF, FR Sun-size red-orange ball / low altitude. Maneuvers. Going do 9/1975 #30331  
e 4–5 miles from Sanlúcar, the red ball ascends vertically from 1,000 feet  9/1975? #30333  
        SINNAI, ITL Brilliant 35cm ball / light / ground. Quickly going up  9/29/1975 #30393  
g up [to] to clouds. Gone / flash. Ball lightning?                          9/29/1975 #30393  
tte, Alpes-Haut-Provence, France a ball of light hovered over a mountain, t 11/1/1975 #30535  
 some distance away they see a red ball of light above the trees and try to 11/2/1975 #30540  
Region UFO at 132345z Large orange ball with 2 red lights stationary; Azimu 11/17/1975 #30635  
erboro, South Carolina saw a white ball of light above them but under the c 11/22/1975 #30653  
n Palais-sur-Vienne, France a huge ball of light was seen hovering by some  12/8/1975 #30696  
 tripped four times when a glowing ball of light came down near the ground  12/24/1975 #30737  
 tripped four times when a glowing ball of light came down near the ground  12/24/1975 #30739  
de of the road, wrapped in a thick ball of white haze. Its headlights go ou 3/22/1976 #30952  
in a taxi when they see a gigantic ball of light 200 feet ahead of them bet 6/22/1976 #31128  
ENA TO/FROM OLIVARES, SP Moon-size ball buzzes tractor 2X. Colored lights / 8/1976 #31210  
 (2.5–3-inch diameter) white beach ball seems to be moving just above the g 9/3/1976 #31334  
3 inches in diameter) white "beach ball" seemed to be moving in the air, cl 9/3/1976 #31337  
, California, see a rolling orange ball of light heading slowly south. Poss 9/16/1976 #31387  
nd Mr. B. Goodwin watched a silver ball descend and then as it approached t 10/5/1976 #31449  
u, Finland, when he sees a 15-foot ball of light move across toward him fro Early 12/1976 #31579  
 DELL'ORO, CORSICA Brilliant white ball near airport. 2nd joins. Fantastic  12/14/1976 #31599  
 2:00 a.m. an enormous blue violet ball of light flew over Malaga at high s 12/20/1976 #31627  
decker bus and shaped like a rugby ball. All three are able to see through  1/21/1977 #31742  
re carrying what appeared to be "a ball of electricity about the size of a  3/5/1977 #31861  
ndependent witnesses watched a red ball of light maneuver against the wind. 3/7/1977 #31871  
 II, and Robert Smyth) watch a red ball of fire the size of the full moon d 3/8/1977 #31878  
ndependent witnesses watched a red ball of light maneuver against the wind  3/8/1977 #31879  
SA, ITL Many observer(s). Metallic ball or can hovers offshore / 150min. Aw 3/17/1977 #31913  
ater tower. Whistles. Antenna with ball on top.                             4/12/1977 #31972  
jumps out of bed, bumping into the ball of light with his leg. He feels not 5/1977 #32043  
to shrink in diameter, causing the ball to dim and disappear. No traces are 5/1977 #32043  
 reported sighting a green glowing ball with a dark equator hovering near h 5/11/1977 #32086  
 reported sighting a green glowing ball with a dark equator hovering near h 5/11/1977 #32091  
back and forth like a pendulum. At ball of light was at the end of the beam 5/23/1977 #32125  
back and forth like a pendulum. At ball of light was at the end of the beam 5/23/1977 #32126  
AY, TASM 1 observer. Silent silver ball / 10M altitude 400M away. Going nor 5/30/1977 #32141  
FORO, CESENA, ITL 2 kids. Red 25cm ball hovers / field / 5M altitude. Shoot 7/10/1977 #32255  
, FR Several observer(s). Luminous ball / low altitude. Cows panic. Yellow  8/16/1977 #32404  
f him showed him next to an orange ball, and then next to a blue ball besid 9/15/1977 #32485  
ange ball, and then next to a blue ball beside which stood another entity.  9/15/1977 #32485  
taly, see a circular or elliptical ball of fire flying at tremendous speed. 11/2/1977 #32656  
hape / 50M altitude. Silent orange ball exits going northwest. / r153p128.  11/15/1977 #32674  
M, FR 10 separate observer(s). 15M ball / high tension power lines lines. S 11/19/1977 #32687  
oo bright and emitted an energetic ball of light.                           12/27/1977 #32815  
NCOBILACCIO, ITL Red luminous 25cm ball follows car / tollway. Projects "co 1/1978 #32832  
ey saw an approaching large yellow ball of light angling towards the ground 1/9/1978 #32862  
 Delavan, Wisconsin, see an orange ball half the size of the full moon desc 1/14/1978 #32880  
           ROMEGOUX, FR Red-orange ball follows 3 / car. Then follows other 1/20/1978 #32901  
tches it for 5 minutes, then a red ball moves from behind it, descending to 1/27/1978 #32920  
 houses. After 10 minutes, the red ball moves to the north and the first li 1/27/1978 #32920  
 Separate observer(s). White smoke ball / clear sky. Buzzes plane. Going so 3/10/1978 #33023  
 initially thought to be caused by ball lightning. Meteorologists state tha 4/2/1978 #33119  
, ITL Numerous motorists. Luminous ball follows highway / 4M altitude. Chan 4/24/1978 #33163  
ular metallic craft within a fiery ball of flames. The area around the witn 5/10/1978 #33194  
ular metallic craft within a fiery ball of flames. The craft continued to d 5/10/1978 #33199  
ON/DEPOT/FACILITY, NJ Silent white ball turns going west when spotlight hit 6/11/1978 #33270  
inctly outlined, illuminated white ball with a short conical tail approach  6/11/1978 #33275  
rdeaux when he sees a large orange ball, very bright, hovering above La Réo 6/19/1978 #33291  
hey look up and see a large silver ball on the tree line to the east. After 7/1978 #33319  
of the object and a smaller silver ball emerges and moves to their right, a 7/1978 #33319  
rference when it encountered a red ball of light in the sky. The crew repor 8/23/1978 #33557  
r a light beam comes down from one ball of light and shines a light at the  8/24/1978 #33564  
nsin, sees a flashing, pale-yellow ball of light as he is driving north on  9/4/1978 #33633  
 their car became bogged down. The ball of light then landed near the Salad 10/15/1978 #33839  
N, OH Observer(s) = Miller. Silver ball crosses contrails. Turns white. The 10/21/1978 #33850  
partment, France a four-meter wide ball of light hovered low by some teleph 10/26/1978 #33881  
one-meter in diameter, intense red ball of light that caused radio interfer 11/9/1978 #33942  
g the object, described as a large ball of light that spawned a domed, wing 11/27/1978 #34006  
 four bright flashes coming from a ball of brilliant red light that hurts h 12/24/1978 #34201  
d going down [to] valley. Luminous ball follows..                           1/6/1979 #34307  
                DIGNE, FR Luminous ball stops. Silent. Going down / trees s 1/11/1979 #34329  
oors open by themselves. An orange ball is sitting in the road ahead, and t 1/18/1979 #34359  
   JEUMONT, FR 2 cops and 1. Green ball hovers. Becomes triangle. Vanishes  3/3/1979 #34460  
   GARDOUCHE, FR 1 / car. Huge red ball hovers. Follows observer(s) going n 3/21/1979 #34483  
Y, CA 5 observer(s). Glowing white ball with blinking colored lights. Whirr 7/21/1979 #34667  
ar. One hour later a diffuse white ball of light maneuvered in the sky for  7/25/1979 #34677  
ar. One hour later a diffuse white ball of light maneuvered in the sky for  7/25/1979 #34680  
               Lewisboro, NY White ball made two passes, two-way and portab 8/1/1979 #34695  
ssy sees apparently the same white ball of light at the Ward Pound Ridge Re 8/1/1979 #34696  
 upward. They then see a large red ball of energy nearly 300 feet in diamet 8/17/1979 #34752  
e side and white on the other. The ball of light disappears into the orange 8/17/1979 #34752  
when they notice a “strange orange ball” coming from behind a hill about 3  8/29/1979 #34800  
ing its speed as about 95 mph. The ball proves to be the front of a huge st 8/29/1979 #34800  
er watch a 2-foot yellow and green ball of light rush down from the north o 8/30/1979 #34810  
rs. "Definite UFO" = glowing white ball. No further details.                9/1979 #34813  
ie, they notice a large orange-red ball on their left that seems to paralle 9/5/1979 #34838  
an Reservation sees a large orange ball of light between the Goat Rocks Wil 9/12/1979 #34867  
e away after 45 seconds. The third ball apparently makes another appearance 9/12/1979 #34867  
AST / BARNUM, MN 2 observer(s). 1m ball / light "rolls" going southeast ove 10/6/1979 #34944  
Barnum, Minnesota, when they see a ball of light 3–6 feet in diameter appro 10/6/1979 #34946  
Winter Hill. It is clearly a solid ball of white light that is passing in a 12/11/1979 #35072  
, Argentina saw an enormous orange ball of light that cast three beams of l 2/11/1980 #35173  
 the larger one and form an orange ball bright enough to throw a shadow on  4/20/1980 #35280  
ction saw a red and green luminous ball hovering overhead. It emitted a dul 5/5/1980 #35307  
ia a spinning, luminous bluish-red ball hovered just 30 feet over a large o 6/5/1980 #35355  
e plane, they see a second smaller ball.                                    11/11/1980 #35634  
latform 6:40 a.m. A glowing orange ball is seen maneuvering around the Nini 11/25/1980 #35670  
B, SUFFOLK 1 observer / car. Black ball stops / sky. Chased / 2 jets. Shoot 11/26/1980 #35672  
nd at around 2:00 p.m. saw a black ball in the sky being chased by two jet  11/26/1980 #35674  
r quit when a luminous, blue-white ball of light came briefly over the righ 12/3/1980 #35688  
awrey?] see a luminous, blue-white ball of light to the east. The FM radio  12/3/1980 #35690  
r quit when a luminous, blue-white ball of light came briefly over the righ 12/3/1980 #35691  
ILLE, FR 2 / home. Luminous yellow ball going up [to] over house. Instant s 12/17/1980 #35721  
, Sgt. Adrian Bustinza, Sgt. Bobby Ball, and Sgt. Monroe Nevels). They take 12/28/1980 #35749  
d the object comes a bright bluish ball of light. Warren claims he can see  12/28/1980 #35750  
f top-secret experiments involving ball lightning and the “use of sophistic 12/28/1980 #35750  
hite cylinder/cigar-shape. Becomes ball and maneuvers all over/all about. Q 1/25/1981 #35797  
er station saw a huge whitish-blue ball of light, the size of a house, on t 6/1/1981 #35949  
n the right of it at 5:45 a.m. The ball of light rolled across in front of  6/1/1981 #35949  
      SOUTH / ALENQUER, BRAZIL Big ball / light zigzags behind ferryboat. S 6/20/1981 #35976  
“passing through the interior of a ball.” He walks past them, looks back, a 8/8/1981 #36064  
rtheast of Mutare, Zimbabwe, see a ball of light moving around at a low lev 8/15/1981 #36075  
to the sky. She looked up to see a ball shaped object about 3 meters in dia 9/1981 #36096  
enormous UFO shaped like an orange ball, and estimated to be 750 feet in le 12/8/1981 #36250  
enormous UFO shaped like an orange ball, estimated to be 750 feet in length 12/8/1981 #36252  
enormous UFO shaped like an orange ball, and estimated to be 750 feet in le 12/8/1981 #36253  
O LUCANO, ITL 2 / car. 2M luminous ball spins and going down / 20M altitude 12/19/1981 #36263  
a two-meter wide spinning luminous ball of light fly over a church at 20 me 12/19/1981 #36268  
      At 3:30 a.m. a brilliant red ball of light (BOL) flew at a very low a 3/14/1982 #36391  
 kilometers. It was described as a ball of fire with white streaks through  4/25/1982 #36454  
 zapped by a beam from a nocturnal ball of light at around 6 a.m. He became 8/26/1982 #36583  
out 20 minutes, they notice a huge ball on the ridge to the east. It is sil 10/27/1982 #36666  
n diameter, with pocks like a golf ball, near Summit Lake, Alaska. It chang 10/27/1982 #36667  
e vehicle's interior. The luminous ball was estimated to be only 12 centime 12/21/1982 #36722  
e vehicle’s interior. The luminous ball was estimated to be only 12 centime 12/21/1982 #36724  
3:50 AM. A silent yellowish orange ball of light was seen by a Mr. J. Phili 5/4/1983 #36852  
ps sees a silent, yellowish-orange ball of light over the outskirts of Lawr 5/4/1983 #36854  
:50 a.m. a silent yellowish orange ball of light was seen by a Mr. J. Phili 5/4/1983 #36855  
üchen, Germany, when he sees a red ball shoot down and hover above a nearby 5/24/1983 #36868  
anapolis, Indiana. She saw a small ball of light fly through her hallway. U 10/3/1983 #36995  
             At 10:00 p.m. a fiery ball was seen humming and lighting the a 11/1/1983 #37041  
n-Salem, North Carolina, notices a ball of light approaching her. She goes  11/28/1983 #37052  
 1 observer. Low rumble. Green 10' ball near home. Light goes out as noise  11/29/1983 #37054  
witness observed a large brilliant ball of orange light in a stationary pos 1/22/1984 #37143  
neighbors house. The glow from the ball illuminated the entire ground area. 1/22/1984 #37143  
ginia, observes a brilliant orange ball of light about 900 feet hovering ab 1/22/1984 #37144  
me evening. At 7:09 p.m. an orange ball of light hovered silently for one m 1/22/1984 #37148  
. A young couple sighted an orange ball descending through the cloud layer  1/28/1984 #37161  
gton, New Jersey, notice an orange ball descending through the cloud layer  1/28/1984 #37162  
ica, California, sees a bright red ball of light, about 10 inches in diamet 3/25/1984 #37244  
yw, North Wales, see a pink-orange ball that drifts to the ground and explo 4/15/1984 #37263  
d she was temporarily blinded by a ball of light from the object that struc 4/25/1984 #37290  
r dog leaps up and runs indoors. A ball of light appears in the air and see 4/25/1984 #37293  
d she was temporarily blinded by a ball of light from the object that struc 4/25/1984 #37295  
een to pink. Soon it emits a large ball of light that shoots toward the gro 4/26/1984 #37302  
s NL was logged as an OBOL (Orange Ball Of Light) and witnessed by the SSD  8/30/1984 #37447  
 calls. Saucer hovers. Also orange ball / Mont Bart forest / 29 November.   11/28/1984 #37512  
ping on the window. They see a red ball of light about as big as a basketba 12/1984 #37514  
on the outside lights to watch the ball, which has black marks among the re 12/1984 #37514  
he is surprised to see the shining ball followed by the vibrating object lo 2/1985 #37552  
ng at about 37 mph. She thinks the ball might hit the station, but right be 2/1985 #37552  
y near the Zastava station and the ball disappears behind the forest. The c 2/1985 #37552  
eps moving for some time until the ball disappears behind trees. Automatic  2/1985 #37552  
oborate the testimony. The shining ball is noticed earlier at the Kutizhma  2/1985 #37552  
, Scotland, when they see an amber ball skipping along the sky. It crosses  7/14/1985 #37619  
 and a farmer watched as a glowing ball of light with a beam searched the t 9/11/1985 #37657  
outhern Yunnan, China. Suddenly, a ball of light the size of a cantaloupe a 1986 #37743  
morsky Krai, Russia, see a reddish ball about half the size of the full moo 1/29/1986 #37775  
alf the size of the full moon. The ball is flying soundlessly parallel to t 1/29/1986 #37775  
mountain for an hour, then the red ball of light took off. Traces at the si 1/29/1986 #37776  
the vicinity also report a reddish ball of fire with a tail (undoubtedly a  2/26/1986 #37789  
RZ 1 observer. Luminous "Ping-pong ball" follows plane 700km. 40K' altitude 5/20/1986 #37883  
eak / light docks with small white ball. Going up [to] going down [to] 3 ti 5/25/1986 #37895  
then step outdoors and witnessed a ball shaped object moving at high speed  5/29/1986 #37898  
  LIMA, OH 1 observer. 12cm orange ball darts about like hummingbird. Vanis 6/10/1986 #37908  
 work. The first object is a white ball of light seen for about 60 seconds; 8/12/1986 #37984  
ver(s). Slow silent orange-glowing ball with aura west going east over golf 9/7/1986 #38018  
 UK a slow moving, silent, glowing ball of orange light flew from west to e 9/7/1986 #38020  
Vanderbilt, Pennsylvania a glowing ball of light rose from a field and pace 9/7/1986 #38020  
n their direction and saw a bright ball of light. It landed between some tr 3/7/1987 #38134  
 cockpit lights up. He sees a huge ball of light about 10 feet in diameter  6/19/1987 #38194  
ralia reported that a bright green ball of light traveled parallel to his b 8/11/1987 #38242  
r Traffic Controller / ground. Red ball with 7 luminous/glowing spots. / LD 8/21/1987 #38250  
irport tower personnel saw a small ball of light hover 300 meters from the  8/27/1987 #38262  
TRAL ZEALAND, DK Huge silent shiny ball chases girl / bike. Sparks. Moving  10/14/1987 #38303  
 Figure stands / rainy field. Huge ball / light nears. Goes extremely fast. 10/15/1987 #38304  
          NYKOBING F., DK 20cm red ball passes bicycle. 2-3M altitude. Turn 11/3/1987 (approximate) #38316  
 a three meter in diameter glowing ball float up and then spin into the sky 11/12/1987 #38324  
 short figure may have entered the ball shaped craft.                       11/12/1987 #38324  
 had a row of windows. A small red ball of light was emitted from the under 11/24/1987 #38334  
ST YORKS Family. Slow bright green ball / light blows steam. Follows M1 mot 1/4/1988 #38398  
wed through the sky by a brilliant ball of light. At 8:45 p.m. a thin, penc 1/4/1988 #38404  
YORKS 2 cops and many. Glowing red ball hovers over town / 7+min. Vanishes. 1/16/1988 #38412  
          WEST SEATTLE, WA Bowling ball sized balls / light zip up and down 3/5/1988 #38490  
irliner crews. Luminous/glowing 1' ball going east. Spins. Splits. Electro- 3/18/1988 #38511  
PINGE, ZIMB Clock and bugs silent. Ball / light going [to] through roof. Ma 4/1/1988 #38529  
s had a close encounter with a red ball of light (BOL) larger than 3 car le 5/9/1988 #38559  
D, DK 2 / light plane. 50cm silver ball glows. Follows plane. RADAR invisib 6/7/1988 #38583  
2 Mirage jet pilots. Orange-yellow ball. Invisible to air and ground RADAR' 6/17/1988 #38586  
NS, ME 2 / tent. Saucer lands. Red ball exits scouts around. Missing time.  8/22/1988 #38615  
emitted a white light. Next, a red ball exited the object and seemed to sco 8/22/1988 #38618  
                             A red ball of light (BOL) with white lines and 8/22/1988 #38619  
ins is flying a USAF RC-135S Cobra Ball reconnaissance aircraft east of the 10/1988 #38661  
  ORLINGE, SWEDEN 1 observer. 20cm ball with strong light circles house 3 t 11/2/1988 #38702  
LA, FL Bay bridge. 2 / car. Orange ball hovers then shoots straight up.     1/6/1989 #38776  
and the giant object turned into a ball of fire before their eyes. Both wit 2/11/1989 #38835  
 Missouri witnessed an orange BOL (ball of light) in the east. Then, the ob 4/22/1989 #38921  
 look. On one of these occasions a ball of light descended near their vehic 11/6/1989 #39216  
1:30 a.m. saw a slow moving orange ball that later had a steady red light.  11/28/1989 #39254  
t lights dance / sky. Cops see red ball drop from huge delta/triangle/box-l 11/29/1989 #39267  
edly emit two red beams with a red ball at the spearhead of both beams; the 11/29/1989 #39273  
 fade a bit. Simultaneously, a red ball comes out of the center and heads s 11/29/1989 #39276  
lgium. The videotape shows a white ball with a black ring around it and pla 12/24/1989 #39339  
ROM BAVAY, FR 4 observer(s). White ball hovers immobile. Shoots white beam  3/23/1990 #39478  
AIX, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). 2M red ball hovers by high-voltage pylon / 15 m 3/30/1990 #39493  
ntrollers and hundreds. Blue-green ball hovers over city. Moon-size.        4/6/1990 #39512  
L Hundreds and more/others. Orange ball / contrail. Jets chase. Police and  4/21/1990 #39537  
ns caused by a huge, white glowing ball of light (BOL) over the road.       5/5/1990 #39561  
               At 11:00 p.m. a red ball of light, half a meter in diameter, 7/20/1990 #39656  
t, Russia, see a large illuminated ball above the Arctic Ocean. It is at a  9/2/1990 #39716  
ARCEL, FR 1 observer. Intense blue ball shoots sparks / all directions. Slo 10/21/1990 #39801  
At 1:15 a.m. a huge, bright orange ball with the top third cut off was seen 10/29/1990 #39816  
, FR Night lights join dull yellow ball over sea. Silent. Leave luminous/gl 11/5/1990 #39831  
, FR Beam / light and separate red ball. Both blink and join. Ball exits ra 11/6/1990 #39876  
ate red ball. Both blink and join. Ball exits ray and rises going up.       11/6/1990 #39876  
te, Brazil a silent reddish orange ball of light three meters in diameter w 12/4/1990 #39925  
p.m. in Gulf Breeze, Florida a red ball of light was sighted over the Sikes 1/16/1991 #39956  
                    KRAKOW, POLAND Ball with appendage going [to] over town 1/18/1991 #39959  
saucer drops silent transparent 2M ball.                                    3/9/1991 #40006  
opped a transparent two-meter wide ball that blew up in front of their car, 3/9/1991 #40007  
 APODI, BRAZIL 3 / canoe. 50cm red ball / light stops overhead. Lights wate 4/1991 #40026  
utla, Mexico. At 7:00 p.m. a fiery ball of light levitated a man off the gr 5/12/1991 #40059  
 to run away when a large, glowing ball heads from the sparks straight towa 6/16/1991 #40099  
backyard at 1:30 a.m. when a white ball of light came overhead. The man sho 8/4/1991 #40143  
raipaba, Ceara State, Brazil saw a ball of light with two smaller BOLs to o 8/25/1991 #40166  
the same road and noticing a white ball and two clouds behind him. Upon rea 11/9/1991 #40224  
FR 2 observer(s). Luminous glowing ball going quickly east in descending st 1/5/1992 #40278  
                A luminous glowing ball of light flew eastward in a descend 1/5/1992 #40280  
 CAMDEN, ME 1 observer. House size ball / white light 1300' away. Ring red  2/9/1992 #40325  
    LONDONDERRY, NH 2 observer(s). Ball / light zigzags going [to] yards an 5/19/1992 #40466  
                 STONEHENGE, WILTS Ball / white light maneuvers scaring 2 c 7/7/1992 #40515  
vel, Brazil reported that a bright ball of light followed his car for a few 7/17/1992 #40524  
    SOUTH / LAJES, BRZ Farmer. Red ball / light on extinct volcano. Sharp e 9/1992 #40600  
a, Ceara State, Brazil saw a fiery ball of light that moved at six meters a 9/30/1992 #40650  
CE, BRZ 1.5 observer(s). Small red ball enters house. Hovers over hammock.  10/16/1992 #40679  
ears. Suddenly huge. = transparent ball. Extremely bright.                  10/20/1992 #40684  
Several / UFO group. Intense white ball appears. Blue sparks follow.        10/21/1992 #40685  
ts pulled off road to watch yellow ball of light at 12:45 a.m. west of Lake 10/23/1992 #40690  
 UFO shaped like a “squashed rugby ball” hovering above his house. Through  11/1992 #40699  
URU, CEARA, BRZ 5 observer(s). Red ball hovers / 30 minute(s). Then going N 11/25/1992 #40727  
back to the house, when she sees a ball of light low over the road heading  1/1/1993 #40785  
 - The witness saw first an orange ball of fire at a minute before midnight 1/9/1993 #40790  
r aircraft. At 10:15 p.m. a yellow ball of light with a green flashing ligh 1/28/1993 #40817  
 backwards. Lights / corners. Blue ball ejected. Videos.                    2/4/1993 #40836  
sin, that spits out a blue glowing ball from its tail end, which hangs in t 2/4/1993 #40838  
w. He peered out and saw a glowing ball the size of a football. After five  4/17/1993 #40940  
           CHILDERSBURG, AL Bright ball and antennas / 5 nights. Now videod 6/4/1993 #41004  
  SULMONA, ITL 5 observer(s). 25cm ball going down. Legs and eyes and anten 6/20/1993 #41026  
        PARIS 2 observer(s). Black ball circled with halo seen / broad dayl 7/18/1993 #41069  
ester, England, captures a pulsing ball of white light that appears in the  9/2/1993 #41176  
     HULL, QBC 2 observer(s). Blue ball / field. Lights out-stereo OK! Poli 9/3/1993 #41177  
                            A blue ball of light was seen by police and oth 9/3/1993 #41178  
epoe Bay, Lincoln County, Oregon a ball of red-orange light, pulsating, tra 9/5/1993 #41184  
LE, FR Several observer(s). Orange ball hovers / sky. Suddenly vanishes in  9/9/1993 #41190  
                     A large white ball of light flew from north to south o 10/1/1993 #41217  
LES, FR Math students. 120M orange ball rises and drops by university build 11/22/1993 #41290  
ematics students watched an orange ball, estimated to be 120 meters in diam 11/22/1993 #41296  
ORD, FR 3 foresters. Yellow-orange ball SSW going quickly NNE overhead. Sil 3/3/1994 #41436  
 Edmonton, Alberta a large shining ball of light descended in the afternoon 4/22/1994 #41500  
ow flying craft with lights drop a ball of light into some nearby woods.    7/16/1994 #41628  
 STROUD, GLOUCS 1 observer. Silver ball over garden. Flys away when observe 7/28/1994 #41645  
FR 2 observer(s). Incredible white ball hovers between 2 ski-lift pylons.   8/7/1994 #41659  
ts yellow ray ending abruptly in a ball! Goes extremely fast.               8/21/1994 #41683  
imbabwe 8:50–9:05 p.m. A brilliant ball of fire with a long trail of sparks 9/14/1994 #41749  
   YORK, NORTH YORKS Bang! 1' blue ball hovers high over apartment building 11/17/1994 #41851  
hurch. Blinding silent 30cm silver ball passes overhead. No further details 12/12/1994 #41891  
             PORTBAIL, FR Luminous ball(S) seen here also. No further detai 12/31/1994 #41920  
KERQUE, FR 2 / car. Luminous white ball changes shape. 2mm / arms length. F 1/19/1995 #41983  
:00 a.m. a very bright pear-shaped ball of light was seen over trees two ni 2/11/1995 #42035  
LOVELL, BUCKS 1 observer. Circular ball of fire hovers. Vanishes. Returns / 3/3/1995 #42075  
CKS 2 observer(s). Silent spinning ball / fire hovers. Lights sky. Drops go 3/3/1995 #42076  
  SOUTH / GOLETA, CA Bizarre white ball / light descends / 5 second(s). Als 4/10/1995 #42142  
ORTLAND, OR 1 observer. Bright red ball going down. Flies into garage! Rise 4/22/1995 #42168  
   PORTLAND, OR Man in bed. Bright ball enters airport/apartment / 75 min.  4/25/1995 #42174  
                     A very bright ball of light entered a bedroom in Portl 4/25/1995 #42175  
s) watching satellite. Small round ball crosses sky. Vanishes.              8/4/1995 #42357  
watched a one foot in diameter red ball of light low over some trees shoot  9/2/1995 #42437  
the creature, which doubled into a ball, bounced against a wall, and ran aw 9/7/1995 #42447  
EGAS, NV 3 observer(s). Tiny white ball hovers / clear sky. Shoots going qu 9/10/1995 #42450  
s colored lights. "Bounces" like a ball in sky!                             9/20/1995 #42489  
da at 3:30 a.m. It "bounced like a ball" in the sky.                        9/20/1995 #42492  
, Arizona sighted a reddish orange ball of light at 7:00 p.m. It flared up, 10/8/1995 #42541  
         NORTH / CHAKARI, ZIMB 10M ball / light. Low altitude. Glow lights  10/17/1995 #42555  
       TACOMA, WA Extremely bright ball / light lands / field. 2 nd.obs see 10/31/1995 #42571  
eporting Center to report a bright ball of light landing in a nearby field. 10/31/1995 #42573  
                 LEXINGTON, KY Big ball / light circles observer(s) walking 11/5/1995 #42582  
        REDDING, CA 1+kids. Orange ball / light bobs over treetops. Then wi 11/19/1995 #42610  
1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver ball with round spots. Extends tube that 1/12/1996 #42678  
MA PRIETA, CA 7 observer(s). White ball / light lands / TV tower / 8 minute 2/6/1996 #42741  
oid a collision with a very bright ball of light that appeared to jump out  2/27/1996 #42786  
ral observer(s) / home. Big orange ball / light dims and reappears. Blinks. 3/1/1996 #42794  
        At 10:15 p.m. a big orange ball of light (BOL) dimmed and reappeare 3/1/1996 #42797  
E, FR 1 observer. Moon-size orange ball going SSE / seconds. Silent. / r226 3/6/1996 #42805  
              EMBRUN, ONT 1 / car. Ball / light 2x moon-size paces car goin 10/7/1996 #43060  
CO 3 / truck. Red luminous/glowing ball going west. Follows truck. Turns go 10/20/1996 #43085  
D972 NEAR DANNEMOIS, FR Huge white ball northwest going quickly southeast f 10/29/1996 #43099  
.m. when he observed a large green ball of light with a white ring around.  11/23/1996 #43118  
ight with a white ring around. The ball of light dropped from the sky and t 11/23/1996 #43118  
ENSE, SP Separate observer(s). Red ball / light. Dogs growl. 2 giants / gro 2/20/1997 #43198  
New Hampshire watched several golf ball sized balls-of-light zig-zag only a 3/19/1997 #43235  
 VICTORVILLE, CA Guard. Red-orange ball swoops going down. Power out / apar 3/22/1997 #43238  
(s). Straight and level. Small red ball nearby.                             5/2/1997 #43286  
Stockholm, Sweden, watches a large ball of light, 30 feet across, follow th 6/1997 #43307  
aked beings, each carrying a light ball. Some Polish researchers consider t 6/18/1997 #43328  
a, simultaneously observe a silver ball that hovers above the trees some di 8/4/1997 #43368  
   METZ, FR 2 / fireworks display. Ball / light = ovoid / video. Away very  9/7/1997 #43398  
          PONT-A-MOUSSON, FR Green ball hovers / town. 10+Mirage 2000 jets  9/8/1997 #43402  
ree dogs in circle under a glowing ball (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)      10/1997 #43422  
going south / 1km altitude. Silver ball / center.                           11/12/1997 #43439  
a sperm sample. Soon a tube with a ball on the end, about 1/2 inches in dia 12/14/1997 #43462  
                             A red ball of light shot over the lake in Gmun 6/1/1998 #43579  
“highly intense,” basketball-sized ball of white light coming directly at h 11/27/1998 #43686  
ens, Michigan saw an intense white ball of light (BOL) come directly at her 11/27/1998 #43687  
of a bright white light, an orange ball of light, and a missing time experi 12/2/1998 #43695  
sh was seen overhead, and the blue ball of light shot down to just feet abo 8/26/1999 #43835  
ost Falls, Idaho witnessed a fiery ball of light that was seen on the side  9/21/1999 #43851  
behind a nearby stonewall. A large ball of fire appeared a few seconds late 11/25/1999 #43886  
 SOUTH AUSTRALIA Featureless white ball follows airliner going east. Perfec 2/18/2000 #43952  
                     A round fiery ball was seen in the western sky in Spri 6/13/2000 #44003  
             In the evening a huge ball of light forty feet above the groun 4/25/2001 #44165  
r of witnesses notice a red, round ball moving slowly in the air. When it s 6/30/2001 #44199  
 on this night when she observed a ball of light approach and land about 20 7/1/2001 #44201  
Wales two large shining white golf ball like objects were seen moving in an 8/4/2001 #44224  
5 p.m. a large hazy golden glowing ball, with 4 or 5 smaller starlike objec 9/8/2001 #44252  
                   A yellow-orange ball made bizarre sharp turns while flyi 4/17/2002 #44331  
jiang, China photographed a bright ball of light with "yellow, blue and pin 11/1/2002 #44429  
 sur L'Adour, Landes, France saw a ball of fire having several flashing lig 11/1/2002 #44432  
 Canada saw a smooth, round orange ball which moved through the sky and des 2/9/2003 #44485  
      At 10:30 p.m. a white flying ball of light, too large to be a plane o 8/31/2003 #44589  
 Calaveras Big Trees, California a ball of light followed witnesses out of  9/5/2003 #44593  
the window that was like a glowing ball with a tail in its lower section. I 5/8/2004 #44696  
  At 4:10 A.M. a very bright white ball of light was seen in the sky over L 9/29/2004 #44763  
  At 9:55 p.m. a fast, flickering, ball of red and white lights was seen in 11/13/2004 #44783  
Buoyant Plasma Formation,” akin to ball lightning, and it supposedly produc 5/15/2006 #44942  
 then watch a phosphorescent green ball about 12 inches wide roll slowly do 5/16/2006 #44943  
:00 a.m. a small, fast maneuvering ball of white light slowly descended fro 9/16/2007 #45058  
ed into two spheres, joined as one ball of light, and then vanished! The en 8/31/2010 #45296  
etallic object shaped like a rugby ball streak within a few feet of his coc 7/19/2013 #45378  
mbling a shoebox-sized cube with a ball on top. It passes down the left-han 5/5/2019 #45577  
ms on two occasions a round, white ball that moves erratically around the s 6/15/2019 #45585  
 One symbol had a seal balancing a ball on its nose, and there were also gl 12/12/2020 #45669  
## Word: "ball'" (Back to Top)
ral observer(s). 'Flattened tennis ball' visually and on radar. No further  11/3/1954 #11545  
## Word: "ball-" (Back to Top)
00+ mph. He sees a gleaming white, ball- shaped object with a gold ring aro 3/25/1954 #9643  
## Word: "ball-antennas" (Back to Top)
0' domed saucer emits yellow rays. Ball-antennas / bottom. Going quickly so 9/11/1957 #13989  
## Word: "ball-bearings" (Back to Top)
and. They were the color of silver ball-bearings with rings of lights.      10/23/1999 #43863  
## Word: "ball-disk" (Back to Top)
           WEST / DAYTON, OH Shiny ball-disk going quickly northeast. Stops 9/5/1957 #13980  
## Word: "ball-dumbell" (Back to Top)
SINKIANG, CH Many / outdoor movie. Ball-dumbell changes shape west going ea 11/1978 #33905  
## Word: "ball-figure" (Back to Top)
ay station/depot/facility. Strange ball-figure emerges.                     11/20/1973 (approximate) #28450  
## Word: "ball-light" (Back to Top)
)/airliner pilot and ground RADAR. Ball-light follows 737. "Flirts". Near c 2/11/1988 #38454  
## Word: "ball-lightning" (Back to Top)
ming cartwheel seen / days. Called ball-lightning. WSW / Baja.              8/18/1940 (approximate) #1344  
ts walls and ceiling inside cabin. Ball-lightning?                          8/10/1966 #20735  
## Word: "ball-like" (Back to Top)
 Frankfurt, Germany Silver-colored ball-like object changing stationary. (P 2/8/1945 #1775  
hen he and other soldiers notice a ball-like object rising slowly to the no Late 9/1971 #26378  
## Word: "ball-night" (Back to Top)
  US40 6MI WITH VERNAL, UT Reddish ball-night light moves very fast. Blinks 2/1/1968 #23721  
## Word: "ball-saucer" (Back to Top)
rline(s)/airliner crew. Huge green ball-saucer dives 3km toward(s) Stratocr 11/28/1950 #5296  
     POLLENCA, MALLORCA, SP Orange ball-saucer over trees / 15 second(s). S 9/1/1968 #24416  
T. MARTIN-AUX-BRUNEAUX, FR Big red ball-saucer. Jumps all over/all about. L 12/1977 #32714  
T / LA VAUDREAUIL, FR Yellow-white ball-saucer going down [to] twice when f 4/5/1978 #33125  
         DNEPRODZERZHINSK, UKR Red ball-saucer back again. Telepathy going  5/11/1990 #39571  
## Word: "ball-shaped" (Back to Top)
-shaped and has short wings and a “ball-shaped tip.” It falls into the lake 10/21/1946 #2204  
. Hanley Marks sees a light-green, ball-shaped object fall from the sky int 5/7/1952 #6268  
                               Two ball-shaped objects were seen hovering o 6/27/1956 #12926  
nia, independently observe a huge, ball-shaped object from which emerge thr 7/20/1956 #12996  
y claimed to have observed a huge, ball-shaped object from which three bein 7/20/1956 #12997  
 2 UFO's / 25 second(s). (Rumors / ball-shaped landing gear.)               6/21/1958 #15109  
flight path. They notice a second, ball-shaped object that races from west  6/25/1962 #17245  
 dome and antenna on top and three ball-shaped protrusions on the bottom. A 10/1963 #17969  
gh to the point, where there was a ball-shaped object. Large-headed humanoi 3/28/1967 #22003  
 the base and 25 feet high, with a ball-shaped object at its top. Looking a 3/28/1967 #22004  
bject that turned into a big white ball-shaped cloud. The cloud turned red, 10/4/1967 #23177  
members of his family witnessed 16 ball-shaped objects as they flew over Ku 1/11/1971 #25988  
chimney, a glowing yellowish white ball-shaped UFO. A figure wearing boots  4/24/1972 #26661  
ticking" sound. It landed on three ball-shaped legs in a nearby vineyard. T 2/23/1975 #29839  
s. They then see two orange-white, ball-shaped objects drop from the large  3/2/1975 #29868  
           LISBON, PORTUGAL Bright ball-shaped object flies over city. / Di 6/7/1978 #33257  
d, they see that it is a deep red, ball-shaped object. The object flies aro 9/27/1989 #39124  
 could see that it was a deep red, ball-shaped object. The object flew arou 9/27/1989 #39126  
raveled in small flying craft with ball-shaped landing gear. Mr. Chagala wa 3/20/1993 #40895  
ad three-digit hands that ended in ball-shaped tips. Its head was oval shap 9/5/1997 #43395  
## Word: "balladonia" (Back to Top)
               EYRE HIGHWAY EAST / BALLADONIA, WA 3 hours / missing time. R 2/5/1978 #32952  
## Word: "ballarat" (Back to Top)
                                   BALLARAT, VCT, AUS 28 slow-going silver- 10/7/1952 #8097  
                                   Ballarat, Victoria, Australia Mount Plea 2/27/1965 #18829  
n UFO organizations takes place in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. It is arr 2/27/1965 #18829  
rranged by W. Howard Sloane of the Ballarat Astronomical Society to share i 2/27/1965 #18829  
rch. The conference is held at the Ballarat Municipal Observatory in Mount  2/27/1965 #18829  
, the size of airliners, flew over Ballarat, Victoria, Australia in a diamo 10/5/1965 #19645  
                                   BALLARAT, AUSTR 2 observer(s). Shiny 3M  5/4/1973 #27466  
                                   BALLARAT, VCT, AUSTR 2 observer(s) / Rip 7/7/1973 #27618  
## Word: "ballard" (Back to Top)
               REDWOOD CITY, CA B. Ballard / 319 Woodside Road and Hetch He 7/9/1947 #3048  
ONFIDENTIAL Air Intel REPORT: Maj. Ballard and Lt. Rogers while flying at 2 9/10/1951 #5656  
ilbert S. Rogers, with Maj. Edward Ballard as passenger, spots a “silver-co 9/10/1951 #5660  
 Lt. Wilbert Rogers and Major Ezra Ballard were flying in a T-33 at 20,000  9/10/1951 #5661  
State Highway 50 11:00 p.m. Robert Ballard and his wife Lynn are visiting h 1/20/1968 #23683  
e the ground, sometimes less. When Ballard turns onto State Highway 50, the 1/20/1968 #23683  
m at telephone height, even though Ballard speeds up to 110 mph. After anot 1/20/1968 #23683  
east. (Letter to CUFOS from Warren Ballard, Mar. 4, 1981, from ship's log.  2/19/1976 #30883  
rd, England 9:30–10:00 p.m. Eileen Ballard and four friends are outside in  5/16/1988 #38570  
estern Uintah County, southeast of Ballard, Utah Skinwalker Ranch Terry and Fall 1994 #41773  
estern Uintah County, southeast of Ballard, Utah. The couple soon encounter Fall 1994 #41773  
           EAST / PORT ORCHARD AND BALLARD, WA Bizarre object with flashing 7/20/1995 #42312  
hts was seen over Puget Sound from Ballard, Washington at 1:00 a.m. It was  7/20/1995 #42313  
## Word: "ballast" (Back to Top)
French Air Force and police on the ballast.                                 9/10/1954 #10284  
3 small humanoids (or Greys) study ballast with light. Go when seen. / r222 11/13/1954 #11633  
## Word: "ballater" (Back to Top)
rritorial Army on an exercise near Ballater heard a "gurgling noise" and sa 11/1958 #15414  
## Word: "balled" (Back to Top)
wool or nylon strands, except when balled together became gelatinous, and s 10/17/1952 #8149  
## Word: "ballena" (Back to Top)
 driving on the highway in Lomo de Ballena, Peru at 4:30 p.m. when he alleg 2/28/1952 #5935  
## Word: "baller" (Back to Top)
assachusetts 3:00 p.m. Rev. Albert Baller is sitting in a train at the stat 2/20/1952 #5915  
 Edwards, Leon C. LeVan, Albert H. Baller, Charles A. Maney, Talbot T. Spee 10/19/1956 #13286  
nsense.” NICAP board member Albert Baller writes: “If the UFOs are believed 2/27/1960 #16186  
## Word: "ballerup" (Back to Top)
                                   BALLERUP, DK Many observer(s). Cylinder/ 11/7/1967 #23417  
## Word: "ballesta" (Back to Top)
m. in La Escala, Gerona, Spain Sr. Ballesta, age 52, saw two beings with fr 9/21/1968 #24496  
## Word: "ballester" (Back to Top)
ent) and witnesses were in shock. (Ballester Olmos, 1976, p. 12.) (NICAP: 0 9/21/1967 #23104  
ellow oval on road 5 meters ahead. Ballester Olmos, 1976, p. 37 (E) car (NI 6/9/1972 #26709  
otos before the object disappears. Ballester Olmos and van Utrecht conclude 7/19/1972 #26813  
bject, which shows a whitish spot. Ballester Olmos and van Utrecht suspect  3/24/1973 #27372  
 marks found where UFO first seen. Ballester Olmos, 1976, pp. 40-41 (E) car 4/22/1973 #27439  
nd; three squarish imprints found. Ballester Olmos, 1976, pp. 46.47 (E,L) c 3/30/1974 #28971  
t the site. (Sources: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I 1/1/1975 #29687  
ase, case 588, citing Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Lanib, July 1986). (NIC 7/28/1975 #30211  
 Spanish investigator Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos concludes: “My considere 7/25/1979 #34679  
 that he embellished his account.” Ballester Olmos’s latest thought is, “Di 7/25/1979 #34679  
lausibly explained by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos as the flight of a Trans 8/10/1989 #39050  
 of meetings between Vicente- Juan Ballester Olmos, who is developing a cat 5/22/1991 #40074  
l questionnaires that Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos has supplied, including  3/31/1992 #40404  
t of cooperation with Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos to act as a civilian con 11/16/1992 #40714  
nd contributions from Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, he creates a massive mo 9/14/1998 #43645  
                      Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos launches UFO FOTOCAT, a  2000 #43908  
he database. Based on its content, Ballester Olmos releases eight research  2000 #43908  
## Word: "ballester-olmos" (Back to Top)
area at the time of the sighting. (Ballester-Olmos, 1976, p. 9; Flying Sauc 2/6/1966 #19883  
## Word: "ballesterolmos" (Back to Top)
ical traces) at the landing site. (BallesterOlmos, 1976, p. 11.) (NICAP: 06 6/1/1967 #22442  
## Word: "ballet" (Back to Top)
     NEAR LEIPZIG, GERMANY Goethe. Ballet of miniature lights / roadside ho 9/1/1768 (approximate) #84  
n’s Club; founder of the Folkloric Ballet of Mexico, Amalia Hernández; and  9/23/1965 #19591  
 exit saucer-cloud and perform odd ballet / sky.                            9/16/1973 #27826  
near airport. 2nd joins. Fantastic ballet. Quickly going up.                12/14/1976 #31599  
## Word: "ballgame" (Back to Top)
     ST. LOUIS, MO 50+aero-types / ballgame. 9 saucers / vertical V formati 8/11/1947 #3311  
                FIRENZE, ITL 15K / ballgame. 2 orbs drops angel hair. = bor 10/27/1954 #11430  
                 CHISWICK, ENG 2 / ballgame. 2 silver domed disk going quic 7/10/1955 #12247  
                CAMPOS, BRZ 2000 / ballgame. Cylinder/cigar-shape and 8 sau 7/26/1972 #26835  
                   MESA, AZ Many / ballgame and TV shots. 3 35 mm photograp 11/11/1972 #27117  
                TALARA, PERU 200 / ballgame. Huge saucer lights entire stad 3/12/1986 #37799  
              IASI, ROMANIA Many / ballgame. Domed saucer 600M overhead wit 9/21/1994 #41769  
## Word: "ballheim" (Back to Top)
away, Don, Minnie, Elmer and Irene Ballheim see two fast-moving objects fly 9/26/1949 #4372  
## Word: "balliet" (Back to Top)
ania 10:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Balliet, their family, and two neighbors 5/26/1964 #18307  
## Word: "balliettsville" (Back to Top)
                                   BALLIETTSVILLE, PA 2 women. 2 red glowin 7/17/1952 #6855  
followed a plane across the sky in Balliettsville, Pennsylvania.            7/17/1952 #6873  
## Word: "ballieu" (Back to Top)
 WA Blue Book. Civil observer(s) = Ballieu. Object / crazy maneuvers / 5 mi 3/14/1950 #4633  
## Word: "ballina" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BALLINA, IREL Cop and 5. 20M metallic di 11/22/2000 #44076  
## Word: "ballinasloe" (Back to Top)
                                   BALLINASLOE, IRELAND Large luminous body 7/31/1915 #930  
## Word: "ballinger" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BALLINGER, TX 4 / oil crew. Red egg-shap 11/1/1957 #14184  
bject hover over an oil field near Ballinger, Texas at around 2 a.m. then s 11/1/1957 #14191  
## Word: "ballistic" (Back to Top)
new test site for the first Soviet ballistic missiles and atomic bombs at K 5/13/1946 #1990  
nds, New Mexico, is setting up his ballistic camera to monitor a missile te 1/25/1954 #9500  
pper stage for an intercontinental ballistic missile. The project is transf 1955 #11892  
f the R-5M, the first medium-range ballistic missile in the world, which wa 2/5/1956 #12697  
h, plus several officers from USAF Ballistic Missiles Division, Los Angeles 9/8/1958 #15261  
 incorporates elements of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency and the US Nava 10/1/1958 #15296  
 of the Liaison Branch of the Army Ballistic Agency in Huntsville, Alabama, 2/25/1959 #15614  
dstone Arsenal A group at the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) produced 3/20/1959 #15655  
ion of UFOs is detected by the new Ballistic Missile Early Warning System a 10/5/1960 #16481  
hat they interpret as medium-range ballistic missiles. The CIA notifies the 10/15/1962 #17472  
ata that does not fit satellite or ballistic trajectories are thrown out au 3/28/1967 #22005  
al phenomena” were observed during ballistic missile exercises the previous 7/17/1974 #29267  
Air Command assumes control of the ballistic missile warning system and all 12/1/1979 #35036  
ty to counter the threat of Soviet ballistic missiles and to make these nuc 3/23/1983 #36792  
irects the efforts towards theatre ballistic missiles and renames the agenc 3/23/1983 #36792  
issiles and renames the agency the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization.  3/23/1983 #36792  
 reports a single intercontinental ballistic missile launch from the US. Lt 9/26/1983 #36986  
III, of the 394th Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Test Maintenance Squad 1984 #37098  
 this to be the result of a Soviet ballistic missile laiunch from the Murma 10/1985 #37670  
ence Livermore National Laboratory Ballistic Missile Defense Organization B 11/1986 #38057  
program is canceled in 1994 by the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization.  11/1986 #38057  
, which houses the Trident nuclear ballistic submarine fleet. It hovers ove 8/31/1987 #38265  
using, home of the Trident nuclear ballistic submarine fleet in Bangor, Was 8/31/1987 #38266  
rnher von Braun’s team at the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA). A draft 1998 #43481  
 something that could be used as a ballistic missile shield or anti-satelli 7/29/2002 #44370  
antic Research Corporation, Army’s Ballistic Research Laboratory and severa 8/2004 #44724  
## Word: "balloon" (Back to Top)
s [a] pyramidal comet. Not weather balloon.                                 3/5/1843 #136  
hey notice what seems to be a fire balloon ascending slowly in the west, se 3/19/1847 #143  
e earth-grazing meteor or a candle balloon.                                 8/1/1871 #190  
rge saucer” and looks like a large balloon. It speeds away rapidly.         1/22/1878 #212  
eard voices coming from a "strange balloon," which flew over them. It was s 3/26/1880 #228  
eard voices coming from a "strange balloon," which flew over them. It was s 3/26/1880 #229  
 and laughter coming from a “large balloon” shaped like a fish approaching  3/26/1880 #230  
wer is dropped from the car of the balloon to which is attached a slip of s 3/26/1880 #230  
eard voices coming from a "strange balloon," which flew over them. It was s 3/26/1880 #231  
ver the rifle range a cigar-shaped balloon with a bright light on one end a 7/12/1891 #294  
     KOVNO = KUANAS, LITH 'German' balloon going [to] over Russian fort. Ho 3/22/1892 (approximate) #299  
                       WARSAW, POL Balloon going east. Sweeps intense beam  3/23/1892 #300  
sidents of Warsaw, Poland, watch a balloon over the city that casts rays of 3/23/1892 #301  
 Newark, New Jersey Night. A large balloon carrying a searchlight and four  6/1/1892 #303  
 Waxahachie, Texas, see a “kind of balloon” with colored lights passing ove 8/30/1892 #305  
g, Manitoba 6:00 p.m. A mysterious balloon passes over Winnipeg, Manitoba,  7/1/1896 #325  
nadian trappers see a brightly lit balloon traveling north near Blackwater  7/3/1896 #327  
un City, California saw a "powered balloon" flying into the wind.           11/15/1896 #338  
as an “aircycle,” kind of a winged balloon with a pedal-driven propellor, p 12/1/1896 #373  
ooks like a canoe suspended from a balloon. Two wings are visible on each s 4/1/1897 #407  
ose to the craft, a large, colored balloon rose from the object, which flew 4/14/1897 #461  
ounding along through space like a balloon.”                                4/14/1897 #470  
se to the craft, a large, colored "balloon" rose from the object, which fle 4/14/1897 #474  
aking his rounds, and the “ship or balloon” passes overhead about 200 feet  4/15/1897 #490  
a massive airship in the form of a balloon with a cigar-shaped undercar. Th 4/19/1897 #534  
rship consisting of a cigar-shaped balloon and a structure for passengers b 4/20/1897 #545  
m. Engineer Charles W. West sees a balloon of unusual size passing southwes 11/2/1897 #611  
t 300 feet. It is suspended from a balloon and is peppered with electrical  6/1/1898 #622  
ne, Washington 4:30 p.m. A mystery balloon floats across the sky in Spokane 7/4/1899 #636  
ward it, zigzagging like a child’s balloon losing air.                      3/17/1903 #660  
out encounters with occupants of a balloon who land briefly in various plac 4/20/1907 #694  
re likely to have been an exploded balloon that someone has attached firewo 7/2/1907 #697  
n later claims it was a pig-shaped balloon he had sent up for his daughter’ 7/25/1908 #715  
is daughter’s birthday party, but “balloon” sightings continue in Massachus 7/25/1908 #715  
UFFOLK Crowd / observer(s). Silent balloon with very strong light. Flies in 4/24/1909 #728  
an Jackman at first thinks it is a balloon, but its estimated speed of 45–5 8/9/1909 #802  
ingdale, Indiana, see a “dirigible balloon” pass over the city for 15 minut 9/3/1909 #810  
 Winged ovoid over forest. Glowing balloon drops night light / 02 December. 9/24/1909 #812  
h, Indiana Taylorsville Evening. A balloon “supposed to be from Chicago” pa 9/30/1909 #813  
wind]…would not have propelled a...balloon."                                1/13/1910 #832  
 “looked compact, like a dirigible balloon, but it appeared to be squarer a 10/25/1910 #848  
ave suspects the object is a pilot balloon.                                 4/8/1912 #860  
Guards fire on mystery plane. 'Toy balloon with smoke'. Turns going north g 4/14/1917 #956  
ed. Silver saucer hovers instead. (Balloon?)                                10/1935 #1233  
erves” triggered by a lost weather balloon and exacerbated by stray flares  2/24/1942 #1388  
annel, UK Large, stationary orange balloon on or near the sea. (Page 41 Ref 5/1943 #1497  
and, CAN Large silvery cylinder or balloon that appeared to discharge anoth 1/18/1945 #1758  
that appeared to discharge another balloon or object, each traveling in sep 1/18/1945 #1758  
t of tear-drop shape, resembling a balloon; shiny silver ball looking like  2/4/1945 #1772  
looking like a very bright weather balloon with a metal sheen. (Page 59 Ref 2/4/1945 #1772  
Manhattan Project A Japanese Fu-Go balloon strikes a high-tension wire on t 3/10/1945 #1810  
istration in Washington State. The balloon causes sparks and a fireball tha 3/10/1945 #1810  
hen they discover a Japanese Fu-Go balloon bomb that has landed in the fore 5/5/1945 #1864  
outhern Oregon. (Wikipedia, “Fu-Go balloon bomb”) May 23 and 25 — Night. In 5/5/1945 #1864  
ISLANDS 25+observer(s). 60M silver balloon follows military V-ship / 5 hour 6/5/1945 (approximate) #1874  
s too high to be a coastal defense balloon. Druffel watches it for 90 minut Summer 1945 #1881  
o attack them as possible Japanese balloon bombs. Jean Kisling, serving wit 7/1945 #1888  
heodolite while tracking a ceiling balloon in Richmond, Virginia. It is tra 4/1947 #2257  
Air Force explains it as a weather balloon.                                 7/4/1947 #2662  
 know this is from not any type of balloon. Marcel returns to the sheriff’s 7/6/1947 #2812  
 of many homemade gadgets, weather balloon radar targets, circular saws, an 7/7/1947 #2930  
recovered! (Later) "only a weather balloon".                                7/8/1947 #2988  
ing quickly east / high altitude. (Balloon earlier went going [to] southwes 7/8/1947 #2990  
n substituted by a torn-up weather balloon. Ramey proposes a plan that poss 7/8/1947 #3019  
ice suspended by a Neoprene rubber balloon. (“Rawin” is a method of determi 7/8/1947 #3025  
ng radar or radio waves to track a balloon carrying either a radar-sensitiv 7/8/1947 #3025  
n to identify the debris as from a balloon. A photo of Newton with the debr 7/8/1947 #3025  
o, expressing some doubt about the balloon explanation: “telephonic convers 7/8/1947 #3026  
ot borne out this belief. Disc and balloon being transported to Wright Fiel 7/8/1947 #3026  
ed the Roswell debris as a weather balloon.                                 7/8/1947 #3027  
 to change the story to a “weather balloon” instead of a flying saucer.  ht 7/8/1947 #3030  
se states photographs of a weather balloon given to the press were a “cover 7/8/1947 #3031  
 "Saucer" dips and spirals slowly. Balloon? / Straits Times 23 July.        7/20/1947 #3205  
Round black object "too fast for a balloon. / FBI files.                    8/3/1947 #3284  
cm metallic disk going NNW slowly. Balloon?                                 8/26/1947 #3370  
s apparently General Mills Skyhook balloon Flight B, which passes about 40  1/7/1948 #3542  
ies the object as a secret Skyhook balloon, although he cannot confirm a la 1/7/1948 #3544  
bert Todd tentatively identify the balloon as one launched from Camp Ripley 1/7/1948 #3544  
outhwest slow. No further details. Balloon trick?                           2/1948 #3569  
 they are tracking a small ceiling balloon at 15,000 feet. He checks his ob 4/1948 #3600  
ope. The disc flies just below the balloon and remains in sight for 15 seco 4/1948 #3600  
ds, appearing much bigger than the balloon. It has a flat, level bottom and 4/1948 #3600  
0–203–79, p.12,Sec. L.): 3 trained balloon observers from the Geophysics La 4/5/1948 #3608  
w Mexico Witnesses: Geophysics Lab balloon observers Alsen, Johnson, Chance 4/5/1948 #3611  
, New Mexico, three highly trained balloon observers (Joseph Olson, Johnson 4/5/1948 #3612  
 cm thick, landed near them like a balloon with a metallic noise. It spun,  8/11/1948 #3778  
lly they conclude the object was a balloon, with evasive maneuvers the prod 10/1/1948 #3827  
mes E. McDonald, have rejected the balloon explanation.                     10/1/1948 #3827  
ore, Jr., while tracking a weather balloon for General Mills Co. with a the 4/24/1949 #4099  
ver(s). Saucers / 30k kph. 1 paces balloon going east. / MJ#252+/ r29p70.   4/24/1949 #4100  
s: General Mills meteorologist and balloon expert C.B. Moore and others on  4/24/1949 #4103  
 expert C.B. Moore and others on a balloon launch crew.  One white, round e 4/24/1949 #4103  
les B. Moore and four Navy Skyhook balloon launch crewmen (Navy Chief Fire  4/24/1949 #4104  
ect was pure silver, round "like a balloon" and apparently constructed of.  1/10/1950 #4480  
pilots Fehrevach and Edwards was a balloon.                                 1/24/1950 #4510  
e-umbrella takes off vertically. / balloon?                                 3/28/1950 #4746  
Too round to be plane. To fast for balloon".                                8/6/1950 #5109  
IR BASE, GERMANY White ovoid joins balloon / theodolite. Going up and down. 8/21/1950 #5134  
peeds into wind. Air Force says "a balloon".                                8/27/1950 #5140  
s. The Air Force explained it as a balloon.                                 8/27/1950 #5142  
0 / 10 theodolites. Large ovoid by balloon / 30 seconds. Shoots away extrem 10/1950 (approximate) #5202  
nergy Commission (AEC) man. Metal "balloon" hovers. Changes shape? RADAR co 10/20/1950 #5243  
distant DC-4, or jet, or a weather balloon, or it was a reflection off a wa 11/16/1950 #5278  
CA 7 TEARDROPs maneuver near pilot balloon. Several Navy / theodolite. Turn 12/23/1950 (approximate) #5361  
 objects maneuvered near a weather balloon. Several navy personnel, includi 12/23/1950 #5362  
 2 60' saucers maneuver and circle balloon. Going quickly northwest.        1/16/1951 #5400  
Mexico Witnesses: Two members of a balloon project from the General Mills A 1/16/1951 #5402  
sia Airport, and three pilots. The balloon crew was observing their 110' ba 1/16/1951 #5402  
loon crew was observing their 110' balloon at an altitude of 112,000' when  1/16/1951 #5402  
tted.  It appeared larger than the balloon, but made no movement.  Later, t 1/16/1951 #5402  
 but made no movement.  Later, the balloon crew and the others saw two obje 1/16/1951 #5402  
ing side-by-side, they circled the balloon and flew away to the northeast.  1/16/1951 #5402  
s Aeronautical Research Laboratory balloon project, observe a round disc ne 1/16/1951 #5403  
ve a round disc near their Skyhook balloon over Artesia, New Mexico. The ba 1/16/1951 #5403  
loon over Artesia, New Mexico. The balloon is at a height of 112,000 feet.  1/16/1951 #5403  
 similar objects circling the same balloon that then fly off to the northea 1/16/1951 #5403  
M Blue Book. Saucer hovers by test balloon. Grows. Flashes 1 / second(s). G 1/22/1951 #5411  
 tracking a Project Gopher plastic balloon at about 50,000–70,000 feet, whe 1/22/1951 #5413  
object adjacent to the pear-shaped balloon. As they approach and fly under  1/22/1951 #5413  
As they approach and fly under the balloon, they notice the object descend  1/22/1951 #5413  
y notice the object descend to the balloon’s level and grow larger in appar 1/22/1951 #5413  
o one-half the size of the 70-foot balloon. It appears to be round and flat 1/22/1951 #5413  
y see the object separate from the balloon and head west at high speed. Aft 1/22/1951 #5413  
aped object hovered next to a test balloon 50 miles southeast of Holloman A 1/22/1951 #5414  
 NM 2 Air Force pilots watch large balloon. Saucer / high altitude hovers.  2/14/1951 #5442  
rce pilots, while watching a large balloon, saw a flat, round white object  2/14/1951 #5443  
is slower object turns out to be a balloon.                                 9/10/1951 #5660  
xplanation for the sightings was a balloon.                                 9/23/1951 #5687  
copilot Jack Donaghue on a Skyhook balloon tracking mission for General Mil 10/10/1951 #5719  
o east, much higher and behind the balloon, which is at 20,000 feet. The UF 10/10/1951 #5719  
2 / plane. Object circles research balloon. Sways. Going quickly east. / AP 10/11/1951 #5721  
Minnesota Witnesses: General Mills balloon researchers, including aeronauti 10/11/1951 #5724  
inneapolis, Minnesota, observing a balloon when they see a brightly glowing 10/11/1951 #5725  
nnesota at 6:30 a.m. General Mills balloon researchers, including aeronauti 10/11/1951 #5726  
kite at first, then like a weather balloon, then two rapidly revolving disc 12/12/1951 #5817  
, round object 5/3 larger than the balloon (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 1/16/1952 #5865  
 Mitchell AFB, NY TBM And Possible Balloon? (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 1/21/1952 #5870  
 undersurface. Although there is a balloon in the area, but its flight path 1/21/1952 #5871  
tion at the time was that it was a balloon, which nearly everyone who has r 1/21/1952 #5872  
Alberta During a launch of a pibal balloon at Calgary, Alberta, a silvery e 6/8/1952 #6470  
                      WICHITA, KS "Balloon". Jumps all over airport. Going  6/12/1952 #6482  
e pilot. Green fireballs. Faster / balloon. Slower / meteor.                7/10/1952 #6748  
12 white objects check out weather balloon. Shape unknown.                  7/17/1952 #6857  
ng toward the wind-finding weather balloon and passing through it three sep 7/21/1952 #6982  
t 8:15 p.m. and identify them as a balloon cluster. The objects, seen over  7/23/1952 #7083  
hanges position every 5 second(s). Balloon?                                 7/25/1952 #7126  
/ day. 6 jets can't catch "weather balloon".                                7/25/1952 #7127  
              CARLSBAD, NM 4M tall balloon going south. Maneuvers! Going qu 8/1/1952 #7392  
te but coincidental IFOs—a weather balloon and a jet. Ruppelt goes to great 8/1/1952 #7408  
ing quickly east toward Guelma. No balloon. / r48p110.                      8/14/1952 #7588  
s in a circle. No further details. Balloon?                                 8/23/1952 #7688  
lowing an 85-foot-diameter Skyhook balloon launched from an icebreaker, US  8/29/1952 #7788  
achute instrument package from the balloon, they see 3 white discs or globe 8/29/1952 #7788  
most the full apparent size of the balloon, in triangle formation clustered 8/29/1952 #7788  
 suddenly spots what seems to be a balloon but as he gets closer it looks m 9/1952 #7801  
 associates launch a large weather balloon with a magnesium flare over Otta 9/8/1952 #7881  
was ascertained not to have been a balloon. The Navy never released the pho 9/20/1952 #7983  
ee that it was moving rapidly.” No balloon has been launched.               9/20/1952 #7987  
hite round objects dive at weather balloon.                                 10/21/1952 #8168  
d made a shallow dive at a weather balloon.                                 10/21/1952 #8171  
s made a shallow dive at a weather balloon.                                 10/21/1952 #8173  
bs out of sight. A lighted weather balloon is launched at 8:53 p.m. from La 12/4/1952 #8377  
ct about the size of large weather balloon flying to the southwest. It has  1/8/1953 #8515  
 the encounter as due to a weather balloon.                                 2/3/1953 #8633  
Blue Book explains it as a weather balloon launched from Geiger Field [now  2/6/1953 #8643  
explain the sightings as a weather balloon.                                 3/5/1953 #8734  
n Greenland, is tracking a weather balloon with a theodolite. He notices a  6/24/1953 #8969  
t to northwest and approaching the balloon, which is at 18,000 feet. The ob 6/24/1953 #8969  
feet. The object collides with the balloon, disintegrating it. Afterward, i 6/24/1953 #8969  
ares [or Hernáiz], 14, sees a “big balloon” on the ground behind him in Vil 7/1/1953 #8982  
hen he turned around he saw a "big balloon" on the ground. It was shaped li 7/1/1953 #8983  
imo Munos Olivares, 14, saw a "big balloon" on the ground behind him when a 7/2/1953 #8986  
Controllers. Translucent saucer no balloon. Stops. 2nd identical behind it. 8/3/1953 #9039  
the tracking of a Project Grab Bag balloon launch, a 40-foot object leaving 10/15/1953 #9230  
r Minister George Ward calls it a “balloon”; when author Desmond Leslie cal 11/3/1953 #9279  
ard tells him: “I know it wasn’t a balloon. You know it wasn’t a balloon. B 11/3/1953 #9279  
’t a balloon. You know it wasn’t a balloon. But until I’ve got a saucer on  11/3/1953 #9279  
ble that this object was a Skyhook balloon launched from Holloman AFB in Ne 11/3/1953 #9279  
t in diameter and definitely not a balloon. The War Office claims the objec 11/3/1953 #9280  
 claims the object is a radiosonde balloon.                                 11/3/1953 #9280  
wn to horizon. No further details. Balloon?                                 12/12/1953 #9361  
r reports claim it is a radiosonde balloon.                                 12/17/1953 #9380  
 / plane. 2+6 white objects circle balloon. Going quickly [to] east-northea 2/1/1954 #9524  
Encounters 6 Objects Nr Cosmic Ray Balloon (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Cod 2/1/1954 #9525  
s approached a cosmic ray research balloon over Tuscaloosa, Alabama at 2:00 2/1/1954 #9527  
 mph, they conclude it cannot be a balloon, and radio Boston airport contro 6/1/1954 #9860  
ses ovoid into cloud and burns up! Balloon? / FSRv32#3.                     7/2/1954 #9981  
ight fire. Kevin Randle suspects a balloon is responsible for one of the ra 7/2/1954 #9984  
radar targets, because an apparent balloon is sighted later, from 6:00 to 1 7/2/1954 #9984  
dolite. Delta-object much larger / balloon maneuvers.                       9/21/1954 #10377  
a delta-shaped object, larger than balloon, maneuver thru sky over Durban,  9/21/1954 #10385  
ess: weather observer, following a balloon with his theodolite.  One round, 10/13/1954 #10999  
sseur, French Morocco, following a balloon in his theodolite, saw a round,  10/13/1954 #11001  
. Quickly going up. Drags deflated balloon! / r8#288.                       10/19/1954 #11233  
Filippo Corridoni saw a half-empty balloon at ground level near the Isonzo  10/19/1954 #11239  
and rising vertically, pulling the balloon with it.                         10/19/1954 #11239  
w what he thought was a half empty balloon at ground level near the Isonzo  10/19/1954 #11250  
lly while spinning and pulling the balloon with it.                         10/19/1954 #11250  
he wind, which is not likely for a balloon. Henry P. Julliard, deputy direc 11/12/1954 #11629  
es. Going quickly north to clouds. Balloon?                                 11/21/1954 #11681  
South Africa, is looking for a red balloon he has just released. He sees an 12/7/1954 #11773  
Possibly another Radio Free Europe balloon with leaflets.                   1/3/1955 #11917  
Y, IL Air Force jets shoot weather balloon. Saucer shoots past / same time. 4/8/1955 #12087  
d, determined that a small weather balloon carrying a magnesium flare was r 6/26/1955 #12217  
ly southwest / 1300knts. "Possible balloon" / USAF.                         7/26/1955 #12287  
odolite. Bright silver saucer near balloon. Going quickly [to] against wind 8/2/1955 #12322  
veral observer(s). Silver "weather balloon" hovers / minutes. Zooms away.   8/4/1955 #12327  
 maneuvers. Going east. Too fast / balloon.                                 9/9/1955 #12439  
T. WOOD, MO 2 soldiers. Big silver balloon going [to] slow. None up then. R 1/5/1956 (approximate) #12645  
rt Wood, Missouri saw a big silver balloon like object fly by slowly. No ba 1/5/1956 #12646  
, if anything, been with a weather balloon. Martin Shough concludes that th 8/13/1956 #13080  
AN FRANCISCO, CA USAF pilot. Fast "balloon" outmaneuvers and outraces F89D  8/21/1956 #13105  
F plane follows UFO. Drops weather balloon gear? / APRO MAY'57+/ r141.      2/15/1957 #13508  
ays he has no idea how to launch a balloon, but there is some evidence that 2/15/1957 #13509  
 CA Cameramen. 30 frames / saucer. Balloon? / r21p361+/ r141#12 especially. 5/2/1957 #13640  
t. Going south over hospital farm. Balloon?                                 6/4/1957 #13699  
 then changes the explanation to a balloon.                                 10/14/1957 #14110  
 see a round object like a “flying balloon” moving silently at the speed of 10/16/1957 #14130  
          TRINIDADE I, BRZ Weather balloon going [to] cloud. Exits without  1/6/1958 #14811  
reenish glow, our [meteorological] balloon was of a red color.” Baraúna is  1/16/1958 #14831  
explain this sighting as a weather balloon.                                 6/9/1958 #15086  
30K' altitude. 500mph and more. No balloon. / r59p149.                      6/14/1958 #15093  
 [to] NQ. Bottom glows. No plane / balloon.                                 7/14/1958 #15140  
aw, is returning from an attempted balloon interception in the area around  8/1958 #15171  
000 feet, he sees another possible balloon 9 miles away at a height of 3,20 8/1958 #15171  
, the object is probably a Skyhook balloon launched from the University of  8/18/1958 #15215  
changes its explanation to weather balloon. And NICAP obtains FAA logs show 9/24/1959 #15987  
analysts classify it as a “weather balloon with a radar reflector,” even th 5/19/1960 #16289  
ok classifies the UAP as a weather balloon to debunk the sighting. Records  5/19/1960 #16292  
ltitude. Possible landing / hills. Balloon?                                 6/29/1960 #16319  
SA Thor-Delta rocket NASA’s Echo 1 balloon satellite is launched by a Thor- 8/12/1960 #16372  
oseph W. Ivins say it looks like a balloon about 70 feet in diameter and is 11/15/1960 #16505  
k wanders from Venus to a research balloon to a sundog (an assessment James 10/2/1961 #16889  
ely to have come from a secret spy balloon, one of many launched in 1955–19 Summer 1962 #17239  
         BECKENHAM, LONDON "French balloon" seen and chased by RAF and USAF 8/1/1963 #17857  
oto. The official explanation is a balloon.                                 8/1/1963 #17860  
ornia, that at first seems to be a balloon, but is moving erratically. The  9/14/1963 #17938  
in S. sky. Dims. Fades / distance. Balloon? / r242p141.                     9/20/1963 #17950  
p to find a Russian reconnaissance balloon that is floating in American air 1965? #18680  
Collins is tasked with finding the balloon visually and using radar. In the 1965? #18680  
 at 2,200 mph, even if he sees the balloon briefly it would be behind him i 1965? #18680  
k and there appeared to be a black balloon suspended over it. A Fisheries D 6/6/1965 #18995  
ith a sound like air forced from a balloon. He watches it for about 10 seco 7/19/1965 #19134  
ise like air being released from a balloon. There were ground marks left in 7/19/1965 #19135  
with nose cone hovers / 5 hours. = balloon sonde?                           9/17/1965 #19576  
aphed. Similar to Romanian object. Balloon?                                 12/21/1965 #19783  
FORT PIERCE, FL Blue Book. Glowing balloon too bright to watch. Vanishes wi 3/23/1966 #20035  
rt Pierce, FL Bright object like a balloon covered with fluorescent paint i 3/23/1966 #20041  
ght object that they thought was a balloon covered with fluorescent paint b 3/23/1966 #20046  
t that they thought at first was a balloon covered with fluorescent paint.  3/23/1966 #20054  
el, hoping to learn that a weather balloon was launched in the area during  4/18/1966 #20331  
 was an unmanned Air Force weather balloon. The film from the test firing h 5/11/1966 #20478  
hat he first thought was a kite or balloon in the north-northwest sky movin 5/16/1966 #20490  
o. The object looks like a weather balloon, but it is flying at a speed of  7/9/1966 #20635  
ped object flutters around in sky. Balloon? kite?                           9/1/1966 #20828  
angle/box-like craft hovers still. Balloon?                                 10/17/1966 #21011  
oing east. 1 / 3 moon diameter. No balloon. / LDLN#204+/ r193#15.           10/20/1966 #21017  
 near it something like a luminous balloon sprang up from it and hovered in 11/17/1966 #21118  
p [to] and going southwest slowly. Balloon?                                 11/22/1966 #21134  
 flare- or candle-carrying hot-air balloon hoax.] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 2/16/1967 #21567  
 down and back. Gone / 30 seconds. Balloon?                                 3/8/1967 #21799  
5' / 8mm film / luminous ovoid. No balloon. 6-day wave. / r66p203.          3/9/1967 #21823  
/ 1000kph. 10 mk away. No plane or balloon / astronomer.                    3/24/1967 #21958  
it disappears from sight. Possible balloon.                                 4/28/1967 #22245  
rents see it fly as if suspended / balloon.                                 9/8/1967 #23017  
w. It moved as if suspended from a balloon. A strong smell of "melted iron" 9/8/1967 #23020  
ble high-altitude plastic research balloon] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  11/21/1967 #23490  
os. Delta/triangle/box-like craft "balloon" flies going west against wind.  3/29/1968 #23867  
 NITEROI, BRZ College kids. Orange balloon / complex maneuvers. Ejects foil 6/5/1968 #24008  
d, five minutes later a large gray balloon shaped object appeared above som 7/20/1968 #24195  
llic sphere/orb/globe rises like / balloon. / r230v4#3.                     8/29/1968 #24396  
he sightings are attributable to a balloon, but others seem to be moving ag 9/19/1968 #24485  
kely was a military reconnaissance balloon.                                 10/18/1968 #24571  
 Air Force personnel sighted seven balloon or disc-shaped UFOs; the objects 4/12/1969 #25058  
SSW over trees. Sharp outlines. No balloon.                                 6/1/1969 (approximate) #25184  
t, thinking it is a meteorological balloon because it looks gray and like a 6/17/1969 #25221  
uthwest and maneuvers overhead. No balloon or Sat. / APRO Jly'70.           7/11/1970 #25732  
              NEAR MARILIA, BRAZIL Balloon follows car several miles. = cla 8/15/1970 (approximate) #25785  
Saucer-delta. Odd photographs = no balloon. See reference.                  6/12/1971 #26169  
here/orb/globe eludes motor chase. Balloon?                                 9/25/1971 (approximate) #26377  
e going south slow. Shoots sparks. Balloon prank?                           10/17/1971 #26428  
 lot and, thinking it is a hot air balloon, runs towards it. When he reache 3/19/1972 #26617  
hotographs / silver cone. Possible balloon? / r186#27.                      11/11/1972 #27117  
 suspect the witness saw a weather balloon and that the photo is the result 3/24/1973 #27372  
e ascended rapidly, "like a helium balloon," towards the object. It vanishe 5/12/1973 #27481  
TON LAKES, NJ Several observer(s). Balloon flies against wind. Also V-shape 7/17/1973 #27636  
avut, when the pilot sees a “large balloon in close proximity” and radios a 7/25/1973 #27650  
ange shape again into an elongated balloon with lights. He heard a "loop-lo 9/23/1973 #27861  
IA 3 US journalists come to cover "balloon / California". UFO's show instea 1/25/1975 #29766  
 near home. Back again 08 July. No balloon. News.                           7/4/1975 #30152  
ect / pointed top drifts going up. Balloon?                                 8/11/1976 #31253  
ght heading slowly south. Possible balloon.                                 9/16/1976 #31387  
gray, that looked puffed up like a balloon. It had ridges or rings running  2/10/1977 #31808  
tion 2X. Drifts going quickly ESE. Balloon?                                 2/26/1977 #31850  
at the object he saw was neither a balloon nor a helicopter.                7/21/1977 #32299  
ppearing in the distance. Possible balloon.                                 10/14/1977 #32575  
ing lights on the bottom. Possible balloon.                                 11/18/1977 #32685  
 the light to it. Possibly a prank balloon.                                 12/27/1977 #32814  
for UFO Studies, suggested a prank balloon might be the explanation, but th 12/27/1977 #32815  
greeing on whether it is a weather balloon, they stop the truck and get out 7/1978 #33319  
 northeast and turns red. Probable balloon.                                 9/20/1978 #33715  
 Drifts going south. All color(s). Balloon?                                 2/20/1979 #34437  
     WHEELING, IL 1+dog. Silent 6' balloon glows and hovers. Going southwes 6/26/1979 #34629  
 door he sees a uniformly glowing “balloon,” 6–7 feet in diameter and sharp 6/26/1979 #34632  
rifts going quickly southeast. "No balloon.                                 10/16/1979 #34957  
 / 500' altitude. Going southeast. Balloon cover story.                     11/30/1979 #35029  
t flew off toward the southeast. A balloon cover story was later released t 11/30/1979 #35032  
he target, assumed to be a Chilean balloon. Lt. Oscar Santa María Huertas c 4/11/1980 #35269  
he west at about 45° moving like a balloon with a start- stop motion. Medin 4/22/1980 #35285  
tallic disk hovers. "Net" beneath. Balloon?                                 6/12/1980 #35358  
bject that looked like a "metallic balloon" with two flat sides, according  8/3/1980 #35440  
 the plane's turbulence as would a balloon.                                 8/28/1980 #35481  
to a hoax photo of a helium-filled balloon.                                 10/1980 #35550  
se. Quickly going up [to] fast. No balloon up.                              3/30/1981 #35877  
ies showed there were no scheduled balloon releases at that time. (NICAP: 0 3/30/1981 #35879  
ies showed there were no scheduled balloon releases at that time. That even 3/30/1981 #35882  
hovers / area. "Motions unlike any balloon".                                3/29/1982 #36416  
id going south slow. 5km altitude. Balloon?                                 11/12/1982 #36679  
es a photo that apparently shows a balloon. A local radio station hires a L 4/26/1983 #36845  
he object is later identified as a balloon launched from eastern Europe.    4/26/1983 #36845  
 p.m. The official explanation was balloon, but UFO researchers in Brazil d 10/31/1983 #37033  
t, he realizes it is not a weather balloon and is moving away from him. He  7/13/1984 #37395  
itnesses who think the object is a balloon coated with reflecting material, 7/22/1985 #37628  
operators say it is clear it is no balloon.                                 7/22/1985 #37628  
axi driver. Top-shaped object like balloon but maneuvers. No further detail 2/24/1988 #38476  
hat the object is not an airplane, balloon, kite, or model airplane.        7/6/1989 #39013  
t of a Transmediterranean research balloon launched from Sicily in a joint  8/10/1989 #39050  
at the image is that of a research balloon, the size seems excessive for a  8/10/1989 #39054  
eems excessive for a high-altitude balloon.                                 8/10/1989 #39054  
20 minute(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Balloon?                                 6/30/1990 #39630  
urns out to be an enormous weather balloon.                                 9/2/1990 #39716  
ies the object as a meteorological balloon, deemed an inadequate explanatio 4/11/1991 #40034  
rig. Gen. Thomas Dubose states the balloon story of Roswell was a “cover st 9/16/1991 #40189  
lane drifts west going east like a balloon!                                 2/9/1992 #40326  
R Several observer(s). Large black balloon east going quickly west 4x faste 4/11/1992 #40412  
ilver object / irregular shape. No balloon.                                 7/17/1992 #40522  
/ Air Force pilots chase luminous "balloon" / 900kph. Changes color(s). Goi 3/2/1993 #40872  
DONIA, ITL 4 observer(s) and kids. Balloon drops to military Air Traffic Co 6/17/1993 #41020  
and eyes and antenna. Shoots away. Balloon? / r226#18.                      6/20/1993 #41026  
 SICILY 50+calls / police. "Silver balloon" maneuvers. = hallucination / ne 7/7/1993 #41053  
ted a strange object resembling a "balloon" flying over the beach. At first 7/27/1993 #41091  
 sky. Suddenly vanishes in place. (Balloon?)                                9/9/1993 #41190  
City, Mexico, see an object like a balloon, but it is going too fast. One p 9/16/1993 #41199  
ats by. Lights / corners. Faster / balloon.                                 11/29/1993 #41307  
tal documents dealing with weather balloon, aircraft, and similar crash inc 2/9/1994 #41408  
o Cincinnati Day. An object like a balloon suddenly appears in the sky abov 6/1994 #41545  
over buildings. Many small lights. Balloon?                                 6/1/1994 #41547  
near Roswell was consistent with a balloon device and most likely from one  9/8/1994 #41726  
t very slowly. No further details. Balloon?                                 11/1/1994 #41828  
 Starts moving. Vanishes in place. Balloon?                                 5/15/1995 #42208  
bris on a top-secret Project Mogul balloon array sent aloft to detect signs 7/1995 #42286  
art is a synopsis of Project Mogul balloon research findings by McAndrew, w 7/1995 #42286  
ress reports on the Constant Level Balloon project (a study to determine ho 7/1995 #42286  
s most likely from a Project Mogul balloon train. The report is in response 7/28/1995 #42335  
minute(s). Rods protrude / edges. (Balloon?)                                10/13/1995 #42548  
pe / 300' altitude. Hovers silent. Balloon?                                 11/23/1996 #43117  
arcel is indeed describing weather balloon debris. However, this interpreta 1/10/1997 #43169  
 was probably from a Project Mogul balloon.                                 6/1997 #43305  
e unusual military activities were balloon launch-and-recovery operations.  6/24/1997 #43338  
rs die; and a May 21, 1959, manned balloon mishap, in preparation for Proje 6/24/1997 #43338  
nger is injured. The Project Mogul balloon is still invoked to explain the  6/24/1997 #43338  
e actually test dummies as part of balloon launch-and-recovery operations.  6/24/1997 #43339  
e object is explained as a weather balloon, which is spotted by a United Ai 8/9/1997 #43376  
          NORTH / HOMER, LA Shiny "balloon" hovers. Maneuvers. Vanishes and 4/5/1998 #43544  
es (especially rockets and weather balloon launches), while the remaining 1 2000 #43911  
rce announces that it is a weather balloon.                                 8/6/2001 #44227  
know about any bodies but says the balloon story was a cover up.  https://w 3/1/2002 #44321  
p.m. The objects were described as balloon shaped, and glowed orange. There 7/12/2002 #44359  
thing, and was as big as a hot air balloon.                                 11/13/2002 #44439  
lity. The retrorockets failed, the balloon crashed, and a rancher found the 1/15/2005 #44808  
government conducted high-altitude balloon tests with attached gondolas tha 6/2005 #44846  
She claims to know of 3 classified balloon flights in May–July 1947. The bo 6/2005 #44846  
r research linked to high-altitude balloon experiments. He mentions crashes 6/2005 #44846  
t was definitely not shaped like a balloon.                                 8/13/2005 #44862  
 not have been a "Tweety Bird" toy balloon, as was conjectured by the news  9/9/2005 #44871  
ng object resembling a shiny mylar balloon but oriented horizontally flew o 10/8/2005 #44888  
It is moving slowly like a hot-air balloon. He hears a sound like a cat pur 11/25/2009 #45256  
es out another aircraft or weather balloon.                                 7/19/2013 #45378  
fically describe as “a red weather balloon” at 27,000 feet. Neither Fleet A 2/13/2019 #45562  
 coast, are aware of any scheduled balloon activity.                        2/13/2019 #45562  
except one (confirmed as a weather balloon) lack sufficient information to  6/25/2021 #45694  
## Word: "balloon'" (Back to Top)
AY, CA Telegraph lineman. 'Powered balloon' flies into wind.                11/15/1896 #337  
s going quickly west 'too fast for balloon'.                                3/16/1967 #21895  
         NEWMARKET, NH 2 0BS. Tall balloon' / ground level by railroad/rail 5/31/1971 #26147  
## Word: "balloon-cylinder" (Back to Top)
EST / VERRIERES, FR 3+observer(s). Balloon-cylinder/cylindrical object goin 9/18/1977 #32494  
## Word: "balloon-like" (Back to Top)
thwest Passage expedition, watch a balloon-like object over the Wellington  9/15/1850 #145  
railway car suspended from a large balloon-like arrangement” pass overhead. 1/26/1899 #631  
              Misburg, Germany Two balloon-like silver balls. (Page 143 Ref 3/3/1945 #1807  
hardson], Anchorage, Alaska, see a balloon-like grayish object, 10 feet lon 7/12/1947 #3159  
HT 1 observer. 1 large and 6 small balloon-like objects. Weave all about..  7/23/1954 #10038  
raga and Gerardo Izuesta see a red balloon-like object about 7–10 feet in d 1/3/1955 #11917  
about 5,000 feet and swinging in a balloon-like fashion. Its color varies f 10/8/1957 #14078  
                        Scotia, NE Balloon-like, elongated object coming to 11/5/1957 #14328  
rceived a "burning" odor. He saw a balloon-like, elongated object that came 11/5/1957 #14341  
rceived a "burning" odor. He saw a balloon-like, elongated object that came 11/5/1957 #14353  
glowing 40-foot-long object with a balloon-like attachment on the underside 4/11/1959 #15696  
nto a side road. He noticed a long balloon-like thing that stretched along  1/27/1977 #31761  
Weaver when they sighted a silvery balloon-like object float down along the 1/27/1978 #32917  
ngland when they sighted a silvery balloon-like object float down along the 1/27/1978 #32921  
n in Cleveland, Ohio, see 8 white, balloon-like objects moving across the s 6/25/1998 #43593  
bes a “near mid-air collision with balloon-like object.”                    4/27/2014 #45409  
## Word: "balloon-object" (Back to Top)
er. (ATIC) observer(s). Civil sees balloon-object land / airfield. Rises. H 3/2/1958 #14908  
## Word: "balloon-shaped" (Back to Top)
unt Clemens, Michigan When several balloon-shaped objects appear above Self 7/1945 #1888  
 (5 miles E of ), TX 6 ft silvery, balloon-shaped craft land in a field 300 4/6/1956 #12794  
            Two men saw a silvery, balloon-shaped craft about two meters in 4/6/1956 #12796  
                         Tampa, FL Balloon-shaped object with bright light  3/2/1958 #14909  
source was said to have observed a balloon-shaped object land on the airfie 3/2/1958 #14910  
     At 7:45 p.m. a man observed a balloon-shaped object land on the airfie 3/2/1958 #14912  
                         An orange balloon-shaped object with antennas made 6/5/1968 #24010  
nd saw a hovering yellowish-green, balloon-shaped object emitting a white l 10/5/1970 #25869  
the police reporting the object. A balloon-shaped object was sighted in Pom 7/17/1973 #27637  
s of the River Weaver see a silver balloon-shaped object land in a meadow n 1/27/1978 #32919  
d barking when a six-foot diameter balloon-shaped object glowed and hovered 6/26/1979 #34631  
at 3 a.m. when a six-foot diameter balloon-shaped object glowed and hovered 6/26/1979 #34634  
orted seeing a large, brightly lit balloon-shaped object passing over Chima 1/29/1987 #38106  
 a sudden flash of light and large balloon-shaped object with three illumin 11/25/1998 #43684  
sudden flash of light, and a large balloon-shaped object with three illumin 11/29/1998 #43689  
## Word: "balloon-type" (Back to Top)
. It has a cylindrical head with 2 balloon-type attachments and looks like  9/27/2004 #44762  
## Word: "ballooney" (Back to Top)
his story of flying saucers is all ballooney?”                              11/24/1953 #9320  
## Word: "ballooning" (Back to Top)
thsonian concludes it is caused by ballooning spiders, even though only one 10/8/1969 #25400  
## Word: "balloons" (Back to Top)
es off to the west. Other supposed balloons are seen March 22 or earlier ov 3/23/1892 #301  
 to be recognized as dirigibles or balloons, but they resemble luminous pum 10/29/1910 #852  
, Brockville police find two paper balloons that might explain the sighting 2/14/1915 #925  
e sky. In shape they resemble kite balloons, except that one appears to pos 6/1/1933 #1158  
uickly south. Groups / 3. Faster / balloons.                                1/8/1943 #1478  
 three. The UFOs moved faster than balloons, and the procession lasted for  1/8/1943 #1479  
pan Multiple sightings of possible balloons. (Page 78 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - D 10/25/1944 #1681  
some 9,300 Fu-Go bomb-bearing fire balloons intended to land in North Ameri 11/3/1944 #1691  
t discovers one of the first Fu-Go balloons floating off San Pedro, Los Ang 11/3/1944 #1691  
ed on heightened alert status when balloons are found in Wyoming and Montan 11/3/1944 #1691  
some of the targets are radiosonde balloons released by the USAAF’s 8th Wea 1/27/1947 #2235  
ght number 8, a cluster of plastic balloons, is launched from Holloman AFB, 7/3/1947 #2580  
ght number 9, a cluster of plastic balloons, is launched from Holloman AFB, 7/3/1947 #2585  
ht number 10, a cluster of plastic balloons, is launched from Holloman AFB, 7/5/1947 #2720  
re certain that the objects aren’t balloons. They are large, whitish, round 4/5/1948 #3612  
      An article on secret Skyhook balloons (without mentioning the project 5/1948 #3637  
astronomically. Others say 12% are balloons, 33% are other misidentificatio 8/10/1949 #4315  
are misidentifications and weather balloons.                                3/28/1950 #4749  
ough a theodolite used for weather balloons for 8 minutes. He says, “The az 11/26/1950 #5287  
rticle in Look identifying UFOs as balloons.                                2/19/1951 #5450  
 that he thinks UFOs are not “just balloons” (in response to Liddel’s upcom 2/25/1951 #5458  
tributable to the cosmic [Skyhook] balloons. The article is based on Liddel 2/27/1951 #5463  
hat all UAP reports are mirages or balloons. He says trained observers are  2/27/1951 #5464  
eading people and true UAP are not balloons and not natural phenomena. Mira 2/27/1951 #5465  
ow / ground. Source lost / sun. No balloons up.                             8/10/1951 #5599  
at intervals across sky. No jets / balloons up.                             4/29/1952 #6208  
anation of the objects as probable balloons.                                7/1/1952 #6691  
ts moving in the same direction as balloons just released (NICAP: 01 - Dist 7/17/1952 #6865  
in the report that the objects are balloons. Two F-84 jets are scrambled at 7/23/1952 #7083  
, are probably USAF reconnaissance balloons sent up from Clinton County Air 7/23/1952 #7083  
l phenomena, mistaken sightings of balloons, birds, etc., optical illusions 8/9/1952 #7516  
ht in landing pattern. No planes / balloons up.                             10/7/1952 #8098  
astronomical basis, or by mirages, balloons, or by conventional aircraft.”  10/9/1952 #8107  
g that the Air Force would release balloons to generate spurious UFO phenom 1/9/1953 #8521  
 was seen behind it. They were not balloons, according to the official Air  8/3/1953 #9044  
sixpence a go to enter, it must be balloons, otherwise the government would 11/3/1953 #9279  
 sightings as experimental weather balloons. MP George Isaacs asks, “Will t 11/24/1953 #9320  
r to releasing 300 hydrogen-filled balloons south of Hässleholm as an adver 12/15/1953 #9366  
lor. No sound, no radar tracks, no balloons aloft.                          4/25/1954 #9721  
he objects are neither aircraft or balloons.                                8/4/1954 #10099  
inces that seem to involve wayward balloons released in Germany by Radio Fr 12/3/1954 #11754  
 IL Car followed 10 / min by 3 7M "balloons" with 8 red lights. / USAF Tech 3/2/1955 #12029  
wed for 10 min by three elongated "balloons," each showing eight red lights 3/2/1955 #12031  
or ten minutes by three elongated "balloons." The objects were each about s 3/2/1955 #12032  
g wind-driven experimental plastic balloons that might travel as fast as 11 10/10/1955 #12497  
loon like object fly by slowly. No balloons were scheduled for release in t 1/5/1956 #12646  
transmitter like those attached to balloons is found, then another piece of 2/15/1957 #13509  
, saying that the objects were toy balloons illuminated by a flashlight bul 2/15/1957 #13509  
ucks are added; giant air-sampling balloons are tethered in place; 9 burros 4/24/1957 #13615  
slow. Quivers. Small objects exit. Balloons? / r141#10.                     12/14/1957 #14725  
s are nothing more than reports of balloons, aircraft, astronomical phenome 5/6/1958 #15020  
ceived and that most were meteors, balloons, aircraft, and satellites.      6/10/1958 #15089  
ng more than reports of airplanes, balloons, astronomical phenomena, etc.”  7/30/1958 #15162  
 saucer SSW going NNE. No planes / balloons near.                           2/25/1962 #17059  
nce clear of Soviet territory, the balloons were designed to drop into the  Summer 1962 #17239  
ome vanish / Pop. Others maneuver. Balloons?                                1/17/1966 #19843  
y learn that there were no weather balloons launched that morning, and also 4/18/1966 #20331  
l sphere/orb/globe exits. Possible balloons.                                9/18/1967 #23079  
reau says it has no meteorological balloons aloft.                          9/5/1968 #24431  
nute(s). 5K' altitude. No planes / balloons up.                             12/31/1968 #24796  
mo Tukeva to investigate seven air balloons that are floating at approximat 4/12/1969 #25057  
nd maneuvers into wind. No weather balloons up.                             7/4/1972 #26758  
t were in the vicinity nor had any balloons been launched, but they also ob 9/24/1973 #27864  
ully debunked interesting cases as balloons, stars, etc, findings that then 1979 #34260  
was dark in the middle. No weather balloons were in the area at the time.   2/19/1979 #34436  
orce center on weather or research balloons, but a Chilean Civil Aeronautic 8/17/1985 #37645  
ome think they can see clusters of balloons associated with the light, but  4/11/1990 #39519  
ese sightings are undoubtedly hoax balloons.                                4/14/1990 #39524  
 reflect light. Maussan looks into balloons, helicopters, and other convent 7/11/1991 #40119  
 most likely from one of the Mogul balloons that had not been previously re 9/8/1994 #41726  
 project (a study to determine how balloons and their payloads could be mai 7/1995 #42286  
m globes pass right over yard! Toy balloons?                                8/9/1995 #42369  
ies carried aloft in high-altitude balloons, and the unusual military activ 6/24/1997 #43338  
th retrorockets from stratospheric balloons to test them for eventual space 1/15/2005 #44808  
ommon objects such as aircraft and balloons, while the remaining unexplaina 5/15/2006 #44942  
r civilian or military aircraft or balloons in the area.                    10/30/2007 #45086  
ve flare lights attached to helium balloons. Reports are concentrated in th 1/5/2009 #45206  
nder the cloud line. They were not balloons, helicopters or airplanes. They 5/16/2010 #45282  
r unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), balloons (including toys and weather), m 2017 #45462  
ving exposure to high altitudes in balloons. Through her testimony and that 6/2017 #45472  
t—swarming drones and radar target balloons—or they are playing along by ac 4/15/2021 #45682  
f causes being birds & bugs (40%), balloons and airborne objects (18%), opt 11/19/2021 #45723  
, and aerial clutter such as Mylar balloons as causes for the uptick. Incid 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "balloonshaped" (Back to Top)
nney, Texas Two men saw a silvery, balloonshaped craft about 2 m in diamete 4/6/1956 #12795  
## Word: "ballot" (Back to Top)
el Fry as his running mate, on the ballot in Iowa. The party offers solutio 11/7/1972 #27110  
## Word: "ballou" (Back to Top)
duced by automatic writing by John Ballou Newbrough. She goes on the contac 9/1953 #9131  
## Word: "ballpark" (Back to Top)
              CINCINNATI, OH 100 / ballpark. 2 shiny 30cm silver saucers ho 7/2/1947 #2544  
MOUTH, NS Huge dinner-plate circle ballpark / terrific speed. Going quickly 7/26/1952 #7141  
ds. Big silent glowing-ball lights ballpark. Zigzags. Going northwest. Same 10/3/1975 #30412  
## Word: "ballpoint" (Back to Top)
use. Asks directions. Fascinated / ballpoint pen.                           1/3/1967 (approximate) #21245  
rections. He was fascinated with a ballpoint pen, as if he had never seen o 1/3/1967 #21252  
se words, writing them down with a ballpoint pen on his bare arms. They nex 1/25/1968 #23700  
s a strong irritation in his arms. Ballpoint pens in Coutinho’s pockets are 6/23/1976 #31134  
## Word: "ballroom" (Back to Top)
ooking like the mirrored ball in a ballroom or disco, zoomed by a residence 2/15/1970 #25584  
## Word: "balls" (Back to Top)
de many blood-red, blue, and black balls or discs near the Sun. “They were  4/4/1561 #32  
d several alone, and between these balls blood- colored crosses” are seen.  4/4/1561 #32  
s about one hour, then the burning balls fall to the earth and vanish on th 4/4/1561 #32  
llowed three "very red and glowing balls."                                  7/13/1860 #154  
 up into a group of 20–100 smaller balls is seen over a wide swath of the U 12/21/1876 #208  
 made of three perfectly developed balls of an equal size and equidistant f 9/30/1880 #240  
sees a “meteor in the shape of two balls” during a storm in the North Atlan 3/19/1887 #279  
erious light in the sky from which balls of fire fall to the ground near hi 6/19/1892 #304  
ion of Morristown, New York. Three balls of fire drop from it into the rive 2/14/1915 #925  
 air above a wooded area. Luminous balls surround the figures, who are givi Summer 1920 #1003  
ectly round, pulsating, orange-red balls about 900 feet away. They are movi 1933 #1151  
 a formation of 6-9 luminous white balls of light flying in a triangular fo 2/25/1942 #1391  
ther type involves “small coloured balls” that climb to 7,000 feet.         9/25/1942 #1448  
in England claims that silver-blue balls of fire appeared near their wing o Autumn 1943 #1530  
ANDAU, GERM 415th Sqd. 30-cm amber balls follow US fighters. Going quickly  1/30/1944 #1566  
 several 30-cm amber "foo-fighter" balls followed some US fighter planes of 1/30/1944 #1567  
area, Germany Two objects: glowing balls; snake-like motion. (Page 59-60 Re 2/19/1944 #1574  
when he is followed by four orange balls of light with “short stubby wings” 4/26/1944 #1593  
   Ploesti, Rumania Reddish orange balls, about the size of a baseball; sph 8/1/1944 #1634  
atra Reida Case (M) Reddish orange balls, about the size of a baseball; sph 8/10/1944 #1638  
art with investigating the strange balls of fire.                           8/17/1944 #1645  
     N. Florence, Italy Two orange balls diving into the hills. (Page 84 Re 10/20/1944 #1680  
 Germany Three to four very bright balls, completely illuminated red, yello 12/1944 #1715  
e has reported seeing “many silver balls floating in the air above enemy te 12/13/1944 #1719  
ays on December 20 that the silver balls have “no detectable effects” on Al 12/13/1944 #1719  
                  Germany Numerous balls of light are reported by the Night 12/14/1944 #1721  
y, Germany Multiple sightings: red balls of fire; two yellow streaks of fla 12/26/1944 #1734  
rn Germany when they encounter two balls of fire on three occasions pacing  1/2/1945 #1751  
ny]. I turned to starboard and two balls of fire turned with me. I turned t 1/2/1945 #1752  
re going 260 miles an hour and the balls were keeping right up with us.”    1/2/1945 #1752  
seeking an explanation for the red balls of fire pacing planes. No response 1/2/1945 #1753  
d motionless; cluster of 15 orange balls of fire. (Page 139-140 Ref.1) (NIC 2/21/1945 #1791  
     Piacenza, Italy Two large red balls of fire; hovering. (Page 140 Ref.1 2/21/1945 #1792  
g, Germany Two balloon-like silver balls. (Page 143 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 3/3/1945 #1807  
aly Two sightings: (1) 100 hundred balls of orange fire; (2) two balls of f 3/13/1945 #1812  
dred balls of orange fire; (2) two balls of foo fire. (Page 147 Ref.1) (NIC 3/13/1945 #1812  
            Bergamo/Ghedi, Italy 2 balls of foo fire. (Page 150 Ref.1) (NIC 3/23/1945 #1821  
 orange and red flashes; six white balls of fire; grayish ball of fire abou 3/24/1945 #1823  
iary mission, some crews reported "Balls of Fire followed our aircraft." (N 4/3/1945 #1836  
            Honshu, Japan Multiple balls of fire sightings: size of basketb 4/3/1945 #1837  
 Honshu, Japan, encounter numerous balls of light tagging along with them.  4/3/1945 #1838  
 available to take photographs of “balls of fire” in the Pacific.           4/17/1945 #1847  
te information and theories on the balls of fire but cannot find a good exp 4/26/1945 #1855  
 an Air Intelligence Report on the balls of fire in the Pacific Theatre. Th 6/9/1945 #1875  
ed. Our air crews started sighting balls of fire, i.e., glowing objects abo 7/1945 #1886  
e rising full moon as one of these balls of fire. Some reports speculated t 7/1945 #1886  
Some reports speculated that these balls of fire were exhausts from a Japan 7/1945 #1886  
       Unknown City, Japan Several balls of fire much larger than superchar 7/2/1945 #1890  
or the investigation into wartime “balls of fire.” Exhaustive investigation 10/9/1945 #1944  
d green smoke and a series of fire balls.” The object explodes with a terri Early 8/1946 #2102  
 Some witnesses see smaller silver balls come out of the larger objects, wh 8/11/1946 #2117  
, watches two objects “like tennis balls” fly over her yard.                5/1/1947? #2275  
 Approximate 50 report(s) / silver balls. 14 May. '1947. Silent 4' saucer g 6/10/1947 #2316  
way Patrolman and 1. 6 25cm silver balls plummet going down / bay at GG bri 7/2/1947 #2538  
 122 Warner Ave. 8 orange disks or balls going east. No further details.    7/7/1947 #2844  
ucky, when he notices three “fiery balls” in the sky. He takes a 5-second e 7/7/1947 #2942  
 Cape Blanco (40 miles from), OR 2 balls of fire with a fiery trail headed  11/12/1947 #3484  
         ROUEN-SUR-SEINE, FR White balls / light and 'planes dropping parac 1/28/1948 (approximate) #3566  
is speculates that the objects are balls of spiders’ threads, held together 9/26/1948 #3814  
ed objects, spherical objects, and balls of light. It acknowledges the poss 2/11/1949 #4003  
 and see a number of silvery-white balls passing overhead quickly. They rea 4/25/1949 #4108  
o very fast. Air Force Conclusion: Balls of thistle (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 8/8/1949 #4312  
thru) binoculars. 2 shiny metallic balls hover and dart and circle. 1100 kp 8/6/1950 #5110  
      BUTTE, CA Hundreds / silvery balls join and part and fly going quickl 10/11/1950 #5218  
SSVILLE, TN 5 / USAF C45. 3 orange balls / equilateral/equal triangular for 9/15/1951 #5670  
 trail then explodes, shooting red balls of fire in all directions.         11/2/1951 #5763  
. At 8:00 p.m. three or more green balls of light stopped in midair in Rich 2/19/1952 #5910  
ay, followed by two smaller orange balls of fire. Probable meteor.          5/8/1952 #6275  
at evening at 7:20 p.m. two orange balls of light were sighted over the sho 5/13/1952 #6318  
 [to] =. Domed disk. Flips over. 2 balls / bottom/underside.                6/1952 #6399  
              At 11:30 p.m. orange balls of light were seen flying in circu 7/24/1952 #7122  
, NM Airman Donaldson. 8-10 orange balls fly in V-formation. Fast / 4 secon 7/26/1952 #7142  
d AFB, Albuquerque, NM 8-10 orange balls in triangular or V-formation flyin 7/26/1952 #7162  
.M. Donaldson. Eight to ten orange balls in a triangular or V-formation fle 7/26/1952 #7172  
ldson observed eight to ten orange balls flying very fast for a 3-4 second  7/26/1952 #7179  
, NY Crowd awaits wave / Ping-pong balls. Only 6 seen / 60 minute(s). / r13 8/1/1952 #7394  
bubbles / all directions. Pingpong balls.                                   8/1/1952 #7396  
s looking like "70 white ping pong balls" passed across the sky in Sidney,  8/1/1952 #7413  
to notify them he is watching “two balls of fire” making a 10-mile circle a 8/13/1952 #7576  
aring. It had a turret on top. Red balls of light were emitted by the objec 8/19/1952 #7646  
orida. It had a turret on top. Red balls of light were emitted by the objec 8/19/1952 #7653  
      Hermanas, NM Two 6 ft silver balls in abreast formation (NICAP: 11 -  8/24/1952 #7706  
t Col. G.W. Johnson. Two 6' silver balls in abreast formation, one turned g 8/24/1952 #7710  
g an F-84G when he sees two silver balls in the vicinity of Hermanas (a gho 8/24/1952 #7713  
 of them reported as “meteors” or “balls of fire” or “flaming planes”) pass 9/12/1952 #7905  
AN-DE-BAZAS, GIRONDE, FR 2 glowing balls hover / 10 minute(s). Seem to burs 10/27/1952 #8190  
 White trails / sky. 40 small gray balls exit and fly going north / Saar, G 10/27/1952 #8191  
                       Two glowing balls hovered over Lignan-de-Bazas, Fran 10/27/1952 #8203  
 by eight pairs of Saturn-like red balls were seen at 300 to 400 meters alt 10/27/1952 #8205  
g lead-colored clothing with shiny balls fitted to the shoes, jump out. Ram 1/12/1953 #8535  
d 10 / P2V-7. 90-100 small colored balls / various formations. / r185p20.   3/14/1953 #8749  
few minutes he hears an explosion. Balls of fire rain down from the sky. He Autumn 1953 #9176  
 to the southeast. At 8:35 p.m. 15 balls of light in a V-formation buzzed a 4/26/1954 #9727  
 MBA RCAF and more/others. 5 metal balls / ovoids going west / V formation  7/22/1954 #10035  
ee a rocket-shaped object dropping balls of fire. At 11:35 p.m., on the Nor 8/1/1954 #10090  
 1 observer. Adamski-saucer with 4 balls / bottom. 2 "eyes" shoot beams.    10/15/1954 #11082  
te-Loire, France, watch two bright balls connected by a rod for 15 minutes. 10/18/1954 #11213  
n rod soon dissipates, and the two balls settle in the field. In the dim li 10/18/1954 #11214  
d. It descends in both strands and balls for 45 minutes. Both adults get gr 10/22/1954 #11320  
eet above the ground and has three balls attached to its underside. Soon he 12/15/1954 #11815  
nding gear shaped like three round balls. Three human-looking occupants who 12/15/1954 #11817  
noted, NM Three unusual green fire balls; heavy radio and TV disturbance re 6/6/1955 #12188  
ER, ENGL Formation / bright silver balls. Orbs change positions. Seen widel 7/22/1955 #12277  
formation of several bright silver balls was sighted that changed positions 7/22/1955 #12278  
dents watch 10 objects like “steel balls” dart through the sky for 25 minut 10/27/1955 #12524  
LEEDS, ENGL 2 observer(s). 2 shiny balls shoot down. Converge. Bank. Back u 1/16/1956 #12662  
ILLS, OH Physician and wife. Small balls maneuvers all directions. All colo 9/27/1956 #13246  
               At 10:30 p.m. three balls of light flew from north to south  10/10/1956 #13273  
 the bay and watch as two whirling balls of fire submerge.                  11/21/1956 #13340  
ALIT, MALI 2 / theodolite. 5 small balls orbit large sphere / 45° plane / 0 4/1957 #13573  
any observer(s). 1 white and 2 red balls maneuver impossibly / all directio 11/25/1957 #14610  
. A.R. Sullivan Jr., which stated “balls of fire” and foo fighters (early t 1958 #14787  
pter beams going [to] linemen. Red balls exit.                              2/28/1959 #15621  
      Indianapolis, IN A series of balls, arranged like an “X” with one dia 3/23/1960 #16203  
 and Mrs. E.I. Larsen. A series of balls, arranged like an "X" with one dia 3/23/1960 #16204  
 a kite made up of little metallic balls. The object or objects moved in an 3/23/1960 #16205  
ite light beam shone down from the balls of light (BOL), which had a red gl 4/25/1960 #16243  
re revolving or orbiting lights or balls. They winked off.                  7/19/1960 #16341  
            Naperville, IL 6-8 red balls, arranged in a rectangular formati 3/26/1962 #17084  
audine Milligan.  Six or eight red balls, arranged in a rectangular formati 3/26/1962 #17086  
d his son Raimundo see two humming balls floating outside. They merge into  8/17/1962 #17336  
en the yellow smoke dissolved. The balls were gone. The ground below was cl 8/17/1962 #17336  
) bury object. 1 observer zapped / balls with antenna. / r246p114.          8/19/1962 #17343  
            Several one meter wide balls of light maneuvered around houses  10/10/1962 #17464  
r the next four hours. The glowing balls of light then flew up into a large 8/11/1963 #17886  
e witnesses find innumerable white balls one-quarter-inch in diameter piled 10/21/1963 #17997  
d ground marks, some white powdery balls were found that were cold to the t 9/4/1964 #18534  
ed. 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 10 balls orbit diamond-saucer. Going north. 2/2/1966 #19873  
diamond-shaped object with several balls (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 2/2/1966 #19874  
diamond-shaped object with several balls constantly in very fast motion aro 2/2/1966 #19875  
11:15 p.m.. It had several smaller balls of light constantly circling it in 2/2/1966 #19876  
the sky from west to east. Six red balls of light exited from the object an 4/1/1966 #20204  
  REVIN, FR 1 observer. 2 80cm red balls land. Join. Quickly going up [to]  7/24/1966 #20674  
 humanoids (or Greys) exit and put balls / ground. Try abduction observer(s 2/5/1967 #21452  
gs emerge carrying small, circular balls that they place on the ground arou 2/5/1967 #21460  
They drop the witness, collect the balls, and run inside the UFO, which tak 2/5/1967 #21460  
meter. They emitted red satellites balls of light, then flew off to the wes 9/25/1967 #23132  
 up into the sky, shooting out two balls of flame while doing so. The light 1/2/1968 #23644  
o white. It emitted four small red balls of light from a hatch, then five w 1/13/1968 #23663  
ce, and shot six amber 4-foot-wide balls of light up into the sky.          2/21/1968 #23775  
D, CO 1+3 observer(s). Several red balls / light rise / nearby farm. 1 goin 5/7/1968 #23949  
elix Gallegos and others saw three balls of light take off from a neighbors 5/7/1968 #23950  
server(s). Group / silent metallic balls maneuver. 1 going down [to] very c 6/1968 #23997  
stronomer. Big orange ball. 2 tiny balls join later. Gone / flash!          9/19/1968 #24484  
 was being circled by four smaller balls of light near Gagra, Georgia. The  9/19/1968 #24487  
ts of photographs showing luminous balls of light in motion were taken on t 12/24/1970 #25952  
England when they saw three orange balls of light in a straight line move a 1/22/1971 #25995  
ia 3:10 p.m. Several silvery-white balls are seen in the air over Maslin Be 3/15/1971 #26048  
ers reported several groups of red balls of light that jumped and maneuvere 12/28/1971 #26521  
 are silent and resemble small red balls of light. They are also seen the f 11/21/1972 #27132  
SPRINGS, MS 3 observer(s). 2 shiny balls / sky overhead. / Clarion Ledger.  10/10/1973 #27977  
is car. A humanoid with eyes "like balls of fire" peered through his window 10/23/1973 #28253  
 Carolina. He sees a humanoid with balls of fire for eyes looking into the  10/24/1973 #28267  
t high. A humanoid with eyes "like balls of fire" peered at him through his 10/24/1973 #28272  
nesses who reported two orange-red balls of light that hovered low to the g 11/28/1973 #28473  
         L'ILE-BEHUARD, FR 2 white balls to and fro over Leek Field. Land / 12/6/1973 #28526  
TTRAY, FR 3 / cars. 2 brilliant 2M balls left left and right right repeated 12/31/1973 #28620  
 QIQIHAR, CHINA 1+9 observer(s). 7 balls exit and circle luminous ovoid 100 2/1974 #28720  
s). Huge ovoid and saucer. Colored balls exit. Back 15+23 March and 5 May / 3/5/1974 #28860  
round Easter of 1971. A few of the balls rolled off the luggage rack and we 3/27/1974 #28961  
NEC, FR 4 / car. String / luminous balls blocks D60. Observer(s) flee to po 5/20/1974 #29115  
  BERTANGLES, FR Mayor and wife. 2 balls maneuver. 1 drops / 50M altitude.  5/21/1974 #29122  
everal observer(s). 6 small silver balls / series. Large sphere/orb/globe j 7/2/1974 #29236  
 26, FR Several observer(s) orange balls going north over town. Same 11 Aug 8/28/1974 #29396  
Nuclear Generating Station, sees 6 balls of light from his position at the  1/31/1975 #29774  
, FR 2 observer(s). 2 luminous 35M balls over hedge. 4 photographs taken. R 3/3/1975 #29871  
ographs were taken of two luminous balls, approximately 0.35 meters in diam 3/3/1975 #29872  
r. Extends rod with 4 small orange balls at the tip.                        10/23/1975 #30462  
ended a rod with four small orange balls at the tip. In York, Pennsylvania  10/23/1975 #30463  
 UFO near car. Radio static. White balls / light exit. Car body magnetized. 11/15/1975 #30621  
ssouri, then ejected several white balls of light (BOLs). The metal of the  11/15/1975 #30625  
ssouri, then ejected several white balls of light (BOLs). The metal of the  11/15/1975 #30628  
deck for another check and saw two balls of light moving very rapidly towar 2/19/1976 #30883  
re windows. In bar between the two balls was open space. (Worley files) (NI 6/1976 #31078  
ater yellow, red, and bluish green balls of light flew over Valencia, Alica 12/20/1976 #31627  
nto some bushes when three glowing balls of light flew overhead at one a.m. 1/18/1977 #31727  
nto some bushes when three glowing balls of light flew overhead at one a.m. 1/18/1977 #31728  
the village of Icoaraci, two fiery balls of light were seen in the sky. One 5/17/1977 #32104  
Para, Para State, Brazil two fiery balls of light were seen in the sky at 9 5/17/1977 #32107  
. At one point it looked like five balls joined together in a circle. It or 5/21/1977 #32122  
NNABA, ALGERIA 2 / car. 6 luminous balls. 1 pulses brightly and going quick 8/13/1977 #32398  
OUTH / GUEBLING, FR 3 big luminous balls / field. 1 follows man / cycle goi 1/7/1978 #32857  
e air toward a round UFO with four balls on the bottom, a dome on top, and  3/24/1978 #33078  
ng, although some witnesses report balls of fire and streaks of light in th 4/2/1978 #33119  
 is followed closely by four white balls and the other is followed by three 7/2/1978 #33324  
and the other is followed by three balls.                                   7/2/1978 #33324  
radio, and next two reddish-orange balls of light appeared near the horizon 12/2/1978 #34051  
yellow lights in between. It had 3 balls on the bottom. It hovered for 20 m 12/14/1978 #34128  
 Texas sighted three large glowing balls of light hovering outside their ho 7/15/1979 #34656  
id creatures floated down from the balls of light. The beings were describe 7/15/1979 #34656  
 Śmiech from Malbork watches 9– 10 balls of light 3–4 miles above the groun 8/20/1979 #34763  
 15 minutes later, two more orange balls appear in the area of Simon Butte. 9/12/1979 #34867  
LTON, ENGL 2 / Cessna 150. 2 white balls going quickly southeast below clou 12/11/1979 #35069  
 breaking into four smaller orange balls of light. The duration of the sigh 4/20/1980 #35280  
rea. The flashes are caused by red balls of light about the size of lemons  5/9/1980 #35319  
 the empty fields around them. The balls blink on and off in succession, cl 5/9/1980 #35319  
hters start screaming as small red balls of light move across their mother’ 5/9/1980 #35319  
                               Red balls of light the size of lemons climbe 5/9/1980 #35321  
 dog whined and barked as more red balls of light moved across a woman's ba 5/9/1980 #35321  
back and the hair on her head. The balls of light made no noise             5/9/1980 #35321  
al observer(s). 2 luminous/glowing balls hover / 4 hours. Unpowered radio p 10/31/1980 #35597  
kes time-exposure photos of orange balls of light east of London, Ohio, nea 3/21/1981 #35870  
n State reported seeing mysterious balls of light at 10:15 p.m.             7/4/1981 #35988  
 / appear. More outside with black balls in hands. / FSRv35#2.              4/30/1983 #36850  
TALY Several / balcony. Saucer and balls rise / mountainside. Tree branches 7/21/1983 #36916  
rcular UFO that appeared to ‘fire’ balls of light to the ground for two hou 4/1984 #37252  
NE, FR 2 observer(s). 2 blue-white balls swing / sky. Stop. Erratic motion  8/9/1985 #37640  
 objects appeared to be red-orange balls of light (BOL), but changed freque 5/19/1986 #37882  
N HOME, AR 2 observer(s). 2 bright balls going quickly [to] over N. Fork La 8/1986 (approximate) #37963  
time experiences with entities and balls of light. These occurrences contin 3/1987 #38127  
SLEV, DK 3 observer(s). 2 35cm red balls maneuver / field. Melted snow and  1/4/1988 #38392  
trollers and more/others. 1 then 2 balls / light arrive with 737. Buzz land 2/11/1988 #38455  
EST SEATTLE, WA Bowling ball sized balls / light zip up and down city stree 3/5/1988 #38490  
INGHAM, MA 1 observer. 5 1' orange balls play / back yard! Turn white. Ligh 7/2/1989 #39003  
 at tree top level, emitting small balls of light.                          10/3/1989 #39141  
urs he sees more UFOs ranging from balls of light to other boomerangs. He t 10/9/1989 #39156  
observed four 50 meter wide orange balls of light at 10:00 p.m. One shot of 11/24/1989 #39249  
ms soon disappear, leaving the red balls, which return to the object. Then  11/29/1989 #39273  
photographs silver saucer emitting balls / light.                           12/5/1989 #39297  
silver disc-shaped object emitting balls of light.                          12/5/1989 #39299  
 Big sphere/orb/globe spins. Small balls orbit. Triangle hovers nearby.     12/18/1989 #39320  
OR 24 observer(s). 5 silent orange balls change positions in formation / 20 1/1/1990 #39360  
 FR 1 observer. 4 dark-grey silent balls single file 4M over ground.        8/19/1990 #39691  
 Strekalov says it “shone like the balls that hang on trees at Christmas, g 9/27/1990 #39748  
 RICHEY, FL 3+3 observer(s). 3 red balls / light. Vibrant bright but 35 mm  10/7/1990 #39763  
 LE HOUSSAY, FR 5 luminous/glowing balls / oval formation. 1 in center. 6 s 11/5/1990 #39863  
rate observer(s). Luminous/glowing balls split and maneuver. Shoot going qu 12/1/1990 #39917  
ZIL 3 observer(s). Silent 40cm red balls maneuver / river. Follow truck. 1M 2/1991 #39969  
ight searchlight signals. Four red balls of light turned bright white, then 3/14/1992 #40381  
WARANGA BASIN, VCT 2 silent orange balls over reservoir. Disappear when pho 5/5/1992 #40450  
s. Phony moon hovers / farm. Small balls maneuver and join. All going quick 8/2/1992 #40546  
3 observer(s). White triangle with balls and night lights goes over rooftop 8/25/1992 #40589  
ght of about 10 feet. At least six balls of light maneuver around the fligh 1/1993 #40782  
 3 observer(s). 3 luminous/glowing balls hover / trees. Rejoin and away slo 2/1/1993 #40827  
 rotors emitted three sets of four balls of light.                          2/5/1993 #40841  
                           Several balls of light hovered over the town of  6/26/1993 #41039  
, FR Several observer(s). Luminous balls spin in sky. Vanish. Come and go s 10/7/1993 #41223  
disk follows 2 / car / 25km. White balls / underneath. Turns clockwise and  11/13/1993 #41271  
ids with counterclockwise orbiting balls cover 4-lane highway / 15 minute(s 12/5/1993 #41324  
unter-clockwise orbiting satellite balls of light covered a four-lane highw 12/5/1993 #41325  
R 30 campers overflown by luminous balls according to reliable source. No f 7/25/1994? #41640  
 OFF ANTIBES, FR Guard. 3 luminous balls stop over Juan Gulf. 1cm / arms le 8/10/1994 #41665  
 Department, France three luminous balls stopped over the ocean, then vanis 8/10/1994 #41667  
later took on these objects. Green balls of light came from the woods, and  9/9/1994 #41733  
 p.m., 7:50 p.m., and 8:25 p.m. of balls of light.                          9/11/1994 #41736  
LE-HAGUE AND LE RIGION, FR Glowing balls. 3rd day / local wave.             1/1/1995 #41931  
ig fireball offloads small buzzing balls / 5 minute(s) over railroad/railwa 2/2/1995 #42011  
PROVIDENCE, RI 1 observer. 3 white balls pace airliner. Vanish and return / 9/30/1995 #42521  
server(s). Several luminous orange balls rise and maneuver. 2 going quickly 1/21/1996 #42702  
, IL 2 observer(s). 2 silent white balls hover. Going quickly / opposite di 7/16/1996 #42958  
    CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA Blue-white balls / light cross sky back and forth 3 8/21/1996 #42989  
 NEVES, BRAZIL 2 30M saucers seen. Balls / light. Man reported missing.     10/18/1996 #43079  
IE NORD, ROMANIA 50 / beach. 3 red balls / constant triangle formation. Van 11/3/1996 #43102  
at around 1 p.m. watched three red balls in a constant triangle formation f 11/3/1996 #43103  
d sighting a number of "soft white balls of light" coursing to the east and 11/25/1996 #43122  
ee, New Hampshire when he saw four balls of white light zigzag in unison ov 2/26/1997 #43210  
, this time looking like two light balls joined together. The lights appear 7/14/1997 #43350  
ss. Both objects turned into black balls as the flames were emitted and rem 10/13/1997 #43427  
   CANNONVILLE, GA 2 bright silver balls hover / Hogg Mountain. 1 shoots qu 3/22/1998 #43534  
i, New South Wales, see “20 silver balls” performing complex maneuvers. Ang 8/10/1998 #43625  
same night others saw speeding red balls of light over different parts of t 9/21/1998 #43650  
al Guard F-16s and six maneuvering balls of light (BOLs) at 2:15 a.m., with 9/13/1999 #43844  
d to a straight line, looking like balls of fire, giving off what seemed to 1/29/2000 #43936  
utes they see 3 whitish additional balls and something that looks like a he 8/5/2000 #44028  
he lighted objects also discharged balls of light every once in awhile, whi 3/14/2003 #44502  
, and it had darker colored chrome balls, disks, or windows around the midd 8/23/2003 #44580  
.m. in Orillia, Ontario two orange balls of light were seen chasing each ot 12/5/2003 #44625  
cond time several yellow and green balls moving in the sky. The BOLs were t 5/3/2004 #44694  
a large area of the sky, dropping "balls of light", before accelerating int 9/7/2005 #44870  
      Several large glowing orange balls of light came up from horizon east 12/29/2005 #44915  
 and videos many of the Naga light balls arising from the river: “This phen 10/6/2006 #44971  
                 At 6:30 p.m. four balls of yellow light were seen dancing  5/7/2007 #45028  
At 11:00 p.m. three orange glowing balls appeared above an ocean beach in S 9/11/2009 #45245  
rmoil watching this and saw small “balls of light” fly from the bodies of t 3/31/2011 #45322  
disappears, accompanied by several balls of light.                          4/13/2012 #45341  
 they could encounter (plasma-like balls, tic-tacs, discs). It also feature 5/2021 #45685  
## Word: "balls-of-light" (Back to Top)
re watched several golf ball sized balls-of-light zig-zag only a meter away 3/19/1997 #43235  
## Word: "ballshaped" (Back to Top)
claimed that they observed a huge, ballshaped object from which emerged thr 7/20/1956 #12993  
## Word: "ballston" (Back to Top)
                                   BALLSTON LAKE, NY Several observer(s). L 9/3/1959 #15953  
## Word: "ballymena" (Back to Top)
                                   BALLYMENA, NORTH IREL 3 observer(s). Sil 5/15/1995 (approximate) #42205  
## Word: "balmaceda" (Back to Top)
les, Tierra del Fuego, Chile Mount Balmaceda Two Chilean national police of 4/2/1999 #43753  
ers see a UFO hovering above Mount Balmaceda in Puerto Natales, Tierra del  4/2/1999 #43753  
## Word: "balmoral" (Back to Top)
                                   BALMORAL, AUS 3 observer(s) spotlight /  4/7/1967 #22087  
        At 11:00 p.m. three men in Balmoral, Victoria, Australia witnessed  4/7/1967 #22091  
## Word: "balneário" (Back to Top)
                                   Balneário Pinhal, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra Late 11/1961 #16979  
ndes is walking along the beach in Balneário Pinhal, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra Late 11/1961 #16979  
## Word: "balocco" (Back to Top)
th Carolina, Marine 1st Lt. Edward Balocco is on intercept stand-by duty wh 2/11/1953 #8664  
s away as sound and motion return. Balocco tries to pursue it again unsucce 2/11/1953 #8664  
             Marine 1st Lt. Edward Balocco is scrambled in an F9F Panther f 2/19/1953 #8686  
a flash, the disc leaves the area. Balocco and Capt. Thomas Riggs are debri 2/19/1953 #8686  
## Word: "balogh" (Back to Top)
nuary 13, 1991 border guard Istvan Balogh woke up in his bedroom in Oroshaz 1/26/1991 #39966  
## Word: "bals" (Back to Top)
                                   BALS, OLT, ROMANIA Observer(s) / (seen t 8/18/1968 #24349  
## Word: "balsa" (Back to Top)
t material with the consistency of balsa wood that was metallic and could n 3/1/2002 #44321  
## Word: "balsam" (Back to Top)
ot Max Stanley and observers Lloyd Balsam and Sam F. West were asked to int 4/18/1950 #4867  
                                   BALSAM LAKE, WI 3 / boat. Silent shiny M 8/25/1979 #34771  
                                   Balsam Lake, Wisconsin 3:30 p.m. Three w 8/25/1979 #34775  
 p.m. Three witnesses in a boat at Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, watch an object  8/25/1979 #34775  
rator and two of his companions on Balsam Lake in Polk County, Wisconsin wa 8/25/1979 #34777  
                                   BALSAM LAKE, WI 4 / car. Red disk hovers 9/3/1979 #34825  
                                   Balsam Lake, Wisconsin 9:30 p.m. Two cou 9/3/1979 #34829  
Wisconsin 9:30 p.m. Two couples in Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, see a red disc h 9/3/1979 #34829  
isc-shaped object while driving in Balsam Lake, Wisconsin.                  9/3/1979 #34832  
## Word: "balsawood-like" (Back to Top)
-like beams, pieces of lightweight balsawood-like material only stronger, l 7/5/1947 #2723  
## Word: "baltazar" (Back to Top)
ro Viejo, Sonora, Mexico 9:00 p.m. Baltazar Flores, Franciso Perez, Ruben L 8/9/1964 #18472  
## Word: "baltazzi" (Back to Top)
s, Captains John Bromley and Harry Baltazzi, visit Swan and through her int 6/8/1954 #9877  
## Word: "baltic" (Back to Top)
                    Gdynia, Poland Baltic Sea A French prisoner in a German 7/18/1943 #1518  
land, is walking to work along the Baltic Sea when he sees a flat, metallic 7/18/1943 #1518  
Helsinki going quickly southeast / Baltic.                                  6/10/1946 #2006  
openhagen Soviet ship in the north Baltic Sea Hiiumaa island, Estonia Latvi 8/13/1946 #2128  
ts that a Soviet ship in the north Baltic Sea has been transmitting code to 8/13/1946 #2128  
                                   Baltic Sea Sweden Maj. Gen. Stephen Cham 6/19/1947 #2343  
to look for radio signals over the Baltic Sea. The Swedish military is told 6/19/1947 #2343  
          Bornholm island, Denmark Baltic Sea 10:13 p.m. The Danish destroy 9/14/1952 #7940  
f Bornholm island, Denmark, in the Baltic Sea. Lt.Cmdr. G. Schmidt-Jensen a 9/14/1952 #7940  
ngrad [now St. Petersburg], Russia Baltic states Pilot Hervey Stockman make 7/4/1956 #12951  
w St. Petersburg], Russia; and the Baltic states. The mission is tracked by 7/4/1956 #12951  
                                   Baltic Sea, At Sea Radar sightings of “m 9/11/1956 #13213  
                   Gotland, Sweden Baltic Sea 10:00 p.m. Policeman Ernst W. 8/5/1957 #13881  
 island of Gotland, Sweden, in the Baltic Sea when they see a disc-shaped o 8/5/1957 #13881  
                                   Baltic Sea coast Kołobrzeg, Poland On th 3/1959 #15628  
Sea coast Kołobrzeg, Poland On the Baltic Sea coast near Kołobrzeg, Poland, 3/1959 #15628  
                                   Baltic Sea Liepāja, Latvia Night. A larg Late 11/1967 #23511  
 appears low over the shore of the Baltic Sea near Liepāja, Latvia. Its lig Late 11/1967 #23511  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Baltic” YieldMax: 20KT                   8/6/1971 #26269  
               At 8:15 a.m. in the Baltic Sea 40 nautical miles off of Cape 8/23/1978 #33557  
                                   Baltic Sea Hel peninsula, Poland 8:15 p. 8/23/1979 #34768  
he Hel-125 and Hel-127, are in the Baltic Sea some 46 miles off the Hel pen 8/23/1979 #34768  
                                   BALTIC ISLAND, ESTONIA Longitude & latit 8/18/1980? #35463  
object was seen on the ground of a Baltic Island off Estonia in the early e 8/18/1980 #35464  
                                   BALTIC SEA 16' fireball paces and blasts 10/16/1981 #36173  
                                   Baltic Sea Lübeck, Germany Riga, Latvia  10/1985 #37670  
n motorship Baltiysky-35 is in the Baltic Sea bound from Lübeck, Germany, t 10/1985 #37670  
of seven luminous objects over the Baltic Sea. They hover for nearly 30 min 8/24/1990 #39701  
          Poland Stockholm, Sweden Baltic Sea Twilight. A Polish passenger  6/1997 #43307  
course low over the surface of the Baltic Sea. As many as 10 smaller sphere 6/1997 #43307  
 - At 6:17 p.m. the entire Russian Baltic Fleet and a large number of local 4/18/2003 #44516  
neath. It passed directly over the Baltic Fleet, which lay at anchor in Kal 4/18/2003 #44516  
ngrad, Russia (home to the Russian Baltic fleet), is intercepted the next d 10/16/2014 #45417  
## Word: "baltimore" (Back to Top)
York Philadelphia Washington, D.C. Baltimore Norfolk 9:40 p.m. A poem by Br 7/20/1860 #155  
k, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Norfolk, and other locations  7/20/1860 #155  
                                   Baltimore Moon French novelist Jules Ver 1865 #163  
he Moon. It tells the story of the Baltimore Gun Club, a post–American Civi 1865 #163  
ning in Catonsville, Maryland near Baltimore a luminous cylindrical object  2/14/1889 #287  
                         Lancaster Baltimore, Ohio 8:00 p.m. A man is ridin 4/21/1897? #551  
ng his horse between Lancaster and Baltimore, Ohio, when something scares h 4/21/1897? #551  
       Violetville neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland Morning. Lawrence J. Summer 1910 #839  
in the Violetville neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland, when he sees a meta Summer 1910 #839  
cluster of three sightings between Baltimore, Maryland and Washington, DC.  7/3/1947 #2586  
                                   BALTIMORE, MD Melvin Kearney / 122 Warne 7/7/1947 #2844  
                                   Baltimore, Maryland 6:30 p.m. A former U 6/29/1949 #4256  
ar objects from his front porch in Baltimore, Maryland. The objects veer sh 6/29/1949 #4256  
                                   Baltimore (Bet. Friendship Airfield and) 2/12/1952 #5899  
ng between Friendship Airfield and Baltimore, Maryland sighted a bright whi 2/12/1952 #5900  
                                   Baltimore Dewey Fournet Jr. responds to  4/17/1952 #6108  
r. responds to a reporter from the Baltimore Sun who has asked about detail 4/17/1952 #6108  
                                   BALTIMORE, MD Ground Observer Corps (GOC 7/19/1952 #6911  
                                   BALTIMORE, MD 2 observer(s). Large cone- 7/21/1952 #6962  
                                   Baltimore, MD Brilliant orange, cone-sha 7/21/1952 #6969  
                                   Baltimore, MD FLYOBRPT. Mr. S. Robert Tr 7/28/1952 #7254  
                                   BALTIMORE, MD Amateur astronomer and RAD 8/5/1952 #7458  
                                   Baltimore, MD Experienced amateur astron 8/5/1952 #7462  
                                   Baltimore, Maryland Day. During a daylig 8/5/1952 #7469  
erhead in a southerly direction at Baltimore, Maryland. They move away to t 8/5/1952 #7469  
Lemon Braxton Democrat Max Lockard Baltimore, Catonsville, Frederick, Hager 9/12/1952 #7905  
st then south) alone takes it over Baltimore, Catonsville, Frederick, Hager 9/12/1952 #7905  
                                   Baltimore, Maryland Night. Baltimore, Ma Late 9/1953 #9179  
        Baltimore, Maryland Night. Baltimore, Maryland, astronomer James C. Late 9/1953 #9179  
                                   BALTIMORE, MD Astronomer. 2 huge cigars  9/28/1953 #9182  
0 a.m. over the Conowingo Dam near Baltimore, Maryland. The UFO, a dark mas 10/19/1953 #9244  
                    Giant UFO Over Baltimore and Washington.                1/1954 #9425  
                                   BALTIMORE, MD Ground Observer Corps (GOC 3/24/1954 #9637  
                                   Baltimore, MD Maneuvering formation of U 3/24/1954 #9638  
                                   Baltimore, Maryland Night. Civil Defense 3/24/1954 #9639  
r objects moving west to east over Baltimore, Maryland, in a V formation. T 3/24/1954 #9639  
                                   Baltimore, Maryland Col. Frank Milani, d 6/9/1954 #9882  
lani, director of Civil Defense in Baltimore, Maryland, demands that the Ai 6/9/1954 #9882  
                                   Baltimore, MD Huge glowing object seen b 6/11/1954 #9892  
                                   Baltimore & Washington, DC area, Various 6/12/1954 #9895  
ore & Washington, DC area, Various Baltimore & Washington, DC area, G (NICA 6/12/1954 #9895  
e sky for at least 45 minutes. The Baltimore GOC Filter Center allegedly tr 6/12/1954 #9897  
e sky between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland.                     6/14/1954 #9903  
                                   BALTIMORE, MD Astronomer. Line / 4 night 9/6/1954 #10258  
                                   BALTIMORE, MD Professor and 1. Luminous  11/7/1954 #11587  
                                   Baltimore, Maryland New York City Hotel  1955 #11894  
 T. Carr founds OTC Enterprises in Baltimore, Maryland, to advance and supp 1955 #11894  
                                   BALTIMORE, MD 2+observer(s). 3 huge whit 7/7/1955 #12239  
                                   BALTIMORE, MD 2 / ground. Saucer breaks  12/3/1956 #13386  
 disc paced a transport plane over Baltimore, Maryland for a short while, t 12/3/1956 #13387  
                                   BALTIMORE, MD NICAP. Car radio and stree 6/25/1957 #13751  
                                   Baltimore, MD Car radio stopped playing  6/25/1957 #13753  
                                   Baltimore, Maryland: "Car radio stopped  6/25/1957 #13754  
               St. Mary’s Seminary Baltimore, Maryland 9:43 p.m. Kenneth J. 11/6/1957 #14429  
 the sky at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore, Maryland, when he sees a bril 11/6/1957 #14429  
Research and Development Center in Baltimore An object explodes over the St 11/13/1957 #14541  
Research and Development Center in Baltimore. An ARD colonel tells NICAP me 11/13/1957 #14541  
                                   Baltimore, Maryland OTC Enterprises runs 2/3/1958 #14870  
nterprises runs a two-page ad in a Baltimore, Maryland, newspaper and distr 2/3/1958 #14870  
                                   Baltimore, MD UFO observed hovering over 10/26/1958 #15379  
 Maryland St. Joseph’s Hospital in Baltimore 10:30 p.m. Alvin Cohen and Phi 10/26/1958 #15385  
hey go to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Baltimore and are given a cursory examin 10/26/1958 #15385  
 they drove near Loch Raven Dam in Baltimore County, Maryland. The object f 10/26/1958 #15386  
st of Oklahoma City Mercy Hospital Baltimore 3:00 p.m. Otis T. Carr and Nor 4/19/1959 #15708  
m (Carr’s “publications editor” in Baltimore) declares that Carr is inspire 4/19/1959 #15708  
                         NORTHEAST BALTIMORE, MD Many observer(s). Metallic 11/10/1961 #16961  
                                   BALTIMORE, MD 2 separate observer(s). Si 8/22/1964 #18503  
                                   Baltimore, Maryland 9:35 p.m. Robert D.  8/22/1964 #18505  
r object pass directly overhead in Baltimore, Maryland. Through binoculars  8/22/1964 #18505  
                                   Baltimore, MD Egg-Shaped Object Goes Up  1/22/1965 #18753  
                                   BALTIMORE AND MORE/OTHERS, MD Physicist  8/1/1966 #20713  
e airport control tower director. (Baltimore Sun 6/26/67,.copy in NICAP fil 6/24/1967 #22545  
ons and extraordinary maneuvers." (Baltimore Sun 6/26/67, copy in NICAP fil 6/24/1967 #22546  
l traces were left by the object. (Baltimore Morning Sun, Maryland, 9/25/67 9/17/1967 #23074  
 apparatus, and had bulging eyes. (Baltimore Morning Sun, Maryland, 9/25/67 9/17/1967 #23075  
                           NORTH / BALTIMORE, MD Abductee Tom loses 60+min  4/25/1970 (approximate) #25644  
                              NEAR BALTIMORE, MD 1 observer. 3-legged figur 4/25/1973 #27445  
                                   Baltimore, MD 7:35 p.m., John Goode and  1/2/1975 #29697  
y were driving in their car on the Baltimore Beltway near Route 83 when the 1/2/1975 #29697  
                                   Baltimore, MD 7:45 p.m. At Finksburg, ab 1/2/1975 #29698  
 Finksburg, about 20 miles west of Baltimore, Mr. Kenneth C. Ryan, an elect 1/2/1975 #29698  
                          NEAR NEW BALTIMORE, OH Private pilot. Silver obje 10/26/1975 #30474  
tapsco Valley State Park, Maryland Baltimore & Ohio Railroad tunnel 11:00 p 3/22/1978 #33072  
ley State Park, Maryland, near the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad tunnel. They s 3/22/1978 #33072  
 while driving along Highway 83 in Baltimore, Maryland. The close encounter 4/25/1978 #33168  
                         I695 WITH BALTIMORE, MD 2 / car. One hour / missin 8/14/1983 #36951  
 in a car driving on I-695 west of Baltimore, Maryland experienced an hour  8/14/1983 #36952  
                                   BALTIMORE, MD B. Maccabee and many. Blac 9/2/1984 #37453  
Light Street Pavilion Inner Harbor Baltimore, Maryland 7:28 p.m. Physicist  9/2/1984 #37454  
et Pavilion in the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Maryland, when he sees a blac 9/2/1984 #37454  
ng around the Inner Harbor area of Baltimore, Maryland in slow motion. It w 9/2/1984 #37455  
                                   BALTIMORE, MD 2 observer(s). White sauce 11/15/1993 #41276  
                     In 1993, near Baltimore, Maryland, on US highway 74, a 11/15/1993 #41277  
 object from his home in Woodlawn, Baltimore County, Maryland that hovered, 11/29/2004 #44793  
## Word: "baltiysky-35" (Back to Top)
urmansk area The Russian motorship Baltiysky-35 is in the Baltic Sea bound  10/1985 #37670  
## Word: "balustrade" (Back to Top)
t tower on top of which is a small balustrade on which two beings are leani 1/31/1968 #23715  
pped by a glass tower with a small balustrade on which two beings were stan 2/1/1968 #23722  
pped by a glass tower with a small balustrade on which two beings were stan 2/1/1968 #23723  
a transparent "tower" with a small balustrade against which two of the bein 2/1/1968 #23724  
a transparent "tower" with a small balustrade. Two beings were leaning agai 2/2/1968 #23727  
## Word: "balvidares" (Back to Top)
         At 5:20 p.m. Carlos Argue Balvidares, age 43, the manager of a cou 10/29/1973 #28319  
 surface of a pond 100 yards away. Balvidares went to the pond and called o 10/29/1973 #28319  
 15 inches in diameter that struck Balvidares. He felt dazzled and he could 10/29/1973 #28319  
ed and he could feel heat from it. Balvidares took his horse and rode to th 10/29/1973 #28319  
y tuned." After an hour and a half Balvidares again mounted his horse to ri 10/29/1973 #28319  
## Word: "balwyn" (Back to Top)
                                   BALWYN, AUS 2 observer(s). Photograph sh 4/2/1966 #20206  
                         Melbourne Balwyn, Victoria University of Arizona C 4/2/1966 #20208  
herical object above his garden in Balwyn, Victoria. It looks to be 20–25 f 4/2/1966 #20208  
## Word: "bamboo" (Back to Top)
ght green 1' sphere/orb/globe over bamboo. Static electric. All dogs bark.  7/20/1975 #30189  
ng them. They all ran and hid in a bamboo grove, where they watched the obj 6/3/1986 #37904  
## Word: "bambridge" (Back to Top)
                                   Bambridge, NY Silvery elliptical UFO wit 5/30/1954 #9845  
## Word: "bamford" (Back to Top)
   New York Times Journalist James Bamford reveals the existence of the sti 1/13/1985 #37547  
## Word: "ban" (Back to Top)
ligence Department. In Sweden, the ban is limited to any mention of where t 8/21/1946 #2146  
disbanded by the 1963 nuclear test ban.                                     1958 #14780  
influence public opinion in a test ban treaty that, in effect, would benefi 3/1962 #17066  
                      Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT). At this point, 499 nu 8/5/1963 #17865  
w, Russia The Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is signed by the USSR, UK, an 8/5/1963 #17867  
the USSR says it violates the test ban.                                     1/12/1965 #18718  
oposing an international treaty to ban weather modification as a weapon of  7/25/1972 #26833  
## Word: "banak" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BANAK, NORWAY Ground RADAR and German pi 3/14/1942 #1399  
d radar and German pilot flying in Banak, Finnmark, Norway at 5:35 p.m. det 3/14/1942 #1400  
## Word: "banal" (Back to Top)
rialistic and very attached to the banal joys of life. You are advanced spi 2/15/1978 #32971  
## Word: "banana" (Back to Top)
SKUNCHAK, RS Pilot Apraksin chases banana. Hit / cones / light. Crash lands 6/16/1948 (approximate) #3670  
                                 A banana or cucumber-shaped object with be 6/16/1948 #3672  
y, CA Elongated slightly curved or banana shaped object (NICAP: 01 - Distan 10/21/1949 #4399  
bserver(s) / 2 nights. Upside-down banana like inverted moon. Back next nig 4/20/1950 #4875  
ht gold objects--one shaped like a banana and the other like an ear of corn 9/15/1963 #17941  
ects in the sky, one shaped like a banana and the other like an ear of corn 9/15/1963 #17942  
land, Australia Around 9:00 a.m. A banana grower, George Pedley, is driving 1/19/1966 #19858  
     FISH R.BRIDGE, RSA 2 / truck. Banana with net-camouflage hides / mount 7/5/1972 #26767  
AND KEW AND MORE/OTHERS, RSA Fan / banana object. / r231'78.                7/6/1972 #26777  
CIO, CORSICA Businessman. Luminous banana going east. Hums. Going west agai 1/5/1974 #28647  
rate observer(s). Dull grey silent banana 60M over electronics firm.        5/15/1974 #29104  
bserver(s) and photographs / lumpy banana. Black disks in formation. / LDLN 1/23/1976 #30813  
HEFFIELD, OH 3 observer(s). Silver banana maneuvers going up [to] going dow 7/27/1978 #33421  
n Sheffield, Ohio, watch a “silver banana” with a red and blue flashing lig 7/27/1978 #33429  
hey see an object “like a plantain banana” swathed in smoke. They approach  10/1978? #33787  
       GILMAN HOT SPRINGS, CA 66M "banana" over SR79. Either lands or vanis 1/18/1990 #39379  
yama, Puerto Rico to cut down some banana plants when everything around him 5/15/1995 #42211  
## Word: "banana-crescent" (Back to Top)
        LA CLOTTE, FR 2 / car. 33M banana-crescent object / 21M altitude 63 3/22/1979 #34484  
## Word: "banana-delta" (Back to Top)
           KING WILLIAMS TOWN, RSA Banana-delta/triangle/box-like crafts se 7/5/1972 #26769  
   FYFFE, AL Local man photographs banana-delta/triangle/box-like craft. 12 3/9/1989 #38867  
## Word: "banana-object" (Back to Top)
                   MT. PALOMAR, CA Banana-object nearby. No Geiger radiatio 10/21/1949 (approximate) #4398  
## Word: "banana-shape" (Back to Top)
    TUCSON, AZ 2 observer(s). Dark banana-shape rises / cloud. 3 small obje 6/10/1972 #26712  
## Word: "banana-shaped" (Back to Top)
         At 1:00 p.m. a dull gray, banana-shaped object was sighted hoverin 5/15/1974 #29107  
d Village, Ohio observed a silver, banana-shaped object with red and blue f 7/27/1978 #33430  
 ice 1 / 2 miles offshore. Silent. Banana-shaped object.                    4/4/1993 #40925  
## Word: "banana-ufo" (Back to Top)
                    CROSSVILLE, AL Banana-UFO. Silent and slow. Bright ligh 2/10/1989 #38828  
                   FYFFE, AL Jumbo banana-UFO hovers. Going [to] 650kph. Ma 2/10/1989 #38829  
## Word: "bananeiras" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BANANEIRAS, BRZ Phony bus. Light-beam op 11/17/1971 #26473  
## Word: "banaras" (Back to Top)
and dean of the Faculty of Arts of Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi dur 4/17/1959 #15706  
## Word: "banat" (Back to Top)
               Bucharest Wallachia Banat region Afternoon. A large, blood-r 12/6/1737 #62  
d to have occurred at night in the Banat region.                            12/6/1737 #62  
                  Oraviţa, Romania Banat Mine 2:30 a.m. Teofil Iorga and 12 3/30/1968 #23876  
 other construction workers at the Banat Mine in Oraviţa, Romania, see a lu 3/30/1968 #23876  
## Word: "banbury" (Back to Top)
                                   BANBURY, ENG 'Haystack' going [to] high  12/7/1872 #193  
                                   Banbury, UK 1:00 a.m. At King's Sutton a 12/7/1872 #194  
                                   Banbury, Great Britain At King's Sutton  12/7/1872 #195  
               At King's Sutton in Banbury, England an object resembling a  12/7/1872 #196  
                                   BANBURY AND AREA, ENGL 7-day series / du 9/18/1971 #26341  
                           SOUTH / BANBURY, OXFORDS Trucker. 8' giant jumps 9/27/1971 #26382  
ad of his truck while driving near Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. He slamme 9/27/1971 #26384  
                                   Banbury, England Oxfordshire Air Commodo 1/1972 #26534  
audience. The program is filmed in Banbury, England, town hall following a  1/1972 #26534  
                                   BANBURY, OXFORDS 4 observer(s). 3 dark s 11/16/1973 #28432  
## Word: "banchs" (Back to Top)
et admits to researcher Roberto E. Banchs that he had invented the Chascomú Early 5/1968 #23939  
 citing Richard Heiden, quoting R. Banchs). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)  8/12/1968 #24317  
 citing Richard Heiden, quoting R. Banchs). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)      8/12/1968 #24318  
na Oscar A. Uriondo and Roberto E. Banchs found the Centro de Estudios de F 1972 #26529  
ation by ufologist Roberto Enrique Banchs uncovers numerous discrepancies t 1/4/1975 #29715  
 cases. It is edited by Roberto E. Banchs and runs for 15 issues until 1998 4/1993 #40922  
## Word: "bancroft" (Back to Top)
                   Lyons, Nebraska Bancroft 9:30 p.m. An object with lights 4/18/1897 #528  
6 mph. When the object is south of Bancroft it makes 2–3 large circles and  4/18/1897 #528  
                                   BANCROFT, ON V-shaped object going [to]  5/29/1998 #43573  
## Word: "band" (Back to Top)
owing corona. Grows slanting black band.                                    5/1/1908 #705  
ar and “produced high in the meter band.” One of them resembles the letter  9/1/1921 #1015  
observer(s). Shiny ovoid with gold band / center west going quickly east. B 5/10/1947 #2279  
ing, elliptical object with a gold band around it approaching fron the west 5/10/1947 #2280  
0 m, and it had a revolving middle band. A greenish light flashed under it, 1/29/1950 #4517  
ers, and it had a revolving middle band. A greenish light flashed under it, 1/29/1950 #4518  
g, metallic disks with a “notch or band” along their outer edges. USAF pers 8/15/1950 #5126  
   DULUTH, MN 2 observer(s). Thick band / vapor beams going down [to] into  7/30/1952 #7346  
g down [to] into cloud. Horizontal band shoots to side!                     7/30/1952 #7346  
rs. Round silver saucer with black band flipflops. Hovers then shoots away. 9/13/1952 #7908  
southwest. Gradual downward slant. Band on edge.                            9/21/1952 #7995  
NZ Glowing green luminous ball has band / bright spots. Hissing sound. Goin 12/6/1952 #8382  
f exotic design with a lighted red band around the middle (NICAP: 01 - Dist 6/24/1953 #8963  
owly and low. It had a lighted red band around the middle and was coming st 6/24/1953 #8966  
 at 6:30 p.m. It had a lighted red band around the middle and was coming st 6/24/1953 #8971  
. Silent. Bright green with yellow band / center.                           12/27/1953 #9400  
y to communicate with Affa through Band CMM-306, repeating the signal M4M4  6/8/1954 #9877  
Around its center is a red ring or band that emits flashes of brilliant lig 2/2/1955 #11968  
lliant light. Above and below this band are lighted portholes. Hurriedly th 2/2/1955 #11968  
er of the object was a red ring or band that emitted flashes of brilliant l 2/2/1955 #11969  
lliant light. Above and below this band were lighted portholes.  The UFO le 2/2/1955 #11969  
 hill tops for 10 minutes.  Middle band was scalloped, bottom had four kidn 7/27/1957 #13847  
signals on the 108 megacycle radio band are recorded by RCA Communications  11/7/1957 #14461  
u) binoculars. Red-glowing top and band / red light. Vanishes.              12/22/1957 #14758  
 a small lighted dome on top and a band of square portholes around its mids 4/1958 #14955  
bject spewed forth a 50 meter wide band of vapor. Two of the hunters stood  5/17/1959 #15734  
 round oval-shaped UFO with a dark band encircling the object and four illu 7/6/1959 #15819  
ted domed portholes under the dark band, was sighted by Orwin and Smith in  7/6/1959 #15819  
 they see a light sapphire-colored band moving at high speed at an altitude 11/16/1959 #16089  
 turtle-neck pullover with a white band at the belt, and black trousers wit 4/18/1961 #16652  
ack trousers with a vertical white band along the side. Two figures were vi 4/18/1961 #16652  
 turtle-neck pullover with a white band at the belt, and black trousers wit 4/18/1961 #16653  
ack trousers with a vertical white band along the side. Two other figures a 4/18/1961 #16653  
 roofs of nearby homes. A rotating band around the main body consists of a  4/24/1962 #17127  
Astronomer Bartlett. Distinct blue band / light at foot of peak / edge / cr 11/14/1964 #18612  
e craft at its equator was a black band made up of squares, and a fin-like  12/10/1964 #18655  
 Day. Silver lens saucer with dark band. Screeching sound. No further detai 7/20/1965 #19142  
ieroglyphs is also said to be in a band around the base of the object. A re 12/9/1965 #19762  
coverall suits that had a luminous band across the chest, were seen nearby. 2/25/1966 #19918  
 diameter and 8 feet thick, with a band around its center and some kind of  11/22/1966 #21141  
 1:45 a.m. EST. Seven members of a band saw an object that first looked lik 2/5/1967 #21454  
t with a large window on top and a band of colored lights on the bottom. It 2/19/1967 #21599  
t itself was dark, with a luminous band around it, was motionless and pulsa 3/26/1967 #21995  
ct itself was dark with a luminous band around it, was motionless, and puls 3/26/1967 #21999  
Small glowing-sphere with metallic band nears car. Backs off and paces car  4/5/1967 #22057  
all glowing sphere with a metallic band aooroach their car. (Peterborough E 4/5/1967 #22062  
all glowing sphere with a metallic band around the middle in Peterborough,  4/5/1967 #22069  
 diameter and 15 feet tall, with a band of alternate non- ; blinking red an 4/28/1967 #22242  
s (body lights) and a glowing pink band around the middle. The object moved 6/11/1967 #22492  
e bottom directed downward. A dark band circles the midsection. Two men nor 7/4/1967 #22610  
ress calls were heard on Citizen's Band radio from a pilot whose plane repo 7/27/1967 #22740  
toward him at low altitude, a dark band visible around the middle (see July 7/28/1967 #22746  
t circled the tower, the citizen's band radio emitted a variable pitch whin 7/28/1967 #22746  
aped), dark- colored object with a band of light around its circumference.  9/18/1967 #23082  
pearing sphere with a dark central band. The object crossed the sky quickly 10/22/1967 #23285  
ared off" spinning top with a dark band around the center. (Stanway and f,  10/27/1967 #23346  
nd illuminating the road. It has a band of dimmer red lights around its mid 3/19/1968 #23849  
 it illuminated the road. It had a band of dimmer red lights flashing aroun 3/19/1968 #23850  
ch end are dials, one with a black band, the other with a red one. They are 5/17/1968 #23969  
cling each helmet was a pale green band that reflected the headlights of th 5/11/1969 #25128  
clockwise. It had a reddish-orange band two-thirds of the way from its bott 7/12/1969 #25265  
llows man home. Silent saucer with band in middle / 3 separate observer(s). 8/29/1969 #25336  
 had a wide orange, phosphorescent band crossing it from side to side. With 8/11/1971 #26280  
 it from side to side. Within this band the witness believed she saw oval-s 8/11/1971 #26280  
             Six members of a rock band were returning from a performance a 10/16/1971 #26427  
 eye, the witnesses can see a blue band of light and an orange glow extendi 6/28/1973 #27598  
t size of the full moon, and had a band around the middle with diamond shap 9/5/1973 #27767  
ale with long hair, a skirt, and a band around her head. The male beings wo 10/19/1973 #28199  
se, amber, and white colors from a band around its middle. The case is list 11/14/1973 #28421  
ars, and reportedly had a wide red band that rotated around the middle of t 12/10/1973 #28552  
t yellow base separated by a black band from an orange point area; the poin 3/15/1974 #28891  
shaped hovers / farm. Shrinks to a band and vanishes. / r30p538.            2/10/1975 #29796  
ring over his farm. It shrank to a band of light, and then disappeared. At  2/10/1975 #29802  
server happened to have a citizens band radio and began communications with 3/15/1976 #30942  
hwest 2-way radio works great / 2M band only while large white saucer hover 5/16/1976 #31056  
amily out in backyard notices wide band of white light in creek bed under t 8/15/1976 #31269  
s a mostly dark object with a wide band of light. As it flew off to the nor 8/15/1976 #31271  
d floated down to the ground on a “band of light.” The craft then took off. 8/23/1976 #31294  
ow glowing dome with a blue violet band around its base, and a hole at its  9/5/1976 #31346  
reen on top and bottom, with a red band around the center. "There appeared  3/15/1977 #31907  
reen on top and bottom, with a red band around the center. "There appeared  3/15/1977 #31910  
out 30 feet long, and it had a red band encircling the lower section. The g 5/18/1977 #32111  
 green disk hovers / 30 min. White band / middle. Vanishes.                 6/6/1977 #32147  
alley, New Zealand. It had a white band across the middle, and vanished aft 6/6/1977 #32152  
bowl-type helmets, with a metallic band attached from the helmets to their  6/12/1977 #32161  
tation/depot/facility. Fires green band / light. Shoots going quickly [to]  7/1977 #32214  
ootball-shaped helmets with a wide band running across the broad portion an 9/15/1977 #32484  
A VALLEY NEAR NURIOOTPA, SOUTH AUS Band / light with 2 square orange lights 11/11/1977 #32664  
back fins at the back with a round band connecting them, and it is making a 12/1/1977 #32722  
oculars. Distinct saucer with dark band / middle. Heat waves rise. Going we 6/18/1978 #33287  
 / 300M altitude / 2 hours. Double band / red lights.                       6/20/1978 #33294  
cers joined at the rims by a black band, but when it begins approaching the 10/8/1978 #33816  
TOGLIATTI, RUSSIA Luminous crooked band / multicolor light. Thousands / MPH 10/30/1978 #33892  
 on the bottom and seems to have a band around the edge and triangular mark 6/10/1979 #34605  
  Pine Ridge, SC Members of a rock band practicing in a barn stepped outsid 6/12/1979 #34608  
 plant 8:45 p.m. Members of a rock band practicing in a barn in Pine Ridge, 6/12/1979 #34610  
 South Carolina. Members of a rock band practicing in a barn stepped outsid 6/12/1979 #34611  
 LI, NY 4 observer(s). Sphere with band / middle going south. Reappears wes 8/27/1979 #34785  
ork, watches a round object with a band around its equator and many small o 8/27/1979 #34789  
burns on his waist where his waist band had two iron studs.                 3/21/1980 #35225  
ulars. The object has a blue-green band in the center and is orange at the  5/2/1980 #35303  
members of the Morenci High School band.                                    10/23/1980 #35584  
                     A high school band was holding practice in the evening 10/23/1980 #35585  
 a lower elevation. It has a thick band around the middle section, two circ 1/8/1981 #35779  
the underside. It also had a thick band around the middle section of the ob 1/8/1981 #35780  
is day in 1981 a disc with a white band in the middle appeared over Nigde,  12/16/1981 #36261  
et black, and it has an equatorial band that is silvery metallic with a hin 9/2/1982 #36593  
attempt to communicate by Citizens Band radio, but the radio picks up stran 1/8/1984 #37113  
r., and a third member of the rock band C.E.IV (because of their interest i 7/14/1985 #37619  
 vanishes toward Fenwick Moor. The band remembers being “paralyzed with awe 7/14/1985 #37619  
0 p.m. The first sighting was of a band of arcade-like rolling front lights 8/20/1992 #40586  
d and white light in an equatorial band around the object, running around t 9/4/1992 #40610  
ty operating in the high frequency band. The IRI is used to temporarily exc 1993 #40778  
nd heads circled by a broad silver band. He moved closer and noticed on a d 4/17/1993 #40940  
nt of them, having become a narrow band of light 90 feet long and 3 feet wi 8/13/1993 #41135  
to] repeatedly. Grows bright green band / center.                           11/26/1994 #41866  
ts surface is metallic gray with a band of apparent panes of dark glass and 7/15/1995 #42303  
med disc-shaped object with a dark band of windows In West Harwinton, Conne 7/15/1995 #42305  
uickly north fast. Circled / black band. No dome.                           6/20/1997 #43332  
light is seen to have a horizontal band colored white, orange, and red. Whe 7/14/1997 #43350  
eing "milky-looking" with a chrome band. It abruptly vanished.              10/30/1998 #43672  
 of a 44 gallon drum, with a white band around the middle, was sighted floa 11/5/2000 #44073  
brilliant yellow, with a dark grey band enveloping it one third from the ri 4/23/2007 #45022  
t one third from the right, like a band around a cigar. Bowyer makes contac 4/23/2007 #45022  
shaped object with a pulsing outer band and a transparent center was sighte 8/30/2010 #45295  
## Word: "banda" (Back to Top)
the late shift at their station in Banda de Varela, Argentina. Around 3:30  7/11/2000 #44014  
## Word: "bandaged" (Back to Top)
a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blac 3/22/1950 #4702  
ing (1.8 m) with a mummy-like head bandaged up in tape, with the eyes remai 8/26/1975 #30312  
looking arms, and mummy-like heads bandaged up in tape (with the eyes remai 12/2/1975 #30681  
## Word: "bandages" (Back to Top)
ash burns and covers his eyes with bandages. Sheriff Dennis Brekke drives J 8/27/1979 #34787  
## Word: "banded" (Back to Top)
MBIA, MO 1 observer. Silent silver banded cone going east. Circles 360° 3X. 11/24/1967 #23503  
cumbia, Missouri observed a silver banded, cone-shaped UFO that flew silent 11/24/1967 #23509  
r-shaped object with glowing ends, banded, flew at high speed over Sudbury, 4/21/2007 #45019  
r-shaped object with glowing ends, banded, traveled at high speed over Sudb 4/22/2007 #45020  
## Word: "bandeirante" (Back to Top)
                            Núcleo Bandeirante region in Brasília, Federal  10/1959 #16004  
 College, is walking in the Núcleo Bandeirante region in Brasília, Federal  10/1959 #16004  
## Word: "bandelier" (Back to Top)
that time another UAP crashed near Bandelier, NM on 24 April 1954. KA state 4/12/1954 #9685  
   Edwards AFB A saucer crashed at Bandelier, NM, as reported by K.A. (init 4/24/1954 #9714  
## Word: "bandera" (Back to Top)
to circle the car driven by Mr. La Bandera and his two passengers. (NICAP:  12/14/1978 #34121  
to circle the car driven by Mr. La Bandera and his two passengers. It circl 12/14/1978 #34129  
## Word: "banderas" (Back to Top)
r going quickly [to] toward(s) Mt. Banderas. Lights area 100METERS wide.    6/23/1968 #24070  
ive minutes past midnight in Monte Banderas de Bilbao, in the Basque region 6/23/1968 #24071  
## Word: "bandicoot" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bandicoot” Yield: 12.5KT                 10/19/1962 #17480  
## Word: "bandit" (Back to Top)
Outside on his front porch his dog Bandit began wailing. Partridge picked u 11/14/1966 #21101  
e flashlight picked out the "eyes" Bandit snarled and ran toward them. A "c 11/14/1966 #21101  
 up. Outside on his porch, his dog Bandit began wailing. Partridge picked u 11/15/1966 #21109  
hlight picked out the eyes his dog Bandit snarled and ran toward them. A "c 11/15/1966 #21109  
## Word: "bandol" (Back to Top)
           SAINT-CYR-SUR-MER, NEAR BANDOL, FR Car malfunctions due to EME ( 10/17/1954 #11157  
## Word: "bandoleer" (Back to Top)
y black suit, with a gold sash or "bandoleer" over one shoulder. It also ha 8/27/1969 #25333  
## Word: "bandon" (Back to Top)
                                   BANDON, OR Rectangular UFO just over sch 2/16/1967 #21560  
                                   BANDON, OR 2+observer(s) / cheese plant. 11/1/1999 #43868  
## Word: "bands" (Back to Top)
 underneath showing narrow reddish bands, hovering 10 m above ground. Insid 4/19/1897 #532  
 underneath showing narrow reddish bands, hovering 10 m above ground. They  4/19/1897 #533  
Fernando and Van Nuys, California. Bands of blue light are visible across i 10/5/1950 #5213  
ong the fuselage are vertical dark bands. It remains completely stationary  2/19/1951 #5449  
ng the fuselage were dark vertical bands. The object hovered over Mount Kil 2/19/1951 #5451  
orthwest. Glows / distinct colored bands. / r136#6p41.                      5/9/1954 #9764  
 was glowing with distinct colored bands, none on the rim.                  5/9/1954 #9766  
2 silver moons hover / peak. Black bands grow until surfaces covered!       7/2/1957 #13773  
loud. It has 4 or 5 vertical, dark bands around its circumference and an ae 10/4/1960 #16477  
 the road. Horizontal and vertical bands of darker tone gave the impression 8/25/1961 #16803  
object has horizontal and vertical bands of darker tone that give the appea 8/25/1961? #16804  
ad. It had horizontal and vertical bands of darker tone that gave the impre 8/25/1961 #16805  
rved four luminous blue discs with bands of lights or "portholes" on outer  10/30/1961 #16936  
emanated (blue turning to red) and bands of yellow light. The object was lo 6/8/1964 #18338  
he dome (blue turning to red), and bands of yellow light. The object went o 6/8/1964 #18339  
at the other end. Several distinct bands circle the cylinder, with disc-sha 8/2/1965 #19266  
eranium pots put together with the bands in the center," she said. Although 5/24/1966 #20509  
FO descends / cloudback and lands. Bands / light.                           9/9/1966 #20865  
 than an army tank, w/3 horizontal bands of light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 9/9/1966 #20866  
 sound. It showed three horizontal bands of light-blue, red and green.      9/9/1966 #20867  
l around it, with three horizontal bands of light-blue, red, and green. It  9/9/1966 #20869  
disc- shaped object with two black bands beneath and sitting atop a seeming 11/22/1966 #21140  
SE / SHIRMECK, FR 8 saucers go by. Bands / light end / midair! 1 near chale 5/6/1967 #22279  
s with a tube. Two thin, wire-like bands appear around the creature’s ankle 8/23/1967 #22905  
nd a blue glow with three vertical bands of lights (body lights) between th 8/25/1967 #22923  
he floor. He was strapped by metal bands attached to an apparatus on the si 10/6/1967 #23187  
truck. Lights PR 12. Hums. Colored bands rotate / bottom.                   4/3/1968 #23885  
t ovoid object with three luminous bands was encountered on the road at 12: 8/26/1968 #24380  
ame color with shining white wrist bands, anklets, and a buckle. The man wa 8/16/1970 #25791  
t sphere/orb/globe / lawn. Glowing bands. Going up [to] silently. Burnt tri 12/19/1972 #27180  
y illuminated with orange and blue bands. There was a thrashing sound and a 6/28/1973 #27599  
hat she described as "large rubber bands." Her spread eagle legs were restr 10/16/1973 #28089  
ained in the same manner, with the bands holding her ankles to the cold sur 10/16/1973 #28089  
l-night light buzzes all around. 2 bands / burnt weeds. / r30.              12/1973 #28493  
legs. White and orange alternating bands are on the glowing object. Two hum 1/7/1974 #28660  
io on all available communications bands, civilian and military, to contact 10/27/1975 #30487  
black one-piece garment with white bands at the wrists and ankles and a pat 12/11/1975 #30705  
erver(s). Yellow ovoid over trees. Bands / color rise. 2 small objects join 8/3/1978 #33466  
atch an oval light that has rising bands of shifting colors hovering above  8/3/1978 #33468  
seems to have two dark, horizontal bands across it. They turn back to a rai 9/5/1979 #34838  
le hangs vertical. Glows / colored bands. Slow. Stops. Goes fast.           4/25/1981 #35914  
After 3–4 minutes, it emits orange bands of light. She wakes her husband, w 2/4/1986 #37779  
void hovers. Green and orange glow bands alternate top and bottom/underside 7/24/1987 #38215  
 facility. It had green and orange bands of color alternating from the top  7/24/1987 #38217  
2,500 feet altitude that had three bands of a bluish white corona around it 9/30/1992 #40651  
## Word: "bandurant" (Back to Top)
 9:15 p.m. John Sharwath and Randy Bandurant are driving north on the Moorp 9/18/1981 #36129  
25 p.m., Cherie Thompson and Joyce Bandurant are driving on the Moorpark Fr 9/18/1981 #36129  
## Word: "bandy" (Back to Top)
heads, long spindly arms and short bandy legs. They wore gunmetal gray helm 1/31/1996 #42729  
## Word: "baneasa" (Back to Top)
                                   BANEASA AIRFIELD, ROMANIA Bullet-cone ho 12/2/1967 #23532  
UFO hovered for two hours over the Baneasa airfield in the Bucuresti provin 12/2/1967 #23534  
## Word: "baneberry" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Baneberry” Yield: 10KT                   12/18/1970 #25948  
## Word: "banel" (Back to Top)
                                LE BANEL, FR 50 green small humanoids (or G 5/2/1976 #31031  
## Word: "banes" (Back to Top)
                         La Coloma Banes Afternoon. A U-2 spy plane flying  8/29/1962 #17372  
oats, and a cruise missile site at Banes.                                   8/29/1962 #17372  
## Word: "banescu" (Back to Top)
                            Sr. T. Banescu of La Florida, Argentina was wal 5/22/1968 #23980  
 body slightly back and forth. Mr. Banescu became frightened and attempted  5/22/1968 #23980  
## Word: "banff" (Back to Top)
                                   BANFF, SCT Red moon rises / bay. = top s 7/19/1957 #13812  
                                   BANFF, ALTA 2 / car. 10' diamond firebal 12/15/1969? #25497  
ct "half the size of a cabin" near Banff, Alberta, Canada. It had four wind 9/25/1970 #25851  
 Thirteen-year-old David McTrow of Banff, Alberta, Canada saw a green, dome 9/25/1970 #25853  
## Word: "bang" (Back to Top)
Lake Kölmjärv, Sweden, with a loud bang close to the southwest bank. Knut L 7/19/1946 #2071  
. Metal object zigzags going down. Bang. Shoots going up / 90-angle / extre 9/6/1952 #7860  
wnward in a descent. They heard a "bang," and the UFO then shot upwards at  9/6/1952 #7870  
                      WOODSIDE, CA Bang! 70x270' rectangular section / Port 8/28/1954 #10194  
metal disk going [to] past window. Bang! hits garage and flies away.        2/29/1956 #12740  
ly west. Wild maneuvers. Away with bang!                                    3/13/1956 #12753  
rs in the sky. It flew away with a bang.                                    3/13/1956 #12755  
low and slow. Vanishes / flash and bang! Dome / bottom/underside.           10/31/1957 #14170  
 (EME). Quickly going up [to] with bang. / APRO 11'58.                      10/26/1958 #15378  
 and the object disappeared with a bang.                                    8/8/1965 #19342  
rse. Figure(s) move inside. Gone / bang. / r53p116.                         8/9/1965 #19346  
t, it appeared to "blow up" with a bang.                                    8/9/1965 #19347  
2 spheres roam erratically. Gone / bang.                                    8/20/1965 #19430  
                VLIERZELE, BELGIUM Bang! Green fireball appears behind car. 11/19/1966 #21125  
y. Strong light going down. Gone / bang! / r109p160.                        5/7/1967 #22290  
hen a “whoosh,” and finally a loud bang. When next seen by the teens, the o 10/4/1967 #23176  
       LA CRIOLLA, ARG 1 observer. Bang noise / radio. Flash. Double-dome s 8/10/1968 #24314  
t struck him. He then heard a loud bang, and the object evaporated into a w 11/1/1968 #24620  
                CANNES, FR 2 boys. Bang / door. Dog barks. Small white sphe 7/21/1969 #25283  
                    At 1:00 a.m. a bang was heard at the door and the dog b 7/21/1969 #25289  
 / odd garb. Hides face. Flash and bang. Man gone.                          8/19/1970 #25794  
nd of a road, then vanished with a bang. One of the ponies was spooked by t 3/25/1971 #26055  
 portholes on hilltop. Gone with a bang!                                    3/18/1972 #26613  
      WITRIVIER, RSA Surgeon. Loud bang. Saucer hovers over house. Going qu 3/30/1973 #27392  
ror had led one of the students to bang himself repeatedly on the head with 10/20/1973 #28222  
car, the object emits a tremendous bang like a shotgun. They are startled a 3/22/1975 #29916  
AUDLEY, ENGL Separate observer(s). Bang! Huge ovoid. Shadowy figure(s) move 12/31/1976 #31643  
ehold chores when she heard a loud bang from outside. She ran out and found 6/29/1989 #38996  
Cayey, Puerto Rico after hearing a bang resembling the sound of a firecrack 8/2/1994 #41653  
                 YORK, NORTH YORKS Bang! 1' blue ball hovers high over apar 11/17/1994 #41851  
ding. Vanishes / 20M altitude with bang!                                    1/1995 #41928  
## Word: "bangalore" (Back to Top)
                                   BANGALORE, INDIA Lt. Hershel. Luminous d 10/17/1849 #144  
## Word: "banged" (Back to Top)
allic disc flew past their window, banged into a garage, and then flew away 2/29/1956 #12741  
ed. At the Hammon farmhouse Tossie banged on the door screaming for help. T 11/2/1967 #23392  
ial features. One of the humanoids banged on the wall several times, and th 10/29/1976 #31505  
## Word: "banging" (Back to Top)
British Columbia, is awakened by a banging noise and sees a brilliant orang 1967 #21236  
         AIRE-SUR-L'ADOUR, FR Loud banging / garage door / 2 minute(s). Sau 4/25/1976 #31020  
t 12:45 a.m. a woman heard someone banging on the window of her terrace in  11/29/1978 #34026  
red in plain sight emitting a loud banging sound. Large footprints were fou 6/29/1989 #38996  
ject in the room. Afraid, he began banging on the large door demanding to b 10/15/1997 #43429  
ng on, and they heard crashing and banging against the house, followed by a 1/30/2006 #44920  
## Word: "bangkalan" (Back to Top)
                   Surabaya Malang Bangkalan Java, Indonesia Malaysia Numer 9/18/1964 #18559  
area between Surabaya, Malang, and Bangkalan, Java, Indonesia. Antiaircraft 9/18/1964 #18559  
## Word: "bangkok" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BANGKOK, THAI Akita Takao photographs te 3/7/1973 #27335  
photograph of a Buddhist temple in Bangkok, Thailand. A silver-colored, Sat 3/7/1973 #27337  
 in the Klong Toey neighborhood of Bangkok, Thailand had a close encounter  9/2/1973 #27747  
## Word: "bangor" (Back to Top)
 rapidly in a straight line toward Bangor in a north-northeasterly directio 7/5/1947 #2729  
                                   BANGOR, ME Cop car malfunctions due to E 3/23/1966 #20039  
                                   Bangor, ME Landed ellipse with body ligh 3/23/1966 #20043  
                                   Bangor, Maine 11:50 p.m. John T. King se 3/23/1966 #20052  
on on top just off the ground near Bangor, Maine. It has a yellow-orange li 3/23/1966 #20052  
, 22 years old, was driving his in Bangor, Maine when he saw some lights ne 3/23/1966 #20057  
                                   Bangor, Maine John King, 22, working wit 3/25/1966 #20079  
ne John King, 22, working with the Bangor Police Department, suddenly saw a 3/25/1966 #20079  
ohn King, age 22, working with the Bangor, Maine Police Department, suddenl 3/25/1966 #20084  
                                   Bangor, ME 10:50 p.m. EST. An electronic 1/10/1967 #21283  
                                   BANGOR, ME 2 observer(s). 2 "stars" orbi 5/14/1970 #25661  
                                   Bangor, Maine Ursa Major constellation 9 5/14/1970 #25662  
 A graduate engineering student in Bangor, Maine, notices two nocturnal lig 5/14/1970 #25662  
                              NEAR BANGOR, ME Observer(s) compelled / RTE 9 12/14/1978 #34111  
                                   BANGOR, CA 2+1 observer(s). 2 saucers sl 7/30/1986 #37959  
 two discs flew slowly overhead in Bangor, California making a soft high-pi 7/30/1986 #37960  
                                   BANGOR, WA Red "double-triangle" seen /  8/29/1987 #38263  
              Naval Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] Kitsap Pe 8/31/1987 #38265  
high-security Naval Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Ki 8/31/1987 #38265  
own quickly over the high security Bangor submarine base housing, home of t 8/31/1987 #38266  
clear ballistic submarine fleet in Bangor, Washington and hovered over a pl 8/31/1987 #38266  
                                   BANGOR, WA Kids and mom. Saucer. 2 2M gr 9/1/1987 #38271  
                                   Bangor, WA Ellipse with windows beamed l 9/1/1987 #38272  
                                   Bangor, WA Ellipse with windows beamed l 9/1/1987 #38273  
sset. However, a spokesman for the Bangor HydroElectric Company later repor 7/22/1989 #39030  
r formation, were sighted near the Bangor Nuclear Submarine Base from U.S.  2/7/1995 #42025  
              Naval Submarine Base Bangor Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsul 4/22/1998 #43557  
the center of Naval Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Ki 4/22/1998 #43557  
ate Highway 3 Naval Submarine Base Bangor Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsul 1/22/1999 #43718  
e off-ramp to Naval Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Ki 1/22/1999 #43718  
n, Washington Naval Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Ki 2/25/2003 #44496  
silently over Naval Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Ki 2/25/2003 #44496  
                                   Bangor, Northern Ireland Police Scotland 1/1/2021 #45672  
 reported by a caller to police in Bangor, Northern Ireland, who described  1/1/2021 #45672  
## Word: "bangs" (Back to Top)
            CANTILLANA, SPAIN Loud bangs. Then stones shoot up into sky / 2 5/4/1910 #836  
to that of a jet, and a series of "bangs." Stones were found calcined at th 5/7/1967 #22293  
it through binoculars. A series of bangs and a "screaming" noise like a jet 5/7/1967 #22297  
th Dakota, when the security guard bangs on the ladder and tells them to co Early 1/1979 #34280  
. The witness also heard four loud bangs associated with the object.        10/15/2007 #45076  
## Word: "bangues" (Back to Top)
                                In Bangues, Minas Gerais state, Brazil Jose 2/21/1999 #43733  
## Word: "bangui" (Back to Top)
                                   BANGUI, FR. EQT.AFR White fireball buzze 3/1951 #5466  
## Word: "baniara" (Back to Top)
FO's / 1959. 18 / Boianai and 13 / Baniara and 7 / Ruabapain and 6 / Dagura 1959 #15507  
 was sighted by Orwin and Smith in Baniara, Papua New Guinea. That night at 7/6/1959 #15819  
                                   BANIARA, PNG Sphere maneuvers. Brief bea 8/10/1959 #15900  
bronze disc flew over the shore of Baniara, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea at  8/10/1959 #15903  
## Word: "banias" (Back to Top)
erial Phenomena Task Force”; M. J. Banias, “Senate Intelligence Committee C 6/23/2020 #45649  
## Word: "banish" (Back to Top)
dible and responsible witnesses to banish the subject from public concern." 2/1/1969 #24888  
## Word: "banished" (Back to Top)
. HIQ. Many blips over WDC. Newmen banished / RADAR room. Many references.  7/26/1952 #7159  
## Word: "banister" (Back to Top)
ime. He tried to grab the wall and banister but could not get a firm hold.  1/1/1977 #31683  
## Word: "banjarmasin" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / BANJARMASIN, BORNEO Saucer with fiery ri 12/1956 #13375  
## Word: "bank" (Back to Top)
            MODESTO, CA Several at bank. Night lights fly going quickly nor 11/26/1896 #362  
    Decatur, Illinois 11:15 p.m. A bank clerk in Decatur, Illinois, sees an 4/11/1897 #435  
et altitude. It disappeared into a bank of smoke along the river. "Flags on 1/13/1910 #832  
 overhead, disappearing in a cloud bank. [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, I 5/1946 #1987  
a loud bang close to the southwest bank. Knut Lindbäck says it generates a  7/19/1946 #2071  
 seconds until obscured by a cloud bank. It reflects the sunlight strongly  6/22/1947 #2364  
 any sort of formation and as they bank in a turn, the sunlight flashes off 6/24/1947 #2400  
fast / 6000' altitude. Makes steep bank going quickly east.                 7/10/1947 #3088  
Johannis) is hiking along the left bank of the Torrente Chiarzò near Raveo, 8/14/1947 #3330  
th a strap” ascend rapidly, hover, bank, then fly away. “He flew in an upri 1/6/1948 #3533  
th a strap” ascend rapidly, hover, bank, then fly away. “He flew in an upri 1/6/1948 #3534  
feet] dropping out of the overcast bank 10,000 feet overhead. Lockbourne Co 1/7/1948 #3546  
Watson Laboratories New Mexico Red Bank, New Jersey Watson Laboratory compl 4/5/1948 #3612  
F Watson Laboratory complex in Red Bank, New Jersey.) The witnesses are ver 4/5/1948 #3612  
s the plane it swoops into a cloud bank at 6,000 feet. One passenger, Clare 7/24/1948 #3734  
 a slight descent then makes a 20° bank to the east and goes down in a wood 7/29/1948 #3753  
disks going south / box formation. Bank and maneuver. XX accelerations.     4/24/1949 #4101  
hiny saucers circle each other and bank. 1 shoots up and rejoins going down 5/6/1949 #4152  
suddenly zooms upward into a cloud bank.                                    3/26/1950 #4731  
 US101. Lit portholes. Aims beam / bank / clay. Away fast.                  8/10/1950 #5116  
A PK, OR Saucer back studying clay bank / beam again. Hides / cars in canyo 8/11/1950 #5117  
 quickly south overhead into cloud bank. No trail. / CSI.                   12/12/1950 #5342  
aight and level into a coastal fog bank after 3-4 minutes.                  9/6/1951 #5652  
aight and level into a coastal fog bank after approximately 3-4 minutes.    9/6/1951 #5654  
pidly, then flips on edge in a 90° bank. It flies between the two aircraft, 3/29/1952 #5992  
te light playing in the sky near a bank of high altitude clouds.            7/21/1952 #6986  
 three unknown objects make a left bank and fly to within 400–600 yards of  7/24/1952 #7115  
ls arms and explosives, and robs a bank. He serves three years in prison.   11/1952 #8227  
ht silver football. 1500mph. Steep bank. Going quickly south and rises.     11/6/1952 #8251  
 The two outside objects seemed to bank. They were oval shaped, 30-50 feet  11/13/1952 #8272  
tion / blue night lights near B29. Bank and climb away. / r242p21.          1/9/1953 #8517  
  In 1953, two disc-shaped objects bank and fly over New Orleans, Louisiana 11/14/1953 #9300  
al and disappearing behind a cloud bank. It is also seen by the pilot of a  3/28/1954 #9646  
g on end, hovering above the north bank of the Seine River about 1,000 feet 8/23/1954 #10170  
                       MOREUIL, FR Bank teller. Saucer 100M from roadside q 10/18/1954 #11202  
bject that had landed on the river bank. The object was emitting a green li 11/1/1954 #11522  
 flight path and flew into a cloud bank.                                    7/10/1955 #12248  
 windows going south. Lost / cloud bank.                                    11/4/1955 #12546  
 shiny balls shoot down. Converge. Bank. Back up and going quickly west xfa 1/16/1956 #12662  
     While walking along the river bank in Grand Ledge, Michigan at three o 3/23/1956 #12765  
visual sightings. The two aircraft bank steeply so the object is at 15 mile 8/30/1956 #13156  
    The witness was sitting on the bank of a pond on a sunny day in Hope, A 9/20/1956 #13228  
cks under and above a narrow cloud bank. The pilots can see it from various 10/7/1956 #13266  
to shows capsule-shaped image near bank of cumulus clouds. A few minutes la 8/20/1957 #13912  
                               RED BANK, TN Glowing pulsing object hovers b 11/5/1957 #14312  
car with a flashlight, climbs up a bank, and finds in a patch of bracken a  11/21/1957 #14590  
dio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, West Virginia Soviet Union Project 4/8/1960 #16218  
dio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, West Virginia, seems to hit paydir 4/8/1960 #16218  
feet wide, and 10 feet deep on the bank of a frozen lake in Karelia, Russia 2/1961 #16593  
 Radio Astronomy Observatory Green Bank, West Virginia At a small, informal 11/1/1961 #16944  
my Observatory’s facility in Green Bank, West Virginia, astronomer Frank Dr 11/1/1961 #16944  
l fi fc L. The equation, the Green Bank Formula, summarizes the main concep 11/1/1961 #16944  
                                   Bank’s Stables in Epping, Essex, England 12/27/1963 #18098  
ables in Epping, Essex, England At Bank’s Stables in Epping, Essex, England 12/27/1963 #18098  
eld and fly rapidly into the cloud bank. It was described as oval, and it l 5/5/1964 #18242  
esota and fly rapidly into a cloud bank. It was described as oval in shape, 5/5/1964 #18245  
ow). It flew in and out of a cloud bank for 15 seconds. It had four protrud 4/4/1965 #18896  
, with three triangular legs and a bank of floodlights around the main body 5/24/1965 #18963  
ing metallic legs, was seen on the bank of the Rio de la Plata River by two 7/17/1965 #19116  
ing metallic legs, was seen on the bank of the Rio de la Plata River by two 7/17/1965 #19118  
ddletown, OH Object Lands on River Bank (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Co 11/4/1965 #19700  
lho, his wife, his grandson, and a bank director saw an object land 100 m a 11/13/1965 #19718  
lho, his wife, his grandson, and a bank director saw an object land 100 met 11/13/1965 #19720  
t haze, that hovered above a cloud bank for 4-5 minutes. The object then ti 3/8/1966 #19948  
ty haze, and hovered above a cloud bank for 4-5 minutes. It then tilted at  3/8/1966 #19949  
bright yellow object above a cloud bank on the western horizon, moving slow 6/17/1966 #20572  
ward and disappeared behind a tall bank of clouds. About 10 minutes later t 6/17/1966 #20572  
se. The object ascended into a fog bank and descended again at a greater di 6/24/1966 #20608  
o promontory southern Italy Night. Bank official Gerardo Bagnulo is on a pl Early 9/1966 #20835  
saw an object descend from a cloud bank, slow down, and land with a soft wh 9/9/1966 #20867  
an Army tank, descend from a cloud bank, slow down, and land with a soft wh 9/9/1966 #20869  
 right and disappears into a cloud bank. When he develops the roll of film, 11/22/1966 #21140  
oticed a red light on the opposite bank of Kyger Creek. Several short men c 12/8/1966 #21193  
 Philadelphia, PA 5:40 p.m. EST. A bank employee and three others watched a 1/5/1967 #21256  
as near the ground on the opposite bank of the Green River. A red glowing o 1/18/1967 #21339  
d disc was sighted on the opposite bank of the Green River from four witnes 1/18/1967 #21344  
tanding motionless on the opposite bank. It is clothed in a one-piece garme 1/28/1967 #21409  
        Wharton, TX Evening. Three bank employees in the Wharton area watch 2/20/1967 #21603  
 Shamokin, PA Time not reported. A bank treasurer and his wife saw an enorm 3/9/1967 #21831  
se. Finally it ascended into a fog bank, descended again farther away (mane 6/24/1967 #22541  
hy man and former president of the Bank of Brazil. Between the object and t 8/13/1967 #22873  
500 feet, disappeared into a cloud bank and reappeared at closer range, hov 8/25/1967 #22923  
hrome colored saucers exited a fog bank 100 meters away. They were 20 meter 9/25/1967 #23132  
 on all fours climbing up the road bank. Their heads were level with his wi 3/5/1971 #26044  
graphs dark lens-object from Tokai bank building. (Indistinct.)             5/26/1972 #26688  
to east. They pass through a cloud bank, illuminating it. About the same ti 7/4/1972 #26764  
                               RED BANK AND BRAINERD, TN Several separate o 9/19/1973 #27833  
 looked up and saw on the roadside bank, only 10 feet from their car, the s 3/15/1974 #28891  
wo 9-year-old girls playing on the bank of the Ohio River near the Mid- Sou 10/10/1974 #29510  
otices an object above the eastern bank of the lake. He snaps a photo of it 11/17/1974 #29598  
red lights around the rim. After a bank of clouds go through with a passing 2/26/1975 #29852  
 area for 8 to 10 minutes. After a bank of clouds went through with a passi 2/26/1975 #29853  
e object comes down behind a small bank on the far side of a sports field o Late 2/1976 #30905  
. He crosses the field, climbs the bank, and sees from about 82 feet away,  Late 2/1976 #30905  
                         KIDSGROVE BANK, ENG Dome with beam going up. Light 12/13/1976 #31597  
lane starts a gradual, smooth (15° bank angle) turn to the left by itself.  3/12/1977 #31901  
 gather things” and climb a grassy bank in a field. When she returns to the 4/19/1977 #32001  
ining pair disappears into a cloud bank.                                    7/4/1977 #32236  
s on opposite ends. They appear to bank and twist for 10–15 seconds. One as 8/6/1977 #32367  
 Oyster Creek, Point Pleasant, Red Bank, Toms River, and Wall Township, New 12/2/1977 #32731  
ourse of the river and land on the bank. It emitted a strong purplish glow  1/27/1978 #32917  
ourse of the river and land on the bank. It emitted a strong purplish glow  1/27/1978 #32921  
gular footprints in the muddy road bank.                                    5/17/1978 #33224  
            Tunja Bogotá, Columbia Bank manager Serrano Silva and a Columbi 8/1978 #33459  
ng in London, England on the south bank of the Thames River at 7:00 p.m. wh 8/31/1978 #33611  
 the clouds. It would occasionally bank fom side to side, readily displayin 12/16/1978 #34144  
hing behind some vegetation on the bank. One witness collects his dogs and  8/10/1979 #34725  
 picking wild flowers on the river bank in East Didsbury, England besides s 8/19/1979 #34760  
and throws the Cessna into a steep bank and descent to avoid a collision. A 8/27/1979 #34788  
the clouds. He asks the student to bank in order to minimize any risk of a  12/11/1979 #35072  
down on the water near the eastern bank of the Rio Tapajós 30 miles south o 1/1980 #35120  
e right side of the road, near the bank of a river, and then at last dove a 7/31/1980 #35431  
les. The man placed his plans in a bank safe but when his family tried to a 9/29/1982 #36619  
his family tried to access it, the bank told them “government men bearing o 9/29/1982 #36619  
t you know me?" It then ran down a bank and disappeared. It was described a 11/13/1982 #36681  
eard. Footprints were found on the bank of the river.                       9/23/1984 #37467  
WA Object seen to east exits cloud bank going quickly south. Appears to exp 7/31/1988 #38609  
                                   Bank of Credit and Commerce Internationa 7/5/1991 #40112  
Commerce International Customs and bank regulators in seven countries raid  7/5/1991 #40112  
n records of branch offices of the Bank of Credit and Commerce Internationa 7/5/1991 #40112  
lling interest in a major American bank. In addition to violations of lendi 7/5/1991 #40112  
gton, D.C. Justice Department Iran Bank of Credit and Commerce Internationa 8/10/1991 #40147  
tial election, the collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce Internationa 8/10/1991 #40147  
 were racing dirt bikes on a river bank in Tarasovka, Ukraine when they saw 7/25/1992 #40536  
ight hovered and maneuvered over a bank of the river. The beams of light we 9/3/1992 #40609  
). Cylinder/cigar-shape with large bank / lights. / r226#22.                3/23/1994 #41463  
ered over the area and was seen to bank slowly, revealing a large dome on t 9/23/1996 #43039  
                               RED BANK, NJ Dr. B. Cornet videos 100' manta 4/24/1997 #43274  
alous light emerge from the ocean, bank sharply right, and then head for th 2/9/1999 #43725  
                        A V-shaped bank of lights flew from north to south  11/19/2001 #44278  
and then flew quickly into a cloud bank.                                    12/5/2003 #44625  
and speed. The pilot is ordered to bank toward the target after regional co 10/28/2004 #44773  
## Word: "bank's" (Back to Top)
e object was seen on the ground at Bank's Stables. It was about 3.5 m long, 12/27/1963 #18097  
e object was seen on the ground at Bank's Stables, Epping, England at four  12/27/1963 #18099  
## Word: "banked" (Back to Top)
t over Sacramento, California. One banked sharply and headed north. Accordi 7/5/1947 #2727  
ects rotated around each other and banked.  Then one shot upwards with a gr 5/6/1949 #4157  
ped objects circled each other and banked over a field in Livermore, Califo 5/6/1949 #4163  
 saucers. 750+mph in smooth steady banked trajectory.                       5/9/1949 #4171  
meter, flew 750-1,000 m.p.h.  in a banked but steady manner.                5/9/1949 #4173  
 of 750 mph in a smooth and steady banked trajectory. A Project Blue Book " 5/9/1949 #4177  
to intercept the craft, which then banked revealing its flat round profile, 9/10/1951 #5661  
nly enlarges, as if the device has banked, exposing a larger surface to the 6/19/1952 #6551  
limbed in altitude. When the plane banked toward the UFO, it banked into a  11/15/1952 #8282  
he plane banked toward the UFO, it banked into a left-hand orbit around the 11/15/1952 #8282  
 actually also disc shaped when it banked sideways.                         11/13/1953 #9296  
ject flew at an estimated 800 mph, banked, and disappeared from view behind 7/25/1959 #15879  
 minutes as the object climbed and banked. A Project Blue Book "unknown."   6/30/1962 #17258  
 It displayed a disc shape when it banked slightly, and it had several dim  1/10/1967 #21282  
 tree-top level, where it hovered, banked, and took off. (Hall, 2001, p. 16 2/12/1967 #21518  
. Later at treetop level, stopped, banked, and took off                     2/12/1967 #21523  
glow diminished. The three objects banked into a turn in unison. (Air Force 2/25/1967 #21646  
nd the center of each. The objects banked into a turn, whereupon the lead d 2/25/1967 #21651  
glow diminished. The three objects banked into the turn in unison.          2/25/1967 #21651  
cts on its engine. The object then banked, s turned, and flew away. (Projec 4/12/1967 #22119  
 AZ Bell-shaped object buzzed car, banked, turned and flew away. Project Bl 4/12/1967 #22120  
zed a car with three witnesses; it banked, turned, and then flew away. The  4/12/1967 #22125  
ects that hovered, started moving, banked, and accelerated, out of sight le 8/12/1967 #22866  
(sombrero shape) hovering, then it banked and moved out of sight behind tre 9/11/1967 #23041  
 to their right. When the aircraft banked again, the object turned and then 4/12/1973 #27427  
 The lights flew to the west, then banked and flew off toward the southwest 1/4/1974 #28644  
southeast going quickly northwest. Banked / side but go straight. Beams.    5/29/1975 #30067  
ontlucon, France at 7:00 p.m. They banked to one side but continued on in a 5/29/1975 #30068  
the bottom. It made a U-turn, then banked away. The car's radio experienced 5/7/1980 #35316  
me in over the lake at tree level, banked left over the water, and disappea 9/16/1981 #36119  
ll with three tube-like appendages banked to the north across the Ohio Turn 3/21/1982 #36403  
ll with three tube-like appendages banked to the north across the Ohio Turn 3/21/1982 #36405  
ty, New York for ten minutes, then banked to the north.                     9/18/1983 #36972  
## Word: "banker" (Back to Top)
               RIO DE JANEIRO, BRZ Banker photographs saucer over munitions 12/9/1954 #11783  
                       CATIA, VNZL Banker / (seen thru) binoculars and 4. R 3/17/1958 #14936  
## Word: "bankers" (Back to Top)
d academics together with lawyers, bankers, and industrialists to engineer  7/29/1921 #1013  
            GINES TO SEVILLA, SP 2 bankers. Green man, 3M tall / roadside.  1/1969 #24808  
## Word: "banket" (Back to Top)
                                   BANKET, ZIMBABWE 2 observer(s). Night li 3/28/1980 #35242  
## Word: "banking" (Back to Top)
imes, William E. Sollenberger, and banking executive Frank McCarty.         4/22/1897 #558  
They executed a sharp turn without banking. His plane experienced engine di 7/24/1949 #4286  
et over Sandy Hook. It makes a 90° banking turn and disappears out to sea.  9/10/1951 #5660  
y-white object passing below them, banking into a left turn. As the object  6/20/1952 #6562  
jet-speed. Reverses course without banking.                                 7/17/1956 #12976  
long an irregular path, frequently banking during 25-30 seconds.            10/8/1957 #14077  
long an irregular path, frequently banking during the 25-30 seconds of thei 10/8/1957 #14081  
es on each side. The objects begin banking to the left about 200–300 feet a Summer 1961 #16736  
 object makes a sharp turn without banking and approaches his plane on a ne 5/21/1966 #20505  
ithin about 3,000 feet, it makes a banking movement that reveals square, fl 12/27/1967 #23615  
more. 2 silent planes turn without banking. Circle town / low-altitude. Goi 1/21/1971 #25993  
ing instantly, and turning without banking. They are often seen at treetop  4/3/1975 #29952  
theast over cop car. Turns without banking! Chased going [to] 100MPH. Zips  4/4/1975 #29957  
 locks and dam. It begins a smooth banking turn to the left at about 1,000  2/12/1982 #36340  
g lights. It gains altitude before banking north over the highway.          3/21/1982 #36404  
y very fast, and then turn without banking. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  11/27/1982 #36694  
rally very fast, then turn without banking. It never made a sound. It disap 11/27/1982 #36699  
e width of four full moons, begins banking to the northeast. At a traffic l 3/7/1985 #37566  
height of 200–300 feet, It makes a banking turn and paces the car, moving w 7/26/1990 #39663  
t. Turn going quickly east without banking!                                 11/5/1990 #39855  
minutes. Suddenly it makes a sharp banking maneuver. Thinking it is a helic 1/1993 #40782  
craft follows turns / road without banking. Slow and silent. 300m altitude. 8/23/1994 #41685  
ght back overhead without making a banking turn. It made no noise, even tho 8/16/2001 #44236  
in perfect unison, and then made a banking maneuver before disappearing fro 4/7/2002 #44330  
 UFOs began to move in lazy turns, banking and doubling back. Each craft ha 5/12/2002 #44343  
, 45-degree left hand turn without banking. Later that same evening, a disc 9/10/2002 #44395  
ed to a dull gray as it performs a banking turn and comes to a standstill.  7/15/2013 #45377  
nt interest. You are talking about banking. You are talking about some of t 10/21/2021 #45717  
## Word: "banknotes" (Back to Top)
llow paper-like objects resembling banknotes. The whole incident unfolded i 8/14/1999 #43822  
## Word: "bankok" (Back to Top)
                                   BANKOK, THAILAND 2 girls. Domed saucer o 9/2/1973 #27744  
## Word: "bankrolls" (Back to Top)
 funding for the black budget that bankrolls US intelligence operations. $5 2/27/2018 #45516  
## Word: "bankrupt" (Back to Top)
ancial scams and traps intended to bankrupt the inventor, (5) the target of 2/13/2009 #45212  
n unfair advantage. The other went bankrupt. That’s a problem, that’s a rea 10/21/2021 #45717  
## Word: "bankruptcy" (Back to Top)
960s and was less than a year from bankruptcy when it merged with McDonnell 10/21/2021 #45717  
## Word: "banks" (Back to Top)
ween himself and the mountains. It banks sharply, almost on edge, and gains 10/1943 #1532  
ning on foot from a fishery on the banks of the Tietê River to his sister’s 3/5/1946 #1973  
ing north. Also 2 ovoids / 1240h 1 banks and shoots going up. 1 wobbles goi 7/5/1947 #2687  
LLE-LA-MI-VOIE, FR Saucer landed / banks / Seine. 2 small humanoids (or Gre 7/7/1947 (approximate) #2878  
mall disc-shaped UFO landed on the banks of the Seine River. Two short huma 7/7/1947 #2944  
ressure. He manages to land on the banks of the Volga River 30 miles from S 5/6/1949 #4158  
g around to the right side. Sperry banks right again, while the object pace 5/29/1950 #4972  
2 white saucers connected / strut. Banks. 350mph going quickly [to] WNW. 15 7/8/1950 #5050  
r 15–20 minutes at close range. It banks and disappears, going straight up. 1/1/1951 #5382  
Texas in 48 seconds, between cloud banks. It seemed to climb, and moved at  7/22/1952 #7031  
ate observer(s). Saucer hovers and banks. Small objects exit. Away in forma 7/25/1952 #7129  
                              CLAY BANKS, WI 2 / farm. Silent silver parach 8/22/1952 #7677  
here/orb/globe = disk also when it banks sideways. / Blue Book files.       11/14/1953 #9297  
,000– 4,000 feet above his jet. He banks toward it and activates the gun ca 3/25/1954 #9643  
/ falling-leaf motion. Circles and banks. Going quickly south / fantastic s 7/7/1954 #9998  
ect descended and landed along the banks of the River Marne in Joinville-le 9/25/1954 #10444  
65, is hunting with his dog on the banks of the Durance River near Corbière Early 10/1954 #10609  
ky, disappears (apparently when it banks), and returns repeatedly, and at o 12/26/1954 #11863  
munication is cut off. The copilot banks toward the rotating UFO. Instantly 2/2/1955 #11968  
                       SOUTHEAST / BANKS I, NWT, CND NSA RB47 ELINT jet / E 6/7/1955 #12189  
    Eielson AFB, Fairbanks, Alaska Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Can 6/7/1955 #12190  
an electronic contact southeast of Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Can 6/7/1955 #12190  
d 50M saucer hovers. Maneuvers and banks. Lost in clouds.                   5/1956 #12818  
in the east at 11:15 p.m. Holwadel banks right to the southeast somewhat be 5/22/1956 #12865  
 seems to be getting bigger, so he banks towards it out of curiosity. The l 11/4/1957 #14283  
er(s) = Meadors. Red saucer climbs banks and maneuvers / 10 min. Unidentifi 6/30/1962 #17253  
nt / mountains. 4cm / arms length. Banks going up / 45°.                    8/29/1964 #18520  
s to be a disc- shaped object with banks of lights underneath it to their s 5/24/1965 #18962  
                On this day on the banks of the river in Cruzeiro, Santa Ca 8/14/1965 #19390  
/cigar-shape going west over road. Banks going southwest. Silent. Separate  9/27/1965 #19610  
id with windows hovers over trees. Banks. Away with whine or humming sound. 3/3/1967 #21736  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Banks and away. / r79p34.                4/12/1967 #22114  
int, the car engine stops. The UFO banks eastward, then westward, and flies 4/12/1967 #22121  
0 p.m. LT. While walking along the banks of the river M. Gavrilyuk and his  Early 6/1967 #22452  
ar. Domed disk follows rural road. Banks. Square panels glow / bottom/under 12/27/1967 #23614  
 to a soldier while fishing on the banks of the Rio das Velhas near the cit 5/4/1969 #25115  
. At about midnight he reached the banks of a small lagoon and set up his t 5/4/1969 #25115  
crushed down, there was mud on the banks of the creek, and there were signs 7/4/1970 #25726  
At 9 p.m. three men camping on the banks of the Trinity River near Hawkins  10/14/1971 #26424  
r the roof of a nearby house, then banks, makes a 90° turn, and begins to b 3/20/1973 #27352  
sk going south. 5 lights / bottom. Banks going west / 250 Kts. Faint hummin 6/30/1976 #31143  
ght in the back, all blinking. One banks slightly before it goes out of vie 11/10/1976 #31538  
 ambulance driven by two men named Banks and Schofield was paced for 22 min 12/26/1976 #31632  
OXI, MS Woman in car. Disk on-edge banks into trees showing moon-size face. 1/10/1977 #31713  
 When it reaches treetop level, it banks in a curve into the trees. As it l 1/10/1977 #31716  
 small community and landed on the banks of the Turbio River, causing panic 1/23/1977 #31748  
at the object is a cargo plane, he banks to the left and immediately radios 6/17/1977 #32171  
and Early morning. Four men on the banks of the River Weaver see a silver b 1/27/1978 #32919  
es the ground. Suddenly, an object banks directly in front of her car about 11/7/1978 #33924  
sk going / 200M along Qingge River banks.                                   8/26/1979 #34780  
er car. It makes a U-turn, then it banks, revealing the shape of an upside- 5/7/1980 #35314  
er look for another 10 seconds. It banks like an aircraft to the right and  11/2/1980 #35609  
hape, pulsing red light on top and banks of blue lights underneath. Approx. 12/27/1980 #35738  
                                   BANKS CO, GA 1 / car. 100M and round obj 1/1981 #35766  
    NEAR PUERTO MONTT, CHL LAN 737 banks sharply / avoid fast fireball. Typ 6/1/1988 #38578  
n a park near Kiev, Ukraine on the banks of the Dnieper River. Two women, V 7/4/1989 #39009  
angle/box-like craft with tailfin! Banks and turns overhead / 50mph. Light  1/9/1990 #39371  
ght lights floating near some snow banks. When they approached to investiga 3/6/1992 #40363  
balls. Fearing a collision, Graham banks away. When his move is complete, t 4/28/1993 #40953  
observer(s). Big dark silent delta banks going quickly [to] right. Lost / m 8/2/1993 #41102  
ut about 500 feet lower. The pilot banks gently in its direction, and the s 7/1996 #42943  
bserver(s). Silver disk hovers and banks. Going quickly north fast. Circled 6/20/1997 #43332  
ishermen. Large light rises / sea! Banks sharply and going quickly east tow 2/9/1999 #43723  
                               RED BANKS, MS 3 observer(s). 2+10 glowing-ba 12/21/2001 #44299  
ing alongside on the left. Soon it banks to the southeast, allowing them to 11/19/2013 #45397  
## Word: "banksons" (Back to Top)
                                   BANKSONS LAKE, MI Silent 75m manta-UFO.  8/1/1986 #37967  
ndura, were fishing from a boat on Banksons Lake, Michigan when they had a  8/1/1986 #37968  
## Word: "bankstown" (Back to Top)
yo, Rhodesia and a second in North Bankstown, Australia.                    1/2/1953 #8497  
'clock in the morning a student in Bankstown, a suburb of Sydney, New South 1/29/1982 #36315  
                                   BANKSTOWN, NSW 5M rectangle 100M away. T 1/29/1992 #40308  
## Word: "banksville" (Back to Top)
                                   Banksville, New York 5:00 p.m. A witness 8/21/1978 #33537  
 oblong UFO over an open area near Banksville, New York. It is at least 150 8/21/1978 #33537  
## Word: "banlolet" (Back to Top)
                                   Banlolet, Seine-Infeneure, France 4 UFOs 10/16/1954 #11139  
## Word: "bann" (Back to Top)
                  Two men in River Bann, Derryvore, Ireland saw a disc land 1/26/1968 #23704  
## Word: "bannalec" (Back to Top)
                                   Bannalec, Finistere, France A 15 meter i 1/5/1979 #34299  
                    In the town of Bannalec, Finistere, France a 15 meter i 1/5/1979 #34305  
                                   BANNALEC, FR 15M circular object hovers  1/6/1979 #34309  
## Word: "banned" (Back to Top)
rmany, after all other parties are banned or split up.                      7/4/1933 #1165  
 Issue was near-instantly censored/banned and almost all copies recalled, s 6/1948 (approximate) #3665  
s seeking information on UFOs were banned from Wright-Patterson AFB. [Cleve 1/6/1954 #9454  
publicly horsewhipped, and forever banned from further activity in these us 4/26/1969 #25094  
rella of STEKA-AN. UFO acronym was banned until 1989, instead “Anomalous At End of 1978 #34036  
## Word: "banner" (Back to Top)
 6:30 p.m. Capt. Frederick William Banner, master of the barque Lady of the 3/22/1870 #184  
silver saucers over town. / Athens Banner Herald.                           7/7/1947 #2915  
ight. Glistens / sunlight. / Logan Banner.                                  7/10/1947 #3090  
. Seen 1 min. No further details / Banner News.                             6/23/1952 #6593  
                                   BANNER ELK, NC 4 students. Glow / ground 4/8/1967 #22092  
                                   Banner Elk, North Carolina Four college  4/8/1967 #22095  
llege students on a double date in Banner Elk, North Carolina, notice a gre 4/8/1967 #22095  
the morning eight miles outside of Banner Elk, North Carolina. Their radio  4/8/1967 #22096  
o it. NSA’s Chief of Policy Roy R. Banner later declines their release on t 12/22/1978 #34197  
                  The NSA’s Roy R. Banner releases two UFO-related document 1/10/1980 #35129  
## Word: "banning" (Back to Top)
                                   BANNING, CA Aero-technician. Mushroom-sa 12/22/1952 #8440  
                                   BANNING, CA USAF flight instructor and d 11/25/1955 #12589  
                             5MI / BANNING, CA Silent domed saucer circles  6/6/1956 #12885  
                                   Banning, CA Thin disc with a small dome, 6/6/1956 #12886  
                                   Banning, California An object hovered ab 6/6/1956 #12887  
                                   Banning, California Witness:  Mr. Bierma 6/6/1956 #12888  
                                   Banning, California - At 5:30 a.m. PDT M 6/6/1956 #12890  
                                   BANNING, CA Ground Observer Corps (GOC)  6/29/1956 #12928  
                                   BANNING, CA 2 white shapeless objects go 11/11/1957 #14529  
                  MOUNTAINS EAST / BANNING, CA 2 / private plane. Saucer re 11/14/1957 #14543  
## Word: "bannister" (Back to Top)
nsin farmhouse belonging to Melvin Bannister Night. An airship with red, gr 4/15/1897 #488  
to a farmhouse belonging to Melvin Bannister, whose dogs are barking fierce 4/15/1897 #488  
ce at them and sends them running. Bannister answers the door and converses 4/15/1897 #488  
 Shaw, and former FBI employee Guy Bannister. It is alleged Permindex is aw 1970 #25523  
## Word: "bannock" (Back to Top)
                                   Bannock County, OH Huge cigar UFO in Ohi 3/15/1980 #35217  
                                   Bannock, Ohio 8:00 p.m. A couple in Bann 3/15/1980 #35218  
annock, Ohio 8:00 p.m. A couple in Bannock, Ohio, Spot a bright light in th 3/15/1980 #35218  
## Word: "bannockburn" (Back to Top)
                                   BANNOCKBURN, SCOTLAND 50' ovoid. Light h 1/17/1993 #40799  
## Word: "banon" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Banon” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT       8/26/1976 #31305  
## Word: "banos" (Back to Top)
, allegedly landed in Penon de Los Banos, Mexico on this day. The pilot of  3/13/1950 #4629  
                    I5 SOUTH / LOS BANOS, CA 3 / car. Silent 40' stingray d 9/1974 #29407  
## Word: "banshee" (Back to Top)
nes Night. A flight of US Navy F2H Banshee jets out of NAS Quonset Point [n 6/24/1953 #8970  
n all directions. The pilot of one Banshee, Lt. Jg. Jack Oliver Snipes, is  6/24/1953 #8970  
## Word: "bantam" (Back to Top)
                                   BANTAM, CT Entire family. 8 metallic dis 7/7/1963 #17825  
PLANETARY VISITORS, December 1979, Bantam Edition, page 331) (NICAP: 01 - D 3/24/1967 #21964  
leased to the public in a 965-page Bantam Books edition.                    1/9/1969 #24830  
## Word: "bantzenheim" (Back to Top)
                                   BANTZENHEIM, FR 10 separate observer(s). 11/19/1977 #32687  
## Word: "banyard" (Back to Top)
            Edmonton, Canada Ricky Banyard, 14, saw a strange object in the 5/7/1967 #22293  
 Pleasant Cemetery 2:00 a.m. Ricky Banyard, 17, and four others watch and f 5/7/1967 #22294  
ncluding a 14-year-old named Ricky Banyard and another named Glenn Coates.  5/7/1967 #22297  
## Word: "baoji" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BAOJI, SHAANXI, CH Several observer(s).  8/1977 #32334  
                                   BAOJI, SHAANXI, CH 3+several observer(s) 8/1977 #32338  
## Word: "baotou" (Back to Top)
                                   BAOTOU, IN.MONGOLIA, CH 2 engineering st 7/21/1980 #35422  
## Word: "baptist" (Back to Top)
illiam Guy Huffman of the Red Star Baptist Church in Cape Girardeau, Missou Early Spring 1941 #1355  
ather was a pastor of the Red Star Baptist Church, told Leonard Stringfield Spring 1941 #1358  
## Word: "baptiste" (Back to Top)
, near Chambon Feugerolles, France Baptiste Jourdy, who was making the dail 10/11/1954 #10928  
 Fonfrède, Loire, France 4:15 a.m. Baptiste Jourdy is delivering milk near  10/11/1954 #10937  
yenne, France Saint-Poix 6:00 a.m. Baptiste Potin of Méral, Mayenne, France 10/11/1954 #10939  
hambon Feugerolles, Loire, France. Baptiste Jourdy, who was making the dail 10/11/1954 #10944  
                             ST. J.BAPTISTE / ROUVILLE, QB Domed saucer til 7/30/1958 (approximate) #15160  
                             ST. J.BAPTISTE / ROUVILLE, QB 3 observer(s). H 10/1967 #23151  
## Word: "baptiste-de-rouville" (Back to Top)
                             ST. J.BAPTISTE-DE-ROUVILLE, QB 1+2+kids. Hat s 9/18/1972 #27008  
## Word: "baqueiro" (Back to Top)
 ambulance being driven by Geraldo Baqueiro in Itajuba, Minas Gerais state, 6/7/1967 #22479  
## Word: "bar" (Back to Top)
ed cattle. He notices a light on a bar in the Missouri River, and it turns  4/6/1897 #416  
d several. 2 fireballs connected / bar north going south / plane speed. Abs 9/12/1946 #2179  
wo years, mentions to someone in a bar in Corona that he has some material. Summer 1949 #4246  
ltitude across the sky from Temple Bar on the Colorado River, Nevada. It to 4/22/1952 #6157  
 with theodolite. Luminous/glowing bar going northwest in jumps. Quickly go 8/29/1952 #7780  
e; once appeared as luminous white bar edged with black. [UFOE, X] (NICAP:  8/29/1952 #7783  
h a theodolite sighted a luminous  bar in the sky over the city of Villacou 8/29/1952 #7791  
pod landing gear, landed on a sand bar 50 m away from  them. An  occupant d 5/20/1953 #8888  
in diameter, land on a nearby sand bar. On June 20 the saucer returns, alon 5/20/1953 #8889  
aw a silvery object land on a sand bar 50 m away from them. It was 2.5 mete 5/20/1953 #8890  
highway patrol officer at a nearby bar before driving on to Conrad, Montana Autumn 1953 #9176  
as standing with both hands on the bar of my balcony, looking with astonish 10/8/1954 #10814  
as standing with both hands on the bar of my balcony, looking with astonish 10/8/1954 #10818  
ews cross, with 10 objects to each bar. The convergence takes place over th 11/6/1954 #11585  
each end connected by an amorphous bar. The ends scintillated and were a fi 7/23/1956 #13013  
ad. He went toward it with an iron bar but could not approach because of th 5/27/1958 #15056  
e. He went towards it with an iron bar but could not get close because of t 5/27/1958 #15057  
VOIR, NJ 2 / boat. Large red-glow "bar" going north. Tilts 45°. Levels off. 7/8/1958 #15136  
They observed portholes and a long bar with fingerlike devices emerging fro 11/29/1965 #19739  
They observed portholes and a long bar with fingerlike devices emerging fro 11/29/1965 #19740  
everse parentheses with a vertical bar positioned between them. No other wi 2/6/1966 #19888  
und ends glow white. Brilliant red bar.                                     4/19/1966 #20334  
d one bottle of water from a local bar. Upon being interviewed, the waitres 8/20/1966 #20779  
interviewed, the waitress from the bar described Miguel as “very nervous,”  8/20/1966 #20779  
presumed they go directly from the bar to the spot where they were discover 8/20/1966 #20779  
d (or Grey) in house. Vanishes in "bar of light".                           9/5/1966 #20845  
tes later he saw something like "a bar of light, which appeared to crumble. 9/5/1966 #20852  
the bedroom, but they had seen the bar of light.                            9/5/1966 #20852  
dome-shaped objects separated by a bar (dumbbell shape) hovered overhead, t 4/16/1967 #22138  
ymbol, this time with a horizontal bar crossing the verticals and linking t 6/1/1967 #22448  
s ending in round pads joined by a bar. He got within 12 m of the object be 10/9/1967 #23200  
ar pads and are joined by a curved bar. The object, which is making a low-p 10/9/1967 #23201  
big, square windows separated by a bar, and strange lettering under them. T 10/24/1967 #23302  
big, square windows separated by a bar  in the dome. Through these windows  10/24/1967 #23309  
                        Bt. Boston Bar and Yale, B.C, CAN 3:00 a.m.The firs 10/1968 #24533  
n the Fraser Canyon between Boston Bar and Yale in an area where the Canyon 10/1968 #24533  
s appeared just at dusk over Watts Bar Lake south of Kingston, Tennessee, a 12/5/1968 #24745  
sible barrier that he likened to a bar across the stomach. He tried to grab 2/22/1969 #24939  
was near the paddock. It had three bar appendages on the bottom. It was als 6/2/1970 #25688  
gh a glass window that had an iron bar across it with a clearance of less t 4/2/1971 #26065  
s driving down a road in Belchar's Bar, England when her car headlights dim 5/25/1971 #26137  
 of the Trinity River near Hawkins Bar, California heard a deafening roar c 10/14/1971 #26424  
 at 4:20 p.m. several patrons of a bar reported witnessing a similar lookin 11/28/1972 #27150  
 a similar looking stranger in the bar at the corner of Calle Alsina and Ca 11/28/1972 #27150  
/ car. Fireball becomes horizontal bar. Suddenly shoots away. No planes dow 11/30/1973 #28486  
                             SOUTH BAR, NS Luminous/glowing object hovers / 9/9/1974 #29438  
overed over a radio tower in South Bar, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, and then  9/9/1974 #29440  
tress corrosion cracking in an eye bar in a suspension chain.) Other entiti 1975 #29670  
 appeared to be joined by a silver bar." They spoke in a language he couldn 3/27/1975 #29920  
 having lunch together at a coffee bar in Dunedin, New Zealand. The weather 7/12/1975 #30175  
d still. The noisy and busy coffee bar, occupied by 80 people, became absol 7/12/1975 #30175  
 stairs leading down to the coffee bar from street level an unusual man app 7/12/1975 #30175  
o they decided to leave the coffee bar and wait for him upstairs at the onl 7/12/1975 #30175  
 was no other exit from the coffee bar. The group was also quite surprised  7/12/1975 #30175  
ected themselves out of the coffee bar seemingly against their will. Pat tr 7/12/1975 #30175  
d to return back inside the coffee bar, only to find that the mysterious st 7/12/1975 #30175  
 was passing. Grey-silver metallic bar bell shaped object with a few black  6/1976 #31078  
laces she thought were windows. In bar between the two balls was open space 6/1976 #31078  
rtugal and had gone into the hotel bar for something to eat at around 5:00  8/10/1976 #31252  
finished their drinks and left the bar to go have dinner. Later that night  8/10/1976 #31252  
ught of the strange “spies” in the bar, and her next thought was that maybe 8/10/1976 #31252  
va is making his way home from the bar he owns in Vargem Grande, Minas Gera 9/9/1976 #31362  
out, and da Silva runs back to the bar and flattens himself against the out 9/9/1976 #31362  
drink coffee and anis at a wayside bar known as the Hostal 113, beside the  2/5/1978 #32957  
lgora. At 5:45 a.m. Julio left the bar and drove on, half an hour later pas 2/5/1978 #32957  
                            MARBLE BAR, WEST AUST Huge orange cylinder/ciga 5/25/1978 #33239  
ght resembled a pulsating vertical bar, red in color encircled by a round h 1/3/1979 #34290  
              CHARLESTON, SC Metal bar with symbols appears in abduction/ab 4/21/1979 #34518  
reen haze, and left behind a metal bar with peculiar markings, which they s 4/21/1979 #34520  
chanic drawn / saucer again. Metal bar = gift. 'Will return'.               5/16/1979 #34559  
t landed, and he was given a metal bar as a gift, along with the message th 5/16/1979 #34562  
t landed, and he was given a metal bar as a gift, along with the message th 5/16/1979 #34565  
 UFO. It then passed over a nearby bar making a very loud noise. The next m 8/26/1979 #34783  
ey discovered that the roof of the bar had been tore off and several rafter 8/26/1979 #34783  
irport. After waiting in the snack bar a short time, people see lights in t 6/21/1984 #37370  
POCATELLO, ID 1 observer. Luminous bar of light cruises mountain peaks nort 11/9/1985 #37700  
are scam artists. They immediately bar anyone from using the files and move 4/12/1988 #38541  
f in a Beechcraft Bonanza from the Bar Harbor-Trenton airport. At around 3: 7/22/1989 #39030  
 of them, they turned back for the Bar Harbor-Trenton airport. The Aerial D 7/22/1989 #39030  
 p.m. two oval lights connected by bar hovered 300 feet off the ground, mak 10/29/1990 #39816  
s (red and blue) connected by dark bar. Silent. Overall form unknown.       11/11/1991 #40225  
 ran to town and entered the local bar, telling everyone what had just happ 3/5/1992 #40359  
mation going west slow and silent. Bar of light / rear.                     7/1992 (approximate) #40510  
trollers and more/others. Vertical bar / light. Fades / minutes. No source  4/4/1994 #41476  
SUR-MARE, FR 1 observer. Big white bar / light east going quickly west. Ora 9/3/1994 #41714  
e pickup truck and dropped it in a bar ditch.                               10/28/1994 #41816  
dissipates, leaving behind a black bar. After 5 minutes, a solid stream of  1/13/1997 #43170  
downward from it and another black bar appears, about 45° below the first o 1/13/1997 #43170  
Huge ovoid hovers / trees. Upright bar / top. Mutilated cow found 20 Jan.   1/18/1997 #43172  
rd some noises. Armed with a metal bar, he searched around in the darkness. 7/11/2000 #44014  
light from the tip. As the tube or bar was passed over her head she felt a  5/2/2001 #44174  
## Word: "bar'" (Back to Top)
 States Navy (USN) ship sees '30cm bar'. Glows red. Going north toward(s) J 8/20/1954 #10154  
## Word: "bar's" (Back to Top)
 said the stranger walked into the bar's bathroom and did not emerge.       11/28/1972 #27150  
## Word: "bar-bell" (Back to Top)
L 6 PAA RADAR experts. Blip = huge bar-bell. 6000kph. / MJ#283+/ r140#5.    11/8/1956 #13312  
## Word: "bar-restaurant" (Back to Top)
t. Germonde received a call from a bar-restaurant owner reporting "huge bir 6/14/1968 #24034  
## Word: "bar-shaped" (Back to Top)
       Santa Monica, CA Horizontal bar-shaped objects appearing and disappe 8/30/1952 #7797  
  MERRICK, LI, NY 1 observer. 3.5' bar-shaped object gives blue flashes and 11/8/1957 #14470  
        Merrick, Long Island, NY A bar-shaped object, 3.5 ft long, giving o 11/8/1957 #14479  
York Witness:  Mrs. L. Dinner. One bar-shaped object, 3.5' long, giving off 11/8/1957 #14484  
ieldstone roads when they notice a bar-shaped, yellow-orange light about 30 9/21/2012 #45354  
## Word: "bar-sur-aube" (Back to Top)
                            EAST / BAR-SUR-AUBE, FR 1 / car. Huge disk cove 12/24/1975 #30734  
                                   Bar-sur-Aube, France 8:00 p.m. (+) A hug 12/24/1975 #30736  
 covered the entire N19 highway in Bar-sur-Aube, France. It vanished at 8:1 12/24/1975 #30738  
## Word: "bar-sur-loup" (Back to Top)
                                   BAR-SUR-LOUP, FR Mayor sees large round  6/18/1966 #20573  
                                   Bar-sur-Loup, France The Mayor of Bar-su 6/18/1966 #20578  
 Bar-sur-Loup, France The Mayor of Bar-sur-Loup, Leon Barbier, saw a large, 6/18/1966 #20578  
        Leon Barbier, the mayor of Bar-sur-Loup, France saw a large, round  6/18/1966 #20582  
## Word: "barabon" (Back to Top)
                                   BARABON, QLD, AUS 4 observer(s) / car. C 6/1961 #16707  
## Word: "baracaldo" (Back to Top)
 field next to a local cemetery in Baracaldo, Spain when they heard a loud  10/29/1976 #31505  
## Word: "barack" (Back to Top)
                      US President Barack Obama in office                   1/20/2009 #45207  
with James Corden Former President Barack Obama admits on The Late Late Sho 5/18/2021 #45689  
## Word: "baragiola" (Back to Top)
9, citing G. J. Gianza Paz & A. M. Baragiola). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)   7/22/1968 #24202  
## Word: "barahona" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BARAHONA, DOM.REP. 2 huge silent saucers 11/3/1957 #14223  
                      EL FUNDO AND BARAHONA, DOM.REP Many separate observer 10/6/1972 #27052  
## Word: "barakhudzir" (Back to Top)
                                   BARAKHUDZIR RV, USSR 11m north / Koktal, 8/16/1960 #16393  
n the Kazakstan Mountains near the Barakhudzir River, 18 kilometers north o 8/16/1960 #16397  
## Word: "baralaba" (Back to Top)
 the ground in the pre-dawn sky in Baralaba, Queensland, Australia, each fl 10/11/1969 #25409  
## Word: "baralba" (Back to Top)
                                   BARALBA, AUSTR 3 observer(s). 2 objects  10/11/1969 #25405  
## Word: "baranagua" (Back to Top)
m. a DC-3 flying over the ocean at Baranagua Bay, Parana State, Brazil was  8/6/1954 #10107  
## Word: "baranovichi" (Back to Top)
argets pre-positioned at Krepachi, Baranovichi area, Brest region. On the n 8/25/2004 #44741  
## Word: "baranówka" (Back to Top)
                                   Baranówka neighborhood of Rzeszów, Polan 12/24/2000 #44109  
nd 7:00 p.m. A woman living in the Baranówka neighborhood of Rzeszów, Polan 12/24/2000 #44109  
                                   Baranówka neighborhood of Rzeszów, Polan 6/6/2011 #45328  
s. Beata is walking her dog in the Baranówka neighborhood of Rzeszów, Polan 6/6/2011 #45328  
## Word: "baras" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / BARAS, PHLP 3 separate observer(s). Fake 11/1/1968 #24613  
00 a.m. a Filipino farmer north of Baras in Rizal province, the Philippines 11/1/1968 #24616  
ter when another farmer walking to Baras felt something land behind him. He 11/1/1968 #24617  
## Word: "barauna" (Back to Top)
 Island in the Atlantic Ocean. Sr. Barauna, the ship’s photographer took th 1/16/1958 #14832  
## Word: "baraúna" (Back to Top)
ers, including photographer Almiro Baraúna, see a Saturn-shaped object mane 1/16/1958 #14831  
way very quickly to the northwest. Baraúna takes four photos with a Rolleif 1/16/1958 #14831  
ical] balloon was of a red color.” Baraúna is officially there to take phot 1/16/1958 #14831  
ith’s April 20, 1983, interview of Baraúna takes on more significance: “I a 1/16/1958 #14831  
been detected by ship’s radar. He [Baraúna] replied that it hadn’t because  1/16/1958 #14831  
aphed is an airplane, distorted by Baraúna through a double-exposure proces 1/16/1958 #14831  
## Word: "barbacena" (Back to Top)
                                   BARBACENA, BRAZIL 2 politicos / car. Man 5/1957 #13627  
## Word: "barbados" (Back to Top)
                                   BARBADOS ISLAND 2 large colored clouds h 5/1/1812 #106  
antley Adams International Airport Barbados Northern part of the island 2:1 4/12/1984 #37258  
ley Adams International Airport in Barbados tracks a large group of unknown 4/12/1984 #37258  
tify Prime Minister Tom Adams, the Barbados Defense Force, and the police c 4/12/1984 #37258  
## Word: "barbamarco" (Back to Top)
                                   BARBAMARCO, ITL Ovoid maneuvers. Going d 10/14/1954 #11014  
## Word: "barbara" (Back to Top)
zabeth Klarer and her older sister Barbara have their first alleged encount 10/1917 #968  
                             Santa Barbara, California Goleta Valley 9:00 p 10/1943 #1531  
ect approaching” her home in Santa Barbara, California, facing the Goleta V 10/1943 #1531  
n the opposite direction. His wife Barbara joins him as they fly away. Ston 7/21/1952 #6983  
                             SANTA BARBARA, CA Project Bluebook Case #2086. 9/14/1952 #7923  
                             Santa Barbara, CA Blue white light travel stra 9/14/1952 #7927  
                             Santa Barbara, California Witness: USAF C-54 t 9/14/1952 #7933  
                             Santa Barbara, California. At 8:40 p.m. Mr. Ta 9/14/1952 #7946  
                             SANTA BARBARA, CA 2 observer(s). Night light s 9/12/1955 #12448  
                             SANTA BARBARA, CA 3 observer(s). 30M crosses s 10/1/1957 #14052  
umberton, North Carolina 8:00 p.m. Barbara Jean Stokes, her husband Paul, a 10/31/1957 #14176  
                             Santa Barbara, California north of Santa Barba 6/1964 #18313  
Barbara, California north of Santa Barbara, California 2:00 a.m. A young co 6/1964 #18313  
ce at a small place north of Santa Barbara, California, when a circular, gl 6/1964 #18313  
                             SANTA BARBARA, PERU 2 80CM small humanoids (or 9/5/1965 #19522  
                             Santa Barbara, Peru Governor Sebastian Macha s 9/5/1965 #19524  
 Governor Sebastian Macha of Santa Barbara, Peru saw two dwarfish creatures 9/5/1965 #19525  
ing and intensifying. Only student Barbara Kohn stays most of the night, wa 3/21/1966 #20021  
pano Beach US Highway 1 11:30 p.m. Barbara Fawcett is driving alone on Nort 7/20/1967 #22710  
             Jewish Creek, Florida Barbara Fawcett, 18, and her sister saw  7/21/1967 #22717  
                      At 2:30 a.m. Barbara Fawcett, age 18, and her sister  7/21/1967 #22720  
                  At 1:30 a.m. Ms. Barbara Ward, awakened by her baby, glan 9/2/1967 #22984  
talog of Reported Lunar Events, by Barbara M. Middlehurst, Jaylee M. Burley 7/1/1968 #24117  
ylee M. Burley, Patrick Moore, and Barbara L. Welther. Moore invents the te 7/1/1968 #24117  
                             SANTA BARBARA, CA Several observer(s). Slow gr 8/14/1968 #24325  
                                   Barbara Mina Da Silva was weeding a rice 2/6/1969 #24898  
    small town in Alberta Morning. Barbara Smyth, a teacher in a small town 2/18/1969 #24928  
                             SANTA BARBARA, BRZ 2 observer(s). Intense ligh 6/10/1969 (approximate) #25207  
le, including Idaho State Reporter Barbara Boren, see two “star-like moving 7/12/1969 #25263  
ed into the bedroom window of Mrs. Barbara Robinson in Springdale, Arkansas 9/6/1969 #25354  
                     NORTH / SANTA BARBARA, CA Phony scene / party house an 11/4/1972 #27108  
           SR154 NORTHWEST / SOUTH BARBARA, CA 40' saucer on tripod. "Owl"  10/1975 (approximate) #30405  
                  150MI WITH SANTA BARBARA, CA 80' disk paces small plane / 10/1/1977 #32540  
ng on Highway 101 in Goleta, Santa Barbara County, California at 7:30 p.m.  4/23/1978 #33160  
ropy Sztumskie Kalwa 3:40 a.m. Dr. Barbara Anaczkowska-Piazza, a driver, an 9/5/1979 #34838  
    Portsmouth, Virginia 8:00 p.m. Barbara Kaisler is driving home with her 9/9/1980 #35508  
                 New York City, NY Barbara Warmoth was asleep when a brilli 2/15/1982 #36346  
ry Kissinger, Sally Shelton-Colby, Barbara Haig, and others. Although furni 11/18/1983 #37046  
vernment's project to track UFO's: Barbara Drakis wrote "Operation Starligh 3/23/1985 #37573  
                             Santa Barbara Centre for Humanistic Studies Lo 11/3/1990 #39826  
stic Studies Lobero Theater, Santa Barbara, California The Center for UFO S 11/3/1990 #39826  
nter for UFO Studies and the Santa Barbara Centre for Humanistic Studies co 11/3/1990 #39826  
990s” at the Lobero Theater, Santa Barbara, California.                     11/3/1990 #39826  
                     SOUTH / SANTA BARBARA, CA 2 / (seen thru) binoculars.  2/13/1995 #42046  
long a road near his city of Santa Barbara D'Oeste, Sao Paulo State, Brazil 9/24/1995 #42508  
                        NEAR SANTA BARBARA, CA Man / car. Bright flash and  4/24/1996 #42882  
wo flying discs were seen In Santa Barbara, California at 9:30 p.m. PST.    1/5/2002 #44305  
he sky over the mountains in Santa Barbara, California and at 10:00 p.m. in 1/8/2003 #44473  
till low in the sky over the Santa Barbara freeway in Santa Barbara, Califo 12/15/2005 #44910  
the Santa Barbara freeway in Santa Barbara, California.                     12/15/2005 #44910  
## Word: "barbato" (Back to Top)
e Around the year 2000, Cristoforo Barbato, editor of Stargate Magazine, re 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
## Word: "barbazan" (Back to Top)
                                   BARBAZAN, FR Observer(s) hit / strong li 10/1976 (approximate) #31436  
## Word: "barbeau" (Back to Top)
ons, among them Julia Juste, Maria Barbeau, and Marion Le Tanneur, of Jarna 10/11/1954 #10935  
nce--among them Julia Juste, Maria Barbeau, and Marion Le Tanneur, of Jarna 10/11/1954 #10952  
## Word: "barbecue" (Back to Top)
           NEAR BRISTOL, AVON 30 / barbecue see and photograph wildly maneu 8/14/1993 #41136  
                Thirty people at a barbecue near Bristol, Avon, England saw 8/14/1993 #41138  
## Word: "barbed" (Back to Top)
ct is moving slowly and stops at a barbed wire fence. Hée goes inside. At 1 10/25/1954 #11392  
he Atomic Energy Commission puts a barbed wire fence around Area 13 at the  1958 #14779  
way, and it slipped under a farm's barbed wire fence and walked toward a la 7/12/1977 #32266  
nd walks through the 10-foot-tall, barbed wire-topped, chain link fence, di 3/17/1978 #33048  
 foot chain link fence topped with barbed wire.  He claimed he and other cl 12/14/1980 #35716  
## Word: "barbed-wire" (Back to Top)
pping from time to time to cut the barbed-wire fencing. They discover a hee 7/5/1947 #2721  
dge and seemed to walk through the barbed-wire fence adjacent to it. It the 5/15/1977 #32096  
## Word: "barbee" (Back to Top)
                                LA BARBEE, FR 30cm globe with 5 spikes hove 1/14/1969 #24841  
s seen hovering in the woods in La Barbee, Sarthe department, France for 45 1/14/1969 #24843  
## Word: "barbeiros" (Back to Top)
                Bairio Paraiso dos Barbeiros, Brazil Student Humberto Aranj 7/12/1965 #19095  
dent driving in Bairio Paraiso dos Barbeiros, Brazil nearly hit a saucer-sh 7/12/1965 #19099  
## Word: "barbel" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Barbel” YieldMax: 40KT                   10/16/1964 #18585  
## Word: "barbell" (Back to Top)
view. The object was shaped like a barbell, with two bulbous spheres on eac 7/23/1956 #13013  
 described by a NASA spokesman as “barbell shaped, bright-orange in color,  4/30/1962 #17141  
 a “melon” with two clouds like a “barbell,” moving in the same direction a 5/5/1981 #35930  
reetops. Going quickly north. Also barbell night lights / Stonewood WV.     1/4/1995 #41949  
## Word: "barbell-shaped" (Back to Top)
was surrounding the object and two barbell-shaped objects are with it and s 11/22/2002 #44449  
three-man hunting party observes a barbell-shaped object within 400 feet of 8/28/2013 #45385  
## Word: "barbencon" (Back to Top)
                                   BARBENCON, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Moon-s 4/14/1974 #29015  
## Word: "barbentane" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / BARBENTANE, FR 1 observer. Flashy white  7/25/1994 #41641  
## Word: "barber" (Back to Top)
 Green and navigator Lieut. Warren Barber, 653rd Bombardment Squadron, are  1/2/1945 #1751  
hree occasions pacing their plane. Barber describes them as a “pair of fog  1/2/1945 #1751  
                        GALLUP, NM Barber. Saucer northwest going quickly s 6/27/1947 #2426  
Gen. Cabell, through his aide Col. Barber, sends a notice to AMC Intelligen 7/7/1950 #5049  
anta Evening. An Atlanta, Georgia, barber named Edward Watters buys a monke 7/7/1953 #8989  
, California. One passenger (Coles Barber) is thrown to the floor and suffe 4/14/1954 #9690  
                   Roseville, Ohio Barber and amateur astronomer Ralph Ditt 11/13/1966 #21098  
H Ralph Ditter, a Zanesville, Ohio barber took two photographs of this unkn 2/1967 #21426  
observer. Bizarre rectangle with 4 barber poles sticking out! Kite?         6/7/1995 #42242  
## Word: "barbereau" (Back to Top)
alley 9:50 p.m. Julia Juste, Maria Barbereau, and Marion Tanneur are drivin 10/11/1954 #10941  
## Word: "barbers" (Back to Top)
                                   BARBERS POINT, HI Navy men. 16M saucer h 3/1952 #5938  
                 Naval Air Station Barbers Point (now Kalaeloa Airport) Haw 8/6/1953 #9052  
he ground around Naval Air Station Barbers Point [now Kalaeloa Airport], Ha 8/6/1953 #9052  
                                At Barbers Point Naval Air Station near Pea 8/6/1953 #9053  
## Word: "barberton" (Back to Top)
                                   BARBERTON, OH 1 / SR21. Dark saucer / 15 2/25/1959 #15608  
At 6:45 a.m., sixty miles north of Barberton, Ohio on State Route 21 in Sum 2/25/1959 #15616  
## Word: "barbiana" (Back to Top)
 object with a wing over a road in Barbiana, Italy at 10:10 p.m. A 25-foot  7/8/1974 #29245  
## Word: "barbiano" (Back to Top)
                                   BARBIANO, ITL 15M saucer with 1 wing qui 7/8/1974 #29243  
## Word: "barbie" (Back to Top)
leges that Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie advised and possibly helped the C 10/7/1967 #23190  
## Word: "barbier" (Back to Top)
ce The Mayor of Bar-sur-Loup, Leon Barbier, saw a large, round object with  6/18/1966 #20578  
                              Leon Barbier, the mayor of Bar-sur-Loup, Fran 6/18/1966 #20582  
## Word: "barbieri" (Back to Top)
gator August C. Roberts and Joseph Barbieri steal a piece of the sign durin 8/19/1953 #9084  
## Word: "barbiturates" (Back to Top)
 a lethal combination of vodka and barbiturates then smothered themselves w 3/26/1997 #43240  
## Word: "barbosa" (Back to Top)
of purity.” Chemist Luisa Maria A. Barbosa, who conducts a spectrographic a Early 9/1957 #13971  
te is interviewed by Judge Gabriel Barbosa de Andrade, then-Secretary of th 10/10/1957 #14095  
ádia La Chaumiere 8:00 p.m. Amauri Barbosa da Silva and Jonil Faydit Vieira 8/3/1967 #22787  
State, Brazil at 9:00 p.m. Marcelo Barbosa and his wife Vaudeline were fixi 5/6/1996 #42898  
me woods about 50 meters away. Sr. Barbosa decided to go out to investigate 5/6/1996 #42898  
## Word: "barbula" (Back to Top)
ncia, Venezuela An employee of the Barbula sanatorium saw an object on the  12/20/1954 #11848  
ncia, Venezuela an employee of the Barbula Sanatorium saw a luminous UFO on 12/20/1954 #11850  
## Word: "barbury" (Back to Top)
as discovered in a wheatfield near Barbury Castle, England. It consisted of 7/17/1991 #40124  
## Word: "barbwire" (Back to Top)
ps. Both boys ran towards a nearby barbwire fence, but were astonished to s 7/11/1978 #33367  
 Then, about 50 meters away near a barbwire fence, he noticed two short hum 4/20/1980 #35281  
 As Carneiro attempted to jump the barbwire fence again, a beam of light st 4/20/1980 #35281  
iving nearby were displaced, and a barbwire fence was installed in the area 9/16/1989 #39109  
ature was last seen moving along a barbwire fence. Shortly later she heard  6/26/1997 #43341  
## Word: "barc" (Back to Top)
        SAN ESTEBAN DE SASROVIRAS, BARC, SP Two 30cm night lights over road 8/17/1973 #27708  
## Word: "barca" (Back to Top)
                     NEAR PONTE DA BARCA, PORTUGAL Farmer and 2. UFO passes 7/1967 #22584  
## Word: "barcelar" (Back to Top)
n shock. Two psychiatrists, Renato Barcelar and Barcelar Viana, examine him 3/24/1978 #33078  
psychiatrists, Renato Barcelar and Barcelar Viana, examine him after he rec 3/24/1978 #33078  
## Word: "barcelona" (Back to Top)
                                   BARCELONA, SP Several observer(s). 1-2 m 3/25/1950 #4720  
                                   BARCELONA, SP 4 observer(s). Bright long 6/25/1950 #5008  
                                   Barcelona, Spain The Centro de Estudios  1957 #13438  
ios Interplanetarios is founded in Barcelona, Spain. From 1970 to 1981 it p 1957 #13438  
                                   BARCELONA, VNZL Numerous observer(s). Hu 10/29/1957 #14159  
                                   BARCELONA, VNZL Humming. Ovoid follows h 10/12/1966 #20994  
                                   Barcelona, Spain Aircraft Encounter Near 9/10/1967 #23029  
ona, Spain Aircraft Encounter Near Barcelona (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, C 9/10/1967 #23029  
                                   Barcelona, Spain Cone-shaped object, haz 9/10/1967 #23031  
                       NORTHWEST / BARCELONA, SP 3 / DC6 crew. 100' silver  9/11/1967 #23034  
                                   Barcelona, Spain 12:30 a.m. Small beings 9/21/1967 #23104  
wns of Santa Coloma and La Roca in Barcelona province he saw a very bright  9/21/1967 #23106  
 object at 10:30 p.m. in Tibidabo, Barcelona, Spain which he first took to  10/1/1967 #23160  
                That same night in Barcelona, Spain a “cactus-like” entity  12/3/1967 #23548  
e Torrellas de las Foix mountains, Barcelona, Spain at 8:15 a.m. It was ten 1/5/1968 #23652  
 drinking from a pond in Curbarsi, Barcelona province, Spain during the day 2/26/1968 #23785  
tnesses in San Sadurni de Osomort, Barcelona, Spain saw a UFO 200 meters aw 8/29/1968 #24400  
a-Puigcerda road near La Llagosta, Barcelona, Spain saw a landed egg-shaped 9/21/1968 #24495  
n 80-year-old woman in Matadepera, Barcelona, Spain witnessed a pear-shaped 1/29/1969 #24877  
iterranean beach in Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain when they suddenly noti 8/16/1971 #26290  
                     Mediterranean Barcelona, Spain 8:35 p.m. Airline pilot 9/9/1978 #33649  
diterranean about 88 miles east of Barcelona, Spain, watch some unidentifie 9/9/1978 #33649  
hts for 35 minutes. Personnel from Barcelona Air Control Center maintain a  9/9/1978 #33649  
                             Spain Barcelona The Spanish Joint Chiefs of St 3/3/1979 #34462  
entre d’Estudis Interplanetaris in Barcelona had solicited King Juan Carlos 3/3/1979 #34462  
 Islands Torrejón Air Base, Madrid Barcelona Manises airport in Valencia Lo 11/11/1979 #34997  
, nor the flight control center in Barcelona can provide any explanation. I 11/11/1979 #34997  
                                   Barcelona Maella Palma de Mallorca north 11/11/1980 #35634  
unter an unusual green object over Barcelona, Maella, Palma de Mallorca, an 11/11/1980 #35634  
              between Valencia and Barcelona, Spain A bright silver disc wi 7/25/1981 #36035  
er as it flew between Valencia and Barcelona, Spain. It appeared to be refl 7/25/1981 #36035  
er as it flew between Valencia and Barcelona, Spain. It appeared to be refl 7/25/1981 #36036  
## Word: "barcelona-puigcerda" (Back to Top)
und two a.m. a truck driver on the Barcelona-Puigcerda road near La Llagost 9/21/1968 #24495  
## Word: "barcelonnette" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BARCELONNETTE, FR 5 teens. Very fast obj 7/31/1968 #24266  
                                   BARCELONNETTE, FR Several observer(s). S 11/1/1975 #30533  
                   At 9:00 p.m. in Barcelonnette, Alpes-Haut-Provence, Fran 11/1/1975 #30535  
## Word: "barcelos" (Back to Top)
                                   BARCELOS, BRZ 3 small humanoids (or Grey 9/16/1962 #17405  
ion worker in Vila Conceicao, near Barcelos, Amazonas, Brazil saw a round g 9/16/1962 #17407  
                                   Barcelos, Brazil Three men working in a  9/18/1962 #17415  
 working on a rubber plantation in Barcelos, Amazonas State, Brazil saw a l 9/18/1962 #17417  
## Word: "barcis" (Back to Top)
                                   BARCIS GOING [TO] CIMOLAIS, ITL Red beam 8/6/1987 #38232  
n the evening, on the road between Barcis and Cimolais, Italy a car with th 8/6/1987 #38233  
## Word: "barclay" (Back to Top)
              Rockland, TX John M. Barclay was intrigued when his dog barke 4/22/1897 #553  
           Rockland, Texas John M. Barclay was intrigued when his dog barke 4/22/1897 #555  
ghts, it went dark when it landed. Barclay was met by a man who told him hi 4/22/1897 #555  
Rockland, Texas 11:00 p.m. John M. Barclay wakes up when he hears a whirrin 4/22/1897 #559  
es then lands in a nearby pasture. Barclay goes down to investigate with hi 4/22/1897 #559  
ifies himself as “Smith” and gives Barclay $10 to purchase lubricating oil, 4/22/1897 #559  
, two chisels, and bluestone. When Barclay returns with the materials, the  4/22/1897 #559  
                           John M. Barclay of Rockland, Texas was intrigued 4/22/1897 #561  
d him his purpose was peaceful met Barclay and requested some common hardwa 4/22/1897 #561  
## Word: "bard" (Back to Top)
 Approximate date. Robert Hibnight bard was caught by an anchor dropped fro 3/26/1897 #394  
olored humanoid being with a large bard heald, his feet encased in mist, ap 8/22/1980 #35475  
## Word: "bardenas" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BARDENAS, SP Pilot / Air Force F104. Odd 6/1/1968 #23999  
                                   BARDENAS REALES, SP Several 20M saucers  1/2/1975 #29693  
                               Las Bardenas Reales Arguedas, Navarre, Spain 1/2/1975 #29702  
rs on a military patrol at the Las Bardenas Reales firing range near Argued 1/2/1975 #29702  
                               Las Bardenas Reales, Spain Confidential Span 1/8/1975 #29730  
otted by military personnel at Las Bardenas Reales, near Zaragoza Air Base  1/8/1975 #29730  
## Word: "bardi" (Back to Top)
0 p.m. Agricultural engineer Pedro Bardi and others on a farm in the Madre  7/19/1952 #6932  
 their short-wave radio goes dead. Bardi says it is a bit smaller than a DC 7/19/1952 #6932  
## Word: "bardi's" (Back to Top)
       Agricultural engineer Pedro Bardi's farm in the Madre de Dios region 7/19/1952 #6932  
## Word: "bardney" (Back to Top)
                                In Bardney, England this afternoon a group  6/12/1977 #32160  
## Word: "bardsley" (Back to Top)
ge A. Woodward and copilot William Bardsley see four round, metallic object 10/15/1950 #5236  
## Word: "bardstown" (Back to Top)
verhead, then moved away rapidly. (Bardstown Standard, Kentucky, 3/16/67, c 3/8/1967 #21805  
## Word: "bare" (Back to Top)
es a hovering object that leaves a bare spot in the ground. Kenneth Arnold  2/18/1948 #3579  
 seen by Walker AFB T/Sgt. Raymond Bare in a car in downtown Roswell, New M 5/12/1952 #6305  
hing and gloves as if his arms are bare. He feels the same thing on his leg 11/17/1954 #11663  
he percentage of the unknowns to a bare minimum.” As long as there is suffi 2/15/1955 #12004  
et altitude. The liquid caused his bare skin to feel like someone had poure 7/22/1955 #12280  
the circle is burned, leaving only bare earth, and there are four slots in  7/16/1963 #17833  
nd Ross Liverton reports a ring of bare earth, 8 feet wide, in the ground o 1965 #18688  
m down with a ballpoint pen on his bare arms. They next told him they would 1/25/1968 #23700  
after which she found herself in a bare white room. A man shorter than her, 5/3/1968 #23942  
scovers a 24-foot-diameter, nearly bare oval in the soybean field. The plan 7/12/1969 #25264  
t by the heel of its boot with his bare hand. It burns him like a hot iron, 2/5/1971 #26014  
t by the heel of its boot with his bare hand. He found that touching it bur 2/5/1971 #26015  
blue-gloved hand and 3 toes on his bare, white feet. The being took from th 5/15/1973 #27492  
counterclockwise and there are two bare patches.                            12/15/1973 #28577  
ircle deteriorated, leaving behind bare earth. A cowpad in the circle was c 5/6/1975 #30042  
nded. At the location, they find a bare spot, 12 feet square, of burned gra 11/2/1975 #30540  
Jacksonville, where he notices his bare feet are red and inflamed. The redn 8/20/1980 #35469  
a handsome blond haired man with a bare chest. She remembered looking down  7/23/1997 #43358  
## Word: "barefoot" (Back to Top)
nd men, who had long hair and were barefoot. They asked the boys if they we 9/4/1964 #18534  
se and cart on a dirt road, with a barefoot peasant wearing a straw hat. An 9/15/1977 #32485  
tly lived there. The children were barefoot and wore white, loose fitting o 8/2/2001 #44220  
## Word: "bareheaded" (Back to Top)
ray shiny uniforms, appeared to be bareheaded, and carried what resembled " 4/20/1967 #22172  
## Word: "barely" (Back to Top)
e possibility, in which case Earth barely avoided multiple Tunguska events  8/12/1883 #255  
o rise up at fantastic speed until barely discernible, then to come down ag 4/1/1897 #405  
rise up at a fantastic speed until barely discernible, then to come down ag 4/1/1897 #409  
ey. Moving low and soundlessly, it barely skims over a nearby hill. From it 10/1943 #1531  
a seaport town in southern Sweden, barely grazing the roofs and trailing sm 8/12/1946 #2123  
s original size, then shrinks to a barely visible yellow point. These chang 9/4/1957 #13978  
atteries run out. The satellite is barely visible at sixth magnitude.       10/4/1957 #14057  
k, Alaska, south of Dillingham. It barely clears electric wires 12 feet abo 5/19/1960 #16289  
t of the car. He did so and "could barely make out" little men with big ear 8/9/1965 #19350  
is mouth had lips so thin as to be barely visible. They saw no nose. He was 11/2/1967 #23392  
en flies off rapidly to the south, barely clearing the wall that surrounds  7/22/1968 #24204  
then flew off rapidly to the south barely clearing the wall that surrounded 7/22/1968 #24205  
ent to the left. The first two had barely disappeared when a third small be 5/11/1969 #25128  
to] all over/all about. Dark shape barely visible behind night light. Going 5/1/1971 #26093  
He took extremely long strides and barely seemed to touch the pavement.     8/19/1973 #27714  
b/globe pulses different color(s). Barely moves. / r231'74p55.              10/4/1973 #27929  
gs. He then began to feel weak and barely able to move. One of the beings a 10/28/1973 #28311  
torus? / field. Great fear. Object barely describable.                      8/15/1974 #29351  
 from the bottom. The craft passed barely inches from the windshield of her 9/3/1974 #29418  
any abduction motifs which, though barely noted or entirely unknown in 1975 8/26/1975 #30310  
ding crouched over in a space only barely big enough for him. The light was 2/10/1977 #31808  
in the being's suit, and she could barely make out some sort of face behind 2/10/1977 #31808  
 lights. His horse panicked and he barely managed to ride back home. When h 9/6/1978 #33640  
 the University of Wyoming campus. Barely 20 people show up, but Sprinkle n 5/23/1980 #35340  
lumbia. In a brief decision issued barely a week after oral arguments, the  10/28/1981 #36192  
, even when directly overhead, are barely audible at ground level when they 11/1984 #37500  
 very bright to the observers, are barely discernible on the photos. The tr 3/31/1990 #39503  
hem, Belgium, wakes up and hears a barely audible, high-frequency, whistlin 3/15/1991 #40014  
USS Carl Vinson near Haiti. It was barely beneath the surface when he saw i 1/2010 #45266  
## Word: "barentin" (Back to Top)
                               A15 BARENTIN TO/FROM ROUEN, FR Delta/triangl 10/20/1985 #37688  
## Word: "barents" (Back to Top)
                                   BARENTS SEA MURMANSK TO/FROM TERIBERKA,  5/23/1956 (approximate) #12866  
                                   Barents Sea The Soviet submarine repair  10/7/1977 #32559  
marine repair ship Volga is in the Barents Sea when its radar picks up an u 10/7/1977 #32559  
K Russian RADAR. Bright craft from Barents Sea going quickly south toward(s 9/2/1990 #39714  
## Word: "barge" (Back to Top)
FR Sky turns green / 10 minute(s). Barge and environs all lit green.        7/1/1965 #19041  
               SSE / AUDELANGE, FR Barge with 2 bright portholes going sout 9/27/1970 #25855  
king as an engineer on the jack-up barge GSF Galveston Key in the North Sea Late 8/1989 #39073  
## Word: "bargemon" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / BARGEMON, FR 20 teens. Orange silent dom 8/11/1969 #25315  
cend slowly for 20 minutes west of Bargemon, Var department, France. It cam 8/11/1969 #25318  
## Word: "barger" (Back to Top)
agoya, Japan Witness:  Capt. T. W. Barger, USAF electronics countermeasures 6/28/1952 #6658  
## Word: "bargersville" (Back to Top)
                                   Bargersville, Indiana Empty Fields 9:00  5/9/1980 #35319  
 driving home with her daughter in Bargersville, Indiana, when bright red f 5/9/1980 #35319  
cross, and down telephone lines in Bargersville, Indiana then went up anoth 5/9/1980 #35321  
## Word: "barges" (Back to Top)
 EMPRESS II were EMP generators on barges.  https://youtu.be/er0BcRQShIY?t= 8/18/2014 #45414  
## Word: "bargis" (Back to Top)
                  CHATEAUNEV VAL / BARGIS, FR 1 / D2. Luminous green globe  7/19/1976 #31174  
## Word: "barham" (Back to Top)
                       SOUTHWEST / BARHAM, KENT 2 / car. Orange glowing-bal 1/24/1975 #29763  
                                   Barham, Kent, UK On this night an orange 1/24/1975 #29764  
t an orange glowing ball flew over Barham, Kent, England at a low altitude  1/24/1975 #29765  
## Word: "bari" (Back to Top)
                                   Bari, Italy Night. Some 105 German Junke 12/2/1943 #1549  
 Ju 888 bombers attack the port of Bari, Italy, a key supply center for All 12/2/1943 #1549  
              ADRIATIC NORTHEAST / BARI, ITL 3 P38 crews. Silver disk / 50k 6/5/1944? #1603  
] Rome. Also Turin and Bologna and Bari and Vercelli and Imola and Modena a 9/22/1946 #2186  
                                   BARI, ITALY Many observer(s). Saucer pas 12/6/1958 #15470  
t passed very low over the city of Bari, Apulia, Italy at about 11:00 p.m.  12/6/1958 #15473  
                                   BARI, ITALY Saucer with intense light. 2 3/31/1980 #35243  
## Word: "baridiami" (Back to Top)
                                   BARIDIAMI, SENEGAL AND MORE/OTHERS Cylin 9/9/1980 #35506  
## Word: "barika" (Back to Top)
                                   BARIKA, ALGERIA Every day / days. Saucer 10/26/1954 #11410  
## Word: "bariloche" (Back to Top)
                         SOUTH C / BARILOCHE, ARG Huge white saucer buzzes  7/31/1995 #42344  
                     San Carlos de Bariloche Airport, Rio Negro, Argentina  7/31/1995 #42347  
 landing pattern for San Carlos de Bariloche Airport, Rio Negro, Argentina. 7/31/1995 #42347  
 landing approach to San Carlos de Bariloche airport, Rio Negro province, A 7/31/1995 #42348  
                   SOUTH CARLOS DE BARILOCHE, ARG Saucer on 15 minute(s) /  10/5/1995 #42535  
after he left his parents' home in Bariloche, Rio Negro province, Argentina 5/4/1999 #43762  
## Word: "barinas" (Back to Top)
                                   BARINAS, VNZL Numerous prominent observe 12/23/1954 #11854  
st over the El Toreno oil field in Barinas province, Venezuela.             3/20/1965 #18870  
                                   BARINAS, VNZ Sheriff and crowd. Giant lu 9/15/1965 #19562  
                                   BARINAS, VNZ Hunters. Woods lit up. Very 8/18/1966 #20760  
                                   Barinas, Venezuela Three hunters, E. Beu 8/18/1966 #20762  
 a strange glow in the forest near Barinas, Venezuela and discovered a very 8/18/1966 #20763  
                                   BARINAS, VNZ 3 / car. Ovoid 1.5M high la 11/14/1967 #23445  
                                   Barinas, Venezuela Orlando Gonzales and  11/14/1967 #23449  
o Gonzales and two other people in Barinas, Venezuela saw an oval-shaped ob 11/14/1967 #23452  
## Word: "barinova" (Back to Top)
On this evening 16-year-old Hatawa Barinova was returning home on her moped 10/11/1989 #39164  
## Word: "baritu" (Back to Top)
o earth in a mountainous zone near Baritu in northern part of Salta provinc 5/6/1978 #33191  
## Word: "barium" (Back to Top)
emie in Berlin, Germany, producing barium by bombarding uranium with neutro 12/17/1938 #1301  
 magnesium, strontium, copper, and barium.                                  Early 9/1957 #13971  
ents magnesium, aluminum, calcium, barium, and titanium. There were at leas 4/27/1961 #16664  
 to green. This turned out to be a barium cloud experiment launched by NASA 10/3/1967 #23172  
ircumference. This too was not the barium cloud experiment, which they had  10/3/1967 #23172  
family thinks it might have been a barium cloud produced by rockets launche 1/6/1969 #24821  
wing object screams overhead. NASA barium cloud?                            10/5/1970 #25866  
 and many. Blue green disk follows barium cloud experiment. Going north.    1/15/1975 #29749  
 aircraft for 20 minutes. Possible barium cloud released by a rocket.       11/19/1976 #31558  
ns might be due to a high-altitude barium cloud produced by a rocket launch 6/14/1980 #35368  
## Word: "bark" (Back to Top)
 Cornelis Dirks Swart of the Dutch bark J.P.A. sees a “meteor in the shape  3/19/1887 #279  
ring noise that causes his dogs to bark wildly outside his home near Rockla 4/22/1897 #559  
own. Man / diving suit exits. Dogs bark. Going up [to] silent. / r217p261.  10/14/1954 #11031  
s later Mrs. Paquet's dog began to bark furiously, and she see a silent dar 10/18/1954 #11215  
Jersey, when his two dogs begin to bark and howl. He hears a whirring noise 12/30/1957 #14771  
                 JANE LEW, WV Dogs bark. Odd whine. 2 observer(s) frozen. G 7/1959 #15806  
                                   BARK RIVER, MI Project Bluebook Case #72 2/27/1961 #16604  
                                   Bark River, MI Fiery-red, round object,  2/27/1961 #16608  
                                   Bark River, Michigan Witness:  Mrs. LaPa 2/27/1961 #16609  
nd her daughter for ten minutes in Bark River, Michigan. Her dog howled dur 2/27/1961 #16610  
nnae. Dogs in the neighborhood all bark at it. When Crowe is 50–60 feet fro 7/19/1965 #19134  
     PARKES, AUSTR 2 farmers. Dogs bark. Luminous saucer hovers near radio- 8/10/1965 #19354  
. Meteor stops and continues. Dogs bark. UFO hovers low. Ping sound.        3/29/1966 #20124  
 5M saucer / 4 portholes. All dogs bark. Light beams going down. / r8#781+/ 7/18/1966 #20651  
lectro-magnetic effect (EME). Dogs bark. Silent circular object hovers / fi 10/20/1967 #23271  
ing the witness was out collecting bark for firewood in a spot near her lak 5/2/1968 #23940  
E (electro-magnetic effects). Dogs bark.                                    11/17/1968 (approximate) #24664  
UFO 40' thick. Portholes. All dogs bark. / Dr. G. Allen.                    11/30/1968 #24735  
               LUTESVILLE, MO Dogs bark. Huge ovoid lands / field. Rises go 2/1969 #24885  
down / 3 hours! Wave to 1974. Dogs bark.                                    5/17/1972 #26685  
 (RFI) and night light. 0300h dogs bark. Night light back. Tree burnt. Trip 9/14/1972 #26994  
                  DURBAN, RSA Dogs bark. Flying chandelier! 10' circle / br 2/9/1973 #27274  
                    BEREA, TN Dogs bark. UFO going down / woods. Small huma 10/15/1973 #28044  
e early evening when they began to bark. Further ahead he saw a landed, rou 10/19/1973 #28198  
BEAUREGARD-BARRET, FR Farmer. Dogs bark. 25M orange ovoid going up [to] slo 4/5/1974 #28995  
              NEUF-MESNIL, FR Dogs bark furiously. Saucer going east. Going 4/27/1974 #29066  
Luminous mass / low altitude. Dogs bark. Burnt trees Foret / Ecouvres.      8/26/1974 #29389  
saucer responds / car lights. Dogs bark. / FSRv20#5.                        11/5/1974 #29584  
                TOWNSHEND, VT Dogs bark. Big glow. 15' circle / melted snow 12/14/1974 #29640  
only superficially burned on their bark but that the fire is oil-based. The 2/10/1975 #29800  
re maneuvers to and fro fast. Dogs bark. Object going [to] away fast.       7/1975 #30136  
rt flies. 70cm "wedge" lands. Dogs bark. / r30.                             7/4/1975 (approximate) #30154  
 bamboo. Static electric. All dogs bark. Gone / 5 second(s).                7/20/1975 #30189  
oing down. Beams end sharply. Dogs bark.                                    8/6/1975 #30240  
t. Then drops to horizon. All dogs bark.                                    6/14/1976 (approximate) #31106  
5 second(s). High and silent. Dogs bark.                                    8/17/1976 #31275  
ver(s)' voice can't be heard! Dogs bark.                                    8/29/1976 #31311  
object hovers / 80' altitude. Dogs bark. Going south. "Vanishes".           1/26/1977 #31751  
                Anchorage, KY Dogs bark while object is present (NICAP: 04  1/26/1977 #31752  
s unusual, described as a “scared” bark (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)      7/13/1977 #32268  
presence, dogs in the neighborhood bark almost constantly. The objects disa 8/3/1977 #32353  
New Zealand wakes up when his dogs bark loudly in their kennels. He goes to 12/2/1977 #32726  
              SMITHFIELD, NSW Dogs bark. Huge cylinder/cigar-shape and 4 ov 10/27/1978 #33883  
nd. The dogs stop in their tracks, bark, and retreat in terror. The witness 8/1979 #34692  
               NEW CASTLE, KY Dogs bark. Vibrant bright cylinder/cigar-shap 3/20/1980 #35224  
POLLOCK PINES, CA 1 observer. Dogs bark and run. DC10 size silent cylinder/ 9/6/1981 #36104  
                  Auberry, CA Dogs bark and lights dim as disc follows powe 9/6/1982 #36597  
uzzes is silent. Stray dogs do not bark, and the lights on the poles are bl 8/12/1983 #36949  
ams going down [to] all over. Dogs bark. Shape unknown.                     2/22/1984 #37196  
g down. Doesn't light ground! Dogs bark.                                    9/12/1985 #37658  
              GULF BREEZE, FL Dogs bark. 3' saucers land. Vanish as observe 2/8/1989 #38823  
    DALLAS, OR 2 observer(s). Dogs bark. 100' domed saucer glows over pastu 10/16/1990 #39789  
HAUMOIS, FR Farmer Michel. 18 dogs bark. Glowing-ball and 2 dark saucers ho 3/4/1992 #40352  
                   DUNDEE, OH Dogs bark. 30' circle / dark soil found / far 3/20/1992 #40391  
R 4 / (seen thru) binoculars. Dogs bark. Black triangle / lit corners. Goin 3/5/1994 #41440  
    SIBLEY CO, MN 1 observer. Dogs bark. Colored bright orbs float over far 6/24/1995 #42270  
   REDMOND, WA 2 observer(s). Dogs bark. 1 then 4 large round objects with  9/22/1995 #42499  
e light, and the neighborhood dogs bark constantly. Fernando’s brother, Ala 1/2/1998 #43486  
                   Nipomo, CA Dogs bark/howl during aurora display (NICAP:  3/30/2001 #44153  
                Salisbury, MD Dogs bark at fireball that lights terrain and 1/22/2002 #44309  
nd Hills, TX Horses startled, dogs bark, as object hovers over pasture (NIC 5/3/2003 #44522  
   Camarillo, CA Dogs aggressively bark and visually track disc (NICAP: 04  11/10/2005 #44901  
ought it was a dog, but it did not bark, move, or approach them, and it sud 4/12/2008 #45128  
## Word: "barked" (Back to Top)
Barclay was intrigued when his dog barked furiously and a high-pitched nois 4/22/1897 #553  
Barclay was intrigued when his dog barked furiously and a high-pitched nois 4/22/1897 #555  
dren came out of their home as dog barked furiously. They found a large obj 9/27/1954 #10472  
ng suit walked around it. The dogs barked at him. He boarded the machine, a 10/15/1954 #11098  
out and walked around it. The dogs barked at him. The being then boarded th 10/15/1954 #11114  
Galt, Ontario, CAN Dog snarled and barked at landed domed disc (NICAP: 04 - 7/30/1957 #13859  
ith apparently no effect. His dogs barked incessantly during the close enco 4/28/1964 #18218  
omed disc with legs on beach, dogs barked loudly. Object took off with soun 7/19/1965 #19133  
d from 2 1/2 barrels to one; a dog barked, and other animals were terrified 8/20/1965 #19439  
trees for 3-4 minutes, while a dog barked, and then zipped out of sight.  S 2/2/1966 #19875  
 trees for 3-4 minutes while a dog barked, and then zipped out of sight. Th 2/2/1966 #19876  
ed southeast over the airport, dog barked (animal reactions). (NICAP notes. 4/7/1966 #20263  
red over the horizon to west. Dogs barked wildly (animal reaction). (Letter 2/16/1967 #21564  
over homes and then moved on. Dogs barked during the sighting (animal react 3/2/1967 #21723  
 Fishing Creek Valley, PA Two dogs barked at object 150' away (NICAP: 04 -  4/1/1967 #22040  
directed downward. Dogs howled and barked and a pony reacted to the beams o 4/17/1967 #22156  
This witness's dog also whimpered, barked, and scratched at the door in res 8/9/1967 #22853  
 spun, and moved up-and-down. Dogs barked during the sighting.              10/2/1967 #23168  
 a humming sound. Dogs in the area barked and whined (animal reactions) dur 10/26/1967 #23332  
tion, making a humming sound. Dogs barked and whined during the sighting.   10/26/1967 #23336  
a nearby pole went out and the dog barked uncontrollably. The burning jacke 3/19/1968 #23850  
 10:00 p.m. while dogs in the town barked furiously. There were electromagn 5/29/1968 #23994  
e houses close to the ground. Dogs barked, and the witness was terrified.   7/24/1968 #24218  
g a buzzing sound while their dogs barked in a terrified manner. They saw a 4/28/1969 #25099  
p and around for three hours. Dogs barked.                                  5/17/1969 #25140  
p in mid-flight at 8:10 p.m. A dog barked furiously during the five minute  9/24/1969 #25378  
                              Dogs barked furiously in Neuf-Mesnil, Nord de 4/27/1974 #29068  
     In Hierges, Nord, France dogs barked fiercely when a metallic domed di 9/4/1974 #29422  
          Maitland, N.S.W, AU Dogs barked furiously, circular yellow-white  10/17/1974 #29539  
  Maitland, N.S.W., Australia Dogs barked furiously, circular yellow-white  10/17/1974 #29540  
bmarine object) at 10:30 p.m. Dogs barked as a colored light maneuvered und 8/12/1976 #31260  
 hair, and walked stiffly. the dog barked furiously at the being. A black s 8/14/1976 #31264  
owy field at 10:30 p.m. Their dogs barked during the close encounter. The c 1/26/1977 #31753  
n from the sky into the field. Dog barked. UFO was oblong, very, very huge  9/25/1978 #33747  
          Mindalore, S, Africa Dog barked, mother and child saw craft on gr 1/3/1979 #34286  
       Mindalore, South Africa Dog barked, mother and child saw craft on gr 1/3/1979 #34289  
evening at 9 p.m. A dog whined and barked as more red balls of light moved  5/9/1980 #35321  
 quiet and the witness's dog never barked during the sighting. Two minutes  6/21/1980 #35386  
                At 3:54 a.m. a dog barked excitedly at the same time a marr 4/25/1981 #35917  
                      Dogs ran and barked when a DC-10 sized cigar-shaped o 9/6/1981 #36105  
                Sandy Hook, CT Dog barked at boomerang (NICAP: 04 - Animal  3/31/1983 #36826  
above their neighbor's house. Dogs barked. The UFO, estimated as the size o 10/13/1983 #37005  
returned to the dog pens, the dogs barked at him and would not let him insi 5/6/1984 #37325  
the northwest. Ferri’s dog has not barked through the entire encounter, ref 10/9/1984 #37484  
                              Dogs barked and a farmer watched as a glowing 9/11/1985 #37657  
              Gulf Breeze, FL Dogs barked constantly as 2 small discs lande 2/8/1989 #38824  
 in Crestview, Florida a man's dog barked as a 90-foot diameter disc-shaped 4/21/1989 #38919  
                   Waymart, PA Dog barked continuously, oval object w/light 6/7/1990 #39607  
 of the object. Meanwhile, her dog barked continuously during the encounter 6/7/1990 #39609  
                   Piketon, OH Dog barked at hovering oval dome; also fearf 6/14/1993 #41015  
                   Norman, OK Dogs barked, light passed (excitement of witn 8/10/1993 #41121  
nimal reaction case occurred. Dogs barked as a huge, fat, battleship gray U 8/10/1993 #41122  
t 0.6 meters off the ground. A dog barked for 30 minutes during the sightin 10/30/1993 #41256  
department, France. The farm's dog barked furiously, and the UFO shot away  9/22/1994 #41772  
            Sao Paulo, Brazil Dogs barked a small sphere roamed area (NICAP 1/2/1998 #43485  
 8:30 p.m. a married couple's dogs barked madly as a disc-shaped object wit 6/7/2000 #44001  
ectly over their house. Their dogs barked frantically during the fly-over.  11/9/2002 #44437  
## Word: "barken" (Back to Top)
               Sörbo, Sweden Södra Barken About 3:00 p.m. A housewife near  7/9/1946 #2039  
, is washing on the shore of Södra Barken when she sees a falling object co 7/9/1946 #2039  
## Word: "barker" (Back to Top)
ans (Archbishop of Sydney Frederic Barker and New South Wales Premier James 7/25/1868 #176  
    Albert K. Bender appoints Gray Barker as IFSB’s chief investigator.     2/1953 #8625  
    Clarksburg, West Virginia Gray Barker starts publishing The Saucerian B 9/1953 #9133  
 Albert K. Bender confides to Gray Barker and a few others that three menac 9/28/1953 #9186  
nternational Flying Saucer Bureau. Barker immortalizes the episode in a 195 9/28/1953 #9186  
rom the distant planet Kazik. Even Barker concedes privately that he cannot 9/28/1953 #9186  
rickworks 10:15 a.m. Capt. Douglas Barker, a pilot with Australian National 1/1/1954 #9436  
                              Gray Barker publishes They Knew Too Much abou 1956 #12634  
y written by the same person. Gray Barker’s Saucerian Press publishes the V 4/1956 #12777  
 hoax concocted by ufologists Gray Barker and James W. Moseley. The letter  12/6/1957 #14678  
-6b airliner piloted by Capt. John Barker is flying over Bougainville Reef  5/28/1965 #18973  
 a stewardess also see the object. Barker takes photos of the UFO, but when 5/28/1965 #18973  
 However, an official statement by Barker to the RAAF surfaces, in which he 5/28/1965 #18973  
hersville, IN 2:30 a.m. Richard D. Barker of the Seymour State Police post  2/5/1967 #21455  
ld sighting. Speakers include Gray Barker, John A. Keel, Moseley, Art Ford, 6/22/1967 #22535  
                   THANET, KENT M. Barker and 2. 4 ovoids going north towar 7/26/1973 #27652  
d the woods around Forest Road and Barker Ten Mile Road but found nothing.  12/29/1974 #29661  
d Reports, case A1465, citing Gray Barker, UFO Report, June 1977, p. 37). ( 3/3/1976 #30919  
63 Boyle, Alberta 7:00 a.m. Arnold Barker is driving south on Alberta Highw 12/15/1976 #31604  
 the ground and 100–150 feet away. Barker takes a few steps toward it, but  12/15/1976 #31604  
                                   Barker Shopping Plaza State Highway 82 C 11/27/1979 #35020  
 assistant manager of a spa in the Barker Shopping Plaza off State Highway  11/27/1979 #35020  
ois UFO, January 5, 2000 by Darryl Barker Productions.                      1/5/2000 #43920  
woman he calls the Black Widow, Al Barker, Bill Salter, and a retired milit 6/2005 #44846  
## Word: "barkhamsted" (Back to Top)
                                   Barkhamsted, CT 8:00 p.m. EST. Two coupl 2/5/1967 #21458  
. EST. Two couples in a car at the Barkhamsted Reservoir saw a dark sphere  2/5/1967 #21458  
ere driving home from work between Barkhamsted and Winsted and heading west 2/21/1968 #23770  
ere driving home from work between Barkhamsted and Winsted, Connecticut and 2/21/1968 #23773  
## Word: "barkhan" (Back to Top)
 ready, Dmitriy took another man, "Barkhan", and went on a reconnaissance p 8/25/2004 #44741  
## Word: "barkhoff" (Back to Top)
jet’s nose drops and Suggs signals Barkhoff to bail out. Suggs bails out an 6/1953 #8922  
## Word: "barkhurst" (Back to Top)
ect. Replacement skywatchers Sadie Barkhurst and Mrs. Olaf Teglund also see 8/7/1952 #7509  
## Word: "barking" (Back to Top)
o Melvin Bannister, whose dogs are barking fiercely. The stranger points a  4/15/1897 #488  
was intrigued when his dog started barking furiously at 11:30 p.m. and he h 4/22/1897 #561  
 3:00 a.m. Luther Myers hears dogs barking outside his home in Carlisle, Pe 8/28/1897 #607  
icket fence 50–75 feet away, begin barking and howling. The boys stop work  5/1913 #888  
, England, is awakened by her dogs barking. She sees outside her bedroom wi Late 6/1915 #929  
overhead. Parrott's dog reacted by barking and running around while the UFO 4/4/1949 #4074  
came out of his house as a dog was barking and saw a dark object on the rai 9/10/1954 #10284  
ord, France, to see why his dog is barking. He hears hurried footsteps on h 9/10/1954 #10286  
nce at 10:30 p.m. when his dog was barking and saw a dark object sitting on 9/10/1954 #10288  
                  Hearing her dogs barking and howling at 2:30 p.m., Ms. Lu 9/26/1954 #10452  
at 8:30 p.m. because their dog was barking furiously. They saw a large obje 9/27/1954 #10478  
. The witness was paralyzed. A dog barking about 100 m away caused the rapi 10/21/1954 #11297  
a diving suit emerge. A dog begins barking and the entity retreats inside a 10/21/1954 #11301  
. The witness was paralyzed. A dog barking about 100 m away caused the rapi 10/21/1954 #11306  
d the volume increases. Dogs begin barking in the neighborhood, so she look 10/23/1954 #11340  
his radio shriek and his dog began barking. He looked out and saw a huge si 10/23/1954 #11343  
ir dog became agitated and started barking. One of the youths went ahead to 10/25/1954 #11401  
time all the dogs in the area were barking. Other witnesses nearby reported 11/1/1954 #11523  
 them and that their sheep dog was barking. M. G. observed three “dark colo 11/23/1954 #11697  
earth four times. The dogs ran out barking as it landed within 100 m of the 5/29/1955 #12166  
 2:00 p.m. Hearing the family dogs barking in the backyard, a Mrs. Martin w 3/6/1957 #13523  
 Jersey Mrs. Martin heard her dogs barking. She looked outside to see a Der 3/6/1957 #13524  
rneath the object. Dogs reacted by barking furiously. At the landing site t 7/30/1957 #13863  
n auto mechanic was alerted by the barking of his dog and heard a whirring  12/30/1957 #14770  
own, New Jersey was alerted by the barking of his dog and heard a whirring  12/30/1957 #14772  
red light and her three dogs begin barking. The source is a 25-foot diamete 11/11/1958 #15438  
            Carignan, France A dog barking at a glowing object resting in a 12/9/1960 #16529  
in Carignan, France a dog was seen barking at a glowing UFO resting in a pa 12/9/1960 #16531  
 Pescadero, California 8:15 p.m. A barking dog alerts the caretaker of the  11/3/1964 #18605  
ckwise direction. Their dogs start barking at it. They believe it is going  6/19/1965 #19017  
alia Two children attracted by the barking of a dog saw a luminous object r 7/30/1965 #19211  
lintock children, attracted by the barking of a dog, saw a luminous disc-sh 7/30/1965 #19212  
                                   BARKING SAND TR STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY / 8/3/1965 #19275  
a said that their dog "went crazy" barking at a hovering disc-shaped object 8/11/1965 #19368  
ps. The witnesses' dogs reacted by barking, and there was static on the TV  3/13/1966 #19958  
crumpled aluminum foil." Dogs were barking (animal reactions) and a pinging 3/29/1966 #20132  
he observers is alerted by his dog barking persistently and looking to the  6/16/1966 #20568  
 All the dogs in the vicinity were barking.                                 7/17/1966 #20648  
 All the dogs in the vicinity were barking.                                 7/17/1966 #20649  
 during the event. Dogs reacted by barking.                                 2/3/1967 #21447  
ng man heard a strange noise and a barking dog, and saw an egg-shaped objec 2/5/1967 #21459  
 Ohio, hears a strange noise and a barking dog. He looks up and sees an obj 2/5/1967 #21460  
r in Hilliards, Ohio heard his dog barking and a strange noise, and then sa 2/5/1967 #21462  
ainst the window and races around, barking and jumping. She notices an oval 2/22/1967 #21623  
mes, and then move away. Dogs were barking at the time. Two hours later in  3/2/1967 #21733  
 8:50 p.m. PST (10:50 p.m. CST). A barking dog alerted five witnesses (anim 3/22/1967 #21946  
 lights were turned off. Dogs were barking animal reaction). (Salisbury, 19 4/22/1967 #22205  
vening in Lapoint, Utah. Dogs were barking at the time. When the driver tur 4/22/1967 #22210  
constant droning sound." Dogs were barking and howling (animal reactions).  6/25/1967 #22553  
ight went out and the dogs stopped barking. The two principal witnesses cou 6/25/1967 #22555  
. At some point a dog nearby began barking, and the second entity quickly b 7/19/1967 #22701  
m it. It caused their dog to begin barking. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 8/9/1967 #22852  
m it. It caused their dog to begin barking. The witnesses reported that the 8/9/1967 #22853  
with a light beam for 2-1/2 hours. Barking dogs (animal reaction) alerted t 8/12/1967 #22865  
 and Mrs. Miedtke, awakened by the barking of their dog, saw a large hemisp 8/12/1967 #22867  
in. They are awakened by their dog barking outside. They look out the windo 8/12/1967 #22868  
 their camper. The dog has stopped barking and they can hear none of the us 8/12/1967 #22868  
, they hear the dog whimpering and barking, followed by the muffled noise l 8/12/1967 #22868  
 And Mrs. Miedtke, awakened by the barking of their dog at 2:30 a.m., soon  8/12/1967 #22869  
and maneuvered rapidly in the sky. Barking dogs (animal reactions) first at 9/1967 #22969  
ve off a yellowish glow. Dogs were barking (animal reaction) during the sig 10/2/1967 #23165  
 observation, and a nearby dog was barking.                                 10/24/1967 #23309  
 flash, and one of the dogs begins barking vigorously. They drive toward th 1/20/1968 #23683  
                      Redlands, CA Barking dog alerts to slow moving round  2/4/1968 #23732  
                      Redlands, CA Barking dogs, unusual sound, attracted a 2/4/1968 #23733  
Upton, Quebec, are awakened by the barking of their dog. When he gets up to 7/28/1968 #24244  
Canada was awakened by their dog's barking. The father went out to investig 7/28/1968 #24246  
, Canada when they heard their dog barking furiously. They heard a creaking 8/6/1968 #24301  
a buzzing sound and her dogs began barking. The next day several ground tra 8/12/1968 #24317  
a buzzing sound and her dogs began barking. The witness then saw a second o 8/12/1968 #24318  
a buzzing sound and her dogs began barking at eight o'clock in the evening. 8/12/1968 #24322  
rtholes. All dogs in the area were barking at the time. They sent their pho 11/30/1968 #24737  
 were awakened at 4:30 a.m. by the barking of their dog. They also heard a  1/14/1969 #24842  
 as a result, and his dogs started barking every morning at 2 a.m.          2/9/1969 #24907  
Paul Chaput is awakened by his dog barking. He looks out the window and see 5/11/1969 #25125  
n Demers Center, Quebec, Canada. A barking dog woke the witnesses, Mr. & Mr 5/11/1969 #25127  
nd dogs reacted to its presence by barking.                                 5/12/1969 #25133  
eard at the door and the dog began barking in Cannes, Alpes-Maritime Depart 7/21/1969 #25289  
 Seville, Spain caused the furious barking of two dogs. What appeared befor 8/5/1970 #25770  
t Lynchford, Tasmania, by his dogs barking and a strange humming noise like 5/25/1971 #26136  
 low in sky. A lot of dogs started barking wildly at the time. The UFO lean 10/31/1971 #26442  
s in Scituate, Massachusetts began barking. A policeman on patrol noticed a 4/20/1972 #26655  
m. they are awakened by their dogs barking at something in a nearby woods.  9/14/1972 #26999  
ing a dog that had been constantly barking also floating in the air. She wa 6/23/1973 #27584  
rds thinks it strange they are not barking at all the noise and the bright  6/28/1973 #27598  
nnessee awoke to the sound of dogs barking. Looking out, they saw an object 10/11/1973 #28007  
ar), TN 10:30 p.m. Awakened by the barking of their dogs, a farm family saw 10/15/1973 #28055  
                   Awakened by the barking of their dogs late on this night 10/15/1973 #28061  
r the sighting, the family dog was barking furiously. No other information. 10/16/1973 #28090  
n Campbellsville, Kentucky, when a barking dog disturbs his young son from  10/20/1973 #28215  
 low-pitched hum was heard, but no barking by the witness's dog, or others  10/28/1973 #28312  
wrencetown, Nova Scotia, CAN Dog's barking caused woman to look out window  1/6/1974 #28653  
 putting up a continuous volley of barking. The next morning, the witnesses 4/19/1974 #29047  
loser look. Neighborhood dogs were barking and horses in a field were also  4/30/1974 #29072  
0 a.m. the next morning dogs began barking and a witness saw a landed UFO a 6/7/1974 #29171  
e. He heard a number of other dogs barking, and a voice that yelled, "shut  6/8/1974 #29173  
                       A dog began barking at 1:15 a.m. when a domed disc-s 6/25/1974 #29225  
light. Their dogs were frantically barking during the encounter, which last 9/26/1974 #29484  
 Teacher Călin Turcu hears his dog barking insistently in the backyard of h 12/11/1974 #29637  
          At 3:30 a.m. the furious barking of her dogs awoke a woman in St. 3/31/1975 #29927  
ghts brightened and the dogs began barking again. At this point the UFO, no 3/31/1975 #29927  
e in the area, but dogs were heard barking in the distance.                 8/18/1975 #30288  
errace, Washington was awakened by barking dogs at 5:50 a.m. He saw a brigh 9/25/1975 #30384  
diameter above him. The dog begins barking nonstop until it receives some t 9/9/1976 #31362  
nge sound, resembling several dogs barking into a microphone, seemed to ema 1/3/1977 #31687  
 awakened by the sound of his dogs barking and by a loud humming sound. Whe 2/20/1977 #31833  
strangely toward him, snarling and barking, and had to be put outdoors. The 3/13/1977 #31906  
             Emden, MO Dog started barking at 3:30 AM. This barking was unu 7/13/1977 #32268  
g started barking at 3:30 AM. This barking was unusual, described as a “sca 7/13/1977 #32268  
 three a.m. when he heard his dogs barking in the kennels. When he went out 12/2/1977 #32727  
 panic and neighborhood dogs start barking furiously. A woman and her young 9/1/1978 #33621  
c and hear neighborhood dogs start barking furiously. A Mrs. Parry and her  9/1/1978 #33622  
 panic and neighborhood dogs start barking furiously. A woman and her young 9/1/1978 #33623  
nd to wake up, and her dog started barking furiously. They both tried to ph 9/15/1978 #33684  
and to wake up, and her dog starts barking furiously. They both try to phon 9/15/1978 #33687  
nd to wake up, and her dog started barking furiously. They both tried to ph 9/15/1978 #33688  
lis, Alabama, because her dogs are barking outside. She sees a large, brigh 12/31/1978 #34247  
ng for their dog that has just run barking away from their home in Krugersd 1/4/1979 #34294  
after midnight after they heard it barking. Soon they noticed a peculiar pi 1/5/1979 #34303  
hen vanished, and the dog ran home barking. (For a nearly identical inciden 2/21/1979 #34441  
 was that the dog on board started barking and appeared scared and terrifie 6/22/1979 #34625  
 was that the dog on board started barking and appeared scared and terrifie 6/22/1979 #34626  
        Wheeling, IL A dog started barking when a six-foot diameter balloon 6/26/1979 #34631  
                     A dog started barking at 3 a.m. when a six-foot diamet 6/26/1979 #34634  
he woods. The dogs run toward them barking, but the entities turn to face t 8/10/1979 #34725  
urn to face them and the dogs stop barking and go back. The beings are dres 8/10/1979 #34725  
investigate the reason her dog was barking when she noticed a bright light  8/29/1979 #34806  
moni, Iowa, is awakened by her dog barking. She sees a formation of lights  8/30/1979 #34809  
s dog, which is running around and barking in a panic. He hears a kind of h 11/9/1979 #34989  
go out. Her dogs keep snarling and barking all night long. The next morning 11/14/1979 #34998  
akes up to the sound of their dogs barking wildly. When one witness goes ou 12/31/1979 #35107  
           Newcastle, KY Lady said barking dogs drew her attention to a str 3/9/1980 #35209  
home 7:30 p.m. When his dog starts barking furiously, James Balkcom notices 3/24/1980 #35238  
an shepherd dog starts whining and barking. Her husband steps outside to se 5/9/1980 #35319  
ewark, Ohio, when their dogs start barking loudly. They can hear people tal 1981 #35763  
light. At this time his dogs began barking and acting strangely. His wife b 2/13/1981 #35827  
og approached the figure and began barking, and then both man and his son h 2/13/1981 #35827  
th man and his son heard a strange barking "echo" that seem to come from th 2/13/1981 #35827  
gs stopped croaking and dogs began barking excitedly (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 3/30/1981 #35880  
Frogs stop croaking and dogs begin barking excitedly. The object appears ov 3/30/1981 #35881  
eadquarters suddenly hears his dog barking in a warning manner. The witness 7/11/1981 #35996  
, Illinois, suddenly hears his dog barking in a warning manner. Through the 7/11/1981 #35998  
dwards was awakened by the furious barking of his dog towards a pine forest 12/17/1981 #36262  
ter a dog that was with them began barking, then ran inside. The women next 7/22/1982 #36545  
etto wakes up because his dogs are barking outside his home at Varzi, Pavia 6/5/1983 #36876  
ly at 5:00 a.m. in 1983 dogs began barking when a cigar-shaped UFO approach 6/5/1983 #36877  
thing returns to normal, with dogs barking and the transformer buzzing. Lat 8/12/1983 #36949  
 hears animals in the neighborhood barking, growling, and howling. Looking  2/4/1986 #37779  
ile dogs in the neighborhood began barking. As he looked outside he saw an  5/29/1986 #37898  
ed, hears a sharp whistle and dogs barking, and sees two bright lights. The 8/31/1986 #38005  
irty minutes later his dog started barking, so he went out on his porch to  12/2/1987 #38348  
                    Coon Rapid, MN Barking dogs alerted witness to treetop  12/25/1987 #38372  
                        Sharon, PA Barking dogs alerted to triangle, treeto 1/25/1988 #38433  
 The dog crosses the road and runs barking straight int a swirling, yellowi 2/9/1988 #38448  
                    Somerville, OH Barking dogs alert witness to domed obje 1/18/1989 #38785  
lorida, wakes to the sound of dogs barking outside. He sees a small object  2/8/1989 #38825  
            Cantonment, FL Excited barking as disc emitted light beam and s 4/5/1989 #38892  
                     Crestview, FL Barking alerted witness to disc, which p 4/21/1989 #38916  
              Gulf Breeze, FL Dogs barking at hum of boomerang (NICAP: 04 - 10/9/1989 #39154  
              Gulf Breeze, FL Dogs barking excitedly at hum of 3 bell-shape 11/1/1989 #39206  
 television. The family dog begins barking, and soon the man’s attention is 11/4/1989 #39214  
se when he hears neighborhood dogs barking. He sees, in a field about 325 f 5/4/1990 #39556  
woman in Dallas, Oregon heard dogs barking, then saw a domed disc-shaped ob 10/16/1990 #39792  
 Hampshire a witness heard his dog barking and went outside to briefly see  3/6/1991 #40000  
he kitchen after hearing their dog barking in the backyard. They then saw a 5/14/1991 #40061  
g cattle mutilations heard his dog barking at night and went out to his bar 1/4/1992 #40277  
                    Canton, OH Dog barking at bullet-shaped object with sea 10/1992 #40656  
                   Tuttle, OK Dogs barking throughout town as triangle was  1/21/1993 #40809  
s in the area reacted with furious barking upon catching sight of the figur 3/20/1993 #40894  
the morning when she heard her dog barking. She got up and went downstairs  5/30/1993 #40997  
        Ligonier, IN Kenneled dogs barking during 20 min. sighting of 3 rot 7/13/1993 #41062  
went outside because her dogs were barking and she saw a triangular object  11/21/1993 #41288  
                                   BARKING, LONDON Boy / 10. Dome object wi 2/17/1994 #41417  
              A 10-year-old boy in Barking, London, England witnessed a dom 2/17/1994 #41418  
                                   BARKING, LONDON, ENG Many calls. 4 brigh 2/21/1994 #41423  
was normal, but when the dog began barking the witness turned on her side a 9/20/1994 #41766  
nnage truck, and he suddenly began barking furiously and staring at the nea 2/9/1995 #42031  
ifteen seconds later the dog began barking again. When he stepped outside h 2/9/1995 #42031  
 Washington at 9:30 p.m. dogs were barking as one, and then four round obje 9/22/1995 #42502  
amaulipas, Mexico heard their dogs barking outside and went to investigate. 2/23/1996 #42776  
                   At 11:33 p.m. a barking dog and a booming sound alerted  6/18/1996 #42934  
 Valley, Ohio, when his dog starts barking loudly. Going over to his dog, h 9/16/1996 #43023  
, Orense, Spain when his dog began barking. Looking back, he saw three ten- 2/20/1997 #43199  
television when she heard her dogs barking outside at one o'clock in the mo 6/26/1997 #43341  
tails were visible. His dogs began barking in an agitated manner. Terrified 6/21/1998 #43591  
man was awakened at 3:00 a.m. by a barking dog and a strange humming sound  5/10/1999 #43766  
MI Fireball chain and coincidental barking of dog (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal 11/16/1999 #43882  
ers away from shore. A dog started barking at the object, and the dog's own 11/26/1999 #43889  
ng outside when their dogs started barking and noticed a large dark object  5/15/2000 #43995  
lling on the ground. Her dog began barking inceasantly. She decided to get  7/31/2000 #44024  
f Lincoln, Nebraska heard his dogs barking loudly at around 7:00 p.m. He lo 11/30/2000 #44094  
uealing loudly. He also heard dogs barking in the distance. Just as he stra 5/3/2003 #44523  
over dogs in the neighborhood were barking loudly. At 5:45 p.m. CST or abou 2/8/2004 #44659  
t the apexes.Animal reaction: dogs barking, birds frantic.                  5/15/2005 #44842  
tion. He had two dogs, and one was barking uncontrollably, while the other- 11/25/2005 #44905  
reported being woken up by his dog barking at 12:52 a.m. He was going to sh 7/31/2007 #45041  
oked out window to see what he was barking at, and was shocked to see a lar 7/31/2007 #45041  
r facial features. His dog stopped barking when the object left. The witnes 8/29/2007 #45050  
 Jones” is alerted by his two dogs barking in his backyard in northern Geor 5/8/2009 #45220  
## Word: "barks" (Back to Top)
          YUMA, AZ 1 observer. Dog barks. Silent white disk spins. Swoops o 7/11/1947 #3125  
            TOME, NM 2 / farm. Dog barks and hides. 4M glowing-object near  12/16/1953 (approximate) #9368  
e approaches her, hopping. The dog barks at it and she runs away and hides  9/26/1954 #10451  
 CINCINNATI, OH Radio shrieks. Dog barks. Huge silent red disk with halo ci 10/22/1954 #11311  
CREAM RIDGE, NJ 2 observer(s). Dog barks. Bright glare. White cylinder/cyli 10/21/1955 #12514  
                 GALESBURG, IL Dog barks. Fiery orange ovoid hovers. Then g 11/5/1957 #14298  
                  CHESHIRE, OH Dog barks. Luminous saucer hovers. Colored s 11/17/1966 #21113  
                     Malta, MT Dog barks as rectangular object flies by (NI 1/9/1967 #21274  
                     OGEMA, WI Dog barks. Saucer flashes near trailer / hou 8/12/1967 #22864  
           MEDULLA, FL Family. Dog barks. Transparent violet object with 2  10/8/1968 #24550  
seen widely / 2 hours. Buzzes. Dog barks.                                   5/12/1969 #25130  
ANNES, FR 2 boys. Bang / door. Dog barks. Small white sphere hovers over ro 7/21/1969 #25283  
fts. Stop / mid-flight. Flash. Dog barks. / FSRv18#1.                       9/24/1969 #25377  
d white. According to student Cary Barks, they watch it for 10 minutes befo 2/21/1973 #27305  
out feeling any heat. When his dog barks, he backs away. The object waits a 8/1973 #27672  
                 HOLLYWOOD, FL Dog barks. Orange-glow ovoid pulses and swin 9/29/1973 #27884  
erman shepherd dog that growls and barks at her. She pounds on the door and 11/2/1973 #28352  
          RIEC-SOUTH-BELON, FR Dog barks. Power out. Area lit. Luminous tra 9/29/1974 #29490  
CALIGNAIA, ITL 3 men / bridge. Dog barks. Colored light maneuvers under riv 8/12/1976 #31259  
 Frequency Interference (RFI). Dog barks.                                   1/17/1978 #32886  
hurts her ears, and the family dog barks frantically, punctuated by an odd  2/4/1978 #32951  
hovers suddenly above her. Her dog barks until the light goes away and the  9/7/1978 #33645  
            LAMONI, IA Camper. Dog barks. Formation / night lights on dark  8/30/1979 #34808  
. The family’s German shepherd dog barks continually at it while it is visi 2/21/1980 #35180  
ver(s). Night lights maneuver. Dog barks. 140cm box-robot barks too! Traces 2/13/1981 #35825  
neuver. Dog barks. 140cm box-robot barks too! Traces / dirt.                2/13/1981 #35825  
     HASNON, FR 2 observer(s). Dog barks. Black cylinder/cigar-shape going  2/14/1990 #39417  
             BROMLEY, ZIMBABWE Dog barks. Phony moon hovers / farm. Small b 8/2/1992 #40546  
                   Lilburn, GA Dog barks as small white lights are observed 6/10/2004 #44710  
               Santa Maria, CA Dog barks when dark object is near (NICAP: 0 10/16/2005 #44889  
           Waxhaw, NC Dog sees and barks at disc over house (NICAP: 04 - An 12/24/2005 #44914  
s Plaines, IL Dog raises alarm and barks at hovering object in daytime sky  2/28/2006 #44926  
4:30 a.m. the small dog "who never barks" began to growl and spasm uncontro 9/21/2007 #45066  
## Word: "barksdale" (Back to Top)
Campbell Bossier Base, adjacent to Barksdale AFB Lake Mead Base, adjacent t 2/22/1952 #5920  
e Dog at Bossier Base, adjacent to Barksdale AFB near Bossier City, Louisia 2/22/1952 #5920  
                SHREVEPORT TO/FROM BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA USAF C54 bu 4/9/1952 #6047  
                                   Barksdale AFB (Bet. Shreveport and), LA  4/9/1952 #6049  
Air Force jets were scrambled from Barksdale AFB and chased the UFO for 55  4/9/1952 #6051  
                                   BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA 3 separate  8/24/1952 #7704  
                                   BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA Guard. Nigh 8/28/1952 #7760  
                     Dallas, Texas Barksdale AFB in Bossier City, Louisiana 9/3/1954 #10239  
 of Dallas, Texas, on their way to Barksdale AFB in Bossier City, Louisiana 9/3/1954 #10239  
cated during a 3-day debriefing at Barksdale.                               9/3/1954 #10239  
           Bossier City, Louisiana Barksdale Air Force Base 9:00 p.m. A you 9/22/1987 #38291  
oving in the same direction toward Barksdale Air Force Base.                9/22/1987 #38291  
## Word: "barkun" (Back to Top)
rica.” Political scientist Michael Barkun characterizes it as “among the mo 1991 #39933  
## Word: "barletta" (Back to Top)
                                   BARLETTA, ITL Many and cops. Cone saucer 12/8/1978 #34071  
## Word: "barley" (Back to Top)
 ground overlapping his potato and barley fields. It is about 8 feet wide a 7/16/1963 #17833  
kly [to] trees. Large areas / flat.barley. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR.)    7/10/1967 #22638  
Beyond the embankment they found a barley field with a path through it, suc 5/11/1969 #25128  
cording to Luczkowich, the crushed barley at one flattened area showed the  5/11/1969 #25128  
k a few steps through the field of barley, and then returned to the craft,  2/25/1976 #30907  
 observer(s). Dog howls. UFO low / barley field. 18M crop circle found late 6/11/1976 #31098  
find a circular patch of flattened barley and a path leading up to it.      9/1/1978 #33622  
## Word: "barlow" (Back to Top)
Army Specialist 3rd Class Henry R. Barlow and Specialist 3rd Class Forest R 11/3/1957 #14251  
seen at close range by Mrs. Jasper Barlow and her two children, who were in 11/5/1957 #14339  
seen at close range by Mrs. Jasper Barlow and her two children, who were in 11/5/1957 #14350  
land, truck driver Karl Farlow (or Barlow) finds that the lights on his die 11/6/1967 #23414  
    Rome, Georgia 5:10 a.m. Phylis Barlow watches a triangular UFO circling 5/10/1977 #32082  
## Word: "barmah" (Back to Top)
                                   BARMAH FOREST, AUSTRALIA Brilliant white 5/2/1993 #40963  
## Word: "barmouth" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BARMOUTH, WALES Night lights follow car  3/22/1905 (approximate) #674  
                                   Barmouth, Wales, UK John Morris and Will 9/9/1922 #1025  
                                   Barmouth, Wales John Morris and William  9/9/1922 #1026  
  John Morris and William James in Barmouth, Wales saw an object fall into  9/9/1922 #1027  
## Word: "barn" (Back to Top)
 luminous. It moves toward a large barn and passes through its center, sett 6/19/1857 #150  
cted pictures onto the side of his barn.                                    4/11/1897 #436  
or 3 m above ground, flew toward a barn, came closer to each other, and wer 1904 #665  
or 3 m above ground, flew toward a barn, came closer to each other, and wer 1904 #666  
 5–6 feet from the ground near the barn. He estimates they are the size of  6/1904 #672  
 CHEHALIS, WA Bird-man hovers over barn. Retracts wings and shoots going up 1/6/1948 #3532  
rdman” hovering 200 feet above her barn. She watches “a man equipped with l 1/6/1948 #3533  
rdman” hovering 200 feet above her barn. She watched “a man equipped with l 1/6/1948 #3534  
H 18M domed saucer hovers 6M / hog barn. Going [to] over shed. / MJ#238+/ r 2/1/1948 #3571  
t hovered six meters above his hog barn, then flew over a shed.             2/1/1948 #3573  
 large round portholes floats over barn going southwest. Drawing.           9/5/1950 #5168  
ter was only the glowing eyes of a barn owl. Joe Nickell also concludes in  9/12/1952 #7905  
d by witnesses closely resembles a barn owl. Nickell claims that the experi 9/12/1952 #7905  
arolina Hearing a commotion in his barn, a farmer observed an object about  1/29/1953 #8612  
        Hearing a commotion in his barn, a farmer in Conway, South Carolina 1/29/1953 #8618  
m, and landed again near the horse barn. It "had a black cable with a squar 8/7/1954 #10113  
France. He was driving back to the barn at 11:00 p.m. with his tractor when 9/24/1954 #10442  
ent washtub saucer hovers low near barn. Shoots going quickly north.        1/5/1955 #11920  
ing. Huge red-glow ovoid just over barn. Small disk attached. Going east.   7/1956 #12934  
dous amount of light that a nearby barn is clearly visible. The air smells  11/11/1956 #13322  
ively, the witness saw lights on a barn. Beaudoin herself is judged hysteri 3/22/1957 #13553  
all quickly going down [to] behind barn. 2 strong beams. Quickly going up [ 3/23/1957 #13554  
ball of fire rose up from behind a barn in Puyallup, Washington. It emitted 3/23/1957 #13559  
ived on a farm, was working in her barn when she heard a whirring sound and 5/1957 #13628  
Frances Stichler is working in her barn in Milford, Pennsylvania, when she  5/1957 #13631  
s off toward the city. Back at his barn, Penteado notices that all his meta 9/1957 #13966  
aped object hovering in front of a barn and was confronted with a being 1 m 11/6/1957 #14414  
aped object hovering in front of a barn. He was next confronted by a one-me 11/6/1957 #14438  
Blenheim, New Zealand, goes to the barn to milk her cows and sees a huge ob 7/13/1959 #15842  
ay, and then hovered over a nearby barn when they parked the car.While the  8/4/1963 #17864  
takes off and goes over the nearby barn. Several items in the backyard have 6/14/1964 #18356  
and Weaver see a “glowing aluminum barn,” which they go down to investigate 1/26/1965 #18769  
y see a little man standing by the barn. The photo is allegedly confiscated 1/26/1965 #18769  
ther man named Huffer approached a barn, which the photographer entered fir 1/26/1965 #18770  
o him, and when Huffer entered the barn he found Weaver on the ground. Weav 1/26/1965 #18770  
nocked him down. The pair left the barn quickly, but as they fled they thou 1/26/1965 #18770  
ignal. The lights pass between the barn and the house at an estimated altit 3/8/1965 #18851  
o crash, so they run back into the barn after 3 minutes. It is last seen ov 6/19/1965 #19017  
   Cherry Creek, NY E-M effects in barn, elliptical object landed nearby, a 8/19/1965 #19425  
s milking the cows in his father’s barn in Cherry Creek, New York, and list 8/19/1965 #19427  
ees an estimated 450 feet from the barn. Slowly, the object descends behind 8/19/1965 #19427  
at 18:45 p.m. Aldridge went to his barn to check on his stock and there he  11/24/1965 #19734  
n the object "came from behind the barn", hovered over a tree near their ho 8/6/1966 #20729  
porch, howling down toward the hay barn in the bottom. Partridge shined his 11/14/1966 #21101  
porch, howling down toward the hay barn in the bottom. Partridge shined the 11/15/1966 #21109  
ercial pilot. Ovoid rises / behind barn. Up and away. See / r72#14.         1/30/1967 #21415  
 / one hour. Red beams going down. Barn afire / nearby. / r73p138.          2/9/1967 #21485  
to oval. The object was low near a barn and slowly disappeared over the hor 2/16/1967 #21564  
LASTONBURY, CT Blue Book. Noises / barn. Small humanoids (or Greys) hide /  2/18/1967 #21588  
they notice a “spaceship” behind a barn. They rush inside and wake their pa 3/5/1967 #21763  
e was putting milkers on cows in a barn when she observed a round, red-yell 4/1/1967 #22037  
 3 small humanoids (or Greys) near barn hide / cars pass. / r8#883+/ r113p1 9/15/1967 #23062  
ll oversized heads, running near a barn. From the object came a noise simil 9/15/1967 #23066  
eads, running across a road near a barn. From the object came a noise simil 9/15/1967 #23071  
ecks on restless cattle twice at a barn near Ashland, Nebraska. At 2:30 a.m 12/3/1967 #23545  
uth, then it backed off toward the barn. After they were back in the house, 7/28/1968 #24245  
shaped object hovered 200 ft. over barn and projected bright bluish beam in 8/1968 #24282  
shaped object hovered 200 ft. over barn and projected bright bluish beam in 8/1968 #24283  
c. The object is moving beyond the barn to the north-northeast. They heard  4/23/1969 #25086  
hat morning that the horses in the barn had broken free of their stalls and 4/23/1969 #25086  
those seen earlier came out of the barn and called the "dog" to him with a  6/4/1970 #25690  
er they both looked back towards a barn and caught sight of a figure, resem 7/26/1972 #26836  
 the clearing just in front of the barn. Upon being noticed the figure dodg 7/26/1972 #26836  
ut of sight behind the side of the barn. Stephen looked through binoculars  7/26/1972 #26836  
oom-shaped object landed next to a barn in Fort Erie, Niagara County, Ontar 1/11/1973 #27231  
     Two motorists driving in Long Barn, near Sonora, California in the ear 9/11/1973 #27802  
                   SR108 NEAR LONG BARN, CA 2 observer(s). 75+' silver-oran 9/12/1973 #27805  
                              Long Barn, CA Two motorists in the early morn 9/12/1973 #27807  
pickup chased to farm. Hovers over barn. Going [to] extremely fast. / r237p 10/15/1973 #28039  
ver(s). Luminous blimp hovers over barn / farm. / York Dispatch 22.10.73.   10/20/1973 #28208  
t 10M ovoid with beam going down / barn. Avoids flashlight! Going quickly w 10/28/1973 #28306  
ch directed a beam of light on his barn. He tried to shine a flashlight on  10/28/1973 #28314  
operty, the object hovers over the barn, moving up and down, so he runs int 6/14/1974 #29191  
 Night. A farmer is walking to his barn north of Lundar, Manitoba, when a r Early 2/1975 #29782  
 ELLSWORTH, WI Night light stops / barn. Pregnant cow inside loses calf. No 4/1/1975? #29932  
rts him to a “fiery glow” near his barn on Three Mile Lake Road north of Br 10/7/1975 #30421  
ephoned him to say she thought his barn might be on fire. The UFO was parke 10/7/1975 #30422  
obular / lights follows tractor to barn. Shoots back / 180° going quickly e 5/4/1976 #31032  
 out. 150' domed saucer / 50' over barn. 2 night lights / power lines. / MJ 9/10/1976 #31367  
vering above a TV antenna near the barn about 50 feet away. The main body o 9/10/1976 #31371  
er for a look. Then he goes to the barn to pick up a rake, hoe, and pole. B 1/10/1977 #31715  
ove some trees and shines into her barn for 5 seconds. She hears her horses 4/6/1978 #33128  
 little house," fly low over their barn. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)     5/17/1978 #33223  
 little house," fly low over their barn. It then vanished by shooting up ve 5/17/1978 #33225  
t moved flying sideways behind the barn and then took off flying frontways. 9/25/1978 #33747  
ers of a rock band practicing in a barn stepped outside to watch an ovoid s 6/12/1979 #34608  
ers of a rock band practicing in a barn in Pine Ridge, South Carolina, step 6/12/1979 #34610  
ers of a rock band practicing in a barn stepped outside to watch an unusual 6/12/1979 #34611  
 anything, but the dog runs to the barn and stays there all night.          5/9/1980 #35319  
Car stalls. Large shiny ovoid over barn. Shoots colored beams ahead.        10/10/1980 #35563  
ffected while the UFO was over the barn. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NI 10/26/1980 #35589  
ect passed about 20 feet above the barn making no sound and lights making n 10/26/1980 #35591  
ing no light. When it was over the barn roof, the sows with baby pigs in th 10/26/1980 #35591  
of, the sows with baby pigs in the barn jumped up and began wild grunting a 10/26/1980 #35591  
ected while the UFO was over their barn. The UFO passed only twenty feet ov 10/26/1980 #35592  
O passed only twenty feet over the barn and disturbed their pigs. The objec 10/26/1980 #35592  
CORA, PA 3 observer(s). Delta over barn. 2 small objects exit and fly away. 4/1/1982 #36424  
s fast 90-turn and gone. House and barn shake.                              1/3/1986 #37747  
e turn and was gone. The house and barn both shook as a result.             1/3/1986 #37749  
oon notice that another neighbor’s barn about 1,000 feet away seems to be o Late 7/1987 #38218  
aughters, but when they get to the barn there is no fire and the light is c Late 7/1987 #38218  
ge. Away going north and back over barn. Local wave.                        10/13/1989 #39167  
 through the hayfield, circles the barn, and moves away across the pasture. 10/13/1989 #39169  
th, then came back to hover over a barn. A 22-year-old man out driving to m 10/13/1989 #39170  
rking at night and went out to his barn to check. He saw a small white obje 1/4/1992 #40277  
small white object floating in his barn, like a jellyfish with things like  1/4/1992 #40277  
the open doors of the base vehicle barn; at least 4 witnesses say it was th 1/1993 #40782  
tting goats and chickens away in a barn, when he heard noises from the bush 11/13/1993 #41272  
rns going northeast. Vanishes over barn. Arms plant nearby.                 11/28/1994 #41867  
e cylinder/cylindrical object over barn. Dog cowers. Glows and tilts. 5 min 12/21/1994 #41902  
et of red lights hovering over his barn in Thurso, Quebec while he was plow 2/6/1996 #42743  
he craft flew very slowly over the barn. The light coming from the triangle 2/6/1996 #42743  
the ground or even the roof of the barn. After the craft left Boisvert and  2/6/1996 #42743  
ped off the tractor and ran to the barn where his father was working. As he 2/6/1996 #42743  
was working. As he rushed into the barn, he saw his father standing there w 2/6/1996 #42743  
shaped object, about the size of a barn. Its color was strange--it was desc 6/4/1996 #42921  
ures then walked toward the nearby barn. At the same time he felt a prickli 1/5/1997 #43166  
en flying only 150-200 feet over a barn in Kentwood, Michigan.              11/6/1997 #43438  
V 1M square object just over cow / barn. Silent. Going [to] out barn door.  8/1/2001 #44214  
cow / barn. Silent. Going [to] out barn door. Blood on cow.                 8/1/2001 #44214  
ide), that was hovering inside his barn. It was black with gray markings, a 8/1/2001 #44215  
few seconds before it flew out the barn door. A cow had been poked by a nee 8/1/2001 #44215  
ct hovered low over the witnesses' barn for 60 minutes in Nesquehoning, Pen 3/6/2007 #45011  
## Word: "barn-size" (Back to Top)
               DALLAS-FT WORTH, TX Barn-size UFO plays cat & mouse / Air Fo 9/19/1957 #14009  
## Word: "barn-sized" (Back to Top)
0 NEAR VINTON, CA 1 / car. Reddish barn-sized round object parked in pastur 6/24/1997 #43336  
## Word: "barnabe" (Back to Top)
                               ST. BARNABE, FR 6 observer(s). 3 orbs going  7/7/1994 #41612  
                               ST. BARNABE, FR Man photographs mountains. P 4/25/1997 #43277  
 a photograph of a mountain in St. Barnabe, Alpes-Maritime, France in the e 4/25/1997 #43278  
## Word: "barnagearagh" (Back to Top)
       At 5:15 a.m. Rose Mahony of Barnagearagh, Ireland saw a huge aerial  9/30/1992 #40649  
## Word: "barnard" (Back to Top)
                                   BARNARD CASTLE, ENG Car and motorcycle e 6/6/1977 #32148  
        Later than same night near Barnard Castle in England both a car and 6/6/1977 #32153  
## Word: "barnaul" (Back to Top)
                                   Barnaul Airport in Altai Krai, Russia 12 1/22/2001 #44127  
t in Altai Krai, Russia 12:30 a.m. Barnaul Airport in Altai Krai, Russia, s 1/22/2001 #44127  
enger plane also sees an object at Barnaul and lands at another airport. Se 1/22/2001 #44127  
, the chief airspace controller at Barnaul, sees the object at an elevation 1/22/2001 #44127  
## Word: "barnea" (Back to Top)
 Romania 1:20 p.m. Technician Emil Barnea, his girlfriend Zamfira Matea, an 8/18/1968 #24352  
it maneuvers around for 2 minutes. Barnea succeeds in taking four photos of 8/18/1968 #24352  
## Word: "barnegat" (Back to Top)
ped UFO hovering over his house in Barnegat, New Jersey on this night. It h 1/11/1998 #43498  
## Word: "barnes" (Back to Top)
r period to Edison Pettit and Seth Barnes Nicholson, astronomers at the Mou Summer 1931 #1130  
 No. 1 Precinct 3:00 p.m. Harry G. Barnes, a member of the Washington, D.C. Winter 1943 #1556  
    EAST / OKLAHOMA CITY, OK J. P. barnes. 8-9 disks faster than jets. Dip  7/7/1947 #2902  
range UFOs were monitored by Harry Barnes, Senior Controller, and controlle 7/19/1952 #6906  
or Air Traffic Controller Harry G. Barnes says that “They followed no set c 7/19/1952 #6935  
round Observer Corps observer L.W. Barnes, using binoculars. One red, cigar 9/14/1952 #7935  
e, South Dakota. At 7:00 p.m. L.W. Barnes, a Ground Observer Corps observer 9/14/1952 #7945  
               Two witnesses named Barnes and La Porte reported that at 11: 2/11/1966 #19898  
m Lake EG&G technician Thornton D. Barnes arrives in Area 51 in Nevada to r 3/1968 #23797  
stealth testing of the SR-71), and Barnes is also assigned to evaluate them 3/1968 #23797  
e Leslie G. Leek and Constable Ian Barnes responded, arriving in time to se 8/16/1971 #26287  
             SPRINGFIELD AND NORTH BARNES, MO Several separate observer(s). 7/6/1973 #27614  
ober, according to dispatcher Fred Barnes. Four deputies checked the woods  12/29/1974 #29661  
                             Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England A man is driv 1992 #40272  
ngland A man is driving near Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England, when he sees 1992 #40272  
                             Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England A 450-foot “S 7/9/1992 #40519  
m appears in a wheatfield at Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England.              7/9/1992 #40519  
                          In Alton Barnes, England a crop formation 700 fee 6/12/1999 #43785  
## Word: "barnesville" (Back to Top)
aped object was sighted briefly in Barnesville, Ohio at 8:30 p.m. The objec 11/21/2003 #44616  
## Word: "barnet" (Back to Top)
wo 14-year-old teenagers, Grey and Barnet, saw two very short humanoid bein 2/10/1976 #30862  
wo 14-year-old teenagers, Grey and Barnet, saw two very short humanoid bein 2/10/1976 #30863  
## Word: "barnett" (Back to Top)
gdalena, N.M. Magdalena, N.M.: Mr. Barnett sighted a shiny object out in th 7/2/1947 #2536  
e investigation of the crash site. Barnett saw dead bodies strewn about the 7/2/1947 #2536  
covery of a crashed disc by Barney Barnett in an arroyo near Magdelena, New 7/3/1947 #2586  
, England Robert Mason and Stephen Barnett had reached a field beyond the c 7/26/1972 #26836  
wo 14-year-old teenagers, Grey and Barnett, saw two very short humanoid bei 8/16/1976 #31274  
chaeologists and Grady L. “Barney” Barnett at this retrieval are also consi 2/15/1992 #40331  
## Word: "barney" (Back to Top)
rupted Journey about the Betty and Barney Hill case, she writes to the Colo 1930 #1106  
the discovery of a crashed disc by Barney Barnett in an arroyo near Magdele 7/3/1947 #2586  
  Lincoln, New Hampshire Betty and Barney Hill abduction incident in Lincol 9/19/1961 #16848  
 city of Lancaster, New Hampshire: Barney noticed what appeared to be a bri 9/19/1961 #16848  
 which seemed to move erratically. Barney pointed this out to Betty… As the 9/19/1961 #16848  
 US3 NORTH / LINCOLN, NH Betty and Barney hill abducted. See drawings / NIC 9/19/1961 #16849  
           Indian Head, NH Betty & Barney Hill Case (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 9/19/1961 #16850  
               White Mountains, NH Barney and Betty Hill vehicle encounter, 9/19/1961 #16853  
Head (north of Lincoln) 10:30 p.m. Barney and Betty Hill are driving home t 9/19/1961 #16857  
rratically, growing larger. Later, Barney stops the car at a scenic picnic  9/19/1961 #16857  
cils of different colored lights.” Barney thinks it’s a plane, though it mi 9/19/1961 #16857  
ight be “playing games” with them. Barney drives slowly through Franconia N 9/19/1961 #16857  
ends toward their vehicle, causing Barney to stop in the middle of the high 9/19/1961 #16857  
view in the windshield. It reminds Barney of a huge pancake. Carrying his p 9/19/1961 #16857  
 the object. Using the binoculars, Barney claims see about 8–11 humanoid fi 9/19/1961 #16857  
aining figure continues to look at Barney and communicates a message tellin 9/19/1961 #16857  
y where you are and keep looking.” Barney has a recollection of observing t 9/19/1961 #16857  
erhead and 300 feet away from him. Barney tears the binoculars away from hi 9/19/1961 #16857  
out two hours later than expected. Barney feels compelled to examine his ge 9/19/1961 #16857  
 there the previous day. Betty and Barney experiment with a compass, noting 9/19/1961 #16857  
ion story ever reported, Betty and Barney Hill, a biracial married couple a 9/19/1961 #16858  
 E. Keyhoe (mentioning the figures Barney remembers seeing) and asks for mo 9/26/1961 #16873  
rmation. She mentions that she and Barney are considering hypnosis.         9/26/1961 #16873  
                                   Barney Betty Hill has a series of intens 9/29/1961 #16877  
sely vivid dreams in which she and Barney encounter a strange roadblock and 9/29/1961 #16877  
 and asks him to talk to Betty and Barney Hill.                             10/19/1961 #16918  
 in their car. For the first time, Barney and Betty realize that there are  11/25/1961 #16980  
fficer. He suggests that Betty and Barney consult a hypnotist.              11/25/1961 #16980  
etts Baldpate Sanitarium Betty and Barney Hill meet with Patrick J. Quirke, 3/1962 #17067  
s hallucination. Around this time, Barney develops a series of warts in an  3/25/1962 #17079  
sibly Benjamin Simon, of Betty and Barney Hill fame later). After a lengthy 5/24/1963 #17765  
e lecture, the Hills tell him that Barney was going to a psychiatrist, Dunc 9/7/1963 #17927  
es and trusts. Swett suggests that Barney ask Stephens about the use of hyp 9/7/1963 #17927  
case. At his next therapy session, Barney mentions his UFO encounter to Ste 9/7/1963 #17927  
                                   Barney Hill has his first hypnosis sessi 1/4/1964 #18109  
mber their experiences afterwards. Barney’s sessions are particularly inten 1/4/1964 #18109  
leges that this episode influenced Barney Hill’s hypnotic recounting of eve 2/10/1964 #18127  
and her account is consistent with Barney’s. Many abduction elements come t 3/7/1964 #18145  
hink that Betty’s dream influenced Barney’s memories. The Hills do not agre 3/7/1964 #18145  
ncy Center UFO group The Betty and Barney Hill story is publicly revealed i 10/25/1965 #19680  
 Fuller’s book about the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case, Interrupted  10/3/1966 #20955  
 was allowed to question Betty and Barney Hill. He also suggests that the C 1/5/1967 #21259  
The UFO Incident, on the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case airs, starrin 10/20/1975 #30454  
 stranger then asks if he knew why Barney Hill died, saying “He died becaus 9/11/1976 #31376  
or he will suffer the same fate as Barney Hill. The stranger gets up, speak 9/11/1976 #31376  
i system was previously claimed by Barney and Betty Hill as the origin of a 11/10/1989 #39224  
es of archaeologists and Grady L. “Barney” Barnett at this retrieval are al 2/15/1992 #40331  
osium to re-evaluate the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case in depth. It  9/2000 #44035  
## Word: "barney's" (Back to Top)
inserted in Betty Hill's navel and Barney's dentures were removed and exami 9/19/1961 #16858  
## Word: "barnhill" (Back to Top)
ONDON Very fast saucer hovers over Barnhill schoolyard. Vanishes in place!  5/26/1993 #40989  
bject stopped and hovered over the Barnhill schoolyard in Hayes, England at 5/26/1993 #40990  
## Word: "barnick" (Back to Top)
n Crump and his grandmother, Betty Barnick, spot an object in the sky near  2/4/1993 #40838  
## Word: "barnoldswick" (Back to Top)
 evening walk across the fields of Barnoldswick, Lancashire, England and we 7/16/2003 #44565  
## Word: "barns" (Back to Top)
ype unknown. 6 wheels and 2 flying barns in Wales / 1694.                   5/6/1692 #52  
ea, California Lt. Col. William F. Barns attains an official world airspeed 7/16/1953 #8999  
D, KY Farmer. 40cm fireball scouts barns and cabins / 1m altitude. Follows  10/1955 #12475  
ground sends cattle running toward barns (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: 2/9/1968 #23743  
## Word: "barnsdall" (Back to Top)
ain of the Ohio River packet T. M. Barnsdall, as well as watchman Elmer Har 4/18/1897 #527  
                              NEAR BARNSDALL, OK 2 / car. Soft white 50cm d 7/8/1947 #2958  
## Word: "barnsley" (Back to Top)
                                   BARNSLEY, SOUTH YORKS 4 observer(s). Viv 11/18/1975 #30638  
                                   BARNSLEY, SOUTH YORKS 1 observer = repea 8/22/1986 #37998  
                                In Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England a lon 8/22/1986 #37999  
                                   BARNSLEY, SOUTH YORKSHIRE 4 boys. Ovoid  10/8/1992 #40664  
FO silently hovered over a park in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England at 6: 10/8/1992 #40666  
## Word: "barnstable" (Back to Top)
                                   BARNSTABLE, MASS 2 observer(s). White ov 7/29/1968 #24247  
d near a deserted grass airport in Barnstable, Massachusetts on Cape Cod. W 7/29/1968 #24256  
                   HYANNIS TO/FROM BARNSTABLE, MA 2 / car. Ovoid going [to] 8/26/1978 #33571  
## Word: "barnum" (Back to Top)
                        A35 EAST / BARNUM, MN 2 observer(s). 1m ball / ligh 10/6/1979 #34944  
             Interstate 35 east of Barnum, Minnesota 9:30 p.m. A couple are 10/6/1979 #34946  
e driving on Interstate 35 east of Barnum, Minnesota, when they see a ball  10/6/1979 #34946  
## Word: "barnwell" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Barnwell” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT    12/8/1989 #39304  
## Word: "barnyard" (Back to Top)
, SC 25M ovoid / 21m altitude over barnyard. 3 beams down. Pig found dead.  2/14/1953 #8675  
ia, Spain 6:00 a.m. A farmer doing barnyard chores at La Serra d’Almos, Cat 8/16/1968 #24342  
AIPUKURAU, NZ Domed saucer lands / barnyard. Going quickly / extremely fast 10/28/1973 #28304  
 Uruguay Disc hovered, illuminated barnyard, farm animals reacted, watchdog 2/18/1977 #31827  
sc shaped craft hovering above the barnyard. On the ground below several sm 10/1982 #36624  
## Word: "barossa" (Back to Top)
                                   BAROSSA VALLEY NEAR NURIOOTPA, SOUTH AUS 11/11/1977 #32664  
## Word: "barq" (Back to Top)
radio went dead both at Valera and Barq. as pilot started to report a UFO s 2/2/1955 #11965  
## Word: "barque" (Back to Top)
rick William Banner, master of the barque Lady of the Lake, is sailing in t 3/22/1870 #184  
lumbia, Captain John Waters of the barque Innerwick and his mate see the sk 2/25/1885 #264  
## Word: "barquisimento" (Back to Top)
 were flying 25 miles southwest of Barquisimento, Venezuela when their radi 2/2/1955 #11969  
## Word: "barquisimeto" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BARQUISIMETO, VNZLA All / airliner. Rota 2/3/1954 #9531  
l on board an airliner flying near Barquisimeto, Venezuela. Radio contact w 2/3/1954 #9532  
                              NEAR BARQUISIMETO, VNZ 4 observer(s). Luminou 6/15/1954 #9906  
Early in December, the director of Barquisimeto College was chased by a lum 12/1954 #11734  
ar), Venezula Airliner en route fr Barquisimeto; radio went dead both at Va 2/2/1955 #11965  
                                   Barquisimeto Valera, Venezuela 11:15 a.m 2/2/1955 #11968  
tain Dario Celis is flying between Barquisimeto and Valera, Venezuela, at 7 2/2/1955 #11968  
pilot cuts in his mike to call the Barquisimeto radio station. After report 2/2/1955 #11968  
                                   BARQUISIMETO AND CARORA, VNZ 17+observer 3/13/1956 #12752  
                                   Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela A car-raci 9/16/1968 #24470  
 Venezuela A car-racing contest at Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela, is disrup 9/16/1968 #24470  
## Word: "barquismeto" (Back to Top)
de several passes over the city of Barquismeto, Venezuela. There were more  3/13/1956 #12754  
## Word: "barr" (Back to Top)
                    Grinnell, Iowa Barr Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana Springf Mid 4/1897 #493  
ear the window of his apartment on Barr Street in Fort Wayne, Indiana, when Mid 4/1897 #493  
  Van Horne, Iowa 11:00 p.m. Patti Barr and Kathy Mahr, two teenage cousins 7/12/1969 #25264  
y tell Pat’s father, farmer Warren Barr, who then discovers a 24-foot-diame 7/12/1969 #25264  
or more than 30 minutes over Great Barr, England. It changed shape and colo 9/2/1971 #26310  
                             GREAT BARR, BIRMINGHAM, ENG Truck-size orange  10/4/1982 (approximate) #36631  
## Word: "barra" (Back to Top)
amed Restier was driving home from Barra Mansa to Volta Redonda, Brazil at  12/4/1949 #4435  
                                   BARRA DA TIJUCA, BRZ 5 photographs. 200' 5/7/1952 #6263  
                                   Barra da Tijuca, Brazil Brazil photos (N 5/7/1952 #6265  
                                   Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  5/7/1952 #6270  
kes five photographs of a UFO over Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 5/7/1952 #6270  
 taken on this day at 4:30 p.m. in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 5/7/1952 #6271  
                                   BARRA DO PIRAI, BRAZIL 10M luminous disk 12/10/1957 #14703  
as crushed at the landing site. In Barra do Pirai, Brazil at 10 p.m., a 10- 12/10/1957 #14705  
   Savona, Italy 6:35 a.m. Giacomo Barra, Giuseppe Pordoi, Filippo Marin, a 6/3/1961 #16715  
                           SOUTH / BARRA / TIJUCA, BRZ Bright ovoid maneuve 3/6/1966 #19943  
urenço Jorge Municipal Hospital in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  3/6/1966 #19944  
urenço Jorge Municipal Hospital in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3/6/1966 #19944  
                                   BARRA / TIJUCA, BRZ Several observer(s). 3/17/1966 #19977  
ovoid object descended slowly over Barra de Tijuca, Brazil at 1:50 a.m. It  3/17/1966 #19984  
me stranded along a dirt road near Barra da Tijuca, Brazil after his car en 3/17/1969 #25020  
                              NEAR BARRA DA TIJUCA, BRZ Army General. Elect 3/20/1969 #25032  
                       NORTHWEST / BARRA ISLAND, SCOTLAND 2 / trawler crews 10/16/1974 #29534  
                                   BARRA DO CORDA, BRAZIL Rancher. Straw-ha 7/17/1977 #32284  
                                   Barra do Corda (near), Brazil A domed di 7/17/1977 #32286  
 straw hat, landed on a ranch near Barra do Corda, Brazil. The ranch owner  7/17/1977 #32286  
anded on the Nova Melia Ranch near Barra do Corda, Maranhao State, Brazil o 7/17/1977 #32288  
## Word: "barraba" (Back to Top)
                                   BARRABA AND STANTHORPE, AUSTR Several se 2/1/1973 #27257  
## Word: "barrack" (Back to Top)
nd strange marks were found on the barrack window blinds the next day.      9/24/1978 #33744  
## Word: "barracks" (Back to Top)
 minutes and then moves toward the barracks. Troops are mustered out and si 1/29/1913 #875  
ft are seen this month at military barracks in Focşani, Brăila, and Târgovi 1/29/1913 #875  
Day. Asa Howard Jr. is outside the barracks at RAF Molesworth in Cambridges Summer 1944 #1612  
"Extra Venus" curves and zags over barracks. Slows. Stops. Turns.           10/2/1953 #9200  
rea RAF Waterbeach [now Waterbeach Barracks], Cambridgeshire English Channe 10/9/1953 #9217  
 at RAF Waterbeach [now Waterbeach Barracks], Cambridgeshire, are scrambled 10/9/1953 #9217  
 La Fere, France Near the military barracks, soldiers saw a strange object  10/6/1954 #10754  
 p.m. Two soldiers at the military barracks in La Fère, Aisne, France, watc 10/6/1954 #10757  
ce. At 9:30 p.m. near the military barracks in La Fere, Aisne, France two s 10/6/1954 #10761  
 sitting on the front steps of his barracks at Ellsworth AFB near Rapid Cit Late Spring 1957 #13662  
 North Luffenham [now St. George’s Barracks] when he nearly collides with a 10/21/1957 #14139  
alking from his sentry post to the barracks to sound reveille when he hears 9/29/1958 #15286  
s driving from Nampa, Idaho to his barracks at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas 2/28/1959 #15624  
 4 m in size, emerged, circled the barracks, and flew away at high speed.   3/1959 #15627  
 in diameter, emerges, circles the barracks, and flies away at high speed.  3/1959 #15628  
team from RAF Kinloss [now Kinloss Barracks] on the Moray Firth arrives to  Summer 1962 #17239  
ide the craft; he went back to his barracks later that night and was not aw 12/10/1964 #18655  
for a beer. On his way back to the barracks he came upon an unlit area of t 8/16/1971 #26291  
ut a dozen armed men run up to the barracks entrance and find no trace of t Fall 1975 #30380  
roke, Wales RAF Brawdy [now Cawdor Barracks], east of St. Davids Around 12: 2/4/1977 #31790  
cially near RAF Brawdy [now Cawdor Barracks], east of St. Davids.           2/4/1977 #31790  
s. At the same time, at a military barracks on the site where soldiers have 9/23/1978 #33736  
 broken open the shutters of their barracks windows, some of the soldiers b 9/23/1978 #33736  
 army private at a nearby military barracks was walking around some buildin 9/23/1978 #33737  
nted him. The soldier ran into the barracks to get additional witnesses, bu 9/23/1978 #33737  
                       At the army barracks near Biela Lake, Carpathia, Rom 9/24/1978 #33744  
. The three men retreated to their barracks, then came back out, noticing t 9/24/1978 #33744  
few other airmen are on top of the barracks for a view. They see an odd, tr 5/1980 #35296  
       Beirut, Lebanon 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombings                        10/23/1983 #37013  
t all personnel must remain in the barracks or other base facilities and no 7/19/1990 #39651  
a guard on duty at the Oderzo Army barracks in Oderzo, Italy suddenly found 4/20/1992 #40425  
abscess under his left arm. At the barracks infirmary, physician Robson Fer 2/6/1996 #42742  
## Word: "barracuda" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Barracuda” YieldMax: 40KT                12/4/1963 #18063  
## Word: "barragan" (Back to Top)
ce, Colombia three men named Guio, Barragan, and Zarate witnessed a footbal 12/31/2006 #44992  
## Word: "barrage" (Back to Top)
ttack and subsequent anti-aircraft barrage over Los Angeles, California. Ai 2/24/1942 #1388  
eer states the gathering became a “barrage” of questions directed at Greer  3/9/1992 #40369  
l busies up the documentary with a barrage of images of atomic age archival 12/4/2018 #45550  
## Word: "barrame" (Back to Top)
t 10 p.m., a guard in San Lucar de Barrame, Spain watched a "pot" fly silen 1/28/1969 #24875  
## Word: "barrameda" (Back to Top)
                       SANLUCAR DE BARRAMEDA, SP Squeaky glowing tomato / g 10/11/1968 #24556  
                       SANLUCAR DE BARRAMEDA, SP Guard. Silent "pot" north  1/28/1969 #24874  
ota Naval Airbase near Sanlucar de Barrameda when he saw a metallic white l 3/17/1974 #28898  
                       Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain 3:00 a.m. The chauffeur 3/23/1974 #28935  
ving on the highway in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain, when he sees a “lumino 3/23/1974 #28935  
                        SANLUCAR / BARRAMEDA, SP Car malfunctions due to EM 3/24/1974 #28940  
tness driving between Sanlucar and Barrameda, Cadiz, Spain had his car engi 3/24/1974 #28943  
Frontera, Cádiz, Spain Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz Morón Air Base, Seville 9/1975? #30333  
 see any aircraft over Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz, where they have a rada 9/1975? #30333  
## Word: "barranca" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Barranca” YieldMax: 20KT                 8/4/1971 #26265  
## Word: "barranqueras" (Back to Top)
 Oberá in Misiones Resistencia and Barranqueras in Chaco, Argentina 10:00 p 6/24/1967 #22548  
á in Misiones; and Resistencia and Barranqueras in Chaco, Argentina. All ar 6/24/1967 #22548  
## Word: "barranquilla" (Back to Top)
                                   BARRANQUILLA, COL. Hubcap / wheel-cover  12/24/1954 #11857  
## Word: "barranquitas" (Back to Top)
es had gone out in his backyard in Barranquitas, Guayama, Puerto Rico to cu 5/15/1995 #42211  
rim, hovered near a radio tower in Barranquitas, Puerto Rico, causing a flu 8/18/1995 #42401  
## Word: "barrault" (Back to Top)
                Lavoux, France Mr. Barrault was riding his bicycle when he  10/9/1954 #10849  
nne, France Around 7:00 p.m. Roger Barrault, a worker in Lavoux, Vienne, Fr 10/9/1954 #10854  
                               Mr. Barrault was riding his bicycle in Lavou 10/9/1954 #10867  
## Word: "barre" (Back to Top)
                                   BARRE, VT 3+observer(s). Baseball-orbs d 3/23/1950 #4708  
                            Wilkes Barre (near), PA Daytime. A disc made a  7/6/1975 #30166  
ty miles north-northwest of Wilkes Barre. (Sources: NICAP UFO Investigator, 7/6/1975 #30166  
ty miles north-northwest of Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.                     7/6/1975 #30169  
                                   BARRE, VT 3 observer(s). Slow white glow 2/9/1984 #37182  
## Word: "barre-des-cevennes" (Back to Top)
                                   BARRE-DES-CEVENNES, FR 2 cops. 12M domed 1/1956 (approximate) #12640  
## Word: "barred" (Back to Top)
ndrick and Charles O. Rhoades) are barred by a federal court order from sel 5/28/1959 #15749  
## Word: "barreiro" (Back to Top)
                                   BARREIRO, PORTUGAL Several calls and air 12/13/1977 #32762  
## Word: "barrel" (Back to Top)
 AND LEICS COS, ENGL Fiery wheel / barrel spins. Strong rays. Cloud dumps ' 10/14/1387 #16  
vapor trail, and begins making 6–7 barrel rolls. It then peels off in a str 6/2/1919 #986  
as the object pealed off, made 6-7 barrel rolls, and left contrails in its  6/2/1919 #987  
ball of light, "as big around as a barrel," which resolved itself into a di 7/4/1947 #2678  
n egg-shaped object “the size of a barrel head” passes overhead in the same 7/9/1947 #3069  
        LODI, OH Glittering silver barrel makes 90-turn at speed. 2nd objec 10/9/1951 #5709  
                 RONSENAC, FR 1.8M barrel tilts / road. Gone / seconds. 7M  10/3/1954 #10653  
ver(s). Power out. Dogs howl. Half barrel saucer wavers / 10M altitude. / L 10/15/1954 #11093  
 also saw what looked like a small barrel, 60-70 centimeters wide by 1.5 me 11/23/1954 #11697  
DALE, CASINA, ITL Luminous/glowing barrel hovers vertical / field. 'Man' wa 12/11/1954 #11799  
, Miss Frassinetti, saw a luminous barrel hovering vertically over a nearby 12/11/1954 #11801  
                   MONTREAL, QB 9' barrel shape flies. 2 figure(s) visible  5/31/1962 #17213  
ried an odd-looking sidearm with a barrel about the size of a regular flash 9/4/1965 #19520  
                  PHILPOT, KY Pop! Barrel going up / field to 30M. Tilts ho 8/4/1967 #22795  
ike a welding arc comes out of the barrel and floats toward him, hitting hi 2/7/1969 #24901  
 MALATAVERNE, FR Man frozen. White barrel with antennas / gravel pit. / FSR 3/14/1969 #25008  
, CHINA Army unit. 5 Mx2.5M silver barrel glides over. Stops. Shoots away.  10/16/1971 #26426  
SSENGEAS, FR Silent blinding-white barrel going [to] 12M over reservoir. Ob 10/21/1972 #27083  
UTH / COPENHAGEN, DK Large flaming barrel caught / advertising photograph.  5/3/1975 #30018  
n Julio took his Winchester single barrel, semi-automatic shotgun out of th 2/5/1978 #32957  
 descending overhead. This one was barrel shaped and about one meter tall.  5/16/1979 #34564  
V PENTLAND / CHRISTMAS ISLAND Wide barrel saucer hovers / 88 minutes. Lit d 1/20/1983 #36751  
ir clothing and looked like a huge barrel with a circular antenna on top of 7/4/1989 #39009  
ice sounded like an echo inside a “barrel.” When she tried to jump from the 10/11/1989 #39164  
 / 80kph. 6 lights rotate / rear / barrel.                                  2/6/1993 #40842  
               At 10:05 MDT in Gun Barrel, Boulder County, Colorado a dark, 5/9/2008 #45136  
## Word: "barrel-chested" (Back to Top)
0 the saucer returns, along with a barrel-chested “midget pilot” wearing a  5/20/1953 #8889  
## Word: "barrel-on-canoe" (Back to Top)
      DARLINGTON, AUSTRALIA Black "barrel-on-canoe" going southwest / 80kph 2/6/1993 #40842  
## Word: "barrel-rolled" (Back to Top)
elt the air disturbance as the UFO barrel-rolled around the airplane for 10 7/9/1951 #5570  
. UFO caused air disturbance as it barrel-rolled under his plane. His nose  7/10/1951 #5571  
## Word: "barrel-rolls" (Back to Top)
   OVER DEARING, GA 4M saucer does barrel-rolls around F51 / 10 minute(s)!  7/9/1951 #5565  
## Word: "barrel-shape" (Back to Top)
   AUBURN, CA Several observer(s). Barrel-shape / high-altitude passes with 11/25/1896 #359  
separate observer(s). 30' glowing "barrel-shape" / 150' altitude. Roars. No 11/10/1953 #9290  
## Word: "barrel-shaped" (Back to Top)
er, of the Air Force Base. A dark, barrel-shaped object with a pole down fr 8/30/1950 #5149  
aeel and Alexander sighted a dark, barrel-shaped object with a pole extendi 8/30/1950 #5151  
         Brookley AFB (Mobile), AL Barrel-shaped black object 3.5-4 ft diam 7/22/1952 #7014  
ul, S. Korea Luminous bluish-white barrel-shaped object (NICAP: 01 - Distan 11/6/1957 #14407  
     Seoul, Korea North of Seoul a barrel-shaped object, bluish-white and l 11/6/1957 #14410  
     North of Seoul, South Korea a barrel-shaped object, bluish-white and l 11/6/1957 #14431  
             Corsica, PA Dark red, barrel-shaped object, 20 ft long, 6-7 ft 3/26/1959 #15671  
itness:  T.E. Clark. One dark red, barrel-shaped object, 20' long, 6-7' hig 3/26/1959 #15672  
                           A blue, barrel-shaped UFO landed remotely a half 3/27/1959 #15675  
              At 7:50 p.m. a white barrel-shaped object with antennas hover 3/14/1969 #25013  
t descending overhead. This one is barrel-shaped and hovers for a bit befor 5/16/1979 #34563  
ne, France a driver saw an orange, barrel-shaped object with ailerons as it 9/6/1988 #38635  
## Word: "barrelhead" (Back to Top)
ALLS, NFLD Cop and others. "Flying Barrelhead" and 4 saucers. Phosphorescen 7/9/1947 #3049  
## Word: "barrels" (Back to Top)
lk production decreased from 2 1/2 barrels to one; a dog barked, and other  8/20/1965 #19439  
## Word: "barreme" (Back to Top)
                                   BARREME, FR 2M saucer spirals going down 11/25/1976 #31573  
## Word: "barren" (Back to Top)
a.m. EDT). Two witnesses in a very barren area outside of the city observed 6/21/1967 #22527  
 300 feet away. A 4-foot circle of barren grass is found, although an 18-in 8/4/1968 #24295  
g [to] fast. Spins. Lands? Patch / barren ground.                           5/20/1969 #25150  
ss to the supposed crash site on a barren hilltop. They find no trace of a  1/23/1974 #28694  
ss to a supposed crash site on the barren hilltop. A nurse, telephoned by t 1/23/1974 #28695  
veling by car late at night on the barren plain of Toquilla, Casanare provi 1/23/1979 #34368  
abad are on a research trip in the barren Samudra Tapu valley, Himachal Pra 9/27/2004 #44762  
## Word: "barrera" (Back to Top)
nd Islands, Antarctica, Mario Jahn Barrera, together with Chilean Air Force 6/18/1965 #19012  
Antarctica two Chilean scientists, Barrera and Perisse, witnessed, tracked  7/3/1965 #19065  
## Word: "barrett" (Back to Top)
bove the ground. (Source: James P. Barrett, case investigation files, and H 2/10/1976 #30862  
and 6:05 a.m. Truck driver William Barrett is on an early delivery run from 1/14/1980 #35135  
way, H David Froning Jr, Terence W Barrett, Hal Puthoff, Michael Bison and  5/6/2003 #44526  
## Word: "barricaded" (Back to Top)
 over his business to his sons and barricaded himself in his house. His fam 8/1988 #38611  
## Word: "barrie" (Back to Top)
 the Air Ministry (Squadron Leader Barrie Heath) and the other (Maj. Malone 7/18/1946 #2061  
                                   Barrie, Ontario, CAN 9:15 a.m. EDT. A ma 8/12/1967 #22866  
ter 8:00 p.m. RCMP Constable S. B. Barrie and his wife Vivian are driving 5 10/3/1969 #25395  
hts go out, and the engine stalls. Barrie gets out of the car and the objec 10/3/1969 #25395  
## Word: "barrier" (Back to Top)
ager unofficially breaks the sound barrier (670 mph) for the first time in  10/14/1947 #3458  
O, MO 4M saucer / field. Invisible barrier 5M away. 65cm figure / spacesuit 2/14/1967 #21542  
eudo-human/entity behind invisible barrier. Hide faces. / MJ#177+/ FSRv15#4 2/22/1969 #24938  
the woman he ran into an invisible barrier that he likened to a bar across  2/22/1969 #24939  
vestigate he ran into an invisible barrier ten meters away from it, that kn 5/27/1971 #26139  
there he encountered an "invisible barrier" and could not proceed. Meanwhil 10/29/1973 #28319  
inside. Observer(s) hits invisible barrier. Going west.                     6/15/1975 (approximate) #30104  
t were prevented by an "invisible" barrier. After the gray compact cigar-sh 8/18/1975 #30288  
arted to climb over the metal road barrier, but hesitated and turned toward 12/6/1976 #31587  
e but is prevented by an invisible barrier. Perez jumps out the door and ba 9/6/1978 #33638  
y what appeared to be an invisible barrier. Six days prior to the incident  9/6/1978 #33640  
t had colored lights. An invisible barrier apparently prevented the witness 9/25/1980 #35535  
rginia It shot off and broke sound barrier, rattling windows in homes in th 10/31/1987 #38313  
Michael R. Reager and A1C Jason H. Barrier are approaching the operations h 10/27/1992 #40694  
ach but were stopped by a luminous barrier 1.5 meters above the ground. The 12/29/1994 #41911  
 high velocity, breaking the sound barrier without producing a sonic boom,  6/25/2021 #45694  
## Word: "barriers" (Back to Top)
wd of about 150 people, destroying barriers to come closer, gathered to obs 11/8/1954 #11596  
a crowd of about 150 people jumped barriers to get closer to a luminous cra 11/8/1954 #11602  
## Word: "barriga" (Back to Top)
                                   BARRIGA HILL, CHILE Mechanic / car froze 7/25/1968 #24219  
## Word: "barring" (Back to Top)
                   At 5:15 a.m. in Barring Cross, Arkansas a photograph of  4/26/1897 #580  
ds to the ground as he approaches, barring the road. After watching it 8–10 10/11/1954 #10939  
## Word: "barrington" (Back to Top)
ns contacts the RCMP detachment in Barrington Passage and reports he has se 10/4/1967 #23176  
                                   BARRINGTON, NH College student. Domed cy 2/13/1974 #28760  
                                   Barrington, NH A student from the Univer 2/13/1974 #28764  
On this night a college student in Barrington, New Hampshire sighted a dome 2/13/1974 #28765  
                                   Barrington, IL Evening. Two 7th graders  10/31/1974 #29571  
                     BAKERS LAKE / BARRINGTON, ILL Dozens / observer(s). Wi 11/1/1974 (approximate) #29576  
                INVERNESS, IL Also Barrington. Several observer(s). 3+obser 6/9/1994 #41560  
                     Two people in Barrington, New Hampshire witnessed a ci 9/20/1999 #43848  
## Word: "barrio" (Back to Top)
d 8:00 p.m. Several persons in the barrio of Aluche, Madrid, Spain, alleged 2/6/1966 #19888  
uerto Rico San Juan Ponce Adjuntas Barrio Garzas Utuado Utuado High School  8/1972 #26864  
 along a lonely stretch of road in Barrio Garzas when he sees three bright  8/1972 #26864  
            COAMO AND ADJUNTAS AND BARRIO TANANA, PR Huge glowing ball goes 10/18/1972 #27078  
                                   Barrio La Gloria, Mendoza province, Arg  9/19/1979 #34899  
middle of the night in his home in Barrio La Gloria, Mendoza province, Arge 9/19/1979 #34901  
                                   Barrio Aguerre, Ciudad Treinta Y Tres, U 4/20/1980 #35281  
s way to his girlfriend's house in Barrio Supe, Berisso, Buenos Aires Provi 8/31/1990 #39707  
## Word: "barrionuevo" (Back to Top)
ock in the evening, two witnesses, Barrionuevo and Mercado, saw an alien be 10/5/1978 #33798  
## Word: "barrios" (Back to Top)
ng sent out to meet him. Patrolman Barrios from Achiras talked to him over  7/21/2002 #44362  
## Word: "barrocao" (Back to Top)
                                   BARROCAO AND CALFATE AND GAMELEIRA, BRZ  7/27/1965 #19184  
## Word: "barron" (Back to Top)
                           east of Barron, Wisconsin 10:00 p.m. Harry Ander Late Summer 1919 #993  
 their car runs out of oil east of Barron, Wisconsin. A passing farmer offe Late Summer 1919 #993  
                                   Barron, Wisconsin Day. 9-year-old Coral  Summer 1934 #1212  
st-southwest to the northwest over Barron, Wisconsin. It moves silently wit Summer 1934 #1212  
                                   BARRON, WI Young Coral Lorenzen. Silent  8/1934 (approximate) #1216  
## Word: "barroso" (Back to Top)
 in another part of the city, Luis Barroso Fernandes is preparing to travel 4/3/1976 #30983  
 light that strikes the donkey and Barroso, who immediately become paralyze 4/3/1976 #30983  
light and aims a beam that strikes Barroso in the face, causing him to lose 4/3/1976 #30983  
## Word: "barrot" (Back to Top)
s. A local radio astronomer, Allen Barrot, claims the couple saw the lights 3/22/1959 #15665  
 never looking in the direction of Barrot’s observatory.                    3/22/1959 #15665  
## Word: "barrow" (Back to Top)
                                PT BARROW, AK 3+saucers going west. Land /  2/12/1967 #21516  
                                   Barrow, AK Night. A man saw a basically  2/12/1967 #21519  
## Word: "barrow-in-furness" (Back to Top)
                                   Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England Vick 8/10/1914 #908  
j. Becke, commander of defenses at Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England, rep 8/10/1914 #908  
                                   BARROW-IN-FURNESS, ENGL 2 observer(s). C 11/7/1950 #5267  
## Word: "barrowclough" (Back to Top)
 Jennings Jr. with Lt. Col. Robert Barrowclough riding in the bombardier’s  7/8/1947 #3019  
## Word: "barry" (Back to Top)
 over two minutes by three people. Barry Greenwood thinks they are meteors, 2/28/1904 #670  
gh- school science teacher Paul M. Barry Jr. is skywatching when he sees tw 7/31/1933 #1169  
oolittle denies the correlation to Barry Greenwood in 1984, and researchers 8/19/1946 #2145  
istant Shirley J. Wright receiving Barry Scholarship                        10/1947 #3432  
ches since late December. However, Barry J. Greenwood and Robert Todd tenta 1/7/1948 #3544  
ed by Byron Haskin, and stars Gene Barry and Ann Robinson.                  8/13/1953 #9068  
out UFOs to a constituent, Senator Barry Goldwater said, “I, frankly, feel  8/31/1957 #13956  
                              Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) sends a letter 8/31/1957 #13960  
gs well in hand, and he tells Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) that allegatio 1/1958 #14791  
            Port Elliot, Australia Barry Neale was driving home to Goolwa w 3/31/1959 #15681  
Goolwa, South Australia 11:30 p.m. Barry Neale, operator of the Port Elliot 3/31/1959 #15682  
 the rural road he was driving on. Barry Neale, age 15, was driving home be 3/31/1959 #15684  
Sea Presbyterian religious scholar Barry Downing publishes The Bible and Fl 1968 #23624  
                              Sen. Barry Goldwater states he was denied acc 12/28/1973 #28612  
            Santa Ana, CA Martin W Barry, a Marine sergeant, was making his 1/4/1974 #28643  
                         Martin W. Barry, a Marine Corps sergeant, was maki 1/6/1974 #28654  
ed" and "stubby." It waddled up to Barry and struck him on the chest, knock 1/6/1974 #28654  
               At around 8:45 p.m. Barry King and Ian Vinten in Chingford,  5/11/1974 #29100  
could explain the event. Ufologist Barry Greenwood later stated he filed FO 7/17/1974 #29267  
A CIA source told ufologist Robert Barry a CR took place in NM the same yea 3/14/1975 #29900  
 Washington DC Letter from Senator Barry Goldwater stating: Ten or twelve y 3/28/1975 #29921  
ight-Patterson Air Force Base Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) writes, in res 3/28/1975 #29922  
                              Sen. Barry Goldwater writes to a researcher a 3/28/1975 #29924  
. (Reference: Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood, Clear Intent, page 3 10/18/1975 #30441  
. (Reference: Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood, Clear Intent, page 3 10/20/1975 #30452  
saucer crashes according to Robert Barry. Strange metallic coating.         11/11/1975 #30596  
. (Reference: Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood, Clear Intent, page 3 11/11/1975 #30606  
he Essex Hotline, and investigator Barry M. King interviews one of the offi 5/3/1977 #32050  
x Hotline], and field investigator Barry King came out and interviewed the  5/3/1977 #32053  
FOIA request, which UFO researcher Barry Greenwood promptly files.          12/13/1977 #32768  
ght hovering above some trees near Barry Drive in Vineland, New Jersey. She 1/27/1978 #32920  
includes some of the documents. As Barry Greenwood writes, “the only way to 2/2/1978 #32945  
m Charles Lombard, an aide to Sen. Barry Goldwater and a former covert CIA  10/1978 #33786  
ed in a subsequent FOIA request by Barry Greenwood. Moore and Bruce Maccabe 8/8/1980 #35447  
Doty’s superior officer, Col. John Barry Hennessey.) Doty claims that Stant 9/30/1980 #35547  
                     Washington DC Barry Goldwater, Senator, Arizona, in a  10/19/1981 #36178  
 Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) responds to co 10/19/1981 #36179  
                        Ariz. Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) replies to UFO 6/20/1983 #36884  
ng mall. At some point police Sgt. Barry Harman and Chief Inspector Hickman 7/22/1983 #36921  
0, written by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood is published.         5/1/1984 #37309  
ear Intent by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood, a history of Air For 7/1984 #37385  
              Lawrence Fawcett and Barry Greenwood launch a new series of J 9/1984 #37451  
   Roswell Texas National Archives Barry Greenwood calls the MJ-12 document 12/1987 #38341  
  Wright-Patterson AFB Former Sen. Barry Goldwater appears on Larry King’s  10/13/1988 #38671  
ecorded interview with former Sen. Barry Goldwater, who says: “I think the  10/1/1994 #41779  
x Tucson, Arizona Paulden Prescott Barry Goldwater Range in southwest Arizo 3/13/1997 #43229  
raft in a training exercise at the Barry Goldwater Range in southwest Arizo 3/13/1997 #43229  
, claims to meet former AFOSI Col. Barry Hennessey. Hennessey tells Grossma 2010 #45263  
gton, D.C., with former AFOSI Col. Barry Hennessey (Ret.). He acknowledges  Late 1/2010 #45268  
## Word: "bars" (Back to Top)
end on the Brush Creek area (snack bars are set up so that no one goes hung 5/20/1953 #8889  
ncilman. 1M and saucer very close. Bars protrude. Vanishes / instant! / LDL 10/18/1954 #11192  
, and that he has met with them in bars and restaurants in Southern Califor 1955 #11896  
 down [to] over harbor. Lights and bars / dome. / FSRv30#5.                 1/15/1967 #21302  
ing its shape. There were whirling bars of light on the dome that resembled 1/15/1967 #21314  
as wearing a jacket with four gold bars on each shoulder. The man talked to 10/10/1967 #23205  
me-shaped object with striped dark bars from her residential neighborhood o 12/11/1973 #28556  
 12 meters altitude. It had 4 or 5 bars and small red and blue lights slowl 12/11/1973 #28556  
ITA, SARDINIA NATO man. 3 luminous bars / sudden changes in formation. Goin 5/1976 (approximate) #31030  
ide facing them with dark vertical bars. Through the transparent surface th 2/10/1977 #31808  
ameter and made up of separate red bars of light appears over the bedroom f 5/1977 #32043  
and there are no aftereffects. The bars of light begin to shrink in diamete 5/1977 #32043  
ows a black body between some iron bars.                                    9/21/1978 #33724  
r surface, in between the vertical bars of an H-shaped sign taking up almos 5/22/1979 #34574  
rcles / white light connected by 2 bars / red light.                        12/10/1982 #36710  
es of white light connected by two bars of red light.                       12/10/1982 #36713  
bserver(s). Silent 200' ovoid with bars. Vertical. Pads / bottom. Wave.     1/16/1994 #41373  
ps. Complex 2-domed structure with bars and fireball / front.               2/2/1994 #41401  
vel was high. The Chilean military bars entry to the site by civilians.     11/15/2002 #44443  
## Word: "barsac" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Barsac” YieldMax: 20KT                   3/20/1969 #25033  
## Word: "barshi" (Back to Top)
                            Kadori Barshi Mangalda Manbhum district, West B 9/15/1954 #10311  
 three adjoining villages (Kadori, Barshi, and Mangalda) in the Manbhum dis 9/15/1954 #10311  
## Word: "barski" (Back to Top)
rtment building 2:45 a.m. George O’Barski is driving home through North Hud 1/12/1975 #29744  
 takes off with a humming sound. O’Barski returns to the site the next day  1/12/1975 #29744  
 and file reports. Months later, O’Barski relays the story to an acquaintan 1/12/1975 #29744  
## Word: "barstow" (Back to Top)
                       SOUTHEAST / BARSTOW, CA Cops and more/others. Orange 9/21/1954 #10375  
                                   Barstow, CA A red-orange ball giving off 9/21/1954 #10379  
                                   Barstow, California Witnesses:  two loca 9/21/1954 #10381  
  At one o'clock in the morning in Barstow, California two local policemen, 9/21/1954 #10386  
                           NORTH / BARSTOW, CA 2 cops. 4 huge brilliant dis 8/31/1959 #15944  
lice officers on a pistol range in Barstow, California saw four huge brilli 8/31/1959 #15945  
                                   Barstow, California X-15 pilot Joseph A. 6/8/1966 #20544  
d crashes into the ground north of Barstow, California, killing copilot Car 6/8/1966 #20544  
                                   Barstow, CA 7:50 p.m. PDT (10:50 p.m. ED 9/14/1967 #23058  
                   I15 SOUTHWEST / BARSTOW, CA Flash! Grey domed saucer til 11/27/1978 #34007  
## Word: "bart" (Back to Top)
lski and Dutch-American astronomer Bart Bok see a vivid pink object moving  11/8/1957 #14486  
er hovers. Also orange ball / Mont Bart forest / 29 November.               11/28/1984 #37512  
## Word: "barta" (Back to Top)
        WESSINGTON SPRS, SD Farmer Barta. 1+2 blasts. 2' orange globe hover 7/7/1947 #2917  
## Word: "bartel" (Back to Top)
 Montezuma County, Colorado on the Bartel Ranch. A calf had been killed and 8/31/1978 #33610  
## Word: "bartelso" (Back to Top)
                                   Bartelso, Illinois Night. High school se 1/1972 #26535  
ns is driving in a rural area near Bartelso, Illinois, with a boyfriend whe 1/1972 #26535  
              At 8:45 p.m. outside Bartelso, Illinois an oval-shaped object 1/26/1998 #43506  
## Word: "bartender" (Back to Top)
              A lounge owner and a bartender watched a large domed object a 11/23/1976 #31569  
## Word: "bartenders" (Back to Top)
                    KENNER, LA 2 / bartenders. Large dome flashes red green 11/23/1976 #31565  
## Word: "barter" (Back to Top)
           SHINGLE SPRINGS, CA Don Barter and wife and others. ~50 disks se 7/8/1947 #2978  
                                   Barter Island, AK Object With Falling Le 2/8/1953 #8649  
## Word: "bartheleme-d'anjou" (Back to Top)
                               ST. BARTHELEME-D'ANJOU, FR 1 observer. Lumin 5/30/1996 #42916  
## Word: "barthelemy" (Back to Top)
 short time later Noel, Simon, and Barthelemy all saw a long gray animal, w 6/4/1970 #25690  
## Word: "bartholomew" (Back to Top)
Mills research engineers including Bartholomew. One glowing grey mass with  10/15/1953 #9229  
eers (James A. Winker, Fletcher L. Bartholomew, and Richard J. Reilly) near 10/15/1953 #9230  
## Word: "bartis" (Back to Top)
aven, Connecticut 8:45 p.m. Thomas Bartis and his older brother Francis are 11/11/1951 #5775  
## Word: "bartlett" (Back to Top)
tion of Venus, astronomer James C. Bartlett Jr. watches two discs fly overh 8/5/1952 #7469  
ore, Maryland, astronomer James C. Bartlett Jr. is observing a transit of t Late 9/1953 #9179  
                   MOON Astronomer Bartlett. Distinct blue band / light at  11/14/1964 #18612  
                     Keeneyville & Bartlett, between, IL Dog in car alarmed 3/7/1967 #21786  
S Highway 20 Keeneyville, Illinois Bartlett, Illinois 12:30 a.m. Lucille Dr 3/7/1967 #21787  
s they turn off the highway toward Bartlett, Illinois, the object descends  3/7/1967 #21787  
                              Bill Bartlett, age 17, was driving on Farm St 4/21/1977 #32009  
 Officers M. L. Davidson and F. E. Bartlett of the Memphis Police Tactical  5/16/1977 #32098  
                                   BARTLETT, TN "Aircraft" = metallic slive 1/25/1996 #42711  
nn Woolsey, Darlene Hooley, Roscoe Bartlett, and Mike Gravel. The witnesses 4/29/2013 #45366  
## Word: "barto" (Back to Top)
                                   Barto, Pennsylvania Ray Palmer travels t 3/1945 #1806  
Pennsylvania Ray Palmer travels to Barto, Pennsylvania, and spends a weeken 3/1945 #1806  
## Word: "bartoli" (Back to Top)
, France 9:20 p.m. Mechanics André Bartoli and Jean-Jacques Lalevée see the 10/9/1954 #10856  
 in Cuisy, Seine-et-Marne, France. Bartoli’s car motor and headlights fail, 10/9/1954 #10856  
## Word: "bartoll" (Back to Top)
wn on the shore. Lieut. Karl-Gösta Bartoll from the Boden engineer corps ar 7/19/1946 #2071  
 A military team led by Karl-Gösta Bartoll can find no trace of a “ghost bo 7/19/1946 #2072  
## Word: "barton" (Back to Top)
 Vernon, Illinois, including Mayor Barton C. Wells, allegedly see an object 4/14/1897 #469  
                                   Barton Hill Academy Bristol, England Day 1930 #1107  
ay. Schoolboys and teachers at the Barton Hill Academy in Bristol, England, 1930 #1107  
        PATERSON, NJ Observer(s) = Barton Walker. Moon-size sphere/orb/glob 7/6/1947 #2734  
ico Late afternoon. 1Lt Chester P. Barton, stationed at Roswell Army Air Fi 7/9/1947 #3066  
F-61 at all times.” Radar operator Barton Halter thinks it is a “new type o 10/15/1948 #3841  
  two USAF Lt. Colonels McGinn and Barton in a B-25 bomber. Three silver, d 7/24/1952 #7114  
ohn L. McGinn and Lt. Col. John R. Barton, are flying a B-25 out of Hamilto 7/24/1952 #7115  
d the bomber were named McGinn and Barton, and their sighting was brief, la 7/24/1952 #7118  
45M domed saucer hovers very low / Barton power station/depot/facility / 15 8/13/1956 #13074  
ippi Witnesses:  Mr. and Mrs. M.O. Barton. One bright cherry-red, diamond-s 7/29/1962 #17299  
                 Mr. and Mrs. M.O. Barton of Ocean Springs, Mississippi saw 7/29/1962 #17300  
t of Vernal, Utah named Allred and Barton saw a reddish orange ball of ligh 2/1/1968 #23725  
## Word: "baru" (Back to Top)
the local primary school in Johore Baru, Johore province, Malaysia at 10:35 7/2/1969 #25245  
## Word: "baruch" (Back to Top)
al Intelligence Officer Bernard M. Baruch Jr. develops a submarine reportin 1942 #1384  
    Washington, D.C. Cmdr. Bernard Baruch Jr. makes 44 trips at his own exp 1947 #2219  
           Hillenkoetter writes to Baruch, saying that his CIRES plan is “o 5/5/1947 #2278  
tion (JANAP) 146, based on Bernard Baruch Jr.’s CIRES system, is issued. It 10/1/1948 #3826  
                     Capt. Bernard Baruch Jr. suggests to Gen. Hoyt Vandenb 12/1949 #4430  
## Word: "barueri" (Back to Top)
                                   BARUERI, SP, BRZ "Chapada" spins between 1/5/1992 (approximate) #40279  
## Word: "barvaux" (Back to Top)
                                   BARVAUX / OURTH, BELGIUM Boy / 9. Large  11/18/1992 #40717  
## Word: "barwood" (Back to Top)
nix city councilwoman Frances Emma Barwood is the only elected official to  3/13/1997 #43229  
## Word: "bary" (Back to Top)
lent triangular craft flew over De Bary, Florida at 9:15 p.m. The two witne 7/16/1994 #41628  
## Word: "bas-rhein" (Back to Top)
                        Schirmeck, Bas-Rhein, Germany 7:00 p.m. LT. Seven l 5/6/1967 #22282  
## Word: "bas-rhin" (Back to Top)
eaufighter Rhine River Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France Mannheim, Germany Night 11/29/1944 #1710  
e Rhine River north of Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France. They see “eight to 10  11/29/1944 #1710  
                      Wissembourg, Bas-Rhin, France Landau, Germany 12:10 a 1/30/1945 #1764  
t 2,000 feet” between Wissembourg, Bas-Rhin, France, and Landau, Germany. T 1/30/1945 #1764  
est east-southeast of Wissembourg, Bas-Rhin, France a huge, 400 meter long  10/15/1955 #12505  
            Dossenheim-sur-Zinsel, Bas-Rhin, France Midnight–4:00 a.m. Elev 8/22/1976 #31291  
flying over Dossenheim-sur-Zinsel, Bas-Rhin, France.                        8/22/1976 #31291  
 a car in the commune of Sélestat, Bas-Rhin department, France observed a l 10/30/1994 #41824  
 on Highway D22 north of Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France saw a large triangle th 4/27/1996 #42888  
                       Odratzheim, Bas-Rhin, France Christian Morgenthaler  5/2001 #44172  
t de l’Aéronautique in Odratzheim, Bas-Rhin, France. It publishes the SPICA 5/2001 #44172  
## Word: "bas-rhine" (Back to Top)
titude over Hagenau, France in the Bas-Rhine region. The pilots names were  12/22/1944 #1728  
fe, and two children of Schirmeck, Bas-Rhine department, France first sight 5/6/1967 #22288  
## Word: "basalt" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / BASALT, NV 4 observer(s). Large disk goi 8/21/1947 #3357  
## Word: "bascara" (Back to Top)
                                   BASCARA, SP Observer(s) hides. 8M saucer 10/1958 #15290  
## Word: "base" (Back to Top)
 there is “no evidence on which to base a suspicion that this class of enem 9/4/1915 #936  
urround the perimeter of the UFO’s base. Seated at those windows are 20 or  Summer 1922 #1022  
n to Antarctica. He set up a large base on the Ross Ice Shelf, called Littl 10/1928 #1088  
ts. Two fighters from a nearby air base attempt to intercept it but cannot  8/17/1936 #1247  
they again used the Little America base but also set up on Stonington Islan 1939 #1302  
 the green light retracts into the base of the object. The object then tilt 11/13/1939 #1321  
                       [U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii 12/7/1941 #1377  
ited States against the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii 12/7/1941 #1377  
Control tower operator at Army Air Base saw two round reddish objects hover 8/29/1942 #1443  
                    Muroc Army Air Base Edwards AFB California The Northrop 5/19/1943 #1500  
es 12 miles west of Muroc Army Air Base [now Edwards AFB], California, kill 5/19/1943 #1500  
             KUMMERSDORF AIR FORCE BASE, GER Rocket launch. Film shows sphe 2/12/1944 #1572  
                  ACHMER AIR FORCE BASE?, GER ME252 pilot. 100M cylinder/ci 9/29/1944 #1669  
t severe headaches. They return to base in England after regaining power.   4/25/1945 #1854  
                      EVERY US B29 BASE IN MARIANAS ISLANDS Fireballs maneu 5/1945 #1857  
Field Selfridge Air National Guard Base Mount Clemens, Michigan When severa 7/1945 #1888  
 [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] near Mount Clemens, Michigan, the  7/1945 #1888  
 near Mount Clemens, Michigan, the base commander asks for a volunteer to a 7/1945 #1888  
r Field [now Airport], Utah Sandia Base [now part of Kirtland AFB] Kirtland 9/1945 #1935  
This marks the beginning of Sandia Base [now part of Kirtland AFB]. Nearby  9/1945 #1935  
y Kirtland Field is used as a B-29 base for aircraft compatibility and drop 9/1945 #1935  
rcise. The flight never returns to base. A report by Navy investigators con 12/5/1945 #1950  
silver, domed object with a square base landed on the sea off the coast of  12/25/1945 #1953  
e (which has become a Soviet naval base), East Germany, as the origin of th 8/22/1946 #2150  
                  TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK Saucer / 60M altitude. 12 porth 8/25/1946 (approximate) #2158  
      Los Alamos Laboratory Sandia Base, New Mexico Secretary of War Robert 1/29/1947 #2236  
SWP establish themselves at Sandia Base, New Mexico, bringing the strict se 1/29/1947 #2236  
       FRANKFURT, GERM 3 US WACs / base. 3 big fireballs maneuver / 30 minu 2/3/1947 #2237  
sent to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio, and ended up at  5/31/1947 #2303  
                 MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, AL 4 observer(s). Night light zigz 6/28/1947 #2443  
                       Chitose Air Base, Hokkaido, Japan A target is picked 7/1/1947 #2518  
 picked up on radar at Chitose Air Base, Hokkaido, Japan, moving 16 miles n 7/1/1947 #2518  
hern New Mexico Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque Alamogordo White S 7/1/1947 #2524  
xico and one at Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque allegedly track an 7/1/1947 #2524  
adar operators at Chitose Army Air Base on Hokkaido, Japan picked up an uni 7/1/1947 #2525  
ified target 16 miles north of the base on course of 180 degrees and a spee 7/1/1947 #2525  
aho St. Joe River Spokane Army Air Base Fairchild AFB 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Walter 7/3/1947 #2584  
e officers at the Spokane Army Air Base [now Fairchild AFB], and an intensi 7/3/1947 #2584  
              Fairfield-Suisan Air Base, California Witnesses:  Army Air Fo 7/6/1947 #2806  
he debris with him, returns to the base and reports to Blanchard on what he 7/6/1947 #2812  
intelligence agent assigned to the base, CIC Captain Sheridan W. Cavitt. Th 7/6/1947 #2812  
iles northwest of Roswell Army Air Base (RAAF)                              7/7/1947 #2832  
                   LOWRY AIR FORCE BASE, CO Several Army Air Force (AAF) me 7/7/1947 #2852  
          NEAR BERGSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, TX Aircrew. 6M glass disk flashes  7/7/1947 #2885  
cers going [to] toward(s) Army air base going quickly northwest? Puffs / ed 7/7/1947 #2906  
apor trails over McChord Air Force Base.                                    7/7/1947 #2916  
                HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Sgt. Baker and several. 3 round 7/8/1947 #2955  
      40 MI SOUTH / MUROC ARMY AIR BASE, CA F51 pilot / 20K' altitude. Flat 7/8/1947 #2987  
                         Muroc Air Base, California Witnesses:  lst Lt. Jos 7/8/1947 #3009  
                                   base Provost Marshal Fort Worth, Texas 6 7/8/1947 #3011  
at they have seen. Blanchard calls base Provost Marshal Maj. Edwin D. Easle 7/8/1947 #3011  
.” Too many phone callers into the base are asking to speak with him. He, a 7/8/1947 #3021  
o, debris field. Those left at the base are told to inform the reporters th 7/8/1947 #3021  
s, intrigued by inquiries from the base about small caskets, visits the bas 7/8/1947 #3026  
se about small caskets, visits the base hospital but is turned away forcibl 7/8/1947 #3026  
               ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK 3 teens. Small white disk faste 7/9/1947 #3044  
te Mack Brazel and take him to the base for questioning, then to the Roswel 7/9/1947 #3054  
 house on the Roswell, New Mexico, base. The officers try to convince him n 7/10/1947 #3111  
given a physical by doctors at the base hospital.                           7/10/1947 #3111  
          Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, A 7/11/1947 #3138  
 south of Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, A 7/11/1947 #3138  
               ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Several officers. Grey object f 7/12/1947 #3151  
          Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf- Richardson], Anchorage,  7/12/1947 #3159  
others at Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf- Richardson], Anchorage,  7/12/1947 #3159  
1M saucer slowly circles Air Force Base. Brown colored-grey / one side. Sil 7/16/1947 #3191  
in Newfoundland is written up by a base intelligence officer.               7/16/1947 #3192  
 province The antiaircraft command base of the Chinese Nationalist Governme 7/19/1947 #3201  
                HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 Air Force Officers. 2 saucers 7/29/1947 #3249  
                      Hamilton Air Base, California Witnesses:  Assistant B 7/29/1947 #3252  
, California Witnesses:  Assistant Base Operations Officer Capt. William Rh 7/29/1947 #3252  
to, California 2:50 p.m. Assistant Base Operations Officer Capt. William H. 7/29/1947 #3255  
                      Hamilton Air Base, California At 2:50 p.m. PDT the As 7/29/1947 #3256  
nia At 2:50 p.m. PDT the Assistant Base Operations Officer, Capt. William R 7/29/1947 #3256  
The Garrett Estimate, an Air Force Base Intelligence Report on “Flying Disc 7/30/1947 #3262  
nver Post Manzano Mountains Sandia Base New Mexico The Denver Post runs a s 8/1947 #3277  
 the military is building a secret base consisting of huge caverns for atom 8/1947 #3277  
purposes. The article says the new base is in the Manzano Mountains southea 8/1947 #3277  
zano Mountains southeast of Sandia Base, New Mexico. The military responds  8/1947 #3277  
tions and construction near Sandia Base are top secret. In fact, however, t 8/1947 #3277  
 storage. The AFSWP code-names the base “Site Able.”                        8/1947 #3277  
               Rapid City Army Air Base Ellsworth AFB Box Elder, South Dako 8/15/1947? #3337  
rdment Wing at Rapid City Army Air Base [now Ellsworth AFB] near Box Elder, 8/15/1947? #3337  
0 feet near Mountain Home Army Air Base, Idaho at around noon. The objects  8/18/1947 #3347  
                       Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] Fukuoka, Japa 9/16/1947 #3399  
target is picked up at Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport], Fukuoka, Jap 9/16/1947 #3399  
                 Japan Chitose Air Base MEW Radar Station, Fukuoka A memora 9/26/1947 #3428  
peed targets in Japan (Chitose Air Base, July 1; and MEW Radar Station, Fuk 9/26/1947 #3428  
         EDWARDS / MUROC AIR FORCE BASE, CA Chuck Yeager / USAF. 1st supers 10/14/1947 #3453  
                   BLIDA AIR FORCE BASE, ALGERIA Sentry. Red round object r 12/1947 (approximate) #3495  
ow Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio Ohio River Dav 1948 #3521  
ow Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio. While executi 1948 #3521  
sport of the craft covertly to the base.  https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/0 1948 #3527  
                        Godman Air Base, Kentucky Capt. Mantell of USAF is  1/7/1948 #3535  
light in the hazy sky. By the time base commander Col. Guy Hixarrived at 2: 1/7/1948 #3536  
Lockbourne AFB), OH Object Circles Base At High Speed / Touches Down (NICAP 1/7/1948 #3541  
kwell, Capt. James F. Duesler Jr., Base Air Inspector Lt. Col. E. Garrison  1/7/1948 #3543  
ow Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio Commercial Poi 1/7/1948 #3546  
ow Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio, spot a bright 1/7/1948 #3546  
k] near Wilmington, Ohio 7:35 p.m. Base personnel at Clinton County AFB [no 1/7/1948 #3547  
the Clinton County, Ohio Air Force Base at 7:20 p.m. It was witnessed by se 1/7/1948 #3548  
                HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 5 / theodolite. 2 silent 35M sa 4/5/1948 #3609  
he afternoon at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico three base personnel re 4/5/1948 #3613  
n Air Force Base, New Mexico three base personnel reported having witnessed 4/5/1948 #3613  
pecial Investigations AEC’s Sandia Base Los Alamos in New Mexico Physicist  4/27/1948 #3630  
ecial Investigations, AEC’s Sandia Base, and Los Alamos in New Mexico, unde 4/27/1948 #3630  
it descending across his path. The base tells him it has tracked the object 6/16/1948 #3671  
ing day, an object hovers over the base at 45,000 feet and moving only 10 m Summer 1948 #3679  
               Ellsworth Air Force Base Top Secret Report (100–203–79, p.12 7/1/1948 #3692  
. N.): Maj. Hammer, Rapid City Air Base, reported seeing 12 discs over the  7/1/1948 #3692  
 reported seeing 12 discs over the base. These disks were oval-shaped and a 7/1/1948 #3692  
 dispatched from a nearby military base to cordon off the UFO crash site un 7/7/1948 #3699  
ge and carry it away to a military base in San Antonio, Texas. Supposedly t 7/7/1948 #3699  
                Kirtland Air Force Base Top Secret Report (100–203–79, p.12 7/17/1948 #3711  
t 4:50 p.m. two Kirtland Air Force Base Sergeants on a fishing trip with th 7/17/1948 #3715  
                  ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Project Bluebook Case #165. 1 m 7/24/1948 #3725  
                   CLARK AIR FORCE BASE, LUZON, PHL Wingless cylinder/cigar 8/1/1948 (approximate) #3766  
-2 or R-1 missile from the Russian base at Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Oblast,  8/21/1948 #3785  
1950, now part of Nellis Air Force Base); and the Pamlico Sound area off th Late 1948 #3842  
                     Neubiberg Air Base [now closed] near Munich, Germany F 10/29/1948 #3855  
 silvery object over Neubiberg Air Base [now closed] near Munich, Germany.  10/29/1948 #3855  
after having remained over the air base more than 30 minutes. A similar obj 10/29/1948 #3855  
ed by U.S. Army radar at Goose Bay Base, Labrador, Canada on this day. It w 11/1/1948 #3864  
                 ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Project Bluebook Case #207. Uni 11/18/1948 #3881  
While flying an F-80 over a US Air Base in the Fursten-Feldbruck area of Ge 11/23/1948 #3884  
              Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base in Bavaria, Germany 10:20 p.m. The  11/23/1948 #3889  
akes place at Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base in Bavaria, Germany. A UFO is seen  11/23/1948 #3889  
                  TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Air Traffic Controller. Firebal 12/3/1948 #3900  
 hours, including guards at Sandia Base, New Mexico where atomic bombs were 12/5/1948 #3910  
d Green Flare Directly Over Sandia Base (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 12/6/1948 #3911  
                            Sandia Base Albuquerque, New Mexico 10:55 p.m.  12/6/1948 #3914  
pparent size of the moon at Sandia Base outside Albuquerque, New Mexico. It 12/6/1948 #3914  
aPaz and two USAF officers (Sandia Base Intelligence Officer Lt. Allan B. C 12/12/1948 #3926  
n a remote, fenced-off part of the base. After a few weeks, they see bright 1949 #3945  
haps not even assigned to the same base. Even Clingerman and McCoy become l 1/1949 #3950  
ickam Field Honolulu, Hawaii Joint Base Pearl Harbor–Hickam 2:00 p.m. USAF  1/4/1949 #3959  
at Hickam Field [now part of Joint Base Pearl Harbor–Hickam] near Honolulu, 1/4/1949 #3959  
s apparently several miles off the base and slowly circling. It is bright w 1/4/1949 #3959  
                KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Project Bluebook Case #242. Mil 1/6/1949 #3964  
                GRIFFISS AIR FORCE BASE, NY Many observer(s). White sphere/ 2/1949 #3991  
f New Mexico in Albuquerque Sandia Base UCLA geophysicist Joseph Kaplan mee 2/8/1949 #3998  
lligence liaison officer at Sandia Base). He promises to alert Scientific A 2/8/1949 #3998  
        Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH USAF Project "GRUDGE" s 2/11/1949 #4000  
ico Albuquerque, New Mexico Sandia Base, New Mexico 5:57 p.m. University of 2/17/1949 #4015  
he same time, 100 guards at Sandia Base, New Mexico, including the officer  2/17/1949 #4015  
                           Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX Blue-white object ab 3/6/1949 #4034  
                           Killeen Base [now West Fort Hood], Texas 8:30 p. 3/6/1949 #4035  
i, on security patrol near Killeen Base [now West Fort Hood], Texas, a nucl 3/6/1949 #4035  
zon. At 9:00 p.m., from inside the base boundary, Sgt. Hubert Vickery and P 3/6/1949 #4035  
                           Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX One white and one ye 3/8/1949 #4040  
                           Killeen Base, Texas 1:03 a.m. Two infantrymen ha 3/8/1949 #4041  
rymen half a mile apart at Killeen Base, Texas, see apparently separate str 3/8/1949 #4041  
                            Sandia Base, New Mexico 9:53 p.m. Two MPs guard 3/13/1949 #4044  
rding the Technical Area at Sandia Base, New Mexico, see a silent, spherica 3/13/1949 #4044  
                           Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX 7 separate sightings 3/17/1949 #4047  
                           Killeen Base, Texas Camp Hood Seven sightings of 3/17/1949 #4049  
white flares take place at Killeen Base, Texas, including the previously sk 3/17/1949 #4049  
ving between Camp Hood and Killeen Base to prepare a test firing of some fl 3/17/1949 #4049  
omalous. McCulloch puts the entire base on alert.                           3/17/1949 #4049  
                           Killeen Base, Camp Hood (east of), TX A reddish  3/31/1949 #4060  
of fire pass horizontally over the base airstrip (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 3/31/1949 #4060  
                           Killeen Base, Texas 11:50 p.m. Lieut. Frederick  3/31/1949 #4063  
k Davis, on patrol east of Killeen Base, Texas, sees a reddish-white ball o 3/31/1949 #4063  
ire passing horizontally above the base airstrip. After 10–15 seconds it di 3/31/1949 #4063  
                  CASTLE AIR FORCE BASE, CA USAF man. Saucer with clicking  4/4/1949 #4071  
ova at the Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona. The object suddenly mov 4/9/1949 #4085  
d Annex San Antonio, Texas Killeen Base, Texas Col. Reid Lumsden, commander 4/14/1949 #4090  
 Army reports of flares at Killeen Base to Col. William Carpenter, deputy d 4/14/1949 #4090  
ares are again observed at Killeen Base, Texas.                             4/14/1949 #4090  
 Washington, D.C. Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas The US Air Forc 4/18/1949 #4093  
hington, D.C., to Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.              4/18/1949 #4093  
                           Killeen Base, Camp Hood (SE of), TX Blinking vio 4/27/1949 #4114  
                            Sandia Base, New Mexico Los Alamos, Sandia, and 4/27/1949 #4115  
s, Sandia, and White Sands Killeen Base in Texas New Mexico School of Mines 4/27/1949 #4115  
eapons Project personnel at Sandia Base, New Mexico. LaPaz outlines plans f 4/27/1949 #4115  
pling. Rees urges that the Killeen Base in Texas be included. Kaplan, who s 4/27/1949 #4115  
                           Killeen Base, Texas 9:20 p.m. Two Army patrolmen 4/27/1949 #4118  
rmy patrolmen southeast of Killeen Base, Texas, see a blinking violet light 4/27/1949 #4118  
                           Killeen Base, Camp Hood (SE of), TX A variety of 4/28/1949 #4123  
                           Killeen Base, Texas 8:30 p.m. Several security p 4/28/1949 #4130  
everal security patrols at Killeen Base, Texas, report nine separate sighti 4/28/1949 #4130  
ghtings of lights southeast of the base. Most change color from white to re 4/28/1949 #4130  
                           Killeen Base Camp Hood, Texas The US Fourth Army 5/4/1949 #4144  
on and tracking network at Killeen Base in Camp Hood, Texas. Although it la 5/4/1949 #4144  
                           Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX AFOSI Case 62; 21:40 5/6/1949 #4155  
                        At Killeen Base, Camp Hood, Texas a UFO observation 5/6/1949 #4164  
                           Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX AFOSI Case 64; 20:25 5/7/1949 #4167  
                           Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX AFOSI Case 65; 19:40 5/7/1949 #4168  
                           Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX AFOSI Case 66; 20:08 5/8/1949 #4169  
                           Killeen Base, Texas Sandia Mountains near Albuqu 5/19/1949 #4196  
’s observation system near Killeen Base, Texas (without cameras, but with f 5/19/1949 #4196  
                           Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX 9:05-9:08 p.m. Willi 6/6/1949 #4227  
                           Killeen Base, Fort Hood, Texas 3 miles south of  6/6/1949 #4228  
. Two observation posts at Killeen Base, Fort Hood, Texas, spot a hovering  6/6/1949 #4228  
                           Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX Hovering orange obje 6/14/1949 #4239  
                  GUNTER AIR FORCE BASE, AL Project Bluebook Case #397. Sau 6/18/1949 #4241  
 going up [to] big dark cloud over base. 1 dives at observer(s) / car.      6/18/1949 #4241  
                   LOWRY AIR FORCE BASE, CO 1+1 observer(s). 6 classic sauc 7/3/1949 (approximate) #4259  
                  TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, CA 4 military observer(s). Project 7/18/1949 #4272  
                 Eielson Air Force Base, AL USAF WB-29 lands at Eielson Air 9/3/1949 #4344  
F WB-29 lands at Eielson Air Force Base AL with filter paper samples indica 9/3/1949 #4344  
                   CLARK AIR FORCE BASE, PHIL 3 planes. Object climbs 800mp 9/8/1949 #4351  
                        Key Atomic Base, NM Five Objects Cross Radarscope A Fall 1949 #4364  
cts Cross Radarscope At Key Atomic Base (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R,  Fall 1949 #4364  
O case takes place at a key atomic base (probably Los Alamos, New Mexico).  Fall 1949 #4366  
bably Los Alamos, New Mexico). The base radar scope covers 200 miles of sky Fall 1949 #4366  
                            Sandia Base, New Mexico 1:30 and 3:00 a.m. At l 9/27/1949 #4375  
 At least five observers at Sandia Base, New Mexico, see fireballs of vario 9/27/1949 #4375  
                            Sandia Base, New Mexico 1:07 a.m. A bluish-gree 10/10/1949 #4385  
at 45° above the horizon at Sandia Base, New Mexico. Duration is from 4 to  10/10/1949 #4385  
                HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. 3 military. Silver s 10/12/1949 #4388  
                Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico 5:49 p.m.  11/27/1949 #4427  
per second over Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico.           11/27/1949 #4427  
rque 6:00 p.m. Kirtland AFB Deputy Base Commander Lt. Col. Charles E. Lanca 11/27/1949 #4428  
                 ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Blue Book. F51 chases / classic 12/24/1949 #4442  
NM NORTH / DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ Silver saucer hovers / 15 minut 12/31/1949 #4454  
rswell going [to] Offutt Air Force Base. 45' metal ovoid / SL flight / 2K'  1/6/1950 #4473  
ir Station Kodiak [now Coast Guard Base Kodiak], Alaska Kodiak 2:40 a.m. Na 1/22/1950 #4503  
ir Station Kodiak [now Coast Guard Base Kodiak], Alaska. He obtains a radar 1/22/1950 #4503  
th Carolina Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia- Bolling], Washington, D. 1/24/1950 #4509  
arolina, to Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia- Bolling], Washington, D. 1/24/1950 #4509  
               ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Lt. Col. and 1. 3 orange cylind 1/26/1950 #4512  
          Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson] Anchorage, Al 1/26/1950 #4513  
uadron at Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, A 1/26/1950 #4513  
s Otis AFB Otis Air National Guard Base near Mashpee Lincoln LaPaz, citing  2/2/1950 #4526  
s AFB [now Otis Air National Guard Base] near Mashpee. As the objects are m 2/2/1950 #4526  
AEC) inspect. Metal saucer circles base / erratic. Goes going up. Back / 25 2/24/1950 #4548  
               SELFRIDGE AIR FORCE BASE, MI Project Bluebook Case #650. 2 R 3/3/1950 #4573  
e AFB Selfridge Air National Guard Base Mount Clemens, Michigan At Selfridg 3/3/1950 #4576  
 [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] near Mount Clemens, Michigan, a lo 3/3/1950 #4576  
               SELFRIDGE AIR FORCE BASE, MI Military Air Traffic Controller 3/9/1950 #4596  
               Selfridge Air Force Base Mount Clemens, Michigan 7:45 p.m. A 3/9/1950 #4598  
controllers at Selfridge Air Force Base [now Selfridge Air National Guard B 3/9/1950 #4598  
 [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] near Mount Clemens, Michigan, is b 3/9/1950 #4598  
    SOUTHWEST / HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Huge 5-minute meteor changes co 3/11/1950 #4610  
 Guatemala City Brookley Air Force Base Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley Mobile, 3/15/1950 #4643  
Hall returns to Brookley Air Force Base [now Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley] i 3/15/1950 #4643  
ouches for Lewis and says that the base tower operators had seen a UFO 10 d 3/16/1950 #4656  
                KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 4 Air Force men. 3 silver sauce 3/17/1950 #4662  
dish and greenish) shot out of the base while the object rose with a faint  3/18/1950 #4674  
ely red and green, shot out of the base while the object rose with a faint  3/18/1950 #4680  
                KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE AND SANDIA, NM Silent MLT saucers c 3/21/1950 #4692  
                            Sandia Base, New Mexico Kirtland AFB 1:00–1:30  3/21/1950 #4695  
1:30 p.m. Sergeant Woods at Sandia Base, New Mexico, reports four round, si 3/21/1950 #4695  
    NORTHWEST / KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 11 Air Force Sergeants. Tan fly 3/22/1950 #4698  
west. Hover / wright-Pat Air Force Base and quickly going up.               4/2/1950 #4790  
CA Many calls to Edwards Air Force Base. 65cm round object circles / 200' a 4/4/1950 #4791  
at rotated and a pivot between the base and the top. It took off very fast. 4/8/1950 #4828  
otated. It had a pivot between the base and the top. It took off very fast. 4/8/1950 #4832  
                  ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Pilot and 1 / ground. Silent fl 4/10/1950 #4837  
LYMOUTH, MASS F86 / Otis Air Force Base. Saucer / 17K' rises / 28K' very fa 4/27/1950 #4901  
          Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, A 5/5/1950 #4924  
uadron at Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, A 5/5/1950 #4924  
                  WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, WY 7 / Air National Guard. 4 white 5/21/1950 #4957  
                HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. 2+3 pilots. Saucer / 6/21/1950 #4993  
r as it makes five passes over the base. They observe it through binoculars 6/21/1950 #4998  
                    HILL AIR FORCE BASE, UT 3 Sergeants. 50' silver saucer  7/5/1950 #5043  
                HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 3 Air Force men. 2 softball-siz 7/19/1950 #5071  
                 EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Navy physicist Wykoff / (seen t 8/10/1950 #5115  
             ECHTERDINGEN ARMY AIR BASE, GERMANY White ovoid joins balloon  8/21/1950 #5134  
                HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Many HIQ observer(s). 2 saucers 8/30/1950 #5144  
el and Alexander, of the Air Force Base. A dark, barrel-shaped object with  8/30/1950 #5149  
e local employees of the Air Force Base at Sandy Point, Newfoundland, Canad 8/30/1950 #5151  
                  HARMON AIR FORCE BASE, NFL Air Force guard. Shadow-man at 9/2/1950 #5164  
WSW going [to] Fairchild Air Force Base.                                    9/3/1950 #5165  
/ Albuquerque and Walker Air Force Base.                                    9/17/1950 #5180  
                 CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE, IL 30 / 10 theodolites. Large ovoi 10/1950 (approximate) #5202  
                   MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. Air Force navigator  10/14/1950 #5225  
               OVER POPE AIR FORCE BASE, NC Project Bluebook Case #821. 4 s 10/15/1950 #5228  
               NEAR POPE AIR FORCE BASE, NC USAF pilot / ground. Same orbs  10/15/1950 #5229  
Daniel, flying from Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina sighted four metall 10/15/1950 #5238  
e northeast near Maxwell Air Force Base, then performed a flip over the cit 11/23/1950 #5286  
g from the nearby McGhee Air Force Base.                                    12/18/1950 #5357  
                 STEWART AIR FORCE BASE, NY Blue Book. USAF man. Meteor goi 1/12/1951 #5390  
essful, and the fighter returns to base. In all, three passes are made at t 1/21/1951 #5410  
                HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. Saucer hovers by tes 1/22/1951 #5411  
                  ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Blue Book. 2+observer(s). 150'  1/25/1951 #5416  
            NNW / NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV Air Traffic Controller. Clam-sa 1/31/1951 (approximate) #5422  
            NEAR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE, JPN 2 / USAF F82. Amber night ligh 2/1/1951 #5425  
                       Johnson Air Base, Japan Witnesses: pilot and radar o 2/1/1951 #5427  
                    LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook Case #897. Obs 2/26/1951 #5459  
FR White fireball buzzes Air Force Base. Fast and silent. Stops. 90° turn a 3/1951 #5466  
               MCCLELLAN AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. 2 observer(s). 200'  3/13/1951 #5478  
         EAST / HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 9 aero-engineers. 12+white obje 3/14/1951 #5482  
al engineers at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico watched at least 12 whi 3/14/1951 #5484  
            NEAR MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA 9 military observer(s) and more 4/12/1951 #5503  
            A Wright-Patterson AFB base official saw a disc-shaped object t 6/1/1951 #5537  
           MOUNTAIN HOME AIR FORCE BASE, ID 60 military observer(s). 25' sa 7/1951 (approximate) #5555  
 organized skywatch of UFOs at the base. Several photos are taken. The repo 7/25/1951 #5586  
              RHEIN-MAIN AIR FORCE BASE, GERMANY 2 USAF. Circular / light d 8/14/1951 #5604  
               ELLINGTON AIR FORCE BASE, TX RADAR-man visually. Night light 8/25/1951 #5617  
rque, New Mexico Witnesses: Sandia Base Security Guard Hugh Young and wife. 8/25/1951 #5623  
                            Sandia Base east Albuquerque, New Mexico Around 8/25/1951 #5626  
 Young, a security guard at Sandia Base, and his wife Emily are in their tr 8/25/1951 #5626  
 In Albuquerque, New Mexico Sandia Base Security Guard Hugh Young and his w 8/25/1951 #5628  
                 Prom. E. Coast AF Base, unknown Sept of 1951 to Nov of 195 9/1951 #5645  
 to Nov of 1952, Prom. E. Coast AF Base, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating 9/1951 #5645  
               GOOSE BAY AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD RADAR's. 2 blips / collision  9/14/1951 #5666  
                   MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA RADAR / ground and air. Silver  9/23/1951 #5681  
t March AFB [now March Air Reserve Base] near Long Beach, California, two F 9/23/1951 #5685  
                  KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA 2 RADAR operators and 1. L 10/3/1951 #5699  
                 MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA USAF pilots and Navy persons /  10/16/1951 #5728  
            McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis- McChord] Naval Air Station W 10/16/1951 #5730  
ters out of McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis- McChord] and naval ground pe 10/16/1951 #5730  
            NEAR ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Air Traffic Controller and capi 11/18/1951 #5777  
e, NM Summer, 1952; Secret fighter base, Albuquerque, NM, G,V (NICAP: 09 -  1952 #5831  
2; Albuquerque, NM, Secret Fighter Base (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, NC 1952 #5832  
gentine Navy Puerto Belgrano Naval Base Punta Alta, Argentina The Argentine 1952 #5839  
menon at its Puerto Belgrano Naval Base in Punta Alta, Argentina.           1952 #5839  
ge him. Then he is returned to his base.                                    1952? #5840  
uard at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in 1952 and saw a craft covered by  1952 #5846  
 into a tight security area at the base. He also stated he saw bodies recov 1952 #5846  
Military photos / Tucson Air Force Base.                                    1/1952 #5849  
n this night at the North Bay RCAF Base in Nipissing, Ontario, Canada Warra 1/1/1952 #5857  
               FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, WA 2 Air Force intelligence OFFs.  1/20/1952 #5866  
                MITCHELL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY White saucer makes 180° tur 1/21/1952 #5869  
makes 180° turn. Circles Air Force Base. Goes going quickly south to sea. / 1/21/1952 #5869  
                    LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Objects / 3 ground and air RADA 1/22/1952 #5873  
and Los Alamos, New Mexico Killeen Base, Texas Oak Ridge, Tennessee Dayton, 1/29/1952 #5884  
nd Los Alamos, New Mexico; Killeen Base, Texas; Oak Ridge, Tennessee; and D 1/29/1952 #5884  
’s Los Alamos National Lab, Sandia Base, White Sands Proving Ground and Hol 2/19/1952 #5911  
                           Manzano Base, New Mexico Coyote Canyon Sandia Ba 2/22/1952 #5920  
e, New Mexico Coyote Canyon Sandia Base Killeen Base, adjacent to Gray AFB  2/22/1952 #5920  
 Coyote Canyon Sandia Base Killeen Base, adjacent to Gray AFB Campbell AFB  2/22/1952 #5920  
 Hood, Texas Fort Campbell Bossier Base, adjacent to Barksdale AFB Lake Mea 2/22/1952 #5920  
djacent to Barksdale AFB Lake Mead Base, adjacent to Nellis AFB Medina Base 2/22/1952 #5920  
ase, adjacent to Nellis AFB Medina Base, adjacent to Lackland AFB The now-c 2/22/1952 #5920  
leted Site Able is renamed Manzano Base, New Mexico, and turned over to the 2/22/1952 #5920  
ature of the activities at Manzano Base [now part of Kirtland Air Force Bas 2/22/1952 #5920  
se [now part of Kirtland Air Force Base]. At one point, a military spokesma 2/22/1952 #5920  
litary spokesman says that Manzano Base has nothing to do with Sandia Base. 2/22/1952 #5920  
Base has nothing to do with Sandia Base. Manzano has since been identified  2/22/1952 #5920  
Manzano are: Site Baker at Killeen Base, adjacent to Gray AFB [now Robert G 2/22/1952 #5920  
Fort Campbell; Site Dog at Bossier Base, adjacent to Barksdale AFB near Bos 2/22/1952 #5920  
Bossier City, Louisiana; Lake Mead Base, adjacent to Nellis AFB, Nevada; an 2/22/1952 #5920  
 to Nellis AFB, Nevada; and Medina Base, adjacent to Lackland AFB [now Join 2/22/1952 #5920  
djacent to Lackland AFB [now Joint Base San Antonio], Texas.                2/22/1952 #5920  
 are out taking a walk outside the base on a dirt road. They notice a red l 3/1952 #5940  
print the quarter-mile back to the base.                                    3/1952 #5940  
                            Sandia Base, NM 4:30 p.m. (MST). (McDonald list 3/15/1952 #5959  
          NORTH / MISAWA AIR FORCE BASE, JPN Project Bluebook Case #1082. 2 3/29/1952 #5984  
                  KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA Flight crew. Small luminou 4/5/1952 #6028  
VEPORT TO/FROM BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA USAF C54 buzzed / 35' saucer. J 4/9/1952 #6047  
                  NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV 5 military. 18 dull-white sauce 4/17/1952 #6096  
/S Orville Lawson Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas Nevada Test Site 12: 4/17/1952 #6107  
rles Ruliffson at Nellis Air Force Base, near Las Vegas, see 18 circular ob 4/17/1952 #6107  
                  TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK Civil employ and more/others. B 4/20/1952 (approximate) #6133  
thers. Blue-green saucer goes over base / terrific speed. 15k' altitude.    4/20/1952 (approximate) #6133  
               MCCLELLAN AIR FORCE BASE, CA Commercial pilot / ground. Nigh 4/20/1952 #6137  
 regularly fly over Naha Air Force Base in Okinawa, Japan at 9:00 p.m. Two  4/22/1952 #6156  
                            Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico Sandia Mou 4/23/1952 #6163  
wk and Marvin Harvey are at Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico, when they 4/23/1952 #6163  
              RHEIN-MAIN AIR FORCE BASE, GER 2 pilots. 5cm circle / white l 4/25/1952 #6182  
cts intelligence officers at every base to report UFOs immediately to ATIC  4/29/1952 #6215  
nicate directly with any Air Force base without going through the normal ch 4/29/1952 #6215  
gon McGuire AFB [now part of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst] in Burlingto 5/1952 #6229  
rom McGuire AFB [now part of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst] in Burlingto 5/1952 #6229  
           DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 saucers pace B36 / wingtips.  5/1/1952 #6231  
                  GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA Project Bluebook Case #1176. 5  5/1/1952 #6232  
                 Davis-Monthan AFB base hospital, Tucson, Arizona 9:10 a.m. 5/1/1952 #6243  
ding outside the Davis-Monthan AFB base hospital, Tucson, Arizona, watch tw 5/1/1952 #6243  
 five independent witnesses in the base control tower see a group of five w 5/1/1952 #6244  
y at Apple Valley, California, the base’s wing director of personnel, playi 5/1/1952 #6244  
oom Albuquerque, New Mexico Sandia Base 1:45 p.m. Albuquerque Journal compo 5/1/1952 #6245  
ecting an antenna at nearby Sandia Base watch three UFOs pass directly over 5/1/1952 #6245  
                 KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS 3 military observer(s). Silver  5/7/1952 #6262  
                  GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA Project Bluebook Case #1194. 2  5/9/1952 #6279  
                KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Air Force Col. and 1. Silver sa 5/10/1952 #6286  
                  GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA Civil flight-student. 3 metalli 5/11/1952 #6300  
                RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1522. Ai 5/21/1952 #6346  
                 EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Several high-Tech observer(s).  5/29/1952 #6379  
                LACKLAND AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1236. Ai 5/29/1952 #6381  
                  OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, NEBR Strategic Air Command (SAC) s 6/5/1952 #6441  
r six seconds. At Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska three security guards s 6/5/1952 #6449  
                         Kimpo Air Base Gimpo International Airport Seoul,  6/6/1952 #6454  
he 77th RAAF Squadron at Kimpo Air Base [now Gimpo International Airport] i 6/6/1952 #6454  
 1,000 feet over the 5th Air Force Base near Seoul, South Korea. The light  6/7/1952 #6462  
jet is scrambled from Marine Corps Base Quantico in Prince William County,  6/15/1952 #6510  
donsville but fails and returns to base. At 5:43 p.m., an Air Force fighter 6/15/1952 #6510  
                 MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #1298. Ma 6/17/1952 #6520  
            McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] south of Tacoma, Was 6/17/1952 #6528  
itnesses at McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] south of Tacoma, Was 6/17/1952 #6528  
       100M EAST / MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA Strange object paces USAF B25 / 6/18/1952 #6532  
f March AFB [now March Air Reserve Base] in southern California, sight a si 6/18/1952 #6541  
 Washington McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis- McChord] in Tacoma 1:30 p.m. 6/19/1952 #6552  
on radar at McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis- McChord] in Tacoma and jets  6/19/1952 #6552  
is Colonel (name withheld) and the base commander told Capt. Ruppelt to des Summer 1952 #6564  
                   KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1319. B2 6/21/1952 #6566  
               PYONGTAEK AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA 2 Sergeants / 753D RADAR. Pr 6/22/1952 #6585  
               Pyeongtaek military base, South Korea 10:45 p.m. Two US Mari 6/22/1952 #6588  
 the runway at Pyeongtaek military base, South Korea, shooting 2–5-foot red 6/22/1952 #6588  
       4 MI WITH MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #1332. Ci 6/23/1952 #6594  
                 McChord AFB Joint Base Lews-McChord Tacoma, Washington 9:0 6/23/1952 #6611  
 minutes at McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lews-McChord] near Tacoma, Washingt 6/23/1952 #6611  
inutes. Four miles west of the Air Base several yellow-whitish nocturnal li 6/23/1952 #6616  
gzag and circle town and Air Force Base. Futile T33 chase. / r43p15.        6/26/1952 #6632  
                MITCHELL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY Pan-AM pilot. Night light h 6/26/1952 #6633  
           NEAR KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 saucers seen 30 second(s) / 2 6/28/1952 #6649  
ce police officers of the 83rd Air Base Squadron at O’Hare Airport in Chica 6/29/1952 #6666  
                 KINDLEY AIR FORCE BASE, BERMUDA 8 observer(s). Saucer hove 7/6/1952 #6720  
               ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, SD 4 airmen / ground. 3 white sauc 7/9/1952 #6732  
                      Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia Night. A Marine  7/10/1952 #6752  
 night maneuvers near Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, spots two green 7/10/1952 #6752  
r flying over Kirksville Air Force Base, Missouri at a speed of 1,700 mph.  7/12/1952 #6786  
               MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Message going [to] USAF Tech. I 7/14/1952 #6800  
                  KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA, JP Many military observer 7/14/1952 #6809  
bserver(s). Night light drops over base. Shoots away horizontally.          7/14/1952 #6809  
herical object to the north of the base. The object was moving straight dow 7/14/1952 #6813  
going quickly south over Air Force Base. Straight and level and same altitu 7/17/1952 #6860  
                        Tsuiki Air Base, Kyushu, Japan A formation of twelv 7/17/1952 #6865  
FB Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base Lockbourne, Ohio 10:10 p.m. T/Sgt.  7/17/1952 #6869  
ow Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio, see an amber- 7/17/1952 #6869  
                 PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Project Bluebook Case #1458. Se 7/18/1952 #6886  
TC) in D.C. Andrews AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in Prince George’s County, 7/19/1952 #6935  
Andrews AFB Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anaconda-Bolling] in Washington, D. 7/19/1952 #6935  
[now New Castle Air National Guard Base] in Delaware White House and Capito 7/19/1952 #6935  
outheast of Andrews AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in Prince George’s County, 7/19/1952 #6935  
ng place at Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anaconda-Bolling] in Washington, D. 7/19/1952 #6935  
[now New Castle Air National Guard Base] in Delaware. The jets depart, and  7/19/1952 #6935  
ted 7/23/1952): 3 UFO spotted by 5 base personnel at Andrews AFB at 0030 ho 7/20/1952 #6940  
                 DOBBINS AIR FORCE BASE 4 radarmen. Unidentified blip. 1200 7/21/1952 #6959  
1 observer near Randolph Air Force Base. Fuselage shape straight and level. 7/21/1952 #6963  
                 PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Several military observer(s). N 7/21/1952 #6966  
LUGA LAKE WITH ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Bogeys / ground and air RADAR's 7/21/1952 #6967  
              SAN MARCOS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1516. Un 7/21/1952 #6968  
                 Dobbins Air Force Base, Marietta, Georgia Washington Dayto 7/21/1952 #6982  
er atmosphere at Dobbins Air Force Base, Marietta, Georgia, detects an unus 7/21/1952 #6982  
eparate locations at Wiesbaden Air Base in Hesse state, Germany watched two 7/21/1952 #6984  
l over/all about MacDill Air Force Base and more. 2x jet-speed. 2 going qui 7/22/1952 #7000  
heading almost directly toward the base at 532 mph. It also tracks an objec 7/22/1952 #7027  
e discs maneuvering around the air base.                                    7/22/1952 #7027  
              OFF MISAWA AIR FORCE BASE, JPN Blue-green fireball rushes F94 7/23/1952 #7051  
0 per cent of the personnel at the base observed the objects (NICAP: 11 - A 7/23/1952 #7074  
B [now Westover Air National Guard Base] in Chicopee, Massachusetts.        7/23/1952 #7079  
FB Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base Lockbourne, Ohio Turner AFB Naval A 7/23/1952 #7083  
ow Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio, including vis 7/23/1952 #7083  
nt white objects hovering near the base at 75,000 feet. An Air force pilot  7/23/1952 #7083  
                KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Airman Donaldson. 8-10 orange b 7/26/1952 #7142  
                   TRUAX AIR FORCE BASE, WI Air Traffic Controllers and Air 7/26/1952 #7144  
l (observation). Andrews Air Force Base jets chase. / r242.                 7/26/1952 #7149  
                 ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Blue Book. HIQ. Many blips over 7/26/1952 #7159  
sappear. When the pilots return to base, they show up again. Reports are re 7/26/1952 #7174  
               SELFRIDGE AIR FORCE BASE, MI 3 airmen / ground. 2+1+1+1 whit 7/27/1952 #7187  
southeast, and the UFO entered the base of the clouds.                      7/27/1952 #7219  
                 MCGUIRE AIR FORCE BASE, NJ RADAR OP and Air Traffic Contro 7/28/1952 #7229  
Sgt. W.F. Dees, and persons in the base control tower.  Radar tracked a lar 7/28/1952 #7258  
                 BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE AND WDC AND HERNDON, VA Groups 8-10 7/29/1952 #7274  
        WALKER / ROSWELL AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. 4 observer(s). Sever 7/29/1952 #7275  
arate observer(s). Yellow UFO over base. Jets chase and vice versa. East go 7/29/1952 #7278  
600mph toward(s) Langley Air Force Base. Below 5K' altitude.                7/29/1952 #7287  
MT Radio alert / McChord Air Force Base. 50 observer(s). 3 silver saucers s 7/29/1952 #7288  
FB, VA 2,600 MPH Target Approaches Base (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R,  7/29/1952 #7302  
ow 5,000' altitude, toward the air base for about 2 minutes.                7/29/1952 #7314  
ighted a UFO coming toward the air base that flew at an estimated speed of  7/29/1952 #7336  
                HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Airman. White saucer makes 180- 7/30/1952 #7349  
. White saucer makes 180-turn over base. Stops. Climbs O / O / sight.       7/30/1952 #7349  
                 MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, AL Air Traffic Controllers. Revolv 7/30/1952 #7354  
 FB-9 jet fighter and returning to base at RAF Oldenburg, Germany, when he  7/30/1952 #7362  
                  SEWART AIR FORCE BASE, TN Waf A3 / C. Dishpan saucer drop 7/31/1952 #7369  
           NEAR HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA 8 silver UFO's in orderly chang 8/2/1952 #7417  
                HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. Many / (seen thru) b 8/3/1952 #7429  
uickly [to] 700mph. Luke Air Force Base / 0400h. Very fast silent green tra 8/4/1952 #7439  
                  HANEDA AIR FORCE BASE, JP Project Bluebook Case #1827. 2+ 8/5/1952 #7461  
 Westover AFB Westover Reserve Air Base Chicopee, Massachusetts 12:25 a.m.  8/5/1952 #7468  
over AFB [now Westover Reserve Air Base] in Chicopee, Massachusetts. The se 8/5/1952 #7468  
onal Airport Tokyo Bay Johnson Air Base Iruma Air Base Saitama Prefecture 1 8/5/1952 #7472  
kyo Bay Johnson Air Base Iruma Air Base Saitama Prefecture 11:45 p.m. A com 8/5/1952 #7472  
arfire jet from nearby Johnson Air Base [now Iruma Air Base] in Sayama, Sai 8/5/1952 #7472  
by Johnson Air Base [now Iruma Air Base] in Sayama, Saitama Prefecture, goe 8/5/1952 #7472  
red over the Haneda U.S. Air Force base near Tokyo and had several ground m 8/5/1952 #7473  
            OVER ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Vip? 2 large saucers. #1 going  8/6/1952 #7478  
tes over the U.S. Haneda Air Force Base near Tokyo, Japan. It was tracked o 8/6/1952 #7491  
                  WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, WY 2 / ground. Intense fireball go 8/8/1952 #7511  
               CHENNAULT AIR FORCE BASE, LA Project Bluebook Case #1870. 30 8/9/1952 #7519  
ok Case #1870. 30cm disk zips over base going south. Stops / 2 seconds. Goi 8/9/1952 #7519  
named Raley at Chennault Air Force Base, Louisiana saw a disc-shaped object 8/9/1952 #7526  
                 KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS 2 grey saucers veer and soar ov 8/10/1952 #7528  
nge baseball going south toward(s) base. Rises and descends.                8/10/1952 #7537  
                 MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, FL 2 civil. Odd blips / 20 minute( 8/13/1952 #7565  
he bay between Oakland and the air base.                                    8/13/1952 #7576  
                   KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX 7 military. Large saucer. Many  8/14/1952 #7581  
                 CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE, IL 8 military observer(s). 4 blue- 8/16/1952 #7614  
by Capt. Ralph J. Borgerson at the base, but the object speeds away to the  8/19/1952 #7650  
                CONGAREE AIR FORCE BASE, SC RADAR blip speeds to 4000mph. T 8/20/1952 #7655  
= 60 mile(s) southeast / Air Force Base = Lake Clarendon.                   8/20/1952 #7655  
[now McEntire Joint National Guard Base] Columbia, South Carolina Air Defen 8/20/1952 #7664  
[now McEntire Joint National Guard Base], southeast of Columbia, South Caro 8/20/1952 #7664  
n 4,000 mph some 60 miles from the base.                                    8/20/1952 #7664  
 miles from the Congaree Air Force Base, South Carolina at speeds of 4,000  8/20/1952 #7666  
                  ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Glowing sphere/orb/globe seen / 8/24/1952 #7702  
               BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA 3 separate observer(s). Night l 8/24/1952 #7704  
 observer(s). Night light examines base / all angles / 45 minute(s). Stops  8/24/1952 #7704  
                HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 observer(s). Silver saucer go 8/25/1952 #7721  
               ELLINGTON AIR FORCE BASE, TX 3 USAF. Silent very fast sphere 8/26/1952 #7739  
           DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 Brill-blue blobs. Tucson, AZ  8/27/1952 #7752  
               BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA Guard. Night light stops overhe 8/28/1952 #7760  
                BROOKLEY AIR FORCE BASE / MOBILE, AL Several military and c 8/28/1952 #7767  
 east toward(s) Chenault Air Force Base. Small red light follows..          8/29/1952 #7777  
                         Thule Air Base Qaanaaq, Greenland 10:50 a.m. Pilot 8/29/1952 #7788  
Y-2 patrol plane west of Thule Air Base, near Qaanaaq, Greenland. They are  8/29/1952 #7788  
(probably Lt. Glen Parrish) at the base, who is about to forward the incide 9/1952 #7801  
           DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 observer(s). 7 large saucers  9/2/1952 #7824  
 search at 6:19 a.m. and return to base. By 7:00 a.m. all of the mysterious 9/2/1952 #7829  
r/cigar-shape / sky. Orange-glow / base. 9 separate. Same observer(s). Cyli 9/8/1952 #7880  
                 ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Silent shiny saucer goes back a 9/10/1952 #7889  
employee at Andrews AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in Prince George’s County, 9/10/1952 #7891  
ect moving back and forth near the base. It is visible for 2–3 minutes. (Lo 9/10/1952 #7891  
                OLMSTEAD AIR FORCE BASE, PA Project Bluebook Case #2093. 2  9/14/1952 #7919  
                 CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE, IL Air Traffic Controllers. Blue b 9/16/1952 #7953  
                  ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Project Bluebook Case #2100. 2  9/16/1952 #7955  
                  TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK 1 military and 2 civil. Saucer  9/16/1952 #7956  
                  KILLEEN, TX Army base guard. 10' saucer going southwest a 9/17/1952 #7966  
oing quickly south toward(s) naval base.                                    9/17/1952 #7968  
                               Air Base Karup Jutland, Denmark 7:30 p.m. At 9/20/1952 #7988  
 Jutland, Denmark 7:30 p.m. At Air Base Karup in Jutland, Denmark, three Da 9/20/1952 #7988  
                  ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA 1 civil and 2 military guards.  9/23/1952 #8010  
w York at 6:00 p.m. It circled the base making a sound like a "dynamo."     9/25/1952 #8028  
Tsushima Island, Japan Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] Tsutsusaki Li 9/28/1952 #8049  
e outbound tracks from Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport], a series of  9/28/1952 #8049  
                 EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA 3 photographs and more. 2 sauce 9/30/1952 #8067  
OFJORD, NORWAY UFO overflies naval base. Jets chase. Terrific speed..       10/1952 #8071  
 been tested at Randolph Air Force Base or Lackland Air Force Base. He stat 10/1952 #8077  
r Force Base or Lackland Air Force Base. He states he remembers being “trap 10/1952 #8077  
                    SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, SC Project Bluebook Case #2142. Un 10/1/1952 #8078  
               CHENNAULT AIR FORCE BASE, LA 3 airmen. White night light nor 10/6/1952 #8095  
                ANDERSON AIR FORCE BASE, GUAM 2 military Air Traffic Contro 10/7/1952 #8098  
                  BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE, TX 2 USAF men. Silver UFO hovers / 10/9/1952 #8105  
                    OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Project Bluebook Case #2155.  10/10/1952 #8111  
t News, Virginia Langley Air Force Base A Ground Observer Corps spotter see 10/11/1952 #8118  
tors arrive from Langley Air Force Base, the object tilts up, accelerates,  10/11/1952 #8118  
              LAURINBURG AIR FORCE BASE, NC 1+2 observer(s). Dull tone. Hug 10/22/1952 #8174  
, NV Civil and 2 / stead Air Force Base. Orange objects / 10k' altitude. We 10/25/1952 #8183  
               HEMPSTEAD AIR FORCE BASE, NY Large white-glow outmaneuvers F 10/29/1952 #8208  
s and maneuvers. Shoots up. (RNZAF base near.)                              11/2/1952 #8229  
                  LAREDO AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #2202. 2  11/3/1952 #8231  
                 GLASGOW AIR FORCE BASE, MT Weatherman / scope. 5 40' sauce 11/13/1952 #8267  
               At both Opheim Army Base and Glasgow AFB in Montana in 1952, 11/13/1952 #8272  
                MCANDREW AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD UFO spirals upward / dizzy sp 11/17/1952 #8291  
                  LAREDO AIR FORCE BASE, TX Night light circles town. Buzze 12/4/1952 #8371  
out of the Laredo, Texas Air Force Base chased a glowing bluish-white objec 12/4/1952 #8378  
                    LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook Case #2266. Gr 12/8/1952 #8393  
n the radarscope at Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina. It stayed in posit 12/10/1952 #8410  
 position eight miles south of the base for eight hours. At Ladd AFB near F 12/10/1952 #8410  
                 MCGUIRE AIR FORCE BASE, NJ Several / ground. Orange-red ba 12/12/1952 #8411  
                    LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK 3 military observer(s). HIQ. Ni 12/16/1952 #8424  
ght light hovers. Rushes toward(s) base and stops. Blinks out. Reappears.   12/16/1952 #8424  
                ANDERSON AIR FORCE BASE, GUAM 2 / B17+ground observer(s). M 12/19/1952 #8433  
                 CHITOSE AIR FORCE BASE, JPN F84+B26+Air Traffic Controller 12/29/1952 #8455  
                   RAMEY AIR FORCE BASE, PR 2 / RB36. Red-orange fireball s 12/31/1952 #8466  
 evasive measure and flies back to base.                                    1953 #8479  
ates at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in 1953 with recovered bodies of sm 1953 #8482  
moned to see a special film at the base theater; with no briefing, he was s 1953 #8483  
 by an intelligence officer on the base and told to “forget the movie you s 1953 #8483  
                  LARSON AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #2323. 60 1/8/1953 #8511  
ce. The object is also observed by base personnel at Ephrata, Washington. A 1/8/1953 #8515  
                        Misawa Air Base, Honshu, Japan 6:50 p.m. An F-94 ma 1/9/1953 #8524  
f about 13.5 miles over Misawa Air Base, Honshu, Japan. The radar locks on  1/9/1953 #8524  
he weather station, control tower, base operations office, and a nearby AC& 1/22/1953 #8559  
                 SAMPSON AIR FORCE BASE, NY 60x4m luminous/glowing cylinder 1/26/1953 #8570  
ast to west over Sampson Air Force Base in Ontario County, New York while c 1/26/1953 #8575  
                   MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 Sergeants include/including K 1/27/1953 #8577  
                   MARCH AIR FORCE BASE TO/FROM REDONDO BEACH, CA USAF Sgt. 1/28/1953 #8585  
                    El Toro Marine Base, CA Marine Fighter Asked To Check O 1/28/1953 #8592  
Naval Air Station Point Mugu Naval Base Ventura County Oxnard, California 1 1/28/1953 #8600  
 Air Station Point Mugu [now Naval Base Ventura County] near Oxnard, Califo 1/28/1953 #8600  
lbany, Georgia Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta, Georgia 9:40 p.m. Maj. 1/28/1953 #8604  
in Albany [not Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta], Georgia (with time er 1/28/1953 #8604  
                CARSWELL AIR FORCE BASE, TX RADAR-visual (observation) / B3 2/13/1953 #8667  
ly him in a bomber to an air force base in Illinois so he can get home quic Mid 2/1953 #8676  
                         Thule Air Base, Greenland Prominent Blip on GCA PP 2/26/1953 #8709  
                  BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Night light circles moons image 2/27/1953 #8710  
 [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] near Mount Clemens, Michigan, when 3/1953 #8720  
hat dove down and hovered over the base during the meet. [AP story, Mar. 9t 3/7/1953 #8736  
                  ASHIYA AIR FORCE BASE, JP Numerous military observer(s) a 3/8/1953 #8738  
               ELLINGTON AIR FORCE BASE, TX Several observer(s). 4 night li 3/22/1953 #8774  
air and RADAR. Night light circles base. Lands. Disappears.                 3/25/1953 #8784  
UFO flew near the Laredo Air Force Base in Texas at an estimated altitude o 4/28/1953 #8848  
                   GOOSE AIR FORCE BASE, NFL Project Bluebook Case #2555. T 5/1/1953 #8853  
                  HARMON AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD 1 observer. Flying football g 5/4/1953 #8858  
 of the Yuma, Arizona USAF fighter base, Wells A. Webb noticed a strange ob 5/5/1953 #8867  
hat dove down and hovered over the base during the meet. [AP story, Mar. 9t 5/7/1953 #8869  
                    OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, MA UFO / RADAR. Jet chases and mal 6/1953 #8918  
  Otis AFB Cape Cod, Massachusetts Base Rifle Range Norton AFB San Bernardi 6/1953 #8922  
s AFB [now Otis Air National Guard Base] in western Cape Cod, Massachusetts 6/1953 #8922  
fter attaining 1,500 feet over the Base Rifle Range, the engine quits funct 6/1953 #8922  
separate unidentified objects near base (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R,  6/10/1953 #8932  
                   KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Several / tower. Hazy ovoid = 2 6/16/1953 #8934  
           Ernest Harmon Air Force Base Stephenville International Airport  Summer 1953 #8952  
rambled at Ernest Harmon Air Force Base [now Stephenville International Air Summer 1953 #8952  
 Stephenville, Newfoundland, after base radar picks up an unknown target. O Summer 1953 #8952  
e jet crashes into a mountain. The base is supposedly placed on red alert.  Summer 1953 #8952  
                    SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, SC 2 observer(s). 3 small saucers  7/2/1953 #8984  
itution office Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta Emory University Hospit 7/7/1953 #8989  
bbins AFB [now Dobbins Air Reserve Base] in Marietta. The animal is taken t 7/7/1953 #8989  
cer swoops over sheppard Air Force Base hospital. Very fast. Glows. Going q 7/9/1953 #8990  
                  PERRIN AIR FORCE BASE AND DENISON AND SHERMAN, TX Many ob 7/26/1953 #9016  
                  Brooks Air Force Base Kelly Air Force Base Kelly Field An 8/1/1953 #9037  
oks Air Force Base Kelly Air Force Base Kelly Field Annex San Antonio, Texa 8/1/1953 #9037  
headquarters from Brooks Air Force Base [now closed] to Kelly Air Force Bas 8/1/1953 #9037  
se [now closed] to Kelly Air Force Base [now Kelly Field Annex], both in Sa 8/1/1953 #9037  
ed, solid, and bright” object. The base scrambles an F-84 and the pilot see 8/5/1953 #9049  
             NEAR CASTLE AIR FORCE BASE, CA TB29 crew. Grey ovoid makes 4 p 8/20/1953 #9086  
            SIDI SLIMANE AIR FORCE BASE, MAROC C47 crew and Air Traffic Con 9/2/1953 #9134  
s also seen over Andrews Air Force Base.                                    9/11/1953 #9161  
eappears. Seen / Andrews Air Force Base.                                    9/12/1953 #9164  
ls and tells him to show up at the base in the morning. He is interrogated  Autumn 1953 #9176  
                  TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK 2 observer(s). "Extra Venus" cu 10/2/1953 #9200  
                HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Eng. and 1 southwest / base. Si 10/7/1953 #9204  
CE BASE, NM Eng. and 1 southwest / base. Silver saucer follows test missile 10/7/1953 #9204  
                   SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, IL White sphere/orb/globe stands s 10/7/1953 #9205  
                 SAMPSON AIR FORCE BASE, NY 3 observer(s). Silver saucer ma 10/9/1953 #9211  
          OVER SONDSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, GRNL USAF pilots and ground observ 10/18/1953 #9238  
arge saucer circles Navy Anti-Mine base. Goes going north. Going up [to] ve 11/19/1953 #9308  
      The famous Kinross Air Force Base disappearance of an F-89 fighter pl 11/23/1953 #9319  
              BENTWATERS AIR FORCE BASE, SUFFOLK Blue saucer makes cracklin 12/30/1953 #9408  
ing sound. Flashes and hisses over base.                                    12/30/1953 #9408  
                      Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia 9:05 p.m. Pfc No 12/30/1953 #9409  
y at the tank park in Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, watches a blink 12/30/1953 #9409  
rancis R. Salinder, who alerts the base and a combat team searches the area 12/30/1953 #9409  
                   Quantico Marine Base, Virginia Marines observed the land 12/31/1953 #9411  
rines at the Quantico Marine Corps base in Virginia observed the landing of 12/31/1953 #9412  
                 Edwards Air Force Base California A promotional photo of a 1954 #9421  
omber taken near Edwards Air Force Base in California shows a saucer-like o 1954 #9421  
l Air Station Lakehurst [now Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst], Toms River, 1/1/1954 #9437  
l Air Station Lakehurst [now Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst], Toms River, 1/1/1954 #9437  
               WURTSMITH AIR FORCE BASE Guard. Extra moon hovers over airso 1/6/1954 #9455  
                   KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX RADAR blips 100-6000mph. 3 join 1/14/1954 #9482  
al officers at La Remonte Military base nearby even heard a strange sound m 1/18/1954 #9492  
                CARSWELL AIR FORCE BASE, TX 4 Air Traffic Controllers and R 2/4/1954 #9533  
ow Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth] Fort Worth, Texas 11:00 2/4/1954 #9535  
ow Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth] Ground Control Approach 2/4/1954 #9535  
Carswell AFB, TX: UFO sighted over base. Had long fuselage, elliptical wing 2/6/1954 #9538  
ings, California Edwards Air Force Base Roswell, New Mexico President Eisen 2/20/1954 #9560  
a secret trip to Edwards Air Force Base to view the remains of aliens who h 2/20/1954 #9560  
                     Nouasseur Air Base Casablanca, Morocco Evening. At Nou 3/5/1954 #9598  
 Morocco Evening. At Nouasseur Air Base [now closed] near Casablanca, Moroc 3/5/1954 #9598  
t about 5-8 miles southwest of the base, see two white lights to the right  3/5/1954 #9598  
out 5 miles southwest of Nouasseur base see a light at about the same altit 3/5/1954 #9598  
 a C-54 at 2,000 feet at Nouasseur base see a white or amber light like an  3/5/1954 #9598  
s). Disk going east over Air Force Base. Tilts vertical and shoots straight 3/8/1954 #9602  
UFO flew over the Laredo Air Force Base in Laredo, Texas on this day. It ti 3/8/1954 #9604  
 It was reported by a pilot at the base. At 11:07 p.m. ten to twenty noctur 3/8/1954 #9604  
                     Nouasseur Air Base Casablanca, Morocco 9:35 a.m. USAF  3/12/1954 #9617  
 flying an F-86 over Nouasseur Air Base [now closed] near Casablanca, Moroc 3/12/1954 #9617  
AF in 1954-55 at Roswell Air Force Base where he began helicopter training. 4/12/1954 #9685  
s he heard the saucer was taken on base and put in Hangar 18, which was exp 4/12/1954 #9685  
tal, KA states he was taken to the base commander’s office and met a Col.,  4/12/1954 #9685  
th two red and green lights at the base, flying at a high altitude from the 4/15/1954 #9693  
rown about 18 feet away toward the base of a large rock. He feels paralyzed Late 4/1954 #9720  
ther observers at Kadena Air Force Base in Kadena, Japan sighted bluish-whi 4/25/1954 #9721  
ports 6 saucers to Payne Air Force Base. Jets sent / live ammunition.       5/1/1954 #9741  
                  CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, NM "Lens-saucer lands on base acco 5/18/1954 #9807  
RCE BASE, NM "Lens-saucer lands on base according to J. A. Hynek". No furth 5/18/1954 #9807  
                  Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico Two persons witnessed t 5/18/1954 #9810  
port cites telex / Ramey Air Force Base, PR = UFO / 1930hrs.                6/3/1954 #9863  
                 PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Guard. Formless night light mov 6/15/1954 #9907  
Washington State McChord AFB Joint Base Lewis-McChord Tacoma 8:14 p.m. An u 6/21/1954 #9921  
Naselle and McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] in Tacoma. The UFO s 6/21/1954 #9921  
                BROOKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, AL Saucer going north. Circles bay 6/30/1954 #9966  
 controllers at Brookley Air Force Base in Mobile, Alabama. The object came 6/30/1954 #9971  
 sky near F86's / George Air Force Base. Shoots going quickly east over mou 7/2/1954 #9980  
                HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Saucers circle / sky. Stop. Ass 8/3/1954 #10096  
 Helicopters fuel low, returned to base. In coming helicopter ARMY294 proce 8/12/1954 #10131  
                 MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, AL Ground and air observer(s) and  8/12/1954 #10133  
r glows and soars around Air Force Base tower. No further details.          8/12/1954 #10133  
a glowing red disc soar around the base tower. There are both ground and ai 8/12/1954 #10137  
r approached. At Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama nearly an hour later, at 8/12/1954 #10139  
a glowing red disc soar around the base tower. There were both ground and a 8/12/1954 #10139  
              SAN MARCOS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #3166. C4 8/15/1954 #10142  
ack. He then opened a hatch at the base of the object and climbed in, and t 8/20/1954 #10158  
 craft formation. Tinker Air Force Base RADAR. Jets chase. Going quickly we 8/28/1954 #10195  
over lake. Going quickly [to] RCAF base. 6 cords hang down. / r107p227.     8/30/1954 #10206  
oward the Royal Canadian Air Force base. An oblong canister was hanging dow 8/30/1954 #10209  
oward the Royal Canadian Air Force base. An oblong canister was hung down f 8/30/1954 #10210  
ow Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth] in Texas 4:30 p.m. USAF 9/3/1954 #10239  
ow Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth] in Texas directs them t 9/3/1954 #10239  
irport in Rome Pratica di Mare Air Base south of Rome Around 4:45 p.m. Hund 9/17/1954 #10333  
p.m., radar at Pratica di Mare Air Base south of Rome picks up a target for 9/17/1954 #10333  
                   KIMPO AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA Project Bluebook Case #3213. 9/18/1954 #10338  
                         Kimpo Air Base, Japan Witnesses: two control tower 9/18/1954 #10347  
nd a weather observer at Kimpo Air Base in Korea watched a round object, li 9/18/1954 #10350  
ft break off and head home. On the base, he is told that the blip was cause 10/1954 #10537  
                GRAVATAI AIR FORCE BASE, BRZ Many. Silver 30M saucers circl 10/24/1954 #11352  
rcular objects sped over Air Force base. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 10/24/1954 #11359  
                  Canoas Air Force Base Porto Alegre, Brazil Rio de Janeiro 10/24/1954 #11365  
rs and men at the Canoas Air Force Base near Porto Alegre, Brazil, watch a  10/24/1954 #11365  
moving apparently slowly above the base in a zigzag fashion. He estimates i 10/24/1954 #11365  
afternoon, over Gravatai Air Force Base in Porto Alegre, Brazil.  It began  10/24/1954 #11373  
                          Miho Air Base, Japan Witnesses:  USAF pilots Lt.  10/28/1954 #11463  
south. Report going [to] Air Force Base / Florianopolis.                    10/31/1954 #11497  
haped like two cones with a common base, resting on a grassy space. Two sma 11/1/1954 #11516  
ped like double cone with a common base, resting vertically on a grassy spa 11/1/1954 #11520  
               ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Ground observer(s). Bright roun 11/4/1954 #11556  
 maneuvers / 20 minute(s). Circles base 3X.                                 11/4/1954 #11556  
                          MILITARY BASE 40 MI SOUTHEAST / SAN JUAN, PR Vibr 11/5/1954 #11573  
ot sees nothing and returns to the base. Merkel and another National Guard  11/12/1954 #11629  
                    GRAY AIR FORCE BASE / KILLEEN, TX 3 MPs. 4' sphere/orb/ 11/14/1954 #11644  
             SANTA MARIA AIR FORCE BASE, BRZ Numerous observer(s). 50M dark 11/22/1954 #11687  
 A radio operator at the local air base saw a huge, dark object about 30 m  11/22/1954 #11688  
             Santa Maria Air Force Base Rio Grande do Sul Brazil Porto Aleg 11/22/1954 #11691  
9:45 p.m. At Santa Maria Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, radio o 11/22/1954 #11691  
rator at the Santa Maria Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil saw a hu 11/22/1954 #11692  
ralissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base Caracas, Venezuela 6:30 p.m. A doct 12/10/1954 #11796  
ralissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base in Caracas, Venezuela, when he and  12/10/1954 #11796  
e ground. Flames emanated from the base of the object. Four hairy dwarfs, t 12/10/1954 #11798  
nd C at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to work on anti-gravity for aerospa 1955 #11898  
 of a recovered UAP brought to the base; all items were photographed and ta 1955 #11900  
ssion to scout locations for a new base in an unmarked Beechcraft V-35 Bona Early 1955 #11901  
wild, California March Air Reserve Base, Riverside, California 5:30 p.m. A  1/14/1955 #11933  
o March AFB [now March Air Reserve Base] near Riverside, California, that a 1/14/1955 #11933  
                 El Pata Air Force Base Talara, Peru Sechura Desert Pan-Ame 1/31/1955 #11956  
are returning to El Pata Air Force Base near Talara, Peru, by car through t 1/31/1955 #11956  
            OVER DOBBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Eastern Airlines pilot. Red sph 2/9/1955 #11983  
are of a deep underground military base below Offutt AFB that has to do wit 3/1/1955 #12028  
                 LINCOLN AIR FORCE BASE, NEBR Large "teardrop-fuselage". No 3/12/1955 #12043  
a Airport on Okinawa US Kadena Air Base 2:30 p.m. The pilot of a private Be 3/24/1955 #12059  
wa, which alerts the US Kadena Air Base. Two jets are scrambled, but by the 3/24/1955 #12059  
iangular object hovering above the base for 15 minutes.                     3/29/1955? #12068  
 name “Paradise Ranch” for the new base.                                    4/1955 #12077  
ak near Cloudcroft Biggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Airfield] in El Pas 4/5/1955 #12080  
. An airplane from Biggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Airfield] in El Pas 4/5/1955 #12080  
                  GANDER AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD RCAF ground observer(s). Whit 4/8/1955 #12086  
akebed and designates a site for a base support facility. The “Ranch” initi 5/4/1955 #12117  
In a little over three months, the base consists of a single paved runway,  5/4/1955 #12117  
:38 p.m. at the Keflavik Air Force Base in Iceland, two USAF officers, USAF 5/4/1955 #12119  
                 MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, FL Saucer seen as large square glo 5/17/1955 #12135  
               At McDill Air Force Base, Florida a disc appeared at 7:00 p. 5/17/1955 #12139  
                  NORTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Ground-visual military observer 5/21/1955 #12146  
 RB47 ELINT jet / Eilson Air Force Base gets small square RADAR blip. P286. 6/7/1955 #12189  
                        Groom Lake base in Nevada Area 51 Construction of t 7/1955 #12225  
 51 Construction of the Groom Lake base in Nevada is completed and the CIA  7/1955 #12225  
icer Richard Newton is assigned as base commander. Other key organizations  7/1955 #12225  
ght of the event were from an Army base, not an Air Force base.” Skeptic Jo 8/21/1955 #12386  
rom an Army base, not an Air Force base.” Skeptic Joe Nickell notes that th 8/21/1955 #12386  
ow Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] Columbus Cincinnati Greater Cincin 8/23/1955 #12399  
ow Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base], which scrambles jets to investiga 8/23/1955 #12399  
                  HARMON AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD 3 observer(s). Night light st 10/12/1955 #12501  
and the South Pole (Amundsen-Scott Base).                                   11/1955 #12534  
                   SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, IL Military observer(s). Orange fi 1/3/1956 #12644  
               WURTSMITH AIR FORCE BASE, MI 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Red 1/11/1956 #12654  
                 ITAZUKI AIR FORCE BASE, JPN USAF men. White round object m 1/18/1956 #12666  
s hovered over the Marine Corp Air Base for two minutes. They flew away whe 2/10/1956 #12706  
et about 40 miles southwest of the base. The two pilots vectot toward the o 2/12/1956 #12714  
Seine et Oise Les Mureaux military base, Yvelines 10:50 p.m. Air traffic co 2/17/1956 #12723  
ying over the Les Mureaux military base, Yvelines, at 4,500 feet (800 feet  2/17/1956 #12723  
ity) to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The report refers to a Project Win 2/25/1956 #12739  
                WESTOVER AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Jets chase 130' saucer. Possi 3/26/1956 #12767  
                         Thule Air Base in Greenland North Pole Siberia Som 4/5/1956 #12790  
nnaissance aircraft from Thule Air Base in Greenland begin in Operation Hom 4/5/1956 #12790  
Corps (GOC) and many and Air Force Base. 3 showings. Pink-glowing saucers g 5/8/1956 #12836  
          NORTH / NORTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 civilians / radio tower. Sile 5/16/1956 #12850  
     Wellington, New Zealand RNZAF Base Ohakea near Bulls RNZAF Airman Dere 6/1956 #12879  
 When the Freighter lands at RNZAF Base Ohakea near Bulls, the pilot of a D 6/1956 #12879  
       5MI SOUTH / MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA Air Force ground-visual observe 6/10/1956 #12892  
                  Nellis Air Force Base A pilot driving through the desert  Summer 1956 #12912  
ert and bound for Nellis Air Force Base experienced a sudden and inexplicab Summer 1956 #12912  
                WESTOVER AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Observer(s) = Nelson. Large R 7/17/1956 #12975  
                    OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Military-air visual. Glowing  7/17/1956 #12976  
eral report(s) / Edwards Air Force Base. / APRO SEPT'56.                    7/22/1956 #13003  
lamitos [now Joint Forces Training Base–Los Alamitos], California US Hawaii Late 7/1956 #13016  
lamitos [now Joint Forces Training Base–Los Alamitos], California, tell new Late 7/1956 #13016  
             NEAR NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV Pilot / car / malfunctions due  8/1956 (approximate) #13038  
at a strange object is buzzing the base. A de Havilland Venom night fighter 8/13/1956 #13080  
leprinter message (from 3910th Air Base Group to ADC at Ent AFB, now the US 8/13/1956 #13080  
                 At Bentwaters RAF Base in Suffolk, England radar returns a 8/13/1956 #13081  
 MI SOUTHWEST / HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Domed saucer / roadside causes  9/1956 #13160  
 9M altitude. Rays shoot / antenna base. 3 pseudo-human/entity / portholes. 9/1956 #13164  
        Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio The General Physics L 9/1956 #13166  
ARL) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, launches an intense  9/1956 #13166  
nels, two sergeants, and dozens of base personnel—observe the object as it  9/1956 #13167  
d, NM. Witnesses include dozens of base personnel and watch the object land 9/1956 #13168  
the bottom (a small, saucer-shaped base) remains stationary. It appears to  9/7/1956 #13202  
nd the center, and a saucer-shaped base.                                    9/7/1956 #13204  
                  CASTLE AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 F86's chase saucer. RADAR's d 10/7/1956 #13265  
veral officers arrive from another base to debrief the pilots and they appe 10/7/1956 #13266  
lian UFO reports in a nearby town. Base instructed them to return because t Late 1956 #13277  
ey ran low of fuel and returned to base. Local citizens that witnessed thes Late 1956 #13277  
                 WHEELUS AIR FORCE BASE, LIBYA Military ground and air RADA 10/17/1956 #13283  
8, 1956; Minot, N. Dakota, Missile base, RV, Photo, EM (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 10/28/1956 #13294  
he B-52 was vectored closer by the base which was tracking the object on ra 10/28/1956 #13295  
e 30 miles to the northwest of the base. The search for the UFO, which may  10/28/1956 #13295  
finite course. Homestead Air Force Base, south of Miami, Florida was placed 11/8/1956 #13315  
                HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Several separate observer(s). M 11/29/1956 #13363  
              CHARLESTON AIR FORCE BASE, SC Project Bluebook Case #4543. Ma 11/30/1956 #13366  
                 ITAZUKE AIR FORCE BASE, JPN 100M saucer jams RADAR / 2 fre 12/17/1956 #13406  
                       Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] in Fukuoka, J 12/17/1956 #13408  
, Japan 4:20 p.m. Near Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] in Fukuoka, J 12/17/1956 #13408  
rence between the warplane and the base was also noted at the time. On that 12/17/1956 #13410  
flood in. Saucer has green glowing base. 500' altitude. No explanation.     2/1957 #13480  
         NORTH / LINCOLN AIR FORCE BASE, NE 2 separate RADAR's and 5 observ 2/13/1957 #13494  
aft are unsuccessful and return to base. At this time two Navy aircraft are 3/22/1957 #13553  
racked a UFO over Oxnard Air Force Base, California. Visual reports of the  3/23/1957 #13558  
6 D Sabre from the Royal Air Force base at Manston, Kent and ordered to sho 5/1957 #13626  
 A sort of lift descended from its base almost to the ground. In it was a m 5/1/1957 #13637  
 a valve. A lift descends from its base almost to the ground. In it is a ma 5/1/1957 #13638  
nd. An elevator descended from the base, and a human-like being of average  5/1/1957 #13639  
          EAST / EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Cameramen. 30 frames / saucer.  5/2/1957 #13640  
wait for the okay. Gettys says the base of the object has a circular appear 5/2/1957 #13643  
 low dome on top. They contact the base, which scrambles two jets, but they 5/2/1957 #13643  
 at high speed. Many others on the base have seen the object as well, and j Late Spring 1957 #13662  
et radar screens. On his return to base, Torres is debriefed by a secret se 5/20/1957? #13667  
  OFF NEW JERSEY McGuire Air Force Base jets chase 100+RADAR blips. Going w 6/7/1957 #13711  
                  OHAKEA AIR FORCE BASE, NZ Jet pilot and ground RADAR. Bri 6/17/1957 #13733  
iamson, exploring in Peru from his base at the Monastery of the Seven Rays  7/10/1957 #13788  
 down. Voice = "don't fear.. .have base in Salta region". Going quickly nor 8/20/1957 #13907  
ng him in Spanish that UFO's had a base in the Salta area and would soon sh 8/20/1957 #13911  
 in Spanish that spacecraft have a base in the Salta region and that they a 8/20/1957 #13913  
ing him in Spanish that UFOs had a base in the Salta area and would soon sh 8/20/1957 #13915  
                 CHITOSE AIR FORCE BASE, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #4928. 9/1/1957 #13968  
                     Ent Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado Canad 9/12/1957 #13992  
rs is established at Ent Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Cana 9/12/1957 #13992  
S 8 orange saucers going [to] over base. One oscillate going up and down. G 9/17/1957 #14003  
round, orange UFOs which flew over base, one oscillating up and down. [UFOE 9/17/1957 #14005  
                  KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA Project Bluebook Case #495 9/20/1957 #14016  
now Truax Field Air National Guard Base] northeast of Madison, Wisconsin On 9/20/1957 #14020  
now Truax Field Air National Guard Base] northeast of Madison, Wisconsin. A 9/20/1957 #14020  
                     Deerwood Nike Base, Maryland Undocumented report of a  9/29/1957 #14043  
                     Deerwood Nike Base, Maryland. 5:00 a.m. Undocumented r 9/29/1957 #14045  
 with a pink flame coming from its base. It makes a loud whirring noise as  10/15/1957 #14120  
    12 MI SOUTH / LORING AIR FORCE BASE, ME RADAR-visual (observation) / Ar 10/23/1957 #14147  
ok. Huge UFO no description. [Nike Base].                                   10/23/1957 #14147  
ery-blue, metallic UFO with a flat base and a dome on top. Several squarish Late 10/1957 #14156  
                   DYESS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Air Traffic Controller Waddell. 11/3/1957 #14236  
      FORT ITAIPU, BRZ Saucer over base. All electrical fails. Heat and rad 11/4/1957 #14260  
                KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 Air Traffic Controllers. Nigh 11/4/1957 #14271  
que, NM Egg-shaped UFO hovers over base (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R,  11/4/1957 #14273  
shaped object w/white light at its base (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 11/4/1957 #14279  
d object with a white light at its base circle over one end of Kirtland AFB 11/4/1957 #14289  
                 KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS Airman. Ovoid going north. Rapi 11/5/1957 #14300  
igar-shape over Holloman Air Force Base and orange night light going north  11/5/1957 #14305  
         EDWARDS / MUROC AIR FORCE BASE, CA Widely separate MPs. Orange sph 11/6/1957 #14383  
                Holloman Air Force Base Alamogordo, New Mexico 1:45–1:55 a. 11/7/1957 #14458  
Seven airmen at Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo, New Mexico—Bradfor 11/7/1957 #14458  
vage yard on the north side of the base. The object makes a whistling noise 11/7/1957 #14458  
bject hovers over Cannon Air Force Base. Vanishes! / r141#2.                11/8/1957 #14471  
 California. It is moving with the base facing forward and has bright light 11/8/1957 #14487  
                 JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE, JPN Cylinder/cylindrical object cl 11/14/1957 #14545  
her John Dale show that the copper base of the object is inscribed with a m 11/21/1957 #14590  
                  ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA 3 Air Traffic Controllers and w 11/26/1957 #14619  
 object going north and south over base / 8 minutes. Vanishes. / r43.       11/26/1957 #14619  
         NEAR LOCKBOURNE AIR FORCE BASE, OH 3 F86 pilots. Orange crescent / 12/11/1957 #14708  
           Sea of Japan Misawa Air Base, Japan 5:45 p.m. At least 13 witnes 12/12/1957 #14721  
o F-86D’s take off from Misawa Air Base, Japan. Multiple radar and visual s 12/12/1957 #14721  
                        Unnamed AF Base, various AF Base, SW United States, 1958 #14777  
       Unnamed AF Base, various AF Base, SW United States, G,V (NICAP: 09 - 1958 #14777  
 a fire truck crash crew at an air base in South Korea is positioned near t 1958 #14783  
search Agency at Maxwell Air Force Base, and another copy at the Office of  1958 #14787  
Force History at Bolling Air Force Base.  US Office of Technical Services ( 1958 #14787  
or closed-circuit broadcast at the base. Keyhoe agrees.                     1/1958 #14792  
ed a request to place an ad in the base newspaper asking for UFO reports: “ 1/23/1958 #14840  
-2 and recreates the system of air base commanders conducting initial inves 2/5/1958 #14872  
ws jeep / 80 mn. Hovers / military base. / APRO3'59.                        2/19/1958 #14879  
n beam of light is coming from its base to the ground. Seemingly paralyzed, 3/1958 #14905  
                 AALBORG AIR FORCE BASE, DK 2 airmen / ground. Small delta/ 4/1/1958 (approximate) #14956  
“Flying Saucer” by the guard). The base radar and FAA radar picked up the U 5/1958 #15006  
      Capitán de Corbeta Naval Air Base Capitán de Corbeta Carlos A. Curbel 5/5/1958 #15018  
ty of Capitán de Corbeta Naval Air Base [now part of Capitán de Corbeta Car 5/5/1958 #15018  
trom AFB, MT Object Flies Low Over Base, Tracked On Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADA 5/15/1958 #15033  
          ROSWELL-WALKER AIR FORCE BASE, NM Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 6/21/1958 #15109  
                         Air Force Base, Southwest US, In Airspace Radar Co Summer 1958 #15110  
                         Air Force base in the Southwest US At an unidentif Summer 1958 #15111  
st US At an unidentified Air Force base in the Southwest US, two jets are v Summer 1958 #15111  
XANDRIA, LA Near England Air Force Base. Patrolman photographs 2 round obje 6/23/1958 #15114  
                HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 men. Silent 25' Adamski-sauce 7/1958 #15127  
ssion is returning to an Air Force Base in New Hampshire [Pease AFB in Port 7/1958 #15130  
                 CHITOSE AIR FORCE BASE, JPN RADAR and Air Traffic Controll 7/17/1958 #15145  
ing north / 100M altitude. Circles base. Then denied. / r242p22.            7/17/1958 #15145  
ges to orange-red, and disappears. Base radar has detected nothing.         8/1958 #15171  
               MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Air Force guard. Large featurel 8/4/1958 #15178  
Observed & Tracked On Radar At Key Base (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R,  8/4/1958 #15179  
Caribbean Sea Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba Around 9:00 p.m. The USS Fran 9/1958 #15239  
an Sea out of Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba, when at least 25 of the 3,00 9/1958 #15239  
                 WHEELUS AIR FORCE BASE, TRIPOLI, LIBYA Project Bluebook Ca 9/1/1958 #15240  
haped like two cones with a common base and showed two rows of about ten op 9/1/1958 #15245  
haped like two cones with a common base and had two rows of about ten openi 9/1/1958 #15248  
                  OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, NE 25 / USAF. Contrail = cylinder/ 9/8/1958 #15259  
egundo, California; many other air base officers and airmen; and Offutt air 9/8/1958 #15261  
                      Nike missile base W-93 in Derwood, Maryland 5:30 a.m. 9/29/1958 #15286  
Scanlon, stationed at Nike missile base W-93 in Derwood, Maryland, is walki 9/29/1958 #15286  
oid going northeast over Air Force Base / 350M altitude. 2x moon-size. Turn 10/2/1958 #15298  
ct hovers / 20M altitude near Nike base. Quickly going up [to] and going qu 10/10/1958 (approximate) #15332  
we had hitherto assumed, and whose base is at present unknown to us. More I 1/1/1959 #15526  
           Tokyo, Japan Misawa Air Base Honshu Tsugaru Strait Pentagon Earl Spring 1959 #15662  
staff tracks a UFO near Misawa Air Base on the north end of Honshu. One of  Spring 1959 #15662  
 Washington McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] Tacoma An Air Force  4/1/1959 #15688  
ng off from McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] in Tacoma. Their las 4/1/1959 #15688  
der/cigar-shape hovers / Air Force Base. Going quickly north. Nothing / RAD 4/12/1959 #15697  
      Montreal, CAN St. Hubert Air Base Control Tower Operators, others saw 4/12/1959 #15698  
s saw red light which hovered over base, then darted away. [NICAP UFOE, X]  4/12/1959 #15698  
    St. Hubert Air Defence Command Base [now CFB St. Hubert], Quebec Montre 4/12/1959 #15699  
 at St. Hubert Air Defence Command Base [now CFB St. Hubert], Quebec, as we 4/12/1959 #15699  
                   PEASE AIR FORCE BASE, NH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 5/2/1959 #15720  
      NORTHWEST / OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, NE Blue Book. Military and civil A 5/13/1959 #15727  
eriod. A man told Nellis Air Force Base officials that he saw 4 unidentifie 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748  
              NEAR GOOSE AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD 2 circular objects hover over 6/15/1959 (approximate) #15769  
d UFO. It was circular with a wide base and a narrower upper deck, and had  6/26/1959 #15791  
                HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 observer(s). Night lights / d 7/14/1959 (approximate) #15847  
A, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Many / town and base. Bright white cylinder/cigar-shape  7/20/1959 #15861  
th Australia. Many at the military base as well as in the town saw it, and  7/20/1959 #15864  
med disc-shaped object with a dark base and an illuminted dome on the top a 7/22/1959 #15871  
w altitude. It had a dark, concave base, and illuminated dome, and traveled 7/25/1959 #15878  
n rays of light emanating from the base of the object, one on either side a 8/4/1959 #15895  
to overhead at Goose Bay Air Force Base in Labrador, Canada. It crossed 53  8/10/1959 #15903  
       6MI WITH MITCHELL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY Vertical luminous red UFO f 8/19/1959 #15926  
            Vandenberg Space Force Base Lompoc, California Francis E. Warre 9/9/1959 #15962  
rg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base] near Lompoc, California, and Gen.  9/9/1959 #15962  
                 GRISSOM AIR FORCE BASE WITH BUNKER HILL, IN Project Bluebo 9/13/1959 #15966  
on Services at the Pentagon. Local base commanders can release information  9/14/1959 #15975  
It is 5° above his plane, with its base at 12,000–15,000 feet and its top a 9/29/1959 #15998  
            McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] near Tacoma, Washing 10/2/1959 #16011  
te (#13) at McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] near Tacoma, Washing 10/2/1959 #16011  
" Stated that UFO investigators on base level "should be equipped with bino 12/24/1959 #16132  
ing to “UFO business” to every air base commander in the US. The document i 12/24/1959 #16133  
 while stationed at Ben Guerir Air Base, Morocco. Rogers states jet fighter 1960 #16145  
                    ROME AIR FORCE BASE, NY 5 Air Traffic Controllers. Nigh 2/27/1960 #16183  
 Test Site in Kazakhstan Dolon Air Base in Semey, Kazakhstan SAM test site  4/9/1960 #16219  
 Site in Kazakhstan; the Dolon Air Base in Semey, Kazakhstan; a SAM test si 4/9/1960 #16219  
         RICHARDS-GEBAUR AIR FORCE BASE, MO Project Bluebook Case #6721. 2  4/17/1960 #16230  
aining is carried out at a CIA-run base that is code-named JM Trax near Ret 5/1960 #16247  
 Research Center Edwards Air Force Base California NASA issues a press rele 5/5/1960 #16256  
earch Center] at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Premier Nikita Khrus 5/5/1960 #16256  
intelligence at a nearby Air Force Base, interviews the witnesses and concl 5/19/1960 #16289  
rg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base], California North Pacific The Disc 8/10/1960 #16367  
rg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base], California. The primary goal of t 8/10/1960 #16367  
e was then taken to an underground base.                                    8/25/1960 #16418  
                              RAAF Base East Sale, Victoria, Australia Laun 11/15/1960 #16505  
nce aircraft operating out of RAAF Base East Sale, Victoria, Australia, enc 11/15/1960 #16505  
                   EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, FL Metallic saucer nears Air Force 1/22/1961 #16583  
FL Metallic saucer nears Air Force Base / Gulf. U-turn and retreats. 8mm fi 1/22/1961 #16583  
. as it approached Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, then made a U-turn and sp 1/22/1961 #16589  
t been there two days earlier. The base is remarkably smooth, and around th 2/1961 #16593  
otted on the Radar scope of an Air Base (name and dates classified). The Ra 5/1961 #16669  
                 TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, FL Project Bluebook Case #7417. Pi 5/20/1961 #16689  
 in the air over Tyndall Air Force Base. It was seen by two married women,  5/22/1961 #16695  
 slightly. A halo forms around the base and it shoots away quickly across t 6/3/1961 #16715  
ter a few sways, a mark around the base formed and the object rapidly depar 6/3/1961 #16717  
al apparatus of the entire missile base. After the smaller disc rejoin the  Summer 1961 #16734  
us Navy hangars are erected on the base’s north side. The original U-2 hang 8/1961 #16776  
ational area one mile north of the base. Other recreational facilities incl 8/1961 #16776  
                    OSAN AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA White saucer maneuvers / 10  9/14/1961 #16835  
 AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base] in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, pick 9/20/1961 #16861  
d radar blip 4 miles away from the base, with no visual contact.            9/20/1961 #16861  
t looks like a disc with a concave base about 20–23 feet long and 10 feet b Autumn 1961 #16869  
               Wichita, Kansas air base in the southwest Day. An Air Force  1962 #17006  
Wichita, Kansas, headed for an air base in the southwest. He notices a brig 1962 #17006  
He and five men walked through the base looking for a gym and entered the S 1962 #17012  
 Airpark] Burns Flat, Oklahoma All base personnel on flying status attend a Spring 1962 #17078  
                RAMSTEIN AIR FORCE BASE, GERM Project Bluebook Case #7840.  3/26/1962 #17081  
                      Ramstein Air Base, West Germany Witness:  USAF Capt.  3/26/1962 #17085  
              WRIGHT-PAT AIR FORCE BASE, OH 6 Air Force men jog / hangar. 1 4/15/1962 #17114  
                  NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 4/18/1962 #17118  
white light directed downward from base. Center section had rotating row of 4/24/1962 #17126  
  MUD LAKE.NV TO EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 saucers filmed passing Air Fo 4/30/1962 #17136  
Nevada Comandante Espora Air Naval Base in Bahía Blanca, Argentina The A-12 5/4/1962 #17150  
at the Comandante Espora Air Naval Base in Bahía Blanca, Argentina.         5/4/1962 #17150  
 done by the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base.                                    5/12/1962 #17162  
a, Argentina Puerto Belgrano Naval Base Universidad Nacional del Sur 4:10 a 5/12/1962 #17165  
gence at the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base, interviews the witnesses. At the l 5/12/1962 #17165  
 or both the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base and Universidad Nacional del Sur, b 5/12/1962 #17165  
 done by the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base. At 4:30 p.m. another close encount 5/12/1962 #17166  
       Comandante Espora Air Naval Base Bahia Blanca, Argentina 7:10–7:45 p 5/22/1962 #17191  
, near Comandante Espora Air Naval Base in Bahia Blanca, Argentina, observe 5/22/1962 #17191  
craft flight from Espora Naval Air Base in Buenos Aires province, Argentina 5/22/1962 #17193  
           NEAR HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 12 techs and engineers. 50' sil 7/1962 #17259  
                 PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Weathermen and several. 4 yello 8/10/1962 #17330  
neuver / perimeter of missile test base.                                    8/10/1962 #17330  
 a vertical alignment, showing its base, and then tips over so that its ori 8/30/1962 #17373  
olor film of a UFO rising from the base of a mountain. The film shows a yel 12/21/1962 #17601  
tripod landing gear supporting the base of the cylinder 1 m above the groun 1/4/1963 #17628  
                 Glasgow Air Force Base Glasgow, Montana 9:32 p.m. Several  8/10/1963 #17882  
bardment Wing at Glasgow Air Force Base [now closed] near Glasgow, Montana, 8/10/1963 #17882  
e told about OSI’s presence at the base.  https://www.ufohastings.com/stora Late 1963 #17989  
ee former missile personnel at the base—Jerry C. Nelson, Bob Caplan, and Ge Winter 1963 #18090  
YF-12As based at Edwards Air Force Base in California.                      2/29/1964 #18140  
Blue flames appeared to circle the base of the machine, which was silent an 4/26/1964 #18208  
Blue flames appeared to circle the base of the machine, which was silent an 4/26/1964 #18211  
ues to watch it as it lands at the base. Coral and Jim Lorenzen insist they 4/30/1964 #18231  
 Blinking red light approached air base runway, hovered, reversed direction 8/10/1964 #18476  
e object has a lighted flange-like base, a dome on top, and is making a whi 8/11/1964 #18480  
            Vandenberg Space Force Base Lompoc, California Big Sur, Califor 9/15/1964 #18556  
rg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base] near Lompoc, California. His crew  9/15/1964 #18556  
iangular object traveling with its base forward toward the north.           9/16/1964 #18557  
530 hours. Two UFOs approached Air Base at 3800 mph. Another UFO approached 12/19/1964 #18660  
 or 1965 maybe), he is awakened by base commander Col. Hugh “Slip” Slater a 1965? #18680  
                  BLAINE AIR FORCE BASE, WA 10M saucer buzzes car and lands 1/12/1965 #18712  
                  Blaine Air Force Base, Washington A member of a federal a 1/12/1965 #18715  
agency, who was driving toward the base, saw a low-flying object, 10 m in d 1/12/1965 #18715  
 the direction of Richmond. At the base of the triangle was an orange light 1/30/1965 #18786  
 Anchorage, Alaska & Tachikawa Air Base, Japan Radar/Visual Over Pacific Oc 2/11/1965 #18806  
FB [now Stewart Air National Guard Base] in Orange County, New York 1:55 p. 3/2/1965 #18832  
FB [now Stewart Air National Guard Base] in Orange County, New York. Trace  3/2/1965 #18832  
ated northeast of Benton Air Force Base near Red Rock, Pennsylvania when a  3/5/1965 #18844  
tting a yellowish glow. Around its base an orange-red glow extends downward 3/15/1965 #18859  
                 KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS Weatherman. Fast black 40' sauc 4/4/1965 #18890  
                  MISAWA AIR FORCE BASE, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #unkno 4/10/1965 #18902  
                     BRITISH BRAVO BASE, ANTARCTIC Silent night light moves 6/2/1965 #18981  
              The Chilean military base in Antarctica sighted a large, lens 6/18/1965 #19013  
 observers at the English research base on Deception Island in Antarctica w 7/2/1965 #19054  
                 Argentine Orcadas Base on Laurie Island in the South Orkne 7/3/1965 #19062  
rologists at the Argentine Orcadas Base on Laurie Island in the South Orkne 7/3/1965 #19062  
                          At their base on Deception Island in the South Sh 7/3/1965 #19065  
al report(s). 2 white saucers over base / low altitude. Going quickly [to]  7/17/1965 #19113  
                            US SAT.BASE / BEDFORDS (1 of 7 worldwide). None 7/18/1965 (approximate) #19121  
r Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Worth, Texas 9:40 p.m. A USA 7/28/1965 #19196  
r Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Worth, Texas, below 1,000 fe 7/28/1965 #19196  
l over Granja do Marques Air Force Base.                                    7/29/1965 #19197  
r Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Worth, Texas Tinker AFB 1:05 7/31/1965 #19220  
r Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Worth, Texas. Both Tinker an 7/31/1965 #19220  
                  WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, WY 5+2 saucers over command post.  8/1/1965 #19231  
       Francis E. Warren Air Force Base Cheyenne, Wyoming Sioux Army Depot  8/1/1965 #19242  
l from Francis E. Warren Air Force Base west of Cheyenne, Wyoming, report m 8/1/1965 #19242  
 report more than 70 UFOs near the base’s ICBM Minuteman I launch control f 8/1/1965 #19242  
m. This results in an alert at the base for all personnel to be on the watc 8/1/1965 #19242  
 minutes. At 4:05 a.m., the Warren base commander calls to say that the Que 8/1/1965 #19242  
ys over a sensitive atomic missile base is remarkable.                      8/1/1965 #19242  
               KEEWEENAW AIR FORCE BASE AND, MI 4 RADAR's / 1 jammed! 10 ob 8/4/1965 #19296  
ery disc heading slowly south. Its base has a ring of bluish-white lights t 8/9/1965 #19348  
, New York Niagara Falls Air Force Base Lockport Air Force Station 8:20–9:0 8/19/1965 #19427  
thers from Niagara Falls Air Force Base [now Niagara Falls Air Reserve Stat 8/19/1965 #19427  
Round Silver Object Maneuvers Over Base (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Co 8/28/1965 #19469  
                   PEASE AIR FORCE BASE, NH Many observer(s). Saucer with 2 9/3/1965 #19496  
 AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base] in Portsmouth Boston Around 1:00 a 9/3/1965 #19511  
 AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base] in Portsmouth to reconfirm the inc 9/3/1965 #19511  
 all the lights at Pease Air Force Base, New Hampshire went off for 30-40 s 9/3/1965 #19514  
               ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE TO/FROM WALL, SD Classic saucer buz 9/30/1965 (approximate) #19625  
beach. Lands near Santos Air Force Base. / LDLN#84.                         10/18/1965 #19663  
etween Cuaranga and the Santos Air Base.                                    10/18/1965 #19666  
over AFB [now Westover Air Reserve Base] near Chicopee, Massachusetts The A 10/27/1965 #19684  
over AFB [now Westover Air Reserve Base] near Chicopee, Massachusetts; othe 10/27/1965 #19684  
 takes him to a remote area of the base where they see a landed UFO with an 11/1965 #19695  
                   Canadian Forces Base Cornwallis Cornwallis Park Nova Sco 11/30/1965 #19742  
sey is on watch at Canadian Forces Base Cornwallis [now Cornwallis Park] in 11/30/1965 #19742  
                  MURCIA AIR FORCE BASE, SP Machinist knocked off bicycle / 12/1965 #19745  
so said to be in a band around the base of the object. A reporter and news  12/9/1965 #19762  
rg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base] on December 9 (Bob Wenzel Gross).  12/9/1965 #19762  
ett and Baker say they interviewed base personnel who said the discs were d 1966 #19799  
                              NATO BASE / NAPOLI, IT Air and ground observe 1/9/1966 #19818  
 ground observer(s). Fireball over base. Jets chase. Big blackout. / LDLN#2 1/9/1966 #19818  
 / tight low turns / Dow Air Force Base RADAR. / r41p242.                   2/11/1966 #19895  
p turns. Extremely fast. Air Force Base RADAR's. / r47p184.                 3/14/1966 #19960  
 [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base], near Mount Clemens, reports track 3/14/1966 #19966  
iving to work at a local Air Force Base, observed an object blocking the ro 3/23/1966 #20047  
iving to work at a local Air Force Base at 5:05 a.m. observed an object blo 3/23/1966 #20055  
e AFB Selfridge Air National Guard Base Mount Clemens, Michigan Quintanilla 3/25/1966 #20080  
 [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] near Mount Clemens, Michigan, for  3/25/1966 #20080  
               MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Spring. UFO's seen. Alarms. 10  4/1966 (approximate) #20184  
              GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, TX Airman. Short cylinder/cylindri 5/7/1966 #20456  
 sighted over Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas at 9:55 p.m. by Airman 3rd c 5/7/1966 #20460  
NAS Willow Grove NAS Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove 3: 15 p.m. William C.  5/21/1966 #20505  
illow Grove [now NAS Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove] at 4,500 feet. The ob 5/21/1966 #20505  
innesota Duluth Air National Guard Base Northern Minnesota Southern Canada  Mid 6/1966 #20564  
cks with Duluth Air National Guard Base, which reports having a UFO on rada Mid 6/1966 #20564  
object illuminated terrain at Army base, widespread E-M effects on vehicles 6/19/1966 #20587  
rang, Vietnam: At this active Army Base at about 9:45 p.m., what was though Summer 1966 #20590  
sky. The bright UFO approached the base alternately moving at low to high s Summer 1966 #20590  
ht Time. It emitted a vapor at its base. The object ascended into a fog ban 6/24/1966 #20608  
                   SHILO AIR FORCE BASE, MBA 4 objects near base. 1 So low  7/23/1966 #20670  
AIR FORCE BASE, MBA 4 objects near base. 1 So low it seemed about to land / 7/23/1966 #20670  
              NEAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX All / family. Saucer lands. Squ 8/6/1966 #20726  
nd his family near Kelly Air Force Base in Cameron County, Texas observed a 8/6/1966 #20730  
at hovered over Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany.                           8/22/1966 #20787  
                   MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND 3 missile sites. 4 hours / nigh 8/24/1966 #20798  
                   Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota An airman observed an 8/24/1966 #20801  
s in front of clouds. At the radar base, an object was detected and tracked 8/24/1966 #20801  
lass Michael D. Mueller reports by base radio seeing a multicolored light h 8/24/1966 #20802  
ct passing in front of clouds. The base radar detects the object, which is  8/24/1966 #20802  
und level 10–15 miles south of the base. The Air Force sends a strike team  8/24/1966 #20802  
ening an airman at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota observed and reported 8/24/1966 #20803  
 front of the clouds. At the radar base an object was detected and tracked. 8/24/1966 #20803  
t. David Schindele, from the Minot base experienced an incident in the Mino 9/1966 #20820  
              NEAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX TV blurs. Spinning night light  9/3/1966 #20838  
              NEAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Father of 4 kids sees small hum 9/5/1966 #20845  
ingen, Texas, near Kelly Air Force Base, Mr. Morrison, a father of four, wa 9/5/1966 #20852  
 does require that every Air Force base have an official with scientific ba 9/19/1966 #20898  
ion with fireball. Pease Air Force Base RADAR confirms object.              11/22/1966 #21136  
 a saucer in a hangar at Naval Air Base in Yuma, AZ in 1967; he states Pete 1967 #21239  
 [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] Two teenage brothers of Mount Clem 1/9/1967 #21277  
 [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] some copies. Maj. Raymond Nyls att 1/9/1967 #21277  
ht emanating from portholes in its base. The object was seen three times wi 1/15/1967 #21308  
ht emanating from portholes in its base in Granville, Massachusetts. They h 1/15/1967 #21311  
n top and white lights forming the base. The lights appear to be reflecting 1/20/1967 #21360  
 metallic blimp / 30M over US Army base. Jets near. Object going [to] fast. 1/26/1967 #21390  
nant colonel residing on a US Army base in Heidelberg, Germany, hears a str 1/26/1967 #21399  
ach in response to a call from the base, and the UFO’s lights increase in i 1/26/1967 #21399  
Sixty military witnesses at a U.S. base in Heidelberg, Germany heard a puls 1/26/1967 #21400  
t tipped up, revealing a disc-like base with a central red light, and 5-6 d 2/13/1967 #21540  
ead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami–Dade County, Florida Fort 3/1967 #21700  
ead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami–Dade County, Florida, is  3/1967 #21700  
RADAR blips / 7km altitude. Circle base. Going quickly east. / r37p150+/ r4 3/2/1967 #21720  
ey circled the White Sands missile base and flew away toward the east. They 3/2/1967 #21732  
f the 91st Strategic Missile Wing. Base security teams see a metallic, disc 3/5/1967 #21765  
 curves going south near Air Force Base and Minot. Going east. Up and down  3/9/1967 #21821  
               MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT RADAR-visual (observation) / UF 3/16/1967 #21894  
, police and a Malmstrom Air Force Base helicopter made a search of the are 3/24/1967 #21975  
stimated to be 12 feet wide at the base and 25 feet high to the point, wher 3/28/1967 #22003  
bject is about 12 feet wide at the base and 25 feet high, with a ball-shape 3/28/1967 #22004  
med saucers and night lights. Nike base near. / r109p112.                   4/6/1967 #22071  
has red flashing lights around its base. There is a small dome with porthol Mid 4/1967 #22134  
wo smaller objects emerge from its base; they are disc- or helmet-shaped an 4/17/1967 #22153  
sphere on top. It was gray and its base was 1 m above the pavement. When th 4/21/1967 #22188  
arkings except for openings at the base through which flames are visible. T 5/1967 #22255  
            EAST / MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND Numerous observer(s) / Minot. O 5/3/1967 #22269  
cked by radar at a nearby military base.                                    5/6/1967 #22288  
          North Vietnam Kadena Air Base Okinawa, Japan CIA Director Richard 5/16/1967 #22354  
zes A-12’s to deploy to Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan, before the monso 5/16/1967 #22354  
          North Vietnam Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, Japan A-12 spy planes b 5/30/1967 #22425  
in North Vietnam out of Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, Japan, locating and pho 5/30/1967 #22425  
bject was seen at Ohakea Air Force Base by two more witnesses a short time  5/30/1967 #22426  
region, Spain Talavera la Real Air Base in Badajoz Torrejón Air Base in Mad 6/9/1967 #22482  
l Air Base in Badajoz Torrejón Air Base in Madrid Day. Two Spanish Air Forc 6/9/1967 #22482  
ts notify the Talavera la Real Air Base in Badajoz and Torrejón Air Base in 6/9/1967 #22482  
r Base in Badajoz and Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, from which two faster fi 6/9/1967 #22482  
el on the ground near the military base for several minutes. The UFOs were  6/11/1967 #22495  
e. The object emitted vapor at its base. Finally it ascended into a fog ban 6/24/1967 #22541  
sky. Grass twisted flat. Big Comm. base. / LDLN#93.                         7/5/1967 #22612  
d cows edgy. UFO hovers / military base. Maneuvers. / Flying Saucer Review  7/25/1967 #22728  
eport going [to] Edwards Air Force Base. RADAR confirm. Project Bluebook Ca 7/30/1967 #22751  
nd was heard. A door opened in the base of the craft, and something similar 8/3/1967 #22786  
nd was heard. A door opened in the base of the craft and something like a l 8/3/1967 #22791  
stopped abruptly, hovered over the base at the radar station, then accelera 8/5/1967 #22812  
 blast that rattles windows on the base. At 1:10 a.m., LAC K. Taylor, 8 mil 8/28/1967 #22943  
ts happened at Rivers Canadian RAF Base in Manitoba on this date. There wer 8/28/1967 #22945  
s date. A civilian employee at the base has seen the report, mentions it to 9/1/1967? #22977  
cone, silver on top, with a curved base, that looked metallic and solid. It 9/10/1967 #23033  
               KINCHELOE AIR FORCE BASE, MI 13+2+2 RADAR blips going quickl 9/11/1967 #23037  
              VANDENBURG AIR FORCE BASE, CA Many unknown RADAR targets out  10/6/1967 #23181  
             BLYTHEVILLE AIR FORCE BASE, AR 3 observer(s) and RADAR. 2 sauc 10/21/1967 #23275  
             Blytheville Air Force Base Arkansas International Airport Blyt 10/21/1967 #23281  
he runway at Blytheville Air Force Base [now Arkansas International Airport 10/21/1967 #23281  
 hard. Object hovered near missile base, shot straight up out of sight in s 10/27/1967 #23347  
 hard. Object hovered near missile base, shot straight up out of sight in s 10/27/1967 #23349  
hen hovered near a nuclear missile base in Parshall, North Dakota at 3:00 a 10/27/1967 #23356  
d the witness is familiar with the base, he goes to the control tower there 12/19/1967 #23595  
otted beyond the fence line of the base and in the distant perimeter. The s 1968 #23622  
imeter. The staff at the Air Force Base pretty much ignored these lights on 1968 #23622  
ational Research Council, from its base at the Herzberg Institute of Astrop 1968 #23630  
                         Thule Air Base, Greenland Savannah River plant in  1/21/1968 #23684  
ment of a USAF B-52 near Thule Air Base, Greenland. The bomber crashes 7 mi 1/21/1968 #23684  
omber crashes 7 miles from the air base, causing the non-nuclear explosives 1/21/1968 #23684  
                        Kadena Air Base Okinawa, Japan Changjahwan Bay Wons 1/26/1968 #23703  
eeks is dispatched from Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan, on a sortie to l 1/26/1968 #23703  
                         Lajes Air Base Terceira Azores Portugal Morning. A 1/31/1968 #23715  
res Portugal Morning. At Lajes Air Base on Terceira in the Azores, a Portug 1/31/1968 #23715  
diameter, with seven lights on its base emitting bright orange flame. Some  2/4/1968 #23734  
r March AFB [now March Air Reserve Base] in Riverside County. An investigat 2/4/1968 #23734  
and extending straight down to the base of the dome. These ports are indent 2/19/1968 #23767  
points of light in 5–6 rows on its base. Witness Norman E. Bryant thinks it 3/3/1968 #23815  
                        Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan The first SR-71s ar 3/8/1968 #23832  
 first SR-71s arrive at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan, to replace the Oxc 3/8/1968 #23832  
former. An opening appeared in the base of the object and a bright white li 3/29/1968 #23873  
forming an isosceles triangle, the base side measuring 6.5 feet and the oth 7/2/1968 #24131  
ARG "UFO lands at Tandil Air Force Base" / news. Night lights and oval trac 7/13/1968 (approximate) #24172  
                  Con Thien combat base Demilitarized Zone, Quang Tri Provi 8/1968 #24284  
umentation lab at Con Thien combat base near the Demilitarized Zone, Quang  8/1968 #24284  
                   RAMEY AIR FORCE BASE, PR 16 guards. Large brilliant ovoi 8/18/1968 #24347  
 Dasylirion plants (charred at the base but not at the top) and grass. Rock 8/26/1968 #24379  
nd troops. Fast object over marine base. Maneuvers. Green and white lights. 9/9/1968 #24443  
ng object over the US Marine Corps Base. It had green and white lights and  9/9/1968 #24447  
                  NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV 2 military-Air Traffic Controll 9/17/1968 #24471  
                  Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada 1:00 a.m. Two air control t 9/17/1968 #24475  
ower operators at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, watch a bright light movin 9/17/1968 #24475  
                   Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt Vancouver Island, British 9/29/1968 #24521  
veral nights above Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt at the southern tip of Va 9/29/1968 #24521  
 a platform that extended from the base of the object, who drew a weapon re 10/2/1968 #24538  
e data provided by local Air Force base investigators, (7) biased evaluatio 10/7/1968 #24548  
       NORTHWEST / MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND Ground and air observer(s) and  10/24/1968 #24580  
       NORTHWEST / MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND B52+many others and RADAR's and 10/24/1968 #24581  
l minutes, before turning onto the base leg over the UFO while observing it 10/24/1968 #24587  
                 Minot, ND Missile base, RV, Photo, EM (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 10/28/1968 #24597  
l time Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base (RTAFB) in Nakhon Phanom, Thailand  11/28/1968 #24728  
3 nautical miles (NM) south of the base. Contact with the UFOs was lost whe 11/28/1968 #24728  
 the objects were 9 NM west of the base. Sightings were confirmed by radar. 11/28/1968 #24728  
e silent saucer 200M over military base / bay. Going quickly southwest over 12/13/1968 #24767  
's. 7 orbs 2km over Pori Air Force Base. Going quickly north into wind. / r 4/12/1969 #25056  
aped top and bottom; rods from the base of the cylinder supported the upper 5/4/1969 #25115  
dered to intercept a UFO above his base in Turkey in a US- built F-5A Freed 6/17/1969 #25221  
tions from the Brazilian Air Force base at Fortaleza, Brazil.               7/18/1969 #25280  
tions from the Brazilian Air Force base at Fortaleza.                       7/18/1969 #25281  
andescent white ring having at its base a dull black metallic platform, sha 8/11/1969 #25317  
     northern New South Wales RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, Queensland K 8/31/1969 #25344  
 The plane is dispatched from RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, Queensland,  8/31/1969 #25344  
youngster had sighted a UFO at the base of a cloud in Waterville, Iowa and  10/16/1969 #25417  
         Ankara, Turkey Mürted Air Base The Turkish Air Force is inundated  10/24/1969 #25423  
ters are scrambled from Mürted Air Base [now closed] northwest of the city  10/24/1969 #25423  
ll away and climb higher. Even the base commander, Ercüment Gökaydin, flies 10/24/1969 #25423  
        China Lop Nur Nuclear Test Base in Xinjiang Siberia The D-21 drone  11/9/1969 #25454  
lies over the Lop Nur Nuclear Test Base in Xinjiang but strays off course i 11/9/1969 #25454  
REZ DE SOTOMAYOR, SP = VIATOR ARMY BASE Night light maneuvers at 10M altitu 1/1970 #25525  
take off / Davis Monthan Air Force Base. / r114p46.                         1/27/1970 #25556  
           NEAR WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 6 / Air Force CH-53E helicopter 4/4/1970 #25623  
w altitude. = trapezoid with small base in front. Absolute(ly) silent.      6/1970 (approximate) #25680  
 and flames seem to shoot from its base. It slowly returns to the ground, w 6/1970 #25684  
 entity that destroyed some of the base and its personnel, thereby ending p 1/1971 #25963  
etween the tip of the cone and its base. The object was occupied by a singl 2/18/1971 #26026  
 six soldiers stationed at a radar base at Monte Pani, Cabo De Creus, Spain 3/25/1971 #26054  
                Holloman Air Force Base Alamogordo, New Mexico 6:00 a.m. A  5/1971 #26091  
trieved UFOs at Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo, New Mexico. It sup 5/1971 #26091  
ey hold a “translator.” A Holloman base commander and other Air Force offic 5/1971 #26091  
uty at Francis E. Warren Air Force base near Cheyenne, Wyoming and had stop 8/16/1971 #26291  
 he came upon an unlit area of the base at the concrete reinforced bridge,  8/16/1971 #26291  
d up by two soldiers, still on the base. There was a seven-hour period of m 8/16/1971 #26291  
s then taken back to the Air Force base.                                    8/16/1971 #26291  
r several minutes, the glow at the base becomes more intense and the object 11/2/1971 #26449  
      SOUTH / LOCKBOURNE AIR FORCE BASE, OH Classic glowing-saucer follows  11/6/1971 #26462  
just south of Lockbourne AIr Force Base. The object flying at an altitude o 11/6/1971 #26463  
iloxi, Mississippi near a military base at 5:30 p.m. local time. The UFO ho 11/14/1971 #26472  
om the two military witnesses. The base Ops received more than 50 phone cal 11/14/1971 #26472  
lsion Library at Edwards Air Force Base. An entire chapter of the report is 6/1972 #26694  
                  GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA USAF men and 30. Bright orange  6/17/1972 #26718  
0M / diameter going down [to] near base. / APRO May'72.                     6/17/1972 #26718  
 their security-police beat at the base. (Skylook 57, page 12). (NICAP: 01  6/19/1972 #26720  
 Luminous/glowing object near Navy base rises / jets chase. Marks and burns 9/9/1972 #26982  
ead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami–Dade County Miami Interna 9/14/1972 #26997  
ead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami–Dade County to locate and 9/14/1972 #26997  
 shape turned on end with the flat base vertical to the sheer wall of the t 10/8/1972 #27058  
ht miles east of McChord Air Force Base. Briggs exited the building to inve 10/14/1972 #27074  
ck, stationed at McChord Air Force Base in Pierce County, Washington, were  10/14/1972 #27077  
ty located eight miles east of air base. Upon their arrival at the site the 10/14/1972 #27077  
to the building and telephoned the base security police. He yelled that the 10/14/1972 #27077  
humming domed disc at his military base on Isla de Lobos, Rocha province, U 10/28/1972 #27097  
omanian Air Force unnamed military base in Romania Night. Romanian Air Forc 12/1972 #27158  
vidovici is at an unnamed military base in Romania when he sees an oval UFO 12/1972 #27158  
 before disappearing. Radar at the base tracks the object flying north to s 12/1972 #27158  
ghted area some 2-3 feet above the base. Brian called this to his companion 2/4/1973 #27270  
ead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami-Dade County Homestead AFB 2/19/1973 #27298  
ead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami-Dade County where he view 2/19/1973 #27298  
                   TAEGU AIR FORCE BASE, SOUTH KOREA 2 ROK F4 pilots. Disk  3/1973 #27319  
craft taking off from the military base at Florennes a few miles away, the  3/20/1973 #27352  
cause there is a Belgian Air Force Base northeast of her locale.            3/20/1973 #27353  
lar beam of light emerged from its base, pointing toward the left. Through  3/24/1973 #27373  
eld about 200 yards away. From its base emerged a triangular beam of light, 3/25/1973 #27376  
triangular beam of light, with its base on the sphere and its apex pointing 3/25/1973 #27376  
                  Norton Air Force Base San Bernardino, California, Interna 5/1973 #27460  
 Upon arriving at Norton Air Force Base [now San Bernardino, California, In 5/1973 #27460  
rim. A tube stretches out from its base toward the ground. Pátero panics an 5/22/1973 #27518  
                 Great Lakes Naval Base instructor RK states a UAP was shot 6/1973 #27543  
t by rail to the Great Lakes Naval Base under heavy guard. RK states he gua 6/1973 #27543  
going [to] over Peterson Air Force Base. Also seen / aurora, CO. / news.    6/10/1973 #27558  
STA.MARIA AND VANDENBURG AIR FORCE BASE Pulsing night light maneuvers oddly 6/19/1973 #27571  
            SSE / TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK 1 observer. Domed saucer going  7/11/1973 #27628  
  TULLAMARINE AND AVALON AIR FORCE BASE, AUSTRALIA Several observations. Ve 7/23/1973 #27647  
l object through an opening at its base. He finds himself in a round room w 7/27/1973 #27656  
       Hawaii At Great Lakes Naval Base, Instructor R. K., Gunnery School G 9/1973 #27735  
rns and Shade, at Hunter Air Force Base, Georgia observed a saucer-shaped o 9/8/1973 #27783  
hticoke Road, which runs along the base of the mountain, to Bonu's Field, a 9/11/1973 #27803  
hticoke Road, which runs along the base of the mountain, to Bonu's Field, a 9/12/1973 #27809  
isting Public Education Group as a base.                                    10/1973 #27901  
when a major alert goes off at the base after a large ball of light is repo 10/1973 #27902  
 to the southwest perimeter of the base. The angel hair hangs around on the 10/1973 #27902  
er nuclear-armed B-52 bombers. The base had a nuclear weapons storage area  10/1973 #27903  
t moving at high speed” out of the base. “It was the UFO getting out of the 10/1973 #27903  
substance recovered outside on the base property. Neither Congress nor the  10/1973 #27903  
                 ISTRANA AIR FORCE BASE, ITL 2 1.5M small humanoids (or Gre 10/7/1973 #27962  
orts by Wright-Patterson Air Force Base officials. None were detected on ra 10/10/1973 #27984  
s to traumatize civilians near the base who witnessed USG or USG contractor 10/11/1973 #28009  
as sighted at the Istrana NATO Air Base in Campania, Italy.                 10/16/1973 #28094  
00 feet over the hills west of the base. On this same date, the base is com 10/25/1973 #28284  
f the base. On this same date, the base is communicating a DEFCON III alert 10/25/1973 #28284  
ed pie-tin saucer hovers over Army base. More UFO's / 10 November.          11/5/1973 #28368  
own. Lands / 3 legs. Square door / base. Silent. Traces / ground. / r30.    11/7/1973 #28379  
r and pilots and Tyndall Air Force Base. Glowing-sphere/orb/globe / 3200kph 11/12/1973 #28411  
                       Istrana Air Base Veneto province Italy Evening. Two  Mid 11/1973 #28424  
st on the perimeter of Istrana Air Base, Veneto province, Italy, see two be Mid 11/1973 #28424  
 a device with a long handle and a base that looked similar to a vacuum cle 12/19/1973 #28587  
t wide. It has a flange around its base and three legs. White and orange al 1/7/1974 #28660  
ed UFO is being kept in a military base in South Wales. In May, Welsh MP Da 1/23/1974 #28694  
ir. Going [to] toward(s) submarine base. / r251p86.                         2/3/1974 #28730  
ming UFO up US52. Dome over square base!                                    2/19/1974 #28781  
A Orange star to and fro over NATO base / one hour. Going south to town. /  3/1/1974 #28836  
ew to-and-fro over a NATO military base for an hour, then flew south to the 3/1/1974 #28840  
et away. It had a brilliant yellow base separated by a black band from an o 3/15/1974 #28891  
                      Incirlik Air Base Adana Turkey 3:00 a.m. A staff serg 4/1974 #28983  
Squadron stationed at Incirlik Air Base, Adana, Turkey, witnesses a white,  4/1974 #28983  
                LA PARRA AIR FORCE BASE, SP Sweeping light from orange obje 4/7/1974 #28996  
d, opaque, grayish helmets. At the base of the headgear is a hoselike appar 4/16/1974 #29040  
small gray disc with a 40 cm thick base and a three meter high dome oscilla 4/21/1974 #29055  
New Hampshire near Pease Air Force Base at 1:10 a.m. a low flying, orange c 4/28/1974 #29069  
landing at a hypothetical military base.                                    5/9/1974 #29097  
, France. A domed disc with a thin base and blinkers, blinked in response t 6/3/1974 #29159  
                   TOURS AIR FORCE BASE, FR 3 pilots / ground. Bright night 8/1974 #29293  
ject crosses D963 several X. Fog / base. 10M altitude. Going east. / r30p50 8/25/1974 #29383  
rom exhaust-like extensions at the base. The vapor extends about 6 feet, fo 9/1/1974 #29417  
wo beams of light emerged from its base to play across a nearby cranberry b 9/3/1974 #29418  
 to green, and on each side of the base was a red light. The object was est 9/19/1974 #29464  
 close range close to Talavera Air Base near Badajoz, Spain three days earl 11/8/1974 #29589  
 cloudy filaments hanging from its base. Investigators suspect it may be a  11/17/1974 #29598  
 flattened upper end and a tapered base. It changes shape from round to ova 12/1974 #29625  
lrose, New Mexico Cannon Air Force Base near Clovis 10:30 a.m. Harry Charlt Winter 1974 #29653  
ir direction from Cannon Air Force Base near Clovis.                        Winter 1974 #29653  
ded on every Strategic Air Command base guarding the perimeter of the north 1975 #29668  
two F-4 Phantoms from Denver enter base airspace to pursue it.              1975 #29680  
5 a.m. Four soldiers at a military base saw a luminous yellow-white cone- s 1/1/1975 #29687  
       Four soldiers at a military base saw a luminous yellow-white cone-sh 1/1/1975 #29691  
ed on ground by guard at Air Force base. Body lights visible, ground illumi 1/2/1975 #29695  
ed on ground by guard at Air Force base. Body lights visible, ground illumi 1/2/1975 #29699  
ject on the ground at an Air Force Base. Body lights were visible on the cr 1/2/1975 #29703  
Bardenas Reales, near Zaragoza Air Base                                     1/8/1975 #29730  
ewing of a secret extraterrestrial base on the hidden side of the Moon and  2/1975 #29781  
round object hovering near missile base. Object made rapid darting movement 2/17/1975 #29818  
round object hovering near missile base. Object made rapid darting movement 2/17/1975 #29819  
Harlowton, Montana nuclear missile base. The object made rapid darting move 2/17/1975 #29821  
Air Policemen from the K-1 missile base [Kilo Flight Launch Control Facilit 2/18/1975 #29823  
ach has a pulsing red light on its base. The main larger object is an elong 2/26/1975 #29852  
o Beach Road Nebo, Queensland RAAF Base Townsville 10:30 p.m. Two young men 3/22/1975 #29916  
o investigating officers from RAAF Base Townsville examine three oval-shape 3/22/1975 #29916  
        Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) writ 3/28/1975 #29922  
ding at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where the information is stored tha 3/28/1975 #29922  
                DAX, FR Helicopter base. Ovoid. Airstrip lights electro-mag 4/7/1975 #29979  
       EAST / WRIGHT-PAT AIR FORCE BASE, OH 2 large silver saucers bracket  5/6/1975 #30039  
of time. The UFOs are confirmed by base radar.                              5/6/1975 #30041  
ylight disk turns. Going [to] into base / thunderhead cloud.                7/6/1975 #30161  
A disc made a turn and entered the base of a thunderhead cloud, thirty mile 7/6/1975 #30166  
t disc made a turn and entered the base of a thunderhead cloud, thirty mile 7/6/1975 #30169  
                WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ T37+F4 pilots and many / ground 7/20/1975 #30188  
ane flying near Williams Air Force Base. The plane was being flown by a man 7/20/1975 #30191  
ane flying near Williams Air Force Base in Arizona. The plane was being flo 7/20/1975 #30193  
 it is comprised of a 7-foot round base and surmounted by a clear plastic–l 7/22/1975 #30200  
meter are spaced evenly around the base, about 7 of which are visible, shin 7/22/1975 #30200  
ecessed into the silvery, metallic base. Clearly seen within the dome is a  7/22/1975 #30200  
s five feet in diameter around its base. It was near the ground only fifty  7/22/1975 #30201  
of the object and those inside the base began to glow and pulsate in a stra 7/22/1975 #30201  
ght shining from the center of its base as it passes over them. Silently, t 8/20/1975 #30291  
úcar de Barrameda, Cádiz Morón Air Base, Seville province 10:30 p.m. Lt. Ra 9/1975? #30333  
z Pastor is returning to Jerez air base [now Jerez Airport], Jerez de la Fr 9/1975? #30333  
ighter is scrambled from Morón Air Base in Seville province, which also spo 9/1975? #30333  
hts go on at a nearby Nike missile base in the mountains. Afterward, the wi 9/3/1975 #30340  
  15 MI EAST / MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Woman. Silent DC10 with porthol 10/17/1975 #30434  
mstrom Strategic Air Command (SAC) base in 10hr marathon.                   10/18/1975 #30440  
ge, nobody is allowed to enter the base, except cleared, high-ranking offic Late 10/1975 #30471  
ne is to leave. Those personnel on base who have just completed duty are ro Late 10/1975 #30471  
 attack on the US is airborne. The base stays on alert through 6:00 a.m.    Late 10/1975 #30471  
                  LORING AIR FORCE BASE, ME 12M saucer circles nuclear depo 10/27/1975 #30481  
 craft enters the perimeter of the base. In the control tower, S/Sgt. James 10/27/1975 #30487  
nknown aircraft has penetrated the base perimeter. The base is immediately  10/27/1975 #30487  
penetrated the base perimeter. The base is immediately put on major alert s 10/27/1975 #30487  
e Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, New York North Bay, Onta 10/27/1975 #30488  
ely 10 miles east-northeast of the base. This action lasts for 40 minutes w 10/27/1975 #30488  
s are converging from all over the base. Through the Loring Command Post, t 10/27/1975 #30488  
t Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, New York, and the 22nd N 10/27/1975 #30488  
          SOUTH / LORING AIR FORCE BASE, ME Silent saucer back over ammunit 10/28/1975 #30496  
hes to within about 3 miles of the base perimeter and is seen to have a fla 10/28/1975 #30503  
ines. It is completely silent. The base goes on full alert and a sweep is m 10/28/1975 #30503  
cked up blips 15 miles east of the base in Canada.                          10/28/1975 #30504  
s storage area at Loring Air Force Base, Maine for the second night in a ro 10/29/1975 #30511  
               WURTSMITH AIR FORCE BASE, MI Night lights and helicopters al 10/30/1975 #30517  
 about Strategic Air Command (SAC) base. 2000kph. 1 going west. 1 going nor 10/30/1975 #30517  
 Michigan, a Strategic Air Command base. The objects breached security area 10/30/1975 #30523  
red over the nuclear weapons site. Base personnel thought they saw the runn 10/30/1975 #30523  
d up-and-down erratically near the base perimeter. One white light was poin 10/30/1975 #30523  
ights near the western edge of the base. The object turned north and appear 10/30/1975 #30523  
tude. Between 10:15 and 10:25 p.m. base security police at the back gate of 10/30/1975 #30523  
-flying objects intruding into the base, and the incoming KC-135 confirmed  10/30/1975 #30523  
             GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE, ND Several shots. 2 "hit" plane. N 11/3/1975 #30544  
               MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Remote alarms. RADAR-visual. 30 11/7/1975 #30572  
                 Malmstrom AFB, MT Base personnel saw orange disc that brea 11/7/1975 #30575  
ating after the fighters return to base. All members of the SAT team are di 11/7/1975 #30576  
f the SAT team are directed to the base hospital, where they are psychologi 11/7/1975 #30576  
m the silo and brought back to the base. Eventually the entire missile is c 11/7/1975 #30576  
rambled out of Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana at 7:45 Z.  11/8/1975 #30582  
                   MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND Car-size silent object going qu 11/10/1975 #30590  
e AFB Selfridge Air National Guard Base Mount Clemens, Michigan Ontario Pol 11/11/1975 #30609  
 [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] near Mount Clemens, Michigan, but  11/11/1975 #30609  
ps. 100' cratered sphere over RCAF base. Jerky motion.                      11/12/1975 #30613  
oken cloud layer with no estimated base. No radar contact made and no reque 11/12/1975 #30614  
                  CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, NM Rear Admiral Morin reports 2 75 1/21/1976 #30803  
 not far from Vandenburg Air Force Base had a close encounter with a 50 foo 1/23/1976 #30816  
lashing red light. It had a curved base and a flat top. It rotated on its a 1/23/1976 #30817  
                   EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, FL 707-size object hovers. 40 fram 1/31/1976 #30834  
y, institutional etc.) submersible base near.                               2/12/1976 #30864  
achusetts near a nuclear submarine base. It rose up, and then performed som 2/12/1976 #30867  
           NEAR WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ Several F4 pilots. 2 silver obj 5/13/1976 #31048  
Glowing red-orange sphere with red base. No further details.                7/23/1976 #31179  
de, Maryland, see objects over the base. One crew sees three oblong objects 7/30/1976 #31202  
                    Sidi Ahmed Air Base Bizerte Airport, Tunisia US Sixth F 8/8/1976 #31247  
 7:50 p.m. Radar at Sidi Ahmed Air Base at Bizerte Airport, Tunisia, tracks 8/8/1976 #31247  
ight shines from the center of its base, through which three small beings a 9/3/1976 #31335  
intense beam of red light from its base. Inside this beam three small being 9/3/1976 #31341  
with a blue violet band around its base, and a hole at its center. As the w 9/5/1976 #31346  
ect. Jafari is ordered back to the base, but the light follows him. During  9/18/1976 #31395  
ears from view after Jafari lands. Base Commander Gen. Abdulah Azerbarzin c 9/18/1976 #31395  
           SOUTH / AKITA AIR FORCE BASE, JPN 50+ground-air observer(s). 16' 10/17/1976 #31470  
duty at Talavera La Real Air Force Base in Badajoz, Spain when at 1:45 a.m. 11/12/1976 #31540  
e. Moreover, the adobe wall of the base, which was just behind where the be 11/12/1976 #31540  
one of light with sparklers at its base diminish to a blinding point source 11/24/1976 #31571  
he object hovered above a military base built into the mountainside at an e 12/5/1976 #31582  
The object hovers above a military base built into the mountainside at an e 12/5/1976 #31584  
ree unknowns detected at Air Force Base #292 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rati 12/14/1976 #31602  
m. Panoramic radar at an air force base at Contrexéville, Vosges, France, p 12/14/1976 #31603  
ent night lights hover / Air Force Base. Many observer(s). Nothing / RADAR. 12/25/1976 #31630  
arent craft. One landed on the Air Base grounds. Sent to greet the landed c 1977 #31658  
h a row of white lights around its base. It flies in from the north and lan 1/6/1977 #31706  
h a row of white lights around its base. It came flying in from the north a 1/6/1977 #31707  
0–2,700 feet behind the plane. The base authorizes him to intercept it, but 2/1977 #31772  
 on top and a silver, cigar-shaped base. It remains in sight for 3 minutes, 2/16/1977 #31821  
med saucer going down [to] by NATO base. 6' figure / spacesuit. / FSRv23#1p 3/17/1977 #31914  
                   MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA AND AREA Numerous observer(s).  3/22/1977 #31925  
          NEAR ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Air Traffic Controller and more 4/23/1977 #32016  
ptions vary. Phony moon? near Nike Base.                                    4/29/1977 #32033  
ident occurred near a Nike missile base. (Source: Allan Hendry, Internation 4/29/1977 #32034  
ident occurred near a Nike missile base.                                    4/29/1977 #32037  
tring of lights appears around its base and the object changes to a rectang 5/7/1977 #32068  
pe going down / 45° angle. Stops / base / water tower. Going up / 45°.      5/10/1977 #32080  
Northumberland, England. Two other base personnel, a Cpl. Torrington and a  7/1977 #32222  
lmost 2 hours. They are tracked on base radar and at RRH Staxton Wold. The  7/1977 #32222  
ect with dome hovered above a NATO base security zone, spinning; changed co 7/1/1977 #32225  
ect with dome hovered above a NATO base security zone, spinning. Changed co 7/1/1977 #32226  
                 NATO’s Aviano Air Base Pordenone, Italy 3:00 a.m. Electron 7/1/1977 #32227  
uddenly sound at NATO’s Aviano Air Base north of Pordenone, Italy. Somethin 7/1/1977 #32227  
t Lt. A. M. Wood and others on the base can also see them, hovering close t 7/30/1977 #32323  
       EAST / VANDENBURG AIR FORCE BASE, CA 4 separate airliners. UFO type  9/10/1977 #32475  
g, like a pedestal, with a rounded base. The three creatures surrounded La  9/15/1977 #32485  
                   ELMAS AIR FORCE BASE / CAGLIARI, ITL Many observer(s). G 10/27/1977 #32621  
etween airport personnel, the NATO base at Decimomannu, Sardinia, the USS S 10/27/1977 #32623  
mmander of the airport’s Air Force base, sends a detailed report to Attilio 10/27/1977 #32623  
ce officers at Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota were checking out a r 11/13/1977 #32672  
ppear on ground radar at the naval base in Lorien, in Morbihan department,  12/15/1977 #32777  
e heard a coded message to another base in Ohio about a crash near the Ohio 1978 #32831  
f the dome, located just above the base. The dome appears to be a perfect h 1/1/1978 #32841  
20 feet in diameter resting on the base, which is about 30 feet in diameter 1/1/1978 #32841  
            McGuire AFB [now Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst] in Burlingto 1/18/1978 #32894  
n County, New Jersey Fort Dix army base McGuire AFB runaway 3:00–5:00 a.m.  1/18/1978 #32894  
oliceman at McGuire AFB [now Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst] in Burlingto 1/18/1978 #32894  
over the neighboring Fort Dix army base. An Army MP pursues the object, but 1/18/1978 #32894  
serts that he was stationed on the base at the time and that the story is t 1/18/1978 #32894  
       SHEMYA ISLAND, AK Air Force Base here. 5 saucers do acrobatics befor 2/16/1978 #32972  
es into the ocean 6 miles from the base. On March 28, a college art instruc 3/27/1978 #33088  
ide of the Moon (where they have a base) and to their home planet 3 light y 5/1978 #33181  
ircraft in the area. Clark and the base air controller, Gary Collison, clim 5/14/1978 #33210  
O is shooting northward toward the base, slowing to a mere 3 mph. Collins f 5/14/1978 #33210  
nt saucer swoops over USA military base. Lights flash / top. Going quickly  6/12/1978 #33276  
 in height. He can not observe the base of the object, which is below the s 7/8/1978 #33353  
 in height. He can not observe the base of the object, which is below the s 7/8/1978 #33355  
 the craft, one of which landed on base grounds; a Colonel with a security  8/1978 #33460  
confirmed his existence at another base not disclosed. *   “A.K.” claims he 8/1978 #33460  
 MO Many observer(s) and Air Force Base RADAR. 25' UFO flips but not its 2  8/8/1978 #33486  
ted at close range over a military base in General Belgrano. The object was 8/10/1978 #33494  
ted at close range over a military base in General Belgrano, Santa Fe Provi 8/10/1978 #33497  
uzzes 2 / car near Eglin Air Force Base.                                    8/12/1978 #33511  
ille, Florida near Eglin Air Force Base when suddenly an oval-shaped UFO ru 8/12/1978 #33513  
 Hokkaido Nakashibetsu Chitose Air Base Kushiro 10:30 p.m. Radars of the Ai 8/17/1978 #33523  
ets are scrambled from Chitose Air Base about 10 minutes later and are guid 8/17/1978 #33523  
euver in the area around their air base in Temuco, Chile.                   8/24/1978 #33568  
Going quickly south toward(s) NATO base..                                   9/25/1978 (approximate) #33745  
hot off to the south toward a NATO base.                                    9/25/1978 #33748  
                        Lintao Air Base, Gansu province, China 10:04 p.m. C 10/23/1978 #33863  
tdoor film screening at Lintao Air Base, Gansu province, China, when an elo 10/23/1978 #33863  
op and rings of light circling the base, which has three glowing inset ligh 10/29/1978 #33889  
FO had rings of light circling its base, and three bumps on the bottom. It  10/29/1978 #33890  
all triangle, 2.5 feet wide at its base. The taxi's radio abruptly quit, ac 11/9/1978 #33941  
rs tall and 3/4 meters wide at the base, it tapered to a narrow top. The sh 11/9/1978 #33941  
 at about 6:30pm. Nellis Air Force Base officials were called but more or l 11/27/1978 #34006  
                BRINDISI AIR FORCE BASE, ITL 2 guards. Brilliant object man 12/13/1978 #34106  
ard duty at the Brindisi Air Force Base saw a UFO with pulsating lights man 12/13/1978 #34109  
ollers telephoned Nellis Air Force Base, but they said all their planes wer 12/16/1978 #34144  
ntained permanent UAP files of SAC base overflights dated 30 August 1966 an 12/20/1978 #34186  
                LAVERTON AIR FORCE BASE, WEST AUSTRALIA Disc-saucer seen by 12/27/1978 #34214  
 Weapons Storage Area, near Sandia Base. He’s also an investigator for APRO 1979 #34253  
                   GRONNEDAL NAVAL BASE, GREENLAND 1 observer. Glowing sphe 1/1979 (approximate) #34265  
ar. White sphere hovers / military base. Changes shape. Going [to] away and 1/1/1979 #34271  
red to bluish white, formed over a base ring of plasma. It made no sound.   1/9/1979 #34326  
g as a jetliner, with bolts on its base as large as volleyballs. Her dog be 2/1979 #34398  
ave  access to the USAF’s 1975 SAC base flyover data, nor did they presumab 2/1979 #34399  
of Korea Air Force Daegu Air Force Base, South Korea Palgong Mountain in th 3/1979 #34453  
litary exercise to Daegu Air Force Base, South Korea. Near Palgong Mountain 3/1979 #34453  
oach. Neither the aircraft nor the base can register the object on radar. W 3/1979 #34453  
 Sea north of Algeria Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, Spain Manises Air Base [ 3/13/1979 #34474  
 Base in Madrid, Spain Manises Air Base [now Valencia Airport] 11:00 a.m. A 3/13/1979 #34474  
egaso control room at Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, Spain. It is traveling a 3/13/1979 #34474  
fighter takes off from Manises Air Base [now Valencia Airport] to identify  3/13/1979 #34474  
 saucers are stored at a small air base at Hampton Roads, Virginia “if they 4/5/1979 #34499  
nd radar at Cerro Moreno Air Force Base in Chile, who were in radio contact 5/29/1979 #34594  
abruptly transferred to Guantanamo Base in Cuba for several months.  [Retri 6/27/1979 #34637  
bject with 12–18 lights around its base approaching from the southeast. It  8/1979 #34691  
They have wide hips, a lump at the base of their necks, and curved forearms 8/10/1979 #34725  
orado, looking at the homes at the base of a small mountain on Soda Creek R 8/11/1979 #34732  
ightness of the houselights at the base of the mountain. It seems to become 8/11/1979 #34732  
resembling a gondola with a curved base and a girder-like structure, with a 8/19/1979 #34760  
in the Canary Islands Torrejón Air Base, Madrid Barcelona Manises airport i 11/11/1979 #34997  
airport in Valencia Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete Sagunto Africa 11:00 p. 11/11/1979 #34997  
fense Radar Center in Torrejón Air Base, Madrid, nor the flight control cen 11/11/1979 #34997  
.m. from the nearby Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete to intercept the object 11/11/1979 #34997  
e pilot is forced to return to the base with no results.                    11/11/1979 #34997  
                      Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, Spain Motril, Grenada Lo 11/17/1979 #35005  
ain Motril, Grenada Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete, Castilla–La Mancha 4:2 11/17/1979 #35005  
fense Radar Center at Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, Spain, detects an unknow 11/17/1979 #35005  
1 is scrambled from Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete, Castilla–La Mancha. By 11/17/1979 #35005  
anding officer of CFS Sydney Radar Base [now closed] in Lingan Road, who sa 12/3/1979 #35045  
s to traumatize civilians near the base who witnessed USG or USG contractor 1980's #35110  
                    Mierzęcice Air Base [now Katowice Airport], Poland Duri 1980 #35116  
en MiG-12s from the Mierzęcice Air Base [now Katowice Airport], Poland, not 1980 #35116  
te a misty fuzziness obscuring the base. Now only 25 feet away, he sees tha 1/14/1980 #35135  
                       La Joya Air Base Mariano Melgar Airport Arequipa, Pe 4/11/1980 #35269  
 a.m. Personnel at the La Joya Air Base [part of the Mariano Melgar Airport 4/11/1980 #35269  
object flying in the vicinity. The base commander orders a Sukhoi Su-22 fig 4/11/1980 #35269  
the mission 52 miles away from the base. After he lands 22 minutes later, t 4/11/1980 #35269  
later, the object reappears at the base and remains visible nearly 2 hours. 4/11/1980 #35269  
kota Early afternoon. Thousands of base personnel and their families are co 5/1980 #35296  
ficial “flash” message goes out to base personnel telling them not to talk  5/1980 #35296  
ssing time. Calf mutilated / alien base. Body parts / red liquid!           5/5/1980 #35305  
          MARIANO MALGAR AIR FORCE BASE / LA JOYA, PERU PAF SU22 jets fire  5/9/1980 #35318  
 jets fire / saucer over Air Force Base. Same / 10 May.                     5/9/1980 #35318  
everal A-10 aircraft parked at the base. Moments later, the orb suddenly sp 6/15/1980 #35374  
d hemispherical object with a flat base moving steadily eastward at a sligh 6/20/1980 #35381  
d hemispherical object with a flat base moving steadily eastward over Kuwai 6/20/1980 #35382  
ucer / cylinder/cylindrical object base going southwest. Beams flash / unde 7/27/1980 #35426  
                  NORTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Air Traffic Controllers and man 8/2/1980 #35438  
ith two flat sides, according to a base spokesman. It either landed or hove 8/3/1980 #35440  
 grassy area near a taxiway on the base. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)     8/3/1980 #35440  
                KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 3 guards. Fast night light stop 8/8/1980 #35445  
a Laboratories, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. One of the security gu 8/9/1980 #35453  
                KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE / ALBQ, NM All RADAR's out / 5+hour 8/13/1980 #35457  
usness. He awoke much later in his base infirmary, not knowing how he had g 8/16/1980 #35459  
at night at the Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico three Sa 8/22/1980 #35476  
que, New Mexico Kirtland Air Force Base Los Alamos After doing a radio show 9/8/1980 #35504  
from someone at Kirtland Air Force Base. He meets the man he calls “Falcon” 9/8/1980 #35504  
illed an alien at the Ft. Dix Army base next to the AFB.                    9/16/1980 #35522  
3 military cops. Orange ovoid over base. Going quickly south out to sea.    10/12/1980 #35565  
                Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque Manzano Nuclear Weap 10/26/1980 #35590  
rly flying near Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque and the nearby Manza 10/26/1980 #35590  
s also convinced there is an alien base beneath Archuleta Peak northwest of 10/26/1980 #35590  
Richard Doty at Kirtland Air Force Base, who meets with him at his home tod 10/26/1980 #35590  
htings near the Kirtland Air Force Base and the Manzano range to high ranki 11/10/1980 #35623  
ding Brig. Gen. William Brooksher, base AFOSI head Maj. Thomas Cseh, and sc 11/10/1980 #35625  
                         AIR FORCE BASE NEAR SHAOGUAN, CH Airmen. Orange-wh 11/14/1980 #35637  
AFB from his own property near the base. Doty convinced Bennewitz what he s 11/17/1980 #35646  
g in a car near Bentwaters RAF Air Base in Suffolk, England at around 2:00  11/26/1980 #35674  
ll to be considered a full fledged base; it was restricted, well guarded an 12/14/1980 #35716  
anything about UAP and Big Springs Base.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind pre 12/14/1980 #35716  
ose of the plane. Nellis Air Force Base spokesman said there were no Nellis 12/18/1980 #35724  
. USAF personnel, including deputy base commander Lieutenant Colonel Charle 12/26/1980 #35737  
y Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt, Deputy Base Commander, RAF Woodbridge stating:  12/27/1980 #35738  
 military personnel, including the base commander, Colonel Halt. A nocturna 12/27/1980 #35748  
de the west gate of the Bentwaters base. According to several of the milita 12/27/1980 #35748  
e ground in the forest outside the base. A USAF security patrol outside the 12/27/1980 #35748  
se 1:48 a.m. RAF Woodbridge Deputy Base Commander Charles Halt visits the a 12/28/1980 #35749  
8) have been pointed out. In 2010, base commander Col. Ted Conrad provides  12/28/1980 #35749  
 Hood, Texas. The secret air force base is NOT listed in the Air Force Offi 12/29/1980 #35752  
 Army AFB). The name of the Secret base is Gray AAF, Texas. The special gro 12/29/1980 #35752  
uffman Houston Bergstrom Air Force Base [now Austin-Bergstrom International 12/29/1980 #35757  
aims office at Bergstrom Air Force Base [now Austin-Bergstrom International 12/29/1980 #35757  
me from a Texas Air National Guard base. Health problems continued to plagu 12/29/1980 #35758  
m Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt, Deputy Base Commander.                          1/13/1981 #35784  
iating from the center of its flat base. The object moves to the northeast  5/20/1981 #35943  
prus. Radar at a Sovereign British Base, either Akrotiri or Dhekelia, track 8/16/1981 #36078  
a sudden stop and hovers above the base for 45 minutes. Witnesses take many 8/16/1981 #36078  
d sent an encrypted message to the base prior to the sighting, ordering a “ 8/16/1981 #36078  
 17, a man and woman arrive at the base, stay for 6 hours, then leave with  8/16/1981 #36078  
 was not far from George Air Force Base.                                    9/17/1981 #36122  
 and she is transferred to another base.                                    10/1981 #36150  
rollers at the Greek-American NATO base in Chortiatis, Greece, pick up unid 11/12/1981 #36220  
rambled from the Hortiati NATO Air Base in Macedonia, Greece in pursuit of  11/12/1981 #36221  
ond night to the Hortiati NATO Air Base, were picked up on radar, and witne 11/13/1981 #36222  
ue, green, and amber lights—at the base of the dome. It makes no sound as i 11/24/1981 #36232  
e, green, and amber lights--at the base of the dome. It made no sound as it 11/24/1981 #36233  
ut the “grays” and the underground base at Dulce. Bennewitz had to be hospi 1982 #36283  
 blue, and white lights around its base, which blinked in rotation. (NICAP: 3/18/1982 #36399  
 blue, and white lights around its base, which blinked in rotation. It made 3/18/1982 #36400  
             Plattsburgh Air Force Base (near), NY A woman named Mary E. Bo 4/29/1982 #36456  
 object near Plattsburgh Air Force Base. The object had a turquoise blue li 4/29/1982 #36456  
 object near Plattsburgh Air Force Base, New York at 11:40 p.m. The object  4/29/1982 #36457  
 and are forced to return to their base.                                    6/18/1982 #36510  
 orange glow is emanating from its base, causing the grass to smolder. Two  9/30/1982 #36621  
             Ukraine, USSR Russian Base Loses Control of Nuclear Missiles ( 10/4/1982 #36633  
 UFO sighting near an IRBM missile base outside the village of Belokorovich 10/4/1982 #36634  
e Montejunto Torres Vedras Ota Air Base Ota, Alenquer, Portugal 10:50 a.m.  11/2/1982 #36674  
res Vedras, Portugal, near Ota Air Base [now Military and Technical Trainin 11/2/1982 #36674  
In 1982 at five p.m. at a military base in Malmby, Sweden Captain Bergstrom 12/17/1982 #36718  
 mutilations and land at a certain base, in exchange for information about  1/10/1983 #36742  
        Adana, Turkey Incirlik Air Base Mediterranean Sea 7:53 p.m. A brigh 1/14/1983 #36747  
S Air Force jets from Incirlik Air Base. One of the jets flies in tight cir 1/14/1983 #36747  
n pursuit. Only one jet returns to base, although the other could have been 1/14/1983 #36747  
 a town, buzzing an important army base (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)      7/22/1983 #36919  
three powerful white lights on its base that illuminate the ground below it Late 10/1983 #37015  
the object is 100 feet long at the base and 30 feet at the apex. After 10–1 10/28/1983 #37026  
t Range, Nevada Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico The F-117 completes tes 1984 #37095  
 transferred to Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, under the command of t 1984 #37095  
             Santa Maria Air Force Base Rio de Janeiro Passo Fundo, Rio Gra 1984 #37096  
ying back to Santa Maria Air Force Base from Rio de Janeiro. When he begins 1984 #37096  
                    Lakenheath Air Base, UK A rectangular UFO hovered only  4/18/1984 #37266  
a road near the RAF Lakenheath Air Base in England. It had red, green and w 4/18/1984 #37266  
a road near the RAF Lakenheath Air Base in England. It had red, green and w 4/18/1984 #37268  
sle of Man A huge disc with a flat base and two vast searchlights passes si 5/29/1984 #37342  
rances on the outside plating. The base of the object's body consisted of t 6/15/1984 #37365  
 call Camp Smith, a National Guard base 10 miles away, and ask for an armed 7/24/1984 #37412  
charest, Romania Alexeni Air Force Base Urziceni Afternoon. Military radar  8/23/1984 #37438  
get flying above Alexeni Air Force Base [now closed] east of Urziceni at 13 8/23/1984 #37438  
t long. During its appearance, the base notices a strong interference on VH 8/23/1984 #37438  
 New York Pease Air National Guard Base Pozzuoli Philip Imbrogno and Peter  8/25/1984 #37440  
 AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base], and a mysterious man who has met  8/25/1984 #37440  
ttakurgan tactical nuclear missile base in Uzbekistan 11:45 p.m. Five witne 10/1984 #37473  
ttakurgan tactical nuclear missile base in Uzbekistan. It emits a hissing s 10/1984 #37473  
All going east toward(s) Air Force Base.                                    12/26/1984 (approximate) #37531  
ff to the east toward an Air Force Base.                                    12/26/1984 #37532  
ind explanations. Nellis Air Force Base officials say the rattling of windo 2/24/1985 #37559  
                     Thornhill Air Base in Gweru, Zimbabwe Bulawayo Matabel 7/22/1985 #37628  
n are scrambled from Thornhill Air Base in Gweru, Zimbabwe, following sight 7/22/1985 #37628  
     US 395 NEAR EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Long silvery rectangle hovers.  1/19/1986 #37766  
              NEAR PAYNE AIR FORCE BASE, WA Many cars / I5 pull over. 9 lar 3/1/1986 #37794  
              Santa Cruz Air Force Base near São Paulo Anápolis Air Force B 5/19/1986 #37881  
 near São Paulo Anápolis Air Force Base, Goiás Brasilia 10:23 p.m. By this  5/19/1986 #37881  
crambled from Santa Cruz Air Force Base near São Paulo. One of the pilots,  5/19/1986 #37881  
g low on fuel, he has to return to base. Both ground and airborne radar are 5/19/1986 #37881  
 scrambled from Anápolis Air Force Base, Goiás, about 10:50 p.m. This secon 5/19/1986 #37881  
 broke off contact and returned to base. Ten to thirteen white and green UF 5/19/1986 #37882  
iens, and the presence of an alien base on Area 51. The group meets several Fall 1986 #38034  
ing that he has been detained at a base and interrogated about the document 10/28/1986 #38056  
                              RAAF Base Learmonth Exmouth, Western Australi 6/9/1987 #38188  
estern Australia 7:00 p.m. At RAAF Base Learmonth, near Exmouth, Western Au 6/9/1987 #38188  
                      Anápolis Air Base ALA 2, Goiás, Brazil 11:00 p.m. Bra 6/19/1987 #38194  
nding his aircraft at Anápolis Air Base ALA 2, Goiás, Brazil, when the cont 6/19/1987 #38194  
        Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Wright Field William S. Steinman ma 8/30/1987 #38264  
nded at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in/around 1949–1950, concerning the 8/30/1987 #38264  
                   Naval Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] Kits 8/31/1987 #38265  
l Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] Kitsap Peninsula, Washingto 8/31/1987 #38265  
 the high-security Naval Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on t 8/31/1987 #38265  
l Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Wa 8/31/1987 #38265  
the high security Bangor submarine base housing, home of the Trident nuclea 8/31/1987 #38266  
ity, Louisiana Barksdale Air Force Base 9:00 p.m. A young couple is sitting 9/22/1987 #38291  
arsely distributed lighting on its base and seems metallic and solid. They  9/22/1987 #38291  
rection toward Barksdale Air Force Base.                                    9/22/1987 #38291  
tic modification—at an underground base in Dulce, New Mexico. The papers in 12/1987 #38342  
stop. Intense light comes from the base of the object that is painful to th 12/14/1987 #38364  
nfirmation of a secret underground base near Dulce, New Mexico, populated b 12/29/1987 #38378  
ar Power Plant Detroit Coast Guard base in Detroit 8:35 p.m. Sheila and Hen 3/4/1988 #38487  
ow radio report to the Coast Guard base in Detroit. Other witnesses in diff 3/4/1988 #38487  
    40 MI EAST / EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA V-bright white box-shape. Large 3/12/1988 #38500  
itz describing Project Beta: Alien base located in New Mexico consisting of 6/6/1988 #38581  
IR film has aided in locating this base and revealing US Military involveme 6/6/1988 #38581  
cking up the medical bills. "Grey" base is currently abandoned. Another gro 6/6/1988 #38581  
ular object with a rim and rounded base. The treetops above it seem to be m 9/25/1988 #38649  
n the road. From the center of the base there is a white light like a fluor 9/25/1988 #38649  
 one is 60 feet in diameter at the base, and another one is 130 feet. They  11/12/1988 #38713  
“lifting body” at Norton Air Force Base in California. Schratt claims U.S.  11/12/1988 #38714  
 and gravel road. They arrive at a base near Papoose Dry Lake known as S-4. 12/6/1988 #38748  
e of a baseball field was near the base in Puerto Rico and three F-14s were 1/1989 #38774  
luminescent portholes, and a white base.                                    1/12/1989 #38779  
      Mihai Kogălniceanu Air Force Base Mihai Kogălniceanu International Ai Late 3/1989 #38880  
se at Mihai Kogălniceanu Air Force Base [now Mihai Kogălniceanu Internation Late 3/1989 #38880  
nt 57 are inside a building at the base planning future exercises; outside, Late 3/1989 #38880  
room Lake Indian Springs Air Force Base [now Creech AFB] Lazar is prevented 4/6/1989 #38895  
 taken to Indian Springs Air Force Base [now Creech AFB] for questioning. H 4/6/1989 #38895  
                    OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Multiple observer(s). Silent  5/28/1989 #38966  
and a matt black rim with a narrow base.                                    9/16/1989 #39109  
at the Kecskemet, Hungary military base. When the figure lifted one of its  10/28/1989 #39192  
        TARNASZENTMARIA, HUNG Army base. Saucer going [to] woods. Beam hits 11/20/1989 #39238  
   On this date in 1989 at an army base near Tarnaszentmaria, Hungary a dis 11/20/1989 #39242  
uflaged door opens / grounds / NSA base. Saucer exits!                      12/1989 #39288  
              Santa Cruz Air Force Base Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 10:00 a.m. U 1/22/1990 #39387  
 approach the Santa Cruz Air Force Base, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Air traffi 1/22/1990 #39387  
armerie Semmerzake Beauvechain Air Base 11:00 p.m. The Glons (Belgium) Cont 3/30/1990 #39499  
F-16 fighters from Beauvechain Air Base is given. Throughout this time, in  3/30/1990 #39499  
ts, the F-16s eventually return to base shortly after 1:00 a.m. Members of  3/30/1990 #39499  
black cylinder protruding from its base. They watched it for 20 minutes.    6/30/1990 #39632  
               JUANA DIAZ, PR Navy base lit up! Metallic saucer offshore. B 7/18/1990 #39646  
FORT ALLEN, PR Men ordered inside. Base lit / big low saucer. Jets chase. / 7/19/1990 #39650  
 Shortly after 12:00 midnight. The base perimeter at Fort Allen Training Ce 7/19/1990 #39651  
st remain in the barracks or other base facilities and not come out under a 7/19/1990 #39651  
circular, metallic object over the base. It has windows around a central ri 7/19/1990 #39651  
tation) fly at high speed over the base toward the UFO, which departs at hi 7/19/1990 #39651  
d remain there when their military base was illuminated by a low flying, di 7/19/1990 #39652  
twice, and two white lights at the base of the triangle rotate, tilt toward 7/26/1990 #39663  
ing car, the object moves with its base forward and positions itself 330 fe 7/26/1990 #39663  
                KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Security police. Several landin 9/8/1990 #39720  
at Sandia Labs, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, the world's largest at 9/8/1990 #39721  
Possible penetration / Major RADAR base. / r207p41+/ r177p423.              9/13/1990 #39728  
uickly west from Edwards Air Force Base toward(s) Tehachapis. Red lights /  10/3/1990 #39758  
west slow over sensitive naval-air base. Lights / corners.                  12/3/1990 #39920  
, which was classified as a “Green Base,” indicating it had the highest pri 3/16/1991 #40015  
 or windows but an access opening. Base personnel were around the craft wea 7/1991 #40107  
ite on June 12, 1992, and set up a base camp 2.5 km away to the northwest.  8/28/1991 #40168  
and zips over town. Lights flash / base. Circular trace / ground.           8/30/1991 #40171  
                      Torrejón Air Base Madrid, Spain The Spanish Air Force 1/15/1992 #40288  
Chamorro Chapinal) at Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, Spain, which updates the 1/15/1992 #40288  
GTON, CHESHIRE Dome with windows / base seen over Nature Reserve. Hides / c 2/15/1992 #40329  
dows or lights rotating around the base hovered over Risley Nature Reserve  2/15/1992 #40332  
 Rico MATES Camp Santiago military base Héctor and Jaime Feliciano watch a  Summer 1992 #40502  
d the MATES Camp Santiago military base. It is a metallic dark gray with a  Summer 1992 #40502  
50 MI NORTHEAST / GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA United Airlines (UAL) crew. 50' 8/5/1992 #40551  
gain a bright light comes from its base, engulfing the entire house for 20  8/19/1992 #40583  
               ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, SD 2 Air Force men. Silent 100' Ob 10/1992 #40655  
h a large triangular window in the base over Leipzig, Germany. Additional w 12/16/1992 #40749  
with cars backed up for miles. The base dispatcher asks if they saw anythin 1/1993 #40782  
n and out of the open doors of the base vehicle barn; at least 4 witnesses  1/1993 #40782  
uver around the flight line of the base at high speed and different altitud 1/1993 #40782  
en flashing body lights around its base. Through the fog the lights had a f 2/19/1993 #40854  
12:30 a.m. at the RAF Shawbury air base in England, a meteorological office 3/30/1993 #40906  
, England. The UFO passes over the base “at great velocity ... at an altitu 3/31/1993 #40914  
 across the countryside toward the base at a speed of no more than 30–40 mp 3/31/1993 #40914  
d once saw Gen. Roger Ramey in the base officer’s club with Charles Lindber 11/2/1993 #41259  
s Lindbergh, who he “heard” was on base because of the flying saucer busine 11/2/1993 #41259  
, Montana near Malmstrom Air Force Base witnesses reported a 6-7 hour long  11/24/1993 #41301  
atory and its Z Division at Sandia Base. Personnel from the JRDB, MIT, Broo 1994 #41349  
n established operations at Sandia Base at that time in New Mexico. It is w 1994 #41349  
only 200 feet from the ground. Its base has a ribbed pattern. It moves off  3/1994 #41433  
mer worker at the secret Air Force base says poisonous substances were rout 3/20/1994 #41461  
en thru) binoculars. Solid crown / base.                                    6/4/1994 #41549  
by USAF aircraft flooding into the base. Special Air Service personnel arri 9/26/1994 #41775  
re engines and tarpaulins, and the base is closed to all flights soon after 9/26/1994 #41775  
 triangle formation near submarine base. Going quickly east.                2/7/1995 #42024  
 near the Bangor Nuclear Submarine Base from U.S. Highway 101 in Quilcene,  2/7/1995 #42025  
olden light pouring forth from the base of his spine. He believes that it w 4/3/1995 #42137  
                   Ghedi Air Force Base Brescia, Italy 4:15 a.m. A senior m 5/5/1995 #42179  
e perimeter of the Ghedi Air Force Base near Brescia, Italy. Suddenly they  5/5/1995 #42179  
ern Air Defense Sector HQ at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, who informed ATC tha 5/25/1995 #42229  
               NEAR LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 1 / truck. Flaming red-orange f 10/8/1995 #42540  
ess in a truck near Luke Air Force Base outside of Phoenix, Arizona sighted 10/8/1995 #42541  
            NEAR KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS 1 observer. Odd objects maneuve 11/12/1995 #42595  
Campos, São Paulo Canoas Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul 9:00 a.m. The cr 1/23/1996 #42709  
ft takes off from Canoas Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul, transporting th 1/23/1996 #42709  
osal fires lawsuits: “A Secret Air Base Hazardous Waste Act, Workers’ Suit  2/8/1996 #42747  
              VANDENBURG AIR FORCE BASE, CA CNN at shuttle landing. 3600 fr 2/25/1996 #42779  
NAS, ECUADOR Many / Navy-Air Force Base. UFO hovers / 2 hours. Photographs  6/1996 #42918  
casionally emitting fames from its base. After a short while, it zips into  8/17/1996 #42984  
' altitude. Possible from military base.                                    8/21/1996 #42988  
 engaged in observing Earth. Their base under the Serra da Guardunha Mounta 9/15/1996 #43020  
tops and hovers 2–3 miles from the base. Then it makes several short darts  12/1996 #43127  
 8M altitude. Light hiss. Lights / base. Going quickly south and going up.  2/1997 #43183  
                        Aviano Air Base, Italy 7:30 p.m. A luminous blue sp 2/27/1997 #43212  
lue sphere appears over Aviano Air Base, Italy, and hovers. After it disapp 2/27/1997 #43212  
                        Aviano Air Base, Italy Venice Marco Polo Airport Is 3/6/1997 #43221  
and briefly hover above Aviano Air Base, Italy. They zoom toward Venice Mar 3/6/1997 #43221  
a 1959 US Army plan to construct a base on the Moon. When first released, t 6/1997 #43304  
gle going [to] over hill Air Force Base. White lights / corners. Red light  9/6/1997 #43396  
exposed to the two needles. At the base of the needle there was a triangle- 10/15/1997 #43429  
oratory (JPL) at Edwards Air Force Base, which also had underground facilit 1998 #43481  
 nearby Wright Patterson Air Force Base. She was given a number of a local  2/27/1998 #43524  
ous cities, WA UFOs sighted at sub base and nuc storage facility (NICAP: 10 4/22/1998 #43555  
                   Naval Submarine Base Bangor Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Pen 4/22/1998 #43557  
 Naval Submarine Base Bangor Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula, Washington 4/22/1998 #43557  
over the center of Naval Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on t 4/22/1998 #43557  
l Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Wa 4/22/1998 #43557  
 crews out of Vandenberg Air Force Base; craft capable of traveling eight-t 6/17/1998 #43589  
y at China Lake, Edwards Air Force Base and the Nevada Test Site.  https:// 6/17/1998 #43589  
g above a military flight training base near Cangzhou. At least 140 observe 10/19/1998 #43665  
hou. At least 140 observers at the base see the object as a small star that 10/19/1998 #43665  
 covered with rotating lights. The base commander scrambles a Shenyang J-6  10/19/1998 #43665  
lights down the center line to the base. It was the size of a house, and wa 11/3/1998 #43675  
wsuit by workers at a “secret” air base near Groom Lake, Nev., dubbed “Area 11/16/1998 #43683  
the Moron de la Frontera Air Force Base in Sevilla, Spain was on guard duty 11/25/1998 #43685  
x County, Delaware Dover Air Force Base Night. Bright blue-white lights are 11/30/1998 #43692  
hat “fighters from Dover Air Force Base were flying all over the region.”   11/30/1998 #43692  
   State Highway 3 Naval Submarine Base Bangor Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Pen 1/22/1999 #43718  
 Naval Submarine Base Bangor Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula, Washington 1/22/1999 #43718  
ar the off-ramp to Naval Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on t 1/22/1999 #43718  
l Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Wa 1/22/1999 #43718  
ass moving at 60–70 mph toward the base.                                    1/22/1999 #43718  
 miiles south of Grissom Air Force Base. It was shiny metallic in tone.     7/7/1999 #43797  
tude over the Puerto Belgrano Navy Base, Argentina at 12:45 p.m. A powerful 1/18/2000 #43930  
ng abducted near McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey. He found himself insid 7/5/2000 #44010  
rs in a hanger at Norton Air Force Base allegedly called “Flux Liners.” He  5/9/2001 #44183  
d. It was white with a very bright base. It moved very fast.                9/16/2001 #44261  
ered silently over a Canadian army base near Edmonton, Alberta at 1:30 a.m. 7/6/2002 #44355  
     SOUTHEAST / ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Numerous observer(s). Jets chas 7/26/2002 #44363  
nd it. The four fighters return to base around 1:50 a.m.                    7/26/2002 #44366  
ed. He contacted Langley Air Force Base who confirmed they had no aircraft  9/15/2002 #44399  
ounty, Nevada. He looks toward the base and sees an amber/red object hoveri Late 9/2002 #44405  
merton, Washington Naval Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on t 2/25/2003 #44496  
l Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Wa 2/25/2003 #44496  
ying silently over Naval Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on t 2/25/2003 #44496  
l Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Wa 2/25/2003 #44496  
ed to be present on the huge naval base filming a documentary. The UFO had  4/18/2003 #44516  
ings were allegedly held at Marine Base Quantico, VA where the group was kn 2004 #44638  
ct. The estimated size of the UFO, base on the length of the yacht, was 30  1/3/2004 #44642  
                      Ramstein Air Base Ramstein-Misenbach Kaiserslautern,  1/22/2004 #44654  
Squadron stationed at Ramstein Air Base outside Ramstein-Misenbach, Kaisers 1/22/2004 #44654  
away, where the street ends at the base of the hill and has a metal stairwe 3/12/2004 #44676  
ast as he could eastward along the base of the hill until he came to the ne 3/12/2004 #44676  
ved there was an underground alien base hidden inside Ayu-Dug (Bear) Mounta 8/2/2004 #44725  
         Poulsbo, Washington Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula 9:00 p.m. B 9/16/2004 #44757  
 above the canal adjacent to Naval Base Kitsap on the Kitsap Peninsula. The 9/16/2004 #44757  
 the 8th Predator Tactical Fighter Base in Isfahan.                         10/28/2004 #44773  
ial collection), Luna (underground base), Gabriel (recovered Nazi tech) and 2005 #44803  
the flight line was evacuated, the base was locked down and USAF personnel  2005 #44804  
mething similar at Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, Texas. He does not spec 2005 #44804  
ing out of a cloud near a military base in Killeen, Texas at 12:35 p.m. Wit 7/8/2005 #44853  
                  Creech Air Force Base in Nevada Indian Springs Air Force  10/2005 #44882  
e Auxiliary Field Creech Air Force Base in Nevada, formerly the Indian Spri 10/2005 #44882  
 Wright- Patterson AFB Sandia Army Base Los Alamos Alamogordo Nevada Test S 11/1/2005 #44898  
to Datil, and notified Sandia Army Base, which recovered six bodies that we 11/1/2005 #44898  
er Twenty-Nine Palms USMC military base in California at 9:00 p.m.          5/7/2006 #44941  
eyenne Mountain Peterson Air Force Base Colorado Springs, Colorado The Chey 7/28/2006 #44951  
y operations at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with 7/28/2006 #44951  
       Bremerton, Washington Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula 7:15 p.m. S 3/5/2007 #45009  
ight above the smokestack at Naval Base Kitsap on the Kitsap Peninsula. It  3/5/2007 #45009  
light from Romanian Air Force 71st Base at Câmpia Turzii, Romania, when he  10/30/2007 #45086  
shington Trigger Avenue near Naval Base Kitsap 9:00 p.m. Two witnesses driv 12/29/2007 #45104  
ng above Trigger Avenue near Naval Base Kitsap to the north. As they approa 12/29/2007 #45104  
 William Blanchard, former Roswell base commander; he states Blanchard told 1/1/2008 #45110  
as Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth Stephenville Empire-Trib 1/8/2008 #45112  
at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, who first tells her he  1/8/2008 #45112  
 for unmanned aerial systems.” The base is home to drone operators for both 3/5/2008 #45124  
 landed, not far from the military base at Taverny, and several independent 9/4/2008 #45165  
            Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling] Washington, D.C. 12/11/2009 #45262  
man meet at Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling] in Washington, D 12/11/2009 #45262  
SI could not identify many nuclear base UAP overflights from the 1975 wave. 2010 #45263  
ts of AFOSI, Jack Angelo, at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling. Angelo told BAAS 2010 #45263  
imeter and red-green lights on its base.                                    3/8/2010 #45272  
ssile technicians stationed at the base, the communications problem, while  10/23/2010 #45303  
ations (AFOSI) at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. The representative tel 3/31/2011 #45322  
 51") include Groom Lake Air Force Base. Film taken from just outside the b 2013 #45356  
points of light break off from its base, some returning into it and others  1/8/2013 #45359  
ghts. Three blue lights are on its base. They drive off again, but the obje 1/8/2013 #45359  
.  A.H. also claims an underground base is maintained for testing ET techno 11/1/2013 #45393  
c-shaped craft at Norton Air Force Base in 1988. Brad states the first gene 12/2014 #45425  
rtments; Bechtel does “underground base construction” and EG&G has key faci 4/18/2016 #45451  
beek Arnhem Netherlands Deelen Air Base Evening. Rik Koops and Harm Duursma 5/28/2017 #45470  
opter Command at nearby Deelen Air Base denies that the objects are drones. 5/28/2017 #45470  
Dulce, New Mexico The second Dulce Base UFO Conference is held at the Wild  7/1/2017 #45474  
o the two nerves that run from the base of the skull, curving toward the fr 12/5/2017 #45491  
onentially increased our knowledge base and understanding since we don’t ha 6/24/2018 #45531  
Air Control Centre Canadian Forces Base North Bay in Ontario The crew of a  1/6/2019 #45556  
arning Squadron at Canadian Forces Base North Bay in Ontario is notified of 1/6/2019 #45556  
            Vandenberg Space Force Base Cheyenne Mountain The catalog of sp 6/23/2019 #45587  
 Center) at Vandenberg Space Force Base and the Space Control Center at Che 6/23/2019 #45587  
                             Joint Base San Antonio– Lackland in Texas The  10/11/2019 #45611  
Its headquarters is still at Joint Base San Antonio– Lackland in Texas.     10/11/2019 #45611  
ontrolled airspace surrounding the base and Tucson International Airport af 2/9/2021 #45676  
               Ellington Air Force Base near Houston, Texas Day. Witnesses  10/9/2021 #45716  
on Air Show at Ellington Air Force Base near Houston, Texas. The object lea 10/9/2021 #45716  
ortal” related to a underwater UAP base near the Catalina Islands off the c 10/20/2022 #45781  
g the stability of their Catalina “base.”  https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky-P 10/20/2022 #45781  
## Word: "base's" (Back to Top)
0 CST). UFOs were spotted over the base's Armament Development and Test Cen 1/31/1976 #30835  
de, and definitely entered the air base's restricted air space. (NICAP: 02  4/29/1982 #36456  
de, and definitely entered the air base's restricted air space.             4/29/1982 #36457  
are," said Col. John Kuminecz, the base's chief spokesmen. The article stat 2/24/1985 #37559  
## Word: "base-roswell" (Back to Top)
             OVER WALKER AIR FORCE BASE-ROSWELL, NM Project Bluebook Case # 6/16/1952 #6515  
## Word: "baseball" (Back to Top)
 then travels like a “slow-pitched baseball” and disappears behind Mount Ha 1/4/1906 #686  
 Lawrence J. Crone is playing on a baseball field in the Violetville neighb Summer 1910 #839  
 orange balls, about the size of a baseball; spherical object, probably 5 o 8/1/1944 #1634  
 orange balls, about the size of a baseball; spherical object, probably 5 o 8/10/1944 #1638  
 Company 8:00 p.m. Spectators at a baseball game at the Cincinnati (Ohio) M 7/2/1947 #2548  
5 p.m. Five students on a practice baseball field at Ohio State University  7/7/1947 #2938  
mos, NM AFOSI Case 61; 21:26-white baseball diamond lights; 21:40 - slightl 5/3/1949 #4141  
             PITTSBURGH, PA Kids / baseball. Blue-white object / lightning  4/7/1950 #4810  
 315 16 mm frames / 2 saucers over baseball field. Going quickly southwest. 8/5/1950 #5107  
specting the Great Falls, Montana, baseball stadium in preparation for a ga 8/15/1950 #5126  
 2 Army / car. Eerie yellow-orange baseball going south toward(s) base. Ris 8/10/1952 #7537  
246. Unidentified. Brettner and 1. Baseball size sphere/orb/globe / 1000mph 11/24/1952 #8329  
serve a white object the size of a baseball at 25,000 feet. The object is e 6/23/1954 #9936  
s west going quickly north. Size = baseball / arms length.                  7/30/1955 #12305  
 in color, appearing the size of a baseball held at arm's were observed mov 5/8/1956 #12838  
 gymnasium, a movie theater, and a baseball diamond.                        8/1961 #16776  
L 4768.” He sees a “man” wearing a baseball cap or mechanic’s hat climbing  3/23/1966 #20050  
air and are wearing something like baseball caps. They wear loose-fitting c 3/20/1967 #21923  
 black, shiny object the size of a baseball flies into her headlight beams. 7/17/1967 #22682  
y black object about the size of a baseball flew into the car's headlights. 7/17/1967 #22686  
ddy Miller, a well-known Dominican baseball player who had disappeared myst 9/22/1972 #27026  
hite light the size and shape of a baseball passed in front of the window.  9/8/1974 #29437  
30 a.m. An 11-year-old boy playing baseball in Springfield, Ohio, sees a wh 8/1/1977 #32344  
          Medway, MA At an evening baseball game a silvery-gray domed disc  6/25/1978 #33310  
                     At an evening baseball game in Medway, Massachusetts a 6/25/1978 #33311  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Baseball” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT    1/15/1981 #35790  
d they see a huge disc as big as a baseball diamond 75–100 feet above and s 1/8/1984 #37113  
lay covers an area equivalent to a baseball diamond. It moves back across t 11/23/1987 #38332  
a large triangle UAP the size of a baseball field was near the base in Puer 1/1989 #38774  
ver. 900' boomerang stops 50' over baseball field. Circles. Missing time.   3/2/1989 #38863  
 colored domed disc, shaped like a baseball cap without the visor, was seen 7/24/1991 #40131  
ng of a plank of wood, rope, and a baseball cap fitted with a loop of wire  9/9/1991 #40182  
 NH 2 / car. Glowing-object size / baseball field. Hovers 1 mile away. Move 2/8/1993 #40844  
wo men dressed in black with black baseball caps. They administer intrusive 3/16/1993 #40885  
p, Texas were playing catch with a baseball when a silver, cigar-shaped obj 9/21/2007 #45067  
ally tracks space objects that are baseball size or larger. The Space Surve 6/23/2019 #45587  
## Word: "baseball-bat" (Back to Top)
                    GALENA, IL 12m baseball-bat / 90M altitude. Skirts hill 2/3/1951 #5430  
## Word: "baseball-orbs" (Back to Top)
          BARRE, VT 3+observer(s). Baseball-orbs dive to ground. Head going 3/23/1950 #4708  
## Word: "baseball-size" (Back to Top)
              WICKHAM, WA, AUSTRAL Baseball-size silver object maneuvers. N 4/4/1975 #29954  
## Word: "basecles" (Back to Top)
                                   BASECLES, BELGIUM Several separate obser 12/21/1989 #39324  
l report by two factory workers in Basecles, southwest of Brussels, Hainaut 4/22/1990 #39541  
## Word: "based" (Back to Top)
ing civilization with a technology based on aluminum. He reports that they  1873 #198  
ing to discover where the plane is based.                                   1/9/1934 #1194  
ir Force’s 1st Interceptor Command based at Mitchel Field near Uniondale, N 5/1941 #1361  
ces of the 4th Interceptor Command based in Riverside, California. On both  5/1941 #1361  
onal Forest). The sketchy story is based on the participation of Pvt. Guy B Early 10/1941 #1372  
ünde, Germany A Polish bomber unit based in England claims that silver-blue Autumn 1943 #1530  
M. Reida is piloting a B-29 bomber based at Kharagpur, India, on a bombing  8/11/1944 #1640  
ates their altitude at 50,000 feet based on reflections on cirrus clouds.   1946 #1960  
ere of small height and had copper based blood. This object was reportedly  5/31/1947 #2303  
produce) 1,400 (or 1,800) aircraft based on the Horten brothers’ VIII-type, 6/9/1947 #2315  
o an FBI/ARMY Intelligence Report: Based on a detailed study of the Kenneth 7/1947 #2492  
 two disc- or wing-shaped aircraft based on a Horton brothers design obtain 7/1/1947 #2523  
ssues a press release saying that, based on a “preliminary study,” the flyi 7/8/1947 #3016  
hat Arnold may have seen pelicans, based on their movements, but this seems 7/12/1947 #3157  
informal estimate of the situation based on 16 reports selected by Collecti 7/30/1947 #3262  
he proposition that secrecy can be based on reasons other than national sec 8/9/1947 #3308  
visionary or fictitious.” Reports (based on the cases in the Garrett Estima 9/23/1947 #3417  
ivision, writes a five-page report based on the characteristics listed in t 10/28/1947 #3469  
d aircraft, of Russian origin, and based on the perspective thinking and ac 10/28/1947 #3469  
l A. Heiland). The hoax is loosely based on a 1949 science fiction film tit 3/25/1948 #3598  
Air Force Publication (JANAP) 146, based on Bernard Baruch Jr.’s CIRES syst 10/1/1948 #3826  
ook microfilm. Its conclusions are based on 273 reports (243 US and 30 fore 2/11/1949 #4003  
ject disappeared in a sharp climb. Based on measurements with the mountain  4/24/1949 #4099  
alysis is included as an appendix. Based on 237 cases, Hynek finds that 32% 8/10/1949 #4315  
 All-Weather Flying Division (both based at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio),  1/22/1951 #5413  
[Skyhook] balloons. The article is based on Liddel’s study in ONR’s Researc 2/27/1951 #5463  
“no overtones.” Ruppelt says it is based on the books provided for taking c 3/25/1952 #5973  
involves compiling IBM punch cards based on data forwarded by Project Blue  3/31/1952 #5998  
ho tells him that Menzel’s work is based on no more than a “couple of meani Early 5/1952 #6249  
 subject for the CIA/OSI hierarchy based on the past several years of OSI i 6/1952 #6403  
              At 10:20 p.m. ground based air defense radar picked up a boge 7/24/1952 #7120  
lying saucer reports are “probably based on flights of imagination,” but in 8/14/1952 #7592  
ry devices. The study is allegedly based on more than 1,800 sightings in th 9/26/1952 #8036  
on and Lt. Norman W. Booth write: “Based on my experience in fighter tactic 10/29/1952 #8215  
sultancy with the Air Force. It is based on the Flit bug-spray advertisemen 1/18/1953 #8550  
gratron at Giant Rock, California, based on the rejuvenation techniques imp 1954 #9419  
unconventional” propulsion systems based in part on collection of UAP mater 3/1/1955 #12027  
 further breaks these results down based on whether the identification is c 10/25/1955 #12519  
in 1995. Winterhaven was allegedly based on the designs of Thomas Townsend  2/25/1956 #12739  
 space people come to assist them, based on the channelings of their associ 7/1956 #12940  
is reached that a Washington, D.C.–based agency should investigate UFOs, an 7/20/1956 #12995  
S Hawaii A group of US Navy pilots based at Naval Air Station Los Alamitos  Late 7/1956 #13016  
28th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing based at Ellsworth AFB, Rapid City, Sout Fall 1956 #13239  
n adjudicator awards him the money based on the fact that he may have only  10/2/1956 #13260  
 about designing “a scientifically based system for extracting information  2/1957 #13481  
 radars of the Bombing Trials Unit based at RAF West Freugh [now MOD West F 4/4/1957 #13582  
ighters with the 406th Bomber Wing based at RAF Manston [now closed], Kent, 5/20/1957? #13667  
day. The Air Force calls it a hoax based on the Levelland sightings.        11/4/1957 #14286  
nt Ashtar. The astral entities are based inside the earth, but they can lea 1958 #14782  
ellan Senate subcommittee whether, based on its “preliminary informal inves 2/28/1958 #14896  
, has prepared a 17-page TV script based on a straightforward interpretatio 6/1958 #15070  
s of two specially equipped F-106s based at Misawa to intercept the target. Spring 1959 #15662  
ped with six SM-65D Atlas missiles based in above-ground launchers.         9/9/1959 #15962  
nform the public as to the facts.” Based on a there-year NICAP study, Wolf  8/31/1960 #16426  
es to Cuban airspace by Fort Bliss–based reconnaissance aircraft that are t 1/12/1961 #16577  
t. Robert Filler and Lt. Phil Lee, based with the 82d Fighter Interceptor S Summer 1961 #16735  
nes three levels of civilizations, based on energy consumption: Type I (pla 1963 #17620  
y sightings of CIA/Air Force A-12s based at Area 51 in Nevada can be attrib 2/29/1964 #18140  
well- publicized Air Force YF-12As based at Edwards Air Force Base in Calif 2/29/1964 #18140  
ts mention a “bogey.” James Oberg, based on his trajectory analysis of the  12/5/1965 #19753  
ins calling the creature “Mothman” based on a comic book character. The Sca 11/15/1966 #21107  
 emitting a red glow. (NICAP notes based on newspaper story.) (NICAP: 02 -  12/2/1966 #21177  
he total duration of the sighting, based upon the times reported by the ind 1/24/1967 #21377  
ft as a mis-identified helicopter, based on the notion that a helicopter wo 1/24/1967 #21377  
hant has arranged for the lecture, based on conversations he has had with J 6/7/1967 #22478  
s the Colorado project in Congress based on the Look article and raises dou 4/30/1968 #23931  
 stunt to spread a fantastic story based on the plot of his upcoming film C Early 5/1968 #23939  
das, who formed a movement in 1962 based on the inevitability of nuclear wa 6/26/1968 #24084  
e states: “my own present opinion, based on two years of careful study, is  7/29/1968 #24254  
 termination of Project Blue Book, based on the Condon report, the NAS endo 12/17/1969 #25501  
es The UFO Controversy in America, based on his Ph.D. dissertation in histo 6/1975 #30073  
l Jones and Estelle Parsons. It is based on the book The Interrupted Journe 10/20/1975 #30454  
al system at the school, which was based on 12V batteries, and a sudden bla 10/30/1976 #31511  
settling disclosures” about UFOs, “based on information from the CIA.” Late 4/18/1977 #31993  
rological data. It concludes that “based on the available data, it is unfea 9/20/1977 #32499  
s of 13 episodes each, the show is based loosely on the real-life Project B 2/19/1978 #32982  
to search for all its UFO records. Based on a draft by Brad Sparks, Gersten 8/17/1978 #33522  
 produce an F-117A stealth fighter based on the mostly successful tests of  11/1/1978 #33908  
 review of the 1947 Roswell crash, based largely on Stanton Friedman’s rese 9/1980 #35488  
together to communicate with space based platforms associated with UAP.  ht 7/1982 #36525  
117 program, still secret and also based at Tonopah, but this does not happ 4/26/1984 #37301  
posure-related deaths is uncertain based on the linear no-threshold model,  4/26/1986 #37843  
e, Nevada Lear Jet heir John Lear, based on stories by Albuquerque business 12/29/1987 #38378  
ould not recreate the Brown effect based on the work of Thomas Townsend Bro 4/1988 #38526  
. Another group called "Orange" is based on the west slope of Mt. Archeleta 6/6/1988 #38581  
         Communion, a feature film based on abductee Whitley Strieber’s boo 11/10/1989 #39225  
heck: The Pentagon’s Black Budget, based on his articles on black-budget sp 9/1990 #39712  
d study of abduction phenomenology based on his research with numerous abdu 3/1992 #40342  
rected by Robert Lieberman that is based on abductee Travis Walton’s book o 3/12/1993 #40881  
ster, Missouri, where the fleet is based.                                   12/17/1993 #41331  
gates the case and determines that based on the radar trajectory the UFO is 1/28/1994 #41390  
n Sheen, and Dwight Yoakam, and is based on UFO Crash at Roswell by Kevin D 7/31/1994 #41649  
ight at six feet four inches tall, based on where it stood next to a tree.  2/10/1995 #42033  
en picked up and moved "6 inches", based on the altered location of the bui 8/15/1995 #42389  
 the US military. Pazrt of this is based on allegations that human pharmace 1997 #43154  
citizens and aviation experts were based on “fleeting glimpses of U-2 and S 8/3/1997 #43365  
Silpakorn University, this cult is based on a combination of beliefs in gho 12/1997 #43452  
chanical using high speed rotation based on the work of Laithwaite, Wallace 1/1998 #43483  
 nuclear interactions with gravity based on the work of Keely, Leedskelstei 1/1998 #43483  
tionary electrodes at high voltage based on the work of T.T. Brown/Bielfeld 1/1998 #43483  
(IV) AC/RF or microwave EM devices based on the work of Alzofon, Tesla, Lit 1/1998 #43483  
vices using antigravitic/shielding based on the work of Podleketnov and Sch 1/1998 #43483  
 a breakdown of Newton’s third law based on the alleged work of Bearden, Wa 1/1998 #43483  
 element to achieve weightlessness based on the alleged claims of William C 1/1998 #43483  
dheres to Collins Elite conclusion based on a reading of the original STAC  3/11/1998 #43532  
ty/military, (6) has access that’s based on project-controlled inclusion an 8/22/1998 #43635  
 prevailing belief of the group is based on materials found in connection w 7/7/1999 #43798  
e to 13,000 cases in the database. Based on its content, Ballester Olmos re 2000 #43908  
afely. All of her experiences were based on completely conscious recollecti 3/24/2000 #43968  
andlish states the UAP he saw were based off of Brown’s research, more rece 5/9/2001 #44183  
r own doctors were clueless; Green based his hypothesis on patients being e 2005 #44805  
 Gary R. Gochnour patents a plasma based aircraft design shaped as a flying 5/18/2006 #44945  
 Times staff reporter Sarah Lyall, based in the UK, selectively focuses on  5/26/2008 #45143  
, a subproject of Project MK-ULTRA based on lessons learned in Project Arti 8/4/2008 #45155  
s awarded to Five Rivers Services, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado.     2009 #45203  
iss an extraterrestrial hypothesis based on our scientific analysis.”       6/2009 #45224  
 and the database configuration is based on a six-layer model developed by  9/30/2010 #45300  
               Verizon subscribers Based on material supplied to them by fo 6/5/2013 #45370  
cts as opposed to tracking objects based on existing information. However,  10/1/2013 #45388  
mulator became operational and was based on a recovered disc landing from K 11/1/2013 #45392  
rtedly plotting domestic terrorism based on conspiracy theories about HAARP 10/27/2016 #45460  
s, while claiming that the show is based on real events.”                   1/8/2019 #45557  
backing for technology development based on UAP.  Kiviat states Pandolfi wa 2/26/2019 #45564  
nclusion about what the UAPs were, based on a lack of evidence, though in a 6/25/2021 #45694  
actor, Triad National Security LLC based in Los Alamos, NM, filed a patent  6/25/2021 #45695  
 they’re paid by a private company based out of Long Beach, CA.  https://yo 11/30/2021 #45726  
t date as far back as 2004 and are based on both sensor data and observatio 5/17/2022 #45750  
tions including they are false but based on something true; that they were  9/2022 #45766  
## Word: "basel" (Back to Top)
                                   BASEL, SWZ Large tilted cylinder/cylindr 8/7/1566 #34  
                                   BASEL AND SOLETHURN, SWZ 2 astronomers.  8/9/1762 #80  
                       Switzerland Basel, Switzerland Swiss psychologist Ca 1899 #629  
sin, Hélène Preiswerk (“S.W.”), in Basel, Switzerland, who claims to be a s 1899 #629  
                                   BASEL, SWTZ Several observer(s). Silent  9/29/1956 #13252  
## Word: "baseless" (Back to Top)
o Crisman, who admits the story is baseless.                                8/7/1947 #3306  
y becomes president of NICAP among baseless charges that a sinister CIA con 12/1978 #34035  
## Word: "baseline" (Back to Top)
ple independent witnesses across a baseline of at least 12 miles allow for  1/1/1954 #9437  
at the end of the month to conduct baseline medical evaluations on consulat 5/23/2018 #45527  
## Word: "basella" (Back to Top)
                                   BASELLA, SP 1.5M disk follows River Road 8/6/1974 #29312  
                                In Basella, Lerida, Spain a man and a woman 8/6/1974 #29313  
## Word: "basement" (Back to Top)
gain talking about treasure in the basement. They continue until February 1 10/4/1898 #626  
ission experiment in the US in the basement of Pupin Hall on the south side 1/25/1939 #1305  
ing it is a bomb, they rush to the basement, but there is no explosion.     Late 6/1941 #1365  
k. Simonton takes the jug into his basement, fills it with water, and retur 4/18/1961 #16653  
, sees a light shining through her basement window. Across the street she n 5/1967 #22256  
year-old youth was awakened in his basement room at 3:30 a.m. by a loud noi 9/8/1974 #29437  
 purple light flashing outside his basement window, lighting up the interio 9/8/1974 #29437  
usually chirruping crickets in the basement were now silent. Three minutes  9/8/1974 #29437  
t "soap" was; she took them to her basement and gave them a cup of laundry  12/2/1975 #30681  
        SOUTH MIDDLETON, MA Kids / basement. 1 sees oid's face / window inc 4/19/1978 #33152  
 four children were playing in the basement of a home in South Middleton, M 4/19/1978 #33154  
are so frightened they flee to the basement. The building inspector for Tor 1/9/1986 #37762  
ere so frightened they fled to the basement.                                1/9/1986 #37763  
ering outside. They all ran to the basement and looked out a window to see. 10/27/1989 #39188  
nner. The girls ran and hid in the basement, where they stayed for the rema 7/21/1991 #40129  
inder/cylindrical object appears / basement. Vanishes. Reappears upstair! O 10/1991 #40201  
d 2:00 a.m. The witness was in his basement when he heard a very low freque 2/11/2004 #44661  
## Word: "bases" (Back to Top)
This was the first of the American bases on the continent and was well-equi 10/1928 #1088  
ps from other planets” with hidden bases on the dark side of the moon. This 7/4/1947 #2654  
Project is building one of several bases around the country that will be us 8/1947 #3277  
stationing fighter aircraft at all bases on continuous alert for UFOs. It c 3/3/1948 #3587  
ptions are unlikely. He orders all bases to send UFO information to Wright- 3/3/1948 #3587  
d flying disc landings on military bases in California and New Mexico. Coll 1949 #3947  
ests are being made over sensitive Bases in NM area. A foreign power may be 1/13/1949 #3972  
e sites and some SAC strategic air bases. Gen. Samford orders ATIC to condu 12/19/1951 #5821  
Flying Saucers and major Air Force bases have been ordered to make INTERCEP End of 7/1952 #7224  
any. Four occurred at military air bases and two more involved aircraft enc 7/28/1952 #7268  
screens over at least three US air bases. At 9:20 a.m. a UFO appeared on th 12/10/1952 #8410  
n that hardened secret underground bases and constructed some such as Mount 1954 #9424  
eemingly visited two U.S. military bases on the same night in the southern  8/12/1954 #10139  
so established permanent Antarctic bases at McMurdo Sound (McMurdo Station) 11/1955 #12534  
ces, deep space origin, underwater bases, force fields, and more. Sherby an 4/1956 #12778  
 Grodno, Belarus, then over bomber bases at Minsk, Belarus; Leningrad [now  7/4/1956 #12951  
ing by the number of Soviet bomber bases, the intelligence suggests the Sov 7/9/1956 #12957  
e is no bomber at any of the other bases. Similar missions over the next ye 7/9/1956 #12957  
e for control of earthly minds. He bases this on his analysis of occult tex 1958 #14782  
ent of Fidel Castro. Launched from bases in Guatemala and Nicaragua, the in 4/17/1961 #16649  
 up the object; ADC alerts several bases, including Nellis AFB near Las Veg 4/18/1962 #17120  
s in the process of obtaining ICBM bases: New York (Plattsburg AFB); Kansas 4/18/1962 #17120  
 at both the Chilean and Argentine Bases on the Palmer Archipelago in Antar 7/9/1962 #17268  
he nuclear installations and other bases in Cuba, and whether the Soviets w 10/16/1962 #17475  
l observers at scientific research bases watched zigzagging and maneuvering 7/2/1965 #19052  
s at Tinker and Carswell Air Force Bases.                                   7/31/1965 #19222  
dar trackings at several Air Force Bases in the United States. The U.S. rep 8/2/1965 #19269  
o obtain UFO reports from military bases and police forces.                 10/1966 #20945  
ving UFO responsibility at various bases. Low and Saunders try to get them  6/12/1967 #22498  
. There are dark shadows along the bases of the fuselages and the center ch 10/26/1967 #23334  
trolmen. Was told there were alien bases off the Florida coast, the polar r 12/3/1967 #23535  
ar Woodbridge, Suffolk, one of two bases in England where in late December  2/19/1973 #27298  
e to see if RV could help find UAP bases; he added “they have an official c 10/27/1973 #28303  
ms to sense four underground alien bases, volunteering the data outside the 7/9/1974 #29253  
e SRI experimental parameters. The bases are located under Monte Perdido, H 7/9/1974 #29253  
 to sightings over nuclear missile bases in 1975                            11/11/1975 #30595  
e, Nebraska Northern Tier military bases A confidential NORAD communication 11/11/1975 #30611  
htings over Northern Tier military bases. They fail to produce positive ide 11/11/1975 #30611  
e, Nebraska, to numerous Air Force bases during the same month, the Air For 11/11/1975 #30611  
             Northern Tier Nuclear Bases The National Enquirer publishes Bo 12/13/1977 #32768  
 article, “UFOs Spotted at Nuclear Bases and Missile Sites” about the North 12/13/1977 #32768  
and McGuire AFB, adjacent military bases. Shortly afterward, an Air Force s 1/18/1978 #32889  
Wurtsmith, and other Northern Tier bases.                                   12/10/1978 #34085  
etrate airspace and over above SAC bases, their weapons storage areas, miss 12/20/1978 #34183  
etrate airspace and over above SAC bases, their weapons storage areas, miss 12/20/1978 #34186  
r of Ursa Minor, and that they had bases on the planet Mars.                9/25/1980 #35535  
the Bentwaters and Woodbridge NATA bases in England. Nearby animals driven  12/1980 #35684  
Bentwaters and Woodbridge RAF/USAF Bases. The case involved many military p 12/27/1980 #35748  
e state police and nearby military bases, but no one could or would provide 12/29/1980 #35758  
 believed there were “underground” bases in which UAP emanated from. Atwate 7/1982 #36525  
d propose ways of destroying Alien bases.                                   6/6/1988 #38581  
’s Kisses attached together at the bases” with more than 40 colored lights, 9/14/1989 #39102  
o told that the aliens had several bases in the area, including one at the  3/20/1993 #40895  
king enquiries with other military bases, civil airports, and local police. 3/31/1993 #40914  
iades." She was told that they had bases on earth.                          8/10/1993 #41123  
nha Mountains was one of four such bases. Immediately after hearing this Ri 9/15/1996 #43020  
SH, UK Cops and several RAF and CG bases and airline(s)/airliner and tanker 10/5/1996 #43053  
o Polo Airport Istrana Treviso air bases 6:45–10:30 p.m. Dozens of UFOs des 3/6/1997 #43221  
ing toward Istrana and Treviso air bases, where they remain hovering in the 3/6/1997 #43221  
ist Bill Cooper claims underground bases under control of Naval Intelligenc 2004 #44638  
e building of underground military bases for human-alien collaboration and  2004 #44638  
 Schulze begin to arrive. Military bases unanimously respond with “we have  1/8/2008 #45112  
ed some UAP that flew over nuclear bases and interfered with launch control 2010 #45263  
gton, D.C. Northern Tier air force bases Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space S Late 1/2010 #45268  
d with the Northern Tier air force bases in 1975. Hennessey suspects that m Late 1/2010 #45268  
clear missiles at U.S. and Russian bases. At the National Press Club in Was 9/27/2010 #45299  
entified aircraft over US military bases and that China or Russia or some o 7/23/2020 #45654  
fied aerial vehicles over military bases possibly exhibit technologies not  7/23/2020 #45654  
## Word: "bases'" (Back to Top)
. Film taken from just outside the bases' parameter show lights moving in a 2013 #45356  
## Word: "basford" (Back to Top)
                            A500 / BASFORD, NOTTS Several observer(s). 2-wa 2/4/1977 #31786  
                                   Basford, Staffordshire, UK 2:25 AM. An a 2/4/1977 #31788  
                                   Basford, Staffordshire, England - At 2:2 2/4/1977 #31791  
## Word: "bashed" (Back to Top)
     At 1:30 p.m. a flaming object bashed a hole in the side of a house in  8/11/1954 #10130  
## Word: "bashkir" (Back to Top)
                            MIASS, BASHKIR, RUSSIA White cylinder/cigar-sha 11/9/1967 #23429  
                              UFA, BASHKIR, RS Several observer(s). UFO lan 5/8/1990 #39566  
## Word: "basiago" (Back to Top)
ciousness/     Note: Lawyer Andrew Basiago claims he was experimented on in 1/1971 #25963  
                     Lawyer Andrew Basiago claims he served in a DARPA Proj 1981 #35765  
fferent segments of human history. Basiago claims beginning in 1981-1983, h 1981 #35765  
o, CA operated by Hughes Aircraft. Basiago claims there is a “jump room” at 1981 #35765  
net/marte/espmarte78.htm     Note: Basiago reiterates these claims in publi 1981 #35765  
foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. Basiago claims knowledge of the “Montauk 1981 #35765  
ehavior of the hippocampus. Still, Basiago’s claims are astounding and sugg 1981 #35765  
n tells Jacques Vallée that Andrew Basiago’s claims of time viewing and tim 8/7/2004 #44727  
d a “jump room” school with Andrew Basiago, William Stillings, and former D 7/2012 #45346  
hetic quantum environments (SQEs); Basiago claims the Greys built SQEs to h 7/2012 #45346  
undo, CA, the same location Andrew Basiago claimed was the location of adva 7/16/2016 #45456  
gical materials including humans.  Basiago claimed military officials were  7/16/2016 #45456  
## Word: "basic" (Back to Top)
ility for collecting and reporting basic information with respect to aerial 5/25/1950 #4966  
e, Wyoming Witnesses:  USAF Airman/Basic I.J. Shapiro and E.C. Ingber. Duri 5/23/1955 #12150  
 study, and he first describes the basic contours of the Robertson Panel.   1/1956 #12642  
tes Tacker’s apparent ignorance of basic physics. The show generates numero 12/5/1960 #16526  
. McNamara presents him with three basic options: a political option of app 10/16/1962 #17475  
ues a press release that gives two basic explanations for the Exeter, New H 10/27/1965 #19684  
unior staff, nearly everyone lacks basic equipment, questionnaires, cameras 2/1967 #21429  
les test negative for protein, the basic composition of spider web.         10/8/1969 #25400  
ist Michael H. Hart formulates the basic points of Enrico Fermi’s “Fermi Pa 6/1974 #29154  
souri, receive 25 calls or so. The basic description is a triangular format 11/18/1980 #35654  
ished. He believes there are three basic types of UFO occupants: spacemen ( 7/31/1981 #36047  
 unlawful and a violation of their basic rights and is seeking to restore t 6/24/1983 #36891  
W-72 warning area while conducting Basic Fighter Maneuvering out of Naval A 4/24/2014 #45408  
## Word: "basically" (Back to Top)
ge W. Towles. Their job is reduced basically to collection and filing. In t 1/1949 #3950  
ts: Fact and Discussion,” which is basically a short version of the sanitiz 4/28/1949 #4125  
e final report on Project Twinkle. Basically, it admits that the low freque 11/27/1951 #5794  
mbers. He notes that Condon has a “basically negative attitude.”            10/20/1966 #21019  
     Barrow, AK Night. A man saw a basically red object that also emitted s 2/12/1967 #21519  
 it should include. The release is basically a rewrite of a document prepar 5/1/1967 #22261  
cted at Greer and one person asked basically “who the hell do you think you 3/9/1992 #40369  
ou think you are, going out there, basically bypassing the national militar 3/9/1992 #40369  
ons about the UFO he had seen, and basically harassed him with threatening  7/14/1999 #43802  
lowed by two more. The beings were basically humanoid, gray in color, with  7/12/2000 #44015  
th the Public Affairs officer, who basically said that unless an unidentifi 10/29/2002 #44424  
 protected….there's a concern that basically scientists working in essentia 5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "basidomycetes" (Back to Top)
ogether with a fungus of the order Basidomycetes, which may fluoresce under 11/2/1971 #26450  
## Word: "basildon" (Back to Top)
                                   BASILDON, ESSEX 30cm disk follows car /  2/20/1989 #38843  
                                   BASILDON, ESSEX 1 / A13. Arrowhead-shape 4/12/1991 #40037  
## Word: "basile" (Back to Top)
ctober 7. That same evening in St. Basile, Quebec a boy reported seeing a m 7/22/1968 #24206  
## Word: "basilica" (Back to Top)
in a vault room inside the Vatican Basilica and even the USAF could not get 7/1991 #40108  
## Word: "basilio" (Back to Top)
                               SAN BASILIO, ITL 3 women. Big light becomes  9/14/1978 #33674  
              At 10:00 p.m. in San Basilio, Sardegna, Italy a big brilliant 9/14/1978 #33679  
## Word: "basilly" (Back to Top)
                                   BASILLY, BELGIUM Circle / night lights t 12/21/1974 #29651  
## Word: "basin" (Back to Top)
                             Congo basin moon Morris K. Jessup publishes Th 1957 #13429  
ike the pygmy peoples of the Congo basin) were “planted” from UFOs thousand 1957 #13429  
ghway 62 Hobbs, New Mexico Permian Basin Pipeline plant 11:00 p.m. Two youn 11/5/1957 #14348  
er it, and hovers over the Permian Basin Pipeline plant. As it passes overh 11/5/1957 #14348  
                            EAST / BASIN, WY 2 / farm. White-glow cone-sauc 11/28/1959 #16102  
                            Unitah Basin, UT Dusk, MDT. About a dozen witne 8/20/1966 #20776  
                            Uintah Basin, UT Local concentration peaking in 9/1966 #20824  
                         DRY CREEK BASIN, CO Luminous bowl saucer going [to 3/1967 #21687  
                         Dry Creek Basin, CO Luminous inverted bowl-shaped  3/1967 #21690  
                         Dry Creek Basin San Miguel County Colorado 11:00 p 3/1967 #21702  
ical object is seen over Dry Creek Basin, San Miguel County, Colorado, movi 3/1967 #21702  
om AFB Great Falls, Montana Judith Basin Night. Future UFO researcher Rober Mid 3/1967 #21891  
incident takes place in the Judith Basin area many miles to the south.      Mid 3/1967 #21891  
              Dayton, Oregon river basin Dusk. Gary Statenberg is working w Mid 4/1967 #22134  
t moving toward him down the river basin at about 500 feet altitude. It sto Mid 4/1967 #22134  
ject in the form of an upside-down basin 115 feet in diameter sitting on th 8/13/1967 #22873  
                            Unitah Basin, UT 8:30-9:00 p.m. MDT. Many peopl 10/11/1967 #23214  
ject was shaped like an overturned basin and was hovering near the ground.  5/30/1971 #26145  
                             BENTS BASIN, AUST 6 observer(s). 25' saucer /  6/4/1972 #26700  
y shortly after 6:00 p.m. in Bents Basin, New South Wales, Australia a thre 6/4/1972 #26701  
                       Los Angeles Basin, CA At least 16 sightings of round 4/1/1973 #27398  
                       Los Angeles Basin, CA At least 16 sightings of round 4/1/1973 #27399  
th of Parrsboro, Nova Scotia Minas Basin James Yorke and his family watch a 12/3/1973 #28514  
oro, Nova Scotia. It is over Minas Basin and crossing the water very slowly 12/3/1973 #28514  
c military operation in the Amazon basin, is commanded by Capt. Uyrangê Bol 7/1977 #32220  
g object looking like an “upturned basin.” The train appears, moving at abo 2/1985 #37552  
                           WARANGA BASIN, VCT 2 silent orange balls over re 5/5/1992 #40450  
lently over a reservoir in Waranga Basin, Victoria, Australia at 8:00 p.m.  5/5/1992 #40453  
15 minutes. Note: There is a Tonto Basin in central Arizona, but there is n 4/16/1996 #42871  
ss on Highway 24 in the South Park Basin, Colorado at 5:30 p.m. "The UFO wa 11/22/2002 #44449  
## Word: "basin-shaped" (Back to Top)
 was seen coming out of a metallic basin-shaped object about 12 meters in d 12/11/1978 #34091  
 was seen coming out of a metallic basin-shaped object about 12 meters in d 12/11/1978 #34094  
## Word: "basingstoke" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BASINGSTOKE, HAMPS 2 observer(s). Noisy  8/15/1965? #19394  
                      In Chineham, Basingstoke, England at 7:45 p.m. two po 12/16/1965 #19776  
irport Yateley, Hampshire, England Basingstoke 2:30 p.m. Flying instructor  8/27/1979 #34788  
y are at 2,000 feet heading toward Basingstoke when Adlington suddenly grab 8/27/1979 #34788  
                                   Basingstoke Canal Aldershot, Hampshire,  8/12/1983 #36948  
Alfred Burtoo is fishing along the Basingstoke Canal in Aldershot, Hampshir 8/12/1983 #36948  
## Word: "basins" (Back to Top)
. The dark blue hull was like two “basins” put together; 16 feet long, 8 fe 11/28/1953 #9325  
ng lenticular disc "like two round basins placed face to face" Swooped down 11/8/1968 #24644  
owing orange disc ("like two round basins, one on top of the other")        8/9/1971 #26277  
e disc-shaped UFO, shaped like two basins placed edge to edge, paced a plan 8/9/1971 #26278  
d sees a man sitting on one of the basins who is nearly 8 feet tall and wea 9/27/1972 #27034  
e third group are like upside-down basins about 40 feet across.             3/12/1990 #39456  
## Word: "basis" (Back to Top)
onal newspaper hoaxes that have no basis in reality.                        3/26/1880 #230  
dustries, said it gives reasonable basis for the hypothesis that it could h 1/7/1947 #2223  
ma area or any other area have any basis of fact.” He adds that the Maury I 8/8/1947 #3307  
ssary crews, on a continuous alert basis. These aircraft should be equipped 2/12/1948 #3576  
rded and must be explained on some basis which is perhaps slightly beyond t 11/4/1948 #3868  
y: These conclusions challenged on basis of lack of proof; "explain-away" a 1950 #4461  
etection and tracking of UFOs (the basis for terminating Project Blue Book  1/29/1952 #5884  
ced that they have an out-of-world basis.” He also meets with visits Air Fo 3/3/1952 #5942  
ily explainable on an astronomical basis, or by mirages, balloons, or by co 10/9/1952 #8107  
urther refined and will become the basis for Project Blue Book’s form.      10/10/1952 #8114  
Saucers there will be the time and basis for a public policy to reduce or r 10/13/1952 #8128  
 the investigation on a scientific basis. The recommendations were not adop 1/17/1953 #8544  
ories given credence solely on the basis of ignorance.” Also, “Abnormal pre 5/23/1955 #12151  
 Donald A. Quarles states: “On the basis of this study we believe that no o 10/25/1955 #12519  
 meeting on a more-or-less monthly basis at the YWCA in Washington, D.C. It Spring 1956 #12761  
“explainable on a perfectly normal basis.”                                  10/20/1960 #16486  
ence personnel on a quick reaction basis to recover or perform field exploi 11/13/1961 #16962  
esearch programs as the scientific basis for their interrogation methods. D 7/1963 #17819  
ncounter. This famous case was the basis for the dramatic UFO chase in Stev 4/17/1966 #20319  
irections). Harder states: “On the basis of the data and ordinary rules of  7/29/1968 #24254  
ction against its publication. The basis for seeking an injunction against  3/1972 #26584  
 geostationary orbits on a 24-hour basis.                                   1973 #27198  
 phenomena, but not on an official basis. The document says the efforts of  4/26/1976 #31027  
ion that existed on a need to know basis only. Simple curiosity on the part 11/19/1976 #31557  
ater declines their release on the basis of national security.              12/22/1978 #34197  
FOIA requests about himself on the basis of national defense reasons and mu 12/21/1987 #38369  
intelligence in order to provide a basis for judging the ETH as an acceptab 3/1989 #38854  
ea 51, Nevada, are excluded on the basis that the president does not have a 1/15/1994 #41371  
ir UFO sightings on a confidential basis. Ted Roe is executive director and 1999 #43706  
 told lawmakers cold fusion had no basis in further study despite knowing o 5/17/1999 #43770  
people in this group will form the basis of what will become the UAP Task F 2008 #45106  
 by five diplomats, on the alleged basis that Ottawa has not promptly addre 2/6/2019 #45560  
## Word: "baskatong" (Back to Top)
                              LAKE BASKATONG, QB Radio hams. Sphere beams g 11/6/1957 #14385  
                                   Baskatong Lake, Canada 180 km north of O 11/6/1957 #14416  
                                   Baskatong Reservoir, Quebec 9:00 p.m. Ja 11/6/1957 #14428  
hers are in a hunting lodge on the Baskatong Reservoir, Quebec, listening t 11/6/1957 #14428  
                 At 9:00 p.m. near Baskatong Lake, Quebec 180 km north of O 11/6/1957 #14440  
                              LAKE BASKATONG, QB 2 / camp. Shallow glowing- 3/11/1978 #33028  
    L’Île-Perrot, Quebec Reservoir Baskatong Sundown. Two men from L’Île-Pe 3/11/1978 #33032  
amping near the shore of Reservoir Baskatong when they see a comet-like, br 3/11/1978 #33032  
## Word: "basket" (Back to Top)
arkler, about the size of a bushel basket, no more than 100 feet away. It i 7/9/1947 #3068  
Greece. The UFO had the shape of a basket, and for a while it headed toward 10/26/1954 #11425  
out. They had with them a luminous basket and a metal tube with a cone-shap 12/15/1954 #11817  
 and running back to put it in the basket. When two teenaged boys drove up  12/27/1969 #25510  
## Word: "basket-like" (Back to Top)
ke an electric eye and glowing red basket-like bottom section. (NICAP: 02 - 11/16/1973 #28433  
## Word: "basket-saucer" (Back to Top)
               LES EGOTS, FR Girl. Basket-saucer going down. Windows. Small 10/24/1954 #11355  
## Word: "basket-shaped" (Back to Top)
er witness sees a green light on a basket-shaped object; his car radio fail 11/10/1957 #14525  
PST (4:40 p.m. EST).-A woman saw a basket-shaped (truncated cone) object wi 4/5/1967 #22060  
 What they swept up was put into a basket-shaped container in the center. A 12/27/1969 #25510  
## Word: "basketball" (Back to Top)
elow. It seems to be the size of a basketball and shimmery gold. The object Winter 1943 #1555  
e balls of fire sightings: size of basketball; streamer of light behind the 4/3/1945 #1837  
2;00 - white round obj larger than basketball (McDonald list, FUFOR index)  11/3/1948 #3865  
 white, round light “larger than a basketball” descend slowly as he is driv 11/23/1948 #3888  
rver(s). Solid flickering glowing "basketball" southwest going quickly nort 9/6/1952 #7864  
lot saw a white disc the size of a basketball in straight line flight (NICA 6/20/1958 #15103  
 disc appeared to be the size of a basketball, and flew in a straight line. 7/20/1958 #15151  
at can see an object the size of a basketball at 25,000 miles. The system i 1959 #15509  
Its apparent size is as large as a basketball held at arm’s length. The obj 5/21/1964 #18289  
t was described as about size of a basketball, which moved slowly and chang 8/2/1965 #19272  
.m. Six teenagers returning from a basketball game in Concordia, Kansas, de 12/5/1967 #23551  
                Coming home from a basketball game in Breese, Illinois at 9 12/29/1967 #23619  
ine again as a light the size of a basketball fluctuates in intensity and z 11/25/1968 #24704  
 and it was the apparent size of a basketball held at arm's length. It move 5/7/1970 #25657  
t and four teenagers are leaving a basketball game at Beckemeyer (Illinois) 11/16/1970 #25906  
ring Night. Clearwater High School basketball coach Reggie Bone and five pl 2/21/1973 #27305  
                   On this night a basketball coach and two other men in a  12/5/1973 #28525  
in Lincolnshire, Illinois, to play basketball. As they walk down the street 5/5/1974 #29085  
end where at the local high school basketball court. A green-blue blob (BOL 5/6/1975 #30044  
of electricity about the size of a basketball." The second figure was walki 3/5/1977 #31861  
o people on the hillside carrying "basketball sized lights," and that the U 3/5/1977 #31861  
ed ball of light about as big as a basketball that moves away from the wind 12/1984 #37514  
e black domed disk hovers 30' over basketball court!                        4/12/1995 #42146  
e to turn his head, he saw a round basketball shaped object under the cover 7/18/1999 #43807  
 very bright disk while driving to basketball practice in Hazlet, New Jerse 1/22/2002 #44310  
ear night, watching some kids play basketball in the courts. He looked up a 5/16/2010 #45282  
## Word: "basketball-shaped" (Back to Top)
ses itself from football-shaped to basketball-shaped over a period of 10 mi 2/10/1975 #29800  
## Word: "basketball-size" (Back to Top)
      SOFIA, BULGARIA All present. Basketball-size and shape going [to] ove 7/1908? #713  
## Word: "basketball-sized" (Back to Top)
), NM AFOSI Case 2: approx 20:00 - Basketball-Sized Object Explodes Near Co Late 8/1947 #3367  
mphis, Tennessee, notice a glowing basketball-sized globe in the soil by th Late 8/1960 #16417  
at a small, bright orange-colored, basketball-sized object has landed in hi 6/14/1964 #18356  
tern and blinking. Then they see a basketball-sized object 20–50 feet away, 7/13/1968 #24173  
roaches his group at 1:30 a.m. The basketball-sized object makes a downward 12/28/1980 #35750  
 when she sees a “highly intense,” basketball-sized ball of white light com 11/27/1998 #43686  
## Word: "basketballs" (Back to Top)
al helmets that looked as large as basketballs. Circling each helmet was a  5/11/1969 #25128  
## Word: "baskets" (Back to Top)
on to his house, each bringing two baskets, which they fill and return. One 4/19/1897 #539  
## Word: "baskunchak" (Back to Top)
                              LAKE BASKUNCHAK, RS Pilot Apraksin chases ban 6/16/1948 (approximate) #3670  
## Word: "bason" (Back to Top)
alalda, France Mr. and Mrs. Firmin Bason heard an unusual noise and saw a w 4/22/1957 #13611  
was witnessed by Mr. & Mrs. Firmin Bason. The vines thrashed about as the o 4/22/1957 #13613  
## Word: "basque" (Back to Top)
n Monte Banderas de Bilbao, in the Basque region of Spain, a four-meter wid 6/23/1968 #24071  
ot shows sequences indicating rare Basque/Gaelic and Asian results—suggesti 7/23/1992 #40530  
isited Earth for a very long time; Basque people are most likely to be hybr Early 1995 #41927  
## Word: "bass" (Back to Top)
                                   Bass Strait, Tasman Peninsula A singular Summer 1942 #1418  
        Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania Bass Strait 5:50 p.m. An RAAF pilot is o Summer 1942 #1419  
of strange lights on the waters of Bass Strait. A “singular airfoil of glis Summer 1942 #1419  
                                   BASS STRAIT, AUS 50M domed ovoid paces R 8/1942 (approximate) #1424  
                                   BASS STRAIT, AUSTR Object tails bomber / 2/1944 #1568  
                                   Bass Strait, AU At 2:30 a.m. a bomber cr 2/1944 #1569  
                                   Bass Strait, Australia 2:30 a.m. An Aust 2/1944 #1570  
omber is flying at 4,500 feet over Bass Strait, Australia, when it is joine 2/1944 #1570  
 South Dudley, Victoria, Australia Bass Strait Inverlock 6:50 p.m. More tha 9/19/1963 #17946  
 in an easterly direction into the Bass Strait. During the 25 minutes that  9/19/1963 #17946  
m. Albert Formiller is fishing for bass in Cholla Bay, Sonora, Mexico, when 11/5/1970 #25902  
                      KING ISLAND, BASS STRAIT, AUSTR Silent cross-shape. B 4/10/1976 #30992  
                                   Bass Strait, AU Famous "Valentich" Cessn 10/21/1978 #33854  
                                   Bass Strait, Australia Cessna pilot Fred 10/21/1978 #33855  
 a Cessna 182L light aircraft over Bass Strait between Moorabbin, Victoria, 10/21/1978 #33856  
e garden outside the home of their bass player in a northern suburb of Glas 7/14/1985 #37619  
lic saucer 25 mile(s) away between Bass Harbor and Swans Island.            7/22/1989 #39027  
                                   Bass River, New Brunswick Saint-Louis-de 1/17/2004 #44651  
 Saint Paul 7:45 p.m. A witness at Bass River, New Brunswick, sees a bright 1/17/2004 #44651  
## Word: "bassano" (Back to Top)
   At 11:30 p.m. Sr. Attilio B. of Bassano del Grappa, Italy had gone out t 8/14/1999 #43822  
## Word: "basse" (Back to Top)
                                   BASSE WAVRE, BELGM 1 / car. Perfect 12cm 5/16/1973 #27495  
## Word: "basse-gorce" (Back to Top)
                         WEST / LA BASSE-GORCE, FR Lens-saucer / tripod. 2  8/1954 (approximate) #10075  
## Word: "bassee" (Back to Top)
on highway 347 between Lens and La Bassee in Pas-de-Calais, France Mr. Lief 12/31/1973 #28623  
                    HAISNES-LEZ-LA BASSEE, FR 42M luminous ovoid / wobbly l 5/20/1974 #29116  
.m. two children in Haisnes-lez-la Bassee, France, age 10, witnessed an ovo 5/20/1974 #29121  
of light approached Haisnes-lez-la Bassee, France and then flew off to the  5/20/1974 #29121  
## Word: "basses" (Back to Top)
       That same night in Aveyron, Basses Pyrenees, France a farmer sighted 1/11/1967 #21288  
## Word: "basses-alpes" (Back to Top)
tness was on his terrace in Digne, Basses-Alpes department, France at 10:00 9/20/1976 #31416  
## Word: "bassett" (Back to Top)
Manitowoc, Wisconsin Witness: R.J. Bassett, a pilot for 31 years. One silve 11/18/1953 #9306  
a 27-year-old lab technician named Bassett "felt the presence of something" 3/23/1956 #12765  
ight makes several passes at car / Bassett and Vanowen St.                  7/25/1979 #34671  
, D.C. National Press Club Stephen Bassett’s Paradigm Research Group holds  4/29/2013 #45366  
## Word: "bassing" (Back to Top)
                                   BASSING, MOSL, FR Ellipse going southeas 10/1/1954 #10553  
## Word: "bassoues" (Back to Top)
                                   BASSOUES, GERS, FR Ovoid lights countrys 12/1/1954 #11740  
                                   Bassoues, France A 39-year-old civilian  12/1/1954 #11742  
## Word: "bastards" (Back to Top)
ychologist states “the little gray bastards have thought control and empath 7/31/1999 #43815  
## Word: "basterfield" (Back to Top)
 UFO Research Society, 1996; Keith Basterfield, “Present at the Abduction,” 7/25/1972 #26833  
dited by Harry Griesberg and Keith Basterfield, until at least November 198 2/1980 #35153  
al is obtained by ufologists Keith Basterfield and Ray Brooke, who take it  1/20/1988 #38422  
o normal after lights disappeared (Basterfield, 1997a). (NICAP: 03 - EME Ca 3/23/1988 #38519  
o normal after lights disappeared (Basterfield, 1997a).                     3/23/1988 #38520  
riod discovered upon arrival home (Basterfield, 1997b). (NICAP: 02 - Close  7/24/1994 #41636  
riod discovered upon arrival home (Basterfield, 1997b).                     7/24/1994 #41637  
l, New Mexico UFO researcher Keith Basterfield interviews a man in Adelaide 1/15/2005 #44808  
## Word: "bastia" (Back to Top)
                                   BASTIA, CORSICA, FR Luminous cylinder/ci 1/20/1953 #8554  
                                   BASTIA, CORSICA Family. 3 photographs /  2/12/1971 #26018  
he cloudy shoreline in the town of Bastia at around 7:00 p.m.               2/12/1971 #26019  
witness was driving to the town of Bastia, Italy in Liguria province in the 1/19/1979 #34362  
                                   BASTIA, CORSICA 1 observer. Silver sauce 5/14/1979 #34558  
out 12 miles south and ended up in Bastia. Another strange occurrence was t 6/22/1979 #34625  
out 12 miles south and ended up in Bastia. This change of course was unexpl 6/22/1979 #34626  
## Word: "bastiani" (Back to Top)
 France two bricklayers, Romain de Bastiani, age 21, and Bruno Burato, age  9/30/1954 #10520  
## Word: "bastida" (Back to Top)
ction, commanded by Lt. Col. Ángel Bastida.                                 1/15/1992 #40288  
 all units in June. Lt. Col. Ángel Bastida admits it is inspired by several 3/31/1992 #40404  
                    Lt. Col. Ángel Bastida, head of the Intelligence Sectio 11/16/1992 #40714  
## Word: "bastos" (Back to Top)
code message to his friend Geraldo Bastos in Belo Horizonte, claiming that  11/22/1954 #11690  
nd the city from Martian invaders. Bastos takes the messages seriously, and 11/22/1954 #11690  
 The two witnesses including Rubem Bastos de Brito reported seeing several  7/29/2001 #44213  
## Word: "bastrop" (Back to Top)
                                   BASTROP, LA 5 observer(s). 5 saucers emi 2/11/1956 #12707  
                                In Bastrop, Louisiana at 4:00 p.m. at least 2/11/1956 #12710  
  At 4:13 p.m. a father and son in Bastrop, Texas were playing catch with a 9/21/2007 #45067  
## Word: "basye" (Back to Top)
                            EAST / BASYE, VA 1+cops. 5 Saturn orbs with win 11/2/1994 #41830  
## Word: "basècles" (Back to Top)
                                   Basècles, Belgium Before 12:00 midnight. 4/22/1990 #39539  
 workers in a factory courtyard in Basècles, Belgium, watch two enormous sp 4/22/1990 #39539  
## Word: "bat" (Back to Top)
as wings “something like that of a bat.” It turns to the southeast after pa 4/14/1897 #471  
ing down / trees. Headless mansize bat. / FSR'64#2+/ r8#588.                11/16/1963 #18043  
e size of a man, with wings like a bat, came toward them. They fled in terr 11/16/1963 #18044  
a human but without a head and has bat wings. The teenagers run away. Other 11/16/1963 #18045  
man-sized figure with wings like a bat and no head came toward them. They f 11/16/1963 #18046  
 flying object that "looked like a bat" coming toward their car. "On the mi 1/22/1971 #25997  
erver(s). 3 striped double-domes / bat shapes pass / low altitude. See refe 3/29/1973 #27389  
ro-magnetic effects). Wolfman with bat wing on road. Flies and truck AOK. D 4/17/1994 #41494  
 died. He next saw a creature with bat wings on the road. When it flew away 4/17/1994 #41495  
ect glides above them “like a huge bat” at low altitude. Its underside is c 7/1997 #43344  
art of the body, like some type of bat. They protruded out near the end and 4/5/2004 #44684  
## Word: "bat-delta" (Back to Top)
pping noise. Silver-grey moon-size bat-delta/triangle/box-like craft going  7/22/1978 #33408  
## Word: "bat-figure" (Back to Top)
dio smokes. 2+car beamed going up. Bat-figure and pseudo-humans/entities? E 10/27/1974 #29558  
## Word: "bat-like" (Back to Top)
man, half-animal entity with large bat-like wings. The townsfolk chase the  9/29/1903 #662  
they see a black, naked woman with bat-like, glowing wings moving through t 7/1969 #25242  
e "saucer" which appeared to have "bat-like" wings. Observers watched with  8/1/1972 #26866  
s about four feet tall, with large bat-like wings, huge oval-shaped eyes, a 11/11/1995 #42593  
## Word: "bat-mobile" (Back to Top)
        COLCHESTER, ESSEX Odd 500' bat-mobile flies over car. 3 pointed end 7/18/1992 #40525  
## Word: "bat-saucer" (Back to Top)
                     MORRO BAY, CA Bat-saucer hovers / minutes. Drops behin 12/30/1946 #2214  
## Word: "bat-wing" (Back to Top)
. Red lights on what appears to be bat-wing fins begin to telescope out of  9/19/1961 #16857  
                     On this night bat-wing shaped UFOs were seen in Port A 9/6/1976 #31349  
## Word: "bata" (Back to Top)
                                   BATA, HUNGARY Flaming cartwheel seen / d 8/18/1940 (approximate) #1344  
## Word: "batavia" (Back to Top)
el across the northern horizon. In Batavia, New York, a few observers see t 2/9/1913 #881  
                                   BATAVIA, NY 2 / SR33. Sharply defined lu 8/26/1979 #34778  
## Word: "batch" (Back to Top)
Juan J. Benítez receives the first batch of some 300 pages of UFO reports f 10/30/1976 #31509  
hree workers are preparing a small batch of fuel for the Jōyō experimental  9/30/1999 #43856  
le uranium-238). It is JCO’s first batch of fuel for that reactor in three  9/30/1999 #43856  
tober 1968 to August 1969. Another batch is received on April 23, 2009, cov 10/31/2008 #45181  
National Archives releases another batch of UFO files.                      3/2009 #45213  
National Archives releases another batch of UFO files.                      8/6/2009 #45233  
National Archives releases another batch of UFO files, more than 6,000 page 2/17/2010 #45269  
Archives makes available its first batch of Ministry of Defence UFO files f 8/2011 #45331  
National Archives releases another batch of 209 UFO files, approximately 52 6/21/2013 #45374  
. This is supposed to be the final batch, but more files are discovered lat 6/21/2013 #45374  
## Word: "bateau" (Back to Top)
                                   Bateau Bay, New South Wales 4:00 p.m. Da 9/14/1972 #26998  
id Owen is sitting on his patio in Bateau Bay, New South Wales, when he not 9/14/1972 #26998  
                                   BATEAU BAY, AUSTRALIA Boxy night light o 10/10/1976 #31458  
    Mobile, Alabama Montgomery Big Bateau Bay in Spanish Fort, Alabama 7:40 10/23/2002 #44422  
olled into swampy water in the Big Bateau Bay in Spanish Fort, Alabama. The 10/23/2002 #44422  
## Word: "baterias" (Back to Top)
                                   BATERIAS, ARG Longitude & latitude coord 3/24/1980 #35234  
## Word: "bates" (Back to Top)
                               Mr. Bates, an airline passenger in a plane f 7/6/1947 #2817  
            Mobile (Brookley AFB & Bates Field), AL Object flying to the NE 4/10/1950 #4840  
 witnesses among the crew: Sperry, Bates, and Arnholt.                      5/29/1950 #4974  
ne is paced by a UFO. Copilot Herb Bates first notices the UFO when the Con 4/25/1966 #20415  
, British Columbia 8:00 p.m. David Bates, 8, Steven Stillie, 10, and Henry  8/16/1974 #29362  
r a high-pitched whine and the cat Bates is carrying panics and escapes his 8/16/1974 #29362  
## Word: "batesburg" (Back to Top)
                                   BATESBURG, SC 1 observer. Very shiny sil 6/25/1995 #42272  
 was seen in the northern sky from Batesburg, South Carolina at 7:00 p.m. T 6/25/1995 #42275  
## Word: "batesville" (Back to Top)
                                   Batesville, MS State Highway Patrolmen o 7/17/1952 #6861  
## Word: "batf" (Back to Top)
968, US Border Patrol agent [later BATF agent] Donald E. Flickinger manages Late 11/1961 #16978  
## Word: "bath" (Back to Top)
                                   Bath, England British astronomer William 1783 #88  
nar surface since the mid-1770s in Bath, England, and writes journal entrie 1783 #88  
                                   BATH, AVON 'Splendidly lit craft' passes 3/6/1912 #858  
raft" passed over Warmley Village, Bath, England at eight o'clock in the ev 3/6/1912 #859  
Winthrop Hotel, where a room and a bath have already been mysteriously rese 7/29/1947 #3254  
ortedly seen over Swainswick, near Bath in Somerset, England. The ash-grey  2/12/1965 #18813  
 house. She thought about taking a bath, and the entities asked her what "s 12/2/1975 #30681  
th their heads covered with tight “bath helmets.” They stand looking at the 1/6/1977 #31706  
th their heads covered with tight "bath helmets." They stood looking at the 1/6/1977 #31707  
ve need to wash the car and take a bath.                                    7/6/1978 #33346  
                             A46 / BATH TO/FROM STROUD, AVON Odd orange clo 10/1981 #36146  
fence RAF Rudloe Manor MOD Corsham Bath, England The UK Ministry of Defence Fall 1984 #37466  
nor [now MOD Corsham] northeast of Bath, England, are conducting more serio Fall 1984 #37466  
                                   BATH, IL Several observer(s) / home. Big 3/1/1996 #42794  
ght (BOL) dimmed and reappeared in Bath, Illinois. It blinked and then shot 3/1/1996 #42797  
## Word: "bathe" (Back to Top)
. Yaru then felt a strange urge to bathe in a nearby brook, which he did de 6/10/1968 #24018  
ds. Finally, she decided she would bathe and then go to bed. Later, feeling 12/6/1978 #34068  
his evening. Two witnesses went to bathe in the nearby river when a UFO app 6/9/2002 #44350  
## Word: "bathed" (Back to Top)
d, is intercepted by a silver disc bathed in a pearly luster. Around this t 10/1917 #968  
g out the window, he sees the yard bathed in a steady blue-purple light. Su Fall 1933 #1175  
. At 350 feet away, his cockpit is bathed in blue-white light and everythin 2/11/1953 #8664  
hole farm and surrounding area are bathed in the light for 10 minutes. A sm 11/6/1957 #14425  
 hovering 5 m above ground. It was bathed in an orange glow, similar to tha 6/21/1959 #15779  
at around 9 p.m. One of the craft, bathed constantly in light beams emanati 2/21/1965 #18825  
the left, which lit the ground and bathed the car's interior.The UFO hovere 9/3/1965 #19517  
aw woke up to find the whole house bathed in bright light, and they observe 8/20/1966 #20777  
e house in Heraldsburg, California bathed in bright light. They next observ 8/20/1966 #20780  
 diameter, standing on three legs, bathed in fleecy white light, and emitti 7/1968 #24109  
 UFO moved over the dock they were bathed in light from the object, and bot 8/7/1968 #24308  
d it had four sets of lights which bathed the surrounding area in amber lig 12/10/1968 #24757  
, the Talalas see their whole yard bathed in light caused by a huge firebal 1/3/1971 #25972  
away, and it approached slowly and bathed her car in light as it passed ove 5/25/1971 #26137  
rning hours. The cottage was being bathed in a strong blue light. Going out 7/1/1973 #27610  
 that the encounter lasted. It was bathed in a green light from the UFO. Ev 10/20/1973 #28219  
mehow been lifted up to the craft, bathed in green light, and returned. Sco 10/25/1973 #28287  
nd wife / car chased by ovoid. Car bathed in blue light. No further details 8/12/1974 #29326  
          LAHARMANDE, FR D109. Car bathed / light. Red horizontal cylinder/ 11/22/1974 #29602  
woman with the surname of Dira had bathed in a lagoon in Sao Gondolo do Ama 10/25/1975 #30468  
woman with the surname of Dira had bathed in a lagoon in Sao Gondolo do Ama 10/25/1975 #30472  
fore disappearing. It is large and bathed in bright red lights. At one poin 4/11/1978 #33141  
pproaches Holtsman’s car, which is bathed in a blinding white light as it s 3/24/1983 #36807  
h! Domed saucer lands / yard. Area bathed / orange light. Magnetism.        3/23/1987 #38151  
qual distance from each other, all bathed in a silver light, moving south t Late 3/1989 #38880  
object jumped over their truck and bathed it in a white beam of light. Afte 3/2/1990 #39442  
 two people in a car had their car bathed by a beam of light from an unseen 3/2/1993 #40873  
got there she noticed the room was bathed in a strange light. She went to c 3/20/1993 #40894  
ntense white beam at their car and bathed it in intense light for "at least 10/15/1996 #43071  
pung Gobek, Malaysia rays of light bathed houses in the village. A UFO was  3/2/2000 #43961  
olding hands and chanting. The UFO bathed the ground in a powerful light. T 2/9/2001 #44138  
## Word: "bathers" (Back to Top)
, Uruguay Time not given. Numerous bathers at the beaches near Montevideo o 3/1/1954 #9583  
 near Montevideo, Uruguay Numerous bathers at the beaches near Montevideo,  3/1/1954 #9587  
## Word: "bathes" (Back to Top)
er and hover at rooftop height. It bathes her in green light. Two rows of j 7/13/1959 #15842  
dets returning late from leave. It bathes the area in intense green light f 12/10/1963 #18072  
 Observer(s) = Dill. Gold globular bathes town / blue light. Back / date un 8/4/1965 #19295  
es from the bottom that completely bathes the area, illuminating the ground 8/19/1992 #40583  
ortholes on the UFO just before it bathes the airliner in incandescent ligh 2/3/1999 #43721  
## Word: "bathgate" (Back to Top)
                                   BATHGATE, SCOTLAND Triangle seen over hi 8/11/1991 #40148  
is night Mr. J. Curran of Polbeth, Bathgate, Lothian, Scotland watched and  11/8/1995 #42588  
## Word: "bathhouse" (Back to Top)
 creature while returning from the bathhouse in the garden, and encounter t 5/1/1974 #29078  
## Word: "bathing" (Back to Top)
ches him and gets within 350 feet, bathing his cockpit in blue-white light. 2/19/1953 #8686  
a bright light appears above them, bathing everyone in an orange glow. It i 8/10/1963 #17882  
ect hovers 50–100 feet in the air, bathing the two officers in a bright lig 4/17/1966 #20318  
bject disappears straight up after bathing the depot in light.              2/9/1967 #21491  
is lower than the telephone wires, bathing the road and an area around the  3/5/1967 #21766  
lmet shaped object come over a car bathing it in intense light (NICAP: 02 - 4/17/1967 #22150  
nd move directly above their cars, bathing them in intense light. Metz obse 4/17/1967 #22153  
aw an emormous flying object while bathing in a waterfall in the mountains  2/23/1969 #24940  
s a beam of light at the airplane, bathing it in light that is bright enoug 10/23/1972 #27087  
blue flash of light shone briefly, bathing Castillo's body. He understood t 11/18/1973 #28443  
             NORTH CEARA, BRZ Lady bathing / lake zapped / blue-beam. Fireb 10/1974 #29496  
eet above the field to their left, bathing it in a pinkish glow.            10/6/1979 #34945  
f light shone down into their car "bathing the driver in red light." The li 8/10/1982 #36568  
## Word: "batholith-1" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Batholith-1” Yield: 8KT                  11/1/1980 #35606  
## Word: "batholith-2" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Batholith-2” Yield: 8.5KT                10/3/1987 #38299  
## Word: "bathrobe" (Back to Top)
hung himself using the belt of his bathrobe,” attracting the interest of co 7/1977 #32220  
## Word: "bathroom" (Back to Top)
orescent lights in the kitchen and bathroom do not), and a neighbor’s loud  7/9/1965 #19089  
year-old Leland Wlazlak was in the bathroom in Seattle, Washington at 9 p.m 6/9/1967 #22484  
he boy screamed and ran out of the bathroom.                                6/9/1967 #22484  
hen puts it on a windowsill in the bathroom before going to bed. He goes ba 5/17/1968 #23969  
the stranger walked into the bar's bathroom and did not emerge.             11/28/1972 #27150  
ield, Michigan got up to go to the bathroom. When he looked out the window  8/25/1976 #31302  
perhaps 15 seconds, she ran to her bathroom and hid. Two minutes later the  4/6/1977 #31953  
he sees a bright light outside his bathroom window. He opens it and sees a  7/25/1983 #36925  
witness had gotten up to go to the bathroom when she noticed that the elect 5/1/1989 #38932  
has a coughing fit and goes to the bathroom where he discovers a blonde hai 7/23/1992 #40530  
ared. Feeling an urge to go to the bathroom, he realized his penis felt ver 7/23/1992 #40531  
Miami, Florida got up to go to the bathroom. On the way back to her bedroom 1/27/1993 #40816  
t of bed at 2:30 a.m. to go to the bathroom when he noticed a light outside 4/17/1993 #40940  
woke around 3:30 a.m. to go to the bathroom. Not wanting to disturb the oth 9/1/1993 #41174  
other cabin occupants she left the bathroom door open. As she sat there she 9/1/1993 #41174  
ndere, Varginha, Brazil opened his bathroom window at eight o'clock in the  1/20/1996 #42697  
 J., age 77, awoke and went to the bathroom and then back to her bedroom. A 2/13/2004 #44664  
 pull off his covers and go to the bathroom, but by now everything seemed t 11/25/2005 #44906  
ecause he wanted help going to the bathroom. After returning to her bedroom 8/28/2009 #45239  
## Word: "baths" (Back to Top)
rver(s). Pie-tin saucer flies over baths at 'radium springs'. No further de 6/22/1947 #2361  
ement saying that “excessively hot baths can be as damaging to the human se 3/28/1957 #13566  
tanding guard at the local thermal baths in Bobbio, Italy at 7 p.m. when he 8/19/1971 #26296  
                        ROCKBRIDGE BATHS, VA 20' x7'OBJ paces and blocks ca 3/23/1988 #38518  
## Word: "bathtub" (Back to Top)
 Danny Casolaro is found dead in a bathtub in room 517 of the Sheraton Hote 8/10/1991 #40147  
## Word: "bathtubs" (Back to Top)
g bodies that looked like inverted bathtubs that looked like a “pod” or sho 7/1991 #40108  
## Word: "bathtup-shaped" (Back to Top)
 thirty-foot wide silver, inverted bathtup-shaped UFO was sighted near Trut 4/26/1964 #18211  
## Word: "batista" (Back to Top)
a Alexandra de Motta Night. Adilon Batista de Azevedo, 14, leaves home with 7/26/1965 #19181  
 State, Brazil when two boys, Joao Batista Da Silva, age 9, and Benedito Pa 2/6/1969 #24898  
were returning home in the Colegio Batista district of Belo Horizonte, Mina 3/22/1969 #25037  
ness abated, the ranch owner, Joao Batista Souza, could see that the object 7/17/1977 #32288  
## Word: "batlike" (Back to Top)
EGO, CA Several observer(s). Large batlike object hovers and maneuvers duri 10/9/1946 #2198  
        WHITE SANDS, NM 2 guards. "Batlike" saucer seen / (seen thru) binoc 8/8/1952 #7513  
## Word: "batman" (Back to Top)
st called police to report that a "batman" was sitting on the roof of the h 11/21/1966 #21132  
 ISABEL, ARG Pseudo-human/entity / batman suit / factory. Vanishes. Lights  9/21/1972 #27017  
observer(s). Saucer / fireball. 7' batman back / auto plant. Cycle malfunct 9/27/1972 #27033  
## Word: "baton" (Back to Top)
                                   BATON ROUGE, LA 1 observer. 5 ovoids goi 3/15/1950 #4642  
icut Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge Oak Ridge Laboratory in Tenn 8/19/1953 #9084  
t at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, who contacts friends at Oak 8/19/1953 #9084  
                                   BATON ROUGE, LA LSU scientist/science st 10/10/1971 #26416  
                                   BATON ROUGE, LA AND SHREVEPORT AND RUSTO 10/19/1973 #28177  
                                   BATON ROUGE, LA 67000 observer(s)! Domed 10/21/1973 #28223  
                                   Baton Rouge, Louisiana Before 12:00 midn 7/16/1977 #32282  
. A bright light in the west above Baton Rouge, Louisiana, moves 10°–15° fr 7/16/1977 #32282  
                                   Baton Rouge, Louisiana Roswell, New Mexi 2/28/1978 #33002  
ed retired Maj. Jesse A. Marcel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and interviews h 2/28/1978 #33002  
                                   Baton Rouge, LA Dogs are unaffected by f 4/8/1989 #38897  
 and it carried that looked like a baton in one hand. The man fled from the 2/9/1995 #42031  
 at the Burger King parking lot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, patrons noticed  11/13/2002 #44438  
## Word: "bator" (Back to Top)
                              ULAN BATOR, MONGOLIA Extra moon rises / north 7/27/1964 #18443  
## Word: "batovice" (Back to Top)
ossible landing and burnt traces / Batovice.                                1/18/1991 #39959  
ite with burnt traces was found in Batovice. In Murowana, Poland a 30-meter 1/18/1991 #39961  
## Word: "bats" (Back to Top)
enberg himself, who rejects it and bats it back to Cabell with a strong sen 9/30/1948? #3817  
## Word: "battaglia" (Back to Top)
 de Janeiro, Brazil Technician Ugo Battaglia, 39, and a boy, heard a high-p 11/24/1967 #23506  
              At 2:30 p.m. Sr. Ugo Battaglia, a radio technician, and his 1 11/24/1967 #23508  
## Word: "battalion" (Back to Top)
Class, Hqt. Co. 112th Construction Battalion, came across a landed saucer n 1944 #1557  
 A of the US 44th Armored Infantry Battalion is bivouacked on a hill along  3/25/1945 #1827  
intercept them. FBI, anti-aircraft battalion, radar units and fighter squad 8/4/1950 #5099  
s Conley of the 89th Anti-Aircraft Battalion at Fort George G. Meade, Maryl 12/7/1953 #9345  
hment of the Second Signal Service Battalion (M/Sgt Billy J. Woodruff, Sgt. 1/21/1957 #13468  
Ft. Bragg, North Carolina Witness: Battalion Communication Chief SFC A. Par 6/20/1958 #15104  
05 p.m. Fort Bragg, North Carolina Battalion Communication Chief SFC A. Par 6/20/1958 #15106  
-to-air missile fired by a defense battalion near Kyshtym, Russia. The U-2  5/1/1960 #16248  
obi Desert, China, when the entire battalion notices a huge, luminous, red- Mid 4/1968 #23906  
igned to the 193rd Military Police Battalion guarding Area 3 of an Army Ord 5/1974 #29075  
## Word: "battease" (Back to Top)
 that same evening at ten p.m. Mr. Battease looked out his bedroom window,  9/23/1968 #24505  
## Word: "battelle" (Back to Top)
          Columbus, Ohio Witness:  Battelle Memorial Institute graduate phy 10/2/1951 #5698  
tract with the research think tank Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, 12/19/1951 #5821  
. of ATIC meet with members of the Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, 12/26/1951 #5826  
                                   Battelle Memorial Institute Columbus, Oh 1/8/1952 #5863  
 Memorial Institute Columbus, Ohio Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, 1/8/1952 #5863  
                                   Battelle begins its UFO study (referred  3/31/1952 #5998  
                                   Battelle releases its first status repor 4/25/1952 #6186  
                                   Battelle issues its second status report 6/6/1952 #6455  
                                   Battelle issues its third status report  7/7/1952 #6724  
overing the other moving to the E (Battelle Unknown #4) (NICAP: 01 - Distan 7/19/1952 #6920  
                                   Battelle issues its fifth status report  9/10/1952 #7890  
         Florida Pittsburg, Kansas Battelle issues its sixth status report  10/10/1952 #8114  
      Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Battelle’s Project Stork notes in its se 11/10/1952 #8259  
ities and private nonprofits (like Battelle, mentioned in the 9 January 195 12/2/1952 #8364  
right-Patterson AFB Columbus, Ohio Battelle Memorial Institute The CIA, hav 12/12/1952 #8413  
ATIC they meet with personnel from Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, 12/12/1952 #8413  
ing the UFO data in great secrecy. Battelle requests the CIA to postpone th 12/12/1952 #8413  
C. Cross, a senior staff member at Battelle, writes a letter to Col. Miles  1/9/1953 #8521  
 “agreement between Project Stork [Battelle’s study] and ATIC should be rea 1/9/1953 #8521  
a desperate effort to buy time for Battelle to finish its statistical analy 1/9/1953 #8521  
Air Technical Intelligence Center, Battelle Memorial Institute’s Dr. Howard 1/9/1953 #8526  
presentation, then Hynek discusses Battelle’s Project Stork. The CIA shows  1/15/1953 #8541  
 About once a week, a courier from Battelle arrives at Hynek’s office with  1/18/1953 #8550  
                 ATIC declassifies Battelle Memorial Institute’s 1951–1954  5/5/1955 #12122  
          USAF ATIC and contractor Battelle Memorial Institute publish “Spe 5/5/1955 #12123  
al analyses on shape memory alloys Battelle itself performed for Wright-Pat 5/5/1955 #12123  
ter it is completed by analysts at Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, 10/25/1955 #12519  
unch cards. The original report by Battelle is about 300 pages, but the Air 10/25/1955 #12519  
udes 3,201 reported UFO sightings. Battelle employs four scientific analyst 10/25/1955 #12519  
evised test. Hynek later calls the Battelle report a “shamefully biased int 10/25/1955 #12519  
 Reid) who had participated in the Battelle project, Mark Rodeghier and Jen 10/25/1955 #12519  
de that the engineering mindset at Battelle had caused a disconnect between 10/25/1955 #12519  
ft to Kabul. Neither USAF ATIC nor Battelle amended their conclusion that a 1/24/1956 #12681  
udies performed by USAF contractor Battelle.                                7/5/1956 #12953  
Special Report no. 14. Plus all of Battelle’s original IBM cards have been  9/1967? #22970  
r Hennessy retired, he was a VP at Battelle.    https://www.reddit.com/r/UF 11/17/1980 #35646  
it is comprised of three partners: Battelle Memorial Institute, Texas A&M U 5/17/1999 #43770  
 file that shows Howard Cross from Battelle reported he witnessed a UFO on  12/17/2001 #44294  
son Panel, and Vallee states it is Battelle Memorial Institute. He then won 12/4/2020 #45668  
’t answer any more questions on if Battelle has UAP crash recovered metals. 12/4/2020 #45668  
it is comprised of three partners: Battelle Memorial Institute, The Texas A 6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "battello" (Back to Top)
ed to make INTERCEPTIONS of UFO’s. Battello Memorial Institute is to handle End of 7/1952 #7224  
## Word: "batter" (Back to Top)
ORDERED DOWN EARLY Rumor = saucers batter craft / magnetic fields. (Disinfo 10/12/1964 #18582  
## Word: "batteries" (Back to Top)
es and shell bursts from adjoining batteries. A number of fake documents ab 2/24/1942 #1388  
t gun fires on it, then the German batteries join in. Eventually both sides Early 7/1944 #1617  
okkaido Japan Russian antiaircraft batteries on the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin 7/24/1957 #13826  
         Russian coastal artillery batteries fired on high speed UFOs on th 7/25/1957 #13838  
atellite until October 26 when the batteries run out. The satellite is bare 10/4/1957 #14057  
, crews are setting up new missile batteries as part of Moscow’s defensive  Summer 1961 #16734  
lan, Java, Indonesia. Antiaircraft batteries and Air Force pilots reportedl 9/18/1964 #18559  
es that manufacture explosives and batteries, and has several coal mines.   2/23/1967 #21638  
ed just above road, whining sound; batteries dead after sighting. See Secti 11/5/1967 #23406  
ed by themselves even though their batteries were disconnected.             2/2/1969 #24891  
ne and lights fail. They check the batteries and fuses, which are all norma 4/1/1972 #26633  
/cigar-shape and night lights. Car batteries die. Local wave.               6/29/1974 #29228  
sses travelling in a cars. The car batteries were drained of power. At 2:25 6/29/1974 #29231  
agnetic effect (EME). 3 volt radio batteries all die.                       4/7/1975 #29979  
ldn't work, even though it had new batteries. The UFO made a low humming so 9/17/1976 #31390  
OROS, URUGUAY 10-days / UFO's. Car batteries dead. Coke bottle bursts..     10/19/1976 #31477  
erator, the discharge of three car batteries, and the bursting of a refresh 10/19/1976 #31481  
the school, which was based on 12V batteries, and a sudden blast of hot air 10/30/1976 #31511  
ere was a television blackout. The batteries of some road machinery equipme 7/12/1978 #33376  
hts exchange light beams. Sea lit. Batteries dead.                          1/8/1981 #35775  
inated by the UFO display, and the batteries on board the boat were found t 1/8/1981 #35776  
inated by the UFO display, and the batteries on board the boat were found t 1/8/1981 #35781  
lic, but it has no doors, no solar batteries, no optical systems, no antenn 5/14/1981 #35937  
, Iran Iraq 8:15 p.m. Antiaircraft batteries open fire on a UFO that is fly 8/5/1985 #37637  
n, Iran. They apparently miss. The batteries believe the object is an Iraqi 8/5/1985 #37637  
going down / Witton Wood. Next day batteries dead. Crop circles.            8/4/1990 #39678  
Norfolk, England. The next day car batteries were found dead, and crop circ 8/4/1990 #39680  
t of the night until morning. Flat batteries in cars reportedly occurred th 6/9/2004 #44709  
 camera and a videocamera, but the batteries fail in both devices. When he  5/8/2009 #45220  
## Word: "battery" (Back to Top)
                         Lavernock Battery, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales 10:00  1/6/1913 #868  
maneuver in the sky over Lavernock Battery, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales.       1/6/1913 #868  
ne guns and the only anti-aircraft battery on the west coast.               8/10/1914 #908  
ped working and their flashlight's battery was reportedly drained. The craf 6/5/1954 #9867  
ngine stops, and he finds that his battery is completely dead and the headl 10/19/1954 #11242  
nt air displacement was felt. "The battery was dead and the headlights were 10/21/1954 #11299  
nt air displacement was felt. "The battery was dead and the headlights were 10/21/1954 #11308  
actor. Engine and lights die. Dead battery.                                 10/25/1954 #11384  
 The lights also went out, and the battery was found dead after the sightin 10/26/1954 #11415  
the tractor also went out, and the battery was found to be dead after the s 10/26/1954 #11423  
 and was found to have a defective battery, a dead radio, and only three sp 3/30/1955 #12071  
nd retrieve a US Army Signal Corps battery light that was dropped from an a 2/9/1956 #12703  
of sight almost instantly. The car battery is completely dead. Noise from t 8/22/1956 #13116  
ivilians. Hides as jets pass. Dead battery. / r8#399.                       8/22/1957 #13918  
ht almost instantaneously. The car battery was found completely dead. There 8/22/1957 #13922  
of sight almost instantly. The car battery is completely dead. Noise from t 8/22/1957 #13924  
ht almost instantaneously. The car battery was found to be completely dead. 8/22/1957 #13925  
ro-magnetic effects) entering fog. Battery dead.                            11/4/1957 #14257  
 enter the fog, the car engine and battery die. Another car has to push the 11/4/1957 #14282  
 to push them into town to get the battery recharged.                       11/4/1957 #14282  
fades, and the car slows as if the battery is failing. Stokes notices 6–12  11/4/1957 #14286  
 restarts and they drive away. The battery is found to be dead the followin 11/5/1957 #14348  
           Ottawa (north of ), CAN Battery radio and portable short wave ra 11/6/1957 #14403  
ortheast. Observer(s) felt lifted. Battery melted.                          12/1959 #16103  
ause he smells burning rubber. The battery caps are blown out, and the batt 12/1959 #16107  
attery caps are blown out, and the battery is swollen out of shape, the gen 12/1959 #16107  
mber of smaller objects. A nervous battery commander panics and gives unaut Summer 1961 #16734  
sville, VA UFO Hovers Over Missile Battery (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Cod 2/5/1963 #17653  
   ROWARTH, DERBYSHIRE Farmer. Car battery dies. UFO / type unknown passes. 12/24/1963 #18091  
 farmer named Chandler had his car battery die while a UFO flew by. His cow 12/24/1963 #18092  
ock electro-magnetic effect (EME). Battery dead later. / r211p27.           6/2/1965 #18983  
ic effects). Dome-saucer overhead. Battery and ring and flashlight and car  12/13/1967 #23577  
as about 50 feet high. He felt the battery of the car — it was warm. He got 12/13/1967 #23582  
all going up. 2 cars start with no battery connected. Moved and dented. LDL 2/2/1969 #24889  
oscow Signal and then given a full battery of medical and psychological tes 5/12/1969 #25131  
      MAGE', BRZ All power out and battery radios! Many saucers / night lig 7/31/1972 #26847  
spirito Santo, Brazil during which battery powered radios would not work. M 7/31/1972 #26850  
electro-magnetic effects) briefly. Battery dead. / MJ#241.                  5/2/1973 #27462  
. Paces truck. Cone-beam going up. Battery ruined. / r79.                   11/19/1973 #28445  
 the object sped away, but its new battery failed three days later and coul 11/19/1973 #28449  
   South Korean antiaircraft shore battery 10:00 a.m. A metallic disc some  Autumn 1974 #29471  
 a South Korean antiaircraft shore battery. The commander launches an MIM-2 Autumn 1974 #29471  
 The second ray is directed at the battery, melting the remaining two Hawk  Autumn 1974 #29471  
and the engine wouldn't start. The battery on the car went dead a few days  1/6/1975 #29728  
lue glow behind a nearby hill. The battery on the car went dead a few days  1/6/1975 #29729  
gine problems are due to a drained battery, as Ian Ridpath points out.      2/22/1977 #31839  
 destination discover that the car battery has no water in it.              12/6/1977 #32736  
 during its pursuit. The car's new battery had no water remaining in it aft 12/6/1977 #32738  
in / sea. Follows car. Lights dim. Battery dry.                             12/7/1977 #32739  
arrived home, they found the car's battery had no water in it, even though  12/7/1977 #32742  
ompletely severed, because the new battery no longer charged and the plugs  2/5/1978 #32957  
the roadside vegetation. The truck battery was totally discharged and the t 8/31/1978 #33609  
dead and he coasted to a stop. His battery wasn't dead because his headligh 12/14/1978 #34127  
inspected and found to have a dead battery and low oil level. The cut-off s 2/5/1979 #34405  
nd the headlights malfunction. The battery is so dead that it can’t be jump 10/6/1979 #34946  
nd tail lights have blown, and the battery is leaking. A few days later, th 7/19/1981 #36020  
 electrical system (alternator and battery) is damaged.                     11/24/1981 #36232  
 electrical system (alternator and battery) was damaged.                    11/24/1981 #36233  
ine electro-magnetic effect (EME). Battery ruined.                          3/15/1982 #36393  
exit landing 20M bullet shape. 12V battery boils over.                      7/1985 #37612  
 would not work, with the message "battery dead". Yet when they got home bo 8/16/2004 #44734  
e gets out of the car to check the battery cables, and sees a bright bluish 7/5/2005 #44851  
## Word: "battery-operated" (Back to Top)
trical light power and also caused battery-operated radios to go dead.      5/5/1980 #35307  
## Word: "battery-powered" (Back to Top)
 Reservoir, Quebec, listening to a battery-powered radio. Outside, they see 11/6/1957 #14428  
s, have done the damage. The car’s battery-powered clock, set correctly at  8/27/1979 #34787  
kely that the pilots were seeing a battery-powered electric drone fitted wi 10/14/2020 #45662  
## Word: "battey" (Back to Top)
outh Carolina 11:00 a.m. Colden R. Battey, a physician from Augusta, Georgi Late 5/1947 #2298  
 polished, and on their undersides Battey can see a circular rim or project Late 5/1947 #2298  
## Word: "battice" (Back to Top)
                        VOEREN AND BATTICE, BELGIUM 4 UFO's and night light 11/29/1989 #39267  
                                   BATTICE, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). Dark tri 12/6/1989 #39300  
## Word: "battle" (Back to Top)
ench troops. Henry V wins historic battle.                                  10/25/1415 #18  
to “fight against each other.” The battle lasts about one hour, then the bu 4/4/1561 #32  
t, the narrative is simply about a battle in the sky by phantom armies told 4/4/1561 #32  
                                   BATTLE MOUNTAIN, NV Strange light north  12/10/1896 (approximate) #377  
     At 6:00 p.m. in 1896, in both Battle Mountain and Elko, Nevada a stran 12/10/1896 #379  
                           Britain Battle of Britain                        7/10/1940 #1341  
                   Los Angeles, CA Battle of LA                             2/24/1942 #1387  
ific coast Southern California The Battle of Los Angeles takes place, a rum 2/24/1942 #1388  
000 feet, were responsible for the Battle of Los Angeles.                   2/26/1942 #1394  
  Royal Netherlands Navy Australia Battle of Badung Strait Bali Indonesia T 2/26/1942 #1395  
, returning to Australia after the Battle of Badung Strait (off Bali in Ind 2/26/1942 #1395  
TULA PROVINCE, RUSSIA 20 Germans / battle. Silent 300M blimp going down / c 8/15/1942? #1438  
nt Petersburg Russia During an air battle between the Germans and Russians, 9/1943 #1525  
es. It appears to be observing the battle, then disappears at a fantastic s 9/1943 #1525  
an troops. Metallic ovoid hovers / battle lines / strong wind. Quickly goin 7/5/1944 (approximate) #1619  
                                   Battle Creek, MI Air Intelligence Report 10/21/1951 #5736  
 extremely high rate of speed near Battle Creek, MI.                        10/21/1951 #5736  
                        17M EAST / BATTLE CRK, MI 10m domed saucer going qu 10/21/1951 #5737  
                                   Battle Creek (20 miles E of ), MI Classi 10/21/1951 #5738  
         Grand Rapids Coopersville Battle Creek Selfridge AFB near Mount Cl 11/24/1951 #5790  
higan (Grand Rapids, Coopersville, Battle Creek, and Selfridge AFB near Mou 11/24/1951 #5790  
lf might have triggered the second battle over the Atlantic seaboard around 9/12/1952 #7905  
ad) entities that are engaged in a battle for control of earthly minds. He  1958 #14782  
                                   BATTLE CREEK, MI Project Bluebook Case # 4/18/1966 #20324  
                                   Battle Creek, MI Egg-shaped object, 75 f 4/18/1966 #20328  
                                   Battle Creek, Michigan An egg-shaped obj 4/18/1966 #20330  
                                   Battle Creek, Michigan An egg-shaped obj 4/18/1966 #20332  
ear-old witness driving a car near Battle Creek, Michigan. The object suppo 4/18/1966 #20332  
                                   Battle Creek, MI 8:20 a.m. EDT. A disc i 8/24/1966 #20799  
unds and he needs to return to his battle stations. The two F-4 Phantom jet 6/1971 #26153  
  Blue Diamond Road, Las Vegas, NV Battle Mountain, NV Red Rock Canyon, NV  11/27/1978 #34006  
separate sightings in the Reno and Battle Mountain areas Monday night. A to 11/27/1978 #34006  
2 7' figure(s) glide up. Telepathy battle of will.                          6/1980 #35346  
Ohio 1:15 a.m. Security guard Phil Battle is driving his truck in the parki 8/17/1980 #35462  
 5 minutes, moving back and forth. Battle’s CB radio does not work when he  8/17/1980 #35462  
denly a yellow light shoots out at Battle, knocking him back against his tr 8/17/1980 #35462  
                                   BATTLE MOUNTAIN, WY 2 hunters. Night lig 10/2/1982 #36626  
 He asserts that the Cold War is a battle between good and evil.            3/8/1983 #36774  
                                   BATTLE MOUNTAIN, NV 3 observer(s). Silen 1/30/1989 #38807  
                Three witnesses in Battle Mountain, Nevada saw a delta-shap 1/30/1989 #38811  
aged in what looked like an aerial battle or "dogfight" with another gold-c 9/16/1989 #39109  
s are visiting the monument to the Battle of Annenberg in Góra Świętej Anny 6/18/1997 #43328  
                                In Battle Creek, Michigan a spinning diamon 7/7/2001 #44205  
 like poison. There’s an espionage battle underway as we speak.”  https://y 5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "battlefield" (Back to Top)
arer” flare) that can illuminate a battlefield for nighttime photography. U 4/7/1952 #6043  
                        Gettysburg Battlefield, Pennsylvania 3:09 p.m. Two  8/20/2000 #44032  
bellion Monument on the Gettysburg Battlefield, Pennsylvania. They are not  8/20/2000 #44032  
## Word: "battlefront" (Back to Top)
 Soldiers at the Spanish Civil War battlefront were illuminated by a bright 7/25/1938 #1287  
## Word: "battleship" (Back to Top)
-Venus) Sailors and Marines on the Battleship U.S.S. New York near the Admi 3/1945 #1798  
 object hovering directly over the battleship. It remains stationary over t 3/22/1945 #1820  
 and redesign it for a space-based battleship that could launch nuclear mis 1958 #14780  
setts had a close encounter with a battleship gray ovoid or elongated UFO a 1/11/1978 #32877  
                   At 11:55 p.m. a battleship gray, disc-shaped object esti 8/30/1982 #36586  
y large, fat cigar-shaped object, "battleship gray" in color, was observed  8/9/1993 #41120  
urred. Dogs barked as a huge, fat, battleship gray UFO passed near the four 8/10/1993 #41122  
 cylindrical object” the size of a battleship while flying at 28,000 feet o 2/3/1999 #43721  
## Word: "battleship-gray" (Back to Top)
   Willow Grove, AU 25 ft blue and battleship-gray metallic object, 9-10 ft 2/15/1963 #17666  
 portion appears to be stationary, battleship-gray in color, with a transpa 2/15/1963 #17669  
 around 7 p.m. encountered a dark, battleship-gray Manta Ray shaped UFO wit 1/16/1967 #21323  
## Word: "battleship-sized" (Back to Top)
            In air space, Portugal Battleship-Sized Object Tracked By 3 Air 7/30/1976 #31201  
  KINGAROY, AUST Many observer(s). Battleship-sized pyramid hovers / 6km al 10/18/1996 #43082  
## Word: "battlespace" (Back to Top)
rce’s Overhead Persistent Infrared Battlespace Awareness Center at Buckley  1/2018 #45499  
## Word: "battos" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Battos” Yield: 20KT                      7/20/1983 #36915  
## Word: "baturite" (Back to Top)
                                   BATURITE, CEARA, BRZ Thousands await ble 10/1/1994 #41778  
## Word: "batwing" (Back to Top)
, Ohio when they saw a low flying "batwing" shaped object cross the road at 12/13/1966 #21200  
## Word: "batwing-shaped" (Back to Top)
eral dark triangular objects and a batwing-shaped object speed overhead.    8/11/1993 #41130  
## Word: "batz-sur-mer" (Back to Top)
                                   BATZ-SUR-MER, FR 2 / car. 2 bright night 3/30/1975 #29925  
## Word: "baudette" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / BAUDETTE, MN Pilot / ground. 5.5M saucer 3/8/1957 #13526  
                                   Baudette, Minnesota A pilot saw a circul 3/8/1957 #13529  
                                   Baudette, Minnesota A pilot watches a UF 3/8/1957 #13531  
t watches a UFO from the ground at Baudette, Minnesota. It is circular, 15– 3/8/1957 #13531  
 object flying against the wind in Baudette, Minnesota. It was luminous, ab 3/8/1957 #13533  
## Word: "baudour" (Back to Top)
                                   BAUDOUR, BELGIUM 1+1 observer(s) / (seen 9/10/1974 #29450  
## Word: "bauer" (Back to Top)
Witness:  B-29 bombardier Lt. R.H. Bauer. One white fan-shaped light pulsed 4/29/1952 #6214  
ternoon, B-29 bombardier Lt. R. H. Bauer sighted a white fan-shaped light t 4/29/1952 #6217  
          Later this night Rudolph Bauer, a local artisan residing in Leipz 11/5/1990 #39873  
## Word: "bauffe" (Back to Top)
                       RTE 53 NEAR BAUFFE, BELGIUM 1 observer. Saucer west  3/14/1974 #28883  
near the main NATO headquarters in Bauffe, Belgium. The witness was driving 3/14/1974 #28885  
## Word: "baughman" (Back to Top)
m. Secret Service Chief Urbanus E. Baughman begins to think Forrestal is su 11/3/1948 #3866  
f Haiti US Navy Petty Officer John Baughman sees a “Tic-Tac” shaped object  1/2010 #45265  
      U.S. Navy Petty Officer John Baughman sees a “Tic-Tac” shaped object  1/2010 #45266  
sed in on itself and disappeared.” Baughman told his work center supervisor 1/2010 #45266  
## Word: "bauhan" (Back to Top)
   Rich Field Waco, Texas Edwin T. Bauhan and other soldiers at Rich Field  Winter 1918? #979  
## Word: "baulhaut" (Back to Top)
                      BOUZNIKA AND BAULHAUT, MAROC Several observer(s). "Un 7/13/1952 #6791  
## Word: "baulmes" (Back to Top)
                                   BAULMES, SWITZ Several photographs / "in 2/18/1974 #28779  
## Word: "baumer" (Back to Top)
                              Vila Baumer Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil 9/26/1968 #24516  
the kiln next to his house in Vila Baumer in the northern part of Joinville 9/26/1968 #24516  
## Word: "baumes-les-dames" (Back to Top)
                                   BAUMES-LES-DAMES, FR 1 observer. 3 silen 3/23/1990 #39479  
## Word: "baumgartner" (Back to Top)
earch (ONR), and one of them named Baumgartner took some photographs. The f 2/1/1954 #9527  
## Word: "bauquay" (Back to Top)
                                   Bauquay, France A large red object was s 10/11/1954 #10932  
                                In Bauquay, Calvados, France a large red ob 10/11/1954 #10948  
## Word: "bauru" (Back to Top)
                                   BAURU, BRZ Grey 30M saucer going down. 3 7/23/1947 #3214  
                                   Bauru, near Pitanga, Brazil A group of s 7/23/1947 #3216  
 sphere/orb/globe scouts destroyer Bauru. Very fast 90° turns. Avoids spotl 6/27/1959 #15794  
                                   BAURU, BRZ Powerplant guard buzzed / pro 7/23/1968 #24207  
   CESP electrical substation near Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil Lins 1:00 a.m.  7/23/1968 #24213  
he CESP electrical substation near Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil, confronts thre 7/23/1968 #24213  
                                In Bauru, Sao Paulo state, Brazil a night w 7/23/1968 #24214  
                                   BAURU, SP, BRAZIL Farmer. Night light ho 9/29/1996 #43047  
     Jardim Bela Vista district of Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil 8:00 p.m. A cir 8/13/2010 #45291  
 the Jardim Bela Vista district of Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. Dentist Daniel 8/13/2010 #45291  
## Word: "bautista" (Back to Top)
gamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina J. Bautista Perazzo allegedly had contact w 9/10/1968 #24450  
                                   BAUTISTA CANYON / ANZA, CA 30' saucer ov 5/10/1989 #38940  
was driving in an isolated area of Bautista Canyon, California when she saw 5/10/1989 #38943  
## Word: "bavaria" (Back to Top)
                    Lagerlechfeld, Bavaria, Germany German test pilot Heini 7/6/1944 #1620  
rschmidt Me 163B at Lagerlechfeld, Bavaria, Germany.                        7/6/1944 #1620  
      Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base in Bavaria, Germany 10:20 p.m. The first [a 11/23/1948 #3889  
ce at Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base in Bavaria, Germany. A UFO is seen circling 11/23/1948 #3889  
 On this morning in Obersuessbach, Bavaria, Germany between ten and eleven  9/4/1954 #10247  
again / 90 minute(s). Also seen in Bavaria.                                 9/5/1954 #10250  
inutes later, and was also seen in Bavaria, Germany.                        9/5/1954 #10257  
                           WEIDEN, BAVARIA 3+observer(s). Brilliant sphere  5/1/1955 #12112  
                       GRAFENWOHR, BAVARIA Soldiers. Strange white sphere/o 5/1/1955 #12113  
ball” developed in Oberammergau in Bavaria (OBF) could interfere with Allie 1958 #14787  
            Feldkirchen-Westerham, Bavaria, Germany The German-speaking MUF 1975 #29678  
Ludwiger in Feldkirchen-Westerham, Bavaria, Germany, the first is titled Di 1975 #29678  
                       Burghausen, Bavaria, Germany Ms. Adele Holzer was in 12/12/1978 #34098  
pherical white disc in Burghausen, Bavaria, Germany. More puzzled than afra 12/12/1978 #34100  
30 kilometers north of Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany at 9:30 p.m. They darte 9/9/1979 #34854  
                      WEISSENBURG, BAVARIA 2 Pentagon UFO's verified / poli 9/17/1979 #34891  
                      Dinkelsbühl, Bavaria, Germany Everyone on board a Bri 6/12/1982 #36499  
00 feet altitude over Dinkelsbühl, Bavaria, Germany. It has the form of a “ 6/12/1982 #36499  
out of one edge flew over Kelheim, Bavaria, Germany. Ninety minutes later a 11/5/1990 #39871  
 UFO followed a car in Traunstein, Bavaria, Germany. The lights on the rim  1/3/1998 #43491  
## Word: "bavarian" (Back to Top)
nich, Germany Moon Schröter crater Bavarian astronomer Franz von Gruithuise 1824 #117  
n, Germany Kaiserslautern, Germany Bavarian Alps England 9:45 a.m. Acting S 4/25/1945 #1854  
 at Berchtesgaden, Germany, in the Bavarian Alps. Just after a turn near Ka 4/25/1945 #1854  
         Eichstatt, Germany In the Bavarian town of Eichstatt three pentago 9/17/1979 #34895  
   At quarter past midnight in the Bavarian town of Eichstatt, Germany thre 9/17/1979 #34897  
## Word: "bavay" (Back to Top)
                                   BAVAY, FR 12M saucer / 20M altitude. 12M 7/10/1975 #30171  
                  MAUBEUGE TO/FROM BAVAY, FR 4 observer(s). White ball hove 3/23/1990 #39478  
## Word: "bavella" (Back to Top)
                                   BAVELLA, CORSICA Hikers and campers. Nig 8/10/1974 #29319  
## Word: "bavic" (Back to Top)
sky straight and level. = origin / Bavic theory. / r3p71.                   9/24/1954 #10429  
sightings of the Bayonne to Vichy (BAVIC) orthotenic line discovered by Aim 9/24/1954 #10439  
## Word: "bavilliers" (Back to Top)
                                   BAVILLIERS, FR UFO's play over long ciga 9/4/1973 #27757  
                                In Bavilliers, Belfort department, France a 9/4/1973 #27761  
## Word: "bavonne" (Back to Top)
                                   Bavonne, New Jersey Two local businessme 11/19/1966 #21127  
## Word: "bavota" (Back to Top)
iano and railway stationmaster Sr. Bavota saw a luminous orange domed disc  4/3/1948 #3607  
## Word: "bawdsey" (Back to Top)
                               RAF Bawdsey [now Bawdsey Manor], Suffolk, En 10/9/1953 #9217  
                  RAF Bawdsey [now Bawdsey Manor], Suffolk, England Harwich 10/9/1953 #9217  
bjects are tracked on radar at RAF Bawdsey [now Bawdsey Manor], Suffolk, En 10/9/1953 #9217  
acked on radar at RAF Bawdsey [now Bawdsey Manor], Suffolk, England, at an  10/9/1953 #9217  
 but can locate nothing. Airmen at Bawdsey can see nothing but four contrai 10/9/1953 #9217  
                              NEAR BAWDSEY, SUFFOLK 4 / airliner. Wingless  6/17/1991 #40100  
## Word: "bawl" (Back to Top)
, California 7:00 p.m. Farmer John Bawl and his family see an airship movin 11/26/1896 #364  
## Word: "baxter" (Back to Top)
nnie (under her nom de plume Marla Baxter, sister of the blonde spacewoman  1957 #13431  
uth of the same town a woman named Baxter also had her car stopped by a dom 11/9/1957 #14509  
                At 12:30 a.m. John Baxter, age 15, was walking home from hi 4/22/1977 #32013  
nt 1.2 miles east-northeast of the Baxter sighting the previous night, they 4/23/1977 #32019  
## Word: "bay" (Back to Top)
                   Milwaukee Green Bay Fort Howard Sheboygan Ozaukee County Late 10/1881 #246  
 Lake Michigan at Milwaukee, Green Bay, Fort Howard, Sheboygan, and Ozaukee Late 10/1881 #246  
                            SUISUN BAY, CA Telegraph lineman. 'Powered ball 11/15/1896 #337  
passengers on a train crossing the bay from San Francisco to Oakland, Calif 11/24/1896 #356  
                                   Bay City, Michigan Center Avenue 12:30 a 4/16/1897 #506  
rning home from a lodge meeting in Bay City, Michigan, notice a large conic 4/16/1897 #506  
                  At 12:30 a.m. in Bay City, Michigan a large object was si 4/16/1897 #512  
                             HERON BAY, ON 2 observer(s) and more. Great ai 8/16/1897 #604  
 a bend in the tracks around Heron Bay, Ontario, Canada and then flew off i 8/16/1897 #605  
s 2 miles offshore search Cardigan Bay. Going quickly southeast.            5/22/1909 #771  
                            TASMAN BAY, NZ Night light southwest / Riwaka.  7/24/1909 #781  
                             GREEN BAY, WI Summer Eve. Procession of white  8/1910 (approximate) #841  
           Aberavon, Wales Swansea Bay The Mumbles 7:30 p.m. Police Constab 2/2/1913 #877  
ip flying for an hour over Swansea Bay and the Mumbles.                     2/2/1913 #877  
                          GEORGIAN BAY, ONT 8 observer(s). Sphere/orb/globe 8/1914 #904  
rver(s). Sphere/orb/globe floats / bay. Small humanoids (or Greys) draw wat 8/1914 #904  
                          Georgian Bay, CAN William J. Kiehl and seven othe 8/1914 #905  
                          Georgian Bay, Canada William J. Kiehl and seven o 8/1914 #906  
                          Georgian Bay, Ontario small cove along the shore  8/1914 #907  
l cove along the shore of Georgian Bay, Ontario William J. Kiehl, 18, is wi 8/1914 #907  
l cove along the shore of Georgian Bay, Ontario. They see a strange machine 8/1914 #907  
1927. Cylinder/cigar-shape crosses bay fast going quickly west. Long and th 2/1927 (approximate) #1070  
                  LOCATION UNKNOWN BAY OF BISCAY Military-air crews. Big wi 11/1942 #1458  
                                   Bay of Biscay, UK Thing massive in size; 11/1942 #1460  
                              Kaoe Bay, Indonesia Very brilliant light appe 8/13/1944 #1643  
                               Oro Bay, Papua New Guinea Leyte Gulf, Philip 11/16/1944 #1697  
 the USS Gilliam, enroute from Oro Bay, Papua New Guinea, to Leyte Gulf, Ph 11/16/1944 #1697  
ruce Peninsula Lake Huron Georgian Bay, Ontario 3:00 p.m. Reginald Herbert  11/29/1944 #1709  
la between Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, Ontario, when they hear a hissing s 11/29/1944 #1709  
                           Buckner Bay, Okinawa, Japan A stationary bluish- 9/1945 #1933  
                           Buckner Bay, Okinawa, Japan Night. Machinist Mat 9/26/1945? #1940  
e Squadron 45, anchored in Buckner Bay, Okinawa, Japan. He is on the main d 9/26/1945? #1940  
                             MORRO BAY, CA Bat-saucer hovers / minutes. Dro 12/30/1946 #2214  
etallic with dark openings, over a bay next to Maury Island on Puget Sound, 6/21/1947 #2358  
 silver balls plummet going down / bay at GG bridge!                        7/2/1947 #2538  
                             GREEN BAY, WI Eugene LaPlante and son. Disk or 7/2/1947 #2541  
                               RED BAY, AL Private pilot. Near collision wi 7/8/1947? #2963  
otion going quickly northwest over bay. 1 km altitude. / news.              7/9/1947 #3035  
iking aircraft was flying over the Bay of Biscay in the Atlantic off the co 7/10/1947 #3113  
                              OVER BAY OF BISCAY Airline crew / 1200M altit 7/11/1947 #3128  
                                   BAY OF BISCAY T = GMT. 3 / aircrew. Grey 7/13/1947 #3163  
                            CORTES BAY, BC Lumbermen. Big roar. 20 disks tw 8/21/1947 #3356  
euver going quickly west fast over bay. No further details.                 8/21/1947 #3356  
                             Goose Bay, Labrador, CAN UFO tracked on radar  Summer 1948 #3678  
                             Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador La Summer 1948 #3679  
      Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Lake Erie in Erie, Pennsy Summer 1948 #3679  
uring an inspection visit at Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. I Summer 1948 #3679  
it at Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. It is calculated at goin Summer 1948 #3679  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Slow moving unide 10/29/1948 #3854  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN (53.33° N, 60.41° 10/31/1948 #3857  
                             GOOSE BAY, NFL Military RADAR's track blip / 9 11/1/1948 #3861  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN (53.33° N, 60.41° 11/1/1948 #3862  
                             Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Ra 11/1/1948 #3863  
      Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Radar operator M/Sgt Fran 11/1/1948 #3863  
or M/Sgt Francis H. Mills at Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, t 11/1/1948 #3863  
ls at Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, tracks an object too lar 11/1/1948 #3863  
racked by U.S. Army radar at Goose Bay Base, Labrador, Canada on this day.  11/1/1948 #3864  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN High-Speed Egg-Sh 9/9/1949 #4353  
                             NORTH BAY, ON Numerous observer(s). 2 blue 2.5 2/3/1950 #4527  
                             MORRO BAY, CA Ex-Air Force aircraft-observer(s 3/23/1950 #4705  
r(s). Huge disk hovers / high over bay / 5 minute(s). Going quickly [to] aw 6/13/1950 #4985  
                           Sawbill Bay on Marmion Lake, western Ontario Sca 7/2/1950 #5039  
picnicking on the shore of Sawbill Bay on Marmion Lake, western Ontario, an 7/2/1950 #5039  
                     San Francisco Bay Area, California Norfolk, Virginia T 9/1950 #5160  
y test occurs in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, using two types of 9/1950 #5160  
e US seaplane tender USS Gardiners Bay is steaming up the channel from Inch 12/1950 #5304  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Two GCA operators 9/13/1951 #5664  
                             Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 9: 9/13/1951 #5665  
      Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 9:30 p.m. T/Sgt Warner B. 9/13/1951 #5665  
rack two objects on radar at Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, o 9/13/1951 #5665  
ar at Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, on a collision course. O 9/13/1951 #5665  
                             GOOSE BAY AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD RADAR's. 2 blip 9/14/1951 #5666  
                             Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada Witnesses:  T/Sgt  9/14/1951 #5667  
'clock in the evening at the Goose Bay AFB in Labrador, Canada Sgt W. B. Ma 9/14/1951 #5668  
36 on a training flight near Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada spotted a saucer-s 9/18/1951 #5679  
fiery pencil-cloud going east from bay. Dozens / calls to police.           9/19/1951 #5680  
                             Goose Bay, Labrador A fiery, spherical object  Early 1952 #5848  
crew flying from Westover to Goose Bay. It was also seen from the ground by Early 1952 #5848  
                          Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin Jim and Coral Lorenzen fo 1/1952 #5853  
 Research Organization in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. Soon, a man claiming to  1/1952 #5853  
                             NORTH BAY, ON 2 orange saucers zigzag all over 1/1/1952 #5855  
                RCAF Station North Bay, Ontario 10:54 p.m. Warrant Officer  1/1/1952 #5856  
ly 9 minutes at RCAF Station North Bay, Ontario. It appears to be very larg 1/1/1952 #5856  
        On this night at the North Bay RCAF Base in Nipissing, Ontario, Can 1/1/1952 #5857  
                             NORTH BAY, ON 2 military observer(s). Bright a 4/12/1952 #6059  
                             North Bay CFS, Ontario, CAN The round amber ob 4/12/1952 #6061  
the RCAF Station airfield at North Bay, stopped and moved off again in the  4/12/1952 #6061  
                             North Bay, Ontario, Canada Witnesses:  Royal C 4/12/1952 #6062  
                RCAF Station North Bay, Ontario 8:30 p.m. W/O E. H. Rossell 4/12/1952 #6063  
 are driving on RCAF Station North Bay, Ontario, when they see a bright amb 4/12/1952 #6063  
                             North Bay, Ontario, Canada. At 9:30 p.m. Royal 4/12/1952 #6064  
o the northwest over the San Diego Bay area (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 5/13/1952 #6315  
                          STURGEON BAY, WI Coral Lorenzen and many / variou 5/21/1952 #6345  
                             GOOSE BAY, NFL Project Bluebook Case #1308. RA 6/19/1952 #6543  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN One red light tur 6/19/1952 #6547  
                             Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada Witness: 2nd Lt. A 6/19/1952 #6549  
                             Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 2: 6/19/1952 #6551  
      Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 2:37 a.m. At Goose Bay AF 6/19/1952 #6551  
 Bay], Labrador 2:37 a.m. At Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, r 6/19/1952 #6551  
m. At Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, radar men pick up a UFO  6/19/1952 #6551  
                             GOOSE BAY, NFLD Fiery sphere makes 90° turn. D 6/24/1952 #6618  
                          Williams Bay, WI Radars had picked up strange obj 7/12/1952 #6775  
                          Williams Bay, WI Three Radars Track Objects At Hi 7/12/1952 #6780  
                        Chesapeake Bay in Maryland/Virginia Camden, New Jer 7/14/1952 #6817  
me 8,000 feet above the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland/Virginia, Capt. William  7/14/1952 #6817  
 sighting occurred over Chesapeake Bay near Norfolk, Virginia by two pilots 7/14/1952 #6818  
Class Thomas E. Flaherty from sick bay to see them. The objects dim then br 7/16/1952 #6843  
                           SAGINAW BAY, MI Project Bluebook Case #1680. RAD 7/29/1952 #7295  
 Tokyo International Airport Tokyo Bay Johnson Air Base Iruma Air Base Sait 8/5/1952 #7472  
tch a disc as it passes over Tokyo Bay at about 1,500 feet. It is a dark ro 8/5/1952 #7472  
rgets. The jet searches over Tokyo Bay until 12:33 a.m. when it is recalled 8/5/1952 #7472  
 The UFOs were in vicinity of Gore Bay, Ontario, Canada.                    8/6/1952 #7492  
                        CHESAPEAKE BAY BRIDGE, MD Newsman and 1. 3 huge whi 8/10/1952 #7530  
    Dover AFB in Delaware Delaware Bay Cape May, New Jersey 1:43 a.m. An Ai 8/12/1952 #7559  
e, with the waters of the Delaware Bay as a dark backdrop. Curious, the jet 8/12/1952 #7559  
n F-94 jet scrambled to search the bay between Oakland and the air base.    8/13/1952 #7576  
                         SAN PABLO BAY EAST / SAN RAFAEL, CA 50' cylinder/c 8/17/1952 #7624  
                        NEAR NORTH BAY, ON Pilot. 30' bronze sphere/orb/glo 9/15/1952 #7948  
                        Guantanamo Bay, Cuba TBM-18 chased an orange light  9/24/1952 #8020  
                          STURGEON BAY, WI Teacher and several. 2 large met 9/26/1952 #8031  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Object Similar to 9/28/1952 #8047  
ucer going west inland from golden bay. Red glow / rim. Lost / hills.       11/3/1952 #8232  
                             GOOSE BAY, NFLD 2 / F94+RADAR. Silent night li 11/26/1952 #8342  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN F-94 chased maneu 11/26/1952 #8343  
                             Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 5: 11/26/1952 #8344  
      Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 5:56 p.m. An F-94B from t 11/26/1952 #8344  
hter-Interceptor Squadron at Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, f 11/26/1952 #8344  
on at Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, for 15 minutes chases a  11/26/1952 #8344  
                             GOOSE BAY, NFLD F94+T33 pilots and RADAR. Bril 12/15/1952 #8418  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN F-94 pilot chased 12/15/1952 #8419  
                             Goose Bay, Labrador 7:15 p.m. Two Air Force pi 12/15/1952 #8422  
ck on a strange object above Goose Bay, Labrador. A T-33 and an F-94B (pilo 12/15/1952 #8422  
on-size glowing-blimps over Hawkes Bay. Slow / single file. Going northeast 12/16/1952 #8423  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Blips Cause Scram Winter 1952 #8437  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador (between Sondrestrom A 4/8/1953 #8811  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Unidentified Evad 5/1/1953 #8854  
                             Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 11 5/1/1953 #8856  
      Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 11:35 p.m. USAF pilot Cap 5/1/1953 #8856  
feet about 10 miles south of Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. B 5/1/1953 #8856  
th of Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. Both men and a control t 5/1/1953 #8856  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Football-shaped l 5/4/1953 #8860  
                             Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 1: 5/4/1953 #8861  
      Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 1:50 a.m. A witness sees  5/4/1953 #8861  
re of a rotating beacon near Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. I 5/4/1953 #8861  
 near Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. It is traveling south at 5/4/1953 #8861  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Light above at 7, 5/5/1953 #8864  
                             Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 3: 5/12/1953 #8877  
      Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 3:20 a.m. USAF F-94 pilot 5/12/1953 #8877  
 about 39 miles northwest of Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. R 5/12/1953 #8877  
st of Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. Rogers attempts to inter 5/12/1953 #8877  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Radar tracks 25 s 6/10/1953 #8932  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Red Light Eludes  6/22/1953 #8955  
                           Hampton Bay, Long Island A civilian woman saw so 6/24/1953 #8966  
                A woman in Hampton Bay, New York saw something like "a larg 6/24/1953 #8971  
                         Shirley's Bay, off Lake Manitou, Ontario Wilbert B 8/1953 #9034  
ing saucers” in a hut at Shirley’s Bay, off Lake Manitou, Ontario. Equipmen 8/1953 #9034  
ered over and then alighted on the bay, only 15 feet away from one of them. 11/28/1953 #9325  
                         Shirley's Bay, Ontario Wilbert B. Smith sets up hi 12/1953 #9328  
Transport observatory at Shirley’s Bay, Ontario. His equipment includes an  12/1953 #9328  
                              COLD BAY, AK 9 / C54 crew. Red fireball-night 1/28/1954 #9504  
                              Cold Bay, AK Red Fireball Hovers Near C-54 (N 1/28/1954 #9505  
ts at Wilbert B. Smith’s Shirley’s Bay detecting station is running experim 3/15/1954 #9621  
COOK INLET, AK Glowing UFO crosses bay 4X. Fireball paces plane. Busy all m 4/21/1954 #9699  
                                   BAY ST. LOUIS, MS Fisherman. 3 red-yello 5/19/1954 #9813  
       At 8:30 p.m. a fisherman in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi watched three 5/19/1954 #9816  
g "Trolley" going west from botany bay / 15 June. / r138#2p20.              6/14/1954 #9901  
ORSET 2 observer(s). Fireball over bay hovers and moves in jerks / 25 minut 6/24/1954 #9937  
e UFOs, Capt. Howard radioed Goose Bay, Canada, for backup escort, upon whi 6/29/1954 #9958  
sachusetts Sept-Îles, Quebec Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Co 6/29/1954 #9962  
uebec Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Colorado project Everybod 6/29/1954 #9962  
no lights or flames visible. Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, o 6/29/1954 #9962  
ible. Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, orders an F-94 to vector 6/29/1954 #9962  
 disappears. Howard lands at Goose Bay and is questioned by RCAF and USAF o 6/29/1954 #9962  
SE, AL Saucer going north. Circles bay. Tracked / RADAR. Many observer(s) / 6/30/1954 #9966  
                        CLEARWATER BAY WITH KENORA, ON 3 grey metal saucers 7/22/1954 #10034  
flying over the ocean at Baranagua Bay, Parana State, Brazil was continuous 8/6/1954 #10107  
                          SHIRLEYS BAY, ON Project magnet. Big electro-magn 8/8/1954 #10115  
                         Shirley's Bay, Ontario 3:01 p.m. Project Magnet’s  8/8/1954 #10116  
 of note occurs when the Shirley’s Bay, Ontario, gravimeter indicates a gre 8/8/1954 #10116  
                             NORTH BAY, ONT 1+4 observer(s). Saucer going [ 8/30/1954 #10206  
                             North Bay, Canada Sgt. Durdle saw a brilliant, 8/30/1954 #10209  
                             North Bay, Ontario. At 5:25 a.m. Sgt. Durdle o 8/30/1954 #10210  
                         Shirley's Bay, Ontario Deputy Department of Transp 8/31/1954 #10219  
 John Baldwin closes the Shirley’s Bay, Ontario, UFO station to save money, 8/31/1954 #10219  
                      PORT PHILLIP BAY, VCT, AUSTR Saucer passes then cylin 9/2/1954 (approximate) #10229  
                             NORTH BAY, ON 2 / car. Saucer hovers as RCAF p 9/5/1954 #10249  
l object going south. Dogs run and bay. / r109p109+/ Flying Saucer Review ( 10/2/1954 #10593  
o popular. Flying saucer seen over bay / 10 minute(s).                      11/12/1954 #11626  
 going northeast. Stops and lights bay. Hovers / 20 minute(s). Quickly goin 12/18/1954 #11830  
 surface of the water in Guanabara Bay, and finally climbed up at an obliqu 12/18/1954 #11831  
 Timiskaming Cobalt, Ontario North Bay Nugget office 8:30 p.m. Willis St.-J 12/26/1954 #11863  
John Hunt, a reporter at the North Bay Nugget office in Cobalt, to drive 3  12/26/1954 #11863  
/orb/globe going north. Stops over bay / 5 minute(s). Going quickly west in 6/12/1955 #12195  
                             Goose Bay, Newfoundland, CAN During refueling  7/5/1955 #12236  
                                SF BAY OFF RICHMOND, CA 2 observer(s). Whit 8/2/1955 #12321  
adets. Dark grey 'space-ship' over bay. Amazing speed. No further details.  8/7/1955 #12340  
Green-glowing saucer over Biscayne Bay.                                     11/11/1955 #12562  
           38 MI SOUTHEAST / GOOSE BAY, NFL Project Bluebook Case #3969. 2  2/12/1956 #12711  
                             Goose Bay, Labrador, CAN Green & Red Object Ci 2/12/1956 #12712  
                             Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada Witnesses:  F-89 p 2/12/1956 #12713  
                             Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 10 2/12/1956 #12714  
      Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 10:55 p.m. Two F-89D figh 2/12/1956 #12714  
object 40 miles southeast of Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. I 2/12/1956 #12714  
st of Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. It rapidly circles thir  2/12/1956 #12714  
 minutes later, operators at Goose Bay paint a stationary target about 40 m 2/12/1956 #12714  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CA Object Trailing Sp 3/23/1956 #12764  
ar the Delaware River and Delaware Bay. It went north, veered to the west,  5/16/1956 #12853  
                             SOUTH BAY, NY Several observer(s). Silver meta 5/17/1956 #12854  
 6:30 p.m. several people in South Bay, New York including witnesses named  5/17/1956 #12856  
pears and vanishes several times / bay surface!                             7/11/1956 #12961  
ething resembling fireworks on the bay and watch as two whirling balls of f 11/21/1956 #13340  
 o'clock in the morning in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand two people in Rissingto 1/1/1957 #13446  
st Freugh Stranraer, Scotland Luce Bay, Wigtownshire, Scotland Five unusual 4/4/1957 #13582  
d at two different sites near Luce Bay, Wigtownshire, Scotland. The object  4/4/1957 #13582  
. Silver coin-disk going east over bay. Maneuvers / 45 minute(s). Going qui 5/21/1957 #13668  
       BANFF, SCT Red moon rises / bay. = top saucer! Going [to] away slow. 7/19/1957 #13812  
s / piers. 10M saucer zigzags over bay. Going up [to] slowly until gone.    8/23/1957 #13926  
                        Chesapeake Bay, nr. Norfolk, VA Two Aircraft Observ 8/30/1957 #13950  
e airliners flying over Chesapeake Bay near Norfolk, Virginia, a Capital Ai 8/30/1957 #13955  
 Street Nelson, New Zealand Tasman Bay Matipo Terrace 7:15 p.m. Mr. and Mrs 4/9/1958 #14971  
45° angle and moving across Tasman Bay. They see the object again, somewhat 4/9/1958 #14971  
 Pease AFB in Portsmouth CFB Goose Bay Night. A 509th Refueling Mission is  7/1958 #15130  
ase AFB in Portsmouth?] from Goose Bay [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. The c 7/1958 #15130  
th?] from Goose Bay [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. The crew is flying a KC- 7/1958 #15130  
          Caribbean Sea Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba Around 9:00 p.m. Th 9/1958 #15239  
he Caribbean Sea out of Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba, when at least 25 o 9/1958 #15239  
                          BUZZARDS BAY, MA Ferry crew and more/others. Grey 10/7/1958 #15324  
, Sweden Väddö island Älmstä Väddö Bay Linköping University of California,  11/9/1958 #15435  
them and making a turn above Väddö Bay to the left of the road. It lands in 11/9/1958 #15435  
5 p.m. at Boianai Mission on Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea an Anglican missio 6/26/1959 #15791  
 over the Boianai Mission on Milne Bay, New Guinea, only a little further o 6/27/1959 #15799  
 Going up [to] fast. Descends over bay. No further details / news.          7/8/1959 (approximate) #15823  
7:45 p.m. in Porayebayebera, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea the son of a param 7/22/1959 #15871  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Pilot saw large s 8/10/1959 #15901  
w over the shore of Baniara, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea at 3:50 a.m. local 8/10/1959 #15903  
 from horizon to overhead at Goose Bay Air Force Base in Labrador, Canada.  8/10/1959 #15903  
                150MI EAST / GOOSE BAY, NFLD PAA flight-114. Odd object goi 9/26/1959 #15993  
                        GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Project Bluebook Case #6724. U 4/21/1960 #16235  
tallic 'parachute' hovers / BROWNs bay. No cords or rider.                  7/31/1960 #16351  
nceled due to the launching of the Bay of Pigs Invasion.                    9/1960 #16428  
                         ADMIRALTY BAY, ANTARC Icebreaker crew. Ovoid north 3/16/1961 #16629  
                         Admiralty Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica  3/16/1961 #16631  
ear-shaped fireball over Admiralty Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, 3/16/1961 #16631  
                                   Bay of Pigs Cuba Trinidad President Kenn 4/4/1961 #16643  
dad President Kennedy approves the Bay of Pigs plan (also known as Operatio 4/4/1961 #16643  
      Cuba Guatemala Nicaragua The Bay of Pigs invasion takes place in Cuba 4/17/1961 #16649  
                                   Bay Minette (About 7 miles W of), AL Sil 5/19/1961 #16687  
ver Napier, New Zealand in Hawke's Bay at a few minutes after 3:15 p.m. It  5/23/1961 #16698  
                      In Admiralty Bay, Antarctica four members of the crew 8/16/1961 #16796  
                            LEBSKO BAY, POLAND 1 observer. Big noise. Odd 5 9/24/1961 #16871  
                       White House Bay of Pigs Invasion Cuba Covert operati 11/30/1961 #16984  
 goes into effect after the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion. A document from th 11/30/1961 #16984  
                             Goose Bay, Labrador, CAN (McDonald list) Groun 4/2/1962 #17094  
                     Isle of Pines Bay of Pigs, Cuba A CIA U-2 mission over 9/29/1962 #17447  
mission over the Isle of Pines and Bay of Pigs, Cuba, reveals additional So 9/29/1962 #17447  
                             North Bay, Greenland Fast Moving Target on Gnd 11/10/1962 #17542  
                          RICHARDS BAY, SOUTH AFR 3M saucer hits sand. Seve 3/13/1963 #17704  
                          Richards Bay, South Africa Fred White was fishing 3/13/1963 #17705  
Fred White was fishing in Richards Bay, South Africa at 10:30 p.m. when he  3/13/1963 #17706  
cally and disappeared. [Report via Bay Area NICAP Subcommittee.] (NICAP: 02 5/23/1963 #17764  
object continued east. [Report via Bay Area NICAP Subcommittee.] (NICAP: 01 6/26/1963 #17808  
a Fort Benning, Georgia Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Abu Ghraib, Iraq The CIA has s 7/1963 #17819  
and CIA prisons such as Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and Abu Ghraib, Iraq.) In the 7/1963 #17819  
small to show detail.) [Report via Bay Area NICAP Subcommittee.] (NICAP: 08 7/18/1963 #17838  
ll observed, shock wave felt, over Bay area. Unidentified signal picked up  11/7/1963 #18028  
. 100' x15'PLAIN fuselage in 30' / bay water. Going south. / r246p138.      3/12/1965 #18853  
). Strong red-orange object lights bay. / Diario Insular.                   5/23/1965 #18952  
 they very seldom come into Morton Bay.                                     6/6/1965 #18995  
    A UFO was sighted off of Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea on this night in t 7/12/1965 #19097  
   On this night in Samarai, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea a red glowing cyli 7/17/1965 #19117  
] over then dives / prince Phillip bay.                                     8/29/1965 #19471  
r unidentifieds such as 1951 Goose Bay, 1956 Lakenheath and 1957 Shreveport 4/5/1966 #20253  
             Cranes Beach, Ipswich Bay, MA 4:45 a.m. EDT. A glowing cigar-s 9/17/1966 #20890  
ch, Ipswich, Massachusetts Ipswich Bay 4:45 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald MacGil 9/17/1966 #20892  
e area. One flies low over Ipswich Bay toward the witnesses’ home. At close 9/17/1966 #20892  
bbles. Going quickly east to roses bay.                                     10/1966 #20941  
                              COLD BAY AFS, AK Project Bluebook Case #11092 10/26/1966 #21034  
                              Cold Bay AFS, AK Tower operator saw a white o 10/26/1966 #21035  
                              Cold Bay Air Force Station, Alaska Witness:   10/26/1966 #21037  
                              Cold Bay Air Force Station, Alaska. No time g 10/26/1966 #21039  
bservation). UFO flies in over sag.bay. Turns 180° and goes.                11/8/1966 #21082  
ennas flies behind house. Search / bay finds nothing.                       11/19/1966 #21126  
s assumed that it plunged into the bay, but a search by patrol boats was un 11/19/1966 #21127  
                             Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Pilot and ground  1/7/1967 #21271  
on near the Gulf coast in Wharton, Bay City, and Lane City. Witnesses inclu 2/19/1967 #21596  
                            Biscay Bay, Spain Night. The crew of an airline 3/22/1967 #21944  
                         Half Moon Bay, CA 1:30 a.m. PDT. A family saw a tr 5/16/1967 #22352  
                         Half Moon Bay, San Mateo County, California. At 1: 5/16/1967 #22357  
                                   Bay City, MI Night. Two teenagers saw a  5/29/1967 #22420  
aight up, hovered, and flew away. (Bay City Times, 6/14/67, copy in NICAP f 5/29/1967 #22420  
                        Clearwater Bay on Shoal Lake, Ontario Late evening. 6/18/1967 #22520  
rning home by boat near Clearwater Bay on Shoal Lake, Ontario, when they no 6/18/1967 #22520  
                            Vyborg Bay western Russia 1:30 a.m. Capt. Grigo 9/1967 #22972  
ian fishing boat Kama is in Vyborg Bay in western Russia when he notices a  9/1967 #22972  
            Moigne Downs Ringstead Bay Dorset, England 11:25 a.m. J. B. W.  10/26/1967 #23334  
erd at Moigne Downs near Ringstead Bay, Dorset, England. An odd-looking cra 10/26/1967 #23334  
 Large yellow disk going [to] over bay. Descends / water near cook strait.  1/20/1968 #23677  
ir Base Okinawa, Japan Changjahwan Bay Wonsan, North Korea A-12 pilot Jack  1/26/1968 #23703  
ation in the harbor of Changjahwan Bay near Wonsan, North Korea. Instead of 1/26/1968 #23703  
ct with colored lights on Georgian bay. Speeds away and up!                 4/18/1968 #23912  
                         GUANABARA BAY, BRZ Several / ferryboat. Brilliant  6/4/1968 #24002  
Stops / 1 minute(s). Vanishes over bay.                                     7/29/1968 #24250  
r turns going quickly NNE. Follows bay to sea. Green portholes.             9/1968 #24413  
                             Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Tw 9/4/1968 #24428  
      Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Two US Air Force pilots f 9/4/1968 #24428  
ts flying in the vicinity of Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, s 9/4/1968 #24428  
ty of Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, spot a spherical metalli 9/4/1968 #24428  
tion report. First investigated by Bay Area (CA) Subcommittee, then turned  11/1968 #24611  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bay Leaf” YieldMax: 20KT                 12/12/1968 #24763  
t saucer 200M over military base / bay. Going quickly southwest over city.  12/13/1968 #24767  
ucer with wings hovers / Guanabara Bay.                                     6/26/1969 #25234  
shaped object going northeast over bay. Curving upward.                     9/28/1969 (approximate) #25383  
 fly toward the northeast over the bay. The flight path of the UFO curved u 9/28/1969 #25384  
 be panicked on a farm in Kaharoa, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Later three  11/5/1969 #25452  
                              MILL BAY, BC Several observer(s). Glowing-sau 1/1/1970 #25529  
                              MILL BAY, BC 2 / car. Amber saucer ringed / l 1/10/1970 #25544  
nt pointed cylinder/cigar-shape in bay chases boat. Glows!                  4/1970 #25615  
      At 4:00 a.m. at the Sturgeon Bay Hospital in Wisconsin, a nurse was c 10/5/1970 #25869  
isc-shaped objects buzzed a car in Bay City, Michigan at 2:15 a.m. The car  10/10/1970 #25874  
                            Cholla Bay, Sonora, Mexico 9:00 p.m. Albert For 11/5/1970 #25902  
ller is fishing for bass in Cholla Bay, Sonora, Mexico, when he sees a ligh 11/5/1970 #25902  
se in Tauranga, New Zealand on the Bay of Plenty. She saw a large bright wh 6/26/1971 #26197  
berg was in the woods above Foyers Bay on Loch Ness, Scotland at around nin 8/16/1971 #26289  
           On this night at Colwyn Bay, Wales, United Kingdom an oval-shape 9/7/1971 #26322  
BEAUFORT AND BRAESIDE AND CHANDLER BAY, RSA Saucers and delta/triangle/box- 7/2/1972 #26752  
                             GLACE BAY, NS Reliable observer(s) / cops. Sil 8/9/1972 #26887  
                             North Bay, Ontario, CAN Radar / Visual At Nort 9/9/1972 #26983  
tario, CAN Radar / Visual At North Bay (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, R 9/9/1972 #26983  
                            Bateau Bay, New South Wales 4:00 p.m. David Owe 9/14/1972 #26998  
 is sitting on his patio in Bateau Bay, New South Wales, when he notices a  9/14/1972 #26998  
                           McIvers Bay of Islands, Newfoundland 8:50 p.m. T 11/17/1972 #27127  
ding northwest near McIvers on the Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. It disappe 11/17/1972 #27127  
                       NEAR BODEGA BAY, CA 3 girls abduction. Car floats. 4 11/26/1972 #27142  
                        Bt. Bedoga Bay and Woodland, CA Judy Kendall abduct 11/26/1972 #27144  
                    Between Bedoga Bay and Woodland, CA Judy Kendall abduct 11/26/1972 #27145  
 near Woodbridge, Suffolk Biscayne Bay President Richard Nixon meets on the 2/19/1973 #27298  
 is only minutes from his Biscayne Bay compound. There is no proof that Nix 2/19/1973 #27298  
                       Porthcothan Bay, Cornwall, England RAF St. Mawgan 10 7/7/1973 #27621  
rtains of her house at Porthcothan Bay, Cornwall, England, when she sees tw 7/7/1973 #27621  
r-shaped objects hovering over the bay. They are positioned on either side  7/7/1973 #27621  
                          BRAVIKEN BAY, SWD 9 / boat. Vibrant bright sphere 7/17/1973 #27635  
                              LYME BAY, DORSET 4 observer(s). Triangular ob 10/24/1973 #28261  
bserver(s). Triangular object over bay. Suddenly fades away in sight.       10/24/1973 #28261  
nner-plate going quickly [to] over bay. Bright green halo. Red light / bott 11/7/1973 #28378  
w over the western shore of Mobile Bay, Alabama. They moved at a speed high 11/9/1973 #28398  
                            MOBILE BAY, AL Guard. Luminous 5'x5'OVOID 6" ov 11/17/1973 (approximate) #28436  
Guard. Luminous 5'x5'OVOID 6" over bay. Jerks around. 4 figure(s) inside.   11/17/1973 (approximate) #28436  
                            HORTON BAY, MI 1 observer. "Mushroom" very low  12/3/1973 #28510  
t thrusts. At 11:30 p.m. in Horton Bay, Michigan a glowing, mushroom-shaped 12/3/1973 #28515  
e follows observer(s) home! / Coos Bay World 6.12.73.                       12/4/1973 #28517  
ect going southeast slow toward(s) bay / high altitude. / Le Telegramme / r 2/3/1974 #28732  
                         HALF MOON BAY, CA Pilot sighting. 30' metallic sau 9/6/1974 #29425  
heading southeast out of Half Moon Bay Airport, California spotted a daylig 9/6/1974 #29427  
                            Mahone Bay Bridgewater, Nova Scotia 8:30 p.m. H 11/5/1974 #29587  
ld Verge is driving between Mahone Bay and Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, in the 11/5/1974 #29587  
    Waterford, Connecticut Niantic Bay 3:00 p.m. Two schoolgirls are biking 11/7/1974 #29588  
n they get to the shore of Niantic Bay, they see it again with several othe 11/7/1974 #29588  
enly shoots going quickly south to bay.                                     1/1975 #29682  
lking home from mailing letters in Bay City, Michigan at 11:30 p.m. when he 4/19/1975 #29997  
                                   BAY VILLAGE, OH Enormous disk shoots hug 7/20/1975 #30190  
                                   Bay Village, OH 10:00 p.m. On this cloud 7/20/1975 #30192  
ams of energy at four witnesses in Bay Village, Ohio. It was estimated to b 7/20/1975 #30194  
                             NORTH BAY, ONT 1M small humanoid (or Grey) run 10/9/1975 #30424  
ard Base, Syracuse, New York North Bay, Ontario Grand Falls, New Brunswick  10/27/1975 #30488  
and the 22nd NORAD Region at North Bay, Ontario. However, fighter support i 10/27/1975 #30488  
ayne Major, reporter for the North Bay Nugget, observed two quiet triangula 12/4/1975 #30684  
haped objects moving SE. The North Bay Tower advised one light aircraft in  12/4/1975 #30684  
                        Chesapeake Bay, MD About 8:10 p.m. "...went on deck 2/19/1976 #30883  
h of Robben Island in Three Anchor Bay, South Africa. A loud explosion foll 5/4/1976 #31035  
 south, the crew of the ship Osaka Bay also sees the luminous phenomena in  6/22/1976 #31129  
                 16 MI NNW / NORTH BAY, ONT UFO with green and white lights 6/23/1976 #31133  
                            BATEAU BAY, AUSTRALIA Boxy night light out to s 10/10/1976 #31458  
de the object." (Sources: Sturgeon Bay Advocate, March 17, 1977; David F. W 3/15/1977 #31907  
low Pass Road, West Pittsburg [now Bay Point], California Suisun Bay 11:00  5/20/1977 #32116  
[now Bay Point], California Suisun Bay 11:00 p.m. Three 14-year-old boys ar 5/20/1977 #32116  
low Pass Road, West Pittsburg [now Bay Point], California, about a half mil 5/20/1977 #32116  
nia, about a half mile from Suisun Bay. They see a saucer-shaped object sur 5/20/1977 #32116  
nd between railroad tracks and the bay, then it shoots across the water in  5/20/1977 #32116  
                                   Bay of Biscay France 1:15 a.m. The crew  5/26/1977 #32133  
 is flying at 28,000 feet over the Bay of Biscay off the coast of France at 5/26/1977 #32133  
                           OPOSSUM BAY, TASM 1 observer. Silent silver ball 5/30/1977 #32141  
graphs of saucer emerging / Marajo Bay.                                     8/1/1977 #32342  
d and followed helicopter over the Bay. It then climbed away at a high rate 11/1/1977 #32653  
                              NEAR BAY CITY, TX Pilot. Circular blue-white  12/22/1977 #32805  
 2 observer(s). 20' ovoid hovers / bay. 6 minute(s). Same thing at least 8x 2/9/1978 #32961  
royo Grande City Hall Oceano Morro Bay 9:00 p.m. Mayor Mark M. Millis of Ar 3/16/1978 #33043  
er witnesses as far north as Morro Bay report the UFO, which has two bright 3/16/1978 #33043  
                             FALSE BAY, CAPE PROV, RSA 13 observer(s). Brig 7/19/1978 #33401  
                          Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin 12:00 midnight. Personnel 7/28/1978 #33437  
idnight. Personnel at the Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, Coast Guard station watc 7/28/1978 #33437  
                USGS NEAR STURGEON BAY, WI RADAR / cylinder/cigar-shape at  7/29/1978 #33441  
                             GREEN BAY, WI Lighthouse keeper. Cylinder/ciga 7/29/1978 #33443  
igar-shape going quickly west over bay / 1800+kph. Red and white lights.    7/29/1978 #33443  
assy Island Range Lighthouse Green Bay, Wisconsin Two Rivers 12:25 a.m. Coa 7/29/1978 #33446  
y Island Range Lighthouse in Green Bay, Wisconsin, report to Two Rivers tha 7/29/1978 #33446  
           At 12:25 a.m. the Green Bay, Wisconsin lighthouse keeper reporte 7/29/1978 #33450  
te plane flying over Massachusetts Bay, 10 miles north-northwest of Provinc 8/27/1978 #33577  
te plane flying over Massachusetts Bay, 10 miles north-northwest of Provinc 8/27/1978 #33580  
 Gloucester, Massachusetts Ipswich Bay 11:10 p.m. A man in Gloucester, Mass 8/30/1978 #33605  
econd bursts. He sees over Ipswich Bay an elongated, fiery red rectangle mo 8/30/1978 #33605  
ND RUABON AND PRESTATYN AND COLWYN BAY, WALES All report UFO's / police rec 9/1/1978 #33620  
                         ST. PAULS BAY, MALTA Tourist photographs bright ci 9/11/1978 #33662  
                        OFF HARDYS BAY, NSW Fish-boat. Hiss and boiling sou 10/18/1978 #33842  
                          MAITLAND BAY, NSW Hundreds / calls. Cars electro- 10/18/1978 #33843  
ng Island Flinders Island Crayfish Bay, Cape Otway, Victoria 7:06 p.m. Aust 10/21/1978 #33856  
 Manifold, vacationing at Crayfish Bay, Cape Otway, Victoria, inadvertently 10/21/1978 #33856  
New Zealand Clarence River Waipapa Bay Wellington Air Traffic Control 12:30 12/21/1978 #34192  
h of the Clarence River at Waipapa Bay. He contacts Wellington Air Traffic  12/21/1978 #34192  
/ orange lights. Circles hills and bay.                                     1/23/1979 #34367  
ange lights, circled the hills and bay of Stanraer, Dumfries, Scotland.     1/23/1979 #34369  
                             SANDY BAY, TASMANIA Silent extremely black sea 9/1979 #34812  
lk River, on the south side of the bay. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)      12/10/1979 #35064  
lk River, on the south side of the bay. Many witnesses told of a military r 12/10/1979 #35066  
nt) International Airport Malletts Bay 10:00–11:00 p.m. Burlington (Vermont 3/22/1980 #35230  
 They are apparently over Malletts Bay. Speeds of up to 1,500 mph are recor 3/22/1980 #35230  
server(s). UFO's all over city and bay. Early August.                       8/1980 #35435  
ang Oilfield, Tianjin, China Bohai Bay 3:00 a.m. Five off-duty metalworkers 10/5/1980 #35556  
flies by and disappears over Bohai Bay.                                     10/5/1980 #35556  
                          Monterey Bay, California 7:55 a.m. Nancy Parker i 11/6/1980 #35622  
lines flight passing over Monterey Bay, California. She takes three photos  11/6/1980 #35622  
                            Kelsey Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia  10/8/1981 #36167  
area some 30 miles north of Kelsey Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. 10/8/1981 #36167  
taken thirty miles north of Kelsey Bay on the eastern side of Vancouver Isl 10/8/1981 #36170  
                          BRAVIKEN BAY, SWD 3 / rescue boat. RADAR going [t 9/24/1982 #36615  
esses in a rescue boat in Braviken Bay, Ostergotland, Sweden had their navi 9/24/1982 #36616  
e a generator. It flew towards the bay and disappeared.                     11/19/1982 #36688  
                              Kola Bay, northern Russia The captain and cre 11/1983 #37037  
g support vessel Sprut are in Kola Bay, northern Russia, when they observe  11/1983 #37037  
                             LAXEY BAY, ISLE / MAN 2 observer(s) only. Larg 5/29/1984 #37340  
aft with cone / light going down / bay. Canopy / under. 90-turn. Vanishes!  11/26/1984 #37509  
omments while flying over Magnolia Bay. The dark triangular object, 150 fee 11/26/1984 #37510  
 altitude and passed over Magnolia Bay and surrounding trees (NICAP: 02 - C 11/26/1984 #37510  
omments while flying over Magnolia Bay. The  dark triangular object, 150 fe 11/26/1984 #37511  
 altitude and passed over Magnolia Bay and surrounding trees. It made a low 11/26/1984 #37511  
                           Chazhma Bay naval facility Vladivostok, Primorsk 8/10/1985 #37641  
 K-431 is refueling at the Chazhma Bay naval facility near Vladivostok, Pri 8/10/1985 #37641  
cigar-shape going down / encounter bay and sinks. Fins and propeller!       5/24/1986 #37891  
-shaped object landed in Encounter Bay, Victor Harbour, South Australia at  5/24/1986 #37893  
                   EAST / STURGEON BAY, WI 1 observer. Vibrant bright night 7/29/1986 #37956  
reported over the lake at Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. A larger object was seen 7/29/1986 #37957  
                                   Bay Port, MI Cow and horse responded to  11/2/1986 #38058  
ia. It turned right over Shelekhov Bay, and achieved a top speed of 3000 ki 11/25/1986 #38078  
                      OVER THUNDER BAY, ON Airline(s)/airliner crew. Solid  5/16/1987 #38173  
                             CAMPS BAY, RSA Several / beach and separate ob 2/1988 #38437  
d violet lights zigzag over Elliot Bay. 2-3 minute(s).                      3/12/1988 #38499  
         On the shore of Pensacola Bay, a couple in their sixties videotape 5/11/1988 #38563  
server(s). Silent saucer 330' over bay. Lit windows. White beam going down  7/8/1988 #38599  
                     PENSACOLA, FL Bay bridge. 2 / car. Orange ball hovers  1/6/1989 #38776  
                         BLUE HILL BAY, ME 2 pilots. Huge metallic saucer 2 7/22/1989 #39027  
                         Blue Hill Bay, ME Obj hov/darted around Beechcraft 7/22/1989 #39028  
                         Blue Hill Bay, ME Private pilot saw shiny oval obj 7/22/1989 #39029  
     Trenton, Maine over Blue Hill Bay -- At 3:30 p.m. Randy Rhodes, a poli 7/22/1989 #39030  
ike craft of red night lights over bay. No structure visible.               8/23/1989 #39070  
                         TILLAMOOK BAY, OR 9 observer(s). Circle / night li 9/28/1989 #39129  
              Long Island Moriches Bay, Long Island, New York Brookhaven Na 9/28/1989 #39130  
hot down and retrieved at Moriches Bay, Long Island, New York. Although UFO 9/28/1989 #39130  
 along the coastline. In Tillamook Bay a circle of nocturnal lights were se 9/28/1989 #39131  
was used to down a UAP in Moriches Bay, Long Island; the craft crashed into 9/28/1989 #39132  
                           WHISPER BAY, FL 3 glowing blue-grey bell-shaped  11/2/1989 #39210  
                             GREEN BAY, WI House shakes violently. Lady pho 12/5/1989 #39297  
        On this afternoon in Green Bay, Wisconsin a house was shaken violen 12/5/1989 #39299  
           PORT GRAHAM AND ENGLISH BAY, AK Flying wing with red and blue li 1/22/1990 #39386  
 an angular descent over Pensacola Bay. The objects were estimated to be ab 3/13/1990 #39459  
                 PENSACOLA, FL 2 / bay bridge. Delta/triangle/box-like craf 4/10/1990 #39515  
                         Pensacola Bay Bridge in Florida Pensacola A couple 4/10/1990 #39516  
ple driving north on the Pensacola Bay Bridge in Florida see an object that 4/10/1990 #39516  
It hovers, then moves off over the bay and out of sight.                    4/10/1990 #39516  
seen descending below the Escambia Bay Bridge.                              4/18/1990 #39536  
blinking light over the Santa Rosa Bay from her window. She observed a tota 5/9/1990 #39570  
nd dives going down [to] toward(s) bay.                                     7/20/1990 #39653  
ced down and dove toward Pensacola Bay.                                     7/20/1990 #39655  
indrical object tank hovers across bay. Going up [to] and goes over mountai 8/22/1990 #39696  
                          ARCACHON BAY, FR Many observer(s). Yellow cylinde 11/6/1990 #39877  
al saucer. Blue-beams going down / bay. Going southwest. Emits sphere/orb/g 11/11/1990 #39884  
ymond Concrete Pile Company in the Bay Area, was on a government project in 4/12/1991 #40038  
er/cigar-shape hugs coast. Crosses bay going [to] Adelaide. Tiers / lights  2/2/1992 #40312  
consin, which is a suburb of Green Bay. The UFO traveled from right to left 3/13/1992 #40376  
right 20' rectangle low over Birch bay. Buzzes car / 20' altitude. Light hu 11/13/1992 #40709  
                             IZHUT BAY, AFOGNAK ISLAND, AK Night light vani 11/21/1992 #40723  
                             DEPOE BAY, OR 3 in 2 separate homes. 15' orang 3/1993 #40868  
                             Depoe Bay, OR Cat indifferent to glowing, yell 9/5/1993 #41183  
            At 11:33 p.m. in Depoe Bay, Lincoln County, Oregon a ball of re 9/5/1993 #41184  
                      NEAR THUNDER BAY, ON Beech-18 pilot. Orange-brown col 2/26/1994 #41426  
 LAUNCETON AND KINGSTON AND CAIRNS BAY, TASM Separate observer(s). Silent n 8/9/1994 #41664  
                              NEAH BAY, WA 2 campers. Pyramid shape flashes 5/13/1995 #42200  
                   EAST / ESCAMBIA BAY BR, FL 2 / car. Group / lights spins 6/7/1995 #42241  
           PENSACOLA, FL 2 / car / bay bridge. Red 1' fireball / trees shoo 9/2/1995 #42436  
              At 10:30 p.m. at the Bay Bridge in Pensacola, Florida two wit 9/2/1995 #42437  
n island ferry. Huge craft rises / bay. Roils water. No further details. Go 9/15/1995 #42473  
   San Jose (Calif.) San Francisco Bay Area Los Angeles Colombia South Cent 8/18/1996 #42985  
 part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine  8/18/1996 #42985  
rs. Going quickly northeast across bay.                                     9/20/1996 #43031  
ts around the rim hovered over the bay at Altona, Victoria, Australia then  9/20/1996 #43032  
                     NEAR STURGEON BAY, WI Clergyman. Small metallic saucer 6/10/1997 #43321  
r/cigar-shape going [to] slow over bay. Turns jet-black. Going [to] to CLOU 7/15/1997 #43351  
mall disks going quickly west over bay toward(s) Itaparica Island.          8/8/1997 #43373  
e outside her bedroom in Deception Bay, Queensland, Australia. She thought  6/10/1998 #43586  
 12 minutes north of San Francisco Bay in Sebastopol, California.           12/17/2000 #44105  
ject was videotaped over Deception Bay, Queensland, Australia that evening, 1/1/2001 #44115  
                               COW BAY, NS Huge black delta/triangle/box-li 8/13/2002 #44380  
                               Cow Bay, Nova Scotia, CAN Dog retreated into 8/13/2002 #44381  
                               Cow Bay, Nova Scotia, CAN Huge Cone-Shaped U 8/13/2002 #44382  
                               Cow Bay, Nova Scotia Ursa Major Moncton Cent 8/13/2002 #44383  
ing the Perseid meteor show in Cow Bay, Nova Scotia, sees a large meteor wi 8/13/2002 #44383  
cotia, Canada. At 2:15 a.m. at Cow Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada a huge triangul 8/13/2002 #44384  
 a close encounter off of Moriches Bay, Long Island, New York by two males  9/9/2002 #44393  
ile, Alabama Montgomery Big Bateau Bay in Spanish Fort, Alabama 7:40 p.m. P 10/23/2002 #44422  
nto swampy water in the Big Bateau Bay in Spanish Fort, Alabama. The pilot’ 10/23/2002 #44422  
                             North Bay, Ontario 12:32 a.m. Three witnesses  8/6/2003 #44570  
2:32 a.m. Three witnesses in North Bay, Ontario, watch as a gray, cigar-sha 8/6/2003 #44570  
igar-shaped object seen over North Bay, Ontario, Canada at 12:32 a.m. It ma 8/6/2003 #44571  
ing lights moved smoothly over the Bay Bridge toward Oakland.               11/23/2003 #44620  
ing the daytime over San Francisco Bay, California that moved "super fast"  12/15/2003 #44630  
 fifty miles off the coast of Neah Bay, Washington observed a disc-shaped o 3/10/2004 #44675  
FO and other UFOs was seen in Ruby Bay, Nelson, New Zealand. The witness wa 6/9/2004 #44709  
 sending beams of light across the bay, and made an electrical humming nois 6/9/2004 #44709  
 Harbour and the hills around Ruby Bay. The objects came in close and shot  6/9/2004 #44709  
ish washed up on the beach in Ruby Bay later that day.                      6/9/2004 #44709  
erved hovering in the sky in North Bay, Nipissing County, Ontario, Canada a 11/30/2004 #44794  
 others trailing behind, flew over Bay City, Michigan at 11:48 p.m.         9/26/2005 #44879  
as viewed for 12 minutes from Coos Bay, Oregon as it flew slowly along the  9/20/2007 #45063  
p-shaped objects flew over Thunder Bay, Ontario at 11:15 p.m. heading east. 6/1/2008 #45145  
 Centre Canadian Forces Base North Bay in Ontario The crew of a Vanguard Ai 1/6/2019 #45556  
dron at Canadian Forces Base North Bay in Ontario is notified of the sighti 1/6/2019 #45556  
                    downtown Green Bay, Wisconsin 6:00 p.m. A woman driving 12/3/2021 #45727  
 A woman driving in downtown Green Bay, Wisconsin, in foggy conditions, spo 12/3/2021 #45727  
## Word: "bayamon" (Back to Top)
                         REXVILLE, BAYAMON, PR A. Martinez. Ovoid lands. Fi 10/14/1972 #27073  
                        ALTURAS DE BAYAMON, PR 1 observer. Flying egg shape 11/29/1973 #28478  
                                   BAYAMON, PR 10+1 observer(s). 3 tiered c 12/21/1973 #28595  
limp for 30 minutes in Las Palmas, Bayamon, Puerto Rico. It made a humming  8/17/1991 #40159  
           Extension Forest Hills, Bayamon, Puerto Rico. On the night that  9/21/1998 #43650  
n the same night Gerardo Mendez of Bayamon, Puerto Rico had gone out to pic 9/21/1998 #43650  
O flew to the south over Guaynabo, Bayamon province, Puerto Rico at 7:06 a. 9/14/2005 #44875  
## Word: "bayan" (Back to Top)
                                   BAYAN GOL = DENGKOU, I.MONG, CHINA Sever 7/1970 (approximate) #25722  
                      Mount Dhajar Bayan Har Mountains, Tibet Mountain guid 6/15/1974 #29198  
ar Mount Dhajar (apparently in the Bayan Har Mountains, Tibet) to make cert 6/15/1974 #29198  
## Word: "bayard" (Back to Top)
erson, E. K. Rowley, George Moody, Bayard Taylor French, and other resident 4/11/1897 #428  
                               MT. BAYARD, 39, FR M. Tabard / 13. Metallic  6/1939 #1307  
st of Silver City, New Mexico Fort Bayard, two miles to the northwest 10:30 Mid 8/1951 #5608  
orth between his location and Fort Bayard, two miles to the northwest, wher Mid 8/1951 #5608  
                           NEAR FT BAYARD, NM 2 separate observer(s). Torpe 10/9/1967 #23197  
## Word: "baye" (Back to Top)
                                   BAYE, FR 2 kids and many. 10M red ball c 4/27/1899 #632  
ossed highway N51 near the town of Baye, Marne department, France on a stea 4/27/1899 #633  
## Word: "bayer" (Back to Top)
Bliss, El Paso, Texas, S/Sgt Ralph Bayer is alarmed to see an aircraft appr Mid 2/1945 #1785  
## Word: "bayerische" (Back to Top)
en from his former rocket group at Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW) in Munich 9/1946 #2164  
## Word: "bayfield" (Back to Top)
to within 30 feet of a campsite in Bayfield Inlet, Ontario. It approached t 9/16/2007 #45058  
## Word: "bayford" (Back to Top)
                                   Bayford, UK Mr. and Mrs. Mason sighted a 12/31/1978 #34239  
h on the surface of the object. In Bayford, England Mr. and Mrs. Mason sigh 12/31/1978 #34251  
## Word: "bayhead" (Back to Top)
                                   Bayhead, New Jersey Witnesses:  C.T. Lof 7/19/1962 #17288  
               At the same time in Bayhead, New Jersey (9:30 p.m. EDT) C. T 7/19/1962 #17289  
## Word: "baylor" (Back to Top)
 Worth 10:00 p.m. Sheriff Henry W. Baylor of Uvalde, Texas, sees a bright l 4/20/1897 #546  
 procuring water from a hydrant in Baylor’s yard, the men board the airship 4/20/1897 #546  
 lived in Fort Worth in 1876–1877. Baylor’s seemingly compelling testimony  4/20/1897 #546  
## Word: "bayonne" (Back to Top)
                                   BAYONNE, FR All / factory night-shift. U 9/22/1952 #8004  
                                   Bayonne, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France Af 9/23/1954 #10419  
ce Afternoon. Several residents of Bayonne, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France, s 9/23/1954 #10419  
                                   BAYONNE, FR Numerous observer(s). 3 meta 9/24/1954 #10428  
   At sometime before 3:00 p.m. in Bayonne, Pyrenees-Atlantique, France thr 9/24/1954 #10439  
o of the defining sightings of the Bayonne to Vichy (BAVIC) orthotenic line 9/24/1954 #10439  
                                   BAYONNE, NJ Sphere / 2M antennas flies b 11/19/1966 #21126  
                           NORTH / BAYONNE, FR 1 / A63. 100M silent flat tr 11/5/1990 #39841  
## Word: "bayou" (Back to Top)
                          McKinney Bayou, AR Judge Lawrence A. Byrne of Tex 4/23/1897 #563  
                          McKinney Bayou, Arkansas Judge Lawrence A. Byrne  4/23/1897 #564  
## Word: "bayport" (Back to Top)
                                   BAYPORT, FL Cop. Silent black boomerang  4/16/1993 #40936  
lying boomerang or V-shaped UFO in Bayport, Florida. The UFO was pulsing as 4/16/1993 #40938  
oon. That evening at 9:41 p.m., in Bayport, New York, two glowing objects c 1/4/2003 #44467  
## Word: "bayramgulovo" (Back to Top)
                                   Bayramgulovo, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia Late 9/1984 #37469  
 vehicle with another policeman in Bayramgulovo, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia Late 9/1984 #37469  
## Word: "bays" (Back to Top)
                           HAMPTON BAYS, NY 30M saucer stops / midair. Dome 6/24/1953 #8960  
                           Hampton Bays, Long Island, NY "a large aircraft" 6/24/1953 #8963  
## Word: "baytown" (Back to Top)
                              OVER BAYTOWN, TX DC3 crew ground and air RADA 7/20/1961 #16766  
                                   BAYTOWN, TX 2+15 separate observer(s). 5 7/18/1966 #20653  
                                   Baytown, TX 9:00 a.m. CDT. Service stati 7/18/1966 #20654  
                                   Baytown, Texas 9:00 a.m. Service station 7/18/1966 #20655  
 a.m. Service station personnel in Baytown, Texas, see a white object shape 7/18/1966 #20655  
## Word: "bayview" (Back to Top)
                                   Bayview, WA Purple object for unknown le 6/2/1952 #6424  
                                   Bayview, Washington Witness:  Larry McWa 6/2/1952 #6426  
                                In Bayview, Washington eight witnesses watc 6/2/1952 #6429  
                                   Bayview, ID Thirteen UFOs, which appeare 6/29/1973 #27601  
                                   Bayview Avenue and Willow Pass Road, Wes 5/20/1977 #32116  
-year-old boys are in a field near Bayview Avenue and Willow Pass Road, Wes 5/20/1977 #32116  
## Word: "baza" (Back to Top)
ckly [to] east-northeast toward(s) Baza. Leaves yellow trail / sky.         4/30/1958 #15004  
me later the UFO flew away towards Baza, leaving a yellow trail.            4/30/1958 #15005  
                                   BAZA, GRANADA, SP White rectangular obje 9/17/1965 #19576  
## Word: "bazargani" (Back to Top)
                  Chalus, Iran Mr. Bazargani from Chalus, Iran was walking  4/2/1976 #30978  
                               Mr. Bazargani from Chalus, Iran was walking  4/2/1976 #30980  
## Word: "bb" (Back to Top)
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/16/1947 #2227  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/17/1947 #2230  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/1947 #2255  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/17/1947 #2286  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/2/1947 #2308  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/12/1947 #2323  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/14/1947 #2328  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/21/1947 #2350  
3 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: 12)                                  6/24/1947 #2393  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/28/1947 #2444  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/28/1947 #2445  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/28/1947 #2446  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/29/1947 #2464  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             6/29/1947 #2466  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/30/1947 #2484  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 27)                                  7/3/1947 #2576  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/4/1947 #2644  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/4/1947 #2645  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/4/1947 #2646  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/4/1947 #2647  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/4/1947 #2648  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 34)                                  7/4/1947 #2650  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 36)                                  7/6/1947 #2803  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/6/1947 #2804  
bject (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/7/1947 #2921  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/7/1947 #2922  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/7/1947 #2923  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/7/1947 #2924  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/7/1947 #2925  
c (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 50)                                  7/8/1947 #3004  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/8/1947 #3005  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/8/1947 #3006  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/8/1947 #3007  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/9/1947 #3050  
b (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/9/1947 #3051  
graphic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/10/1947 #3097  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             7/10/1947 #3099  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/10/1947 #3100  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/11/1947 #3136  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/29/1947 #3250  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 69)                                  7/29/1947 #3251  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/4/1947 #3289  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/4/1947 #3290  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/13/1947 #3317  
se Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/13/1947 #3318  
 path (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 8/14/1947 #3325  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/14/1947 #3327  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/15/1947 #3335  
plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 8/18/1947 #3346  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/19/1947 #3350  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             Late 8/1947 #3366  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 85)                                  9/3/1947 #3381  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/8/1947 #3392  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/13/1947 #3395  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/17/1947 #3400  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 91)                                  10/1/1947 #3443  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/8/1947 #3450  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 95)                                  10/14/1947 #3455  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/20/1947 #3462  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/20/1947 #3463  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/2/1947 #3478  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/12/1947 #3484  
iner) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 2224)                                11/15/1947 #3489  
 or red tail, moving erratically. (BB Status Rpt?) [Same case as above??] ( 11/15/1947 #3490  
ve??] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 11/15/1947 #3490  
lames (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 12/30/1947 #3514  
lames (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 12/30/1947 #3515  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/7/1948 #3541  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/9/1948 #3551  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/10/1948 #3553  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/11/1948 #3555  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/1/1948 #3572  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/1/1948 #3586  
 long (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 4/1/1948 #3602  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 139, NC) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic C 4/5/1948 #3610  
. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/8/1948 #3616  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             4/9/1948 #3617  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/9/1948 #3618  
. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/11/1948 #3620  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/18/1948 #3624  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/18/1948 #3625  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/19/1948 #3627  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/30/1948 #3633  
. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/5/1948 #3638  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/6/1948 #3640  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/7/1948 #3642  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/31/1948 #3662  
B (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/20/1948 #3675  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/29/1948 #3682  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/30/1948 #3684  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/30/1948 #3685  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/4/1948 #3696  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/8/1948 #3700  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/9/1948 #3701  
W (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/9/1948 #3703  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             7/17/1948 #3713  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/21/1948 #3721  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/24/1948 #3730  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/24/1948 #3732  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/26/1948 #3741  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 185)                                 7/29/1948 #3750  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 190)                                 7/31/1948 #3757  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 191)                                 7/31/1948 #3758  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/2/1948 #3768  
. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/3/1948 #3771  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, LC)                             8/4/1948 #3773  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/11/1948 #3777  
ex) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/29/1948 #3788  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/12/1948 #3799  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/18/1948 #3804  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/22/1948 #3805  
” (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 208)                                 9/23/1948 #3808  
ar Connection, Code: M, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             9/23/1948 #3809  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/28/1948 #3815  
" (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 10/1/1948 #3825  
B (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/11/1948 #3831  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/13/1948 #3833  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 218)                                 10/15/1948 #3838  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/15/1948 #3839  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/16/1948 #3844  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/17/1948 #3845  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/18/1948 #3846  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/18/1948 #3847  
x (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/24/1948 #3849  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, LC)                             10/24/1948 #3850  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/24/1948 #3851  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/29/1948 #3854  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/30/1948 #3856  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/31/1948 #3857  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/31/1948 #3858  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/1/1948 #3862  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         11/3/1948 #3865  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/6/1948 #3869  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/12/1948 #3873  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/17/1948 #3878  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/18/1948 #3882  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/23/1948 #3887  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/26/1948 #3892  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 257)                                 12/3/1948 #3901  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/3/1948 #3902  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         12/5/1948 #3907  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         12/5/1948 #3908  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         12/6/1948 #3911  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         12/8/1948 #3916  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/8/1948 #3917  
ourse (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 12/9/1948 #3920  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         12/12/1948 #3925  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/17/1948 #3932  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         12/20/1948 #3933  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/30/1948 #3939  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/1/1949 #3953  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 275)                                 1/4/1949 #3957  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         1/6/1949 #3966  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/23/1949 #3974  
1947) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 1/24/1949 #3976  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 284)                                 1/27/1949 #3979  
s (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         1/30/1949 #3983  
s (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         1/30/1949 #3984  
f (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         2/17/1949 #4013  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/23/1949 #4020  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         2/27/1949 #4025  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         3/2/1949 #4031  
ize (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/6/1949 #4034  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/8/1949 #4040  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 319)                                 3/17/1949 #4047  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/18/1949 #4050  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         3/27/1949 #4054  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         3/27/1949 #4055  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         3/27/1949 #4056  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         3/27/1949 #4057  
00 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 3/29/1949 #4059  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/31/1949 #4060  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/3/1949 #4067  
ect (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)                                 4/4/1949 #4072  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/6/1949 #4078  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/7/1949 #4082  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/20/1949 #4095  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 358, NC, LC)                         4/24/1949 #4102  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         4/25/1949 #4107  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/27/1949 #4114  
IA) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/28/1949 #4121  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 361, NC, LC)                         4/28/1949 #4122  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/28/1949 #4123  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/2/1949 #4137  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/3/1949 #4142  
E (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/4/1949 #4143  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 376)                                 5/5/1949 #4147  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/6/1949 #4153  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 379)                                 5/6/1949 #4154  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         5/6/1949 #4155  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/7/1949 #4166  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         5/7/1949 #4167  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                         5/8/1949 #4169  
w (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 384, NC, LC)                         5/9/1949 #4172  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/12/1949 #4180  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             5/21/1949 #4199  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/24/1949 #4206  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 404)                                 5/27/1949 #4212  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/31/1949 #4217  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/1/1949 #4221  
. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/6/1949 #4227  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/10/1949 #4231  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             6/14/1949 #4237  
t (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC)                             6/14/1949 #4238  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/14/1949 #4239  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/3/1949 #4260  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/21/1949 #4274  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 483)                                 7/24/1949 #4280  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             7/24/1949 #4281  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 496)                                 7/30/1949 #4298  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             8/20/1949 #4332  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/5/1949 #4347  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/9/1949 #4353  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                  10/12/1949 #4390  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                      10/12/1949 #4390  
s (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, BB: BBU)                                 10/14/1949 #4393  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/17/1949 #4397  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/21/1949 #4399  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/21/1949 #4421  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/4/1949 #4433  
ndex) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 12/29/1949 #4452  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/6/1950 #4474  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             1/7/1950 #4477  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/12/1950 #4482  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/18/1950 #4497  
et and E-M (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases)       1/22/1950 #4501  
ircle (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 1/22/1950 #4502  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/24/1950 #4508  
lying (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 1/31/1950 #4521  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/2/1950 #4525  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/5/1950 #4529  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/8/1950 #4534  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 642, NC)                             2/24/1950 #4551  
t (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC)                             2/24/1950 #4552  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 645, NC)                             2/25/1950 #4557  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 650)                                 3/3/1950 #4574  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/9/1950 #4597  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/11/1950 #4613  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 671)                                 3/20/1950 #4687  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             3/20/1950 #4688  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 678)                                 3/27/1950 #4738  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 680)                                 3/28/1950 #4747  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 682)                                 3/29/1950 #4761  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/7/1950 #4814  
ped (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 706)                                 4/8/1950 #4826  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/10/1950 #4840  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 711)                                 4/14/1950 #4850  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/18/1950 #4865  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/27/1950 #4905  
graphic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             4/27/1950 #4906  
 (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 4/27/1950 #4907  
00 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 4/27/1950 #4908  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/28/1950 #4914  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 721)                                 5/7/1950 #4930  
graphic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/11/1950 #4938  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/19/1950 #4951  
graphic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             5/24/1950 #4963  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/29/1950 #4971  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/16/1950 #4988  
les (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/17/1950 #4990  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/23/1950 #4999  
L, M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 6/24/1950 #5003  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 738)                                 6/27/1950 #5014  
h (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU)                                 6/27/1950 #5015  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/11/1950 #5054  
e (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/11/1950 #5055  
jects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/13/1950 #5061  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 758)                                 7/13/1950 #5062  
nt Encounters, Code: U, Rating: 5, BB: 773)                                 8/4/1950 #5102  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             8/7/1950 #5112  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/14/1950 #5123  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 793)                                 8/20/1950 #5130  
speed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 787)                                 8/24/1950 #5137  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/27/1950 #5141  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 790)                                 8/30/1950 #5145  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 790)                                 8/30/1950 #5146  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             8/30/1950 #5148  
graphic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             8/31/1950 #5153  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/1/1950 #5163  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 797)                                 9/3/1950 #5166  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/8/1950 #5170  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/13/1950 #5175  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/18/1950 #5182  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 807)                                 9/20/1950 #5185  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 809)                                 9/21/1950 #5190  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             10/12/1950 #5220  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 819)                                 10/15/1950 #5230  
jects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 821)                                 10/15/1950 #5231  
way (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             10/15/1950 #5232  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 824)                                 10/23/1950 #5251  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 829, NC)                             11/5/1950 #5263  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/7/1950 #5269  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/10/1950 #5273  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    11/14/1950 #5277  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/23/1950 #5285  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 3, BB: BBU, NC)                             11/29/1950 #5299  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             11/30/1950 #5301  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 845)                                 12/2/1950 #5309  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 848)                                 12/6/1950 #5326  
2 (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 849)                                 12/11/1950 #5338  
ar Connection, Code: M, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             12/18/1950 #5356  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             12/20/1950 #5359  
rcept (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU, NC)                             12/20/1950 #5360  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/27/1950 #5367  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 864)                                 1/8/1951 #5386  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 868)                                 1/12/1951 #5391  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/14/1951 #5397  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/14/1951 #5398  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/16/1951 #5401  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/20/1951 #5406  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             1/21/1951 #5409  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             1/22/1951 #5412  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/24/1951 #5415  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/26/1951 #5417  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 886)                                 2/1/1951 #5426  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/15/1951 #5445  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/19/1951 #5447  
. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             2/19/1951 #5448  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 896)                                 2/21/1951 #5454  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 897)                                 2/26/1951 #5460  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/9/1951 #5473  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/10/1951 #5475  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 907)                                 3/13/1951 #5479  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 908)                                 3/15/1951 #5487  
O (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic C 3/24/1951 #5492  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/14/1951 #5504  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 925)                                 6/1/1951 #5532  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 2, BB: BBU)                                 7/1/1951 #5557  
plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/9/1951 #5566  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             7/9/1951 #5567  
m (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC)                             7/14/1951 #5573  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             7/14/1951 #5574  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 943)                                 7/24/1951 #5583  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/30/1951 #5587  
speed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 8/8/1951 #5598  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/20/1951 #5612  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/21/1951 #5614  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 955, NC)                             8/25/1951 #5621  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/26/1951 #5630  
W (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/27/1951 #5635  
t), (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 962)                                 8/31/1951 #5640  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 964)                                 9/6/1951 #5651  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/9/1951 #5655  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/10/1951 #5659  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 969)                                 9/13/1951 #5664  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/17/1951 #5671  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/17/1951 #5672  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/18/1951 #5676  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/23/1951 #5683  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 980)                                 10/2/1951 #5697  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 984)                                 10/3/1951 #5700  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/7/1951 #5706  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 985)                                 10/9/1951 #5710  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/10/1951 #5718  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 989)                                 10/11/1951 #5723  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/16/1951 #5729  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/21/1951 #5738  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/21/1951 #5739  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/2/1951 #5760  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/2/1951 #5761  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/18/1951 #5778  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/24/1951 #5786  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/24/1951 #5787  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/26/1951 #5793  
E (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/1951 #5801  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1021, NC)                            12/7/1951 #5808  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1023)                                12/7/1951 #5809  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/12/1951 #5816  
NARA) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1011)                                12/18/1951 #5820  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/22/1951 #5822  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1013)                                12/24/1951 #5825  
nning (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 1/1952 #5851  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1037, NC)                            1/16/1952 #5865  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/20/1952 #5867  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/22/1952 #5874  
 away (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 1/22/1952 #5875  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/29/1952 #5881  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/29/1952 #5882  
w (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/1/1952 #5890  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/2/1952 #5892  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 1052)                                2/11/1952 #5896  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/12/1952 #5899  
o score a bomb run (McDonald list; BB Rpt 6) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 2/13/1952 #5902  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/13/1952 #5902  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/16/1952 #5904  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/17/1952 #5905  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/20/1952 #5913  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 1061)                                2/24/1952 #5928  
 TX B-29 and radar (McDonald list; BB Rpt 5) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rati 2/27/1952 #5933  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/27/1952 #5933  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/4/1952 #5944  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/7/1952 #5948  
M 4:30 p.m. (MST). (McDonald list; BB Rpt 7) Flattened Oval As Large As B-2 3/15/1952 #5959  
9 (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             3/15/1952 #5959  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1074)                                3/20/1952 #5963  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1076) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   3/22/1952 #5968  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1077)                                3/24/1952 #5971  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1079)                                3/26/1952 #5976  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 1082)                                3/29/1952 #5987  
ar Connection, Code: N, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 3/29/1952 #5988  
ome (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/29/1952 #5989  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/3/1952 #6019  
Report: Unidentified Radar Return (BB 1095) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 4/4/1952 #6023  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1095)                                4/4/1952 #6023  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1096)                                4/5/1952 #6029  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1097)                                4/5/1952 #6030  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1099)                                4/6/1952 #6037  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/9/1952 #6049  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/9/1952 #6050  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1108)                                4/12/1952 #6061  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             4/13/1952 #6069  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 1112)                                4/14/1952 #6075  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 1113)                                4/14/1952 #6076  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1115)                                4/15/1952 #6080  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/16/1952 #6092  
c (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1124)                                4/17/1952 #6099  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1127)                                4/17/1952 #6100  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1128)                                4/18/1952 #6115  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1129)                                4/18/1952 #6116  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1130)                                4/18/1952 #6117  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1131)                                4/18/1952 #6118  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/20/1952 #6138  
2 (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1144)                                4/22/1952 #6152  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 1147)                                4/24/1952 #6171  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 1148)                                4/24/1952 #6172  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1151, NC)                            4/24/1952 #6174  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/25/1952 #6183  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1160)                                4/27/1952 #6194  
und (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/27/1952 #6196  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1163)                                4/27/1952 #6197  
about three minutes. Not listed in BB unknowns (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 4/28/1952 #6206  
FOR Index) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: 1167)                                4/29/1952 #6211  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 1168)                                4/29/1952 #6212  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             4/30/1952 #6222  
a (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1174)                                5/1/1952 #6236  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/1/1952 #6237  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1176) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   5/1/1952 #6238  
w (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1183)                                5/5/1952 #6258  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1185)                                5/7/1952 #6264  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/8/1952 #6274  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             5/10/1952 #6292  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/10/1952 #6293  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1198, NC)                            5/10/1952 #6294  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/11/1952 #6302  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/13/1952 #6312  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/13/1952 #6313  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/14/1952 #6322  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1213)                                5/14/1952 #6323  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/15/1952 #6328  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/15/1952 #6329  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/15/1952 #6330  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/19/1952 #6339  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/20/1952 #6342  
bject (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1219)                                5/20/1952 #6343  
 pilots Capt. J. Spurgin and Capt. BB. Stephan. One bright or white oval ob 5/20/1952 #6344  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             5/22/1952 #6347  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             5/23/1952 #6349  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             5/24/1952 #6351  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/25/1952 #6357  
m (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1227)                                5/25/1952 #6358  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    5/26/1952 #6365  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1232)                                5/28/1952 #6371  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1233, NC)                            5/28/1952 #6372  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1233, NC)                            5/28/1952 #6373  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1236)                                5/29/1952 #6382  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/30/1952 #6387  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/31/1952 #6390  
, (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 5/31/1952 #6391  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1243)                                6/1/1952 #6410  
b (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1245)                                6/1/1952 #6411  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1246)                                6/1/1952 #6412  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1249)                                6/2/1952 #6424  
 time (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1250)                                6/2/1952 #6425  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/4/1952 #6437  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1255)                                6/5/1952 #6442  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1256, NC)                            6/5/1952 #6443  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1257)                                6/5/1952 #6444  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/6/1952 #6452  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 1260, NC)                            6/7/1952 #6460  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 1263, NC)                            6/8/1952 #6467  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/9/1952 #6472  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1269)                                6/12/1952 #6484  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1270)                                6/12/1952 #6485  
c (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1273)                                6/13/1952 #6494  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1285)                                6/15/1952 #6506  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1295, NC)                            6/16/1952 #6516  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1298)                                6/17/1952 #6521  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/17/1952 #6522  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1299)                                6/17/1952 #6523  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1302)                                6/18/1952 #6536  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1305)                                6/18/1952 #6537  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/18/1952 #6538  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1308)                                6/19/1952 #6547  
level (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1310)                                6/19/1952 #6548  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/20/1952 #6560  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 1319)                                6/21/1952 #6572  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 6/21/1952 #6573  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1323)                                6/22/1952 #6586  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1331)                                6/23/1952 #6595  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1332)                                6/23/1952 #6596  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/23/1952 #6597  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1334, NC)                            6/23/1952 #6598  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/23/1952 #6599  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1335)                                6/23/1952 #6600  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1340)                                6/25/1952 #6622  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1347)                                6/25/1952 #6623  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1344)                                6/25/1952 #6624  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/25/1952 #6625  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1348)                                6/26/1952 #6635  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1351)                                6/26/1952 #6636  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1355)                                6/27/1952 #6645  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             6/28/1952 #6653  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1361)                                6/28/1952 #6654  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1363)                                6/28/1952 #6655  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/28/1952 #6656  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1364)                                6/29/1952 #6664  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/30/1952 #6671  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/30/1952 #6672  
m (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/30/1952 #6673  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/1/1952 #6687  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1380)                                7/3/1952 #6700  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1382)                                7/3/1952 #6701  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/5/1952 #6711  
e (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, BB: BBU)                                 7/5/1952 #6712  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 1390)                                7/5/1952 #6713  
t (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: 1397)                                7/6/1952 #6721  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1405)                                7/9/1952 #6734  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1409)                                7/9/1952 #6735  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/9/1952 #6736  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/10/1952 #6749  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1431)                                7/12/1952 #6772  
1947) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/12/1952 #6774  
 down (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/12/1952 #6777  
00 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/12/1952 #6778  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1436)                                7/12/1952 #6779  
 (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/13/1952 #6795  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 1444)                                7/14/1952 #6811  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/15/1952 #6824  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1451)                                7/15/1952 #6825  
S (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/16/1952 #6840  
d (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: 1501)                                7/16/1952 #6841  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1502)                                7/17/1952 #6862  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1476)                                7/17/1952 #6863  
. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1479)                                7/17/1952 #6864  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1482)                                7/18/1952 #6887  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1483)                                7/18/1952 #6888  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 1485)                                7/18/1952 #6889  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/19/1952 #6920  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1492)                                7/19/1952 #6923  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 1494)                                7/19/1952 #6924  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    7/19/1952 #6926  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 1504)                                7/20/1952 #6948  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/21/1952 #6970  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 1514)                                7/21/1952 #6971  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1516)                                7/21/1952 #6972  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1522)                                7/21/1952 #6973  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1524)                                7/21/1952 #6974  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1533)                                7/22/1952 #7009  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 1536)                                7/22/1952 #7010  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1538, NC)                            7/22/1952 #7012  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1556) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   7/22/1952 #7013  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/22/1952 #7014  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/22/1952 #7015  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1654)                                7/22/1952 #7017  
ree?] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/23/1952 #7061  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/23/1952 #7062  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/23/1952 #7063  
ball. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/23/1952 #7064  
neath (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1554)                                7/23/1952 #7065  
ation (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1567)                                7/23/1952 #7066  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1572) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   7/23/1952 #7067  
liner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1578)                                7/23/1952 #7070  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 1584)                                7/24/1952 #7108  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1588)                                7/24/1952 #7110  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/24/1952 #7111  
b (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/25/1952 #7136  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/26/1952 #7160  
W (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1628)                                7/26/1952 #7161  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1637, NC)                            7/26/1952 #7162  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/26/1952 #7163  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1661) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   7/26/1952 #7165  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/26/1952 #7166  
1 (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/26/1952 #7167  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/26/1952 #7168  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1664)                                7/27/1952 #7203  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/27/1952 #7204  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1680)                                7/27/1952 #7205  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1684)                                7/27/1952 #7208  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/27/1952 #7209  
ex) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/28/1952 #7249  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/28/1952 #7250  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1700)                                7/28/1952 #7251  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1707)                                7/28/1952 #7252  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1708)                                7/28/1952 #7253  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/28/1952 #7255  
knots (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/28/1952 #7256  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1731) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   7/29/1952 #7300  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             7/29/1952 #7301  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1732)                                7/29/1952 #7302  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             7/29/1952 #7303  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             7/29/1952 #7304  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1738)                                7/29/1952 #7305  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1739)                                7/29/1952 #7309  
graphic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: 1747)                                7/29/1952 #7311  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/30/1952 #7355  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1755, NC)                            7/30/1952 #7356  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1758)                                7/30/1952 #7358  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             7/30/1952 #7359  
 left (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/31/1952 #7370  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/1952 #7383  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/1/1952 #7400  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1771)                                8/1/1952 #7403  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/1/1952 #7404  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/1/1952 #7405  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1783)                                8/2/1952 #7420  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/2/1952 #7422  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             8/3/1952 #7433  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/3/1952 #7434  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1812)                                8/4/1952 #7447  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1813)                                8/4/1952 #7448  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/5/1952 #7463  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1827)                                8/5/1952 #7464  
s (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1827)                                8/5/1952 #7465  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1841)                                8/6/1952 #7482  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1843)                                8/6/1952 #7483  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 1845)                                8/6/1952 #7484  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/6/1952 #7485  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1855)                                8/7/1952 #7505  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/8/1952 #7514  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    8/9/1952 #7522  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1870)                                8/9/1952 #7523  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/10/1952 #7538  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/11/1952 #7544  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/12/1952 #7556  
craft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 8/12/1952 #7557  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/12/1952 #7558  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1889)                                8/13/1952 #7569  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/17/1952 #7625  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/17/1952 #7626  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1920)                                8/18/1952 #7633  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1928)                                8/19/1952 #7644  
bject (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1928)                                8/19/1952 #7645  
ude (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 1938)                                8/20/1952 #7659  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1944)                                8/21/1952 #7668  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/22/1952 #7679  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/23/1952 #7690  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1956)                                8/23/1952 #7691  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 1961, NC)                            8/24/1952 #7706  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1964)                                8/24/1952 #7707  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1969)                                8/24/1952 #7708  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1972)                                8/25/1952 #7726  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1915)                                8/25/1952 #7727  
N (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1979, NC)                            8/25/1952 #7728  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1986)                                8/26/1952 #7740  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1987)                                8/26/1952 #7741  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 1994)                                8/26/1952 #7742  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2006) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases)      8/28/1952 #7768  
m (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2013)                                8/29/1952 #7784  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/29/1952 #7785  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/30/1952 #7797  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/1/1952 #7808  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2022)                                9/1/1952 #7809  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/1/1952 #7810  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 2023)                                9/1/1952 #7811  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/2/1952 #7826  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 2025)                                9/2/1952 #7827  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/3/1952 #7836  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2045)                                9/6/1952 #7865  
, (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2048)                                9/7/1952 #7874  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2049)                                9/7/1952 #7875  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2052)                                9/7/1952 #7876  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2062)                                9/9/1952 #7885  
E (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2077)                                9/12/1952 #7901  
E (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2085)                                9/13/1952 #7913  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2086)                                9/14/1952 #7927  
rsion (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 2087, NC)                            9/14/1952 #7928  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2089)                                9/14/1952 #7929  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2092)                                9/14/1952 #7930  
liner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 2093)                                9/14/1952 #7931  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/14/1952 #7932  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 2099)                                9/16/1952 #7958  
0 mph (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 2100)                                9/16/1952 #7960  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2105)                                9/17/1952 #7969  
) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    9/19/1952 #7978  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/19/1952 #7979  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/21/1952 #7997  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2119)                                9/23/1952 #8012  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2124)                                9/24/1952 #8019  
 tail (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 9/24/1952 #8020  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 2126)                                9/26/1952 #8034  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/27/1952 #8041  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2128)                                9/27/1952 #8042  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/28/1952 #8046  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/28/1952 #8047  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2136)                                9/29/1952 #8056  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/29/1952 #8057  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2140)                                9/29/1952 #8058  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2138)                                9/30/1952 #8068  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2142)                                10/1/1952 #8080  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2143)                                10/1/1952 #8081  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2150, NC)                            10/7/1952 #8100  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2155)                                10/10/1952 #8112  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/15/1952 #8134  
° (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2171, NC)                            10/17/1952 #8142  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2172)                                10/17/1952 #8143  
c (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2173, NC)                            10/17/1952 #8144  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 2175)                                10/19/1952 #8160  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2177)                                10/19/1952 #8161  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2179)                                10/21/1952 #8170  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2184)                                10/24/1952 #8179  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2196)                                10/29/1952 #8211  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/29/1952 #8212  
ide (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 2200) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)        10/31/1952 #8219  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2202)                                11/3/1952 #8234  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/4/1952 #8240  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/4/1952 #8241  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/4/1952 #8242  
E (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2206)                                11/4/1952 #8243  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             11/8/1952 #8258  
a (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2219, NC)                            11/12/1952 #8263  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 2220)                                11/13/1952 #8268  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2220)                                11/13/1952 #8269  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/15/1952 #8277  
cally (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 11/15/1952 #8278  
 tail (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 2224)                                11/15/1952 #8279  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2, BB: BBU)                                 11/20/1952 #8305  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2246)                                11/24/1952 #8330  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             11/25/1952 #8338  
o red (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 11/26/1952 #8343  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2249)                                11/27/1952 #8347  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: 2253)                                11/30/1952 #8357  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/4/1952 #8373  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/4/1952 #8375  
orbit (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 12/5/1952 #8379  
S (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/6/1952 #8385  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/6/1952 #8386  
s (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 12/6/1952 #8387  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2266)                                12/8/1952 #8395  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2267)                                12/9/1952 #8398  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/10/1952 #8403  
eball (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 12/10/1952 #8404  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/10/1952 #8405  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             12/10/1952 #8406  
, (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU, NC)                             12/10/1952 #8407  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/14/1952 #8417  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 4, BB: BBU)                                 12/15/1952 #8419  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/15/1952 #8420  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/15/1952 #8421  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/17/1952 #8429  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/19/1952 #8434  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/22/1952 #8441  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/24/1952 #8445  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             12/27/1952 #8449  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2302)                                12/28/1952 #8452  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    12/29/1952 #8457  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/29/1952 #8458  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/29/1952 #8459  
radar (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 12/29/1952 #8460  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/30/1952 #8465  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/31/1952 #8467  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/1/1953 #8491  
m (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2315)                                1/1/1953 #8492  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/6/1953 #8508  
W (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2323)                                1/8/1953 #8513  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/9/1953 #8518  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 2326)                                1/10/1953 #8528  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2337)                                1/17/1953 #8546  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/23/1953 #8561  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 2365)                                1/28/1953 #8590  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2361)                                1/28/1953 #8591  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 2364)                                1/28/1953 #8593  
" (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/28/1953 #8594  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/29/1953 #8610  
al Reactions, Code: aM, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/29/1953 #8611  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/1953 #8624  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 2384)                                2/3/1953 #8630  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 2388)                                2/4/1953 #8635  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/6/1953 #8641  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/7/1953 #8645  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/8/1953 #8649  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/10/1953 #8660  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/11/1953 #8663  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/12/1953 #8666  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/13/1953 #8673  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/16/1953 #8678  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/16/1953 #8679  
f (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/17/1953 #8682  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 2419)                                2/17/1953 #8683  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2426)                                2/20/1953 #8688  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2441)                                2/24/1953 #8698  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/25/1953 #8702  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/27/1953 #8711  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2543)                                2/27/1953 #8712  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/3/1953 #8725  
. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/5/1953 #8731  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/5/1953 #8732  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/9/1953 #8741  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2490)                                3/10/1953 #8744  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 2496)                                3/14/1953 #8750  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 2496)                                3/14/1953 #8751  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/20/1953 #8765  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2511)                                3/21/1953 #8768  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/23/1953 #8779  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2521)                                3/25/1953 #8785  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/25/1953 #8786  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 2524, NC)                            3/27/1953 #8789  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2526)                                3/29/1953 #8793  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/31/1953 #8797  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 2535)                                4/8/1953 #8810  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/8/1953 #8811  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/12/1953 #8817  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2542)                                4/15/1953 #8826  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/19/1953 #8837  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 2555)                                5/1/1953 #8854  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/4/1953 #8859  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/4/1953 #8860  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/5/1953 #8864  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2577)                                5/27/1953 #8912  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/10/1953 #8932  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/16/1953 #8935  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/18/1953 #8938  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/21/1953 #8950  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 2601)                                6/22/1953 #8955  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/24/1953 #8963  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 2605)                                6/24/1953 #8964  
1 - Distant Encounters, Rating: 5, BB: 2606)                                6/24/1953 #8965  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/3/1953 #8988  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/20/1953 #9007  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/2/1953 #9038  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2663)                                8/3/1953 #9042  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/5/1953 #9048  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 2686)                                8/20/1953 #9088  
y (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU)                                 8/23/1953 #9102  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2692)                                8/27/1953 #9115  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/2/1953 #9135  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/28/1953 #9183  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/13/1953 #9222  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/15/1953 #9228  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/16/1953 #9233  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/28/1953 #9258  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/3/1953 #9336  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             12/3/1953 #9337  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/3/1953 #9338  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/3/1953 #9339  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/5/1953 #9342  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/16/1953 #9371  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/16/1953 #9372  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2838)                                12/17/1953 #9378  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/23/1953 #9388  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 2840)                                12/24/1953 #9391  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/24/1953 #9392  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2844)                                12/28/1953 #9402  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/1/1954 #9435  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/10/1954 #9475  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/14/1954 #9484  
amage (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 1/14/1954 #9485  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/28/1954 #9505  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/1/1954 #9525  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/4/1954 #9534  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             2/15/1954 #9546  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/22/1954 #9564  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2913)                                2/26/1954 #9568  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2923)                                3/2/1954 #9592  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 2926)                                3/5/1954 #9596  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/9/1954 #9607  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/11/1954 #9613  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 2937)                                3/12/1954 #9615  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/25/1954 #9642  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/7/1954 #9670  
 Entity Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: 2962)                                4/8/1954 #9675  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/22/1954 #9702  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2974)                                4/23/1954 #9710  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2976)                                4/24/1954 #9717  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2983)                                4/26/1954 #9724  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2997)                                5/11/1954 #9774  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/13/1954 #9788  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/14/1954 #9794  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/14/1954 #9795  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             5/18/1954 #9808  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 2994)                                5/18/1954 #9809  
b (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3009)                                5/22/1954 #9824  
plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 5/24/1954 #9830  
graphic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/24/1954 #9831  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3020)                                5/31/1954 #9850  
nt Encounters, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/1/1954 #9857  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 3029)                                6/1/1954 #9858  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/7/1954 #9871  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3037)                                6/9/1954 #9880  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 3042)                                6/10/1954 #9887  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/21/1954 #9916  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3062)                                6/22/1954 #9926  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/23/1954 #9934  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/23/1954 #9935  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3067)                                6/24/1954 #9941  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 3072)                                6/25/1954 #9945  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/29/1954 #9961  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/30/1954 #9967  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/3/1954 #9989  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/5/1954 #9996  
lanes (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/11/1954 #10008  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/14/1954 #10017  
c (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3116)                                7/18/1954 #10025  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/19/1954 #10028  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/25/1954 #10049  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/27/1954 #10055  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/29/1954 #10061  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/29/1954 #10062  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 3140)                                7/30/1954 #10067  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3149)                                8/2/1954 #10092  
k (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3155)                                8/6/1954 #10103  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/7/1954 #10111  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3162)                                8/11/1954 #10122  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/11/1954 #10123  
se Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/12/1954 #10136  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 3166)                                8/15/1954 #10143  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/22/1954 #10163  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3180)                                8/24/1954 #10174  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3182)                                8/26/1954 #10180  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3185)                                8/27/1954 #10187  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/28/1954 #10196  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 3189)                                8/29/1954 #10201  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3196)                                9/5/1954 #10254  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3198)                                9/5/1954 #10255  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3213)                                9/18/1954 #10344  
E (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/18/1954 #10345  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3222)                                9/21/1954 #10379  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3224)                                9/21/1954 #10380  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3226)                                9/22/1954 #10393  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3227)                                9/23/1954 #10415  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/26/1954 #10449  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/5/1954 #10724  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3260)                                10/13/1954 #10996  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3269)                                10/15/1954 #11097  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/23/1954 #11335  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3281)                                10/28/1954 #11462  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/29/1954 #11476  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3287)                                10/29/1954 #11477  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3326)                                11/15/1954 #11658  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/19/1954 #11671  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3331)                                11/19/1954 #11672  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3341)                                11/28/1954 #11719  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/2/1954 #11745  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3352)                                12/3/1954 #11751  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3356)                                12/7/1954 #11769  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/23/1954 #11856  
plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 12/29/1954 #11874  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 3382, NC)                            1/1/1955 #11907  
trail (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 1/14/1955 #11932  
bject (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 1/19/1955 #11937  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3401)                                1/26/1955 #11942  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/29/1955 #11951  
 wind (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 1/31/1955 #11955  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3414, NC)                            2/1/1955 #11958  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3416)                                2/2/1955 #11964  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/7/1955 #11980  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/7/1955 #11981  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3427)                                2/10/1955 #11990  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/11/1955 #11996  
00 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 2/17/1955 #12007  
se Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/2/1955 #12030  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/16/1955 #12051  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/20/1955 #12052  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/24/1955 #12058  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/29/1955 #12065  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/6/1955 #12083  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/21/1955 #12097  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/28/1955 #12103  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3517)                                4/30/1955 #12104  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3523)                                5/4/1955 #12115  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/12/1955 #12128  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/13/1955 #12129  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3565)                                5/23/1955 #12149  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/4/1955 #12179  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/26/1955 #12215  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/1/1955 #12228  
00 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/5/1955 #12236  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    7/5/1955 #12237  
nt Encounters, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/11/1955 #12252  
ached (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/20/1955 #12273  
bject (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/25/1955 #12284  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/26/1955 #12289  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3673)                                7/29/1955 #12298  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 3699)                                8/11/1955 #12351  
Entity Cases, Code: En, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/21/1955 #12383  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    8/23/1955 #12396  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3720)                                8/23/1955 #12397  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/25/1955 #12406  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3743)                                9/3/1955 #12427  
c (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3750)                                9/7/1955 #12433  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3757)                                9/9/1955 #12442  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3800)                                10/8/1955 #12494  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3810)                                10/11/1955 #12498  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/19/1955 #12509  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/20/1955 #12512  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/26/1955 #12521  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             11/14/1955 #12568  
m (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3860)                                11/17/1955 #12571  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3862)                                11/20/1955 #12577  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3869)                                11/25/1955 #12591  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/6/1955 #12600  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/11/1955 #12604  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/13/1955 #12610  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/17/1955 #12614  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3893)                                12/21/1955 #12617  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/11/1956 #12655  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 1, BB: BBU)                                 1/18/1956 #12667  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/24/1956 #12680  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases)       2/2/1956 #12694  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/7/1956 #12699  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/11/1956 #12709  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 3969) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   2/12/1956 #12712  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/15/1956 #12717  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/18/1956 #12726  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/18/1956 #12727  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 3977)                                2/19/1956 #12731  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/3/1956 #12745  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/3/1956 #12746  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 4050)                                4/4/1956 #12785  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/5/1956 #12789  
m (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/6/1956 #12794  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/8/1956 #12801  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/16/1956 #12807  
” (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/28/1956 #12816  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/8/1956 #12837  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/22/1956 #12864  
ourse (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 6/2/1956 #12882  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 4127)                                6/6/1956 #12886  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/29/1956 #12930  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/6/1956 #12955  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/17/1956 #12977  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/17/1956 #12978  
level (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 4270)                                8/8/1956 #13060  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/10/1956 #13066  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/13/1956 #13078  
V (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 8/13/1956 #13079  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/16/1956 #13093  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/17/1956 #13097  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/20/1956 #13104  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/22/1956 #13115  
N (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 4348)                                8/27/1956 #13137  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 4379)                                9/4/1956 #13183  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/13/1956 #13218  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 4399)                                9/14/1956 #13220  
 wing (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 9/25/1956 #13244  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/6/1956 #13264  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/17/1956 #13284  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 4489)                                11/1/1956 #13302  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/4/1956 #13304  
ights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 11/9/1956 #13318  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/11/1956 #13321  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/14/1956 #13327  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 4543)                                11/30/1956 #13369  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/17/1956 #13407  
e jet (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 4577)                                12/31/1956 #13421  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/16/1957 #13460  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             2/7/1957 #13485  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/13/1957 #13498  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/13/1957 #13499  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             2/13/1957 #13500  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/27/1957 #13516  
eld (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)                                 3/6/1957 #13522  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/22/1957 #13549  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/22/1957 #13550  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/22/1957 #13551  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/22/1957 #13552  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             3/27/1957 #13562  
arp spines (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)                                 4/14/1957 #13600  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 4706)                                4/25/1957 #13617  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/4/1957 #13647  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/5/1957 #13648  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/29/1957 #13685  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/30/1957 #13686  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/3/1957 #13697  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 4760)                                6/12/1957 #13719  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 0, BB: BBU)                                 6/14/1957 #13727  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/16/1957 #13732  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/17/1957 #13734  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/16/1957 #13800  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/18/1957 #13810  
bject (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/24/1957 #13824  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/25/1957 #13834  
b (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 4841)                                7/27/1957 #13846  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 4847)                                7/29/1957 #13851  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 4848)                                7/29/1957 #13852  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/3/1957 #13874  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/22/1957 #13920  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/22/1957 #13921  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    8/27/1957 #13934  
. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/29/1957 #13945  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 0, BB: BBU)                                 9/12/1957 #13991  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/19/1957 #14011  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 4959)                                9/20/1957 #14017  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/20/1957 #14018  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 5003)                                10/8/1957 #14075  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/19/1957 #14135  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection 10/21/1957 #14138  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 0, BB: BBU)                                 10/22/1957 #14144  
3 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/2/1957 #14209  
 10ft high (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)                                 11/2/1957 #14211  
m (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/3/1957 #14237  
t (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, BB: BBU, NC)                             11/3/1957 #14238  
ar Connection, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             11/4/1957 #14275  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/4/1957 #14277  
W (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/4/1957 #14278  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             11/4/1957 #14279  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/5/1957 #14325  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/5/1957 #14326  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/5/1957 #14327  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/5/1957 #14328  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 5205)                                11/6/1957 #14393  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/6/1957 #14397  
f (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/6/1957 #14398  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/6/1957 #14399  
- Trace Cases, Code: T, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/6/1957 #14402  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 5227, NC)                            11/6/1957 #14405  
w over car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU, NC)                             11/6/1957 #14406  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/6/1957 #14407  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/6/1957 #14408  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/7/1957 #14454  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 5254)                                11/8/1957 #14479  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/9/1957 #14502  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/14/1957 #14549  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/21/1957 #14587  
bject (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 11/22/1957 #14593  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/23/1957 #14599  
aped UFO's (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)                                 11/23/1957 #14600  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    11/25/1957 #14611  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             11/26/1957 #14623  
 tail (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 11/26/1957 #14624  
ppear (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 11/26/1957 #14625  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 5419)                                11/26/1957 #14626  
w (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/27/1957 #14630  
knots (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 11/27/1957 #14631  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/30/1957 #14642  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 5445)                                11/30/1957 #14643  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    12/11/1957 #14709  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/11/1957 #14710  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/12/1957 #14717  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 5545)                                12/13/1957 #14723  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 5559)                                12/17/1957 #14739  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/19/1957 #14750  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    12/23/1957 #14759  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/3/1958 #14799  
(NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    1/4/1958 #14804  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/9/1958 #14814  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/11/1958 #14819  
flash (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 1/12/1958 #14821  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    1/14/1958 #14827  
graphic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/16/1958 #14830  
roups (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 1/31/1958 #14854  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                  2/19/1958 #14880  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                      2/19/1958 #14880  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/20/1958 #14882  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/25/1958 #14891  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/25/1958 #14892  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/2/1958 #14909  
W (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 5716)                                3/14/1958 #14928  
ading (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 4/7/1958 #14965  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2, BB: 5763)                                4/14/1958 #14984  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/3/1958 #15012  
nning (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 5800)                                5/9/1958 #15025  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/15/1958 #15032  
speed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 5/15/1958 #15034  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/28/1958 #15059  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/9/1958 #15085  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2, BB: BBU)                                 6/12/1958 #15091  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 5852)                                6/14/1958 #15094  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 5857)                                6/20/1958 #15101  
m (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/20/1958 #15102  
light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 6/20/1958 #15103  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/4/1958 #15179  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/11/1958 #15189  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/12/1958 #15197  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 5999)                                8/17/1958 #15208  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/30/1958 #15231  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6027)                                9/1/1958 #15244  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/5/1958 #15254  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/7/1958 #15257  
W (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU)                                 9/8/1958 #15260  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/14/1958 #15266  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/21/1958 #15273  
(NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, BB: BBU)                                 9/23/1958 #15278  
m (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6089)                                10/2/1958 #15299  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/7/1958 #15327  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/11/1958 #15337  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/17/1958 #15351  
se Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: 6148, NC)                            10/26/1958 #15381  
ght (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/27/1958 #15389  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/31/1958 #15408  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6153)                                11/3/1958 #15420  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/4/1958 #15424  
00 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 11/8/1958 #15433  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/13/1958 #15441  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/19/1958 #15451  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/20/1958 #15454  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/4/1959 #15534  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/2/1959 #15576  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/16/1959 #15590  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/24/1959 #15602  
ide (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)                                 2/24/1959 #15603  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/10/1959 #15633  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/13/1959 #15639  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/14/1959 #15644  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/22/1959 #15664  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/25/1959 #15668  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6317)                                3/26/1959 #15671  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/13/1959 #15701  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/2/1959 #15721  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/13/1959 #15728  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/14/1959 #15732  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/18/1959 #15736  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/21/1959 #15744  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/3/1959 #15758  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/9/1959 #15763  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/16/1959 #15771  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 6/18/1959 #15775  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6400)                                6/18/1959 #15776  
ng SW (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 6/22/1959 #15782  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/25/1959 #15785  
 on top (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, BB: BBU)                                 6/26/1959 #15788  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/27/1959 #15797  
 others (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, BB: BBU)                                 6/27/1959 #15798  
heights (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, BB: BBU)                                 6/28/1959 #15800  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6409)                                6/30/1959 #15802  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/3/1959 #15810  
jects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/4/1959 #15813  
jects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/5/1959 #15816  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/9/1959 #15828  
ights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 7/11/1959 #15833  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/14/1959 #15848  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6446)                                7/25/1959 #15876  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 7/28/1959 #15883  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/2/1959 #15890  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/3/1959 #15893  
f sky (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 6462)                                8/10/1959 #15901  
3 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 8/13/1959 #15911  
moved (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 8/14/1959 #15919  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/16/1959 #15920  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/19/1959 #15930  
bject (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 8/19/1959 #15931  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/28/1959 #15942  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/5/1959 #15955  
f (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/7/1959 #15958  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/10/1959 #15964  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6506)                                9/13/1959 #15967  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 6507)                                9/13/1959 #15968  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/15/1959 #15979  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    9/24/1959 #15986  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6534)                                10/1/1959 #16006  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/2/1959 #16009  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6538)                                10/4/1959 #16015  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6543)                                10/6/1959 #16020  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/12/1959 #16029  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/19/1959 #16039  
 T-33 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 6563)                                10/19/1959 #16040  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/21/1959 #16048  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/22/1959 #16050  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/26/1959 #16063  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/3/1959 #16078  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 0, BB: BBU)                                 11/5/1959 #16080  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6600)                                11/18/1959 #16092  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/18/1959 #16123  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             12/23/1959 #16130  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6663)                                2/27/1960 #16184  
b (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6667)                                3/4/1960 #16194  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6691)                                3/23/1960 #16203  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6711)                                4/12/1960 #16223  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6721)                                4/17/1960 #16231  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6727)                                4/25/1960 #16241  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/7/1960 #16258  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/19/1960 #16287  
6/mode/2up   https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB_Unknowns.pdf (p284)   https://sohp 5/19/1960 #16292  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/4/1960 #16306  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 1, BB: BBU)                                 7/14/1960 #16336  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6858)                                7/19/1960 #16339  
se pursuit (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)                                 8/13/1960 #16378  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/13/1960 #16379  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6914)                                8/23/1960 #16408  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6929)                                8/29/1960 #16423  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6962)                                9/10/1960 #16440  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/17/1960 #16452  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/17/1960 #16453  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/19/1960 #16454  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             9/20/1960 #16456  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/25/1960 #16461  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/28/1960 #16463  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7057)                                10/5/1960 #16479  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/15/1960 #16484  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7133)                                11/27/1960 #16514  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 7134)                                11/29/1960 #16519  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/10/1961 #16571  
- Trace Cases, Code: T, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    1/10/1961 #16572  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/16/1961 #16599  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/23/1961 #16601  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/26/1961 #16602  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/27/1961 #16605  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/27/1961 #16607  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7284)                                2/27/1961 #16608  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/28/1961 #16613  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/3/1961 #16619  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/10/1961 #16624  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7321)                                Spring 1961 #16635  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/23/1961 #16639  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/11/1961 #16646  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/14/1961 #16648  
ter (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/18/1961 #16651  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/20/1961 #16656  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 7359)                                4/24/1961 #16659  
E (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/19/1961 #16687  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/20/1961 #16690  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/20/1961 #16691  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7417)                                5/22/1961 #16692  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 3, BB: BBU)                                 6/2/1961 #16709  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7437)                                6/2/1961 #16710  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/25/1961 #16737  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7491)                                7/7/1961 #16750  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/10/1961 #16756  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7499)                                7/11/1961 #16758  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/17/1961 #16763  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 7510)                                7/20/1961 #16767  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7579)                                8/12/1961 #16788  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             9/2/1961 #16812  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/7/1961 #16820  
 Entity Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/19/1961 #16850  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/27/1961 #16874  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/30/1961 #16879  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/7/1961 #16957  
. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7741)                                11/21/1961 #16966  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7742)                                11/23/1961 #16974  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7754)                                12/13/1961 #16990  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/12/1962 #17019  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/22/1962 #17022  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/12/1962 #17048  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/19/1962 #17050  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7818)                                2/25/1962 #17060  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7823)                                3/1/1962 #17069  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 7840)                                3/26/1962 #17083  
2 (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7841)                                3/26/1962 #17084  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/2/1962 #17094  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7851)                                4/4/1962 #17097  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/12/1962 #17111  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/18/1962 #17119  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/28/1962 #17134  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 5/18/1962 #17177  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 4, BB: BBU, NC)                             5/24/1962 #17197  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7930)                                5/26/1962 #17205  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7930)                                5/26/1962 #17206  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7931)                                5/27/1962 #17209  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/7/1962 #17220  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 7957)                                6/21/1962 #17235  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7968)                                6/30/1962 #17254  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8020)                                7/19/1962 #17287  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8034)                                7/30/1962 #17302  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8064)                                8/19/1962 #17345  
w (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/15/1962 #17399  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8133)                                9/21/1962 #17424  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8182)                                10/23/1962 #17487  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8215)                                11/17/1962 #17551  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/5/1963 #17630  
ght (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/28/1963 #17642  
ver (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/28/1963 #17643  
nds (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/5/1963 #17651  
igh (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)                                 2/15/1963 #17666  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/6/1963 #17693  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8360)                                5/18/1963 #17749  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8363)                                5/22/1963 #17758  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8388)                                6/15/1963 #17785  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8371)                                Summer 1963 #17798  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8434)                                7/1/1963 #17821  
3 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             8/4/1963 #17862  
al Reactions, Code: An, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/7/1963 #17875  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8506)                                8/11/1963 #17884  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8514)                                8/13/1963 #17894  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8548)                                9/14/1963 #17936  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8549)                                9/15/1963 #17940  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8581)                                10/4/1963 #17978  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/6/1963 #17981  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/7/1963 #17982  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8603)                                10/23/1963 #18002  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8604)                                10/24/1963 #18006  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/6/1963 #18067  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/10/1963 #18070  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8647)                                12/11/1963 #18075  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8654)                                12/16/1963 #18085  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8729)                                4/3/1964 #18155  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8739)                                4/11/1964 #18167  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 3, BB: BBU)                                 4/17/1964 #18176  
ra case (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, BB: 8766, NC)                            4/24/1964 #18191  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 4/26/1964 #18207  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/28/1964 #18214  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/30/1964 #18226  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8787)                                5/9/1964 #18251  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8788)                                5/9/1964 #18252  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8811)                                5/18/1964 #18282  
3 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/24/1964 #18294  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8836)                                5/26/1964 #18302  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8839)                                5/26/1964 #18303  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8870)                                6/13/1964 #18350  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/10/1964 #18402  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 8924)                                7/16/1964 #18414  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8942) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 7/20/1964 #18429  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/24/1964 #18435  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8969)                                7/27/1964 #18444  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8973)                                7/27/1964 #18445  
se Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/28/1964 #18455  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9031)                                8/10/1964 #18474  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9048)                                8/15/1964 #18487  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9049)                                8/15/1964 #18488  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 9053)                                8/18/1964 #18494  
ts (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents, BB: BBU)                                 9/4/1964 #18529  
le away (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, BB: BBU)                                 9/4/1964 #18530  
W (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9104)                                9/10/1964 #18545  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/25/1964 #18592  
c (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9170)                                11/14/1964 #18614  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/16/1964 #18620  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/17/1964 #18622  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/18/1964 #18623  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/18/1964 #18624  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9183)                                11/19/1964 #18626  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 11/24/1964 #18633  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/4/1964 #18651  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/19/1964 #18662  
3 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 12/21/1964 #18666  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)          1/8/1965 #18701  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)              1/8/1965 #18701  
se Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/12/1965 #18714  
3 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: 9242)                                1/23/1965 #18755  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/28/1965 #18778  
se Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                  2/1/1965 #18791  
ncounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                      2/1/1965 #18791  
Entity Cases, Code: En, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 3/2/1965 #18830  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9301)                                3/4/1965 #18838  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 9305)                                3/8/1965 #18848  
se Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: 9345)                                4/4/1965 #18893  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/10/1965 #18904  
isc (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/23/1965 #18913  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/6/1965 #18928  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 9389)                                5/7/1965 #18932  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/8/1965 #18998  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 6/8/1965 #18999  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/29/1965 #19032  
3 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases 7/3/1965 #19061  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                  7/4/1965 #19067  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                      7/4/1965 #19067  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 3, BB: BBU)                                 7/6/1965 #19072  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9474)                                7/6/1965 #19073  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                  7/6/1965 #19075  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                      7/6/1965 #19075  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/13/1965 #19101  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/22/1965 #19159  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9550)                                7/25/1965 #19169  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/30/1965 #19209  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/1/1965 #19238  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/1/1965 #19239  
m (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/2/1965 #19257  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/2/1965 #19258  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/3/1965 #19284  
a (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/3/1965 #19285  
vel (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/4/1965 #19305  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9675)                                8/4/1965 #19306  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/4/1965 #19307  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9680)                                8/4/1965 #19308  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/12/1965 #19372  
cal Incidents, Code: M, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/13/1965 #19378  
al Reactions, Code: An, Rating: 5, BB: 9806) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents 8/19/1965 #19423  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/20/1965 #19435  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/28/1965 #19469  
se Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: 9864)                                8/30/1965 #19475  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 8/31/1965 #19484  
se Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: 9915)                                9/3/1965 #19502  
se Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: 9890) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 9/3/1965 #19503  
se Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/22/1965 #19589  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                  9/22/1965 #19590  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                      9/22/1965 #19590  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9970)                                9/25/1965 #19600  
se Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: 9971, NC)                            9/25/1965 #19601  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/26/1965 #19607  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/29/1965 #19621  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             10/7/1965 #19646  
s (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 10/7/1965 #19647  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/14/1965 #19656  
Entity Cases, Code: En, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/23/1965 #19676  
f (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10066)                               11/4/1965 #19699  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 10066)                               11/4/1965 #19700  
nt Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                  12/8/1965 #19758  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                      12/8/1965 #19758  
viation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                  12/21/1965 #19784  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BB)                                      12/21/1965 #19784  
3 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/7/1966 #19810  
uck (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/29/1966 #19871  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10193)                               2/2/1966 #19874  
 2 ft wide (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: 10196)                               2/6/1966 #19882  
ods (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/16/1966 #19905  
car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/26/1966 #19922  
 SW (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/3/1966 #19936  
car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)  3/17/1966 #19980  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10247)                               3/20/1966 #20006  
zed (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/20/1966 #20007  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/21/1966 #20018  
ent (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 10262)                               3/22/1966 #20029  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/23/1966 #20041  
ped (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 10270)                               3/23/1966 #20042  
ing (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/24/1966 #20069  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10291)                               3/26/1966 #20087  
top (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/28/1966 #20112  
ing a whistling or humming sound. (BB files, Fowler, 1974, pp. 125-27.) (NI 3/30/1966 #20154  
7.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/30/1966 #20154  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10329)                               3/30/1966 #20157  
ing (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/30/1966 #20158  
eed (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/1/1966 #20197  
ngs (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/4/1966 #20222  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10385)                               4/5/1966 #20235  
ars (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/5/1966 #20236  
ped (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 10384)                               4/5/1966 #20237  
l (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/11/1966 #20283  
 PA (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/16/1966 #20302  
him (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/17/1966 #20315  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/18/1966 #20328  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/22/1966 #20363  
car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/24/1966 #20399  
car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/26/1966 #20420  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/30/1966 #20431  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/4/1966 #20443  
 (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 5/4/1966 #20444  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10535)                               5/7/1966 #20457  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10626)                               6/6/1966 #20533  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10629)                               6/8/1966 #20539  
/13 (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/13/1966 #20556  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10663)                               6/18/1966 #20577  
use (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/23/1966 #20594  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10693)                               6/27/1966 #20616  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10739)                               7/11/1966 #20637  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10781)                               7/25/1966 #20680  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10798)                               7/31/1966 #20699  
ars (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/6/1966 #20727  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10872)                               8/19/1966 #20768  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 8/23/1966 #20793  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10888)                               8/23/1966 #20794  
3 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             8/24/1966 #20800  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10899)                               8/26/1966 #20809  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10917)                               9/1/1966 #20831  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/3/1966 #20840  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/5/1966 #20848  
oom (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 9/5/1966 #20849  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10933)                               9/6/1966 #20853  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10942)                               9/9/1966 #20866  
p (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10944)                               9/13/1966 #20876  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10973)                               9/28/1966 #20931  
E (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10996)                               10/5/1966 #20961  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/23/1966 #21030  
way (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 11092)                               10/26/1966 #21035  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/30/1966 #21050  
N (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 11/6/1966 #21079  
g (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11135)                               11/8/1966 #21083  
s (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU)                                 12/18/1966 #21208  
r (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11239)                               12/25/1966 #21219  
ods (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 12/30/1966 #21226  
aft (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)      1/5/1967 #21257  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/7/1967 #21271  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 1/13/1967 #21294  
, AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 1/13/1967 #21295  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/16/1967 #21320  
k (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/26/1967 #21392  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 1/30/1967 #21416  
h (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11350)                               2/9/1967 #21487  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11355)                               2/12/1967 #21517  
car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 11383)                               2/16/1967 #21570  
uck (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 11394)                               2/20/1967 #21601  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 2/23/1967 #21628  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11419)                               2/27/1967 #21675  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connec 3/5/1967 #21761  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11454)                               3/6/1967 #21773  
e (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11460)                               3/6/1967 #21774  
m (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/9/1967 #21828  
d (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/9/1967 #21829  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11480)                               3/9/1967 #21830  
und (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/12/1967 #21868  
ped object (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)                                 3/16/1967 #21899  
near silos (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)                                 3/16/1967 #21900  
y (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11541)                               3/22/1967 #21945  
se Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: 11551)                               3/24/1967 #21965  
3 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                             3/24/1967 #21967  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11559)                               3/26/1967 #21993  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 4/10/1967 #22103  
ter (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/16/1967 #22137  
ght (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/17/1967 #22150  
top (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 11677)                               4/21/1967 #22187  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 4/27/1967 #22231  
ICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 5/16/1967 #22351  
r jet (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 11744)                               5/17/1967 #22367  
. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 6/2/1967 #22453  
t (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11815)                               6/24/1967 #22542  
k (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11831)                               6/29/1967 #22571  
s.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 11869)                               7/10/1967 #22644  
ill (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/21/1967 #22716  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/23/1967 #22723  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 7/30/1967 #22752  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 9/11/1967 #23038  
ops (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 10/18/1967 #23262  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/21/1967 #23278  
top (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 2/4/1968 #23731  
eet (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)                                 2/4/1968 #23732  
rns (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: 12235)                               2/9/1968 #23743  
) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                 3/6/1968 #23830  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 7/11/1968 #24168  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 4, BB: 12498)                               9/15/1968 #24465  
s (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                             9/17/1968 #24473  
- RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                 10/24/1968 #24586  
topped car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: 12567)                               11/23/1968 #24693  
n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 12607)                               1/17/1969 #24857  
plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                 3/14/1969 #25010  
ania. The UFO looked like a bright BB in the dusk sky and reflected sunligh 7/18/1973 #27640  
aper files.  https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB_Unknowns.pdf (p6)                  4/1975 #29931  
## Word: "bb#" (Back to Top)
  S of Kippens, Newfoundland, CAN (BB# may be wrong) black or yellowish-bro 8/30/1950 #5146  
## Word: "bb_unknowns" (Back to Top)
ode/2up   https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB_Unknowns.pdf (p284)   https://sohp.us 5/19/1960 #16292  
r files.  https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB_Unknowns.pdf (p6)                     4/1975 #29931  
## Word: "bbc" (Back to Top)
ith a crowd of others, including a BBC recording van, and was disappointed. 11/28/1956 #13362  
own Tonight on April 18 and on the BBC program Panorama on April 20 where h 4/18/1959 #15707  
oped for use in nuclear weapons. A BBC News report in 2008 seems to confirm 1/21/1968 #23684  
htings. The program is part of the BBC’s Man Alive series and includes the  1/1972 #26534  
icipants on the US version of this BBC production include skeptics Philip K 10/12/1982 #36640  
                                   BBC News publishes a story that claims r 7/29/2002 #44369  
) to create an antigravity device. BBC reports the project is run in “top s 7/29/2002 #44369  
 or “black projects.”  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2157975.st 7/29/2002 #44369  
## Word: "bbc-2" (Back to Top)
tober. However, in an interview on BBC-2 television on October 6, 1972, Ale 2/1962 #17033  
## Word: "bbcworld" (Back to Top)
hive.org/web/20061024221521/http://bbcworld.com/content/clickonlinearchive1 11/2002 #44428  
## Word: "bbk7491" (Back to Top)
                      COPEMISH, MI BBK7491. 2+2+2 observer(s). Large sphere 7/7/1961 #16749  
## Word: "bbpdf" (Back to Top)
  http://www.waterufo.net/bluebook/bbpdf.pdf                                3/10/1954 #9611  
## Word: "bbs" (Back to Top)
s likely uploaded to the "ParaNet" BBS system sometime in early 1988. It me 12/29/1987 #38377  
## Word: "bbs-01" (Back to Top)
61; Living entities taken to OPNAC BBS-01; non-living entities taken to Blu 1954 #9424  
## Word: "bbu" (Back to Top)
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/16/1947 #2227  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/17/1947 #2230  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/1947 #2255  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/17/1947 #2286  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/2/1947 #2308  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/12/1947 #2323  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/14/1947 #2328  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/21/1947 #2350  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/28/1947 #2444  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/28/1947 #2445  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/28/1947 #2446  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/29/1947 #2464  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 6/29/1947 #2466  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/30/1947 #2484  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/4/1947 #2644  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/4/1947 #2645  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/4/1947 #2646  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/4/1947 #2647  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/4/1947 #2648  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/6/1947 #2804  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/7/1947 #2921  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/7/1947 #2922  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/7/1947 #2923  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/7/1947 #2924  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/7/1947 #2925  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/8/1947 #3005  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/8/1947 #3006  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/8/1947 #3007  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/9/1947 #3050  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/9/1947 #3051  
hic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/10/1947 #3097  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 7/10/1947 #3099  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/10/1947 #3100  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/11/1947 #3136  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/29/1947 #3250  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/4/1947 #3289  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/4/1947 #3290  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/13/1947 #3317  
ncounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/13/1947 #3318  
h (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     8/14/1947 #3325  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/14/1947 #3327  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/15/1947 #3335  
e (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     8/18/1947 #3346  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/19/1947 #3350  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 Late 8/1947 #3366  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/8/1947 #3392  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/13/1947 #3395  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/17/1947 #3400  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/8/1947 #3450  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/20/1947 #3462  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/20/1947 #3463  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/2/1947 #3478  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/12/1947 #3484  
] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     11/15/1947 #3490  
s (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     12/30/1947 #3514  
s (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     12/30/1947 #3515  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/7/1948 #3541  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/9/1948 #3551  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/10/1948 #3553  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/11/1948 #3555  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/1/1948 #3572  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/1/1948 #3586  
g (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     4/1/1948 #3602  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/8/1948 #3616  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 4/9/1948 #3617  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/9/1948 #3618  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/11/1948 #3620  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/18/1948 #3624  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/18/1948 #3625  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/19/1948 #3627  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/30/1948 #3633  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/5/1948 #3638  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/6/1948 #3640  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/7/1948 #3642  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/31/1948 #3662  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/20/1948 #3675  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/29/1948 #3682  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/30/1948 #3684  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/30/1948 #3685  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/4/1948 #3696  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/8/1948 #3700  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/9/1948 #3701  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/9/1948 #3703  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 7/17/1948 #3713  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/21/1948 #3721  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/24/1948 #3730  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/24/1948 #3732  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/26/1948 #3741  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/2/1948 #3768  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/3/1948 #3771  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, LC)                                 8/4/1948 #3773  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/11/1948 #3777  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/29/1948 #3788  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/12/1948 #3799  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/18/1948 #3804  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/22/1948 #3805  
onnection, Code: M, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 9/23/1948 #3809  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/28/1948 #3815  
) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     10/1/1948 #3825  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/11/1948 #3831  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/13/1948 #3833  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/15/1948 #3839  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/16/1948 #3844  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/17/1948 #3845  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/18/1948 #3846  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/18/1948 #3847  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/24/1948 #3849  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, LC)                                 10/24/1948 #3850  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/24/1948 #3851  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/29/1948 #3854  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/30/1948 #3856  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/31/1948 #3857  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/31/1948 #3858  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/1/1948 #3862  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             11/3/1948 #3865  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/6/1948 #3869  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/12/1948 #3873  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/17/1948 #3878  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/18/1948 #3882  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/23/1948 #3887  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/26/1948 #3892  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/3/1948 #3902  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             12/5/1948 #3907  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             12/5/1948 #3908  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             12/6/1948 #3911  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             12/8/1948 #3916  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/8/1948 #3917  
e (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     12/9/1948 #3920  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             12/12/1948 #3925  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/17/1948 #3932  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             12/20/1948 #3933  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/30/1948 #3939  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/1/1949 #3953  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             1/6/1949 #3966  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/23/1949 #3974  
) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     1/24/1949 #3976  
ICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             1/30/1949 #3983  
ICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             1/30/1949 #3984  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             2/17/1949 #4013  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/23/1949 #4020  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             2/27/1949 #4025  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             3/2/1949 #4031  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/6/1949 #4034  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/8/1949 #4040  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/18/1949 #4050  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             3/27/1949 #4054  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             3/27/1949 #4055  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             3/27/1949 #4056  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             3/27/1949 #4057  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     3/29/1949 #4059  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/31/1949 #4060  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/3/1949 #4067  
(NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)                                     4/4/1949 #4072  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/6/1949 #4078  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/7/1949 #4082  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/20/1949 #4095  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             4/25/1949 #4107  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/27/1949 #4114  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/28/1949 #4121  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/28/1949 #4123  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/2/1949 #4137  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/3/1949 #4142  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/4/1949 #4143  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/6/1949 #4153  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             5/6/1949 #4155  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/7/1949 #4166  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             5/7/1949 #4167  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC)                             5/8/1949 #4169  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/12/1949 #4180  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 5/21/1949 #4199  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/24/1949 #4206  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/31/1949 #4217  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/1/1949 #4221  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/6/1949 #4227  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/10/1949 #4231  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 6/14/1949 #4237  
ICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC)                                 6/14/1949 #4238  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/14/1949 #4239  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/3/1949 #4260  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/21/1949 #4274  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 7/24/1949 #4281  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 8/20/1949 #4332  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/5/1949 #4347  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/9/1949 #4353  
ICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, BB: BBU)                                     10/14/1949 #4393  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/17/1949 #4397  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/21/1949 #4399  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/21/1949 #4421  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/4/1949 #4433  
) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     12/29/1949 #4452  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/6/1950 #4474  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 1/7/1950 #4477  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/12/1950 #4482  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/18/1950 #4497  
nd E-M (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases)           1/22/1950 #4501  
e (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     1/22/1950 #4502  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/24/1950 #4508  
g (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     1/31/1950 #4521  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/2/1950 #4525  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/5/1950 #4529  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/8/1950 #4534  
ICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC)                                 2/24/1950 #4552  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/9/1950 #4597  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/11/1950 #4613  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 3/20/1950 #4688  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/7/1950 #4814  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/10/1950 #4840  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/18/1950 #4865  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/27/1950 #4905  
hic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 4/27/1950 #4906  
) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     4/27/1950 #4907  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     4/27/1950 #4908  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/28/1950 #4914  
hic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/11/1950 #4938  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/19/1950 #4951  
hic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 5/24/1950 #4963  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/29/1950 #4971  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/16/1950 #4988  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/17/1950 #4990  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/23/1950 #4999  
) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     6/24/1950 #5003  
ICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU)                                     6/27/1950 #5015  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/11/1950 #5054  
) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/11/1950 #5055  
s (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/13/1950 #5061  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 8/7/1950 #5112  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/14/1950 #5123  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/27/1950 #5141  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 8/30/1950 #5148  
hic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 8/31/1950 #5153  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/1/1950 #5163  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/8/1950 #5170  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/13/1950 #5175  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/18/1950 #5182  
vincetown, MA SCR-615B Tracks UFO (BBU 809) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 9/21/1950 #5190  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 10/12/1950 #5220  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 10/15/1950 #5232  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/7/1950 #5269  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/10/1950 #5273  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        11/14/1950 #5277  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/23/1950 #5285  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 3, BB: BBU, NC)                                 11/29/1950 #5299  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 11/30/1950 #5301  
onnection, Code: M, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 12/18/1950 #5356  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 12/20/1950 #5359  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU, NC)                                 12/20/1950 #5360  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/27/1950 #5367  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/14/1951 #5397  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/14/1951 #5398  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/16/1951 #5401  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/20/1951 #5406  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 1/21/1951 #5409  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 1/22/1951 #5412  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/24/1951 #5415  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/26/1951 #5417  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/15/1951 #5445  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/19/1951 #5447  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 2/19/1951 #5448  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/9/1951 #5473  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/10/1951 #5475  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases 3/24/1951 #5492  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/14/1951 #5504  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 2, BB: BBU)                                     7/1/1951 #5557  
e (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/9/1951 #5566  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 7/9/1951 #5567  
ICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC)                                 7/14/1951 #5573  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 7/14/1951 #5574  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/30/1951 #5587  
d (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     8/8/1951 #5598  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/20/1951 #5612  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/21/1951 #5614  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/26/1951 #5630  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/27/1951 #5635  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/9/1951 #5655  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/10/1951 #5659  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/17/1951 #5671  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/17/1951 #5672  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/18/1951 #5676  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/23/1951 #5683  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/7/1951 #5706  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/10/1951 #5718  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/16/1951 #5729  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/21/1951 #5738  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/21/1951 #5739  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/2/1951 #5760  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/2/1951 #5761  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/18/1951 #5778  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/24/1951 #5786  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/24/1951 #5787  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/26/1951 #5793  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/1951 #5801  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/12/1951 #5816  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/22/1951 #5822  
g (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     1/1952 #5851  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/20/1952 #5867  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/22/1952 #5874  
y (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     1/22/1952 #5875  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/29/1952 #5881  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/29/1952 #5882  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/1/1952 #5890  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/2/1952 #5892  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/12/1952 #5899  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/13/1952 #5902  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/16/1952 #5904  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/17/1952 #5905  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/20/1952 #5913  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/27/1952 #5933  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/4/1952 #5944  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/7/1952 #5948  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 3/15/1952 #5959  
/T-6 Case: UFO Makes Pass At F-84 (BBU 1082) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, C 3/29/1952 #5987  
onnection, Code: N, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    3/29/1952 #5988  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/29/1952 #5989  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/3/1952 #6019  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/9/1952 #6049  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/9/1952 #6050  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 4/13/1952 #6069  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/16/1952 #6092  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/20/1952 #6138  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/25/1952 #6183  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/27/1952 #6196  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 4/30/1952 #6222  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/1/1952 #6237  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/8/1952 #6274  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 5/10/1952 #6292  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/10/1952 #6293  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/11/1952 #6302  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/13/1952 #6312  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/13/1952 #6313  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/14/1952 #6322  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/15/1952 #6328  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/15/1952 #6329  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/15/1952 #6330  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/19/1952 #6339  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/20/1952 #6342  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 5/22/1952 #6347  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 5/23/1952 #6349  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 5/24/1952 #6351  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/25/1952 #6357  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        5/26/1952 #6365  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/30/1952 #6387  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/31/1952 #6390  
) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     5/31/1952 #6391  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/4/1952 #6437  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/6/1952 #6452  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/9/1952 #6472  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/17/1952 #6522  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/18/1952 #6538  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/20/1952 #6560  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    6/21/1952 #6573  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/23/1952 #6597  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/23/1952 #6599  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/25/1952 #6625  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 6/28/1952 #6653  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/28/1952 #6656  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/30/1952 #6671  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/30/1952 #6672  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/30/1952 #6673  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/1/1952 #6687  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/5/1952 #6711  
ICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, BB: BBU)                                     7/5/1952 #6712  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/9/1952 #6736  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/10/1952 #6749  
) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/12/1952 #6774  
n (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/12/1952 #6777  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/12/1952 #6778  
) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/13/1952 #6795  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/15/1952 #6824  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/16/1952 #6840  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/19/1952 #6920  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        7/19/1952 #6926  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/21/1952 #6970  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/22/1952 #7014  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/22/1952 #7015  
] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/23/1952 #7061  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/23/1952 #7062  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/23/1952 #7063  
. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/23/1952 #7064  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/24/1952 #7111  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/25/1952 #7136  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/26/1952 #7160  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/26/1952 #7163  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/26/1952 #7166  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/26/1952 #7167  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/26/1952 #7168  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/27/1952 #7204  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/27/1952 #7209  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/28/1952 #7249  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/28/1952 #7250  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/28/1952 #7255  
s (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/28/1952 #7256  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 7/29/1952 #7301  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 7/29/1952 #7303  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 7/29/1952 #7304  
rve Discs / Movies & Stills Taken (BBU 1747) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Case 7/29/1952 #7311  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/30/1952 #7355  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 7/30/1952 #7359  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/31/1952 #7370  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/1952 #7383  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/1/1952 #7400  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/1/1952 #7404  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/1/1952 #7405  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/2/1952 #7422  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 8/3/1952 #7433  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/3/1952 #7434  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/5/1952 #7463  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/6/1952 #7485  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/8/1952 #7514  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        8/9/1952 #7522  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/10/1952 #7538  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/11/1952 #7544  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/12/1952 #7556  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     8/12/1952 #7557  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/12/1952 #7558  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/17/1952 #7625  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/17/1952 #7626  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/22/1952 #7679  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/23/1952 #7690  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/29/1952 #7785  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/30/1952 #7797  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/1/1952 #7808  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/1/1952 #7810  
ar/Visual At Air Force Radar Site (BBU 2023) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 9/1/1952 #7811  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/2/1952 #7826  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/3/1952 #7836  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/14/1952 #7932  
ICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        9/19/1952 #7978  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/19/1952 #7979  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/21/1952 #7997  
l (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     9/24/1952 #8020  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/27/1952 #8041  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/28/1952 #8046  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/28/1952 #8047  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/29/1952 #8057  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/15/1952 #8134  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/29/1952 #8212  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/4/1952 #8240  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/4/1952 #8241  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/4/1952 #8242  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 11/8/1952 #8258  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/15/1952 #8277  
y (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     11/15/1952 #8278  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2, BB: BBU)                                     11/20/1952 #8305  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 11/25/1952 #8338  
d (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     11/26/1952 #8343  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/4/1952 #8373  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/4/1952 #8375  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     12/5/1952 #8379  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/6/1952 #8385  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/6/1952 #8386  
) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     12/6/1952 #8387  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/10/1952 #8403  
l (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     12/10/1952 #8404  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/10/1952 #8405  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 12/10/1952 #8406  
) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU, NC)                                 12/10/1952 #8407  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/14/1952 #8417  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 4, BB: BBU)                                     12/15/1952 #8419  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/15/1952 #8420  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/15/1952 #8421  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/17/1952 #8429  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/19/1952 #8434  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/22/1952 #8441  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/24/1952 #8445  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 12/27/1952 #8449  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        12/29/1952 #8457  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/29/1952 #8458  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/29/1952 #8459  
r (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     12/29/1952 #8460  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/30/1952 #8465  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/31/1952 #8467  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/1/1953 #8491  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/6/1953 #8508  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/9/1953 #8518  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/23/1953 #8561  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/28/1953 #8594  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/29/1953 #8610  
eactions, Code: aM, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/29/1953 #8611  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/1953 #8624  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/6/1953 #8641  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/7/1953 #8645  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/8/1953 #8649  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/10/1953 #8660  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/11/1953 #8663  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/12/1953 #8666  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/13/1953 #8673  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/16/1953 #8678  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/16/1953 #8679  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/17/1953 #8682  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/25/1953 #8702  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/27/1953 #8711  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/3/1953 #8725  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/5/1953 #8731  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/5/1953 #8732  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/9/1953 #8741  
n), Japan Sea of Japan Radar Case (BBU 2496) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, C 3/14/1953 #8751  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/20/1953 #8765  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/23/1953 #8779  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/25/1953 #8786  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/31/1953 #8797  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/8/1953 #8811  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/12/1953 #8817  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/19/1953 #8837  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/4/1953 #8859  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/4/1953 #8860  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/5/1953 #8864  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/10/1953 #8932  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/16/1953 #8935  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/18/1953 #8938  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/21/1953 #8950  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/24/1953 #8963  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/3/1953 #8988  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/20/1953 #9007  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/2/1953 #9038  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/5/1953 #9048  
ICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU)                                     8/23/1953 #9102  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/2/1953 #9135  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/28/1953 #9183  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/13/1953 #9222  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/15/1953 #9228  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/16/1953 #9233  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/28/1953 #9258  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/3/1953 #9336  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 12/3/1953 #9337  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/3/1953 #9338  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/3/1953 #9339  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/5/1953 #9342  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/16/1953 #9371  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/16/1953 #9372  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/23/1953 #9388  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/24/1953 #9392  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/1/1954 #9435  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/10/1954 #9475  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/14/1954 #9484  
e (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     1/14/1954 #9485  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/28/1954 #9505  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/1/1954 #9525  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/4/1954 #9534  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 2/15/1954 #9546  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/22/1954 #9564  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/9/1954 #9607  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/11/1954 #9613  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/25/1954 #9642  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/7/1954 #9670  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/22/1954 #9702  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/13/1954 #9788  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/14/1954 #9794  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/14/1954 #9795  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 5/18/1954 #9808  
e (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     5/24/1954 #9830  
hic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/24/1954 #9831  
ncounters, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/1/1954 #9857  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/7/1954 #9871  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/21/1954 #9916  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/23/1954 #9934  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/23/1954 #9935  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/29/1954 #9961  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/30/1954 #9967  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/3/1954 #9989  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/5/1954 #9996  
s (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/11/1954 #10008  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/14/1954 #10017  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/19/1954 #10028  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/25/1954 #10049  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/27/1954 #10055  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/29/1954 #10061  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/29/1954 #10062  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/7/1954 #10111  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/11/1954 #10123  
ncounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/12/1954 #10136  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/22/1954 #10163  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/28/1954 #10196  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/18/1954 #10345  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/26/1954 #10449  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/5/1954 #10724  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/23/1954 #11335  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/29/1954 #11476  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/19/1954 #11671  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/2/1954 #11745  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/23/1954 #11856  
e (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     12/29/1954 #11874  
l (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     1/14/1955 #11932  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     1/19/1955 #11937  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/29/1955 #11951  
d (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     1/31/1955 #11955  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/7/1955 #11980  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/7/1955 #11981  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/11/1955 #11996  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     2/17/1955 #12007  
ncounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/2/1955 #12030  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/16/1955 #12051  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/20/1955 #12052  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/24/1955 #12058  
 Almost Vertically, Blip On Radar (BBU) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R,  3/29/1955 #12065  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/29/1955 #12065  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/6/1955 #12083  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/21/1955 #12097  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/28/1955 #12103  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/12/1955 #12128  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/13/1955 #12129  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/4/1955 #12179  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/26/1955 #12215  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/1/1955 #12228  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/5/1955 #12236  
, G,V; Archie 29 KC-97 Radar Case (BBU) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R,  7/5/1955 #12237  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        7/5/1955 #12237  
ncounters, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/11/1955 #12252  
d (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/20/1955 #12273  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/25/1955 #12284  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/26/1955 #12289  
ty Cases, Code: En, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/21/1955 #12383  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        8/23/1955 #12396  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/25/1955 #12406  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/19/1955 #12509  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/20/1955 #12512  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/26/1955 #12521  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 11/14/1955 #12568  
S Pilot Tracks Unidentifed Target (BBU) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R,  12/6/1955 #12600  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/6/1955 #12600  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/11/1955 #12604  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/13/1955 #12610  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/17/1955 #12614  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/11/1956 #12655  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 1, BB: BBU)                                     1/18/1956 #12667  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/24/1956 #12680  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases)           2/2/1956 #12694  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/7/1956 #12699  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/11/1956 #12709  
ect Circles Jet, Tracked on Radar (BBU 3969) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 2/12/1956 #12712  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/15/1956 #12717  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/18/1956 #12726  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/18/1956 #12727  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/3/1956 #12745  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/3/1956 #12746  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/5/1956 #12789  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/6/1956 #12794  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/8/1956 #12801  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/16/1956 #12807  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/28/1956 #12816  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/8/1956 #12837  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/22/1956 #12864  
e (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     6/2/1956 #12882  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/29/1956 #12930  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/6/1956 #12955  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/17/1956 #12977  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/17/1956 #12978  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/10/1956 #13066  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/13/1956 #13078  
) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     8/13/1956 #13079  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/16/1956 #13093  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/17/1956 #13097  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/20/1956 #13104  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/22/1956 #13115  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/13/1956 #13218  
g (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     9/25/1956 #13244  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/6/1956 #13264  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/17/1956 #13284  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/4/1956 #13304  
s (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     11/9/1956 #13318  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/11/1956 #13321  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/14/1956 #13327  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/17/1956 #13407  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/16/1957 #13460  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 2/7/1957 #13485  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/13/1957 #13498  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/13/1957 #13499  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 2/13/1957 #13500  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/27/1957 #13516  
(NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)                                     3/6/1957 #13522  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/22/1957 #13549  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/22/1957 #13550  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/22/1957 #13551  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/22/1957 #13552  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 3/27/1957 #13562  
spines (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)                                     4/14/1957 #13600  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/4/1957 #13647  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/5/1957 #13648  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/29/1957 #13685  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/30/1957 #13686  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/3/1957 #13697  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 0, BB: BBU)                                     6/14/1957 #13727  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/16/1957 #13732  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/17/1957 #13734  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/16/1957 #13800  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/18/1957 #13810  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/24/1957 #13824  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/25/1957 #13834  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/3/1957 #13874  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/22/1957 #13920  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/22/1957 #13921  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        8/27/1957 #13934  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/29/1957 #13945  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 0, BB: BBU)                                     9/12/1957 #13991  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/19/1957 #14011  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/20/1957 #14018  
list) Targets on Lakenheath Radar (BBU) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R,  10/19/1957 #14135  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/19/1957 #14135  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection) (N 10/21/1957 #14138  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 0, BB: BBU)                                     10/22/1957 #14144  
EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/2/1957 #14209  
t high (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)                                     11/2/1957 #14211  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/3/1957 #14237  
ICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, BB: BBU, NC)                                 11/3/1957 #14238  
onnection, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 11/4/1957 #14275  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/4/1957 #14277  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/4/1957 #14278  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 11/4/1957 #14279  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/5/1957 #14325  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/5/1957 #14326  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/5/1957 #14327  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/5/1957 #14328  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/6/1957 #14397  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/6/1957 #14398  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/6/1957 #14399  
ace Cases, Code: T, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/6/1957 #14402  
er car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU, NC)                                 11/6/1957 #14406  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/6/1957 #14407  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/6/1957 #14408  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/7/1957 #14454  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/9/1957 #14502  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/14/1957 #14549  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/21/1957 #14587  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     11/22/1957 #14593  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/23/1957 #14599  
 UFO's (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)                                     11/23/1957 #14600  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        11/25/1957 #14611  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 11/26/1957 #14623  
l (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     11/26/1957 #14624  
r (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     11/26/1957 #14625  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/27/1957 #14630  
s (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     11/27/1957 #14631  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/30/1957 #14642  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        12/11/1957 #14709  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/11/1957 #14710  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/12/1957 #14717  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/19/1957 #14750  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        12/23/1957 #14759  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/3/1958 #14799  
AP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        1/4/1958 #14804  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/9/1958 #14814  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/11/1958 #14819  
h (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     1/12/1958 #14821  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        1/14/1958 #14827  
hic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/16/1958 #14830  
s (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     1/31/1958 #14854  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/20/1958 #14882  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/25/1958 #14891  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/25/1958 #14892  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/2/1958 #14909  
g (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     4/7/1958 #14965  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/3/1958 #15012  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/15/1958 #15032  
d (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     5/15/1958 #15034  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/28/1958 #15059  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/9/1958 #15085  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2, BB: BBU)                                     6/12/1958 #15091  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/20/1958 #15102  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     6/20/1958 #15103  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/4/1958 #15179  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/11/1958 #15189  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/12/1958 #15197  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/30/1958 #15231  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/5/1958 #15254  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/7/1958 #15257  
ICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU)                                     9/8/1958 #15260  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/14/1958 #15266  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/21/1958 #15273  
AP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, BB: BBU)                                     9/23/1958 #15278  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/7/1958 #15327  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/11/1958 #15337  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/17/1958 #15351  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/27/1958 #15389  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/31/1958 #15408  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/4/1958 #15424  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     11/8/1958 #15433  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/13/1958 #15441  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/19/1958 #15451  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/20/1958 #15454  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/4/1959 #15534  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/2/1959 #15576  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/16/1959 #15590  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/24/1959 #15602  
(NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)                                     2/24/1959 #15603  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/10/1959 #15633  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/13/1959 #15639  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/14/1959 #15644  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/22/1959 #15664  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/25/1959 #15668  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/13/1959 #15701  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/2/1959 #15721  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/13/1959 #15728  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/14/1959 #15732  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/18/1959 #15736  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/21/1959 #15744  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/3/1959 #15758  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/9/1959 #15763  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/16/1959 #15771  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) (N 6/18/1959 #15775  
W (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     6/22/1959 #15782  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/25/1959 #15785  
top (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, BB: BBU)                                     6/26/1959 #15788  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/27/1959 #15797  
ers (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, BB: BBU)                                     6/27/1959 #15798  
hts (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, BB: BBU)                                     6/28/1959 #15800  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/3/1959 #15810  
s (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/4/1959 #15813  
s (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/5/1959 #15816  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/9/1959 #15828  
s (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     7/11/1959 #15833  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/14/1959 #15848  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)    7/28/1959 #15883  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/2/1959 #15890  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/3/1959 #15893  
EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    8/13/1959 #15911  
d (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     8/14/1959 #15919  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/16/1959 #15920  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/19/1959 #15930  
t (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     8/19/1959 #15931  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/28/1959 #15942  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/5/1959 #15955  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/7/1959 #15958  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/10/1959 #15964  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/15/1959 #15979  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        9/24/1959 #15986  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/2/1959 #16009  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/12/1959 #16029  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/19/1959 #16039  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/21/1959 #16048  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/22/1959 #16050  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/26/1959 #16063  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/3/1959 #16078  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 0, BB: BBU)                                     11/5/1959 #16080  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/18/1959 #16123  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 12/23/1959 #16130  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/7/1960 #16258  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/19/1960 #16287  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/4/1960 #16306  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 1, BB: BBU)                                     7/14/1960 #16336  
ursuit (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)                                     8/13/1960 #16378  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/13/1960 #16379  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/17/1960 #16452  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/17/1960 #16453  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/19/1960 #16454  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 9/20/1960 #16456  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/25/1960 #16461  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/28/1960 #16463  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/15/1960 #16484  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/10/1961 #16571  
ace Cases, Code: T, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        1/10/1961 #16572  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/16/1961 #16599  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/23/1961 #16601  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/26/1961 #16602  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/27/1961 #16605  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/27/1961 #16607  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/28/1961 #16613  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/3/1961 #16619  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/10/1961 #16624  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/23/1961 #16639  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/11/1961 #16646  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/14/1961 #16648  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/18/1961 #16651  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/20/1961 #16656  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/19/1961 #16687  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/20/1961 #16690  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/20/1961 #16691  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 3, BB: BBU)                                     6/2/1961 #16709  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/25/1961 #16737  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/10/1961 #16756  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/17/1961 #16763  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 9/2/1961 #16812  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/7/1961 #16820  
ity Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/19/1961 #16850  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/27/1961 #16874  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/30/1961 #16879  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/7/1961 #16957  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/12/1962 #17019  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/22/1962 #17022  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/12/1962 #17048  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/19/1962 #17050  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/2/1962 #17094  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/12/1962 #17111  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/18/1962 #17119  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/28/1962 #17134  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     5/18/1962 #17177  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 4, BB: BBU, NC)                                 5/24/1962 #17197  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/7/1962 #17220  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/15/1962 #17399  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/5/1963 #17630  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/28/1963 #17642  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/28/1963 #17643  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/5/1963 #17651  
(NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)                                     2/15/1963 #17666  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/6/1963 #17693  
EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 8/4/1963 #17862  
eactions, Code: An, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/7/1963 #17875  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/6/1963 #17981  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/7/1963 #17982  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/6/1963 #18067  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/10/1963 #18070  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 3, BB: BBU)                                     4/17/1964 #18176  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)    4/26/1964 #18207  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/28/1964 #18214  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/30/1964 #18226  
EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/24/1964 #18294  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/10/1964 #18402  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/24/1964 #18435  
ncounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/28/1964 #18455  
NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents, BB: BBU)                                     9/4/1964 #18529  
way (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, BB: BBU)                                     9/4/1964 #18530  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/25/1964 #18592  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/16/1964 #18620  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/17/1964 #18622  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/18/1964 #18623  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/18/1964 #18624  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     11/24/1964 #18633  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/4/1964 #18651  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/19/1964 #18662  
EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     12/21/1964 #18666  
ncounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/12/1965 #18714  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/28/1965 #18778  
ty Cases, Code: En, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     3/2/1965 #18830  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/10/1965 #18904  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/23/1965 #18913  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/6/1965 #18928  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/8/1965 #18998  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     6/8/1965 #18999  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/29/1965 #19032  
EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)    7/3/1965 #19061  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 3, BB: BBU)                                     7/6/1965 #19072  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/13/1965 #19101  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/22/1965 #19159  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/30/1965 #19209  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/1/1965 #19238  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/1/1965 #19239  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/2/1965 #19257  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/2/1965 #19258  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/3/1965 #19284  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/3/1965 #19285  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/4/1965 #19305  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/4/1965 #19307  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/12/1965 #19372  
Incidents, Code: M, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/13/1965 #19378  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/20/1965 #19435  
ncounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/28/1965 #19469  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     8/31/1965 #19484  
ncounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/22/1965 #19589  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/26/1965 #19607  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/29/1965 #19621  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 10/7/1965 #19646  
ICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    10/7/1965 #19647  
ion Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/14/1965 #19656  
ty Cases, Code: En, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/23/1965 #19676  
EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/7/1966 #19810  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/29/1966 #19871  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/16/1966 #19905  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/26/1966 #19922  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/3/1966 #19936  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)      3/17/1966 #19980  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/20/1966 #20007  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/21/1966 #20018  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/23/1966 #20041  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/24/1966 #20069  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/28/1966 #20112  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/30/1966 #20154  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/30/1966 #20158  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/1/1966 #20197  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/4/1966 #20222  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/5/1966 #20236  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/11/1966 #20283  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/16/1966 #20302  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/17/1966 #20315  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/18/1966 #20328  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/22/1966 #20363  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/24/1966 #20399  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/26/1966 #20420  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/30/1966 #20431  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/4/1966 #20443  
) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     5/4/1966 #20444  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/13/1966 #20556  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/23/1966 #20594  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/6/1966 #20727  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     8/23/1966 #20793  
EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 8/24/1966 #20800  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/3/1966 #20840  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/5/1966 #20848  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     9/5/1966 #20849  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/23/1966 #21030  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/30/1966 #21050  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     11/6/1966 #21079  
ICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU)                                     12/18/1966 #21208  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     12/30/1966 #21226  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)          1/5/1967 #21257  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/7/1967 #21271  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     1/13/1967 #21294  
) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     1/13/1967 #21295  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/16/1967 #21320  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/26/1967 #21392  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     1/30/1967 #21416  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     2/23/1967 #21628  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection 3/5/1967 #21761  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/9/1967 #21828  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/9/1967 #21829  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/12/1967 #21868  
object (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)                                     3/16/1967 #21899  
 silos (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)                                     3/16/1967 #21900  
EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)                                 3/24/1967 #21967  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     4/10/1967 #22103  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/16/1967 #22137  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/17/1967 #22150  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     4/27/1967 #22231  
: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     5/16/1967 #22351  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     6/2/1967 #22453  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/21/1967 #22716  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/23/1967 #22723  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     7/30/1967 #22752  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     9/11/1967 #23038  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     10/18/1967 #23262  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/21/1967 #23278  
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     2/4/1968 #23731  
(NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)                                     2/4/1968 #23732  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)                                     3/6/1968 #23830  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     7/11/1968 #24168  
ncounters UFO / Gnd Radars Pickup (BBU 12498) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Cod 9/15/1968 #24465  
ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)                                 9/17/1968 #24473  
DAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)                                     10/24/1968 #24586  
e (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                                     3/14/1969 #25010  
## Word: "bc" (Back to Top)
                    NEAR HAZELTON, BC 1+several observer(s). Dark object em 7/3/1896 #326  
                     RIVERS INLET, BC 2 observer(s). Luminous 'pear' rises  7/10/1897 #598  
                         KAMLOOPS, BC Several observer(s). Fireball rises / 7/12/1897 #599  
                       COLDSTREAM, BC 3 observer(s). Night light rises / Mt 8/1/1897 #601  
                         ROSSLAND, BC Several observer(s). Luminous firebal 8/11/1897 #602  
                     PORT ALBERNI, BC 2 observer(s). Ducks and chickens act 4/1947 #2252  
                         VICTORIA, BC 2 separate observer(s). Silver saucer 6/27/1947 #2427  
                  NEW WESTMINSTER, BC 6 observer(s). Shiny 100M metallic di 7/6/1947 #2747  
                        VANCOUVER, BC 3 observer(s). Dust cloud / hill. 3 s 7/6/1947 #2759  
                        COURTENAY, BC Moon-size semi translucent saucer hov 7/8/1947 (approximate) #2982  
                        VANCOUVER, BC AND SAANICH AND NEW WESTMINSTER Many  7/8/1947 #2994  
                    HATZIC ISLAND, BC 1 observer. Shiny disk going quickly  7/19/1947 #3199  
                       CHILLIWACK, BC 4 observer(s). Large shiny oval disk  7/24/1947 #3226  
                         VICTORIA, BC Several 30cm disks hover 100M over ho 8/13/1947 #3316  
                       CORTES BAY, BC Lumbermen. Big roar. 20 disks twist a 8/21/1947 #3356  
                          NANAIMO, BC Bird fancier. Aluminum disk scatters  9/2/1947 #3379  
                        VANCOUVER, BC Thousands / observer(s). 200' cone ov 4/25/1950 #4892  
                          HAMMOND, BC Silent green ovoid going north. Turns 4/4/1952 #6022  
                        VANCOUVER, BC Double V formation glowing objects go 4/24/1952 #6167  
                        VANCOUVER, BC Amber sphere going up [to] going down 4/28/1952 #6203  
                        VANCOUVER, BC Bluish round object changes to cone-s 4/30/1952 #6221  
                           SURREY, BC 2 scientists. 7 brilliant silver disk 11/27/1953 #9321  
                           SIDNEY, BC 2 observer(s). Bright plain metallic  10/9/1954 #10826  
                    NORTH BURNABY, BC 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Cylinder/ 6/24/1957 #13749  
                       HOWE SOUND, BC 3 / boat. Silver 8M flat-bottom dome  6/28/1957 #13757  
                        VANCOUVER, BC Blue-metallic 12M ovoid maneuvers / s 7/7/1957 #13781  
                         RICHMOND, BC Boy / 12. 3M ovoid with buzzing arms  2/24/1958 #14886  
               NEAR GRASSY PLAINS, BC 14' ovoid with lit dome on gravel roa 4/29/1959 #15716  
                CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, BC 2 ships Captains. White pillar / ligh 8/27/1959 #15940  
                    EAST / DUNCAN, BC 11+horse. Orange disk going down. Pai 10/4/1959 (approximate) #16013  
           70 MI NORTH / HAZELTON, BC 2 / helicopter. 50' saucer drops tube 7/1965 (approximate) #19034  
                          KELOWNA, BC UFO hovers over Lake Okangan. 2nd obj 2/26/1966 #19919  
           VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER, BC Many observer(s). Silent pulsing sauc 4/5/1966 #20232  
                  NEW WESTMINSTER, BC 2 boys. Fast 1M saucer. Stops. Hovers 4/1/1967 #22036  
                 Vancouver Island, BC, CAN 10:30 p.m. PDT. Five neighbors s 6/5/1967 #22466  
                       LONE BUTTE, BC 3+observer(s). 5 night lights humming 7/11/1967 #22648  
                       Lone Butte, BC, CAN Evening. Witnesses saw 13 object 7/11/1967 #22649  
                          ENDERBY, BC Pacific-western airline(s)/airliner p 7/19/1967 #22696  
                     MCLEESE LAKE, BC Several observer(s). 1' red sphere/or 8/15/1967? #22881  
                       GREEN LAKE, BC 2+1 observer(s). Huge UFO buzzes 2 lo 10/15/1967? #23239  
                         KOOTENAY, BC Cops and 14 / (seen thru) telescope.  10/25/1967 #23311  
         SOUTHEAST / LAC LA HACHE, BC 1 / car. 100' domed saucer over lake. 10/27/1967 (approximate) #23341  
                           NELSON, BC 6 observer(s) / (seen thru) binocular 1/5/1968 #23648  
                     KEATS ISLAND, BC 1 observer. UFO's and Men in Black to 1/27/1968 #23705  
                       LONE BUTTE, BC 1 observer. 28' domed saucer over cor 2/3/1968 (approximate) #23728  
                  NORTH / COLWOOD, BC 2 observer(s). Dark ovoid over mounta 8/2/1968 (approximate) #24289  
NS-CANADA HIGHWAY WITH REVELSTOKE, BC Disk drops in front / observer(s) car 8/7/1968 #24303  
                         VICTORIA, BC Date approximate. Night lights maneuv 9/1968 #24414  
                        VANCOUVER, BC 2 observer(s). 4 night lights in form 10/30/1968 #24604  
                   FORBES LANDING, BC Globe / light lands / road. Radio Fre 11/13/1968 #24651  
                       GOLD RIVER, BC 5 observer(s). Bus malfunctions due t 12/1/1968 #24741  
          SOUTH / RADIUM HOT SPRS, BC 3 observer(s). Dark saucer with trian 8/15/1969? #25323  
                        VANCOUVER, BC Round object flies over town. 1 obser 10/13/1969 #25410  
                NORTH / CRANBROOK, BC 7 observer(s). Night light paces and  10/15/1969? #25415  
                SOUTH / INVERMERE, BC 1 / car. Odd green glow / empty woods 11/15/1969? #25459  
                           DUNCAN, BC 5+observer(s). Silent grey saucer hov 12/9/1969 #25493  
                           DUNCAN, BC 2 observer(s). Saucer hovers / hospit 1/1/1970 #25528  
                         MILL BAY, BC Several observer(s). Glowing-saucer / 1/1/1970 #25529  
                         MILL BAY, BC 2 / car. Amber saucer ringed / lights 1/10/1970 #25544  
                          TERRACE, BC Boy. Saucer-sphere/orb/globe / ground 2/27/1970 (approximate) #25593  
                         KITWANGA, BC 2 railroad/railway crews. Silent dull 9/21/1971 #26358  
                          COLWOOD, BC Orange ovoid lands behind house. Rise 10/5/1972 #27048  
                    HORNBY ISLAND, BC 4 observer(s). Brill red night light  4/26/1973 #27447  
                    PRINCE GEORGE, BC Several observer(s). Huge ball / ligh 6/20/1973 #27575  
                         COWICHAN, BC 5 observer(s). 80' domed saucer / 200 10/15/1973? #28045  
                        VANCOUVER, BC Several observer(s). Large circular o 12/4/1973 #28518  
                           YOUBOU, BC 4+observer(s). Tumbling fireball stop 5/1/1974 #29076  
                        COQUITLAM, BC 3 kids. Saucer lands. Sucks up sand a 8/16/1974 #29359  
                            DELTA, BC 3 observer(s). Disk with square dome  8/28/1974 #29392  
                 WEST / INVERMERE, BC 4+kids. 22M fireball / 60M altitude s 9/14/1974 #29454  
                       NEAR DELTA, BC 2 observer(s). 30' UFO follows car /  10/31/1974 #29570  
            60 MI WITH CAPE BEALE, BC Bright 200' ovoid going down [to] and 5/14/1975 #30058  
          NEAR RADIUM HOT SPRINGS, BC 40' saucer. Figure / window. Lights b 7/1975 #30138  
                   FORT ST. JAMES, BC 2 observer(s). 100' white sphere with 1/1976 #30751  
                      NEAR EXSTEW, BC RCMP man. Object hovers / PR16. Blind 4/21/1976 #31001  
                        PENTICTON, BC Several UFO's with flashing green and 8/10/1976 #31249  
                        Vancouver, BC, CAN A number of objects were observe 8/10/1976 #31250  
                            HANEY, BC Trucker. 3 bright diamonds zigzag nea 8/23/1976 #31293  
           NORTH / 100 MILE HOUSE, BC RCMP and 1. Dark silent object with l 10/8/1976 #31455  
                    NEAR BEDNESTI, BC 30' domed saucer / power lines. Beam. 1/5/1977 #31693  
                         VICTORIA, BC Shiny saucer going down. Bulge / bott 3/9/1977 #31881  
                        VANCOUVER, BC 2 weathermen. Orange and blue cylinde 4/18/1977 #31990  
                   NEAR VANCOUVER, BC Large slow ovoid pulses / r60#293. Bi 12/17/1977 #32782  
                         VICTORIA, BC 2 separate observer(s) with CB radios 10/2/1981 #36153  
                 EWE RIVER BRIDGE, BC Photograph / saucer. No visual. Analy 10/8/1981 #36161  
                  SQUAMISH VALLEY, BC 3+separate sightings. Night lights pl 7/5/1986 #37929  
                        VANCOUVER, BC 2 observer(s). 3 formations / brillia 5/18/1989 #38957  
                         RICHMOND, BC 2 observer(s). Deep red-glowing burge 2/5/1990 #39408  
                      NORTH DELTA, BC 3+observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-lik 5/7/1990 (approximate) #39563  
             WEST / WILLIAMS LAKE, BC Orange saucer. Portholes beneath. Vib 6/23/1990 #39622  
                    WILLIAMS LAKE, BC 75' red cone / light in fog over hous 9/1/1990 #39713  
             CASTLEGAR AND THRUMS, BC Flurry / UFO sightings. Same day crop 10/16/1990 #39787  
                          KELOWNA, BC Observer(s) and duration unknown. Hor 5/2/1992 #40444  
                         SQUAMISH, BC 3 observer(s) / 4 minute(s). Slow mov 5/3/1992 #40447  
                          KYUQUOT, BC Observer(s) / tugboat. Solid-egg ovoi 7/3/1992 #40511  
                   WEST VANCOUVER, BC Boy / 16. Dark glowing-cone zigzags.  7/19/1992 #40527  
                      MT. SEYMOUR, BC 3 cylinders. Alarms and lights electr 8/29/1992 #40594  
                       SUMMERLAND, BC 3 observer(s) / 20 minute(s). Grey di 9/15/1992 #40621  
                    WILLIAMS LAKE, BC Silent vibrant bright light beams 600 1/29/1993 #40818  
                        PENTICTON, BC 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape-s 5/14/1993 #40979  
                     BROCKLEHURST, BC Big saucer hovers over Kamloops Lake  7/25/1993 #41087  
                         KAMLOOPS, BC Wave / delta/triangle/box-like crafts 7/26/1993 #41089  
                          NANAIMO, BC 4am-5am each morn / August. Small UFO 8/1993 #41097  
                          MISSION, BC 3 observer(s). Big dark silent delta  8/2/1993 #41102  
                        WOOD LAKE, BC Glowing UFO hovers over lake. Drops s 8/18/1993 #41142  
                           VERNON, BC 12 observer(s). Hexagon going quickly 8/21/1993 #41149  
                            OYAMA, BC 2 observer(s). Saucer flies erratic p 8/22/1993 #41151  
                        ARMSTRONG, BC Red fireball flies east going west ov 8/23/1993 #41153  
                 GOLDEN EARS PARK, BC 100 observer(s). 2-3-4 night lights i 9/5/1993 #41182  
                           SURREY, BC Large silver saucer hovers / 300M alt 9/10/1993 #41191  
                  NEW WESTMINSTER, BC 2 observer(s). Red ovoid seen / 20 se 9/12/1993 #41196  
                         RICHMOND, BC Large silent delta/triangle/box-like  4/1994 #41468  
                          QUESNEL, BC 5+3 observer(s). Silent translucent o 7/21/1994 #41632  
                   WEST VANCOUVER, BC Night light drops. Hovers. Extends an 9/25/1994 #41774  
                        VANCOUVER, BC Several observer(s). Delta/triangle/b 12/13/1994 #41893  
                        ERRINGTON, BC Silent sky-blue disk hovers / 2 night 1/5/1995 #41951  
                       DEASE LAKE, BC 2 RCMP and 2 others. Night light hove 1/11/1995 #41969  
                  NEAR CLOVERDALE, BC 2 / (seen thru) binoculars / PR10. 2  5/7/1995 #42186  
                       SALMON ARM, BC Realtor. Silent saucer floats over /  10/13/1995 #42548  
                         WHISTLER, BC 3+cop. Round object emits flashes / l 12/12/1995 #42640  
                   PORT COQUITLAM, BC 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Blue-flas 4/6/1997 #43256  
                           SURREY, BC 1 observer / window. Triangle passes  4/21/1997 #43269  
                EAST / REVELSTOKE, BC 7 separate observer(s). Valley lit. F 12/18/1997 #43466  
             SOUTHEAST / GRANISLE, BC 2 observer(s) and more. Gold-orange s 10/22/2002 #44420  
## Word: "bcci" (Back to Top)
ion to violations of lending laws, BCCI is also accused of opening accounts 7/5/1991 #40112  
he CIA holds “several” accounts at BCCI. According to a 1991 article in Tim 7/5/1991 #40112  
urity Council also has accounts at BCCI, which are used for a variety of co 7/5/1991 #40112  
## Word: "bcciandmisc" (Back to Top)
ive.org/details/casolaro-notebooks/BcciAndMisc/     Note: It is worth looki 8/1/1993 #41101  
## Word: "bcckenham" (Back to Top)
   Garston, Hertfordshire, England Bcckenham, London RAF Bentwaters [now Be 8/1/1963 #17860  
ure UFO researcher Timothy Good in Bcckenham, London, also see the object,  8/1/1963 #17860  
## Word: "bch" (Back to Top)
                          RICHMOND BCH, WA Small red light goes to window o 9/12/1987 #38282  
                       OFF SUNRISE BCH, QLD Huge silent crescent hovers. Sm 4/19/2001 #44158  
## Word: "bd" (Back to Top)
-Weapons-World-2-Lusar/30771110705/bd     Note: Author Nick Cook evaluated  1958 #14787  
## Word: "bd5" (Back to Top)
OW SEA EAST / TSINGTAO, CH US Navy BD5 crew. Long flaming cone turns white- 10/18/1951 #5732  
## Word: "bdf" (Back to Top)
, and the police commissioner. The BDF is put on Red Alert. By 2:20 a.m., t 4/12/1984 #37258  
 to the beaches. At 3:30 a.m., the BDF launches a patrol boat and scrambles 4/12/1984 #37258  
## Word: "bdigital" (Back to Top)
ive.org/web/20210831153533/https://bdigital.ufp.pt/bitstream/10284/781/1/22 1/1989 #38772  
## Word: "bdm" (Back to Top)
1979, hosted by defense contractor BDM Intl. BDM also curiously employed fo 2/16/1979 #34431  
ed by defense contractor BDM Intl. BDM also curiously employed former Dir.  2/16/1979 #34431  
atories in a conversation in 1989. BDM also hosted the “Advance Theoretical 2/16/1979 #34431  
rmer VP of Intelligence Systems at BDM Intl. and eventual Chairman of Psi-T 1983 #36738  
al Chairman of Psi-Tech (in 1992). BDM Intl. hosted the ATP Group meetings  1983 #36738  
                                   BDM McLean Secure Facility in Virginia P 5/20/1985 #37590  
nd November 18, 1987. They meet at BDM McLean Secure Facility in Virginia,  5/20/1985 #37590  
                                   BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility hosts  5/20/1985 #37591  
A, NSA, INSCOM, McDonnell Douglas, BDM, Lockheed and OUSD(R&E). To this dat 5/20/1985 #37591  
program. The meetings were held at BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility and cl 4/1988 #38527  
ce, and works as an executive with BDM Intl.  Shapiro tells Oechsler partie 10/1989 #39139  
de/1up?q=bdm (p222-p223)     Note: BDM has several linkages to UAP besides  10/1989 #39139  
 (see 26 September 2022). In 1988, BDM was purchased by Ford Aerospace and  10/1989 #39139  
rd Aerospace was sold to Loral and BDM was spun off to the Carlyle Group. I 10/1989 #39139  
off to the Carlyle Group. In 1997, BDM was purchased by TRW, an aerospace a 10/1989 #39139  
lity in Tysons Corner near the old BDM Intl. headquarters today.            10/1989 #39139  
he construction of the TRESTLE and BDM was awarded a subcontract for electr 1990 #39357  
is, timing and control equipment.  BDM and BDMMSC (BDM Management Services  1990 #39357  
ontrol equipment.  BDM and BDMMSC (BDM Management Services Company) were al 1990 #39357  
ion and management of the TRESTLE. BDM produced at least ten papers on subj 1990 #39357  
nd around the time he was a VP for BDM and involved in contractor Psi-Tech, 5/22/1992 #40470  
Boeing Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, BDM, E-Systems, EG&G, Wackenhut Corp., V 8/30/1996 #43001  
and co-founder of the ATP Group at BDM Intl. is awarded a patent for techno 8/22/1998 #43636  
kitgreeniofii/  Note: TRW acquired BDM Intl. in 1997 (see October 1989 and  7/31/1999 #43815  
ment and civilian contractors like BDM, SAIC, Boeing, Lockheed and the comp 2000 #43914  
g UAP and advised the ATP Group at BDM Intl. on UAP from the perspective of 5/2002 #44335  
P Group in the 1980s, sponsored by BDM Corp. and led by Col John Alexander, 10/2/2003 #44610  
program. The meetings were held at BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility and cl 4/28/2006 #44936  
A, NSA, INSCOM, McDonnell Douglas, BDM, Lockheed and OUSD(R&E) were there.  4/28/2006 #44936  
 Theoretical Working Group held at BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility and cl 9/26/2022 #45772  
2)   Joe Braddock, a co-founder of BDM, was in attendance for a presentatio 9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "bdmmsc" (Back to Top)
ng and control equipment.  BDM and BDMMSC (BDM Management Services Company) 1990 #39357  
## Word: "bdr" (Back to Top)
                        MARSEILLE, BDR, FR Luminous ovoid flies east going  10/27/1952 #8195  
                  AIX-EN-PROVENCE, BDR, FR Saucer hangs high / sky 1 minute 10/15/1954 #11078  
## Word: "be90" (Back to Top)
gham, England 9:30 a.m. A King Air BE90 pilot is cruising at 16,000 feet ab 7/5/2018 #45533  
## Word: "bea" (Back to Top)
ter, UK Daytime. The co-pilot of a BEA Vanguard Airliner saw a fast-moving, Mid 1967 #22508  
                 NEAR FIRENZE, ITL BEA pilot. Slender shiny metallic delta/ 11/15/1967 #23456  
ic in appearance, was sighted by a BEA pilot at high altitude in flight ove 11/15/1967 #23465  
            OVER LITHUANIA British BEA flight 831. Extremely bright yellow  9/10/1976 #31368  
## Word: "beach" (Back to Top)
 aged 18–20 years old arrives on a beach aboard a “hollow ship” (Utsuro-bun 2/22/1803 #100  
a Night. Martin Meyerson is on the beach at Paia, Maui, Hawaii, when he see 1/4/1906 #686  
m over the water and settle on the beach nearby. A door opens, and human-li Summer 1907 #695  
           KAKA POINT, NZ 6 boys / beach. House-sized luminous/glowing airs 7/24/1909 #782  
iwaka, New Zealand six boys on the beach sighted a house-sized luminous dir 7/24/1909 #784  
                         Tahunanui Beach, Nelson, New Zealand eastern hills 3/1/1918 #973  
arly morning. A woman at Tahunanui Beach, Nelson, New Zealand, sees two dis 3/1/1918 #973  
                                   Beach Haven, New Jersey Night. Frank Van Summer 1933 #1164  
with others along the waterway off Beach Haven, New Jersey. Suddenly they a Summer 1933 #1164  
       758 Manzanita Drive, Laguna Beach, California George Adamski, who ha 1/1934 #1190  
bet at 758 Manzanita Drive, Laguna Beach, California. The monastery serves  1/1934 #1190  
                            Laguna Beach, California Long Beach Los Angeles 1/1936 #1242  
     Laguna Beach, California Long Beach Los Angeles George Adamski’s Royal 1/1936 #1242  
e attending his meetings in Laguna Beach, California. Besides Adamski, talk 1/1936 #1242  
 local radio stations KFOX in Long Beach and KMPC in Los Angeles. He also p 1/1936 #1242  
                            Laguna Beach, California George Adamski’s Royal 9/10/1937 #1277  
bet organizes a festival in Laguna Beach, California, dramatizing the “teac 9/10/1937 #1277  
                            Laguna Beach Valley Center, California Palomar  3/1940 #1324  
y George Adamski moves from Laguna Beach to a property along the Star Route 3/1940 #1324  
                            Laguna Beach, California Air Craft warning obse Spring 1943 #1487  
                              LONG BEACH, CA 2 observer(s). Classic domed s 4/3/1943 #1490  
                              Long Beach, CA Flight instructor and student  4/5/1943 #1491  
                              Long Beach, California 9:50 a.m. Flight instr 4/5/1943 #1492  
c dive at their aircraft near Long Beach, California. There is no propellor 4/5/1943 #1492  
tary pilot reported that over Long Beach, California at 9:50 a.m. a round,  4/5/1943 #1493  
ucer near a wooded ridge, near the beach of Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii. Descript 1944 #1557  
                          Torokina Beach, Bougainville Island, Papua New Gu 6/1944 #1601  
s a swim with a friend at Torokina Beach, Bougainville Island, Papua New Gu 6/1944 #1601  
                             Omaha Beach Normandy, France The Liberty ship  6/10/1944? #1605  
p SS George E. Badger is off Omaha Beach in Normandy, France, when gunner E 6/10/1944? #1605  
herical UFO that had landed on the beach in Oahu near Kaneohe, Hawaii in th 6/18/1944 #1606  
aint-Lô Vire Normandy France Omaha Beach Night. Officer George Todt of the  8/1944 #1633  
ntly west at 120 mph towards Omaha Beach. It stops over the American lines  8/1944 #1633  
                              Long Beach, California After 5:00 p.m. Future Summer 1945 #1881  
urning from her summer job in Long Beach, California, when she sees out of  Summer 1945 #1881  
                              LONG BEACH, CA Ann Druffel. Night lights exit 7/20/1945? #1902  
                             Crane Beach, Ipswich, Massachusetts Day. A lon 7/1946 #2022  
uddenly out of the haze over Crane Beach, Ipswich, Massachusetts, moves noi 7/1946 #2022  
a bright projectile is seen over a beach at Njurunda, Sweden.               7/9/1946 #2034  
ling luminous smoke crashes into a beach near Norrvikssand, Sweden. Airline 7/10/1946 #2046  
re also present. The same day, the beach is visited by Lt. Col. Rudberg, Ca 7/10/1946 #2046  
                          Rehoboth Beach, DE Pilot in aircraft saw a silver 6/2/1947 #2308  
                          Rehoboth Beach, Delaware Private pilot Forrest We 6/2/1947 #2309  
est Wenyon is flying over Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, and sees a silvery, jar 6/2/1947 #2309  
sman, and they allegedly go to the beach to pick up fragments. Dahl mails R 6/22/1947 #2363  
                             BONDI BEACH, NSW 1 observer. Humming or drone. 6/27/1947 (approximate) #2428  
             SAN PEDRO AND REDONDO BEACH, CA 3+1 separate observer(s). 6 sa 7/4/1947 #2598  
                       WEST / LONG BEACH, CA 2 / private plane. 50' skeet-s 7/4/1947 #2618  
                            MALIBU BEACH, CA 1 observer. Several disks goin 7/4/1947 #2629  
                              Long Beach, California After 5:00 p.m. Privat 7/4/1947 #2661  
 flying at 5,000 feet west of Long Beach, California, when they see a disc  7/4/1947 #2661  
                              LONG BEACH, CA Veteran pilot and teacher. Lar 7/6/1947 #2751  
                            MALIBU BEACH, CA 3 teens. 4 gleaming round obje 7/7/1947 #2876  
                  FT BRAGG, CA 2 / beach. Glistening tire-size saucer going 7/7/1947 #2881  
                              Palm Beach, Florida 2:00 a.m. In Palm Beach,  2/20/1948 #3582  
m Beach, Florida 2:00 a.m. In Palm Beach, Florida, lawyer and writer Charle 2/20/1948 #3582  
                              Hobe Beach, Florida Bethesda, Maryland Forres 3/31/1949 #4061  
aryland Forrestal is flown to Hobe Beach, Florida, to stay with his friend  3/31/1949 #4061  
                  NORTHEAST / GOLD BEACH, OR 5 scientists fishing. 35' meta 5/24/1949 #4204  
                              Gold Beach, OR Hamburger-shaped metallic disc 5/24/1949 #4206  
sc-shaped object north of Rosarita Beach, Baja California, Mexico. The obje 11/3/1949 #4412  
                           PACIFIC BEACH, WA Blue Book. Civil observer(s) = 3/14/1950 #4633  
          At 11:30 p.m. in Pacific Beach, Washington civilians watched a UF 3/14/1950 #4638  
                              LONG BEACH, CA 2 military observer(s). Pink p 4/7/1950 (approximate) #4805  
                       WEST / LONG BEACH, CA 2+4 F86's can't reach cylinder 9/23/1951 #5682  
                    March AFB Long Beach, California At March AFB [now Marc 9/23/1951 #5685  
 March Air Reserve Base] near Long Beach, California, two F-86 jets try to  9/23/1951 #5685  
acific Coast 30 miles west of Long Beach Airport, where the jets circled an 9/23/1951 #5687  
d and then headed east toward Long Beach when the object was seen at 7:55 a 9/23/1951 #5687  
scrambled to the south toward Long Beach but the UFO had gone. The Air Forc 9/23/1951 #5687  
                              Long Beach, CA Two yellowish discs passed by  3/26/1952 #5977  
                              Long Beach, California Day. Henry C. Davis is 3/26/1952 #5978  
gh his second-floor window in Long Beach, California, and listening to the  3/26/1952 #5978  
a 9:30 p.m. Mr. R. Baits is on the beach at Derna, Libya, with three compan 5/31/1952 #6394  
                           Manitou Beach Highway Rome Center, Michigan 4:15 7/3/1952 #6704  
4:15 a.m. A witness on the Manitou Beach Highway near Rome Center, Michigan 7/3/1952 #6704  
r officer, many others at Montrose Beach saw large red object with small wh 7/12/1952 #6776  
               O’Hare AFB Montrose Beach, Chicago, Illinois O’Hare Airport  7/12/1952 #6784  
t 40,000–50,000 feet over Montrose Beach, Chicago, Illinois, from the west- 7/12/1952 #6784  
                         WEST PALM BEACH, FL Project Bluebook Case #1451. P 7/15/1952 #6822  
                         West Palm Beach, FL Discus-shaped object, greyish, 7/15/1952 #6825  
                         West Palm Beach, Florida Witnesses: J. Antoneff an 7/15/1952 #6827  
appeared muddy.  Hovered over Palm Beach International Airport, then follow 7/15/1952 #6827  
ut the hole", approached West Palm Beach, Florida very rapidly. It then hov 7/15/1952 #6831  
Avenue) Hampton, Virginia Virginia Beach James River 9:00 p.m. Paul R. Hill 7/16/1952 #6844  
 up from the direction of Virginia Beach and falls in several hundred feet  7/16/1952 #6844  
                 Patrick AFB Cocoa Beach, Florida 9:45 p.m. Three Air Force 7/18/1952 #6898  
ted men at Patrick AFB, near Cocoa Beach, Florida, see a series of hovering 7/18/1952 #6898  
                  BALD TOP, CA 2 / beach. 7 round flat objects / sea level. 7/19/1952 #6916  
                        NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL Private pilot and wife. Metall 7/22/1952 #6994  
                              Long Beach, CA Oval Object Zig Zags Over Nava 7/23/1952 #7057  
                         MANHATTAN BEACH, CA Aviation engineer and 7. 7 sil 7/27/1952 #7191  
                         Manhattan Beach, CA Large Object Separates Into 7  7/27/1952 #7209  
                         Manhattan Beach, California 6:35 p.m. A group of e 7/27/1952 #7214  
 at a high altitude over Manhattan Beach, California. After it makes a turn 7/27/1952 #7214  
ght smaller objects over Manhattan Beach, California at 6:25 p.m.           7/27/1952 #7218  
                            LAGUNA BEACH, CA 2 / roof. Hemisphere going eas 7/29/1952 #7299  
                             Miami Beach, Florida 9:35 p.m. Marine Pfc Ralp 7/29/1952 #7330  
age of a high-speed UFO over Miami Beach, Florida. Retaining a few frames f 7/29/1952 #7330  
         NORTH / LUDINGTON, MI 3 / beach. Roar and hiss. Metallic disks str 8/13/1952 #7564  
                         WEST PALM BEACH, FL 2 observer(s). Double pie pan  8/15/1952 #7604  
ern sky. No further details / Palm Beach Post.                              8/15/1952 #7604  
                         West Palm Beach (near), FL August 18, 1852; near W 8/18/1952 #7634  
FL August 18, 1852; near West Palm Beach, FL. "Desvergers Case", "Scoutmast 8/18/1952 #7634  
                         WEST PALM BEACH, FL Scoutmaster aims flashlight at 8/19/1952 #7643  
                         West Palm Beach, Florida Ronny Desvergers saw a la 8/19/1952 #7646  
     Everglades south of West Palm Beach, Florida About 10:00 p.m. Scoutmas 8/19/1952 #7651  
 the Everglades south of West Palm Beach, Florida, when he sees a light in  8/19/1952 #7651  
ove him in a clearing in West Palm Beach, Florida. It had a turret on top.  8/19/1952 #7653  
                             JONES BEACH, LI, NY 2+USAF. 5 white ovoids in  8/20/1952 #7657  
                              PALM BEACH, FL 3+tots. Coin saucer lands / wo 8/29/1952 #7778  
                              YORK BEACH, ME 10M cake-tin saucer going [to] 9/6/1952 #7857  
                           NEWPORT BEACH, CA Ground Observer Corps (GOC) ob 9/23/1952 #8009  
                         WEST PALM BEACH, FL Saucer going south down Broadw 9/24/1952 #8018  
vory Coast. That evening, at Cocoa Beach, Florida a white ovoid object hove 10/3/1952 #8090  
                          IMPERIAL BEACH, CA 2 / Navy lookout tower. 5cm ye 11/16/1952 #8287  
RCH AIR FORCE BASE TO/FROM REDONDO BEACH, CA USAF Sgt. 5 silent orbs change 1/28/1953 #8585  
                           NEWPORT BEACH, CA Air Traffic Controller RADAR a 1/28/1953 #8588  
o [now closed], California Newport Beach Long Beach 9:00 p.m. The control t 1/28/1953 #8603  
ed], California Newport Beach Long Beach 9:00 p.m. The control tower at Mar 1/28/1953 #8603  
 chase. He pursues it from Newport Beach to Long Beach and has it in sight  1/28/1953 #8603  
sues it from Newport Beach to Long Beach and has it in sight for 3–4 minute 1/28/1953 #8603  
                            Mailbu Beach, CA Four B-36-Sized Discs Observed 1/29/1953 #8609  
                            Malibu Beach, California 2:20 p.m. Northrup tes 1/29/1953 #8617  
 in squadron formation over Malibu Beach, California. They estimate their h 1/29/1953 #8617  
of a B-36 bomber, flew over Malibu Beach, California at a speed in excess o 1/29/1953 #8618  
n Edenton, North Carolina Virginia Beach, Virginia Marine Corps Air Station 2/11/1953 #8664  
ther jet heading north to Virginia Beach, Virginia, while being vectored to 2/11/1953 #8664  
                            MYRTLE BEACH, SC 4 observer(s). Silver-grey ovo 2/13/1953 #8671  
They were flying enroute from Long Beach to Stead AFB, NV at an altitude of 4/12/1953 #8821  
                  LIDO KEY, FL 2 / beach. Cylinder/cigar-shape follows seve 6/10/1953 (approximate) #8931  
                              LONG BEACH, CA Postman and several. 2 12' sau 10/8/1953 #9206  
           Agoura, California Long Beach, California Pacific 4:58 p.m. Lock 12/16/1953 #9374  
-2 Warning Star aircraft near Long Beach, California, independently of each 12/16/1953 #9374  
                           HAMPTON BEACH, VCT, AUS Clear plastic-like dish  1/1/1954 #9431  
                                   BEACH HAVEN, NJ AND MORE/OTHERS Cops and 1/1/1954 #9433  
Lakehurst], Toms River, New Jersey Beach Haven, New Jersey 10:35 p.m.–12:05 1/1/1954 #9437  
tion that locates the objects near Beach Haven, New Jersey, from distances  1/1/1954 #9437  
       KWINANA, WEST AUS Several / beach. Round silver-blue semi transparen 1/12/1954 #9479  
          ITANHAEM, SP, BRAZIL 1 / beach. DC3 size silent object hovers. Od 1/15/1954 #9487  
                         ST. KILDA BEACH, VCT Ex-RAAF man. 3 large circular 1/15/1954 #9489  
            MONTEVIDEO, URG Many / beach and airport/apartment Air Traffic  2/28/1954 #9572  
                         OVER LONG BEACH, CA United Airlines (UAL) FLT193 n 4/14/1954 #9689  
                              Long Beach, California Night. Capt. John M. S 4/14/1954 #9690  
g with an unknown object over Long Beach, California. One passenger (Coles  4/14/1954 #9690  
                            DELRAY BEACH, FL 2 observer(s). Saucer spins. T 6/21/1954 #9913  
                            Delray Beach, FL Bright round disc-shaped objec 6/21/1954 #9916  
                             Miami Beach, FL Meteor like object descend, st 6/22/1954 #9926  
                             Miami Beach, Florida Witnesses: U.S. Marine Co 6/22/1954 #9927  
r and Major J. V. Wilkins In Miami Beach, Florida witnessed a meteor-like o 6/22/1954 #9928  
 Powerscourt, County Wicklow North Beach in Rush, County Dublin 11:30 p.m.  8/1/1954 #10090  
 fire. At 11:35 p.m., on the North Beach in Rush, County Dublin, Mrs. W. Gr 8/1/1954 #10090  
                DURBAN, RSA Many / beach. Shiny ovoid parks over radio mast 9/24/1954 #10427  
ith halo going [to] over Chowpatty Beach. / Jan Aldrich.                    10/8/1954 #10802  
                  GUETHARY, FR 1 / beach. Disk emerges / sea! 3-4 beams. Di 10/22/1954 #11317  
ALG Small man with glowing eyes on beach near Oran. No further details. / r 10/24/1954 #11349  
s / 10M. Windows. Going [to] along beach. / r139#1p74.                      6/2/1955 #12175  
ere hovered at ten meters over the beach at Catia La Mar, Venezuela and the 6/2/1955 #12176  
 Venezuela and then flew along the beach.                                   6/2/1955 #12176  
minutes nine miles west of Newport Beach, California at 1:32 p.m. It was su 7/9/1955 #12246  
even to nine miles west of Newport Beach, California at 2:32 in the afterno 7/10/1955 #12248  
            GLEN AVON, CA AND LONG BEACH 2 separate observer(s). Red round  7/13/1955 #12258  
                      Lake Ontario beach in St. Catharines, Ontario A man,  Late 7/1955 #12285  
n are picnicking on a Lake Ontario beach in St. Catharines, Ontario, when a Late 7/1955 #12285  
                           Redondo Beach, California 1:30 a.m. Patrolmen Ma 2/9/1956 #12703  
e behind the breakwater at Redondo Beach, California. It bobs on the water’ 2/9/1956 #12703  
 Guimarães is taking a walk on the beach at Caraguatatuba, São Paulo, Brazi 7/16/1956 #12974  
                              LONG BEACH, CA 1 observer. Brilliant light. S 7/20/1956 #12992  
ight was seen in the sky over Long Beach, California. It appeared to be a s 7/20/1956 #12997  
 pseudo-human/entity gather junk / beach. Reboard and fly away.             9/1956 #13163  
zil O. Guarichi was walking on the beach with his dogs when he saw an objec 9/1956 #13165  
of them picked up objects from the beach. There was an exchange of gestures 9/1956 #13165  
            HIGUEROTE, VNZL Many / beach. Several silent saucers with somew 9/3/1956 #13179  
  At 10:00 p.m. many people on the beach in Higuerote, Venezuela watched se 9/3/1956 #13180  
ber 8th, several witnesses in Coco Beach, Florida observed two UFOs move in 11/8/1956 #13315  
                        HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA Several observer(s). 2-3 silve 12/26/1956 #13412  
                         BRADENTON BEACH, FL Classic saucer going down. Sto 2/10/1957 #13489  
                              LONG BEACH, CA CAA RADAR and USAF and hundred 3/23/1957 #13555  
HUNANUI, NZ 1+kids. Ovoid hovers / beach. Suddenly going quickly NNW. 1/2 m 4/7/1957 #13586  
An ovoid shaped UFO hovered over a beach in Tahunanui, New Zealand at 3:30  4/7/1957 #13588  
           OFF OGDEN DUNES, IN 2 / beach. Classic domed 20M saucer glows an 8/13/1957 #13886  
                          Enoshima Beach, Kanagawa, Japan 11:28 a.m. Shinic 8/20/1957 #13912  
to of a silvery disc near Enoshima Beach, Kanagawa, Japan. The object is al 8/20/1957 #13912  
ew minutes later, 15 people on the beach report a similar object that passe 8/20/1957 #13912  
rver(s). Saucer beams going down / beach. Rocks and plants cleared / 4 Sq m 8/28/1957 #13938  
           A teenage couple on the beach in Nazare, Portugal saw an ellipso 8/28/1957 #13940  
 observer(s). Object / ground near beach. Type unknown. Lights area / beams 10/22/1957 #14142  
FO was seen on the ground near the beach in Praia Grande, Santa Catarina st 10/22/1957 #14146  
                              GOLD BEACH, OR Trucker. Saucer sways side to  10/24/1957 #14151  
ONICA, CA 4 cars stalled. Saucer / beach. Small humanoids (or Greys) ask ma 11/5/1957 #14301  
                      SOUTH / LONG BEACH, CA Air Traffic Controllers and we 11/5/1957 #14304  
                              Long Beach (Airport), CA Zibello (McDonald li 11/5/1957 #14325  
Richard Kehoe was driving near the beach when his engine stopped, and so di 11/6/1957 #14411  
ct wrapped in "a blue haze" on the beach. Two men, below average height got 11/6/1957 #14411  
Richard Kehoe was driving near the beach in Playa del Rey, California when  11/6/1957 #14434  
ct wrapped in "a blue haze" on the beach. The object seemed to be resting o 11/6/1957 #14434  
three winter months in a two story beach house situated only a few hundred  12/16/1957 #14736  
 JPN Vibrant bright object lands / beach. Figure(s) float down. Talk gibber 1/26/1958 #14842  
                           Newport Beach, CA Police watched two UFOs with f 4/7/1958 #14964  
                           NEWPORT BEACH, CA Cops and more/others. 2 delta/ 4/9/1958 #14968  
                          VIRGINIA BEACH, VA Many observer(s). Fast silver  11/3/1958 #15419  
                           NEWPORT BEACH, CA Harbor guards. UFO splits / 4. 1/1/1959 #15524  
                           Newport Beach, CA County Harbor Department guard 1/1/1959 #15525  
Corona del Mar, California Newport Beach 4:55 p.m. Deputy Fred Gunzelman of 1/1/1959 #15527  
 lifeguard headquarters at Newport Beach, where Lt. Mike Henry, Guard Jack  1/1/1959 #15527  
untered dragging himself along the beach. Part of his face appeared to be b 1/21/1959 #15560  
                          IMPERIAL BEACH, CA 2 observer(s). Bright object w 2/9/1959 #15583  
                          Imperial Beach, CA Bright UFO with halo filmed. [ 2/9/1959 #15584  
treetop level on edge. Beam lights beach like day.                          7/25/1959 #15875  
 of light shone down on men on the beach, lighting up the area like day. A  7/25/1959 #15878  
PUUWAAWAA, HI Silver ovoid rises / beach. Going [to] to sea then going east 8/14/1959 #15918  
                                   BEACH NEAR PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 4 / car. Do 11/2/1959 #16075  
                           REDONDO BEACH, CA 2 / home. 8 saucers race and p 12/20/1959 #16125  
 tag over the shoreline in Redondo Beach, California. They were bright yell 12/20/1959 #16126  
                            LAGUNA BEACH, CA Chemist. White ovoid going qui 2/16/1960 #16177  
                            Laguna Beach, CA Retired chemical manufacturing 2/16/1960 #16178  
                          PARACURU BEACH, BRZ 2 metallic disks on beach. 2  5/14/1960 #16274  
URU BEACH, BRZ 2 metallic disks on beach. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / he 5/14/1960 #16274  
iscs landed on a sandy hill by the beach at Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil. As he  5/14/1960 #16276  
m. twelve UFOs were seen over Long Beach, California swinging in the sky in 5/19/1960 #16291  
icut Long Island, New York Chalker Beach in Old Saybrook, Connecticut 11:30 9/2/1960 #16431  
shore and the Iretons drive to the beach to look for it. They see a triangu 9/2/1960 #16431  
ically. When it reaches the public beach, it takes off at great speed towar 9/2/1960 #16431  
vening around 9:30 p.m. at Chalker Beach in Old Saybrook, Connecticut.      9/2/1960 #16431  
                              Long Beach, California Ruppelt dies of a hear 9/15/1960 #16450  
elt dies of a heart attack in Long Beach, California, at age 37.            9/15/1960 #16450  
y Caslar is filming his son on the beach with 8mm movie film and captures t 1/22/1961 #16587  
                           BAILEYS BEACH, NY Red ball floats 600' offshore. 4/29/1961 #16666  
                          Bailey's Beach, Newport, Rhode Island Ocean Aroun 4/29/1961 #16667  
ing at a home adjacent to Bailey’s Beach, Newport, Rhode Island. He sees a  4/29/1961 #16667  
     Mr. Gallagher was at Bailey's Beach, Newport County, Rhode Island at a 4/29/1961 #16668  
                              LONG BEACH, CA Sonic booms. 12 metal objects  5/19/1961 #16686  
                              Long Beach, CA Twelve shiny UFOs maneuvered e 5/19/1961 #16688  
 RGS, BRZ Man compelled to walk to beach. 2 hour abduction / 2 small humano 11/25/1961 (approximate) #16977  
 Pinhal, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Beach House 9:30 p.m. Real estate agent  Late 11/1961 #16979  
lheiro Mendes is walking along the beach in Balneário Pinhal, Rio Grande do Late 11/1961 #16979  
wakes up, he is nearly back to his beach house and it is 11:30 p.m. After a Late 11/1961 #16979  
a hurricane evacuation from Myrtle Beach AFB. He and five men walked throug 1962 #17012  
ucers.  When he returned to Myrtle Beach AFB he was debriefed by his Brig.  1962 #17012  
he hanger. P.J. returned to Myrtle Beach AFB, SC                            4/1962 #17093  
                           POMPANO BEACH, FL Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape 5/18/1962 #17176  
                           Pompano Beach, FL Cigar-shaped UFO, brilliantly  5/18/1962 #17178  
                              Long Beach, California Santa Catalina Channel Late 8/1962 #17360  
el and Aileen Cummings are at Long Beach, California, when they see a small Late 8/1962 #17360  
ve a mystery object like an orange beach ball maneuver in the sky for 25 mi 9/19/1963 #17946  
                    SR60 WITH VERO BEACH, FL 15+disks pace car / miles. Hid 6/23/1964 (approximate) #18369  
 paced a car on Highway 60 in Vero Beach, Florida. The object tipped back a 6/23/1964 #18370  
 truck driver and his wife in Vero Beach, Florida in the predawn hours. The 6/24/1964 #18372  
             STE.MAXIME, FR Many / beach. Clouds part. Large grey cylinder/ 8/1964 #18461  
 was sighted at night over Daytona Beach, Florida. It was estimated to be o 9/7/1964 #18544  
th Carolina Myrtle AFB [now Myrtle Beach International Airport] 10:45 p.m.  11/22/1964 #18632  
directly to Myrtle AFB [now Myrtle Beach International Airport] and reports 11/22/1964 #18632  
                              Long Beach, MS Occupants Observed In Glass-Li 1/20/1965 #18751  
                           MANRESA BEACH, CA 70' saucer. Observer(s) taken  1/30/1965 #18782  
                           Manresa Beach Watsonville, California Hamilton A 1/30/1965 #18784  
d Padrick is walking along Manresa Beach near his home in Watsonville, Cali 1/30/1965 #18784  
adrick, age 52, was walking on the beach in Manresa Beach, Santa Cruz Count 1/30/1965 #18785  
as walking on the beach in Manresa Beach, Santa Cruz County, California jus 1/30/1965 #18785  
escended to within two feet of the beach. Mr. Padrick was invited by the vo 1/30/1965 #18785  
 mountains and brought back to the beach after two hours.                   1/30/1965 #18785  
ate observer(s). 7M saucer rises / beach. Grass flattened. / Flying Saucer  2/3/1965 #18794  
w Zealand A man saw a light on the beach near Penguin Street and got out of 2/3/1965 #18795  
an object, 7 m wide, rise from the beach to an altitude of about 20 m. He c 2/3/1965 #18795  
:45 p.m. A man sees a light on the beach near Penguin Street, South New Bri 2/3/1965 #18796  
bject, 22 feet wide, rise from the beach to an altitude of 60 feet. He retu 2/3/1965 #18796  
er disc-shaped UFO ascend from the beach in South Brighton, New Zealand. It 2/3/1965 #18797  
                 Walking along the beach near Guarani, Brazil five local re 2/14/1965 #18814  
 Guinea. Its light illuminated the beach.                                   5/25/1965 #18966  
hed. No further details. See Hondo Beach, Colonia, Uruguay.                 7/18/1965 #19119  
                          VAUCLUSE BEACH, AUSTR Aircraft artist. 7M saucer  7/19/1965 #19127  
CHILE Silent saucer lands / lonely beach. Away extremely fast. / LDLN#78+/  7/19/1965 #19128  
attracted by a strong light on the beach, and walked within 20 m of the cra 7/19/1965 #19131  
range machine" land on an isolated beach. It was shaped like a mushroom or  7/19/1965 #19132  
d. This was the third landing on a beach reported in Jul..                  7/19/1965 #19132  
 Australia Domed disc with legs on beach, dogs barked loudly. Object took o 7/19/1965 #19133  
craft artist, is strolling along a beach at Vaucluse, New South Wales, when 7/19/1965 #19134  
e noises. At 5:30 p.m. in Vaucluse Beach, New South Wales, Australia a seve 7/19/1965 #19135  
d disc was seen resting on a sandy beach. When Mr. Crowe, the witness, appr 7/19/1965 #19135  
s in diameter land on the isolated beach. It was shaped like a mushroom or  7/20/1965 #19152  
n a medical student walking on the beach known as La Arenilla, and accompan 8/2/1965 #19270  
doctor, saw a strange dwarf on the beach in the city of La Punta, Peru loca 8/2/1965 #19270  
e 8, were vacationing at Doehler’s Beach in northeastern Pennsylvania with  8/3/1965 #19294  
ands / observer(s). Saucer circles beach. Lands near Santos Air Force Base. 10/18/1965 #19663  
circular object that flew over the beach, circling. Later two witnesses saw 10/18/1965 #19666  
ndrical object flies into saucer / beach. Rocks pushed away / takeoff. / MJ 11/30/1965 #19741  
 yellow oval object resting on the beach. Five minutes later a sliding door 11/30/1965 #19742  
d logs away from the center of the beach. It cruises slowly over a mountain 11/30/1965 #19742  
 lecture on flying saucers at Palm Beach Towers, FL                         1/11/1966 #19822  
                           MONTAUK BEACH, NY 65 ford truck malfunctions due 3/30/1966 #20147  
y. Cylinder/cigar-shape-ovoid over beach. Circles area.                     3/30/1966 #20147  
                          NAPEAGUE BEACH, LI, NY Truck malfunctions due to  3/30/1966 #20151  
ng into the water. They ran to the beach and saw, about 30 yards ahead, two 6/3/1966 #20529  
 to left.  Stopped 5-10' above the beach and settled heavily down; circle o 7/31/1966 #20702  
joying the evening at the swimming beach on Lake Erie when they saw a squar 7/31/1966 #20703  
ft. It stopped 5-10 feet above the beach, and then came down heavily onto t 7/31/1966 #20703  
                             CRANE BEACH, MA Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers ve 9/17/1966 #20889  
                            Cranes Beach, Ipswich Bay, MA 4:45 a.m. EDT. A  9/17/1966 #20890  
                            Cranes Beach, Massachusetts Mr. and Mrs. Ronald 9/17/1966 #20891  
te, luminous object resting on the beach, with two bright lights flying in  9/17/1966 #20891  
                             Crane Beach, Ipswich, Massachusetts Ipswich Ba 9/17/1966 #20892  
ear the edge of the water at Crane Beach, Ipswich, Massachusetts. Two small 9/17/1966 #20892  
d Mrs. Ronald MacGilvary of Cranes Beach, Massachusetts saw a golden-white, 9/17/1966 #20893  
cigar-shaped object resting on the beach at 4:45 a.m. It had two or three b 9/17/1966 #20893  
ere reported in the area. (Pompano Beach Sun-Sentinel, Florida, 3/7/67, cop 3/3/1967 #21742  
                           Daytona Beach, FL 12:45 p.m. EST. Two woman saw  3/14/1967 #21885  
                             COCOA BEACH, FL Domed disk hovers. Tilts / sma 4/21/1967 #22176  
                             Cocoa Beach, FL 4:00 p.m. EST. A woman saw a s 4/21/1967 #22182  
seen hovering to the west of Cocoa Beach, Florida. It tilted as a small pla 4/21/1967 #22197  
                            ORMOND BEACH, FL Girl / 8. Large orange object  6/10/1967 #22485  
urham, Connecticut to Hamnonassett Beach when he saw two large, cigar-shape 6/25/1967 #22557  
 he remembered was arriving at the beach shortly before two a.m., with no m 6/25/1967 #22557  
rgo, Florida Jewfish Creek Pompano Beach US Highway 1 11:30 p.m. Barbara Fa 7/20/1967 #22710  
 decides to return home to Pompano Beach with her sister the same morning,  7/20/1967 #22710  
                           Pompano Beach, FL Dog in car fearful at low flyi 7/21/1967 #22715  
 feet above the roadway in Pompano Beach. The UFO then veered off to the ri 7/21/1967 #22720  
                      Popponessett Beach, MA (Hynek-CUFOS-Willy Smith files 7/23/1967 #22723  
la Engineer Hugo S. Yepes was on a beach 25 km north of Recife when he saw  8/4/1967 #22800  
   Engineer Hugo S. Yepez was on a beach 25 km north of Arrecife in Venezue 8/4/1967 #22807  
nezuela 5:00 p.m. LT. A man on the beach saw precipitous movement of water  8/25/1967 #22922  
us movement of the water” from the beach at Catia La Mar, Vargas, Venezuela 8/25/1967 #22925  
eportedly terrorized locals on the beach along the Amazon River in Manaus,  11/8/1967 #23428  
                        WATTAMOLLA BEACH, NSW Luminous disk nears campers.  1/13/1968 #23662  
n watched from the shore at Henley Beach, South Australia as a yellow shaft 1/24/1968 #23696  
 Journalism, was walking along the beach in the town of Torres, Rio Grande  1/25/1968 #23700  
bject rises / sea and going down / beach. 3 stiff 2M figure(s) appear. Tele 1/30/1968 (approximate) #23710  
rom the sea and descended onto the beach. Next, three stiff-walking figures 1/30/1968 #23712  
ker, encountered two people on the beach in Lujan, Mendoza, Argentina that  6/30/1968 #24097  
                              Long Beach, California Santa Catalina Channel 7/9/1968 #24162  
hannel 9:35 p.m. Witnesses at Long Beach, California, see a huge, glowing,  7/9/1968 #24162  
 contact, at 9:35 p.m. PDT in Long Beach, California a diamond-shaped, gray 7/9/1968 #24164  
less as if sunning themselves in a beach. As he watched, five minutes later 7/20/1968 #24195  
            NITEROI, BRZ Several / beach. Brilliant 8M saucer / 150M altitu 9/9/1968 #24444  
BRZ Several separate observer(s) / beach. Saucer passes several X. Hums and 9/9/1968 #24445  
ose encounter with a UFO at Itaipu Beach near Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro State 9/9/1968 #24448  
 several low-level passes over the beach before briefly landing. One witnes 9/9/1968 #24448  
                    Ocala, FL Twin Beach C45H Encounters UFO / Gnd Radars P 9/15/1968 #24465  
 2 good photographs / hat-saucer / beach. Pass tests. / LDLN#172.           9/23/1968 #24501  
 observer(s). Large ovoid hovers / beach. Blinding lights. Portholes etc.   10/3/1968 #24539  
float going down [to] and near 2 / beach. 1.5M sphere/orb/globe appears. /  1/1969 #24810  
ook his motorboat to a local sandy beach on Isla del Altar, El Salvador. Th 1/15/1969 #24849  
 observer(s). Domed saucer lands / beach. 2M figure(s) gather rocks and 25c 2/1969 #24886  
ver(s). Metallic saucer / opposite beach. Glows orange and quickly going up 3/1969 #24955  
8:25 p.m. near the airport in West Beach, Adelaide, South Australia a pinki 7/17/1969 #25276  
th lights fore and aft hovers over beach. Turns away.                       10/23/1969 #25419  
ghts fore and aft hovered over the beach at Highcliffe, England at night. I 10/23/1969 #25420  
 a red ball of light the size of a beach ball. They get scared and run ahea Early 1970 #25524  
                           Emerald Beach, New South Wales 12:45 a.m. A truc 6/1970 #25684  
ruck driver is approaching Emerald Beach, New South Wales, when he sees a b 6/1970 #25684  
        PADRE ISLAND, TX Teacher / beach. Cloud cylinder/cigar-shape low ov 6/1/1970 #25685  
                  A teacher on the beach on Padre Island, Texas sighted a c 6/1/1970 #25686  
a moment, then settled down on the beach. For 15-20 minutes he saw no movem 8/15/1970 #25787  
sited back at the same spot on the beach where he was initially picked up.  8/15/1970 #25787  
had been moved much closer to Palm Beach, Florida.                          12/4/1970 #25926  
                  Praia da Armação beach Florianópolis Santa Catarina Brazi 1/25/1971 #26002  
 the scenery near Praia da Armação beach in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina,  1/25/1971 #26002  
                         Christies Beach, Adelaide, South Australia 4:00 p. 3/14/1971 #26046  
h leading, are seen over Christies Beach, Adelaide, South Australia. Filame 3/14/1971 #26046  
                            Maslin Beach, Adelaide, South Australia 3:10 p. 3/15/1971 #26048  
ls are seen in the air over Maslin Beach, Adelaide, South Australia. White  3/15/1971 #26048  
LAND, NZ 1 observer. 3 figure(s) / beach follow silver strip / water to red 6/3/1971 #26155  
n isolated area on a Mediterranean beach in Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain 8/16/1971 #26290  
was riding his motorcycle near the beach in Semaphore Park Beach, South Aus 9/22/1971 #26363  
e near the beach in Semaphore Park Beach, South Australia at 8:40 p.m. when 9/22/1971 #26363  
 truckers. 20M domed saucer lights beach. Police car and radio electro-magn 9/24/1971 #26370  
e from over the ocean close to the beach.                                   9/24/1971 #26372  
                                   BEACH SOUTHEAST / PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 2 ob 12/19/1971 #26507  
                            APOLLO BEACH, FL 16M saucer 30M ahead / car. 12 2/11/1972 #26570  
                            Apollo Beach, FL A 24-year-old college graduate 2/11/1972 #26571  
s driving near the shore in Apollo Beach, Florida when a 16 meter wide disc 2/11/1972 #26573  
          TRUJILLO, PERU Several / beach. Inverted bowl very close. Observe 4/1972 #26630  
at home at 10:00 p.m. in Christies Beach, South Australia heard a beep-beep 8/6/1972 #26880  
all ovoids that circle. 1 hovers / beach.                                   8/29/1972 (approximate) #26967  
                         WEST PALM BEACH, FL 3 RADAR's and Air Traffic Cont 9/14/1972 #26992  
                              Palm Beach, FL Ground/Visual; Two 106's Scram 9/14/1972 #26996  
                              Palm Beach (Florida) International Airport Ho 9/14/1972 #26997  
t is detected on radar at the Palm Beach (Florida) International Airport by 9/14/1972 #26997  
detected on radar at the West Palm Beach International Airport by FAA air t 9/14/1972 #27000  
tors were scrambled from West Palm Beach Airport, Florida to intercept the  9/14/1972 #27000  
us observer(s). 3 luminous cones / beach. Bottom part spins. Going quickly  2/9/1973 #27275  
ace nearby. Silva went down to the beach to get a better view. At one of th 3/29/1973 #27390  
                MALISCOLA, ITL 2 / beach. Domed saucer / 3M altitude comes  5/18/1973 #27501  
                         Miliscola Beach, Bacoli, Naples, Italy Two men at  5/18/1973 #27506  
Naples, Italy Two men at Miliscola Beach, Bacoli, Naples, Italy, see a brig 5/18/1973 #27506  
                           SUNRISE BEACH, MO Several observer(s). Circular  5/27/1973 #27531  
                             FOLLY BEACH, SC Many observer(s) / 2 days. Nig 9/26/1973 #27868  
 "Turreted wall" / luminous orbs / beach. / Canadian UFO report v3#1p7.     10/6/1973 #27958  
rm went off in a house in La Selva Beach in Santa Cruz, California around 5 12/6/1973 #28536  
wo students were walking along the beach in Mar Del Plata, Argentina at mid 1/15/1974 #28680  
                    LOME, TOGO 2 / beach. Dull cylinder/cylindrical object. 3/28/1974 #28965  
male friend are lying on a sloping beach near Lomé, Togo, when they hear a  3/29/1974 #28968  
 men with ropes by odd jeep. Run / beach 5X. Ride jeep into sea!            5/5/1974? #29083  
       At around 11:50 p.m. on the beach in Paraipaba, Ceara state, Brazil  5/5/1974 #29087  
 ropes aboard. The jeep ran up the beach five times, then drove into the se 5/5/1974 #29087  
nd UFO landing was made at Hampton Beach, New Hampshire.                    5/19/1974 #29114  
NH 16M 2-domed saucer going down / beach / 4 legs. 6' figure exits in fog.  5/20/1974 #29117  
                           Hampton Beach, NH 00:30 a.m. Disc. 50-60 feet in 5/20/1974 #29118  
 swimming at 12:30 a.m. at Hampton Beach, New Hampshire when he saw a domed 5/20/1974 #29120  
h from the ocean. It landed on the beach about 80 yards away. It had a dome 5/20/1974 #29120  
d at a 90 degree angle towards the beach and then dropped into the sea. Fis 6/18/1974 #29212  
 his nine children were all on the beach when they saw the silent, bright s 6/18/1974 #29212  
re were twenty other people on the beach who also saw the object, but none  6/18/1974 #29212  
              Praia dos Navegantes beach, Santa Catarina, Brazil 3:30 p.m.  7/2/1974 #29237  
 fishermen at Praia dos Navegantes beach, Santa Catarina, Brazil, see a dis 7/2/1974 #29237  
 4M luminous ovoid going [to] over beach fast. Stops / 3 hours. Portholes g 8/1/1974 #29295  
us ovoid object flew fast over the beach at Canet-Plage, France. It stopped 8/1/1974 #29296  
    NAVEGANTES, BRZ Saucer lands / beach. 2 observer(s) paralyzed / beams.  8/31/1974 #29404  
       On this night at Navegantes Beach, Santa Catarina State, Brazil Anto 8/31/1974 #29405  
 De Azevedo, an angler, was on the beach with his wife when they saw a disc 8/31/1974 #29405  
m and his wife are relaxing on the beach near the Kauai Sands Hotel on the  1/2/1975 #29701  
e object moving southward over the beach toward her, and she runs to tell h 1/2/1975 #29701  
es. North going quickly south over beach. 2 good photographs and drawings.  1/3/1975 #29706  
observer(s). Luminous ball stops / beach. "Photograph flashes". Conic beam  1/8/1975 #29731  
              Mount Flora to Dingo Beach Road Nebo, Queensland RAAF Base To 3/22/1975 #29916  
ing along the Mount Flora to Dingo Beach Road about 50 miles from Nebo, Que 3/22/1975 #29916  
e urge to go out for a walk on the beach. Guchi Shinda, age 42, went for th 3/31/1975 #29928  
e 42, went for this walk along the beach in Kawanoe City, Shikoku Province, 3/31/1975 #29928  
 2 observer(s). Blue domed disk on beach. Windows. 3 pseudo-human/entity ou 5/1975 #30014  
              NORAHS HEAD, NSW 4 / beach. 10cm glowing-blobs with hooks ris 6/8/1975 #30091  
                           Topsail Beach, North Carolina Around 12:00 midni Summer 1975 #30115  
 one mile off the coast of Topsail Beach, North Carolina.                   Summer 1975 #30115  
itude going [to] in / sea. Lands / beach / 3 legs. Small humanoids (or Grey 6/28/1975 (approximate) #30129  
ude over the sea and landed on the beach. It landed on tripod landing gear  6/28/1975 #30130  
cm 3-legged figure(s) jump about / beach!                                   8/12/1975 #30252  
 rise from the sea and land on the beach in Sanary, Var department, France. 8/12/1975 #30256  
land, Maine Tripp Pond Old Orchard Beach, Maine 3:00 a.m. Factory workers D 10/27/1975 #30486  
erbert Hopkins, 58, in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. He conducts eight hypnosis 10/27/1975 #30486  
TTERING, TASM Glowing-dome lands / beach. Hums. Figure(s) / windows? Louder 2/25/1976 (approximate) #30900  
lowing, domed object landed on the beach at 1:00 a.m., making a humming noi 2/25/1976 #30901  
lowing, domed object landed on the beach at 1:00 a.m., making a humming noi 2/25/1976 #30906  
in the sky between Carson and Long Beach, California.                       4/26/1976 #31026  
aged 13 and 14 are standing on the beach in La Linea de Concepción, Spain,  8/11/1976 #31256  
:30 p.m. two teenagers in La Linea Beach, Cadiz, Spain saw a nocturnal ligh 8/11/1976 #31257  
                  TONGAAT, RSA 2 / beach. Large UFO thumps offloading group 8/21/1976 #31284  
                               MUD BEACH / CHAMBERLAIN LK, ME Allagash 4 an 8/24/1976 #31296  
     FORTE DEI MARMI, ITL 3 kids / beach. 35cm fireball 30M away. Jerky tra 8/27/1976 #31308  
      AQUADA, PR Science teacher / beach. Saucer hovers. Tumbles going down 9/1/1976 #31322  
 glowing object while walking on a beach near Aguada, Puerto Rico. The obje 9/1/1976 #31325  
 small (2.5–3-inch diameter) white beach ball seems to be moving just above 9/3/1976 #31334  
mall (3 inches in diameter) white "beach ball" seemed to be moving in the a 9/3/1976 #31337  
                       Old Orchard Beach, Maine New Jersey UFO Research Ass 9/11/1976 #31376  
s alone in his home in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. The telephone rings, and t 9/11/1976 #31376  
                       Old Orchard Beach, Maine 7:30 p.m. John Hopkins, the 9/24/1976 #31423  
ant near their home in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. The conversation is uncomf 9/24/1976 #31423  
 California State University, Long Beach Anaheim (California) Memorial Hosp 1977 #31655  
 California State University, Long Beach, English professor Alvin H. Lawson 1977 #31655  
                            7 MILE BEACH, TASM Several observer(s). Dome sp 2/3/1977 #31782  
dren at a youth camp at Seven-Mile Beach observed a stationary, dome-shaped 2/3/1977 #31783  
me-shaped object hovering near the beach. The object then moved behind some 2/3/1977 #31783  
 Tasmania, Australia at Seven-Mile Beach observed a stationary, dome-shaped 2/3/1977 #31784  
me-shaped object hovering near the beach. The object then moved behind some 2/3/1977 #31784  
                            Pebble Beach, CA On this night a husband and wi 3/20/1977 #31920  
ing bags by the seashore in Pebble Beach, California when they saw a bright 3/20/1977 #31921  
ACQUARIE, AUSTR 16M saucer rises / beach. Going [to] to sea / low altitude. 4/18/1977 #31991  
              LYNE SANDS, ENGL 1 / beach. Domed saucer with square porthole 7/25/1977 (approximate) #32312  
     SOUTH / ESTORIL, PORTUGAL 2 / beach. 7 silent saucers hover / group. T 7/31/1977 #32326  
e shaped, was seen spinning over a beach at 100 meters altitude and a dista 10/22/1977 #32601  
 object was seen hovering over the beach in Colares, Para State, Brazil at  1/23/1978 #32908  
                          SAVANNAH BEACH, GA 2 separate pilots. Red and whi 4/6/1978 #33127  
                       OFF NEWPORT BEACH, AUSTR 1 observer / sunrise. Orang 4/12/1978 #33142  
                          NEAR RYE BEACH, NH Many observer(s). Brilliant di 4/15/1978 #33148  
ape going east. Possible landing / beach. Vanishes.                         4/15/1978 #33148  
           CITANOVA MARCH, ITL 1 / beach. Glowing-sphere going [to] in / ex 6/24/1978 #33301  
), hanging from a tree branch on a beach in Posorja Beach, Guayaquil, Ecuad 10/27/1978 #33886  
 tree branch on a beach in Posorja Beach, Guayaquil, Ecuador.               10/27/1978 #33886  
 of a UFO as he is walking along a beach in Kuwait. It shows a domed disc w 12/2/1978 #34048  
s). Luminous domed object low over beach. Shoots rays / dome. Back 22 Decem 12/19/1978 #34171  
e state of Maldonado, Uruguay on a beach between the cities of Piriapolis a 12/23/1978 #34199  
                     NEAR BRAMSTON BEACH, QLD Extra moon / treetops. Headli 1/16/1979 #34346  
hway Liverpool Creek bridge Cowley Beach, Queensland 9:00 p.m. Peter Hathaw 2/9/1979 #34416  
Liverpool Creek bridge near Cowley Beach, Queensland, when he sees a “littl 2/9/1979 #34416  
                 SIRACUSA, ITL 2 / beach. 5 luminous/glowing cylinders / wa 3/12/1979 #34473  
                         Monastiri Beach, Poros, Greece 1:30 a.m. A Swedish 7/4/1979 #34646  
ng a tavern not far from Monastiri Beach, Poros, Greece. He hears a powerfu 7/4/1979 #34646  
                           MOTUNAU BEACH, NZ Odd night lights / photographs 10/27/1979 #34968  
                         WEST PALM BEACH, FL 4 girls. Domed faceted saucer  11/8/1979 #34985  
                         West Palm Beach, Florida Southern Horizon Store ne 11/8/1979 #34986  
m. Five teenage girls in West Palm Beach, Florida, watch a round object wit 11/8/1979 #34986  
                  Playa el Combate beach Pole Ojea, Puerto Rico 8:00 p.m. A 11/30/1979 #35031  
Rico 8:00 p.m. At Playa el Combate beach outside Pole Ojea, Puerto Rico, Ra 11/30/1979 #35031  
             BELTERRA, BRAZIL 10 / beach. Disk shines beam going down / riv 1/1980 #35118  
nd some relatives are camping at a beach. Several teenagers are still awake 1/1980 #35120  
, stopping about 30 yards from the beach and shining a light on the water 6 1/1980 #35120  
er going east. Drops 90° toward(s) beach. Rises / slant going east.         1/6/1980 #35126  
ll Harper are walking along Hidden Beach in Rio Del Mar, California, when a 6/15/1980 #35375  
                      NEAR POMPANO BEACH, FL 1 observer. 2 10' burger-buns  9/28/1980 #35539  
r Boca Raton, Florida near Pompano Beach. The UFOs circled the plance 8-10  9/28/1980 #35541  
                          Virginia Beach, Virginia 10:00 a.m. A witness at  1/17/1981 #35793  
 a construction site near Virginia Beach, Virginia, sees two silver cigars  1/17/1981 #35793  
                                   BEACH EAST / PECEM, BRZ Glowing-object c 2/1981 #35809  
h, Wells, Ogunquit and Old Orchard Beach. A boat was sent out at 9:20 p.m.  6/28/1981 #35980  
               CHALUPY, POLAND 1 / beach. Saucer hovers. 2 small humanoids  8/8/1981 #36062  
land 6:15 p.m. A witness is on the beach with some friends at Chalupy on th 8/8/1981 #36064  
                            MALIBU BEACH, CA 4 observer(s). Arrowhead / fis 8/23/1981 #36082  
ur witnesses on a boat near Malibu Beach, California saw an arrowhead/fish- 8/23/1981 #36083  
                   LICATA, ITL 2 / beach. Light going up / water. Hairy 2M  10/24/1981 #36183  
ing red and yellow lights near the beach. He thought it was the scene of a  7/25/1982 #36548  
king re and yellow lights near the beach. He thought it was the scene of a  7/25/1982 #36551  
                              SEAL BEACH, CA 2 observer(s). Odd lone cloud  11/22/1983 #37048  
nal Preserve Miami, Florida Jensen Beach Miami 9:00 p.m. Nine men working o 1/30/1984 #37166  
y to the east. Witnesses in Jensen Beach and the Miami area also see the ob 1/30/1984 #37166  
                            GREENS BEACH, TASM 3 observer(s). Cylinder/ciga 7/15/1984 #37397  
igar-shaped UFO was seen at Greens Beach, Tasmania, Australia at 11:45 a.m. 7/15/1984 #37400  
                           NEWPORT BEACH, CA Huge bronze triangle with pain 10/14/1985 #37680  
triangle/box-like craft flies over beach. Observer(s) gets "sunburn" / nigh 10/16/1985 #37682  
  A delta-shaped UFO flew over the beach at West Haven, Connecticut at 11:3 10/16/1985 #37684  
                          FT MYERS BEACH, FL Several observer(s). Large bri 1/28/1986 #37772  
                            ORIOLE BEACH, FL Kids. "Extra streetlight". Gli 12/10/1987 (approximate) #38352  
                In 1987, in Oriole Beach, Santa Rosa county, Florida some k 12/10/1987 #38353  
          CAMPS BAY, RSA Several / beach and separate observer(s). Silver s 2/1988 #38437  
ke Erie, so they drive down to the beach to investigate. A huge, metallic-g 3/4/1988 #38487  
ty Officer John Knaub drive to the beach, where the triangular objects appr 3/4/1988 #38487  
FA, ISRAEL Fireball slowly drops / beach. Burns / hours. Odd chemistry-Tech 4/21/1989 #38914  
0:46 p.m. a couple driving in Long Beach, Washington observed four glowing  6/3/1989 #38975  
                           NAVARRE BEACH, FL 2 observer(s) / balcony. Delta 8/23/1989 #39070  
 overhead. At 9:30 p.m. in Navaree Beach, Florida a 30-year-old couple in a 8/23/1989 #39071  
-year-old couple in a condo on the beach, watching stars, saw lights over t 8/23/1989 #39071  
           NORTH / SARI, IRAN 50+/ beach panic. 10M orange saucer rises / C 9/3/1989 #39088  
s walking with some friends on the beach of the Caspian Sea near Sari, Iran 9/3/1989 #39089  
 nearly everyone had fled from the beach.                                   9/3/1989 #39089  
                     Smith's Point Beach, Shirley, NY UFO landing and Gover 9/28/1989 #39127  
t was close to a downed UFO on the beach. The UFOs apparently got away. The 9/28/1989 #39127  
                         FT WALTON BEACH, FL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Un 10/30/1989 #39193  
                        Ft. Walton Beach, FL Insects silent as lights are s 10/30/1989 #39194  
p.m., two witnesses in Fort Walton Beach, Florida saw a group of lights hov 10/30/1989 #39195  
                              Hall Beach, Nunavut 5:30 p.m. A couple and th 11/4/1989 #39214  
a large living room window in Hall Beach, Nunavut, watching television. The 11/4/1989 #39214  
overs 200' over sea. 150' out from beach.                                   11/18/1989 #39235  
    Two women driving in Pensacola Beach, Florida at three o'clock in the a 3/13/1990 #39459  
    Little Sabine Island Pensacola Beach, Florida Gulf Breeze Night. Two wi 4/12/1990 #39522  
Little Sabine Island off Pensacola Beach, Florida. It stays there for sever 4/12/1990 #39522  
990, the Bridges family of Navarre Beach, Florida observed a cluster of 20- 6/8/1990 #39610  
                              VERO BEACH, FL 1+6 kids. Light-grey 10' box w 7/27/1991 #40135  
           KYEEMAGH, AUSTRALIA 3 / beach. Buzz. UFO 90M overhead. Odd symbo 10/14/1991 #40211  
                         EL PAPAYO BEACH, PR Inspect agents. Several observ 11/1991 #40215  
          ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUST 2 / beach. White-red triangular night lights 4/21/1992 #40426  
 5 minute(s). Semi-invisible man / beach?                                   4/21/1992 #40426  
gular lights that hovered over the beach for five minutes. At the same time 4/21/1992 #40427  
ent man was reportedly seen on the beach.                                   4/21/1992 #40427  
 and disk / light crosses sky over beach and town.                          5/7/1992 #40457  
ht lights crossed the sky over the beach in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, S 5/7/1992 #40458  
                   KEREMMA, FR 3 / beach. 3 red lights / delta/triangle/box 8/20/1992 #40585  
              VALRAS-PLAGE, FR 2 / beach. 20 night lights in 2 square forma 9/3/1992 #40603  
                            On the beach on a clear, pre-dawn morning on Fe 9/10/1992 #40616  
                         PENSACOLA BEACH, FL 2 observer(s). 10M "helicopter 2/5/1993 #40840  
                      In Pensacola Beach, Florida a ten meter long "helicop 2/5/1993 #40841  
                         PENSACOLA BEACH, FL Crown-saucer passes 2X. Caught 3/24/1993 #40899  
                         PENSACOLA BEACH, FL Crown-saucer hovers near house 4/2/1993 #40924  
                           REDBILL BEACH NORTH / BICHINO, TASMANIA Night li 5/10/1993 #40973  
is day a woman living in West Palm Beach, Florida awoke feeling very groggy 7/24/1993 #41082  
p.m. a dozen witnesses at Calabona Beach, Sardinia, Italy sighted a strange 7/27/1993 #41091  
mbling a "balloon" flying over the beach. At first it resembled a round bla 7/27/1993 #41091  
akes a video of an odd figure on a beach at Rhyl, Clwyd, Wales. As the came 8/1993 #41099  
mera pans through the crowd on the beach, a strange semi-transparent figure 8/1993 #41099  
 green saucer rises / sea / Ortley Beach. Going quickly west. Street lights 11/11/1993 #41270  
                         PENSACOLA BEACH, FL 6 observer(s). Huge saucer nea 6/29/1994 #41592  
ater tower was seen from Pensacola Beach, Florida at 11:55 p.m. by six witn 6/29/1994 #41593  
of Congress and Gateway in Boynton Beach, Florida at 5:10 a.m. when she saw 1/17/1995 #41981  
                            LAGUNA BEACH, CA 1 observer. Daytime disk hover 3/29/1995 #42121  
                      SILVER POINT BEACH, NY 8 observer(s). Very large obje 5/14/1995 #42202  
                          COLONIAL BEACH, VA Man and fiance. Cylinder/cigar 8/20/1995 #42403  
                         PENSACOLA BEACH, FLR 8+observer(s). Ring / "portho 9/20/1995 #42490  
                      In Pensacola Beach, Florida a ring-shaped object with 9/20/1995 #42493  
                          VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 1 observer. High-pitched whine 11/19/1995 #42612  
                             OSAGE BEACH AND MORE/OTHERS, MO 60 police repo 1/13/1996 #42679  
                    OFF FT. WALTON BEACH, FL 5 crew. Vibrant bright object  4/28/1996 #42889  
                                   BEACH, ND 1+boys. 40' grey saucer stops. 7/3/1996 #42944  
SL., MALTA Round white object over beach. Observer(s) disoriented. Possible 8/1996 #42967  
oup of TRW for 25 years in Redondo Beach, CA; at TRW STG, Goldin managed ad 8/7/1996 #42971  
         EFORIE NORD, ROMANIA 50 / beach. 3 red balls / constant triangle f 11/3/1996 #43102  
               Fifty people on the beach in Eforie Nord, Constanta, Romania 11/3/1996 #43103  
r near airport/apartment runway at beach. Flash color(s). Going quickly nor 3/17/1997 #43234  
                              PALM BEACH, NSW 2 observer(s). Blue-glowing c 4/6/1997 #43255  
                      In West Palm Beach, Florida a woman named June, who h 9/11/1997 #43405  
                      In West Palm Beach, Florida a woman named June, who h 9/12/1997 #43407  
            OFF SANTOS, BRZ Many / beach. Luminous/glowing disk hovers / se 3/28/1998 #43536  
ust offshore, south of Fort Walton Beach, Florida the same witnesses report 5/13/1998 #43566  
 camping near the shoreline on the beach in Mazagon, Extremadura, Spain. At 8/24/1998 #43637  
k along his paper route in Sunrise Beach, Texas when as he rounded a corner 9/25/1998 #43651  
              GREYMOUTH, NZ Many / beach. Large opaque shiny disk cavorts o 1/16/1999 #43715  
h over sea / 25M altitude. Hover / beach. / r170 99-28.                     7/7/1999 #43793  
dnight two UFOs were seen over the beach on Isla Bela, Sao Paulo State, Bra 7/7/1999 #43796  
meters altitude, then hovered over beach, emitting a soft sound, and sudden 7/7/1999 #43796  
                          BETHELLS BEACH, NZ 5+. Silver glowing-cylinder/ci 11/26/1999 #43888  
veled very quickly up and down the beach in the Bethwells Beach area in Auc 11/26/1999 #43889  
nd down the beach in the Bethwells Beach area in Auckland, New Zealand at 1 11/26/1999 #43889  
 middle rim section approached the beach on North Island in New Zealand fro 12/15/1999 #43898  
nga, South Australia Moana Aldinga Beach 11:30 a.m. A witness spots a silve 8/5/2000 #44028  
aterial falls on Moana and Aldinga Beach, where one witness also sees a bri 8/5/2000 #44028  
                             JONES BEACH, NY Diamond lands / beach. Strong  10/1/2000 #44048  
   JONES BEACH, NY Diamond lands / beach. Strong colored beams lift 3 / car 10/1/2000 #44048  
wo objects were sighted over Jones Beach on Long Island in Nassau County, N 10/1/2000 #44049  
A diamond-shaped UFO landed on the beach. It directed an intense red beam,  10/1/2000 #44049  
 couple stopped their car at Jones Beach, New York to watch two large diamo 10/11/2000 #44054  
ach from the ocean and land on the beach. A red beam of light engulfed the  10/11/2000 #44054  
                       NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FL Domed saucer going west. 3+'st 11/28/2000 #44083  
haped object flew over North Miami Beach, Florida at 6:42 p.m., heading to  11/28/2000 #44086  
urity guard and a friend in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina sighted a dark, un 5/6/2001 #44180  
                        Fernandina Beach, Florida Ocean 9:45 p.m. Three wit 6/23/2001 #44196  
itting in their yard in Fernandina Beach, Florida, when they see a bright w 6/23/2001 #44196  
hy students camping oin a deserted beach in Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, inclu 8/1/2001 #44217  
 10 meters in diameter land on the beach at around two o'clock in the morni 8/1/2001 #44217  
n for several minutes in Deerfield Beach, Florida at 11:10 p.m.             6/24/2002 #44353  
ng triangles flew over Fort Walton Beach, Florida at 9:30 p.m. At 10:30 p.m 9/11/2002 #44396  
ervers watching the waves in Ocean Beach, San Diego County, California noti 5/9/2003 #44531  
llic disc was seen moving over the beach at Laguna Niguel, California towar 5/11/2003 #44533  
             TIRUVANMIYUR, IND 2 / beach. Huge cloud-boomerang going quickl 5/19/2003 #44540  
at an apartment complex in Pacific Beach, CA, after he had allegedly gone A 7/2003 #44560  
ts leaving a smoke trail above the beach at Nowa Karczma on the Vistula Spi 8/20/2003 #44577  
-secret fund to a location at Palm Beach, FL belonging to the Coast Guard c 2004 #44638  
d. The witness was standing on the beach having a smoke when he saw the obj 6/9/2004 #44709  
aw it. It moved closer towards the beach sending beams of light across the  6/9/2004 #44709  
in, and dead fish washed up on the beach in Ruby Bay later that day.        6/9/2004 #44709  
o the man, he was cooling off at a beach resort when a circular-shaped obje 8/25/2004 #44742  
crashed onto the waters off of the beach. He reported the case to the Aviat 8/25/2004 #44742  
s peddling spring water around the beach resort, also corroborated the firs 8/25/2004 #44742  
                        Fernandina Beach, Florida 10:30 p.m. A witness in F 8/4/2005 #44858  
10:30 p.m. A witness in Fernandina Beach, Florida, sees two rose-red object 8/4/2005 #44858  
 the ocean from a boat off Newport Beach, California. The came closer to th 8/6/2005 #44859  
to the southeast over Jacksonville Beach, Florida without a sound.          9/28/2005 #44880  
 11:00 p.m. A woman camping on the beach at Wicie, Poland, sees several red 7/13/2006 #44950  
ith very bright lights over Jensen Beach, Martin County, Florida for two mi 10/10/2007 #45073  
ored V-shaped craft flew over Long Beach, California. A large cigar-shaped  2/26/2008 #45123  
orange light, was sighted over the beach in Cancun, Mexico.                 3/14/2009 #45214  
ject was seen over Saint Augustine Beach, Florida at 5:00 p.m.; it hovered  4/16/2009 #45215  
ing and disappearing in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida.                          8/5/2009 #45232  
wing balls appeared above an ocean beach in San Diego, California. They mov 9/11/2009 #45245  
hore in Georgia are walking on the beach when they notice above them a low- 8/16/2010 #45292  
m. two friends were walking on the beach in Clearwater, Florida when they s 2/11/2011 #45314  
                          Virginia Beach, Virginia Virginia North Carolina  6/27/2013 #45376  
val Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia, has an encounter with a 6/27/2013 #45376  
                          Virginia Beach, Virginia Naval Air Station Oceana 11/18/2013 #45395  
val Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia, spots an object in the  11/18/2013 #45395  
                          Virginia Beach, Virginia 4:30 p.m. An F/A-18E Sup 3/26/2014 #45405  
val Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia, detects a possible rada 3/26/2014 #45405  
val Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia 10:51 p.m. Another F/A-1 4/23/2014 #45407  
val Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and operating in the W- 4/23/2014 #45407  
                          Virginia Beach, Virginia Naval Air Station Oceana 4/24/2014 #45408  
val Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Both aircraft are able  4/24/2014 #45408  
               NAS Oceana Virginia Beach, Virginia The crew of a F/A-18F fr 4/27/2014 #45409  
ying out of NAS Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and operating in the W- 4/27/2014 #45409  
                              Vero Beach, Florida 9:10 p.m. Ufologist Steve 1/27/2015 #45428  
ng a group of UFO watchers at Vero Beach, Florida, when they spot two UFOs  1/27/2015 #45428  
            NAS Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia An FA-18 pilot flying ou 3/4/2019 #45566  
ying out of NAS Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia, takes cellphone images  3/4/2019 #45566  
ve at an aerospace company in Long Beach, CA to go “deep undercover” to hav 8/1/2021 #45703  
ly major aerospace company in Long Beach, CA that has that type of campus i 8/1/2021 #45703  
 private company based out of Long Beach, CA.  https://youtu.be/r2jtaMVeNKM 11/30/2021 #45726  
## Word: "beach-los" (Back to Top)
                              Long Beach-Los Angeles Airport, CA (McDonald  3/22/1957 #13550  
                              Long Beach-Los Angeles Airport, CA At 11:55 p 3/22/1957 #13552  
## Word: "beachcomber" (Back to Top)
priver from Quebec City, Quebec. A beachcomber runs across the pieces, one  6/12/1960 #16312  
## Word: "beaches" (Back to Top)
not given. Numerous bathers at the beaches near Montevideo observed a "flyi 3/1/1954 #9583  
               Montevideo, Uruguay Beaches near Montevideo, Uruguay Numerou 3/1/1954 #9587  
o, Uruguay Numerous bathers at the beaches near Montevideo, Uruguay, observ 3/1/1954 #9587  
 north. Police are deployed to the beaches. At 3:30 a.m., the BDF launches  4/12/1984 #37258  
## Word: "beachfront" (Back to Top)
e woods. At 10:00 a.m. near a lake beachfront he observed four strange bein 2/27/1977 #31853  
madura, Portugal Two men leaving a beachfront cafe saw a bright bluish ligh 1/6/1978 #32855  
                 Two men leaving a beachfront cafe in Santo Antonio de Capa 1/6/1978 #32856  
e same night a couple staying in a beachfront cabin in El Combate, Cabo Roj 11/30/1979 #35034  
## Word: "beachgoers" (Back to Top)
 no wings, and was seen by several beachgoers. It flew at a high altitude a 11/1/2002 #44431  
## Word: "beachner" (Back to Top)
 Frombach, Boone Powers, and Chris Beachner are parked next to a pond in a  2/18/1968 #23763  
## Word: "beachport" (Back to Top)
                                   BEACHPORT, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Radio cuts ou 5/18/1963 #17747  
## Word: "beachwood" (Back to Top)
                                   BEACHWOOD, OH 3 night lights trace perfe 1/5/1958 #14808  
he sky. Later that same evening in Beachwood, Ohio three nocturnal lights t 1/5/1958 #14810  
## Word: "beacon" (Back to Top)
n from skyscraper. Has very strong beacon.                                  4/2/1897 #410  
n Laboratory (Ruppelt calls it the Beacon Hill group) in Cambridge, Massach 1/29/1952 #5884  
                               MIT Beacon Hill Ruppelt meets with the MIT s 3/26/1952 #5979  
th the MIT scientists he calls the Beacon Hill Group, which recommends that 3/26/1952 #5979  
Lincoln Laboratory scientists (the Beacon Hill group) in Cambridge, Massach 4/1952 #6010  
l tanks. Quickly going up / hit by beacon.                                  8/10/1952 #7534  
irfield. When the rotating airport beacon light strikes it, the object glin 8/27/1952 #7755  
one second after the airport tower beacon hit it.                           8/27/1952 #7756  
kely an aircraft navigation/hazard beacon, and that the creature described  9/12/1952 #7905  
ater writes that Project Lincoln’s Beacon Hill Group recommended he set up  12/2/1952 #8364  
 caught in the glare of a rotating beacon near Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose 5/4/1953 #8861  
lue disc buzzed two men, Smith and Beacon, 45 miles west of Geelong, Victor 4/28/1954 #9732  
arms length. Fades away. = airport beacon / Blue Book.                      4/6/1955 #12082  
dar Target Illuminated By Rotating Beacon (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 9/15/1959 #15979  
ct rumbles and hovers. 4 beams and beacon / top. Vanishes / reappears.      8/26/1960 #16419  
Different color(s). 1 has rotating beacon.                                  7/8/1961 #16754  
-white light with a faint rotating beacon inside was sighted at 11:00 p.m.  7/8/1961 #16755  
to the Pacific Ocean where its VHF beacon would guide recovery efforts.     Summer 1962 #17239  
LOXWICH, BIRMINGHAM UFO with great beacon seen here and entire area. Many c 7/25/1963 #17852  
f lights, including a large white "beacon" with 4-5 bright red lights, hove 4/7/1966 #20266  
outh to reservoir. NEARs as police beacon flashes.                          3/21/1970 #25603  
t that looked like anti- collision beacon (red) over Lake Michigan. Estimat 7/19/1972 #26812  
                             Ohura Beacon (area), NZ Aircraft encounters ob 2/2/1973 #27262  
                             Ohura Beacon (area), NZ Sphere illum. cabin, E 2/2/1973 #27263  
orange light, like a road-crossing beacon. It vanished in about a minute. T 9/20/1973 #27849  
R 4 observer(s). Red fireball with beacon circles fields / 4 hours. / r30p4 2/1974 #28721  
r/cylindrical object with rotating beacon at 50M altitude. Flashes. Suddenl 2/4/1974 #28736  
ensity and flash on and off like a beacon, apparently surrounded by a dark  10/9/1977 #32564  
 similar to a very slowly rotating beacon, and is lost to sight. The total  10/26/1977 #32617  
 of white lights with a steady red beacon in the middle. There are also two 11/18/1980 #35654  
gon over softball game. Very loud. Beacon / center. Plane?                  7/8/1986 #37933  
er 50m over ground. Lights / edge. Beacon flashes. Silent.                  12/20/1994 #41901  
 in each corner and a flashing red beacon in the middle was sighted in Hess 12/10/1998 #43697  
l powerful, white/yellow, rotating beacon/searchlight at its rear.          11/9/2005 #44900  
everal windows. There was a purple beacon in the center of the bottom, but  6/7/2008 #45146  
## Word: "beacon-news" (Back to Top)
l cloud after 3-4 minutes. (Aurora Beacon-News, 3/9/67, copy in NICAP files 3/8/1967 #21803  
## Word: "beacons" (Back to Top)
fficulties picking up navigational beacons due to “electromagnetic after ef 11/1/1952 #8228  
                            BRECON BEACONS, WALES Trucker and separate cops 11/29/1957 #14636  
 heads. The helmets emitted bright beacons of light. Suddenly everything be 1/12/1979 #34333  
, PA 2 / car. White ovoid with red beacons flashing / sides. Vanishes in si 5/17/1989 #38955  
with a white ovoid object with red beacons flashing on the sides. It made n 5/17/1989 #38956  
ilent dark mass with glowing-halo. Beacons / sides. Seen briefly.           1/29/1990 #39395  
   A huge dark mass flanked by two beacons, and lit by a halo, was seen ove 1/29/1990 #39397  
since summer / 92. Scan hills with beacons.                                 1993 #40776  
## Word: "bead-like" (Back to Top)
Globa saw numerous shining, bright bead-like lights. The seaman's attention 6/15/1984 #37365  
## Word: "beads" (Back to Top)
ve through space “like a string of beads.” Possible meteor procession.      3/22/1880 #226  
 Peterson sees a string of lighted beads in the sky over Great River, Long  5/1908 #704  
ck Lights", a string of perhaps 50 beads of light in a semi-circle or wing  8/25/1951 #5627  
the naked eye. These shafts, “like beads on a necklace” pass in a “disorder 1/10/1958 #14817  
 at the level of his hood and tiny beads of light cross in front of the win Early 1/1967 #21244  
ed by a substance composed of tiny beads that discolors the grass and leave 8/7/1977 #32369  
. Also, black, glassy, drop-shaped beads and mesh fragments are found at th 1/29/1986 #37775  
of mesh fragments, and 40 grams of beads are discovered. The radiation leve 1/29/1986 #37775  
as blank. Chemical analyses of the beads show they are mostly composed of l 1/29/1986 #37775  
## Word: "beady" (Back to Top)
h she was only able to see "small, beady, very shiny eyes." The spokesman h 9/3/1974 #29418  
## Word: "beagle" (Back to Top)
 past Keeneyville, Illinois. Their beagle is with them. They see a solid ob 3/7/1967 #21787  
flashing red and green lights. The beagle is so frightened that its hair st 3/7/1967 #21787  
it dissipates the UFO is gone. The beagle is visibly upset for the next two 3/7/1967 #21787  
                      Martinez, CA Beagle reacts to movement in the sky of  11/15/2005 #44902  
                                 A beagle reacted to the movement in the sk 11/15/2005 #44903  
## Word: "beagles" (Back to Top)
e tethered in place; 9 burros, 109 beagles, 10 sheep, and 31 white rats are 4/24/1957 #13615  
## Word: "beak" (Back to Top)
uliar characteristic: instead of a beak it had what looked like the muzzle  4/23/1995 #42173  
## Word: "beaker" (Back to Top)
TY, CA Mercury capsule or chemical beaker shape glows red-orange / night sk 5/27/1966 #20511  
## Word: "beaks" (Back to Top)
mble very large geese, but with no beaks or wings.                          Summer 1953 #8953  
## Word: "beal" (Back to Top)
 At 4:30 p.m. five women in Col du Beal, Puy-de-Dome, France saw a flat gra 9/19/1954 #10362  
## Word: "beale" (Back to Top)
a (Davis Monthan AFB); California (Beale AFB).                              4/18/1962 #17120  
                   60 MI WITH CAPE BEALE, BC Bright 200' ovoid going down [ 5/14/1975 #30058  
                                   Beale AFB Marysville, California Capt. E 7/28/1976 #31188  
in a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird over Beale AFB near Marysville, California.   7/28/1976 #31188  
rogram utilizes Vandenberg AFB and Beale AFB and is involved in shooting do 8/19/1997 #43387  
                                   Beale AFB near Marysville, California Ca 1/31/2001 #44136  
 at five units worldwide including Beale AFB near Marysville, California; C 1/31/2001 #44136  
## Word: "beallsville" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / BEALLSVILLE, OH Cylinder/cigar-shape hov 3/19/1968 #23847  
                                   Beallsville, OH Time not given. CE-2, on 3/19/1968 #23848  
                                   Beallsville, Ohio 8:30 p.m. 12-year-old  3/19/1968 #23849  
the trailer home of his parents in Beallsville, Ohio, when he sees an oval- 3/19/1968 #23849  
## Word: "bealor" (Back to Top)
th of La Porte, 16-year-old Dennis Bealor saw a large sphere of orange ligh 9/30/1961 #16880  
 in the evening 16-year-old Dennis Bealor saw a large sphere of orange ligh 9/30/1961 #16882  
## Word: "beam" (Back to Top)
 fireballs strike with a disabling beam French troops. Henry V wins histori 10/25/1415 #18  
FURT, PRUSSIA Round glow. Rotating beam scorches ground. Also 2 fiery spher 1/1520? #25  
s over guards who shoot. Stunned / beam. / r221p15.                         5/15/1877? #210  
rrey, England 6:00 p.m. An auroral beam is observed from the Royal Observat 11/17/1882 #249  
tion with a geomagnetic storm. The beam is described in detail in various w 11/17/1882 #249  
l in various ways, including as a “beam,” “spindle,” “definite body” with a 11/17/1882 #249  
ing northeast against wind. Bright beam. Returns going southwest.           3/7/1892 #298  
Balloon going east. Sweeps intense beam around. Hovers until O100hrs. Going 3/23/1892 #300  
Washington watched a flying object beam vari-colored rays of light in all d 11/24/1896 #357  
o out then reappear. A searchlight beam in the front skitters in different  6/1/1898 #622  
linder/cylindrical object or light beam hangs vertical and lights sky. / IF 3/29/1905 #676  
         MABELVALE, AR 1 observer. Beam / light going south fast. Going up  12/13/1909 #818  
terious Airship" emitting a bright beam of light appeared moving SE to NW,  12/22/1909 #820  
PARAGOULD, ARK Airship with strong beam north going quickly south / 300M al 1/15/1910 #834  
 of the planes flash a searchlight beam that lights up a city block, tells  2/14/1915 #925  
 by a rotating ring, that shoots a beam of light and ascends with a loud no Summer 1922 #1023  
re/orb/globe. Ring rotates. Shoots beam. Quickly going up [to] with loud no 8/1922 (approximate) #1024  
turning to a ranch when they see a beam of light shining on the snow in the 1/1924 #1039  
LLINGTON BRIDGE, IRE 2 boys. Light beam follows roads / several turns. Goin 9/1924 #1043  
ing south. Searches trees / bright beam. Maneuvers and going quickly north  1/1/1931 #1118  
streamed down a light like a laser beam. He next saw a young man with golde 5/4/1932 #1143  
                     Kalix, Sweden Beam of light coming from machine (Page  12/24/1933 #1181  
SELE, SWD Wave / night lights etc. beam lights up and down over lakes and t 1/1/1934 (approximate) #1192  
is lowered from underneath. A blue beam from the object shines on the witne 7/25/1938 #1288  
g around inside the column. A blue beam of light was projected at the witne 7/25/1938 #1289  
cends, he is drawn up into it by a beam. Small men grab him and carry him i Late Summer 1942 #1440  
er a nearby hill. From its front a beam of light shoots down, and at interv 10/1943 #1531  
GHULT, SWD Bicycle generator hit / beam. Moonlike sphere going up / woods.  10/10/1944 #1675  
as suddenly illuminated by a light beam from the woods, then he saw a large 10/10/1944 #1676  
en reported that on this evening a beam of light from a luminous flying sph 10/10/1944 #1677  
ward his location, casting a light beam downward. After 10 minutes, it goes 4/10/1945 #1843  
IGUAMA, BRZ Night light zaps man / beam. Flesh falls off! Dies. / Flying Sa 3/5/1946 #1972  
 terrified by his encounter with a beam of light that came from the sky and 3/5/1946 #1974  
g that he had been hit by a silent beam of light, which stunned him and kno 3/5/1946 #1974  
oward the ship. It shines a strong beam of light on the water within 150 fe 7/1/1947? #2522  
et of the ship, then descends, the beam shortening and becoming brighter as 7/1/1947? #2522  
 Project HT-304. Lt. Col. James C. Beam becomes its first project director. 1/26/1948 #3565  
ards the ground. It seems that the beam from this special radar had an ill- 3/25/1948 #3596  
It was also emitting a very bright beam of white light. A humanoid being fl 4/3/1948 #3607  
an’s assistants, Lt. Col. James C. Beam (the head of Project Sign), to New  4/5/1948 #3612  
.” While at Holloman, Loedding and Beam talk with Lt. Herbert G. Markley, w 4/5/1948 #3612  
Howard McCoy and Lt. Col. James C. Beam, summarizes UFO reports received th 4/23/1948 #3628  
 silvery trails. Lt. Col. James C. Beam of Project Sign goes to investigate 5/7/1948 #3643  
t the UFO managed to emit a bright beam that blinded the pilot. It is said  6/19/1948 #3674  
ng up [to] thousands' / second(s). Beam going down / ground. / MJ#250.      2/25/1949 #4024  
      SAN FRANCISCO, CA City park. Beam zaps man's arm. Arm goes limp. No s 3/1949 (approximate) #4028  
be / 17K' altitude. Rises to avoid beam?                                    9/11/1949 #4354  
and picks up a large object in the beam. At about 10:00 p.m., the searchlig 10/23/1949 #4401  
the main disc. They descend on the beam then turn out of it. The same perfo 10/23/1949 #4401  
lies in and out of the searchlight beam, using a Speed-Graphic camera with  10/23/1949 #4401  
ed craft hovering in a searchlight beam; it emitted five triangular or delt 10/23/1949 #4402  
 searchlight again. Rises to avoid beam? Many such.                         3/10/1950 #4605  
small “camera” at him that emits a beam that knocks him over. Facchini lies 4/24/1950 #4888  
east. Turns going northeast. White beam going down. Vanishes in place as if 7/26/1950 #5078  
 tank / US101. Lit portholes. Aims beam / bank / clay. Away fast.           8/10/1950 #5116  
R Saucer back studying clay bank / beam again. Hides / cars in canyon.      8/11/1950 #5117  
Korea Craft hit soldier with light beam (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)             1951 #5373  
ise. It sweeps the soldiers with a beam of light, and they feel a burning a Early Spring 1951 #5471  
n 3,000 feet it emitted a luminous beam of light.                           2/24/1952 #5929  
sing a larger surface to the radar beam. The watching airmen see the red li 6/19/1952 #6551  
KINTON, MASS 1 observer. 90' x10' "beam of light" seen 30 minute(s). Appare 7/29/1952 #7279  
aucers hover / regular searchlight beam. 1 wobbles. No further details. / r 9/9/1952 #7882  
al objects observed in searchlight beam. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 9/9/1952 #7884  
ass with a blindingly bright white beam of light, was about the same size a 10/19/1953 #9244  
(or Greys) strike with a disabling beam observer(s) / tube. Gestures. Paral 4/1954 (approximate) #9655  
/entity exit. Observer(s) frozen / beam. / r30p69.                          4/1/1954? #9659  
ft. The witness was paralyzed by a beam of light.                           4/1/1954 #9660  
e object, but it always avoids the beam.                                    4/22/1954 #9705  
foot and in their car. It dodged a beam of light that was directed at it.   4/22/1954 #9706  
potlight on it, it would dodge the beam every time. There were six male wit 4/23/1954 #9712  
ght lights strike with a disabling beam noisy wedding. All found dead! / r5 6/15/1954 (approximate) #9904  
ft, taking up position on his port beam, where it appears to orbit. A secon 8/31/1954 #10218  
elf paralyzed as a powerful orange beam of light is projected at him from a 9/10/1954 #10286  
d and paralyzed by a strong orange beam of light that was projected at him. 9/10/1954 #10288  
oward it, he was hit by a luminous beam of light and paralyzed. The object  9/11/1954 #10289  
ke light, a red glow, and a narrow beam of light. It took off again a momen 9/23/1954 #10416  
ke light, a red glow, and a narrow beam of light. It took off again a momen 9/23/1954 #10423  
ir faces were covered with hair. A beam of light paralyzed both of the witn 9/25/1954 #10444  
s) see and strike with a disabling beam 2 observer(s) / car. Board and fly. 10/4/1954 #10685  
 Saucer lands. Sweeps area / light beam. Antennas. / r8#205.                10/7/1954 #10767  
cer hovers in smoke / hours. Light beam. Going quickly southeast. / r8.     10/7/1954 #10769  
, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape and blue beam. Milk truck malfunctions due to EME 10/7/1954 #10770  
, 2 or 3 m in diameter, emitting a beam of light which swept the countrysid 10/7/1954 #10782  
ree meters in diameter, emitting a beam of light that swept the countryside 10/7/1954 #10792  
DAS, FR 2 / N21. 3M saucer / road! Beam stops engine. Radio Frequency Inter 10/8/1954 #10808  
ing by he was struck by a powerful beam of light.                           10/8/1954 #10819  
e in a diving suit aiming a double beam of light at him. The individual had 10/9/1954 #10849  
is stopped on the road by a double beam of light coming from a 4-foot-tall  10/9/1954 #10854  
e in a diving suit aiming a double beam of light at him. The individual had 10/9/1954 #10867  
-LE-NOBLE, FR Saucer with blinding beam / light. Going west slow. / r49p175 10/14/1954 #11029  
the witness was paralyzed by a red beam of light coming from a porthole in  10/17/1954 #11180  
ly felt paralyzed when struck by a beam of light. He remained unable to mov 10/18/1954 #11225  
dy is like a cone. It aims a light beam at Pugina that paralyzes him briefl 10/19/1954 #11243  
aring fixedly at her, and a pencil beam of orange light came from his eyes, 10/19/1954 #11252  
ing up [to] and sweeps area / blue beam. / LDLN#326.                        10/20/1954 #11259  
ng quickly southeast. Shines white beam going down. Leaves (something behin 10/20/1954 #11261  
ear a tree. The creature aimed the beam from a sort of flashlight at him, a 10/20/1954 #11274  
ked like a flashlight, and aimed a beam of light from it at him. He felt pa 10/20/1954 #11283  
 lights area. Observer(s) frozen / beam. / r8#297.                          10/21/1954 #11284  
ndividual aimed at the witness the beam of two blue lights, and he was thro 10/26/1954 #11414  
 a tree at 9:00 p.m. It directed a beam of light at the house, and one of t 10/28/1954 #11467  
ucer / ground. 3 men. Box emits 3M beam. 7 photographs. Going west / 1805h. 11/5/1954 #11572  
ng a sort of box, "which emitted a beam of light three meters long." The ot 11/5/1954 #11578  
 One is holding a box that emits a beam of light and the other two hold obj 11/5/1954 #11579  
ng a sort of box, "which emitted a beam of light three meters long." The ot 11/5/1954 #11581  
TLE, DEL 2 / US40. 2 domed saucers beam going down / road. Vibration felt.  11/6/1954 #11584  
               TRAVERSONE, ITL Red beam / low altitude sweeps 2 tractors. G 11/10/1954 #11618  
             Forli, Italy A shange beam of red light, apparently from some  11/14/1954 #11650  
he other, a diesel, continued. The beam was seen for about one hour by a la 11/14/1954 #11650  
arm road in the evening when a red beam of light from a dark flying object  11/14/1954 #11654  
ut the diesel tractor did not. The beam of light was seen for over an hour  11/14/1954 #11654  
at Gonzáles that emits a brilliant beam of energy. He is paralyzed and temp 11/28/1954 #11722  
   MOZE-SUR-LOUET, FR 1 / bicycle. Beam searches to and fro. Shocks. Same a 11/29/1954 #11726  
ur-Louet, Maine-et-Loire, France a beam of light from the sky searched back 11/29/1954 #11729  
away but was paralyzed by a violet beam aimed at him by one of the creature 12/19/1954 #11837  
 them, he is paralyzed by a violet beam aimed at him by one of the creature 12/19/1954 #11838  
). Huge metal ovoid shoots sparks. Beam turns. Going up [to] and smokes. /  12/31/1954 #11884  
saucer going / low altitude. Green beam / top. Green / light / portholes. C 1/1955 #11902  
ering at 20,000 feet. It focused a beam of light onto his plane. He gave ch 1/16/1955 #11935  
NEAR ROMSEY, ENGL 30' saucer drops beam with small humanoid (or Grey) / Mou 2/23/1955 #12014  
ro-magnetic effects). 100' saucer. Beam burns paint and observer(s) skin. E 3/30/1955 #12069  
nd forth while hovering and shot a beam of white light at the witness, burn 3/30/1955 #12071  
Nicoson. Large red saucer. Intense beam going down. Hovers / 30 minute(s).  8/12/1956 #13070  
cts). Saucer 300M overhead. Strong beam going down. Chases driver / 10km. / 8/28/1956 #13143  
bject overhead that shone a strong beam of light on his truck, then chased  8/28/1956 #13147  
magnetic effects). 2 hide / field. Beam unrolls and searches. Going quickly 9/1956 #13158  
. 2 more join. Going in formation. Beam flashes between 2.                  9/3/1956 #13174  
side flew low, through searchlight beam. (UFOE, XII) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 11/1956 #13301  
Going [to] low through searchlight beam. / r78p177.                         11/5/1956 (approximate) #13307  
PUKETAPU, NZ Separate farmer. Blue beam going [to] through window. See Hatu 11/26/1956 #13356  
AR HATUMA, NZ 30cm wide laser-like beam going [to] window / 45° angle. Lead 11/27/1956 #13357  
flat bottom/underside follows car. Beam lights ground. To and fro across ro 12/27/1956 (approximate) #13414  
ers / 18km altitude. Searches with beam. Quickly going up [to] and going qu 2/13/1957 #13496  
ts, and the object responds with a beam of light. A second blue-green, puls 6/3/1957 #13698  
 brightly lit objects off the port beam as they are steaming 150 miles off  6/18/1957 #13740  
than the one-megawatt ground radar beam and the UFOs distance is about 5 ti 7/17/1957 #13808  
. The craft shot a greenish-yellow beam at the ground. Plants and stones va 8/28/1957 #13940  
and S. de Oliveira were blinded by beam from a round object at ground level 10/1957 #14049  
on board the craft aimed at them a beam so bright they "felt weak." The fig 10/8/1957 #14076  
ure onboard the craft then aimed a beam of energy at them that was very bri 10/8/1957 #14079  
n lamp out. Back when lit. Follows beam / light.                            10/31/1957 #14171  
       PROVENCAL, LA Car stopped / beam / Army green UFO. Destroyed / heat. 11/1957 #14180  
uck. Suddenly the object flashed a beam of light directly at the car, appar 11/1957 #14181  
ware. The UFOs beamed down a light beam onto the highway, and the witnesses 11/6/1957 #14439  
panic. 60M top-saucer hovers. Blue beam sweeps. Going up [to] to clouds sil 11/14/1957 #14544  
sses watched a big UFO send down a beam of light.                           11/14/1957 #14552  
n. Stops 3M over snow. Aims strong beam. Quickly going up [to] and paces ca 11/17/1957 #14569  
t is. Suddenly the object shines a beam of light straight down on the water 1958 #14783  
object that emitted a narrow light beam toward the ground. He was so fright 1/13/1958 #14823  
object that emitted a narrow light beam toward the ground. He was so fright 1/13/1958 #14825  
CASINO, AUST Silent domed saucer / beam chases car / 3 mile(s). Radio Frequ 1/14/1958 #14826  
O hovering offshore. It directed a beam of light downward into the ocean. L 1/16/1958 #14832  
ight, and a relaxing emerald-green beam of light is coming from its base to 3/1958 #14905  
Trucker. 3M giant / road. Blinding beam / chest. Missing time. / r113p150.  5/27/1958 #15053  
t hovers under overcast. Truncated beam going down.                         8/27/1958 #15227  
eps 3 observer(s) and area / white beam. Going northwest then going up. Tra 10/1958 #15291  
r 30–45 seconds. The UFO flashes a beam of white light and they feel heat o 10/26/1958 #15385  
horizontally, climbed out of radar beam. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 11/1958 #15413  
med 6M saucer hovers / 100M. Sharp beam going down. Going quickly northwest 12/21/1958 #15493  
elicopter-shaped object directed a beam of light at some linemen workers in 2/28/1959 #15625  
S, PRT Several observer(s). Strong beam going down / house. Retracts. Going 3/28/1959 #15676  
stops 2km away. 1cm apparent size. Beam going down [to] searches ground. Go 4/23/1959 #15710  
y from the witnesses. It emitted a beam of light that searched the ground f 4/23/1959 #15711  
manoids (or Greys) wave back! Blue beam shot going up. Going quickly southw 6/26/1959 #15786  
s were visible on its "deck" and a beam of blue light was emitted upward fr 6/26/1959 #15789  
ge saucer / treetop level on edge. Beam lights beach like day.              7/25/1959 #15875  
 In Gaiawanaki, Papua New Guinea a beam of light shone down on men on the b 7/25/1959 #15878  
 Grey ovoid lights area blue. Blue beam going down [to] as object going qui 9/7/1959 #15956  
ectangular windows / low altitude. Beam searches going down. Going southeas 9/15/1959? #15978  
s / white saucers / different ALTs beam lights going down. Dynamo sound. /  2/22/1960 #16182  
 sharp turns. A strong white light beam shone down from the balls of light  4/25/1960 #16243  
 lit up the ground with an intense beam of light. His dog ran away in fear. 6/10/1960 #16311  
 Saucer / fantastic maneuvers. Red beam scans sky and ground. / r103p66.    8/13/1960 #16375  
A Police, vehicle encounter, light beam, E-M, maneuvers, cat-and-mouse purs 8/13/1960 #16378  
vers, sweeps the ground with a red beam, performs aerial gymnastics, then h 8/13/1960 #16380  
e night lights. 1 shines 100' wide beam going down / monitor mountains.     9/24/1961 #16870  
sc-shaped object directed a strong beam of light over two cars on a highway 4/11/1962 #17109  
n lights came on and a white light beam like a searchlight played toward th 8/1/1962 #17313  
t played toward the witnesses. The beam was extinguished, the red and green 8/1/1962 #17313  
uddenly he is paralyzed by a light beam from an unseen object, apparently f 8/26/1962 #17362  
n / same pseudo-human/entity. Blue beam transport. "Time altered".          9/23/1962 #17431  
d his truck and walked into a blue beam. Inside the craft he met the same f 9/23/1962 #17436  
el to the road project a brilliant beam of light on the road. When they got 11/26/1962 #17563  
er with a UFO. The UFO projected a beam of light at the aircraft, and one o 1/3/1963 #17626  
on of Brindisi, emitted a vertical beam of green light.                     1/11/1963 #17633  
 to the north, emitting a vertical beam of green light.                     1/11/1963 #17634  
f Brindisi, and emitted a vertical beam of green light.                     1/11/1963 #17635  
ps going [to] 1K' altitude. Bright beam going down / 15 second(s).          2/27/1963 #17686  
. Retrieves object? Windows. Green beam.                                    8/21/1963 (approximate) #17914  
d. Douglas fired at them, as a red beam burned him. He ran away and found s 10/12/1963 #17986  
 a gun and fired at them, as a red beam burned him. He ran away and found s 10/12/1963 #17988  
he house was flooded with a strong beam. Temperature rose and a sulphurous  10/21/1963 #17996  
bjects had a white and a red light beam, measured 8 m in diameter, and left 10/21/1963 #17996  
the house is flooded with a strong beam. The temperature rises inside the h 10/21/1963 #17997  
n diameter, have a white and a red beam of light, and leave a cloud of whit 10/21/1963 #17997  
he house was flooded with a strong beam. The temperature rose inside the ho 10/21/1963 #17998  
meter, had a white and a red light beam, and left a cloud of white smoke.   10/21/1963 #17998  
adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Beam lights hilltop. / r242p141.         11/14/1963 #18037  
bluish-green glow hovered emitting beam which illuminated hilltop; house ra 11/14/1963 #18038  
ds behind hangar. Searches / green beam. / FSRv10#2.                        12/10/1963 #18069  
ground and area with a green light beam.                                    12/10/1963 #18073  
4 observer(s). 2 saucers maneuver. Beam hits men going [to] psyco-effects.  3/1964 #18142  
DORION, ONT 5 / woods. Large white beam searches very close. Saucer silent  4/24/1964 (approximate) #18190  
               La Rioja, Arg Light beam, landed craft, humming noise, physi 5/10/1964 #18258  
 an open field while a searchlight beam from an overhead Huey was focused a 12/10/1964 #18655  
and nearby. As they approach it, a beam of light comes out and strikes both 3/2/1965 #18832  
-shaped object landed near them. A beam of light came out of the object and 3/5/1965 #18844  
in 2 m of it and made a gesture. A beam of light from the underside of the  3/15/1965 #18857  
itness struck on forehead by light beam, unconscious, eye damage. Damaged f 3/15/1965 #18858  
st of air. His dogs howled. Then a beam of light shot out from underneath t 3/15/1965 #18860  
ght red infrared lamp. It shined a beam of light down on their car. The obj 4/3/1965 #18889  
exandra de Motta, they see a light beam coming from a cloud illuminating an 7/26/1965 #19181  
a bright, purple light and a green beam.                                    7/31/1965 #19218  
a bright, purple light and a green beam.                                    7/31/1965 #19221  
ornia. The object is silent, and a beam of white light is rotating beneath  8/3/1965 #19290  
wn [to] low. 3 pseudo-human/entity beam out. Fantastic telepathy exchange.  8/7/1965 #19338  
e down from the object. Inside the beam descended two 7-8 feet tall men wit 8/7/1965 #19339  
, and then stop. At that moment, a beam of light  enveloped the car from ab 8/9/1965 #19350  
one apparently adjusting the light beam projector, and the other two handin 8/26/1965 #19466  
cile by the fence. A green colored beam then made a sound like an explosion 11/11/1965 #19713  
 observer(s). Saucer lands. Shoots beam going up. 3 small humanoids (or Gre 11/13/1965 #19717  
object land 100 m away, flashing a beam of light toward the sky. Two police 11/13/1965 #19718  
t land 100 meters away, flashing a beam of light towards the sky. Two polic 11/13/1965 #19720  
ip crew. Cloud going north. Strong beam going down. Almond object exits. /  12/16/1965 #19772  
scomus, Arg Object with blue light beam observed flying away. Flying Saucer 1/9/1966 #19820  
 their car. It was emitting a blue beam of light. After the object had disa 1/9/1966 #19821  
 on and off one at a time. A light beam shone into the house. (Keyhoe & Lor 3/19/1966 #19991  
 (EM effect) at the time. A "light beam was emitted downward from the objec 3/30/1966 #20155  
 power lines. Lands / woods. White beam.                                    4/5/1966 #20230  
 then observed a vertical, conical beam of light in a nearby field, very wh 4/5/1966 #20239  
onfronted by glowing object, light beam illuminated road, humming sound. Ch 4/17/1966 #20317  
g up [to] when ground searchlights beam on it.                              4/18/1966 #20323  
men driving along that route saw a beam sweep the road, stopped, and saw th 4/19/1966 #20345  
 legs for landing gear and a light beam, making a roaring noise, landed on  4/23/1966 #20391  
nts etc. / instruments and lights. Beam aboard!                             5/10/1966 #20470  
overs and maneuvers and hovers.. . Beam searches ground. Loops going quickl 6/11/1966 #20549  
 intervals. The object gives off a beam of light in various directions.     6/11/1966 #20553  
c with lights and a powerful light beam shining from its bottom. One of the 6/16/1966 #20568  
the neighbor’s children. The light beam shines into a nearby wood, lighting 6/16/1966 #20568  
n the craft, which emitted a light beam. All the dogs in the vicinity were  7/17/1966 #20648  
eters away from them. It emitted a beam of light. They also noticed that th 7/17/1966 #20649  
illiant object / rice Paddy. White beam searches. Going quickly west. Whoos 7/28/1966 #20690  
maneuvers and lands. Sweeps area / beam. Pseudo-human/entity. / MJ#279.     7/31/1966 #20697  
om and swept the area with a light beam. A strange being, 1.80 m tall, was  7/31/1966 #20701  
tted a strange multi-colored light beam that moved rapidly to the ground, a 8/1/1966 #20715  
tted a strange multi-colored light beam that moved rapidly to the ground, w 8/1/1966 #20719  
 emitted an extremely bright light beam that blinded the driver. (NICAP rep 8/16/1966 #20752  
that hovered, emitting a red light beam from the underside. When children r 8/20/1966 #20776  
orange, approached, and then a red beam came out of the bottom. When childr 8/20/1966 #20783  
 The UFO emitted a brilliant light beam. The engine and lights of his car d 10/15/1966 #21008  
the underside, and a central light beam that illuminated a field. During th 10/26/1966 #21036  
show as it hovers. A large central beam of light shines onto the field belo 10/26/1966 #21038  
 blink. Huge UFO with 4+4 windows. Beam knocks observer(s) going down.      11/1/1966 #21058  
 a family of three. A very intense beam of light from the UFO knocked the m 11/1/1966 #21064  
over his car and focusing a bright beam of light on him for 10 seconds. It  11/6/1966 #21080  
ights began flashing on and off. A beam of light seemed to be constantly di 12/8/1966 #21193  
NY 60' saucer controls car / white beam. Voices say friend died. He did.    12/12/1966 (approximate) #21194  
 Georgia. Suddenly, a 10-foot-wide beam of light shoots down to the water.  1967 #21236  
silver and blue with a red ring. A beam of light projected from the end. Ra 1/16/1967 #21323  
r / sky searches ground / 1M white beam. Shuts off. Red lights. Going up.   1/17/1967 #21326  
Ovoid with 8 square windows. Light beam / front. R&G lights. Stops and hove 1/17/1967 #21327  
 France A woman walking home saw a beam of light about 1 m in section sweep 1/17/1967 #21331  
omieres, France at 6:45 p.m. saw a beam of light, about one meter in width, 1/17/1967 #21335  
opped above them giving off a blue beam of light; it went away, then came a 2/2/1967 #21443  
e ground. The object shone a light beam on the witnesses after they had poi 2/8/1967 #21480  
ssion (AEC) nuclear facility. Blue beam going down. / r73p137.              2/10/1967 #21494  
hovers over AEC facility with blue beam (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, NC)  2/10/1967 #21502  
ghts (body lights). A steady light beam was emitted from the bottom. The ob 2/11/1967 #21510  
d object with a searchlight (light beam) directed downwards that was sweepi 2/13/1967 #21533  
OUTHWEST / KINGMAN, AZ Object aims beam going down / angle. Lights desert f 2/16/1967 #21562  
al illumination) by a moving light beam emitted from its bottom center. (Le 2/16/1967 #21569  
ed to an object that emits a light beam from its bottom center that moves a 2/16/1967 #21572  
s. Max Recod, was illuminated by a beam of light that also lit up the surro 2/16/1967 #21577  
 Orange flat sphere hovers / road. Beam going down. Paces car. Speedo and w 2/21/1967 #21609  
ght emitting a ray of light (light beam) toward the ground. EM effects were 2/21/1967 #21612  
pulsating, and then emitted a wide beam of light downward. It started pacin 2/21/1967 #21615  
 car alarmed as disc directs light beam into vehicle (NICAP: 04 - Animal Re 3/7/1967 #21786  
lue circular object that emitted a beam of light. The object hovered, appro 3/8/1967 #21803  
observer(s). Sweeps ground / white beam. Red night lights exit.             3/12/1967 #21860  
ld abandoned hayshed, and a second beam of light about 100 yards away in an 3/12/1967 #21874  
e deep snow, then moved toward the beam of light and when they reached it,  3/12/1967 #21874  
cend into the object on a luminous beam and speed away.                     4/4/1967 #22054  
 Haven, WV Dog and pony reacted to beam of light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reacti 4/17/1967 #22151  
) and with a shaft of light (light beam) pointed upward, descended , tippin 4/21/1967 #22185  
 women in Tucson, Arizona. A light beam was directed upward from the object 4/21/1967 #22201  
ar and illuminated it with a light beam, a whistling sound could be heard.  4/26/1967 #22221  
ng very quietly as engulfed in UFO beam (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)      4/26/1967 #22222  
ar and illuminated it with a light beam, a whistling sound could be heard.  4/26/1967 #22225  
et only 25 meters away. A coherent beam of light snaked away from the objec 5/6/1967 #22288  
inating the ground with a vertical beam of light. The object left suddenly  5/7/1967 #22293  
 hovers at about 200 feet, a light beam comes from the bottom of the object 5/7/1967 #22294  
e object directed a vertical light beam to the ground. They looked at it th 5/7/1967 #22297  
th an attached ray of light (light beam). At a certain point, these rays of 7/3/1967 #22596  
ened sphere with a brilliant light beam on top directed upward, and a small 7/4/1967 #22610  
oint it emitted a blue-white light beam which illuminated the ground. As th 7/28/1967 #22746  
low the path of a radio navigation beam. (Hunkins letter, NICAP files.) (NI 8/5/1967 #22812  
saw a glowing object, with a light beam, that moved slowly in a rectangular 8/11/1967 #22862  
 saw a glowing object with a light beam for 2-1/2 hours. Barking dogs (anim 8/12/1967 #22865  
s. The object was hovering and the beam of light was directed toward a farm 8/12/1967 #22865  
out 450 feet away. It is shining a beam of light at a milk house only 25 fe 8/12/1967 #22868  
oids (or Greys) / saucer. Zapped / beam. Dies / leukemia. / FSRv15#2.       8/13/1967 #22871  
 at the nearest being. Just then a beam of green light came from the UFO an 8/13/1967 #22874  
ned cabin they saw a conical light beam cast onto its wall, and the red lig 8/23/1967 #22908  
s frantic. Clam saucer fires sharp beam going down / ground. Going quickly  8/29/1967 #22948  
 girls. 4M ovoid / field. Buzz and beam. Object exits. TV Radio Frequency I 9/30/1967 #23148  
n top (body lights). A white light beam from the bottom illuminated the gro 10/2/1967 #23164  
th windows, blinking lights, light beam illuminating ground                 10/2/1967 #23166  
oving in the same direction as the beam. The partygoers watch the lights fo 10/12/1967 #23228  
 and turned on a very bright white beam of light from a flashlight like obj 10/29/1967 #23364  
eleration. He found a strong light beam aimed at him from a mushroom-shaped 10/30/1967 #23369  
y a lighted object from the sky. A beam of light comes from a “tube” on the 10/30/1967 #23371  
eleration. He found a strong light beam aimed at him from a mushroom-shaped 10/30/1967 #23372  
bell-shaped UFO directed an energy beam of some kind at a car being driven  10/31/1967 #23378  
e size of a house about to land. A beam of light shoots from it, putting hi 11/17/1967 #23477  
. The entities dress him again and beam him back to the field. He runs home 11/17/1967 #23477  
g to within three meters. A bright beam of light then struck Wilson around  11/28/1967 #23517  
ill beeping noise and a red-orange beam. Under hypnosis at the University o 12/3/1967 #23543  
dio message, but an orange and red beam directed at him made it impossible  12/3/1967 #23547  
ING, NY Red night light paces car. Beam. Voice says "your friend hurt bad". 12/12/1967 #23570  
ith his eyes “bugged out.” A white beam emanates from the humming object ab 12/12/1967 #23575  
33 a.m. when crewmembers sighted a beam of light like a powerful searchligh 12/21/1967 #23596  
om some clouds on the horizon. The beam extension was 35 degrees of arc in  12/21/1967 #23596  
s 35 degrees of arc in length. The beam seemed to emanate from a small clou 12/21/1967 #23596  
ortholes extends tripod and lands. Beam kills 1 observer(s).                2/2/1968 #23726  
lding and railroad tracks. A short beam of light came out of the craft, poi 2/21/1968 #23774  
ee feet tall walked down the light beam in single file and jumped from the  2/21/1968 #23774  
ile and jumped from the end of the beam to the ground. They were dressed in 2/21/1968 #23774  
rr-noise. Black ovoid hovers. Gold beam going down [to] lights houses. Very 3/15/1968 #23843  
overs. Device protrudes and shoots beam / boy / 11. Burns. / r83p288.       3/19/1968 #23847  
ntil it is pointed at him. A light beam shoots out and hits the upper part  3/19/1968 #23849  
to side until it came to me, and a beam of light shot out." Gregory turned  3/19/1968 #23850  
" Gregory turned away as the light beam hit the upper part of his arm, knoc 3/19/1968 #23850  
 lept out of nowhere and flashed a beam of light at them. The figure then d 4/3/1968 #23888  
requency Interference (RFI). White beam.                                    4/23/1968 #23918  
d her and lifted her inside with a beam of light, after which she found her 5/3/1968 #23942  
own to the ground again by a light beam.                                    5/3/1968 #23942  
d object spins / .5M altitude. Red beam going down. Powder and burns. / LDL 6/21/1968 #24058  
s spinning, and it cast a vertical beam of red light toward the ground. Cal 6/21/1968 #24064  
s spinning, and it cast a vertical beam of red light toward the ground. Cal 6/21/1968 #24065  
inating the ground with a vertical beam of red light. The top of the object 6/21/1968 #24067  
ectro-magnetic effects). Area lit. Beam / saucer hits man / faints. / r8#91 6/25/1968 #24078  
l with three legs and four arms. A beam of light comes from the center of t 7/1968 #24109  
ght going down [to] and narrow red beam going down. 3 'portholes' / bottom/ 7/15/1968 #24174  
light to ground. Also narrower red beam or ray in center. (See drawing. UFO 7/15/1968 #24176  
and it also emitted a narrower red beam or ray.                             7/15/1968 #24178  
oise and was blinded by a powerful beam of light accompanied by two green l 7/17/1968 #24186  
e of the courtyard. A luminous red beam came from the object and struck her 7/22/1968 #24202  
dle of the courtyard. A bright red beam comes from the object and strikes h 7/22/1968 #24204  
 a number of minutes until the red beam is extinguished. At this time, the  7/22/1968 #24204  
e of the courtyard. A luminous red beam came from the object and struck her 7/22/1968 #24205  
 a number of minutes until the red beam was extinguished. At this time the  7/22/1968 #24205  
ps." When caught in the flashlight beam, it lifted a hand, which was very l 7/28/1968 #24245  
Saucer hovers / hours. Dog panics. Beam and "arm" reaches down. Saucer goin 7/30/1968 #24258  
red low over ground, grayish light beam cast sharp shadows. Humming sound,  7/30/1968 #24261  
shines a 20-foot wide gray-colored beam of light onto the ground. Their chi 7/30/1968 #24263  
r barn and projected bright bluish beam into cornfield. Moved off south sti 8/1968 #24282  
 south still projecting fan shaped beam over countryside Witnesses 1? (Selb 8/1968 #24282  
r barn and projected bright bluish beam into cornfield. Moved off south sti 8/1968 #24283  
 south still projecting fan shaped beam over countryside Witnesses 1? (Selb 8/1968 #24283  
. Dark ovoid over mountain. Curved beam going down [to] stops 6M over peak! 8/2/1968 (approximate) #24289  
                                 A beam of energy from a disc-shaped object 8/9/1968 #24313  
roup of people saw a UFO approach, beam lights down which reflected off Gre 8/16/1968 #24339  
 round white ball projecting white beam of light onto fields and woods as i 8/16/1968 #24340  
s downward, focusing into a single beam that swept the area and reflected o 8/16/1968 #24344  
 at around 11:00 p.m. It emitted a beam of light upwards.                   8/20/1968 #24360  
FR Square white sheet / ground. 1M beam extends 2km out and retracts. / r30 8/21/1968 #24363  
 UCERO, SP 2M saucer sweeps area / beam. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Por 8/28/1968 #24391  
nded 500 meters away and emitted a beam of light directed upward. It then m 8/28/1968 #24392  
 the ground and directing a bright beam of light downward. When the entitie 9/1/1968 #24422  
d to their machine along the light beam. There was an "explosive effect" an 9/1/1968 #24422  
ooking beings appeared inside each beam. All ascended back up to the craft  9/20/1968 #24490  
 with 2-3 beams toward ground. One beam was longer than the others. Lights  9/30/1968 #24525  
       NEAR ACULA, SP 3 4M saucers beam lights. Go dark on landing. Observe 10/1968 #24531  
tends going down [to] and retracts beam / light! Observers paralyzed.       10/13/1968 #24559  
, and they were directing a narrow beam of white light towards the ground b 11/1/1968 #24620  
 and tilted 90 degrees so that the beam of light struck him. He then heard  11/1/1968 #24620  
rging about 180 m away. A vertical beam of light was aimed at him for a sec 11/2/1968 #24624  
ng about 590 feet away. A vertical beam of light is aimed at him for a seco 11/2/1968 #24625  
s away from his window. A vertical beam of light was aimed at him for a sec 11/2/1968 #24626  
spacesuits strike with a disabling beam crowd and exit.                     11/21/1968 #24675  
rked nearby. After a short while a beam of silver light shot forth from the 11/21/1968 #24676  
 object going down. 45° turn. Aims beam / boat. Quickly going up.           11/22/1968 #24677  
          WEST / NEWTON, GA Ovoid. Beam hits car and retracts. Car restarts 11/22/1968 #24679  
low-white oval ahead of car, light beam struck car; color changed to orange 11/22/1968 #24681  
riefly over a shrimp boat, shone a beam of light down on the boat, then sho 11/22/1968 #24691  
75' above the ground, it emitted a beam that lit the ground.  Radio gave of 11/23/1968 #24694  
to static. Then the object emits a beam of well-defined light about 5–6 fee 11/23/1968 #24695  
              AUDEUX, FR 2 saucers beam vibrant bright cones / light going  11/24/1968 (approximate) #24698  
/others. White-glowing saucer. Red beam going down / each stop. Hovers / 15 11/27/1968 #24720  
dy lights hovered, shone red light beam to ground. When officer shone flash 11/27/1968 #24723  
dy lights hovered, shone red light beam to ground. When officer shone flash 11/27/1968 #24724  
 at 7:00 p.m. It shone a red light beam to the ground. When a police office 11/27/1968 #24726  
shape going [to] up valley. Violet beam going down. / SKYLOOK#48.           12/1/1968 #24741  
sta. Fireball hovers. Shoots fiery beam when moving.                        1/5/1969 #24817  
overing fireball that shot a fiery beam when it began moving. At 11:45 p.m. 1/5/1969 #24818  
ckwise and emitting a strong white beam of light down to the road which see 3/4/1969 #24963  
io was dead. As heneared the light beam from the UFO his truck motor and ra 3/4/1969 #24963  
truck motor and radio quit. As the beam moved away from his truck he was ab 3/4/1969 #24963  
 about 4 mi. staying away from the beam. The UFO followed the contour of th 3/4/1969 #24963  
nterference (RFI). Magnifying cone beam! Going east. / MJ#251+/ APRO 5 / 69 3/4/1969 #24965  
ad of car, effects associated with beam of light from object. See Section I 3/4/1969 #24966  
 MO Object emitting blinding light beam paced ahead of vehicle, heat felt.  3/4/1969 #24967  
ahead of vehicle, heat felt. Light beam associated with E-M effects. Object 3/4/1969 #24967  
. He attempts to drive through the beam, but his motor and radio die when h 3/4/1969 #24968  
when he gets to within 6 feet. The beam moves away a bit, he tries again, a 3/4/1969 #24968  
urns back to red, switches off the beam, and cruises away.                  3/4/1969 #24968  
 the highway and directed a strong beam of light onto the road. The driver  3/4/1969 #24970  
isturbed as domed disc sends light beam to road (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactio 3/6/1969 #24974  
               Lancaster, MO Light beam shone on road ahead of car, dog rea 3/6/1969 #24975  
d and she sees a bright blue-white beam of light illuminating the road and  3/6/1969 #24976  
ed. She tries to drive through the beam, but the car slows from 50 mph to 8 3/6/1969 #24976  
 arms. She then saw a bluish-white beam of light ahead on the road. Her car 3/6/1969 #24977  
down to 10 mph when it entered the beam. Looking up, she saw a disc-shaped  3/6/1969 #24977  
erator until after it had left the beam. The woman's eyes bothered her for  3/6/1969 #24977  
CHF buzzed / 100' saucer. Blinding beam / bottom/underside. Going quickly s 3/10/1969 #24986  
d overhead, stopped, emitted light beam onto road, illuminating police chie 3/10/1969 #24988  
d overhead, stopped, emitted light beam onto road, illuminating police chie 3/10/1969 #24989  
er domed disc-shaped object with a beam of light was seen on the road ahead 3/10/1969 #24990  
es per hour to just 8 mph when the beam touched it. Her dog reacted with fe 3/10/1969 #24990  
wobbling as it hovered, and shot a beam of light downward onto the road. Th 3/10/1969 #24991  
and hovers over 2 cars. Headlights beam spread as saucer pulses.            3/19/1969 #25027  
. It approached him, and emitted a beam of pink light that struck him and c 3/19/1969 #25031  
 with lights around its edge and a beam of light shining from its center. A 4/5/1969 #25051  
g the object landing and shining a beam of light towards them. Later one of 4/5/1969 #25051  
-saucer low over cane crop. Strong beam sweeps 360°.                        4/20/1969 #25070  
aving on a still night. A powerful beam of light switches on across the top 4/20/1969 #25073  
g out and being replaced by a “low beam” and “cabin lights.” A UFO is above 4/20/1969 #25073  
r toward the object when the “high beam” is on. The helmet-shaped object is 4/20/1969 #25073  
gar cane crop. It emitted a strong beam of light that swept the ground for  4/20/1969 #25074  
o ranch on his horse when a bright beam of light struck him from above. He  4/20/1969 #25075  
 directions. Door opens and strong beam comes out.                          5/3/1969 (approximate) #25111  
r on the craft opened and a strong beam of light came out.                  5/3/1969 #25112  
ness in his legs, he knelt down. A beam of light, greenish in the middle an 5/4/1969 #25115  
 Scientist and 4. UFO shoot strong beam going down. Jets chase. Type unknow 5/11/1969 #25121  
rilliant figure(s) hide from view. Beam paralyzes exposed arms.             6/1969 #25180  
luminous figures hide from view. A beam of energy paralyzed the exposed arm 6/3/1969 #25194  
f red lights, connected by a white beam, buzzed a motorist. Afterwards thre 6/4/1969 #25199  
d with lights / rim. Hits houses / beam. Follows land contours going northe 8/11/1969 (approximate) #25314  
EADSTOWN, WI Night light descends. Beam lights entire field. Many observer( 10/31/1969? #25441  
 100M altitude hits porch / curved beam / light. Rises and away.            1/1/1970 #25529  
 hover, humanoid appeared in light beam from object. Memory loss, extensive 1/7/1970 #25538  
 hover, humanoid appeared in light beam from object. Memory loss, extensive 1/7/1970 #25539  
he object’s bottom, a bright light beam is emitted, creating an illuminated 1/7/1970 #25540  
s ski pole. The two men next saw a beam of light come from an opening in th 1/7/1970 #25541  
ulsating yellow light from which a beam was emitted. Then the mist descende 1/7/1970 #25541  
w. But the UFO is actually a light beam from a high-intensity purple spot-l 3/28/1970 #25613  
areas. It occasionally sends out a beam of light to the ground. Some of the 4/29/1970 #25645  
cer drops near power lines. Bright beam going down. Going quickly east.     6/27/1970 #25711  
yde, Scotland. It emitted a bright beam of light, then flew off to the east 6/27/1970 #25715  
                    CANELINHA, BRZ Beam levitates man / bicycle 2X. No UFO  7/16/1970 #25738  
s blinded by a yellow-orange light beam and paralyzed by fright. As the obj 7/25/1970 #25750  
and electro-magnetic effect (EME). Beam retracts. / MJ#103+/ r41.           8/13/1970 #25779  
ded and paralyzed when struck by a beam of energy from the object. He was o 8/30/1970 #25816  
aped object emitting a white light beam. At 4:15 a.m. a red object with bea 10/5/1970 #25869  
y see an disc-shaped object with a beam of light extending down to the road 11/1/1970 #25898  
ugh binoculars. A domed UFO with a beam of light was sighted in Quincy, Ill 1/18/1971 #25991  
ZIL Dog frantic. Lantern goes out. Beam levitates observer(s). Wakens 0800h 1/30/1971 (approximate) #26006  
itness's lantern went out. Next, a beam of light levitated the observer and 1/30/1971 #26008  
 red lights and a searchlight like beam, which responded to their flashligh 2/26/1971 #26033  
     ROVANIEMI, FINL 1 / truck. 3M beam / light moves over road / 20M altit 3/4/1971 #26042  
noid figures visible inside, light beam upward from top (UFOE II, Section V 4/14/1971 #26070  
noid figures visible inside, light beam upward from top                     4/14/1971 #26071  
ANTA CRUZ IS, CA 3 UFO's maneuver. Beam on ocean backlights island. Seen fr 6/1971 (approximate) #26151  
in Pinehurst, Idaho. It directed a beam of light down upon two witnesses, w 6/21/1971 #26184  
 were physiological effects when a beam of energy knocked the driver of the 8/2/1971 #26264  
larger UFO emitted a broad, bluish beam of light that fell directly into th 8/11/1971 #26280  
band but could not say a word. The beam of light turned off and on five tim 8/11/1971 #26280  
om the top, and it emitted a light beam for five seconds.                   9/8/1971 #26326  
hen he shone his motorcycle's high beam headlight on the object the light d 9/22/1971 #26363  
                   CATAGUASES, BRZ Beam lifts man. Hangs / 15 minute(s) unt 9/25/1971 #26373  
 Brazil when he perceived a strong beam of reddish light, coming from somet 9/25/1971 #26379  
ied dazzling lights. With a yellow beam of light they levitated him 150 fee 9/25/1971 #26379  
oud circles going east. Fires thin beam going up. Going down / thick woods. 10/12/1971 #26420  
n any legs. Startled, he shone the beam of his flashlight at one of the tal 10/28/1971 #26438  
. Silent saucer nears and circles. Beam curves down! / r193#30.             10/30/1971 #26439  
t off ground, sheep reacted, light beam, landing traces, physiological effe 11/2/1971 #26448  
old mines. Red lights blink / top. Beam going down.                         11/6/1971 #26461  
d red lights blinking on top and a beam of light.                           11/6/1971 #26466  
ETS, FR Capsule sweeps mountains / beam. Lights electro-magnetic effect (EM 2/14/1972 #26579  
oliceman on patrol noticed a light beam on the ground, and when he glanced  4/20/1972 #26655  
nd landed remotely. It had a light beam and made a jet-like noise or buzzin 5/13/1972 #26682  
y at a low altitude. It directed a beam of light upwards, with 90 degree ro 6/2/1972 #26698  
 LOGRONO, SP 50cm egg enters room. Beam extends to radio and tape player. R 6/22/1972 #26724  
the floor to 15 inches above it. A beam of solid light extends from the obj 6/22/1972 #26726  
. The object emitted a hypnotizing beam of energy, which resulted in an epi 8/11/1972 #26899  
 2 very large round objects flash. Beam lights / one-another. Absolute(ly)  8/12/1972 #26901  
ers exit. 6M egg going down. Torch beam bends going up. Going south. / LDLN 8/12/1972 #26903  
 a flashlight on the haystack, the beam travels horizontally for a bit then 8/12/1972 #26911  
bject was round and  had "rays" or beam of light coming out of it.          9/13/1972 #26991  
IES Luminous disk with very strong beam / low altitude. Hovers / one hour.  9/26/1972 (approximate) #27031  
ity. It did so by means of a solid beam of blue light. It somehow levitated 9/27/1972 #27036  
ir, inside an apparently invisible beam, into a hovering saucer-shaped obje 10/22/1972 #27085  
e flight path. The object shines a beam of light at the airplane, bathing i 10/23/1972 #27087  
Manitoba. There was a very intense beam coming from in front of the object. 10/23/1972 #27089  
d midnight. At one time it emits a beam that sets the brush on fire.        12/13/1972 #27176  
 Tall thin glowing men / roadside. Beam curves going up. No UFO.            12/22/1972 #27183  
at two o'clock in the morning. The beam of the car headlights appeared to c 12/22/1972 #27184  
UBLE, FR Glowing-box shines strong beam quickly going down. Complex maneuve 1/10/1973 #27228  
rance a glowing box shone a strong beam of light. It made some complex mane 1/10/1973 #27229  
bout 200 meters away. A triangular beam of light emerged from its base, poi 3/24/1973 #27373  
of humanoid beings, one behind the beam and one "sliding on it" towards the 3/24/1973 #27373  
ms and legs but the one behind the beam seemed to carry a sack on its left  3/24/1973 #27373  
ouette gradually "evaporated." The beam then went out, and then the ball di 3/24/1973 #27373  
From its base emerged a triangular beam of light, with its base on the sphe 3/25/1973 #27376  
of humanoid beings, one behind the beam and one "sliding on it" towards the 3/25/1973 #27376  
s and legs, but the one behind the beam seemed to be carrying a sack on its 3/25/1973 #27376  
 "evaporated," then the triangular beam went out, and next the luminous bal 3/25/1973 #27376  
cylinder/cigar-shape. Shoots white beam.                                    4/26/1973 #27447  
tic effects). Saucer sweeps area / beam 3x. Huge mushrooms grow. / r215p102 5/14/1973 #27485  
d UFO was sweeping the area with a beam of light, and did so three times. G 5/14/1973 #27486  
tton on his belt buckle. At this a beam of light shone on him "and then dre 5/16/1973 #27496  
Small humanoids (or Greys) / road. Beam destroys truck. Flying Saucer Revie 5/22/1973 #27515  
ject hovering overhead, blue light beam shone onto car, heat felt. Flying S 5/22/1973 #27517  
 he sees it is transparent. Then a beam of blue light shines on him from th 5/22/1973 #27518  
ice like a flashlight that emits a beam of different colors: green on the l 5/27/1973 #27533  
aist down. Each one was directly a beam of light down as if searching for s 5/27/1973 #27535  
  COLUMBIA, MO 15' saucer. Tapered beam going down. Power out. Trees sway.  6/28/1973 #27589  
ows fog. Silver saucer with bright beam. Fog = ashes!                       8/20/1973 #27715  
rches tall tree repeatedly / white beam.                                    9/1973 #27738  
NDS, SPAIN 2 observer(s). Vertical beam / light passes over island.         9/1/1973 #27741  
ees. Beams strike with a disabling beam observer(s). Radiation/radioactivit 9/19/1973 #27836  
e woods. At one point it emitted a beam of light into the woods.            9/27/1973 #27880  
ed to project its orange glow in a beam toward the ground and moved with oc 10/3/1973 #27924  
vers / 350M / 90 second(s). Strong beam going down. Going quickly east. / r 10/4/1973 #27928  
           ALBANY, GA Man / SR333. Beam into car. Observer(s) faints and cr 10/5/1973 #27944  
own. Colored lights / surface. Red beam shines going down.                  10/5/1973 #27945  
              NEAR ST. MATHIAS, QB Beam going down. Saucer going down. 5 sm 10/6/1973 #27955  
 Greys) / bedroom. Robotic motion. Beam shows observer's bones! 5h / missin 10/15/1973 #28033  
ment / Ohio and 1. Orange vertical beam / 35 minute(s). / r181p21+Cleveland 10/15/1973 #28040  
ghway 82, seemingly suspended on a beam of light, near Eupora, Mississippi, 10/16/1973 #28086  
cops. 3 10M cigars humming. Bright beam on car. Going west slow then fast.  10/17/1973 #28109  
they see an amber-colored vertical beam of light. When asked to confirm the 10/17/1973 #28131  
essee by a metallic UFO emitting a beam of light. There were also aircraft  10/17/1973 #28134  
wilight, seemingly suspended on a "beam of light." The primary witness's ca 10/17/1973 #28140  
structure. Under the tail, a green beam sweeps a 90° arc and shines through 10/18/1973 #28172  
ing sounds. A powerful white light beam was also seen. No physical traces w 10/19/1973 #28197  
ic effects). Silent 10M ovoid with beam going down / barn. Avoids flashligh 10/28/1973 #28306  
hovering, plate-shaped craft via a beam of light. He saw a room with a wind 10/28/1973 #28311  
r long ovoid UFO, which directed a beam of light on his barn. He tried to s 10/28/1973 #28314  
but the UFO avoided the flashlight beam. It shot off to the west.           10/28/1973 #28314  
r and 7-10 feet high. It emitted a beam of light 15 inches in diameter that 10/29/1973 #28319  
appeared overhead, shooting down a beam of yellow light that surrounded bot 11/3/1973 #28362  
object maneuvers / water. Very odd beam going up. Going southwest.          11/6/1973 #28369  
of the water, and emitted an amber beam 4-6 inches in diameter. It was movi 11/6/1973 #28377  
etallic with a luminous fan-shaped beam directed from the top, upwards. The 11/19/1973 #28449  
te light in the center. It fixed a beam of light on the car and pursued it  12/1/1973 #28497  
and more. Box scans fish nets with beam. Going quickly north. / Flying Sauc 12/2/1973 #28499  
ing noise. Luminous/glowing hollow beam sweeps ground. Ovoid / 50' altitude 12/2/1973 #28500  
5:30 in the morning. It directed a beam of light upon their fishing nets.   12/2/1973 #28506  
the witness intensely. A yellowish beam of light illuminated the man from a 12/12/1973 #28559  
N ARDO, CA 2 / car. Silent saucer. Beam going down / field. Throws dirt up  12/14/1973 #28571  
aso Robles, California a solid red beam of light from a black cone-shaped U 12/14/1973 #28573  
 were seen on the ground where the beam had hit.                            12/14/1973 #28573  
 saucer going west over reservoir. Beam going down. Back / FEB'74+APR'75.   1/5/1974 #28645  
 department, France. It directed a beam of light down on the water.         1/5/1974 #28648  
s). 2 large orbs search Seine R. / beam. Vanish. / r246p93.                 1/13/1974 (approximate) #28677  
, ON 2 / car. Large UFO with white beam going down [to] lights road. Swings 2/13/1974 #28763  
oing down [to] lights road. Swings beam going [to] trees. Type unknown.     2/13/1974 #28763  
ing just above the ground. A light beam was directed at him from the appare 2/14/1974 #28770  
ntity / diving suit by road. Light beam extends and retracts.               3/17/1974 #28893  
, cylindrical, solid like coherent beam of light from the front part of the 3/17/1974 #28898  
1 and May 20). He discovers that a beam of light has floated him up into th 3/23/1974 #28936  
 of the incident. He related how a beam of light had floated him up into th 3/23/1974 #28939  
crews. Bright object with luminous beam hovers. / LDLN#172.                 4/2/1974 #28989  
 at him and him in the eyes with a beam of light, temporarily blinding him. 5/1/1974 #29078  
         GRAYE-ET-CHARNAY, FR Rays beam into house. Landing traces / oval p 5/25/1974 #29132  
ing through the field and a bright beam of light was shone upon him. He re- 5/26/1974 #29136  
tube at the witness and a luminous beam of light struck him, paralyzing bot 5/26/1974 #29136  
adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Beam shines into car. Driver feels "at p 6/5/1974 (approximate) #29163  
ootball field, but he cannot see a beam or light source. A few hours later, Summer 1974 #29218  
d spotlight on it, brilliant white beam from object illuminated patrol car  7/9/1974 #29250  
d spotlight on it, brilliant white beam from object illuminated patrol car  7/9/1974 #29251  
rn their spotlight on, a brilliant beam lights up the cruiser. The beam swi 7/9/1974 #29252  
nt beam lights up the cruiser. The beam switches off and the object races a 7/9/1974 #29252  
ucer / flat edges going up. Strong beam going down.                         7/15/1974 #29260  
 NORTHEAST / HUBBARDS, NS Wide red beam / woods lights 2 men / road. Bright 8/3/1974 #29305  
a lights mountains / yellow-orange beam. All around ski hut.                8/23/1974 #29378  
ar-box shaped and 2 oval portholes beam light. Going quickly southwest.     9/4/1974 #29420  
g 15 meters up in the air. A white beam of light came down to the ground, a 9/7/1974 #29429  
t pulses color(s). Observers shine beam. UFO beams red back! Dogs frantic.  9/26/1974 #29480  
UFO, and the UFO beamed back a red beam of light. Their dogs were frantical 9/26/1974 #29484  
from the object is a long, narrow, beam of light about 2 inches in diameter 11/1974 #29574  
er and 3 feet long. The end of the beam is diffuse, and it is slowly rotati 11/1974 #29574  
 for him. He saw a white headlight beam and a red light pass in front of hi 11/30/1974 #29622  
or 1–2 hours. At one point a light beam shoots down from the UFO into the v 1975 #29680  
n he is blinded and paralyzed by a beam of light. He revives inside a UFO w 1/4/1975 #29715  
ndingly bright that emitted a bent beam of light and found himself paralyze 1/5/1975 #29723  
ine wouldn't start. A bluish light beam then shone on the car for a few sec 1/6/1975 #29729  
beach. "Photograph flashes". Conic beam going down / water.                 1/8/1975 #29731  
agnetic effects). Big saucer. Blue beam. Stripes found on car. Observer(s)  2/19/1975 #29825  
orange glow, emitted conical light beam down on lake, illuminated terrain,  2/26/1975 #29849  
orange glow, emitted conical light beam down on lake, illuminated terrain,  2/26/1975 #29851  
cts a brilliant, cone-shaped light beam toward the lake and sweeps it towar 2/26/1975 #29852  
up. A brilliant, cone-shaped light beam was projected down toward the lake  2/26/1975 #29853  
equency Interference (RFI). Strong beam searches. Source unknown. / MJ#176. 4/4/1975 #29955  
. Cop flashes and object responds. Beam going down / ground. Going west.    4/4/1975 #29962  
isc-shaped object with dome, light beam, made right-angle turn, approached, 4/15/1975 #29989  
isc-shaped object with dome, light beam, made right-angle turn, approached, 4/15/1975 #29990  
 made no sound, it emitted a white beam, an orange glow, and red sparks tha 4/15/1975 #29991  
DONA, AZ Domed ovoid extends white beam going [to] mountains. Searches and  5/8/1975 #30048  
o] going down / vegetation garden. Beam / light sucks dirt. See reference.  5/10/1975 #30049  
on the far shore. As they watch, a beam of light shoots from the object to  5/16/1975 #30061  
 to its original location, and the beam goes out.                           5/16/1975 #30061  
0' saucer. Figure / window. Lights beam going down. 60 minute(s) missing ti 7/1975 #30138  
. 70' domed saucer sweeps ground / beam. Going northeast. Radio Frequency I 7/4/1975 #30151  
 sweeping the ground with a bright beam of light near highway 46. It then f 7/4/1975 #30158  
to approach the figure a shiny red beam of light hit one of them, and the m 7/12/1975 #30174  
               MACHEKE, RHOD White beam / night light hits man. 2h / missin 7/26/1975 #30206  
(or Greys) strike with a disabling beam observer(s). Indents and burns / gr 7/31/1975 #30215  
an hears a “tick” noise as a light beam hits him in the face. Ill and confu 7/31/1975 #30218  
nd confused, he tries to avoid the beam. His nose bleeds and he starts vomi 7/31/1975 #30218  
ight coveralls with hoods. A light beam hit him in the face, causing eye tr 7/31/1975 #30219  
ectro-magnetic effect (EME). Laser beam. 15M saucer maneuvers. Series / fir 8/3/1975 #30230  
couldn’t call for help. The bright beam from the UFO was conical in shape w 8/13/1975 #30257  
rs low over trees. Searches. White beam ends!                               8/22/1975 #30294  
car, hovered, cast pulsating light beam down on it. Physiological effects ( 8/29/1975 #30324  
car, hovered, cast pulsating light beam down on it. Physiological effects   8/29/1975 #30325  
luminous/glowing ovoid going down. Beam lights ground. Whistles. Going quic 9/30/1975 #30397  
vered over road ahead, shone light beam toward truck. MUFON UFO Journal, Oc 10/17/1975 #30435  
d, lights and engine failed, light beam directed toward truck               10/17/1975 #30436  
 and lights and Mans watch stop in beam / 50' saucer. Hovers / 5 minute(s). 10/18/1975 #30438  
. A local man was struck by a blue beam of light, reputedly from a disc. He 10/25/1975 #30469  
r a local man was struck by a blue beam of light, reputedly from a disc. He 10/25/1975 #30472  
well of a turbine engine. A narrow beam of light fires from the bottom of t 11/5/1975 #30562  
 light hovers / lake. Shoots green beam going down. Zigzags away.           11/10/1975 #30587  
d night light zips up. Stops. Pans beam all over. Shoots away.              11/14/1975 #30617  
              QUEND PLAGE, FR Blue beam going up [to] 20M offshore. Flashes 11/30/1975 #30676  
 de Andrade encountered an intense beam of light while walking home at nigh 12/17/1975 #30720  
 de Andrade encountered an intense beam of light while walking home at nigh 12/17/1975 #30721  
partment, France saw a searchlight beam flash three times. He then noticed  1/26/1976 #30821  
man/entity strike with a disabling beam observer(s). Wakens at home. Missin 1/28/1976 #30823  
ltitude and 3m saucer near ground. Beam going down [to] lights area. Going  2/7/1976 #30849  
 college student, was blinded by a beam of white light from an unseen flyin 3/30/1976 #30969  
ect in Quixada, Brazil. The energy beam sapped her strength and she lost co 3/30/1976 #30969  
DE-FOURCHADES, FR Dark 3M UFO with beam going down / ground. Red night ligh 4/3/1976 #30981  
 100 feet away. The device emits a beam of light that strikes the donkey an 4/3/1976 #30983  
thing like a flashlight and aims a beam that strikes Barroso in the face, c 4/3/1976 #30983  
QUIXADA, BRZ Man abduction / light beam / UFO. Deteriorates-now mindless. / 4/23/1976 #31013  
 light stations itself on the port beam. When the captain comes on deck, th 4/23/1976 #31017  
haped UFO emitted a blinding light beam, and both he and his truck were som 5/14/1976 #31051  
haped UFO emitted a blinding light beam, and both he and his truck were som 5/14/1976 #31052  
:40 a.m. a kite-shaped UFO shone a beam of light at a police car in Ringste 6/21/1976 #31122  
egan to feel very hot. A red light beam struck the road in front of car, an 8/5/1976 #31235  
ésie National Park, Quebec, when a beam of red light penetrates the fog and 8/6/1976 #31240  
inch circle on the road ahead. The beam paces ahead of them for several mil 8/6/1976 #31240  
heading toward Matane. Suddenly, a beam of red light coming from the sky st 8/6/1976 #31241  
r car. Despite the thick fog, this beam had very sharp edges, and formed a  8/6/1976 #31241  
d a long nose. Suddenly, an energy beam shot down in front of the mower, ca 8/16/1976 #31273  
e two UFOnauts ascended to it on a beam of light. The craft was estimated t 8/23/1976 #31294  
 their canoe slowly. A tube-shaped beam of light was emitted from the objec 8/26/1976 #31307  
 hit the water. The object and the beam of light began approaching the four 8/26/1976 #31307  
ering craft via a hollow tube-like beam of light. Inside the they encounter 8/26/1976 #31307  
 humanoids (or Greys) going down / beam and block road. Invisible wall. / r 9/3/1976 #31331  
ff toward Klein. The staff fires a beam of bluish-white light that hits Kle 9/3/1976 #31335  
ad of him. It projected an intense beam of red light from its base. Inside  9/3/1976 #31341  
d light from its base. Inside this beam three small beings levitated slowly 9/3/1976 #31341  
device at the witness from which a beam of bluish white light emerged. The  9/3/1976 #31341  
jected downward, but initially the beam was truncated before reaching the g 9/10/1976 #31373  
g the perimeter, and a white light beam shone upwards from the object. (Ber 10/21/1976 #31484  
ard them. The object casts a faint beam downward, sweeping the ground, as i Late 10/1976 #31495  
ed it at the wall, and a long thin beam of light came from the device and h 10/29/1976 #31505  
ll several times; at one point the beam turned white. Moments later both fi 10/29/1976 #31505  
L Fireball going east from Sweden. Beam knocks boy down. Missing time. Burn 11/15/1976? #31550  
oaches it, the object shoots out a beam of light that hits him in the chest Early 12/1976 #31579  
     KIDSGROVE BANK, ENG Dome with beam going up. Light from rectangular wi 12/13/1976 #31597  
 Irregular motion. "Boxed-in light beam".                                   12/28/1976 #31634  
ibed as ‘short and stocky.’ Then a beam of light was directed at the Colone 1977 #31658  
TENERO, ITL Saucer stops over car. Beam going down [to] makes engine transp 1/3/1977 #31686  
BC 30' domed saucer / power lines. Beam. 2 / cars moved. 20 minute(s) / mis 1/5/1977 #31693  
UFO emitted a solid coherent light beam.                                    1/5/1977 #31699  
 Columbia, Canada on Highway 16. A beam of energy struck two witnesses in s 1/5/1977 #31701  
ck as if by invisible force, light beam, time loss (NICAP UFOE II, Section  1/21/1977 #31737  
ck as if by invisible force, light beam, time loss                          1/21/1977 #31739  
nd her two children see an intense beam of light come through a bedroom win 2/11/1977 #31810  
 Chase and strike with a disabling beam etc. / FSRv39#3+/ r63p158.          3/1977 #31854  
h it maneuver within the spotlight beam and watch it sporadically for 30 mi 3/9/1977 #31888  
nutes until it vanishes within the beam; the noise stops immediately.       3/9/1977 #31888  
streamlined, and black in color. A beam of light was shone on the couple an 3/20/1977 #31921  
s / 10M altitude. Extremely bright beam going [to] car. / LDLN#166.         4/7/1977 #31955  
small object giving off a powerful beam of light. He faints, and on recover 4/19/1977 #32000  
ntrolling and directing the yellow beam of light. (Sources: Maurizio Verga, 5/5/1977 #32057  
ntrolling and directing the yellow beam of light. It made some hand gesture 5/5/1977 #32060  
ds. Huge UFO with windows rises in beam.                                    5/6/1977 (approximate) #32061  
th three large windows rose in the beam of light. Both objects hovered over 5/7/1977 #32067  
th three large windows rose in the beam of light. Both objects hovered over 5/7/1977 #32069  
irresistibly attracted to a strong beam of light which the lady ran behind. 5/10/1977 #32083  
    LONGHAM, DORSET 2 / car. Solid beam cuts through terrain. Definite end. 5/21/1977 #32119  
nded from the object as a coherent beam of light. It flew off to the west.  5/21/1977 #32123  
Dorset countryside. It had a solid beam that cut through the terrain. The e 5/21/1977 #32123  
ut through the terrain. The energy beam had a definite, abrupt end to it. T 5/21/1977 #32123  
ery silent torus hovers and tilts. Beam extends going down [to] and swings  5/23/1977 #32124  
overed and tilted over Santiago. A beam extended from the object, and swung 5/23/1977 #32125  
all of light was at the end of the beam. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, Ja 5/23/1977 #32125  
e at six o'clock in the morning. A beam extended from the object, and swung 5/23/1977 #32126  
all of light was at the end of the beam.                                    5/23/1977 #32126  
            SALISBURY, SOUTH AUSTR Beam hits bicycles. Boy thrown down when 5/27/1977 #32137  
tense, electric, silver-blue, thin beam. They hear crackling sounds in the  6/17/1977 #32172  
er/cylindrical object with vampire beam all over/all about Gurupi River are 7/1977 #32210  
    CARDEIROS, CEARA, BRZ Net-like beam tries / abduction man. Partial para 7/1977 #32213  
al object going SSE with truncated beam 45° going down. Beam straight going 7/5/1977 #32237  
ith truncated beam 45° going down. Beam straight going down [to] at stops.  7/5/1977 #32237  
green lights around its rim, and a beam of light illuminates the ground for 7/9/1977 #32253  
green lights around its rim, and a beam of light illuminated the ground for 7/9/1977 #32254  
and was suddenly struck by a light beam from the craft that knocked him dow 7/10/1977 #32257  
 10:45 p.m. She watched as a green beam retracted into the 30-foot wide cra 7/15/1977 #32277  
). Red round object / olive trees. Beam going down / ground. Size unknown.  7/18/1977 #32290  
, Spain at 2:10 a.m. It directed a beam of light to the ground. (Source: Lu 7/18/1977 #32291  
, Spain at 2:10 a.m. It directed a beam of light to the ground.             7/18/1977 #32293  
UFO by levitating her with a light beam and conducted some type of physical 7/19/1977 #32294  
own / 3M altitude 12M away! Shoots beam going down. Going up [to] and away. 8/1/1977 #32343  
ghts. When they shone a flashlight beam on one of the figures it disappeare 8/1/1977 #32345  
ed, but re-appeared when the light beam was removed. It gradually became ve 8/1/1977 #32345  
e point the entity shines a bright beam of light at them. The duration of t 8/31/1977 #32445  
                                 A beam of red light penetrated the roof of 9/10/1977 #32478  
 State, Brazil at 7:30 p.m. As the beam struck her body, paralysis spread t 9/10/1977 #32478  
e started to run when a blue light beam lit up the area, and he found that  9/15/1977 #32485  
     PARKSTONE, UK 6M saucer. Blue beam going down. 2 silver-suit pseudo-hu 9/25/1977 (approximate) #32516  
a swamp. The object shines a light beam down into the swamp as if searching 10/11/1977 #32568  
cked by a needle in the leg from a beam of energy. His subsequent symptoms  10/15/1977 #32579  
 object-Chupa seen. Woman zapped / beam / 01 November. Dies / 12 hours. / F 10/19/1977 #32590  
ding a book. At 10:15 p.m. a light beam came through the roof, badly fright 10/26/1977 #32618  
saucer lands / field-ditch. Search beam / top. Bad photographs.             10/28/1977 #32624  
silvery object emitting a greenish beam, like a searchlight, towards the ro 10/29/1977 #32633  
 small window and as they did, the beam shot in through the window and made 10/29/1977 #32633  
bling a gold flashlight; again the beam struck Silvia, this time hitting he 10/29/1977 #32633  
 also briefly paralyzed by a light beam. Both husband and wife were later t 10/29/1977 #32633  
ng up / sea. Hovers / 5M altitude. Beam searches going down.                11/1977 (approximate) #32645  
s car 4X. Fast 90° turn. Thin blue beam to 2nd object.                      11/20/1977 #32690  
feet of him, and it emitted a blue beam of light that hit a dead tree, caus 11/29/1977 #32708  
 Large red saucer follows car with beam going down. / r60#105.              1/21/1978 #32902  
d light underneath. It emits a red beam of light toward the ground but stop 1/31/1978 #32928  
derneath. The object emitted a red beam of light towards the ground, but st 1/31/1978 #32930  
alysis. Heat. Box going up. Shoots beam. / r39.                             2/1978 #32933  
im making a rumbling sound, then a beam of light shoots toward him. Mosychu 2/2/1978 #32946  
. Mosychuk leans back to avoid the beam, but it shines on his feet in the s 2/2/1978 #32946  
                 PELOTAS, BRZ Blue beam zaps man. Abduction. Sex / pseudo-h 3/3/1978 #33012  
inous domed disc-shaped craft by a beam of light. A humanoid being of mediu 3/11/1978 #33034  
l over/all about lake. Retractable beam searches lake. Large figure.        3/15/1978? #33040  
              SUMMERVILLE, SC Blue beam / silver 18M saucer. Man abduction. 3/18/1978 #33051  
nd directs a paralyzing blue-white beam at him. Hermann loses consciousness 3/18/1978 #33055  
levitated by a tubular, aquamarine beam of light. Amnesia followed and he f 3/18/1978 #33056  
e, British Columbia, when a narrow beam of light, 2 inches in diameter, com 4/6/1978 #33128  
ngle/box-like craft / 5M altitude. Beam sweep ground as if guided / hand. V 4/12/1978 #33143  
not hurt his eyes. It shoots out a beam of blue light similar to a camera f 5/13/1978 #33202  
ight crimson red. Suddenly, a blue beam was directed toward him. The object 5/13/1978 #33205  
H-shaped object follows car. White beam going up / dome / top. See dwg.     5/15/1978 #33215  
uzzing sound and emitting a yellow beam. He then received telepathic though 5/15/1978 #33216  
uzzing sound and emitting a yellow beam. He then receives telepathic though 5/15/1978 #33217  
uzzing sound and emitting a yellow beam. He then received telepathic though 5/15/1978 #33220  
m-saucer rises / trees. Wide white beam going down / center. Going ESE.     5/22/1978 #33232  
(s). Dome / field rotates blinding beam. Turns extremely dark. 3 x4M traces 6/4/1978 #33254  
lumn of white light. This vertical beam appeared to be on the grounds of a  6/16/1978 #33283  
at something or someone was in the beam, and he became scared and ran home, 6/16/1978 #33283  
d and ran home, having watched the beam for about 5 seconds.                6/16/1978 #33283  
) flees when sphere/orb/globe aims beam.                                    6/24/1978 #33301  
outh of Waterbury, Vermont, sees a beam of light descend from the trees. It 7/11/1978 #33366  
nt" light that appeared solid. The beam of light would enlarge, then decrea 7/11/1978 #33368  
crease in size intermittently. The beam of light was directed towards the k 7/11/1978 #33368  
anded UFO. The humanoid aiming the beam of light then preceded to take a sm 7/11/1978 #33368  
he car was then levitated inside a beam and brought up inside the craft thr 7/16/1978 #33388  
he car was then levitated inside a beam and brought up inside the craft thr 7/16/1978 #33392  
detachment greeted the humanoid; a beam of light was shot at the Colonel an 8/1978 #33460  
 the length of the object, yet the beam does not light up the large shape.  8/11/1978 #33506  
ad. Car slows. Radio hums. Flashes beam going [to] car. / International UFO 8/24/1978 #33559  
range lights, humming sound, light beam shone onto car. International UFO R 8/24/1978 #33560  
est over a field. A rod or a light beam comes down from one ball of light a 8/24/1978 #33564  
a humming sound. One shone a light beam on the witnesses for about a second 8/24/1978 #33567  
an / diving suit in window. Shoots beam at woman 3X. Burns.                 9/1978 #33615  
as 10 meters in length. A luminous beam came from the object, and the witne 9/8/1978 #33648  
as a result of his exposure to the beam. The power outage was documented as 9/8/1978 #33648  
ay ahead of him, directing a light beam on the road surface. It looked like 9/14/1978 #33680  
 and shoots a powerful searchlight beam for at least 3 seconds.             9/16/1978 #33694  
xt, he was struck by multi-colored beam of light, and he was unable to cont 9/20/1978 #33719  
as suddenly illuminated. An orange beam of light came down from the sky and 10/3/1978 #33797  
LABRIA, ITL 3 cops and 3. Frozen / beam! Brill object hovers low / docks. / 12/9/1978 #34080  
 seemed to enlarge, then emitted a beam down onto the police car. (NICAP: 0 12/9/1978 #34081  
 seemed to enlarge, then emitted a beam down onto the police car. Five ligh 12/9/1978 #34082  
ject that was directing an intense beam of energy at the ground. The photog 12/11/1978 #34089  
ject that was directing an intense beam of energy at the ground. The photog 12/11/1978 #34092  
ts) entirely. Luminous object aims beam / car. OK afterward. Type unknown.  12/12/1978 #34096  
, Italy Luminous UFO emitted light beam, shone onto car, tape player malfun 12/12/1978 #34097  
inous flying object that emitted a beam of light onto his car. When the obj 12/12/1978 #34101  
ust above the TV antenna. A bright beam of light shot out of the opening an 12/15/1978 #34136  
 tall monster descended within the beam. The being was described as "ugly"  12/15/1978 #34136  
ch in its center section. A bright beam of light shot out of the opening an 12/15/1978 #34138  
all “monster” descended within the beam. The being was described as "ugly"  12/15/1978 #34138  
lack liquid on it. Moments later a beam of light transported the beings bac 12/15/1978 #34138  
end of the object. The UFO fired a beam of light, then shot off toward the  12/25/1978 #34206  
bject. He was suddenly struck by a beam of light and lost consciousness. La 12/31/1978 #34250  
Z, BRZ Saucer lifts woman 40M with beam / light. Sets her down. Sick afterw 1/1979 #34267  
man/entity pass glow sphere. Solid beam going up.                           1/3/1979 #34284  
ntly taken up into the object by a beam of light. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 1/3/1979 #34287  
llo, Italy when they noticed a red beam of light on the ground. They got in 1/3/1979 #34290  
ntly taken up into the object by a beam of light. He was found dazed two ho 1/3/1979 #34292  
 back inside the object. A reddish beam of light from the object knocked th 1/13/1979 #34339  
 NORFOLK, TASM Fan noise and white beam going down / garden. Power brownout 1/15/1979 #34344  
                  QUITMAN, TX Blue beam through wall! Hours / missing time. 1/17/1979 #34350  
out to relieve himself when a blue beam of light from the sky struck him. I 1/24/1979 #34374  
out to relieve himself when a blue beam of light from the sky struck him. I 1/24/1979 #34378  
tallic ovoid 120' overhead. Strong beam going down. Going southeast / valle 1/26/1979 #34381  
lic color, and it emitted a strong beam of light. It flew off to the southe 1/26/1979 #34382  
IO TIMBAUBA, BRZ Woman levitated / beam / fireball and odd tornado. Lowered 1/27/1979 #34383  
NENT, SCOTLAND Saucer tilts to aim beam / ground. Beam ends in midair as if 2/2/1979 #34401  
Saucer tilts to aim beam / ground. Beam ends in midair as if solid!         2/2/1979 #34401  
ver highway, swept area with light beam (section VI). (NICAP: 02 - Close En 3/6/1979 #34467  
ver highway, swept area with light beam                                     3/6/1979 #34468  
 that sweeps the area with a light beam.                                    3/6/1979 #34469  
ng police. The UFO emitted a light beam, and executed sharp turns during th 3/6/1979 #34470  
t of the car, and the UFO shoots a beam down at each of them in turn. It th 4/12/1979 #34508  
. Observer(s) nears-hit / blinding beam.                                    5/1979 #34530  
nside the craft by means of a blue beam of light. He then lost consciousnes 5/17/1979 #34566  
 of the object, he can see a third beam of light below it. Green geometrica 5/22/1979 #34574  
uclear power plant and directing a beam of light at it. It flies off toward 6/12/1979 #34610  
nuclear power plant and directed a beam of light at it while hovering for a 6/12/1979 #34611  
. Silver saucer going down / legs. Beam sweeps. 2 ugly figure(s) / transpar 6/19/1979 #34619  
with a dome on top emitting a blue beam of light into a nearby forest. The  6/19/1979 #34621  
angar of an alien craft by a green beam of light before being injected with 6/28/1979 #34639  
 descending and following him. The beam of light blinks on again when it is 7/4/1979 #34646  
d on a table by some sort of light beam.                                    8/19/1979 #34760  
            Oakenholt, Wales, UK A beam of light shone through the witness' 9/14/1979 #34881  
                   On this night a beam of light shone through the witness' 9/14/1979 #34884  
 A huge craft hovered nearby and a beam of light lifted her inside. The int 9/14/1979 #34884  
/ factory. 3 fast silent pentagons beam light. Going quickly northwest. / M 9/16/1979 #34888  
rtheast / 7M altitude. Colored fan beam going down.                         9/20/1979 #34906  
pnosis she remembered flowing up a beam of light into a semi-circular room, 12/10/1979 #35068  
ang, China, when they see a bright beam of light ahead. When the lead drive 12/13/1979 #35079  
RA, BRAZIL 10 / beach. Disk shines beam going down / river. Going north. Wa 1/1980 #35118  
er. Going north. Water glows where beam hit.                                1/1980 #35118  
wn before it disappears. The light beam leaves a trail of luminescence for  1/1980 #35120  
ject over him. The UFO projected a beam of light and formed a dome shaped l 1/12/1980 #35131  
ject over him. The UFO projected a beam of light and formed a dome shaped l 1/12/1980 #35132  
inous orange sphere passes. Shines beam down. Separate night light hovers h 1/28/1980 #35148  
ew by closely while shining down a beam of light. Meanwhile, several noctur 1/28/1980 #35149  
all object that emitted a luminous beam.                                    2/2/1980 #35154  
of the luminous rectangular area a beam of light shot out, which seemed to  2/11/1980 #35170  
width the further away it got. The beam of light covered the vehicle, but n 2/11/1980 #35170  
er oak tree / rain / 30 minute(s). Beam. Suddenly going quickly.            3/1980 #35188  
inoculars. Crescent hovers. Shoots beam / light going up. Going west into c 3/23/1980 #35232  
ver(s). Red saucer sweeps ground / beam. Also red sphere/orb/globe / treeto 4/10/1980 #35262  
d disc-shaped object emitted light beam to ground; took off with intense hu 4/10/1980 #35263  
d disc-shaped object emitted light beam to ground. Took off with intense hu 4/10/1980 #35264  
 Lincolnton, North Carolina with a beam of light, then took off at a 45 deg 4/10/1980 #35267  
o jump the barbwire fence again, a beam of light struck him that knocked hi 4/20/1980 #35281  
ds but again was knocked down by a beam of red light that seemed to come fr 4/20/1980 #35281  
ounty, MS Glowing disc shone light beam on road, E-M when car entered light 5/14/1980 #35328  
n road, E-M when car entered light beam. BiloxiGulfport, Miss., Daily Heral 5/14/1980 #35328  
County, MS Glowing disc cast light beam onto road. Car entered beam, headli 5/14/1980 #35329  
 light beam onto road. Car entered beam, headlights flickered off and on se 5/14/1980 #35329  
 a glowing disc high in the sky. A beam of light from the disc makes a spot 5/14/1980 #35330  
r. As they drive through the light beam, their lights go on and off 7–8 tim 5/14/1980 #35330  
8 times. After they are out of the beam’s path, the lights do not flicker a 5/14/1980 #35330  
 disc high in the sky cast a light beam on the roadway at 3:30 a.m. When a  5/14/1980 #35332  
s. Pickrel drove through the light beam the "car lights went on and off abo 5/14/1980 #35332  
g a calf drawn up in a pale yellow beam of light into a UFO.                5/28/1980 #35343  
large oil installation. It emitted beam of light that struck a house near t 6/5/1980 #35355  
 with an aircraft emitting a “hard beam”. The pilot managed to land success Summer 1980 #35383  
ully, but the wing, touched by the beam, continued to glow for several more Summer 1980 #35383  
one turns on its side and shines a beam toward the ground for 5 minutes. Th 6/21/1980 #35385  
for five minutes while directing a beam of light toward the ground. There w 6/21/1980 #35386  
ate. The craft was also emitting a beam of light towards the ground, and wi 8/16/1980 #35459  
towards the ground, and within the beam they could see a small humanoid bei 8/16/1980 #35459  
, OH Witness knocked back by light beam. 5-min duration and three witnesses 8/17/1980 #35461  
 hurting his back and kidneys. The beam also reddens his left eye. The UFO  8/17/1980 #35462  
Double cube / ground with sweeping beam. Becomes domed saucer!              8/18/1980? #35463  
e early evening. It had a sweeping beam of light. It reportedly polymorphed 8/18/1980 #35464  
 body lights shone brilliant light beam down smoke stacks, accelerated, mad 10/23/1980 #35581  
 body lights shone brilliant light beam down smoke stacks, accelerated, mad 10/23/1980 #35582  
                 Longmont, CO Blue beam engulfed car, swishing sound, car l 11/19/1980 #35657  
hen they hear a loud “whish” and a beam of blue light strikes their car. Th 11/19/1980 #35659  
s wife encountered an intense blue beam of light and felt the rear wheels o 11/19/1980 #35660  
 planned. They encountered a green beam of light off to the side of highway 11/27/1980 #35675  
that he lost consciousness after a beam of light from the object struck him 11/28/1980 #35680  
stead lay down on the bed, where a beam of light from the ceiling shone dow 11/28/1980 #35680  
ference, and was struck by a light beam on the chest and felt paralyzed. Pe 12/4/1980 #35695  
ks on chest corresponding to light beam position. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 12/4/1980 #35695  
Large domed saucer / low altitude. Beam on and off. Turns and away.         12/6/1980 #35702  
th,” she watches the object emit a beam of light, rotate once, and fly away 12/6/1980 #35704  
 hovers for 2–3 hours and seems to beam down a stream of light from time to 12/28/1980 #35749  
teristics: the presence of a light beam, loss of control of the vehicle, a  1981 #35762  
ruptly, hovers, and directs a wide beam of light on the ground. After 5–7 m 1/1981 #35768  
ape over farm. Geese silent. White beam flashes. Going quickly south.       3/11/1981 #35863  
wo orange lights. As it directed a beam of light at their vehicle the truck 5/12/1981 #35934  
ude. Drops night light and extends beam / light / woods.                    6/15/1981 #35971  
ird woman remembers being hit by a beam of light. She felt pain and was flo 7/15/1981 #36008  
200M altitude. Lights and sweeping beam.                                    8/2/1981 #36053  
man/entity strike with a disabling beam observer(s) / light. All vanish. /  8/15/1981 #36074  
ng rapidly into the sky, shining a beam of white light towards the ground.  8/30/1981 #36093  
ent 125' crab-saucer hovers. Green beam going down [to] burns hand. Going [ 9/10/1981 #36107  
 contact with a pencil thin, green beam of light from a 125 foot wide, meta 9/10/1981 #36109  
e and white light beams. The green beam of light from the UFO hit her left  9/10/1981 #36109  
re / 35M altitude. Lights ground / beam. / Oeste France.                    11/1/1981 #36202  
. It illuminated the ground with a beam of light.                           11/1/1981 #36203  
en suddenly they saw a very bright beam of light shining down to earth from 1982 #36284  
rth from somewhere in the sky. The beam of light appeared to be scanning th 1982 #36284  
 electric storm. Beams going down. Beam arcs around.                        1/23/1982 #36307  
over the witness's car and shone a beam of light onto the ground. The UFO c 2/25/1982 #36368  
altsburg, Pennsylvania and shone a beam of light onto the ground. The UFO c 2/25/1982 #36369  
section. The object emitted a blue beam of light and came around to the fro 5/20/1982 #36476  
nd the lower part. It emitted blue beam of light at front of car. They had  5/20/1982 #36477  
ter; instant relocation, red light beam shone on house, then on car (sectio 6/10/1982 #36496  
ter. Instant relocation, red light beam shone on house, then on car         6/10/1982 #36497  
an oscillatory motion. A red light beam shines down on the house and then o 6/10/1982 #36498  
o inHeilongjiang Province, China a beam shot up from behind a hill, 300 met 6/18/1982 #36511  
-yellow spiral. At the top of this beam was a white disc, 30-40 cm in diame 6/18/1982 #36511  
Big toy-top lights garden with red beam going down. 30 lights / rim. Going  7/21/1982 #36539  
 object lit up a garden with a red beam of lightdirected downwards. The cra 7/21/1982 #36541  
N Four 16 year olds saw an intense beam of white light from a multi-colored 7/23/1982 #36546  
usineau, and Labre--saw an intense beam of white light from a multi-colored 7/23/1982 #36547  
t above the treeline, projecting a beam of light into the sky which moved b 8/2/1982 #36559  
 car. Bright object searches sky / beam. Beams on car below.                8/10/1982 #36567  
 above the tree line, projecting a beam of light into the sky which moved b 8/10/1982 #36568  
ign, they saw that the searchlight beam had disappeared and a new light bea 8/10/1982 #36568  
am had disappeared and a new light beam had begun rotating in a downward di 8/10/1982 #36568  
 As they turned a corner, a bright beam of light shone down into their car  8/10/1982 #36568  
 waiting for deer, was zapped by a beam from a nocturnal ball of light at a 8/26/1982 #36583  
e / low altitude. Red light. White beam searches ground.                    9/4/1982 #36594  
ia. It had a red light and a white beam that searched the ground.           9/4/1982 #36596  
County, Pennsylvania when hit by a beam of light, hovered for two minutes,  9/11/1982 #36600  
 level. Observer(s) chase on foot! Beam 40° going down.                     9/30/1982 #36620  
hts around its equator and a white beam of light coming down from the side. 9/30/1982 #36622  
 cops. Small object zigzags about. Beam searches ground. Saucer going [to]  10/24/1982 #36660  
bject with body lights shone light beam down into field, three humanoid sil 11/19/1982 #36686  
bject with body lights shone light beam down into field, three humanoid sil 11/19/1982 #36687  
med disc” which was seen to emit a beam of light towards the ground. The UF 11/27/1982 #36691  
med disc shape seen to east, light beam toward ground, descended behind tre 11/27/1982 #36693  
med disc shape seen to east, light beam toward ground, descended behind tre 11/27/1982 #36695  
t in diameter, which emits a light beam toward the ground, then changes dir 11/27/1982 #36697  
ter seen to the east, with a light beam extended toward the ground, as it d 11/27/1982 #36697  
in diameter, which emitted a light beam toward the ground. It began when a  11/27/1982 #36698  
ter seen to the east, with a light beam extended toward the ground, as it d 11/27/1982 #36698  
and went outside where a brilliant beam of light fell on him and he was con 11/29/1982 #36702  
                           A green beam of light shone into a house on this 12/30/1982 #36729  
on of lights that project a bright beam of light to the ground. It is so la 12/31/1982 #36733  
ime, the object turns away and the beam goes out. Hansen says that he “felt 12/31/1982 #36733  
E, BRZ Saucer zaps fisherman / red beam / 3 hours. Gone / Dawn. Very sick.  2/1983 #36757  
tops and shines a searchlight-like beam down on the woods. She pulls over t Spring 1983 #36790  
urrounded by a blue halo. A narrow beam of light descends from it, illumina 3/23/1983 #36793  
e area another 4 minutes, then the beam disappears, the halo vanishes, and  3/23/1983 #36793  
-shaped UFO hovered, emitted light beam downward. (NICAP UFO Evidence II, S 3/24/1983 #36801  
-shaped UFO hovered, emitted light beam downward                            3/24/1983 #36804  
 shape. At that moment a brilliant beam of white light shoots down from the 3/24/1983 #36806  
, very fast toward the north.” The beam is shut off and the object turns an 3/24/1983 #36806  
bserver(s). Large boomerang shines beam ahead. Hovers over lake. Lights / r 3/26/1983 #36812  
/ car. Odd peace! Sphere emits odd beam. Missing time and odd euphoria and  4/1983 (approximate) #36828  
t when first noticed, then a white beam of light turned on. There was a red 5/9/1983 #36857  
 a small reddish ellipsoidal light beam strike their truck from above. It d 8/1/1983 #36930  
t of his van he was paralyzed by a beam of light. Four small humanoids wear 8/9/1983 #36940  
peatedly probes reservoir with red beam.                                    10/28/1983 #37025  
s come on from its sides and a red beam of light from the underside probes  10/28/1983 #37026  
e the surface of a lake with a red beam of light. Every time a car passed b 10/28/1983 #37028  
w going northeast. 1 shines strong beam going down.                         12/2/1983 #37063  
s to return to his car. Suddenly a beam of white-red light strikes him and  12/14/1983 #37074  
85. Contractors told Mills a light beam coming from space hit three of the  1984 #37098  
d. Small humanoid (or Grey) points beam going [to] observer(s). Reads mind. 1/8/1984 #37109  
bedroom a short humanoid pointed a beam at the witness in bed. When the bei 1/8/1984 #37111  
husetts a short humanoid pointed a beam at the witness in bed. The witness  1/8/1984 #37114  
ons the researchers direct a laser beam on passing lights. Out of a total o 1/21/1984 #37136  
ped the yellow fireball with a red beam, apparently causing it to disintegr 4/20/1984 #37279  
r heads. It switches a searchlight beam off and on. The woman’s two dogs ar 4/22/1984 #37281  
e time felt a sensation of calm. A beam of light flowed upward from the obj 4/25/1984 #37295  
trailing a red tail and flashing a beam of light from its circumference was 6/25/1984 #37379  
trailing a red tail and flashing a beam of light from its circumference was 6/25/1984 #37381  
ORUS Airline(s)/airliner crew huge beam lights large area / ground. RADAR e 9/7/1984 #37457  
ast of Florence, Italy 3:30 a.m. A beam of light coming in through a window 10/9/1984 #37484  
 white nocturnal light projected a beam of light that moved back and forth  8/2/1985 #37635  
 and forth like a searchlight. The beam stopped, then the object descended  8/2/1985 #37635  
 as a glowing ball of light with a beam searched the terrain in Vilnius, Li 9/11/1985 #37657  
lnius, Lithuania at 10:10 p.m. The beam was peculiar because it did not lig 9/11/1985 #37657  
US, LITH Farmer. Glowing-ball with beam searching going down. Doesn't light 9/12/1985 #37658  
dly moving toward them. It sends a beam of light to earth at a sharp angle, 11/3/1985 #37699  
rth at a sharp angle, although the beam does not reach the ground. As the U 11/3/1985 #37699  
t 30 minutes. The object flashed a beam of light around the terrain, and it 5/15/1986 #37870  
noids (or Greys) ride going down / beam / light! Medical exam. 2 hours / mi 10/1986 #38037  
ey go outside and are blinded by a beam of light coming from a huge reddish 3/7/1987 #38132  
igate and were nearly blinded by a beam of yellow light coming from a huge  3/7/1987 #38133  
ARCIS GOING [TO] CIMOLAIS, ITL Red beam. Car malfunctions due to EME (elect 8/6/1987 #38232  
 three occupants encountered a red beam of energy and the car's engine stal 8/6/1987 #38233  
orth. A thin, orange-colored light beam sweeps from it several times from w 8/23/1987 #38252  
ationary, still sweeping its light beam for at least 30 minutes. Then it su 8/23/1987 #38252  
GHAI, CH Vmany observer(s). Spiral beam spews sparks. West going quickly ea 8/27/1987 #38258  
 It points a device that directs a beam of energy at the two boys on the sw 8/31/1987 #38265  
t pointed a device that directed a beam of energy at the two boys on the sw 8/31/1987 #38266  
2 2M green figure(s) with cat ears beam light going down / boys. / NUFORC R 9/1/1987 #38271  
 minutes, her husband sees a white beam shooting briefly from the direction 9/11/1987 #38281  
wn-saucer. Mr. Ed lifted 1m / blue beam. Also 8 separate report(s). / MJ#23 11/11/1987 #38319  
 him, and Walters is hit by a blue beam that paralyzes him and lifts him se 11/11/1987 #38322  
 and was suddenly struck by a blue beam of light. He was unable to move his 12/2/1987 #38348  
 and fell to the ground, as if the beam was holding him down. When he was f 12/2/1987 #38348  
on the bottom. He could also see a beam of blue light shining down from it  12/2/1987 #38348  
ents. She had seen a strange light beam one month earlier. The brown area s 1/1988 #38385  
eared ahead of him shining a white beam of light through the windshield, pa 1/12/1988 #38411  
ject brightened and came closer. A beam of white light struck Walters on th 1/12/1988 #38411  
ect next began rotating and a blue beam of light appeared under it. The bea 1/12/1988 #38411  
am of light appeared under it. The beam deposited five small beings on the  1/12/1988 #38411  
REEZE, FL ED's foto#24. Wife ducks beam from UFO overhead. 6 February sauce 2/7/1988 #38442  
ver a field for several minutes. A beam of light was directed down at a bui 2/12/1988 #38460  
l as disc at treetop level emitted beam (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)      2/22/1988 #38474  
our square yellow lights and light beam visible. Car returned to normal aft 3/23/1988 #38519  
our square yellow lights and light beam visible. Car returned to normal aft 3/23/1988 #38520  
e / orange lights 50' over ground. Beam hits 1 observer(s). Feels watched.  4/3/1988 #38531  
-like" lights around its middle. A beam of light struck the mother, who had 4/3/1988 #38533  
8. Saucer stays ahead of van. Blue beam going down / road. Planes circle.   4/28/1988 #38546  
ahead of the van and beamed a blue beam down onto the road. At the same tim 4/28/1988 #38547  
 330' over bay. Lit windows. White beam going down / water as saucer going  7/8/1988 #38599  
ILTS Huge silent glow / sky shines beam down / Silbury hill. Possible telep 7/13/1988 #38600  
rises / behind house. Foggy. Emits beam. 2 hours.                           8/25/1988 #38623  
he object then was seen emitting a beam of light. It remained present for t 8/25/1988 #38625  
NOVOSIB, RUSSIA Bright disk / sky. Beam / light has 2 figures in it. Possib 2/6/1989 #38817  
bserver. Humming. Saucer with blue beam puts out street light. Firetruck ap 2/11/1989 #38834  
ed disc that emitted a strong blue beam of light. The beam of light extingu 2/11/1989 #38836  
d a strong blue beam of light. The beam of light extinguished the closest s 2/11/1989 #38836  
ited barking as disc emitted light beam and stirred tree (NICAP: 04 - Anima 4/5/1989 #38892  
bserver(s) aims .22 at 90' saucer. Beam hits and rifle misfires. Saucer spe 4/21/1989 #38915  
on underside, humming sound. Light beam engulfed him, rifle misfired, objec 4/21/1989 #38917  
 and made a humming sound. A light beam engulfed him, his rifle misfired, a 4/21/1989 #38919  
 a few seconds later a pencil-thin beam of white light lit the left side of 5/10/1989 #38942  
evitated / UFO. Passers-by scream. Beam releases her!                       9/16/1989 #39105  
s outside for a quick break when a beam of light strikes her from above. Lo 9/16/1989 #39106  
 and running toward the woman. The beam disappears, and the UFO flies away. 9/16/1989 #39106  
 a quick break at a tramway when a beam of light struck her from above. Loo 9/16/1989 #39108  
vering disc-shaped craft which the beam had emanated from. The object was a 9/16/1989 #39108  
 apparently had an effect, for the beam disappeared, she was returned to gr 9/16/1989 #39108  
around the object several times. A beam of light comes out of the chest of  9/27/1989 #39124  
d points a tube at him. A luminous beam comes from the tube and hits the bo 9/27/1989 #39124  
around the object several times. A beam of light came out of the chest of o 9/27/1989 #39126  
 pointed a tube at him. A luminous beam came from the tube and hit the boy, 9/27/1989 #39126  
fects). Sphere/orb/globe overhead. Beam. "Invisible man gets / car. 2 obser 9/28/1989 (approximate) #39128  
t / impossible speed/velocity. Big beam going down. Not on RADAR!           10/24/1989 #39182  
passed the plane. A vertical light beam and sparks were observed coming fro 10/24/1989 #39184  
d out a window to see. Next, a red beam of light came down from the sky and 10/27/1989 #39188  
rmy base. Saucer going [to] woods. Beam hits soldier. 10' figure(s) by fore 11/20/1989 #39238  
ough some nearby woods at night. A beam of light from the object struck a s 11/20/1989 #39242  
car illuminated by brilliant light beam, hovering dark triangular object, h 11/29/1989 #39270  
car illuminated by brilliant light beam, hovering dark triangular object, h 11/29/1989 #39271  
e illuminated by a brilliant light beam from a dark triangular object hover 11/29/1989 #39273  
reen, and white lights and a light beam directed toward the ground. He driv 11/29/1989 #39275  
y. Ovoid glows and rotates. Golden beam searches streets.                   12/21/1989 #39325  
H Many / bus. UFO / 60' over road. Beam lights trees and lawn like daylight 1/11/1990 #39373  
kids. Domed circle / lights tilts. Beam going down / ground. Hovers and tig 1/12/1990 #39375  
red, white, green and blue), and a beam of light that shone toward the grou 1/12/1990 #39376  
 about 1.50 meters high. The green beam vanished and the witness sank to th 2/18/1990 #39422  
. ELF devices, scalar machines, EM beam weapons and highly defined hologram 2/21/1990 #39426  
 relocation over truck; cast light beam down (sections IX, X). (NICAP: 02 - 3/2/1990 #39440  
 relocation over truck, cast light beam down                                3/2/1990 #39441  
eir truck and bathed it in a white beam of light. After two minutes the cou 3/2/1990 #39442  
                GULF BREEZE, FL 3' beam / light going down [to] outside win 3/7/1990 #39448  
in Gulf Breeze, Florida, notices a beam of white light about 3 feet in diam 3/7/1990 #39452  
ver(s). "Ship" with lit portholes. Beam going up and down [to] like a signa 3/13/1990 #39457  
ball hovers immobile. Shoots white beam going down. Shoots going quickly ea 3/23/1990 #39478  
o-magnetic effect (EME). 2 objects beam going down / reservoir. Going quick 5/8/1990 #39566  
rea. Beams strike with a disabling beam 2 ground and air missiles and 2 jet 5/25/1990 #39590  
was slightly elongated. A dazzling beam of light shot out from the sphere a 7/2/1990 #39634  
colored lights around it. A bright beam of pinkish-white light is coming fr 7/19/1990 #39651  
. Saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape with beam and ladder going down [to] close. F 7/23/1990 #39657  
 Looking up, he noticed a powerful beam of white light in the sky and a sma 7/23/1990 #39658  
ht moving underneath it. The white beam of light moved around erratically a 7/23/1990 #39658  
earching. The witness signaled the beam of light with his flashlight severa 7/23/1990 #39658  
hid behind a light pole. The white beam of light approached and struck him  7/23/1990 #39658  
se encounters, saw an inexplicable beam of light coming down through the cl 8/15/1990 #39689  
ugh the clouds. Shortly after, the beam struck him and he experienced a mis 8/15/1990 #39689  
ck out a radar aerial with a light beam. Two sentries, A. Blazhis and A. Va 9/13/1990 #39729  
er level of house. A bright yellow beam, surrounded in a greenish glow, sho 9/13/1990 #39730  
ithout warning it fired a powerful beam of concentrated energy that destroy 9/13/1990 #39732  
 Hovers and sweeps ground / strong beam.                                    11/5/1990 #39836  
ast-northeast slowly. Shoots white beam. Back going quickly west.           11/5/1990 #39839  
g slow meteor stops! Shines bright beam going down / factory. Night lights  11/5/1990 #39842  
oid / low altitude. Lights trees / beam. East-northeast turns going NNE.    11/5/1990 #39853  
d dark mass with lights and strong beam going quickly [to] rear. Low and cl 11/5/1990 #39854  
like craft. Lights / edges. Yellow beam / rear. South going quickly north.  11/6/1990 #39874  
                    LE BOUSCAT, FR Beam / light and separate red ball. Both 11/6/1990 #39876  
 White lights / sides. Spins. Blue beam going down.                         11/15/1990? #39891  
im was spinning. It emitted a blue beam of light.                           11/15/1990 #39892  
s he stared at the object a bright beam of light struck him. His next consc 1/26/1991 #39966  
ough the woods, she is struck by a beam. Suddenly, she is enveloped by a be 2/6/1991? #39974  
m. Suddenly, she is enveloped by a beam of light that seems to be trying to 2/6/1991? #39974  
ights fail to respond. A brilliant beam of light envelops the car and they  2/22/1991 #39982  
r a faint humming sound. The light beam and sound disappear suddenly, along 2/22/1991 #39982  
sponse / kids motions. Retractable beam. / MJ#291.                          4/14/1991 #40039  
t enter the camera’s infrared spot beam, then switches the beam off; the li 4/26/1991 #40050  
rared spot beam, then switches the beam off; the light vanishes, then retur 4/26/1991 #40050  
ht vanishes, then returns when the beam is turned back on. Investigators su 4/26/1991 #40050  
 by an insect interacting with the beam.                                    4/26/1991 #40050  
ter of the flickering lights. This beam projects to the ground onto the str 5/17/1991 #40066  
 standing stones. He sees a golden beam of light above the stones from whic 6/16/1991 #40099  
es. Blue-beam going down. Retracts beam and away fast.                      7/11/1991 #40117  
verhead. The man shot a flashlight beam at it, and it made a "sideways loop 8/4/1991 #40143  
thy. Abduction. Wakens / garden as beam retracts going up / UFO.            8/13/1991 #40150  
kened in a nearby garden as a blue beam was being retracted into a departin 8/13/1991 #40152  
Saucer follows truck. Shines green beam going quickly [to] driver's home. S 9/28/1991 #40197  
led to walk under the object and a beam of light descended on him from the  12/26/1991 #40267  
s apparently brought up inside the beam. He found himself inside the object 12/26/1991 #40267  
l via inter-dimensional portals. A beam of green light hit the witness on h 12/26/1991 #40267  
h the cloud. The object directed a beam of light towards the ground. Severa 2/24/1992 #40336  
ights / corners follows car. Green beam. Seems to vanish.                   3/5/1992 #40355  
ARNOLD, PA Cemetery. Saucer shines beam on 2 boys. All sides seen. 1 mile / 3/9/1992 #40365  
ring over the hill, and a columnar beam of light was emanating from it. One 3/13/1992 #40377  
 upset. Night light / clouds. Thin beam / light hits ground. Instant crop c 7/7/1992 #40516  
t. It had numerous portholes and a beam of light came from a circular openi 8/11/1992 #40566  
lling leaf motions, hovered, light beam brightly illuminated terrain (secti 8/19/1992 #40581  
lling leaf motions, hovered, light beam brightly illuminated terrain        8/19/1992 #40582  
rk disk hovers 20M over road. Blue beam going down. Tilts and shoots going  9/3/1992 #40607  
Herault department, France. A blue beam of light was emitted from the objec 9/3/1992 #40608  
k bigger than a house. Shines blue beam going down.                         9/15/1992 #40621  
PAULA, MG, BRAZIL Rectangular UFO. Beam pulls / observer(s). Separate obser 9/20/1992 #40632  
0 p.m. a rectangular UFO emitted a beam of light that levitated a witness f 9/20/1992 #40633  
the group approached and watched a beam of white light strike the ground ah 9/22/1992 #40636  
zed the second object wasn't it, a beam of light engulfed her and transport 10/8/1992 #40667  
 the UAP was shot down by a plasma beam using quark gluon technology via R& 11/24/1992 #40726  
hours later she awoke to an orange beam of light, with her truck that was n 11/25/1992 #40730  
ed, disc-shaped UFO directed a red beam of light into the river in Garland, 12/21/1992 #40759  
r who witnessed this, when the red beam turned off the high-pitched noise c 12/21/1992 #40759  
Young man looking for UFO's hit by beam / white light from delta-UFO.       2/4/1993 #40835  
elta / lights / each corner. White beam / light. Vanishes!                  2/5/1993 (approximate) #40839  
in a car had their car bathed by a beam of light from an unseen aerial sour 3/2/1993 #40873  
pt the countryside with a powerful beam of light. At the same time in Rugel 3/30/1993 #40906  
mph. He sees the UFO fire a narrow beam of light (like a laser) at the grou 3/31/1993 #40914  
rcraft and a Boeing 747. The light beam retracts in an unnatural way, then  3/31/1993 #40914  
maneuvers / all directions. Shoots beam going down / sea. Going quickly nor 4/1993 #40917  
at the rear move to the center and beam directly into his eyes for a few se 4/30/1993 #40959  
humanoid (or Grey) descends / blue beam / saucer. Runs into jungle.         5/15/1993 (approximate) #40982  
orted back to her house via a blue beam of coherent light.                  5/19/1993 #40986  
minated the ground with a powerful beam of light. Its movements were errati 5/28/1993 #40993  
ite object / 300' altitude. Shoots beam / light. Silent. 2 observer(s).     7/28/1993 #41092  
the San Luis Valley of Colorado. A beam of red light passed from one helico 8/5/1993 #41108  
nning at around 8 p.m. It shined a beam of light, and at one point moved ov 9/20/1993 #41205  
aucer. 2nd hovers over house. Cone beam retracts.                           10/17/1993 #41236  
California late on this night in a beam of light to a huge triangular craft 11/8/1993 #41266  
tchman. UFO / 200M altitude sweeps beam / Roman ruins. Type unknown.        1/2/1994 (approximate) #41354  
 object illuminated car with light beam, E-M effects (section I). (NICAP: 0 2/1/1994 #41396  
 object illuminated car with light beam, E-M effects                        2/1/1994 #41397  
 1 other. Long 2-domed object with beam low and slow over freeway.          2/2/1994 #41402  
s. Huge cylinders with very strong beam. Grass turns brown. / r226#20+23.   3/6/1994 #41442  
0 p.m., guided by a powerful light beam, eight volunteers climb the mountai 3/6/1994 #41443  
 huge cylinders with a very strong beam of light directed toward the ground 3/6/1994 #41444  
ucer and night lights. All silent. Beam lights going down.                  4/3/1994 #41474  
 glows and searches. Ground lit-no beam seen. Radio and car malfunctions du 4/14/1994 #41491  
bject lands / tree farm. Man hit / beam 2 days later. Abduction.            6/7/1994 #41556  
ehead that emitted a blue light. A beam of light descended from the craft a 6/15/1994 #41568  
g. Slow and silent. 300m altitude. Beam going down.                         8/23/1994 #41685  
-SUR-MARE, FR 5 observer(s). Sharp beam going down. Silent UFO with 3 brigh 8/27/1994 #41691  
GILA BEND, AZ Evening. Disk shines beam on train. Then lands / field. No fu 9/1/1994 #41710  
 3 pulled through trees by strange beam. Mutilated!                         9/13/1994 #41741  
vel, as if carried by an invisible beam. Gardea fires two shots and the hum 9/13/1994 #41743  
. Scrape-noise / tile roof. Bright beam going down / patio.                 11/14/1994 #41846  
er / lights overhead. Humming. Odd beam scans ground. No further details. / 12/6/1994 #41886  
a flashlight at the figures, and a beam of light from the object immediatel 12/11/1994 #41890  
igzags / sky / 30 minute(s). Casts beam going down / ground. / Mindy report 12/17/1994 #41898  
 disks / bottom/underside. Silent. Beam turns.                              1/5/1995 #41951  
 on the bottom of the object and a beam of light along the middle. It was b 1/5/1995 #41952  
erver(s). 2 green spheres joined / beam / gold light. Object streaks overhe 1/22/1995 #41990  
a hovering triangular UFO direct a beam of white light towards her. The whi 2/21/1995 #42055  
white light towards her. The white beam of light lasts for about 10 seconds 2/21/1995 #42055  
sucks water / Mersey River / black beam. Turns rectangular.                 2/27/1995 #42064  
m the Mersey River through a black beam of some sort. It then changed shape 2/27/1995 #42065  
hemisphere covers roadway. Conical beam / bottom.                           3/25/1995 #42116  
ance at around 4:00 a.m. A conical beam of light came from the bottom of th 3/25/1995 #42118  
over Pujaut, France and directed a beam of light at the witness. A widespre 4/2/1995 #42134  
COL. DE VENCE, FR Sphere with blue beam 300M away. Shadows move inside! No  4/5/1995 #42140  
e third was an orange-red color. A beam of light that followed the contour  5/7/1995 #42188  
 flashes and maneuvers. Bright red beam and going quickly northeast.        6/16/1995 #42260  
ashington. It emitted a bright red beam of light. After 10 minutes it flew  6/16/1995 #42261  
 emitted an extremely bright light beam. The laser-like beam struck the wit 8/11/1995 #42376  
 bright light beam. The laser-like beam struck the witness in the eyes, kno 8/11/1995 #42376  
gs excited as disc emitted a light beam (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)      9/15/1995 #42474  
t light by the side of the road. A beam of light suddenly illuminated his c 9/24/1995 #42508  
km altitude goes up and down white beam / same width. Blows steam.          1/16/1996 #42687  
color object / 800M altitude. Wide beam / light going down / large creek.   1/19/1996 #42688  
m a belt around its waist a bluish beam of light emerged. The being appeare 2/23/1996 #42776  
ct had a bluish-green, cone-shaped beam projecting from it. The beam was na 4/8/1996 #42858  
haped beam projecting from it. The beam was narrow at the top, but had a th 4/8/1996 #42858  
t hovers between 2 mountains. Aims beam randomly / slopes. Going southeast. 4/22/1996 (approximate) #42878  
on, Alpes-Maritime, France, aiming beam of light apparently randomly at the 4/22/1996 #42879  
 hums and hovers. Shoots "confined beam" going down [to] to ground.         4/26/1996 #42886  
 their campsite with a "spotlight" beam but made no sound.                  5/21/1996 #42906  
t. Ovoid going down. Opens up. Red beam shoots out. Drops to sea?           7/1996 #42942  
hovers near them. It then shines a beam of light around the ground, illumin 8/17/1996 #42984  
ect / 100M away. 3 square windows. Beam / front. No further details / Liste 9/23/1996 #43037  
 It had three square windows and a beam of light in the front.              9/23/1996 #43038  
angles with colored lights. Strong beam going down / car / 20 minute(s).    10/15/1996 #43069  
 One object aimed an intense white beam at their car and bathed it in inten 10/15/1996 #43071  
wl-saucer with square windows aims beam going down / lake. / LDLN#342.      10/25/1996 #43094  
through binoculars as it directs a beam of light down at a lake it is hover 10/25/1996 #43095  
hrough binoculars as it directed a beam of light down at the lake.          10/25/1996 #43096  
6), CA Seals dive as airship emits beam of light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reacti 11/22/1996 #43115  
, the device would create a “force beam” in any desired direction and that  1997 #43156  
e the sensation of cold. An orange beam of light then appeared beside him.  3/10/1997 #43225  
ed creatures then emerged from the beam. They appeared to have only one eye 3/10/1997 #43225  
to the purple light via the orange beam of light. Before leaving, the leade 3/10/1997 #43225  
rhead and were engulfed in a white beam. They were unable to move. Overhead 3/14/1997 #43231  
e that creates a magnetic monopole beam that emits pulses, levitates, degau 4/17/1997 #43264  
ing lifted through a conical light beam into the hovering craft. Aboard the 6/5/1997 #43311  
 behind 3 cops / car. Lights all / beam. Paces / 13km. Turns going south.   6/14/1997 #43322  
er(s). Cloud filled / lights. Cone beam going down [to] over / ancient Indi 6/23/1997 #43334  
ide her house and noticed that the beam was now illuminating the interior.  9/9/1997 #43403  
t. After about 5 minutes the light beam disappears suddenly and the headlig 11/4/1997 #43437  
ondered what had happened a bright beam of light hit him, and several "litt 12/10/1997 #43457  
me back over the house and shone a beam of whitish blue light out of its ce 12/14/1997 #43461  
all figure was taken up inside the beam. Lights around its edge flashed in  12/14/1997 #43461  
came aware of a bluish white light beam from an outside source. Next a figu 12/14/1997 #43462  
c in color, and emitting an orange beam of light. It and the light suddenly 12/16/1997 #43464  
ortholes. Away / plane lands. Thin beam going down.                         1/8/1998 #43495  
ed to disappear. Two weeks later a beam of light came out of the sky after  2/1/1998 #43510  
sts the device can create a “force beam” in any direction. The university s 3/1/1998 #43527  
, and then scanned the area with a beam of light. It circled passenger jet, 4/10/1998 #43546  
t each corner and projects a white beam of light onto the buildings.        6/26/1998 #43595  
 area remembered being struck by a beam of light and losing consciousness f 11/1/1998 #43674  
Five minutes later he sees a green beam of light shining down from the sky. 11/6/1998 #43676  
h in color. The craft then shone a beam of white light towards the ground a 4/1/1999 #43752  
in Lake Charles, Louisiana. A blue beam came down, illuminated her yard. Sh 8/22/1999 #43830  
r four minutes it emitted a bright beam of light from its center. The color 12/8/1999 #43896  
ia. The witness saw a bright light beam that looked like the spotlight from 1/18/2000 #43931  
esses around, when he was hit by a beam of white light from the craft, whic 1/30/2000 #43937  
ere stops over town. Shoots yellow beam. Spins and away.                    2/3/2000 #43940  
e observers became surrounded by a beam of light while a blue shape remaine 7/7/2000 #44012  
 object shone a bright white light beam down toward the ground. It radiated 7/7/2000 #44013  
Winnemucca, Nevada reported that a beam of light came from a bright circula 7/7/2000 #44013  
over them and emitted some kind of beam of energy. The ray hit one of the m 7/25/2000 #44022  
 beach. It directed an intense red beam, then a blue-colored beam, at the w 10/1/2000 #44049  
ense red beam, then a blue-colored beam, at the witnesses' car, which cause 10/1/2000 #44049  
ocean and land on the beach. A red beam of light engulfed the car, and they 10/11/2000 #44054  
 opened on the object and a bright beam of light shone down from the object 10/19/2000 #44060  
a cold wave envelope her body. The beam of light then retreated back into t 10/19/2000 #44060  
out 30 cm in length that emitted a beam of light from the tip. As the tube  5/2/2001 #44174  
 going east / ground level. Stops. Beam and humming. Turns invisible.       8/7/2001 #44229  
west. It looks like an intense red beam with bright flashes behind it. In t 9/9/2001 #44253  
he reservoir at 11:00 p.m., with a beam of light shining down from the obje 9/9/2001 #44255  
hat shines a straight, 5-foot-wide beam of light on the Wisconsin River lik Summer 2002 #44352  
nsin River like a searchlight. The beam does not change shape as the object Summer 2002 #44352  
till there. Unexpectedly, a yellow beam of light ascended a few meters abov 7/28/2002 #44367  
e gravity generator” can produce a beam of “gravity-like” energy that can e 7/29/2002 #44370  
f Podkletnov’s work show a gravity beam laboratory in Russia can already re 7/29/2002 #44370  
e object looks like an intense red beam with an arc of light on its front s 9/9/2002 #44392  
bout 2 minutes then suddenly a red beam shoots out from the orb and hits th Late 9/2002 #44405  
 side of the nearest mountain. The beam lasts about one minute and Cabrera  Late 9/2002 #44405  
ck dripping from the mountain. The beam abruptly ceases and the orb just di Late 9/2002 #44405  
nous 3M disk hovers / streetlight. Beam lights watchman.                    9/28/2002 #44410  
t on the front apex that moved its beam of light, and then went out.        2/16/2003 #44493  
ect to a forklift operator. Next a beam of white light shot out of the UFO  4/21/2003 #44517  
hirring sound. He next saw a light beam flash on the ground in the middle o 5/3/2003 #44523  
light in the middle. It directed a beam of light down to ground, the UFO sw 5/8/2003 #44529  
drop into valleys. At 1:00 a.m., a beam of white light arches across the sk 7/28/2003 #44568  
m. Dubbed the “Okanagan Arch,” the beam is seen from Kamloops to Jaffray.   7/28/2003 #44568  
m. and it lit up the ground with a beam of light.                           7/28/2003 #44569  
 vertically and gave off a partial beam of red light.                       9/24/2003 #44606  
oint his plane is illuminated by a beam of light. Seconds later everything  2/20/2004 #44668  
oo, Canada). He noticed a vertical beam of light in the early morning sky,  3/12/2004 #44676  
e stairs. To his astonishment, the beam of light that he had seen in the di 3/12/2004 #44676  
 and it was projecting a spotlight beam with an adjacent blue light under e 4/16/2004 #44689  
mmediately following this a bright beam of light appeared from the seashore 8/2/2004 #44725  
seemed metallic. The UFO emitted a beam of turquoise beam of light from its 8/25/2004 #44741  
he UFO emitted a beam of turquoise beam of light from its center. Unexpecte 8/25/2004 #44741  
to the pavement it let off a green beam of light.                           9/24/2006 #44966  
 the surface of the lake under the beam. The object projecting the light mo 4/6/2007 #45016  
on, Washington, for 3–5 minutes. A beam of bright greenish light is extende 10/10/2007 #45072  
vering saucer-shaped object with a beam of light, along with a possible cre 11/5/2007 #45091  
ridport, England. It shone a light beam down. It was difficult to focus upo 12/23/2007 #45102  
 When he points a bright spotlight beam at the triangle, it responds immedi 5/8/2009 #45220  
le, it responds immediately with a beam of intense bluish-white light about 5/8/2009 #45220  
t the triangle, it responds with a beam of blue-white light on him for 3 se 5/8/2009 #45221  
ver, the craft then shone a bright beam of light into her room through her  8/28/2009 #45239  
way Northern Sweden Night. A large beam of light is seen and photographed f 12/9/2009 #45261  
 The phenomenon consists of a blue beam of light with a grayish spiral eman 12/9/2009 #45261  
solutely no noise. It had a narrow beam of light that was directed down at  1/30/2012 #45338  
 and casting an intermittent short beam of light. She watches it for 20 sec 3/19/2013 #45362  
because it is in the landing-light beam for a split second.                 2/1/2018 #45505  
 UFO then projects an illuminating beam of bright white light on the aircra 3/19/2020 #45639  
ares for evasive measures, but the beam of light illuminating the aircraft  3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "beam-box" (Back to Top)
 humanoid (or Grey) / cone-hat and beam-box. / MJ#181+Flying Saucer Review  1/7/1970 #25537  
## Word: "beam-like" (Back to Top)
Columbus, TN 3:00 a.m. UFO emitted beam-like searchlight to ground. Also na 7/15/1968 #24176  
## Word: "beaman" (Back to Top)
gwood 6:30 p.m. Larry and Marilynn Beaman are driving near Antioch, Illinoi 11/5/1957 #14345  
makes a sound like water swishing. Beaman rounds up some other witnesses an 11/5/1957 #14345  
## Word: "beamed" (Back to Top)
 in New Castle, Delaware. The UFOs beamed down a light beam onto the highwa 11/6/1957 #14439  
VICKSBURG, MI Man / car buzzed and beamed / saucer. Low humming. Motor malf 3/31/1966 #20169  
 to catch up, then moving away. It beamed an intense light onto the road. T 4/17/1966 #20319  
ed them with a sideways motion and beamed a white light at them. Making a h 7/9/1967 #22637  
, ME Campers saw glowing oval that beamed light down, engulfed canoe. Memor 8/26/1967 #22931  
, ME Campers saw glowing oval that beamed light down, engulfed canoe. Memor 8/26/1967 #22934  
                CALGARY, ALTA Teen beamed to saucer / orange light. Small h 11/17/1967 #23475  
            Albany, GA Oval object beamed light down on car, electrical sys 11/22/1968 #24688  
os, Cordoba, Spain Luminous object beamed light at car, engine lost power ( 7/10/1972 #26788  
os, Cordoba, Spain Luminous object beamed light at car, engine lost power   7/10/1972 #26789  
ect, which continued to pace them, beamed a light in their direction. One o 9/13/1973 #27815  
tered domed, craftlike object that beamed green light into cockpit, lifted  10/18/1973 #28170  
He took three photographs. The UFO beamed a light ray directly at the witne 4/1/1974 #28988  
ne a light on the UFO, and the UFO beamed back a red beam of light. Their d 9/26/1974 #29484  
etic effects). Radio smokes. 2+car beamed going up. Bat-figure and pseudo-h 10/27/1974 #29558  
, TX Saturn-shaped UFO over truck, beamed light down; humanoids visible in  5/3/1975 #30021  
 MATIAS-BARBOSA, BRZ VW and riders beamed / saucer! Earphone-computer trans 1/21/1976 #30807  
        SMITH BROOK, ME Allagash-4 beamed going up / saucer from canoe. 4 s 8/26/1976 #31304  
     A huge jellyfish-shaped light beamed rays to the ground in Petrozavods 9/20/1977 #32500  
ject sped toward witness, stopped, beamed blue light onto dead tree, which  11/29/1977 #32705  
ject sped toward witness, stopped, beamed blue light onto dead tree, which  11/29/1977 #32706  
ject sped toward witness, stopped, beamed blue light onto dead tree, which  11/29/1977 #32707  
made pulsating sound; tilted down, beamed a bright light from the top onto  4/2/1978 #33117  
made pulsating sound. Tilted down, beamed a bright light from the top onto  4/2/1978 #33118  
nd flew to the west. Rays of light beamed down from the object, and several 12/28/1978 #34217  
zipped over above an empty lot. It beamed white beams of light down onto th 1/28/1979 #34388  
                Longmont, CO Light beamed onto car, lights and radio failed 11/19/1980 #35658  
all, TX Domed disc hovered nearby, beamed light down onto truck. Driver fle 11/24/1981 #36230  
. Driver fled, object followed and beamed light on truck a second time befo 11/24/1981 #36230  
all, TX Domed disc hovered nearby, beamed light down onto truck. Driver fle 11/24/1981 #36231  
. Driver fled, object followed and beamed light on truck a second time befo 11/24/1981 #36231  
                   A silent object beamed three lights down at 8 a.m., then 12/2/1982 #36706  
   Bangor, WA Ellipse with windows beamed light down on children in playgro 9/1/1987 #38272  
   Bangor, WA Ellipse with windows beamed light down on children in playgro 9/1/1987 #38273  
O stayed just ahead of the van and beamed a blue beam down onto the road. A 4/28/1988 #38547  
ke craft lands / yard. Observer(s) beamed aboard and gives 7' aliens a $20  6/8/1991 #40088  
HUNG 4M saucer / yard. Observer(s) beamed going up. 2 pseudo-human/entity i 12/26/1991 #40266  
 as sixty feet wide with a silvery beamed understructure. The entire close  8/14/1992 #40573  
 object was a big green light that beamed down to the ocean surface. The UF 7/25/2000 #44023  
tric engineering, quantum physics, beamed energy propulsion and active camo 7/2018 #45532  
ysics, quantum communications, and beamed energy propulsion.” According to  10/17/2019 #45612  
a or “obtained vehicles” that use “beamed energy propulsion,” and any infor 10/17/2019 #45612  
## Word: "beaming" (Back to Top)
cted to the sheriff's spotlight by beaming a ray of light into the patrol c 6/8/1964 #18340  
 few feet from the house. It began beaming a pinkish light of a painfully b 1/25/1967 #21388  
 street she notices a large object beaming with three colored lights and ro 5/1967 #22256  
e notices a “bright shaft of light beaming down out of the sky.” A few mile 2/21/1973 #27305  
sponded to the police spotlight by beaming a bright light into the car. It  7/9/1974 #29254  
. Egg-shaped object, bluish lights beaming. (NIDS UFO 89) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 3/9/1975 #29883  
lights all over it. A spotlight is beaming down, and there is one red light 4/12/1979 #34508  
 Ohio, when Harris notices bright, beaming lights in the sky. They assume i 3/25/1980 #35241  
g a 60 foot diameter ovoid object, beaming light at 50 feet altitude, at 10 8/22/1986 #37999  
rmany, when they notice two lights beaming down at them at a 45° angle. The 2/21/1990 #39425  
The witnesses see three spotlights beaming down, apparently detached from t 7/26/1990 #39663  
s, where it hovers about 1 minute, beaming one of its lights on the outside 3/12/1991 #40010  
ch had spinning red lights and was beaming light down into the water. He ra 6/9/2004 #44709  
## Word: "beaminster" (Back to Top)
                                   BEAMINSTER, DORSET 7 in 2 cars. Loud thr 9/8/1968 #24438  
                      Just outside Beaminster, England seven witnesses in t 9/8/1968 #24441  
## Word: "beamlike" (Back to Top)
like a domed disc and four bright, beamlike extensions. UFO investigator Je 3/23/1974 #28937  
## Word: "beams" (Back to Top)
ing south. Fireball / front shoots beams. Turns going north and away.       11/4/1322 #14  
 Robozero, Bieloziero, Russia. Two beams of light came from the object and  8/15/1663 #45  
n were burned by the heat from the beams, and the water became covered with 8/15/1663 #45  
tish ship. Glowing cloud divided / beams of light. Seen / 15 hours and vani 3/1/1716 #55  
uminous cloud that emitted intense beams of light (solid light). The light  12/5/1737 #61  
 of light (solid light). The light beams moved slowly, then stopped. He sud 12/5/1737 #61  
LONDON Odd sphere shoots brilliant beams. Drops and hovers just over ground 8/15/1755 #74  
or' hovers near cloud. Going west. Beams rays all over/all about. Glowing-o 3/22/1813 #107  
o be a sphere emitting searchlight beams above and below it. The object is  4/16/1892 #302  
CA Great airship over Sutro House. Beams going down / Seal Rock. Seals dive 11/5/1896 (approximate) #336  
). Large dark cylinder/cigar-shape beams long sharp light going down. 20mph 11/22/1896 #346  
 RAINIER, WA 2 observer(s). Object beams variable-colored lights / all dire 11/24/1896 #355  
A Airship with lights / both ends. Beams in odd directions. High-altitude g 11/25/1896 #358  
separate observer(s). Airship west beams / light. Horses panic. Going south 11/30/1896 #371  
s saw an airship fly over emitting beams of light; horses panicked during t 11/30/1896 #372  
moving up and down. Greenish light beams shine down on Main Street from its 4/10/1897 #424  
s from side to side and throws out beams several hundred feet in length. Wh 4/10/1897 #425  
cigar-shape. Both flash multicolor beams. / r204p134+/ r210v25#7.           4/19/1897 #530  
all rises / hill. Moves side-side. Beams light shoot out. Going quickly sou 7/12/1897 #599  
rns going north inland. Lights and beams.                                   8/16/1897 #604  
land. It had body lights and light beams.                                   8/16/1897 #605  
/cigar-shape with antennas. Bright beams straight going down [to] and going 6/27/1908 #707  
and hovers / 4 minute(s). 2 strong beams. Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6. 5/9/1909 #732  
ur minutes, and emitted two strong beams.                                   5/9/1909 #734  
 observer(s). Black 30M blimp with beams going down. Motor noise. / r65.    5/13/1909 #738  
, ENGL Cylinder/cigar-shape aims 5 beams / ships bridge. Does same to diffe 5/14/1909 #743  
 cigar-shaped object directed five beams of light at a ship's bridge off th 5/14/1909 #744  
S 14 observer(s). Night lights and beams 2 miles offshore search Cardigan B 5/22/1909 #771  
          LA PORTE, IN Bowl saucer beams going down / wagon. Horses panic.  10/1909 #814  
g down / wagon. Horses panic. More beams. Lights / rim. Vanishes.           10/1909 #814  
ering, with several phosphorescent beams extending to the ground. It is enc 10/1909 #815  
OK 2 observer(s). Large ovoid aims beams going down / snow. Slight hiss. Bl 1/1924 #1037  
server(s). 6-7M silver bowl-saucer beams rays going down / field. Vacuum cl 11/5/1928 (approximate) #1091  
MALDIVES Fr. ship crew. Laser like beams radiate going up [to] from sea. Wa 3/1931 #1123  
low. Lights 2 observer(s) / strong beams. Lights radio towers..             8/1933 (approximate) #1172  
 in Kalix, Norrbotten, Sweden, see beams of light coming from a machine tha 12/24/1933 #1182  
be searching the ground below. The beams are “blinding.” The sighting is pa 12/24/1933 #1182  
ly north / 770 kph. Pilot follows. Beams / side.                            10/10/1936 #1251  
. Night lights and mystery flyers. Beams and radio signals. No further deta 11/17/1936 #1253  
hey first assume are the headlight beams of a truck coming from a swamp abo 2/20/1944 #1576  
AN, FR Glowing saucer near ground. Beams light / ground. Observer(s) dizzy. 9/24/1945 (approximate) #1939  
e and depressions are plastic-like beams, pieces of lightweight balsawood-l 7/5/1947 #2723  
 neither burn nor cut. Some of the beams have symbols on them that reminds  7/5/1947 #2723  
 grandmother. Possible searchlight beams.                                   7/7/1947 #2941  
er(s). 2 disks going west trailing beams / light. Whirl and shoot up and do 7/12/1947 #3156  
-cylinder/cigar-shape going south. Beams going down. Fades away.. / r171p11 10/1947? #3434  
loses to within 6 miles, the light beams open up like a fan and shine into  6/16/1948 #3671  
ana or cucumber-shaped object with beams of light was tracked on radar when 6/16/1948 #3672  
red glowing sea! Clouds lit. White beams going up.                          1/24/1949 #3975  
 the ocean 1 mile in size emitting beams of light. (Project 1947) (NICAP: 1 1/24/1949 #3976  
 streaks of light like searchlight beams moving counterclockwise “like the  11/11/1949 #4413  
inous silver disk maneuvers. Halo. Beams going [to] clouds. Away extremely  4/1950 #4780  
WAY MOUNTAIN, UT Odd night lights. Beams / light extend / all directions. 2 4/25/1950 #4891  
nland. Hovers / oil refinery. Aims beams.                                   6/30/1950 #5024  
cigar-shape. Several sudden turns. Beams going down. Vanishes!              8/1/1950 #5096  
ver in Liguria, Italy. It shot red beams of light at the witnesses, who wer 4/25/1952 #6187  
er with square windows. Jet sound. Beams. Quickly going up.                 7/27/1952 #7186  
 #1700. Unidentified. Metal saucer beams shafts / light. Stops when plane p 7/28/1952 #7244  
ather phenomena” that caused radar beams to bend and pick up objects on the 7/29/1952 #7328  
 2 observer(s). Thick band / vapor beams going down [to] into cloud. Horizo 7/30/1952 #7346  
e flares. 1350h. Chico, CA. Saucer beams white light. Jets scramble.        8/3/1952 #7426  
 with two luminous eyes from which beams of bluish light emerged; it also h 9/11/1952 #7896  
s. Very large saucer. Strong white beams. / Blue Book files.                11/8/1952 #8256  
ucers / 2 nights running. Dazzling beams light 40 mile(s) area!             11/13/1952 (approximate) #8265  
sible. Several observer(s). Saucer beams light going down [to] to sea surfa 12/14/1952 #8415  
itose AFB, Japan Object emitting 3 beams of light and tracked on airborne r 12/29/1952 #8457  
. Blakeslee) saw object emitting 3 beams of light and tracked on airborne r 12/29/1952 #8459  
itose AFB, Japan Object emitting 3 beams of light and tracked on airborne r 12/29/1952 #8460  
est façade of the central building Beams of microwaves, varying between 2.5 1/1953 #8486  
 background radiation testing, the beams come from a source in a Soviet apa 1/1953 #8486  
id / 21m altitude over barnyard. 3 beams down. Pig found dead. Noisy. Going 2/14/1953 #8675  
IIGATA, JAPAN USAF F94. White disk beams red and blue beams. Maneuvers all  3/31/1953 #8796  
F94. White disk beams red and blue beams. Maneuvers all over northeast Hons 3/31/1953 #8796  
c-shaped UFO emitting red and blue beams of light. It maneuvered all about  3/31/1953 #8800  
s (which pick up and analyze radar beams emitted from the objects) for almo 4/14/1953 #8824  
). 3 moons tilt / half-moon shape. Beams going down [to] switched off. Goin 8/6/1953 #9050  
s / 15 minute(s). Strong red light beams going down.                        9/29/1953 #9188  
 on his landing lights and the UFO beams back a blinding light back at the  10/19/1953 #9243  
/ opposite spin. Portholes / dome. Beams. Reacts / lights.                  11/1953 #9267  
ite disc-shaped UFO with brilliant beams of light was seen over Marcillat-e 12/11/1953 #9359  
a rotating top-shaped object, with beams of light streaming from its portho 2/3/1954 #9532  
oval UFOs moving as unit, emitting beams of light toward ground (NICAP: 03  5/1954 #9738  
linder/cigar-shape hovers / hills. Beams / fog. Shakes violently. Away extr 5/21/1954 #9822  
ts die as 3 saucers pass overhead. Beams / light to ground.                 5/22/1954 #9823  
ts go out, and each of the objects beams a bright white light to the center Summer 1954 #9922  
to the center of the triangle. The beams meet in the center for a few secon Summer 1954 #9922  
9M saucer stops over tree. 2 green beams going down. Buzzes / 30 seconds. G 7/24/1954 #10045  
3M yellow-glowing ovoids 30M away. Beams going down / field. Rotate slow co 8/1954 (approximate) #10081  
                  FEYZIN, FR Light beams / large dark object 50M away / 30' 9/15/1954 #10308  
 over town. Hovers / 35 minute(s). Beams search and away. / r3p143.         9/18/1954 #10342  
R 5 observer(s). Bright UFO lands. Beams. Follows car going NNW / Fonland.  9/23/1954 #10409  
 Cylinder/cigar-shape shoots light beams. High altitude. Goes going north.  10/1/1954 #10549  
JON, 21, FR Sphere sends out green beams / light. Going quickly south faste 10/3/1954 #10638  
M silent blue saucer lands / road. Beams rays going down. Rises / 20M and s 10/6/1954 #10748  
ue Book. Large crowd and spotlight beams. Odd cloud over fair / 3 hours and 10/10/1954 #10884  
al in shape, emitting multicolored beams. The central part appeared to be m 10/10/1954 #10885  
ect land. It emitted multi-colored beams of light. The central part of the  10/10/1954 #10895  
h 4 balls / bottom. 2 "eyes" shoot beams.                                   10/15/1954 #11082  
ucer lands / FLDs. Turns color(s). Beams. / r8+/ r49p181.                   10/15/1954 #11084  
s. Floats going [to] woods. Bright beams. Vanishes! / LDLN#321.             10/17/1954 #11162  
ect spins high / sky. Shoots green beams / light. / p34.                    10/19/1954 #11229  
ng high in sky, shooting out green beams of light. Also, at the same time i 10/19/1954 #11246  
1 / beach. Disk emerges / sea! 3-4 beams. Dives. Lights / water. Going up [ 10/22/1954 #11317  
teel framing construction. Colored beams.                                   10/23/1954 #11330  
M disk going down / field. Silent. Beams going down. / r8#307+/ r30p200.    10/25/1954 #11382  
of the helmet. The being aimed two beams of blue light at the witness, who  10/26/1954 #11422  
oid / 12M altitude over tree. Aims beams going [to] house. Observer(s) eyes 10/28/1954 #11457  
ilently took off straight up. Some beams of silver colored light emanated f 11/1/1954 #11522  
ins going quickly south. Landings. Beams. Animals scared. / LDLN#325.       11/4/1954 #11553  
 glowing-sphere/orb/globe shoots 2 beams / forward and down. 5 photographs. 11/4/1954 #11557  
ing multiple landings and emitting beams of light. The farm animals were fr 11/4/1954 #11566  
saucers south going quickly north. Beams / light each end. / r111p50.       12/10/1954 #11790  
iner crews. Night light maneuvers. Beams light going [to] cockpit. / r242+/ 1/2/1955 #11910  
2 young men. Saucer hovers / town. Beams red rays. Going quickly west. / r1 3/25/1955 #12061  
orthwest against wind. Multi-color beams going down. Interior lit.          5/20/1955 #12144  
s going down / hillside. Smoke and beams. Figure(s) move inside. Going quic 6/10/1955 #12193  
ide. They emitted smoke or fog and beams of light. Figures could be seen mo 6/10/1955 #12194  
t, but when they catch it in their beams, the searchlights go out. A check  6/26/1955 #12217  
K' altitude / 16 minute(s). Strong beams / light.                           6/30/1955 #12220  
000 feet altitude, emitting strong beams of light. The crew watched it for  6/30/1955 #12222  
er with lit dome. Fan noise. Light beams / openings. / r2p183.              8/1/1955 #12312  
own fast, hovered, and emitted two beams of light. The witness fled toward  8/1/1955 #12315  
own fast, hovered, and emitted two beams of light. The witness fled toward  8/1/1955 #12319  
  BOUNDARY PEAK, NV / CA 2 hikers. Beams from crescent light valley and pea 9/11/1955 #12446  
id with lit portholes and 3 strong beams going down. Vanishes on approach.  2/1956 (approximate) #12689  
NY 2 observer(s). Circle-of-lights beams strong rays going down. Very high. 4/9/1956 #12805  
 observations. TEARDROPs maneuver. Beams. Jets chase. / r28p435+/ APRO 7'56 7/18/1956 #12982  
, FR Milk truck stalls. UFO shines beams. Driver hides under truck.         9/1956 #13159  
 domed disk by N65. Portholes. Hot beams. Motor and lights electro-magnetic 9/27/1956 #13248  
ircles area counterclockwise. Aims beams / light. Going quickly southeast.  11/22/1956 #13344  
UI CHEN, TAIWAN Red-glowing saucer beams strong light / 3 observer(s). Pass 12/30/1956 #13419  
low over the horizon, and shooting beams of light in several directions.    1/1/1957 #13446  
. They searched the sky with light beams, then they rose vertically in depa 2/13/1957 #13504  
 many. Ovoids stop. Turn. Search / beams. Land / roof? Vertical exit.       2/14/1957 #13505  
ng down [to] behind barn. 2 strong beams. Quickly going up [to] and going q 3/23/1957 #13554  
 Washington. It emitted two strong beams of light. It rose vertically, then 3/23/1957 #13559  
west over Poconos Mountains. Green beams going down. "Large and low".       8/26/1957 #13931  
s Mountains. It was emitting green beams of light.                          8/26/1957 #13933  
 NAZARE, PRT 2 observer(s). Saucer beams going down / beach. Rocks and plan 8/28/1957 #13938  
te saucer going down / sea. Figure beams / light at 4 / boat. Quickly going 10/8/1957 #14072  
beach. Type unknown. Lights area / beams. Going quickly east and quickly go 10/22/1957 #14142  
azil. It Illuminated the area with beams of light, it took off toward the e 10/22/1957 #14146  
ilent platter hovers over 3 / car. Beams going down. Night lights follow. / 11/5/1957 #14323  
E BASKATONG, QB Radio hams. Sphere beams going up and down. Strong Radio Fr 11/6/1957 #14385  
          TAMAROA, IL Moon saucer. Beams and flashes and booms. Power out / 11/14/1957 #14546  
ls / newspaper. Big strange object beams strong lights down.                11/14/1957 #14548  
mber' tumbles end over end. Shoots beams. Lights area going west.           11/15/1957 #14553  
eral observer(s). Bright 2M object beams 4 lights down / ground. / O Seculo 11/15/1957 #14557  
r quickly going up [to] 100M away. Beams and portholes.                     11/15/1957 #14558  
lic Saturn-saucer hovers offshore. Beams going down / sea.                  1/16/1958 #14828  
ral pilots. Silent domed ovoid and beams. Watch stops. 2 hours missing time 2/17/1958 #14877  
d with buzzing arms / 1M altitude. BEAMs toward(s) car and observer(s).     2/24/1958 #14886  
ANTS, NM White saucer aims colored beams all over/all about mine. Going up. 4/19/1958 #14996  
ck object hovers / roadside. 2 red beams.                                   7/30/1958 #15161  
. White steady light and 2 colored beams going down. 500M altitude.         8/1958 #15167  
er saucer 30M away / 60M altitude. Beams going down. Going quickly southwes 8/8/1958 #15183  
to get the object in his headlight beams. Throughout the observation a whis 9/1/1958 #15245  
to get the object in his headlight beams. Throughout the observation a whis 9/1/1958 #15248  
Y, ARG Rotorless silent helicopter beams going [to] linemen. Red balls exit 2/28/1959 #15621  
th sphere / top chases teen / car. Beams going down. Descends / low altitud 3/14/1959 #15643  
 cupola on top that emitted bright beams of light. Fascinated, he watched a 3/29/1959 #15678  
 roadside. Brilliant object shines beams going down / 2120hrs.              7/7/1959 #15820  
aucer. Hovers / 8M altitude. Green beams. / r3p13+/ MJ#255+/ r174p98.       7/13/1959 #15838  
r. R. Smith. It had coherent light beams. There were green rays of light em 8/4/1959 #15895  
 aimed straight up vertically. All beams receded into the UFO in a coherent 8/4/1959 #15895  
 fuel. Upright egg with probes and beams circles. / r8#493.                 8/9/1959 #15896  
NIARA, PNG Sphere maneuvers. Brief beams going up. Small disk paces maneuve 8/10/1959 #15900  
approached their location, shining beams of light inside their car and illu 8/20/1959 #15932  
ops. Lampshade saucer lights area. Beams going down. Going quickly [to] ver 12/1/1959 #16108  
rable elliptical object, red light beams swept ground (NICAP UFOE, V). (NIC 4/13/1960 #16226  
rable elliptical object, red light beams swept ground                       4/13/1960 #16227  
D, MA Planetarium Tech. Thin white beams / sky. Red sphere appears. Pulses. 5/4/1960 #16250  
-cylinder/cigar-shape with colored beams. Going east and west over town. /  5/20/1960 #16293  
aucer-on-edge descends / garden. 3 beams / light / center. Haze and gas. P2 8/1960 #16357  
sating halo of yellow light. Three beams of light came from a central openi 8/1960 #16361  
cher. Object rumbles and hovers. 4 beams and beacon / top. Vanishes / reapp 8/26/1960 #16419  
oud on clear day. Glows and moves. Beams light.                             10/1960 #16470  
 and 3 night lights exchange green beams. Night lights enter saucer / door. 12/25/1960 #16537  
e nocturnal lights exchanged green beams of light in the sky over Cottonwoo 12/25/1960 #16538  
sphere/orb/globe maneuvers slowly. Beams light ahead. Goes behind trees.    2/27/1961 #16604  
st going southwest / 12 second(s). Beams going down. Splits. / r242p53.     3/16/1961 #16629  
bserver(s). Silent saucer / strong beams going down / 2 cars. Jumps going u 4/11/1962 #17107  
bright star-like object with light beams coming from it. [NICAP UFO Evidenc 9/21/1962 #17426  
              CAPAY, CA 50' saucer beams going down / field. Going quickly  9/26/1962 #17441  
O/FROM TUCUMAN, ARG DC4 pilot. UFO beams strong light. 1 engine quits. / Fl 1/1963 #17622  
 on ground near pond. Body lights. Beams lights going up / each end at inte 8/13/1963 #17891  
ANCHUAN, HUBEI, CHINA Small object beams terrific light / homes and people. 8/15/1963 (approximate) #17902  
n to the ground along two vertical beams of light. He walked with a strange 8/28/1963 #17920  
down to the ground on two vertical beams of light. He walked with a strange 8/28/1963 #17924  
aucers going west. Stop. Maneuver. Beams going down. Whine. Exit / series.  10/1963 (approximate) #17962  
ly spaced openings that emit fiery beams. In the dome, several large window 10/1963 #17969  
 siege by 2 disks giving off light beams which heated up their house. Activ 10/21/1963 #17995  
Saucer visits ranch several times. Beams follow 2. Tot abduction repeatedly 4/1964 #18152  
e morning. The object emitted four beams of light. The grass had been flatt 5/22/1964 #18291  
10 small night lights follow. Blue beams.                                   6/5/1964 #18329  
lights. It also emitted blue light beams.                                   6/5/1964 #18333  
1 / car. 20m saucer rises / trees. Beams cone / light going down. / r24 v2# 7/20/1964 #18426  
globe / 15M altitude. Rim glows. 3 beams / light. / r41+/ r8#618.           7/27/1964 #18440  
raft seemed fluorescent, and three beams of very bright light were emitted  7/27/1964 #18446  
ect going / 20M altitude 50M away. Beams going down. Stops over tree.       8/1964 #18465  
rilliant 8M object over mountains. Beams going up / 45° light trees and roa 8/9/1964 #18471  
vertical axis before emitting four beams of light onto the warhead. The UAP 9/1964 #18525  
ern horizon and has rotating light beams that project downward and to the r 11/9/1964 #18611  
 craft, bathed constantly in light beams emanating from small wing-like pro 2/21/1965 #18825  
e waves his arms again. The object beams a light like a “welder’s torch” th 3/15/1965 #18859  
xtremely fast maneuvers. Orbs with beams. / r246p100.                       7/6/1965 #19071  
 observer(s). Fireball shoots blue beams. Odd vibrations. Circles and shoot 8/4/1965 (approximate) #19303  
se spinning and emitting red light beams It flew off to the northeast.      8/25/1965 #19463  
g, spinning and emitting red light beams as it flew off to the northeast.   8/25/1965 #19465  
 Cuenca, Ecuador when they saw two beams of bright light shining up into th 8/26/1965 #19466  
 edge, and flickering red and blue beams were shining downwards. The three  8/26/1965 #19466  
illiant red and the vertical white beams had been extinguished. Just before 8/26/1965 #19466  
/ groups / 3. Buzzing sound. Light beams to/from/between last 3.            8/28/1965 #19468  
nt 12M cone with portholes hovers. Beams going down. Back several X. / r8#6 9/15/1965 #19564  
 Figure(s) / 3 portholes. Retracts beams. Physical trace(s).                10/1965 #19628  
               MOGI-GUACU, BRZ UFO beams going up. Small humanoid (or Grey) 11/11/1965 #19712  
 dies. Engine coughs. Object / sky beams light going down [to] ground.      11/16/1965 #19723  
INGS, FL 3 observer(s). 45M saucer beams light going down / high-tension li 12/14/1965 #19768  
others. Night light cavorts. White beams going down. Others to 11 Oct. '66. 1/11/1966 #19824  
minous disks / low altitude. Shoot beams going down. Going quickly northeas 2/28/1966 (approximate) #19927  
 over the bedroom walls, and light beams.                                   3/1966 #19930  
longated object hovers over house. Beams going down / bottom. Shot up til g 3/23/1966 #20036  
d object with rays of light (light beams) from its underside was observed h 3/23/1966 #20045  
ck cylinder/cigar-shape with green beams. Night lights play nearby. 1 enter 3/31/1966 #20171  
s of the cone. His car's headlight beams were bent toward the object "as if 4/4/1966 #20225  
ard Maryborough when his headlight beams appeared to "bend" to the right. H 4/5/1966 #20239  
     WAKEFIELD, MASS Saucer shoots beams / white-blue-red light. Goes going 4/17/1966 #20310  
emitted white, red, and blue light beams as it descended to low level above 4/17/1966 #20314  
olored disc-shaped object shot off beams of white, then blue, and finally r 4/17/1966 #20320  
gar-shape hovers vertical. 2 solid beams retract! Away fast. / r30p261.     4/22/1966 #20361  
They saw two solid, coherent light beams retract inside the object. Finally 4/22/1966 #20378  
e object through a system of light beams. They used strange instruments to  5/10/1966 #20471  
t first illuminating it with these beams. They went back aboard their craft 5/10/1966 #20471  
e object through a system of light beams. The creings used strange instrume 5/10/1966 #20475  
t first illuminating it with these beams. They went back aboard their craft 5/10/1966 #20475  
th flat bottom. Ringed / lights. 2 beams. Away extremely fast.              6/1/1966 (approximate) #20517  
tting a bluish glow, and two light beams extended from it, one pointing upw 6/8/1966 #20540  
 highway at about 45 m.p.h. It had beams of light pointing upward and downw 6/8/1966 #20547  
 4 portholes. All dogs bark. Light beams going down. / r8#781+/ LDLN#139.   7/18/1966 #20651  
 going down / 25M altitude. Spins. Beams going down.                        7/18/1966 #20652  
ctro-magnetic effects). Voices and beams / opposite direction.              8/1966 (approximate) #20705  
 / boat. Ovoid / sea surface fires beams quickly going up.                  9/14/1966 #20882  
and more. Large object darts. Blue beams. 2 night lights join. Going quickl 9/22/1966 #20912  
ct bobbed around and emitted light beams toward the ground, and finally spe 9/22/1966 #20913  
ating independently, emitted light beams, finally sped away                 9/22/1966 #20914  
t bobs around and emits blue light beams toward the ground, and finally spe 9/22/1966 #20915  
 object emerges from the cloud and beams down a brilliant ruby light on the 10/8/1966 #20974  
t for seven minutes, emitted light beams up, then down, accelerated away    12/30/1966 #21229  
ico City, Mexico. It emitted light beams up, then down, and then climbed an 12/30/1966 #21231  
 back. Small humanoids (or Greys). Beams. Telepathy = "you'll write book".  1/6/1967 #21264  
 with a flange around it and white beams of light from portholes. The objec 1/15/1967 #21309  
rs. 18' saucer / low altitude with beams going down. Quickly going up [to]  1/18/1967 #21338  
ct emitted two pinkish-white light beams downward at about a 45- degree ang 1/18/1967 #21341  
ject emits two pinkish-white light beams downward at about a 45° angle from 1/18/1967 #21343  
hed at a low altitude, emitted two beams of light downward, turned, then ro 1/18/1967 #21345  
ported two objects, one with light beams with red/green blinking lights acr 1/19/1967 #21351  
 lights and two steady white light beams. It flew at low altitude, slowly a 2/7/1967 #21474  
ored object hovers / one hour. Red beams going down. Barn afire / nearby. / 2/9/1967 #21485  
rneath, and forwardly placed light beams. It also had a green light on one  2/9/1967 #21493  
ver some trees, then emitted light beams that swung upwards at a 45-degree  2/9/1967 #21493  
he perimeter. Rays of light (light beams) occasionally were emitted from th 2/14/1967 #21546  
NEYVILLE, IL 15' saucer west light beams over US20. Odd mist follows car ho 3/7/1967 #21781  
ight white lights and with two big beams in front. As it nears the ground i 3/7/1967 #21787  
glare. It projects two white light beams into the rear window of their car. 3/7/1967 #21787  
tly at the car, and then two white beams of light shone through the car's b 3/7/1967 #21788  
speed. The object had bright light beams at each end, and a made a sound li 3/8/1967 #21801  
ith flashing body lights and light beams at each end was reported by multip 3/8/1967 #21820  
M WITH VERNAL, UT "Row of windows" beams down blue lights.                  3/12/1967 #21864  
saw a disc with bright white light beams that swept the ground. Red lights  3/12/1967 #21866  
 down over 3 farms / low altitude. Beams down.                              3/25/1967 (approximate) #21980  
 saucer going down [to] by 2 kids. Beams going down / ground. Adult sees ex 4/1/1967 #22034  
 12-year-old children and directed beams of light to the ground. An adult s 4/1/1967 #22043  
above trees. It emitted five light beams from the underside, took off in "t 4/10/1967 #22104  
t bright small saucer shoots white beams. Signal flashes?                   4/15/1967 #22133  
 up Ohio River. Responds / lights. Beams going down. / MJ#288+r41.          4/17/1967 #22145  
+2+airliner. 300' saucer. Terrific beams / light. Very fast maneuvers. / r1 4/17/1967 #22146  
n, West Virginia. It had two light beams that were directed downward. Dogs  4/17/1967 #22156  
d barked and a pony reacted to the beams of light, and there was also sever 4/17/1967 #22156  
. When the witness turned his high beams on, the craft gave off a vertical  4/21/1967 #22188  
ed object going down. Turns green. Beams at dog. Erratic exit.              4/26/1967 #22217  
n turn a green color. It next shot beams of light at a dog on the ground, a 4/26/1967 #22224  
s saw an object that flashed light beams onto a car and paced the car at J  4/27/1967 #22229  
homa at 8:30 p.m. The UFO directed beams of light toward the ground. It was 4/27/1967 #22235  
server(s). Dark object chases car. Beams going down. Absolute(ly) silent. T 4/28/1967 #22239  
ces in the forest. Truncated light beams ("solid light") were emitted from  5/6/1967 #22282  
  GALION, OHIO Saucer 25' overhead beams circle / light going down / paperb 5/12/1967 #22321  
ing north / 2 min. Vibrant bright. Beams / side.                            5/17/1967 #22360  
LAND, CA Separate cops. Ovoid with beams. Accelerations. Away in seconds. / 7/4/1967 #22606  
 baseball flies into her headlight beams. It heads toward the windshield, b 7/17/1967 #22682  
wing sponge maneuvers and circles. Beams going down. Radio Frequency Interf 7/28/1967 #22745  
 La Chaumiere, they see two bright beams of light, one yellow and one blue, 8/3/1967 #22787  
. The car was illuminated by light beams and was reported to heat up. (Bran 8/28/1967 #22941  
whistles when going up and down. 2 beams going down / observers.            9/5/1967 (approximate) #23002  
d 300 m away, giving off brilliant beams of light for 4 hours, after which  9/11/1967 #23042  
mhouse. The object emits brilliant beams of light. After 4 hours it ascends 9/11/1967 #23045  
oes 6' over cemetery after burial. Beams going down.                        10/8/1967 #23194  
 2-3 white streaks of light (light beams) coming down vertically from the o 10/27/1967 #23343  
 her car, she sees 2–3 white light beams coming down vertically from the ob 10/27/1967 #23351  
lent ovoid hovers / 8M altitude. 2 beams. Follows car and boat.             11/8/1967 #23420  
 white cylinder/cigar-shape stops. Beams quickly going up [to] and quickly  11/14/1967 #23447  
 5km altitude. Drops red fireball. Beams and more.                          12/3/1967 #23538  
e sky drop a red fireball and emit beams of light.                          12/3/1967 #23546  
          HEYFIELD, AUST Blue dome beams lights. Whines. Car and transistor 5/1/1968 #23937  
ighted a UFO with two very intense beams of red light while walking home. A 6/14/1968 #24032  
s its other arm, which is emitting beams of light, and she feels helpless,  6/15/1968 #24039  
 turn. Paces car / 10 minute(s). 3 beams / front. / MJ#242.                 6/20/1968 #24052  
 Saucer north going quickly south. Beams going down / ground. Top rotates.  6/24/1968 #24074  
 than the other and luminous white beams of light emanated from the tips of 6/24/1968 #24076  
unded by reddish-orange and yellow beams of light. Soon it goes out, leavin 7/20/1968 #24193  
way. It was surrounded by dazzling beams of orange yellow light, which sudd 7/20/1968 #24194  
LLATA, ARG 4 / car. "Venus" shoots beams. Descends. Stops. Going quickly ea 7/21/1968 #24198  
ar. Circular object shoots rainbow beams. Paces car. Shoots away.           7/22/1968 #24200  
neuver slowly. 1 rectangular. Many beams going down. Panic.                 8/8/1968? #24309  
observer(s). White ovoid descends. Beams going down. Going quickly northeas 8/11/1968 #24315  
zes car. Near collision. Brilliant beams. RCMP report.                      8/15/1968 #24329  
observer(s). Saucer flips. Several beams going down / lake. Flips back. / r 8/16/1968 #24338  
pped over, then emitted five light beams downward, focusing into a single b 8/16/1968 #24344  
a. 30M cone hovers / 90 minute(s). Beams projector light going down. / Abbo 8/20/1968 #24358  
tic effect (EME). Portholes. Turns beams going up [to] and rises. / LDLN#11 8/28/1968 #24391  
Night lights / city dump / 4 days. Beams going down. Dives / car. Car wreck 9/6/1968 #24432  
 Silent 5M saucer / 3000' altitude beams light going down. Trajectory glows 9/14/1968 #24458  
bserver(s). Luminous saucer-sphere beams strong light down. Quickly going u 9/15/1968 #24464  
train. Large UFO births small one. Beams / light.                           9/19/1968 #24483  
XIAS, BRZ Saucer over courtyard. 3 beams going down. Pseudo-human/entity in 9/20/1968? #24488  
, Brazil at around 1:00 a.m. Three beams of light came down from the object 9/20/1968 #24490  
 SERRANO, SP Rumor. Object / woods beams lights. Flies. Observer(s) felt "s 9/22/1968 #24499  
 a.m. EDT to see two pencil-shaped beams of light coming through his window 9/23/1968 #24504  
s observed a light source with 2-3 beams toward ground. One beam was longer 9/30/1968 #24525  
ars paced / night lights and lit / beams. Red 30cm ball hovers / trees.     10/12/1968 #24558  
 crews. Huge glowing-ball divides. Beams going down / military maneuvers. G 11/1/1968 #24614  
dimmed and brightened. It shot out beams of light. Bright green flashes wen 12/15/1968 #24772  
cylindrical object hovers / slant. Beams light ground. Going up and down [t 1/1969 #24809  
and more/others. Odd object shoots beams every 37 second(s).                1/7/1969 #24823  
ject hovers / 10 minute(s). Shoots beams. Rotates. Up fast. / a Noticia.    2/9/1969 #24904  
. It begins to follow the road and beams a strong, cone-shaped white light  3/4/1969 #24968  
        LANCASTER, MO Domed saucer beams going down. Car slows. Eyes sore.  3/10/1969 #24987  
al. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Beams and sphere. Pseudo-human/entity an 3/20/1969 #25032  
overs / 30 minute(s). Intermittent beams going down.                        4/8/1969 #25052  
ver racetrack. Shoots many colored beams out.                               4/20/1969 #25072  
 / minutes. Shrill noise and light beams.                                   5/2/1969 #25109  
ular object hovers / low altitude. Beams pulse going down. Burnt patches /  5/12/1969 #25129  
uple, Mr. and Mrs. Hinitt, watched beams of light pulse upwards from the gr 5/12/1969 #25132  
swamp. Man walks around rim. Light beams going up. No further details.      6/1969 #25181  
Brazil. It emitted blue and orange beams of light. At 8 p.m. a doctor took  6/4/1969 #25200  
and-fro, and shot up multi-colored beams of light.                          6/4/1969 #25200  
RZ 2 observer(s). 30' domed saucer beams going down. 26' broken vegetation. 6/17/1969 #25219  
 2 / disabled car. Ovoid overhead. Beams going down [to] change color(s) /  7/1969 #25238  
pulsating light / west.sky. Shoots beams. Going quickly north.              7/23/1969 #25291  
ing southeast. Stop overhead. Thin beams light 2 observer(s) individually.  8/9/1969 #25313  
Ireland. It hit a house with light beams, causing reported physiological ef 8/11/1969 #25316  
inous/glowing object shoots orange beams. Leaves (something behind) smoke r 9/10/1969 #25358  
). Orange lampshade saucer flashes beams. Going down. Absolute(ly) silent.  9/27/1969 #25382  
er. Odd figure(s) fly over corral. Beams freeze dogs. 1 passed out.         11/24/1969 #25470  
southeast / mountains. Retractable beams. / LDLN#194.                       3/27/1970 #25608  
ervers get the impression that the beams originate on the ground rather tha 4/29/1970 #25645  
oing north. Stops. 3 portholes and beams going down [to] going north.       5/13/1970 #25660  
by trees, but it continues to emit beams of light from its top and sides. F 6/1970 #25684  
owing ovoid hovers / low altitude. Beams light ground.                      6/24/1970 #25705  
ANZANARES MILITARY CAMP, SP Object beams intense white light. Physical trac 7/20/1970 #25740  
vering around the ground, emitting beams of yellow-white light. Three round 8/29/1970 #25808  
 lights sky and ground. Direct red beams raise dust!                        9/4/1970 #25823  
ent circular disk hovers / silo. 3 beams going down. 5 cows / wrong side /  10/5/1970 #25865  
am. At 4:15 a.m. a red object with beams of bright light was sighted in Wal 10/5/1970 #25869  
glowing-cloud / 20M altitude. Blue beams sideways 2X. Traces / ground.      2/19/1971 #26027  
llow saucer going [to] farm field. Beams going up. Square windows. Figure(s 4/14/1971 #26069  
It tilted as it hovered, revealing beams of light directed upward into the  6/13/1971 #26175  
y brightly illuminated by multiple beams of light and he saw a square black 9/20/1971 #26353  
hen surrounded by intense vertical beams of light. The car was levitated an 9/20/1971 #26356  
igh atmospheric pressure. When the beams vanished, the driver saw a black o 9/20/1971 #26356  
 stiff, mechanical way. Two bright beams of light were focused on the witne 9/22/1971 #26365  
r and its doors popped open. These beams pulled the witness from the car an 9/22/1971 #26365  
th brightly lit portholes and blue beams of light shining on the roadway. T 10/16/1971 #26427  
s / panic. Saucer follows / miles. Beams going down. Quickly going up [to]  10/20/1971 (approximate) #26430  
urns 90° and follows farm tractor. Beams going down. 180° turn going northe 11/14/1971 #26471  
o follow the tractor. It shot down beams of light, then made a 180 degree t 11/14/1971 #26472  
 ROWSHAM, BUCKS, ENGL Green bullet beams pseudo-human/entity down. Waves ha 12/1971 #26481  
side seems to be composed of metal beams. It disappears beyond a tree line  1/1972 #26535  
field, and directed powerful light beams down onto the field.               2/11/1972 #26572  
ation/depot/facility. Red and blue beams going down. Circles observer(s). G 3/5/1972 #26589  
om windows in the craft, and three beams shining upward from it. In one of  3/25/1972 #26623  
erver(s). Bowl saucer shoots green beams up. 300M altitude. Extremely brigh 4/6/1972 #26638  
 quickly southeast / 30M altitude. Beams front and rear. Also seen / Bressu 4/17/1972 #26649  
 hovers. Going south low and slow. Beams going down. 90° rotation. / LDLN#1 6/2/1972 #26697  
e metallic domed disk shoots 4 red beams going down. Rises / 3 small jumps. 6/6/1972 #26702  
hite metallic domed disc shot four beams of red light, rose in three small  6/6/1972 #26704  
 / south-suits work / bottom. Blue beams. / MJ#291.                         7/1972 #26747  
. Luminous/glowing cloud hovers. 3 beams / light curve going down [to] and  7/4/1972 #26763  
in Ellezelles notices three bluish beams of light shining down from a lumin 7/4/1972 #26764  
RACEJOS, SP 1.5M saucer hovers and beams light / car. Car slows. Electro-ma 7/10/1972 #26786  
hovered near ground emitting light beams downward; satellite objects emerge 8/12/1972 #26909  
hovered near ground emitting light beams downward, satellite objects emerge 8/12/1972 #26910  
e other white lights emit luminous beams that extend progressively across t 8/12/1972 #26911  
partment, France. It emitted light beams downward, and smaller satellite wh 8/12/1972 #26912  
 two very large round UFOs flashed beams of light at each other for 45 minu 8/12/1972 #26913  
ng up [to] and quickly going down. Beams. Lands. Extremely quickly going up 9/13/1972 #26988  
Bright dome / ground level. Rises. Beams going down. Going quickly west. /  9/18/1972 #27007  
 PIEDRAS, PR Fireball / sky shoots beams. Watches several observers. Near p 10/28/1972 #27094  
edge-delta/triangle/box-like craft beams going down / motorcycle. Rider fro 11/1972 #27102  
 object with white lights and blue beams follows helicopter going [to] over 3/6/1973 #27334  
 2 orbs fire square and triangular beams. Radio Radio Frequency Interferenc 3/24/1973 #27370  
er. Box-object projects 4 tapering beams / light. / Belgian UFO Society (SO 3/26/1973 #27378  
sk overhead / 6M altitude. Colored beams quickly going down. Buzzes.        4/1973 #27394  
green hemisphere / 30M altitude. 2 beams search going down.                 5/12/1973 #27478  
lectro-magnetic effect (EME). Blue beams through car! Abduction. Briefcase  5/22/1973 #27516  
earching for something. Then their beams simultaneously converged on the wi 5/27/1973 #27535  
ndisturbed by oval object w/ light beams/wind (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICA 6/28/1973 #27593  
ound, E-M, animal reactions, light beams, bright illumination, physical tra 6/28/1973 #27595  
ees two bright, silver-white light beams about 5 feet apart from each other 6/28/1973 #27598  
 50 feet away from his window. The beams disappear, and a glowing bright ov 6/28/1973 #27598  
 James saw two silvery-white light beams only 50 feet away from their mobil 6/28/1973 #27599  
bia, Missouri. As they watched the beams faded away revealing a 15-foot lon 6/28/1973 #27599  
r / slow wobble. Shoots 2 separate beams / converge on ground. / r30p409.   9/4/1973 #27758  
 slow wobble. It shot two separate beams of light that converged on the gro 9/4/1973 #27762  
lowing objects going down / trees. Beams strike with a disabling beam obser 9/19/1973 #27836  
nstein, Austria, that projects two beams of light that creep slowly upward  10/28/1973 #28310  
 mist falls down sideways, and the beams disappear. After 2–5 seconds the p 10/28/1973 #28310  
ers. Night light exits going down. Beams. Going quickly northwest.          11/3/1973 (approximate) #28358  
t suddenly started shooting bright beams of light in different directions.  11/3/1973 #28362  
der/cigar-shape with brilliant red beams / ends. Meteor shower / LDLN#138.  12/13/1973 #28563  
 turn his car around, and the high beams from his car picked up a silvery r 12/13/1973 #28566  
saucers glide 5M over treetops. No beams or odor. Slow turns.               12/25/1973 #28602  
RADAR-man. Silent ovoid going east beams cone / white light going down [to] 1/8/1974 #28664  
 USAF men. Blimp searches desert / beams. Zigzags. Going southwest away / r 2/1974 (approximate) #28722  
n. Red ovoid paces / low altitude. Beams going down. 90° turns. Box exits.  2/6/1974 #28740  
llowish-white and comes from three beams that are stabbing upwards and fann 2/8/1974 #28748  
 Although the light dies down, the beams are still visible, eventually grow 2/8/1974 #28748  
he ground a bright light and three beams of light were directed upward into 2/8/1974 #28749  
NTCUQ, LOT UFO with portholes aims beams all over fields. Shape obscure. Di 2/21/1974 #28786  
FOLK Near Bentwaters. Football UFO beams light / ground. Observer(s) has te 3/1974 #28826  
      GIEN, 45, FR Dark mass. Gold beams protrude. Possible landing. Colore 3/5/1974 #28861  
ht light all over/all about farms. Beams quickly going down. Finally going  3/23/1974 #28929  
    RUFFEC, FR Glowing-ball stops. Beams quickly going down / farm. Moves a 3/26/1974 #28954  
AN, AZ 3 / car. Silent 300' saucer beams going down / car and road. Leaves  3/27/1974 #28960  
ical object. Throws huge waves and beams / observer(s). Paralyzed. Going qu 3/28/1974 #28965  
earby tree. The UFO emits powerful beams of light, and the Frenchman can se 3/29/1974 #28968  
Domed object buzzes newsman / car. Beams. 3 photographs = big news. Shoots  4/1/1974 #28985  
cylinder/cigar-shape-saucer with 3 beams going down.                        4/4/1974 #28992  
Huge ovoid / low altitude. Silent. Beams / light.                           4/15/1974 #29026  
s). Maneuvers. 2nd object / bright beams. Black clay found.                 4/23/1974 #29056  
over building. 3 different colored beams aim down from dome.                4/25/1974 #29061  
 the building, and then shot three beams of light over the apartment buildi 4/25/1974 #29062  
NNE, BELGIUM Luminous "Rugby-ball" beams ray on 220kv power tower. Going qu 5/14/1974 #29103  
                                   Beams of light entered a farm house in G 5/25/1974 #29134  
north / 2200h. Wobby descent. Aims beams.                                   6/18/1974 #29209  
Many observer(s). Lens-saucer with beams and cylinder/cigar-shape and night 6/29/1974 #29228  
40' saucer hovers / 200' altitude. Beams lights going down / cruiser. Races 7/9/1974 #29247  
k saucer blocks stars. Very strong beams going down / trees and hill. Silen 7/9/1974 #29248  
Le Luc, France. It had very bright beams of light that were directed onto t 7/9/1974 #29255  
/ beach. 2 observer(s) paralyzed / beams. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) abdu 8/31/1974 #29404  
 object at treetop level. When two beams of light emerged from its base to  9/3/1974 #29418  
E, FR Intense red 12M dome. Yellow beams going down. Manure sacks scattered 9/8/1974 #29432  
vel at 9:30 p.m. It emitted yellow beams of light. Manure sacks were scatte 9/8/1974 #29435  
itness noted that no light rays or beams were visible between the luminous  9/8/1974 #29436  
Disk over military airbase. Bright beams. 400M altitude east going west. No 9/10/1974 #29445  
elta/triangle/box-like craft 4 / 2 beams / front. West going quickly east s 9/10/1974 #29446  
olor(s). Observers shine beam. UFO beams red back! Dogs frantic.            9/26/1974 #29480  
low-white object emitted two light beams to ground, illuminated terrain bri 10/17/1974 #29539  
low-white object emitted two light beams to ground, illuminated terrain bri 10/17/1974 #29540  
above a nearby pylon and sends out beams of green, blue, and red light.     12/9/1974 #29634  
 6 / jeep buzzed / UFO. Blue light beams examine. Similar on 6 JAN75.       12/21/1974 #29650  
and right / Mt. Mandelgupf. Throws beams and sparks.                        12/22/1974 (approximate) #29654  
N 3 x2M washtub-saucer going down. Beams. Burnt 20-40cm areas / ground. / r 1/1/1975 #29686  
hemispheres maneuver. Light area / beams. / r50p52.                         1/2/1975 #29694  
und. Going [to] 40mph. Tight turn. Beams / front.                           1/5/1975 #29718  
 FR Fireball 5M over D112. Several beams extend / all directions. Vanishes. 1/14/1975 #29747  
g any animals, and that the silent beams emanating from the object are “bla 2/1975 #29781  
wife saw a blue object with either beams of light coming down or lighted le 2/9/1975 #29791  
rk phony helicopter 5M over field. Beams going down. Going northeast. / IFS 2/10/1975 #29798  
utes in Carces, France. It emitted beams of light, an caused TV interferenc 2/10/1975 #29802  
rver(s). Same 3 night lights shine beams down. Going quickly west. / r30p54 2/14/1975 #29809  
lar object hovers / trees. Strobes beams. Bobs going up and down.           2/26/1975 #29846  
 Silent disk jumps overhead. Green beams shoot up. Orange portholes / botto 3/17/1975 #29904  
titude. Radio beeps 3 / second(s). Beams rotate / top. / r243.              4/19/1975 #29996  
 Juan, Argentina Night. Stationary beams of light are seen at San José de J 4/20/1975 #29998  
             SAN GERMAN, PR Object beams strong light going down. Outhouse  4/29/1975 #30010  
                CARMAN, MBA Saucer beams going down / lake. Lands / field.  5/1975 #30012  
king a humming sound. It had light beams and flew off to the west.          5/3/1975 #30028  
st. Banked / side but go straight. Beams.                                   5/29/1975 #30067  
ed on in a straight line, emitting beams of light.                          5/29/1975 #30068  
 Silent white ring / light casts 3 beams / light. Rises. Vanishes!          6/1975 #30072  
wn [to] behind trees. Antennas and beams going down. 2 photographs no good/ 6/5/1975 #30081  
he object had antennas and emitted beams of light.                          6/5/1975 #30083  
LAGE, OH Enormous disk shoots huge beams going [to] Apollo watchers. Silent 7/20/1975 #30190  
rmous disc-shaped object shot huge beams of energy at four witnesses. It wa 7/20/1975 #30192  
rmous disc-shaped object shot huge beams of energy at four witnesses in Bay 7/20/1975 #30194  
MPER, FR Very black disk shoots 15 beams going down. Beams end sharply. Dog 8/6/1975 #30240  
k disk shoots 15 beams going down. Beams end sharply. Dogs bark.            8/6/1975 #30240  
l door opened, and luminous orange beams of light shot out while at the sam 8/12/1975 #30256  
and as big as a jetliner. Two blue beams come out from the sides. Dan Long, 8/14/1975 #30270  
T 9:32 p.m. UFO with white and red beams. (NIDS UFO 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 8/15/1975 #30275  
 buzzes car 2X. Hovers / cemetery. Beams going down.                        8/22/1975 (approximate) #30295  
s) airport. Absolute(ly) silent. 2 beams light area. Shoots going up.       9/9/1975 #30348  
al object emitting two white light beams in Jette, East Flanders, Belgium.  9/9/1975 #30350  
 (electro-magnetic effects). Light beams. Possible abduction? Observer cure 9/14/1975 #30357  
ing above their heads and emitting beams of soft orange-colored light. One  Fall 1975 #30380  
day siege / fireballs etc. Burning beams. General panic.                    10/1/1975 (approximate) #30408  
. Stops / low altitude. Strong red beams. Quickly going up.                 10/4/1975 #30415  
 sphere/orb/globe / 60cm altitude. Beams going down. Spins. Scans canal. Fo 10/17/1975 #30433  
NET, FR Silent wingless helicopter beams going down. Car malfunctions due t 10/28/1975 #30497  
 two hours, causing panic. It shot beams of blue and orange toward the grou 10/29/1975 #30513  
agoon / 15 minute(s). Portholes. 6 beams / all directions.                  11/24/1975 #30657  
, FR 2 teens. Ovoid / 20M altitude beams rays going down / ground. Makes 2  11/24/1975 #30659  
WITZ Saucer / low altitude. Pencil beams shine going down. Saucer going qui 1/6/1976 #30765  
ghts / bottom. Shines intermittent beams down / 5 minute(s). Zooms going qu 1/6/1976 #30766  
lips on its side, and shines three beams of bluish-white light on the road, 1/6/1976 #30770  
e, France. It periodically emitted beams of light downwards for 5 minutes,  1/6/1976 #30771  
. MARTIN-DE-URIAGE, FR 3M fireball beams 4 lights going down / center. Watc 1/17/1976 #30794  
              BENACAZON, SPAIN UFO beams going down. 2 pseudo-human/entity  1/28/1976 #30823  
EDMOND, OR 26' saucer drops / sky. Beams lights / ground. Car radio out whe 3/5/1976 #30925  
ing around its exterior. Two light beams were directed from the object to t 3/5/1976 #30929  
PA Disk paces 3 / car close. White beams into car! Away / junction. Separat 3/19/1976 #30948  
ly in Big Run, Pennsylvania. White beams of light were directed into the ca 3/19/1976 #30949  
 STRAIT, AUSTR Silent cross-shape. Beams light / duck hunter's car.         4/10/1976 #30992  
crosses road. Stops / 5 minute(s). Beams 4 spotlights going down.           4/25/1976 #31023  
er(s). Red-glowing object shines 3 beams going down. Type unknown. Quiet mo 5/4/1976 #31033  
, BRZ Separate observer(s). Saucer beams man up. Found in Natal. Partial am 6/14/1976 #31107  
 NEAR RINGSTED, DK Glider-size UFO beams light / car. Malfunctions due to E 6/20/1976 #31115  
TED, DK Odd kite shaped UFO shines beams going [to] cop car. Malfunctions d 6/21/1976 #31118  
lose encounter with a UFO emitting beams of light also occurred earlier in  6/22/1976 #31131  
ANNA, OK 3 boys. White saucer with beams searching woods / low altitude. Ai 7/12/1976 #31159  
ed a white disc-shaped object with beams of light search through some woods 7/12/1976 #31161  
EAR CONDOM, FR Farmer hit / 2 35cm beams. Silent glowing-cone going quickly 7/23/1976 #31181  
the light inside had gone out. Two beams of blue-green light appeared, comi 8/6/1976 #31241  
t searches house and golf course / beams / light. Mechanical arm.           8/18/1976 #31277  
igzag near cement plant. Red laser beams going down. Going quickly west.    8/23/1976 #31293  
umbia. They emitted red laser-like beams of light, and flew off rapidly to  8/23/1976 #31295  
isc-shaped object that emits light beams of various colors. When policemen  Early 9/1976 #31326  
. = saucer! 8 cops frozen. Colored beams.                                   9/7/1976 (approximate) #31351  
 failure. Object moved away, shone beams of light down (Ref. 1, Section I). 9/10/1976 #31369  
 failure. Object moved away, shone beams of light down                      9/10/1976 #31370  
a mile to the west, emitting light beams at the tops of the transmission to 9/10/1976 #31371  
house illuminating the ground with beams of light. Two other similar UFOs w 9/10/1976 #31373  
in the distance casting blue light beams down onto power lines, and an arc  9/10/1976 #31373  
aucer hovers / 5 minute(s). Shoots beams. Drops / ground. Vanishes.         9/11/1976 #31374  
ings and landings. Cones. Saucers. Beams. Traces / ground.                  9/13/1976 #31381  
o, Uruguay. It emits two brilliant beams of light from the top and is about 9/13/1976 #31382  
dark object over roadside swamp. 4 beams going down [to] retracts!          10/1976 #31435  
ircles tower / hilltop and 2 white beams going down. Going south to sea.    10/15/1976 #31464  
wer on a hilltop. It had two white beams of light. It finally flew off towa 10/15/1976 #31466  
er(s). 6M saucer / 20M altitude. 2 beams going down. 2 portholes / dome. Go 10/19/1976 #31480  
rthwest. Hovers. Loops! Portholes. Beams going down.                        12/14/1976 #31600  
Saucer hovers over road / seconds. Beams light down. Shoots going up.       1/6/1977 #31705  
2+observer(s). Semicircular object beams strong white light / 900M altitude 1/8/1977 #31710  
g quickly north / 150M altitude. 2 beams / front.                           1/25/1977 #31749  
od/motorscooter/motorbike to farm. Beams going down / D223. Going quickly n 2/13/1977? #31812  
t-Garonne, France. It was emitting beams of light.                          2/13/1977 #31814  
er(s). 2 blue-glowing cigars trade beams. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / gr 2/24/1977 #31842  
er(s) shine light going up. Object beams back going down [to]!              3/8/1977 #31876  
ANCS 30M cylinder/cigar-shape with beams going down. Surface(s) sound. Elec 3/9/1977 #31880  
OILFIELD, INDONESIA Large UFO with beams / light circles oilfield twice. Go 3/10/1977 #31890  
 red light in the middle and emits beams of yellowish-white light in two di 3/10/1977 #31892  
nterference (RFI). Saucer circles. Beams going down [to] and engine quits.  3/20/1977 #31918  
er(s). Plain grey 'capsule' with 2 beams going west over car. Much bigger / 4/21/1977 #32006  
lia a solid-looking UFO with light beams caused a 19-year-old woman's motor 4/22/1977 #32015  
(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft beams light going down / woods. Huge UFO 5/6/1977 (approximate) #32061  
involving UFOs with coherent light beams occurred on this night in Dorset c 5/21/1977 #32123  
e saucer. Floodlight and thin blue beams hit 3 observer(s).                 6/17/1977 #32169  
ft starts to glow. Several rays or beams of blue light shoot from the UFO,  6/17/1977 #32172  
. Several UFO's fire red and white beams all over/all about. No further det 7/1977 #32208  
I 1 observer. Silver saucer shines beams light / ground / 2 minute(s). 150' 7/9/1977 #32251  
 Droning 85' saucer rises / trees. Beams light / miner. 45 minute(s) / miss 8/1977 #32330  
owing metallic disk hovers. Shoots beams at building.                       8/1977 #32331  
rver(s). Silent Gulf Breeze saucer beams rings / light going down. See refe 8/1977 #32335  
 north going quickly south. NFAST. Beams going down. Spins 2 second(s) / re 8/1977 #32338  
ng several lighted windows and two beams of light. One of the witnesses cla 8/30/1977 #32442  
00 a.m. A large “star” sending out beams of light appears moving slowly ove 9/20/1977 #32499  
       MOSQUIERO ISLAND, BRZ Chupa beams burn people / house and dog. Figur 10/29/1977 #32626  
ailway train. Diesel engine slows. Beams.                                   11/1977 (approximate) #32647  
      WAIMATA VALLEY, NZ Derby-hat beams going [to] dead tree. Trunk glows  11/29/1977 #32704  
turret / rear. Blows smoke. Shines beams and rises.                         1/10/1978 (approximate) #32865  
 a cloud of fog or smoke, radiated beams of light, and then ascended into t 1/10/1978 #32871  
gue round object searches ground / beams. 120' altitude. Going south slow.  1/29/1978 #32923  
erver. Glowing-ovoid with 2 strong beams circles paddock / 3M altitude 2X.  1/31/1978 #32925  
, NJ 3+kids. 2 square objects with beams going down. Several pseudo-human/e 1/31/1978 #32926  
quare "mushroom" / field. 2 strong beams / bottom. Takes off going quickly  2/2/1978 #32943  
tified blip dodges and bends RADAR beams! 3400mph going up and down [to]!   2/19/1978 #32977  
                        TUCSON, AZ Beams / windows. 2 plain silent coin-dis 2/19/1978 #32980  
erver(s). Triangle with 2 flashing beams in from sea. Glows. Going north.   3/8/1978 #33018  
s, the figure looks at him and two beams of light shoot from its eyes and d 3/17/1978 #33048  
 / 15 minute(s) and more. Ringed / beams. Shape unknown. / r60#106.         3/22/1978 #33060  
35 MI EAST / BERMUDA Silent object beams going down / steamship Samos storm 4/17/1978 #33150  
 descend, and projected two bright beams of white light to the ground and e 5/10/1978 #33199  
lepaths to observer(s) / one hour. Beams. Offloads separate 1M cube. See re 5/15/1978 #33213  
         WILLIAMSON, WV 60' saucer beams going down / 2 boys. Paralysis and 6/14/1978 #33277  
V A 60-foot diameter disc directed beams of light at two boys. The boys fou 6/14/1978 #33278  
. a 60-foot diameter disc directed beams of light at two boys in Williamson 6/14/1978 #33279  
11' saucer hovers and skims hills. Beams red lit toward(s) observers.       6/24/1978 #33302  
r stops / 30M altitude. Slow spin. Beams. Going northwest. / MJ122+/ LDLN#2 7/2/1978 #33323  
, VT 1 observer. Saucer from woods beams strong light going down / car and  7/11/1978 #33364  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Beams up parked car / opening.           7/16/1978 #33385  
rooftop altitude. Fires 2 separate beams. No further details.               8/22/1978 #33543  
pilot. UFO hovers / 10K' altitude. Beams brilliant light. / MJ#226.         8/30/1978 #33596  
begin maneuvering and shooting out beams of multicolored light. His horse p 9/6/1978 #33638  
vering overhead, emitting powerful beams of multicolored, changing lights.  9/6/1978 #33640  
minous yellow-white saucer. 2 cone beams. Fades to a cloud. Local wave.     9/14/1978 #33672  
t behind it gave off intense light beams. The craft's lights went off-and-o 9/14/1978 #33678  
ead of car illuminated area, light beams humanoid encounter, physical trace 9/17/1978 #33699  
hree red, orange, and blue-colored beams, and shoots off vertically. The ca 9/17/1978 #33701  
y saucer / dark dome shoots 7 blue beams. Lights area.                      9/18/1978 #33704  
overs / 70' altitude. 20mph. White beams going down.                        9/27/1978 #33755  
wer lines. Breaks / square pieces! Beams.                                   10/1978 #33785  
ton, England, when their headlight beams catch a figure standing in the gra 10/8/1978 #33817  
g a loud buzzing sound. The object beams two tentacled figures down to the  10/8/1978 #33818  
 MLT saucer hovers / 75m altitude. Beams 2 tentacled figure(s) going down.  10/9/1978 #33823  
 10M circle / light lands / hills. Beams going up. 2nd identical object goi 10/26/1978 #33878  
Energy Commission (AEC) reactor. 2 beams going down. Figure? / r10p256.     10/29/1978 #33888  
d from fright. Two bright rotating beams of light illuminated the area arou 10/30/1978 #33898  
 with legs and antennas and narrow beams / light.                           11/21/1978 #33970  
tructural features, emitting light beams                                    11/21/1978 #33973  
omed disc that was emitting moving beams of light. It had landing gear and  11/21/1978 #33975  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Beams. 10 minute(s) missing time.        11/22/1978? #33978  
ON CAPES, NORTHAMPS 4 women / car. Beams shoot from clouds. Weedon UFO seen 11/22/1978 #33979  
Capes see red and green lights and beams shooting out from clouds as their  11/22/1978 #33980  
approached the car and emitted two beams, one angled 45 degrees up, the oth 11/28/1978 #34016  
overed over some nearby trees, six beams of green light shot from it and sh 12/12/1978 #34098  
overed over some nearby trees, six beams of green light shot from it and sh 12/12/1978 #34100  
t hovered over her. When the light beams went out the object rose silently  12/12/1978 #34100  
M altitude. Row / lit portholes. 3 beams going down / bottom.               12/14/1978 #34112  
f illuminated portholes, and three beams of light came from its bottom. At  12/14/1978 #34125  
ke faces could be seen. Two bright beams of light were emitted from their h 12/15/1978 #34141  
er high tension power lines lines. Beams going down. Lands / field / 60 min 12/22/1978 #34195  
ltitude. 2 iron claws / end! Fires beams. Going quickly south. / r39.       12/25/1978 #34202  
med sphere / ground. Sweeps area / beams. Quickly going up. Burnt traces et 1/2/1979 #34277  
efore Dawn. Saucer shoots dazzling beams going down / road.                 1/28/1979 #34384  
g quickly [to] to empty Lot. White beams quickly going down. Quickly going  1/28/1979 #34386  
bove an empty lot. It beamed white beams of light down onto the ground and  1/28/1979 #34388  
y, a disc-shaped UFO shot dazzling beams of light onto a road in Taining Co 1/28/1979 #34388  
storm. It shot out "black rays" or beams. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)      2/15/1979 #34424  
storm. It shot out "black rays" or beams.                                   2/15/1979 #34426  
uminous/glowing cylinders / water. Beams. White cone-saucer emerges and joi 3/12/1979 #34473  
I). Big ovoid with 2 weak sky-blue beams hovers. Burn physical traces.      3/23/1979 #34486  
t circular object hovers over sea. Beams going down. LORAN and RADAR electr 4/10/1979 #34506  
(s) / 3 towns. UFO's shoot colored beams / 200' altitude. Going [to] to sea 4/23/1979 #34522  
ów, Poland, sees two bright yellow beams of light coming from a dark object 5/22/1979 #34574  
 over ground. Temporarily blinding beams.                                   5/26/1979 #34582  
witness was temporarily blinded by beams of light from the object. (NICAP:  5/26/1979 #34585  
witness was temporarily blinded by beams of light from the object.          5/26/1979 #34591  
PINERIDGE, SC 7 observer(s). Ovoid beams lights going down / nuclear power  6/12/1979 #34607  
 shines two bright yellowish-white beams of light. After hovering motionles 6/12/1979 #34610  
ad two huge bright yellowish-white beams of light. After hovering motionles 6/12/1979 #34611  
e craft and paralyzed him with red beams of light, from boxes that they car 6/18/1979 #34616  
e craft and paralyzed him with red beams of light, from boxes that they car 6/18/1979 #34618  
ars. Within seconds a bright light beams down at him from the center of the 7/4/1979 #34646  
head. The lights give off constant beams downward.                          8/1979 #34691  
g about 300 feet away and flashing beams of white and blue-green light. It  8/10/1979 #34725  
   SOUTH / ASHLAND, OR White light beams going down [to] by tent. Transluce 8/11/1979 #34726  
             Two campers saw white beams of light shining down next to thei 8/11/1979 #34736  
arent dome and cone antenna / top. Beams going down.                        8/21/1979 #34764  
 at 8:50 p.m. Next, a UFO shooting beams of light was seen, leaving behind  9/11/1979 #34861  
veral separate observer(s). Saucer beams rays going down / desert. Going qu 9/20/1979 (approximate) #34903  
 red misty glow / 15 minute(s). No beams no electro-magnetic effect (EME.)  10/7/1979 #34949  
ver. 2 bright night lights circle. Beams going down. 45' triangle / burnt h 10/20/1979 #34961  
. 3 chased / cylinder/cigar-shape. Beams. Car stalls. UFO circles home afte 11/29/1979 #35027  
 150M altitude. Tilts and rotates. Beams.                                   12/3/1979 (approximate) #35043  
er/cylindrical object with 2 white beams.                                   12/11/1979 #35071  
 MATOSINHOS, PORTUGL Saturn-saucer beams white light going down / tree. Tre 1/21/1980 #35139  
ilent star zigzags forward. Shoots beams. Lost from sight behind buildings. 1/21/1980 #35140  
ange ball of light that cast three beams of light, one left and one right,  2/11/1980 #35173  
R 2 teens. Dark ovoid with 2 light beams. Hovers and rumbles and shoots goi 3/1980 #35187  
urs. Classic saucer near houses. 2 beams going down. Orbs follow electric l 3/3/1980 #35191  
oid going / low altitude. 2 strong beams.                                   3/9/1980 #35208  
ical object west 2 green truncated beams going north straight and level ove 3/24/1980 #35236  
inder/cylindrical object / crossed beams / 25' altitude. Going quickly nort 3/25/1980 #35240  
ht, a red light, and crossed white beams. After hovering to their north for 3/25/1980 #35241  
         PUDASJARVI, FIN Headlight beams bend / fog. Abduction / saucer. 3  4/2/1980 #35246  
m and a rounded cap from where the beams of light originated. They seemed t 4/20/1980 #35281  
MS 2 / car. Glowing-disk over car. Beams light going down. Car lights flick 5/13/1980 #35327  
 angle / low altitude. 2 truncated beams going down.                        5/15/1980 #35334  
 close to the ground. Two shielded beams of light were projected downward f 5/15/1980 #35335  
rical object base going southwest. Beams flash / underside. / local news.   7/27/1980 #35426  
ch = flying rod with rounded ends. Beams / both ends.                       9/9/1980 #35507  
ny ovoid over barn. Shoots colored beams ahead.                             10/10/1980 #35563  
ox-like craft over smelter. Bright beams going down / smokestacks. Going so 10/23/1980 #35580  
humming sound. It shone four light beams down on them in their car.         10/28/1980 #35594  
s later, when it shined four light beams down on witnesses in a car.        10/29/1980 #35595  
 up from mountain peak. Emits blue beams. / r120p217.                       12/14/1980 #35713  
ary witnesses, the UFO shone light beams into the nuclear weapons storage a 12/27/1980 #35748  
oat. 2 night lights exchange light beams. Sea lit. Batteries dead.          1/8/1981 #35775  
wo nocturnal lights exchange light beams. The sea was illuminated by the UF 1/8/1981 #35776  
wo nocturnal lights exchange light beams. The sea was illuminated by the UF 1/8/1981 #35781  
ng-object chases man 3 hours. Cold beams going down / hiding places. Skin b 2/1981 #35809  
 nearby and emitting multi-colored beams of light. Three human like beings  2/1981 #35810  
uvers around homes / 25M altitude. Beams / front. TV Radio Frequency Interf 3/1981 #35852  
-like craft follows truck / miles. Beams light going up / turbulent cloud.. 5/12/1981 #35932  
 Mt. Ida. Huge round object. White beams going down / hills and trees. Away 7/11/1981 #35994  
ds. Cone / light maneuvers. Orange beams. Going down / 20M altitude 30M awa 8/5/1981 #36057  
carella, Italy. The UFO had orange beams of light, and cause an electrical  8/5/1981 #36060  
 saucer going down. Lit portholes. Beams going down. Rises fast.            8/7/1981 #36061  
er(s). 50M bell-saucer / ground. 2 beams going quickly. Traces / dirt and p 9/5/1981 #36101  
ne, Sarthe, France. It emitted two beams of light. Ground traces and a powd 9/5/1981 #36102  
 to 7 pink, purple and white light beams. The green beam of light from the  9/10/1981 #36109  
         TODD CO, SD Flying turtle beams going down [to] boys working on ca 10/20/1981 #36180  
ips. "Flaming parachutes" / strong beams. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v28# 11/12/1981 #36216  
ALL, TX Silent saucer tilts to aim beams / truck. Going northwest. Electric 11/24/1981 #36229  
(s). Fireball maneuvers and spins. Beams going up. Then shoots away fast.   12/26/1981 #36277  
 / 500M altitude. Green and yellow beams and yellow smoke. Radio Frequency  1/10/1982 #36299  
 light maneuvers / electric storm. Beams going down. Beam arcs around.      1/23/1982 #36307  
dy lights and two huge white light beams in front through their south-facin 1/31/1982 #36317  
AS, CO 2 / US50. 60' flying coffin beams going up / car. Tubes and small wi 2/18/1982 #36349  
r. 10' domed saucer / low altitude beams light / trees. Rises. Hovers. Shoo 2/25/1982 #36367  
r hovers and lights field. Colored beams sweep ground. Hums.                3/12/1982 #36387  
ets bigger and begins flashing red beams from its underside after he turns  3/23/1982 #36412  
 raised-up cupola and is emanating beams of light from the underside. Aroun 4/22/1982 #36450  
saucer / roadside. Searches area / beams. Spins and rises away.             5/12/1982 #36469  
ared to be searching the area with beams of light. It rose up and flew away 5/12/1982 #36470  
ared to be searching the area with beams of light. It rose up and flew away 5/12/1982 #36471  
bserver(s). 2 saucers fire 4-color beams. Falklands War on.                 5/20/1982 #36475  
mass hovers / electric panel. Cone beams. Humming. Going west. / FSRv32#4.  6/10/1982 #36493  
elocations. Going [to] over house. Beams going down / car and more/others.  6/10/1982 #36494  
AKE SAWYER, WA 2 / car. 100' ovoid beams going up and down. Lights car. Hig 8/10/1982 #36566  
Bright object searches sky / beam. Beams on car below.                      8/10/1982 #36567  
DIANA, PA Guard. Vertical hot dog. Beams going down [to] and from sides. Ni 9/24/1982 #36614  
ow, and red, and it gave off white beams of light.  It finally moved away s 10/2/1982 #36630  
SOUTH / TEMPERANCEVILLE, VA Saucer beams light going down / car. 3 figure(s 11/19/1982 #36685  
d. Big chase. Domed disk seen with beams down. / NICAP.                     11/27/1982 #36692  
ST. EDMUNDS, SUFFOLK Silent object beams 3 lights down. Follows car. RAF in 12/2/1982 #36705  
merang / 160' altitude near homes. Beams going down. Going north. / Interna 3/17/1983 #36785  
aiming two very bright searchlight beams over the surface of the water. He  3/24/1983 #36807  
t metallic dome maneuvers. Strange beams.                                   8/9/1983 #36937  
ng for ten minutes. It had strange beams of light and made no sound.        8/9/1983 #36941  
ways to and fro. Several laserlike beams going down.                        9/14/1983 #36971  
 as the size of Winnebago, had two beams of light coming from the bottom. I 10/13/1983 #37005  
ptic and 1. Silent 30' saucer with beams overhead. "No plane / helicopter.  2/9/1984 #37184  
y. Great-airship type object casts beams going down / ground. Very cold.    2/18/1984 #37190  
e observer(s). Silent UFO's shines beams going down [to] all over. Dogs bar 2/22/1984 #37196  
gular lighting patterns that shine beams of light to the ground. The lights 2/22/1984 #37198  
at. Silent ovoid hovers 100M away. Beams cone / light going down / lake. /  4/13/1984 #37259  
er ringed / lights and 2 headlight beams. Hovers / 30M altitude. Quickly go 4/22/1984 #37280  
archlight comes from two headlight beams projecting forward. The UFO has a  4/22/1984 #37281  
e dark saucer going west. 2 strong beams / front. Going quickly northwest.  5/29/1984 #37340  
ootball field.” It directs intense beams of light toward the ground and giv 7/19/1984 #37404  
rops below treetops. Shoots orange beams quickly going up.                  10/1984 #37471  
 marks among the red and gives off beams and sparks. It floats over a neigh 12/1984 #37514  
loud zips all over/all about. Huge beams going down / ground. RADAR. / Flyi 1/29/1985 #37551  
own / Monte S. Angelo. Aims strong beams. Quickly going up [to] fast.       3/18/1985 #37571  
LENN, CO 3 observer(s). 40' saucer beams lights going down / AT&T labs. Sho 4/13/1985? #37577  
 altitude for 10 minutes, emitting beams of light.                          5/23/1985 #37592  
, Nevada at 10:00 p.m. It directed beams of light on cars and a house, and  8/31/1985 #37652  
eral observer(s). Night lights and beams / light. 70' ovoid skims trees and 11/21/1985 #37714  
report(s). UFO / low altitude aims beams / cars / US1+pond Street. Type unk 11/25/1985 #37725  
  Butler, PA UFO emitted six light beams toward ground. About 20 minutes la 1/7/1986 #37754  
  Butler, PA UFO emitted six light beams toward ground. About n minutes lat 1/7/1986 #37755  
sylvania Pittsburgh A UFO emitting beams of light toward the ground is seen 1/7/1986 #37756  
m. a UFO emitted six "solid" light beams towards the ground. About 20 minut 1/7/1986 #37757  
M cylinder/cigar-shape with strong beams. Hides / steam as planes pass.     4/17/1986 #37824  
/cigar-shape maneuvers. 90° turns. Beams going down / ground. Leave fast!   5/2/1986 #37852  
       NORTH MINAS GERAIS, BRZ UFO beams strong light all over house. Obser 5/15/1986 #37869  
cylinder/cylindrical object with 2 beams / light. Rises over trees. Low hum 6/21/1986 #37919  
d down mountains and sky. Flashes. Beams. Fireballs.                        7/5/1986 #37929  
 2 observer(s). "Half-moon" object beams 2 lights going down / car. Firebal 8/2/1986 #37969  
S 1 observer = repeater. 18M ovoid beams light. 15m altitude. Lights / side 8/22/1986 #37998  
ft over rancho Seco Nuclear Plant. Beams going down. Also 6 delta/triangle/ 8/27/1986 #38001  
2 observer(s). Bright white object beams light going down / farm. Brief. Sa 9/9/1986 #38022  
w a number of nocturnal lights and beams of light appear in the sky. A seve 11/21/1986 #38074  
ng. A UFO at low altitude directed beams of light at cars on US Highway 1.  11/25/1986 #38078  
IN 1 observer. Saucer 90m overhead beams orange glow going down / observer( 3/4/1987 #38129  
d hovers / 200M altitude. 3 strong beams. Windows.                          2/10/1988 #38451  
umming sound and projects multiple beams of light toward the ground.        2/10/1988 #38452  
ORSK 2 spheres. Hover several min. Beams down / building. West going quickl 2/12/1988 #38459  
 close by. Colorful aura. Shoots 2 beams going down. Zigzags away.          2/22/1988 #38473  
 had a colorful aura, and shot two beams of light down before zig-zagging a 2/22/1988 #38475  
oing [to] through roof. Maneuvers. Beams. Saucer outside!                   4/1/1988 #38529  
CALINHO, BRZ Wandering night light beams on / off reconnaissance / ground.  7/15/1988 #38601  
inute(s). No trace / radar. 4 huge beams. Going [to] 7000kph.               10/21/1988 #38680  
    VALPARAISO, FL USAF housewife. Beams going [to] 2 story window. Silent  10/24/1988 #38685  
ife with an M.B.A. witnessed light beams moving past her second story windo 10/24/1988 #38690  
er/cigar-shape hovers / 45° angle. Beams quickly going down [to] and going  10/25/1988 #38691  
AT, RS Busload / observer(s). Cone beams lights / 4 lightning poles. Poles  12/30/1988 #38766  
report describes a series of light beams emanating toward the ground that g 2/1989 #38814  
 2 observer(s). Odd noise. Hexagon beams going down / icy lake. Dangles cha 3/6/1989 #38865  
houses waken. Bright disk outside. Beams. Both have missing time.           4/5/1989 #38890  
00' altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Beams red light. 50mph.                  5/1/1989 #38929  
 a disc-shaped object that emitted beams of light was observed from directl 6/4/1989 #38979  
 100 feet overhead. It had rods or beams of light of different colors and l 7/16/1989 #39023  
ng polyethylene, falling over her. Beams of light emanated from each polygo 10/11/1989 #39164  
w huge silent object. Strong white beams going down. / LDLN#300.            11/7/1989 #39218  
Air Force crews. Large disk with 5 beams / light. Physical-effects / pilots 11/22/1989 #39243  
large disc-shaped object with five beams of light while flying over Borisov 11/22/1989 #39247  
nt triangle hovers / 15M altitude. Beams going down. Going quickly west. /  11/29/1989 #39261  
 industrial park. R and G and west beams search ground.                     11/29/1989 #39265  
t going south low and slow. Shines beams going down. Rises going south.     11/29/1989 #39266  
y watch it repeatedly emit two red beams with a red ball at the spearhead o 11/29/1989 #39273  
 red ball at the spearhead of both beams; the beams soon disappear, leaving 11/29/1989 #39273  
t the spearhead of both beams; the beams soon disappear, leaving the red ba 11/29/1989 #39273  
 two headlights in front, emitting beams that slant downwards. There is a f 12/5/1989 #39298  
. Large ovoid / oval logo on side. Beams going down [to] and going up. Trac 12/12/1989 #39314  
ghbor’s meadow, shining down three beams of lights. Some moments later, it  12/12/1989 #39315  
t emitted three bright oval-shaped beams of light from an extended antenna  2/7/1990 #39414  
rs. Voice = "have no fear..". Blue beams..                                  2/18/1990 #39421  
 and fly. Fireball / motor sounds. Beams going down [to] returned going up  2/21/1990 #39423  
ght on its chest from which bright beams of light emanated. It walked in a  3/24/1990 #39485  
N, ARG Fireball over soccer field. Beams going down. Grass turns intense bl 5/4/1990 #39552  
ered over a soccer field, emitting beams of light. The beams of light turne 5/4/1990 #39557  
ield, emitting beams of light. The beams of light turned the grass an inten 5/4/1990 #39557  
AN Huge saucer over military area. Beams strike with a disabling beam 2 gro 5/25/1990 #39590  
ght horizontal maneuver, and three beams of light coming from its port side 5/25/1990 #39592  
 continuously, oval object w/light beams near (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions 6/7/1990 #39607  
close range and directed two white beams at her from the bottom of the obje 6/7/1990 #39609  
 lit up! Metallic saucer offshore. Beams going down. Jets chase. See refere 7/18/1990 #39646  
ASTI, ITL Glowing-ovoid radiates 4 beams. Large circular trace / grass. Sep 7/30/1990 #39670  
e, Piedmonte, Italy radiating four beams of energy, and left a large circul 7/30/1990 #39671  
0° counterclockwise. Shoots orange beams.                                   8/26/1990 #39703  
ond with 4 strong white horizontal beams. Going west slow at 15M altitude.  10/11/1990 #39774  
I, ROMN 50M saucer with portholes. Beams sweep ground. 1 bends! Power outag 10/20/1990 #39797  
sky. Dogs howl and rub ears. Light beams outw.                              10/30/1990 #39818  
ith portholes which directed light beams toward the ground was seen at 9:30 10/30/1990 #39819  
e/orb/globe hovers / low altitude. Beams angle going up. Vanishes!          11/5/1990 #39830  
 quickly northeast. Turns. Several beams. Figure moves / cabin.             11/5/1990 #39838  
head / 2 minute(s). Corners lit. 4 beams going down / ground / rear.        11/5/1990 #39840  
rapezoid exits going quickly east. Beams. / r97#52.                         11/5/1990 #39843  
g with red lights / front and thin beams going quickly [to] rear. Going up  11/5/1990 #39847  
 craft makes 90° and 300° turns. 2 beams. Going quickly northeast. Drawing  11/5/1990 #39849  
cylinder/cigar-shape sweeps RN60 / beams. Radio malfunctions due to EME (el 11/5/1990 #39851  
ILLY, FR Very dark triangle with 2 beams / rear. Going quickly NNE. Jets ch 11/5/1990 #39857  
igar-shape hovers over field. 3+1M beams going down / plants. / r238p103.   11/5/1990 #39861  
(s). 30M grey box with windows and beams. Turns going quickly NNE. Observer 11/5/1990 #39862  
rojecting two very long, divergent beams of solid light that do not quite t 11/5/1990 #39868  
t a low altitude. It shone several beams of light towards the ground. A man 11/5/1990 #39872  
EAL, QB Huge disk over city. Light beams / edge. 9k' altitude? Many observe 11/7/1990 #39880  
and then see an array of red light beams. They drive to within 650 feet of  4/19/1991? #40041  
 observer(s). Red-green UFO shoots beams going down [to] to swamp. Seen for 8/18/1991 #40160  
g SSW slow near ground level. Blue beams / front. / LDLN#309.               8/22/1991 #40163  
roadside. It had solid white light beams along its outer structure and hori 8/30/1991 #40175  
ter structure and horizontal light beams inside the triangle; in between it 8/30/1991 #40175  
 SANTA CRUZ, BRZ Tape deck ejects. Beams search farm. Observer(s) levitated 9/30/1991 #40198  
ing-ball follows truck home. Green beams. Turns / ovoid.                    10/5/1991 #40205  
 truck home. It then emitted green beams of light, and changed its shape in 10/5/1991 #40206  
lver delta/triangle/box-like craft beams and retracts light. 2nd delta/tria 11/13/1991 #40227  
UM Rounded manta with box / bottom beams white light going down. See dwg. / 11/27/1991 #40243  
-year-old man watched as sticks or beams of light appeared to drop down fro 11/29/1991 #40249  
ff from it, then lots of different beams of light started flashing. The obj 12/6/1991 #40256  
over woods. Sweeps area / 2 strong beams.                                   1/21/1992 #40293  
Huge triangle going NNW / 40kph. 2 beams light apartment building.          1/22/1992 #40297  
thwest at 40 km/h. It directed two beams light on an apartment building.    1/22/1992 #40299  
eral cars stop. Very large saucer. Beams going down. Small white objects al 1/28/1992 #40307  
erver. Glowing-cloud-saucer shoots beams / sides. Figure(s) shine beams goi 2/24/1992 #40333  
ots beams / sides. Figure(s) shine beams going up.                          2/24/1992 #40333  
 inside the object, who also shone beams of light at the witness.           2/24/1992 #40336  
). Odd diamond shape with halo and beams going down. Hovers / hours. Star?  3/7/1992 #40364  
 2 long cigars with intense yellow beams all over/all about. Hover and goin 3/12/1992 #40374  
, C.RICA Cops and many. UFO's with beams. Cars and radios electro-magnetic  4/2/1992 #40406  
x-like craft descends over houses. Beams. Goes / 5 minute(s). Returns. Goes 4/12/1992 (approximate) #40413  
s / cops. Round silent object with beams going [to] over. Gone / flash. / r 4/28/1992 #40433  
. Windows / bottom. Vibrant bright beams. Vanishes. Jets chase.             5/5/1992 #40452  
rth Carolina, emitting very bright beams of light. It vanished when jets ap 5/5/1992 #40453  
TH MELESSE, FR 1 / car. Triangle / beams search farm / low altitude. Follow 6/3/1992 #40484  
 and two large white lights. White beams shine down from the object at thre Summer 1992 #40502  
D, MO 2 / car. Disk / light. Eerie beams going down / car / 2 minute(s). Fl 8/15/1992 #40575  
ct passed over them, five vertical beams of light shot down, illuminating t 8/15/1992 #40576  
ilent flat-black 30' manta swoops. Beams light going down / farmhouse etc.  8/19/1992 #40579  
 white and yellow cone object with beams going down. Maneuvers and jerks an 8/25/1992 #40590  
tched a cone-shaped UFO with light beams that swung in the sky in a pendulu 8/25/1992 #40591  
ts hover and maneuver / riverside. Beams going down. Boat can't move.       9/3/1992 (approximate) #40604  
Guaira, Parana State, Brazil three beams of light hovered and maneuvered ov 9/3/1992 #40609  
ered over a bank of the river. The beams of light were directed down at a b 9/3/1992 #40609  
, JYLLAND, DK 10M domed disk hums. Beams going down / boy. Can't move. Miss 9/17/1992 #40625  
 Going quickly [to] overhead fast. Beams etc. Wave / days / area.           9/29/1992 #40642  
tude by railroad/railway bridge. 2 beams going quickly [to] lake nearby. Mu 9/30/1992 #40644  
ast. Hard turn going quickly east. Beams strong light / small saucers fore  9/30/1992 #40646  
 railway bridge, then directed two beams of light into a nearby lake.       9/30/1992 #40650  
nd its mid-section. It had intense beams of light coming from the two ends. 9/30/1992 #40651  
reball 15M over chicken-Coop. Blue beams. Hums.                             10/7/1992 #40662  
ng-ovoid going down / 3M altitude. Beams search field and light car.        11/17/1992 #40716  
server. 1st / several saucers. Red beams going down / river. Submersibles.  12/21/1992 #40756  
riangle/box-like craft with bright beams going [to] over cars. Going up and 12/24/1992 #40766  
, boomerang-shaped UFO with bright beams of light pass over cars in a fores 12/24/1992 #40767  
, boomerang shaped UFO with bright beams of light pass over cars in a fores 12/24/1992 #40768  
Domed-saucer over road. 2nd joins. Beams going down. Drifts going northwest 1/23/1993 #40811  
KE, BC Silent vibrant bright light beams 600' to house. Broken tree found a 1/29/1993 #40818  
          NOYON, FR 2 observer(s). Beams / light. 20cm glowing sphere/orb/g 1/30/1993 #40819  
WI Large domed saucer lights farm. Beams fade and Strenghten. Cops chase /  1/31/1993 #40823  
It illuminated the farm with light beams that faded and intensified. Sherif 1/31/1993 #40824  
   CEDARBURG, WI Large black delta beams light / water tank. 9 lights in al 2/1/1993 #40828  
wo police officers had seen bright beams of lights in the vicinity earlier. 2/1/1993 #40830  
en thru) binoculars. Fireball with beams. Rises going south. Shoots up high 2/17/1993 #40851  
 windows along its side. Five huge beams of powerful light shone from the t 3/20/1993 #40894  
RZ Night light maneuvers / clouds. Beams search for hunters / ground / 10 m 4/1993 #40916  
   ARLEY, WARWICKS, ENGL Domed UFO beams white light going down. 50' over g 7/11/1993 #41056  
      BEUX, FR 1 / D71. 40M saucer beams blue going down / road. Absolute(l 8/7/1993 #41112  
s. It had reddish-orange flames or beams coming from its interior like thre 8/14/1993 #41139  
cigar-shape hovers offshore. Fires beams. 2 Air Force jets chase.           8/22/1993 #41150  
rey 30M cloud rotates. 8 truncated beams quickly going down / "doors". Goin 8/25/1993 #41157  
emitted 8 truncated coherent light beams through "doors." It flew off to th 8/25/1993 #41159  
T Vibrant bright fireball radiates beams / light. Shape unknown. Glides beh 10/11/1993 #41230  
2 observer(s). Ovoid rises / road. Beams sweep sky. Object moves / roadside 12/3/1993 #41321  
er. Delta/triangle/box-like craft. Beams. Telepathy! Very complex. Must see 1/19/1994 #41376  
cigar-shape hovers over Route 548. Beams going down / car. Figure / road. G 2/1/1994 #41395  
d. The craft then directed several beams of light towards the ground. A hum 2/1/1994 #41398  
Long silent octagon hides / trees. Beams rays. Repeat observer(s).          3/14/1994 #41456  
id behind some trees, and gave off beams and rays of light.                 3/14/1994 #41458  
R 3+observer(s). Black mass shines beams going [to] observer(s) near milita 3/27/1994 #41467  
hat these soft lights did not cast beams. There was one red light between e 4/8/1994 #41482  
AUSTRALIA 1 observer. Bright light beams 2 red shafts going down. / sunshin 5/7/1994 #41514  
server(s). Green-glow domed saucer beams shaft / light going down. Zigzags  6/9/1994 #41559  
). Huge saucer near water tower. 3 beams going down. Glows. Blows cloud.    6/29/1994 #41592  
RE/OTHERS, FR Several observer(s). Beams light countryside. 3 photographs / 7/5/1994 #41607  
 observer. Domed saucer with 4 12' beams going down / ground. Large tubes c 7/19/1994 #41630  
eral. Red moon-size fireball. Aims beams quickly going down. Going southeas 8/19/1994 #41680  
 NEUVY-SAUTOUR, FR 4 / car. Saucer beams light going up [to] to cloud. Then 8/19/1994 #41681  
top and bottom, shining continuous beams of light on the object both while  8/23/1994 #41687  
 FR 2 observer(s). Triangle with 4 beams, 2 / each forward side. Large slow 8/27/1994 (approximate) #41690  
ers over road. Lights / edge turn. Beams going down. Low altitude.          9/8/1994 #41725  
 plus-sign. Lights / ends blink. 2 beams on arms.                           10/7/1994 #41791  
raft / night lights circles homes. Beams / light.                           10/14/1994 #41804  
O, OH Large saucer appears in fog. Beams going quickly [to] car. Driver tem 10/19/1994 #41807  
itude. Absolute(ly) silent. Bright beams. / LDLN#330.                       10/24/1994 #41810  
ver(s). White saucer spins. Silver beams / light. Splits / 2 parts going ea 11/3/1994 #41831  
wing-saucers hover and dart. Laser beams? " / LDLN#330+evening post.        11/28/1994 #41870  
 3 black 20' triangles with strong beams. Very low and slow. Turn going wes 12/29/1994 #41909  
ut 20 feet long and emitted strong beams of light. They made a humming soun 12/29/1994 #41912  
wing delta/triangle/box-like craft beams lights going down. Irregular maneu 1/22/1995 #41987  
e sky that was seen emitting three beams of light.                          1/30/1995 #42001  
 / DEL NORTE, CO Strong blue light beams going down. Dead calf missing brai 3/2/1995 #42071  
wn of Del Norte, strong blue light beams were sighted at around 9 p.m. A de 3/2/1995 #42072  
] and sideways. Rash / weird light beams / area.                            3/3/1995 #42073  
allic saucer hovers / 2 minute(s). Beams at observer(s). Going quickly east 4/2/1995 #42133  
 green sheets / laser light. Shoot beams going down.                        4/3/1995 #42135  
n spots and rectangular windows. 2 beams going down.                        4/13/1995 #42147  
e going [to] over mountain. Strong beams light all.                         5/13/1995 #42199  
campers. Pyramid shape flashes and beams rays / light. No further details.  5/13/1995 #42200  
M 4 boys. Domed saucer with orange beams going [to] forward. Whoosh sound.  8/22/1995 #42407  
 30M saucer / low altitude. Strong beams / each end light ground. Slow. Sho 9/10/1995 #42451  
r. Bizarre object 300' away shoots beams going down [to] on house. Pulses / 9/13/1995 #42464  
d object, only 300 feet away, shot beams of light down on a house in Corpus 9/13/1995 #42467  
 Several bell-shapes near airport. Beams going down / ground. Hover and man 9/19/1995 #42481  
ssee on this evening at 10:46 p.m. Beams of light were directed toward the  9/19/1995 #42487  
M saucer just overhead. Circular / beams going down. Going east.            9/29/1995 #42517  
overhead. The craft emitted indigo beams from lamps on the bottom, which fo 9/29/1995 #42520  
alf-circle / southeast sky. Shoots beams going down. Drops something.       11/18/1995 #42603  
l silent triangles with blue laser beams. Going quickly [to] overhead. / LD 11/27/1995 #42623  
 triangle shaped objects with blue beams of light flew over Dubai in the Pe 11/27/1995 #42626  
r/cigar-shape boils sea water with beams.                                   12/30/1995 #42650  
onut saucer over park. Slow silent beams going down. Not on RADAR!          12/30/1995 #42651  
th Wales, Australia on this night. Beams of light came down from the object 12/30/1995 #42652  
to each other; they exchanged blue beams of light.                          8/23/1996 #42992  
iangular craft shining very bright beams of lights towards the ground at ar 9/23/1996 #43039  
me location, shining down powerful beams of white light. The witnesses retu 9/23/1996 #43039  
wly / all directions. Emits strong beams.                                   10/18/1996 #43081  
rom view, then the other two shine beams of light on the lake again and dis 10/25/1996 #43095  
ge 1km saucer reacts / flashlight. Beams ground. Going [to] east-northeast. 12/11/1996 #43135  
e saucer crosses lake and highway. Beams down. Slow and silent. See referen 12/11/1996 #43136  
FR 1 / car. 2+saucers with several beams going down [to] and small blue lig 1/24/1997 (approximate) #43175  
sc-shaped objects emitting several beams and small blue lights. The UFOs ma 1/24/1997 #43176  
AND Domed saucer every 2-3 nights. Beams burn natives. Several missing. / C 8/7/1997 #43371  
   WEST / LIMA, PERU UFO offshore. Beams up and down coast. Videos. Going u 8/11/1997 #43379  
ru at 11:15 p.m. It directed light beams up and down the coast. A number of 8/11/1997 #43380  
). Domed saucer 60M away. 2 strong beams / rear. Silent exit.               8/15/1997 #43382  
erned, but the UFO radiated bluish beams of light. Three more lights, round 9/22/1997 #43414  
 foggy conditions sees three white beams of light that suddenly permeate th 11/4/1997 #43437  
ed UFO emitting multicolored light beams in his direction. He woke up his f 1/1/1998 #43484  
bes were also metallic and emitted beams of light towards her stomach area. 6/8/1998 #43584  
tly in the air and shone two white beams of light down on him.              5/21/1999 #43772  
imp nears truck. 40cm lit windows. Beams. Away extremely fast.              9/7/1999 #43843  
k 100M away / low altitude. Strong beams. Gone suddenly.                    2/10/2000 #43944  
longo, Veneto, Italy. It had stong beams of light. Suddenly it was gone.    2/10/2000 #43945  
TA, GA Bright disk low over house. Beams going down. Whirr. Going northeast 5/2/2000 #43987  
adway. The driver flashed her high beams at the two intense lights and she  7/13/2000 #44016  
ion and is shooting three powerful beams of light from dome-like globes set 9/3/2000 #44036  
mond lands / beach. Strong colored beams lift 3 / car.                      10/1/2000 #44048  
n to its original shape. Exon says beams discovered at the crash site had i 3/1/2002 #44321  
red by low clouds. Two searchlight beams descended from the sky and scanned 7/17/2002 #44361  
earby homes. After two minutes the beams vanished and the object zoomed awa 7/17/2002 #44361  
non-human" in appearance. Numerous beams of light came out of the giant tri 7/21/2002 #44362  
nd the rim. It emitted white light beams as if it was looking for something 11/13/2002 #44439  
the road so he flashed on his high beams. He then saw the figure walk out f 1/22/2003 #44477  
t was seen at 4:45 a.m. It emitted beams of light that filtered through the 5/29/2003 #44549  
rt came in of a UFO with yellowish beams of light. The beams were peculiar  4/8/2004 #44685  
with yellowish beams of light. The beams were peculiar because the never se 4/8/2004 #44685  
d closer towards the beach sending beams of light across the bay, and made  6/9/2004 #44709  
 feet altitude emitting four light beams, that were directed onto the stree 7/17/2004 #44716  
rge submarine” with lights. It has beams of lights shining down the middle  9/17/2004 #44758  
hining object emitted multicolored beams of light over the city of Bishkek, 12/5/2004 #44796  
 lake in Louisville, Kentucky with beams entering the water. After 15 minut 5/5/2005 #44831  
sk-like objects were seen shooting beams of white light back and forth to o 8/13/2006 #44954  
t. He then flashed on the car high beams to get a better look, and when he  4/25/2007 #45023  
r craft, with two horizontal level beams of lights, like "headlights," was  11/23/2007 #45097  
louds, but it has no obvious light beams. The object circles and moves up a 10/11/2010 #45301  
## Word: "beamsley" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BEAMSLEY, YORKS 2+1 observer(s). Bright  12/11/1956 #13398  
## Word: "bean" (Back to Top)
h dark core, shaped like a pear or bean. Flew for 5-10 minutes with rapid,  11/5/1950 #5264  
              Livermore (near), CA Bean (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    1/27/1953 #8582  
alifornia Coast Engineer Norman S. Bean reports that two fisherman in CA sp 6/20/1953 #8941  
alifornia Coast Engineer Norman S. Bean reports that two fisherman in CA sp 7/20/1953 #9006  
      Miami, FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on saucers to the S 8/17/1953 #9076  
      Miami, FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on saucers to the U 9/16/1953 #9169  
      Miami, FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers a 10/9/1953 #9209  
L Miami Herald: Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers   11/13/1953 #9294  
FL Lecturer and engineer Norman S. Bean states that saucers are already in  2/22/1954 #9562  
 FL Miami News: Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers.  3/11/1954 #9612  
hwest Miami, FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a talk on flying saucers in N 11/22/1954 #11686  
oral Gables, FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture to a discussion gro 2/7/1956 #12698  
 FL Miami News: Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers   2/8/1956 #12700  
 Washington, DC Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a talk titled “Satellites and 12/5/1957 #14670  
er, Laura, were going to work in a bean field when they observed three crea 8/13/1965 #19380  
ong the side of the road next to a bean field. His two teenagers, Ellen Gra 8/13/1965 #19383  
 beings, while walking next to the bean field at seven o'clock in the morni 8/13/1965 #19383  
      Miami, FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers a 1/11/1966 #19822  
r, inventor and lecturer Norman S. Bean is interviewed. States that after e 2/22/1966 #19912  
, inventor, and lecturer Norman S. Bean is quoted in the Miami News: “We ha 3/21/1966 #20013  
 feet in diameter was found in the bean field where the object was seen (ph 8/4/1967 #22799  
       WEST / BERWICK, ND 1 / car. Bean ovoid going west parallel / US2. Re 12/16/1968 #24773  
-50 nautical miles from them. Alan Bean, Owen Garriott and Jack Lousman rep 9/20/1973 #27848  
seen by another witness. Norman S. Bean contacted.                          12/13/1973 #28560  
watched fiery object take off from bean field. (Worley files) (NICAP: 02 -  6/18/1974 #29211  
00 a.m. UFO landed on ground, like bean. (NIDS UFO 33) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 12/8/1975 #30693  
 dead. Flashes going down. Lands / bean field?                              7/28/1979 #34685  
4:20 a.m. An orange, glowing, lima bean shaped UFO flew up highway D34 for  1/28/1980 #35149  
ds a large star-shaped hole in his bean field west of Wauseon, Ohio, around 3/11/1983 #36781  
                 At 9:10 p.m. Bill Bean witnessed a very large white disc-s 11/29/2004 #44793  
## Word: "bean-shape" (Back to Top)
 / motorcycle and 2 / car. Glowing bean-shape going up / sagebrush. Follows 10/13/1970 #25875  
## Word: "bean-shaped" (Back to Top)
ennessee saw a translucent pear or bean-shaped object, light gray with a da 11/5/1950 #5266  
## Word: "beanpot" (Back to Top)
le. Boy / 15 photographs silent 2M beanpot jar. Clearly seen. / r237p19+r73 1/19/1967 #21347  
## Word: "beans" (Back to Top)
ose to the debris field), eat cold beans, and wait for daylight. Marcel run 7/6/1947 #2814  
nd a 100-foot circular area of cut beans in the field, and the timothy stub 7/21/1978 #33406  
## Word: "bear" (Back to Top)
Truman to Vannevar Bush appears to bear the original Truman signature used  10/1/1947 #3445  
t Incidents in the United States,” bear this date, although it was original 4/28/1949 #4126  
                               BIG BEAR LAKE, CA Blue Book. Hillman and 3 / 1/14/1951 #5396  
                               Big Bear Lake, CA Pilot Sees 150' Circular O 1/14/1951 #5398  
ses flying in an airplane over Big Bear Lake, California saw three circular 1/14/1951 #5399  
                               OFF BEAR CREEK, NY Cop and 2. Fireball going 10/13/1958 #15341  
and direction of the object do not bear that out.                           12/6/1958 #15471  
                   E Lake Tiorati (Bear Mtn. State Park), NY Silver-brown d 12/18/1966 #21208  
e eastern shore of Lake Tiorati in Bear Mountain State Park, Orange County, 12/18/1966 #21210  
itioned on their backs, the bodies bear no visible wounds, but it is obviou 5/4/1969 #25114  
t hovers over steamship Phillipine Bear. Shoots quickly going up [to] to sp 4/22/1973 #27437  
c hovered over the ship Philippine Bear, then shot straight up into space.  4/22/1973 #27440  
                               Big Bear Lake, CA 11:00 p.m. Residents repor 9/2/1973 #27746  
                  Residents of Big Bear Lake, California reported a series  9/2/1973 #27749  
 on old Highway 3 near the western Bear Point turnoff when they encountered 11/25/1973 #28466  
                             GREAT BEAR LAKE, NWT 2 / boat. Metallic saucer 7/16/1979 #34657  
                             Great Bear Lake, NWT, Can A flat metallic disc 7/16/1979 #34658  
s seen by two men fishing on Great Bear Lake. They were able to take 12 pho 7/16/1979 #34658  
s seen by two men fishing on Great Bear Lake, Northwest Territory, Canada a 7/16/1979 #34659  
                                   BEAR RIVER, NS Dog hides. Silent 15M rou 7/6/1980 #35405  
                                   Bear River, Nova Scotia, CAN A silent, f 7/6/1980 #35407  
                   At 2:30 a.m. in Bear River, Nova Scotia a silent, fiftee 7/6/1980 #35409  
t want to be there. John could not bear to look at what was being shown to  12/31/1980 #35759  
 administration; the memo does not bear an official letterhead or watermark 7/22/1987 #38212  
the northeast and vanished. Please bear in mind that satellite re-entries a 11/5/1990 #39872  
k off, morphed into the shape of a bear, then morphed into "a three headed  9/2/1994 #41713  
.m. As Larry Gardea is hunting for bear near Luna Canyon in Mora County, Ne 9/13/1994 #41743  
           Larry Gardea, while out bear hunting near Chacon, New Mexico hea 9/13/1994 #41744  
 he had befriended, his "pet black bear", was now missing. He said that he  8/15/1995 #42389  
 alien base hidden inside Ayu-Dug (Bear) Mountain, just to the west of Part 8/2/2004 #44725  
l and quite bulky and hairy like a bear. The head was slightly bigger than  4/25/2007 #45023  
## Word: "beard" (Back to Top)
th shoulder-length hair and a long beard. After a few minutes, Hopkins appr 4/16/1897 #508  
er with water. The elder man had a beard and suggested that the policemen f 5/6/1897 #592  
 is there. A man with a long, dark beard tells them that he and two others  5/6/1897 #593  
er with water. The elder man had a beard and suggested to the policemen tha 5/6/1897 #594  
7cm perfect midget / grey hair and beard runs into forest. / r30p48.        4/20/1945 (approximate) #1849  
l midget with gray hair and a gray beard. It popped up less than a foot awa 4/20/1945 #1851  
is shoes with thallium to make his beard fall out. Gottlieb also hatches sc 3/17/1960 #16200  
tle blue man with a tall hat and a beard" that disappeared in a puff of smo 1/28/1967 #21408  
et tall with a high bowler hat and beard standing motionless on the opposit 1/28/1967 #21409  
eaded humanoid who sported a black beard and had dark round eyes. He wore a 6/11/1968 #24023  
. 1M bald figure / cemetery. Black beard. Back / 4 days. Vanishes! Night li 8/29/1968 #24395  
ald head, naked chest, heavy black beard, and with red and bumpy skin, “lik 8/29/1968 #24401  
also humanoid, with red hair and a beard that comes down to his waist—who s 5/4/1969 #25114  
im; he had long reddish hair and a beard that flowed to his waist. He was s 5/4/1969 #25115  
t-like man with long fair hair and beard, dressed like a monk, who spoke to 5/4/1969 #25115  
 rosy skin, long black hair, and a beard and was very tall. It hovered near 8/19/1971 #26296  
server(s). Ghostlike figure west / beard near Ozarks College. No UFO seen.  10/12/1973 #28014  
 who has reappeared. His eyebrows, beard, and hair have grown extremely lon Fall 1975 #30380  
 missing / hours. Found with 5 day beard.                                   11/1975 #30526  
n appearance, with dark hair and a beard, pointy ears, and "demonic" facial 11/3/1975 #30548  
t. He had long blonde hair, a dark beard, and his skin was pale. Just as he 11/14/1976 #31549  
e was human like with long hair, a beard, and pink eyes. He approached, hol 3/7/1977 #31874  
s. Guard gone 15 min. Back / 5-day beard. Watch says 30 April! / Internatio 4/25/1977 #32022  
appears to have a week’s growth of beard, whereas he had been clean-shaven  4/25/1977 #32026  
ppeared to have a week's growth of beard, whereas he had been clean-shaven  4/25/1977 #32027  
r pink suits and shoes. One with a beard bows to Quezet and says something  1/4/1979 #34294  
n a form of salute. He had a black beard, frizzy black hair, and slanted ey 1/5/1979 #34303  
emeanor; Joseph had a thin nose, a beard, and mustache. He wore a skullcap  11/28/1980 #35680  
h a large cane. He had a long dark beard, never spoke to anyone and seemed  9/24/1992 #40639  
s he met “an older man with a long beard” on a private flight from New York 6/29/2002 #44354  
## Word: "beard--and" (Back to Top)
h men had beards--one a long white beard--and both had slanted eyes. They a 6/27/1994 #41588  
## Word: "bearded" (Back to Top)
the ship with its sole occupant, a bearded man who appeared to be deaf and  12/7/1896 #376  
verse with one of its occupants, a bearded scientist who is outside the cra 4/14/1897 #468  
e leg-like protrusions. Soon three bearded men, very human in appearance, d 6/23/1968 #24072  
 BRZ Farmer attacked / 2 1.5M long bearded monsters. Dog cowers..           2/12/1969 #24911  
 feet tall, is Caucasian, slender, bearded with long fair hair, and dressed 5/4/1969 #25114  
 behind a window. As they watch, a bearded humanoid wearing a silver suit c 11/14/1976 #31548  
ure as a man over two meters tall, bearded and with long black hair and wea 7/11/1978 #33367  
e others were female. The men were bearded and the woman had straight hair  1/25/1987 #38104  
## Word: "bearden" (Back to Top)
d law based on the alleged work of Bearden, Wallace, Dan Fry, GIlbert Jorda 1/1998 #43483  
         Ret. Army Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden writes that he knows of several  5/2002 #44335  
         Ret. Army Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden claims to have seen experiments  12/24/2013 #45399  
 doesn’t allow for this to happen. Bearden states he and others have built  12/24/2013 #45399  
 Interviews with George Filer, Tom Bearden, Glenn Dennis, Richard Doty, Ste 5/9/2017 #45469  
## Word: "beardon" (Back to Top)
                   WACO, TX George Beardon. Silver egg-cylinder/cigar-shape 11/7/1957 #14452  
## Word: "beards" (Back to Top)
 two occupants have extremely long beards and make desperate efforts to con 4/16/1897 #507  
s with large round heads and short beards. They have large, luminous yellow 1942 #1385  
.5 meters (4.95 feet) tall and had beards, long hair, and asymmetrical eyes 2/12/1969 #24915  
 a third eye. They also had sparse beards around the mouth and chin. In a s 2/29/1996 #42789  
## Word: "beards--one" (Back to Top)
to be holding a tube. Both men had beards--one a long white beard--and both 6/27/1994 #41588  
## Word: "bearer" (Back to Top)
-Piazza, a driver, and a stretcher bearer are taking a pregnant patient in  9/5/1979 #34838  
## Word: "bearing" (Back to Top)
le A strange "aerial construction" bearing lights and making engine noises  7/1868 #173  
le A strange "aerial construction" bearing lights and making engine noises  7/1868 #174  
es an airship, 50–60 feet long and bearing a powerful searchlight. He retur 4/21/1897 #550  
H. Raymer, saw a huge, dark object bearing lights in the sea ahead. It was  10/28/1902 #654  
H. Raymer, saw a huge, dark object bearing lights in the sea ahead. It was  10/28/1902 #655  
H. Raymer, saw a huge, dark object bearing two lights in the sea ahead. It  10/28/1902 #656  
claiming is Tillinghast’s airplane bearing a powerful searchlight, but he i 12/24/1909 #825  
m window a bright light in the sky bearing north. It disappears in the dire Late 6/1915 #929  
ange of 26-30 nautical miles and a bearing of 20-30 degrees. The target cha 8/28/1947 #3376  
. One object is first sighted on a bearing of 330° traveling south. The obj 1/12/1950 #4484  
eport four separate radar contacts bearing 160° at 5 miles over 90 minutes. 6/30/1950 #5028  
50-foot, black, bell-shaped object bearing two bright, white lights at the  8/22/1956 #13116  
sadena, Texas, when they see a UFO bearing three brilliant white lights. Af 3/8/1957 #13532  
Florida A black, bellshaped object bearing two bright, white lights at the  8/22/1957 #13922  
lack, rotating, bell-shaped object bearing two bright white lights at the t 8/22/1957 #13924  
0 p.m. a black, bell-shaped object bearing two bright, white lights at the  8/22/1957 #13925  
 3:20 p.m., a strange round object bearing southeast-appeared to be a spher 10/12/1957 #14103  
on rod runs through a “white metal bearing” in the top. When the bearing is 11/21/1957 #14590  
etal bearing” in the top. When the bearing is drilled out, they find a heap 11/21/1957 #14590  
ed diameter was 4 m, height 2.5 m, bearing "fluorescent lights."            5/3/1961 #16674  
like an oval with "running boards" bearing a series of lights. It hovered f 8/12/1961 #16789  
 a blockade. But Soviet freighters bearing military supplies headed for Cub 10/23/1962 #17489  
rk. Shape: a dome upon a cylinder, bearing a series of round apertures and  1/4/1963 #17628  
dson saw an object about 3 m long, bearing orange and red lights, which cam 10/31/1963 #18015  
ened by a noise, and saw an object bearing blinking red and green lights fl 9/15/1964 #18555  
ea sighted approaching aircraft at bearing 0°. At 9:14 a.m. the radar detec 5/6/1965 #18930  
g to bed and saw a luminous object bearing red and blue lights on the lawn. 8/1/1966 #20720  
dome on top. It carried an antenna bearing a flashing red light. Inside the 12/13/1966 #21200  
n dressed in Air Force uniforms or bearing impressive credentials from gove 2/1967 #21430  
 observers saw an anomalous "light bearing object" in the sky. The pilot at 4/18/1967 #22161  
 hard green-colored plastic strips bearing the distinctive Aluche symbol su 6/1/1967 #22448  
5 degree angle a rod 15 feet long, bearing a large red light at the end. Be 6/13/1967 #22504  
 gray, about 10 m in diameter, and bearing a black mark or insignia. Near i 8/24/1967 #22914  
s. On top was a transparent cupola bearing a bluish-white rotating light; a 8/16/1970 #25791  
e was also a long instrument panel bearing "a lot of instruments and clocks 12/30/1972 #27193  
the size of a car, it had a flange bearing 2 red & 2 white lights surroundi 1/8/1975 #29733  
and wearing a bluish-gray coverall bearing an emblem on the chest approache 6/23/1976 #31135  
the bank told them “government men bearing official identification” had ope 9/29/1982 #36619  
language as they led him to a wall bearing an outline of a human form. The  11/29/1982 #36702  
alked to him and led him to a wall bearing an outline of a human form. The  11/30/1982 #36703  
d at an angle to watch. The object bearing the lights stops almost directly 2/21/1990 #39425  
olanco suddenly sees a white light bearing down on the aircraft before halt 7/31/1995 #42347  
 12:10 a.m. a totally silent craft bearing three bright white lights was ob 5/19/2003 #44543  
 Portland, Oregon, to investigate. Bearing the most advanced targeting syst 10/25/2017 #45487  
## Word: "bearings" (Back to Top)
 instruments to obtain directional bearings. One of the posts serves as the 5/4/1949 #4144  
## Word: "bears" (Back to Top)
ged to Grudge (since the Air Force bears a grudge against UFO reports, acco 12/16/1948 #3931  
ucers from Outer Space (1953), but bears little resemblance to the content. 6/13/1956 #12900  
r Tongues—Other Flesh (although it bears a copyright date of 1953), the fir 1957 #13430  
as, when a big red and green light bears down on his plane in a collision c 7/22/1957 #13817  
. Without opening his mouth, which bears a fixed grin, he addresses Derenbe Early 11/1966 #21070  
e had been abducted. He supposedly bears the physical marks of his ordeal—  5/4/1969 #25114  
e, no tail, no visible engine, and bears no inscription. Compared to elemen 8/4/1990 #39679  
d Washington, D.C. As the aircraft bears down on Washington from the north  5/11/2005 #44840  
## Word: "beast" (Back to Top)
leads Bill Sweetman to dub it the “Beast of Kandahar.”                      9/1/2005 #44867  
## Word: "beat" (Back to Top)
y flare. The object had a resonant beat as it moved through the sky at high 7/17/1952 #6871  
1/2 minutes, giving off a resonant beat sound.                              7/18/1952 #6892  
 90 seconds, giving off a resonant beat sound. It appeared several times ov 7/18/1952 #6903  
rd their boat at great speed. They beat a hasty retreat to the other shore, 6/18/1967 #22520  
tional response caused both men be beat a hasty retreat.                    8/27/1969 #25333  
southwest of their security-police beat at the base. (Skylook 57, page 12). 6/19/1972 #26720  
reported that he repeatedly had to beat it away from his boat with an oar.  11/6/1973 #28377  
 with fear, "found their legs" and beat a hasty retreat home. They told the 8/8/1975 #30244  
 fear. He was so terrified that he beat upon the glass of the closed door,  2/24/1977 #31846  
tures quickly pounced upon him and beat him. Each had only one eye and they 12/26/1996 #43150  
 Mohawk style haircuts. After they beat him he lost consciousness. He was t 12/26/1996 #43150  
## Word: "beata" (Back to Top)
f Rzeszów, Poland 8:00 p.m. A Mrs. Beata is walking her dog in the Baranówk 6/6/2011 #45328  
## Word: "beaten-earth" (Back to Top)
et some fodder for his cow. On the beaten-earth path to the field he encoun 10/8/1984 #37480  
## Word: "beater" (Back to Top)
ject buzzes like a “giant electric beater.” He gets out of the car but feel 3/30/1995 #42127  
## Word: "beather" (Back to Top)
:  Trans-Texas Airlines Capt. A.V. Beather, flying DC-3, plus vague report  7/20/1961 #16768  
ng Trans-Texas Airlines Capt. A.V. Beather sighted two very bright white li 7/20/1961 #16769  
## Word: "beating" (Back to Top)
ves swiftly, giving off a resonant beating sound.                           7/17/1952 #6869  
## Word: "beatrice" (Back to Top)
       Falls City, Nebraska Stella Beatrice Wymore Hastings Kenesaw Hartwel 2/26/1897 #389  
s, the object is seen over Stella, Beatrice, Wymore, Hastings, Kenesaw, and 2/26/1897 #389  
## Word: "beatriz" (Back to Top)
penetrated the roof of 32-year-old Beatriz Almada da Costa's house in the v 9/10/1977 #32478  
## Word: "beats" (Back to Top)
lyzing sound resembling loud heart beats became evident. Simultaneously the 8/16/1971 #26291  
## Word: "beatty" (Back to Top)
                                   Beatty, Nevada Early morning. Sarah Eliz 1/1949 #3951  
 during the Big Snow, 8 miles from Beatty, Nevada.                          1/1949 #3951  
          Rapid City, SD USAF A/1c Beatty and two civilians saw at least 5  6/1/1952 #6410  
City, South Dakota Witnesses: A/lc Beatty and two civilians. At least five  6/1/1952 #6413  
 six o'clock in the evening Airman Beatty and two civilians in Rapid City,  6/1/1952 #6422  
                              NEAR BEATTY, NV 2 / truck. Night lights flash 1/22/1995 #41989  
d near a truck on the highway near Beatty, Nevada for 45 minutes. They move 1/22/1995 #41991  
## Word: "beaucourt" (Back to Top)
                                   BEAUCOURT / ANCRE, FR UFO hovers 30cm /  5/10/1957 #13651  
## Word: "beaucourt-sur-ancre" (Back to Top)
                                   Beaucourt-sur-Ancre, France A Hungarian  5/10/1957 #13652  
 was bicyling home along a road in Beaucourt-sur-Ancre, France when he was  5/10/1957 #13655  
## Word: "beaucourt-sur-l" (Back to Top)
                                   Beaucourt-sur-l’Ancre, Somme, France Aft 5/10/1957 #13653  
 Somme, France After 10:45 p.m. At Beaucourt-sur-l’Ancre, Somme, France, a  5/10/1957 #13653  
## Word: "beaudoin" (Back to Top)
now Camarillo Airport] Mrs. Robert Beaudoin, the wife of an Air Force offic 3/22/1957 #13553  
Sheriffs Segura and Rausch confirm Beaudoin’s report, with the exception th 3/22/1957 #13553  
 the witness saw lights on a barn. Beaudoin herself is judged hysterical du 3/22/1957 #13553  
sound. The residents, Mr. and Mrs. Beaudoin, come to the door and find a te 11/2/1973 #28352  
not see or hear anything, but Mrs. Beaudoin calls the police. Investigator  11/2/1973 #28352  
## Word: "beaudoin's" (Back to Top)
pshire Goffstown Westlawn Cemetery Beaudoin's house 2:45 a.m. Lyndia Morel, 11/2/1973 #28352  
## Word: "beaudoins" (Back to Top)
iming that a UFO is after her. The Beaudoins cannot see or hear anything, b 11/2/1973 #28352  
## Word: "beaufays" (Back to Top)
                                   BEAUFAYS, BELGIUM Physicist and several  3/18/1990 #39465  
## Word: "beaufighter" (Back to Top)
 Vesey Wells is flying his Bristol Beaufighter on a patrol mission around N 12/14/1943 #1553  
ch faster than his aircraft, a RAF Beaufighter with the 255th fighter squad 12/14/1943 #1554  
ange glowing light followed an RAF Beaufighter from the 600th Squadron flyi 4/30/1944 #1594  
                           Bristol Beaufighter Rhine River Strasbourg, Bas- 11/29/1944 #1710  
Mannheim, Germany Night. A Bristol Beaufighter crew (pilot Lieut. Edward A. 11/29/1944 #1710  
light climbed to the altitude of a Beaufighter from the 415TH NFS squadron  12/24/1944 #1733  
t. The lights follow their Bristol Beaufighter, closing in to about 1,000 f 1/30/1945 #1764  
## Word: "beauford" (Back to Top)
rolina border late in the evening, Beauford Parham experienced a close enco 6/29/1964 #18383  
irport in South Carolina 1:00 a.m. Beauford E. Parham is driving near Lavon 6/30/1964 #18386  
rritories, CAN Time not reported. (Beauford Sea) - Officials at Cape Perry  8/24/1967 #22912  
## Word: "beaufort" (Back to Top)
 Australia 2:30 a.m. An Australian Beaufort bomber is flying at 4,500 feet  2/1944 #1570  
                                   Beaufort (near), SC Four Discs Flying Ov Late 5/1947 #2297  
 Augusta, Georgia St. Helena Sound Beaufort, South Carolina 11:00 a.m. Cold Late 5/1947 #2298  
0 miles off St. Helena Sound, near Beaufort, South Carolina. He notices a f Late 5/1947 #2298  
                              NEAR BEAUFORT, FR 2 / car. Bullet-UFO going d 10/16/1954 #11137  
                                   Beaufort, Victoria, Australia Golf Cours 7/11/1969 #25261  
 a golf course on the outskirts of Beaufort, Victoria, Australia, when he s 7/11/1969 #25261  
                               FT. BEAUFORT, RSA Cop and 1 shoot at red fir 6/26/1972 #26733  
                Braeside Farm Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa 8:0 6/26/1972 #26735  
of Braeside Farm 9 miles from Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa, is 6/26/1972 #26735  
er of the Braeside farm, near Fort Beaufort, South Africa. They thought the 6/26/1972 #26736  
                                   BEAUFORT, FR 2 / car. Black mushroom-sau 5/22/1978 #33232  
     US Highway 50 Union, Missouri Beaufort, Missouri 12:45 a.m. Clora E. W 7/27/1978 #33427  
ut the same time, 12 miles west in Beaufort, Missouri, Velma Clines watches 7/27/1978 #33427  
## Word: "beaufort-en-vallee" (Back to Top)
                       SOUTHEAST / BEAUFORT-EN-VALLEE, FR 1+1 observer(s).  7/7/1996 #42948  
## Word: "beaufort-la" (Back to Top)
ds. Going quickly northeast toward Beaufort-la Fere.                        10/17/1954 #11170  
## Word: "beaugency" (Back to Top)
                                   BEAUGENCY, FR 1 observer. 2 luminous "ne 7/30/1991 #40137  
## Word: "beauharnois" (Back to Top)
                                   BEAUHARNOIS, QB Boy. Saucer lands. Small 9/14/1969 #25368  
d close to him outside the town of Beauharnois, Quebec. Through a small hat 9/14/1969 #25369  
## Word: "beaulieu" (Back to Top)
2017, Canadian researcher François Beaulieu reexamines the original and not 4/2/1966 #20208  
## Word: "beaumont" (Back to Top)
                                   Beaumont, Texas 1:30 a.m. R. E. Draughon 4/17/1897 #522  
ight watchman at a lumber plant in Beaumont, Texas, sees a “globular” objec 4/17/1897 #522  
                                   BEAUMONT, TX Farmer and son. Cylinder/ci 4/19/1897 #531  
                           Houston Beaumont, Texas Gulf of Mexico Iowa Beau 4/19/1897 #539  
eaumont, Texas Gulf of Mexico Iowa Beaumont After 11:00 p.m. John R. Ligon, 4/19/1897 #539  
ture a few hundred yards away near Beaumont, Texas. They walk over and disc 4/19/1897 #539  
all Iowa town. Rabbi Aaron Levy of Beaumont also claims to have met aeronau 4/19/1897 #539  
                   Deadwood, Texas Beaumont 8:00 p.m. Hiram C. LaGrone hear 4/28/1897? #582  
y (and the same one that landed in Beaumont on April 19).                   4/28/1897? #582  
                                   BEAUMONT, TX 5 observer(s). 3 saucers ho 8/28/1952 #7763  
                              NEAR BEAUMONT, FR Observer(s) cannot move. UF 10/5/1954 #10718  
                                   Beaumont, France Ten km from here, sever 10/5/1954 #10729  
                                   Beaumont, Puy-de-Dôme, France 3:45 p.m.  10/5/1954 #10734  
, Puy-de-Dôme, France 3:45 p.m. In Beaumont, Puy-de-Dôme, France, witnesses 10/5/1954 #10734  
               Ten kilometers from Beaumont, France several people saw an f 10/5/1954 #10743  
                                   BEAUMONT, TX 1 observer. 30' silver sauc 3/7/1955 #12036  
' over highway. Going quickly [to] Beaumont. Turns up until gone.           3/7/1955 #12036  
                                   BEAUMONT, CA Teen. Saucer = silver dolla 4/6/1955 #12082  
                                   Beaumont, CA Briggs. (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 4 4/6/1955 #12083  
                                   BEAUMONT, TX Police Captain and 5 cops a 11/5/1957 #14295  
## Word: "beaumont-en-diois" (Back to Top)
                                   BEAUMONT-EN-DIOIS, FR 6 night lights / V 8/16/1974 #29357  
## Word: "beaune" (Back to Top)
                     BOUZE TO/FROM BEAUNE, FR Flashes. Figure / diving suit 1/26/1976 #30820  
ing at 9:45 p.m. between Bouze and Beaune, Cote D’Or department, France saw 1/26/1976 #30821  
## Word: "beaupertuis" (Back to Top)
unidentified target. Radio Officer Beaupertuis sees the object through a wi 2/17/1956 #12723  
## Word: "beaupuy" (Back to Top)
                                   BEAUPUY, FR Trucker. Moon-size fireball  8/18/1975 #30286  
## Word: "beauquay" (Back to Top)
                                   BEAUQUAY, 14, FR 3 observer(s). Large re 10/11/1954 #10913  
## Word: "beauregard-barret" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / BEAUREGARD-BARRET, FR Farmer. Dogs bark. 4/5/1974 #28995  
## Word: "beaurepaire" (Back to Top)
                        6KM EAST / BEAUREPAIRE, FR Huge brilliant bullet go 8/17/1974 #29366  
                                   BEAUREPAIRE, ISERE N519. 25M cylinder/ci 1/15/1976 #30792  
## Word: "beausejour" (Back to Top)
                                   Beausejour, Manitoba, CAN 11:30 p.m. CDT 5/31/1967 #22429  
                                   Beausejour, Manitoba, Canada Another lan 5/31/1967 #22430  
ing took place near a farm outside Beausejour, Manitoba, about 45 miles fro 5/31/1967 #22430  
                                   Beausejour, Manitoba 11:30 p.m. A woman  5/31/1967 #22432  
0 p.m. A woman at a farmhouse near Beausejour, Manitoba, sees an intensely  5/31/1967 #22432  
967 a farm woman living outside of Beausejour, Manitoba, Canada (about 45 m 5/31/1967 #22433  
                                   BEAUSEJOUR, MBA 12M saucer paces truck.  4/3/1968 #23885  
                                   BEAUSEJOUR, MBA Bright ovoid follows 2 / 9/7/1972 #26977  
people home along Highway 203 near Beausejour, Manitoba. It paced the car a 9/7/1972 #26980  
## Word: "beausoleil" (Back to Top)
                                   BEAUSOLEIL, FR Cop and 2. 2 pseudo-human 8/1/1951? #5591  
ee witnesses including police from Beausoleil, France in the Alpes-Maritime 8/1/1951 #5592  
## Word: "beautician" (Back to Top)
estigate. They were accompanied by beautician Kathleen Hill and her two son 9/11/1952 #7896  
## Word: "beautiful" (Back to Top)
 name from Kodak Ortho film?] is a beautiful being with long blond hair and 11/20/1952 #8309  
panish and French. “His hands were beautiful,” said one of the women, “with 8/20/1954 #10158  
 of flying discs. In 1932 he met a beautiful blonde woman who could read hi 10/29/1956 #13297  
ug and a glass bottle covered with beautiful engravings. Maria filled them. 8/27/1968 #24388  
ug and a glass bottle covered with beautiful engravings. Maria filled them. 8/27/1968 #24390  
e woman was well proportioned with beautiful long dark chestnut hair. But t 8/22/1969 #25326  
d then found himself standing in a beautiful garden surrounded by hedges. H 7/4/1970 #25727  
Soon the craft was hovering over a beautiful white city in what he believed 7/4/1970 #25727  
 took him down a street lined with beautiful white buildings three stories  7/4/1970 #25727  
de out of ice. There she met three beautiful female humanoids who wore silv 1/1/1971 #25966  
to it. As she got closer she saw a beautiful silvery object on the ground.  9/26/1973 #27872  
tly human or human-like beings and beautiful in appearance. Through a large 9/26/1973 #27872  
 room, onboard a V-shaped craft. A beautiful tall blond woman greeted her.  10/5/1973 #27954  
nel, and three cubicles as well as beautiful curved walls inside the craft. 10/15/1973 #28060  
"Their golden hair framed the most beautiful faces I had ever seen," Castil 11/18/1973 #28443  
ip lands in a nearby meadow, and a beautiful, pale-skinned, amber-haired sp 1/28/1975 #29772  
ck to check. There she confronts a beautiful tall humanoid being with wavy  3/6/1975 #29876  
rfect. The man was surrounded by a beautiful white glow, especially around  7/12/1975 #30175  
an the men; they were described as beautiful and well built, wearing form-f 8/26/1976 #31306  
's garden. She said she had seen a beautiful woman with a white scarf on he 5/10/1977 #32083  
unded by an aura, from which 30–40 beautiful purple rays shoot out at vario 7/21/1978 #33407  
ale. The women are blonde and have beautiful pink skin. They smile at him.  10/25/1978 #33873  
ale. The women were blonde and had beautiful pink skin and smiled at him. T 10/25/1978 #33875  
Italy in the Ligurian Sea during a beautiful summer day, the yacht Rainbow  6/22/1979 #34626  
 11 people. At about 6:30 p.m. the beautiful and tranquil day was interrupt 6/22/1979 #34626  
Looking out from his hut he saw a "beautiful" blue light hovering over a fi 2/18/1981 #35831  
Looking out from his hut he saw a "beautiful" blue light hovering over a fi 2/18/1981 #35832  
 “kind of explosion happened, very beautiful to watch, of golden light.” On 5/5/1981 #35930  
r down to their shoulders. All had beautiful faces with clear penetrating e 1/25/1987 #38104  
came visible. Next to the stripe a beautiful woman appeared and looked at t 1/24/1992 #40302  
g to Paca the figure had extremely beautiful facial features, but was somew 9/24/1992 #40639  
 off and soon landed in an strange beautiful city, filled with humans of al 3/20/1993 #40895  
 Suddenly he perceived a stream of beautiful golden light pouring forth fro 4/3/1995 #42137  
appearing beings. The "planet" was beautiful in appearance and he saw numer 12/9/1996 #43133  
ndows he saw what he described as "beautiful beings" inside. After about fi 5/14/1997 #43293  
er. He said that the area was very beautiful and also added, "Humans don't  3/26/2002 #44326  
re we come from we don't have such beautiful scenes; they disappeared a lon 3/26/2002 #44326  
ttention. "As I looked up, I saw a beautiful display of rotating lights tha 5/13/2003 #44536  
e South campus building. "It was a beautiful looking ship but really horrib 5/3/2010 #45277  
## Word: "beauty" (Back to Top)
de, she had a sensation of intense beauty, with emerald colored floors. The 9/15/1975 #30363  
## Word: "beauvain" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BEAUVAIN, ORNE, FR 4 meter fiery domed s 10/9/1954 #10830  
                                   Beauvain, France Near the Landeforet poo 10/9/1954 #10846  
       Near the Landeforet pool in Beauvain, France Christopher Carette saw 10/9/1954 #10864  
## Word: "beauvais" (Back to Top)
         THIEULOY-LA-VILLE TO/FROM BEAUVAIS, FR Object flies over car. Ligh 10/14/1954 #11034  
oad between Thieulloy-la-Ville and Beauvais, Mr. Covemacker saw an object f 10/14/1954 #11052  
oad between Thieulloy-la-Ville and Beauvais, Somme, France Mr. Covemacker s 10/14/1954 #11073  
ky and then landed in a pasture in Beauvais, Oise, France, but the cows did 10/11/1969 #25408  
## Word: "beauvallon" (Back to Top)
                                   BEAUVALLON, FR 5M domed saucer spins. Go 7/3/1973 #27611  
## Word: "beauvechain" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BEAUVECHAIN, BELGIUM 2 / car. Night ligh 10/29/1972 #27100  
lgium Wavre gendarmerie Semmerzake Beauvechain Air Base 11:00 p.m. The Glon 3/30/1990 #39499  
to scramble two F-16 fighters from Beauvechain Air Base is given. Throughou 3/30/1990 #39499  
## Word: "beauvois-en-cambresis" (Back to Top)
                                   BEAUVOIS-EN-CAMBRESIS, FR Huge bright re 12/24/1989 #39330  
## Word: "beauzelle" (Back to Top)
                                   BEAUZELLE AND BLAGNAC, FR 2M delta/trian 4/12/1978 #33143  
## Word: "beaver" (Back to Top)
amphibious creature, and a bipedal beaver that lives in huts. The humans ar 8/25/1835 #130  
tached to the submarine tender USS Beaver with Submarine Squadron 45, ancho 9/26/1945? #1940  
                                   Beaver, PA Lucci Photo (NICAP: 08 - Phot 8/8/1965 #19340  
                                   Beaver, Pennsylvania Beaver County Times 8/8/1965 #19341  
              Beaver, Pennsylvania Beaver County Times Colorado project 11: 8/8/1965 #19341  
s UFO is allegedly photographed in Beaver, Pennsylvania, by James Lucci, 17 8/8/1965 #19341  
rage him to send the photos to the Beaver County Times, where they are anal 8/8/1965 #19341  
                                   Beaver, PA Dog "went crazy" at hovering  8/11/1965 #19365  
rs. De Turca of Brighton Township, Beaver County, Pennsylavania said that t 8/11/1965 #19368  
               Baden, Pennsylvania Beaver, Pennsylvania 9:30 p.m.? Leonard  8/13/1965 #19382  
oax, perhaps confusing it with the Beaver, Pennsylvania, hoax photo of Augu 8/13/1965 #19382  
 driving south on County Road G in Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin when 5/8/1966 #20467  
 TOFIELD, ALTA Night light crosses beaver lake. Octopus grabs car from top. 8/6/1972 #26879  
ight in a heavily wooded area near Beaver Lake, Alberta, Canada a man felt  8/6/1972 #26882  
Two girls were standing outside in Beaver County, Pennsylvania at 9:30 p.m. 9/27/1973 #27880  
 NJ Disk / light / low altitude. / Beaver Co. Times 6.11.73.                11/1/1973 #28332  
maneuvered over two small towns in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Many calls  11/1/1973 #28339  
                       OAKDALE AND BEAVER LAKE, MN Several separate observe 3/22/1978 #33068  
                                   BEAVER DAM, WI Young man looking for UFO 2/4/1993 #40835  
                   DELMONT, PA AND BEAVER RUN DAM Pilot / ground. 2 huge tr 2/13/1995 #42043  
aped object with windows flew over Beaver, West Virginia making no sound. I 10/28/2001 #44267  
## Word: "beavercreek" (Back to Top)
ight-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio Beavercreek, Ohio Area 51 USAF Lt. Col.  Fall 1986 #38034  
 and Jaime Shandera—to his home in Beavercreek, Ohio, to discuss UFOs, extr Fall 1986 #38034  
                                   Beavercreek, IL Brilliant white pulsatin 3/2/1990 #39440  
                                   Beavercreek, IL Brilliant white pulsatin 3/2/1990 #39441  
## Word: "beaverdam" (Back to Top)
                                   Beaverdam, Virginia Evening. An 8- or 10 Summer 1950 #4997  
hind Mrs. Mason Vaughan’s house in Beaverdam, Virginia. From an open cockpi Summer 1950 #4997  
## Word: "beaverlodge" (Back to Top)
                                In Beaverlodge, Alberta, Canada two childre 11/13/2001 #44275  
## Word: "beaverton" (Back to Top)
                Portland Oregonian Beaverton, Oregon 11:00 a.m. Harry Hale, 7/4/1947 #2657  
y disc moving swiftly just west of Beaverton, Oregon.                       7/4/1947 #2657  
            Poplar Grove, Illinois Beaverton and Poplar Grove Road 5:30 a.m 9/20/1979 #34907  
rther ahead at the intersection of Beaverton and Poplar Grove Road. She sto 9/20/1979 #34907  
                                   BEAVERTON, OR 4 / car. Blue night light  4/20/1984 #37277  
                                   Beaverton, Oregon 10:04 p.m. Four people 4/20/1984 #37278  
10:04 p.m. Four people in a car in Beaverton, Oregon, see a large, pulsatin 4/20/1984 #37278  
           Four people in a car in Beaverton, Oregon reported watching an a 4/20/1984 #37279  
  At 2:30 a.m. a lady driving near Beaverton, Oregon reported seeing a "pin 5/7/1995 #42188  
                                   BEAVERTON, OR 2 observer(s). White "para 8/20/1995 #42402  
in the southwestern morning sky in Beaverton, Oregon at 7:30 a.m. The UFOs  1/28/2000 #43935  
## Word: "bebedouro" (Back to Top)
                                   BEBEDOURO, BRZ Soldier abduction / small 5/4/1969 #25113  
                                   Bebedouro Área de Proteção Ambiental do  5/4/1969 #25114  
 da Silva is fishing by himself at Bebedouro (apparently a small lagoon in  5/4/1969 #25114  
he Rio das Velhas near the city of Bebedouro in the state of Espirito Santo 5/4/1969 #25115  
 Belo Horizonte and taken a bus to Bebedouro to go fishing the evening befo 5/4/1969 #25115  
 Vitoria, more than 200 miles from Bebedouro, and that four and a half days 5/4/1969 #25115  
ilva encountered the day before in Bebedouro, 20 kilometers to the east. Wh 5/5/1969 #25117  
counter with earlier that month at Bebedouro, Minas Gerais, Brazil dressed  5/21/1969 #25153  
## Word: "becalmed" (Back to Top)
ined by George Henry Caithness, is becalmed in the Strait of Sicily about 3 6/18/1845 #141  
## Word: "became" (Back to Top)
heat from the beams, and the water became covered with a "rust" material.   8/15/1663 #45  
                    Heinrich Hertz became the first person to transmit and  11/1886 #278  
 on a "peculiar color" and the sky became filled with thousands of discs, t 8/26/1893 #310  
ed off, a number of smaller lights became visible on the underside of the d 4/26/1897 #578  
ed off, a number of smaller lights became visible ont he underside of the d 4/26/1897 #579  
at night dismounted when his horse became disturbed, and walked to the edge Summer 1910 #838  
ption was of a "gyrating sun" that became a silver disc, and emitted bright 10/13/1917 #971  
 object intercepting starlight. It became brilliantly lighted and landed in 2/22/1922 #1019  
 object intercepting starlight. It became brilliantly lighted and landed in 2/22/1922 #1020  
d saw a circular flying object. It became brilliantly lighted and landed in 2/22/1922 #1021  
 with a yellow light and his horse became very nervous. Within 6 m of the o 6/12/1929 #1096  
 with a yellow light and his horse became very nervous. Within 6 m of the o 6/12/1929 #1097  
ht landed on the ground. His horse became very nervous. The object was esti 6/12/1929 #1099  
itnesses on board. Len Stringfield became a life long UFO investigator as a 8/28/1945 #1931  
, a formation of five TBM avengers became disoriented while flying northeas 12/5/1945 #1951  
for Aeronautics (NACA, which later became NASA). Bush was mentioned in a Ca 1/31/1948 #3568  
m with a green lightning flash. It became dark. As he approached the craft, 2/17/1949 #4014  
 flash of green lightning. It then became dark. As he approached the craft, 2/17/1949 #4016  
arfare head Joseph Bryan III later became President and Board Chairman of N 3/27/1950 #4742  
e faces and arms of the boys later became red.                              4/8/1950 #4828  
e faces and arms of the boys later became red with welts.                   4/8/1950 #4832  
 A large red-yellow glow burst and became blue-white.  No further informati 3/10/1951 #5476  
        US Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt became chief of the newly revitalized AF 9/1951 #5643  
alized AF UFO project (which later became Project Blue Book).               9/1951 #5643  
US New AF UFO project (which later became Project Blue Book) officially est 10/27/1951 #5748  
y green fireballs which eventually became Twinkle. All members were scienti 2/19/1952 #5911  
 Metcalfe. One silver-white sphere became an ellipse as it turned and climb 6/28/1952 #6657  
set. Two small, varicolored lights became black silhouettes at dawn; flew e 9/1/1952 #7816  
he two small, multi-colored lights became black silhouettes at dawn and fle 9/1/1952 #7819  
 object in cloud formation; object became elliptical in appearance, sped aw 10/13/1952 #8127  
rands, except when balled together became gelatinous, and sublimed.         10/17/1952 #8149  
ocation in a desert in New Mexico. Became a separate project in 1976.       1954 #9414  
d Detroit Archbishop Edward Mooney became the main information co-ordinator 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
ike object descended, stopped, and became extremely bright. Sighting lasted 6/22/1954 #9927  
reature "popped inside." The craft became luminous and went out of sight. S 9/14/1954 #10297  
reature "popped inside." The craft became luminous and shot out of sight. U 9/14/1954 #10302  
all bus. The light from the object became reddish, and he could see a black 9/19/1954 #10363  
p. As he approached it, the object became dark and took off vertically with 10/1/1954 #10561  
th a whistling sound. It flew off, became luminous again, and took off at f 10/1/1954 #10562  
). As he approached it, the object became dark and took off vertically with 10/1/1954 #10578  
th a whistling sound. It flew off, became luminous again, and then shot off 10/1/1954 #10579  
ound. It showed luminous spots and became completely illuminated when it to 10/3/1954 #10661  
ound. It showed luminous spots and became completely illuminated when it to 10/3/1954 #10671  
e on top, dived toward the ground, became white and went away.              10/8/1954 #10815  
ped object dove toward the ground, became white and then flew away.         10/8/1954 #10821  
 luminous object on the ground. It became fiery red in color and flew away  10/11/1954 #10931  
 luminous object on the ground. It became fiery red in color and flew away  10/11/1954 #10947  
dle, was surprised when the animal became restless. Rising from the side of 10/16/1954 #11142  
adlights failed; then luminous UFO became visible ahead of car (NICAP: 03 - 10/21/1954 #11295  
ring a buzzing noise. When the fog became less dense, he could see a strang 10/24/1954 #11366  
at around 5:00 p.m. when their dog became agitated and started barking. One 10/25/1954 #11401  
the creature scrutinized them they became frightened. The object suddenly d 10/29/1954 #11482  
ger than he originally thought and became somewhat apprehensive. It was lik 11/2/1954 #11539  
stare at him intently. He suddenly became aware that, without intention, he 11/2/1954 #11539  
 object flew over. The next day he became sick to his stomach and ended up  11/8/1954 #11601  
lligible language. When the farmer became convinced that the humanoids were 11/14/1954 #11655  
ome 80 meters away. When the light became brighter the man felt an intense  12/17/1954 #11829  
 also suggests around this time he became aware of a deep underground milit 3/1/1955 #12028  
e with an opening where a stairway became visible. Two occupants were seen. 9/16/1955 #12456  
e with an opening where a stairway became visible. Two occupants were seen. 9/16/1955 #12457  
ence Office at Wright Field (which became the Foreign Technology Division). 1956 #12639  
Yard at the time) and all its crew became invisible in October 1943, but th 4/1956 #12777  
ssed it, and the ship and its crew became invisible temporarily, before exp 4/1956 #12779  
turn, dimmed, window-like markings became visible. (UFOE, XII) (NICAP: 01 - 8/19/1956 #13099  
ss-country training flight when he became lost and ran low on fuel. The are 7/28/1957 #13848  
an area about 100 m diameter. They became nearly paralyzed and "felt a warm 9/16/1957 #13999  
about 100 meters in diameter. They became nearly paralyzed and "felt a warm 9/16/1957 #14002  
way. The top part was spinning. It became green as it slowed down, was then 10/16/1957 #14127  
rt of the UFO was spinning, and it became green as it slowed down. It then  10/16/1957 #14131  
e same time that a whistling sound became audible. He was tall and fair, wo 11/18/1957 #14578  
 observed in Indianapolis, Indiana became a rectangular object with sharp e 11/25/1957 #14615  
e-looking heads there." An opening became visible and four creatures emerge 12/1957 #14648  
ickly towards the sea, and soon it became a great big globe lying on the su 6/12/1958 #15092  
After the object submerged the sea became brilliant with many bright colors 12/13/1959 #16119  
ound gradually stopped, an opening became visible, and two dwarfs with over Spring 1960 #16201  
e a whistling noise. The telephone became entangled by its passage.         6/13/1961 #16728  
 a light following their car. They became afraid and drove away. A "beeping 9/19/1961 #16852  
ed to stare directly at them. They became frightened and drove away. A "bee 9/19/1961 #16858  
ipsoidal, football shape, and then became covered with a (possibly artifici 2/19/1962 #17053  
ranged in a rectangular formation, became two objects with lights by the en 3/26/1962 #17086  
windows. The noise stopped, a door became visible, and a small being appear 12/17/1962 #17587  
 the village, went towards it, and became paralyzed and unable to move when 1/11/1963 #17635  
s psychological research into what became known as the “KUBARK Counterintel 7/1963 #17819  
cky saw a cigar-shaped object that became a disc, then vanished behind some 7/18/1963 #17839  
ness: A.F. Schelling. One fireball became a dark object after 4 minutes, an 8/13/1963 #17898  
, which left. The chlldren somehow became convinced that the being was "goo 8/28/1963 #17920  
, which left. The chlldren somehow became convinced that the being was "goo 8/28/1963 #17924  
vehicle skidded, left the road and became bogged down in the mud. The drive 10/12/1963 #17988  
r light. Then a flashing red light became visible on the UFO. The object fi 11/12/1963 #18034  
the witnesses fled when an opening became visible.                          12/10/1963 #18071  
while a UFO flew by. His cows also became ill.                              12/24/1963 #18092  
her bed and fell asleep. She later became a UFO contactee.                  2/3/1964 #18126  
dsburg, New Mexico the entire area became illuminated as bright as day by a 4/22/1964 #18185  
It rose to 4 m with a strong roar, became silent, hovered and flew away. Tr 4/24/1964 #18194  
nd to observe it better. When they became afraid and walked back to the car 5/24/1964 #18296  
object started in his direction he became afraid and drove off.             7/30/1964 #18459  
 of the men, Mr. D. Shrum, age 28, became lost and climbed a tree. It was t 9/4/1964 #18535  
t away from their house. Their dog became frightened. Ten to twelve 7'-8' t 11/25/1964 #18638  
reen light on top. When an opening became visible, the witnesses thought th 12/28/1964 #18677  
with other persons, and a dog that became restless at a spot where grass wa 2/3/1965 #18795  
 Marietta engineer visited him and became upset when someone present saw so 5/17/1965 #18945  
e. Twenty minutes later his vision became hazy and his eyes were painful. H 8/13/1965 #19379  
e three or four legs. Crespo’s son became so frightened that he became naus 8/26/1965 #19466  
s son became so frightened that he became nauseated, so they went back to t 8/26/1965 #19466  
re it “took off like lighting,” it became too bright to look at.            8/26/1965 #19466  
d. He reentered the machine, which became illuminated and took off, first v 9/1/1965 #19491  
ered with fluorescent paint but it became so intensely bright that they cou 3/23/1966 #20046  
ith fluorescent paint. However, it became so intensely bright that they cou 3/23/1966 #20054  
ghts. Driving within 2 m of it, he became afraid and backed up, but the obj 3/31/1966 #20174  
finally stopped to observe it, but became afraid when he saw that it came f 7/25/1966 #20681  
e finally stopped to watch it, but became afraid when it flew within 100 me 7/25/1966 #20685  
a horizontal position. A dome then became visible on top of the disk. It ho 8/19/1966 #20769  
a horizontal position. A dome then became visible on top of the disc. It ne 8/19/1966 #20773  
esses went outside when the TV set became blurred. They observed a fantasti 9/3/1966 #20841  
ses went outside when their TV set became blurred near Kelly AFB, Texas. Th 9/3/1966 #20844  
7 m. An opening and a short ladder became visible, and a small man, dressed 11/17/1966 #21116  
st Virginia Mr. Ury, 25-years-old, became yet another "Mothman" witness. Th 11/25/1966 #21148  
arge as cars, gave off vapor, then became three bright reddish-orange light 12/25/1966 #21220  
eral fold. At this point the girls became quite frightened and tried to fle 1/25/1967 #21388  
 flee, but all three girls quickly became weak and paralyzed, unable to cry 1/25/1967 #21388  
he craft when his captors suddenly became panic-stricken, dropped him, hurr 2/5/1967 #21462  
or 20 minutes. It moved closer and became a huge dark object which reminded 4/10/1967 #22102  
inutes, then disappears as traffic became heavier. The witnesses are badly  4/21/1967 #22191  
ficer searched the wooded area and became separated. The deputy found nothi 4/21/1967 #22200  
as making stopped, and the witness became afraid and ran away. Police found 4/26/1967 #22223  
ed and then descended. The witness became frightened and fled the scene whe 4/28/1967 #22246  
t saw nothing. Then a yellow light became visible to the left, and thinking 5/11/1967 #22317  
p and looked metallic. The witness became afraid and emptied his .25 Berett 5/11/1967 #22317  
e saw nothing. Then a yellow light became visible to his left, and thinking 5/11/1967 #22319  
ome on top and looked metallic. He became frightened and emptied his .25 ca 5/11/1967 #22319  
nd appeared to land, whereupon she became frightened and went into the hous 5/31/1967 #22430  
e ground and appeared to land. She became frightened and ran inside her hou 5/31/1967 #22433  
about 2 m above ground. An opening became visible in the middle section and 7/17/1967 #22681  
Florida. A dog riding in their car became fearful of the low flying yellow  7/21/1967 #22720  
parks, increased in size, stopped, became an egg in appearance, and gave of 8/2/1967 #22778  
, like a mirror. When the entities became aware of the children they rose u 8/29/1967 #22955  
fter watching for half an hour she became tired and went back to bed. The U 9/2/1967 #22984  
dache. Lying down on bed, she soon became aware that someone else was nearb 9/3/1967 #22990  
nt his car "reared" and Sr. Edrosa became panic stricken, fleeing on foot.  9/21/1967 #23106  
d in the rear. Then the rim lights became very bright, it assumed a horizon 10/24/1967 #23309  
tnesses. As the men looked up they became mesmerized, and Ritter began hear 10/24/1967 #23310  
 the road into a ditch, and Malley became terrified. Her son in the back se 12/12/1967 #23575  
reen from time to time. The couple became frightened when the object follow 12/28/1967 #23617  
mming sound. The sensation of heat became very strong, even in the car. The 12/29/1967 #23619  
lding through a skylight. The girl became frightened at this point and went 2/21/1968 #23774  
 had had an abundant head of hair, became bald in less than a year. A circu 5/17/1968 #23970  
ightly back and forth. Mr. Banescu became frightened and attempted desperat 5/22/1968 #23980  
ng aerial craft with no lights. He became dizzy, and when he recovered, he  6/4/1968 #24006  
horizon. It turned a red color and became much brighter. Sorenson's truck e 8/29/1968 #24402  
near Gagra, Georgia. The large UFO became elongated and then vanished. One  9/19/1968 #24487  
ely. As the dawn approached and it became possible to see better, the remai 10/15/1968 #24563  
jectory. The body of the UFO again became visible, clearly displaying the s 1/6/1969 #24822  
goats in a pasture. The billy-goat became impotent as a result, and his dog 2/9/1969 #24907  
. The next day, at about 3 p.m. he became aware of figures moving around be 5/4/1969 #25115  
, fingering his rosary. The leader became irritated, snatched the rosary aw 5/4/1969 #25115  
red rather bright, then dimmed and became bright two times before she and h 5/11/1969 #25128  
eared. Two days later Sr. Bermudez became very ill, and within a few days h 7/4/1969 #25253  
cca got up to close the window and became frozen in place, literally unable 8/22/1969 #25326  
 aerial" on top. It was lit up and became translucent, so that he could see 8/10/1970 #25777  
proached, and their car headlights became dim as it did so. The object repe 8/16/1970 #25790  
arently sent out signals. The boys became frightened and ran away.          8/19/1970 #25796  
e sound rose in intensity until it became unbearable. At that moment Valeri 9/7/1970 #25828  
 approached the object on foot but became frightened and ran back to the ca 10/24/1970 #25886  
ky. It was fuzzy at first but then became perfectly clear. It began to move 11/24/1970 #25918  
ection of the noise and everything became silent. A search of the area the  3/25/1971 #26054  
 figure went, the less distinct it became. Stunned, he got up and ran out o 7/8/1971 #26218  
he presence of the witness, Paquin became frightened and fled.              7/12/1971 #26224  
 sound resembling loud heart beats became evident. Simultaneously the area  8/16/1971 #26291  
ece of chocolate, which he ate, he became drowsy and later woke up in his a 8/25/1971 #26305  
pes with red light at each end. It became oblong, then cigar shaped.        9/2/1971 #26310  
 arms. He could walk, but his arms became so completely paralyzed that he c 9/20/1971 #26354  
when she suddenly and inexplicably became apprehensive. Upon turning around 10/28/1971 #26438  
 up to a military vedette post. He became aware of three giant figures stan 10/28/1971 #26438  
ng some sort of trance. Everything became completely silent around him and  12/6/1971 #26490  
ar radio, and their dog in the car became quite excited. They then saw a st 12/22/1971 #26515  
ng a cigarette, but then the smoke became a big fire. "There was a bright l 8/22/1972 #26949  
ore midnight. As it came closer it became a disc-shaped platform three mete 9/7/1972 #26979  
s reddish orange in color and then became purple. In its upper portion he c 12/30/1972 #27193  
 doors or windows in the room, and became frightened; she started to cry an 2/22/1973 #27310  
nside. As it got closer, its light became yellow-white.                     5/3/1973 #27465  
it the car and, as it did, the car became transparent. He fainted. About an 5/22/1973 #27519  
 cause. Eleven months later Patero became the principal experiencer in an a 5/22/1973 #27519  
by a human looking figure. He then became confused and felt he had been suc 7/27/1973 #27657  
and a presence. Both Nancy and Jim became hysterical. The other couple perc 10/14/1973 #28031  
. Something "lit up" and the light became too bright to be merely the refle 10/24/1973 #28270  
ing trouble breathing, and the air became filled with a strong odor like ro 10/25/1973 #28286  
 Aires Province, Argentina when he became aware of a yellow and blue light  10/28/1973 #28311  
nally stopping working altogether, became engaged to be married and then cu 10/28/1973 #28311  
s smelled "an odor of sulphur" and became drowsy for a few moments. When he 10/29/1973 #28319  
 surged when the lights on the UFO became intense. Deputy sheriffs came in  12/6/1973 #28536  
down the pier when two more lights became visible to their right. They coul 1/15/1974 #28680  
and as he approached it, the light became brighter and larger. (Reference:  1/22/1974 #28690  
he other side. The woman's husband became upset. He went and got his rifle  3/1/1974 #28842  
, Illinois when everyone but Keith became extremely tired and went off to b 3/12/1974 #28874  
ico city in his Piper Aztec 24, he became aware of three objects positioned 5/2/1974 #29079  
e except for the principal witness became sick and passed out. He then felt 5/9/1974 #29098  
wards and also passed out. He next became aware of a bright white light aro 5/9/1974 #29098  
r. As they drove along it suddenly became very cold in the car. They estima 5/31/1974 #29150  
o emitted static. The car interior became extremely hot and she felt nausea 9/3/1974 #29418  
dogs started howling, and the area became lit up, revealing a circular dark 9/7/1974 #29429  
rds had swollen arms, fingers, and became numb on the right side of her fac 9/16/1974 #29460  
orted that the interior of his car became cold and there was a loss of powe 9/24/1974 #29475  
estyle changes. For instance, they became ill if they ate meat. Both John a 10/27/1974 #29561  
 car could be started. The witness became physically ill after the sighting 2/19/1975 #29828  
evice, and an opening on the craft became visible. They got inside and emba 4/22/1975 #30000  
ing their arms around. The witness became frightened and ran home. Around t 6/1/1975 #30074  
ound the object. This witness also became afraid and left. When he looked b 6/1/1975 #30074  
coffee bar, occupied by 80 people, became absolutely silent, when everythin 7/12/1975 #30175  
nd performed aerobatics, and later became dark red when the object climbed  8/14/1975 #30271  
ps near Hakushu, Japan when Furuya became agitated about a group of childre 10/1/1975 #30409  
ights, moving north to south, then became stationary, observed for 10 minut 11/16/1975 #30633  
ake public all the UFO files if he became president. Carter answers, “Yes,  3/31/1976 #30970  
ic craft. Suddenly a row of lights became visible inside an opening in the  4/23/1976 #31019  
 uniform. When the whistling sound became louder the boys ran to get their  7/5/1976 #31154  
o feel “tingly”. Eventually he too became paralyzed. While this was going o 8/1/1976 #31219  
en at around 9:00 p.m. one of them became aware of being watched. He turned 8/26/1976 #31307  
t, which suddenly turned off, then became many less intense lights. There w 9/19/1976 #31412  
three legs. An oval-shaped opening became visible from which a red light sh 10/29/1976 #31505  
l construction methods. The object became stationary and they sat staring a 12/6/1976 #31587  
ed a corner in the road that light became a lenticular mass of brilliant li 12/10/1976 #31594  
from the figure. The two witnesses became afraid and locked themselves in t 1/3/1977 #31687  
ine grove when the animal suddenly became agitated and sat next to him. He  1/4/1977 #31689  
ine grove when the animal suddenly became agitated and sat next to him. He  1/4/1977 #31690  
 Portugal when the animal suddenly became agitated and sat next to him. He  1/4/1977 #31691  
ted to move toward them, the girls became frightened and fled. When they re 5/18/1977 #32111  
at and the motorcycle's metal body became hot to the touch. The object then 6/6/1977 #32153  
 turned off the light because they became nervous at seeing the object's re 7/21/1977 #32296  
 turned off the light because they became nervous at seeing the object's re 7/21/1977 #32299  
ght beam was removed. It gradually became very foggy, so at 4:30 a.m. they  8/1/1977 #32345  
uminated as if by a halo, and they became frightened and went back to Sturn 8/31/1977 #32446  
inated object. The other witnesses became tired of watching after awhile, a 10/6/1977 #32555  
e some sort of helmet. The witness became frightened and ran home.          10/26/1977 #32619  
ghts seen earlier with the figure, became frightened, and drove off.        11/13/1977 #32671  
very close to the ground. Both men became frightened and fled in panic from 1/6/1978 #32856  
eemed to measure it. The witnesses became frightened and ran from the area, 1/27/1978 #32921  
vets or fittings. At this point he became aware of a powerful odor of pine, 2/5/1978 #32957  
n its mouth. At this point the boy became afraid, and ran away quickly away 5/2/1978 #33185  
or someone was in the beam, and he became scared and ran home, having watch 6/16/1978 #33283  
o ascend. Two bright yellow lights became visible and the craft flew off in 7/11/1978 #33368  
 other damage. Moments later, they became aware of presence of two short be 9/10/1978 #33657  
 feet in diameter, until their car became bogged down. The ball of light th 10/15/1978 #33839  
indows. At one point the witnesses became disoriented and there appears to  11/11/1978 #33944  
 light gray coveralls. The witness became frightened and drove away from th 11/11/1978 #33945  
indows. At one point the witnesses became disoriented and there appears to  11/11/1978 #33946  
d, the glow surrounding the object became elongated.                        11/15/1978 #33958  
t made low humming noises. The men became frightened and left the area. Lar 11/24/1978 #33996  
 be moving their arms. The witness became frightened and went back inside.  11/28/1978 #34015  
ed onto the surface of the sea and became a very bright flourescent white l 12/16/1978 #34148  
ed onto the surface of the sea and became a very bright flourescent white l 12/16/1978 #34155  
 wall, which then flipped over and became a bed. Paralyzed, he was unable t 1/3/1979 #34292  
cons of light. Suddenly everything became very dark and moments later the d 1/12/1979 #34333  
ate in the evening when everything became illuminated behind him, turning t 2/26/1979 #34449  
ening after 8 p.m. when everything became illuminated behind him, turning t 2/26/1979 #34450  
, Brazil around 10:30 a.m. when he became separated from the others. Sr. do 5/16/1979 #34564  
e to get about 10 meters before he became frozen in place, unable to move.  5/16/1979 #34564  
t to a remote location. Everything became silent, and the object descended  5/17/1979 #34566  
 light up into the sky. An opening became visible at one end of the object, 7/15/1979 #34655  
A large rectangular shaped opening became visible in the second object and  8/2/1979 #34701  
A large rectangular shaped opening became visible in the second object and  8/2/1979 #34704  
od next to the object. The witness became frightened and ran home. The gras 11/27/1979 #35022  
as taking a walk when she suddenly became paralyzed and unable to move. Nea 12/4/1979 #35050  
astervik, Sweden when she suddenly became paralyzed and unable to move. Nea 12/4/1979 #35052  
ly began running at witnesses, who became terrified and drove away frantica 2/11/1980 #35169  
hen suddenly everything around him became dark and he blacked out. When Vom 2/11/1980 #35170  
 England. The man's steering wheel became unbearably hot during the flyover 3/13/1980 #35213  
 England. The man's steering wheel became unbearably hot during the flyover 3/13/1980 #35215  
 spectacle. Their weapons suddenly became disabled, as if welded together.  8/16/1980 #35459  
d County, Texas when her car radio became garbled and she heard a loud elec 8/22/1980 #35475  
the period of the next few months, became concerned and requested the guard 10/24/1980 #35586  
emed to have all the control. John became very agitated as they wanted him  12/31/1980 #35759  
re just going to take a sample. He became more agitated and repeated twice, 12/31/1980 #35759  
ing and acting strangely. His wife became frightened and went back to bed.  2/13/1981 #35827  
nother shepherd, but his companion became extremely afraid, screamed out an 2/18/1981 #35832  
ible language. Terrified, Jose now became confused and his next memory was  2/18/1981 #35832  
lerate. All the women panicked and became more confused when the UFO and li 7/15/1981 #36008  
 Initially frightened, the witness became very calm when the being gazed at 9/20/1981 #36134  
ke legs near the witnesses. A door became visible on the craft and a tall h 10/8/1981 #36165  
ng gear near the witnesses. A door became visible, and a tall, human-lookin 11/8/1981 #36211  
earby Coca-Cola factory. The light became bigger as it approached her posit End of 1981 #36240  
e trying to scream and immediately became aware of two unusual humanoid fig 4/20/1982 #36448  
. The light moved to the north and became a little elongated, then became t 7/22/1982 #36545  
nd became a little elongated, then became top shaped and reddish in color,  7/22/1982 #36545  
d connected to the hose. The women became frightened and ran inside. The po 7/22/1982 #36545  
 ball of light at around 6 a.m. He became sick, laid down, and died shortly 8/26/1982 #36583  
strength. In 2–3 seconds the cones became “an ocean” of light with an openi 10/14/1982 #36641  
hing began to grow larger until it became a huge, dark man-like figure that 11/10/1982 #36678  
er with a cylinder of light, which became a glowing ovoid object. During th 1/30/1983 #36756  
ple was taken, and he subsequently became unconscious. When he came to agai 8/9/1983 #36940  
enly noticed everything around him became brightly lit. He looked up to see 5/19/1984 #37334  
m. Suddenly, everything around him became brightly lit, and the witness fel 5/19/1984 #37335  
 when they moved the UFO moved! It became apparent that "it" did not want t 7/15/1984 #37401  
dministration (ERDA) in 1975. ERDA became the Department of Energy (DOE) in 7/24/1984 #37416  
owton, England to have a smoke. He became aware of a humming sound coming f 5/9/1985 #37589  
lt heat coming from the object and became very shaky and scared. They also  8/1/1986 #37968  
s face. Radio communications again became garbled during the close approach 11/17/1986 #38072  
ed over it. Moments later the room became dark and everything began spinnin 3/7/1987 #38133  
een traveling at treetop level. It became a delta-shaped object with four h 8/20/1987 #38248  
 Each of the four, Walker alleges, became highly successful in technology,  8/30/1987 #38264  
-20 came alive and the parking lot became active."                          1/19/1988 #38417  
tive chemical element. Faye’s hand became red and swollen in the days after 1/20/1988 #38422  
at Los Alamos at the time; Puthoff became involved in AATIP eight years lat 4/1988 #38527  
ly the struggle ended when Walters became unconscious. Upon recovering cons 5/1/1988 #38551  
, South Australia. A man awoke and became aware of a a group of short human 10/24/1988 #38687  
right light "new to the area;" she became curious and stopped her car. A li 11/9/1988 #38709  
rightened suddenly and the witness became disoriented. She could only remem 2/6/1989 #38818  
t to her sleeping husband when she became aware of a high-pitched sound. On 4/12/1989 #38902  
ches and the left side of his face became swollen and began to bleed. For t 5/10/1989 #38942  
 buzzing sensation in her head and became completely paralyzed. The next th 6/29/1989 #38997  
legs. The creature’s eyes suddenly became red, frightening the witness. A s 8/10/1989 #39055  
 At one point the craft and beings became briefly invisible but then reappe 9/27/1989 #39126  
as purchased by Ford Aerospace and became a part of Ford Motor Company. In  10/1989 #39139  
hen suddenly everything around her became black; the road, posts, and house 10/8/1989 #39150  
sion in her head and her breathing became shallow, and soon both she and he 10/11/1989 #39164  
ed slowly out the window. The room became absolutely dark again. Iva stood  10/31/1989 #39199  
ding window, which came closer and became a deep red, glowing hamburger bun 2/5/1990 #39409  
for help but could not scream. She became completely covered in perspiratio 2/18/1990 #39422  
 swaying. He dog howled, and later became sick. The disc flew away by makin 2/22/1990 #39429  
          North Huntington, PA Dog became still and quite before a boomeran 5/24/1990 #39587  
 a low altitude. The witness's arm became numb during this close encounter. 6/23/1990 #39623  
 directly in front of him. He then became frightened and hid behind a light 7/23/1990 #39658  
sed in a bright halo of light. She became concerned, fearing that she might 9/13/1990 #39731  
 a control panel. The object later became dark and landed outside a perimet 9/13/1990 #39732  
 it shot up into a cloud the cloud became luminescent.                      6/5/1991 #40084  
aving behind a V-shaped trail that became fog-like and disappeared. He hear 12/4/1991 #40254  
r. Next, a vibrating vertical line became visible. Next to the stripe a bea 1/24/1992 #40302  
tity.”  Greer states the gathering became a “barrage” of questions directed 3/9/1992 #40369  
able to see anything. Suddenly, he became paralyzed, and saw the approach o 4/12/1992 #40414  
the close encounter, and their dog became sick. The incident lasted 30 minu 8/29/1992 #40596  
 ahead of them. From the ground it became a crescent shaped light, blue in  9/22/1992 #40636  
re "caramel" colored. She suddenly became able to move again, but when she  9/24/1992 #40639  
ng the encounter the area suddenly became cold. Paca again became paralyzed 9/24/1992 #40639  
a suddenly became cold. Paca again became paralyzed and was unable to speak 9/24/1992 #40639  
alongside two F-111s. The sighting became public in 1992, after which, Brit 12/22/1992 #40762  
seemed to slow down and everything became frozen in "time". Harold saw thre 1/12/1993 #40794  
and pull open the window. She then became afraid and went back to bed, but  1/27/1993 #40816  
rcome both witnesses, as both then became aware of a strange vehicle drivin 3/16/1993 #40886  
d on and off for two seconds, then became two white lights that flew from t 3/30/1993 #40905  
 hill. Soon three humanoid figures became visible next to the light; they d 6/18/1993 #41022  
he higher she went the dizzier she became. Through some sort of white mist  8/10/1993 #41123  
. The first set spun clockwise and became blurred when moving forward.      8/11/1993 #41131  
but as they got into the room they became solid. The beings clustered aroun 8/20/1993 #41148  
he suddenly thought of the boy and became afraid, thinking, "they are here  8/20/1993 #41148  
0 meters away. The object suddenly became brighter illuminating the nearby  4/7/1994 #41480  
 Romania, and a nearby wheat field became lit up by a very bright light. Tr 6/27/1994 #41588  
t came out of the wall. Everything became confused at this point.; he was o 9/11/1994 #41734  
 plants when everything around him became illuminated by multicolored light 5/15/1995 #42211  
ound, leaving behind traces. A dog became sick.                             6/3/1995 #42236  
n the verandah steps then suddenly became alarmed and returned back home. S 2/10/1996 #42754  
ottom of the object. At the object became bright again, it quickly took off 5/6/1996 #42898  
nd next to some trees. Suddenly he became paralyzed and unable to move. Bes 6/21/1996 #42936  
se, and came down behind him. Rusu became frightened when he saw the object 7/8/1996 #42950  
tude of about 30 meters its lights became much brighter, and the neon stree 7/8/1996 #42950  
two friends of author Lucy Pringle became ill with nausea, fatigue, and mem 7/9/1996 #42953  
s of Monte Berici, then everything became abnormally quiet. Soon they heard 7/22/1996 #42963  
ing eyes staring at them. The girl became frightened and covered herself wi 7/22/1996 #42963  
 alleged NRO operative, states: “I became part of a group that would invest 8/30/1996 #43002  
bject. At this point the witnesses became extremely frightened and drove aw 9/23/1996 #43039  
women. At this point the witnesses became disoriented and had vague memorie 9/23/1996 #43039  
lored uniform. All three witnesses became frightened and hid until the obje 2/16/1997 #43194  
d been turned off. Her eyes slowly became accustomed to the dark and she fe 2/24/1997 #43207  
otograph it, but the light dimmed, became oval shaped, and vanished. Flatte 3/19/1997 #43235  
 saw a flock of birds, but soon it became apparent they were looking at a U 4/18/1997 #43265  
opped to assist him when they both became aware of a UFO about 100 yards aw 4/28/1997 #43283  
, and dark black eyes. The witness became frightened and drove off. No one  6/5/1997 #43313  
 in bed this night at 2:30 a.m. he became aware of a bluish white light bea 12/14/1997 #43462  
arently stared at the children who became scared and ran into the house yel 5/7/1998 #43562  
 light went dark and two humanoids became visible. They were both walking o 6/21/1998 #43591  
r to wait there. The room suddenly became hot and then cold in a matter of  7/11/1998 #43601  
them, but when it turned around it became aware of their presence by first  8/24/1998 #43637  
er of the red light. Then a figure became visible inside the white light. T 9/21/1998 #43650  
 closer. At the same time they all became paralyzed. After three minutes th 11/7/1998 #43678  
ive minutes followed, and then all became quiet. After another two minutes  11/13/1998 #43682  
ree illuminated triangular windows became visible. Inside the window he cou 11/25/1998 #43684  
ree illuminated triangular windows became visible. Inside the window he cou 11/29/1998 #43689  
entified as a thermal blanket that became dislodged and lost during a Decem 12/11/1998 #43698  
ing on the engine and his handlers became uncomfortable when he asked where 1999 #43709  
ct and disappeared. The craft then became brighter and rose up quickly, dis 4/1/1999 #43752  
to exist in government in 1969 and became privately funded and was identifi 7/7/1999 #43798  
rail near Lodi, Wisconsin when she became separated from her friend and wen 8/22/1999 #43831  
nged form to a boomerang shape and became transparent, and changed course t 9/21/1999 #43852  
ar vibrating feeling, and then she became very lethargic. In the dark she s 10/26/1999 #43866  
g by the bedroom door. The witness became enraged and by using her thoughts 10/26/1999 #43866  
ge emanating from the object, then became frightened.                       11/26/1999 #43889  
ifornia at 9:30 p.m. The observers became surrounded by a beam of light whi 7/7/2000 #44012  
ng his girlfriend when he suddenly became drowsy and very sleepy. His next  8/10/2000 #44029  
g but unable to move. She suddenly became aware of a presence, and when she 10/15/2000 #44058  
n his bed. One of the figures then became dark and apparently approached th 10/15/2000 #44059  
 mouth, and was lifted up. He then became unconscious, and could not rememb 10/15/2000 #44059  
red, and then some strange symbols became visible. Soon after the incident  10/28/2000 #44063  
es, for several minutes. They then became erratic in their movements. The s 11/30/2000 #44093  
r house, then watched as the house became smaller, and then the city of Ros 5/2/2001 #44174  
r their own survival purposes. She became terrified as the three humanoids  5/2/2001 #44174  
 they re-entered the object, which became bright again and took off at high 7/1/2001 #44201  
ollecting ground samples when they became aware of the presence of the stud 8/1/2001 #44217  
 in Perm, Russia at 12:30 a.m. and became obscured by low clouds. Two searc 7/17/2002 #44361  
 girls ended up on the ground. She became extremely hysterical and ran insi 7/28/2002 #44367  
 over to the horse shed everything became completely quiet. The witness sta 5/3/2003 #44523  
hanged color from orange to red It became smaller, then brighter again, the 5/31/2003 #44550  
2:32 a.m. It made a humming sound, became "wavy" and disappeared. There wer 8/6/2003 #44571  
s told her father about it, and he became a third witness, but he could onl 4/12/2004 #44686  
ight under each wing. The daughter became a little concerned and said they  4/16/2004 #44689  
oming down from the sky. The woman became agitated and began yelling that t 5/12/2004 #44699  
rying to talk to her. The dog also became disturbed and ran off. Two more d 5/12/2004 #44699  
and moved directly towards him. He became fearful and started to run from h 10/2/2004 #44766  
na that moved straight up until it became impossible to see.                11/24/2004 #44789  
Pennsylvania reported that his dog became fearful of a glowing chevron-shap 5/9/2005 #44838  
dog was with me. Suddenly, the dog became very agitated and seemed to want  5/9/2005 #44838  
ved to lean to the right, and then became a dot and moved toward another la 10/6/2005 #44887  
. A few months after the documents became known, a UK Ministry of Defence o 11/1/2005 #44898  
 to white. It spun on its axis and became orange-colored, and then another  12/31/2006 #44992  
 with no flashing lights, and then became very bright, next "jumped" up and 8/6/2008 #45156  
-year-old brother. When the figure became aware that the girl had seen it,  8/28/2009 #45239  
 craft some 30 meters above it. It became clear that the cow was being "abs 9/5/2009 #45242  
ly about five seconds. The witness became extremely upset, and he had uncon 9/14/2009 #45247  
ky. Then the light from the object became brighter and brighter, and it tur 5/16/2010 #45283  
rnment supervision. Mover and Bell became fearful of moving forward. By lat 6/2011 #45327  
se states in 1962-63 the simulator became operational and was based on a re 11/1/2013 #45392  
             Tom DeLonge states he became “involved” in different groups of 8/31/2016 #45458  
of that. After retirement, Ralston became a member of the Boards of Directo 7/5/2019 #45590  
 2018, Triad National Security LLC became the manager and operator of Los A 6/25/2021 #45695  
 so frequently that the encounters became commonplace, Ryan Graves, a retir 8/29/2021 #45704  
tners from Brown Brothers Harriman became the trustees for the stolen gold. 10/2021 #45713  
## Word: "becar" (Back to Top)
                                   BECAR, FR 2 separate observer(s). Dark s 9/24/1954 #10426  
                                   Becar, near Diges and "Les Michauts" or  9/24/1954 #10433  
ters in diameter, in a clearing in Becar, near Diges, Yonne, France. A man  9/24/1954 #10437  
## Word: "bechar" (Back to Top)
                                   BECHAR, ALGERIA Fr. Air Force transport  12/22/1965 #19785  
                                   BECHAR, ALG Date approximate. UFO sighti 2/1975 (approximate) #29778  
                              Oran Bechar The US Embassy in Algiers, Algeri 3/7/1975 #29878  
ght light has been seen near Oran, Bechar, and off the coast on March 6 (wh 3/7/1975 #29878  
## Word: "bechdolt" (Back to Top)
 Uniopolis, Ohio 9:30 p.m. Chloene Bechdolt notices a bright red light near 7/21/1978 #33406  
## Word: "bechtel" (Back to Top)
3:00 p.m. USAF Lt. Col. Maurice G. Bechtel and his wife are in the yard of  5/10/1952 #6296  
e size of a B-36 at high altitude. Bechtel alerts the radar station but it  5/10/1952 #6296  
                            Former Bechtel Corp contractor James McCampbell 6/22/1986 #37921  
ghborhood of San Francisco: Steven Bechtel of Bechtel Corp., billionaire oi Mid 1990's #41926  
f San Francisco: Steven Bechtel of Bechtel Corp., billionaire oil tycoon Go Mid 1990's #41926  
nd Hamilton, MITRE Corp., SAIC and Bechtel Corp.  https://www.bibliotecaple 8/30/1996 #43001  
o be Jack Sheehan, now working for Bechtel in oil exploration. Sheehan stat 9/10/2003 #44595  
mittee, FBI has some compartments; Bechtel does “underground base construct 4/18/2016 #45451  
in the northwest corner). The firm Bechtel Corp. is noted as having a conne 5/30/2018 #45528  
n). Sarfatti claims he is close to Bechtel, was close to the Reagan Adminis 3/20/2020 #45640  
## Word: "beck" (Back to Top)
ansmission lines from the Sir Adam Beck Hydroelectric Power Station No. 2 i 11/9/1965 #19709  
## Word: "becke" (Back to Top)
gland Vickers shipyard Night. Maj. Becke, commander of defenses at Barrow-i 8/10/1914 #908  
## Word: "beckemeyer" (Back to Top)
                                   Beckemeyer (Illinois) Elementary School  11/16/1970 #25906  
s are leaving a basketball game at Beckemeyer (Illinois) Elementary School  11/16/1970 #25906  
me photograph of a hovering UFO in Beckemeyer, Illinois at about ten p.m.   1/8/1972 #26545  
## Word: "beckenham" (Back to Top)
                                   BECKENHAM, LONDON Observer(s) feels urge 12/12/1955 #12606  
d. At 6:45 a.m. an observer in the Beckenham neighborhood of London felt th 12/12/1955 #12609  
                                   BECKENHAM, LONDON "French balloon" seen  8/1/1963 #17857  
## Word: "becker" (Back to Top)
any 4:00 p.m. Stone mason Johannes Becker hears a noise resembling thunder  4/1/1826 #122  
irector for Intelligence Loftus E. Becker, that a CIA/OSI group be put toge 7/28/1952 #7265  
      Heraldsburg, California Otto Becker, his son, and daughter-in-law wok 8/20/1966 #20777  
         Early in the morning Otto Becker, his son, and daughter-in-law wok 8/20/1966 #20780  
       In 1994 at 8:30 a.m., a Mr. Becker sighted a square-shaped UFO with  12/1/1994 #41876  
A 67-year-old married couple named Becker heard a loud noise outside their  9/22/1997 #43414  
## Word: "becket" (Back to Top)
 Three discs with lights flew over Becket, Massachusetts on this evening. O 2/27/2001 #44144  
## Word: "beckford" (Back to Top)
e night light maneuvers / sky over Beckford power plant. No further details 7/9/1965 #19086  
hat maneuvered in the sky over the Beckford Power Plant north of Cincinnati 7/9/1965 #19091  
## Word: "beckington" (Back to Top)
                          A36 NEAR BECKINGTON, ENGL Phony land rover withou 12/8/1965 #19757  
                        In 1965 in Beckington, Wiltshire, England a phantom 12/8/1965 #19759  
## Word: "beckley" (Back to Top)
ireballs. It is signed by David Z. Beckley, chief of the R&DB Technical Int 1/7/1949 #3968  
       New York City Timothy Green Beckley begins publishing a somewhat sen 1978 #32828  
## Word: "beckman" (Back to Top)
s / 40° angle. Genuine / Hynek and Beckman. / r114p133.                     3/1967 #21685  
a, Wisconsin being driven by a Ms. Beckman, with her child as a passenger.  11/29/1973 #28483  
 R. Saunders, Hynek associate Fred Beckman, and ufologist Ted Phillips.     1/20/1975 #29758  
## Word: "beckon" (Back to Top)
 Thompson means them no harm, they beckon him closer. The crew consists of  3/28/1950 #4750  
s well as "arms" which appeared to beckon to them.                          8/22/1955 #12389  
s well as "arms" which appeared to beckon to them.                          8/22/1955 #12390  
oor opens. Three beings appear and beckon to him. He approaches the saucer. 4/24/1965 #18916  
## Word: "beckoned" (Back to Top)
e occupant saw her on the roof, he beckoned to another figure that appeared 5/30/1965 #18977  
nd encountered two strange men who beckoned to him. They were five and a ha 7/2/1968 #24133  
e feet. He had long blond hair. He beckoned to Mrs Puddy, but she did not r 2/22/1973 #27310  
oice ordered him to stop, and then beckoned him to approach slowly. Soon a  11/18/1973 #28443  
 It came to about 15 feet away and beckoned, as though indicating for the w 8/30/1977 #32441  
. It came as close as 15 feet, and beckoned, as though wanting the witnesse 8/31/1977 #32446  
e object, but before entering they beckoned for her to come with them. When 7/11/1978 #33368  
e over two meters tall. The figure beckoned the witness with its left hand. 2/10/1996 #42754  
## Word: "beckoning" (Back to Top)
forcibly restrained. Another saw a beckoning, disembodied arm in mid-air. A 8/29/1955 #12416  
re extended its arms at him, as if beckoning him to approach, and it appear 5/2/1978 #33185  
 to move. The being was apparently beckoning to the young man to approach.  7/9/1978 #33362  
## Word: "beckons" (Back to Top)
id / paddock. Thin figure / garden beckons. Back 17 February.               2/10/1996 #42753  
## Word: "becky" (Back to Top)
    At 11:30 p.m. Sylvia Hoialman, Becky Evanston, and Becky Aanstad, all 2 8/8/1965 #19342  
lvia Hoialman, Becky Evanston, and Becky Aanstad, all 21 years old, were dr 8/8/1965 #19342  
                                   Becky Ingram, age 14, heard "voices" in  3/20/1974 #28916  
themselves as "Alton" and "Tombo." Becky was instructed to lie on a hospita 3/20/1974 #28916  
              At around 7 p.m. Ms. Becky Ingram was driving alone on a coun 5/5/1974 #29086  
## Word: "become" (Back to Top)
ptions are popularized, the canals become famous, giving rise to waves of h 10/1877 #211  
r lights surrounding a dark object become visible. The object moves slowly  4/16/1897 #510  
 that their previously wet clothes become “suddenly and completely dry, as  10/13/1917 #970  
. They stare at the witnesses, who become unnerved and leave.               Summer 1922 #1022  
d Ujazd, Poland. Suddenly the cows become agitated and pull on their halter 1926 #1053  
d E. Byrd and his companions would become the first to fly over the South P 11/29/1929 #1105  
t then dimished in size, seemed to become transparent, and disappeared.     6/10/1931 #1129  
                 Germany The Nazis become the only political party left in  7/4/1933 #1165  
hroughout the country, which later become governed by the American Committe 1938 #1279  
n Tennessee for Site X, which will become the Oak Ridge, Tennessee, laborat 9/29/1942 #1449  
andoned their ships into the water become covered with the oily mixture. Th 12/2/1943 #1549  
in the operation are some who will become involved in UFO investigations in 2/23/1944 #1577  
0:45 p.m. Gösta Carlsson, later to become founder and owner of Cernelle AB, 5/18/1946 #1994  
e” points to Peenemünde (which has become a Soviet naval base), East German 8/22/1946 #2150  
ravel much slower, and, of course, become visible either by intent or by ac 7/3/1947 #2551  
me base. Even Clingerman and McCoy become less involved, perhaps because th 1/1949 #3950  
ea Large red-yellow glow burst and become blue-white (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 3/10/1951 #5475  
 One of his contacts, Ashtar, will become a metaphysical superstar, and in  1/6/1952 #5861  
             US Project Grudge had become a full-fledged organization, the  3/1952 #5937  
Kishkonoug, WI Silver-white sphere become an ellipse (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 6/28/1952 #6654  
nnaire is further refined and will become the basis for Project Blue Book’s 10/10/1952 #8114  
d turns to avoid them, the objects become visible as discs. They disappear  10/21/1952 #8172  
math of his LSD experience, he has become a security risk who might divulge 11/28/1953 #9324  
are plagued by radar “angels” that become a hazard for air traffic controll 1954 #9422  
ss gathers some and, although they become wrinkled, they do not disintegrat 5/12/1954 #9780  
ademic, and media leaders later to become known as the Bilderberg group, me 5/29/1954 #9840  
eor like object descend, stop, and become extremely bright (NICAP: 01 - Dis 6/22/1954 #9926  
eor-like object descend, stop, and become extremely bright. Sighting lasted 6/22/1954 #9928  
s, and the headlights go out. They become paralyzed and see on the ground,  10/11/1954 #10938  
ed. Inside the woods, the heat had become intolerable and a cloud of dense  10/20/1954 #11271  
eed. Inside the woods the heat had become intolerable and a cloud of dense  10/20/1954 #11280  
land at the edge of the forest and become dark. The next morning, investiga 11/8/1954 #11597  
at the edge of the forest and then become dark. The next morning, an invest 11/8/1954 #11603  
fficer Cmdr. George W. Hoover, who become interested and get permission (as 4/1956 #12777  
 horizontal. The peripheral lights become brighter and turn greenish as it  Fall 1956 #13239  
is analysis and commentary. He has become convinced that UFOs are secret de 12/1956 #13378  
rom Kolobreg, soldiers saw the sea become turbulent as a triangular object, 3/1959 #15627  
eg, Poland, soldiers watch the sea become turbulent as a triangular object, 3/1959 #15628  
nt stops working, and rubber tires become rock hard. Documents about the re 6/1959 #15754  
major, who tells him that he might become ill from the experience.          8/13/1959 #15913  
ki, a mathematician who goes on to become the Unabomber, a domestic terrori 9/1959 #15952  
 Trafficante Jr., and Meyer Lansky become involved in the first plot agains 9/1960 #16428  
who has, according to Trafficante, become “disaffected with the apparent in 9/1960 #16428  
itched, humming noise. The air has become unusually warm. They look back an 11/3/1960 #16493  
razy, and the crickets and cicadas become silent. Suddenly, a luminous disc 6/11/1961 #16724  
achusetts A new squadron that will become the 1st Aerospace Surveillance an 7/1/1961 #16742  
 Saucer News explaining how he has become convinced that the CIA, especiall 3/1962 #17066  
rranged in a rectangular formation become 2 (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 3/26/1962 #17084  
 Calen, Switzerland Saw a fireball become a dark object after 4 mins (NICAP 8/13/1963 #17894  
A. F. Schelling watched a fireball become a dark object after four minutes  8/13/1963 #17899  
e brick, and all three of the boys become calm and frozen. For a few more m 8/28/1963 #17922  
mall device at him, causing him to become temporarily paralyzed and unable  7/1/1965 #19049  
cientific study on UAP (what would become the Condon Committee) would not b 4/3/1966 #20214  
 / sky. May. '71 round nightlights become figure-8s.                        9/3/1966 #20836  
au recommends that the study first become a project of the Centre Nationale 1967 #21237  
light off and on twice. The couple become frightened and drive to the neare 5/7/1967? #22295  
 want for the Air Force’s SR-71 to become operational. Johnson authorizes A 5/16/1967 #22354  
ational Research Council agrees to become the official government archive f 2/1968 #23719  
 and runs off. The two lights then become four and arrange themselves in an 7/22/1968 #24203  
 dog jumps into the front seat and become quite panicked. She tries to driv 3/6/1969 #24976  
45 a.m. a retired army general had become stranded along a dirt road near B 3/17/1969 #25020  
appear on his skin, and his stools become bloody. Within a week, two Bogotá 7/4/1969 #25251  
                 Delphos, KS Sheep become agitated during landing event (NI 11/2/1971 #26446  
 a small grove of trees) an object become suddenly illuminated with a mass  11/2/1971 #26449  
on. No sooner had her dazed vision become re-accustomed to the road when sh 3/7/1972 #26590  
hlesinger, who leaves on July 2 to become Secretary of Defense.             9/4/1973 #27760  
rman J. Larsen establish what will become the Center for UFO Studies in Eva 10/1973 #27901  
ve the river towards them. The two become numb and paralyzed as the entitie 10/11/1973 #27997  
 it eludes him. The photos quickly become a national news story. NICAP inve 10/17/1973 #28133  
er this incident he claims to have become a prolific inventor.              5/26/1974 #29135  
ing object through bedroom window, become brighter, made "whirring sound" A 11/1974 #29572  
otices his luminous watch dial has become brighter and that the car’s clock 11/1974 #29575  
d or entirely unknown in 1975, had become repeatedly demonstrated aspects o 8/26/1975 #30310  
onkey and Barroso, who immediately become paralyzed. A door opens on the UF 4/3/1976 #30983  
ht approached a man causing him to become frozen in place with paralysis. I 6/23/1976 #31135  
rrive and draw their weapons, they become paralyzed like statues. The smoke Early 9/1976 #31326  
the entire interior of the car had become illuminated. He then also noticed 12/6/1976 #31587  
appears, and the object’s features become more distinct. It is larger than  1/21/1977 #31742  
ng the road, that this spot would "become the future home of space travel." 1/27/1977 #31761  
 it maneuvered it changed shape to become body-shaped with projections like 7/1977 #32222  
ngs. Press also suggests that NASA become the focal point for further UFO i 7/21/1977 #32297  
y Administration are dissolved and become the cabinet-level US Department o 8/4/1977 #32359  
. Cows on a nearby field seemed to become paralyzed and unable to move. Usi 1/27/1978 #32917  
le. Cows on a nearby field seem to become paralyzed, unable to move. Using  1/27/1978 #32919  
 seem to measure it. The witnesses become frightened and run from the area, 1/27/1978 #32919  
. Cows on a nearby field seemed to become paralyzed and unable to move. Usi 1/27/1978 #32921  
t 45 minutes, by which time it has become a small, distant light in the eas 1/1/1979 #34275  
itness claims his dogs’ front legs become paralyzed 6 months later and he h 8/1979 #34692  
 base of the mountain. It seems to become a cluster of four lights with a d 8/11/1979 #34732  
d public support. Search fees have become prohibitive: In response to a CAU 9/1979 #34815  
newitz over a number of months has become convinced that he has uncovered e 10/26/1980 #35590  
ham Forest, Suffolk, England, have become linked with claims of UFO landing 12/26/1980 #35737  
trical components to their vehicle become inoperative as a saucer about 3 m 4/15/1981 #35898  
he southern horizon. Their flashes become more frequent when their speed in 7/23/1981 #36026  
fted up into the air and seemed to become transparent. Meneses then blacked 12/15/1981 #36259  
 that moment his eyesight began to become blurry. He next heard a deep "ele 2/19/1982 #36357  
s pacing them on their right. They become frightened when they see a blinki 4/8/1982 #36442  
      Rockdale, TX Aggressive dogs become uneasy in presence of red light ( 1984 #37090  
gold deposits in the region, which become economic to extract when the conc 1/29/1986 #37775  
 several times. Moore and Shandera become concerned that their telephones a Fall 1986 #38034  
as never been able to subsequently become pregnant.                         1/25/1987 #38104  
gon has a “Black Budget” which has become a “Black Hole” for secret project 2/15/1987 #38120  
ct and 2 spheres / light hover and become saucers! / UFOCAT.                1/28/1988 #38435  
 part of the skin of the craft can become transparent, allowing one to look 3/1989 #38855  
rb” appears. The entity and sphere become invisible. Three more spheres are 6/6/1989 #38981  
 At one point the craft and beings become briefly invisible but then reappe 9/27/1989 #39124  
zed, and felt the ground under him become soft. He soon lost consciousness  10/31/1989 #39200  
and three smaller white spotlights become visible, which form a more or les 12/11/1989 #39313  
tually, though, this caused her to become even more panicked and nearly hys 2/18/1990 #39422  
erver. Rough circle / night lights become star-shape. Stick-shaped night li 11/29/1991 #40248  
e felt the interior of his vehicle become cold.                             3/19/1992 #40390  
ugh a window. Everything seemed to become very still and his surroundings w 3/20/1993 #40895  
and stops in front of them, having become a narrow band of light 90 feet lo 8/13/1993 #41135  
vernment study of UFOs, which will become Project Condign in 1997– 2000. Pa 10/18/1993 #41246  
 news and conspiracy theories will become the reality of the future, predic 1995 #41923  
y 911 calls. 6-8 arrowhead objects become squares. No further details.      3/12/1995 #42088  
92, but which has deteriorated and become unusable by the time he made his  8/28/1995 #42425  
es it rises vertically, its lights become brighter, and nearby streetlights 7/9/1996 #42952  
and incubators. When those hybrids become children, they require emotional  1/1998 #43482  
              Woodland, WA Animals become still as object hovers (NICAP: 04 1/27/1998 #43507  
 Italy saw a domed disc-shaped UFO become a cigar shaped object, then zigza 4/30/2001 #44171  
ndependent witnesses 8 miles apart become aware of unusual and persistent a 7/26/2002 #44366  
ng a bright white. When the clouds become thicker, the display disappears b 1/22/2004 #44654  
ppears briefly, then reappears and become more elongated, looking more like 1/22/2004 #44654  
 Apparently some border guards had become alerted to the presence of the st 8/2/2004 #44725  
adio, radar, and other instruments become jammed. Finally, the F-14 ascends 10/28/2004 #44773  
an opening in the object which had become visible, from which he briefly sa 11/8/2004 #44780  
arassment, causing the aircraft to become uncontrollable for a few minutes. 6/28/2005 #44849  
visible, but the humming sound had become almost deafening. Suddenly a stro 1/30/2006 #44920  
p will form the basis of what will become the UAP Task Force, created by Co 2008 #45106  
 they enlarge, multiply to 24, and become painful in February 2010. One of  5/8/2009 #45220  
los Torres of Pine Bush, New York, become noisy and agitated. When he goes  1/4/2013 #45358  
c material (discovered in 2005) to become a superconductor in the presence  8/2014 #45413  
 half-human/half-Gray entities and become progressively more human over fou 9/2015 #45438  
gration into society. Hybrids have become deeply embedded on Earth, living  9/2015 #45438  
l to the USPTO and stated “it will become a reality” and China was already  11/2/2017 #45490  
hat world. Deep Black programs can become quite independent of any given ad 2018 #45498  
media reaction and makes the event become an internet meme.                 6/27/2019 #45588  
propulsion, and now it really does become a brick and that brick falls. Now 6/10/2021 #45693  
y merged with Thompson Products to become TRW in 1965. Prior to the merger, 9/15/2021 #45710  
Huntsville, Alabama..that city has become the focus of a very intense espio 5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "becomes" (Back to Top)
that falls to the ground, where it becomes highly luminous. It moves toward 6/19/1857 #150  
ELGIUM Several / observer(s). Ring becomes wheel going [to] ovoid going [to 4/5/1870 #186  
e fall on the deck and the rigging becomes iced. The side of the ship where 3/19/1887 #279  
will lead her to a fortune. Peveto becomes terrified, and the entity flees  10/4/1898 #626  
le ghost also talks to her. Peveto becomes ill and apparently moves away fr 10/4/1898 #626  
ne Smith”) of Geneva, Switzerland, becomes famous with the publication of D 1900 #639  
ipawa, New Zealand, when his horse becomes nervous. He sees a large, gray,  8/3/1909 #799  
il at least 3:00 p.m. when the sky becomes overcast. He watches several hun 9/9/1914 #916  
 Iria, Portugal. What happens then becomes known as the “Miracle of the Sun 10/13/1917 #970  
vision of Investigation officially becomes the Federal Bureau of Investigat 7/1/1935 #1230  
an Buren, Missouri A man who later becomes an administrator in a Missouri s 1/1937 #1256  
 brilliant white spot that quickly becomes yellow, then red- yellow, the “p 5/30/1937 #1270  
 System radio network. The episode becomes famous for allegedly causing pan 10/30/1938 #1300  
itude of 230–260 feet. Suddenly it becomes a dull coppery color and lands a Early 8/1939 #1312  
                The Army Air Corps becomes the US Army Air Forces to provid 6/20/1941 #1364  
Committee, whose Uranium Committee becomes the Uranium Section of the OSRD, 6/28/1941 #1367  
           The Air Service Command becomes a major Army Air Forces unit to  3/9/1942 #1398  
 promoted to brigadier general and becomes director of the Manhattan Projec 9/23/1942 #1447  
              The Materiel Command becomes the AAF Materiel Command.        1/15/1944 #1563  
orkable implosion design (Fat Man) becomes the top priority of the laborato 7/4/1944 #1618  
spin faster and faster and the hum becomes very intense. Suddenly one end s 3/1945 #1805  
 The Air Technical Service Command becomes the Air Materiel Command.        3/1946 #1971  
side strikes and envelopes him. He becomes dizzy and confused but manages t 3/5/1946 #1973  
new Central Intelligence Group and becomes the Office of Special Operations 4/2/1946 #1981  
int Research and Development Board becomes the R&D brain center. Each of th 7/26/1947 #3233  
S Army Air Forces is disbanded and becomes the US Air Force.                9/18/1947 #3403  
                      Project Sign becomes formally operational as Project  1/26/1948 #3565  
ect HT-304. Lt. Col. James C. Beam becomes its first project director.      1/26/1948 #3565  
from the crater. Unfortunately, it becomes bogged and must be towed out 10  4/15/1948 #3623  
 this time Capt. Robert R. Sneider becomes a co-chief of Project Sign with  9/1948 #3793  
nce is established. Willard Machle becomes assistant director for scientifi 1/1/1949 #3954  
           Project Sign officially becomes Project Grudge.                  2/12/1949 #4004  
 they photographed. One of the men becomes angry about the questioning, tel 7/1950 #5035  
es. Fry has further encounters and becomes a celebrity on the contactee cir 7/4/1950 #5042  
 AFB, Ohio Engineer Eric A. Walker becomes executive secretary of the Resea 8/1950 #5092  
p with a story for what eventually becomes the 1958 horror film The Blob.   9/26/1950 #5199  
ical Intelligence Department (T-2) becomes the Air Technical Intelligence C 5/21/1951 #5513  
nds, it makes a right- angle turn, becomes circular, and rapidly disappears 6/1/1951 #5535  
to have an intelligence background becomes an active supporter and tries to 1/1952 #5853  
 find the files he requests. Ginna becomes suspicious.                      3/3/1952 #5942  
wa State University Project Grudge becomes a separate organization under th 3/25/1952 #5973  
AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado ADC becomes frantic about a possible Soviet  4/16/1952 #6093  
quickly east / 400mph. Globe shape becomes saucer!                          6/12/1952 #6482  
in late September 1953, the branch becomes the British Flying Saucer Bureau Summer 1952 #6580  
ALK, CT 2 / boat. Intense low star becomes 2 small night lights. Zip going  7/5/1952 #6710  
aircraft landing light. The object becomes brighter as it approaches from t 7/10/1952 #6751  
lliamsons and the Baileys. Adamski becomes instantly famous, and Williamson 11/24/1952 #8333  
delaide, South Australia. It later becomes the Australian Flying Saucer Res 1953 #8480  
trouble to avoid. However, he soon becomes aware that this was an image of  Spring 1953 #8766  
            Gen. Charles P. Cabell becomes deputy director of the CIA.      4/23/1953 #8844  
position 30° eastward and suddenly becomes circular in appearance, becoming 5/5/1953 #8866  
he runs phony investment scams and becomes a contactee who describes meetin 12/1953 #9329  
r the death of Ernest in 1971, she becomes the public face of Unarius. Befo 2/1954 #9522  
fect triangle. An oval object then becomes visible as the starlike objects  Summer 1954 #9922  
in Obninsk, Kaluga Oblast, Russia, becomes the first grid-connected nuclear 6/27/1954 #9957  
mmander, Gen. Benjamin W. Chidlaw, becomes the first CINCONAD, and USAF is  9/1/1954 #10228  
sc rise with a whistling sound. It becomes luminous and flies off. A neighb 10/1/1954 #10569  
rm is standing in front of it. Roy becomes frightened and races to the near 10/6/1954 #10756  
. As one soldier approaches it, he becomes paralyzed.                       10/6/1954 #10757  
 headlights go out. The larger one becomes brilliant white with a reddish h 10/11/1954 #10941  
re on a halter. The horse suddenly becomes restless and jumpy. A gray objec 10/17/1954 #11176  
oing southeast. Curves going east. Becomes spherical..                      10/19/1954 #11228  
ng some rabbits to the UFO, but he becomes paralyzed. The UFO takes off, le 11/14/1954 #11653  
rnment covert operations. It later becomes the 303 Committee in 1964 and th 12/28/1954 #11870  
Commission and NASA. Project Rover becomes part of NASA’s Nuclear Engine fo 1955 #11892  
enames Nexus as Saucer News and it becomes a popular bimonthly UFO magazine 6/1955 #12172  
                  CRIFO Newsletter becomes CRIFO Orbit. This issue reviews  7/1/1955 #12229  
 pilot, Tony LeVier, inadvertently becomes airborne after accelerating the  8/1/1955 #12316  
e “Philadelphia experiment,” as it becomes known, allegedly utilized electr 4/1956 #12778  
on of his The Case for the UFO. He becomes convinced that his correspondent Summer 1956? #12914  
ian Flying Saucer Research Society becomes a separate organization, the Vic 1957 #13437  
only. At 7:56 p.m., the IFF target becomes a direct radar “skinpaint.” At 8 8/3/1957 #13875  
which heads straight up. The other becomes larger while its color changes f 11/6/1957 #14430  
  INDIANAPOLIS, IN Odd round cloud becomes rectangle / sharp edges! Fades a 11/25/1957 #14609  
e-looking heads inside. An opening becomes visible, and four creatures emer 12/1957 #14653  
10° angle and quivers. Suddenly it becomes still and from its center emerge 12/15/1957 #14730  
r when a reddish light appears and becomes larger, as if approaching them.  2/19/1958 #14881  
tion heat. Such a structure, which becomes known as a “Dyson sphere,” would 6/3/1958 #15077  
      New York The New York sector becomes the first operational component  6/26/1958 #15117  
al and as bright as Venus. It soon becomes the apparent size of the Moon, l 7/1958 #15130  
e object turns dull orange-red and becomes sharper in outline. A swarm of a 9/8/1958 #15261  
e rounded wholeness of the mandala becomes a space ship controlled by an in 1959 #15511  
Avrocar is made. After the vehicle becomes airborne, an uncontrollable roll 9/29/1959 #15999  
s it enters the water. The surface becomes turbulent and brilliant with man 12/13/1959 #16117  
aunched by a Thor-Delta rocket and becomes the first passive communications 8/12/1960 #16372  
     Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human to go into outer 4/12/1961 #16647  
al, Florida Astronaut Alan Shepard becomes the first American in space (for 5/5/1961 #16676  
ous amount of heat; the windshield becomes extremely hot to the touch. The  5/10/1961 #16681  
 Surveillance and Control Squadron becomes operational under the USAF Air D 7/1/1961 #16742  
us Grissom piloting Liberty Bell 7 becomes the second American to go into s 7/21/1961 #16770  
room Lake, Nevada, and the lakebed becomes the center of a 600-square-mile  1/1962 #17014  
aucer Album in Cleveland, Ohio. It becomes UFO Magazine in mid-1964 and con Summer 1963 #17801  
 also see the light, which finally becomes indistinguishable with a star by 8/4/1963 #17863  
istry of Defence. The Air Ministry becomes the Air Force Department, within 4/1/1964 #18153  
rd a short distance then stops. It becomes thick in the middle, a cloud of  4/11/1964 #18169  
 Ufologists in Cleveland, Ohio. It becomes an annual meeting and changes it 6/27/1964 #18377  
ey poke it with a stick, the stick becomes covered with a sticky substance  8/9/1964 #18472  
he vicinity of Cisco Grove. Schrum becomes separated from his companions. A 9/5/1964 #18539  
 ARG 3+cops. Large luminous saucer becomes opaque when it lands / hilltop.  5/24/1965 #18957  
SLAND, NY Astronomer and 4. Saucer becomes night light at dusk. Then shoots 8/9/1965 #19344  
op. After accelerating, the object becomes a white, starlike object far to  8/9/1965 #19348  
 About 20 minutes later his vision becomes hazy, his eyes grow painful, and 8/13/1965 #19382  
ving in his direction. The humming becomes a loud buzzing, and his engine s 9/14/1965 #19560  
ralyzed as the flashing blue light becomes intense, fluctuating in rhythm w 9/14/1965 #19560  
        ANN ARBOR, MI Falling star becomes delta-UFO. Maneuvers over homes. 3/20/1966 #20004  
rters leave as well. The interview becomes heated at times.                 5/9/1966 #20469  
g Saucers—Serious Business, and it becomes one of the best-selling UFO book 6/1966 #20515  
are gone. Because of this event he becomes interested in UFOs and joins NIC 6/1966 #20516  
           Viet Cong Richard Helms becomes director of central intelligence 6/30/1966 #20623  
ical and Experimental Hypnosis. He becomes known to the CIA staff as “Dr. F 6/30/1966 #20623  
 30 minutes the large object dims, becomes smaller, and disappears.         Late 7/1966 #20684  
n about a mile and a half away. It becomes brighter after 45 seconds and sp 8/1/1966 #20718  
em at Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, becomes operational.                     10/28/1966 #21045  
i, returns to his group’s camp and becomes alarmed when he sees smoke risin 11/22/1966 #21141  
ion literature, a motif that later becomes much more common.                1/25/1967 #21386  
 away. A white light on the bottom becomes brighter as the object hovers, i 5/31/1967 #22432  
sive analysis. By August, Saunders becomes the lone staffer selecting cases 6/1967 #22437  
terference on the car radio, which becomes a high-pitched whine. He turns t 7/5/1967 #22616  
da. They see a bright light, which becomes visible as six huge, round, brig 10/27/1967 #23350  
S 2+observer(s). Bright white ball becomes ovoid. No further details. (Sauc 2/23/1968 #23778  
r in Templeton, Massachusetts. She becomes paralyzed, her face is immobile, 2/27/1968 #23786  
isk hovers / high altitude. Drops. Becomes delta/triangle/box-like craft! O 4/13/1968 #23904  
 nearby house, the couple’s poodle becomes agitated and runs off. The two l 7/22/1968 #24203  
 in luminous square object. Object becomes saucer! Flies gently. / r50.     1/6/1969 #24820  
d and Lancaster, Missouri. The dog becomes agitated and she sees a bright b 3/6/1969 #24976  
in Seattle, Washington, which soon becomes a primary source for media repor 5/1969 #25104  
ise above him that intensifies and becomes a powerful throbbing. His muscle 6/19/1969 #25227  
ght light going quickly southeast. Becomes sphere/orb/globe then ellipse. C 7/6/1969 #25257  
 manager but not a UFO researcher, becomes the new president of NICAP. He i 5/29/1970 #25676  
ranch. Cows upset. Calf levitates. Becomes invisible. Never found.          10/28/1970 (approximate) #25887  
eral minutes, the glow at the base becomes more intense and the object take 11/2/1971 #26449  
Air Commodore Anthony Norman Davis becomes the first head of the British UF 1/1972 #26534  
that of a welding torch. Mario now becomes frightened and runs to call his  3/19/1972 #26617  
 long been a fan of UFOs. He later becomes a subscriber to the newsletter J 2/19/1973 #27298  
t going up and down / yoyo. Stops. Becomes cylinder/cigar-shape. Shoots whi 4/26/1973 #27447  
plane nearly hits car. Hovers low. Becomes cylinder/cigar-shape! going [to] 9/23/1973 #27854  
aterial is found that when handled becomes a “small ball which melted as it 10/18/1973 #28171  
en the object moves, the red light becomes brighter. It moves right, left,  10/18/1973 #28173  
    MONTREAL, QB 2 / car. Fireball becomes horizontal bar. Suddenly shoots  11/30/1973 #28486  
d down [to] in response to lights. Becomes sphere. Quickly going up.        1/18/1974 #28683  
es, during which time it dims then becomes very bright. It appears to crash 1/23/1974 #28694  
rtist stops. Draws hovering ovoid. Becomes transparent until gone!          8/14/1974 (approximate) #29342  
re, about 150 feet away. The whine becomes intense. As the object settles d 8/16/1974 #29362  
server(s). Domed disk stops. Smoke becomes 2nd and 3rd saucers. Vanish.     9/20/1974 #29465  
Several observer(s). Bright saucer becomes ovoid. Splits. Responds / flashl 12/31/1974 #29662  
RIENT, FR 1 observer. Black sphere becomes crescent. Maneuvers going [to] b 1/4/1975 #29713  
er produces more photos so that he becomes a regional occult celebrity.     1/28/1975 #29772  
.-HILAIRE-LES-CAMBRAI, FR 4.5M box becomes sphere. Lands / yard. Traces. /  3/31/1975 #29926  
 Ph.D. dissertation in history. It becomes a classic history of UFOs and th 6/1975 #30073  
The USAF Aerospace Defense Command becomes the US executive agent in NORAD. 6/30/1975 #30135  
 Tasmania. The interior of the car becomes hot, the engine stalls, and they 7/1975 #30142  
e-mushroom hovers / 900M altitude. Becomes luminous disk. Away very fast.   9/22/1975 #30376  
s up around their car, their radio becomes noisy, and their headlights dim. Fall 1975 #30381  
s hands on a post and he seemingly becomes weightless, making it easy to ju 10/7/1975 #30421  
December 1975 and March 1976. Gray becomes upset early in the investigation 10/27/1975 #30486  
is flooded with light. Suddenly he becomes aware of a “shadow” in the passe 12/14/1975 #30715  
                  US Project SIGMA becomes an independent project from Proj 1976 #30741  
stops, the radio goes dead, and he becomes dazed. A second police car arriv 4/22/1976 #31010  
 to starboard, and the green light becomes much larger, making a comparable 4/23/1976 #31017  
e. Then once again off to port, it becomes a brighter green, tilts at an an 4/23/1976 #31017  
 top surface. After 30 seconds, it becomes smaller as if it is moving away. 8/14/1976 #31263  
eardrop turns to sphere. Going up. Becomes square! Moon elsewhere.          12/29/1976 #31637  
sists until 1:30 a.m. when the sky becomes cloudy.                          10/11/1977 #32568  
s dazed for a few minutes and then becomes agitated.                        12/2/1977 #32726  
30°–45° and its true form suddenly becomes clear to him. He is able to make 1/1/1978 #32841  
AN BASILIO, ITL 3 women. Big light becomes huge metal-grey ovoid. Hovers. V 9/14/1978 #33674  
is point their memory of the event becomes a little sketchy, and they exper 9/20/1978 #33718  
a retired CIA employee, officially becomes president of NICAP among baseles 12/1978 #34035  
 silhouetted against the light. He becomes paralyzed and can vaguely rememb 12/8/1978 #34077  
R 2 cops and 1. Green ball hovers. Becomes triangle. Vanishes and reappears 3/3/1979 #34460  
ndi, Minas Gerais, Brazil, when he becomes separated from the others. He se 5/16/1979 #34563  
ck and his knees collapse. The hum becomes louder as he crawls back to the  10/1979 #34936  
. His wife joins him but instantly becomes nauseous and throws up. He start Early 3/1980 #35190  
ield. The steering wheel instantly becomes hot, causing him to lift his han 3/13/1980 #35214  
 cube / ground with sweeping beam. Becomes domed saucer!                    8/18/1980? #35463  
st of Mossy Head, Florida, when he becomes aware of an array of lights hove 8/20/1980 #35469  
lliant white cylinder/cigar-shape. Becomes ball and maneuvers all over/all  1/25/1981 #35797  
dden turn going quickly northeast. Becomes big fireball. Vanishes.          2/4/1981 #35815  
                             NORAD becomes the North American Aerospace Def 3/18/1981 #35867  
uthentic. In the altered memo, NSA becomes NASA.                            Summer 1981 #35977  
on Wai), a resident of California, becomes the editor of the China UFO Rese Summer 1981 #35978  
he car. Mrs. Thew, who is driving, becomes frightened and speeds up to 65 m 7/12/1981 #36002  
rises up in the air and apparently becomes transparent. Meneses apparently  12/15/1981 #36256  
s go out, and its triangular shape becomes clear, as well as its gun-metal  4/1/1982 #36427  
rom the east, the object stops and becomes bright. Then it rises straight u 4/1/1982 #36427  
 star to the southwest, which soon becomes two huge yellowish-white “headli 4/8/1982 #36442  
y Interference (RFI). Brill object becomes dome / light. / r175.            6/18/1982 #36508  
pink with a deeper color tone that becomes gray just underneath the object. 10/14/1982 #36641  
                     In what later becomes known as his “Star Wars” speech, 3/23/1983 #36792  
 about 5 feet above the ground. It becomes shrouded with a blue-green mist  3/1985 #37561  
ici. The newsletter Notizie C.U.N. becomes Notizie UFO with the same editor 12/1985 #37730  
ving up, down, and sideways. A dog becomes completely agitated.             2/28/1986 #37793  
ee a bright light descend. It soon becomes a disc-shaped, domed object, blu 8/15/1986 #37992  
nd magazine, California UFO, which becomes one of the most widely read peri 9/1986 #38008  
uring the close approach. The crew becomes frightened by the large object a 11/17/1986 #38072  
ater, the area outside their house becomes flooded in white light. The fami Late 7/1987 #38218  
 a shiny, oval object that hovers, becomes brighter, and takes off like a s 8/11/1987 #38240  
                    Michael Corbin becomes administrator of ParaNet, which  1988 #38382  
ck to driving eastward. The family becomes disoriented, and the sequence of 1/20/1988 #38422  
r. After 12:30 a.m., radar contact becomes much more sporadic and the final 3/30/1990 #39499  
tillates,” while at other times it becomes iridescent with “lights of vario Early 4/1990 #39506  
lows 30' sphere/orb/globe / miles. Becomes saucer. Vanishes / Pensacola. Ph 4/18/1990 #39535  
 as if playing a game, and Escobar becomes frightened. When it approaches,  6/8/1991 #40092  
les the death a suicide. His death becomes controversial because his notes  8/10/1991 #40147  
        TROWELL, NOTTS Night light becomes bright haze. Goes over houses. L 10/1991 #40200  
ee a gray cigar-shaped object that becomes visible for about 20 minutes aft 10/15/1992 #40677  
Brilliant white rectangle zigzags. Becomes round. Away and back. Odd.       5/2/1993 #40963  
ransparent figure in a silver suit becomes visible for a couple of seconds  8/1993 #41099  
feet long and 3 feet wide. Soon it becomes brighter and shoots into the sky 8/13/1993 #41135  
   The Foreign Technology Division becomes the National Air Intelligence Ce 10/1993 #41215  
OURNE, DERBYSHIRE 2 / car. H-shape becomes saucer then H again. Follows car 10/6/1993 #41220  
Burning orange globe" near garden. Becomes ovoid and moves away.            6/4/1994 #41550  
bject moves west at high speed and becomes a speck on the horizon within a  6/24/1994 #41581  
dios stop functioning, and the car becomes hot even though the windows are  6/24/1994 #41581  
ike craft formation / night lights becomes diamond-shape. Going quickly sou 11/22/1994 #41858  
l minutes it increases in size and becomes a round, orange object as big as 5/5/1995 #42179  
. Classic saucer with red tailfin! Becomes triangular..                     10/9/1995 #42542  
 had been found earlier. A soldier becomes frightened when he sees a creatu 1/20/1996 #42694  
other position. Talk of a UFO wave becomes embellished in the media, and MP 10/5/1996 #43056  
L Watchman. Round object with dome becomes cylinder/cigar-shape. Zigzags. S 4/30/2001 #44170  
emits mist from its upper area and becomes enshrouded with the light shinin 6/23/2001 #44196  
ing of pale yellow light. The ring becomes larger in diameter, coming close 6/30/2001 #44199  
e National Air Intelligence Center becomes the National Air and Space Intel 2/15/2003 #44491  
ped object, stationary in the sky, becomes “wavy” and then suddenly disappe 8/6/2003 #44570  
556th Test and Evaluation Squadron becomes operational at Creech AFB, Nevad 3/5/2008 #45124  
lligence officer James T. Lacatski becomes the program manager, and biochem 9/22/2008 #45170  
 The dog does not notice it. Laila becomes lethargic the next day and shows 9/2009 #45241  
s they watch the object. The woman becomes nauseous and the man feels stran 12/10/2016 #45461  
believe in UFOs up to the point it becomes too late for them to react to an 3/27/2017 #45466  
 in Mol, Belgium, when it suddenly becomes light outside. Looking up, he se 2/24/2018 #45511  
## Word: "becoming" (Back to Top)
hing for survivors. The weather is becoming stormy by the end of the incide 12/5/1945 #1950  
 descends, the beam shortening and becoming brighter as it nears the water. 7/1/1947? #2522  
a of interplanetary spaceships was becoming more popular.”                  1948 #3518  
ure, with both outer wing sections becoming detached from the center sectio 6/5/1948 #3667  
ems to back away and change shape, becoming flat, gaining speed, and then d 7/5/1952 #6716  
harp maneuvers, darkening and then becoming brighter again.                 7/28/1952 #7270  
ly becomes circular in appearance, becoming gradually smaller. Three concen 5/5/1953 #8866  
he horse surprised him by suddenly becoming restless and jumpy. Rising from 10/16/1954 #11148  
curved its trajectory to the east, becoming spherical.                      10/19/1954 #11244  
transferred to NASA from the Army, becoming the agency’s primary planetary  12/1958 #15464  
just short of 5 hours flying time, becoming the first American to orbit the 2/20/1962 #17055  
air and began to rotate, its light becoming more intensely red. At last, it 8/1/1962 #17313  
d back again to near ground level. Becoming brilliantly yellow-white, it fi 1/11/1967 #21288  
it started and stopped many times, becoming all white when not moving (colo 4/12/1967 #22115  
it started and stopped many times, becoming all white when not moving.      4/12/1967 #22127  
seems to change shape as it flies, becoming alternately larger and smaller, 11/18/1973 #28442  
hillside and turns ruby red before becoming a brilliant white light. As it  10/15/1974 #29531  
n. It continued on its trajectory, becoming round and greenish-blue in colo 3/31/1975 #29927  
ect move about 80 meters away, now becoming a green spherical form. The dog 3/31/1975 #29927  
ke a cylinder with one of the ends becoming asymmetrical. The cylinder ejec 9/20/1977 #32498  
urn and circles around completely, becoming a minty green color. It continu 6/26/1979 #34633  
t something and he didn't want to. Becoming even more agitated and crying,  12/31/1980 #35759  
es home, but his behavior changes, becoming ruder. On May 21, 1989, João dr 8/12/1983 #36949  
ered running and his legs suddenly becoming numb. He then recovered conscio 3/5/1992 #40359  
ject’s initial success leads to it becoming classified, and only a few refe 8/1/1993 #41100  
San Antonia Oeste, Argentina after becoming too sleepy to continue driving. 2/11/1995 #42036  
ject descended and landed briefly, becoming dark, and then bright again. Be 5/6/1996 #42898  
 reproduce. They were increasingly becoming sterile, but by introducing new 12/14/1997 #43462  
 clouds for several minutes before becoming obscured by the storm.          5/17/1998 #43569  
public to understand that UAPs are becoming a national security concern. At 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "bed" (Back to Top)
winged object “as large as a wagon bed” pass over the town toward the east. 4/15/1897 #489  
e, it descends to the level of her bed and hovers briefly at the foot, so c Late Summer 1939 #1314  
Observer(s) gets bored and goes to bed!                                     6/25/1947 #2410  
r a few minutes, then goes back to bed.                                     7/4/1947 #2653  
y by a captain in Rodgers Dry Lake Bed. At the same time a student pilot si 7/8/1947 #3028  
 overpowering desire to go back to bed. She tells no one about the experien 1948? #3524  
 testing in the US onto a dry lake bed known as Frenchman Flat, inside the  1/27/1951 #5419  
eighboring forest. They get out of bed but feel paralyzed. Then suddenly an 3/22/1953 #8775  
who was originally kneeling on the bed, is now sitting on it with her feet  3/22/1953 #8775  
y white cloud / sky. Hover / river bed. Vanish.                             11/12/1953 #9292  
d in the sky, hover over the river bed in Ojai, California and then vanish. 11/12/1953 #9293  
f Nelson, New Zealand, gets out of bed and sees through the window three di 9/9/1954 #10277  
 from above. Shocked, she stays in bed for two days.                        9/26/1954 #10451  
was in a state of shock and was in bed for the next two days.               9/26/1954 #10452  
he witness had to lie prostrate in bed for several days.                    10/18/1954 #11224  
s reported that Pugina remained in bed for two days after his encounter. So 10/18/1954 #11225  
al, where he tried to hide under a bed, screaming and trembling in terror.  10/19/1954 #11238  
s , where he tried to hide under a bed while screaming and trembling in ter 10/19/1954 #11247  
. That night, he was awaked in his bed when he saw a misty mass, as wide as 11/9/1954 #11611  
e saw a misty mass, as wide as the bed, form at the foot of the bed. It pas 11/9/1954 #11611  
s the bed, form at the foot of the bed. It passed up the bed toward his hea 11/9/1954 #11611  
 foot of the bed. It passed up the bed toward his head, “freezing” his body 11/9/1954 #11611  
d from the mist at the foot of his bed. They next moved up to him, two on o 11/9/1954 #11611  
m altitude. Follows road and creek bed.                                     10/1955 #12475  
          TURLOCK, CA 1 observer / bed. ORD-red ovoid flutters going down [ 8/22/1956 #13113  
. Antonio Villas-Boas gets up from bed on his family’s farm near São Franci 10/5/1957 #14062  
and out of sight. She goes back to bed and the phone rings; it is a neighbo 11/11/1958 #15438  
 South Australia was preparing for bed when he saw a five foot tall man wit 3/12/1959 #15637  
 disc in the sky before he went to bed in Sao Paulo, Brazil and when he awo 4/26/1959 #15714  
ht circling about a foot above his bed. They are about 3 inches in diameter 8/1959 #15889  
athleen. They all then move to her bed and circle above her. Not one of the 8/1959 #15889  
 the lights goes to her daughter’s bed. She presses the light switch, and t 8/1959 #15889  
n he came to he found himself on a bed in a room with light-emitting walls. 8/25/1960 #16418  
 long and 10 feet deep in the lake bed. There was a great deal of disturbed 4/27/1961 #16664  
er bedroom, one at each end of her bed. They were four feet tall and dresse 8/8/1961 #16786  
Mafra da Silva and his sons are in bed when they are awakened by sounds and 8/17/1962 #17336  
e a half-dollar-sized light on his bed. The spot stays visible when she put Fall 1962 #17434  
ible when she puts her hand on the bed or when she removes the covers, but  Fall 1962 #17434  
own jacket. She sank back into her bed and fell asleep. She later became a  2/3/1964 #18126  
a, New Mexico Rio Vallecitos creek bed Around 1:00 a.m. Orlando Gallegos st 4/26/1964 #18209  
ucture in the Rio Vallecitos creek bed some 900 feet away. It looks like a  4/26/1964 #18209  
e, age 45, had remembered going to bed, but suddenly found herself awake an 9/3/1965 #19518  
t home, where she went directly to bed. Self-hypnosis indicated that a medi 9/3/1965 #19518  
ols in the otherwise dried-up lake bed. Many people witnessed the event.    9/6/1965 #19528  
ay to the east. The family goes to bed, but at 5:00 a.m., 11-year-old Judy  4/23/1966 #20390  
 sound. The windows rattle, Judy’s bed rocks, and all the lights in the hou 4/23/1966 #20390  
ingfield, Missouri before going to bed and saw a luminous object bearing re 8/1/1966 #20720  
or several minutes. One got out of bed, looked out, and saw a multicolored  8/6/1966 #20729  
 father of four, was propped up in bed when he saw a small person, 3.5 to f 9/5/1966 #20852  
luminum foil. Mrs. Steward goes to bed, but the odor is still in the house. 10/2/1966 #20949  
iameter appears at the foot of her bed. Inside are 5 “non-human, hairless h 10/2/1966 #20949  
ge like odor. Mrs. Steward went to bed, but the odor still persisted in the 10/2/1966 #20950  
ameter appeared at the foot of her bed. Inside the globe were the images of 10/2/1966 #20950  
slept with a loaded gun beside his bed. The next day he went looking for hi 11/14/1966 #21101  
slept with a loaded gun beside his bed. The next day he went looking for hi 11/15/1966 #21109  
or about two hours before going to bed.                                     11/17/1966 #21118  
ould not say why. He got back into bed but continued to watch the object, w 1/13/1967 #21300  
ds, proceeded to put the family to bed, Betty the abductee being the last.  1/25/1967 #21389  
e past several nights, had gone to bed after seeing another one. She sudden 4/2/1967 #22048  
mbly of God minister, was lying in bed in Boardman, Ohio when he heard a ve 7/18/1967 #22695  
 Small small humanoid (or Grey) by bed. Flies out window! Traces / ground.  8/6/1967 #22819  
as awakened by someone shaking his bed. When he focused his eyes he saw in  8/6/1967 #22832  
 a "rubber suit." He jumped out of bed and grabbed the little man, but the  8/6/1967 #22832  
was awakened by the shaking of his bed and saw a creature in his room, whic 8/7/1967 #22839  
s, Venezuela was awakened when his bed was suddenly shaken, and he saw in f 8/7/1967 #22840  
ber suit." Sr. Riera jumped out of bed and grabbed the little man, but he w 8/7/1967 #22840  
h to south. The Miedtkes remain in bed, hoping no one would know they are i 8/12/1967 #22868  
s instructions, his wife burns the bed, the mattress, and the clothing that 8/13/1967 #22873  
 she became tired and went back to bed. The UFO had not moved during her ob 9/2/1967 #22984  
ork with a headache. Lying down on bed, she soon became aware that someone  9/3/1967 #22990  
rey humanoid) was leaning over her bed. He said to her, "I want you to come 9/3/1967 #22990  
lar, age 23, was getting ready for bed at 2:30 a.m. when she noticed a stra 9/8/1967 #23021  
int in the muddy bottom of a creek bed about 300 feet from the road.        10/21/1967 #23282  
tate of terror and hides under the bed. All conscious memory of the event v 11/17/1967 #23477  
hat called his name. He got out of bed and upon raising the curtain he noti 11/28/1967 #23517  
ightened at this point and went to bed, covering her head with the bedcover 2/21/1968 #23774  
ll in the bathroom before going to bed. He goes back to work, then at about 5/17/1968 #23969  
 Argentine Navy, was on his way to bed at 3:15 a.m. when he heard a very lo 6/10/1968 #24018  
rmonia, Argentina a man was in his bed resting when two very tall human loo 6/14/1968 #24035  
n sat on the edge of the witness's bed and one of them raised his hand maki 6/14/1968 #24035  
isturbed, they decide to retire to bed. Through a window they see a bright  7/20/1968 #24193  
ameter of about 6.5 feet. From his bed, another patient has seen the UFO la 8/25/1968 #24376  
ance on October 29. He is lying in bed when he is awakened by his crying 14 11/2/1968 #24625  
indowsill. The husband lept out of bed and frantically searched for his gun 11/9/1968 #24648  
ss. At 6:00 a.m. he woke up in his bed, not knowing how he got there. He ha 5/20/1969 #25151  
had a sudden impulse to get out of bed and go into his garden. He stepped o 5/21/1969 #25153  
ging their teenage children out of bed to look at the light. Ontario police 7/13/1969 #25268  
 vortex, and found himself back in bed.                                     7/4/1970 #25727  
 hands. She was lying on top of a "bed" and she could not move her head. At 9/7/1970 #25828  
while, but eventually went back to bed.                                     6/26/1971 #26197  
s if by "a mental shock." From his bed he saw a light in the garden, so he  10/11/1971 #26418  
 craft, the family finally went to bed for the night. (Continued.) At dawn  11/2/1971 #26450  
home badly frightened. She went to bed but at about 5 a.m. she was awakened 3/7/1972 #26590  
St. Joseph Calasanz, is reading in bed at his room at the Colegio Escolapio 6/22/1972 #26726  
oom and approaches the foot of his bed. His radio begins to emit a loud, co 6/22/1972 #26726  
, Netherlands A woman arising from bed glanced out a window and clearly saw 10/1973 #27897  
 were left on the bedroom, and the bed sheets folded neatly back.           10/15/1973 #28059  
ella. The man at the bottom of the bed took a number of gray colored instru 10/16/1973 #28089  
limbed slowly on the bottom of the bed and slowly and without emotion raped 10/16/1973 #28089  
witness took alarm and returned to bed, where she fell asleep immediately.  10/28/1973 #28312  
me extremely tired and went off to bed. Keith next experienced a time lapse 3/12/1974 #28874  
structed to lie on a hospital-like bed where she was examined by a gloved i 3/20/1974 #28916  
ODELINSART, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Bed lamp dims greatly as screaming night 4/20/1974 #29050  
 a sports sword he keeps under the bed and goes outside, but the object is  5/1974 #29074  
 suffered from shock and stayed in bed for the following two days. His dog  5/26/1974 #29136  
hey had vanished. She went back to bed and tried to convince herself it had 7/17/1974 #29266  
shed disc, winching it up onto the bed of a large military truck. They also 8/25/1974 #29386  
and so the son-in-law went back to bed. Soon the intensity of the sphere le 3/31/1975 #29927  
thing she remembers she woke up in bed.                                     9/15/1975 #30363  
t completed duty are rolled out of bed. Jet interceptors are scrambled. Uni Late 10/1975 #30471  
r dream she was levitated from her bed by a group of shadowy, small entitie 11/27/1975 #30669  
ind two beings standing beside her bed in Fargo, North Dakota. They were th 12/2/1975 #30681  
. At 11:30 p.m. the couple went to bed, but they woke up at 12:45 a.m., fin 3/5/1976 #30928  
had somehow exchanged positions in bed. Both felt nauseous, and the back do 3/5/1976 #30928  
orously. Her husband jumped out of bed and went to the window. In his accou 8/10/1976 #31252  
wing domed saucer going up / creek bed. Going northeast. Turns / lights / e 8/15/1976 #31268  
2.5 mins. Site of events was creek bed off Harrisburg road. Wife of rural f 8/15/1976 #31269  
 wide band of white light in creek bed under trees. (Worley files) (NICAP:  8/15/1976 #31269  
under some trees in a nearby creek bed in Connersville, Indiana at 10:55 p. 8/15/1976 #31271  
ug on porch and sees glow in creek bed. Family watches as object again (See 8/18/1976 #31279  
young radio technician is lying in bed during a power blackout in Gloggnitz 5/1977 #32043  
ass door. The witness jumps out of bed, bumping into the ball of light with 5/1977 #32043  
n Frey (name changed) was lying in bed with her 11-year-old daughter who wa 7/15/1977 #32275  
A Lady. Sphere / light hovers near bed! All doors found open / next day..   7/17/1977 #32285  
 ranch house, where he remained in bed for several days, too weak to get up 7/17/1977 #32288  
oggy, so at 4:30 a.m. they went to bed, but the first two witnesses thought 8/1/1977 #32345  
g after awhile, and left to got to bed. Later, the original witness saw ano 10/6/1977 #32555  
 the room where they were lying in bed. Curious, they approached a small wi 10/29/1977 #32633  
      The witness was lying in his bed in Wrose, England on this night when 1/4/1978 #32852  
ddenly appeared hovering above the bed. It seemed human like and was wearin 1/4/1978 #32852  
 a white figure at the foot of his bed that tried to touch him. Moments lat 1/9/1978 #32862  
 big-nosed entity appears near her bed.                                     1/14/1978 #32879  
a strange entity standing near her bed. He had a flat head, large eyes, and 1/14/1978 #32881  
ar-old teenage girl woke up in her bed in her home near Montreal, Quebec, C 2/15/1978 #32971  
nging downward. Locals rush out of bed to put out the flames.               8/21/1978 #33539  
               A man on his way to bed in Sassello, Italy heard strange sou 9/6/1978 #33641  
m. A 31-year-old woman is lying in bed awake for 30 minutes at her home in  9/15/1978 #33686  
blob drop out of his hair onto the bed. He was the only one who saw this. A 10/31/1978 #33902  
ded she would bathe and then go to bed. Later, feeling nervous, she got up  12/6/1978 #34068  
, feeling nervous, she got up from bed and looked again to see the object r 12/6/1978 #34068  
ich then flipped over and became a bed. Paralyzed, he was unable to move an 1/3/1979 #34292  
hite cloaks. They walked up to her bed and examined her. The witness was pa 9/3/1979 #34831  
she then found herself back in her bed again.                               9/14/1979 #34884  
figure standing at the foot of his bed. It looked to him more like a hologr 1/5/1980 #35124  
11-year-old girl getting ready for bed in Stamford, Connecticut, looks thro 2/21/1980 #35180  
d lights. Allagash-Jim levitated / bed. Possible missing time. (Rpt abducte 6/1980 #35345  
and his wife are getting ready for bed in Urbandale, Iowa, when they notice 7/12/1980 #35412  
them. Joseph directed Godfrey to a bed. He thought about resisting, but ins 11/28/1980 #35680  
sting, but instead lay down on the bed, where a beam of light from the ceil 11/28/1980 #35680  
became frightened and went back to bed. Later, he heard footsteps and one o 2/13/1981 #35827  
akened the witness. She got out of bed and through her window saw a bright  2/15/1981 #35829  
ate night, Jane Murphy had gone to bed late when she suddenly woke up stand 3/1981 #35854  
her. When she woke up she was on a bed in a strange room. Several figures w 3/1981 #35854  
was made to lie down on a cot-like bed. He saw three short thin humanoids w 12/15/1981 #36259  
l humanoid figures standing by his bed. One was short and the other tall an 4/20/1982 #36448  
ing her name. When she got up from bed she saw a large glowing object outsi 6/3/1982 #36490  
ing her name. When she got up from bed she saw a large glowing object outsi 6/3/1982 #36492  
 southeast. The woman goes back to bed, but soon feels a powerful electric  1/3/1984 #37105  
     FRAMINGHAM, MA Observer(s) in bed. Small humanoid (or Grey) points bea 1/8/1984 #37109  
d pointed a beam at the witness in bed. When the being had left a three-foo 1/8/1984 #37111  
d pointed a beam at the witness in bed. The witness felt that the being cou 1/8/1984 #37114  
NJ 4:00 AM. The witness got out of bed and went to the window and saw a bri 2/7/1984 #37179  
nhuman creature rushing toward his bed. The next thing he knows it is morni 12/26/1985 #37738  
imea, Ukraine and had just gone to bed when seven to nine human-like figure 1/25/1987 #38104  
oy. The beings gathered around her bed and bent over her. She noticed one o 1/25/1987 #38104  
A female witness was preparing for bed at 1:10 a.m. in Ipswich, Massachuset 9/3/1988 #38631  
humanoid beings at the foot of his bed. Three or four of them stood back, b 10/24/1988 #38687  
ecovered consciousness back in his bed two hours later; his arm was paralyz 10/24/1988 #38687  
th, Western Australia was awake in bed next to her sleeping husband when sh 4/12/1989 #38902  
ed sound. On the right side of the bed a short figure suddenly appeared. Sh 4/12/1989 #38902  
 found nothing. He returned to his bed, but a few seconds later a pencil-th 5/10/1989 #38942  
 being standing at the head of her bed. The being was 3.5 feet tall, whitis 8/10/1989 #39053  
 the sky. The witness goes back to bed. The next morning, he reports his si 12/12/1989 #39315  
noid that stood by the side of his bed and communicated with him, telling h 1/6/1990 #39367  
rd, Connecticut was lying awake in bed at 2:00 a.m. when she noticed bright 7/18/1990 #39649  
. Mme. Bouffioux is lying awake in bed at her home in Fleurus, Belgium, whe 11/22/1990 #39898  
es, who began lifting her from her bed. She began to struggle with the bein 5/14/1991 #40061  
ed waking up and sitting up in her bed at 3:50 a.m. She was later hypnotica 5/14/1991 #40061  
usin ignored them and went back to bed. The girls then went back into the d 7/21/1991 #40129  
s were acting agitated. He went to bed, but moments later the black rings a 12/4/1991 #40254  
ess, and later woke up back in her bed. The next day large red sunburn-like 1/24/1992 #40302  
. Light filters through tile roof. Bed shakes..                             3/1992 #40341  
ero, Illinois a woman was lying in bed next to her husband when she heard h 4/3/1992 #40408  
s, and big eyes walking around her bed. They stood next to her. She was com 4/3/1992 #40408  
na reported being paralyzed in his bed in the early morning hours by a stra 5/12/1992 #40462  
. He then saw standing next to his bed three small figures. They had pale w 6/9/1992 #40489  
nds two nude females seated on his bed, one blonde and the other dark-haire 7/23/1992 #40530  
  At 7:30 a.m. Peter Khoury was in bed in Sydney, New South Wales, Australi 7/23/1992 #40531  
ly he was wide awake and sat up in bed, because there were two humanoid fem 7/23/1992 #40531  
wo humanoid females sitting on the bed, both entirely naked. The two women  7/23/1992 #40531  
 was in a kneeling position on his bed, seemed to be in charge. Khoury thou 7/23/1992 #40531  
om it, standing at the foot of the bed. The being apparently vanished.      12/10/1992 #40747  
is girlfriend, still asleep in the bed. He next experienced a loss of memor 12/16/1992 #40750  
e kneeling to the left side of his bed about half way down the side. The fi 1/19/1993 #40802  
n door. His dog at the foot of the bed watched the whole incident but did n 1/19/1993 #40802  
hen became afraid and went back to bed, but as she turned over in bed she h 1/27/1993 #40816  
 to bed, but as she turned over in bed she heard a sound like a train and t 1/27/1993 #40816  
a small figure standing beside her bed, halfway down the side. At the foot  2/1/1993 #40831  
 down the side. At the foot of her bed stood three taller beings. The small 2/1/1993 #40831  
iva Carmel felt drawn to leave her bed and go outside. There she witnessed  3/30/1993 #40907  
lic overalls" standing next to her bed. "Don't be afraid. I will not harm y 3/31/1993 #40915  
s one of the beings approached the bed the witness grabbed what seemed to b 4/5/1993 #40927  
nd Peter Gregory had gotten out of bed at 2:30 a.m. to go to the bathroom w 4/17/1993 #40940  
ater she found herself back on her bed.                                     7/24/1993 #41082  
at night, when Kelly undressed for bed, she noticed a strange triangular ma 8/8/1993 #41118  
 no response. Puzzled, she went to bed and turned off the light. Just as he 8/20/1993 #41148  
s clustered around the foot of her bed, looking at her. She felt the entiti 8/20/1993 #41148  
with red eyes standing next to her bed. The creature was only inches away f 9/6/1993 #41185  
y Cahill awoke at 4:30 a.m. in her bed in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia sh 10/23/1993 #41249  
ng southeast. Observer(s) hides in bed. / r226#19.                          1/3/1994 #41355  
n in Switzerland, a man was in his bed sleeping late at night when a strong 5/11/1994 #41523  
w nights later, he wakes up in his bed to find that a 10-foot-tall female a Early 6/1994 #41548  
s told by his mother to go back to bed and sleep.                           7/27/1994 #41644  
but this time it was closer to her bed, and she next saw a short, thin gray 8/2/1994 #41653  
eyes walk standing in front of her bed. The creature then entered her grand 8/2/1994 #41653  
                A man was lying in bed in his home in the U.S. state of Geo 9/11/1994 #41734  
everal figures standing around his bed. He next found himself in a large ro 9/20/1994 #41765  
e remembers was he was back in his bed sweating.                            9/20/1994 #41765  
hours. A 59-year-old woman went to bed with her dog sleeping at her side at 9/20/1994 #41766  
ide at 8:00 p.m.  The dog left the bed, as was normal, but when the dog beg 9/20/1994 #41766  
igure sitting near the foot of her bed. It had a large head and a brown ski 9/20/1994 #41766  
 figures were standing next to the bed and they made a peculiar "chirping"  9/20/1994 #41766  
 apparently floating away from the bed. She awoke with a start and found he 12/15/1994 #41895  
ntually floated gently back to her bed where she was able to move and immed 12/15/1994 #41895  
 outside his body as it lay on the bed. Suddenly he perceived a stream of b 4/3/1995 #42137  
               PORTLAND, OR Man in bed. Bright ball enters airport/apartmen 4/25/1995 #42174  
ids stood at the foot of a woman's bed in Winnipeg, Manitoba at one o'clock 7/13/1995 #42299  
            A witness was lying in bed in his bedroom in Grand Haven, Michi 8/15/1995 #42387  
feet tall then appeared around his bed. Two were around his legs and the ot 8/15/1995 #42387  
nd unable to move, in some sort of bed. He noticed numerous "cables" that a 2/29/1996 #42789  
 that had been prepared on another bed. The humanoids wore white tunics whi 2/29/1996 #42789  
itness. Frightened, he jumped into bed and hid under the covers until dawn. 3/7/1996 #42815  
 colored skin standing next to her bed. It had a very large head and large  5/5/1996 #42896  
l-shaped eyes standing next to her bed. She does not report what happened n 5/5/1996 #42896  
            A man was lying in his bed in Cowen, Webster County, West Virgi 9/26/1996 #43043  
He only remembers waking up in his bed three days later, with no memory of  9/26/1996 #43043  
There was a window right above her bed, and it felt as if something was pul 11/24/1996 #43120  
s by the window to the left of the bed. The creature then vanished. Her hus 11/24/1996 #43120  
ng thirsty and tried to get out of bed, but two short creatures quickly pou 12/26/1996 #43150  
 continued to sleep. He got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get somet 1/5/1997 #43166  
 his bedroom his wife was still in bed sleeping. He appeared to have experi 1/5/1997 #43166  
        In 1997 a witness going to bed at 10:30 p.m. in Colebrook, New Hamp 1/28/1997 #43179  
he brought her two children to her bed and just continued to watch. The bei 2/13/1997 #43191  
wo short figures standing near her bed. She was then startled as one of the 2/24/1997 #43207  
noid close encounters, had gone to bed early because she was falling asleep 9/11/1997 #43405  
she was able to move and sat up in bed. It took several more minutes before 9/11/1997 #43405  
noid close encounters, had gone to bed early because she was falling asleep 9/12/1997 #43407  
she was able to move and sat up in bed. It took several more minutes before 9/12/1997 #43407  
l strange beings standing over her bed. They were humanoids with large cran 10/18/1997 #43432  
he blankets being thrown off their bed. They saw a number of tall, thin fig 12/12/1997 #43458  
 no cause could be found. While in bed this night at 2:30 a.m. he became aw 12/14/1997 #43462  
n witness, and her husband were in bed sleeping at their home in Aurora, Ce 4/27/1998 #43559  
 while Ursulina remained behind in bed praying. Soon she heard a sound rese 4/27/1998 #43559  
 voice say "come on, time to go to bed now," which she did.                 6/10/1998 #43586  
ll asleep and woke up later on her bed.                                     7/11/1998 #43601  
y in a dark bedroom. Sitting up in bed, the witness observed two creatures  9/6/1998 #43641  
urce. He looked at the foot of his bed and saw an odd figure standing there 10/25/1998 #43670  
also tried to use the phone by her bed, but it was also out of commission.  10/26/1999 #43866  
men.” The being now approached her bed, and she recognized her as being fem 10/26/1999 #43866  
er as being female, and sat on the bed. The woman then took her hand, which 10/26/1999 #43866  
ind herself being dropped onto her bed by a non-human looking entity. Close 1/13/2000 #43928  
her chest hurt. She woke up in her bed, and noticed a bright light shining  5/17/2000 #43996  
     A 14-year-old boy had gone to bed late on this night at his summer cot 7/12/2000 #44015  
me reason she continued to stay in bed, terrified and shaking but unable to 10/15/2000 #44058  
egan to sway back and forth on his bed. One of the figures then became dark 10/15/2000 #44059  
ppeared, almost dancing around his bed, while he was attempting to move. He 4/23/2001 #44161  
d Judy Garland. She woke up in her bed with her concerned husband attemptin 5/2/2001 #44174  
ted at 5:00 p.m. moving up a creek bed at 200 feet above the ground towards 2/19/2002 #44318  
 to grab a small knife next to his bed and stab at the alien. The alien see 1/4/2003 #44468  
eature standing at the side of his bed. It was very heavy set, perhaps weig 1/26/2003 #44480  
 (250 lbs.). His dog hid under the bed blankets shaking with fear. The crea 1/26/2003 #44480  
         The witness was asleep in bed with her boyfriend at their home in  1/27/2003 #44481  
 and does not know if she left her bed, but she could not speak. At one poi 1/27/2003 #44481  
Soon she found herself back on her bed, very scared and confused.           1/27/2003 #44481  
nt trickle. He then got into their bed with them, and the witness fell back 9/3/2003 #44592  
ck forest, and then hovered in the bed of their pickup truck for 10 seconds 9/5/2003 #44593  
tarted to feel so she went back to bed. During the night she had a disturbi 2/13/2004 #44664  
r a long time. The witness goes to bed at 1:20 a.m., and the object, or a s 5/9/2005 #44836  
The next morning he woke up on his bed. His family had gone and his entire  11/25/2005 #44905  
rt, Pennsylvania was asleep in his bed when he suddenly awoke and caught a  11/25/2005 #44906  
ine, California for a smoke before bed. Normally he can see planes approach 4/17/2007 #45018  
de for a cigarette before going to bed at 1:50 a.m. and sighted a pair of l 9/21/2007 #45065  
 he walked in and went straight to bed; the other is where he alerted the d 4/12/2008 #45127  
en working until 7 a.m. and was in bed asleep when he arrived. The next day 4/12/2008 #45127  
is wife felt ill enough to stay in bed for most of the next day. There were 6/7/2008 #45146  
 two shoot straight up. He goes to bed, but is awakened by low-flying helic 5/8/2009 #45220  
g TV while her husband has gone to bed. She hears a loud sound like jet eng 3/19/2013 #45362  
## Word: "bed-like" (Back to Top)
cal examinations on top of an exam bed-like apparatus. At one point the ali 9/25/1980 #35535  
## Word: "bedarrides" (Back to Top)
                                   BEDARRIDES, FR 2 small humanoids (or Gre 9/27/1973 #27874  
                                   Bedarrides, France Humanoid occupant cas 9/27/1973 #27877  
rooms in the woods on Mont Real in Bedarrides, Vancluse, France, the witnes 9/27/1973 #27879  
                                   BEDARRIDES, FR 2+observer(s). Red car-si 4/16/1979 #34510  
                  At 11:30 p.m. in Bedarrides, Vaucluse, France a red spher 4/16/1979 #34511  
## Word: "bedcovers" (Back to Top)
to bed, covering her head with the bedcovers. The building was being used a 2/21/1968 #23774  
## Word: "beddau" (Back to Top)
                                   BEDDAU, WALES 3 observer(s). Fast sphere 9/23/1973 #27856  
## Word: "bedee" (Back to Top)
                                   BEDEE, FR UFO = saucer / seen side;recta 8/15/1975 #30274  
## Word: "bedel" (Back to Top)
              Freetown, IN Francis Bedel, Jr., (23) of Portland, Indiana, w 1/17/1967 #21329  
              Freetown, Indiana F. Bedel, 23, driving on Route 135 about 8  1/17/1967 #21332  
5 Freetown, Indiana Night. Francis Bedel Jr. is driving on State Highway 13 1/17/1967 #21333  
, then slowly reverses its course. Bedel is so busy staring at the spectacl 1/17/1967 #21333  
                            Mr. F. Bedel, age 23, was driving on Route 135  1/17/1967 #21334  
## Word: "bedell" (Back to Top)
                            Walter Bedell Smith takes over as director of c 10/7/1950 #5216  
vention, calls CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith and asks him to investigate 7/28/1952 #7265  
 the subject to date. D/CI [Walter Bedell Smith] will participate in this s 7/29/1952 #7325  
p-secret draft memo for DCI Walter Bedell Smith on the OSI teams visit to W 8/15/1952 #7610  
al.” It briefs CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith on August 20.               8/19/1952 #7648  
y group briefs CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith, who then orders the prepar 8/20/1952 #7663  
g Saucers’” to CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith, who then briefs President  8/22/1952 #7682  
tor of Central Intelligence Walter Bedell Smith that sets out two national  9/10/1952 #7891  
4-page memo to CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith, summarizing his earlier me 9/24/1952 #8022  
tor of Central Intelligence Walter Bedell Smith recommending he advise the  10/2/1952 #8086  
Forrestal (replaced by Gen. Walter Bedell Smith in 1950), Gen. Nathan Twini 11/18/1952 #8295  
her secret memo to Director Walter Bedell Smith on UFOs: “At this time, the 12/2/1952 #8363  
Marshall Chadwell writes to Walter Bedell Smith that OSI has been working w 12/10/1952 #8408  
rruled by CIA Director Gen. Walter Bedell Smith.                            12/12/1952 #8413  
FO cases, CIA Director Gen. Walter Bedell Smith reverses the decision to po 12/22/1952 #8442  
The CIA/OSI attempts to get Walter Bedell Smith’s approval for “two series” 1/9/1953 #8522  
:00 a.m., both CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith and Gen. John A. Samford ha 1/17/1953 #8548  
## Word: "bedeque" (Back to Top)
                             NORTH BEDEQUE, PEI Farmer and separate observe 7/1/1947 #2508  
                             North Bedeque, Prince Edward Island Day. Anima 7/1/1947 #2517  
 passengers are driving near North Bedeque, Prince Edward Island, when they 7/1/1947 #2517  
                                   BEDEQUE, PEI 2 / car. Lampshade glowing- 9/30/1977 #32533  
## Word: "bedet" (Back to Top)
 extensions. UFO investigator Jean Bedet receives the slide anonymously on  3/23/1974 #28937  
isiting the town of Tavernes, Var. Bedet says his wife and others had seen  3/23/1974 #28937  
the photo is a hoax perpetrated by Bedet to confirm the visual sighting.    3/23/1974 #28937  
## Word: "bedford" (Back to Top)
earch Laboratory at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Massachusetts Col. John W. Schw 9/1/1949 #4343  
earch Laboratory at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Massachusetts. AFOIN rejects an 9/1/1949 #4343  
            Los Alamos, New Mexico Bedford, Massachusetts At another confer 10/14/1949 #4394  
earch Laboratory at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Massachusetts, is selected for  10/14/1949 #4394  
                               NEW BEDFORD, MA 2 observer(s). Silent shiny  2/25/1950 #4556  
                                   BEDFORD, MA Many observer(s). Saucer out 7/1/1952 #6681  
Lynn, Massachusetts Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts 7:25 a.m. A Groun 7/1/1952 #6689  
Police Squadron, at Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts, see the two jets 7/1/1952 #6689  
ous UFO hovered close to ground in Bedford Park, near Cleveland, Ohio. It t 9/3/1953 #9141  
 Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox Bedford, Indiana Wright-Patterson AFB ne 11/12/1954 #11629  
 Fort Knox. It is later sighted at Bedford, Indiana. Kentucky National Guar 11/12/1954 #11629  
                                   BEDFORD, IN 2 / car. House lights dim /  8/25/1955 #12402  
                                   Bedford, IN House lights dimmed and brig 8/25/1955 #12405  
                                   Bedford, Indiana 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Lloyd Wr 8/25/1955 #12408  
 Wright and Mrs. Lester Parsons of Bedford, Indiana, see a huge white objec 8/25/1955 #12408  
                                   BEDFORD, PA 2 observer(s). Small silent  11/21/1955 (approximate) #12581  
                       NORTHWEST / BEDFORD, IN Several Ground Observer Corp 1/8/1956 #12649  
ndiford Field Louisville, Kentucky Bedford, Indiana 3:24 p.m. Kentucky Nati 1/31/1956 #12687  
aircraft crashes 10 miles north of Bedford, Indiana, following some confusi 1/31/1956 #12687  
                                   BEDFORD, OH Several observer(s) / (seen  7/13/1957 #13793  
                           SOUTH / BEDFORD, IN 1 / (seen thru) binoculars a 11/9/1957 #14500  
                                In Bedford, Indiana a UFO was seen by a Mr. 11/9/1957 #14509  
 Research Center at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Massachusetts Two German expatr 11/29/1957 #14639  
 Research Center at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Massachusetts. Its mission is t 11/29/1957 #14639  
                                   BEDFORD, MA Planetarium Tech. Thin white 5/4/1960 #16250  
o Springs, Colorado Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts A new squadron th 7/1/1961 #16742  
ack organization at Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts, assumes a backup 7/1/1961 #16742  
                                   BEDFORD, OH 1 observer. Intense Oblong c 10/4/1963 #17976  
                                   Bedford, OH Intense oblong light with ta 10/4/1963 #17978  
                                   Bedford, Ohio Witness:  R.E. Carpenter,  10/4/1963 #17979  
                                   Bedford, VA Square Object Size of Footba 1/25/1965 #18764  
by a satellite tracking station in Bedford, England on this day. None of th 7/18/1965 #19122  
efore the light moved west towards Bedford. (Ridge, NICAP files) (NICAP: 02 2/5/1967 #21455  
                                   Bedford, IN 6:00 a.m. The woman reportin 2/5/1967 #21456  
                                   Bedford, NY Wing or V-shaped UFO hovered 3/24/1983 #36801  
                                   Bedford, NY, and vicinity Wing or V-shap 3/24/1983 #36804  
                                   Bedford, New York 7:30 p.m. A corporate  3/24/1983 #36805  
7:30 p.m. A corporate executive in Bedford, New York, sees a half-circle of 3/24/1983 #36805  
        PEEKSKILL AND YORKTOWN AND BEDFORD, NY AND MORE/OTHERS Mini-wave /  3/25/1984 #37241  
                                   BEDFORD, NY 1 observer. Triangle hovers  3/2/1989 #38862  
                                   BEDFORD AND AREA, NY Separate observer(s 4/20/1989 #38912  
r car for more than two miles from Bedford to Mount Kisco in Westchester Co 10/29/1993 #41254  
                                   BEDFORD, ENG Several reports. Disk / lig 10/28/1994 #41815  
 three lights was seen flying over Bedford, Westchester County, New York.   10/29/2007 #45085  
## Word: "bedfords" (Back to Top)
                        DUNSTABLE, BEDFORDS Many observer(s) amazed. 'Sky o 8/9/1186 #9  
                            LUTON, BEDFORDS Many / schoolyard. Large saucer 6/1957 (approximate) #13693  
                     US SAT.BASE / BEDFORDS (1 of 7 worldwide). None outdoo 7/18/1965 (approximate) #19121  
                       FELMERSHAM, BEDFORDS 2+13 kids. Ovoid with lights an 1/19/1978 #32896  
                            LUTON, BEDFORDS Kite-UFO dives / opening / wood 9/21/1990 #39741  
                        HOCKLIFFE, BEDFORDS 4 / car. Sudden mist. Missing t 8/8/1992 #40557  
                        DUNSTABLE, BEDFORDS Round UFO like satellite dish.  8/19/1993 #41147  
## Word: "bedfordshire" (Back to Top)
udham Common Studham Lower School, Bedfordshire, England 1:45 p.m. Alex But 1/28/1967 #21409  
their way to Studham Lower School, Bedfordshire, England. Suddenly a flash  1/28/1967 #21409  
a clearing in some woods in Luton, Bedfordshire, England. It was seen from  9/21/1990 #39743  
                         In Luton, Bedfordshire, England a metallic sphere  9/7/2003 #44594  
oise was first heard in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England at 9:00 p.m. Then  11/26/2003 #44622  
## Word: "bedhampton" (Back to Top)
r a house at 2000 feet altitude in Bedhampton, Hampshire, England. It was d 10/17/1983 #37010  
## Word: "bedjara" (Back to Top)
iri, Peru Leoncio Torres and Elena Bedjara are driving a truck on the road  9/8/1976 #31356  
 men in their twenties, Torres and Bedjara, driving in a truck on the highw 9/8/1976 #31358  
## Word: "bedlington" (Back to Top)
                   At 1:24 a.m. in Bedlington, Northumberland, England a 40 5/12/2010 #45280  
## Word: "bednesti" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BEDNESTI, BC 30' domed saucer / power li 1/5/1977 #31693  
 over power lines near the town of Bednesti, 20 miles west of Prince George 1/5/1977 #31701  
## Word: "bedoga" (Back to Top)
                               Bt. Bedoga Bay and Woodland, CA Judy Kendall 11/26/1972 #27144  
                           Between Bedoga Bay and Woodland, CA Judy Kendall 11/26/1972 #27145  
## Word: "bedoin" (Back to Top)
ucer with lights all around scares Bedoin. Passes all over town.            11/2/1954 #11525  
## Word: "bedoya" (Back to Top)
io L. de Romana and Antonio Chavez Bedoya, saw a strange being, 80 cm tall, 9/29/1965 #19622  
Lopez de Ramana and Antonio Chaves Bedoya, while driving in Arequipa, Peru  9/29/1965 #19624  
ng to one of the witnesses, Silvia Bedoya, age 40, the objects apparently e 1/31/1996 #42729  
## Word: "bedroom" (Back to Top)
iss H. M. Boville notices from her bedroom window at Southend-on-Sea, Essex 5/9/1909 #733  
dogs barking. She sees outside her bedroom window a bright light in the sky Late 6/1915 #929  
, by something shining through her bedroom window. She sees a large, roiund 7/4/1947 #2653  
th of Yakima, Washington, when her bedroom fills with bluish-white light po 1948? #3524  
and observed an object outside his bedroom window only 60 meters away hover 4/8/1950 #4831  
ange creatures would appear in his bedroom and escort him to a metallic, eg 1951 #5372  
small glowing light circling their bedroom in a meandering movement, but ne 7/4/1951? #5559  
hen a bright light shines into her bedroom window. Looking outside, she see Summer 1954 #9919  
                          From her bedroom window in Washburn, Maine Mrs. J 12/21/1955 #12619  
                          From the bedroom a witness in Turlock, California 8/22/1956 #13118  
 a.m. by bright lights passing her bedroom window, which faces north. She l 12/16/1957 #14736  
Ohio, sees through her east-facing bedroom window a metallic domed disc, 12 9/21/1958 #15276  
 Topeka, Kansas, wakes up when her bedroom floods with an amber-colored lig 11/11/1958 #15438  
sees a bright light shining in his bedroom window. The dogs begin to howl a 2/24/1959 #15605  
sleep with her two children in her bedroom in New Matamoras, Ohio, when her 8/1959 #15889  
f waking up in the house in a back bedroom. The witness subsequently experi 9/13/1959 #15973  
 of Buffalo, N.Y., glanced out his bedroom window and saw a ball of fire sh 9/29/1959 #15997  
, Massachusetts. They look out the bedroom window and see a fiery cigar-sha 2/28/1961 #16615  
bove their house, illuminating the bedroom. The lights that they have left  2/28/1961 #16615  
s). 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / bedroom. Telepathy = "they're waking". 2 8/8/1961 #16785  
a, Canada to see two beings in her bedroom, one at each end of her bed. The 8/8/1961 #16786  
tense cold feeling and saw out her bedroom window a semi-transparent being  6/26/1962 #17249  
ornia. He says something is in his bedroom, so they go to investigate and s Fall 1962 #17434  
glowing, flame-like lights” in her bedroom in Azusa, California, every even Fall 1962 #17435  
. Doris Player wakes up to see her bedroom illuminated near Gum Creek, Kang 2/3/1964 #18125  
APUA-NG 2 / home. Globe / light in bedroom. 2 extra doors to Veranda! No fu 2/19/1964 #18133  
Norton Jr., 14, is looking out his bedroom window in Staunton, Virginia, wh 12/21/1964 #18669  
g on the phone in her second-floor bedroom in Lake Forest, Illinois, Pat Ha 7/1965 #19039  
rings of light that crawl over the bedroom walls, and light beams.          3/1966 #19930  
ing it is going to come inside her bedroom, Judy screams. Seemingly in resp 4/23/1966 #20390  
helmsford, Massachusetts, when his bedroom explodes in light. He hears a pi 6/1966 #20516  
ssing time" began on this day in a bedroom in West Chelmsford, Massachusett 6/23/1966 #20599  
 and a small figure that entered a bedroom (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, B 9/5/1966 #20849  
ll figure that appeared to enter a bedroom. The figure was not seen again.  9/5/1966 #20850  
-fitting clothing, enter his son's bedroom. About ten minutes later he saw  9/5/1966 #20852  
ther had not seen anyone enter the bedroom, but they had seen the bar of li 9/5/1966 #20852  
 odor in the room. She goes to her bedroom, but she has a feeling of being  10/2/1966 #20949  
 odor in the room. She went to her bedroom, where she had a feeling of bein 10/2/1966 #20950  
 suddenly awoke to see through her bedroom window that a 1.2-1.4 meter tall 1/15/1967 #21312  
ugh the closed curtains of Susan's bedroom. Without warning the drapes part 1/25/1967 #21388  
fully brilliant intensity into the bedroom. When the triangle moved to the  1/25/1967 #21388  
5 p.m. EDT. A woman looked out her bedroom window when she heard a loud whi 7/26/1967 #22732  
out the second floor window of his bedroom. Riera looked out and saw a roun 8/7/1967 #22840  
ld Jose Gregorio Bouaci was in his bedroom in the early afternoon when he e 8/16/1967 #22886  
ar, 23, saw a creature outside her bedroom window and screamed. Her parents 9/8/1967 #23020  
nge looking being just outside her bedroom window. It seemed to be gesticul 9/8/1967 #23021  
 a "bloop-bloop" noise outside her bedroom window and looked out her window 2/21/1968 #23774  
her had found her missing from her bedroom and the door open. Ms. Kurz stay 5/3/1968 #23942  
-shaped light in the corner of her bedroom and inside the light stood two s 6/24/1968 #24076  
see who it was. When he got to the bedroom window he saw the figure fly awa 7/1/1968 #24121  
n p.m. Mr. Battease looked out his bedroom window, six miles east of Roosev 9/23/1968 #24505  
und of something moving near their bedroom window. When they looked out the 11/9/1968 #24648  
 shining from the craft into their bedroom. The UFO made a purring sound. T 5/11/1969 #25127  
p.m. a strange man stared into the bedroom window of Mrs. Barbara Robinson  9/6/1969 #25354  
that anyone who looked through the bedroom window would have to have been a 9/6/1969 #25354  
o went to lie down in his friend's bedroom. He was lying down relaxing when 7/4/1970 #25727  
ss while watching it from upstairs bedroom. (Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Clo 7/8/1971 #26214  
2:30 a.m. a woman was alone in her bedroom in Derry, Pennsylvania and had h 8/21/1973 #27718  
in Derry, Pennsylvania and had her bedroom window open with the drapes clos 8/21/1973 #27718  
NORA, CA Woman sees large saucer / bedroom window. Very low and close. Time 9/14/1973 #27816  
 2 bald figure(s) float and sway / bedroom. Slits for eyes and mouths. Fade 10/3/1973 #27920  
ing in the shadows in front of his bedroom wall looking at him. They were d 10/3/1973 #27926  
 WI 3 small humanoids (or Greys) / bedroom. Robotic motion. Beam shows obse 10/15/1973 #28033  
y a brief, high-pitched sound. His bedroom was lit up by a bright, orange-r 10/15/1973 #28059  
 found the lights were left on the bedroom, and the bed sheets folded neatl 10/15/1973 #28059  
Against his will he returns to his bedroom, the forcefield disappears, and  5/1974 #29074  
 IL 3 small humanoids (or Greys) / bedroom. Observer(s) led going [to] UFO  6/16/1974 #29200  
y-outlined hovering object through bedroom window, become brighter, made "w 11/1974 #29572  
ned by the noise of someone in his bedroom. He saw a "creature" with heavy  11/26/1974 #29610  
cing a bright light shining in her bedroom, the 82-year-old witness looked  12/22/1974 #29656  
brilliant red light shining in her bedroom window, Marjorie Nighbert scurri 1/20/1975 #29756  
ery suits standing near her in her bedroom. They had small slits for eyes,  9/15/1975 #30363  
. They floated her out through the bedroom wall to a field several blocks a 12/2/1975 #30681  
ORKS Small humanoids (or Greys) in bedroom. Observer(s) floats through ceil 2/1976 #30837  
ing through the closed door of the bedroom. One touches the man’s leg and h 2/1976 #30842  
hite lights through a second floor bedroom window. Inside the transparent d 2/5/1976 #30846  
hite lights through a second floor bedroom window at their home in France.  2/5/1976 #30848  
e claimed that she had been in the bedroom. At 11:30 p.m. the couple went t 3/5/1976 #30928  
Ms. Larson was abducted out of her bedroom in Fargo, North Dakota to a UFO  4/18/1976 #31000  
n heard a noise and looked out her bedroom window in Milwaukee, Wisconsin t 8/1/1976 #31218  
to be directed straight into their bedroom. They go back to sleep. In the m 8/10/1976 #31251  
as that maybe they had entered the bedroom and were going to rob them or do 8/10/1976 #31252  
ghts was directed right into their bedroom. He then turned around and went  8/10/1976 #31252  
nd green skin floating outside his bedroom window. A couple minutes later,  9/22/1976 #31418  
tall green humanoid tapping on his bedroom window at 10:30 p.m. It had big  9/22/1976 #31420  
tense beam of light come through a bedroom window in their home in Gaberke, 2/11/1977 #31810  
 he noticed a light shining in his bedroom window. Looking out he observed  4/7/1977 #31956  
 he noticed a light shining in his bedroom window. Looking out he observed  4/7/1977 #31957  
red bars of light appears over the bedroom floor. It begins moving slowly a 5/1977 #32043  
duction occurred, this time from a bedroom in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Gayle B 6/20/1977 #32177  
g time she had been taken from her bedroom shortly before midnight by human 6/20/1977 #32177  
13-year-old niece looked out their bedroom window before retiring and saw 1 7/23/1977 #32304  
r 13-year-old niece look out their bedroom window in Lindley, New York, bef 7/23/1977 #32305  
13-year-old niece looked out their bedroom window in Lindley, New York befo 7/23/1977 #32306  
manoid figure started to enter his bedroom through the curtains; it had an  8/26/1977 #32426  
onfiguration of lights outside his bedroom window in the east-northeast. Th 12/6/1977 #32737  
one of the children in an upstairs bedroom reported seeing a white figure a 1/9/1978 #32862  
e light emanating from outside her bedroom window and was unable to move. H 2/15/1978 #32971  
. A single witness looking out his bedroom window in Toronto, Ontario, watc 4/9/1978 #33135  
daughter look out from an upstairs bedroom and see three tall men in gray u 9/1/1978 #33622  
tside his house and looked out his bedroom window. He saw two round black o 9/6/1978 #33641  
whirring sound and she went to her bedroom window to look outside. The nois 9/15/1978 #33684  
 a whirring sound. She goes to the bedroom window to look outside. The nois 9/15/1978 #33687  
whirring sound and she went to her bedroom window to look outside. The nois 9/15/1978 #33688  
. Later, while sitting in Rachel's bedroom, one of the young men looked at  10/31/1978 #33902  
as her husband slept in the nearby bedroom. She spied a strong orange light 12/6/1978 #34068  
ngland were awakened to find their bedroom lit up brightly. One of the witn 1/29/1979 #34389  
d at around two a.m. to find their bedroom lit up brightly. One of the witn 1/29/1979 #34391  
s in abduction/abducted mechanic's bedroom. / r25p294.                      4/21/1979 #34518  
terested in her. She runs into the bedroom and does not see it again.       6/1979 #34600  
 FELLING, ENGL Small saucer enters bedroom. 8-10 "dolls" appear and touch o 9/3/1979 (approximate) #34821  
lic disc- shaped object inside her bedroom. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  9/3/1979 #34827  
llic disc-shaped object inside her bedroom. A dozen small dwarfs now appear 9/3/1979 #34831  
 light shone through the witness's bedroom window and she suddenly felt diz 9/14/1979 #34881  
 light shone through the witness's bedroom window in Oakenholt, Wales and s 9/14/1979 #34884  
laine Kaiser was abducted from her bedroom in Rhode Island on this night. S 12/10/1979 #35068  
Pannitteri suddenly woke up in his bedroom in Catania, Sicily, Italy and ob 12/30/1979 #35104  
ire, England suddenly awoke in his bedroom to see a huge two-meter tall glo 1/5/1980 #35124  
 FR 1+2 observer(s)? Box appears / bedroom. Turns into pseudo-human/entity. 1/14/1980 #35134  
 50cm small humanoids (or Greys) / bedroom! Unintelligible. Possible abduct 6/16/1980 #35376  
s in a yard 100 feet away from his bedroom window. It rotated and wobbled.  9/11/1980 #35512  
Jerry McAlister is awakened in his bedroom in Anderson, South Carolina, by  9/11/1980 #35514  
s two green light sources from his bedroom window. They move back and forth 11/24/1980 #35664  
ter, moving slowly around in their bedroom each night. The light is seen fo 1981 #35763  
 when a brilliant light filled her bedroom. She looked out the window and s 2/15/1982 #36346  
 the short figures appeared at the bedroom door. The beings took the witnes 10/1982 #36624  
 a noise was heard coming from the bedroom by the young man who lived there 12/30/1982 #36729  
omey heard a voice call her in her bedroom at her home in suburban Indianap 10/3/1983 #36995  
                                 A bedroom visitation with paralysis occurr 11/27/1983 #37050  
 a bright light shines through the bedroom window. She sees a strange objec 1/3/1984 #37105  
 MA 3:00 AM. EST. In the witness's bedroom a short humanoid pointed a beam  1/8/1984 #37111  
 At 3:00 a.m. EST in the witness’s bedroom in Framingham, Massachusetts a s 1/8/1984 #37114  
and a bright light illuminated the bedroom. Outside a bright white 10-foot  2/7/1984 #37181  
-year-old CAD draftsman was in his bedroom in Cobbtown, Georgia at around t 7/15/1985 #37621  
 night Sr. Flores was lying in his bedroom at home near the city center of  5/29/1986 #37898  
e figures suddenly appeared in her bedroom, standing in front of her closed 1/25/1987 #38104  
lowed by disembodied voices in her bedroom. She later remembers a nightmare 1988 #38383  
h large heads and eyes entered his bedroom. The beings lifted Jack and his  5/21/1988 #38574  
 Radio out. (Observer saw figure / bedroom earlier.                         4/4/1989 #38889  
-transparent 65cm figure appears / bedroom. Touches belt and vanishes.      4/12/1989 #38900  
 passes. Possible cloaked figure / bedroom that night.                      7/18/1989 #39026  
n two “little men” standing in his bedroom, a third being then walked in, p 10/27/1989 #39188  
lked in, passing right through the bedroom wall. In addition, the man and h 10/27/1989 #39188  
humanoid figure running past their bedroom window on the SW corner of the h 10/31/1989 #39201  
nhattan. Five aliens come into her bedroom while she is still awake. They p 11/30/1989 #39283  
irl saw a brilliant light from her bedroom window rise from and hover over  7/13/1990 #39644  
n the morning a man woke up in his bedroom in Columbus, Ohio to find a smal 7/29/1990 #39666  
d a small humanoid standing in the bedroom. He could only recall having his 7/29/1990 #39666  
 to see a 4-foot tall being in the bedroom. A dim light illuminated the bei 7/29/1990 #39667  
ren encountered humanoids in their bedroom in Ann Arbor, Michigan at around 11/9/1990 #39883  
guard Istvan Balogh woke up in his bedroom in Oroshaza, Hungary and heard a 1/26/1991 #39966  
 to her husband when she heard her bedroom window open, making a creaking s 4/3/1992 #40408  
orning a man suddenly awoke in his bedroom in Malibu, California and found  6/9/1992 #40489  
saw a large black disc outside her bedroom window at 3:20 a.m. She hid in t 7/6/1992 #40514  
 short humanoid beings entered his bedroom via a closed window, apparently  7/19/1992 #40528  
 experienced an abduction from his bedroom by four 4-foot tall beings. He w 9/30/1992 #40649  
 on this night at 5:30 a.m. in his bedroom in Scotland and felt compelled t 12/16/1992 #40750  
LAND Night light over trees enters bedroom. Turns and vanishes. 2 observer( 1/1993 #40780  
ness saw a similar humanoid in his bedroom.                                 1/9/1993 #40790  
te humanoid figure standing in his bedroom.                                 1/20/1993 #40804  
e bathroom. On the way back to her bedroom she suddenly felt compelled to g 1/27/1993 #40816  
n this night she was asleep in her bedroom when she awoke and saw two short 4/5/1993 #40927  
m busy." The woman ran back to her bedroom to wake up her husband, but when 5/30/1993 #40997  
zzing sound. Two men came into her bedroom, carried her outside, and loaded 7/24/1993 #41082  
ter-shaped craft hover outside her bedroom window in the town of Baca in th 8/5/1993 #41108  
and seeing peculiar shadows in his bedroom, about two hours earlier.        8/20/1993 #41148  
ecalled being transported from her bedroom in Merced, California late on th 11/8/1993 #41266  
ks. She was returned safely to her bedroom.                                 11/8/1993 #41266  
 A young boy ran into his mother's bedroom at 4:00 a.m. in Surrey, British  7/27/1994 #41644  
r the electrical wires outside his bedroom window. He also saw "little peop 7/27/1994 #41644  
. It came from the entrance to her bedroom. She heard the sound again, but  8/2/1994 #41653  
eature then entered her grandson's bedroom. She then apparently fell back t 8/2/1994 #41653  
                              In a bedroom visitation and possible abductio 9/9/1994 #41731  
          YUMA, AZ Man abduction / bedroom. Lizard-types. Small helmeted fi 9/20/1994 #41763  
                                 A bedroom visitation and abduction occurre 9/20/1994 #41765  
                           Another bedroom visitation and missing time expe 9/20/1994 #41766  
ight red eyes standing outside her bedroom window. Her father went to inves 1/30/1995 #42002  
at a short thin white being in her bedroom. She was lying on her right side 2/2/1995 #42013  
 Franklin, Georgia a young woman's bedroom was invaded by short, gremlin-li 3/19/1995 #42112  
ery bright ball of light entered a bedroom in Portland, Oregon at 12:30 a.m 4/25/1995 #42175  
 A witness was lying in bed in his bedroom in Grand Haven, Michigan at 9:05 8/15/1995 #42387  
kened by a loud noise, and saw his bedroom fill with light. After the objec 10/27/1995 #42566  
lves paralyzed. At that moment the bedroom curtains lit up brightly and the 12/4/1995 #42638  
to move and got up to look out the bedroom window. He saw a glowing object  12/4/1995 #42638  
ed a visitation by "aliens" in her bedroom late at night. They reportedly g 1/28/1996 #42724  
y, Tasmania, Australia to find her bedroom lit up, and she had an overwhelm 2/10/1996 #42754  
oman. Short dwarf-like entity in / bedroom / night. 2nd time in 3 years. No 2/27/1996 #42782  
 short dwarf appeared in a woman's bedroom during the night.                2/27/1996 #42786  
 May 5, 1996 Elaine woke up in her bedroom in Cornwall, England to see a fo 5/5/1996 #42896  
er over the porch. Looking out his bedroom window, he saw a dark figure sta 9/26/1996 #43043  
 sweating. When he got back to his bedroom his wife was still in bed sleepi 1/5/1997 #43166  
e short dwarfs cavorting about her bedroom while she was unable to move. Af 1/8/1997 #43168  
ebrook, New Hampshire shut off the bedroom light and then saw a large objec 1/28/1997 #43179  
 noise. Small humanoid (or Grey) / bedroom. Suit and helmet. Shhh again. Wa 2/13/1997 #43190  
mall children were asleep in their bedroom in Santiago, Chile when she hear 2/13/1997 #43191  
nutes the being turned to face the bedroom wall, and again there was a loud 2/13/1997 #43191  
 Matias Pakula was looking out his bedroom window in Bethelem, Pennsylvania 5/14/1997 #43293  
 humanoid standing over her in her bedroom. She tried to fight him off by h 9/11/1997 #43405  
 humanoid standing over her in her bedroom. She tried to fight him off by h 9/12/1997 #43407  
 feeling a strange presence in his bedroom. An odd feeling swept through hi 10/15/1997 #43429  
e a UFO hovering right outside her bedroom window. The creatures that were  10/18/1997 #43432  
 both saw a figure standing in the bedroom. Terrified, they hid under the c 1/1/1998 #43484  
a.m. Rowena Judd was asleep in her bedroom in Freemantle, Western Australia 2/1/1998 #43510  
 a humanoid figure standing at her bedroom door. The figure seemed to be da 2/1/1998 #43510  
all, greenish colored being in his bedroom. The being was over 6 feet tall, 2/6/1998 #43514  
en a bright blue light invaded the bedroom. Looking towards the door of the 4/27/1998 #43559  
m. Looking towards the door of the bedroom she saw a strange creature stand 4/27/1998 #43559  
ble to see the figure run from the bedroom.                                 4/27/1998 #43559  
woman awoke to a noise outside her bedroom in Deception Bay, Queensland, Au 6/10/1998 #43586  
                                 A bedroom visitation also reportedly occur 9/6/1998 #43641  
light appearing suddenly in a dark bedroom. Sitting up in bed, the witness  9/6/1998 #43641  
seeing two "Grey" beings enter his bedroom and perform some type of operati 11/1/1998 #43674  
e hallway about five feet from his bedroom doorway. They stood there starin 11/13/1998 #43681  
hazy, pulsing object outside their bedroom window. Other lights seem to be  10/10/1999 #43860  
; she could see it standing by the bedroom door. The witness became enraged 10/26/1999 #43866  
ted that she was abducted from her bedroom in Grimsby, Humberside, England  3/24/2000 #43968  
 bright light overhead through her bedroom skylight window. She next rememb 5/17/2000 #43996  
Canada when he woke up to find his bedroom door open and someone walking in 7/12/2000 #44015  
. Soon an alien figure came to his bedroom door and entered, followed by tw 7/12/2000 #44015  
 next memory was being back in her bedroom at 4:30 a.m. She again heard the 10/15/2000 #44058  
s jolted awake by the sound of the bedroom window being pried open. When hi 10/15/2000 #44059  
LaBerge, Yukon, Canada to find her bedroom lit up by a series of flashing l 12/13/2000 #44103  
ies of flashing lights outside her bedroom window, which were accompanied b 12/13/2000 #44103  
                                 A bedroom visitation of possibly a hologra 12/31/2000 #44110  
ylight and materialized inside the bedroom. The figure and the blue light d 12/31/2000 #44110  
ight and saw a blue glow enter his bedroom. He next heard a loud buzzing so 4/23/2001 #44161  
n the morning, presumably from her bedroom, but she doesn't know how she go 5/2/2001 #44174  
nge small human like figure in her bedroom.                                 7/28/2002 #44367  
e he was being dragged towards the bedroom window by an unknown intruder. H 1/4/2003 #44468  
 the bathroom and then back to her bedroom. As she passed through the kitch 2/13/2004 #44664  
00 a.m. and walked to her screened bedroom window in Orlando, Florida.  She 4/15/2004 #44688  
e bathroom. After returning to her bedroom, she heard a cat meowing outdoor 8/28/2009 #45239  
 her house. Scared, she ran to her bedroom and hid under some blankets. How 8/28/2009 #45239  
ngular object hovering outside her bedroom window. Its contours are outline 9/11/2011 #45332  
1:30 a.m. A woman looking from her bedroom window in Linden, Michigan, sees 1/5/2018 #45500  
 Breda, Netherlands, looks out his bedroom window and sees an enormous glob 2/24/2018 #45512  
## Word: "beds" (Back to Top)
 The inside must be like a room, 2 beds tables & chairs.” Much of her infor Summer 1931 #1130  
 a dimly lit dormitory of about 20 beds, which the nurses call “The Zombie  2/1957 #13481  
                   Ashton Clinton, Beds., UK Car motor lost power, headligh 2/9/1962 #17041  
 towns located on the Atacama Salt Beds in Antofagasta Province in northern 6/26/1968 #24085  
## Word: "bedsheets" (Back to Top)
 and found her lying on top of her bedsheets with her robe and slippers on; 5/3/1968 #23942  
## Word: "bedside" (Back to Top)
R TOLEDO, OR Domed object / woods. Bedside visits / farm. 40-50 see night l 3/5/1972 (approximate) #26588  
MBA 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / bedside. Observer(s) frozen / pinned. Fe 7/13/1995 #42298  
 and about three feet tall. By her bedside there was another creature, who  1/27/2003 #44481  
## Word: "bedwyn" (Back to Top)
                            Little Bedwyn, Wiltshire, England Sunset. Charl 4/8/1912 #860  
et. Charles Tilden Smith at Little Bedwyn, Wiltshire, England, observes the 4/8/1912 #860  
## Word: "bee" (Back to Top)
en at Inavale,” Omaha (Neb.) Daily Bee, February 6, 1897, p. 6) February 17 2/4/1897 #387  
nharve, a compositor for the Omaha Bee.                                     3/14/1897 #392  
 glowing saucer spins. Paces jeep. Bee buzz sound.                          12/2/1950 #5306  
ine gun." There was a "buzz like a bee." The man approached and the boys ga 8/7/1954 #10113  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bee” Yield: 8KT                          3/22/1955 #12054  
ickly east. Seen briefly. / Fresno Bee 12 Oct. '58.                         10/11/1958 #15336  
overs over car. Going up and down. Bee buzz sound. Paralysis..              1/20/1966 #19860  
f light" on departure. (Sacramento Bee, Calif., 8/18/67, NICAP files.) (NIC 8/16/1967 #22884  
ld Fender, age 49, a self-employed bee keeper from Greeneville, Tennessee w 1/27/1977 #31761  
 his head, saying that there was a bee in his hair. He looked absolutely te 10/31/1978 #33902  
 made a soft buzzing sound, like a bee. The creature was reported to have b 1/20/1996 #42697  
## Word: "bee's" (Back to Top)
isfied that they had stumbled on a bee's nest they moved a distance away. A 10/31/1978 #33902  
## Word: "bee-buzz" (Back to Top)
[to] and going quickly west again. Bee-buzz sound.                          12/28/1973 #28609  
## Word: "bee-swarm" (Back to Top)
           EDDINGTON, ME 1 / farm. Bee-swarm sound. 20M metallic ovoid / lo 9/1951 (approximate) #5644  
## Word: "beeamed" (Back to Top)
llia County, Ohio at 11:45 p.m. It beeamed a light down, and descended to a 3/14/1959 #15645  
## Word: "beebalm" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Beebalm” YieldMax: 20KT                  5/1/1970 #25651  
## Word: "beech" (Back to Top)
 over Camaguey province, Cuba in a Beech Bonanza aircraft sighted a circula 10/20/1950 #5248  
Arns and Maj. R.J. Gedson flying a Beech AT-ll trainer.  One yellow-orange  2/11/1952 #5897  
rivate pilot W.A. Hobler, flying a Beech Bonanza. One object, shaped like a 9/13/1952 #7915  
e pilot W.A. Hobler was flying his Beech Bonanza airplane when he sighted a 9/13/1952 #7917  
 Lt. Rau, Capt. Marcinko, flying a Beech T-ll trainer. One object, shaped l 10/24/1952 #8180  
berton, Alabama at 5,000 feet in a Beech T-11 trainer, USAF Lt. Rau and Cap 10/24/1952 #8182  
n a light plane. It followed their Beech Debonair airplane, zigzagged, and  1/10/1961 #16576  
issionary pilot Jay Cole, flying a Beech C-45 twin-engined utility plane.   9/15/1968 #24466  
issionary pilot Jay Cole, flying a Beech C-45 twin-engine utility plane, ob 9/15/1968 #24469  
ring over a heavily wooded area in Beech Hill. When her husband went out to 8/27/1973 #27725  
ring over a heavily wooded area in Beech Hill. When her husband went out to 8/27/1973 #27726  
15,000 feet to the altitude of his Beech Bonanza airplane (9500 feet). It w 9/10/1978 #33660  
irmed. Country: USA Name: “Diamond Beech” YieldMax: 20KT                    10/9/1985 #37677  
                                   BEECH GROVE, IN 1+3 kids. Domed circle / 1/12/1990 #39375  
## Word: "beech-18" (Back to Top)
              NEAR THUNDER BAY, ON Beech-18 pilot. Orange-brown colored sau 2/26/1994 #41426  
## Word: "beechcraft" (Back to Top)
vate pilot Robert Fisher, flying a Beechcraft Bonanza over Bradford, Illino 3/18/1950 #4675  
ions for a new base in an unmarked Beechcraft V-35 Bonanza. CIA official Ri Early 1955 #11901  
e 2:30 p.m. The pilot of a private Beechcraft plane is flying at 1,500 feet 3/24/1955 #12059  
ct still paces the plane. When the Beechcraft’s engine begins to stall, the 3/24/1955 #12059  
ction flew in front of and under a Beechcraft airplane over the Ryuku Islan 3/24/1955 #12060  
                    Ft. Pierce, FL Beechcraft pilot and passenger saw an in 3/23/1961 #16639  
ntina 3:55 p.m. LT. The pilot of a Beechcraft Bonanza en route to Posadas,  4/29/1966 #20426  
tholes and exhaust pipes circled a Beechcraft Bonanza aircraft flown by a s 4/29/1966 #20428  
 Renne is flying his single-engine Beechcraft Bonanza at 9,500 feet southea 9/10/1978 #33655  
Hill Bay, ME Obj hov/darted around Beechcraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)  7/22/1989 #39028  
 Reiff, an attorney, took off in a Beechcraft Bonanza from the Bar Harbor-T 7/22/1989 #39030  
Rogan determines that the UFO is a Beechcraft Model 76 Duchess aircraft mov 1/27/2015 #45428  
## Word: "beecher" (Back to Top)
                                   Beecher, Illinois 9:00 p.m. A couple in  11/25/1976 #31574  
er, Illinois 9:00 p.m. A couple in Beecher, Illinois, watch an oblong, glow 11/25/1976 #31574  
nty Line Road South Ashland Avenue Beecher, Illinois 12:15 a.m. Terry Conne 8/1/1983 #36929  
venue about 1.5 miles southwest of Beecher, Illinois, when he sees a cluste 8/1/1983 #36929  
## Word: "beef" (Back to Top)
 bicycle 2X. No UFO seen. Packet / beef Suet gone.                          7/16/1970 #25738  
## Word: "beehive" (Back to Top)
lowing orange object shaped like a beehive in the middle of the road. A sma 10/1/1954 #10567  
manoid (or Grey) / diving suit and beehive UFO / RTE D27. Quickly going up  10/3/1954 #10631  
aw an orange object, shaped like a beehive, on the road ahead of them. A sm 10/3/1954 #10669  
arge mountainous area resembling a beehive. He could see numerous creatures 8/16/1971 #26291  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Beehive rises / roadside. Memory loss. / 2/9/1979 #34413  
## Word: "beehive-shaped" (Back to Top)
smith had a close encounter with a beehive-shaped UFO in rural Fisherville, 12/21/1964 #18671  
 of Staunton when a 125-foot wide, beehive-shaped UFO slowly crossed the ro 12/21/1964 #18671  
       Liverpool Creek, Qnsld., AU Beehive-shaped object beside road, rose  2/8/1979 #34409  
within 100 feet, he notices a dark beehive-shaped object behind it, which n 2/9/1979 #34416  
                           A dark, beehive-shaped UFO was encountered by a  2/9/1979 #34418  
## Word: "beeler" (Back to Top)
                                   Beeler Road Shawnee High School Lima, Oh Late 7/1964 #18438  
and his teenage son are driving on Beeler Road south of Shawnee High School Late 7/1964 #18438  
## Word: "beemer" (Back to Top)
 Company film crew, headed by Dick Beemer, is at Edwards AFB in southern Ca 9/30/1952 #8070  
Soon the whole crew is looking up. Beemer says the objects are silent, leav 9/30/1952 #8070  
## Word: "beep" (Back to Top)
ound like an alternating frequency beep. (Arkansas Gazette, 3/14/67, copy i 3/12/1967 #21866  
s. Each flash was accompanied by a beep, then the blue light stayed on. The 4/7/1978 #33131  
## Word: "beep-beep" (Back to Top)
vapor from around its edges and a “beep-beep” sound. Meanwhile, the radio i 8/19/1965 #19427  
ies Beach, South Australia heard a beep-beep noise, then saw a group of 3 o 8/6/1972 #26880  
. They also heard an intermittent "beep-beep" sound. Continuing on foot to  8/30/1977 #32441  
, They also heard an intermittent "beep-beep" sound. Continuing on, near a  8/31/1977 #32446  
## Word: "beeper" (Back to Top)
              SSE / MEHRABAD, IRAN Beeper signal draws IAF / same spot UFO  9/19/1976 #31404  
## Word: "beeping" (Back to Top)
     HUNTINGTON, WV 2 observer(s). Beeping noise. 2 2M hemispheres joined o 11/1/1957 #14188  
                  Hammond, IN Loud beeping caused radio interference as pol 11/10/1957 #14518  
0–1,000 feet overhead. They hear a beeping sound and there is interference  11/10/1957 #14525  
 Nebraska Morning. An unidentified beeping sound is picked up for three min 12/5/1957 #14673  
y became afraid and drove away. A "beeping sound" enveloped the car, and th 9/19/1961 #16852  
he Hills hear a rhythmic series of beeping or buzzing sounds which seem to  9/19/1961 #16857  
r minds dulled. A second series of beeping sounds return them to full consc 9/19/1961 #16857  
came frightened and drove away. A "beeping sound" enveloped their car, and  9/19/1961 #16858  
 10-year-old Mike Bizon. It made a beeping noise, rose first to the altitud 5/18/1964 #18283  
legs in a wheat field. With a soft beeping noise, it rose slowly to a heigh 5/18/1964 #18285  
 zooms straight up emitting a soft beeping sound. Bizon smells an odor like 5/19/1964 #18288  
object was on the ground, a steady beeping sound could be heard.  Afterward 8/19/1965 #19424  
ct landed nearby, animals reacted, beeping sound. Object shot straight up i 8/19/1965 #19425  
object was on the ground, a steady beeping sound could be heard. Afterwards 8/19/1965 #19428  
radio interference and a peculiar "beeping sound," then saw an object at lo 8/20/1965 #19439  
-green lighted objects and heard a beeping noise as if signals were being e 3/13/1966 #19957  
hen moved away. It made a whirring/beeping sound, which two other people al 2/17/1967 #21582  
flashing lights, and made a shrill beeping sound. The object tilted before  4/27/1967 #22236  
on, Manitoba when she heard an odd beeping sound. It was repeated at regula 6/30/1967 #22580  
d and accelerated out of sight. A "beeping" sound was heard during the sigh 8/24/1967 #22913  
the truck radio is replaced with a beeping sound. Suddenly the object disap Early 9/1967 #22983  
the object rose, emitting a shrill beeping noise and a red-orange beam. Und 12/3/1967 #23543  
d for 60 minutes or more, making a beeping sound. It had dark spots on the  7/31/1968 #24273  
whining noise, then a high-pitched beeping. Four legs protruded from the bo 5/28/1969 #25167  
n Gem, Kansas at 2:00 a.m., making beeping sounds. Its light illuminated th 8/12/1972 #26913  
nge object hovering over treetops, beeping sound, radiator boiled over. Fly 8/21/1972 #26944  
ing at a low altitude and making a beeping sound. It moved over his car for 8/21/1972 #26945  
Diamond-shaped object in paddock, "beeping" sounds on radio. Frola, 1990, p 11/30/1972 #27153  
 "computer on TV", with a constant beeping rhythm. The object made a vertic 11/30/1972 #27155  
circle, bigger than an airplane. A beeping sound was heard. The mother repo 10/31/1974 #29571  
n Ocean, when he hears a deafening beeping sound, feels a blast of heat, an 2/14/1975 #29812  
witness next heard a high-pitched, beeping sound that made him feel as if h 9/25/1975 #30384  
aint. He awakened his wife and the beeping sound immediately stopped. When  9/25/1975 #30384  
es east over the trees. It emits a beeping noise and is covered in flashing 11/8/1976 #31531  
and a steady white light, making a beeping noise.                           11/8/1976 #31533  
c domed object that was emitting a beeping sound. The witness suffered from 1/4/1977 #31689  
c domed object that was emitting a beeping sound. Near the object was a ver 1/4/1977 #31690  
c domed object that was emitting a beeping sound. Near the object was a ver 1/4/1977 #31691  
er. Whenever they touched Godfrey, beeping sounds emanated from them. Josep 11/28/1980 #35680  
, Quebec. Shortly later they heard beeping, and when they shone a spotlight 7/23/1982 #36547  
he rim. They heard an intermittent beeping on the van's CB radio. (NICAP: 0 1/8/1984 #37112  
he rim. They heard an intermittent beeping on the van's CB radio.           1/8/1984 #37115  
      A large black disc, making a beeping sound, flew over a police radio  7/16/1994 #41627  
s awoke in West Chester, Ohio to a beeping sound coming from a UPS (univers 6/2/2003 #44552  
## Word: "beeps" (Back to Top)
o Frequency Interference (RFI) and beeps. / r79p13.                         11/10/1957 #14516  
eparate observer(s). Radio fades.. beeps! Black object hovers / roadside. 2 7/30/1958 #15161  
square box / 4 legs lands / field. Beeps. Traces / soil. / MJ#253+/ r8+/ r8 5/18/1964 #18279  
s seen from a house, emitting loud beeps. The witnesses' dogs reacted by ba 3/13/1966 #19958  
roject Bluebook Case #10872. Radio beeps. Silent 10M domed saucer wavers an 8/19/1966 #20766  
 / BLODGETT, OR 4 observer(s). Odd beeps. Round night light rises / ground  3/3/1967 #21735  
hts all over/all about. Shakes and beeps and quickly going up [to] as kids  4/24/1967 #22213  
     THOMPSON, MBA 11 observer(s). Beeps. Whirlwind. Silent metal box rotat 6/1967 #22434  
e other) hovering near the ground. Beeps were heard over the truck radio du 9/1967 #22968  
electro-magnetic effects). Radio = beeps. Vanishes.                         9/5/1967? #23001  
r(s). Silver disk hovers / 60+min. Beeps. Dark spots / side like portholes. 7/31/1968 #24267  
n going down. Humming and series / beeps. / r166p44.                        7/17/1972 #26808  
/ Quonset hut! Lights field. Coded beeps..                                  8/12/1972 #26902  
rge circular object / 8M altitude. Beeps and away. Car starts / lights out. 8/21/1972 #26941  
) later. Night light maneuvers and beeps. Treetops burnt.                   5/11/1974 #29099  
aucer hovers / 50' altitude. Radio beeps 3 / second(s). Beams rotate / top. 4/19/1975 #29996  
NC 2 girls / 14. 8m saucer / edge. Beeps. Red lights flash and steady white 11/8/1976 #31530  
altitude glows blue and red. Hums. Beeps and circles and away fast.         3/10/1978 #33024  
 It made a humming sound, gave off beeps and flew in circles at a low altit 3/10/1978 #33026  
 It made a humming sound, gave off beeps and flew in circles at a low altit 3/10/1978 #33027  
er. Heat. Radiation/radioactivity? Beeps. 20+helicopters chase going quickl 12/29/1980 #35754  
LLE-LA-REINE, FR 1 observer. Faint beeps. Large black saucer over police ra 7/16/1994 #41624  
                      COLUMBIA, MO Beeps heard. Small humanoid (or Grey) st 5/10/1995 #42194  
## Word: "beer" (Back to Top)
rs of the Dutch ocean liner Groote Beer see a moon-like object rising out o 7/29/1954 #10063  
              Isle of Wight Lionel Beer begins publishing Spacelink, a news 1/1964 #18104  
nd sees three things that resemble beer cans with “tripod legs and three ma 10/23/1965 #19678  
ma, Oklahoma Witnesses:  Mrs. P.N. Beer and Mrs. E. Smith. One flashing lig 3/26/1966 #20091  
              Two women, Smith and Beer, driving from Amarillo, Texas saw a 3/27/1966 #20102  
itnessed a metallic, 10-foot long, beer keg-shaped object flying low and hu 8/5/1967 #22816  
had stopped at the mess hall for a beer. On his way back to the barracks he 8/16/1971 #26291  
nters, case 1977-12, citing Lionel Beer, BUFORA). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Inci 3/7/1977 #31869  
nters, case 1977-12, citing Lionel Beer, BUFORA). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases 3/7/1977 #31870  
In turn he offered the humanoids a beer, which they accepted. Arriving on t 12/9/1996 #43133  
he San Miguel Corporation, a large beer and beverage maker in Manila, the P 3/12/2000 #43966  
fter waiting awhile and drinking a beer, the men ran back up the hill with  8/5/2006 #44952  
## Word: "beer-can" (Back to Top)
CWMDARE NEAR ABERDARE, SOUTH WALES Beer-can shaped object / spiral path goi 4/1988 #38524  
## Word: "beer-keg" (Back to Top)
WALES 3 / car. Silent metallic 10' beer-keg hugs rough terrain up and down. 8/5/1967 #22809  
## Word: "beer-key" (Back to Top)
EAR YASS, AUSTRALIA Orange-glowing beer-key lands and flies. 2 observer(s)  6/17/1967 #22512  
## Word: "beers" (Back to Top)
in- law), who asks Hughes how many beers he had before his saucer sighting. 7/30/1952 #7362  
                      Prescott, AZ Beers Case (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 3/21/1953 #8769  
by sportsmen’s club president Bill Beers, post office employee Ray Temple,  5/21/1953 #8896  
                              John Beers and a female friend were driving s 5/8/1966 #20467  
 the meeting he'd had half a dozen beers. About 11 p.m. he left the hotel f 6/12/1977 #32161  
n he made a brief stop to buy some beers. He walked on from the mart and st 12/9/1996 #43133  
 rock in order to drink one of the beers. At 6:30 p.m. he heard a loud soun 12/9/1996 #43133  
## Word: "bees" (Back to Top)
 their left, moved like a swarm of bees to the northwest.  A loud roar was  7/3/1947 #2578  
n loose formation like a “swarm of bees” for 10–15 seconds.                 7/3/1947 #2581  
ile hovering and made a sound like bees buzzing.  Only data in files was fr 12/2/1950 #5310  
portedly made a buzzing noise like bees. This case is listed as a Project B 12/2/1950 #5312  
as changing shape "like a swarm of bees might do." The six smaller orbs wer 6/29/1952 #6668  
aking the same noise as a swarm of bees. The top section supported a series 6/24/1953 #8966  
aking the same noise as a swarm of bees. The top section supported a series 6/24/1953 #8971  
light made a sound like a swarm of bees.  It hovered and tilted, flew horiz 4/23/1954 #9711  
s shape, “in a way that a swarm of bees might alter its appearance.” They a 6/29/1954 #9962  
n road. Going up [to] buzzing like bees. / LDLN#319.                        10/8/1954 #10807  
ects) / takeoff. Returns. Sounds / bees. Going quickly southwest.           10/31/1954 #11495  
 made the same noise as a swarm of bees.                                    10/31/1954 #11499  
 made the same noise as a swarm of bees.                                    10/31/1954 #11500  
Orange and white. Sound = swarm of bees.                                    6/28/1960 (approximate) #16318  
ding light and making a sound like bees humming. After a long period of tim 1/20/1966 #19861  
made a buzzing sound like swarming bees and caused a temporary paralysis of 1/20/1966 #19862  
nt, emitting a hum like a swarm of bees. The object finally rose and sped a 3/31/1966 #20173  
oise similar to that of a swarm of bees was audible. It left at high speed  3/31/1966 #20174  
2, heard a low hum like a swarm of bees, and his car engine stalled. The UF 3/31/1966 #20181  
object making the sound of humming bees. They ran for cover, trying to stop 4/8/1966 #20275  
when he heard a noise like buzzing bees around 1:30 a.m. He flashed his fla 3/1/1967 #21715  
 the east. A sound like a swarm of bees (buzzing) could be heard. (Letter 3 3/3/1967 #21741  
 the east. A sound like a swarm of bees (buzzing) could be heard. (Letter 3 3/3/1967 #21744  
buzz similar to that of a swarm of bees. Taken to the hospital of Goiânia,  8/13/1967 #22873  
gh speed with a sound like buzzing bees. De Souza incurred a circular burne 8/13/1967 #22874  
king a noise resembling a swarm of bees. A small object was dropped briefly 10/11/1967 #23215  
rs a humming noise like a swarm of bees. He sees an odd object rocking from 6/26/1969 #25236  
eard a sound resembling a swarm of bees. He then had the feeling that someo 4/15/1970 #25633  
rd the noise resembling a swarm of bees. Tiihonen's eight-year-old son was  4/15/1970 #25633  
it emitted a sound like a swarm of bees.                                    2/26/1971 #26033  
 heard a humming noise, similar to bees, while the figure was in view. He s 9/28/1972 #27038  
 a loud humming noise, "like angry bees," and looked up to see an object 70 12/30/1972 #27193  
p.m. 3-Mins. Sounded like swarm of bees. Object hovered over little town at 10/11/1973 #27994  
s. It made a sound like a swarm of bees. The object jiggled up and down and 10/11/1973 #28004  
e, resembling the sound of buzzing bees. A technical device communicated wi 10/28/1973 #28311  
esses hear a sound like a swarm of bees. Through binoculars, the officer se 9/21/1974 #29467  
buzzing sound like a huge swarm of bees. After watching the UFO for perhaps 4/6/1977 #31953  
color, emitted sound like swarm of bees (NICAP UFOE II, NICAP UFOE II, Sect 7/1/1977 #32225  
color, emitted sound like swarm of bees                                     7/1/1977 #32226  
nd making a noise like a “swarm of bees.” USAF security and a unit from the 7/1/1977 #32227  
 hover / group. Then maneuver like bees. Going quickly [to] extremely fast. 7/31/1977 #32326  
n he hears a sound like a swarm of bees. Looking north, he sees a large met 9/11/1980 #35515  
ance searching for a swarm of wild bees he believed was nearby when he made 6/20/1986 #37918  
s moving in unison like a swarm of bees, each carrying its own light in for 4/15/1997 #43261  
## Word: "beet" (Back to Top)
 observer. Saucer rises / field by beet scales. Absolute(ly) silent. Light  10/25/1954 (approximate) #11376  
en rising from a field nearby some beet scales in Calais, France. It was ab 10/25/1954 #11399  
er field. Going quickly NNW. Burnt beet plants found. / r30p512.            8/28/1974 #29395  
ect with "arms" came in low over a beet field. Burnt beet plants were found 8/28/1974 #29399  
me in low over a beet field. Burnt beet plants were found at the site.      8/28/1974 #29399  
## Word: "beetle" (Back to Top)
G Wave / fireballs and tadpole and beetle shapes.                           11/21/1952 #8311  
later booklet depicts a Volkswagen Beetle.) Unlike most spaceships, the Sat 11/5/1957 #14343  
and about as large as a Volkswagen Beetle. Writing resembling Egyptian hier 12/9/1965 #19762  
d a white object, the size of a VW Beetle, on small wheels. It had six big  11/1/1968 #24616  
with a flat bottom, the size of VW Beetle, in a mountainous area of Redding 10/30/1969 #25440  
 WARMINSTER, WILTS 1 observer. 11' beetle / tripod by old Roman road. Metal 9/28/1970 #25857  
ect about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle on the road. A door opened in the 9/25/1971 #26379  
ded on the lawn, looking like a VW Beetle without fenders. Three small men  11/4/1971 #26457  
an object the size of a Volkswagen beetle floating on a pond. He manages to 1/12/1995 #41971  
timated to be about the size of VW Beetle. It moved away slowly as a speed  6/7/1996 #42925  
## Word: "beetle-shaped" (Back to Top)
 a man sighted an eleven-foot long beetle-shaped object that had landed on  9/28/1970 #25859  
## Word: "beets" (Back to Top)
s saucer turns 5X slow over house. Beets uprooted!                          7/8/1977 #32249  
## Word: "beez" (Back to Top)
torway near Spontin, Belgium A4 in Beez, Belgium 6:00 p.m. Four family memb 1/6/1991 #39947  
 family driving south on the A4 in Beez, Belgium, see three lights attached 1/6/1991 #39947  
## Word: "befabs" (Back to Top)
port from 1948 that uses the term “befabs” to describe “beings from alien o 10/28/1986 #38056  
## Word: "befall" (Back to Top)
predicted that a catastrophe would befall Earth between the years 2000 and  3/1/1990 #39438  
## Word: "befallen" (Back to Top)
 killed. Supposedly a disaster had befallen the expedition on another plane 1/15/1969 #24849  
## Word: "beforehand" (Back to Top)
y Review. He writes to his editors beforehand that “reliable, but off-the-r 10/2/1965 #19638  
to inform the Department of Energy beforehand.                              1982 #36285  
## Word: "befriended" (Back to Top)
as living in the late 1920s. Tesla befriended Carr and revealed to him secr 1955 #11894  
n 1983, his commanding officer had befriended a USAF computer technician at 10/28/1986 #38056  
 discs. A short gray-skinned being befriended the boy, then accompanied him 5/30/1990 #39600  
 20 lbs., and a wild animal he had befriended, his "pet black bear", was no 8/15/1995 #42389  
## Word: "beg" (Back to Top)
alks toward the object. The others beg him to get back in the truck, but he 11/5/1975 #30562  
rience odd physical sensations and beg to be let go. They see a ship behind 7/4/1989 #39007  
iangle going [to] over house. Dogs beg to get in.                           4/7/1990 #39514  
## Word: "beg-meil" (Back to Top)
                                   BEG-MEIL, FR 2 dark orbs maneuver / squa 8/7/1972 (approximate) #26883  
## Word: "began" (Back to Top)
ing unburnished copper. The object began to move slowly toward the south. A 7/2/1907 #698  
tationary for a minute or so, then began to move in slow, slight movements. 6/1944 #1597  
eve this explanation and therefore began referring to the V-2s as “flying g 9/7/1944 #1666  
 with Japan. Three luminous lights began to follow his C-46 transport plane 8/28/1945 #1931  
heast. He noticed that his compass began spinning when the discs passed ove 6/24/1947 #2401  
                  US The Air Force began investigating UFO reports seriousl 7/1947 #2493  
er 132, they turn off the road and began driving across the desert, stoppin 7/5/1947 #2721  
 Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado) it began to flutter and wobble from side-to 3/25/1948 #3596  
opellant cut-off at 61s. 2rpm roll began at 70s)                            7/26/1948 #3739  
a-shaped objects. The entire event began at 7:15 p.m., lasted over 210 minu 10/23/1949 #4402  
 near Memphis, Texas. The sighting began around 9 a.m. and the object was o 4/18/1950 #4867  
 disc in which the holes were sunk began to glow a blue-green color, and a  6/17/1950 #4992  
 pass underneath. Everyone onboard began ducking, including the relief crew 2/8/1951 #5434  
stopped its movement toward us and began moving along with us about 45 degr 2/8/1951 #5434  
ted speed of 1,000 knots, but then began to maneuver and zigzag. Airborne r 4/5/1952 #6035  
 retreated into the UFO which then began to rotate. As the UFO began to spi 8/23/1952 #7684  
h then began to rotate. As the UFO began to spin the conical tower slid dow 8/23/1952 #7684  
slid down into the UFO and the UFO began to rise and rotate like a top. It  8/23/1952 #7684  
 instantaneous 90-degree turn, and began a gentle climb followed by a final 8/26/1952 #7744  
ved a tragic UFO interception that began three hours earlier; the last know 9/12/1952 #7905  
Pendulous motion ceased and object began rotary motion about its own axis.  9/20/1952 #7982  
 panel conclusions), the Air Force began debunking UFOs. Since then the Air 1/17/1953 #8544  
eet on a southeasterly course, and began circling the B-36 and rising above 2/6/1953 #8644  
. Over the next several minutes in began to shrink and it changed color. Th 4/12/1953 #8822  
he F-86 had been circling. The UFO began circling at a tremendous speed for 7/19/1953 #9001  
    Easton, PA Television picture "began going up and down real fast," as U 9/29/1953 #9189  
 “The U.S. Earth satellite program began in 1954 as a joint U.S. Army and U 1954 #9413  
at Roswell Air Force Base where he began helicopter training. On the evenin 4/12/1954 #9685  
nted them from getting closer, and began tagging the objects and the bodies 4/12/1954 #9685  
e years after he was discharged he began having nightmares and needed to ta 4/12/1954 #9685  
ound, and moments later the object began to rise up into air with a rotatin 8/20/1954 #10158  
e no arms on the creature. When he began waddling toward her she fled. A fl 9/26/1954 #10452  
t truck felt half paralyzed, motor began missing; dark elongated object see 10/18/1954 #11206  
en minutes later Mrs. Paquet's dog began to bark furiously, and she see a s 10/18/1954 #11215  
half paralyzed and his van's motor began missing and slowed to 20 mph. He t 10/18/1954 #11218  
heard his radio shriek and his dog began barking. He looked out and saw a h 10/23/1954 #11343  
 Base in Porto Alegre, Brazil.  It began making fast, tight circular turns  10/24/1954 #11373  
e woods in Ranes, Orne, France. It began to rise off the ground slowly, the 10/26/1954 #11420  
 no houses in the area, Sr. Seenza began shouting in order to make contact  11/1/1954 #11522  
anoids emerged from the object and began to gather apples from the nearby o 11/18/1954 #11667  
ugh a rectangular door. The object began to emit smoke from its central reg 12/28/1954 #11869  
ators state that just as the pilot began his report, communication is cut o 2/2/1955 #11968  
up the whole area, rose again, and began to "feel its way along the crooked 5/29/1955 #12166  
dow hanging over the road. His car began to slow down, and stop and start i 7/17/1955 #12266  
n, attempted to capture it, but it began spinning and rose out of sight. It 9/7/1956 #13204  
akota, South Dakota, and Minnesota began on November 8, 1956. The sightings 11/8/1956 #13314  
me time. The flurry of UFO reports began with a sighting in Dickinson, Sout 11/8/1956 #13314  
 for two to three minutes. Then it began going off in the south-southwest d 11/8/1956 #13315  
ed motionless for awhile, and then began moving.                            11/29/1956 #13364  
ilvery glow in the yard. The light began to move and left going over his ho 10/5/1957 #14063  
bine engine failed as hovering UFO began to rise (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)    10/15/1957 #14117  
 US When the "flap" of UFO reports began about November 1, "fact sheets" we 11/1957 #14179  
orts around Levelland, Texas which began the night before continued in the  11/3/1957 #14253  
tholes faded and the entire object began to glow with scintillating brillia 12/16/1957 #14736  
the antenna lowered and the object began to move to the right, back in the  12/16/1957 #14736  
ng saucers.”  Lusar claims Germany began developing saucer technology in 19 1958 #14787  
600 feet in altitude. The UFO then began a series of high-speed maneuvers,  2/24/1958 #14890  
 Richmond (near), VA Engine of car began running roughly, driver then notic 5/1958 #15009  
es from George AFB. Their pet dogs began howling and ran to get inside the  2/24/1959 #15607  
round level. After five minutes it began chasing him, flying 6 m above him  4/15/1959 #15704  
round level. After five minutes it began chasing him, flying six meters abo 4/15/1959 #15705  
ehl-Eveking, Germany Lutz Holtmann began walking toward a bright object he  8/25/1959 #15939  
rtically at daybreak. The incident began at 4:15 a.m. and continued until t 10/31/1959 #16072  
 Lawrence J. Tacker, the Air Force began answering critics of its UFO progr 1960 #16138  
goza AFB, Spain were scrambled and began interacting with the lights. “The  1960 #16145  
ith the lights. “The UFOs suddenly began moving around really quickly and e 1960 #16145  
d throwing water, but gradually it began to spin less and finally stopped.  6/22/1960 #16316  
e USAF Foreign Technology Division began, he was put on it and received aut 1961 #16553  
s of it broke off and these fibers began settling down on everything. The b 11/18/1961 #16964  
 times, the object arched over and began descending to earth after which th 4/18/1962 #17120  
out or went dark. After the object began to slow down it began to wobble or 4/18/1962 #17120  
r the object began to slow down it began to wobble or fishtail in its path. 4/18/1962 #17120  
further 20 meters into the air and began to rotate, its light becoming more 8/1/1962 #17313  
ect (now resembling a bright star) began moving across the sky, picking up  7/20/1963 #17843  
ar again and the engine of his car began to miss. He stopped the car, and t 6/29/1964 #18383  
st above the car, and the car then began to vibrate and its lights went out 4/3/1965 #18889  
d robots came out from the UFO and began to approach. Both men got out; one 4/3/1965 #18889  
1, had been killed in 1948 when he began chasing what he thought was a UFO. 4/24/1965 #18916  
nd its headlights died. The object began to glow red and rose straight up i 12/20/1965 #19782  
 like a seam encircled the UFO. It began revolving in a clockwise motion on 1/5/1966 #19806  
 appeared nearby. This object then began to make a pass at the car, so the  1/18/1966 #19851  
d figure was seen. The object then began to move torward the witness's car  3/30/1966 #20161  
e: 100 m, length, 20 m. The lights began flashing and the object went down  4/19/1966 #20344  
t reported cases of "missing time" began on this day in a bedroom in West C 6/23/1966 #20599  
approached to investigate, the UFO began moving away, leading him on a cat- 6/24/1966 #20605  
nd it was surrounded by a mist. It began to play a game of cat and mouse wi 6/24/1966 #20608  
e about 100 yards distant, then it began moving, rapidly accelerated and sp 7/18/1966 #20654  
g red, green, and white lights, it began a series of maneuvers, descended a 8/1/1966 #20715  
g red, green, and white lights, it began a series of maneuvers, descended a 8/1/1966 #20719  
o upset by the experience that she began psychiatric counseling and continu 10/2/1966 #20950  
ter about three minutes the object began to move westward, then rose steepl 11/5/1966 #21078  
he tube, and simultaneously the TV began making a loud whining noise, windi 11/14/1966 #21101  
 on his front porch his dog Bandit began wailing. Partridge picked up a fla 11/14/1966 #21101  
tside on his porch, his dog Bandit began wailing. Partridge picked up a fla 11/15/1966 #21109  
 door closed quietly and the craft began to make a soft whirring sound like 11/17/1966 #21119  
em, and then red and orange lights began flashing on and off. A beam of lig 12/8/1966 #21193  
ring a few feet from the house. It began beaming a pinkish light of a painf 1/25/1967 #21388  
tween 3 1/2 and five feet. Quazgaa began telepathic communication with Bett 1/25/1967 #21389  
ree angle into the sky. The object began moving away, and then suddenly dis 2/9/1967 #21493  
, Wisconsin. At 8:40 p.m. CST dogs began yelping when a UFO flew by fast an 2/21/1967 #21616  
 red and approached the car, which began to rock violently * (physical effe 3/1967 #21689  
n to bright white. When the object began moving toward their car, the car r 3/8/1967 #21810  
ering, dark egg-shaped object that began to glow red when it moved low over 3/25/1967 #21982  
eries of night-time incidents that began on March 28th, in Conifer, Colorad 4/1/1967 #22042  
 series of nightly encounters that began March 28th, in Conifer, Colorado o 4/6/1967 #22082  
 radio, which had been turned off, began broadcasting in a strange language 4/14/1967 #22131  
A short being exited the craft and began walking around it. The being was w 6/11/1967 #22496  
raft. The day before the sightings began, the newspaper received a phone ca 6/21/1967 #22530  
ace, and made no noise. The object began moving off at an angle, stopped an 6/30/1967 #22580  
hen he called APRO about the CR he began receiving threats, he was visited  7/3/1967 #22604  
rds,"You have nothing to fear." He began to walk toward the being when the  7/18/1967 #22695  
d the being when the whining noise began again and he heard, "Danger; I mus 7/18/1967 #22695  
e corn. At some point a dog nearby began barking, and the second entity qui 7/19/1967 #22701  
ange odor in the air, and his eyes began to tear. He then saw a spherical o 7/21/1967 #22721  
 an orange-red starlike light that began to move. (Fowler report, 8/14/67,  7/27/1967 #22739  
histling sound. A smell of sulphur began to spread, and the object flew awa 8/29/1967 #22953  
 After about 2 minutes, the object began moving, accelerated rapidly and di 9/5/1967 #23004  
id not get a good look because she began screaming and the creature flew of 9/8/1967 #23021  
ussia at 7:40 p.m. The object then began making a rapid descent. It had a c 9/19/1967 #23096  
him. A horse in the nearby stables began neighing and the attacker let go a 9/22/1967 #23115  
on with the rectangular object and began to dance around the spheres like f 10/4/1967 #23177  
hese formed into a V formation and began hovering above the witnesses. As t 10/24/1967 #23310  
they became mesmerized, and Ritter began hearing a "blip-blip" sound like s 10/24/1967 #23310  
, ND Sphere rose, paced car, which began steering hard. Object hovered near 10/27/1967 #23347  
, ND Sphere rose, paced car, which began steering hard. Object hovered near 10/27/1967 #23349  
 him. Then the saucer-shaped craft began to oscillate, and he heard a sound 10/29/1967 #23364  
 of the right side of the car, and began running to the farmhouse of Willia 11/2/1967 #23392  
 five minutes of watching it, they began to approach more closely but the o 11/9/1967 #23434  
River, Alberta, Canada a car radio began fading in and out and the headligh 11/28/1967 #23520  
 During the next hour the car body began to heat up and even his hair got h 12/13/1967 #23582  
the girls accosted by the stranger began to go into trances and speak in st 4/3/1968 #23888  
tors of the observatory apparently began observing a "series of luminous ph 5/17/1968 #23972  
his hand at her she felt faint and began to lose consciousness. He smiled a 6/14/1968 #24032  
 giants. They took his arms and he began to "trace signs automatically." He 6/20/1968 #24056  
ting garments. Holding hands, they began to descend slowly, disappearing in 6/27/1968 #24087  
y door opening. The luminous helix began to rotate at greater speed, and th 6/27/1968 #24087  
ecticut. Suddenly the TV reception began to snow, and then they heard cryin 7/1/1968 #24121  
escend from the ceiling. The light began to dim and she felt partially para 7/15/1968 #24179  
ich suddenly dimmed and the object began emitting a green blue light. It ha 7/20/1968 #24194  
 diameter. The engine of their car began to slow down, then die completely  7/25/1968 #24228  
heard a buzzing sound and her dogs began barking. The next day several grou 8/12/1968 #24317  
heard a buzzing sound and her dogs began barking. The witness then saw a se 8/12/1968 #24318  
heard a buzzing sound and her dogs began barking at eight o'clock in the ev 8/12/1968 #24322  
ears. Strange paranormal phenomena began to take place around the doctor an 11/1/1968 #24620  
in electrical circuits. The doctor began to have mysterious meetings with a 11/1/1968 #24620  
all that shot a fiery beam when it began moving. At 11:45 p.m. on the highw 1/5/1969 #24818  
r the ground at 10:30 p.m. His dog began howling. The silhouettes of beings 1/16/1969 #24853  
O first appeared, the car's engine began to stop but then ran normally. The 2/20/1969 #24935  
he ground under the point where it began its departure.                     2/20/1969 #24935  
wo cars, hovered near one car, and began pulsating. As it got brighter, the 3/19/1969 #25030  
sing. Soon after his experience he began neglecting his work and drinking h 4/20/1969 #25075  
lice Department and Port Authority began seeing the UFOs. Robert G. Howingt 6/20/1969 #25230  
 was heard at the door and the dog began barking in Cannes, Alpes-Maritime  7/21/1969 #25289  
 We clapped the light on it and it began to come closer. We saw a black man 11/9/1969 #25455  
nd. All four, with the "dog", then began to run very rapidly down the road  6/4/1970 #25690  
lic, and fairly large object which began following their car at 10:25 p.m.  7/29/1970 #25757  
ut then became perfectly clear. It began to move in circles, then rapid spu 11/24/1970 #25918  
nts in consciousness manifestation began at Camp Hero, culminating with the 1/1971 #25963  
d teleportation to other locations began in 1982. Nichols claims Project Ra 1/1971 #25963  
82. Nichols claims Project Rainbow began in 1983 and accidentally manifeste 1/1971 #25963  
appened at the facility after they began communicating.  Later, Bielek bega 1/1971 #25963  
egan communicating.  Later, Bielek began to claim he and Cameron served in  1/1971 #25963  
inha, Santa Catalina, Brazil a dog began behaving frantically, and then the 1/30/1971 #26008  
through 3 or 4 washings. The paint began to come off his car when he washed 3/5/1971 #26044  
owly over the area. The guard dogs began howling, and the men all watched a 3/25/1971 #26054  
f the men. The dog slowed down and began to grow menacingly, and one of the 3/25/1971 #26054  
y static in the air and his tongue began to itch. Both men then heard a lou 3/25/1971 #26054  
stop but it changed directions and began moving away quickly. Seconds later 3/25/1971 #26054  
in diameter, first landed and then began glowing. Two "wings" came out of t 8/2/1971 #26264  
nnaturally quiet around him. As he began to cross the bridge and just befor 8/16/1971 #26291  
hing sound present, and the bridge began to sway in a wave-like motion and  8/16/1971 #26291  
 then settled down. Frightened, he began to run toward the other end of the 8/16/1971 #26291  
At some point Paulo Caetano's head began to ache. The craft and its occupan 10/11/1971 #26418  
 bottom of the UFO increased as it began to shoot up into the sky. Ron was  11/2/1971 #26450  
low was now high in the sky, as it began to vanish from sight altogether. T 11/2/1971 #26450  
. He ran out, started his car, and began to move it. His next recollection  3/25/1972 #26623  
od dogs in Scituate, Massachusetts began barking. A policeman on patrol not 4/20/1972 #26655  
ghtened, they ran to their car and began to drive away when a giant creatur 8/6/1972 #26882  
00 a.m. Fernando Dedeu's car radio began to develop problems while driving  8/8/1972 #26885  
humanoid figures wearing coveralls began to exit the craft. The witness cre 8/26/1972 #26956  
ed the compound. Once inside, they began their systems check of the equipme 10/14/1972 #27077  
d in fact felt rejuvenated, and he began cutting a new set of teeth in his  12/30/1972 #27193  
 Catanduva on Highway 321, his car began to lose power and his car's radio  5/22/1973 #27519  
 same time the interior of his car began to heat up. Patero felt a lack of  5/22/1973 #27519  
 stepped out. A "curtain of light" began to form around the object, and the 5/22/1973 #27519  
ut of his truck the little figures began to scatter to the sides of the roa 5/22/1973 #27520  
an entered the room and the beings began talking and touching the witness.  7/27/1973 #27657  
 vicinity of Indio, California she began to receive pictures in her mind an 8/4/1973 #27683  
n revealed to be a red disc, which began moving in various directions, then 9/2/1973 #27749  
room. At the same time both beings began to fade and disappeared.           10/3/1973 #27926  
lvery type of wet suit. The bubble began rotating faster and disappeared in 10/4/1973 #27936  
he light darted across the sky and began to descend near them. She ran up t 10/15/1973 #28060  
o be a headlight. Her car suddenly began to lose power. The headlights flic 10/16/1973 #28089  
cubes were placed on the rail they began to glow. The three men were all ab 10/16/1973 #28089  
r. When 10 feet away it turned and began running. The Chief pursued it in h 10/17/1973 #28142  
eld in the early evening when they began to bark. Further ahead he saw a la 10/19/1973 #28198  
hill path. From then until the sky began to lighten the besieged campers we 10/20/1973 #28222  
near Uniontown, Pennsylvania which began to descend towards a pasture. The  10/25/1973 #28286  
nd towards a pasture. The incident began when the principal witness and two 10/25/1973 #28286  
 near the spot. Strange events now began to take place. Some in the party s 10/25/1973 #28286  
ness, a rather large man, suddenly began growling, and he threw his father  10/25/1973 #28286  
ared to be a trance-like state, he began talking about visions he had seen  10/25/1973 #28286  
d three human-like beings. He then began to feel weak and barely able to mo 10/28/1973 #28311  
ess" after the event, and its hair began to fall out.                       10/29/1973 #28319  
MO 11:30 p.m. This close encounter began with the observation of five red l 11/23/1973 #28461  
 like she going into a trance, and began receiving telepathic messages from 12/12/1973 #28559  
en moved into an amber sphere that began to emit a vapor of some kind. The  12/14/1973 #28573  
ch a better look of the lights and began walking down the pier when two mor 1/15/1974 #28680  
 4:15 a.m. the engine of the truck began missing and the lights flickered,  2/14/1974 #28773  
 inside. After a while, the object began to maneuver, rising up and disappe 3/14/1974 #28886  
ar passed by the entity the engine began to fail and the automobile was "sh 3/17/1974 #28898  
th cupolas on both top and bottom, began to chase him. He got in his car an 3/20/1974 #28915  
de of the craft, and the outer rim began to turn more rapidly. The object s 4/16/1974 #29042  
        In 1974 the strange events began early in the morning for a young m 5/31/1974 #29150  
, he slowed down. The pair of them began to think in more detail about the  5/31/1974 #29150  
 for 2 seconds. The car headlights began to fade next, and there was an imm 5/31/1974 #29150  
At 3:00 a.m. the next morning dogs began barking and a witness saw a landed 6/7/1974 #29171  
was a fairly steady light until it began to accelerate, then it appeared to Summer 1974 #29219  
                             A dog began barking at 1:15 a.m. when a domed  6/25/1974 #29225  
a.m. a luminous disc-shaped object began following a car with two passenger 7/8/1974 #29246  
nt at 400,000 feet, radar scanners began tracking a UAP next to the ICBM no 7/17/1974 #29267  
 pulled off the road, got out, and began looking for it. After searching fo 8/20/1974 #29373  
r ears, "painful electrical shocks began penetrating their bodies." This we 9/16/1974 #29460  
amp airplane. His magnetic compass began rotating counter-clockwise at 4-5  11/28/1974 #29620  
reetlights brightened and the dogs began barking again. At this point the U 3/31/1975 #29927  
t-angle turn, approached, hovered; began to oscillate, shot straight up out 4/15/1975 #29989  
t-angle turn, approached, hovered. Began to oscillate, shot straight up out 4/15/1975 #29990  
      A series of close encounters began in central Connecticut at 8:45 p.m 6/2/1975 #30075  
e object and those inside the base began to glow and pulsate in a strange m 7/22/1975 #30201  
res could be made out. The figures began walking very quickly toward the yo 8/22/1975 #30298  
ncircled by multicolored rings. It began to rise and fall, and luminous por 8/28/1975 #30315  
It then turned bluish in color and began to hover. (HC addition # 744, CUFO 10/19/1975 #30449  
 camera, Helen and then the others began to feel a choking sensation, "as i 10/26/1975 #30476  
 numerous occasions. Investigation began the next day, and hypnosis session 10/27/1975 #30489  
 camera, Helen and then the others began to feel a choking sensation, "as i 10/27/1975 #30491  
extraordinarily long strides. They began to ascend a very steep slope, and  11/8/1975 #30584  
heir home in Santa Ana, Mrs. Vidal began to have a series of nightmares in  11/27/1975 #30669  
rned the car around but the engine began to stall, and the vehicle subseque 11/27/1975 #30671  
 the home of Mrs. Smith. Their car began driving as if it had a mind of its 1/6/1976 #30762  
nwide headlines. UFO investigators began studying their case eagerly, and f 1/6/1976 #30762  
e he could not understand; then he began to run. The UFO rose and flew over 1/29/1976 #30832  
ulders and on his right arm; these began to disappear after 7-8 hours.      1/29/1976 #30832  
 to have a citizens band radio and began communications with other people r 3/15/1976 #30942  
Committee and House Pike Committee began investigating domestic surveillanc 4/26/1976 #31027  
id, the door wouldn’t budge and he began to feel “tingly”. Eventually he to 8/1/1976 #31219  
ine failed, and the car's interior began to feel very hot. A red light beam 8/5/1976 #31235  
mera. What's more, the two couples began to feel an indescribable malaise,  8/10/1976 #31252  
ned a flashlight at the object, it began to approach their canoe slowly. A  8/26/1976 #31307  
. The object and the beam of light began approaching the four men and all f 8/26/1976 #31307  
 the four men and all four of them began to paddle frantically toward shore 8/26/1976 #31307  
 dog wandered off. She immediately began to search for her dog, following i 9/3/1976 #31337  
l. A second F-4 that was scrambled began closing in on the UFO at greater t 9/19/1976 #31396  
hed two smaller UFOs, one of which began to follow the F-4. After evasive a 9/19/1976 #31396  
tude. After he had passed it by it began to follow him, and the UFO passed  10/24/1976 #31493  
y, South Carolina at 10:30 p.m. It began hovering close to the ground. It w 10/28/1976 #31503  
and stopped near the porch. Now it began to give off a white light. The cra 10/28/1976 #31503  
d its hands were claw-like. Richie began to scream for his father, but when 10/28/1976 #31503  
0 shots. At the instant the firing began the apparition vanished. The other 11/12/1976 #31540  
row lane and immediately their car began to "shudder and shake as though it 11/14/1976 #31549  
in her legs. The sensation in them began to return, but her feet were slewe 12/10/1976 #31594  
           This humanoid encounter began at 12:30 a.m. when a penetrating s 1/23/1977 #31748  
y of Cookeville, Tennessee his dog began to act strangely, and Fender felt  1/27/1977 #31761  
ne was to his immediate left. They began to question him about a number of  1/27/1977 #31761  
sort of face behind it. The object began to ascend, and soon passed out of  2/10/1977 #31808  
oth the being and the ovoid object began slowly moving off, gradually disap 4/7/1977 #31957  
ain view of the others. The others began frantically searching for him but  4/25/1977 #32027  
n had disappeared. The object then began to ascend, moving off in three jer 5/18/1977 #32111  
 car. The engines of both vehicles began to lose power. Both vehicles were  6/6/1977 #32153  
nearly an hour after her encounter began. She suffered from psychological s 8/3/1977 #32356  
h is not blurry because the object began speeding away. He estimates it was 8/17/1977 #32409  
 syringe like device at him and he began to move toward the object. The nex 9/15/1977 #32485  
ut suddenly he found his voice and began screaming, "Who are you? What do y 9/15/1977 #32485  
one of the entities, and the being began melting from top to bottom, until  9/15/1977 #32485  
ke device at the animal and it too began melting, after turning blue. A UFO 9/15/1977 #32485  
y to San Juan, Puerto Rico when he began hearing voices in his head. He sto 9/25/1977 #32519  
 after a few minutes he once again began to hear voices, so he stopped the  9/25/1977 #32519  
white in color and landed. It then began changing colors, first to red and  10/6/1977 #32555  
nding by a nearby tree. The figure began walking very slowly and seemed to  10/26/1977 #32619  
 their car to 8-15 kph, the engine began misfiring. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 12/30/1977 #32819  
their car to 8-15 km/h, the engine began misfiring. They then stopped and t 12/30/1977 #32822  
 several silvery buttons. The seat began to revolve along a track in the ce 2/5/1978 #32957  
lder looking man. The crew members began talking among themselves. The man  2/5/1978 #32957  
hing buttons. The central platform began to rotate in a counterclockwise di 2/5/1978 #32957  
inued to approach even closer, and began to surround it. Suddenly, one of t 2/17/1978 #32974  
ng to their car's stereo when they began getting heavy interference on the  2/23/1978 #32995  
ng to their car's stereo when they began getting heavy interference on the  2/23/1978 #32998  
earby tree stump. A thick fog then began forming in the area and simultaneo 4/25/1978 #33169  
very bright object in the sky that began to descend at a high speed. The ob 5/10/1978 #33194  
very bright object in the sky that began to descend at a high speed. The ob 5/10/1978 #33199  
 force field was gone, so he again began to walk toward the object but was  6/16/1978 #33282  
down by a blast of wind. The craft began to glow and rose off the ground an 6/16/1978 #33282  
eyes and mouth. To their horror it began moving towards them using incredib 7/11/1978 #33367  
round eleven o'clock her small dog began acting strangely by running around 7/11/1978 #33368  
ged from the bottom and the object began to ascend. Two bright yellow light 7/11/1978 #33368  
between 1967 and 1969. Stringfield began publishing books on the sources’ c 8/1978 #33460  
suddenly panicked and screamed and began to faint, and some of the creature 8/1/1978 #33464  
o faint, and some of the creatures began backing away. But moments later a  8/1/1978 #33464  
ect, green glow, hovered overhead, began circling; E-M effects, dogs whined 8/11/1978 #33502  
ect, green glow, hovered overhead, began circling. E-M effects, dogs whined 8/11/1978 #33504  
low and hovered overhead, and then began circling. His dog whined and his h 8/11/1978 #33509  
Next, several objects appeared and began maneuvering overhead, emitting pow 9/6/1978 #33640  
usions on its head. Frightened, he began to run away but fell down while fo 9/21/1978 #33725  
ic object against his forehead. He began receiving telepathic communication 10/3/1978 #33797  
sounds in the area ceased. He then began walking and next heard a weak whis 10/15/1978 #33837  
ted from fright. After awhile they began to hear what seemed to be human vo 10/30/1978 #33894  
 language. The terrified witnesses began screaming for help because they be 10/30/1978 #33894  
an screaming for help because they began to feel a bizarre effect: all thre 10/30/1978 #33894  
from the object. After awhile they began to hear what seemed to be human vo 10/30/1978 #33898  
 language. The terrified witnesses began screaming for help because they be 10/30/1978 #33898  
an screaming for help because they began to feel a bizarre effect: all thre 10/30/1978 #33898  
 growing in size." Finally the UFO began to move away, throwing numerous ro 10/30/1978 #33898  
y named Will leapt to his feet and began slapping his head, saying that the 10/31/1978 #33902  
d object with green and red lights began pacing her car. She saw spots of p 11/22/1978 #33983  
 beings approached the witness and began making sudden "sliding" moves arou 11/24/1978 #33997  
ing about the mystery light, Pilar began doing some housework, when a secon 12/6/1978 #34068  
 just sudden appeared. Both beings began approaching the house. For several 12/6/1978 #34068  
 river. The object came closer and began to hover close to the ground near  12/6/1978 #34070  
hanged color to a reddish pink and began pulsating first slowly, then faste 12/14/1978 #34127  
several persons came out. Cardenas began feeling a strong pressure in his c 1/3/1979 #34292  
 Sorocaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil began on this evening and continued for  1/11/1979 #34330  
 color to a bright orange, then it began to dim revealing a two- meter wide 1/13/1979 #34337  
ddenly laid down on the ground and began whining for no apparent reason. Gl 2/21/1979 #34441  
wn machinery. The men stood up and began conversing among themselves in an  5/16/1979 #34564  
legs and a round body appeared. It began moving slowly towards the witness, 7/15/1979 #34655  
t attracted towards the object and began walking towards it. The next thing 8/19/1979 #34760  
attached to his trousers leg. They began to drag him towards the landed cra 11/9/1979 #34991  
e of fog or vapor; the object then began blinking its lights on and off. Th 11/30/1979 #35034  
s and Yunque de Henares when a UFO began pacing his car and followed him fo 12/3/1979 #35046  
eral times. The humanoids suddenly began running at witnesses, who became t 2/11/1980 #35169  
 light appeared on the ground that began slowly rising up and down. The wit 4/20/1980 #35281  
aby pigs in the barn jumped up and began wild grunting and knocking about i 10/26/1980 #35591  
e trees, tilted onto one side, and began moving off slowly toward the south 12/29/1980 #35758  
feel groggy and his truck's engine began sputtering. He experienced a perio 12/31/1980 #35759  
 a long table in the middle." John began crying again and said, "I'm tellin 12/31/1980 #35759  
es of light. At this time his dogs began barking and acting strangely. His  2/13/1981 #35827  
 The dog approached the figure and began barking, and then both man and his 2/13/1981 #35827  
0 AM. A brilliant white light that began filling her room awakened the witn 2/15/1981 #35829  
h. Frogs stopped croaking and dogs began barking excitedly (NICAP: 02 - Clo 3/30/1981 #35880  
wo human forms emerge; the figures began gesticulating and "jumping" around 4/15/1981 #35898  
k object. The object was round and began pacing their vehicle. At this poin 7/15/1981 #36008  
k object. The object was round and began pacing the vehicle. At this point  7/16/1981 #36010  
en, Norway Localized concentration began, continuing off and on for several 11/1981 #36199  
en, Norway Localized concentration began, continuing off and on for several 11/1981 #36200  
at approached his truck. The truck began to vibrate, and hefelt a tingling  12/15/1981 #36259  
ments. At that moment his eyesight began to become blurry. He next heard a  2/19/1982 #36357  
e approached the object its engine began to sputter without any apparent ca 5/1982 #36460  
ble inside the object. The two men began moving back and forth very quickly 6/3/1982 #36492  
ce in the area. The object finally began moving and as it passed by their l 7/22/1982 #36544  
ll. Later a dog that was with them began barking, then ran inside. The wome 7/22/1982 #36545  
en flew over them. The object then began to follow the car, traveling along 9/1982 #36588  
ds it and as he got near the thing began to grow larger until it became a h 11/10/1982 #36678  
a light beam toward the ground. It began when a luminous object with brilli 11/27/1982 #36698  
ights below row portholes, when it began making a purring turbine noise. Th 5/9/1983 #36857  
i, Italy at 5:00 a.m. in 1983 dogs began barking when a cigar-shaped UFO ap 6/5/1983 #36877  
-15 minutes had passed, the object began to drift away to the northwest whe 5/19/1984 #37335  
 coming down the road. The UFO now began to move away slightly, traveling i 7/15/1984 #37401  
bject stopped to hover, its lights began to flash.                          10/31/1984 #37499  
ow, while dogs in the neighborhood began barking. As he looked outside he s 5/29/1986 #37898  
p.m. After a minute of flight they began rotating around an imaginary cente 6/26/1986 #37925  
bles in a circular room. The woman began screaming when a tiny hatchway ope 3/7/1987 #38133  
he room became dark and everything began spinning. Their next conscious mem 3/7/1987 #38133  
hey made dealing with the EBEs and began to promote positive film projects  12/29/1987 #38379  
 back of his legs. The object next began rotating and a blue beam of light  1/12/1988 #38411  
 another abduction experience that began at 1:20 a.m. in Gulf Breeze, Flori 5/1/1988 #38551  
 creature wore a helmet. The being began to struggle and a sour smell, like 5/1/1988 #38551  
York at around 9:00 p.m. when they began to hear strange noises coming from 2/11/1989 #38835  
utside, jumped into their car, and began following the UFO and the mystery  2/11/1989 #38835  
ide of his face became swollen and began to bleed. For the next two weeks h 5/10/1989 #38942  
enna on top of it. The little girl began crying and the women reacted to th 7/4/1989 #39009  
deed had a euphoric feeling as she began rising up into the air towards the 9/16/1989 #39108  
ther workers came to the scene and began yelling and ran towards the woman. 9/16/1989 #39108  
 by her arms, but she resisted and began screaming at them. She finally beg 10/8/1989 #39150  
gan screaming at them. She finally began to fade out of consciousness, and  10/8/1989 #39150  
om each polygon. The grid-like net began to control the moped, covering the 10/11/1989 #39164  
w, and soon both she and her moped began to rise in the air. She started sc 10/11/1989 #39164  
-mouth respiration. The robot then began walking like a normal human. The r 10/28/1989 #39191  
n floating above a clearing and it began to glow with an incredibly bright  2/18/1990 #39422  
in a certain set pattern. She then began to feel extremely sleepy and had n 3/24/1990 #39484  
anged to a deep "crimson red", and began revolving around each other. Some  8/5/1990 #39681  
ught it could be a UFO. The object began to descend at a high speed, notice 9/13/1990 #39731  
The boys approached the object and began touching it. when a small hatch op 5/14/1991 #40060  
with large black slanted eyes, who began lifting her from her bed. She bega 5/14/1991 #40061  
egan lifting her from her bed. She began to struggle with the beings, when  5/14/1991 #40061  
ar then took hold of them and they began running away from the area. One of 6/15/1991 #40098  
elevision. Moments later their cat began acting strangely and the televisio 7/21/1991 #40129  
t reason. Worse yet, their engines began to malfunction. The object also be 8/28/1991 #40168  
an to malfunction. The object also began to make evasive zigzag maneuvers,  8/28/1991 #40168  
 Kazakhstan. A month later reports began to trickle back to Bishkek that a  8/28/1991 #40168  
 several unusual effects when they began to examine the object. They were u 8/28/1991 #40168  
 than 800 meters to the object, he began to feel unusual anxiety, depressio 8/28/1991 #40168  
ed within 500 meters of the object began to suffer from some sort of radiat 8/28/1991 #40168  
buzzing sound in his head and then began seeing black rings in front of his 12/4/1991 #40254  
e. He felt forced to follow it. He began doing odd chores around the house  12/4/1991 #40254  
ent into a trance. The young woman began speaking in a slow deliberate mann 9/24/1992 #40639  
rea at 8:31 p.m. One of the lights began to approach. It was a large object 3/16/1993 #40886  
e was eventually released and soon began suffering from severe headaches. A 5/18/1993 #40984  
00 feet above the ground, and then began to ascend. After several minutes i 7/24/1993 #41084  
elop a plasma-based projectile. It began development in 1990, and its first 8/1/1993 #41100  
es appear in the field. The figure began moving slowly towards them, appare 8/8/1993 #41118  
rently gliding. Kelly panicked and began yelling hysterically "they have no 8/8/1993 #41118  
ens of similar beings appeared and began moving quickly towards the group o 8/8/1993 #41118  
t to right and top to bottom. Jill began snapping photos through the slidin 8/18/1993 #41146  
eported a 6-7 hour long event that began at around 7 p.m., during which a t 11/24/1993 #41301  
ject approached their car and then began pacing them, positioning itself di 11/29/1993 #41309  
7899055/9400///“ He says all comms began with 118, a five digit “zip” and t Early 1994 #41352  
en the walls and roof of his house began to shake. He then ran outside and  6/27/1994 #41588  
sort of maneuvers." The group then began boarding a small, silver colored f 9/2/1994 #41713  
d, as was normal, but when the dog began barking the witness turned on her  9/20/1994 #41766  
s. After a short while hovering it began climbing at a steep rate.          12/5/1994 #41885  
 silvery uniforms. The beings next began touching her with their delicate h 12/15/1994 #41895  
r, the second NHI at this location began communicating with him on the “hig Early 1995 #41927  
avy tonnage truck, and he suddenly began barking furiously and staring at t 2/9/1995 #42031  
ack. Fifteen seconds later the dog began barking again. When he stepped out 2/9/1995 #42031  
 the same time the dog's food dish began to vibrate and "jump around." The  2/9/1995 #42031  
evision. At the same time her dogs began howling in the backyard, and her s 2/21/1995 #42055  
d, and her small Yorkshire terrier began growling as if there was a strange 2/21/1995 #42055  
nt colored lights. The object then began circling the house and Veronique f 2/21/1995 #42055  
was driving his vehicle when a UFO began hovering over it. He next recalls  5/7/1995 #42189  
ed to approach the witness, and he began swinging at it with his machete. F 5/15/1995 #42211  
cnic when some very strange events began to unfold. It involved a strange m 7/15/1995 #42304  
arently somekind of space station, began to fill the view from the left sid 9/6/1995 #42445  
aft, about one meter in height. It began floating up and down in peculiar m 2/23/1996 #42776  
en took out a small flashlight and began signaling the object; at the same  3/7/1996 #42815  
. Using quick jumping motions they began moving towards the witness. Fright 3/7/1996 #42815  
n that at around the same time she began having lucid dreams where she foun 5/5/1996 #42896  
neeling down next to the craft. He began hearing voices in his head. Fright 7/16/1996 #42959  
ius document that alleges Snowbird began in 1972 and it was related to the  8/30/1996 #43002  
t the being's feet. The being then began to float against the current on th 9/15/1996 #43021  
 he felt a prickling sensation and began to sweat. The small beings walked  1/5/1997 #43166  
in. One witness loaded his gun and began firing at the craft, but when noth 1/7/1997 #43167  
deseca, Orense, Spain when his dog began barking. Looking back, he saw thre 2/20/1997 #43199  
he saw them he closed his eyes and began to pray fervently, and he did not  2/20/1997 #43199  
again over a bog. At this point he began to hear voices inside his head. No 2/26/1997 #43210  
k. Both men got into the truck and began speeding away. Shortly after the U 4/28/1997 #43283  
in San Luis Potosi, Mexico when he began to see whitish orange lights follo 8/5/1997 #43369  
with a ring around it. The objects began to throw flames from underneath, s 10/13/1997 #43427  
ent object in the room. Afraid, he began banging on the large door demandin 10/15/1997 #43429  
d after a minute the needle device began sucking instead of injecting. It t 10/15/1997 #43429  
nown alien looking figure suddenly began pulling on her left arm. She screa 10/16/1997 #43430  
her details were visible. His dogs began barking in an agitated manner. Ter 6/21/1998 #43591  
e voice that woke her up. She then began to float towards the ceiling. A ta 7/11/1998 #43601  
ics program (see August 1997), and began in 1996.  https://www.researchgate 8/1998 #43618  
from them. The figure came out and began moving its arms in a strange fashi 8/24/1998 #43637  
 doing some washing when the winds began to pick up strength. She went back 9/21/1998 #43650  
, Puerto Rico when one of the them began to feel ill. Seven members of the  11/7/1998 #43678  
erialized in front of her and then began to chase her. She managed to elude 2/28/1999 #43739  
ars in the sky. One of the “stars” began to descend at high speed. He at fi 3/15/1999 #43748  
gly looking for something. Rodrigo began to get a headache and tried to yel 3/15/1999 #43748  
 speed. Several days later Rodrigo began experiencing nightmares in which h 3/15/1999 #43748  
. He took out his video camera and began to tape the object. The UFO began  4/15/1999 #43758  
 began to tape the object. The UFO began making symmetrical maneuvers, draw 4/15/1999 #43758  
re originally motionless, but then began moving west except for one, which  8/1/1999 #43817  
g a presence in her room. Her body began to get a familiar vibrating feelin 10/26/1999 #43866  
 his left hand. The humanoid being began gesticulating towards her, when sh 11/25/1999 #43886  
ered his head with his blanket and began to pray. After ten minutes the sou 1/17/2000 #43929  
ce it reached the summit witnesses began hearing strange growling and scree 4/26/2000 #43986  
 at the two intense lights and she began to slow down her car because they  7/13/2000 #44016  
ing falling on the ground. Her dog began barking inceasantly. She decided t 7/31/2000 #44024  
ified witness could not speak, and began to sway back and forth on his bed. 10/15/2000 #44059  
lia. A minute later, single lights began arcing in one direction, then the  4/26/2001 #44169  
ar a low steady snoring sound. She began to hear what appeared to be low "v 5/2/2001 #44174  
. that gravity propulsion research began in the 1950s and successfully reve 5/9/2001 #44183  
diately after boarding, the object began to spin very rapidly and rose slow 7/2/2001 #44203  
up. The wind was so strong that it began to disconnect the ground ties of t 8/1/2001 #44217  
formation from the north. The UFOs began to move in lazy turns, banking and 5/12/2002 #44343  
shboard lights and interior lights began turning on and off, and his radio  7/21/2002 #44362  
horizon. This much smaller anomaly began to perform some unusual maneuvers. 7/28/2002 #44367  
o the ground. The first light then began to move slowly north. They lost si 7/28/2002 #44367  
 video camera inside the house and began filming the object, but soon lost  9/15/2002 #44397  
cation as when the CE-4 experience began.                                   9/25/2002 #44408  
               Bellingham, WA Dogs began howling and at about the same time 12/8/2002 #44459  
 started to rain. His car suddenly began making weird noises and the car ra 2/13/2003 #44490  
vehicle shut down and the operator began screaming. The witness's next memo 4/21/2003 #44517  
t agents. At this point his memory began to fail, but he recalls one of the 4/28/2003 #44519  
The two girls riding as passengers began to scream for the driver to leave  5/2/2003 #44521  
ee movement, but at that moment he began to feel sick. The craft appeared t 5/3/2003 #44523  
ts with electro-optical camouflage began in 1987 and took shape in 1993 wit 7/2003 #44560  
from the ground he leveled off and began to slowly accelerate, climbing gen 7/16/2003 #44565  
sky. The woman became agitated and began yelling that there was a loud ring 5/12/2004 #44699  
s appeared in the sky, and the man began to cry. He later described the UFO 5/12/2004 #44699  
he witnesses voices. As the couple began to walk around the craft it began  7/27/2004 #44719  
 began to walk around the craft it began to rise up into the air and eventu 7/27/2004 #44719  
 applications. After retirement he began speaking in the PUBLIC DOMAIN abou 8/2004 #44724  
ght appeared from the seashore and began searching the sky and scanning the 8/2/2004 #44725  
somewhat stunned young men did not began a conversation with her and did no 8/2/2004 #44725  
 suddenly the television reception began to fail and there was sudden heavy 10/27/2004 #44771  
e returned to private medicine and began working on a research project that 2005 #44805  
seen they were hovering, then they began following each other at a high rat 5/16/2005 #44843  
ickly picked up a video camera and began to film. The lights were high in t 1/30/2006 #44920  
 about 1 ½ miles to the north then began to emit a day-like glow. Most of t 1/30/2006 #44920  
 deafening. Suddenly a strong wind began to blow out of the north, and the  1/30/2006 #44920  
into the sky, hovered briefly, and began to get smaller as they flew to a h 1/30/2006 #44920  
ights on each side of his car that began to follow him. He turned into the  2/15/2006 #44923  
r dogs then tucked their tails and began whining. When the men tried to get 8/5/2006 #44952  
m. the small dog "who never barks" began to growl and spasm uncontrollably. 9/21/2007 #45066  
object hovered at 12:40 p.m., then began to glide across the sky without ma 12/2/2008 #45195  
ve feet tall. the one that saw her began to slowly approach, but she ran aw 8/30/2009 #45240  
 driving over the bridge, his eyes began to tear up uncontrollably again un 9/14/2009 #45247  
t beyone the bridge, when his eyes began to clear up.                       9/14/2009 #45247  
ña elaborates on the reason why he began writing the fake letters. He ackno 11/5/2010 #45305  
 the FBI, AFOSI and other agencies began investigating physicist Jack Parso 3/31/2011 #45322  
le to ask if this line of research began even before then.                  4/2017 #45467  
 and Border Protection helicopters began to pursue it. The law enforcement  2/9/2021 #45676  
 knew how to fly the craft, and he began flying it mentally; and alleged Ne 10/20/2022 #45779  
and free energy devices, and Fugal began supporting Joe Firmage’s work by c 10/27/2022 #45784  
## Word: "beganto" (Back to Top)
 of his cold hands, and Sr. Sayago beganto feel weak and dizzy. He then pas 4/23/1980 #35286  
## Word: "begay" (Back to Top)
                 Ririe, Idaho Will Begay and Clyde Soccie, in their early 2 11/2/1967 #23388  
:30 p.m. Navajo ranch hands Willie Begay and Guy Tossie, both 23, are drivi 11/2/1967 #23390  
 door and sits behind the wheel as Begay and Tossie move in horror to the r 11/2/1967 #23390  
entity apparently holding a light. Begay stays in the front seat of the car 11/2/1967 #23390  
 back to the site, where they find Begay in a state of shock in the car. At 11/2/1967 #23390  
vajo Indians, Guy Tossie and Willy Begay, were driving south of Ririe, Idah 11/2/1967 #23392  
ng on him from behind. In the car, Begay cowered in the right side of the f 11/2/1967 #23392  
 field the object had departed and Begay was found in a state of near shock 11/2/1967 #23392  
## Word: "begg" (Back to Top)
        Two police constables, Jim Begg and Tom Murphy, saw a bright orange 12/23/1986 #38086  
## Word: "beggars" (Back to Top)
out a group of children resembling beggars near the car. Hikawa didn't see  10/1/1975 #30409  
## Word: "begged" (Back to Top)
 Gaizand was seized by a panic and begged her husband to drive away. Both s 7/24/1977 #32310  
itness declined the invitation and begged to be released. At this point the 5/10/1978 #33199  
abbed him, each taking one arm. He begged them to let him go in the name of 5/16/1979 #34564  
## Word: "begging" (Back to Top)
m its vehicle and runs to the APC, begging to be let in. Their vehicle had  Winter 1987 #38370  
em from leaving. The women started begging them not to take them because th 7/4/1989 #39009  
## Word: "begich" (Back to Top)
 using his patents, prompting Nick Begich Jr. to charge in 1995 that HAARP  1/10/1985 #37546  
## Word: "begin" (Back to Top)
luminates the interior. The people begin to pray but they start vomiting as 10/24/1886 #276  
of a picket fence 50–75 feet away, begin barking and howling. The boys stop 5/1913 #888  
nd eight small entities emerge and begin singing a melody over and over aga 1914 #893  
0 yards, the aircraft engine would begin to sputter and misfire, until the  9/1926 #1062  
ndation and Rockefeller Foundation begin contributing large amounts of mone 1938 #1279  
 behind. Instead, they are able to begin thinking about how to create a bom 6/26/1941 #1366  
  Germany First V-2 rocket attacks begin. Two launched at Paris. V-2’s spee 9/7/1944 #1666  
ivity.” Some 10–15 pieces of light begin separating from it, fading from vi Summer 1945 #1881  
 driven by Cavitt. About dusk they begin the trip back to Roswell.          7/7/1947 #2928  
e. The State Department is said to begin negotiations with the Mexican gove 10/1947 #3441  
B in Ohio, Deyarmond and Truettner begin writing a sanitized Project Sign r 11/12/1948 #3874  
, Tennessee Project Sign personnel begin to be reassigned. Loedding disappe 1/1949 #3950  
20 minutes along the highway. They begin to drive closer, but it speeds awa 6/30/1950 #5027  
under Maj. Milton D. Willis. These begin this month and last until October  7/1950 #5032  
nly the objects halt, back up, and begin a jittering motion, keeping pace w 9/1950 #5159  
logy Center] in Lubbock, Texas, to begin his investigation of the Lubbock l 11/6/1951 #5768  
ol. E. Sterling and Stefan Possony begin a five-week temporary duty trip to 5/15/1952 #6331  
a bridge crossing the valley. They begin blinking off, one by one. When the Early 6/1952 #6428  
diation, and he suggests that ATIC begin an instrumented radiation program. 11/4/1952 #8245  
position with the first. They then begin a light display with wildly colore Summer 1954 #9922  
y fast and makes a gradual turn to begin a slight climb. It then flies out  6/23/1954 #9936  
 photo. After 5 minutes, the discs begin to wobble, tip on edge, then shoot 9/9/1954 #10277  
ise and the volume increases. Dogs begin barking in the neighborhood, so sh 10/23/1954 #11340  
t from Thule Air Base in Greenland begin in Operation Home Run. They fly ov 4/5/1956 #12790  
a vegetarian meal. Klarer and Akon begin a lifelong romantic attachment tha 4/7/1956 #12798  
l assembles a group of advisers to begin work on solving the problem of Sov 8/16/1956 #13094  
raph anything, so they call it in, begin readying the scope, load the film, 5/2/1957 #13643  
r gives them his approval and they begin filming, each viewing the object t 5/2/1957 #13643  
ew Zealand Mysterious radar echoes begin turning up on Bluff Hill, near Inv 6/20/1957 #13743  
 They see an intense light as they begin a steep ascent, and then realize t 10/10/1957 #14095  
ng puffy clouds of smoke. Her eyes begin to burn after watching it for 20–3 11/10/1957 #14521  
eases in intensity and Long’s ears begin to hurt. The objects take off abru 11/23/1957 #14603  
ain, New Jersey, when his two dogs begin to bark and howl. He hears a whirr 12/30/1957 #14771  
r-colored light and her three dogs begin barking. The source is a 25-foot d 11/11/1958 #15438  
ng in his bedroom window. The dogs begin to howl and run around. He goes ou 2/24/1959 #15605  
ans to manage opposition programs, begin a propaganda offensive to draw sup 3/17/1960 #16200  
ich point the globe and the entity begin to fade and are gone from sight in Late 8/1960 #16417  
 figures on each side. The objects begin banking to the left about 200–300  Summer 1961 #16736  
n what appears to be bat-wing fins begin to telescope out of the sides of t 9/19/1961 #16857  
                         The Hills begin making numerous trips over several 2/1962 #17032  
globes show up across the pond and begin dancing about. The globes move tow Summer 1962 #17239  
ss can see no other features. They begin quickly “fluttering” across the ro 10/23/1963 #18004  
eld, Rick Hilberg, and Dale Rettig begin publishing the American UFO Commit 3/1964 #18143  
passed, airstrikes against Vietnam begin                                    8/7/1964 #18470  
calls for three hours. The reports begin with a “large circular object emit 8/1/1965 #19242  
rd the UFO, and the lights quickly begin a steep climb then disappear.      4/25/1966 #20415  
 to a window when the house lights begin blinking on and off. She goes to h 11/1/1966 #21061  
” After this sighting, more people begin reporting encounters, and hundreds 11/15/1966 #21107  
and. As she stares at it, her eyes begin to sting.                          1967 #21236  
r. The other boys see it too. They begin to run toward the creature, but it 1/28/1967 #21409  
ay, the skin on his hands and feet begin to peel and Demler is a nervous wr 4/5/1967 #22066  
 on Okinawa, Japan A-12 spy planes begin Operation Black Shield in North Vi 5/30/1967 #22425  
 call stating, "Attention, it will begin at any moment..."                  6/21/1967 #22530  
ng from it. It caused their dog to begin barking. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 8/9/1967 #22852  
ng from it. It caused their dog to begin barking. The witnesses reported th 8/9/1967 #22853  
n in Alberta when the cabin lights begin to flicker. He goes out to check t 10/7/1967 #23189  
wn around, a strong odor of roses) begin in the house and continue for seve 7/2/1968 #24132  
g the car. Immediately, the lights begin to group, take off vertically, and 9/6/1968 #24434  
at one end. The three large lights begin to blink slowly, then rapidly for  10/5/1968 #24544  
portside and two to starboard, and begin flying in ellipses between the shi 10/24/1969 #25422  
letypes. Suddenly all the messages begin coming in garbled and he hears tha 6/1971 #26153  
rcise when communications messages begin coming in garbled. Ship radar, com 6/1971 #26154  
 there waiting for 5 minutes, then begin to put on orange belts, talking to 7/7/1971 #26211  
w Jersey Gene and Geneva Steinberg begin publishing Caveat Emptor, a newsle Autumn 1971 #26368  
nal] in Menlo Park, California, to begin remote viewing experiments. He is  6/6/1972 #26703  
 a woman comes in and the entities begin moving around and touching him. He 7/27/1973 #27656  
aped object approach their car and begin pacing them to the left side appar 9/13/1973 #27814  
 car near the town of Gravatai and begin pacing them on the left side, some 9/13/1973 #27815  
r moving up a short distance, they begin curving outward. After 7–10 second 10/28/1973 #28310  
ely other units of the 42nd Police begin pouring into the area. Security ve 10/27/1975 #30488  
s. After about 1 hour both objects begin moving slowly south and gaining al 11/3/1975 #30545  
 Monnerie and Raymond Bonnaventure begin publishing Ufologie Contact, a new 4/1976 #30972  
ome 10–15 people exiting the lodge begin to see the display as well.        Mid 2/1977 #31817  
e others. The soldiers frantically begin searching for him but are unable t 4/25/1977 #32026  
no aftereffects. The bars of light begin to shrink in diameter, causing the 5/1977 #32043  
r telephone wires, then the lights begin flashing and the object ascends in 5/19/1977 #32112  
ade at 2:30 a.m. and were about to begin to climb the next hill when, at th 8/28/1977 #32437  
hts above the vicarage. Her horses begin to panic and sweat profusely. Late 9/1/1978 #33622  
erhead. Several objects appear and begin maneuvering and shooting out beams 9/6/1978 #33638  
ionary for 2 minutes, then dim and begin to move for 2–3 minutes.           9/7/1978 #33644  
acks windows, some of the soldiers begin throwing stones at it. Radu approa 9/23/1978 #33736  
ves underneath the first, and both begin a slow descent and disappear. Seve 11/13/1978 #33952  
looking gadgets and a screen. They begin undressing him, but he resists. Th 1/18/1979 #34359  
pe of machinery. They stand up and begin conversing in an unknown language. 5/16/1979 #34563  
netic compass and direction finder begin spinning, the radio is filled with 5/26/1979 #34590  
itness calls out to them, but they begin running into the trees. A luminous 8/1979 #34692  
s course changes. The crew members begin to get nervous, some getting sever 8/23/1979 #34768  
trikes their car. Their headlights begin to dim and the radio emits static  11/19/1980 #35659  
ng the last 15 minutes, their ears begin to hurt simultaneously. The pain s 12/5/1980 #35701  
m. People in Terre Haute, Indiana, begin reporting a string of about a doze 1/15/1981 #35791  
 mph. Frogs stop croaking and dogs begin barking excitedly. The object appe 3/30/1981 #35881  
hore to their cottage, their heads begin to ache, and they feel very sleepy 7/31/1981 #36048  
s of the Hessdalen valley, Norway, begin reporting frequent sightings of un 11/1981 #36201  
des. After 20–25 seconds, the rays begin to widen just as the light begins  10/14/1982 #36641  
 p.m.–7:00 p.m. South Wales police begin to receive reports of UFOs. Two de 1/19/1983 #36750  
pears like a mirage. The witnesses begin running away when another similar  8/12/1983 #36949  
er. After a minute, they appear to begin rotating, then stop and move out o 6/26/1986 #37924  
chine. Several people close to him begin to tell him about their nighttime  3/1987 #38127  
geist phenomena occur. The Turners begin to notice a white car parked near  1988 #38383  
icopters seem to follow them. They begin to suspect the US military is moni 1988 #38383  
e jet and suddenly his instruments begin to fail. A red light in the center 12/1/1988 #38733  
t beings emerge from the craft and begin to work repairing the outside of t 5/10/1989 #38943  
ther workers come to the scene and begin yelling and running toward the wom 9/16/1989 #39106  
ays. They are arrested in 2016 and begin serving federal sentences in 2017. 1991 #39935  
is head, spinning slowly. His eyes begin to burn and he feels paralyzed, as 5/12/1991 #40057  
rom there.” However, other hoaxers begin copying his style, and after he re 4/1993 #40920  
m. Residents of Holland, Michigan, begin observing odd lights in the sky. T 3/8/1994 #41449  
o Badan Palhares and Conradín Metz begin performing autopsies. Lab workers  1/23/1996 #42709  
n stationary for 6–7 minutes, then begin moving slowly before shooting away 6/5/1998 #43580  
worldwide invasion” is expected to begin by 2030.  https://majesticdocument 7/7/1999 #43798  
They arrive in Qinglong County and begin a blind search among the area’s 40 12/1999 #43890  
i and Ufology Research of Manitoba begin receiving UFO reports made to Cana 2000 #43907  
the vicinity of Cerro Aspero, they begin noticing “a very intense red light 9/9/2002 #44392  
 up into the sky and then he could begin to make out a shape. Before the sm 8/29/2007 #45050  
 by Robert Powell and Glen Schulze begin to arrive. Military bases unanimou 1/8/2008 #45112  
officials Jim Bell and Sacha Mover begin a series of other meetings in the  6/2011 #45327  
e abduction program. These hybrids begin as half-human/half-Gray entities a 9/2015 #45438  
    Havana, Cuba US Canada Reports begin to surface that US and Canadian di 8/2017 #45477  
 a witness in DeRidder, Louisiana, begin growling in the living room, and c 4/5/2018 #45524  
## Word: "beginning" (Back to Top)
ite Weir, Alice Wells, and others. Beginning in May, the Royal Order has a  1/1936 #1242  
rolina. Suddenly he sees an object beginning to cross his flight path about 1/1/1937 #1259  
five are visible at one time, each beginning as a pinpoint of light, growin 4/1944 #1588  
oser to Los Alamos. This marks the beginning of Sandia Base [now part of Ki 9/1945 #1935  
e. They hold at least 12 meetings, beginning on July 10.                    7/6/1946 #2027  
 Davidson notes this as the actual beginning of the CIA in 1961.            5/1/1947 #2273  
                In 1947 during the beginning days of the great UFO wave of  6/22/1947 #2367  
ving red streamer toward the south beginning at 1:50 p.m. Many others see i 1/7/1948 #3543  
vements. He repeatedly gives chase beginning at 9:07 p.m., but each time is 10/1/1948 #3827  
n reports. This is essentially the beginning of Project Twinkle.            12/20/1948 #3935  
speed at 25,000–50,000 mph, with a beginning altitude of 60,000 feet and a  1/31/1949 #3988  
a North Korea invades South Korea, beginning the Korean War.                6/25/1950 #5009  
 It then drops abruptly, as though beginning to fall, but stops. It moves t 7/1950 #5035  
ng occurred around midnight at the beginning of the new da y.One object hov 7/19/1952 #6937  
a total of four evenings in a row, beginning at around 7:00 p.m. The object 7/21/1952 #6987  
donut-shaped object for two hours, beginning at 11:37 a.m. It emitted black 8/4/1952 #7452  
an interest in flying saucer cases beginning in mid-1952, and CIA OSI sough 12/2/1952 #8364  
nd was repeated quite often at the beginning of words more than other sound 11/2/1954 #11539  
dson prints and sells copies of it beginning in 1956, along with his analys 10/25/1955 #12519  
ked an unknown blip for four hours beginning at 10:50 p.m. It was twice the 2/17/1956 #12724  
ace in Arizona in 10,000 B.C. [the beginning of the Neolithic Revolution] w 1957 #13430  
ta in groups of 6-8 for 40 minutes beginning at 10:15 p.m. The UFOs were gr 4/29/1957 #13625  
 green in color. It bore lettering beginning with the letters UN, followed  11/1957 #14181  
                                   Beginning at 10:50 p.m. in Levellend, Te 11/2/1957 #14221  
eet from Long Island Sound. At the beginning and end of the tourist season  12/16/1957 #14736  
 farm country in Ladapeyre, France beginning at 11:30 p.m.                  2/1/1958 #14863  
sed over Chautauqua Lake, New York beginning at around nine o'clock in the  8/11/1958 #15194  
 In Meekatharra, Western Australia beginning at 3:30 a.m. 12 white metallic 8/6/1961 #16782  
                                   Beginning at shortly after midnight, thr 8/11/1963 #17886  
 Sands Missile Range in New Mexico beginning at 11:30 p.m.                  5/15/1964 #18272  
y. Parham now notices his arms are beginning to burn. He immediately report 6/30/1964 #18386  
enna followed a car for many miles beginning at one o'clock in the morning. 6/30/1964 #18387  
e entire operation for four hours, beginning shortly after midnight. A lumi 11/25/1964 #18638  
misses the Scoriton story from the beginning, as does Desmond Leslie. Betwe 4/24/1965 #18916  
trong radio frequency interference beginning at 7:14 p.m. Another electroma 7/3/1965 #19065  
 stood in front of her; its helmet beginning to glow brilliantly. She could 8/16/1965 #19410  
                                   Beginning at 6:20 p.m. EST, police and c 1/11/1966 #19829  
 Massachusetts at different times, beginning at 8:15 p.m. One group saw it  3/30/1966 #20165  
                                   Beginning at around 5:00 a.m., Portage C 4/17/1966 #20319  
 took place in the pre-dawn hours, beginning at around 3:15 a.m.            6/23/1966 #20599  
 over an hour by a group of women, beginning at 6:35 p.m. There were other  10/29/1966 #21048  
berger’s space adventures are only beginning.                               Early 11/1966 #21070  
t reddish-orange lights.  Blast at beginning of 90 minute sighting pushed o 12/25/1966 #21220  
s of red lights like glowing coals beginning about 8:30 pm. At 9:00 pm, two 9/18/1967 #23081  
ings across Quebec and Nova Scotia beginning at 7:19 p.m., when Air Canada  10/4/1967 #23177  
           For a three hour period beginning at around 11:00 p.m., numerous 8/16/1968 #24344  
bject that hovered for 90 minutes, beginning at around 11:00 p.m. It emitte 8/20/1968 #24360  
 UFO sightings and radar trackings beginning in October 1968, the US Air Fo 1/31/1969 #24881  
o-editor in Plumerville, Arkansas, beginning in July 1977. Farish publishes 5/1969 #25104  
                    For 15 minutes beginning at 12:30 a.m. four witnesses w 11/23/1969 #25469  
om 1969 to 1980, then UFO-Aktuellt beginning in 1980.                       1970 #25521  
n El Garrobo, Spain for nine hours beginning at seven o'clock in the mornin 3/27/1970 #25611  
 he claims to see an intense light beginning to descend. He snaps a photo b 1/25/1971 #26002  
                  On a clear night beginning at 11:20 p.m. two men, a mathe 8/15/1971 #26286  
Andes, Neuquen Province, Argentina beginning at 11:45 p.m. for the next 35  12/28/1971 #26521  
ecy agreement which he signed when beginning employment at CIA. The agency  3/1972 #26584  
 over Verona, Italy for 20 minutes beginning at 6:00 p.m. A 25-meter circul 6/25/1972 #26732  
Sudbury, Ontario for over an hour, beginning at around eight p.m. The objec 9/23/1972 #27029  
ic to study these files. Since the beginning of 1968 these UFO reports have 10/2/1972 #27044  
and a member newsletter Ufotutkija beginning in 1997 (now called Yhteydeksi 1973 #27203  
 Lake in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania beginning at 7:25 p.m. At 9:50 p.m. more 3/1/1973 #27324  
15 degrees over a 30 minute period beginning at 10:30 p.m. The object silen 6/23/1973 #27585  
ande do Sul, Brazil for 20 minutes beginning at around 1:30 a.m. There were 9/14/1973 #27822  
                                   Beginning at around 7:45 a.m., an airlin 12/6/1973 #28534  
"voices" in her head several times beginning on March 9th. On this afternoo 3/20/1974 #28916  
             Metcalf, IL Midnight. Beginning of a series of abductions. Son 6/18/1974 #29210  
d ball of light for twenty minutes beginning at 11:15 p.m. Records show tha 7/20/1974 #29271  
                                   Beginning at 10:45 p.m. a luminous trian 10/10/1974 #29513  
e city on four separate occasions, beginning at 1:20 a.m. The UFO was seen  3/19/1975 #29912  
perience that lasted over an hour, beginning at 9:30 p.m. First, a meteor w 4/25/1975 #30004  
aventem, Belgium for over an hour, beginning at 5:30 p.m. It was viewed thr 9/20/1975 #30374  
                                   Beginning at 10 p.m. an unknown object m 10/29/1975 #30513  
 then disappeared “progressively,” beginning with the right side. An immedi 10/30/1976 #31510  
                                   Beginning at 9:30 p.m. a disc-shaped obj 1/22/1978 #32905  
t E. Engberg traces the first wave beginning around Chisago City, Minnesota 3/22/1978 #33071  
ny, West Virginia for five minutes beginning at 7:00 p.m. It made a low hum 11/3/1978 #33918  
und and realizes that the craft is beginning to leave. Seconds later the UF 11/9/1979 #34989  
 and gaunt) later at a restaurant, beginning a long-running relationship be 9/8/1980 #35504  
n indicated air speed of 250 knots beginning at 8:00 p.m. and ending around 11/18/1980 #35654  
s of human history. Basiago claims beginning in 1981-1983, he and William B 1981 #35765  
 still accelerating and eventually beginning to climb until it finally disa 10/24/1982 #36663  
n, by the Colectivo Cuadernos (and beginning in 1997 by La Fundación Anomal 1/1983 #36741  
ently perform a search of the area beginning at daylight.                   4/15/1984 #37263  
te of the watch Sergey Bolotov are beginning their watch on board the Russi Mid 6/1984 #37364  
the New York Psychiatric Institute beginning in March 1986. Strieber tells  12/26/1985 #37738  
                                   Beginning at 6:09 p.m. the pilot, Simpli 2/11/1988 #38458  
bjects in Porterville, California. Beginning at 8:00 p.m. witnesses spotted 10/26/1988 #38699  
RAD and SAC radar had tracked UAP. Beginning in 1957 with the establishment 6/1989 #38972  
bjects are swiftly moving away and beginning to separate. Apparently two ot 7/26/1989 #39033  
hat lasted for an hour and a half, beginning at 10:00 p.m. The first sighti 8/20/1992 #40586  
                                   Beginning at 9:51 p.m. a group of four w 8/25/1992 #40591  
rted a series of bizarre incidents beginning at 3:55 a.m. during which she  1/14/1993 #40796  
gaged in aerobatics for 25 minutes beginning at around 8 p.m. It shined a b 9/20/1993 #41205  
                                   Beginning at 8:30 p.m., a multi-colored, 9/6/1994 #41718  
                                   Beginning at around 10:00 p.m. a silent, 1/5/1995 #41952  
                   For three hours beginning at 1:30 a.m. eleven bright lig 10/28/1995 #42568  
itary arsenal in Lugo, Leon, Spain beginning at 8:30 p.m. for 28 minutes. P 11/28/1995 #42627  
gather the information, and in the beginning it was still under the Blue Bo 8/30/1996 #43002  
V-shaped formation on this evening beginning at 7:55 p.m. There appear to h 3/13/1997 #43230  
                                   Beginning at 11:45 p.m. a triangular-sha 6/18/2000 #44004  
0 lights arranged in three groups. Beginning from the left on the screen, t 7/15/2001 #44209  
 disappearing in about one minute. Beginning at 12:20 a.m. an unexplained t 7/30/2002 #44371  
V formation over Taylorville, Utah beginning at 9:15 p.m. MDT. They moved s 9/26/2002 #44409  
nt Wolf, York County, Pennsylvania beginning at 10:00 p.m.; a fourth appear 11/29/2002 #44456  
io for an extended period of time, beginning at 9:00 p.m.                   11/22/2003 #44619  
ghts in the sky for about an hour, beginning at 3:30 a.m., at which time a  8/26/2004 #44743  
                                   Beginning at 10:20 and continuing for tw 12/5/2004 #44796  
were seen over Waterford, Michigan beginning at 11:00 p.m. They were fast m 8/15/2005 #44864  
rt, Pennsylvania for about an hour beginning around two p.m. It took off si 9/7/2005 #44869  
                                   Beginning at 1:30 a.m. a triangle-shaped 10/28/2005 #44896  
right "stars" in the afternoon sky beginning at around two o'clock and last 1/26/2006 #44919  
l-shaped object through binoculars beginning at 3:30 p.m.. The object chang 12/31/2006 #44992  
ction experience with missing time beginning in the predawn morning hours i 9/21/2007 #45066  
object was seen for over two hours beginning at 4:00 a.m., that shot straig 2/11/2008 #45118  
ed. The film, available on Netflix beginning in June 2019, “chronicles the  12/4/2018 #45550  
and heading of the airliner before beginning to cross above and in front of 11/11/2019 #45617  
at the US Embassy in Havana, Cuba, beginning in 2016. Another group of case 1/19/2022 #45735  
## Word: "begins" (Back to Top)
pointing it out to some others, it begins moving west. It moves in a straig 6/8/1868 #172  
 has not noticed before. The buggy begins to move silently and quickly, eve Late 3/1873 #200  
g at an altitude of 2,100 feet and begins circling.                         4/16/1892 #302  
 psychical researcher James Hyslop begins investigating a case of automatic 8/1895 #319  
nd evening. A mystery airship wave begins in California when residents of t 11/17/1896 #340  
edsburg, Wisconsin, when his horse begins acting up. He sees a large, dark, Mid Summer 1900 #641  
 estimates it is 100 feet long. It begins moving away from him as he moves  3/17/1903 #660  
ts covering is ruptured. It slowly begins to move to the southeast. The exp 7/2/1907 #697  
ing like a large star. Suddenly it begins to spin like a pinwheel, but with 5/1908 #704  
the motorcycle headlight fails. It begins working again after the UFO passe 5/19/1909 #766  
d Australia A mystery airship wave begins in New Zealand with numerous sigh 7/1909 #778  
l theory, and the notion of canals begins to fall out of favor. Around this 9/20/1909 #811  
 time, spectroscopic analysis also begins to show that no water is present  9/20/1909 #811  
encircled in a corona of light and begins moving slowly. After 15 minutes,  10/1909 #815  
luster. Around this time Elizabeth begins receiving occasional telepathic m 10/1917 #968  
 cloud, leaving a vapor trail, and begins making 6–7 barrel rolls. It then  6/2/1919 #986  
urnalist Charles Benedict Driscoll begins writing about ball lighting in hi 1/3/1928 #1083  
Williams of Auckland, New Zealand, begins writing letters over a two-year p Summer 1931 #1130  
      The 4th Swedish Flying Corps begins an investigation of the ghost fly 12/28/1933 #1186  
ndant uranium-238 isotope. Dunning begins investigating gaseous diffusion a 3/1940 #1325  
, the 37th Coast Artillery Brigade begins firing .50 caliber machine guns a 2/24/1942 #1388  
ces (OSS), predecessor of the CIA, begins operations                        6/13/1942 #1415  
 Site”) February 18 — Construction begins for Y-12, a massive electromagnet 2/9/1943 #1483  
        Oak Ridge, TN Construction begins for Y-12 electromagnetic separati 2/18/1943 #1484  
s Alamos, NM Los Alamos Laboratory begins operations in New Mexico          4/1/1943 #1488  
y is established in New Mexico and begins operations.                       4/1/1943 #1489  
 Oak Ridge, Tennessee Construction begins on K-25, the gaseous diffusion pl 6/2/1943 #1508  
           Burbank, CA Skunk Works begins in Burbank CA. Lockheed Engineer  7/1943 #1513  
nford site Washington Construction begins for the first reactor at the Hanf 10/10/1943 #1533  
awa Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. He begins receiving radar plots showing a n 12/1943? #1548  
ch it for several minutes until it begins moving slowly out of the ravine,  Spring 1944 #1586  
ion plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, begins production.                       3/1945 #1804  
unned, the lowest end of the craft begins to rise and he hears a humming so 3/1945 #1805  
rises to a horizontal position, it begins to spin faster and faster and the 3/1945 #1805  
 glint in the sunlight. The object begins to change to a white metallic col 3/1945 #1805  
the Strategic Services Unit (SSU), begins                                   10/1945 #1941  
              Norway Sweden Norway begins censoring ghost rocket reports ju 7/29/1946 #2084  
ie—and when the Air Ministry later begins a concerted effort to solve the m 1/17/1947 #2231  
, Johnson notices that his compass begins to spin wildly. When the objects  6/24/1947 #2400  
timates on foreign air weapons. It begins to develop a photoanalysis capabi 8/1947 #3276  
  Langley, Virginia CIA officially begins, directed by Rear Adm. Roscoe H.  9/18/1947 #3402  
on, Kansas 5:00 p.m. A smoke trail begins over Nebraska and runs south. A b 2/18/1948 #3579  
 Service Chief Urbanus E. Baughman begins to think Forrestal is suffering f 11/3/1948 #3866  
her fingertip turn red. The object begins rotating, then rises up and disap 8/16/1949 #4318  
        Project Twinkle officially begins.                                  4/1/1950 #4786  
e of the Flying Saucer” on CBS. He begins with the Kenneth Arnold case, men 4/7/1950 #4816  
t on the object to take a film, it begins maneuvering. Turning toward the c 7/1950 #5035  
ake them seriously. Project Grudge begins to be reactivated as Project 1007 7/7/1950 #5049  
ing red and green occasionally. It begins to “wobble and swerve unsteadily, 12/27/1950 #5368  
f speed. It dims to a pinpoint and begins to slowly move south. Suddenly it 12/27/1950 #5368  
s Soucoupes Volantes, in Paris. It begins publishing Ouranos in June 1952 a 1951 #5378  
 the F-82 is locked on and the run begins. The interception is unsuccessful 1/21/1951 #5410  
sengers take photos of it. Then it begins rising and moving eastward, disap 2/19/1951 #5449  
 through foundations. This year it begins HTLINGUAL, a secret project to in 1/1952 #5854  
                          Battelle begins its UFO study (referred to as P-4 3/31/1952 #5998  
ears ahead of him to the right and begins climbing at 1,000 mph to the east 5/15/1952 #6332  
red, glowing UFO. After a while he begins to follow it, and after he crosse 5/23/1952 #6350  
raid, Orfeo, we are friends.” This begins his contact with benevolent being 5/23/1952 #6350  
h onboard radar at 21,000 feet and begins to close. Both the pilot and rada 5/26/1952 #6366  
, except that it stops falling and begins to climb again. It then moves nor 5/31/1952 #6392  
 seconds it moves to the south and begins zigzagging until it fades away in 5/31/1952 #6394  
 for about one hour. Eventually it begins moving and crosses the sky southw 6/13/1952 #6496  
eld, New South Wales Edgar Jarrold begins the Australian Flying Saucer Bure 7/1952 #6678  
e looks out and notices him. Rossi begins to leave, but a green ray passes  7/25/1952 #7137  
ce.” The response, dated August 9, begins: “The various reports about unide 7/28/1952 #7267  
 one hour and 23 minutes the light begins to hover, Scott calls Turner agai 8/21/1952 #7670  
t a range of 3,000 feet, the pilot begins firing at the object, but it pull 9/1952 #7801  
erlands Belgium Exercise Mainbrace begins in the North Sea. It is the first 9/14/1952 #7939  
 Dishforth, the object follows but begins rotating on its axis then suddenl 9/19/1952 #7980  
amination at Buckingham Palace and begins an informal study that lasts unti 9/19/1952 #7980  
tion (New Zealand) in Auckland. It begins publishing a quarterly newsletter 10/12/1952 #8124  
 of meeting a saucer. Soon Adamski begins channeling space messages in the  11/4/1952 #8247  
 dipping turn to the northwest and begins climbing at about 20°. It appears 3/3/1953 #8727  
rs to be very thin and immediately begins to form a heavy condensation trai 3/3/1953 #8727  
ia Lee of Westchester, California, begins to hear a voice in her head that  9/1953 #9131  
, California Genevieve A. Johnston begins publishing the contactee newslett 9/1953 #9132  
fornia Contactee George Van Tassel begins building the Integratron at Giant 1954 #9419  
 meetings, sponsors lecturers, and begins publishing a CSI Newsletter in Fe 2/1954 #9519  
       Washington, D.C. Clara John begins publishing The Little Listening P 2/1954 #9520  
 press and Congress. The Air Force begins promoting its unfounded myth of a 2/15/1954 #9548  
on the utopian planet Clarion. She begins typing up the messages in newslet 4/1954 #9658  
lia and South Australia when a UFO begins pacing them. They snap some 200 p 4/18/1954 #9696  
2, which is still classified. USAF begins work on a new version of AFR 200- 7/23/1954 #10043  
-fitting suit with a wide belt. He begins to talk but they can’t understand 8/20/1954 #10157  
 within 300 feet of the bomber and begins circling it. The UFO stays with t 9/3/1954 #10239  
Vienne, France, when his headlight begins malfunctioning and he feels a pri 9/19/1954 #10361  
sed in a diving suit emerge. A dog begins barking and the entity retreats i 10/21/1954 #11301  
ike substance that floats down and begins to hang from wires along the road 10/22/1954 #11320  
s clothing. A few minutes later he begins to feel dizzy and has trouble mai 11/17/1954 #11663  
n, moving slowly west, but when he begins tracking it with a theodolite, he 12/7/1954 #11773  
eet away. His dog gets nervous and begins to howl. He uses his telescopic g 12/15/1954 #11815  
up sits in stunned silence. Martin begins to cry, and at 4:45 a.m. she rece 12/20/1954 #11849  
world from destruction.” The group begins an urgent campaign to spread its  12/20/1954 #11849  
o, and runs until January 1973. It begins as an Air Force project to develo 1955 #11892  
Saucer Bookstore in New York City, begins publishing Flying Saucer News as  3/1955 #12023  
lane. When the Beechcraft’s engine begins to stall, the pilot calls Naha Ai 3/24/1955 #12059  
in Nevada is completed and the CIA begins utilizing it, along with the US A 7/1955 #12225  
ich, Switzerland J. Heinrich Ragaz begins publishing Weltraumbote in Zürich 11/1955 #12536  
way at about 400 feet altitude. It begins moving again at 35 mph then blink 1956 #12638  
aryland The US Army Chemical Corps begins classified human experiments at i 1/1956 #12641  
The Flying Saucer Discussion Group begins meeting on a more-or-less monthly Spring 1956 #12761  
lite. The infrared system actually begins as planned in 1968, with initial  8/3/1956 #13050  
0 p.m. A radar-visual UFO sighting begins at RAF Bentwaters [now Bentwaters 8/13/1956 #13080  
large as the town’s courthouse. It begins undulating as it hovers. After 5  9/15/1956 #13224  
 he cannot shave for two weeks. He begins to lose hearing in his right ear. 10/2/1956 #13260  
   Chemical engineer Leon Davidson begins to distribute privately printed c 12/1956 #13378  
Gables, Florida Norbert F. Gariety begins publishing S.P.A.C.E. (Saucer Phe 1/1957 #13441  
g its movements. The entire object begins blinking on and off. When the air 1/16/1957 #13461  
, rising at a 70° angle. The trail begins widening at about 35° above the h 2/13/1957 #13503  
and the UFO lands 2 miles away. He begins receiving subtle psychic messages 5/11/1957 #13656  
Radar technician Edward Lovick Jr. begins work at Lockheed’s secret Advance 8/1957 #13867  
ão Paulo, Brazil, when Sabiá’s dog begins growling at something in the mint 9/1957 #13966  
y. The light gets much bigger then begins to glow more brilliantly. The pil 11/4/1957 #14283  
y Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark.), begins an inquiry into UFOs. Ruppelt is  Mid 11/1957 #14561  
inole, Hawaii, when his car engine begins missing. Suddenly he sees a brigh 11/28/1957 #14635  
uild a nuclear-powered spacecraft, begins at a maximum-security facility in 1958 #14780  
tlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) begins supporting anti-gravity research  1958 #14786  
                             NICAP begins a new campaign to open another go Late 3/1958 #14948  
etoria, South Africa Edgar Sievers begins publishing a pro-Adamski newslett 4/1958 #14954  
 other contactees. Richard H. Hall begins work at NICAP as associate editor 9/1958 #15238  
aring. Then the cylindrical object begins to rotate counterclockwise and st 9/8/1958 #15261  
 decreases in angular size, but it begins rotating clockwise until it disap 9/8/1958 #15261  
, California Brook Park, Ohio NASA begins operations. It includes three maj 10/1/1958 #15296  
inavisk UFO Information in Denmark begins publishing UFO-Nyt. (UFO-Nyt, Nov 11/1958 #15415  
s north of Älmstä their car engine begins to sputter and fail, and the head 11/9/1958 #15435  
d sensitivity to bright light. She begins to wear sunglasses regularly. Bot 11/11/1958 #15438  
sappears in seconds, and the truck begins working again.                    1/13/1959 #15549  
 hop on this Killian business” and begins to plan for Killian to meet with  3/27/1959 #15674  
iversity psychologist Henry Murray begins what are widely considered unethi 9/1959 #15952  
then disappears in clouds. The car begins functioning normally again.       10/22/1959 #16052  
 from the airfield, the car engine begins to stall. Suddenly they see a lig 11/16/1959 #16089  
nne Stebbing, and Roy Stemman, and begins publishing a monthly magazine, LU 12/1959 #16105  
oberta, California, when his radio begins making “snapping” noises, and his 12/1959 #16107  
ly in line with the lunar edge, it begins a precision journey, skirting the 12/13/1959 #16118  
 Brea for about 8 minutes. It then begins drifting slowly eastward, turns s 2/6/1960 #16169  
tawa The Ottawa Flying Saucer Club begins publishing Topside, edited by Wil 3/1960 #16190  
dre mountains of Guatemala The CIA begins to recruit anti-Castro Cuban exil 5/1960 #16247  
aegis” of the president. The press begins to suggest that Eisenhower has lo 5/10/1960 #16261  
wned U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers begins in Moscow.                        8/17/1960 #16402  
en A-12 test facility construction begins, including a new 8,500-foot runwa 9/1960 #16427  
Electrical and Engineering Company begins construction of “Project 51” at t 10/1960 #16472  
                        Ray Palmer begins publishing The Hidden World, a qu 1961 #16548  
t off Savona, Italy, when the boat begins to roll badly. More than one-half 6/3/1961 #16715  
t that remains motionless until it begins moving slowly northeast.          7/1961 #16740  
 military intelligence operations, begins work with a handful of employees  10/1/1961 #16886  
 technicians to Cuba. Construction begins on SS-5 IRBM sites in Guanajay. ( 9/1/1962 #17381  
  San Cristobal, Cuba Construction begins on Soviet SS-4 MRBM sites at San  9/15/1962 #17402  
haparra Juguani, Cuba Construction begins on Soviet SAM sites at Los Angele 9/20/1962 #17422  
mask. He returns to the UFO, which begins to move slowly away, then very fa 10/28/1962 #17513  
ts touched the earth, the creature begins to walk toward José, who is compl 8/28/1963 #17922  
one of his fingers at the moon and begins to walk back toward the UFO. José 8/28/1963 #17922  
nutes. At first it hovers, then it begins moving slowly and silently, putti 9/19/1963 #17946  
esidence in Evanston, Illinois. He begins actively assisting Hynek in his U 11/17/1963 #18047  
         Isle of Wight Lionel Beer begins publishing Spacelink, a newslette 1/1964 #18104  
itish UFO Research Association. It begins publishing a new magazine, BUFORA 1/25/1964 #18119  
e airplane’s engines stop (the oil begins to congeal in the cold air). Inst 4/20/1964 #18180  
ng a whirring or hissing noise. It begins to move horizontally at a moderat 8/11/1964 #18480  
 but wakes up again, nauseous, and begins lighting matches and throwing the 9/5/1964 #18539  
 watch it for 10 minutes before it begins revolving swiftly, almost to a bl 10/7/1964 #18574  
oject Tagboard) mounted on an M-21 begins captive flight-testing at Area 51 12/22/1964 #18672  
    Liverpool, England John Harney begins publication of the Merseyside UFO 1965 #18683  
, Argentina, when their car engine begins to fail, so they pull over in fro 1965 #18689  
ts, turns sharply, slows down, and begins to move away. Another patrolman,  9/3/1965 #19511  
ng several regional UFO groups. It begins publishing Notiziario UFO, edited 9/26/1965 #19608  
ps a photograph just as the object begins to move. The object then flies in 10/21/1965 #19670  
n the spacecraft’s signal strength begins rising at a point when it should  10/22/1965 #19672  
. Weitzel, a philosophy professor, begins his own investigation, tracking d 4/17/1966 #20318  
Portage County, Ohio The Air Force begins a cursory investigation into the  4/18/1966 #20331  
ars a pinging noise a light source begins pulsing with diffraction rings ou 6/1966 #20516  
ings outside his window shades. He begins to feel numb and weak, but the so 6/1966 #20516  
store about 300 feet away, then it begins moving, rapidly accelerates, and  7/18/1966 #20655  
ek turns his car around, his radio begins working again.                    9/1966 #20827  
ome the blue ball returns; his car begins to pick up speed, the brakes won’ 9/24/1966 #20923  
Shortly after the sighting, Simons begins experiencing a recurring illness  10/15/1966 #21006  
to discuss the sighting, the press begins calling the creature “Mothman” ba 11/15/1966 #21107  
t colors along its side. The light begins moving slowly again, and a car wi 1/1967 #21243  
ator in Mountain View, California, begins publishing Data-Net Report, a UFO 3/1967 #21698  
round it takes on a disc shape and begins flashing red and green lights. Th 3/7/1967 #21787  
The United Aerial Phenomena Agency begins publishing Flying Saucer Digest,  Spring 1967 #21925  
y at an altitude of 1,500 feet. It begins to circle the area slowly, rising 3/22/1967 #21948  
 has finished the clip, the object begins moving off and disappears in seco 5/13/1967 #22336  
ped objects in the sky. One object begins to hover then move away, while th 5/20/1967 #22382  
n. Howard Baker (R-Tenn.). The FBI begins COINTELPRO–BLACK HATE, which focu 8/1967 #22770  
tches, it grows a bit brighter and begins to move directly beneath Polaris  8/1967 #22771  
he feels a vibration and the water begins to boil “in big bubbles, in a cir 8/4/1967 #22804  
up in a vast round area. The water begins to turn light blue, then whitish, 8/8/1967 #22847  
re 15 feet in diameter. As the UFO begins to take off, the beings are sucke 8/29/1967 #22954  
ce of blood distressing. Altshuler begins to think the dead horse has somet 9/9/1967 #23026  
d object with a turret on top that begins to circle her car. It has two whi 10/11/1967 #23217  
he University of Toronto, Ontario, begins a UFO study. By October 1968, it  Late 1967 #23240  
ve in horror to the right. The car begins to move as if fastened to the cra 11/2/1967 #23390  
ok at with the naked eye. Later it begins to move and quickly vanishes over Late 11/1967 #23511  
e, maintaining its inclination. It begins moving away; as it recedes into t 12/8/1967 #23564  
high speed and disappears. When it begins to climb, all communications and  Early 1968 #23635  
s off a flash, and one of the dogs begins barking vigorously. They drive to 1/20/1968 #23683  
o watch it until 6:40 p.m. when it begins to dim and move slowly to the eas 3/29/1968 #23870  
he US Air Force Weapons Laboratory begins to set up a field instrumentation 8/1968 #24284  
ight gray or silver uniforms. Thus begins an abduction experience that was  8/7/1968 #24307  
ess. Schneider feels paralyzed and begins to converse telepathically with t 9/26/1968 #24516  
object below the rim. Then the UFO begins moving up in a pulsating or jerky 11/20/1968 #24672  
t of static and the English setter begins to get nervous, clawing at the wi 11/25/1968 #24704  
starts crying, then the car engine begins to sputter. The object executes a 11/25/1968 #24704  
uncan, British Columbia John Magor begins publishing the quarterly Canadian 1/1969 #24811  
r and floating along at 40 mph. It begins to follow the road and beams a st 3/4/1969 #24968  
china Cambodia Laos Vietnam The US begins a covert SAC bombing campaign, Op 3/18/1969 #25025  
        New York City John A. Keel begins publishing an unscheduled, free n 5/1969 #25105  
hos, Minas Gerais, Brazil, when he begins dozing off. He perceives figures  5/4/1969 #25114  
indows encircle its midsection. It begins to move rapidly upward, and by th 5/22/1969 #25157  
                   UK Contact (UK) begins publishing The UFO Register, a jo 6/1970 #25683  
loud. After 3–4 minutes, the cloud begins to break apart, with no UFOs show 7/1970 #25723  
  Author Preston Nichols claims he begins working for AIL-Eaton, a defense  1/1971 #25962  
actor on Long Island. He claims he begins working on a series of exotic pro 1/1971 #25962  
ch Associates in Washington, D.C., begins publication of the UFO Research N 4/1971 #26060  
r and moving from east to west. It begins floating down with a rocking move 5/24/1971 #26130  
entagon Vietnam The New York Times begins publishing excerpts of the Pentag 6/13/1971 #26174  
or, beneath the surface. It slowly begins to lean to one side and sinks in  7/8/1971 #26216  
 men drive north again, the object begins following them at a distance for  9/19/1971 #26347  
Kingston, New Hampshire Betty Hill begins making numerous trips to a rural  1972 #26528  
 is founded in Porto, Portugal. It begins publishing a monthly journal, Ins 1972 #26530  
ith in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. It begins publishing Boletim G-PAZ annually 1972 #26531  
 been on the ground for 7 minutes, begins to rise up, producing a hum and c 3/19/1972 #26617  
nmow, Essex, England Edward Harris begins publishing Cosmology Newslink, a  6/1972 #26693  
indow. To his surprise, the window begins opening by itself and a 2-foot-lo 6/22/1972 #26726  
hes the foot of his bed. His radio begins to emit a loud, continuous sound. 6/22/1972 #26726  
         New York City Harry Belil begins publishing Beyond Reality, a news 10/1972 #27042  
ng the CIA from the scandal. Helms begins a CIA clean-up, closing down Oper 11/20/1972 #27130  
es Volantes, in France in 1951. It begins publishing UFO Informations, edit 1973 #27202  
 then banks, makes a 90° turn, and begins to blink as it disappears to the  3/20/1973 #27352  
r radio gets static and the engine begins to fail. Suddenly he notices a bl 5/22/1973 #27518  
n her skin. A clock in the kitchen begins to behave erratically. In the bac 5/27/1973 #27533  
wing orange-and-blue overtones. It begins a slow descent toward the roof, a 8/1973 #27672  
r watch has stopped, and her spine begins to tingle. She hears a jet plane  9/17/1973 #27829  
ser look. As he does so, the light begins moving too and reaches a speed ab 10/12/1973 #28017  
er, New Hampshire, leaves work and begins driving on State Highway 114 to h 11/2/1973 #28352  
e scrambled from Kirtland. The UFO begins moving east and passes out of sig 11/6/1973 #28376  
r, flashing in sequence. The thing begins rotating and making a “woooo wooo 11/16/1973 #28434  
omènes Spatiaux in Toulon, France, begins publishing the journal Approche i 12/1973 #28496  
erland, and Kalmthout, Belgium. It begins publishing the AESV bulletin thro 1974 #28626  
gated oval with an orange dome. It begins moving slowly toward the west-sou 2/8/1974 #28747  
ath the craft, the central portion begins to revolve rapidly, and they hear 4/16/1974 #29040  
his headlights back on, the object begins approaching again, so he switches 6/14/1974 #29191  
 minutes. In 1983, the younger man begins to have “vivid memories” of that  9/27/1974 #29486  
n Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec, and begins publishing the journal UFO-Quebec 1975 #29673  
e Objetos Volantes Extraterrestres begins publishing Vimana, edited by Juli 1975 #29677  
ing MUFON Central European Section begins publishing a monographic series o 1975 #29678  
 the west at about 30 mph. Bradley begins following them in his pickup truc 2/23/1975 #29838  
ification and privacy review panel begins reviewing them, sanitizing witnes 4/1975 #29930  
appears underneath the surface and begins moving toward the witnesses. When 5/16/1975 #30061  
e-et-Loire, France François Breuil begins publishing L’Insolite in Mâcon, S 7/1975 #30140  
man pulls the car over and the UFO begins to pull away. They continue follo Late 7/1975 #30204  
descending at 20 feet altitude and begins approaching Moody. Uneasy, he get 8/13/1975 #30264  
ft breaks the circling pattern and begins flying toward Grand Falls, New Br 10/27/1975 #30488  
ating appearance of the object. It begins to rise, and at about 1,000 feet, 11/7/1975 #30576  
fter scheduled maintenance when it begins to run out of control. A partial  11/30/1975 #30677  
shire, England. Suddenly his radio begins to hiss and crackle, and flashes  1/4/1976 #30758  
d a stealth bomber. Immediately it begins manufacturing two flying Have Blu 4/1976 #30971  
t stops and hovers nearby. It then begins to perform a series of spectacula 4/2/1976 #30979  
eet in diameter above him. The dog begins barking nonstop until it receives 9/9/1976 #31362  
t cigar” about 50–60 feet long. It begins to move away but stops close to o Autumn 1976 #31421  
gentina Guillermo Carlos Roncoroni begins publishing UFO Press in Buenos Ai 10/1976 #31440  
 reports and inform the public. It begins publishing the CUFORN Bulletin in 1977 #31651  
nce of a Maj. Gen. whose last name begins with the letter “T” assigned for  1977 #31658  
ight. After 10 minutes, the object begins flashing and rises up into the ai 1/1/1977 #31681  
ax PMG factory roof just before it begins moving to the right and stopping  1/21/1977 #31742  
 adjacent K. B. Dixon woodyard. It begins moving forward at a slow pace the 1/21/1977 #31742  
f Oxford, Ohio, when a white light begins pacing their car on the left abou 4/29/1977 #32036  
appears over the bedroom floor. It begins moving slowly and silently toward 5/1977 #32043  
ting a spotlight on the ground. It begins moving and disappears straight up 5/3/1977 #32052  
l stationary position. The Dornier begins to vibrate violently and goes int 6/17/1977 #32171  
leads to the road, the male friend begins feeling a “low frequency vibratio 6/17/1977 #32172  
ng with the force field. The craft begins to glide away over the treetops.  6/17/1977 #32172  
   Laval, Quebec Howard Gontovnick begins monthly publication of UFO Canada 7/1977 #32221  
 their car to 5–10 kph, the engine begins misfiring. They stop, and the lig 12/30/1977 #32821  
 Brazilian ufologist Irene Granchi begins publishing a quarterly magazine t 1978 #32827  
ew York City Timothy Green Beckley begins publishing a somewhat sensational 1978 #32828  
und it is a layer of gray haze. It begins slowly rising, leaving the haze b 2/4/1978 #32951  
nues to experience contacts and he begins to channel alien writings.        3/18/1978 #33055  
pe. She drives closer, but the UFO begins to get cloudy on its underside an 8/11/1978 #33506  
Winnipeg, Manitoba Chris Rutkowski begins publishing the Swamp Gas Journal  9/1978 #33617  
its origin. After the event, Perez begins having premonitory dreams about u 9/6/1978 #33638  
 Filiputti. After a few minutes it begins walking again, stoops down, and w 9/18/1978 #33708  
d a piercing whistle as the object begins to rise, withdrawing its landing  9/18/1978 #33708  
 rims by a black band, but when it begins approaching the witnesses, it tak 10/8/1978 #33816  
e and a green light on it. Then he begins experiencing engine problems. Ask 10/21/1978 #33856  
 seconds, it tilts at an angle and begins to move away, apparently descendi 10/29/1978 #33889  
n Quetigny), Côte-d’Or, France. It begins publishing Vimana 21, a journal t 1979 #34256  
sh-language Sri Lanka UFO Register begins publication in Weligama, Sri Lank 1979 #34259  
ne–Westphalia, Germany Axel Ertelt begins publishing Mysteria, a journal of 1/1979 #34269  
y of the UK government on UFOs. He begins the debate by launching into a hi 1/18/1979 #34358  
object. As she approaches, the UFO begins to move toward her and passes ove 2/1979 #34398  
e as large as volleyballs. Her dog begins whining and cowering, and she get 2/1979 #34398  
 in a radiation leak. The accident begins with failures in the non-nuclear  3/28/1979 #34493  
ed FBI agent Kenneth M. Rommel Jr. begins a major investigation of cattle m 4/25/1979 #34523  
aches at high speed, and the pilot begins a climb and loses sight of the UF 5/26/1979 #34590  
. The light blinks out and the man begins running away, but the disc is des 7/4/1979 #34646  
 the distance. The pulsating light begins flashing erratically, emitting st 8/23/1979 #34768  
 an aerial on one side. The object begins flying around the plane for a sho 8/27/1979 #34788  
n blood vessel in his left eye. He begins to remember more about the experi 8/29/1979 #34803  
 F-117A Nighthawk support facility begins at Tonopah Test Range inside Area 10/1979 #34935  
a cattle mutilation when his truck begins swerving uncontrollably. He stops 10/1979 #34936  
below. The UFO hovers briefly then begins moving north, parallel to the sho 1/1980 #35120  
 Australian Centre for UFO Studies begins publishing the Journal of the Aus 2/1980 #35153  
 inside it. After 5–10 minutes, it begins moving along the tracks again wit 3/24/1980 #35238  
ert Pad about half a mile away. It begins to move down the flight line, and 5/1980 #35296  
 she thinks it is the moon, but it begins moving to the east and disappears 6/15/1980 #35373  
e no other documents on file, Doty begins to backtrack. Maccabee also meets 8/8/1980 #35447  
iet whoosh sound. Inadvertently he begins driving more slowly, slumped over 8/20/1980 #35469  
but stops for about 10 seconds and begins to pulsate, almost sounding as if 9/13/1980 #35520  
ce slightly above the treetops. It begins moving toward them. Even after th 9/26/1980 #35536  
mants to various crash/retrievals, begins to encounter resistance and silen 10/1980 #35549  
t 212 mph. The light brightens and begins to pulse with an increasing frequ 11/5/1980 #35620  
ce line and through it. The couple begins to see a “perfectly round white c 1981 #35763  
g Opplysning in Trondheim, Norway, begins publishing the NIVFO Bulletin, ed 1981 #35764  
aly The Centro Ufologico Nazionale begins a newsletter to supplement its of 3/1981 #35857  
nd drives away, but another object begins moving parallel to his car about  5/20/1981 #35943  
h altitude, 20,000–30,000 feet. It begins to tumble erratically. A second o 6/10/1981 #35961  
t away, then changes direction and begins silently pacing the car. Mrs. The 7/12/1981 #36002  
sia, when he sees an odd star that begins to blink, move in an arc, fade, a 7/19/1981 #36019  
at approaches the truck, the truck begins to vibrate, and he is filled with 12/15/1981 #36256  
same distance. But the object soon begins changing its speed, moving ahead  2/8/1982 #36327  
till in clear view as the aircraft begins landing at Galeão Airport in Rio  2/8/1982 #36327  
ver the Lockport locks and dam. It begins a smooth banking turn to the left 2/12/1982 #36340  
e-red light, which gets bigger and begins flashing red beams from its under 3/23/1982 #36412  
 lost four hours of time. Rosalind begins to recall an abduction experience 9/1982 #36590  
s begin to widen just as the light begins to diminish in strength. In 2–3 s 10/14/1982 #36641  
 feet in diameter on his left that begins to approach and shine more bright 5/23/1983 #36865  
 Hessdalen, Norway Odd-Gunnar Røed begins publishing the Project Hessdalen  10/1983 #36988  
ove the ground. A few feet away he begins to feel heat and decides to retur 12/14/1983 #37074  
t Tonopah Test Range in Nevada and begins formal operations under the 4450t 1984 #37095  
 Base from Rio de Janeiro. When he begins descent preparations over the cit 1984 #37096  
ees, then turns around. The driver begins speeding away, but the object mov 1/22/1984 #37146  
aly The Centro Ufologico Nazionale begins a newsletter, Notizie C.U.N., to  2/1984 #37171  
More lights turn on and the object begins to revolve. As its speed increase 4/22/1984 #37281  
-de-Montarville, Quebec Marc Leduc begins publishing Bulletin d’Information 9/1984 #37452  
                      Jerome Clark begins to take over as editor of the Int 1/1985 #37543  
ect, the width of four full moons, begins banking to the northeast. At a tr 3/7/1985 #37566  
pot for 15 minutes, after which it begins moving quickly. Other crew member 12/23/1985 #37735  
dge, Surrey, England Jimmy Goddard begins publishing Amskaya, a newsletter  1/1986 #37744  
o Studi Ufologici in Turin, Italy, begins publishing its official journal U 6/1986 #37903  
as, freelance journalist Ed Conroy begins to find himself a target of an un 3/1987 #38127  
oeing 747. It stops descending and begins to climb, gaining altitude. Eight 7/27/1987 #38219  
odd light in the sky as a girl and begins to dream about UFOs. Having learn 1988 #38383  
t first it remains motionless, but begins quickly moving up and down along  1/5/1988 #38405  
 mall seems muted. Then the device begins to move and zips away quickly.    1/19/1988 #38416  
object. The egg-shaped object then begins to follow their station wagon. At 1/20/1988 #38422  
eir hair stands on end, their skin begins tingling, and they smell sulfur a 2/9/1988 #38448  
light emanating from both ends. It begins circling, moving overhead at abou 3/4/1988 #38487  
     Harare, Zimbabwe Cynthia Hind begins publishing UFO Afrinews in Harare 7/1988 #38595  
leaves traces of burned grass), he begins reading UFO literature. In April  7/1988 #38596  
rona, Spain José Semitiel Martínez begins publishing the newsletter Búsqued 8/1988 #38612  
radar still finds nothing. The UFO begins to approach the jet and suddenly  12/1/1988 #38733  
to fail. A red light in the center begins to grow stronger and the pilot ar 12/1/1988 #38733  
ons to unknown substances, then he begins work at S-4. Lazar claims he only 12/6/1988 #38748  
w York The Long Island UFO Network begins publishing the Long Island UFO Re 1/1989 #38771  
–1,500 feet, completely silent. It begins moving away as they approach. The 2/10/1989 #38832  
 the aliens leave and the military begins reverse-engineering what alien te 3/1989 #38855  
   Lac-Beauport, Quebec Marc Leduc begins publishing a newsletter, Lettre d 9/1989 #39083  
 and has a euphoric feeling as she begins rising up into the air toward the 9/16/1989 #39106  
atching television. The family dog begins barking, and soon the man’s atten 11/4/1989 #39214  
     Toronto, Ontario David Gotlib begins publishing the Bulletin of Anomal 1/1990 #39359  
Aérospatiaux in Marseille, France, begins publishing Aérospatial-Météorolog 2/1990 #39405  
d an unlit dome on top. Slowly, it begins to rise. He calls a friend and th 4/5/1990 #39511  
 Watch officer Aleksandr Polorotov begins taking photos of them until his c Summer 1990 #39620  
n Nevada Psychic Sean David Morton begins going to Area 51 in Nevada. He an 1991 #39935  
’Étude sur les Soucoupes Volantes) begins publishing Phénomèna, edited by P 1/1991 #39943  
 into another body and the process begins again. Grace claims these “entiti 1/1991 #39944  
 After 100 minutes, a strange haze begins to engage the UFO, which disappea 4/11/1991 #40034  
ich drifts around aimlessly. As he begins descending into Asunción Airport  6/8/1991 #40092  
 but the engine will not start. He begins to run away when a large, glowing 6/16/1991 #40099  
ependent and skeptical newsletter, begins publication in A Coruña, Galicia, 1992 #40274  
ated with a green glow. The object begins to pace his car which is travelin 3/20/1992 #40394  
ht into the interior. He exits and begins to walk backwards away from the o 3/20/1992 #40394  
 Research Program (HAARP) facility begins construction north of Gakona, Ala 1993 #40778  
in road when suddenly her CB radio begins to crackle then fades entirely. M 1/1/1993 #40785  
        Paris, France Didier Gomez begins publishing UFOmania in Paris, Fra 4/1993 #40921  
 his spotlight on the light, which begins to drift back and forth as the sp 4/28/1993 #40953  
ung in Bad Kreuznach, Germany, and begins publishing DEGUFOrum in January 1 6/5/1993 #41005  
 After about 20 minutes the screen begins to move across the road and stops 8/13/1993 #41135  
Mexico City, Mexico Héctor Escobar begins publishing Perspectivas Ufológica 12/1993 #41312  
t few perform intcomm work too. He begins periodic numeric information stri Early 1995 #41927  
ght descend towards her house. She begins to panic and rushes inside her ho 2/21/1995 #42055  
he Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici begins publishing UFO Forum, edited by G 4/1995 #42131  
roceeds to the west and the object begins dropping behind, the crew sees it 5/25/1995 #42227  
                 Sherman states he begins to receive “startling” PPD intcom Mid 1995 #42258  
hey are attached to an object that begins ascending and approaching them fr 6/22/1995 #42267  
cording to the captain. As Polanco begins to land, the runway and airport l 7/31/1995 #42347  
 Air Force General Denis Letty and begins by interviewing French witnesses, 1996 #42656  
use his are drenched with rain. He begins to fall ill.                      1/21/1996 #42703  
arginha, Brazil, creature capture, begins exhibiting strange symptoms and n 2/6/1996 #42742  
 sepsis, and pneumonia. The family begins a legal challenge to have the rec 2/15/1996 #42764  
out 650 feet away. Soon the object begins to rise at great speed. Operators 10/5/1996 #43057  
   Grenoble, France Didier Charnay begins publishing UFO Log in Grenoble, F 9/1997 #43392  
udios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos begins operations in Santiago, Chile. Ai 10/3/1997 #43423  
in Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, when he begins receiving communications from spa 12/1997 #43452  
                    Scott Corrales begins publishing Inexplicata: The Journ 10/1998 #43655  
rnard Norlain of the Air Force and begins with a preamble by André Lebeau,  7/16/1999 #43805  
 witnesses. In September, the army begins an intensive search of the lake u 7/27/1999 #43814  
 the World Chinese UFO Association begins to investigate the Cao case in Ap 12/1999 #43890  
nds, then it leans to the left and begins to rotate in a clockwise motion.  11/28/2000 #44084  
. Suddenly the interior of the car begins to get hot, and a light gray enti 12/13/2000 #44101  
lowly in the air. When it stops it begins to spin, turning into a rotating  6/30/2001 #44199  
       Afghanistan Afghanistan War begins                                   10/7/2001 #44266  
nmark Skandinavisk UFO Information begins publishing UFO-Mail in Ringsted,  4/2002 #44329  
 and hovers for 8–10 minutes, then begins descending, blinks out, and reapp 11/21/2002 #44446  
hts and is triangular in shape. It begins to circle the 737, which experien 1/4/2004 #44643  
f a bright flashing light. The UFO begins circling the Airbus in an aggress 1/4/2004 #44644  
ht remains stationary. Suddenly it begins moving toward the aircraft and ge 2/20/2004 #44668  
e in charge of UFO investigations, begins to put all its UFO files on its w 3/22/2007 #45013  
he Swedish Defence Research Agency begins sharing a database with UFO-Sveri 2008 #45107  
unknown light. Another radar track begins at 6:51 p.m. An unknown object wi 1/8/2008 #45112  
      Rivne, Ukraine Igor Kalytyuk begins publishing Novosti Ufologii, an o 7/2011 #45329  
alongside the aircraft. As the UFO begins to soar about 50 feet away from t 2/18/2012 #45339  
r change is not uniform because it begins at the top of the object and move 7/15/2013 #45377  
he distance. The dimmer of the two begins to descend erratically. It seems  10/6/2013 #45389  
ine trees. Then the brighter light begins to grow as it approaches quickly. 10/6/2013 #45389  
of them, it drops in elevation and begins to pass slowly overhead. The fath 10/6/2013 #45389  
he Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici begins publishing Cielo Insolito, a jour 6/2016 #45454  
 sudden onset: The victim suddenly begins hearing strange grating noises th 8/2017 #45477  
 campaign The To the Stars Academy begins offering to the public $50 millio 9/2017 #45480  
he Brazilian Ufologists Commission begins a new phase of its “UFOs: Freedom 2/2018 #45504  
peeding out of sight as the Apache begins to take off.                      11/6/2018 #45543  
rst thinks that it is a meteor and begins to say so when it suddenly stops  3/19/2020 #45639  
ircraft, maintains separation, and begins pacing. The captain estimates tha 3/19/2020 #45639  
es the Mexico/US border, the light begins to flicker, changes colors from y 3/19/2020 #45639  
xico, where a digitization project begins that will ultimately make them wi 11/2020 #45664  
d flies over some trees. Their car begins to act funny and the check-engine 11/8/2021 #45720  
## Word: "begius" (Back to Top)
 feet in diameter to his left that begius to fly parallel to the helicopter 11/1992 #40700  
## Word: "begs" (Back to Top)
 grab him, each taking one arm. He begs them to let him go in the name of G 5/16/1979 #34563  
## Word: "begun" (Back to Top)
 announcing “preliminary work” had begun “on a small satellite installation 5/18/1955 #12140  
the YWCA in Washington, D.C. It is begun by Mrs. Walton C. “Clara” John, th Spring 1956 #12761  
of Williamson channelings that had begun April 18 when Lord Aramu-Muru anno 12/2/1956 #13384  
rn. A compass was reported to have begun spinning during the sightings.     2/20/1959 #15597  
 super heavy rocket development is begun                                    10/1965 #19626  
om the openly skeptical newsletter begun by the Merseyside UFO Research Gro 1/1968 #23639  
om Paris, Franca. An Ummo cult has begun to form, and books—both journalist 1969 #24804  
h to cover a CIA-initiated program begun prior to January 1953.” The writer 7/29/1971 #26251  
 the end of the court has suddenly begun to die and appears scorched. Distr 11/12/1972 #27120  
route / future M42 freeway not yet begun.                                   2/16/1973 #27291  
d the point where the incident had begun. Their pickup's engine restarted a 7/6/1978 #33346  
sappeared and a new light beam had begun rotating in a downward direction.  8/10/1982 #36568  
ce, the Zetas/Greys; a program was begun in 1960 with the assistance of the 1992 #40276  
 At 5:00 a.m. Andrey and Vitya had begun their descent of Cape Plaka, when  8/2/2004 #44725  
Shield of the Fatherland-2004" had begun in the forests of Belarus. A senio 8/25/2004 #44741  
## Word: "behalf" (Back to Top)
adjutant general, writes a memo on behalf of Lieut. Gen. George E. Strateme 2/4/1948 #3574  
Intelligence (G-2) sends a memo on behalf of the Commander of Fourth Army a 1/13/1949 #3973  
elligence directive by Chadwell on behalf of Smith to the National Security 12/2/1952 #8363  
                 Peter Gersten, on behalf of Ground Saucer Watch, files a d 6/1978 #33244  
                 Peter Gersten, on behalf of Ground Saucer Watch, meets wit 9/19/1979 #34900  
ed by ex-Col. John B. Alexander on behalf of the inspector General of the P 12/29/1980 #35753  
e gives Bennewitz this document on behalf of Air Force Intelligence, knowin Summer 1981 #35977  
about the 1947 Roswell incident on behalf of his constituents and witnesses 1/12/1994 #41370  
unted Police investigations on its behalf ceases. Ufologist Chris Rutkowski 1995 #41924  
 the public’s perception of UAP on behalf of a USG client with media indust 12/3/1999 #43892  
ngineered craft and operates it on behalf of someone else   The US operatio 4/5/2016 #45449  
er Richard Eskridge gave a talk on behalf of their company, HoloChron Engin 6/15/2022 #45758  
SCI Staff Director Chris Mellon on behalf of Sen. Robert Byrd to investigat 8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "behave" (Back to Top)
nge aircraft have been observed to behave in a manner suggestive of an extr 12/26/1954 #11862  
there are “tiny dark objects” that behave differently. All the object pass  9/25/1958 #15281  
n anomalous propagation echo would behave in the manner described, particul 5/13/1967 #22339  
he car ignition, and the telephone behave strangely for days afterward.     7/4/1970 #25726  
. A clock in the kitchen begins to behave erratically. In the backyard, a d 5/27/1973 #27533  
 driving when the dashboard lights behave erratically, the wipers go on, an 9/29/1995 #42519  
terrestrials exist, they would not behave or look as UFO witnesses describe 5/6/2008 #45134  
on, one of them is armed, and they behave oddly as they interview him for 3 5/8/2009 #45220  
oward a paradigm of aircrafts that behave like a human.” Elsewhere on the s 3/27/2017 #45466  
## Word: "behaved" (Back to Top)
 notes that the “two rows of spots behaved differently. One row only shows  8/30/1951 #5638  
metimes separate, sometimes fused, behaved erratically.  Speed varied from  4/24/1952 #6177  
r which he returned to duty. Irwin behaved strangely: he was plagued by fai 2/28/1959 #15624  
s it rose up, and dogs in the area behaved in a highly agitated manner. Fla 2/3/1965 #18797  
runway 35. The track of the object behaved like a ghost echo, perhaps a gro 5/13/1967 #22335  
nding, and the track of the object behaved like a ghost echo, perhaps a gro 5/13/1967 #22339  
ear-shaped UFO in the sky. The dog behaved normally the next day. (Source:  3/13/1977 #31903  
nd had to be put outdoors. The dog behaved normally the next day.           3/13/1977 #31906  
 analysis reveals that the objects behaved oddly for any type of particle,  9/15/1991 #40187  
low. Nearby a normally placid pony behaved very uneasy during the encounter 8/18/1993 #41144  
a V formation of white lights that behaved as if they were part of a single 10/24/1993 #41251  
e didn’t get an answer, the engine behaved differently, he claims. Adair su 1999 #43709  
with a dome-like top on it, and it behaved as if it wanted them to stop, ac 1/3/2002 #44303  
## Word: "behaves" (Back to Top)
arger and closer light appears and behaves similarly. He calls his NCO and  3/24/1967 #21973  
runway 35. The track of the object behaves like a ghost echo, perhaps a gro 5/13/1967 #22337  
d their camera and video equipment behaves oddly.                           7/5/2009 #45230  
## Word: "behaving" (Back to Top)
aw, Saskatchewan, sees a strangely behaving nocturnal light.                10/20/1966 #21020  
Santa Catalina, Brazil a dog began behaving frantically, and then the witne 1/30/1971 #26008  
x, Belgium at first appeared to be behaving like a satellite, traveling fro 7/6/1972 #26780  
nusual to be seen, and his dog was behaving normally again. He felt very st 1/27/1977 #31761  
 They next experienced the vehicle behaving in a strange manner, perhaps be 9/25/1980 #35535  
## Word: "behavior" (Back to Top)
but robot-like due to their savage behavior. These Deros still live in the  11/1943 #1541  
r, but that does not explain their behavior.                                Spring 1948 #3593  
tremely unusual and intelligent in behavior. This is almost like a suppleme 10/7/1948 #3829  
     Dallas (near), TX Intelligent Behavior / Object Tracked by Two Radars  12/24/1952 #8446  
e clear blue sky, and kept up this behavior for over two hours. There was a 10/24/1954 #11373  
 “apparently rational, intelligent behavior of the UFO suggests a mechanica 8/13/1956 #13080  
of shape, color, maneuvers, flight behavior, and concentrations of sighting 5/1964 #18237  
t to right. During its oscillating behavior it emitted a sound like a diese 7/17/1965 #19117  
a lake, apparently causing strange behavior of the lake water during the 25 6/6/1966 #20534  
taking small items with them. This behavior spread fear and panic among the 6/26/1968 #24085  
nives and trying to induce violent behavior in them using direct electrical 7/1968 #24107  
9, with an effect of the signal on behavior and/or biological functions dee 5/12/1969 #25131  
f creating a craft that mimics UAP behavior. Bob Wood, Chan Thomas, Paul Wi 4/5/1970 #25625  
                   Walsh, IL Cows’ behavior supports IFO theory (NICAP: 04  10/5/1970 #25868  
ight up. Her dogs return to normal behavior, and her watch starts up again  9/17/1973 #27829  
hers are pale and bug- eyed. Their behavior is frequently odd, as if they a 1975 #29670  
ccount for the animals’ fatigue or behavior.                                4/6/1978 #33128  
eportation due to a unique natural behavior of the hippocampus. Still, Basi 1981 #35765  
r finds nothing to account for its behavior.                                7/6/1982 #36531  
owaves and EHF to determine if the behavior of different population groups  1983 #36739  
 smaller object exhibiting similar behavior. Ruth Holtsman describes a sile 3/24/1983 #36807  
e got there. He goes home, but his behavior changes, becoming ruder. On May 8/12/1983 #36949  
examines features of the entities’ behavior and appearance, the UFO involve 1987 #38089  
 UFO was responsible for their odd behavior.                                7/31/1987 #38221  
and John Lear from ParaNet for bad behavior and peddling probable disinform 10/26/1988 #38697  
y adapted to space travel. (3) The behavior of alien abductors contradicts  6/1989 #38970  
und 10 p.m. There was also unusual behavior by animals, and the total silen 8/9/1998 #43623  
ts within each, the appearance and behavior of the entities, interior and e 7/2/1999 #43789  
te with significant details of UAP behavior in oceans states UAP communicat 2008 #45108  
lieve UFOs demonstrate intelligent behavior, it is the government’s duty to 7/31/2014 #45412  
IC DOMAIN site with details on UAP behavior and alleged bibliographies cont 5/2/2018 #45525  
## Word: "behavioral" (Back to Top)
es for producing predictable human behavioral and/or physiological changes  1964 #18101  
e 1992): 13–14, 23; Mark Cashman, “Behavioral Classification System for UFO 7/25/1972 #26833  
econd…. You can produce changes in behavioral patterns or in responses.”    7/25/1972 #26833  
is car into the parking lot of the Behavioral Health Services Building in W 3/14/2003 #44502  
## Word: "behaviorists" (Back to Top)
tiny electrodes into their brains. Behaviorists then experiment on the men, 7/1968 #24107  
## Word: "beheld" (Back to Top)
rgentina. At the same time the boy beheld at only a few meters distance fro 7/2/1968 #24134  
## Word: "behencourt" (Back to Top)
                                   BEHENCOURT, FR 2 / car. Silent 20M domed 5/18/1973 #27503  
                                   Behencourt, Somme, France. At 10:30 p.m. 5/18/1973 #27507  
                                   BEHENCOURT, FR 4 observer(s). 1.5M ovoid 1/8/1974 #28663  
                                   BEHENCOURT, FR Church-bell saucer maneuv 3/19/1974 #28907  
## Word: "behgough" (Back to Top)
                                   Behgough, Saskatchewan, CAN Dog and catt 2/19/1968 #23765  
## Word: "behind" (Back to Top)
, when he sees a light ascend from behind the trees and houses in the south 12/16/1742? #65  
minous with a frame-like structure behind it, and it has a faint trail. The 12/16/1742? #65  
ckness. It leaves a sulfurous mass behind.                                  6/19/1857 #150  
ough the sky. At regular distances behind the cloud followed three "very re 7/13/1860 #154  
p.m., two meteors with trails, one behind another, are seen in New York, Ph 7/20/1860 #155  
ns while it flew against the wind. Behind it trailed a long hook connected  3/22/1870 #185  
lops the two following and extends behind them. The tail is luminous except 9/30/1880 #240  
iles away), it passes out of sight behind buildings. Possibly the moon.     Mid 7/1896 #328  
can see the outlines of an airship behind a large light that passes over th Mid 2/1897 #388  
 moving to the west and disappears behind some buildings. One of the witnes 3/14/1897 #392  
outline of a structure can be seen behind the powerful light. By 9:30 p.m., 4/9/1897 #420  
o green, and the object disappears behind clouds.                           4/12/1897 #447  
n who wore dark glasses and walked behind the craft. There were three or fo 4/20/1897 #543  
n who wore dark glasses and walked behind the craft. There were three or fo 4/20/1897 #544  
ght light and hears strange voices behind his house. He finds a landed airs 4/20/1897 #546  
n who wore dark glasses and walked behind the craft. There were three or fo 4/20/1897 #547  
Jr. see a light in the sky descend behind a hill one half-mile away. After  5/6/1897 #593  
ctions / high altitude. Going [to] behind mountains.                        1/2/1898 #615  
 Midlands, England, through a path behind his family’s garden when he comes Summer 1901 #645  
aced windows. It was hovering just behind some trees over a farm in Helmer, 3/17/1903 #661  
arge object in the air moving west behind the steeple of the Dixboro United 1904 #667  
eels. One of the objects is 2 feet behind and to the left of the other. Run 6/1904 #672  
meter of the full moon appear from behind the southern slopes of the Wailuk 1/4/1906 #686  
w-pitched baseball” and disappears behind Mount Haleakala to the southeast. 1/4/1906 #686  
eet long, with lights in front and behind moving at an altitude of 500–600  5/13/1909 #740  
 disappears into the mist, leaving behind a yellow glare.                   7/30/1909 #789  
ter circling around, it disappears behind a hill.                           8/3/1909 #799  
r altitude, circled, and then went behind hill.                             8/3/1909 #800  
bright, pale blue light arise from behind some hills to the east. After asc 8/7/1909 #801  
em for 10 seconds before they pass behind some trees.                       Fall 1912 #863  
e. Vague airship leaves (something behind) dense trail / smoke. Goes fast.  1/17/1913 #869  
object rises slowly and disappears behind the church. He remembers the melo 1914 #893  
ward a railway yard and disappears behind some houses.                      1916? #938  
bject carries a long rope trailing behind it with a large object attached t 2/29/1916 #943  
but dissolves just before landing. Behind the cloud, the crowd can see Lúci 9/13/1917 #965  
ng toward the south. It disappears behind Landguard Bluff. Other witnesses  8/12/1918 #975  
e, disc- shaped object emerge from behind a grove of 100-foot-high maple tr 6/3/1920 #999  
. Glowing-sphere/orb/globe rises / behind hedge. Moves away / very low alti 6/24/1924 #1040  
uthwest. It temporarily disappears behind a mountain but reappears and appr Fall 1924 #1044  
cs are trailing in a straight line behind a much larger one, moving west be 8/1926 #1060  
gonal metallic object about a mile behind them.                             1932 #1136  
minute or two later they disappear behind mountain mist.                    6/1/1933 #1158  
 Project would have started months behind. Instead, they are able to begin  6/26/1941 #1366  
es a full turn, putting the lights behind him on the port side. They now ap 12/1942 #1470  
 260 mph and gradually leaves them behind. His squadron mates do not believ 12/1942 #1470  
igator notice a small bright light behind them. It stays on their tail, mov 12/14/1943 #1553  
ing sphere approach the plane from behind and below. It seems to be the siz Winter 1943 #1555  
 about 2 minutes, they see it pass behind a small cloud before it disappear Summer 1944 #1612  
re flattened spheres that move low behind some buildings then rise up at an Mid 8/1944 #1644  
" and left a strange cloying smell behind (Magonia #51, FSR 61, 3) (Needs t End of 8/1944 #1648  
" and left a strange cloying smell behind                                   End of 8/1944 #1649  
 frosted glass with a bright light behind it.” It makes a crackling noise,  10/1944 #1674  
bright green globe that rises from behind the ship and moves in a “perfect  11/16/1944 #1697  
 great speed, finally disappearing behind the horizon to the north.”        11/16/1944 #1697  
io, when they hear a hissing sound behind them and see 9 disc-shaped object 11/29/1944 #1709  
ll of fire that quickly leaves him behind as it speeds off to the northwest 12/23/1944 #1731  
see a four-engine bomber overhead. Behind it is a “brilliant light” that is 1/22/1945 #1761  
e of basketball; streamer of light behind the ball of fire; ball of fire em 4/3/1945 #1837  
foo fighters and ghost rockets, is behind the affair. Jones writes that a s 1946 #1962  
ve silver disks, with one trailing behind, were seen heading northeast to I 9/11/1946 #2178  
eenish globes, one following close behind the other, zoom over Castanheira, 9/18/1946 #2184  
Bat-saucer hovers / minutes. Drops behind cloud. Sea lit up in great color. 12/30/1946 #2214  
 occasionally disappearing into or behind the cloud. They watch the objects Late 4/1947 #2266  
from the cloud and moves eastward. Behind it comes a V-formation of nine of Late 4/1947 #2266  
ine white discs and another object behind a steamy cloud in a completely cl 4/29/1947 #2269  
s uneven course. Leaves (something behind) luminous trail. / r187p27.       6/23/1947 #2372  
s they flashed across the sky, one behind the other, "skipping as saucers u 6/24/1947 #2402  
ll of fire, with a fiery blue tail behind it.” The object is about 2,000 fe 6/27/1947 #2432  
 Woman. Small aluminum plate flies behind treeline. No further details / V. 7/5/1947 #2715  
ack of his truck or drags it along behind. He stores it in a livestock shed 7/5/1947 #2725  
nd made of aluminum. It disappears behind some trees. The Howells and some  7/6/1947 #2811  
out 30 seconds, then it disappears behind a cloud, but reappears 5 seconds  7/10/1947 #3109  
rrs. Reflects sun. Lost going [to] behind cloud.                            7/12/1947 #3143  
y high altitude. Leaves (something behind) puffs / smoke / regular interval 7/28/1947 #3236  
tude In Norwood, Manitoba. If left behind puffs of smoke at regular interva 7/28/1947 #3241  
nst the canyon wall. It disappears behind a hill about one mile away. Hynek 8/13/1947 #3320  
d Loedding: New Insight on the Man behind Project Sign,” IUR 23, no. 4 (Win 12/30/1947 #3516  
ucky. The UFO disappears from view behind a cloud at Godman at 3:50 p.m. Th 1/7/1948 #3544  
dances in sky. Vibrant bright even behind clouds. No further details.       1/9/1948 #3549  
lindrical object leaves (something behind) trail. Terrific speed going quic 7/24/1948 #3726  
ok, but the object has disappeared behind trees. A later search finds no tr 7/29/1948 #3753  
 1200 mph, leaving the interceptor behind. Description: shaped like a rifle 10/15/1948 #3835  
arate from the main body and trail behind it. Thanks to an independent obse 12/20/1948 #3936  
reen obj at high speed disappeared behind mountainous horizon - Mexico (35. 1/6/1949 #3966  
et in a gradual descent until lost behind trees. In the second sighting at  1/27/1949 #3981  
enish tint went out or disappeared behind cloud (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 3/8/1949 #4038  
colored elliptical obj disappeared behind trees (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 3/8/1949 #4039  
 Alamos, New Mexico. It disappears behind the mountain. Another fireball is 4/5/1949 #4076  
 to left, then moved again passing behind the telephone pole. It then retur 4/9/1949 #4085  
sc-shaped aluminum obj disappeared behind mtns (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 4/22/1949 #4097  
asurements with the mountain range behind it, it was calculated to be going 4/24/1949 #4099  
tude, fluttering as it disappeared behind an obstacle. Ground/visual from a 5/16/1949 #4188  
erated upwards leaving the missile behind. Cmdr. McLaughlin received report 6/10/1949 #4229  
accelerate upwards leaving the V-2 behind. Five other missile observation c 6/14/1949 #4240  
lightly more orange than star went behind building (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 6/27/1949 #4253  
a tight formation of twos with one behind, and made a perfect, but unbanked 7/24/1949 #4282  
round bluish green obj disappeared behind building (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 8/6/1949 #4305  
e stops and watches them disappear behind the cloud cover. Returning to the 10/14/1949 #4395  
 east before dropping out of sight behind a mountain. When first seen, it i 1/7/1950 #4478  
still see the object when it flies behind some thin clouds. It moves away a 3/18/1950 #4675  
 west / seconds. Leaves (something behind) contrail.                        3/20/1950 #4684  
owing white ball leaves (something behind) white smoke. Fast and slow circl 3/28/1950 #4745  
kly northwest / 18 second(s). Lost behind trees.                            4/5/1950 #4794  
, Iowa. It left a shower of sparks behind it.                               4/7/1950 #4819  
rles, 9, Lightfoot saw a disk land behind a hill and touched it. It was the 4/8/1950 #4828  
is brother Charles saw a disc land behind a hill. They were able to walk up 4/8/1950 #4832  
ariety author Frank Scully’s book “Behind the Flying Sauces” announced comi 4/17/1950 #4855  
y see a bright-red disc-shaped UFO behind their DC-3. It overtakes the plan 4/27/1950 #4910  
pproached the plane from below and behind, overtaking the aircraft, then mo 4/27/1950 #4911  
- or 10-foot-disc lands in a field behind Mrs. Mason Vaughan’s house in Bea Summer 1950 #4997  
ude. Dashes off. Leaves (something behind) blue = white vapor trail.        7/25/1950 #5077  
    US Author Frank Scully’s book “Behind the Flying Saucers” published     8/1950 #5085  
icino canton, Switzerland, leaving behind luminous wakes. They gyrated in t 8/12/1950 #5121  
ment. He films the objects passing behind a water tower, which provides a f 8/15/1950 #5126  
enry Holt publishes Frank Scully’s Behind the Flying Saucers, the first boo 9/8/1950 #5171  
ntist reveals Frank Scully’s 1950 "Behind the Flying Saucers" book is true  9/15/1950 #5177  
, and three smaller ones came from behind or within the two larger objects, 9/20/1950 #5187  
he three smaller objects came from behind or from within the two larger obj 9/20/1950 #5188  
st. Wobble-disk going quickly [to] behind mountain-peak. Min. speed = 720mp 10/3/1950 #5207  
 with a wobbling motion at 750 mph behind a mountain peak near Pomona, Cali 10/3/1950 #5209  
 down for about 3 minutes. It goes behind a cloud but can still be seen, ap 12/13/1950 #5345  
 hills to the south. It disappears behind the hills before he can train his 8/3/1951 #5595  
ts emerged from the cloud, leaving behind a vapor trail. They went from hov 8/15/1951 #5610  
s circling and takes up a position behind the plane’s wingman, remaining th Fall 1951 #5686  
from west to east, much higher and behind the balloon, which is at 20,000 f 10/10/1951 #5719  
s, sees two dark objects come from behind him at an altitude of 5,000–7,500 3/10/1952 #5953  
d a red glow preceeding it and one behind. When the white light went off th 4/15/1952 #6084  
at first but as it was fading away behind some trees "we heard a very low h 4/21/1952 #6148  
 two silvery wingless objects, one behind the other, flying in a valley in  4/30/1952 #6224  
ight lights change colors. 1 flies behind house. Others hover.              5/1/1952 #6235  
ormation of three in front and two behind, and darted around, for 15-30 sec 5/1/1952 #6240  
r with dark parts / rim. Glows red behind cloud.                            5/25/1952 #6354  
for 30 minutes, appearing red when behind a cloud.                          5/25/1952 #6360  
erves a mysterious object fly from behind the city, make a double loop, pas 6/1/1952 #6417  
d moves / jerks. Leaves (something behind) glowing contrail. / LDLN#125.    6/12/1952 #6477  
ews white smoke. Leaves (something behind) vapor trail 4' wide and 200' lon 6/12/1952 (approximate) #6478  
and lavender colors. They flew one behind the other for five seconds, then  6/23/1952 #6614  
to a horizontal position, and left behind an odor of ozone.                 6/28/1952 #6662  
ises and falls. Going quickly [to] behind mountains.                        7/4/1952 #6706  
d it in spirals. One object stayed behind for twenty minutes.               7/19/1952 #6939  
h flashes as it took off, and left behind the smell of burning sulphur.     7/20/1952 #6953  
ow in the front and a reddish tint behind it.                               7/22/1952 #7025  
t the object easily leaves the jet behind.                                  7/22/1952 #7026  
ailed by a silvery light 2 lengths behind, tipped on its side, dove, hesita 7/29/1952 #7316  
liner approaches then come back in behind him after he passes through the a 7/29/1952 #7320  
shaped object, trailed two lengths behind by a silvery light. It tipped on  7/29/1952 #7337  
g dessert dish'. Leaves (something behind) green trail.                     7/30/1952 #7350  
, see an enormous red disc leaving behind a greenish trail. At 9:15 p.m., t 8/14/1952 #7594  
bserver(s). Brilliant saucer flies behind hill. 5000' altitude. Tremendous  8/16/1952 #7616  
lishes an exposé of Frank Scully’s Behind the Flying Saucers in True magazi 9/1952 #7804  
ar-shaped object, with three puffs behind it (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 9/14/1952 #7929  
ar-shaped object, with three puffs behind it, flew west, then south, and th 9/14/1952 #7935  
shaped object. It left three puffs behind it, flew to the west, then to the 9/14/1952 #7945  
t has been following about 5 miles behind the jet at15,000 feet, swinging l 9/19/1952 #7980  
lvery sphere moving across the sky behind the fleet. Photographer Wallace L 9/20/1952 #7987  
ar then disappeared and reappeared behind them. One Meteor pilot attempted  9/21/1952 #7990  
 series of targets appear directly behind aircraft when entering an azimuth 9/28/1952 #8049  
 Blue-glowing ovoid. Rolls. Passes behind invisible curtain til gone.       9/29/1952 #8050  
t light follows. Leaves (something behind) trail. Seen widely.              10/6/1952 #8093  
f a white substance (angel’s hair) behind them, which slowly falls to the g 10/17/1952 #8148  
ing quickly west leaves (something behind) contrail.                        10/25/1952 #8183  
ak Brownie 1:57 p.m. Adamski stays behind to set up his equipment as McGinn 11/20/1952 #8308  
Kodak Brownie before it disappears behind a hill. Air Force jets circle the 11/20/1952 #8308  
nly speeds away. Leaves (something behind) blue trail.                      12/3/1952 #8365  
ack of evidence of inimical forces behind the phenomena."Exactly what trans 1/17/1953 #8544  
 the radar site. The object passed behind a hill and then reappeared, appar 1/26/1953 #8576  
5 minutes, both were lost to sight behind clouds.                           2/4/1953 #8636  
nd returns. Both are lost to sight behind clouds to the south-southwest. Th 2/4/1953 #8637  
es both objects were lost to sight behind some clouds. A Project Blue Book  2/4/1953 #8638  
d green at intervals and disappear behind a cloud. It is also tracked by gr 2/7/1953 #8647  
to form a heavy condensation trail behind it for roughly 1,000 feet and spl 3/3/1953 #8727  
 shows an object traveling 5 miles behind him and maintaining a steady cour Spring 1953 #8766  
an image of something flying right behind them. The science officer goes up Spring 1953 #8766  
nne before disintegrating, leaving behind a black smoke. Two photographs we 5/16/1953 #8880  
ts cloud. Spins. Leaves (something behind) black trail.                     6/21/1953 #8946  
sees a “big balloon” on the ground behind him in Villares del Saz, Cuenca,  7/1/1953 #8982  
rd an intermittent whistling soung behind him. When he turned around he saw 7/1/1953 #8983  
ocket." There were footprints left behind at the site and four holes 5 cm d 7/1/1953 #8983  
 saw a "big balloon" on the ground behind him when a faint whistling attrac 7/2/1953 #8986  
r no balloon. Stops. 2nd identical behind it. / Blue Book.                  8/3/1953 #9039  
 second, identical object was seen behind it. They were not balloons, accor 8/3/1953 #9044  
im. It comes to a sudden stop just behind his aircraft then accelerates bri 8/6/1953 #9052  
t circle of broken bushes was left behind at the landing spot. It's possibl 8/18/1953 #9081  
Large red saucer leaves (something behind) multicolor trail / sky. / J. Gui 8/19/1953 #9082  
uds, then turn north and disappear behind clouds.                           8/28/1953 #9120  
ope. Night light leaves (something behind) moons image. Navigates and retur 10/19/1953 #9241  
 silver object over 1000mph passes behind clouds and away.                  10/24/1953 #9249  
a neighbor saw an object rise from behind a hill, oscillate over a lake, fo 11/1953 #9269  
 when they see an object rise from behind a hill, swing out over the lake,  11/1953 #9271  
s that were pouring out water, and behind the hull was a sort of rudder thr 11/28/1953 #9325  
ance. It shot up and away, leaving behind a red crescent-shaped object.     12/11/1953 #9359  
potted a circular craft five miles behind them. They tried to outpace the U Winter 1953 #9385  
 sparks extending a short distance behind it The object was estimated to be 12/26/1953 #9398  
50 feet) round object appears from behind it. It moves high, then drops low 1/1954 #9429  
going south to Port Ormond. 1 lags behind..                                 1/15/1954 #9489  
/ high altitude. Leaves (something behind) blue-smoke trail. Going quickly  1/18/1954 #9490  
 smaller body that moves below and behind. An operator named de Rizzardo in 3/1/1954 #9588  
 ground, then rises and disappears behind the C-54 after completing its tur 3/5/1954 #9598  
 left of vertical and disappearing behind a cloud bank. It is also seen by  3/28/1954 #9646  
r his car. An unintelligible shout behind him indicated that whatever creat 4/10/1954 #9681  
 He was then suddenly grabbed from behind. He fell together with his assail 4/10/1954 #9681  
in a few feet, causing him to duck behind a car. One of the vehicles has a  4/22/1954 #9705  
. Spins on edge. Leaves (something behind) trail.                           6/1/1954 (approximate) #9856  
” overhead, occasionally losing it behind overlying clouds. Flying into wes 6/1/1954 #9860  
nd watches it before it disappears behind trees. Janette’s wristwatch stops 6/5/1954 #9866  
It flew away and was lost to sight behind some trees.                       6/9/1954 #9881  
It flew away and was lost to sight behind some trees.                       6/9/1954 #9883  
e same position a little above and behind at close range, possibly detected 6/23/1954 #9936  
flashes lights. Going quickly [to] behind mountains.                        7/12/1954 #10011  
sphere/orb/globe leaves (something behind) luminous trail. TV and aircraft  8/6/1954 #10101  
arivo], Madagascar, and disappears behind a hill. It reappears a minute lat 8/16/1954 #10148  
 miles altitude! Leaves (something behind) long trail.                      8/26/1954 #10179  
continue to the east and disappear behind buildings.                        8/29/1954 #10203  
wo other B-47s in the squadron are behind the lead bomber and also view the 9/3/1954 #10239  
, PORTUGAL Ovoid leaves (something behind) trail / blue light across sky. / 9/7/1954 (approximate) #10261  
p, leaving a stream of white smoke behind. Around 5:45 p.m., Lt. Bruno Gius 9/17/1954 #10333  
0 p.m.  It brushed a tree, leaving behind burnt leaves and ground marks in  9/20/1954 #10372  
 which resembled a full moon, land behind a grove near Monte-Brandsen, Buen 9/20/1954 #10374  
object revolved, then tumbled down behind some trees.  Marks were found in  9/22/1954 #10394  
rang-shaped object as it came down behind some trees. The object appeared t 9/22/1954 #10398  
evolving, and it then tumbled down behind the trees. Marks were found in th 9/22/1954 #10398  
gar” that lands slowly in a meadow behind a rectory in Lencouacq, Landes, F 9/23/1954 #10420  
phere/orb/globe. Leaves (something behind) dark trail behind. See photograp 9/24/1954 #10425  
aves (something behind) dark trail behind. See photograph section. No furth 9/24/1954 #10425  
d lands. Changes color. Going [to] behind trees. / LDLN#102.                9/28/1954 #10481  
hanged color and was lost to sight behind some trees.                       9/28/1954 #10484  
hanged color and was lost to sight behind some trees.                       9/28/1954 #10489  
en / 30 minute(s). Going down [to] behind wall. No trace. / r217p92.        10/2/1954 #10598  
 object rose into the sky, leaving behind a luminous trail. There were thre 10/2/1954 #10620  
 / low altitude. Leaves (something behind) green trail. Area = forest and g 10/3/1954 #10624  
saucer hovers / 20 minutes. Shoots behind mountain.                         10/3/1954 #10630  
r/all about / 300M altitude. Lands behind trees. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (m 10/5/1954 #10720  
ade a jet powered takeoff, leaving behind ground traces.                    10/6/1954 #10759  
ly for a short distance and landed behind a woods. Two witnesses went close 10/11/1954 #10934  
ly for a short distance and landed behind a woods. Two witnesses went close 10/11/1954 #10951  
nsely bright UFO leaves (something behind) glowing trail / air. No descript 10/14/1954 #11016  
FR 2 farm hands. Red saucer passes behind hill. No further details.         10/14/1954 #11020  
ow silent object leaves (something behind) green trail. Maneuvers. / LDLN#3 10/14/1954 #11022  
ar-shape lands. Helmeted figure(s) behind portholes.                        10/15/1954 #11087  
ground at a terrific clip, leaving behind a red trail and disappearing behi 10/19/1954 #11252  
ehind a red trail and disappearing behind a hedge a few hundred meters from 10/19/1954 #11252  
beam going down. Leaves (something behind) trail. LDLN#321.                 10/20/1954 #11261  
hout noise, leaving a bright trail behind.                                  10/24/1954 #11362  
ogs refused to go near it. It left behind a three-meter wide area of flatte 10/24/1954 #11367  
ut a noise, leaving a bright trail behind.                                  10/24/1954 #11371  
spins over city. Leaves (something behind) trail. No further details / p21. 10/25/1954 #11375  
f Vienna, Austria. It left a trail behind, and the event lasted five minute 10/25/1954 #11397  
ht silent object leaves (something behind) trail. Turns. "No meteor".       10/31/1954 #11496  
isible inside the lower cone. From behind the object appared two dwarfs, 1  11/1/1954 #11516  
airs. Two little men come out from behind the object; they are dressed in g 11/1/1954 #11518  
isible inside the lower cone. From behind the object appeared two dwarfs, e 11/1/1954 #11520  
. Red glowing / front. Green light behind.                                  11/2/1954 #11530  
 LOUIS, MO Ground observer(s). UFO behind flight / B47s east going quickly  11/2/1954 #11533  
g quickly north. Leaves (something behind) sparks. Bolide?                  11/5/1954 #11574  
l in Arqua'Polesine, Italy leaving behind a cloud of vapor. At eleven o'clo 11/12/1954 #11630  
s. Silver saucer leaves (something behind) reddish trail. 9000' altitude. G 11/14/1954 #11643  
pherical craft concealed 10 m away behind some bushes. The beings were smal 11/25/1954 #11703  
oncealed 10 meters away from them, behind some bushes. The UFO had two prop 11/25/1954 #11704  
, disc-shaped object take off from behind the bushes at a high speed and da 12/10/1954 #11798  
t and it takes off. The UFO leaves behind ground traces.                    12/19/1954 #11838  
ach he was paralyzed. The UFO left behind ground traces.                    12/19/1954 #11841  
am. Continues extremely fast. Lost behind hill.                             1/3/1955 #11914  
itude. 90-turns. Leaves (something behind) straight up!                     5/17/1955 #12135  
over a hedge and was lost to sight behind some woods.                       5/31/1955 #12169  
 man's head, and flew out of sight behind some nearby woods.                5/31/1955 #12170  
gh binoculars; hovered; moved away behind clouds as an aircraft neared. [UF 6/17/1955 #12203  
 Object Passes Over DC-3 Crew From Behind (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 6/23/1955 #12208  
 over the top of the aircraft from behind, an estimated 500 feet above thei 6/23/1955 #12209  
5 mph, the object is gone, leaving behind the vortices on the ground. Durat 7/1955 #12226  
gh binoculars; hovered; moved away behind clouds as an aircraft neared. [UF 7/17/1955 #12264  
ickly northwest. Leaves (something behind) trail.                           7/18/1955 #12268  
second(s). Going quickly northwest behind trees. / r139#5p10.               7/26/1955 #12286  
rver. 4M-high bullet-shaped object behind hill. High-pitch-buzz.            8/19/1955 #12372  
ght, bullet-shaped, silvery object behind a hillock. It measured about 4 m  8/19/1955 #12373  
ght, silvery, bullet-shaped object behind a hillock. It measured about four 8/19/1955 #12375  
Stanley G. Trounce spot the object behind them flying along the coast on a  11/1/1955 #12540  
Freeland see a ball of fire plunge behind the breakwater at Redondo Beach,  2/9/1956 #12703  
de a loud rumbling noise, and left behind a white trail of smoke. That even 2/23/1956 #12738  
ucer with portholes. See dwg. Lost behind trees.                            4/1956 (approximate) #12774  
a formation at 8:30 p.m. They left behind a light contrail.                 4/27/1956 #12815  
ks right to the southeast somewhat behind the object, which is now a great  5/22/1956 #12865  
ite 6M circular object follows 30M behind last jet.                         6/1956 (approximate) #12877  
turned, and crossed the road again behind the car, then vanished suddenly.  6/6/1956 #12887  
turned, and crossed the road again behind his car. It then suddenly shot st 6/6/1956 #12890  
ot straight up vertically, leaving behind short vapor trail in their wakes. 6/27/1956 #12926  
ucer trails bursts of sparks. Goes behind Khyber hills.                     7/4/1956 #12950  
on radar.” The object, however, is behind the plane and stays there for som 8/13/1956 #13080  
say that the object is glued right behind the fighter. After 10 minutes, th 8/13/1956 #13080  
red ovoid flutters going down [to] behind garage. Away quickly. No further  8/22/1956 #13113  
orange-red ovoid UFO fluttering up behind the garage at 10:50 p.m. It went  8/22/1956 #13118  
merge from the large disc, leaving behind a wake of phosphorescent smoke th 8/28/1956 #13146  
d Javelin pilot has caught up from behind and confirms radar and visual sig 8/30/1956 #13156  
 5 minute(s). Going down [to] slow behind hill. / r234p107.                 9/24/1956 #13241  
 Florida observed two UFOs move in behind an F-100 jet fighter. Through 7x5 11/8/1956 #13315  
the southwest at 4:35 p.m. It left behind an orange trail twice its own len 1/10/1957 #13452  
k saucer with black stripe appears behind jet. Vanishes!                    1/24/1957 #13471  
 with a black stripe that appeared behind a jet. It abruptly vanished.      1/24/1957 #13473  
ght, and there were shadows moving behind. As she passed the object, it too 2/9/1957 #13487  
hadows could be seen moving around behind the windows. It took off going st 2/9/1957 #13488  
dar tracked several targets flying behind an airliner , G,V (NICAP: 09 - RA 2/13/1957 #13498  
COIC, track several targets flying behind an airliner at a distance of 5–6  2/13/1957 #13502  
 Pan Am Flight 269 about 175 miles behind him, also sees it. Miami Air Traf 3/9/1957 #13540  
A Fireball quickly going down [to] behind barn. 2 strong beams. Quickly goi 3/23/1957 #13554  
. a huge ball of fire rose up from behind a barn in Puyallup, Washington. I 3/23/1957 #13559  
mi, suddenly heard a noise and saw behind them a top-shaped object, 1 m hig 4/14/1957 #13601  
lowing black saucer going [to] WNW behind clouds. / ttp.                    5/6/1957 #13649  
ctly above him. Shadows are moving behind the portholes. The UFO is motionl Late Spring 1957 #13662  
d may have made a possible landing behind some trees.                       5/21/1957 #13670  
he airliner, and then in front and behind it.                               6/30/1957 #13760  
ng quickly east. Leaves (something behind) trail.                           7/25/1957 #13829  
ses contact at 8:24 p.m., 15 miles behind the plane. No visual confirmation 8/3/1957 #13875  
llows car 22 km. Just off US90+1km behind.                                  9/7/1957 #13984  
 on a similar trajectory 150 miles behind. It passes over Ontario, Michigan 9/20/1957 #14020  
gnitude object, trailing 600 miles behind the 22-inch satellite until Octob 10/4/1957 #14057  
 gyrations then vanishes, possibly behind cloud cover. The object has no tr 10/9/1957 #14085  
lle, saw a circular object go down behind the hill. Two min later it flew u 10/10/1957 #14091  
aville, saw a circular UFO go down behind a hill. Two minutes later it flew 10/10/1957 #14096  
e road. It had appendages trailing behind.                                  10/11/1957 #14099  
e road. It had appendages trailing behind.                                  10/11/1957 #14100  
e family, cure the girl, and leave behind some medication to give her.      10/25/1957 #14155  
re out looking at the sky (looking behind him to the northeast), including  11/4/1957 #14286  
0 minutes later to follow 1/2 mile behind a USAF C-46 that has just taken o 11/4/1957 #14289  
gwood and then lands in some trees behind a school building two blocks from 11/5/1957 #14345  
rom south to north and disappeared behind some clouds.                      11/5/1957 #14349  
and going south. Leaves (something behind) trail / sky. / r141.             11/6/1957 #14366  
 CA Shiny saucer leaves (something behind) trail near. Turns back toward(s) 11/6/1957 #14376  
 speeds up and disappears, leaving behind black and greenish smoke lines.   11/6/1957 #14424  
total of 4 minutes until it passes behind some buildings.                   11/6/1957 #14429  
double. Three more disks rose from behind the trees, and all five flew towa 11/18/1957 #14575  
double. Three more discs rose from behind the trees, and then all five flew 11/18/1957 #14577  
ked like human beings, sitting one behind the other aboard the craft.       11/22/1957 #14595  
ked like human beings, sitting one behind the other aboard the craft.       11/22/1957 #14596  
fins, or other external structure. Behind the lighted windows were two huma 12/16/1957 #14736  
   An unidentified object followed behind Sputnik II while orbiting over Br 1/24/1958 #14841  
aucers leaves Danish Air Force jet behind. / r46p204.                       4/10/1958 #14973  
e radarscope and quickly reappears behind the first jet. The first pilot re Summer 1958 #15111  
egree turn near a school, and left behind a smell of ozone in the air.      6/21/1958 #15113  
 of the car and watch the UFO from behind it for 30–45 seconds. The UFO fla 10/26/1958 #15385  
right. Maneuvers 2 min. Going [to] behind trees.                            12/17/1958 #15479  
rver(s). Sausage with lights lands behind warehouse. Nothing found. / r24v1 1/27/1959 #15568  
saw a man wearing a white "helmet" behind a hedge, so she went around the h 3/7/1959 #15631  
 "fish-shape" UFO hovers and drops behind trees. Absolute(ly) silent.       3/26/1959 #15670  
ight greenish eyes. It left tracks behind resembling those of the footgear  3/28/1959 #15677  
 horizon. Disks going quickly [to] behind trees..                           6/16/1959 #15770  
horizontally and was lost to sight behind a hill.                           6/21/1959 #15779  
ears at 9:46, hovering, disappears behind a cloud at 10:10, reappears in a  6/26/1959 #15790  
sham insists a spaceship is hiding behind some fluffy clouds. He also insis 7/5/1959 #15817  
 satellite lights in a line below, behind, and to the left of the main obje 7/11/1959 #15834  
gh-pitched whining noise, and left behind an odor "like pepper."            7/13/1959 #15843  
 banked, and disappeared from view behind some trees after 5-10 seconds.    7/25/1959 #15879  
flew away toward Santiago. It left behind traces on the ground, and it made 8/12/1959 #15907  
 Going [to] to sea then going east behind mountains. Extremely fast acceler 8/14/1959 #15918  
w Zealand, and was gone from sight behind some hills.                       10/7/1959 #16027  
above the road a quarter of a mile behind him. It appears to be 80–90 feet  12/1959 #16107  
im. It was finally lost from sight behind the clouds.                       12/3/1959 #16113  
e Hillenkoetter adds a statement: “Behind the scenes, high-ranking AF offic 2/27/1960 #16186  
 in explosions and flames. It left behind nine ground scars. An analysis of 4/12/1960 #16225  
rface of the lake about 1,700 feet behind him. Person sees an object 4–6 fe 6/22/1960 #16315  
n heard something strike the water behind him and saw an object with arms o 6/22/1960 #16316  
r dragging a trail of bluish light behind it. The inside of the car heats u 7/2/1960 #16327  
nstant speed and altitude. It went behind the mountain top, then re-appeare 8/16/1960 #16397  
inutes, then see a figure standing behind the ball. It is a glowing nude, g Late 8/1960 #16417  
luminum-colored object on the hill behind them. They run back toward it, bu 11/3/1960 #16493  
 park. It has two round portholes, behind which she sees indistinct shadows 12/9/1960 #16530  
rs slowly. Beams light ahead. Goes behind trees.                            2/27/1961 #16604  
 to the large UFO and all vanished behind trees. [NICAP UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 6/4/1961 #16719  
er one. All then move out of sight behind trees to the north- northwest.    6/4/1961 #16720  
t 15 feet in diameter appears from behind the house, flying from northeast  6/11/1961 #16724  
d to tree top level, and then went behind the trees. Soon, a red light foll 7/8/1961 #16755  
wed by a white object emerged from behind the trees; they flew low over the 7/8/1961 #16755  
le, flew off and was lost to sight behind the mountains, where it may have  7/17/1961 #16764  
e, flies off, and is lost to sight behind the mountains, where it might hav 7/17/1961 #16765  
s or delta / running lights passes behind trees. Low altitude.              8/17/1961 #16797  
haped UFO with body lights) passed behind trees at low altitude. [NICAP UFO 8/17/1961 #16798  
object with running lights, passed behind some trees flying at a low altitu 8/17/1961 #16799  
the afternoon of the 18th and left behind it a mysterious substance that de 11/18/1961 #16964  
ees two helmeted figures come from behind the object. They seem to be telli Late 11/1961 #16979  
d shiny metal ball following close behind the B-52. The top and bottom gunn 1962 #17006  
ice sentry with a sub-machine gun. Behind the sentry was a saucer approx. 1 4/1962 #17093  
ights cross the road and disappear behind some shrubbery. Driving nearer an Late 4/1962 #17130  
eds away, but the lights are right behind her, only a few feet from the rea Late 4/1962 #17130  
r, and passing in groups up to six behind the X-15.” Opinion ranges from “d 4/30/1962 #17141  
 small red orbs flew out, lined up behind the larger ball, then flew away i 5/13/1962 #17173  
erly direction and is lost to view behind a peak. Project Blue Book conclud 6/7/1962 #17221  
 5 seconds, then "darted above and behind the plane." [NICAP UFO Evidence]  7/17/1962 #17277  
seconds, and then darted above and behind the plane.                        7/17/1962 #17280  
nd maneuverable. Leaves (something behind) no wake. Silent.                 7/28/1962 #17293  
ents later an object took off from behind the bushes. It was shaped like a  8/17/1962 #17335  
o of the witnesses ran, one stayed behind; the UFO took off but came back a 8/30/1962 #17374  
a metallic UFO with windows hidden behind some trees, sitting on three tele 9/1/1962 #17382  
 No description. Leaves (something behind) blue luminous/glowing trail / ai 9/3/1962 #17385  
und and headed out to sea, leaving behind ground marks.                     10/10/1962 #17465  
ly returned, landing on structures behind the teens.                        11/30/1962 #17565  
 they both return, the door closes behind them, and the object takes off in 12/18/1962 #17593  
hen circled the area, disappearing behind objects on the visible horizon. [ 6/19/1963 #17795  
to one side, and shot away leaving behind a vapor trail. It also changed to 6/28/1963 #17815  
shoots going up. Leaves (something behind) red trail. MJ#191.               7/1963 #17816  
 that became a disc, then vanished behind some trees. A small being, 3.5 to 7/18/1963 #17839  
lmost fails. The object then moves behind him from west to east. When he ar 8/4/1963 #17863  
 darts away to the west. It leaves behind a smell of heated metal.          8/20/1963 #17912  
nd traces from the footprints left behind.                                  8/28/1963 #17924  
then departed and appeared to land behind a hill. Two witnesses independent 10/31/1963 #18015  
, then flew off and seemed to land behind a hill. Two other witnesses indep 10/31/1963 #18018  
ing toward them, then disappearing behind some trees. Shortly thereafter, a 11/16/1963 #18044  
s for a short while. It disappears behind trees, then a dark figure shamble 11/16/1963 #18045  
 country road. It next disappeared behind some trees. Shortly thereafter th 11/16/1963 #18046  
, ENGL Airmen / ground. Dome lands behind hangar. Searches / green beam. /  12/10/1963 #18069  
d a dome-shaped object that landed behind a hangar. It gave out a bright gl 12/10/1963 #18071  
height of 10 feet, then disappears behind a hangar. Scorch marks are later  12/10/1963 #18072  
 watched a dome-shaped object land behind a hangar, then search the ground  12/10/1963 #18073  
 p.m. Dull red sphere rose up from behind trees, crossed highway at low alt 1/26/1964 #18120  
about 10 feet above their car from behind, illuminating the interior and em 4/22/1964 #18184  
ottom of the flame is out of sight behind a hill. Thinking there has been a 4/24/1964 #18200  
ic ovoid object land in the desert behind a rise. He drove his police cruis 4/24/1964 #18202  
 to be the image of a man standing behind her, dressed in a white spacesuit 4/26/1964 #18210  
swiftly to the left and disappears behind a water tank.                     5/13/1964 #18262  
ow altitude and are lost from view behind buildings at the site. The two ta 5/15/1964 #18270  
uit and helmet, is clearly visible behind Elizabeth’s head. Templeton and h 5/24/1964 #18297  
ast-northeast, where it disappears behind the roof of a Sears Roebuck store 5/26/1964 #18306  
fly loses sight of it as it passes behind cumulus cloud cover. No noise or  5/26/1964 #18306  
w Mexico at around 4 p.m., leaving behind some sooty trace remnants and bur 6/2/1964 #18323  
ight. The object was lost to sight behind trees in the north.               6/8/1964 #18338  
ight. The object went out of sight behind some trees to the north.          6/8/1964 #18339  
       Palm Springs, CA Author of “Behind the Flying Saucers” and journalis 6/23/1964 #18368  
es the balloon briefly it would be behind him in a second. He identifies an 1965? #18680  
t of a tree. They notice an object behind the tree that emits a luminous ra 1965 #18689  
 Tillamook Head, Oregon. It leaves behind two trails of fire.               1/11/1965 #18708  
Oregon. It left two trails of fire behind.                                  1/11/1965 #18711  
lk, Virginia. He loses sight of it behind a church and when it reappears it 1/14/1965 #18729  
t invisible to us, as it is always behind one of the planets we can see. He 1/30/1965 #18785  
 or mist at the time. It came from behind some trees, and then literally ju 2/12/1965 #18813  
proached to within 60 feet and hid behind a sand dune. They saw three eight 2/14/1965 #18814  
mand post. Their equipment is left behind at the antenna, but air police ca 3/2/1965 #18832  
s its luminosity. At times it goes behind some clouds, but it is also seen  7/3/1965 #19064  
t saw a large, blue, intense flame behind the ship at high speed. He called 7/6/1965 #19076  
saw the large, blue, intense flame behind the ship moving at high speed. He 7/6/1965 #19079  
 showed several portholes. It left behind ground traces at the landing site 7/15/1965 #19108  
y to get closer, but it disappears behind a hedgerow and shuts its lights o 8/1/1965 #19246  
d disc-shaped UFO swooped low from behind and dove towards his grain truck, 8/4/1965 #19321  
hem, a shining object appears from behind a hill. James manages to take two 8/8/1965 #19341  
3–3.5 feet tall, watching him from behind a tree at the top of the hill. It 8/11/1965? #19367  
lowly from the sky. It disappeared behind a hill a third of a mile away, an 8/13/1965 #19384  
 with a baldhead, peeking out from behind a tree. He did not see the figure 8/13/1965 #19384  
 down, left again, then disappears behind some high oak trees. The next mor 8/19/1965 #19426  
 barn. Slowly, the object descends behind a maple tree, emitting a red vapo 8/19/1965 #19427  
 the bull, the UFO rises and moves behind some clouds “as fast as a snap of 8/19/1965 #19427  
ck, etc. Ultimately it disappeared behind some trees. The next morning a ci 8/20/1965 #19437  
th, etc. Ultimately it disappeared behind some trees. The next morning a ci 8/20/1965 #19441  
hen went in front of a dark cloud, behind another low cloud. It made a soun 8/30/1965 #19481  
ects come to ground level, leaving behind crater-like depressions.          9/7/1965 #19532  
e time after the UFO left, leaving behind a large hole in the bitumen.      9/15/1965 #19567  
nd were six inches tall, came from behind the rocket. They didn't have eyes 10/23/1965 #19679  
. at least one UFO landed, leaving behind left ground traces.               11/30/1965 #19744  
 blew forth a mass of white clouds behind it. A bright flash of light was s 1/1/1966 #19801  
 visible for five minutes and left behind a smoke trail.                    1/1/1966 #19801  
ing a whining sound. It then moved behind the car and left. The car could t 1/7/1966 #19815  
ickly [to] going south leaving jet behind.                                  1/17/1966 #19842  
ated 150 feet. It trailed a "wake" behind it like a jet dumping fuel. They  1/18/1966 #19852  
 thereafter at high speed. It left behind three rectangular holes 15 cm x 3 2/6/1966 #19891  
ange glowing-ovoid. Figure(s) move behind portholes / r204p152.             3/20/1966 #20001  
wo white oval UFOs land in a field behind the police station in Hamilton, O 3/26/1966 #20094  
lking familiar paths in a wood lot behind their home near Hampton Falls, Ne 3/29/1966 #20139  
ozens, 13, is strolling in a field behind the Hamilton Mountain Police Stat 3/29/1966 #20140  
 the object suddenly flew over and behind him. A noise similar to that of a 3/31/1966 #20174  
en a train came into view. It went behind a hill, while the second one hove 4/1/1966 #20199  
ppearing from sight as it descends behind a stand of trees and into a paddo 4/6/1966 #20257  
Turns and rises. Leaves (something behind) trail.                           4/7/1966 #20260  
nd (unspecified), and settled down behind a ridge. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 0 4/7/1966 #20262  
 in diameter. Meanwhile those left behind in the shelter witnessed a very t 4/7/1966 #20271  
f a distant object to the west and behind them. It zooms toward them in a f 4/8/1966 #20276  
ified object approached a car from behind, hovered over it, moved ahead, an 4/9/1966 #20278  
4M ovoid follows car. Crosses road behind car / 5M altitude. / USAF Tech. I 4/17/1966 #20306  
w his vehicle, then cross the road behind it at 5 m altitude. The object re 4/17/1966 #20316  
 flashing and the object went down behind some trees when five planes and a 4/19/1966 #20344  
 angle turn and moved out of sight behind trees. (Fowler 1974, p. 340.) [No 4/22/1966 #20369  
 two minutes it broke off and went behind some trees.                       4/22/1966 #20376  
It made a 90 degree turn, and went behind some trees.                       4/22/1966 #20381  
 to the object's presence. It left behind a smell like ozone and deep impre 4/23/1966 #20391  
0 m. He drove away without looking behind.                                  4/26/1966 #20421  
bout his car being approached from behind by a "large white light" that cam 5/6/1966 #20453  
bout his car being approached from behind by a "large white light" that cam 5/6/1966 #20455  
 Florida - Three boys were playing behind their apartment about 7:30 p.m. w 6/3/1966 #20529  
" zip across the sky and disappear behind the building, apparently dropping 6/3/1966 #20529  
elerated northward and disappeared behind a tall bank of clouds. About 10 m 6/17/1966 #20572  
ns, and then the group disappeared behind a mountain. When the Scouts start 6/19/1966 #20586  
rmation. The group then disappears behind a mountain. When the Scouts start 6/19/1966 #20588  
ellow and blue body lights descend behind some woods about 500 meters away. 6/27/1966 #20615  
e walks streets. Leaves (something behind) luminous/glowing trail!          7/5/1966 #20631  
LT. A man saw a disc-shaped object behind his house hovering about 400-500  8/2/1966 #20722  
 "hum", then the object "came from behind the barn", hovered over a tree ne 8/6/1966 #20729  
to the right, sucking its flame up behind it as it moves away. The object a 9/1966 #20827  
d misty light descended and landed behind their car. It was 15 feet in diam 9/24/1966 #20924  
. They turn and see a man standing behind a high wire fence separating them 10/11/1966 #20992  
expedition, notices a reddish glow behind him, and stops his car near Split 10/15/1966 #21006  
 dome on top is hovering above and behind his car. Near panic, he flees the 10/15/1966 #21006  
ies over fields now and then. Goes behind trees. / news.                    11/2/1966 #21067  
of the car, then was lost to sight behind some trees.                       11/2/1966 #21068  
er car, and then was lost to sight behind some trees.                       11/2/1966 #21072  
light that appeared to be rotating behind a glassy surface of some kind. Ab 11/4/1966 #21074  
ject flies fast and low toward and behind some trees. No further details.   11/17/1966 #21114  
LGIUM Bang! Green fireball appears behind car. 18 Nov. '68 green fireball h 11/19/1966 #21125  
NNE, NJ Sphere / 2M antennas flies behind house. Search / bay finds nothing 11/19/1966 #21126  
40 m altitude and then coming down behind a house. It was assumed that it p 11/19/1966 #21127  
oad. A curved shaped could be seen behind the lights.                       12/1/1966 #21176  
 2 observer(s). Going quickly [to] behind road-bank. Back 26 Jul. '67 / pow 12/13/1966 #21195  
 the witnesses, t then disappeared behind an embankment. (Fowler 1974, p. 3 12/13/1966 #21196  
wo witnesses before silently going behind a road embankment.                12/13/1966 #21199  
ect before it disappeared over and behind a fire tower on a 1,320 foot hill 12/18/1966 #21210  
ange-red light soaring above hills behind the town. As she watches, its col 1967 #21236  
ut, comes on again, and falls back behind the left wing. It then pulls forw 1/13/1967 #21299  
nd another man was visible sitting behind a console behind him. The man sta 1/13/1967 #21300  
s visible sitting behind a console behind him. The man standind wore a "cri 1/13/1967 #21300  
-on again and started to fall back behind the left wing, but then pulled fo 1/13/1967 #21301  
nd re-appeared four times, leaving behind a cloud of smoke.                 1/28/1967 #21410  
ng commercial pilot. Ovoid rises / behind barn. Up and away. See / r72#14.  1/30/1967 #21415  
n joined by a second object flying behind. Finally, both UFOs sped away. Th 2/2/1967 #21443  
miles away. As it was disappearing behind some trees, he tries to radio in  2/10/1967 #21504  
was off to one side. The UFOs went behind some buildings. The case is liste 2/12/1967 #21524  
m different directions and fell in behind the first (rendezvous). The last  2/13/1967 #21532  
pidly beneath it. They disappeared behind the shaft, the object rocked back 2/14/1967 #21544  
und beneath it. Beings disappeared behind shaft, object sped away           2/14/1967 #21550  
pparently wearing overalls, scurry behind the craft and go inside. The farm 2/14/1967 #21551  
bout five minutes they disappeared behind the shaft, the object rocked, too 2/14/1967 #21552  
nutes later the UFO reappears from behind a hill a mile away, followed by t 2/16/1967 #21572  
e-red dome paces truck. Going [to] behind trees. / r41p328.                 2/20/1967 #21600  
uck for two minutes, finally going behind some trees. The truck was driven  2/20/1967 #21608  
der a chair. The object disappears behind trees a few minutes later.        2/22/1967 #21623  
en, when they notice a “spaceship” behind a barn. They rush inside and wake 3/5/1967 #21763  
, as a smaller object appears from behind it. This UFO is a silvery globe a 3/5/1967 #21763  
disc come out of clouds, disappear behind a railroad station, reappear and  3/8/1967 #21802  
en rose up and disappeared into or behind a small cloud after 3-4 minutes.  3/8/1967 #21803  
ickly across the sky, disappearing behind trees and radio towers near the h 3/8/1967 #21804  
; about 30 seconds, it disappeared behind the gas station. (Massachusetts N 3/10/1967 #21849  
ANYON, MT Large saucer half hidden behind snowbank / mountains. Remote. Mis 3/11/1967 #21855  
window, with two more men standing behind the window to the right. Although 3/12/1967 #21876  
d vertically, leaving the jets far behind, and that the incident takes plac Mid 3/1967 #21891  
to a reddish color, and disappears behind a hill. Ferguson reports the inci 3/24/1967 #21970  
strong enough to light up the hill behind it. When they returned to the sit 3/26/1967 #21998  
objects in formation that appeared behind their car, then moved in front of 4/5/1967 #22061  
in 5 seconds, periodically passing behind small scattered clouds. Five minu 4/17/1967 #22147  
y in about 5 seconds and disappear behind a cloud. He estimates their speed 4/17/1967 #22152  
lluminated white ovals that passed behind small scattered clouds. The forma 4/17/1967 #22154  
disc) that flew across the sky and behind a hill. Later, the sound was hear 4/17/1967 #22155  
 object over three meters in width behind the lights. It had several lighte 4/20/1967 #22172  
 lights that hovered and descended behind trees. Aircraft seemed to have be 4/21/1967 #22184  
ng it. The object takes off, moves behind the car, and follows it for 5 min 4/21/1967 #22191  
ay. When the UFO took off, it went behind their car, and paced them for fiv 4/21/1967 #22195  
rm. The 1.5 meter tall object left behind six landing imprints in the groun 4/26/1967 #22224  
 with windows. Something is moving behind it. He goes home but returns to t 5/1967 #22257  
long elliptical object emerge from behind a shed and hover 15 feet from his 5/1/1967 #22262  
ts. The objects hovered, descended behind trees into a bog, bobbed up and d 5/11/1967 #22315  
ghts around the rim. One descended behind some trees into a cranberry bog.  5/11/1967 #22318  
 a humanoid figure was seen moving behind a window in the craft. Angel hair 5/11/1967 #22320  
seemed ready to ram the plane from behind, but instead shot away very fast. 5/12/1967 #22326  
imated speed of 500 mph as in went behind some clouds.                      5/28/1967 #22417  
lake to shore, hovered, then moved behind trees, finally disappearing. It w 6/11/1967 #22492  
path at high speed and disappeared behind clouds. Sighting lasted 9 minutes 6/24/1967 #22547  
 descending in falling leaf motion behind some trees about 1/4 mile away. I 6/25/1967 #22557  
Y [TO] HAUTERIVE, 03, FR UFO lands behind row of houses. Huge glow like day 7/1967 #22581  
he object revolved and disappeared behind trees after 2-3 minutes. (NICAP r 7/12/1967 #22652  
 slowly at low altitude until lost behind trees. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcom 7/15/1967 #22662  
d again, then dropped out of sight behind the mountain. (Cook report, NICAP 7/15/1967 #22663  
 white light came on. It flew away behind the treeline toward the northwest 7/20/1967 #22713  
 he saw a small figure emerge from behind the object. The figure was about  7/21/1967 #22721  
E-HERMINE, FR Huge red saucer goes behind hill. Figure(s) seen. Forest lit  7/24/1967 #22724  
ize of a building, fall 300 m away behind a hill. Dark forms were observed  7/24/1967 #22725  
 disc the size of a building, fall behind a hill 300 meters away from them. 7/24/1967 #22726  
ly over school. Going quickly [to] behind apartment block.                  7/25/1967 #22727  
terally, then descended until lost behind the horizon. (Civil Defense repor 7/29/1967 #22749  
ew from west to east, disappearing behind hills. The object reappeared at a 8/3/1967 #22784  
y line about 10 times their length behind them, which disappears when the o Mid 8/1967 #22882  
and then moved off and disappeared behind a mountain. A high-pitched hum wa 8/18/1967 #22887  
lly a little being jumped out from behind some bushes, 35 feet away. The be 8/23/1967 #22908  
ved surface of an object concealed behind the lights. (Fowler, 1974, p. 350 8/28/1967 #22942  
rn with a whistling noise. It left behind a smell of sulphur.               8/29/1967 #22955  
t accelerates and leaves the plane behind at terrific speed.                9/1967 #22975  
ould hear no sound, though she was behind a glass window. She reported to i 9/2/1967 #22984  
hite, dome-shaped object come from behind a hill and appear to land on a go 9/5/1967 #23003  
-shaped cloud" in the eastern sky, behind which a light flashed for about 2 9/6/1967 #23010  
-shaped cloud” in the eastern sky, behind which a light flashes for about 2 9/6/1967 #23011  
inchester, Connecticut. The object behind the light pattern was at least as 9/9/1967 #23027  
t moved off the road, and vanished behind some trees. Ground marks were fou 9/9/1967 #23027  
n it banked and moved out of sight behind trees. (Phone call from witness,  9/11/1967 #23041  
ts (body lights) with a vague form behind them. The object hovered, changed 9/13/1967 #23047  
front of a full moon, disappearing behind nearby rooftops. (Stanway and Pac 9/18/1967 #23081  
ver cylinders going / front of and behind clouds. / r41p161.                9/23/1967 #23118  
s. They made no sound as they went behind some low lying cumulus clouds and 9/23/1967 #23123  
 north to south. Suddenly one lags behind and dives toward the sea but veer 9/28/1967 #23144  
(“definitely an ionization color”) behind it. It disappears at an extreme a 10/14/1967 #23237  
ngland. The object appears to land behind some trees, but takes off before  10/24/1967 #23304  
l shadows shadows were seen moving behind them. Knobs and electronic equipm 10/24/1967 #23309  
t slowly approach, leaving a trail behind it. A hatch opened in the bottom  10/24/1967 #23310  
nd it took off diagonally, leaving behind some traces.                      10/25/1967 #23323  
e witness approached, disappearing behind trees. It reappeared briefly and  10/30/1967 #23367  
ck. It opens the car door and sits behind the wheel as Begay and Tossie mov 11/2/1967 #23390  
ed the car door and seated himself behind the wheel. Both of the men slid o 11/2/1967 #23392  
ght light were shining on him from behind. In the car, Begay cowered in the 11/2/1967 #23392  
e bursts of flame, and disappeared behind some trees. No landing traces wer 11/12/1967 #23439  
young son. She notices a red light behind her. As it draws closer, she sees 12/12/1967 #23575  
th dark centers that appeared from behind a storm cloud. Unidentified newsp 12/13/1967 #23578  
aucer rises / Mt. San Juan. Curves behind 2nd mountain.                     1/5/1968 (approximate) #23650  
 the trees. It was lost from sight behind some trees.                       1/18/1968 #23672  
ground, moved abruptly to position behind car, road illuminated; made repea 1/20/1968 #23680  
ground, moved abruptly to position behind car, road illuminated. Made repea 1/20/1968 #23681  
0 mph and the object jumps to just behind their car. At one point it is hov 1/20/1968 #23683  
nd heads straight toward them from behind. Soon it rises and disappears to  1/20/1968 #23683  
 finally rose vertically, and left behind a large burnt area.               1/23/1968 #23688  
sted, Connecticut railroad station behind her family's house. She saw a whi 2/21/1968 #23774  
ect approaching them silently from behind. When they stop the car, the obje 3/3/1968 #23815  
wo glowing-eyed creatures standing behind them, they take off running.      Spring 1968 #23852  
throw stones and run leaving tools behind.                                  3/22/1968 #23856  
Away fast. Quickly going down [to] behind house. 2nd object going quickly n 4/25/1968 #23923  
ed low over some trees. It dropped behind the trees, then shot straight up, 4/30/1968 #23933  
0 years old, and he seemed to hide behind the other man as the witness appr 5/2/1968 #23940  
AS, BRZ Saucer flashes. Going [to] behind trees. 30 May grey saucer with "g 5/7/1968 #23948  
rtly after that he heard footsteps behind him but noticed nothing strange a 5/22/1968 #23980  
ces included the ground marks left behind by the tripod landing gear: impri 7/1/1968 #24120  
 can see through them to the grass behind. Near the men is an elliptical, s 7/2/1968 #24131  
 stops overhead. Leaves (something behind) cloud and goes.                  7/9/1968 #24161  
g sound and the object disappeared behind some bushes. One of the witnesses 7/20/1968 #24194  
 parabolic trajectory disappearing behind the trees. Soon 4 bell-parachute  7/20/1968 #24195  
erver. Huge orange disk going [to] behind trees 2km away. Fast gradual asce 7/23/1968 #24209  
ed object with a bright light flew behind some trees in the community of Ol 7/24/1968 #24218  
d object in a field about 230 feet behind their house. It is about 20 feet  7/30/1968 #24263  
ors, a man and a woman, had stayed behind from a campwide swimming meet and 8/7/1968 #24308  
68. The UFO illuminated the ground behind a small hill.                     8/12/1968 #24320  
wl-shape UFO(narrow end Dn). Lands behind woods. 2 observer(s).             8/16/1968 #24336  
just after midnight they back away behind the mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Willar 8/26/1968 #24379  
ooked as if it were trying to land behind the boulder.” The children were D 8/29/1968 #24401  
ight travel overhead and disappear behind him. It was changing colors from  8/29/1968 #24402  
rge bald heads, wearing coveralls. Behind them was a circular or oval UFO 1 9/1/1968 #24422  
 at 33,000–41,000 feet. It crosses behind them, stops, performs two 360° tu 9/4/1968 #24428  
, they watch as the UFO disappears behind a cloud. After crossing a bridge, 9/10/1968 #24449  
nt glowing-ovoid leaves (something behind) gassy trail. Low and slow northw 9/21/1968 #24493  
r / slow descent. Possible landing behind oil refinery.                     9/25/1968 #24510  
 shape. A nebulous figure was seen behind the lights.                       10/28/1968 #24599  
, then it speeds up and disappears behind some trees.                       11/1968 #24612  
lking to Baras felt something land behind him. He apparently witnessed the  11/1/1968 #24617  
n his crib pointing at the window. Behind the shutter a very bright light c 11/1/1968 #24620  
 with a sort of explosion, leaving behind a slowly dissolving cloud. Shortl 11/2/1968 #24625  
the red light suddenly appear from behind the mountain, resembling a brilli 11/9/1968 #24649  
 was seen. They split up, one flew behind a ridge, the second hovered at gr 11/29/1968 #24732  
observer(s). 3M metallic pea lands behind spa 10M away. Up fast and gone.   1/1/1969 #24812  
y and disappeared quickly, leaving behind a brilliant greenish track that p 1/6/1969 #24822  
' luminous/glowing ovoid on ground behind stadium. Takes off when seen.     1/27/1969 #24873  
ucer with strong light. Rises from behind mountain to 1000M.                2/19/1969 #24929  
 / roadside. 3 pseudo-human/entity behind invisible barrier. Hide faces. /  2/22/1969 #24938  
car. Luminous 75cm keg-spool flies behind house and just over car.          4/10/1969 #25054  
 "Hey you!" and they walked around behind the UFO. His dog refused to go on 4/26/1969 #25096  
ame aware of figures moving around behind him. He heard a deep sound like a 5/4/1969 #25115  
, and he could not detect features behind the oversized helmets. The studen 5/11/1969 #25128  
ow-green lights maneuvers over and behind faculty building.                 5/14/1969 #25136  
ts in the sky maneuvering over and behind the faculty building.             5/14/1969 #25137  
 yellowish luminous object descend behind them, not quite touching the grou 5/19/1969 #25147  
g to the north until it disappears behind their house. The witnesses shift  5/23/1969 #25160  
east going quickly southwest. Goes behind clouds.                           6/1/1969 #25185  
ng quickly west. Leaves (something behind) trail.                           6/1/1969 #25186  
h toward the sea, while one stayed behind and continued to play around in s 6/3/1969 #25195  
ered over the range and later went behind a mountain.                       6/4/1969 #25199  
ng a luminous short trail of light behind.                                  6/10/1969 #25209  
ll size UFO. Red and yellow. Flies behind cloud. Even glow. No rays.        7/3/1969 #25247  
morning when he heard a big splash behind him. He swung around and looked u 7/4/1969 #25252  
      BUCHAREST, ROM Delta rises / behind north railroad/railway station. F 8/30/1969 #25338  
th railroad/railway station. Flies behind houses.                           8/30/1969 #25338  
sees a triangular object rise from behind the station building. It is a dul 8/30/1969 #25340  
 p.m. a delta-shaped UFO rose from behind the North Railway Station In Buch 8/30/1969 #25341  
In Bucharest, Romania and flew off behind some city buildings.              8/30/1969 #25341  
ts orange beams. Leaves (something behind) smoke rings. No further details. 9/10/1969 #25358  
oximate. Silent shiny saucer drops behind mountains. Back 1100h next day.   10/1/1969 #25390  
Massachusetts at 8:50 p.m. It left behind a vapor trail.                    10/14/1969 #25414  
s. Shoot going up [to] leaving fog behind.                                  11/3/1969 #25450  
 two heads visible inside that was behind a nearby chimney. He initially ha 11/15/1969 #25461  
ter he saw the UFO fly slowly from behind the chimney. It was a gray metall 11/15/1969 #25461  
a metallic, pan-shaped object land behind a hill. It radiates a brilliant g Early 1970 #25524  
use, slamming and locking the door behind them. The ball stops at the edge  Early 1970 #25524  
n instrument panel, with the other behind it. The second being looks direct 1/1/1970 #25532  
ed top. 1.8M tall. 1M wide. Floats behind hedge.                            2/14/1970 #25581  
as staring at him from the doorway behind him. He turned around and saw a s 4/15/1970 #25633  
hway. A circular object rises from behind some woods 1,600 feet from the ro 6/1970 #25684  
black strap. This "boy" ran around behind the building. A short time later  6/4/1970 #25690  
. They wore black hats with a peak behind. All four, with the "dog", then b 6/4/1970 #25690  
 the object as it descended slowly behind some trees during a rainstorm.    6/26/1970 #25710  
 green, and yellow lights. It left behind it a white, floating hoop shaped  6/27/1970 #25716  
llalba del Alcores, Spain. It left behind burnt plants and leaves.          7/24/1970 #25748  
ct jumps vertically and disappears behind a mountain. Four imprints are fou 7/25/1970 #25750  
blocked the view of the vegetation behind it. It vanished when a gun was po 8/5/1970 #25770  
anel. The craft descended silently behind a rise about 100 yards from the w 8/15/1970 #25787  
door and realized that the passage behind him was closing itself off into a 8/15/1970 #25787  
ide. The object moves out of sight behind local terrain. Though he does not 9/1970 #25822  
nge ball of light descended slowly behind some trees in Beverly, Massachuse 9/20/1970 #25845  
5 p.m., and then vanished. It left behind a faint contrail.                 9/21/1970 #25848  
into the sky, leaving a long trail behind it. She wanted to get some air an 10/5/1970 #25870  
egree angle at high speed, leaving behind a glowing trail.                  10/6/1970 #25872  
. Classic saucer spins. Going [to] behind cloud. 8 red lights / bottom.     11/20/1970 #25911  
ed lights on the bottom, and moved behind a cloud. During that same day, in 11/20/1970 #25912  
ttom and two white lights. It went behind a cloud. At 9:00 p.m. in Bull Bri 11/21/1970 #25914  
:53 a.m. The principal witness hid behind a tree as the UFO hung motionless 11/25/1970 #25920  
e to side as it descended, leaving behind a black trail of smoke. It contin 1/2/1971 #25968  
e, silhouetted by a flashing light behind it. Multiple reports of UFO sight 1/22/1971 #25997  
t / 5 minute(s). Leaves (something behind) zigzag contrail. / Courrier Cata 1/23/1971 #25998  
 of Kiiminki they observed a light behind the car on the right hand side of 2/2/1971 #26011  
rks and small footprints were left behind in the snow.                      2/5/1971 #26015  
led with a bluish white light from behind, as if a "ray" had been projected 3/5/1971 #26044  
 white, hovered and dimmed leaving behind blinking white lights. It streake 3/27/1971 #26056  
they saw a yellow white light drop behind a nearby hill. They drove to the  4/14/1971 #26073  
ight that showed white and trailed behind it a very long cigar-shaped objec 4/23/1971 #26079  
l about. Dark shape barely visible behind night light. Going northeast. / r 5/1/1971 #26093  
g the bottom. The witness, sitting behind the wheel of his vehicle, turned  5/21/1971 #26121  
nside the object, closing the door behind them. The UFO then rose slowly an 7/27/1971 #26247  
rn Australia at 9:50 a.m.. It left behind a trail.                          7/29/1971 #26253  
noticed an orange glow coming from behind a cloud, which she first thought  8/11/1971 #26280  
ical metallic object come out from behind the cloud that was larger than a  8/11/1971 #26280  
e, and three or four shapes moving behind them. The larger UFO emitted a br 8/11/1971 #26280  
ojection," because he noticed that behind him all was black.                8/17/1971 #26293  
ay. Shoots going quickly southwest behind trees. / r50p34.                  8/23/1971 #26298  
red 15 meters away, then moved off behind some trees.                       8/23/1971 #26301  
ed UFO was spotted as it rose from behind some trees. It stopped in midair  8/23/1971 #26302  
nder/cylindrical object going [to] behind mine tailings. Also saucer / 10 O 9/4/1971 #26314  
 Wingles, France a domed disc flew behind a hill of mine tailings at 7:40 p 9/4/1971 #26318  
on in the field, but 5 or 6 stayed behind, and one of these shone a light i 9/11/1971 #26328  
hey shine a light at him, he ducks behind the hut. A bit later he looks out 9/12/1971? #26330  
on in the field, but 5 or 6 stayed behind, and one of these shone a light i 9/12/1971 #26331  
rops going west. Leaves (something behind) luminous/glowing trail.          9/13/1971 #26335  
dulum trajectory, finally slipping behind the tops of some nearby trees nea 9/20/1971 #26354  
 of the road. Once the object went behind the trees, a powerful reddish glo 9/20/1971 #26354  
 UFO ascending, and it disappeared behind a nearby eucalyptus forest. He di 9/20/1971 #26354  
ave split in two as it disappeared behind the trees. He further described t 9/20/1971 #26354  
 back and forth. Leaves (something behind) luminous spiral trail / sky.     9/25/1971 #26376  
it the man. He jumped out and went behind his truck, but found no one. Comi 9/27/1971 #26384  
dly, changes color, and disappears behind a nearby tower. Chbosky’s photos  10/2/1971 #26400  
ched for 10 minutes before it went behind a tree.                           10/17/1971 #26429  
mething approaching the plane from behind on the west side. It passes withi 12/20/1971 #26509  
ver railroad/railway-tracks. Hides behind trees as 5 / snowmobile get near. 1/5/1972 #26539  
It rose vertically, then descended behind some trees.                       1/5/1972 #26541  
The windows were lit and the light behind them was revolving. It flew off t 2/11/1972 #26573  
 path of her vehicle. It came from behind a hedgerow to her left and sailed 3/7/1972 #26590  
ped eyes and seemed to be smiling. Behind him was some sort of instrument p 3/25/1972 #26623  
humanoid beings were seen standing behind other windows. Then the object th 3/25/1972 #26623  
the north-northwest, and then went behind some woods. The sighting lasted f 4/15/1972 #26647  
d. It descended into a marshy area behind some trees.                       4/20/1972 #26655  
 disk goes overhead. Drops / marsh behind trees.                            5/13/1972 #26679  
be 375 feet in diameter as it sank behind a building southwest of their sec 6/19/1972 #26720  
his .303 rifle. Hovering partially behind some brush 200 yards away was a g 6/26/1972 #26736  
r (7-8 p.m.) before it disappeared behind clouds. (NICAP UFOI, Oct 1972, pa 7/3/1972 #26756  
ced the figure dodged out of sight behind the side of the barn. Stephen loo 7/26/1972 #26836  
lent lens-saucer leaves (something behind) black trail going north. Stops.  7/28/1972 #26844  
ilent disc-shaped object rose from behind some trees at night in Tyler, Tex 7/29/1972 #26846  
travel across the lake and descend behind some nearby trees. Shortly later  8/6/1972 #26882  
y parking lot. She hears footsteps behind her and sees a dark shape about 4 8/9/1972 #26889  
here watching, she heard footsteps behind her that sounded like someone wal 8/9/1972 #26890  
y 20 minutes before it disappeared behind some tall fir trees. (NICAP UFOI, 8/21/1972 #26943  
y 20 minutes before it disappeared behind some tall fir trees. (NICAP UFOI, 8/27/1972 #26961  
ry bright blue-white light appears behind the car, enveloping the entire ve 9/25/1972 #27030  
 He heard someone approaching from behind, and when he looked out the right 9/28/1972 #27038  
nally to the left and disappearing behind some pallets. He had been in view 9/28/1972 #27038  
    COLWOOD, BC Orange ovoid lands behind house. Rises fast. Moss scraped f 10/5/1972 #27048  
y tall young man suddenly appeared behind him. The man asked: "Enrique, do  10/22/1972 #27085  
circle of blackened grass was left behind, with rectangular tracks in snow. 11/28/1972 #27151  
ght light, and leaves a long trail behind, but it changes to red-orange bef 12/1972 #27158  
s, and their faces were very flat. Behind them he could see a small flag or 12/30/1972 #27193  
res could be seen on board working behind an instrument panel.              1/1/1973 #27212  
lor film as it pulsates and passes behind distant trees before disappearing 1/11/1973 #27230  
area. Follows car. Going down [to] behind factory.                          2/2/1973 (approximate) #27261  
w spread across the entire highway behind them. When they arrived at Miss K 2/4/1973 #27270  
p.m. a giant "headlight" rose from behind them and flew over, illuminating  2/26/1973 #27318  
went off on a race, leaving Helene behind. The brilliant light source then  2/26/1973 #27318  
a plane that had crashed somewhere behind her. She turned her snowmobile ar 2/26/1973 #27318  
s) / 15 minute(s). Going down [to] behind trees. / r30p403.                 3/9/1973 #27339  
ound the light and observe it from behind. A second luminous ball, likewise 3/24/1973 #27373  
ilhouettes of humanoid beings, one behind the beam and one "sliding on it"  3/24/1973 #27373  
tinguish arms and legs but the one behind the beam seemed to carry a sack o 3/24/1973 #27373  
ilhouettes of humanoid beings, one behind the beam and one "sliding on it"  3/25/1973 #27376  
inguish arms and legs, but the one behind the beam seemed to be carrying a  3/25/1973 #27376  
feet high, with a kind of credenza behind which three entities can be seen. 5/27/1973 #27533  
ansparent upper portion. They were behind a kind of "parapet" which hid the 5/27/1973 #27535  
ger / moon going quickly [to] fast behind mountains. Also night lights mane 6/1973 #27540  
ws. Humanoid figures could be seen behind the windows.                      6/15/1973 #27568  
as pointed at them. The object was behind the witnesses and off to the righ Summer 1973 #27577  
out of the windows. The background behind the figures was red, making the f 7/10/1973 #27627  
te Mall two men taking a short-cut behind the Mall observed a huge, gorilla 8/14/1973 #27702  
figure quickly faded away, leaving behind a strong sulfur like odor and a c 8/16/1973 #27706  
o 30cm night lights over road. 3rd behind tree.                             8/17/1973 #27708  
m. they saw an orange ball descend behind a copse. Walking toward the copse 9/9/1973 #27794  
y this time the object had dropped behind a ridge, although they could stil 9/11/1973 #27803  
y this time the object had dropped behind a ridge, although they could stil 9/12/1973 #27809  
ould see three lighted windows and behind them several occupants were insid 9/15/1973 #27825  
dor of oil was the only trace left behind.                                  9/20/1973 #27849  
uge "flying oceanliner" going [to] behind trees. 5 rows / lights / side. Se 9/23/1973 #27855  
of Fort Wayne, Indiana as it moved behind the treeline. It had five rows of 9/23/1973 #27862  
hen turned and fled into the brush behind them. A few seconds later, the wi 9/27/1973 #27879  
h brilliant light on top disappear behind nearby trees. (NICAP: 02 - Close  10/1/1973 #27912  
atched a being crawled around from behind the machine, looked at the witnes 10/4/1973 #27936  
 to twelve minutes. "They would be behind the trees and come up and fly awa 10/10/1973 #27984  
ver when they hear a buzzing noise behind them. Both turn and are terrified 10/11/1973 #27997  
one of the men came into view from behind her and walked to the far end of  10/16/1973 #28089  
he craft. Another car stopped just behind him. A second UFO hovered about 6 10/17/1973 #28140  
to drive off. The other man stayed behind and conversed with seven human-li 10/17/1973 #28141  
ed lights. He watches it disappear behind the helicopter and doesn’t tell t 10/18/1973 #28172  
e of a B-52, then lost sight of it behind a cluster of trees (NICAP: 01 - D 10/19/1973 #28191  
ght light (possibly another train) behind them. The train’s automatic block 10/20/1973 #28216  
hem that there never was any train behind them. The conductor hits a reset  10/20/1973 #28216  
n it and was suddenly grabbed from behind by three creatures. She described 10/20/1973 #28220  
 the group members, who had stayed behind, took a photo of the three myster 10/20/1973 #28222  
ome. Bright orange extra moon goes behind trees 300' away going quickly eas 10/24/1973 #28256  
e aware of a yellow and blue light behind him, and three human-like beings. 10/28/1973 #28311  
off at a tremendous speed, leaving behind five ground marks and a scorched  10/28/1973 #28313  
 smallish humanoid figure standing behind a console. The figure has a round 11/2/1973 #28352  
 the patrol car, while Brown stays behind and directs him by radio. He gets 11/6/1973 #28375  
ed with "incredible speed," darted behind jet interceptor, shot straight up 11/8/1973 #28389  
ed with "incredible speed," darted behind jet interceptor, shot straight up 11/8/1973 #28392  
s flew ahead of them and sometimes behind them, at a considerable distance. 11/18/1973 #28444  
bright red glow that emanated from behind its head. It disappeared behind t 12/2/1973 #28508  
om behind its head. It disappeared behind the observer's house.             12/2/1973 #28508  
, and a blue light on top. It went behind a hill and was gone from view.    12/2/1973 #28509  
, took off fast, then landed again behind some trees. It left behind some l 12/11/1973 #28557  
d again behind some trees. It left behind some landing traces on the ground 12/11/1973 #28557  
 as a 4-5 houses, that dipped down behind a neighborhood gas station, chang 12/13/1973 #28570  
e at 2:00 a.m. and saw in the yard behind his house a short entity about 1. 12/19/1973 #28587  
rtically “very, very fast” leaving behind a trail of smoke in the eastern s 12/20/1973 #28593  
rms dangling nearly to the ground. Behind it, hovering only a few feet off  1/4/1974 #28643  
rms dangling nearly to the ground. Behind it was hovering an orange pulsati 1/6/1974 #28654  
 Sedalia, Missouri. It disappeared behind a ridge at 8:20 p.m., and may hav 1/9/1974 #28672  
e police and the object disappears behind a cloud.                          1/24/1974 #28701  
 it rose up slowly and disappeared behind a line of trees. The car's engine 1/24/1974 #28702  
t, then accelerates and disappears behind the treeline after 40 seconds. Fr 2/8/1974 #28747  
 passed close by, and continued on behind them. After the objects had final 2/14/1974 #28773  
ight orange disk leaves (something behind) luminous/glowing trail south goi 3/1974 #28828  
er the cow, and settled down again behind the cow. Each time the cow attemp 3/1/1974 #28842  
y lit room as a ramped door closed behind her. She was confronted by two sm 3/20/1974 #28916  
e crescent / low altitude immobile behind trees near house. Not moon.       3/28/1974 #28963  
t out of the car and noticed a car behind him stop. The driver, normally dr 4/10/1974 #29003  
urns abruptly to the south, passes behind a small mountain peak, turns east 4/15/1974 #29031  
object for 40–50 seconds. It darts behind the clouds, where it is still dim 5/7/1974 #29091  
wo hoses ran from the chin area to behind the head, with one hose running d 5/20/1974 #29120  
night this sphere appeared to land behind some trees several miles away. At 6/8/1974 #29173  
men over eight feet tall came from behind the landed craft and "floated" to 6/8/1974 #29173  
S, FR Dark object and night lights behind trees. 2 night lights go all over 6/14/1974 #29188  
 nocturnal lights were sighted low behind some trees. Two lights flew all o 6/14/1974 #29194  
ring about 4 feet above the ground behind a crest of high rocks. It is wind 6/15/1974 #29198  
d ovoid with grey spots going [to] behind trees. Nothing / RADAR.           7/19/1974 #29269  
pe south going quickly north. Lost behind deer butte.                       7/21/1974 #29272  
Bright flashes and masses. 1 lands behind woods. Whole valley lit.          7/25/1974 #29277  
n a luminous sphere that rose from behind a hill. A motorist blinked his he 9/8/1974 #29434  
n a luminous sphere that rose from behind a hill. A married couple with the 9/8/1974 #29436  
 she notices a silvery-white light behind the house. They go outside and se 9/9/1974 #29439  
 was a Ms. K. Vernon. The UFO left behind ground marks at the landing site: 9/9/1974 #29440  
ng the car and the glow in the sky behind. After nearly 2 miles, they reach 9/16/1974 #29459  
ted buzz. Small lights. Going [to] behind mountains.                        10/1974 #29497  
uddenly there appeared a UFO right behind him, moving at the same speed. Af 10/7/1974 #29503  
n he sees a silver-gray domed disc behind him to the west. It moves from so 10/11/1974 #29520  
rned and saw a strange figure just behind him. He his astonishment he turne 11/21/1974 #29601  
 with a curved, transparent front, behind which could be seen a figure visi 12/2/1974 #29631  
lightly smaller one about 600 feet behind. Charlton thinks they are about a Winter 1974 #29653  
pposed Satanist network said to be behind the cattle mutilations. He determ 1975 #29679  
vers momentarily before moving off behind the mountains.                    1/1/1975 #29690  
his wife saw an object emerge from behind trees, left to right. Described a 1/3/1975 #29709  
glowing domed disc, that rose from behind some trees. There was a dim yello 1/3/1975 #29711  
 from a landing on a farm. It left behind ground imprint marks and an odor  1/5/1975 #29719  
0 p.m. 15-year old David Mahon was behind his house photographing his dog w 1/5/1975 #29722  
 it as a light in the sky. It left behind traces on the ground and a petrol 1/5/1975 #29726  
r saw lights approaching them from behind. As the driver tried to move the  1/6/1975 #29728  
. saw lights approaching them from behind. As the driver tried to move the  1/6/1975 #29729  
y drove away, they saw a blue glow behind a nearby hill. The battery on the 1/6/1975 #29729  
overhead. Power outage. Going [to] behind trees. / CUFOS.                   1/23/1975 #29761  
 5 minutes, the formation vanishes behind houses and trees.                 1/31/1975 #29775  
 a large circular object descended behind her VW car--the engine and lights 2/19/1975 #29828  
 bright light with a definite form behind it moved horizontally through the 3/2/1975 #29865  
 bright light with a definite form behind it moved horizontally through the 3/2/1975 #29869  
aching Wausau, they parked the car behind a restaurant and both fell asleep 4/6/1975 #29975  
nocks on the window of the terrace behind his control panel. There was no w 4/6/1975 #29978  
g figure" outside that ran and hid behind one of the columns atop the hotel 4/6/1975 #29978  
rver(s). Glowing-saucer comes from behind / house / low altitude. Going up  4/18/1975 #29992  
     A luminous disc came out from behind a house in Piano Chiesa, Italy at 4/18/1975 #29994  
nesses see a light descend briefly behind a school in Chomedey, Laval, Queb 4/26/1975 #30006  
kids. Night lights going down [to] behind school building and going up [to] 4/29/1975 #30009  
ickly northwest. Leaves (something behind) luminous/glowing trail of mist.  5/1975 #30013  
ircraft, one off each wing and one behind, confirmed by radar. E-M effects  5/3/1975 #30023  
 freeway. An identical car appears behind, forcing him to the side of the r 5/3/1975 #30026  
. The circle deteriorated, leaving behind bare earth. A cowpad in the circl 5/6/1975 #30042  
(s). Saturn saucer going down [to] behind trees. Antennas and beams going d 6/5/1975 #30081  
e object starts to move and glides behind the trees, where it disappears fr 7/26/1975 #30208  
0 p.m. It may have landed, leaving behind possible landing traces on the gr 8/6/1975 #30241  
eet, where it hovers. Riddle looks behind him and sees another light traili 8/14/1975 #30270  
FROM ARQUES, FR 2 ovoid follows 5M behind mopod/motorscooter/motorbike. Lan 8/22/1975 #30296  
uminous seashell leaves (something behind) contrail. 2 Mx3M. North going qu 8/29/1975 #30318  
s with pink aura leaves (something behind) trail / sparks. Going quickly so 8/29/1975 #30319  
titude. Maneuvers. Going down [to] behind trees. / r30p577.                 9/1975 #30331  
race of the soldier who had stayed behind. The commandant orders all office Fall 1975 #30380  
 hear the sound of someone moaning behind them. They see the missing man, w Fall 1975 #30380  
irst as a bright light. It circled behind some trees, then passed the witne 10/2/1975 #30410  
hing lights passed over truck from behind, hovered ahead, lights and engine 10/17/1975 #30436  
ee a brilliant orange-red light go behind a building, where they suspect it 11/2/1975 #30540  
ployee saw a light flying directly behind a B-52 bomber. Using his rifle sc 11/11/1975 #30606  
tana, sees a light flying directly behind a B-52 bomber. Using his rifle sc 11/11/1975 #30610  
on with R stars. Leaves (something behind) tail. No RADAR.                  11/15/1975 #30619  
ks she can see two humanoid shapes behind it. But Vardeman separately tells 11/17/1975 #30636  
s saw an elongated luminous object behind his truck, which blinked on and o 12/11/1975 #30705  
r, a bright, elongated UFO appears behind him. The interior of the truck is 12/14/1975 #30715  
lowing him on the sidewalk 80 feet behind, still with its arms held out sti 1/5/1976 #30761  
    DOMENE, ISERE Night light goes behind trees. Observer(s) looks. Finds s 1/8/1976 #30774  
sphere/orb/globe leaves (something behind) bright white trail. / NICAP Feb. 1/9/1976 #30777  
light on it, and it fell backwards behind a ridge. When the flashlight was  1/11/1976 #30785  
seconds before slowly ducking back behind the ridge. When it came up a thir 1/11/1976 #30785  
hite saucer < 300M altitude. Lit / behind. Whistles? Going quickly west. /  2/8/1976 #30853  
oes outside. The object comes down behind a small bank on the far side of a Late 2/1976 #30905  
 tall man-like figures appear from behind the object, not very far from his 4/23/1976 #31016  
ends fled in panic, so he was left behind alone. With a mixture of fear and 4/23/1976 #31019  
ached the object and then crouched behind a stonewall to watch the enigmati 4/23/1976 #31019  
 tall man-like figures appear from behind the object, not very far from his 4/23/1976 #31019  
 ringed-sphere nears. Black shadow behind big red porthole.                 5/18/1976 #31059  
 an aluminum colored UFO disappear behind some trees at 10:45 a.m. At 10:30 5/18/1976 #31061  
ME (electro-magnetic effects). 30M behind windmill. 2 hours / missing time. 6/15/1976 (approximate) #31110  
parent bubble / bottom. Going [to] behind buildings.                        6/21/1976 #31119  
t, blue-white light cross the road behind him in Ringsted, Zealand, Denmark 6/21/1976 #31121  
pse of the object as it disappears behind the horizon. It resembles a glide 6/21/1976 #31121  
 the bottom. It moved out of sight behind some buildings.                   6/21/1976 #31123  
s. Going quickly [to] over car and behind mountains.                        6/25/1976 #31138  
saw a seven-foot tall man standing behind a bush. (Source: Pat Miller, Siou 7/5/1976 #31153  
saw a seven-foot tall man standing behind a bush. He was wearing a shiny bl 7/5/1976 #31154  
g glowing domed object emerge from behind a large tree 50 yards away. The o 7/5/1976 #31154  
 Whistles and spins and going [to] behind building.                         7/11/1976 #31155  
antander, Spain when they saw from behind a flying or levitating humanoid b 7/15/1976 #31165  
 overhead and move beyond the hill behind him.                              8/1976 #31216  
ed the “spaceman” had taken refuge behind a car.                            8/4/1976 #31232  
-green light appeared, coming from behind the UFO toward the witnesses. Mr. 8/6/1976 #31241  
ain, he sees that the UFO is still behind him, suggesting that he has lost  8/13/1976 #31261  
t the being. A black sphere rolled behind some underbrush and disappeared.  8/14/1976 #31264  
r descends to 20M altitude. Shoots behind house 1500M away.                 8/21/1976 #31285  
nge craft drop down into a culvert behind the road. Anderson stopped his la 8/23/1976 #31294  
 him from passing as the UFO moves behind him some 33 feet away and 26 feet 9/3/1976 #31335  
ded in the air above a marshy area behind some woods about 300–400 feet nor 10/22/1976 #31486  
y ran to the field and saw it land behind some bushes on three legs. An ova 10/29/1976 #31505  
isc-shaped craft, shooting up from behind the buildings. The object remaine 10/31/1976 #31512  
uthwest. Spins. Going quickly [to] behind mountains. / LDLN#161+/ r5p28.    11/5/1976 #31526  
 du Taillefer before it disappears behind Mont Néron. The sighting lasts 20 11/5/1976 #31528  
n diameter, one flying at an angle behind the other. Both objects have a re 11/10/1976 #31538  
e wall of the base, which was just behind where the being stood and should  11/12/1976 #31540  
s, then floated on and disappeared behind a nearby billboard. The entire in 11/12/1976 #31541  
eet in length, with three entities behind a window. As they watch, a bearde 11/14/1976 #31548  
 going down / ground briefly. Goes behind trees. Car radio Radio Frequency  11/22/1976 #31563  
eddish colored backside, and moved behind some trees, causing radio interfe 11/22/1976 #31564  
up at it, while he watched it from behind the windshield inside. As they ke 12/6/1976 #31587  
ory of the incident was of looking behind his car and seeing a somewhat dif 12/6/1976 #31587  
le in their fifties. Their dog hid behind them, then retreated. The figure  12/10/1976 #31593  
s). Whirring sound. 2' disk 30' up behind house. Going quickly west.        12/19/1976 #31619  
meter, hovering 30 feet in the air behind his house. It then disappears tow 12/19/1976 #31622  
oot wide disc-shaped UFO that flew behind a house at only 30 feet altitude. 12/19/1976 #31624  
ovoid descends rapidly near ground behind school.                           12/27/1976 #31633  
near road ahead. Leaves (something behind) 10M green trail behind. No furth 12/30/1976 #31640  
(something behind) 10M green trail behind. No further details.              12/30/1976 #31640  
r cloud-ceiling. Leaves (something behind) sparkling wake. Direction unknow 1/1/1977 #31672  
t 2M gray saucer leaves (something behind) blue trail.                      1/5/1977 #31698  
to the lodge and positions himself behind it. The light moves out of sight, Mid 1/1977 #31723  
 on the object's interior. It left behind a 12 foot wide burn mark, landing 1/23/1977 #31748  
 It remains about 2,400–2,700 feet behind the plane. The base authorizes hi 2/1977 #31772  
r the beach. The object then moved behind some trees, partially obscuring i 2/3/1977 #31783  
. The object disappeared from view behind the trees. (Source: David F. Webb 2/3/1977 #31783  
r the beach. The object then moved behind some trees, partially obscuring i 2/3/1977 #31784  
seemed to be moving back and forth behind the window. One child described t 2/3/1977 #31784  
. The object disappeared from view behind the trees.                        2/3/1977 #31784  
ilvery cigar-shaped UFO in a field behind the building, partially hidden by 2/4/1977 #31790  
 barely make out some sort of face behind it. The object began to ascend, a 2/10/1977 #31808  
has landed only about 50 feet away behind a chicken coop. It is bright whit 2/11/1977 #31810  
mains in sight for 3 minutes, goes behind the only cloud in the sky, reappe 2/16/1977 #31821  
surrounded by rectangular windows. Behind the windows several moving figure 2/20/1977 #31833  
en and threw himself on the ground behind some small bushes in front of the 2/24/1977 #31846  
ange alie- looking beings directly behind him. The figures were no more tha 2/24/1977 #31846  
he sees all three of them reappear behind his car, shrink to a small size,  3/4/1977 #31858  
ied object manages to stay exactly behind them for a few seconds, a very da 3/7/1977 #31873  
 rectangle with a black silhouette behind it about the size of the full moo 3/9/1977 #31888  
ee a large mass of light rise from behind a distant range of hills and hove Mid 3/1977 #31909  
ove in a zigzag fashion, and leave behind a huge, bright halo that lasts 10 3/24/1977 #31929  
ne Fortier was walking on the lawn behind her house with her collie dog. Wh 4/4/1977 #31942  
ne Fortier was walking on the lawn behind her house with her collie dog at  4/4/1977 #31944  
e of boiling water. It then landed behind a slight rise. It then emitted a  4/6/1977 #31953  
t also wore strange looking boots. Behind the thin figure five other shorte 4/12/1977 #31977  
 the target playing with the plane behind its tail and right wing, where th 4/14/1977 #31980  
ed and landed in a field 100 yards behind the hotel. "It was round, with fl 4/19/1977 #31997  
ed and landed in a field 100 yards behind the hotel. Burn marks were found  4/19/1977 #31998  
ed and landed in a field 100 yards behind the hotel. Two creatures 8 or 9-f 4/19/1977 #31999  
 “like the moon falling down” land behind her home. Two tall humanoids appe 4/19/1977 #32001  
ed and landed in a field 100 yards behind the hotel. "It was round, with fl 4/19/1977 #32002  
otices a strange humanoid creature behind some nearby rocks. He describes i 4/25/1977 #32026  
oticed a strange humanoid creature behind some nearby rocks. He described i 4/25/1977 #32027  
 and disappear. No traces are left behind.                                  5/1977 #32043  
g beam of light which the lady ran behind. The lady spoke to the child but  5/10/1977 #32083  
e to a position “one plane length” behind it. The object is 1.5 times as lo 5/26/1977 #32135  
s. Absolute(ly) silent. Going [to] behind house.                            6/21/1977 #32178  
letely silent. It finally flew off behind a house. (Source: FSR, August 197 6/21/1977 #32179  
letely silent. It finally flew off behind a house.                          6/21/1977 #32183  
 the rear of the car and disappear behind it.                               6/25/1977 #32194  
esembling a straw hat. The man hid behind a mound and watched as a door in  7/17/1977 #32288  
st of town when he notices a light behind him to the left. It is a yellow-o 9/27/1977 #32528  
ge slatted rectangle hovers. Flies behind hill.                             10/5/1977 #32552  
n-glowing saucer leaves (something behind) red trail north going quickly so 10/18/1977 #32589  
er that hovered and then descended behind some bushes. Tracks were later fo 10/25/1977 #32608  
eter that hovers and then descends behind some bushes at Åsbygda, Ringerink 10/25/1977 #32609  
rs to be a human-looking person is behind one of the windows. Tracks are la 10/25/1977 #32609  
er that hovered and then descended behind some bushes. After about 10 secon 10/25/1977 #32610  
eared to be a human-looking person behind one of the windows. Tracks were l 10/25/1977 #32610  
wise around a cloud, emerging from behind, crossing in front, then disappea 10/29/1977 #32630  
ossing in front, then disappearing behind.                                  10/29/1977 #32630  
er's surface, finally disappearing behind the left side of the rocks. The d 10/30/1977 #32639  
uman-like figure inside the object behind one of its windows. After 10 seco 11/1/1977 #32651  
s. Next they saw, about 200 meters behind them along the road, a small poin 11/13/1977 #32671  
. Eventually it moves out of sight behind trees.                            12/6/1977 #32737  
on to a tall white figure standing behind a fence. The figure was about eig 12/10/1977 #32759  
, driving an AMC Gremlin, pulls up behind her. While they are watching the  12/17/1977 #32791  
e, the object disappears from view behind the Cessna.                       1/1/1978 #32841  
or to glimpse the object disappear behind some trees. Telephone interferenc 1/9/1978 #32862  
 moved forward again and moved off behind building to which she was parked. 1/10/1978 #32868  
g forward with yellow-orange trail behind as it moved. The object stops, re 1/10/1978 #32869  
moves forward again, and moves off behind a building. The trail is only vis 1/10/1978 #32869  
inutes, then a red ball moves from behind it, descending to just a few feet 1/27/1978 #32920  
ped object shoot overhead and land behind some nearby trees. Two figures ab 2/1/1978 #32939  
ped object shoot overhead and land behind some nearby trees in Gainsborough 2/1/1978 #32941  
ing away to the northeast, leaving behind a red trail. He tells his father, 2/2/1978 #32946  
ns slowly rising, leaving the haze behind. The object has a bright red ligh 2/4/1978 #32951  
puppies one by one and hiding them behind the drapes on the second floor.   2/4/1978 #32951  
ect is flying loops, dropping down behind the houses, moving back up, and m 2/5/1978 #32955  
aped craft that had been concealed behind two hills in the bottom of a smal 2/5/1978 #32957  
nted to examine him and placed him behind the screen on the rectangular tab 2/5/1978 #32957  
s). Dark saucer going down / field behind house. Portholes / rim. Noise / t 2/19/1978 #32978  
 object that ascended from a field behind a house. It had portholes around  2/19/1978 #32983  
surface of the lake. It disappears behind trees, and the men jump up, grab  3/11/1978 #33032  
or 10 minutes before it disappears behind a ridge. Another object soon appe 3/22/1978 #33072  
n appears over their campsite from behind a ridge to the north; this time i 3/22/1978 #33072  
. Pseudo-human/entity exits. Hides behind truck. Vanishes in mist.          4/25/1978 #33164  
lanced at the witness and then ran behind a nearby tree stump. A thick fog  4/25/1978 #33169  
boy is so frightened that he hides behind the back seat of the family car.  4/29/1978 #33179  
ns claim there are footprints left behind by the beings, though they do not 5/10/1978 #33196  
 from the southwest. They are lost behind trees above the northeast horizon 5/30/1978 #33242  
. 7-9 night lights in formation go behind trees. "Clear contours".          6/2/1978 #33249  
y. After 8 seconds, they disappear behind trees.                            6/2/1978 #33251  
overed, bobbed, wobbled, and moved behind some trees. It re-emerged, wobble 6/25/1978 #33310  
overed, bobbed, wobbled, and moved behind some trees. It re-emerged, wobble 6/25/1978 #33311  
isc ten meters in diameter, landed behind a mountain. Five or six "Nordic"  7/4/1978 #33337  
nded UFO that was partially hidden behind some nearby electrical pylons. As 7/11/1978 #33367  
Both humanoids stood side by side. Behind the humanoids was an oval-shaped  7/11/1978 #33368  
nk. Thunders and leaves (something behind) trail.                           7/12/1978 #33370  
as wide as a full moon. It remains behind them as they drive to a friend’s  7/19/1978 #33403  
a brilliant light approaching from behind at high speed. She feels a “terri 7/27/1978 #33427  
eriff measured the footprints left behind.                                  7/29/1978 #33451  
ake Sorell, Tasmania, watch a glow behind a hill to the south. Within minut 8/5/1978 #33475  
proach them again, only to descend behind trees. The rear dimension of the  8/5/1978 #33476  
PEORIA, IL 2 / car. Fireball flies behind building. Hovers / 6 minute(s). S 8/7/1978 #33482  
they arrive at church and, walking behind it, see a bright white light with 8/7/1978 #33485  
 on its underside and moves slowly behind the trees.                        8/11/1978 #33506  
he northwest to a position 50 feet behind a tree and 45 feet in the air. It 8/18/1978 #33526  
rts to the southwest, disappearing behind a mountain.                       8/18/1978 #33526  
TH / OTTUMWA, IA Night light flies behind trees. Car dies. Window fogs. Res 8/24/1978 #33558  
UFO. The nocturnal light then flew behind some trees, after which the engin 8/24/1978 #33566  
 [to] low over US6. Figure(s) move behind rectangular portholes.            8/26/1978 #33571  
figures could be seen moving about behind several rectangular windows. (NIC 8/26/1978 #33572  
figures could be seen moving about behind several rectangular windows.      8/26/1978 #33573  
10 seconds, and moves out of sight behind trees.                            8/30/1978 #33605  
 above a building. It finally went behind the National Theater and was not  8/31/1978 #33611  
 bright white light descend slowly behind a new housing estate. Other indep 9/1/1978 #33621  
 bright white light descend slowly behind a new housing estate. An egg-shap 9/1/1978 #33622  
 bright white light descend slowly behind a new housing estate. Other indep 9/1/1978 #33623  
t speed, leaving circular imprints behind.                                  9/6/1978 #33639  
er glows on and off / edges. Drops behind treeline.                         9/10/1978 #33653  
g from 15,000 feet. It follows him behind his right wing, then shoots up to 9/10/1978 #33655  
around the perimeter, that dropped behind the treeline. It made no sound.   9/10/1978 #33658  
aped object with a red tip, orange behind tip, and a yellow body.           9/10/1978 #33659  
, drops down, and is lost to sight behind some houses. A column of flames r 9/13/1978 #33671  
 object with a blue trail of light behind it gave off intense light beams.  9/14/1978 #33678  
then noticed a small being walking behind her. It was about four feet tall, 9/15/1978 #33689  
e about 3.5 feet tall appears from behind the dome, walking around the rim. 9/18/1978 #33708  
for 30–35 seconds before it passes behind a cloud. He estimates it is 340–3 9/20/1978 #33714  
 and Sr. Moya, was approached from behind at high speed by a bright yellow  9/23/1978 #33738  
sound and it moved flying sideways behind the barn and then took off flying 9/25/1978 #33747  
 see three or four shadows passing behind it. The UFO leaves quickly with a 10/7/1978 #33805  
takes a photo of an unusual object behind his home near Lake Urmia, Iran. I 10/8/1978 #33813  
object was 180 feet away, and left behind ground traces.                    10/8/1978 #33819  
ey ignore him. Frightened, he runs behind a bush. When he looks out again,  10/25/1978 #33873  
in figure wearing a hat, "dancing" behind him. Will said later that it was  10/31/1978 #33902  
d gong with halo leaves (something behind) bright trail. Low and silent.    11/1978 (approximate) #33904  
ntly in front of her, then passing behind her car. It is ringed with small  11/7/1978 #33924  
everal human-like figures standing behind the windows. At one point the wit 11/11/1978 #33944  
everal human-like figures standing behind the windows. At one point the wit 11/11/1978 #33946  
out bright blue rays. It moves off behind a hill, and two small lights, one 11/20/1978 #33967  
in absolute silence and disappears behind high fir trees. The next day he r 11/24/1978 #33995  
he area, while the others remained behind. The two men saw, partially hidde 11/24/1978 #33996  
uised and violet rectangular marks behind her left ear and on her waist.    12/4/1978 #34058  
ngle-shaped object taking off from behind the house. He calls for help on t 12/6/1978 #34065  
f just above the ground. Crouching behind her window she peered out and not 12/6/1978 #34068  
 area. He was suddenly pushed from behind and fell. He got up and was confr 12/6/1978 #34069  
angular shaped craft take off from behind a house. He called for help and w 12/6/1978 #34069  
r with a green halo, and they left behind a bluish trail. A truck driver sa 12/21/1978 #34189  
r with a green halo, and they left behind a bluish trail. A truck driver sa 12/21/1978 #34194  
gh rate of speed. It left no trail behind. At ten o’clock in the evening a  12/23/1978 #34199  
ington is tracking a target a mile behind the aircraft that stays on the sc 12/31/1978 #34246  
e a bright light with a long trail behind it streak across the heavens from 12/31/1978 #34248  
d noticed a light approaching from behind while crossing the street. He ste 12/31/1978 #34250  
 the disc ascended and disappeared behind some nearby hills.                1/12/1979 #34333  
 a strong sulphurous odor remained behind.                                  1/13/1979 #34339  
id, Spain at 6 p.m. It disappeared behind some tall buildings, and left beh 1/14/1979 #34341  
hind some tall buildings, and left behind a small trail that faded away qui 1/14/1979 #34341  
ed two figures looking at him from behind a nearby electrical pylon on the  1/19/1979 #34362  
r window. It is hanging in the air behind their dog kennel. When the woman  2/1979 #34398  
tices a dark beehive-shaped object behind it, which now rises vertically of 2/9/1979 #34416  
 landed for three minutes. It left behind landing traces. (Source: Timmothy 2/22/1979 #34443  
 landed for three minutes. It left behind landing traces.                   2/22/1979 #34445  
when everything became illuminated behind him, turning the darkness into da 2/26/1979 #34449  
when everything became illuminated behind him, turning the darkness into da 2/26/1979 #34450  
ning to the object and disappeared behind it. The craft then rose up and di 2/26/1979 #34450  
shes white and red lights. It left behind ground traces at the landing site 4/16/1979 #34511  
red in a blue-green haze, and left behind a metal bar with peculiar marking 4/21/1979 #34520  
t before he is can no longer move. Behind him he notices two men wearing he 5/16/1979 #34563  
 like someone had grabbed him from behind. Behind him he noticed two men we 5/16/1979 #34564  
meone had grabbed him from behind. Behind him he noticed two men wearing he 5/16/1979 #34564  
ng helmets with visors and gloves. Behind their transparent visors he could 5/16/1979 #34564  
5+1 observer(s). Night light lands behind shop. Neon sign malfunctions due  5/25/1979 #34576  
cturnal light came down and landed behind a store in the town of Charleston 5/25/1979 #34577  
cturnal light came down and landed behind a store in the town of Charleston 5/25/1979 #34580  
lantern-shaped" object / sky. Lost behind row / trees.                      5/31/1979 #34595  
markings. After it passes silently behind the trees to the north of them af 6/10/1979 #34605  
f with a shower of sparks trailing behind it, disappearing in the southeast 6/19/1979 #34622  
hwest. 2nd or same going northwest behind trees.                            6/26/1979 #34629  
 After 4–5 minutes it moves slowly behind the trees to the southwest. Runni 6/26/1979 #34632  
silently to the northwest. It goes behind trees in 3–4 minutes. Duration is 6/26/1979 #34632  
lew to the northwest, disappearing behind some trees.                       6/26/1979 #34634  
pieces of strange metal had fallen behind the trailer onto the ground dull  6/27/1979 #34637  
 noise. Square object going down / behind trees. Going up [to] 30 minute(s) 6/29/1979 #34640  
flies steadily until it disappears behind a hill.                           7/4/1979 #34646  
s field. Two small beings run from behind a carob tree on his left and ente 7/25/1979 #34679  
thout disturbing it. It disappears behind some lakeside vegetation. Another 8/1979 #34692  
 returns to horizontal, then flies behind a tree, stops, and tilts the othe 8/4/1979 #34714  
he opposite direction and flew off behind some trees to the west.           8/4/1979 #34715  
ly along the surface and vanishing behind some vegetation on the bank. One  8/10/1979 #34725  
vers for 3 seconds, and drops down behind it. A glow remains over the mount 8/11/1979 #34732  
 over sideways before disappearing behind a hill.                           8/16/1979 #34748  
ntical to each other. Both men ran behind a house and squatted by a wall, t 8/26/1979 #34783  
shed. On the hood, 4 feet 4 inches behind the smashed light and close to th 8/27/1979 #34787  
 the driver’s side about 18 inches behind the dent runs top to bottom, with 8/27/1979 #34787  
 “strange orange ball” coming from behind a hill about 3 miles away. The hu 8/29/1979 #34800  
he horizon. An orange glow remains behind. Alojzy Pawlik sees the same obje 8/29/1979 #34800  
 the road and crosses it at 10 mph behind their pickup, then pausing to hov 9/4/1979 #34834  
g beams of light was seen, leaving behind a lens-shaped cloud.              9/11/1979 #34861  
s rays going up. Leaves (something behind) lens clouds behind.              9/12/1979 #34864  
ves (something behind) lens clouds behind.                                  9/12/1979 #34864  
ts flash / side. Leaves (something behind) trail.                           9/13/1979 #34870  
feet elevation. It slowly descends behind the roof of the neighbor’s house. Mid 9/1979 #34887  
hoot off to the northeast. It left behind no trail.                         9/25/1979 #34924  
t appeared to be a luminous "mass" behind some nearby bushes. One of them a 10/7/1979 #34951  
 tall thin humanoids appeared from behind the object. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 12/4/1979 #35050  
 tall thin humanoids appeared from behind the object. She heard them talkin 12/4/1979 #35052  
altitude. Spins? Leaves (something behind) luminous trail. / news.          12/12/1979 #35074  
tude, spinning as it went. It left behind a luminous trail. (NICAP: 02 - Cl 12/12/1979 #35075  
tude, spinning as it went. It left behind a luminous trail.                 12/12/1979 #35076  
king home when he senses something behind him. Turning around, he sees a fl 12/27/1979 #35101  
ard. Shoots beams. Lost from sight behind buildings.                        1/21/1980 #35140  
e seventh woman, in a separate car behind them, does not see the lights, bu 1/21/1980 #35141  
y at 1000 meters altitude. It went behind a cloud for three minutes, then w 1/29/1980 #35150  
eling that something was happening behind him. At the same time his dog sta 2/6/1980 #35160  
lindrical object leaves (something behind) red trail / sky. Going quickly e 2/8/1980 #35162  
uminosity, with reddish hues, left behind a long smoke trail. It was seen b 2/11/1980 #35172  
TOT, FR Glowing-ring going up [to] behind steeple. Going northeast. Stops o 3/23/1980 #35231  
ly to the northeast and disappears behind a hill.                           3/25/1980 #35241  
plus at about 500 meters distance, behind some trees, a large bright silver 4/20/1980 #35281  
ove across their mother’s back and behind her hair. She does not feel anyth 5/9/1980 #35319  
a car with five people inside from behind, forcing the driver to pull over. 6/14/1980 #35369  
south, lost the object as it moved behind his home. (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 7/4/1980 #35401  
bject with a bright light hovering behind a building. He approaches it with 8/8/1980 #35447  
      SANDIA SITE, NM Saucer lands behind 'headquarters CR 44' storage buil 8/9/1980 #35450  
d that a disc-shaped object landed behind the "HQ CR 44" nuclear storage bu 8/9/1980 #35453  
 It appears as a small round light behind her son’s head in the photo.      9/3/1980 #35493  
 hill then drifts off to the north behind some trees.                       9/11/1980 #35515  
earing to descend as it disappears behind trees toward the Sagamore Hill So 10/6/1980 #35558  
me of my life.” The UFO disappears behind the roof line of the house.       10/26/1980 #35591  
. Five minutes later, it reappears behind him and performs a similar maneuv 11/5/1980 #35620  
wingless can-cylinder follows 400M behind plane.                            11/11/1980 #35627  
a, flew a huge C-5A cargo aircraft behind a KC-135 tanker from Grissom AFB  11/18/1980 #35654  
 Several kids. Huge "chair" hovers behind mountain peak. Grows 2nd leg. See 11/28/1980 #35677  
D 4 cops. Rocket leaves (something behind) contrail. Stops / several minute 12/3/1980 (approximate) #35687  
n Williams and his staff. From far behind the object comes a bright bluish  12/28/1980 #35750  
ect passed him, but when he looked behind him it was no longer in sight. "I 12/31/1980 #35759  
rtheast. Turns. Going quickly [to] behind clouds and mountains.             1/15/1981 #35787  
vering over some woods and landing behind some trees in Colle Maddalena, It 1/28/1981 #35805  
vering over some woods and landing behind some trees in Colle Maddalena, It 1/28/1981 #35806  
 be sitting and the other standing behind an instrument panel. (NICAP: 02 - 2/14/1981 #35828  
d strange lights on a nearby field behind a row of eucalyptus trees. As the 3/1981 #35855  
d several man-like figures sitting behind the windows, these were human lik 3/1981 #35855  
y / northwest / 25 April! Car left behind.                                  4/20/1981 #35906  
hrough the air over the cornfields behind her house. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 5/1981 #35919  
ed cone gliding downward. It lands behind a tree and continues whirling lik 6/12/1981 #35966  
R, BRAZIL Big ball / light zigzags behind ferryboat. Saucer rises / water / 6/20/1981 #35976  
early spherical object rising from behind the trees on the Illinois side of 7/22/1981 #36023  
ry high altitude leaves (something behind) spiral trail. 3-10 minute(s).    7/24/1981 #36027  
whead, and appears to be metallic. Behind it is a red light traveling in ta 7/30/1981 #36041  
England, when she sees some lights behind the house. As she goes to the bac 9/10/1981 #36108  
 crafts / low altitude. Going [to] behind hills. Back 21 September. / MJ#16 9/18/1981 #36125  
the Moorpark Freeway some distance behind the other car, and they see two t 9/18/1981 #36129  
, but the objects are disappearing behind the hills.                        9/18/1981 #36129  
a low 100-foot altitude. They went behind some hills, and then came back.   9/18/1981 #36130  
ical object that was partly hidden behind some bushes. The object then rose 9/20/1981 #36134  
 men vanish, leaving no footprints behind. During the entire time the men a 10/2/1981 #36154  
g of his dog towards a pine forest behind his house. He walked out of the h 12/17/1981 #36262  
20M altitude by church. Going [to] behind building.                         12/19/1981 #36263  
at 20 meters altitude and move off behind some buildings in the town.       12/19/1981 #36268  
MI Two boys playing in a snow fort behind their house heard a humming sound 12/29/1981 #36281  
inutes, the bright spot disappears behind the forest, but the luminescent c 2/19/1982 #36356  
ing closer and he sees it directly behind a telephone pole to his left 125  3/23/1982 #36412  
und the farm, finally disappearing behind some trees.                       3/23/1982 #36412  
elicopter crash" leaves (something behind) no traces. None missing. No roto 5/19/1982 #36474  
the object approaches the car from behind and passes above it by about 30 f 6/10/1982 #36498  
rovince, China a beam shot up from behind a hill, 300 meters away, that tur 6/18/1982 #36511  
092 some lights approach them from behind and the car loses power. When the 9/1982 #36590  
e. Both objects disappear, leaving behind a shiny cloud. Then another moon- 9/17/1982 #36607  
s found hanged with his hands tied behind his back and his lab in shambles. 9/29/1982 #36619  
 After a few minutes it sinks down behind the tree line.                    9/30/1982 #36622  
e ground. The UFO then disappeared behind the tree line of a forest preserv 11/27/1982 #36691  
ight beam toward ground, descended behind tree line (section V). (NICAP: 02 11/27/1982 #36693  
ight beam toward ground, descended behind tree line                         11/27/1982 #36695  
 toward the ground, as it descends behind the tree line, seemingly landing  11/27/1982 #36697  
toward the ground, as it descended behind the tree line.  The entire episod 11/27/1982 #36698  
 glided down to land in a clearing behind some trees. Two other witnesses w 12/17/1982 #36718  
s a half-circle of lights hovering behind some trees near a commuter-bus st 3/24/1983 #36805  
o sees a white light on a hillside behind his home and watches the object a 4/10/1983 #36836  
s car. Engine sputters. Going [to] behind hill. No further details.         7/1983 #36897  
s quickly to the north and is lost behind trees. At 10:55 p.m., Danbury Pol 7/12/1983 #36909  
hes on bright lights and moves off behind the mountains.                    7/12/1983 #36909  
lat triangle with lights maneuvers behind trees. Back 11 August.            8/1/1983 #36928  
rs. The UFO hovered, and then went behind the hills.                        10/26/1983 #37024  
e. Three smaller objects come from behind it and travel southeast, apparent 11/28/1983 #37052  
 states that Frank Scully’s book (“Behind the Flying Saucers”) story is tru 11/29/1983 #37053  
ickly southwest. Leaves (something behind) contrail.                        1/22/1984 #37139  
er and appeared to land on a ridge behind the tree line. (NICAP: 02 - Close 1/28/1984 #37161  
ayer and appear to land on a ridge behind the tree line. At 6:50 a.m., the  1/28/1984 #37162  
 the ground, illuminating the area behind her house and panicking her cats. 2/22/1984 #37198  
otographs circular object dropping behind mountains. Gone / seconds.        3/1984 #37213  
 3 minutes, it hovers out of sight behind some trees.                       4/13/1984 #37260  
 that appears to land out of sight behind a ridge. A large army helicopter  4/15/1984 #37263  
ida, when he hears a humming sound behind him. The dogs start whimpering an 5/6/1984 #37324  
e witness said that he was outside behind his house working on equipment. H 5/19/1984 #37334  
s was working on equipment outside behind his house on a warm, clear Saturd 5/19/1984 #37335  
ut 15 minutes a quarter mile away. Behind them is a dark mass about 300 fee 6/14/1984 #37361  
t the lights of a plane that flies behind it.                               6/14/1984 #37361  
e woman picks up her son and hides behind a tree. It is making a loud noise Summer 1984 #37369  
 blinking red light. The dark mass behind the lights blocks out the stars a 7/24/1984 #37412  
 over Brewster, New York. It moves behind a pine tree then emerges as a str 7/24/1984 #37413  
heel. After 30 seconds, it is lost behind some trees.                       10/5/1984 #37477  
 Red airship lights sky red. Lands behind Kirkstall Museum!                 12/24/1984 #37530  
va station and the ball disappears behind the forest. The crew has to wait  2/1985 #37552  
ome time until the ball disappears behind trees. Automatic recorders on the 2/1985 #37552  
He is sure there is a solid object behind the lights.                       5/26/1985 #37593  
ntually disappears in the distance behind trees and houses.                 2/8/1986 #37783  
 Two triangular objects flying one behind the other with their points forwa 3/18/1986 #37800  
llow, green, and blue. A dark mass behind the lights blots out the sky. Sud 3/26/1986 #37811  
hovers above the road then zigzags behind their car. After they step out of 5/6/1986 #37855  
ed that there were several targets behind one of the Mirage jets, six to on 5/19/1986 #37882  
nder/cigar-shape leaves (something behind) trail / 450m altitude. Southeast 6/16/1986 #37913  
. 3 orange saucers going down [to] behind buildings and trees. Trail smoke. 7/24/1986 #37950  
minutes. It is flying low, passing behind several trees as it moves from we 8/1986 #37964  
 object flew quite low, and passed behind several trees.                    8/11/1986 #37980  
d bottom. It floated at 3 mph from behind a tree, and was in view for 15 se 9/6/1986 #38017  
 object / perfect vertical descent behind trees. Silent.                    9/14/1986 #38028  
auchi checked the pale white light behind their craft visually. He saw a gi 11/17/1986 #38068  
nks, Terauchi checks a white light behind the plane and sees “a silhouette  11/17/1986 #38072  
to investigate as the object moves behind a hill and hovers above a field.  3/20/1987 #38150  
 a few miles away and disappearing behind the horizon. After arriving home  Late 7/1987 #38218  
hen he noticed a bright blue light behind him. Within seconds the Saturn-sh 9/24/1987 #38294  
oto just as the UFO is moving from behind a tree. He takes three more photo 11/11/1987 #38322  
 Kids. "Extra streetlight". Glides behind trees & houses.                   12/10/1987 (approximate) #38352  
 like an "extra streetlight" glide behind some trees and houses.            12/10/1987 #38353  
aves the car and gets sick, hiding behind a tree from where he watches his  12/14/1987 #38364  
n when the UFO buzzed the car from behind and somehow lifted it from the ro 1/20/1988 #38423  
eral figures that grabbed him from behind. The beings seemed to move in sho 5/1/1988 #38551  
SK Hemisphere / dull white rises / behind house. Foggy. Emits beam. 2 hours 8/25/1988 #38623  
phere rose up from near the ground behind a house at 11:00 p.m. It was surr 8/25/1988 #38625  
on of Vladivostok, Russia. It left behind a white vapor trail.              9/24/1988 #38646  
ck torpedo going quickly northeast behind mountain.                         9/28/1988 #38653  
ring eastward and leaving darkness behind it. Some analysts at the USAF For 10/1988 #38661  
d it move across sky until it went behind some trees.                       10/24/1988 #38689  
cally from west to east. They pass behind the only cloud in the sky then di 10/25/1988 #38693  
ph. 2nd joins. 15-20 saucers trail behind.                                  10/26/1988 #38695  
maller disc-shaped objects trailed behind.                                  10/26/1988 #38699  
 and stopped her car. A light from behind the trees rose up and crossed ove 11/9/1988 #38709  
the world 30 minutes after launch. Behind a big black curtain are three fly 11/12/1988 #38713  
llows car / 10 minute(s) flying 8M behind 1M over pavement.                 2/20/1989 #38843  
be spinning. They watch it descend behind a mountain.                       3/22/1989 #38878  
 on right side flew over tree line behind a house. Just before 10:00 p.m. a 5/4/1989 #38936  
ards them. It left a silvery trail behind him that faded slowly. The creatu 6/20/1989 #38991  
 beg to be let go. They see a ship behind some trees, and the little girl g 7/4/1989 #39007  
se they had children and families. Behind some trees they saw the craft. It 7/4/1989 #39009  
ad in front of car. Tilts and goes behind a hill.                           9/1/1989 #39085  
tight, silvery suits jump out from behind some boulders and paralyze her. T 9/13/1989 #39098  
low altitude 400M away. Going [to] behind trees.                            10/7/1989 #39148  
ward the swamp, going out of sight behind some trees.                       10/30/1989 #39195  
t 20-40 feet long, and disappeared behind some trees. On the same night, in 11/15/1989 #39233  
Eupen, Belgium, which appears from behind a wood and makes a forward tiltin 11/29/1989 #39274  
on veers horizontal and disappears behind some trees. The object then passe 11/29/1989 #39276  
 slow and silent leaves (something behind) luminous/glowing trail. North go 12/24/1989 #39330  
After a few seconds, it disappears behind a farmhouse.                      Early 1/1990 #39361  
 departs suddenly to the southwest behind the roofs of nearby houses. The w 2/21/1990 #39425  
like crafts together) drops slowly behind houses.                           3/20/1990 #39468  
 a silhouetted saucer-shaped craft behind the lights. The UFO changed altit 3/21/1990 #39476  
 yellow. Others saw a yellow flame behind the object. The object accelerate 5/16/1990 #39573  
 pulled out a box-like device from behind and aerial appendages appeared on 5/18/1990 #39576  
 / front. Portholes / side. Glides behind trees.                            7/13/1990 #39642  
terally until she lost sight of it behind a line of trees.                  7/13/1990 #39644  
n accelerated and was out of sight behind some trees in a second. Two days  7/18/1990 #39649  
 He then became frightened and hid behind a light pole. The white beam of l 7/23/1990 #39658  
s chest. He had a child-like body. Behind his head was a fog-like mist. The 7/29/1990 #39667  
p, while the other two were seated behind what looked like a control panel. 9/13/1990 #39732  
d it set fire to a meadow, leaving behind four burned spots 135 feet in dia 9/21/1990 #39744  
feet in less than a second to hide behind some trees, and finally it vanish 10/6/1990 #39762  
 on the N30, another light appears behind a hedge bordering the right-hand  10/21/1990 #39803  
 sees the light about 80 feet away behind the wall bordering her neighbor’s 11/22/1990 #39898  
tching this scene, and ran and hid behind the door on his porch. Moments la 12/31/1990 #39932  
firms a radar target, which is now behind them. The British Army denies fir 4/21/1991 #40046  
8:30 p.m. The object ascended from behind a mountain, then hovered over the 4/22/1991 #40048  
ht red light approaching them from behind. Thinking it might be a lost tour 8/4/1991 #40142  
but flattened "cloud" that emerged behind the light. The cloud was followin 11/9/1991 #40224  
ticing a white ball and two clouds behind him. Upon reaching home his famil 11/9/1991 #40224  
rently an implant was removed from behind one of them. The being who was sm 11/9/1991 #40224  
e being rose into the air, leaving behind a V-shaped trail that became fog- 12/4/1991 #40254  
flashes. Black triangle going [to] behind train. Going quickly north.       1/31/1992 #40310  
d to watch until the object passed behind and was hidden by some nearby tre 3/3/1992 #40349  
ped both men and Pedro ran and hid behind some nearby bushes, while Luis ra 3/5/1992 #40359  
 town with the light chasing close behind him. Luis could see that the ligh 3/5/1992 #40359  
ight to left in the frame, passing behind a windmill. Its estimated altitud 3/13/1992 #40376  
aft descended and appeared to land behind the hill. Two women got into thei 3/13/1992 #40377  
tionless looking at the witnesses. Behind him a shaft of grayish light coul 3/13/1992 #40377  
They sped up, and when they looked behind the object was gone.              5/1/1992 #40443  
erver(s). Small humanoid (or Grey) behind control panel. Tree baked!        6/3/1992 #40483  
 able to see a tall, thin humanoid behind a control panel inside the object 6/3/1992 #40485  
haped object were seen rising from behind a ridge, one-by-one. The objects  6/14/1992 #40495  
s. A saucer-shaped object followed behind the sphere.                       7/17/1992 #40524  
 see a blue-green cigar-shaped UFO behind him to the southeast at a height  7/31/1992 #40541  
reen flying wing leaves (something behind) trail / sky. Same / 1991.        8/13/1992 #40568  
and touched her wrist quickly from behind her. The touch was very painful,  8/13/1992 #40569  
ng object. Flames extinguish. Goes behind trees. Very fast.                 8/19/1992 #40580  
 illuminates a large area of trees behind the house.                        8/19/1992 #40583  
titude follows land contours. Goes behind trees.                            9/7/1992 #40612  
et-black figure watching them from behind some trees. The figure ducked dow 9/19/1992 #40631  
d at 8:30 p.m. They could see that behind the windows there were about 20 t 9/20/1992 #40634  
 light traversed the area, leaving behind a luminous wake.                  9/24/1992 #40639  
 northeast and was lost from sight behind some trees.                       10/1/1992 #40659  
 several man-like occupants moving behind a large, wide illuminated window. 11/9/1992 #40707  
ithin a minute the object vanished behind the wall of her house.            11/9/1992 #40707  
am. Heats water? Leaves (something behind) luminous/glowing message?        11/25/1992 #40729  
The shape of the object or objects behind the lights was indistinct, but th 12/9/1992 #40746  
outh over a highway and “went down behind some trees near the Holdbrook Sch 12/20/1992 #40755  
y and a girl, age 10. The UFO left behind a white smoke trail when it moved 12/25/1992 #40769  
The following morning she was sore behind the ears and found some small pin 2/1/1993 #40831  
VILLE, KY 2 cops. 12"cyl maneuvers behind helicopter several X. Emits small 2/26/1993 #40861  
ery luminous/glowing dome / ground behind roadside woods. Reported going [t 2/28/1993 #40864  
WEST SUSSEX Fireball jumps up from behind trees / a few seconds. Dives back 7/3/1993 #41049  
passed in front of trees, and then behind some more trees and was gone from 7/13/1993 #41065  
ed over farm buildings and then go behind some trees. At the same time or f 7/13/1993 #41066  
 another window on a second level. Behind the windows several figures could 8/18/1993 #41144  
ams / light. Shape unknown. Glides behind clouds.                           10/11/1993 #41230  
orange lights. Treetop level. Goes behind trees.                            10/31/1993 #41257  
 formation going quickly southeast behind light plane. Recurrent dreams.    11/15/1993 #41276  
eir car radio and when they looked behind they saw a fast approaching brigh 11/29/1993 #41309  
nder/cigar-shape leaves (something behind) bright green trail. Going quickl 1/20/1994 #41379  
ht green trail. Going quickly [to] behind hills.                            1/20/1994 #41379  
, silent, octagon-shaped craft hid behind some trees, and gave off beams an 3/14/1994 #41458  
boys saw the strange humanoid hide behind some debris and broken boards. Te 4/15/1994 #41493  
sses saw the strange figure moving behind a partially collapsed brick-wall  4/15/1994 #41493  
t stops shaking the tree and moves behind a building and shoots away, leavi 5/21/1994 #41534  
19. Large fireball going down [to] behind hill. Going up [to] again followi 6/21/1994 #41576  
Silent silver yardstick shape goes behind trees. Black square / center.     6/22/1994 #41577  
d man-like figure. It stepped from behind the tree and glided toward the si 6/23/1994 #41579  
wn [to] by Damhus Lake. Going [to] behind trees. Rise again and away.       6/27/1994 #41587  
shaped object trailed a red stream behind it as it passed overhead and land 8/14/1994 #41675  
ering and in flight. It disappears behind some buildings to the south.      8/23/1994 #41687  
 saucer hovers / hills. Going [to] behind clouds.                           8/24/1994 #41688  
lows smoke. Goes north going south behind trees.                            8/27/1994 #41694  
he Moon, but it starts moving from behind the trees into an open area near  8/31/1994 #41707  
oods near Mongo, Indiana saw a UFO behind some treetops. The domed disc-sha 8/31/1994 #41708  
ont, with from 8–20 smaller lights behind. Many report that the objects are 9/14/1994 #41749  
e going quickly north to sea. Goes behind cloud. Never emerges. No further  1/2/1995 #41937  
s mountainside / 20 mn. Going [to] behind ridge.                            2/3/1995 #42015  
 and going up and down. Going west behind channel Isls.                     2/13/1995 #42046  
erver. Fast brilliant ovoid scoots behind clouds. Accelerates silently.     2/14/1995 #42047  
York bridge / seconds. Then shoots behind clouds.                           2/27/1995 #42063  
or several seconds before shooting behind some clouds.                      2/27/1995 #42065  
 in front of the car and the other behind it. They apparently lost consciou 3/14/1995 #42094  
rk on his upper thigh, and nodules behind his ears. Four years later his fi 3/14/1995 #42094  
ind is to the west, and disappears behind some clouds. The object is about  4/10/1995 #42145  
ng by 100 feet wide. It disappears behind the tree line.                    4/18/1995 #42157  
light in front, and a strobe light behind the red.                          4/21/1995 #42165  
sbars like clock hands. Going [to] behind trees.                            5/6/1995 #42180  
r-shaped UFO hovering over a field behind her house. The craft was gray, wi 5/7/1995 #42188  
est and the object begins dropping behind, the crew sees it against a backg 5/25/1995 #42227  
ject rose from the ground, leaving behind traces. A dog became sick.        6/3/1995 #42236  
 CHARD, SOMERSET 2 / car. Fireball behind bush jumps up over car. Blinding  6/25/1995 #42274  
ts on its upper portion. It passes behind trees to the right in about 10–15 7/15/1995 #42303  
. White-glowing 'parachutes' hover behind. Shoot extremely quickly going up 7/17/1995 #42308  
d some peculiar sounds coming from behind some hanger racks. The sound rese 8/11/1995 #42376  
ight. The taller humanoid remained behind. It opened its hand and emitted a 8/11/1995 #42376  
w altitude, but was lost from view behind some trees. On the same night the 8/13/1995 #42381  
ar to enter a nearby man-made lake behind an apartment complex in Hialeah G 12/9/1995 #42639  
ed nose south going west. Descends behind Olympic mountains.                2/9/1996 #42749  
 see a brilliant light emerge from behind some trees and a huge column of g 2/23/1996 #42776  
e was a bright flash of blue light behind him. Thinking that it was the pol 2/29/1996 #42789  
nd footprints were reportedly left behind by the entity.                    3/6/1996 #42810  
ght of the being as it disappeared behind a wall. The creature walked hunch 3/6/1996 #42811  
a yellow helmet on its head. It is behind a fence that circles the porch. T 4/21/1996 #42876  
nas Gerais State. The creature hid behind some bushes. It reportedly wore a 4/21/1996 #42877  
igured and mentally retarded,” was behind some of the creature reports in V 5/8/1996 #42900  
elled for Rusu, who was now hiding behind the ditch and watching the strang 7/8/1996 #42950  
tely after Mancu had left and gone behind a nearby apartment house, "a flut 7/8/1996 #42950  
owly, without noise, and came down behind him. Rusu became frightened when  7/8/1996 #42950  
 who only noticed one of them from behind. He estimated their height to hav 7/8/1996 #42950  
ey had large heads, very elongated behind and covered with bumps, with no h 7/8/1996 #42950  
 small Grey humanoids walk up from behind a hill and cross their path. Minu 7/13/1996 #42956  
head. Frightened, he tried to hide behind some rocks, and then heard the hu 7/16/1996 #42959  
t odor again. When he emerged from behind the rocks he noticed that the hum 7/16/1996 #42959  
, see a strange blue light dancing behind a hill. When they investigate, th 8/17/1996 #42984  
wly fades away.. Leaves (something behind) zigzag contrail.                 9/1996 #43004  
ject approaching the aircraft from behind and passing just at the point whe 11/16/1996 #43112  
 he heard a loud sound coming from behind him. When he turned around he saw 12/9/1996 #43133  
e marks on their chins, wrists and behind their ears. A scorched area was r 1/7/1997 #43167  
succession. It dissipates, leaving behind a black bar. After 5 minutes, a s 1/13/1997 #43170  
en glide smoothly down to the snow behind them. The objects have rows of wi 2/22/1997 #43202  
in the sky, blocking out the stars behind it. Many witnesses say it is the  3/13/1997 #43229  
ic bag. Videotaped statements left behind explain that the suicides, member 3/26/1997 #43240  
e leaving their “earthly vehicles” behind and expect to board a spacecraft  3/26/1997 #43240  
c disk / southeast sky. Going [to] behind trees then back briefly. No furth 5/9/1997 #43290  
cts move off to the north, leaving behind an odor reimiscent of blast furna 6/6/1997 #43315  
EN, ARG Huge ovoid going down [to] behind 3 cops / car. Lights all / beam.  6/14/1997 #43322  
vestigate. He saw something hiding behind a tree. He was carrying a bright  8/3/1997 #43366  
hts in a row approached a car from behind, being driven by a 30-year-old wo 10/13/1997 #43428  
he top right hand corner. Directly behind him there was a large door where  10/15/1997 #43429  
 his truck to investigate, and hid behind a bush for a few minutes until th 12/10/1997 #43457  
s stationary, then appears to jump behind a nearby cloud, moving in a horiz Winter 1997 #43468  
nvestigate while Ursulina remained behind in bed praying. Soon she heard a  4/27/1998 #43559  
by a smaller orange light trailing behind it. The smaller light merged with 6/5/1998 #43581  
ime no scars or marks will be left behind. She then lay back on the table a 6/8/1998 #43584  
s backlit by the light coming from behind him. She attempted to scream but  6/10/1998 #43586  
ht was observed moving up and down behind some trees in Sudbury, Ontario fo 7/18/1998 #43610  
 them from the wind. Suddenly from behind a nearby tree a strange creature  9/21/1998 #43650  
bright headlights approaching from behind. Three or four cars sped by the w 9/25/1998 #43652  
the headlights of the car directly behind it illuminated the interior. The  9/25/1998 #43652  
w silently close to the ground and behind some trees.                       10/19/1998 #43667  
e similar to humans. About 75 feet behind them there was a thick brown fog  10/24/1998 #43669  
car with a slight "thump", leaving behind a gray residue where it struck.   11/27/1998 #43687  
d object that blocks out the stars behind it. It remains eerily silent. The 12/1998 #43694  
ble speed leaving a luminous trail behind.                                  5/10/1999 #43767  
 he detected some kind of movement behind him. Thinking it was the woman he 7/18/1999 #43807  
ly wrote the Zodiac story, who was behind the pseudonym “Sedge Masters.” Do 7/31/1999 #43815  
colored lights coming from a field behind him. Investigating more closely,  8/14/1999 #43822  
e trail to her right, disappearing behind some trees. It did not seemed to  8/22/1999 #43831  
ue plume of something, waving from behind its head. Startled, she turned to 8/22/1999 #43831  
d to her companion who had come up behind her, and told him what she had se 8/22/1999 #43831  
tly across the sky. It disappeared behind a cloud and did not reappear on t 10/23/1999 #43864  
 windows around its circumference. Behind the windows they could see two fi 11/1/1999 #43869  
n seemed to levitate and disappear behind a nearby stonewall. A large ball  11/25/1999 #43886  
 appeared a few seconds later from behind the stone wall, and shot up into  11/25/1999 #43886  
dow they saw a dark figure jumping behind the trees. It had no distinguisha 1/24/2000 #43933  
the area making no noise, and left behind a trail.                          7/7/2000 #44011  
too slow for a meteor. It descends behind the same mountain. A Blackhawk he 7/17/2000 #44021  
strong whistling sound coming from behind the trees. They then noticed a ro 7/25/2000 #44022  
glowing green eyes. Then he looked behind him and saw two more men. One had 8/11/2000 #44030  
bjects between the ends. It passed behind a church tower at a fairly low al 10/5/2000 #44053  
 full rotation before disappearing behind some distant trees. There are 6 n 11/28/2000 #44084  
ron or V-shaped craft fly and land behind a hill at around nine o'clock in  11/28/2000 #44085  
 their watches were all four hours behind the correct time. One of the witn 11/28/2000 #44085  
he sky before it moves out of view behind a mountain. It returns and flies  1/5/2001 #44117  
l, hopped forward in flight slowly behind a mountain in Whitehorse, Yukon T 1/5/2001 #44119  
ts was seen on a hilltop. They dip behind hill and reappear as rectangular  7/7/2001 #44206  
, then positions itself alongside, behind, and above the jet. It plays cat  8/6/2001 #44227  
three minutes, the ferry leaves it behind.                                  8/20/2001 #44238  
tense red beam with bright flashes behind it. In the front is something lik 9/9/2001 #44253  
ast 7,000 meters long, and the two behind it were 1,000 meters long. There  9/11/2001 #44258  
 disappeared, but the ninth stayed behind and after a minute or two it land 9/11/2001 #44258  
ular object hovers low. Going [to] behind trees and backlights them.        2/19/2002 #44317  
ed craft, while the other remained behind. Knowing that these men were "not 3/26/2002 #44326  
ocked from side to side as it flew behind a cloud in Ottawa, Ontario, Canad 4/17/2002 #44332  
id, more like a ring." and it left behind a white contrail or wake like "a  5/5/2002 #44339  
d they saw a UFO land in the field behind Fatma Primary School in the Santr 6/5/2002 #44347  
r. Arias then saw something moving behind him, which he described as "non-h 7/21/2002 #44362  
e light and about 1,000–2,000 feet behind it. The four fighters return to b 7/26/2002 #44366  
 They lost sight of it as it moved behind a tree. Then a third anomaly appe 7/28/2002 #44367  
 it disappears as if it has passed behind something. She also sees a straig 8/13/2002 #44383  
lying in the sky. It came out from behind a tree and crossed the part of th 8/31/2002 #44388  
t soon lost sight of it as it flew behind a neighbor's house. A triangle fo 9/15/2002 #44397  
a shape that blocked out the stars behind it as it flew by. They later saw  11/9/2002 #44437  
g its skinny arms. Lights appeared behind it. The man described the creatur 1/22/2003 #44477  
tanding by the road, and the woods behind the creature suddenly lit up like 1/22/2003 #44477  
ed UFO 8-12 feet wide fly out from behind a rood only 100-130 feet away. Th 3/18/2003 #44503  
the figure walked away. As it went behind some trees the witness thought he 4/4/2003 #44511  
 sky, leaving a trail of white fog behind.                                  4/4/2003 #44511  
m. and had stepped out onto a dock behind a large stack of pallets to have  4/21/2003 #44517  
raft had a concave windshield, and behind the windshield he could see two g 4/21/2003 #44517  
s looking out at the horse pasture behind his home. The pasture held severa 5/3/2003 #44523  
 witness said, "Some of the people behind me got out of their cars and aske 5/13/2003 #44535  
ds before they were lost from view behind some clouds.                      5/24/2003 #44545  
. He came down about 50 yards away behind the last house in the row, so the 7/16/2003 #44565  
her eye, Luca spots a black object behind the trees in the back alley. The  8/11/2003 #44574  
a better look and see a UFO flying behind the trees and over the top of the 8/11/2003 #44574  
t" and stopped, and then zigzagged behind a cloud.                          12/15/2003 #44630  
 so the light is soon lost to view behind him.                              1/21/2004 #44653  
 ran back inside, locking the door behind her, but she continued to watch i 7/26/2004 #44717  
 through a window. The figure went behind some trees and when it emerged on 7/26/2004 #44717  
heard a voice yelling at them from behind. "Sons!" it said in Russian. They 8/2/2004 #44725  
various directions, in tandem, one behind the other, and crossing pathes. O 9/9/2004 #44751  
 it suddenly turned west and moved behind some nearby hills. The witness re 10/2/2004 #44766  
3 p.m.; it vanished after crossing behind some trees.                       4/12/2005 #44824  
the witness saw a glow coming from behind a hill near the airport in Caroli 5/15/2005 #44842  
a car headlight like light glowing behind some trees. They went closer to i 6/14/2005 #44847  
attached to it and others trailing behind, flew over Bay City, Michigan at  9/26/2005 #44879  
ve entity (EBE 1) was found hiding behind a rock; it and some dead bodies w 11/1/2005 #44898  
 aliens, where one entity was left behind and 12 trained Americans (10 men, 11/1/2005 #44898  
e and Hal Puthoff over the physics behind vacuum energy and zero point ener 1/25/2006 #44918  
 hovering, then moved out of sight behind a mountain.                       2/12/2006 #44922  
two small green “midgets” run from behind a tree toward what appeared to be 8/5/2006 #44952  
 back lit by the light coming from behind them. The man and his dog ran fur 8/6/2006 #44953  
black disc-shaped object rose from behind a mountain in Anchorage, Alaska a 10/8/2006 #44973  
 out a cloud, and then try to hide behind it.                               11/9/2006 #44983  
de security alarms go off and left behind a cloud of bluish fog.            12/4/2006 #44989  
ground, as Guernsey is immediately behind it. The reflection of the sun off 4/23/2007 #45022  
y return radar signal. A passenger behind the captain confirms what Bowyer  4/23/2007 #45022  
oints out a second UFO immediately behind the first: Bowyer estimates both  4/23/2007 #45022  
he witness walked out and followed behind the dog, he illuminated the area  8/29/2007 #45050  
around 3:00 a.m. the moon had sunk behind the mountains surrounding the des 9/16/2007 #45059  
t shot up very vertically and left behind no traces.                        9/21/2007 #45069  
econds, and then shot off. It left behind a slight trail, but it also was g 9/25/2008 #45171  
 bluish-white light in the center. Behind the triangle are four small objec 5/8/2009 #45220  
ooking toward a public forest area behind her home when she notices a large 6/16/2009 #45226  
ensed that their was someone close behind her. She turned around and saw th 8/30/2009 #45240  
 passes. Within seconds it is lost behind a house. The dog does not notice  9/2009 #45241  
 from one end of it. It moves from behind a mountain, stops in mid-air, and 12/9/2009 #45261  
ter, the target reappears on radar behind the aircraft.                     3/3/2010 #45271  
uminous disc above the flight line behind the “Pacer Fence.” The source men 12/15/2010 #45307  
re at this time of night". It went behind a small cloud, but didn't come ou 2/11/2011 #45314  
ses more quietly up the ridge-line behind the house, briefly pausing near a 3/19/2013 #45362  
ve straight down, as it disappears behind a stand of tall pine trees. Then  10/6/2013 #45389  
t’s duty to look for the intention behind that intelligence. However, the g 7/31/2014 #45412  
 in front of it and a Virgin VA 76 behind, are on the same flight path. The 11/9/2018 #45544  
minutes later, UASs are again seen behind the ship. The last event noted in 7/17/2019 #45595  
 the Russian security services are behind the hits on Agency personnel, Has 12/3/2019 #45621  
ront of it and stretches the space behind.”  He also claims the Tic Tac met 3/20/2020 #45640  
vestigators-private-journal/ (rg - behind paywall)   https://web.archive.or 12/12/2020 #45669  
ial threats they pose. The premise behind the provision is that the Senate  12/27/2020 #45670  
nsole along one wall where someone behind him told him he already knew how  10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "behind-the-scenes" (Back to Top)
bert Sarbacher has indicated was a behind-the-scenes participant. Steinman  8/30/1987 #38264  
## Word: "behnay" (Back to Top)
   An Egyptian military officer in Behnay, Egypt photographed a "rotating s 10/5/1954 #10738  
## Word: "behold" (Back to Top)
, expect at this time above all to behold such visitations.”                2/1949 #3990  
, expect at this time above all to behold such visitations.” Project Grudge 8/10/1949 #4315  
   Milton William Cooper publishes Behold a Pale Horse, an elaborate collec 1991 #39933  
er in Milton William Cooper’s book Behold a Pale Horse. Another Disclosure  5/9/2001 #44182  
## Word: "behr" (Back to Top)
rth Carolina Noon. Pilot Howard S. Behr is flying a Curtiss-Wright CW-15 Se 1/1/1937 #1259  
## Word: "behshahr" (Back to Top)
a microwave transmission center in Behshahr, Iran. It flew silently and slo 11/14/1990 #39890  
## Word: "bei" (Back to Top)
f an Army Ordnance Depot Fischbach bei Dahn, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany  5/1974 #29075  
missiles are stored near Fischbach bei Dahn, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. 5/1974 #29075  
## Word: "beige" (Back to Top)
paint on the car changed from dark beige to bright green.                   11/1953 #9269  
n’s wife points out that the car’s beige paint has turned a bright green.   11/1953 #9271  
e white unbuttoned shirts and long beige colored pants with what appeared t 2/12/1969 #24915  
beyond. They looked human and wore beige coveralls that covered up their wr 9/27/1973 #27879  
 the previous site. It has several beige lights, and it darts toward their  8/28/1977 #32434  
 di Tagliacozzo, Italy saw a dark, beige, three meter wide disc on the grou 11/14/1978 #33954  
s. It was wearing a tight fitting, beige jumpsuit. The being stood there br 8/8/1980 #35448  
ing, California reported six giant beige triangular objects that moved from 1/29/1989 #38805  
ULF BREEZE, FL 2 / car / US98. 10M beige cylinder/cigar-shape drops into tr 11/15/1989 #39231  
9, in the evening around 9 p.m., a beige colored cigar-shaped object was si 11/15/1989 #39233  
s side, he can see two men wearing beige uniforms standing in front of mach 11/1992 #40699  
   MILPITAS, CA Ex-Navy man. Light beige disk going quickly [to] overhead / 4/22/1995 #42167  
ing in the hallway. He wore a long beige jacket and had long arms. His face 6/10/1998 #43586  
                           A huge "beige" triangular object maneuvered arou 5/8/2007 #45029  
## Word: "beige-colored" (Back to Top)
e road. It looked like a hairless, beige-colored small ape, but with a very 4/23/1977 #32019  
## Word: "beige-gray" (Back to Top)
ants were about 1.30 m tall with a beige-gray body, an abnormally large bla 5/10/1957 #13652  
## Word: "beige-pale" (Back to Top)
r or thumb. Their bodies were of a beige-pale color and appeared very flexi 5/2/2001 #44174  
## Word: "beighey" (Back to Top)
ennsylvania, police operator, John Beighey, and asks him to contact the Gre 4/17/1966 #20318  
 Pittsburgh International Airport. Beighey calls Panzarella and says the Ai 4/17/1966 #20318  
## Word: "beign" (Back to Top)
ht rolled across in front of a car beign driven by a witness named Watson,  6/1/1981 #35949  
## Word: "beihang" (Back to Top)
Tangshan Bureau of Public Security Beihang University Qinglong County Cao G 12/1999 #43890  
ang leads a group of students from Beihang University on a trip to Qinhuang 12/1999 #43890  
## Word: "beijing" (Back to Top)
                                   BEIJING, CHINA Many observer(s). Huge sa 7/13/1947 #3161  
                                   BEIJING, CH 10000s / observer(s). 2 brig 7/1965 (approximate) #19037  
domed disc-shapec object flew over Beijing, China at 10:00 p.m.             7/1/1965 #19048  
                         TONGXIAN, BEIJING, CH Sentry. Red ball / light sou 10/1967 (approximate) #23150  
                                   BEIJING, CH 35 observer(s). Tilted silve 8/21/1979 #34767  
                  Wuhan University Beijing Shanghai Guangdong Sichuan Shanx 5/1980 #35297  
Wuhan University, with branches in Beijing, Shanghai, and the provinces of  5/1980 #35297  
               Tsinghua University Beijing, China Summer Palace 10:00 p.m.  8/1980 #35437  
students at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, see a brilliant oval obj 8/1980 #35437  
                GREAT WALL NORTH / BEIJING, CH 2 campers photograph saucer. 8/23/1980 #35477  
ents camping in the mountains near Beijing, China saw an object emitting wh 8/23/1980 #35478  
                                   BEIJING, CH 2+observer(s). Saucer north  9/6/1980 #35498  
                                   BEIJING, CH 2 observer(s). UFO with 3 ri 9/8/1980 #35503  
                                   BEIJING, CH Many observer(s). Brown colo 9/23/1980 #35530  
                                   BEIJING, CH "Old-type parabolic brass ho 10/30/1980 #35596  
                                   BEIJING, CH 2 observer(s). Misty rectang 11/1/1980 #35604  
                                   BEIJING, CH 20 separate observer(s). Dis 12/14/1980 #35714  
                                   BEIJING, CH Bullet capsule hangs vertica 4/25/1981 #35914  
                                   Beijing, China 7:00 a.m. Du Shengyuan no 4/25/1981 #35915  
s object circling in the sky above Beijing, China. After unsuccessfully cal 4/25/1981 #35915  
                                In Beijing, China at 7:00 a.m. a bullet-sha 4/25/1981 #35916  
             QINGHA UNIVERSITY AND BEIJING, CH Many observer(s). Luminous s 6/17/1981 #35973  
                                   BEIJING, CH 2 and more/others airport wo 12/24/1981 #36276  
                                   Beijing Paris Lanzhou, Gansu province, C 6/11/1985 #37598  
ncounters a UFO on its flight from Beijing to Paris that almost forces the  6/11/1985 #37598  
                                   BEIJING AREA, CHINA 26 separate UFO repo 10/5/1994 #41785  
                                   BEIJING, CHINA Several observer(s). Glow 10/6/1994 #41789  
                                   Beijing The China UFO Research Organizat 1995 #41925  
China UFO Research Organization in Beijing has now collected more than 5,00 1995 #41925  
            HARBIN TO/FROM/BETWEEN BEIJING, CH 4 separate airline(s)/airlin 12/4/1995 #42637  
                           SOUTH / BEIJING 757 pilots / 9600M. Big flash. S 12/19/1996 #43147  
                                   Beijing Wuhan Capital International Airp 12/19/1996 #43148  
s Southern Airlines takes off from Beijing on a routine flight south to Wuh 12/19/1996 #43148  
 an in-flight emergency and radios Beijing’s Capital International Airport, 12/19/1996 #43148  
                                   Beijing, China Qinhuangdao, Hebei provin 12/1999 #43890  
y Cao Gong, a middle-aged man from Beijing, China, claims he is abducted by 12/1999 #43890  
 passes a lie detector test at the Beijing Bureau of Public Security. Cao r 12/1999 #43890  
ears old. Zhang brings her back to Beijing to meet Cao Gong, who identifies 12/1999 #43890  
## Word: "beind" (Back to Top)
ry high speed (400 mph) in an arch beind a water tower. The objects estimat 8/5/1950 #5108  
## Word: "beine" (Back to Top)
                                   BEINE WITH CHABLIS, FR Pilot / engineer. 9/19/1952 #7977  
## Word: "being's" (Back to Top)
he wore was made of metal, and the being's organs were quite different from 1/21/1959 #15560  
d had very long dangling arms. The being's eyes also shone with a brilliant 8/31/1968 #24410  
orldly environment, presumably the being's home planet. The beings that exa 3/14/1971 #26047  
 heels. When Renz looked up to the being's face, he was almost in a full st 8/16/1971 #26291  
sitting on the long washbasin. The being's complexion was very pallid, and  9/21/1972 #27022  
cts occurred simultaneous with the being's appearance: the truck's engine a 9/28/1972 #27038  
 but got no reply. Rey touched the being's hand, which felt cold and abnorm 11/28/1972 #27150  
r astronaut's space suits. On this being's head was a helmet with a transpa 12/30/1972 #27193  
light from the flashlight, and the being's enormous eyes shone brightly in  2/26/1973 #27318  
 was itself made out of metal. The being's body emitted bright silvery flas 9/30/1973 #27892  
not hear the words coming from the being's mouth. It spoke in a slow, “robo 1/29/1976 #30833  
d see there was a faceplate in the being's suit, and she could barely make  2/10/1977 #31808  
th a luminous point on top. On the being's back was a box like a knapsack.  7/12/1977 #32266  
e of "tool" in his right hand. The being's face could not be seen because i 7/17/1977 #32288  
r covered with a white helmet. The being's shoulders and chest area appeare 12/30/1979 #35104  
The beings also talked about human being's perception of dying and the exis 6/29/1989 #38997  
ect appeared to be attached to the being's neck just below its right ear. T 1/19/1993 #40802  
that prevented her from seeing the being's face. Later the following day Ca 3/30/1993 #40907  
e head with huge slanted eyes. The being's body was dark but its eyes were  11/29/1993 #41309  
d an inflatable orange raft at the being's feet. The being then began to fl 9/15/1996 #43021  
ike instruments. On the way to the being's home planet he was given a fruit 12/9/1996 #43133  
## Word: "being-like" (Back to Top)
, compact cigar-shaped object. The being-like forms were described as about 8/18/1975 #30288  
## Word: "beings" (Back to Top)
s likely to be inhabited by living beings, whom the calls “Selenites.”      1638 #40  
eopled with myriads of intelligent beings, formed for endless progression i 1756 #75  
igation canals made by intelligent beings is first hinted at, and then adop 5/1894 #314  
Looking up, they see three slender beings about 7 feet tall. Shaw walks up  11/25/1896 #361  
nder the left arm. Shaw claims the beings try to lift him but they are not  11/25/1896 #361  
water close to a bridge. The three beings float to the craft, open a door i 11/25/1896 #361  
of sight. Shaw speculates that the beings are from Mars.                    11/25/1896 #361  
side it were "six of the strangest beings" the witness had seen, also descr 4/19/1897 #532  
side it were "six of the strangest beings" the witness had seen, also descr 4/19/1897 #533  
rd the boy and waves him away. The beings go back in the craft, a bright fl Summer 1901 #645  
arby. A door opens, and human-like beings emerge, sending the youths runnin Summer 1907 #695  
ust above a hilltop. Several small beings emerge, walk around the machine,  3/1914 #897  
pulsating with various colors. The beings notice the group watching them an 8/1914 #907  
n, Dordogne, France, observe small beings in the air above a wooded area. L Summer 1920 #1003  
ed report of an "abduction" by two beings. (Magonia #43, Quincy) (NICAP: 07 1921 #1008  
ed report of an "abduction" by two beings.                                  1921 #1009  
 windows are 20 or so bald- headed beings with close-set eyes. They stare a Summer 1922 #1022  
that “Unknown, luminous things, or beings, have often been seen, sometimes  2/1931 #1122  
zar, Seville, Spain. Several small beings appear and stroll around it.      4/5/1935 #1227  
e ground in a field. Several small beings got out and walked around for ten 4/5/1935 #1228  
 came down from the center and two beings emerged. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 7/25/1938 #1287  
eave only their faces exposed. The beings stare at her without moving, so s 1942 #1385  
of dome-shaped object and humanoid beings. (Ref. 3; Anders Liljegren, AFU B 5/1943 #1496  
0 feet across and 9 feet high. Two beings, not quite 4 feet tall, are insid Late 8/1944 #1647  
ts, and made a whirring noise. Two beings with squarish shaped feet and wea 12/25/1945 #1953  
he ground. Around it were about 11 beings with transparent helmets and unif 5/1946 #1986  
00 feet in front of her. Two small beings dressed in outfits and headgear a Early 7/1947 #2547  
res through, a window. Later three beings in shiny clothes and translucent  7/23/1947 #3216  
glass window, then two odd-looking beings observing him curiously. A door o 7/23/1947 #3218  
he craft, and three other hairless beings dressed in transparent overalls.  7/23/1947 #3218  
in the woods. After 30 minutes the beings climb into the object and take of 7/23/1947 #3218  
ndow inside the craft. Later three beings in shiny clothes and translucent  7/23/1947 #3219  
some kind of ring-like muscle. The beings had greenish hands with eight tal 8/14/1947 #3334  
 in a friendly gesture, one of the beings discharged a thin puff of smoke o 8/14/1947 #3334  
t Aztec, N.M. 16 little human-like beings were found dead aboard a crashed  2/13/1948 #3577  
d the bodies of 16 small humanlike beings (3–3.5 feet tall) dressed in the  3/25/1948 #3598  
ee or four times as large as human beings.” Soon afterward, a crash occurs  3/25/1948 #3598  
d in the air, so that two humanoid beings were visible inside its transpare 9/13/1948 #3801  
s to know what it’s all about. Two beings about 5 feet 5 inches emerge from 12/4/1949 #4434  
er disc land near the highway. Two beings came out, who looked human and we 12/4/1949 #4435  
, operated by animate, intelligent beings.” The Navy, having gotten a previ 3/1950 #4565  
wo of which were occupied by small beings covered from head to foot (except 5/15/1950 #4944  
being severe, the only intelligent beings that can exist there would be adv 12/1950 #5305  
ring 500 meters away. Three uniped beings with rough, towel-like skin that  2/28/1952 #5935  
begins his contact with benevolent beings from other planets.               5/23/1952 #6350  
me from eight to ten olive-skinned beings speaking an unintelligible langua 7/27/1952 #7216  
ile action might alienate us from “beings of far superior powers.”          7/29/1952 #7326  
                      At 7:10 p.m. beings with helmets and masks were seen  10/15/1952 #8136  
 three occupants were visible. The beings looked directly at him. They look 11/18/1952 #8298  
ells Lytle that four dead humanoid beings had been aboard.                  Mid 2/1953 #8676  
nario was recalled. Seven or eight beings, all dressed in black tight-fitti 3/22/1953 #8776  
shaped, hairless faces. Six of the beings were about five feet tall. Two of 3/22/1953 #8776  
e about five feet tall. Two of the beings were of average height but thin,  3/22/1953 #8776  
t away. They stop the car, and the beings glide across the road and disappe Summer 1953 #8953  
re the lengthy encounter ends, the beings offer Kravets a piece of bread th 8/17/1953? #9077  
ess inside, so she refuses it. The beings then walk to the sphere in a pecu 8/17/1953? #9077  
s driving fail. Two four-foot-tall beings approached, and he next saw a dom 8/17/1953 #9078  
 feet, making a humming sound. The beings entered the craft, and the UFO as 8/17/1953 #9078  
al object into which the other two beings had gone. Traces were found at th 9/4/1953 #9145  
 the South Pole by monstrous space beings. Bender does little to promote th 9/28/1953 #9186  
try” concerning custody of several beings off a saucer. Meeting was to be h 12/1953 #9326  
 concerning the custody of several beings off a saucer.                     1/24/1954 #9496  
his second object he could see two beings with large heads and large eyes t 5/5/1954 #9755  
an aluminum trailer with two small beings in silvery dress, grunting like p 8/23/1954 #10169  
tanding close to it were two small beings dressed in silver uniforms. They  8/23/1954 #10172  
ght that was projected at him. The beings were under 1 meter (3.3 feet) tal 9/10/1954 #10288  
ve of trees. Several human-looking beings were then seen in front of the cr 9/11/1954 #10289  
y around the dome where human-like beings are standing. He stops the car, g 9/12/1954 #10290  
circular object on the ground. Two beings came out of it, then reentered th 9/27/1954 #10471  
 on the ground this afternoon. Two beings came out of it, then reentered th 9/27/1954 #10476  
a field by a single witness. Three beings were seen outside the craft for t 9/28/1954 #10492  
FR Girl. Saucer near ground. 2 odd beings with 'long knives'. / r217p176.   10/1954 #10530  
ve to the ground and two very tall beings, dressed in white, emerged from i 10/1/1954 #10574  
wingless. There were four humanoid beings wearing some type of rubber cover 10/9/1954 #10863  
r car and jump into a pasture. The beings were about the height of 11-year- 10/9/1954 #10868  
         In the predawn hours four beings 1.2 meters tall were busy underne 10/10/1954 #10898  
 Several witnesses saw seven small beings flee into a phosphorescent object 10/14/1954 #11042  
department, France saw seven small beings flee into a phosphorescent object 10/14/1954 #11063  
tness tried to get closer, but the beings rushed back inside the object at  10/17/1954 #11180  
he old factory. Near it were three beings: two, dwarfs, crossed the road ah 10/18/1954 #11211  
of them came small, red, monstrous beings who chased him. In a state of gre 10/19/1954 #11238  
 high antenna. Two small robotlike beings, 1.2 m tall, descended from it on 10/19/1954 #11240  
 came several small, monstrous red beings that chased after him. Mr. Senesi 10/19/1954 #11247  
tall antenna. Two small robot-like beings, 1.2 meters or four feet tall, de 10/19/1954 #11254  
a field by the rider. Four of more beings were seen inside the craft. One s 10/22/1954 #11322  
it there were several small stocky beings. They were moving back and forth  11/1/1954 #11522  
 railway employee, saw three short beings in tight fitting, luminous covera 11/13/1954 #11642  
ened. M. G. was unable to view the beings clearly; they stood approximately 11/23/1954 #11697  
 10 m away behind some bushes. The beings were small, about 35 cm tall, had 11/25/1954 #11703  
tucci, watched three 1.2-foot-tall beings with very large heads and gray sk 11/25/1954 #11704  
ght from the craft and the strange beings flew away.                        11/28/1954 #11720  
e craft land. Three small-statured beings emerge from it.                   11/28/1954 #11723  
 source of fiery light. Four small beings emerged and attacked them, in an  12/10/1954 #11794  
se 349, Pedro Morais saw two human beings dressed in "yellow bags" take a t 12/11/1954 #11800  
 its underside. Soon he sees small beings come down from the large object,  12/15/1954 #11815  
ne of the creatures. All the short beings enter the craft and it takes off. 12/19/1954 #11838  
 two human figures next to it. The beings were of normal height, wearing da 12/28/1954 #11869  
 and inside he could see two short beings dressed in black and wearing larg 12/30/1954 #11882  
ack and wearing large helmets. The beings looked human with olive colored s 12/30/1954 #11882  
rom outer space and are piloted by beings of superior intelligence.” He sus 2/2/1955 #11967  
ve feet above the ground. Two tall beings stood motionless nearby.          2/4/1955 #11974  
res near the road. They were small beings with thin arms, large eyes, and p 7/3/1955 #12231  
res near the road. They were small beings with thin arms, wide shoulders, l 7/3/1955 #12233  
tnesses claimed to have seen three beings emerge from a sphere. They were t 7/19/1956 #12991  
ed object from which emerged three beings. They were nearly 2 m tall, had l 7/20/1956 #12993  
ped object from which emerge three beings. They are nearly 6 feet tall and  7/20/1956 #12996  
all-shaped object from which three beings emerged. They were nearly two met 7/20/1956 #12997  
ntelligible contacts between human beings and the occupants of interplaneta 2/26/1957 #13514  
closer to investigate and sees two beings about 4 feet tall leave the UFO w 9/1957 #13966  
y to a river. After 10 minutes the beings return with the vessel apparently 9/1957 #13966  
 the witnesses saw seven childlike beings, with long hair and luminous suit 10/10/1957 #14092  
 the witnesses saw seven childlike beings, with long hair and luminous suit 10/10/1957 #14097  
s that two diminutive, long-haired beings emerge from a landed UFO, come in 10/25/1957 #14155  
tc. They looked to be normal human beings, although their skin was an olive 11/6/1957 #14434  
paralyzed. After a short time, the beings make a military about-face and re 11/7/1957 #14459  
 two figures who looked like human beings, sitting one behind the other abo 11/22/1957 #14595  
 two figures who looked like human beings, sitting one behind the other abo 11/22/1957 #14596  
us chemical workers; they reported beings falling from the sky without para 1/26/1958 #14843  
 bright object land and claim that beings fell from the sky without parachu 1/26/1958 #14844  
ity, Japan at 4 p.m. They reported beings falling from the sky without para 1/26/1958 #14845  
 named R. Benson saw two thin Grey beings, who were walking in slow circles 12/11/1958 #15474  
ar and blew the horn for help. The beings fled and the craft took off, emit 12/20/1958 #15487  
ar and blew the horn for help. The beings then fled and the craft took off, 12/20/1958 #15491  
 think it is very stupid for human beings to think no one else in the unive 3/11/1959 #15634  
, one at a time. The last of these beings asked Da Silva for a sheet of pap 4/26/1959 #15714  
" reported Father Gill. One of the beings waved back in an apparent respons 6/26/1959 #15791  
luminated area in green light, two beings visible in dome                   7/13/1959 #15841  
silvery-orange outfits. One of the beings bent down under the object and ap 10/16/1959 #16035  
shlight on and when he did so both beings re-entered the object, which then 10/16/1959 #16035  
s given a medical examination. The beings wore silvery gray outfits with a  11/15/1959 #16088  
nt near them and saw several small beings, pale-looking, making friendly ge 5/13/1960 #16273  
nt near them and saw several small beings, palelooking, making friendly ges 5/14/1960 #16275  
 approaches, he sees two humanlike beings outside, talking to each other. T 5/14/1960 #16276  
 them and saw several small pallid beings, who were making friendly gesture 5/14/1960 #16277  
skiwin, Alberta, Canada to see two beings in her bedroom, one at each end o 8/8/1961 #16786  
mination by “intelligent, humanoid beings.”                                 9/29/1961 #16877  
 in a meadow in Rivoli, Italy. Two beings exited the craft and then reboard 4/9/1962 #17104  
r before dawn, with a message. The beings had their heads covered with a ho 4/10/1962 #17106  
at landed, and of the "ugly" giant beings who emerged from it. Approximate  5/22/1962 #17190  
 ENTRE RIOS, ARG Physician. 2 huge beings near saucer by roadway. No furthe 7/18/1962 #17282  
overalls with visors. When the two beings saw the witnesses, they used hand 7/18/1962 #17283  
ime a doctor saw two huge humanoid beings near a saucer by the side of the  7/18/1962 #17284  
lino Mafra da Silva sees two small beings, about three feet tall, digging a 8/17/1962 #17336  
 which he is taken aboard a UFO by beings wearing pumpkin-colored jumpsuits 8/26/1962 #17362  
 in the plantation. Three humanoid beings jumped out, attacked another man, 9/16/1962 #17407  
e panic and run when several small beings got out of a disc-shaped UFO. The 4/1/1963 #17721  
f in the presence of three strange beings with the gait of robots. Nearby h 10/12/1963 #17988  
volver, he fired four shots at the beings, who fled to the object. It then  10/12/1963 #17988  
e replete with references to space beings who came to Earth in several wave 1964 #18103  
ing in a gully. Two four-foot tall beings in white spacesuits stood next to 4/24/1964 #18202  
s treed by humanoid and robot-like beings after a UFO was observed descendi 9/4/1964 #18531  
scend and land. Two short humanoid beings, wearing silvery white coveralls, 9/4/1964 #18535  
nced off and caused no damage. The beings remained in the area, as far as h 9/4/1964 #18535  
e tree. After a while two humanoid beings and a robot-like creature approac 9/5/1964 #18539  
hrum is in a state of siege as the beings try to dislodge him from the tree 9/5/1964 #18539  
throwing them down to frighten the beings away; they back away. Finally, he 9/5/1964 #18539  
epeated all night. Near dawn, more beings approach and “large volumes of sm 9/5/1964 #18539  
n hilltop, large group of humanoid beings engaged in apparent repair operat 11/25/1964 #18636  
ars she can see some 9–11 humanoid beings apparently engaged in repair work 11/25/1964 #18637  
        Brand's Flats, VA Humanoid beings emerged from landed object at arc 1/19/1965 #18747  
raft land and five tall, "Cyclops" beings (i.e. creatures with only one eye 1/31/1965 #18789  
ne. They saw three eight-foot tall beings, very thin in build, emerge from  2/14/1965 #18814  
anded in a pasture, and three tall beings enveloped in luminous halos emerg 2/21/1965 #18825  
ion to go down on their knees. The beings approached slowly, with gestures  2/21/1965 #18825  
ops nearby and a door opens. Three beings appear and beckon to him. He appr 4/24/1965 #18916  
aches the saucer. Two of the three beings appear to be nonhuman, but the th 4/24/1965 #18916  
communication with two small alien beings, about three feet tall. The witne 5/3/1965 #18925  
 on this day in 1965 three glowing beings allegedly appeared to a witness n 6/7/1965 #18997  
ee George Adamski died. One of the beings calls himself "Yamski." The witne 6/7/1965 #18997  
viduals who look like normal human beings, though slightly shorter (5 feet  7/1965 #19039  
bobs up and down slightly, and the beings’ arms are moving in a way that re 7/1965 #19039  
in unfamiliar language. One of the beings had a bright object in his hand.  7/26/1965 #19179  
 and hovers next to the first. Two beings about 5 feet tall emerge from the 7/26/1965 #19181  
 and converse with the others. The beings reenter the objects, which take o 7/26/1965 #19181  
an unfamiliar language. One of the beings had a bright object in its hand.  7/26/1965 #19183  
meters wide" in a cornfield. Three beings emerged from the craft, but when  8/6/1965 #19334  
 approached these two very unusual beings, while walking next to the bean f 8/13/1965 #19383  
re shiny clothes, like satin. Both beings wore sleveless purple vests over  8/13/1965 #19383  
ked back after running 50 feet the beings had completely vanished.          8/13/1965 #19383  
and was as wide as the road. Three beings inside the craft, who looked huma 8/14/1965 #19392  
h. Before it took off, three human beings were seen inside.                 8/15/1965 #19400  
 on the road ahead of her car. Two beings with slightly pointed heads & “wr 8/16/1965 #19410  
hree, made their appearance. These beings resembled “gnomes,” and they arou 8/16/1965 #19410  
n Inca site. Two luminous dwarfish beings, “of strange shape and dazzling b 8/20/1965 #19443  
ere blond, blue-eyed human-looking beings who were seven feet tall and wore 8/21/1965 #19450  
e said to have observed a group of beings, 3 m tall, without noses or mouth 9/10/1965 #19548  
up again to 16 feet and hover. The beings approach Ferro, then move back to 9/10/1965 #19550  
 nearby. They discharged two small beings, 27-31” tall, and then rose to ho 9/10/1965 #19551  
 to have observed a group of giant beings, three meters tall, without noses 9/10/1965 #19553  
saw two objects land. Two dwarfish beings emerged, 70 cm tall, dressed like 9/11/1965 #19554  
e witness also thought she saw two beings by the roadside.                  10/8/1965 #19651  
ghts (body lights) and three small beings about the size of 9-year-old chil 2/25/1966 #19917  
man-looking figures, and heard the beings shouting at each other loudly in  4/1/1966 #20203  
the service police approached, the beings got back in the craft and it took 4/4/1966 #20226  
ded on the outskirts of town. Four beings of small stature got out of the U 4/22/1966 #20379  
 landing of an oval object and two beings, who ame out of the object throug 5/10/1966 #20471  
g of an oval-shaped object and two beings at 4:52 p.m. The beings emerged f 5/10/1966 #20475  
ct and two beings at 4:52 p.m. The beings emerged from the object through a 5/10/1966 #20475  
aped object land 100 m away. Small beings resembling "green birds" came out 5/16/1966 #20488  
object land 100 meters away. Small beings resembling "green birds" came out 5/16/1966 #20489  
aped object land 100 m away. Small beings resembling "green birds" came out 5/16/1966 #20491  
ched, child like voice. The little beings then all ran back to the saucer-s 7/21/1966 #20663  
passing through a closed door. The beings were nearly identical in appearan 1/25/1967 #21389  
s offered some left over meat. The beings declined, asking that it be cooke 1/25/1967 #21389  
 which led her to believe that the beings were some form of "angels." Retur 1/25/1967 #21389  
" by the one remaining entity. The beings, holding spheres of light in thei 1/25/1967 #21389  
ed as an ellipse, landed, humanoid beings emerged and placed small spheres  2/5/1967 #21457  
An “elevator-like” shaft opens and beings emerge carrying small, circular b 2/5/1967 #21460  
identally steps on a twig, and the beings hear it. One runs toward him and  2/5/1967 #21460  
the object. As they get close, the beings look at each other, seemingly pan 2/5/1967 #21460  
sting on a shaft in a field. Small beings were reportedly moving around rap 2/14/1967 #21544  
Disc-shaped object in field, small beings moved around beneath it. Beings d 2/14/1967 #21550  
ll beings moved around beneath it. Beings disappeared behind shaft, object  2/14/1967 #21550  
 and forth. Several small humanoid beings, grayish green in color, moved ar 2/14/1967 #21552  
contrast images of four human-like beings apparently conversing. Lansing is 2/17/1967 #21586  
ded craft and one or more humanoid beings. (Boyer letter dated 5/5/67 in NI 3/12/1967 #21867  
 at the center. These "objects" or beings seemed to glide over the deep sno 3/12/1967 #21874  
d Munroe Falls, Ohio. Four or five beings, each under four-feet tall, stock 3/28/1967 #22007  
e was driving in Loco, Texas. Four beings, under five feet tall and with wr 4/11/1967 #22110  
ht flashes. Several short humanoid beings were seen walking around the obje 4/20/1967 #22172  
of the object the faces of strange beings, resembling bipedal cat-like crea 6/7/1967 #22479  
n't have a body." Two more strange beings were visible in the ship. Then th 6/9/1967 #22484  
, CAN 2:30 a.m. Three 3 to 4' tall beings, light colored clothing, helmets, 6/13/1967 #22501  
candles and when she returned both beings and the light had vanished. Two s 7/7/1967 #22631  
ric Zurcher, "We now know that the beings in question were already in the a 7/17/1967 #22684  
filled with static and unspecified beings, which turned the car around and  7/17/1967 #22686  
         Churchville, NY Two small beings, shiny black garb. Saturn-shaped  7/31/1967 #22759  
n near ground in truck headlights. Beings boarded, took off straight up. (H 7/31/1967 #22759  
rised to see two 3-foot-tall dwarf beings dressed in shiny black uniforms r 7/31/1967 #22762  
ere are three humanoid, child-size beings that they initially think are nak 8/13/1967 #22873  
earing a tight suit of yellow. The beings seem to be playing around silentl 8/13/1967 #22873  
da Souza shoots the closest of the beings. At the same time, the UFO emits  8/13/1967 #22873  
ng, interposes herself between the beings and the body of her husband, and  8/13/1967 #22873  
is rifle. But during this time the beings have retrieved the one that had f 8/13/1967 #22873  
p of the owner of the Fazenda. The beings were as tall as young children, h 8/13/1967 #22874  
 three legs. The witness saw three beings about 3-4 feet tall and wearing h 8/23/1967 #22897  
und in field, three small humanoid beings emerged, apparently gathered spec 8/23/1967 #22903  
itchen. They encountered two small beings who when discovered left hurriedl 8/23/1967 #22907  
Wodonga, Victoria, AU Two humanoid beings in silvery suits, round helmets,  8/24/1967 #22911  
, Victoria, Australia Two humanoid beings in silvery suits, round helmets,  8/24/1967 #22915  
 France. They see four small black beings about 47 inches tall with large h 8/29/1967 #22954  
As the UFO begins to take off, the beings are sucked into it head-first, an 8/29/1967 #22954  
oser examination they saw that the beings were completely black---either na 8/29/1967 #22955  
 hovering nearby and several small beings with large heads (humanoids) movi 9/15/1967 #23064  
 hovering nearby and several small beings with large heads moving around it 9/15/1967 #23069  
rtholes landed on a soccer field. (Beings seen in association with the obje 9/17/1967 #23075  
 Barcelona, Spain 12:30 a.m. Small beings (humanoids) with large heads and  9/21/1967 #23104  
ground. Near it were several small beings with large heads, who were approa 9/21/1967 #23106  
rms and bright helmets. Two of the beings climbed up the turret, manipulati 10/1/1967 #23160  
.m., a young woman saw three small beings dressed in copper-red suits. Othe 10/13/1967 #23234  
Through these windows two humanoid beings were visible, each less than 5'7" 10/24/1967 #23309  
ear the groin, and then one of the beings came up to his left side and some 10/24/1967 #23310  
isc with dome above car, two small beings descended, entered car. See Secti 11/2/1967 #23387  
 Domed disc, lights along rim, two beings visible in clear dome, hovered ab 11/2/1967 #23389  
ent field, witnesses confronted by beings                                   11/2/1967 #23389  
oke like "piano keys" on them. The beings stared at Wilson intently. Wilson 11/28/1967 #23517  
fects on his vehicle, meeting with beings, and being on the craft. (Hall, 2 12/3/1967 #23541  
and later reported visits by small beings and physical marks left on her bo 12/8/1967 #23560  
ves he had been "contacted" by the beings aboard the UFO. He also believes  12/25/1967 #23609  
icle operated by intelligent alien beings was responsible for the parting o 1968 #23624  
touching shoulders, and one of the beings, which had introduced himself as  1/25/1968 #23700  
is a small balustrade on which two beings are leaning. The silhouettes of t 1/31/1968 #23715  
aning. The silhouettes of two more beings are visible in the tower. The obj 1/31/1968 #23715  
th a small balustrade on which two beings were standing." (Magonia #904; FS 2/1/1968 #23722  
th a small balustrade on which two beings were standing." There were two ot 2/1/1968 #23723  
alustrade against which two of the beings were leaning. The other two could 2/1/1968 #23724  
ower" with a small balustrade. Two beings were leaning against the railing, 2/2/1968 #23727  
 and his wife noticed three winged beings flying at an estimated altitude o 5/10/1968 #23956  
stimated altitude of 500 feet. The beings appeared to be covered with feath 5/10/1968 #23956  
r. Since this experience the alien beings have allegedly contacted Parravic 6/4/1968 #24006  
erworldly environment, where giant beings were dwelling in an aerial city.T 6/20/1968 #24056  
ing in an aerial city.Two of these beings, over two meters tall, conducted  6/20/1968 #24056  
er lands / several salt marshes. 3 beings grab small objects / homes.       6/24/1968 (approximate) #24073  
 light stood two strangely dressed beings. They both wore metallic diving s 6/24/1968 #24076  
ir visors and lower abdomens. Both beings vanished suddenly.                6/24/1968 #24076  
das pleads that “We must call upon beings from other planets when they come 6/26/1968 #24084  
the same UFO manned by these three beings. The UFO was reported to have lan 6/26/1968 #24085  
e would someday meet with advanced beings from the cosmos who would provide 7/1968 #24109  
and cannot go further. He sees two beings inside a transparent cupola on th 7/1968 #24109  
 encountered two very tall strange beings in Ricardone, Entre Rios, Argenti 7/1/1968 #24119  
 10:00 p.m.. Later several shadowy beings were seen entering nearby homes a 7/2/1968 #24137  
les that encircle the craft. These beings move back and forth, passing each 7/22/1968 #24204  
es that encircled the craft. These beings moved back and forth, passing eac 7/22/1968 #24205  
It settled to the ground and three beings more than six feet tall, wearing  7/25/1968 #24226  
e gun fire at them, upon which the beings lifted up their hands to show a s 7/25/1968 #24226  
f using their guns. Only after the beings re-entered the UFO and it had tak 7/25/1968 #24226  
ve ground. In the object stood two beings, 90 cm tall, wearing coveralls. ( 7/31/1968 #24269  
in height. In the object stood two beings, 90 cm tall, wearing coveralls. A 7/31/1968 #24270  
d very close to the witnesses. Two beings could be seen inside the dome. Th 8/7/1968 #24308  
al openings, and small mouths. The beings apparently communicated telepathi 8/7/1968 #24308  
Next to the object stood two short beings; the witness bicycled closer to t 8/25/1968 #24377  
adder extended to the ground. Both beings wore helmets with visors from whi 8/25/1968 #24377  
r outfits were white in color. The beings stood by the object ignoring the  8/25/1968 #24377  
nable to move and several humanoid beings standing near an enormous landed  9/1/1968 #24421  
reen full of dystopian images. The beings prick their fingers and take bloo 9/1/1968 #24421  
with three strange, five-foot tall beings with unusually large bald heads,  9/1/1968 #24422  
is time with no water. Finally the beings took hold of the witnesses' left  9/1/1968 #24422  
 had contact with extraterrestrial beings. He said he was going along Natio 9/10/1968 #24450  
from the object, and human-looking beings appeared inside each beam. All as 9/20/1968 #24490  
pain Sr. Ballesta, age 52, saw two beings with frightful yellowish faces, w 9/21/1968 #24496  
nstrument panel. Pereira sees four beings around it wearing blue tunics and 10/2/1968 #24537  
weapon that immobilized him. Three beings were standing on a platform under 10/9/1968 #24553  
weapon that immobilized him. Three beings were standing on a platform under 10/9/1968 #24554  
could dimly see two four-foot-tall beings with large heads and abnormally l 10/15/1968 #24563  
s were found at the site where the beings had been seen. The hitchhiker cou 10/15/1968 #24563  
 around it in a spiral. Facing the beings was a crowd of about 20 people, i 11/21/1968 #24676  
nder and the people closest to the beings were paralyzed, while the others  11/21/1968 #24676  
 seen inside the craft. One of the beings scratched dirt from the ground, b 11/25/1968 #24707  
ly fascinated and shout out to the beings. At this time they are joined by  1/6/1969 #24822  
th no apparent joint movement. The beings were tall and well built, with no 1/6/1969 #24822  
t luminosity. From the craft three beings descended. They were huge, "about 1/14/1969 #24842  
rvers. Mrs. Olga Vas said that the beings descended from the larger craft i 1/14/1969 #24842  
 began howling. The silhouettes of beings could be seen moving around in fr 1/16/1969 #24853  
de the craft, through windows. The beings, 4.5 feet tall, were dressed in t 2/6/1969 #24897  
her back than on a human hand. The beings spoke in “hoarse, guttural” sound 2/6/1969 #24897  
 ground. Machado can see two other beings inside. The men walk toward him,  2/7/1969 #24901  
ous, so he lights a cigarette. The beings apparently think this is funny, s 2/7/1969 #24901  
 friends calls out to him, and the beings walk back to the UFO, still facin 2/7/1969 #24901  
nd floated to the ground. Two more beings were visible through windows insi 2/7/1969 #24902  
ough windows inside the craft. The beings were 4.5 feet tall and dressed in 2/7/1969 #24902  
it would be on a human's hand. The beings spoke in “hoarse, guttural” sound 2/7/1969 #24902  
nge looking aggressive tan skinned beings. The men were 1.5 meters (4.95 fe 2/12/1969 #24915  
 a strange craft and five humanoid beings, described as tall and luminous.  2/28/1969 #24951  
 door on the craft opened and some beings floated out. The beings were pres 3/6/1969 #24979  
d and some beings floated out. The beings were presumably humanoid but were 3/6/1969 #24979  
converging on the hill, he saw two beings come out of the craft. The craft  3/31/1969 #25041  
heads, and large black eyes. These beings were well built and wore tight fi 4/5/1969 #25051  
s. Around the object she saw three beings about the size of 11-year-old chi 4/12/1969 #25059  
dred yards away stood two humanoid beings, "taller than normal," wearing da 4/26/1969 #25096  
lyzes his legs. Two small humanoid beings, joined by a third, drag him off  5/4/1969 #25114  
very blond “like a foreigner.” The beings do not speak any Portuguese but,  5/4/1969 #25114  
esus. The figure vanishes, and the beings who have abducted him start quarr 5/4/1969 #25114  
masked two four-foot-tall humanoid beings, who wore shining light-colored g 5/4/1969 #25115  
was confronted by the same type of beings that Jose Antonio Da Silva encoun 5/5/1969 #25117  
ically. The witness identified the beings from various drawings, including  5/5/1969 #25117  
the headlights of the vehicle. The beings stood motionless at first, but th 5/11/1969 #25128  
rowing on the embankment the three beings had scaled. Beyond the embankment 5/11/1969 #25128  
ground. Two little three-foot tall beings, with features like humans, got o 5/19/1969 #25147  
 this room were six small humanoid beings only 31 inches tall. They had big 5/20/1969 #25151  
er four or five minutes one of the beings moved a control and the illuminat 5/20/1969 #25151  
he appearance of the flying saucer beings. Many people, including Idaho Sta 7/12/1969 #25263  
ecessary that you see it.” The two beings inside the dome then looked at th 11/15/1969 #25461  
boys drove up in a car and saw the beings they drove into the parking lot.  12/27/1969 #25510  
 are produced by ultraterrestrials—beings who are able to manipulate matter 1970 #25519  
hree-and-a-half-foot tall humanoid beings. The bulky humanoids wore red top 6/4/1970 #25690  
und its neck. Then three more such beings appeared, all alike except that o 6/4/1970 #25690  
y the creatures perceived him. The beings communicated via telepathy and he 8/15/1970 #25787  
ey stood about five feet tall. The beings got to within 50 feet of a house  8/24/1970 #25802  
itnesses boarded a bus, one of the beings extended his arm upward. At this  8/24/1970 #25802  
ugal at 10:30 a.m. Two 5-foot-tall beings wearing backpacks with aerials we 9/20/1970 #25844  
ws through which two human looking beings could be seen. The object emitted 9/25/1970 #25851  
craft could be seen two human-like beings. The UFO emitted a high-pitched s 9/25/1970 #25853  
ed by half a dozen three-foot tall beings in his room "who went around touc 11/24/1970 #25917  
ht in Itaperuna, Brazil. Two other beings of the same stature were seen ins 12/20/1970 #25949  
s who wore silvery spacesuits. The beings paralyzed them and loaded them on 1/1/1971 #25966  
e could see about 20 more of these beings, some upright and others on all f 3/5/1971 #26044  
here he encountered 4 or 5 similar beings, 7 foot tall and with grayish ski 3/14/1971 #26047  
mably the being's home planet. The beings that examined him had huge ears,  3/14/1971 #26047  
nded vehicle and three human-sized beings emerge with an odd, gray complexi 5/1971 #26091  
d, darting movements. At times the beings seemed to pick something up from  7/27/1971 #26247  
 were standing three short, chubby beings approximately 20 inchestall, with 9/22/1971 #26365  
in the object and three diminutive beings, less than two feet tall, jumped  9/25/1971 #26379  
ss heads and large black eyes. The beings communicated telepathically with  10/16/1971 #26427  
 first. There were two other short beings seated inside. The craft then fle 12/20/1971 #26510  
or opened in the craft and several beings emerged from a red illuminated in 12/31/1971 #26525  
ment panel. Several other humanoid beings were seen standing behind other w 3/25/1972 #26623  
r-foot humanoids, resembling human beings but with long arms that dangled t 5/2/1972 #26669  
ser the two men could see that the beings were unusually broad shouldered a 8/18/1972 #26928  
o float in air" while walking. The beings started to approach the witnesses 8/18/1972 #26928  
earby field, out of which came two beings about five feet tall. They took s 8/25/1972 #26954  
nez saw an ovoid object land. Some beings exited from the craft and took co 10/14/1972 #27076  
angely paralyzed and confused. The beings reenter the UFO, which moves stra 10/28/1972 #27095  
 Kendall abduction, three types of beings (UFOE II, Section XIII). (NICAP:  11/26/1972 #27144  
 Kendall abduction, three types of beings                                   11/26/1972 #27145  
 four-foot tall, square-shouldered beings emerged, wearing black suits and  11/28/1972 #27151  
 in back of the house. Three small beings emerge from it, wearing what appe 12/13/1972 #27176  
f whitish or light-gray color. The beings keep their elbows close to the bo 12/13/1972 #27176  
g suit" with an opaque helmet. The beings arms were cut off short without a 3/13/1973 #27343  
o luminous silhouettes of humanoid beings, one behind the beam and one "sli 3/24/1973 #27373  
o luminous silhouettes of humanoid beings, one behind the beam and one "sli 3/25/1973 #27376  
pared the appearance of the little beings to stories of little people from  5/22/1973 #27520  
 himself in a round room with four beings. Then a woman comes in and the en 7/27/1973 #27656  
himself in a round room where four beings stood. A woman entered the room a 7/27/1973 #27657  
. A woman entered the room and the beings began talking and touching the wi 7/27/1973 #27657  
olombia saw four small, human-like beings, dressed in white uniforms, benea 8/10/1973 #27692  
te uniforms, beneath a bridge. The beings were only 20 centimeters tall and 8/10/1973 #27692  
e road ahead of the car. Two small beings emerged.                          9/3/1973 #27755  
all apparently human or human-like beings and beautiful in appearance. Thro 9/26/1973 #27872  
yed gently from side to side. Both beings had large baldheads, slanted eyes 10/3/1973 #27926  
iscerned. Moments later one of the beings opened his mouth and a high-pitch 10/3/1973 #27926  
ed the room. At the same time both beings began to fade and disappeared.    10/3/1973 #27926  
rs in the object and three strange beings float just above the river toward 10/11/1973 #27997  
 a brilliantly lit interior. Three beings came out and floated toward the w 10/11/1973 #28005  
loated toward the witnesses. These beings were about five feet tall. Their  10/11/1973 #28005  
ere elephant-like. When two of the beings grabbed Hickson by his arms he fe 10/11/1973 #28005  
s face and circled around him. The beings that held Hickson moved in a stif 10/11/1973 #28005  
ncy. One made a buzzing sound. The beings then disappeared for some time. W 10/11/1973 #28005  
rd" a message in his mind that the beings were peaceful. Hickson subsequent 10/11/1973 #28005  
which apparently involved the same beings. Two involved telepathic communic 10/11/1973 #28005  
t looked like a scroll. Three more beings, different from the others and on 10/14/1973 #28031  
ther the "spaceship" or any of the beings. Jim hustled them into the camper 10/14/1973 #28031  
 the examination none of the three beings touched Gabriella. The man at the 10/16/1973 #28089  
ng a "machine" of some sort, three beings lifted the woman from a couch and 10/16/1973 #28093  
 craft and at least two human like beings. The humanoids did not communicat 10/16/1973 #28093  
nd blue," in contrast to the three beings that took her from her home who w 10/16/1973 #28093  
test and a gynecological exam. The beings were able to read her mind. One o 10/16/1973 #28093  
on the road. He stops and sees two beings with red faces and white hair. Br 10/17/1973 #28132  
ps halfway out of his car, but the beings return to the object, which takes 10/17/1973 #28132  
te stop. Two small 4 1/2 foot tall beings clad in silver suits and white gl 10/17/1973 #28139  
his car with a gun in his hand the beings turned and re-entered the craft,  10/17/1973 #28139  
nd conversed with seven human-like beings, four men and three women, who go 10/17/1973 #28141  
out of the truck by six robot-like beings that seemed to read his mind. The 10/17/1973 #28143  
 rectangular eye slots. One of the beings wore something resembling a gas m 10/19/1973 #28197  
 cars was shaken while parked. The beings made modulated whistling sounds.  10/19/1973 #28197  
tion he could see a ladder and two beings standing beside it. They were hum 10/19/1973 #28198  
o have claw-like hands. One of the beings was described as more human looki 10/19/1973 #28199  
d a band around her head. The male beings wore one-piece silver metallic ju 10/19/1973 #28199  
n she is led outside by two of the beings and floated to her vehicle.       10/19/1973 #28199  
sieged campers were watched by the beings, who remained in constant motion  10/20/1973 #28222  
 saw the same or a similar pair of beings on the road. They were described  10/22/1973 #28244  
 were found in the field where the beings had last been seen.               10/22/1973 #28244  
ings, KY A woman saw two 3-ft tall beings in her carport who walked around  10/23/1973 #28249  
noids who were near her house. The beings were first seen in her carport, a 10/23/1973 #28251  
en a UFO lands and three humanlike beings, two men and a woman, approach hi 10/28/1973 #28309  
om the UFO, Llanca lets one of the beings take a blood sample and later rem 10/28/1973 #28309  
t behind him, and three human-like beings. He then began to feel weak and b 10/28/1973 #28311  
nd barely able to move. One of the beings approached and pulled him to his  10/28/1973 #28311  
, yellow footwear, and gloves. The beings spoke among themselves in a "sque 10/28/1973 #28311  
d could not proceed. Meanwhile the beings continued to maneuver over the su 10/29/1973 #28319  
around the pond, but this time the beings returned to the UFO. The images o 10/29/1973 #28319  
could make out a group of humanoid beings of tall stature, moving around in 10/31/1973 #28326  
o more tall, smiling entities. The beings removed their helmets; they had h 11/3/1973 #28362  
e, Veneto province, Italy, see two beings, about 4 feet 11 inches tall, dre Mid 11/1973 #28424  
y see an unconventional craft. The beings run to the UFO and speed away. Ma Mid 11/1973 #28424  
etallic, silvery outfits. When the beings spoke they appeared to emit an "e 11/15/1973 #28426  
oard were two other very different beings with "avocado-shaped heads", dres 11/18/1973 #28443  
he "mother ship." One of the other beings took Castillo to a closet on the  11/18/1973 #28443  
n the glowing object. Two humanoid beings approach him. They have broad sho 1/7/1974 #28660  
with a white light underneath. Two beings were seen coming from the directi 1/7/1974 #28661  
s" on each side of the chest. Both beings had long arms. The interior of th 1/7/1974 #28661  
ing guard near the object. The two beings approached to within four meters  1/7/1974 #28661  
ctric blue color on top. The three beings boarded, the landing gear withdre 1/7/1974 #28661  
that the lights were five humanoid beings that were walking gracefully in t 1/15/1974 #28680  
awater reached their chests. These beings were dressed in diving suits and  1/15/1974 #28680  
a tube going onto their backs. The beings walked out of the water and onto  1/15/1974 #28680  
om the apparent craft. Three small beings, about 1.0 to 1.2 meters tall, we 2/14/1974 #28770  
elf face to face with two humanoid beings and having no memory of having st 2/28/1974 #28820  
ound himself face to face with two beings he described as "cosmonauts" stan 2/28/1974 #28822  
above the ground to the right. Two beings appeared in front of the landed o 3/21/1974 #28920  
recalled seeing four "transparent" beings who had grabbed him, and he then  3/23/1974 #28938  
en was apparently studied by these beings inside a UFO. He suffered from se 3/23/1974 #28938  
nother object is 60 feet away. Two beings come out of the first UFO, point  3/26/1974 #28956  
s, was seen 15-20 meters away. Two beings came out of the first vehicle, po 3/26/1974 #28957  
: “We have no way of keeping these beings out. We just don’t know what to d 4/1974 #28982  
y “We have no way of keeping these beings out. We just don’t know what to d 4/1974 #28984  
 rotated. No sound. Three humanoid beings. Object hovered, occupants visibl 4/16/1974 #29037  
ly Disc with dome descended, three beings visible inside transparent dome   4/16/1974 #29038  
ide the dome are three human- like beings with large, round, opaque, grayis 4/16/1974 #29040  
ection, then moves back. All three beings then rotate in unison. At this po 4/16/1974 #29040  
 the cabin there were three seated beings who were visible, wearing fishbow 4/16/1974 #29042  
extending to the ground, stood two beings named "Alton" and "Tombo" that sh 5/5/1974 #29086  
 she saw five or six more humanoid beings seated around a table, eating. Sh 5/5/1974 #29086  
the roof of the building. When the beings noticed her they re-entered the o 5/7/1974 #29093  
l figures looking down at him. The beings called him by his name, and then  5/9/1974 #29098  
moving low over the field with two beings inside. Five other humanoids were 5/26/1974 #29136  
arby, moving with heavy steps. The beings wore khaki uniforms with large be 5/26/1974 #29136  
ralyzing both him and his dog. The beings and the strange craft soon left t 5/26/1974 #29136  
els, and interacting with physical beings that he believed could take on an 5/31/1974 #29150  
shock, then heard a sound, and the beings vanished. At 9:30 EDT, less than  6/6/1974 #29170  
 it. He saw 3-4 very tall (8 feet) beings, who wore glowing silver suits an 6/7/1974 #29171  
 discern no facial features on the beings. Later, a chute emerged from the  6/8/1974 #29173  
 area like daytime. Three humanoid beings are visible inside the object. Ea 6/14/1974 #29191  
side the turret he could see three beings more than two meters tall, moving 6/14/1974 #29193  
as the object landed. Two humanoid beings, who were more than two meters ta 8/5/1974 #29311  
 in the car forward. Grey humanoid beings approached their stopped car from 8/22/1974 #29376  
Under hypnosis it emerged that the beings communicated with them using tele 8/22/1974 #29376  
bject emerged three "strange short beings wearing greenish spacesuits". The 8/31/1974 #29405  
 tall, "waddling" toward them. The beings were dressed in metallic suits an 9/19/1974 #29464  
lantique, France. He described the beings as robot-like, with bumpy looking 9/29/1974 #29492  
 tell no further details about the beings arms or legs. Cravero was impress 11/8/1974 #29589  
dible footsteps on the stairs. Two beings appeared on the landing. Their bo 12/2/1974 #29630  
ring over a neighboring house. The beings, who ignored the witness, were vi 12/22/1974 #29656  
iameter with luminous walls. Three beings, about 5' 9" tall, entered the sp 1/5/1975 #29723  
He, Reunion, France Three humanoid beings in protective gear emerged from d 2/14/1975 #29810  
le, Reunion, France Three humanoid beings in protective gear emerged from d 2/14/1975 #29811  
olding a shining object. Two other beings emerge, all with antennae on thei 2/14/1975 #29812  
 by a powerful flash of light. The beings run up the ladder and withdraw it 2/14/1975 #29812  
Previously, she reportedly saw odd beings on a train in 1959 and a luminous 3/6/1975 #29876  
were three very tall human looking beings, who wore bright white uniforms a 6/1/1975 #30074  
ground. Inside the craft were four beings. They were small, pale, fair hair 7/31/1975 #30219  
ers directly in front of them. The beings were about 1.50 metes tall, and t 8/8/1975 #30244  
d marks in the area covered by the beings, they did find the ground blacken 8/8/1975 #30244  
zen, Abducted! Confrontations with Beings from Outer Space, p. 38; David F. 8/13/1975 #30262  
itnesses attempted to approach the beings, but were prevented by an "invisi 8/18/1975 #30288  
an otherworldly journey with three beings on a UFO. Clark writes: “What mak 8/26/1975 #30310  
y profession), woke up to find two beings in silvery suits standing near he 9/15/1975 #30363  
k side of the road two 8 foot tall beings wearing wearing silvery boots and 10/26/1975 #30475  
g room where there were four other beings. Here he was told to undress and  10/27/1975 #30489  
w transported back to his car. The beings told him they would see him again 10/27/1975 #30489  
zed he resisted revealing when the beings told him they would return. Their 10/27/1975 #30489  
pse of woods 50 meters away. These beings had very long arms and were takin 11/8/1975 #30584  
t's friend ran after them, but the beings climbed the slope so quickly that 11/8/1975 #30584  
o'clock in the morning to find two beings standing beside her bed in Fargo, 12/2/1975 #30681  
 in Arizona when two human looking beings entered. One was male and the oth 12/4/1975 #30685  
s. At one point he was told by the beings that they had lost the will to re 12/4/1975 #30685  
aki, which he claims was a race of beings from a planet beyond Neptune call 1976 #30744  
he concept of “Star People,” human beings tied by physiology, past lives, o 1976 #30745  
l recalled being abducted by alien beings on a spaceship, and probed in man 1/6/1976 #30762  
ed in the upper portion, and three beings that looked like “robots” resembl 1/9/1976 #30781  
in white. There were two more such beings in the door of a translucent UFO. 1/14/1976 #30786  
arnet, saw two very short humanoid beings shuffle rapidly across a road. Th 2/10/1976 #30862  
arnet, saw two very short humanoid beings shuffle rapidly across a road. Th 2/10/1976 #30863  
1:00 a.m., making a humming noise. Beings were seen through the windows in  2/25/1976 #30901  
oid report. Woman encountered two "beings" while driving on a country road  2/25/1976 #30903  
light at her before she sped away. Beings described as very tall "with larg 2/25/1976 #30903  
1:00 a.m., making a humming noise. Beings were seen through the windows in  2/25/1976 #30906  
aught sight of two eight-foot tall beings standing about fifteen feet from  2/25/1976 #30908  
ome type of metallic platform. Two beings in shiny suits, less than five fe 3/3/1976 #30919  
ome type of metallic platform. Two beings in shiny suits, less than five fe 3/3/1976 #30922  
ed and taken aboard the craft. The beings communicated with the boy using t 3/3/1976 #30922  
6.6 feet tall. The couple said the beings communicated with them by telepat 3/5/1976 #30928  
nd could not move when he saw four beings emerge from the craft via a ladde 4/2/1976 #30978  
nd could not move when he saw four beings emerge from the craft via a ladde 4/2/1976 #30980  
oor opens on the UFO and two small beings emerge. One holds something like  4/3/1976 #30983  
yes. In single file the three tall beings walked to a potato field where se 4/23/1976 #31019  
he potatoes for a few seconds, the beings then stared at the witness. At th 4/23/1976 #31019  
athically. A few seconds later the beings suddenly vanished in plain sight. 4/23/1976 #31019  
 taken aboard the UFO by two short beings with large eyes, wearing black co 6/11/1976 #31103  
luminous, no sound. Two human-like beings over 6' tall, flesh color, large  6/22/1976 #31127  
y see some panels and two enormous beings on a platform. The humanoids are  6/22/1976 #31128  
in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to see two beings of average height. She could not  8/1/1976 #31218  
 A white light went out from these beings toward the east. She heard a loud 8/1/1976 #31218  
seeing two small “extraterrestrial beings", about 1.20 or 1.30 meters high, 8/4/1976 #31232  
ro-magnetic effects). Huge saucer. Beings / large eyes.                     8/6/1976 #31237  
” looking at them. Two 7-foot tall beings are apparently floating near the  8/6/1976 #31240  
ht rays went out, and they saw two beings standing or floating beside the o 8/6/1976 #31241  
lding tubes about a yard long. The beings were stocky with wide shoulders,  8/6/1976 #31241  
, five foot seven inches tall. The beings put their hands over their eyes,  8/7/1976 #31245  
rnett, saw two very short humanoid beings shuffling rapidly across the road 8/16/1976 #31274  
probed and tested by four-fingered beings with almond- shaped eyes and lang 8/20/1976 #31282  
 up to Mr. Anderson and one of the beings extended his hand, which the witn 8/23/1976 #31294  
land 12:30 p.m. Three children see beings in polished-silver suits and a UF 8/25/1976 #31301  
self inside it, where two greenish beings sat with their arms over a table  8/25/1976 #31302  
t an inch taller than the boy. The beings appeared not to have any eyes, no 8/25/1976 #31302  
ts base, through which three small beings about 3 feet tall slowly descend. 9/3/1976 #31335  
e ground, close to some trees. The beings open their arms in an apparent bl 9/3/1976 #31335  
his knife and tosses it toward the beings; it whizzes through the air, but  9/3/1976 #31335  
base. Inside this beam three small beings levitated slowly to the ground. T 9/3/1976 #31341  
continued to walk, the three small beings spread out their arms in an obvio 9/3/1976 #31341  
. The witness threw a knife at the beings but it seems to strike an invisib 9/3/1976 #31341  
n the ground by his neighbors. The beings were described as heavy set and h 9/3/1976 #31341  
ents. The figures of three or four beings could be seen through oval-shaped 12/15/1976 #31606  
 got there. He was examined by the beings, and told telepathically that the 2/2/1977 #31781  
roached by two tall, human-looking beings wearing dark diver suit, who expl 2/20/1977 #31833  
nowhere, two strange alie- looking beings directly behind him. The figures  2/24/1977 #31846  
than 1.10 to 1.30 meters tall. The beings had somewhat human-looking bodies 2/24/1977 #31846  
eachfront he observed four strange beings dressed in brown. They seemed to  2/27/1977 #31853  
n the room are three or four other beings, in general similar to Onleel but 4/4/1977 #31943  
sounds coming from the street. The beings were about 4 feet 10 inches tall, 6/12/1977 #32161  
y before midnight by human-looking beings wearing coveralls. She was also g 6/20/1977 #32177  
They watched six or seven humanoid beings with glowing green belts, similar 8/1/1977 #32345  
n gesticulated with her arms, both beings remained indifferent to the witne 8/3/1977 #32356  
ue flashes were being emitted. The beings had stocky bodies and long, eleph 9/15/1977 #32485  
 belongings, as well as one of the beings. His watch had stopped at 2:20 a. 9/15/1977 #32485  
r fence line, he sees two of these beings. They ignore his command to halt, 11/16/1977 #32677  
y the kennels he sees two humanoid beings about 4 feet 8 inches in height w 12/2/1977 #32726  
 with boots and gloves. One of the beings looked different, because he had  1/31/1978 #32930  
sight of two somehat human looking beings coming down the road. They halted 2/5/1978 #32957  
set them apart from ordinary human beings were the exceptionally long arms  2/5/1978 #32957  
a cylindrical handrail. One of the beings led the way up, scaling the steps 2/5/1978 #32957  
e UFOnauts was that other, shorter beings were coming here who employed les 2/5/1978 #32957  
erience on board a spacecraft with beings from Zeta Reticuli. The leader te 3/18/1978 #33055  
uence by four-and-a-half-foot tall beings with spongy white skin, big eyes  3/18/1978 #33056  
e craft he encountered three short beings that wore uniforms with helmets a 3/24/1978 #33079  
lski drives his cart, with the two beings aboard, to a clearing where a lar 5/10/1978 #33196  
 are footprints left behind by the beings, though they do not describe them 5/10/1978 #33196  
ennas protruding from the top. The beings spoke to the witness, then took h 5/10/1978 #33199  
his point that he noticed two more beings seated at a strange looking conso 5/10/1978 #33199  
 at a strange looking console. The beings walked over to him and he was sur 5/10/1978 #33199  
not occupied, but soon human- like beings would arrive on Earth (NICAP: 05  5/15/1978 #33216  
 not occupied, but soon human-like beings will arrive on Earth. After conve 5/15/1978 #33217  
 not occupied, but soon human-like beings would arrive on Earth. After conv 5/15/1978 #33220  
e three short humanoids. The dwarf beings had large egg-like heads and very 6/16/1978 #33282  
 red in color. Two tall human-like beings. Long golden hair, wearing white  7/4/1978 #33329  
white robes. Three or four smaller beings with space suits and helmets. (NI 7/4/1978 #33329  
tain. Five or six "Nordic" looking beings with long blond hair emerged from 7/4/1978 #33337  
umanoids. A few seconds later both beings boarded the object, but before en 7/11/1978 #33368  
d to be waving at them; one of the beings stared directly at one of the wit 8/22/1978 #33551  
features near Santiago, Chile. The beings were wearing helmets and standing 8/23/1978 #33554  
rists also reported seeing similar beings.                                  8/23/1978 #33554  
s reportedly very big in size. Two beings of human shape (perhaps the same  8/24/1978 #33568  
ame aware of presence of two short beings standing nearby. These beings wer 9/10/1978 #33657  
hort beings standing nearby. These beings were dressed in bright blue, one- 9/10/1978 #33657  
nnessee a witness saw two humanoid beings with what looked like flashlights 9/16/1978 #33695  
ome opens up and two 3.5-foot-tall beings emerge, floating 4 inches from th 9/17/1978 #33701  
eflective. After a few minutes the beings walked into the woods and disappe 9/18/1978 #33709  
craft. Inside, five short humanoid beings surrounded by a bright light appr 9/26/1978 #33753  
tigate, a door opens and two small beings with unpleasant faces and greenis 9/27/1978 #33762  
oom picker encountered three short beings dressed in black one-piece suits  9/27/1978 #33764  
e tight-fitting black helmets. The beings were greenish in color and had po 9/27/1978 #33764  
900 feet to the west of it are two beings in silver suits that seem to glid 10/2/1978 #33790  
feet and saw six to seven humanoid beings inside. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 10/25/1978 #33872  
ithin 3 feet and sees 6–7 humanoid beings inside. They are small and humanl 10/25/1978 #33873  
feet and saw six to seven humanoid beings inside. These were described as s 10/25/1978 #33875  
iscovered the remains of two small beings (0.17 m tall), hanging from a tre 10/27/1978 #33886  
ere walking around the object. The beings had large bright eyes, large nose 11/11/1978 #33945  
e recalled in flashbacks that five beings came to his car and pushed down t 11/15/1978 #33959  
wo three-meter tall conical shaped beings or robots are seen approaching a  11/20/1978 #33968  
es, when two or three normal sized beings run in front of a passing car.    11/20/1978 #33968  
o suddenly see two strange looking beings looking at him. The beings were h 11/24/1978 #33997  
looking beings looking at him. The beings were hovering very close to the g 11/24/1978 #33997  
gers and nails. The shorter of the beings approached the witness and began  11/24/1978 #33997  
hey had just sudden appeared. Both beings began approaching the house. For  12/6/1978 #34068  
n into a very bright room by giant beings that put a painful helmet on his  12/6/1978 #34069  
 a painful helmet on his head. The beings were described as green skinned w 12/6/1978 #34069  
 very long, smooth black hair. The beings approached the guard and spoke to 12/6/1978 #34070  
witness was able to understand the beings and was told they were here on a  12/6/1978 #34070  
er a beam of light transported the beings back into the craft. The craft th 12/15/1978 #34138  
 Capuzello saw two, two-meter tall beings exit from a saucer-shaped craft t 12/15/1978 #34140  
uminated the cab of the truck. The beings came closer and uttered unintelli 12/15/1978 #34141  
nge incomprehensible language. The beings wore helmets and coveralls and th 12/31/1978 #34250  
er the witness felt chills. As the beings approached the house they smiled  1/2/1979 #34281  
rd the object and three human-like beings all dressed in tight-fitting whit 1/3/1979 #34292  
ough a tunnel beneath the sea. The beings were of average height, wearing o 1/3/1979 #34292  
s to get his father, whereupon the beings enter the craft, which takes off  1/4/1979 #34294  
over the nearby village. Two small beings, about four and a half foot tall, 1/12/1979 #34333  
tall, emerged from the object. The beings were human in appearance and were 1/12/1979 #34333  
e from the chair, while one of the beings went into another room and the ot 1/13/1979 #34339  
en he woke up later the object and beings were gone, but a strong sulphurou 1/13/1979 #34339  
res them to let him go. One of the beings gives him a small box with writin 1/18/1979 #34359  
s encounter with these two strange beings he was able to start his engine.  1/19/1979 #34362  
s even visited—by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collus 5/1979 #34532  
even visited — by extraterrestrial beings, and the U.S. government, in coll 5/1979 #34533  
y examined by short, light skinned beings, with large heads and oval-shaped 5/17/1979 #34566  
 on his arm. He conversed with the beings about the nature of happiness and 6/6/1979 #34601  
ed on their chests. These humanoid beings also carried boxes on their backs 6/18/1979 #34616  
ed on their chests. These humanoid beings also carried boxes on their backs 6/18/1979 #34618  
l intercourse with the female. The beings spoke in an unknown language amon 6/18/1979 #34618  
 down from the balls of light. The beings were described as thin, with gray 7/15/1979 #34656  
ccess road to his field. Two small beings run from behind a carob tree on h 7/25/1979 #34679  
e. He then noticed two 3-foot-tall beings running toward the object. The wo 7/25/1979 #34681  
k of some sort. Within seconds the beings entered the object, which then to 7/25/1979 #34681  
ble-like dome on top, two humanoid beings visible through transparent dome  8/4/1979 #34711  
bblelike dome on top, two humanoid beings visible through transparent dome  8/4/1979 #34712  
 Angeles, California. Two humanoid beings with oversize heads are inside. T 8/4/1979 #34714  
dogs stop barking and go back. The beings are dressed in coveralls. They ha 8/10/1979 #34725  
was able to recall several strange beings with elongated heads and "puppet  8/19/1979 #34760  
g towards them. They could see two beings inside the craft through a transp 8/26/1979 #34783  
 through a transparent window. The beings could be seen from the waist up a 8/26/1979 #34783  
 large room with three other alien beings and an almost human appearing gir 9/14/1979 #34884  
 a 30 minute otherworldly trip the beings showed her an alien zoo with many 9/14/1979 #34884  
zoo with many bizarre animals. The beings communicated with the witness and 9/14/1979 #34884  
long fingers, and skinny arms. The beings seemed weak and fearful of him. T 10/6/1979 #34947  
membered being in a room where the beings touched him with lights and "drai 10/6/1979 #34947  
s and "drained him of energy." The beings never spoke to or otherwise commu 10/6/1979 #34947  
d her not to be afraid. One of the beings approached and stretched out its  12/4/1979 #35052  
ead driver sees two “unusual human beings” standing on the highway, he stop 12/13/1979 #35079  
er also stops but does not see the beings, which soon vanish. The drivers d 12/13/1979 #35079  
n their lights off and on, but the beings remain. When one of the drivers e 12/13/1979 #35079  
s race regularly transported human beings to other planets in order to colo 1/5/1980 #35124  
e witness in Araguari, Brazil. The beings were described as being a little  2/2/1980 #35154  
TARGIL, PORTUGAL Farmer meets 2 8' beings. No helmets. Vanish when dog summ 2/6/1980 #35158  
hands were hairy and very big. The beings approached him with friendly gest 2/6/1980 #35160  
imilar to human speech. One of the beings then pointed to the sheep, and Mr 2/6/1980 #35160  
f animal it was. Meanwhile the two beings kept talking and laughing. The wi 2/6/1980 #35160  
p. When he looked back towards the beings he saw an intense flash of light  2/6/1980 #35160  
 for a few seconds. After that the beings had vanished.                     2/6/1980 #35160  
tunned to see five strange looking beings inspecting the cages. Two of the  3/3/1980 #35194  
s inspecting the cages. Two of the beings were five feet tall and the other 3/3/1980 #35194  
 in their right hands. The smaller beings were similar in appearance, excep 3/3/1980 #35194  
th witness later saw the same five beings enter a landed disc-shaped craft  3/3/1980 #35194  
low eyes and no visible noses. The beings moved their lips but did not spea 4/23/1980 #35286  
e are the work of extraterrestrial beings who harvest body parts required f 5/28/1980 #35343  
d extensive communication with the beings. They made the disturbing stateme 8/22/1980 #35475  
abducted by three alien being. The beings were described as thin in build a 9/7/1980 #35502  
e remembered seeing two human like beings, one black, the other white, who  9/25/1980 #35535  
e tight-fitting gray uniforms. The beings told Seixas that their point of o 9/25/1980 #35535  
ding inside from the waist up. The beings were "Greys", having gray-colored 11/1/1980 #35608  
ren claims he can see large-headed beings inside. He sees Col. Williams app 12/28/1980 #35750  
He sees Col. Williams approach the beings and stare at them. Warren arrives 12/28/1980 #35750  
After showing John "his baby", the beings escorted him to another romm he d 12/31/1980 #35759  
d beams of light. Three human like beings cold be clearly seen inside, one  2/1981 #35810  
ation table. She undressed and two beings entered, held her by her arms and 2/10/1981 #35823  
rd being examined her abdomen. The beings were humanoid with light bulb sha 2/10/1981 #35823  
gle. Inside the craft two humanoid beings could be seen. These were describ 2/14/1981 #35828  
owhere, standing side by side. The beings spoke to him in an unknown, unint 2/18/1981 #35832  
he cosmonauts saw three brown skin beings with slanted bright blue eyes str 5/14/1981 #35936  
cosmonauts see three brown-skinned beings with slanted bright blue eyes, st 5/14/1981 #35937  
binoculars, the cosmonauts see the beings showing them what appears to be a 5/14/1981 #35937  
s of UFO occupants: spacemen (tall beings), humanoids (human-like), and ali 7/31/1981 #36047  
clearly, and after it goes out the beings are gone. Women in the compound h 8/15/1981 #36075  
ents later two small Grey humanoid beings approached and took him from his  8/30/1981 #36093  
he men are visible, no other human beings are in view and no cars pass by.  10/2/1981 #36154  
les on their foreheads. The little beings communicated with Meneses using t 12/15/1981 #36259  
eaver, Iowa by several 5-foot-tall beings with large heads, cat-like eyes,  1/22/1982 #36306  
p into a cigar-shaped UFO, and the beings onboard the UFO communicated with 2/10/1982 #36332  
p into a cigar-shaped UFO, and the beings onboard the UFO communicated with 2/10/1982 #36336  
ad inside the witness's mouth. The beings were communicating in a language  4/20/1982 #36448  
ground. Groups of seven- foot tall beings stood or walked on a large glass  5/2/1982 #36461  
ing in the middle of the road. The beings then walked back to the object as 7/20/1982 #36537  
he cattle in the nearby field. The beings then walked back to the object as 7/20/1982 #36538  
ing the grass to smolder. Two thin beings are near the object. One has a de 9/30/1982 #36621  
 appeared at the bedroom door. The beings took the witnesses by their hands 10/1982 #36624  
ing eyes. There were other similar beings in the room while the witness was 11/1/1982 #36669  
nside he encountered several short beings with wrinkly rough gray skin and  11/18/1982 #36683  
nside he encountered several short beings with wrinkly rough gray skin and  11/18/1982 #36684  
ough gray skin and huge heads. The beings communicated by using telepathy a 11/18/1982 #36684  
him and he was confronted by three beings, each about six feet tall, who we 11/29/1982 #36702  
-like operating room, and the same beings who had confronted him at his doo 11/29/1982 #36702  
ng an outline of a human form. The beings would look at the drawing and the 11/29/1982 #36702  
operating room, and the same small beings were there that had appeared at h 11/30/1982 #36703  
ng an outline of a human form. The beings would look at the drawing and the 11/30/1982 #36703  
 there. He next saw three humanoid beings emerge from the room: two wore wh 12/30/1982 #36729  
called that he had spoken to small beings with pointed ears.                7/17/1983 #36913  
ped UFO lands nearby. Two humanoid beings approach him. They are 4 feet 6 i 8/12/1983 #36948  
to stand under an amber light. The beings speak to him in broken English, t 8/12/1983 #36948  
ior. Inside they see human-looking beings moving about and looking out the  8/12/1983 #36949  
ed, and he recalled seeing several beings who attempted to abduct him. He h 2/3/1984 #37175  
ed, and he recalled seeing several beings who attempted to abduct him. He h 2/3/1984 #37176  
ameter domed, disc-shaped craft by beings wearing gray uniforms and octagon 2/8/1985 #37554  
-shaped craft. Two seven-foot tall beings entered the house wearing blue un 3/1/1985 #37564  
voice say, "Do not be afraid." The beings were both human looking, and of s 5/9/1985 #37589  
he conversation was finished, both beings walked to the silvery glow in the 5/9/1985 #37589  
to him in an unknown language. The beings left when the witness told them h 3/21/1986 #37804  
 confronted by two eight-foot tall beings who were blocking his door. These 5/29/1986 #37898  
 middle one being the longest. The beings wore silvery, tight fitting overa 5/29/1986 #37898  
cklace with a medallion on it. The beings were busy making quick gestures,  5/29/1986 #37898  
ory later returned of two humanoid beings, views inside a craft (section XI 8/15/1986 #37990  
ory later returned of two humanoid beings, views inside a craft             8/15/1986 #37991  
ell as the memory of two humanlike beings in coveralls, persuade them to be 8/15/1986 #37992  
urned of two tall, pallid humanoid beings wearing gray coveralls, and views 8/15/1986 #37993  
remained asleep. After awhile, the beings reboarded their craft, which took 9/13/1986 #38027  
ses the term “befabs” to describe “beings from alien objects.” Another file 10/28/1986 #38056  
overwhelming sensation of joy. The beings gathered around her bed and bent  1/25/1987 #38104  
 and five three-foot tall humanoid beings stepped into the room. They were  3/7/1987 #38133  
-pitched humming sound. One of the beings made an incision on the child's t 3/7/1987 #38133  
tions include an instance when the beings impregnate her by artificial inse 4/1987 #38155  
abduction several years later, the beings introduce her to a frail little g 4/1987 #38155  
DIA, FL Lady sees saucer / bridge. Beings seen through "window". Daytime ho 10/19/1987 #38307  
 this day six odd looking humanoid beings were sighted on the ground near a 12/12/1987 #38357  
d abductions on unsuspecting human beings. Lear also claims that the ETs, w 12/29/1987 #38378  
 it. The beam deposited five small beings on the roadway, all of whom wore  1/12/1988 #38411  
eyes and carried glowing rods. The beings approached Walters, who then mana 1/12/1988 #38411  
 that grabbed him from behind. The beings seemed to move in short bursts of 5/1/1988 #38551  
tween us at all, we were all human beings, citizens of the world, and would 5/4/1988 #38554  
ic regression he recalled humanoid beings.                                  5/13/1988 #38567  
sis he recalled that several short beings with large heads and eyes entered 5/21/1988 #38574  
 and eyes entered his bedroom. The beings lifted Jack and his wife and floa 5/21/1988 #38574  
ect and given medical exams by the beings. A lump was allegedly discovered  5/21/1988 #38574  
are of a a group of short humanoid beings at the foot of his bed. Three or  10/24/1988 #38687  
y tall figures within a light. The beings touched her on the back with a ve 2/6/1989 #38818  
 times after this date by the same beings.                                  4/10/1989 #38899  
 her car and observed six to eight beings emerge from the craft and begin t 5/10/1989 #38943  
pe entities and tall human-looking beings with long blond hair. There seeme 6/16/1989 #38989  
etween the two different groups of beings.                                  6/16/1989 #38989  
ensionally on light particles. The beings also talked about human being's p 6/29/1989 #38997  
lled also having had several small beings in her room and she had gone imme 6/29/1989 #38997  
 when they see a “boat” with three beings on board. The entities have absol 7/4/1989 #39007  
e little girl gets frightened. The beings relent and board the craft by a l 7/4/1989 #39007  
 Ukraine. They watch silver-suited beings emerge from a landed UFO.         7/4/1989 #39008  
 they took to be a boat with three beings on board. The beings looked very  7/4/1989 #39009  
at with three beings on board. The beings looked very pale and had identica 7/4/1989 #39009  
door automatically closed once the beings were aboard, and the craft took o 7/4/1989 #39009  
mes out of the chest of one of the beings and strikes the ground, creating  9/27/1989 #39124  
e away. At one point the craft and beings become briefly invisible but then 9/27/1989 #39124  
s screams in fear. Then one of the beings looks at the boy and points a tub 9/27/1989 #39124  
 The boy later reappears after the beings and the objects have gone. Subseq 9/27/1989 #39124  
The woman stared at the object and beings for a few minutes, and then the U 9/27/1989 #39125  
ame out of the chest of one of the beings and struck the ground, creating s 9/27/1989 #39126  
d away. At one point the craft and beings became briefly invisible but then 9/27/1989 #39126  
 screamed in fear. Then one of the beings looked at the boy and pointed a t 9/27/1989 #39126  
The boy later reappeared after the beings and the objects had gone. Subsequ 9/27/1989 #39126  
 two nine-foot-tall luminous green beings, near a disc-shaped object blocki 10/13/1989 #39170  
d and a ladder came down. Soon two beings and a robot like entity came out. 10/28/1989 #39191  
obot like entity came out. The two beings carried the robot, set him down o 10/28/1989 #39191  
rcle above the figure’s heads. The beings stood quietly without moving or s 10/31/1989 #39199  
 communicate with extraterrestrial beings. Later that night as she attempte 10/31/1989 #39199  
nted dark eyes and white skin. The beings communicated with her using telep 11/6/1989 #39216  
thing. She felt calm as one of the beings touched her forehead, she then wa 11/6/1989 #39216  
10,000 years with extraterrestrial beings described as grey aliens from a p 11/10/1989 #39224  
hen he encountered three very tall beings standing in the parking lot area. 12/8/1989 #39305  
"Embryo Fertilization Room." Small beings were working on people on tables. 1/30/1990 #39398  
nboard by tall, blond, Nordic type beings who predicted that a catastrophe  3/1/1990 #39438  
rida at 4:30 a.m. He described the beings as seven-foot tall aliens with ca 4/15/1990 #39528  
 their sleeves and pants legs. The beings had hands with three claw-like fi 5/18/1990 #39576  
eir heads. When a car appeared the beings jumped into a nearby ditch and st 5/18/1990 #39576  
n race is being “watched” by these beings, who tell her they foresee seriou 6/1990 #39604  
ation to determine his health. The beings also examined his various vital o 8/15/1990 #39689  
sses, Miguel Figueroa, pursued the beings in his car, but as he approached  8/31/1990 #39708  
 and three toes on their feet. The beings got away by running down a ravine 8/31/1990 #39708  
ing similar, that interdimensional beings harvest humanity for their energy 1/1991 #39944  
d runs outside to find two strange beings on his patio. They are 3–4 feet t 3/31/1991 #40025  
 eyes, and a slit for a mouth. The beings flee. The female Doberman is unha 3/31/1991 #40025  
hrough a fog; they saw three small beings outside the craft, one crawling a 4/12/1991 #40038  
The next day several six-inch tall beings were seen again in the same area. 5/12/1991 #40058  
ed. She began to struggle with the beings, when she noticed a tall human in 5/14/1991 #40061  
mpanied by the three Grey humanoid beings. Overhead a number or red lights  5/14/1991 #40061  
d to have seen two "werewolf" like beings float by. The other witness did n 6/15/1991 #40098  
ears.” She states he described the beings as small with large heads for the 7/9/1991 #40116  
ne male truck driver said that the beings remained sitting on the hood unti 7/21/1991 #40128  
k in the morning two gray humanoid beings were seen taking leaves from a pl 8/14/1991 #40154  
illusion of being extraterrestrial beings, phantom helicopters, etc.; that  11/25/1991 #40241  
opment programs; NHI are spiritual beings that can control human minds, mon 11/25/1991 #40241  
walking about near the object. The beings wore helmets with lights on them, 12/1/1991 #40251  
ard. Two four-and-a-half-foot tall beings stood in the room with him. The b 12/26/1991 #40267  
gs stood in the room with him. The beings were human-like except they had l 12/26/1991 #40267  
ands with three digits. One of the beings communicated with the witness tel 12/26/1991 #40267  
main witness then followed the two beings into the room where they vanished 1/24/1992 #40302  
take Ribeiro inside the craft. The beings communicate with him in Portugues 3/5/1992 #40358  
ed up he saw five strange humanoid beings standing in front of him. Frighte 3/5/1992 #40359  
like radio transmissions. The five beings stood around him, standing about  3/5/1992 #40359  
ose-fitting outfits. The two short beings appeared to be in charge of the s 3/11/1992 #40372  
es in a strange language. The tall beings communicated with her using telep 3/11/1992 #40372  
athy, informing her that the short beings wanted her to plant certain diffe 3/11/1992 #40372  
table with the presence of the two beings who looked human than with the od 3/11/1992 #40372  
occurring between the two types of beings.                                  3/11/1992 #40372  
lyzed, and saw the approach of two beings about 5 feet tall. Each being got 4/12/1992 #40414  
e a firm grip on his forearms. The beings had long bony fingers. They then  4/12/1992 #40414  
 was briefly left alone before two beings entered the room. One was a male  4/12/1992 #40414  
ilboxes / 1 street burst / flames. Beings seen. No further details.         6/1992 #40477  
dolescent said that short humanoid beings entered his bedroom via a closed  7/19/1992 #40528  
 is no blood or screaming. The two beings look at each other in a puzzled w 7/23/1992 #40530  
g in the lower half of the object. Beings with featureless heads, long thin 8/11/1992 #40566  
om his bedroom by four 4-foot tall beings. He was taken into a circular roo 9/30/1992 #40649  
recollection she recalled that the beings then performed some painful physi 10/8/1992 #40667  
 by large mantis-shaped, insectoid beings. One was given a medical exam; th 11/20/1992 #40722  
foot of her bed stood three taller beings. The smaller figure had dark almo 2/1/1993 #40831  
in through the wall. As one of the beings approached the bed the witness gr 4/5/1993 #40927  
bed as a mucus-like substance. The beings then retreated through the wall a 4/5/1993 #40927  
reen, watching a transmission. The beings did not notice Gregory. He descri 4/17/1993 #40940  
 damaged. Two short, 3.5 foot tall beings with slanted eyes were seen on bo 4/19/1993 #40943  
y without hypnosis, including tall beings who abducted them (Chalker, 1996) 8/8/1993 #41115  
y without hypnosis, including tall beings who abducted them (Chalker, 1996) 8/8/1993 #41116  
enario ensues involving tall black beings. They also recall that there is a 8/8/1993 #41117  
!" when suddenly dozens of similar beings appeared and began moving quickly 8/8/1993 #41118  
ily member reported seeing similar beings going through doors, windows and  8/18/1993 #41146  
to the room they became solid. The beings clustered around the foot of her  8/20/1993 #41148  
forcefully told them to leave. The beings then silently glided out the wall 8/20/1993 #41148  
arge black almond-shaped eyes. The beings took flesh samples from her legs  11/8/1993 #41266  
lepathy to communicate. These Grey beings were about three to four feet tal 11/15/1993 #41278  
same time, there were several tall beings standing off to the side, and the 11/15/1993 #41278  
 watched her. Finally she told the beings to go away and let her sleep, and 11/18/1993 #41284  
w. The frightened witness hid. The beings then returned to their "ship" and 12/9/1993 #41327  
r was captured by human-like alien beings, dressed in camoflauge. Small sil 9/2/1994 #41713  
d that several short Grey humanoid beings were touching him, apparently try 9/11/1994 #41734  
ce with four short "Grey" humanoid beings when she rounded a curve. These w 9/11/1994 #41737  
w tables and cows in the room, and beings that seemed to be removing things 9/20/1994 #41765  
from the cows. He saw two types of beings. The large ones appeared to be in 9/20/1994 #41765  
ridges on their faces. The smaller beings were working on the cows and wore 9/20/1994 #41765  
bject immediately disabled it. The beings and the object then left. Crushed 12/11/1994 #41890  
 without any means of support. The beings were short and thin, with huge, r 12/15/1994 #41895  
ll wore dull silvery uniforms. The beings next began touching her with thei 12/15/1994 #41895  
itness was alarmed to see that the beings somehow had suceeded in opening h 12/15/1994 #41895  
 peace, and was convinced that the beings were benevolent and were there to 12/15/1994 #41895  
for any scars, but found none. The beings had vanished.                     12/15/1994 #41895  
ulti-sided crystal, with two other beings inside, "tumbled" across the road 1/17/1995 #41981  
visited by several short, hairless beings who wore luminous white suits and 2/11/1995 #42036  
lso remembered several tall female beings performing some type of operation 2/11/1995 #42036  
" standing next to the object. The beings were "talking with a sound simila 2/23/1995 #42060  
appearance. Finally, the craft and beings left, leaving the young witnesses 2/23/1995 #42060  
 observer(s). 5 strange dwarf-like beings reported. No further details. / G 5/10/1995 #42193  
e, but managed to touch one of the beings before they disappeared.          7/13/1995 #42299  
rned, he saw four other species of beings together in one place.            9/6/1995 #42445  
in his apartment at 11:40 a.m. The beings pointed a flashing device at the  11/8/1995 #42587  
he approached the site and saw two beings swimming in the water. They had l 12/9/1995 #42639  
l robotic entity. They watched the beings float around and then enter the d 2/23/1996 #42776  
d about 30 feet in diameter. Three beings described as thin, gray in color  2/28/1996 #42788  
 shores of Lake Ilopango where the beings told him that their race "was in  2/29/1996 #42789  
ound via the shaft of light. These beings seemed to move in slow motion. On 3/7/1996 #42815  
r recalled being abducted by eight beings. He described them as silver in c 4/17/1996 #42872  
like a fin on their foreheads. The beings wore silver coverall type outfits 4/17/1996 #42872  
when she noticed two short glowing beings with no apparent clothing, and da 5/22/1996 #42909  
arent clothing, and dark eyes. The beings seemed to reassure her mentally,  5/22/1996 #42909  
. Beside the object were two short beings with large heads and long arms. T 6/21/1996 #42936  
d and floated to the ground. These beings were described as only 1 foot, 10 9/8/1996 #43009  
round seven feet tall. Other small beings moved in among trees in the field 9/23/1996 #43039  
ing, and they again saw the little beings moving about the trees. They also 9/23/1996 #43039  
ising a large group of the smaller beings. Using the binoculars they now sp 9/23/1996 #43039  
d there were some very small, thin beings inside it. Next to this object wa 9/23/1996 #43039  
Suddenly, three to four short Grey beings, with large oval-shaped heads, sc 11/9/1996 #43110  
ids wearing coverall uniforms. The beings were described as "Greys," short  12/1/1996 #43130  
given a medical examination by the beings. His stomach area was probed with 12/9/1996 #43133  
ted by several similarly appearing beings. The "planet" was beautiful in ap 12/9/1996 #43133  
treated. He also recalled that the beings had only three fingers on each ha 12/26/1996 #43150  
ble to move. He then saw two small beings emerge from the luminous form. Th 1/5/1997 #43166  
tion and began to sweat. The small beings walked by him a second time and d 1/5/1997 #43166  
aring strange conical helmets. The beings appeared shiny and seemed to chan 2/20/1997 #43199  
he was then startled as one of the beings moved aggressively and grabbed he 2/24/1997 #43207  
was receiving mental messages. The beings then formed a circle around Sudar 3/10/1997 #43225  
aw what he described as "beautiful beings" inside. After about five minutes 5/14/1997 #43293  
not. In another room, she saw four beings sitting in chairs in front of gla 6/5/1997 #43311  
ont of glass panels. Some of these beings were courteous to her, and others 6/5/1997 #43311  
d at her, for whatever reason. The beings appeared to be well built, with h 6/5/1997 #43311  
res seem to transform into cloaked beings, each carrying a light ball. Some 6/18/1997 #43328  
witnesses watched a number of tall beings walking around for another hour.  9/26/1997 #43417  
d ears and protruding bellies. The beings re-entered the craft and its bril 9/26/1997 #43417  
n meters wide. Three human-looking beings emerged and one of them appeared  10/3/1997 #43424  
d midnight to find several strange beings standing over her bed. They were  10/18/1997 #43432  
o "close in" at the bottom and the beings were gone. However, a strange sme 12/14/1997 #43462  
. To her left stood two short gray beings wearing white coveralls. They jus 6/8/1998 #43584  
ith a different race of human-like beings who were guiding their American c 6/17/1998 #43589  
alking on the road toward him. The beings wore fluorescent helmets and boot 6/21/1998 #43591  
In the room where three short grey beings wearing white coveralls with a re 7/11/1998 #43601  
helmets on their heads. One of the beings was leaned over and looked to be  10/24/1998 #43669  
. The other stood nearby. When the beings walked they seemed to float just  10/24/1998 #43669  
ird man reported seeing two "Grey" beings enter his bedroom and perform som 11/1/1998 #43674  
ray humanoids staring at them. The beings had unusually large heads. Terrif 11/7/1998 #43678  
paralyzed. After three minutes the beings walked into the woods and disappe 11/7/1998 #43678  
ny the witnesses saw three strange beings enter their backyard. The beings  11/13/1998 #43682  
e beings enter their backyard. The beings moved around the yard in every di 11/13/1998 #43682  
 blinking light and another of the beings climbed up one of their trees. Th 11/13/1998 #43682  
s in diameter. Two three-foot tall beings were seen outside the craft. They 12/19/1998 #43700  
 and terror of kidnap by unearthly beings breaks the illusion that the worl 1999 #43708  
like creatures and two dark-hooded beings. She also met the apparent leader 1/7/1999 #43711  
 least two silhouettes of humanoid beings with large heads were seen in eac 10/17/1999 #43862  
ach of the crafts. The eyes of the beings were red and fiery, and were like 10/17/1999 #43862  
image of a flying object with five beings aboard in her backyard. Three day 1/3/2000 #43917  
r mother and brother had also seen beings in their rooms as well, according 1/3/2000 #43917  
entered, followed by two more. The beings were basically humanoid, gray in  7/12/2000 #44015  
o a deep sleep. When she awoke the beings and the object were gone.         7/14/2000 #44017  
ber that some strange gray-colored beings had been sticking needles into hi 7/25/2000 #44022  
anied by a bright white light. The beings were short with large heads, larg 10/15/2000 #44058  
er life. She further described the beings as about 1.50 meters in height, w 10/19/2000 #44060  
craft appeared to be damaged. Four beings, with light brown skin and large  11/28/2000 #44085  
he dreamed she saw similar looking beings inserting needles into her body.  11/28/2000 #44085  
nt she sensed desperation from the beings as if their time was short becaus 5/2/2001 #44174  
as unable to reproduce. One of the beings seemed to measure her cranium wit 5/2/2001 #44174  
eech in her mind and felt that the beings talked about her and about her kn 5/2/2001 #44174  
. At this point another one of the beings seemed to measure her face from e 5/2/2001 #44174  
e asked them if they are spiritual beings and they answer yes, but she felt 5/2/2001 #44174  
 observed a group of tall humanoid beings covered with brown hair. They see 7/1/2001 #44200  
arrying unusual devices. The hairy beings fled into the woods when they not 7/1/2001 #44200  
then notice two very tall humanoid beings standing in a nearby field. They  3/26/2002 #44326  
 after the Earth changes the alien beings will come for us, and that would  9/3/2003 #44592  
a small window and saw three small beings. All appeared to be sleeping or m 7/27/2004 #44719  
hich came from three human looking beings making repairs on the craft. They 6/14/2005 #44847  
allic like. After awhile the three beings went back into the craft, enterin 6/14/2005 #44847  
ter they observed some camoflauged beings in the water and on the land near 5/18/2006 #44944  
r from the area and hid again. The beings appeared to search for him but ga 8/6/2006 #44953  
con claims this lets “things” like beings, influences and “all kinds of wei 10/2006 #44970  
 saw what appeared to be two small beings, about 4 feet tall. They looked t 8/29/2007 #45050  
heart pounding, Jeremy watched the beings walk very gracefully and slowly,  9/16/2007 #45059  
l and as quiet as he could, as the beings walked by his tent. The light eve 9/16/2007 #45059  
 The light eventually faded as the beings continued down the trail and disa 9/16/2007 #45059  
 waited because he didn’t want the beings to hear them talking. The next da 9/16/2007 #45059  
two humanoids exit the object. The beings were described as "translucent" a 9/4/2008 #45165  
t 50-100 meters from the craft and beings, but were too surprised and frigh 9/4/2008 #45165  
around and saw three Grey humanoid beings standing there. At first she thou 8/30/2009 #45240  
 filled with naked screaming human beings; above them were hundreds of sauc 3/31/2011 #45322  
o “shoot down” UAP and if “tech or beings” have been recovered. Elizondo sh 3/15/2019 #45567  
ez states he “sees” highly evolved beings that come from a “reptilian” ance 1/30/2022 #45736  
e believes UAP could be “spiritual beings, fallen angels, even holy angels. 9/24/2022 #45770  
he was in a craft interacting with beings telepathically; ret. British Army 10/20/2022 #45779  
undo, CA; the paintings show human beings flying through space in their nig 10/20/2022 #45783  
## Word: "beira" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BEIRA, MZBQ Orange saucer whistles and l 4/5/1960 (approximate) #16214  
                                   Beira, Mozambique An orange disk landed  4/5/1960 #16215  
          An orange disk landed in Beira, Mozambique with a hissing sound,  4/5/1960 #16216  
                             SSW / BEIRA, MOZAMBQ 737 crew. 30cm fireball g 1/8/1973 #27225  
 rural home that was near Carapito Beira Alta, Portugal. They saw on top of 1/3/1977 #31687  
                          Carapito Beira Alta, Portugal 12:30 a.m. A man wa 1/4/1977 #31689  
                          Carapito Beira Alta, Portugal 12:30 a.m. A man wa 1/4/1977 #31690  
rd dog in a pine grove in Carapito Beira Alta, Portugal when the animal sud 1/4/1977 #31691  
                           GUARDA, BEIRA ALTA, PRT 12 firemen. Strange shin 8/1977 #32337  
                                   BEIRA, MOZAMBIQUE 737 crew and Air Traff 2/11/1988 #38453  
                                   Beira, Mozambique, Africa Airliner encou 2/11/1988 #38456  
                                   Beira, Mozambique Pilot saw hovering obj 2/11/1988 #38457  
ed in a triangle, off the coast of Beira, Mozambique. The object seemed to  2/11/1988 #38458  
## Word: "beirne" (Back to Top)
 of Air Intelligence Capt. Emmet O’Beirne, Chief of the Defensive Air Branc 2/28/1947 #2244  
## Word: "beirut" (Back to Top)
                                   BEIRUT, LEBANON Aero engineer and many.  2/28/1953 #8716  
aurces and four other witnesses in Beirut, Lebanon sighted a procession of  2/28/1953 #8718  
                                   BEIRUT, LEBN Germ.salesman. Red sphere/o 10/9/1954 #10837  
                                   Beirut, Lebanon The local representative 10/9/1954 #10851  
                                   Beirut, Lebanon 10:15 p.m. Max Favell, a 10/9/1954 #10857  
representative of a German firm in Beirut, Lebanon, sees a white flying obj 10/9/1954 #10857  
                                In Beirut, Lebanon at 10:15 p.m. the local  10/9/1954 #10869  
                                   Beirut, Lebanon 1983 Beirut Barracks Bom 10/23/1983 #37013  
              Beirut, Lebanon 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombings                 10/23/1983 #37013  
## Word: "beit" (Back to Top)
South Africa via Fort Victoria and Beit Bridge. Peter and Frances saw what  5/31/1974 #29150  
                                   BEIT SHE'AN, ISR Cops and hundreds. Glow 11/6/1991 #40219  
i and police east from the city of Beit She'an, Israel. It flew at an estim 11/6/1991 #40221  
## Word: "beitbridge" (Back to Top)
                             Mvuma Beitbridge, Zimbabwe 2:30 a.m. A prolong 5/31/1974 #29149  
 Peugeot-pacing case from Mvuma to Beitbridge, Zimbabwe, takes place along  5/31/1974 #29149  
## Word: "beja" (Back to Top)
                                   BEJA, PORTUGAL Observer(s) / balcony. Sa 7/12/1958 #15138  
                                   BEJA, PORTUGAL Cop. Luminous object zigz 9/8/1965 #19534  
ct zigzagged away from the town of Beja, Portugal.                          9/8/1965 #19539  
                                   BEJA, PORTUGAL Bright night light zigzag 9/7/1966 #20856  
t light zigzagged over the city of Beja, Portugal at midnight. At 8:00 p.m. 9/7/1966 #20862  
                                   BEJA, PORTUGAL 3M saucer seen / sky. No  4/16/1974 #29034  
## Word: "bejar" (Back to Top)
nd 4:30 a.m. between Plasencia and Bejar, Caceres, Spain a man was driving  8/5/1970 #25770  
## Word: "bekes" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BEKES, HUNG 1 observer. Electrics / 2 ca 12/4/1991 #40252  
le, a 65-year-old farmer living in Bekes, Hungary was doing chores on the f 12/4/1991 #40254  
                                   BEKES, HUNG 4M saucer / yard. Observer(s 12/26/1991 #40266  
        The 21-year-old witness in Bekes, Hungary had heard a very loud voi 12/26/1991 #40267  
## Word: "bel" (Back to Top)
et above the Hills’ 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air and fills the entire field of vi 9/19/1961 #16857  
inted star and others were "STN", "BEL" and the letter "U". Superstitious l 2/9/1995 #42031  
 flying in a triangle formation in Bel Air, Maryland at 10:30 p.m. EST.     3/30/1998 #43539  
## Word: "bel-air" (Back to Top)
      Sandia Mountains, New Mexico Bel-Air neighborhood of Albuquerque 12:2 5/7/1952 #6268  
, New Mexico, from her home in the Bel-Air neighborhood of Albuquerque.     5/7/1952 #6268  
## Word: "bela" (Back to Top)
                             LINHA BELA VISTA, BRZ Saucer and 3 pseudo-huma 12/9/1954 #11781  
                             Linha Bela Vista, Brazil A farmer, O. da Costa 12/9/1954 #11784  
                             Linha Bela Vista Venâncio Aires, Rio Grande do 12/9/1954 #11787  
sa is feeding his animals at Linha Bela Vista, said to be 2.5 miles from Ve 12/9/1954 #11787  
a e Rosa, a farmer living in Linha Bela Vista, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil he 12/9/1954 #11789  
                             Linha Bela Vista, Brazil Near the site of Case 12/11/1954 #11800  
 p.m. farmer Pedro Morais of Linha Bela Vista, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil fi 12/11/1954 #11802  
                         Pojucara, Bela Horizonte (near), Brazil Car motor  7/30/1962 #17303  
o Paulo, Brazil the manager of the Bela Alianca Fazenda or ranch heard his  2/20/1969 #24936  
                              ILHA BELA, BRZ Metallic cone with halo hovers 9/7/1971 #26321  
                                   Bela Vista Farm Highway 227 Ituporanga,  12/12/1995 #42641  
son Marcílio, are working on their Bela Vista Farm off Highway 227 about 5  12/12/1995 #42641  
                              ISLA BELA, BRAZIL 2 silent 2OM flat cigars go 7/7/1999 #43793  
s were seen over the beach on Isla Bela, Sao Paulo State, Brazil by three w 7/7/1999 #43796  
                            Jardim Bela Vista district of Bauru, São Paulo, 8/13/2010 #45291  
ppears in the sky above the Jardim Bela Vista district of Bauru, São Paulo, 8/13/2010 #45291  
## Word: "belan-sur-ource" (Back to Top)
                                   BELAN-SUR-OURCE, FR Whirlwind. 2 saucers 7/17/1952 #6854  
## Word: "belanger" (Back to Top)
 p.m. two police officers, Jacques Belanger and Stephan Filiatrault, drivin 10/6/1990 #39760  
## Word: "belarus" (Back to Top)
sbaden East Germany Poland Grodno, Belarus Minsk, Belarus Leningrad [now St 7/4/1956 #12951  
many Poland Grodno, Belarus Minsk, Belarus Leningrad [now St. Petersburg],  7/4/1956 #12951  
ing the Soviet border near Grodno, Belarus, then over bomber bases at Minsk 7/4/1956 #12951  
, then over bomber bases at Minsk, Belarus; Leningrad [now St. Petersburg], 7/4/1956 #12951  
          Gorki, Mahilyow Voblast, Belarus A cigar-shaped UFO about the siz 3/27/1983 #36817  
                            MINSK, BELARUS Hundreds / observer(s). 7 lumino 12/2/1983 #37064  
                            Minsk, Belarus Plesetsk Cosmodrome Finland 4:10 9/7/1984 #37458  
4:10 a.m. While approaching Minsk, Belarus, the pilots of a Soviet Aeroflot 9/7/1984 #37458  
                            MINSK, BELARUS 2 airliners. Green cloud zips al 1/29/1985 #37551  
f light while flying over Borisov, Belarus. There were reportedly unspecifi 11/22/1989 #39247  
ukhaya Valley, Grodnensk region of Belarus a round UFO with a golden stripe 8/31/1990 #39709  
-2004" had begun in the forests of Belarus. A senior lieutenant named Dmitr 8/25/2004 #44741  
## Word: "belated" (Back to Top)
ceptions about UFOs. Science had a belated change of heart and published th 8/27/1966 #20815  
## Word: "belatedly" (Back to Top)
st as two F-94 interceptors arrive belatedly from New Castle AFB [now New C 7/19/1952 #6935  
er on misconceptions about UFOs is belatedly published in Science.          10/21/1966 #21025  
## Word: "belchar's" (Back to Top)
s. Rose was driving down a road in Belchar's Bar, England when her car head 5/25/1971 #26137  
## Word: "belches" (Back to Top)
et away. Apparently in trouble, it belches fire and smoke, and after a few  Autumn 1953 #9176  
o his bright lights and the object belches a white burst of flame from the  4/21/1967 #22194  
es a height of 150 feet, it tilts, belches a bright fireball, and silently  10/28/1972 #27095  
## Word: "belcourt" (Back to Top)
                                   BELCOURT, ND Cops and more/others. White 11/27/1968 #24720  
                                   Belcourt, ND Round object with body ligh 11/27/1968 #24723  
                                   Belcourt, ND Round object with body ligh 11/27/1968 #24724  
ject with body lights hovered over Belcourt, North Dakota at 7:00 p.m. It s 11/27/1968 #24726  
## Word: "belden" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / BELDEN, NE Brilliant Army tank' going do 9/14/1978 #33673  
 reached a point two miles west of Belden at around 10:00 p.m. when an obje 9/14/1978 #33680  
                                   BELDEN, CA 5+2 separate observer(s). Lar 6/16/1999 #43786  
## Word: "beldon" (Back to Top)
                                In Beldon, Western Australia at three a.m.  1/19/1993 #40802  
## Word: "belem" (Back to Top)
               A UFO was seen over Belem, Brazil near the mouth of the Amaz 9/11/1952 #7895  
                                   BELEM VELHO, RGS.BRZ Air Force officer.  10/26/1954 #11408  
                                   Belem do Para, Para State (near), Brazil 5/17/1977 #32104  
  In the village of Icoaraci, near Belem do Para, Para State, Brazil two fi 5/17/1977 #32107  
                                   BELEM, BRZ Wave starts near Cape Garupi. 6/15/1977 (approximate) #32164  
                                   BELEM, BRZ Wave until Oct. '77. UFO's no 7/1977 (approximate) #32209  
 reddish yellow lights flying over Belem, Para State, Brazil at low altitud 11/22/1977 #32692  
he same phenomenon that night from Belem and Colares.                       11/28/1977 #32703  
. a reddish-yellow light flew over Belem, Para, Brazil from north to south  1/23/1978 #32908  
oner at a local Catholic Church in Belem, Para State, Brazil, witnessed a U 4/17/1996 #42872  
## Word: "belen" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Belen” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT       2/4/1970 #25571  
                       NORTHEAST / BELEN, NM State cop. UFO lands / Manzano 8/10/1980 #35454  
orning in Puerto Rico the witness, Belen, found herself seated on a stainle 6/8/1998 #43584  
## Word: "belesta" (Back to Top)
                                   BELESTA, FR Intense bright ovoid quickly 10/16/1954 #11133  
## Word: "belfast" (Back to Top)
                                   BELFAST, NORTH IREL Many observer(s). Si 5/17/1909 #752  
   At 10:00 p.m. many witnesses in Belfast, Northern Ireland observed a sil 5/17/1909 #754  
                                   BELFAST, ME Saucer flies slow / tilt. Hi 3/1945 #1797  
                                   Belfast, ME A man out hunting observed a 3/1945 #1799  
                                   Belfast, Maine A man out hunting observe 3/1945 #1802  
                  wooded area near Belfast, Maine A man is squirrel hunting 3/1945 #1805  
rrel hunting in a wooded area near Belfast, Maine, when he sees a huge, elo 3/1945 #1805  
                                   BELFAST, ME Observer(s) / hill. 2 flying 8/6/1952 #7480  
eland Carrickfergus, County Antrim Belfast 11:00 p.m. Thomas Farquhar sees  9/8/1954 #10273  
Mr. L. Hauser is on a boat leaving Belfast when he sees a rocket come up ou 9/8/1954 #10273  
                                   Belfast, Northern Ireland Cave Hill 3:55 8/16/1955 #12365  
white cloudbank above Cave Hill in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It is flat an 8/16/1955 #12365  
                                   BELFAST, NORTH IRE Saucer hovers. 2 men  7/17/1967 #22672  
                                   Belfast, Ireland Evening. Two silver-sui 7/17/1967 #22678  
                                   Belfast, Northern Ireland E. Browne, wal 7/17/1967 #22681  
                  Mr. E. Browne of Belfast, Northern Ireland was walking in 7/17/1967 #22685  
                                   BELFAST, NORTH IRL Man abduction / pseud 10/6/1967 #23182  
n and sexual encounter occurred in Belfast, Northern Ireland at 10:45 p.m.  10/6/1967 #23187  
                                   Belfast, Northern Ireland John Hind esta 1974 #28628  
s the Irish UFO Research Centre in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It publishes  1974 #28628  
driving in County Antrim from West Belfast, Northern Ireland saw an egg-sha 3/23/2000 #43967  
## Word: "belfast-allentown" (Back to Top)
                                   BELFAST-ALLENTOWN, PA 12 observer(s). 7+ 3/23/1973 #27363  
## Word: "belfort" (Back to Top)
lor(s). Going quickly northeast to Belfort. No further details.             10/3/1954 #10645  
                    In Bavilliers, Belfort department, France at 6:50 p.m.  9/4/1973 #27761  
                                   BELFORT MOUNTAINS, FR Lumieres dans la N 3/23/1974 #28930  
                                   BELFORT, FR 5 observer(s). Metallic sauc 7/18/1979 #34662  
                                   Belfort, France A metallic disc flew ove 7/18/1979 #34663  
etallic disc flew over the city of Belfort, France at 2:30 in the afternoon 7/18/1979 #34666  
## Word: "belfry" (Back to Top)
                                   BELFRY, KY 2 wakened / humming. 16M disk 11/26/1956 #13354  
## Word: "belge" (Back to Top)
     Brussels, Belgium The Société Belge d’Étude des Phénomènes Spatiaux is 5/1971 #26090  
     Brussels, Belgium The Société Belge d’Étude des Phénomènes Spatiaux in 6/11/2007 #45035  
ken by a less formal group, Comité Belge d’Étude des Phénomenes Spatiaux, h 6/11/2007 #45035  
## Word: "belgian" (Back to Top)
.. 1 smokes. No further details. / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) IFS#23 p35. 8/23/1015 #6  
ng quickly west. / Verdun Museum / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) IFS#23 p35. 1/1034? #7  
 mountains. Going quickly south. / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) IFS#23.     10/27/1180 (approximate) #8  
 night. 'Wind making stars sway' / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) IFS#23.     9/24/1235 #10  
bodies fly single file / 1 hour. / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) r186#23.    1/8/1388 #17  
 Small humanoids (or Greys) too? / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) IFS#24.     12/5/1557 #30  
ng wheel spins near Nijo Castle. / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) IFS#24.     5/1/1606 (approximate) #36  
                   Elizabethville, Belgian Congo Two Discs Over Uraniam Min 3/29/1952 #5988  
                                   Belgian Congo Elisabethville [modern Lub 3/29/1952 #5993  
 mines in the southern part of the Belgian Congo near Elisabethville [moder 3/29/1952 #5993  
reetops. A Commander Pierre of the Belgian Air Force sets out in pursuit in 3/29/1952 #5993  
s article of a UFO report from the Belgian Congo: Commander Pierre of Elisa 8/16/1952 #7613  
ote the idea, together with former Belgian prime minister Paul van Zeeland  5/29/1954 #9840  
   Anvers, Belgium BUFOI magazine (Belgian UFO Information) is launched by  6/1964 #18315  
lgium Bucharest, Romania 1:30 a.m. Belgian writer Julian Weverbergh and his 12/14/1970 #25938  
rt alerts 43 other girl guides and Belgian missionary Rev. Fr. Quertemont,  7/4/1972 #26764  
r with aircraft because there is a Belgian Air Force Base northeast of her  3/20/1973 #27353  
ojects 4 tapering beams / light. / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) #21 p19.    3/26/1973 #27378  
s. Greys / space-suits approach. / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS.)            1/17/1974 #28682  
flat object going NNW rising along Belgian frontier.                        2/25/1974 #28797  
5 p.m. Lt. Col. André Amond of the Belgian Army and his wife spot a strange 12/11/1989 #39313  
                                   Belgian Minister of Defense Jean-Pol Pon 12/21/1989 #39326  
rts is good… Investigation by BAF [Belgian Air Force] continues.” It notes  3/1990 #39435  
r Force] continues.” It notes that Belgian General Wilfried De Brouwer aske 3/1990 #39435  
e US Air Force does confirm to the Belgian Air Force and Ministry of Defens 3/1990 #39435  
lerebaut (secretary general of the Belgian UFO group SOBEPS), film director 3/31/1990 #39503  
Belgium Brussels NATO headquarters Belgian Air Force Col. Wilfred De Brouwe 7/11/1990 #39641  
r large military convoy. Rumble. / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS.)            2/11/1992 #40327  
annot match the performance of the Belgian triangles.                       4/29/1993 #40956  
tion was first proposed in 1991 by Belgian deputy Elio Di Rupo in the wake  12/1/1993 #41315  
ty Elio Di Rupo in the wake of the Belgian UFO wave to set up an all-Europe 12/1/1993 #41315  
 underside. Drawing same as recent Belgian delta/triangle/box-like craft.   3/16/1995 #42108  
## Word: "belgium" (Back to Top)
                              ATH, BELGIUM Large glowing clouds collide. Fi 10/19/1726 #57  
               GREENWICH, ENGL AND BELGIUM Cloud cylinder/cigar-shape and 8 8/18/1783 #89  
                           BRUGES, BELGIUM Unusual meteor goes south. Retur 7/1799 #97  
                      GENT = GAND, BELGIUM Several / observer(s). Ring beco 4/5/1870 #186  
                        ANDERLUIS, BELGIUM Teacher. 25M sphere glides down  2/25/1909 #720  
       On this night in Anderlues, Belgium a teacher sighted a 25-meter in  2/25/1909 #721  
                        ONKERZELE, BELGIUM Hundreds / observer(s). Fatima l 12/18/1933 #1178  
ndreds of witnesses in Onkerzeele, Belgium watched a Fatima like solar appa 12/18/1933 #1179  
                         Mechelen, Belgium Night. A Mr. Aerts sees a brilli Spring 1935 #1224  
oofs of nearby houses in Mechelen, Belgium. It lands and he sees two small  Spring 1935 #1224  
                     NEAR ANTWERP, BELGIUM 1 observer. Aluminum pan / rooft 4/1935 (approximate) #1225  
            NORTHWEST / ANDERLUES, BELGIUM 1 observer. Small glowing-ovoid  8/1937 (approximate) #1275  
                         TOMBROEK, BELGIUM Nurse. Metallic-domed saucer pas 7/1943? #1514  
                         BRUSSELS, BELGIUM 1 observer. Transparent ovoid cr 9/1944 #1653  
                     NEAR ANTWERP, BELGIUM Canadian soldiers. Glowing 3' cl 9/1944 #1654  
                          Antwerp, Belgium Around 9 p.m. in the evening a C 9/1944 #1659  
                          Antwerp, Belgium Glowing globe, cloudy gas with a 9/1944 #1661  
                          Antwerp, Belgium 9:00 p.m. Canadian Army Lance Cp 9/1944 #1663  
son Yorke is just outside Antwerp, Belgium, during a German bombardment. He 9/1944 #1663  
                                   BELGIUM LOCATION UNKNOWN British Anti-Ai 11/23/1944 #1701  
                         Ardennes, Belgium Large white light; no radar cont 12/28/1944 #1739  
                         Ardennes, Belgium Pair of fog lights; bright yello 1/1/1945 #1749  
                      ST. NIKLAAS, BELGIUM Pan-shaped object / roadside. Sm 8/1946 #2090  
                     Sint-Niklaas, Belgium 8:30 p.m. A young man sees a pan 8/1946 #2093  
bject near a road in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium. A small entity holding an acaci 8/1946 #2093  
                           JALHAY, BELGIUM 2 / farm. Large object quickly g 8/1947 #3267  
                     PHILIPEVILLE, BELGIUM Military observer(s). Star dives 6/1952 #6399  
enmark Norway Portugal Netherlands Belgium Exercise Mainbrace begins in the 9/14/1952 #7939  
Norway, Portugal, Netherlands, and Belgium. Its objective is to convince De 9/14/1952 #7939  
                        ANSEREMME, BELGIUM 5 observer(s). Orange sphere/orb 12/4/1952 #8370  
                       BOUFFIOULX, BELGIUM Saucer stops. Big blast. Angel h 5/16/1953 #8878  
                       Bouffioulx, Belgium 8:15 p.m. Photographer Herman Ch 5/16/1953 #8879  
rman Charmanne is near Bouffioulx, Belgium, when he hears a strange metalli 5/16/1953 #8879  
           In Bouffioulx, Hainaut, Belgium at 5:30 p.m. a disc-shaped UFO a 5/16/1953 #8880  
                         NEAR HUY, BELGIUM Postman. Ovoid lands. 2 appproxi 10/9/1954 #10827  
                              Huy, Belgium A mailman saw a cigar-shaped obj 10/9/1954 #10841  
                 A mailman in Huy, Belgium saw a cigar-shaped object land.  10/9/1954 #10859  
                             Uccle Belgium The Royal Observatory of Belgium 10/10/1954 #10891  
e Belgium The Royal Observatory of Belgium in Uccle announces it will act a 10/10/1954 #10891  
      ARLON MARTELANGE AND SIBRET, BELGIUM 'Slow meteor' going quickly NNW. 10/16/1954 #11131  
                  BOIS DE VILLERS, BELGIUM 2 locals hear screams from 2M fl 11/9/1954 #11608  
                  Bois de Villers, Belgium Two villagers reported the landi 11/9/1954 #11610  
 Two villagers in Bois de Villers, Belgium reported the landing of a two-me 11/9/1954 #11613  
                         STEMBERT, BELGIUM 13 observer(s). White-yellow ovo 11/10/1954 #11617  
          WASMES TO/FROM AUDEMETS, BELGIUM Saucer lands near road. Mans clo 11/14/1954 #11646  
                           Wasmes, Belgium Approximate date. Marcel Pipers  11/14/1954 #11649  
                            NAMUR, BELGIUM Classic saucer / 1.5km altitude. 6/5/1955 #12184  
                            Namur, Belgium Namur, Belgium (images) (NICAP:  6/5/1955 #12185  
             Namur, Belgium Namur, Belgium (images) (NICAP: 08 - Photograph 6/5/1955 #12185  
                  Saint-Marc Namur Belgium 7:30 p.m. François-Gilbert Muyld 6/5/1955 #12186  
 road near Saint-Marc, near Namur, Belgium, when he sees a bright disc movi 6/5/1955 #12186  
hotographs were taken in St. Marc, Belgium showing a convex, lens-shaped di 6/5/1955 #12187  
                           Anvers, Belgium BUFOI magazine (Belgian UFO Info 6/1964 #18315  
 a George Adamski group in Anvers, Belgium, and edited by May and Patrick M 6/1964 #18315  
                           Bruges, Belgium Jacques Bonabot, Jean-Gérard Doh 1965 #18685  
 Sciences d’Avant-Garde in Bruges, Belgium. It publishes Bulletin du GESAG. 1965 #18685  
                         ROSIERES, BELGIUM Car lifted / tube-night light. O 9/1965 #19488  
                           LIERNU, BELGIUM Motorcycle dies. 5M domed saucer 11/1966 #21055  
                        VLIERZELE, BELGIUM Bang! Green fireball appears beh 11/19/1966 #21125  
                             LIER, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). Large ovoid hover 4/10/1967 #22101  
                            BURET, BELGIUM 2 chrome 20M saucers exit fog 10 9/25/1967 #23127  
                         In Buret, Belgium at 7:00 a.m. two witnesses watch 9/25/1967 #23132  
                      KNOKKEHEIST, BELGIUM Leaves rustle / park. Observer(s 7/1968 #24102  
                         BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Slow silent 600M and triangle st 8/14/1968 #24323  
                           ZELLIK, BELGIUM Architect. 2 silent glowing-delt 9/24/1969 #25377  
 architect named Breeus in Zellik, Belgium watched two silent, glowing delt 9/24/1969 #25378  
                   GRACE-HOLLOGNE, BELGIUM Silent flashes / 2hz. 2 big sauc 10/9/1969 #25402  
                 RHODE-ST.-GENESE, BELGIUM 1 observer. Blinding saucer / gr 1/24/1970 #25551  
p.m. in Rhode-St. Genese, Brabant, Belgium. It was absolutely silent, but d 1/24/1970 #25552  
                                   Belgium Bucharest, Romania 1:30 a.m. Bel 12/14/1970 #25938  
       In Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont, Belgium at 7:40 p.m. several people witn 3/2/1971 #26040  
t. Five minutes later in Nivelles, Belgium a long cigar-shaped UFO with two 3/2/1971 #26040  
en for 30 minutes. In La Louviere, Belgium at 7:50 p.m. a dark rectangular  3/2/1971 #26040  
 the north-northwest. In Nivelles, Belgium again at 8:05 p.m. a nocturnal l 3/2/1971 #26040  
                         Brussels, Belgium The Société Belge d’Étude des Ph 5/1971 #26090  
atiaux is established in Brussels, Belgium, by Lucien Clarebaut. It publish 5/1971 #26090  
                       BRASSCHAAT, BELGIUM Large silver ovoid with halo van 4/27/1972 #26662  
o vanished in Brasschaat, Antwerp, Belgium at 2:10 a.m. A bright green ball 4/27/1972 #26663  
                      FAYMONVILLE, BELGIUM Strong night light curves southe 7/4/1972 #26759  
                       LAMBERMONT, BELGIUM Glowing-lens / 2km altitude. Sou 7/4/1972 #26760  
                            LIEGE, BELGIUM Numerous observer(s). 3 fireball 7/4/1972 #26761  
         SPY AND FLAWINNE AND ATH, BELGIUM Several separate observer(s). 3  7/4/1972 #26762  
                       ELLEZELLES, BELGIUM 1 observer. Luminous/glowing clo 7/4/1972 #26763  
            Lamonriville, Malmédy, Belgium Liège Flawinne Ellezelles 10:10  7/4/1972 #26764  
campfire at Lamonriville, Malmédy, Belgium, to a triangle of white lights m 7/4/1972 #26764  
                         BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Silver saucer hovers and wobbles 7/5/1972 #26770  
               JEMEPPE-SUR-SAMBRE, BELGIUM 2 white objects flutter and orbi 7/5/1972 #26771  
                                   Belgium 12:10 p.m. A witness in Belgium  7/5/1972 #26774  
   Belgium 12:10 p.m. A witness in Belgium is parking his car when he notic 7/5/1972 #26774  
                          SERAING, BELGIUM 1 observer. Silent orange cylind 7/6/1972 #26776  
                            CHEOX, BELGIUM "Satellite" NNW going SSE. Stops 7/6/1972 #26778  
               A light over Cheox, Belgium at first appeared to be behaving 7/6/1972 #26780  
                              ATH, BELGIUM 8 white orbs / octagon hover / l 7/11/1972 #26792  
                            LIEGE, BELGIUM 3 night lights / triangle northe 7/14/1972 #26797  
                      FAYMONVILLE, BELGIUM 4 observer(s). Red hat-saucer go 7/19/1972 #26810  
                      Faymonville, Belgium 10:35 p.m. Herbert and Mady Math 7/19/1972 #26813  
ildren are walking in Faymonville, Belgium, when they see a red-orange poin 7/19/1972 #26813  
   That same night in Faymonville, Belgium a group of four people sighted a 7/19/1972 #26815  
                SINT NIKLAAS-VAAS, BELGIUM Observer(s) / DC3 flight. Flying 8/6/1972 #26878  
                           REMANS, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). 20M saucer hovers 10/5/1972 #27049  
                        In Remans, Belgium at 1 o'clock in the morning a 20 10/5/1972 #27051  
                            GHLIN, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Domed grey metall 10/29/1972 #27099  
                 NEAR BEAUVECHAIN, BELGIUM 2 / car. Night lights. Odd sauce 10/29/1972 #27100  
y a young woman in Ghlin, Hainaut, Belgium at 10:40 a.m. It had a well-defi 10/29/1972 #27101  
                        ELLEMELLE, BELGIUM 1+2 observer(s). Red fireball wi 12/18/1972 #27179  
                        ZEEBRUGGE, BELGIUM Disk going [to] over harbor. No  1/27/1973 #27248  
                            NAMUR, BELGIUM 1 observer. 2 globes / light and 3/20/1973 #27351  
                        Tarcienne, Belgium Florennes 7:15 p.m. Lucie Vander 3/20/1973 #27352  
 window of her house in Tarcienne, Belgium, when she sees a bright light ap 3/20/1973 #27352  
 outside the village of Tarcienne, Belgium, went outdoors at 7:15 p.m. to c 3/20/1973 #27353  
                         MORIALME, BELGIUM 1 observer terrified. Flying ste 3/23/1973 #27366  
                       Borgerhout, Belgium 7:30 a.m. Arthur de Weerdt is wa 3/24/1973 #27372  
 a distant airliner in Borgerhout, Belgium, when he notices another sunlit  3/24/1973 #27372  
                       MARIAKERKE, BELGIUM Large cylinder/cigar-shape objec 4/3/1973 #27401  
               WINGENE AND PITTEM, BELGIUM Many observer(s). Large red glob 5/3/1973 #27463  
Pitten and Wingene, West Flanders, Belgium witnessed a large red globe at 4 5/3/1973 #27464  
                          EVERGEM, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). Low flying disk g 6/23/1973 #27582  
               MOLENBEEK-ST. JEAN, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). Cylinder seen ove 6/30/1973 #27603  
t / lunar surface. Seen / Embourg, Belgium. / GESAG report. Time = GMT.     9/10/1973 #27798  
                  NORTH / CUESMES, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). 7' flowerpot hove 9/14/1973 #27819  
                          Cuesmes, Belgium At 7:45 p.m. a young woman and h 9/14/1973 #27821  
mpy area between Cuesnes and Mons, Belgium, when upon rounding a bend in th 9/14/1973 #27823  
                       MARCINELLE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). 6 perfect orbs ex 9/16/1973 #27826  
                      GAND = GENT, BELGIUM Ovoid seen. Same seen over Abing 9/22/1973 #27852  
                         JEMAPPES, BELGIUM 1 observer. Glowing dome drops b 9/25/1973 #27865  
                             ELEN, BELGIUM 1 observer. Orange globe seen. 2 10/26/1973 #28292  
                          ANTWERP, BELGIUM Several separate observer(s). Ba 10/27/1973 #28300  
                          LEMBEEK, BELGIUM Globe passes over town. / Nieusb 11/1/1973 #28331  
                       KLEMSKERKE, BELGIUM J. Dovos sees saucer-shaped obje 11/11/1973 #28405  
               SOREE TO/FROM OHEY, BELGIUM 1 observer. Silent extra moon ti 11/19/1973 #28447  
                           UCCLES, BELGIUM Vertical glowing rod seen. / R.  11/26/1973 #28467  
                         BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Perfect disk flashes and glows.  12/2/1973 #28498  
                         BOONDAEL, BELGIUM Crackling noise. Luminous/glowin 12/2/1973 #28500  
euvered over the city of Brussels, Belgium shortly after midnight, flashing 12/2/1973 #28505  
                   ROMEREE, NAMUR, BELGIUM Several disks seen here. No furt 12/6/1973 #28532  
                   HOUTAIN-LE-VAL, BELGIUM 1 observer. Silent flaming ovoid 12/10/1973 #28547  
eighborhood of Frameries, Hainaut, Belgium at 5:45 a.m. The object flew in  12/11/1973 #28556  
ed in place over Dilbeek, Brabant, Belgium for a few minutes. It then swung 12/11/1973 #28556  
                        VILVOORDE, BELGIUM Small humanoid (or Grey) / south 12/19/1973 #28581  
                         Vilvorde, Belgium 2:00 a.m. Round disc. 16 1/2 ft. 12/19/1973 #28584  
curred on this night in Vilvoorde, Belgium. A 28-year-old man awoke at 2:00 12/19/1973 #28587  
                   NAMECHE, NAMUR, BELGIUM Red sphere/orb/globe then ladder 12/24/1973 #28601  
               WOLUWE ST. LAMBERT, BELGIUM Blue circular cloud with black c 12/28/1973 #28606  
ance Vevey, Switzerland Kalmthout, Belgium Perry Petrakis founds the Associ 1974 #28626  
Vevey, Switzerland, and Kalmthout, Belgium. It begins publishing the AESV b 1974 #28626  
                         WARNETON, BELGIUM 2 cars electro-magnetic effect ( 1/7/1974 #28656  
                         Warneton, Belgium Helmet-shaped object with tripod 1/7/1974 #28658  
                         Warneton, Belgium UFO landed, humanoid encounter   1/7/1974 #28659  
                         Warneton, Belgium 8:40 p.m. A man’s car suddenly d 1/7/1974 #28660  
es as he is driving near Warneton, Belgium. He sees a landed domed disc wit 1/7/1974 #28660  
          Driving toward Warneton, Belgium along the French-Belgian border, 1/7/1974 #28661  
                 AISCHE-EN-REFAIL, BELGIUM Car malfunctions due to EME (ele 1/24/1974 #28697  
                 Aische-en-Refail, Belgium Disc-like object on ground near  1/24/1974 #28700  
t Aische-en-Rafail near Lierneaux, Belgium at 4:03 p.m. saw an object shape 1/24/1974 #28702  
                             GENT, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Dark vertical cyl 2/13/1974 #28761  
          CHAPELLE-LEZ-HERLAIMONT, BELGIUM Several separate observer(s). Si 3/2/1974 #28846  
                      LA LOUVIERE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Dark rectangle wi 3/2/1974 #28847  
                 NORTH / NIVELLES, BELGIUM 3 / car. Long cylinder/cigar-sha 3/2/1974 #28848  
            ECAUSSINNES D'ENGHIEN, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). Big silent grey d 3/2/1974 #28849  
                         CROISEAU, BELGIUM 2 / car. Dark silent delta/trian 3/2/1974 #28850  
                         NIVELLES, BELGIUM 3 / car. Night light / falling-l 3/2/1974 #28851  
               RTE 53 NEAR BAUFFE, BELGIUM 1 observer. Saucer west tall dom 3/14/1974 #28883  
 main NATO headquarters in Bauffe, Belgium. The witness was driving on High 3/14/1974 #28885  
         SILLY TO/FROM THORICOURT, BELGIUM 1 / car. Domed bell saucer with  3/21/1974 #28918  
            KONINGSLO = VILVOORDE, BELGIUM "Moon-size" saucer overhead. Car 4/1974 #28981  
                           FLOREE, BELGIUM 5 observer(s). Moon-size white s 4/14/1974 #29013  
                          COUTHIN, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Sphere/orb/globe  4/14/1974 #29014  
                        BARBENCON, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Moon-size disk fl 4/14/1974 #29015  
                        COURRIERE, BELGIUM 8 observer(s). Huge silent "Rugb 4/14/1974 #29016  
                           VEDRIN, BELGIUM 4+2 observer(s). Silent white 50 4/14/1974 #29017  
                NAMUR AND NAMECHE, BELGIUM 2+3 observer(s). Night lights ho 4/14/1974 #29018  
              HOEILART AND MALEVE, BELGIUM 3+3 observer(s). Night light zig 4/14/1974 #29019  
                          RIVIERE, BELGIUM 1 observer. Triangle / yellow-wh 4/14/1974 #29020  
                       LES BULLES, BELGIUM 1 observer. Grey-brown colored s 4/14/1974 #29021  
               Vedrin & Courriere, Belgium 8:00 p.m.        and continuing  4/14/1974 #29022  
Inquiry by Frank Boitte, Brussels, Belgium.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/14/1974 #29022  
                          IXELLES, BELGIUM 2+3 observer(s). Whistle / siren 4/20/1974 #29048  
                            JUMET, BELGIUM 19 separate observer(s). Loud wa 4/20/1974 #29049  
                      LODELINSART, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Bed lamp dims gre 4/20/1974 #29050  
                           MELLET, BELGIUM 2+2+4 observer(s). Loud noise. A 4/21/1974 #29051  
                        GOSSELIES, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). 10M glowing metal 4/21/1974 #29052  
                         LOVERVAL, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). American police s 4/21/1974 #29053  
                       MARCINELLE, BELGIUM 1+10 observer(s). Dark domed sau 4/21/1974 #29054  
 12:20 a.m. in Gosselies, Hainaut, Belgium a 10-meter diameter glowing meta 4/21/1974 #29055  
 wailing sound was heard in Jumet, Belgium and a green, 11-meter orb was se 4/21/1974 #29055  
t. At the same time in Marcinelle, Belgium 11 witnesses, including a 16-yea 4/21/1974 #29055  
                        GOSSELIES, BELGIUM Aviation mechanic and 1 / (seen  4/24/1974 #29059  
                       MARCINELLE, BELGIUM 1 observer. Saucer tilted over b 4/25/1974 #29061  
 apartment building in Marcinelle, Belgium at 10:30 p.m. It inclined toward 4/25/1974 #29062  
              LA ROCHE-EN-ARDENNE, BELGIUM Luminous "Rugby-ball" beams ray  5/14/1974 #29103  
                         WARNETON, BELGIUM Car sputters. 2 figure(s) / spac 6/6/1974 #29165  
r report of humanoids in Warneton, Belgium from January 7, 1974 saw the sam 6/6/1974 #29170  
              ST.-JOSSE-TEN-NOODE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Luminous ball goi 8/15/1974 #29348  
                        HAVELANGE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Silent luminous w 8/15/1974 #29349  
                      LODELINSART, BELGIUM 1 observer. Loud noises / 15 min 8/15/1974 #29350  
                            HALLE, BELGIUM Aviation mechanic. Ball / steady 8/15/1974 #29352  
                        WEZEMBEEK, BELGIUM 1 observer / home. Silent grey m 8/15/1974 #29353  
                         DAMPREMY, BELGIUM 3+3 observer(s). Disk hovers / 1 8/15/1974 #29354  
              MONT-SUR-MARCHIENNE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Saucer / large do 8/28/1974 #29394  
n, moved over Mont-sur-Marchienne, Belgium and flew on toward the north-nor 8/28/1974 #29397  
                    BOIS DE SILLY, BELGIUM 2+several. Woods lit up. Vibrant 9/5/1974 #29424  
                            UCCLE, BELGIUM 6M lens saucer going north over  9/10/1974? #29441  
                 WANFERCEE-BAULET, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). 3M saucer seen /  9/10/1974 #29442  
                           BOUSSU, BELGIUM 5 observer(s). Cone / light hove 9/10/1974 #29443  
                          JODOIGN, BELGIUM 6 observer(s). Domed saucer with 9/10/1974 #29444  
                            LIEGE, BELGIUM 5 observer(s) / (seen thru) bino 9/10/1974 #29445  
                        GRIVEGNEE, BELGIUM 4 observer(s). Delta/triangle/bo 9/10/1974 #29446  
                          TILLEUR, BELGIUM 5 observer(s). Grivignee delta/t 9/10/1974 #29447  
                          EMBOURG, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). Dark ovoid with h 9/10/1974 #29448  
                         VERVIERS, BELGIUM 6 observer(s) / (seen thru) bino 9/10/1974 #29449  
                          BAUDOUR, BELGIUM 1+1 observer(s) / (seen thru) bi 9/10/1974 #29450  
               MONCEAU-SUR-SAMBRE, BELGIUM 1 observer. 2 dull-glowing orbs  9/11/1974 #29451  
                          SERAING, BELGIUM 2 observer(s) / 10 th floor / (s 10/9/1974 #29507  
                          BASILLY, BELGIUM Circle / night lights turns. Goi 12/21/1974 #29651  
                        FORRIERES, BELGIUM 1 / car. Strange delta-wing plan 1/21/1975 #29759  
                         BRUSSELS, BELGIUM 5M saucer tilts and "hides" / ci 8/5/1975 #30237  
ed object was sighted in Brussels, Belgium. It tilted, then "hid" in clouds 8/5/1975 #30238  
                        FORRIERES, BELGIUM Strange screech. Human figure ha 8/16/1975 #30279  
of Forrieres, Luxembourg Province, Belgium on their way to work when they n 8/16/1975 #30281  
                            JETTE, BELGIUM Grey ovoid going quickly southea 9/9/1975 #30348  
ght beams in Jette, East Flanders, Belgium. It flew between the witness and 9/9/1975 #30350  
dren in Moulin Sous Fleron, Liege, Belgium were frightened by a being dress 9/10/1975 #30351  
              ST. JOSSE-TEN-NOODE, BELGIUM Glowing-sphere/orb/globe hovers  9/20/1975 #30370  
                         ZAVENTEM, BELGIUM 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Perf 9/20/1975 #30371  
                         LA HULPE, BELGIUM 5 observer(s). Bright "star" zig 9/20/1975 #30372  
                        ETTERBEEK, BELGIUM 3 night lights / delta/triangle/ 9/20/1975 #30373  
 TV towers in St.-Josse-Ten-Noode, Belgium for three minutes, then moved aw 9/20/1975 #30374  
ered over the airport in Zaventem, Belgium for over an hour, beginning at 5 9/20/1975 #30374  
ke object zigzagged over La Hulpe, Belgium then flew off straight toward th 9/20/1975 #30374  
 chased each other over Etterbeek, Belgium. They later regrouped.           9/20/1975 #30374  
                          KONTICH, BELGIUM 4+2 / separate cars. Blimp-objec 4/7/1976 #30987  
                          Kontich, Belgium 11:40 p.m. A couple driving thei 4/7/1976 #30989  
uple driving their car in Kontich, Belgium at 9:15 p.m. saw a dirigible-sha 4/7/1976 #30990  
                         TERVUREN, BELGIUM 4 / car. Silent 12M object cross 4/25/1976 #31023  
 a Mr. Y. Vandenbroek in Tervuren, Belgium, at an altitude of 100 meters. S 4/25/1976 #31024  
                         WILJRIJK, BELGIUM Widow and 2 kids. Domed saucer p 5/4/1976 #31034  
flying by in the sky over Wilrijk, Belgium at 10:45 p.m. local time. It had 5/4/1976 #31036  
        About five hours after the Belgium UFO encounter a farmer driving t 5/4/1976 #31038  
                 BRAINE-LE-COMPTE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Rectangular objec 5/9/1976 #31040  
                  Braine-le-Comte, Belgium 10:30 p.m. A 22-year-old couple  5/9/1976 #31041  
 over the town of Braine-le-Comte, Belgium at 10:30 p.m. In the middle port 5/9/1976 #31042  
 Job-in-'T Goor, Antwerp province, Belgium, two young women, a 19-year-old  5/18/1976 #31061  
        KALMHOUTSE HOUK AND PUTTE, BELGIUM 2 / camp and cop. 50' domed meta 7/1/1976 #31145  
                      LA LOUVIERE, BELGIUM 1 observer. Dark solid flat cyli 4/17/1977 #31984  
             La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium 4:00 p.m. A woman in La Louvière 4/17/1977 #31986  
. A woman in La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium, watches a flat cylinder with fa 4/17/1977 #31986  
 67-year-old woman in La Louviere, Belgium sighted a solid, dark, flat cyli 4/17/1977 #31989  
                            NAMUR, BELGIUM Man photos UFO from his car. Stu 6/5/1977 #32146  
                           UCCLES, BELGIUM Several observer(s). Blinding si 10/17/1977 #32582  
                            Uccle, Belgium A woman and her children watch a 10/17/1977 #32584  
 their first-floor porch in Uccle, Belgium. It is stationary and silent for 10/17/1977 #32584  
                            Uccle, Belgium. On this evening a blinding red  10/17/1977 #32585  
                          Antwerp, Belgium Bruges Jacques Bonabot founds th 1979 #34255  
de Luchtverschijnselen in Antwerp, Belgium, as the Flemish counterpart to t 1979 #34255  
                           NEVELE, BELGIUM 5 kids. Whoosh. Grey metallic do 11/28/1981 #36235  
 and Janine Lorent in Sambreville, Belgium sighted a three meter diameter m 5/9/1983 #36857  
                          Casteau, Belgium Western Europe NATO carries out  11/7/1983 #37044  
e (SHAPE) headquarters in Casteau, Belgium, it involves NATO forces through 11/7/1983 #37044  
                                   Belgium Concentration of triangular UFO  10/1989 #39137  
            ESNEUX AND DOLEMBREUX, BELGIUM 2 cops follow huge silent object 11/7/1989 #39218  
                         SURISTER, BELGIUM 1 observer. Plain metallic-grey  11/29/1989 #39255  
                           JALHAY, BELGIUM Farmer. Metallic cylinder/cigar- 11/29/1989 #39256  
                             MAZY, BELGIUM 1 observer. Odd-delta/triangle/b 11/29/1989 #39257  
                        ST. VAAST, BELGIUM 1 / kitchen window. Dark boilerp 11/29/1989 #39258  
                      SOUTH / GOE, BELGIUM 2 / car. Delta/triangle/box-like 11/29/1989 #39259  
                          DOLHAIN, BELGIUM 2 / car. Grey saucer-cylinder/ci 11/29/1989 #39260  
                            EUPEN, BELGIUM Silent triangle hovers / 15M alt 11/29/1989 #39261  
                         KETTENIS, BELGIUM Going [to] 20 cops and many. Del 11/29/1989 #39262  
                           BAELEN, BELGIUM Several separate observer(s). La 11/29/1989 #39263  
                            AUBEL, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Odd shape with 3  11/29/1989 #39264  
                          BIERSET, BELGIUM 1 observer. Diamond-shape over i 11/29/1989 #39265  
                      LA CALAMINE, BELGIUM Several observer(s). Silent shap 11/29/1989 #39266  
               VOEREN AND BATTICE, BELGIUM 4 UFO's and night lights dance / 11/29/1989 #39267  
                       HERBESTHAL, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Dark delta/triang 11/29/1989 #39268  
                          LONTZEN, BELGIUM 2 cops. Delta/triangle/box-like  11/29/1989 #39269  
                            Eupen, Belgium Police patrol car illuminated by 11/29/1989 #39270  
                            Eupen, Belgium Police patrol car illuminated by 11/29/1989 #39271  
                            Eupen, Belgium 5:15 p.m. While patrolling on th 11/29/1989 #39272  
rolling on the road between Eupen, Belgium, and the German border, two fede 11/29/1989 #39272  
                            Eupen, Belgium Lac de la Gileppe dam 5:24 p.m.  11/29/1989 #39273  
aft maneuvering overhead at Eupen, Belgium. Two police officers in a patrol 11/29/1989 #39273  
                            Eupen, Belgium 6:45 p.m. Gendarmes Heinrich Nic 11/29/1989 #39274  
gny see another object near Eupen, Belgium, which appears from behind a woo 11/29/1989 #39274  
hy Rue Hector Denis Grâce-Berleur, Belgium 6:45 p.m. A man is driving alone 11/29/1989 #39275  
e Hector Denis near Grâce-Berleur, Belgium, when he sees to his left an imm 11/29/1989 #39275  
                            Eupen, Belgium Kloster Garnstock 7:20 p.m. Two  11/29/1989 #39276  
loster Garnstock?] north of Eupen, Belgium. The object has three very stron 11/29/1989 #39276  
r just south of the city of Eupen, Belgium, found themselves in the middle  11/29/1989 #39277  
counter occurred in nearby Voeren, Belgium, and at 7:10 p.m. two witnesses  11/29/1989 #39277  
 p.m. two witnesses in Herbesthal, Belgium saw a dark delta-shaped object f 11/29/1989 #39277  
               SOUTH / PLOMBIERES, BELGIUM Delta/triangle/box-like craft pa 11/30/1989 #39279  
w over a road south of Plombieres, Belgium. It had two large lights in fron 11/30/1989 #39284  
                              ANS, BELGIUM Military and civil observer(s).  12/1/1989 #39290  
          Square Nicolaï Ans Liège Belgium Weather forecaster Francesco Val 12/1/1989 #39292  
 the Square Nicolaï in Ans, Liège, Belgium, when they see a large, slow-mov 12/1/1989 #39292  
                            Eupen, Belgium 6:50 p.m. An amateur photographe 12/1/1989 #39293  
tting in his living room at Eupen, Belgium, when he sees a lozenge-shaped U 12/1/1989 #39293  
                          BATTICE, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). Dark triangle rum 12/6/1989 #39300  
                      LA LOUVIERE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Dull distant roar 12/11/1989 #39309  
                         GEMBLOUX, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Absolute(ly) sile 12/11/1989 #39310  
                            JUMET, BELGIUM 2 separate observer(s). 5-10M bl 12/11/1989 #39311  
                            Trooz, Belgium 6:30 p.m. A 12-year-old boy and  12/11/1989 #39312  
r-old boy and his family in Trooz, Belgium, watch a domed, triangular objec 12/11/1989 #39312  
Rue de Sart Ernage Ernage Gembloux Belgium 6:45 p.m. Lt. Col. André Amond o 12/11/1989 #39313  
rnage between Ernage and Gembloux, Belgium. It looks like a series of 3–4 p 12/11/1989 #39313  
                          JUPILLE, BELGIUM Throbbing sound. Large ovoid / o 12/12/1989 #39314  
                Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium 2:15 a.m. A man in Jupille-sur-M 12/12/1989 #39315  
5 a.m. A man in Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium, wakes up to a dull throbbing no 12/12/1989 #39315  
                   ST. SYMPHORIEN, BELGIUM 1 observer. Big sphere/orb/globe 12/18/1989 #39320  
                           BINCHE, BELGIUM Triangular mothership launches s 12/18/1989 #39321  
                         BASECLES, BELGIUM Several separate observer(s). Si 12/21/1989 #39324  
                      SAMBREVILLE, BELGIUM Man videos flattened sphere/orb/ 12/24/1989 #39331  
                             NIMY, BELGIUM Woman videos luminous globe. Tap 12/24/1989 #39334  
                 AISCHE-EN-REFAIL, BELGIUM Rigid manta-delta/triangle/box-l 12/24/1989 #39337  
At 5:50 p.m. a man in Sambreville, Belgium took a ten minute video of a rou 12/24/1989 #39339  
minous globe in the sky over Nimy, Belgium. The videotape shows a white bal 12/24/1989 #39339  
                           GENVAL, BELGIUM 1 observer. Odd silent elongated 12/26/1989 #39342  
               WAVRE AND SOUTHEAST BELGIUM 2600 sightings / delta/triangle/ 1990 #39347  
               Thimister-Clermont, Belgium 10:30 a.m. Two women are driving Early 1/1990 #39361  
southwest near Thimister-Clermont, Belgium, when they see a bizarre object  Early 1/1990 #39361  
                         MEERHOUT, BELGIUM 3 / car. Huge saucer teeters jus 1/21/1990 #39385  
                         FLEMALLE, BELGIUM Delta/triangle/box-like craft. W 2/15/1990 #39419  
                                   Belgium Ardennes area A classified US De 3/1990 #39435  
t Staff Information Report #5049, “Belgium and the UFO Issue,” states that  3/1990 #39435  
us UFO sightings have been made in Belgium since Nov 89. The credibility of 3/1990 #39435  
                         BEAUFAYS, BELGIUM Physicist and several / (seen th 3/18/1990 #39465  
         ST. GEORGES AND FLEMALLE, BELGIUM Several observer(s). Dark silent 3/18/1990 #39466  
                HEIST-OP-DEN-BERG, BELGIUM 2+kids. 2 delta/triangle/box-lik 3/24/1990 #39483  
 relatives near Heist-op-den-berg, Belgium were on a flat section of countr 3/24/1990 #39484  
                         BRUSSELS, BELGIUM 3 large green lights in formatio 3/30/1990 #39491  
                            GLONS, BELGIUM Civilians report delta/triangle/ 3/30/1990 #39492  
                   RONSE = RENAIX, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). 2M red ball hover 3/30/1990 #39493  
                    RAMILLIES AND, BELGIUM 18 cops / separate locations. Ni 3/30/1990 #39494  
          JODOIGNE AND THOREMBAIS, BELGIUM Triangle / night lights kilomete 3/30/1990 #39495  
                     JAUNCHELETTE, BELGIUM Cops / (seen thru) binoculars. S 3/30/1990 #39496  
                     Wavre (near), Belgium Three Lights in Triangle Are Als 3/30/1990 #39497  
               Brussels and Wavre, Belgium Gendarmes reported luminous, hig 3/30/1990 #39498  
                        The Glons (Belgium) Thorembais-Gembloux, Belgium Wa 3/30/1990 #39499  
ons (Belgium) Thorembais-Gembloux, Belgium Wavre gendarmerie Semmerzake Bea 3/30/1990 #39499  
ain Air Base 11:00 p.m. The Glons (Belgium) Control Reporting Center receiv 3/30/1990 #39499  
moving toward Thorembais-Gembloux, Belgium, constantly changing color, in t 3/30/1990 #39499  
e reports of nocturnal lights from Belgium on this night between 11:00 p.m. 3/30/1990 #39500  
0 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. In Ramilles, Belgium at 11 o'clock in the evening sev 3/30/1990 #39500  
seen in the sky over Jaunchelette, Belgium. Three lights in a huge triangle 3/30/1990 #39500  
                     LOUVAIN AREA, BELGIUM Ground and air RADAR's. Blips to 3/31/1990 #39501  
                     Wavre (near), Belgium Three Lights in Triangle Are Als 3/31/1990 #39502  
   19 miles southeast of Brussels, Belgium Night. Lucien Clerebaut (secreta 3/31/1990 #39503  
ut 19 miles southeast of Brussels, Belgium. Ferryn estimates its altitude i 3/31/1990 #39503  
                    Petit-Rechain, Belgium Belgium, triangle (NICAP: 08 - P 4/4/1990 #39508  
            Petit-Rechain, Belgium Belgium, triangle (NICAP: 08 - Photograp 4/4/1990 #39508  
                    Petit-Rechain, Belgium Patrick Maréchal, a young worker 4/4/1990 #39509  
, a young worker at Petit-Rechain, Belgium, takes a photo of a delta-shaped 4/4/1990 #39509  
                BRAINE-LE-CHATEAU, BELGIUM 1 observer. Huge silent triangle 4/7/1990 #39514  
                 SPY AND FLAWINNE, BELGIUM Cop and 1. Large dark silent tri 4/12/1990 #39520  
                          NOISEUX, BELGIUM Air Force man. Night lights / tr 4/15/1990 #39526  
                         Basècles, Belgium Before 12:00 midnight. Two worke 4/22/1990 #39539  
n a factory courtyard in Basècles, Belgium, watch two enormous spotlights i 4/22/1990 #39539  
southwest to the northeast (toward Belgium).                                4/22/1990 #39540  
s, southwest of Brussels, Hainaut, Belgium. They were in their factory cour 4/22/1990 #39541  
                       STAMBRUGES, BELGIUM 2 cops. 15M metallic saucer goin 4/23/1990 #39542  
                          ANTWERP, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Silent orange sau 5/4/1990 #39554  
                      ST. GEORGES, BELGIUM Dogs howl. Silent saucer / 1M al 5/4/1990 #39555  
                   Stockay, Liège, Belgium 11:15 p.m. A retired archaeologi 5/4/1990 #39556  
d archaeologist in Stockay, Liège, Belgium, is about to return home after c 5/4/1990 #39556  
ter, at 10:20 p.m. in St. Georges, Belgium, a dog howled when a silent disc 5/4/1990 #39557  
    At about the time of the first Belgium report, at 10:30 p.m. a woman in 5/4/1990 #39558  
                       In Antwerp, Belgium at 11:20 p.m. two observers repo 5/4/1990 #39559  
                                   Belgium Brussels NATO headquarters Belgi 7/11/1990 #39641  
 at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. He states that the March 30–31  7/11/1990 #39641  
                   Grâce-Hollogne, Belgium Seraing Meuse River 10:35 p.m. A 7/26/1990 #39663  
ving south through Grâce-Hollogne, Belgium, when they see a triangular obje 7/26/1990 #39663  
               BILZEN AND HOESELT, BELGIUM Several observer(s). Diamond obj 8/3/1990 #39677  
                  EAST / GEMBLOUX, BELGIUM 10 / farms. Silent diamond with  10/11/1990 #39774  
                         Rachamps, Belgium 10:05 p.m. Mme. Henquinet and he 10/21/1990 #39803  
ion of NB47 and N30 near Rachamps, Belgium, when two lights suddenly drop t 10/21/1990 #39803  
                            Athus, Belgium Luxembourg 5:30 a.m. A young wom 10/23/1990 #39806  
 5:30 a.m. A young woman in Athus, Belgium, wakes up, looks out the window, 10/23/1990 #39806  
                        Pepinster, Belgium 9:25 p.m. Four witnesses, ages 1 10/23/1990 #39807  
h very bright lights in Pepinster, Belgium. The have the impression that th 10/23/1990 #39807  
        North Sea Germany southern Belgium 6:00 p.m. Two RAF Tornados over  11/5/1990 #39867  
the border of Germany and southern Belgium.                                 11/5/1990 #39867  
                          Fleurus, Belgium 5:28 a.m. Mme. Bouffioux is lyin 11/22/1990 #39898  
ake in bed at her home in Fleurus, Belgium, when she senses an intense ligh 11/22/1990 #39898  
Brussels Ring Road near Belle-Vue, Belgium 9:30 p.m. Mme. Cortvriendt and h 12/9/1990 #39927  
Brussels Ring Road near Belle-Vue, Belgium, when they see a luminous triang 12/9/1990 #39927  
       E411 motorway near Spontin, Belgium A4 in Beez, Belgium 6:00 p.m. Fo 1/6/1991 #39947  
 near Spontin, Belgium A4 in Beez, Belgium 6:00 p.m. Four family members dr 1/6/1991 #39947  
ng the E411 motorway near Spontin, Belgium, watch a gigantic, plate-shaped  1/6/1991 #39947  
y driving south on the A4 in Beez, Belgium, see three lights attached to an 1/6/1991 #39947  
    Tihange Nuclear Power Station, Belgium On two occasions an object is se 3/12/1991 #40010  
the Tihange Nuclear Power Station, Belgium. One witness reports a UFO direc 3/12/1991 #40010  
                        Auderghem, Belgium Night. An electronic engineer in 3/15/1991 #40014  
 electronic engineer in Auderghem, Belgium, wakes up and hears a barely aud 3/15/1991 #40014  
                  Braine l'Alleud, Belgium 1:30 a.m. A nurse in Braine l’Al 5/17/1991 #40066  
0 a.m. A nurse in Braine l’Alleud, Belgium, hears an intense hum and looks  5/17/1991 #40066  
                           LONCIN, BELGIUM Rounded manta with box / bottom  11/27/1991 #40243  
                        ATHUS, LX, BELGIUM 1+2 observer(s). 70M black trian 1/21/1992 #40295  
                      WELKENRAEDT, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Huge triangle goi 1/22/1992 #40297  
p.m. two observers in Welkenraedt, Belgium watched a huge triangle-shaped o 1/22/1992 #40299  
                   HENRI-CHAPELLE, BELGIUM Bright delta/triangle/box-like c 2/11/1992 #40327  
 triangular UAP like those seen in Belgium from 1989-1990. D’Amato believed 5/22/1992 #40469  
dition to the triangle UAP wave in Belgium for the SSCI. Mellon states on t 5/22/1992 #40469  
                       PLANCENOIT, BELGIUM 2 / car. Big silent brilliant ye 10/4/1992 #40660  
                   WEST / OPPAGNE, BELGIUM 2 / car. Silent triangle going s 11/8/1992 #40706  
                  BARVAUX / OURTH, BELGIUM Boy / 9. Large silent triangle s 11/18/1992 #40717  
             La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium 5:30–9:30 p.m. Multiple sighting 10/25/1993 #41252  
occur around La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium.                                 10/25/1993 #41252  
                                   Belgium France The European Parliament c 12/1/1993 #41315  
                          Antwerp, Belgium Wim van Utrecht founds Caelestia 1994 #41344  
recht founds Caelestia in Antwerp, Belgium, to collect, investigate, and do 1994 #41344  
                        Limelette, Belgium Petit-Ry neighborhood 1:30–1:45  7/2/1994 #41601  
1:45 p.m. A resident of Limelette, Belgium, is at home in the Petit-Ry neig 7/2/1994 #41601  
tory going quickly north toward(s) Belgium.                                 9/12/1994 #41738  
                         HERSEAUX, BELGIUM 1 observer. 2 then 4 white glowi 9/15/1994 #41750  
                        MOLENBEEK, BELGIUM Very luminous orange triangle wi 1/3/1995 #41941  
In the town of Molenbeek, Brabant, Belgium at 3:50 a.m. a very luminous ora 1/3/1995 #41946  
              BOIS-SEIGNEUR-ISAAC, BELGIUM Flat diamond with flat corners a 1/4/1995 #41950  
 p.m. in Hanret, Hainaut Province, Belgium Veronique V., who had been invol 2/21/1995 #42055  
                        (LOC.UNK), BELGIUM Flash. 2M humanoid appears / woo 8/24/1995 #42411  
e. Continues going north toward(s) Belgium.                                 1/21/1996 #42698  
ngular UAP sightings in the UK and Belgium in the early 1990s. When pressed Late 1990's #43480  
iving between Oostende and Bruges, Belgium saw a triangular object hovering 7/3/1999 #43790  
triangle in the sky over Mouscron, Belgium. It had blue lights in the three 12/6/2001 #44282  
was made by a witness in Mouscron, Belgium an 10:10 a.m. This daylight sigh 12/19/2001 #44298  
                                US Belgium The National Institute for Disco 8/2004 #44723  
of triangle-shaped UFOs in the US, Belgium, and elsewhere.                  8/2004 #44723  
                         Brussels, Belgium The Société Belge d’Étude des Ph 6/11/2007 #45035  
s Phénomènes Spatiaux in Brussels, Belgium, is officially dissolved. Its pl 6/11/2007 #45035  
                Wielsbeke Waregem, Belgium 7:30 a.m. Several people traveli 2/23/2018 #45508  
sbeke from the village of Waregem, Belgium, see a hovering triangle with tw 2/23/2018 #45508  
                       Oudenaarde, Belgium 6:50 p.m. Two witnesses in Ouden 2/23/2018 #45509  
 p.m. Two witnesses in Oudenaarde, Belgium, see a “hanging dot” that ascend 2/23/2018 #45509  
                              Mol, Belgium 1:00 a.m. A man steps outside hi 2/24/2018 #45511  
an steps outside his house in Mol, Belgium, when it suddenly becomes light  2/24/2018 #45511  
                          Lendele, Belgium 6:45 a.m. A witness in Lendele,  2/25/2018 #45514  
um 6:45 a.m. A witness in Lendele, Belgium, looks out the window and sees a 2/25/2018 #45514  
## Word: "belgm" (Back to Top)
                      BASSE WAVRE, BELGM 1 / car. Perfect 12cm green sphere 5/16/1973 #27495  
## Word: "belgogradskaya" (Back to Top)
                                   Belgogradskaya, Russia 7:40 p.m. A witne 9/19/1967 #23095  
he sky by a group of scientists in Belgogradskaya District, Russia at 7:40  9/19/1967 #23096  
## Word: "belgorod" (Back to Top)
                     NOVOOSKIL'SK, BELGOROD, USSR Luminous half-moon going  9/19/1967 #23092  
                        Zvarykino, Belgorod Oblast, Russia Day. Anna Dmitri 7/6/1990 #39637  
on a lonesome road near Zvarykino, Belgorod Oblast, Russia, when a woman ap 7/6/1990 #39637  
## Word: "belgrade" (Back to Top)
                                   BELGRADE OBSERVER(S), SERBIA Astronomer. 4/25/1898 #619  
   Astronomer Michailovitch at the Belgrade Observatory in Serbia, Yugoslav 4/25/1898 #620  
ubljana, Slovenia Sarajevo, Bosnia Belgrade, Serbia Thousands of witnesses  10/15/1954 #11112  
a, Slovenia; Sarajevo, Bosnia; and Belgrade, Serbia. Yugoslavia announces o 10/15/1954 #11112  
                                   BELGRADE, SERB Hundreds / observer(s). M 10/25/1954 #11374  
                                   Belgrade, Yugoslavia High speed objects  10/25/1954 #11386  
                                   Belgrade, Yugoslavia [now Serbia] Zemun  10/25/1954 #11390  
d others as egg-shaped, speed over Belgrade, Yugoslavia [now Serbia], trail 10/25/1954 #11390  
.m. at least four witnesses at the Belgrade, Yugoslavia airport sighted ove 10/25/1954 #11396  
                            Serbia Belgrade Observatory A mysterious object 10/25/1955 #12520  
B. Protić and other astronomers at Belgrade Observatory track the object an 10/25/1955 #12520  
                                   Belgrade, Montana A strange globe of fir 2/21/1963 #17676  
                                   BELGRADE, MT Odd fireball shakes car. Se 2/22/1963 #17680  
 hour later a fiery ball flew over Belgrade, Montana causing electrical pow 2/22/1963 #17681  
                                   BELGRADE, SERBIA 2 observer(s). Fast bri 5/21/1966 #20502  
                                   BELGRADE, YUGO Many observer(s). Red ovo 7/11/1970 #25732  
le/box-like craft seen. / Novosti, Belgrade.                                10/8/1971 #26411  
                    ZAGREB TO/FROM BELGRADE, YUGO Airline(s)/airliner crew  10/28/1975 #30493  
                                   Belgrade, Yugo DC-9 pilot followed by UF 10/28/1975 #30501  
## Word: "belgrano" (Back to Top)
             Argentine Navy Puerto Belgrano Naval Base Punta Alta, Argentin 1952 #5839  
o the UFO phenomenon at its Puerto Belgrano Naval Base in Punta Alta, Argen 1952 #5839  
 Argentine Air Force Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba, Argentina 4:30 p.m. A 7/3/1960 #16329  
s driving north near Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba, Argentina, when he no 7/3/1960 #16329  
le analysis was done by the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base.                     5/12/1962 #17162  
 Aráuz, La Pampa, Argentina Puerto Belgrano Naval Base Universidad Nacional 5/12/1962 #17165  
hief of intelligence at the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base, interviews the witn 5/12/1962 #17165  
lysis to either or both the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base and Universidad Naci 5/12/1962 #17165  
le analysis was done by the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base. At 4:30 p.m. anothe 5/12/1962 #17166  
                           General Belgrano, Santa Fe, Argentina A mushroom 8/10/1978 #33494  
ge over a military base in General Belgrano. The object was several meters  8/10/1978 #33494  
ge over a military base in General Belgrano, Santa Fe Province, Argentina o 8/10/1978 #33497  
                           General Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina 8:30 p 3/3/1988 #38482  
a soccer championship near General Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, when  3/3/1988 #38482  
6000 feet altitude over the Puerto Belgrano Navy Base, Argentina at 12:45 p 1/18/2000 #43930  
## Word: "belgrave" (Back to Top)
oria, Australia Eumemmerring Creek Belgrave Early morning. Kelly Cahill and 8/8/1993 #41117  
e near Eumemmerring Creek south of Belgrave when they see a huge lighted ob 8/8/1993 #41117  
## Word: "belie" (Back to Top)
, but its strange motion seemed to belie that explanation. The woman stoppe 4/25/1971 #26084  
## Word: "belief" (Back to Top)
flect General George C. Marshall’s belief that the incident was caused by c 2/24/1942 #1388  
, then explode in a starburst. The belief is that the object has now crashe 7/4/1947 #2670  
right Field had not borne out this belief. Disc and balloon being transport 7/8/1947 #3026  
y on UFOs. The study expresses the belief that some reports are genuine and 9/26/1952 #8036  
sitor tells him amazes him “beyond belief,” but he never publicly reveals w 12/1953 #9330  
ce in Bogotá, Colombia, states his belief that “flying saucers came from ou 2/2/1955 #11967  
“Abnormal predisposition to attach belief to the more fanciful aspects of U 5/23/1955 #12151  
f the documentary, Chop states his belief that UFOs are a real, physical ph 5/3/1956 #12828  
oks, in which he elaborates on his belief that the human species is in the  2/1987 #38108  
urvey this year indicates that the belief in “real” UFOs has declined to 47 1990 #39350  
and 54% in 1973. Only 27% report a belief that extraterrestrial UFOs have a 1990 #39350  
 to deceive human minds to prevent belief in their conqueror (suggested by  11/25/1991 #40241  
was with General Motors and OSTP’s belief that Rockefeller and Bigelow’s in 4/15/1993 #40934  
ormer West and East Germanies. The belief is much stronger in younger popul 6/1994 #41544  
bs’s book The Threat expresses his belief that the aliens are not doing res 1/1998 #43482  
lly indoctrinating population with belief and faith — and revelation to med 3/11/1998 #43532  
nuclear facilities. The prevailing belief of the group is based on material 7/7/1999 #43798  
ts were on LSD because there was a belief that trauma could improve a user’ 8/4/2008 #45155  
e claims the group established the belief that UAP are interdimensional and 3/31/2011 #45322  
## Word: "beliefs" (Back to Top)
), in which he condemns pagan folk beliefs, such as the notion of a “certai 812 #2  
n their egos, cherished ideas, and beliefs are used to cause high levels of 9/1959 #15952  
of his survey on UFO sightings and beliefs of professional American astrono 1/1977 #31665  
uded “verification” of Bennewitz’s beliefs about the “grays” and the underg 1982 #36283  
ion and helped shape our religious beliefs. Roswell and the 1949 living ali 4/9/1983 #36830  
n Creighton writes an essay on his beliefs about UFOs, which he thinks are  10/1983 #36989  
ducts a one-question survey on UFO beliefs among 1,069 Germans. Although th 6/1994 #41544  
 cult is based on a combination of beliefs in ghosts, god, aliens, and Budd 12/1997 #43452  
lengthy document summarizing their beliefs. The report is not published but 3/11/1998 #43532  
her subjects about their religious beliefs.                                 10/2005 #44883  
 Are Already Here, focusing on the beliefs and attitudes of UFO researchers 3/3/2020 #45637  
## Word: "believe" (Back to Top)
ights in the sky that they wrongly believe are from a lighthouse at the mou 12/1865 #165  
uded descriptions by witnesses who believe they observed a miracle created  10/13/1917 #970  
 behind. His squadron mates do not believe him, but the next night another  12/1942 #1470  
tive gas mains. The public did not believe this explanation and therefore b 9/7/1944 #1666  
 Indeed, the intelligence officers believe that former Air Intelligence sci 1946 #1962  
he General Staff who say that they believe the objects are rockets.         8/13/1946 #2130  
 all the relevant research I don't believe at all that this is a matter of  7/1/1947 #2501  
e saying that the “Bureau does not believe it should go into these investig 7/10/1947 #3102  
ng Ron Schaffner and Kevin Randle, believe the body is that of a human pilo 7/7/1948 #3699  
 of Sidney Shalett’s “What You Can Believe about Flying Saucers” hits the n 4/29/1949 #4132  
emain unexplained. AFSWP personnel believe they are natural phenomena; AFOS 5/5/1949 #4149  
 fastest ships. Some air force men believe the discs are a new type flying  5/18/1949 #4193  
helmets. Restier asks them if they believe in God, and they answer, “God is 12/4/1949 #4434  
we never investigated. Some people believe the memo repeats a hoax that was 3/22/1950 #4702  
es that convincing a population to believe in paranormal and fringe phenome 4/14/1950 #4853  
es and that there was no reason to believe the aircraft were friendly. By 1 12/6/1950 #5322  
tes and that there is no reason to believe they are friendly. By radar cont 12/6/1950 #5329  
upcoming article in Look]. I don’t believe anyone who has the opportunity t 2/13/1951 #5441  
y think the objects are. About 70% believe they are intelligently controlle 8/1951 #5590  
gnetic phenomenon but they did not believe it was.” A second blip appears o 7/21/1952 #6982  
e press that, although he does not believe there are flying saucers, he dis 7/30/1952 #7363  
 make landing contact soon… If you believe us, you will act accordingly.”   9/11/1952 #7894  
UAP crash and his superior did not believe him. KA had a nervous breakdown  4/12/1954 #9685  
as October 2nd but Figuet & Ruchon believe the correct date is October 1st. 10/1/1954 #10576  
s October 3rd, but Figuet & Ruchon believe this is in error and that Octobe 10/2/1954 #10621  
at it is “completely inaccurate to believe that they came from any outside  12/15/1954 #11816  
es: “On the basis of this study we believe that no objects such as those po 10/25/1955 #12519  
. None knew what it was. "I didn't believe in such things before," said Fre 11/8/1956 #13315  
hite lights. No living human could believe how fast it traveled. The thing  11/2/1957 #14194  
 one of which, John Lilly, came to believe he was in psychic contact with e 1958 #14788  
tronomical phenomena, etc. I don’t believe they are anything from outer spa 5/6/1958 #15020  
ience of 700) who have been led to believe he will discredit Swiss astronom Late 5/1959 #15747  
ervice in the OSS have led many to believe that Murray was a part of the MK 9/1959 #15952  
ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are n 2/27/1960 #16186  
 NICAP, and other hobby groups who believe in spaceships as an act of pure  12/5/1960 #16526  
t is clear to Simon that the Hills believe they have seen a UFO, but which  12/14/1963 #18081  
 in 2005, he stated: “I personally believe that there is something to the U Late 1964 #18584  
eir dogs start barking at it. They believe it is going to crash, so they ru 6/19/1965 #19017  
ians in the control room choose to believe the one that says it is a quarte 6/25/1965 #19027  
iami News: “We have good reason to believe that the Air Force has wreckage  3/21/1966 #20013  
owa Poll, Iowa: 45% Iowans queried believe UFOs to be real objects. Of the  Summer 1966 #20589  
 knows “some people [McDonald] who believe the air force is misleading us,  11/5/1966 #21077  
gious experience, which led her to believe that the beings were some form o 1/25/1967 #21389  
 field. Thinking that nobody would believe him, he ran inside his home and  7/21/1967 #22721  
cerned very well, but they did not believe the visitors could have been chi 8/23/1967 #22907  
the junction of highways 6 and 63. Believe it or not!” He is puzzled to see 12/3/1967 #23545  
dren’s minds is at stake, I do not believe in freedom of the press or freed 4/26/1969 #25094  
bers reject the Condon report, 76% believe that the government is concealin 4/1971 #26059  
howed that 51 percent of Americans believe UFOs are "real," 11 percent clai 11/28/1973 #28474  
p poll shows that 51% of Americans believe UFOs are “real,” as opposed to 2 11/28/1973 #28476  
onsciousness. Clark later comes to believe his own conclusions are unverifi 1975 #29671  
h them by telepathy, and that they believe that “their minds have been prob 3/5/1976 #30928  
ough he told his wife, who did not believe him, he did not make an official 12/31/1976 #31645  
tions about UFOs in a survey: 44% “believe in” life elsewhere in the univer 1/1977 #31664  
ishable from stars. Both witnesses believe only an hour has passed but in f 7/23/1977 #32305  
ering process. Each abductee, they believe, has specific information of val 12/1977 #32720  
, the younger of whom he is led to believe is his own child. Other encounte 6/28/1979 #34639  
OSI has told him to make Bennewitz believe there is an impending alien inva 11/26/1980 #35673  
by feel part of something. I can't believe this is happening!" After showin 12/31/1980 #35759  
r as my Air Staff is concerned, we believe implicitly that the unexplained  7/22/1985 #37628  
hey apparently miss. The batteries believe the object is an Iraqi warplane. 8/5/1985 #37637  
here are three adult Americans who believe that “UFOs are real” for every t 3/12/1987 #38138  
ear a thud on the roof and come to believe that the object has lifted their 1/20/1988 #38422  
y interest in UFOs. They initially believe that they never left their car o 11/7/1989 #39220  
he previous decade that led him to believe there are at least eight black p 1990 #39356  
heir car, only six feet away. They believe the UFO intended to harm them.   3/9/1991 #40007  
t there is no compelling reason to believe that 1991 VG is unnatural.       11/6/1991 #40220  
’s UFO Investigation that “I don’t believe these are ours” with respect to  5/22/1992 #40469  
gree to this day. Both continue to believe that the phenomenon is extraterr 6/13/1992 #40492  
en memory, in which she was led to believe at first that she was looking at 6/18/1992 #40497  
y deny his claims. Even people who believe Lazar find it hard to make sense 10/1992 #40653  
 aura surrounding him. He does not believe he was in his brother's room at  9/16/1996 #43025  
re than 15 minutes, leading him to believe they are on one structure. Ley’s 3/13/1997 #43229  
 of no such ‘cover-up,’ and do not believe one existed.”                    6/1997 #43304  
 Puthoff states “we have reason to believe the set of stories are only slig 7/31/1999 #43815  
UAP data to trick Soviet Russia to believe the US had capabilities it didn’ 5/5/2001 #44178  
and she didn't think she would not believe her. At 7:47 p.m. she had seen t 8/29/2001 #44247  
iation Authority, but they did not believe him. The young boy, who was pedd 8/25/2004 #44742  
ishes Abducted: How People Came to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens, i 10/2005 #44883  
.” The report describes people who believe themselves to have had close enc 5/15/2006 #44942  
estrial life. 55.8% of respondents believe that the existence of intelligen 5/2008 #45132  
ly or somewhat likely, while 33.1% believe it is likely or somewhat likely  5/2008 #45132  
ave responded: “it is difficult to believe otherwise.”  https://irp.fas.org 10/2008 #45173  
telligence community personnel who believe UAP are demonic in origin. The C 3/31/2011 #45322  
s says that because many witnesses believe UFOs demonstrate intelligent beh 7/31/2014 #45412  
officials involved in the projects believe ET were interpreted as “Greek go 4/5/2016 #45449  
want to destroy HAARP because they believe the facility manipulates the wea 10/27/2016 #45460  
nd states: “we want our enemies to believe in UFOs up to the point it becom 3/27/2017 #45466  
ce; we also need our pilots not to believe in UFOs should the enemy use thi 3/27/2017 #45466  
he captain, who also sees it. Both believe the object is not close enough t 7/14/2017 #45475  
out 7 seconds to pass, making them believe it is hovering. They are not cer 7/14/2017 #45475  
e saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.”           6/15/2019 #45584  
e previous and current DIA members believe elements of the Project SERPO ru 2/2/2020 #45629  
## Word: "believed" (Back to Top)
ngols, and Buriat lamas. The lamas believed it was the "Sign of Shambala."  8/5/1927 #1078  
ad seen them would probably not be believed by anyone else.”                6/22/1947 #2366  
mplausible explanation is not even believed by the Air Force, but it remain 1/7/1948 #3544  
erimental spaceships.        it is believed more likely that they represent 10/12/1948 #3832  
rformance Characteristics That Are Believed to Distinguish Spaceships.” Rej 12/13/1948 #3929  
 indicating that “flying discs are believed to be man-made missiles rather  3/25/1949 #4053  
 not disbanded. However, those who believed in a more positive investigatio 1950 #4460  
rgh, when he observed an object he believed to be a rocket at a distance of 3/4/1950 #4578  
aped like high-speed flyers. It is believed that a very high powered Radar  3/22/1950 #4696  
adar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the c 3/22/1950 #4702  
 the investigation. The scientists believed this program would "dispel any  1/17/1953 #8544  
 planet, which Villanueva scarcely believed, but he accompanied them to the 8/18/1953 #9081  
ad decreased dramatically, due, it believed, to the success of its’ impleme 12/8/1953 #9347  
las engineer Bob Wood tells him he believed the SOM1-01 manual was created  1954 #9424  
h Leonard Stringfield listened and believed him.  KA tells Stringfield at t 4/12/1954 #9685  
rt Baller writes: “If the UFOs are believed a threat, it would seem incumbe 2/27/1960 #16186  
ack’s comments in 1961 suggests he believed he was lied to.  https://www.ci 2/16/1961 #16600  
here, Sir,” to which they left and believed the US developed flying saucers 1962 #17012  
 the Mediterranean Sea. They first believed it was a foreign submarine. Abo 8/1/1962 #17313  
nt panel. At the time, the witness believed she saw an experimental aircraf 3/6/1965 #18846  
 On going to investigate what they believed was a car wreck; they found a c 8/26/1965 #19466  
erved a light flash that she first believed was an approaching plane. As it 1/5/1966 #19806  
early half of the adult population believed UFOs were real.                 5/8/1966 #20462  
ding a model from a string. Trudel believed he was in mental contact with s 6/10/1967 #22487  
 of people throughout Europe. Some believed these sightings were the result 7/17/1967 #22684  
t were found in a pasture and were believed to have been caused by a landed 8/5/1967 #22817  
e developed opposite opinions. One believed the case was a hoax and Mr. Sch 12/3/1967 #23547  
to "trace signs automatically." He believed that they had "brainwashed" him 6/20/1968 #24056  
eight of her apartment window. She believed she saw up to 20 small men insi 7/2/1968 #24135  
nd went out of sight. “I had never believed in them too much until I saw th 3/4/1969 #24963  
ntactee George Adamski (and widely believed to be a hoaxed photograph by hi 3/2/1970 #25597  
 eyes, with a human look. Tiihonen believed that the creature had not come  4/15/1970 #25633  
 a beautiful white city in what he believed was another planet or universe. 7/4/1970 #25727  
ed she could not make out, but she believed was resting on the ground. In t 6/9/1971 #26165  
side. Within this band the witness believed she saw oval-shaped portholes o 8/11/1971 #26280  
er and there were no windows. R.K. believed this saucer to be the one shot  9/1973 #27735  
uple perceived nothing unusual and believed their friends had gone crazy. T 10/14/1973 #28031  
cting with physical beings that he believed could take on any appearance th 5/31/1974 #29150  
nts what they had seen, but no one believed them. Next day the young people 8/8/1975 #30244  
 blocked their view, the witnesses believed that these two vehicles had pic 11/8/1975 #30584  
e humanoids told him was that they believed “in a higher being.”            8/26/1976 #31306  
s they produce. The satellites are believed to have been the source of some 12/19/1976 #31620  
nd's house to tell him but was not believed. About half a mile further on h 3/13/1977 #31906  
cling the lower section. The girls believed the object was hovering two fee 5/18/1977 #32111  
ishable from stars. Both witnesses believed only an hour had passed but act 7/23/1977 #32306  
light again shone in her face. She believed it was a bicycle headlight, but 8/3/1977 #32356  
red by a rough metallic surface he believed could have been the body surfac 9/15/1977 #32485  
id, saliva, and gastric juices. He believed that two women, similar faciall 2/5/1978 #32957  
d her car's ignition key, that she believed had been in her hand the entire 12/12/1978 #34098  
d her car's ignition key, that she believed had been in her hand the entire 12/12/1978 #34100  
idge to the town of Transito. They believed no time had passed because thei 12/28/1978 #34222  
craft alongside and once inside he believed he passed out. (NICAP: 02 - Clo 6/18/1979 #34616  
craft alongside and once inside he believed he passed out. However, under h 6/18/1979 #34618  
n unintelligible language, and she believed that they were discussing her.  12/4/1979 #35052  
 knowledge ever left; he stated he believed a large underground workshop wa 12/14/1980 #35716  
 given his orders by AFOSI agents (believed to be Richard Doty and Steve At 1982 #36283  
 viewer, Pat Price, in 1973. Price believed there were “underground” bases  7/1982 #36525  
r shows a strange “double” object, believed to be the airliner and the unid 9/7/1984 #37458  
rching for a swarm of wild bees he believed was nearby when he made a turn  6/20/1986 #37918  
 the list of scientists ufologists believed including Menzel and it reporte 10/23/1988 #38682  
enger were named Goold. The driver believed she received a telepathic messa 9/17/1989 #39111  
grees. She then described what she believed had happened to her: She rememb 10/8/1989 #39150  
n hovering over the area. She then believed that the three aliens who had e 10/31/1989 #39199  
 flesh that had been charred. Mary believed they could have been civilians  3/16/1991 #40015  
, Vallee added, and stated Adam II believed ET controlled humanity’s effort 5/22/1991 #40075  
in Belgium from 1989-1990. D’Amato believed the craft were human and the pr 5/22/1992 #40469  
nters by JB Michaels states locals believed a UAP crashed in Southaven Park 11/24/1992 #40726  
sense of fear overcame him, and he believed that the alien had come for his 12/16/1992 #40750  
ng considering his counsel D’Amato believed triangular UAP were human. *    12/22/1992 #40762  
hnology because oil resources were believed to be dwindling.  https://youtu 1994 #41347  
 toward the side of her house. She believed she had seen a demon.           6/23/1994 #41579  
2 at Palmdale, CA. They wrote they believed the craft to be a triangular “A 9/26/1994 #41776  
stood about 3.5 feet tall, and she believed she received telepathic message 3/19/1995 #42112  
tartling” PPD intcomm data that he believed had to do with abductions. Data Mid 1995 #42258  
oing quickly north extremely fast. Believed attached / single object. No fu 3/24/1996 #42838  
CSETI also listed private entities believed to be involved in UAP work: Nor 8/30/1996 #43001  
’Amato (see 22 May 1992) stated he believed some sightings of triangular UA Late 1990's #43480  
urrent and former IC personnel who believed UAP were demonic in origin call 3/11/1998 #43532  
sense of "joy and tranquility." He believed that the humanoids were gentle  8/14/1999 #43822  
re connected to FHA and HUD. Fitts believed some of the illegal funding was 12/3/1999 #43892  
 its history. Years earlier, Fitts believed some of the unauthorized fundin 12/3/1999 #43892  
ing Green also says: “I have never believed the notes were hoaxes.” Vallee  3/5/2002 #44323  
cal hardware, an intact craft they believed could fly through space/water/a 10/16/2002 #44418  
 conducted where test subjects who believed they had communication with ali 8/19/2003 #44576  
alking across the countryside. She believed they somehow "knew" this had so 9/3/2003 #44592  
power they didn't want to use. She believed using their power would be a tr 9/3/2003 #44592  
e of the skin on her back, and she believed could see that the skin was liv 9/3/2003 #44592  
o be a sympathetic figure, and she believed he understood what the experien 9/3/2003 #44592  
re was a huge wind blowing and she believed that this was due to changes oc 9/3/2003 #44592  
rowded inside, but the experiencer believed that it was trap. She pointed o 9/3/2003 #44592  
to the secret UFO black program he believed existed. Puthoff wrote to a Pet 9/10/2003 #44595  
er but did not get a reply. Haisch believed the program was split into four 9/10/2003 #44595  
named individual “The General” was believed to still have access and was re 9/10/2003 #44595  
was to hunt for UFOs, because they believed there was an underground alien  8/2/2004 #44725  
object above their aircraft. It is believed that both the pilot and copilot 11/7/2006 #44981  
 into the “back door.” This member believed the company had UAP hardware bu 12/24/2008 #45198  
n orange disc-shaped UFO that they believed tried to communicate with them. 5/15/2009 #45222  
0s.  Duke claims some in the US IC believed Parsons and his occult practice 3/31/2011 #45322  
d Mover later told BAASS that they believed advanced technology was being h 6/2011 #45327  
 a craft; it is unknown if Puthoff believed a craft was stored at Norton.   12/2014 #45425  
onym “Tyler” viewed “artifacts” he believed to have come from a non-human/e 2/20/2019 #45563  
to sabotage the company, adding he believed the CIA was running a “flytrap” 2/26/2019 #45564  
that while former Sen. Harry Reid “believed that crashes of objects of unkn 7/23/2020 #45654  
of photographic evidence of UAP it believed to be sourced from USG/USG cont 8/12/2022 #45762  
 program,” while D’Amato stated he believed triangular UAP were human made. 8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "believeed" (Back to Top)
a loud ringing in her head and she believeed she could hear voices trying t 5/12/2004 #44699  
## Word: "believer" (Back to Top)
 says. “They made” a flying saucer believer out of me.” He reports the inci 8/1/1952 #7411  
mic Masters.” The main goal of the believer is to cooperate with these Cosm 8/1956 #13044  
his conversion from UFO skeptic to believer due to his investigation of cas 1996 #42657  
## Word: "believers" (Back to Top)
colors, and others, including some believers, see nothing at all. The only  10/13/1917 #970  
ht have been interpreted by saucer believers as “debunking”.                12/8/1953 #9347  
tans and opportunists and gullible believers.                               12/5/1960 #16525  
## Word: "believes" (Back to Top)
ring tells the Boston Post that he believes Venus is populated by “huge mon 1/9/1911 #853  
iar with the territory; and Wilcox believes they will be able to find the d 7/6/1947 #2807  
ucers. It reports that the Kremlin believes that the discs are connected wi 8/13/1947 #3321  
r Force in 1955, indicates that he believes UFOs are a waste of time and on 12/30/1947 #3516  
AP occupants; LH states the source believes he has been under surveillance  1950 #4464  
IN Director Gen. Charles P. Cabell believes that in fact AMC is taking its  1/12/1950 #4483  
ch, who has set this interview up, believes the Air Force has better things 1/1951 #5380  
formed and to look into this thing believes there is a flying saucer as suc 2/13/1951 #5441  
ower and notes that everyone there believes the targets are “very probably  7/26/1952 #7174  
nvolved temperature inversions. He believes the visual sightings were cause 7/26/1952 #7174  
nal theories about the saucers. He believes that UFOs are piloted by etheri 12/1953 #9330  
 some other alloys. Jacques Vallee believes this case may provide clues to  12/13/1954 #11805  
e conclusion that the psychologist believes them to be extraterrestrial in  7/29/1958 #15158  
e originally lived on Mars. Trench believes that Adam and Eve were experime 1960 #16141  
 he goes inside, where no one else believes him. It is gone the next mornin 4/26/1964 #18209  
       Less than 20% of the public believes in UFOs, according to polls and 1965 #18682  
 60-foot long ellipsoid object. He believes that one bullet hit the craft.  3/23/1966 #20057  
vid dreams that night, in which he believes he had been "contacted" by the  12/25/1967 #23609  
the beings aboard the UFO. He also believes that he may have experienced an 12/25/1967 #23609  
riot with spacecraft. Downing also believes that Jesus left earth in a flyi 1968 #23624  
ely lit cigar-shaped object. Watts believes he may have experienced a memor 10/15/1968 #24563  
about 30 feet in diameter. The man believes that others should have seen it 8/30/1970 #25815  
ls and ridicule him as someone who believes in “little men flying around in 3/2/1971 #26038  
s. "An infernal din" commenced and believes the object flew some distance w 9/22/1971 #26365  
two sides, away from the craft. He believes that the aliens knew he had bee 8/26/1972 #26956  
g known as "The Host." However, he believes the experience was projected in 3/21/1973 #27356  
l examination. However, Randle now believes that Roach underwent sleep para 10/16/1973 #28088  
so apparently very strong. The man believes that his aging process had slow 5/9/1974 #29098  
ng a thermostat-like precision. He believes that it is producing a silent c 1975 #29672  
les in less than 2 seconds. Cavero believes UFOs are “spaceships or extrate 6/26/1976 #31142  
s and vanishes from what the pilot believes is an initial stationary positi 6/17/1977 #32171  
rtment to report a UFO. One couple believes they have had a close encounter 4/29/1978 #33179  
or because the operator mistakenly believes that there is too much coolant  3/28/1979 #34493  
sion is that the witness sincerely believes in the tangible reality of his  7/25/1979 #34679  
ells reporters at the time that he believes it possible that Adamski was ab 11/29/1980 #35682  
izes what happened, then states he believes the event to be extraterrestria 12/28/1980 #35749  
ial that are still unpublished. He believes there are three basic types of  7/31/1981 #36047  
ughts that weren’t [his] own,” and believes that he has received a telepath 12/31/1982 #36733  
 childhood abductions, and Hopkins believes that Debbie and her son have im Early 7/1983 #36900  
d in the “recovery” of UAP, but he believes John von Neuman was “definitely 11/29/1983 #37058  
 County Republican Party, who Ford believes is covering up UFO retrievals a 9/28/1989 #39130  
 the years 2000 and 2011. She also believes that an implant was inserted in 3/1/1990 #39438  
m intelligence sources, that xxxxx believes that such phenomena exists and  10/18/1993 #41246  
ed the craft and left. The witness believes that what he saw was a crashed  11/26/1993 #41304  
m intelligence sources that Russia believes that such phenomena exist and h 12/2/1993 #41320  
d of esophageal cancer, and Little believes the cancer was somehow related  3/14/1995 #42094  
rth from the base of his spine. He believes that it was a "soul" the gray e 4/3/1995 #42137  
s of military witnesses, states it believes a covert entity utilizing an “U 8/22/1998 #43635  
 it from a fire; he also states he believes the files of Project Majestic a 1/23/1999 #43720  
ve the name of the TRW attorney he believes wrote the story and disclosed t 7/31/1999 #43815  
 Stonehill, a Russian UFO scholar, believes that only the results of Setka- 2000 #43911  
dings” in 1947, 1953 and 1984. Kit believes only half of the information in 5/8/2000 #43992  
 Alexander tells Jacques Vallée he believes the Holloman UAP landing was a  5/11/2002 #44342  
confides to Jacques Vallée that he believes Hal Puthoff’s work on zero poin 3/22/2003 #44504  
rolled Camouflage” in 1994. Fuller believes SAIC may be responsible for har 7/2003 #44560  
ineered UAP R&D; he also states he believes information about the UAP issue 7/2003 #44560  
or contractor is,” he says. Vallee believes Wilson may be polygraphed at hi 10/2/2003 #44610  
sence of two objects, which Bowyer believes to be correlated with the posit 4/23/2007 #45022  
ardware structure. Puthoff says he believes the government still provides a 8/4/2007 #45043  
hts from the 1975 wave.  Hennessey believes many AFOSI records for those ca 2010 #45263  
ls at 12:00 hours. Peter Davenport believes the witness is a highly credibl 5/12/2010 #45281  
rmation they hold and stop what he believes is a systematic cover-up. Not s 6/14/2010 #45285  
rigin. The Collins Elite allegedly believes all UAP are demonic and should  3/31/2011 #45322  
       NASA physicist Bob Oechsler believes Navy EMP experiments may be con 8/18/2014 #45414  
endent audit in its history. Fitts believes some of the unauthorized fundin 12/11/2017 #45492  
uis Elizondo states on CNN that he believes there is “very compelling evide 12/19/2017 #45495  
    USN CMDR Will Miller states he believes “we” have our own transluminal  6/25/2020 #45650  
].” Mellon is likely suggesting he believes key UAP information is held the 5/5/2021 #45688  
ournalist Ross Coulthart states he believes UAP technology has been “delibe 11/30/2021 #45726  
ional entities). Shannon states he believes UAP could be “spiritual beings, 9/24/2022 #45770  
that dealt with UAP issues that he believes whistleblowers are speaking to  12/19/2022 #45789  
## Word: "believing" (Back to Top)
istrator Artur de Oliveira Santos, believing that these events are politica 8/13/1917 #960  
ad, waving a lantern. She stopped, believing there had been an accident, an 9/3/1965 #19518  
r spirits using psychedelic drugs. Believing that such an encounter would b 8/20/1966 #20779  
 on the brakes and came to a halt, believing he may have hit the man. He ju 9/27/1971 #26384  
ich had three vague "forms" in it. Believing she was daydreaming and tired, 8/4/1973 #27683  
hupa” (literally “sucker-sucker”). Believing it will keep the lights away,  7/1977 #32220  
mined in the ABC special Seeing Is Believing with Peter Jennings, an hour-l 1/5/2000 #43920  
nd the hardware,” despite Westwood believing none such hardware actually ex 5/5/2001 #44178  
ith unusual marks on his body, and believing he had been abducted by aliens 8/26/2004 #44743  
s Roswell incident UFOs: Seeing Is Believing, a two-hour American TV docume 2/24/2005 #44816  
t the country has suddenly started believing in little green men. It would  7/29/2008 #45152  
## Word: "beligneux" (Back to Top)
      ANNECY AND VAUX-EN-BUGEY AND BELIGNEUX, FR WW2 helmet-dome with rim a 2/14/1973 #27287  
## Word: "belil" (Back to Top)
               New York City Harry Belil begins publishing Beyond Reality,  10/1972 #27042  
## Word: "belinski" (Back to Top)
ute(s). Shoots off / high speed. / Belinski observer(s). / r156#13p8.       4/7/1967 #22085  
## Word: "belknap" (Back to Top)
nt Vernon, Indiana Caborn, Indiana Belknap Evansville 6:50 a.m. A conductor 10/20/1973 #28216  
o the rear. When the train reaches Belknap, the engine stops because a rear 10/20/1973 #28216  
 four witnesses in nearby Gilford, Belknap County, New Hampshire. The objec 8/15/1974 #29356  
## Word: "bell" (Back to Top)
 MEXICO 130M spiral 'trumpet'. 60M bell hangs going down. Floats 5 minute(s 7/6/1874 #204  
 "trumpet" and a 60-meter diameter bell hovered and floated in the sky for  7/6/1874 #205  
                         At Silver Bell Siding in Tasmania, Australia a lig 10/5/1914 #918  
O FJORD, NRW 4 observer(s). Orange bell going up. 3 cars electro-magnetic e 12/1943 #1545  
 in an experimental rocket-powered Bell X-1 at Muroc [now Edwards] AFB, Cal 10/14/1947 #3458  
al airspeed record of 891 mph in a Bell X-1 at Muroc AFB, California.       11/6/1947 #3480  
r was successfully demonstrated at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, NJ. Be 12/23/1947 #3510  
l Laboratories in Murray Hill, NJ. Bell Labs was the research arm of Americ 12/23/1947 #3510  
                    Source “LH” at Bell Laboratories states a source of his 1950 #4464  
FB, New Mexico 10:45 a.m. During a Bell Aircraft MX-776 Shrike missile test 8/30/1950 #5150  
ic missile) a USAF M/Sgt and eight Bell Aircraft employees at Holloman AFB, 8/30/1950 #5150  
an AFB, New Mexico A group of nine Bell Aircraft engineers are flying at 15 3/14/1951 #5483  
 Mexico, during a test of a secret Bell aircraft. They spot a group of unkn 3/14/1951 #5483  
ecord altitude of 90,440 feet in a Bell X-1A.                               5/28/1954 #9838  
eputy-sheriff A. H. Perkins, C. F. Bell, and a dozen other witnesses saw si 11/2/1955 #12544  
lude Glenn L. Martin Co., Convair, Bell Aircraft, the Sikorsky Division of  11/20/1955 #12580  
 Glenn L. Martin Company, Convair, Bell Aircraft, Lear Inc., Clarke Electro 11/30/1955 #12594  
rke Electronics, General Electric, Bell Labs, Convair, Lear Inc., Sperry-Ra 2/25/1956 #12739  
an altitude of 126,283 feet in the Bell X-2.                                9/7/1956 #13203  
                            SILVER BELL, AZ 2 observer(s). 30M sphere hover 6/14/1957 #13726  
 NAS, FL Car chased a 50 ft black, bell shaped object (NICAP: 01 - Distant  8/22/1957 #13920  
 bright object shaped first like a bell, then a saucer (NICAP: 01 - Distant 8/17/1958 #15208  
 bright object shaped first like a bell, then like a saucer, hovered for 5  8/17/1958 #15209  
ely bright UFO shaped first like a bell and then like a saucer. When maneuv 8/17/1958 #15210  
, where Lt. Mike Henry, Guard Jack Bell, and Lt. Jim Richards also see the  1/1/1959 #15527  
s out to various companies such as Bell Labs to reverse engineer and furthe 1961 #16543  
ion — Gus Grissom piloting Liberty Bell 7 becomes the second American to go 7/21/1961 #16770  
iler with an object shaped like a “bell” under a tarp sitting upright.  Thi 12/10/1965 #19764  
ecksburg, PA on 9 December 1965, a bell shaped object. John Podesta stated  12/10/1965 #19764  
                Burnsville, NC Red bell shaped object with 3 flashing red l 6/18/1966 #20577  
s nearby. At that point the school bell sounds, and the boys rush off to cl 1/28/1967 #21409  
5KM EAST / EL CAJON, CA Pilot. 12M bell saucer paces plane going east / 55k 11/26/1967 #23513  
nt canyon. Something like a church bell rings out at intervals, and mechani Spring 1968 #23852  
 he approached the UFOs the school bell rang and he returned to class and d 8/19/1970 #25796  
      SOUTH JUAN / MORROS, VNZ 30M bell going down / 60cm altitude. Ladder  7/7/1971 #26210  
f the mill. It resembles a glowing bell shape turned on end with the flat b 10/8/1972 #27058  
served in object like transparent "bell jar" (UFOE II, Section XII) (NICAP: 10/12/1973 #28015  
e pounds on the door and rings the bell and yells for help as the UFO moves 11/2/1973 #28352  
g-ovoid with rows of lights. Alarm bell rings / synch / pulsations.         12/6/1973 #28527  
THORICOURT, BELGIUM 1 / car. Domed bell saucer with portholes over woods. N 3/21/1974 #28918  
a ball check valve produced by the Bell & Howell company. Its size, weight, 3/27/1974 #28961  
                            SILVER BELL, AZ 1 / car. Motor and lights and r 8/10/1974 #29318  
2M domed saucer near ground. Domed bell lands / 4 long legs near railroad/r 8/26/1974 #29387  
hing it through binoculars, sees a bell shape on the top, and estimates it  1/1/1975 #29690  
 passing. Grey-silver metallic bar bell shaped object with a few black plac 6/1976 #31078  
hicle and notice an object like a “bell tent” about 900 feet away that cont 5/3/1977 #32050  
heir vehicle, and then observed a "bell tent" shaped thing, about 300 yards 5/3/1977 #32053  
ured inside an invisible glass or "bell jar." The robots floated above the  9/15/1977 #32485  
d Howard Dellinger are flying in a Bell Jetranger police helicopter at 1,10 12/27/1977 #32814  
                                   BELL ISLAND, WA 2 observer(s). 20' ovoid 2/9/1978 #32961  
MT. PLEASANT, WEST AUSTR 2 / home. Bell shaped object with colored lights g 3/27/1978 #33084  
                                   BELL ISLAND, NFL Fireball. Huge unidenti 4/2/1978 #33114  
                                   Bell Island, Newfoundland Lance Cove Cap 4/2/1978 #33119  
exico Morning. A loud explosion on Bell Island, Newfoundland, causes damage 4/2/1978 #33119  
                 EAST / VINA, CA 2 bell shapes maneuver / mountain valleys. 10/30/1978 (approximate) #33893  
ulars and seen by several Mountain Bell Telephone employees.                12/19/1978 #34176  
In 2005, Doty tells radio host Art Bell that AFOSI’s interest in Bennewitz  11/17/1980 #35645  
e. As Muchena is ringing a warning bell, he sees the fireball come back dow 8/15/1981 #36075  
EAST / ELIZABETH, CO 50' flattened bell passes car / low altitude. Buzzes h 5/27/1982 #36487  
anagement personnel of New England Bell Company, are returning to Exeter, N 9/30/1982 #36622  
everal observer(s). Glowing church bell hovers. Jumps going northwest. By F 3/19/1983 #36789  
nd himself a target of an unmarked Bell 47 helicopter that hovers around hi 3/1987 #38127  
y captures an object shaped like a bell.                                    2/28/1990 #39432  
veral separate observer(s). Silent bell saucer flashes and maneuvers. Brigh 6/16/1995 #42260  
OM/AMSAA) with Joe McMoneagle, Ken Bell, Mel Riley, Fernand Guavin, Atwater 6/30/1995 #42284  
 offered her water to drink from a bell. Some have attributed this to a vis 9/15/1996 #43020  
 Army Lt. Col Corso appears on Art Bell’s “Dreamland” radio show            1997 #43153  
                            US Art Bell anonymously interviews “Victor”, wh 5/23/1997 #43301  
ico Russia Germany Hughes Aircraft Bell Labs Moon US Army Col. Philip J. Co 6/1997 #43304  
s (including IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs) reverse engineer that technol 6/1997 #43304  
US companies like Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs and IBM. Corso also states INS 6/1997 #43308  
M and again was interviewed by Art Bell. This time, he was accompanied by D 7/23/1997 #43357  
ret weapon called Die Glocke (“The Bell”). It is later popularized by milit 2000 #43910  
C-9 airliner and another crew of a Bell Ranger helicopter. A videotape of t 3/2/2000 #43963  
                   Roswell, NM Art Bell interviews Linda Moulton Howe, Phil 7/4/2001 #44204  
       Richard Doty appears on Art Bell’s Coast to Coast radio program and  2/27/2005 #44817  
ghts from the top and sides of the bell, as well as the rim of the disc-sha 2/28/2006 #44927  
 witness told him while working at Bell Labs, he saw 28 or 29 “free energy  4/28/2006 #44936  
. Lacatski allegedly met DHS’s Jim Bell and Sacha Mover in a SCIF and brief 2/2011 #45312  
xt, a second meeting was held with Bell, Mover and DHS Under Secretary for  2/2011 #45312  
ovides an in-depth briefing to Jim Bell and Sacha Mover of the Department o 2/7/2011 #45313  
                 DHS officials Jim Bell and Sacha Mover begin a series of o 6/2011 #45327  
keepers of the secrets,” who treat Bell and Mover rudely and told “no, and  6/2011 #45327  
told “no, and hell no” when asked. Bell and Mover later told BAASS that the 6/2011 #45327  
 government supervision. Mover and Bell became fearful of moving forward. B 6/2011 #45327  
, while Tucson police are flying a Bell 206B-3 Jet Ranger. The CPB pilot sa 2/9/2021 #45676  
## Word: "bell-" (Back to Top)
5 feet away, he sees that it has a bell- or tortoiseshell shape with a meta 1/14/1980 #35135  
## Word: "bell-helmet" (Back to Top)
INNERSH, ENG Many observer(s). 10' bell-helmet hovers / low altitude. Squar 8/27/1975 #30313  
## Word: "bell-jar" (Back to Top)
ing was completely surrounded by a bell-jar shaped area of light. No facial 10/21/1973 #28229  
## Word: "bell-parachute" (Back to Top)
appearing behind the trees. Soon 4 bell-parachute shaped objects appeared a 7/20/1968 #24195  
## Word: "bell-saucer" (Back to Top)
            NEAR ACQUIGNY, FR 2.5M bell-saucer hovers / railroad/railway li 10/11/1954 #10907  
    RESSONS-SUR-MATZ, FR Silent 4M bell-saucer follows road going northwest 11/5/1954 #11571  
                       MAINZ, GERM Bell-saucer "half Mars size". Glows red  9/6/1956 #13193  
 BISHOPBRIGGS, SCT 18+observer(s). Bell-saucer low and slow / 60 minutes. E 7/30/1960 #16349  
server(s). Photograph shiny silver bell-saucer. Possible fake / VUFORS. / r 4/2/1966 #20206  
, NC Project Bluebook Case #10663. Bell-saucer hovers / 5 hours. Lands. 6 o 6/18/1966 #20576  
        PETROPOLIS, BRZ 2+several. Bell-saucer all over/all about mountains 2/24/1971 #26031  
LINDHOLMEN, SWD 4+1/2 observer(s). Bell-saucer and dome UFO's follow cars.  3/24/1974 #28941  
   MANSIGNE, FR 3 observer(s). 50M bell-saucer / ground. 2 beams going quic 9/5/1981 #36101  
 / ST. HILAIRE, FR 2 / N191. Domed bell-saucer flashes / woods / low altitu 10/5/1981 #36156  
 crew and ground RADAR. Dark 1000M bell-saucer. / r150+/ r41p34.            1/28/1994 #41386  
## Word: "bell-shape" (Back to Top)
CKWORTH, GLOUCS, ENG Humming. Grey bell-shape over field. Solid green light 11/13/1939 #1319  
 FR 2+1 separate observer(s). 2.5M bell-shape glows. Hovers / 1M altitude.  10/12/1954 (approximate) #10956  
   PARIS, IL 2+observer(s). Silver bell-shape "swallows jet plane". / L. St 3/9/1955 #12038  
                     CECIL NAS, FL Bell-shape chases civilians. Hides as je 8/22/1957 #13918  
 ROMANIA Ex-military pilot. Silent bell-shape flies. "No kind of aircraft". 12/6/1968 #24746  
(seen thru) binoculars. Dull roar. Bell-shape jumps like a moth. Shoots goi 7/6/1971 #26208  
AR PATESVILLE, KY 5+? observer(s). Bell-shape going quickly west extremely  7/26/1976 #31184  
ANTILLANA, SP 4 / car. 3M luminous bell-shape / roadside. Pulsates. "Motor  4/1/1978 #33112  
AYSON, AZ 2 observer(s) and video. Bell-shape makes instant turn. Flips ups 10/1992 (approximate) #40654  
       FONTENAY-TRESIGNY, FR White bell-shape hovers near moon. Moves going 8/5/1993 #41106  
## Word: "bell-shaped" (Back to Top)
0 feet toward the light and sees a bell-shaped object about 10 feet in diam Summer 1933 #1163  
-pitched humming sound, saw a gray bell-shaped object hovering over a field 11/13/1939 #1320  
 humming sound. He watches a gray, bell-shaped object hovering about 20 fee 11/13/1939 #1321  
g sound. He looked and saw a gray, bell-shaped object hovering over a nearb 11/13/1939 #1322  
 four women in a car saw an orange bell-shaped object ascending. Three auto 12/1943 #1547  
e Two men riding motorcycles saw a bell-shaped craft about 2.5 m high, hove 10/11/1954 #10927  
 near Acquigny, Eure, France saw a bell-shaped craft about 2.5 meters tall  10/11/1954 #10943  
 Paris, Illinois reported seeing a bell-shaped flying "swallow" an airplane 3/9/1955 #12039  
 in a car chases a 50-foot, black, bell-shaped object bearing two bright, w 8/22/1956 #13116  
 chase a 50-foot, black, rotating, bell-shaped object bearing two bright wh 8/22/1957 #13924  
on, Florida. At 3:40 p.m. a black, bell-shaped object bearing two bright, w 8/22/1957 #13925  
 three people watched a low flying bell-shaped object pass into a cloud in  7/22/1963 #17849  
rough binoculars as a red-colored, bell-shaped craft. Broken trees and othe 6/18/1966 #20580  
out group, including Sterrett. One bell-shaped object with three flashing r 6/18/1966 #20581  
rough binoculars as a red-colored, bell-shaped craft. Broken trees and othe 6/18/1966 #20583  
bject lifted up, appearing red and bell-shaped through binoculars, Six smal 6/19/1966 #20586  
object lifts up, appearing red and bell-shaped through binoculars. Six smal 6/19/1966 #20588  
ncluding an airport manager, saw a bell-shaped object with bright light in  2/12/1967 #21518  
T. A woman reported an illuminated bell-shaped object, estimated to be 35 f 4/1/1967 #22039  
       Phoenix, AZ 8:59 p.m MST. A bell-shaped object buzzed a car, which e 4/12/1967 #22119  
                       Phoenix, AZ Bell-shaped object buzzed car, banked, t 4/12/1967 #22120  
a 8:59 p.m. In Phoenix, Arizona, a bell-shaped object approaches a car from 4/12/1967 #22121  
 a close encounter occurred when a bell-shaped object buzzed a car with thr 4/12/1967 #22125  
DT. A woman and her daughter saw a bell-shaped object with a dull metal fin 7/20/1967 #22708  
was a sixty foot in diameter, gray bell-shaped object, with an intense ligh 7/20/1967 #22713  
Y 9:20 p.m. EDT. Four people saw a bell-shaped object with a horizontal row 8/4/1967 #22798  
 Dusk, EDT. Two women saw a silver bell-shaped object with red revolving li 10/26/1967 #23331  
               At 9:30 p.m. a blue bell-shaped UFO directed an energy beam  10/31/1967 #23378  
                                 A bell-shaped disc maneuvered around the m 2/24/1971 #26032  
sound at 2:30 a.m., and then saw a bell-shaped object jumping about in the  7/6/1971 #26209  
t from the ground. It is circular, bell-shaped underneath, and has a “turre 7/7/1971 #26211  
o put on orange belts. A circular, bell-shaped shining object descended fro 7/7/1971 #26212  
    AYDEN, NC Several observer(s). Bell-shaped object hovers. No further de 11/2/1973 #28347  
apoca, Romania. Outside they see a bell-shaped object or silhouette with a  5/1974 #29074  
n he heard a noise, and saw that a bell-shaped UFO had landed next to some  1/5/1976 #30760  
n he heard a noise, and saw that a bell-shaped UFO had landed next to some  1/5/1976 #30761  
ture and still photos, showing one bell-shaped object and another discoid i 10/23/1976 #31488  
                   A luminous dumb bell-shaped UFO hovered over two witness 3/14/1978 #33039  
                   On this night a bell-shaped UFO hovered just outside an  7/5/1978 #33340  
adio for a few seconds. She sees a bell-shaped object to the east hovering  10/29/1978 #33889  
n, Warrington, Cheshire, England a bell-shaped UFO with a bright light on t 10/29/1978 #33890  
awn in Hyderabad, India, and see a bell-shaped cloud forming at about 2,000 4/20/1980 #35280  
y, but soon they see three smaller bell-shaped clouds forming evenly spaced 4/20/1980 #35280  
                  A 50 meter wide, bell-shaped domed disc was seen on the g 9/5/1981 #36102  
Dogs barking excitedly at hum of 3 bell-shaped objects (NICAP: 04 - Animal  11/1/1989 #39206  
HISPER BAY, FL 3 glowing blue-grey bell-shaped objects. Humming. Also seen  11/2/1989 #39210  
he transported large disc-like and bell-shaped objects that he concludes ar 1991 #39935  
            At 10:30 a.m. a silent bell-shaped object, the color of brushed 2/24/1993 #40858  
                          A silent bell-shaped disc flashed and maneuvered  6/16/1995 #42261  
                           Several bell-shaped objects were sighted near th 9/19/1995 #42487  
  In Oakley, Michigan a stationary bell-shaped object was videotaped for 58 4/20/1998 #43552  
           Starting at 9:16 p.m. a bell-shaped UFO with four lights was vie 1/22/2003 #44478  
Grey aliens standing near a landed bell-shaped object for 60 minutes. They  2/28/2006 #44927  
n London, Ontario. At 10:00 p.m. a bell-shaped object, stationary at first, 9/6/2008 #45166  
## Word: "bell-shapes" (Back to Top)
    WILLISTON, FL 30m saucer and 6 bell-shapes. Cops limbs go dead and clot 11/2/1955 #12542  
observer(s). Large ovoid hovers. 2 bell-shapes exit and orbit. All vanish a 4/10/1967 #22101  
          JOHNSON CITY, TN Several bell-shapes near airport. Beams going do 9/19/1995 #42481  
## Word: "bella" (Back to Top)
                        NEAR TERRA BELLA, CA Rancher. Group / saucers swoop 4/8/1950 #4822  
                             Calle Bella Vista Petare Caracas Venezuela Esq 11/28/1954 #11722  
 driving a panel truck along Calle Bella Vista in Petare, Caracas, Venezuel 11/28/1954 #11722  
                                   BELLA VISTA, URUG Many observer(s). "Fly 12/20/1954 (approximate) #11843  
## Word: "bellac" (Back to Top)
                  N147 NORTHWEST / BELLAC, FR 2 kids. Huge football going d 2/3/1974 (approximate) #28727  
## Word: "bellagio" (Back to Top)
EST, to Las Vegas, Nevada over the Bellagio Hotel at 9:00 p.m. Pacific Stan 11/1/2002 #44434  
## Word: "bellamy" (Back to Top)
            Madbury, New Hampshire Bellamy Reservoir Three witnesses in Mad 6/10/1982 #36498  
s hovering about 50 feet above the Bellamy Reservoir, its lights reflecting 6/10/1982 #36498  
## Word: "bellanca" (Back to Top)
48. Witness:  Max Abbott, flying a Bellanca Cruisair four-passenger private 7/1948 #3690  
## Word: "bellantoni" (Back to Top)
            NEAR DOLORES, ARG Jose Bellantoni photographs iridescent 75M sa 8/28/1962 #17367  
hree people, including a man named Bellantoni in Dolores, Buenos Aires prov 8/28/1962 #17370  
## Word: "bellaria" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BELLARIA, ITL 3+observer(s). Dome / fiel 6/4/1978 #33254  
                                   Bellaria, Italy Motorists observed flash 6/4/1978 #33255  
## Word: "bellatoni" (Back to Top)
 Kisco, New York, going north. Ms. Bellatoni, a news reporter, had just lef 10/31/1984 #37499  
## Word: "bellbrook" (Back to Top)
                                   Bellbrook, OH CE-3. (EGBA,687) (NICAP: 0 9/27/1977 #32526  
## Word: "belle" (Back to Top)
                                   Belle Vue Park Yarmouth Road Lowestoft S 5/16/1909 #750  
0 a.m. A Mrs. Wigg, who lives near Belle Vue Park on Yarmouth Road, Lowesto 5/16/1909 #750  
                                   BELLE GLADE, FL Humming. 14M saucer / li 9/14/1952 #7920  
     Everglades Experiment Station Belle Glade, Florida Everglades Research 9/14/1952 #7938  
 Research and Education Center] in Belle Glade, Florida, when he spots a ci 9/14/1952 #7938  
eaction case occurred on a farm in Belle Glade, Florida just before dawn at 9/14/1952 #7941  
                                   Belle Glade, FL Circular object with row 9/16/1952 #7959  
                                   BELLE ILE, FR Luminous ball spins and wo 11/23/1952 #8325  
                              NEAR BELLE FOURCHE, SD 2 / car. Large globe.  9/1973 #27737  
e cylinder/cylindrical object over Belle Meade Ave. / News-Free Press 19.9. 9/19/1973 #27832  
## Word: "belle-ile" (Back to Top)
                                   Belle-Ile, France At a place alled "La B 11/21/1952 #8315  
   At a place called "La Butte" on Belle-Ile, France a luminous sphere was  11/21/1952 #8318  
## Word: "belle-vue" (Back to Top)
xit of the Brussels Ring Road near Belle-Vue, Belgium 9:30 p.m. Mme. Cortvr 12/9/1990 #39927  
xit of the Brussels Ring Road near Belle-Vue, Belgium, when they see a lumi 12/9/1990 #39927  
## Word: "belledonne" (Back to Top)
). Silver football hovers still by Belledonne peak / several min.           10/3/1954 #10629  
## Word: "bellefontaine" (Back to Top)
                                   BELLEFONTAINE, OH 2 F86's chase silver d 8/1/1952 #7395  
                                   Bellefontaine, OH AF F-86's Smith/Hemer  8/1/1952 #7405  
                  Campbell Hill at Bellefontaine, Ohio Wright-Patterson AFB 8/1/1952 #7408  
and radar site on Campbell Hill at Bellefontaine, Ohio, tracks a target 20  8/1/1952 #7408  
## Word: "belleman" (Back to Top)
:  USAF Maj. R.L. Wallander, Capt. Belleman, A/3c Phipps. One orange object 11/15/1952 #8280  
## Word: "bellenaves-st" (Back to Top)
                                   BELLENAVES-ST.-BONNET, FR Brill round ob 10/10/1954 #10870  
## Word: "bellenden" (Back to Top)
                                   BELLENDEN KER NT.PARK, QLD 2 boys. Night 1/23/1982 #36307  
                                   BELLENDEN KER, QLD, AUST 9 / large car.  6/28/1996 #42941  
## Word: "bellerby" (Back to Top)
                                   BELLERBY MOOR, ENGL Several military. Li 6/1973 (approximate) #27542  
## Word: "bellero" (Back to Top)
                              “The Bellero Shield” episode of Outer Limits  2/10/1964 #18127  
## Word: "bellerose" (Back to Top)
ht in Asbestos, Quebec, Canada Mr. Bellerose, his wife, his brother in law, 10/8/1968 #24551  
## Word: "belleville" (Back to Top)
                                   Belleville, Kansas Chicago, Rock Island, 3/23/1897 #393  
Railroad depot Night. Residents of Belleville, Kansas, watch a lighted airs 3/23/1897 #393  
cific Railroad depot and others in Belleville watch a bright light pass abo 3/23/1897 #393  
en / several evenings. Hovers over Belleville / 19 Apr. '87.                3/27/1897 #397  
n the Scott AFB operations room in Belleville, Illinois during the chase an 1/7/1948 #3537  
                                   Belleville, IL Scott AFB (NICAP: 01 - Di 6/20/1948 #3675  
                                   Belleville, IL Five Radar Tracks In 50 M 7/12/1952 #6781  
                                   Belleville, IL Four Large Objects Tracke 7/27/1952 #7201  
                                   Belleville, MI Military witness(es) (NAR 8/6/1952 #7483  
                                   BELLEVILLE, KS Disk with cone top. Green 4/5/1967 #22058  
                                   Belleville, KS 8:30 p.m. CST (9:30 p.m.  4/5/1967 #22063  
an estimated 3,000 feet altitude. (Belleville Telescope, 4/6/67, NICAP file 4/5/1967 #22063  
                                   Belleville, Illinois Southwestern Illino 12/19/1967 #23595  
ving westbound on the east edge of Belleville, Illinois, when he sees a tri 12/19/1967 #23595  
                                   Belleville, IL 10:00 p.m. Couple from Mi 6/11/1972 #26714  
                                   Belleville, IL 9:45 p.m. 3-4 Mins. Four  7/31/1972 #26849  
r, at 9:40 p.m. CDT four people in Belleville, Illinois observed a yellow d 7/31/1972 #26852  
                  Highway 401 near Belleville, Ontario 8:00 p.m. Sylvia Lai 3/19/1977 #31917  
ving eastbound on Highway 401 near Belleville, Ontario, when a red streak a 3/19/1977 #31917  
                                   Belleville, WI Flurry of sightings inclu 1/1987 #38092  
                                   BELLEVILLE, WI Cop and several. Group /  1/15/1987 #38098  
                                   Belleville, Wisconsin Quarry Road Dane C 1/15/1987 #38099  
onary in the southwestern sky over Belleville, Wisconsin. At 2:50 a.m., the 1/15/1987 #38099  
                                   Belleville, Wisconsin 7:30 p.m. Jeff Zwe 2/6/1987 #38113  
fel is walking home from work near Belleville, Wisconsin. He sees an object 2/6/1987 #38113  
                                   Belleville, Wisconsin 5:30 p.m. County s 3/6/1987 #38130  
ed Gochenauer are driving north of Belleville, Wisconsin, and spot four pec 3/6/1987 #38130  
                                   BELLEVILLE, IL Several observer(s). Circ 1/12/1989 #38778  
                                   BELLEVILLE, IL Disk-ovoid surrounded / p 3/15/1995 #42104  
                                   BELLEVILLE, IL 4 separate cops and more/ 1/5/2000 #43919  
.m. while driving up Highway 37 in Belleville, Ontario passengers in a vehi 5/15/2009 #45222  
## Word: "belleville-sur-saone" (Back to Top)
                                   BELLEVILLE-SUR-SAONE, FR 2 groups / nigh 9/27/1996 #43046  
                                   BELLEVILLE-SUR-SAONE, FR 2+1+2 triangles 10/6/1996 #43059  
                                   BELLEVILLE-SUR-SAONE, FR Brilliant lumin 10/13/1996 #43065  
                                   BELLEVILLE-SUR-SAONE, FR Black silent de 12/5/1996 #43131  
silent triangular UFO stopped over Belleville-sur-Saone, Ain, France at 9:3 12/5/1996 #43132  
## Word: "bellevue" (Back to Top)
                                   BELLEVUE HILL, VT USAF C124 crew. 3 blue 4/24/1952 #6165  
                                   Bellevue Hill, VT C-124 Crew Encounter T 4/24/1952 #6171  
                                   Bellevue Hill, Vermont Witnesses:  crew  4/24/1952 #6175  
                                   BELLEVUE, WA Metallic silver disk / elli 7/23/1959 (approximate) #15872  
n elliptical orbit in the sky over Bellevue, Washington at noon. There was  7/23/1959 #15873  
yess AFB Abilene, Texas Offutt AFB Bellevue, Nebraska Night. Sgt. Michael D 10/1973 #27902  
mmand Headquarters Offutt AFB near Bellevue, Nebraska. Jenkins hears gunfir 10/1973 #27902  
                   Offutt AFB near Bellevue, Nebraska Northern Tier militar 11/11/1975 #30611  
AC headquarters in Offutt AFB near Bellevue, Nebraska, to numerous Air Forc 11/11/1975 #30611  
                                   BELLEVUE, KY 30' saucer retracts green l 7/15/1977 #32273  
                                   Bellevue, KY 10:45 PM. Mrs. Fern Frey (n 7/15/1977 #32275  
ncounter with a disc-shaped UFO in Bellevue, Kentucky at 10:45 p.m. She wat 7/15/1977 #32277  
                                   BELLEVUE, WA 6 red and white objects in  9/2/1987 #38275  
                                   BELLEVUE, WI Video / windmill shows 150m 3/13/1992 #40375  
, videotaped a cigar-shaped UFO in Bellevue, Wisconsin, which is a suburb o 3/13/1992 #40376  
umerous green lights was seen over Bellevue, Ohio at 7:20 p.m. It moved lef 2/25/2004 #44669  
                                   Bellevue, Colorado John Schuessler retir 11/1/2006 #44980  
e is succeeded by James Carrion of Bellevue, Colorado.                      11/1/2006 #44980  
## Word: "bellflower" (Back to Top)
                                   BELLFLOWER AND RESEDA, CA Bright UFO / r 7/24/1952 #7101  
## Word: "bellicose" (Back to Top)
mented report of a landing and of "bellicose dwarfs."                       6/5/1957 #13704  
## Word: "bellies" (Back to Top)
ey also had large, limp protruding bellies. They also had thin spindly arms 7/8/1996 #42950  
 eyes, pointed ears and protruding bellies. The beings re-entered the craft 9/26/1997 #43417  
## Word: "belligerence" (Back to Top)
ice is that physical man set up no belligerence, for a small concentration  7/3/1947 #2551  
## Word: "belligerency" (Back to Top)
 soon as Congress recognizes Cuban belligerency his air ship would be heard 4/14/1897 #468  
## Word: "belligerent" (Back to Top)
ccount of his encounter with seven belligerent dwarves, 4.5 feet tall, who  6/18/1944 #1606  
October 21 for making unauthorized belligerent statements about Russia.     9/28/1981 #36143  
## Word: "bellingeri" (Back to Top)
tared at witness. (Carla and Mauro Bellingeri, Ref. 5, Reference 1, Section 4/16/1974 #29037  
essandrino, Italy 12:50 a.m. Mauro Bellingeri, 26, and his wife Carla Farè, 4/16/1974 #29040  
o, Piemonte district, Italy. Mauro Bellingeri and his wife had just arrived 4/16/1974 #29042  
## Word: "bellingeris" (Back to Top)
ht of 40 feet above the villa. The Bellingeris get out of the car to look a 4/16/1974 #29040  
## Word: "bellingham" (Back to Top)
                                   BELLINGHAM, WA 2 observer(s). Kite-like  6/24/1947 #2380  
                       6MI NORTH / BELLINGHAM, WA Motorist. Red-orange ovoi 7/26/1949 #4290  
                                   Bellingham, WA White pinpoint move slowl 9/3/1955 #12427  
                                   Bellingham, Washington Witness: Observer 9/3/1955 #12428  
                                   BELLINGHAM, WA 1 observer. House-size sa 7/19/1956 #12986  
                                   BELLINGHAM, MASS Cylinder/cigar-shape wh 4/19/1966 #20336  
                                   Bellingham, Ct 10:00 p.m. EST. Two hours 4/19/1966 #20342  
m. (Fowler 1974, < p. 339.) [Note: Bellingham, Cohasset, Quincy, Sharon, an 4/19/1966 #20343  
                                   Bellingham, Massachusetts Two women saw  4/19/1966 #20344  
n descending into a wooded area in Bellingham, Massachusetts. Five aircraft 4/19/1966 #20347  
             At 2:20 a.m. in rural Bellingham, Massachusetts a couple heard 8/6/1966 #20729  
                                   Bellingham, WA 6:30 p.m. PST (8:30 p.m.) 2/14/1967 #21545  
year-old man stood on his porch in Bellingham, Massachusetts and watched a  6/28/1971 #26200  
                                   BELLINGHAM, WA 2 observer(s). 50' cylind 3/25/1986 #37809  
                  Two witnesses in Bellingham, Washington reported seeing f 5/3/1986 #37853  
                                   BELLINGHAM, MA 1 observer. 5 1' orange b 7/2/1989 #39003  
                                   BELLINGHAM, UK 2 separate infrared alarm 8/21/1994 #41684  
                                   Bellingham, WA Dogs began howling and at 12/8/2002 #44459  
                                   Bellingham, Washington 10:00 p.m. A 60-y 7/15/2013 #45377  
nd come within 100 feet of them in Bellingham, Washington. It executes prec 7/15/2013 #45377  
## Word: "bellino" (Back to Top)
                Calalzo di Cadore (Bellino), Italy UFO landed, witness had  8/15/1986 #37991  
             In Calalzo di Cadore, Bellino, Italy a witness saw a luminous  8/15/1986 #37993  
## Word: "belljar" (Back to Top)
-like figure / luminous/glowing 7' belljar. Fire alarm trips. Ashes and pow 10/21/1973 #28224  
## Word: "bellmore" (Back to Top)
                                   BELLMORE, LI, NY 1 observer. Pulsating o 12/3/1953 #9334  
 orange ovoid object was seen over Bellmore, New York. It made a sudden, ni 12/3/1953 #9340  
## Word: "bellomonte" (Back to Top)
           At 6:30 p.m. a woman in Bellomonte, Puerto Rico was sitting alon 3/11/1992 #40372  
## Word: "bellonzo" (Back to Top)
rmohl, Miethe and Italian engineer Bellonzo/Belluzzo. Lusar claims German s 1958 #14787  
## Word: "belloq--the" (Back to Top)
 Ayacucho, Argentina. Mr. and Mrs. Belloq--the couple who lived there--awok 6/26/1978 #33312  
 Ayacucho, Argentina. Mr. and Mrs. Belloq--the couple who lived there--awok 6/26/1978 #33314  
## Word: "bellovin" (Back to Top)
Capt. Joseph A. Cybulski and Capt. Bellovin and emphasizes that it is now t 1/13/1954 #9481  
## Word: "bellow" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bellow” YieldMax: 20KT                   5/16/1984 #37329  
## Word: "bellowed" (Back to Top)
ss were found at the site.  A bull bellowed and tried to break its bonds.   8/19/1965 #19424  
ass were found at the site. A bull bellowed and tried to break its bonds.   8/19/1965 #19428  
arns that cattle in a nearby field bellowed and broke through a fence about 9/1/1974 #29417  
r a horse galloped away and cattle bellowed, panicked and ran. Mr. Blackwel 9/30/1980 #35548  
## Word: "bellowing" (Back to Top)
anguage that, however, sounds like bellowing. One farmer gets too close, an 4/14/1897 #463  
n the field appeared to be afraid, bellowing and grouping in the pasture. T 10/27/1954 #11451  
stracted by the sounds of his cows bellowing on a nearby field. They also s 7/27/1971 #26246  
was drawn to the sound of his cows bellowing in a nearby field. The witness 7/27/1971 #26247  
 at the object while the sheep are bellowing. After several minutes, the gl 11/2/1971 #26449  
rm "went crazy," running about and bellowing. The next day humanoid tracks  7/12/1977 #32266  
## Word: "bellowings" (Back to Top)
ical, seemed to be a repetition of bellowings." One farmer went near him an 4/17/1897 #521  
ical, seemed to be a repetition of bellowings". One farmer went near him an 4/17/1897 #526  
## Word: "bellows" (Back to Top)
50 minute(s). Lands. 9' man exits. Bellows. Injures farmer.                 4/17/1897 #519  
## Word: "bells" (Back to Top)
                                   BELLS CORNERS, ON 2 observer(s). Patch / 8/18/1958 #15213  
      Sherman, Texas US Highway 82 Bells, Texas 3:00 a.m. KXWI-TV news phot 8/2/1965 #19266  
anging stationary one mile east of Bells on US Highway 82. The object has a 8/2/1965 #19266  
h double decks (like two flattened bells, one above the other) hovering nea 9/1967 #22968  
ights and saucers to April. Church bells ring. Radios electro-magnetic effe 2/17/1976 #30876  
uage that resembled the ringing of bells. The witness could not move or yel 4/20/1982 #36448  
. Absolute(ly) silence. No birds / bells.. nothing!                         7/7/1994 #41612  
Mike Oldfield’s 1973 album Tubular Bells.                                   7/26/2007 #45040  
## Word: "bellshaped" (Back to Top)
nd a dozen other witnesses saw six bellshaped objects moving by successive  11/2/1955 #12544  
aval Air Station, Florida A black, bellshaped object bearing two bright, wh 8/22/1957 #13922  
## Word: "bellsquarry" (Back to Top)
was seen at 400 meters distance in Bellsquarry, Livingston, Lothian, Scotla 11/8/1979 #34987  
## Word: "belltower" (Back to Top)
t flew between the witness and the belltower of a church. Its computed size 9/9/1975 #30350  
## Word: "belluco" (Back to Top)
                                   Belluco, Chile A woman in a car saw an o 7/31/1965 #19218  
 It took off, then landed again in Belluco where it was seen by several peo 7/31/1965 #19218  
     A woman driving in a car near Belluco, Chile saw an object on the road 7/31/1965 #19221  
 It took off, then landed again in Belluco where it was seen by several peo 7/31/1965 #19221  
## Word: "belluno" (Back to Top)
                Calalzo di Cadore, Belluno, Italy Pordenone 11:00 p.m. A ma 8/15/1986 #37992  
 on vacation in Calalzo di Cadore, Belluno, Italy, are sitting near a wood  8/15/1986 #37992  
## Word: "belluzo" (Back to Top)
t jet-powered fighter, the He 280; Belluzo was an industry minster in Itali 1958 #14787  
## Word: "belluzzo" (Back to Top)
ethe and Italian engineer Bellonzo/Belluzzo. Lusar claims German saucer tec 1958 #14787  
rly the existence of Schriever and Belluzzo. Schreiver worked for Heinkel A 1958 #14787  
## Word: "bellville" (Back to Top)
t the local railroad crossing near Bellville, Ohio around 10 p.m. when they 7/10/1978 #33363  
## Word: "bellwood" (Back to Top)
                      US220 EAST / BELLWOOD, PA 24' saucer going [to] overh 10/15/1983 #37007  
## Word: "belly" (Back to Top)
man. Afterwards, she points to her belly then points to the sky. Then he is 10/16/1957 #14128  
l standing beside it. He had a big belly and was wearing a red sweater cros 6/4/1970 #25690  
le was painfully inserted into her belly. She then passed out, and awoke la 8/1/1978 #33464  
ddle and positioned lower than the belly of the object.                     12/1/1989 #39292  
n-like spots appeared on her upper belly, and the lower parts of her breast 1/24/1992 #40302  
 stingray shaped object with a fat belly, wider than it was long, was sight 2/19/1993 #40853  
nded comrade. Two shots strike its belly and one its chest. A fourth shot h 1/20/1996 #42694  
## Word: "belmar" (Back to Top)
recorded reports from Asbury Park, Belmar, Farmingdale, Haledon, Hammonton, 12/2/1977 #32731  
## Word: "belmont" (Back to Top)
             FBI memo from Alan H. Belmont to D. Milton Ladd on green fireb 8/23/1950 #5136  
      An FBI memorandum to Alan H. Belmont from Victor P. Keay reports that 10/27/1952 #8199  
                                   BELMONT, NSW Buzz. Big top-saucer / back 8/1960 #16354  
                                   BELMONT, MASS Doctor and 7 / (seen thru) 12/24/1967 #23601  
                                   Belmont, MA Night. Eight witnesses saw 6 12/24/1967 #23604  
            Harvard Medical School Belmont, Massachusetts 8:30 p.m. A facul 12/24/1967 #23607  
d several members of his family in Belmont, Massachusetts, see a silently m 12/24/1967 #23607  
                                   BELMONT, MA Engineer. White disk / perfe 10/9/1973 #27967  
                                   BELMONT TO/FROM GRENANT, FR 2 photograph 2/13/1974 #28762  
                             NORTH BELMONT, NC 2 girls / 14. 8m saucer / ed 11/8/1976 #31530  
                                   Belmont, North Carolina Gastonia 8:45 p. 11/8/1976 #31531  
-old girls in the northern part of Belmont, North Carolina, see a round gra 11/8/1976 #31531  
 close encounter occurred in North Belmont, North Carolina at 8:45 p.m. Two 11/8/1976 #31533  
                                   Belmont Lane, Stanmore, Greater London,  4/26/1984 #37302  
 light in the sky from her home on Belmont Lane, Stanmore, Greater London,  4/26/1984 #37302  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Belmont” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT     10/16/1986 #38049  
                                   BELMONT, ONT 5 observer(s). 5 good photo 5/5/1992 #40451  
                                   BELMONT, CA 2 observer(s). Odd group / 3 7/28/1995 #42330  
## Word: "belo" (Back to Top)
   Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil Belo Horizonte Anor Ferreira da Silva, a 11/22/1954 #11690  
ge to his friend Geraldo Bastos in Belo Horizonte, claiming that a flying s 11/22/1954 #11690  
                                   Belo Horizonte, Brazil Disc-like object  6/30/1957 #13759  
Aerovias DC-3 airliner flying from Belo Horizonte to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 6/30/1957 #13760  
                         Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Braz 7/14/1959 #15849  
e hour as it flew from Pampulha to Belo Horizonte, Brazil. All the time it  7/14/1959 #15854  
                                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ Transparent sphere/o 8/28/1963 #17919  
                  Sagrada Familia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Gualbertos’s back 8/28/1963 #17922  
tos’s backyard in Sagrada Familia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, to wash a coffee 8/28/1963 #17922  
                Hospital da Baleia Belo Horizonte, Brazil 10:50 a.m. “Fábio 9/14/1967 #23060  
ital da Baleia on the outskirts of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. He notices an ob 9/14/1967 #23060  
                                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ Saucer on ground in  9/17/1967 #23073  
                                   Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Braz 9/17/1967 #23074  
                                   Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Braz 9/17/1967 #23075  
                                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ 2 observer(s). 2 lum 1/1969 #24807  
                                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ Physics student and  1/7/1969 #24823  
                                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ 2 boys. Dog frantic. 2/20/1969 #24931  
                 CARLOS PRATES AND BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ Several separate obs 3/19/1969 #25029  
                                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ 3 girls. Luminous bl 3/22/1969 #25036  
in the Colegio Batista district of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil at  3/22/1969 #25037  
onio da Silva had left his home in Belo Horizonte and taken a bus to Bebedo 5/4/1969 #25115  
                                   Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil - A 5/21/1969 #25153  
                                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ 6 1M small humanoids 11/24/1970 #25916  
om the top was seen by hundreds in Belo Horizonte, Brazil during a time whe 11/24/1970 #25917  
to edge, paced a plane flying from Belo Horizonte to Uberaba, Minas Gerais  8/9/1971 #26278  
                                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRAZIL Several observer( 8/24/1972 #26950  
                        Pampulhas, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Object with porth 5/5/1979 #34543  
                                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ Bright saucer / grou 5/4/1981 #35926  
right disc landed on the ground in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais state, Braz 5/4/1981 #35927  
right disc landed on the ground in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais state, Braz 5/4/1981 #35929  
     Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil Belo Horizonte Galeão Airport in Rio de  2/8/1982 #36327  
g it to catch up. As it approaches Belo Horizonte, the object approaches th 2/8/1982 #36327  
                              NEAR BELO HORIZONTE, BRAZIL Saucer 10-15 mete 5/15/1986 #37868  
rmer named Joaquim, who lived near Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil wat 5/15/1986 #37870  
manitas Unimed in Varginha, Brazil Belo Horizonte The strange creatures are 1/21/1996 #42704  
lso seen arriving at a hospital in Belo Horizonte, where allegedly one of t 1/21/1996 #42704  
## Word: "beloeil" (Back to Top)
                                   BELOEIL, QB 4 observer(s). Cylinder/ciga 7/31/1972 #26848  
                                In Beloeil, Quebec, Canada four witnesses w 7/31/1972 #26851  
                                   BELOEIL, QB 4 observer(s). 6 moon-size o 8/19/1972 #26930  
                                   BELOEIL, QB 6 observer(s). 4 moon-size o 8/12/1975 #30253  
                                   BELOEIL, QB Several lights in delta/tria 4/15/1977 #31982  
## Word: "beloit" (Back to Top)
                                   Beloit, Ohio Day. Glenn E. Bradley watch Summer 1961 #16736  
llic discs pass over his farm near Beloit, Ohio, at a low altitude. They ar Summer 1961 #16736  
                                   Beloit, WI 9:05 p.m. CDT. On the same ev 5/9/1967 #22302  
                                In Beloit, Wisconsin at 9:05 p.m., which is 5/9/1967 #22306  
## Word: "beloite" (Back to Top)
                                   Beloite, Yugo Yugoslavia (NICAP: 08 - Ph 7/17/1974 #29264  
## Word: "belokorovichi" (Back to Top)
                           Ukraine Belokorovichi 4:00–8:00 p.m. Russian Arm 10/4/1982 #36634  
issile base outside the village of Belokorovichi, Ukraine. It looks “just l 10/4/1982 #36634  
## Word: "belon" (Back to Top)
ng outside their house in Riec sur Belon, France. The family was using bino 9/19/1974 #29464  
## Word: "belong" (Back to Top)
perhaps as many as 100,000 persons belong to these UFO organizations” and a 11/30/1958 #15462  
chewan, see lights that they think belong to another aircraft at a higher a 12/11/2001 #44287  
## Word: "belonged" (Back to Top)
an organization to which these men belonged.                                8/20/1966 #20778  
us organization to which these men belonged.                                8/20/1966 #20782  
 Marliens, France In a field which belonged to the Mayor, Mr. Maillotte, a  5/9/1967 #22303  
                   In a field that belonged to Mr. Maillotte, the mayor of  5/9/1967 #22304  
 perfectly spaced, suggesting they belonged to one craft. The UFO made no s 5/23/2003 #44544  
## Word: "belonging" (Back to Top)
newspaper suggests it is a “vessel belonging originally to some other plane 6/6/1884 #258  
   Eau Claire, Wisconsin farmhouse belonging to Melvin Bannister Night. An  4/15/1897 #488  
oat emerge and walk to a farmhouse belonging to Melvin Bannister, whose dog 4/15/1897 #488  
now Czernica, Poland] into a field belonging to Eva Braun’s family and is r Summer 1937 #1272  
ss the sky, coming to rest on land belonging to local farmer G. Bailey Fish 9/12/1952 #7905  
. Sixteen horses and numerous cows belonging to local farmers, the Stewart  3/24/1953 #8782  
dencias Federales chain of islands belonging to Venezuela. The witnesses we 12/13/1959 #16119  
e (26,369 are killed) suspected of belonging to the National Liberation Fro 5/1967 #22253  
e sleeping in a camper on property belonging to some relatives on County Hi 8/12/1967 #22868  
ddle horse named Lady [not Snippy] belonging to Nellie Lewis of the Harry K 9/9/1967 #23026  
old cross Hereford-Charolais bull, belonging to Manuel Gomez of Dulce, New  3/24/1978 #33077  
Poland 8:15 p.m. Two fishing boats belonging to the Szomborg family, the He 8/23/1979 #34768  
ches were found at the site. A dog belonging to one of the witnesses report 5/12/1993 #40975  
crop circle found in a wheat field belonging to Dan Arend off County Road 1 7/4/1996 #42945  
 sitting on the balcony of a house belonging to one of them, at Markou Mous 9/14/1998 #43646  
s record group in OUSDAT files not belonging to usual SAP, but rather a gro 10/16/2002 #44418  
nd to a location at Palm Beach, FL belonging to the Coast Guard called Pean 2004 #44638  
   Pine Bush, New York Night. Dogs belonging to Carlos Torres of Pine Bush, 1/4/2013 #45358  
xico border 3:40 p.m. A Learjet 36 belonging to Phoenix Air flying at 37,00 2/24/2018 #45513  
   DeRidder, Louisiana Night. Dogs belonging to a witness in DeRidder, Loui 4/5/2018 #45524  
they are Partenavia P.68 Observers belonging to Ravenair and flying at 2,20 11/9/2019 #45616  
## Word: "belongings" (Back to Top)
to the camper, collected all their belongings, found his dog and, with the  10/14/1973 #28031  
 treated by doctors. Some personal belongings of hers also turned up missin 8/3/1977 #32356  
 again in the street, with all his belongings, as well as one of the beings 9/15/1977 #32485  
## Word: "belongs" (Back to Top)
 above the river and finds that it belongs to an enormous disc-shaped objec 7/25/1952 #7137  
r Gordon Creighton says the office belongs to the Deputy Directorate of Int 6/15/1957 #13730  
bordinate USAF Air Defense Command belongs to NORAD.                        9/12/1957 #13992  
bordinate USAF Air Defense Command belongs to NORAD. *   https://archive.or 6/1989 #38972  
comes to suspect that the clothing belongs to another supposed abductee, Be 2000 #43913  
## Word: "belorus" (Back to Top)
                         KRUGLOYE, BELORUS Man sees half-moon UFO flying no 7/10/1967 #22642  
         FLIGHT 8352 NEAR BORISOV, BELORUS 25 mile-long cloud object full o 9/7/1984 (approximate) #37456  
                       NEAR MINSK, BELORUS Airline(s)/airliner crew huge be 9/7/1984 #37457  
                     NEAR BORISOV, BELORUS 2 Soviet Air Force crews. Large  11/22/1989 #39243  
## Word: "below-ground" (Back to Top)
h a second lieutenant conducting a below-ground azimuth alignment procedure Early 1/1979 #34280  
## Word: "belper" (Back to Top)
                        A woman in Belper, Derbyshire, England saw a bright 3/10/1999 #43746  
rinsley, Nottinghamshire Crich and Belper, Derbyshire, England Night. Five  3/24/1999 #43750  
ey, Nottinghamshire, and Crich and Belper, Derbyshire, England, watch a fly 3/24/1999 #43750  
## Word: "belpre" (Back to Top)
               PARKERSBURG, WV AND BELPRE AND VIENNA AND MORE 3+observer(s) 8/12/1956 #13072  
                           NORTH / BELPRE, OH 2+2 observer(s). TV malfuncti 10/28/1973 #28306  
                On a farm north of Belpre, Ohio the witness noticed TV inte 10/28/1973 #28314  
## Word: "belt" (Back to Top)
points to the sky. She touches her belt and a door in the object opens. She 7/18/1943 #1518  
ities raises its right hand to its belt, which emits a puff of smoke that k 8/14/1947 #3330  
t. Carmel. Broad rapidly revolving belt / middle.                           8/7/1952 (approximate) #7494  
s, of fine metallic mesh. A ribbed belt surrounds the waist. Its face is pa 10/1952 #8073  
d a tight-fitting suit with a wide belt. He begins to talk but they can’t u 8/20/1954 #10157  
or seams. He also wore a very wide belt around his waist. But what really g 8/20/1954 #10158  
[to] bottle and pebbles going [to] belt. Going up [to] and vanishes. R217p1 10/4/1954 #10676  
nce. The being wore a wide leather belt or girdle, boots, and a tunic. He p 10/4/1954 #10703  
in a bottle, and some pebbles in a belt pouch; he then rose up into air and 10/4/1954 #10703  
sed in a light gray coverall and a belt that holds what might be a weapon.  11/2/1954 #11537  
e light gray in color. Each wore a belt around his waist which appeared to  11/2/1954 #11539  
-old child, transparent, wearing a belt with a bright disk, was seen nearby 8/22/1955 #12389  
d child, transparent and wearing a belt with a bright disc on it, was seen  8/22/1955 #12390  
mouth, and a brilliant disc on its belt. Other similar objects also landed, 8/29/1955 #12416  
g saucer all over/all about copper belt. / r140 #3p22.                      8/9/1956 #13063  
se destruction formed the asteroid belt.                                    1957 #13430  
 white clothes with a light on the belt, heelless white shoes, big gloves,  10/16/1957 #14127  
white uniforms with a light on the belt, heelless white shoes, big gloves,  10/16/1957 #14131  
aring black leather pants, a white belt, and a light-colored jersey, exit t 11/6/1957 #14421  
                            Hawaii Belt Road Ninole, Hawaii 8:30 p.m. Regin 11/28/1957 #14635  
 Lacuesta is driving on the Hawaii Belt Road near Ninole, Hawaii, when his  11/28/1957 #14635  
 to detect the Van Allen radiation belt.                                    1/31/1958 #14856  
etonations will create a radiation belt in the extreme upper regions of the 8/27/1958 #15229  
d chests. One of them loosened his belt to work on something below the wind 9/29/1959 #16000  
 pullover with a white band at the belt, and black trousers with a vertical 4/18/1961 #16652  
 pullover with a white band at the belt, and black trousers with a vertical 4/18/1961 #16653  
y wore yellow coveralls and a wide belt. Noting that the witness was afraid 12/9/1962 #17576  
a box in the front attached to his belt. A second occupant was seen through 2/29/1964 #18141  
himself to the tree trunk with his belt. He shot arrows at the robot, but t 9/4/1964 #18535  
ks out. He awakes hanging from his belt, and the creatures are gone. Later, 9/5/1964 #18539  
re shiny blue-green clothes with a belt; one wore a cap.                    10/26/1965 #19682  
e-piece garment with a broad black belt and black box in front. A dim glow  1/28/1967 #21409  
                                   BELT, MT Project Bluebook Case #11551. M 3/24/1967 #21960  
                                   Belt, MT Dome-Shaped Object Lands In Rav 3/24/1967 #21965  
                                   Belt, Montana Numerous reports came from 3/24/1967 #21968  
                                   Belt, Montana Witness:  truck driver Ken 3/24/1967 #21969  
                  US Highway 87/89 Belt, Montana Malmstrom AFB 9:00 p.m. Tr 3/24/1967 #21974  
bright light land in a ravine near Belt, Montana. As he approaches, it take 3/24/1967 #21974  
        Numerous reports came from Belt, Montana including one of an unknow 3/24/1967 #21975  
                            WEST / BELT, MT Trucker and cop. Metallic objec 3/25/1967 #21978  
 metallic elliptical object with a belt of alternate red and green lights w 4/28/1967 #22246  
nickel-plated. He also wore a wide belt, from which hung a small box with a 5/15/1967 #22348  
d in a black uniform with a silver belt walking in the woods nearby. Its he Late 9/1968 #24511  
ots. The being also wore gloves, a belt, and a cylindrical helmet with a cl 12/18/1968 #24779  
alls and had on a broad instrument belt on which was a large device. Ra was 1/15/1969 #24849  
hile manipulating something on his belt, which Gusmao thought was a camera. 1/31/1969 #24882  
Gusmao, and he put his hand on his belt again, causing a luminous halo to s 1/31/1969 #24882  
 the short humanoids drew from his belt. They gathered around Rodrigues, fe 5/5/1969 #25117  
” He then took from a pouch on his belt a disc about 1 inch in diameter, of 8/11/1969 #25317  
s small humanoid (or Grey) / box / belt. Flash. Small humanoid (or Grey) go 2/16/1971 #26020  
s he found on his shirt, below the belt line, several golden yellow rectang 3/5/1971 #26044  
tallic looking coverall that had a belt with a tube that ran to his collar. 3/25/1972 #26623  
ting coverall with a broad silvery belt. Moreno felt an intolerable humming 9/27/1972 #27035  
iard ball. He had on a wide silver belt and large, square silver boots. A n 9/28/1972 #27038  
m, with helmet, boots, and a black belt with a box attached. The being stoo 11/28/1972 #27150  
 being pressed some buttons on his belt apparatus, which caused an amber li 11/28/1972 #27150  
e sky pressed other buttons on his belt. The being went outside into the ya 11/28/1972 #27150  
 metallic colored boots and a wide belt with a very large blue buckle. His  5/16/1973 #27496  
" and pushed a white button on his belt buckle. At this a beam of light sho 5/16/1973 #27496  
reys) / silver suit. Instruments / belt. / MJ#246.                          10/17/1973 #28112  
h three or four fingers. It wore a belt that had several odd objects hangin 10/20/1973 #28219  
vy, pointed boots. He wore a black belt with a luminous disc in front and a 1/7/1974 #28661  
a diagonal "Sam Browne" strap from belt to shoulder, with a vertical row of 1/7/1974 #28661  
ght fitting, silvery outfit with a belt, gloves, and short boots. He was ve 8/1/1974 #29298  
ts. The leader had a buckle on his belt upon which was a wavy line. She was 9/3/1974 #29418  
ut. He wore a black uniform with a belt and insignia. Mr. Higdon could not  10/25/1974 #29557  
                                   Belt, MT Time unknown. Egg-shaped object 3/9/1975 #29883  
                                   Belt (NE of), MT 11:00 p.m. Two pulsatin 1/10/1976 #30783  
                                   Belt, MT 11:40 p.m. UFO descended over v 3/25/1976 #30955  
at the man’s helmet lit up and his belt first start glowing reddish, but th 8/16/1976 #31273  
make an intermittent sound like a “belt sander on metal.”                   11/15/1976 #31552  
rned toward him. It wore no shoes, belt, tools, weapons, or any other acces 12/6/1976 #31587  
tower. 2nd gourd going west joins! Belt / lights.                           2/22/1977 #31835  
e seemingly hung himself using the belt of his bathrobe,” attracting the in 7/1977 #32220  
en stopped and put his hand on his belt. Two red and two blue lights appear 7/12/1977 #32266  
lls, a possible helmet, a metallic belt, and a black box on its arm. At one 8/31/1977 #32445  
or in the UFO and removed from his belt an aluminum container. The containe 7/11/1978 #33368  
 to take a small cylinder from his belt which emitted a cloud of smoke, env 7/11/1978 #33368  
with gloves and boots, a very wide belt, and a large helmet with a dark vis 11/30/1979 #35034  
 burnt. 1 under watchband. 1 under belt buckle.                             3/31/1980 #35243  
nds, and very pale skin. He wore a belt with a circular buckle that had col 9/25/1980 #35535  
ter and only 3 feet away. The seat belt alarm also comes on during the enco 12/3/1980 #35690  
er and only a meter away. The seat belt alarm also came on during the encou 12/3/1980 #35691  
egg-shaped implement attached to a belt around their waist. The woman did a 5/9/1985 #37589  
tight fitting overalls with a wide belt having some kind of tools or access 5/29/1986 #37898  
issile alert facility southeast of Belt, Montana Night. A group of five lig Fall 1986 #38035  
issile alert facility southeast of Belt, Montana. Air Force Security Police Fall 1986 #38035  
 figure appears / bedroom. Touches belt and vanishes.                       4/12/1989 #38900  
t, and it wore a bright green neon belt and a green ring. The entity was ex 4/12/1989 #38902  
ve, and the being then touched its belt and vanished in plain sight.        4/12/1989 #38902  
sure about 39 feet on each side. A belt of white light like a large neon tu 7/26/1990 #39663  
und the waist, and maybe an unseen belt. He could not make out any facial f 8/31/1990 #39707  
at Falls, Montana Monarch, Montana Belt, Montana Alpha-01 missile launch fa 1/1993 #40782  
a helicopter, they drive on toward Belt, Montana, where they encounter a ro 1/1993 #40782  
nd landed near the highway west of Belt. Another light reportedly flew in a 1/1993 #40782  
er than normal neck line. It had a belt that supported a pair of loose fitt 1/19/1993 #40802  
lighter V in the front and a black belt with a black tube on his right side 3/16/1993 #40886  
essed all in white and had a shiny belt and helmet that constantly changed  5/10/1994 #41521  
down in peculiar movements. From a belt around its waist a bluish beam of l 2/23/1996 #42776  
 wearing black overalls with a red belt, helmet, and dark glasses, and with 5/18/1997 #43297  
itting diver's suit. He wore a red belt around his waist and a black helmet 5/18/1997 #43298  
ue metallic coverall with a silver belt. The belt had a buckle with what ap 7/11/1998 #43601  
c coverall with a silver belt. The belt had a buckle with what appeared to  7/11/1998 #43601  
## Word: "belt-buckle" (Back to Top)
re buckle on the front of a larger belt-buckle. Shiny neon like light shone 7/29/1990 #39667  
## Word: "belterra" (Back to Top)
                                   BELTERRA, BRAZIL 10 / beach. Disk shines 1/1980 #35118  
## Word: "belton" (Back to Top)
                                   BELTON, MO Many observer(s) and Air Forc 8/8/1978 #33486  
                                   Belton, MO Heavily-witnessed radar-visua 8/8/1978 #33488  
r-visual case near Kansas City. In Belton, Missouri several military person 8/8/1978 #33488  
                                   Belton, Missouri Richards-Gebaur Air Res 8/8/1978 #33490  
y, Missouri 9:40 p.m. Witnesses in Belton, Missouri, and several military p 8/8/1978 #33490  
                   At 9:40 p.m. in Belton, Missouri several military person 8/8/1978 #33491  
## Word: "beltran" (Back to Top)
 size of a pickup truck tire. Raul Beltran, 17, states, "I was tidying the  5/8/2004 #44696  
## Word: "belts" (Back to Top)
lue coveralls with red collars and belts. They had oversized heads, greenis 8/14/1947 #3328  
crash helmets. The center of their belts projected a "vapor," and the witne 8/14/1947 #3328  
ralls with red collars, cuffs, and belts. Their greenish heads are covered  8/14/1947 #3330  
lue coveralls with red collars and belts. They had oversized heads and gree 8/14/1947 #3334  
ralls with wide, shiny, perforated belts, metal collars, and small, black,  8/18/1953 #9080  
They also had on wide, shiny black belts, metal collars, and small black sh 8/18/1953 #9081  
get their feet wet, and that their belts glowed whenever the mud was repell 8/18/1953 #9081  
ck into his craft, fastened safety belts, and took off, turning almost stra 9/20/1954 #10373  
scovery of the Van Allen radiation belts by Explorer 1 and the defining of  7/1/1957 #13768  
al wore black leather pants, white belts, light-colored jerseys, and seemed 11/6/1957 #14411  
ey wore black leather pants, white belts, and light-coloured jerseys. They  11/6/1957 #14434  
they do create artificial electron belts that persist several weeks), or an 8/27/1958 #15229  
re white uniforms with broad black belts crossed over their shoulders and c 9/29/1959 #16000  
ng white uniforms with broad black belts. One seems to be working at an ins Late 10/1959 #16060  
height, clad in diving suits, with belts emitting intermittent yellow-green 4/30/1962 #17139  
ere clad in diver's suits, and had belts emitting an intermittent yellowish 4/30/1962 #17142  
 2.10 m tall. The light from their belts prevented him from seeing them in  9/5/1962 #17386  
ey wore yellow coveralls with wide belts. They re-entered craft and it depa 12/9/1962 #17577  
fitting coveralls, with wide white belts, dark epaulets, and shiny helmets. 8/26/1965 #19466  
wore no apparent weapon, but their belts were very wide and emitted light r 5/10/1966 #20471  
ore no apparent weapons, but their belts were very wide and emitted light r 5/10/1966 #20475  
ds wearing silvery suits and green belts with lights on them. They seem int 4/4/1967 #22054  
ght-fitting coveralls. They wore a belts with large buckles that had what l 11/28/1967 #23517  
ir chest area. They also wore wide belts and small boots, and their outfits 8/25/1968 #24377  
They wore black outfits with white belts. Despite their apparent lack of ha 4/12/1969 #25059  
noids (or Greys) 4 / large sacks / belts. Odd dog jumps 12M. Hide / trucks  6/4/1970 #25689  
, and carried large sacks on their belts. They also saw a strange gray "dog 6/4/1970 #25690  
nutes, then begin to put on orange belts, talking together animatedly. Sudd 7/7/1971 #26211  
The men proceeded to put on orange belts. A circular, bell-shaped shining o 7/7/1971 #26212  
metallic coveralls with wide white belts and white gloves. The witness felt 8/25/1971 #26305  
ump suits, with gloves, boots, and belts across the chest area. She remembe 10/19/1973 #28199  
ngs wore khaki uniforms with large belts and a kind of mask over their face 5/26/1974 #29136  
d on blue colored goggles and dark belts. They approached the witnesses slo 8/5/1974 #29311  
coverall suit and black shoes. Two belts cross its chest, and another is wr 10/15/1974 #29531  
bling rubber or plastic, with wide belts whose buckles emitted blindingly b 1/29/1976 #30832  
 tight-fitting white uniforms with belts and boots. They all had light blon 4/23/1976 #31019  
black diving suits and wide bright belts. The figures walked slowly towards 10/29/1976 #31505  
in diver” suits with glowing green belts. One of the witnesses sees a lumin 7/23/1977 #32305  
in diver" suits with glowing green belts. A luminous red rectangular object 7/23/1977 #32306  
humanoid beings with glowing green belts, similar to those they had seen th 8/1/1977 #32345  
fore. Two of them had glowing gray belts, and one of the witnesses saw two  8/1/1977 #32345  
hey wore gray coveralls with green belts. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Human 8/3/1977 #32350  
hey wore gray coveralls with green belts.                                   8/3/1977 #32355  
ies removed small devices from the belts around their waists, and placed th 9/15/1977 #32485  
e light gray in color and both had belts with numerous gadgets. Their bodie 7/11/1978 #33368  
wearing blue-gray outfits and wide belts. One was leaning over a metallic t 10/15/1978 #33837  
lions hanging from their necks and belts. A fifth witness later saw the sam 3/3/1980 #35194  
and tapes and spirals hanging from belts on the entities. He notices a silv 8/8/1981 #36064  
ed their vehicle, undid their seat belts, and then carried them outside the 3/6/1996 #42809  
wo piece gray colored outfits with belts. In the room she saw windows in fr 6/5/1997 #43311  
brown tight-fitting coverall, with belts and boots. The entity stared inten 4/27/1998 #43559  
## Word: "beltsville" (Back to Top)
                                   Beltsville, MD Lawrence Albert sighted a 11/11/1975 #30605  
ngular UFO was sighted flying over Beltsville, Maryland.                    6/1/1996 #42920  
## Word: "beltway" (Back to Top)
                      A Washington beltway newspaper column reporters that  7/11/1947 #3121  
dome moved over Route 128, a major beltway in the Boston metropolitan area, 8/31/1972 #26971  
ving in their car on the Baltimore Beltway near Route 83 when they saw four 1/2/1975 #29697  
## Word: "beluga" (Back to Top)
                                   BELUGA LAKE WITH ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BAS 7/21/1952 #6967  
                                   Beluga Lake, AK Aircraft Has Radar Conta 7/21/1952 #6976  
## Word: "beluran" (Back to Top)
                                   BELURAN, MALAYSIA Nurse / hospital. Brig 10/2/1998 #43657  
small black dotted things on it in Beluran, Sabah, Malaysia that seemed to  10/2/1998 #43658  
## Word: "belval" (Back to Top)
                                   BELVAL, FR Young boy. Blinking luminous/ 1/21/1996 #42701  
## Word: "belvedere" (Back to Top)
                                   Belvedere, New Jersey 7:00 p.m. Beryl Du 3/16/1967 #21905  
 two white cloud-like objects over Belvedere, New Jersey. She calls her sis 3/16/1967 #21905  
                     SALISBURY AND BELVEDERE, RHODESIA Several separate obs 3/18/1970 #25601  
                                   BELVEDERE, CORSICA Separate observer(s). 3/18/1974 #28901  
## Word: "belvidere" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHWEST / BELVIDERE, IL 3 / US20. Flattened silver 8/1/1952 #7391  
## Word: "belvoir" (Back to Top)
                                FT BELVOIR, VA 6 photograph. Black hoop / s 9/1957 #13962  
                              Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia The Ai 7/1959 #15807  
Activities Group stationed at Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia, repla 7/1959 #15807  
27th Field Activities Group at Ft. Belvoir responsibility for UAP “collecti 11/13/1961 #16963  
                              Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia Pentag 2/20/1967 #21607  
phic Interpretation Center in Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia, to me 2/20/1967 #21607  
) writes to the DIA, 1127th at Ft. Belvoir, WPAFB, Andrews AFB and MacDill  3/1968 #23799  
27th Field Activities Group at Ft. Belvoir had responsibility for recovery  3/1968 #23799  
2nd Air Intelligence Group at Fort Belvoir, VA conducted psychological oper 10/11/1973 #28009  
2nd Air Intelligence Group at Fort Belvoir, VA conducted psychological oper 1980's #35110  
## Word: "belye" (Back to Top)
                                   Belye Krinitsy, Russia 3:00 p.m.Mr. Lytk 8/9/1967 #22851  
## Word: "belém" (Back to Top)
              Amazon forest Manaus Belém, Brazil 4:00 p.m. A copilot of a B Mid 9/1976 #31384  
e Amazon forest between Manaus and Belém, Brazil. The aircraft’s radar conf Mid 9/1976 #31384  
                                   Belém Salvador, Brazil Day. A Brazilian  8/3/2001 #44223  
ur others are taking supplies from Belém to Salvador, Brazil, aboard a C-13 8/3/2001 #44223  
## Word: "bemelmans" (Back to Top)
landing, and UFO investigator Hans Bemelmans finds some scorched grass in t 6/26/1969 #25236  
## Word: "ben" (Back to Top)
tucky 6:00 p.m. C. A. Youngman and Ben Flexner are looking out a drugstore  7/28/1880 #237  
Five men—James Evans, F. G. Ellis, Ben Buland, David Evans, and Joe Croskey 4/16/1897 #507  
 It receives positive reviews from Ben Hecht and Booth Tarkington.          12/1/1919 #994  
         London England In London, Ben Lockspeiser, chief scientist for the 1/20/1947 #2232  
35 p.m. Seamen John C. Kennedy and Ben Bobberly are on duty at Naval Air St 7/12/1947 #3160  
, author Marie Armstrong Essipoff (Ben Hecht’s first wife), later writes to 1/28/1953 #8602  
 are alerted. Military Police Cpl. Ben Elliot observes the glow, which rese 1/15/1956 #12661  
                                   BEN LOMOND, SCOTLAND Yellow cylinder/cig 5/26/1957 #13679  
all directions for 45 minutes over Ben Lomond, Strathclyde, Scotland. It as 5/26/1957 #13681  
zen glowing UAP while stationed at Ben Guerir Air Base, Morocco. Rogers sta 1960 #16145  
nvited guest speaker is USAF Capt. Ben H. Swett, who has recently published 11/23/1962 #17559  
er speaker at the session is Capt. Ben Swett of Pease AFB, himself a practi 11/3/1963 #18027  
ened oddly. Alamosa County Sheriff Ben Phillips blames Lady’s death on ligh 9/9/1967 #23026  
ights and blips all over/all about Ben Hai River. US jets chase. On RADAR a 6/25/1968 (approximate) #24079  
end of each landing foot there had ben a round plate. These plates have pen 2/5/1971 #26014  
                                   BEN LOMOND, CA Lights flicker. Static el 6/18/1971 #26178  
 four witnesses in a rural area of Ben Lomond, California observed the hous 6/18/1971 #26179  
                                   BEN NEVIS, SCOTLAND Cop and engineer mou 10/13/1974 #29526  
                       Taola Point Ben Boyd National Park New South Wales 4 10/23/1976 #31488  
 a solar eclipse at Taola Point in Ben Boyd National Park, New South Wales, 10/23/1976 #31488  
h Carolina Oconee County 7:30 p.m. Ben Chastain watches a round, luminous o 3/6/1979 #34469  
mes W. Allen, 14, is photographing Ben Vrackie mountain in Perthshire, Scot 10/1980 #35550  
btained by Aviation Week. In 1994, Ben Rich, the former head of Lockheed’s  3/1990 #39434  
d and made an emergency landing at Ben Gurion airport in Israel. No Israeli 6/9/1996 #42929  
## Word: "benabbio" (Back to Top)
                                   BENABBIO, ITL Red 'saucer' / ground. 2 f 10/25/1954 #11383  
 its rear landed near a witness in Benabbio, Liguria, Italy at around eight 10/25/1954 #11402  
## Word: "benacazon" (Back to Top)
                                   BENACAZON, SPAIN UFO beams going down. 2 1/28/1976 #30823  
ed on the same night, the first in Benacazon, Spain and the second in Dargo 1/28/1976 #30829  
 was walking home at 12:30 a.m. in Benacazon, Sevilla province, Spain when  1/29/1976 #30832  
imself at the door of his house in Benacazon. He had to be hospitalized for 1/29/1976 #30832  
## Word: "benagever" (Back to Top)
                                   BENAGEVER TO/FROM TUEJAR, SP Delta/trian 8/1973 #27665  
                                   BENAGEVER, SP 5 observer(s). Nonreflecti 10/13/1974 #29525  
## Word: "benagues" (Back to Top)
               N20 PAMIERS TO/FROM BENAGUES, FR 1 observer. 25cm fast red f 10/26/1989 #39187  
## Word: "benajarafe" (Back to Top)
                                   BENAJARAFE, SP UFO on sea surface. Flash 8/3/1974 #29306  
## Word: "benalla" (Back to Top)
                                   BENALLA AND WARRANDYTE, AUSTR Several sa 10/31/1973 #28324  
## Word: "benavente" (Back to Top)
                                   BENAVENTE, SP Dogs chase 2M robot. Glide 3/28/1974 #28964  
## Word: "benavidez" (Back to Top)
r with Chilean Air Force pilot Lt. Benavidez, a meteorologist, and seven ot 6/18/1965 #19012  
## Word: "benayeo" (Back to Top)
                                   BENAYEO, VCT, AUSTRALIA Large Oblong UFO 2/25/1989 #38851  
                                In Benayeo, Victoria, Australia near Edenho 2/25/1989 #38852  
## Word: "benazzi" (Back to Top)
Italy Between Saronno and Legnano, Benazzi and three other witnesses saw a  4/11/1962 #17108  
## Word: "benbow" (Back to Top)
        Memphis, Tennessee Admiral Benbow Inn 4:30 a.m. A witness is drivin 3/1981 #35859  
of her. She turns into the Admiral Benbow Inn parking lot and alerts the ni 3/1981 #35859  
## Word: "bench" (Back to Top)
a UFO on the ground at South Myton Bench, Duchesne County, Utah that stood  8/9/1965 #19351  
n an orange sky. There was a white bench in the room, and the room seemed v 8/4/1973 #27683  
                            ASHLOT BENCH / FT. SHAW, MT 2 observer(s). Big  7/27/1975 (approximate) #30209  
 undress and sit on a plastic like bench. The humanoids then looked into ea 8/26/1976 #31307  
 reddish tint. He was sitting on a bench next to two fellow abductees: a bl 9/20/1994 #41765  
 p.m. A woman is sitting on a park bench along the St. Clair River in Sarni 4/20/1997 #43268  
## Word: "bench-like" (Back to Top)
f in a large room with windows and bench-like seats all around it. The room 7/11/1998 #43601  
## Word: "benches" (Back to Top)
itional ones. There are about 8–10 benches situated around the craft, each  5/10/1978 #33196  
etely black room outfitted only in benches. He is examined by an apparatus  5/17/1978 #33224  
## Word: "bend" (Back to Top)
           Harlem Prison Farm Fort Bend County, Texas Lake Charles, Louisia 4/19/1897 #536  
 Jester State Prison Farm] in Fort Bend County, Texas, is riding in the cou 4/19/1897 #536  
p followed a train as it rounded a bend in the tracks around Heron Bay, Ont 8/16/1897 #605  
a grove of poplar trees. The trees bend like they are in a strong windstorm Mid Summer 1900 #641  
above the ground, causing trees to bend from its movement, and making a whi Autumn 1914 #917  
               2 MILES EAST / WEST BEND, IA Brad Steiger. Small humanoid (o 10/15/1940? #1346  
omed saucer hovers over car. Trees bend. Very fast quickly going up. / LDLN 4/1947 #2253  
                  US10 ESE / NORTH BEND, WA Private investigator and 1. 24  7/2/1947 #2540  
                             South Bend, IN (41.68° N, 86.26° W). Brooke an 10/13/1948 #3833  
                                   Bend, OR Rogue River Incident (NICAP: 01 5/24/1949 #4205  
                     SOUTH / SOUTH BEND, IN All / TWA DC3 / 2K'. Saucer pac 4/27/1950 #4904  
-3 airliner being flown over South Bend, Indiana by the crew named Adickes, 4/27/1950 #4911  
                             SOUTH BEND, IN USAF Captain Kloth / backyard.  7/23/1952 #7055  
                             South Bend, IN USAF pilot Capt. H. W. Kloth sa 7/23/1952 #7070  
                             South Bend, Indiana Witness:  USAF pilot Capt. 7/23/1952 #7077  
nomena” that caused radar beams to bend and pick up objects on the ground.  7/29/1952 #7328  
                             GREAT BEND, PA Dazzling gold blob hangs / sky  8/14/1952 #7591  
-Dôme, France. As he goes around a bend, he feels paralyzed and his truck s 10/18/1954 #11212  
helard, age 42, was going around a bend in the road at 5:30 p.m. when he fe 10/18/1954 #11218  
 Trondes, France and had come to a bend on the road when he spotted two pho 10/23/1954 #11346  
                             North Bend, OR Camillo. (McDonald list; FUFOR  8/20/1956 #13104  
perature inversion caused light to bend the images of the stars, or, altern 3/22/1957 #13553  
 It is raining heavily. Rounding a bend, he sees a group of figures in the  11/1962 #17525  
When the creature walked it didn’t bend its’ knees. R.M. later found out fr 1965 #18679  
       WYCHEPROOF, AUST Headlights bend toward(s) 25' luminous cone saucer  4/4/1966 #20217  
nly, the headlights of his vehicle bend to the right and light up a nearby  4/4/1966 #20224  
n his headlight beams appeared to "bend" to the right. He then observed a v 4/5/1966 #20239  
 Whitehouse, Ohio. When rounding a bend, they encounter a brilliant blue-wh 7/13/1967 #22656  
ow glow / rear "causes treetops to bend". No further details.               10/24/1967 #23298  
he object that "caused treetops to bend."                                   10/24/1967 #23307  
ht of the objects when he rounds a bend.                                    8/15/1968 #24331  
tivated field when, as he turned a bend, saw a silvery gray object on the g 8/25/1968 #24377  
ntermittently, some of the figures bend down as though looking at something 11/20/1968 #24672  
 Albany, Georgia. When he rounds a bend he sees a brilliant yellowish-white 11/23/1968 #24695  
g at the time. As he came around a bend in the road, Sr. Renato saw five or 8/19/1969 #25324  
ing home when as he was rounding a bend in a rural road he noticed an unusu 5/21/1971 #26120  
:10 a.m. and he had just rounded a bend in the rural road when he noticed a 5/21/1971 #26121  
ere extremely long, and he did not bend his legs as he walked. In his left  9/28/1972 #27038  
to High Wycombe, England, rounds a bend and sees an object resembling a ver 12/30/1972 #27192  
is daughter were driving near West Bend, Wisconsin when they sighted a low  6/15/1973 #27568  
rom one side, cross over, and then bend down to do something. When she utte 6/23/1973 #27584  
 swampy area, when upon rounding a bend in the road they saw a luminous bri 9/14/1973 #27821  
ons, Belgium, when upon rounding a bend in the road they saw a bright orang 9/14/1973 #27823  
                             MALTA BEND, MO Several / farm. UFO / field. Ty 10/3/1973 #27919  
                             NORTH BEND, OR Multicolored object / low altit 12/4/1973 #28517  
c object move across the sky above Bend, Oregon travelling from the southea 1/6/1974 #28655  
ake certain arm movements, then to bend her head forward. Looking at the ba 9/3/1974 #29418  
sses until it disappeared around a bend. There were other independent witne 7/15/1976 #31165  
riving their pickup truck around a bend in the road when "the whole area li 3/5/1977 #31860  
riving their pickup truck around a bend in the road in McNatt, Missouri whe 3/5/1977 #31861  
          US Highway 20 near South Bend, Indiana 9:30 p.m. A witness travel 11/7/1978 #33924  
g west on US Highway 20 near South Bend, Indiana, notices a bright light in 11/7/1978 #33924  
o burn and explode. He was seen to bend down, touch the ground, and then sp 12/15/1978 #34138  
ghbor's car, but when he rounded a bend in the road the object blocking the 7/25/1979 #34681  
the sky and over some trees, which bend over as if they are going through a 10/1979 #34937  
fly by a small creek and seemed to bend down several times. The humanoids s 2/11/1980 #35169  
   PUDASJARVI, FIN Headlight beams bend / fog. Abduction / saucer. 3 small  4/2/1980 #35246  
                                   Bend, OR 8:00 PM. An experienced sky obs 10/25/1983 #37014  
t the Pine Mountain Observatory in Bend, Oregon watched a red light, possib 10/25/1983 #37014  
t the Pine Mountain Observatory in Bend, Oregon watched a red light, possib 10/25/1983 #37017  
veling about a mile they rounded a bend and Carol, who was driving, was the 7/15/1984 #37399  
veling about a mile they rounded a bend and Carol, who was driving, was the 7/15/1984 #37401  
ordshire, England. As they round a bend in the road, they see a large, blac Autumn 1985 #37665  
e a device on her nearby piano and bend over it. At one point she saw a lig 1/25/1987 #38104  
                             SOUTH BEND, IN Lady photographs silver saucer. 11/6/1989 #39215  
that caused trees in the garden to bend over.                               2/7/1990 #39414  
d dark gray in color. His head was bend down as if adjusting something on h 7/29/1990 #39667  
ople are in a car driving around a bend when they encounter a huge area lit 2/1992 #40311  
sfully try to cut it, burn it, and bend it. The discovery remains unconfirm Summer 1992 #40501  
                              GILA BEND, AZ Evening. Disk shines beam on tr 9/1/1994 #41710  
                              GILA BEND, AZ 2 / car and separate cop / I8.  9/1/1994 #41711  
 remember how she got past a sharp bend in road. Possible missing time of a 10/13/1997 #43428  
 close encounter occurred in North Bend, Ohio in Hamilton County at 1:30 a. 5/29/1998 #43574  
t just below the crest. It did not bend its knees when it hopped nor did it 9/14/1998 #43646  
                              BLUE BEND, WV Fire lookout videos numerous 15 4/6/2000 #43976  
at night, at 9:45 p.m. MDT in Gila Bend, Arizona, a black, squat, triangula 10/24/2000 #44061  
            Central Oregon Highway Bend, Oregon Night. A biotechnologist an 5/1/2005 #44828  
ighway about 50 miles southeast of Bend, Oregon. They notice three bright b 5/1/2005 #44828  
d scared. The next 45 minutes into Bend seems like 3 hours. Days later, he  5/1/2005 #44828  
 the car’s player. Coming around a bend, he sees an object about one mile a 11/25/2009 #45256  
irdsong has gone silent. Turning a bend, he encounters a 7-foot-tall, green 7/16/2020 #45652  
## Word: "bender" (Back to Top)
 Bridgeport, Connecticut Albert K. Bender, a factory worker in Bridgeport,  4/1952 #6011  
orms a British branch of Albert K. Bender’s International Flying Saucer Bur Summer 1952 #6580  
r Bureau in Bristol, England. When Bender closes down IFSB in late Septembe Summer 1952 #6580  
     The first number of Albert K. Bender’s Space Review is published.      10/1952 #8072  
                         Albert K. Bender appoints Gray Barker as IFSB’s ch 2/1953 #8625  
 the latest rumors about Albert K. Bender. It continues through October 196 9/1953 #9133  
  South Pole Los Angeles Albert K. Bender confides to Gray Barker and a few 9/28/1953 #9186  
Too Much about Flying Saucers, and Bender breaks his long silence in 1962 w 9/28/1953 #9186  
s privately that he cannot swallow Bender’s fantastic tale of abduction to  9/28/1953 #9186  
th Pole by monstrous space beings. Bender does little to promote the book a 9/28/1953 #9186  
ber. However, the book does reveal Bender’s long-time obsession with scienc 9/28/1953 #9186  
f Space Review edited by Albert K. Bender states that UFOs are “no longer a 10/1953 #9197  
                             A. K. Bender UFO researcher silenced.          11/10/1953 #9288  
ng business and managed by Welcome Bender. It is suggested RIAS partnered w 11/20/1955 #12580  
 book about the supposed Albert K. Bender mystery and his encounter with th 1956 #12634  
d, New Zealand Two young girls, R. Bender and J. Quinn, observed an object  12/28/1964 #18677  
ome. The two female witnesses, Ms. Bender and Ms. Quinn, saw a door in the  12/28/1964 #18678  
al. As to this point, author Bryan Bender has not revealed who the source i 5/16/2022 #45749  
## Word: "bendigo" (Back to Top)
ria, Australia on the road between Bendigo and Saint Arnaud. Mr. R. Sulliva 4/4/1966 #20225  
                                   BENDIGO AND FOSTER AND CURLWAA, VCT 7hr  5/20/1983 #36860  
                                   BENDIGO, AUST Separate observer(s) / 2 d 6/26/1997 #43340  
                                   BENDIGO, VCT Several observer(s). Silver 1/3/1998 #43489  
## Word: "bending" (Back to Top)
e and now has a ragged appearance, bending toward the earth. A black object 6/2/1919 #986  
ned away from the witness; one was bending over with something like a stick 7/3/1955 #12231  
ned away from the witness; one was bending over with something like a stick 7/3/1955 #12233  
f the deck. They were occasionally bending over and raising their arms as t 6/26/1959 #15790  
 the window, he sees the animal is bending the pipe. Simultaneously, he see 8/19/1965 #19427  
close encounter case involving the bending of a car's headlights occurred o 4/4/1966 #20225  
ur little devils." One of them was bending over, apparently busy with somet 8/29/1967 #22953  
 walked up to him stiffly, without bending their knees. He felt as if they  1/25/1968 #23700  
ude, flattening the high grass and bending over small trees. It was less th 10/28/1969 #25431  
s of three persons with long arms, bending forward. They appeared "smooth"  3/15/1974 #28891  
oth Alton and Tombo walked without bending their knees.                     5/5/1974 #29086  
lked around the object, frequently bending down as if he was picking things 1/13/1979 #34337  
lked around the object, frequently bending down as if he was picking things 1/13/1979 #34338  
 site, swirled in a spiral pattern bending toward the top of a slope.       11/27/1979 #35022  
0-foot-tall cypress tree, branches bending under its weight. The trunk show 2/7/1980 #35161  
it into almost two equal parts and bending its internal structure outwards  8/28/1991 #40168  
m ground, and a palm tree was seen bending and swaying away from the direct 3/17/1992 #40385  
ning in a strange fashion, without bending its knees. They noticed that its 8/24/1998 #43637  
## Word: "bendix" (Back to Top)
ar expert said he was working on a Bendix RDR-lA weather radar which FAA us 11/8/1956 #13315  
## Word: "bends" (Back to Top)
about in the clearing. One of them bends over to pick something up and carr 12/30/1957 #14771  
ts a luminous ray toward them that bends at three places, vertically and ho 1965 #18689  
ter. As it strikes the surface, it bends and lies flat on the surface, ligh 1967 #21236  
all, glowing figure steps out, who bends over, picks up some stones, examin 8/3/1967 #22788  
xit. 6M egg going down. Torch beam bends going up. Going south. / LDLN#122+ 8/12/1972 #26903  
 Huge unidentified blip dodges and bends RADAR beams! 3400mph going up and  2/19/1978 #32977  
10M altitude. Antenna / dome. Tree bends. Animals frantic.                  1/8/1979 #34314  
h portholes. Beams sweep ground. 1 bends! Power outages. / LDLN#312.        10/20/1990 #39797  
allic saucer going down. Palm tree bends away! Saucer nest left.            3/17/1996 #42827  
## Word: "beneath" (Back to Top)
 the Patapsco River. The landscape beneath the object was lit up as bright  2/14/1889 #287  
oon and a structure for passengers beneath it. At some point he allegedly b 4/20/1897 #545  
s lashed together with 1 suspended beneath.                                 3/7/1901 #643  
 Schofield observes three objects “beneath the clouds, their color a rather 2/28/1904 #670  
ght kept turning on to the terrain beneath.                                 8/13/1909 #804  
r the city for 15 minutes. The car beneath the gas bag is plainly visible.  9/3/1909 #810  
ind a much larger one, moving west beneath cirrus clouds, which reflect the 8/1926 #1060  
is a cupola with oval windows, and beneath it are an oblong “fan,” two legs 5/18/1946 #1994  
 City, an underground Martian city beneath Antarctica where the flying sauc 7/1946 #2021  
ew. Propeller-shape rotates slowly beneath airliner. 200mph.                7/5/1947 #2708  
 object rotating slowly as it flew beneath the airliner. It was flying at a 7/5/1947 #2732  
g the contours of the hilly ground beneath it. Urie, who said he was at abo 8/13/1947 #3322  
oking like "skeet targets", passed beneath a United Airlines transport plan 8/18/1947 #3347  
long, bright light shoots out from beneath.                                 5/17/1948 #3653  
ing the surface glow. It then sank beneath the surface.                     12/16/1950 #5354  
ct with a long blue tail that flew beneath a solid overcast (NICAP: 01 - Di 1/20/1952 #5867  
 like a long pear with 2-3 squares beneath (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 7/23/1952 #7065  
ong pear with two or three squares beneath it, flew at 150-180 kts.  (170-2 7/23/1952 #7075  
 like a long pear with 2–3 squares beneath it, flying at 170–210 mph over P 7/23/1952 #7080  
aving fuzzy edges, as they flashed beneath their aircraft descending. The c 4/12/1953 #8821  
ed disc, with a humanoid suspended beneath it, skimmed over the water, land 4/8/1954 #9676  
-shaped, with a humanoid suspended beneath it, skim back and forth over the 4/8/1954 #9677  
med disc with a humanoid suspended beneath it over Lake Michigan at 4:30 p. 4/8/1954 #9678  
Small humanoid (or Grey) on ground beneath. Flash. Small humanoid (or Grey) 5/11/1954 #9773  
rections. 8k' altitude. Red glow / beneath. Extremely fast.                 6/27/1954 #9956  
 / 30M altitude. 2 observer(s) run beneath. Whistles and brightens and quic 11/9/1954 #11609  
artment, France. Two observers ran beneath it. The object then made a whist 11/9/1954 #11614  
t round, with a center line        Beneath the line there were several (at  6/23/1955 #12209  
 body hovers / 1 hour! Clouds pass beneath. Then extremely quickly going up 8/11/1955 #12349  
 pilot notices a cluster of lights beneath the aircraft. Suddenly, the ligh Fall 1956 #13237  
all, and built an underground city beneath Lake Titicaca, Peru. Migrants fr 1957 #13430  
r and makes a low, rumbling sound. Beneath it are “streamers or lines” that 3/6/1957 #13523  
g motion and a low rumbling sound. Beneath it there were streamers or lines 3/6/1957 #13524  
others. Saucer hovers. Violet glow beneath. Moves. / r9p184.                4/29/1959 #15715  
going [to] overhead. Pulsing light beneath.                                 12/13/1961 #16989  
ad a brownish-orange glow centered beneath it in a diamond shape, one-third 12/13/1961 #16993  
wo lights, red and blue, revolving beneath the silent object. It paces them 1962 #17007  
(s). Saucer / 3 legs and periscope beneath. Going up / odd cloud. / FSRv10# 7/22/1963 #17846  
hat does not disperse for 4 hours. Beneath the space where one of the objec 10/21/1963 #17997  
less blue-orange flame coming from beneath. He notes a red insignia or lett 4/24/1964 #18200  
10–12 feet in diameter. The ground beneath the melted snow ring shows evide 1/12/1965 #18720  
now 16 inches deep, and the ground beneath was also scorched.               1/12/1965 #18721  
ped object photographed underwater beneath schools / fish.                  7/5/1965 #19068  
 a beam of white light is rotating beneath it. He radios his supervisor, bu 8/3/1965 #19290  
.  Purple light illuminated ground beneath object and interior of police ca 9/3/1965 #19508  
urple light illuminates the ground beneath the object and the interior of t 9/3/1965 #19512  
ery object rises / woods. Box held beneath. Also Blue Book photos / Swan La 9/27/1965 #19609  
ship,” disappearing into the light beneath it. An ear-splitting humming sou 10/23/1965 #19678  
 of water and both object vanished beneath the surface. Both men were rathe 11/13/1965 #19719  
its bottom. It moves from directly beneath the Moon and past Arcturus, then 12/13/1965 #19766  
then hit the water and disappeared beneath the surface.                     3/18/1966 #19989  
th a cone of light descending from beneath it. Rainbow colored rays of ligh 4/4/1966 #20225  
 dome that made sharp turn, passed beneath his wing                         5/21/1966 #20504  
c that made sharp turns and passed beneath the wing of his aircraft while f 5/21/1966 #20506  
on with flattened grass were found beneath the area where the object had ho 8/15/1966 #20744  
, for 1 -2 minutes. The object was beneath a cloud or fog layer. (Walter N. 8/15/1966 #20745  
de a sharp turn and flew southwest beneath an overcast, hovered over trees, 9/30/1966 #20938  
al-shaped object with a cone shape beneath it hung stationary in the sky at 10/23/1966 #21032  
shaped object with two black bands beneath and sitting atop a seeming colum 11/22/1966 #21140  
otruding from the top and two legs beneath it, with a propellor between the 1/19/1967 #21354  
e reportedly moving around rapidly beneath it. They disappeared behind the  2/14/1967 #21544  
n field, small beings moved around beneath it. Beings disappeared behind sh 2/14/1967 #21550  
een in color, moved around rapidly beneath it. The creatures had very wide  2/14/1967 #21552  
s. 14' sphere/orb/globe / 12' disk beneath. Going down [to] going up [to] g 3/8/1967 #21798  
 tilted as a small aircraft passed beneath it. The plane reversed course po 4/21/1967 #22182  
 It tilted as a small plane passed beneath it. The airplane then reversed c 4/21/1967 #22197  
ed clothing, helmets, moved around beneath cigar-shaped craft with windows. 6/13/1967 #22501  
ring a large red light at the end. Beneath this light moved three small hum 6/13/1967 #22504  
g at low altitude, clearly visible beneath a heavy overcast. (NICAP report  7/14/1967 #22658  
ighter and begins to move directly beneath Polaris and then continues to th 8/1967 #22771  
ng a red trail. An aircraft passed beneath the objects during the sighting. 8/12/1967 #22866  
ooks smooth and surgical. The soil beneath the horse is damp, and there is  9/9/1967 #23026  
hey then notice a triangular shape beneath the light. Thirty seconds later  10/14/1967 #23237  
erance with an antenna and hanging beneath the object is a “square box” ful 10/24/1967 #23305  
ll spheres hovered momentarily one beneath the other, then returned to thei 12/15/1967 #23592  
ing it and manages to stay roughly beneath it until he loses track of it ne 12/19/1967 #23595  
d object with two circular objects beneath it. These two lights rose and me 7/6/1968 #24149  
60cm disc going quickly [to] close beneath overcast. Major flap / r156#13p7 9/19/1968 #24480  
round it and three circular lights beneath it. The two men got into a car a 10/8/1968 #24551  
the impression of it rotating, and beneath it a patch of violet light was c 11/21/1968 #24676  
of car, dog reacted. Witness drove beneath domed disc, car motion slowed. E 3/6/1969 #24975  
s 8 feet in diameter with two legs beneath it. Both of them panic and drive 7/13/1969 #25268  
 of 3 feet in diameter on the snow beneath it, edged with black. A red gray 1/7/1970 #25540  
three feet in diameter on the snow beneath it, edged with black. A red gray 1/7/1970 #25541  
n length and rusty black in color, beneath the surface. It slowly begins to 7/8/1971 #26216  
s of the first, next came out from beneath it and started oscillating in th 8/11/1971 #26280  
 overhead. Moon-size Saturn saucer beneath going quickly south fast.        7/31/1972 #26848  
d. A Saturn-shaped saucer appeared beneath it, and shot off to the south ve 7/31/1972 #26851  
The snow on the ground in the area beneath the UFO had melted, and a greeni 1/8/1973 #27227  
ge orange- red light was turned on beneath the UFO which lit up the entire  6/2/1973 #27546  
policeman saw four small humanoids beneath a bridge. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 8/10/1973 #27691  
beings, dressed in white uniforms, beneath a bridge. The beings were only 2 8/10/1973 #27692  
ntic. Saucer with sphere/orb/globe beneath. Tin roof ripped off.            9/13/1973 #27813  
iella could not see his mouth move beneath the mask. His eyes never blinked 10/16/1973 #28089  
ARD Luminous UFO has slanting tube beneath with ball / each end. Luminous t 3/5/1974 #28857  
is point, 3–4 jets of flame appear beneath the craft, the central portion b 4/16/1974 #29040  
and blue circular lights suspended beneath it. The object passes silently l Summer 1974 #29218  
is spinning and swirling the grass beneath it. This frightens him and he ba 9/1/1974 #29417  
hen it sweeps back across the lake beneath the object and fades out. The la 2/26/1975 #29852  
Then it swept back across the lake beneath the object and faded out. The su 2/26/1975 #29853  
ove into the ocean and disappeared beneath the waves.                       3/12/1975 #29891  
 disc approaches head-on, dropping beneath the plane. Carlos feels a jolt a 5/3/1975 #30026  
a flare,” which lit up a wide area beneath it. After about 20 seconds it va 11/12/1976 #31540  
ine. The UFO appeared to have jets beneath it from which a vapor was issuin 11/14/1976 #31549  
gular windows hovers. Vapor swirls beneath.                                 12/14/1976 #31601  
 6-inch-wide trench stretches from beneath the first hole all the way to th 1/10/1977 #31715  
uri, watch a northbound light pass beneath them and climb to their altitude 2/1/1977 #31775  
feet. Mrs. Buckner walked directly beneath the object and tried to touch it 2/10/1977 #31808  
rby brush. From out of some bushes beneath where the object had been hoveri 4/12/1977 #31974  
rved path. From out of some bushes beneath where the object had been hoveri 4/12/1977 #31977  
m is in progress and the object is beneath the clouds. Another officer 3 mi 1/26/1978 #32915  
30M over sea. Dark ovoid / surface beneath.                                 10/23/1978 #33859  
England, on the A5 when she passes beneath a hovering object shaped like a  11/22/1978 #33980  
ed by the UFO concealed the ground beneath the object.                      12/17/1978 #34166  
 rock and entered through a tunnel beneath the sea. The beings were of aver 1/3/1979 #34292  
ar object with red and yellow fire beneath it hover for 5 minutes before it 12/3/1979 #35044  
cigar-shape 6m over yard. 3 sticks beneath. Shoots going up.                3/20/1980 #35224  
ly and she sees a huge object move beneath the cloud cover directly ahead o 5/7/1980 #35314  
 pass. Metallic disk hovers. "Net" beneath. Balloon?                        6/12/1980 #35358  
o convinced there is an alien base beneath Archuleta Peak northwest of Dulc 10/26/1980 #35590  
ntral section was spinning; bushes beneath it were agitated. Abruptly, he f 11/28/1980 #35680  
s twigs and leaves swirling around beneath it. He experiences missing time  11/29/1980 #35682  
and leaving a swirled road surface beneath.                                 11/29/1980 #35682  
ge underground workshop was set up beneath the warehouse; within months, he 12/14/1980 #35716  
t are shining down on the rooftops beneath it. As she grabs the doorknob to 9/10/1981 #36108  
/ car. 5M glowing-tube with sphere beneath. Heat and paralysis..            10/22/1981 #36181  
are below the horizon, either just beneath the tops of nearby mountains or  11/1981 #36201  
n who allegedly worked underground beneath Fort Hood stated the technology  1982 #36292  
atio and saw a cigar-shaped object beneath the overcast, thick in the middl 4/18/1982 #36447  
ional Underground Science Facility beneath the Nuclear Test Site in Nevada. 6/22/1983 #36889  
00 feet above the road. They drive beneath it, and after 5 minutes the obje 4/25/1984 #37294  
d and gives off heat felt by those beneath it. It has white lights in a cir 7/19/1984 #37404  
rectly in front of them. They duck beneath the instrument panel. When they  9/9/1985 #37656  
tnesses assume the object has gone beneath the surface. The Coast Guard rep 3/4/1988 #38487  
oing north. Jets enter saucer from beneath!                                 11/16/1988 #38716  
disturbance of the air or the sand beneath it. Soon it was high in the sky  7/4/1989 #39009  
 he had previously worked at “S-3” beneath WPAFB to study UAP; and the tech 9/28/1989 #39132  
 blotch / sky. Small orange sphere beneath. Both descend. No further detail 10/14/1989 #39171  
th at an altitude of 650–980 feet. Beneath the series of panels, and close  12/11/1989 #39313  
e craft then a saucer land / trees beneath!                                 2/14/1990 #39418  
 LAKE, BC Orange saucer. Portholes beneath. Vibrant bright. Follows creek a 6/23/1990 #39622  
house. Rows / green and red lights beneath.                                 8/9/1991 #40145  
egedly states there are structures beneath the surface of Mars and UAP can  5/22/1992 #40470  
s and trees. Several rods protrude beneath.                                 2/15/1993 #40849  
wing sparks spiral going down [to] beneath. / r226#15.                      3/31/1993 #40908  
roup of witnesses. The aliens were beneath the immense flying craft. They s 8/8/1993 #41118  
g UFO just over Moor. Figures walk beneath.                                 8/26/1993 #41161  
Dome object with red-orange lights beneath. Hovers silently / 300' altitude 2/17/1994 #41417  
OR 1 observer / ground. Disk flies beneath fuselage of small plane. No furt 12/2/1994 #41877  
ctions. Rises / clouds which swirl beneath.                                 7/23/1995 #42320  
ggests underground installation is beneath Cheech AFB near Indian Springs,  8/30/1996 #43001  
979, which he claims is a facility beneath Groom Lake with at least 10 unde 1998 #43481  
rth one passed. They all travelled beneath the cloud line. One went out com 4/26/2001 #44168  
 feet in diameter. The grass stirs beneath it as if blown by wind, and it i 2/8/2003 #44484  
vada. Cooper claims some are built beneath Native American reservations for 2004 #44638  
s there is an underground facility beneath the Four Corners.  https://www.a 2005 #44803  
 visiting, are ushered to a bunker beneath the White House for safety, and  5/11/2005 #44840  
re able to see multicolored lights beneath it that were blue, white, and ye 10/26/2006 #44977  
 Vike is able to see fish swimming beneath the surface of the lake under th 4/6/2007 #45016  
broke the surface, and disappeared beneath the surface. At 6:40 p.m. two di 2/19/2008 #45121  
e arm or protrusion extending from beneath it. The arm is moving around in  6/16/2009 #45226  
at what it was was a cow suspended beneath a hovering, metallic disc-shaped 9/5/2009 #45242  
l Vinson near Haiti. It was barely beneath the surface when he saw it, whit 1/2010 #45266  
ight for 2 seconds below it passes beneath the plane. It is either hovering 7/5/2018 #45533  
gh cloud at 17,000 feet. It passes beneath them from the center of the airc 4/28/2019 #45573  
 he was told about a large pyramid beneath Alaska that “might” be suppressi 9/28/2021 #45711  
crew describes a dark black object beneath the surface the “size of an isla 9/2022 #45768  
co is seen and “sucks” the missile beneath the surface of the water.  https 9/2022 #45768  
## Word: "benedetto" (Back to Top)
                         OFF SOUTH BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO, ITL Red night ligh 11/3/1978 #33916  
                               San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy Ship Tracks  11/8/1978 #33927  
                  Adriatic Sea San Benedetto del Tronto, Marche, Italy Exod 11/8/1978 #33928  
ishing in the Adriatic Sea off San Benedetto del Tronto, Marche, Italy, on  11/8/1978 #33928  
e sea between Martinsicuro and San Benedetto del Tronto in the Adriatic Sea 6/22/2003 #44557  
 Teramo, the Port Authority of San Benedetto, Italy and to the Maritime Off 6/22/2003 #44557  
ved. A motorboat was sent from San Benedetto, which reached the location wh 6/22/2003 #44557  
## Word: "benedict" (Back to Top)
  Kansas Kansas journalist Charles Benedict Driscoll begins writing about b 1/3/1928 #1083  
 universe. New York Times reviewer Benedict Carey’s takeaway is that “in th 10/2005 #44883  
## Word: "benedito" (Back to Top)
 hovering above a cornfield in Sao Benedito Do Sul, Pernambuco, Brazil. Ins 7/19/1967 #22701  
rning at a place called Chacara Do Benedito, Pirassununga, Sao Paulo State, 2/6/1969 #24898  
 Joao Batista Da Silva, age 9, and Benedito Paulino Ramos, age 13, called t 2/6/1969 #24898  
a, São Paulo, Brazil 2:30 p.m. Sr. Benedito, a justice of the peace, is wal 6/26/1969 #25236  
, near Colares, Para State, Brazil Benedito Campos and his 17-year-old wife 10/29/1977 #32633  
er in the left arm at wrist level. Benedito ran to a neighbor's house and w 10/29/1977 #32633  
were they both recovered. However, Benedito suffered from depression after  10/29/1977 #32633  
## Word: "benefactors" (Back to Top)
oes not make the aliens humanity’s benefactors. If they cared for humans, i 1994 #41345  
## Word: "beneficial" (Back to Top)
in the earth. Fresia reported some beneficial aftereffects from the encount 10/19/2000 #44060  
## Word: "benefit" (Back to Top)
aboratory complex], New Mexico, to benefit from the mineral springs there w 9/2/1891 #296  
 ban treaty that, in effect, would benefit the US more than the Russians, s 3/1962 #17066  
ecause it has produced “no defence benefit” and no evidence of extraterrest 12/1/2009 #45259  
re heavily than their civic public benefit. In its first assessment of thes 6/14/2013 #45372  
 intent of these phenomena for the benefit of the armed forces and the nati 10/4/2017 #45483  
## Word: "benest" (Back to Top)
                                   BENEST, FR 2 teens. Red glow. Glowing-sp 6/24/1924 #1040  
## Word: "benet" (Back to Top)
                                   Benet, France Near La Rochelle. Mr. and  10/3/1954 #10662  
## Word: "benevenuto" (Back to Top)
                           Rua Dr. Benevenuto Bráz Viêrira Santana neighbor 1/20/1996 #42695  
e crossing a vacant lot at Rua Dr. Benevenuto Bráz Viêrira in the Santana n 1/20/1996 #42695  
## Word: "benevides" (Back to Top)
     There were three reports from Benevides, Para State, Brazil on this ev 9/9/1978 #33650  
## Word: "benevolence" (Back to Top)
verall impression of curiosity and benevolence while it stared directly at  9/28/1978 #33770  
obs raises the alarm that apparent benevolence from the aliens is a con to  1/1998 #43482  
## Word: "benevolent" (Back to Top)
nds.” This begins his contact with benevolent beings from other planets.    5/23/1952 #6350  
 which is why astrals disguised as benevolent Space Brothers argue ferventl 1958 #14782  
 minutes, and had felt that he was benevolent. He also said that there had  11/30/1974 #29622  
n New York City. The plot involves benevolent aliens who make their presenc 11/17/1977 #32680  
was convinced that the beings were benevolent and were there to help. She e 12/15/1994 #41895  
e as transformative and ultimately benevolent. Much of the experience consi 1999 #43708  
## Word: "benfleet" (Back to Top)
                                   BENFLEET, ESSEX 300' "bus" / 900' altitu 1/30/1989 #38808  
## Word: "bengal" (Back to Top)
hi Mangalda Manbhum district, West Bengal, India Ijapada Chatterjee, the ma 9/15/1954 #10311  
lda) in the Manbhum district, West Bengal, India. It hovers, then soars upw 9/15/1954 #10311  
## Word: "benger" (Back to Top)
witnesses, including a woman named Benger, had a close encounter with a sol 8/28/1972 #26965  
## Word: "benghazi" (Back to Top)
                                   BENGHAZI, LIBYA Project Bluebook Case #u 2/16/1959 #15589  
                                   Benghazi, Libya Silvery blue to reddish  2/16/1959 #15590  
## Word: "bengoa" (Back to Top)
ve seen the lights, including Tito Bengoa, the brother of Frank and Christo 1922 #1018  
e brother of Frank and Christopher Bengoa of the King’s River Ranch near Or 1922 #1018  
## Word: "bengough" (Back to Top)
                                   BENGOUGH, SSK 1 observer. Domed saucer w 2/19/1968 #23764  
                                   Bengough, Saskatchewan, Canada Witness f 2/19/1968 #23766  
                                   Bengough, Saskatchewan 11:55 a.m. Martha 2/19/1968 #23767  
use kitchen about 10 miles west of Bengough, Saskatchewan. She hears a high 2/19/1968 #23767  
              Mrs. Martha Heggs of Bengough, Saskatchewan, Canada had a clo 2/19/1968 #23768  
## Word: "bengt" (Back to Top)
ions committee is formed with Col. Bengt Jacobsson from the Royal Swedish A 7/6/1946 #2027  
tude of 7,055 feet. Air Force Gen. Bengt Nordenskiöld calls in reports from 12/15/1953 #9366  
## Word: "benham" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Benham” Yield: 1150KT                    12/19/1968 #24780  
## Word: "benign" (Back to Top)
sities. He considers the etherians benign.                                  1950 #4462  
gy surpasses modern science but is benign and UAP occupants are avoiding di 1954 #9424  
incarnation, and space people—both benign and malevolent. He writes that sp 1957 #13430  
## Word: "benin" (Back to Top)
Going quickly north. First seen in Benin.                                   10/11/1953 #9219  
## Word: "benitez" (Back to Top)
aragoza Spanish journalist Juan J. Benitez interviews Gen. Carlos Castro Ca 6/26/1976 #31142  
## Word: "benito" (Back to Top)
ft. It is headed by Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, Foreign Minister Galea 6/13/1933 #1159  
 minster in Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini’s cabinet and once wrot 1958 #14787  
an amateur astronomy club meeting, Benito Hamburgo Valenzuela returned to h 5/15/1967 #22348  
                       At two a.m. Benito Miranda, a 24-year-old truck driv 9/25/1971 #26379  
 Italy Gran Sasso massif 6:50 p.m. Benito Franchi, 45, is working in the po 12/24/1978 #34201  
                                   Benito Juárez International Airport Mexi 3/4/1992 #40353  
 City, Mexico UFO sightings at the Benito Juárez International Airport in M 3/4/1992 #40353  
                                   Benito Juárez International Airport Mexi 9/16/1993 #41199  
two airliners preparing to land at Benito Juárez International Airport in M 9/16/1993 #41199  
eira, were fishing in the river at Benito Goncalves, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra 11/1/1999 #43869  
## Word: "benito's" (Back to Top)
, Chief of the Guard." He answered Benito's questions, anticipating them be 5/15/1967 #22348  
t contact with him would aggravate Benito's cardiac condition.              5/15/1967 #22348  
## Word: "benjamin" (Back to Top)
nite farmers Henry W. J. Smith and Benjamin W. Blue see a luminous ball in  Late 11/1894 #317  
erant dentist from Maine, Elmer H. Benjamin, who insists his only invention 11/22/1896 #347  
 Evans, David Evans, Joe Croaskey, Benjamin Buland) drove toward it. About  4/15/1897 #483  
 Evans, David Evans, Joe Croaskey, Benjamin Buland--drove toward it in a bu 4/15/1897 #496  
      Middle River Essex, Maryland Benjamin Smith, formerly of the Army Air 3/5/1942 #1397  
 which was eventually sent to Gen. Benjamin Chidlaw at Wright Field. DuBose 7/8/1947 #3031  
ers the new AMC commander Lt. Gen. Benjamin Chidlaw to have the Cambridge R 9/14/1949 #4356  
observatory, he phones electrician Benjamin B. Traxler, who at 1:20 p.m. se 10/14/1949 #4395  
r of the Air Defense Command, Gen. Benjamin W. Chidlaw, and Gen. Grandison  3/19/1952 #5961  
 Center] in Colorado to brief Gen. Benjamin W. Chidlaw and his staff on the Late 9/1952 #8027  
do Springs, Colorado ADC commander Benjamin Chidlaw at Ent AFB [now US Olym Late 2/1953 #8705  
ary mission. ADC’s commander, Gen. Benjamin W. Chidlaw, becomes the first C 9/1/1954 #10228  
        Hynek writes to Brig. Gen. Benjamin G. Holzman at ARDC in the hopes 2/17/1960 #16180  
                           SOUTH / BENJAMIN, TX Pilot and more/others. Sauc 1/10/1961 #16567  
                                   Benjamin, TX Glowing red, zig-zagging UF 1/10/1961 #16573  
isc-shaped object was sighted near Benjamin, Texas by two men in a light pl 1/10/1961 #16576  
in hypnosis (unnamed, but possibly Benjamin Simon, of Betty and Barney Hill 5/24/1963 #17765  
er to Stephens, who recommends Dr. Benjamin Simon, a well- known psychiatri 9/7/1963 #17927  
Hills have an initial meeting with Benjamin Simon, a well-known hypnotist i 12/14/1963 #18081  
as his first hypnosis session with Benjamin Simon. The sessions will contin 1/4/1964 #18109  
as her first hypnosis session with Benjamin Simon. Betty’s account closely  3/7/1964 #18145  
y) Reservoir 9:15 p.m. Police Sgt. Benjamin Thompson of the Wanaque (New Je 10/10/1966 #20982  
ession a few weeks previously with Benjamin Simon and was allowed to questi 1/5/1967 #21259  
  BUDAPEST, HUNG Famous poet Lazlo Benjamin sees walnut-saucer according to 11/20/1967 #23484  
                            Artist Benjamin Solari Parravicini was walking  6/4/1968 #24006  
   Oradea, Romania 8:21 p.m. Capt. Benjamin Gabrian is flying an Ilyushin I 8/17/1968 #24346  
hington DC, and then from there to Benjamin Chidlaw at Wright Field.  http: 9/16/1991 #40189  
## Word: "benkelman" (Back to Top)
tory written by a correspondent in Benkelman.                               6/6/1884 #258  
## Word: "benkelmen" (Back to Top)
ltitude. Going west slow. Blimp? / Benkelmen Post.                          11/10/1957 #14515  
## Word: "bennell" (Back to Top)
ice station and told Sergeant Vern Bennell that an enormous disk had buzzed 7/29/1952 #7312  
ice station and told Sergeant Vern Bennell that an enormous disc had buzzed 7/29/1952 #7334  
## Word: "bennet" (Back to Top)
ingapore 8:20 p.m. Physician J. L. Bennet and his wife watch two spinning,  7/26/1956 #13021  
ay 7 10:00 p.m. Ivan Ritter, Jerry Bennet, and two other teens are driving  10/21/1967 #23282  
ears. The next morning, Ritter and Bennet look around for evidence at the l 10/21/1967 #23282  
## Word: "bennett" (Back to Top)
ent was observed by a farmer named Bennett.                                 12/28/1958 #15499  
ent was observed by a farmer named Bennett.                                 12/28/1958 #15500  
 Northern Ireland 3:30 p.m. Joseph Bennett, a farmer in Portglenone, County 12/30/1958 #15503  
                    TIPTON TO/FROM BENNETT, IA 24M cylinder/cigar-shape hov 8/30/1964 (approximate) #18521  
                            Tipton Bennett, Iowa Night. Clifford Runyon and 8/30/1964 #18522  
e Thies are driving from Tipton to Bennett, Iowa, when they see a cigar- sh 8/30/1964 #18522  
a woman driving between Tipton and Bennett, Iowa sighted an eighty-foot lon 8/30/1964 #18523  
. Raymond Wamsley and Mrs Marcella Bennett were driving to the house of Ral 11/16/1966 #21110  
do Superior Court Judge Charles E. Bennett and his wife Christina spot thre 10/5/1967 #23180  
oel Gaynor, and Lt. Gen. Donald W. Bennett), Nixon hears suggestions for ex 7/23/1970 #25745  
raight up. Newspaper editor Howard Bennett and others see a smoky red light 5/13/1975 #30056  
y red light above some tall trees. Bennett leads investigators to a potenti 5/13/1975 #30056  
                              Paul Bennett was playing with five friends ne 10/15/1976 #31465  
histling sound and someone calling Bennett’s name.                          10/15/1976 #31465  
## Word: "bennewitz" (Back to Top)
    Albuquerque, NM Ufologist Paul Bennewitz, President and owner of Thunde 1979 #34253  
fficer Richard C. Doty delivers to Bennewitz makes its way to the American  1980's? #35109  
AP by claiming “NASA” investigated Bennewitz. It was later admitted the NSA 1980's? #35109  
ater admitted the NSA investigated Bennewitz and Doty changed the descripti 1980's? #35109  
on and a 4-hour loss of time. Paul Bennewitz, an Albuquerque, New Mexico, o 5/5/1980 #35306  
ground area in New Mexico (leading Bennewitz to suspect it is the Manzano W 5/5/1980 #35306  
ng R. Leo Sprinkle arrives at Paul Bennewitz’s house in Albuquerque, New Me 6/3/1980 #35353  
ypnotic session with Myrna Hansen. Bennewitz, now very paranoid, meets him  6/3/1980 #35353  
e is considerable interest in Paul Bennewitz and that he is to spy on Benne 9/8/1980 #35504  
Bennewitz and that he is to spy on Bennewitz and APRO as well, inundating t 9/8/1980 #35504  
nzano Test Range Investigator Paul Bennewitz contacts Major Ernest Edwards  10/24/1980 #35586  
orthwest of Dulce, New Mexico Paul Bennewitz over a number of months has be 10/26/1980 #35590  
 APRO (who considers him deluded), Bennewitz contacts AFOSI special agent S 10/26/1980 #35590  
nzano Test Range Investigator Paul Bennewitz presented his evidence of sigh 11/10/1980 #35623  
 of this meeting, it is noted that Bennewitz was advised to apply for an Ai 11/10/1980 #35623  
   Kirtland AFB in New Mexico Paul Bennewitz visits with a small group of o 11/10/1980 #35625  
rtland AFB Sgt. Richard Doty tells Bennewitz that AFOSI has decided against 11/17/1980 #35645  
 Doty tells Moore to pass it on to Bennewitz, which he does eventually. In  11/17/1980 #35645  
 Art Bell that AFOSI’s interest in Bennewitz has nothing to do with aliens; 11/17/1980 #35645  
st and Coast Guard veteran Paul F. Bennewitz. Doty states he was ordered by 11/17/1980 #35646  
rdered by his superiors to confuse Bennewitz, who had observed an NSA laser 11/17/1980 #35646  
erty near the base. Doty convinced Bennewitz what he saw was of paranormal  11/17/1980 #35646  
as of paranormal origin, UFOs, and Bennewitz developed delusional paranoia  11/17/1980 #35646  
 of the disinformation targeted at Bennewitz.  https://youtu.be/kOT39FXstho 11/17/1980 #35646  
who asks him about AFOSI’s role in Bennewitz’s claims. Doty tells him they  11/26/1980 #35673  
t true. AFOSI has told him to make Bennewitz believe there is an impending  11/26/1980 #35673  
n impending alien invasion because Bennewitz is actually observing secret A 11/26/1980 #35673  
, the Air Force wants to discredit Bennewitz so no one will figure that out 11/26/1980 #35673  
hoaxed documents that are given to Bennewitz and other UFO researchers, and 11/26/1980 #35673  
esearchers, and that he broke into Bennewitz’s house and office.            11/26/1980 #35673  
          William Moore gives Paul Bennewitz an altered version of the Proj Summer 1981 #35977  
copy since February 1981. He gives Bennewitz this document on behalf of Air Summer 1981 #35977  
inal said that the NSA had altered Bennewitz’s photos and incidentally foun Summer 1981 #35977  
out AFOSI investigations into Paul Bennewitz’s claims. He then dashes off t 7/30/1981 #36040  
ims. He then dashes off to talk to Bennewitz. However, he soon loses intere 7/30/1981 #36040  
 Albuquerque, NM Investigator Paul Bennewitz was sending regular reports to 1982 #36283  
2, APRO had decided to investigate Bennewitz’s claims. They sent William Mo 1982 #36283  
d writer and ufologist, to talk to Bennewitz. Bill Moore later stated in a  1982 #36283  
 the code name Falcon to lead Paul Bennewitz astray by giving him false inf 1982 #36283  
 the forged “Aquarius Document” to Bennewitz. This disinformation included  1982 #36283  
rmation included “verification” of Bennewitz’s beliefs about the “grays” an 1982 #36283  
and the underground base at Dulce. Bennewitz had to be hospitalized for “ex 1982 #36283  
an earlier conversation about Paul Bennewitz’s claims. Miller drives her to 4/9/1983 #36830  
es by Albuquerque businessman Paul Bennewitz, claims in a statement on Para 12/29/1987 #38378  
er received from ufologist Paul F. Bennewitz describing Project Beta: Alien 6/6/1988 #38581  
f stress, fear, and paranoia, Paul Bennewitz has turned over his business t 8/1988 #38611  
telligence operations against Paul Bennewitz. Moore says he provided Doty w 7/1/1989 #39002  
ovided Doty with information about Bennewitz’s thinking and activities. Moo 7/1/1989 #39002  
n person. He says that by mid-1982 Bennewitz had put together the story tha 7/1/1989 #39002  
he disinformation directed at Paul Bennewitz. He gives the names of others  7/1/1989 #39002  
sinformation campaign against Paul Bennewitz2/27/2005 #44817  
## Word: "bennie" (Back to Top)
stern Cape, South Africa 8:00 a.m. Bennie Smit, the new owner of Braeside F 6/26/1972 #26735  
rm laborers came running to farmer Bennie Smith, the owner of the Braeside  6/26/1972 #26736  
## Word: "benning" (Back to Top)
                                FT BENNING, GA Project Bluebook Case #868.  1/12/1951 #5389  
                              Fort Benning, GA Light with a fan-shaped wake 1/12/1951 #5391  
                               Ft. Benning, Georgia Witness:  U.S. Army 2nd 1/12/1951 #5392  
er-shaped object hovered near Fort Benning, Georgia for 20 minutes, then sh 1/12/1951 #5393  
                                FT BENNING, GA Blue white UFO zigzags. Vani 11/21/1952 #8313  
flew in a zigzag pattern over Fort Benning, Georgia.                        11/21/1952 #8317  
[now Lawson Army Airfield] in Fort Benning, Columbus, Georgia 20 miles west 8/11/1954 #10126  
[now Lawson Army Airfield] in Fort Benning, Columbus, Georgia, sees a stran 8/11/1954 #10126  
                               FT. BENNING, GA Several observer(s). Saucer  8/12/1954 #10134  
d to the west of the tower at Fort Benning. It flew away and then came back 8/12/1954 #10139  
             US Latin America Fort Benning, Georgia Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Ab 7/1963 #17819  
the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia. (In the 21st century,  7/1963 #17819  
      Muscogee County Airport Fort Benning Columbus, Georgia 5:30 a.m. Both 3/27/1966 #20101  
rt] and military operators at Fort Benning report a radar-visual sighting o 3/27/1966 #20101  
                               FT. BENNING, GA 2 separate observer(s) / 4 h 3/29/1966 #20121  
                               FT. BENNING, GA Gi / guard duty. Red-orange  1/1980 #35117  
triangle-like craft seen near Fort Benning, Georgia by a mother and daughte 4/16/2004 #44689  
## Word: "benns" (Back to Top)
Casino, New South Wales, Australia Benns Road 11:45 p.m. Brian Crittenden s 1/13/1958 #14824  
home. The UFO chases his car along Benns Road, practically touching the tel 1/13/1958 #14824  
## Word: "benoit" (Back to Top)
                               ST. BENOIT, REUNION Girl / 16. Luminous ball 2/16/1975 #29813  
## Word: "benowa" (Back to Top)
s seen by a single eyewitness from Benowa Estate, Nerang, Queensland, Austr 1/30/1973 #27252  
## Word: "bensalem" (Back to Top)
                                   Bensalem, Pennsylvania 2:45 a.m. James D Late 10/1975 #30470  
nia 2:45 a.m. James D. Appleman of Bensalem, Pennsylvania, sees two large c Late 10/1975 #30470  
## Word: "benshahr" (Back to Top)
                                   BENSHAHR, IRAN Police report. Brilliant  11/14/1990 #39886  
## Word: "benson" (Back to Top)
                                   BENSON, AZ 5 military and civil aviators 4/3/1952 #6018  
                              NEAR BENSON, AZ 2 observer(s). Saucer going q 6/1952 #6400  
    Lubbock, Texas Witnesses:  Dan Benson, Mr. Bacon. A total of eight yell 6/5/1952 #6445  
           SR 86 / WILLCOX TO/FROM BENSON, AZ 50' silver saucer tilts towar 5/29/1954 #9839  
ty-year-old U.S. Navy man named R. Benson saw two thin Grey beings, who wer 12/11/1958 #15474  
## Word: "bensonville" (Back to Top)
                                   Bensonville, IL 5:30 a.m. "It was shaped 8/11/1972 #26895  
oncerning the strange object. (See Bensonville, IL) (SL-59, page 11) (NICAP 8/11/1972 #26896  
## Word: "bent" (Back to Top)
 metallic foil (which doesn’t stay bent or folded, resumes its original sha 7/5/1947 #2723  
 it appears to be elongated like a bent pipe with corners, one full moon in 2/17/1949 #4015  
 At the broad back end there was a bent tripod. After awhile the two men ap 10/24/1954 #11368  
on one side, one on the other, and bent over him. He had the feeling they w 11/9/1954 #11611  
nd, while coconut trees below them bent double. Three more disks rose from  11/18/1957 #14575  
nd, while coconut trees below them bent over double. Three more discs rose  11/18/1957 #14577  
les, and rolls of fat running in a bent over fashion.                       1/30/1959 #15571  
-orange outfits. One of the beings bent down under the object and appeared  10/16/1959 #16035  
              LAKE KALLAVESI, FINL Bent saucer drops hot fragment = Fe and  8/22/1964 #18502  
the area and find several treetops bent over and one green tree on fire whe 1/25/1965 #18766  
 feet; at the edges the stubble is bent or broken outward at an angle of 20 6/25/1965 #19028  
ll grass in the area “seemed to be bent over in long curved sweeps.” Radar  8/19/1965 #19427  
orist reported his headlights were bent (gravitational effect) toward the o 4/4/1966 #20220  
ne. His car's headlight beams were bent toward the object "as if they were  4/4/1966 #20225  
ILO, HI 1 / car 5 orange disks and bent tube hangs / thing cloud. Metallic  4/21/1967 #22175  
Trees in the woods reportedly were bent and broken (physical traces), all a 6/21/1967 #22526  
England came upon a strange figure bent down by the side of the path. The f 6/24/1967 #22551  
g around on the deck of the craft, bent down. The UFO left with jerky movem 11/20/1968 #24673  
ellow-orange in color, and had two bent, blue and green legs. It appeared t 7/4/1969 #25253  
was found, but the plants were not bent over or crushed.                    7/12/1969 #25265  
e UFO, and a strong wind blew that bent the trees over. The UFO also made a 6/16/1972 #26717  
ar. Long cylinder/cigar-shape with bent tail-wings. Absolute(ly) silent and 3/2/1974 #28848  
a blindingly bright that emitted a bent beam of light and found himself par 1/5/1975 #29723  
with a light attached to his head, bent over and apparently picking things  2/19/1976 #30887  
hed in a tree nearby who had legs "bent backwards like a bird." It had red  7/4/1976 #31151  
 noise." Reaching the car, the man bent over, placed one hand on the roof,  11/14/1976 #31549  
erver(s). Ovoid / woodyard. L-tube bent going down. Machines stop. Going we 1/21/1977 #31731  
looked to the right and left, then bent down and was not seen again. Shortl 4/6/1977 #31953  
 in the air with arms out and legs bent back, like a "free fall parachutist 4/7/1977 #31956  
 in the air with arms out and legs bent back, like a "free fall parachutist 4/7/1977 #31957  
ROZAVODSK, RS White saucer hovers. Bent light going down. Night lights prob 9/20/1977 #32497  
ding the radar antenna is severely bent by an unknown force.                12/17/1977 #32790  
und in the field where plants were bent and dehydrated. (NICAP: 02 - Close  9/2/1978 #33625  
-foot depressed area of cornstalks bent down halfway up the stalk. Two rows 9/2/1978 #33626  
 the stalk. Two rows of stalks are bent to the east, a third row to the wes 9/2/1978 #33626  
ell over backwards. The being then bent down and examined him for a few mom 9/24/1978 #33744  
n in her hand the entire time, was bent. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NI 12/12/1978 #34098  
n in her hand the entire time, was bent. She later told investigators she f 12/12/1978 #34100  
m animals were panicked and a tree bent over as the object passed. (Source: 1/8/1979 #34317  
m animals were panicked and a tree bent over as the object passed.          1/8/1979 #34320  
 housing. A radio antenna shaft is bent over at a 60° angle. The large “bub 8/27/1979 #34787  
 The trunk antenna for CB radio is bent at 90°. Brekke, after calling the C 8/27/1979 #34787  
g around an oval table, apparently bent over it. He attempted to drive away 6/20/1986 #37918  
 left on the ground where grass is bent and blackened for a diameter of 30  8/15/1986 #37992  
 craft was gone, but the grass was bent and blackened in a 9-meter (30 foot 8/15/1986 #37993  
beings gathered around her bed and bent over her. She noticed one of the wo 1/25/1987 #38104  
server(s). Green-glowing tube with bent ends going down [to] slow. Stops. S 4/8/1997 #43259  
## Word: "benthal" (Back to Top)
  Army photographer Sgt. Frederick Benthal states he was flown into Roswell 9/1/1994 #41712  
eads.  http://www.roswellproof.com/Benthal.html                             9/1/1994 #41712  
## Word: "bentham" (Back to Top)
o, California Witnesses: Sylvester Bentham and retired U.S. Army Col. Horac 9/23/1948 #3810  
lifornia. At twelve noon Sylvester Bentham and retired U.S. Army Colonel Ho 9/23/1948 #3813  
## Word: "bentilee" (Back to Top)
                                   Bentilee, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, 8/31/1967 #22961  
                                   Bentilee, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, 9/2/1967 #22980  
aby, glanced out her window on the Bentilee Estate, Stoke-on-Trent, England 9/2/1967 #22984  
## Word: "bentine" (Back to Top)
. RAF intelligence officer Michael Bentine debriefs them later and asks, “B Autumn 1943 #1530  
do to you?” They reply, “Nothing.” Bentine points out, “Well it was not a v Autumn 1943 #1530  
## Word: "bentleigh" (Back to Top)
                                   BENTLEIGH, AUSTR Group women and kids. 2 12/14/1950 (approximate) #5347  
## Word: "bentley" (Back to Top)
                             A31 / BENTLEY, HAMPSHIRE Night lights. Huge di 1/11/1988 #38406  
## Word: "bentleyville" (Back to Top)
                                   BENTLEYVILLE, PA 3 observer(s). 2 40cm d 8/1/1958 #15172  
## Word: "bento" (Back to Top)
                               SAO BENTO, BRZ Bird-shaped fireball zaps man 7/14/1977 #32270  
## Word: "benton" (Back to Top)
                                   Benton Harbor, Michigan 7:45 p.m. John L 4/11/1897 #431  
n 7:45 p.m. John Lee and others in Benton Harbor, Michigan, watch an airshi 4/11/1897 #431  
                                   BENTON, WI Farmer. Classic silver saucer 10/1948 #3819  
                                   BENTON CREEK, TX 1 observer. 20cm saucer 8/1952 #7377  
     Weeki Wachee Springs, Florida Benton Air Force Station [now Ground Equ 3/2/1965 #18832  
iring the height-finder antenna at Benton Air Force Station [now Ground Equ 3/2/1965 #18832  
D ROCK, PA Small disk going down / Benton AFS. Zaps RADAR techs. Missing ti 3/5/1965 #18843  
radar antenna located northeast of Benton Air Force Base near Red Rock, Pen 3/5/1965 #18844  
                                   BENTON HARBOR, MI Project Bluebook Case  3/6/1967 #21770  
                                   Benton Harbor, Michigan Witnesses: Jerom 3/6/1967 #21776  
           Mr. and Mrs. Wolanin of Benton Harbor, Michigan reported sightin 3/6/1967 #21778  
flight path from east to west over Benton Harbor. After several minutes a s 3/6/1967 #21778  
erhead at a low altitude. Like the Benton Harbor, Michigan UFO of the same  3/6/1967 #21779  
                        SOUTH / FT BENTON, MT Cop sees UFO / 30 min. Very b 11/2/1975 #30537  
                         NEAR FORT BENTON, MT Night light attaches to B52 d 11/11/1975 #30600  
eat Falls, Montana and at the Fort Benton J-5 Missile Site in Chouteau Coun 12/2/1975 #30680  
                              Fort Benton, MT 7:20 p.m. Black Horse Lake. U 2/14/1976 #30869  
                                   BENTON HARBOR, MI 1 / car. Saucer hovers 7/2/1977 #32228  
                                   Benton Harbor, Michigan 12:45 p.m. A wom 7/2/1977 #32230  
45 p.m. A woman driving her car in Benton Harbor, Michigan, sees a silent s 7/2/1977 #32230  
                                   BENTON HARBOR, MI Rocky gap area. Long s 7/28/1978 #33431  
                                   Benton Harbor, Michigan 8:28 p.m. Mr. an 7/28/1978 #33434  
an 8:28 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Gruss of Benton Harbor, Michigan, see a long, bri 7/28/1978 #33434  
                    James, Georgia Benton Evans' home 7:30 p.m. When his do 3/24/1980 #35238  
 stop and hovers above the home of Benton Evans. The Evanses go outside to  3/24/1980 #35238  
stigator William Moore and, later, Benton Jamison in 1985 that he had seen  7/1980 #35397  
                                   BENTON, LA 2 observer(s). 3M grey saucer 1/19/1988 #38413  
                                   Benton, Louisiana 5:00 p.m. A father and 1/19/1988 #38416  
to pick the mother up from work in Benton, Louisiana. When they pull into t 1/19/1988 #38416  
r from work at around 5:00 p.m. in Benton, Louisiana. They pulled into the  1/19/1988 #38417  
 on the bottom was seen in Warsaw, Benton County, Missouri. The five witnes 11/3/1993 #41261  
## Word: "bentor" (Back to Top)
                                   Bentor Harbor, MI Oval-shaped object wit 3/6/1967 #21773  
## Word: "bentrup" (Back to Top)
Jennings, Missouri 9:00 p.m. Harry Bentrup Jr. is on his porch in Jennings, 5/1947 #2272  
## Word: "bents" (Back to Top)
                                   BENTS BASIN, AUST 6 observer(s). 25' sau 6/4/1972 #26700  
ame day shortly after 6:00 p.m. in Bents Basin, New South Wales, Australia  6/4/1972 #26701  
## Word: "bentsen" (Back to Top)
m contact their US Senators, Lloyd Bentsen and John Tower, who suggest that 12/29/1980 #35757  
## Word: "bentwaters" (Back to Top)
                                   BENTWATERS AIR FORCE BASE, SUFFOLK Blue  12/30/1953 #9408  
 blue disc-shaped object flew over Bentwaters RAF Airbase in Suffolk County 12/30/1953 #9410  
                                   BENTWATERS AB, ENG 3 groups / unidentifi 8/13/1956 #13076  
                   Lakenheath AFB, Bentwaters, UK August 13, 1956; Eastern  8/13/1956 #13078  
                   Lakenheath AFB, Bentwaters, UK Aug 13, 1956; Lakenheath  8/13/1956 #13079  
, UK Aug 13, 1956; Lakenheath AFB, Bentwaters, England RV (M) (NICAP: 11 -  8/13/1956 #13079  
                               RAF Bentwaters Bentwaters Parks Suffolk, Eng 8/13/1956 #13080  
                    RAF Bentwaters Bentwaters Parks Suffolk, England RAF La 8/13/1956 #13080  
-visual UFO sighting begins at RAF Bentwaters [now Bentwaters Parks], Suffo 8/13/1956 #13080  
ting begins at RAF Bentwaters [now Bentwaters Parks], Suffolk, England. A b 8/13/1956 #13080  
sition about 15 miles northwest of Bentwaters. Within a few minutes, about  8/13/1956 #13080  
tings of the objects are made from Bentwaters in this period, with the exce 8/13/1956 #13080  
erneath him) and ground observers. Bentwaters notifies RAF Lakenheath, also 8/13/1956 #13080  
                                At Bentwaters RAF Base in Suffolk, England  8/13/1956 #13081  
ire, England Bcckenham, London RAF Bentwaters [now Bentwaters Parks], Woodb 8/1/1963 #17860  
kenham, London RAF Bentwaters [now Bentwaters Parks], Woodbridge, Suffolk B 8/1/1963 #17860  
 A USAF F-100 Super Sabre from RAF Bentwaters [now Bentwaters Parks] in Woo 8/1/1963 #17860  
per Sabre from RAF Bentwaters [now Bentwaters Parks] in Woodbridge, Suffolk 8/1/1963 #17860  
iami-Dade County Homestead AFB RAF Bentwaters [now closed] near Woodbridge, 2/19/1973 #27298  
e Air Force Security Police at RAF Bentwaters [now closed] near Woodbridge, 2/19/1973 #27298  
                EYKE, SUFFOLK Near Bentwaters. Football UFO beams light / g 3/1974 #28826  
                               RAF Bentwaters Woodbridge, Suffolk, England  6/15/1980 #35374  
es P. Wagner and two others at RAF Bentwaters [now closed], near Woodbridge 6/15/1980 #35374  
                              NEAR BENTWATERS AB, SUFFOLK 1 observer / car. 11/26/1980 #35672  
   A witness driving in a car near Bentwaters RAF Air Base in Suffolk, Engl 11/26/1980 #35674  
                       between the Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge UFO landin 12/1980 #35684  
Woodbridge UFO landing between the Bentwaters and Woodbridge NATA bases in  12/1980 #35684  
 crosses coast going SSW toward(s) Bentwaters.                              12/26/1980 #35734  
                                   Bentwaters AFB, UK Air Force security po 12/27/1980 #35745  
                                   Bentwaters AFB, England - A famous close 12/27/1980 #35748  
in the early morning hours between Bentwaters and Woodbridge RAF/USAF Bases 12/27/1980 #35748  
round outside the west gate of the Bentwaters base. According to several of 12/27/1980 #35748  
                                   Bentwaters AFB Bentwaters AFB Air Force  1/13/1981 #35784  
                    Bentwaters AFB Bentwaters AFB Air Force Memo from Lt. C 1/13/1981 #35784  
 Exon D-Neb concerning the 12/1980 Bentwaters and other incidents. Exon is  3/3/1985 #37565  
as not been fully appraised of the Bentwaters and other UFO events.         3/3/1985 #37565  
## Word: "benumbed" (Back to Top)
ia, throwing her into some sort of benumbed, trance-like state. Silvia, who 10/29/1977 #32633  
## Word: "benz" (Back to Top)
                               The Benz Patent-Motorwagen by the German Car 1885 #262  
tent-Motorwagen by the German Carl Benz is widely regarded as the world’s f 1885 #262  
## Word: "benzene" (Back to Top)
 with "an intense smell of burning benzene." A large, flat section on top w 3/18/1950 #4680  
which resembles burning alcohol or benzene.                                 1/15/1956 #12661  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Benzene” Yield: 2.5KT                    6/18/1985 #37604  
## Word: "benzilate" (Back to Top)
loying a new drug, 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate (BZ), as a chemical warfare ag 1959 #15510  
## Word: "benzine" (Back to Top)
r and "an intense smell of burning benzine." A large, flat section on top w 3/18/1950 #4674  
## Word: "benítez" (Back to Top)
, Spain Spanish journalist Juan J. Benítez receives the first batch of some 10/30/1976 #31509  
 Spain. Spanish journalist Juan J. Benítez investigates and determines that 11/11/1980 #35634  
ntral Chile Santiago Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport Afternoon. 8/17/1985 #37645  
ograph them, and the Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport tracks the 8/17/1985 #37645  
## Word: "beoley" (Back to Top)
                                   BEOLEY EAST / REDDITCH, ENG Cops and man 11/11/1972 #27118  
## Word: "bequette" (Back to Top)
porters Nolan Skiff and William C. Bequette. Arnold says the “saucer-like”  6/25/1947 #2411  
 the tail of a Chinese kite.” Bill Bequette writes the first saucer news st 6/25/1947 #2411  
## Word: "bera" (Back to Top)
B-Michaels/dp/1973559773   https://bera.bnl.gov/brea/officers               11/24/1992 #40726  
## Word: "berali" (Back to Top)
urns going quickly southeast. / A. Berali.                                  3/7/1966 #19945  
## Word: "berard" (Back to Top)
ance, exact location unknown Alain Berard saw a large, bright object land n 2/17/1949 #4014  
                             Alain Berard saw a large, bright object land n 2/17/1949 #4016  
## Word: "berates" (Back to Top)
z manages to ride home. His father berates him and tells him to go back. Wh 9/6/1978 #33638  
## Word: "berceto" (Back to Top)
                                   BERCETO, ITL Several observer(s). Saucer 11/18/1994 #41853  
## Word: "berchtesgaden" (Back to Top)
                                   Berchtesgaden, Germany Kaiserslautern, G 4/25/1945 #1854  
t to bomb Hitler’s headquarters at Berchtesgaden, Germany, in the Bavarian  4/25/1945 #1854  
## Word: "berck" (Back to Top)
                    NEAR AIRPORT / BERCK, FR Landed 'round hut' craft takes 11/13/1954 #11632  
                                   Berck, France Near the local airport, Mr 11/13/1954 #11636  
:30 a.m. near the local airport in Berck, Pas-de-Calais, France, Mr. Davril 11/13/1954 #11640  
## Word: "berdsk" (Back to Top)
                                   BERDSK, NOVOSIBIRSK 2 saucers going quic 8/20/1977 #32414  
## Word: "berea" (Back to Top)
 At 10:30 p.m. the Cline family of Berea, Tennessee awoke to the sound of d 10/11/1973 #28007  
                                   BEREA, TN Dogs bark. UFO going down / wo 10/15/1973 #28044  
                                   Berea (Near), TN 10:30 p.m. Awakened by  10/15/1973 #28055  
s night, a farm family living near Berea, Tennessee saw lights from a UFO i 10/15/1973 #28061  
## Word: "bereaved" (Back to Top)
 H. Fortenberry, suspects that the bereaved and mentally unstable purser Ol 11/8/1957 #14489  
## Word: "beregovoy" (Back to Top)
Vadim Chernobrov, astronaut Georgy Beregovoy, and other enthusiasts to expl 1980 #35114  
 party leaders by cosmonaut Georgy Beregovoy.                               5/14/1981 #35937  
## Word: "berehan" (Back to Top)
.m. Captain Assapa, Flight Officer Berehan, and Flight Engineer Negassa of  3/9/1977 #31885  
## Word: "bereits" (Back to Top)
      Hamburg, Germany Mrs. K. St. Bereits was in her garden when she saw a 8/1960 #16361  
## Word: "beresford" (Back to Top)
mittee on Armed Services); Spencer Beresford, Richard Hines, and Frank Hamm 7/15/1960 #16337  
## Word: "beret" (Back to Top)
t short sleeved blouse and a black beret with red trim.” He went into her l 7/27/1952 #7216  
ir hands normal. Each wore a black beret on his head. Thinking they were ch 9/27/1973 #27879  
lliam Greer Abraham Zapruder Green Beret William English Los Alamos After s 10/8/1988 #38665  
on of statements by a former Green Beret captain named William English rega 10/8/1988 #38665  
## Word: "berets" (Back to Top)
k, both wearing red ties and black berets. They emerge from a brand-new red 7/7/1971 #26211  
lack suits with red ties and black berets got out of a car 500 yards from t 7/7/1971 #26212  
## Word: "beretta" (Back to Top)
 became afraid and emptied his .25 Beretta in the direction of the craft. H 5/11/1967 #22317  
htened and emptied his .25 calibre Beretta in the direction of the craft. H 5/11/1967 #22319  
## Word: "berezovsky" (Back to Top)
                                   Berezovsky (near), Russia Alleged crash/ 3/1968 #23796  
ge of the alleged crashed UFO near Berezovsky (Sverdlovsk region) in 1968 a 3/1968 #23796  
## Word: "berg" (Back to Top)
na, Alaska Anchorage Night. Holger Berg and another worker at the Civilian  10/1936 #1250  
                                   BERG AND LJUNGSBRO, SWD 1+1 separate obs 9/6/1988 #38633  
## Word: "berga" (Back to Top)
                         SOUTHEAST BERGA, SP White ball / light / roadside. 10/19/1968 #24573  
## Word: "bergamo" (Back to Top)
                                   BERGAMO, ITL Man walking. Small disk sco 11/1942 #1459  
                                   Bergamo/Ghedi, Italy 2 balls of foo fire 3/23/1945 #1821  
                                   BERGAMO, ITL Cylinder/cigar-shape / 25M  12/29/1954 #11871  
                                In Bergamo, near Clusone, Italy a cigar-sha 12/29/1954 #11877  
## Word: "bergeggi" (Back to Top)
                                   BERGEGGI, ITL 1 observer. Sphere grazes  7/10/1964 #18401  
## Word: "bergen" (Back to Top)
                      EAST / NORTH BERGEN, NJ 2 teen girls. Rounded delta/t 8/21/1958 #15216  
                                   BERGEN, NORW Several observer(s). 5 obje 3/12/1959 #15635  
                                   Bergen, Norway Several witnesses at Berg 3/12/1959 #15636  
ergen, Norway Several witnesses at Bergen, Norway, see a bright object pass 3/12/1959 #15636  
                       NORTHEAST / BERGEN, ND Silent 11M saucer going down  6/27/1966 (approximate) #20614  
                            EAST / BERGEN, ND 2 / farm. Object / railroad/r 4/3/1967 #22049  
                 Trondheim, Norway Bergen Kilbjørn Stenødegård founds the N 1972 #26533  
3 to 1978. The Norsk UFO Center in Bergen publishes Rapportnytt from 1974 t 1972 #26533  
                             NORTH BERGEN, NJ 5 observer(s). Domed saucer w 1/11/1975 #29740  
                             NORTH BERGEN, NJ Separate observer(s). 30' sau 1/12/1975 #29741  
                             North Bergen (in Hudson Park), NJ 2:30 a.m. Te 1/12/1975 #29743  
ee minutes in Hudson Park in North Bergen, New Jersey only 100 feet from th 1/12/1975 #29745  
ter reports from the city of North Bergen, New Jersey, at two o'clock in th 2/19/1976 #30887  
heard in Burlington, Atlantic, and Bergen Counties in New Jersey.           12/21/1977 #32803  
                                   BERGEN, NORWAY 3 radio hams. UFO respond 9/8/1978 #33646  
                                   Bergen Park, Colorado Soda Creek Road In 8/11/1979 #34732  
mployee, are sitting in a car near Bergen Park, Colorado, looking at the ho 8/11/1979 #34732  
            Norwegian Finnish Oslo Bergen Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish u 6/3/1983 #36874  
 from the universities of Oslo and Bergen, as well as cameras with grating  6/3/1983 #36874  
ity of Oslo, and the University of Bergen. Over the course of one month, in 1/21/1984 #37136  
                             NORTH BERGEN, NJ 2 separate groups / observer( 8/18/1993 #41143  
## Word: "bergen-aan-see" (Back to Top)
g quickly east. Also white disks / Bergen-Aan-See and Almere Suiten.        9/8/1996 #43008  
## Word: "berger" (Back to Top)
is church carnival. Sgt. Donald R. Berger of ROTC of the University of Cinc 8/19/1949 #4329  
perate it. During the festivities, Berger’s sweeping searchlight suddenly f 8/19/1949 #4329  
d others join in and observe. When Berger moves the searchlight away, the d 8/19/1949 #4329  
MILFORD, OH Many observer(s). Sgt. Berger catches white sphere/orb/globe /  9/18/1949 #4360  
Paul Church in Norwood, Ohio. Sgt. Berger turns on the light and picks up a 10/23/1949 #4401  
## Word: "bergerac" (Back to Top)
                       SOUTHEAST / BERGERAC, FR 2 / yard. Luminous/glowing  6/1948 #3666  
                                   BERGERAC, FR 2 men. 3M saucer / tripod r 10/1/1954 #10552  
                                   Bergerac, France Returning home, fireman 10/1/1954 #10562  
                                   Bergerac, Dordogne, France Around 10:00  10/1/1954 #10569  
m. Jean Defiz, a factory worker in Bergerac, Dordogne, France, is returning 10/1/1954 #10569  
       Returning home from work in Bergerac, Dordogne department, France fi 10/1/1954 #10579  
                  At 10:00 p.m. in Bergerac, Dordogne department, France a  10/2/1954 #10620  
                                   BERGERAC GOING [TO] BORDEAUX, FR Car sto 5/15/1963 #17739  
 road as they were driving between Bergerac and Bordeaux, beyond the Yvrac  5/15/1963 #17740  
 road as they were driving between Bergerac and Bordeaux, beyond the Yvrac  5/15/1963 #17743  
## Word: "bergh" (Back to Top)
et. At about the same time, Arnold Bergh and James Calahan watch three silv 7/12/1947 #3160  
## Word: "bergin" (Back to Top)
my Adjutant General William Edward Bergin in Washington, D.C.               7/19/1953 #9004  
## Word: "berglund" (Back to Top)
orway Britain 2:59 a.m. Capt. Lars Berglund and the crew of a Boeing 727 ai 1/26/1974 #28709  
on of 10–15 luminous orange discs. Berglund rules out a satellite reentry b 1/26/1974 #28709  
              At 2:59 a.m. Captain Berglund and the flight crew of his SAS  1/26/1974 #28710  
## Word: "bergstrom" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BERGSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, TX Aircrew. 6M 7/7/1947 #2885  
                                   Bergstrom AFB, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR  1/23/1953 #8561  
of East Texas near Huffman Houston Bergstrom Air Force Base [now Austin-Ber 12/29/1980 #35757  
he Judge Advocate Claims office at Bergstrom Air Force Base [now Austin-Ber 12/29/1980 #35757  
erviewed at length by personnel at Bergstrom and told that they should hire 12/29/1980 #35757  
ary base in Malmby, Sweden Captain Bergstrom of the Swedish Army was out jo 12/17/1982 #36718  
## Word: "berhala" (Back to Top)
                                   BERHALA STRTS, INSPECT Steamship Shinto  4/6/1975 #29973  
## Word: "beria" (Back to Top)
, Russia Stalin appoints Lavrentiy Beria to direct Soviet atomic bomb effor 8/22/1945 #1926  
## Word: "berici" (Back to Top)
side on the grassy slopes of Monte Berici, then everything became abnormall 7/22/1996 #42963  
## Word: "beridale" (Back to Top)
                 TARRALEAH TO/FROM BERIDALE, TASM Domed saucer paces 2 / tr 2/17/1976 #30875  
## Word: "berii" (Back to Top)
                             Valea Berii Teleajen River Ciucaş Mountains Ro 10/1979 #34937  
g mushrooms in a forest near Valea Berii near the source of the Teleajen Ri 10/1979 #34937  
## Word: "bering" (Back to Top)
                                   Bering Sea, At Sea Military Aircraft Cre 1/14/1958 #14827  
## Word: "beriozovsky" (Back to Top)
                                   BERIOZOVSKY / YUGO-ALEKSANDROVA / BOLSHA 3/18/1988 #38510  
## Word: "berisso" (Back to Top)
girlfriend's house in Barrio Supe, Berisso, Buenos Aires Province, Argentin 8/31/1990 #39707  
## Word: "berk-bisk" (Back to Top)
                                   BERK-BISK, BIYAL RIVER, RUSSIA Engineer  10/1960 #16470  
## Word: "berkeley" (Back to Top)
         University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California Monterey,  4/10/1950 #4841  
University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California Monterey, Californi 4/10/1950 #4841  
 Several University of California, Berkeley, graduate students, including G 4/10/1950 #4841  
altitude about 3–4 miles away from Berkeley, California, for two hours. It  4/10/1950 #4841  
ifornia UC Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley Los Alamos, New Mexico The Lawr 1952 #5836  
 of the UC Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley. It is intended to spur innovat 1952 #5836  
tor of the Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley, are regarded as its cofounders 1952 #5836  
                                   BERKELEY, CA Silver "blimp" enters cloud 7/23/1952 #7049  
ies at University of California at Berkeley, Burkhard Heim of Goettingen Un 11/20/1955 #12580  
 South Atlantic Ocean South Africa Berkeley, California Livermore branch [n 8/27/1958 #15229  
e Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley, California, as a means to veri 8/27/1958 #15229  
inköping University of California, Berkeley 10:00 p.m. Two carpenters, Stig 11/9/1958 #15435  
r at the University of California, Berkeley, who establishes it is composed 11/9/1958 #15435  
                                   BERKELEY, CA 2 / patio. Parachute saucer 11/11/1958 (approximate) #15437  
                                   Berkeley, CA 10:04 p.m. PDT (11:04 p.m.  10/17/1967 #23245  
                     USAF Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory The USAF Lawrence Be 9/21/1995 #42495  
keley Laboratory The USAF Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory issues a Report on P 9/21/1995 #42495  
                    At 6 p.m. from Berkeley, California a huge illuminated  11/23/2003 #44620  
         University of California, Berkeley University of Lincoln Cuba Biol 1/4/2019 #45555  
s of the University of California, Berkeley, and Fernando Montealegre-Z of  1/4/2019 #45555  
## Word: "berkhampstead" (Back to Top)
s). Bobs going northwest toward(s) Berkhampstead. Vanishes.                 1/1/1977 #31668  
## Word: "berkley" (Back to Top)
and AFB, metal-like wood tested in Berkley he was not involved with, and fl 1949 #3947  
## Word: "berkner" (Back to Top)
committees and advisers like Lloyd Berkner of the Carnegie Institution of W 7/3/1946 #2025  
Lawrence R. Hafstad succeeds Lloyd Berkner as executive secretary.          11/3/1949 #4410  
Julius Stratton, and perhaps Lloyd Berkner and Howard P. Robertson) think t 9/24/1952 #8022  
 Robert Miller Montague, and Lloyd Berkner11/18/1952 #8295  
controlled flight. Physicist Lloyd Berkner joins the panel in the afternoon 1/16/1953 #8543  
 reviews Robertson’s draft report (Berkner has already seen it) and puts it 1/17/1953 #8548  
mit, Prof. Luis Alvarez, Dr. Lloyd Berkner and Prof. Thornton Page.         1/26/1953 #8568  
## Word: "berkow" (Back to Top)
t to come to a briefing with Capt. Berkow, a USAF intelligence officer from 7/21/1952 #6981  
on, D.C. At 8:15 p.m., pilot Capt. Berkow and a stewardess of a National Ai 7/26/1952 #7174  
## Word: "berks" (Back to Top)
fro. Going quickly northwest. Same Berks to/from Kent / 11 Dec. '1753.      12/8/1733 #59  
                          SONNING, BERKS 1+2 observer(s). 1+2 silver saucer 8/16/1956 #13092  
                          WOODLEY, BERKS Several observer(s) report diamond 6/6/1973 #27552  
oid seen. Same seen over Abington, Berks, Engl / 2130hrs. No further detail 9/22/1973 #27852  
                          READING, BERKS 2 observer(s). Segmented inverted  9/25/1973 #27866  
Alert as Mystery Light Passes over Berks (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)   3/15/1983 #36783  
                   WINDSOR CASTLE, BERKS Tabloids. Luminous red saucer hove 3/9/1986 #37797  
                          READING, BERKS Jumbo-jet sized silver hamburger-s 6/15/1986 #37912  
                          READING, BERKS 6 separate observer(s). Glowing-sa 11/28/1994 #41870  
                                   BERKS CO, PA 3 separate observer(s) and  8/16/1999 #43823  
.m. three independent witnesses in Berks County, Pennsylvania observed a si 8/16/1999 #43824  
## Word: "berkshire" (Back to Top)
nce northern Italy Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England 9:15–9:30 p.m. An unu 8/18/1783 #90  
 on the terrace at Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England, at the time the mete 8/18/1783 #90  
                        LAMBOURNE, BERKSHIRE Large torpedo-dirigible going  3/4/1909 #722  
St. Michael’s Church in Lambourne, Berkshire, England 8:25 p.m. Charles Mab 3/4/1909 #723  
St. Michael’s Church in Lambourne, Berkshire, England, is returning home fr 3/4/1909 #723  
                         Abington, Berkshire, UK 8:50 p.m. LT. Two nuclear  6/17/1966 #20572  
                       Burghfield, Berkshire, UK 7:30 p.m. GMT. Five people 3/30/1967 #22013  
        Clevedon, England Welford, Berkshire Isle of Sheppey in the Thames  9/4/1967 #22998  
er takes photos of one in Welford, Berkshire, and chemists with Britain’s H 9/4/1967 #22998  
he sky over Crown Street, Reading, Berkshire, England.                      9/25/1973 #27867  
f Field. Cylinder/cigar-shape over Berkshire road. / Cleveland Press 19.10. 10/18/1973 #28150  
                        Caversham, Berkshire, England 10:20 p.m. Alan Lott  1/31/1975 #29775  
t is walking his dog in Caversham, Berkshire, England, when he sees a group 1/31/1975 #29775  
ford [now closed], Oxford, England Berkshire RAF Brize Norton, Oxford 5:00  3/15/1983 #36784  
light is seen by some civilians in Berkshire. Cpl. Candellin at RAF Brize N 3/15/1983 #36784  
             RICHFORD TO/FROM EAST BERKSHIRE, VT 2 / car. Night light flash 11/28/1993 #41305  
                          Reading, Berkshire, England 6:35 p.m. The pilot o 7/19/2013 #45378  
ising at 34,000 feet near Reading, Berkshire, England, sees a silvery metal 7/19/2013 #45378  
## Word: "berl" (Back to Top)
ince Carl Bernadotte and a friend, Berl Gutenberg, are driving near Stockho 12/5/1951 #5805  
## Word: "berlaimont" (Back to Top)
                                   BERLAIMONT, FR Strange flat-top bowl sau 2/22/1973 #27307  
## Word: "berlin" (Back to Top)
                                   BERLIN, GERMANY Date unknown. Astronomer 10/23/1822 #114  
                    On this day in Berlin, Germany Astronomer Pastorff watc 10/23/1822 #115  
                                   Berlin, Germany Eiswerder island A lumin 9/26/1870 #187  
the North German Confederation, in Berlin, Germany. Possibly a light pillar 9/26/1870 #187  
                                   BERLIN, GERMANY 2 observer(s) and? Huge  8/7/1915 #931  
                                   Berlin, Germany Kaiser Wilhelm Institut  12/17/1938 #1301  
ser Wilhelm Institut für Chemie in Berlin, Germany, producing barium by bom 12/17/1938 #1301  
                                   Berlin Göttingen, Germany Army Lt. Col.  12/16/1947 #3503  
y Army Lt. Col. Harry H. Pretty in Berlin writes a memo to the Deputy Direc 12/16/1947 #3503  
Deputy Director of Intelligence in Berlin stating that the Horten brothers  12/16/1947 #3503  
ligence (Deputy G-2, U.S. Army) in Berlin that Nazi aircraft designers Reim 12/16/1947 #3504  
                                   BERLIN, GERMANY Project Bluebook Case #u 5/28/1948 #3658  
                                   BERLIN, GERM Astronomers. Odd new star.  3/27/1950 #4733  
bach, Thuringia, East Germany West Berlin Stockheim Oskar Linke and his 11- 6/17/1950 #4991  
 the spot. Linke resettles in West Berlin in 1951. He tells his story to a  6/17/1950 #4991  
                               NEW BERLIN, NY Ground Observer Corps (GOC).  7/25/1952 #7126  
                        TEMPELHOF, BERLIN Several observer(s) to 2315. Spin 8/11/1952 #7541  
cle of an UFO landing in Communist Berlin, Germany: Former Mayor of Gleimer 8/23/1952 #7684  
                                   BERLIN, GER 'Full moon' flies northwest  1/8/1954 #9466  
                                   BERLIN, GER Many observer(s). 3 saucers  5/15/1954 #9800  
                              West Berlin, Germany Tempelhof Airport Some 3 Late 6/1954 #9947  
of Airport Some 300 people in West Berlin, Germany, see three silvery UFOs  Late 6/1954 #9947  
                              WEST BERLIN, GERM 300 observer(s). 3 glowing- 7/1954 #9976  
                              West Berlin, West Germany (Jan Aldrich) (NICA 7/5/1954 #9996  
     Glienicke Bridge Potsdam West Berlin, Germany CIA pilot Francis Gary P 2/10/1962 #17045  
idge that connects Potsdam to West Berlin, Germany.                         2/10/1962 #17045  
                              Cuba Berlin 6:30 p.m. Kennedy gathers a selec 10/16/1962 #17475  
the Soviets would counterattack in Berlin or elsewhere. Kennedy rejects an  10/16/1962 #17475  
                               NEW BERLIN, NY 2 saucers going down. 10+men  11/25/1964 #18634  
                               New Berlin, NY Dog fearful as bright light h 11/25/1964 #18635  
                               New Berlin, NY Two objects landed on hilltop 11/25/1964 #18636  
                               New Berlin, New York 12:45 a.m. A 29-year-ol 11/25/1964 #18637  
objects land on a hilltop near New Berlin, New York. Through binoculars she 11/25/1964 #18637  
tor Ted Bloecher. Two women in New Berlin, New York watched the entire oper 11/25/1964 #18638  
                              EAST BERLIN, PA Several observer(s). Luminous 10/20/1973 #28208  
                                   BERLIN HEIGHTS, OH 2 observer(s). Night  8/1977 #32339  
                                   Berlin Heights, OH CE-2. No details othe 8/1977 #32340  
Germany to Mittaguzeit in the East Berlin sector when he noticed two tall f 10/2/1981 #36155  
                                   Berlin, Germany The fall of the Berlin W 11/9/1989 #39221  
   Berlin, Germany The fall of the Berlin Wall (German: Mauerfall), during  11/9/1989 #39221  
hich marked the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the figurative Iron Curt 11/9/1989 #39221  
                             Malta Berlin Wall President George H. W. Bush  12/2/1989 #39295  
, just weeks after the fall of the Berlin Wall. During the summit, Bush and 12/2/1989 #39295  
                              EAST BERLIN, CT 1 observer. Silver saucer / 4 9/7/1992 #40612  
                                   BERLIN HEIGHTS, OH 3+observer(s) with (s 8/29/1994 #41700  
aped object lit up the sky in West Berlin, New Jersey. Mrs. D'Imperio and h 9/11/2000 #44038  
                  Bogota, Colombia Berlin, Germany US diplomats in Bogota,  10/2021 #45712  
diplomats in Bogota, Colombia, and Berlin, Germany, are being affected by H 10/2021 #45712  
## Word: "berlina" (Back to Top)
 Chiu-Chiu, Atacama, Chile. Fresia Berlina Vega, a young woman, was playing 10/19/2000 #44060  
## Word: "berliner" (Back to Top)
ght lights at 700M altitude. / Don Berliner and more/others.                2/13/1945 #1780  
heres. 1 orange and 1 green. / Don Berliner and Huneeus rp.                 3/20/1945 #1819  
ouds and red against the blue sky (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 10/14/1947 #3455  
 with 10-15 sec pauses. 3-5 mins. (Berliner) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, B 11/15/1947 #3489  
quare windows and throwing sparks (Berliner; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 1/27/1949 #3979  
te blue-grey non-reflected bottom (Berliner; cf. FOIA; Jan Aldrich) (NICAP: 4/3/1949 #4067  
r then disappeared high and fast. (Berliner) 5 mins (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 2/5/1950 #4529  
straight and level at high speed. (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 4/5/1952 #6029  
 each ½ the angular size of Moon. (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 4/5/1952 #6030  
urn, leaving a short, dark trail. (Berliner; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 4/18/1952 #6116  
Japan Object Tracked At 2,700 MPH (Berliner; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADA 4/18/1952 #6117  
ght with side-to-side oscillation (Berliner; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 03 - EME  4/29/1952 #6211  
n and out of the clouds 10 times. (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 5/7/1952 #6264  
neat box formation with a leader. (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 6/1/1952 #6410  
    Minneapolis, MN (Case missing) Berliner (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 6/9/1952 #6472  
oon formation fly at 500-600 mph. (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 6/16/1952 #6516  
ying erratically, stop and start. (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 6/17/1952 #6521  
 and flutter like a flipped coin. (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 6/23/1952 #6595  
e exhaust fly straight and level. (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 6/23/1952 #6598  
 slowly and erratically. 12-mins. (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 7/9/1952 #6734  
 turn 90° and fly away. 7-8 secs. (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 7/12/1952 #6772  
 the rear one veered off. 9 mins. (Berliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB 7/23/1952 #7070  
s along part of its circumference (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 9/9/1952 #7885  
          Richards-Gebaur AFB, MO (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 4/17/1960 #16231  
           Kemah, TX Case missing (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter Spring 1961 #16635  
all, The UFO Evidence, p. 152; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns) 8/30/1965 #19481  
          Maxwell AFB, Alabama Don Berliner of the Fund for UFO Research do 1/1974 #28636  
 of these cases are not in the Don Berliner version.                        1/1975? #29684  
. Hall, Bruce S. Maccabee, and Don Berliner. The first hour consists of Lar 2/7/1981 #35817  
## Word: "berlitz" (Back to Top)
tion types. Bill Moore and Charles Berlitz take the whole thing seriously e 4/1956 #12777  
   Bermuda Triangle Author Charles Berlitz writes The Bermuda Triangle, in  9/1974 #29412  
k like they are from outer space.” Berlitz’s claims of unusual EM effects o 9/1974 #29412  
r. as a pre-publication teaser for Berlitz and Moore’s forthcoming book.    2/28/1980 #35186  
                   Roswell Charles Berlitz and Bill Moore publish The Roswe 9/1980 #35488  
US The Roswell Incident by Charles Berlitz and William L. Moore is publishe 9/1/1980 #35489  
## Word: "berm" (Back to Top)
e encounter, a truck parked on the berm of the southbound I-77 lanes with a Early 11/1966 #21070  
## Word: "bermejo" (Back to Top)
                                   BERMEJO AND MECOYA, BLV 4M saucer and ni 5/6/1978 #33189  
      El Taire mountain on the Rio Bermejo Aguas Blancas, Bolivia Tarija, B 5/6/1978 #33190  
pe of El Taire mountain on the Rio Bermejo along the border of Bolivia and  5/6/1978 #33190  
## Word: "bermuda" (Back to Top)
th Atlantic 590 miles northeast of Bermuda 5:00 p.m. Captain Cornelis Dirks 3/19/1887 #279  
antic about 590 miles northeast of Bermuda. One ball is black and the other 3/19/1887 #279  
 Canada northeastern United States Bermuda Brazil Michigan New York Pennsyl 2/9/1913 #881  
he northeastern United States, and Bermuda, and from many ships at sea, inc 2/9/1913 #881  
 the time observations are made in Bermuda, the leading bodies are describe 2/9/1913 #881  
isappeared into the Atlantic Ocean Bermuda Triangle. Flight 19, a formation 12/5/1945 #1951  
                              NEAR BERMUDA B29 rescue team. 1 mile / red gl 1/24/1949 #3975  
                                   Bermuda (About 250 miles SW of), At Sea  1/24/1949 #3976  
                       SOUTHWEST / BERMUDA Project Bluebook Case #787. 8 ci 8/22/1950 #5135  
                                   Bermuda (250 Miles SW of), At Sea Distin 8/24/1950 #5137  
             approx. 250 mi. SW of Bermuda (29' 40' N, 67' 28' W) Witness:  8/25/1950 #5138  
            250 miles southwest of Bermuda over the Atlantic Ocean (29.67º  8/25/1950 #5139  
 / LAKE CHARLES, LA Steamship Esso Bermuda. "Plane" falls / sea. None missi 4/1/1952 #6012  
           KINDLEY AIR FORCE BASE, BERMUDA 8 observer(s). Saucer hovers ove 7/6/1952 #6720  
                     TUCKERS TOWN, BERMUDA Saucer circles island during US  12/5/1953 (approximate) #9341  
                              NEAR BERMUDA Project Bluebook Case #3088. B56 7/3/1954 #9986  
                                   Bermuda (near), At Sea Radar scope photo 7/3/1954 #9989  
                 210MI SOUTHEAST / BERMUDA "Star" falls. Hovers. Shoots goi 1/21/1956 #12674  
                      Kindley AFB, Bermuda (McDonald list) Red Object Track 9/23/1958 #15278  
                     Atlantic N of Bermuda, At Sea (McDonald list) High Spe 2/16/1961 #16599  
                                   BERMUDA 2 observer(s). 3 dull-white ovoi 8/18/1962 #17338  
                                   Bermuda Witnesses:  Owner M. Sheppard an 8/18/1962 #17339  
     At 5:00 p.m. on the island of Bermuda radio station owner Mr. M. Shepp 8/18/1962 #17342  
               Unknown location in Bermuda, Bermuda 3 dull-white, egg-shape 8/19/1962 #17345  
      Unknown location in Bermuda, Bermuda 3 dull-white, egg-shaped objects 8/19/1962 #17345  
                                   Bermuda Triangle Rex Heflin is visited b 10/11/1967 #23216  
is 1965 photos and topics like the Bermuda Triangle. He notices a figure in 10/11/1967 #23216  
                            in the Bermuda Triangle, At Sea Sometime in 197 1971 #25956  
                    North Atlantic Bermuda Early morning. The Musson, a Rus Summer 1972 #26722  
th Atlantic roughly 300 miles from Bermuda. The electrician, radio operator Summer 1972 #26722  
                                   Bermuda Triangle Author Charles Berlitz  9/1974 #29412  
 Author Charles Berlitz writes The Bermuda Triangle, in which he popularize 9/1974 #29412  
 he popularizes the concept of the Bermuda Triangle as an area of ocean pro 9/1974 #29412  
                       SOUTHWEST / BERMUDA Night light follows United State 4/23/1976 #31012  
             Atlantic southwest of Bermuda 2:40 a.m. A 1st Lt. is on commun 4/23/1976 #31017  
royer in the Atlantic southwest of Bermuda. The lookout calls his attention 4/23/1976 #31017  
                     435 MI EAST / BERMUDA Silent object beams going down / 4/17/1978 #33150  
 on top of a cliff in Southampton, Bermuda. They saw what first appeared to 8/22/1978 #33551  
he brown area slowly fills in with Bermuda grass after 6 months. The Los An 1/1988 #38385  
 a hotspot east of Miami, north of Bermuda. A specific frequency emanated f 3/6/2015 #45434  
## Word: "bermudez" (Back to Top)
 to land on a nearby hill. Arcesio Bermudez, an adult, went to the landing  7/4/1969 #25253  
nd disappeared. Two days later Sr. Bermudez became very ill, and within a f 7/4/1969 #25253  
      Dr. Carlos Munoz and Enrique Bermudez were parked in an isolated wood 9/30/1997 #43421  
## Word: "bermúdez" (Back to Top)
 return to see the object. Arcesio Bermúdez takes a flashlight with him and 7/4/1969 #25251  
 up and flies away. Within 2 days, Bermúdez loses all appetite, his skin te 7/4/1969 #25251  
teritis. Within hours of his exam, Bermúdez dies. His doctor claims he has  7/4/1969 #25251  
          Providencia Gen. Ricardo Bermúdez, director of Chile’s official U 7/31/2014 #45412  
 the object is. CEFAA Gen. Ricardo Bermúdez Sanhueza says: “We do not know  11/11/2014 #45423  
## Word: "bern" (Back to Top)
                               NEW BERN, NC 2 / farm duck down. Loud invisi 9/16/1952 #7957  
itary airshow in Flutag outside of Bern, Switzerland watched a white triang 5/26/1956 #12868  
nne Jura Mountains Vignelz, Canton Bern, Switzerland Before 12:00 midnight. 8/3/1965 #19291  
rom Biel/Bienne to Vignelz, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Suddenly it stops, ch 8/3/1965 #19291  
## Word: "berna" (Back to Top)
. They call the police, and Deputy Berna Van Vlerah looks outside the stati 8/29/1979 #34802  
## Word: "bernacillo" (Back to Top)
                                   Bernacillo, NM Bernacillo, NM (NICAP: 08 4/18/1965 #18907  
                    Bernacillo, NM Bernacillo, NM (NICAP: 08 - Photographic 4/18/1965 #18907  
## Word: "bernadino" (Back to Top)
                               San Bernadino, Venezuela Approx. 2:00 a.m. L 8/6/1967 #22825  
## Word: "bernadotte" (Back to Top)
Early morning. Swedish Prince Carl Bernadotte and a friend, Berl Gutenberg, 12/5/1951 #5805  
flash of light illuminate the sky. Bernadotte stops the car and opens the d 12/5/1951 #5805  
## Word: "bernal" (Back to Top)
                                   BERNAL, NM L. LaPaz and 2 / car. Green f 12/12/1948 #3924  
             Starvation Peak (near Bernal), NM AFOSI Case 13; LaPaz, Captai 12/12/1948 #3925  
                                   Bernal, New Mexico Los Alamos National L 12/12/1948 #3926  
hillips) see a green fireball near Bernal, New Mexico. He calculates that i 12/12/1948 #3926  
 A silent green fireball flew over Bernal, New Mexico toward the west for 2 12/12/1948 #3927  
                                   BERNAL, ARG 300 soldiers / (seen thru) b 11/14/1954 #11643  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bernal” YieldMax: 20KT                   11/28/1973 #28475  
## Word: "bernalillo" (Back to Top)
                                   BERNALILLO TO/FROM LOS ALAMOS, NM (Up).  8/29/1952 #7775  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bernalillo” Yield: .015KT                9/17/1958 #15269  
man Gallegos and Dorothy Lovato of Bernalillo. The sighting lasted a total  6/23/1966 #20600  
## Word: "bernard" (Back to Top)
                French philosopher Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle writes C 1686 #50  
ott-Slaterville Utah Ogden Sunset. Bernard Parry and his wife are near Marr 7/20/1894 #316  
t fliers. Norrbotten administrator Bernard Gärde is skeptical of the “vague 1/10/1934 #1195  
 Norrbotten, Sweden, administrator Bernard Gärde officially requests assist 2/12/1934 #1205  
        Naval Intelligence Officer Bernard M. Baruch Jr. develops a submari 1942 #1384  
            Washington, D.C. Cmdr. Bernard Baruch Jr. makes 44 trips at his 1947 #2219  
ritish author and ex-MI5 operative Bernard Newman publishes a novel titled  1948 #3523  
 Publication (JANAP) 146, based on Bernard Baruch Jr.’s CIRES system, is is 10/1/1948 #3826  
 L. Jones are at one site and Lts. Bernard G. Raferty and Alfred H. Jones a 6/6/1949 #4228  
                             Capt. Bernard Baruch Jr. suggests to Gen. Hoyt 12/1949 #4430  
m about the project. Meteorologist Bernard “Duke” Gildenberg tells those as 8/27/1951 #5636  
                            Seaman Bernard G. Klein Jr. Naval Outlying Fiel 4/22/1954 #9704  
e James B. Stephens Jr. and Seaman Bernard G. Klein Jr., are driving a vehi 4/22/1954 #9704  
 Seine River 1:00 a.m. Businessman Bernard Miserey has just parked his car  8/23/1954 #10170  
tte Rouge" two railroad engineers, Bernard and Potraux, who were bringing a 9/28/1954 #10486  
ourt Vron, Somme, France 6:45 p.m. Bernard Devoisin and René Condette are b 10/1/1954 #10567  
            Testimony of USAF Gen. Bernard Schriever states when he was wit 1956 #12639  
 Texas Cedar City, Utah Idaho Pfc. Bernard G. “Gerry” Irwin, on leave from  2/20/1959 #15595  
 James H. Walsh writes to Lt. Gen. Bernard A. Schriever, commander of ARDC, 12/7/1959 #16115  
lenn A. Cato of TRW Systems Group, Bernard N. Charles of Aerospace Corporat 12/1968 #24740  
m. A woman is driving with her St. Bernard dog between Glenwood and Lancast 3/6/1969 #24976  
                 Manotick, Ontario Bernard O’Brien is cutting grass in a fi Mid 7/1969 #25270  
                          Two men, Bernard Gregory, age 19, and Patrick Lab 8/18/1975 #30288  
tment, France. At around 2:30 a.m. Bernard suddenly felt uneasy, and saw fo 8/18/1975 #30288  
sed by the site again. (Source: J. Bernard Delair, Northern Network News, J 5/11/1976 #31044  
                               St. Bernard Parish, LA Boat brightly illumin 1/21/1977 #31737  
                               St. Bernard Parish, LA 8:45 PM. Two hunters  1/21/1977 #31738  
                               St. Bernard Parish, LA Boat brightly illumin 1/21/1977 #31739  
                    Yscloskey, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana 8:45 p.m. Robe 1/21/1977 #31743  
e mile northeast of Yscloskey, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, one in a boat 1/21/1977 #31743  
t undergoes hypnotic regression by Bernard Levinson on June 21, where she r 1/4/1979 #34294  
lnshire, England Senior Coastguard Bernard O’Reilly watches a lighted trian Late 11/1982 #36689  
            US Alaska US physicist Bernard Eastlund files a patent on a “Me 1/10/1985 #37546  
 Exploration, edited by astronomer Bernard Haisch.                          3/1987 #38126  
    CompuServe online network Adm. Bernard A. Clarey Pacific Fleet Holloman 12/18/1988 #38755  
with an intelligence team for Adm. Bernard A. Clarey, commander in chief of 12/18/1988 #38755  
gie-Astronomie (A.M.A.), edited by Bernard Hugues. It continues until Septe 2/1990 #39405  
Günther Reitz, and plant biologist Bernard Veyret. To present the UFO evide 9/29/1997 #43420  
          Hal Puthoff (Earthtech), Bernard Haisch (Lockheed Martin) and Alf 8/1998 #43618  
in. The report is prefaced by Gen. Bernard Norlain of the Air Force and beg 7/16/1999 #43805  
nso Rueda of Cal State University, Bernard Haisch of Lockheed Martin, Jonat 5/2002 #44335  
sicist Michio Kaku, astrophysicist Bernard Haisch, computer scientist Jacqu 11/8/2002 #44436  
ning mass. Sturrock says he’s sent Bernard Haisch at Lockheed Martin six qu 3/22/2003 #44504  
rry Lemke tells Lockheed scientist Bernard Haisch, as relayed to Jacques Va 6/11/2003 #44556  
                                   Bernard Haisch of Lockheed Martin states 9/10/2003 #44595  
                        Lockheed’s Bernard Haisch tells Jacques Vallée he i 5/27/2007 #45032  
                                   Bernard Mendez alleges he attended a “ju 7/2012 #45346  
lants in France. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve tells France Info radi 10/5/2014 #45416  
mer Lockheed Martin astrophysicist Bernard Haisch, a colleague of Eric Davi 2018 #45498  
## Word: "bernardino" (Back to Top)
object at 55,000 feet over the San Bernardino Mountains. They broke off the 9/23/1951 #5687  
er the Apple Valley Airport in San Bernardino County, California that grew  1/7/1952 #5862  
 enlisted men at George AFB in San Bernardino County, California watched fi 5/1/1952 #6247  
ts Base Rifle Range Norton AFB San Bernardino International Airport, Califo 6/1953 #8922  
nt report from Norton AFB [now San Bernardino International Airport], Calif 6/1953 #8922  
nge-yellow fireball going [to] San Bernardino. Turns going quickly northeas 7/28/1955 #12293  
                               San Bernardino Mts, CA Pilot saw a globe of  11/14/1955 #12567  
                               SAN BERNARDINO, CA Teen photographs classic  7/19/1956 #12985  
                               SAN BERNARDINO, CA Several observer(s). Nigh 7/29/1956 #13026  
                   Norton AFB [San Bernardino International Airport], Calif 7/1957 #13765  
the 1006th AISS at Norton AFB [San Bernardino International Airport], Calif 7/1957 #13765  
                               SAN BERNARDINO, CA Civil observer(s). Cup-sa 10/14/1957 #14108  
                               SAN BERNARDINO, CA Several observer(s). 100' 7/30/1961 #16774  
 2:00 a.m. a UFO landed in the San Bernardino area of Caracas, Venezuela. I 8/6/1965 #19334  
                  Again in the San Bernardino area of Caracas, Venezuela (s 8/6/1967 #22832  
     Caracas, Venezuela In the San Bernardino section, Pedro Riera, of Avil 8/7/1967 #22839  
   At 2:00 a.m. Pedro Riera of San Bernardino, Caracas, Venezuela was awake 8/7/1967 #22840  
treet Colton Avenue Norton AFB San Bernardino March AFB Riverside County 7: 2/4/1968 #23734  
t Norton AFB [now closed] near San Bernardino or March AFB [now March Air R 2/4/1968 #23734  
         Norton Air Force Base San Bernardino, California, International Ai 5/1973 #27460  
 at Norton Air Force Base [now San Bernardino, California, International Ai 5/1973 #27460  
                               SAN BERNARDINO, ITL 7 teens. Intense whistle 4/20/1978 #33155  
                               San Bernardino County, CA Two huge UFOs came 12/25/1978 #34204  
reaming over Lake Arrowhead in San Bernardino county, California at 7:18 p. 12/25/1978 #34208  
                   Norton AFB, San Bernardino, CA Three airmen and five civ 8/3/1980 #35440  
shaped object in Apple Valley, San Bernardino County, California at 8:00 p. 9/17/1981 #36122  
                    Norton AFB San Bernardino, California Aviation designer 11/12/1988 #38713  
s an air show at Norton AFB in San Bernardino, California, and is taken to  11/12/1988 #38713  
les northeast of George AFB in San Bernardino County, California sighted a  8/5/1992 #40553  
remembered looking down on the San Bernardino Mountains, but that was all t 7/23/1997 #43358  
UFO from their home in Rialto, San Bernardino County, California as it hove 4/20/1999 #43759  
ty minutes later in Fontana in San Bernardino County a saucer-shaped UFO ho 1/23/2000 #43932  
## Word: "bernardo" (Back to Top)
                               SAO BERNARDO DA CAMPO, BRZ Hundreds and 15 p 6/20/1974 #29215  
ack and forth over the city of Sao Bernardo da Campo, Sao Paulo state, Braz 6/20/1974 #29217  
                               SAN BERNARDO, CHILE Telepathy warning / adva 1/30/1997 #43180  
ould be taken from her home in San Bernardo, Santiago Province, Chile. At 1 1/30/1997 #43181  
## Word: "bernay" (Back to Top)
                   ALENCON TO/FROM BERNAY, FR Huge luminous/glowing hemisph 3/25/1995 #42116  
ng the roadway between Alencon and Bernay, Eure, France at around 4:00 a.m. 3/25/1995 #42118  
## Word: "berne" (Back to Top)
                                   BERNE, SWITZ Hundreds / military airshow 5/26/1956 #12867  
## Word: "bernerd" (Back to Top)
yer Hilda Blair Ray, whose husband Bernerd had been a petroleum geologist i 5/5/2015 #45437  
## Word: "bernhard" (Back to Top)
ticism. Retinger approaches Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who agrees t 5/29/1954 #9840  
ence with Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands at Soestdijk 5/18/1959 #15737  
e an entirely new commission. Col. Bernhard M. Ettenson, from the Office of 4/30/1968 #23932  
## Word: "bernice" (Back to Top)
    Chehalis, Washington 3:00 p.m. Bernice Zaikowski, 61, of Chehalis, Wash 1/6/1948 #3533  
                               Mrs Bernice Zaikowski of Chehalis, Washingto 1/6/1948 #3534  
rs. James Masterson and her sister Bernice Childers while driving see a red 10/1957 #14051  
buquerque Evening. Flora Evans and Bernice McIntosh twice encounter an inte 2/17/1958 #14878  
## Word: "bernie" (Back to Top)
ren, John Owens, Cheryl Glunt, and Bernie Montello, saw a silvery, dome-sha 5/9/1964 #18253  
ren, John Owens, Cheryl Glunt, and Bernie Montello, saw a silvery dome-shap 5/9/1964 #18255  
 reported at least three UFOs over Bernie and in Dexter. (NICAP: 01 - Dista 4/19/1973 #27432  
                                   Bernie, a young Milwaukee truck driver,  9/11/1975 #30353  
## Word: "bernor" (Back to Top)
dow abruptly awakens a woman named Bernor in Templeton, Massachusetts. She  2/27/1968 #23786  
## Word: "bernt" (Back to Top)
engsky District) of Finland Russia Bernt Balchen, Norwegian Airline directo 10/14/1947 #3457  
## Word: "berossus" (Back to Top)
l being who taught mankind wisdom. Berossus describes Oannes as having the  11/15/1962 #17548  
## Word: "berra" (Back to Top)
                                   BERRA, ITL 1 / car. Pale-white hemispher 10/1976 #31437  
## Word: "berrahal" (Back to Top)
                                   BERRAHAL, ALG Same 2 / car. Dark ovoid w 8/13/1977 #32399  
## Word: "berre" (Back to Top)
                          ETANG DE BERRE, FR Extra ovoid moon near real moo 7/29/1994 #41646  
## Word: "berri" (Back to Top)
scaly body, hissed at residents of Berri from the top of a tree. It leapt t 1/2/1953 #8496  
## Word: "berridale" (Back to Top)
                                   Berridale (between Tarraleah and), Tasma 2/13/1976 #30868  
iver driving between Tarraleah and Berridale, Tasmania saw a bright cigar-s 2/17/1976 #30877  
## Word: "berries" (Back to Top)
 2 men / spacesuits take twigs and berries. Saucer lands. Missing time.     7/1957 #13764  
e told the children that he fed on berries, and drank the river water after 5/15/1973 #27492  
## Word: "berry" (Back to Top)
sparse brown hair. Before eating a berry, he performed an "odd trick" with  5/15/1973 #27492  
"odd trick" with it; he placed the berry in his ear, where it disappeared a 5/15/1973 #27492  
r eyes."repeating the process, the berry traveled to his mouth." The childr 5/15/1973 #27492  
d that a UFO hovered silently over Berry Summit at 8:30 p.m. It had a squar 12/28/1993 #41335  
 a.m. two campers at a campsite on Berry Creek, Butte County, California vi 7/15/2010 #45287  
## Word: "berryessa" (Back to Top)
                              LAKE BERRYESSA, CA 45' Saturn-torpedo paces s 11/5/1980 #35619  
                              Lake Berryessa, California 8:45 p.m. A privat 11/5/1980 #35620  
aratoga SP at 8,000 feet near Lake Berryessa, California. He spots an orang 11/5/1980 #35620  
## Word: "berryville" (Back to Top)
 dim lights was spotted briefly at Berryville pond, Berryville, Arkansas at 6/1/2009 #45225  
potted briefly at Berryville pond, Berryville, Arkansas at two o'clock in t 6/1/2009 #45225  
## Word: "bersaillin" (Back to Top)
                                   BERSAILLIN TO/FROM COLONNE, FR 1 observe 12/17/1954 #11827  
                                   Bersaillin, France A woodsman from Polig 12/17/1954 #11828  
 At 5:00 p.m. on a country road in Bersaillin, France in Jura department, a 12/17/1954 #11829  
## Word: "berserk" (Back to Top)
m her. Outside, her horse is going berserk. Suddenly, the light is gone. Th 6/4/1973 #27549  
            Athens, GA Radio "went berserk," silver ellipse landed on road  9/3/1973 #27752  
 the same time his dogs were going berserk. Later he heard footsteps and hi 2/13/1981 #35826  
## Word: "bert" (Back to Top)
Colorado Springs, Colorado Aviator Bert Acosta is flying somewhere between  1/1926 #1056  
                        MEEKER, OK Bert Hall and wife. Small white washtub- 7/5/1947 #2712  
th Dakota 10:45 p.m. Leo Haley and Bert C. Baker are driving on US Highway  1/18/1960 #16155  
itish Columbia Vancouver 6:30 p.m. Bert Gammie, his mother, and his daughte 6/1964 #18314  
     Ngatea, New Zealand A farmer, Bert O’Neil, discovers a circular patch  9/4/1969 #25351  
## Word: "bertangles" (Back to Top)
                                   BERTANGLES, FR Mayor and wife. 2 balls m 5/21/1974 #29122  
## Word: "bertelsen" (Back to Top)
e NIVFO Bulletin, edited by Gunnar Bertelsen and Kilbjørn Stenødegård. It c 1981 #35764  
## Word: "bertha" (Back to Top)
909, p. 3) At about the same time, Bertha Niles of Vale Perkins, Quebec, wa 8/9/1909 #802  
## Word: "berthed" (Back to Top)
USS Franklin D. Roosevelt as it is berthed in the port of Rio de Janeiro, B 7/26/1956 #13020  
## Word: "berthierville" (Back to Top)
MERE AND MONTREAL AND JOLIETTE AND BERTHIERVILLE Orbs etc. all over/all abo 11/21/1973 #28453  
## Word: "berthold" (Back to Top)
studied by New Jersey psychiatrist Berthold E. Schwarz, who finds her repea 2/17/1967 #21586  
                            WEST / BERTHOLD, ND 1M top-shape hides / trees. 5/19/1967 #22373  
dergoes hypnosis with psychologist Berthold Eric Schwarz, who says he has v 10/25/1973 #28285  
## Word: "berti" (Back to Top)
were still there. A stonemason, R. Berti, saw the object, which he describe 11/1/1954 #11520  
## Word: "bertiaux" (Back to Top)
rs-le-Tilleul, France Ten-year-old Bertiaux saw an object "like a tent" and 10/4/1954 #10696  
s-le-Tilleul, France. Ten year old Bertiaux saw an object at 6:40 p.m. "lik 10/4/1954 #10706  
## Word: "bertil" (Back to Top)
                        Astronomer Bertil Lindblad, after consulting with t 7/6/1946 #2028  
otland Sweden 8:47 p.m. Astronomer Bertil Lindblad sees an exploding fireba 8/11/1946 #2116  
. Their astronomical consultant is Bertil Lindblad, an astronomer at Stockh 10/1951 #5693  
Quarter 1975. Investigated by M.J. Bertil. Translated from the French by Ja 2/14/1974 #28770  
am shone upwards from the object. (Bertil Soderquist, MUFON representative  10/21/1976 #31484  
 hovering low above the treetops. (Bertil Soderquist, MUFON representative  11/14/1976 #31547  
 an elevation of about 50 meters. (Bertil Soderquist, MUFON representative  12/5/1976 #31582  
## Word: "bertioga" (Back to Top)
                                   BERTIOGA, SP, BRZ 2 observer(s). Huge si 4/22/1994 #41499  
## Word: "bertol" (Back to Top)
eres, Spain 2:00 a.m. Julio Acosta Bertol (a teacher), his wife, and a stud 4/13/1974 #29012  
## Word: "bertona" (Back to Top)
                     MONTEBELLO DI BERTONA, ITL Postman. 'Space capsule' la 12/19/1978 #34172  
                     Montebello di Bertona, Italy A single witness reported 12/19/1978 #34173  
                  In Montebello di Bertona, Italy at 6:00 a.m. a single wit 12/19/1978 #34175  
## Word: "bertoo" (Back to Top)
lmets with visors. They gesture at Bertoo to follow them, and he goes up a  8/12/1983 #36948  
## Word: "bertram" (Back to Top)
     Fairfax County, Virginia Day. Bertram A. Totten, a clerk at the Librar 3/26/1950 #4729  
## Word: "bertrand" (Back to Top)
was driving near Carcassonne, Jean Bertrand saw a bright, metallic sphere o 10/9/1954 #10847  
sonne, Aude, France 4:00 p.m. Jean Bertrand is driving near Carcassonne, Au 10/9/1954 #10853  
d 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Jean Bertrand saw a bright, metallic sphere a 10/9/1954 #10865  
itnesses:  Exeter Patrolmen Eugene Bertrand, Jr. and David Hunt, and Norman 9/3/1965 #19507  
ampshire, Police Officer Eugene F. Bertrand Jr. comes across a woman parked 9/3/1965 #19511  
 the incident at 2:24 a.m. Officer Bertrand drives him back to the field al 9/3/1965 #19511  
ses him to pay attention. At first Bertrand and Muscarello see nothing, but 9/3/1965 #19511  
d Muscarello see nothing, but when Bertrand flashes a light around the fiel 9/3/1965 #19511  
 the pulsating lights and the UFO. Bertrand says the lights are always in a 9/3/1965 #19511  
pasture. That evening at 6:30 p.m. Bertrand, age 10, was near the building  6/4/1970 #25690  
## Word: "bertrandias" (Back to Top)
terest of USAF Maj. Gen. Victor E. Bertrandias’s visit to the Townsend Brow 1952 #5843  
## Word: "beru" (Back to Top)
                                   BERU, FR 2 / D965. Silent 500M and diamo 11/5/1990 #39840  
## Word: "beruges" (Back to Top)
                                   BERUGES, FR Intense heat. Saucer lands.  10/7/1954 #10767  
                                   Beruges, France A farmer, Mr. Thebault,  10/7/1954 #10782  
                                   Beruges, France. A farmer, Edouard Theba 10/7/1954 #10792  
## Word: "berwick" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / BERWICK, ND 1 / car. Bean ovoid going we 12/16/1968 #24773  
e numbers of cars had assembled at Berwick, Nova Scotia to observe the mons 4/24/1969 #25088  
                                   Berwick, Mississippi 8:30 p.m. Jennifer  7/30/1981 #36041  
er three children are driving near Berwick, Mississippi, when they notice a 7/30/1981 #36041  
-shaped objects were observed over Berwick, Northumbria, England at 3:08 a. 8/6/2001 #44228  
## Word: "berwyn" (Back to Top)
                                   Berwyn, IL 5:15 p.m. Two women were driv 1/4/1974 #28642  
icago followed a low flying UFO in Berwyn, Illinois at around 5:15 p.m. The 1/4/1974 #28644  
t overhead. Two police constables, Berwyn Jones and Nevil Hughes, also witn 1/26/1979 #34382  
## Word: "beryl" (Back to Top)
nderground. Country: France Name: “beryl” Yield: 20KT                       5/1/1962 #17147  
   Belvedere, New Jersey 7:00 p.m. Beryl Dux sees two white cloud-like obje 3/16/1967 #21905  
## Word: "beryllium" (Back to Top)
s / Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) beryllium mine. Going up / very fast. Pa 9/15/1954 #10305  
e UFO is over a mine that supplies beryllium for the US Atomic Energy Commi 9/15/1954 #10311  
## Word: "berzasca" (Back to Top)
               Ţarcu Peak, Romania Berzasca Danube River Semenic Mountain C 3/30/1968 #23877  
logged by the weather station near Berzasca about 1 mile inland from the Da 3/30/1968 #23877  
## Word: "berzerk" (Back to Top)
fects). Separate observer(s). Dogs berzerk. / v1#9.                         1/17/1979 #34352  
## Word: "bescancon" (Back to Top)
                                   BESCANCON, FR 1 observer / (seen thru) b 10/9/1967 #23199  
                                   BESCANCON, FR Anonymous observer(s). 2 c 3/16/1968 #23845  
                                   BESCANCON, FR 2 observer(s). Hollow meta 6/5/1968 #24007  
                                   BESCANCON, FR Brill white saucer seen fr 12/15/1968 #24768  
                       FRANOIS AND BESCANCON, FR Many observer(s). Huge yel 12/21/1968 #24785  
## Word: "beserra" (Back to Top)
o Paulo Brazil 11:00 p.m. Fernando Beserra and Wilson da Silva Oliveira are 10/1/1995 #42529  
## Word: "beside" (Back to Top)
oung man with golden hair standing beside him, dressed in a suit of a simil 5/4/1932 #1143  
n only 30 inches tall was standing beside it. When the witness, Mr. J. Alle 8/6/1952 #7493  
en accelerates briefly until it is beside him for four more seconds before  8/6/1953 #9052  
wo little men, 2.5 feet tall stood beside it, speaking an unknown language  10/7/1954 #10796  
peculiar looking creature standing beside the craft, who appeared to be no  10/24/1954 #11366  
 hover three feet from the ground. Beside it appeared a transparent being 3 8/29/1955 #12416  
 be on the ground with 3–4 figures beside it. He goes into the recreation r 10/1955 #12477  
ng to do is to sleep at that spot, beside the road. Next morning they will  2/24/1958 #14889  
Cruz State, Argentina at 2:20 a.m. Beside the road at a distance of 70 mete 11/22/1962 #17557  
 some 50 meters, then landed again beside the road. Throughout their entire 11/26/1962 #17563  
 and her grandson. Two dwarfs were beside the object, picking up leaves and 11/11/1965 #19713  
t night he slept with a loaded gun beside his bed. The next day he went loo 11/14/1966 #21101  
t night he slept with a loaded gun beside his bed. The next day he went loo 11/15/1966 #21109  
et in diameter, approach and hover beside the aircraft. It has a dull, gray 11/30/1966 #21165  
5-4.0 feet tall, appeared standing beside the object. Monin and his grandda 2/5/1967 #21463  
cigar-shaped UFO landed in a field beside Interstate 70 near St. Louis, Mis 2/16/1967 #21574  
ed light with a smaller blue light beside it come toward her from the South 5/31/1967 #22430  
ed light with a smaller blue light beside it come towards her from the sout 5/31/1967 #22433  
    Texas Creek, CO Oval on ground beside road; one driver walked toward it 8/27/1967 #22938  
sees a silver, cigar-shaped object beside him. The object accompanies the a 9/1967 #22975  
e seems “distraught” as she stands beside Brooks. Her ears are pricked, ind 10/26/1967 #23334  
e up. It traveled a short distance beside their car, then it landed again i 11/9/1967 #23434  
agon, hovering close to the ground beside the building and railroad tracks. 2/21/1968 #23774  
 of portholes all around the edge. Beside it, several luminous entities of  9/30/1968 #24527  
ly making sketches on a whiteboard beside him. He was given a stone cup and 5/4/1969 #25115  
l out. An "enormous object" landed beside him, and he was "pulled through a 5/20/1969 #25151  
a being “materialized” on the seat beside Migueres, and addressed him telep 8/11/1969 #25317  
"boy" about 3.5 feet tall standing beside it. He had a big belly and was we 6/4/1970 #25690  
s on the ground in a marshy meadow beside the road. Above them he could dis 3/5/1971 #26044  
med warm. At the edge of the woods beside the ground marks a large tree bra 3/5/1971 #26044  
 and was hovering near the ground. Beside it a small being with a large hea 5/30/1971 #26145  
nticular disc-shaped object landed beside the highway in Cuesta de las Vaca 6/11/1971 #26168  
g carried out and laid on the road beside his car. The UFO then rose vertic 9/22/1971 #26365  
 Caetano saw several small figures beside the craft, who pointed a small bo 10/11/1971 #26418  
en, moving among a pile of chassis beside his route. As he approached withi 9/27/1972 #27035  
en it settled in a tilted position beside the highway he was on. It was alu 3/13/1973 #27343  
 leveled the UFO. Then Herrera saw beside it a being 5 feet two inches tall 3/13/1973 #27343  
white luminous rectangles appeared beside it. They tried to drive around th 3/24/1973 #27373  
yellow lights as if on one object, beside rode, buzzed car; burn marks foun 4/22/1973 #27439  
omed ceiling, and she was standing beside a 20 foot high crystal, set at an 8/4/1973 #27683  
e highway. A humanoid was standing beside it. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)    8/9/1973 #27687  
iny silver being was seen standing beside U.S. Rt. 17. (NICAP: 07 - Entity  10/18/1973 #28168  
iny silver being was seen standing beside US Route 17 near Savannah Georgia 10/18/1973 #28175  
e a ladder and two beings standing beside it. They were human like, about s 10/19/1973 #28198  
w a car and three dark clad people beside the road. There were several othe 11/18/1973 #28444  
T, ALTA Night light. 8' giant runs beside truck at 60MPH! touches hood and  12/31/1973 #28621  
Spain Blinding yellow-green object beside road, buzzing sound; three squari 3/30/1974 #28971  
 Short legs. No helmets. Occupants beside landed object seemed to examine d 5/7/1974 #29090  
ith multicolored lights land close beside them. It was shaped like "two pla 8/31/1974 #29405  
en he awoke he found himself lying beside a road outside Buenos Aires. The  1/5/1975 #29723  
ground in front of his parked car. Beside it stood a man about 6' 5" tall.  9/25/1975 #30384  
recalls, he found himself standing beside a domed object, with steps leadin 11/3/1975 #30547  
orning to find two beings standing beside her bed in Fargo, North Dakota. T 12/2/1975 #30681  
ll on three very tall men standing beside the road. One of them jumped--in  12/11/1975 #30705  
ded 100 yards away in a farm field beside the road. It had the form of a "c 1/9/1976 #30781  
g in the bushes about 20 feet away beside the road. The being was wearing a 1/26/1976 #30821  
aw two beings standing or floating beside the object. They were about seven 8/6/1976 #31241  
ities “the size of dolls” appeared beside it; they had long white hair part 9/3/1976 #31340  
eing shorter than him that floated beside him at the same time. He tried to 1/1/1977 #31683  
ry van saw a dull glow at a quarry beside the road. A glowing phosporescent 6/23/1977 #32185  
Africa saw a dull glow at a quarry beside the road at 5:15 a.m. A glowing p 6/23/1977 #32186  
ring-engine noise, then drops down beside him. The object abruptly turns in 9/4/1977 #32460  
ball, and then next to a blue ball beside which stood another entity. The n 9/15/1977 #32485  
 pulsating red light on the ground beside a nearby hill. It was the apparen 10/6/1977 #32555  
yside bar known as the Hostal 113, beside the highway on the outskirts of A 2/5/1978 #32957  
al console. Julio continued to sit beside the crewmember, his dog and gun a 2/5/1978 #32957  
 a slow arc and came to a position beside the larger object. (NICAP: 02 - C 3/30/1978 #33100  
 a slow arc and came to a position beside the larger object. There was an e 3/30/1978 #33101  
, Qnsld., AU Beehive-shaped object beside road, rose about one meter, light 2/8/1979 #34409  
ey were 200 meters away, and stood beside a highway. They had square object 12/13/1979 #35080  
oberto sees three humanoid figures beside the UFO. They seem to be covered  8/12/1983 #36949  
mall, gray-skinned entity standing beside her and probing her torso with me 1/1988 #38385  
men with light skin standing close beside her. They wore tight-fitting blac 3/11/1992 #40372  
 David Jacobs, and Mack hold forth beside relative novices and abductees th 6/13/1992 #40492  
Another witness, standing directly beside Paca, was not able to see anythin 9/24/1992 #40639  
ke and saw a small figure standing beside her bed, halfway down the side. A 2/1/1993 #40831  
ted into its path, then flew along beside it as it made a landing approach  7/31/1995 #42348  
nter), and huge red eyes crouching beside a wall. At first they think it is 1/20/1996 #42695  
came paralyzed and unable to move. Beside the object were two short beings  6/21/1996 #42936  
orange beam of light then appeared beside him. Several odd looking, medium- 3/10/1997 #43225  
ed to work. The alien stayed right beside her. Then suddenly another voice  9/11/1997 #43405  
ed to work. The alien stayed right beside her. Then suddenly another voice  9/12/1997 #43407  
aw an unusual craft with the alien beside it. "His eyes and hands were red  6/5/2002 #44347  
## Word: "besides" (Back to Top)
tings in Laguna Beach, California. Besides Adamski, talks are also given by 1/1936 #1242  
ind civilians on the site already. Besides the archaeologists, a local man  7/5/1947 #2721  
er with his assailant into a ditch besides the road. He dropped his shotgun 4/10/1954 #9681  
lash blindness from the explosion. Besides the hazard of blindness, thermal 8/1/1958 #15174  
e Pentagon. This meeting includes, besides Hynek, Maj. Robert J. Friend, Co 2/17/1959 #15591  
ty to vanish and reappear at will. Besides, they are able to affect our pow 2/1967 #21431  
er circular metallic object landed besides the road. His car radio, which h 4/14/1967 #22131  
group of humanoid figures standing besides the road. Five of the figures wo 9/18/1978 #33709  
ver bank in East Didsbury, England besides some open land when they noticed 8/19/1979 #34760  
o state. Then across an open field besides the road four white and two red  7/16/1981 #36010  
e: BDM has several linkages to UAP besides employing Shapiro (see 26 Septem 10/1989 #39139  
tes there were other USAF projects besides Blue Book that were UAP related  7/1991 #40108  
th a blank expression on his face. Besides him stood two reptilian looking  2/6/1996 #42743  
## Word: "besieged" (Back to Top)
until the sky began to lighten the besieged campers were watched by the bei 10/20/1973 #28222  
## Word: "besmond" (Back to Top)
, Philippines 11:55 p.m. Lt. J. L. Besmond, officer of the day on the USS G 11/16/1944 #1697  
## Word: "bessa" (Back to Top)
ew away. The witness, Sr. M. Ramos Bessa, had a severe headache after his c 1/3/1953 #8500  
 Minas Gerais, Brazil Sr. M. Ramos Bessa had a close encounter with a small 1/12/1953 #8536  
## Word: "bessancourt" (Back to Top)
hts moving very fast over Taverny, Bessancourt, Ile-de-France, France. The  9/4/2008 #45165  
## Word: "besse" (Back to Top)
e, Corrèze, France 11:00 p.m. Jean Besse, a draftsman for a power company i 9/22/1954 #10396  
## Word: "bessemer" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BESSEMER, MI 3 / car / US2. Sphere drops 12/15/1967 #23586  
## Word: "bessie" (Back to Top)
oth Reservoir Masonville 7:16 a.m. Bessie Rogers of Fort Collins, Colorado, 10/26/1962 #17501  
## Word: "bessingby" (Back to Top)
e, England, are walking to work on Bessingby Way when they see a hazy oval  1/21/1977 #31742  
## Word: "bessor" (Back to Top)
lienople, Pennsylvania John Philip Bessor of Zelienople, Pennsylvania, writ 7/7/1947 #2936  
## Word: "best" (Back to Top)
ed objects which, she says she can best describe as being similar to a trai 12/1942 #1466  
 Land and won an Academy Award for best documentary.                        1946 #1955  
rmany, and fly toward Finland. The best observation is from an artillery of 2/17/1947 #2241  
in quantitative detail against the best information than they may appear at 6/24/1947 #2398  
object as it pulls away, doing his best to get a better view, but it speeds 8/4/1947 #3291  
ys the Estimate concludes that the best evidence indicated an extraterrestr 9/30/1948? #3817  
art of the film, those showing the best closeup images of the objects, had  8/5/1950 #5108  
y. The film’s main focus is on the best new evidence of 1950, the alleged f 11/17/1950 #5279  
s the photos as hoaxes. Today, the best evidence seems to suggest the case  5/7/1952 #6270  
s from light planes or larger (the best target quality is in the 6–10-mile  9/2/1952 #7829  
nsational IFO cases dressed up as “best” unknown UFO cases, CIA Director Ge 12/22/1952 #8442  
lly investigates and calls it “the best” in the USAF files, Hynek writes th 8/5/1953 #9049  
ng tells audience in Amarillo that best brains of Air Force are trying to s 5/15/1954 #9797  
r Force Chief of Staff, stated the best brains in the country were working  5/15/1954 #9798  
s, says that the Air Force has the best brains in the country working on th 5/15/1954 #9804  
4, a sixteen-year-old girl and her best friend were terrified by a 10 meter 6/5/1954 #9867  
d until several decades later. The best guess is that the photo shows a rou 8/30/1955 #12418  
h about Flying Saucers, one of the best early books on UFOs, originally pub 1956 #12633  
enkoetter suggests withholding the best cases, at least initially. Keyhoe a 7/1957 #13767  
e certainly now ranks as among the best documented unexplained UFO incident 7/17/1957 #13808  
ell, that hearings are “not in the best interest of the air force,” nor nec 1/1958 #14791  
, so the travelers decide that the best thing to do is to sleep at that spo 2/24/1958 #14889  
w objects closing in on the plane. Best guess is that the plane hit a tree  4/1/1959 #15688  
o takes the negatives of his three best photos to forward to the Brazilian  10/1959 #16004  
address in a TV broadcast. Perhaps best known for advocating that the natio 1/17/1961 #16579  
ove UAP sightings. ATIC states the best solution is to give its primary adv 3/17/1961 #16634  
these meager improvements were the best the USAF could do in response to th 3/17/1961 #16634  
Keyhoe, asking them to prepare the best cases and proof of official censors 8/4/1961 #16777  
 Harvest is more powerful than the best commercially available machine by a 1/1962 #17015  
lligence officers, as well as “the best scientific brains available in the  5/25/1962 #17201  
ed and inexplicable cases from the best observers. Now the distinction betw 1963 #17619  
ineer asking them to send their 20 best cases to a “mysterious group of sci 7/23/1966 #20673  
group of nonbelievers trying their best to be objective but having an almos 8/9/1966 #20734  
ver-up, while Hall argues that the best way to assess UFO evidence is to lo 11/28/1966 #21156  
ject to compile a case book of its best UFO reports. Richard Hall is invite 6/1967 #22437  
a, CAN Dr. J. Allen Hynek stated: "best daylight disc photograph I have per 7/3/1967 #22597  
 the object. Definitely one of the best of the early days. (NICAP: 08 - Pho 7/3/1967 #22597  
ynek describes them as some of the best photos on record at the time. An an 7/3/1967 #22600  
Neiro, her brother in law, got the best view from his own room. When he hea 9/8/1967 #23021  
sking him to provide 10– 15 of the best cases from his files.               2/8/1968 #23740  
 that he will send him some of his best cases over the next few weeks, but  2/14/1968 #23757  
dered his decision to send him his best cases, as he thinks the Colorado pr 2/23/1968 #23779  
lowed down and stopped despite his best efforts. He got out of his car and  9/25/1971 #26379  
son is still considered one of the best documented "ground trace" UFO cases 11/2/1971 #26450  
 his coworkers a $5,000 prize for “best UFO case of the year” after they pa 11/5/1975 #30562  
 black outside the car. He did his best to get a fix on the structure of th 12/6/1976 #31587  
ng the location of ground zero, as best they could tell, they found nothing 5/3/1977 #32053  
e project, or have NASA review the best cases from civilian UFO organizatio 10/31/1977 #32643  
wever, he recommends examining the best cases from the civilian groups. The 10/31/1977 #32643  
                       Perhaps the best documented and most thoroughly inve 1/8/1981 #35780  
         Las Vegas, NV “UFO’s: The Best Evidence” multi-part series release 11/1989 #39202  
raith, charged with obtaining “the best data.” A later entry claims futuris 12/10/1994 #41888  
ockefeller “has been discussing” a best evidence report on UAP with Hillary 11/1/1995 #42576  
French witnesses, consolidates the best information, and presents its resea 1996 #42656  
ithout fear of criticism; that the best way to ensure that secrecy is respe 3/3/1997 #43217  
hich UFO researchers present their best data to a panel of scientists agree 9/29/1997 #43420  
loes, Powys, Wales 10:30 p.m. Paul Best and his girlfriend are driving near 6/5/1998 #43580  
e the object, and it was doing its best not to be seen. It was completely s 9/15/2002 #44397  
is dogs and found that “Judo,” his best hunting dog, was sick and would not 8/5/2006 #44952  
 CIA Everett Hineman would be “the best person” to ask if recovered UAP veh 7/7/2007 #45037  
 in 2018 is that the video is the “best documentation of an unknown aerial  4/25/2013 #45365  
ates for space travel, it would be best to utilize a similar concept but us 2/4/2020 #45630  
and artificial intelligence is the best way to keep up with them.           6/4/2021 #45692  
## Word: "best-documented" (Back to Top)
 in Intelligence that “This is the best-documented case on record, and stil 4/24/1964 #18200  
## Word: "best-guess" (Back to Top)
sk is ultimately to present such a best-guess summary, strongly backed with 9/30/1948? #3817  
## Word: "best-selling" (Back to Top)
usiness, and it becomes one of the best-selling UFO books of all time.      6/1966 #20515  
                     On this night best-selling author Whitley Streiber cla 12/26/1985 #37739  
## Word: "bestseller" (Back to Top)
us events. The book remains on the bestseller list for a long time, and Ted 2/1987 #38108  
## Word: "bestselling" (Back to Top)
w Too Much about Flying Saucers, a bestselling book about the supposed Albe 1956 #12634  
## Word: "bestuzhev-lada" (Back to Top)
nrich Ludwig, Nikolai Zhirov, Igor Bestuzhev-Lada, Valentin Akkuratov, Leon 5/17/1967 #22369  
## Word: "bestwood" (Back to Top)
                                   Bestwood Village, Nottinghamshire, Engla 3/1994 #41433  
t. A married couple are driving in Bestwood Village, Nottinghamshire, Engla 3/1994 #41433  
## Word: "bet" (Back to Top)
                     Arlington, VA Bet. 10:30 and 11 p.m. (EDT) "blob," the 7/7/1947 #2925  
                            Boise (Bet. Meridian and), ID A black disc, sta 7/9/1947 #3050  
 North Atlantic, At Sea N Atlantic bet. Iceland and Greenland (NICAP: 01 -  4/18/1948 #3624  
                          Hammond (bet Covington and), LA C-47 Crew Encount 12/4/1949 #4433  
                        Greenwood (Bet Hamlet and), NC Blimp-shaped object  12/29/1949 #4452  
                        Baltimore (Bet. Friendship Airfield and), MD MATS C 2/12/1952 #5899  
                            Tulsa (Bet. Claremore and), OK Bright Light Pas 3/7/1952 #5948  
                    Barksdale AFB (Bet. Shreveport and), LA Crew Of C-46 En 4/9/1952 #6049  
                           Pacific bet. Hawaii and Calif., in airspace Brig 6/28/1952 #6656  
                                   Bet. Tunis, Tunisia, and Tripoli, Libya  2/11/1953 #8663  
                           Pacific bet. Hawaii and Calif, At Sea Object Sig 5/13/1954 #9788  
                                   Bet. Virginia and Kansas, air space Airl 1/14/1955 #11932  
kota Airspace, Various 1956, Late; Bet. N. & S. Dakata. Filmed by AF crew ( 1956 #12630  
                          Lubbock (Bet. Ft. Worth and), TX Object Maneuvers 1/16/1957 #13460  
                           Pacific bet. Hawaii and Calif, At Sea (McDonald  6/18/1959 #15775  
                           Corona (Bet. Roswell and), NM Fmr Navy PBY pilot 8/13/1959 #15911  
                          Atlantic bet. Cuba and Haiti, At Sea (McDonald li 1/10/1961 #16571  
s so highly polished that "I would bet on a clear day you could not see it  1/19/1965 #18746  
## Word: "beta" (Back to Top)
ts alpha radiation, but no serious beta or gamma radiation. In 1981, the US 4/24/1957 #13615  
ul F. Bennewitz describing Project Beta: Alien base located in New Mexico c 6/6/1988 #38581  
ear "the Diamond". Goal of Project Beta: to locate, inventory and propose w 6/6/1988 #38581  
## Word: "betances" (Back to Top)
                                   BETANCES, PR Several observer(s). Huge c 4/1/1988 #38528  
urs / missing time. Wakens south / Betances. Small humanoids (or Greys) reg 5/13/1988 #38564  
vers consciousness, he is south of Betances. During hypnotic regression he  5/13/1988 #38567  
uerto Rico near Cabo Rojo, east of Betances in Mayaguez province. According 12/28/1988 #38764  
## Word: "betancourt" (Back to Top)
idences in Homestead, Florida. Mr. Betancourt, age 37, described the UFO as 12/31/1978 #34252  
## Word: "betelgeuse" (Back to Top)
airship is the star Alpha Orionis (Betelgeuse).                             4/9/1897 #420  
iter and the stars Rigel, Capella, Betelgeuse, and Aldebaran, “clearly visi 8/2/1965 #19264  
liens from a dying planet orbiting Betelgeuse landed at Holloman AFB, New M 5/23/1989 #38960  
## Word: "betelguese" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Betelguese” YieldMax: 200KT              9/11/1966 #20871  
## Word: "beth" (Back to Top)
                              OUED BETH, MAROC Saucer going [to] over river 11/3/1954 #11543  
                              Oued Beth, Morocco Maroc-Presse reported that 11/3/1954 #11547  
observed an object flying over the Beth River. "I am positive it was not an 11/3/1954 #11547  
                              Oued Beth, Morocco. Maroc Presse reported tha 11/3/1954 #11548  
observed an object flying over the Beth River. "I am positive it was not an 11/3/1954 #11548  
y 56 Hillsboro, Kansas Night. Mary Beth Neufeld and three other teenagers a 3/21/1967 #21937  
llowed a boomerang-shaped UFO from Beth Shean, Israel to the Jordanian bord 12/6/1991 #40257  
## Word: "bethany" (Back to Top)
he was driving on Route 63 between Bethany and New Haven. When the UFO pass 8/1/1976 #31219  
                            SR88 / BETHANY, WV 3 separate cops and many. Fi 11/3/1978 #33917  
 pulsed near Brooke High School in Bethany, West Virginia for five minutes  11/3/1978 #33918  
## Word: "bethel" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BETHEL, AK Project Bluebook Case #58. Lo 8/4/1947 #3288  
                                   Bethel, AK Smooth surfaced black object  8/4/1947 #3289  
                                   Bethel, Alaska Pilots Capt. Jack Peck an 8/4/1947 #3291  
Daly see a smooth UFO northwest of Bethel, Alaska, dead ahead as they are f 8/4/1947 #3291  
ge without wings while flying over Bethel, Alaska. This second UFO outdista 8/4/1947 #3292  
objects passed before observers in Bethel, Vermont at high speed and low al 1/4/1965 #18694  
                      SR12 NORTH / BETHEL, VT 7 observer(s). 3 large bright 2/16/1965 #18816  
                                   BETHEL, CT 6 teens. Silent domed saucer. 6/25/1967 #22552  
                  On this night in Bethel, Connecticut six teenagers were s 6/25/1967 #22556  
                                   BETHEL PARK, PA Several observer(s). 8 n 10/21/1967 #23276  
                                   BETHEL, PA 4 observer(s). Multicolor obj 11/30/1973 #28484  
                              NEAR BETHEL, MN -15° F. Saucer follows woman  1/6/1976 #30764  
t was driving on a highway in East Bethel, Minnesota and when she arrived h 1/14/1976 #30786  
                                   BETHEL, AK 7cm silver disk maneuvers low 9/3/1976 #31330  
                                   Bethel, Alaska Early morning. A witness  9/3/1976 #31334  
Alaska Early morning. A witness in Bethel, Alaska, hears a high-pitched whi 9/3/1976 #31334  
ched whine in the early morning in Bethel, Alaska, and looked out onto the  9/3/1976 #31337  
                                   BETHEL, CT 3 separate HIQ observer(s). H 3/8/1982 #36381  
                                   Bethel, Connecticut 8:15 p.m. Two highly 3/8/1982 #36384  
 mile observe a silent object near Bethel, Connecticut.                     3/8/1982 #36384  
p.m. three witnesses in a house in Bethel, Connecticut saw two rows of red  3/8/1982 #36385  
                                   BETHEL, CT Cop and 10. Dark silent 300'  7/12/1983 #36908  
                                   BETHEL, CT 2 observer(s). Delta with lig 6/25/1984 #37378  
                                   Bethel, Connecticut Night. A huge, slow- 6/25/1984 #37380  
ject with many lights is seen near Bethel, Connecticut, for 20 minutes. It  6/25/1984 #37380  
                           Danbury Bethel Brookfield New Fairfield, Connect 7/19/1984 #37404  
0:00–11:00 p.m. Police in Danbury, Bethel, Brookfield, and New Fairfield, C 7/19/1984 #37404  
                                   BETHEL PARK, PA Several separate observe 6/20/1985 #37605  
on Leonard Road six miles south of Bethel, Ohio waiting for the right time  12/1/1996 #43130  
## Word: "bethelem" (Back to Top)
 looking out his bedroom window in Bethelem, Pennsylvania at three o'clock  5/14/1997 #43293  
ned by lights passed silently over Bethelem, Pennsylvania. It flew from the 12/15/1998 #43699  
## Word: "bethells" (Back to Top)
                                   BETHELLS BEACH, NZ 5+. Silver glowing-cy 11/26/1999 #43888  
## Word: "bethesda" (Back to Top)
                                   BETHESDA, MD Writer. 3-4 bright blue dis 7/4/1947 #2643  
               Hobe Beach, Florida Bethesda, Maryland Forrestal is flown to 3/31/1949 #4061  
 Raines from the Naval Hospital at Bethesda, Maryland. Forrestal has severa 3/31/1949 #4061  
  National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland White House Menninger 4/2/1949 #4065  
e National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, where he can be trea 4/2/1949 #4065  
  National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland Forrestal has been tr 4/9/1949 #4084  
e National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland,with narcosis through 4/9/1949 #4084  
                                   Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryl 5/22/1949 #4202  
          Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland Secretary Forrestal ( 5/22/1949 #4202  
  National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland 1:45 a.m. At the Nati 5/22/1949 #4203  
e National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, Forrestal is awake a 5/22/1949 #4203  
                                   BETHESDA, MD Project Bluebook Case #1128 4/18/1952 #6114  
                                   Bethesda, MD 7-9 circular, orange-yellow 4/18/1952 #6115  
                                   Bethesda, Maryland Witnesses:  R. Poerst 4/18/1952 #6120  
                                In Bethesda, Maryland at 11:30 a.m. Mr. R.  4/18/1952 #6127  
                                   BETHESDA, MD 2+2 observer(s). Thin disk  7/27/1952 #7192  
                                   BETHESDA, MD Several observer(s). UFO co 11/12/1952 #8262  
                                   BETHESDA, MD Project Bluebook Case #3427 2/10/1955 #11989  
                                   Bethesda, MD Object, shaped like a small 2/10/1955 #11990  
                                   Bethesda, Maryland Witness:  E.J. Stein, 2/10/1955 #11991  
                                   Bethesda, MD 9:05 p.m. EST. Col. Howard  3/19/1966 #19993  
                                   BETHESDA, MD Paperboy. 16M saucer / grou 10/24/1968 #24582  
           Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland Dr. Joseph C. Sharp o 1973 #27200  
. Sharp of Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, while in a soundproo 1973 #27200  
                                   BETHESDA, MD Flight instructor / ground. 4/20/1973 #27434  
                                   BETHESDA, MD Several fed.employees. Extr 3/22/1996 #42832  
## Word: "bethlehem" (Back to Top)
                                   BETHLEHEM, NH 3+2 separate observer(s).  10/1958 (approximate) #15293  
## Word: "bethpage" (Back to Top)
                                   BETHPAGE, NY Grumman station/depot/facil 8/25/1960 (approximate) #16411  
                                   Bethpage, NY Grumman mystery satellite p 8/25/1960 #16413  
                                   Bethpage, Long Island, New York The “dar 8/25/1960 #16414  
ircraft Engineering Corporation at Bethpage, Long Island, New York. It is s 8/25/1960 #16414  
                                   BETHPAGE, NY 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cig 9/6/1967 #23008  
## Word: "bethune" (Back to Top)
and US Naval Reserve Lt. Graham E. Bethune) and passengers of a US Navy R5D 2/9/1951 #5436  
nsport Squadron One: Lt. Graham E. Bethune, U.S. Naval Reserve reported see 2/10/1951 #5437  
         Gander, Newfoundland, CAN Bethune Case. Several onboard aircraft c 2/10/1951 #5438  
         Gander, Newfoundland, CAN Bethune Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 2/10/1951 #5439  
 miles W of near Lackland AFB), TX Bethune. (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 43; FUFOR Ind 4/9/1952 #6050  
## Word: "bethunenicapfile02" (Back to Top)
ublic.  https://www.nicap.org/docs/bethunenicapfile02.pdf   https://www.ufo 1951 #5379  
## Word: "bethunga" (Back to Top)
one lines at a railroad station in Bethunga, New South Wales, Australia. It 6/13/1961 #16728  
## Word: "bethungra" (Back to Top)
                                   BETHUNGRA, AUS 4 / railroad/railway stat 6/13/1961 #16727  
## Word: "bethurum" (Back to Top)
                            Truman Bethurum meets Aura Rhanes and visits sa 6/1952 #6398  
                            Truman Bethurum visits spaceship and meets crew 7/27/1952 #7181  
 the morning highway worker Truman Bethurum had finished working the night  7/27/1952 #7216  
no effort to disturb him, although Bethurum said he was afraid to attempt a 7/27/1952 #7216  
 spoke to him in a foreign tongue. Bethurum shook his head, indicating he c 7/27/1952 #7216  
” It was perfect English, recalled Bethurum, who answered: “My God, you can 7/27/1952 #7216  
th any language,” replied the man. Bethurum then climbed out of the truck a 7/27/1952 #7216  
ed like burnished stainless steel. Bethurum shook hands with all the “frien 7/27/1952 #7216  
or the group volunteered to escort Bethurum to the captain, and led him tow 7/27/1952 #7216  
oward the parked craft. Meanwhile, Bethurum looked around and saw that the  7/27/1952 #7216  
okesman for the group took hold of Bethurum’s right elbow. While holding th 7/27/1952 #7216  
oon the group arrived at the ship. Bethurum described it as being metallic. 7/27/1952 #7216  
the ship through a large door that Bethurum estimated was 4 ½ feet wide and 7/27/1952 #7216  
rator in the Nevada desert, Truman Bethurum is awakened by 8 small men who  7/28/1952 #7260  
o be about 42 years old,” although Bethurum learns that she is hundreds of  7/28/1952 #7260  
rs include Orfeo Angelucci, Truman Bethurum, Daniel Fry, and George Hunt Wi 4/4/1954 #9665  
l action against contactees Truman Bethurum, George Adamski, and George Hun 6/7/1954 #9872  
George Adamski, Daniel Fry, Truman Bethurum, and Desmond Leslie.            8/7/1954 #10112  
n, Dana Howard, Daniel Fry, Truman Bethurum, and Dick Miller. Retired USAF  3/12/1955 #12046  
s, California. Dana Howard, Truman Bethurum, John McCoy, Wayne Aho, Daniel  5/31/1958 #15064  
## Word: "bethwells" (Back to Top)
ickly up and down the beach in the Bethwells Beach area in Auckland, New Ze 11/26/1999 #43889  
## Word: "betley" (Back to Top)
                                   BETLEY, STAFFS 3 separate observer(s). A 8/15/1955 #12361  
## Word: "beto" (Back to Top)
ía, Brazil Around 5:00 a.m. Farmer Beto Lima is hunting armadillos on his p 1/12/1995 #41971  
## Word: "bett" (Back to Top)
     Chisholm, Minnesota Witness:  Bett Diamon. Five orange lights in a row 9/25/1965 #19602  
t 9:55 a.m. in Chisholm, Minnesota Bett Diamon saw five orange lights flyin 9/25/1965 #19605  
## Word: "better" (Back to Top)
 race to the top of the hill for a better look, but by then the object has  Summer 1944 #1610  
zel brought in, and decides he had better visit the ranch to examine the fi 7/6/1947 #2812  
ulls away, doing his best to get a better view, but it speeds up to an esti 8/4/1947 #3291  
bove....I am trying to close for a better look.” The F-51 exploded in mid-a 1/7/1948 #3537  
et. Two jets go up to try to get a better look and get within a few thousan Late 5/1948 #3654  
 He says Forrestal seems “somewhat better,” having regained 12 pounds.      5/18/1949 #4192  
s its surface when a voice booms, “Better not touch the hull, pal, it’s sti 7/4/1950 #5042  
port administration building for a better look. Fowler is able to watch it  11/26/1950 #5287  
iew up, believes the Air Force has better things to do and is out of step w 1/1951 #5380  
 vacuum, where they performed even better than in atmosphere. SNCASO merged 1952 #5843  
e project should continue and seek better data. (p. 275). A study of UFO ma 1/12/1953 #8534  
rent serious interest in gathering better data (which supports Ruppelt's ve 1/17/1953 #8544  
e right in a tight 300° turn for a better view. The objects are then picked 4/12/1953 #8819  
t in a tight 300 degree turn for a better view of the objects. The objects  4/12/1953 #8821  
e away. The man runs outside for a better look and sees that it as a dome a 4/23/1953 #8845  
ity Agency, tasked with developing better use of intercepted communications 7/1953 #8979  
assified top secret. It recommends better and faster use of electronic inte 10/20/1953 #9246  
cludes that he “would be in a much better position to defend the Bureau in  5/20/1954 #9820  
e washed the substance off he felt better. The next day his peach tree was  7/22/1955 #12280  
55 p.m. They drove closer to get a better look. After 5 minutes the object  4/16/1956 #12811  
hey stop the car and get out for a better look. The object is gunmetal gray 9/15/1956 #13224  
nd. Some of them approach to get a better look, but when they are 150 feet  1957 #13436  
tely, the case was put together by better file searching at Blue Book, Jame 7/17/1957 #13808  
alf block down Lee Street to get a better feeling for its distance and size 10/7/1958 #15329  
o of the hunters stood up to get a better look. One of the two later died,  5/17/1959 #15734  
and Development Command, which has better scientific capabilities, and then 9/28/1959 #15996  
p. Karth, who writes: “Now that we better understand each other, I would ho 9/19/1961 #16856  
e flies toward the object to get a better look, and sees that the UFO has n 10/2/1961 #16889  
en shut off the cabin lights for a better look, and the UFO switches off it 8/1962 #17310  
 the CIA because the CIA U-2s have better surveillance capabilities) pilote 10/14/1962 #17471  
is car with a friend to observe it better. When they became afraid and walk 5/24/1964 #18296  
is car, which he had stopped for a better look, and fired his pistol at it  3/23/1966 #20057  
ink the American people would feel better if there was a full-blown investi 3/25/1966 #20081  
 the departure speed at "Mach 6 or better." (Christian Science Monitor, Jul 6/23/1966 #20595  
 the departure speed at “Mach 6 or better.”                                 6/23/1966 #20597  
 that will make the Air Force look better to the public and the scientific  9/22/1966 #20916  
f James W. Moseley and against the better judgment of the rest of the Color 6/22/1967 #22535  
They drove to Sunset Hill to get a better view and saw it was a domed disc  6/25/1967 #22556  
 wide. The boy approaches it for a better view, but it takes off vertically 10/9/1967 #23201  
0 m.p.h. He stopped and got out to better observe the object, which was dis 10/17/1967 #23242  
 for about two miles, hoping for a better look.                             12/5/1967 #23551  
hey stop and get out to observe it better and watch it hover for 5 minutes. 1/20/1968 #23682  
mbs to the top of the cab to get a better view. He sees about 4–5 figures a 2/27/1968 #23787  
 his wife Wilma rush outside for a better look and see three of them flying 5/10/1968 #23955  
en lowered it and the witness felt better, they then left.                  6/14/1968 #24035  
ched and it became possible to see better, the remaining lights on the grou 10/15/1968 #24563  
n’s leg heals and his war wound is better. He also experiences nightmares,  11/2/1968 #24625  
revisionist argument that UFOs are better understood when related to folk t 1969 #24802  
t restored his energy and made him better able to comprehend what the alien 5/4/1969 #25115  
t legs. Observer(s) climbs fence / better look. Saucer gone!                9/15/1969? #25370  
 steps to a raised enclosure for a better view. The single UFO changes cour 11/29/1970 #25922  
epped out on his front porch for a better look and was terrified to see a w 2/27/1971 #26034  
 She wanted to get closer to get a better look, but her dog would not let h 6/9/1971 #26165  
o his kitchen where he could get a better view. Through the window grating  10/11/1971 #26418  
 lights so they can see the object better. Almost a dozen portholes are vis 10/23/1972 #27087  
eks after the event he was feeling better and in fact felt rejuvenated, and 12/30/1972 #27193  
va went down to the beach to get a better view. At one of the small windows 3/29/1973 #27390  
side of the road and got out for a better look. The object, no more than a  4/15/1973 #27431  
n order for the witnesses to get a better look, but the figure quickly fade 8/16/1973 #27706  
and they stopped and got out for a better look. They were joined by another 9/11/1973 #27803  
and they stopped and got out for a better look. They were joined by another 9/12/1973 #27809  
 red. “When I got closer and had a better view, the object at once made off 11/30/1973 #28490  
ked to the nearest pier to catch a better look of the lights and began walk 1/15/1974 #28680  
to turn off, but finally he gets a better view: “It seems to be sort of a t 10/10/1974 #29512  
and Walton opens his door to get a better look. There is no sound. One of t 11/5/1975 #30562  
er. Using his rifle scope to get a better look, he noted that the strange o 11/11/1975 #30606  
er. Using his rifle scope to get a better look, he notes that the strange o 11/11/1975 #30610  
dd patient = ET. "You need to find better energy source.                    10/28/1976 #31498  
He jumps out of his truck to get a better look and sees that the lights are 12/15/1976 #31604  
uckner, went out to the yard for a better view and saw it hovering over a s 2/10/1977 #31806  
our to the yard at 7:30 p.m. for a better view and saw it hovering over a s 2/10/1977 #31808  
n the sky. They stop the car for a better look. The UFO has lights at eithe 3/9/1977 #31886  
 witnesses stopped their car for a better look. The UFO had lights at eithe 3/9/1977 #31889  
le and tried to observe the object better by shinning their light on it. Th 7/21/1977 #32296  
le and tried to observe the object better by shinning their light on it. Th 7/21/1977 #32299  
ation in Pedro Avila. When he felt better he left and again headed off towa 9/25/1977 #32519  
their vehicle and got out to get a better look. They walked towards the lig 2/17/1978 #32974  
onte Sona. They stop the car for a better look. One of the lights breaks aw 7/4/1978 #33335  
eadlights on in hopes of getting a better look. They could now see that the 8/21/1978 #33540  
. As he slows down to 20 mph for a better look, the light also slows down.  9/4/1978 #33633  
e 1960s, they couldn’t have done a better job.” Richard H. Hall disputes th 1/1979 #34268  
heir car and drove closer to get a better look. As they approached they per 1/3/1979 #34290  
hey ran up the embankment to get a better view of the object, which they de 8/19/1979 #34760  
d of mesa. They stop the car for a better look for another 10 seconds. It b 11/2/1980 #35609  
citizens over this issue. He knows better.” Conrad also disputes the testim 12/28/1980 #35749  
e Columbia County Courthouse for a better view, where he is joined by other 3/17/1981 #35866  
ghts, he gets out of his car for a better sight, but freezes abruptly, “lik 8/12/1981 #36070  
he water. As they try to move to a better viewing location, the object move 6/10/1982 #36498  
ky. They take a side road to get a better look and stop alongside an open f 3/6/1987 #38130  
roached the spot in order to get a better look she saw three floating human 8/2/1987 #38226  
valley, so they went outside for a better look. The object, described as a  3/1/1988 #38479  
rned left on another road to get a better view, but could not see because t 8/25/1989 #39074  
eir vehicle several times to get a better look. On one of these occasions a 11/6/1989 #39216  
servers suspect there is a secret, better replacement.                      11/22/1989 #39245  
at are literally out of this world…better than Star Trek or anything you ca 1990 #39356  
r by the side of the road to get a better look. When he looks out of his le 3/24/1990 #39484  
n gave chase, and managed to get a better look. He described the figures as 8/31/1990 #39708  
slé moves around a tree to view it better, it dims and moves away, disappea 11/5/1990 #39868  
e airport lights are turned off to better identify the glowing object, whic 6/8/1991 #40092  
car and went into a field to get a better view. They saw a white triangular 3/3/1992 #40349  
r bicycles to the sports center to better see what was going on. As they go 2/23/1995 #42060  
y switch the deck lights off for a better view, the two lights start moving 4/18/1995 #42157  
race where he could see the sphere better. Inside the transparent sphere he 3/7/1996 #42815  
 high speed. Rusu reportedly had a better view of the humanoid creatures th 7/8/1996 #42950  
re witnesses 600 meters away had a better view of the same lights. Accordin 8/11/1996 #42980  
 each day. It claims that “For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco 8/18/1996 #42985  
t treetop level. In order to get a better look they drove down a narrow lan 9/23/1996 #43039  
er to the object in order to get a better look. He suddenly ran back in fea 4/28/1997 #43283  
 one blue. He pulled over to get a better look, and watched as it flew sile 10/19/1998 #43667  
sky and pulled into a bus stop for better view. He reported seeing a "flat, 3/10/1999 #43746  
 morning.  They went closer to see better and saw eight of the objects, thr 11/28/2000 #44085  
he two step out on the patio for a better look and see a UFO flying behind  8/11/2003 #44574  
oth leaned out the window to get a better view. Soon after, they heard a ve 1/30/2006 #44920  
hed on the car high beams to get a better look, and when he did this the ob 4/25/2007 #45023  
, he slows down to 25 mph to get a better look, but by then he is surprised 11/25/2009 #45256  
ictional character of John Axee to better disseminate his knowledge. He cla 11/5/2010 #45305  
They do not want to stop and get a better look. The father comments that he 10/6/2013 #45389  
RVs were capable of light speed or better.  Lt. Col. John Williams also sta 12/2014 #45425  
When they get out of the car for a better look, the man grabs his wife’s ph 12/10/2016 #45461  
need to tweak the human somehow to better exploit the capabilities of this  3/27/2017 #45466  
will coordinate with US allies to “better assess the nature and extent” of  12/27/2021 #45730  
## Word: "bettignies" (Back to Top)
                                   BETTIGNIES, NORD Radio Frequency Interfe 1/16/1991 #39955  
 on this evening. At eight p.m. in Bettignies, France a car’s headlights di 1/16/1991 #39956  
## Word: "bettinger" (Back to Top)
urrently (2020) edited by Nikolaus Bettinger in Würselen, Germany.          6/5/1993 #41005  
## Word: "betty" (Back to Top)
read Interrupted Journey about the Betty and Barney Hill case, she writes t 1930 #1106  
eorge Hunt Williamson and his wife Betty move to Prescott, Arizona, and imm Spring 1952 #5965  
eorge Hunt Williamson and his wife Betty are visited in Prescott, Arizona,  8/2/1952 #7424  
sts, Alfred C. Bailey and his wife Betty of Winslow, Arizona. This evening, 8/2/1952 #7424  
o students named Ronald Tucker and Betty Bowen) by radio, using 405 or 450  8/25/1952 #7733  
Gardens Café California Albert and Betty Bailey go to the Palomar Gardens C Late 8/1952 #7734  
eorge Hunt Williamson and his wife Betty Jane watch two UFOs near the groun 2/3/1953 #8632  
             Keyhoe appears on The Betty White Show and asserts that, contr 4/5/1954 #9666  
d George Hunt Williamson, his wife Betty, and toddler son Mark. They are ac 12/2/1956 #13384  
                 Lima, Peru Europe Betty Jane Williamson dies in Lima, Peru 8/11/1958 #15192  
 accusation that Williamson killed Betty by pushing her off a cliff, but th 8/11/1958 #15192  
            Lincoln, New Hampshire Betty and Barney Hill abduction incident 9/19/1961 #16848  
ically. Barney pointed this out to Betty… As the object moved to within a h 9/19/1961 #16848  
ened, he ran back to his car where Betty waited. They climbed inside and sp 9/19/1961 #16848  
           US3 NORTH / LINCOLN, NH Betty and Barney hill abducted. See draw 9/19/1961 #16849  
                   Indian Head, NH Betty & Barney Hill Case (NICAP: 07 - En 9/19/1961 #16850  
    White Mountains, NH Barney and Betty Hill vehicle encounter, abduction  9/19/1961 #16853  
 of Lincoln) 10:30 p.m. Barney and Betty Hill are driving home to Portsmout 9/19/1961 #16857  
y 3. Near Groveton, New Hampshire, Betty sees a bright light moving upward  9/19/1961 #16857  
Twin Mountain. Through binoculars, Betty sees a solid object against the mo 9/19/1961 #16857  
 a near hysterical state, he tells Betty, “They’re going to capture us!” He 9/19/1961 #16857  
drives away at high speed, telling Betty to look for the object. She rolls  9/19/1961 #16857  
, and they both take long showers. Betty notices a pinkish powder and a tea 9/19/1961 #16857  
t were not there the previous day. Betty and Barney experiment with a compa 9/19/1961 #16857  
UFO abduction story ever reported, Betty and Barney Hill, a biracial marrie 9/19/1961 #16858  
ing which a needle was inserted in Betty Hill's navel and Barney's dentures 9/19/1961 #16858  
f the stars seen at one point, and Betty asked to take an artifact as evide 9/19/1961 #16858  
                         Pease AFB Betty Hill calls Pease AFB and reports h 9/21/1961 #16866  
                                   Betty Hill writes to Donald E. Keyhoe (m 9/26/1961 #16873  
                            Barney Betty Hill has a series of intensely viv 9/29/1961 #16877  
oe, who shows them the letter from Betty Hill.                              10/4/1961 #16896  
achusetts, and asks him to talk to Betty and Barney Hill.                   10/19/1961 #16918  
he episode has unsettled them, and Betty tells him she had vivid nightmares 10/21/1961 #16923  
ar. For the first time, Barney and Betty realize that there are two hours t 11/25/1961 #16980  
lligence officer. He suggests that Betty and Barney consult a hypnotist.    11/25/1961 #16980  
 Massachusetts Baldpate Sanitarium Betty and Barney Hill meet with Patrick  3/1962 #17067  
d, but possibly Benjamin Simon, of Betty and Barney Hill fame later). After 5/24/1963 #17765  
tic recounting of events, although Betty Hill says they had never watched i 2/10/1964 #18127  
                                   Betty Hill has her first hypnosis sessio 3/7/1964 #18145  
nosis session with Benjamin Simon. Betty’s account closely matches her drea 3/7/1964 #18145  
bduction and prefers to think that Betty’s dream influenced Barney’s memori 3/7/1964 #18145  
             Rio Vista, California Betty Valine and her 12-yearold son Robb 10/4/1965 #19642  
       Quincy Center UFO group The Betty and Barney Hill story is publicly  10/25/1965 #19680  
 Witnesses:  Douglas Tibbetts, 16; Betty Klem, 16; Anita Haifley, 22; and G 7/31/1966 #20702  
p.m. EDT Douglas Tibbetts, age 16, Betty Klem, 16, Anita Haifley, 22, and G 7/31/1966 #20703  
of John G. Fuller’s book about the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case, In 10/3/1966 #20955  
 Simon and was allowed to question Betty and Barney Hill. He also suggests  1/5/1967 #21259  
er abduction by aliens occurred to Betty Andreassen and four other members  1/23/1967 #21368  
            SOUTH ASHBURNHAM, MASS Betty Andreason abducted. Full fantastic 1/25/1967 #21380  
              South Ashburnham, MA Betty Andreassen abduction case. Craft d 1/25/1967 #21381  
              South Ashburnham, MA Betty Andreasson abduction               1/25/1967 #21383  
shburnham, Massachusetts 6:35 p.m. Betty Andreasson has her first abduction 1/25/1967 #21386  
             Shortly after sunset, Betty Andreasson, her parents and her se 1/25/1967 #21389  
use. Four entities appeared before Betty in the kitchen after passing throu 1/25/1967 #21389  
egan telepathic communication with Betty in the kitchen. He asked her for s 1/25/1967 #21389  
irmed part of the above testimony. Betty was then "talked into" going onboa 1/25/1967 #21389  
roceeded to put the family to bed, Betty the abductee being the last. The i 1/25/1967 #21389  
d others during the investigation. Betty was found to have several previous 1/25/1967 #21389  
 area near Kingston, New Hampshire Betty Hill begins making numerous trips  1972 #26528  
cinated with the star map drawn by Betty Hill after her abduction. If she c 1/1974 #28637  
out Marjorie E. Fish’s analysis of Betty Hill’s star map and solicits comme 12/1974 #29624  
TV movie, The UFO Incident, on the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case air 10/20/1975 #30454  
Hynek, Ted Phillips, Dennis Hauck, Betty Hill, and R. Leo Sprinkle. Fate ed 6/24/1977 #32190  
akefield, MA Multiple UFO abductee Betty Andreasson had her sixth close enc 7/16/1977 #32280  
             Multiple UFO abductee Betty Andreasson had her sixth close enc 7/16/1977 #32283  
            SOUTH ASHBURNHAM, MASS Betty Andreason. 2 odd pseudo-human/enti 6/8/1978 #33260  
n Affair, introducing the story of Betty Andreasson, a Massachusetts housew Spring 1979 #34482  
   San Diego, California 8:35 a.m. Betty Long and a friend see a formation  10/21/1980 #35578  
out 40 miles northeast of Houston, Betty J. Cash and her two passengers not 12/29/1980 #35757  
ppens after that is mind-boggling. Betty Cash and Vickie and Colby Landrum  12/29/1980 #35757  
              Shortly after 9 p.m. Betty Cash, age 52, was driving through  12/29/1980 #35758  
pitting flames from its underside. Betty Cash slammed on the brakes and bro 12/29/1980 #35758  
ct. (Continued.) On the drive home Betty and Colby said they suffered heada 12/29/1980 #35758  
omiting, diarrhea, and skin burns. Betty Cash also lost most of her hair, a 12/29/1980 #35758  
ealth problems continued to plague Betty Cash, Vicky Landrum and Colby. Cas 12/29/1980 #35758  
Live! Host Mike Ferrell interviews Betty Cash and Vickie Landrum, and final 10/14/1988 #38674  
s previously claimed by Barney and Betty Hill as the origin of aliens they  11/10/1989 #39224  
r continues his exploration of the Betty Andreasson Luca abduction case in  6/1990 #39604  
. Kevin Crump and his grandmother, Betty Barnick, spot an object in the sky 2/4/1993 #40838  
ongs to another supposed abductee, Betty Hill. When asked if the gown has b 2000 #43913  
-only symposium to re-evaluate the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case in  9/2000 #44035  
fer, Joe Firmage, and Greg Sandow. Betty Hill joins the group for an evenin 9/2000 #44035  
tains from the dress that abductee Betty Hill was wearing on the night of h 7/22/2005 #44856  
## Word: "betty's" (Back to Top)
g room in a trance state. However, Betty's daughter remembered and confirme 1/25/1967 #21389  
## Word: "betulius" (Back to Top)
ansville, Indiana 8:45 p.m. Louise Betulius is fishing in a lake near Evans 7/23/1981 #36025  
## Word: "betuslak" (Back to Top)
t. Charles J. Mauder, Office Steve Betuslak) see a red and white light hove 11/10/1957 #14525  
## Word: "between-the-lines" (Back to Top)
ct.” Truettner and Deyarmond, in a between-the-lines rebuke of Cabell’s ord 2/11/1949 #4003  
## Word: "betwem" (Back to Top)
Andre Darzais were driving a truck betwem Lagrasse and Villemagne when they 10/4/1954 #10692  
## Word: "betz" (Back to Top)
he AFCIN-1E-0 Draft Policy letter (Betz Memo) is prepared by Lt. Col. Norma 11/13/1961 #16962  
orman M. Rosner for Col. Ward Reid Betz. Among other things, it specifies t 11/13/1961 #16962  
 Lt. Col. Norman M. Rosner to Col. Betz writes that intelligence team perso 11/13/1961 #16963  
  Chicago, Illinois Witness:  J.R. Betz, U.S. District Court reporter. Thre 5/9/1964 #18254  
           At 10:20 p.m. Mr. J. R. Betz, a U.S. District Court reporter, si 5/9/1964 #18256  
 Florida Antoine, Jerri, and Terry Betz investigate a small brush fire near 3/27/1974 #28961  
## Word: "beuc" (Back to Top)
    Orchamps, France A farmer, Mr. Beuc, saw a small pilot enter an object. 10/12/1954 #10970  
                     A farmer, Mr. Beuc, saw a small pilot enter an object  10/12/1954 #10980  
## Word: "beuclair" (Back to Top)
 Several witnesses, among them Mr. Beuclair a policeman, saw a bright red d 10/17/1954 #11174  
al witnesses, among them policeman Beuclair, saw a bright red dome-shaped o 10/17/1954 #11182  
## Word: "beucomo" (Back to Top)
rinas, Venezuela Three hunters, E. Beucomo, J. Zapata and J. Ramos, observe 8/18/1966 #20762  
                 Three hunters, E. Beucomo, J. Zapata and J. Ramos, observe 8/18/1966 #20763  
## Word: "beufort" (Back to Top)
                              Fort Beufort, S. Africa Daylight, multi witne 6/26/1972 #26734  
n a triangular formation flew over Beufort, Sabah province, Malaysia on thi 2/27/1996 #42786  
## Word: "beugne-l'abbe" (Back to Top)
                                   BEUGNE-L'ABBE, FR 6 / car. Grey metallic 2/9/1976 #30857  
## Word: "beulah" (Back to Top)
                                   BEULAH, MI Project Bluebook Case #7491.  7/8/1961 #16754  
                                In Beulah, Michigan a bluish-white light wi 7/8/1961 #16755  
                                   Beulah, MI Time not reported. A cigar-sh 4/7/1966 #20262  
## Word: "beusher" (Back to Top)
       ROCKFIELD, WI Blue Book. M. Beusher and 1. 7-10 silent blue saucers  6/28/1947 #2440  
## Word: "beuville" (Back to Top)
                            EAST / BEUVILLE, FR 4 / car. 70cm red lens-sauc 11/5/1974 #29585  
## Word: "beuvrages" (Back to Top)
                                   BEUVRAGES, FR 1 observer. Night light go 12/20/1991 #40262  
## Word: "beux" (Back to Top)
                                   BEUX, FR 1 / D71. 40M saucer beams blue  8/7/1993 #41112  
## Word: "beuzeville-la-guerard" (Back to Top)
                                   BEUZEVILLE-LA-GUERARD, FR 2 observer(s). 11/1954 (approximate) #11507  
## Word: "bevan" (Back to Top)
             British hacker Mathew Bevan is arrested in connection with hac 6/21/1996 #42937  
ent Subcommittee on Investigations Bevan almost started a third world war.  6/21/1996 #42937  
 almost started a third world war. Bevan claims he downloaded files of spac 6/21/1996 #42937  
## Word: "bevel" (Back to Top)
but with the rear end cut off on a bevel, and it bore a red and white blink 12/11/1965 #19765  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bevel” YieldMax: 20KT                    4/4/1968 #23894  
## Word: "beveled" (Back to Top)
ew to have rounded edges, slightly beveled. Color was white. When it dived  7/10/1951 #5571  
nter.” A three-foot metal rim with beveled edges surrounded the saucer-shap 7/27/1952 #7216  
## Word: "bevelled" (Back to Top)
led 45 degrees down. The UFO had a bevelled bottom and a fin-like tail. The 11/28/1978 #34016  
## Word: "bever" (Back to Top)
oom in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Gayle Bever recalled under hypnosis that durin 6/20/1977 #32177  
## Word: "beverage" (Back to Top)
alled “Skonk Works” where a strong beverage is brewed from skunks, old shoe 7/1943 #1515  
He was also given a bitter-tasting beverage. In turn he offered the humanoi 12/9/1996 #43133  
guel Corporation, a large beer and beverage maker in Manila, the Philippine 3/12/2000 #43966  
## Word: "beveridge" (Back to Top)
m, England 3:00–4:00 p.m. James E. Beveridge is passing the mill by the Wat 11/4/1867 #169  
## Word: "beverley" (Back to Top)
                                   BEVERLEY AND HULL AND SKIDBY, HUMBERSIDE 5/30/1995 #42232  
## Word: "beverly" (Back to Top)
                                   BEVERLY HILLS, CA 1 observer. "Little su 7/7/1947 #2913  
                                   Beverly, MA Roughly elliptical irregular 7/16/1952 #6841  
                                   Beverly, Massachusetts Witness:  U.S. Co 7/16/1952 #6842  
 Capt. William W. Maitland and Lt. Beverly L. Dunhill, lift off and are vec 9/2/1952 #7829  
                                   BEVERLY, MASS 4 observer(s) and more. Od 12/28/1952 #8450  
d and veered about in the sky over Beverly, Massachusetts at 6:00 p.m. It t 12/28/1952 #8454  
station Santa Monica Boulevard and Beverly Glen Street 7:30 a.m. A witness  9/15/1960 #16449  
nity of Santa Monica Boulevard and Beverly Glen Street.                     9/15/1960 #16449  
                                   BEVERLY, MASS 10 observer(s). 3 silent c 4/22/1966 #20359  
                                   Beverly, MA A platter shaped object the  4/22/1966 #20363  
 reported. About 60 miles south of Beverly, three women saw a round object  4/22/1966 #20364  
 About 110 miles west-southwest of Beverly, a teacher and a boy saw a dome- 4/22/1966 #20365  
                                   Beverly, Massachusetts A child saw a bli 4/22/1966 #20371  
                                   Beverly, Massachusetts Beverly High Scho 4/22/1966 #20375  
            Beverly, Massachusetts Beverly High School 9:00–9:45 p.m. Witne 4/22/1966 #20375  
School 9:00–9:45 p.m. Witnesses in Beverly, Massachusetts, including two po 4/22/1966 #20375  
n-white lights hover silently over Beverly High School then depart to the s 4/22/1966 #20375  
 was observed low over a school in Beverly, Massachusetts for 30 minutes by 4/22/1966 #20380  
 hovered just thirty feet over the Beverly High School building. There were 4/22/1966 #20380  
oncave sides. About 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Beverly Harding of Temple City, Californ 5/16/1966 #20490  
                                   BEVERLY, MASS 2 hunters offshore. 2 cyli 11/15/1966 #21102  
2 cylinder/cigar-shape-shapes over Beverly farms area.                      11/15/1966 #21102  
 in a horizontal position over the Beverly Farms area. (Fowler 1974, p. 342 11/15/1966 #21106  
duck hunters in a boat offshore of Beverly, Massachusetts saw a cigar-shape 11/15/1966 #21108  
ar-shaped object hovering over the Beverly Farms area around 7:15 a.m.      11/15/1966 #21108  
cended slowly behind some trees in Beverly, Massachusetts and landed remote 9/20/1970 #25845  
n the Boston metropolitan area, in Beverly, Massachusetts. It made a loud h 8/31/1972 #26971  
he unknown. Gleason’s second wife, Beverly McKittrick, says that Nixon took 2/19/1973 #27298  
                                   BEVERLY, NJ Multiple observer(s). 100' t 1/25/1989 #38801  
## Word: "bewildering" (Back to Top)
 What happened next was completely bewildering. Two other UFOs descended fr 8/5/1974 #29311  
 tranquil day was interrupted by a bewildering and disturbing event. About  6/22/1979 #34626  
as “Mr. X”) and his family claim a bewildering variety of close encounters, 11/11/1987 #38322  
## Word: "bewilderment" (Back to Top)
through the curtain and watched in bewilderment as the green light retreate 7/15/1977 #32275  
xiety, insomnia, irritability, and bewilderment as a result. Neither women  11/7/1989 #39220  
wards and with an apparent look of bewilderment vanished.                   6/9/1992 #40489  
## Word: "bewitness" (Back to Top)
d ufologist Jaime Maussan presents BeWitness, an unveiling of two Kodachrom 5/5/2015 #45437  
## Word: "bexar" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bexar” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT       4/4/1991 #40031  
## Word: "bexhill" (Back to Top)
                                   BEXHILL, ENGL AND MORE/OTHERS Numerous o 8/1971 (approximate) #26256  
                                   BEXHILL, EAST SUSSEX 1 observer. 2 silen 2/9/1995 #42029  
## Word: "bexley" (Back to Top)
                                   BEXLEY, OHIO Ground Observer Corps (GOC) 9/24/1953 #9177  
                         Columbus (Bexley), OH Ground Observer Corps report 9/24/1953 #9178  
                                   BEXLEY, LONDON 1 observer. Glow disk goi 3/11/1955 #12040  
                   At 1:15 a.m. in Bexley, London, England a glowing disc-s 3/11/1955 #12042  
                                   BEXLEY, LONDON 2 / car. Shadow follows c 7/17/1955 #12262  
                                   BEXLEY, ENGL UFO inv. and 1. Night light 11/20/1977 #32690  
## Word: "bexleyheath" (Back to Top)
ickly north. Also Denon / Exmoor / Bexleyheath.                             10/30/1950 #5258  
            Shortly before noon in Bexleyheath, England and while driving a 7/17/1955 #12266  
## Word: "beyer" (Back to Top)
#2364. Unidentified. Observer(s) = Beyer. Red-orange fireball zigzags / 15  2/19/1952 #5908  
ornia Witness:  USAF T/Sgt. George Beyer. Five 25' green spheres flew in V- 1/28/1953 #8598  
## Word: "beyers" (Back to Top)
rovince, South Africa 5:10 a.m. D. Beyers, driving 80 miles south of Brandv 5/26/1953 #8910  
## Word: "beyond" (Back to Top)
         Jupiter Mars Moon Planets beyond the solar system Swedish theologi 1758 #77  
n, as well as spirits from planets beyond the solar system. From these enco 1758 #77  
 rate that might indicate a planet beyond Uranus. It is nowhere to be seen  5/11/1835 #129  
tensifies again when it has passed beyond it. It moves in undulations and i 4/19/1897 #534  
ystems, and possibilities for life beyond the solar system.                 1940 #1323  
the challenge. He chases one “well beyond the service ceiling of the P-47D” 7/1945 #1888  
Sub-normal propulsion performance, beyond Kármán line)                      11/21/1946 #2207  
 concentration of those disks just beyond the range of our atmosphere could 7/3/1947 #2551  
 the (recovered) disc...was so far beyond our own that it could not be unde Mid 7/1947 #3181  
Confidential that he proposes goes beyond the Army and Manhattan Project ru 8/9/1947 #3308  
nation, rather than a product from beyond the Earth.”                       10/12/1948 #3832  
me basis which is perhaps slightly beyond the scope of our present intellig 11/4/1948 #3868  
l be found “on the margins of just beyond the frontiers of our present know 9/24/1952 #8022  
s. The power and acceleration were beyond the capability of any known aircr 10/29/1952 #8215  
or 12 minutes before it disappears beyond the horizon. He estimates it is a 3/8/1953 #8740  
 the visitor tells him amazes him “beyond belief,” but he never publicly re 12/1953 #9330  
flashlight sees two creatures just beyond his fence walking in single file  9/10/1954 #10286  
mes, including the season opener, “Beyond,” in which a test pilot bails out 4/5/1955 #12081  
udes that UAP are not aerial craft beyond human scientific knowledge becaus 5/5/1955 #12123  
treak across the sky and disappear beyond a tree line some distance from th 8/21/1955 #12386  
ntour of a shallow depression just beyond the garden, she saw that it was v 12/16/1957 #14736  
range things have been seen is now beyond question, and the ‘psychological’ 1958 #14781  
en hearings, I feel it would prove beyond doubt that flying saucers are rea 1/22/1958 #14838  
 straight up like a shot and faded beyond the stars. Visibility: unlimited. 12/20/1958 #15482  
tance of 70 degrees, with a speed "beyond any known jet.."                  10/2/1961 #16890  
ing between Bergerac and Bordeaux, beyond the Yvrac intersection, 2.5 km fr 5/15/1963 #17740  
ing between Bergerac and Bordeaux, beyond the Yvrac intersection, 2.5 km fr 5/15/1963 #17743  
ly do have visitors from somewhere beyond our present ken."                 8/13/1965 #19381  
e object hovered, then disappeared beyond the trees. (Report in NICAP files 3/21/1967 #21935  
0 p.m. Donald Marshall saw a light beyond it. When he got closer he saw tha 10/30/1967 #23373  
night glowing objects were spotted beyond the fence line of the base and in 1968 #23622  
to Earth from other civilizations “beyond our solar system.”  https://ufos- 1968 #23634  
peak for six days. (Timothy Good, "Beyond Top Secret" quoting Jacques Valle 6/14/1968 #24029  
al reality of UFOs has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt.” McDonald mak 7/29/1968 #24254  
 the inner reaches of the mind are beyond reach.” As part of the operation, 1969 #24800  
 on where he is standing but stops beyond a stand of pine trees some distan 1/6/1969 #24821  
ects pass below their aircraft and beyond.                                  3/17/1969 #25019  
welder’s arc. The object is moving beyond the barn to the north-northeast.  4/23/1969 #25086  
kment the three beings had scaled. Beyond the embankment they found a barle 5/11/1969 #25128  
ised ride, but she gave no details beyond this, except to say that the spac 8/8/1969 #25312  
th directions until it disappeared beyond inside walls. Various small openi 8/15/1970 #25787  
rection until it was lost to sight beyond the Sugar Loaf in the direction o 8/11/1971 #26280  
 car was levitated and transported beyond its destination, and the driver f 9/20/1971 #26356  
r backyard and part of the pasture beyond. Going to the front door, she dis 11/3/1971 #26452  
osed of metal beams. It disappears beyond a tree line as they enter town,   1/1972 #26535  
tephen Barnett had reached a field beyond the copse at 9:15 p.m. while it w 7/26/1972 #26836  
City Harry Belil begins publishing Beyond Reality, a newsstand magazine dev 10/1972 #27042  
 after a few minutes it moves away beyond the horizon. Mrs. Geni goes back  5/27/1973 #27533  
ng in a spot just above some trees beyond her patio. As it hovered, a squar 6/23/1973 #27584  
oined the first one from the woods beyond. They looked human and wore beige 9/27/1973 #27879  
t, about five meters wide, rise up beyond the trees and ascend to a height  9/27/1973 #27879  
aches very quickly and hovers just beyond the depot fence line about 300 fe 5/1974 #29075  
stopped by a state police officer, beyond whom they can see the UFO hoverin 5/28/1974 #29142  
home in Vălenii de Munte, Romania. Beyond a river about a half-mile away he 12/11/1974 #29637  
ion or to imply Air Force interest beyond security of the installation.”    11/11/1975 #30611  
was a race of beings from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He asserts 1976 #30744  
                         In Worlds Beyond, Ian Ridpath discusses ETI, life  1976 #30749  
uter glow that extended another 9” beyond that. The teen ran to a friend’s  1/11/1976 #30785  
the spot and notes the rough grass beyond the sports field has been scorche Late 2/1976 #30905  
l. Object sitting in sky somewhere beyond train that was passing. Grey-silv 6/1976 #31078  
ree objects pass overhead and move beyond the hill behind him.              8/1976 #31216  
d the car was now about 100 meters beyond the place she had lost consciousn 12/10/1976 #31594  
ove a soybean field about 600 feet beyond the fence line of the compound. M 7/1/1977 #32227  
It passes the aircraft at a speed “beyond comprehension,” makes a 90° turn, 9/22/1977 #32510  
. Gradual acceleration going north beyond trees.                            1/10/1978 #32866  
 seconds before moving slowly away beyond trees on the horizon.             5/13/1978 #33204  
yo, about 9 kilometers (5.5 miles) beyond the point where the incident had  7/6/1978 #33346  
ng objects and related phenomena.” Beyond newspaper publicity, the meetings 12/8/1978 #34076  
 they noticed a peculiar pink glow beyond a tarmac road. Thinking that it w 1/5/1979 #34303  
nvelops the car, and he cannot see beyond the hood. The car’s lights and mo 2/5/1979 #34405  
o take a trip in space to a planet beyond Alpha Centauri. On September 3, a 8/29/1979 #34803  
eportation technology far advanced beyond those in the open source. *   htt 1981 #35765  
eetops that rises and sails slowly beyond the river. Windows in the dome ca Early 8/1982 #36560  
appear in certain places and that “beyond a doubt they’re extraterrestrial” 1/10/1983 #36742  
hts nearby, which gradually recede beyond the trees.                        1/27/1983 #36754  
ower and coasted to a stop. He saw beyond the fence an object about 100 fee 7/6/1983 #36903  
ct, which then ascends to a height beyond the copter’s capabilities. The UF 1984 #37097  
ir. The UFO’s maneuvers simply are beyond the capacity of most aircraft, an 11/1984 #37500  
and intensity of the lights is far beyond the power capacity of small plane 11/1984 #37500  
ed UFOs are from some civilization beyond our planet.” UFO researcher Cynth 7/22/1985 #37628  
less object is low, and it extends beyond the 72-foot length of the house.  Early Autumn 1987 #38274  
 in diameter descend to the ground beyond her window. She feels a slight vi 3/7/1990 #39452  
are at least two types of vehicles beyond the F-117A and B-2. One is a “tri 10/1/1990 #39756  
are at least two types of aircraft beyond the F-117A and the B-2, claiming  10/1/1990 #39757  
rectly overhead and finally passed beyond some trees. He could see the ligh 3/10/1991 #40009  
ject's lights. The object was just beyond this yard light when all of its o 5/3/1992 #40449  
o the school bus stop at 8:05 a.m. Beyond the woods and above some houses s 12/4/1992 #40742  
humming noise. It appeared to hide beyond the furthest house, then hover ov 12/4/1992 #40742  
ards and forwards across the field beyond the perimeter fence, as if it is  3/31/1993 #40914  
 large, cylindrical hole. Ten feet beyond that cow is another one, apparent 9/13/1994 #41743  
s near the New Mexico border, just beyond the intersection with I-10.       3/19/1996 #42830  
t enemy infiltration and deception beyond present levels.”  “This writer se 3/11/1998 #43532  
C is unlikely to inflame situation beyond present levels due to STAC’s genu 3/11/1998 #43532  
tangular structure 200 meters away beyond some trees. It was about the size 7/5/1999 #43791  
shaped object clearly visible just beyond a thin grove of trees ahead of he 10/31/2000 #44068  
derately increased power, but it’s beyond the scope of that study.  https:/ 6/2001 #44189  
are that “seemed to have come from beyond Earth.” Lemke and other unnamed s 6/11/2003 #44556  
he was going to land in the meadow beyond. But when he was only about 15 fe 7/16/2003 #44565  
ned altitude, zooming out of sight beyond the clouds. According to the lase 8/25/2004 #44741  
ed form” resonating at a frequency beyond the perception of human senses an 4/28/2006 #44937  
.m. They were extremely luminous, "beyond anything manmade," and caused ele 11/21/2008 #45189  
in the U.S. intelligence community beyond DHS to determine if they can set  6/2011 #45327  
 hypersonic speeds with maneuvers “beyond the physical limits of a human cr 2/2015? #45430  
r reverse engineered UAP craft is “beyond black”   The enforcement of SWEEP 4/5/2016 #45449  
ormalities” in affected diplomats, beyond what might be seen in a control g 3/2018 #45520  
ing into that gray world that goes beyond government interest. You are talk 10/21/2021 #45717  
## Word: "beyond-next-generation" (Back to Top)
ry weapon platforms and displaying beyond-next-generation capabilities.” He 10/4/2017 #45483  
## Word: "beyone" (Back to Top)
 uncontrollably again until he got beyone the bridge, when his eyes began t 9/14/2009 #45247  
## Word: "beyssac" (Back to Top)
hief Pilot Captain Jean Vincent de Beyssac and his copilot are flying a Var 11/4/1957 #14283  
Araranguá, Santa Catarina, when de Beyssac notices a red light on his left. 11/4/1957 #14283  
e source, the light disappears. De Beyssac returns to Porto Alegre. It turn 11/4/1957 #14283  
## Word: "beziers" (Back to Top)
                             NNE / BEZIERS, FR 1 observer. 2 long cigars wi 3/12/1992 #40374  
                                   BEZIERS, FR 1 / car. Group / white ovoid 9/26/1993 #41211  
                                   BEZIERS, FR 3 observer(s). Coin saucer s 8/21/1994 #41683  
## Word: "bezolles" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BEZOLLES, FR Fireball 5M over D112. Seve 1/14/1975 #29747  
## Word: "bezouce" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BEZOUCE, GARD 2 observer(s). Cylinder/ci 2/1974 #28718  
## Word: "bezák" (Back to Top)
driving with another officer named Bezák to a Czechoslovakian airfield [now 11/16/1959 #16089  
## Word: "bf" (Back to Top)
                       AKRON, OH 2 BF Goodrich executives and families. Rou 7/4/1947 #2628  
## Word: "bfj" (Back to Top)
 shape seen. No further details. / BFJ 9'77+AFU Swdn.                       5/27/1943 #1503  
io Frequency Interference (RFI). / BFJ v1#3.                                11/30/1964 #18646  
s / swamp. Electric shocks felt. / BFJ v1#7.                                9/14/1965 #19557  
ll ovoids near Lekness Airfield. / BFJ v3#11p9.                             1/21/1972 #26551  
er reservoir. Abruptly vanishes! / BFJ v4#1p40.                             3/19/1973 #27350  
here suddenly vanishes in sight. / BFJ v4#1p34.                             3/22/1973 #27357  
S Elliptical object seen widely. / BFJ.v4#3p28.                             8/15/1973 #27703  
overs. Shoots away / impossibly. / BFJ v4#3p28.                             12/15/1973 #28575  
ct overhead. No further details. / BFJ v4#3p28.                             12/30/1973 #28616  
## Word: "bfj'74" (Back to Top)
uickly / low altitude over town. / BFJ'74 v4#3p28.                          8/27/1973 #27724  
## Word: "bfjv4#1p40" (Back to Top)
 night lights exit and maneuver. / BFJv4#1p40.                              8/23/1973 #27720  
## Word: "bhojpuri" (Back to Top)
dly threatened to kill them in the Bhojpuri language.                       5/1/2001 #44173  
## Word: "bi-national" (Back to Top)
use NORAD is exempt from FOIA as a bi-national organization. *   https://do 5/25/1995 #42229  
## Word: "biache-st" (Back to Top)
                             NNW / BIACHE-ST.-VAAST, FR 3 observer(s). Sauc 2/1953 #8623  
## Word: "bialy" (Back to Top)
 his postdoctoral assistant Shmuel Bialy submit a paper exploring the possi 10/26/2018 #45541  
## Word: "bianchini" (Back to Top)
                   MOON Astronomer Bianchini. Reddish ray / light crosses c 12/10/1685 #49  
t of Genova, Italy. (Source: Marco Bianchini, USOCAT by Italian Center for  6/20/1975 #30110  
## Word: "biannual" (Back to Top)
nd North America. It initiates its biannual meetings in October in Tokyo.   7/1973 #27608  
## Word: "biarritz" (Back to Top)
                  At 10:30 p.m. in Biarritz, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France a 8/28/1993 #41167  
## Word: "bias" (Back to Top)
erview with Condon, whose negative bias on the subject is unyielding.       9/21/1966 #20910  
, Brazil 6:00 p.m. Police deputies Bias Fortes and Pinheiro Chagas are driv 1/20/1968 #23682  
## Word: "biased" (Back to Top)
 that Blue Book’s investigation is biased against the ETH, which launches a Mid 6/1952 #6512  
 the Battelle report a “shamefully biased interpretation of statistics to s 10/25/1955 #12519  
 Air Force base investigators, (7) biased evaluations, and (8) inadequate u 10/7/1968 #24548  
he UFO’s, which is criticized as a biased perspective. The participants on  10/12/1982 #36640  
ers with standard ridicule and the biased approach traditionally associated 5/26/2008 #45143  
 offers a rational response to the biased reportage in the May 26 issue of  7/29/2008 #45152  
## Word: "biała" (Back to Top)
                                   Biała, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Polan 3/31/2013 #45363  
ights hovering above a forest near Biała, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Polan 3/31/2013 #45363  
## Word: "biberach" (Back to Top)
                                   BIBERACH, GERM Transparent 40cm ball rol 4/9/1970 #25626  
## Word: "bible" (Back to Top)
ioning sightings going back to the Bible. The possibility of swamp gas in M 6/1952 #6403  
ticles about UFOs, and UFO and the Bible, the first book-length attempt to  1956 #12635  
, and many other characters in the Bible originally lived on Mars. Trench b 1960 #16141  
s that angels are aliens, that the Bible and other ancient texts are filled 1962 #17010  
 3 observer(s). Long UFO goes over Bible conf. grounds. Parallel rows / poi 7/20/1966 #20658  
ts passed over the Mount Monadnock Bible Conference Grounds in Jaffrey, New 7/20/1966 #20661  
room where she handed the leader a Bible. He created several copies and han 1/25/1967 #21389  
cholar Barry Downing publishes The Bible and Flying Saucers, in which he eq 1968 #23624  
nsparent gold exists.. its in your Bible"..                                 11/2/1975 #30536  
t can masquerade as UFOs, plus the Bible has nothing to say about extraterr 1/18/1979 #34358  
## Word: "bibles" (Back to Top)
use. Three women terrified and got bibles and prayed. No landing indication 1/24/1968 #23694  
## Word: "biblical" (Back to Top)
rst book-length attempt to connect biblical miracles with space visitors. J 1956 #12635  
reations of extraterrestrials. The biblical description of the Garden of Ed 1960 #16141  
He links modern UFO sightings with biblical and mythological tales and clai 1962 #17010  
, making him look something like a Biblical prophet. A large black dog acco 11/28/1980 #35680  
## Word: "biblio" (Back to Top)
you-want/ *   https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1248828 *   https://www.scientifi 4/1988 #38527  
s/AD0904326   https://www.osti.gov/biblio/4081643   https://apps.dtic.mil/s 1990 #39357  
DCH88oy_sB8   https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1811856   https://permalink.lanl. 3/22/2017 #45465  
## Word: "bibliographies" (Back to Top)
etails on UAP behavior and alleged bibliographies containing classified UAP 5/2/2018 #45525  
## Word: "bibliography" (Back to Top)
gs. (Ref. 3; Anders Liljegren, AFU Bibliography.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases 5/1943 #1496  
s and abduction. (See section XIII bibliography, Fowler, 1990a.) (NICAP: 07 8/26/1967 #22931  
s and abduction. (See section XIII bibliography, Fowler, 1990a.)            8/26/1967 #22934  
ment, a comprehensive, two- volume bibliography of all UFO literature known 9/1986 #38009  
## Word: "bibliotecapleyades" (Back to Top)
ir Station San Diego.  https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenesciencia2/ 3/1/1955 #12027  
yingobjects17407.jpg   https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenesciencia2/ 3/1/1955 #12027  
yingobjects17404.jpg   https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia2/ciencia_ 3/1/1955 #12027  
tions in May 1945. *   https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenesciencia2/ 3/1/1955 #12027  
l/hambone/graff.html   https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp 1979 #34262  
different jump rooms.  https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/marte/espmarte78. 1981 #35765  
a but something else.  https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/branton/esp_dulce 2/21/1990 #39426  
 from “someone else.”  https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/branton/esp_cosmi 1991 #39940  
dministration in 1996. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/disclosure/briefi 8/1/1993 #41101  
AIC and Bechtel Corp.  https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/disclosure/briefi 8/30/1996 #43001  
or chamber research.   https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/secret_pr 1/1998 #43483  
 Alamos like Claytor.  https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/secret_pr 5/17/1999 #43770  
hich was UAP related.  https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivospdf/Arlin 12/3/1999 #43892  
.org/stable/48504790   https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vidaalien/alienal 12/3/1999 #43892  
artner Tillie Fowler.  https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/eli 11/27/2002 #44452  
t in Pintwater Range.  https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vidaalien/esphall 5/7/2003 #44528  
r/detail?corp=676242   https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_a 3/2004 #44671  
 of the original one.  https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_h 10/2006 #44970  
te human DNA and RNA.  https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/danburisch/espdan 2008 #45109  
on-triangle-of-2002/   https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp 2/20/2015 #45431  
## Word: "bibury" (Back to Top)
                                   BIBURY, GLOUCS Several observer(s). Sile 8/10/1973 #27690  
## Word: "bic" (Back to Top)
                      RIMOUSKI AND BIC AND STE AND MORE/OTHERS, QB Round tw 7/20/1971 #26239  
## Word: "bicester" (Back to Top)
                            Oxford/Bicester, England 100' Oval with Three B 5/1948 #3636  
                            Oxford/Bicester area in England RAF Acklington  Late 5/1948 #3654  
ng at 10,000 feet above the Oxford/Bicester area in England, bound for RAF  Late 5/1948 #3654  
                                   BICESTER, OXFORDS 5 observer(s). Red cyl 10/25/1973 #28278  
                                   BICESTER, OXON Strange figure follows 2  10/9/1974 #29506  
                                   BICESTER, OXON Cop / ordnance depot. Sil 7/13/1975 #30177  
## Word: "bichara" (Back to Top)
 Gerais, Brazil 12:05 a.m. Geraldo Bichara, 18, is standing guard at the Es 8/26/1962 #17362  
rently for a few minutes. In 1980, Bichara undergoes hypnosis and discovers 8/26/1962 #17362  
## Word: "biche" (Back to Top)
                            Lac La Biche, Alberta Night. Two witnesses are  11/13/1997 #43440  
esses are driving home near Lac La Biche, Alberta, when they see a diamond- 11/13/1997 #43440  
## Word: "bichino" (Back to Top)
             REDBILL BEACH NORTH / BICHINO, TASMANIA Night light changes co 5/10/1993 #40973  
                                   BICHINO, TASM White fluorescent tube wit 4/5/1997 #43253  
## Word: "bichteler" (Back to Top)
nson, W. Rindler, J. Ehlers and C. Bichteler to work on gravitational physi 1961 #16552  
## Word: "bickels" (Back to Top)
                Preston Street and Bickels Lane in Louisville, Kentucky 10: 7/7/1947 #2942  
ixenbaugh is at Preston Street and Bickels Lane in Louisville, Kentucky, wh 7/7/1947 #2942  
## Word: "bickham" (Back to Top)
dler 10:46 p.m. Capt. Claiborne F. Bickham and a radar crew at Mount Lemmon 7/18/1957 #13811  
## Word: "bicknell" (Back to Top)
now Tanzania] 7:20 a.m. Capt. Jack Bicknell and Radio Officer D. W. Merrifi 2/19/1951 #5449  
then tell the passengers about it. Bicknell observes it through binoculars  2/19/1951 #5449  
n airliner, including two men name Bicknell and Merrifield, while flying ne 2/19/1951 #5451  
a woman who "followed the UFO from Bicknell to Vincennes." No figures were  10/9/1972 #27062  
## Word: "biconvex" (Back to Top)
 Victorville, CA Witness sighted a biconvex dull red object about 25 ft wid 2/24/1959 #15603  
## Word: "bicycle" (Back to Top)
ening. A Miss Hagstrom is riding a bicycle on Telegraph Avenue in Oakland,  10/1896 #330  
0 p.m. Stuart Mackroth is riding a bicycle just east of Minnetonka Mills, M 4/11/1897 #434  
lander, superintendent of the Ohio Bicycle Works in Marion, Ohio, is lookin 4/16/1897 #509  
                      ALGHULT, SWD Bicycle generator hit / beam. Moonlike s 10/10/1944 #1675  
ut, Sweden At 8:00 p.m. a man on a bicycle was suddenly illuminated by a li 10/10/1944 #1676  
ck the small generator used on the bicycle to generate electricity for the  10/10/1944 #1677  
             VISKINGE, DENMARK 1 / bicycle. 3 metallic disks going [to] ove 8/1946 (approximate) #2089  
, France, is returning home on his bicycle when he sees a large shooting st 10/1/1954 #10569  
oseph Roy is riding to work on his bicycle at Isles-sur-Suippe, Marne, Fran 10/6/1954 #10756  
France Mr. Barrault was riding his bicycle when he suddenly saw a figure in 10/9/1954 #10849  
avoux, Vienne, France, is riding a bicycle when he is stopped on the road b 10/9/1954 #10854  
       Mr. Barrault was riding his bicycle in Lavoux, France at seven o'clo 10/9/1954 #10867  
éral, Mayenne, France, is riding a bicycle to his workplace when he spots a 10/11/1954 #10939  
       ST.-GERMAIN-DU-BOIS, FR 1 / bicycle. Luminous orange dome on field.  10/14/1954 #11027  
-year-old Albert Geraud was on his bicycle on route D216 between Andigne an 10/18/1954 #11224  
was a luminous disc “as large as a bicycle wheel.” Its upper part was dome- 10/18/1954 #11225  
ere returning home on their tandem bicycle and were approaching the descent 10/19/1954 #11252  
. Aimé Bousard is returning on his bicycle from the town hall at Alleyrat,  10/26/1954 #11418  
            MOZE-SUR-LOUET, FR 1 / bicycle. Beam searches to and fro. Shock 11/29/1954 #11726  
        A 26-year-old man riding a bicycle near a farm in Gainchurizqueta,  12/7/1954 #11774  
 this morning a cyclist riding his bicycle in Broadlands, Hampshire, Englan 2/24/1955 #12017  
                   CYSOING, FR 1 / bicycle. 30M aluminum saucer / field ref 11/1956 #13300  
gee, Michel Fekete, was riding his bicycle when he saw an object hovering 3 5/10/1957 #13652  
own / 3M altitude. Follows woman / bicycle. Separate observer(s).           10/30/1957 (approximate) #14163  
VENBORG, DK Saucer / ground. Paces bicycle / 5km / 6M altitude. Luminous an 4/15/1959 #15703  
sen, coming home after work on his bicycle, was stopped on the road by a di 4/15/1959 #15704  
 was coming home after work on his bicycle along the road between Svendborg 4/15/1959 #15705  
s / road. Observers(16) scared off bicycle. / Hartle.                       9/30/1961 #16878  
light on the road while riding his bicycle four miles south of La Porte, In 9/30/1961 #16882  
entina Casimiro Zuk was riding his bicycle near a railroad crossing when he 8/23/1965 #19455  
orning Casimiro Zuk was riding his bicycle near a railroad crossing in Apos 8/23/1965 #19456  
RCE BASE, SP Machinist knocked off bicycle / UFO. Type unknown. Official in 12/1965 #19745  
ircles, or eyes, which looked like bicycle reflectors. There was something  11/14/1966 #21101  
circles or eyes, which looked like bicycle reflectors. There was something  11/15/1966 #21109  
 feet above a teenager riding on a bicycle. There was a red glow coming fro 8/2/1967 #22777  
t Tucson, Arizona A boy riding his bicycle saw an aluminum cylinder standin 10/9/1967 #23200  
 prominent businessman is riding a bicycle along a wash in the back of his  10/9/1967 #23201  
iramar, Argentina A man riding his bicycle encountered a large object, 50 c 6/21/1968 #24064  
iramar, Argentina A man riding his bicycle encountered a large object, 50 c 6/21/1968 #24065  
                  A man riding his bicycle in Miramar, Argentina encountere 6/21/1968 #24067  
n del Toro, age 44, was riding his bicycle home from work at 8:00 p.m., and 8/25/1968 #24377  
ng the witness, so he pedalled his bicycle away from the site and did not w 8/25/1968 #24377  
sted down toward the object on his bicycle he saw two men; one was outside  11/1/1968 #24618  
dit saw it first as she was on her bicycle, and noticed the red light sudde 11/9/1968 #24649  
ANELINHA, BRZ Beam levitates man / bicycle 2X. No UFO seen. Packet / beef S 7/16/1970 #25738  
t Oizumi High School is riding his bicycle home at Tatebayasi, Gunma Prefec 11/29/1970 #25922  
hes swiftly. The student parks his bicycle and runs up some steps to a rais 11/29/1970 #25922  
acility for jet aircraft. Near the bicycle shed he hears a deep humming noi 10/8/1972 #27058  
ilent 2M white globe circles man / bicycle for several min. Quickly going u 4/5/1977 #31945  
in her face. She believed it was a bicycle headlight, but she quickly felt  8/3/1977 #32356  
                   PADOVA, ITL 1 / bicycle. Headlight dies. Rounded 8M Pent 8/22/1977 #32417  
noise like a card flapping against bicycle spokes. It flies straight away a 7/22/1978 #33410  
              BOLZANO, ITL Woman / bicycle. Colored 6M sphere / rooftop alt 8/22/1978 #33543  
           RUNCORN, CHESHIRE Boy / bicycle buzzed / large night light overh 12/31/1978 #34236  
he other boys then approached on a bicycle and saw three other similar figu 10/7/1979 #34951  
   SALT LAKE CITY, UT 1 observer / bicycle. Small silent shiny sphere maneu 5/2/1986 #37851  
KOBING F., DK 20cm red ball passes bicycle. 2-3M altitude. Turns down small 11/3/1987 (approximate) #38316  
IL Blazing ovoid chases man off of bicycle. Hovers nearby. Goes away.       6/1990 #39602  
             A girl was riding her bicycle on this day in Odense, Denmark w 8/18/1993 #41144  
ed object looking like a speckled "bicycle helmet" hovered over a cemetery  9/11/1995 #42456  
1 observer. Large bright speckled "bicycle helmet" hovers over cemetery.    9/12/1995 #42460  
el Tapia was returning home on his bicycle in San Pablo de las Nazas, Jalis 11/1/1995 #42575  
s direction. Then he reboarded his bicycle and pedalled home. The creature  11/1/1995 #42575  
at 9:30 p.m. with what looked like bicycle spokes coming out of it. Another 9/11/2000 #44038  
## Word: "bicycle-seat" (Back to Top)
 MECHANICSVILLE, VA 2 observer(s). Bicycle-seat delta/triangle/box-like cra 1/31/1982 #36316  
## Word: "bicycled" (Back to Top)
tood two short beings; the witness bicycled closer to the object, stopped 4 8/25/1968 #24377  
## Word: "bicyclers" (Back to Top)
ject / ground. Partial paralysis / bicyclers. Gone / flash.                 10/7/1954 #10771  
## Word: "bicycles" (Back to Top)
 and some friends are riding their bicycles on a footpath adjacent to the G Summer 1944 #1610  
TE D27. Quickly going up [to] as 2 bicycles near. / r138#9.                 10/3/1954 #10631  
udette and B. Devoisin were riding bicycles with a third witness when they  10/3/1954 #10658  
udette and B. Devoisin were riding bicycles with a third witness when they  10/3/1954 #10669  
 Mezieres, France two policemen on bicycles saw a craft which took off from 10/27/1954 #11451  
me nearly hysterical. While riding bicycles, she and a friend saw a low-fly 7/14/1964 #18408  
me nearly hysterical. While riding bicycles, she and a friend saw a low-fly 7/14/1964 #18410  
with each other, and examined some bicycles. Then they returned to the craf 8/1/1966 #20720  
 the north. Both boys sit on their bicycles and watch a dark disc-shaped ob 10/4/1966 #20957  
hick weeds. They take off on their bicycles and don’t look back. Some days  10/4/1966 #20957  
0 p.m. two young boys riding their bicycles near the airport in Riviere Du  7/26/1968 #24234  
                ITAPERUNA, BRZ 3 / bicycles chased / hedge-hopping disk. Ob 9/5/1975 #30343  
  SALISBURY, SOUTH AUSTR Beam hits bicycles. Boy thrown down when touches.  5/27/1977 #32137  
in the sky. They chase it on their bicycles but it outdistances them.       9/4/1979 #34835  
ports Center." They all rode their bicycles to the sports center to better  2/23/1995 #42060  
Chapel Ranch. Two witnesses riding bicycles 2 miles away from the ranch see 1/8/2008 #45112  
## Word: "bicycling" (Back to Top)
in midair over a field as they are bicycling between Harponville and Contay 9/7/1954 #10268  
ard Devoisin and René Condette are bicycling west of Ligescourt in the dire 10/1/1954 #10567  
nt at Le Mans, Sarthe, France, are bicycling to work when they feel an unpl 10/7/1954 #10788  
   At 6:15 a.m. Michel Toutain was bicycling in Marville-Moutier-Brule, Eur 10/10/1954 #10899  
 UFO over a nearby meadow as he is bicycling to work. The object is shaped  2/23/1955 #12015  
Oscar Crespo, and a third boy were bicycling in Cerro de las Rosas, Cordoba 6/27/1968 #24087  
e that same day by another farmer, bicycling near the site of the first rep 11/1/1968 #24618  
 p.m., 17-year-old Angela Rajhs is bicycling in the same area and watches t 5/1971 #26092  
California 7:45 p.m. A 16-year-old bicycling near Cyprus College in Califor 2/25/1977 #31847  
## Word: "bicyclist" (Back to Top)
                                 A bicyclist in Alghult, Sweden reported th 10/10/1944 #1677  
ck and gave an electric shock to a bicyclist. It then shocked him a second  11/29/1954 #11729  
aycare center. As he was passing a bicyclist he noticed a fireball in the n 12/6/1976 #31587  
## Word: "bicyling" (Back to Top)
a 29-year-old man named Fekete was bicyling home along a road in Beaucourt- 5/10/1957 #13655  
## Word: "bid" (Back to Top)
wered the question. The being then bid goodbye and walked towards the nearb 3/26/2002 #44326  
## Word: "biddeford" (Back to Top)
                                   BIDDEFORD AND SACCO, ME Many separate ob 8/23/1976 #31292  
                                   BIDDEFORD, ME 1 observer. Large disk wit 11/19/1995 #42611  
## Word: "bidder" (Back to Top)
ded to Bigelow Aerospace, the only bidder on the August solicitation, by th 9/22/2008 #45170  
## Word: "biddington" (Back to Top)
ustralia RAAF Wing Commander Brett Biddington informs civilian UFO groups i 1/4/1994 #41360  
## Word: "bideford" (Back to Top)
                                   Bideford Cullompton, Devon, England 6:55 2/27/1968 #23787  
river Andrew Perry is driving from Bideford to Cullompton, Devon, England,  2/27/1968 #23787  
## Word: "bidelman" (Back to Top)
 of Michigan astronomer William P. Bidelman. However, speculation as to the 12/9/1965 #19762  
## Word: "biden" (Back to Top)
       Washington DC President Joe Biden in office                          1/20/2020 #45627  
telligence (Avril Haynes under the Biden administration) to consult with th 12/27/2020 #45670  
of Defense (Lloyd Austin under the Biden Administration) to submit a report 12/27/2020 #45670  
NA) Act is signed by President Joe Biden. It authorizes the CIA Director an 10/8/2021 #45715  
                     President Joe Biden signs into law the National Defens 12/27/2021 #45730  
           Washington DC President Biden signs the 2023 NDAA (National Defe 12/23/2022 #45791  
## Word: "bidestroff" (Back to Top)
                                   BIDESTROFF, FR Many observer(s). Night l 10/3/1954 #10637  
## Word: "bids" (Back to Top)
year the DIA sought private sector bids for AAWSAP.  https://www.theblackva 6/2008 #45144  
## Word: "bidwell" (Back to Top)
n; other members include Jerald M. Bidwell of Martin Marietta, Glenn A. Cat 12/1968 #24740  
## Word: "bied" (Back to Top)
range, nameless man he called "Mr. Bied." He would hear a whistling noise i 11/1/1968 #24620  
rience and paranormal matters. Mr. Bied caused him to experience apparent t 11/1/1968 #24620  
## Word: "biefeld-brown" (Back to Top)
lanation of the Application of the Biefeld-Brown Effect to the Solution of  12/13/1952 #8414  
## Word: "biefield-brown" (Back to Top)
ontract is intended to explore the Biefield-Brown effect, which allegedly c 4/1988 #38526  
## Word: "biel" (Back to Top)
                                   Biel/Bienne Jura Mountains Vignelz, Cant 8/3/1965 #19291  
outh along the Jura Mountains from Biel/Bienne to Vignelz, Canton Bern, Swi 8/3/1965 #19291  
## Word: "biela" (Back to Top)
ing silently above the ground near Biela Lake, Carpathia, Romania. It sudde 9/23/1978 #33737  
         At the army barracks near Biela Lake, Carpathia, Romania the witne 9/24/1978 #33744  
## Word: "bielefeld" (Back to Top)
                                   Bielefeld, Germany Former West Germany F 6/1994 #41544  
 Germany The TNS Emnid Institut in Bielefeld, Germany, conducts a one-quest 6/1994 #41544  
## Word: "bielek" (Back to Top)
n Cameron, Steward Swerdlow and Al Bielek claimed to have been participants 1/1971 #25963  
 they began communicating.  Later, Bielek began to claim he and Cameron ser 1/1971 #25963  
s to work on the Montauk programs. Bielek changed his story several times a 1/1971 #25963  
Y were real, but that claims by Al Bielek and others may be disinformation  10/2006 #44970  
## Word: "bielfeld" (Back to Top)
ge based on the work of T.T. Brown/Bielfeld and Bahnson, Naudin, Hartman, N 1/1998 #43483  
## Word: "bielfuss" (Back to Top)
lle is examined by biologist Erwin Bielfuss at Humboldt State College. He r 11/9/1958 #15434  
## Word: "bielik" (Back to Top)
elsen, Seike, Hutchingson, Farrow, Bielik, Zinser, Peshka, Schlecker and Sm 1/1998 #43483  
## Word: "bieloziero" (Back to Top)
r, descended toward Lake Robozero, Bieloziero, Russia. Two beams of light c 8/15/1663 #45  
## Word: "bielsko" (Back to Top)
                                   BIELSKO PROV, POLAND Many separate obser 12/2/1983 #37060  
## Word: "bienne" (Back to Top)
                                   BIENNE, SWZ White disk spins over town.  8/3/1965 #19279  
                              Biel/Bienne Jura Mountains Vignelz, Canton Be 8/3/1965 #19291  
along the Jura Mountains from Biel/Bienne to Vignelz, Canton Bern, Switzerl 8/3/1965 #19291  
                                   BIENNE, SWZ 12 white disk-lights going s 8/7/1965 #19336  
                                   BIENNE, SWZ Opaque triangle going northe 8/16/1965 #19406  
## Word: "bierman" (Back to Top)
 Banning, California Witness:  Mr. Bierman. One thin disc with a small dome 6/6/1956 #12888  
 California - At 5:30 a.m. PDT Mr. Bierman watched a thin disc with a small 6/6/1956 #12890  
## Word: "bierset" (Back to Top)
                                   BIERSET, BELGIUM 1 observer. Diamond-sha 11/29/1989 #39265  
## Word: "biervliet" (Back to Top)
                                   Biervliet, Netherlands 10:40 p.m. A witn 2/23/2018 #45510  
tness going outside for a smoke in Biervliet, Netherlands, sees three globe 2/23/2018 #45510  
## Word: "bifarella" (Back to Top)
                    In 1969 Renato Bifarella of Caltanissetta, Italy on the 3/19/1969 #25031  
## Word: "bifurcated" (Back to Top)
ible in the front, and they have a bifurcated tail streaming out horizontal 7/27/1952 #7213  
            That same night a big, bifurcated "black radish" shaped creatur 10/23/1954 #11348  
## Word: "big" (Back to Top)
                    UXBRIDGE, ENGL Big pillar / fire. Rises going south. Fi 11/4/1322 #14  
 flat form like a plate and like a big man’s hat” that hovers above St. Nic 4/8/1665 #46  
 hours. Other clouds move. Blasts. Big ash fall.                            5/1/1812 #106  
             CUPAR, FIFE, SCOTLAND Big boom. Clothes fly off lines. Some dr 6/30/1842 #134  
                 Inavale, Nebraska Big Springs, Nebraska Night. A dozen peo 2/4/1897 #387  
ht moving to the east just west of Big Springs, Nebraska. The light repeate 2/4/1897 #387  
. 29 March hundreds / observer(s). Big airship news.                        3/14/1897 #391  
braska 9:30 p.m. An object with a “big engine headlight” flies over South O 3/14/1897 #392  
  ROGERS PARK, IL W. McCann and 3. Big cylinder/cigar-shape going north. 2  4/11/1897 #427  
ches a flat object looking like a “big piece of yellow canvas” pass over Bl 4/11/1897 #430  
h some friends. They look like two big silver plates set edge to edge. Each Late 10/1920 #1006  
ees a large fish-like object with “big fins extended outward near the front Summer 1927 #1072  
irection north to south, something big and shiny reflecting sun, like a hug 8/5/1927 #1076  
irection north to south, something big and shiny reflecting sun, like a hug 8/5/1927 #1077  
n a circular machine “like a great big lamp.” She writes that “The Planet m Summer 1931 #1130  
ing blimp' going south over river. Big search = nothing. / r171.            10/10/1931 #1131  
val greyish cloud rushes past man. Big. Diffuse. Whistles.                  8/1938 (approximate) #1290  
p.m. Photographs were taken, and a big CAA investigation followed.          8/13/1942 #1437  
 BAY OF BISCAY Military-air crews. Big wingless object. Radio Frequency Int 11/1942 #1458  
          GARDOUCH, FR Man / farm. Big orange moon going [to] overhead / lo 8/1944 #1631  
                    At 9:30 p.m. a big orange moon-shaped object flew overh 8/30/1944 #1651  
 rubber. The object seems to be as big as several B-36 bombers. As he stand 3/1945 #1805  
      Sasebo, Japan Foo fighter; a big ball of fuzzy orange-red light; B-29 7/7/1945 #1892  
  VILCANESTI, ROMANIA Train stops. Big sphere/orb/globe lights whole statio 8/1945 #1908  
ppens she looks outside and sees a big dog, frozen in terror, its gaze fixe 8/1945 #1911  
eering an engine enclosed within a big glass bulb.                          8/1945 #1911  
ees a “flying bomb” looking like a big star traveling northeast at about 25 7/12/1946 #2053  
   LK KATTISTJARN, SWD 1 observer. Big roar / no wind. Unseen object dives  7/19/1946 #2067  
 wind. Unseen object dives / lake. Big splash!                              7/19/1946 #2067  
                       BOURGES, FR Big noise. Huge 'projectiles' whistle go 8/24/1946 #2152  
                                 A big noise was heard at 4:30 a.m. Huge "' 8/24/1946 #2157  
Fishermen. Ghost-bomb falls / sea. Big vapor cloud. Yugo rocket?            9/2/1946 #2168  
he northeast. McCage says it is as big as a football field, has windows, an Fall 1946 #2189  
RANKFURT, GERM 3 US WACs / base. 3 big fireballs maneuver / 30 minute(s). V 2/3/1947 #2237  
kane, WA Eight Disc-Shaped Objects Big As A House (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 6/21/1947 #2350  
R CLAYTON, GA 2 / car / mountains. Big shiny silver ball hovers / several m 6/23/1947 #2370  
owards the Columbia River, makes a big circle, and flies towards the mounta 6/24/1947 #2396  
    GRAND CANYON, AZ Doctor and 3. Big silver ball passes north rim fast. / 6/26/1947 #2413  
         ALBANY, GA 4 observer(s). Big bright plain metallic top-saucer hov 6/30/1947 #2479  
d Airlines (UAL) DC3 flight 105. 1 big and 4 small saucers going northwest. 7/4/1947 #2634  
 p.m. an orange ball of light, "as big around as a barrel," which resolved  7/4/1947 #2678  
               EUGENE, OR 3 / car. Big bright shiny disk going [to] slow. L 7/6/1947 #2735  
hiny disk going quickly southeast. Big fast steady and brief. No further de 7/6/1947 #2762  
       LONDONDERRY, NH H. Healy. 2 big fast disks northeast going quickly s 7/6/1947 #2776  
 1+several separate observer(s). 2 big saucers / high altitude going south. 7/7/1947 #2875  
                                   BIG SANDY, TX Numerous observer(s). Big  7/8/1947 #2999  
IG SANDY, TX Numerous observer(s). Big disk stops cold. 2nd disk catches up 7/8/1947 #2999  
         CORTES BAY, BC Lumbermen. Big roar. 20 disks twist and maneuver go 8/21/1947 #3356  
USTRIA Astronomers and weathermen. Big bright disk turns going quickly nort 8/22/1947 #3359  
 PRAIRIE, MB Railroad/railway man. Big glowing-cylinder/cigar-shape going s 10/1947? #3434  
allic gauntlets. He looked like a "big puppet" about 1.5 meters (5 feet) in 4/3/1948 #3607  
, NM 2 OSI agents / T7 plane. Very big green fireball northeast going quick 12/8/1948 #3915  
for “fully two minutes” during the Big Snow, 8 miles from Beatty, Nevada.   1/1949 #3951  
 going down [to] and going up [to] big dark cloud over base. 1 dives at obs 6/18/1949 #4241  
Top-like disk going quickly north. Big wave all over/all about / MX. / r134 3/10/1950 #4600  
                    CLARKSBURG, CA Big glowing saucer descends. Hovers / sw 3/13/1950 #4621  
Saucers all over. 1 larger / rest. Big show..                               3/17/1950 #4663  
US include/including fed Judge and big crowd. Bright silver discs maneuver  3/24/1950 #4713  
 SOUTH / MORINVILLE, ALTA 2 / car. Big flash and near collision / 8M glowin 4/23/1950 #4880  
tal and has an elliptical body “as big as the cross-section of a B-29” with 6/30/1950 #5027  
                       SOUTHEAST / BIG SUR, CA Silent cylinder/cigar-shape  8/1950 #5089  
                                   Big Sur coast at Anderson Creek, Califor 8/1950 #5094  
g silently about 2–5 miles off the Big Sur coast at Anderson Creek, Califor 8/1950 #5094  
                                   BIG RAPIDS, MI 2 / farm. 10m silent sauc 9/5/1950 #5168  
ickly west right toward oak ridge. Big rise / radiation there.              11/29/1950 #5298  
                                   BIG BEAR LAKE, CA Blue Book. Hillman and 1/14/1951 #5396  
                                   Big Bear Lake, CA Pilot Sees 150' Circul 1/14/1951 #5398  
tnesses flying in an airplane over Big Bear Lake, California saw three circ 1/14/1951 #5399  
approximately 100 feet long and as big around as a C-47 fuselage. The witne 3/15/1951 #5489  
                              Camp Big Silver Silver Lake southern Michigan 8/3/1951 #5595  
 N. Webb, nature counselor at Camp Big Silver on the shore of Silver Lake i 8/3/1951 #5595  
 Dodge City, Kansas Lubbock, Texas Big Springs, Texas Kirtland AFB, Albuque 11/20/1951 #5782  
odge City, Kansas, and Lubbock and Big Springs, Texas. Two Air Force pilots 11/20/1951 #5782  
les lands here. Gashes water tank. Big flood!                               12/13/1951 #5818  
larger, diamond-shaped object. The big one is about 150–200 feet long, char 1952 #5841  
il observer(s). Round objects with big halos in tight circles climb and fad 2/24/1952 #5926  
                                   BIG PINE, CA TV-network engineer / (seen 4/8/1952 #6044  
                                   Big Pines (near), CA Disc-like UFO obser 4/8/1952 #6045  
bly fast" between Pear Blossom and Big Pine, California. It made no sound a 4/8/1952 #6046  
MSPORT, PA Odd vapor trails. Then "big block of silver" crosses sky!        4/17/1952 #6095  
6 / wingtips. Going quickly south. Big file vanishes. / r55p109.            5/1/1952 #6231  
                                US Big month for sightings                  6/1952 #6397  
               Fort Monmouth, NJ 2 big lights about 20 ft diameter fly stra 7/1/1952 #6687  
               Selfridge AFB, MI 2 big lights about 20 ft diameter (NICAP:  7/3/1952 #6700  
gan Witnesses not identified.  Two big lights, estimated at 20' diameter, f 7/3/1952 #6702  
            Kirksville, MI Several big radar blips tracked at 1,500 knots ( 7/12/1952 #6779  
o were military officers.  Several big blips tracked on radar at 1,500 kts. 7/12/1952 #6783  
 Guard employees. One light like a big star was seen for 3 hours, but disap 7/17/1952 #6867  
 Lockbourne AFB, OH A light like a big star that disappeared when an aircra 7/18/1952 #6887  
 over Washington, D.C., during the big UFO flap, USAF Director of Operation 7/28/1952 #7264  
of photographs fast silver saucer. Big surge / wattmeter. / J. Aldrich.     8/6/1952 #7476  
     NORTHWEST / WACO, TX 4 / SR6. Big orange light follows road. Stops ove 8/10/1952 #7534  
                            WEST / BIG SPRING, TX Silent 5M saucer with oar 8/12/1952 #7552  
                                   Big Spring, TX Light flying at 500 mph a 8/12/1952 #7557  
ring. After another 2 minutes, the big light also disappears.               8/15/1952 #7611  
                   SAN ANTONIO, TX Big silent saucer rotates / low altitude 8/20/1952 #7656  
u are trying to cover up something big.”                                    Late 9/1952 #8027  
ergeants include/including Koonce. Big silent silver saucer hovers and wobb 1/27/1953 #8577  
                                 A big reddish flying object passed a USAF  2/16/1953 #8680  
X 2 bright red, round objects with big halos fly in small circles (NICAP: 0 2/24/1953 #8698  
Two bright red, round objects with big halos flew in small circles, climbed 2/24/1953 #8699  
two bright red, round objects with big halos fly in small circles over Sher 2/24/1953 #8700  
es / 30K' altitude / 40 minute(s). Big oil field.                           2/25/1953 #8701  
ing at 30,000 feet altitude over a big oil field.                           2/25/1953 #8706  
 Kents Hill School, Maine, watch a big red ball of fire moving west-northwe 3/8/1953 #8740  
ly northwest. Flashes over town. / big newspaper article.                   4/18/1953 #8833  
 BOUFFIOULX, BELGIUM Saucer stops. Big blast. Angel hair falls and evaporat 5/16/1953 #8878  
Olivares [or Hernáiz], 14, sees a “big balloon” on the ground behind him in 7/1/1953 #8982  
m. When he turned around he saw a "big balloon" on the ground. It was shape 7/1/1953 #8983  
 Maximo Munos Olivares, 14, saw a "big balloon" on the ground behind him wh 7/2/1953 #8986  
” She looks up and sees “a saucer, big as life, flying toward Santa Monica. 9/1953 #9131  
ay from the house. A while later a big, round object took off 100 m away wi 12/1953 #9327  
asses handle-first! Bright colors. Big news.                                12/14/1953 #9363  
orb/globe / 700M altitude. 700mph. Big investigate. / LDLN#332.             12/17/1953 #9377  
              CUNDERDIN, WEST AUST Big flat shiny disk hovers. Going west s 2/5/1954 #9537  
l observer(s). 40' saucer / smoke. Big wind / rising. Drum-rattle noise.    3/17/1954 #9624  
s of UFOs. Eickhoff says that is a big waste of money if there is nothing t 6/7/1954 #9872  
 minute(s). Turns going southeast. Big investigation/investigators. / r242p 6/23/1954 #9932  
urned black. A door opened, and "a big tall man with big round eyes" got ou 8/7/1954 #10113  
r opened, and "a big tall man with big round eyes" got out. He was dressed  8/7/1954 #10113  
  SHIRLEYS BAY, ON Project magnet. Big electro-magnetic effect (EME) and Ra 8/8/1954 #10115  
tall dwarves dressed in white with big silver helmets got out and walked in 9/20/1954 #10374  
    SCHIEDAM, NETHL 2 observer(s). Big circular luminous/glowing object goi 9/30/1954 (approximate) #10502  
                     MAUBREUIL, FR Big round red object / ground. Glows and 10/1/1954 #10554  
een ray freezes trucker and rider. Big RADAR station/depot/facility here.   10/2/1954 #10580  
       IRLEAU, FR 2+2 observer(s). Big domed saucer on road. Quickly going  10/4/1954 #10686  
haped face, covered with hair, and big eyes "as large as raven eggs." The s 10/5/1954 #10737  
r and sees four small figures with big heads and chests and small, thin leg 10/9/1954 #10858  
         VOLONNE, 04, FR Vintners. Big red ball turns and spins rapidly. No 10/14/1954 #11006  
ART-EN-PONTHIEU, FR 3 observer(s). Big glow / field. 6-7 small humanoids (o 10/14/1954 #11037  
MAGDELEINE, FR Fireball stops car. Big electro-magnetic effect (EME). Viole 10/21/1954 #11292  
                 That same night a big, bifurcated "black radish" shaped cr 10/23/1954 #11348  
uickly south. Absolute(ly) silent. Big news. / r120p141.                    10/30/1954 #11486  
UROUX-HODEMENT, FR AND CHANAT, PDD Big luminous sphere south going quickly  11/5/1954 #11574  
s and no markings, and was only as big as a large plate. As it flew low ove 11/9/1954 #11611  
        TREZELLES, FR Mme. Edelin. Big luminous disk seen. No further detai 11/15/1954 #11657  
sh-saucer going quickly northwest. Big window / top. / news.                12/1/1954 #11741  
cigar-shape passes / 40M altitude. Big porthole / side. Suddenly quickly go 12/3/1954 #11748  
le city. 1930h meteor crosses sky. Big deal.                                12/21/1954 #11851  
euvers all over sky. 3 jets chase. Big military investigation/investigators 5/11/1955 #12127  
 50–100 feet in the air. He sees a big red light at the front and a green l 8/1/1955 #12317  
r clothing, oversized round heads, big eyes and huge pointed ears harassed  8/21/1955 #12387  
erver(s). Night light streaks over big fire / hills and going quickly south 9/12/1955 #12448  
ane / 5 minute(s). 850mph. High-Q. Big flap.                                10/31/1955 #12532  
          FT. WOOD, MO 2 soldiers. Big silver balloon going [to] slow. None 1/5/1956 (approximate) #12645  
diers at Fort Wood, Missouri saw a big silver balloon like object fly by sl 1/5/1956 #12646  
. 50M glowing-object dives to sea. Big search finds nothing.                1/18/1956 #12665  
Observer Corps (GOC) and several. "Big moon buzzes town". Fast. Over airpor 1/25/1956 #12682  
ENGL Huge silent object over hill. Big square windows. Separate observer(s) 6/12/1956 #12896  
Noisy 15M saucer with red dome and big windows 50M over military camp. Goin 7/1956 #12937  
ucer! Tail crushed. Crash landing. Big news. / r74p39.                      7/22/1956 #13005  
d / white lights. Going east. Very big. Hovers. Going quickly west. / r140# 8/12/1956 #13071  
ent silver disks going west. Stop. Big saucer going west. Small saucer goin 8/21/1956 #13106  
ITCHFIELD, IL 2 / US66. 3 saucers. Big saucer / middle. Dip and reflect lig 9/13/1956 #13217  
ald list; FUFOR Index) GCA Targets Big As B36's (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 10/6/1956 #13264  
    EL GALPON, ARG Dentist and 11. Big bright object from hills. Stops. Sho 12/1956 #13374  
r export-import firm.  One object "big as a hen's egg" flew very fast, zigz 6/12/1957 #13720  
ort-import firm, sighted a UFO as "big as a hen's egg" that flew very fast, 6/12/1957 #13721  
 DC6 flight 655 / near collision / big glowing-object. Rises going quickly  7/17/1957 #13802  
 feet near Amarillo, Texas, when a big red and green light bears down on hi 7/22/1957 #13817  
oud humming. Spinning saucer makes big curve going quickly east. Leaves (so 7/25/1957 #13829  
  EVORA, PORTUGAL 2-3 observer(s). Big noise. Disk of light hovers and mane 7/26/1957 #13843  
LIONCELLO COVE, ITL 2 observer(s). Big green-glow ovoid quickly going down. 8/1957 (approximate) #13866  
 fields on a clear night, he saw a big, red star which took the appearance  10/16/1957 #14127  
on the belt, heelless white shoes, big gloves, and opaque helmets with a sl 10/16/1957 #14127  
r night, Antonio Villas-Boas saw a big, red star which soon took on the app 10/16/1957 #14131  
on the belt, heelless white shoes, big gloves, and opaque helmets with a sl 10/16/1957 #14131  
              WEST / LEVELLAND, TX Big fireball hovers. Going down / road.  11/3/1957 #14226  
                  BORREGO SPRS, CA Big red object flashes / 2 second(s) int 11/4/1957 #14265  
                    NEW CASTLE, IN Big silent platter hovers over 3 / car.  11/5/1957 #14323  
 Indiana An object looking like "a big meat platter" was seen at close rang 11/5/1957 #14339  
Indiana. An object looking like "a big meat platter" was seen at close rang 11/5/1957 #14350  
(Louisiana) Airport when he sees a big silvery object about 20,000 feet in  11/9/1957 #14506  
ORTUGAL Several calls / newspaper. Big strange object beams strong lights d 11/14/1957 #14548  
 p.m., several witnesses watched a big UFO send down a beam of light.       11/14/1957 #14552  
 going quickly east. Cannot catch. Big Air Force investigation.             11/26/1957 #14618  
k spins going south / 5 minute(s). Big flash / horizon. Fireball shrinks th 12/5/1957 #14671  
pi. After five minutes there was a big flash on the horizon, and a fireball 12/5/1957 #14674  
                           Arizona Big "flap" in Arizona. Much activity.    3/1958 #14900  
       BROAGER, DK 20+observer(s). Big black delta/triangle/box-like craft  4/15/1958 #14986  
rry night, and the sea was calm. A big orange-colored ball of light descend 6/12/1958 #15092  
he sea, and soon it became a great big globe lying on the surface of the wa 6/12/1958 #15092  
 passed very close by, making such big waves that they nearly capsized. The 6/12/1958 #15092  
            BOYANG CO, JIANGXI, CH Big panic. Round object low and slow. Sh 8/1958 (approximate) #15168  
            HILLSBORO, NH 4 / car. Big classic saucer passes into woods. Re 8/27/1958 #15226  
ble electro-magnetic effect (EME). Big USAF investigation/investigators. /  9/1/1958 #15241  
 3:20 a.m. in Owasco, Indiana four big, soft white elliptical lights, about 10/3/1958 #15312  
esson in lying, intrigue, and the ‘Big Brother’ attitude carried to the ult 12/1958 #15465  
d denial regarding reports is the “Big Brother attitude carried to the ulti 12/21/1958 #15494  
ir Force policy of denial is like “Big Brother.” They say the gag order of  12/21/1958 #15495  
The separate lights merge into one big light. They watch it recede for abou 3/13/1959 #15641  
                    WARSAW, POLAND Big and small spheres connected / cylind 3/25/1959 #15667  
 (Wilson & Moffatt) and crew saw a big bright light followed by 3-4 smaller 7/11/1959 #15833  
VERSVILLE, NY Several observer(s). Big boat rests / empty field. Green-brow 8/4/1959 #15894  
 They had very high crowned heads, big eyes, small mouths, and pointed chin 9/29/1959 #16000  
eads have high crown and they have big, friendly eyes. They have mall mouth Late 10/1959 #16060  
FIC LONGITUDE & LATITUDE COORDS. = BIG GUESS Several brass. 2000' UFO paces 2/15/1960 #16176  
       SOUTHEAST / LE BOULOU, FR 2 big white disks over Mt. St. Christophe. 4/10/1960 #16220  
                BELMONT, NSW Buzz. Big top-saucer / backyard! Pseudo-human/ 8/1960 #16354  
re 1.1 megaton weapons in case the big bomb is a dud. The execution of SIOP 12/14/1960 #16533  
tnessed it for herself. She said a big, fiery, red sphere flew over her hou 1961 #16545  
n. Fireball / fantastic maneuvers. Big wave / all Florida to 29 March.      3/22/1961 #16638  
                   Tyndall AFB, FL Big silver-dollar disc hover and revolve 5/22/1961 #16692  
J. Jones and Mrs. R.F. Davis.  One big silver dollar disc hovered and revol 5/22/1961 #16693  
PA Several small saucers streak to big ovoid. Going quickly NNW. Very fast. 6/4/1961 #16718  
r some time. We think it is pretty big. It appears to be shining brightly a 6/19/1961 #16732  
 After the smaller disc rejoin the big UFO, the electrical systems return.  Summer 1961 #16734  
ucer circles car. Rush / cold air! Big military investigation/investigators 7/17/1961 #16762  
    LEBSKO BAY, POLAND 1 observer. Big noise. Odd 5M funnel shape rises / s 9/24/1961 #16871  
ht. It made absolutely no noise." "Big chunks of it broke off and these fib 11/18/1961 #16964  
 everything. The ball was about as big around as a tractor tire, four feet  11/18/1961 #16964  
 if the dust had been removed by a big broom.” He tells his story to Lt. Wi 8/17/1962 #17336  
POINTE AUX OIES, FR Several / N40. Big metallic disk going east low over du 9/1962 (approximate) #17376  
 black with orange streaks, one as big as the Moon, and the other smaller.  9/21/1962 #17427  
ck with orange streaks. One was as big as the Moon and the other somewhat s 9/21/1962 #17429  
     CLANWILLIAM AND BOSKLOOF, RSA Big wave going [to] May. Night lights. F 4/1963 #17716  
-object going [to] below overcast. Big news.                                5/29/1963 #17770  
                  Mount Vernon, IL Big As A Washtub (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 8/9/1963 #17880  
sed / 3 luminous saucers / 15 min. Big coverup. / r208p44.                  10/1963 (approximate) #17961  
N, MI Cops chase large low object. Big segmented window. Whines. Going nort 11/12/1963 #18031  
times the object seemed to have a "big divided window" on it. When the UFO  11/12/1963 #18034  
 shoulder. He has a red face and a big nose and holds a black box that buzz 2/3/1964 #18125  
 inches tall with a red face and a big nose in her room. He held a black bo 2/3/1964 #18126  
g Sheriff L. C. Brinkerhoff of the Big Horn County, Wyoming sheriff's depar 6/8/1964 #18340  
e, and had what appeared to be two big blades revolving clockwise as it fle 6/14/1964 #18358  
eball circles 2 ships. Odd voices. Big search. / r215p43+/ r193#18.         7/28/1964 #18452  
                                   Big Sur, CA The Big Sur Filming / UFO Di 9/15/1964 #18554  
                   Big Sur, CA The Big Sur Filming / UFO Disables Dummy War 9/15/1964 #18554  
pace Force Base Lompoc, California Big Sur, California 8:27 a.m. USAF Lt. R 9/15/1964 #18556  
ICBM’s warhead to malfunction over Big Sur, California. At the time of the  9/15/1964 #18556  
a In the Everglades, 30 km east of Big Cypress, James Flynn, 45, who was hu 3/15/1965 #18857  
 boat with his hunting dogs in the Big Cypress Swamp in Florida when he enc 3/15/1965 #18860  
rey ovoid in fog over man walking. Big noise and pressure etc.              3/28/1965 #18877  
e objects appeared to resemble two big dark-coloured logs. They were narrow 6/6/1965 #18995  
 certain that the objects were too big to be fish or sharks, and the wrong  6/6/1965 #18995  
           MT. CLEMENS, MI Object "big as a house". Changes several color(s 7/20/1965 #19138  
y west. 1 going quickly northeast. Big wave.                                8/1/1965 #19230  
 photographs / 4' hat-saucer. MIB. Big investigating. / r24v3#5+6.          8/3/1965 #19278  
d barely make out" little men with big ears. No UFO was seen, but there was 8/9/1965 #19350  
 SCOTLAND 1+several observer(s). 2 big orange spheres zigzag all over/all a 8/15/1965 (approximate) #19395  
northeast. Lights / corners. Makes big turn and vanishes suddenly.          8/16/1965 #19406  
85CM small humanoid (or Grey) with big head exits saucer. Tries / commercia 9/1/1965 #19490  
irport at 5:00 a.m. A being with a big head emerged, gestured, and then re- 9/1/1965 #19493  
    D562 / ROUBINE, FR 1 observer. Big silent cone-saucer 200M away. Small  9/10/1965 #19546  
). Fireball over base. Jets chase. Big blackout. / LDLN#247.                1/9/1966 #19818  
orter than normal humans, but with big shoulders, rather large heads, and t 1/21/1966 #19865  
 and chugs. Hovers 40' over ocean. Big noise. Submerges.                    3/18/1966 #19987  
                                   Big Rapids, MI 5:20 a.m. CST. Several wi 3/19/1966 #19991  
ards me,” he says. “It resembled a big mushroom with a stalk pointing towar 4/2/1966 #20208  
tting and talking. They next saw a big humanoid figure pass in front of a l 4/8/1966 #20277  
ru) binoculars / one hour. Silent. Big dog scared.                          4/21/1966 #20350  
n she noticed a luminous object as big as the moon darting back-and-forth a 4/22/1966 #20377  
er than she was. It looked like "a big bowl of jelly, plastic-like and shin 5/16/1966 #20490  
NIA, NC 3 / taxi and several cops. Big donut buzzes cab. Woman aboard hyste 9/26/1966 #20926  
hes Ursa Major, it paces along the Big Dipper, then turns and takes an appr 10/31/1966 #21053  
e size of one of the windows is as big as her living room wall. An apparent 11/1/1966 #21061  
TH / NEOLA, UT SR121. Extra star / big dipper suddenly zips away. Looks ver 11/2/1966 #21065  
0-30 feet up in the air. It was as big as a house and Saturn-shaped. In the 11/5/1966 #21078  
e of Ralph Thomas, when they saw a big red light maneuvering over the "TNT" 11/16/1966 #21110  
 When they arrived and got out, a "big gray thing bigger than a man, with g 11/16/1966 #21110  
aw a huge bird-like creature, with big red eyes, in the "TNT" dump area.    11/18/1966 #21124  
n of six to eight feet, with great big red eyes. It flew straight up, like  11/21/1966 #21132  
l with a "funny little face" with "big red eyes that popped out." She screa 11/26/1966 #21151  
d was gray and white in color with big red eyes. They screamed and ran home 11/27/1966 #21153  
ise / field. Blow steam. Pace car. Big blast.                               12/25/1966 #21218  
 reported that the UFO "was round, big as a house, had no flying lights, bu 1/1967 #21241  
rass badge and it seemed to have a big K on it with a small x alongside and 1/9/1967 #21278  
1,000 feet high and seems about as big as two houses. It makes turns and ma 1/13/1967 #21298  
/ ROOSEVELT, UT Saucers dome gives big yellow glow. Farmers watch / 10 minu 1/15/1967 #21305  
merang. Erratic darting maneuvers. Big news.                                1/22/1967 #21365  
erratic darting maneuvers. It made big news at the time.                    1/22/1967 #21367  
ne wires along the road, appearing big enough to cover the highway. It was  2/12/1967 #21518  
kup truck failed simultaneously in Big Fork, Montana at around ten o'clock  2/13/1967 #21539  
a, PA 6:00 p.m. EST. A woman saw a big round light that moved and hovered,  2/16/1967 #21563  
n bright white lights and with two big beams in front. As it nears the grou 3/7/1967 #21787  
ht white, saucer-shaped object, as big as a jet airliner, flew straight and 3/9/1967 #21839  
ight white saucer-shaped light, as big as an airliner, fly straight and fas 3/9/1967 #21840  
s and wearing a hood on top of the big hill, and later saw a lighted object 4/6/1967 #22082  
ers low / sky. Grass twisted flat. Big Comm. base. / LDLN#93.               7/5/1967 #22612  
30 minute(s). Many photographs and big news.                                8/4/1967 #22793  
n and the water begins to boil “in big bubbles, in a circle about six meter 8/4/1967 #22804  
above the horizon, moving from the Big Dipper to Cassiopeia in about 30 sec 8/8/1967 #22848  
ights). The object seemed to be as big as an aircraft and maneuvered errati 8/11/1967 #22861  
. He met a dwarf, 1 m tall, with a big head and bulging, reddish glowing ey 9/4/1967 #22996  
meets a dwarf, 3 feet tall, with a big head and bulging, reddish, glowing e 9/4/1967 #22997  
-meter tall dwarf humanoid, with a big head and bulging, reddish glowing ey 9/4/1967 #23000  
M saucer lands / field / 4 hours / big storm. Traces and radiation/radioact 9/11/1967 #23036  
he large object that turned into a big white ball-shaped cloud. The cloud t 10/4/1967 #23177  
                                   Big Sur, California Night. Comedian Dick 10/12/1967 #23228  
gory is at a party with friends at Big Sur, California, when three lights a 10/12/1967 #23228  
oward them, and they could see two big, square windows separated by a bar,  10/24/1967 #23302  
oward them, and they could see two big, square windows separated by a bar   10/24/1967 #23309  
          WELLINGTON, TX 2 / US83. Big silent silver grey cylinder/cigar-sh 11/3/1967 #23394  
, MONTENEGRO Saucer flies / woods. Big forest fire despite rain. / LDLN#94. 11/26/1967 #23512  
htly lit circular object “about as big as a car” hovering above the house.  12/8/1967 #23564  
                 LUDA = DALIEN, CH Big military alert. Ovoid maneuvers and  1/1968 (approximate) #23637  
ther to come outside. They watch a big ball of red and orange fire to the e 1/20/1968 #23683  
ver(s). Huge glow going southeast. Big power blackout. / r215p60.           1/24/1968 #23693  
 across sky as if on rail. Then a "big boat" lit up on the water's surface, 2/21/1968 #23775  
 around its midsection. Suddenly a big tube emerges from the object and mov 3/19/1968 #23849  
ed to run or scream but suddenly a big tube came out of the bottom, which m 3/19/1968 #23850  
SOUTH MEXICO Several night lights. Big earth and skyquake. Plunging objects 3/27/1968 #23862  
          5MI EAST / ROOSEVELT, UT Big silver ovoid hovers and maneuvers. N 5/21/1968 #23975  
eature no more than 39" tall, with big ears and luminous green in color. He 5/22/1968 #23980  
ENOS AIRES, ARG UFO going quickly. Big magnetic electro-magnetic effect (EM 6/15/1968 #24037  
ddenly they see a large object “as big as a house” sitting about 1,150 feet 7/1/1968 #24118  
ake you. But not now, as we have a big load." They directed his attention t 7/2/1968 #24133  
 ARG Several observer(s) weakened. Big night light rumbles by. Unintelligib 7/18/1968 #24188  
NCA, ARG Many observer(s). Strange big jet with very short wings circles ai 7/22/1968 #24201  
ey ran back to the house. It had a big head 'imbedded in the shoulders" wit 7/28/1968 #24245  
nd the witness said it didn't look big enough to hold an upright man. (See  9/8/1968 #24439  
us/glowing trail by power station. Big brief blackout.                      9/18/1968 #24476  
ro-magnetic effect (EME). Hovers / big wind going quickly south. / r156#13p 9/19/1968 #24481  
    GAGRA, GEORGIA SSR Astronomer. Big orange ball. 2 tiny balls join later 9/19/1968 #24484  
eetle, on small wheels. It had six big exhaust tubes in the rear and a tran 11/1/1968 #24616  
OUTHWEST / RABAT, MOROCCO 2 / car. Big red saucer going down. Rectangular d 12/8/1968 #24749  
ne low in the sky ahead, traveling big end first. They get within a quarter 1/25/1969 #24871  
ound, and as if obeying an order a big light arose from the nearby ridge. T 1/31/1969 #24882  
eathermen / (seen thru) telescope. Big bright "machine" turns / sky. Type u 3/14/1969 #25006  
ittle man with long red hair and a big nose. They dragged him to a craft th 5/4/1969 #25115  
 had large round, green eyes and a big nose, and his mouth appeared toothle 5/4/1969 #25115  
es tracks showing three toes and a big toe. On May 20, a neighbor sees a gl 5/18/1969 #25143  
ings only 31 inches tall. They had big heads and they wore tight-fitting, p 5/20/1969 #25151  
d night lights zigzag going north. Big RV wave. / r10p253.                  5/23/1969 #25158  
(s). 7M domed metallic saucer with big windows hovers. Shoots quickly going 7/1969 (approximate) #25239  
:00 in the morning when he heard a big splash behind him. He swung around a 7/4/1969 #25252  
ss, with a very swarthy skin and a big head with a very high and wide foreh 8/11/1969 #25317  
 had scarcely stretched out when a big gust of wind swept through a window  8/22/1969 #25326  
                     PLOIESTI, ROM Big sphere/orb/globe over city. Slowly s 8/25/1969 #25329  
E, BELGIUM Silent flashes / 2hz. 2 big saucers. 1 over woods. Both going qu 10/9/1969 #25402  
e ship. The large UFO looks like a big box with semicircles on the side, an 10/24/1969 #25422  
LAC, FR Saucer and flash. Next day big hole / ground. Dirt never found! / r 1/9/1970 #25542  
ollowed by a flash. The next day a big hole in the ground was found in a fi 1/9/1970 #25543  
 / militia surround landed saucer. Big light and rises silently and away.   2/1970 #25568  
was the size of a child, but had a big protruding stomach. She told other c 6/4/1970 #25690  
 tall standing beside it. He had a big belly and was wearing a red sweater  6/4/1970 #25690  
ey, housewife wakes up and sees a “big round ball” with an “eerie white glo 7/4/1970 #25726  
d (or Grey) / roadside. Car stops. Big distracting flash. Saucer and small  8/1970 #25761  
ichigan and lights from the nearby Big Rock Nuclear Power Plant. As he spok 8/15/1970 #25787  
a small cut was made on one of her big toes, but she did not bleed or felt  9/7/1970 #25828  
RETAT, FR 2 / car and more/others. Big silver lens-saucer going south. Stop 9/18/1970 #25840  
middle of which are ice needles as big as fingers with a ball of ice on top 1/3/1971 #25972  
ight hat-saucer all over/all about big TV tower. Impossible maneuvers. / r1 2/3/1971 #26012  
 of "shoes without heels", some as big as 16" long.                         3/5/1971 #26044  
is car's interior illuminated by a big, low flying, circular UFO. It was gr 6/9/1971 #26163  
                        U.S. KH-9 "Big Bird" spy satellite incinerated on r 8/6/1971 #26268  
                ARROYO DL MIEL, SP Big splash / lake. 1M saucer rises / wat 9/1971 #26309  
 poachers when he saw a vessel "as big as a bus" land near an old well. Man 9/11/1971 #26328  
 poachers when he saw a vessel "as big as a bus" land near an old well. Man 9/12/1971 #26331  
JI XIAN, HENAN, CH 10+observer(s). Big silent luminous ring spins slow and  9/18/1971 #26342  
 a "spaceman," 7-8 feet tall, with big, staring eyes 8-12 inches apart and  9/27/1971 #26384  
         FOIX, FR Group / hunters. Big glowing cone going south slow. Shoot 10/17/1971 #26428  
g at me;" he said they "had teeth, big eyes, a wide mouth, and pointed ears 1/26/1972 #26556  
                        LARNED, KS Big white light buzzes car the way to fa 2/26/1972 #26582  
                    MAUBEUGE, NORD Big neon-white sphere/orb/globe / sky. P 3/12/1972 #26600  
             I10 EAST / DEMING, NM Big object over road. 2 figure(s) / sout 7/1972 #26747  
cylinder/cigar-shape tilts slowly. Big flash and shoots going quickly east  7/11/1972 #26791  
 AND FT SCOTT AND WICHITA AND MORE Big wave. / r166p52.                     8/1972 #26853  
             ALMONTE, ON Girl / 7. Big storm. Classic small humanoid (or Gr 8/1972 (approximate) #26858  
rette, but then the smoke became a big fire. "There was a bright light shin 8/22/1972 #26949  
, FR Night lights over lighthouse. Big metallic-blue ovoid going quickly we 8/31/1972 #26970  
le people, reported that a UFO "as big as a house" flew parallel to their c 9/13/1972 #26990  
le people, reported that a UFO "as big as a house" flew parallel to their c 9/13/1972 #26991  
t each step. They go away, but the big object remains on the hill until aro 12/13/1972 #27176  
 CATALDO, ITL Flash! 2 / car stop. Big disk overhead / 6M altitude. Colored 4/1973 #27394  
y 21. It was described as being as big as two cars.                         4/27/1973 #27451  
 "with two figures like people, in big hats and linked together by a sort o 5/1973 #27459  
 are small with large round heads, big eyes, protruding lips, dark brown sk 5/27/1973 #27533  
ox-like craft over house. Rotates. Big glow rising.                         7/1973 #27606  
, Jarmo saw a blue light "twice as big as a row boat" approach from over th 7/1/1973 #27610  
 owned by Walter Gabel. "It was as big as a house, (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 8/4/1973 #27679  
u de Jos, Romania, when they see a big milky-white light in the sky approac 8/28/1973 #27729  
                                   Big Bear Lake, CA 11:00 p.m. Residents r 9/2/1973 #27746  
                      Residents of Big Bear Lake, California reported a ser 9/2/1973 #27749  
y while driving between Snyder and Big Springs, Texas during a rainstorm at 9/5/1973 #27767  
                 Savannah, GA "Ten big, black hairy dogs" emerged from a la 9/9/1973 #27793  
ery, and ten creatures resembling "big, black hairy dogs" emerged from the  9/9/1973 #27796  
blong shaped heads that seemed too big for their thin necks. They appeared  9/15/1973 #27825  
rab-Israeli war. Cops and several. Big fireball maneuvers and turns.        10/10/1973 (approximate) #27978  
in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia watched a big fireball making maneuvers and turns  10/10/1973 #27982  
the arms. Her next memory was of a big, bright room with lots of "lights an 10/16/1973 #28093  
 hands (gloves?) with two or three big claws or fingers that opened "like a 10/16/1973 #28093  
 side of the head. The pupils were big, black, and round and move a lot. Th 10/16/1973 #28093  
                                   BIG SPRINGS, NE Several observer(s). 6 d 10/17/1973 #28107  
uptly 500 ft. above them. It had a big, gray, metallic looking hull about 6 10/18/1973 #28144  
10M saucer over NSA radio towers / big alert. / r174p154+/ r120p174.        10/25/1973 #28279  
 DE URGEL, SP Several observer(s). Big bright blue saucer going south. Goin 11/10/1973 (approximate) #28399  
Mrs. McGhee saw a flying object as big as a 4-5 houses, that dipped down be 12/13/1973 #28570  
T. MICHEL, 31, FR 1+2 observer(s). Big sphere going west. Going down [to] o 12/28/1973 #28609  
                    N21 / CHIS, FR Big sphere/orb/globe and white panel hov 2/27/1974 #28806  
 and observed the silhouette of a "big, tall, heavyset man" approach from a 3/1/1974 #28843  
 D'ENGHIEN, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). Big silent grey delta/triangle/box-like  3/2/1974 #28849  
               LA MOTTE-FANJAS, FR Big dome going down. = 12M rounded recta 3/14/1974 #28882  
      MILAZZO, ITL 3 college kids. Big glowing 'sponge' hovers / sea. Lengt 3/18/1974 #28902  
hovers and spins. Treetops thrash. Big noise. Going south. / Flying Saucer  3/31/1974 #28975  
 turbulence from the object, and a big noise was heard. The disc flew off t 3/31/1974 #28978  
sman / car. Beams. 3 photographs = big news. Shoots away.                   4/1/1974 #28985  
us hemisphere going east. News and big debate follows. / Il Giorno.         4/3/1974 #28991  
 NESPLOY, FR Separate observer(s). Big orange ball going northwest slow. Si 4/4/1974 #28992  
metal ovoid stops / 100M altitude. Big noise. Zigzags.                      4/21/1974 #29052  
M luminous ovoid / wobbly landing. Big blast. Going up [to] and going quick 5/20/1974 #29116  
        BILLY-BERCLAU, FR 1 / car. Big orange ovoid going [to] over 2 house 6/5/1974 #29164  
aucer sits / field / 20 minute(s). Big portholes with orange light. / r30p4 6/24/1974 #29220  
       TULLE, FR Group / students. Big silver ball emits red threads. 2nd s 8/12/1974 #29334  
imately 300 yards distant, and as "big as a house." It was white in color,  8/20/1974 #29373  
                PROPRIANO, CORSICA Big silent saucer maneuvers. Up and down 11/19/1974 #29600  
He also said that there had been a big yellowish white light in the field,  11/30/1974 #29622  
          TOWNSHEND, VT Dogs bark. Big glow. 15' circle / melted snow. Myst 12/14/1974 #29640  
                      CARLYLE, ILL Big yellow 'bunch of moons" clusters and 1/1975 (approximate) #29681  
                    CAMP VERDE, AZ Big ovoid hovers. Red ball exits going d 1/13/1975 #29746  
                    POULDERGAT, FR Big red luminous rectangular-box shaped  2/10/1975 #29796  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Big saucer. Blue beam. Stripes found on  2/19/1975 #29825  
void hovers / lake. Light humming. Big glow and shoots going southeast to c 3/9/1975 #29882  
rth / dizzy speed. UFO's / 6+8+11. Big wave. / r186#29.                     3/21/1975 #29913  
      ST. PAULS, NC Cops and more. Big flash. Silent triangle / many colore 4/3/1975 #29937  
C Cop with (seen thru) binoculars. Big glow / 60 min. Maneuvers slowly. No  4/4/1975 #29963  
                                   BIG CHIMNEY, WV 4 observer(s). Diamond d 6/12/1975 #30097  
                                   Big Chimney, WV Shortly before 10:00 p.m 6/12/1975 #30098  
avel road in a mountainous area of Big Chimney, West Virginia shortly befor 6/12/1975 #30099  
BO, PR Strange object hits ground. Big crater by radio tower. Ground cold!  7/8/1975 #30170  
ENCH / FT. SHAW, MT 2 observer(s). Big red flash. Mutilated cow found. 2 mo 7/27/1975 (approximate) #30209  
h shortish, human-like aliens with big heads and wearing coveralls.         8/13/1975 #30264  
t shimmering like a diamond and as big as a jetliner. Two blue beams come o 8/14/1975 #30270  
object 15 meters long with several big, lighted portholes appeared. It move 9/23/1975 #30378  
object 15 meters long with several big, lighted portholes appeared over Cam 9/23/1975 #30382  
                   BACA COUNTY, CO Big wave / livestock mutilations. See /  10/1975 #30402  
            LEXY, FR Group / kids. Big silent glowing-ball lights ballpark. 10/3/1975 #30412  
MT High School principal and more. Big bright object lights top / Columbia  10/18/1975 #30439  
y. The object makes a noise like a big jet and then rockets straight up int 10/18/1975 #30444  
arge, gray cylindrical object, "as big as a football field." They were then 10/27/1975 #30489  
p. Another UFO only one-quarter as big, soon joined by a second, maneuvered 10/27/1975 #30489  
, they see it is a huge object (as big as a 747) with a dozen rows of multi Early 11/1975 #30539  
         CAMILLA, GA Police chief. Big round object hovers 80M over station 11/20/1975 #30644  
f Camilla, Georgia reported that a big, round UFO hovered just 80 meters ab 11/20/1975 #30646  
f Camilla, Georgia reported that a big, round UFO hovered just 80 meters ab 11/20/1975 #30649  
ses and re-lands. Car stalls-needs big tuneup.                              11/25/1975 (approximate) #30660  
                        ERMONT, FR Big flash. 2 white ovoids shoot by. Obse 12/14/1975 #30712  
 close to her own face, and it had big slanted eyes.                        1/14/1976 #30786  
           SAINTES, FR Family / 6. Big rumble. Salad bowl saucer outside go 3/16/1976 #30944  
                                   BIG RUN, PA Disk paces 3 / car close. Wh 3/19/1976 #30948  
hree people inside very closely in Big Run, Pennsylvania. White beams of li 3/19/1976 #30949  
occupants were described as having big noses and thin lips. They took a str 4/2/1976 #30980  
drew a sketch of a man with wings, big pointed ears, and a large triangle i 4/17/1976 #30999  
up / sea. Brilliant lights / ends. Big antenna. Submerges.                  4/25/1976 #31021  
-sphere nears. Black shadow behind big red porthole.                        5/18/1976 #31059  
away. A short being emerges with a big head, large eyes, pointed ears, smal 6/23/1976 #31134  
 A short, bald-headed being with a big head, large eyes, and pointed ears,  6/23/1976 #31135  
                     LA GUICHE, FR Big noise and light. 12M saucer over fie 6/25/1976 #31137  
They then saw a flying humanoid as big as a man, with glowing red eyes. It  7/3/1976 #31147  
lowing red eyes. It looked like "a big owl with pointed ears."              7/3/1976 #31147  
PORTGL 3 flight crews and RADAR's. Big night light and 3 huge cigars. / FSR 7/30/1976 #31198  
foot tall entities inside that had big eyes.                                8/5/1976 #31235  
ed a large face in the window with big round eyes. The sight made Mr. Chias 8/6/1976 #31241  
re-chinned, straw yellow faces had big, round eyes without eyelids and thic 8/6/1976 #31241  
CHABLE-BEAUMONT, FR 3 observer(s). Big cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 200M n 9/19/1976 #31405  
edroom window at 10:30 p.m. It had big red eyes, no nose, a slit for a mout 9/22/1976 #31420  
     TABLE MOUNTAIN, CA 2+several. Big roar. Red night light circles peak.  10/12/1976 #31460  
 BUTTE, WA Satus Parkway lookouts. Big glow. Red cylinder/cigar-shape going 10/26/1976 #31496  
k, Wyoming. He made contact with a big cylindrical kind of disc-shaped obje 10/31/1976 #31513  
ouched over in a space only barely big enough for him. The light was coming 2/10/1977 #31808  
ite triangle with rounded sides as big as the full moon. It moves silently  2/26/1977 #31851  
ts, three minutes apart. First one big enough to hold an 18-wheeler. (Ridge 3/6/1977 #31865  
e about 3,000 feet and probably as big or bigger than a DC- 10 in size. Its 3/12/1977 #31901  
 1 / mopod/motorscooter/motorbike. Big saucer with portholes overhead. Mopo 5/1977 (approximate) #32039  
s or looking like a "straw hat" as big as the moon, swooped silently over t 5/8/1977 #32075  
dgy. Crickets go quiet. Vibration. Big cylinder/cigar-shape over house. Sho 6/24/1977 #32188  
h it. The hovering object looks as big as the full moon, with two steady wh 6/27/1977 #32200  
r. Round night light hovers. Makes big move. Hovers again. Shoots away.     7/6/1977 #32238  
ovoid / field. Traces found later. Big investigation. See r.                8/13/1977 #32394  
                Delaware, Ohio The Big Ear Radio Telescope in Delaware, Ohi 8/15/1977 #32402  
he signal with the word “Wow!” The Big Ear team continued to observe the sa 8/15/1977 #32402  
         MOTTA SOUTH GIOVANNI, ITL Big umbrella-saucer knocks out street li 8/25/1977 #32421  
                        CASSEL, FR Big glowing-sphere quickly going down. R 9/14/1977 #32479  
he next slide showed an image of a big dog attacking one of the entities, a 9/15/1977 #32485  
bject with flashing red lights, as big as the Moon, and is following him ab 9/27/1977 #32528  
TO/FROM CHATTON, FR Cops and many. Big red sphere maneuvers / 75 minute(s)  9/30/1977 #32532  
            ZUGLIANO, ITL 4 / car. Big luminous disk going down / field / s 10/15/1977 #32577  
LA FLOTTE EN RE, FR 2 observer(s). Big brilliant silent disk going up / sea 11/1977 (approximate) #32645  
T. DENIS, FR Separate observer(s). Big cylinder/cigar-shape / horizon. Shoo 11/19/1977 #32688  
       ST. MARTIN-AUX-BRUNEAUX, FR Big red ball-saucer. Jumps all over/all  12/1977 #32714  
                                   Big Sandy, Tennessee 9:05 p.m. A man in  12/6/1977 #32737  
andy, Tennessee 9:05 p.m. A man in Big Sandy, Tennessee, sees an unusual co 12/6/1977 #32737  
Large slow ovoid pulses / r60#293. Big RADAR blips / USA / 0345hrs / r210.  12/17/1977 #32782  
            SOUTH / GUEBLING, FR 3 big luminous balls / field. 1 follows ma 1/7/1978 #32857  
had a flat head, large eyes, and a big nose. He appeared to extend his arms 1/14/1978 #32881  
objects, the larger of which is as big as the full Moon. They are both chan 2/5/1978 #32955  
 and several separate observer(s). Big delta/triangle/box-like craft going  2/22/1978 #32988  
houses near gas research facility. Big roar. / r35p28.                      2/23/1978 (approximate) #32991  
all beings with spongy white skin, big eyes and head, that wore rust colore 3/18/1978 #33056  
ing southwest slow. 300m altitude. Big red lights. / r98#50.                3/22/1978 #33063  
, MN Several separate observer(s). Big cone-saucer with many lights going w 3/22/1978 #33068  
                       FREMONT, NY Big hole / field. 15' deep 10' diameter. 3/31/1978 #33103  
stayed on. The object was about as big as a jet and approximately 200-300'  4/7/1978 #33131  
 / HARTFORD, CT 60 calls / police. Big round object with rod through it. De 4/10/1978 #33137  
ver and maneuver. Change color(s). Big show..                               7/12/1978 #33369  
 Ludington, Michigan Lake Michigan Big Sable Point Lighthouse Two Rivers, W 7/28/1978 #33435  
bright, proceeds westerly past the Big Sable Point Lighthouse, and then acc 7/28/1978 #33435  
                      GRAVIGNY, FR Big glowing-disk / forest. Flashes red.  8/18/1978 #33524  
ena, Chile. It was reportedly very big in size. Two beings of human shape ( 8/24/1978 #33568  
s / recorded "UFO tape" from 1969. Big news.                                9/8/1978 #33646  
         SAN BASILIO, ITL 3 women. Big light becomes huge metal-grey ovoid. 9/14/1978 #33674  
 in San Basilio, Sardegna, Italy a big brilliant light in the night sky res 9/14/1978 #33679  
     OFF CECINA, ITL 12 fishermen. Big 'parachute' going down [to] to sea.  9/16/1978 #33691  
R ISLAND, TASMANIA Lighthouse men. Big night light south / island. Power fa 9/17/1978 #33697  
ectrical power failed twice when a big glowing light flew by south of the i 9/17/1978 #33698  
r failed twice at 9:20 p.m. when a big glowing light flew by south of the i 9/17/1978 #33702  
     OFF GROTTAMARE, ITL 2 / boat. Big dark object going [to] over sea / lo 10/27/1978 #33884  
n Miradj, Iran reported sighting a big yellow light and changed color to re 11/21/1978 #33975  
ids (or Greys) float. Yellow skin. Big ears and nose. Tusks. Going up / sau 11/24/1978 #33994  
er the tops of mountains, traced a big circle, and then remained still for  12/2/1978 #34049  
object follows man / 15M altitude. Big feet and antenna.                    12/10/1978 #34083  
CATANIA, ITL 2 kids. Area darkens. Big saucer tilts by TV tower. 1.5M monst 12/15/1978 #34132  
NA, ITL 2 men. Luminous ovoid with big antennas metres away. No further det 12/18/1978 #34167  
MA, ITL Several / boats and shore. Big red sphere going southwest slowly in 12/30/1978 #34225  
east and east going quickly north. Big wave.                                12/30/1978 #34227  
d luminous object lights glaciers. Big power outage / 0230hrs.              12/31/1978 #34237  
 the next morning (Jan 1, 1979), a big electrical power outage occurred in  12/31/1978 #34245  
, at 2:30 a.m. the next morning, a big electrical power outage occurred in  12/31/1978 #34252  
r saucer. 8 portholes / edge and 1 big light / center.                      1/2/1979 #34279  
 her and passes overhead. It is as big as a jetliner, with bolts on its bas 2/1979 #34398  
t and hovers again. The disc is as big as a jumbo jet and radiates bright g 3/1979 #34453  
adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Big ovoid with 2 weak sky-blue beams hov 3/23/1979 #34486  
                      KENTON, ENGL Big silent silver toilet-seat sways and  4/22/1979 #34521  
 east. Dome and small blue lights. Big news.                                5/22/1979 #34572  
eedon, IL. Cop chases. Going west. Big news.                                8/29/1979 #34794  
layer polygon-cake stops over car. Big rivets.                              9/17/1979 #34894  
ORT-DE-PILES, FR Girl and several. Big red ovoid going quickly north and ba 11/1979 #34980  
         MONTALIEU, FR 1 observer. Big cylinder/cigar-shape with lights goi 11/27/1979 #35017  
ring silvery-white coveralls and a big helmet. Suddenly the platform revers 11/30/1979 #35031  
erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Big blob / light hovers. Small night lig 12/31/1979 #35106  
t. Their hands were hairy and very big. The beings approached him with frie 2/6/1980 #35160  
described the object as having two big "L" structures with a luminous recta 2/11/1980 #35170  
GATA, SP Submarine/submerged crew. Big RADAR blip going northeast 3km away. 5/26/1980 #35341  
 schoolgirl saw what looked like a big monkey-like creature shrink to somet 6/18/1980 #35380  
      SASSANO, ITL 2 / farm field. Big white "bottle" going down / ground l 7/1980 #35396  
r going down. Going quickly north. Big hole / glass walls. 20 tons / sand g 8/5/1980 (approximate) #35442  
ew off to the north, but it left a big hole with vitified sand glass walls: 8/5/1980 #35443  
    NORWICH, ENGL 3 observer(s). 2 big squares going [to] slow. Small delta 8/20/1980 #35468  
 comes a black triangular form, as big as a house and 10 times the angular  10/15/1980 #35568  
saw a UFO with 12 red lights and a big searchlight on the front.            10/23/1980 #35585  
10+1800+1831+1474 and more/others. Big green sphere/orb/globe and small obj 11/11/1980 #35630  
ing from a huge flying object, "as big as a city block," that was cone-shap 11/27/1980 #35675  
Texas, approximately 50 miles from Big Spring, TX.  One mile from the Army  12/14/1980 #35716  
 to mention anything about UAP and Big Springs Base.  [Retrievals of the Th 12/14/1980 #35716  
 light and a metallic structure as big as the 200 foot-tall water tower in  12/29/1980 #35758  
n going quickly northeast. Becomes big fireball. Vanishes.                  2/4/1981 #35815  
olumbia River. Odd sound recorded. Big CUFOS analysis and report.           3/17/1981 #35864  
r joins them and says they can see big masses of material floating around f 5/4/1981 #35928  
       BROMLEY, LONDON 1 observer. Big square white light goes over house.  5/21/1981 #35944  
          SOUTH / ALENQUER, BRAZIL Big ball / light zigzags behind ferryboa 6/20/1981 #35976  
   DARKEY FOREST, NSW Miner / car. Big silent 'coffin' going southwest / 20 8/2/1981 #36053  
n suits, and have green faces with big, almond-shaped eyes and slits for mo 8/8/1981 #36064  
 figure / luminous suit by bridge. Big dark eyes. Boards cylinder/cylindric 9/20/1981 #36131  
pened"? He recalled walking into a big white room and also had vague recoll 10/24/1981 #36186  
 SOUTH / MANGAPEHI, NZ 1 observer. Big ovoid on hill / tripod. Red windows  1/15/1982 #36300  
ampers signal erratic night light. Big glowing-disk nears. Dives / lake!    2/19/1982 #36350  
vanish. 1st going south. RADAR and big electro-magnetic effect (EME.)       3/15/1982 #36392  
          TURIS, SPAIN 1 observer. Big saucer / roadside. Searches area / b 5/12/1982 #36469  
                  WHITLEY CITY, KY Big toy-top lights garden with red beam  7/21/1982 #36539  
g east / 7M altitude. Lights area. Big fire and 150kph winds. / news.       8/13/1982 #36573  
 IL Cop car lit / object overhead. Big chase. Domed disk seen with beams do 11/27/1982 #36692  
            ARCACHON, FR Engineer. Big boomerang going south. Red-orange li 8/5/1983 #36934  
rs levitated slightly and dropped. Big wind.                                9/1983 #36963  
 reported that a little man with a big head had been in his room in the pre 11/27/1983 #37050  
hts up and they see a huge disc as big as a baseball diamond 75–100 feet ab 1/8/1984 #37113  
 boys delivering papers observed a big circular object with lights around t 1/27/1984 #37157  
                                   Big Cypress National Preserve Miami, Flo 1/30/1984 #37166  
 working on an oil platform in the Big Cypress National Preserve about 40 m 1/30/1984 #37166  
r turns and crashes into mountain. Big investigation/investigators and cove 2/19/1984 #37191  
        WOLCOTT, CT 2 observer(s). Big silent cylinder/cylindrical object 2 3/11/1984 #37223  
t, for 20 minutes. It looks like a big Ferris Wheel on its side.            6/25/1984 #37380  
raft hovers 300' over active vent. Big coverup. / r1p140.                   7/24/1984 #37409  
urity guards broke out shotguns. A big coverup by government officials was  7/24/1984 #37414  
y see a red ball of light about as big as a basketball that moves away from 12/1984 #37514  
        ANAHEIM, CA 2 observer(s). Big silent "plus-sign" shape with many l 5/23/1986 #37889  
        MIAMISBURG, OH 1 observer. Big bright round object / perfect vertic 9/14/1986 #38028  
al flange. He says, “It was a very big one—two times bigger than an aircraf 11/17/1986 #38072  
euver all month. Many observer(s). Big show.                                3/17/1987 #38144  
nverted ice-cream-cone flips over. Big light / large end. Very low altitude 5/26/1987 #38178  
e saucer emerges and circles area. Big quake!                               5/30/1987 #38179  
he swings and see an entity with a big head, big pointed “cat” ears, wrinkl 8/31/1987 #38265  
and see an entity with a big head, big pointed “cat” ears, wrinkled skin, a 8/31/1987 #38265  
 swings and saw an occupant with a big head, big pointed "cat" ears, wrinkl 8/31/1987 #38266  
d saw an occupant with a big head, big pointed "cat" ears, wrinkled skin, a 8/31/1987 #38266  
r in height, with a large head and big eyes, and appeared to be surrounded  10/24/1988 #38687  
 30 minutes after launch. Behind a big black curtain are three flying sauce 11/12/1988 #38713  
head at low altitude. They were as big as Boeing 747 airliners, according t 12/2/1988 #38735  
          SKORPING, DK 1 observer. Big glow. Static electricity. Glowing ri 12/19/1988 #38757  
 Going down / 30M. Turns and goes. Big windows.                             2/13/1989 #38838  
 a boomerang or V-shaped object as big as a football field near a golf cour 5/4/1989 #38936  
GONCALO DO AMARANTE, BRZ 2 / farm. Big silent flashy fireball over lake. Ba 6/1989 #38969  
                 CHAROVSK, VOLOGDA Big sphere/orb/globe has image / woman's 6/17/1989 #38990  
al twins. The had long blond hair, big eyes, and were wearing collarless si 7/4/1989 #39009  
ctually a triangular object with a big rectangular white light on the back  10/8/1989 #39151  
       NEVERS, FR 3+5 observer(s). Big glow / horizon. 3 / car flee. 45 min 10/21/1989 #39178  
heast / impossible speed/velocity. Big beam going down. Not on RADAR!       10/24/1989 #39182  
 a “dream” of little bald men with big round eyes leading them down a dark  10/27/1989 #39188  
ke craft hovers / 250M altitude. 2 big lights. Black hole / rear. Neon glow 11/29/1989 #39257  
r-shape going down [to] and stops. Big rectangular openings lit from inside 11/29/1989 #39260  
/ mall. 225cm giant / parking Lot. Big head. Cat-eyes. 2 others by.         12/7/1989 #39302  
uch bigger than the spotlight of a big air carrier.” They both are frighten 12/11/1989 #39313  
so Amond starts the car again. The big light disappears, and three smaller  12/11/1989 #39313  
T. SYMPHORIEN, BELGIUM 1 observer. Big sphere/orb/globe spins. Small balls  12/18/1989 #39320  
evaluation. The disc was kept in a big hangar with armed guards with possib 1990 #39358  
oor stuck. Saucer. Fat 4' figure / big nose and mouth. Missing time and mem 2/1990 #39402  
                  KHARKOV, UKRAINE Big "star" hovers and maneuvers all over 3/24/1990 #39482  
ng [to] over truck low and slow. 6 big lights / front. / MJ#270.            5/19/1990 #39577  
k at a leisurely speed. It had six big lights in front. He watched it until 5/19/1990 #39578  
 PR Men ordered inside. Base lit / big low saucer. Jets chase. / r125p241.  7/19/1990 #39650  
T. GERMAIN, AUBE Many observer(s). Big delta/triangle/box-like craft / low  11/5/1990 #39838  
               LONS-LE-SAUNIER, FR Big slow meteor stops! Shines bright bea 11/5/1990 #39842  
                       VUMBA, ZIMB Big silent cylinder/cigar-shape going qu 11/23/1990 #39900  
tary personnel and creatures with “big heads and little bodies.” The caller 1991 #39940  
ms these “entities view Earth as a big farm” and utilized advanced technolo 1/1991 #39944  
ility. Going quickly north. Fried. Big outage. / LDLN#311.                  3/17/1991 #40016  
They are 3–4 feet tall, gray, with big heads, big black eyes, and a slit fo 3/31/1991 #40025  
4 feet tall, gray, with big heads, big black eyes, and a slit for a mouth.  3/31/1991 #40025  
            SASOVO, RYAZAN, RUSSIA Big mystery explosion. No chemical trace 4/12/1991 #40036  
ICTORIA, ARG Separate observer(s). Big diamond-shape 200M away. Night light 8/1/1991 #40140  
SCOTLAND Triangle seen over hills. Big explosion rocks Blackridge house.    8/11/1991 #40148  
mp tending cow. Night light nears. Big flash and goes straight going up.    9/1991 #40177  
          TULSA, OK 2 observer(s). Big silent round object stops overhead.  9/19/1991 #40190  
night lights and orbs to Apr. '92. Big MUFON study. Cattle mutilations. / r 1/26/1992 #40305  
reatures with chalky colored skin, big heads, and big eyes walking around h 4/3/1992 #40408  
halky colored skin, big heads, and big eyes walking around her bed. They st 4/3/1992 #40408  
  IPORANGA, SP, BRZ 5 / GUG group. Big flash. Air glows white / 500M! Busy  4/18/1992 #40421  
      PLANCENOIT, BELGIUM 2 / car. Big silent brilliant yellow rectangle go 10/4/1992 #40660  
s). UFO lands / moors. Door opens. Big flash. Local wave / 2 wks.           11/7/1992 #40705  
port / spheres falling / sky and 1 big flash. Cops see zero.                5/27/1993 #40991  
                  BROCKLEHURST, BC Big saucer hovers over Kamloops Lake / 5 7/25/1993 #41087  
        MISSION, BC 3 observer(s). Big dark silent delta banks going quickl 8/2/1993 #41102  
essels.” Dudgeon states this is a “big secret” not that Eldridge was involv 1994 #41350  
s strong unidentified heat source. Big search = 0. / r60#296.               1/12/1994 #41369  
                      CHALABRE, FR Big boat or Christmas-tree circles / hig 2/1/1994 #41394  
te(s). 2 photographs as it leaves. Big investigation/investigators.         2/26/1994 #41425  
AST FLINT, MICH Several and RADAR. Big humming. Huge delta hovers 1 / 2 mil 3/10/1994 #41452  
er. Auto. RADAR system makes turn. Big news.                                3/14/1994 #41455  
FO with diamond-shaped windows and big red lights crossed Route 20 in Quiet 4/8/1994 #41483  
 attached. Going down / cornfield. Big search = no traces.                  4/13/1994 #41490  
t was a "bright white light with a big hole in the middle, like a giant pol 5/15/1994 #41527  
de. One witness stated, "It was so big, it blotted out the stars!" A smalle 6/27/1994 #41590  
      SOUTH / TOPANGA, CA 2 teens. Big "triangle-octagon" 100' over road. T 7/16/1994 #41623  
RMONT L'HERAULT, FR 3 observer(s). Big white slow glowing-sphere/orb/globe  8/30/1994 (approximate) #41701  
       CASTANET-LE-BAS 1 observer. Big yellowish-white luminous sphere/orb/ 8/30/1994 #41702  
 GERVAISE-SUR-MARE, FR 1 observer. Big white bar / light east going quickly 9/3/1994 #41714  
bserver. "Mountie-hat" saucer with big contrail going quickly north. Slow.  9/6/1994 #41715  
m. a domed, disc-shaped UFO with a big contrail moved to the north slowly o 9/6/1994 #41717  
   At 10:15 p.m. a pilot sighted a big black triangular object, 80 meters l 9/7/1994 #41722  
r object, 80 meters long, that had big yellow-white lights in the corners a 9/7/1994 #41722  
e luminous UFO, described to be as big as a room, drifted slowly over a nea 9/7/1994 #41724  
tall and pale with a scrawny neck, big eyes and long black hair. He wore a  9/16/1994 #41755  
                  10KM NORTHEAST / BIG RIVER, SSK Several separate observer 10/4/1994 #41783  
        ALLANTON, SCOT 1 observer. Big silent black saucer low over field n 11/17/1994 #41852  
NNON MOUNTAIN, WV Cop and several. Big glowing-ovoid hovers. Night light ex 12/30/1994 #41914  
nto cloud. Military jets chase. By big reservoir.                           1/6/1995 #41953  
e/box-like craft / colored lights. Big flash. No debris. / r220.            1/7/1995 #41960  
NCKLEY, LEICS Several observer(s). Big fireball offloads small buzzing ball 2/2/1995 #42011  
t observer(s). Going quickly east. Big power outage. / r226#27.             4/2/1995 #42133  
al separate observer(s) and video. Big silent triangle going quickly northe 4/22/1995 #42170  
 becomes a round, orange object as big as the full moon, moving at least 18 5/5/1995 #42179  
SSE for 15 min. Lands / Citrusdal. Big investigation finds nothing.         5/30/1995 #42233  
                                   BIG LAKE STREAM, ME Boy / boat. 3 "ducks 7/4/1995 #42290  
H AUSTR 6 cops and 100 calls. Very big red night lights going up / ground.  7/19/1995 #42310  
y the UFO. At around 6 p.m. a very big red nocturnal light was seen by poli 7/19/1995 #42311  
 PORTSLADE, WEST ESSEX 1 observer. Big electric-yellow cylinder/cigar-shape 8/1/1995 #42350  
 lights hovers just over treetops. Big light / front.                       8/31/1995 #42431  
KENHURST, ENG 3 / car and several. Big luminous triangle going [to] over ca 9/20/1995 #42491  
/ LA VETA PASS, CO 10+observer(s). Big humming. 300' rectangule going [to]  9/22/1995 #42498  
Y BRIDGE, ENG Several observer(s). Big white disk with lights going [to] ov 11/2/1995 #42577  
                     LEXINGTON, KY Big ball / light circles observer(s) wal 11/5/1995 #42582  
           LA SPEZIA, IT 3 / road. Big rectangular object with many lights  12/15/1995 #42645  
                   At 10:30 p.m. a big rectangular object with many lights  12/15/1995 #42646  
 the road in La Spezia, Italy. The big UFO flew away to the west, leaving a 12/15/1995 #42646  
       WAMBRECHIES, FR 1 observer. Big glowing-ball hovers / 5 minute(s). A 1/8/1996 #42671  
 more/others. Red-eyed figure with big feet. Rumor 2 ETs caught? / r236#27. 1/20/1996 #42692  
                                   BIG PINE, CA Woman. 2X moon-size triangl 2/1/1996 #42732  
TH, IL Several observer(s) / home. Big orange ball / light dims and reappea 3/1/1996 #42794  
                   At 10:15 p.m. a big orange ball of light (BOL) dimmed an 3/1/1996 #42797  
   ENTREPIERRES, FR 4 observer(s). Big triangle with point down going south 6/26/1996 #42940  
heir faces were white and they had big eyes. Gray metallic shiny scales, re 7/8/1996 #42950  
with elongated heads, white faces, big eyes, and scaly bodies are moving ar 7/9/1996 #42952  
girl, looking down on her with two big red metallic eyes. In an attempt to  7/22/1996 #42963  
 quickly south. 10 minute(s) later big flash. 2 fireballs zigzag. Power out 9/13/1996 #43018  
 entities were described as having big dark eyes, big heads, and smiled at  9/23/1996 #43039  
described as having big dark eyes, big heads, and smiled at the witnesses.  9/23/1996 #43039  
OUTH / BEIJING 757 pilots / 9600M. Big flash. Silver-metallic object breaks 12/19/1996 #43147  
AL / CASAS, MEXICO 12 observer(s). Big red cylinder/cylindrical object hove 1/1/1997 #43162  
c attached to it on the back and a big light on the front. When she pulls t 3/8/1997 #43222  
   ANASCO, PR Several observer(s). Big shiny saucer going south. Stops. Sma 4/24/1997 (approximate) #43273  
                     JAHUEL, CHILE Big saucer rams high tension power lines 5/1/1997 #43284  
arrying a light that is 8 times as big as itself. The family watches the di 6/6/1997 #43315  
es hanging down into a motionless “big puff of smoke.” It is in view for 5  7/3/1997 #43345  
e, AL, stated Huntsville was where big picture interstellar vision came tog 8/1997 #43363  
ic disc, "dark (not black), with a big orange light on the bottom (middle)  5/16/1998 #43568  
nesses described the object as "so big that it seemed to cover the whole va 5/16/1998 #43568  
 2500 M altitude estimated. Stops. Big flash and away very fast.            12/26/1998 #43704  
                  EBBW VALE, WALES Big metallic shiny cylinder/cigar-shape  9/3/1999 #43840  
 On the bottom of the object was a big green light that beamed down to the  7/25/2000 #44023  
                  NEAR CHALLIS, ID Big rounded triangle-delta/triangle/box- 10/27/2000 #44062  
arge object at 3:46 a.m. with five big bright white lights arranged in a V  11/29/2000 #44088  
 hot, and a light gray entity with big eyes approaches them. Everyone loses 12/13/2000 #44101  
 silently in the southern sky. The big light on the UFO, pulsating and chan 4/25/2001 #44164  
ned humanoid with a large head and big eyes. The humanoid carried something 7/1/2001 #44202  
t 1.05 meters in height, with very big jet-black eyes, slanting up. His hea 7/23/2001 #44210  
ar glow-object circles metro area. Big wave.                                12/15/2001 #44290  
 rays from its eyes. It had a very big head, was about 1.80 meters tall, an 6/5/2002 #44347  
        Mobile, Alabama Montgomery Big Bateau Bay in Spanish Fort, Alabama  10/23/2002 #44422  
ontrolled into swampy water in the Big Bateau Bay in Spanish Fort, Alabama. 10/23/2002 #44422  
ouge, Louisiana, patrons noticed a big, black sphere hovering in mid air in 11/13/2002 #44438  
 looking for something, and was as big as a hot air balloon.                11/13/2002 #44439  
g metallic looking UFO that was as big as a house along Highway 13 south of 5/8/2003 #44529  
d look at the craft. It was not as big as she thought, and it was very quie 5/13/2003 #44536  
                        Three very big disc-shaped objects, bobbing up and  5/23/2003 #44544  
w a cross-shaped object with three big lights that was hovering at a low al 5/29/2003 #44549  
        At 10:00 p.m. in Calaveras Big Trees, California a ball of light fo 9/5/2003 #44593  
in New Carlisle, Quebec, causing a big splash.                              11/22/2003 #44618  
n Vicksburg, Michigan. There was a big bright flash that blinded the witnes 5/19/2004 #44704  
o come see. It was moving near the Big Dipper and changing colors from gree 9/10/2004 #44752  
n a minute. It appeared to be very big, and the white part was very bright  11/29/2004 #44793  
                                In Big Sur, California at 2:00 a.m. a witne 9/7/2005 #44870  
arge head, large glowing eyes, and big ears. Over 10 residents of Huay Nam  9/9/2005 #44871  
had long fingers, almond eyes, and big heads. There was a sequence of light 2/28/2006 #44927  
 boomerang or V-shaped UFO. It was big and had many different colored light 3/14/2006 #44929  
Cincinnati. At 9:00 p.m. a "really big" craft was seen in Evendale, Ohio th 9/21/2007 #45068  
in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada a big, red irregularly shaped ship with cl 10/15/2007 #45076  
al problem…so you’re talking about big, big money interests. You are talkin 10/21/2021 #45717  
oblem…so you’re talking about big, big money interests. You are talking abo 10/21/2021 #45717  
## Word: "big-nosed" (Back to Top)
NCH GULCH, CA Mrs. Chapin. Strange big-nosed entity appears near her bed.   1/14/1978 #32879  
## Word: "bigand" (Back to Top)
                                   Bigand, Argentina Several cars experienc 4/7/1979 #34501  
l system failures on highway 33 in Bigand, Argentina. Mr. Celotto, a farmer 4/7/1979 #34501  
l system failures on highway 33 in Bigand, Argentina at eight o'clock in th 4/7/1979 #34502  
## Word: "bigelow" (Back to Top)
alina Station observatory on Mount Bigelow 18 miles northeast of Tucson, Ar 3/24/1967 #21972  
alina Station observatory on Mount Bigelow 18 miles northeast of Tucson, Ar 3/24/1967 #21972  
ado 12:00 midnight–1:30 a.m. Irene Bigelow is outside her home in Denver, C 3/28/1978 #33090  
aliens and gave $200,000 to Robert Bigelow for it. Adam II is deeply Cathol 5/22/1991 #40075  
y scars. The poll, financed by the Bigelow Holding Corporation, suggests th 5/1992 #40439  
OSTP’s belief that Rockefeller and Bigelow’s interest in MJ-12 was irreleva 4/15/1993 #40934  
the ranch being acquired by Robert Bigelow’s National Institute for Discove Fall 1994 #41773  
evada Real-estate developer Robert Bigelow founds the National Institute fo 12/1995 #42635  
rganizational meeting in December. Bigelow soon hires retired US Army Col.  12/1995 #42635  
alker Ranch is purchased by Robert Bigelow                                  1996 #42655  
                            Robert Bigelow tells Jacques Vallée he is inter 1/7/1996 #42670  
ys in frequent contact with Robert Bigelow afterward.                       8/1996 #42968  
This one is commissioned by Robert Bigelow’s National Institute for Discove 1998 #43478  
              Roger K. Leir Robert Bigelow’s National Institute for Discove 1998 #43479  
 and hands of 17 abductees. Robert Bigelow’s National Institute for Discove 1998 #43479  
                               Bob Bigelow suggests to Jacques Vallée that  1/11/1998 #43499  
SG announcement) will happen soon. Bigelow is interested about the consciou 1/11/1998 #43499  
impacts such an event would have.  Bigelow was also giving money to John Pe 1/11/1998 #43499  
                               Bob Bigelow states in a NIDS meeting that he 1/8/1999 #43712  
with sponsorship from Joe Firmage. Bigelow remains convinced UAP is a “scen 1/8/1999 #43712  
 Puthoff and AAWSAP contractor Bob Bigelow are also linked to TAI’s Peterse 12/3/1999 #43892  
    Jacques Vallée writes that Bob Bigelow calls him and tells him Jim West 1/24/2000 #43934  
 James T. Lacatski contacts Robert Bigelow for permission to visit the Skin 6/19/2007 #45036  
h Utah Homestead 1 building Robert Bigelow accompanies DIA official James T 7/26/2007 #45040  
r and Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow, quietly establishes the Advance Fall 2007? #45070  
                               Bob Bigelow tells Jacques Vallée he received 10/21/2007 #45078  
                                   Bigelow Aerospace Bigelow Aerospace Adva 9/22/2008 #45170  
                 Bigelow Aerospace Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies 9/22/2008 #45170  
ons Program (AAWSAP) is awarded to Bigelow Aerospace, the only bidder on th 9/22/2008 #45170  
 on the UFO/UAP phenomenon. Robert Bigelow sets up the Bigelow Aerospace Ad 9/22/2008 #45170  
omenon. Robert Bigelow sets up the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies 9/22/2008 #45170  
                               Bob Bigelow tells Jacques Vallée that the AA 10/2/2008 #45174  
Reever. MATE signs a contract with Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies 10/17/2008 #45175  
                  Las Vegas Robert Bigelow hires biochemist Colm Kelleher a 11/2008 #45184  
her as deputy administrator of the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies 11/2008 #45184  
, Switzerland, as requested by Bob Bigelow. Vallee is asked to revoke his F 11/24/2008 #45191  
o revoke his French citizenship by Bigelow to help his clearance process mo 11/24/2008 #45191  
nes” reported the license plate to Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies 5/8/2009 #45221  
rginia At the invitation of Robert Bigelow, naval aerospace engineer Jonath 7/2009 #45229  
ms of investigators sent by Robert Bigelow also see lights and orbs the res 7/5/2009 #45230  
walker Ranch, Utah Virginia Robert Bigelow brings Pentagon technical analys 8/2009 #45231  
to the 12 areas chosen by the DIA. Bigelow’s group has subcontracted with H 12/1/2009 #45260  
nacostia-Bolling] Washington, D.C. Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies 12/11/2009 #45262  
                  In January 2010, Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies 2010 #45263  
D.C. Northern Tier air force bases Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies Late 1/2010 #45268  
      Skinwalker Ranch in Utah The Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies 3/2010 #45270  
                On 7 February 2011 Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies 2/2011 #45312  
 between Boeing, AAWSAP contractor Bigelow Aerospace and Lockheed Martin. I 12/2015 #45441  
unty, Utah Skinwalker Ranch Robert Bigelow, founder of Bigelow Aerospace, s 4/2016 #45447  
r Ranch Robert Bigelow, founder of Bigelow Aerospace, sells the Skinwalker  4/2016 #45447  
who purchased the land from Robert Bigelow in April 2016) and led by Univer 6/15/2019 #45585  
ion” with Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Bigelow Aerospace and BAE Systems. It is 8/8/2019 #45605  
                                   Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies 2/14/2020 #45633  
 lieutenant Tim McMillan says that Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies 2/14/2020 #45633  
                     Las Vegas, NV Bigelow Aerospace laws off entire workfo 3/23/2020 #45641  
                            Robert Bigelow launches a new effort, the Bigel 6/2020 #45647  
Bigelow launches a new effort, the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Stud 6/2020 #45647  
 Green told him he was working for Bigelow Aerospace to understand how the  10/20/2022 #45780  
d suggested he buy Skinwalker from Bigelow, so he did.  https://youtu.be/8B 10/27/2022 #45784  
## Word: "bigfoot" (Back to Top)
cks similar to those attributed to Bigfoot were made in the area.           7/17/1973 #27638  
nnsylvania had an encounter with a Bigfoot looking creature in their yard.  9/3/1973 #27754  
bserver(s) fire guns going [to] 7' Bigfoot. Vanish / flash. Night light rot 2/6/1974 #28741  
 mutilation was discovered here. A Bigfoot report occurred on the previous  7/6/1974 #29239  
l and the sexual organs removed. A Bigfoot sighting was reported the previo 9/7/1974 #29430  
e hopes of catching a glimpse of a Bigfoot creature that had been reported  3/28/1975 #29923  
direction of the city of Tandil. A Bigfoot sighting also occurred on this n 6/26/1978 #33314  
                     On this day a Bigfoot creature was seen east of Bonner 9/28/1978 #33771  
ich floated a huge hairy ape-like "Bigfoot" creature. In another container  12/2/1979 #35040  
ena, including cattle mutilations, bigfoot, flying orbs, discarnate voices, Fall 1994 #41773  
## Word: "bigfoot-like" (Back to Top)
ange footprints in the snow, hairy bigfoot-like creatures, and UFO occupant Fall 1975 #30379  
n a nearby field when they saw the Bigfoot-like creature. It left footprint 7/29/1978 #33451  
## Word: "bigfork" (Back to Top)
                                   BIGFORK, MT 1 observer. Large dark airsh 2/9/1915 #923  
irship flew at a low altitude near Bigfork, Montana around five o'clock in  2/9/1915 #924  
                                   BIGFORK, MT Truck motor and lights fail. 2/13/1967 #21530  
                                   Bigfork, Montana 10:00 p.m. Mrs. James T 2/13/1967 #21537  
 James Thompson is driving through Bigfork, Montana, with her two children  2/13/1967 #21537  
## Word: "biggelswade" (Back to Top)
stomer in John Whitworth's shop in Biggelswade, England, someone with a ver 11/28/1956 #13362  
## Word: "bigger" (Back to Top)
quickly approaching them. It grows bigger, then smaller, as they watch it.  7/20/1894 #316  
        OXFORD, ENGL Luminous disk bigger / Venus. Rises from trees and cro 8/31/1895 #320  
to bump into it. It grows a little bigger, appearing like a large star. Sud 5/1908 #704  
. Plane roars overhead going east. Bigger / any known. Circles railroad/rai 1/1/1934 #1191  
scends in their direction, getting bigger and brighter. The egg-shaped obje Early 8/1939 #1312  
ver objects follow allied bombers. Bigger / planes.                         3/1944 #1582  
ng as a pinpoint of light, growing bigger, then decreasing back to a pinpoi 4/1944 #1588  
Zeppelin or the R101 airship, only bigger.                                  6/1944 #1601  
ght for 15 seconds, appearing much bigger than the balloon. It has a flat,  4/1948 #3600  
north to south. They are a “little bigger than a star.” A few minutes later 8/25/1951 #5624  
eeve.” After they were aboard, the bigger UFO turned edgewise and zoomed of 1952 #5841  
ller UFOs appear and go inside the bigger one.                              7/1952 #6679  
    EL VADO, NM Strong RADAR blip. Bigger / B29. Comes and goes / 600-1400m 11/8/1952 #8253  
cers going quickly [to] overhead. "Bigger than a house".                    8/13/1953 #9067  
 diminished in size till it was no bigger than a piece of newspaper, as it  4/8/1954 #9678  
which the smaller UFOs entered the bigger Cigar shaped one which then shot  6/29/1954 #9958  
 fields when he saw a small man no bigger than a 5-year-old child a few met 9/14/1954 #10297  
Kansas when he saw a little man no bigger than a 5-year-old child a few met 9/14/1954 #10302  
ver bowl going quickly south. "Far bigger / full moon".                     11/1954 #11506  
lowing-tube hovers. 30cm diameter. Bigger tube nearby.                      11/5/1954 #11575  
 on the RB-47 puts it, “an antenna bigger than the airplane” would be requi 7/17/1957 #13808  
easant, NJ Boomerang-shaped object bigger than a house land. Grass flattene 9/19/1957 #14011  
w Jersey A boomerang-shaped object bigger than a house was reported to have 9/19/1957 #14012  
         A boomerang-shaped object bigger than a house was reported to have 9/19/1957 #14015  
n his left. It seems to be getting bigger, so he banks towards it out of cu 11/4/1957 #14283  
 of curiosity. The light gets much bigger then begins to glow more brillian 11/4/1957 #14283  
om across the Yellow Sea. It grows bigger and, within several hundred yards 1958 #14783  
 he realizes the island is getting bigger and is in two parts, both a clear 1/10/1958 #14817  
linder/cylindrical object / bottom bigger inside than out! Going quickly so 11/1961 (approximate) #16942  
object after 4 minutes, and then a bigger glow, a minute later, and finally 8/13/1963 #17898  
four minutes of flight, and then a bigger glow a minute later, and finally  8/13/1963 #17899  
 They estimated it was three times bigger than an automobile, very bright,  1/30/1965 #18786  
arger object through the dear. The bigger object rises, pushing rocks and l 11/30/1965 #19742  
 shiny like aluminum foil. It was "bigger than my cottage and yard combined 10/2/1966 #20950  
NE, UT Yellow saucer with red rim. Bigger than airliner. 90M altitude. No f 10/9/1966 #20977  
ved and got out, a "big gray thing bigger than a man, with glowing red eyes 11/16/1966 #21110  
t descend. The saucer was slightly bigger than a Peugeot car, 9-12 feet abo 1/11/1967 #21288  
ticut, age 13, saw an orange cloud bigger than the moon, which changed colo 10/3/1967 #23172  
ANIA 2 observer(s). Red-white ball bigger / moon. Going quickly [to] fast / 9/2/1968 #24424  
NAD, ROM Cone-UFO with tail. Grows bigger. Going quickly [to] WNW toward(s) 6/2/1969 #25189  
semicircles on the side, and it is bigger than the ship, which is 360 feet  10/24/1969 #25422  
ng-ball hovers "watching" campers. Bigger / moon. Going quickly [to] east-n 8/12/1972 (approximate) #26906  
huge, with estimates ranging from "bigger that a car" to 1/2 the size of a  2/1973 #27256  
cles farm. Going [to] overhead 3X. Bigger / moon. Green-white vapor around  4/7/1973 #27413  
GARIA 2 observer(s). Orange sphere bigger / moon going quickly [to] fast be 6/1973 #27540  
in Rochester, Minnesota saw a UFO "bigger than a wrecker truck" at 11:27 p. 2/19/1974 #28782  
h Carolina a round, orange object, bigger and brighter than the full Moon,  8/1/1974 #29297  
aces through turns / 30M altitude. Bigger / moon. Going up.                 10/28/1974 #29563  
d black, going around in a circle, bigger than an airplane. A beeping sound 10/31/1974 #29571  
eyes that were three or four times bigger than human eyes; he was also bald 3/5/1976 #30928  
block” of the light and sees it as bigger than the full moon, perhaps 100–1 2/1/1977 #31776  
 see a huge UFO. The light appears bigger and bigger as it approaches their 3/7/1977 #31873  
 UFO. The light appears bigger and bigger as it approaches their aircraft f 3/7/1977 #31873  
 3,000 feet and probably as big or bigger than a DC- 10 in size. Its intens 3/12/1977 #31901  
 2 beams going west over car. Much bigger / moon. No further details.       4/21/1977 #32006  
them and notices that one light is bigger and whiter than the smaller yello 9/17/1977 #32492  
ll directions at 7:30 p.m. From a  bigger object came two small lights movi 11/28/1977 #32703  
t object. It turns in front of the bigger object, and then both depart over 3/29/1978 #33097  
 soccer stadium. 1000 observer(s). Bigger UFO nearby. All going quickly nor 7/7/1978 #33347  
Oil Company A cylinder-shaped UFO “bigger than a jumbo jet” with a large do 11/9/1978 #33939  
 (near), UK A mushroom-shaped UFO, bigger than a double-decker bus, with a  11/20/1978 #33966  
vening GMT, a mushroom-shaped UFO, bigger than a double-decker bus, with a  11/20/1978 #33968  
 road. They described the craft as bigger than a "Hercules" C-5A military t 12/10/1978 #34086  
 the way up the mountain. It grows bigger, four times the brightness of the 8/11/1979 #34732  
y cupola on top and is three times bigger than any of the aircraft. It flie 1980 #35116  
ow altitude above the house. It is bigger than an airplane, shaped like an  7/30/1981 #36041  
oca-Cola factory. The light became bigger as it approached her position. It End of 1981 #36240  
es an orange-red light, which gets bigger and begins flashing red beams fro 3/23/1982 #36412  
 one that stops and returns to the bigger one; the sequence keeps repeating 9/3/1983 #36969  
going down [to] and lands / ridge. Bigger object rises / same spot / 20 min 1/28/1984 #37160  
6:30 p.m., while many others saw a bigger object rise from the same spot 20 1/28/1984 #37163  
se at about 750 feet. Described as bigger than an Air Force C-5A transport, 5/5/1984 #37316  
, “It was a very big one—two times bigger than an aircraft carrier.” At its 11/17/1986 #38072  
ecret projects spending. It is far bigger than the federal budget for educa 2/15/1987 #38120  
 police calls. Bright round object bigger / house. Vanishes.                2/24/1989 #38848  
 white light is visible now, “much bigger than the spotlight of a big air c 12/11/1989 #39313  
/ 10k' altitude. No fuselage. Much bigger / 747. Lights blink.              1/31/1990 #39399  
ta ray shaped object, described as bigger than a 747 without the fuselage,  1/31/1990 #39400  
erver(s) / 20 minute(s). Grey disk bigger than a house. Shines blue beam go 9/15/1992 #40621  
o lights blocked the stars; it was bigger than a house, and made a low rumb 4/12/1994 #41489  
nt triangle flies just over house. Bigger than stealth.                     11/22/1994 #41859  
 a faint hum. She reported it was "bigger than a blimp." After five minutes 3/1/1995 #42070  
g and maneuvering in the sky, much bigger than a star and heading toward th 5/5/1995 #42179  
 WA 2+child. Odd cone crosses sky. Bigger / moon. Greenish white. No furthe 6/9/1995 #42246  
gland, watch a triangular object, “bigger than a commercial airliner, “ fly 7/29/1995 #42342  
 SEDGWICK, ME Couple. White sphere bigger / moon. Imbedded with orange dots 1/27/1996 #42714  
ing vertically from the top of the bigger object.                           10/5/1996 #43058  
was slightly taller and had a much bigger head. As both the hunters and the 12/1/1996 #43130  
t crescent going east over clouds. Bigger / liners. No lights.              4/3/1997 #43249  
 claimed the craft was lighted and bigger than their house. They also saw a 5/7/1998 #43562  
helicopters came overhead. One was bigger that the other one, and they both 9/11/2000 #44038  
e was described as brown in color, bigger than a condor, with huge glowing  8/2/2001 #44219  
d to watch. She said the light got bigger and brighter, and in the midst of 7/12/2003 #44563  
nge object was much brighter, much bigger, and much higher than the militar 9/10/2004 #44752  
like a bear. The head was slightly bigger than that of an average man. It w 4/25/2007 #45023  
, and adds that it was at one time bigger than the Manhattan Project. He st 4/2016 #45448  
st of secrecy can be several times bigger than the research… the black prog 2018 #45498  
## Word: "biggest" (Back to Top)
ight that was much larger than the biggest star. It moved rapidly, blinked  2/1/1968 #23725  
sonable doubt.” McDonald makes the biggest impression, presenting 30 pages  7/29/1968 #24254  
bout 24 feet in diameter. The next biggest one is 60 feet in diameter at th 11/12/1988 #38713  
he east. Lago de Colbun is Chile's biggest hydroelectric dam and one of the 5/16/1998 #43568  
ncludes that Snowden committed the biggest “theft” of US secrets in the his 6/14/2013 #45372  
 You are talking about some of the biggest names on the planet that have a  10/21/2021 #45717  
## Word: "biggin" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Biggin” YieldMax: 20KT                   1/30/1969 #24878  
## Word: "biggs" (Back to Top)
                                   Biggs Field Fort Bliss El Paso, Texas As Mid 2/1945 #1785  
 As their C-47 prepares to land at Biggs Field, Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, Mid 2/1945 #1785  
co Sacramento Peak near Cloudcroft Biggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Air 4/5/1955 #12080  
oudcroft Biggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Airfield] in El Paso, Texas W 4/5/1955 #12080  
side of the peak. An airplane from Biggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Air 4/5/1955 #12080  
ane from Biggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Airfield] in El Paso, Texas,  4/5/1955 #12080  
                          El Paso (Biggs AFB), TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Ind 1/9/1958 #14814  
        Crystal Lake, Montana Amos Biggs observed a silver, saucer-shaped c 3/9/1963 #17695  
          Baker, California Gloria Biggs, her husband, and her mother obser 4/30/1964 #18228  
                            Gloria Biggs, her husband, and her mother obser 4/30/1964 #18233  
## Word: "bighorn" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bighorn” Yield: 7650KT                   6/27/1962 #17250  
## Word: "bight" (Back to Top)
armer C. Bruce Stevenson notices a bight orange-amber glow near his farm bu 2/1948 #3570  
## Word: "biglerville" (Back to Top)
gle and landed in a wooded area in Biglerville, Adams County, Pennsylvania. 5/3/2007 #45024  
## Word: "bignoux" (Back to Top)
                                   BIGNOUX, FR 1 observer. 1.1M "ghost" wit 2/16/1969 #24922  
## Word: "bigorne" (Back to Top)
, citing Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/22/1975 #30297  
## Word: "bigot" (Back to Top)
en a tour of the program He sees a bigot list 1990-1993 that has no Executi 10/16/2002 #44418  
s and about 200 people were on the bigot lists. An unnamed individual “The  9/10/2003 #44595  
## Word: "bigourdan" (Back to Top)
hem. However, astronomer Guillaume Bigourdan at the Paris Observatory think 10/1913 #892  
## Word: "bihan" (Back to Top)
           At 12:45 a.m. Younic Le Bihan, age 20, was awakened by his paren 9/19/1974 #29464  
a.m., a 46-year-old woman named Le Bihan and two other witnesses saw three  9/29/1974 #29492  
## Word: "bihar" (Back to Top)
                                   Bihar, India Gray disc hovered, emitted  9/15/1954 #10309  
      On this afternoon in Kadori, Bihar, India a noisy disc-shaped object  9/15/1954 #10313  
                            PATNA, BIHAR, INDIA 800 observer(s). 15' saucer 10/3/1954 (approximate) #10623  
## Word: "bihorului" (Back to Top)
                         EPISCOPIA BIHORULUI, ROM Railroad/railway station/ 7/10/1969 #25260  
## Word: "bike" (Back to Top)
   MARVILLE-MOUTIER-BRULE, E&L, FR Bike hits invisible wall. 4M saucer. 4 f 10/10/1954 #10874  
he engine fails. He falls from the bike and sees two short creatures walkin 10/25/1954 #11392  
                 LA FLAMENGRIE, FR Bike lamp flashes. 4M fireball nears. Sh 11/1954 #11501  
 CAMPIGLIA MARITTIMA, ITL Farmer / bike. Red-glow torpedo / low altitude. 9 11/4/1954 #11558  
 fails and he nearly falls off the bike. The blue dot is projecting a stron 11/8/1954 #11600  
htened that he lost control of his bike and left the road.                  9/30/1961 #16880  
htened that he lost control of his bike and ran off the road.               9/30/1961 #16882  
            RTE9 NEAR TRANCAS, ARG Bike malfunctions due to EME (electro-ma 11/5/1962? #17538  
cer hovers / field / 15 minute(s). Bike OK after.                           8/27/1969 #25330  
ears. The student gets back on his bike and sees a bright flash of white li 11/29/1970 #25922  
ts). Glowing white blob flies off. Bike self-starts!                        11/10/1972 #27115  
                 LES ROUTIERES, FR Bike malfunctions due to EME (electro-ma 2/28/1974 #28813  
oo is slowing down. Suddenly, both bike and car are enveloped in a nearly b 6/6/1977 #32151  
raviolet light. Henshall feels his bike being pulled up the incline and not 6/6/1977 #32151  
e the mushrooms are edible and the bike is for riding. Suddenly a buzzing s 9/27/1978 #33762  
ge silent shiny ball chases girl / bike. Sparks. Moving "wings".            10/14/1987 #38303  
             CAJAZEIRAS, BRZ Man / bike. Huge blue light overhead. Observer 3/1991 #39988  
## Word: "biker" (Back to Top)
GRANDE, ARG 3-eyed Melonhead grabs biker. UFO flies / separate observer(s). 7/28/1962 #17294  
ect hovers / 7 minute(s). 2200hrs. Biker sees same upstream.                9/17/1977 #32489  
DAL, NORW Separate observer(s) and biker. Strong light swoops up 2X. Vanish 5/13/1989 #38947  
way a strong light swooped up to a biker twice; it vanished as a car approa 5/13/1989 #38948  
 vanished as a car approaches. The biker experienced 20 minutes of missing  5/13/1989 #38948  
## Word: "bikers" (Back to Top)
ess delta scares golfers and trail bikers. Maneuvers.                       9/28/1984 (approximate) #37470  
                 TERRE HAUTE, IN 2 bikers follow flying pyramid. Lose it. S 7/31/1986 #37961  
## Word: "bikes" (Back to Top)
separate motorbikes both had their bikes stall in the presence of a Saturn- 12/16/1977 #32779  
separate motorbikes both had their bikes stall in the presence of a Saturn- 12/16/1977 #32781  
3:00 PM. Six boys were racing dirt bikes near a lake when one of them fell  10/8/1981 #36165  
aly. The six boys were racing dirt bikes near a lake when one of them fell  11/8/1981 #36211  
  Three young men were racing dirt bikes on a river bank in Tarasovka, Ukra 7/25/1992 #40536  
   On this evening a couple riding bikes in a wooded area of Palmerston, On 7/1/2001 #44200  
## Word: "biking" (Back to Top)
 Bay 3:00 p.m. Two schoolgirls are biking home from school in Waterford, Co 11/7/1974 #29588  
## Word: "bikini" (Back to Top)
                                   Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands Able nucle 7/1/1946 #2024  
arshall Islands Able nuclear test, Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands. Radio-co 7/1/1946 #2024  
                Baker nuclear test Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands Baker nucl 7/25/1946 #2080  
rshall Islands Baker nuclear test, Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands.    7/25/1946 #2080  
                                   Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands "Castle B 3/1/1954 #9581  
e Bravo" hydrogen bomb test at the Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands, the most 3/1/1954 #9581  
                                   BIKINI ATOLL Castle-bravo H-bomb test. M 3/1/1954 #9582  
                      Castle Bravo Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands Rongelap U 3/1/1954 #9584  
tamination of areas to the east of Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. At 3/1/1954 #9584  
                           Morning Bikini Atoll Morning. Airborne Radar Ope 3/1/1954 #9585  
onitoring the Castle Bravo test at Bikini Atoll. Shortly after the detonati 3/1/1954 #9585  
 occurred this day at 6:40 a.m. on Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. The e 3/1/1954 #9589  
a secret test—poisoned some of the Bikini islanders on their return, as wel 3/1/1954 #9589  
                            WEST / BIKINI ATOLL Luminous yellow-orange obje 4/7/1954 #9669  
    Los Alamos Sandia Laboratories Bikini Enewetak Marshall Islands 11:05 p 4/7/1954 #9673  
gship USS Curtiss cruising between Bikini and Enewetak atolls in the Marsha 4/7/1954 #9673  
 Castle Koon thermonuclear test on Bikini. An unidentified oval- shaped lum 4/7/1954 #9673  
## Word: "bil" (Back to Top)
 UFO Report, November 1976, p. 62; Bil Gil Helair, Skylook, May 1976, p. 5; 1/5/1976 #30760  
## Word: "bilbao" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BILBAO, SP 3 observer(s). 5M saucer goin 6/23/1968 #24070  
past midnight in Monte Banderas de Bilbao, in the Basque region of Spain, a 6/23/1968 #24071  
                                   BILBAO, SPAIN Huge saucer hovers / hours 7/4/1976 #31148  
                                   Bilbao, Spain 12:45 p.m. A huge disc-sha 7/4/1976 #31149  
bject hovered for a long time over Bilbao, Spain. It flew back over the cit 7/4/1976 #31149  
bject hovered for a long time over Bilbao, Spain. It flew back over the cit 7/4/1976 #31152  
y, Lorenzo Alvarez Vazquez, in the Bilbao suburb of Bulla, Vizcaya province 8/4/1976 #31232  
## Word: "bilby" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bilby” Yield: 249KT                      9/13/1963 #17934  
## Word: "bilderberg" (Back to Top)
                          Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands Th 5/29/1954 #9840  
aders later to become known as the Bilderberg group, meets at the Hotel de  5/29/1954 #9840  
rberg group, meets at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands. I 5/29/1954 #9840  
## Word: "bilge" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bilge” YieldMax: 20KT                    2/19/1975 #29827  
## Word: "bilking" (Back to Top)
 California, for grand theft after bilking a widow out of $5,000 for a wort 11/5/1957 #14343  
## Word: "bill" (Back to Top)
e craft. He paid with a ten-dollar bill and took off "like a bullet out of  4/22/1897 #555  
e craft. He paid with a ten-dollar bill. The craft took off "like a bullet  4/22/1897 #561  
e relates them to UFO investigator Bill Chalker in 1985.                    1927 #1068  
 for about 18-20 minutes. (Ref. 3; Bill Chalker, The Oz Files, 1996, pp. 35 2/1944 #1569  
rip, “Smokey Stover” by cartoonist Bill Holman. The comic follows the escap 12/14/1944 #1721  
and Washington Times-Herald reveal Bill Donovan’s plans for a postwar intel 2/10/1945 #1778  
, Oregon Columbia River Afternoon. Bill Schuening, a farmer, is driving his 6/24/1947 #2396  
“like the tail of a Chinese kite.” Bill Bequette writes the first saucer ne 6/25/1947 #2411  
                 WEST / BLYTHE, CA Bill Lear / P38 plane. 2 near collision  7/1947 #2497  
m. Capt. Willis T. Sperry, copilot Bill Gates, flight engineer Robert Arnho 5/29/1950 #4972  
             Evansville, Wisconsin Bill Blair, a commercial pilot and fligh 11/27/1950 #5294  
                  US US test pilot Bill Bridgeman attains an unofficial alt 8/15/1951 #5607  
ffesville, Pennsylvania Witnesses: Bill Ford and two others. An undescribed 8/20/1952 #7662  
                      At 3:10 a.m. Bill Ford and two others in Neffsville,  8/20/1952 #7665  
ngresswoman Mrs. Isabella King and Bill McClain. One orange teardrop-shaped 9/6/1952 #7867  
ngresswoman Mrs. Isabella King and Bill McClain witnessed an orange teardro 9/6/1952 #7871  
e by Adamski, probably of a model. Bill Moore claims in 1985 that the photo 12/13/1952 #8414  
ona, by sportsmen’s club president Bill Beers, post office employee Ray Tem 5/21/1953 #8896  
o, Texas Witness: USAF pilot Capt. Bill McDonald, in flight. One white ligh 6/10/1954 #9888  
wingless flying object was seen by Bill Supa, an employee of the Caswell Co 8/27/1954 #10188  
wingless, circular UFO was seen by Bill Supa, an employee of the Caswell Co 8/27/1954 #10192  
ings, California Aviation inventor Bill Lear sees a flying disc giving off  12/1954 #11735  
Bogotá, Colombia Aviation inventor Bill Lear, during a press conference in  2/2/1955 #11967  
fterward without finding anything. Bill Watson sees a dark object smash int 4/5/1955 #12080  
all three of the annotation types. Bill Moore and Charles Berlitz take the  4/1956 #12777  
ng its tail assembly. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones reported 3 or 4 parachute-sha 4/1/1959 #15686  
, Alberta Circle J Ranch 9:30 a.m. Bill Hertzke, a ranch hand on the Circle Mid 10/1965 #19659  
ksburg to “Acme” PA. After 20 yrs. Bill Bulebush came forward with a descri 12/9/1965 #19760  
ed by Walter Cronkite and narrator Bill Stout. Guests include Carl Sagan, D 5/10/1966 #20474  
 eject and land at sea. The pilot, Bill Park, survives, but the launch cont 7/30/1966 #20696  
of his ears. In the morning, Chief Bill Wlaskin goes to the site and finds  12/3/1967 #23545  
         LAPOINT, UT Observer(s) = Bill Taylor. 6M round object on ground / 3/4/1968 #23821  
ia Two prospectors, Ed Sampson and Bill Johnson, are sleeping in the Anza B Spring 1968 #23852  
 1973 is declassified by President Bill Clinton in 2000. The report gives d 3/18/1969 #25025  
ent up and darted toward Chicago.” Bill Allen, a photographer-reporter for  6/20/1969 #25230  
 Wales Afternoon. Future ufologist Bill Chalker, 17, is relaxing on a surfb 8/30/1969 #25339  
 driver leaves the area. Ufologist Bill Chalker accompanies the witness to  6/1970 #25684  
Gordon J. F. MacDonald opposes the bill, saying that research needs to be u 7/25/1972 #26833  
 towards the fence. (See report by Bill Hamilton) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases 10/14/1972 #27074  
ntity takes taxi. Pays / yellow $1 bill! Featureless face. / Bloecher.      11/11/1973 #28403  
ng paid for the fare with a dollar bill, which had the backside of the bill 11/11/1973 #28410  
ill, which had the backside of the bill colored yellow.                     11/11/1973 #28410  
a Gov. Ronald Reagan and his pilot Bill Paynter in his Cessna Citation see  Summer 1974 #29219  
ise Stonehenge apartment building, Bill Pawlowski, who sees a UFO with mult 1/12/1975 #29744  
Redstar.” CKY-TV station employees Bill Kendricks and Allen Kerr see a ligh 5/13/1975 #30056  
 Sterling, Colorado 8:00–9:00 p.m. Bill Jackson, a reporter for the Sterlin Early 11/1975 #30539  
    US NASA moon Area 51 US writer Bill Kaysing publishes a book claiming t 1976 #30743  
 eat dinner or drink jello. stiffs bill!                                    2/1/1976 #30843  
 Columbia 1:45 a.m. RCMP Constable Bill Toffan sees an apparent vehicle wit 4/22/1976 #31009  
t of Colusa, California 12:54 a.m. Bill Pecha Jr. is watching TV in his hom 9/10/1976 #31371  
California. At 12:45 a.m. mechanic Bill Pecha and other household members n 9/10/1976 #31373  
aureen, meet two odd individuals, “Bill” and “Jane,” who have arranged a me 9/24/1976 #31423  
cholas Flaskas, Frank Zonaras, and Bill Zonaras—waiting to film a solar ecl 10/23/1976 #31488  
                                   Bill Bartlett, age 17, was driving on Fa 4/21/1977 #32009  
 its head slowly to stare at them. Bill drove away quickly, but his compani 4/21/1977 #32009  
in the Tonopah Test Range by pilot Bill Park.                               12/1/1977 #32721  
t the crash. By 1980, Friedman and Bill Moore have interviewed at least 62  2/28/1978 #33002  
 from a distance. About 8:00 p.m., Bill Osborne watches a larger object (80 3/6/1979 #34469  
       Roswell Charles Berlitz and Bill Moore publish The Roswell Incident, 9/1980 #35488  
o show in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Bill Moore is contacted by phone from so 9/8/1980 #35504  
office at Kirtland and gives it to Bill Moore. It mentions, briefly and cry 11/17/1980 #35645  
nels” called the Aquarius Project. Bill Moore calls it a retyped version of 11/17/1980 #35645  
d ufologist, to talk to Bennewitz. Bill Moore later stated in a public conf 1982 #36283  
rants permission to UFO researcher Bill Chalker to examine its UFO files. C 1982 #36289  
ebris and UAP, and a cable to Rep. Bill Archer from OES discussed “Arrangem 2/25/1982 #36370  
co. During the first meeting, with Bill Moore in attendance, Doty is guarde 1/10/1983 #36742  
en the administration of President Bill Clinton redirects the efforts towar 3/23/1983 #36792  
aves SRI International to work for Bill Church and Jupiter Technologies to  Summer 1985 #37607  
am, who has met several times with Bill Moore and received documents about  5/8/1986 #37858  
uty Chief of Naval Operations RADM Bill Houser. Houser states he will ask N 11/10/1986 #38061  
                        Washington Bill Moore, Jaime Shandera, and Stanton  6/11/1987 #38189  
                      Holloman AFB Bill Moore and his associates cooperate  10/14/1988 #38674  
                                   Bill English claims he sees a memo from  1/1989 #38773  
ines up an impressive case against Bill Moore, saying that the Project Aqua 6/1989 #38971  
                         Las Vegas Bill Moore makes a stunning presentation 7/1/1989 #39002  
her for the City of Ellsworth, and Bill Reiff, an attorney, took off in a B 7/22/1989 #39030  
d aboard and gives 7' aliens a $20 bill!                                    6/8/1991 #40088  
rsations with Australian ufologist Bill Chalker. Khoury wakes up suddenly a 7/23/1992 #40530  
dy part. He turns the hair over to Bill Chalker for mitochondrial DNA analy 7/23/1992 #40530  
           Washington DC President Bill Clinton in office                   1/20/1993 #40803  
ennessee Area 51, Nevada President Bill Clinton issues an executive order t 1/15/1994 #41371  
rt and Petersen told him President Bill Clinton signed an Executive Order g 3/31/1995 #42130  
                         President Bill Clinton issues Executive Order 12,9 4/14/1995 #42150  
felt, Paul H. Smith, Lyn Buchanan, Bill Ray, Atwater and McNear, Sun Streak 6/30/1995 #42284  
Ufologist Grant Cameron later says Bill and Hillary Clinton traveled to Lau 11/1/1995 #42576  
, for 20 minutes. Charles Fite and Bill Adams in Aberdeen, Ohio, see severa 10/16/1996 #43073  
A sample is sent to UFO researcher Bill Chalker for analysis. Microscopic i 8/10/1998 #43625  
                          Pentagon Bill Sweetman writes in Jane’s Internati 1/5/2000 #43921  
Moulton Howe, Philip J. Corso, and Bill Birnes were interviewed live in Ros 7/4/2001 #44204  
r., Lin Wells, John Ellis, Charles Bill Moore, Kostelnik and Kaminski.  htt 10/16/2002 #44418  
                         Ufologist Bill Cooper claims underground bases und 2004 #44638  
                      At 9:10 p.m. Bill Bean witnessed a very large white d 11/29/2004 #44793  
 calls the Black Widow, Al Barker, Bill Salter, and a retired military man  6/2005 #44846  
s secret status at the time, leads Bill Sweetman to dub it the “Beast of Ka 9/1/2005 #44867  
istrict, Thailand Night. Ufologist Bill Chalker is along the Mekong River i 10/6/2006 #44971  
                       Former Sen. Bill Richardson says he was denied acces 6/28/2008 #45148  
                    Ret. USMC Cpt. Bill Uhouse states he worked at Wright-P 11/1/2013 #45392  
a $2.3 trillion government funding bill—the Consolidated Appropriations Act 12/27/2020 #45670  
 Defense Department appropriations bill.                                    10/8/2021 #45715  
 industrialist and Learjet founder Bill Lear, dies at aged 79               3/29/2022 #45744  
efore being nominated by President Bill Clinton as Secretary of Defense (be 9/26/2022 #45772  
. A provision of the SSCI-approved bill to grant a private cause of action  12/6/2022 #45785  
## Word: "billard" (Back to Top)
             Topeka, Kansas Philip Billard Municipal Airport 1:35 a.m. A Mr 11/11/1958 #15438  
t is the controllers at the Philip Billard Municipal Airport, who know her  11/11/1958 #15438  
## Word: "billboard" (Back to Top)
s a foot-wide hole through a metal billboard at Middlestone Avenue and Fron 8/19/1953 #9084  
on and disappeared behind a nearby billboard. The entire incident lasted ab 11/12/1976 #31541  
## Word: "billboards" (Back to Top)
y that creates custom video screen billboards, aimed at providing “advanced 10/17/2019 #45612  
## Word: "billet" (Back to Top)
ions (carve-outs), and centralized billet systems.                          3/8/1972 #26592  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Billet” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT      7/27/1976 #31185  
## Word: "billheimer" (Back to Top)
own, Pennsylvania 9:40 p.m. Lester Billheimer and Carl Kern watch an object 4/13/1958 #14980  
## Word: "billiard" (Back to Top)
a small white sphere the size of a billiard ball. He had on a wide silver b 9/28/1972 #27038  
## Word: "billie" (Back to Top)
ut 1000 ft. thick (top to bottom). Billie Guyton of Centerville, TX, also o 9/29/1959 #15997  
## Word: "billinghurst" (Back to Top)
d by the police from the public in Billinghurst, England of a UFO in the sk 8/6/1978 #33481  
                          Worthing Billinghurst West Sussex England Several 5/6/1986 #37855  
esses are driving from Worthing to Billinghurst in West Sussex, England, wh 5/6/1986 #37855  
## Word: "billings" (Back to Top)
aska Late night. 1st Lt. Walter F. Billings is a deputy crew commander at t Autumn 1973 #27860  
                                   Billings, MT Airlines pilot encountered  9/4/1977 #32459  
                              NEAR BILLINGS, MT Frontier airline(s)/airline 9/7/1977 #32464  
                                   BILLINGS, MT Man. 2 vibrant bright night 4/6/1996 #42852  
                                   BILLINGS, OK 15m diamond hovers / minute 3/27/1997 #43241  
s tall was seen 20 miles away from Billings, Montana at 4:30 p.m.           10/23/1997 #43435  
## Word: "billion" (Back to Top)
ns 21.9 trillion inhabitants, 53.5 billion of them on Venus. This is done c 1838 #133  
ag, adjusted for inflation, is $28 billion.                                 7/16/1945 #1900  
 that space people first arrived 1 billion years ago [prior to the earliest 1957 #13430  
 aliens many times in the past few billion years, at least once in “histori 1966 #19795  
Aurora” program in FY1986 and $2.3 billion in FY1987. This is more than dou 1985 #37542  
the project allegedly reaches $2.3 billion in fiscal 1987, according to a 1 3/1990 #39434  
estimates its size as at least $35 billion (although by 2012 is has increas 9/1990 #39712  
 by 2012 is has increased to $52.8 billion, according to information reveal 9/1990 #39712  
gedly states somewhere between $40 billion and $80 billion annually was goi 1994 #41346  
ewhere between $40 billion and $80 billion annually was going into projects 1994 #41346  
e for them to have developed was 3 billion years ago.                       8/21/1998 #43633  
e stellar systems, each at least 3 billion years old, stable, and supportin 10/31/2002 #44426  
is an inhabited planet somewhere 3 billion years older than Earth, we are l 6/10/2003 #44555  
ation significantly older than 1.8 billion years.                           6/10/2003 #44555  
s at HUD, AMS’s actions led to $76 billion in undocumentable transactions.  6/2004 #44706  
entagon’s black budget is at $52.6 billion, according to documents leaked b 2013 #45357  
 thousands a month. There was $538 billion in “plugs” for the 2009 alone fo 11/18/2013 #45396  
states at Pahute Mesa there is $40 billion in currencies in a “vault” to su 4/5/2014 #45406  
rump administration requests $81.1 billion, the largest amount ever, in fun 2/27/2018 #45516  
 US intelligence operations. $59.9 billion is earmarked for the National In 2/27/2018 #45516  
-military efforts. The other $21.2 billion would go to the Military Intelli 2/27/2018 #45516  
## Word: "billionaire" (Back to Top)
: Steven Bechtel of Bechtel Corp., billionaire oil tycoon Gordon Getty, the Mid 1990's #41926  
overnment contractor and Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow, quietly esta Fall 2007? #45070  
                       Real estate billionaire and owner of Skinwalker Ranc 10/27/2022 #45784  
## Word: "billionaires" (Back to Top)
g to run experiments from “several billionaires” who he declines to name, a 6/29/2021 #45696  
## Word: "billions" (Back to Top)
tions could be perhaps millions or billions of years ahead of us, and creat 1963 #17620  
## Word: "billom" (Back to Top)
                                   BILLOM, FR 30+observer(s). Brill object  10/3/1954 #10634  
## Word: "billowing" (Back to Top)
en he sees a disc with green vapor billowing from it pacing the train at tr 10/25/1967 #23322  
e. Afterwards she found the engine billowing smoke and the hood intensely h 10/19/1973 #28200  
oon a black triangle spun out of a billowing line of smoke in the sky over  8/10/1994 #41668  
cture through which white smoke is billowing. Pieces of its fuselage sway i 1/13/1996 #42680  
m., about a block away, with smoke billowing out of a straight horizontal p 7/15/2000 #44019  
## Word: "billows" (Back to Top)
 at least 10 feet in diameter, and billows rise on either side to a height  Early 9/1888 #285  
g like an enormous ball, with long billows going out.” An object emerges fr 6/3/1961 #16715  
## Word: "bills" (Back to Top)
l and had 10-foot wing spreads and bills 5-6 inches long. They kept them in 11/26/1966 #21151  
ment is not picking up the medical bills. "Grey" base is currently abandone 6/6/1988 #38581  
sible to the public which pays the bills ... It’s time for the files to be  1995 #41923  
## Word: "billy" (Back to Top)
ert Clarence Urie and his two sons Billy and Kenneth see a straw hat–shaped 8/13/1947 #3320  
aurant Sutton farm About 7:00 p.m. Billy Ray Taylor goes into the backyard  8/21/1955 #12386  
red at the time that could explain Billy Ray Taylor’s claim that he saw “a  8/21/1955 #12386  
nd Signal Service Battalion (M/Sgt Billy J. Woodruff, Sgt. Frank Haverly, S 1/21/1957 #13468  
eriences to Florida Today reporter Billy Cox in June 2001.                  Winter 1963 #18090  
Travis, Randy Travis, Floyd Moore, Billy Dunlap, and Gary Dunlap) are playi 7/16/1964 #18421  
he home of Henry Osceola (or Henry Billy) later in the day and arrives at h 3/15/1965 #18859  
amon/Angleton, TX. Deputy Sheriffs Billy E. McCoy and Robert W. Goode were  9/3/1965 #19495  
oria County Chief Sheriff's Deputy Billy McCoy and Deputy Robert Goode. One 9/3/1965 #19508  
Brazoria County Sheriff’s Deputies Billy E. McCoy and Robert Goode are patr 9/3/1965 #19512  
ded south toward Stuart, Virginia. Billy Wayne Plasters and Richard N. Clif 3/1/1974 #28843  
Afternoon. Eccentric and contactee Billy Meier sees a disc-shaped spacecraf 1/28/1975 #29772  
ne Coombs, age 31, and her husband Billy, age 36, were watching television  4/23/1977 #32018  
ne Coombs, age 31, and her husband Billy, age 36, were watching television  4/24/1977 #32021  
1. Feature submitted by researcher Billy J. Rachels. (mysterious-america.ne 8/6/1977 #32365  
1. Feature submitted by researcher Billy J. Rachels. (mysterious-america.ne 8/6/1977 #32366  
 Sometime after this, Popular host Billy Goodman organizes bus trips to the 5/24/1989 #38961  
                 A caller into the Billy Goodman show on KVEG in 1991 claim 1991 #39940  
  Switzerland California Contactee Billy Meier’s ex-wife Kalliope in Switze 1997 #43155  
## Word: "billy-berclau" (Back to Top)
                                   BILLY-BERCLAU, FR 1 / car. Big orange ov 6/5/1974 #29164  
## Word: "billy-goat" (Back to Top)
w over his goats in a pasture. The billy-goat became impotent as a result,  2/9/1969 #24907  
## Word: "biloxi" (Back to Top)
                                   BILOXI, MS Blue Book. 3 observer(s). Sil 11/18/1949 #4419  
                       GMX SOUTH / BILOXI, MS Air Force Lieut. and more/oth 4/13/1952 #6067  
                      Keesler AFB, Biloxi, Mississippi 12:15 p.m. A Captain 5/7/1952 #6269  
three enlisted men at Keesler AFB, Biloxi, Mississippi, see one or two alum 5/7/1952 #6269  
                                   Biloxi, MS (NARA) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 8/26/1952 #7741  
                                   BILOXI, MS Drive-in movie. Glowing disk  9/14/1952 #7925  
                                   BILOXI, MS USAF radar instructor. 1+1+2  9/24/1954 #10432  
                                   Biloxi (Keesler AFB), MS (McDonald list; 2/7/1956 #12699  
                             WSW / BILOXI, MS Project Bluebook Case #8133.  9/21/1962 #17423  
                                   Biloxi (WSW of), MS 2 objects, red and b 9/21/1962 #17424  
                            WSW of Biloxi, Mississippi, in the Gulf of Mexi 9/21/1962 #17427  
eck hand sailing west-southwest of Biloxi, Mississippi in the Gulf of Mexic 9/21/1962 #17429  
                               OFF BILOXI, MS Several observer(s) / shrimp  11/22/1968 #24677  
                                   Biloxi, MS Domed disc descended, flew ov 11/22/1968 #24683  
                                   Biloxi, MS Domed disc descended, flew ov 11/22/1968 #24687  
        At 6 p.m. off the coast of Biloxi, Mississippi a domed disc-shaped  11/22/1968 #24691  
it object stopped in mid-flight in Biloxi, Mississippi near a military base 11/14/1971 #26472  
pi Pascagoula River Keesler AFB in Biloxi Mississippi Press Register Jackso 10/11/1973 #27997  
 They first contact Keesler AFB in Biloxi, but no one is interested; then t 10/11/1973 #27997  
              Between Gulfport and Biloxi, MS A cab driver reported that he 10/16/1973 #28081  
Interstate 90 between Gulfport and Biloxi, Mississippi. His car stalled and 10/16/1973 #28092  
                                   BILOXI, MS Woman in car. Disk on-edge ba 1/10/1977 #31713  
                                   Biloxi, Mississippi 4:00 p.m. A driver s 1/10/1977 #31716  
iver stopped at an intersection in Biloxi, Mississippi, watches a disc on e 1/10/1977 #31716  
              A 46-year-old man in Biloxi, Mississippi was cleaning his car 2/17/1997 #43196  
## Word: "biloxigulfport" (Back to Top)
, E-M when car entered light beam. BiloxiGulfport, Miss., Daily Herald, May 5/14/1980 #35328  
## Word: "bilston" (Back to Top)
                                   BILSTON, ENGL Triangle with rounded corn 7/18/1998 #43609  
## Word: "bilthoven" (Back to Top)
                                   BILTHOVEN, NETHL Odd torpedo-shaped obje 11/5/1957 #14318  
## Word: "biltmore" (Back to Top)
                       Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel Shrine Auditorium in Los  8/9/1960 #16366  
ress conference at the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel. He publishes his Space A 8/9/1960 #16366  
## Word: "bilzen" (Back to Top)
                                   BILZEN AND HOESELT, BELGIUM Several obse 8/3/1990 #39677  
## Word: "bimini" (Back to Top)
                      20 MI EAST / BIMINI ISLANDS, BAHAMAS Military observe 11/25/1951 #5792  
e plane flying from the islands of Bimini to Andros in the Bahamas. Inside  12/4/1970 #25926  
                              NEAR BIMINI ISLAND, BAHAMAS Eastern Airlines  8/1985 (approximate) #37632  
## Word: "bimonthly" (Back to Top)
ucer News and it becomes a popular bimonthly UFO magazine.                  6/1955 #12172  
Cambridge, Ontario. She produces a bimonthly newsletter through September 1 9/1976 #31320  
ng its frequency from quarterly to bimonthly, to erratically with the final 9/1986 #38008  
## Word: "bin" (Back to Top)
y. It appears to inspect a garbage bin, climbs a wall, and at one point app 2/1991 #39970  
edator drone on a replica of Osama bin Laden’s Afghanistan Tarnak residence Early 6/2001 #44190  
## Word: "binary" (Back to Top)
s are the two in the Zeta Reticuli binary system, 39.3 light years from ear 1/1974 #28637  
ns from a planet orbiting the twin binary star system Zeta Reticuli. The Ze 11/10/1989 #39224  
## Word: "binche" (Back to Top)
                                   BINCHE, BELGIUM Triangular mothership la 12/18/1989 #39321  
## Word: "bindas" (Back to Top)
hatanga Krasnoyarsk Krai Russia A. Bindas observes a radiant object above t 1/1981 #35768  
## Word: "binder" (Back to Top)
water / hose. Play like kids. / O. Binder.                                  4/1960 (approximate) #16211  
round. Going quickly south. / Otto Binder.                                  8/25/1965 #19460  
 / low altitude over trailer. / O. Binder.                                  4/5/1966 #20228  
       Science-fiction author Otto Binder publishes Flying Saucers Are Watc 1968 #23625  
ncestors to create modern mankind. Binder writes that space people return e 1968 #23625  
## Word: "binding" (Back to Top)
ge John H. Pratt makes the order a binding one, giving the CIA until mid-De 8/17/1978 #33522  
m the US government with a legally binding commitment to secure the promise 4/9/1983 #36830  
## Word: "bindura" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BINDURA, ZIMB Teen. White 1M round-head  3/6/1996 #42803  
rker at a local teaching center in Bindura, South Africa reported seeing a  3/6/1996 #42810  
## Word: "binga" (Back to Top)
                            EAST / BINGA, ZIMBABWE 3 / car. Cluster / red n 3/14/1991 #40011  
   Three witnesses driving east of Binga, Zimbabwe first observed a cluster 3/14/1991 #40012  
## Word: "bingham" (Back to Top)
0 feet. Daniel McWilliam and James Bingham, in Carrickfergus, County Antrim 9/8/1954 #10273  
                                   BINGHAM, ME Girl / 6. Silver bubble goin 4/23/1966 #20383  
       At 2:15 in the afternoon in Bingham, Maine Miss Kim Baker, a 6-year- 4/23/1966 #20392  
at a low altitude near the town of Bingham, Nottinghamshire, England at thr 5/5/2002 #44338  
## Word: "binghampton" (Back to Top)
                                   Binghampton, NY 9:10 p.m. EST. A Salvati 2/20/1967 #21604  
red over the car, then sped away. (Binghampton Sun Bulletin, 2/21/67, copy  2/20/1967 #21604  
## Word: "binghamton" (Back to Top)
                                   BINGHAMTON, NY Several girls and more. O 2/1952 #5889  
         On or about this date, in Binghamton, New York a Mr. White reporte 10/20/1954 #11279  
                                   BINGHAMTON, NY 3 firemen and many. Fast  7/24/1964 #18434  
 a UFO maneuvering in the sky over Binghamton, New York at 9:00 o'clock in  7/24/1964 #18437  
## Word: "binhai" (Back to Top)
                           Tianjin Binhai International Airport, China Even 10/16/1980 #35573  
hina Evening. Operators at Tianjin Binhai International Airport, China, are 10/16/1980 #35573  
## Word: "binnie" (Back to Top)
                       Pilot Brian Binnie reaches a world record altitude o 10/4/2004 #44767  
## Word: "binocs" (Back to Top)
r. Several passes. No hard form in binocs.                                  11/20/1967 #23485  
## Word: "binoculars" (Back to Top)
estaurant, views the light through binoculars and is able to see a large ob 11/22/1896 #348  
 One spectator is watching through binoculars and says the airship’s turns  11/24/1896 #356  
ed to be 400 feet in length. Using binoculars, the outline of a structure c 4/9/1897 #420  
low towards the southwest. Through binoculars it appears to be 18–20 feet l 4/11/1897 #432  
 Texas, is watching the stars with binoculars when he notices a shadow cros 4/14/1897 #470  
, white, and green lights. Through binoculars a cone-shaped object with lar 4/19/1897 #537  
ting far away to the west. Through binoculars the object looks like a white 5/11/1897 #596  
urthouse tower looks at it through binoculars but cannot see any detail. It 9/16/1906 #688  
alconer Jameson watches it through binoculars and sees that the lights are  2/25/1913 #884  
U, CHINA 6 explorers / (seen thru) binoculars. Huge shiny ovoid going quick 8/5/1926 #1061  
l minutes and was examined through binoculars. Witnesses of the daylight UF 8/5/1927 #1078  
R SEA Dutch Navy men / (seen thru) binoculars. Large aluminum disk circles  2/26/1942 #1393  
ail on the Helm watches it through binoculars and sees it as 90 feet in dia 8/5/1942 #1430  
 Traffic Controllers / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 red saucers drop / airbase 8/29/1942 #1442  
ct which also was observed through binoculars. (Ref. 3; MUFON UFO Journal,  10/9/1942 #1455  
hing them at about 60 mph. Through binoculars it appears to be a sphere col 4/9/1943 #1494  
y Islands at 1:00 p.m. saw through binoculars and radar detected an object  3/1945 #1798  
LE, OR 3 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. V-shaped observer(s) going q 7/4/1947 #2605  
Y, WA 20+observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 1 photographs silver saucer  7/4/1947 #2620  
s flight, and was observed through binoculars by three men. In Vancouver, W 7/4/1947 #2676  
    SACRAMENTO, CA 2 / (seen thru) binoculars and more/others. White saucer 7/5/1947 #2681  
E, MO 15 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 3+3 silent saucers going sou 7/6/1947 #2783  
 Air Force (AAF) men / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent shiny disk circles no 7/7/1947 #2852  
  WEST / RIGBY, ID 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. Whirr. 3+3+3+1 bright metall 7/12/1947 #3150  
OUTH / ARVADA, WYO 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 metallic disks fly on a ti 7/24/1947 #3224  
TYGH VALLEY, OR Oibs / (seen thru) binoculars. Domed disk seen. No further  8/7/1947 (approximate) #3304  
d like “an ice cream cone” through binoculars. About 20 minutes later 4 Nat 1/7/1948 #3536  
LMINGTON, OH Several / (seen thru) binoculars and Lockbourne Air Traffic Co 1/7/1948 #3538  
tower staff, who viewed it through binoculars. It came so close to the grou 1/7/1948 #3548  
tom, as Jones describes it through binoculars. Ground radar tracks the obje Late 5/1948 #3654  
 watches the dogfight through 6x30 binoculars, the UFO appearing perfectly  10/1/1948 #3827  
” object. The object, seen through binoculars, seems as long as two Pullman 1/27/1949 #3981  
with a tail fin was viewed through binoculars as it moved on a horizontal f 5/24/1949 #4208  
urse 180° instantaneously. Through binoculars, they look like black, open b 6/29/1949 #4256  
ain. Control tower operators using binoculars seem to distinguish wings on  8/8/1949 #4313  
         HANNA, WY 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Odd birds circle area. 1 blo 3/1/1950 #4569  
K, GA 3 pilots and 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 3+2 saucers / 25K' altitude. 3/26/1950 #4723  
ntiago, Chile White object through binoculars flying at extreme altitude an 3/28/1950 #4747  
 observed for 5-10 seconds through binoculars while it flew high and fast,  3/28/1950 #4748  
iner pilots / ground / (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer zips going quickly no 3/29/1950 #4758  
 the base. They observe it through binoculars for 25 minutes.               6/21/1950 #4998  
captain watches the object through binoculars for 90 seconds. One of the ot 8/4/1950 #5105  
EY, IL 7+observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 shiny metallic balls hover 8/6/1950 #5110  
avy physicist Wykoff / (seen thru) binoculars. Large saucer maneuvers. No f 8/10/1950 #5115  
RS, FL 5 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 23m saucer with clear dome.  12/6/1950 #5324  
Lamp and four boys, using lO-power binoculars.  One 75' object, 3-4' thick, 12/6/1950 #5328  
f Fort Myers, Florida. Through 10x binoculars Lamp sees it is 3–4 feet thic 12/6/1950 #5331  
t it. Bicknell observes it through binoculars and sees a “metallic, bullet- 2/19/1951 #5449  
me, a tracker watching a B-29 with binoculars sees a large UFO near the bom 7/14/1951 #5575  
 TV-network engineer / (seen thru) binoculars. Reddish domed disk over moun 4/8/1952 #6044  
E, AK 12 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Huge "disk" crosses sky / 30 4/14/1952 #6072  
tched the object through a pair of binoculars.                              4/17/1952 #6111  
rous HIQ observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver disk / 9km altitude.  6/4/1952 #6435  
Colonel and Major with (seen thru) binoculars. Orange ball with tail at low 6/12/1952 #6483  
 Army Major and Lt. Colonel, using binoculars.  One orange ball with a tail 6/12/1952 #6486  
rmy Major and a Lt. Colonel, using binoculars, watched an orange ball with  6/12/1952 #6489  
ffman and four relatives, using 4x binoculars.  One orange light was observ 6/18/1952 #6540  
LSON, CA Observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars watches 6-engine B36. So does 7/1/1952 #6684  
 Several observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Aluminum saucer wavers. Goin 7/13/1952 #6789  
ps (GOC) observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars considers 2 shiny disks "flyi 7/14/1952 #6804  
bmerged Burgara crew / (seen thru) binoculars. Oval disk going quickly [to] 7/16/1952 #6833  
CHAUVET, FR Engineer / (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer going quickly east st 7/18/1952 #6883  
 Traffic Controllers / (seen thru) binoculars. 3 disks hover / 5 minute(s). 7/23/1952 #7050  
S, CA CD-observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Round amber object going wes 7/24/1952 #7095  
r, Michigan. He grabs a pair of 5x binoculars and studies them until they d 7/27/1952 #7213  
L Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) binoculars. Hazy object by moon resolves 7/28/1952 #7245  
fied. 12 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. UFO makes cloud. Saucers exi 7/29/1952 #7283  
, CA Blue Book. Many / (seen thru) binoculars and RADAR. 2+6 silver saucers 8/3/1952 #7429  
Batlike" saucer seen / (seen thru) binoculars. 2.5mi away. 1 mile altitude. 8/8/1952 #7513  
separate observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Huge domed saucer circles /  8/13/1952 #7563  
phere/orb/globe seen / (seen thru) binoculars / 5 minute(s). 2200h. Atlanta 8/24/1952 #7702  
ss:  one unidentified person using binoculars.  Two large objects shaped li 9/1/1952 #7813  
rks. An unidentified witness using binoculars sees two large objects shaped 9/1/1952 #7818  
rgia an unidentified witness using binoculars viewed two large objects shap 9/1/1952 #7821  
E, AK 12+observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Domed saucer hovers and rock 9/5/1952 (approximate) #7852  
 sees "small salami" / (seen thru) binoculars zipping by. Explanation = clo 9/11/1952 #7892  
 white light with red trim through binoculars. It had streamers of light co 9/11/1952 #7897  
f the Ground Observer Corps, using binoculars. One white light with a red t 9/12/1952 #7903  
 white light with red trim through binoculars. It had streamers of light co 9/12/1952 #7907  
         HARDY, KY 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. Round silver saucer with bla 9/13/1952 #7908  
 Corps observer L.W. Barnes, using binoculars. One red, cigar-shaped object 9/14/1952 #7935  
ound Observer Corps observer using binoculars spotted a red, cigar-shaped o 9/14/1952 #7945  
other UFOs in front of it. Through binoculars the small objects were made o 10/17/1952 #8149  
 GA 2 Air Force COLs / (seen thru) binoculars and 2 doctors. Very large sau 11/8/1952 #8256  
e saw a huge disc, watched through binoculars by air-traffic controller. (U 11/16/1952 #8288  
ches a huge, gleaming disc through binoculars and sees it tilt up sharply b 11/16/1952 #8289  
haped UFO is still visible through binoculars. At 2:12 pm., Adamski takes t 11/20/1952 #8308  
th. No visual confirmation, though binoculars are used.                     1/28/1953 #8604  
a few minutes. When viewed through binoculars, each had a crimson red light 2/28/1953 #8718  
ectly overhead. Seen / (seen thru) binoculars. High and fast.               3/21/1953 #8767  
 and fast, and were viewed through binoculars.                              3/21/1953 #8771  
     HENDERSON, NV 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 disks maneuver / high alti 3/23/1953 #8778  
   MINNEAPOLIS, MN 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 bright stars = saucers wit 7/31/1953 #9023  
 OREGON Police chief / (seen thru) binoculars and others. Top-saucers seen  9/11/1953 #9159  
ucer. Metallic. Seen / (seen thru) binoculars. Hovers / 15 minute(s). Back  9/14/1953 #9167  
 the sky. He looks at them through binoculars and sees that they are on the Late 9/1953 #9179  
in 90 seconds (to Johnson using 8x binoculars) after reaching 90+ miles alt 12/16/1953 #9374  
miles. At least five witnesses use binoculars. Hynek calculates a departure 1/1/1954 #9437  
     LA PUENTE, CA 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Classic saucer / 30 second(s 2/1/1954 #9523  
very, bright, round object through binoculars. It tilts, revealing a fiery- 2/1/1954 #9526  
just over 3,000 feet. Seen through binoculars, the UFO has a long fuselage, 2/4/1954 #9535  
e saw a flying saucer that through binoculars looked only slightly differen 2/18/1954 #9555  
ro V. Ocamp is still fumbling with binoculars as the objects speed away.    3/1/1954 #9588  
ngineer and 3 / roof / (seen thru) binoculars. Disk follows B36 going east. 3/18/1954 #9626  
. Two male witnesses watch through binoculars a vividly white object hoveri 4/1954 #9656  
AVASU CANYON, AZ 2+2 / (seen thru) binoculars. White cylinder/cylindrical o 4/16/1954 #9694  
visual (observation) / (seen thru) binoculars. 3 observer(s). 10' disk goin 5/5/1954 #9750  
c-shaped object was viewed throuth binoculars flying to the west. It then t 5/5/1954 #9754  
   MIAMI, FL Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Round object going east slow 5/6/1954 #9756  
EN, MI 5 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Ovoid going northwest. Glows 5/9/1954 #9764  
  At 1:10 a.m. five observers with binoculars north-northwest of Linden, Mi 5/9/1954 #9766  
RK PROV 3 cops and 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 3 delta/triangle/box-like cr 5/13/1954 #9786  
t when it also stops. Seen through binoculars, the object has a dark mass i 6/18/1954 #9910  
 Several observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Flame-colored cone-shape man 6/26/1954 #9951  
OD, OH 2+observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Crescent with portholes / 1  7/3/1954 #9987  
eat altitude, because even through binoculars they have “shown no sensible  7/8/1954 #10003  
        KENORA, ON 2 / (seen thru) binoculars and more. 6 orange-yellow orb 7/23/1954 #10040  
 SWZ Military airman / (seen thru) binoculars. 15M domed metal saucer. Also 8/7/1954 #10108  
icated course. It was seen through binoculars, and swayed when it turned. T 9/7/1954 #10271  
  SAUTENS, AUSTRIA 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver double-dome disk goin 9/16/1954 #10320  
èze, France, watches a UFO through binoculars. It changes color three times 9/22/1954 #10396  
NE, FR 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Disk follows 3 planes. Retur 9/27/1954 #10458  
 elongated luminous object through binoculars. Ten or more smaller luminous 9/28/1954 #10487  
ENS GLACIER, AUS Cop / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent 10M and metal saucer  10/3/1954 #10630  
veral observer(s) with (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer turns and changes col 10/3/1954 #10645  
MENTIERES, FR Dozens / (seen thru) binoculars. Mushroom-cap saucer hovers s 10/3/1954 #10646  
USAF pilots / ground / (seen thru) binoculars. Brilliant white saucer makes 10/28/1954 #11456  
. J.W. Brown, on ground using 7x50 binoculars.  One brilliant white, round- 10/28/1954 #11463  
 not emerge. It was viewed through binoculars.                              10/28/1954 #11466  
    LOOE, CORNWALL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars and more/others. Thin-cylinde 11/2/1954 #11526  
AL, ARG 300 soldiers / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver saucer leaves (someth 11/14/1954 #11643  
 Traffic Controllers / (seen thru) binoculars. Yellowish object going quick 12/3/1954 #11750  
tched round, yellowish UFO through binoculars. [UFOE, V] (NICAP: 01 - Dista 12/3/1954 #11752  
 Several observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver cigar hovers / 3 hour 1/1/1955 #11905  
 Several observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. White perfect cylinder/cylin 5/8/1955 #12124  
LAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver Oblong object hovers. 6/17/1955 #12202  
U Silver oblong UFO viewed through binoculars; hovered; moved away behind c 6/17/1955 #12203  
p.m. The object was viewed through binoculars, and was seen to hide in some 6/17/1955 #12204  
U Silver oblong UFO viewed through binoculars; hovered; moved away behind c 7/17/1955 #12264  
 and is lost in the trees. Through binoculars the object looks spherical an 7/29/1955 #12302  
OBART, IN 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver sphere/orb/globe cris 8/7/1955 #12338  
GO, IL 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 4 bright saucers spin / sout 8/8/1955 #12341  
C) Ustack and Taylor / (seen thru) binoculars. Bouncing sphere/orb/globe ea 8/15/1955 #12360  
ALCOA, TN 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. Brown nearly square object c 9/9/1955 #12440  
ssee Witness:  M.N. Dawkins, using binoculars. One brown, almost square obj 9/9/1955 #12443  
 this day Mr. M. N. Dawkins, using binoculars, spotted a brown, almost squa 9/9/1955 #12445  
LU, HI 6 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 100' saucer over homes. Drop 1/7/1956 #12647  
AIR FORCE BASE, MI 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Red-orange fireball / end /  1/11/1956 #12654  
/ night lights. Seen / (seen thru) binoculars = mushroom with red stalk and 3/27/1956 #12769  
ERKA, RUSSIA Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer maneuvers all over/al 5/23/1956 (approximate) #12866  
CA Civil observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Glowing ovoid going quickly  6/14/1956 #12902  
OO, IA 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. White saucer / red center. T 6/21/1956 #12910  
TZ, FL 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Orange saucer / red bottom.  6/24/1956 #12917  
 Amateur astronomers / (seen thru) binoculars and (seen thru) telescope. Ro 6/27/1956 #12924  
IN, NV 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 2+6 silent orange ovoids cir 6/29/1956 #12929  
lue Book. Weatherman / (seen thru) binoculars and more/others. Red-glowing  7/11/1956 #12963  
ITTSBURG, CA 3 teens / (seen thru) binoculars. Circular object glows and ma 8/6/1956 #13055  
     GLEN EDEN, NZ 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver ovoid maneuvers and h 9/8/1956 #13207  
ST. PETERSBURG, FL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Circular array / lights or w 9/22/1956 #13232  
 Air Force man and 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers  10/15/1956 #13278  
 Several observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Large metal sphere. Glows bl 10/24/1956 #13289  
an F-100 jet fighter. Through 7x50 binoculars, and also with the naked eye, 11/8/1956 #13315  
Cerro Negro. It was viewed through binoculars, and was visible for seven ho 1/18/1957 #13465  
        COBALT, ON 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Glowing-saucer hovers and ma 1/26/1957 #13476  
NBURG, AZ 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. 6 small silvery objects play 3/29/1957 #13567  
ormations, and were viewed through binoculars. They went from east to west, 4/29/1957 #13625  
OREWA, NZ 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. Large cylinder/cigar-shape h 5/3/1957 #13645  
 Several observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver coin-disk going east  5/21/1957 #13668  
ects on radar and visually through binoculars. The objects head south, clim 6/3/1957 #13698  
   HADDINGTON, SCT 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. Brilliant silver sphere/orb/ 6/20/1957 #13742  
 NORTH BURNABY, BC 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers  6/24/1957 #13749  
 Several observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 saucers pass. Return. Spli 7/13/1957 #13793  
J 2 engineers / boat / (seen thru) binoculars. Plain metallic cylinder/cyli 8/30/1957 #13948  
er hovering for three minutes with binoculars. It moved off to the southwes 8/30/1957 #13954  
      AUCKLAND, NZ 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. 60' domed saucer emits yello 9/11/1957 #13989  
d took off again. Observed through binoculars, he appeared as a "monster,"  9/26/1957 #14035  
 TUCSON, AZ Engineer / (seen thru) binoculars and 7. Tiny orbs exit small o 10/6/1957 #14064  
with a phosphorescent glow through binoculars. In sight approximately 90 se 10/9/1957 #14085  
 above ground, observed through 7x binoculars until it reaches about 3,000  11/4/1957 #14289  
OUTH / BEDFORD, IN 1 / (seen thru) binoculars and separate observer(s). Car 11/9/1957 #14500  
LA, SWD Army Captain / (seen thru) binoculars. Ovoid spirals going up [to]  11/24/1957 #14606  
, Sweden at 3:30 p.m. watched with binoculars as an ovoid flying object spi 11/24/1957 #14607  
 tracked on radar and seen through binoculars. At 7:22 p.m., a scramble is  12/12/1957 #14721  
Night light = saucer / (seen thru) binoculars. Red-glowing top and band / r 12/22/1957 #14758  
ators, watching the object through binoculars, do not know what it is. Sudd 1958 #14783  
ic. He is trying to focus with his binoculars on what appears to be a small 1/10/1958 #14817  
  CATIA, VNZL Banker / (seen thru) binoculars and 4. Round luminous/glowing 3/17/1958 #14936  
      SARASOTA, FL 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Fuzzy oval night light zigza 6/4/1958 #15078  
LK, VA 8 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Flat white disk going west o 7/1/1958 #15132  
uebook Case #5999. 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. 20m saucer stops. Going NNE. 8/17/1958 #15206  
       LODI, CA Teen / (seen thru) binoculars. Twin silver cigars hover. 2  11/1958 #15412  
airport, watching it through their binoculars for 20 minutes. They are conv 11/4/1958 #15425  
the three watch the object through binoculars, where it appears to be a dis 1/1/1959 #15527  
 ROCHESTER, NY Pilot / (seen thru) binoculars and more/others. Orange round 1/3/1959 #15531  
RG, PA 2+observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Brilliant ovoid circles town 5/8/1959 #15725  
#6400. 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 20' cylinder/cigar-shape ris 6/18/1959 #15774  
. Cavelli and R. Blessin, using 7x binoculars.  One brown, cigar-shaped obj 6/18/1959 #15777  
ll then 800mph. Seen / (seen thru) binoculars.                              7/25/1959 #15874  
and others view the object through binoculars as flat and round with occasi 9/24/1959 #15987  
s, is out looking at the Moon with binoculars when a lighted object approac 12/13/1959 #16118  
ase level "should be equipped with binoculars, camera, geiger counter, magn 12/24/1959 #16132  
stigators “should be equipped with binoculars, camera, Geiger counter, magn 12/24/1959 #16133  
icer tells them to look at it with binoculars and check the radar. Headquar 1960 #16143  
 LANKA 3+observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Large cylinder/cigar-shape g 1/18/1960 #16151  
VAL POSCHIAVO, SWZ 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Blimp-cylinder/cigar-shape w 5/20/1960 #16293  
      AUCKLAND, NZ 4 / (seen thru) binoculars. Shiny metallic 'parachute' h 7/31/1960 #16351  
       CHICAGO, IL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars / planetarium. Echo satellite 8/25/1960 #16412  
. One witness watches them through binoculars, and the brilliance hurts his 9/10/1960 #16442  
     HENDERSON, KY 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent orange and brown colo 11/17/1960 #16506  
rcs and dashes. Seen / (seen thru) binoculars.                              11/27/1960 #16513  
ic speeds, and was watched through binoculars by seven witnesses. It made n 11/27/1960 #16516  
s (Clark C. McClelland, with 10x50 binoculars) as it continues downrange. T 1/10/1961 #16574  
the fire. Reynolds watches through binoculars and sees the entire array mov 3/16/1961 #16632  
 of his car and watched it through binoculars. The water surface was distur 5/14/1961 #16682  
 a.m., it is still visible through binoculars when it lands on the ground s 6/5/1961 #16721  
ea south of Twin Mountain. Through binoculars, Betty sees a solid object ag 9/19/1961 #16857  
es closer to the object. Using the binoculars, Barney claims see about 8–11 9/19/1961 #16857  
et away from him. Barney tears the binoculars away from his eyes and runs b 9/19/1961 #16857  
ake a closer look, and saw through binoculars a lenticular object with a do 9/19/1961 #16858  
k Ray, and they both watch through binoculars, but they can’t make out what 10/14/1961 #16910  
   SCARBOROUGH, ON 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Metallic saucer hovers / til 4/20/1962 #17123  
stationary and is viewed both with binoculars and the naked eye. It appears 6/7/1962 #17221  
   STANLEY, WI Woman / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 silent silver dumbell-shap 7/18/1962 #17281  
w in the water dead ahead. Through binoculars he sees a squat, lighted stru 7/28/1962 #17295  
t. The witness observed it through binoculars, reported seeing a "particle" 2/20/1963 #17674  
lassy appearance when seen through binoculars. A USAF F-100 Super Sabre fro 8/1/1963 #17860  
bove the southern horizon. Through binoculars, a dark spot was visible near 9/20/1963 #17951  
ving moved a bit to the west. With binoculars, he sees wisps of smoke strea 4/11/1964 #18169  
ad in Baltimore, Maryland. Through binoculars he can see a steady white lig 8/22/1964 #18505  
sborne, New Zealand. Through night binoculars he sees a ball of light trave 11/9/1964 #18611  
near New Berlin, New York. Through binoculars she can see some 9–11 humanoi 11/25/1964 #18637  
d. Crimmins watches it through 20x binoculars. The same object is apparentl 1/27/1965 #18776  
rom its original position. Through binoculars it looks 25 feet high and 50  3/15/1965 #18859  
various maneuvers. As seen through binoculars, they appear as three lighted 5/6/1965 #18929  
ers. The craft were viewed through binoculars and appeared as 3 lighted obj 5/6/1965 #18930  
tas, Argentina Hunters saw through binoculars an object resembling an upsid 5/24/1965 #18960  
as Carretas, Argentina saw through binoculars an object resembling an upsid 5/24/1965 #18965  
ng saucer”. Tracked by theodolite, binoculars and magnetograph tapes. Also, 7/3/1965 #19056  
ta watches a star-like UFO through binoculars in the North Atlantic Ocean a 7/6/1965 #19078  
aptain and tracked the object with binoculars as its altitude reached about 7/6/1965 #19079  
drifting slowly westwards. Through binoculars the light seems to be sharply 7/26/1965 #19180  
 maneuvers. It was watched through binoculars and glowed orange, red and si 7/29/1965 #19203  
UTH, MASS 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. Tub maneuvers and changes co 7/31/1965 #19215  
Military observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Sphere stops over airbase. 2 8/19/1965 #19420  
ted rugby ball with a dome through binoculars. It was as bright as the full 8/30/1965 #19481  
uth Wales, Australia. Seen through binoculars there were aerial-like struct 9/8/1965 #19538  
coming tower and gets six pairs of binoculars that he distributes to compan Late 9/1965 #19604  
Blue Book. Cop and 4 / (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer with portholes. 15° t 10/21/1965 #19668  
ith the naked eye and through 7x35 binoculars. At first they hear no sound, 10/21/1965 #19670  
scientist/science with (seen thru) binoculars and 3. Night light maneuvers. 1/14/1966 #19833  
ght light. They observe it through binoculars for 5–10 minutes.             1/14/1966 #19834  
193. Unidentified. 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 10 balls orbit diamond-sauce 2/2/1966 #19873  
NITEROI, BRZ Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Flat-top cone-saucer with ov 3/19/1966 #19990  
roi, Brazil. It was viewed through binoculars as it flew slowly to the west 3/19/1966 #19996  
EPORT, TX 3 USCG men / (seen thru) binoculars. Orange glowing-ovoid. Figure 3/20/1966 #20001  
cked in a pendulum motion. Through binoculars, a dome-like area was visible 3/20/1966 #20005  
RBOR, LI, NY Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Dog whines. Large red-glow s 4/1966 (approximate) #20186  
that looks football-shaped through binoculars. It moves in geometric angles 4/1/1966? #20202  
se. They watched them them through binoculars, and described them as egg-sh 4/1/1966 #20203  
known. 4 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Landed saucer takes off. No  4/5/1966 #20231  
people saw a landed object through binoculars (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 4/5/1966 #20236  
landed object was observed through binoculars by four persons. It took off, 4/5/1966 #20242  
man / car home. Seen / (seen thru) binoculars / one hour. Silent. Big dog s 4/21/1966 #20350  
y moving slowly northeast. Through binoculars he saw that the object's surf 5/16/1966 #20490  
red by hazelike smoke. Without the binoculars Hardman could see that this w 5/16/1966 #20490  
rizon. When viewed through 10 x 60 binoculars, the object had a conical sha 6/17/1966 #20572  
at dawn, was then observed through binoculars as a red-colored, bell-shaped 6/18/1966 #20580  
awn, was then was observed through binoculars as a red-colored, bell-shaped 6/18/1966 #20583  
earing red and bell-shaped through binoculars, Six smaller objects were hov 6/19/1966 #20586  
earing red and bell-shaped through binoculars. Six smaller objects are hove 6/19/1966 #20588  
s family for 5 minutes, using 7x50 binoculars. Super 8mm movie film reporte 8/24/1966 #20799  
s also see it, and a neighbor with binoculars can see that it has square wi 10/2/1966 #20949  
s also saw it, and a neighbor with binoculars could see that it had illumin 10/2/1966 #20950  
outhwest. By the time he retrieves binoculars from his car, both objects ar 10/8/1966 #20974  
s. Two of the students go home for binoculars, and while they are away the  10/21/1966 #21026  
The objects look spherical through binoculars with some sort of lighted, co 10/21/1966 #21026  
NE, UT Tribal police / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 night lights pulsate and h 10/24/1966 #21033  
ast that witness was unable to use binoculars.  Sighting lasted 3 seconds.  10/26/1966 #21037  
 the witness was unable to use his binoculars. Sighting lasted 3 seconds.   10/26/1966 #21039  
ARA, ROM Observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Delta/triangle/box-like craf 11/1966 (approximate) #21054  
       DENBIGH, ND 4 / (seen thru) binoculars / Minot. Large domed saucer.  11/26/1966 #21150  
YSIA Lawyer and 1 with (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer going up and down [to 1/15/1967 #21302  
OKIN, PA Observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 18' saucer / low altitude wi 1/18/1967 #21338  
ated 400-500 feet), viewed through binoculars. As it neared, the object emi 1/18/1967 #21341  
kin, Pennsylvania, watches through binoculars a disc with a red light on a  1/18/1967 #21343  
100 feet away. Some observers with binoculars say it is metallic and has li 1/26/1967 #21399  
en / 6 cops and more / (seen thru) binoculars. Goes going up [to], going do 1/28/1967 #21405  
d. The objects were viewed through binoculars. (NICAP report form.). (NICAP 2/18/1967 #21590  
red light that when viewed through binoculars appeared to be a saucer-shape 2/20/1967 #21603  
ST, MASS "Venus" seen. (Seen thru) binoculars show no detail. Changes color 3/7/1967 #21784  
 Michigan. It was observed through binoculars, and was described as about t 3/7/1967 #21788  
ved away. It was also seen through binoculars, but no structure could be di 3/7/1967 #21789  
, KS Several cops with (seen thru) binoculars. Object changes color(s). Sam 3/8/1967 #21795  
 horizon. They observed it through binoculars, and it appeared to oscillate 3/30/1967 #22016  
). The objects were viewed through binoculars. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 4/6/1967 #22075  
d carried objects that looked like binoculars or cameras. They waved to the 4/13/1967 #22128  
AK, BRZ Doctors etc. / (seen thru) binoculars. Vibrant bright small saucer  4/15/1967 #22133  
light. Metz observes it through 8x binoculars. The object hovers above powe 4/17/1967 #22153  
, MASS 3 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. UFO with rectangular-box sha 4/21/1967 #22177  
, UT Former USAF man / (seen thru) binoculars. 9 saucers in violent maneuve 4/21/1967 #22180  
A large white light viewed through binoculars showed the appearance of rect 4/21/1967 #22183  
,000 feet altitude. Viewed through binoculars, the objects had no visible r 4/21/1967 #22186  
tts. The object was viewed through binoculars and appeared to have four rec 4/21/1967 #22198  
    GREEN LAKE, WI 4 / (seen thru) binoculars. Cone wobbles. Going down [to 4/27/1967 #22226  
een Lake, Wisconsin Four boys with binoculars observed an object come lower 4/27/1967 #22232  
  At 10:00 p.m. CDT four boys with binoculars in Green Lake, Wisconsin obse 4/27/1967 #22237  
e, cone- shaped object through 25x binoculars mounted on a tripod. The obje 4/28/1967 #22245  
 EDMONTON, ALTA Kids / (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer hovers / cemetery. St 5/7/1967 #22290  
th a friend, Glenn Coates, through binoculars. It hovered near a cemetery,  5/7/1967 #22293  
 ground. They looked at it through binoculars. A series of bangs and a "scr 5/7/1967 #22297  
ow clouds and was observed through binoculars. (Flying Saucer Review, Sept. 5/12/1967 #22323  
he clouds and was observed through binoculars in Putney, England.           5/12/1967 #22325  
object is not visible even through binoculars by personnel in the control t 5/13/1967 #22337  
, but was not visible even through binoculars by personnel in the control t 5/13/1967 #22339  
eet, 11 miles away. Through 7 x 50 binoculars, the objects appear brilliant 5/16/1967 #22355  
dy white. They were viewed through binoculars. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 6/5/1967 #22465  
s or ports. They viewed it through binoculars for about one minute. (North  6/21/1967 #22528  
ITY, SD Several cops / (seen thru) binoculars. UFO going up / ground. Hover 6/30/1967 #22576  
 onto a “definite course.” Through binoculars the first object appears brig 7/30/1967 #22754  
 can make out 9–10 objects through binoculars. Capt. Angel Fojo Ceballos an 8/6/1967 #22830  
 / VELVA, ND Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Domed saucer hovers. Going u 8/10/1967 #22856  
ng NNE. Silent. Seen / (seen thru) binoculars.                              8/30/1967 #22957  
ft engineering and 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent white disk. Windows / 10/2/1967 #23161  
BKHAZ ASSR Engineers / (seen thru) binoculars. Delta/triangle/box-like craf 10/3/1967 (approximate) #23169  
ANCON, FR 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. 15M sphere with 5 square win 10/9/1967 #23199  
EDT). Three witnesses using 7 x 50 binoculars saw a yellowish oval with a s 10/10/1967 #23203  
taffordshire, England using 7 x 50 binoculars saw a yellowish oval with a s 10/10/1967 #23207  
gle. Fortney looks at them through binoculars and sees dark rectangular obj 10/22/1967 #23290  
ight, then descends again. Through binoculars it looks conical or bullet sh 12/2/1967 #23533  
T, MASS Doctor and 7 / (seen thru) binoculars. 8 night lights going north / 12/24/1967 #23601  
onds after that. He retrieves some binoculars and watches all three. The fi 12/24/1967 #23607  
ON, BC 6 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 4 saucers hover over radio t 1/5/1968 #23648  
  On this night six observers with binoculars in Nelson, British Columbia,  1/5/1968 #23651  
ly in and out of the area. Through binoculars they can see that the objects 1/15/1968 #23667  
OTAFOGO, BRZ Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Dark object with luminous/gl 1/26/1968 #23701  
DLETT, UT Group / observer(s) with binoculars sees silver saucer maneuver.  3/2/1968 #23804  
cts maneuvering in the sky through binoculars.                              3/2/1968 #23808  
ANIA Many observer(s). (Seen thru) binoculars and theodolites. Zigzag motio 3/29/1968 #23869  
Semenic Mountain, Romania. Through binoculars it appears cone-shaped. Bălaş 3/29/1968 #23870  
BITZHEIM, FR Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Green triangle east going qu 4/21/1968 #23917  
     HOMESTEAD, FL 5 / (seen thru) binoculars. Dull silver object / pointed 4/24/1968 #23921  
11 th. Changes shape / (seen thru) binoculars. Delta etc.                   5/10/1968 #23954  
MS, MA 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Slow green night light. Blin 7/5/1968 #24145  
ng slowly through the sky. Through binoculars it looked like a green ball w 7/5/1968 #24146  
ia was scanning the field with his binoculars at eleven o'clock in the morn 7/20/1968 #24195  
        ALES, GARD 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Fast white ovoid stops over  7/31/1968 #24265  
 ROMANIA Observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Venus size night light zigza 8/18/1968 #24349  
Separate observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Red ball maneuvers / 15 minu 11/19/1968 #24665  
 WILLIAM SOUND, AK 2 / (seen thru) binoculars on boat. 30M disk / 450M alti 1/16/1969 #24851  
Tiago Machado, age 19, got out his binoculars and went up the hill, approac 2/6/1969 #24897  
xit and 2 inside. Fear (seen thru) binoculars. / FSRv16#2+/ r222p81.        2/7/1969 #24899  
it for a time, then goes in to get binoculars. He goes off to the hill and  2/7/1969 #24901  
go Machado, age 19. He grabbed his binoculars and went to look at it, appro 2/7/1969 #24902  
Sicily was looking at the sky with binoculars on a night of a full moon, wh 3/19/1969 #25031  
re one meter in thickness. Through binoculars he was able to see that two h 3/19/1969 #25031  
a white disc-shaped object through binoculars. It hovered and zoomed up and 5/17/1969 #25140  
, AZ 4 observer(s) 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Red UFO hovers. Small night  6/14/1969 #25214  
 witness viewed the object through binoculars, and he described a point sou 6/14/1969 #25215  
HI, IND 6 geologists / (seen thru) binoculars / rooftop. Object clearly see 7/21/1969 #25285  
T / BONNEVILLE, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Domed crescent hovers / end  9/5/1969 #25353  
  SADDLE RIVER, NJ 2 / (seen thru) binoculars and 2 cops. Several objects / 12/19/1969 #25505  
viewed the lighted objects through binoculars. They described the UFOs as h 12/19/1969 #25507  
ES, IN 3 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 10m domed saucer hovers over 8/30/1970 #25810  
e-enters the house to get his 7x50 binoculars. The object is about a quarte 8/30/1970 #25814  
-entered the house to get his 7x50 binoculars, and when he emerged the obje 8/30/1970 #25815  
ARG Many observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Metallic ovoid slowly lands  1/18/1971 #25990  
 many witnesses and viewed through binoculars. A domed UFO with a beam of l 1/18/1971 #25991  
outh. Griehl goes to retrieve some binoculars and misses most of the sighti 5/24/1971 #26130  
      GRENOBLE, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Classic saucer hovers near J 6/24/1971 #26188  
        OUHANS, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Dull roar. Bell-shape jumps  7/6/1971 #26208  
                Two witnesses with binoculars in Ouhans, France heard a dul 7/6/1971 #26209  
MARRAWAH, TASMANIA 1 / (seen thru) binoculars and kids and more. 16' white- 7/9/1971 #26219  
         CLUJ, ROM 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Bright sphere/orb/globe / lo 7/27/1971 #26245  
 TO/FROM ARTIX, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Flying metallic carrot with  10/1/1971 #26396  
EC, QB 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Domed delta/triangle/box-lik 11/4/1971 #26456  
        DENAIN, FR 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Oval night light makes impos 1/22/1972 #26552  
 were able to view the UFO through binoculars.                              4/15/1972 #26647  
NEAR GRAZ, AUSTRIA 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. White saucer hovers and zoom 5/17/1972 #26685  
ndreds / observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. UFO hovers and maneuvers int 7/4/1972 #26758  
S, RSA 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 photographs / night light. 7/23/1972 #26826  
f the barn. Stephen looked through binoculars to see if the being would pas 7/26/1972 #26836  
INE, LEBANON Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Classic domed saucer. Rim =  8/4/1972 #26872  
c-shaped object was viewed through binoculars, hovering over a mountain, by 8/4/1972 #26873  
e Morales views the object through binoculars and describes it as silver-wh 9/14/1972 #26997  
 Morales viewed the object through binoculars and described the object as s 9/14/1972 #27000  
e are looking towards Rosmead with binoculars and see an odd light above th 11/12/1972 #27120  
ome. After a while, he goes to get binoculars, and with these he can see th 12/13/1972 #27176  
 ENGL 2 coast guards / (seen thru) binoculars. Huge wheel / extreme altitud 2/11/1973 #27280  
iewed a huge wheel-shaped UFO with binoculars at Hengistbury Head, Hampshir 2/11/1973 #27282  
OUTH, DORSET Newsman / (seen thru) binoculars. Luminous/glowing domed sauce 2/17/1973 #27293  
 pointing toward the left. Through binoculars Mr. Cosme could see two lumin 3/24/1973 #27373  
toward the left. Through a pair of binoculars Mr. Cosme could see two lumin 3/25/1973 #27376  
  PIERPONT, OH Woman / (seen thru) binoculars. Large circular object flashe 3/27/1973 #27379  
at 158 different viewing stations: binoculars, RF spectrum analyzers, Quest 4/1973 #27397  
1+1+7+1 night lights / (seen thru) binoculars. Follows plane back?          5/11/1973 #27476  
cist and 3 / airport / (seen thru) binoculars. Apparent delta/triangle/box- 5/24/1973 #27523  
itude of about 2,500 feet. Through binoculars, Rutledge can see the white l 5/24/1973 #27527  
drops sparks visible / (seen thru) binoculars only. Satellite?              7/1973? #27605  
EL, IN 3 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. House sized saucer with 3 se 10/5/1973 #27940  
s. House sized object seen through binoculars. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 10/5/1973 #27948  
7 second(s). = globe / (seen thru) binoculars.                              10/13/1973 #28018  
AZOO, MS Observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Huge blue-glowing saucer. Lo 10/16/1973 #28072  
cluding some who viewed it through binoculars. It looked like an acorn, wit 12/2/1973 #28507  
housands / observer(s) (seen thru) binoculars etc. 4 saucers maneuver and h 12/3/1973 #28512  
inutes. The UFO was viewed through binoculars, and reportedly had a wide re 12/10/1973 #28552  
. Small windows seen / (seen thru) binoculars.                              1/5/1974 (approximate) #28646  
e. Small windows were seen through binoculars.                              1/5/1974 #28650  
ERLAND, ENGL Several / (seen thru) binoculars. 1-4 ovoids seen. Maneuvers.  1/23/1974 #28692  
   GOBOWEN, SHROPS 4 / (seen thru) binoculars. Disk going quickly [to] betw 1/24/1974 #28698  
Separate observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Fast silent brilliant white  1/24/1974 #28699  
, WA 8 prison guards / (seen thru) binoculars / 3 days. Saucer spins clockw 1/28/1974 #28711  
   ST.-CESAIRE, FR 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent cone-saucer going sou 2/21/1974 #28783  
MT. HOCHRIES, GERM 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. 3 15M globes / light going w 2/28/1974 (approximate) #28816  
  HEUCHIN, NORD Cops / (seen thru) binoculars chase double night light all  3/23/1974 #28929  
RAY-LES-LAUMES, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 'Spaceship' circles high and 4/17/1974 #29043  
ation mechanic and 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Circle / light just over hig 4/24/1974 #29059  
g black dress . They took out some binoculars and watched her stand perfect 5/11/1974 #29100  
 King and Vinten again saw through binoculars two more figures, this time d 5/11/1974 #29100  
ed object, and observed it through binoculars. Three or four men over eight 6/8/1974 #29173  
, ENGL 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent glowing-saucer stops. 6/14/1974 #29189  
EAK, WA Fire lookout / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver grey cylinder/cigar-s 7/21/1974 #29272  
 CANOS, SP 5 campers / (seen thru) binoculars. Glowing-cone hovers / shore. 8/7/1974 #29314  
     GIROMAGNY, FR 1 / (seen thru) binoculars and 2 / car. Grey metal sauce 8/24/1974 #29381  
ELGIUM 5 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Disk over military airbase.  9/10/1974 #29445  
ELGIUM 6 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer shoots truncated V-be 9/10/1974 #29449  
GIUM 1+1 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Ball / light over power line 9/10/1974 #29450  
elon, France. The family was using binoculars to view it. The object resemb 9/19/1974 #29464  
     MARLOW, BUCKS 8 / (seen thru) binoculars / boat. Glowing-disk hovers / 9/21/1974 #29466  
ound like a swarm of bees. Through binoculars, the officer sees an egg-shap 9/21/1974 #29467  
ver(s) / 10 th floor / (seen thru) binoculars. Disk with lights edges. 300M 10/9/1974 #29507  
NGTON, WV 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. 4 red lights / edge / presum 10/11/1974 #29518  
gton, West Virginia a witness with binoculars watched a dark object with fo 10/11/1974 #29524  
nter. Clayton, watching it through binoculars, sees a bell shape on the top 1/1/1975 #29690  
the ground for 25 minutes. Through binoculars, they see an object shaped li 1/2/1975 #29702  
 they both view the lights through binoculars. They are moving slowly and s 1/31/1975 #29775  
o a pilot, sees the object through binoculars from his ranch 15 miles south 2/17/1975 #29820  
, PORTUGAL Observers / (seen thru) binoculars. Cone-object / 400M altitude  3/1/1975 #29861  
rs altitude for 30 minutes through binoculars; the object changed in bright 3/1/1975 #29862  
 craft seen / 3 cops / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent and stationary / 15 s 4/4/1975 #29959  
ABETHTOWN, NC Cop with (seen thru) binoculars. Big glow / 60 min. Maneuvers 4/4/1975 #29963  
tist/science teacher / (seen thru) binoculars and 6. 90' domed glowing-sauc 4/15/1975 #29987  
 orange glowing domed disc through binoculars as it approached them at 9:23 4/15/1975 #29991  
NY Electric engineer / (seen thru) binoculars. UFO going south. 754' diamet 6/13/1975 #30100  
       An electrical engineer with binoculars watched a UFO fly south over  6/13/1975 #30101  
, SWITZ Doctor and 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Large disk spins and rises.  8/1975 #30220  
 ZAVENTEM, BELGIUM 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Perfect ovoid cloud with lig 9/20/1975 #30371  
at 5:30 p.m. It was viewed through binoculars by several witnesses. At 7:50 9/20/1975 #30374  
 east slope of Priest Butte. Using binoculars, they described it as being e 10/20/1975 #30452  
om the stars. Description: Through binoculars, looked like 100 ft. sphere a 10/28/1975 #30492  
degrees elevation. Witnesses using binoculars observed the object climb qui 11/15/1975 #30622  
dly now be seen without the aid of binoculars. The object was observed for  11/15/1975 #30622  
0° elevation, high out of range of binoculars. It climbed high out of range 11/15/1975 #30624  
s. It climbed high out of range of binoculars. Observed for 20 minutes and  11/15/1975 #30624  
NEAR VITTORIA, ITL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Odd ship going up / sea. Bri 4/25/1976 #31021  
ver trees. Invisible via polarized binoculars!                              6/20/1976 #31114  
  DANBURY, CT 3 cops / (seen thru) binoculars and 22 others. Ovoid hovers a 8/4/1976 #31227  
a bright light in the sky. Through binoculars, it looks like a silver disc  8/14/1976 #31263  
r Traffic Controller / (seen thru) binoculars. Brilliant 7M cylinder/cylind 9/18/1976 #31392  
de at 11:15 p.m. to look. With his binoculars, he sees a bright object flas 9/18/1976 #31395  
0 mph and about 600 feet altitude. Binoculars reveal a blinking red light f 9/24/1976 #31422  
OD, FL Ex Navy pilot / (seen thru) binoculars and more. Saucer / wide count 10/13/1976 #31462  
   SACKVILLE, NB Cop / (seen thru) binoculars and 2+2. 3 cylinder/cigar-sha 10/16/1976 #31468  
y, who observes the object through binoculars, says it looks like “two plat 10/17/1976 #31474  
y, who observed the object through binoculars, said it looked like "two pla 10/17/1976 #31475  
time. She went and brought him the binoculars, but just as soon as he was a 10/24/1976 #31493  
ORTHRIDGE, CA 3 boys / (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer / fast turn west goin 12/14/1976 #31600  
ect for more than an hour. Through binoculars it looks like a 3:1 rectangle 1/21/1977 #31741  
rees. Mrs. Le Clair looked through binoculars and could see an elongated ob 3/15/1977 #31907  
nsin. Mrs. Le Clair looked through binoculars and could see an elongated ob 3/15/1977 #31910  
OTLAND 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Moon-size object passes buil 4/8/1977 #31958  
RAF Test Pilot and 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Do-nut saucer splits / 3. Ri 4/15/1977 #31981  
they looked like through a pair of binoculars. They looked as though they h 4/19/1977 #32002  
donesia, are watching the sky with binoculars when they see a round UFO tha 5/3/1977 #32051  
heast at 1,000–1,500 feet. Through binoculars, it appears to be a domed ell 7/3/1977 #32232  
d regroup. Blue glow / (seen thru) binoculars hurts eyes.                   7/12/1977 #32260  
N, LONDON 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent cylinder/cigar-shape. 8/4/1977 #32357  
t flight path. Watching it through binoculars, it looks like a metallic sub 8/4/1977 #32360  
o mechanic observing a UFO through binoculars in North Charleston, South Ca 3/18/1978 #33056  
g a shadow on a hillside. They use binoculars to watch it for 5–8 minutes.  3/29/1978 #33097  
     VITTORIO, ITL 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Glow boat 5km offshore. Goin 4/25/1978 #33165  
io, Sicily, Italy observed through binoculars a glowing "boat"  5 kilometer 4/25/1978 #33170  
RY, MO 6 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Distinct saucer with dark ba 6/18/1978 #33287  
 one. Move as a unit / (seen thru) binoculars.                              6/24/1978 #33300  
NEAR BISCHHEIM, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars and separate observer(s). Tri 7/9/1978 #33360  
IE / TALLANO, CORS 5 / (seen thru) binoculars. UFO going / jumps. Responds  8/11/1978 #33500  
direction. The UFO, viewed through binoculars, made quick jumps as it maneu 8/11/1978 #33507  
AVERDE DEL RIO, SP 5 / (seen thru) binoculars and cameras. Silent metallic  8/13/1978 #33514  
                       Viewed thru binoculars. A silent metallic cylindrica 8/13/1978 #33515  
at the rear end was viewed through binoculars for two minutes over Villaver 8/13/1978 #33515  
EAK, WA Fire watcher / (seen thru) binoculars. Cylinder/cigar-shape with ro 9/29/1978 #33777  
nd. She watched the object through binoculars for four minutes.             9/29/1978 #33783  
r-amateur astronomer / (seen thru) binoculars. Star splits / 2. 1 going [to 10/10/1978 #33825  
LARENVILLE, NFLD Cop / (seen thru) binoculars and more/others. Ovoid / 1km  10/26/1978 #33877  
erves it for nearly two hours with binoculars and a high-powered scope. It  10/26/1978 #33880  
eyes hurt in looking at it through binoculars. It vanishes, then reappears  10/28/1978 #33887  
separate observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Domed ovoid with glowing-hal 11/2/1978 #33912  
and grabbed a pair of high-powered binoculars. Closer inspection revealed t 12/16/1978 #34144  
three hours. It was viewed through binoculars and seen by several Mountain  12/19/1978 #34176  
       ALBINO, ITL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Pyramid going down / mountai 1/6/1979 #34307  
 Solano County, California through binoculars. It looked "like a frisbee th 2/19/1979 #34436  
nas. Figures visible / (seen thru) binoculars. "Wave tentacles".            5/26/1979 #34581  
ted over the city. With the aid of binoculars figures could reportedly be s 5/26/1979 #34586  
ted over the city. With the aid of binoculars figures could reportedly be s 5/26/1979 #34592  
ARK, CA 2 cops and 5 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent metallic cylinder/cyl 7/25/1979 #34674  
CHANGDE, HUNAN, CH 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent orange dirigible nort 8/21/1979 #34766  
ay. The husband studies it through binoculars, estimating its speed as abou 8/29/1979 #34800  
east, low above the horizon. Using binoculars, she sees a flat- bottomed or 8/29/1979 #34802  
EAK, WA Fire rangers / (seen thru) binoculars. Large orange glowing-ball ma 9/12/1979 #34865  
CH, CT 3 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Boomerang tumbles and maneuv 9/26/1979 (approximate) #34925  
cticut. They drive home to get two binoculars and another witness, then see 9/26/1979 #34928  
 the northeast and view it through binoculars. It has two red lights and a  12/9/1979 #35063  
and look at it through inexpensive binoculars as it flies down the valley b 12/27/1979 #35100  
EN, FR 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Big blob / light hovers. Sma 12/31/1979 #35106  
ER, FR 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent round dome maneuvers. 1/11/1980 #35130  
fast. Classic saucer / (seen thru) binoculars.                              1/24/1980 #35143  
y watch it for 5–7 minutes through binoculars, then it disappears as it get 1/24/1980 #35144  
y observed the tree with a pair of binoculars but was unable to distinguish 2/11/1980 #35168  
one luminous spot. Using a pair of binoculars, they watched the lighted obj 2/11/1980 #35169  
      NYANGA, ZIMB 5 / (seen thru) binoculars. Crescent hovers. Shoots beam 3/23/1980 #35232  
te lights. He looks at it with his binoculars with his 13-year-old son for  4/20/1980 #35279  
as it flew. They viewed it through binoculars for most of their seven minut 4/20/1980 #35283  
is not visible through the pair of binoculars they have. It makes a right t 5/1980 #35296  
 and down motions observed through binoculars; stopped, spinning, over Lick 5/2/1980 #35300  
 and down motions observed through binoculars. Stopped, spinning, over Lick 5/2/1980 #35301  
hey take turns studying it through binoculars. The object has a blue-green  5/2/1980 #35303  
 Several observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 12 night lights circle zip a 8/1980 #35434  
  TREHORENTRUC, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars / car. Saturn saucer going we 8/13/1980 #35456  
HUAN, CH Observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Sketch = flying rod with rou 9/9/1980 #35507  
 Don Grannon to look at it through binoculars, and they are convinced it is 9/26/1980 #35536  
ct tumbling end-over-end. He grabs binoculars and watches as it passes over 10/6/1980 #35558  
d at more than 6,500 feet. Through binoculars he can see it is bullet-shape 4/25/1981 #35915  
LE, PA 6 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Large domed saucer offloads  5/4/1981 #35925  
ound in the sky and goes in to get binoculars. He and another man watch sev 5/4/1981 #35928  
he craft. Using a pair of powerful binoculars, the cosmonauts see the being 5/14/1981 #35937  
ersey, looking for satellites with binoculars. Suddenly, two flashing white 7/23/1981 #36026  
ents saw them, including some with binoculars.                              11/12/1981 #36221  
        OISSEL, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver saucer with halo hove 11/28/1982 #36700  
sees them drift into view. Through binoculars they can see a “huge object”  3/24/1983 #36806  
 meters, and it was viewed through binoculars. The UFO hovered, and then we 10/26/1983 #37024  
 in the sky ahead of them. Through binoculars, they see that the light is c 10/28/1983 #37027  
separate observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Metallic ovoid maneuvers out 4/24/1984 #37283  
nd white lights. They stop and get binoculars out, then notice another obje 6/21/1984 #37370  
 MAHOPAC FALLS, NY 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Arrowhead delta/triangle/box 8/20/1984 #37435  
 way home where they retrieve some binoculars. She can clearly see a dark,  8/20/1984 #37436  
d spotters, armed with cameras and binoculars, set out to sight them. The a 3/23/1985 #37573  
the city and 9 miles away. Through binoculars, the objects have distinct bo 5/19/1986 #37878  
o fast / hard to see / (seen thru) binoculars.                              5/24/1986 #37892  
OP, WA 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Large fiery white object fro 7/12/1986 #37940  
YWOOD, CA 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent X-shape going quickly 10/13/1986 #38046  
he lights were also viewed through binoculars as they flew away to the east 8/23/1987 #38253  
r more than an hour with a pair of binoculars. It has a red light on each e 2/10/1989 #38832  
esses go inside to get a camera or binoculars.                              3/12/1989 #38871  
 a white halo around them. Through binoculars, they can see four smaller ob 4/15/1989 #38907  
 England. He looks at them through binoculars and sees a large triangular o Summer 1989 #38992  
T WALTON BEACH, FL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Unidentified shape blocks st 10/30/1989 #39193  
serving stars with a telescope and binoculars at 9:15 p.m., two witnesses i 10/30/1989 #39195  
hysicist and several / (seen thru) binoculars. Dark silent triangle. Light  3/18/1990 #39465  
STONIA 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 15M saucer going down / 1.5M 3/23/1990 #39477  
ELETTE, BELGIUM Cops / (seen thru) binoculars. Sphere grows wings. 3 night  3/30/1990 #39496  
  HOYANGER, NORWAY 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. 5M object / low altitude. St 6/12/1990 #39614  
     POMPIGNAN, FR 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Featureless moon-size white  7/6/1990 #39636  
/box-like craft seen / (seen thru) binoculars. Hovers / 30 minute(s) then s 7/13/1990 #39643  
       FERIN, NORD 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Delta/triangle/box-like craf 10/11/1990 #39779  
OS, IN 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Black bow-tie shape going do 10/18/1990 #39794  
LISKEARD, CORNWALL 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Slim white cylinder/cigar-sh 1/6/1991 #39946  
  FALSLEV MARK, DK 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Rectangular night light mane 2/27/1991 #39985  
atched by a single witness through binoculars. A second light was seen flyi 2/27/1991 #39986  
/ BODMIN, CORNWALL 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Slim cylinder/cigar-shape wi 5/22/1991 #40071  
 formations. = disks / (seen thru) binoculars. Lost in fog.                 8/4/1991 #40141  
l moving in the Valea Rea. Through binoculars they take on the shape of dis 8/4/1991 #40142  
 and the object was viewed through binoculars.                              11/5/1991 #40218  
t 12:15 p.m. It was viewed through binoculars, and was definitely not a con 11/9/1991 #40223  
d dreamlike, “like looking through binoculars, but through the back of my o 7/23/1992 #40530  
aight line. He viewed then through binoculars as they hovered for the next  2/9/1993 #40847  
   SEDEN SOUTH, DK 3+/ (seen thru) binoculars. Fireball with beams. Rises g 2/17/1993 #40851  
ive meters above the ground. Using binoculars they were able to see several 5/28/1993 #40993  
 NC 3 observer(s) with (seen thru) binoculars. Red night light glides. Stop 5/29/1993 #40994  
 Canjuers area. Some / (seen thru) binoculars see dark cone.                5/29/1993 #40995  
ly. It was viewed by a family with binoculars. While the witnesses was call 7/17/1993 #41068  
seen visually and observed through binoculars.                              8/14/1993 #41137  
size, which appeared ovoid through binoculars. It had reddish-orange flames 8/14/1993 #41139  
OUANS, FR 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. Box with rectangular windows 11/14/1993 #41273  
clearly at close range and through binoculars.                              11/24/1993 #41301  
IDOCK, FR. GUYANA 12+/ (seen thru) binoculars. Odd blue-glow cloud going so 2/3/1994 #41404  
BE, SOMERSET Several / (seen thru) binoculars / one hour. Vibrant bright mu 3/5/1994 #41439  
 COL. DE VENCE, FR 4 / (seen thru) binoculars. Dogs bark. Black triangle /  3/5/1994 #41440  
Franco goes outside and spots with binoculars two dark shadows in a ravine. 3/6/1994 #41443  
and he watches some lights through binoculars around 9:40 p.m. The Allegan  3/8/1994 #41449  
ANAPANY, REUNION I 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. Huge spoked wheel / complex  3/17/1994 #41459  
y metal dome on side / (seen thru) binoculars. Solid crown / base.          6/4/1994 #41549  
 DUSSELDORF, GER Cop / (seen thru) binoculars and 5. Saucer with protrusion 7/16/1994 #41622  
king lights. It was viewed through binoculars.                              7/16/1994 #41626  
RENTON, WA Man / night-(seen thru) binoculars. Large "ships" hover. Type un 8/1/1994 #41651  
ON, FR 3 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Luminous disk on-edge with 2 8/7/1994 #41661  
   ST. CHINIAN, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars and (seen thru) telescope. Sl 8/27/1994 #41692  
 OH 3+observer(s) with (seen thru) binoculars and cops. Very large ovoid ho 8/29/1994 #41700  
IS, IN 3+observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Bright object with colored l 9/19/1994 #41762  
EY, AUST Observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Sphere/orb/globe / high alti 12/27/1994 #41906  
ERMANY 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars and more/others. Thin shaft h 2/3/1995 #42014  
   PERDIDO KEY, FL 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent red sphere/orb/globe  2/4/1995 #42018  
 SANTA BARBARA, CA 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Huge Assembly / night lights 2/13/1995 #42046  
7 bright lights was viewed through binoculars in St. Petersburg, Russia. Wh 3/14/1995 #42095  
d several / 2 nights / (seen thru) binoculars. Night lights hover then shoo 3/29/1995 #42124  
      PROSPECT, NS 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. 80M ovoid hovers. Rushes nea 4/18/1995 #42156  
r. She calls her husband, who gets binoculars and determines there are two  4/18/1995 #42157  
EAR CLOVERDALE, BC 2 / (seen thru) binoculars / PR10. 2 23cm night lights h 5/7/1995 #42186  
 FR 8 / UFO group with (seen thru) binoculars. Red-orange fireball flies ah 6/29/1995 #42281  
WA MUFON observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Wingless ivory object drops  8/4/1995 #42358  
   LAKE OSWEGO, OR 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. White object hovers. Vanishe 9/9/1995 #42448  
 strange triangular object through binoculars. It flies pointed-end forward 9/29/1995 #42518  
ST.-CLAUDE, 37, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 10 ring over field. Rays rad 12/19/1995 (approximate) #42647  
 EMMERIN, NORD, FR 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver ball with round spots 1/12/1996 #42678  
 light looks square in (seen thru) binoculars. Southeast going quickly nort 2/3/1996 #42734  
CAUSSINIOJOUIS, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Luminous/glowing orange disk 3/6/1996 #42804  
   NEAR MARSON, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Half-moon night light with p 6/6/1996 #42923  
, PA 2+3 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Diamond shapes maneuver. Mis 7/16/1996 #42957  
     ALASSIO, ITL 12 / (seen thru) binoculars. Unidentified object going no 8/25/1996 #42994  
the Gironde River. Using a pair of binoculars, from about 200-300 meters aw 9/15/1996 #43021  
e of one of them and borrowed some binoculars, after which they soon return 9/23/1996 #43039  
. Viewing the hovering object with binoculars, they could now tell that it  9/23/1996 #43039  
p of the smaller beings. Using the binoculars they now spotted a large tran 9/23/1996 #43039  
 plane zigzags! Seen / (seen thru) binoculars. Going quickly ESE.           10/22/1996 #43089  
UMVILLE, MBA Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Bowl-saucer with square wind 10/25/1996 #43094  
ille, Manitoba. It is seen through binoculars as it directs a beam of light 10/25/1996 #43095  
lle, Manitoba. It was seen through binoculars as it directed a beam of ligh 10/25/1996 #43096  
ts in the sky. He went and got his binoculars, and when he returned there w 2/17/1997 #43196  
PORT COQUITLAM, BC 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Blue-flash. Disk with lights 4/6/1997 #43256  
E, CA 10+observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Wedge-delta/triangle/box-lik 5/2/1997 #43285  
rds its image for 2 hours. Through binoculars the light is seen to have a h 7/14/1997 #43350  
 armed with a camera and a pair of binoculars. They were soon overcome with 9/5/1997 #43395  
SOUTH / AUSTIN, TX 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. White-grey ovoid-disk follow 9/26/1997 #43416  
on of its landing. With the aid of binoculars and telescopes, the witnesses 9/26/1997 #43417  
 PARK, PA 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. Dark-grey triangle going wes 12/16/1997 #43463  
roached. viewing through a pair of binoculars, the witness saw a humanoid s 12/16/1997 #43464  
      BRIGHTON, NZ 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. Capsule-cylinder/cigar-shape 3/30/1998 #43538  
GRAFTON, NSW Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Large orange glowing-sphere/ 4/29/1998 #43560  
VIOU, FR Observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Large dark triangle going ea 8/8/1998 #43619  
k triangle that was viewed through binoculars flew over the shoreline at Ke 8/8/1998 #43621  
 two locations, and viewed through binoculars for 30 minutes.               2/9/1999 #43724  
her home at 10:45 p.m. and got her binoculars. Looking through the binocula 3/10/1999 #43746  
er binoculars. Looking through the binoculars she could tell the UFO was "a 3/10/1999 #43746  
ar angles, and was watched through binoculars.                              10/2/2000 #44050  
.m. a large UFO was viewed through binoculars as it stood almost upright wi 10/5/2000 #44053  
s to the second floor and used his binoculars to search the field. He could 11/30/2000 #44094  
ove the end of the track. With his binoculars, he distinguishes a solid str 1/22/2001 #44127  
ee minutes to cross the sky. Using binoculars, they checked details on the  5/17/2001 #44185  
ghts were all connected, but using binoculars it looked like only the front 8/30/2001 #44249  
r Traffic Controller / (seen thru) binoculars. Circular glow-object circles 12/15/2001 #44290  
ject was reportedly viewed through binoculars. At 7:20 p.m. an amber colore 12/15/2001 #44291  
wards the east. They had a pair of binoculars and a pair of walkie-talkies  7/28/2002 #44367  
 The object was viewed through the binoculars and was described as a gray s 7/28/2002 #44367  
y fast pace. It was viewed through binoculars by a counseling psychologist  8/24/2002 #44385  
the naked eye and they didn't have binoculars. "As close as I could tell, t 11/22/2002 #44449  
nkish red light was viewed through binoculars by a local resident. It emitt 3/27/2003 #44507  
lue as well. The viewed it through binoculars. It vanished, and then sudden 4/12/2003 #44513  
by the wind. It was viewed through binoculars. Later, at 10:45 p.m. in Shep 7/31/2004 #44721  
 witness viewed the object through binoculars. It had three lights with one 8/20/2004 #44736  
 brilliant strobing lights through binoculars from Linton, Oregon. The ligh 9/3/2004 #44746  
 brilliant strobing lights through binoculars from Linton, Oregon. They had 9/5/2004 #44748  
re spinning. Looking at it through binoculars it was a rounded triangle. Th 9/10/2004 #44752  
d a football-shaped object through binoculars beginning at 3:30 p.m.. The o 12/31/2006 #44992  
he retrieved a pair of quality 20x binoculars from inside the house. What h 4/17/2007 #45018  
rd her. It stops, and she uses her binoculars to get a closer look. The obj 6/16/2009 #45226  
he area late at night took out his binoculars and sighted an oval-shaped di 8/18/2009 #45236  
clearing on the ridge. Through the binoculars he saw what appeared to be a  8/18/2009 #45236  
 of a mile away. She looks through binoculars and sees that the lights are  3/5/2013 #45361  
## Word: "binoculors" (Back to Top)
aptain and tracked the object with binoculors as its altitude reached about 7/6/1965 #19076  
## Word: "bins" (Back to Top)
had gone out to pick up some trash bins in order to secure them from the wi 9/21/1998 #43650  
## Word: "bintang" (Back to Top)
S / MALACCA, MLYS Danish steamship Bintang. Large bright wheel surfaces and 6/3/1909 #773  
## Word: "bio" (Back to Top)
g light descended over La Florida, Bio Bio, Chile and was visible for hours 12/6/2001 #44283  
ght descended over La Florida, Bio Bio, Chile and was visible for hours hov 12/6/2001 #44283  
## Word: "bio-" (Back to Top)
 extraterrestrials, that many are “bio- androids,” and that they are aware  2/1975 #29781  
## Word: "bio-astronautics" (Back to Top)
IA, and he worked in the fields of bio-astronautics and life sciences.  htt 1982 #36293  
## Word: "biochemist" (Back to Top)
Hamilton by two scientists, Dr. W (biochemist; name withheld) and Dr. Y (ba 4/25/1952 #6180  
d, Santa Clara County 11:00 a.m. A biochemist and a bacteriologist are driv 4/25/1952 #6185  
 The episode lasts 15 minutes. The biochemist calls Moffett Field in Santa  4/25/1952 #6185  
ounter the antinuclear activism of biochemist Linus Pauling.                3/28/1957 #13566  
City, NY Elliptical UFO sighted by biochemist. [NICAP UFOE, VI] (NICAP: 01  6/8/1960 #16308  
nd Peak overlook 9:00–10:00 a.m. A biochemist and consultant to a logging c 11/22/1966 #21140  
ocino County, California Midnight. Biochemist Kary Mullis (who in 1993 won  Summer 1985 #37606  
l. John B. Alexander part-time and biochemist Colm Kelleher as deputy admin 12/1995 #42635  
i becomes the program manager, and biochemist Colm Kelleher is deputy admin 9/22/2008 #45170  
    Las Vegas Robert Bigelow hires biochemist Colm Kelleher as deputy admin 11/2008 #45184  
## Word: "bioeffects" (Back to Top)
elligence document summarizes the “Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons 2/17/1998 #43522  
## Word: "biofield" (Back to Top)
mote viewing. It is given the name Biofield Measurements Program.           10/1/1972 #27043  
## Word: "biography" (Back to Top)
d was connected to TRW. Griffith’s biography shows he was the corporate cou 9/15/2021 #45710  
## Word: "biological" (Back to Top)
ert Frisch, who compares it to the biological fission of living cells.      1/13/1939 #1304  
 extraterrestrials as EBE’s (Extra Biological Entities).                    11/30/1947 #3494  
P occupants were extraterrestrial, biological, gas-breathing intelligent an 1949 #3947  
ible to attack a seaport city with biological aerosol agents from a ship of 9/1950 #5160  
ore. The first open-air tests with biological simulants are conducted in 19 9/1950 #5160  
 or human like” and share the same biological needs.  The term ULATT EXPLOI 1952 #5845  
o test decontamination methods for biological and chemical weapons, includi 9/15/1953 #9168  
risis concerning the nature of his biological weapons research. Among Olson 11/28/1953 #9324  
 used by the CIA. The CIA’s use of biological warfare materials in covert o 11/28/1953 #9324  
t operations, experimentation with biological weapons in populated areas, c 11/28/1953 #9324  
 capabilities in the covert use of biological, chemical, and radioactive ma 1964 #18101  
“historical times.” Discussing the biological as well as astronomical issue 1966 #19795  
he Universe, discussing cosmology, biological origins and evolution, SETI w 1966 #19796  
ew York City to covert attack with biological agents.                       6/6/1966 #20536  
 Institute; and seven members of a biological expedition.                   8/8/1967 #22848  
t of the signal on behavior and/or biological functions deemed “too subtle  5/12/1969 #25131  
nequivocal evidence of chemical of biological disturbance of the samples.”  11/27/1979 #35019  
. It is called an Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) and is the first 9/8/1980 #35504  
re plentiful than anyone suspects, biological in purpose, and perhaps lifel 1981 #35761  
on of some people so they could be biological material, termination of peop 12/29/1987 #38379  
ed they were human experiments for biological and nuclear medicine research 3/16/1991 #40015  
ices” including nuclear, chemical, biological, etc. The 52nd Ordnance Group 1996 #42659  
rs,” stating that rock 84001 shows biological signs of past life. NASA Admi 8/7/1996 #42971  
n can achieve this effect.   (VII) Biological antigravity devices involving 1/1998 #43483  
parchments, chemical residuals and biological material found at found locat 3/11/1998 #43532  
parchments, chemical residuals and biological material to be crucial and in 3/11/1998 #43532  
of a secret program with access to biological materials. Days later, Eric D 3/5/2002 #44323  
lee is confused why there would be biological data in Kit’s hands and elsew 8/23/2003 #44581  
s about UAP information, recovered biological materials and recovered UAP c 4/28/2006 #44936  
nology capable of teleportation of biological materials including humans.   7/16/2016 #45456  
XViS” is being used to analyze UAP biological effects on humans, and UAP co 5/2/2018 #45525  
ng “acoustic signals, chemical and biological agents, ionizing radiation, n 2/2/2022 #45737  
nse to crashed UAP and recovery of biological materials. It is unknown if M 5/17/2022 #45751  
## Word: "biologically" (Back to Top)
ve originated elsewhere and is not biologically adapted to space travel. (3 6/1989 #38970  
## Word: "biologist" (Back to Top)
s are physicist Alfred Lee Loomis, biologist Caryl Parker Haskins, physicis 7/3/1946 #2025  
en (one a schoolteacher, another a biologist working at Oak Ridge, Tennesse 6/22/1949 #4249  
, through it to a position below.” Biologist James Cecil Cross looks at the 8/30/1951 #5638  
              WEST / ANN ARBOR, MI Biologist. 15 tuning forks pass / pool-r 7/27/1952 #7188  
                     Ann Arbor, MI Biologist reported "flotilla" of rocket- 7/27/1952 #7206  
.m. Bowling Green State University biologist Charles H. Otis sees a “flotil 7/27/1952 #7213  
                 (E.PANHANDLE), WV Biologist and P38 pilot and 1. 8M saucer 10/1953 (approximate) #9193  
ed at McKinleyville is examined by biologist Erwin Bielfuss at Humboldt Sta 11/9/1958 #15434  
events.” Puthoff later told him a “biologist” was in charge of the effort a 10/27/1973 #28303  
                         NANCY, FR Biologist. 1.5M saucer going northwest.  10/21/1982 #36656  
 silently. The witness, a cellular biologist, reports that when the UFO ris 10/21/1982 #36657  
physician Günther Reitz, and plant biologist Bernard Veyret. To present the 9/29/1997 #43420  
## Word: "biologists" (Back to Top)
ysicists studying “crashed craft,” biologists studying medical issues with  8/31/2016 #45458  
erkeley University of Lincoln Cuba Biologists Alexander L. Stubbs of the Un 1/4/2019 #45555  
## Word: "biology" (Back to Top)
sive studies of Antarctic geology, biology, meteorology and continue explor 1939 #1302  
 know,” but wouldn’t confirm alien biology outright.  https://www.amazon.co 8/23/2003 #44581  
e engineering and extraterrestrial biology.”  Haisch states “the AATIP prog 2018 #45498  
 were told of crash recovery/alien biology programs in SCIFs with those awa 4/30/2019 #45575  
## Word: "bioluminescence" (Back to Top)
 undoubtedly involves some unusual bioluminescence, but it is significant t 1/23/1964 #18117  
## Word: "biomedical" (Back to Top)
ker, located under a building on a biomedical research center facility east 1/21/1959 #15560  
ervoir Mahopac, New York 2:15 a.m. Biomedical engineer Jim Cooke is driving 10/28/1983 #37026  
## Word: "biophysicist" (Back to Top)
n the microwave auditory effect is biophysicist Allan H. Frey. In his exper 1961 #16547  
## Word: "bios" (Back to Top)
elligence Objectives Subcommittee (BIOS) and US-UK administered Combined In 1958 #14787  
 (CIOS); others who have access to BIOS/CIOS say no evidence of the Kugelbl 1958 #14787  
h-grants/ *   https://www.nyas.org/bios/disruptive-ideas-for-aerospace-and- 4/28/2006 #44937  
## Word: "biot" (Back to Top)
                                   BIOT, FR Cycler and more/others. 6M silv 10/14/1954 #11021  
                                   Biot, France A municipal employee, Jose  10/14/1954 #11045  
, Jose Casella, was riding home in Biot, Alpes-Maritimes department, France 10/14/1954 #11066  
## Word: "biotechnologist" (Back to Top)
egon Highway Bend, Oregon Night. A biotechnologist and his daughter are dri 5/1/2005 #44828  
## Word: "biozat" (Back to Top)
                                   Biozat Alliers Effiat Puy-de-Dome, Franc 10/20/1954 #11276  
se) is riding a motorcycle between Biozat, Alliers, and Effiat, Puy-de- Dom 10/20/1954 #11276  
                         D984 NEAR BIOZAT, FR Scooter electro-magnetic effe 10/24/1954 #11357  
                                   Biozat, France Between Biozat and Effiat 10/24/1954 #11362  
            Biozat, France Between Biozat and Effiat, on the road from Cler 10/24/1954 #11362  
                           Between Biozat and Effiat, Puy-de-Dome, France a 10/24/1954 #11371  
## Word: "biped" (Back to Top)
                     RIVERSIDE, CA Biped reptile attacks and claws car. Obs 11/8/1958 #15432  
she was approached by a huge hairy biped creature with large green eyes and 11/30/1966 #21168  
 passing motorist of a large hairy biped seen crossing the road several day 2/26/1968 #23785  
ed itself to be a leathery skinned biped with a frog like face. It was thre 3/17/1972 #26607  
gate he encountered a large hairy, biped creature with a wolf-like face. (N 8/27/1973 #27725  
gate he encountered a large hairy, biped creature with a wolf-like face. He 8/27/1973 #27726  
two incidents above, a giant hairy biped was seen sitting in the window of  7/12/1975 #30176  
n inch deep, as if made by a heavy biped taking long strides, which ran for 11/8/1975 #30584  
issing. He then saw a short, hairy biped run into the woods.                11/13/1993 #41272  
## Word: "bipedal" (Back to Top)
herical amphibious creature, and a bipedal beaver that lives in huts. The h 8/25/1835 #130  
pa, Peru nearly ran down a strange bipedal creature in the road. It was sho 9/29/1965 #19624  
aces of strange beings, resembling bipedal cat-like creatures with cat-like 6/7/1967 #22479  
 the couple, it resembled “a large bipedal lion of around 600 pounds.”      11/9/1968 #24648  
 Kaiser watches a hairy, muscular, bipedal creature that flees upon being s 5/18/1969 #25143  
saw what looked like a large hairy bipedal creature step in front of the la 8/21/1978 #33540  
ed the sheriff's office. The hairy bipedal creature appeared at the kitchen 8/21/1978 #33540  
, but they encounter a 5-foot-tall bipedal entity with red eyes and brown s 1/20/1996 #42693  
## Word: "bipeds" (Back to Top)
t were the footprints of two small bipeds, a few yards away from each other 2/26/1973 #27318  
## Word: "biplane" (Back to Top)
ald Maxwell is cruising his B.E.2c biplane at 10,000 feet near Romford, Ess 1/31/1916 #941  
our after he takes off in his DH-4 biplane from Salt Lake City, Utah. The o Late 9/1926 #1064  
 see a tiny (12 or 15 inches wide) biplane coming over the fence from the d 1929 #1093  
highest a manned, propeller-driven biplane has gone.                        10/22/1938 #1298  
ussia Kurgan An Antonov AN-2P mail biplane takes off from an airfield at or 1961 #16550  
## Word: "biplanes" (Back to Top)
nd Evening. Four RAF Hawker Fury I biplanes flying over Sussex, England, en 7/5/1933 #1167  
## Word: "birac" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BIRAC, FR 3 / car. 2 luminous/glowing or 10/11/1954 #10919  
                                   Birac, France Four persons, among them J 10/11/1954 #10935  
      At 9:50 p.m. four persons in Birac, Charente, France--among them Juli 10/11/1954 #10952  
## Word: "biracial" (Back to Top)
reported, Betty and Barney Hill, a biracial married couple active in the Ci 9/19/1961 #16858  
## Word: "birch" (Back to Top)
       SOUTH OAKLAND, CA Several / Birch St. Large round very shiny object  7/5/1947 #2707  
ember 3 Lee case and others. Nigel Birch, Parliamentary Secretary to the Mi 11/24/1953 #9320  
 Mosborough Sheffield England Alec Birch, 14, snaps an out-of-focus photo o 2/1962 #17033  
t off. Wilted leaves on the top of birch, hazel, and chokecherry trees are  6/18/1967 #22520  
resident of the anticommunist John Birch Society.                           9/1/1983 #36968  
ver saucer drops / clouds. Dives / Birch River and gone.                    3/15/1992 #40382  
, WA Bright 20' rectangle low over Birch bay. Buzzes car / 20' altitude. Li 11/13/1992 #40709  
ttinghamshire, England Night. Alec Birch, who has confessed to faking a UFO 1/27/2004 #44657  
## Word: "bircham" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BIRCHAM, ENG Van malfunctions due to EME 6/19/1969 #25223  
                           Docking/Bircham Newton, UK E-M effects on car, s 6/19/1969 #25225  
                                   Bircham Newton, Norfolk, England 12:25 a 6/19/1969 #25226  
eck is driving a van just north of Bircham Newton, Norfolk, England, when h 6/19/1969 #25226  
## Word: "birches" (Back to Top)
had just pulled off Route 137 onto Birches Road at 1:45 a.m. when his car r 7/21/1969 #25290  
## Word: "birchills" (Back to Top)
                                   BIRCHILLS, ENGL AND AREA Numerous separa 8/12/1963 #17888  
 pear-shaped UFO hovering over the Birchills Power Station in Staffordshire 8/12/1963 #17890  
## Word: "birchleigh" (Back to Top)
                                   BIRCHLEIGH, RSA Large saucer makes wide  9/21/1956 #13229  
## Word: "birchwood" (Back to Top)
                                   Birchwood Shopping Mall Warrington, Ches 2/1991 #39970  
and 1:00 a.m. A security camera at Birchwood Shopping Mall four miles east  2/1991 #39970  
                                   Birchwood Shopping Mall near Warrington, 4/26/1991 #40050  
and A different security camera at Birchwood Shopping Mall near Warrington, 4/26/1991 #40050  
## Word: "bird" (Back to Top)
               COPIAPO CHILE Giant bird with scales. Metallic noise. Low al 3/15/1868 #171  
eople also described it as a giant bird covered with large scales producing 7/1868 #173  
eople also described it as a giant bird covered with large scales producing 7/1868 #174  
ngs 18 feet wide and shaped like a bird’s tail. It has been built in Orovil 11/22/1896 #347  
n airship looking like an “immense bird” approaches Gas City, Indiana, from 4/14/1897 #464  
lars the object looks like a white bird with long black wings. Hopley guess 5/11/1897 #596  
minutes, rising and falling like a bird, and varying its speed. Two figures 7/30/1909 #789  
 feet clenched like the claws of a bird. His arms are burned and the flesh  3/5/1946 #1973  
One person calls it “a great white bird; another, a bomb.” Mrs. Russell Lam 8/15/1946 #2138  
ld disks going [to] slow and stop. Bird following scared back.              7/7/1947 #2895  
sible landing / mountain peak. "No bird or plane".                          7/12/1947 #3154  
                       NANAIMO, BC Bird fancier. Aluminum disk scatters pig 9/2/1947 #3379  
, tracks an object too large for a bird, too small for a plane, flying at 6 11/1/1948 #3863  
der a microscope and rules out the bird explanation. See also Life, Apr. 7, 8/30/1951 #5638  
 sees what seems to be an enormous bird. As it gets closer to him, Taylor s 1952 #5842  
northwest / 1500' altitude. Circle Bird Rock. Going quickly southeast again 7/23/1952 #7039  
est at 1500 feet altitude, circled Bird Rock, then flew off to the southeas 7/23/1952 #7085  
ppearances of a mythical lightning bird in the sky, travels from Johannesbu 12/27/1954 #11864  
ly they recognize the transit as a bird, but there are “tiny dark objects”  9/25/1958 #15281  
irmed. Country: USA Name: “Frigate Bird5/6/1962 #17151  
t of the ditch. Something (a large bird?) flies up in the air a few feet fr 8/16/1965 #19408  
                       SOUTHWEST / BIRD ROCK STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, SOUTH  11/20/1965 #19729  
followed about midnight by a gray "bird like creature" 6-7 feet tall with a 11/16/1966 #21110  
son witnesses a giant phoenix-like bird burn up and reappear from the ashes 1/25/1967 #21386  
hi saw what appeared to be a large bird flying overhead. When it landed nea 8/26/1967 #22936  
is kitchen window and sees a giant bird illuminated by a streetlight. He an 5/10/1968 #23955  
l drone aircraft in the shape of a bird at Groom Lake, Nevada. Called Proje 1970 #25520  
                    U.S. KH-9 "Big Bird" spy satellite incinerated on reent 8/6/1971 #26268  
eporters: “I saw this. It wasn’t a bird or a plane.”                        10/17/1973 #28131  
eir presence, and Mrs. Smith's pet bird went wild with fear in her presence 1/6/1976 #30762  
ho had legs "bent backwards like a bird." It had red glowing eyes and a gra 7/4/1976 #31151  
er(s). 25' double counter-rotating bird cage curves going northwest! See re 2/2/1978 #32944  
itored, so they decide to assign a bird name to anyone they discuss UFO mil Fall 1986 #38034  
ing a large creature shaped like a bird that fluttered away while making a  11/28/1995 #42628  
d outside her workplace to do some bird watching when she saw a gray sphere 7/5/1996 #42947  
d slowly, then swooped down like a bird in a thermal air current. It had "t 5/11/2003 #44533  
did not have extended wings like a bird but seemed to have some stubby wing 4/5/2004 #44684  
 saw could not have been a "Tweety Bird" toy balloon, as was conjectured by 9/9/2005 #44871  
## Word: "bird's" (Back to Top)
k Marston, age 11, was looking for bird's nests in a hedge when "a red glow 4/20/1977 #32004  
k Marston, age 11, was looking for bird's nests in a hedge in Herbrandston, 4/20/1977 #32005  
## Word: "bird-like" (Back to Top)
ginia around 11:30 p.m. by a gray "bird-like creature" six to seven feet ta 11/15/1966 #21109  
aul Yoder and B. Enochs saw a huge bird-like creature, with big red eyes, i 11/18/1966 #21124  
driving home when the "Mothman", a bird-like creature six feet tall and wit 11/24/1966 #21146  
yet another "Mothman" witness. The bird-like creature, six feet tall with a 11/25/1966 #21148  
e another odd sighting of a single bird-like creature.                      5/10/1968 #23955  
d seeing an incredibly huge, black bird-like creature that passed within on 5/21/1973 #27514  
anjito, Puerto Rico saw a gigantic bird-like creature standing on the roof  4/23/1995 #42173  
## Word: "bird-man" (Back to Top)
                      CHEHALIS, WA Bird-man hovers over barn. Retracts wing 1/6/1948 #3532  
by the sight of a large “feathered bird-man” that their father Dan Melling  4/17/1976 #30998  
aged 12 and 9, saw a Mothman-like "bird-man" hovering in the sky over a chu 4/17/1976 #30999  
## Word: "bird-men" (Back to Top)
                   VAR, FR Bizarre bird-men rush car. Fly going [to] hoveri 11/1962 #17523  
## Word: "bird-shaped" (Back to Top)
                    SAO BENTO, BRZ Bird-shaped fireball zaps man / horsebac 7/14/1977 #32270  
## Word: "birdlike" (Back to Top)
                   HILLSBORO, OR 6 birdlike UFO's fly into and out of cloud 2/27/1954 #9571  
d observed that they were bizarre, birdlike creatures. As they rushed towar 11/1962 #17524  
## Word: "birdman" (Back to Top)
zing” sound and looks up to see a “birdman” hovering 200 feet above her bar 1/6/1948 #3533  
 a number of children also see the birdman.                                 1/6/1948 #3533  
afternoon, and looked up to see a “birdman” hovering 200 feet above her bar 1/6/1948 #3534  
 a number of children also saw the birdman.                                 1/6/1948 #3534  
## Word: "birds" (Back to Top)
, including ships, large flocks of birds, fire, and smoke, as well as a dar 4/8/1665 #46  
seid meteor shower; even migrating birds cannot be ruled out.               8/12/1883 #255  
ny small black-and- white objects (birds?) are moving in its center. Sudden 7/20/1894 #316  
human/entity speak English. "Catch birds".                                  5/4/1897 #587  
and told them he was out to "catch birds."                                  5/4/1897 #589  
al loops, circling and diving like birds and generally doing skylark stunts 10/29/1910 #852  
orched grass, large and unfamiliar birds, bizarre noises, and strange men i 1927 #1068  
tight formation of more than fifty birds.”                                  4/22/1945 #1852  
tor suggests that it is a flock of birds.                                   4/24/1945 #1853  
sound in the air, like a “flock of birds.” They see an object moving over t 10/21/1946 #2204  
d publicly explained the event as "birds or insects". This sighting was als 7/3/1947 #2587  
es him. At first he takes them for birds, but he can see no necks or wings  7/15/1947 #3187  
and climb going quickly southwest. Birds / Blue Book. / r131#6p21.          8/17/1947 #3342  
outh in several groups / 3-50. Not birds.                                   9/14/1949 #4355  
ound silver objects, that were not birds, flew over Lubbock, Texas in group 9/14/1949 #4358  
WY 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Odd birds circle area. 1 blows white smoke a 3/1/1950 #4569  
lt paralyzed, and he observed that birds and cows in the vicinity were also 3/19/1950 #4683  
K Saucer / meadow. Observer(s) and birds and cows paralyzed. 4 pseudo-human 6/19/1951 #5544  
imself paralyzed and observed that birds had stopped singing and cows seeme 6/19/1951 #5545  
himself paralyzed and notices that birds have stopped singing and cows seem 6/19/1951 #5546  
imself paralyzed and observed that birds had stopped singing and cows seeme 6/19/1951 #5547  
lying at 700 mph—much too fast for birds.                                   8/30/1951 #5638  
ate the possibility of aircraft or birds.                                   7/2/1952 #6694  
a, mistaken sightings of balloons, birds, etc., optical illusions or hoaxes 8/9/1952 #7516  
 clouds. Then fly going west. "Not birds".                                  2/27/1954 #9571  
trange objects whirl / sky. Nearby birds fall dead!                         12/15/1954 #11814  
        ANDERSON, SC 10000 frantic birds going quickly north. Some die. Sil 2/17/1956 #12720  
4:15 p.m. several thousand frantic birds took off and flew off >S, some die 2/17/1956 #12725  
c tools are stacked in a cone, the birds are dead, his monkey is agitated,  9/1957 #13966  
 off "with a noise like a flock of birds." Air Force officers and policemen 1/4/1958 #14805  
s issues for the local fauna. Many birds are seen in distress. Unsure if th 8/1/1958 #15174  
 bizarre animals with the heads of birds and covered in plumage. Terrified, 11/1962 #17525  
earby ditch she noticed two large “birds,” one of which flew at her car. Sh 8/16/1965 #19410  
 regression she recalled that the “birds” in the ditch where in fact two en 8/16/1965 #19410  
breathing (physiological effects), birds were shrieking. They looked out an 4/28/1966 #20424  
ids (or Greys) look like odd green birds. Re-entry and fly when seen.       5/16/1966 #20483  
ay. Small beings resembling "green birds" came out for a few instants, then 5/16/1966 #20488  
ay. Small beings resembling "green birds" came out for a few instants, then 5/16/1966 #20489  
ay. Small beings resembling "green birds" came out for a few instants, befo 5/16/1966 #20491  
others reported seeing four "giant birds" that stood 4-5 feet tall and had  11/26/1966 #21151  
pseudo-human/entity / ground study birds / cage. Reboard / invisible stair. 4/4/1967 #22050  
 them. They seem interested in the birds Cammarata is keeping caged on the  4/4/1967 #22054  
oject and concludes that bacteria, birds, and coyotes are responsible for t 9/9/1967 #23026  
Air Force explanations of mirages, birds, and anomalous propagation have be 10/6/1967 #23186  
EAR PETRILA, ROM Many observer(s). Birds panic. Sombrero-saucer. Antennas / 11/22/1967 #23493  
r-restaurant owner reporting "huge birds with tiny wings and with faces lik 6/14/1968 #24034  
tness there were four or five huge birds or flying humanoids flying towards 6/14/1968 #24034  
t / 100' altitude scares sheep and birds. East going west. Lost / trees.    6/11/1972 (approximate) #26713  
ky voices that sound like “so many birds.” She says “The being nearest the  5/5/1974 #29085  
27. Going quickly east. Eyes hurt. Birds scared. / r30.                     8/12/1974 #29328  
 highways D31 and D27 at 4:10 a.m. Birds in the area were frightened by the 8/12/1974 #29338  
              Puerto Rico Domestic birds, ducks, goats, rabbits, geese, cat 2/1975 #29780  
rto Ricans see large, unidentified birds, as well as UFOs.                  2/1975 #29780  
nd with no trees, no lakes, and no birds, and a darkness above him. He coul 3/24/1978 #33079  
 Farmer abduction / 4 5' men. Many birds / 5M box-UFO. / International UFO  5/17/1978 #33222  
 restarted. At dawn dead goats and birds were found at the site.            8/31/1978 #33609  
vers / power poles. Hums. Attracts birds that follow away.                  5/12/1979 #34555  
mming sound that seemed to attract birds that followed it as it flew away.  5/12/1979 #34556  
ounded more like the twittering of birds than anything else. They appeared  9/2/1979 #34820  
he sees an object among a flock of birds. The birds disperse and leave the  12/10/1982 #36712  
object among a flock of birds. The birds disperse and leave the object alon 12/10/1982 #36712  
lliant 60M saucer / 400M altitude. Birds scared / brilliant light.          10/1985 (approximate) #37668  
ise like the rustle of a flight of birds; unlike his colleagues, he thinks  Late 3/1989 #38880  
 girls trapped / invisible bubble. Birds hit it. Bad dreams after. / r243.  10/18/1990 #39793  
In Ipigua, Sao Paulo state, Brazil birds were seen fleeing from a farming a 3/17/1992 #40385  
gle file. Absolute(ly) silence. No birds / bells.. nothing!                 7/7/1994 #41612  
                       IPIGUA, BRZ Birds flee. 12M silent metallic saucer g 3/17/1996 #42827  
 first thought they saw a flock of birds, but soon it became apparent they  4/18/1997 #43265  
conclude that a flock of migrating birds, probably eiders, flying in format 11/11/1999 #43879  
xes.Animal reaction: dogs barking, birds frantic.                           5/15/2005 #44842  
are found on the plane, ruling out birds, and there are no other civilian o 10/30/2007 #45086  
 witness thought it was a flock of birds, but dismissed the idea because hi 2/11/2011 #45314  
lived there, said"there aren't any birds out here at this time of night". I 2/11/2011 #45314  
, the distribution of causes being birds & bugs (40%), balloons and airborn 11/19/2021 #45723  
## Word: "birdsong" (Back to Top)
, England. The usual early morning birdsong has gone silent. Turning a bend 7/16/2020 #45652  
## Word: "birdwatchers" (Back to Top)
         AMAGER ISLAND, DK 2 young birdwatchers. 3 photographs / classic sa 7/8/1959 #15822  
## Word: "birdwood" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BIRDWOOD, SOUTH AUS 50M silent phony air 7/30/1977 #32321  
## Word: "birkdale" (Back to Top)
                                   BIRKDALE, LIVERPOOL Several observer(s). 12/29/1955 #12621  
## Word: "birkenhead" (Back to Top)
                                   BIRKENHEAD, ENGL Sec. guard. Silver disk 6/15/1969 #25217  
## Word: "birlad" (Back to Top)
                                   BIRLAD, ROMANIA Silver 60cm disc going q 9/19/1968 #24480  
## Word: "birmingham" (Back to Top)
h Wales Engineer Frederick William Birmingham of Parramatta, New South Wale 7/25/1868 #176  
                                   Birmingham, Iowa meadow three-quarters o 4/14/1897 #466  
w three-quarters of a mile west of Birmingham, Iowa 7:30 p.m. An airship 10 4/14/1897 #466  
w three-quarters of a mile west of Birmingham, Iowa. A large crowd of men a 4/14/1897 #466  
                                   BIRMINGHAM, ENGL 2 observer(s). Sphere c 8/1925 #1051  
                     University of Birmingham in England Australia Otto Rob 3/1940 #1326  
o researchers at the University of Birmingham in England—who ironically hav 3/1940 #1326  
                                   BIRMINGHAM, AL Many separate observer(s) 7/6/1947 #2787  
                                   Birmingham, Alabama 8:45 p.m. Army Staff 7/6/1947 #2813  
und objects moving at 500 mph over Birmingham, Alabama. A new one appears e 7/6/1947 #2813  
t Crossland, a copy reader for the Birmingham Age-Herald, takes a photo tha 7/6/1947 #2813  
ports include St. Louis, Missouri: Birmingham, Alabama; Tucson, Arizona; Pa 7/6/1947 #2815  
 and some 40 nocturnal lights over Birmingham, Alabama. The discs whirled t 7/6/1947 #2829  
                                   BIRMINGHAM, AL 2+1 observer(s). Ghostly  5/4/1950 #4921  
                  At 10:00 p.m. in Birmingham, Alabama a ghostly object gre 5/4/1950 #4922  
                                   BIRMINGHAM, AL Cylinder/cigar-shape drop 9/25/1950 #5194  
                     ROYAL OAK AND BIRMINGHAM, MI Blue Book. Several separa 4/27/1952 #6190  
                                   Birmingham, MI Witness observed an objec 4/27/1952 #6196  
                                   BIRMINGHAM, AL Flickering blue light cir 8/27/1952 #7751  
                                   BIRMINGHAM, ENGL Navy man. 15 luminous o 8/25/1955 #12404  
orth over a coal and iron plant in Birmingham, Alabama on this night.       4/3/1956 #12783  
     A flying humanoid was seen in Birmingham, Alabama.                     4/5/1956 #12791  
                                   BIRMINGHAM, AL 2 Air Force pilots / B25. 6/5/1956 #12884  
                                   Birmingham, England Cynthia Appleton, Bi 1957 #13423  
mingham, England Cynthia Appleton, Birmingham, England is visited by spacem 1957 #13423  
                                   BIRMINGHAM AND NOTTINGHAM AND STAFFORD,  5/13/1957 #13659  
         87 Fentham Road in Aston, Birmingham, England Afternoon. Cynthia A 11/16/1957 #14567  
Fentham Road in Aston, a suburb of Birmingham, England. On November 19, she 11/16/1957 #14567  
 Bournemouth Caxton Hall in London Birmingham University Manchester Adamski 4/18/1959 #15707  
xton Hall in London (on April 28), Birmingham University (April 29), Manche 4/18/1959 #15707  
                         BLOXWICH, BIRMINGHAM UFO with great beacon seen he 7/25/1963 #17852  
                                   BIRMINGHAM, ENGL 4' dance-hall mirror-ba 2/15/1970 #25583  
or disco, zoomed by a residence in Birmingham, England at 6:30 a.m. making  2/15/1970 #25584  
hat same day a married couple from Birmingham, on holiday in Guernsey in th 6/26/1971 #26198  
                         ALDRIDGE, BIRMINGHAM Cop and crowd. Huge metal ovo 8/1971 #26255  
                    ALCOCKS GREEN, BIRMINGHAM Silent cylinder/cigar-shape h 10/12/1973 #28012  
                                   BIRMINGHAM, ENGL 1 observer. Domed sauce 10/18/1973 #28151  
                    WEST BROMWICH, BIRMINGHAM, ENGL 1 observer. Saucer seen 10/26/1973 #28290  
                        ERDINGTON, BIRMINGHAM 2 Polaroid shots / classic sa 9/28/1974 (approximate) #29488  
y Landrum and Colby. Cash moved to Birmingham, Alabama where, as Dr. Bryan  12/29/1980 #35758  
                       GREAT BARR, BIRMINGHAM, ENG Truck-size orange glowin 10/4/1982 (approximate) #36631  
                 SUTTON COLDFIELD, BIRMINGHAM Doctor and 3 nurses / hospita 10/9/1986 #38042  
                       NORTHFIELD, BIRMINGHAM Droning cylinder/cigar-shape  3/7/1991 #40003  
                                In Birmingham, England Peter Gregory had go 4/17/1993 #40940  
                 SUTTON COLDFIELD, BIRMINGHAM 3 observer(s). Shiny MTLS ang 8/15/1994 #41677  
             Mr. & Mrs. Vinsant of Birmingham, Alabama awoke to bright whit 12/5/1999 #43893  
h the sky over Edbaston Reservoir, Birmingham, England and made no sound at 5/24/2003 #44546  
econd report was at 5:05 p.m. from Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama of 9/9/2009 #45244  
                                   Birmingham, England 9:30 a.m. A King Air 7/5/2018 #45533  
t about 10 nautical miles north of Birmingham, England, when he sees a rect 7/5/2018 #45533  
## Word: "birnes" (Back to Top)
p J. Corso writes, with William J. Birnes, The Day after Roswell, a tell-al 6/1997 #43304  
on Howe, Philip J. Corso, and Bill Birnes were interviewed live in Roswell, 7/4/2001 #44204  
## Word: "birstall" (Back to Top)
                                   Birstall West Yorkshire, UK Late night,  3/1981 #35854  
## Word: "birth" (Back to Top)
inds out his wife is about to give birth in Chicago, Illinois. Blanchard of Mid 2/1953 #8676  
h is apparently true, as she gives birth on June 2, 1958, to a boy with blo 11/16/1957 #14567  
eal accounts. He then formulates a Birth Memories Hypothesis, which argues  1977 #31655  
l fantasies in which the witness’s birth memories play a central role. Howe 1977 #31655  
eck on a cow that is about to give birth. Instead, he sees two nonhuman cre 4/1980 #35244  
ths later that looked like a "pale birth mark."                             9/10/1981 #36109  
## Word: "birthday" (Back to Top)
 he had sent up for his daughter’s birthday party, but “balloon” sightings  7/25/1908 #715  
 Woomera, South Australia Woocalla Birthday Siding Pimba 10:00 p.m. A man w 11/22/1953 #9315  
 to the north between Woocalla and Birthday Siding. It is emitting blue exh 11/22/1953 #9315  
m train. looked like 90' diameter "birthday cake". (MORA) (NICAP: 08 - Phot 10/1977 #32537  
was decorated to celebrate Jesus’s birthday, they claimed “We know all abou 1/4/1979 #34296  
ll decorated, to celebrate Jesus's birthday. "We know all about Jesus," the 1/5/1979 #34304  
allo Clepf is celebrating her 67th birthday at the restaurant at the Parque 4/21/1996 #42876  
Driving home at 1:00 p.m. from her birthday party in Woodbury, Connecticut  8/22/2004 #44739  
## Word: "births" (Back to Top)
Physics student / train. Large UFO births small one. Beams / light.         9/19/1968 #24483  
r Traffic Controller. Large saucer births small saucer and delta/triangle/b 3/18/1991 #40019  
00x600' UFO splits / 2. Large part births saucer. Saucer going quickly nort 7/29/1992 #40538  
nd more/others. Red object hovers. Births small objects. Type unknown. Shoo 12/31/1994 #41921  
## Word: "biryat" (Back to Top)
                          IRKUTSK, BIRYAT, RUSSIA Doctor. Rocket / going do 1/1961? #16554  
## Word: "bis" (Back to Top)
eported: A prominent ufologist and bis companion claim to have been abducte 3/1993 #40867  
## Word: "bisbee" (Back to Top)
                                   Bisbee, Arizona John A. Petsche, electri 6/17/1947 #2336  
                                   BISBEE, AZ 3 observer(s). Saucer lands / 6/27/1947 #2423  
## Word: "biscay" (Back to Top)
           LOCATION UNKNOWN BAY OF BISCAY Military-air crews. Big wingless  11/1942 #1458  
                            Bay of Biscay, UK Thing massive in size; no win 11/1942 #1460  
ircraft was flying over the Bay of Biscay in the Atlantic off the coast of  7/10/1947 #3113  
                       OVER BAY OF BISCAY Airline crew / 1200M altitude. Gr 7/11/1947 #3128  
                            BAY OF BISCAY T = GMT. 3 / aircrew. Grey flying 7/13/1947 #3163  
                                   Biscay Bay, Spain Night. The crew of an  3/22/1967 #21944  
                            Bay of Biscay France 1:15 a.m. The crew of an R 5/26/1977 #32133  
ing at 28,000 feet over the Bay of Biscay off the coast of France at a spee 5/26/1977 #32133  
## Word: "biscayne" (Back to Top)
                               KEY BISCAYNE, FL Separate observer(s). 2nd m 8/14/1952 #7580  
                               KEY BISCAYNE, FL 6 separate observers. Moon- 3/13/1954 #9620  
                               KEY BISCAYNE, FL Humming noise abates when l 7/29/1955 #12295  
g sound. Green-glowing saucer over Biscayne Bay.                            11/11/1955 #12562  
w closed] near Woodbridge, Suffolk Biscayne Bay President Richard Nixon mee 2/19/1973 #27298  
FB, which is only minutes from his Biscayne Bay compound. There is no proof 2/19/1973 #27298  
## Word: "bischheim" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BISCHHEIM, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars 7/9/1978 #33360  
## Word: "biscuit" (Back to Top)
 ENGL 4 / car. Large orange flying biscuit with lights / sides passes strai 9/18/1956 (approximate) #13226  
 open area near the local "Burtons Biscuit Factory." He then had a feeling  4/28/2003 #44519  
## Word: "bisected" (Back to Top)
es), which show a spherical object bisected by a black square and topped by 1/2/1975 #29701  
## Word: "bisects" (Back to Top)
ean. It seems to have an axis that bisects it. The object climbs rapidly, c 8/11/1976 #31256  
## Word: "bishkek" (Back to Top)
 radar at Baikonur, Alma-Alta, and Bishkek. The jets had no alternative but 8/28/1991 #40168  
r reports began to trickle back to Bishkek that a huge UFO had been seen to 8/28/1991 #40168  
ed beams of light over the city of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.                     12/5/2004 #44796  
## Word: "bishop" (Back to Top)
ege Street Just before 12:00 noon. Bishop John Stephen Michaud is talking w 7/2/1907 #697  
          Burlington, Vermont. The Bishop John Michaud was standing on a Bu 7/2/1907 #698  
                                   Bishop, CA Claude E. Steene Sr., Fullert 1949 #3941  
 Fullerton CA: While practicing in Bishop CA in 1949, was called on by a me 1949 #3941  
nhower and James Francis McIntyre, bishop of Los Angeles. After that incred 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
 American government. From then on Bishop McIntyre and Detroit Archbishop E 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
                CORO, VNZ Catholic bishop. Luminous/glowing disk(?) passes. 12/1/1954 #11739  
                             Harry Bishop, the former major of Mount Vernon 8/9/1963 #17881  
ations to settle the question. The Bishop of Norwich expresses concern that 1/18/1979 #34358  
 New Jewel Movement led by Maurice Bishop launches an armed revolution and  3/13/1979 #34475  
              Madison, Connecticut Bishop Lane 10:10 p.m. A couple sees a m 12/7/1979 #35058  
on, Connecticut. They pull over on Bishop Lane and watch it make abrupt cha 12/7/1979 #35058  
lymouth, England 11:15 p.m. Denise Bishop, 23, is returning to her home in  9/10/1981 #36108  
       At around 11:00 p.m. Denise Bishop, age 23, of Weston Mill, Plymouth 9/10/1981 #36109  
 Prime Minister of Grenada Maurice Bishop, and the establishment of the Rev 10/25/1983 #37016  
ositzke (Falcon, according to Greg Bishop), and USAF OSI agent Richard C. D Fall 1986 #38034  
                                   Bishop Monkton, North Yorkshire, England 3/1987 #38128  
s sleeping alone on the moors near Bishop Monkton, North Yorkshire, England 3/1987 #38128  
                                   BISHOP, CA 2 observer(s). Silver fuselag 3/17/1989 #38874  
                                   BISHOP, CA 28 separate observer(s) repor 9/30/1994 #41777  
                                   BISHOP, CA 4+observer(s). Vibrant bright 4/25/1996 #42883  
## Word: "bishopbriggs" (Back to Top)
                                   BISHOPBRIGGS, SCT 18+observer(s). Bell-s 7/30/1960 #16349  
## Word: "bishopstone" (Back to Top)
                                   BISHOPSTONE, BUCKS Several observer(s).  7/9/1993 #41054  
, was seen by several witnesses in Bishopstone, England at 7:00 p.m.        7/9/1993 #41055  
## Word: "bishui" (Back to Top)
                                   BISHUI, MANCHURIA Many separate observer 6/18/1982 #36509  
eed. At about the same time at the Bishui Forestry Center, also inHeilongji 6/18/1982 #36511  
## Word: "bishwiller" (Back to Top)
                       Rastatt and Bishwiller bt., Germany Two sets of ligh 2/13/1945 #1781  
## Word: "biskopsberga" (Back to Top)
                                   Biskopsberga Skänninge Sweden 4:00 p.m.  5/16/1808 #102  
gh the sky in a straight line over Biskopsberga, near Skänninge, Sweden. So 5/16/1808 #102  
## Word: "biskupice" (Back to Top)
                                   Biskupice, Poland 10:00 p.m. Jerzy Bulcz 10/7/1994 #41793  
Jerzy Bulczyński and his family in Biskupice, Poland, see two identical lar 10/7/1994 #41793  
## Word: "bismarck" (Back to Top)
              Huron (South Dakota) Bismarck, North Dakota Rapid City Aberde 11/26/1950 #5287  
object is 40–50 miles northwest of Bismarck, North Dakota. The object reapp 11/26/1950 #5287  
                                   BISMARCK, ND 2 silver objects speed over 7/28/1952 #7230  
                                   BISMARCK, ND Many HIQ observer(s). Black 8/5/1953 #9047  
                                   Bismarck, ND 4 yellowish-white oval obje 12/23/1953 #9388  
                                   BISMARCK, ND 4+1+1 / airport/apartment t 11/26/1968 #24709  
                                   Bismarck, ND Pilots, FAA, Radar Confirm  11/26/1968 #24713  
                                   Bismarck, ND Pilots, FAA, radar confirm  11/26/1968 #24714  
                                   Bismarck, ND Pilots saw two luminous obj 11/26/1968 #24716  
                                   Bismarck (North Dakota) Great Falls, Mon 11/26/1968 #24718  
lls, Montana 85 miles northeast of Bismarck 5:40 p.m. Three control tower o 11/26/1968 #24718  
 Jack Reeves, and John Fischer) at Bismarck (North Dakota) Airport observe  11/26/1968 #24718  
he same time 85 miles northeast of Bismarck. The objects are also seen by R 11/26/1968 #24718  
5, were being driven from Fargo to Bismarck, North Dakota by Jackie's boyfr 8/26/1975 #30309  
               Fargo, North Dakota Bismarck, North Dakota Interstate 94 Tow 8/26/1975 #30310  
rson leave Fargo, North Dakota for Bismarck, which they plan to reach aroun 8/26/1975 #30310  
5, were being driven from Fargo to Bismarck, North Dakota by Jackie's boyfr 8/26/1975 #30312  
## Word: "bismark" (Back to Top)
    Two Air Traffic Controllers at Bismark, North Dakota airport, Watts and 11/26/1968 #24719  
## Word: "bismuth" (Back to Top)
sted including using an isotope of bismuth, but does not give details. The  1955 #11898  
ntain significant amounts of zinc, bismuth, and rare earth elements. An ana 1/29/1986 #37775  
by Stan Romanek, which prove to be bismuth trioxide, used in the making of  7/22/2005 #44856  
s://youtu.be/nd_ZXgObNNg     Note: Bismuth telluride and lead telluride hav 8/2014 #45413  
## Word: "bison" (Back to Top)
                                   BISON TO/FROM WAUKOMIS, OK Saucer blows  7/29/1952 #7294  
buzzed his car as he drove between Bison and Waukonis on Highway 81. The ru 7/29/1952 #7312  
buzzed his car as he drove between Bison and Waukonis on Highway 81. The ru 7/29/1952 #7334  
he aircraft is the Myasishchev M-4 Bison. The rumors are soon debated publi 2/15/1954 #9548  
ov, Russia, and photographs 20 M-4 Bison bombers on the ramp. Multiplying b 7/9/1956 #12957  
s actually photographed the entire Bison fleet; there is no bomber at any o 7/9/1956 #12957  
ce W Barrett, Hal Puthoff, Michael Bison and Eric W Davis.  https://ufos-sc 5/6/2003 #44526  
## Word: "bison-like" (Back to Top)
 Herschel supposedly sees herds of bison-like quadrupeds, a spherical amphi 8/25/1835 #130  
## Word: "bispo" (Back to Top)
                         ALDEIA DO BISPO, PORTUGAL Disk at differing speeds 7/10/1957 #13783  
## Word: "bissell" (Back to Top)
ntagon Paris Col. Clayton Lawrence Bissell, in the Pentagon’s Office of the 1/2/1945 #1753  
ime this year he visits Richard M. Bissell Jr. and asks him to finance OPC  8/23/1951 #5616  
5 Bonanza. CIA official Richard M. Bissell Jr reviews 50 potential sites wi Early 1955 #11901  
C. U-2 project director Richard M. Bissell Jr. secures a presidential actio 4/1955 #12077  
rce contract. The CIA’s Richard M. Bissell later reveals that the CIA Offic 8/3/1956 #13050  
              The CIA’s Richard M. Bissell assembles a group of advisers to 8/16/1956 #13094  
a memo to CIA operative Richard M. Bissell Jr., explaining that the agency’ 6/11/1957 #13718  
         Area 51 in Nevada Richard Bissell notifies Kelly Johnson that the  1/26/1960 #16157  
A Directorate for Plans Richard M. Bissell, MKUltra’s Sidney Gottlieb propo 3/17/1960 #16200  
k City Cuba CIA officer Richard M. Bissell Jr. and DCI Allen W. Dulles init 9/1960 #16428  
 Deputy Director for Plans Richard Bissell brief President-elect John F. Ke 11/18/1960 #16508  
                           Richard Bissell presents an outline for the Cuba 12/8/1960 #16527  
A Deputy Director of Plans Richard Bissell plans for a “lodgement” by 750 m 1/4/1961 #16562  
                        Richard M. Bissell Jr. leaves the CIA and is replac 2/1962 #17030  
## Word: "bissoe" (Back to Top)
 morning hours a married couple in Bissoe Truro, Cornwall County, England w 1/29/1979 #34389  
 morning hours a married couple in Bissoe Truro, Cornwall County, England w 1/29/1979 #34391  
## Word: "bisti" (Back to Top)
raveling north on Highway 371 near Bisti badlands in San Juan County, New M 9/21/2007 #45069  
## Word: "bistineau" (Back to Top)
                                   BISTINEAU, LA Fisherman. Blood red 60M h 4/25/1957 #13616  
## Word: "bistrita" (Back to Top)
                                   BISTRITA, ROM Saucer with 3 small lights 9/19/1968 #24481  
       At 6:10 p.m. in the city of Bistrita, Romania a group of observers i 9/19/1968 #24486  
## Word: "bisuschio" (Back to Top)
       At around 4 p.m. a woman in Bisuschio, Italy went outside to hang so 2/11/1980 #35168  
## Word: "bit" (Back to Top)
 comet- like object with a trail a bit west of Polaris. As he is pointing i 6/8/1868 #172  
e at first, then moves south for a bit, then continues to the north. They w 6/8/1868 #172  
s that if life on Mars developed a bit earlier than on earth, it is possibl 6/22/1947 #2366  
ts are largely silver mixed with a bit of silicon. They conclude that it co 7/9/1947 #3068  
lots to send in reports. That is a bit too much openness for Garland, who c 3/31/1952 #5999  
-and-a-half-page memo, vagued up a bit, but essentially saying that “nothin 4/17/1952 #6108  
 away from the B-36, moving away a bit. Then one of the objects stops and h 5/1/1952 #6243  
 though the objects have receded a bit to shiny points of light. At one poi 7/2/1952 #6694  
adio goes dead. Bardi says it is a bit smaller than a DC-3 and is making a  7/19/1952 #6932  
will be looking into UFO matters a bit more thoroughly, even though it has  7/29/1952 #7325  
d by Alfred Bailey, to drive him a bit more than half a mile away to a flat 11/20/1952 #8307  
0 feet above the Richelieu River a bit more than a half-mile away. The man  4/23/1953 #8845  
rch,” but the RAAF’s approach is a bit more ad hoc.                         11/20/1953 #9313  
man flees. His dog also retreats a bit later, walking awkwardly as if partl Early 10/1954 #10609  
arfs, the animal turned around and bit him. The object rose with a shrill s 11/8/1954 #11596  
arfs, the animal turned around and bit him. The object rose with a shrill s 11/8/1954 #11602  
on, who indicates he knows quite a bit about the group and its officers. By 8/1959 #15887  
 feet above the ground, wobbling a bit. When it stabilizes, he sees it look 8/11/1960 #16369  
n Time). However, there is quite a bit of information from numerous sources 4/18/1962 #17120  
e her, hits a palm tree, gyrates a bit in the air, then falls into the Rio  10/31/1963 #18017  
n is still visible, having moved a bit to the west. With binoculars, he see 4/11/1964 #18169  
he can go inside the door but is a bit too scared to even touch the object, Mid 10/1965 #19659  
 to agree that he is even a little bit timid.                               6/8/1966 #20543  
Polaris. As he watches, it grows a bit brighter and begins to move directly 8/1967 #22771  
thin 6 feet. The beam moves away a bit, he tries again, and the same thing  3/4/1969 #24968  
at him, he ducks behind the hut. A bit later he looks out again and they sh 9/12/1971? #26330  
he beam travels horizontally for a bit then is directed perpendicularly upw 8/12/1972 #26911  
ground. The being then picked up a bit of grass and put it to his nose or m 1/4/1973 #27221  
r 3–4 seconds, then goes off for a bit, then on again. Gradually it remains 10/10/1974 #29512  
h colored stripes. The man moves a bit further away to the east on his box. Mid 11/1974 #29596  
amp and all of them were feeling a bit under the weather. They sat around a 7/12/1975 #30175  
going east / ground level rising a bit. Suddenly shoots away.               5/27/1976 #31073  
an see red lights on the object. A bit unnerved, Maki goes back to the lodg Mid 1/1977 #31723  
talks to the sergeant, who seems a bit stunned. A few minutes later, two F- Summer 1977 #32181  
 is barrel-shaped and hovers for a bit before landing. It also has a large  5/16/1979 #34563  
the spa observe it too. It moves a bit to the south and stops again for a m 11/27/1979 #35020  
s were described as being a little bit over one meter in height and having  2/2/1980 #35154  
y 25% redacted, and in 2014 with a bit less missing). Gesell states that “t 11/18/1980 #35653  
y saw; and even pushed the truth a bit trying to get the Air Force to pay f 12/29/1980 #35757  
ly like a theater marquee. After a bit, all the lights turn off. The next d Late 9/1984 #37469  
he terrain. The pilot dives down a bit to follow it, but they can’t keep up 8/18/1985 #37647  
tude object in the north looking a bit larger than a star, rapidly moving t 11/3/1985 #37699  
issing sound and its lights fade a bit. Simultaneously, a red ball comes ou 11/29/1989 #39276  
ad. A third light is now visible a bit to the left of the others and they w 10/14/1990 #39785  
aced on one of her nipples, and he bit it. A piece of her nipple came loose 7/23/1992 #40531  
low her navel, which is bleeding a bit. Kelly has a strange dream immediate 8/8/1993 #41117  
orm that covered its hand caught a bit of light from the factory lighting a 8/11/1995 #42376  
rthur, Tasmania. His car acts up a bit, but the light vanishes, and it retu 8/29/1996 #42999  
ishes, he remains frightened and a bit sick. The car is coated with dust of 1/27/1997 #43178  
 five feet tall and thin. She then bit the being; she said it felt like bit 2/24/1997 #43207  
o them. The dream went blank for a bit, and then the witness found herself  9/3/2003 #44592  
 exiting his right arm. He feels a bit hazy, but notices the light is spher 5/1/2005 #44828  
p? And you know, they did a little bit of research and the answer was no. B 5/18/2021 #45689  
## Word: "bit-a" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Bit-A” YieldMax: 40KT                    10/31/1968 #24606  
## Word: "bitbr" (Back to Top)
involved in the effort, code-named BITBR (“Boys in the Back Room”). Wood ne 1967 #21238  
ees make up the project code-named BITBR (Boys in the Back Room).  Wood mee 1967 #21240  
 through his work. Wood recommends BITBR be canceled in 1969 due to little  1967 #21240  
## Word: "bitchute" (Back to Top)
ki/DeathofMax_Spiers   https://www.bitchute.com/video/RcwYcvLZrCEN/         7/16/2016 #45456  
## Word: "bite" (Back to Top)
heat on his left arm; an alligator bite on his left index finger is suddenl 9/3/1965 #19512  
what he is doing, he takes a small bite out of her and swallows it. There i 7/23/1992 #40530  
ct resembling a giant disc "with a bite taken out of the bottom," with yell 10/5/2000 #44053  
## Word: "bites" (Back to Top)
 night, leaving only some apparent bites marks that are sore to the touch.  8/20/1980 #35469  
nded points, like a discoid with 5 bites taken out of it.                   9/10/1992 #40617  
## Word: "biting" (Back to Top)
p of him, screaming, growling, and biting like a mad animal. He could not r 4/10/1954 #9681  
t the being; she said it felt like biting a cold piece of ham. After a few  2/24/1997 #43207  
## Word: "bits" (Back to Top)
l, having found various scraps and bits for the past two years, mentions to Summer 1949 #4246  
eral observer(s). 1-3 then 8 round bits / fluff maneuver and circle / 1 hr  7/22/1952 #6990  
 by Maj. May that 30 diamond drill bits were destroyed attempting to drill  5/20/1954 #9817  
m small humanoids (or Greys) near. Bits / aluminum found. / r30p218.        8/1955 #12308  
he unusual sand pile are irregular bits of pale-green glass-like material m 10/30/1969 #25439  
enly, a very tall gray figure with bits of white hair appeared in front of  9/17/1975 #30367  
 the key, flashing and lighting up bits in turn. She calls her son, who arr 4/25/1984 #37293  
o fragments that turn green as the bits descend in the direction of Austral 5/16/2006 #44943  
## Word: "bitschko" (Back to Top)
         At around two a.m. Miguel Bitschko of Canuelas, Argentina was woke 8/8/1968 #24310  
## Word: "bitstream" (Back to Top)
eks.  https://scholarship.rice.edu/bitstream/handle/1911/110197/wrc15848_tr 10/1952 #8077  
0831153533/https://bdigital.ufp.pt/bitstream/10284/781/1/223-239Cons-Cienci 1/1989 #38772  
## Word: "bitten" (Back to Top)
ct was still there. Goode had been bitten by an animal before the sighting, 9/3/1965 #19506  
UFO close encounter.Goode had been bitten by an animal before the sighting, 9/3/1965 #19517  
e jugular vein of a child that was bitten.                                  11/8/1967 #23428  
## Word: "bitter" (Back to Top)
tside. It was growing dark and was bitter cold out. There was no car in vie 1/9/1967 #21278  
cist James E. McDonald engage in a bitter, 18-month-long debate, leveling a 1968 #23627  
 was given a stone cup and drank a bitter green liquid that restored his en 5/4/1969 #25115  
 waved goodbye to her husband on a bitter cold morning when she saw a light 1/4/1979 #34296  
band as he went off to work in the bitter cold morning in Rowley Regis, Wes 1/5/1979 #34304  
## Word: "bitter-tasting" (Back to Top)
g an empanada. He was also given a bitter-tasting beverage. In turn he offe 12/9/1996 #43133  
## Word: "bitterling" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bitterling” YieldMax: 20KT               6/12/1964 #18346  
## Word: "bitterness" (Back to Top)
a rather nauseating odor of "sweet bitterness" that was in the air. One hun 4/26/1969 #25096  
## Word: "bitters" (Back to Top)
akoneta, Ohio 9:30 p.m. Richard L. Bitters and his wife Martha are returnin 6/23/1947 #2376  
## Word: "bittersweet" (Back to Top)
ground. 2 tall men outside. Sickly bittersweet odor.                        4/26/1969 #25093  
## Word: "bittick" (Back to Top)
ir daily shifts. Veterans James D. Bittick and John R. Gettys Jr. are in th 5/2/1957 #13643  
## Word: "bitumen" (Back to Top)
leaving behind a large hole in the bitumen.                                 9/15/1965 #19567  
## Word: "bivouacked" (Back to Top)
44th Armored Infantry Battalion is bivouacked on a hill along the Autobahn  3/25/1945 #1827  
## Word: "biyal" (Back to Top)
                        BERK-BISK, BIYAL RIVER, RUSSIA Engineer and 50. Sin 10/1960 #16470  
## Word: "biz" (Back to Top)
11900/https://www.freeenergyplanet.biz/energy-from-vacuum/transdimensional- 3/2004 #44671  
## Word: "bizarre" (Back to Top)
amatta, New South Wales, watches a bizarre procession of the faces of two p 7/25/1868 #176  
grass, large and unfamiliar birds, bizarre noises, and strange men in odd s 1927 #1068  
oward his pursuer. He then saw two bizarre creatures running after him. The 4/10/1954 #9681  
e 52 near New Richmond, Ohio saw a bizarre gray "ugly" creature with tentac 1/30/1959 #15571  
                           VAR, FR Bizarre bird-men rush car. Fly going [to 11/1962 #17523  
rkily, and observed that they were bizarre, birdlike creatures. As they rus 11/1962 #17524  
em and sees that they are actually bizarre animals with the heads of birds  11/1962 #17525  
o the ground in front of them. Two bizarre looking "aliens" emerged from th 3/10/1967 #21854  
              Madrid, Spain Ummo A bizarre announcement is published in the 5/20/1967 #22383  
n the morning when he noticed four bizarre looking humanoids standing on a  7/20/1968 #24195  
de her home when she experienced a bizarre event. "I wanted to go back indo 8/4/1968 #24297  
Monica Patricia Lagos also saw the bizarre incident, which she described as 11/9/1968 #24649  
 late December 1980, three days of bizarre UFO incidents take place. Warren 2/19/1973 #27298  
trada and Chieti, Italy they saw a bizarre figure almost six meters tall, l 8/16/1973 #27706  
l and cops. Night lights maneuver. Bizarre "electric man" peeks going [to]  10/16/1973 #28068  
 driving through Clarksville had a bizarre experience. (MUJ-110) (NICAP: 07 1/27/1977 #31758  
but were astonished to see another bizarre figure standing just in front of 7/11/1978 #33367  
ontainer illuminated the yard in a bizarre yellow "coherent" light that app 7/11/1978 #33368  
noids approached him, making huge, bizarre, bounding-like jumps. Next, he f 9/21/1978 #33725  
 help because they began to feel a bizarre effect: all three felt as if the 10/30/1978 #33894  
 help because they began to feel a bizarre effect: all three felt as if the 10/30/1978 #33898  
taxi driver named Wright spotted a bizarre humanoid shape crossing Sugarloa 11/9/1978 #33941  
n Collegno,Torino, Italy spotted a bizarre human-like figure about 1.60 met 12/15/1978 #34139  
 showed her an alien zoo with many bizarre animals. The beings communicated 9/14/1979 #34884  
king lot, they see a star making a bizarre zigzag pattern. It moves above t 1/13/1980 #35133  
orbike. Glass cage / intersection. Bizarre hairy monster inside.            8/1980 (approximate) #35433  
                        Romsey, AU Bizarre cone-shaped UFOs were spotted ov 5/13/1983 #36859  
elist Whitley Strieber undergoes a bizarre UFO abduction in his cabin in up 12/26/1985 #37738  
lifornia, goes through a series of bizarre and inexplicable experiences, so 11/11/1988 #38711  
               DALLAS, TX 1 woman. Bizarre triangular ship with dazzling co 11/26/1989 #39250  
Clermont, Belgium, when they see a bizarre object on their right, moving at Early 1/1990 #39361  
me. Walker provides some vague and bizarre information involving MJ-12, ESP 3/8/1990 #39453  
unty, Quebec, Canada encountered a bizarre looking creature about 1.50 mete 10/6/1990 #39760  
lis Air Force Range can offer many bizarre shows that involve no shred of a 10/1992 #40653  
ke a "trumpet". Later Harold had a bizarre dream where he saw a saucer-like 1/12/1993 #40794  
rn California reported a series of bizarre incidents beginning at 3:55 a.m. 1/14/1993 #40796  
ia de Lourdes Uribe, age 34, heard bizarre noises and saw mysterious lights 5/12/1993 #40975  
           AUBAGNE, FR 1 observer. Bizarre crescent changes color(s) and fl 7/20/1994 #41631  
               CROMWELL, CT Woman. Bizarre cluster / lights overhead. Hummi 12/6/1994 #41886  
ped outside he was confronted by a bizarre looking, shiny white figure that 2/9/1995 #42031  
ey returned to the site they found bizarre symbols that had been traced on  2/9/1995 #42031  
                     CHEBOYGAN, MI Bizarre silent object going quickly [to] 2/13/1995 #42044  
man / pilot. Triangular ships with bizarre lights over mountains. No furthe 2/26/1995 #42062  
                SOUTH / GOLETA, CA Bizarre white ball / light descends / 5  4/10/1995 #42142  
            LAKE OSWEGO, OR Woman. Bizarre disk outside. Red-orange circle  5/17/1995 #42212  
            ALBANY, CA 1 observer. Bizarre rectangle with 4 barber poles st 6/7/1995 #42242  
aft and 4 disks / low altitude. 50 bizarre figure(s) / ground. / r60#314.   7/9/1995 #42294  
vois Mills, Missouri at 11:45 p.m. Bizarre looking humanoid figures were al 7/9/1995 #42295  
AST / PORT ORCHARD AND BALLARD, WA Bizarre object with flashing lights over 7/20/1995 #42312  
UKILTEO, WA 6 observer(s). Several bizarre objects near Paine field. Hover  8/31/1995 #42432  
    CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 1 observer. Bizarre object 300' away shoots beams go 9/13/1995 #42464  
                   At 12:10 a.m. a bizarre, irregularly shaped object, only 9/13/1995 #42467  
d, not more than 10 meters away, a bizarre creature. At first, because of t 11/1/1995 #42575  
apa, Guatemala - During a spate of bizarre animal killings in the area, Ali 11/11/1995 #42593  
er. Huge triangular ship covered / bizarre "traffic lights". No further det 11/17/1995 #42601  
of his herd of steers with several bizarre wounds on their backs. Some of t 11/28/1995 #42628  
ant land when they spotted another bizarre looking creature. It was only ab 1/20/1996 #42697  
. Under interrogation he related a bizarre story of being abducted around 1 2/29/1996 #42789  
nd the uncanny experience when the bizarre light staged a return. According 4/15/1996 #42870  
anding in his garden when he saw a bizarre object, which descended until it 9/15/1996 #43021  
tories" tall and covered with very bizarre lights. The object was seen to d 10/3/1996 #43051  
two huge reddish eyes, which had a bizarre crest on its back. Frightened, h 8/3/1997 #43366  
meters the two boys next noticed a bizarre creature standing next to a ligh 9/4/1997 #43394  
y awoke at 1:30 a.m. and saw three bizarre figures in the shape of bowling  11/13/1998 #43681  
ge humming sound. He suffered from bizarre physiological aftereffects soon  7/5/2000 #44010  
 the crew is faced with “extremely bizarre, unexpected, and prolonged lumin 10/15/2000 #44056  
                                 A bizarre hairy creature was sighted in th 5/1/2001 #44173  
rito reported seeing several short bizarre creaturesmoving around the objec 7/29/2001 #44213  
         A yellow-orange ball made bizarre sharp turns while flying from so 4/17/2002 #44331  
ss in Newport, Tennessee spotted a bizarre flying creature resembling an ar 4/5/2004 #44684  
 it in 1984-85, which he called a “bizarre special access program coverup w 8/7/2004 #44728  
ut the trash when he encountered a bizarre looking, eight foot tall creatur 10/26/2005 #44894  
2-hour visit, Lacatski witnesses a bizarre tubular object hovering in the k 7/26/2007 #45040  
but they managed to photograph the bizarre series of events. According to t 9/5/2009 #45242  
ile on Project Pandora and Project Bizarre, a program focused on the Cold W 2014 #45400  
## Word: "bizeneuille" (Back to Top)
                                   BIZENEUILLE, 03, FR 4 observer(s). Red f 2/1974 #28721  
                                   BIZENEUILLE, FR Intense red 12M dome. Ye 9/8/1974 #29432  
                                In Bizeneuille, Allier, France an intensely 9/8/1974 #29435  
## Word: "bizerte" (Back to Top)
                                   BIZERTE, TUNISIA Airport/apartment RADAR 8/8/1976 #31246  
               Sidi Ahmed Air Base Bizerte Airport, Tunisia US Sixth Fleet  8/8/1976 #31247  
m. Radar at Sidi Ahmed Air Base at Bizerte Airport, Tunisia, tracks a targe 8/8/1976 #31247  
## Word: "bizon" (Back to Top)
 a wheat field by 10-year-old Mike Bizon. It made a beeping noise, rose fir 5/18/1964 #18283  
    Hubbard, Oregon 7:00 a.m. Mike Bizon, 10, sees a square or spindle-shap 5/19/1964 #18288  
 up emitting a soft beeping sound. Bizon smells an odor like gas fumes. Thr 5/19/1964 #18288  
## Word: "biên" (Back to Top)
           Saigon Ho Chi Minh City Biên Hòa Hospital A CIA team flies into  7/1968 #24107  
nt on three Viet Cong prisoners at Biên Hòa Hospital. Working in an enclose 7/1968 #24107  
## Word: "bjiea8lvucw" (Back to Top)
hiker phenomena.  https://youtu.be/BJieA8lvucw                              8/31/2016 #45458  
## Word: "bjorn" (Back to Top)
lta-winged jet. The witnesses were Bjorn Taraldsen, Nils M. Turi, Kate Juls 6/1/1958 #15075  
## Word: "björn" (Back to Top)
an an hour. Former Chief Constable Björn Fagrell describes it as like two c 10/15/1981 #36172  
## Word: "björnulf" (Back to Top)
 Telemark, Norway 2:17 p.m. Johnny Björnulf and Raun Conradi are aboard one 6/30/1954 #9969  
## Word: "bjørn" (Back to Top)
oms og Finnmark, Norway 11:15 a.m. Bjørn Taraldsen, Nils M. Turi, Kate Juls 6/1/1958 #15074  
## Word: "bla" (Back to Top)
mprehensible radio dialogue, e.g. "bla, ble, bli, bla."                     9/6/1978 #33641  
dio dialogue, e.g. "bla, ble, bli, bla."                                    9/6/1978 #33641  
## Word: "blabbing" (Back to Top)
talking too much. But Hart is also blabbing prolifically, saying that two o 11/22/1896 #347  
## Word: "blabs" (Back to Top)
AR. Huge saucer. USAF info officer blabs to local papers!                   9/22/1957 #14023  
## Word: "black" (Back to Top)
 flying objects were multicolored: black, red, blue, and green.             12/5/1557 #31  
roadside many blood-red, blue, and black balls or discs near the Sun. “They 4/4/1561 #32  
linder/cylindrical object and many black disks. Aerial combat? / IFS#24+/ r 8/7/1566 #34  
e imagines Venusians to be “little black people, scorched with the Sun, ful 1686 #50  
         MOON Linne crater changes black to white. Small well-defined dots  5/4/1866 #166  
          SULPICIUS GALLUS, MOON 3 black dots appear. Stay until 13 June wh 6/10/1867 #168  
hen he and the miller see numerous black discs moving in the air to the wes 11/4/1867 #169  
of the afternoon a large number of black discs in groups and separately pas 11/4/1867 #170  
 fades. A man dressed in a suit of black carrying a lantern emerges from th Late 3/1873 #200  
g, the swellings subside but leave black blotches. By November 2, the skin  10/24/1886 #276  
ing vomiting, hair loss, swelling, black blotches, and sores. Trees in the  10/24/1886 #277  
 northeast of Bermuda. One ball is black and the other is luminous and oblo 3/19/1887 #279  
hip where it falls turns partially black and the copper plating is blistere 3/19/1887 #279  
me are bright red, others green or black, but when they are close to the gr 8/18/1893 #309  
ious colors, including red, green, black, and red.                          8/26/1893 #310  
lle], Utah, when they see a “small black cloud” in the northeast quickly ap 7/20/1894 #316  
t the wind and looks like a “great black cigar with a fishlike tail.” The b 11/26/1896 #365  
sing overhead. It is attached to a black object that emits a crackling soun 4/1/1897 #408  
 looks like a white bird with long black wings. Hopley guesses that it is 1 5/11/1897 #596  
 so high that “nothing but a small black ball far up in the heavens could b 7/4/1899 #636  
ith glowing corona. Grows slanting black band.                              5/1/1908 #705  
planations for the event include a black hole impact, antimatter, a UFO cra 6/30/1908 #711  
 ENG Several separate observer(s). Black 30M blimp with beams going down. M 5/13/1909 #738  
“brilliant ray” emitted by a large black object 1,000 feet high in the sout 12/22/1909 #821  
NHATTAN, NY Many observer(s). Long black object circles buildings. Engine s 8/30/1910 #845  
                            A long black object circled buildings in downto 8/30/1910 #846  
TER, ENGL 1 observer. Absolute(ly) black spindle crosses sun. Halo fluctuat 10/10/1914 #919  
gland, when he sees an “absolutely black spindle-shaped object” against the 10/10/1914 #920  
Norfolk, England, when they see a “black object astern” which gradually app 12/15/1914 #922  
rance, bending toward the earth. A black object shoots out of the bottom of 6/2/1919 #986  
boy in Otter Tail, Minnesota saw a black object emerge from a quick descent 6/2/1919 #987  
, FR Red ball 2X sun-size and huge black cylinder/cigar-shape going quickly 8/1920 (approximate) #1004  
 tall with large ears, a wealth of black hair, and almond eyes. Over the ye 10/27/1926 #1065  
, England A 6-year-old girl sees a black, faceless, 5-foot-high figure with Summer 1928 #1087  
rosseau, 20, sees something like a black cloud with a yellow light resting  6/12/1929 #1098  
            MT. EVEREST Climber. 2 black ovoids hover / wind. Expand and co 6/1/1933 #1157  
s run toward the object, something black covers it, an antenna appears, and 5/1935 #1229  
hin 40M / schoolgirl. Absolute(ly) black! Rumbles and away.                 1/1936 (approximate) #1241  
trike the tail assembly. A mass of black debris about 3-4 feet long is also 10/14/1943 #1536  
                     Kiel, Germany Black plate-sized discs. (Page 55 Ref.1) 1/5/1944 #1562  
              Unknown City, France Black tear-dropped craft; probable Me-16 4/25/1944 #1591  
aped object that changes from dull black to gray to “fog blue.” It is joine Summer 1944 #1611  
r, 100 feet long, and has a row of black windows. It moves off quickly in t Late 7/1944 #1623  
kly going up. Lower part round and black.                                   8/1944 (approximate) #1629  
ak Ridge Oliver Springs, Tennessee Black Oak Ridge Dusk. Three Oak Ridge wo 9/1944 #1662  
igh in the air and disappears over Black Oak Ridge.                         9/1944 #1662  
                   Dover, UK Solid black cylindrical-shaped; red glow emitt Late 9/1944 #1668  
             Formosa, Taiwan Small black dot; hanging stationary. (Page Ref 10/16/1944 #1678  
ghter Squadron, equipped with P-61 Black Widow fighters, reports seeing 15– Early 11/1944 #1690  
de with a sheet of flame and dense black smoke.                             11/4/1944 #1692  
     Dutch Coast, Holland One long black stationary object, similar to a sm 2/4/1945 #1773  
the island. The gunner in a P-61B "Black Widow" aircraft attached to the 54 4/18/1945 #1848  
von Ludwiger sees an object like a black plate, whose diameter is one-eight Summer 1945 #1882  
e craft inside a glass dome. Their Black Labrador dog reacted in terror.    8/28/1945 #1932  
ame angle and direction. They find black marks on the snow and ice.         4/25/1946 #1984  
ing ball with tail, torpedo-shape, black object with flame, small rocket, s 9/9/1946 #2172  
                      ENGLE, NM 3' black cylinder/cigar-shape with fins mov 9/11/1946 #2174  
s a loud whirring sound and sees a black object whiz by. It is pointed at o 9/11/1946 #2177  
ich he claims are inhabited by the Black Brotherhood and protected by “spac 10/1946 #2195  
        VILLAGE GREEN, PEI Farmer. Black cylinder/cigar-shape with flame an 7/3/1947 #2566  
town, Prince Edward Island, sees a black, rocket-shaped projectile trailing 7/3/1947 #2583  
5 p.m. including the sighting of a black cigar-shaped object in Charlotteto 7/3/1947 #2586  
lver disk 5000' over home. Circles Black Mountain. Going quickly west.      7/5/1947 #2688  
    PORTSMOUTH, VA 11 observer(s). Black disk going quickly northwest. Stra 7/6/1947 #2778  
titude of 500 feet. At 7:00 p.m. a black disc flew across the sky in Portsm 7/6/1947 #2825  
es going quickly south to sea over black rock cliffs.                       7/7/1947 #2884  
 saucers. 1 breaks away and flips. Black / 1 side and silver / other side.  7/8/1947 #2974  
 United Airlines (UAL) pilot. Flat black saucer / staircase maneuvers. Bad  7/9/1947 #3041  
   Boise (Bet. Meridian and), ID A black disc, standing out against the clo 7/9/1947 #3050  
                      Meridian, ID Black disc made a half-roll and then a s 7/9/1947 #3051  
ho Air National Guard AT-6 while a black disc, which stood out against the  7/9/1947 #3052  
 National Guard AT-6 Texan, sees a black object standing out against the cl 7/9/1947 #3063  
         At 12:15 p.m. a huge flat black disc over Boise, Idaho executed a  7/9/1947 #3074  
oss, white on the top and gray and black on the bottom. At their closest po 7/15/1947 #3187  
. They were white on top, grey and black for the rest, and about 15 feet wi 7/15/1947 #3188  
ericans. The act creates the first black military and intelligence budget.  7/26/1947 #3233  
CK, NJ Multiple observer(s). Round black object "too fast for a balloon. /  8/3/1947 #3284  
        Bethel, AK Smooth surfaced black object larger than a DC-3 (NICAP:  8/4/1947 #3289  
.” Twining suggests UAP could be a black budget USG project or from Soviet/ 9/23/1947 #3419  
sses (and rumors of worse). (ref. “Black Budget”; JMP letter)               9/24/1947 #3420  
uth. Concentric colored rings with black spot / center. To horizon / 15 sec 10/1947 (approximate) #3438  
NNE of ), AZ 3-foot “flying wing,” black against the white clouds and red a 10/14/1947 #3455  
 wing"-shaped object, which looked black against the white clouds and red a 10/14/1947 #3456  
ast toward(s) Italy. Antenna and 3 black spots / center. 120kph / 800M alti 11/1947 (approximate) #3472  
r nuclear facility. Private pilot. Black saucer dives. Climbs away fast. /  7/1948 #3687  
was a rather thick document with a black cover and it was printed on legal- 9/30/1948? #3817  
                    Japan An F-61 “Black Widow” fighter tracked UFO on rada 10/15/1948 #3835  
radar operator Hemphill of a P-61 "Black Widow" night fighter.  Up to six o 10/15/1948 #3840  
Squadron is flying a Northrup F-61 Black Widow some 50 miles northwest of F 10/15/1948 #3841  
mphill in a propeller driven P-61 "Black Widow" night fighter tracked up to 10/15/1948 #3843  
attened football or lozenge shaped black object (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 10/16/1948 #3844  
roject names Archangel, Blue Book, Black Book, White Book and Yellow Book,  1949 #3947  
an AFB, AZ Object was described as black, round and flat in shape, similar  5/16/1949 #4188  
son, AZ AFOSI Case 70; app 17:00 - black round solid flat obj at 800-1000 m 5/16/1949 #4189  
Through binoculars, they look like black, open boomerangs. More objects joi 6/29/1949 #4256  
             MT. PALOMAR, CA Small black dot zips along below 7K' altitude  10/17/1949 #4396  
ectrical B. B. Traxler saw a small black object without apparent projection 10/17/1949 #4397  
hem about 5–10 miles away. A large black smoky region is below it, possibly 1/24/1950 #4509  
TLE ROCK, ARK Pilot sighting. 6-12 black octagons turn suddenly going quick 3/17/1950 #4664  
                     Six to twelve black octagon-shaped objects were seen f 3/17/1950 #4667  
h brown complexions, wearing shiny black suits and translucent helmets, eme 3/19/1950 #4683  
t Bluebook Case #682. 2 fishing. 3 black saucers maneuver / unison / 75m al 3/29/1950 #4754  
ucers swoop climb and circle. Emit black smoke / ascending.                 4/8/1950 #4822  
ws of holes in its periphery and a black conical tower about 9 feet high. T 6/17/1950 #4991  
ut of the top rose a ten-foot high black, cylindrical "conning tower." When 6/17/1950 #4992  
                      Santa Fe, NM Black Object Chased At 620 MPH (NICAP: 1 8/7/1950 #5112  
  Sandy Point, Newfoundland, CAN A black or dark round object (NICAP: 01 -  8/30/1950 #5145  
wfoundland, CAN (BB# may be wrong) black or yellowish-brown object (NICAP:  8/30/1950 #5146  
st Harmon AFB, Newfoundland, CAN A black or dark round object (NICAP: 09 -  8/30/1950 #5147  
ht lights fireballs etc. Green and black. West going quickly east / several 12/29/1950 #5369  
-shape. Exhaust going quickly [to] black / acceleration. Going southwest. V 3/15/1951 #5485  
ct with white exhaust which turned black when it accelerated to an estimate 3/15/1951 #5488  
, India at 9:50 a.m. It gave off a black exhaust when it accelerated. The U 3/15/1951 #5490  
me men who had brown skin and wore black shiny suits and translucent helmet 6/19/1951 #5545  
ur men with brown skin and wearing black shiny suits and translucent helmet 6/19/1951 #5546  
me men who had brown skin and wore black shiny suits and translucent helmet 6/19/1951 #5547  
' cylinder/cylindrical object with black spots and fins / 1 end. 900mph / 1 7/24/1951 #5582  
end, and colored greyish with many black spots.  Flew 800-1,000 m.p.h. at 1 7/24/1951 #5584  
A 150-foot long cylinder with many black spots and fins at one end flew at  7/24/1951 #5585  
 Plan funds, presumably for covert black ops.                               8/23/1951 #5616  
ook. 3 teens. Saucer inside haze / black smoke. Violent stops and maneuvers 9/30/1951 #5691  
eet away. The object is a 250-foot black disc with two large red lights at  3/1952 #5940  
QUERQUE, NM Sandia engineer and 1. Black rectangle with bright yellow trian 4/1952 #6005  
s Canyon. The object is completely black except for a distinct, bright yell 4/23/1952 #6163  
ies in a slow arc. Then they see a black object hovering at a high altitude 4/25/1952 #6185  
ts upwards, followed by one of the black objects. The remaining two objects 4/25/1952 #6185  
hing noise. Looking up, they saw a black speck, high in the sky, moving bac 5/3/1952 #6254  
o of ovoid / broad daylight. Looks black.                                   5/4/1952 #6255  
 disc-shaped object with two dozen black windows running along its side. It Late 5/1952 #6362  
, Japan C-54 Crew Encounters Round Black Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 5/30/1952 #6387  
 Silent thin metallic donut with 2 black spots hovers. Maneuvers and tilts  6/16/1952 #6514  
           unknown location, Japan Black coin-shaped object, 15-20 ft in di 6/23/1952 #6599  
the l8th Fighter-Bomber Group. One black coin-shaped object, 15-20' in diam 6/23/1952 #6606  
8th Fighter-Bomber Group sighted a black coin-shaped object about seven tim 6/23/1952 #6612  
ctangular, silver on one side, and black on the other. It flutters as it mo 7/9/1952 #6740  
tude and gradually diminishes to a black dot, then accelerates to a high sp 7/9/1952 #6740  
w of openings around the rim and a black turret on top. One of the men had  7/11/1952 #6761  
ley AFB (Mobile), AL Barrel-shaped black object 3.5-4 ft diameter, emitting 7/22/1952 #7014  
object 3.5-4 ft diameter, emitting black smoke trail (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 7/22/1952 #7014  
            WILKES-BARRE, PA Large black saucer slowly tilts vertical. 4 la 7/25/1952 #7133  
saucer cavorts all over/all about. Black stripe. Going quickly southwest.   7/26/1952 #7151  
eyhound bus drivers.” All had coal black hair and dark eyes. Their skin com 7/27/1952 #7216  
ce. She wore a “radiant red skirt, black velvet short sleeved blouse and a  7/27/1952 #7216  
 velvet short sleeved blouse and a black beret with red trim.” He went into 7/27/1952 #7216  
so having a Latin appearance: coal black hair and olive complexion. She app 7/28/1952 #7260  
                ALGIERS, ALG Shiny black disk shoots up from horizon. Sudde 7/30/1952 #7340  
N, NY 1+2 kids. Flying torus emits black smoke. 15 degree arc / 90s. Seen / 8/4/1952 #7442  
like a lifesaver or donut emitting black smoke from its top (NICAP: 01 - Di 8/4/1952 #7448  
like a lifesaver or donut, emitted black smoke from its top and made a 15'  8/4/1952 #7450  
beginning at 11:37 a.m. It emitted black smoke from its top and made a 15-d 8/4/1952 #7452  
NTAINS, CA Observer(s) / El Cajon. Black disk hovers. Shoots going quickly  8/5/1952 #7456  
            HOLLYWOOD, CA TV Tech. Black saucer hovers over fountain and vi 8/7/1952 #7500  
as about 0.45 meters. On top was a black conical object about 3 meters high 8/23/1952 #7684  
d as luminous white bar edged with black. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 8/29/1952 #7783  
o small, varicolored lights became black silhouettes at dawn; flew erratica 9/1/1952 #7816  
small, multi-colored lights became black silhouettes at dawn and flew aroun 9/1/1952 #7819  
 Observer Corps (GOC) post Ph-04 / black. "Silent fighter-sized silver sauc 9/4/1952 #7841  
Corps (GOC) observer(s) = Carlson. Black line tilts. = shimmering silver di 9/4/1952 #7842  
throbbing or hissing sound. A huge black figure with glowing orange eyes bl 9/11/1952 #7896  
 mud, as well as traces of a thick black liquid. It is later revealed that  9/12/1952 #7905  
throbbing or hissing sound. A huge black figure with glowing orange eyes bl 9/12/1952 #7906  
noculars. Round silver saucer with black band flipflops. Hovers then shoots 9/13/1952 #7908  
luminous, egg-shaped object with a black spot in its center flying at an al 9/29/1952 #8062  
DE-PEILZ, SWITZ 3 observer(s). 20M black falling leaf disk clear against Mt 10/23/1952 #8176  
   Albuquerque, NV Series of 20 ft black smoke bursts similar to antiaircra 11/27/1952 #8347  
f of UAAF B-26 bomber. A series of black smoke bursts (4-3-3-4-3), similar  11/27/1952 #8348  
bomber reported seeing a series of black smoke bursts (4-3-3-4-3), similar  11/27/1952 #8349  
en or eight beings, all dressed in black tight-fitting one-piece suits, ent 3/22/1953 #8776  
 previous target.) It only targets black ghetto sections of St. Louis and a 4/1953 #8806  
-saucer passes going quickly west. Black line sticks way going down. Lights 4/23/1953 #8842  
e disintegrating, leaving behind a black smoke. Two photographs were taken  5/16/1953 #8880  
ek, California Two miners, John Q. Black, 48, and John Van Allen, reported  5/20/1953 #8888  
 craft. He then appeared to notice Black and jumped into the craft, which m 5/20/1953 #8888  
ornia, titanium prospector John Q. Black sees a silvery object, 8 feet in d 5/20/1953 #8889  
as one small window) after hearing Black step on a stick. The craft takes o 5/20/1953 #8889  
 a 45° angle with a hissing sound. Black had seen the same object on March  5/20/1953 #8889  
ch 20, for a total of seven times. Black is alone for each sighting, so his 5/20/1953 #8889  
n Brush Creek, California, John Q. Black, age 48, and John Van Allen, repor 5/20/1953 #8890  
ft. He then appeared to notice Mr. Black and jumped into the craft, which m 5/20/1953 #8890  
   Brush Creek, California John Q. Black, witness of the May. 20 incident,  6/20/1953 #8943  
  Brush Creek, California. John Q. Black, one of two miners who witnessed a 6/20/1953 #8944  
. Spins. Leaves (something behind) black trail.                             6/21/1953 #8946  
ough 6 power field glasses an UFO, black in color, moved out of a high whit 7/19/1953 #9001  
          OAK RIDGE, TN 1+2 silent black glossy saucers circle. Shoot going 7/19/1953 #9002  
                     Oak Ridge, TN Black objects maneuvered over area near  7/19/1953 #9003  
ar spot in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, a black object emerges from a high white c 7/19/1953 #9004  
xville. “This object was extremely black in color, having an appearance of  7/19/1953 #9004  
or, having an appearance of a deep black metal exterior with a fine gloss.  7/19/1953 #9004  
e middle of the afternoon a silent black flying object was joined by two ot 7/19/1953 #9005  
                                   Black Hawk, South Dakota Ellsworth AFB n 8/5/1953 #9049  
ver Phyllis Killian spots a UFO in Black Hawk, South Dakota. Soon after, ra 8/5/1953 #9049  
d belts, metal collars, and small, black, shiny boxes on their backs. They  8/18/1953 #9080  
feet. They also had on wide, shiny black belts, metal collars, and small bl 8/18/1953 #9081  
ck belts, metal collars, and small black shiny boxes connected to the colla 8/18/1953 #9081  
        BURLINGTON, VT Large round black object stops over radio-tower / 3  8/20/1953 #9087  
        At 9:30 p.m. a large round black object stopped in the air over the 8/20/1953 #9092  
                      MAUMEE, OHIO Black saucer seen. Green and red lights  8/21/1953 #9093  
                        Maumee, OH Black oval with green and red lights aro 8/21/1953 #9094  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Black 14M CCLR object overhead. Telepath 8/23/1953 #9099  
r had stalled in the presence of a black, 14 meter in diameter circular obj 8/23/1953 #9106  
that three menacing men dressed in black suits have called on him, told him 9/28/1953 #9186  
          SAO PAOLO, BRZ Druggist. Black moon-size disk crosses sun 2X. Qui 10/1953 #9195  
                                   BLACK ROCK, AUSTR 5 observer(s). Lightbu 12/12/1953 #9361  
ependently of each other observe a black flying-wing (or ellipse or crescen 12/16/1953 #9374  
en, who had light brown skin, long black hair, dark, slanted eyes. All thre 3/1954 #9578  
untain. The farmers have also seen black, bristly haired dwarfs that hid in 4/10/1954 #9681  
ressed in civilian clothes wearing black ties identifying as “intelligence  4/12/1954 #9685  
     Elsinore, CA Dark blue almost black gun-metal "glint" delta-shaped obj 5/18/1954 #9809  
   GREENFIELD, MA 2 observer(s). 2 black saucers wobble going quickly west. 6/9/1954 #9879  
Isles, Quebec, CAN Large opaque or black object with 6 smaller satellite ob 6/29/1954 #9961  
igar-shaped object and six smaller black ovals moving the same speed as his 6/29/1954 #9962  
          MIDDLE SISTER ISLAND, OH Black cylinder scoots just over Lake Eri 7/25/1954 #10047  
         Middle Sister Island, CAN Black cylinder, 12:1 length/width ratio, 7/25/1954 #10049  
tness:  attorney L.B. Tussing. One black cylinder, 12 times long as wide, m 7/25/1954 #10051  
. L.B. Tussing, an attorney, saw a black cylindrical object, 12 times longe 7/25/1954 #10053  
 ST. SAUVER-LA-SAGNE, FR 3 / farm. Black sphere going down. 2 small humanoi 8/1954 #10074  
c. After landing the sphere turned black. A door opened, and "a big tall ma 8/7/1954 #10113  
out. He was dressed in a skintight black rubber diver suit that covered his 8/7/1954 #10113  
ain near the horse barn. It "had a black cable with a square thing hanging" 8/7/1954 #10113  
. It landed and a figure wearing a black diver suit and with round eyes exi 8/10/1954 #10119  
ts underneath a blue circle with a black center (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 8/11/1954 #10122  
 underneath.  a blue circle with a black center.  Flew over ship and climbe 8/11/1954 #10124  
ts underneath a blue circle with a black center fly over the SS Docteur Ang 8/11/1954 #10127  
 the lights was a blue ring with a black center. After passing over the shi 8/11/1954 #10128  
ERT FIELD, MO Navy Lt. 3M diameter black object going [to] 370 kph over air 8/27/1954 #10185  
rrand, Puy-de-Dome, France. It was black with a luminous tail, and the trai 9/17/1954 #10336  
became reddish, and he could see a black silhouetted figure moving around i 9/19/1954 #10363  
    NEAR GRENOBLE, FR Photograph = black saucer or sphere/orb/globe. Leaves 9/24/1954 #10425  
 object, which appears to him as a black dot. He turns to a different headi 10/1/1954 #10565  
rints found in the ground and some black mushrooms.                         10/2/1954 #10620  
         NEAR HENNEZIS, FR 2 kids. Black domed saucer going down / field. 2 10/7/1954 #10776  
hovers. Small humanoid (or Grey) / black suit inside. Man pulled going up.  10/8/1954 #10803  
uld be seen a small man dressed in black, wearing a mask with a trunk like  10/8/1954 #10814  
arf, about 4 feet tall, dressed in black, with a face covered in hair and l 10/8/1954 #10817  
e there was a small man dressed in black, wearing a mask or breathing appar 10/8/1954 #10818  
ttached to it was a man dressed in black, who wore a helmet. When the UFOna 10/8/1954 #10820  
LOIR, FR 2M fireball lands / road. Black silhouette. Observer(s) frozen / f 10/9/1954 #10831  
warf, about 1.2 m tall, dressed in black, having a face covered with hair a 10/9/1954 #10848  
 about 1.2 meters tall, dressed in black, having a face covered with hair a 10/9/1954 #10866  
e. The upper part was white with a black domelike turret, around which was  10/19/1954 #11239  
 part of the disc was white with a black dome, around which was a series of 10/19/1954 #11250  
That same night a big, bifurcated "black radish" shaped creature was seen w 10/23/1954 #11348  
e keg like object. They wore shiny black outfits. The first boy yelled for  10/25/1954 #11401  
l. They had dark brown skin, short black hair, and were dressed in one-piec 11/2/1954 #11539  
guttural sounds. One of them had a black face with sort of trunk. When a ma 11/8/1954 #11596  
phere land and then dim, fading to black. Investigators find an area 12–15  11/8/1954 #11599  
guttural sounds. One of them had a black face with sort of trunk. When a ma 11/8/1954 #11602  
with myself.” They were dressed in black, or dark, robes, like the habits w 11/9/1954 #11611  
                       TORPO, NORW Black saucer going down. Pseudo-human/en 11/23/1954 #11693  
eet in diameter, and the bottom is black, trimmed with yellow spots which c 11/23/1954 #11696  
ntrols is visible inside. He wears black trousers, a black jacket, and imme 11/23/1954 #11696  
inside. He wears black trousers, a black jacket, and immense red goggles ov 11/23/1954 #11696  
et in diameter, and the bottom was black, trimmed with yellow spots which c 11/23/1954 #11698  
ntrols was visible inside. He wore black trousers, a black jacket, and imme 11/23/1954 #11698  
 inside. He wore black trousers, a black jacket, and immense red goggles ov 11/23/1954 #11698  
ld see two short beings dressed in black and wearing large helmets. The bei 12/30/1954 #11882  
 human with olive colored skin and black hair. They looked at the witness a 12/30/1954 #11882  
              PRICE HILL, OH Weird black 15M object going down / Height / a 1/20/1955 #11938  
                    Lakeland, FL A black smoke trail/circle-explosion and s 1/26/1955 #11942  
 Florida Witness:  J.M. Holland. A black smoke trail made a circle.  There  1/26/1955 #11943  
  At 6:15 p.m. J. M. Holland saw a black smoke trail make a circle in Lakel 1/26/1955 #11944  
 Huntley, IL Car Followed By Three Black Objects With Lights (NICAP: 02 - C 3/2/1955 #12030  
          MACON, GA 3 observer(s). Black sphere/orb/globe horizon going qui 3/13/1955 #12047  
         HAWICK, SCOTLAND 4 / car. Black cloud darts about. Changes shapes. 3/27/1955 #12062  
               Travis County, TX 4 black objects in a cluster make a whoosh 4/30/1955 #12104  
fficer Maj. L..J. Pagozalski. Four black objects in a cluster made a whoosh 4/30/1955 #12105  
ajor L. J. Pagozalski sighted four black objects at 7:30 a.m. flying in a c 4/30/1955 #12107  
 faces of four pale-faced men with black hoods covering their ears and head Late 7/1955 #12285  
                                   Black Arch Antrim Coast Road Larne, Coun 8/1955 #12310  
of people gather each night at the Black Arch, on the Antrim Coast Road nea 8/1955 #12310  
1.20 m tall, dressed in skin-tight black clothes. It held its arms close to 8/16/1955 #12363  
4 feet tall, dressed in skin-tight black clothes, and is hopping forward in 8/16/1955 #12364  
 feet) tall, dressed in skin-tight black clothes. It held its arms close to 8/16/1955 #12366  
na, see a huge white object with a black streak down the center. The object 8/25/1955 #12408  
GOC) observer(s). Rounded object / black spots. Rolls and circles / 10 minu 9/7/1955 #12432  
         PORTLAND, IN 2 men. Round black saucer hovers / 5500' altitude. Ci 9/9/1955 #12439  
n going quickly northwest. Trail / black smoke?                             10/19/1955 #12508  
 bowl saucers flip over. Flat side black. Quickly going up [to] extremely f 11/20/1955 #12575  
everal observer(s) and photograph. Black disk going north against wind. 90° 12/1/1955 #12596  
nd his encounter with three men in black.                                   1956 #12634  
panied by loud grinding sounds and black smoke. The object emits numerous t 1956 #12637  
spiral-bound copies of the book in black and red ink, which shows the annot 4/1956 #12777  
         OVER CROW RESERVATION, MT Black dogbone buzzes plane. Going quickl 8/21/1956 #13107  
ivilian in a car chases a 50-foot, black, bell-shaped object bearing two br 8/22/1956 #13116  
MITH, MT Ground and air observers. Black dog-bone follows plane. More objec 8/31/1956 #13157  
TAKELMA Blue Book. Lookout. Silent black cylinder/cigar-shape crosses moon. 9/20/1956 #13227  
   PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG Farmers. 21M black egg lands! Spirals up fast as obse 9/25/1956 #13243  
n and 1 / ground. Dark saucer with black stripe appears behind jet. Vanishe 1/24/1957 #13471  
a dark saucer-shaped object with a black stripe that appeared behind a jet. 1/24/1957 #13473  
of psilocybin for injection into 9 black inmates at the Addiction Center in 2/1957 #13481  
s going east to jungle. Incredible black.                                   2/10/1957 (approximate) #13490  
r going south. Veers going west. = black disk! Hovers. Quickly going up [to 2/13/1957 #13497  
n a westerly direction. Suddenly a black disc appears directly in front of  2/13/1957 #13503  
RS POINT All crew. Classic glowing black saucer going [to] WNW behind cloud 5/6/1957 #13649  
ige-gray body, an abnormally large black head, and a waddling gait. The obj 5/10/1957 #13652  
       SOUTH GIUSTINO COSPAIA, ITL Black silent 2.5M cylinder/cigar-shape w 7/1957 #13763  
RAZIL 2 silver moons hover / peak. Black bands grow until surfaces covered! 7/2/1957 #13773  
e stops, and they point to a large black object hovering above some nearby  8/1957 #13868  
  Cecil NAS, FL Car chased a 50 ft black, bell shaped object (NICAP: 01 - D 8/22/1957 #13920  
Cecil Naval Air Station, Florida A black, bellshaped object bearing two bri 8/22/1957 #13922  
onville, Florida, chase a 50-foot, black, rotating, bell-shaped object bear 8/22/1957 #13924  
r Station, Florida. At 3:40 p.m. a black, bell-shaped object bearing two br 8/22/1957 #13925  
      FT BELVOIR, VA 6 photograph. Black hoop / sky grows its own cloud goi 9/1957 #13962  
        MCCOLL, SC 2 / pond. Large black sphere/orb/globe going down. Away  10/31/1957 #14171  
 was, etc. They looked normal wore black leather pants, white belts, light- 11/6/1957 #14411  
t 5 feet 5 inches tall and wearing black leather pants, a white belt, and a 11/6/1957 #14421  
umatra, Indonesia, when they see a black and red object swiftly approaching 11/6/1957 #14424  
pproaching their boat and trailing black and greenish smoke. The top and bo 11/6/1957 #14424  
 up and disappears, leaving behind black and greenish smoke lines.          11/6/1957 #14424  
was an olive complexion. They wore black leather pants, white belts, and li 11/6/1957 #14434  
four of his staff members see five black, disc-shaped objects hovering in t 11/27/1957 #14632  
y 20–30 feet long and dark gray or black in color, hovering motionless abou 12/16/1957 #14735  
s 20 to 30 feet long, dark gray or black, with brightly lit square windows. 12/16/1957 #14736  
or nuclear disarmament. The men in black are reincarnated versions of Richa 1958 #14782  
         Healdsburg, CA 3ft round, black object come from the W (NICAP: 01  3/14/1958 #14928  
mmings and one other.  A 3' round, black object touched the ground and then 3/14/1958 #14930  
                Lynchberg, VA Grey Black Rectangle Encountered By C-47 (CIR 4/14/1958 #14984  
   BROAGER, DK 20+observer(s). Big black delta/triangle/box-like craft / lo 4/15/1958 #14986  
in Broager, Denmark, sees a large, black, low-flying, triangular object. As 4/15/1958 #14988  
 Calgary, Alberta, a large, thick, black cloud suddenly appears directly ac 5/13/1958 #15031  
 but the light disappears, and the black cloud vanishes.                    5/13/1958 #15031  
ENGL 2 / light plane photograph 2M black dumbell. Maneuvers. 1100kph. Going 6/29/1958 #15124  
by, Lincolnshire, England. A large black dumbbell appears below them, flyin 6/29/1958 #15126  
 observer(s). Radio fades.. beeps! Black object hovers / roadside. 2 red be 7/30/1958 #15161  
. Contrail = cylinder/cigar-shape. Black dots exit and orbit. / MJ#195+r71p 9/8/1958 #15259  
r in outline. A swarm of about 10 “black specks” appears to “cavort” around 9/8/1958 #15261  
 to solid in appearance, then went black momentarily. A Project Blue Book " 10/2/1958 #15305  
ange-silver disk going north slow. Black top. No trail. / G. Fawcett.       10/5/1958 #15314  
nspects 12M UFO then flies. Men in Black? / r8#476.                         11/23/1958 #15455  
            PORTGLENONE, NORTH IRE Black 2M flying object cuts 2' tree / ha 12/28/1958 #15498  
            Portglenone, Ireland A black flying object, 2 m wide, cut a tre 12/28/1958 #15499  
tglenone, Ireland a two-meter wide black flying object cut an oak tree in t 12/28/1958 #15500  
ars a noise like a rush of wind. A black object 7 feet across comes hurtlin 12/30/1958 #15503  
ce of 15 feet, said there were two black holes where the eyes should be.    3/7/1959 #15631  
000 feet. Descriptions vary from a black ball with a red light to a long re 4/12/1959 #15699  
                                   Black Mountain, NV AP Newswire: Mystery  5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748  
ation at tremendous speed over the Black Mountains, 40 miles SE of Las Vega 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748  
. White pillar / light going down. Black saucer shoots / bottom/underside.  8/27/1959 #15940  
ite light shoot up into the sky. A black disc-shaped object was ejected fro 8/27/1959 #15941  
hey wore white uniforms with broad black belts crossed over their shoulders 9/29/1959 #16000  
ordville, Georgia, watch “brown or black footballs” traveling southeast to  10/12/1959 #16030  
EAR POQUOSON, VA Teen shoots at 4' black disk with silver ring / 80' altitu 10/19/1959 #16037  
ing when they saw a four foot wide black disc with a silver ring around it, 10/19/1959 #16044  
 wearing white uniforms with broad black belts. One seems to be working at  Late 10/1959 #16060  
LLE, WV 2 observer(s). Fireball or black Saturn saucer with light ring blow 2/17/1960 #16179  
                         A grayish black Saturn-shaped disc with exhaust cr 2/17/1960 #16181  
 Professor and 1 / car. Silent 30M black disk going northwest. Clear edges. 11/24/1960 #16510  
ched a silent 30-meter in diameter black disc-shaped object that flew off t 11/24/1960 #16512  
rg] arrive and find odd, crumbling black pellets on the edge of the lake. D 2/1961 #16593  
e and surrounded by thin clouds of black smoke. The object rolls back and f 2/28/1961 #16615  
ared. About 1.50 m tall, he wore a black, turtle-neck pullover with a white 4/18/1961 #16652  
with a white band at the belt, and black trousers with a vertical white ban 4/18/1961 #16652  
s, about 5 feet tall and wearing a black, turtle-neck pullover with a white 4/18/1961 #16653  
with a white band at the belt, and black trousers with a vertical white ban 4/18/1961 #16653  
 Huge starfish shape. Absolute(ly) black. Edges glow. Eclipses stars!       8/23/1961 #16801  
 the humanoid forms wearing glossy black uniforms and black caps. Red light 9/19/1961 #16857  
 wearing glossy black uniforms and black caps. Red lights on what appears t 9/19/1961 #16857  
t wide oval-shaped domed disc with black marks around the rim, 20-30 feet a 2/9/1962 #17044  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Black” YieldMax: 20KT                    4/27/1962 #17133  
on, Arizona, with a friend, Ronald Black, 11. About 9:00 p.m. John notices  6/25/1962 #17245  
few meters from the house. One was black with an antenna-like protrusion an 8/20/1962 #17347  
on and a small tail; the other was black and white. Both emitted a humming  8/20/1962 #17347  
few meters from his house. One was black with an antenna-like protrusion an 8/20/1962 #17349  
nd a small tail, and the other was black and white. Both emitted a humming  8/20/1962 #17349  
ase #8133. Fishing boat. 2 red and black moon-size objects cross sky / 13 m 9/21/1962 #17423  
xi (WSW of), MS 2 objects, red and black with orange streaks (NICAP: 01 - D 9/21/1962 #17424  
S.A. Guthrie. Two objects, red and black with orange streaks, one as big as 9/21/1962 #17427  
7:37 p.m. The objects were red and black with orange streaks. One was as bi 9/21/1962 #17429  
 city. Film shows yellow disk with black dot over lighthouse.               10/16/1962 #17474  
         MASON RESERVOIR, CO Large black parachute weaves back and forth ov 10/26/1962 #17497  
 Collins, Colorado, spots a large, black parachute-shaped object weaving ba 10/26/1962 #17501  
        HAMAGUIR PRV.GNDS, ALGERIA Black disk filmed. Hovers / 3000M altitu 4/1963 #17718  
HUI RIVER, CH Several observer(s). Black spot shoots thin rays. Starts and  4/1963 #17719  
ired back using what looked like a black tube, burning two of them. There w 7/18/1963 #17839  
                    At 6:45 p.m. a black oval object was seen to come out o 10/2/1963 #17973  
ARTLAND, CT Silver triangle. Row / black dots / front. 2000mph. Flaming tai 10/4/1963 #17975  
ry triangular object with a row of black dots across the leading edge. The  10/4/1963 #17977  
at Hartland, Connecticut. A row of black markings is visible along the blun 10/4/1963 #17980  
      COMARRUGA, SP 2 / car. Small black being crosses road 150M ahead. No  11/1963 (approximate) #18021  
n A member of the CIA-trained 35th Black Cat Squadron, Republic of China pi 11/1/1963 #18023  
ambles out of the woods. It is all black, about the size of a human but wit 11/16/1963 #18045  
           KANAMACHI, JPN 3 / car. Black car ahead / Tokyo plates suddenly  11/19/1963 #18048  
Figure appears like magic. Touches black box and observer(s) asleep! / r25p 2/3/1964 #18124  
et appears. He wears elbow-length, black gloves with a cord going from his  2/3/1964 #18125  
ed face and a big nose and holds a black box that buzzes and clicks as he p 2/3/1964 #18125  
 a big nose in her room. He held a black box that buzzed when he pointed it 2/3/1964 #18126  
oot wide cylinder to ground, and a black figure, three to four feet tall, w 4/23/1964 #18186  
e foliage in the area was scorched black, and there were four holes in the  4/24/1964 #18202  
 before him. The creature had long black hair, and gave a powerful and terr 5/8/1964 #18248  
              Hobbs, New Mexico A "black object with flames" is blamed for  6/2/1964 #18319  
s eyes had swollen shut and he had black sooty deposits on his face, neck,  6/2/1964 #18323  
oro, Argentina at 9:30 p.m. It had black stripes and two vanes rotating in  6/6/1964 #18336  
5 kids. Small humanoid (or Grey) / black suit and helmet. Wants water. Tinn 7/16/1964 #18412  
her boys, saw a dwarf dressed in a black suit and a helmet, with a glass se 7/16/1964 #18416  
eet away. It is dressed in a shiny black uniform, short-sleeved shirt, and  7/16/1964 #18421  
 uniform, short-sleeved shirt, and black helmet. The whistling appears to e 7/16/1964 #18421  
een in a tree. He was dressed in a black uniform with a black helmet, and w 7/16/1964 #18422  
 dressed in a black uniform with a black helmet, and wore two antenna wires 7/16/1964 #18422  
            At 3:30 p.m. a grayish black wingless object w two stubby fins  10/7/1964 #18575  
 area at one end, and two vertical black stripes in its midsection.         10/29/1964 #18596  
he size of a fighter. Its color is black or gray and it has no contrail or  11/19/1964 #18629  
 of the craft at its equator was a black band made up of squares, and a fin 12/10/1964 #18655  
NT, VA Airliner / near collision / black delta/triangle/box-like craft. Goi 1/3/1965 #18692  
 minutes, points a box or 6–7-inch black object at Reeves that emits a flas 3/2/1965 #18832  
IR FORCE BASE, MS Weatherman. Fast black 40' saucer. Lights / bottom. Going 4/4/1965 #18890  
               Keesler AFB, MS 40' Black Oval Object 500' Away (NICAP: 02 - 4/4/1965 #18893  
lear from available data.  One 40' black, oval object with four lights alon 4/4/1965 #18894  
 AFB, MS USAF weather observer saw black oval with body lights flying in an 4/4/1965 #18895  
 a.m. a metallic domed saucer, jet black on top, with three triangular legs 5/24/1965 #18963  
it for 10 minutes. It was long and black and there appeared to be a black b 6/6/1965 #18995  
d black and there appeared to be a black balloon suspended over it. A Fishe 6/6/1965 #18995  
wide). None outdoors can hear. 70' black saucer going [to] by.              7/18/1965 (approximate) #19121  
                A 70-foot diameter black disc flew by a satellite tracking  7/18/1965 #19122  
   CUSHING, OK 2+cops. Saucer with black stripes or windows. Report going [ 8/2/1965 #19249  
er, 1.5 m high, with a dome and a "black spot." It took off toward the west 8/4/1965 #19313  
meter, 1.5 meters high, and had a "black spot" on its dome. It took off tow 8/4/1965 #19321  
 be the moon. But it then “blinked black and white,” and the silhouettes of 8/8/1965 #19342  
UTHWEST / ITABIRA, BRAZIL 1 / car. Black silent 90M domed saucer 1.2M over  8/14/1965 #19387  
orist had a close encounter with a black, 90-meter-wide domed disc, which h 8/14/1965 #19390  
were going into her brain. A round black object was then taken out of the w 8/16/1965 #19410  
        EAST DERRY, NH 3 scouts. 9 black orbs pass / groups / 3. Buzzing so 8/28/1965 #19468  
way from them. They appeared to be black domes with straight silver fuselag 8/28/1965 #19470  
in the sky, and went in front of a black cloud. It was viewed for 30 second 8/30/1965 #19481  
mplain of UFO's to police. Red and black orbs over villages.                9/1/1965 #19489  
saucer. Wound heals fast. 2 Men in Black later. / r41p41.                   9/3/1965 #19501  
h glowing catlike eyes, dressed in black, walking in a street. The entity w 9/10/1965 #19547  
th glowing catlike eyes dressed in black, walking down the street. The enti 9/10/1965 #19552  
                                 A black or dark gray cigar-shaped object w 1/14/1966 #19835  
moving at 150 mph and it is a dull black color and very quiet. They attempt 1/18/1966 #19850  
ty, California at 4:55 p.m. when a black, humming UFO came straight at them 1/18/1966 #19852  
ay it is traveling at 150mph, dull black, quiet and its presence interfered 1/18/1966 #19853  
 lights dimmed. That same night in Black River Falls, Wisconsin a greenish- 3/13/1966 #19958  
ade a louder rumbling noise, and a black smoke emerged from the rear. The n 3/18/1966 #19989  
everal with (seen thru) telescope. Black cylinder/cigar-shape with green be 3/31/1966 #20171  
 unknown man, 2.20 m tall, wearing black clothes, had been seen passing in  4/7/1966 #20268  
tnessed a very tall man dressed in black standing outside. They left and st 4/7/1966 #20271  
mooth, apparently metallic, with a black spot near the rim, a red light and 4/8/1966 #20275  
etallic, 8 feet in diameter, has a black spot on top near its rim, and a re 4/8/1966 #20276  
hiny white" clothing with numerous black buttons on his chest. Then the obj 4/23/1966 #20392  
ject's surface was glossy, gray or black, yet light reflective. At times th 5/16/1966 #20490  
hrough Temple City when she saw a "black and silver cone-shaped object" in  5/16/1966 #20490  
 in Uniopolis, Ohio, watch a domed black disc with lights and a powerful li 6/16/1966 #20568  
uzzy edges, two or three port-like black spots along the body, flying overh 6/24/1966 #20606  
e opening. He was dressed in shiny black coveralls. The object left slowly  8/6/1966 #20728  
e opening. He was dressed in shiny black coveralls. The object left slowly  8/6/1966 #20730  
er red-orange globe with a central black design skirted about the walls and 8/10/1966 #20737  
                                   BLACK FOREST, GERM Several RADAR's and v 8/27/1966 #20812  
 was shone on it, the object would black out (light reaction). Two smaller  9/22/1966 #20913  
perience severe interference, then black out completely (EM effects). She g 11/4/1966 #21074  
chief of police saw a dark gray or black disc, with red, blue, green, and w 11/18/1966 #21122  
urred disc- shaped object with two black bands beneath and sitting atop a s 11/22/1966 #21140  
 was a small human form dressed in black and wearing a helmet. Mrs Vargo di 12/13/1966 #21200  
. Morin thinks it is attached to a black, cylindrical object 980–1,300 feet 1/1967 #21243  
. He wore a Russian fur hat with a black visor on it and a very long black  1/9/1967 #21278  
 black visor on it and a very long black coat that seemed to be made out of 1/9/1967 #21278  
seemed angular and pointed. He had black hair, which was closely cropped. T 1/9/1967 #21278  
is trousers were of a dark gray or black material, and were a little too sh 1/9/1967 #21278  
 the road, he made a gesture and a black 1963 Cadillac drove through the tr 1/9/1967 #21278  
n a one-piece garment with a broad black belt and black box in front. A dim 1/28/1967 #21409  
arment with a broad black belt and black box in front. A dim glow envelops  1/28/1967 #21409  
er described the ID card as having black printing on a durable white stock. 1/28/1967 #21411  
all, human-looking figures wearing black robes, who placed small spheres ar 2/5/1967 #21462  
rst (rendezvous). The last one was black. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - 2/13/1967 #21532  
ed and a man emerged, dressed in a black, tight-fitting suit and wearing a  3/1/1967 #21715  
id, "He wasn't white and he wasn't black. He talked very plainly and with n 3/1/1967 #21715  
plainly and with no accent. He had black curly hair." He told me he would b 3/1/1967 #21715  
                              NEAR BLACK ROCK, AR Truck malfunctions due to 3/10/1967 (approximate) #21845  
eld. Near the latter were 5 moving black "objects" about three to four feet 3/12/1967 #21874  
erved a vertically inclined, huge, black metallic cylinder an estimated 2 m 3/14/1967 #21884  
ship. Most of Watts’s pictures are black and white, but at least three of t 3/31/1967 #22023  
ound her. She was then placed on a black slab like table and was unable to  4/2/1967 #22048  
d face, very light skin, and large black almond shaped eyes. The being comm 4/2/1967 #22048  
it had lights in back of a painted black glass.” It flies over the car as D 4/5/1967 #22066  
ey return and find a kidney-shaped black spot on the road, about 3 feet wid 4/21/1967 #22194  
torch, he attempts to simulate the black spot, but has no luck. Where each  4/21/1967 #22194  
erver. 10M triangle / metal tubes. Black orbs / corners. Point down. Going  4/25/1967 #22215  
onable gray suit, white shirt, and black tie. At one point, French complain 5/1967 #22254  
LT. Seven lenticular (disc-shaped) black objects, aligned diagonally, each  5/6/1967 #22282  
          On this morning a man in Black River Falls, Wisconsin had a 10 mi 5/6/1967 #22286  
rance first sighted seven or eight black, lenticular objects at 7:00 p.m. o 5/6/1967 #22288  
followed and observed for 4 hours. Black streaks were found on the charred  5/7/1967 #22292  
f in a flurry of explosive sounds. Black streaks are later found on the cha 5/7/1967 #22294  
an A-12 spy planes begin Operation Black Shield in North Vietnam out of Kad 5/30/1967 #22425  
nts in its center. Inside are many black minerals that are analyzed by the  6/1967 #22439  
side and saw bright blue, red, and black lights, and a strange being who ha 6/9/1967 #22484  
gs in the region, a man dressed in black showed up at the newsroom of Cordo 6/21/1967 #22530  
and was wearing what looked like a black, one-piece leather suit. He had a  6/24/1967 #22551  
ng alternating silver metallic and black sides. It was black on its lower s 6/30/1967 #22580  
r metallic and black sides. It was black on its lower surface, and made no  6/30/1967 #22580  
he was visited by a man dressed in black who offered to exchange UFO inform 7/3/1967 #22604  
graph taken of the scene turns out black.                                   7/5/1967 #22615  
four dwarfish creatures dressed in black clothing, about 1 m tall, who move 7/17/1967 #22680  
rth of Millerton, New York, when a black, shiny object the size of a baseba 7/17/1967 #22682  
usical tones. They were dressed in black suits. Broken vegetation, a circle 7/17/1967 #22684  
 Millertown, New York when a shiny black object about the size of a basebal 7/17/1967 #22686  
ery suit and carried in its hand a black object that it inserted into the g 7/21/1967 #22721  
to see two dwarfs dressed in shiny black uniforms rush by his vehicle and e 7/21/1967 #22722  
hville, NY Two small beings, shiny black garb. Saturn-shaped craft seen nea 7/31/1967 #22759  
to see two dwarfs dressed in shiny black uniforms rush by the vehicle and e 7/31/1967 #22760  
ct and sees two small men in shiny black uniforms board the object, which t 7/31/1967 #22761  
tall dwarf beings dressed in shiny black uniforms rush by his vehicle and e 7/31/1967 #22762  
-Tenn.). The FBI begins COINTELPRO–BLACK HATE, which focuses on Martin Luth 8/1967 #22770  
Equality, and the Nation of Islam. BLACK HATE establishes the Ghetto Inform 8/1967 #22770  
rwise neutralize the activities of black nationalist hate type organization 8/1967 #22770  
S, SOUTHWEST UKRAINE White ovoid / black rods zips over Lakeshore. Comes ba 8/9/1967 #22850  
t was milky white, with some small black rods arranged randomly on its surf 8/9/1967 #22851  
rs reported that they saw a "huge, black monster" that descended from a lig 8/12/1967 #22870  
ght sight of the figure dressed in black, with a black face or face mask an 8/12/1967 #22870  
he figure dressed in black, with a black face or face mask and goggles. The 8/12/1967 #22870  
ough they located a man dressed in black, he had was no apparent connection 8/14/1967 #22876  
ut 10 m in diameter, and bearing a black mark or insignia. Near it appeared 8/24/1967 #22914  
meters in diameter. It also bore a black mark or insignia. Next to it appea 8/24/1967 #22918  
antal, France. They see four small black beings about 47 inches tall with l 8/29/1967 #22954  
other side of the road, dressed in black. Nearby was a six foot spherical o 8/29/1967 #22955  
ither naked, or wearing skin tight black coveralls. They had pointed heads  8/29/1967 #22955  
 heads or helmets, which were also black. One was picking something up from 8/29/1967 #22955  
t reported. Two small humanoids in black garb were seen. They entered a dis 8/31/1967 #22960  
te, police find some foul-smelling black material that crumbles easily. Thi 9/14/1967 #23060  
 40' saucer follows train / 60 mn. Black cone / top. Hovers / town. / r109p 10/13/1967 #23229  
here in sight. The being had large black oval-shaped eyes, grayish skin, an 10/24/1967 #23310  
 a misty weird light, resembling a black light. He was then given a shot in 10/24/1967 #23310  
shape) which disappeared leaving a black ball with pinpoints of light on ea 10/26/1967 #23330  
L Boy / 13. 4 lightning jets chase black mushroom-saucer. Government denies 10/27/1967 #23340  
m. LT (10:20 a.m. EDT) A man saw a black, mushroom-shaped object being chas 10/27/1967 #23345  
erhead. Ahead of the aircraft is a black, mushroom-shaped object streaking  10/27/1967 #23353  
ed teeth, wearing a mini-skirt and black stockings. Two small round marks w 11/8/1967 #23428  
USSIA White cylinder/cigar-shape / black dashes / one end. Glides going nor 11/9/1967 #23429  
hite cigar-shaped object with some black dashes at one end was seen moving  11/9/1967 #23431  
nge- yellow color, and in part ash black. Inside the object they could see  11/9/1967 #23434  
ater, almost assuredly done in the black. He argues the fact that white wor 1968 #23633  
Hal Puthoff (see 2002) suggested a black budget program utilizes, and what  1968 #23633  
figures wearing blue coveralls and black helmets and gloves. Inside the dom 1/6/1968 #23655  
d into the UFO by a slender man in black. Inside were four seats on pedesta 1/24/1968 #23697  
D, BC 1 observer. UFO's and Men in Black to May. '95. Men in Black = phony  1/27/1968 #23705  
d Men in Black to May. '95. Men in Black = phony linemen. Fix stovepipe. Se 1/27/1968 #23705  
     CASTELAR, ARG Power drops. TV black. House flooded / light. Fireball o 3/3/1968 #23809  
WTHORN, WEST AUSTRALIA Purr-noise. Black ovoid hovers. Gold beam going down 3/15/1968 #23843  
ered a tall man dressed totally in black, who lept out of nowhere and flash 4/3/1968 #23888  
larm. Single grey cloud going [to] black. Grows and shrinks / rhythm.       5/14/1968 #23960  
 At each end are dials, one with a black band, the other with a red one. Th 5/17/1968 #23969  
 baldheaded humanoid who sported a black beard and had dark round eyes. He  6/11/1968 #24023  
neda, Buenos Aires, Argentina in a black car. When he recovered consciousne 6/20/1968 #24056  
e, where the mysterious man in the black car picked him up and drove him to 6/20/1968 #24056  
sphere/orb/globe going down. Hairy black small humanoid (or Grey) / field.  7/28/1968 #24242  
fted a hand, which was very large, black, and rough, "like the skin of a to 7/28/1968 #24245  
A, ARG Several science students. 4 black domed disks with luminous edges. J 8/19/1968 #24356  
2 kids. 1M bald figure / cemetery. Black beard. Back / 4 days. Vanishes! Ni 8/29/1968 #24395  
n or bald head, naked chest, heavy black beard, and with red and bumpy skin 8/29/1968 #24401  
meters away. It was round with two black wheels and two small windows. Then 8/31/1968 #24409  
. Then the girls saw a tall man in black trousers and a black and brown shi 8/31/1968 #24409  
a tall man in black trousers and a black and brown shirt appear near the ob 8/31/1968 #24409  
he being wore a tight fitting dull black outfit and had very long dangling  8/31/1968 #24410  
          WOLFVILLE, NS 4 boys. 5M black disk hovers / 30M. Going down / ri 9/15/1968 #24461  
oids (or Greys) / yellow faces and black tight suits exit buoy-object / wat 9/21/1968 #24492  
ful yellowish faces, wearing tight black clothes, that came out of an objec 9/21/1968 #24496  
se and sees an entity dressed in a black uniform with a silver belt walking Late 9/1968 #24511  
pped at a traffic light, he sees a black object like a short cigar moving o 10/5/1968 #24544  
out 22 inches in diameter. A small black arm-like device moves slowly out o 10/5/1968 #24544  
ape is a large flattened disc with black square windows on the side. It mov 11/1968 #24612  
ed a domed disc-shaped object with black dots, possibly windows, at 4:15 p. 11/3/1968 #24628  
face was hidden by a helmet with a black visor. The car engine died and the 11/14/1968 #24656  
earance, wearing skin-tight, shiny black coveralls and shiny black boots. T 11/21/1968 #24676  
t, shiny black coveralls and shiny black boots. The suits were one-piece, w 11/21/1968 #24676  
n-size red glowing ovoid with fine black stripes.                           12/12/1968 #24762  
 The man wore a shiny dark blue or black loose fitting one-piece suit that  12/18/1968 #24779  
Gottlieb, to “explore the world of black magic” and “harness the forces of  1969 #24800  
in. They wore something similar to black, tight-fitting coveralls with slee 1/6/1969 #24822  
ve a disfigured face and long wild black hair. He also wore a long black ga 1/12/1969 #24836  
ld black hair. He also wore a long black garment. Upon seeing the UFO inves 1/12/1969 #24836  
arette, he could see that they had black teeth. He tossed the cigarette pac 2/6/1969 #24897  
wearing silver diver’s suits, have black teeth and thin-lipped mouths, and  2/7/1969 #24901  
arette, he could see that they had black teeth. He tossed the cigarette pac 2/7/1969 #24902  
                           William Black observed a yellow-orange light mov 2/15/1969 #24921  
over ground. Vanish! Next October. Black shadow going down.                 3/1969 #24954  
eon, crew of KC-135, observed huge black cylinder hovering, inclined in ver 3/14/1969 #25011  
35 flying over Thailand saw a huge black cylinder hovering in the vertical  3/14/1969 #25012  
skin, large round heads, and large black eyes. These beings were well built 4/5/1969 #25051  
red to be lacking hands. They wore black outfits with white belts. Despite  4/12/1969 #25059  
sized and are either wearing tight black clothing, are black skinned, or se 4/25/1969 #25090  
 wearing tight black clothing, are black skinned, or seen in silhouette. Af 4/25/1969 #25090  
they are dead. One is a well-built black man and another has light brown sk 5/4/1969 #25114  
the size of a man and covered with black fur. The head sat directly on its  5/19/1969 #25148  
 on its shoulders and the face was black, with close-set eyes and a very lo 5/19/1969 #25148  
 Da Nang, Vietnam, when they see a black, naked woman with bat-like, glowin 7/1969 #25242  
ad no fear, and went with her to a black car containing two men, which was  8/8/1969 #25312  
ite ring having at its base a dull black metallic platform, shaped like a d 8/11/1969 #25317  
s dressed in a tight-fitting shiny black suit, with a gold sash or "bandole 8/27/1969 #25333  
URKEY Numerous observer(s). Silent black segmented rectangular-box shaped o 9/28/1969 (approximate) #25383  
ir, Turkey eleven people watched a black, segmented rectangular object fly  9/28/1969 #25384  
hen a sample is tested by Wayne E. Black of the St. Louis County Health Dep 10/8/1969 #25400  
icon. The metal glob is completely black on the outside and 77% copper in t 10/30/1969 #25439  
bserver. Night light over hedge. 5 black shadow figure(s) nearly invisible. 11/1969 (approximate) #25444  
 it began to come closer. We saw a black man about eight feet tall and I sa 11/9/1969 #25455  
m. when her mother first noticed a black, saucer-shaped flying object with  12/27/1969 #25510  
on the snow beneath it, edged with black. A red gray mist descends again; w 1/7/1970 #25540  
ated area, carrying in its hands a black box with a pulsating yellow light. 1/7/1970 #25540  
leg numb, and he vomits and passes black urine; Viljo also suffers severe p 1/7/1970 #25540  
on the snow beneath it, edged with black. A red gray mist descended again,  1/7/1970 #25541  
l metallic helmet. He held a small black box at his chest level with a puls 1/7/1970 #25541  
mited and he passed urine that was black in color. Viljo also suffered seve 1/7/1970 #25541  
             CLERMONT-FERRAND, PDD Black delta/triangle/box-like craft / ro 2/14/1970 #25581  
bserver(s). 3 silver saucers orbit black object. All going quickly east.    3/18/1970 #25601  
bulky humanoids wore red tops with black straps, and carried large sacks on 6/4/1970 #25690  
 feet tall in a red sweater with a black shoulder strap across it, which he 6/4/1970 #25690  
ng a red sweater crossed by a wide black strap. This "boy" ran around behin 6/4/1970 #25690  
 lacked a large stomach. They wore black hats with a peak behind. All four, 6/4/1970 #25690  
. Moon-size sphere/orb/globe below black cloud and crescent above.          7/9/1970 #25728  
oon, was observed hovering below a black cloud. It had a crescent-shaped ob 7/9/1970 #25729  
tall man dressed in a dark blue or black tight-fitting uniform. It had a cl 8/16/1970 #25791  
side of his house with four men in black suits and hats sitting in it. They 9/1970 #25822  
kitchen window and sighted a large black limousine. He could see it quite c 9/25/1970 #25852  
 Inside the circle she saw a small black object pivoting upon itself. Durin 10/5/1970 #25870  
HTON, WILTS Hundreds / school. 20' black metallic disk. Jets chase. Tilts a 11/24/1970 #25915  
ounty police turned away by men in black jumpsuits and multiple eyewitness  1/1971 #25962  
 as it descended, leaving behind a black trail of smoke. It continued to de 1/2/1971 #25968  
he nearby woods. Always dressed in black, he arrives via an airplane “made  1/23/1971 #25999  
ing ovoid lands. 3 pod marks-1 has black crud. Analysis unknown.            5/4/1971 #26100  
                                 A black cone-shaped object was photographe 5/9/1971 #26104  
 (near), MA 4:00 a.m. EDT. A shiny black "discus" that hovered, gyrated, an 5/29/1971 #26141  
ss at the landing site was charred black over an area 20 feet in diameter.  6/9/1971 #26165  
ey suddenly see two men dressed in black, both wearing red ties and black b 7/7/1971 #26211  
n black, both wearing red ties and black berets. They emerge from a brand-n 7/7/1971 #26211  
 Arocha watched as two men clad in black suits with red ties and black bere 7/7/1971 #26212  
d in black suits with red ties and black berets got out of a car 500 yards  7/7/1971 #26212  
ject, 6–8 feet in length and rusty black in color, beneath the surface. It  7/8/1971 #26216  
he noticed that behind him all was black.                                   8/17/1971 #26293  
gure as human with rosy skin, long black hair, and a beard and was very tal 8/19/1971 #26296  
s, staring at him with penetrating black eyes. As other witnesses approache 8/19/1971 #26296  
beams of light and he saw a square black object race past. He was then surr 9/20/1971 #26353  
en surrounded by a perceived dense black cloud that seemed to extinguish al 9/20/1971 #26353  
e beams vanished, the driver saw a black object 1000 meters away rise from  9/20/1971 #26356  
e named Serraria, he encountered a black object on the road that turned a l 9/22/1971 #26365  
e, NC 6:00 p.m. Traingular Shape - black colored lights on the bottom- no o 10/1971 #26395  
emainder of the night watching the black shapes moving around a campfire, m 10/14/1971 #26424  
t. They then saw a face with large black eyes staring at them through the w 10/16/1971 #26427  
had large hairless heads and large black eyes. The beings communicated tele 10/16/1971 #26427  
 Colorado Prior to the launch of a Black Arrow rocket, an unidentified airc 12/20/1971 #26509  
      CRAWLEY, ENGL 4 observer(s). Black saucer hovers / power station/depo 3/5/1972 #26589  
d information. SAPs can range from black projects to routine but especially 3/8/1972 #26592  
he center of the tracks there is a black burnt mark on the ground.          3/19/1972 #26617  
he same clothing with helmets with black visors. She described the aliens a 6/1/1972 #26696  
op and 1 shoot at red fireball and black sphere/orb/globe. Dam explodes / 8 6/26/1972 #26733  
th tailfin like plane hovers. Many black dots orbit.                        6/30/1972 #26744  
eul, Nord department, France. Many black dot-like objects could be seen orb 6/30/1972 #26746  
Sundsøya, Trøndelag, Norway. It is black, about 25 feet long, 6 feet high,  7/4/1972 #26765  
s-saucer leaves (something behind) black trail going north. Stops. Zigzags  7/28/1972 #26844  
bot-like being that was completely black. Its head was egg-shaped and it ha 8/9/1972 #26890  
 entities were wearing rubber-like black diver suits, and the backs of thei 10/28/1972 #27097  
 / ANDERSON, CA 3+observer(s). 20' black sphere/orb/globe dangles 3' box /  11/13/1972 #27121  
uniform, with helmet, boots, and a black belt with a box attached. The bein 11/28/1972 #27150  
shouldered beings emerged, wearing black suits and black square-shaped helm 11/28/1972 #27151  
s emerged, wearing black suits and black square-shaped helmets. One of them 11/28/1972 #27151  
lmets. One of them carried a small black "kettle" that he proceeded to fill 11/28/1972 #27151  
LONDON, RSA 1 observer. Huge shiny black cylinder/cigar-shape with porthole 5/14/1973 #27483  
ore a yellow, pointed, hood with a black knob on top with "wooden" antennae 5/15/1973 #27492  
eet. The being took from the hut a black knobbed microphone, into which he  5/15/1973 #27492  
eported seeing an incredibly huge, black bird-like creature that passed wit 5/21/1973 #27514  
all. They had light brown skin and black hair, but he couldn't recall any d 5/22/1973 #27520  
 girls had seen a silver, gray and black flying object emitting a green mel 6/14/1973 #27566  
OTHAN, CORNWALL 2 bright disks and black cigars / sides. Hover then going q 7/7/1973 #27619  
ray-green walls, with at least one black line, or slot, on the back wall. S 8/4/1973 #27683  
ish hair. The younger man, wearing black, is taller. They pointed out a for 8/4/1973 #27683  
 "Spaceship" lands / cemetery. 10 "black dogs" exit! / news.                9/9/1973 #27786  
            Savannah, GA "Ten big, black hairy dogs" emerged from a landed  9/9/1973 #27793  
and ten creatures resembling "big, black hairy dogs" emerged from the lande 9/9/1973 #27796  
t was dressed in a brown shirt and black pants and had a small brown cap on 9/20/1973 #27850  
. It was dressed in a brown shirt, black pants, and wore a small brown cap  9/26/1973 #27873  
nd their hands normal. Each wore a black beret on his head. Thinking they w 9/27/1973 #27879  
amper slowly. One appeared to be a black man. A second was similar to a swa 10/14/1973 #28031  
was covered in what appeared to be black colored rubber matting. A few mome 10/16/1973 #28089  
 to prod and probe her and a large black rubber suction device was used on  10/16/1973 #28089  
 of the head. The pupils were big, black, and round and move a lot. Their s 10/16/1973 #28093  
    NSA / NORTHWEST CAPE, WEST AUS Black 10M saucer over NSA radio towers / 10/25/1973 #28279  
n Australia, when he sees a large, black object in the sky 5 miles to his w 10/25/1973 #28284  
tain, notices a large, stationary, black object in the clear sky. It has a  10/25/1973 #28284  
ves a dire warning from a man in a black hat and cloak. The older witness u 10/25/1973 #28285  
 was about 5' 3" tall and had long black hair, black clothing, and white bo 10/29/1973 #28319  
' 3" tall and had long black hair, black clothing, and white boots. The two 10/29/1973 #28319  
a motionless figure wearing an old black coat with a wide brimmed hat pulle 11/1/1973 #28338  
e fact that most of the deaths are Black Angus. They have died within a few 12/1973 #28494  
right, tight-fitting uniform and a black helmet. His skin was reddish bronz 12/12/1973 #28559  
a a solid red beam of light from a black cone-shaped UFO hit the ground, th 12/14/1973 #28573  
 and had an insignia shaped like a black circle with a diagonal lightning f 12/19/1973 #28587  
, BELGIUM Blue circular cloud with black center over suburbs. / GESAG.      12/28/1973 #28606  
nd heavy, pointed boots. He wore a black belt with a luminous disc in front 1/7/1974 #28661  
ence (RFI). Camper flashes lights. Black ovoid rushes up. Going quickly nor 1/13/1974 #28676  
sections, colored red, yellow, and black. After about 30 seconds, it rose u 1/24/1974 #28702  
ne / light going down. Thin curved black figure(s) move / ground..          2/22/1974 #28791  
illiant yellow base separated by a black band from an orange point area; th 3/15/1974 #28891  
aucer hovers / shore. White spot / black rocks. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR 3/27/1974 #28959  
 and see a “little man on a little black object.” The lights follow them al Early 4/1974 #28990  
euvers. 2nd object / bright beams. Black clay found.                        4/23/1974 #29056  
ound in the grass, with lumps of a black clayish material also found lying  4/23/1974 #29058  
fect (EME). Loss / control. Men in Black? / MJ#265.                         5/3/1974 #29080  
  CHINGFORD, ENGL 2 / reservoir. 2 black pseudo-human/entity. White figure( 5/11/1974 #29099  
eless face, who was wearing a long black dress . They took out some binocul 5/11/1974 #29100  
 on a coil edged screen, and three black reclining style high backed chairs 5/26/1974 #29135  
MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA Power outage. Black saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape with w 6/1/1974 #29156  
ses." After that, about 40 head of black cattle came down the chute, and we 6/8/1974 #29173  
of light fixed horizontally in the black sky. He goes in to get his brother Summer 1974 #29218  
                 TOULOUSE, FR Huge black ovoid low over trees. Small green- 7/1974 (approximate) #29234  
copters, a white helicopter, and a black twin-engine aircraft open fire on  7/15/1974 #29262  
cate. 3 separate observer(s). Tall black man / vegetation garden. Glows fai 7/29/1974 #29284  
a field. They were made to touch a black box, which caused them to lose con 8/22/1974 #29376  
                      FEIGNIES, FR Black sphere/orb/globe splits / 2. Half  8/26/1974 #29388  
. Mr. & Mrs. Moret watched a round black orb, outlined by a faint white lum 8/26/1974 #29391  
North Dakota, see two large, solid black, oval shapes hovering at 1,500 fee 10/14/1974 #29527  
is bow-legged, and it is wearing a black coverall suit and black shoes. Two 10/15/1974 #29531  
 wearing a black coverall suit and black shoes. Two belts cross its chest,  10/15/1974 #29531  
hair stood straight out. He wore a black uniform with a belt and insignia.  10/25/1974 #29557  
 around it. Described as round and black, going around in a circle, bigger  10/31/1974 #29571  
e, and was wearing a brown jacket, black trousers, and what looked like a " 11/8/1974 #29589  
us cloud that has developed from a black smoke ring.                        11/17/1974 #29598  
eddish, with yellow eyes with hard black pupils. Around them was a transluc 12/2/1974 #29630  
anoid figure wearing "a silver and black suit with some sort of helmet" in  12/29/1974 #29661  
t-quite- human individuals (men in black) who intimidate witnesses and seem 1975 #29670  
 to them. In many cases they drive black Cadillacs or other limousine-like  1975 #29670  
r is white or silver, and it has a black stripe along its perimeter. A row  1/2/1975 #29701  
w a spherical object bisected by a black square and topped by five bright d 1/2/1975 #29701  
           LORIENT, FR 1 observer. Black sphere becomes crescent. Maneuvers 1/4/1975 #29713  
en he heard a loud drone and saw a black disc-shaped object passing over. H 1/5/1975 #29722  
ard a loud droning noise and saw a black disc-shaped object passing overhea 1/5/1975 #29724  
witness, but which appears as flat black against the bright blue clear sky, 2/18/1975 #29824  
oked like a man but it was totally black. He received a mental message to g 4/19/1975 #29997  
e drives to the interview, a large black Cadillac limousine pulls in front  5/3/1975 #30026  
 after another visit by the men in black before an interview with J. Allen  5/3/1975 #30026  
r all over/all about dairy. Enters black storm clouds. / r30p564.           7/10/1975 #30171  
k, slim, thin, with olive skin and black wavy hair. His clothes looked norm 7/12/1975 #30175  
  D63 NORTHWEST / QUIMPER, FR Very black disk shoots 15 beams going down. B 8/6/1975 #30240  
nto the sky and transformed into a black, compact cigar-shaped object. The  8/18/1975 #30288  
                                 A black heifer calf was found mutilated in 9/7/1975 #30347  
ned by a being dressed entirely in black that moved like an ape and jumped  9/10/1975 #30351  
blocked by a UFO.  Several "Men in Black" (MIB) types confronted him and as 9/11/1975 #30353  
nd circular in shape. "There was a black strip running around the circumfer 10/7/1975 #30422  
s five feet above the ground and a black outline.                           10/25/1975 #30473  
eing 4.5 feet tall, wearing a long black robe that seemed to be made of pap 10/27/1975 #30489  
riences, including a stocky Man in Black (MIB) who visited Stephens and tol 10/27/1975 #30489  
berta, when he comes upon a large, black, revolving object in the road ahea 11/5/1975 #30561  
feet tall, dressed in dark blue or black, emerge from a copse of woods 50 m 11/8/1975 #30584  
 five separate reports of unmarked black helicopters flying around missile  12/2/1975 #30680  
lower lip was very thin. He wore a black one-piece garment with white bands 12/11/1975 #30705  
 white at the neck. He also had on black boots. The other two men were dres 12/11/1975 #30705  
se. It is dressed in close-fitting black clothing and boots. On its chest t 12/14/1975 #30715  
px..". 1.5M ovoid stands / ground. Black small humanoid (or Grey) stands by 1/10/1976 #30782  
d object standing on the ground. A black being stood nearby.                1/10/1976 #30784  
s) and photographs / lumpy banana. Black disks in formation. / LDLN#154+/ r 1/23/1976 #30813  
he was found to have strange sooty black marks on his right cheek, on the p 1/29/1976 #30832  
one-piece uniforms with a diagonal black stripe, and a round white central  1/29/1976 #30833  
         Fort Benton, MT 7:20 p.m. Black Horse Lake. UFO, 500' high, landed 2/14/1976 #30869  
er tall being emerged dressed in a black coverall suit. (Source: Gordon Cre 2/25/1976 #30902  
er tall being emerged dressed in a black coverall suit. The figure took a f 2/25/1976 #30907  
artially extended legs and a long, black, hose-like appendage. Suddenly the 4/22/1976 #31010  
FRIO, ITL 10M ringed-sphere nears. Black shadow behind big red porthole.    5/18/1976 #31059  
 coverall suit with white boots, a black visor helmet, and had a box strapp 5/31/1976 #31076  
 bar bell shaped object with a few black places she thought were windows. I 6/1976 #31078  
warves with large eyes, dressed in black overalls. They carry her toward th 6/11/1976 #31102  
rt beings with large eyes, wearing black coveralls. She was fastened onto a 6/11/1976 #31103  
oids are some 9–10 feet tall, wear black diving helmets and red tight- fitt 6/22/1976 #31128  
about. Their hands are enclosed in black cones. The backs of their heads ar 6/22/1976 #31128  
lving stripes along its side and a black hatch on its underside from which  8/1976 #31217  
feet tall, wearing a tight-fitting black jacket and a pair of light trouser 8/2/1976 #31222  
g and ordinary clothes going west. Black sphere rolls going [to] bushes.    8/14/1976 #31262  
 saw a robot-like being dressed in black pants and a red sweater. The creat 8/14/1976 #31264  
g barked furiously at the being. A black sphere rolled behind some underbru 8/14/1976 #31264  
KER AND NORDBYGDA, HEDMARK, NORWAY Black saucer. Bright silent cylinder/cyl 8/21/1976 #31283  
heir arms over a table with little black knobs. They were busy manipulating 8/25/1976 #31302  
 large oval-shaped heads and huge, black, almond-shaped eyes. They all wore 8/26/1976 #31307  
taly on this day. The being wore a black coverall uniform, with part of it  9/5/1976 #31345  
ht away. The stranger is wearing a black derby, black jacket, black tie, wh 9/11/1976 #31376  
stranger is wearing a black derby, black jacket, black tie, white shirt, gr 9/11/1976 #31376  
aring a black derby, black jacket, black tie, white shirt, gray gloves, bla 9/11/1976 #31376  
ack tie, white shirt, gray gloves, black trousers, and black shoes. The cre 9/11/1976 #31376  
, gray gloves, black trousers, and black shoes. The crease in his pants is  9/11/1976 #31376  
 the evening when he saw “a little black creature about two-foot tall” stan 10/15/1976 #31465  
 milky white, and apart from a few black strands on his head there was no o 10/28/1976 #31501  
ed. The figures wore tight-fitting black diving suits and wide bright belts 10/29/1976 #31505  
ay cape with a white collar, and a black cap like that of a Pierrot. This f 10/30/1976 #31510  
n path. Small humanoid (or Grey) / black suit says garble and "go back". Ob 12/3/1976 #31580  
side window and it was still pitch black outside the car. He did his best t 12/6/1976 #31587  
tting coveralls. One had a narrow, black mustache, wore a black skullcap, a 12/10/1976 #31594  
d a narrow, black mustache, wore a black skullcap, and his uniform had an " 12/10/1976 #31594  
one-piece suit and a helmet with a black visor over his eyes. Ken had no id 12/31/1976 #31645  
d, with long, thin arms and large, black eyes. When he comes out again, he  1977 #31656  
 they see the searchers retrieve a black object and place it inside a van,  1/10/1977 #31715  
pond and the surrounding area. The black object, the authorities contend, i 1/10/1977 #31715  
              GLENDALE, CA 2 cops. Black soup-can cylinder/cylindrical obje 2/1/1977 #31773  
rge skulls, no hair, and eyes with black pupils. The next thing he knew he  2/2/1977 #31781  
e an object flying north. It has a black dome on top and a silver, cigar-sh 2/16/1977 #31821  
 a white, tapered rectangle with a black silhouette behind it about the siz 3/9/1977 #31888  
e craft was flat, streamlined, and black in color. A beam of light was shon 3/20/1977 #31921  
eyes of the aliens were reportedly black and shiny but rounded towards the  3/20/1977 #31921  
cope, it appears as elongated with black vertical lines. It slowly fades aw 3/22/1977 #31926  
and blue cylinder/cigar-shape with black portholes flashes south going quic 4/18/1977 #31990  
nge and blue cigar-shaped UFO with black portholes pass over the city in th 4/18/1977 #31994  
noid in form, the figure’s face is black and featureless; it vanishes when  4/26/1977 #32029  
 The humanoid form, whose face was black with no features, vanished when a  4/26/1977 #32030  
he opposite side of a hedge, saw a black "stick man" with a round, featurel 6/12/1977 #32160  
, partially concealed by cloud, is black, and on the lower section there ar 6/17/1977 #32171  
 A Piper Cherokee pilot observed a black cigar-shaped object enveloped in a 7/1/1977 #32224  
                                   BLACK MESA, OK R. Selfried abduction / g 7/15/1977 #32272  
ble helmet, a metallic belt, and a black box on its arm. At one point the e 8/31/1977 #32445  
 underneath the object is a dense, black, circular section. At closest appr Early Autumn 1977 #32456  
 underneath the object is a dense, black, circular section. At its closest  Fall 1977 #32515  
ts on each hand. It was dressed in black and wore some sort of helmet. The  10/26/1977 #32619  
a large white helmet with a narrow black visor across the eyes. The figure  1/6/1978 #32856  
  BLANDFORD, DORSET 2 observer(s). Black cylinder/cylindrical object west / 1/10/1978 (approximate) #32865  
uple named Blakemore encountered a black cylindrical UFO with a turret at t 1/10/1978 #32871  
 strangely. He looks up and sees a black cigar-shaped object with small win 2/1978 #32937  
zy moon-size object releases small black object.                            2/9/1978 #32960  
mediately. A tall being dressed in black approached, stopped three meters a 2/13/1978 #32970  
or 5–8 minutes. It appears to have black shapes along its side and is shape 3/29/1978 #33097  
      OFF HYERES, FR 2 / airliner. Black rectangle hovers / coast. Triangle 4/2/1978 #33115  
er/cigar-shape going quickly east. Black line along side. No props or jets  4/9/1978 #33134  
 there. He was dressed entirely in black. He was about five and a half feet 4/25/1978 #33171  
me 2M over road. Flashes 3X / min. Black area blocks stars. Going west.     4/29/1978 #33178  
et high and as long as a bus. Four black objects on the surface generate a  5/10/1978 #33196  
efuses them. The UFO’s interior is black with a grayish tint, similar to th 5/10/1978 #33196  
id had a greenish color and wore a black helmet.                            5/10/1978 #33198  
r down to their shoulders. One had black hair and the other was blond. The  5/10/1978 #33199  
 hair and the other was blond. The black haired female approached the witne 5/10/1978 #33199  
about 15 minutes, rocking slightly black and forth. They see three tripod l 5/13/1978 #33204  
 feet tall wearing tightly fitting black “diver suits.” The men have green  5/17/1978 #33224  
e interior looks like a completely black room outfitted only in benches. He 5/17/1978 #33224  
ide, he said, were moving, swaying black rods, like the feelers on a snail. 5/17/1978 #33225  
             BEAUFORT, FR 2 / car. Black mushroom-saucer rises / trees. Wid 5/22/1978 #33232  
         AMATEUR ASTRONOMER / ENGL Black cogwheel shadow maneuvers / lunar  6/11/1978 #33269  
                Elsberry, Missouri Black Street 10:45 p.m. Manford Hammond, 6/18/1978 #33288  
m the vantage point of his home on Black Street.                            6/18/1978 #33288  
meters tall, bearded and with long black hair and wearing a long white cape 7/11/1978 #33367  
       AGDE, FR 4 observer(s). 16M black cylinder/cigar-shape 4M over stree 7/13/1978 #33379  
t a silver cylindrical object with black lines across its surface. It moves 7/27/1978 #33428  
and, when a 6-foot oval with clear black contours and a light-colored cente 8/3/1978 #33467  
hem. The center part is like shiny black glass and the body is metallic sil 8/12/1978 #33512  
ke" form, with a "cornea" of shiny black glass, and a "body" of metallic si 8/12/1978 #33513  
hey next saw a circular UFO with a black center and white edges, and giving 8/22/1978 #33550  
en field. The object had two round black dots on its side. A ladder descend 8/24/1978 #33565  
             SASSELLO, ITL 2 round black objects / street make odd speech s 9/6/1978 #33634  
ello, Savona, Italy, see two round black objects close enough to form a fig 9/6/1978 #33639  
s bedroom window. He saw two round black objects sitting in the street. The 9/6/1978 #33641  
lor; on their arms they wore shiny black gauntlets that went above the elbo 9/10/1978 #33657  
ross the sky. Suddenly an enormous black object looms up in front of them,  9/16/1978 #33694  
 previous encounters, and one wore black. The black dressed individual appe 9/18/1978 #33709  
ncounters, and one wore black. The black dressed individual appeared to be  9/18/1978 #33709  
The image in the newspaper shows a black body between some iron bars.       9/21/1978 #33724  
ered three short beings dressed in black one-piece suits with flippers on t 9/27/1978 #33764  
heir heads they wore tight-fitting black helmets. The beings were greenish  9/27/1978 #33764  
ton Park, California, watch a huge black disc at a high altitude moving tow 10/8/1978 #33814  
wo saucers joined at the rims by a black band, but when it begins approachi 10/8/1978 #33816  
/cigar-shape hovers / 6 minute(s). Black stripe / side. Shoots going quickl 10/20/1978 #33845  
ently takes two photos of peculiar black objects just 20 minutes before Val 10/21/1978 #33856  
urned around and saw the same thin black figure walk across the opening bet 10/31/1978 #33902  
ooked at Will and saw an amorphous black blob drop out of his hair onto the 10/31/1978 #33902  
ho saw this. A few seconds later a black shape started whizzing around the  10/31/1978 #33902  
and Rachel and Dorothy again saw a black blob in the curtains during the ni 10/31/1978 #33902  
 one of the young men saw the thin black figure silhouetted against some wa 10/31/1978 #33902  
               MILANO, ITL 2 boys. Black Havana-cylinder/cigar-shape going  11/1978 #33903  
                                   Black Tickle, Labrador Martins Pond 4:00 11/13/1978 #33952  
h nurse at the Inuit settlement of Black Tickle, Labrador, sees a red-orang 11/13/1978 #33952  
iameter in which the grass appears black, pressed, and whirled in a counter 11/24/1978 #33995  
peared to be wearing a large round black helmet with a glass visor over the 11/24/1978 #33996  
n we saw a huge white cloud in the black sky. Then all of a sudden it came  11/27/1978 #34006  
alls and all had very long, smooth black hair. The beings approached the gu 12/6/1978 #34070  
he UFO and came back out holding a black box and handed it to one of the ot 12/6/1978 #34070  
from a highway patrol car, shows a black dot on white background. (NICAP: 0 12/11/1978 #34089  
from a highway patrol car, shows a black dot on white background.           12/11/1978 #34092  
mets. The front of the helmets had black visors. Over the chest the figures 12/12/1978 #34102  
touch the ground, and then spill a black liquid on it. Moments later a beam 12/15/1978 #34138  
 meters away. They were dressed in black, tight-fitting coveralls and helme 12/15/1978 #34141  
ovide covert funding from CIA/DIA “black” slush funds to select UAP researc 12/15/1978 #34143  
lic sphere flashes low over shore. Black spot / center. No further details. 12/26/1978 #34210  
s if in a form of salute. He had a black beard, frizzy black hair, and slan 1/5/1979 #34303  
lute. He had a black beard, frizzy black hair, and slanted eyes and dark ol 1/5/1979 #34303  
 going up / Metauro River. Shoots "black rays" going up.                    2/15/1979 #34423  
y during a rainstorm. It shot out "black rays" or beams. (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 2/15/1979 #34424  
y during a rainstorm. It shot out "black rays" or beams.                    2/15/1979 #34426  
ntractor possibly involved in deep black UAP work, possibly unbeknownst to  2/16/1979 #34431  
a dozen photos, but they only show black sky when processed.                5/19/1979 #34568  
ground RADAR-visual (observation). Black delta/triangle/box-like craft mane 5/28/1979 (approximate) #34593  
el, who had a visual sighting of a black triangular object with two small t 5/29/1979 #34594  
n / metallic saucer. Medical exam. Black and green pseudo-human/entity! / M 6/18/1979 #34614  
nd ground observer(s) and RADAR's. Black torpedo. 80 photographs. Vanishes! 6/18/1979 #34615  
d skin with a greenish tinge, with black smooth hair, thin lips, thin noses 6/18/1979 #34618  
 the room. She was human like with black almond-shaped eyes, brown skin, a  6/18/1979 #34618  
of the prow of the boat they saw a black cylindrical shape. This object was 6/22/1979 #34625  
of the prow of the boat they saw a black cylindrical shape. This object was 6/22/1979 #34626  
thers have light skin and straight black hair. The ship is spherical with t 6/28/1979 #34639  
n the uphill side of the road is a black, disc-shaped object, about 25 feet 7/4/1979 #34646  
uffed up with air” with protruding black tubes. The UFO suddenly ascends at 7/25/1979 #34679  
own to their knees. They had small black legs that ended in little feet tha 7/25/1979 #34681  
k except for what appeared to be a black protruding face mask of some sort. 7/25/1979 #34681  
encounters two entities dressed in black who are moving toward the woods. T 8/10/1979 #34725  
                                   Black Sea Khosta near Sochi, Krasnodar K 8/12/1979 #34739  
companions are on the shore of the Black Sea west of the microdistrict of K 8/12/1979 #34739  
ition, land bullet-shaped, looking black on its flat end and silver on its  8/29/1979 #34799  
NDY BAY, TASMANIA Silent extremely black seamine shape rolls going [to] ove 9/1979 #34812  
lders and strong chests. They wore black tight-fitting suits that covered t 9/2/1979 #34820  
     DRESSER, WI 5 observer(s). 2M black ovoid / 15M altitude going down /  9/5/1979 #34837  
mile east of Dresser, Wisconsin. A black dot moves over the trees ahead of  9/5/1979 #34839  
IL 5 observer(s). Silver disk with black center / clear sky. South going qu 9/9/1979 #34846  
ut half that of the full moon. The black center could be resolved on the un 9/9/1979 #34851  
mily agreed. The silver disc had a black center on the underside and was di 9/9/1979 #34856  
silver, domed-shaped object with a black flat bottom from a 38th- floor win 10/4/1979 #34940  
eyes were fluorescent and they had black hair. When the witness restarted h 10/4/1979 #34941  
e witness and he floated towards a black cloud with a light inside. He next 10/6/1979 #34947  
L, MN 2 observer(s). Silver dome / black bottom / clear sky. Maneuvers and  10/16/1979 #34957  
usion occurred. A giant being in a black metallic suit relieved her pain by 12/10/1979 #35068  
rical object blocks road. 1M high. Black portholes. Going quickly south as  12/25/1979 #35095  
l. He had what looked like several black dots on his upper back. His arms w 12/30/1979 #35104  
 He and the rest of the crew see a black, cigar-shaped object moving slowly 1/24/1980 #35144  
out 30-40 cm tall, and was wearing black clothing. She went back inside and 2/11/1980 #35168  
y both wore shiny, almost luminous black diver suits. Their faces resembled 4/23/1980 #35286  
in a white spacesuit, the other in black. They were very hairy and only abo 6/18/1980 #35380  
 he sees a large metallic UFO with black, square windows. He guesses it is  9/11/1980 #35515  
 seeing two human like beings, one black, the other white, who resembled id 9/25/1980 #35535  
withmulticolored body lights and a black tube appendage that landed on the  9/30/1980 #35548  
 showering down debris, and left a black ring on the ground at the landing  9/30/1980 #35548  
 his legs. Out of the east comes a black triangular form, as big as a house 10/15/1980 #35568  
g dump. The object is seen as dull black and perhaps 1,320 feet from wingti 10/23/1980 #35584  
          LUCKY POINT, IN Cop. 30m black delta/triangle/box-like craft 60m  11/1/1980 #35603  
atrol car when he noticed a large, black, triangular-shaped craft hovering  11/1/1980 #35608  
TERS AB, SUFFOLK 1 observer / car. Black ball stops / sky. Chased / 2 jets. 11/26/1980 #35672  
 England at around 2:00 p.m. saw a black ball in the sky being chased by tw 11/26/1980 #35674  
g like a Biblical prophet. A large black dog accompanied him. The room also 11/28/1980 #35680  
st teleportation technology in the black is hundreds of years ahead of open 1981 #35765  
t tall, human looking with totally black eyes. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 3/1981 #35854  
ly. The object appears oval and is black except for lights on the circumfer 3/30/1981 #35881  
ng is visible in the bottom of the black disc. Inside the opening the witne 3/30/1981 #35881  
ph. It appears to be all metal and black in color. It passes to the west-so 4/16/1981 #35901  
a side view with six evenly spaced black portholes along the edge. It then  7/4/1981 #35987  
       NEAR LIEKSA, FINL 2 / boat. Black sphere / sky. 6 hours / missing ti 7/31/1981 #36042  
                   Lieksa, Finland Black sphere and satellite lights seen,  7/31/1981 #36043  
                   Lieksa, Finland Black sphere and satellite lights seen,  7/31/1981 #36044  
                   Lieksa, Finland Black sphere and satellite lights seen,  7/31/1981 #36045  
                   Lieksa, Finland Black sphere and satellite lights seen,  7/31/1981 #36046  
                    At 8:40 p.m. a black object, covered by "fog", accompan 7/31/1981 #36050  
hree human-like figures dressed in black exit the object and walk around. A 8/5/1981 #36060  
eared in front of Cavallo. She had black hair in a bun, Oriental shaped eye 9/11/1981 #36110  
eared in front of Cavallo. She had black hair in a bun, Oriental shaped eye 9/12/1981 #36112  
maneuvers / 30 minute(s). 2 Men in Black visit later. / r207p74.            10/2/1981 #36153  
htbulb, with visible ribs and dark black lines. It climbs slowly and gradua 12/28/1981 #36279  
                            in the Black Sea, Russia Six Soviet sailors dis 2/10/1982 #36332  
                On this day in the Black Sea six Soviet sailors discover an 2/10/1982 #36336  
at 5:45 p.m. he witnessed a square black object with four white and yellow  2/12/1982 #36341  
pparent size of the full moon, and black spots appear near its center. The  6/18/1982 #36510  
ISI, ITL 737 crew and more/others. Black rectangle still / 23K'. (Below lin 6/21/1982 #36512  
tric motor and sees a rectangular, black, domed object above the treetops t Early 8/1982 #36560  
                    SR 169 NORTH / BLACK DIAMOND, WA 3 / car. Bright object 8/10/1982 #36567  
grapher. 4 frames / videotape show black domed lens shape.                  8/13/1982 #36574  
er car 3X. Deep whoop-whoop sound. Black door / bottom.                     8/30/1982 #36584  
he bottom of the object had a dark black door, and the UFO had amber lights 8/30/1982 #36586  
ttom and top of the object are jet black, and it has an equatorial band tha 9/2/1982 #36593  
oked around, and noticed a strange black lump on the ground nearby. He walk 11/10/1982 #36678  
figure was described as completely black, almost two-meters tall, and weari 11/10/1982 #36678  
ost two-meters tall, and wearing a black cape.                              11/10/1982 #36678  
d as tall, muscular, and wearing a black outfit.                            11/13/1982 #36681  
                                   Black Sea Sevastopol Crimea Russia Balak 12/1982 #36704  
rict During naval exercises in the Black Sea near the port of Sevastopol in 12/1982 #36704  
g, Manitoba, observes a “perfectly black orb” traversing the Sun in 3 secon 1/14/1983 #36746  
entity / appear. More outside with black balls in hands. / FSRv35#2.        4/30/1983 #36850  
30 PM. A disc-shaped object with a black top, blue sides, square windows, a 5/23/1983 #36863  
 watch a disc-shaped object with a black top, blue sides, square windows, a 5/23/1983 #36864  
       A disc-shaped object with a black top, blue sides, square windows, a 5/23/1983 #36866  
 SOUTHEAST / SHELBYVILLE, IN Large black fast flying wing stops / 300' alti 8/2/1983 #36931  
 observer(s). Odd lone cloud drops black globs. Rises. Divides. Over naval  11/22/1983 #37048  
SITY, OH 1 observer. 50cm formless black object just over building. Shoots  2/29/1984 #37205  
olumbus, Ohio witnesses observed a black sphere half a meter in diameter th 2/29/1984 #37207  
 at 3:30 p.m. witnesses observed a black sphere half a meter in diameter th 2/29/1984 #37211  
 Airfield south of Senaki, Georgia Black Sea A Soviet pilot in a MiG-23 is  Spring 1984 #37231  
s approaching the coastline of the Black Sea, it is flying at Mach 1.6. The Spring 1984 #37231  
             PARIS, FR 1 observer. Black 25M saucer hovers / street. 3 rows 4/1984 (approximate) #37251  
                   LUCKY POINT, IN Black triangle stops 75m over car / 1 mi 5/20/1984 #37337  
          Monroe City, IN Evening. Black triangle came in, stopped over car 5/20/1984 #37338  
eet in diameter. There is a round, black spot on the bottom, and a cylindri Mid 6/1984 #37364  
The NRC for example was aware of a black triangular UAP over the protected  7/24/1984 #37416  
ALTIMORE, MD B. Maccabee and many. Black saucer slowly flips around inner h 9/2/1984 #37453  
altimore, Maryland, when he sees a black spot in the air to the southeast.  9/2/1984 #37454  
                                 A black, saucer-shaped UFO was seen for si 9/2/1984 #37455  
 Monroe City, IN 10:30 PM. Another black triangle report by two witnesses.  11/23/1984 #37507  
ights to watch the ball, which has black marks among the red and gives off  12/1984 #37514  
 and was rumored to be an advanced black aircraft, possibly triangular in s 1985 #37542  
glow is coming from a raccoon with black eyes. The raccoon speaks to him, s Summer 1985 #37606  
   SAN JOSE, CA Pilot and 1 / car. Black disc hovers. Rises. Reverses cours 7/4/1985 #37614  
                   At 9:45 p.m. in Black Earth, Wisconsin a white nocturnal 8/2/1985 #37635  
s about 6 feet long, dark brown or black, and is coming from the Italian si 8/15/1985 #37643  
end in the road, they see a large, black, triangular object stationary 150  Autumn 1985 #37665  
ng the power lines. Triangular and black, the object is the size of a large 11/19/1985 #37712  
 the object and a woman dressed in black came out. The man felt compelled m 1/15/1986 #37765  
ound in local lead deposits. Also, black, glassy, drop-shaped beads and mes 1/29/1986 #37775  
ide, she sees above a power line a black object hovering with a peculiar vi 2/4/1986 #37779  
ar vibrating motion. It is “like a black mirror with a small, white fluores 2/4/1986 #37779  
                          LIMA, OH Black 50-60' rectangular object seen. La 2/8/1986 #37782  
                                   BLACK DIAMOND, WA 2 observer(s). 2 small 2/15/1986 #37788  
ntina. Two short humanoids wearing black tight fitting uniforms emerged fro 3/21/1986 #37804  
in Orange County, New York. A huge black disc was involved with the abducti 4/2/1986 #37817  
metallic saucer spins and flashes. Black marks / sides.                     6/24/1986 #37922  
        HOUSTON, TX 3 observer(s). Black orbs glow periodically / underside 7/28/1986 #37954  
gree angle. It gave off a burst of black smoke when it turned.              9/6/1986 #38017  
equency Interference (RFI) = thick black lines / screen. 8 gold square obje 10/8/1986 #38041  
r/cigar-shape paces jet plane. 2nd black cylinder/cigar-shape / very short  11/14/1986 #38063  
llustration of an alien with large black eyes jars many people to recall th 2/1987 #38108  
ry states that the Pentagon has a “Black Budget” which has become a “Black  2/15/1987 #38120  
“Black Budget” which has become a “Black Hole” for secret projects spending 2/15/1987 #38120  
rity clearances necessary to audit black programs.                          2/15/1987 #38120  
 to transform from silver to pitch black and back to silver again. Then it  2/25/1987 #38123  
tion story for a possible article. Black helicopters and CH-47 Chinooks als 3/1987 #38127  
ral observer(s). Large object with black round nose and apparatus on top. N 3/17/1987 #38146  
  LATROBE, PA 4 observer(s). Solid black cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / high 3/20/1987 #38149  
, a 36-year-old woman. The UFO was black with a bulging center, and it had  8/18/1987 #38247  
          HEBRON, IN 1 / car. Huge black silent boomerang / treetops. Going 9/14/1987 #38286  
n, Indiana witnessed a very large, black, boomerang-shaped object, the size 9/14/1987 #38288  
ject was described as blacker than black. Its speed was very slow, moving a 9/14/1987 #38288  
arysville, Indiana. At 7:50 p.m. a black rectangular object was witnessed b 10/1/1987 #38297  
oing down. Double exposure / Jerry Black. / MJ#239.                         1/12/1988 #38409  
eld like coverings. They had large black oval-shaped eyes and carried glowi 1/12/1988 #38411  
nd rubbery that covers her hand in black dust. They hear a thud on the roof 1/20/1988 #38422  
 dents in the roof. Samples of the black dust are collected for forensic an 1/20/1988 #38422  
e encounter with a silent charcoal black triangular object while driving in 1/31/1988 #38436  
e groups / observer(s). Very large black delta/triangle/box-like craft / 20 2/10/1988 #38450  
ct size / football field. Grey and black stripes. Buzzin.                   3/10/1988 #38495  
     FREDERICIA, DK 4 observer(s). Black cylinder/cylindrical object hovers 5/23/1988 #38575  
                                 A black cylindrical object hovered in the  5/23/1988 #38576  
electro-magnetic effects). Finless black torpedo going quickly northeast be 9/28/1988 #38653  
inous UFO lands / park. Takes off. Black Pumice and burnt soil found.       10/24/1988 #38684  
 Armenia, and then took off again. Black pumice and burnt soil was found at 10/24/1988 #38688  
minutes after launch. Behind a big black curtain are three flying saucers h 11/12/1988 #38713  
y an exhibit to garner support for black budget aerospace programs. An anon 11/12/1988 #38714  
side of aliens had green fluid and black innards; Mike’s companion later di 1/1989 #38772  
ite, astronaut like suits, and had black hair and large staring eyes. They  2/7/1989 #38820  
several short humanoids with large black eyes. He also claimed seeing numer 2/11/1989 #38835  
 observer(s). Silver fuselage with black cockpit and windows / side. 747 si 3/17/1989 #38874  
haki coat. She was taken away in a black van. On the same day a UFO appeare 4/2/1989 #38888  
      ST. LOUIS, MO 2 observer(s). Black saucer with turret and orange stri 4/22/1989 #38920  
ripe around the mid-section, and a black bottom with many blue lights under 4/22/1989 #38921  
he lower part of their bodies were black and the upper parts were yellow in 4/30/1989 #38927  
 ESSEX Several observer(s). Silent black delta-manta turns and changes form 5/2/1989 #38934  
tional crew watched a dark grey or black ovoid object, estimated to be abou 6/11/1989 #38986  
tive. The green colored entity had black slanting eyes, a peanut shaped, he 8/10/1989 #39055  
ating, saucer-shaped object with a black gap on its edge appears. It makes  9/6/1989 #39092  
th a greenish-gold dome and a matt black rim with a narrow base.            9/16/1989 #39109  
n all told him they didn’t think a black project was active, but it is unkn 9/17/1989 #39112  
 wearing silvery outfits and large black boots briefly emerged. A smaller h 9/21/1989 #39115  
ed a large round red object with a black, door-like hatch hovering close to 9/23/1989 #39118  
denly everything around her became black; the road, posts, and houses had a 10/8/1989 #39150  
 and houses had all vanished and a black void surrounded her. From this voi 10/8/1989 #39150  
(s) see night lights. Photograph / black hand.                              10/20/1989 #39177  
what was going on, and saw a large black, triangle-shaped craft with a larg 10/27/1989 #39188  
hort woman wearing a tight-fitting black suit standing at her door. The wom 10/31/1989 #39199  
 there also appeared to be a small black dog standing next to the woman, bu 10/31/1989 #39199  
object. They also noticed strange "black waves" resembling heat waves that  11/6/1989 #39216  
                LANCASTER, CA 800' black boomerang goes over downtown! 35'  11/18/1989 #39236  
California Early evening. A large, black, boomerang-shaped object glides ov 11/18/1989 #39237  
ers / 250M altitude. 2 big lights. Black hole / rear. Neon glow / bottom/un 11/29/1989 #39257  
ver(s). White boomerang chased / 4 black Huey-helicopters. 8cm / arm length 12/1/1989 #39291  
 escorted by what looked like four black, Huey-model helicopters. All five  12/1/1989 #39294  
GIUM 2 separate observer(s). 5-10M black saucer with grey-clear dome. Hover 12/11/1989 #39311  
 videos luminous globe. Tape shows black ring on it and plasma. R123p56.    12/24/1989 #39334  
ideotape shows a white ball with a black ring around it and plasma.         12/24/1989 #39339  
 FR Amateur astronomer. Very small black ovoid low and slow / sky. SSW goin 12/31/1989 #39344  
ertain projects. He claims certain black SAPs are actually covers for “alie 1990 #39354  
o believe there are at least eight black programs flying out of Groom Lake  1990 #39356  
  MAURIAC, FR Several observer(s). Black saucer with 2 rows / rectangular w 1/4/1990 #39363  
, France at 12:40 p.m. witnessed a black disc-shaped UFO with two rows of s 1/4/1990 #39364  
SNON, FR 2 observer(s). Dog barks. Black cylinder/cigar-shape going east lo 2/14/1990 #39417  
veral observer(s). White disk with black spot / center. 1500M altitude. Vid 2/17/1990 #39420  
ing drugs. He also claimed a “deep black” aircraft project existed at Groom 2/21/1990 #39426  
an allocation of $455 million for “black aircraft production” in FY 1987. A 3/1990 #39434  
 large oval-shaped head with large black almond shaped eyes, smooth gray sk 3/13/1990 #39458  
h and nostril. The humanoid wore a black loose-fitting, cape-like garment.  3/13/1990 #39458  
            FEIGNIES, FR 2+2 kids. Black delta/triangle/box-like craft with 3/16/1990 #39464  
ove the icebound Amur River, and a black cigar-shaped object 160 feet long  3/21/1990 #39475  
pilot reported the appearance of a black body with two white flashing light 3/21/1990 #39476  
, cut it into a triangle, paint it black, embed a flashlight in each corner 4/4/1990 #39509  
                                   BLACK MESA, OK Richard Siefried. Vivid d 6/13/1990 #39615  
 MAUBEUGE, FR 4 observer(s). Large black triangle with lights / corners and 6/30/1990 #39631  
ng, and made no sound. There was a black cylinder protruding from its base. 6/30/1990 #39632  
e, Nord department, France a large black triangular object with lights in t 6/30/1990 #39633  
blue, the inside to the buckle was black. The witness was not afraid and we 7/29/1990 #39667  
he image might show a US Air Force black project aircraft. The prints are s 8/4/1990 #39679  
 tall, wearing what appeared to be black hooded smocks tight around the wai 8/31/1990 #39707  
lishes Blank Check: The Pentagon’s Black Budget, based on his articles on b 9/1990 #39712  
utside, the operators see a flying black triangle giving off three bright r 9/13/1990 #39729  
erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Black bow-tie shape going down / 150m al 10/18/1990 #39794  
 FR 3+1 separate observer(s). 100M black domed cylinder/cigar-shape with li 11/5/1990 #39835  
TENAY-MALABRY, FR 2+2 observer(s). Black equilateral/equal triangle with li 11/5/1990 #39837  
            SEVRES, FR Huge silent black mass blocks line / trees. Lights / 11/5/1990 #39850  
     SEA WITH DALIAN, CHINA Pilot. Black umbrella-saucer / 5000M altitude f 11/12/1990 #39885  
ht lights tour sky. Form a saucer. Black triangle appears. All going quickl 11/27/1990 #39912  
 man and woman riding in a totally black van with blacked out windows. The  12/31/1990 #39931  
evin Thomas claims he sees a “huge black triangle” lifting out of the ocean 1991 #39941  
RFI). Car lights dim. Huge rounded black delta/triangle/box-like craft-sauc 1/16/1991 #39955  
nce radio interference when a huge black, delta-shaped craft passed by at a 1/16/1991 #39956  
ith a greenish complexion, wearing black uniforms. They communicated telepa 1/26/1991 #39966  
Dolotov abduction again / 2 Men in Black in hall. Telepathy. Missing time.  3/29/1991 #40024  
et tall, gray, with big heads, big black eyes, and a slit for a mouth. The  3/31/1991 #40025  
ot tall Grey humanoids, with large black slanted eyes, who began lifting he 5/14/1991 #40061  
he living room dressed entirely in black and holding a device resembling a  5/14/1991 #40061  
were UAP related including Project Black Book or Project Black Sky that use 7/1991 #40108  
ding Project Black Book or Project Black Sky that used advanced cameras and 7/1991 #40108  
 and Air Traffic Controllers. 1.5' black torpedo 300' away. 100mph going so 7/15/1991 #40121  
est Sussex, England, sees a small, black, lozenge-shaped object about 1.5 f 7/15/1991 #40123  
 completely bald. It had two large black almond-shaped eyes, and it was ver 7/21/1991 #40129  
ndows shake. Several photographs / black UFO test AOK.                      7/31/1991 #40138  
LLY QUAY, WALES 1 observer. Silent black disk turns / military bombing rang 8/15/1991 #40155  
             LONGWY, FR Cop and 1. Black metallic triangle going SSW slow n 8/22/1991 #40163  
shed intermittently. Later a "long black thing" streaked across the sky.    8/30/1991 #40174  
 in his head and then began seeing black rings in front of his eyes. The ri 12/4/1991 #40254  
went to bed, but moments later the black rings and the red sphere returned. 12/4/1991 #40254  
aims these grey programs are given black project covers. Sherman claims at  1992 #40276  
 Repeat abductee / I90 drives into black void. Missing time. No further det 1/11/1992 #40284  
          An abductee drove into a black void on Interstate 90 near Issaqua 1/11/1992 #40285  
, LX, BELGIUM 1+2 observer(s). 70M black triangle going south / 40kph. Ligh 1/21/1992 #40295  
            MEZOBERENY, HUNG Small black figure / kitchen. Ovoid / garden.  1/24/1992 #40301  
bereny, Hungary when a short, dull black, egg-shaped figure suddenly crosse 1/24/1992 #40302  
s). Strong high-frequency flashes. Black triangle going [to] behind train.  1/31/1992 #40310  
ps. With more daylight, they see a black area around the light.             3/1992 #40343  
 north / 150kph. White center with black spot.                              3/5/1992 #40357  
humanoids as short with gray skin, black eyes lacking any pupils or eyelash 3/5/1992 #40359  
 “connected to covert programs and black operations, corporate, military an 3/9/1992 #40369  
eside her. They wore tight-fitting black uniforms that covered their entire 3/11/1992 #40372  
SES, FR Several observer(s). Large black balloon east going quickly west 4x 4/11/1992 #40412  
e with a round, oval face and oval black eyes. The second being was a femal 4/12/1992 #40414  
ABWE Several separate observer(s). Black ovoid with lights east going quick 4/27/1992 #40432  
 baby son's crib. The dwarf wore a black cape with a peaked hood connected  5/5/1992 #40454  
lso looked into USG/USG contractor black aerospace programs for Sen. Byrd,  5/22/1992 #40469  
estigation into USG/USG contractor black aerospace programs, with D’Amato t 5/22/1992 #40469  
n Pittsford, New York two charcoal black, Saturn-shaped UFOs were seen hove 6/2/1992 #40482  
ar-shaped heads, and huge luminous black eyes. The figures stood motionless 6/9/1992 #40489  
SWD 5 observer(s). Very flat domed black delta/triangle/box-like craft goin 6/20/1992 #40499  
      TABER, ALTA Girl / 15. Large black disk near window. Observer(s) hide 7/6/1992 #40513  
girl in Taber, Alberta saw a large black disc outside her bedroom window at 7/6/1992 #40514  
rmy helicopter in near collision / black diamond shape below clouds.        7/8/1992 #40518  
       SANTIAGO, BRZ 2 kids. Small black object / white tail southeast goin 8/3/1992 #40547  
             LANSING, MI 2+4 kids. Black 30' saucer west 2 orbs on top over 8/10/1992 #40563  
was a 25-year-old woman, sighted a black 30 foot in diameter disc-shaped ob 8/10/1992 #40564  
       SALEM, OR 1 observer. Large black silent delta/triangle/box-like cra 8/15/1992 #40574  
          In Salem, Oregon a large black, silent triangular shaped object,  8/15/1992 #40577  
RRAHDALE, WEST AUST 2 observer(s). Black armless 3.5M figure with 3 white p 9/19/1992 #40630  
              An armless, neckless black entity was seen in Jarradale, West 9/19/1992 #40631  
 single file in a field. They wore black smocks and cowls that covered thei 9/24/1992 #40639  
IN, SSK 1 observer / 10 minute(s). Black disk with lights maneuvers near ob 10/7/1992 #40663  
nd wore a red and gold blouse with black trim. She told the witness that he 10/8/1992 #40667  
umanoid with a large head and huge black eyes only 15 feet away. The witnes 10/31/1992 #40697  
large head, which was covered by a black helmet, wide shoulders, and very l 11/23/1992 #40724  
s orange/copper in color and had a black underside. It stopped 100 meters a 11/30/1992 #40735  
 claims the USG was working on the black project Aurora. Mellon states on t 12/22/1992 #40762  
hey carried hand-held devices like black flashlights. One spoke in a comput 12/29/1992 #40770  
o a tamarind tree, when a gigantic black figure with a tail and two horns a 1/22/1993 #40810  
               CEDARBURG, WI Large black delta beams light / water tank. 9  2/1/1993 #40828  
, Wisconsin, when he sees a large, black, triangular UFO hovering above a w 2/1/1993 #40830  
ad. The moonlight reflects off its black metallic surface. It has the shape 2/4/1993 #40838  
             DARLINGTON, AUSTRALIA Black "barrel-on-canoe" going southwest  2/6/1993 #40842  
    ARTHUR, ONTARIO 2 observer(s). Black cylinder/cigar-shape seen / 12 min 2/26/1993 #40860  
ide the van are two men dressed in black with black baseball caps. They adm 3/16/1993 #40885  
 are two men dressed in black with black baseball caps. They administer int 3/16/1993 #40885  
ted and it had what appeared to be black plastic shields over them. Its hea 3/16/1993 #40886  
ith a lighter V in the front and a black belt with a black tube on his righ 3/16/1993 #40886  
 the front and a black belt with a black tube on his right side. He also sp 3/16/1993 #40886  
, large-headed humanoids with huge black eyes, four fingered hands and prot 3/20/1993 #40895  
wo short Grey humanoids with large black, oval-shaped eyes come in through  4/5/1993 #40927  
itness grabbed what seemed to be a black protective eye shield from the hum 4/5/1993 #40927  
           BAYPORT, FL Cop. Silent black boomerang paces car. Going quickly 4/16/1993 #40936  
                   At 8:45 p.m. in Black Heath near Salisbury, England a da 4/19/1993 #40943  
RASPOL, MOLDOVA 3 teens photograph black silent object scouting decommissio 4/20/1993 #40945  
                                   BLACK POINT, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Odd "flying 4/21/1993 #40946  
ver mountains. Straight and level. Black with white windows.                6/20/1993 #41025  
 ROGNES, FR Private pilot at home. Black disk north going quickly south. 30 6/25/1993 #41033  
s home in Rognes, France sighted a black disc-shaped object flying quickly  6/25/1993 #41034  
              ESBJERG, DK 5 silent black 2M objects going north fast. 2 / f 7/2/1993 #41048  
              PARIS 2 observer(s). Black ball circled with halo seen / broa 7/18/1993 #41069  
noid with slanted eyes, who wore a black hooded cape, met her there. The be 7/24/1993 #41082  
ach. At first it resembled a round black object that hovered, then it chang 7/27/1993 #41091  
veral hundred feet into the air. A black spot could be seen making erratic  8/6/1993 #41110  
ST 2 separate cars abduction. Tall black figure(s). Marks. False pregnancy? 8/8/1993 #41113  
ion scenario ensues involving tall black beings. They also recall that ther 8/8/1993 #41117  
 craft, they saw a seven-foot tall black figure with huge fiery red eyes ap 8/8/1993 #41118  
led through dreams that one of the black aliens stooped over her naked body 8/8/1993 #41118  
ort brown hair, wearing a red-gold black trimmed blouse, was standing next  8/10/1993 #41123  
D, NOTTS Man videos airshow. Small black objects zoom around planes. No fur 8/15/1993? #41140  
 a suction on her chest. It wore a black, hooded cloak. It appeared to vani 9/6/1993 #41185  
, DERBY Scores / observer(s). 300M black delta/triangle/box-like craft. Whi 9/26/1993 #41210  
al short Grey humanoids with large black almond-shaped eyes. The beings too 11/8/1993 #41266  
MBROKE, ON 1 observer. Huge silent black boomerang going quickly NNW / 30 s 11/18/1993 (approximate) #41282  
   LE CANNET, FR Engineer / pilot. Black equilateral triangle crosses sky g 12/3/1993 #41322  
aling with the Varsity Team of all black projects.”  https://archive.org/st 1994 #41346  
OE CITY, IN 3 / car. Radio static. Black triangle hovers / lucky point. Tin 1/1/1994 #41353  
s tall and wearing a tight-fitting black coverall that covered his entire b 2/3/1994 #41406  
two huge round eyes that had round black pupils. The creature appeared to b 2/3/1994 #41406  
(seen thru) binoculars. Dogs bark. Black triangle / lit corners. Going up.  3/5/1994 #41440  
T. OUEN-DOMPROT, FR 3+observer(s). Black mass shines beams going [to] obser 3/27/1994 #41467  
arf was heavy set and wore a shiny black suit, and was seen to enter the ab 4/15/1994 #41493  
     BRISBANE, QLD Night light and black / silver cylinder/cylindrical obje 5/27/1994 #41539  
                                 A black and silver cylindrical UFO approac 5/27/1994 #41540  
yardstick shape goes behind trees. Black square / center.                   6/22/1994 #41577  
 FR 1 observer. Faint beeps. Large black saucer over police radio tower. Go 7/16/1994 #41624  
                           A large black disc, making a beeping sound, flew 7/16/1994 #41627  
umanoid with a large head and huge black eyes walk standing in front of her 8/2/1994 #41653  
t three o'clock in the afternoon a black triangle spun out of a billowing l 8/10/1994 #41668  
                   At 10:00 p.m. a black rectangle, approximately 30 feet l 8/28/1994 #41698  
t 10:15 p.m. a pilot sighted a big black triangular object, 80 meters long, 9/7/1994 #41722  
r feet tall, had large heads, huge black eyes, soft wrinkly skin, very long 9/11/1994 #41734  
nds on top. It has long, straight, black hair tied back with a headband aro 9/16/1994 #41754  
out 3 feet tall, and is dressed in black. Some of the younger African child 9/16/1994 #41754  
 a scrawny neck, big eyes and long black hair. He wore a shiny tight black  9/16/1994 #41755  
 black hair. He wore a shiny tight black suit. There were a total of 62 wit 9/16/1994 #41755  
t landed in the valley below, with black humanoids patroling outside.       9/16/1994 #41755  
 very muscular, with almond shaped black eyes with yellow slits in them. Th 9/20/1994 #41765  
land, appears closely linked to US black missions, according to a report in 9/26/1994 #41775  
      UPSHUR CO, WV 2 observer(s). Black small humanoid (or Grey) with ant- 11/1994 #41827  
ANTON, SCOT 1 observer. Big silent black saucer low over field nearby. Flas 11/17/1994 #41852  
      NEAR LA CROSSE, WA 1+kids. 3 black 20' triangles with strong beams. V 12/29/1994 #41909  
e had a close encounter with three black, wedge-shaped flying objects, with 12/29/1994 #41912  
                ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND Black triangle with lit corners going [t 12/31/1994 #41922  
hange.”  Sherman also suggests the black project that cloaked PPD had to do Early 1995 #41927  
lor, a wide chest and waist, and a black, flat face with black chest markin 2/10/1995 #42033  
waist, and a black, flat face with black chest markings. It occasionally mo 2/10/1995 #42033  
Globe sucks water / Mersey River / black beam. Turns rectangular.           2/27/1995 #42064  
up from the Mersey River through a black beam of some sort. It then changed 2/27/1995 #42065  
f humanoids, short Greys with huge black oval-shaped eyes, some tall reptil 3/14/1995 #42094  
 round head, long thin arms, large black eyes, and grayish skin. It walked  3/30/1995 #42128  
a large oval shaped head and large black eyes. Momentarily stunned, he step 4/3/1995 #42138  
MOND, VA Several observer(s). Huge black domed disk hovers 30' over basketb 4/12/1995 #42146  
of twelve atheletes watched a huge black, domed disc at very close range.   4/19/1995 #42160  
            PENSACOLA, FL 1 / car. Black disk going quickly northeast acros 6/5/1995 #42239  
 then returned. At 3:10 p.m. EDT a black disc was sighted moving toward the 6/5/1995 #42240  
 NJ Dentist and more/others. Small black dot high / sky. Speeds into wind.  6/27/1995 #42276  
       FABORG, DK 2 observer(s). 2 black silent triangles hover over harbor 7/1995 (approximate) #42285  
                  At eleven p.m. a black, silent, manta ray shaped flying o 7/23/1995 #42323  
head in Snake River, Idaho. It had black wings that appeared to "ripple." T 7/23/1995 #42323  
        OAKLAND, CA 2 observer(s). Black spot near moon. Suddenly nears. Sq 8/10/1995 #42370  
animal he had befriended, his "pet black bear", was now missing. He said th 8/15/1995 #42389  
       AUBURN, WA 1+6 observer(s). Black boomerang with dim lights descends 9/10/1995 #42452  
r. Night light flashes over house. Black disk over garage. Back / 25 Septem 9/23/1995 #42503  
 BOISE, ID 2 separate observer(s). Black triangular mass hovers and passes  9/24/1995 #42506  
an called to report seeing a large black triangular mass with no lights hov 9/24/1995 #42509  
EST VALLEY CITY, UT 2 observer(s). Black round domed disk going [to] overhe 10/7/1995 #42539  
 NORTH / WINCHESTER, HAMPS 50-100' black triangle hovers. Bright lights. 2k 11/7/1995 #42585  
altitude. Lands / creek 750' away. Black delta/triangle/box-like craft east 11/18/1995 #42607  
ral gray-colored figures with huge black eyes looking down from the windows 12/13/1995 #42642  
ffer from the earlier one and have black hair. Immediately afterward, soldi 1/20/1996 #42694  
oods carrying the creatures in two black sacks. Something is moving in one  1/20/1996 #42694  
h long faces, scaly leathery skin, black eyes, clawed hands, and gaunt arms 2/6/1996 #42743  
     RENO, NV Several observer(s). Black object with luminous/glowing halo  2/15/1996 #42762  
y in color, with small ears, large black eyes, two dots for a nose, a small 3/6/1996 #42809  
etallic object reflects sun. Turns black. Going [to] over mountains.        4/15/1996 #42868  
me that he saw two pairs of moist, black oval shaped eyes staring down at h 4/15/1996 #42870  
5 NORTH / ALBANY, OR 1 / reststop. Black delta hums and hovers. Shoots "con 4/26/1996 #42886  
IS-LAVAL, FR 1 ground observer(s). Black silent triangle follows helicopter 5/5/1996 #42894  
enis-Laval, Rhone, France a silent black triangular object followed a helic 5/5/1996 #42895  
It had a very large head and large black oval-shaped eyes standing next to  5/5/1996 #42896  
 MOYSTON, VCT, AUSTRALIA DC3-sized black wedge going [to] 70kph. Blue and o 5/24/1996 #42911  
         At 2:30 a.m. a dark, matt black triangular UFO with lights on each 6/1/1996 #42920  
w a helicopter at the scene, and a black pick-up truck. They were baffled a 6/4/1996 #42921  
      COAST / ISRAEL Fr. Al. crew. Black 50cm sphere rises / sea and passes 6/9/1996 #42928  
                    At 6:00 p.m. a black sphere shot at an Air France airli 6/9/1996 #42929  
la, Florida, when he sees a large, black triangular object. He pulls to the 6/17/1996 #42931  
iny metallic color. It had several black glassy oval shaped windows. It was 7/16/1996 #42959  
Colombia’s cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles” and, 8/18/1996 #42985  
eds / observer(s) and traffic jam. Black cylinder/cigar-shape going [to] sl 8/21/1996 #42988  
r the re-routing of that money for black budget or extra-government project 8/30/1996 #43000  
ears earlier, fitting a pattern of black budget programs allegedly changing 8/30/1996 #43000  
He takes six photos of the object. Black to dark green in the photos, the c 9/16/1996 #43023  
ped object, when enlarged, shows a black Teflon-like covered bottom and a f 9/16/1996 #43023  
round staring at him. It had large black eyes and an almond-shaped head, no 9/16/1996 #43025  
 trees in the field, while a large black object sat on the ground. The figu 9/23/1996 #43039  
 color was light blue and it had a black "thing" that appeared to be an eye 9/24/1996 #43041  
           CHAMPIGNY-SUR-MARNE, FR Black mass hovers / 1 minute(s). Going s 11/8/1996 #43109  
bed as "Greys," short with slanted black eyes. One of them was slightly tal 12/1/1996 #43130  
          BELLEVILLE-SUR-SAONE, FR Black silent delta/triangle/box-like cra 12/5/1996 #43131  
                                 A black, silent triangular UFO stopped ove 12/5/1996 #43132  
 were remarkably strong. They wore black leathery clothes, and had Mohawk s 12/26/1996 #43150  
      HARTSBURG, MO 2 observer(s). Black triangle overhead. 3-4 strobes fla 12/29/1996 #43151  
 around 7 p.m. witnessed a silent, black triangular object overhead. It had 12/29/1996 #43152  
n. It dissipates, leaving behind a black bar. After 5 minutes, a solid stre 1/13/1997 #43170  
comes downward from it and another black bar appears, about 45° below the f 1/13/1997 #43170  
ing noises, and “several plumes of black smoke” rising from somewhere in th 3/24/1997 #43239  
L, AUSTRALIA Cops and more/others. Black 6' x4'RECTANGLE going quickly east 4/6/1997 #43254  
 is true. I have been in plenty of black projects, but when we tried to get 4/10/1997 #43260  
             ZAGORJE, SLOVENIA 15M black sphere with halo and portholes hov 4/16/1997 #43262  
rm in Zagorje, Slovenia a 15 meter black sphere with a halo and portholes h 4/16/1997 #43263  
END AND NEWCASTLE, AUSTRALIA Large black triangle going [to] overhead. 90KP 4/22/1997 #43270  
New South Wales, Australia a large black triangular object flew overhead at 4/22/1997 #43271  
OND, CA Amateur astronomer. Silent black equilateral-triangle going quickly 5/15/1997 #43294  
 and sees that it is a man wearing black overalls with a red belt, helmet,  5/18/1997 #43297  
ers tall, and totally covered in a black, tight-fitting diver's suit. He wo 5/18/1997 #43298  
 a red belt around his waist and a black helmet with wide dark goggles. He  5/18/1997 #43298  
mans and oval in shape, with large black slit-like eyes. Another very curio 6/5/1997 #43311  
e also saw a lozenge shaped table, black in color in the middle of the room 6/5/1997 #43311  
eads, grayish white skin, and dark black eyes. The witness became frightene 6/5/1997 #43313  
    DEEP CREEK, YKN 2 observer(s). Black 3M delta/triangle/box-like craft g 6/18/1997 #43326  
oing quickly north fast. Circled / black band. No dome.                     6/20/1997 #43332  
ay 16 near Nojack, Alberta, see a “black ring” with faint lines hanging dow 7/3/1997 #43345  
 the directors of the relevant UAP black budget divisions from Rockwell, Ma 8/19/1997 #43387  
                        PESSAC, FR Black triangle / 30° elevation. Blue and 8/24/1997 #43390  
ost prominent feature was its huge black, oval-shaped eyes. Its mouth was b 9/5/1997 #43395  
rround parked car / 40 mn and run. Black car causes electro-magnetic effect 9/22/1997 #43413  
olor with large oval-shaped heads, black eyes, pointed ears and protruding  9/26/1997 #43417  
aphs and videos. Silver disk turns black. Blinks. Descriptions vary.        9/27/1997 #43418  
   PALERMO, SICILY 10+observer(s). Black rectangle hovers. Strong light / r 9/28/1997 #43419  
ey heard a loud engine noise and a black sports vehicle with tinted windows 9/30/1997 #43421  
local engineer, Raid A'anam, saw a black creature in the sky. He told polic 10/10/1997 #43426  
darkness. Both objects turned into black balls as the flames were emitted a 10/13/1997 #43427  
, with pale grayish skin and large black eyes. The humanoids seemed to be i 10/19/1997 #43433  
1 / 737 / 11km altitude. Huge long black cylinder/cigar-shape going [to] sl 12/9/1997 #43455  
shape / pond. Dives in. Power out. Black sphere hovers. Dead ducks.         12/31/1997 #43476  
lso looked into USG/USG contractor black aerospace programs for Sen. Byrd a Late 1990's #43480  
                     CONYERS, GA 2 black circular objects west going quickl 1/18/1998 #43501  
             GOLD COAST, QLD Solid black disk going north straight and leve 2/14/1998 #43519  
bout 40 inches tall, with two huge black eyes. The being floated in the air 3/8/1998 #43531  
, TX Ex USAF man and family / I35. Black round object going quickly [to] ov 4/12/1998 #43548  
ranch, Texas three witnesses saw a black round object that flew overhead at 4/12/1998 #43549  
cident and reported seeing strange black helicopters flying around his neig 4/13/1998 #43550  
ng arms. It was hairless, had huge black eyes, a small lipless mouth, and l 4/27/1998 #43559  
h Columbia, Canada observed a dark black triangular silouette that floated  5/5/1998 #43561  
t as a a gigantic disc, "dark (not black), with a big orange light on the b 5/16/1998 #43568  
od a tall, human like figure, with black hair, large eyes, fine chiseled fa 6/8/1998 #43584  
. A tall human looking figure with black hair (previously encountered) acco 7/11/1998 #43601  
hite skin, reddish blond hair, and black button eyes. His nose was small, h 7/12/1998 #43602  
 were very thin, and his eyes were black in color with almost no white area 7/12/1998 #43602  
entional intelligence projects and black projects and uses some for cover,  8/22/1998 #43635  
rnment oversight, (7) is funded by black budget monies and non-governmental 8/22/1998 #43635  
                                 A black triangle shaped UFO was seen in Ca 8/29/1998 #43639  
te Ardittos hill. They saw a small black object in the sky about one kilome 9/14/1998 #43646  
ver, with a snout-like nose, thick black hair, and round black eyes. It had 9/21/1998 #43650  
 nose, thick black hair, and round black eyes. It had thin but strong legs, 9/21/1998 #43650  
t orange flashing light with small black dotted things on it in Beluran, Sa 10/2/1998 #43658  
 is an alien satellite, dubbed the Black Knight, in polar orbit around the  12/11/1998 #43698  
   CAVA DEI TIRRENI, ITL Teen. 10M black disk hovers / homes. Circles town  1/9/1999 #43713  
                                 A black disc-shaped object, 10 meters in d 1/9/1999 #43714  
everal workmen. Sudden heavy wind. Black flying "coffin" going [to] over ro 3/8/1999 (approximate) #43745  
 could tell the UFO was "a perfect black triangle" with a row of red lights 3/10/1999 #43746  
ported seeing a "flat, triangular, black shape with equal sides, flying wit 3/10/1999 #43746  
 a flying object that looks like a black wedge with two bright headlights.  3/24/1999 #43750  
ound. At noon a gray object with a black dot in the center was seen moving  6/12/1999 #43785  
hree separate witnesses reported a black triangular craft with red and yell 6/21/1999 #43787  
s above a field. It was silver and black with lights in each corner, and ha 7/3/1999 #43790  
s in a triangular formation with a black shape inside to the left of the hi 7/15/1999 #43804  
heir heads were covered with short black, curly hair. They had large round  8/14/1999 #43822  
, curly hair. They had large round black eyes about 5 cm in diameter that w 8/14/1999 #43822  
appeared grayish white, with large black eyes, and was about 4 to 5 feet ta 9/3/1999 #43842  
                      BUTTS CO, GA Black saucer-shape hovers over trees by  9/22/1999 #43853  
 1.20 meters in height, with large black eyes. It was wearing metallic clot 11/25/1999 #43886  
His head was bald and he had large black eyes. The humanoid attempted to co 12/5/1999 #43894  
unds on his body that glow under a black light and claiming electronic comm 2000 #43913  
                            A huge black triangular object hovered silently 1/30/2000 #43937  
ver the boat. The chopper was flat black in color, and it was silent with n 1/30/2000 #43937  
tures: some were short with bluish black skin, perfectly round eyes, and th 3/11/2000 #43965  
 classic Grey humanoids with large black almond-shaped eyes. He later found 3/11/2000 #43965  
story” he heard regarding a SecDef black project audit. No timeframe is giv 5/9/2000 #43993  
 short in stature, wearing a large black hat, with its face hidden in shado 7/11/2000 #44014  
umanoid, gray in color, with large black oval-shaped eyes. One was taller t 7/12/2000 #44015  
th large elongated white eyes with black centers. It had elongated ears, ar 7/31/2000 #44024  
looming up over the skyline. It is black with no discernible tail section a 9/3/2000 #44036  
s approached by four women wearing black nun's habits that obscured their f 9/6/2000 #44037  
ry fast. It was completely silent, black in color, and had no running light 9/17/2000 #44041  
were short with large heads, large black eyes and long dangling arms. Her n 10/15/2000 #44058  
 p.m. MDT in Gila Bend, Arizona, a black, squat, triangular object with no  10/24/2000 #44061  
                                 A black triangle was spotted over a highwa 11/13/2000 #44074  
                    CURBAR, UK 30M black bowler-hat hovers / 270M away / 30 1/6/2001 #44121  
t cattle mutilations and a US Army black program. In 1977, Deputy Sheriff J 2/24/2001 #44142  
eard it and suggested it was a USG black operation.  https://www.amazon.com 2/24/2001 #44142  
lved are personnel inside IC SAPs, black units inside corporate entities an 4/2001 #44154  
e cots. She also recalled seeing a black skinned man lying about 4 cots awa 5/2/2001 #44174  
gh, Ontario reported seeing a huge black triangular shaped craft fly overhe 5/7/2001 #44181  
                 At 6 p.m. a flat, black V-shaped object, with no lights or 6/2/2001 #44191  
 / SEATTLE, WA Ex-Navy / airliner. Black box hovers over university campus. 6/10/2001 #44193  
s hovering inside his barn. It was black with gray markings, and floated fo 8/1/2001 #44215  
                    At 8:30 p.m. a black rectangular object, quiet with no  8/2/2001 #44221  
ut nothing to compare to the three black triangular UFOs seen at approximat 8/24/2001 #44243  
                    At 6:00 p.m. a black, triangular-shaped object was obse 8/29/2001 #44248  
9:20 p.m. two very similar looking black, triangular objects , moving low t 8/29/2001 #44248  
ng that more than 150 instances of black triangle sightings have been recor 11/3/2001 #44271  
ce is pretty solid” that there are black budget aerospace programs that con 2002 #44302  
to be fueling the development of a black budget antigravity program at the  2002 #44302  
                   At 12:30 a.m. a black oval or football-shaped object roc 4/17/2002 #44332  
 Rusek, Kulikov, Corum, James Cox, Black and others.  https://svpwiki.com/F 5/2002 #44335  
a is a location where ongoing deep black antigravity work is being done. Un 5/2002 #44335  
 nowhere a female figure with long black hair appeared in front of them, we 5/3/2002 #44336  
escribed as very shiny with little black jets, and had a small dome on top. 6/7/2002 #44348  
e a figure glowing all white, with black "straight" eyes, and with a black  7/28/2002 #44368  
 black "straight" eyes, and with a black diagonal/diamond strip of "clothin 7/28/2002 #44368  
tes it cannot comment on GRASP or “black projects.”  http://news.bbc.co.uk/ 7/29/2002 #44369  
                  COW BAY, NS Huge black delta/triangle/box-like craft bloc 8/13/2002 #44380  
 CAN Dog retreated into house when black triangle appeared (NICAP: 04 - Ani 8/13/2002 #44381  
mething. She also sees a straight, black line advancing trough the sky, the 8/13/2002 #44383  
ng trough the sky, then a “perfect black triangle of gargantuan proportions 8/13/2002 #44383  
ring around her house. It is pitch black and enormous, moving only about 10 8/13/2002 #44383  
                         At dusk a black flying triangle with three white l 9/10/2002 #44395  
 5:30 p.m. in Dublin, Ireland four black saucer-shaped and shiny UFOs flew  9/24/2002 #44404  
 Louisiana, patrons noticed a big, black sphere hovering in mid air in thei 11/13/2002 #44438  
Wisconsin. It was medium gray (not black), silent, and flying toward the ea 11/25/2002 #44450  
            At 10:30 a.m. a large, black, flying wing was seen low over a f 11/28/2002 #44454  
              At 5:20 p.m. PST two black triangular craft flew above San Jo 1/2/2003 #44465  
nutes. It was silver in color with black circles, and a silver framework wa 1/16/2003 #44476  
ng pointy ears. The eyes were dark black with no apparent nose. Although th 1/22/2003 #44477  
                    At 6:13 p.m. a black equilateral triangle with three gl 1/24/2003 #44479  
         At 11:00 p.m. a huge "jet black" triangular UFO with lights came s 2/16/2003 #44493  
t 3:30 p.m. in the afternoon saw a black, oval-shaped UFO 8-12 feet wide fl 3/18/2003 #44503  
was then approached by some men in black suits resembling businessmen or go 4/28/2003 #44519  
e of the pasture. The source was a black craft, hovering about 100 feet abo 5/3/2003 #44523  
ng undersides. They approached the Black Sea and were in view for 20 minute 5/15/2003 #44537  
m. in New Brighton, Pennsylvania a black triangular-shaped object surrounde 6/30/2003 #44559  
oyota), 5BEA709 (Escape), 4EPW827 (black Acura), 809-E2G (Forerunner), 4AMP 7/2003 #44560  
 technology could be advanced in a black project through reverse engineered 7/2003 #44560  
He was dressed in what looked like black overalls, and he was descending as 7/16/2003 #44565  
he corner of her eye, Luca spots a black object behind the trees in the bac 8/11/2003 #44574  
                                 A black boomerang-shaped object passed low 8/13/2003 #44575  
er disc-shaped object with bulging black windows. It hovered, tilted, then  8/23/2003 #44580  
te “assure” him there is only one “black UFO operation” and that it likely  8/23/2003 #44581  
, Minnesota, when he sees a round, black object at an altitude higher than  9/2003 #44591  
 followed witnesses out of a pitch black forest, and then hovered in the be 9/5/2003 #44593  
pproach to get into the secret UFO black program he believed existed. Putho 9/10/2003 #44595  
heehan states he uncovered the UFO black project by discovering a $9B discr 9/10/2003 #44595  
                                 A black disc-shaped object with no lights  9/20/2003 #44605  
y above him appeared to be a solid black, with no stars showing, nor light  9/25/2003 #44608  
ng, nor light of any kind, and the black void was seen changing its shape.  9/25/2003 #44608  
Vallee everything about the secret black UFO program to protect one critica 10/2/2003 #44610  
ct.” Puthoff states it was “deeply black” and “somebody” didn’t want it exp 10/2/2003 #44610  
                                 A black, cigar-shaped object was spotted i 12/10/2003 #44627  
tionless in the sky, was a greyish black cigar-shaped vehicle with a bump o 12/10/2003 #44627  
or an airplane as well, because it black/grey and did not reflect light. It 12/10/2003 #44627  
body color, possibly dark brown or black.                                   4/5/2004 #44684  
                    At 9:30 p.m. a black delta-shaped wing and sphere were  5/8/2004 #44697  
oal gray in color, and ringed with black lights. All three of the craft app 5/12/2004 #44699  
to Ordaz residents saw low-flying, black helicopters cross the overcast sky 5/15/2004 #44702  
on this evening when she spotted a black figure run past her window. She lo 5/17/2004 #44703  
o reported the night sky was pitch black with no moon nor even cloud cover  7/27/2004 #44718  
A witness named Deakin witnessed a black pipe-like object in the sky over H 7/31/2004 #44721  
the west slowly floating above the Black Sea. The object made a slow right  8/2/2004 #44725  
emed to be a charcoal gray or even black in color, but stood out from the c 9/11/2004 #44754  
     A witness reported sighting a black triangle moving at tremendous spee 10/30/2004 #44776  
he white part was very bright with black edges. Suddenly, it shot to the so 11/29/2004 #44793  
points were brightest, fading into black at the center. The color was like  12/4/2004 #44795  
experiences that are “brushes with black projects,” some bordering on myth  2005 #44804  
ents being exposed to some form of black ops technology such as non lethal  2005 #44805  
                                 A black daylight disc was photographed, hi 5/6/2005 #44832  
                           A large black triangular UFO flew over Grand Vie 5/14/2005 #44841  
histleblowers—a woman he calls the Black Widow, Al Barker, Bill Salter, and 6/2005 #44846  
he calls the Colonel. In 2001, the Black Widow claims to have worked at Oak 6/2005 #44846  
ring metallic silver jumpsuits and black “bonnet-like helmets.” The men hid 6/14/2005 #44847  
s in Silverdale, Washington, see a black, rectangular object fly silently i 6/19/2005 #44848  
, metallic triangular object "with black waves" on the surface of the objec 7/15/2005 #44854  
                           A large black triangular craft was seen in Roano 9/11/2005 #44874  
:00 p.m. in Whitesburg, Kentucky a black triangle with red lights on the co 10/19/2005 #44892  
s between 4-5 feet tall with large black eyes. As soon as he saw the alien' 11/25/2005 #44906  
                                 A black triangle-shaped object was sighted 12/15/2005 #44911  
 A multicolored UFO was sighted in Black Point, Nova Scotia, Canada at 8 p. 2/25/2006 #44924  
rom various agencies and end up in black projects.  https://archive.org/det 4/28/2006 #44935  
 hovered. It appeared to be a deep black in color, darker than the night sk 5/3/2006 #44938  
d that creates the appearance of a Black Triangle by refracting light. The  5/15/2006 #44942  
ght o'clock in the morning a large black triangle-shaped craft was seen in  6/6/2006 #44949  
                   At 1:18 a.m. in Black Point, Nova Scotia, Canada a witne 8/18/2006 #44955  
ire, England at 6:00 p.m. It had a black tinted curved perimeter with light 9/24/2006 #44966  
 by a three-letter agency and that black budget physics is decades ahead of 10/2006 #44970  
                                 A black disc-shaped object rose from behin 10/8/2006 #44973  
                                 A black triangular UFO with 3 lights on it 10/31/2006 #44978  
ject changed colors from yellow to black to white. It spun on its axis and  12/31/2006 #44992  
 a small, irregular object like a “black rock.” His wingman joins him and t 1/12/2007 #44999  
  At 12:35 p.m. a slightly conical black UFO hovered over Kalamazoo, Michig 5/6/2007 #45027  
nding the desert, and it was pitch black, and his girlfriend was sleeping.  9/16/2007 #45059  
he same time (9:00 p.m. MDT) three black triangular craft maneuvered across 9/20/2007 #45063  
                                 A black chevron or boomerang shaped object 11/22/2007 #45095  
to, Riverside County, California a black, pointed, shadowy object turned ou 12/10/2007 #45100  
 in the world is that?" They saw a black triangular craft in the air with l 6/7/2008 #45146  
, Missouri and at the same hour, a black triangular object hung motionless  7/18/2008 #45151  
" and greenish in color with large black eyes. No legs were visible, and th 9/4/2008 #45165  
11:00 p.m. CDT a witness sighted a black triangle with three white lights a 9/7/2008 #45167  
 Radomsko, Poland, when they see a black triangle with lights (apparently g 9/16/2008 #45168  
                                 A black triangular object was seen travell 10/24/2008 #45176  
ghting report.” They are driving a black sedan, produce no identification,  5/8/2009 #45220  
 After he sees the same men in the black sedan a week later, he reports the 5/8/2009 #45220  
 A Department of Homeland Security black sedan visits a UAP witness twice a 5/8/2009 #45221  
ops of their scalps. They had huge black eyes that seemed to stare right th 8/30/2009 #45240  
 spotted a 9 to 10 foot tall solid black entity standing on the southbound  9/14/2009 #45247  
                   At 10:52 p.m. a black, triangular UFO with orange lights 11/28/2009 #45257  
mberland, England a 40-foot across black boomerang shaped object with five  5/12/2010 #45280  
ticed they all had this same faded black zone where he guessed the engine w 5/16/2010 #45282  
A witness reported he saw a large, black, silent, southbound, flying triang 8/16/2010 #45293  
                    At 6:30 a.m. a black, oval-shaped object with visible h 8/30/2010 #45295  
city. Within 24 hours, three large black SUVs pulled into the area, wearing 2/2011 #45312  
SUVs pulled into the area, wearing black suits and dark glasses, Mover stat 2/2011 #45312  
John Alexander states there was no black UAP project in the DOD or in the u 2/15/2011 #45317  
                 An object like a "black vampire cape" with a "glowing lant 5/8/2011 #45324  
on Washington, D.C. The Pentagon’s black budget is at $52.6 billion, accord 2013 #45357  
g and goes outside to see a large, black isosceles triangle about 800 feet  3/19/2013 #45362  
as three reddish-orange rings with black centers, one at each point of the  3/19/2013 #45362  
exas Day. An aircraft matching the black triangle description is photograph 2/2014 #45401  
 actually UAP. Howard alleges some black triangles are funded by USG/USG co 6/22/2014 #45411  
s are funded by USG/USG contractor black budget funds, lost money, cost ove 6/22/2014 #45411  
nland, a mysterious man dressed in black with a backpack is seen wading to  10/16/2014 #45417  
what looks like a 65–98-foot long, black submarine in waters just outside L 10/31/2014 #45422  
d3 Blue Book files online into his Black Vault website and makes many of th 1/10/2015 #45426  
                Ancestry.com Fold3 Black Vault website Ancestry.com, the ow 1/27/2015 #45427  
 his Blue Book collection from the Black Vault website, falsely claiming co 1/27/2015 #45427  
t this is a safety issue and not a black project.                           2/2015? #45430  
 Steven Greer alleges the US Army “black shelved” other inventor’s alternat 11/15/2015 #45440  
 through the sunroof and see three black dots that they at first think migh 2/3/2016 #45444  
se engineered UAP craft is “beyond black”   The enforcement of SWEEP utiliz 4/5/2016 #45449  
ologically traumatize witnesses of black projects and cover the human eleme 4/5/2016 #45449  
t as they are watching. It shows a black surface that is about 300 feet lon 12/10/2016 #45461  
ut when he views it, it shows only black. The object seems to move effortle 12/10/2016 #45461  
 interviewed an elderly woman (the Black Widow) who had worked at Oak Ridge 6/2017 #45472  
 and that they will miss it. It is black and shiny metallic in color and ap 7/14/2017 #45475  
imes bigger than the research… the black programs collectively have budgets 2018 #45498  
Book would likely exist as a deep, black industrial-based SAP. A program in 2018 #45498  
pect and trust in that world. Deep Black programs can become quite independ 2018 #45498  
st amount ever, in funding for the black budget that bankrolls US intellige 2/27/2018 #45516  
n Briele, Netherlands, watches two black discs with red lights flying toget 2/27/2018 #45517  
te-Savoie, France, when they see a black triangle with lights at each of it 8/12/2018 #45536  
as a triangular head and two large black eyes that stare at him. He thinks  7/16/2020 #45652  
ing information with UAPTF, deeper black programs like Kobitz and former Di 9/3/2021 #45707  
ville, Alabama, USA there’s a very black program underway that was previous 5/2022 #45746  
antigravity experiments and modern black projects allegedly developing tria 6/15/2022 #45758  
le test; the crew describes a dark black object beneath the surface the “si 9/2022 #45768  
trieval crew states the same large black object above a trench near Puerto  9/2022 #45768  
 got “taken over and turned into a black site” due to UAP and related pheno 10/14/2022 #45777  
## Word: "black-" (Back to Top)
 in the middle. Numerous color and black- and-white photographs were report 3/16/1967 #21898  
## Word: "black---either" (Back to Top)
aw that the beings were completely black---either naked, or wearing skin ti 8/29/1967 #22955  
## Word: "black-and-" (Back to Top)
d up toward the center. Many small black-and- white objects (birds?) are mo 7/20/1894 #316  
## Word: "black-and-white" (Back to Top)
it contains paper with microscopic black-and-white squares like a screen. S 7/10/1946 #2046  
unty, Ohio outside of Cincinnati a black-and-white motion picture film was  10/23/1949 #4402  
rames on a Recordak projector. The black-and-white presentation shows a blu 7/1950 #5035  
s. the Flying Saucers, an American black-and-white science fiction film fro 6/13/1956 #12900  
tography and using high-resolution black-and-white film, strapped on the bo 9/4/1971 #26317  
e grabs his camera and takes three black-and-white photos. Two of the photo Late 10/1975 #30470  
st Manchester, England 6:00 a.m. A black-and-white security camera at a pri 9/2/1993 #41176  
 “alien autopsy film,” a 17-minute black-and-white film supposedly depictin 8/28/1995 #42425  
## Word: "black-brown" (Back to Top)
 CRESCENT, TASMANIA 3+/ boats. 3OM black-brown colored cylinder/cigar-shape 8/5/1978 #33472  
## Word: "black-budget" (Back to Top)
k Budget, based on his articles on black-budget spending at the Pentagon an 9/1990 #39712  
## Word: "black-garbed" (Back to Top)
1978—Shaw recalls her abduction by black-garbed aliens. She undergoes a phy 3/22/1953 #8775  
## Word: "black-gowned" (Back to Top)
y still for 10 minutes as a second black-gowned figure moved among some nea 5/11/1974 #29100  
## Word: "black-grey" (Back to Top)
                    CARDIFF, WALES Black-grey teardrop hovers over large tr 7/2/1994 #41600  
## Word: "black-out" (Back to Top)
ards his home during a local power black-out. Suddenly there was a bright f 2/29/1996 #42789  
## Word: "black-project" (Back to Top)
waii), Reid secures $22 million in black-project funding in the 2008 Supple Fall 2007? #45070  
## Word: "black-shelved" (Back to Top)
ree energy devices” that had been “black-shelved” or hidden. The witness wo 4/28/2006 #44936  
 exotic energy technology that is “black-shelved.”  https://archive.org/det 4/28/2006 #44936  
## Word: "blackberries" (Back to Top)
day, a flattened area of grass and blackberries is found about 600 feet fro 5/25/1971 #26136  
## Word: "blackbird" (Back to Top)
 project and the Oxcart (SR-71, or Blackbird) project, over half of all UFO 4/9/1960 #16219  
ornia The first flight of an SR-71 Blackbird takes place at Air Force Plant 12/22/1964 #18673  
se of the development of the SR-71 Blackbird. It is to be phased out by Jun 12/28/1966 #21223  
d of 2,193 mph in a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird over Beale AFB near Marysville 7/28/1976 #31188  
y, South Dakota, to watch an SR-71 Blackbird take off after a refueling sto 5/1980 #35296  
                    The USAF SR-71 Blackbird program is officially terminat 11/22/1989 #39245  
the type of missions for which the Blackbird is suited. Some observers susp 11/22/1989 #39245  
of a temporarily reactivated SR-71 Blackbird takes place.                   10/9/1999 #43858  
## Word: "blackburn" (Back to Top)
nia Brands Flats 6:15 p.m. William Blackburn, a draftsman at a General Elec 1/19/1965 #18750  
tly and lands 45–55 feet away from Blackburn. A door opens, making a slight 1/19/1965 #18750  
tire episode lasts only 5 minutes. Blackburn sees no traces in the snow, bu 1/19/1965 #18750  
humaker and her mother, Mrs. W. H. Blackburn, are awakened by an explosion  8/19/1965 #19426  
                                   BLACKBURN AND DARWEN, LANCS Separate obs 8/15/1975 #30272  
 lights was seen at close range in Blackburn, Lancashireshire, England. It  8/15/1975 #30276  
rry Power Station 10:45 p.m. Joyce Blackburn is putting out milk bottles on 10/28/1978 #33887  
sland of New Zealand 6:15 a.m. Lou Blackburn takes three photographs of his 10/27/1979 #34970  
nnell Douglas), Lt. Col. Ronald F. Blackburn (Air Force), Milt Jansen (or J 5/20/1985 #37590  
                      Lt. Col. Ron Blackburn of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works 1990 #39357  
aims he was taken to by Dames, Ron Blackburn and others in 1990 and Maj. Ge 3/9/1992 #40368  
s on 7 January 1996, including Ron Blackburn and “De Angelo” from SAIC and  1/7/1996 #42670  
                 Ret. Lt. Col. Ron Blackburn of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works 8/22/1998 #43636  
 of a disc. Several years earlier, Blackburn states on a podcast he reverse 8/22/1998 #43636  
## Word: "blackbushe" (Back to Top)
                                   Blackbushe Airport Yateley, Hampshire, E 8/27/1979 #34788  
tor Laurie Adlington has just left Blackbushe Airport in Yateley, Hampshire 8/27/1979 #34788  
## Word: "blackcomb" (Back to Top)
s flashes / light. Going [to] over Blackcomb Mountain. No further details / 12/12/1995 #42640  
## Word: "blacked" (Back to Top)
ect hovered, revolving; television blacked out (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)      11/5/1957 #14329  
     Salisbury, NC Television sets blacked out, some lights reported off, a 7/14/1959 #15850  
olice that, after the house lights blacked out while watching television, t 5/7/1963 #17735  
 the police that, after the lights blacked out in their home while watching 5/7/1963 #17736  
West Virginia when suddenly the TV blacked out. A fine herringbone pattern  11/14/1966 #21101  
e city. A radio station reportedly blacked out when it passed over. Other E 3/1967 #21694  
es but fails to start." The object blacked out, and the figures hid while a 9/15/1967 #23066  
es but fails to start." The object blacked out, and the figures hid while a 9/15/1967 #23071  
be long before he was returned. He blacked out again and recovered in a fie 10/6/1967 #23187  
olice that as his lights and radio blacked out, although his diesel engine  11/5/1967 #23407  
at 11:30 p.m. his lights and radio blacked out, although his diesel engine  11/5/1967 #23408  
ashlight at object, it immediately blacked out (Section V, Vol. II, The UFO 11/27/1968 #24723  
ashlight at object, it immediately blacked out                              11/27/1968 #24724  
tness and shot at him. The witness blacked out and was found later lying in 8/20/1970 #25799  
from the object. At that moment he blacked out. When he recovered conscious 9/20/1971 #26354  
 fact control "nature itself." She blacked out and when she recovered found 8/9/1972 #26890  
rds it, their vehicle's headlights blacked out.                             4/30/1973 #27457  
t. The front and side windows were blacked out, and he could only see out t 9/2/1973 #27748  
lickering multi-colored lights and blacked out. When she came to she was st 10/16/1973 #28089  
nd came from this object. She then blacked out for a second time. She awoke 10/16/1973 #28089  
 inhabitants say their TV set just blacked out. They continue watching thro 6/22/1976 #31128  
ht emerged. The witness apparently blacked out and was found later on the g 9/3/1976 #31341  
 by some kind of a force field and blacked out. When he came to he noticed  6/16/1978 #33282  
ds or eyebrows. He apparently then blacked out again, and arrived home at 3 12/31/1978 #34250  
nd at about 30 meters altitude. He blacked out and remembered entities. (NI 2/11/1980 #35167  
hing around him became dark and he blacked out. When Vommaro woke up he fou 2/11/1980 #35170  
to their quarters and windows were blacked out; a small group went to a cra 12/14/1980 #35716  
an to her apartment and apparently blacked out. Under hypnosis she recalled 2/10/1981 #35823  
o become transparent. Meneses then blacked out. He later awoke sitting conf 12/15/1981 #36259  
d object above car, sound, witness blacked out; later physiological effects 2/19/1982 #36352  
ome-shaped object overhead, driver blacked out, taken to hospital with memo 2/19/1982 #36353  
ome-shaped object overhead, driver blacked out, taken to hospital with memo 2/19/1982 #36354  
tingling sensation in his neck and blacked out. He experienced at least 20  2/19/1982 #36357  
omed disc-shaped UFO land, then he blacked out and had a two hour memory la 8/15/1986 #37993  
range floating sensation, and then blacked out. When they awoke they found  3/7/1987 #38133  
 briefing document, with some text blacked out FOIA-style.                  5/1987 #38169  
ument. Certain areas that had been blacked out are now readable, although r 6/1987 #38183  
national security. He withheld and blacked out certain portions of UFO-rela 7/1/1989 #39002  
MD, but that his transportation is blacked out and he is never told exactly 1990 #39354  
riding in a totally black van with blacked out windows. The strangers seeme 12/31/1990 #39931  
 feet away. The witness apparently blacked out and experienced at least 30  10/31/1992 #40697  
al table. The witness resisted and blacked out. She later she found herself 7/24/1993 #41082  
at this point all of the witnesses blacked out. Their next conscious recall 8/8/1993 #41118  
on felt a wave of heat and quickly blacked out. When he came to he found hi 9/24/1995 #42508  
diately after hearing this Ricardo blacked out again. When he opened his ey 9/15/1996 #43020  
 neck as he fell to the ground and blacked out. The next day, after coming  1/7/1997 #43167  
It stopped in front of the car. He blacked out. When he came to he smelled  4/9/2000 #43980  
phone signal, and her FM radio all blacked out. The witness attempted to ta 6/1/2013 #45369  
## Word: "blacked-out" (Back to Top)
amos complex and boards a bus with blacked-out windows. He sees and photogr 4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
           NEAR KINGMAN, AZ Eng. / blacked-out bus. 30' saucer and 4' dead  5/21/1953 #8894  
s. He and Mariani board a bus with blacked-out windows and ride for 30 minu 12/6/1988 #38748  
## Word: "blackened" (Back to Top)
 sand has been turned to glass and blackened. It looks as if something circ 7/6/1947 #2812  
exico, and rediscovers the area of blackened ground earlier found by two of 9/1947 #3378  
zona aboard a bus with its windows blackened out to view a crashed disc. Th 5/21/1953 #8898  
in 30 min later,leaving the ground blackened and branches broken. The craft 7/30/1957 #13861  
es long; one is 1.5 inches deep. A blackened area in the shape of a triangl 9/14/1972 #26999  
cally swiftly. A 10 foot circle of blackened grass was left behind, with re 11/28/1972 #27151  
y plants are burned and stones are blackened. Some footprints are noted. Se 4/20/1975 #29998  
e beings, they did find the ground blackened and grass charred at the point 8/8/1975 #30244  
vestigators examined the site, the blackened area was still visible.        8/8/1975 #30244  
essler. Trees in the vicinity were blackened twenty feet above the ground o 12/29/1980 #35758  
the ground where grass is bent and blackened for a diameter of 30 feet. Str 8/15/1986 #37992  
s gone, but the grass was bent and blackened in a 9-meter (30 foot) wide ci 8/15/1986 #37993  
the horse's hair and hide had been blackened as if by exposure to a heat so 9/26/1995 #42512  
## Word: "blacker" (Back to Top)
h row. The object was described as blacker than black. Its speed was very s 9/14/1987 #38288  
## Word: "blackest" (Back to Top)
asters story itself describes the “blackest of American covert operations”  7/31/1999 #43815  
## Word: "blackett" (Back to Top)
ip Burton Moon; physicists Patrick Blackett, Charles Drummond Ellis, and ch 4/10/1940 #1331  
## Word: "blacketts" (Back to Top)
                                   Blacketts Lake Road Sydney, Nova Scotia  7/1968 #24108  
y, Nova Scotia A man is driving on Blacketts Lake Road southwest of Sydney, 7/1968 #24108  
## Word: "blackfoot" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Blackfoot” Yield: 8KT                    6/11/1956 #12894  
## Word: "blackhawk" (Back to Top)
                                   BLACKHAWK AND RAPID CITY, SD F14 chases  8/5/1953 #9046  
BISMARCK, ND Many HIQ observer(s). Blackhawk object here / 3 hours. Jets ch 8/5/1953 #9047  
scends behind the same mountain. A Blackhawk helicopter is visible in the s 7/17/2000 #44021  
## Word: "blackheath" (Back to Top)
                                   BLACKHEATH, KENT 18 silver spheres going 9/19/1950 #5183  
## Word: "blacking" (Back to Top)
ter he recalled being taken up and blacking out. He found himself onboard t 1/3/1979 #34292  
r husband, fighting the feeling of blacking out, but at this point all of t 8/8/1993 #41118  
p the car. His last feeling before blacking out was of he and his car being 3/23/2000 #43967  
## Word: "blackish" (Back to Top)
the helmet its head appeared to be blackish gray, and its short legs seemed 11/12/1976 #31541  
 four feet tall, and was wearing a blackish, hooded cape. The being next to 10/26/1999 #43866  
## Word: "blackjack" (Back to Top)
C, Dreamland MOC, Ground Star MOC, Blackjack Team, Roulette Team, Aqua Tech 7/28/1991 #40136  
e Top Mountain Observatory (NASA), Blackjack Control, Northrop “Anthill” Te 8/30/1996 #43001  
even Greer says he had a source at Blackjack Control and Blackjack Team was 4/18/2016 #45451  
 a source at Blackjack Control and Blackjack Team was at Nellis; Tejon Ranc 4/18/2016 #45451  
## Word: "blacklight" (Back to Top)
 object with a rounded back, and a blacklight colored rear window. It had a 3/14/2006 #44930  
## Word: "blacklight-colored" (Back to Top)
umbia, Canada at 6:00 p.m. a thin "blacklight-colored" cigar-shaped object  11/29/2007 #45098  
## Word: "blacklow" (Back to Top)
                           Oakwood Blacklow Spinney Woods Warwickshire, Eng 7/16/2020 #45652  
is cycling through the Oakwood and Blacklow Spinney Woods in Warwickshire,  7/16/2020 #45652  
## Word: "blackmails" (Back to Top)
 and other disinformation. The FBI blackmails insiders to spread false rumo 8/1956 #13042  
## Word: "blackness" (Back to Top)
            COVENTRY, ENGL Intense blackness. Writhing 2' fireball at obser 11/10/1940 #1347  
 Sweden was engulfed in a cloud of blackness and then surrounded by intense 9/20/1971 #26356  
## Word: "blackout" (Back to Top)
 the night of February 24. A total blackout is ordered, and thousands of ai 2/24/1942 #1388  
The “all clear” is sounded and the blackout order lifted at 7:21 a.m. Sever 2/24/1942 #1388  
 the Guadalcanal landings. A radio blackout is in effect. An aircraft appro 8/5/1942 #1430  
andaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and  3/22/1950 #4702  
erference as police chased UFO. TV blackout in city, motorist reported radi 11/10/1957 #14518  
hts follow a short time later. The blackout only lasts 5 minutes, but the p 11/25/1957 #14614  
 passes / very low altitude. Power blackout / entire city. No further detai 12/6/1958 #15470  
 Italy at about 11:00 p.m. A power blackout occurred over the entire city.  12/6/1958 #15473  
. The town of Eureka experienced a blackout when it landed.                 4/18/1962 #17115  
Gerais, Brazil, when an electrical blackout occurs in the city. Suddenly he 8/26/1962 #17362  
uernavaca, Morelos, Mexico A major blackout in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, 9/23/1965 #19591  
y, New York During the great power blackout, actor Stuart Whitman was start 11/9/1965 #19708  
nglish message indicating that the blackout was a "demonstration."          11/9/1965 #19708  
etts 5:16 p.m. The Northeast power blackout, a significant disruption in th 11/9/1965 #19709  
. Prior to and coincident with the blackout, there are a number of reports  11/9/1965 #19709  
 and there is speculation that the blackout is related to UFO activity in s 11/9/1965 #19709  
     Northeastern US Massive power blackout in northeastern United States a 11/10/1965 #19710  
k City, during the Northeast power blackout. He hears a “sound, like a whip 11/10/1965 #19711  
ce of the universe. They claim the blackout is a small demonstration of the 11/10/1965 #19711  
ireball over base. Jets chase. Big blackout. / LDLN#247.                    1/9/1966 #19818  
o Frequency Interference (RFI) and blackout. Large round luminous/glowing o 11/4/1966 #21073  
cs traveling about 2,000 mph. News blackout invoked by military             3/2/1967 #21728  
 at an altitude of 7 miles. A news blackout is invoked by the military. Twe 3/2/1967 #21731  
rred during an area electric power blackout (EM effects). The local newspap 6/5/1967 #22464  
ge glow going southeast. Big power blackout. / r215p60.                     1/24/1968 #23693  
 This was followed by a huge power blackout at 11:00 p.m.                   1/24/1968 #23699  
 trail by power station. Big brief blackout.                                9/18/1968 #24476  
Indiana Evening. A localized power blackout cuts off electricity at the Les 5/18/1969 #25143  
ring a widespread California power blackout that lasted one hour.           6/18/1971 #26179  
UAY UFO over power tower. Electric blackout in entire region. Coverup.      2/22/1977 #31837  
ian is lying in bed during a power blackout in Gloggnitz, Austria. Suddenly 5/1977 #32043  
working and there was a television blackout. The batteries of some road mac 7/12/1978 #33376  
 Santa Fe State, Argentina a power blackout occurred, followed by an intens 9/8/1978 #33648  
he area the same time a electrical blackout occurred. Shortly after that a  9/17/1978 #33703  
                CHOCONTA, COLUMBIA Blackout. 10-15 saucers all over. 8 buzz 5/9/1979 #34551  
o orange and yellow. An electrical blackout takes place, and dogs, chicken, 5/9/1979 #34552  
his hand swell up. A general power blackout occurred in the area at the tim 9/19/1979 #34902  
rance coincides with an electrical blackout due to a power overload in the  5/22/1981 #35945  
es. Both witnesses then suffered a blackout. When they recovered they reali 2/11/1989 #38835  
ared suddenly. She then suffered a blackout and was apparently abducted. Sh 3/1/1990 #39438  
uring Soyuz-17 launch. Quick media blackout.                                7/1/1993 #41044  
support is cut off, and there is a blackout in many parts of the city. When 7/31/1995 #42347  
me time there was a reported power blackout in the area.                    9/15/1996 #43021  
## Word: "blackouts" (Back to Top)
ode with a vivid flash. Unexpected blackouts are reported in the area.      12/7/1957 #14682  
-tech plant, they didn't have many blackouts (one or two in a month), but n 5/16/1998 #43568  
made no sound. There were reported blackouts in two nearby towns. The same  8/30/2000 #44034  
## Word: "blackpool" (Back to Top)
                               OFF BLACKPOOL, ENGL Several / pier. Luminous 4/1950 #4780  
                                   BLACKPOOL, LANCS Cylinder/cigar-shape wi 3/4/1977 #31857  
r and lower margins was sighted at Blackpool, England. At 10:00 p.m. in Lyt 3/4/1977 #31859  
## Word: "blackridge" (Back to Top)
en over hills. Big explosion rocks Blackridge house.                        8/11/1991 #40148  
## Word: "blacks" (Back to Top)
n it seems to flatten out and just blacks out. Another similar object follo 11/1906 #692  
hase. Mantell continues to 25,000, blacks out, and crashes at 3:18 p.m. abo 1/7/1948 #3544  
ngland Afternoon. Cynthia Appleton blacks out unexpectedly at her home in 8 11/16/1957 #14567  
 passes over Salta, Argentina, and blacks out all electrical power for seve 6/22/1959 #15784  
orearm with an instrument, then he blacks out. When he wakes up, he is near Late 11/1961 #16979  
 from the robot’s mouth and Schrum blacks out, but wakes up again, nauseous 9/5/1964 #18539  
 volumes of smoke” drift up and he blacks out. He awakes hanging from his b 9/5/1964 #18539  
 torch” that hits his forehead. He blacks out twice. When he wakes up he is 3/15/1965 #18859  
otlight is shone on it, the object blacks out. Two smaller white objects op 9/22/1966 #20915  
eads him to another room, where he blacks out as three other humans put a c 11/5/1975 #30562  
y the picture crackles, fades, and blacks out, and the air conditioner dies 9/10/1976 #31371  
chest. He feels a searing pain and blacks out. His parents think it is a pr Early 12/1976 #31579  
unds at it with no effect. He then blacks out. Turner wakes up in the passe 8/29/1979 #34803  
g near Valdese, North Carolina. It blacks out completely and she sees a hug 5/7/1980 #35314  
lights flickering in a circle. She blacks out for a short time and finds th Spring 1983 #36790  
nd he feels rooted to the spot. He blacks out and regains his senses severa 6/16/1991 #40099  
## Word: "blacksburg" (Back to Top)
costia- Bolling], Washington, D.C. Blacksburg, Virginia 4:50 p.m. USAF Capt 1/24/1950 #4509  
ton, D.C. While at 5,000 feet near Blacksburg, Virginia, Fehrevach notices  1/24/1950 #4509  
                                   BLACKSBURG, SC Domed metallic saucer cha 1/3/1973 #27217  
       At 10 p.m. on this night in Blacksburg, South Carolina on Highway 43 1/3/1973 #27219  
                       NORTHEAST / BLACKSBURG, SC Cylinder/cigar-shape / lo 2/22/1973 #27309  
 Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia An invitation-only  2/1/1990 #39406  
 Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, organized by Rima  2/1/1990 #39406  
## Word: "blacksmith" (Back to Top)
test flight in front of the Elkton blacksmith shop. The airship rises 8 fee 4/20/1897 #545  
 anchor goes on exhibit at a local blacksmith shop.                         4/25/1897 #573  
                                   Blacksmith André Chaillou Loublande, Deu 11/8/1954 #11600  
nde, Deux-Sèvres, France 7:30 p.m. Blacksmith André Chaillou is riding a mo 11/8/1954 #11600  
## Word: "blacksod" (Back to Top)
                                   BLACKSOD, IRL 1 observer. Power outage.  2/3/1974 (approximate) #28734  
## Word: "blackstone" (Back to Top)
                                   Blackstone Richmond, Virginia Naval Air  12/23/1944 #1731  
ilitary DC-3 at 9,000 feet between Blackstone and Richmond, Virginia, when  12/23/1944 #1731  
                                   BLACKSTONE, VA Pilot. Glowing cylindrica 7/24/1948 #3726  
                               btn Blackstone, Va and Greensboro, N.C., Var 7/24/1948 #3729  
                                   Blackstone (near), VA C-45 Transport Cre 1/24/1950 #4508  
ia Prince William County, Virginia Blackstone, Virginia Langley AFB in Hamp 6/15/1952 #6510  
mitting a golden glow is seen over Blackstone, Virginia. Fighter jets from  6/15/1952 #6510  
                                   Blackstone, VA Circular Bright Light Obs 1/28/1954 #9506  
                                   Blackstone, VA Pilot saw an extremely la 2/17/1955 #12007  
## Word: "blacktop" (Back to Top)
it followed him along the Victoria blacktop about 7:00 PM. ( Skylook 41, p. 1/1967 #21241  
g on State Highway 135, a two-lane blacktop road, north of Freetown, he lat 1/17/1967 #21329  
## Word: "blacktown" (Back to Top)
                                   BLACKTOWN, NSW 2 observer(s). Huge disk  9/27/1978 #33756  
                                   BLACKTOWN, NSW Silent silver grey cylind 10/20/1978 #33845  
## Word: "blackwater" (Back to Top)
                                   Blackwater Lake, British Columbia Skeena 7/3/1896 #327  
y lit balloon traveling north near Blackwater Lake, British Columbia. The s 7/3/1896 #327  
                             I10 / BLACKWATER BRIDGE, FL 2 observer(s). Cyl 5/22/1995 #42219  
## Word: "blackwell" (Back to Top)
hting...At 1:45 pm T. Sgt. Quinton Blackwell visually scanned the skies sou 1/7/1948 #3536  
Tower Operator Tech/Sgt Quinton A. Blackwell, Capt. James F. Duesler Jr., B 1/7/1948 #3543  
n Louisville, Tech/Sgt. Quinton A. Blackwell at Godman Army Airfield at For 1/7/1948 #3544  
ctoria, Australia 1:00 a.m. George Blackwell, a farmer near Rosedale, Victo 9/30/1980 #35546  
 tank, then settles to the ground. Blackwell rides a motorcycle to the spot 9/30/1980 #35546  
found where the object rested, and Blackwell experiences health problems th 9/30/1980 #35546  
ralia 54-year-old caretaker George Blackwell heard a screeching whistle, an 9/30/1980 #35548  
le bellowed, panicked and ran. Mr. Blackwell suffered from physiological ef 9/30/1980 #35548  
                                   BLACKWELL, WORCS, ENGL 1 observer. 80' b 9/18/1996 #43030  
## Word: "blackwood" (Back to Top)
. Rod Lightfoot and another man in Blackwood Park, a suburb of Adelaide, So 4/29/1959 #15718  
                            WEST / BLACKWOOD, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 2 cops. Disk  11/20/1959 #16096  
, Massachusetts 3:20 a.m. Clarence Blackwood and his wife hear a roaring so 2/28/1961 #16615  
                              NEAR BLACKWOOD, WALES Several observer(s). Do 4/4/1973 #27402  
ndland Night. RCMP Constable James Blackwood receives a report about a UFO  10/26/1978 #33880  
l, and has a fin on its tail. When Blackwood flashes the lightbar on his cr 10/26/1978 #33880  
## Word: "blacky" (Back to Top)
tnesses:  U.S. Navy pilots Lt. jg. Blacky, Lt. jg. O'Neil. One inverted bow 4/14/1952 #6078  
## Word: "blacy" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / BLACY, FR 2+3 dogs / car. Silent faceted 10/22/1973 #28231  
d three dogs in a car just west of Blacy, Marne, France encountered a silen 10/22/1973 #28242  
## Word: "bladder" (Back to Top)
, England, sees a “strange looking bladder like monster the shape of an air Late 7/1921 #1012  
lver objects shaped like bullet or bladder.  They dove with a smoke trail a 10/15/1950 #5233  
morrhage with bursting of the gall bladder, he received a telepathic messag 8/11/1969 #25317  
## Word: "blade" (Back to Top)
ds, lateral wheels, and horizontal blade over it. Hooton spoke with a man w 4/20/1897 #543  
ds, lateral wheels, and horizontal blade over it. Hooton spoke with a man w 4/20/1897 #544  
teral wheels, and had a horizontal blade overhead. Hooton spoke with a man  4/20/1897 #547  
 small cups protruding from either blade.  Estimated size 6-8' long, 1.5-2' 7/29/1948 #3752  
 small cups protruding from either blade. It is 6–8 feet long and flying si 7/29/1948 #3753  
 small cups protruding from either blade, at 9:38 a.m. Its estimated size w 7/29/1948 #3754  
e shoulder with his knife, but the blade glances off. One of the dwarfs ins 11/28/1954 #11722  
he creatures with a knife, but the blade glanced off as if the creature’s b 11/28/1954 #11724  
unding fields (11:30 p.m.). “Every blade of grass stood out clearly” in the 9/3/1965 #19495  
onfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ming Blade” YieldMax: 20KT                    6/19/1974 #29214  
e surface of the ground, and every blade of grass appeared to be lit by it. 1982 #36284  
I 4+1 observer(s). 12m 3-lobed fan blade 30m over cornfield. Paces tractor. 7/26/1989 #39032  
## Word: "bladeless" (Back to Top)
CLERE, TASMANIA 1 observer. Silent bladeless helicopter glows over railroad 7/7/1982 #36532  
                         A silent, bladeless helicopter-shaped UFO glowed a 7/7/1982 #36533  
## Word: "bladen" (Back to Top)
ounters in Robeson, Hoke, Sampson, Bladen, Pitt, and Columbus counties in t 4/3/1975 #29953  
## Word: "bladenboro" (Back to Top)
                                   Bladenboro, NC Daniel Edwards was awaken 12/17/1981 #36262  
## Word: "bladensburg" (Back to Top)
                                   Bladensburg, Ohio 1:30 a.m. Two oil well 9/12/1952 #7904  
 silently for nearly 30 minutes at Bladensburg, Ohio. Suddenly it makes a n 9/12/1952 #7904  
## Word: "blades" (Back to Top)
object has a ring of small turbine blades that look like paddles in a water Early 8/1939 #1312  
ear and a dome with something like blades on top. An orange glow could be s 7/24/1952 #7113  
ear and a dome with something like blades on top. An orange glow could be s 7/25/1952 #7139  
r dome in the middle and six rotor blades, three in front and three in the  12/30/1954 #11882  
nd had what appeared to be two big blades revolving clockwise as it flew al 6/14/1964 #18358  
The object has Venetian blind–like blades on the rim that open and close; t 3/2/1965 #18832  
small helicopter without any rotor blades, doors or engines. There was a la 8/4/1980 #35441  
bject emerges a sheath with rotary blades, although the blades do not rotat 1/19/1988 #38416  
h with rotary blades, although the blades do not rotate. The disc is about  1/19/1988 #38416  
 sheath from which extended rotary blades like those seen on helicopters. T 1/19/1988 #38417  
sion as they watched, although the blades did not turn. The disc was about  1/19/1988 #38417  
ermal air current. It had "turbine blades" on the underside. It moved off t 5/11/2003 #44533  
## Word: "blados" (Back to Top)
c and Technical Information Walter Blados can locate the founding documents 9/1956 #13166  
## Word: "bladworth" (Back to Top)
                                   BLADWORTH, SSK Boy / 12. Red-glowing sil 5/20/1969 #25150  
## Word: "blagnac" (Back to Top)
st. 3 spheres going quickly east / Blagnac / 14 August.                     8/12/1952 #7548  
                     BEAUZELLE AND BLAGNAC, FR 2M delta/triangle/box-like c 4/12/1978 #33143  
## Word: "blagodati" (Back to Top)
                        lake Ozero Blagodati, Primorsky Krai, Russia Sea of 1956 #12637  
a of Japan Fishermen at lake Ozero Blagodati, Primorsky Krai, Russia, alleg 1956 #12637  
## Word: "blaine" (Back to Top)
                                   BLAINE AIR FORCE BASE, WA 10M saucer buz 1/12/1965 #18712  
                                   Blaine AFB, WA Driver Avoids Collision W 1/12/1965 #18714  
                                   Blaine Air Force Base, Washington A memb 1/12/1965 #18715  
                Lynden, Washington Blaine Air Force Station 1:00 a.m. Depar 1/12/1965 #18717  
rushing air. He learns that nearby Blaine Air Force Station [now closed] is 1/12/1965 #18717  
arwell, Minnesota 7:30 p.m. Robert Blaine is driving with five other witnes Early 1/1967 #21244  
                                   BLAINE, MN 2 observer(s). 100' grey dome 8/24/1975 #30301  
                   At 5:00 a.m. in Blaine, Minnesota a 100 foot in diameter 8/24/1975 #30304  
                           SOUTH / BLAINE, WA Bright 20' rectangle low over 11/13/1992 #40709  
## Word: "blair" (Back to Top)
eeting was held on 14 July 1949 at Blair House where President Harry S. Tru 8/17/1949 #4320  
                    Evansville, WI Blair Case (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 11/27/1950 #5293  
        Evansville, Wisconsin Bill Blair, a commercial pilot and flight ins 11/27/1950 #5294  
icopters. They were seen by Mr. B. Blair, a commercial airline pilot in fli 11/27/1950 #5295  
ures editors and journalists Frank Blair, David Brinkley, Clay Blair, and v 8/1/1952 #7410  
 Frank Blair, David Brinkley, Clay Blair, and various UFO witnesses.        8/1/1952 #7410  
e of Sedona, Arizona, lawyer Hilda Blair Ray, whose husband Bernerd had bee 5/5/2015 #45437  
## Word: "blairgowrie" (Back to Top)
, Scotland River Isla River Ericht Blairgowrie A cloud “like a house on fir 9/9/1767 #83  
ows that stream to the west toward Blairgowrie where it disappears. It is a 9/9/1767 #83  
                                   BLAIRGOWRIE, SCOTLAND Fireball. Odd hous 4/25/1984 #37287  
 above the ground over a garden in Blairgowrie, The Orkney Islands, Scotlan 4/25/1984 #37290  
                                   Blairgowrie, Scotland 6:00 p.m. A woman  4/25/1984 #37293  
0 p.m. A woman is in her garden at Blairgowrie, Scotland, working on a tape 4/25/1984 #37293  
 above the ground over a garden in Blairgowrie, The Orkney Islands, Scotlan 4/25/1984 #37295  
                                   Blairgowrie in The Orkney Islands, Scotl 6/25/1984 #37379  
rcumference was seen hovering over Blairgowrie in the Orkney Islands, Scotl 6/25/1984 #37381  
and at the apexes was sighted from Blairgowrie, Orkney Islands, UK at 11:00 12/10/2001 #44284  
## Word: "blairstown" (Back to Top)
                                   Blairstown (near), NJ Zoologist watched  10/2/1958 #15300  
## Word: "blairsville" (Back to Top)
                                   Blairsville, PA 7:00 p.m. EST. Two witne 3/1/1967 #21707  
                           NORTH / BLAIRSVILLE, PA 2 women westbound / US22 8/30/1991 #40173  
e night as the Alberta sighting in Blairsville, Pennsylvania at 11:15 p.m.  8/30/1991 #40175  
 US Highway 22 in Homer City, near Blairsville, Pennsylvania several separa 8/14/1992 #40573  
## Word: "blaison" (Back to Top)
                                   BLAISON, FR Saucer going down / farm. 2  11/20/1954 #11676  
## Word: "blake" (Back to Top)
isconsin to a married couple named Blake.                                   4/3/1968 #23887  
s. An American soldier named James Blake sees a large bright light hovering 7/1/1977 #32227  
## Word: "blakemore" (Back to Top)
t 4:20 p.m. a married couple named Blakemore encountered a black cylindrica 1/10/1978 #32871  
## Word: "blakeslee" (Back to Top)
 Wood) and F-84G (Col. Donald J.M. Blakeslee) saw object emitting 3 beams o 12/29/1952 #8459  
 Japan 7:48 p.m. Col. Donald J. M. Blakeslee, 27th Fighter Escort Wing, whi 12/29/1952 #8461  
hts colored white, green, and red. Blakeslee climbs to 35,000 feet, at whic 12/29/1952 #8461  
 Lewis, along with Sgt. Clifton W. Blakeslee and Sgt. William J. Long, agai 10/28/1975 #30500  
 Lewis, along with Sgt. Clifton W. Blakeslee and Sgt. William J. Long, agai 10/28/1975 #30503  
## Word: "blame" (Back to Top)
 wrongly, but honestly, placed the blame for their health problems onto wha 12/29/1980 #35757  
 that electromagnetic waves are to blame and even look into whether insects 10/24/2017 #45486  
## Word: "blamed" (Back to Top)
 for meat or torture. Deros can be blamed for nearly all misfortunes, from  11/1943 #1541  
in the area during that period and blamed on the same cause.                9/18/1962 #17415  
in the area during that period and blamed on the same cause.                9/18/1962 #17417  
co A "black object with flames" is blamed for burns suffered by an 8-year-o 6/2/1964 #18319  
d shoot away. Ultralite craft hoax blamed.                                  5/29/1986 #37897  
 Midnight. A diamond-shaped UFO is blamed for the unexplained collapse of a 3/5/1999 #43743  
## Word: "blames" (Back to Top)
osion at 64.3s. Commanding Officer blames “peculiar phenomena” for the acci 5/15/1947 #2282  
 Officer Lt. Col. Harold R. Turner blames “peculiar phenomena” for the acci 5/15/1947 #2284  
ief Bob Zeigler overrules them and blames “peculiar atmospheric conditions. 9/2/1952 #7829  
 station KVET in Kerrville, Texas, blames a 75-second interruption in its o 1/9/1953 #8523  
erland flavor for comfort.” Menzel blames the star Capella. The official fi 8/5/1953 #9049  
lamosa County Sheriff Ben Phillips blames Lady’s death on lightning. A few  9/9/1967 #23026  
ign of wreckage. The UK government blames a model aircraft.                 1/14/2001 #44124  
fied report from the following day blames the “spurious data” on equipment  11/21/2018 #45548  
## Word: "blaming" (Back to Top)
 announcement, and euphemistically blaming them on defective gas mains. The 9/7/1944 #1666  
y to read “cause unknown” to avoid blaming Taylor for the loss of five airc 12/5/1945 #1950  
he same as terrestrial magnesium,” blaming them for cherry-picking the Braz Early 9/1957 #13971  
 L. Weaver and Lt. James McAndrew, blaming the Roswell debris on a top-secr 7/1995 #42286  
## Word: "blanc" (Back to Top)
 Lugrin, near Thonon, France Elise Blanc approached an object looking like  8/23/1954 #10169  
                 On this day Elise Blanc approached an object that looked l 8/23/1954 #10172  
en and Serviers, 1 km from "Le Mas Blanc," Dr. Fabre, Mr. Court, and six ot 10/9/1954 #10842  
, France, 1 kilometer from "Le Mas Blanc," Dr. Fabre, Mr. Court, and six ot 10/9/1954 #10860  
                             GRAND BLANC, MI Joe Perry photographs domed sa 2/13/1960 #16171  
## Word: "blanca" (Back to Top)
                             Bahía Blanca Partido Macachín Estación Hidalgo 5/15/1950 #4944  
ing in an isolated region in Bahía Blanca Partido (possibly between Macachí 5/15/1950 #4944  
                               MT. BLANCA, CO Rancher. Domed saucer going [ 11/20/1952 #8303  
                              Casa Blanca, near Riverside, California A gro 8/22/1955 #12389  
                              Casa Blanca, near Riverside, California. At t 8/22/1955 #12390  
            Eight children in Casa Blanca, Riverside County, California, fr 8/29/1955 #12416  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Blanca” Yield: 22KT                      10/30/1958 #15402  
nte Espora Air Naval Base in Bahía Blanca, Argentina The A-12 achieves supe 5/4/1962 #17150  
nte Espora Air Naval Base in Bahía Blanca, Argentina.                       5/4/1962 #17150  
motorists on Highway 35 near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina 5/9/1962 #17155  
            RN35 NORTHWEST / BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Several observer(s). Railroa 5/12/1962 #17161  
                             Bahia Blanca Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Argentin 5/12/1962 #17165  
rto Zenobi) are driving from Bahia Blanca to Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Argen 5/12/1962 #17165  
nal del Sur, both in or near Bahia Blanca. It consists of calcium carbonate 5/12/1962 #17165  
ounter occurred northwest of Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina 5/12/1962 #17166  
                             BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Local photograph gets 2 shot 5/21/1962 #17184  
                             Bahia Blanca, Argentina Miguel Thomé, a report 5/21/1962 #17186  
s of a luminous object above Bahia Blanca, Argentina, one of which is exact 5/21/1962 #17186  
ndante Espora Air Naval Base Bahia Blanca, Argentina 7:10–7:45 p.m. A forma 5/22/1962 #17191  
nte Espora Air Naval Base in Bahia Blanca, Argentina, observes several UFOs 5/22/1962 #17191  
                             BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Large fireball drops small o 7/19/1965 #19125  
                        EAST / MT. BLANCA, CO Several separate observer(s). 9/28/1967 #23142  
                             BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Many observer(s). Strange bi 7/22/1968 #24201  
                             Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Mrs. E 8/31/1968 #24410  
          On this evening in Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina 9/19/1971 #26348  
 ranch in Estacion Gil, near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he  9/20/1971 #26354  
op problems while driving in Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina 8/8/1972 #26885  
ing home between Medanos and Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he  8/28/1972 #26966  
                       NEAR TIERRA BLANCA, MEXICO Truck malfunctions due to 5/22/1973 #27515  
                 FABENS AND SIERRA BLANCA AND CLINT, TX Brilliant object al 9/5/1973 #27765  
               Villa Bordeu, Bahia Blanca, Arg Dionisio Llanca humanoid enc 10/28/1973 #28308  
                   Highway 3 Bahía Blanca, Argentina 1:15 a.m. Truck driver 10/28/1973 #28309  
Highway 3 some 11 miles from Bahía Blanca, Argentina, when a UFO lands and  10/28/1973 #28309  
erted road at 1:15 a.m. near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina 10/28/1973 #28311  
treet, Ingeniero White, near Bahía Blanca, Argentina Buenos Aires Hospital  1/4/1975 #29715  
treet, Ingeniero White, near Bahía Blanca, Argentina, when he is blinded an 1/4/1975 #29715  
to Ingeniero, a town outside Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he  1/5/1975 #29723  
                             BAHIA BLANCA, ARG TV repairman. Car malfunctio 6/4/1976 #31083  
                     EAST / SIERRA BLANCA, TX 3 truckers. Strange owls. 30  12/23/1988 #38759  
     MT. LINDSAY, CO Observer(s) / Blanca. Large silver ovoid hovers over m 10/26/1994 #41813  
and daughter on the ground east of Blanca, Colorado on the Trinchera Ranch  12/17/2000 #44104  
## Word: "blancas" (Back to Top)
                             PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG Farmers. 21M black egg land 9/25/1956 #13243  
                             PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG Pseudo-human/entity asks ob 5/1/1957 #13634  
                             Pajas Blancas International Airport in Córdoba 5/1/1957 #13638  
otorcycle about 9 miles from Pajas Blancas International Airport in Córdoba 5/1/1957 #13638  
aveling down a road near the Pajas Blancas Airport in Cordoba province, Arg 5/1/1957 #13639  
                            BORJAS BLANCAS, SP 3 dark discs on edge! Approa 2/1962 #17029  
                             PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG Car malfunctions due to EME 6/5/1964 #18330  
      While driving near the Pajas Blancas airport in Cordoba province, Arg 6/5/1964 #18332  
                             AGUAS BLANCAS, ARG 3 small humanoids (or Greys 10/1/1965 #19631  
                             Aguas Blancas, Argentina Three students, Santo 10/1/1965 #19632  
o General San Martin School, Aguas Blancas, Salta province, Argentina when  10/1/1965 #19635  
                        NEAR PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG 2 airline crews. Bright obj 4/2/1974 #28989  
 mountain on the Rio Bermejo Aguas Blancas, Bolivia Tarija, Bolivia Wright- 5/6/1978 #33190  
 reporters visit the town of Aguas Blancas, Bolivia, to interview witnesses 5/6/1978 #33190  
enos Aires Rosario Argentina Pajas Blancas Airport Uruguay Brazil Chile Par 6/14/1980 #35368  
he surface of the river.” At Pajas Blancas Airport in Córdoba, a UFO causes 6/14/1980 #35368  
## Word: "blanchard" (Back to Top)
ogordo to alert Colonel William H. Blanchard, Roswell AAF commanding office 7/5/1947 #2718  
ashington, D.C. Colonel William H. Blanchard, Roswell AAF commanding office 7/6/1947 #2812  
returns to the base and reports to Blanchard on what he has seen. Blanchard 7/6/1947 #2812  
 to Blanchard on what he has seen. Blanchard, convinced that he is in posse 7/6/1947 #2812  
xt higher headquarters. Marcel and Blanchard all know this is from not any  7/6/1947 #2812  
nder of the Strategic Air Command, Blanchard obtains more of the debris fro 7/6/1947 #2812  
 a.m. Marcel and Cavitt visit with Blanchard in his quarters and tell him w 7/8/1947 #3011  
 and tell him what they have seen. Blanchard calls base Provost Marshal Maj 7/8/1947 #3011  
scort the MPs to the debris field. Blanchard calls Eighth Air Force headqua 7/8/1947 #3011  
reliminary briefing is provided by Blanchard about the separate impact site 7/8/1947 #3012  
New Mexico 11:00 a.m. Col. William Blanchard dictates a press release about 7/8/1947 #3015  
      Corona, New Mexico 2:30 p.m. Blanchard decides it is time to “go on l 7/8/1947 #3021  
 received a call from Col. William Blanchard who said he possessed “flying  7/8/1947 #3029  
igues states that by order of Col. Blanchard, the nine men who had been ass 7/25/1947 #3230  
altech aeronautics professor Clark Blanchard Millikan agrees, saying: “If a 4/4/1950 #4792  
reek, Alaska, with Gen. William H. Blanchard when he finds out his wife is  Mid 2/1953 #8676  
o give birth in Chicago, Illinois. Blanchard offers to personally fly him i Mid 2/1953 #8676  
 their conversation turns to UFOs. Blanchard unexpectedly mentions the 1947 Mid 2/1953 #8676  
ton, Wiltshire, England Farmer Roy Blanchard of Charlton, Wiltshire, Englan 7/16/1963 #17833  
. Mike and Jeff Goodwin and Robert Blanchard are driving in Byron, Illinois 12/12/1983 #37071  
was good friends with Gen. William Blanchard, former Roswell base commander 1/1/2008 #45110  
 Roswell base commander; he states Blanchard told him an “alien spacecraft” 1/1/2008 #45110  
## Word: "blanchardville" (Back to Top)
 landing traces were also found in Blanchardville, Wisconsin by Robert John 9/5/1981 #36103  
                      Witnesses in Blanchardville, Wisconsin reported a sho 9/13/1999 #43844  
## Word: "blanche" (Back to Top)
al in each case. The FBI has carte blanche on this until 1965.              5/20/1954 #9820  
e for super technology, gave carte blanche to the ETs to conduct experiment 12/29/1987 #38378  
## Word: "blanche-eglise" (Back to Top)
                                   BLANCHE-EGLISE, MSL, FR 3 separate obser 10/2/1954 #10599  
## Word: "blanchon" (Back to Top)
hem turned towards the mill of Mr. Blanchon, emitting a yell and making ges 10/18/1954 #11215  
## Word: "blanco" (Back to Top)
                              Cape Blanco (40 miles from), OR 2 balls of fi 11/12/1947 #3484  
                              Cape Blanco, Oregon Early morning. US Navy Se 11/12/1947 #3485  
ga 40 miles north or south of Cape Blanco, Oregon, sees two fireballs with  11/12/1947 #3485  
                              PICO BLANCO, COSTA RICA Series / night lights 10/20/1977 (approximate) #32591  
         San José, Costa Rica Pico Blanco Several witnesses in San José, Co 10/20/1977 #32594  
a, see lighted objects around Pico Blanco, a mountain to the south of town. 10/20/1977 #32594  
## Word: "blanco-1" (Back to Top)
ed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Rio Blanco-1” Yield: 99KT                    5/17/1973 #27498  
## Word: "bland" (Back to Top)
eaturing a narrative by Menger and bland piano music written by his wife Co 1957 #13431  
veton, Missouri Witness:  Mr. R.W. Bland. One object, 100' in diameter, wit 2/9/1968 #23744  
## Word: "blandford" (Back to Top)
                                   BLANDFORD, MA Project Bluebook Case #793 5/26/1962 #17204  
                                   BLANDFORD, DORSET 2 observer(s). Black c 1/10/1978 (approximate) #32865  
l UFO with a turret at the rear in Blandford, Dorset, England. The UFO emit 1/10/1978 #32871  
## Word: "blandiniere" (Back to Top)
At 6:30 p.m. a single witness, Mr. Blandiniere, watched a luminous cigar-sh 3/1/1974 #28841  
## Word: "blandón-ross" (Back to Top)
aim that the drug ring of Meneses- Blandón-Ross sparked the “crack explosio 8/18/1996 #42985  
## Word: "blank" (Back to Top)
iving things than that the seeming blank of the ocean, should swarm with li 10/1923 #1035  
France, when his radar screen goes blank. Another crewman shouts to look at 8/11/1944 #1641  
e. Film going [to] military. Shows blank.                                   8/22/1946 #2148  
om Germany to Project SIGN: Capt. (blank) is an experienced pilot and compl 11/23/1948 #3884  
ltitude of 25 feet. The radio goes blank and the motor coughs and continues 1/29/1954 #9512  
utters overhead. Air pulsates. TVs blank out.                               4/21/1954 #9698  
aucer outside changes color(s). TV blank and needed repair. / NICAP.        7/1954 #9972  
nfire at times. Sutton fires point blank at it, knocking it from the roof,  8/21/1955 #12386  
es. Still other sets go completely blank. After the UFO leaves at 7:15, all 9/19/1963 #17946  
n it climbed, their car radio went blank, and the car's engine lost power.  8/30/1964 #18523  
, New Hampshire, when the set goes blank. Going outside to see if the anten 1/15/1965 #18739  
 pistol, loads it, and fires point blank at the object. He hears the bullet 5/13/1967 #22336  
s. At Duluth, they draw a complete blank with denials all around.           9/11/1967 #23046  
 12:45 a.m., and their TV set went blank. A thunderous roar like a jet airc 3/3/1968 #23816  
ave been human like, but contained blank looks.                             6/14/1968 #24034  
ard him. The ramp sloped up to the blank hull. There was no opening visible 8/15/1970 #25787  
moment Valeria's mind seemed to go blank and she did not come to until 10:1 9/7/1970 #25828  
t the size of a minibus. They have blank faces and pointed heads and are we 4/19/1977 #32001  
 looked at his colleague who had a blank stare on his face; he too could no 11/1977 #32648  
g looking at them. Her memory went blank at this point, but she does recall 3/11/1978 #33034  
uency Interference (RFI) / TV then blank and silent. Saucer-cylinder/cigar- 10/7/1978 #33804  
O in Kuwait, but the film came out blank when developed.                    11/19/1978 #33964  
 "boxing gloves." Their faces were blank except for what appeared to be a b 7/25/1979 #34681  
 the car stopped and then she went blank. She could only remember getting b 9/1982 #36588  
o different cameras all develop as blank. Chemical analyses of the beads sh 1/29/1986 #37775  
1M over roof. Windows. Photographs blank.                                   8/24/1987 #38254  
were taken but the images came out blank. The incident lasted three minutes 8/24/1987 #38255  
Sudden fog. 2 observer(s) minds go blank. Ovoid landed / sand. Abduction la 12/1988 #38730  
 Vanishes / Pensacola. Photographs blank.                                   4/18/1990 #39535  
finishes the meal, her memory goes blank and she finds herself back in the  7/6/1990 #39637  
US journalist Tim Weiner publishes Blank Check: The Pentagon’s Black Budget 9/1990 #39712  
he equipment to malfunction and go blank. Going outside, the operators see  9/13/1990 #39729  
ely and the television screen went blank. At this point all three then saw  7/21/1991 #40129  
l expressions were almost entirely blank. Stunned by their surprise appeara 7/23/1992 #40531  
 saucer with lights. Film roll all blank include/including family photograp 11/4/1993 #41263  
w his father standing there with a blank expression on his face. Besides hi 2/6/1996 #42743  
nd her friend’s digital watch goes blank.                                   3/30/2000 #43971  
e to speak to them. The dream went blank for a bit, and then the witness fo 9/3/2003 #44592  
## Word: "blanked" (Back to Top)
uston, TX Car motor stalled, radio blanked with static, during UFO sighting 11/6/1957 #14396  
West Virginia when suddenly the TV blanked out. A very fine herringbone pat 11/15/1966 #21109  
h the sky at a very high speed. He blanked out and could not remember anyth 4/20/1969 #25075  
## Word: "blanket" (Back to Top)
sses an object like a large woolly blanket that takes up his entire windshi 4/25/1945 #1854  
. Resting un-shrouded on a special blanket on dry ice. Heads were hairless, 1953? #8470  
aveled at high speed, and wafted a blanket of a web-like material, commonly 10/22/1954 #11324  
cal Society, stating that a “world blanket of secrecy” surrounds UFO report 2/24/1967 #21642  
aked but covered with a light blue blanket. Her wrists were bound to the ta 10/16/1973 #28089  
with tubes and wires attached. Her blanket was removed and a thin pencil-li 10/16/1973 #28089  
. Soon the examiner placed another blanket over her, which provided badly n 10/16/1973 #28089  
he table. He lifted the end of the blanket form the bottom and stared at he 10/16/1973 #28089  
ere wearing coverall type suits. A blanket was put over her head but she wa 10/30/1977 #32640  
id, screamed out and hid under his blanket. He then heard a loud buzzing so 2/18/1981 #35832  
an covered the young girl with the blanket and then heard a strong ringing  9/13/1990 #39730  
nly awakened him. He hid under his blanket, but had the sensation that he w 5/11/1994 #41523  
ghtened and covered herself with a blanket, while the boy saw what appeared 7/22/1996 #42963  
a large form, like a white-silvery blanket approach from the nearby hill. I 7/22/1996 #42963  
t is later identified as a thermal blanket that became dislodged and lost d 12/11/1998 #43698  
 witness covered his head with his blanket and began to pray. After ten min 1/17/2000 #43929  
ed his knee and then pulled on the blanket. It then vanished in full view.  1/26/2003 #44480  
saw the alien's face he pulled his blanket over his face. Moments later, wh 11/25/2005 #44906  
ents later, while hiding under the blanket, he heard shuffling noises on th 11/25/2005 #44906  
## Word: "blanketed" (Back to Top)
ge area of St. Louis, Missouri, is blanketed by a pure-white, sticky substa 10/8/1969 #25400  
## Word: "blankets" (Back to Top)
 tuck her young daughter under the blankets in Rudnyi, Kustanay region, Kaz 9/13/1990 #39730  
ck in the morning, followed by the blankets being thrown off their bed. The 12/12/1997 #43458  
0 lbs.). His dog hid under the bed blankets shaking with fear. The creature 1/26/2003 #44480  
 to her bedroom and hid under some blankets. However, the craft then shone  8/28/2009 #45239  
## Word: "blankly" (Back to Top)
wn. They seemed to be just staring blankly. Nearby them was a UFO about the 2/27/1977 #31853  
## Word: "blanks" (Back to Top)
es E. Lundy and First Officer Leon Blanks are flying a National Airlines C- 7/10/1952 #6751  
f Intelligence. It is printed with blanks for deleted passages and boldface 3/1972 #26584  
## Word: "blanquilla" (Back to Top)
                                LA BLANQUILLA ISLAND, VNZ Top-saucer spins  8/30/1965 #19473  
                                La Blanquilla, Venezuela A spinning, top-sh 8/30/1965 #19476  
                             In La Blanquilla, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela a s 8/30/1965 #19479  
## Word: "blanton" (Back to Top)
etter to USAF Maj. Gen. Charles C. Blanton requesting incident reports.     12/20/1978 #34183  
rites to USAF Maj. Gen. Charles C. Blanton requesting UAP nuclear incident  12/20/1978 #34186  
h alert. Historians such as Thomas Blanton, director of the National Securi 11/7/1983 #37044  
## Word: "blanzay" (Back to Top)
                                   BLANZAY, FR 1 / car. Saucer in field. Sh 10/10/1954 (approximate) #10871  
## Word: "blanzy" (Back to Top)
                                   BLANZY / MONTCEAU-LES-MINES, FR Cylinder 9/30/1954 #10503  
At one o'clock in the afternoon in Blanzy, France two bricklayers, Romain d 9/30/1954 #10520  
                                   Blanzy, France Two bricklayers, Sebastia 10/1/1954 #10556  
pproached a cigar-shaped object in Blanzy, Saone-Loire department, France t 10/1/1954 #10572  
## Word: "blares" (Back to Top)
a, and then turns to Las Vegas. It blares brightly like a “tremendous, flam 4/18/1962 #17120  
## Word: "blast" (Back to Top)
                       TORINO, ITL Blast shakes sky. Blue object shoots fla 1/2/1756 #76  
il appears / storm. 1/2 moon-size. Blast. Dissipates.                       12/17/1852 #147  
USKA NORTH / VANAVARA, RUSSIA Huge blast flattens area. Meteor going quickl 6/30/1908 #708  
iga, equivalent to a thermonuclear blast, sometimes interpreted as the cras 6/30/1908 #710  
a light pillar created by a nearby blast furnace.                           7/19/1916 #950  
ical staff focus on personnel with blast or fire injuries. Within a day, th 12/2/1943 #1549  
le, then vanishes. Rapuzzi feels a blast of wind that blows him across the  8/14/1947 #3330  
ansas, and the concussion from the blast breaks windows and rocks buildings 2/18/1948 #3579  
ps the first atomic bomb, the Able blast, for testing in the US onto a dry  1/27/1951 #5419  
over atomic test 20 minutes before blast. More join.                        10/30/1951 #5751  
 Nevada Test Site. Just before the blast, they see at an altitude of a few  10/30/1951 #5754  
 created after an Atomic bomb test blast.                                   4/15/1952 #6083  
large or very close / 7 minute(s). Blast / exit.                            10/1/1952 #8079  
       Pascagoula, MS Heard a loud blast and saw a round, milky-white objec 10/1/1952 #8081  
 away very fast in an arc.  A loud blast was heard at the start of the 22 m 10/1/1952 #8083  
FFIOULX, BELGIUM Saucer stops. Big blast. Angel hair falls and evaporates.  5/16/1953 #8878  
cing acute radiation syndrome. The blast incites international reaction ove 3/1/1954 #9584  
ing patterns above the area of the blast. Task force headquarters advises t 3/1/1954 #9585  
liant red fireball rises / ground. Blast and crater. No meteor fragments. / 5/1/1954 #9742  
 8-mile area near Logan, Utah. The blast nearly upsets cars, throws open he 5/1/1954 #9744  
 force, and this was followed by a blast of cold air.                       9/18/1954 #10351  
ough one of three portholes, but a blast of heat emanating from the ship pr 12/27/1954 #11864  
h hypnotic intensity. Then, with a blast of hot air, the craft rose and sho 12/27/1954 #11865  
Nellis AFB. "The object shot out a blast like at least 50 jet planes at onc 1/17/1957 #13463  
emporarily evacuated. Another test blast buckles aircraft hangar doors in A 5/28/1957 #13684  
rsonnel are evacuated prior to the blast, but the military neglects to secu 7/5/1957 #13779  
ructed to see how each handles the blast. The Mosler Safe Company sponsors  7/5/1957 #13779  
 of a steel vault to withstand the blast. Some 100 soldiers, lying in trenc 7/5/1957 #13779  
 800 miles out in the Pacific. The blast wave reaches Los Angeles 25 minute 7/5/1957 #13779  
her stand under ground zero of the blast, which takes place at between 18,5 7/19/1957 #13814  
of wind. The truck rocked from the blast and a lot of heat was felt. Later  11/2/1957 #14221  
he UFO approached. They felt a hot blast of air and heard a high pitched so 12/8/1957 #14696  
rly capsized. They felt a powerful blast of heat and a strong blast of air. 6/12/1958 #15092  
owerful blast of heat and a strong blast of air. As it went by it made a fa 6/12/1958 #15092  
n. The light from the 28-mile-high blast is visible for about 5 minutes, bu 8/11/1958 #15191  
und. It rose vertically emitting a blast of flame, and then sped away horiz 9/7/1959 #15961  
 hovering 4 feet off the ground. A blast of wind from the object nearly kno 3/15/1965 #18859  
ted a jet-like sound followed by a blast of air. His dogs howled. Then a be 3/15/1965 #18860  
n, perhaps similar to the Tunguska blast of 1909, affected an area of nearl 3/31/1965 #18882  
                       DELLROY, OH Blast heard. 28' depression. Wheat plant 6/28/1965 #19029  
dridge and his family heard a loud blast outside their mobile home trailer  11/24/1965 #19734  
s in the following minutes. Then a blast of air from the object sends debri 3/29/1966 #20139  
ard until the object again, with a blast of air stirring up debris and the  3/29/1966 #20139  
it accelerated. The witness felt a blast of air from the object, which left 3/29/1966 #20142  
 hovered directly over the exhaust blast coming from the rocket for 90 seco 5/11/1966 #20478  
/ field. Blow steam. Pace car. Big blast.                                   12/25/1966 #21218  
ree bright reddish-orange lights.  Blast at beginning of 90 minute sighting 12/25/1966 #21220  
o miles south of Monroe, Oregon. A blast of wind from the UFOs knocked one  12/25/1966 #21221  
 uniform pattern of small holes. A blast of hot gas erupts from the grid, s 5/20/1967 #22382  
nd he was blown backwards by a hot blast of air. The object then started sp 5/20/1967 #22384  
b 75cm UFO near ground. Flies with blast. / FSR'68#3.                       6/20/1967 #22521  
o seize it, the object rose with a blast, circled and flew away.            6/20/1967 #22522  
o seize it, the object rose with a blast, circled and flew away.            6/20/1967 #22523  
pl. K. McArthur hears another loud blast that rattles windows on the base.  8/28/1967 #22943  
va Scotia. Putnam feels an intense blast of radiation, forcing him to cover 10/25/1967 #23322  
g coveralls. A violent flash and a blast of hot air were noted as the objec 7/31/1968 #24270  
ht, and a sensation of heat with a blast of wind. A few seconds later nothi 7/31/1968 #24272  
 spinning metallic umbrella. Hums. Blast / air.                             1/25/1969 #24869  
he humming sound again and feels a blast of air as it moves away. The Brazi 6/26/1969 #25236  
rd a click and two seconds later a blast threw him against the vehicle's co 5/21/1971 #26121  
th eyes, as if it was some kind of blast shield, but the nasal area joined  8/16/1971 #26291  
                    PIKESVILLE, MD Blast and loud humming. Red transparent  10/17/1973 #28111  
he area appears “swept” as if by a blast.                                   12/6/1973 #28533  
 feel as though they are “hit by a blast of wind or force field.” The engin 2/14/1974 #28772  
ted into neutral. They then felt a blast of wind shake the truck and saw an 2/14/1974 #28773  
 hear a whistling sound and feel a blast of air. The UFO speeds away, conti 4/16/1974 #29040  
g a whistling sound. With a strong blast of air that nearly knocked the wit 4/16/1974 #29042  
minous ovoid / wobbly landing. Big blast. Going up [to] and going quickly w 5/20/1974 #29116  
object settles down, it releases a blast of hot air that blows dust on he b 8/16/1974 #29362  
 came in to land. It landed with a blast of hot air, and gave off blue spar 8/16/1974 #29364  
re dome and lights. Lands / field. Blast / hot air on takeoff. Carbon.      8/28/1974 #29392  
a deafening beeping sound, feels a blast of heat, and sees a bright metalli 2/14/1975 #29812  
rill fireball maneuvers and lands. Blast and fire. No traces. / r162p162.   1/18/1976 #30797  
sed on 12V batteries, and a sudden blast of hot air was felt by the several 10/30/1976 #31511  
erve the object, but were hit by a blast of heat as the object departed. Th 11/8/1976 #31532  
D, NFL Fireball. Huge unidentified blast. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Sm 4/2/1978 #33114  
unities explode at the time of the blast. It is initially thought to be cau 4/2/1978 #33119  
 saucer and night lights maneuver. Blast and traces. Crash? / International 5/6/1978 #33189  
e object but was knocked down by a blast of wind. The craft began to glow a 6/16/1978 #33282  
s vegetation rustling, and feels a blast of air. Climbing up the riverbank  9/18/1978 #33708  
club to hit it, but he feels a hot blast and falls backward into the snow.  9/23/1978 #33736  
 emits a louder noise, gives off a blast of air, and moves off to the east. 9/30/1980 #35546  
fragments and bones are found at a blast site on Mount Prevost. Though DNA  11/29/1980 #35683  
 over trees / back yard. Flash and blast. Fuses Blown and burnt.            7/3/1986 #37928  
ld create an EMP without a nuclear blast. McDonnell Douglas was awarded the 1990 #39357  
e object through a gap made by the blast. The expedition then noticed sever 8/28/1991 #40168  
the restaurant's front window in a blast of light. Joseph saw the three hum 1/12/1993 #40794  
oids enter, but instead of a light blast he saw one carrying something that 1/12/1993 #40794  
g with the rock face. Although the blast is seen in Kraków, registered on s 1/14/1993 #40795  
me in Lothian, Scotland, showing a blast or other disturbance underneath. T 11/29/1995 #42631  
rey metallic disks / 50M altitude. Blast of air. Rapid exit. Observer(s) un 10/22/1996 #43088  
aving behind an odor reimiscent of blast furnaces ar a steel factory.       6/6/1997 #43315  
 grip on Simon. There was a sudden blast of bright light and the creature v 1/4/2003 #44468  
evacuation of the village near the blast site, suggesting grave dangers due 8/8/2019 #45604  
## Word: "blast-buzzing" (Back to Top)
        SOUTHWEST / WILKESBORO, NC Blast-buzzing noise. Disk going quickly  7/14/1947 #3176  
## Word: "blasted" (Back to Top)
    Ventspils, Russia Russian Jets Blasted Out of the Sky (NICAP: 11 - Avia 8/26/1983 #36958  
ey were standing guard seems to be blasted by an explosion. Their wrist wat 9/13/1990 #39729  
## Word: "blasting" (Back to Top)
ams emanating from the object are “blasting deer or porcupines from the woo 2/1975 #29781  
n exploded from within its center, blasting it into almost two equal parts  8/28/1991 #40168  
## Word: "blasts" (Back to Top)
ver / 12 hours. Other clouds move. Blasts. Big ash fall.                    5/1/1812 #106  
tense white light” accompanies the blasts.                                  7/28/1946 #2083  
SINGTON SPRS, SD Farmer Barta. 1+2 blasts. 2' orange globe hovers over yard 7/7/1947 #2917  
than we have ever experienced.” He blasts the US government for a policy of 2/25/1951 #5458  
ram, which uses subaural frequency blasts to erase memory. However, the pro 4/13/1953 #8823  
estrictions on UFO information and blasts its policy on Lou Corbin’s radio  6/9/1954 #9882  
AF plane circles and exits. Saucer blasts red and going quickly south.      9/5/1954 #10249  
e seen / 25km coastline. Smoke and blasts. On RADAR / 39 minute(s). Extreme 9/17/1954 #10327  
stralia Operation Antler series of blasts Late one afternoon, a British RAF Late 10/1957 #14156  
ere the Operation Antler series of blasts have occurred (September 14, 25,  Late 10/1957 #14156  
        Pretoria, S. Africa Saucer Blasts Off From Highway (NICAP: 02 - Clo 9/16/1965 #19572  
orth going south. Low and slow. 12 blasts heard / Krim-Krim / 2100h.        9/7/1977 #32465  
rom the north to the south. Twelve blasts or explosions were heard. At nine 9/7/1977 #32471  
up speed slowly for 7 seconds, and blasts off with a shower of sparks trail 6/19/1979 #34622  
d sphere/orb/globe flashes / faint blasts. Plane goes under. Sphere/orb/glo 7/27/1979 #34682  
 the treetops, and it was emitting blasts of fire and a continuous roar tha 12/29/1980 #35758  
 BALTIC SEA 16' fireball paces and blasts hole in Russian jet. Near crash.  10/16/1981 #36173  
ERM Several RAF pilots. 2 terrific blasts. UFO's in formation. Type unknown 11/5/1990 #39865  
ge in New Mexico, MIRACL sends two blasts of its deuterium fluoride laser a 10/17/1997 #43431  
## Word: "blatant" (Back to Top)
men, and NCOs. The sheer scope and blatant ostentation of the UFOs’ reporte 8/1/1965 #19242  
crafts and orbs and night lights / blatant acrobatics. Impossible maneuvers 6/15/1997 #43323  
o see the object. One describes a “blatant” disc-shaped craft hovering over 11/7/2006 #44981  
## Word: "blatchford" (Back to Top)
ebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Blatchford. Luminous hoops maneuver in s 12/8/1965 #19756  
## Word: "blatterbauer" (Back to Top)
ghier, Jeff Goodpaster, and Sandra Blatterbauer conduct a study on the psyc 1991 #39934  
## Word: "blauzac" (Back to Top)
                                   BLAUZAC, FR 35cm glowing-ball over dog / 6/1967 #22435  
## Word: "blayais" (Back to Top)
he Bugey Nuclear Power Plant, Ain; Blayais Nuclear Power Plant near Blaye,  10/5/2014 #45416  
## Word: "blaydon" (Back to Top)
                                   BLAYDON, ENG 1 / train. Domed circular o 9/1959 #15947  
## Word: "blaye" (Back to Top)
                      MARCILLAC DE BLAYE, FR Funnel-shape UFO northeast goi 10/7/1954 #10766  
                Creys-Malville Ain Blaye, Gironde Moselle Ardennes Nord Aub 10/5/2014 #45416  
; Blayais Nuclear Power Plant near Blaye, Gironde; the Cattenom Nuclear Pow 10/5/2014 #45416  
## Word: "blaze" (Back to Top)
ilot at 25,000 feet sees an object blaze across the nose of his airplane. T 7/29/1952 #7319  
n Portola Road was engulfed in the blaze. Metal pellets were found.         8/27/1954 #10191  
Kentucky. After a minute, a bluish blaze of fire comes from the bottom and  9/7/1959 #15960  
red wasteland. Firemen put out the blaze, but the area is overflown by ligh 9/13/1978 #33671  
face from time to time. Two flames blaze on opposite sides, while another m 4/22/1986 #37833  
s moving back and forth, and a red blaze of light coming from the ring.     3/18/1991 #40021  
 moon but not as bright as the sun blaze over northeast Australia. A farmer 5/16/2006 #44943  
## Word: "blazes" (Back to Top)
 / highway 90. Large metallic disk blazes going quickly south. Fireball?    12/20/1954 #11842  
## Word: "blazhis" (Back to Top)
ith a light beam. Two sentries, A. Blazhis and A. Varenitsa, allegedly disa 9/13/1990 #39729  
## Word: "blazing" (Back to Top)
 County, Nebraska, allegedly see a blazing object fall from the sky and cra 6/6/1884 #258  
wn. It seems to come from a “great blazing light, almost a ball of fire,” t 1/22/1935 #1223  
 watch a long, slender object of a blazing red, green, and yellow color mov 1941 #1352  
ts; altered course; fiery head and blazing stern. (Page 54 Ref.1) (NICAP: 0 1/2/1944 #1561  
ndow wakes 1 observer(s). Sun-size blazing sphere/orb/globe hovers outside. 7/4/1947 #2595  
OUTHEAST / CLEARWATER, FL Trucker. Blazing 15M saucer stops overhead. Shoot 8/5/1952 #7454  
                     FAIRFAX, VA 4 blazing discs over police station/depot/ 9/21/1952 #7992  
 fireball going quickly northeast. Blazing cylinder/cigar-shape / ground la 10/5/1954 #10713  
o] vertical with whistle sound and blazing red.                             10/15/1954 (approximate) #11090  
tically making a whistle sound and blazing red in color.                    10/15/1954 #11123  
 Many observer(s) and photographs. Blazing ovoid loops over city. Darkens.  5/15/1955 #12133  
ter saw an oval disc-shaped object blazing with white lights over Denver, C 8/12/1956 #13073  
                   NGARUAWAHIA, NZ Blazing Saturn saucer wakes man. Whirrs. 10/8/1956 #13267  
 SOUTH FRANCISCO / SALES, BRZ Avb. Blazing disc? plays tag 20x / farm field 10/14/1957 #14106  
on, when at 9:45 p.m. he watched a blazing object, possibly disc shaped, pl 10/14/1957 #14112  
   JAVNGYDE, DK All scouts / camp. Blazing vertical ovoid hovers. Lights ar 5/26/1958 #15049  
                 UTRECH-WEST, NTHL Blazing grey disk hovers. Dims. Shoots a 7/30/1958 #15159  
  TOPEKA, KS Separate observer(s). Blazing fireball floats / low altitude.  11/11/1958 #15436  
Y BRIDGE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 2 / car. Blazing gold coin-disk over road. Arcs u 3/20/1959 #15658  
              JUSTIN, TX Deputies. Blazing fireball lands near Wagle Mounta 8/2/1965 #19248  
r about 3 feet as the UFO departs, blazing long after it is out of sight. L 9/16/1965 #19574  
CHESTER STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, NS Blazing disk follows train / low altitud 10/25/1967 #23312  
        NNE / WENATCHEE, WA 2+cop. Blazing fireball hovers over dam. Goes n 12/15/1967 #23588  
rver(s) / (seen thru) telescope. 2 blazing ovoids over Halifax. Going west  10/7/1968 #24546  
TA, ARG Many observer(s) and film. Blazing saucer stops / minutes. Maneuver 5/1/1971 #26094  
 Motion picture film was shot of a blazing saucer-shaped object over Mar de 5/1/1971 #26095  
                    LAPPI, FINLAND Blazing ovoid lands. 3 pod marks-1 has b 5/4/1971 #26100  
                     ACHERES, FR 2 blazing spheres hover. 3rd joins. #1+2 s 9/8/1971 #26324  
            VILLENUEVE-SUR-LOT, FR Blazing ovoid / road. Diesel malfunction 3/25/1973 #27375  
rance had a close encounter with a blazing ovoid object on the road ahead.  3/25/1973 #27377  
gar-shape going down / vineyard. 4 blazing lights. Going [to] up road. / r3 2/17/1974 #28775  
de department, France. It had four blazing lights on display as it moved up 2/17/1974 #28778  
                  L'ILE D'ALBE, FR Blazing 5M peanut shape in tree! Vanishe 12/11/1974 #29636  
SOUTHEAST / GERENA, SP 6 / 2 cars. Blazing ovoid going down. Follows panick 4/26/1975 #30005  
COL. DE MANSE, FR 1 / N554 = D944. Blazing ovoid over lake. Tilts 45°. Spin 12/9/1975 #30699  
 VENON, FR 1 observer. House-sized blazing mass / ground. Shape unknown / t 1/7/1976 #30772  
                        PORTER, TX Blazing object responds / police spotlig 7/21/1977 #32295  
                      VICENZA, ITL Blazing 1.5M disk-light / X-low altitude 8/13/1977 #32397  
 Nurse and 2 separate observer(s). Blazing disk lights valley like day. Goi 9/19/1977 #32495  
 up [to] by railroad/railway line. Blazing light / end. Tilts vertical. Goi 2/21/1978 #32986  
NEAR VAASA, FINL 2 observer(s). 3M blazing saucer passes boat / very low al 9/1980 #35487  
           LABATUT, FR Dog scared. Blazing 20M burger-saucer over road by f 10/16/1980 #35571  
       NEAR CAPETOWN, RSA 2 / car. Blazing rocket maneuvers. Shoots going u 12/1980 (approximate) #35685  
ia when his car was enveloped in a blazing light which allegedly melted his 9/16/1981 #36118  
car. Large object 100' away with 2 blazing lights. Odd cone / silence.      4/17/1982 #36445  
WEST / LEXINGTON, NE 3 / van. 100' blazing disk hovers 80' over I80. 15+col 1/8/1984 #37110  
hovers / roadhouse. Fridge shakes. Blazing lights.                          7/1984 #37383  
                    BALDIM, BRAZIL Blazing ovoid chases man off of bicycle. 6/1990 #39602  
lorida with a curved shape above a blazing red light on the bottom. There w 11/5/1991 #40218  
                        NAUJAC, FR Blazing cylinder/cigar-shape with 2 rows 11/28/1991 #40247  
     BONDY, FR 2 observer(s). Huge blazing dome hovers / 5 minute(s). Rises 1/21/1993 #40808  
       HUCKNALL, NOTTS 1 observer. Blazing delta/triangle/box-like craft ju 11/14/1993 #41274  
           CARP, ONT 2 / car. Huge blazing fireball follows car home. Respo 12/1/1993 #41314  
essway New York side Waterloo Cafe Blazing Star Burial Ground Evening–night 7/14/2001 #44208  
aterloo Cafe, located opposite the Blazing Star Burial Ground on Arthur Kil 7/14/2001 #44208  
## Word: "blazingly" (Back to Top)
r 80 feet over the highway. It was blazingly brilliant and had more than 15 1/8/1984 #37112  
r 80 feet over the highway. It was blazingly brilliant and had more than 15 1/8/1984 #37115  
## Word: "blazzard" (Back to Top)
ays. Nearly 50 years later, Theron Blazzard admits to the Logan Herald-Jour 5/1/1954 #9744  
## Word: "blc1" (Back to Top)
 982.992 MHz radio signal, labeled BLC1, emitted from Proxima Centauri. Res 4/2019 #45570  
## Word: "bldg" (Back to Top)
ky" windows like airport/apartment bldg.                                    2/16/1988 #38468  
## Word: "bldh" (Back to Top)
arge round object hovers / capitol BLDH. Wavers. Quickly going up [to] stra 7/27/1952 #7196  
## Word: "bldv" (Back to Top)
his wife, driving north on Decatur Bldv., observed a huge white ball which  1/17/1957 #13463  
## Word: "ble" (Back to Top)
ensible radio dialogue, e.g. "bla, ble, bli, bla."                          9/6/1978 #33641  
## Word: "bleached" (Back to Top)
e shoulders, which are nothing but bleached bones. The cut in the neck look 9/9/1967 #23026  
the taller stand of tea tree, also bleached and dead. He remembers seeing t 9/4/1969 #25351  
emoved by cutting, and the jaw was bleached white.                          4/1/1993 #40923  
## Word: "bleachers" (Back to Top)
the crowd on the uppermost tier of bleachers.                               9/16/1968 #24470  
 was sitting by herself on the top bleachers when she had a feeling she was 7/4/1969 #25254  
## Word: "bleat" (Back to Top)
 (or Greys) run to saucer / field. Bleat like calves! / LDLN#319+local news 10/1954 #10533  
## Word: "bleating" (Back to Top)
to employees are awakened by goats bleating in a corral. When they go outsi 5/1/1979 #34537  
## Word: "blecherette" (Back to Top)
                            OFF LA BLECHERETTE, LAUSANNE, SWZ 2 / car. Arra 10/30/1994 #41821  
 the shore of Lake Geneva, near La Blecherette, Lausanne, Switzerland obser 10/30/1994 #41823  
## Word: "bleckinge" (Back to Top)
                            YSANE, BLECKINGE, SWD 5 observer(s) / car. Oran 9/18/1986 #38029  
## Word: "bled" (Back to Top)
 his left index finger swelled and bled freely. After exposure to the light 9/3/1965 #19506  
 his left index finger swelled and bled freely. After exposure to the light 9/3/1965 #19517  
## Word: "bleed" (Back to Top)
e of her big toes, but she did not bleed or felt any pain. A voice in her h 9/7/1970 #25828  
light struck witness in face, nose bleed and vomiting. Physical traces at s 7/31/1975 #30216  
light struck witness in face, nose bleed and vomiting. Physical traces at s 7/31/1975 #30217  
ce, causing eye trouble and a nose bleed. The UFO took off with a loud whin 7/31/1975 #30219  
s face became swollen and began to bleed. For the next two weeks he had a s 5/10/1989 #38942  
ke up the next morning with a nose bleed, and she mentioned that she had se 7/28/2002 #44367  
 since the boy usually gets a nose bleed once a year and it just a persiste 9/3/2003 #44592  
llic taste in his mouth and a nose bleed. Later he found that his face and  10/2/2004 #44766  
## Word: "bleeding" (Back to Top)
 injuries and experienced a lot of bleeding. He fainted, but surprisingly w 5/25/1948 #3655  
 looked injured and appeared to be bleeding. He had more fingers on his han 5/15/1964 #18271  
 wife, disturbed by his condition (bleeding from his forehead and a burn on 3/23/1974 #28936  
 where he was found incoherent and bleeding from the head where some of his 3/24/1978 #33079  
atch had stopped, and her nose was bleeding. There were 2 independent witne 11/25/1992 #40730  
lar mark below her navel, which is bleeding a bit. Kelly has a strange drea 8/8/1993 #41117  
outh Australia; one man suffered a bleeding from nose after the encounter.  11/3/1999 #43870  
## Word: "bleeds" (Back to Top)
 tries to avoid the beam. His nose bleeds and he starts vomiting. The hummi 7/31/1975 #30218  
rted experiencing a series of nose bleeds after the incident.               11/6/1989 #39216  
## Word: "bleep-bleep" (Back to Top)
ops. She hears something making a “bleep-bleep” sound, looks up, and sees t 7/9/1965 #19089  
## Word: "bleeping" (Back to Top)
windows shoots going up [to] fast. Bleeping sound.                          1/19/1978 #32898  
interference like an “intermittent bleeping.”                               1/8/1984 #37113  
## Word: "bleeps" (Back to Top)
licopter-size saucer over mission. Bleeps. Goes going quickly [to] city.    10/25/1975 #30466  
## Word: "blemishes" (Back to Top)
was perfect and had no wrinkles or blemishes. The spokesman for the group t 7/27/1952 #7216  
## Word: "blend" (Back to Top)
, but to the naked eye, the colors blend to reddish-orange point sources. T 5/16/1967 #22355  
each other. The two lights seem to blend into one, forming a soft white col 8/12/1979 #34740  
As its speed increases, the colors blend into one another. The object moves 4/22/1984 #37281  
retrieved, studied and “allowed to blend into” the human population. Walker 7/31/1999 #43815  
 about 500 meters long but did not blend in with the sky as the first group 9/11/2001 #44258  
## Word: "blended" (Back to Top)
aw a domed disc-shaped object that blended into its surroundings. It was es 7/22/1975 #30201  
rectangle going [to] overhead. Odd blended color(s) / bottom. Reservoir nea 2/23/1996 #42775  
## Word: "blender" (Back to Top)
ed by a high pitched sound "like a blender running in a box." She looked ou 4/3/1982 #36432  
ed by a high-pitched sound “like a blender running in a box.” She looks out 4/3/1982 #36433  
ed by a high pitched sound "like a blender running in a box." She looked ou 4/3/1982 #36434  
## Word: "blenfleet" (Back to Top)
         At 9:40 p.m. a witness in Blenfleet, Essex, England spotted a 300- 1/30/1989 #38810  
## Word: "blenheim" (Back to Top)
                       SOUTHWEST / BLENHEIM, NZ 3 / car. Orange disk / hori 11/2/1952 #8230  
                                   BLENHEIM, NZ 2 figure(s) / 9M domed sauc 7/13/1959 #15838  
                                   Blenheim, NZ Domed disc descended, hover 7/13/1959 #15839  
                                   Blenheim, New Zealand Mrs. Moreland saw  7/13/1959 #15840  
                                   Blenheim, New Zealand Disc with dome ill 7/13/1959 #15841  
                                   Blenheim, New Zealand 5:30 a.m. Eileen M 7/13/1959 #15842  
m. Eileen Moreland, a farmwoman in Blenheim, New Zealand, goes to the barn  7/13/1959 #15842  
ing to her cow shed on her farm in Blenheim, New Zealand at 5:40 a.m. Mrs.  7/13/1959 #15843  
                                   Blenheim Christchurch, New Zealand Clare 12/21/1978 #34192  
 flying an Argosy cargo plane from Blenheim to Christchurch, New Zealand, w 12/21/1978 #34192  
                        Wellington Blenheim Christchurch Christchurch Airpo 12/21/1978 #34193  
freight aircraft about to make the Blenheim to Christchurch run, New Zealan 12/21/1978 #34193  
 Christchurch New Zealand Kaikoura Blenheim Australia 12:10 a.m. Quentin Fo 12/31/1978 #34246  
assengers to accompany him back to Blenheim. Fogarty, Crockett, and another 12/31/1978 #34246  
                                   BLENHEIM, NZ 2 observer(s). Bright amber 12/28/1986 #38088  
## Word: "blenod-les-toul" (Back to Top)
                                   BLENOD-LES-TOUL, FR Jailer. Domed 2M sau 10/10/1954 #10875  
## Word: "blenton" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Blenton” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT     4/30/1969 #25100  
## Word: "blenus" (Back to Top)
 about 40,000 feet. Minutes later, Blenus Green, pilot of an American Airli 2/24/2018 #45513  
## Word: "blessed" (Back to Top)
lous events and apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary had been occurring m 10/13/1917 #971  
ES TO/FROM/BETWEEN LA BOCCA, FR 2M blessed virgin appears. Going quickly [t 3/30/1931 (approximate) #1124  
going secret project, well funded, blessed with official monitoring of the  6/8/1978 #33262  
TURITE, CEARA, BRZ Thousands await blessed virgin. 6 25M saucers show inste 10/1/1994 #41778  
ibuted this to a visitation by the Blessed Virgin Mary.                     9/15/1996 #43020  
## Word: "blesses" (Back to Top)
show that the Classification Board blesses the illustrations of matter that 8/9/1947 #3308  
## Word: "blessin" (Back to Top)
anada Witnesses: A. Cavelli and R. Blessin, using 7x binoculars.  One brown 6/18/1959 #15777  
## Word: "blessing" (Back to Top)
 of Mount Carmel, and Saint Joseph blessing the people. Father John de Marc 10/13/1917 #970  
ret project, well funded, with the blessing and official monitoring of the  1/5/1978 #32854  
## Word: "blest" (Back to Top)
ahuel Huapi Lake, Argentina Puerto Blest 11:30 a.m. Traumatologist Sebastia Late 12/1968 #24790  
otos of the lake shore near Puerto Blest, but does not notice anything unus Late 12/1968 #24790  
## Word: "bletchley" (Back to Top)
                                   BLETCHLEY, ENG Hundreds / observer(s). F 5/22/1957 #13671  
                                   BLETCHLEY, BUCKS 2+observer(s). Silent " 7/1/1994 #41599  
## Word: "blew" (Back to Top)
ral oscillation as it advanced. It blew toward the southwest.               9/17/1954 #10335  
eas. The eventually conducted test blew the fallout over occupied areas any 6/2/1957 #13694  
ut one witness reached the car and blew the horn for help. The beings fled  12/20/1958 #15487  
one of the men reached the car and blew the horn for help. The beings then  12/20/1958 #15491  
uge stick-like craft was seen that blew forth a mass of white clouds behind 1/1/1966 #19801  
for her to breathe, and a hot wind blew from the sphere that smelt "electri 4/22/1966 #20377  
 flying at high speed. One of them blew vegetation as it landed, surrounded 5/20/1967 #22379  
da. One of them landed nearby, and blew up vegetation as it landed. It was  5/20/1967 #22384  
 off when attitude control rockets blew it off when the controls kept misfi 6/18/1969 #25222  
of wind swept through a window and blew the curtains out. Mrs. Vellacca got 8/22/1969 #25326  
ated by the UFO, and a strong wind blew that bent the trees over. The UFO a 6/16/1972 #26717  
 of these sections. A truck driver blew his air horn and the craft took off 10/11/1973 #28004  
It had lights around its edges. It blew out orange and white smoke when it  1/22/1974 #28691  
ansparent two-meter wide ball that blew up in front of their car, only six  3/9/1991 #40007  
s, organized after an audit almost blew their cover, and a special agreemen 10/16/2002 #44418  
ot get out of the car, but instead blew the car horn for several minutes wh 2/15/2006 #44923  
oodford and a colleague Jeff Yokel blew the whistle on this and said superv 11/18/2013 #45396  
## Word: "blg" (Back to Top)
                         WEYWERTZ, BLG Huge dark delta/triangle/box-like cr 11/28/1989 #39253  
## Word: "bli" (Back to Top)
le radio dialogue, e.g. "bla, ble, bli, bla."                               9/6/1978 #33641  
## Word: "blida" (Back to Top)
                                   BLIDA AIR FORCE BASE, ALGERIA Sentry. Re 12/1947 (approximate) #3495  
## Word: "blimp" (Back to Top)
al separate observer(s). Black 30M blimp with beams going down. Motor noise 5/13/1909 #738  
ver(s). Mystery airship = squarish blimp. Reflective flashes.               10/25/1909 #816  
                                 A blimp shaped aerial object was sighted o 10/25/1909 #817  
NY 2 observer(s) and? Huge glowing blimp hovers / 80 minute(s). Vanishes /  8/7/1915 #931  
        NORTH / CALGARY, ALTA Huge blimp with blinding light slowly going s 8/10/1915 (approximate) #932  
NTINGTON, WV Unidentified luminous blimp going [to] over town. Vanishes and 7/19/1916 #948  
City, WV Flaming, one-hundred foot blimp (Page 6 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 11/1/1931 #1132  
 Perry sees what looks like a Navy blimp moving east to west over Somervill Summer 1938 #1285  
        SOMERVILLE, MA Thin silver blimp going west very low overhead. Thin 9/4/1938 (approximate) #1293  
A 20 Germans / battle. Silent 300M blimp going down / cloud. Hovers / 1 min 8/15/1942? #1438  
TX 1 observer. Shiny 12 Mx2M metal blimp / 150mph over mountain-top. / Albu 6/22/1947 #2362  
sees a shiny disc “a little like a blimp” flying north to south about 3,000 6/22/1947 #2365  
 / fishing boat. Round flat silver blimp going quickly southwest. Vanishes  7/7/1947 #2879  
 quickly northwest. Too fast for a blimp. / UFOIC Sydney NSW.               8/1947 #3271  
ch too fast and maneuverable for a blimp (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/17/1948 #3845  
     BONLEE, NC Ex-USAF pilot. MLT blimp with 3 portholes hovers / 5 second 10/23/1950 #5249  
ired USAF pilot watched a metallic blimp with three portholes hover for fiv 10/23/1950 #5253  
      SOUTHEAST / RICHMOND, VA Odd blimp follows turnpike. Plays tag / poli 6/24/1951 #5551  
B, GERM 2 Air Force sergeants. Odd blimp hovers / 30 second(s). Vanishes in 10/11/1951 #5722  
              BERKELEY, CA Silver "blimp" enters cloud. Exits at 90° angle  7/23/1952 #7049  
UNI, NM USAF Col. Cox / B25. Large blimp glows and makes impossible going u 10/14/1952 #8132  
00. Unidentified. Lt. Col. / car. "Blimp". Radio goes silent. Hovers. Going 10/31/1952 #8218  
d object, shaped like the Goodyear blimp (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 1/17/1953 #8546  
d object, shaped like the Goodyear blimp with its length twice its height,  1/17/1953 #8547  
d object, shaped like the Goodyear blimp. It is later described as being ab 1/17/1953 #8549  
                       BREVARD, NC Blimp races over town. Glows pink and bl 10/28/1953 #9257  
  MORTAGNE, FR 2 observer(s). 200M blimp lands. Observer(s) feels and hits  4/24/1954 #9715  
         LUZY, FR 2+kids. Metallic blimp extremely fast / low altitude. Spo 10/17/1954 #11165  
   LA VETA, CO Blue Book. Senator. Blimp / 15K' altitude. Descends. Levels  11/25/1955 #12590  
A, VNZL Several / car. 3M metallic blimp with 3+windows slow over hills. Si 3/4/1956 #12747  
   In 1956 a 3-meter long metallic blimp with 3 or more windows was sighted 3/4/1956 #12748  
ject looks slightly smaller than a blimp. After about 30 seconds it moves s Summer 1956 #12915  
going quickly east. 3X size / Navy blimp.                                   9/21/1956 #13231  
and more/others / car. Mirror-like blimp hovers / 1 minute(s). Away / impos 12/10/1956 #13394  
       ANAHEIM, CA Man photographs blimp over Disneyland. Odd structure. Ni 11/6/1957 #14370  
e, Mississippi, because a silvery “blimp” about 5 feet high and 2 feet long 11/7/1957 #14459  
s / 22M altitude. Going west slow. Blimp? / Benkelmen Post.                 11/10/1957 #14515  
PLACID, NY 3 observer(s). Metallic blimp going south against strong wind. A 8/1958 #15164  
gnetic effect (EME). Plain dark 6M blimp going north overhead. Car AOK afte 8/30/1958 (approximate) #15230  
150M altitude. Red light / top. No blimp in area.                           2/25/1959 #15608  
minutes at 150 meters altitude. No blimp was flying in the area at the time 2/25/1959 #15616  
                  Tuscon, AZ Large blimp like object reported. [In this are 7/2/1963 #17823  
      NEAR NEW RIVER, AZ Blue-glow blimp hovers. Going up [to] and going SS 6/3/1964 #18326  
ent gray object that looked like a blimp or dirigible hovered low over the  5/22/1965 #18950  
     CHERRY HILL, NJ 2 / car. 100M blimp with RADAR dish hooks line to RCA  10/30/1966 #21049  
 GERM 50+observer(s). 16M metallic blimp / 30M over US Army base. Jets near 1/26/1967 #21390  
veral separate observer(s). Silver blimp hovers / high altitude over homes. 10/9/1972 #27061  
h antennas. Low altitude. Possible blimp. Going quickly southwest. / MJ#112 1/2/1973 #27213  
              TARZANA, CA Goodyear blimp up. 3 extra unidentified blimps ma 4/10/1973 #27419  
, PA Several observer(s). Luminous blimp hovers over barn / farm. / York Di 10/20/1973 #28208  
st. Hums. Going west again slowly. Blimp?                                   1/5/1974 #28647  
THWEST / LAS VEGAS, NV 3 USAF men. Blimp searches desert / beams. Zigzags.  2/1974 (approximate) #28722  
observer(s). Huge brilliant orange blimp hovers. Plane passes under. Going  3/6/1974 #28863  
G, FR 3 observer(s). Metallic-grey blimp with ears and tail pointed up! Goi 6/19/1974 #29213  
 / car and several observers. 100m blimp hovers over cemetery / 3 minute(s) 3/31/1978 #33105  
luminate a vaguely defined, silver blimp or cigar-shaped UFO that was just  8/11/1978 #33510  
E, CA 3 observer(s). Unmarked 100M blimp with portholes seen. No further de 3/19/1980 #35221  
ett, age 40, saw a huge gray domed blimp or ovoid UFO making a buzzing nois 9/11/1980 #35513  
, see a cigar-shaped object like a blimp, white in color with dark veins. A 2/12/1981 #35824  
rs. Meanwhile, a fog surrounds the blimp and it drifts away.                2/12/1981 #35824  
PM. A metallic object described as blimp like with red lights buzzed two ca 1/9/1984 #37120  
.m. a metallic object described as blimp like with red lights buzzed two ca 1/9/1984 #37127  
shaped object moving faster than a blimp.                                   6/21/1984 #37371  
ks. The FAA claims the object is a blimp, although there are no blimps flyi 1/9/1986 #37762  
ray, football-shaped object like a blimp is silently rocking back and forth 3/4/1988 #38487  
S-EN-CAMBRESIS, FR Huge bright red blimp slow and silent leaves (something  12/24/1989 #39330  
nchoring platform for surveillance blimp!                                   4/1990 #39505  
 FR 1 observer. Red-orange glowing blimp / 1km altitude. Turns yellow going 11/14/1990 #39887  
 p.m. local time, a reddish orange blimp was sighted in Montpellier, France 11/14/1990 #39890  
GULF BREEZE, FL 2+35 observer(s). "Blimp" circled / lights = 8cm at arms le 4/9/1991 #40032  
ST MIDDLESEX, PA Man and kid. Grey blimp surrounded / mist. Center glows al 5/15/1991 #40062  
th cone-dome hums. Hovers by RADAR blimp / 30 minute(s). / r124p109.        8/17/1991 #40158  
s sighted hovering next to a radar blimp for 30 minutes in Las Palmas, Baya 8/17/1991 #40159  
ALEIGH, NC 2 observer(s). Glowing "blimp" flat / bottom and ends. Both saw  12/10/1991 #40258  
l neighborhood observed a glowing "blimp" at 4:15 a.m. with a flat bottom a 12/10/1991 #40259  
med saucers. Possible McDonalds ad blimp?                                   5/5/1992 #40451  
ge cigar-shaped object (a possible blimp) drifting slowly and silently over 6/26/1993 #41038  
saucer with many bright lights. No blimp. / r147'93.                        8/18/1993 #41143  
s speed as low as 50 mph. Possible blimp.                                   9/2/1993 #41176  
hape floats slowly over church. No blimp.                                   8/8/1994 #41663  
UTES, FL Many and 7 cops. Saucer / blimp seen. Lights on edge. No blimp due 10/4/1994 #41784  
r / blimp seen. Lights on edge. No blimp due. / NURC.                       10/4/1994 #41784  
 follows car? Maneuvers too fast / blimp.                                   1/16/1995 #41977  
ver ovoid darts and maneuvers. "No blimp" / local papers.                   1/20/1995 #41986  
She reported it was "bigger than a blimp." After five minutes of hovering,  3/1/1995 #42070  
       PEMBROKE PINES, FL 1 / car. Blimp / W. sky. Starts moving. Suddenly  4/19/1995 #42158  
ed object hovers. Then moves away. Blimp?                                   8/16/1995 #42393  
ONTO, ON Man downtown. 100M silver blimp crosses sky / 600 kph. 3 km altitu 2/15/1999 #43728  
AKKA ST. PK, FL 130M brown colored blimp nears truck. 40cm lit windows. Bea 9/7/1999 #43843  
     ST. GEORGES CHANNEL, PNG 200M blimp hovers just over sea. Small object 11/4/1999 #43873  
oved much faster than the Goodyear Blimp, which is often seen in the area.  5/12/2001 #44184  
ape. It was too fast and low for a blimp, according to the witness. Its est 11/13/2002 #44441  
n, Quebec. Looking somewhat like a blimp, it was not moving at first when f 4/12/2005 #44824  
 appears similar to an advertising blimp but has no passenger gondola or ad 10/23/2010 #45303  
ectangular...like the gondola of a blimp without the blimp." It extended ov 6/1/2013 #45369  
the gondola of a blimp without the blimp." It extended over the east and we 6/1/2013 #45369  
lti Intelligence Vehicle, a hybrid blimp, making an appearance at the air s 10/9/2021 #45716  
## Word: "blimp'" (Back to Top)
, WV Several observer(s). 'Flaming blimp' going south over river. Big searc 10/10/1931 #1131  
## Word: "blimp-cage" (Back to Top)
arge glowing-object = "upside-down blimp-cage". Going [to] overhead. Saucer 2/16/1996 #42767  
## Word: "blimp-cloud" (Back to Top)
              EVILLERS, FR Tyrode. Blimp-cloud going [to] 3M / south into w 6/21/1968 #24061  
## Word: "blimp-cylinder" (Back to Top)
SKO FOREST, CZK Silent silver 120M blimp-cylinder/cigar-shape going down. N 9/1944 (approximate) #1656  
erver. Humming or drone. Pale blue blimp-cylinder/cigar-shape overhead. Awa 6/27/1947 (approximate) #2428  
O, SWZ 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Blimp-cylinder/cigar-shape with colored  5/20/1960 #16293  
## Word: "blimp-like" (Back to Top)
                New York, NY Rapid Blimp-Like Object Over Hudson River (NIC 3/4/1965 #18839  
            In 1973 a 40-foot-long blimp-like object with fins hovered over 6/13/1973 #27563  
t suburb of Chicago, Illinois. The blimp-like UFO is so huge she can’t see  8/29/1979 #34801  
go, Illinois as she watched a huge blimp-like structure pass over her house 8/29/1979 #34807  
 Mt. Vernon & Evansville (btn), IN Blimp-like object seen my motorists on H 12/2/1979 #35038  
sville Il 2 Woman walking dog sees blimp-like UFO overhead (NICAP: 09 - RAD 12/29/1979 #35102  
man and a kid observed a dull gray blimp-like object with two appendages in 5/15/1991 #40063  
andyville, West Virginia spotted a blimp-like UFO with a smooth surface tha 10/2/2001 #44265  
## Word: "blimp-object" (Back to Top)
TICH, BELGIUM 4+2 / separate cars. Blimp-object going [to] over road / low  4/7/1976 #30987  
## Word: "blimp-shape" (Back to Top)
CLEVELAND, OH 1 observer. Grey 80' blimp-shape. Drifts / 300' altitude. Vee 6/22/1954 #9924  
         SILVER SPRING, MD Doctor. Blimp-shape going quickly [to] 1 / 4 sky 7/13/1965 #19100  
Night light splits. Orange sphere. Blimp-shape.. Wave.                      3/14/1995 #42090  
## Word: "blimp-shaped" (Back to Top)
                        A luminous blimp-shaped flying object flew over Hun 7/19/1916 #951  
    Greenwood (Bet Hamlet and), NC Blimp-shaped object outdistance the [4?] 12/29/1949 #4452  
           Fayetteville, GA Orange blimp-shaped object, 80 ft long 20 ft wi 10/31/1952 #8219  
 USAF Lt. James Allen. One orange, blimp-shaped object, 80' long and 20' hi 10/31/1952 #8220  
en watched an 80 foot long orange, blimp-shaped object. It flew at treetop  10/31/1952 #8222  
  Also in 1954 an eighty-foot long blimp-shaped UFO drifted over Cleveland, 6/22/1954 #9929  
t pale blue or whitish-blue egg or blimp-shaped 300-500 ft object (NICAP: 0 7/29/1954 #10062  
bservers. At 10:00 a luminous blue blimp-shaped object hovered low over New 6/3/1964 #18327  
n object resembling a dirigible or blimp-shaped UFO carrying bright lights. 4/16/1966 #20304  
dents reported sighting a silvery, blimp-shaped object high in the sky over 10/9/1972 #27062  
Maryland, when they see a silvery, blimp-shaped light hovering at treetop l 8/11/1978 #33506  
                    At 9:30 a.m. a blimp-shaped object with eerie lights an 9/2/1980 #35492  
                   A 300 foot long blimp-shaped UFO moved slowly through th 1/22/1996 #42707  
## Word: "blimp-size" (Back to Top)
                 NEAR KINGSTON, RI Blimp-size metallic disk going north pas 3/5/1973 #27331  
EATTLE, WA 2 separate observer(s). Blimp-size object hovers over house. Sho 4/4/1988 #38534  
## Word: "blimp-sized" (Back to Top)
 a police detective is observing a blimp-sized object hovering at 500 feet  8/20/1975 #30291  
## Word: "blimplike" (Back to Top)
d, when he sees a metallic, brown, blimplike object, more than 100 feet lon Summer 1910 #839  
                 Crescent City, CA Blimplike object much too fast and maneu 10/17/1948 #3845  
                  SALEM, MASS Gray blimplike object hovers low over power-p 5/22/1965 #18949  
 MS Saucers cavort / 40 minute(s). Blimplike UFO appears. Also seen / New O 10/3/1966 #20952  
## Word: "blimps" (Back to Top)
 as delta/triangle/box-like crafts blimps saucers etc.                      8/12/1952 #7554  
RIO, OR Separate observer(s). Grey blimps and silver saucers over airport e 7/12/1956 #12966  
out. The witness was familiar with blimps and aircraft.                     9/7/1964 #18544  
hers. Fat cylinder/cigar-shape. No blimps up. Brilliant lights. Going up [t 5/15/1967 #22344  
 front at 11:15 p.m. There were no blimps flying at the time. It shot strai 5/15/1967 #22349  
ear blimp up. 3 extra unidentified blimps maneuver. Away at impossible spee 4/10/1973 #27419  
s. A search revealed there were no blimps scheduled in the area for that ti 6/13/1973 #27563  
 FR 2 / car. 2 large green-glowing blimps hover. Turn bright orange. Never  10/27/1973 #28299  
 PITTSBURGH, PA 3 observer(s). Odd blimps come / go to mountains / all dire 4/5/1978 #33124  
 is a blimp, although there are no blimps flying in the area.               1/9/1986 #37762  
  ITHACA, NY 75 observer(s). 8 odd blimps near Carl Sagan's place / one hou 5/20/1989 #38958  
## Word: "blind" (Back to Top)
ersey. They were sitting in a duck blind at around 6 a.m. when they saw a 2 12/3/1960 #16523  
climbs in. The object has Venetian blind–like blades on the rim that open a 3/2/1965 #18832  
ify the color because he was color blind). This being walked in front of th 10/29/1967 #23364  
ight in color that he looked as if blind." The man addressed him in an unin 6/4/1968 #24006  
nd a prickling sensation, and went blind. He did make a slow recovery.      8/30/1970 #25816  
s himself in the head, leaving him blind, and is committed to the psychiatr 4/1971 #26062  
s). 3h / missing time. Temporarily blind. / FSRv17#6+/ APRO 9'71.           9/22/1971 #26359  
eft in a state of shock and nearly blind. For five days he still could not  9/22/1971 #26365  
r back window. When she raised the blind she saw a disc-shaped object with  4/6/1977 #31952  
r back window. When she raised the blind she saw a disc-shaped object with  4/6/1977 #31953  
troville, TX Two hunters in a deer blind in Castroville, Texas saw a multi- 11/27/1982 #36694  
At 6:00 a.m. two hunters in a deer blind in Castroville, Texas saw a multi- 11/27/1982 #36699  
orch to check and when he pulled a blind he saw a four foot tall Grey human 12/2/1987 #38348  
emporarily disrupt electronics and blind a satellite.                       10/1988 #38661  
                       Trenton, NY Blind dog on porch indifferent to boomer 5/21/1990 #39581  
                                   Blind River, Ontario Four witnesses in B 6/28/1997 #43343  
d River, Ontario Four witnesses in Blind River, Ontario, watch the flight o 6/28/1997 #43343  
                              NEAR BLIND RIVER, ON 15M red and white cylind 3/24/1999 #43749  
ive in Qinglong County and begin a blind search among the area’s 400,000 in 12/1999 #43890  
ignated as 22610 using traditional blind targeting protocols. 22610 is actu 3/2010 #45270  
nt,” who might wish to keep humans blind to the nature of 5D reality and ke 7/8/2012 #45348  
## Word: "blinded" (Back to Top)
webs, laced with dew. The dogs are blinded by it when they attempt to hunt. 9/21/1741 #63  
 him from above. He is momentarily blinded, and the hogs start running away 8/3/1905 #679  
 490 feet away from him, and he is blinded by the intense light. He thinks  7/9/1946 #2040  
rols failing. Although temporarily blinded, he was able to glide the plane  6/16/1948 #3672  
managed to emit a bright beam that blinded the pilot. It is said that both  6/19/1948 #3674  
e attempted to approach it. He was blinded by the light, but managed to lan 5/6/1949 #4161  
ied to stop them, he found himself blinded and paralyzed by a strong orange 9/10/1954 #10288  
ved within 15 m. The witnesses wae blinded by a sudden burst of light, blue 10/11/1954 #10934  
ved within 15 m. The witnesses was blinded by a sudden burst of light blue, 10/11/1954 #10951  
Cognard, coming from Gueugnon, was blinded by a light as a diskshaped objec 10/14/1954 #11050  
and the lights went off. They were blinded by a strong red light, which tur 10/21/1954 #11300  
and the lights went off. They were blinded by a strong red light, which tur 10/21/1954 #11309  
Treussard and a friend were almost blinded by a luminous disk, which landed 10/25/1954 #11387  
Treussard and a friend were nearly blinded by a brilliant, luminous disc th 10/25/1954 #11394  
es and other samples. Gonzales was blinded by a light from the craft and th 11/28/1954 #11720  
y. He is paralyzed and temporarily blinded but manages to stagger to the po 11/28/1954 #11722  
 encounter, and he was temporarily blinded by a blue-green light. The men w 5/14/1955 #12132  
her witnesses on the airfield were blinded by a light from a disk-shaped ob 7/18/1955 #12269  
 other witnesses on the field were blinded by the light from a disc-shaped  7/18/1955 #12270  
re, France when he was temporarily blinded by a light from above. Together  5/10/1957 #13655  
 Santinoni and S. de Oliveira were blinded by beam from a round object at g 10/1957 #14049  
 68. The two women are temporarily blinded. Their trip home to Albuquerque  2/17/1958 #14878  
e came within 20 m of it, then was blinded by a strong light as his car sud 5/20/1963 #17753  
thin 20 meters of it, and then was blinded by a strong light as his car sud 5/20/1963 #17754  
light in front of him. Temporarily blinded, he loses control of his truck a 10/12/1963 #17987  
violent storm when he was suddenly blinded by a vivid white light which env 10/12/1963 #17988  
When he wakes up he is temporarily blinded. In the morning he finds a symme 3/15/1965 #18859  
fic explosion and the two men were blinded and could hear nothing. Fifteen  4/3/1965 #18889  
Entre Rios province, Argentina was blinded for a while and unable to speak  12/13/1965 #19767  
t into such a bright glare that it blinded them, forcing them off the highw 3/20/1966 #19998  
n extremely bright light beam that blinded the driver. (NICAP report form,  8/16/1966 #20752  
 that lasted 10 seconds and almost blinded them.  Then it accelerated to th 3/9/1967 #21838  
 open window. Lights on the ground blinded the witness when he rushed to th 8/7/1967 #22839  
ho, on US Highway 26 when they are blinded by a flash of light. Their car c 11/2/1967 #23390  
uth of Ririe, Idaho when they were blinded by a flash of white light. Their 11/2/1967 #23392  
              Two UFOs with lights blinded a man while he was driving his t 11/23/1967 #23502  
heard a loud humming noise and was blinded by a powerful beam of light acco 7/17/1968 #24186  
ordes, Haute-Vienne, France. He is blinded by a yellow-orange light beam an 7/25/1970 #25750  
AIA, BRZ Guard / dam shoots / UFO. Blinded and paralyzed. Slow recovery. /  8/30/1970 #25811  
t several times at the UFO. He was blinded and paralyzed when struck by a b 8/30/1970 #25816  
y a violent flash that temporarily blinded him. His hearing was also impair 9/9/1970 #25832  
escended, hovered over car, driver blinded by strong blue-white light, phys 10/29/1970 #25891  
escended, hovered over car, driver blinded by strong blue-white light, phys 10/29/1970 #25892  
 his right when he was temporarily blinded by a blue-white light that hurt  10/29/1970 #25894  
p. Every time it hit her it nearly blinded her. The light turned off briefl 8/11/1971 #26280  
tched wail. Johnson is temporarily blinded but recovers his sight a few min 11/2/1971 #26449  
 into the sky. Ron was temporarily blinded by the brightness of the craft a 11/2/1971 #26450  
ery bright light which temporarily blinded him. The engine of his car faile 6/9/1972 #26711  
t at 10:15 p.m. He was temporarily blinded by the light. The engine of his  7/10/1972 #26790  
mp. Once inside Hickson was nearly blinded by the light but was unable to c 10/11/1973 #28005  
 and one intense white light which blinded him. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 10/24/1973 #28264  
 route. Suddenly a brilliant light blinded him. He threw himself in the sno 3/23/1974 #28938  
ugo, Spain 9:30 p.m. Motorists are blinded by a bright yellow-green object  3/30/1974 #28973  
were returning home when they were blinded by a round object in the sky tha 8/5/1974 #29311  
ahía Blanca, Argentina, when he is blinded and paralyzed by a beam of light 1/4/1975 #29715  
ge round instruments. She was then blinded by a white light, and the next t 9/15/1975 #30363  
 were seen outside making repairs. Blinded by a flash of intense light, he  3/3/1976 #30922  
a 23-year-old college student, was blinded by a beam of white light from an 3/30/1976 #30969  
 single-engine plane, is allegedly blinded in flight by a UFO near Bogotá,  4/29/1977 #32035  
und 7:55 p.m., she was momentarily blinded by a bright reflection of light. 8/3/1977 #32356  
rry, was now red. They were nearly blinded by a brilliant red light and fel 7/6/1978 #33346  
ted off road, driver and passenger blinded, steering control lost (section  9/22/1978 #33728  
ted off road, driver and passenger blinded, steering control lost           9/22/1978 #33729  
 was so bright that it temporarily blinded the three young people. The olde 10/30/1978 #33894  
 was so bright that it temporarily blinded the three young people. The olde 10/30/1978 #33898  
rrified, he runs to the car and is blinded by a yellow, triangle-shaped obj 12/6/1978 #34065  
ures moving around him. As a light blinded him something was inserted into  1/3/1979 #34292  
ut 3 feet. Hathaway is momentarily blinded by a flash of light. Opening his 2/9/1979 #34416  
as a sudden flash that temporarily blinded him and left his eyes irritated. 5/16/1979 #34564  
round. The witness was temporarily blinded by beams of light from the objec 5/26/1979 #34585  
0 a.m. The witness was temporarily blinded by beams of light from the objec 5/26/1979 #34591  
ch the object, she was temporarily blinded by a bright light and the craft  6/19/1979 #34621  
saw an intense flash of light that blinded him for a few seconds. After tha 2/6/1980 #35160  
. when a bright light overtook and blinded him. He recovered consciousness  4/20/1981 #35910  
g cowered, and she was temporarily blinded by a ball of light from the obje 4/25/1984 #37290  
nd seems to enter her body. She is blinded for a few seconds but feels calm 4/25/1984 #37293  
g cowered, and she was temporarily blinded by a ball of light from the obje 4/25/1984 #37295  
tched hum. They go outside and are blinded by a beam of light coming from a 3/7/1987 #38132  
ide to investigate and were nearly blinded by a beam of yellow light coming 3/7/1987 #38133  
inute(s). Follows car? Temporarily blinded / sore eyes.                     9/27/1988 #38651  
he witness, who was now completely blinded, wanted to run, too but was stru 2/18/1990 #39422  
lit being in the house, who almost blinded her with light.                  8/5/1990 #39681  
ght. The witnesses was momentarily blinded and when he was able to focus ag 9/25/1998 #43651  
 a flash of light that temporarily blinded him. When his vision returned he 10/28/2000 #44063  
he was in the kitchen when she was blinded by a bright flash of light that  5/17/2004 #44703  
 There was a big bright flash that blinded the witness for 30 seconds, and  5/19/2004 #44704  
## Word: "blindfolded" (Back to Top)
ll containers on their backs. They blindfolded him and brought him before a 5/4/1969 #25115  
or awhile. When they landed he was blindfolded and dragged into a large roo 5/4/1969 #25115  
n had vanished, Da Silva was again blindfolded, dragged back to the spacecr 5/4/1969 #25115  
et area where he was driven to and blindfolded; he was allegedly ordered to 8/1978 #33460  
assistant were taken by limousine, blindfolded, and taken to an underground 1982 #36290  
uge corridor inside; the pilot was blindfolded and taken into the jeep insi 1982 #36292  
nd interrogated by two men. He was blindfolded again where his aircraft was 1982 #36292  
own destination, and she was still blindfolded. She jumped out screaming fo 9/6/2000 #44037  
## Word: "blinding" (Back to Top)
saucer circles pier / 6M altitude. Blinding lights. Sinks quietly.          11/2/1885 #268  
ng sound” and see an object with a blinding white searchlight and smaller g 4/14/1897 #462  
N, TX AND OTHER TOWNS Cigar with 2 blinding searchlights. Great wings. Goes 4/15/1897 #475  
nd. Elongated with protrusions and blinding lights, it went dark when it la 4/22/1897 #553  
nd. Elongated with protrusions and blinding lights, it went dark when it la 4/22/1897 #555  
was elongated with protrusions and blinding lights. It went dark when it la 4/22/1897 #561  
ndiana, when the horses rear and a blinding light splashes across the road. 10/1909 #815  
TH / CALGARY, ALTA Huge blimp with blinding light slowly going south. Hover 8/10/1915 (approximate) #932  
g the ground below. The beams are “blinding.” The sighting is part of a wav 12/24/1933 #1182  
ber light, luminous orange-yellow, blinding light; felt unbearable heat. (P 11/24/1944 #1704  
Italy near Trieste, Leet notices a blinding light and feels an intense heat 11/24/1944 #1705  
                     VILLEFAUX, FR Blinding fireball follows mail truck / 1 9/25/1946 #2191  
  SOUTH / TAMARACK, ID 1 observer. Blinding silver fireball dives / Army su 7/30/1947 #3258  
a fan and shine into his aircraft, blinding him. The plane’s electrical sys 6/16/1948 #3671  
d, New Mexico. It disappears “in a blinding burst of speed to the west.”    5/9/1949 #4176  
                Vandalia, IL Large blinding orange light to the SW (NICAP:  8/27/1951 #5635  
 star cross the nose of his jet at blinding speed over Cape Cod, Massachuse 6/17/1952 #6526  
arge object disappears, it emits a blinding ray of light toward the ground  10/16/1953 #9236  
ng lights and the UFO beams back a blinding light back at the DC-6. Kidd pu 10/19/1953 #9243  
ls, Idaho, is suddenly lit up by a blinding glow that explodes in the night 6/26/1954 #9953  
Santa Fe, New Mexico, giving off a blinding glare and takes 30 seconds to c 9/18/1954 #10349  
bserver(s). Saucer with portholes. Blinding. Lands / distance. / LDLN#345p3 10/2/1954 #10592  
d large eyes, emerges and shines a blinding light at them. It says somethin 10/8/1954 #10817  
d large eyes, came out and shone a blinding light at them, and said somethi 10/9/1954 #10848  
d large eyes, came out and shone a blinding light at them. It said somethin 10/9/1954 #10866  
a round craft maneuver, give off a blinding light. It had some openings or  10/13/1954 #10997  
round craft maneuver, giving off a blinding light. It had some openings or  10/13/1954 #11003  
, FR Several separate observer(s). Blinding jellyfish going down [to] low.  10/14/1954 #11026  
[TO] CIRY-LE-NOBLE, FR Saucer with blinding beam / light. Going west slow.  10/14/1954 #11029  
th a flat bottom, and it emitted a blinding light which illuminated the fie 10/14/1954 #11041  
 5.5 m in diameter, and gave off a blinding light, which illuminated the co 10/14/1954 #11047  
ers in diameter, and it gave off a blinding light, which illuminated the co 10/14/1954 #11069  
de-Calais, France, when they see a blinding light in front of them. As it p Mid 10/1954 #11113  
ORTHEAST / ST. SAMSON, FR 2 / car. Blinding 4M disk going down / field. Sil 10/25/1954 #11382  
mis saw a flying object emitting a blinding light in the sky over Antimachi 10/26/1954 #11425  
, seemed transparent and emitted a blinding glare. The witness fell on the  10/27/1954 #11444  
ct in a field  that was emitting a blinding glare. It was stationary, hover 10/27/1954 #11452  
d passes / low altitude. Brilliant blinding light lights area.              11/1/1954 #11515  
r Bucine, Tuscany, Italy. It had a blinding light that illuminated the area 11/1/1954 #11524  
ree legs and had a dome emitting a blinding white light and supporting an a 11/8/1954 #11596  
ree legs and had a dome emitting a blinding white light and supported an an 11/8/1954 #11602  
dy was made of steel.  There was a blinding light and the creatures and the 11/28/1954 #11724  
 was very luminous, white, but not blinding. Many filaments of various colo 5/31/1955 #12169  
d longer). When white, it was more blinding than a powerful searchlight. It 5/10/1957 #13652  
 NIQUELANDIA, BRZ Saucer / ground. Blinding light. Goes dark and flies when 10/1957 #14046  
n the outside. The figure shines a blinding light at their boat, which make 10/8/1957 #14078  
RZ Several observer(s). Red-yellow blinding object lands / park. Going up [ 11/16/1957 #14565  
               Bage City, Brazil A blinding object, red and yellow, twice l 11/16/1957 #14566  
                                 A blinding object, red and yellow, twice l 11/16/1957 #14568  
COIMBRA, PORTUGAL Scientists. Slow blinding object changes color(s) / 35 mi 11/28/1957 #14634  
IA LAKE, NM Guards / uranium mine. Blinding light hovers and maneuvers / ho 4/22/1958 #14998  
GRE, ARG Trucker. 3M giant / road. Blinding beam / chest. Missing time. / r 5/27/1958 #15053  
oach because of the stench and the blinding phosphorescent light emanating  5/27/1958 #15056  
 close because of the stench and a blinding phosphorescent light that emana 5/27/1958 #15057  
ARMINSTER, WILTS 3 military and 1. Blinding sphere/orb/globe going down. Ne 11/11/1960 #16497  
rth, leaving a trail of sparks and blinding them.                           11/11/1960 #16498  
rth, leaving a trail of sparks and blinding them by its brilliance.         11/11/1960 #16499  
       NORTH / MADRAS, OR 2 / car. Blinding light / US97. No likely source. 9/10/1961 (approximate) #16824  
rgu Neamț, Romania, when he sees a blinding, multicolored light. After a fe Autumn 1961 #16869  
ortheast / 1000M altitude. Silent. Blinding flashes.                        7/19/1962 #17285  
he teachers said they also emitted blinding silvery flashes.                7/27/1962 #17292  
 stop when he encountered a large, blinding object, 35 m high, from which t 10/12/1963 #17986  
, Argentina 3:30 a.m. Driving in a blinding rainstorm on the road between M 10/12/1963 #17987  
 stop when he encountered a large, blinding object, 35 meters high, from wh 10/12/1963 #17988  
 on a sort of pillar and emitted a blinding light. He caught sight of two f 9/5/1964 #18537  
f cylindrical pillar, giving out a blinding light. Near it the witness, Mr. 9/5/1964 #18540  
oked like a pillar, and gave off a blinding light. Nearby the UFO the witne 9/6/1964 #18542  
 craft, which then took off with a blinding luminosity. Photographs were sa 2/21/1965 #18825  
STRALIA Object hovers 4M / ground. Blinding lights. Radio Frequency Interfe 5/24/1965 #18956  
in a field at 4 m altitude. It had blinding white lights, caused radio inte 5/24/1965 #18959  
in a field at 4 m altitude. It had blinding white lights, caused radio inte 5/24/1965 #18964  
                Colonia, Uruguay A blinding object, smaller than an airplan 7/17/1965 #19116  
k to the main object. It emitted a blinding light.                          7/19/1965 #19130  
k to the main object. It emitted a blinding light.                          7/19/1965 #19137  
UERTO MONTT, CHL Many observer(s). Blinding VLT object near ground. Noisy e 7/30/1965 #19206  
 landed for five min. It emitted a blinding purple light.                   7/30/1965 #19210  
ded for five minutes. It emitted a blinding purple light.                   7/30/1965 #19213  
ed flying object flew over. It had blinding headlights with other lights pe 9/3/1965 #19514  
rs. Strange object sweeps shores / blinding white light. Flashes.           9/4/1965 #19519  
                    KATANNING, AUS Blinding object hovers over car. Going u 1/20/1966 #19860  
move up and down, while emitting a blinding light and making a sound like b 1/20/1966 #19861  
 NEAR LIMA, PERU C46 pilot. Silent blinding white 25cm solid ball turns goi 3/7/1966 #19945  
CASTER, OH Near collision. Car and blinding object / road. Flies off throug 4/18/1966 #20321  
e a roadway in Albany, New York. A blinding bright object with intense red  4/18/1966 #20333  
verly, Massachusetts A child saw a blinding, multicolored source of light m 4/22/1966 #20371  
everal minutes before departing at blinding speed. Over an area some ten me 6/27/1966 #20618  
 encounter would be accompanied by blinding light, the men cut metal masks  8/20/1966 #20779  
side emitting an extremely bright, blinding light that lit up the terrain ( 10/10/1966 #20980  
side emitting an extremely bright, blinding light that lit up the surroundi 10/10/1966 #20985  
distance of 250 feet, giving off a blinding white light. It made a square t 10/11/1966 #20993  
 of one mile the UFO brightened to blinding white and woke up their two chi 12/30/1966 #21232  
, IL 2 women. Domed pancake nears. Blinding flash / 10 second(s). Going qui 3/9/1967 #21824  
ne mile west of town they see four blinding, fluorescent-green lights low a 3/12/1967 #21872  
on. It came to ground level with a blinding light, then took off.           3/25/1967 #21984  
 down to ground level giving off a blinding light, then took off.           3/25/1967 #21987  
nge to purple. They then emitted a blinding light that lit up the area, and 4/5/1967 #22061  
                ST. CATHARINES, ON Blinding red object going down. Turns gr 4/26/1967 #22217  
ears like hot stainless steel with blinding purple-colored lights coming th 5/20/1967 #22382  
                        CHATOU, FR Blinding fireball passes 20M / observer( 7/17/1967 #22670  
 toward an object outside that had blinding, multicolored lights. Investiga 8/6/1967 #22825  
tralia, when he is surrounded by a blinding blue-white light that illuminat 8/24/1967 #22917  
t, and it leaves very quickly in a blinding light. The police note “sulfur  8/29/1967 #22954  
rom on or near the ground emitting blinding light as their car approached.  10/14/1967 #23236  
ightly narrower at one end, with a blinding blue light. Hovering near it we 10/23/1967 #23292  
   LA HOYADA, SALTA, ARG 3 / taxi. Blinding 5M crown saucer hovers / 2M alt 11/2/1967 #23384  
GOING [TO] SHAUNAVON, SSK 1 / car. Blinding fireball flies away. Burnt gras 11/19/1967 #23479  
t him, hitting him in the face and blinding him and also making his hair st 8/28/1968 #24392  
er(s). Large ovoid hovers / beach. Blinding lights. Portholes etc.          10/3/1968 #24539  
       Atlanta, MO Object emitting blinding light beam paced ahead of vehic 3/4/1969 #24967  
D Police CHF buzzed / 100' saucer. Blinding beam / bottom/underside. Going  3/10/1969 #24986  
rey saucer / 3' altitude 10' away. Blinding lights going down. Trees burnt. 7/16/1969 #25271  
 10, sees a large gray object with blinding lights descending above a well  7/16/1969 #25274  
DE-ST.-GENESE, BELGIUM 1 observer. Blinding saucer / ground level. Absolute 1/24/1970 #25551  
as the car approached. There was a blinding flash and a sound like a gunsho 8/19/1970 #25797  
     BUCHAREST, ROM Sky turns red. Blinding white light. Cop car starts its 12/14/1970 #25937  
hat turned a luminous red and then blinding white in color, and his car eng 9/22/1971 #26365  
lew through the sky. It gave off a blinding white light, and went out of si 10/11/1971 #26419  
 his window. Looking out, he saw a blinding white light surrounded by a fog 3/25/1972 #26623  
object rose up into the air with a blinding red light. The entire incident  5/2/1972 #26669  
            COLBY, KS Cops and 50. Blinding white 35' saucer / 3M altitude. 8/19/1972 #26929  
shaped object hovered near ground; blinding white light brightly illuminate 8/19/1972 #26931  
shaped object hovered near ground. Blinding white light brightly illuminate 8/19/1972 #26932  
 was paralyzed when he did this. A blinding flash occurred when the object  10/28/1972 #27097  
nveloped the cat while temporarily blinding the witness. The humming grew l 12/30/1972 #27193  
    ST. BRUNO, QBC 1+several cops. Blinding object takes off. Rises 5000' / 6/24/1973 #27586  
y three luminous objects; one with blinding green light followed her home.  10/16/1973 #28079  
 the object hovers, it gives off a blinding light and a penetrating low-pit 10/16/1973 #28087  
r, followed by the appearance of a blinding white oval of light 6 ft in dia 1/8/1974 #28665  
ey blink out and are replaced by a blinding steady white light about 6 feet 1/8/1974 #28666  
r, followed by the appearance of a blinding white oval of light approximate 1/8/1974 #28667  
nilla, Spain when he encountered a blinding white light on the road near Va 3/21/1974 #28920  
y the side of the path. Suddenly a blinding light knocks him to the ground  3/23/1974 #28936  
ting him to cross the road. Next a blinding light knocked him to the ground 3/23/1974 #28939  
            Hombreiro, Lugo, Spain Blinding yellow-green object beside road 3/30/1974 #28971  
            Hombreiro, Lugo, Spain Blinding light from hovering object, car 3/30/1974 #28972  
At 9.30 p.m. in Hombreiro, Spain a blinding light came from a hovering, ovo 3/30/1974 #28974  
s night. A second object had three blinding white lights, and appeared to l 4/23/1974 #29058  
 with a beam of light, temporarily blinding him. Sr. Faria ran for his uncl 5/1/1974 #29078  
saucer-shaped objects displaying a blinding bright blue light approach, the 8/13/1974 #29340  
by, Uppsala County, Sweden, when a blinding light approaches the car from t 9/21/1974 #29467  
oad. A large area is lit up by the blinding, green-shimmering light from th 9/21/1974 #29467  
g up / ground. 2 figure(s) / dome. Blinding lights. Hands numb. / r41p461.  5/5/1975 #30035  
, who was in a truck, was hit by a blinding light, and his hands went numb. 5/5/1975 #30037  
, who was in a truck, was hit by a blinding light, and his hands went numb. 5/5/1975 #30038  
           ALBORACHE, SPAIN 1+dog. Blinding object / trees. Traces / ground 7/30/1975 #30214  
ld." They were then enveloped in a blinding light, leaving them both uncons 10/27/1975 #30489  
STE-EULALIE-EN-ROYANS, FR 1 / car. Blinding ovoid / roadside. Portholes and 1/21/1976 #30805  
 vertical / roadside. 2 portholes. Blinding light. / r30p607.               3/21/1976 #30950  
BC RCMP man. Object hovers / PR16. Blinding flash. No physical traces. / r1 4/21/1976 #31001  
ove the trees. Suddenly there is a blinding flash and he nearly loses contr 4/22/1976 #31009  
ge. An oyster shaped UFO emitted a blinding light beam, and both he and his 5/14/1976 #31051  
ge. An oyster shaped UFO emitted a blinding light beam, and both he and his 5/14/1976 #31052  
 33,000 feet over Lithuania when a blinding, stationary light is seen on th 9/10/1976 #31372  
parklers at its base diminish to a blinding point source alongside his pick 11/24/1976 #31571  
 static. 3M night light paces car. Blinding white. Shape unknown.           6/3/1977 #32144  
r car. The color of the object was blinding white, but they were unable to  6/3/1977 #32145  
 and car are enveloped in a nearly blinding, fuzzy, ultraviolet light. Hens 6/6/1977 #32151  
, at about 3:30 a.m., it emitted a blinding light from its helmet and disap 8/30/1977 #32441  
, at about 12:30 a.m. it emitted a blinding light from its helmet and disap 8/31/1977 #32446  
 off and move toward her. They are blinding in intensity and flash on and o 10/9/1977 #32564  
     RYAZAN, RUSSIA 3 test pilots. Blinding luminous pulsing object paces j 10/11/1977 #32567  
CLES, BELGIUM Several observer(s). Blinding silent red night light hovers / 10/17/1977 #32582  
 Uccle, Belgium. On this evening a blinding red nocturnal light hovered sil 10/17/1977 #32585  
                      Soon after a blinding blue light caused a road accide 5/4/1978 #33187  
+observer(s). Dome / field rotates blinding beam. Turns extremely dark. 3 x 6/4/1978 #33254  
lower protrusion, accompanied by a blinding explosion. They hover for a few 8/8/1978 #33489  
by a bright yellow luminous light, blinding the witnesses. They estimated t 9/23/1978 #33738  
ight at the witnesses, temporarily blinding them.                           10/30/1978 #33897  
bject was so brilliant that it was blinding. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 11/25/1978 #34002  
bject was so brilliant that it was blinding. The UFO shot off at astonishin 11/25/1978 #34004  
         NEAR VITERBO, ITL Farmer. Blinding 1M disk / light / ground. Shrin 1/13/1979 #34335  
near cows. Observer(s) nears-hit / blinding beam.                           5/1979 #34530  
nte, Brazil Object with portholes, blinding red-orange light, landed within 5/5/1979 #34543  
legs 50cm over ground. Temporarily blinding beams.                          5/26/1979 #34582  
served a hemispherical object with blinding white headlights and a row of b 5/26/1979 #34584  
 sound and still looks just like a blinding light. Johnson hears glass brea 8/27/1979 #34787  
          VERMILLION, SD 1 / SR50. Blinding light buzzes car closely. Near  8/29/1979 #34792  
ion, South Dakota, when he spots a blinding headlight in front of him. It i 8/29/1979 #34798  
y a white haze, engulfs her van in blinding light. Her AM radio is racked w 9/20/1979 #34907  
enced a choking odor in the air, a blinding headache, a burning sensation o 11/9/1979 #34991  
eters above his car, and emitted a blinding light, causing him to lose cont 12/3/1979 #35046  
 house in Lodz, Poland spreading a blinding light. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 4/6/1980 #35256  
 house in Lodz, Poland spreading a blinding light. Frightened, the couple l 4/6/1980 #35258  
tnesses. (Burroughs only reports a blinding white light.) Shortly after 4:0 12/26/1980 #35737  
 the ground. It then explodes in a blinding flash that gives off no heat. I 12/28/1980 #35750  
t out of the car and stared at the blinding light and a metallic structure  12/29/1980 #35758  
2M lemon / 2M altitude. Thin legs? Blinding 1M searchlight. Portholes.      8/28/1981 #36087  
 cars had a close encounter with a blinding light on State Route 43 in Madi 11/28/1981 #36236  
point, the lights go out and three blinding white lights in the shape of a  12/31/1982 #36733  
ltsman’s car, which is bathed in a blinding white light as it speeds under  3/24/1983 #36807  
orthern Tasmania, AU Gray ellipse, blinding light from underside, landed ah 12/14/1984 #37524  
                      RICHMOND, IN Blinding fireball going quickly west sto 7/30/1986 #37958  
oad; headlights and engine failed, blinding light from underside. Car dragg 12/14/1987 #38362  
oad. Headlights and engine failed, blinding light from underside. Car dragg 12/14/1987 #38363  
s silently rocking back and forth, blinding white light emanating from both 3/4/1988 #38487  
te observer(s). UFO = semicircle / blinding lights / rigid formation.       9/6/1988 #38633  
ot diameter silvery oval disc with blinding white lights near some power li 12/4/1988 #38745  
r of the object opened there was a blinding light that came out. As the you 10/28/1989 #39191  
sceles triangle." It carried three blinding white lights in each corner and 11/29/1989 #39277  
 Night lights. Buzz / tape player. Blinding saucer going [to] 3m over car.  3/27/1990 #39487  
mputer-like voice. She developed a blinding headache, and then lost conscio 12/29/1992 #40770  
d to watch as a second object with blinding lights appeared and then moved  1/23/1993 #40812  
/APARTMENT, DK Repeat observer(s). Blinding 'dragonlike' object glides towa 4/27/1993 #40952  
 After several minutes it lost its blinding intensity, split into two, then 7/24/1993 #41084  
 80 NEAR GARLAND, WV Bruce church. Blinding silent 30cm silver ball passes  12/12/1994 #41891  
        GREVE, DK 2 observer(s). 4 blinding night lights light trees etc. B 1/15/1995 #41973  
LEAVENWORTH, KS Military employee. Blinding flash. 4 diamond-shaped objects 3/12/1995 #42087  
all behind bush jumps up over car. Blinding electric blue color.            6/25/1995 #42274  
            JEQUITIBA, BRZ(1 OF 2) Blinding red night light 100M away / obs 3/15/1996 #42823  
          MONT VERDUN, FR 1 / car. Blinding sun-like fireball hovers / peak 8/12/1996 #42981  
 some large pine trees there was a blinding flash of orange light, and he f 2/26/1997 #43210  
 inside a huge craft surrounded by blinding lights and looking at something 5/3/2000 #43988  
ttempts, or flooding cockpits with blinding light. Haines documents cases w 10/15/2000 #44056  
ct above the car. In a few seconds blinding blue lights distracted the witn 2/13/2003 #44490  
d two p.m. It took off sideways at blinding speed while other objects were  9/7/2005 #44869  
ash they grew into a large, nearly blinding light source. He went outside a 11/25/2005 #44905  
 suddenly lifted into the sky in a blinding light, he and the other drivers 8/6/2013 #45381  
## Word: "blinding-white" (Back to Top)
. MARTIN DE FRESSENGEAS, FR Silent blinding-white barrel going [to] 12M ove 10/21/1972 #27083  
## Word: "blindingly" (Back to Top)
ocket-shaped projectile trailing a blindingly white flame and a smoke trail 7/3/1947 #2583  
yland. The UFO, a dark mass with a blindingly bright white beam of light, w 10/19/1953 #9244  
               Colonia, Uruguay. A blindingly bright object, smaller than a 7/17/1965 #19118  
                   At 12:30 a.m. a blindingly bright oval-shaped UFO hovere 1/20/1966 #19862  
5 p.m. A motorist almost struck a> blindingly bright object which had lande 4/18/1966 #20329  
 hovering over power lines. It was blindingly bright and brought tears to h 2/12/1967 #21521  
s of St. Catherines, Ontario saw a blindingly red object ascend into the sk 4/26/1967 #22224  
                                 A blindingly bright circular UFO hovered a 5/29/1968 #23994  
 witness named Herbosch reported a blindingly bright saucer-shaped object t 1/24/1970 #25552  
uck and saw the mist replaced by a blindingly vivid light. When he opened h 3/16/1972 #26606  
nos Aires, Argentina when he saw a blindingly bright that emitted a bent be 1/5/1975 #29723  
zling funnel paces / low altitude. Blindingly bright.                       7/4/1975 #30153  
h wide belts whose buckles emitted blindingly bright and hot flashes of red 1/29/1976 #30832  
 in Clayton, New Jersey, watches a blindingly bright round object composed  5/19/1977 #32112  
m A woman and her children watch a blindingly bright red light from their f 10/17/1977 #32584  
0 minutes later. That same night a blindingly bright light came up close to 12/15/1977 #32776  
0 minutes later. That same night a blindingly bright light came up close to 12/15/1977 #32777  
 in Viterbo, Italy spotted a large blindingly bright fiery red sphere desce 1/13/1979 #34338  
for landing gear, portholes, and a blindingly bright 1 meter wide searchlig 8/28/1981 #36088  
                        Kokomo, IN Blindingly bright oval object approached 3/27/1990 #39488  
                        Kokomo, IN Blindingly bright oval object approached 3/27/1990 #39489  
g blown by a strong wind. He saw a blindingly bright craft hovering nearby. 5/24/1999 #43775  
igar-shaped flying object with 3-5 blindingly bright horizontal lights flew 1/2/2003 #44465  
## Word: "blindness" (Back to Top)
ients and medical staff, including blindness and chemical burns. That puzzl 12/2/1943 #1549  
rotective eyewear to prevent flash blindness from the explosion. Besides th 8/1/1958 #15174  
e explosion. Besides the hazard of blindness, thermal radiation is another  8/1/1958 #15174  
tress. Unsure if this is caused by blindness or thermal radiation, the proj 8/1/1958 #15174  
e fell unconscious, and awoke with blindness in his right eye. Damaged foli 3/15/1965 #18860  
t a doctor diagnoses as hysterical blindness in one eye that persists for m 7/22/1975 #30200  
itness suffered from psychosomatic blindness and other personality changes. 7/22/1975 #30201  
ymptoms of paralysis and temporary blindness, manages to change course and  8/23/1979 #34768  
## Word: "blinds" (Back to Top)
e sand. The light is so intense it blinds one of them. The newspaper sugges 6/6/1884 #258  
 “like a railway carriage with the blinds drawn.” He tries to close on it,  1/31/1916 #941  
ows on a railway carriage with the blinds drawn. He tried to close but his  1/31/1916 #942  
ON DEL URUGUAY, ARG Green fireball blinds 3 / truck. Malfunctions due to EM 4/1/1966 #20192  
iced through some partially opened blinds a very bright white light approac 8/26/1977 #32426  
s were found on the barrack window blinds the next day.                     9/24/1978 #33744  
ve around through partially opened blinds. Finally, she decided she would b 12/6/1978 #34068  
is a sudden flash that temporarily blinds him and leaves his eyes irritated 5/16/1979 #34563  
r about a month, no matter how the blinds and curtains are arranged. Someti 1981 #35763  
 slowly entered through the closed blinds of the window. Three figures, sim 10/31/1989 #39199  
in the patio area just outside the blinds. Everything vanished suddenly.    8/15/1995 #42390  
 bright light source on the window blinds. Looking outside, she sees a larg 6/24/1997 #43337  
## Word: "blink" (Back to Top)
Figure(s) / windows. Soft humming. Blink and gone.                          11/1943 #1539  
r flame pass the plane, turn, then blink [out?] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 1/9/1948 #3551  
3' saucers east going west. Lights blink / regularly.                       4/22/1952 #6151  
nd the lights of all eight objects blink out then come on again. They all s 7/14/1952 #6817  
/ US85. Large disk. Rings / lights blink. 2nd dark disk hovers / distance.  9/5/1952 #7850  
ickly north / restricted airspace. Blink and glow. No RADAR.                11/12/1952 #8261  
a Object Signals In Reponse To A/C Blink Lights (LBR) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 5/13/1954 #9788  
ted object fly extremely fast then blink out (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 5/31/1954 #9850  
r as the light ascends; its lights blink out, and his engine and lights res 11/2/1957 #14219  
ant cone / lawn. Many small lights blink. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI 12/1/1957 #14656  
around in the sky over Maine. Some blink and move up and down. A Portland P 2/5/1961 #16596  
00 miles N of), At Sea White light blink 2-3 times per second moving very f 12/16/1963 #18085  
 set fades, and lights in the room blink on and off several times.          10/29/1964 #18595  
 calls. Night lights dive / swamp. Blink and zigzag all over/all about. / r 3/28/1966 #20106  
ely flashes on when the red lights blink off. It moves across the street an 4/23/1966 #20390  
r until about 5:00 a.m. The lights blink at different speeds, with the cent 6/19/1966 #20588  
DS, NH 2 observer(s). House lights blink. Huge UFO with 4+4 windows. Beam k 11/1/1966 #21058  
nut saucer. Windows / edge. Lights blink. Humming and buzz.                 2/2/1967 #21436  
away to the left. The lights would blink and fade. Similar lights were seen 8/3/1967 #22790  
outh. After 50 seconds, the lights blink out.                               10/1967 #23156  
 MASS 1 observer. Cluster / lights blink colors over radio telescopes. Shoo 4/12/1968 #23901  
d. The three large lights begin to blink slowly, then rapidly for 25 second 10/5/1968 #24544  
the arm retracts, the large lights blink more slowly until they stop. The l 10/5/1968 #24544  
rver(s). Reporter sees night light blink on and off. Away extremely fast.   2/17/1971 #26023  
s hover over old mines. Red lights blink / top. Beam going down.            11/6/1971 #26461  
tment building. Fin / rear. Lights blink.                                   10/29/1972 #27100  
s, makes a 90° turn, and begins to blink as it disappears to the east. Simi 3/20/1973 #27352  
ct suddenly grew larger and in the blink of an eye appeared just above the  10/15/1973 #28056  
ers near car. Red and green lights blink / circumference. No further detail 11/1/1973 #28330  
ed “like a rainbow.” Suddenly they blink out and are replaced by a blinding 1/8/1974 #28666  
UX, FR 2 white and 1 red fireballs blink over ground. Go out when observer( 3/15/1974 #28889  
hau Reservoir. Many colored lights blink. / r30p475.                        3/19/1974 #28909  
LES, FR Dark flying coffin. Lights blink / ends. Skims roof / shed. Going q 9/4/1974 #29421  
k off and was out-of-sight "in the blink of an eye." An inside occupant was 9/30/1975 #30400  
50M altitude. 50M away. 4-6 lights blink.                                   12/12/1975 #30707  
' metallic saucers. Colored lights blink. Windows / edges.                  11/10/1976 #31535  
unded towards the nose and did not blink. The aliens were about six and a h 3/20/1977 #31921  
raft landing lights, but they soon blink out leaving a large orange glow wi 5/26/1977 #32133  
nd south over grass fire. 3 lights blink / sequence.                        12/28/1977 #32816  
akes 2 miles circle / area. Lights blink.                                   5/2/1978 #33182  
ape 4M over street. Colored lights blink / bottom/underside. Purrs. / LDLN# 7/13/1978 #33379  
disk hovers / 15M altitude. Lights blink. Grating / bottom.                 12/3/1979 #35042  
mpty fields around them. The balls blink on and off in succession, climbing 5/9/1980 #35319  
he sees an odd star that begins to blink, move in an arc, fade, and go out. 7/19/1981 #36019  
ff the road, causing her lights to blink out and the engine to stall. She s 10/13/1983 #37004  
ey seem to hover for a while, then blink out. Cooke gets out of his car, wa 10/28/1983 #37026  
of small, multicolored lights that blink in rapid sequence. One object is l 3/21/1984 #37237  
ency Interference (RFI) and lights blink. Quiet outside. Saucer low overhea 8/5/1986 #37971  
' display / lights 50' over ditch. Blink / succession. No form seen.        3/15/1989 #38872  
uselage. Much bigger / 747. Lights blink.                                   1/31/1990 #39399  
s). Hexagon near airport. 6 lights blink / corners.                         4/12/1990 #39521  
y southwest / 30 minute(s). Lights blink / corners.                         5/31/1990 #39601  
/triangle/box-like craft formation blink / unison. Going northeast. Turn go 11/5/1990 #39855  
 light and separate red ball. Both blink and join. Ball exits ray and rises 11/6/1990 #39876  
3 cars see. 1 passes under. Lights blink / sequence.                        1/10/1991 #39949  
E, PA 3 silent saucers / treetops. Blink / unison. Form triangle. Vanish!   6/23/1992 #40503  
 south going quickly north. Lights blink / front edges.                     4/6/1994 #41478  
ds / report(s). Weird night lights blink east going quickly west. Respond t 5/4/1994 #41513  
e / airliner. Red and green lights blink.                                   7/16/1994 #41622  
ng [to] 0125h. 100M saucer. Lights blink / edge. Hovers over mountain. Phot 7/17/1994 #41629  
 near mountain. Glows. Many points blink. Noises. Photographs no good/usele 7/25/1994 #41639  
 saucers / groups hover / 2 hours. Blink red and green. No planes up.       10/7/1994 #41790  
llic grey plus-sign. Lights / ends blink. 2 beams on arms.                  10/7/1994 #41791  
, CA 1+cops. 2 delta-craft. Lights blink / sequence. 1200' away / 15 second 2/12/1995 #42037  
R10. 2 23cm night lights hover and blink / 75' altitude. 1 going quickly [t 5/7/1995 #42186  
fast. Solid light / center. Lights blink / edge.                            8/13/1995 #42379  
ports 8–10 objects in a group that blink out and reappear in three-minute i 10/16/1996 #43073  
ance around. Suddenly, both lights blink out at the same time.              9/16/2004 #44757  
 change direction and speed in the blink of an eye.  It had lights and was  11/27/2004 #44792  
, Texas, on FM2611 when her lights blink twice and the engine goes dead. Sh 7/5/2005 #44851  
. It had white lights that did not blink, and a white antenna that moved ba 3/6/2007 #45011  
 position, emit a white flame, and blink out. Over 30 more witnesses come f 1/8/2008 #45112  
m of the object, which immediately blink out. The car starts again spontane 11/25/2009 #45256  
## Word: "blinked" (Back to Top)
man shone a flashlight, the object blinked out and disappeared. (Ref. 3; Gr 11/1943 #1540  
overed over some power lines, then blinked out.                             8/10/1947 #3310  
und, flat disc-shaped object that "blinked" and flew silently with a type o 1/4/1949 #3960  
 two, each with a white light that blinked every 1-2 seconds as they perfor 4/22/1952 #6153  
ike shape. They made a sharp turn, blinked off and on in unison, and then f 7/14/1952 #6818  
 the F-94, increased its speed and blinked out after 45 seconds.            4/8/1953 #8812  
The object increased its speed and blinked out after 45 seconds.            4/8/1953 #8813  
ect flew very, very fast, and then blinked out after 8-10 seconds.          5/31/1954 #9851  
d object bounced up and down, then blinked out at 9:30 p.m.                 10/28/1954 #11469  
obe of white light approach plane, blinked landing lights; object blinked i 11/14/1955 #12567  
ne, blinked landing lights; object blinked in seeming response, reversed co 11/14/1955 #12567  
 first thought was an airliner and blinked his lights twice as a recognitio 11/14/1955 #12569  
skyline. After several seconds it "blinked out as if lights had been turned 12/9/1955 #12601  
ights flashing around in sky. Some blinked and moved up and down. (NICAP: 0 2/5/1961 #16595  
ilitary aircraft.  One white light blinked 2-3 times per second as it moved 12/16/1963 #18086  
away. While approaching its lights blinked and turned to dark red. Five min 6/13/1964 #18351  
way. While approaching, its lights blinked and turned to dark red. Five min 6/13/1964 #18353  
oward Lincoln, when his headlights blinked and failed. An object then dived 8/4/1965 #19313  
Abilene, Texas when his headlights blinked and failed, but his truck's dies 8/4/1965 #19321  
 took to be the moon. But it then “blinked black and white,” and the silhou 8/8/1965 #19342  
und houses and trees, while lights blinked in sequence.  Farm animals were  9/3/1965 #19507  
It had a string of red lights that blinked on and off. (U.F.O. Investigator 1/18/1966 #19847  
ectric power systems, house lights blinked off and on rapidly. The UFO was  3/19/1966 #19994  
ights had paced his truck. When he blinked his headlights, the UFO blinked  3/28/1966 #20110  
he blinked his headlights, the UFO blinked in apparent response (light reac 3/28/1966 #20110  
wo o'clock in the morning. When he blinked his headlights it veered away sh 3/28/1966 #20119  
ghts below it. The lights abruptly blinked off. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - 4/10/1966 #20281  
ating the terrain. Then the lights blinked off and the obiect disappeared.  4/18/1966 #20329  
down as it moved. The yellow light blinked or flashed alternately with the  4/23/1966 #20388  
 no transponder signal. The object blinked off visually for 30 seconds then 1/13/1967 #21301  
d off visually for 30 seconds then blinked back on. Albuquerque control con 1/13/1967 #21301  
e Lear for a few minutes. Then, it blinked off-on again and started to fall 1/13/1967 #21301  
led forward again. When the object blinked off the Albuquerque radar contro 1/13/1967 #21301  
the object, then regain it when it blinked on again. Both the UFO and Lear  1/13/1967 #21301  
 ring of red lights around it that blinked off and on. The object was above 1/20/1967 #21358  
ts in an X formation that hovered, blinked on and off in sequence, turned l 3/9/1967 #21835  
about 500 m away to the left. They blinked and faded. Similar lights were s 8/3/1967 #22785  
 again at Conrado. When the driver blinked the car's headlights, the object 8/3/1967 #22785  
t Conrado, Brazil. When the driver blinked the car's headlights the objects 8/3/1967 #22790  
nd land. It was white in color and blinked three times as it landed. The wi 8/7/1967 #22842  
 of rectangular-shaped lights that blinked on-and-off, revolving across the 10/2/1967 #23167  
outer lights were orange/amber and blinked or flickered. The center light w 10/22/1967 #23287  
nd other colors, which alternately blinked on and off. Standing near the sa 10/29/1967 #23364  
he biggest star. It moved rapidly, blinked on-off, and disappeared in the s 2/1/1968 #23725  
irplane approached it, the object "blinked out" and then reappeared after t 7/5/1968 #24146  
e light appeared underneath it. It blinked out when an airplane approached. 10/19/1968 #24576  
group of multi-colored lights that blinked in a pattern indicating a square 10/28/1968 #24599  
 a spotlight at it, it immediately blinked out.                             11/27/1968 #24726  
inous letter "A". The object then "blinked on," rose and disappeared. Two d 7/4/1969 #25253  
ortholes. The lights on the object blinked out after 40 seconds. Mr. Lauret 3/10/1972 #26599  
3 kilometers away. When the driver blinked the headlights off and on, the o 9/13/1973 #27815  
e beneath the mask. His eyes never blinked, not even once. His movements ap 10/16/1973 #28089  
bout 5,000 feet off the ground. It blinked on and off like a light bulb. (R 2/17/1974 #28777  
isc with a thin base and blinkers, blinked in response to flashlight signal 6/3/1974 #29159  
ose from behind a hill. A motorist blinked his headlights a couple of times 9/8/1974 #29434  
st Virginia at around 6:00 p.m. It blinked on-and-off, then shot away as th 11/27/1975 #30670  
ous object behind his truck, which blinked on and off several times. Soon a 12/11/1975 #30705  
m a bright white, lemon-shaped UFO blinked on, and took off into the air on 2/10/1976 #30863  
m a bright white, lemon-shaped UFO blinked on and took off into the air, on 8/16/1976 #31274  
ing a “pull” from it. Then when it blinked he suddenly found himself inside 8/25/1976 #31302  
s silent and had three lights that blinked in sequence. It was estimated to 12/28/1977 #32817  
 degree elevation in the sky, that blinked on-and-off 3-5 times in 15 minut 9/10/1978 #33661  
ue. The lighted rectangle suddenly blinked off, and John heard a strange cl 12/14/1978 #34127  
overing just above the roadway. He blinked his headlights and the object de 12/15/1978 #34137  
ore minutes the lights gyrated and blinked out, and they could see the dark 2/11/1980 #35171  
hite lights around its base, which blinked in rotation. (NICAP: 02 - Close  3/18/1982 #36399  
hite lights around its base, which blinked in rotation. It made a humming n 3/18/1982 #36400  
wheels lifted off road, car lights blinked off and on. Car dropped hard bac 10/15/1983 #37009  
g over a nearby field. One of them blinked out, while the other one came st 2/12/1985 #37556  
n-engine Xingu aircraft, the light blinked off every 10-15 seconds, only to 5/19/1986 #37882  
hich wobbled from side-to-side and blinked in no pattern at &;00 p.m. They  11/1/1989 #39208  
g back on. Finally, all the lights blinked out and were gone.               12/6/1989 #39301  
d the four witnesses, then finally blinked out.                             8/25/1991 #40166  
he discs were at treetop level and blinked in unison. They formed a triangl 6/23/1992 #40506  
low on the far sides. Their lights blinked, and then both discs disappeared 2/9/1993 #40846  
of Zelenogorsk. The large UFO then blinked out. At about the same time in L 3/14/1995 #42095  
d reappeared in Bath, Illinois. It blinked and then shot off fast.          3/1/1996 #42797  
mile and resumed hovering until it blinked out after five minutes.          10/10/1998 #43662  
o ground, the UFO swayed, and then blinked out. It made no sound.           5/8/2003 #44529  
10:30 p.m., hovered, pulsated, and blinked while it rotated for 30 to 40 se 8/28/2003 #44587  
electric lights along the seashore blinked out simultaneously as if from a  8/2/2004 #44725  
## Word: "blinkers" (Back to Top)
 observer. Thin disk with dome and blinkers responds / flashlight. Goes / c 6/3/1974 #29158  
 A domed disc with a thin base and blinkers, blinked in response to flashli 6/3/1974 #29159  
## Word: "blinking" (Back to Top)
f the Army Air Corps, sees several blinking lights moving slowly over the M 3/5/1942 #1397  
center, 4 white ones on each side) blinking off and on. (Page 136 Ref.1) (N 2/14/1945 #1782  
ezia, Italy Multiple sightings:(1) blinking light; (2) reddish white light  2/17/1945 #1789  
hite circular unidentified object, blinking on and off. The UFO made a head 10/1/1948 #3828  
altitude and circled the airfield, blinking once per second, finally flying 1/4/1949 #3960  
illeen Base, Camp Hood (SE of), TX Blinking violet object passing through b 4/27/1949 #4114  
east of Killeen Base, Texas, see a blinking violet light no more than 1.5 i 4/27/1949 #4118  
 about 8:00–9:30 p.m. to the west, blinking red and green. It disappears at 2/24/1950 #4554  
bject is an extremely bright light blinking at an estimated 3 flashes per s 3/20/1950 #4690  
n shot up to a very high altitude, blinking at two second intervals.        8/26/1951 #5633  
object, three feet in diameter and blinking regularly fly over Naha Air For 4/22/1952 #6156  
ge crossing the valley. They begin blinking off, one by one. When they get  Early 6/1952 #6428  
and F-94 pilots moving in arcs and blinking out suddenly. One F-94 crew get 7/22/1952 #7028  
sc-shaped luminous object with red blinking light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 8/6/1952 #7485  
rily, and all of them disappear by blinking out.                            Mid 8/1952 #7608  
 MASS Project Bluebook Case #2155. Blinking white night light shoots going  10/10/1952 #8111  
                      Otis AFB, MA Blinking white light move like a pendulu 10/10/1952 #8112  
Sgt., two other enlisted men.  One blinking white light moved like a pendul 10/10/1952 #8113  
 Otis AFB, Massachusetts watched a blinking white light swing in the sky li 10/10/1952 #8115  
TIA NAS, NFLD Several observer(s). Blinking object drops / ground. Planes s 11/15/1952 #8276  
n on it, he sees it is a disc with blinking red lights. At 350 feet away, h 2/11/1953 #8664  
ept an unknown target. A disc with blinking red lights approaches him and g 2/19/1953 #8686  
     Hackettstown, NJ Large light, blinking at 10-15 times per minute (NICA 3/10/1953 #8744  
m flight engineer.  A large light, blinking at 10-15 times per minute, move 3/11/1953 #8745  
Base Quantico, Virginia, watches a blinking red light about 18 inches in di 12/30/1953 #9409  
     Quantico, VA Red revolving or blinking lights, hovering and moving sou 1/4/1954 #9442  
 the UFO appears in the southwest, blinking on and off. As it reaches the s 4/29/1954 #9734  
s it reaches the station, it stops blinking and disappears by going straigh 4/29/1954 #9734  
s). Blue-white disc-UFO with 10-14 blinking lights.                         6/26/1955 #12212  
 in Holt, Florida, see a disc with blinking lights.                         6/26/1955 #12216  
y Airport, Paris, France Light red blinking light flying erratically, track 2/18/1956 #12727  
ovements. The entire object begins blinking on and off. When the aircraft g 1/16/1957 #13461  
ends near Sibbald, Alberta, when a blinking light appears in the sky and pa 11/3/1957 #14250  
, Pennsylvania Night. A 2-foot red blinking light frightens children over t Early 4/1958 #14959  
ndows around its lower portion and blinking red, yellow, and green lights a 3/19/1959 #15654  
 on each tip and the lower one was blinking. It also had square ports or wi 11/22/1961 #16973  
t that landed. It was round with a blinking light, and stayed there about o 5/1962 #17145  
and reddish-pink, green, and white blinking lights. It continues to approac 8/1962 #17309  
 Ohio spotted a bright, motionless blinking object emitting multi-colored l 6/12/1964 #18348  
ed, clear, red. The red lights are blinking. As the object ascends, the lig 7/7/1964 #18398  
strip), Wake Island Saw a reddish, blinking light approach the runway (NICA 8/10/1964 #18474  
124 transport plane.  One reddish, blinking light approached the runway, st 8/10/1964 #18475  
                       Wake Island Blinking red light approached air base r 8/10/1964 #18476  
5:15 a.m. when they sighted a red, blinking light approach the airfield run 8/10/1964 #18477  
cribed as silvery gray, with three blinking red lights and a white light.   8/25/1964 #18509  
ry gray object with a dome on top, blinking red lights, a solid white light 8/25/1964 #18510  
t he noticed a domed object with a blinking light on top descend and land.  9/4/1964 #18535  
a noise, and saw an object bearing blinking red and green lights fly over h 9/15/1964 #18555  
ho observes a V-shaped object with blinking red-orange lights over Hampton, 1/27/1965 #18776  
         CHESANING, MI Saucer with blinking red light seen / 20 minute(s).  6/21/1965 #19021  
                     A disc with a blinking red light was seen for 20 minut 6/21/1965 #19023  
 Jardine, 10, saw an object with a blinking red dome fly over the Cooper Cr 11/29/1965 #19739  
 Jardine, 10, saw an object with a blinking red dome fly over the Cooper Cr 11/29/1965 #19740  
bevel, and it bore a red and white blinking light. The front had a transpar 12/11/1965 #19765  
ly, then accelerating, body lights blinking on and off. (NICAP notes.) (NIC 3/16/1966 #19973  
ched a large oval object with four blinking body lights fly overhead, hover 3/22/1966 #20027  
 light, and red, green, and purple blinking lights. Udvardy backs up and hi 3/31/1966 #20179  
 with domes on top and bottom, and blinking red and green body lights, mane 4/1/1966 #20195  
en saw a round object with colored blinking body lights pace above and ahea 4/22/1966 #20364  
., saw a disc with dome on top and blinking red lights around the edge, and 4/23/1966 #20388  
 an oval, domed UFO with a ring of blinking red lights bobbing up and down  4/23/1966 #20390  
saw a multicolored domed disc with blinking red lights on its rim move betw 4/24/1966 #20406  
, Wisconsin when they noticed some blinking white and green lights pacing t 5/8/1966 #20467  
window when the house lights begin blinking on and off. She goes to her son 11/1/1966 #21061  
STOWN, PA Private pilot. Disk with blinking light hovers by Cessna. Shoots  11/30/1966 #21161  
rivate pilot watched a disc with a blinking red light hover alongside his C 11/30/1966 #21164  
 a dull, gray-white finish and one blinking red light. When the pilot flies 11/30/1966 #21165  
5 P.M. a disc-shaped object with a blinking red light hovered for 30 second 11/30/1966 #21166  
ect with rounded corners and three blinking lights. It is moving slowly in  12/15/1966 #21203  
t responded to house spotlights by blinking in the same sequence (light rea 1/6/1967 #21266  
 with red, yellow, blue, and white blinking lights, lost control of his car 1/17/1967 #21332  
t with red, yellow, blue and white blinking lights. He lost control of his  1/17/1967 #21334  
ne with light beams with red/green blinking lights across the front, a halo 1/19/1967 #21351  
bject with two bright red vertical blinking body lights descend, emitting a 1/24/1967 #21372  
man saw a solid ball (sphere) with blinking yellow body light(s) which desc 1/26/1967 #21395  
ith projections and a dome on top, blinking red and green lights across the 1/28/1967 #21407  
ir saw a dark sphere with randomly blinking red, green and white lights (bo 2/5/1967 #21458  
A saucer-shaped object (disc) with blinking red lights (body lights) forced 2/14/1967 #21543  
l object with red, green, and blue blinking lights (body lights). The objec 2/14/1967 #21547  
 brilliant red lights, each with a blinking green light on top with a hazy  2/25/1967 #21650  
ging color. Red lights were either blinking or moving around the main white 2/27/1967 #21674  
 (halo effect). The object had two blinking red lights and four steady whit 3/15/1967 #21889  
Spanish border saw two unexplained blinking lights that changed color and w 3/22/1967 #21944  
 solid-gray cigar (ellipse) with a blinking red light for about 4 minutes.  4/6/1967 #22075  
esses saw an object with eight red blinking lights and two white lights (bo 4/20/1967 #22167  
e oncoming white and yellow-orange blinking lights of the craft. The witnes 4/21/1967 #22195  
l, with a band of alternate non- ; blinking red and green body lights aroun 4/28/1967 #22242  
 oval object was reported with red blinking lights and a steady white light 5/2/1967 #22265  
       A misty gray oval with four blinking red lights and a steady white l 5/2/1967 #22267  
nt white light in front, a rapidly blinking red light on the rear, and red  5/15/1967 #22345  
light at each end, and two rapidly blinking white lights in the center (bod 7/6/1967 #22619  
units of three, with red and green blinking lights (body lights). One was s 7/11/1967 #22649  
 in a parking lot. It has greenish blinking lights underneath it, on or nea 7/31/1967 #22761  
T. A woman saw a horizontal row of blinking red and white lights. They appe 8/18/1967 #22887  
hat were stationary in the sky and blinking off and on randomly. Police rad 9/3/1967 #22987  
d disc-shaped object with windows, blinking lights, light beam illuminating 10/2/1967 #23166  
 witnesses reported an object with blinking multicolored lights, three port 10/5/1967 #23179  
e ball of light, possibly with red blinking lights on the side, bounce arou 11/15/1967 #23463  
close encounter with a row of 8-10 blinking white lights, and a parallel up 11/28/1967 #23519  
 on the object. The red lights are blinking through the windows of a disc h 12/3/1967 #23545  
ve by a cemetery. They see a light blinking in the sky ahead, moving in an  12/5/1967 #23551  
 of the underside, and a series of blinking white and green lights along th 12/11/1967 #23569  
The object is 50–60 feet long with blinking yellow lights. The witness trie 3/4/1968 #23823  
he object was 50-60 feet long with blinking lights.The witness tried to dri 3/4/1968 #23825  
er of multicolored lights hovered, blinking red to orange to blue, in Hamil 4/12/1968 #23903  
         ST.-GEOURS-DE-MAREMNE, FR Blinking light = saucer / ground. Cars s 6/14/1968 #24027  
s moving in an erratic pattern and blinking. Then they see a basketball-siz 7/13/1968 #24173  
 several days of tracking, the red blinking lights extinguish when under ra 8/1968 #24284  
     Marcellus, NY Object with red blinking light on top within 100 ft. of  11/25/1968 #24702  
 they see an object with five red, blinking lights about 100 feet in front  11/25/1968 #24704  
 northwest as the lights change to blinking blue and white. Suddenly, the U 11/25/1968 #24704  
on saw a domed-disc UFO with a red blinking light on top. As it approached  11/25/1968 #24705  
noid with an egg-shaped head and a blinking light on its chest area, and wh 11/28/1968 #24729  
  Crittendon, VA Amber lights, one blinking, in elliptical formation (NICAP 1/17/1969 #24857  
 hovered and dimmed leaving behind blinking white lights. It streaked away  3/27/1971 #26056  
e triangular- shaped object with a blinking red light on top. Two more iden 11/5/1971 #26459  
d, California. They had red lights blinking on top and a beam of light.     11/6/1971 #26466  
ok at the display. Suddenly, three blinking lights emerge from the object.  12/13/1972 #27176  
l-shaped object with "white lights blinking on and off and going around on  1/23/1973 #27244  
r-shape / low altitude. Many see 2 blinking lights / kings mountain from I8 2/22/1973 #27309  
ed in size, then all three started blinking. The object flew off to the wes 4/27/1973 #27451  
O, PA Many observer(s). Ovoid with blinking white lights.                   9/15/1973 #27824  
law officers an oblong object with blinking lights landed in a field in Hig 10/14/1973 #28028  
en. It had two claw-like hands and blinking eyes. At least six other report 10/17/1973 #28138  
ght Brian Scott saw an object with blinking lights on the bottom surrounded 10/25/1973 #28287  
NC Round object with red and green blinking lights around circumference hov 11/1/1973 #28336  
 a round object with red and green blinking lights around its circumference 11/1/1973 #28340  
                    At 6:00 p.m. a blinking white light approached a car in 11/29/1973 #28483  
acorn, with a green bottom. It was blinking slowly and was surrounded by a  12/2/1973 #28507  
her and his wife saw UFO with four blinking white lights and a red light in 12/2/1973 #28507  
hort distance in front of him. The blinking lights are multicolored “like a 1/8/1974 #28666  
ect departs suddenly, the interior blinking out and the colored lights reap 1/8/1974 #28666  
3:13 a.m. He then saw multicolored blinking lights descend just meters in f 1/8/1974 #28667  
l and (according to one witness) a blinking blue light. The object is motio 1/23/1974 #28694  
red objects like illuminated sign, blinking at random, very bright, with sm 1/25/1974 #28704  
 had a central white light and two blinking lights near the edge, as well a 5/11/1974 #29100  
played a central red light and two blinking white lights as it moved off.   5/11/1974 #29100  
45 minutes later a domed disc with blinking lights descended over a militar 6/13/1974 #29186  
re. The driver signaled the UFO by blinking the car headlights a couple of  9/8/1974 #29436  
et in diameter. There was a row of blinking orange lights that encircled th 1/5/1975 #29724  
 It wasn't a fire, but a large red blinking ball of light, larger than a "w 1/20/1975 #29756  
 alternating red and orange lights blinking around the rim. The dome was re 8/8/1975 #30244  
ight a shining round object with a blinking light moved quickly from north  11/21/1975 #30650  
h three white lights and a smaller blinking red light in the center was sig 11/23/1975 #30656  
und its mid section, and a yellow, blinking light on the bottom. When the c 1/6/1976 #30762  
 with round windows with rotating, blinking red lights around each of them; 1/6/1976 #30770  
e saw a deep orange luminous globe blinking on and off and slowly zigzaggin 8/25/1976 #31302  
feet altitude. Binoculars reveal a blinking red light flanked by pairs of a 9/24/1976 #31422  
 and a blue light in the back, all blinking. One banks slightly before it g 11/10/1976 #31538  
ady thought was a snow plough. One blinking light of unknown shape flew acr 3/23/1977 #31927  
ady thought was a snow plough. One blinking light of unknown shape flew acr 3/23/1977 #31928  
olved yellow, green, blue, and red blinking lights. She heard a buzzing sou 4/6/1977 #31953  
 other briefly, and they can see a blinking red light on top. The objects a 8/11/1977 #32384  
es should have been there were two blinking orange lights. The young men fl 8/30/1977 #32441  
an's eyes should be there were two blinking orange lights. The witnesses fl 8/31/1977 #32446  
ed a reddish-yellow light that was blinking blue that momentarily disappear 11/1/1977 #32653  
ouple again saw it, now larger and blinking, at the crossroads of Logis d'A 11/13/1977 #32671  
ject hovering in the sky, edged by blinking red lights. The retrieved mater 12/17/1977 #32792  
    North Atlantic White disc, red blinking lights top and bottom, paced ai 12/22/1977 #32807  
New Jersey Cheryl DeSanctis sees a blinking red and white light hovering ab 1/27/1978 #32920  
r object with red, blue, and white blinking lights hovers briefly and silen 4/26/1978 #33172  
rn and the UFO seems to respond by blinking a light, then slowly lands near 5/1/1979 #34537  
anish along the side of the UFO. A blinking red light shines out on the upp 5/22/1979 #34574  
he light blinks out again and four blinking red and green lights appear at  7/4/1979 #34646  
server(s). Glowing white ball with blinking colored lights. Whirring sound. 7/21/1979 #34667  
&Tampa. 2 observer(s). Saucer with blinking lights / underside. No further  8/3/1979 #34705  
 and another woman watch a single, blinking white light moving above the tr 9/26/1979 #34928  
og or vapor; the object then began blinking its lights on and off. The witn 11/30/1979 #35034  
and stops, now appearing as a red, blinking dot. His wife joins him but ins Early 3/1980 #35190  
he light, which has colored lights blinking inside it. After 5–10 minutes,  3/24/1980 #35238  
utes later, three more lights (two blinking, one steady) appear to the righ 6/17/1980 #35379  
ppears 2 minutes later, moving and blinking more frequently, then it veers  7/19/1981 #36019  
ad, they hear a low-pitched hum. A blinking, red-orange light is at the rea 9/18/1981 #36128  
eden, when she notices two intense blinking lights that seem to be coming t 2/2/1982 #36321  
-blue, saucer-shaped object with a blinking red light on the bottom. Terrif 2/2/1982 #36321  
ee steady white lights and a small blinking red light.                      3/21/1982 #36405  
 become frightened when they see a blinking red light on the craft. They wa 4/8/1982 #36442  
shaped object with dome on top and blinking red lights, and a row of rectan 6/10/1982 #36495  
bria, Spain A bullfighter observed blinking red and yellow lights near the  7/25/1982 #36548  
er in Punta Umbria, Spain observed blinking re and yellow lights near the b 7/25/1982 #36551  
h two brilliant white lights and a blinking red light. It hovers 100–150 fe 10/2/1982 #36629  
k, and the lights on the poles are blinking intermittently. A strong light  8/12/1983 #36949  
atically and made no sound. It had blinking red and white lights. Its errat 12/12/1983 #37070  
h a similar object. They both have blinking red and white lights.           12/12/1983 #37071  
atically and made no sound. It had blinking red and white lights. Its errat 12/12/1983 #37072  
 lights are at the front and back, blinking red lights at the sides, and sm 2/29/1984 #37210  
e, then blue. Far to the rear is a blinking red light. The dark mass behind 7/24/1984 #37412  
ning one turned into red and white blinking lights on a boomerang-shaped cr 3/14/1985 #37568  
delta/triangle/box-like craft with blinking lights all over.                11/22/1985 #37717  
ng a silent, delta-shaped UFO with blinking lights.                         11/22/1985 #37723  
liant steady white light and three blinking red lights, and there was some  8/1/1986 #37968  
figuration of red, white, and blue blinking lights that remain stationary i 1/15/1987 #38099  
till see the UFO with red and blue blinking lights along the bottom edge. 5 3/4/1988 #38487  
 on top, and many other lights are blinking in shades of red, orange, and g 2/8/1989 #38825  
low, and blue lights in back and a blinking red light on right side flew ov 5/4/1989 #38936  
onge, Saskatchewan, sees a pair of blinking lights moving across his path a 11/1/1989 #39207  
cribes the lights as intermittent, blinking out and reappearing in a differ 11/20/1989 #39241  
 several miles at about 7:00 p.m., blinking out whenever there was oncoming 12/6/1989 #39301  
ng at 10,000 feet altitude and had blinking lights.                         1/31/1990 #39400  
 325–650 feet in diameter with two blinking lights. It turns on its axis an 3/21/1990 #39475  
the windshield that appeared to be blinking in a certain set pattern. She t 3/24/1990 #39484  
g a flattened saucer, and two long blinking devices jutting from the head r 3/24/1990 #39485  
s there for several minutes before blinking out. It reappears the next nigh 4/12/1990 #39522  
ulf Breeze, Florida saw an intense blinking light over the Santa Rosa Bay f 5/9/1990 #39570  
 Rios, Argentina. Lights were seen blinking above the object, then joined t 8/20/1990 #39694  
ox-cylinder/cylindrical object and blinking delta/triangle/box-like craft g 11/5/1990 #39839  
going quickly north. Flame / rear. Blinking and steady lights. Ground lit.  11/23/1990 #39900  
the rear end of the object. It had blinking and steady lights.              11/23/1990 #39901  
 instantly reappears far away, its blinking lights (but not the ray) still  5/17/1991 #40066  
car. Very large fast grey box with blinking light / top going quickly NNE.  8/28/1992 (approximate) #40592  
a very large, fast gray box with a blinking light on top, flew to the north 8/28/1992 #40593  
ON WORKS, ME 1 observer. 8' circle blinking lights at eye level near window 9/30/1992 #40648  
 with an eight-foot wide circle of blinking lights at eye level near her wi 9/30/1992 #40652  
        BOULANGE, FR 4 / car. Blue blinking vertical ovoid west going quick 1/26/1993 #40814  
r close together). The lights were blinking and round. The first set spun c 8/11/1993 #41131  
ICE, FR 2+kids. White saucer white blinking lights / edge. Going quickly we 2/18/1994 #41419  
he cause. . At 2:30 a.m. a rapidly blinking strobe-light flying object pace 6/5/1994 #41553  
t of protrusion, and red and green blinking lights. It was viewed through b 7/16/1994 #41626  
t, surrounded by many much smaller blinking lights. The kids in the car wer 8/15/1995 #42388  
it went over a ridge eight or more blinking nocturnal lights crisscrossed i 9/22/1995 #42501  
   A swarm of at least 24 randomly blinking lights flew over Highway 17 in  11/14/1995 #42600  
 luminous eyes that appeared to be blinking. The witness briefly illuminate 12/9/1995 #42639  
             BELVAL, FR Young boy. Blinking luminous/glowing triangle going 1/21/1996 #42701  
On this night at 9:45 p.m. a dozen blinking lights and a solid orange light 2/10/1996 #42756  
ers directly above the road. A red blinking light is at the center.         6/17/1996 #42931  
cm small humanoids (or Greys) with blinking penlights exit.                 8/26/1996 #42996  
USSIA Several and military pilots. Blinking night lights. Not / RADAR. / AF 9/23/1996 #43036  
s was followed by a group of 10-12 blinking lights on the western horizon.  10/10/1996 #43063  
with a dome on top and with row of blinking red lights, was seen flying ove 1/29/1998 #43508  
olleagues noticed three bright UAP blinking in a triangle formation. The li 10/1998 #43656  
tion. One of them carried a purple blinking light and another of the beings 11/13/1998 #43682  
 in front of them in the southeast blinking sequentially in a vertical, tri 12/1998 #43694  
untsville, Alabama a row of 5 or 6 blinking lights were seen flying in the  6/5/1999 #43780  
hted a huge disc with a great many blinking lights surrounding it. On the b 7/25/2000 #44023  
 bright lights in the southern sky blinking irregularly. The object they ar 11/4/2000 #44072  
+'stars' follow saucer. Steady and blinking lights / top.                   11/28/2000 #44083  
 a flying triangle with a deep red blinking light on each point in Phoenix, 11/28/2000 #44084  
he disc, which had both steady and blinking lights on its top. The sighting 11/28/2000 #44086  
lent triangular craft with bright, blinking, strobing and pulsing white lig 5/17/2001 #44185  
 driving when he was approached by blinking lights on a circular UFO. This  9/25/2002 #44408  
a Grange, Georgia saw a stationary blinking light through pine trees that f 12/2/2002 #44458  
ps of its apexes, plus a small red blinking light and a small constant red  1/24/2003 #44479  
. The UFO made no sound and had no blinking or colored lights.              5/23/2003 #44544  
sex, New Brunswick, when he sees a blinking light off to his left, apparent 1/21/2004 #44653  
 a relatively low altitude. It had blinking red and green lights at the rea 4/16/2004 #44689  
ht for 10 minutes. It had a row of blinking lights, and the lights were alt 5/7/2004 #44695  
he saw a triangular UFO with three blinking white lights and one flashing r 5/9/2004 #44698  
h to north in Rockne, Texas before blinking out.                            6/6/2004 #44708  
unning along its edges, constantly blinking in a clockwise direction. Brigh 8/2/2004 #44725  
. It was silver gray in color with blinking yellowish orange lights evenly  12/5/2004 #44799  
 large rectangular object with red blinking lights that formed an arch was  4/27/2006 #44934  
ped object with a bluish tint, and blinking very brightly, was sighted next 11/22/2006 #44986  
saucer-shaped object with numerous blinking lights (red, ivory, and green i 9/4/2007 #45052  
ve the road. Two of the lights are blinking and one is steady. The 30-foot- 9/16/2008 #45168  
d sighted an oval-shaped disc with blinking red, blue, and green lights. It 8/18/2009 #45236  
   Many lights, changing color and blinking randomly, merging and dividing, 9/16/2009 #45248  
ets were all evenly spaced and not blinking. The green color was brighter t 6/1/2013 #45369  
hem. It has an apparently rotating blinking light and is making constant tu 8/18/2013 #45383  
ween 5:00 and 10:00 p.m. They have blinking lights and hover, then descend  12/2019 #45620  
rone in Morgan County after seeing blinking lights in the sky. But they tak 12/31/2019 #45623  
## Word: "blinking--in" (Back to Top)
 Several amber lights--one of them blinking--in an elliptical formation, fl 1/17/1969 #24858  
## Word: "blinks" (Back to Top)
et. As he watches, the searchlight blinks out and smaller lights surroundin 4/16/1897 #510  
oving slowly. After 15 minutes, it blinks out.                              10/1909 #815  
follows car. Hovers / power lines. Blinks out.                              8/10/1947? #3309  
rver. Silent saucer circles field. Blinks 1 / second(s). Going quickly NNE  1/4/1949 #3956  
er. Bright night light going east. Blinks on and off slowly. Sudden zigzag  2/18/1950 #4540  
lage with wings but no engines and blinks some lights like running lights.  1/20/1951 #5407  
Turns. Going up [to] very high and blinks / 2s intervals.                   8/25/1951 #5617  
C) site. Eludes F47. 8km altitude. Blinks.                                  6/21/1952 #6569  
mming attacks” at the aircraft. It blinks until it speeds away.             6/21/1952 #6579  
st a half mile, flashes again, and blinks out. No sound.                    6/22/1952 #6588  
s directly toward the light, which blinks out.                              8/21/1952 #7670  
 south going quickly north. Rises. Blinks / 2 second(s) intervals.          8/26/1952 #7739  
). White disk tilts and maneuvers. Blinks orange and white. Blue night ligh 9/4/1952 #7846  
. Rushes toward(s) base and stops. Blinks out. Reappears.                   12/16/1952 #8424  
ad ahead and closing rapidly. Kidd blinks on his landing lights and the UFO 10/19/1953 #9243  
 Force-C124 / 5 minute(s). Returns blinks! Climbs going quickly northeast v 5/13/1954 #9782  
ery-white object at extreme speed. Blinks out / 10 second(s).               5/31/1954 #9848  
hite night light going down / sky. Blinks. 360-turns. Vanishes.             6/10/1954 #9886  
 FR N5 = A38. Cops. Red ball / sky blinks on / off. Jerky motion.           9/23/1954 #10412  
dazzling light at low altitude. It blinks out. When he gets to the spot whe 10/6/1954 #10756  
 football saucer goes up and down. Blinks out. / La Montagne 5 November.    10/28/1954 #11458  
begins moving again at 35 mph then blinks out after 5–10 seconds.           1956 #12638  
io communications cut out. The UFO blinks out and the radio equipment goes  5/31/1957 #13690  
tions on this point. Twice the UFO blinks out visually when pursued by the  7/17/1957 #13808  
 2 ovoids below clouds / 45 min. 1 blinks on and off. 1 swings like pendulu 8/14/1957 #13888  
V-antenna / top. Moves fast. Light blinks / side.                           10/27/1957 #14158  
DENTON, NE Several / car. Red star blinks. White night lights pace. Paralys 11/16/1957 #14564  
LWOOD CITY, PA Cops. 2' red saucer blinks and going up and down [to] and ma 4/3/1958 #14961  
 military plane. White night light blinks 2-3x / second(s) crossing sky.    12/16/1963 #18083  
nclude/including chief. 27M object blinks different colors. 3 showings. No  6/12/1964 #18345  
9031. Night light circles airport. Blinks. Maneuvers. Going quickly northwe 8/10/1964 #18473  
h sky. Lights entire city briefly. Blinks out.                              7/17/1965 #19114  
heel' 2X moon-size / 600M altitude blinks color(s) going south. / r78p45.   8/5/1965 (approximate) #19326  
hts rotates slow. Row / red lights blinks.                                  1/18/1966 #19846  
ts the witnesses’ ears. The object blinks out when aircraft pass overhead,  2/6/1966 #19887  
 hovers over U.N. building. Rocks. Blinks. Going up [to] and shoots away. T 11/22/1966 #21135  
 signal. At that moment the object blinks off visually for 30 seconds then  1/13/1967 #21299  
s off visually for 30 seconds then blinks back on. The UFO floods the jet w 1/13/1967 #21299  
on in front for a few minutes then blinks out, comes on again, and falls ba 1/13/1967 #21299  
drical object glows red / hilltop. Blinks out. No trace found.              3/7/1967 (approximate) #21785  
       FROSTBURG, MD Bright object blinks out when plane nears. Slowly reli 3/8/1967 #21793  
again. The UFO stops in midair and blinks its light off and on twice. The c 5/7/1967? #22295  
irectly in front of them. Da Silva blinks his headlights, and the lights re 8/3/1967 #22787  
SP "Twice-moon-size" saucer lands. Blinks 3X. Goes. Observer(s) panics. Oth 8/7/1967 #22838  
ge ball going up and down / trees. Blinks. Whines..                         1/12/1968 #23660  
 ball-night light moves very fast. Blinks on / off. Going quickly south.    2/1/1968 #23721  
inoculars. Slow green night light. Blinks out when planes pass. Continues.  7/5/1968 #24145  
ch it for about 5 minutes until it blinks out. One of the girls goes outsid 7/20/1968 #24193  
 NASA man. Ovoid with portholes. 1 blinks. Humming. Going up and down. Goin 1/17/1969 #24854  
ard a humming noise and the object blinks out and the animals quiet down. G 4/23/1969 #25086  
s hitting together. Then the light blinks out, and the rocks crash down ont Early 1970 #25524  
 3 disks / triangle going south. 1 blinks / 1hz and vanishes. 2nd then 3rd  1/25/1970 #25553  
te fireball follows land contours. Blinks out. / r30p352.                   9/13/1970 #25836  
, WI 2 / car. Fireball tumbles and blinks / 60M altitude. Instant accelerat 9/29/1972 #27040  
M 1 observer. Silent flaming ovoid blinks. NNW going SSE. Back / 0500hrs.   12/10/1973 #28547  
OURT, FR 4 observer(s). 1.5M ovoid blinks / 20M altitude 200M away. Nears.  1/8/1974 #28663  
 ARQUES, PDC Red fireball silently blinks and slowly passes over 2 gardener 3/18/1974 #28906  
 toward(s) France. Slow. Red light blinks.                                  4/14/1974 #29021  
aneuvers all over sky. Passes car. Blinks. Lands in woods.                  5/27/1974 #29138  
 [to] overhead. 4 girls wave. Dome blinks. Many observer(s). Physical trace 7/10/1974 #29256  
tly. Finally it picks up speed and blinks out.                              Late 7/1975 #30204  
ES, FR Many observer(s). Huge star blinks steadily. Hovers then going quick 8/31/1975 #30329  
t. Taxi driver Pablo Garcia García blinks his lights at it, and the object  8/15/1976 #31270  
tage. Orange glow = perfect ovoid. Blinks slow. Vanishes / power on.        11/10/1976 #31536  
arent windows. The object suddenly blinks out.                              7/3/1977 #32232  
tands / road. No face. Box / chest blinks.                                  1/2/1978 #32844  
moves off rapidly to the south and blinks out.                              1/23/1978 #32907  
utes, pulsates for 7 minutes, then blinks out.                              5/10/1978 #33197  
O moved off and was gone in "three blinks of the eye." After about five min 6/12/1979 #34611  
and a general lightness. The light blinks out and the man begins running aw 7/4/1979 #34646  
d following him. The beam of light blinks on again when it is 50–60 feet ab 7/4/1979 #34646  
come running to aid him. The light blinks out again and four blinking red a 7/4/1979 #34646  
 object is lighted from within and blinks out after 5 seconds.              Late 8/1979 #34774  
top. As they drive past, one light blinks out, leaving two side by side.    9/6/1980 #35501  
a time exposure photo as the light blinks out.                              3/20/1981 #35868  
water. Going quickly northeast and blinks out.                              3/17/1983 #36786  
ing intermittently. A strong light blinks near them and they see a disc-sha 8/12/1983 #36949  
d and hovers above some bushes. It blinks twice and climbs into the sky tow 4/25/1984 #37293  
o pursue one of the objects, which blinks on and off irregularly, appearing 5/19/1986 #37880  
lash of red light. The object then blinks out as if someone has just turned Mid 10/1987 #38305  
void with spikes / 100M. Whine and blinks. PRLSS. Going quickly west. Obser 10/1988 (approximate) #38660  
 Disk moves to and fro over trees. Blinks out like a light.                 10/5/1988 #38663  
Ovoid west going east. Porch-light blinks / object flashes. Military helico 9/17/1989 #39110  
ark box lands / swamp. Night light blinks above. Objects join and going qui 8/20/1990 #39693  
est. Delta/triangle/box-like craft blinks / front.                          10/11/1990 #39777  
Huge. 750m altitude. Roils clouds. Blinks out.                              1/12/1994 (approximate) #41368  
ray. An intermittent fourth signal blinks in and out. The visual sightings  3/8/1994 #41449  
ing quickly [to] overhead. Stops. "Blinks out".                             5/13/1995 #42201  
ng quickly east over US29. Simply "blinks out".                             8/27/1995 #42421  
bserver. Odd cloud = silver ovoid. Blinks each 5 second(s). Absolute(ly) si 8/30/1995 #42428  
e ball / light dims and reappears. Blinks. Going quickly [to] fast directio 3/1/1996 #42794  
 wheel with spokes / low altitude. Blinks going [to] overhead. Silent. Turn 3/10/1996 #42818  
ers / 4 minute(s). 2nd night light blinks and gone. / r60#323+/ r96.        5/15/1996 #42901  
are grounded. The light eventually blinks out.                              12/1996 #43127  
 on for another landing, the light blinks out and reappears in a different  7/14/1997 #43350  
d videos. Silver disk turns black. Blinks. Descriptions vary.               9/27/1997 #43418  
ht shining through. Then the light blinks off, leaving only a cloud that st 6/23/2001 #44196  
0 minutes, then begins descending, blinks out, and reappears as a bright re 11/21/2002 #44446  
s outside and watches it before it blinks out.                              1/5/2018 #45500  
## Word: "blinky" (Back to Top)
west over GG-bridge. Jumps about. "Blinky".                                 2/13/1953 #8668  
ISCO, CA Toll collector and many. "Blinky" back. Various maneuvers. Throb s 2/13/1953 #8670  
## Word: "blip" (Back to Top)
ding their way. The screens show a blip, alternately fuzzy and strong, some 4/24/1945 #1853  
ase #54. RAF Mosquito chases RADAR blip 22K' altitude going quickly west to 1/16/1947 #2226  
t speeds in excess of 500 mph. The blip instantly reverses course four time 7/1/1947 #2518  
NORTHEAST / FUKUOKA RS#1, JP RADAR blip going quickly southeast / 1400kph!  9/16/1947 #3397  
   HOUSTON, TX Geophysicist. RADAR blip going quickly southwest / 1600kph a 9/19/1947 #3405  
SE BAY, NFL Military RADAR's track blip / 9000mph. Type unknown. Also 29+31 11/1/1948 #3861  
2KM NORTH / KODIAK NAS, AK 1800MPH blip. RADAR / visual (observation). Buzz 1/22/1950 #4500  
.m., Lieut. Smith picks up another blip moving so fast that it leaves a tra 1/22/1950 #4503  
       At around 4:00 a.m. a radar blip was detected approaching the Kodiak 1/22/1950 #4504  
 Military Air Traffic Controllers. Blip paces jets. 4 blips to 2052h. 2500m 3/9/1950 #4596  
   SOUTHEAST / DARTMOUTH, NS RADAR blip hovers. Shoots inland. Hovers / oil 6/30/1950 #5024  
se #787. 8 civil and US B29 RADAR. Blip lets B29 pass by. Then zips off / 4 8/22/1950 #5135  
9, picked up an unidentified radar blip. The B-29 followed the unidentified 8/25/1950 #5139  
ESTON AIRDROME, LONDON Solid RADAR blip. 30 going [to] 1100mph. 13K going [ 11/10/1950 #5272  
               KNOXVILLE, TN RADAR blip. F82 intercepts. Only finds odd sma 12/20/1950 #5358  
AST / CAPE MAY, NJ New Navy RADAR. Blip going quickly west / 3Kmph. Stops.  3/1951 (approximate) #5467  
rators and 1. Large sausage shaped blip tracked at 4800mph!                 10/3/1951 #5699  
AFB, Okinawa Large, sausage-shaped blip on radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases,  10/3/1951 #5700  
ergeant. One large, sausage-shaped blip tracked at an estimated 4,800 m.p.h 10/3/1951 #5701  
ed up a large sausage-shaped radar blip. It was tracked flying over Kadena  10/3/1951 #5702  
            OFF EAST COAST / KOREA Blip all over AC carrier. Splits / 2. Mu 2/2/1952 #5891  
#1077. B29 navigator and RADAR OP. Blip tracked / 3000mph / 30 second(s).   3/24/1952 #5970  
, TX Blue Book. 2 RADAR operators. Blip tracked at 2160mph / 1 minute(s). T 4/4/1952 #6021  
ABRIEL MOUNTAINS, CA Hughes RADAR. Blip triples speed going [to] 550mph. 35 6/1/1952 #6406  
gain at 55,000 feet. They lose the blip somewhere near Riverside.           6/1/1952 #6418  
e #1270. US radarman. Unidentified blip 650knts / 60K' altitude or greater! 6/12/1952 #6479  
R-584 radar set.  One unidentified blip tracked at 650 kts.  (750 m.p.h.) a 6/12/1952 #6487  
set, tracked an unidentified radar blip moving at 650 knots (750 mph) and a 6/12/1952 #6490  
 come in over the field. The radar blip suddenly enlarges, as if the device 6/19/1952 #6551  
ORCE BASE 4 radarmen. Unidentified blip. 1200mph. Slows. Gone. / Atlanta Jo 7/21/1952 #6959  
          Dobbins (Turner AFB), GA Blip Makes Passes On Wind-Finding Target 7/21/1952 #6970  
ying at 50,000 feet. Observing the blip are four radar technicians who stat 7/21/1952 #6982  
 did not believe it was.” A second blip appears on the radar moving toward  7/21/1952 #6982  
         JAMESTOWN, RI Navy radar. Blip south going quickly [to] 2 / 43K' a 7/23/1952 #7046  
TALKEETNA, AK Ground and air RADAR blip. Jet chases. Can't catch at 550 knt 7/24/1952 #7105  
POINT ARENA AND WILLIAMS, CA RADAR blip. F94 in cat and mouse game / blue-w 7/26/1952 #7145  
cGuire AFB, NJ GCA Radar/Visual Of Blip Cluster (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 7/28/1952 #7252  
lored light in the location of the blip 29 miles west of Port Huron and fol 7/29/1952 #7331  
er(s). RADAR-visual (observation). Blip and night light maneuvers all over/ 8/1/1952 #7390  
an. It was tracked on radar as its blip hovered, then shot away at 300 knot 8/6/1952 #7491  
 CONGAREE AIR FORCE BASE, SC RADAR blip speeds to 4000mph. Trace = 60 mile( 8/20/1952 #7655  
ckly southwest. RADAR shows linear blip. Away / 300mph. / r1.               9/16/1952 #7954  
seen at the same time a long, thin blip was being tracked on radar.  Note:  9/16/1952 #7961  
d lights and picked up a long thin blip on radar. Investigators considered  9/16/1952 #7963  
          EL VADO, NM Strong RADAR blip. Bigger / B29. Comes and goes / 600 11/8/1952 #8253  
        OPHEIM, MT Military RADAR. Blip / 250mph. Incredible 150K' altitude 11/13/1952 #8266  
y. The five UFOs merge with a huge blip that accelerates and vanishes at a  12/6/1952 #8389  
a huge object that was a half-inch blip on radar screen. The huge object sh 12/6/1952 #8390  
onshu, Japan (McDonald list) Large Blip on AN/TPS Radar At 1320 MPH (NICAP: 12/15/1952 #8420  
ated that they had an unidentified blip on the radar scope, appearing west  1/26/1953 #8576  
hule Air Base, Greenland Prominent Blip on GCA PPI While Tracking C-124 (NI 2/26/1953 #8709  
Plain, Townsend-Withers picks up a blip on his screen. It shows an object t Spring 1953 #8766  
bomber crew / 60K' altitude. RADAR blip. Thin silver ovoid near.            4/1953 (approximate) #8801  
uebook Case #2605. KB29 air RADAR. Blip maneuvers .5mi away / 2 minute(s).  6/24/1953 #8962  
ltitude / theodolite. Strong RADAR blip. Hovers / 10 minute(s).             11/3/1953 #9275  
ma 8:14 p.m. An unidentified radar blip located over central Vancouver Isla 6/21/1954 #9921  
k the correct coded responses. The blip is tracked on 3 ground radars at bo 6/21/1954 #9921  
nother pilot are vectored into the blip at 30,000 feet, but they can see no 10/1954 #10537  
 nothing. Ground radar insists the blip is right there with them. After 15  10/1954 #10537  
. On the base, he is told that the blip was caused by “anomalous propagatio 10/1954 #10537  
t) Object Rises Almost Vertically, Blip On Radar (BBU) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 3/29/1955 #12065  
Force Base gets small square RADAR blip. P286.                              6/7/1955 #12189  
 (observation). Also ground RADAR. Blip fades when neared.                  2/12/1956 #12711  
 AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Large RADAR blip / 4 hours. 2250mph. Vague shape / l 2/17/1956 #12721  
, Paris, France tracked an unknown blip for four hours beginning at 10:50 p 2/17/1956 #12724  
over AFB, MA At 9:17 PM. A strange blip appeared on Westover tower radar sc 3/26/1956 #12768  
K, UK Ground and air RADAR's. Huge blip stops. Away as F86-D attacks. / r14 6/14/1956 #12903  
 lights cavort. Hutch RADAR paints blip.                                    6/19/1956 #12908  
waters Parks], Suffolk, England. A blip traveling approximately 4,000–8,000 8/13/1956 #13080  
tor, states that “all we saw was a blip which rather indicated a stationary 8/13/1956 #13080  
APE SABLE, FL 6 PAA RADAR experts. Blip = huge bar-bell. 6000kph. / MJ#283+ 11/8/1956 #13312  
aneuver / 50-2000kts. Rejoin large blip.                                    11/11/1956 #13320  
on his radar. It is rumored that a blip is picked up on ground radar by the 11/25/1956 #13352  
- 86D interceptor picks up a large blip on airborne radar. The pilot sees a 12/17/1956 #13408  
 FREUGH, SCT Separate RAF RADAR's. Blip all over/all about sea / 60K-14K' a 4/4/1957 #13578  
Palladium, to simulate an aircraft blip on Soviet radar screens. On his ret 5/20/1957? #13667  
       Detroit, MI (McDonald list) Blip Size of Two Aircraft (NICAP: 09 - R 5/30/1957 #13686  
ht stops near 2 ships. Clear RADAR blip / 14km altitude. Vanishes! / r141#4 8/30/1957 #13949  
ircraft Observe Object / Excellent Blip On Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases,  8/30/1957 #13950  
d to 15° he acquires “an excellent blip right where I told him to look for  8/30/1957 #13952  
(McDonald list; FUFOR Index) FPS-6 Blip Travels 100 Miles in 20 Seconds (NI 11/30/1957 #14642  
ADAK ISLAND 4 / Navy P2V-5F. RADAR blip hovers. Turns going quickly [to] WS 1/11/1958 #14818  
 targets then merged into a single blip.The sighting lasted five minutes.   1/11/1958 #14820  
0 MI SSE / GD.BAHAMA AUX.AFB RADAR blip circles 2X and figure-8 maneuver by 3/10/1959 #15632  
 the two blips merge into one. The blip disappears. Crews search for wrecka Spring 1959 #15662  
EAST / WASH, DC Unidentified RADAR blip larger / 747. 3000-8000mph. 7 UFO's 8/19/1959 #15925  
Long Island, NY Three Radars Track Blip (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR  11/5/1959 #16080  
S, FL PAA aero RADAR's. Huge ovoid blip / fast maneuvers. Quickly going up  11/8/1959 #16083  
ons aboard when, suddenly, another blip appeared on the screen closing at 2 5/1961 #16669  
lips emerged as one. The remaining blip sped straight up at tremendous spee 5/1961 #16669  
re, picks up an unidentified radar blip 4 miles away from the base, with no 9/20/1961 #16861  
NV Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Blip going quickly northeast. Turns goin 4/18/1962 #17118  
tates Navy (USN) RADAR man. Strong blip hours / 80k'. Drops 15k' / 20 secon 11/1963 (approximate) #18020  
l statement to press: the (single) blip was caused by faulty radar equipmen 12/19/1964 #18660  
N, ME 2 cops. 6M saucer 100m away. Blip / tight low turns / Dow Air Force B 2/11/1966 #19895  
 PORSANGEN FJORD, NORW Still RADAR blip. Globe lights ship going down / sea 12/14/1966 #21201  
ted from the Braniff aircraft. The blip appears at about twice the range of 5/13/1967 #22337  
out twice the range of the Braniff blip. When the Braniff airliner touches  5/13/1967 #22337  
tuation changes radically. The UFO blip pulls to the right (east) and passe 5/13/1967 #22337  
ff the Braniff aircraft. The radar blip appeared at about twice the range o 5/13/1967 #22339  
out twice the range of the Braniff blip. When Braniff touched down, however 5/13/1967 #22339  
scope. At 9:53 p.m., an additional blip follows another Air Canada airliner 7/6/1967 #22622  
thers and RADAR's and more/others. Blip maneuvers / 5000kph. Radio Frequenc 10/24/1968 #24581  
rthwest extremely fast. Huge RADAR blip.                                    10/16/1974 #29534  
osing in on the ship. However, the blip accelerates to an “impossible” spee 6/23/1975 #30117  
wn to ascertain whether or not the blip is a radar angel, but the image sti 8/20/1975 #30291  
 Traffic Controllers. Unidentified blip / RADAR's. No response radio. Away  3/5/1976 #30926  
 50-60 feet away. Suddenly a large blip appears on the radar scope. The des 4/23/1976 #31017  
eparate RADAR's. Huge unidentified blip dodges and bends RADAR beams! 3400m 2/19/1978 #32977  
Airliner sees UFO. RADAR confirms. Blip = 20X size / 747! / International U 4/15/1978? #33147  
 the radar detects an unidentified blip fluttering over the tower. The trac 5/14/1978 #33210  
square windows on riverside. RADAR blip.                                    5/15/1978 #33214  
                  NAKASHIBETSU, JP Blip / ground RADAR's going south. Vanis 8/17/1978 #33521  
s are sent up but fail to detect a blip.                                    8/17/1978 #33523  
/ clouds 2' over sea. Strong RADAR blip. RADAR malfunctions due to EME (ele 7/5/1979 #34647  
ubmarine/submerged crew. Big RADAR blip going northeast 3km away. Low altit 5/26/1980 #35341  
 AIRPORT, CHINA Unidentified RADAR blip dances in / out flight-lanes. / r11 10/16/1980 #35570  
 feet from the runway, the plane’s blip disappears for 7 seconds. The myste 10/16/1980 #35573  
, SUFFOLK 3 RADAR's. Fast 737-size blip crosses coast going SSW toward(s) B 12/26/1980 #35734  
 cylinder/cigar-shape glows. Small blip going southwest then going quickly  11/29/1985 #37727  
nothing on its radar. Suddenly the blip disappears from the screen, just as 3/12/1987 #38139  
)/airliner crew. Solid 1000' RADAR blip / 5000mph! Nothing visual. / r171.  5/16/1987 #38173  
      NEAR TBILISI, GEO Jet chases blip. 2 cigars / 2km and 0.5km long. Mov 10/8/1990 #39764  
   GROZNYY, CHECHEN-INGUSH, RUSSIA Blip / 4500M altitude. Jet finds 2 cigar 10/8/1990 #39765  
APE USTINSKIY, RUSSIA Skala RADAR. Blip / erratic maneuvers here and S. Bor 10/10/1991 #40209  
    NORAD RADAR'S, CO Unidentified blip near Telstar 401 satellite. Both ob 1/25/1997 #43177  
ects emerge from the bottom of the blip, which takes off and goes off the r 11/14/2004 #44784  
## Word: "blip-blip" (Back to Top)
rized, and Ritter began hearing a "blip-blip" sound like sonar. All four fe 10/24/1967 #23310  
## Word: "blips" (Back to Top)
sh coastline detect a formation of blips moving across the English Channel. 3/1941 #1354  
ut their crews see nothing and the blips fade. The radar returns are charac 3/1941 #1354  
They also appeared as steady radar blips coming in from the sea. As they fl 2/25/1942 #1391  
, GILBERT ISLANDS Series / 3 RADAR blips going quickly south / 750mph. Same 12/1943 (approximate) #1544  
 Pasco, Washington, report unusual blips that appear out of nowhere and pro 12/23/1944 #1731  
ake contact with two high-altitude blips flying at the speed of a single- e 12/23/1944 #1731  
n see nothing, he is convinced the blips are real.                          12/23/1944 #1731  
t lights follow fighter. 200+RADAR blips going southwest / 650 kts. Chase.  3/26/1945 #1828  
act on the radar screen showed two blips engaging in evasive action, which  4/18/1945 #1848  
e capable of doing. With the radar blips penetrating highly secure air spac 7/1/1947 #2500  
ORTHWEST / CUBA Blue Book. 3 RADAR blips hover and orbit B29 / 3000mph. RAD 1/12/1950 #4481  
picked up three unidentified radar blips. The bogeys hovered for awhile, an 1/12/1950 #4485  
nd abrupt turns. Also unidentified blips / 08 March.                        3/3/1950 #4573  
ic Controllers. Blip paces jets. 4 blips to 2052h. 2500mph vertical!        3/9/1950 #4596  
nd RADAR's direct F82 going [to] 5 blips. Pilot and air.rdr see nothing. /  10/12/1950 #5219  
               OAK RIDGE, TN RADAR blips going quickly west right toward oa 11/29/1950 #5298  
        OAK RIDGE, TN Unidentified blips all over/all about RADAR screens.  12/15/1950 #5351  
AY AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD RADAR's. 2 blips / collision course. 1 turns on rad 9/14/1951 #5666  
d RADAR photographs. 2 B36 = sized blips / 1700mph.                         7/12/1952 #6767  
  Kirksville, MI Several big radar blips tracked at 1,500 knots (NICAP: 09  7/12/1952 #6779  
re military officers.  Several big blips tracked on radar at 1,500 kts.  (1 7/12/1952 #6783  
DAR picked up a formation of seven blips that were 15 miles south and not f 7/19/1952 #6906  
pward and leave in a steep ascent. Blips appear on radar for at least anoth 7/19/1952 #6935  
g range “overfly” RADAR picks more blips, just one week after the previous  7/26/1952 #7140  
ficer, just in time to see the UFO blips on the radar sets and to hear grou 7/26/1952 #7140  
ORCE BASE, MD Blue Book. HIQ. Many blips over WDC. Newmen banished / RADAR  7/26/1952 #7159  
 airline pilots. Many unidentified blips tracked by radar all over Washingt 7/26/1952 #7169  
s, but when the jets approach, the blips disappear. When the pilots return  7/26/1952 #7174  
airports tracked many unidentified blips by radar all over the Washington a 7/26/1952 #7180  
 not the likely cause of the radar blips. Five minutes later an F-94 pilot  7/27/1952 #7215  
d a large cluster of very distinct blips.  Visual observation was of oblong 7/28/1952 #7258  
ND WDC AND HERNDON, VA Groups 8-10 blips. Away as USAF planes near. / FSRv3 7/29/1952 #7274  
ve? Very stormy night. Saucers and blips all over/all about. / r136 #4p23.  8/5/1952 #7460  
Maryland picks up two unidentified blips moving slowly and steadily away fr 8/5/1952 #7470  
LL AIR FORCE BASE, FL 2 civil. Odd blips / 20 minute(s). 960kph. Abrupt tur 8/13/1952 #7565  
e measured at 1,400–1,600 mph. Six blips at one time appear on the FPS-3 ra 9/1/1952 #7817  
at the same time radar tracked two blips on an AN/FPS-3 radar set monitored 9/1/1952 #7819  
IL 2 airport/apartment RADAR's. 40 blips going [to] all directions. Jets fl 9/2/1952 #7822  
] all directions. Jets fly through blips. No visual at all.                 9/2/1952 #7822  
0 mph. The targets are the size of blips from light planes or larger (the b 9/2/1952 #7829  
ections, up to 175 mph. Two of the blips seemed to fly in formation with a  9/2/1952 #7830  
e observer(s). Fireballs and RADAR blips 5 / hours. 4 planes scramble. / r3 11/25/1952 #8336  
 Louisiana track five unidentified blips on the bomber’s radar. They maneuv 12/6/1952 #8389  
ed its report explaining the radar blips recorded over Washington, D.C. in  12/10/1952 #8410  
      Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Blips Cause Scramble of F-94s (NICAP: 09 Winter 1952 #8437  
hr marathon. 75 night lights RADAR blips ovoids and possible figure in one. 8/6/1953 #9051  
near Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 75 radar blips on screen at various times around  8/6/1953 #9053  
er zooms reconnaissance jet. RADAR blips / 1439hrs. / LDLN#332.             11/3/1953 #9273  
es northwest of the Soo Locks, the blips of the F-89 and the UFO merge then 11/23/1953 #9318  
r Pennisula of Michigan. The radar blips of the UFO and the jet merged into 11/23/1953 #9319  
    KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX RADAR blips 100-6000mph. 3 join and separate.  1/14/1954 #9482  
B, TX (McDonald list) One to three blips on PPI Scope with speeds of 100 to 1/14/1954 #9484  
linder/cigar-shape / 4K'. Separate blips part and rejoin. / MJ#250.         2/4/1954 #9533  
e at 4,000 feet altitude. Separate blips on the radar screen parted and rej 2/4/1954 #9536  
the same day several unknown radar blips were tracked over England for a tw 11/6/1954 #11586  
th in formation. Huge wave / RADAR blips. / r138 #5p28.                     11/21/1954 #11680  
tion, causing a huge wave of radar blips. They flew off to the south out to 11/21/1954 #11684  
i Airport also tracks unidentified blips on radar. To his surprise, Stringf 8/23/1955 #12399  
RS AB, ENG 3 groups / unidentified blips going quickly [to] WNW. Speeds to  8/13/1956 #13076  
 TUCHOLA, POLAND Bornholm RADAR. 4 blips circle and maneuver. Speeds to 1Km 8/22/1956 #13112  
ary ground and air RADAR's. Bright blips maneuver. Objects invisible to pil 10/17/1956 #13283  
 RADAR-visual (observation). Small blips maneuver / 50-2000kts. Rejoin larg 11/11/1956 #13320  
r executes an 180° turn. The radar blips are the size of a B-47.            2/13/1957 #13502  
 NZ Igy RADAR's. Many unidentified blips dart and turn / high altitude. Abs 6/1957 #13692  
ir Force Base jets chase 100+RADAR blips. Going west. No further details [i 6/7/1957 #13711  
ADAR-visual (observation). Several blips. 1 going north 3300mph. / Flying S 11/5/1957 #14299  
erators who mistake ordinary plane blips for a UFO.                         11/5/1957 #14342  
LAND AND PANAMA CANAL Strong RADAR blips. Evasive maneuvers. No visual. / r 3/9/1958 #14921  
           PANAMA CANAL More RADAR blips. Jets scramble. Objects shoot goin 3/10/1958 #14923  
 command center watches as the two blips merge into one. The blip disappear Spring 1959 #15662  
ISON, WI Photographs / 25-30 RADAR blips. Object with red and green lights  4/13/1959 #15700  
 WA McChord RADAR tracks 5+erratic blips. Round objects visually. / r37p145 10/2/1959 #16008  
once, but it was too late. The two blips merged as one and the UFO was trac 5/1961 #16669  
r could warn the transport the two blips emerged as one. The remaining blip 5/1961 #16669  
 Ocean, At Sea (McDonald list) Two Blips At 4800 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 6/25/1961 #16737  
FS, NV (McDonald list) Two Stacked Blips on AFS Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 4/17/1964 #18176  
ed up on his ground radar unit two blips flying in stacked formation making 4/17/1964 #18178  
and 21 minutes, at which point the blips disappeared to the southeast. The  4/17/1964 #18178  
               WICHITA, KS Several blips / weather RADAR. 6K'-9K' altitude. 8/1/1965 #19229  
ton, Kansas 2:30 a.m. Unidentified blips show up on the Weather Bureau rada 8/2/1965 #19265  
 that they look just like airliner blips. They brighten and dim on the scre 8/2/1965 #19265  
Pease AFB indicates frequent radar blips and fighters are constantly scramb 10/2/1965 #19638  
ergy” is coming in indecipherable “blips and dashes.” Nothing can be seen v 10/22/1965 #19672  
R ODESSA, UKR Air and ground RADAR blips. 150k' and 500mph. Going down / gr 4/4/1966 #20219  
requency Interference (RFI). RADAR blips. Objects / ground level.           8/24/1966 #20798  
t lights hover near airport. RADAR blips match. Shoot away very fast.       10/31/1966 #21052  
peed, and within seconds the radar blips merged. The object flooded the Lea 1/13/1967 #21301  
NM 20 silver disks overhead. RADAR blips / 7km altitude. Circle base. Going 3/2/1967 #21720  
s Plotted 20 silver objects, radar blips at 7 mile alt (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 3/2/1967 #21727  
ico, plot 20 silver objects, radar blips at an altitude of 7 miles. A news  3/2/1967 #21731  
                 COLORADO SPRS, CO Blips / airport/apartment and USAF RADAR 5/13/1967 #22332  
OE AIR FORCE BASE, MI 13+2+2 RADAR blips going quickly east through forbidd 9/11/1967 #23037  
 DONG HA, VIETNAM Night lights and blips all over/all about Ben Hai River.  6/25/1968 (approximate) #24079  
OVERDALE AND PERTH, WEST AUS RADAR blips and night lights zigzag going nort 5/23/1969 #25158  
ough the sky and were picked up as blips on radar as they maneuvered to the 5/23/1969 #25161  
               NEAR ZAGREB, YUGO 3 blips / military RADAR. 2 MIGs chase. Al 5/24/1971 #26127  
on co RADAR's pick up reported UFO blips. 1 set conks out. Saucers seen.    10/15/1973 #28034  
landing 3X. Night lights and RADAR blips all over/all about. 1 night light  12/6/1973 #28528  
ke normal aircraft. Finally, their blips merge on the radar screen and spee 5/3/1975 #30026  
ight lights. Loring RADAR sees odd blips 15 mile(s) east / Canada.          10/28/1975 #30494  
time as Loring AFB radar picked up blips 15 miles east of the base in Canad 10/28/1975 #30504  
USTIN AFS, MI 5 unidentified RADAR blips / 30 minute(s). 2 cops and see con 9/7/1976 #31352  
ontroller and more/others. 4 RADAR blips / 3600mph going quickly east. Airl 4/23/1977 #32016  
ht of four separate unidentifiable blips suddenly appear on radar screens a 4/23/1977 #32017  
raffic Controllers. 4 unidentified blips near Laguna peak. Move 5mi / 1 RAD 12/8/1977 #32744  
 ovoid pulses / r60#293. Big RADAR blips / USA / 0345hrs / r210.            12/17/1977 #32782  
ence (RFI). Many fast unidentified blips / all directions. Not meteors.     1/12/1978 #32878  
 NORTH / KIRKSVILLE, MO FAA RADAR. Blips / 4 passes. 1 object at 45 MPH. No 11/18/1980 #35649  
nd more/others. Unidentified RADAR BLIPs going south / 7-18km altitude. Nig 12/4/1980 #35692  
      EDESSA, GRC Jets chase RADAR blips. "Flaming parachutes" / strong bea 11/12/1981 #36216  
 Separate night lights play. RADAR blips.                                   4/24/1984 #37284  
s cavorted about in the sky. Radar blips were tracked at the time.          4/24/1984 #37286  
 Traffic Controller RADAR's see no blips.                                   5/22/1986 #37888  
A, BELGIUM Ground and air RADAR's. Blips to 1010 kts. Delta/triangle/box-li 3/31/1990 #39501  
ty clear that the mysterious radar blips are a permanent radar echo caused  10/5/1996 #43056  
## Word: "bliss" (Back to Top)
                  Biggs Field Fort Bliss El Paso, Texas As their C-47 prepa Mid 2/1945 #1785  
pares to land at Biggs Field, Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, S/Sgt Ralph Bayer Mid 2/1945 #1785  
 Boston harbor, Massachusetts Fort Bliss, Texas White Sands, New Mexico The 9/1945 #1934  
two other groups are moved to Fort Bliss, Texas, and White Sands, New Mexic 9/1945 #1934  
                                FT BLISS, TX 3 military observer(s). White  5/5/1949 #4146  
                              Fort Bliss, TX 2 oblong white discs, flying a 5/5/1949 #4147  
                               Ft. Bliss, Texas Witnesses:  Army officers M 5/5/1949 #4148  
                              Fort Bliss, Texas Waco no. 4 firing range 11: 5/5/1949 #4150  
he Waco no. 4 firing range at Fort Bliss, Texas, watch for 30–50 seconds tw 5/5/1949 #4150  
                              Fort Bliss, TX Numerous military witnesses ob 5/19/1949 #4194  
                              Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas Cedar City, Utah I 2/20/1959 #15595  
 “Gerry” Irwin, on leave from Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, is driving near 2/20/1959 #15595  
mpa, Idaho to his barracks at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas. He had reached  2/28/1959 #15624  
 jacket. He was flown back to Fort Bliss and placed under observation for f 2/28/1959 #15624  
                              Fort Bliss El Paso, Texas Early evening. A ro 12/13/1959 #16118  
. A rocket project officer at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, is out looking  12/13/1959 #16118  
               Moscow, Russia Fort Bliss In a press conference in Moscow, R 1/12/1961 #16577  
proaches to Cuban airspace by Fort Bliss–based reconnaissance aircraft that 1/12/1961 #16577  
## Word: "blissfield" (Back to Top)
 At 2:30 a.m. a 10-year-old boy in Blissfield, Michigan got up to go to the 8/25/1976 #31302  
## Word: "blissus" (Back to Top)
e finds four southern chinch bugs (Blissus insularis) that he says can caus 1/1988 #38385  
## Word: "blister" (Back to Top)
 formation. Each has the hint of a blister near the front. The speed is 200 3/17/1969 #25019  
 disc on legs with a brightly lit “blister” on top, flashing red and white  12/6/1973 #28533  
e ground. It had a bright dome or "blister" on top. A door in the craft ope 12/6/1973 #28535  
## Word: "blistered" (Back to Top)
ly black and the copper plating is blistered. The wind increases to “hurric 3/19/1887 #279  
ys, and the day following his skin blistered on his face and in places on h 5/13/1978 #33205  
## Word: "blisteringly" (Back to Top)
nd the U.S. Air Force, in which he blisteringly attacks critics of Project  12/5/1960 #16525  
## Word: "blisters" (Back to Top)
 boy. Boy faints. Feels sick. Gets blisters. OK later.                      4/1932 (approximate) #1139  
ay following the encounter, “fever blisters” break out on his face and in p 5/13/1978 #33202  
## Word: "bliven" (Back to Top)
                             Bruce Bliven summarizes flying saucer news in  7/18/1950 #5070  
## Word: "blizzard" (Back to Top)
                          During a blizzard a silver, domed object with a s 12/25/1945 #1953  
## Word: "bloat" (Back to Top)
anhattan, the animals have died of bloat and coyotes have eaten the soft pa 12/1973 #28494  
## Word: "bloated" (Back to Top)
. 110cm small humanoid (or Grey) / bloated suit and helmet glides by. Waves 12/6/1967 #23553  
died a month later, its body found bloated up. The dog had never been willi 2/12/1969 #24915  
Z 2 observer(s). Flashes. 8 silent bloated triangles abreast. 3 cross moons 9/21/1977 #32501  
## Word: "blob" (Back to Top)
, VA Bet. 10:30 and 11 p.m. (EDT) "blob," the size of a small airplane, ref 7/7/1947 #2925  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 1948 #3525  
ific speed. Coe calls it a “ray or blob of light” and insists it is not a m 2/20/1948 #3582  
 P.M., a silvery moon-sized flying blob was seen by hundreds of witnesses o 7/25/1948 #3737  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 1950 #4464  
y becomes the 1958 horror film The Blob.                                    9/26/1950 #5199  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 1952 #5846  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 1952 #5847  
in cat and mouse game / blue-white blob. Going quickly north.               7/26/1952 #7145  
      GREAT BEND, PA Dazzling gold blob hangs / sky briefly. Then descends. 8/14/1952 #7591  
, IL Air Traffic Controllers. Blue blob reappears several times / 45 minute 9/16/1952 #7953  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 1953 #8482  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 1953 #8483  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 5/21/1953 #8899  
 interceptor pilot sees a “glowing blob” rising rapidly toward him. It come 8/6/1953 #9052  
 shows an overexposed bright round blob of light.                           5/24/1954 #9833  
laware Around 7:30 a.m. A metallic blob is seen high in the sky near Columb 6/26/1954 #9954  
 Book with reference to BOAC Case. Blob / sky changes shape going southeast 6/29/1954 #9959  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 1955 #11900  
                  In 1956 a bright blob of light zoomed away when approache 6/17/1956 #12906  
 #5227. Several cops and more. Red blob quickly going up [to] from mountain 11/6/1957 #14390  
ESBY, PNG Several observer(s). Red blob / light going southwest. Stops / ai 2/6/1958 (approximate) #14873  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 1959 #15516  
                 TRENTON, NJ Teen. Blob / light 200M away. Splits going [to 2/21/1963 #17675  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 12/10/1964 #18655  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 1967 #21239  
DC 2:00 a.m. EDT. A witness saw a "blob" described as yellow and "rosy gold 7/17/1967 #22677  
th. Two minutes later, they spot a blob of red light. Their engine and head 12/24/1967 #23606  
driving near Tucson, Arizona saw a blob of red light. The engine and headli 12/24/1967 #23608  
up into the sky until it is only a blob of light.                           10/8/1972 #27058  
o-magnetic effects). Glowing white blob flies off. Bike self-starts!        11/10/1972 #27115  
odor. He looks up and sees a white blob about 100 feet away hovering above  11/10/1972 #27116  
 captures 20 seconds of the orange blob on color film as it pulsates and pa 1/11/1973 #27230  
eclipse flight. Photographs / oval blob. / APRO 3'74.                       6/30/1973 #27602  
SUONENJOKI, FINL 1 observer. Buzz. Blob / jelly glows over lake. Possible f 7/1/1973 #27609  
 California, see a yellow, glowing blob hovering in the south-southeast. Th 12/20/1973 #28591  
outheast. Through a telescope, the blob is seen to be a precise arrangement 12/20/1973 #28591  
 sighted a huge, yellowish glowing blob over Pacific Palisades, California  12/20/1973 #28592  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 1974 #28633  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 3/14/1975 #29900  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 3/28/1975 #29924  
ool basketball court. A green-blue blob (BOL) approached, passing 25 feet a 5/6/1975 #30044  
        SPRING VALLEY, CA 1 / car. Blob / lights east going west. Drops 3 r 11/25/1975 #30661  
photographs object. See reference. Blob west legs / light. / r225.          8/30/1976 #31315  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 1977 #31658  
MB Hunters / stone quarry. Odd 80' blob with knob-arms hums / 500' altitude 10/1/1977 #32541  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 1978 #32830  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 1978 #32831  
 northeast. Photograph shows fuzzy blob only.                               10/8/1978 #33809  
at Will and saw an amorphous black blob drop out of his hair onto the bed.  10/31/1978 #33902  
chel and Dorothy again saw a black blob in the curtains during the night. U 10/31/1978 #33902  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 1979 #34263  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 4/5/1979 #34499  
m the sky, dubbed the "Mississauga Blob", landed on a picnic table in the b 6/26/1979 #34636  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 6/27/1979 #34637  
 light with a silvery glow “like a blob of mercury,” and has a honeycombed  8/27/1979 #34788  
r(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Big blob / light hovers. Small night lights  12/31/1979 #35106  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 12/14/1980 #35716  
OFF SIZEWELL, SUFFOLK Bright green blob / light hovers and submerges still  10/15/1983 #37006  
amera records for 2 seconds a gray blob that seems to materialize near the  11/14/1984 #37504  
the frame. Bruce Maccabee says the blob could be a “reflection of something 11/14/1984 #37504  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 9/28/1989 #39132  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 3/16/1991 #40015  
github.com/richgel999/uapresources/blob/main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield. 4/12/1991 #40038  
erver(s). Silent intense moon-size blob lights ground blue. Away fast.      6/14/1991 #40095  
200kph / 15 second(s). "Multicolor blob".                                   1/9/1992 #40282  
BRZ Several observer(s). Brilliant blob / light twinkles and maneuvers / co 1/15/1992 #40287  
s). 2 saucers. 1 top-like. 1 ovoid blob.                                    5/17/1992 #40465  
 Several / Rugby game. Silent glow blob circles overhead / one hour. Dark d 5/24/1992 #40471  
night lights and crumpled aluminum blob seen / 3 hours!                     11/26/1992 #40731  
E Ex-RAF man videos circular light blob with 3 "sections". Hovers / 30 minu 3/1995 #42068  
a Simmons sees a “silent, abstract blob almost like the underside view of a 9/12/2004 #44755  
## Word: "blob-light" (Back to Top)
       ASSEMINI, ITL 1 / car. Oval blob-light going down [to] slow / indust 7/12/1975 #30173  
## Word: "blobs" (Back to Top)
y, MA Roughly elliptical irregular blobs of light in formation filmed (NICA 7/16/1952 #6841  
ll Alpert. Four roughly elliptical blobs of light in formation photographed 7/16/1952 #6842  
lms 4 roughly elliptical irregular blobs of light in formation through the  7/16/1952 #6843  
AN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 Brill-blue blobs. Tucson, AZ civilians see also. Ve 8/27/1952 #7752  
2. Unidentified. 2 observer(s). 10 blobs / light / square formation. North  10/17/1952 #8141  
observer(s). 1-6-2-9 silent orange blobs going west / one hour. Group / 9 o 5/4/1956 #12830  
teur astronomer, sees five “orange blobs” flying in a U-shape formation eas 5/4/1956 #12832  
als a variety of shapes from vague blobs and amoeba-like forms to clearly d Summer 1957 #13745  
                VIENNA, WV Teen. 2 blobs / light maneuver over TV towers. T 4/12/1967 #22113  
 p.m. in Vienna, West Virginia two blobs of light maneuvered over the TV to 4/12/1967 #22126  
he photos show two irregular light blobs, which he does not remember seeing Late 10/1975 #30470  
 cats. He glances up and sees four blobs of cool-white light maneuvering in 11/23/1987 #38332  
es follow. As they watch, the four blobs of light come together in the cent 11/23/1987 #38332  
## Word: "bloc" (Back to Top)
 budget USG project or from Soviet/Bloc. Twining’s letter to AAF Commanding 9/23/1947 #3419  
                            Soviet bloc US prisoners of war in Korea The MK 4/13/1953 #8823  
g drugs for use against the Soviet bloc, largely in response to alleged Sov 4/13/1953 #8823  
tended to be dropped in the Soviet bloc.                                    12/3/1954 #11754  
here will be a war with the Soviet bloc, but that “because of the developme 10/7/1955 #12491  
ane in surveilling the Sino-Soviet Bloc, determining the disposition and sp 8/10/1960 #16367  
ed flying objects, or known Soviet/Bloc aerospace vehicles, weapons systems 11/13/1961 #16962  
tinguishes crashed UAP from Soviet/Bloc vehicles, and describes the need fo 11/13/1961 #16963  
s UAP recovery from crashed Soviet/Bloc vehicles and describes the need for 3/1968 #23799  
## Word: "block" (Back to Top)
chlight beam that lights up a city block, tells the police chief to alert t 2/14/1915 #925  
t fantastic speed. A strange metal block is said to have been found at the  9/1943 #1523  
t fantastic speed. A strange metal block is said to have been found at the  9/1943 #1524  
RT, PA Odd vapor trails. Then "big block of silver" crosses sky!            4/17/1952 #6095  
 2 disk-saucers hover still. Trees block view. Gone after!                  8/7/1952 #7502  
3 hairy small humanoids (or Greys) block road / saucer. Take rocks and plan 11/28/1954 #11715  
anges color to orange and seems to block the airliner’s path or risk collis 4/8/1956 #12803  
n, S.D. Railroad phones, automatic block system "mysteriously dead" as UFO  11/16/1956 #13332  
lephones and an automatic railroad block mechanism in Lemmon, South Dakota, 11/16/1956 #13333  
t up around a 10-by-16-square-mile block of land to capture plutonium sampl 4/24/1957 #13615  
ark, Michigan. They chase it for a block or two before it streaks off. One  10/1957 #14051  
cts the timing by walking the half block down Lee Street to get a better fe 10/7/1958 #15329  
es by OTC Enterprises, including a block of 21,000 shares to Frontier City  5/4/1959 #15722  
roceeding east for a distance of a block or two, it veers southeastward and 2/5/1960 #16168  
d, California, this time about one block further east, above Sunset Bouleva 2/6/1960 #16169  
 alters its tracking, but does not block the missile firing, since the trac 1/10/1961 #16574  
A, AZ White cone falls / ground. 2 block area lit. Observer(s) shovel dirt  5/29/1965 #18975  
s, close to the ground, in the 600 block on Northwest 63.                   8/2/1965 #19262  
s, close to the ground, in the 600 block of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on Nort 8/2/1965 #19273  
caused by two cables burning out a block away from the Kalnicki apartment.  4/23/1966 #20390  
ver some trees on a hill about one block away. At least one adult watches t 8/1/1966 #20718  
hotos at the original site using a block of wood hanging from a string on a 1/9/1967 #21277  
oing quickly [to] behind apartment block.                                   7/25/1967 #22727  
witnesses drove to within one-half block of the object. (Pennsylvania NICAP 8/11/1967 #22862  
s (or Greys) going down / beam and block road. Invisible wall. / r148.      9/3/1976 #31331  
heir arms in an obvious attempt to block him, while at the same time speaki 9/3/1976 #31341  
° in the west. He drives “within a block” of the light and sees it as bigge 2/1/1977 #31776  
se. At least three families on the block experienced total interference wit 4/6/1977 #31953  
silver, plate-shaped UFO, within a block of light gray vapor. The UFO was g 11/23/1978 #33990  
aw a silver disc hovering only one block away from one of their residences  12/31/1978 #34244  
aw a silver disc hovering only one block away from one of their residences  12/31/1978 #34252  
th or height. It extends the whole block of houses at treetop level. She re 8/29/1979 #34801  
hts on an oval object about a city block away. It moves away horizontally,  8/30/1979 #34809  
lose that the driver fears it will block their way. It seems to have two da 9/5/1979 #34838  
is only 30 feet up and less than a block away. She says it seems as large a 9/17/1979 #34896  
eet above a bluff less than a city block away. When they stop the car to ge 1/21/1980 #35141  
e flying object, "as big as a city block," that was cone-shaped with peach, 11/27/1980 #35675  
ession sessions to get through his block and remember what he had been look 12/31/1980 #35759  
e sees a lighted object, but trees block his view. He climbs down the hill  Mid 10/1987 #38305  
going southeast fast. "Size = city block". See MUFONJ#277.                  9/16/1990 #39733  
s. Same again. / airport/apartment block.                                   10/12/1990 #39782  
0 minutes occurred to a witness on Block Island, off the coast of Rhode Isl 6/18/1993 #41023  
le convex disk" maneuvers within 1 block of observer(s). No further details 2/4/1995 #42017  
IERS, FR 1+dog. "Large rectangular block" crosses sky / 1 minute(s). Straig 5/2/1997 #43286  
bject at around 7:00 p.m., about a block away, with smoke billowing out of  7/15/2000 #44019  
bject hovering above the apartment block opposite her. The second object ap 12/24/2000 #44109  
Cache Airport. As Simmons tried to block a companion plane, he felt threate 2/24/2001 #44142  
d outside the aircraft. The engine block has been split. The final NTSB rep 10/23/2002 #44422  
## Word: "block-" (Back to Top)
hotos when they see a large, dark, block- shaped object moving through the  Mid 8/1977 #32401  
## Word: "blockade" (Back to Top)
ing Castro and Khrushchev; a naval blockade to stop Soviet ships carrying w 10/16/1962 #17475  
nces his plan to implement a naval blockade of Cuba. US military alert is s 10/22/1962 #17485  
ed as if they might try to break a blockade. But Soviet freighters bearing  10/23/1962 #17489  
## Word: "blocked" (Back to Top)
ootball emerges from the partially blocked entrance of the tomb. It travels 5/1931 #1126  
 front of his car as his radio was blocked. He applied the brakes; object v Fall 1949 #4365  
s, radar jammed, radio transmitter blocked by buzzing noise each time new f 9/1950 #5158  
y jammed. His radio transmitter is blocked by a buzzing noise. The discs ar 9/1950 #5159  
ck figure with glowing orange eyes blocked their path. The figure was about 9/11/1952 #7896  
ck figure with glowing orange eyes blocked the path. About 12 feet high (4  9/12/1952 #7906  
e distance and soon found his road blocked by a strange object. The engine  10/20/1954 #11273  
e distance and soon found his road blocked by a strange object. The engine  10/20/1954 #11282  
e, truck drivers, found their road blocked by a luminous sphere over 3 m di 11/28/1954 #11720  
as, Venezuela. They find their way blocked by a 10-foot-wide, glowing ball  11/28/1954 #11722  
nd the clouds. Radio reception was blocked throughout the observation, exce 11/6/1957 #14416  
nd the clouds. Radio reception was blocked throughout the observation, exce 11/6/1957 #14440  
r where the UFO appeared had been “blocked out.” Neasham urges Project Blue 7/5/1959 #15817  
Dark saucer going [to] over. RADAR blocked / area. / r33p66.                7/6/1959 #15818  
ith their equipment, and radar was blocked for that quadrant of the sky ove 7/9/1959 #15829  
 up at the road, which he finds is blocked by an oval-shaped object at leas 10/12/1963 #17987  
wooped over truck, landed on road, blocked highway. (L) See Section VI (NIC 8/4/1965 #19309  
overhead, hovered just above road, blocked highway                          8/4/1965 #19317  
changing colored lights landed and blocked the road while the car engine st 8/15/1965 #19400  
ng Prairie (4 miles from), MN Road Blocked By "Rocket", Three "Creatures" ( 10/23/1965 #19676  
at, well-defined object, which had blocked the road. The object was the siz 1/29/1966 #19872  
                   Temple, OK Road blocked by a wingless aircraft, perch fi 3/23/1966 #20042  
emple, Oklahoma, he finds the road blocked by a wingless aircraft, shaped l 3/23/1966 #20050  
sburg, MI Luminous object hovered, blocked roadway, bobbed up and down, mov 3/31/1966 #20177  
               South Hill, VA Road blocked by storage tank-shaped obj w/dom 4/21/1967 #22187  
en they turned a corner some trees blocked their view, so they continued on 9/8/1968 #24442  
at a nearby radio station and also blocked TV reception. It flew off rapidl 9/19/1968 #24486  
when he found his vehicle suddenly blocked by a dense curtain formed by hun 6/11/1969 #25211  
snowed roads after an accident has blocked the main highway. Suddenly, his  12/28/1969 #25512  
perpendicular to the ground, which blocked the view of the vegetation behin 8/5/1970 #25770  
 light, coming from something that blocked the road ahead of him. He lost c 9/25/1971 #26379  
ighway in Brazil when the road was blocked by a UFO sitting on the road wit 8/9/1972 #26890  
 of her car radio was mysteriously blocked. Then she noticed a yellow oval- 1/23/1973 #27244  
 moving, silent cylindrical object blocked out stars as it moved across the 5/27/1973 #27534  
ted ears. Some of these "monsters" blocked the precipice flanked trail that 10/20/1973 #28222  
30 p.m. European Time, a dark disc blocked out the stars over Le Luc, Franc 7/9/1974 #29255  
o drive home and found his passage blocked by a UFO.  Several "Men in Black 9/11/1975 #30353  
he same thing. Although the bushes blocked their view, the witnesses believ 11/8/1975 #30584  
n of the figure because the bushes blocked his view. After driving on, he w 1/26/1976 #30821  
res about 6 feet tall approach the blocked truck with flashlights. The crea 9/8/1976 #31356  
e. Once their view of the light is blocked, the lights come back on. The ob 9/3/1979 #34829  
panel that rose from the floor and blocked him. The husband recalled being  12/11/1979 #35073  
 Diamond- or spindle-shaped object blocked vehicle. Heat, sound, strong phy 12/29/1980 #35756  
haped object swooped over vehicle, blocked road ahead of car. (Volume II, T 12/19/1981 #36266  
, Brazil UFO swooped over vehicle, blocked road                             12/19/1981 #36267  
ptical object landed ahead of car, blocked road; headlights and engine fail 12/14/1987 #38362  
ptical object landed ahead of car, blocked road. Headlights and engine fail 12/14/1987 #38363  
he intersection because some trees blocked his view. In Welch, Oklahoma a f 10/13/1989 #39170  
uge dark boomerang shaped UFO that blocked out the starry sky.              2/12/1991 #39976  
t the space between the two lights blocked the stars; it was bigger than a  4/12/1994 #41489  
ck toward the cabin. Their way was blocked by several short thin gray-skinn 1/7/1997 #43167  
ze ovoids / perfect triangle. View blocked.                                 6/1/1997 #43309  
ock in the morning, whose presence blocked the light from the stars in the  7/7/1999 #43795  
r screen door, across the kitchen, blocked her TV, and went up against a wa 1/12/2000 #43924  
p, but could clearly be seen as it blocked out a portion of the clear sky a 3/26/2000 #43969  
da a huge triangular-shaped object blocked out stars as it flew very slowly 8/13/2002 #44384  
 overhead. It was so close that it blocked the rain. He saw one man shoot h 9/25/2002 #44406  
lent, lightless, with a shape that blocked out the stars behind it as it fl 11/9/2002 #44437  
on. It was dark without lights but blocked the backdrop of stars as it flew 5/14/2004 #44700  
e giant object passed overhead, it blocked out all the stars and he estimat 10/2/2004 #44766  
about it. The phone number was not blocked; he searched it after the call a 1/30/2015 #45429  
## Word: "blocking" (Back to Top)
out 5 feet high and 2 feet long is blocking the road. He walks toward it, a 11/7/1957 #14459  
Fe when he saw a figure, 3 m tall, blocking the road. He went toward it wit 5/27/1958 #15056  
a giant figure, three meters tall, blocking the road near the town of Boa d 5/27/1958 #15057  
e meters of red disc-shaped object blocking the road in Sandy Creek near Ad 6/28/1963 #17815  
burg, ID Flat, well-defined object blocking the road, the size of a truck ( 1/29/1966 #19871  
Air Force Base, observed an object blocking the road. It was shaped like an 3/23/1966 #20047  
  Temple, OK Huge, elongated craft blocking high-way, flashing body lights, 3/23/1966 #20049  
se at 5:05 a.m. observed an object blocking the road in Temple, Oklahoma. I 3/23/1966 #20055  
overing just off the road surface, blocking the roadway. The car was violen 3/31/1966 #20173  
unter a brilliant blue-white light blocking the road. It appears to be a tr 7/13/1967 #22656  
 road. It seemed to be glowing and blocking the road. When he stepped one y 12/13/1971 #26496  
range ovoid object was encountered blocking the road in Villenueve-sur-Lot, 2/25/1973 #27317  
 disables train (diesel) & effects blocking system (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)  10/20/1973 #28212  
behind them. The train’s automatic blocking system is showing a red light,  10/20/1973 #28216  
r seems to be moving away, and the blocking system turns to an amber signal 10/20/1973 #28216  
 of its companions, who were still blocking the downhill path. From then un 10/20/1973 #28222  
ngs open their arms in an apparent blocking gesture, communicating with eac 9/3/1976 #31335  
took up positions across the road, blocking Joao's path. The object then gl 9/3/1976 #31341  
rake when two luminous globes were blocking the road ahead. The engine of t 12/11/1978 #34090  
p.m. when two luminous globes were blocking the road ahead. The engine of t 12/11/1978 #34093  
bject, about 25 feet wide, that is blocking out the light of the stars. Wit 7/4/1979 #34646  
nded a bend in the road the object blocking the road resembled a vertical h 7/25/1979 #34681  
 on top and a row of five windows, blocking the road ahead. He fetl attract 11/28/1980 #35680  
wo eight-foot tall beings who were blocking his door. These creatures seeme 5/29/1986 #37898  
whole farms, cutting down forests, blocking major highways, driving 2-3 tru 12/29/1987 #38379  
ar device, which had the effect of blocking her memory of the experience.   2/6/1989 #38818  
t could not see because trees were blocking here view.  She went back to th 8/25/1989 #39074  
 beings, near a disc-shaped object blocking the road.                       10/13/1989 #39170  
ome upon two metallic “spaceships” blocking their trail. Both objects are a 3/12/1996 #42821  
ts, and it appears low in the sky, blocking out the stars behind it. Many w 3/13/1997 #43229  
ang-shaped object flying overhead, blocking out the stars. The object is so 11/11/1999 #43879  
 no wheels hovering over the road, blocking it. He then flashed on the car  4/25/2007 #45023  
 he sees a huge rectangular object blocking out the stars and moving silent 1/4/2013 #45358  
## Word: "blocks" (Back to Top)
hen he is visiting a colleague two blocks away.                             11/26/1896 #364  
UM 1 observer. Small glowing-ovoid blocks footpath. 'Smart and determined'. 8/1937 (approximate) #1275  
er(s). Dark silent circular object blocks stars. 12 lights / rim. Going wes 8/18/1955 #12369  
ace that approaches him from three blocks away. It is about 8–9 feet tall a Fall 1956 #13238  
trees behind a school building two blocks from where they live. It glitters 11/5/1957 #14345  
            Cape Canaveral, FL UFO blocks tracking of U.S. missile, G (NICA 1/10/1961 #16570  
       NEAR MONTE MAIZ, ARG Saucer blocks road. Giant robot(s)/android(s) e 10/12/1963 #17985  
organ. Seen here / Highway Patrol. Blocks stars. Type unknown. No further d 8/1/1965 #19236  
RIA, ARG 2 / car. 5M metallic hoop blocks road / 1.5M altitude. Gets misty. 8/2/1965 #19252  
rous observer(s). Huge night light blocks road. Going up [to] and going qui 10/30/1965 #19688  
BURG, ID Truck-size glowing-object blocks road. 2 observer(s) turn and driv 1/29/1966 #19870  
en. He races on this way for a few blocks, then the UFO takes off.          9/24/1966 #20923  
 weatherman. Odd whirlwind. Shadow blocks full moon. No object visible.     10/1966 (approximate) #20943  
Trucker. 'Car' going down [to] and blocks road. 2 pseudo-human/entity-1 out 11/2/1966 #21066  
hester, Montana, from his home two blocks away. The object disappears strai 2/9/1967 #21491  
ving horizontally an estimated two blocks away. As it paced her car, she sa 10/27/1967 #23343  
ving horizontally an estimated two blocks away. As it paces her car, she se 10/27/1967 #23351  
 going south / N623. Lights / rim. Blocks road. Square windows?             11/1967 (approximate) #23380  
nly rises and flies away. The RCMP blocks access to the site during its inv 7/1968 #24108  
be flies between airport/apartment blocks. Silent. Very clear.              6/1/1969 #25183  
t ten o’clock at night when, three blocks from his home, he sighted a disc- 9/25/1970 #25852  
 Figure(s) exit and steal concrete blocks!                                  10/14/1972 #27073  
d from the craft and took concrete blocks from the landing site.            10/14/1972 #27076  
silent cylinder/cylindrical object blocks stars / sky. 2 long windows. Shoo 5/27/1973 #27530  
e Mississippi Press Register a few blocks away, but it is closed. So they c 10/11/1973 #27997  
itnesses, 45 seconds. Appeared six blocks from witnesses home. Silver color 10/15/1973 #28049  
R 4 / car. String / luminous balls blocks D60. Observer(s) flee to police s 5/20/1974 #29115  
 Numerous observer(s). Dark saucer blocks stars. Very strong beams going do 7/9/1974 #29248  
covered the distance on three city blocks in approximately 15 seconds. Duri 7/1/1975 #30145  
TH HOLMFIRTH, WEST YORKS 25' ovoid blocks foggy road. Enters valley and sca 8/24/1975 (approximate) #30302  
he bedroom wall to a field several blocks away, where they took her onboard 12/2/1975 #30681  
h ends. It hovers above houses 3–4 blocks away, then recedes toward the nor 2/20/1977 #31832  
oing quickly northwest. Near moon. Blocks star etc.                         10/24/1977 #32604  
 2 / car 4M dark silent top-saucer blocks highway D225! Rises and going nor 11/2/1977 #32655  
n the east. They drive another two blocks to an open areas and get out of t 2/5/1978 #32955  
road. Flashes 3X / min. Black area blocks stars. Going west.                4/29/1978 #33178  
cylinder/cigar-shape low and slow. Blocks lunar eclipse. Splits.            9/16/1978 #33692  
as if by daylight. The surrounding blocks are lost to view. On a hill he se 9/21/1978 #33723  
Red 3M cylinder/cylindrical object blocks road. 1M high. Black portholes. G 12/25/1979 #35095  
n he awoke he and the car were ten blocks away from where the encounter had 4/23/1980 #35286  
omed discs circling low about four blocks west of her home in Assumption, I 6/21/1980 #35385  
CORSEUL, FR 2 / car. 50cm fireball blocks road 15M ahead. Observer(s) turns 4/12/1981 #35890  
urn, and then paced the car for 15 blocks. It flew away toward the north. ( 3/30/1982 #36418  
her as she drives the remaining 15 blocks. She pulls up to the curb, and th 3/30/1982 #36419  
urn, and then paced the car for 15 blocks. It flew away toward the north.   3/30/1982 #36420  
 her car and seems so huge that it blocks out the sky. Its shape is a perfe 1/27/1983 #36754  
dge hovering over houses about two blocks distant. They watched the object  1/27/1984 #37157  
ge hovering above houses about two blocks away. After a few seconds it asce 1/27/1984 #37159  
verted L pattern. As it passes, it blocks out the sky and stars.            3/6/1984 #37219  
dark mass about 300 feet long that blocks out the lights of a plane that fl 6/14/1984 #37361  
t. The dark mass behind the lights blocks out the stars as it approaches st 7/24/1984 #37412  
DGE BATHS, VA 20' x7'OBJ paces and blocks car / SR39. 1' thick. Lights flas 3/23/1988 #38518  
 a strong light illuminating three blocks in his neighborhood. After witnes 7/1988 #38596  
four-lane road, and he swerves and blocks two lanes. About 150 feet in the  12/4/1988 #38743  
 / WELCH, OK 6 observer(s). Saucer blocks road! Green 7' figure(s) exit. Ob 10/13/1989 #39168  
ru) binoculars. Unidentified shape blocks stars. X of white lights / unders 10/30/1989 #39193  
tober 2020 the Ministry of Defence blocks release of the photos from their  8/4/1990 #39679  
 cylinder/cigar-shape with lights. Blocks stars. Maneuvers. 200kph.         11/5/1990 #39835  
 SEVRES, FR Huge silent black mass blocks line / trees. Lights / edge. 100k 11/5/1990 #39850  
 Night lights outline pointed box. Blocks stars. Hovers / 1 minute(s). Blow 11/5/1990 #39856  
peat adductee. Huge dark boomerang blocks starry sky.                       2/12/1991 #39975  
30' saucer 3' over road 12' ahead. Blocks 2 / car. Vanishes. Near radar sit 11/19/1992 #40718  
rs. Rushes near. Slows over house. Blocks stars.                            4/18/1995 #42156  
ht hovers. Large dark silent ovoid blocks stars. Glides low over field.     10/20/1997 #43434  
 attached to one solid object that blocks out the stars behind it. It remai 12/1998 #43694  
REEK, NT Camper. Dark silent ovoid blocks stars. Night light plays. Both va 7/7/1999 #43794  
lack delta/triangle/box-like craft blocks stars. Going northwest flat edge  8/13/2002 #44380  
 to the end of the street, about 7 blocks away, where the street ends at th 3/12/2004 #44676  
## Word: "blocky" (Back to Top)
imes as large as humans," and had "blocky arms and legs and shapeless bodie 1/14/1969 #24842  
## Word: "blodget" (Back to Top)
s. According to coworker Charlotte Blodget, “Each member of the group share 1944 #1560  
tten by Adamski follower Charlotte Blodget, is published by Abelard Schuman 1955 #11896  
## Word: "blodgett" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHWEST / BLODGETT, OR 4 observer(s). Odd beeps. R 3/3/1967 #21735  
## Word: "bloe" (Back to Top)
ast slow. Sudden dips and rises. / Bloe.                                    6/15/1950 #4987  
## Word: "bloecher" (Back to Top)
onds. (Ref. 3; Case summary by Ted Bloecher, 14 pages. Interviews by Bloech Late 8/1946 #2159  
 Bloecher, 14 pages. Interviews by Bloecher, Lucius Farish, and Mildred Hig Late 8/1946 #2159  
Project 1947; McDonald list; FOIA; Bloecher 1967) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 6/2/1947 #2308  
(McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index; Bloecher 1967) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 6/12/1947 #2323  
formation , straight course, S-NE (Bloecher,17,II-9) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 6/20/1947 #2345  
 same day Arnold had his sighting (Bloecher). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)    6/24/1947 #2395  
(McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index; Bloecher 1967) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 6/28/1947 #2444  
(Ruppelt p. 19; FOIA; FUFOR Index; Bloecher 1967). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 6/28/1947 #2445  
 a landed disc and two occupants. (Bloecher) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)     7/1947 #2498  
hern Idaho, of eight huge objects (Bloecher) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)      7/3/1947 #2577  
orth high and fast in rainstorm. / Bloecher notes.                          7/5/1947 #2710  
nd object high and fast. Silent. / Bloecher.                                10/16/1951 #5728  
ence of New York is founded by Ted Bloecher, Isabel Davis, and Alexander Me 2/1954 #9519  
 Going southwest. 180° turn. / Ted Bloecher.                                7/23/1957 #13818  
0M saucer hovers on / over road. / Bloecher.                                8/14/1957 #13889  
documented by UFO investigator Ted Bloecher. Two women in New Berlin, New Y 11/25/1964 #18638  
                     Ufologist Ted Bloecher privately publishes a massive R 11/1967 #23381  
AP files. Case investigated by Ted Bloecher and J. E. McDonald, report in N 12/12/1967 #23572  
re paralyzed. (David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  7/22/1968 #24202  
ellow $1 bill! Featureless face. / Bloecher.                                11/11/1973 #28403  
, case 73-46D; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  11/19/1973 #28449  
d disc-shaped craft. (Sources: Ted Bloecher, Proceedings of the CUFOS Confe 1/12/1975 #29743  
e park the same time. Hopkins, Ted Bloecher (then the director of New York  1/12/1975 #29744  
er 1976, p. 5; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  2/23/1975 #29837  
road. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  4/6/1975 #29974  
road. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  8/22/1975 #30297  
nyl." (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  8/26/1975 #30309  
rle, p. 146; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Human Rep 1/5/1976 #30760  
hard. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  2/5/1976 #30846  
ait. (Sources: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  2/22/1976 #30894  
airs. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  3/3/1976 #30919  
er. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  4/2/1976 #30978  
id reports. Presenters include Ted Bloecher, Ann Druffel, Loren Gross, Rich 4/30/1976 #31029  
2, citing FSR; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  5/14/1976 #31051  
rees. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  2/3/1977 #31783  
way. (Sources: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  2/10/1977 #31806  
own." (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  3/5/1977 #31860  
aw. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  3/7/1977 #31869  
nd. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  3/7/1977 #31870  
ay. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  3/13/1977 #31903  
arch 17, 1977; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  3/15/1977 #31907  
hair. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  4/4/1977 #31942  
t." (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  4/7/1977 #31956  
e. (Sources: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  4/19/1977 #31997  
y. (Sources: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  4/19/1977 #31998  
s. (Sources: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid  4/19/1977 #31999  
people attend to hear speakers Ted Bloecher, Jerome Clark, Jacques Vallée,  6/24/1977 #32190  
## Word: "bloecher's" (Back to Top)
                        Tacoma, WA Bloecher's case 547, from his book, is a 7/7/1947 #2920  
                       Houston, TX Bloecher's case 698, from his book, is a 7/8/1947 #3002  
## Word: "bloemfontain" (Back to Top)
                       SOUTHEAST / BLOEMFONTAIN, RSA Pilots and many. Disk  11/5/1958 #15427  
## Word: "bloemfontaine" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BLOEMFONTAINE, RSA Several observer(s).  3/29/1995 #42120  
## Word: "bloemfontein" (Back to Top)
                                   BLOEMFONTEIN, SOUTH AFRICA Several obser 1/1/1955 #11905  
                              NEAR BLOEMFONTEIN, RSA 2 / car. Silver grey s 1/5/1958 (approximate) #14809  
heir car along the side of road in Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South A 1/5/1958 #14810  
## Word: "blog" (Back to Top)
ttps://www.militarytownadvisor.com/blog/2016/11/7/202/hampton-roads-militar 4/5/1979 #34499  
0314185745/https://www.sandboxx.us/blog/was-americas-aurora-hypersonic-airc 1985 #37542  
tional-institute-of.html   https://blog.adamkehoe.com/answering-who-else-kn 1/28/1996 #42725  
ive.org/web/20221201140323/https://blog.adamkehoe.com/answering-who-else-kn 1/28/1996 #42725  
h December 2004 but continues as a blog in December 2005.                   10/1998 #43655  
https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/long-fuse-big-bang/202111/the-surpr 11/29/2021 #45725  
## Word: "blog%2b50%2b-%2ba" (Back to Top)
wsMZh1-6JgOwBzTTGxRBa0zgCLcB/s1600/BLOG%2B50%2B-%2BA.png   https://1.bp.blo 11/13/1961 #16963  
## Word: "blog%2b50%2b-%2bb" (Back to Top)
SYU8eSm1zYWoSJdrPh7odimgCLcB/s1600/BLOG%2B50%2B-%2BB.png   https://2.bp.blo 11/13/1961 #16963  
## Word: "blog%2b50%2b-%2bc" (Back to Top)
U8U8xJCfl4HY_8mkiYG5bD7wCLcB/s1600/blog%2B50%2B-%2BC.png                    11/13/1961 #16963  
## Word: "blogs" (Back to Top)
UFO-Phenomenon   http://not-devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/15197/retro-frid 5/1979 #34533  
t 3D reality.  https://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/2012/07/synthetic- 7/8/2012 #45348  
randonn1657077   http://not-devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/13566/brandons-r 7/8/2012 #45349  
he Cohen Group.  http://not-devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/15851/ex-sapoc-m 7/5/2019 #45590  
 2002) suggest.  http://not-devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/15901/strike-two 11/29/2019 #45619  
ngle encounter.  http://not-devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/16041/where-the- 11/30/2020 #45665  
## Word: "blogspot" (Back to Top)
  https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2018/11/1950-disclosure-ufo 3/27/1950 #4742  
nos/1950fullrep.htm   https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-X0BWGLnELg/Wc5ZLqBeZI/AAAA 3/27/1950 #4742  
ed with NICAP. *   http://ufotrail.blogspot.com/2019/11/joseph-bryan-iii-fb 3/27/1950 #4742  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2010/01/aerospace-companies 1955 #11899  
 was achieved.  http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2009/07/allende-letters.htm 4/1956 #12778  
-letters.html   http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2016/08/chasing-sources-phi 4/1956 #12778  
0-%201968.pdf   http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2009/07/allende-letters.htm 4/1956 #12779  
-letters.html   http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2016/08/chasing-sources-phi 4/1956 #12779  
tion teams existing.  https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kILfYw2VJyk/VzABvIBOpPI/AA 11/13/1961 #16963  
OG%2B50%2B-%2BA.png   https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-eSTVEVMkTUM/VzAB6HTXdyI/AA 11/13/1961 #16963  
OG%2B50%2B-%2BB.png   https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Ro21GyILirI/VzAB7flzgBI/AA 11/13/1961 #16963  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2010/01/aerospace-companies 5/17/1965 #18945  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2010/01/aerospace-companies 7/23/1966 #20673  
”  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2021/08/which-aerospace-com 1968 #23634  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2013/03/secret-studies.html 1969 #24806  
  https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2021/09/skylite-project-to- 4/5/1970 #25625  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us 10/28/1972 #27098  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us 10/27/1973 #28303  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/04/kit-green-in-phenom 1974 #28634  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us 6/2/1974 #29157  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us 4/13/1975 #29985  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2010/01/aerospace-companies 1/5/1978 #32854  
”  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us 6/8/1978 #33262  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2009/09/what-was-jacques-th 1979 #34261  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/08/kit-greens-usaf-ufo 1982 #36293  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us 4/6/1982 #36435  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/little-snippets-fro 3/11/1984 #37227  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-advanced-theore 5/20/1985 #37591  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us 7/6/1985 #37616  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/little-snippets-fro 6/22/1986 #37921  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/little-snippets-fro 11/10/1986 #38061  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2014/11/dr-bruce-maccabee-a 7/7/1987 #38206  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/04/christopher-kit-can 10/23/1988 #38682  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us 7/11/1989 #39016  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us 9/17/1989 #39112  
”  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/04/more-on-c-richard-d 1991 #39939  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/04/uap-research-has-be 5/22/1991 #40075  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/03/c-richard-damato-an 5/22/1992 #40469  
”  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2017/11/                    12/2/1993 #41320  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2010/08/montauk-uncovered.h 1994 #41350  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/06/an-alleged-2001-nat 2/26/1994 #41428  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/05/jacques-vallee-on-n 1/7/1996 #42670  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/05/jacques-vallee-on-n 1/28/1996 #42725  
”  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/06/an-alleged-2001-nat 1/13/1997 #43171  
   https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/03/c-richard-damato-an Late 1990's #43480  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/12/nids-and-day-after- 1/11/1998 #43499  
statement. *   https://mindsublime.blogspot.com/2020/01/advanced-aerospace- 10/1998 #43656  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/06/an-alleged-2001-nat 1/1/1999 #43710  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/05/jacques-vallee-on-n 1/8/1999 #43712  
   https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/06/an-alleged-2001-nat 7/31/1999 #43815  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2022/06/dr-ning-li-and-her- 5/6/2003 #44526  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/04/christopher-kit-can 2005 #44805  
   https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/04/christopher-kit-gre 2005 #44805  
   https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-advanced-theore 4/28/2006 #44936  
   https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/09/identified-another- 2010 #45263  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/09/identified-another- 2011 #45310  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/12/jacques-vallee-and- 7/2011 #45330  
sified-microwave   http://ufotrail.blogspot.com/2019/12/cold-war-embassy-ga 2014 #45400  
are given.  http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/2014/06/black-triangles-cor 6/22/2014 #45411  
”  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/09/details-of-contract 8/16/2018 #45537  
ops-71a044802b27   https://badufos.blogspot.com/2019/03/the-anti-gravity-la 2/26/2019 #45564  
”  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2020/02/dr-hal-puthoffs-8-f 2/8/2020 #45632  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2021/03/jack-sarfatti-his-i 3/20/2020 #45640  
 9 March 2021.  http://parallaxuap.blogspot.com/2021/03/how-dod-is-keeping- 7/10/2020 #45651  
.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2021/09/luis-elizondo-speak 9/2/2021 #45706  
”  https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2022/02/john-ramirez-interv 1/30/2022 #45736  
## Word: "blois" (Back to Top)
                                   BLOIS, FR Cop and several. Moon-size sph 1/4/1976 #30757  
## Word: "blomidon" (Back to Top)
ttetown, Prince Edward Island Cape Blomidon, Nova Scotia Springhill, Nova S 7/1996 #42943  
nd, at 3,500 feet. While over Cape Blomidon, Nova Scotia, the pilot’s fathe 7/1996 #42943  
## Word: "blomqvist" (Back to Top)
niversity of Turku 7:00 p.m. Raimo Blomqvist is visiting with his parents a 8/1964 #18466  
The object shoots straight upward. Blomqvist recovers a 2–2.5-inch piece of 8/1964 #18466  
–2.5-inch piece of stone. In 1975, Blomqvist contacts UFO investigators and 8/1964 #18466  
ed in Södertälje, Sweden, by Håkan Blomqvist, Kjell Jonsson, and Anders Lil 8/1972 #26863  
## Word: "blond" (Back to Top)
 Naked children with dark tans and blond hair are playing on steps that lea 3/28/1950 #4750  
t land, Solem sees a man with long blond hair and dressed in a white unifor Fall 1952 #8014  
m?] is a beautiful being with long blond hair and an extremely high forehea 11/20/1952 #8309  
hich supported parallel aerials. A blond man 5’10” tall, wearing a gray avi 9/20/1954 #10373  
d, landed vertically, 50' away.  A blond man, 5' 10" tall appeared, spoke i 9/21/1954 #10382  
n lands vertically 50 feet away. A blond man, 5 feet 10 inches tall, appear 9/21/1954 #10383  
as another car, when he saw a tall blond haired man standing immobile in a  10/23/1954 #11346  
 field claimed that the mysterious blond figure was merely a Polish farmer, 10/23/1954 #11346  
er. Two men about 6 feet tall with blond hair and speaking an unintelligibl 12/5/1954 #11764  
 pale skin, slanted eyes, and long blond hair. They wore light brown covera 12/9/1954 #11789  
o meters (6.6 feet) tall, had long blond hair, and wore tight-fitting green 7/19/1956 #12991  
ey were nearly 2 m tall, had long, blond hair, and wore tight, green suits. 7/20/1956 #12993  
 nearly 6 feet tall and have long, blond hair, and wear tight, green suits. 7/20/1956 #12996  
 meters (6.6 feet) tall, had long, blond hair, and wore tight, green suits. 7/20/1956 #12997  
light outside dims, and a man with blond hair and wearing coveralls materia 11/16/1957 #14567  
rth on June 2, 1958, to a boy with blond hair that she and her husband Ron  11/16/1957 #14567  
 intact, they had high brows, long blond hair, and eyes that looked Asiatic 1959 #15516  
sers and heavy boots, and had long blond hair. They turned a corner and whe 6/26/1959 #15792  
 men were described as having long blond hair, and wore white coveralls wit 7/18/1962 #17283  
Jersey were approached by two tall blond men, who had long hair and were ba 9/4/1964 #18534  
, with a transparent upper part. A blond pilot, wearing plastic coveralls a 7/20/1965 #19153  
fth man was over six feet tall and blond. This last crew member wore metall 7/21/1965 #19156  
ed two 7-8 feet tall men with long blond hair. They wore seamless metallic  8/7/1965 #19339  
 150 feet wide. The occupants were blond, blue-eyed human-looking beings wh 8/21/1965 #19450  
thin and deeply tanned, and having blond hair and green eyes. The other gen 1/28/1967 #21411  
noses, mouths and eyes like slits, blond hair, rough skin, and were dressed 3/20/1967 #21922  
for eyes and mouths. All have long blond hair and are wearing something lik 3/20/1967 #21923  
noses, mouths and eyes like slits, blond hair, rough skin, and were dressed 3/20/1967 #21927  
d released him. The woman had long blond hair, high cheekbones and was very 10/6/1967 #23187  
bed the creature as looking like a blond haired woman with sharp pointed te 11/8/1967 #23428  
ed them as human looking with long blond hair. Their skin appeared porcelai 11/28/1967 #23517  
s in a crew-cut and was very light blond or white in color. The UFOnaut exa 3/29/1968 #23873  
 When she came to, she said that a blond man, 2 m tall, wearing a blue, bri 6/1968 #23998  
e, over two meters tall, with long blond hair, descended to the ground from 6/10/1968 #24018  
untered a six and a half foot tall blond man dressed in a sky blue diver su 6/14/1968 #24032  
t, are Caucasian, one of them very blond “like a foreigner.” The beings do  5/4/1969 #25114  
th, toward the sun. The figure was blond with short-cropped hair. He walked 6/21/1970 #25704  
 well-proportioned bodies and long blond hair. They wore tight-fitting blui 8/25/1971 #26305  
foot, 8 inch tall young woman with blond hair, wearing a yellow pantsuit th 5/5/1972 #26671  
and covering the feet. He had long blond hair. He beckoned to Mrs Puddy, bu 2/22/1973 #27310  
a V-shaped craft. A beautiful tall blond woman greeted her. She wore shiny  10/5/1973 #27954  
 8 in. (about 1.7m) tall. They had blond hair, wide foreheads, and elongate 10/28/1973 #28311  
fitting one-piece suits. They were blond, and their hair appeared "glued on 10/29/1973 #28319  
man features, and shoulder length, blond hair. Some of the men wore tight f 11/3/1973 #28362  
tities, shorter than her. They had blond, short cropped hair and later iden 3/20/1974 #28916  
ons. A door opened and a very tall blond man wearing a silvery outfit came  10/7/1974 #29504  
iful tall humanoid being with wavy blond hair, wearing a long yellow outfit 3/6/1975 #29876  
te luminous coveralls and had long blond hair. On the back of each hand was 1/5/1976 #30761  
similar features, was tall and had blond hair, and it also walked in the ma 1/5/1976 #30761  
ll being inside a room with a tall blond or albino woman who wore a long go 1/23/1976 #30817  
elts and boots. They all had light blond, shoulder-length hair. Their faces 4/23/1976 #31019  
a yellowish-green skin tone, curly blond hair, and walked stiffly. the dog  8/14/1976 #31264  
            GOMEZ PALACIO, MX Tall blond man appears / room. Glows. Floats  1/2/1978 #32843  
e suddenly looked up to see a tall blond, blue-eyed man in his room. The wi 1/2/1978 #32848  
e had black hair and the other was blond. The black haired female approache 5/10/1978 #33199  
 to be released. At this point the blond woman walked over and ordered the  5/10/1978 #33199  
 "Nordic" looking beings with long blond hair emerged from the craft, weari 7/4/1978 #33337  
l men, 1.90 meters in height, with blond hair wearing blue-gray outfits and 10/15/1978 #33837  
o human-looking men with long wavy blond hair. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 1/29/1979 #34389  
o human-looking men with long wavy blond hair. The UFO glided silently away 1/29/1979 #34391  
s). Grey domed saucer over shop. 2 blond pseudo-humans/entities look going  3/1979 #34451  
ery much alike except one had long blond hair and the other had dark hair,  8/4/1980 #35441  
 similar appearance. They both had blond, shoulder length hair parted in th 5/9/1985 #37589  
all human-looking beings with long blond hair. There seemed to the brothers 6/16/1989 #38989  
entical faces—extremely pale, long blond hair, large eyes, and collarless s 7/4/1989 #39007  
like identical twins. The had long blond hair, big eyes, and were wearing c 7/4/1989 #39009  
aft when a door opened revealing a blond human-like entity of average heigh 9/27/1989 #39125  
alled being taken onboard by tall, blond, Nordic type beings who predicted  3/1/1990 #39438  
d very pale in complexion, and had blond hair and wore tight-fitting white  7/21/1991 #40128  
lored, possibly blue eyes and long blond hair that fell half way down her b 7/23/1992 #40531  
, Peter was unable to react as the blond woman suddenly reached out with bo 7/23/1992 #40531  
e came loose in his teeth, but the blond woman did not cry out. She seemed  7/23/1992 #40531  
ack the foreskin he found two thin blond strands of hair wrapped tightly ar 7/23/1992 #40531  
, through which they could see two blond haired females looking out. These  6/15/1994 #41568  
ch next to two fellow abductees: a blond woman and a man with tattoos who b 9/20/1994 #41765  
oard the craft, who was a handsome blond haired man with a bare chest. She  7/23/1997 #43358  
tinguishable from ordinary people (blond, blue- eyed Nordics). Some adult h 1/1998 #43482  
noid had pasty white skin, reddish blond hair, and black button eyes. His n 7/12/1998 #43602  
ing and tall, with shoulder length blond hair, pale eyes, very pale skin, a 1/7/1999 #43711  
## Word: "blond-haired" (Back to Top)
, with a transparent upper part. A blond-haired pilot, wearing plastic cove 7/20/1965 #19149  
tness. He was met there by a tall, blond-haired humanoid that had tanned sk 1/12/1980 #35131  
 dome. He was met there by a tall, blond-haired humanoid that had tanned sk 1/12/1980 #35132  
 rose around the object and a tall blond-haired, Nordic-looking individual  9/22/1992 #40636  
## Word: "blonde" (Back to Top)
pparently an Asian woman with long blonde hair and dressed in a tight- fitt 7/18/1943 #1518  
 discs. In 1932 he met a beautiful blonde woman who could read his mind, an 10/29/1956 #13297  
 plume Marla Baxter, sister of the blonde spacewoman he had met in 1946).   1957 #13431  
ooks like an overweight woman with blonde hair. The UFO shoots out two rays 8/28/1963 #17922  
he side of the object. He had long blonde hair, a dark beard, and his skin  11/14/1976 #31549  
oth male and female. The women are blonde and have beautiful pink skin. The 10/25/1978 #33873  
th male and female. The women were blonde and had beautiful pink skin and s 10/25/1978 #33875  
paralyze her. The women have light blonde hair, gray-green skin, and hats w 9/13/1989 #39098  
ncounters human-like entities with blonde hair, blue eyes, and white robes  6/1990 #39604  
ude females seated on his bed, one blonde and the other dark-haired with so 7/23/1992 #40530  
ough the back of my own head.” The blonde reaches out and forces him toward 7/23/1992 #40530  
 the bathroom where he discovers a blonde hair wrapped around a body part.  7/23/1992 #40530  
 Her face was long, very long. The blonde, who was in a kneeling position o 7/23/1992 #40531  
## Word: "blonde-haired" (Back to Top)
mal. Khoury especially noticed the blonde-haired woman. Her face was long,  7/23/1992 #40531  
## Word: "blondish-white" (Back to Top)
iced that they had shoulder-length blondish-white hair. The witness put his 1/29/1976 #30832  
## Word: "blonie" (Back to Top)
                                   Blonie area, Poland Late night. A helico 4/21/1979 #34519  
urning by car to their unit in the Blonie area, Poland. A light descends ra 4/21/1979 #34519  
## Word: "blood" (Back to Top)
s jump him and tear him to pieces. Blood and internal organs spew out, but  5/1913 #888  
 small height and had copper based blood. This object was reportedly eventu 5/31/1947 #2303  
parked automobile. He next heard a blood curling guttural noise. Terrified, 4/10/1954 #9681  
ez saw his attacker move backward, blood spurting from his head wounds. He  4/10/1954 #9681  
d his shotgun they also found some blood stained leaves. They questioned lo 4/10/1954 #9681  
          BISTINEAU, LA Fisherman. Blood red 60M hemisphere going north. La 4/25/1957 #13616  
rnal organs and a spiral system of blood circulation. It had six fingered e 1/21/1959 #15560  
h for 10 days. Only a few drops of blood are found.                         8/17/1962 #17336  
or Dobrynin, “You have drawn first blood.        The president had decided  10/27/1962 #17505  
 apparent mist. The object glowed “blood red” and the body lights disappear 3/20/1966 #19997  
the dog's body was crushed, and no blood was in evidence.                   11/20/1966 #21129  
at had happened, doctors perform a blood analysis that returns with a diagn 8/13/1967 #22873  
hey find out he is a specialist in blood coagulation, they say they will dr 9/9/1967 #23026  
 and finds the complete absence of blood distressing. Altshuler begins to t 9/9/1967 #23026  
es are responsible for the lack of blood and organs. He finds an infection  9/9/1967 #23026  
eings prick their fingers and take blood samples before gong back to the UF 9/1/1968 #24421  
 their fingers three times, taking blood samples, after which they ascended 9/1/1968 #24422  
 PELOTAS, BRZ 300 sheep mutilated. Blood drained. 1 found / crop circle. No 6/1972 #26692  
rom her right hand index finger. A blood sample was taken with a small plas 10/16/1973 #28089  
hine, probed with needles, given a blood pressure test and a gynecological  10/16/1973 #28093  
anca lets one of the beings take a blood sample and later remembers going o 10/28/1973 #28309  
 his feet, and a second one drew a blood sample from his finger with a devi 10/28/1973 #28311  
chering of sex organs. The lack of blood and footprints is also puzzling. S 12/1973 #28494  
being approached the car. He wore "blood red pants" and a welder's type mas 12/5/1973 #28525  
d. The tails had been removed, the blood drained, and the cow's udder had b 3/31/1974 #28977  
ed in Pierce County, Nebraska. The blood had been drained from the animal a 9/7/1974 #29430  
s, and genitalia, with most of the blood drained from the carcasses. Haskel 9/11/1975 #30352  
old to undress and lie on a table. Blood samples were taken, and a square m 10/27/1975 #30489  
 find skid marks, but no traces of blood or any impact marks on Siegal’s ca 3/4/1977 #31858  
t the lights from UFOs have sucked blood from 400 people. In 1997, two deca 7/1977 #32220  
abduction man. Zapped / blue-beam. Blood sample. Images shown. / r86p44.    9/15/1977 #32482  
k into his middle finger, taking a blood sample, but leaving no mark. The e 9/15/1977 #32485  
on his arm, as if they had taken a blood sample from him although he did no 12/18/1977 #32797  
n. Clown-pseudo-human/entity takes blood sample / dog. / r219p17+/ LDLN#199 2/5/1978 #32953  
d like to examine his dog and take blood samples from him. Mus was carried  2/5/1978 #32957  
carried to a rectangular table and blood from his paw was extracted using a 2/5/1978 #32957  
been extracted from him, including blood, semen, urine, spinal fluid, saliv 2/5/1978 #32957  
unable to explain these anomalies. Blood samples taken at the scene are rep 3/24/1978 #33077  
When the UFO got closer it shone a blood red spotlight on the witnesses, an 8/22/1978 #33551  
t arm and apparently extracts some blood. As Perez rides home with the glov 9/6/1978 #33638  
ht arm, apparently extracting some blood in the process. As he rode back to 9/6/1978 #33640  
me type of paralyzing drug and the blood is being drawn from the animal aft 2/16/1979 #34429  
eeks later, sores containing dried blood break out on his face.             5/22/1979 #34574  
r hospital diagnosed with a broken blood vessel in his left eye. He begins  8/29/1979 #34803  
r to the man, and something like a blood transfusion occurred. A giant bein 12/10/1979 #35068  
o his head and chest. In addition, blood and sperm samples were taken from  9/25/1980 #35535  
atch of shiny dermis with spots of blood and bruising. On September 12, Boy 9/10/1981 #36108  
e reportedly didn't have a drop of blood left in him.                       10/17/1981 #36176  
 Odd pseudo-humans/entities sample blood. Wakens / van. / r243p99.          8/7/1983 #36936  
ken aboard the craft, undressed, a blood sample was taken, and he subsequen 8/9/1983 #36940  
nding 3 feet tall. The aliens take blood samples from them and probe them w 3/7/1987 #38132  
othing as they proceeded to remove blood from all three abductees' arms. Th 3/7/1987 #38133  
HANNESBURG, RSA 2 / car abduction. Blood samples going [to] several separat 7/19/1988 #38604  
h elements not of Earth, and their blood looked like oil. The bodies were l 1990 #39358  
ll-known squeamishness and fear of blood tests, and state they find it inco 8/10/1991 #40147  
f her and swallows it. There is no blood or screaming. The two beings look  7/23/1992 #40530  
 mysterious "disease"-that is, all blood drained from the body without a dr 3/1993 #40867  
icked clean. Eye gone. No tracks / blood. Inexplicable.                     8/26/1993 (approximate) #41160  
 which she saw moving as it pumped blood through her body. During the whole 12/15/1994 #41895  
nd probed by the aliens. They took blood samples, then let her go by droppi 10/18/1997 #43432  
ng sterile, but by introducing new blood lines and clones they were hoping  12/14/1997 #43462  
 Silent. Going [to] out barn door. Blood on cow.                            8/1/2001 #44214  
its ears, and its eye had a broken blood vessel.                            8/1/2001 #44215  
perfect. It was followed by a loud blood curling scream, definitely unhuman 1/30/2006 #44920  
 themselves, which is supported by blood analysis.                          5/24/2019 #45580  
## Word: "blood'" (Back to Top)
balls terrify population. 'Rain of blood'(?)                                1/3/1551 #28  
## Word: "blood-" (Back to Top)
ral alone, and between these balls blood- colored crosses” are seen. Two “g 4/4/1561 #32  
## Word: "blood-red" (Back to Top)
er describes in his broadside many blood-red, blue, and black balls or disc 4/4/1561 #32  
Physician Thomas Short witnesses a blood-red luminous display in the sky ar 12/5/1737 #60  
a Banat region Afternoon. A large, blood-red object is seen in the western  12/6/1737 #62  
servatory, France, watches a slow, blood-red fireball move across the sky a 8/1/1871 #190  
        Topeka, Kansas 8:30 p.m. A blood-red light appears in the western s 3/27/1897 #398  
 Australia, when he comes across a blood-red, glowing object, 25 feet acros 6/28/1963 #17814  
p.m. R. Shannon and his wife see a blood-red triangle in the sky above Dulw 10/7/1964 #18574  
hite and well-defined, turned to a blood-red color, then a pale blue. (Don  2/7/1967 #21475  
                A silent, dazzling blood-red globe of light was seen hoveri 8/15/1968 #24334  
thwest Arm in Newfoundland watch a blood-red fireball 8–10 feet long with a 8/14/1970 #25784  
## Word: "bloodhound" (Back to Top)
d head, floppy ears, a face like a bloodhound, and lidless eyes like a snak 12/15/1956 #13404  
odor at the same time was noted. A bloodhound team searched the area, but f 8/14/1973 #27702  
## Word: "bloodhounds" (Back to Top)
ight. He was found 8 days later by bloodhounds in an isolated canyon, dehyd 5/4/1999 #43762  
## Word: "bloodless" (Back to Top)
 / field. Dog chases.. crushed and bloodless in crop circle!                11/15/1966 #21104  
disappeared. The next day two dead bloodless horses were found on the field 2/1981 #35810  
vagina rectum and part / jaw gone. Bloodless.                               7/17/1989 #39024  
The scene appeared to be unusually bloodless.                               7/17/1989 #39025  
## Word: "bloodlines" (Back to Top)
e of the reporting person, family, bloodlines, etc. The USAF can discredit  8/30/1996 #43003  
## Word: "bloodmobile" (Back to Top)
FO extends tentacles. Tries / grab bloodmobile!                             6/5/1967 (approximate) #22461  
entacles and attempted to abduct a bloodmobile.                             6/5/1967 #22468  
## Word: "bloods" (Back to Top)
d tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and f 8/18/1996 #42985  
## Word: "bloodshot" (Back to Top)
ws teen girls. Away and back. Eyes bloodshot.                               8/14/1957 #13891  
d. Next day his eyes were sore and bloodshot (physiological effects). (U.F. 4/18/1966 #20329  
tness, Mr. P. Friend, had sore and bloodshot eyes after his sighting from l 4/18/1966 #20333  
t Mrs. Geni’s face is swollen with bloodshot eyes that last for 3 days. At  5/27/1973 #27533  
Lisboa's face swollen and her eyes bloodshot. Her body was painful, particu 5/27/1973 #27535  
later than usual that morning with bloodshot eyes and body aches. He had va 5/26/1974 #29135  
use, but she had a high body temp, bloodshot eyes, and her skin looked like 10/25/1975 #30468  
use, but she had a high body temp, bloodshot eyes, and her skin looked like 10/25/1975 #30472  
 away. Away quickly going up. Eyes bloodshot. / MJ#262.                     2/18/1980 #35177  
## Word: "bloody" (Back to Top)
st upon the ground was yellow and "bloody". The hat-shaped flying objects w 12/5/1557 #31  
on his skin, and his stools become bloody. Within a week, two Bogotá physic 7/4/1969 #25251  
vers. Cows scared. 1 observer gets bloody nose.                             1/1/1996 #42662  
 the morning they all woke up with bloody noses. Their young son remembered 2/6/1998 #43514  
## Word: "bloom" (Back to Top)
rnia (Joseph P. Maxfield and G. L. Bloom), visit the observatory to investi 10/14/1949 #4395  
m the target and sees the largest “bloom” he has ever encountered. By the t Spring 1984 #37231  
## Word: "bloomburg" (Back to Top)
. Saucer over Paul Vandine farm. / Bloomburg Press 8.9.73.                  9/6/1973 #27772  
## Word: "bloomfield" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BLOOMFIELD, NM Object paces car. Car sto 3/5/1950 (approximate) #4579  
                                   Bloomfield, NM Night. A dark, five-foot  3/5/1950 #4583  
ing toward the east. That night in Bloomfield, New Mexico a dark, five-foot 3/5/1950 #4584  
                                   Bloomfield, NM 4:34 p.m. MDT. Two men, o 4/27/1967 #22228  
       At 4:34 p.m. MDT two men in Bloomfield, New Mexico, one a Federal Av 4/27/1967 #22234  
                                   Bloomfield, Indiana farm 2 miles southea 10/26/1980 #35591  
 Indiana farm 2 miles southeast of Bloomfield, Indiana 7:00 p.m. An oddly s 10/26/1980 #35591  
on their farm 2 miles southeast of Bloomfield, Indiana. The object looks li 10/26/1980 #35591  
                                   BLOOMFIELD, IN 1 observer. Night lights  10/25/1992 (approximate) #40691  
                              NEAR BLOOMFIELD, IN Grey saucer spins near 2  9/9/1994 #41727  
 on highway 54 between Sharkey and Bloomfield, Indiana and with no other ca 9/9/1994 #41732  
## Word: "bloomingdale" (Back to Top)
                                   Bloomingdale, Indiana 9:00 a.m. Several  9/3/1909 #810  
 a.m. Several hundred residents of Bloomingdale, Indiana, see a “dirigible  9/3/1909 #810  
                                   Bloomingdale, New Jersey Peter Valko and 11/15/1963 #18040  
ect that appeared about to land in Bloomingdale, New Jersey, but it "vanish 11/15/1963 #18042  
## Word: "bloomington" (Back to Top)
                                   Bloomington, Illinois 12:15 p.m. Gary Ca 4/11/1897 #430  
 piece of yellow canvas” pass over Bloomington, Illinois, at a high altitud 4/11/1897 #430  
                                   Bloomington, California 9:00 p.m. Louise 9/1951 #5647  
e lawn outside her trailer park in Bloomington, California, when she has th 9/1951 #5647  
                                   BLOOMINGTON AND MORE/OTHERS, CA 20+obser 8/25/1952 #7723  
                                   BLOOMINGTON, IN Several jets and P51 cha 1/9/1956 #12651  
                                   BLOOMINGTON, IN Torpedo-cylinder/cigar-s 6/3/1959 #15757  
                                   Bloomington (near), IN Torpedo-shaped UF 6/3/1959 #15759  
                    On this day in Bloomington, Indiana a torpedo-shaped ob 6/3/1959 #15760  
                                   Bloomington, IL CE-1, one witness. No ot 1/5/1975 #29721  
                                   BLOOMINGTON, IN 3 observer(s). Car malfu 5/18/1997 #43296  
ight objects over a power plant in Bloomington, Indiana. In response to a f 5/18/1997 #43299  
or John Tosti and two other men in Bloomington, Indiana saw several bright  5/19/1997 #43300  
ving toward a busy intersection in Bloomington, Indiana. It was flying in a 11/13/2002 #44441  
## Word: "bloomsburg" (Back to Top)
                                   BLOOMSBURG, PA 2+observer(s) / (seen thr 5/8/1959 #15725  
                                   BLOOMSBURG, PA Several observer(s). 2 si 7/22/1966 #20665  
## Word: "bloop-bloop" (Back to Top)
mato, a 12-year-old girl, heard a "bloop-bloop" noise outside her bedroom w 2/21/1968 #23774  
## Word: "blossom" (Back to Top)
          Italy Greenville Garland Blossom, Texas Sherman 9:00 p.m. A brill 10/4/1898 #625  
er Italy, Greenville, Garland, and Blossom, Texas. Initially moving in an e 10/4/1898 #625  
rsts, emitting a shower of sparks. Blossom merchant Dick Moore says the lig 10/4/1898 #625  
te Sands Pad 33, 109.4km altitude (Blossom 1 — Propulsion degraded at 55.5s 2/20/1947 #2242  
ite Sands Pad 33, 62.3km altitude (Blossom 2 — Cut-off at 57.7s; payload se 6/11/1948 #3668  
 Pad 33, Reaches 133.5km attitude (Blossom 3 — Parachute not ejected)       3/21/1949 #4051  
 Pad 33, Reaches 133.5km attitude (Blossom 4 — Nominal performance.)        6/14/1949 #4236  
ds Pad 33, Reaches 4.2km attitude (Blossom 5 — payload. Explosions led to e 9/16/1949 #4359  
 Pad 33, Reaches 136.4km attitude (Blossom 7- Nominal performance)          8/31/1950 #5152  
test at White Sands Pad 33, 3.1km (Blossom 8 — Three explosions at 15.5; 18 3/8/1951 #5472  
test at White Sands Pad 33, 5.8km (Blossom 9 — Tail explosion at 8s and the 6/28/1951 #5553  
y "unbelievably fast" between Pear Blossom and Big Pine, California. It mad 4/8/1952 #6046  
## Word: "blossomed" (Back to Top)
e affair had started as a joke and blossomed into something worse. Associat 8/7/1947 #3306  
## Word: "blot" (Back to Top)
            NORTH / MONROE, LA Red blot / light follows small plane through 7/22/1952 #6998  
al blots cross sky / parallel. 3rd blot follows.                            10/9/1953 #9212  
, FR 5 observer(s). CIRF. luminous blot splits and rejoins 5 X. Maneuvers.  10/3/1954 #10641  
     300KM OFF BAJA CALIFORNIA 12M blot / light. Hovers and violent maneuve 8/1956 (approximate) #13032  
triangle surrounding a large smoke blot. Nearby plants are burned and stone 4/20/1975 #29998  
s mountains. Photograph shows grey blot / saucer shape. Not seen. Cover pho 4/25/1997 #43277  
rom north to east, and appeared to blot out stars as it passed them without 9/15/2002 #44397  
## Word: "blotch" (Back to Top)
   MAZAMET, FR 1 observer. Glowing blotch / sky. Small orange sphere beneat 10/14/1989 #39171  
## Word: "blotches" (Back to Top)
 swellings subside but leave black blotches. By November 2, the skin peels  10/24/1886 #276  
mber 2, the skin peels off and the blotches are round sores. Portions of th 10/24/1886 #276  
miting, hair loss, swelling, black blotches, and sores. Trees in the area w 10/24/1886 #277  
t, when they are last seen as blue blotches.                                7/7/1907 #699  
r kitchen window, but she has some blotches and redness on her skin that fa 1/21/1980 #35141  
## Word: "blots" (Back to Top)
t and dash flashes / Mare Crisium. Blots and rays / light. / r223p51.       7/4/1832 #127  
Steller light / Mare Crisium! Also blots and lines.                         4/10/1865 #164  
       ZAANDAM, NETH 2 orange oval blots cross sky / parallel. 3rd blot fol 10/9/1953 #9212  
lue. A dark mass behind the lights blots out the sky. Suddenly the object f 3/26/1986 #37811  
## Word: "blotted" (Back to Top)
witness stated, "It was so big, it blotted out the stars!" A smaller craft  6/27/1994 #41590  
## Word: "blotting" (Back to Top)
rth over the roof of the house and blotting out the stars in a precise boom Early Autumn 1987 #38274  
## Word: "blount" (Back to Top)
 night in the St. Johns River near Blount Island, Florida when he saw somet 1/26/1972 #26556  
 devil looking creature" he saw on Blount Island.                           1/26/1972 #26556  
## Word: "blouse" (Back to Top)
 skirt, black velvet short sleeved blouse and a black beret with red trim.” 7/27/1952 #7216  
lling” force. It pulled her by her blouse and suspended her in midair. When 11/9/1968 #24649  
 wearing a blue dress with a white blouse and an intense sky blue scarf on  9/24/1992 #40639  
brown hair and wore a red and gold blouse with black trim. She told the wit 10/8/1992 #40667  
, wearing a red-gold black trimmed blouse, was standing next to her. Anothe 8/10/1993 #41123  
## Word: "blovice" (Back to Top)
                   Kamensko Forest Blovice, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Repub Summer 1944 #1609  
above the Kamensko Forest north of Blovice, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Repub Summer 1944 #1609  
                  HRADISTE SOUTH / BLOVICE, CZK Silent 20M saucer. Glows or 9/2/1965 #19494  
## Word: "blow" (Back to Top)
armer went near him and received a blow that broke his hip.                 4/17/1897 #521  
armer went near him and received a blow that broke his hip.                 4/17/1897 #526  
the next few days they’re going to blow up and you’re going to have the gra Mid 7/1952 #6829  
presentation would help soften the blow.                                    10/2/1953 #9199  
knocked to the right by a terrific blow. He makes an emergency landing at K 7/22/1956 #13007  
or 2 weeks because the winds would blow fallout in occupied areas. The even 6/2/1957 #13694  
oached the object, it appeared to "blow up" with a bang.                    8/9/1965 #19347  
server(s). 3 saucers rise / field. Blow steam. Pace car. Big blast.         12/25/1966 #21218  
 huge metallic disks below clouds. Blow steam until invisible.              11/4/1974 #29581  
 As the witness ran away he felt a blow and was knocked down. He then saw a 9/5/1976 #31346  
 be replaced by a hiss. He feels a blow to his shoulder and falls to the gr 9/9/1976 #31362  
ndows running front to rear and is blow the aircraft at roughly 12,000 feet 9/22/1977 #32510  
disks. 1 hovers. 1 maneuvers. Both blow steam.                              2/22/1978 #32987  
rafts over river. 10' ovoid. Fuses blow / Apr. '78 / r60#106.               5/20/1978 #33229  
= metallic objects changing shape. Blow smoke!                              3/17/1993 #40887  
g. Suddenly a strong wind began to blow out of the north, and the light on  1/30/2006 #44920  
fess that “God told them to go and blow this machine up that kept souls, so 10/27/2016 #45460  
## Word: "blow-by-blow" (Back to Top)
objects approach them. They give a blow-by-blow radio report to the Coast G 3/4/1988 #38487  
## Word: "blow-out" (Back to Top)
Italy, when one of her tires has a blow-out. She repairs the tire but canno 10/7/1978 #33805  
## Word: "blowballs" (Back to Top)
 airline(s)/airliner crew. 2 white blowballs follow liner to Keflavic airpo 4/21/1993 #40947  
## Word: "blowing" (Back to Top)
escended, making a noise like wind blowing through the trees.               3/29/1950 #4762  
looked like "a sideview of someone blowing smoke rings."                    4/6/1952 #6040  
town of Alcobaca, Portugal before "blowing up." Over the town of Santarem,  5/13/1952 #6318  
ddenly it makes a noise like steam blowing and shoots out of sight.         9/12/1952 #7904  
y dissolve in the faint, warm wind blowing from the North.                  12/21/1957 #14753  
th. The UFO made a sound like wind blowing through trees, and gave off blui 8/4/1965 #19321  
h he had a little pipe, and he was blowing on it and making a shrill sound. 8/13/1965 #19383  
eparted. "You could hear the trees blowing" as it went over them. The encou 4/15/1973 #27431  
e. The truck's exhaust stacks were blowing smoke, but the truck had apparen 6/12/1981 #35967  
 incident, there was a strong wind blowing but the movement of the creature 9/14/1998 #43646  
hd was awaken by the sound of wind blowing. He noticed some bright lights o 5/23/1999 #43773  
ighborhood". There was a huge wind blowing and she believed that this was d 9/3/2003 #44592  
## Word: "blown" (Back to Top)
cer, 30 ft. ht.; one portal window blown; 5 Aliens suffocated; each Alien a 1948 #3519  
haped craft with one portal window blown out that caused suffocation of fiv 1948 #3527  
rning rubber. The battery caps are blown out, and the battery is swollen ou 12/1959 #16107  
emerging from an opening. Snow was blown away and bushes were flattened.    11/29/1965 #19739  
emerging from an opening. Snow was blown away and bushes were flattened dur 11/29/1965 #19740  
 his rubber-coated glove, and was "blown out" by hot air when the subject s 5/20/1967 #22379  
is rubber-coated glove, and he was blown backwards by a hot blast of air. T 5/20/1967 #22384  
Rises and away. Traces. Large fuse Blown.                                   11/14/1968 #24654  
ge 8M saucer / low altitude. Fuses Blown. Engine OK after. Police report.   8/22/1972 #26948  
arently made by trees moving as if blown by wind, and after the oval form a 6/28/1973 #27598  
he paddock were the straw had been blown or sucked off.                     9/25/1976 #31429  
atomic center. Missing time. Radio Blown. / LDLN#187.                       3/17/1978 #33047  
fell as though the voice was being blown on the wind. He could not distingu 6/16/1978 #33283  
 brake lights and tail lights have blown, and the battery is leaking. A few 7/19/1981 #36020  
 back yard. Flash and blast. Fuses Blown and burnt.                         7/3/1986 #37928  
-like craft / odd maneuvers. Fuses Blown / observer(s) car. Zigzags.        12/4/1988 #38736  
astic speed. Stops over car. Fuses Blown.                                   12/4/1988 #38737  
f sight. The fuses in his car were blown during the incident.               12/4/1988 #38744  
shuttle" maneuvers over car. Fuses Blown. No further details.               12/4/1989 #39296  
eball going [to] over. Crack! Tree Blown apart.                             9/1991 #40176  
t / 150' altitude over cars. Fuses Blown.                                   8/14/1992 #40570  
50 feet above the cars. Fuses were blown on the car clock/radio of the main 8/14/1992 #40573  
und of his family's tin roof being blown by a strong wind. He saw a blindin 5/24/1999 #43775  
. The grass stirs beneath it as if blown by wind, and it is making a hummin 2/8/2003 #44484  
, hovering or floating as if being blown gently by the wind. It was viewed  7/31/2004 #44721  
## Word: "blowout" (Back to Top)
st, smell, and smoke is due to the blowout. Another set of samples is taken 1/20/1988 #38422  
## Word: "blows" (Back to Top)
, Italy, when a huge wind suddenly blows from the east for two hours. Then  6/18/1845 #141  
void going [to] over / field. Wind blows going down. Going [to] over highwa 6/1926 #1057  
lane going down / sea. Lights out. Blows fog. Vanishes. / r203p135.         2/11/1937 #1263  
cloud of sulfur mustard vapor that blows over the city when some of John Ha 12/2/1943 #1549  
Rapuzzi feels a blast of wind that blows him across the ground. His pick is 8/14/1947 #3330  
sk with glassy top / 10M altitude. Blows gas. Going [to] over hill.         6/27/1949 #4252  
noculars. Odd birds circle area. 1 blows white smoke and streaks going quic 3/1/1950 #4569  
ng down. Slows. Maneuvers / 1100M. Blows white smoke / 4 portholes. Going q 7/23/1952 #7056  
 BISON TO/FROM WAUKOMIS, OK Saucer blows car off road. Possible abduction t 7/29/1952 #7294  
G Many observer(s). Classic saucer blows white smoke over town / 1 minute(s 7/29/1952 #7298  
 / 300' altitude over crematorium. Blows smoke / sides.                     10/3/1954 (approximate) #10623  
der/cigar-shape / ground. 3M high. Blows blue smoke / rear. Observer(s) fle 10/16/1954 #11129  
OLO, BRZ Huge cylinder/cigar-shape blows smoke. 3 disks exit. 1 going north 12/6/1954 #11765  
Red sphere hovers. Green / bottom. Blows smoke etc. and going quickly north 2/9/1955 #11983  
ollows Air Force bomber. Stops and blows smoke. 2nd saucer joins. Helps 1st 8/1956 #13037  
. "Dented football" glows. Swings. Blows steam. Shoots away.                8/8/1956 #13057  
ilot. Large silver ovoid sucks and blows smoke / forest fire. / r140.       9/12/1956 #13216  
FF CHANNEL ISL.NZ 1 / boat. Saucer blows smoke. Maneuvers / all directions  4/28/1957 #13619  
northwest extremely fast. V-turns. Blows smoke? / RCAF report.              7/7/1957 #13780  
lta/triangle/box-like craft dives. Blows smoke. Hovers. Sea boils. Quickly  11/6/1957 #14375  
ver cylinder/cigar-shape stops and blows smoke. Going south. Stops. Sails a 11/3/1958 #15419  
lack Saturn saucer with light ring blows smoke / rear.                      2/17/1960 #16179  
gular object going [to] over road. Blows smoke. Complex shape.              6/6/1964 #18334  
van. 65' saucer 4' over dirt road. Blows odd red dust / sticks / van.       7/1964 #18390  
 side. After 5 minutes, the object blows up, leaving in its wake a “nearly  7/3/1967 #22602  
ape vertical over woods. Glows and blows smoke. Away fast.                  7/10/1967 (approximate) #22643  
with others reporting to them. Low blows up. Low ultimately agrees but repl 9/5/1967 #23006  
 crowbar but the figure dodged the blows and was soon joined by two other a 7/23/1968 #24214  
side into the water. A sudden wind blows waves across the heretofore placid 8/7/1968 #24307  
 Glowing-ovoid going quickly west. Blows steam. Changes shape. Drops. Flash 12/23/1968 #24788  
ar-shape paces car / low altitude. Blows dust and leaves / takeoff. / r79.  2/20/1969 #24932  
. Hovers / 1km. Going up and down. Blows smoke.                             9/1970 #25820  
us ring spins slow and moves fast. Blows smoke..                            9/18/1971 #26342  
 coin-disk turns counterclockwise. Blows smoke.                             10/1971 (approximate) #26389  
Orange domed saucer lands on lawn! Blows smoke. / SKYLOOK#26 / r231'74.     6/23/1973 #27581  
tude. Pseudo-human/entity outside. Blows fog and gone. / r178p11.           10/4/1973 #27931  
to] extremely fast when truck horn blows.                                   10/11/1973 #27988  
 ZACHARY, LA Cops and several. UFO blows circles / steam. / r201p55 / r231' 10/19/1973 #28176  
PORT AND RUSTON AND SPRINGHILL UFO blows steam and angel hair. R201p55.     10/19/1973 #28177  
r over gravel pit. Lights / edges. Blows orange and white smoke on exit.    1/22/1974 #28688  
t releases a blast of hot air that blows dust on he boys. It extends three  8/16/1974 #29362  
igar-shape / field. Away when horn blows.                                   8/1976 #31209  
I, CH Many observer(s). Flying wok blows steam / 3 min. Suddenly vanishes.  11/1976 (approximate) #31514  
M ABBEY, ESSEX 1 observer. TV fuse blows. 30cm sphere spins / garden. Rises 6/6/1977 #32149  
 Several observer(s). Small saucer blows smoke mist and flame. Spins going  8/1977 #32334  
rical object west / turret / rear. Blows smoke. Shines beams and rises.     1/10/1978 (approximate) #32865  
shape drops low. Turns horizontal. Blows fog. Windows steam up.             8/4/1978 #33469  
ck saucer just over ground. Glows. Blows mist until invisible.              8/17/1978 #33520  
oids going [to] overhead. Odd wind blows hat off. Going quickly east.       2/16/1979 #34427  
 saucer rotates clockwise / 1 RPM. Blows smoke. Sudden turn going quickly s 7/8/1979 #34650  
rtical cylinder/cylindrical object blows smoke. Hovers in wind.             9/29/1979 #34932  
r. Badge-shape overhead. Rises and blows fog. / International UFO Reporter  6/10/1981 #35959  
ent 3M cone spins. Touches ground. Blows mist. Shoots going north.          6/13/1981 #35968  
indrical object and saucer. Saucer blows smoke. Smoke rotates. Same repeats 8/4/1981 #36055  
enters it. 2 MIB take photographs. Blows smoke. Going SSW. / r39.           6/5/1983 #36875  
ers back and forth / low altitude. Blows steam cover. Going south.          7/15/1984 #37397  
 Guard. 1 observer. Very large UFO blows smoke front to rear. 30K' altitude 3/17/1987 #38147  
E / BADEN-BADEN 2 / car. Car ahead blows gray smoke. Then white. Vanishes!  10/14/1987 #38302  
ly. Slow bright green ball / light blows steam. Follows M1 motorway.        1/4/1988 #38398  
n suddenly and the right rear tire blows out. A truck driver named Graham H 1/20/1988 #38422  
ere/orb/globe / very low altitude. Blows white mist and flies. Crop circle! 9/2/1988 #38628  
locks stars. Hovers / 1 minute(s). Blows smoke and away.                    11/5/1990 #39856  
 tower. 3 beams going down. Glows. Blows cloud.                             6/29/1994 #41592  
s). Huge boomerang / low altitude. Blows smoke. Goes north going south behi 8/27/1994 #41694  
 sphere/orb/globe sucks clouds and blows flame. Trees uprooted / 300m.      12/22/1994 #41903  
OUTH / SPEZET, FR 1 observer. Fuse blows. Silent orange fireball / complex  4/1/1995 #42132  
 and down white beam / same width. Blows steam.                             1/16/1996 #42687  
## Word: "blowtorch" (Back to Top)
t. Using kerosene, gasoline, and a blowtorch, he attempts to simulate the b 4/21/1967 #22194  
## Word: "blowup" (Back to Top)
photographs brilliant night light. Blowup = dumbell / 2 fireballs joining.  12/12/1974 #29639  
## Word: "bloxam" (Back to Top)
                SEA NEAR HAWAII A. Bloxam. Round glowing object rises / sea 8/12/1825 #121  
## Word: "bloxwich" (Back to Top)
                                   BLOXWICH, BIRMINGHAM UFO with great beac 7/25/1963 #17852  
## Word: "blubberhouses" (Back to Top)
                             A59 / BLUBBERHOUSES MOOR 2 cops. Large structu 10/29/1983 #37029  
e driving along the A59 Highway on Blubberhouses Moor, North Yorkshire, Eng 10/29/1983 #37030  
                            WEST / BLUBBERHOUSES, NORTH YORKS Bus paced bri 2/3/1988 #38438  
                              NEAR BLUBBERHOUSES, NORTH YORKS Fast bright s 7/23/1994 #41635  
## Word: "blue" (Back to Top)
cts were multicolored: black, red, blue, and green.                         12/5/1557 #31  
s in his broadside many blood-red, blue, and black balls or discs near the  4/4/1561 #32  
sure about 140 feet across and has blue smoke issuing from its sides. Two f 8/15/1663 #44  
of the HMS Montagu watches a large blue fireball, apparently low on the wat 11/4/1749 #70  
     TORINO, ITL Blast shakes sky. Blue object shoots flames / 20 minutes p 1/2/1756 #76  
gton, Delaware at 9:45 p.m. a pale blue light illuminated a 200-foot long c 7/13/1860 #154  
 then watches it against the “deep blue sky like Sirius or Vega in daylight 4/24/1874 #203  
 them with something described as "blue fire." (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)   1880 #222  
 them with something described as "blue fire."                              1880 #224  
 Henry W. J. Smith and Benjamin W. Blue see a luminous ball in the northeas Late 11/1894 #317  
nutes, a small figure dressed in a blue sailor suit starts climbing down th 4/25/1897 #573  
n was small and dressed in a light blue uniform.                            4/25/1897 #575  
esidents of Rome, Georgia, watch a blue light “attached to some dark and in 1/10/1898 #617  
 the other white, and the last one blue. The red and blue lights die out, b 10/4/1898 #625  
and the last one blue. The red and blue lights die out, but the white one c 10/4/1898 #625  
lov, Primorsky Krai, Russia, see a blue sphere about 28 inches in diameter  6/1/1899 #635  
 Phoenix, Arizona, when he sees a “blue disk floating in the heavens appare 7/7/1907 #699  
sunset, when they are last seen as blue blotches.                           7/7/1907 #699  
shows a white flare and receives a blue flare in response. The object appea 10/1908 #717  
ew South Wales, see a bright, pale blue light arise from behind some hills  8/7/1909 #801  
n which nearly a dozen men wearing blue uniforms and little round hats stan 1916? #938  
and witnesses lightning in a clear blue sky. Then the sun grows pale and a  8/13/1917 #960  
monthly apparition of the "Lady in Blue", thought to be the Virgin Mary by  8/13/1917 #961  
colors including pink, yellow, and blue. There was a perceived lowering of  8/13/1917 #961  
had first met a mysterious lady in blue there in May. Not many of those in  10/13/1917 #971  
n succession from red to violet to blue to yellow. The flat silver disc plu 10/13/1917 #971  
PLEASANT, IA 1 / fishing. Metallic blue milk-can lands 15' away. Sits 15 mi 6/3/1920 #998  
t, Iowa, when he sees a soundless, blue, disc- shaped object emerge from be 6/3/1920 #999  
    At 10:30 a.m. a small metallic blue, vertical cylinder, shaped like a " 6/3/1920 #1000  
ms going down / snow. Slight hiss. Blue flame / rear.                       1/1924 #1037  
hite dots of light on the side and blue flame at the trailing end. It makes 1/1924 #1039  
ke, British Columbia, sees a faint blue light moving from northeast to sout Fall 1924 #1044  
ly silver in color with faint dark blue light at the rear. After moving a q Fall 1924 #1044  
 how it disappeared in the intense blue sky. We even had time to take our f 8/5/1927 #1077  
similar color. The man had radiant blue eyes, and was about 5.5 feet tall.  5/4/1932 #1143  
s two dark objects floating in the blue sky. In shape they resemble kite ba 6/1/1933 #1158  
od, Dorset, England at 8:30 p.m. A blue halo formed around the object for o 7/14/1934 #1214  
ures is lowered from underneath. A blue beam from the object shines on the  7/25/1938 #1288  
moving around inside the column. A blue beam of light was projected at the  7/25/1938 #1289  
two rows of windows” that give off blue, green, white, and red fluorescent  8/1942 #1428  
 Russians, a member of the Spanish Blue Division fighting with the Germans  9/1943 #1525  
ses up again and vanishes into the blue sky after 10–15 minutes.            Summer 1944 #1609  
es from dull black to gray to “fog blue.” It is joined by three smaller dis Summer 1944 #1611  
             Munich, Germany Light blue colored ball of fire approximately  10/29/1944 #1686  
illuminated red, yellow, white and blue in color; size of tennis ball at ar 12/1944 #1715  
 in diameter, and silent. They are blue or gray in color.                   5/5/1945 #1864  
. It streaks toward the northwest, blue flame shooting from the rear. After 6/1/1945 #1873  
goes critical. He sees a momentary blue flash and is struck by a wave of ga 8/21/1945 #1925  
e northeast. It changes color from blue to green and has a long tail. It tu 7/9/1946 #2039  
 “tapered tail that spewed glowing blue and green smoke and a series of fir Early 8/1946 #2102  
ect / 800kph. 500M altitude. Faint blue glow / nose. / FSRv15#3.            8/7/1946 #2108  
INDIA Dazzling fireball then round blue night light with small objects orbi 6/6/1947 #2313  
n over Bombay, India. Then a round blue ball of light appeared, surrounded  6/6/1947 #2314  
1 observer. Humming or drone. Pale blue blimp-cylinder/cigar-shape overhead 6/27/1947 (approximate) #2428  
sees a “ball of fire, with a fiery blue tail behind it.” The object is abou 6/27/1947 #2432  
                     ROCKFIELD, WI Blue Book. M. Beusher and 1. 7-10 silent 6/28/1947 #2440  
ook. M. Beusher and 1. 7-10 silent blue saucers going quickly south fast ov 6/28/1947 #2440  
            ROCKFORD, IL Farmer. 7 blue disks over farm. 2 hours later same 6/28/1947 #2441  
going south, east then going west. Blue disk zigzags / northwest sky. / r22 7/1/1947 #2514  
nd finally flew off to the west. A blue disc was also seen zig-zagging in t 7/1/1947 #2533  
 sightings, hundreds of witnesses, Blue Book Report includes state and loca 7/4/1947 #2590  
   BETHESDA, MD Writer. 3-4 bright blue disks going north very fast. Domed  7/4/1947 #2643  
           SHREWSBURY, MA Series / blue disks going quickly north high and  7/5/1947 #2710  
Saucers whirl. Going quickly west. Blue Book. / MJ#121.                     7/6/1947 #2787  
 edge like string of wheels / sky. Blue glow.                               7/6/1947 #2791  
 going quickly east / single file. Blue glow.                               7/7/1947 #2865  
ake a swishing noise and he sees a blue flame underneath each of them. Smok 7/9/1947 #3053  
ect flew very fast, leaving a dark blue trail (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 7/10/1947 #3100  
ect flew very fast, leaving a dark blue trail and then ascended and cut a p 7/10/1947 #3101  
UFO flew very fast, leaving a dark blue trail. It then ascended and cut a p 7/10/1947 #3118  
" drops / 20M altitude. Fast spin. Blue light. Finally going south.         7/20/1947 #3203  
AUGER FALLS, ID 3 observer(s). Sky blue 7M saucer / 1000mph east going quic 8/13/1947 #3315  
                Snake River Canyon Blue Lakes Ranch Twin Falls, Idaho 1:00  8/13/1947 #3320  
ake River Canyon six miles west of Blue Lakes Ranch near Twin Falls, Idaho. 8/13/1947 #3320  
 one mile away. Hynek, for Project Blue Book, later identifies it as an “at 8/13/1947 #3320  
about one p.m. when they saw a sky blue, seven-meter wide inverted plate-sh 8/13/1947 #3322  
bottom and a dome on top. Its pale blue color made Urie think that it would 8/13/1947 #3322  
s less than 1 m tall, wearing dark blue coveralls with red collars and belt 8/14/1947 #3328  
about 3 feet tall and wearing dark blue coveralls with red collars, cuffs,  8/14/1947 #3330  
 tall near the craft, wearing dark blue coveralls with red collars and belt 8/14/1947 #3334  
b going quickly southwest. Birds / Blue Book. / r131#6p21.                  8/17/1947 #3342  
out of sight. They were a white or blue color.                              9/6/1947 #3390  
in airspace A bright light with no blue or red tinge split in 2 (NICAP: 11  9/13/1947 #3395  
e white clouds and red against the blue sky (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 10/14/1947 #3455  
e white clouds and red against the blue sky, flew straight at an estimated  10/14/1947 #3456  
ech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) query / Blue Book files. No further details.     12/13/1947 #3501  
 No further details / brief note / Blue Book files.                         12/20/1947 #3508  
gh speed object trailing green and blue flames (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 12/30/1947 #3515  
e occupants. The bodies had turned blue and were 4 feet tall with oversized 1948 #3527  
         Cartersville (near), GA A blue circular flame pass the plane, turn 1/9/1948 #3551  
ucer dives down / 45 degree angle. Blue center. Very fast.                  1/11/1948 #3554  
ve at a 45 degree angle, and had a blue center. The Air Force explained the 1/11/1948 #3556  
ert going [to] Pentagon going [to] Blue Book.                               1/21/1948 #3559  
 discs shot up vertically. Project Blue Book listed this as an "unidentifie 4/5/1948 #3613  
                       MEMPHIS, TN Blue Book and FBI document. 50+night lig 5/7/1948 #3641  
                  INDIANAPOLIS, IN Blue Book. 2 observer(s). 8' metal prope 7/29/1948 #3749  
 wings. Very high and very fast. / Blue Book file.                          8/3/1948 #3770  
rom Project SIGN, incident ?207 in Blue Book files: at approx. 2200 hours,  11/18/1948 #3880  
uch a document would be in Project Blue Book files, but it is not.          11/30/1948 #3895  
d is conducted under the code name BLUE BOOK. The liaison between Project G 12/1948 #3896  
s the Air Force officer in head of BLUE BOOK. (Capt. Ruppelt?)              12/1948 #3896  
ms he saw project names Archangel, Blue Book, Black Book, White Book and Ye 1949 #3947  
rs. W-E, 2000', horizontal flight, blue green, moving slowly, disappeared i 1/30/1949 #3984  
me illegible) are available on the Blue Book microfilm. Its conclusions are 2/11/1949 #4003  
 storage site, see a flash of pale blue light in the sky to the northeast.  3/6/1949 #4035  
                    LOS ALAMOS, NM Blue Book. Guard stations 103+106. Silen 3/8/1949 #4037  
 or greenish-white, with a flaming blue tail twice as long as the body, whi 3/13/1949 #4044  
te, bright green, yellow-green, or blue green. b. Horizontal path, sometime 4/19/1949 #4094  
teady banked trajectory. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     5/9/1949 #4177  
. This case is listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown" case.                5/27/1949 #4215  
                       ASTORIA, OR Blue Book. "Venus" crosses sky 3X / 8.5  7/7/1949 #4263  
l his spark plugs burned out. When Blue Book investigates the case, they co 7/24/1949 #4283  
nt and stationary. Sharp outlines. Blue Book.                               7/26/1949 #4290  
 NM AFOSI Case 86; 20:00 - reddish blue/green round obj app 6" in diameter  8/6/1949 #4306  
       HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. 3 military. Silver sphere/orb 10/12/1949 #4388  
                        BILOXI, MS Blue Book. 3 observer(s). Silent 200' wh 11/18/1949 #4419  
        ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Blue Book. F51 chases / classic domed sa 12/24/1949 #4442  
                        HOWARD, KS Blue Book. C47 Carswell going [to] Offut 1/6/1950 #4473  
                SOUTH / CORONA, NM Blue Book. 1 Air Force-man / car. Green  1/7/1950 #4476  
              GMX NORTHWEST / CUBA Blue Book. 3 RADAR blips hover and orbit 1/12/1950 #4481  
TH BAY, ON Numerous observer(s). 2 blue 2.5M disks circle town / several mi 2/3/1950 #4527  
d disappeared. Listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown" case.                2/5/1950 #4531  
   A car was buzzed by a brilliant blue disc at 9:00 p.m. as it was being d 3/11/1950 #4614  
                 PACIFIC BEACH, WA Blue Book. Civil observer(s) = Ballieu.  3/14/1950 #4633  
e a light in his direction while a blue light illuminated the craft; the va 3/18/1950 #4674  
e a light in his direction while a blue light illuminated the craft. The va 3/18/1950 #4680  
                  RAPID CITY, SDAK Blue Book. 2 observer(s). Metal saucer m 3/21/1950 #4693  
dustrialists in Spain saw a bright blue, cloud-like object while driving in 3/22/1950 #4703  
ickly [to] away / car nears. Row / blue lights.                             3/27/1950 (approximate) #4737  
cone saucer spins / 150M altitude. Blue streaks / bottom/underside. Going q 3/29/1950 #4756  
(s). 60cm white disk over straits. Blue smoky film. Very high.              3/30/1950 #4767  
n Boston, Massachusetts, watches a blue light split into two lights that re 4/7/1950 #4815  
0m from observer(s). 3 portholes / blue light. Going quickly north very fas 4/8/1950 #4823  
                        SHELBY, NC Blue Book. 5 observer(s). Metal saucer w 4/8/1950 #4825  
hree ports on the rim giving off a blue light.  It hovered for 2 minutes, t 4/8/1950 #4829  
hree ports on the rim giving off a blue light. It was oscillating, spinning 4/8/1950 #4831  
a, Gates alerts Sperry to a bright blue or bluish light ahead of them and i 5/29/1950 #4972  
ut visible wings or empennage. The blue light is on the front of the object 5/29/1950 #4972  
t out of sight very fast. It had a blue light on its front end. The sightin 5/29/1950 #4974  
r bot. Absolute(ly) silent. Trails blue vapor.                              6/1950 #4976  
       HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. 2+3 pilots. Saucer / 3000' al 6/21/1950 #4993  
 Saucer / 3000' altitude. 1200mph. Blue flame. Roars. 3 passes.             6/21/1950 #4993  
ato, California. The object shoots blue flame and makes a roar like thunder 6/21/1950 #4998  
hes off. Leaves (something behind) blue = white vapor trail.                7/25/1950 #5077  
                   WIESBADEN, GERM Blue Book. 2 soldiers. Classic saucer. R 7/27/1950 #5079  
to] against wind. Radiates green / blue / red / orange..                    8/2/1950 #5097  
ated many different colors: green, blue, red, and orange.                   8/2/1950 #5098  
 damaged in the analysis. In 1952, Blue Book reviews the film; so does Robe 8/15/1950 #5126  
. Radar observation, plus possible blue streak 3 minutes later. B-29 follow 8/25/1950 #5138  
t passed the B-29 and sped away. A blue streak was seen in the sky three mi 8/25/1950 #5139  
                         TATUM, NM Blue Book. Fireball / grey edge going so 9/17/1950 #5180  
.m. A witness described by Project Blue Book as a "reliable source" reporte 9/20/1950 #5188  
and Van Nuys, California. Bands of blue light are visible across its width. 10/5/1950 #5213  
          MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. Air Force navigator in-flight 10/14/1950 #5225  
ng [to] overhead / 1000mph. Spurts blue flame. / LDLN#211.                  11/5/1950 #5260  
        SOUTHWEST / JONESVILLE, LA Blue Book. 7 observer(s). Extremely brig 11/5/1950 #5262  
. This case is listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown."                     12/2/1950 #5312  
                     OAK RIDGE, TN Blue Book. Saucer over post office / 60  12/5/1950 #5316  
D, AUS Several observer(s). Bright blue saucer sweeps going north. Returns  12/7/1950 #5333  
                 SOUTH LONDON, ENG Blue Book. Silver ball high / 3 minute(s 12/12/1950 #5341  
 short creatures wearing identical blue jumpsuits, and a hybrid named Cresc 1951 #5372  
e reports do not appear in Project Blue Book.                               1951 #5376  
 Fournet, while serving on Project Blue Book, conducted his own FOIA-exempt 1951 #5379  
        STEWART AIR FORCE BASE, NY Blue Book. USAF man. Meteor going up [to 1/12/1951 #5390  
re nine other witnesses. A Project Blue Book unknown.                       1/12/1951 #5393  
                 BIG BEAR LAKE, CA Blue Book. Hillman and 3 / small plane.  1/14/1951 #5396  
                       ARTESIA, NM Blue Book. 6+GM scientists / theodolite  1/16/1951 #5400  
       HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. Saucer hovers by test balloon 1/22/1951 #5411  
         ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Blue Book. 2+observer(s). 150' dark cyli 1/25/1951 #5416  
      MCCLELLAN AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. 2 observer(s). 200' cylinder/ 3/13/1951 #5478  
 at an incredible speed. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     3/13/1951 #5481  
 for over seven minutes. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     3/15/1951 #5490  
GE CITY, KS AAL pilot buzzed / odd blue night light. 500 going [to] 2000MPH 5/22/1951 #5515  
                       SPOKANE, WA Blue Book report. 4 airmen. Saucer going 5/29/1951 #5521  
 11:20 p.m. This case is a Project Blue Book "unknown."                     5/31/1951 #5525  
t and trailing streaks of red then blue, passing overhead at 10,000–15,000  7/1/1951 #5558  
itnesses, Cobb and Fein. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     7/24/1951 #5585  
roject (which later became Project Blue Book).                              9/1951 #5643  
igh reliability unknown by Project Blue Book and Dr. James McDonald.        9/10/1951 #5661  
        3MI SOUTHWEST / ORANGE, VA Blue Book. 3 teens. Saucer inside haze / 9/30/1951 #5691  
ard Ruppelt, later head of Project Blue Book, hears the recording before it 10/1/1951 #5694  
 at 4,800 mph. Listed as a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           10/3/1951 #5702  
                  EAST / PARIS, IL Blue Book 985. Private pilot and separat 10/9/1951 #5708  
nd heads to the northeast. Project Blue Book plots the sighting and conclud 10/9/1951 #5715  
roject (which later became Project Blue Book) officially established.       10/27/1951 #5748  
ing object in the SW, 10 ft thick, blue green (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 11/2/1951 #5761  
ther and D. E. Stewart . A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           11/24/1951 #5791  
f), WI An orange ball of fire with blue tail flying on a level trajectory ( 11/26/1951 #5793  
nd hover. Up and down maneuvers. / Blue Book and USAF-OSI.                  11/28/1951 #5795  
                  Peru (NW of), NB Blue light in the NW, vanish to the SE ( 12/1951 #5801  
s driving to Indiana when he saw a blue light in the northwest sky. It vani 12/1951 #5802  
as coming. On the other side was a blue flamelike glow. There was no noise, 12/1951 #5802  
labama. This shift is probably why Blue Book’s Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt late 1952 #5838  
white spherical object with a long blue tail that flew beneath a solid over 1/20/1952 #5867  
he west. They notice it has a long blue tail. It travels underneath low clo 1/20/1952 #5868  
ing and pulsating 3 ft sphere with blue flame halo (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 1/29/1952 #5881  
(the basis for terminating Project Blue Book as an intelligence function).  1/29/1952 #5884  
 moving lights changing color from blue to green to yellow (NICAP: 01 - Dis 2/1/1952 #5890  
day mirror reports luminous cigar. Blue / bottom. Both ends green. No furth 2/13/1952 #5901  
   A luminous cigar-shaped object, blue on the bottom and green at both end 2/13/1952 #5903  
as listed as an unknown by Project Blue Book. At 8:00 p.m. three or more gr 2/19/1952 #5910  
ect Bluebook Case #1061. B29 crew. Blue cylinder/cylindrical object pulses. 2/23/1952 #5921  
                          A bright blue cylindrical object approached a B-2 2/24/1952 #5929  
 name for Project Grudge, “Project Blue Book”.                              3/1952 #5936  
ter, the code name was changed to "Blue Book."                              3/1952 #5937  
a very high rate of speed. Project Blue Book explained it as a meteor.      3/4/1952 #5945  
rough ONR to be kept separate from Blue Book. Keyhoe hears about this from  3/14/1952 #5957  
nesses, named Hutchison. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     3/21/1952 #5966  
omena Group and is renamed Project Blue Book, apparently by Lt. Col. Charle 3/25/1952 #5973  
 Hill Group, which recommends that Blue Book use “sound detection apparatus 3/26/1952 #5979  
based on data forwarded by Project Blue Book files.                         3/31/1952 #5998  
n. Garland requesting that Project Blue Book be entirely declassified in or 3/31/1952 #5999  
                           Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #5.   3/31/1952 #6000  
ir Force Letter 200-5 gave Project Blue Book authority to cut red tape, con 4/1952 #6003  
e, Massachusetts, to brief them on Blue Book’s progress. Afterward, he asks 4/1952 #6010  
                   DUNCANVILLE, TX Blue Book. 2 RADAR operators. Blip track 4/4/1952 #6021  
who has asked about details of the Blue Book investigation with a two-and-a 4/17/1952 #6108  
ELLEVUE HILL, VT USAF C124 crew. 3 blue circular objects pace transport pla 4/24/1952 #6165  
                        CLOVIS, NM Blue Book. Flight surgeon and 1. Orange  4/24/1952 #6168  
likely operated outside of Project Blue Book as a flexible study group to t 4/24/1952 #6179  
n of UAP in the field than Project Blue Book. AFOIN offices doing UAP work  4/24/1952 #6179  
      ROYAL OAK AND BIRMINGHAM, MI Blue Book. Several separate observer(s). 4/27/1952 #6190  
 USAF commands. It enables Project Blue Book staff to communicate directly  4/29/1952 #6215  
                           Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #6.   4/30/1952 #6223  
nd gets angry. Col. Dunn says that Blue Book would have put some money into Early 5/1952 #6249  
. This case is listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown."                     5/5/1952 #6261  
                     MISHAWAKA, IN Blue Book. Ghostly domed saucer circles  5/9/1952 #6278  
California at 10:20 a.m. A Project Blue Book "unknown." At 12:30 two more U 5/9/1952 #6284  
flips and flips going northeast. / Blue Book report.                        5/10/1952 #6286  
                      Seattle, WA “Blue Flash” phenomenon reported over Sea 5/12/1952 #6303  
                  OVER RUIDOSO, NM Blue Book. USAF observer(s). Disc-star m 5/15/1952 #6327  
                           Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #7.   5/31/1952 #6393  
and two civilians on his permanent Blue Book staff (including Lt. Anderson  6/1952 #6402  
. Dewey Fournet Jr. is a full-time Blue Book liaison.                       6/1952 #6402  
re listed by the Air Force Project Blue Book as "unknowns." At 6:15 p.m. in 6/5/1952 #6449  
ese reports were listed by Project Blue Book as "unidentified" cases.       6/7/1952 #6462  
 6:44 p.m. Two round objects, dark blue with gray centers, are seen moving  6/11/1952 #6476  
ious. One USAF colonel argues that Blue Book’s investigation is biased agai Mid 6/1952 #6512  
imated speed of 550 mph. A Project Blue Book "unknown" report.              6/16/1952 #6518  
            Two cases from Project Blue Book's list of unexplained reports  6/17/1952 #6530  
al sightings are simultaneous, but Blue Book records indicate they are sepa 6/19/1952 #6551  
 greenish-gray in color, emitted a blue flame, but showed no other light.   Summer 1952 #6576  
nd rounded rear; white with a dark blue center and red rim, trailed sparks  6/21/1952 #6577  
nded rear. It is white with a dark blue center and red rim and trails spark 6/21/1952 #6578  
ded rear. It was white with a dark blue center and red rim. It trailed spar 6/21/1952 #6582  
he case was unexplained by Project Blue Book.                               6/22/1952 #6589  
n. The edges of the disc were dark blue, with its diameter seven times larg 6/25/1952 #6630  
night sky at a slow speed. Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           6/25/1952 #6630  
 as the object pulsated. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     6/27/1952 #6648  
ing quickly northeast. Edge pulses blue.                                    6/28/1952 #6650  
        Nagoya, Honshu, Japan Dark blue elliptical-shaped object (NICAP: 01 6/28/1952 #6655  
countermeasures officer.  One dark blue elliptical-shaped object with a pul 6/28/1952 #6658  
, flat oval object surrounded by a blue haze, hovered, then moved very fast 6/29/1952 #6665  
hirty foot in diameter disc with a blue glow hovering over two civilian rad 6/29/1952 #6667  
e repeats the procedure 3-4 times. Blue Book obtains the film and sends it  7/2/1952 #6694  
                  ASHLAND, OREGON "Blue square object / rounded corners dro 7/9/1952 #6729  
               SPOTSYLVANIA CO, VA Blue saucer paces flight 611. DC4 turns  7/13/1952 #6788  
                   OFF LAHAINA, HI Blue Book unidentified. Submarine/submer 7/16/1952 #6833  
rolmen observed two or three round blue flourescent colored objects approxi 7/17/1952 #6861  
h the sky at high speed. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           7/17/1952 #6871  
n sight for 5-6 seconds. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           7/17/1952 #6874  
aster than jet aircraft. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           7/17/1952 #6875  
h. Intel. Center. (ATIC) report to Blue Book.                               7/21/1952 #6962  
ssile test center again. 700mph. / Blue Book files.                         7/21/1952 #6966  
              San Marcos AFB, TX A blue circle with a blue trail hover then 7/21/1952 #6972  
arcos AFB, TX A blue circle with a blue trail hover then accelerate (NICAP: 7/21/1952 #6972  
taff Sergeants, three airmen.  One blue circle with a blue trail was seen t 7/21/1952 #6978  
ee airmen.  One blue circle with a blue trail was seen to hover and then ac 7/21/1952 #6978  
nical Intelligence Center (Project Blue Book) in Dayton, Ohio, for evaluati 7/21/1952 #6982  
OVINCETOWN, MA Pilot and RADAR-OP. Blue round object spins past F94. Projec 7/22/1952 #7005  
ng up and down [to] and circles. / Blue Book files.                         7/22/1952 #7006  
F F-94 jet interceptor.  One round blue light passed F-94, spinning.        7/22/1952 #7021  
until 12:45 a.m. White, green, and blue lights are seen by ground observers 7/22/1952 #7028  
25 minutes. An unexplained Project Blue Book report.                        7/22/1952 #7030  
s. 1 darts to and fro. / letter to Blue Book.                               7/23/1952 #7040  
         At 8:20 p.m. local time a blue green ball of light approached an F 7/23/1952 #7088  
do same. Color(s) = red going [to] blue going [to] white.                   7/24/1952 #7094  
 shot off at high speed. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.              7/24/1952 #7117  
ng less than 10 seconds. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.              7/24/1952 #7118  
10 minute(s). No further details / Blue Book files.                         7/26/1952 #7153  
        ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Blue Book. HIQ. Many blips over WDC. New 7/26/1952 #7159  
ptions are classified (but Project Blue Book chief Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt  7/26/1952 #7174  
er, and then a last one. A Project Blue Book unidentified case.             7/27/1952 #7217  
ere seen for 15 seconds. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     7/27/1952 #7220  
further details [in] type unknown. Blue Book files. No further details.     7/28/1952 #7228  
 2 silver objects speed over town. Blue Book files. No further details.     7/28/1952 #7230  
              DEL PASO HEIGHTS, CA Blue Book. Star-like night light moves a 7/28/1952 #7232  
                  BURBANK, CA Pale blue object circles / 1500' altitude. Dr 7/28/1952 #7248  
    McChord AFB, WA Dull, glowing, blue green ball, size of a dime at arms' 7/28/1952 #7253  
riefing, so that he can close down Blue Book. Technological hurdles and bud 7/28/1952 #7261  
limits greatly delay the plan, but Blue Book does transition into a propaga 7/28/1952 #7261  
eporters at the Roger Smith Hotel. Blue Book receives an astonishing total  7/28/1952 #7262  
n sight for 4.5 minutes. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     7/28/1952 #7269  
ALKER / ROSWELL AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. 4 observer(s). Several saucer 7/29/1952 #7275  
raffic Controller and 2 civilians. Blue object going quickly southeast / 26 7/29/1952 #7287  
tterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio; Project Blue Book head Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt;  7/29/1952 #7328  
theast below real moon. White with blue edge. / news.                       7/30/1952 #7348  
30 minutes it sped away. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.              7/30/1952 #7365  
motion to the lower left. Although Blue Book Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt’s assi 8/1/1952 #7408  
Study, is missing from the Project Blue Book files.                         8/1/1952 #7411  
RLES, LA 2 USAF men. Red ball with blue flame flew straight and level for 4 8/2/1952 #7415  
    Lake Charles, LA Red ball with blue flame tail fly straight and level ( 8/2/1952 #7420  
enlisted man.  One red ball with a blue flame tail flew straight and level  8/2/1952 #7423  
rds see a red ball with a trail of blue flame fly straight and level over L 8/2/1952 #7424  
 Edwards watched a red ball with a blue flaming tail fly straight and level 8/2/1952 #7425  
       HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. Many / (seen thru) binoculars 8/3/1952 #7429  
 US Army depot / 2500' altitude. / Blue Book report.                        8/4/1952 #7441  
                     LUMBERTON, NC Blue Book. Saucer hits chimney and lands 8/6/1952 #7475  
               Hynek sends Project Blue Book a report on his interviews wit 8/6/1952 #7489  
rehensive briefing about UFOs from Blue Book staff. This classified visit i 8/8/1952 #7515  
hovered for two seconds. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           8/9/1952 #7526  
                        DALLAS, TX Blue Book. Airline(s)/airliner pilot cha 8/13/1952 #7568  
FO history, an analysis of Project Blue Book, and a discussion of explained 8/14/1952 #7593  
                         DAVIS, CA Blue Book. 2+Ground Observer Corps (GOC) 8/15/1952 #7598  
plicably. Here we run out of even ‘blue yonder’ explanations that might be  8/15/1952 #7610  
veral sudden turns. Unidentified / Blue Book.                               8/17/1952 #7622  
quickly south / jet speed. Intense blue light.                              8/17/1952 #7624  
ont. Windows lighted by an intense blue light and a throbbing sound were al 8/24/1952 #7709  
anging color from red to yellow to blue, and with a fiery tail, hovered for 8/24/1952 #7712  
 the object were lit by an intense blue light and a throbbing sound was als 8/24/1952 #7715  
anging color from red to yellow to blue, and with a fiery tail, hovered for 8/24/1952 #7718  
indow in the front section shone a blue light; the head and shoulders of a  8/25/1952 #7729  
 claims is Affa. Williamson sees a blue light that he thinks is Zo. Everyon 8/25/1952 #7733  
the front section, through which a blue light shone. The midsection had num 8/25/1952 #7736  
         BIRMINGHAM, AL Flickering blue light circles city / tremendous spe 8/27/1952 #7751  
r(s). Odd night lights flicker red blue and green. No explanation.          8/28/1952 #7767  
oublay, France Unidentified bright blue light observed through theodolite;  8/29/1952 #7783  
 spinning tops and displaying red, blue and green colors, flew side by side 9/1/1952 #7813  
haped like spinning tops with red, blue, and green colors, flying side by s 9/1/1952 #7818  
 spinning tops and displaying red, blue and green colors. They flew side-by 9/1/1952 #7821  
move slowly and change color(s). / Blue Book files.                         9/3/1952 #7834  
                    SACRAMENTO, CA Blue Book. Ground Observer Corps (GOC) o 9/4/1952 #7842  
aneuvers. Blinks orange and white. Blue night lights going quickly [to] awa 9/4/1952 #7846  
                       DURBAN, RSA Blue Book. 2 weathermen / theodolite. 5  9/6/1952 #7859  
                      PORTLAND, OR Blue Book. 2 saucers hover / regular sea 9/9/1952 #7882  
SLAND, DK Danish destroyer crew. 3 blue objects / triangle / 900M altitude  9/13/1952 #7912  
                 Santa Barbara, CA Blue white light travel straight and lev 9/14/1952 #7927  
                   Olmsted AFB, PA Blue light fly very fast on a collision  9/14/1952 #7931  
iger Airlines airplane N67977. One blue light flew very fast on a collision 9/14/1952 #7937  
s transport plane, # N67977, saw a blue light that flew at his plane very f 9/14/1952 #7944  
ute(s). Then going quickly east. / Blue Book files. No further details.     9/15/1952 #7949  
 BASE, IL Air Traffic Controllers. Blue blob reappears several times / 45 m 9/16/1952 #7953  
ing-night lights going west. Small blue flames / bottom. Turn going quickly 9/16/1952 #7955  
ver sea going quickly northwest. / Blue Book files.                         9/22/1952 #8000  
er. Move side-to-side up and down. Blue Book report.                        9/23/1952 #8008  
-why night lights circle in sky. / Blue Book report.                        9/23/1952 #8010  
i, the ADC Intelligence liaison to Blue Book, who says that “no one can und Late 9/1952 #8027  
g quickly north / 600m altitude. / Blue Book files.                         9/26/1952 #8032  
               Alamogordo, NM Pale blue oval, with its long axis vertical,  10/7/1952 #8100  
tness:  USAF Lt. Bagnell. One pale blue oval, with its long axis vertical,  10/7/1952 #8101  
 will become the basis for Project Blue Book’s form.                        10/10/1952 #8114  
rver(s) hide. Swish sound. Red and blue saucer flies over / low altitude.   10/12/1952 #8122  
             Taos, NM Round bright blue light move from N to NE at an eleva 10/17/1952 #8142  
ur USAF officers One round, bright blue light moved from north to northeast 10/17/1952 #8145  
arge cigar-shaped structure in the blue sky, inclined at a 45° angle. The w 10/17/1952 #8148  
 officers observed a round, bright blue light moved from north to northeast 10/17/1952 #8150  
arge saucer. Strong white beams. / Blue Book files.                         11/8/1952 #8256  
tates clockwise / 400' altitude. / Blue Book files.                         11/15/1952 #8275  
 A/3c Phipps. One orange object (a blue streak?) varied in shape, as it mad 11/15/1952 #8280  
                    FT BENNING, GA Blue white UFO zigzags. Vanishes and rea 11/21/1952 #8313  
rick C. Durant and Edward Tauss on Blue Book’s top three cases: the Tremont 11/25/1952 #8340  
e findings of the Robertson Panel, Blue Book, and Condon Committee that UAP 12/2/1952 #8364  
ds away. Leaves (something behind) blue trail.                              12/3/1952 #8365  
then suddenly shot away, leaving a blue trail.                              12/3/1952 #8367  
        Laredo (8 miles SW of), TX Blue white object almost crashes into fi 12/4/1952 #8375  
        Lackland AFB, TX Pilot saw blue light maneuver in a counterclockwis 12/5/1952 #8379  
ckly southeast. Low hissing sound. Blue object joins in. Both going quickly 12/6/1952 #8384  
                 At 5:25 a.m. five blue objects buzzed a B-29 flying at 500 12/6/1952 #8390  
AFB near Fairbanks, Alaska Project Blue Book explained a brief sighting by  12/10/1952 #8410  
    GISBORNE, NI, NZ Fast luminous blue object / erratic maneuvers going qu 12/16/1952 #8425  
t he is unimpressed with the three Blue Book cases, especially since Presqu 12/16/1952 #8426  
 fell from a fast moving, luminous blue object that made erratic maneuvers  12/16/1952 #8427  
 Force bomber. No further details. Blue Book / NICAP.                       12/28/1952 #8451  
                           Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #8, c 12/31/1952 #8468  
    Dayton, OH Director of Project Blue Book, Capt. Ruppelt stated: “Two RA 1953 #8469  
skogee, OK The “flying cup” photo. Blue Book listed as hoax, which it proba 1953 #8476  
                      OLD TOWN, ME Blue Book. Small ringed sphere/orb/globe 1/1/1953 #8487  
 ANA, CA B29 pilots. V formation / blue night lights near B29. Bank and cli 1/9/1953 #8517  
                DUNEDIN, NZ Baker. Blue object with red rim going quickly s 1/14/1953 #8538  
ppelt speaks for 40 minutes on the Blue Book method of UFO investigation. I 1/14/1953 #8539  
4602nd AISS field units to conduct Blue Book field investigations. The meet 1/14/1953 #8539  
y reports as possible, and enlarge Blue Book. Other USAF representatives di 1/15/1953 #8541  
alt Disney Inc. animated cartoons. Blue Book should be expanded to 18 staff 1/17/1953 #8548  
m to examine. Hynek travels to the Blue Book facility in Building 263 at Wr 1/18/1953 #8550  
object described as red, white and blue and oval-shaped, was observed visua 1/22/1953 #8559  
4602nd AISS on how they might help Blue Book investigate UFOs. He also puts 1/24/1953 #8563  
s a meteor and submits a report to Blue Book. However, one of the witnesses 1/28/1953 #8602  
 moved away at high speed. Project Blue Book listed this later case as an o 1/28/1953 #8605  
Garland’s recommendation to expand Blue Book (it hasn’t) and that its educa 1/29/1953 #8613  
                           Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #9.   1/31/1953 #8621  
-VAAST, FR 3 observer(s). Saucer / blue flashes. Wires smell burnt. Going q 2/1953 #8623  
 lights changing color from red to blue, to green to yellow. The pilot esti 2/1/1953 #8627  
t at a very high altitude. Project Blue Book lists the explanation for the  2/3/1953 #8633  
ight behind some clouds. A Project Blue Book unknown.                       2/4/1953 #8638  
 moving at a speed of 170–230 mph. Blue Book explains it as a weather ballo 2/6/1953 #8643  
pycock.” Ruppelt tells Keyhoe that Blue Book must even discredit USAF pilot 2/9/1953 #8653  
 and these they forward to Project Blue Book. Channing writes: “Apparently, 2/9/1953 #8654  
ouse. Flat ellipse. Red center and blue glow. Vanishes. Reappears.          2/23/1953 #8696  
                           Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #10,  2/27/1953 #8714  
Edward J. Ruppelt transfers out of Blue Book for a seven-month assignment i 2/28/1953 #8717  
ard, factual answers about Project Blue Book, UFOs, and the inadequacy of M 3/1953 #8722  
ighting was seven minutes. Project Blue Book lists the explanation as aircr 3/3/1953 #8728  
ch. Ruppelt tells him that Project Blue Book “has no evidence of any of the 3/8/1953 #8739  
rticle provides a good overview of Blue Book’s investigations and staff of  3/8/1953 #8739  
ft side of the aircraft. A Project Blue Book unknown.                       3/14/1953 #8754  
          NOUASSEUR AB, FR MOROCCO Blue Book Case #. Military ground and ai 3/25/1953 #8784  
 is listed as an Air Force Project Blue Book "unknown."                     3/27/1953 #8791  
USAF F94. White disk beams red and blue beams. Maneuvers all over northeast 3/31/1953 #8796  
e disc-shaped UFO emitting red and blue beams of light. It maneuvered all a 3/31/1953 #8800  
 FUKUOKA, JAPAN F94B pilot. Bright blue night light drops and paces plane.  4/8/1953 #8809  
F-94B jet interceptor.  One bright blue light descended, accelerated, flew  4/8/1953 #8812  
 jet interceptor, watched a bright blue light descend, accelerate, and then 4/8/1953 #8813  
iced a strange object in the clear blue sky at 9:45 a.m. The UFO initially  5/5/1953 #8867  
        On this day a small bright blue UFO made irregular motions in the s 5/30/1953 #8916  
                           Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #11.  5/31/1953 #8917  
 AISS has taken over nearly all of Blue Book’s field investigations. (Ruppe 7/1953 #8978  
ch Lt. Robert M. Olsson of Project Blue Book sends five supposedly unsolved 7/1953 #8979  
ot understand. They are dressed in blue and have a sort of flat hat with a  7/1/1953 #8982  
t understand. They were dressed in blue, had a sort of flat hat with a viso 7/1/1953 #8983  
t understand. They were dressed in blue, had a sort of flat hat with a viso 7/2/1953 #8986  
     Ed Ruppelt returns to Project Blue Book as either acting chief or cons 7/20/1953 #9008  
a Lt. Robert Olsson leaves Project Blue Book. He later tells Ruppelt his 5- 7/31/1953 #9027  
 Stops. 2nd identical behind it. / Blue Book.                               8/3/1953 #9039  
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and Blue Book reports.                       8/3/1953 #9041  
Air Force investigation. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           8/3/1953 #9044  
Brunswick of a fast-moving, bright blue object, similar to the Rapid City o 8/5/1953 #9049  
 personnel no longer go to Project Blue Book, which is now only a PR front. 8/26/1953 #9112  
SAF personnel do not go to Project Blue Book. Fewer credible unidentifieds  8/26/1953 #9113  
credible unidentifieds are sent to Blue Book and are therefore kept out of  8/26/1953 #9113  
  Edward J. Ruppelt leaves Project Blue Book permanently, leaving Max Futch 8/31/1953 #9124  
                           Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #12.  9/30/1953 #9192  
ligence Center, which runs Project Blue Book. The Air Force states that Key 10/1/1953 #9198  
 / 1.5sec. 8 minute(s) / arc. Pale blue. No further details.                10/9/1953 #9213  
                     HAARLEM, NETH Blue night light slowly descends. Swoops 10/9/1953 #9214  
tson, Maj. G. Watson. Two white or blue lights in trail formation, travelle 10/16/1953 #9234  
mp races over town. Glows pink and blue. Glow extends out some distance.    10/28/1953 #9257  
 students, including Morrison. One blue object with a flaming trail, and tw 10/29/1953 #9260  
 A. Hardin takes charge of Project Blue Book.                               11/1953 #9270  
isk also when it banks sideways. / Blue Book files.                         11/14/1953 #9297  
nd Birthday Siding. It is emitting blue exhaust. Another man driving the sa 11/22/1953 #9315  
    Keflavik AFB, Iceland Climbing Blue Light Observed From C-47 (NICAP: 11 11/27/1953 #9322  
et away from one of them. The dark blue hull was like two “basins” put toge 11/28/1953 #9325  
d long hair. All of them wore dark blue uniforms. When then noticed that th 11/28/1953 #9325  
t / high speed to horizon. Green & blue. Absolute(ly) silent.               12/10/1953 #9353  
6:10 a.m. a huge white disc with a blue fringe flew off toward the southeas 12/17/1953 #9382  
en seconds. This case is a Project Blue Book unknown, but the possibility o 12/17/1953 #9383  
cluded in any declassified Project Blue Book documentation and is not liste 12/18/1953 #9384  
rg/bluebook/bluelist.htm     Note: Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hy 12/18/1953 #9384  
in a couple of seconds up into the blue sky.                                Winter 1953 #9385  
     YUBA CO AIRPORT, CA Brilliant blue saucer hovers 300' over airport bui 12/28/1953 #9401  
sville, CA Saucer with a brilliant blue light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 12/28/1953 #9402  
andt. One saucer, with a brilliant blue light, reflecting on a nearby build 12/28/1953 #9403  
BENTWATERS AIR FORCE BASE, SUFFOLK Blue saucer makes crackling sound. Flash 12/30/1953 #9408  
n outlying town. On the same day a blue disc-shaped object flew over Bentwa 12/30/1953 #9410  
 supplies of the entities taken to Blue Lab WP-61; Living entities taken to 1954 #9424  
S-01; non-living entities taken to Blue Lab WP-61; media, recordings, maps, 1954 #9424  
eria at a high altitude. It left a blue smoke trail as it flew off toward S 1/18/1954 #9495  
Schaldach says it is not a meteor. Blue Book, no doubt Hynek, labels it as  1/25/1954 #9500  
ear Queen's yacht. Going quickly / blue contrail.                           2/3/1954 #9530  
nished silently and instantly with blue and yellow flames.                  3/1954 #9577  
NATI, OH Pilot / car. Dark ovoid / blue glowing stops over GE plant / 4 min 3/9/1954 #9606  
, observed a dark ovoid UFO with a blue glow that stopped and hovered over  3/9/1954 #9608  
on. They are glowing a fluorescent blue. From the north, a larger object ap 3/24/1954 #9639  
ds, no helmets. Tight fitting dark blue suite. Faces, under ‘copter spotlig 4/12/1954 #9683  
large heads, in tight fitting dark blue uniforms, no helmets.  KA states a  4/12/1954 #9685  
l formation fly / treetop level. / Blue Book report.                        4/13/1954 #9687  
                            A huge blue disc buzzed two men, Smith and Beac 4/28/1954 #9732  
ke round holes. They wore metallic blue outfits, and appeared seated with o 5/5/1954 #9755  
 the color of gun metal. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     5/10/1954 #9772  
                 Elsinore, CA Dark blue almost black gun-metal "glint" delt 5/18/1954 #9809  
                 NEAR RICHMOND, IN Blue Book. USAF RB29. Reconnaissance pho 5/24/1954 #9827  
ly [to] east-northeast. = meteor / Blue Book.                               5/30/1954 #9843  
. Silver saucer going quickly ESE. Blue Book report cites telex / Ramey Air 6/3/1954 #9863  
. Capt. Charles A. Hardin, head of Blue Book, states that “Colonel O’Mara’s 6/12/1954? #9896  
ENT Yellow night light and 2 small blue night lights rise / ground. Going q 6/15/1954 #9905  
. The case is forwarded to Project Blue Book, but it does not appear in its 6/21/1954 #9921  
d the presence of the UFO. Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           6/25/1954 #9948  
 EDISTO 5555N-5810W Tty going [to] Blue Book with reference to BOAC Case. B 6/29/1954 #9959  
      NEUSTADT / WEINSTRASSE, GERM Blue Book. 15 Foo-Fighters seen at once. 7/18/1954 #10022  
in Ohio Ruppelt visits the Project Blue Book office at Wright-Patterson AFB 7/20/1954 #10031  
                       MILFORD, OH Blue Book report. 2 observer(s). Silver  7/23/1954 #10039  
   Key Largo, FL Huge, bright pale blue or whitish-blue egg or blimp-shaped 7/29/1954 #10062  
reball buzzes DC3 / 2 hours. Turns blue / accelerations. Jets chase. Going  8/5/1954 #10100  
eball for two hours. It would turn blue on acceleration. Jets were scramble 8/6/1954 #10107  
Yoron-Jima Island, Okinawa Line of blue lights underneath a blue circle wit 8/11/1954 #10122  
a Line of blue lights underneath a blue circle with a black center (NICAP:  8/11/1954 #10122  
wrecker Co., of Okinawa. A line of blue lights, underneath.  a blue circle  8/11/1954 #10124  
ine of blue lights, underneath.  a blue circle with a black center.  Flew o 8/11/1954 #10124  
ompany, of Okinawa, sees a line of blue lights underneath a blue circle wit 8/11/1954 #10127  
a line of blue lights underneath a blue circle with a black center fly over 8/11/1954 #10127  
d Kosei Nakamoto sighted a line of blue lights that flew over their ship at 8/11/1954 #10128  
e that underneath the lights was a blue ring with a black center. After pas 8/11/1954 #10128  
ron was brought in to assist ATIC (Blue Book) with preliminary and field UF 8/12/1954 #10138  
    San Marcos, TX C-47 Encounters Blue Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 8/15/1954 #10143  
 a C-47 transport plane.  One dark blue oblong object paced the C-47, veere 8/15/1954 #10144  
FB, Texas when they sighted a dark blue oblong object that paced the C-47,  8/15/1954 #10145  
ht brown hair. His eyes were light blue and somewhat slanted, and his skin  8/20/1954 #10158  
 over Bray Head. It is a brilliant blue light, traveling at “2,000 miles an 8/26/1954 #10182  
 teardrop-shapes single file. Turn blue. Speed up.                          8/27/1954 #10184  
hite, teardrop-shaped objects turn blue (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 8/27/1954 #10187  
te, teardrop-shaped objects turned blue.  Flew in line formation and increa 8/27/1954 #10189  
ernoon, EDT. They turned the color blue when they sped up. A Project Blue B 8/27/1954 #10190  
 blue when they sped up. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.              8/27/1954 #10190  
suddenly stops and two disc-shaped blue objects emerge from it. All three c 8/29/1954 #10203  
ly going north. Vanishes / sparks. Blue rain.                               8/31/1954 #10211  
n sparks, which were followed by a blue rain.                               8/31/1954 #10221  
 leaves (something behind) trail / blue light across sky. / Diario de Notic 9/7/1954 (approximate) #10261  
” moving at 179 mph at 3,500 feet. Blue Book receives a teletype about the  9/17/1954 #10333  
Azores 10 ft x 5 ft light metallic blue, pecan-shaped object (NICAP: 01 - D 9/21/1954 #10380  
 guard.  One 10'x5' light metallic blue, pecan-shaped object with a clear g 9/21/1954 #10382  
sees a 10 x 5-foot, light metallic blue, pecan-shaped object with a clear g 9/21/1954 #10383  
 altitude rolls and loops about. / Blue Book files.                         9/24/1954 #10430  
ring at 1 m altitude, turning red, blue, and taking off. Two other witnesse 9/30/1954 #10514  
 object changed colors from red to blue, and took off. Two other witnesses  9/30/1954 #10525  
e its color changed from orange to blue and then to grayish-blue. The witne 10/1/1954 #10576  
ar mass hovers. Alternates red and blue. Rocks and quickly going down / ope 10/2/1954 (approximate) #10590  
e its color changed from orange to blue and then to grayish-blue. The witne 10/2/1954 #10607  
ect's color changed from orange to blue. The object was observed by two oth 10/2/1954 #10619  
 The domed disc changed color from blue to orange and then to red, and made 10/4/1954 #10708  
ROSBRUCK, FR 1 observer. 9M silent blue saucer lands / road. Beams rays goi 10/6/1954 #10748  
'ASSE, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape and blue beam. Milk truck malfunctions due t 10/7/1954 #10770  
ver, Mr. Tremblay, saw an intense, blue light coming toward him. The object 10/7/1954 #10784  
ducing it was cigarshaped, red and blue. Engine and headlights died.        10/7/1954 #10784  
 6:20 a.m. when he saw an intense, blue light coming toward him. The object 10/7/1954 #10793  
as a one-meter long cigar, red and blue in color. The engine and headlights 10/7/1954 #10793  
 returning home when he observed a blue light and thought an airplane had m 10/9/1954 #10845  
a, West Germany, Willi Hoge sees a blue light to one side of the road. He l 10/9/1954 #10858  
 from the road he was on. Seeing a blue light at first, he thought that an  10/9/1954 #10863  
                     METZ, MSL, FR Blue Book. Large crowd and spotlight bea 10/10/1954 #10884  
meters tall were busy underneath a blue cigar-shaped object hovering 1.5 me 10/10/1954 #10898  
linded by a sudden burst of light, blue, then orange, then red, and the obj 10/11/1954 #10934  
blinded by a sudden burst of light blue, then orange, then red, and the obj 10/11/1954 #10951  
 depart. Dark, surrounded by short blue and yellow flames, the object was e 10/15/1954 #11099  
k in color but surrounded by short blue and yellow flames. The object is eg 10/15/1954 #11109  
k in color but surrounded by short blue and yellow flames. It was egg-shape 10/15/1954 #11115  
gar-shape / ground. 3M high. Blows blue smoke / rear. Observer(s) flees. /  10/16/1954 #11129  
sound and rose vertically, leaving blue sparks.                             10/17/1954 #11175  
sound and rose vertically, leaving blue sparks.                             10/17/1954 #11184  
.80 meters in height and wore dark blue combinations suits.                 10/18/1954 #11215  
at silver cigar. Silent. No trail. Blue Book says British plane.            10/20/1954 #11257  
n. Going up [to] and sweeps area / blue beam. / LDLN#326.                   10/20/1954 #11259  
t circular turns through the clear blue sky, and kept up this behavior for  10/24/1954 #11373  
med at the witness the beam of two blue lights, and he was thrown backward. 10/26/1954 #11414  
lmet. The being aimed two beams of blue light at the witness, who was throw 10/26/1954 #11422  
 TAIWAN USAF C47 crew. Long narrow blue object sparks front and rear. No fu 10/29/1954 #11475  
 Taiwan, Taiwan Long narrow bright blue object emitting deep-orange sparks  10/29/1954 #11476  
ilippines saw a long narrow bright blue oblong object emitting deep ­orange 10/29/1954 #11483  
he UFO changed color from white to blue to violet to orange to red. When th 10/30/1954 #11494  
n back. Tube leads / face. Hides / blue cloud! No UFO.                      11/2/1954 #11531  
). 2nd moon hovers / 45 second(s). Blue halo. Going quickly northeast extre 11/2/1954 #11532  
jerks about. Says "Anx Eleta Nui". Blue light / soft helmet.                11/2/1954 #11535  
FR Trusted observer(s). Thick fog. Blue disk hovers. Shoots quickly going u 11/3/1954 (approximate) #11541  
ult, France. Inside was a hovering blue, disc-shaped UFO. It stayed station 11/3/1954 #11549  
OINT, OAMARU, NZ Orange ovoid with blue 'portholes' seen. No further detail 11/5/1954 #11570  
, NZ Orange elliptical object with blue "portholes" observed. [UFOE, XII] ( 11/5/1954 #11576  
, "in spite of his gloves," when a blue disk came close to his motorcycle a 11/8/1954 #11598  
or several minutes. As soon as the blue light was turned off, he started ag 11/8/1954 #11598  
s, France, when he notices a small blue light in front of him. His engine f 11/8/1954 #11600  
 he nearly falls off the bike. The blue dot is projecting a strong light an 11/8/1954 #11600  
 with a tingling in his hands. The blue light goes out and he is able to mo 11/8/1954 #11600  
, "in spite of his gloves," when a blue disc came close to his motorcycle a 11/8/1954 #11604  
or several minutes. As soon as the blue light was turned off, he started ag 11/8/1954 #11604  
d three minutes. This is a Project Blue Book case classified as "unidentifi 11/15/1954 #11660  
                           Ent AFB Blue Book head Capt. Charles Hardin and  11/17/1954 #11664  
s ESE of), LA DC-6 Crew Encounters Blue Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 11/19/1954 #11671  
                     MILLVILLE, NJ Blue Book. Several observer(s). Saucer w 11/26/1954 #11707  
three seconds. Listed as a Project Blue Book “unknown” case.                11/28/1954 #11725  
ary in a pasture 50 m away. It was blue with symmetrical openings, from whi 12/4/1954 #11758  
d was about 50 meters away. It was blue with symmetrical openings which emi 12/4/1954 #11759  
                  Europe A Project Blue Book memo acknowledges the many “Fo 12/7/1954 #11772  
ng lasted seven minutes. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           12/7/1954 #11775  
GAL 1 observer. Silver ball expels blue flame / 10 minute(s). / Noticias. N 12/10/1954 #11791  
g a flying silver ball expelling a blue flame for 10 minutes.               12/10/1954 #11797  
es 90° turns. Absolute(ly) silent. Blue flames and away.                    12/12/1954 #11803  
Saucer hovers 1M over hill. Strong blue flashes. / APRO.                    12/15/1954 #11812  
ement to assess cases from Project Blue Book including films and photos tha 1955 #11899  
ny observer(s). Moon-size luminous blue disk going quickly southwest / 6 se 1/10/1955 (approximate) #11927  
e objects fell from sky. A Project Blue Book unknown.                       1/26/1955 #11944  
                                   BLUE MOUNTAINS, OR Blue night light foll 1/28/1955 #11946  
                BLUE MOUNTAINS, OR Blue night light follows SNOWPLOWs. Hide 1/28/1955 #11946  
          On this night in 1955, a blue nocturnal light followed a snowplow 1/28/1955 #11949  
l light followed a snowplow in the Blue Mountains in Oregon. It moved away  1/28/1955 #11949  
 low altitude glows high-intensity blue. 2 separate observer(s) / San Jacin 2/8/1955 #11982  
izon going quickly [to] horizon. 2 blue lights pulse / bottom. / r139#4p27. 2/10/1955 #11988  
zon to horizon. It had two pulsing blue lights on the bottom, and was in vi 2/10/1955 #11993  
 As the Saucer powered up a bright blue light came from one of the porthole 2/23/1955 #12013  
om. He is then dazzled by a bright blue light from the craft and falls over 2/23/1955 #12015  
ored overalls and a helmet. When a blue flash shot from one of the porthole 2/23/1955 #12016  
mpshire, England saw a man wearing blue coveralls signal him to stop. The m 2/24/1955 #12017  
 them held a dark object (emitting blue flashes) between his raised arms. H 3/1955 #12021  
g quickly northeast / 3 minute(s). Blue lights / ends and red light / cente 3/3/1955 #12033  
 Dick Miller. Retired USAF Project Blue Book head Edward J. Ruppelt is in t 3/12/1955 #12046  
A FAA official / light plane. Dark blue cylinder/cigar-shape. Sudden turn u 4/1955 #12074  
th. Fades away. = airport beacon / Blue Book.                               4/6/1955 #12082  
 listed as an "unknown" by Project Blue Book.                               5/4/1955 #12119  
                        US Project Blue Book "Special Report No. 14" declas 5/5/1955 #12120  
ompleted in March 1954, as Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14 but does 5/5/1955 #12122  
o ovals with tops (dark, with dark blue illumination) flew higher.          5/23/1955 #12150  
         MUROS, SP Sailor zapped / blue light. Temporarily paralysis. Small 6/1955 #12171  
                         ANITA, IA Blue and white glowing cylinder/cigar-sh 6/15/1955 #12198  
. It was luminous with a white and blue glow, and red exhaust. It made a hi 6/15/1955 #12199  
feet above Hârşeni, Romania. It is blue with white stripes and flying noise Summer 1955 #12206  
ing quickly north / 6 second(s). / Blue Book. No further details.           7/5/1955 #12235  
aria Island in the Azores. Project Blue Book's explanation of this sighting 7/22/1955 #12279  
quickly north. Seen / 4 minute(s). Blue Book report.                        8/3/1955 #12326  
planes. Shoots going quickly west. Blue Book.                               8/20/1955 #12377  
 using the code “Fox Trot Kilo 3-0 Blue.” All expenses will be reimbursed b 9/9/1955 #12444  
                      PALMDALE, CA Blue Book. Saucer = silver dollar / arms 9/13/1955 #12449  
e case with the Air Force, Project Blue Book, or the Condon Committee, and  10/15/1955 #12506  
                     US Summary of Blue Book report released to press; link 10/25/1955 #12518  
            Columbus, Ohio Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14 is relea 10/25/1955 #12519  
     Galloway, UK Disc with row of blue lights on rim, maneuvered slowly ov 10/28/1955 #12527  
oway, England A disk with a row of blue lights on the periphery slowly mane 10/28/1955 #12528  
A disc-shaped object with a row of blue lights on the periphery slowly mane 10/28/1955 #12529  
rport/apartment crews. Large round blue object going south / 7 min. 2nd joi 11/4/1955 #12548  
                       LA VETA, CO Blue Book. Senator. Blimp / 15K' altitud 11/25/1955 #12590  
ced them for 28 minutes. A Project Blue Book unknown.                       2/19/1956 #12733  
 In the middle of the afternoon, a blue luminous disc-shaped object was wat 2/23/1956 #12738  
rles Hardin as director of Project Blue Book.                               4/1956 #12776  
 Air Force secrecy, deconstructing Blue Book Special Report no. 14, and req 4/3/1956 #12782  
FO surrounded by a "circle of red, blue and green lights" traveled at a hig 4/9/1956 #12806  
                        PUEBLO, CO Blue Book. Several observer(s). 2 saucer 5/3/1956 #12827  
hen one more, followed by another. Blue Book classes the sighting as meteor 5/4/1956 #12832  
                                 A blue glowing disc flying on edge pursued 5/28/1956 #12873  
 about 250 feet in diameter with a blue light on top and a red light on the 6/1956 #12879  
h. 900m altitude. Spins. Silent. / Blue Book report.                        6/5/1956 #12884  
Webb visits and interviews Project Blue Book head Capt. George T. Gregory a 6/14/1956 #12904  
not handing out multiple copies of Blue Book Special Report no. 14 and that 6/25/1956 #12919  
ormation, complains that the USAF “Blue Book Special Report No. 14” on UAP  7/5/1956 #12953  
%20Information.pdf     Note: Given Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hy 7/5/1956 #12953  
     WEST / DURANGO AND PUEBLO, CO Blue Book. Weatherman / (seen thru) bino 7/11/1956 #12963  
                        PIXLEY, CA Blue Book. Air Force C131 hits saucer! T 7/22/1956 #13005  
and moves / 100mph. Smoke trail. / Blue Book.                               7/23/1956 #13010  
            SINGAPORE Doctor. Oval blue night lights hover and dart like fi 7/24/1956 #13015  
size UFO's / triangular formation. Blue Book evaluates = meteors.           8/3/1956 #13049  
                      LA JOLLA, CA Blue Book. Large silver saucer crosses j 8/6/1956 #13054  
(s). Shoots going quickly north. / Blue Book.                               8/10/1956 #13065  
               EAST / DANVILLE, IL Blue Book. Civil observer(s) = Nicoson.  8/12/1956 #13070  
                  HERMANSVILLE, MI Blue Book. Observer(s) = jetty. Silver-m 8/13/1956 #13075  
                     NEWINGTON, CT Blue Book. Observer(s) = Gordes. Fiery o 8/19/1956 #13098  
ckly south slowly then zooms away. Blue glow.                               8/23/1956 #13119  
                   TANGIERS, MAROC Blue Book. Numerous observer(s). Glowing 8/25/1956 #13128  
                 NEAR CHEYENNE, WY Blue Book. UFO going quickly northwest o 8/26/1956 #13130  
              COLORADO SPRINGS, CO Blue Book. Ground Observer Corps (GOC) o 8/26/1956 #13131  
ess shone a light on it. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     9/2/1956 #13173  
                 SILVER SPRING, MD Blue Book reports. Civil observers. Larg 9/3/1956 #13176  
                     WALDOBORO, ME Blue Book. Military and civil observer(s 9/10/1956 #13211  
                       USS TAKELMA Blue Book. Lookout. Silent black cylinde 9/20/1956 #13227  
                DARMANNES, FR Huge blue domed disk by N65. Portholes. Hot b 9/27/1956 #13248  
oculars. Large metal sphere. Glows blue and red and white.                  10/24/1956 #13289  
er several X. No further details / Blue Book card.                          10/26/1956 #13291  
 trainer.  One orange light with a blue tinge, flew across the sky for 2 mi 11/1/1956 #13303  
             EL TORO MARINE AS, CA Blue Book. RADAR-visual (observation). S 11/11/1956 #13320  
     PUKETAPU, NZ Separate farmer. Blue beam going [to] through window. See 11/26/1956 #13356  
rivately printed copies of Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14, togethe 12/1956 #13378  
secret U-2 aircraft, which is what Blue Book suspects.                      12/10/1956 #13396  
20' ovoid close / ground. Vertical blue lines. Vanishes?                    12/14/1956 #13401  
at remained unexplained by Project Blue Book. At four o'clock in the mornin 1/1/1957 #13446  
a flaming exhaust colored reddish, blue and orange." A similar object was s 1/17/1957 #13463  
   BOMBAY, INDIA Many observer(s). Blue saucer hovers and spins and going e 2/4/1957 #13483  
r going down. Stops 15M over Gulf. Blue glow / bottom/underside. Rises and  2/10/1957 #13489  
           TIERRA AMARILLA AFS, NM Blue Book. Ground and air RADAR. 2 night 2/13/1957 #13495  
                 GREAT MEADOWS, NJ Blue Book. Saucer hovers and rocks / 1 m 3/6/1957 #13521  
                      OFF SC COAST Blue Book. Several airliners. Fiery tail 3/9/1957 #13534  
                        OXNARD, CA Blue Book. Several Navy and cops and Air 3/23/1957 #13556  
                        RESEDA, CA Blue Book. Observer(s) = Simon. DC6-size 3/28/1957 #13564  
oward the vineyard. It was red and blue, spinning wildly, flying slowly. It 4/22/1957 #13611  
objects. Fast stops and 90° turns. Blue glow.                               5/1957 #13627  
O Orange ball paces 3 / car. Small blue objects exit / all directions. Watc 6/5/1957 #13703  
nd follow their car. Several small blue lights exited the larger object and 6/5/1957 #13707  
                         OMAHA, NE Blue Book. Civil air patrol. UFO dives g 6/13/1957 #13722  
             SOUTHINGTON, CT Large blue ball drops in jerks. Brighter / sun 7/15/1957 #13797  
ntists asked the Air Force for the Blue Book file on the RB-47 case, the fi 7/17/1957 #13808  
gether by better file searching at Blue Book, James E. McDonald’s success a 7/17/1957 #13808  
erstood to be his duty as chief of Blue Book, we would label this as reckle 7/17/1957 #13808  
                   NORTH HAVRE, MT Blue Book. Bright round silver object zi 7/25/1957 #13833  
    Longmont, CO A thick disc, ice blue, with a top like honeycomb (NICAP:  7/27/1957 #13846  
 J.L. Siverly. One thick disc, ice blue, with a top like honeycomb (interco 7/27/1957 #13847  
 4 minute(s). No further details / Blue Book.                               8/29/1957 #13942  
RMOPOLIS, WY 12+observer(s). Round blue silent 5M object hovers / 3M altitu 8/31/1957 #13957  
us that changes from deep green to blue. The object suddenly grows to 5 or  9/4/1957 #13978  
ging color from green to yellow to blue. It also appeared to change size. F 9/4/1957 #13979  
 US military radar UFO case in the Blue Book files from now on is a NORAD c 9/12/1957 #13992  
 Defense Science Board, on Project Blue Book, presumably because he wants t 9/16/1957 #14001  
y publishes Inside Saucer Post…3-0 Blue that summarizes his early years as  10/1957 #14050  
ers in and out of clouds. = moon / Blue Book card.                          10/14/1957 #14108  
 the object visually and on radar. Blue Book explains this as the star Arct 10/14/1957 #14110  
s color changes from pink to light blue and the combine stops working. He n 10/15/1957 #14120  
R-visual (observation) / Army man. Blue Book. Huge UFO no description. [Nik 10/23/1957 #14147  
 Brilliant ovoid going west. Small blue night light exits and returns. Fire 11/2/1957 #14205  
affic Controllers and more/others. Blue 9M saucer flashes at tower! Cars st 11/2/1957 #14206  
 Then a 200-foot-long, 6-foot-wide blue rocket-shaped object, with yellow f 11/2/1957 #14216  
A single investigator from Project Blue Book headquarters arrived at Lovela 11/5/1957 #14291  
tes at Delavan, Wisconsin. Project Blue Book claims it is an aurora or jet  11/5/1957 #14346  
             SPRINGFIELD, OH Cops. Blue night light / sky / 10 second(s). 2 11/6/1957 #14361  
saucer hovers / 300M. Scans farm / blue light. Going west. UV burns skin. / 11/6/1957 #14387  
ject changing from red to green to blue to white (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 11/6/1957 #14405  
an egg-shaped object wrapped in "a blue haze" on the beach. Two men, below  11/6/1957 #14411  
ect--changing from red to green to blue to white--rose vertically from a mo 11/6/1957 #14418  
ject that seems to be wrapped in a blue haze. It is tan or cream-colored an 11/6/1957 #14421  
color changes from bright white to blue green. It hovers about 200 feet abo 11/6/1957 #14430  
o cars stalled at the same time. A blue light was seen in the sky for 10 se 11/6/1957 #14433  
an egg-shaped object wrapped in "a blue haze" on the beach. The object seem 11/6/1957 #14434  
. The case was listed as a Project Blue Book unidentified report.           11/6/1957 #14437  
rver. 3.5' bar-shaped object gives blue flashes and swishing sound.         11/8/1957 #14470  
ed object, 3.5 ft long, giving off blue flashes (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 11/8/1957 #14479  
aped object, 3.5' long, giving off blue flashes, made a swishing sound.  No 11/8/1957 #14484  
mals panic. 60M top-saucer hovers. Blue beam sweeps. Going up [to] to cloud 11/14/1957 #14544  
. Large red fireball and more / or blue delta/triangle/box-like craft. West 11/29/1957 #14636  
                  Levelland, Texas Blue Book Capt. George T. Gregory compla 12/4/1957 #14669  
ns. The case was never reported to Blue Book.                               12/8/1957 #14690  
This case is listed in the Project Blue Book files as case number 61 for th 12/8/1957 #14693  
d sent to the US Air Force Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book did not pro 12/15/1957 #14731  
r Force Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book did not provide an evaluation  12/15/1957 #14731  
rs. Starr thought it would hit her blue spruce but it did not. It had by no 12/16/1957 #14736  
bjects. The U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book recorded the case as "little m 12/16/1957 #14736  
 as "little men in cigar." Project Blue Book filed a newspaper article on t 12/16/1957 #14736  
               LIVERMORE FALLS, ME Blue Book. Small round vibrant bright fa 12/28/1957 #14764  
onal security. Horner says Project Blue Book has things well in hand, and h 1/1958 #14791  
 started again. Then a very large, blue silvery object appeared and came to 2/24/1958 #14888  
 later, at 3:05 a.m., a very large blue silvery disc-shaped object appeared 2/24/1958 #14890  
airport), OH Pilot saw a very dark blue 6-8 ft cloud-shaped object on a SW  4/7/1958 #14965  
rseshoe objects exit. Local wave / Blue Book.                               4/15/1958 #14986  
Island, The Philippines. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           5/9/1958 #15027  
restored. The explosion causes the blue sky to turn red, white, and gray, a 8/1/1958 #15174  
ry for his presentation on Project Blue Book’s “improved” methods. The hear 8/8/1958 #15184  
CORNERS, ON 2 observer(s). Patch / blue light / field. Only 1 observer(s) s 8/18/1958 #15213  
n). Bright night light going west. Blue Book. No further details. / UFOCAT. 9/5/1958 #15252  
iend takes over as head of Project Blue Book, relieving Capt. George T. Gre 10/1958 #15294  
hat have not been sent directly to Blue Book. Though ATIC urges implementat 10/1958 #15294  
 went black momentarily. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           10/2/1958 #15305  
e. 2 groups / 12 each. = meteors / Blue Book.                               10/17/1958 #15349  
HAPPY, TX Observer(s) drives under blue night light. Ammeter going [to] Max 11/2/1958 #15417  
                       A brilliant blue glowing disc with two domes flew lo 11/12/1958 #15440  
                   MONTAUK AFS, NY Blue Book. Military observer(s) = Frey.  11/19/1958 #15450  
ed to inspect the craft. He wore a blue coverall and luminescent heelless b 11/23/1958 #15456  
pect the craft. The UFOnaut wore a blue coverall and luminescent heelless b 11/23/1958 #15457  
riend unsuccessfully requests that Blue Book be transferred from ATIC to Ai 12/1958 #15465  
irculatory system; eyes were light blue and did not look different from hum 1959 #15516  
t appears to be a code for Project Blue Book. *   https://documents.theblac 1959 #15516  
                 WELDON SPRING, MO Blue Book. 3 observer(s). Saucer hovers  1/1959? #15521  
 east and land 100 m away. While a blue haze formed, three figures emerged  1/1959 #15522  
the east and land 300 feet away. A blue haze forms and three figures emerge 1/1959 #15523  
           Benghazi, Libya Silvery blue to reddish to dark round object wit 2/16/1959 #15590  
o start bringing together ATIC and Blue Book personnel for monthly meetings 2/17/1959 #15591  
ry of the Air Force officials, and Blue Book staffers in the Pentagon. This 2/17/1959 #15591  
covered even his feet, with bright blue trunks. The "helmet" was part of th 3/7/1959 #15631  
hts that kept changing from red to blue. They approached within 200 m, then 3/13/1959 #15640  
ome-shaped object with 8–9 red and blue lights about 20 feet apart. The UFO 3/13/1959 #15641  
e of color changes. It had red and blue lights, and when on the ground they 3/13/1959 #15642  
 when on the ground they were half blue and half red, which would switch co 3/13/1959 #15642  
             SOUTHEAST / KYGER, OH Blue Book. Buzz / car radio. Lights dim. 3/19/1959 #15650  
990's, Kewper claimed that Project Blue Book was just window dressing and f Spring 1959 #15656  
MOSILLO, MX 2 engineers. Intensely blue object hovers / low altitude near m 3/22/1959 #15663  
                                 A blue, barrel-shaped UFO landed remotely  3/27/1959 #15675  
THWEST / OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, NE Blue Book. Military and civil Air Traffi 5/13/1959 #15727  
                   SOUTH CHINA SEA Blue Book. USAF RB66 pilot and gunner an 6/22/1959 #15780  
ll humanoids (or Greys) wave back! Blue beam shot going up. Going quickly s 6/26/1959 #15786  
isible on its "deck" and a beam of blue light was emitted upward from it. T 6/26/1959 #15789  
ky above Venus. It has an electric blue spotlight and is hovering about 500 6/26/1959 #15790  
ach end, on the bottom. A shaft of blue light that shone upwards at a 45 de 6/26/1959 #15791  
ht and level flight path.A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     6/30/1959 #15804  
or Project Moon Dust and Operation Blue Fly.                                7/1959 #15807  
locked out.” Neasham urges Project Blue Book’s Maj. Robert Friend to come o 7/5/1959 #15817  
, the officer in charge of Project Blue Book at the time and who was presen 7/9/1959 #15829  
r vehicle, the girl spots a bright blue light around 7:54 p.m. that is swin 8/9/1959 #15898  
hen mysteriously vanished. Project Blue Book lists this case as an "unknown 8/10/1959 #15903  
INGFORD, KY Grey ovoid lights area blue. Blue beam going down [to] as objec 9/7/1959 #15956  
D, KY Grey ovoid lights area blue. Blue beam going down [to] as object goin 9/7/1959 #15956  
             NORTH / LEXINGTON, KY Blue Book. Ex Air Force pilot and more.  9/7/1959 #15957  
ock, WI Round yellow light, with 8 blue lights in it, 5 larger red lights ( 9/13/1959 #15967  
One round yellow light, with eight blue lights within it, and then five lar 9/13/1959 #15969  
 yellow ring of lights, with eight blue lights within it, and then five lar 9/13/1959 #15972  
roit, MI Spherical-shaped white to blue in color object (NICAP: 01 - Distan 9/28/1959 #15995  
et long and 8 feet high, and light blue in color. In the front of the objec 9/29/1959 #16000  
 object moving and stopping in the blue sky. He sees a student of his with  10/1959 #16004  
 speeds for two minutes. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           10/6/1959 #16022  
es. No further details / report to Blue Book.                               10/19/1959 #16036  
   STATESVILLE, NC AND MORE/OTHERS Blue ball / light paces car / miles. Sto 11/6/1959 #16081  
ok up and see the object is bright blue white on its underside. It disappea Early 1960 #16146  
    McCarran Field, Las Vegas NV A blue light, which raced silently across  1/3/1960 #16149  
Listed as a U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book unidentified report.           3/23/1960 #16205  
 over fishing boat. 3 observer(s). Blue light going down. Going southwest.  5/13/1960 #16263  
three minutes. It emitted a strong blue glow but made no sound.             5/13/1960 #16269  
s. He ran away. The creatures wore blue uniforms and white helmets. The pre 5/13/1960 #16273  
s. He ran away. The creatures wore blue uniforms and white helmets. The pre 5/14/1960 #16275  
ll and pallid. One is dressed in a blue suit with a helmet. Dos Santos turn 5/14/1960 #16276  
m. He ran away. The creatures wore blue uniforms with white helmets. The pr 5/14/1960 #16277  
ighting.” At Wright Patterson AFB, Blue Book analysts classify it as a “wea 5/19/1960 #16289  
 logical explanation,” but Project Blue Book classifies the UAP as a weathe 5/19/1960 #16292  
e landscape light up with a bright blue light as a ball of fire approaches  7/2/1960 #16327  
ed in Miami, Florida after a misty blue cloud with a bright center was seen 7/21/1960 #16342  
one additional staffer for Project Blue Book (raising it to 3) and addition 9/1960 #16430  
tween 20 and 30 minutes. A Project Blue Book "unknown".                     11/27/1960 #16516  
und. The case is listed by Project Blue Book as unexplained.                11/29/1960 #16522  
eringly attacks critics of Project Blue Book, depicting them all as charlat 12/5/1960 #16525  
                          Pentagon Blue Book officer Maj. Robert Friend and 12/27/1960 #16541  
lliant metallic disc like polished blue steel swoops down and passes danger 1/1961 #16555  
lliant disk with the appearance of blue steel swooped down very close to th 1/1/1961 #16558  
itnessed a flying disc of polished blue steel swoop down very close to the  1/1/1961 #16559  
                     LAKEVILLE, MA Blue Book. Roar. Bright-yellow ovoid / 2 2/28/1961 #16612  
                     SAN DIEGO, CA Blue Book. 2 Navy men. "Satellite" going 3/13/1961 #16627  
          PACIFIC 132° 15W-34° 34N Blue Book. US Navy boat crew. No further 4/2/1961 #16642  
ives to J. Allen Hynek for Project Blue Book; and the third he keeps for hi 4/18/1961 #16653  
eet tall with dark hair. They wore blue knit outfits and helmets. The newsp 4/18/1961 #16654  
the air and disappeared. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     5/22/1961 #16695  
de of 80,000–120,000 feet. Project Blue Book evaluators correctly identify  6/3/1961 #16716  
                                   BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT, PA Several small sauc 6/4/1961 #16718  
                                   Blue Ridge Summit, PA A cigar-shaped or  6/4/1961 #16719  
                                   Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania Mrs. Jam 6/4/1961 #16720  
ing low in the sky to the north of Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania. Farther 6/4/1961 #16720  
reign Technology Division. Project Blue Book is included in the reorganizat 7/1/1961 #16741  
FAIRBORN, OH Observer(s) = Wilson. Blue Book. Orange-yellow saucer / 10 min 7/8/1961 #16753  
 the visors open. A neighbor saw a blue globe take off from the lawn with a 8/8/1961 #16786  
 seconds. A U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book "unknown" case. "              8/12/1961 #16792  
 him a tour, tell him that Project Blue Book has the UFO problem at hand, a Mid 8/1961 #16794  
                     SAN DIEGO, CA Blue Book. Amateur astronomers and more/ 9/11/1961 #16828  
nt for the sighting.” Nonetheless, Blue Book wanders from Venus to a resear 10/2/1961 #16889  
          PACIFIC 143° 55W-58° 14N Blue Book. Military observers. No furthe 10/23/1961 #16924  
             DERRY, PA Engineer. 4 blue luminous/glowing saucers. Windows / 10/30/1961 #16935  
PA Engineer observed four luminous blue discs with bands of lights or "port 10/30/1961 #16936  
ign space vehicles), and Operation Blue Fly (to facilitate delivery to the  11/13/1961 #16962  
port Air Force Projects Moon Dust, Blue Fly and “UFO,” and other quick reac 11/13/1961 #16963  
esponsibilities from Moon Dust and Blue Fly, described as projects to locat 11/13/1961 #16963  
ng lasted three minutes. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.              12/13/1961 #16993  
ter According to a “former Project Blue Book Chief” (probably Maj. Friend)  1962 #17004  
. They can see two lights, red and blue, revolving beneath the silent objec 1962 #17007  
d H. Hall claims a “former Project Blue Book chief,” possibly Lt. Col. Robe 1962 #17011  
luebook Case #7818. 7 observer(s). Blue saucer follows red saucer SSW going 2/25/1962 #17059  
 light, trailed 30 secs later by a blue light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 2/25/1962 #17060  
ght, trailed 30 seconds later by a blue light.  Sighting lasted 5 minutes.  2/25/1962 #17061  
was followed 30 seconds later by a blue light. The entire sighting lasted f 2/25/1962 #17062  
ah. They determine it is a bolide. Blue Book lists it as two sightings: a m 4/18/1962 #17120  
 major incident, including Project Blue Book documents, and now possible co 4/18/1962 #17120  
he case is also not explained in a Blue Book monthly sighting listing for A 4/18/1962 #17120  
          PACIFIC 170° 00W-33° 00N Blue Book. Military observer(s). 1 day b 4/19/1962 #17122  
emitting intermittent yellow-green blue light, who delivered to him a peace 4/30/1962 #17139  
n intermittent yellowish-green and blue light. They delivered to him a mess 4/30/1962 #17142  
ientist and more/others. Brilliant blue and yellow ball / light maneuvers / 5/20/1962 #17181  
aneuvering light source, brilliant blue changing to yellow. [NICAP UFO Evid 5/20/1962 #17182  
p and bottom. Yellow-white center. Blue Book unidentified. No further detai 5/26/1962 #17203  
 unidentified." (Air Force Project Blue Book 1962 Summary.) (NICAP: 01 - Di 5/26/1962 #17206  
ost to view behind a peak. Project Blue Book concludes it is Jupiter, even  6/7/1962 #17221  
ject climbed and banked. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     6/30/1962 #17258  
, spinning, and emitted flashes of blue, green and orange. When approached, 8/2/1962 #17316  
y for 3–4 minutes, emitting strong blue, green, and orange flashes. Then it 8/2/1962 #17317  
, spinning, and emitted flashes of blue, green and orange. When approached  8/2/1962 #17318  
 several people watched a luminous blue disc-shaped object hover over Upper 8/28/1962 #17369  
d disappears in 5 seconds. Project Blue Book concludes that the men were wa 8/30/1962 #17373  
ription. Leaves (something behind) blue luminous/glowing trail / air. 3M bu 9/3/1962 #17385  
                     HAWTHORNE, NJ Blue Book. Green saucer going down [to]  9/18/1962 #17411  
 taken / same pseudo-human/entity. Blue beam transport. "Time altered".     9/23/1962 #17431  
parked his truck and walked into a blue beam. Inside the craft he met the s 9/23/1962 #17436  
, sees a tear-shaped object with a blue top and a red bottom.               10/2/1962 #17451  
                   DES PLAINES, IL Blue Book. Separate observer(s). Domed s 10/4/1962 #17454  
ARCH DEL PLATA, ARG 3 observer(s). Blue flash / woods. Tractor malfunctions 10/10/1962 #17461  
                                 A blue flash in the woods caused a tractor 10/10/1962 #17465  
them going back toward a luminous, blue object hovering in a field. They en 11/1962 #17524  
out 8 feet in diameter and glowing blue. Their stones seem to ricochet off  11/30/1962 #17565  
sing in a straight line across the blue Georgia sky, faster and faster unti 12/1/1962 #17568  
            Willow Grove, AU 25 ft blue and battleship-gray metallic object 2/15/1963 #17666  
 counterclockwise direction, had a blue color and no light. It took off fas 2/15/1963 #17667  
3W-24° 43N. Military observer(s) / Blue Book. No further details. Fireballs 4/15/1963 #17727  
 It changed color from red to dark blue as it changed speed and direction.  5/18/1963 #17750  
AGORDA / PACIFIC 168° 36E-33° 12N. Blue Book Case #. Observer(s) = USCG cut 6/20/1963 #17796  
his own request for information on Blue Book. The Air Force treats the requ 7/2/1963 #17824  
 of the object is a large panel of blue light. They watch it for 3 minutes  8/10/1963 #17882  
ting (not described in the Project Blue Book file) on the next day..        8/13/1963 #17899  
l. Robert J. Friend leaves Project Blue Book and is replaced by Maj. Hector 9/1963 #17926  
                                   Blue Book releases a statement on the Hi 9/27/1963 #17960  
a is appointed director of Project Blue Book. He is assisted by Sgt. David  10/1963 #17967  
e Oblong cylinder/cigar-shape with blue glow. Hovers flashes and flickers / 10/4/1963 #17976  
er details in files. Note: Project Blue Book chief Maj. H. Quintanilla told 10/24/1963 #18007  
n the Air Force files, but Project Blue Book chief Major Hector Quintanilla 10/24/1963 #18008  
              CARSON CITY, NV Huge blue saucer hovers / NWW sky. Radio Freq 11/14/1963 #18037  
rk and helping him analyze Project Blue Book data.                          11/17/1963 #18047  
 diameter, with intense orange and blue lights, emitting sparks, flying tow 12/14/1963 #18080  
FO had intensely bright orange and blue lights and emitted sparks as it app 12/14/1963 #18082  
                       ARDMORE, OK Blue Book. Observer(s) = Rollins. Huge c 4/9/1964 #18164  
roaring sound and sees a brilliant blue “cone of flame” in the sky to the s 4/24/1964 #18200  
perhaps from a zinc pail. In 1966, Blue Book chief Maj. Hector Quintanilla  4/24/1964 #18200  
 by Dr. J. Allen Hynek for Project Blue Book. Everyone, except UFO debunker 4/24/1964 #18202  
Silent 8M vertical ovoid / ground. Blue flames. Traces. / r111p222+/ MJ#252 4/26/1964 #18206  
on the ground, north of La Madera. Blue flames appeared to circle the base  4/26/1964 #18208  
n diameter, metallic, and shooting blue flames out of holes in the sides. A 4/26/1964 #18209  
d, north of La Madera, New Mexico. Blue flames appeared to circle the base  4/26/1964 #18211  
ating in size and color. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     5/9/1964 #18256  
 vents in the tail trailing white, blue, red, and orange exhaust. They watc 6/1964 #18314  
ate observers. At 10:00 a luminous blue blimp-shaped object hovered low ove 6/3/1964 #18327  
ude. 10 small night lights follow. Blue beams.                              6/5/1964 #18329  
y 10 small lights. It also emitted blue light beams.                        6/5/1964 #18333  
from which colored light emanated (blue turning to red) and bands of yellow 6/8/1964 #18338  
ed lights emanating from the dome (blue turning to red), and bands of yello 6/8/1964 #18339  
says he is aware of the US Project Blue Book, and that 10% of the cases are 7/15/1964 #18411  
glowing ring hovers / 4-5 minutes. Blue Book investigation/investigators. N 7/27/1964 #18439  
 in Sherburne, New York. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.              7/27/1964 #18450  
over the next two minutes. Project Blue Book lists this case as an "unknown 8/10/1964 #18477  
  MEDFORD, MASS 2 observer(s). 25' blue glow bounces over Mystic Lake. Red  9/6/1964 #18541  
t 11:45 p.m. EDT, a 25' wide royal blue glowing UFO bounced up-and-down as  9/6/1964 #18543  
 the rear looks like half-rings of blue. Its speed is estimated as three ti 9/14/1964 #18552  
          ATLANTIC 27° 40W-66° 00N Blue Book. Military-sea observer(s). No  10/24/1964 #18591  
to the rear, as well as 6 jet-like blue flames.                             11/9/1964 #18611  
MOON Astronomer Bartlett. Distinct blue band / light at foot of peak / edge 11/14/1964 #18612  
er reading of 16–18 milliR/hr. Two Blue Book investigators—T/Sgt. David N.  12/21/1964 #18670  
                    WALLOPS IS, VA Blue Book. RADAR-visual (observation). Y 1/5/1965 #18695  
ed-orange light on one side, and a blue one on the other. It took off again 1/23/1965 #18756  
orange glow on the near side and a blue glow on the far side.  The object m 1/23/1965 #18757  
metallic gray, with red-orange and blue lights and is making a vacuum clean 1/23/1965 #18759  
hmond, Virginia The Pentagon sends Blue Book chief Maj. Hector Quintanilla  2/11/1965 #18810  
(s). Domed saucer / 500' altitude. Blue and white lights. Hums. / NICAP v3# 2/16/1965 #18817  
e light on its trailing edge and a blue light on its forward edge. It was e 2/16/1965 #18820  
       CAMBRIDGE, MASS 1 observer. Blue glowing deltoid rotates countercloc 2/24/1965 #18826  
t 1, no. 1 (May 1965): 4; “Project Blue Book,” Interplanetary Intelligence  3/2/1965 #18832  
ts were found at the site. Project Blue Book lists this case as an "unknown 3/4/1965 #18842  
TORENO, VNZL Workers / oilfield. 3 blue saucers north going quickly south v 3/20/1965 #18867  
                At 1:00 a.m. three blue discs flew from north to south very 3/20/1965 #18870  
use shakes. Rumble / 10 minute(s). Blue night lights pulse / hills. Metalli 4/1965 #18884  
 may have been tumbling. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     5/7/1965 #18935  
                 On this evening a blue light emanating from a red object,  5/25/1965 #18966  
Whole Assembly spins! "Airplane" / Blue Book..                              5/27/1965 #18967  
HESTER, NY Circular object flashes blue going [to] white going [to] blue go 6/20/1965 #19018  
s blue going [to] white going [to] blue going [to] white.. / 35 second(s).  6/20/1965 #19018  
rant closer attention than Project Blue Book can possibly encompass at the  7/1965 #19038  
olors (red, yellow, green, orange, blue, white) as it zigzags from a positi 7/3/1965 #19064  
er Toronin Lien first saw a large, blue, intense flame behind the ship at h 7/6/1965 #19076  
 and other officers see an intense blue, fiery tongue of light approaching  7/6/1965 #19078  
 Toronin Lien first saw the large, blue, intense flame behind the ship movi 7/6/1965 #19079  
ll in 1959. A red light changed to blue. It was extremely bright, and was s 7/12/1965 #19097  
us object, its color changing from blue to orange, about 12 m in diameter,  7/15/1965 #19105  
us object, its color changing from blue to orange. It was about twelve mete 7/15/1965 #19108  
Cop and 1. Bright observer(s) with blue halo and yellow center. No further  7/17/1965 #19112  
 Australia a six meter in diameter blue glowing disc landed by a creek, mak 7/20/1965 #19151  
 #9550. Amateur astronomer. Bright blue star crosses sky / 90 second(s). No 7/25/1965 #19167  
stalia, OH Astronomer saw a bright blue star cross 90° of sky (NICAP: 01 -  7/25/1965 #19169  
onomer M.D. Harris, 16. One bright blue star crossed 90 of sky in 10-15 sec 7/25/1965 #19171  
n he saw what looked like a bright blue star move 90° across of the sky in  7/25/1965 #19173  
1M top lands / intersection. Emits blue light. Up and away fast.            8/1/1965 #19237  
d color and varying to a white and blue luster.                             8/1/1965 #19243  
   Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Project Blue Book puts out an official USAF pres 8/2/1965 #19264  
 shows a mosaic pattern of yellow, blue and white light in the shape of an  8/2/1965 #19272  
 Dill. Gold globular bathes town / blue light. Back / date unknown.         8/4/1965 #19295  
oject Bluebook Case #9675. Red and blue night lights. Huge orange object fl 8/4/1965 #19301  
veral observer(s). Fireball shoots blue beams. Odd vibrations. Circles and  8/4/1965 (approximate) #19303  
 A man in a car observed a red and blue light thought it came from a police 8/4/1965 #19312  
er observed an unexplained red and blue light that flew fast, straight and  8/4/1965 #19324  
 speed of 690 mph or more. Project Blue Book evaluates this sighting as a s 8/12/1965 #19373  
A 100M saucer going north / 50mph. Blue light. Trees shake. Observer(s) suf 8/13/1965 #19374  
                        RENTON, WA Blue Book. Possible abduction-try / 2 gi 8/13/1965 #19377  
h orange lights that weakened as a blue source came on, very intense for ab 8/13/1965 #19379  
ith orange lights that weaken as a blue light comes on, which is intense fo 8/13/1965 #19382  
re taken of her; the object glowed blue when the pictures were taken. On a  8/16/1965 #19410  
d the edge, and flickering red and blue beams were shining downwards. The t 8/26/1965 #19466  
ted 3-4 seconds. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official stat 8/30/1965 #19481  
              Angleton, TX Project Blue Book File #(?): Damon/Angleton, TX. 9/3/1965 #19495  
light on the right side and a long blue light on the left side.  Came from  9/3/1965 #19508  
light on the right side and a long blue light on the left side. It approach 9/3/1965 #19512  
n either end of the object: a weak blue light was seen on the extreme right 9/3/1965 #19517  
ruz, Mexico. It discharged yellow, blue, and orange lights from slits aroun 9/10/1965 #19552  
      Langenhoe, Essex, UK Glowing blue domed disc approached, buzzing soun 9/14/1965 #19558  
med disc descended, humming sound, blue light. Motorbike engine failed, wit 9/14/1965 #19559  
the east and notices a pinpoint of blue light moving in his direction. The  9/14/1965 #19560  
he feels paralyzed as the flashing blue light becomes intense, fluctuating  9/14/1965 #19560  
red, and finally died. There was a blue light coming from the translucent d 9/14/1965 #19561  
x minutes. The object changed to a blue color. Light illuminated the car in 9/25/1965 #19606  
es / woods. Box held beneath. Also Blue Book photos / Swan Lake.            9/27/1965 #19609  
he methods and findings of Project Blue Book. LeBailly noted: "Many of the  9/28/1965 #19618  
. Arthur C. Agan has found Project Blue Book to be a worthwhile program and 9/28/1965 #19619  
sts be organized to review Project Blue Book—its resources, methods, and fi 9/28/1965 #19619  
ile doing so, then emitted red and blue sparks. The witness also thought sh 10/8/1965 #19651  
                    ST. GEORGE, MN Blue Book. Cop and 4 / (seen thru) binoc 10/21/1965 #19668  
 objects, one orange and the other blue giving off a luminescent light. He  11/9/1965 #19708  
ring nearby, one orange, the other blue. He hears voices from the UFOs in h 11/10/1965 #19711  
med Quigley sighted a flourescent, blue cluster of lights tinged orange on  11/23/1965 #19733  
    ST. PAUL, MN Many observer(s). Blue night lights all over/all about. Po 11/26/1965 #19735  
panied by observations of white or blue lights in the sky.                  11/26/1965 #19736  
Minnesota to the Wisconsin border, blue lights in the sky, power failures,  11/26/1965 #19737  
 objects flying overhead, emitting blue and orange flashes. Some reported t 11/26/1965 #19737  
elo do Quiejo. 2 saucers over sea. Blue lights / edge.                      12/7/1965 #19755  
search of this incident alive. The Blue Book report changed the name of Kec 12/9/1965 #19760  
mother Frances Kalp sees a wisp of blue smoke rising from the woods and ale 12/9/1965 #19762  
shaped UFOs, with the colors pink, blue, and white, were seen hovering over 1/6/1966 #19807  
        Chascomus, Arg Object with blue light beam observed flying away. Fl 1/9/1966 #19820  
 from their car. It was emitting a blue beam of light. After the object had 1/9/1966 #19821  
visory Board met to review Project Blue Book. Issued report dated "March 19 2/3/1966 #19877  
Ad Hoc Committee to Review Project Blue Book, headed by University of Roche 2/3/1966 #19879  
O cases. The group recommends that Blue Book “be strengthened to provide op 2/3/1966 #19879  
 value.” The group recommends that Blue Book data be given “wide unsolicite 2/3/1966 #19879  
, ME Luminous object flashing red, blue, and green lights lands in the wood 2/16/1966 #19905  
the woods. It showed flashing red, blue, and green lights. A second object  2/16/1966 #19906  
:30 p.m. The UFO had flashing red, blue, and green lights. A second object  2/16/1966 #19908  
lic-appearing circular object with blue lights in apparent portholes along  3/15/1966 #19970  
 "very huge pie" lighted with red, blue, and white lights spinning complete 3/17/1966 #19986  
T. Witnesses saw a bright flash of blue light, then a hovering oval UFO was 3/19/1966 #19994  
y rose about 1,000 feet, emitted a blue glow, then disappeared. Shortly aft 3/19/1966 #19994  
SAF / NASA man. Night light pulses blue and white. Erratic ascent. Going qu 3/20/1966 #20000  
ght, varying from white to intense blue (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 3/20/1966 #20006  
which varied from white to intense blue made a jerky ascent and then rapidl 3/20/1966 #20009  
unded top, corrugated surface, and blue, red, and white lights. Mannor’s so 3/20/1966 #20012  
                   FORT PIERCE, FL Blue Book. Glowing balloon too bright to 3/23/1966 #20035  
me on top that was glowing yellow, blue, and white. It had a bluish light a 3/23/1966 #20057  
          VICTORIA, TX Cops and 9. Blue glow = domed disk shape. Hovers / 5 3/24/1966 #20062  
hovered for an hour, flashing red, blue, green, and white lights (body ligh 3/27/1966 #20096  
 Police chief and more/others. Red blue and white night lights hover over t 3/28/1966 #20103  
t up by a scientific body to study Blue Book’s UFO files. He also writes to 3/28/1966 #20117  
olice in Linden, Michigan saw red, blue, and white lights hover over his to 3/28/1966 #20119  
ging from white to red to green to blue, and back to white. The object, cir 3/29/1966 #20133  
. The object then flipped on edge, blue flame was emitted from the protuber 3/29/1966 #20137  
ury occurred. The objects had red, blue and green flashing lights in a circ 3/29/1966 #20144  
ot close. The UFO changed color to blue, and then pursued their car for sev 3/30/1966 #20168  
Ford was dissatisfied with Project Blue Book and was seeking an independent 4/3/1966 #20214  
                         HAGUE, FL Blue Book Case #. Man tries / touch 2 Mx 4/4/1966 #20216  
ed Services Committee that Project Blue Book had “no radar cases which are  4/5/1966 #20253  
per month in its first year alone. Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hy 4/5/1966 #20253  
p of people on a picnic saw white, blue, and red lights in a wooded area, a 4/7/1966 #20265  
buzzing started again they saw two blue lights low in the sky, which were j 4/7/1966 #20271  
lights, with a line of 10-12 small blue lights below it. The lights abruptl 4/10/1966 #20281  
                    DORCHESTER, MA Blue Book. Power outage. Many observer(s 4/12/1966 #20286  
h bright red light on each end and blue lights along its perimeter was seen 4/16/1966 #20303  
ed lights affixed to each end, and blue lights along its length. At 10:44 p 4/16/1966 #20304  
 with dome on top, and red, green, blue, and white flashing body lights, wa 4/17/1966 #20313  
apidly and emitted white, red, and blue light beams as it descended to low  4/17/1966 #20314  
ject shot off beams of white, then blue, and finally red light. It moved ra 4/17/1966 #20320  
esses reported an oval object with blue glow, reddish- green flashing light 4/18/1966 #20326  
The perimeter of the object glowed blue. A dense light was seen hovering on 4/18/1966 #20333  
ding. There were intense, flashing blue, green, and red lights racing aroun 4/22/1966 #20380  
with red light. The object had two blue lights extending above the left end 4/23/1966 #20385  
uebook Case #unknown. Silent UFO / blue light / top dives at car. 2 observe 4/24/1966 #20396  
by, MA Silent object with a bright blue light on top dive within 100 ft of  4/24/1966 #20399  
 It appeared to be rotating, and a blue light pulsated around its rim. The  4/24/1966 #20401  
r car. It was silent, had a bright blue light on top, suddenly accelerated, 4/24/1966 #20403  
r car. It was silent, had a bright blue light on top, suddenly accelerated, 4/24/1966 #20407  
se Secretary Robert McNamara about Blue Book’s treatment of his constituent Late 4/1966 #20416  
orts were made that day to Project Blue Book from nearby Columbus, Ohio.    5/4/1966 #20449  
 and a yellow light at one end and blue light at the other, flew straight a 5/7/1966 #20458  
t had a yellow light at one end, a blue light at the other, and flew straig 5/7/1966 #20460  
nd level for 35 seconds. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     5/7/1966 #20460  
nilla with another critique of the Blue Book explanation. Even Hynek urges  5/17/1966 #20497  
                                   Blue River, British Columbia Jasper, Alb 5/22/1966 #20507  
 Alberta A witness driving between Blue River, British Columbia, and Jasper 5/22/1966 #20507  
B in Dayton, Ohio, and examine the Blue Book files. On his first visit, he  6/6/1966 #20535  
to the Air Force remains a Project Blue Book unexplained case.              6/8/1966 #20546  
with a dome on top, white, yellow, blue, and green flashing lights around t 6/11/1966 #20551  
 changed color (white to yellow to blue to green) as it accelerated.        6/11/1966 #20552  
nged color from white to yellow to blue to green as it accelerated.         6/11/1966 #20554  
with bright green, red, yellow and blue body lights descend behind some woo 6/27/1966 #20615  
                     Pentagon In a Blue Book briefing, Brig. Gen. William C 7/7/1966 #20634  
           ATLANTA, GA AND 26 JULY Blue Book. FAA men and cops and RADAR's. 7/23/1966 #20671  
Wright Field. This was not Project Blue Book but something else.  https://u 7/23/1966 #20673  
nged in sequence, orange to red to blue to green, and the object wobbled on 7/25/1966 #20681  
hanged color from orange to red to blue to green and back to orange.  Follo 7/25/1966 #20682  
nged in sequence, orange to red to blue to green and then back to orange, a 7/25/1966 #20685  
nd gives him a copy of outstanding Blue Book UFO reports, but the contact g 8/1/1966 #20717  
 a luminous object bearing red and blue lights on the lawn. It was about si 8/1/1966 #20720  
 for an investigation into Project Blue Book’s methods.                     Mid 8/1966 #20749  
lights flashing red and white, and blue (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 9/1/1966 #20831  
hed red and white and occasionally blue, travelled west, then disappeared d 9/1/1966 #20832  
hed red and white and occasionally blue, traveled west, and then disappeare 9/1/1966 #20833  
 off. At 9:25 p.m. a UFO with red, blue and white lights bobbed, hovered, d 9/7/1966 #20862  
o create a computer program to put Blue Book’s UFO reports into a machine-r 9/12/1966 #20873  
nd. It had flashing red, white and blue lights, and was dropping flares. It 9/18/1966 #20895  
cops and more. Large object darts. Blue beams. 2 night lights join. Going q 9/22/1966 #20912  
large object bobs around and emits blue light beams toward the ground, and  9/22/1966 #20915  
                 PEORIA, ILL Large blue object flies over car. Takes contro 9/24/1966 #20920  
, when they see a large, luminous, blue sphere hovering low in the sky. It  9/24/1966 #20923  
irlfriend off. On the way home the blue ball returns; his car begins to pic 9/24/1966 #20923  
gthy letter about UFOs and Project Blue Book is published in Science magazi 10/1966 #20944  
      TENBY, WALES 12+observer(s). Blue luminous/glowing cloud-cylinder/cig 10/8/1966 #20972  
  At 7:00 p.m. in Tenby, England a blue luminous cloud cigar circled, hover 10/8/1966 #20975  
w-orange disc-shaped object with a blue rim and a row of red lights just un 10/14/1966 #20998  
ght red night lights with string / blue lights between. Object unseen.      10/17/1966 #21012  
nd ordinary trousers, both a shiny blue color, came out, smiled at the witn 11/2/1966 #21069  
xion descends, wearing a topcoat (“blue and quite shiny, having a glistenin Early 11/1966 #21070  
g a glistening effect”) over shiny blue trousers. Without opening his mouth Early 11/1966 #21070  
nary trousers that were both shiny blue in color, came out. He smiled at th 11/2/1966 #21071  
dark gray or black disc, with red, blue, green, and white body lights aroun 11/18/1966 #21122  
t 5M dish-saucer hovers / hilltop. Blue stripe / rim. Away fast. No further 12/5/1966 #21185  
James E. McDonald and USAF Project Blue Book advisor J. Allen Hynek through 1967 #21240  
ect landed on road, man dressed in blue overalls exited craft (NICAP: 02 -  1/5/1967 #21257  
down from it, and a man dressed in blue coveralls "with something like a gl 1/5/1967 #21258  
down from it, and a man dressed in blue coveralls "with something like a gl 1/5/1967 #21261  
2 / car. Grey 9m x 2.5m ovoid with blue halo 8m over car. Going quickly sou 1/10/1967 #21280  
gray 30-foot long ovoid UFO with a blue halo flew only 25 feet above a car  1/10/1967 #21284  
, along with Col. Raymond Sleeper, Blue Book’s boss as Foreign Technology D 1/12/1967 #21290  
 on the ends of the "wings," and a blue light on top of the dome. A man sto 1/13/1967 #21300  
 They were described as silver and blue with a red ring. A beam of light pr 1/16/1967 #21323  
te-shaped object with red, yellow, blue, and white blinking lights, lost co 1/17/1967 #21332  
te-shaped object with red, yellow, blue and white blinking lights. He lost  1/17/1967 #21334  
 and many. 4-day wave. Object with blue and red and white lights. / r31p4.  1/18/1967 #21337  
e away. (Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archives; Fowl 1/18/1967 #21339  
 flat bottom, a dome on top, and a blue stripe. It hovered over an airport, 1/18/1967 #21340  
silver object with red, white, and blue pulsating body lights. It hovered f 1/21/1967 #21363  
 west. 2nd object west going east. Blue glowing all over/all about.         1/22/1967 #21364  
                       WINSTED, MN Blue Book. Truck malfunctions due to EME 1/25/1967 #21378  
 and ears. They wore sparkly, dark blue uniforms with a lighter blue "Sam B 1/25/1967 #21389  
 dark blue uniforms with a lighter blue "Sam Browne" strap. They had bulky  1/25/1967 #21389  
rew. He in turn handed her a thin, blue book containing their form of knowl 1/25/1967 #21389  
 has lights that alternate in red, blue, and green colors. After about 20 m 1/26/1967 #21399  
 the man as very tanned, wearing a blue coat, and a blue cap with a visor.  1/26/1967 #21402  
tanned, wearing a blue coat, and a blue cap with a visor. He was holding a  1/26/1967 #21402  
ritain Children observed "a little blue man with a tall hat and a beard" th 1/28/1967 #21408  
kes nearby, and Alex sees a little blue man about 3 feet tall with a high b 1/28/1967 #21409  
im glow envelops him, giving him a blue color. The other boys see it too. T 1/28/1967 #21409  
 school boys encountered a "little blue man" about three feet tall, wearing 1/28/1967 #21410  
heavy set with dark hair, piercing blue eyes and was also deeply tanned. Th 1/28/1967 #21411  
 northeast / 15 second(s). Intense blue light / entire length.              1/30/1967 #21413  
r 15 seconds. There was an intense blue light the entire length of the obje 1/30/1967 #21420  
en stopped above them giving off a blue beam of light; it went away, then c 2/2/1967 #21443  
bject with red flashing lights and blue lights (body lights) that flew very 2/6/1967 #21467  
t above the ground displaying red, blue, green, and white flashing lights.  2/6/1967 #21468  
 to a blood-red color, then a pale blue. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 2/7/1967 #21475  
Commission (AEC) nuclear facility. Blue beam going down. / r73p137.         2/10/1967 #21494  
ucer hovers over AEC facility with blue beam (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, 2/10/1967 #21502  
. At 3:42 a.m. an eight-meter wide blue disc was seen hovering very low ove 2/10/1967 #21507  
the dome and revolving red, green, blue, and amber lights at the bottom edg 2/12/1967 #21518  
s. The case is listed as a Project Blue "unknown."                          2/12/1967 #21524  
d oval object with red, green, and blue blinking lights (body lights). The  2/14/1967 #21547  
ittee Report, NICAP files; Project Blue Book files, National Archives; U.F. 2/17/1967 #21583  
                   GLASTONBURY, CT Blue Book. Noises / barn. Small humanoid 2/18/1967 #21588  
rims. The object was flashing red, blue, yellow, and white lights (body lig 2/20/1967 #21603  
ing green light on top with a hazy blue light preceding it. No structural f 2/25/1967 #21650  
blin Airport, Ireland. It gave off blue and yellow flashes.                 2/26/1967 #21662  
-saucer hovers over trees. Red and blue body lights. TV Radio Frequency Int 2/27/1967 #21667  
w a top-shaped object with red and blue body lights hovering over trees, re 2/27/1967 #21671  
ht oval with a tail, white on top, blue on bottom and later bright red. The 2/27/1967 #21673  
a wide top-shaped UFO with red and blue body lights at 7:05 p.m. local time 2/27/1967 #21678  
aped UFO that was white on top and blue on the bottom. They viewed it throu 2/27/1967 #21678  
eyhoe and reveals that none of the Blue Book cases have been spot-checked f 3/1967 #21696  
ing south. West / flashing red and blue lights.                             3/1/1967 #21704  
our bright domed objects, flashing blue and red lights, move south to north 3/1/1967 #21714  
his day. They had flashing red and blue lights. There were many witnesses.  3/1/1967 #21716  
motion. (Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NI 3/2/1967 #21724  
P files; Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NI 3/3/1967 #21743  
wn, turning from white to greenish blue, and following their car for 20 min 3/3/1967 #21745  
was turning from white to greenish blue, and followed their car for 20 minu 3/3/1967 #21749  
nd was reported. This is a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case. The entir 3/6/1967 #21778  
sing sound. This is also a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           3/6/1967 #21779  
. A couple saw a brilliant red and blue circular object that emitted a beam 3/8/1967 #21803  
imeter (green and red, plus white, blue, and yellow-orange). The object hov 3/8/1967 #21805  
r-shaped object with flashing red, blue, and green body lights. Something w 3/9/1967 #21833  
                     ROCHESTER, MN Blue Book. Inverted mushroom 10M / groun 3/12/1967 #21861  
AL, UT "Row of windows" beams down blue lights.                             3/12/1967 #21864  
an saw a red light that changed to blue as it moved slowly across the sky a 3/17/1967 #21911  
y light changing color from red to blue. The object seemed to follow their  3/17/1967 #21913  
. A second light, much fainter and blue in color, is following it. The seco Spring 1967 #21926  
, followed by a thread of rippling blue light. The thread breaks into 7–8 i Spring 1967 #21926  
 thread breaks into 7–8 individual blue lights, which exit in several direc Spring 1967 #21926  
y at high speed. This is a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.           3/22/1967 #21949  
d away. No further details. USAF / Blue Book report.                        3/29/1967 #22009  
away. (Air Force report in Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NI 3/29/1967 #22011  
by the road. The object gave off a blue and violet glow. It rapidly disappe 3/30/1967 #22017  
ld, emitting sparks the color of a blue mercury-vapor lamp. After the secon 3/30/1967 #22017  
p. 31; Air Force report in Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NI 3/31/1967 #22020  
ailroad/railway tracks and ground. Blue light / 4 rectangular windows. Red  4/3/1967 #22049  
nestown, PA Round object, flashing blue light, moved over car, tilted, sped 4/5/1967 #22059  
h, a man saw an obiect with bright blue light that moved slowly and hovered 4/5/1967 #22062  
H. Demler saw a ten-meter diameter blue disc making a humming sound like an 4/5/1967 #22068  
 or explanations’ that are made by Blue Book and the facts of the case.” He 4/6/1967 #22079  
n a most disturbing way by Project Blue Book investigators and their consul 4/6/1967 #22079  
                         HOUMA, LA Blue Book. 8 observer(s). CE2+RADAR conf 4/10/1967 #22100  
                       PHOENIX, AZ Blue Book-unidentified. 3 observer(s). S 4/12/1967 #22114  
 s turned, and flew away. (Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NI 4/12/1967 #22119  
ked, turned and flew away. Project Blue Book files, (E) National Archives,  4/12/1967 #22120  
r backs. The eighth UFOnaut wore a blue uniform and had no pack. They all h 4/13/1967 #22128  
heir backs, and one of them wore a blue colored uniform. They waved at the  4/15/1967 #22135  
g down [to] lighting up the woods. Blue undersides.                         4/27/1967 #22226  
reen Lake, WI Cone-shaped object w/blue underside come lower with oscillati 4/27/1967 #22231  
km away. It was concshaped, with a blue underside, and a top that changed f 4/27/1967 #22232  
r away. It was cone-shaped, with a blue underside, and a top that changed f 4/27/1967 #22237  
The UFO is enveloped in a striking blue light that gives the appearance of  5/1967 #22258  
/cylindrical object hole / ground. Blue powder in deep sloping cavities. /  5/5/1967 #22273  
, then saw an object with flashing blue, red, green, and yellow lights. The 5/9/1967 #22302  
, a depression was discovered, and blue powder was found in small trenches  5/9/1967 #22303  
e, a depression was discovered and blue powder was found in small trenches  5/9/1967 #22304  
, then saw an object with flashing blue, red, green, and yellow lights. The 5/9/1967 #22306  
TH WALES 15M metallic saucer glows blue quickly going down. Stops and darke 5/13/1967 #22331  
eter diameter metallic disc glowed blue. It shot up, stopped, and then dark 5/13/1967 #22338  
meters away. It changed color from blue to red to orange to blue. Both rear 5/14/1967 #22342  
olor from blue to red to orange to blue. Both rear tires of his car went fl 5/14/1967 #22342  
e foot tall man. The man had large blue eyes, red hair, and very large ears 5/15/1967 #22348  
ous red, saucer-shaped object with blue light that approached from the sout 5/31/1967 #22429  
brilliant red light with a smaller blue light beside it come toward her fro 5/31/1967 #22430  
ly bright red light with a smaller blue light on the bottom that approaches 5/31/1967 #22432  
brilliant red light with a smaller blue light beside it come towards her fr 5/31/1967 #22433  
power station, emitted a brilliant blue flash, and moved away. Two of the l 6/5/1967 #22465  
" He looked outside and saw bright blue, red, and black lights, and a stran 6/9/1967 #22484  
ve the town. They flash orange and blue lights alternately and make no soun 6/18/1967 #22519  
5. Small car signals / headlights. Blue cylinder/cigar-shape appears. Going 6/24/1967 #22537  
and a large object that was white, blue, green, and red colored (multicolor 6/24/1967 #22543  
a white floor, lighted by indirect blue white light. In a later session, he 6/25/1967 #22557  
nd one on the bottom, and a row of blue lights along the bottom.  Circled m 6/29/1967 #22572  
 had three red lights and a row of blue lights. The UFO followed their car  6/29/1967 #22575  
 the south and took off. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                     6/29/1967 #22575  
evolving lights of red, white, and blue, that hovered for 12 minutes (timed 7/7/1967 #22626  
" east going west / 6 minute(s). 2 blue lights / top. / LDLN#93.            7/10/1967 #22641  
w a domed object, the top gunmetal blue and the bottom the color of old lea 7/10/1967 #22644  
ir Force unexplained case, Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NI 7/10/1967 #22644  
h a dome, the top colored gunmetal blue, the bottom the color of old lead.  7/10/1967 #22645  
died. The top was colored gunmetal blue and the bottom was the color of lea 7/10/1967 #22646  
                        MAUMEE, OH Blue Book. Car hits UFO! 92% Mg fragment 7/13/1967 #22655  
times silver and sometimes red and blue, that descended suddenly, hovered m 7/29/1967 #22749  
d UFO about 110 feet long, glowing blue and white. It paces the ship for 15 7/30/1967 #22753  
rs the first object appears bright blue. A second independent observation f 7/30/1967 #22754  
g to the Boron AFS ADC radar site. Blue Book claims the date of the sightin 7/30/1967 #22754  
beams of light, one yellow and one blue, about 1,000 feet away from them on 8/3/1967 #22787  
ular windows. The ring was red and blue. (El Universal, Caracas, 8/20/67, 8 8/4/1967 #22796  
ing rim with triangular windows of blue and red. It ascends in a curve then 8/4/1967 #22804  
anges color from red to orange and blue as it paces the aircraft for 15 min 8/6/1967 #22831  
ea. The water begins to turn light blue, then whitish, yellowish, then bril 8/8/1967 #22847  
 couple in Grey Friars. It flashed blue lights all around its rim, and seem 8/9/1967 #22852  
e, England at 2:30 a.m. It flashed blue lights all around its rim, and seem 8/9/1967 #22853  
ife saw a bright white light and a blue glow with three vertical bands of l 8/25/1967 #22923  
s a red ball of flame trailed by a blue light at 3,000–4,000 feet. An inves 8/28/1967 #22943  
AFB in Ohio to look at the Project Blue Book files. They find cases stored  9/1967? #22970  
when he examines the statistics in Blue Book Special Report no. 14. Plus al 9/1967? #22970  
oving against the wind in a bright blue sky over Amherst, Massachusetts. Th 9/23/1967 #23123  
 saw a strange object in the clear blue sky for half an hour. It hovered fo 10/1967 #23153  
endent witnesses saw red, greenish blue, and white lights (body lights) app 10/2/1967 #23165  
eter. It carried a red, a greenish blue, and a bright white light. At times 10/2/1967 #23168  
 which changed colors from pink to blue to green. This turned out to be a b 10/3/1967 #23172  
 turned red, then violet, and then blue. Two minutes later there was anothe 10/4/1967 #23177  
rst one it too eventually faded to blue. The smaller lights on the "kite ta 10/4/1967 #23177  
ess, oblong room that was lit by a blue light from the floor. He was strapp 10/6/1967 #23187  
 off and disappeared emitting four blue flames as it departed.              10/10/1967 #23206  
                  LAKE CHARLES, LA Blue Book. 1 observer. Fireball flashes  10/18/1967 #23260  
rrower at one end, with a blinding blue light. Hovering near it were three  10/23/1967 #23292  
ver egg-shaped object with a light blue ring around the center. The object  10/23/1967 #23293  
ct hovered and then flew away, the blue ring changing color to bright pink  10/23/1967 #23293  
scillations and changes color from blue to green-white. It departs vertical 10/27/1967 #23351  
in (stopping when it stops), turns blue, picks up speed, turns green, then  10/27/1967 #23352  
in the air. It glows an iridescent blue.                                    10/30/1967 #23371  
as pulsating and was an iridescent blue. The car engine failed (EM effects) 10/31/1967 #23375  
                    At 9:30 p.m. a blue bell-shaped UFO directed an energy  10/31/1967 #23378  
    SAN JERONIMO, ARG 2 observers. Blue luminous saucer lands / pasture. Qu 11/3/1967 #23393  
ni and another man saw a luminous, blue, circular object land nearby, as th 11/3/1967 #23397  
eronimo, Argentina saw a luminous, blue, circular object land nearby as the 11/3/1967 #23398  
s white disk hovers / 3 minute(s). Blue and red sparks going down. Going qu 11/4/1967 #23399  
gh altitude object emitting a pale blue light over the city. First it looke 11/21/1967 #23490  
 landed object encased in a bright blue glow that was about five meters in  11/28/1967 #23517  
ng soft white light, and pulsating blue lights on each end (body lights). ( 12/6/1967 #23554  
ere two human-like figures wearing blue coveralls and black helmets and glo 1/6/1968 #23655  
TEROCKS, UT Saucer hovers. Dome is blue / hovers.. red at high-velocity. Ma 1/23/1968 #23687  
h, a woman named Chapman spotted a blue half dome-shaped object that moved  1/23/1968 #23690  
on AFB and send him copies of good Blue Book cases, since Quintanilla has s 2/14/1968 #23757  
 does send him a catalog of recent Blue Book cases and offers to help him o 2/23/1968 #23779  
vehicles under Projects Moon Dust, Blue Bly and UFO. That document distingu 3/1968 #23799  
 Argentina was flooded by a bright blue light at 12:45 a.m., and their TV s 3/3/1968 #23816  
ill / 6-knot winds. 1 orange and 1 blue.                                    3/16/1968 #23845  
e time ), yellow in the middle and blue at the back was observed for a few  Spring 1968 #23851  
, FR 1 observer / window. Luminous blue cylinder/cigar-shape hovers horizon 4/4/1968 #23890  
ion and changed colors from red to blue to green to white. They made no sou 4/10/1968 #23899  
hovered, blinking red to orange to blue, in Hamilton, Massachusetts at 10:1 4/12/1968 #23903  
                    HEYFIELD, AUST Blue dome beams lights. Whines. Car and  5/1/1968 #23937  
sest object was oval shaped with a blue glowing square on its underside. A  5/28/1968 #23991  
t a blond man, 2 m tall, wearing a blue, bright suit, and holding a paleblu 6/1968 #23998  
ot tall blond man dressed in a sky blue diver suit, holding a sky blue sphe 6/14/1968 #24032  
sky blue diver suit, holding a sky blue sphere in his left hand. On his rig 6/14/1968 #24032  
He is 6 feet tall and dressed in a blue helmet and a suit that glows with a 6/15/1968 #24039  
bserve a round object with a vivid blue light near El Choro, Poopó, Bolivia 6/15/1968 #24040  
served a round object with a vivid blue light. It landed, left a strange, p 6/16/1968 #24041  
served a round object with a vivid blue light. It landed, left a strange, p 6/16/1968 #24042  
he village like daylight. Emitting blue rays, it rose and disappeared. Vela 6/19/1968 #24051  
                      MENDAVIA, SP Blue green light rises / riverbank. Stra 7/1968 #24104  
nt in front of him. The being wore blue overalls, had long hair, and a brig 7/3/1968 #24140  
ed at the wrists & ankles." It was blue in color, with a hood over the head 7/8/1968 #24159  
as six feet tall, had red hair and blue eyes, and wore a one-piece coverall 7/9/1968 #24163  
E (electro-magnetic effects). Pale blue light. / r215p51+/ LDLN#97.         7/16/1968 #24180  
onal Police officers saw disc with blue light nearby, moving slowly. Flying 7/16/1968 #24182  
w close to ground, emitting a pale blue light. The object was described as  7/16/1968 #24183  
 the object began emitting a green blue light. It had a blue green stripe a 7/20/1968 #24194  
tting a green blue light. It had a blue green stripe around it and seemed t 7/20/1968 #24194  
BUDIS, CHILE 1 observer. Brilliant blue object zigzags and emits orange spa 7/23/1968 #24211  
downward. At 7:30 p.m. a brilliant blue object zigzagged through the sky ov 7/23/1968 #24215  
   CAVENAGO D'ADDA, ITL 3 workmen. Blue luminous disk lands by Addo River.  7/26/1968 #24232  
            LJUBLJANA, YUGO Silent blue object / 1500M altitude going quick 7/27/1968 #24238  
from its top. The cylinder has two blue ends and a transparent center throu 7/31/1968 #24271  
e another such "foot." It was dark blue but had a large central window, thr 7/31/1968 #24272  
ght a round flying object emitting blue and red lights was sighted in the s 8/9/1968 #24313  
enly there was a brilliant reddish blue flash and the whole scene disappear 8/12/1968 #24322  
language. The visitor is wearing a blue satiny cape, matching shoes, and a  8/25/1968 #24376  
en, about 30 feet wide and colored blue, white and red. It left a long trai 8/29/1968 #24401  
(s) temporarily paralyzed. Red and blue flashes. AOK after.                 8/31/1968 #24405  
/ 5 min. Yellow going quickly [to] blue. No small humanoids (or Greys.)     9/1968 #24412  
                 A brilliant royal blue ball of light with a whitish-yellow 9/2/1968 #24425  
Hynek has publicly accused Project Blue Book of shoddy science, and further 9/4/1968 #24427  
 asks Hynek to offer advice on how Blue Book could improve its scientific m 9/4/1968 #24427  
ll paces airliner. Lights interior blue. Zigzags.                           9/17/1968 #24472  
 Byrd sees an object flashing red, blue, and yellow lights on Hunter Road i 9/18/1968 #24479  
ficial satellites sighted a bright blue light source moving across the sky  9/29/1968 #24522  
sees four beings around it wearing blue tunics and red skirts. One is on th 10/2/1968 #24537  
n, about 5’5” tall, and dressed in blue knee-length robes, hoods, and brown 10/2/1968 #24538  
 extends a few feet, then stops. A blue light is at one end. The three larg 10/5/1968 #24544  
, then rapidly for 25 seconds. The blue light goes out, the arm retracts, t 10/5/1968 #24544  
int critique of everything Project Blue Book has done wrong: the project su 10/7/1968 #24548  
t. The UFO at first appears bright blue then changes first to a whitish-blu 10/18/1968 #24571  
 standing on end. At times a small blue light appeared underneath it. It bl 10/19/1968 #24576  
nterference (RFI). Night light. 14 Blue Book report(s).                     10/24/1968 #24581  
rthur J. Werlich, is designated as Blue Book liaison and he calls the repor 10/24/1968 #24587  
 crew debriefing. Werlich provides Blue Book with selected data through Oct 10/24/1968 #24587  
hrough October 31. On November 13, Blue Book chief Lt. Col. Hector Quintani 10/24/1968 #24587  
 clear signal to shut down Project Blue Book. Yet 30% of its cases are unex 10/31/1968 #24608  
udy “cannot be justified.” Project Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hy 11/15/1968 #24662  
e-red as object flew away. Project Blue Book files, National Archives, same 11/22/1968 #24681  
ns-shaped object surrounded with a blue glow, making a noise similar to tha 11/22/1968 #24684  
ns-shaped object surrounded with a blue glow, making a noise similar to tha 11/22/1968 #24685  
ns-shaped object surrounded with a blue glow land briefly in a field. It su 11/22/1968 #24690  
t as the lights change to blinking blue and white. Suddenly, the UFO stops  11/25/1968 #24704  
oing west parallel / US2. Red with blue aura. Separate observer(s) south /  12/16/1968 #24773  
et tall. The man wore a shiny dark blue or black loose fitting one-piece su 12/18/1968 #24779  
The object changes color, first to blue, then to red, then back to white, b 1/6/1969 #24821  
la as head of the moribund Project Blue Book.                               2/1969 #24887  
o rounded layers divided by a thin blue line. There are two flashing white  2/18/1969 #24928  
h “there was no doubt that Project Blue Book was finished.”                 3/1969 #24956  
tely 10,000 reports in the Project Blue Book files, he estimates that 1,000 3/3/1969 #24961  
. The object changes from red to a blue sphere surrounded by a red ring. He 3/4/1969 #24968  
g color from yellow to green, then blue, then purple, then back to green. T 3/11/1969 #24998  
ralls and the other in white, with blue helmets---were climbing toward the  3/19/1969 #25031  
 they saw a luminous object with a blue light hovering in the west. It had  3/22/1969 #25037  
–2 rocks per second. A “depressing blue glow” can be seen through a window  4/25/1969 #25090  
rior light that was "the brightest blue imaginable," and the bottom portion 4/25/1969 #25091  
. 15' silver ovoid 500M over town. Blue and orange rays.                    6/4/1969 (approximate) #25196  
l Hump Ridge in Gum Creek, while a blue UFO hovered over the range and late 6/4/1969 #25199  
e do Rio Preto, Brazil. It emitted blue and orange beams of light. At 8 p.m 6/4/1969 #25200  
               Docking, UK Glowing blue mushroom-shaped object hovered abou 6/19/1969 #25224  
etite, his skin temperature drops, blue spots appear on his skin, and his s 7/4/1969 #25251  
orange in color, and had two bent, blue and green legs. It appeared to land 7/4/1969 #25253  
of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil he saw a blue light which, when seen again some 2 8/19/1969 #25324  
rs ahead, now appeared as a bright blue inverted plate about 20 meters in d 8/19/1969 #25324  
OMANIA Many observer(s). Moon-size blue flashing disk / high altitude / one 10/1969 #25387  
 that the “continuation of Project Blue Book cannot be justified either on  10/20/1969 #25418  
anual 55-1 and are not part of the Blue Book system.” This is a clear indic 10/20/1969 #25418  
.” This is a clear indication that Blue Book is only a front for a classifi 10/20/1969 #25418  
utheast at treetop level. It had a blue glow that turned on and off, and it 11/29/1969 #25477  
, announced termination of Project Blue Book UFO study.                     12/17/1969 #25498  
nounces the termination of Project Blue Book, based on the Condon report, t 12/17/1969 #25501  
 repeats the Bolender wording that Blue Book “cannot be justified either on 12/17/1969 #25501  
interest of science.” Technically, Blue Book does not terminate until Janua 12/17/1969 #25501  
 terminate until January 30, 1970. Blue Book records are moved to Maxwell A 12/17/1969 #25501  
tgomery, Alabama 3:30 p.m. Project Blue Book’s doors close as its office is 1/30/1970 #25564  
-shaped object, glowing orange and blue, approached three observers at Ches 2/5/1970 #25574  
firmed. Country: USA Name: “Hod-C (Blue)” YieldMax: 20KT                    5/1/1970 #25650  
ng object, with its top an intense blue, and the bottom a neon yellow was n 6/2/1970 #25688  
out 5'9" tall and wore a one-piece blue coverall, the legs of which were tu 6/21/1970 #25704  
                                   BLUE DIAMOND, NV Ranchers. Brilliant nig 6/26/1970 #25708  
r. Circles house. Going up. Leaves blue mist. Dog affected. / r113p48.      6/29/1970 #25719  
n, oval-shaped object with a small blue inner ring descended at a 45-degree 6/29/1970 #25721  
server(s). Red-glowing saucer with blue edges. Many calls. No RADAR.        7/22/1970 #25744  
raft had orange, yellow, green and blue indigo lights. He could now see a l 8/15/1970 #25787  
ed container that contained a dark blue liquid, which he was told to drink. 8/15/1970 #25787  
stood a tall man dressed in a dark blue or black tight-fitting uniform. It  8/16/1970 #25791  
g a very small disc-shaped object, blue in color, land in some bushes near  8/19/1970 #25796  
ellow suit and the other four wore blue uniforms. They were seen installing 8/19/1970 #25796  
ince, Malaysia encountered a round blue object on the ground, and several t 8/20/1970 #25799  
s on his head. The other four wore blue uniforms. The leader pointed a weap 8/20/1970 #25799  
TH, NZ 2 observer(s). UFO glitters blue and yellow and white. Drops. Hovers 9/20/1970 #25843  
         SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA Silent blue object hovers / presidents house. A 9/22/1970 #25849  
shaped object. Its rim was a steel blue color. He had some lasting eye inju 10/29/1970 #25894  
 10M glowing-cloud / 20M altitude. Blue beams sideways 2X. Traces / ground. 2/19/1971 #26027  
 Jaffe / motorcycle. Vivid red and blue dumbbell chased / small plane. / MJ 2/28/1971 #26035  
ora. One night a brillant electric blue UFO flew right by the window of the 4/13/1971 #26068  
nterior light being "the brightest blue imaginable." The top portion of the 4/24/1971 #26081  
ile. All wore tight fitting, light blue sports shirts and dark trousers, an 5/8/1971 #26103  
 illuminated brilliant red, green, blue,and white lights around it on rim.  5/16/1971 #26114  
luminated by brilliant red, green, blue and white lights around its rim. It 5/16/1971 #26115  
AZIL Several separate observer(s). Blue glowing cone going quickly southwes 6/24/1971 #26187  
                                   Blue Diamond area, near Las Vegas, Nevad 6/26/1971 #26195  
gas, Nevada Four residents of the "Blue Diamond" area a few miles from Las  6/26/1971 #26195  
hester, England, when an “electric blue light” appears ahead and moves towa 6/29/1971 #26203  
es rapidly in color from orange to blue and to white. Suddenly a small stai 7/7/1971 #26211  
ed rapidly in color from orange to blue to white. It put down a small stair 7/7/1971 #26212  
QB Round twirling red objects with blue and green rays. / LDLN#129.         7/20/1971 #26239  
t sphere/orb/globe / low altitude. Blue windows going west. 5+7 August. Sta 7/27/1971 #26245  
with red tips, and surrounded by a blue haze.                               8/15/1971 #26286  
n old well. Many, perhaps over 50, blue uniformed men without headgear dise 9/11/1971 #26328  
t away. More than 50 “soldiers” in blue “uniforms” emerge. They march in fo 9/12/1971? #26330  
n old well. Many, perhaps over 50, blue uniformed men without headgear dise 9/12/1971 #26331  
haped like a child's top, metallic blue in color, and encased in a red glow 9/20/1971 #26354  
spikes. They carried vivid red and blue lights and moved in a stiff, mechan 9/22/1971 #26365  
ct with brightly lit portholes and blue beams of light shining on the roadw 10/16/1971 #26427  
re seen in sharp relief in a clear blue sky over Fengrun, China. They shot  10/28/1971 #26436  
uddenly illuminated with a mass of blue, red, and orange colors. Nine feet  11/2/1971 #26449  
d was illuminated from within by a blue light. A short humanoid, less than  12/20/1971 #26510  
like "half a ball" with orange and blue flashing lights. It came "directly  1/26/1972 #26556  
NGL Screech outside. Dog hides. 6' blue glowing-ball / 60' altitude follows 2/12/1972 #26575  
d hid. Later, a 6 foot in diameter blue fall of light followed a girl home  2/12/1972 #26577  
er station/depot/facility. Red and blue beams going down. Circles observer( 3/5/1972 #26589  
nd of luminous sphere giving off a blue light like that of a welding torch. 3/19/1972 #26617  
oducing a hum and casting off more blue sparks. Gradually the light and sou 3/19/1972 #26617  
at least four people saw a glowing blue sphere land. It rose giving off blu 3/19/1972 #26618  
ue sphere land. It rose giving off blue sparks and making a humming sound.  3/19/1972 #26618  
                           Project Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hy 5/1972 #26666  
advisor J. Allen Hynek writes that Blue Book was a “cover up” and that the  5/1972 #26666  
n.  Hynek also writes he suspected Blue Book was a “front” for a more class 5/1972 #26666  
 because for decades the USAF used Blue Book’s conclusions to debunk UAP to 5/1972 #26666  
 light about two meters in length. Blue protuberances came from the light.  6/9/1972 #26711  
olor of the object was a gun metal blue but after they watched it for a whi 6/26/1972 #26736  
re(s) / south-suits work / bottom. Blue beams. / MJ#291.                    7/1972 #26747  
a, Australia. The object is a huge blue disc that hovers above her car.     7/3/1972 #26757  
O was two meters in length and had blue protuberances. It disappeared, then 7/10/1972 #26790  
itness, a 37-year-old woman, saw a blue light from a saucer-shaped object n 7/25/1972 #26834  
ler, Texas. It had red, green, and blue lights on the underside. It maneuve 7/29/1972 #26846  
itting on the road with yellow and blue flashing lights. It took off rapidl 8/9/1972 #26890  
from his chest which went pink and blue," Mrs. Muthwa said. She estimated t 8/22/1972 #26949  
be an overturned bus, with a large blue light in the middle and smaller whi 8/28/1972 #26966  
et up in the air. It had green and blue hazy lights and a huge red flickeri 9/14/1972 #27002  
nt wore a very tight-fitting, dark blue one-piece garment. He noticed the u 9/21/1972 #27022  
did so by means of a solid beam of blue light. It somehow levitated or took 9/27/1972 #27036  
 tower. The object is giving off a blue, fluorescent glow that falls like a 10/8/1972 #27058  
more like a trapezoid) outlined in blue light. Observed suddenly for 3secon 10/14/1972 #27075  
n over two meters tall, who wore a blue coverall. The commander's name was  10/22/1972 #27085  
 secret analyses of UAP even after Blue Book ended; he stated he heard the  10/28/1972 #27098  
mbols resembling "S C Y" against a blue background. There was also a long i 12/30/1972 #27193  
any. 40 white objects with red and blue lights over lake. / r181p6+/ r28p5. 3/1/1973 #27320  
east 40 white objects with red and blue lights fly over Saylors Lake in Str 3/1/1973 #27324  
Round object with white lights and blue beams follows helicopter going [to] 3/6/1973 #27334  
 White light flashing from center. Blue at edges.                           3/27/1973 #27380  
ent to the balcony and saw the two blue, capsule shaped objects they had se 3/29/1973 #27390  
ish, the next red, and the third a blue or green hue. From the left side of 4/15/1973 #27431  
ed object that flashed from red to blue to white in a repeating cycle. He t 5/12/1973 #27481  
f headroom", was "wall papered" in blue green and covered with a pattern of 5/15/1973 #27492  
 and a wide belt with a very large blue buckle. His face and his hands, whi 5/16/1973 #27496  
       Springfield, MO 9:00 p.m. A blue cylindrical shaped UFO made a low s 5/19/1973 #27509  
                                 A blue cylindrical shaped UFO made a low s 5/19/1973 #27512  
BRZ Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Blue beams through car! Abduction. Brief 5/22/1973 #27516  
zil Oval object hovering overhead, blue light beam shone onto car, heat fel 5/22/1973 #27517  
ins to fail. Suddenly he notices a blue circle of light about 8 inches in d 5/22/1973 #27518  
 it is transparent. Then a beam of blue light shines on him from the top of 5/22/1973 #27518  
ck. Turning, he sees that a rod of blue light from the UFO is moving above  5/22/1973 #27518  
 patches of his skin turn purplish blue. Later, these spots turn yellow and 5/22/1973 #27518  
uck he saw it suddenly engulfed in blue flame, and in a matter of 30 minute 5/22/1973 #27520  
 the site spontaneously burst into blue flames and were likewise reduced to 5/22/1973 #27520  
ound spinning UFO with red, green, blue and purple lights buzzed a car with 5/23/1973 #27521  
ound spinning UFO with red, green, blue and purple lights buzzed a car with 5/23/1973 #27522  
en platform.  It was light silvery blue and shimmering, tapered like a tear 6/1973 #27543  
o the eye, the witnesses can see a blue band of light and an orange glow ex 6/28/1973 #27598  
iantly illuminated with orange and blue bands. There was a thrashing sound  6/28/1973 #27599  
ttage was being bathed in a strong blue light. Going outside, Jarmo saw a b 7/1/1973 #27610  
 light. Going outside, Jarmo saw a blue light "twice as big as a row boat"  7/1/1973 #27610  
nging colors from yellow to red to blue. It seemed to be round in shape.    7/6/1973 #27616  
 (33 feet) in diameter, emitting a blue glow. It had a dome on the upper pa 7/9/1973 #27625  
                    ANZIN, FR 3 3M blue metallic orbs hover over trees. Obs 7/11/1973 #27629  
nt bright sphere/orb/globe-saucer. Blue ball and electro-magnetic effect (E 7/17/1973 #27635  
r the highway changing colors from blue, to green, to red, to yellow, and t 8/4/1973 #27683  
hers. Silent saucer with red/green/blue lights going east. Back / 0515hrs.  8/30/1973 #27730  
 moved through the night, flashing blue, yellow, and green." (NICAP: 01 - D 8/30/1973 #27732  
den platform. Description: Silvery blue and shimmering, it tapered like a t 9/1973 #27735  
CHESTER, GA 2 cops. White UFO with blue lights makes abrupt turns. Flashes  9/4/1973 #27756  
rge circular room of a transparent blue color with two transparent doors at 9/26/1973 #27872  
ange lights that changed colors to blue, and red. A strange humanoid figure 9/30/1973 #27892  
jects "covered with red, green and blue lights" zooming about at tree-top l 10/10/1973 #27980  
 UFOs "covered with red, green and blue lights" reported in southwestern Oh 10/10/1973 #27984  
                    PASCAGOULA, MS Blue light. UFO opens. 2 abduction / rob 10/11/1973 #27989  
gh, glowing egg-shaped object with blue lights at its front hovering just a 10/11/1973 #27997  
 The craft had two windows and two blue lights, and made a buzzing sound. W 10/11/1973 #28005  
. Meanwhile, the buzzing sound and blue light resumed, and the craft rose s 10/11/1973 #28005  
ke a polygraph, but former Project Blue Book advisor J. Allen Hynek stated  10/11/1973 #28009  
dark curly hair and was dressed in blue jeans and a red plaid shirt, and he 10/14/1973 #28031  
encountered elliptical object with blue and orange body lights, legs, stand 10/15/1973 #28052  
                        EUPORA, MS Blue 50' UFO going down / highway. Car m 10/16/1973 #28069  
off car, saw a lighted object with blue, yellow, and gold rings around it m 10/16/1973 #28077  
ted that he was confronted with a. blue, oblong UFO that landed in front of 10/16/1973 #28081  
was naked but covered with a light blue blanket. Her wrists were bound to t 10/16/1973 #28089  
 Every piece of clothing was light blue in color. Throughout the episode no 10/16/1973 #28089  
e ground. Later, she saw a "little blue green thing" look in an open door.  10/16/1973 #28091  
ported that he was confronted by a blue, oblong UFO that landed in front of 10/16/1973 #28092  
ts were a fluorescent 'silvery and blue," in contrast to the three beings t 10/16/1973 #28093  
A 6 observer(s). 2 saucers hover / blue ridge area. Cylinder/cigar-shape se 10/17/1973 #28103  
ke inverted cups, and had greenish blue flashing lights. A catfish like cre 10/17/1973 #28140  
d away. Rotating red and white and blue lights.                             10/18/1973 #28156  
nd, NC A farm couple encountered a blue, oval UFO hovering near their mobil 10/19/1973 #28192  
5 feet in diameter, with white and blue lights around it. From the object's 10/19/1973 #28198  
dome on top and was glowing with a blue light. She called her husband on he 10/19/1973 #28199  
land, North Carolina encountered a blue, oval-shaped UFO hovering near thei 10/19/1973 #28201  
like hands. They all wore metallic blue coveralls with a white stripe down  10/20/1973 #28220  
       SUN CITY, AZ 2 observer(s). Blue object hovers / abandoned house. Ty 10/22/1973 #28230  
 east to going southeast overhead. Blue glow.                               10/22/1973 #28233  
No sound,15 secs. Dark object with blue and red lights and one intense whit 10/24/1973 #28264  
en he became aware of a yellow and blue light behind him, and three human-l 10/28/1973 #28311  
section is filled with alternating blue and gold rectangular lights. It app 11/1973 #28329  
             Bufkin, IN 10:40 p.m. Blue and green object with humming noise 11/1/1973 #28337  
he upper left. The red, green, and blue flashes come from somewhere near th 11/2/1973 #28352  
 10–15 minutes as it glows silvery blue with an occasional yellow-red pulsa 11/6/1973 #28375  
M over car / Trans-Canada Highway. Blue glow. Suddenly quickly going up [to 11/9/1973 #28396  
SP Several observer(s). Big bright blue saucer going south. Going east alon 11/10/1973 (approximate) #28399  
 ANGELES, CA 2 cops and 12. Bright blue ovoid quickly going down / 45° angl 11/12/1973 #28413  
North Carolina, 9 people watched a blue ovoid UFO that made the trees rustl 11/14/1973 #28421  
o seen by ground observers. It had blue and green flashing lights, and was  11/15/1973 #28425  
erver(s). 2 night lights / red and blue. 1 lands. 1 chases car. / Okla.City 11/16/1973 #28427  
t step and the door. A very bright blue flash of light shone briefly, bathi 11/18/1973 #28443  
llo's body. He understood that the blue light was part of a sterilization s 11/18/1973 #28443  
ight in the bottom center with two blue lights on the wings. It moved slowl 11/29/1973 #28482  
l of light changing from violet to blue to dark red. “When I got closer and 11/30/1973 #28490  
-shaped area with no lights, and a blue light on top. It went behind a hill 12/2/1973 #28509  
ts from the craft, which were red, blue, green and orange.                  12/6/1973 #28536  
ows of colored lights (red, green, blue, and white) rotated counterclockwis 12/10/1973 #28553  
 had 4 or 5 bars and small red and blue lights slowly flashing underneath e 12/11/1973 #28556  
                           Red and blue lights moved through the sky, stopp 12/19/1973 #28589  
 to white, and was surrounded by a blue haze.                               12/20/1973 #28594  
       WOLUWE ST. LAMBERT, BELGIUM Blue circular cloud with black center ov 12/28/1973 #28606  
ND MONTPELIER AND CEYRAS, FR Small blue ball going quickly south over City  12/28/1973 #28611  
nse by the USAF shows a film of a “Blue Room” rumored to be associated with 12/28/1973 #28612  
HIDBEY ISL., WA 1 observer. Bright blue sphere / low altitude. / Pt. Townse 12/30/1973 #28614  
TOWNSEND, WA 2 observer(s). Bright blue sphere/orb/globe over Puget Sound.  12/30/1973 #28617  
iew of the then unreleased Project Blue Book files at Maxwell AFB, Alabama, 1/1974 #28636  
RT, FR 4 / car. 2 luminous/glowing blue masses land / field. Shape unknown. 1/1/1974 #28638  
ow above their heads, with arcs of blue and green light encircling them. In 1/3/1974 #28641  
 which now pulses with an electric blue color, and departs.                 1/7/1974 #28660  
ct, which now pulsated an electric blue color on top. The three beings boar 1/7/1974 #28661  
e ground. Going outside people saw blue and orange lights floating in a cir 1/23/1974 #28693  
cording to one witness) a blinking blue light. The object is motionless for 1/23/1974 #28694  
. Running outside, many people saw blue and orange lights floating in a cir 1/23/1974 #28695  
ucer hovers / 800M altitude. Turns blue going south.                        2/3/1974 (approximate) #28733  
or objects surrounding them: three blue stationary lights, a red pulsating  2/14/1974 #28773  
 white panel hover / low altitude. Blue cloud / road. Car malfunctions due  2/27/1974 #28806  
 public to the findings of Project Blue Book, which concluded UAP were not  3/1974 #28831  
M light-beams 12M apart over hill. Blue halo all over/all about. / r30p464. 3/1/1974 #28837  
er a hill about 500 meters away. A blue glow illuminated the countryside. T 3/1/1974 #28841  
 going down / car and road. Leaves blue haze. / r113p51.                    3/27/1974 #28960  
ifting through files and papers. A blue light emanated from its helmet, and 4/1974 #28982  
 facility looking through files. A blue light emanated from its helmet and  4/1974 #28984  
type uniforms" and one wore a pale blue uniform. One of his examiners looke 5/26/1974 #29135  
e a triangular object with red and blue circular lights suspended beneath i Summer 1974 #29218  
IS, FR Dog howls. Orange disk with blue dome hovers / Hivline 300M / south. 7/1974 (approximate) #29235  
o rely on conclusions from Project Blue Book to debunk UAP, other elements  7/17/1974 #29267  
steeple / top". Maneuvers. Flashes blue lights. Contrails.                  7/22/1974 #29273  
church steeple on its top" flashed blue lights and gave off a white vapor t 7/22/1974 #29274  
 woods lights 2 men / road. Bright blue 9M ovoid passes.                    8/3/1974 #29305  
kin of sardines." They also had on blue colored goggles and dark belts. The 8/5/1974 #29311  
ying saucer-like objects with red, blue, white, and yellow body lights. (Co 8/11/1974 #29322  
car chased by ovoid. Car bathed in blue light. No further details.          8/12/1974 #29326  
jects displaying a blinding bright blue light approach, then buzz the car t 8/13/1974 #29340  
s. It extends three short legs and blue sparks leap up from the ground. The 8/16/1974 #29362  
h a blast of hot air, and gave off blue sparks during the process. An anima 8/16/1974 #29364  
op and others. Fast metallic red / blue sphere/orb/globe hovers and maneuve 9/15/1974 #29456  
                                 A blue, oval-shaped object paced a car in  10/27/1974 #29561  
ylon and sends out beams of green, blue, and red light.                     12/9/1974 #29634  
RDSBURG, NM 6 / jeep buzzed / UFO. Blue light beams examine. Similar on 6 J 12/21/1974 #29650  
f “Unknown” cases from the Project Blue Book files before they are withdraw 1/1975? #29684  
SBURG, NM 3 / car. Fireball shines blue light going down / parked car. Car  1/6/1975 #29727  
ar. As they drove away, they saw a blue glow behind a nearby hill. The batt 1/6/1975 #29729  
Erie in St. Thomas, Ontario when a blue light came and hovered over their c 1/10/1975 #29738  
Erie in St. Thomas, Ontario when a blue light came and hovered over their c 1/10/1975 #29739  
 Air Traffic Controllers and many. Blue green disk follows barium cloud exp 1/15/1975 #29749  
ess reported he and his wife saw a blue object with either beams of light c 2/9/1975 #29791  
within a mile of K-01, describes a blue object bobbing up and down. Radar a 2/17/1975 #29820  
s as flat black against the bright blue clear sky, was taken in Puerto Madr 2/18/1975 #29824  
tro-magnetic effects). Big saucer. Blue beam. Stripes found on car. Observe 2/19/1975 #29825  
y. The object gave off a brilliant blue luminescence and the witness felt a 2/19/1975 #29828  
e of the lake glowed a flourescent blue. The object then shot away to the n 2/26/1975 #29853  
                        US Project Blue Book files transferred from Maxwell 3/1975 #29860  
A Many observer(s). Huge brilliant blue / green rotating sphere/orb/globe.  3/18/1975 #29906  
Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama Blue Book files are withdrawn from publi 4/1975 #29930  
t Maxwell AFB, AL withdraw Project Blue Book files from public access. Some 4/1975 #29931  
fficer Godley. Saucer with red and blue and white lights. Zigzags. Only sau 4/3/1975 #29942  
ted a disc-shaped object with red, blue and white lights that zigzagged thr 4/3/1975 #29948  
ted a disc-shaped object with red, blue and white lights that zigzagged thr 4/3/1975 #29953  
a secret UAP study somewhere after Blue Book.  https://ufos-scientificresea 4/13/1975 #29985  
     TRAIRI, BRAZIL 2 observer(s). Blue domed disk on beach. Windows. 3 pse 5/1975 #30014  
ld woman, saw a 40 foot long, hazy blue metallic ovoid with tripod landing  8/10/1975 #30248  
n his car was engulfed by a bright blue light while at the same time his ca 8/13/1975 #30257  
mond and as big as a jetliner. Two blue beams come out from the sides. Dan  8/14/1975 #30270  
d only 35 feet away. A fluorescent blue light came from inside it. He walke 8/28/1975 #30315  
The top of the object is a vibrant blue green, the middle portion white, an 9/3/1975 #30340  
 mass of white light, with smaller blue lights inside, hung stationary over 10/3/1975 #30413  
 mass of white light, with smaller blue lights inside, hung stationary over 10/3/1975 #30414  
 the first and had red, green, and blue lights spinning on its rim. It hove 10/16/1975 #30431  
a heat wave and saw an oscillating blue light in the sky nearby. She manage 10/25/1975 #30468  
0 p.m. A local man was struck by a blue beam of light, reputedly from a dis 10/25/1975 #30469  
Some reported being paralyzed by a blue light. (Source: Charles Bowen, FSR, 10/25/1975 #30469  
a heat wave and saw an oscillating blue light in the sky nearby. ing in riv 10/25/1975 #30472  
iver felt burning, saw oscillating blue light in sky. Frightened, she took  10/25/1975 #30472  
ight increased intensity. When the blue light approached even closer she ra 10/25/1975 #30472  
e hour a local man was struck by a blue beam of light, reputedly from a dis 10/25/1975 #30472  
Some reported being paralyzed by a blue light.                              10/25/1975 #30472  
DE AMARANTE, BRZ Saucer zaps boy / blue ray. Near death. Wave and panic. /  10/27/1975 (approximate) #30480  
t away. Around its body are green, blue, and yellow lights that suddenly go 10/27/1975 #30486  
o the area. Security vehicles with blue flashing lights are converging from 10/27/1975 #30488  
 the pond, showing red, green, and blue lights. A smoke or fog then rose fr 10/27/1975 #30489  
s, causing panic. It shot beams of blue and orange toward the ground; it st 10/29/1975 #30513  
ut five feet tall, dressed in dark blue or black, emerge from a copse of wo 11/8/1975 #30584  
d. Immediately afterwards, a small blue car did exactly the same thing. Alt 11/8/1975 #30584  
, SOUTH YORKS 4 observer(s). Vivid blue night lights zigzags. Split and rej 11/18/1975 #30638  
                   QUEND PLAGE, FR Blue beam going up [to] 20M offshore. Fl 11/30/1975 #30676  
Force panel finishes reviewing the Blue Book files and turns over the sanit 12/1975 #30679  
ded, illuminated car interior with blue light; missing time, abduction, phy 1/6/1976 #30768  
ded, illuminated car interior with blue light. Missing time, abduction, phy 1/6/1976 #30769  
tretch below these, and a luminous blue dome is on top of the object. The U 1/6/1976 #30770  
 sits / ground. 2 40cm portholes / blue light.                              1/15/1976 #30788  
iameter, gold/silver in color with blue light on top, hole in the middle an 1/21/1976 #30802  
 reports 2 75' saucers / Pentagon. Blue lights on top etc.                  1/21/1976 #30803  
r, gold or silver in color, with a blue light on top, a hole in the middle, 1/21/1976 #30810  
ect with pulsating red, white, and blue lights.                             1/21/1976 #30810  
ent object with green, yellow, and blue lights 900 feet above his car befor 1/23/1976 #30815  
 p.m. Two domed objects, white and blue. (UFO 70 NIDS) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 2/8/1976 #30854  
 microfilming the redacted Project Blue Book files through the commercial f 2/19/1976 #30886  
 of Nashville. The being flashed a blue light at her before she sped away.  2/25/1976 #30903  
 drew even with the second being a blue light flashed across her face. She  2/25/1976 #30908  
fear, and she continued to watch a blue glow in her rear view mirror.       2/25/1976 #30908  
holes in the bottom out of which a blue light shone. Mr. T. estimated its s 3/5/1976 #30928  
gins manufacturing two flying Have Blue prototypes in Skunk Works Building  4/1976 #30971  
nge object, figures moving inside, blue flash, witness stunned; TV interfer 4/22/1976 #31008  
 orange-white light on top and six blue windows, landing gear. He could see 4/22/1976 #31011  
 the craft. When the UFO flashed a blue color his car's headlights, motor,  4/22/1976 #31011  
icly releases the redacted Project Blue Book paper files at its College Par Mid 5/1976 #31055  
 down [to] and lands / wheatfield. Blue light rotates / top.                5/19/1976 #31062  
ed objects spiral / zigzag. Strong blue lights and 3 red danglers.          6/25/1976 #31139  
ind a bush. He was wearing a shiny blue uniform. When the whistling sound b 7/5/1976 #31154  
mm microfilm with redacted Project Blue Book files.                         7/12/1976 #31160  
rway, and “the craft glowed bright blue, red, and orange and then took off. 8/16/1976 #31273  
11-year old sister awoke and saw a blue light outside her window.           8/25/1976 #31302  
iameter yellow glowing dome with a blue violet band around its base, and a  9/5/1976 #31346  
 were seen in the distance casting blue light beams down onto power lines,  9/10/1976 #31373  
anged to bright silver, then light blue. It grows blurry and fuzzy and fina 9/11/1976 #31376  
und, bright object with an intense blue glow passed only 12 feet over a car 9/17/1976 #31390  
th intense red, green, orange, and blue lights (in a diamond shape) so brig 9/18/1976 #31395  
rtugal. The oval object is glowing blue with a horizontal row of red and wh 9/19/1976 #31410  
s. The white light (reported to be blue by the tower) accelerated fast to t 9/19/1976 #31413  
e sky. He can see flashing red and blue lights between the pulsations. It i Autumn 1976 #31421  
MS 1 / car. Ovoid on legs on road! Blue and orange body lights. No further  10/15/1976 #31463  
ating and emitting red, green, and blue lights. Then it flew down towards R 10/28/1976 #31503  
old child. The being was wearing a blue gray cape with a white collar, and  10/30/1976 #31510  
 in front, two on the sides, and a blue light in the back, all blinking. On 11/10/1976 #31538  
ect with pulsating red, green, and blue lights, which stopped in the air an 11/12/1976 #31541  
51 in Nevada Lockheed’s first Have Blue demonstrator stealth aircraft, HB10 11/16/1976 #31554  
outhwest. At 2:00 a.m. an enormous blue violet ball of light flew over Mala 12/20/1976 #31627  
riangular or cone-shaped UFO, pale blue in color, flew from the north to th 12/20/1976 #31627  
 over Murcia. A huge ovoid object, blue violet in color, was also seen flyi 12/20/1976 #31627  
eview of and commentary on Project Blue Book records. It is largely ghostwr 1977 #31649  
he “classified sections of Project Blue Book.” He claims to have seen photo 1977 #31650  
at “classified sections of Project Blue Book.” Sheehan claims to see photos 1977 #31659  
true, this contradicts findings of Blue Book delivered to Congress and the  1977 #31659  
y saucer leaves (something behind) blue trail.                              1/5/1977 #31698  
was distinctly visible against the blue sky.                                1/16/1977 #31725  
 observer (same as Viamao). Bright blue ovoid seen briefly again.           1/29/1977 #31764  
ently 10–12 feet above the road. A blue light emerges from the object that  2/10/1977 #31807  
It is bright white with a green or blue center. For 2–3 minutes they can se 2/11/1977 #31810  
eports, case 1977-11, citing Monte Blue Skelton & Bob Pratt). (NICAP: 07 -  3/5/1977 #31860  
ing quickly north / 900M altitude. Blue contrails. / r26p77.                3/22/1977 #31925  
rmland, IN 5:40 AM. Snowy morning. Blue lights were ahead which lady though 3/23/1977 #31927  
front of her then suddenly 6 to 12 blue lights took up position 2 to 3 feet 3/23/1977 #31927  
ar. The car was illuminated with a blue light and static came on radio. (Wo 3/23/1977 #31927  
rmland, IN 5:40 AM. Snowy morning. Blue lights were ahead which lady though 3/23/1977 #31928  
front of her then suddenly 6 to 12 blue lights took up position 2 to 3 feet 3/23/1977 #31928  
s. The UFO has three outer red and blue lights and a sequential series of r 4/1/1977 #31938  
 periphery revolved yellow, green, blue, and red blinking lights. She heard 4/6/1977 #31953  
red lights / top and bottom. Row / blue / middle.                           4/7/1977 #31954  
 long brown hair and was wearing a blue top and dark pants, but it also wor 4/12/1977 #31974  
 long brown hair and was wearing a blue top and dark pants, but it also wor 4/12/1977 #31977  
OUVER, BC 2 weathermen. Orange and blue cylinder/cigar-shape with black por 4/18/1977 #31990  
n off their shift when they see a “blue flash” over the airport. It appears 4/18/1977 #31992  
that is orange on the top half and blue on the bottom half with dark portho 4/18/1977 #31992  
ish Columbia watched an orange and blue cigar-shaped UFO with black porthol 4/18/1977 #31994  
es flashing red, green, white, and blue lights located in circles around th 5/3/1977 #32051  
es a large silver sphere with many blue lights around its equator. The obje 5/3/1977 #32052  
       CHALLANS, FR 2M sphere with blue halo by railroad/railway bridge. Fo 5/6/1977 (approximate) #32062  
a two-meter sphere surrounded by a blue halo. It followed the witness as he 5/6/1977 #32065  
peared into the woods. It was dark blue in color and brighter than its surr 5/8/1977 #32074  
level going quickly south. Flashes blue. Drops red flares.                  5/15/1977 #32094  
r windows that flash on and off. A blue light zigzags near the object. It i 5/20/1977 #32116  
es in Detroit, Michigan, see three blue teardrop-shaped objects moving in a 5/26/1977 #32134  
reen" hovers just over road. Turns blue and flies away.                     6/9/1977 #32155  
lla, Spain at 11:30 p.m. It turned blue and flew away.                      6/9/1977 #32156  
e-dome saucer. Floodlight and thin blue beams hit 3 observer(s).            6/17/1977 #32169  
 to glow. Several rays or beams of blue light shoot from the UFO, striking  6/17/1977 #32172  
e their arms glowing with electric blue light. Movement is difficult—as in  6/17/1977 #32172  
tor. 3 50M UFO land / 5 legs each. Blue pseudo-human/entity exit. / r96#161 6/22/1977 #32184  
ges from red to green to purple to blue. Its lights go off, and as the witn 6/28/1977 #32203  
 to catch a bus. A bright greenish blue light appeared and swooped down fro 7/10/1977 #32256  
 to catch a bus. A bright greenish blue light appeared and swooped down fro 7/10/1977 #32257  
UFO. 2 more. Separate and regroup. Blue glow / (seen thru) binoculars hurts 7/12/1977 #32260  
 hand on his belt. Two red and two blue lights appeared on the backpack wit 7/12/1977 #32266  
light, with the arms of the spiral blue and greenish. The object is 60° in  7/26/1977 #32317  
re yellow, but some are reddish or blue. Occasionally the unidentified ligh 8/3/1977 #32353  
an odd triangular object with red, blue, and white lights. They drive towar 8/28/1977 #32433  
ht on the bottom and a green and a blue flashing light, plus several bright 8/31/1977 #32444  
ht on the bottom and a green and a blue flashing light, plus several bright 8/31/1977 #32447  
ome / saucer watch lady in garden. Blue light burns her hand.               9/1977 #32448  
n object like an elongated, bright blue candle. It moves toward him, making 9/4/1977 #32460  
 is.” He then turns into a flaming blue candle and vanishes upward in a fla 9/4/1977 #32460  
r/cigar-shape-fuselage shape glows blue. Follows road. Absolute(ly) silent. 9/7/1977 #32466  
to mirror-like sections from which blue flashes are emitted. They seem like 9/15/1977 #32484  
ightened, he started to run when a blue light beam lit up the area, and he  9/15/1977 #32485  
the center of the head, from which blue flashes were being emitted. The bei 9/15/1977 #32485  
 the object was airborne. A bright blue light came on, and he found himself 9/15/1977 #32485  
an orange ball, and then next to a blue ball beside which stood another ent 9/15/1977 #32485  
t too began melting, after turning blue. A UFO "factory" was displayed in a 9/15/1977 #32485  
TECHENSK, TOMSK, RUSSIA 1M gaseous blue form glows / night sky. White night 9/16/1977 #32488  
          PARKSTONE, UK 6M saucer. Blue beam going down. 2 silver-suit pseu 9/25/1977 (approximate) #32516  
 light. The figure also radiated a blue aura that at times would briefly tu 9/25/1977 #32519  
HWEST / WARMINSTER, WILTS 1 / car. Blue saucer lands / field-ditch. Search  10/28/1977 #32624  
   NEAR SONORA, CA 2 / car. Sudden blue fog. Car malfunctions due to EME (e 10/30/1977 #32635  
ar Sonora when suddenly a cloud of blue smoke engulfed their car. The car s 10/30/1977 #32636  
ar Sonora when suddenly a cloud of blue smoke engulfed their car. The car s 10/30/1977 #32637  
alifornia when suddenly a cloud of blue smoke engulfed their car. The car s 10/30/1977 #32640  
 until 5:30 a.m. On another boat a blue light was seen over the ship's mast 11/1/1977 #32652  
pper half red emitting very bright blue flashes of light, was observed over 11/1/1977 #32653  
ish-yellow light that was blinking blue that momentarily disappeared. When  11/1/1977 #32653  
., when he witnessed a very bright blue flying light at great distance, whi 11/3/1977 #32657  
buzzes car 4X. Fast 90° turn. Thin blue beam to 2nd object.                 11/20/1977 #32690  
-yellow lights in the sky emitting blue rays in all directions at 7:30 p.m. 11/28/1977 #32703  
ed toward witness, stopped, beamed blue light onto dead tree, which fluores 11/29/1977 #32705  
ed toward witness, stopped, beamed blue light onto dead tree, which fluores 11/29/1977 #32706  
ed toward witness, stopped, beamed blue light onto dead tree, which fluores 11/29/1977 #32707  
 200 feet of him, and it emitted a blue beam of light that hit a dead tree, 11/29/1977 #32708  
rea 52 Tonopah Test Range The Have Blue HB1001 stealth aircraft is tested f 12/1/1977 #32721  
ne intense headlight in front, 4–6 blue lights around the edges, and many r 12/1/1977 #32722  
ed light on top and many white and blue lights down both sides. He and his  12/6/1977 #32737  
ilation was discovered this day in Blue Springs, Missouri. A calf had been  12/13/1977 #32770  
Changes shape and color going [to] blue until invisible.                    12/23/1977 #32808  
ion walked back towards a metallic blue, saucer-shaped craft with a dome on 1/6/1978 #32856  
a bottom that reflected a greenish blue light. Its estimated distance was 4 1/23/1978 #32908  
aking no noise. It had steady red, blue, and yellow lights and as it headed 1/24/1978 #32911  
aking no noise. It had steady red, blue, and yellow lights and as it headed 1/24/1978 #32913  
wn hair and wears a dark suit with blue fur around her shoulders. She walks 1/31/1978 #32928  
own hair and wore a dark suit with blue fur around her shoulders and when s 1/31/1978 #32930  
       ERMINGTON, DEVON Woman sees blue shining shape / daylight. Abduction 2/1978 #32934  
en he sees a car-sized object with blue lights on front and back approachin 2/2/1978 #32946  
d loosely on the real-life Project Blue Book. The show is created by Jack W 2/19/1978 #32982  
described the UFO as spherical and blue in color.                           3/2/1978 #33011  
                      PELOTAS, BRZ Blue beam zaps man. Abduction. Sex / pse 3/3/1978 #33012  
 Round object / low altitude glows blue and red. Hums. Beeps and circles an 3/10/1978 #33024  
va, NC A round object with glowing blue and red lights was seen by several  3/10/1978 #33026  
0 p.m. a round object with glowing blue and red lights was seen by several  3/10/1978 #33027  
when they see a comet-like, bright blue object leaving a fiery trail plumme 3/11/1978 #33032  
                   SUMMERVILLE, SC Blue beam / silver 18M saucer. Man abduc 3/18/1978 #33051  
ng southwest / triangle formation. Blue and white. 10mph / 200'. Low hummin 3/22/1978 #33065  
 It changes colors repeatedly from blue to green to yellow to red.          3/22/1978 #33072  
            CINFAES, PORTUGAL Dark blue object north going quickly south ov 3/24/1978 #33075  
S, IN 2 large trucks / enveloped / blue light! Cars electro-magnetic effect 3/29/1978 #33094  
 front and two in the back. Then a blue light appeared between the two ligh 4/7/1978 #33131  
as accompanied by a beep, then the blue light stayed on. The object was abo 4/7/1978 #33131  
to reveal four revolving green and blue lights on the UFO, estimated to be  4/23/1978 #33159  
to reveal four revolving green and blue lights on the UFO, estimated to be  4/23/1978 #33160  
when a triangular object with red, blue, and white blinking lights hovers b 4/26/1978 #33172  
, ARG Squad / 40 saucers circles / blue haze. Seen / 3 days. / LDLN#177+#18 5/4/1978 #33186  
             Soon after a blinding blue light caused a road accident near V 5/4/1978 #33187  
 his eyes. It shoots out a beam of blue light similar to a camera flash, th 5/13/1978 #33202  
ry bright crimson red. Suddenly, a blue beam was directed toward him. The o 5/13/1978 #33205  
 NIGER Air Zaire DC-10 pilot. Dark blue flat "helicoidal" object. No furthe 5/19/1978 #33226  
hich was glowing yellow-white with blue, orange, green, and yellow lights r 5/24/1978 #33236  
hich was glowing yellow-white with blue, orange, green, and yellow lights r 5/24/1978 #33238  
  OPORTO, PORTUGAL 6 teens. Bright blue globe with red center flies over ci 6/8/1978 #33259  
 BOHAIN, FR 2 / car. Huge metallic blue egg-shape going quickly northeast t 6/25/1978 #33307  
 town they were chased by a bright blue light most of the way. Strange trac 7/11/1978 #33365  
 town they were chased by a bright blue light most of the way. Strange trac 7/11/1978 #33367  
. In the front of the helmet was a blue dimly lit area. Their faces inside  7/11/1978 #33368  
 2 / car buzzed by fireball. White blue and pink. Thunders and leaves (some 7/12/1978 #33370  
h a “silver banana” with a red and blue flashing light about a half-mile aw 7/27/1978 #33429  
 banana-shaped object with red and blue flashing lights at 10:45 p.m. The e 7/27/1978 #33430  
ing white, red, green, orange, and blue lights coming from Lake Michigan an 7/28/1978 #33436  
s of white, red, green, orange and blue colored lights, with one light at a 7/28/1978 #33438  
 white light with flashing red and blue lights hovering about 40 feet in th 8/7/1978 #33485  
shaped like a car fender with four blue lights moving toward her from the e 8/20/1978 #33532  
t 150–200 feet long with while and blue colors, two lights in front, and si 8/21/1978 #33537  
er and white edges, and giving off blue reflections, only 100 meters away f 8/22/1978 #33550  
umanoid, over 7' tall. Green hand, blue conical nails, long gloves, cylindr 9/6/1978 #33636  
A luminous UFO, giving off red and blue sparks, started to emit a high-pitc 9/6/1978 #33637  
 sees a green, claw-like hand with blue metallic nails. The tall being then 9/6/1978 #33638  
ng had green, claw-like hands with blue metallic nails. The being then pric 9/6/1978 #33640  
a luminous UFO, giving off red and blue sparks, started to emit a high-pitc 9/6/1978 #33642  
t at 9,000 feet altitude, emitting blue light rays; when overhead the light 9/9/1978 #33650  
emitted two very strong flashes of blue light, and then went away at great  9/9/1978 #33650  
hese beings were dressed in bright blue, one-piece suits, dark blue helmets 9/10/1978 #33657  
bright blue, one-piece suits, dark blue helmets, and high boots also bright 9/10/1978 #33657  
elmets, and high boots also bright blue in color; on their arms they wore s 9/10/1978 #33657  
Italy a cigar-shaped object with a blue trail of light behind it gave off i 9/14/1978 #33678  
Glassy saucer / dark dome shoots 7 blue beams. Lights area.                 9/18/1978 #33704  
.m., when they spotted a huge dark blue flying object that had an orange gl 9/20/1978 #33718  
low lights are below them, and one blue flashing light is seen briefly. It  9/27/1978 #33763  
herman, Texas. The object shoots a blue light at the witnesses, temporarily 10/30/1978 #33897  
he mostly successful tests of Have Blue aircraft at Tonopah Test Range in N 11/1/1978 #33908  
altitude. Passes overhead / 25mph. Blue lights / edges.                     11/2/1978 #33911  
s and has alternating and flashing blue and red lights near each window. Sh 11/7/1978 #33924  
r than a double-decker bus, with a blue flashing light on top, hovered over 11/20/1978 #33966  
 in the sky that shoots out bright blue rays. It moves off behind a hill, a 11/20/1978 #33967  
r than a double-decker bus, with a blue flashing light on top, hovered over 11/20/1978 #33968  
UDIN, FR 3+2 separate observer(s). Blue and orange and white object zigzags 11/23/1978 #33984  
                                   Blue Diamond Road, Las Vegas, NV Battle  11/27/1978 #34006  
ehicles. It had orange, green, and blue colored lights. Tire-like things ap 11/28/1978 #34021  
lashing UFO. At one time it shot a blue flame out of the front and the car  11/29/1978 #34023  
out. These men wore shiny metallic blue coveralls and all had very long, sm 12/6/1978 #34070  
e draft resolution. Former Project Blue Book consultants J. Allen Hynek and 12/8/1978 #34079  
tude. They gave off white, yellow, blue and red flashes of light, and were  12/10/1978 #34086  
r. Large object with 2 transparent blue domes circles and zigzags car. Hove 12/14/1978 #34116  
de. The object had two transparent blue lights and followed them to one of  12/14/1978 #34120  
de. The object had two transparent blue lights and followed them to one of  12/14/1978 #34130  
e 100 feet in diameter and had icy blue discs of light around the rim. A sn 12/17/1978 #34166  
tradict the conclusions of Project Blue Book given to Congress and the Amer 12/20/1978 #34186  
bserved in the western sky. It was blue and green in color, and spewed fier 12/21/1978 #34188  
FOs were radiating a bright, light blue light but made no sound. Power outa 12/21/1978 #34194  
sky in Santa Fe, Argentina. It was blue and green in color, and spewed fier 12/21/1978 #34194  
                           Project Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hy 1979 #34260  
0 p.m. for three minutes. It had a blue halo, and shot away very fast. (Sou 1/5/1979 #34299  
0 p.m. for three minutes. It had a blue halo, and shot away very fast.      1/5/1979 #34305  
 hovers near ground / 3 minute(s). Blue halo. Away / very fast. No further  1/6/1979 #34309  
 The being wore a silvery suit and blue boots, and apparently arrived in a  1/11/1979 #34331  
ge domed disk 300' away. Brilliant blue lights rotate.                      1/12/1979 #34332  
s spinning and gave off orange and blue lights. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 1/16/1979 #34347  
s spinning and gave off orange and blue lights. It stopped and changed dire 1/16/1979 #34349  
                       QUITMAN, TX Blue beam through wall! Hours / missing  1/17/1979 #34350  
tten out to relieve himself when a blue beam of light from the sky struck h 1/24/1979 #34374  
tten out to relieve himself when a blue beam of light from the sky struck h 1/24/1979 #34378  
t orange, fuzzy semi-circular with blue tints. It was seen just above the t 2/5/1979 #34407  
d to green to yellowand finally to blue while it flew in a horizontal strai 2/13/1979 #34421  
 light from top to bottom. Red and blue lights sparkle from its rim. After  3/1979 #34453  
ave lights that change from red to blue to orange and yellow. An electrical 5/9/1979 #34552  
him inside the craft by means of a blue beam of light. He then lost conscio 5/17/1979 #34566  
 a dome on top that emits electric blue sparks, a middle section, and a rim 5/19/1979 #34568  
going quickly east. Dome and small blue lights. Big news.                   5/22/1979 #34572  
utes, all the lights fade except a blue light. The UFO moves off and is gon 6/12/1979 #34610  
utes all the lights faded except a blue light. The UFO moved off and was go 6/12/1979 #34611  
ject with a dome on top emitting a blue beam of light into a nearby forest. 6/19/1979 #34621  
ndeveloped area. A red light and a blue light appear over the car, apparent 8/12/1979 #34740  
obe pulses 1 / second(s). Projects blue spikes / light. Shoots going up.    8/21/1979 #34765  
ine was distinct against the clear blue sky. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 9/9/1979 #34851  
and was distinct against the clear blue sky. Its angular size was about hal 9/9/1979 #34856  
color changed from red to white to blue. The UFO landed with a shrill sound 9/19/1979 #34902  
a shrill sound, giving off rays of blue and white light. At the landing sit 9/19/1979 #34902  
rove, Illinois, when a pear-shaped blue light, surrounded by a white haze,  9/20/1979 #34907  
At 5:30 a.m. a pear-shaped form of blue light engulfed an automobile being  9/20/1979 #34908  
 thin and human-like, wearing dark blue, loose fitting coveralls. Their eye 10/4/1979 #34941  
ension overcame him and an intense blue light appeared inside the room. It  10/6/1979 #34947  
nd. It glowed white with pulsating blue and red lights on either side. The  11/8/1979 #34987  
ds and changes to purple then pale blue and moves off.                      11/18/1979 #35006  
a circular object gave off intense blue flashes of light while it hovered o 11/27/1979 #35023  
tes revealing inverted top-saucer. Blue rays shoot going down.              11/29/1979 (approximate) #35024  
large glass cylinder filled with a blue liquid, inside of which floated a h 12/2/1979 #35040  
   VAROIS, FR Man / home. Metallic blue cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / low a 12/8/1979 #35059  
 other,” gray-metal above and dark blue below, with no lights or portholes. 12/9/1979 #35062  
ravac de la Cruz, Spain A UFO with blue lights and a light green hue approa 12/10/1979 #35065  
, Spain, at 10:00 p.m., a UFO with blue lights and a light green hue approa 12/10/1979 #35067  
d group / observer(s). Clam-saucer blue / top and red / bot. Mist / edge. T 12/26/1979 #35097  
s to UAP information after Project Blue Book.                               1980's? #35109  
sky, changing color from orange to blue to white, and making left-to-right  1/5/1980 #35125  
ng with two white lights in front, blue lights in two of the corners, and a 1/13/1980 #35133  
rners, and a red light between the blue ones. Three other witnesses come ou 1/13/1980 #35133  
angular object surrounded by light blue luminosity, with reddish hues, left 2/11/1980 #35172  
     BRIX, FR 1 observer. Luminous blue church-bell object going up and dow 2/20/1980 #35178  
e cigar-shaped object with red and blue lights along its length. The spotli 3/15/1980 #35218  
AYO, ZIMB 2 observer(s). Brilliant blue saucer hovers / low altitude / 10 m 5/12/1980 #35324  
wayo, Zimbabwe, Africa A brilliant blue disc hovered at a low altitude for  5/12/1980 #35325  
                       A brilliant blue disc hovered at a low altitude for  5/12/1980 #35326  
 lights on the sides and a red and blue light on the front and back. It is  10/19/1980 #35576  
G, SICHUAN, CH Silent saucer glows blue / edges. Going quickly west / 0.22° 10/25/1980 #35588  
e observer(s). Sphere with red and blue lights jumps and spirals. Going up. 10/28/1980 #35593  
med, but diaries written by former Blue Book contractor Jacques Vallée stat 11/17/1980 #35646  
                      Longmont, CO Blue beam engulfed car, swishing sound,  11/19/1980 #35657  
 hear a loud “whish” and a beam of blue light strikes their car. Their head 11/19/1980 #35659  
nd his wife encountered an intense blue beam of light and felt the rear whe 11/19/1980 #35660  
ghts that change color from red to blue to green moving quickly north to so 12/4/1980 #35698  
point up from mountain peak. Emits blue beams. / r120p217.                  12/14/1980 #35713  
ich was only entered or existed by blue, officially marked USAF vehicles; l 12/14/1980 #35716  
sing red light on top and banks of blue lights underneath. Approx. 2–3 mete 12/27/1980 #35738  
NEAR LANZHOU, CHINA 2 observer(s). Blue delta/triangle/box-like craft rotat 12/27/1980 #35741  
ith a red light on top and several blue lights underneath. It was surrounde 12/27/1980 #35748  
s escort for UFO are known as the “BLUE BOYS”. The Texas Department of Publ 12/29/1980 #35752  
d grayish skin. They wore metallic blue coverall uniforms with an insignia  2/10/1981 #35823  
 from his hut he saw a "beautiful" blue light hovering over a field about 2 2/18/1981 #35831  
 from his hut he saw a "beautiful" blue light hovering over a field about 2 2/18/1981 #35832  
re helmets and tight fitting, dark blue outfits. During the incident some n 2/18/1981 #35832  
r some trees giving off a pink and blue aura. It had brilliant square headl 2/19/1981 #35837  
 brilliant square headlights and a blue light underneath. It made a deep, l 2/19/1981 #35837  
ing orange front end, and having a blue ring perpendicular to the craft. Th 4/8/1981 #35888  
 triangular object with additional blue and yellow lights on the underside. 4/15/1981 #35899  
Circles ship / 15 minute(s). Glows blue. Dives. Electro-magnetic effect (EM 4/17/1981 #35902  
im. Earl Jr. sees dozens of green, blue, and red lights buzzing in the sout 5/5/1981 #35931  
wn skin beings with slanted bright blue eyes straight noses and bushy eyebr 5/14/1981 #35936  
skinned beings with slanted bright blue eyes, straight noses, and bushy eye 5/14/1981 #35937  
 dark, shoulder-length hair, vivid blue eyes and extremely white skin. They 7/15/1981 #36008  
le east going quickly west. Shoots blue rays. Same back / 1810h / 24 July.  7/23/1981 #36024  
/ HECTOR, ARK 2 observer(s). Vivid blue bulb-balloon shape going southeast  9/20/1981 #36132  
as given up trying to get into the BLUE ROOM at Wright-Patterson AFB where  10/19/1981 #36178  
 acquiring access to the so-called blue room at Wright-Patterson…. this thi 10/19/1981 #36179  
ops. West going quickly east. Weak blue glow. Photographs.                  11/21/1981 #36225  
r wide red disc, giving off a weak blue glow, flew at treetop level west of 11/21/1981 #36226  
r wide red disc, giving off a weak blue glow, flew at treetop level west of 11/21/1981 #36227  
 four colored lights—a row of red, blue, green, and amber lights—at the bas 11/24/1981 #36232  
four colored lights--a row of red, blue, green, and amber lights--at the ba 11/24/1981 #36233  
aped object with rows of amber and blue body lights and two huge white ligh 1/31/1982 #36317  
 disc shaped and had flashing red, blue, orange, yellow and white lights. T 2/8/1982 #36328  
 Karelia, Russia. The glow is pale blue and is shaped like a cloud, inside  2/19/1982 #36356  
s with USAF Projects Moon Dust and Blue Fly with OES and the Bureau of Inte 2/25/1982 #36370  
R HELLIFIELD, NORTH YORKS 1 / car. Blue lights. Car lifted? Cold sensation. 3/4/1982 #36375  
lifield, England was surrounded by blue lights and levitated up into the ai 3/4/1982 #36376  
lifield, England was surrounded by blue lights and levitated up into the ai 3/4/1982 #36378  
oup flew fast. At 21:30 a luminous blue domed disc appeared over some woods 3/13/1982 #36389  
, INDIA Separate observer(s). Thin blue cylinder/cylindrical object going w 3/18/1982 #36397  
Kentucky. The disc had red, green, blue, and white lights around its base,  3/18/1982 #36399  
 in 1982. The disc had red, green, blue, and white lights around its base,  3/18/1982 #36400  
tial neighborhood and saw a bright blue domed disc-shaped object land next  4/3/1982 #36432  
he looks outside and sees a bright blue, domed, disc-shaped object land nex 4/3/1982 #36433  
n lands a second time. The UFO has blue lights around the rim and is only a 4/3/1982 #36433  
d is only about 150 feet away. The blue lights illuminate the area as brigh 4/3/1982 #36433  
receive calls of power outages and blue flashes at the same time.           4/3/1982 #36433  
tial neighborhood and saw a bright blue domed disc-shaped object land next  4/3/1982 #36434  
 landed a second time. The UFO had blue lights around the rim, and was only 4/3/1982 #36434  
 was only about 50 yards away. The blue light from the object illuminated t 4/3/1982 #36434  
eceived calls of power outages and blue flashes at the same time.           4/3/1982 #36434  
e Base. The object had a turquoise blue light on top and portholes. It flew 4/29/1982 #36456  
40 p.m. The object had a turquoise blue light on top and portholes. It flew 4/29/1982 #36457  
ower section. The object emitted a blue beam of light and came around to th 5/20/1982 #36476  
 around the lower part. It emitted blue beam of light at front of car. They 5/20/1982 #36477  
agnetic effects). 30M object hid / blue haze. Hiss and sparks / wire fence. 7/6/1982 #36530  
ut six feet tall, who were wearing blue, tight-fitting coveralls with holes 11/29/1982 #36702  
e feet tall, and wearing brilliant blue coveralls. They approached him, hol 11/30/1982 #36703  
 of 50 lights with amber, red, and blue colors.                             2/26/1983 #36771  
ts with the colors amber, red, and blue.                                    2/26/1983 #36772  
 busy. The object is round and has blue, yellow, red, and white lights flic Spring 1983 #36790  
stantly, and it is surrounded by a blue halo. A narrow beam of light descen 3/23/1983 #36793  
ge, boomerang-shaped UFO with red, blue, and green lights. Police in the ne 3/24/1983 #36807  
sc-shaped object with a black top, blue sides, square windows, and a reddis 5/23/1983 #36863  
sc-shaped object with a black top, blue sides, square windows, and a reddis 5/23/1983 #36864  
sc-shaped object with a black top, blue sides, square windows, and a reddis 5/23/1983 #36866  
d, dark cigar-like in shape with a blue haze around it (NICAP: 02 - Close E 7/6/1983 #36903  
n of lights that are flashing red, blue, and green. The lights appear to be 7/12/1983 #36909  
ring high in the sky. 20–30 bright blue, red, orange, and green lights movi 7/12/1983 #36909  
ullet hovers / 300M altitude. Hazy blue halo. Going quickly southeast.      7/29/1983 #36926  
MORE/OTHERS 9 amateur astronomers. Blue ovoid stops / 200K' altitude. Small 10/3/1983 #36991  
ine amateur astronomers sighted at blue ovoid object orbited by smaller obj 10/3/1983 #36994  
ine amateur astronomers sighted at blue ovoid object orbited by smaller obj 10/3/1983 #36996  
 of them white, but others pink or blue. As the car passes it at a slow spe 1/8/1984 #37113  
            BEAVERTON, OR 4 / car. Blue night light zaps yellow fireball. D 4/20/1984 #37277  
“fast red thing” shoots out of the blue object and knocks the yellow object 4/20/1984 #37278  
und. Two other objects, yellow and blue, appear with the blue object chasin 4/20/1984 #37278  
, yellow and blue, appear with the blue object chasing and apparently shoot 4/20/1984 #37278  
ooting down the yellow object. The blue object then climbs at a high speed  4/20/1984 #37278  
ing an aerial "dogfight" between a blue UFO and a yellow UFO at 10:04 p.m.  4/20/1984 #37279  
and a yellow UFO at 10:04 p.m. The blue UFO zapped the yellow fireball with 4/20/1984 #37279  
te because its light went out. The blue object then shot straight up.       4/20/1984 #37279  
nd constantly changing colors from blue to green to pink. Soon it emits a l 4/26/1984 #37302  
f a red light and the lower part a blue light, and it hovers above the truc 5/5/1984 #37318  
ng. All lights simultaneously turn blue and then it makes a tight 180-degre 5/31/1984 #37348  
. All lights simultaneously turned blue, and then made a tight 180-degree t 5/31/1984 #37349  
rst flash yellow, then white, then blue. Far to the rear is a blinking red  7/24/1984 #37412  
ghts oscillating yellow, white and blue. The plant’s movement sensors and a 7/24/1984 #37416  
ist saw a UFO with red, green, and blue flashing lights apparently land on  8/14/1984 #37433  
ntity about 4 feet tall, wearing a blue helmet on its head and carrying a b 10/8/1984 #37480  
 helmet on its head and carrying a blue box on its back that features tubes 10/8/1984 #37480  
 Rapids, MN Diamond-shaped object, blue & white. One humanoid four feet tal 10/24/1984 #37492  
l beings entered the house wearing blue uniforms and domed helmets. The wit 3/1/1985 #37564  
cted, and remembers being inside a blue shaft of light.                     3/1/1985 #37564  
 and were wearing what looked like blue ski suits. The female was about fiv 5/9/1985 #37589  
                  GRETNA, TASMANIA Blue night lights exit landing 20M bulle 7/1985 #37612  
 New York. He remembered fog and a blue light before the missing time exper 10/5/1985 #37673  
delta/triangle/box-like craft with blue lights covers 2 soccer fields!      11/12/1985 #37702  
 of a Boeing 747, with white, red, blue, and green lights. It moves low thr 1/9/1986 #37762  
 of a Boeing 747, with white, red, blue and green lights as it moved low th 1/9/1986 #37763  
p and sloping sides with a red and blue light on the lower left. The object 2/8/1986 #37783  
e but also red, yellow, green, and blue. A dark mass behind the lights blot 3/26/1986 #37811  
t of the road. They have white and blue lights. After hovering for 20 secon 4/22/1986 #37834  
onsultant to the Air Force Project Blue Book for many years, and founder of 4/27/1986 #37847  
er(s). Small sphere/orb/globe with blue ring / underside. Ring brightens wh 5/25/1986 #37894  
   Two persons observed three deep blue colored objects flying in a triangu 6/12/1986 #37909  
comes a disc-shaped, domed object, blue in color and luminescent. They see  8/15/1986 #37992  
no, Italy a witness saw a luminous blue, domed disc-shaped UFO land, then h 8/15/1986 #37993  
n view for 15 seconds. It had red, blue and green lights. It turned south,  9/6/1986 #38017  
A officer Christopher (Kit) Green (Blue Jay), Defense Intelligence Agency o Fall 1986 #38034  
 bodies that were brightly lit and blue in color. The formation descended t 11/3/1986 #38059  
k disc, 26 feet in diameter with a blue dome, fly over their car. The car s 11/16/1986 #38067  
r configuration of red, white, and blue blinking lights that remain station 1/15/1987 #38099  
 see a “close-knit cluster of red, blue, and white lights.” After 15 minute 1/15/1987 #38099  
ht ovoid over homes. Glows red and blue. Tapered structure / rear. No furth 1/21/1987 #38100  
     GIG HARBOR, WA 3 observer(s). Blue ovoid hovers over houses. Then goes 1/23/1987 #38102  
         Three witnesses watched a blue ovoid object hover over houses in G 1/23/1987 #38103  
side the craft. One was dressed in blue and the other in white. The witness 1/29/1987 #38106  
er with red flashing lights. Turns blue. Emits sparks.                      2/3/1987 #38110  
 red light is also visible, then a blue light. As he continues to walk, the 2/6/1987 #38113  
rom left to right, red, white, and blue lights flash. A short gray trail of 2/6/1987 #38113  
rate observer(s). 600' object with blue lights and ovoid clouds around it.  3/17/1987 #38145  
angular pattern of red, white, and blue flashing lights from the police sta 3/20/1987 #38150  
tion with multiple orange, red and blue lights. It was described as being v 8/18/1987 #38247  
ltitude. It had two rows of steady blue lights on the underside, with 11 li 9/14/1987 #38288  
, Indiana when he noticed a bright blue light behind him. Within seconds th 9/24/1987 #38294  
ae, and multicolored (red, orange, blue and green) lights on the rim. There 9/24/1987 #38294  
hts on the rim. There was a bright blue light in the center of the bottom d 9/24/1987 #38294  
s crown-saucer. Mr. Ed lifted 1m / blue beam. Also 8 separate report(s). /  11/11/1987 #38319  
above him, and Walters is hit by a blue beam that paralyzes him and lifts h 11/11/1987 #38322  
ture, and was suddenly struck by a blue beam of light. He was unable to mov 12/2/1987 #38348  
ottom. He could also see a beam of blue light shining down from it onto the 12/2/1987 #38348  
 SWD 2 observer(s). 6 x8M metallic blue sphere / treetops. Lightning / bott 12/31/1987 #38380  
Thin pencil-shaped object. Red and blue running lights. No further details. 1/4/1988 #38401  
in, pencil-shaped UFO with red and blue running lights was sighted in Selby 1/4/1988 #38404  
e object next began rotating and a blue beam of light appeared under it. Th 1/12/1988 #38411  
and hovers and maneuvers / NAS. 15 blue lights pulse / edge.                1/21/1988 #38425  
hey see a white light with red and blue flashes. They watch it maneuvering  1/21/1988 #38427  
can still see the UFO with red and blue blinking lights along the bottom ed 3/4/1988 #38487  
e ellipse flashes a series of red, blue, and yellow lights, and the light a 3/4/1988 #38487  
r and teen. Silent saucer rotates. Blue light through windows. Hovers and a 3/11/1988 #38497  
/ US98. Saucer stays ahead of van. Blue beam going down / road. Planes circ 4/28/1988 #38546  
just ahead of the van and beamed a blue beam down onto the road. At the sam 4/28/1988 #38547  
          SAKHARNAYA, DALNY Silent blue sphere / 600M altitude. Going quick 5/7/1988 #38556  
                   At 10:30 p.m. a blue sphere was seen at 600 meters altit 5/7/1988 #38558  
late on this evening, he noticed a blue light shining through the kitchen w 5/21/1988 #38574  
vering object that glowed a bright blue from its bottom. It hovered silentl 5/21/1988 #38574  
m whether the story about a secret Blue Room at Wright-Patterson AFB is tru 10/13/1988 #38671  
 more rounded eyes, white skin and blue uniforms; inside of aliens had gree 1/1989 #38772  
elle Stevens which details Project Blue Book officials J. Allen Hynek and L 1/1989 #38773  
 large objects had red, white, and blue lights. They hovered and moved slow 1/24/1989 #38800  
e hovers 3M over backyard. Red and blue lights pulse. / r96#302.            2/7/1989 #38819  
served a small sphere with red and blue lights hovering only 3 meters over  2/7/1989 #38821  
X 1 observer. Humming. Saucer with blue beam puts out street light. Firetru 2/11/1989 #38834  
-shaped disc that emitted a strong blue beam of light. The beam of light ex 2/11/1989 #38836  
tion, and a black bottom with many blue lights underneath (see sketch below 4/22/1989 #38921  
and had been greeted by a man in a blue coverall. She was then taken to a r 5/1/1989 #38933  
 flying wing with red, yellow, and blue lights in back and a blinking red l 5/4/1989 #38936  
 light turned off it looked like a blue boomerang.                          5/4/1989 #38936  
 loud humming sound and a burst of blue flame. They were reports of electri 5/10/1989 #38943  
  Note: On 6 January 1967, Project Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hy 6/1989 #38972  
military radar UAP case in Project Blue Book files is a NORAD case because  6/1989 #38972  
                                   BLUE HILL BAY, ME 2 pilots. Huge metalli 7/22/1989 #39027  
                                   Blue Hill Bay, ME Obj hov/darted around  7/22/1989 #39028  
                                   Blue Hill Bay, ME Private pilot saw shin 7/22/1989 #39029  
               Trenton, Maine over Blue Hill Bay -- At 3:30 p.m. Randy Rhod 7/22/1989 #39030  
 average height with fair skin and blue eyes. He was wearing a silvery cove 9/27/1989 #39125  
    At 11:55 p.m. a man observed a blue, teardrop or football-shaped light  11/3/1989 #39213  
wakes up to the sight of a strange blue light shining through the curtains. 11/20/1989 #39241  
the bright light and observes four blue objects over the other couple’s hou 11/20/1989 #39241  
ar ground. White lights / ends and blue / top. 3 portholes. Rises fast.     12/10/1989 #39307  
had white lights on the ends and a blue light on top, and 3 portholes. The  12/10/1989 #39308  
all lights are changing color from blue to red and back. The object is meta 12/12/1989 #39315  
 effectively equivalent to Project Blue Book unknowns—high-strangeness UFOs 1990 #39348  
 late 1960s/early 1970s on Project Blue Heaven. The source states a flying  1990 #39358  
ored lights (red, white, green and blue), and a beam of light that shone to 1/12/1990 #39376  
H BAY, AK Flying wing with red and blue lights and spotlight. Red night lig 1/22/1990 #39386  
90 a super large craft with bright blue lights around its perimeter was rep 1/28/1990 #39393  
t also had a row of red, green and blue lights that flashed in unison.      2/5/1990 #39411  
appears. Voice = "have no fear..". Blue beams..                             2/18/1990 #39421  
ed to run, too but was struck by a blue ray of light which paralyzed her. S 2/18/1990 #39422  
saw a multicolored (green, red and blue) UFO wobbling in sky, and they watc 5/3/1990 #39551  
an-like entities with blonde hair, blue eyes, and white robes who are appar 6/1990 #39604  
the buckle, which changed color to blue, the inside to the buckle was black 7/29/1990 #39667  
d object / low altitude. White and blue lights and red light below.         8/3/1990 #39677  
had what appeared to be very kind, blue eyes. The alien was dressed in a lo 9/13/1990 #39731  
, OR Coyotes spooked by descending blue white light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Rea 10/1990 #39755  
ST. MARCEL, FR 1 observer. Intense blue ball shoots sparks / all directions 10/21/1990 #39801  
AN, FR 1 observer. Intense white / blue fireball low and slow. Goes over ho 10/21/1990 #39802  
dlights directed at her. A smaller blue light is between the two white ones 10/23/1990 #39806  
                 ROSKILDE, DK Huge blue hemisphere over town / 4 minute(s). 10/24/1990 #39808  
arge round objects, each with five blue lights and several white lights aro 11/5/1990 #39867  
orth. White lights / sides. Spins. Blue beam going down.                    11/15/1990? #39891  
the rim was spinning. It emitted a blue beam of light.                      11/15/1990 #39892  
right light split into a number of blue and white objects, which flew south 11/24/1990 #39905  
  CAJAZEIRAS, BRZ Man / bike. Huge blue light overhead. Observer(s) paralyz 3/1991 #39988  
ped object that changes color from blue to red flies over the Complexo Peni 4/11/1991 #40034  
see the UFO. He says the object is blue when vertical but turns red when it 4/11/1991 #40034  
oller, that he is seeing a “strong blue light that changed to red in the di 4/11/1991 #40034  
ard. They then saw a man wearing a blue Air Force blue uniform lying prone  5/14/1991 #40061  
saw a man wearing a blue Air Force blue uniform lying prone on a projecting 5/14/1991 #40061  
lver metallic saucer glides. Glows blue. Darkens and going northeast. No wi 5/29/1991 #40077  
tense moon-size blob lights ground blue. Away fast.                         6/14/1991 #40095  
     MAZVIADEI DAM, ZIMBABWE Small blue fireball flies parallel / ground lo 6/14/1991 #40096  
e were other USAF projects besides Blue Book that were UAP related includin 7/1991 #40108  
        Alleged NRO document on a “Blue Fire” sequence informs associated g 7/28/1991 #40136  
d awakened in a nearby garden as a blue beam was being retracted into a dep 8/13/1991 #40152  
 going SSW slow near ground level. Blue beams / front. / LDLN#309.          8/22/1991 #40163  
 times it floated in place. It had blue, red, and green lights that flashed 8/30/1991 #40174  
other call, and the team can see a blue, pulsating light above the site exp 9/1991 #40178  
eral documents from its so-called “Blue Folder.” The material is obtained b 10/1991 #40202  
server(s). 2 night lights (red and blue) connected by dark bar. Silent. Ove 11/11/1991 #40225  
              KOMMETJIE, RSA Small blue flame flits all over/all about. 200 11/25/1991 (approximate) #40239  
ing NNW slow / 20M altitude. Glows blue / top and green / bottom.           11/28/1991 #40245  
on top with red, yellow, green and blue lights on the bottom.               12/6/1991 #40256  
ce. Two human looking figures with blue eyes emerged from the sphere. They  12/27/1991 #40268  
, NB 2 observer(s) / 80 minute(s). Blue triangle hovers. 10 minute(s) / vid 1/22/1992 #40296  
ervers watched for 80 minutes as a blue triangle hovered in the sky over Wo 1/22/1992 #40298  
ted awake at 2:30 a.m. by a bright blue, glaring light. Through the glare s 3/4/1992 #40354  
me-shape nears front yard. Changes blue going [to] red and flies away. / r1 4/15/1992 #40417  
                          A bright blue, domed disc-shaped UFO emerged out  4/15/1992 #40418  
briefly, changed color from bright blue to bright red, then accelerated rap 4/15/1992 #40418  
ST Conical UFO has orange and pale blue lights. 2 observer(s). No helicopte 5/6/1992 #40455  
haped UFO that had orange and pale blue lights was seen hovering in Cooma,  5/6/1992 #40456  
      Former consultant to Project Blue Book and eventual BAASS/AAWSAP subc 5/22/1992 #40469  
vian, with light colored, possibly blue eyes and long blond hair that fell  7/23/1992 #40531  
ar silvery object passed over car, blue flashing body lights; made sharp tu 8/14/1992 #40571  
ar silvery object passed over car, blue flashing body lights. Made sharp tu 8/14/1992 #40572  
         DURANT, OK 4 observer(s). Blue and white and yellow cone object wi 8/25/1992 #40590  
 in a pendulum motion. The UFO was blue on top, yellow in the middle, and w 8/25/1992 #40591  
 UFO over vineyards / 3 minute(s). Blue flash and go going quickly south.   8/31/1992 #40598  
). Dark disk hovers 20M over road. Blue beam going down. Tilts and shoots g 9/3/1992 #40607  
res, Herault department, France. A blue beam of light was emitted from the  9/3/1992 #40608  
y disk bigger than a house. Shines blue beam going down.                    9/15/1992 #40621  
ANY Row night lights over road and blue light top and center. Structure inv 9/19/1992 #40629  
it became a crescent shaped light, blue in color. Smoke then rose around th 9/22/1992 #40636  
as described as a female wearing a blue dress with a white blouse and an in 9/24/1992 #40639  
 a white blouse and an intense sky blue scarf on its head, which is classic 9/24/1992 #40639  
ht-fireball 15M over chicken-Coop. Blue beams. Hums.                        10/7/1992 #40662  
group. Intense white ball appears. Blue sparks follow.                      10/21/1992 #40685  
             BODFARI, CLWYD, WALES Blue delta hovers 100' over RTE B5429. 1 12/22/1992 #40760  
Slagle, MO Cattle ran from area of blue oval ring (NICAP: 04 - Animal React 1/9/1993 #40789  
     LA TRIMOUILLE, FR 1 observer. Blue rectangle flies southeast going qui 1/18/1993 #40800  
             BOULANGE, FR 4 / car. Blue blinking vertical ovoid west going  1/26/1993 #40814  
flies backwards. Lights / corners. Blue ball ejected. Videos.               2/4/1993 #40836  
inson, Wisconsin, that spits out a blue glowing ball from its tail end, whi 2/4/1993 #40838  
ht at each point—a red light and a blue light at the front and a white ligh 2/4/1993 #40838  
ay but returns with another bright blue light below it.                     2/4/1993 #40838  
r Creek spotted a saucer with red, blue and green flashing body lights arou 2/19/1993 #40854  
light panels that glowed amber and blue. It transformed into two or three b 3/16/1993 #40886  
 was suddenly awakened by a bright blue light that entered his room through 3/20/1993 #40895  
ngs were enveloped in that strange blue light. Looking out a window he saw  3/20/1993 #40895  
long arms, pale complexions, large blue slanted eyes, and long golden-blond 3/20/1993 #40895  
/cigar-shape with windows. Hovers. Blue rays. Going quickly southeast / 20M 3/31/1993 #40912  
om was illuminated with an intense blue light that seemed to pulse with a h 4/17/1993 #40940  
as human sized, with piercing deep blue eyes, reddish brown hair, and heads 4/17/1993 #40940  
. Her eyes were of a "penetrating" blue color. She wore a silky dress with  4/23/1993 #40948  
       TSARICHINA, BULG Cone emits blue flames. Burnt circle / grass. 12 UF 5/1993 #40960  
nute(s). Blue-white-pink glow with blue lights.                             5/2/1993 #40964  
mall humanoid (or Grey) descends / blue beam / saucer. Runs into jungle.    5/15/1993 (approximate) #40982  
ransported back to her house via a blue beam of coherent light.             5/19/1993 #40986  
Ottawa, CAN Airliner crew saw dark blue, metallic-appearing triangular obje 5/20/1993 #40987  
awa, Canada Airliner crew saw dark blue, metallicappearing triangular objec 5/20/1993 #40988  
             NOUMEA, NEW CALEDONIA Blue box-shape arcs down and away going  7/24/1993 #41080  
BEUX, FR 1 / D71. 40M saucer beams blue going down / road. Absolute(ly) sil 8/7/1993 #41112  
ed as a row of alternating red and blue lights (the drawing shows two of ea 8/11/1993 #41131  
almond-shaped eyes. She also saw a blue light flashing outside. The woman s 9/1/1993 #41174  
          HULL, QBC 2 observer(s). Blue ball / field. Lights out-stereo OK! 9/3/1993 #41177  
                                 A blue ball of light was seen by police an 9/3/1993 #41178  
ound object going [to] over ranch. Blue halo. 120M altitude 120M away.      10/30/1993 #41255  
ar a crash had been turned a light blue.  http://www.roswellproof.com/Zimme 11/2/1993 #41259  
pes: grays, insectoids, humanoids, blue humanoids, and dwarves. Several of  1994 #41345  
             CHESTER, ENGL 6 kids. Blue domed cylinder/cigar-shape. Hovers. 2/28/1994 #41429  
In Chester, England at 2:30 p.m. a blue domed cigar-shaped object hovered,  2/28/1994 #41430  
nd shapes maneuver and spin. Small blue sphere joins in. Return going quick 3/10/1994 #41451  
          ALDINGA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Blue strobe maneuvers / Gale force winds 4/15/1994 #41492  
e of a jeep, with flashing red and blue lights. When witnesses flashed car  4/25/1994 #41503  
              DIANAVANGET, DK Dark blue ovoid 100M away going northeast. Sq 4/27/1994 #41506  
nmark had a close encounter with a blue ovoid object with square windows. I 4/27/1994 #41507  
 at night when a strong, pulsating blue light suddenly awakened him. He hid 5/11/1994 #41523  
dle of the forehead that emitted a blue light. A beam of light descended fr 6/15/1994 #41568  
field / several min. Red white and blue colors.                             6/18/1994 #41571  
nearby sheep panicked and ran when blue flames shot from out of the bottom  6/27/1994 #41588  
nessed a disc-shaped object with a blue strobe light over Ottawa, Ontario,  7/7/1994 #41614  
eported seeing a large object with blue lights hovering under the electrica 7/27/1994 #41644  
rver(s) / car and train. Brilliant blue and white night lights. Crop circle 8/14/1994 #41674  
dshire, England saw some brilliant blue and white nocturnal lights in the s 8/14/1994 #41676  
 SSK Several separate observer(s). Blue ovoid going quickly northeast. Back 10/4/1994 #41783  
        YORK, NORTH YORKS Bang! 1' blue ball hovers high over apartment bui 11/17/1994 #41851  
n Plerin, France observed flashing blue lights, occurring successively and  12/29/1994 #41911  
server(s). 5 triangular ships with blue and white lights. Military jets nea 1/3/1995 #41942  
 Young man. Triangular object with blue and white lights. Moves slow. Shoot 1/3/1995 #41943  
 a triangular craft with white and blue lights. She and her neighbors witne 1/3/1995 #41948  
imilar large triangular craft with blue and white lights moving slowly in t 1/3/1995 #41948  
 MCKINLEYVILLE, CA 1 observer. Odd blue objects flit between storm clouds.  1/15/1995 #41974  
altitude near communication tower. Blue strobes. Going quickly southeast ex 1/17/1995 #41980  
    WEST / SEATTLE, WA 1 observer. Blue night light rises from Puget Sound. 2/10/1995 #42032  
       WEST / DEL NORTE, CO Strong blue light beams going down. Dead calf m 3/2/1995 #42071  
t of the town of Del Norte, strong blue light beams were sighted at around  3/2/1995 #42072  
ERS MILITARY CAMP 1 observer. 12cm blue spiral hovers / 30M altitude. Drops 3/5/1995 #42077  
     COL. DE VENCE, FR Sphere with blue beam 300M away. Shadows move inside 4/5/1995 #42140  
gon shaped UFO with white, red and blue lights at the angles. It made no no 5/6/1995 #42181  
uminated by multicolored lights of blue, yellow, red, and white. He looked  5/15/1995 #42211  
Vibrant bright perfect circle with blue clouds. Rises and flashes. Intense. 6/11/1995 #42251  
entric circles streak across clear blue sky.                                6/24/1995 #42268  
mps up over car. Blinding electric blue color.                              6/25/1995 #42274  
 flashing lights that changed from blue to white. Four little creatures app 8/15/1995 #42387  
al/equal triangle hovers 50m away. Blue and red lights / corners. Gone / in 9/1995 #42435  
f the window. There were white and blue lights running the entire length of 9/6/1995 #42445  
oller and 5 airline observer(s). 2 blue and 4 white night lights. 3 / trian 9/11/1995 #42453  
ONT-DE-FRANCE 2 red fireballs with blue halos. 1 makes circular trajectory. 9/25/1995 #42511  
A, CA 1 observer. Dark object with blue lights "flaps wings like a pterodac 10/2/1995 #42531  
HWEST / MILWAUKEE, WI Large bright blue night light going quickly [to] by c 10/10/1995 #42544  
                    A large bright blue light buzzed a car on Interstate 43 10/10/1995 #42545  
       PILOT ROCK, OR 2 / car. Odd blue lights and strange effects. Go 97 m 11/8/1995 #42586  
maneuver. All with unusual red and blue lights. Type unknown. No further de 11/12/1995 #42595  
(s). 2 small silent triangles with blue laser beams. Going quickly [to] ove 11/27/1995 #42623  
shaped objects emitting laser-like blue rays splashed with red over Dubai,  11/27/1995 #42625  
ilent triangle shaped objects with blue beams of light flew over Dubai in t 11/27/1995 #42626  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Blue glowing / trees. Missing time. Abdu 1/2/1996 #42663  
ddenly there was a bright flash of blue light behind him. Thinking that it  2/29/1996 #42789  
 a dome on top and red, green, and blue lights around its periphery, was si 3/6/1996 #42813  
/ sky. Turns bright red going [to] blue going [to] yellow.                  3/23/1996 #42836  
 ARABIA Several campers. Brilliant blue ovoid lights area. Vanishes strange 3/29/1996 #42844  
 witnesses reported seeing a large blue, spherical object hovering low over 5/16/1996 #42903  
ONE, QLD, AUS Several observer(s). Blue disk going [to] over houses. Strong 5/24/1996 #42910  
ized black wedge going [to] 70kph. Blue and orange lights / ends. No furthe 5/24/1996 #42911  
ty cloud is seen against the clear blue sky above Launceston, Tasmania. It  5/29/1996 #42914  
n the road that "was splashed with blue and red lights" and made a "voom-vo 7/8/1996 #42950  
w." The colors changed from red to blue and flared in intensity. On the bot 7/8/1996 #42950  
d and sees an object with flashing blue and red lights hovering 2 feet abov 7/9/1996 #42952  
onal Park, Manitoba, see a strange blue light dancing behind a hill. When t 8/17/1996 #42984  
o] overhead in formation. Exchange blue bolts / light.                      8/23/1996 #42991  
next to each other; they exchanged blue beams of light.                     8/23/1996 #42992  
e beginning it was still under the Blue Book, Snowbird and different covert 8/30/1996 #43002  
t 9:55 p.m. and watched a powerful blue glow appear over a nearby field at  9/23/1996 #43039  
ge star-like object just above the blue glow that was pulsing while appeari 9/23/1996 #43039  
he same location and again saw the blue light, still glowing, and they agai 9/23/1996 #43039  
its back. Its skin color was light blue and it had a black "thing" that app 9/24/1996 #43041  
 up, he saw an arrangement of red, blue, yellow, and white lights on the bo 9/26/1996 #43043  
ARA MOUNTAINS, BOLIVIA Hiker lost. Blue tube maneuvers. Luminous figure pre 9/27/1996 #43045  
-4 strobes flash white and red and blue. / NUFORC.                          12/29/1996 #43151  
 3-4 white strobe lights, and also blue and red lights. It made no sound.   12/29/1996 #43152  
nutes they disappeared in a bright blue flash of light.                     1/8/1997 #43168  
al beams going down [to] and small blue lights. Saucers maneuver / all dire 1/24/1997 (approximate) #43175  
s emitting several beams and small blue lights. The UFOs maneuvered around  1/24/1997 #43176  
The glowing tube of smoky gray and blue light descends and encircles the ca 1/27/1997 #43178  
s have rows of windows with bright blue light shining through them. After 1 2/22/1997 #43202  
r Base, Italy 7:30 p.m. A luminous blue sphere appears over Aviano Air Base 2/27/1997 #43212  
large antenna that radiated an odd blue light. They had a strange orifice w 3/10/1997 #43225  
ng column filled with liquid, with blue electricity flowing through it. She 4/15/1997 #43261  
ed discs with square windows and a blue glow. Through the windows some silh 5/18/1997 #43299  
and an even smaller dome on top. A blue glow emanated from the bottom of th 5/19/1997 #43300  
identified flying object with red, blue and white lights. The object passed 6/7/1997 #43317  
dies in Intelligence, that Project Blue Book had known that more than half  8/3/1997 #43365  
han acknowledging their existence, Blue Book came up with “false cover stor 8/3/1997 #43365  
ically in the news media. One-time Blue Book head Robert J. Friend says the 8/3/1997 #43365  
een 1947-1990. Haines says Project Blue Book purposefully covered up NRO ov 8/3/1997 #43367  
enomena, but provides no evidence. Blue Book head Robert J. Friend states t 8/3/1997 #43367  
 NFLD 2 / car. 6M football saucer. Blue and red lights flash / series. Ante 8/16/1997 #43385  
FR Black triangle / 30° elevation. Blue and red circular spots / bottom/und 8/24/1997 #43390  
 meter) triangular object with two blue flames and a green flame that appro 9/7/1997 #43399  
 row was red and the other one was blue. The tail also had a smaller row of 9/19/1997 #43409  
 house and shone a beam of whitish blue light out of its center. Something  12/14/1997 #43461  
there suddenly appeared a flashing blue light over the field and they both  2/14/1998 #43521  
 record copy 16mm microfilm of the Blue Book Files, filmed at Maxwell AFB i Early 3/1998 #43528  
 had three lights, red, white, and blue in color, that pulsated in sequence 4/20/1998 #43552  
adio being tuned and then a bright blue light invaded the bedroom. Looking  4/27/1998 #43559  
ent; he wore a tight-fitting light blue metallic coverall with a silver bel 7/11/1998 #43601  
g witness, a boy, observed it turn blue and streak away.                    7/18/1998 #43610  
     "Cobwebs" fell from the clear blue sky while silver spheres performed  8/10/1998 #43626  
 two sets of seven lights, yellow, blue, red and green, were seen and viewe 9/11/1998 #43643  
orriglia, Italy watched a luminous blue oval-shaped light on or near the gr 9/18/1998 #43648  
 at each corner, two white and one blue. He pulled over to get a better loo 10/19/1998 #43667  
ad of a being with bright, crystal blue eyes. He heard a loud thundering vo 11/25/1998 #43684  
umanoid being with bright, crystal blue eyes. He heard a thundering voice s 11/29/1998 #43689  
Delaware. One man reports a “large blue light that was moving all over erra 11/30/1998 #43692  
very pale skin, and wearing a dark blue jumpsuit. The night after the incid 1/7/1999 #43711  
    A hexagon shaped set of bright blue light maneuvered over Hot Springs,  5/14/1999 #43769  
et away and gave off a very bright blue light. He could not tell its shape  5/23/1999 #43773  
raft. Again, because of the bright blue light he could not distinguish many 5/23/1999 #43773  
        A wedge-shaped object with blue and red flashing lights, described  5/23/1999 #43774  
r men sitting outside saw a bright blue light appear from nowhere. It was l 6/12/1999 #43785  
, disc-shaped object with a row of blue lights pass over the trees to the n 6/30/1999 #43788  
eared. At the site there were dark blue burnt areas, about the size of two  7/17/1999 #43806  
home in Lake Charles, Louisiana. A blue beam came down, illuminated her yar 8/22/1999 #43830  
s that it was someone dressed in a blue jacket, but abruptly the blue figur 8/22/1999 #43831  
in a blue jacket, but abruptly the blue figure glided off the trail to her  8/22/1999 #43831  
 motion. Before it glided away the blue figure seemed to change directions. 8/22/1999 #43831  
s. As it turned she noticed a long blue plume of something, waving from beh 8/22/1999 #43831  
on, Strathclyde, Scotland a bright blue flash was seen overhead, and the bl 8/26/1999 #43835  
e flash was seen overhead, and the blue ball of light shot down to just fee 8/26/1999 #43835  
TOWN, NY Throbbing noise. Yard lit blue. Huge disk 40M over water tower. Go 9/1/1999 #43839  
triangular UFO with high-intensity blue arcing lights traveling west over t 10/9/1999 #43859  
ow-orange lights. There was also a blue haze around one of the objects. Als 10/17/1999 #43862  
e being wore silvery coveralls and blue boots. His head was bald and he had 12/5/1999 #43894  
50 feet) in width and emitted red, blue, and orange lights. The police repo 12/17/1999 #43899  
 a police helicopter. He noticed a blue trail of smoke from the object.     1/18/2000 #43931  
late the creation of a new Project Blue Book. John Alexander and others at  1/24/2000 #43934  
en to disappear in vicinity of the Blue Mountains.                          1/29/2000 #43936  
 tree on their left. It was a pale blue color. Thinking that it was some so 3/12/2000 #43966  
                                   BLUE BEND, WV Fire lookout videos numero 4/6/2000 #43976  
s short with a huge head and light blue in color. After lossing recollectio 5/3/2000 #43988  
rounded by a beam of light while a blue shape remained in the sky. At the s 7/7/2000 #44012  
clouds. This white glow changed to blue, and then green.                    7/7/2000 #44012  
thers and he was holding a glowing blue rod, which apparently paralyzed the 7/12/2000 #44015  
 The colors of the UFO were green, blue, red, yellow, and orange; it later  8/25/2000 #44033  
 had 40 to 50 red lights and three blue lights, and flew at between 200 to  8/30/2000 #44034  
e bottom," with yellow, orange and blue lights, markings, and a dark circle 10/5/2000 #44053  
e doors. When the light changes to blue, the car is buffeted around.        10/11/2000 #44054  
rds the witnesses, emitting bright blue, red and yellow flashes of light. T 10/19/2000 #44060  
              A huge, round, solid blue light, engulfed in haze or fog was  10/30/2000 #44066  
orted that a humanoid figure and a blue light passed through a skylight and 12/31/2000 #44110  
de the bedroom. The figure and the blue light disappeared at the same time. 12/31/2000 #44110  
metallic deep purple and shades of blue. One more larger object appears on  1/1/2001 #44114  
d with multicolored lights--white, blue and red--spinning on the underside. 1/29/2001 #44134  
ct with lights on apexes, and red, blue, and green lights on back surface f 2/27/2001 #44143  
e his door late at night and saw a blue glow enter his bedroom. He next hea 4/23/2001 #44161  
 Ireland. It moved away giving off blue, yellow and green flashes.          4/25/2001 #44165  
as white and had a glow of red and blue, and was described as very bright.  8/4/2001 #44224  
cts were seen moving slowly in the blue sky over Saint-Laurent, Chambly, Qu 8/25/2001 #44245  
12:30 a.m. two witnesses watched a blue light that dropped to the ground, t 8/25/2001 #44246  
       At 4:00 a.m. a well defined blue object, which was fat at both ends  10/31/2001 #44268  
sky over Mouscron, Belgium. It had blue lights in the three corners, and a  12/6/2001 #44282  
                        Two bright blue lights were seen on a cigar-shaped  12/17/2001 #44293  
ues Vallée he finds a rare Project Blue Book file that shows Howard Cross f 12/17/2001 #44294  
triangular-shaped wedge with three blue lights in the corner, and yellow li 12/19/2001 #44298  
sc-shaped craft. The UFO had light blue flashing lights, was saucer-shaped  1/3/2002 #44303  
 low speed and altitude in a clear blue sky. The object seemed "transparent 5/4/2002 #44337  
peed and low altitude in the clear blue sky. It flew from west to east. It  5/5/2002 #44339  
 of orange, yellow, white and pale blue. At fist they thought it was an arr 7/28/2002 #44367  
nging colors of green, red/orange, blue/purple and white rotating around th 7/28/2002 #44367  
zagging object with red, green and blue lights was seen moving around a far 8/11/2002 #44378  
ing colors from purple to green to blue, then with a solid blue with red gl 9/10/2002 #44395  
o green to blue, then with a solid blue with red glow on the trailing edge  9/10/2002 #44395  
led, and sometimes emitted red and blue and gold flashes. It made a 90 degr 9/11/2002 #44396  
bright ball of light with "yellow, blue and pink lights." It hovered for se 11/1/2002 #44429  
 had alternating yellow, white and blue lights. It flew toward the southwes 11/22/2002 #44448  
                            A pale blue, oval-shaped object made right-angl 1/2/2003 #44463  
olor from white to red to green to blue.                                    1/2/2003 #44466  
 They made no sound, and were red, blue, and green in color. They moved up, 1/5/2003 #44469  
the car. In a few seconds blinding blue lights distracted the witness. The  2/13/2003 #44490  
and did not make a sound. Some had blue and aqua lights. Some were triangul 3/14/2003 #44502  
pattern, alternating frequently to blue as well. The viewed it through bino 4/12/2003 #44513  
 8:00 p.m. Mr. Marcus Warner saw a blue flashing light in his rear view mir 4/28/2003 #44519  
 be about 50 feet long with a dull blue light on the top. After five minute 5/3/2003 #44523  
or the night and they saw a bright blue flash south of their campsite. Next 5/16/2003 #44538  
s followed by two more flashs, not blue, northwest of the campsite and two  5/16/2003 #44538  
hey flashing different colors in a blue to white to red sequence, and were  5/23/2003 #44544  
The bottom of the craft was a deep blue color.                              6/2/2003 #44552  
ights changed from  pinkish-red to blue, white and yellow.                  9/13/2003 #44600  
triangular object with red, white, blue and orange lights danced through th 9/24/2003 #44606  
 British Columbia briefly saw some blue lights in the sky at 9:20 p.m., the 11/25/2003 #44621  
 white, oval object with a ring of blue lights hovers above a house in Hous 12/8/2003 #44626  
d in the middle of the craft was a blue and red light that went on and off  4/12/2004 #44686  
 a spotlight beam with an adjacent blue light under each wing. The daughter 4/16/2004 #44689  
s, and the lights were alternating blue and red, while the object made a hu 5/7/2004 #44695  
haped object, flickering green and blue lights and only about 30 feet in th 5/19/2004 #44704  
                            A huge blue triangular craft was seen hovering  7/7/2004 #44715  
ing at 63 mph, he noticed a bright blue light about a half-mile ahead on th 7/27/2004 #44718  
Exit 138. It appeared to be like a blue laser, similar to the light some pe 7/27/2004 #44718  
et tall. Each was either holding a blue light, or was wearing a blue head l 7/27/2004 #44718  
ing a blue light, or was wearing a blue head lamp. He couldn't tell for sur 7/27/2004 #44718  
he touch and it was glowing red to blue. They were able to see inside the c 7/27/2004 #44719  
he bottom of the craft, while four blue lights were positioned around it in 8/2/2004 #44725  
d dressed in a tight-fitting, dark blue diver suit, which completely covere 8/2/2004 #44725  
nd-down and back-and-forth. It had blue lights around it with a red light o 8/11/2004 #44731  
 of lights: red, white, green, and blue. They flashed and rotated around th 9/3/2004 #44746  
 of lights: red, white, green, and blue. They flashed and rotated around th 9/5/2004 #44748  
d into outer space. At 8:00 p.m. a blue, cigar-shaped object with rows of l 10/30/2004 #44775  
     A triangular UFO with red and blue lights was sighted flying over Ottu 11/25/2004 #44791  
e lights on its tips and scrolling blue and red lights.                     12/5/2004 #44798  
                                 A blue oval-shaped object was seen in the  4/12/2005 #44824  
, Oregon. They notice three bright blue objects zigzagging around each othe 5/1/2005 #44828  
om. It made no noise, and had red, blue and little white lights on it. The  10/17/2005 #44890  
 feet in the air. It had a red and blue light, and made no sound. After hov 12/18/2005 #44913  
ed outside and saw 20 or more tiny blue lights in the sky. They quickly pic 1/30/2006 #44920  
ops again, and once again saw tiny blue lights that shot up into the sky, h 1/30/2006 #44920  
 lit. It also had a line of bright blue lights in a marquee pattern.        4/18/2006 #44932  
ustralia. A farmer sees one with a blue tapering tail pass over the mountai 5/16/2006 #44943  
dstone, Kent, England in the clear blue skys at 5:05 p.m. There was a large 6/3/2006 #44947  
icie, Poland, sees several red and blue lights maneuvering within a glow ab 7/13/2006 #44950  
 a witness first observed a simple blue nocturnal light in the sky. Several 8/18/2006 #44955  
i-colored, oval-shaped object with blue, yellow and green lights passed 30  9/6/2006 #44959  
olored lights beneath it that were blue, white, and yellow. Again at 11:05  10/26/2006 #44977  
 at high velocity, leaving a clear blue hole in the cloud layer. The hole r 11/7/2006 #44981  
the entire collection of sanitized Blue Book documents to be placed on the  2007 #44994  
             A circular craft with blue lights was seen by a 55-year-old ma 4/17/2007 #45018  
nding on the driveway, he saw some blue light aloft to the North moving bac 4/17/2007 #45018  
 to consist of a row of individual blue lights that first were traveling to 4/17/2007 #45018  
cle; it had maybe 24-30 individual blue lights around the perimeter. It the 4/17/2007 #45018  
en port/starboard lights, only the blue perimeter lights and no strobe ligh 4/17/2007 #45018  
d Kingdom. It had bright green and blue lights. A second object with pink p 5/29/2007 #45033  
 cigar-shaped objects with red and blue lights were sighted over Texarkana, 8/6/2007 #45044  
eir eyes glowed softly with a pale blue light, but he could not see any oth 8/29/2007 #45050  
 triangular craft with bright red, blue and yellow lights, 4-5 per side, wa 9/24/2007 #45071  
                 A small white and blue rectangular object was sighted flyi 11/3/2007 #45089  
ch corner that changes from red to blue to white, with a bright burst happe 12/14/2007 #45101  
t. At 6:45 p.m. EST a disc-shaped, blue and white light flew low and fast o 12/23/2007 #45103  
le that was kept away from Project Blue Book.  Hal Puthoff also tells Valle 1/23/2009 #45208  
off the ground. It had red, white, blue, yellow and oranges lights. It only 5/4/2009 #45218  
humanoid shape, phantom footsteps, blue orbs, and a wolf-like creature stan 7/2009 #45229  
lifornia. They notice seven bright blue lights silently hovering several fe 7/5/2009 #45230  
m., Roger sees a silver, gray, and blue flash as an oblong object disappear 7/5/2009 #45230  
k, Bo, and Joanna see an intensely blue light at the northern end of the pa 7/5/2009 #45230  
val-shaped disc with blinking red, blue, and green lights. It was making a  8/18/2009 #45236  
 suburban Maryland when they see a blue, softball-sized light moving in the 9/2009 #45241  
lifornia reported seeing a red and blue "V" shaped object flying through th 11/24/2009 #45255  
eden. The phenomenon consists of a blue beam of light with a grayish spiral 12/9/2009 #45261  
lors: green, pink or red, and then blue. It got so bright that you could no 5/16/2010 #45283  
military pilot sightings, the USAF Blue Book database, UFOCAT, the MUFON Ca 9/30/2010 #45300  
 online, reportedly showing bright blue lights in the sky over the village. 10/13/2010 #45302  
P had demonic origin. Some Project Blue Book cases at the time reminded som 3/31/2011 #45322  
that was never-ending, flat, light blue and filled with naked screaming hum 3/31/2011 #45322  
and, is awakened by a light from a blue triangular object hovering outside  9/11/2011 #45332  
ting dazzling yellow lights. Three blue lights are on its base. They drive  1/8/2013 #45359  
n of Warkworth, New Zealand, see a blue flash and hear a loud explosion tha 3/19/2013 #45362  
John Greenewald Jr. puts the Fold3 Blue Book files online into his Black Va 1/10/2015 #45426  
demands that Greenewald remove his Blue Book collection from the Black Vaul 1/27/2015 #45427  
or USAF NCO who worked for Project Blue Book in the 1970s after it had publ 3/6/2015 #45434  
classified continuation of Project Blue Book would likely exist as a deep,  2018 #45498  
     The television series Project Blue Book premieres on the History chann 1/8/2019 #45557  
 prior to AATIP, but after Project Blue Book unbeknownst to the public.  El 7/19/2020 #45653  
nia. About 10 minutes later, a Jet Blue Airways pilot spots the flying man. 8/29/2020 #45659  
York, and J. Allen Hynek’s Project Blue Book copies) are transferred from C 11/2020 #45664  
nt Nat Kobitz told him “out of the blue” he was read into a UAP crash retri 9/3/2021 #45707  
 high speed lasers, Project Auburn Blue examination of captured UAP and Pro 6/13/2022 #45757  
## Word: "blue-" (Back to Top)
hey see the object has four bright blue- white lights on it and it is stati Early 1960 #16146  
t a fire lookout tower saw an oval blue- white light coming toward him at l 7/28/1967 #22746  
hable from ordinary people (blond, blue- eyed Nordics). Some adult hybrids  1/1998 #43482  
FO stop, emit a brilliant flash of blue- white light, move again, emit anot Late 7/2005 #44857  
## Word: "blue--coming" (Back to Top)
colored lights--white, yellow, and blue--coming from some woods about 50 me 5/6/1996 #42898  
## Word: "blue-beam" (Back to Top)
      KULIKUP, WEST AUS Ovoid aims blue-beam / car. Electro-magnetic effect 10/30/1967 #23365  
          LANCASTER, MO Dog hides. Blue-beam going down. Saucer overhead. C 3/6/1969 #24971  
, BRZ Lady bathing / lake zapped / blue-beam. Fireball zigzags away. Sick.  10/1974 #29496  
             ELMWOOD, WI Cop hit / blue-beam / 75m saucer with legs and hos 4/22/1976 #31007  
android(s) abduction man. Zapped / blue-beam. Blood sample. Images shown. / 9/15/1977 #32482  
3M sphere/orb/globe stops / trees. Blue-beam going down. Retracts beam and  7/11/1991 #40117  
d 2 small humanoids (or Greys). 3' blue-beam = teleporter.                  5/19/1993 #40985  
le/box-like craft buzzes overhead. Blue-beam going down [to] lights yard. M 8/22/1999 #43829  
## Word: "blue-beamed" (Back to Top)
        GISBORNE, NZ 3 observer(s) blue-beamed to domed saucer overhead. 2  3/12/1977 #31897  
## Word: "blue-beams" (Back to Top)
 Round object low and slow. Shoots blue-beams. / r208p39.                   8/1958 (approximate) #15168  
2 observer(s). Domed metal saucer. Blue-beams going down / bay. Going south 11/11/1990 #39884  
itary. Double pyramid follows car. Blue-beams. Videos. Possible telepathy?  8/21/1996 #42987  
## Word: "blue-black" (Back to Top)
e / 5000' altitude. Hissing sound. Blue-black. Terrific speed. 2nd observer 5/25/1954 #9836  
ter about the size of a bus. It is blue-black in color and seems to be grad 7/6/1982 #36531  
## Word: "blue-brown" (Back to Top)
wo lighted portholes. Its body was blue-brown and dull. The witness's dog r 3/15/1967 #21890  
## Word: "blue-colored" (Back to Top)
         Austin, Texas 8:00 p.m. A blue-colored fireball appears over Austi 5/13/1902 #651  
ropelled by three red, orange, and blue-colored beams, and shoots off verti 9/17/1978 #33701  
rected an intense red beam, then a blue-colored beam, at the witnesses' car 10/1/2000 #44049  
## Word: "blue-eyed" (Back to Top)
et wide. The occupants were blond, blue-eyed human-looking beings who were  8/21/1965 #19450  
o say that a tall, fair-haired and blue-eyed young man was one of the alien 4/26/1974 #29064  
nly looked up to see a tall blond, blue-eyed man in his room. The witness a 1/2/1978 #32848  
## Word: "blue-fire" (Back to Top)
sc races over town. Spews ribbon / blue-fire / news.                        3/31/1950 #4774  
## Word: "blue-flame" (Back to Top)
21. Eastern Airlines DC3. Circular blue-flame passes airliner. Turns going  1/9/1948 #3550  
## Word: "blue-flamed" (Back to Top)
ooting away. All they can see is a blue-flamed exhaust.                     4/25/1964 #18204  
## Word: "blue-flash" (Back to Top)
AM, BC 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Blue-flash. Disk with lights tilts. Then 4/6/1997 #43256  
## Word: "blue-gloved" (Back to Top)
re were only three fingers on each blue-gloved hand and 3 toes on his bare, 5/15/1973 #27492  
## Word: "blue-glow" (Back to Top)
t Bluebook Case #149. 'Rockets' in blue-glow soar. 1 stops and 'explodes'.  1/19/1948 #3558  
 lit portholes / bottom/underside. Blue-glow. / r2p77.                      3/20/1950 #4686  
(s). 90M orange metallic disk with blue-glow. Slants down. Shoots back up.  7/23/1952 #7041  
                NEAR NEW RIVER, AZ Blue-glow blimp hovers. Going up [to] an 6/3/1964 #18326  
  NEAR SYDNEY, NSW Businessman. 6M blue-glow disk lands by creek. Orange-gl 7/20/1965 #19139  
     CENTENO, ARG 2 / farm. Silent blue-glow ovoid going west. Lands. Going 11/5/1967 #23403  
r going southeast / treetop level. Blue-glow on and off. Moderate speed/vel 11/29/1969 #25476  
rate 707 liners / near collision / blue-glow saucer. Ground observer(s). Ea 9/19/1976 #31403  
    US90 WITH MADISON, FL 1 / car. Blue-glow triangle changes color(s) ever 10/25/1977 (approximate) #32607  
AST / CRATO, BRAZIL 4 observer(s). Blue-glow disk follows railroad/railway  11/1977 (approximate) #32647  
             CARLETON, NORTH YORKS Blue-glow 25cm bone-shape paces car brie 2/7/1992 #40322  
A 12+/ (seen thru) binoculars. Odd blue-glow cloud going southeast. Triangu 2/3/1994 #41404  
## Word: "blue-glowing" (Back to Top)
 NJ Aero engineer and 1 / car. 30M blue-glowing disk quickly going down. Le 10/1932 #1147  
 TIANJIN, CH Many observer(s). 1+2 blue-glowing saucers shoot rays all over 7/14/1947 #3179  
E-RIBAULT, FR Several observer(s). Blue-glowing sphere/orb/globe smokes and 7/26/1947 #3232  
              ESCANABA, MICH Fiery blue-glowing disc races over town. Spews 3/31/1950 #4774  
   7MI WITH MT. VERNON, VA 3 crew. Blue-glowing cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes 5/29/1950 #4968  
owers. Jumps about / 45 minute(s). Blue-glowing.                            6/29/1952 #6663  
         QUINCY NAS, MASS 2 silent blue-glowing saucers. Straight and level 7/22/1952 #7008  
round. RADAR-visual (observation). Blue-glowing object / 25K' altitude. Goi 7/23/1952 #7044  
BASE, IL 8 military observer(s). 4 blue-glowing saucer-cigars fly flat-side 8/16/1952 #7614  
093. 2 civil observer(s). Humming. Blue-glowing ovoid buzzes airliner. Cont 9/14/1952 #7919  
        CINCINNATI, OH 1 observer. Blue-glowing ovoid. Rolls. Passes behind 9/29/1952 #8050  
                  KWEKWE, RHODESIA Blue-glowing disk on edge paces 2 / car  5/28/1956 (approximate) #12871  
             ANNAPOLIS, MD 4 kids. Blue-glowing disk low and slow. Vanishes 10/31/1957 #14170  
ZL Numerous observer(s). Brilliant blue-glowing disk with 2 domes low / mai 11/12/1958 #15439  
     THOMPSONVILLE, CT Cop. Silent blue-glowing ovoid passes / 1 min. Flame 12/17/1958 #15478  
ENGL Several separate observer(s). Blue-glowing saucer hovers. Flat edges a 8/28/1962 #17366  
ERCARGILL, NZ Several observer(s). Blue-glowing silver ovoid whines / hums. 2/24/1963 #17684  
        PACHECO PASS, CA Forester. Blue-glowing sponge maneuvers and circle 7/28/1967 #22745  
             NEWNAN, GA Cop chases blue-glowing sphere/orb/globe. Paces car 10/22/1967 #23283  
 VNZ 2 observer(s). Sudden heat. 2 blue-glowing capsules submerge / sea. Up 3/29/1973 #27388  
(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Huge blue-glowing saucer. Low / field. Strobe 10/16/1973 #28072  
LANGENARGEN, GERM 2 observer(s). 2 blue-glowing cigars trade beams. 2 small 2/24/1977 #31842  
, AUSTR Elongated white light with blue-glowing follows light plane / miles 12/30/1978 #34228  
FI). Metal-grey disk / field. Weak blue-glowing / bottom. Quickly going up  2/13/1979 #34419  
          SOUTHWEST / CARCROSS, YK Blue-glowing 5M inverted bowl saucer goi 3/16/1988 #38506  
TTED ON MAPS, ALTA 3 Park Wardens. Blue-glowing object lights mountainside  2/3/1995 #42015  
    PALM BEACH, NSW 2 observer(s). Blue-glowing crescent in / sea. Lights 1 4/6/1997 #43255  
## Word: "blue-gray" (Back to Top)
heard a motor-like sound and saw a blue-gray oval object with a dome on top Late 6/1942 #1421  
g in a wood, saw a disklike, dull, blue-gray object with a rough surface, h 7/17/1967 #22681  
et above the ground. It was a dull blue-gray color with a rough and pitted  7/17/1967 #22685  
ently about 150 feet in the air. A blue-gray light in its center turns on a 8/11/1977 #32384  
in height, with blond hair wearing blue-gray outfits and wide belts. One wa 10/15/1978 #33837  
:40 p.m. Donald Schultie watches a blue-gray object approach him from the e 9/11/1979 #34860  
 lights approaching them. It has a blue-gray cupola on top and is three tim 1980 #35116  
d. The upper half of the being was blue-gray in color. Next, a vibrating ve 1/24/1992 #40302  
e object had two square patches of blue-gray fluorescent light in formation 8/10/1993 #41122  
n Wrocław, Poland, when they see a blue-gray, disc-shaped object with a row 6/30/1999 #43788  
erhaps some 50 feet away. It was a blue-gray figure moving along the trail  8/22/1999 #43831  
## Word: "blue-green" (Back to Top)
ight slow. Windows / side. Intense blue-green light / front.                8/3/1909 (approximate) #797  
indows on each side and an intense blue-green light in front. Later that sa 8/3/1909 #800  
 cigar-shaped object embedded in a blue-green haze and making a strange buz 10/1936 #1250  
 veins run through it, and a soft, blue-green glow surrounds it. It is 3 fe Late Summer 1939 #1314  
isible on the side. A “curtain” of blue-green light emanates from the under 11/13/1939 #1321  
ngled strips of both raspberry and blue-green colors. Bzowski estimates it  4/9/1943 #1494  
l flies going quickly north. Glows blue-green.                              7/13/1946 #2055  
ke light, white core surrounded by blue-green, shining ball with tail, torp 9/9/1946 #2172  
 making a loud noise. A yellowish- blue-green flame is shooting out near th Fall 1946 #2189  
rown bullet shape hovers / N. sky. Blue-green tail.                         8/1947 #3270  
endees that while most meteors are blue-green, the green fireballs are desc 2/16/1949 #4010  
querque, NM AFOSI Case 58; 22:15 - Blue-green round obj abt 10th size of mo 4/30/1949 #4133  
 Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 74; 20:10 - blue-green obj directly overhead vanishe 6/20/1949 #4244  
                                 A blue-green fireball was sighted at dawn  7/3/1949 #4262  
S ALAMOS, NM Kids and Scientist. 2 blue-green night lights stationary. Then 11/16/1949 #4416  
 as it descends, then turns bright blue-green as it levels out and disappea 1/7/1950 #4478  
inum looking craft that gave off a blue-green vapor with "an intense smell  3/18/1950 #4680  
            PEARL HARBOR, HI Brill blue-green fireball passes overhead. Pau 3/24/1950 #4716  
he holes were sunk began to glow a blue-green color, and a humming sound st 6/17/1950 #4992  
roaches, it turns into a brilliant blue-green disc pulsating with light. Wa Early Spring 1951 #5471  
ntense as bright stars but larger. Blue-green and silent, they move across  8/25/1951 #5625  
0 m estimated diameter, 3 m thick, blue-green, well-defined, surrounded wit 11/2/1951 #5762  
ameter to be about 30 feet. It was blue-green in color, with well-defined e 11/2/1951 #5765  
es the object speed by as a bright blue-green ball that leaves a streak of  11/3/1951 #5766  
SONVILLE, CA Cops and more/others. Blue-green fireball throws sparks / ends 1/4/1952 #5860  
, OK Civil employ and more/others. Blue-green saucer goes over base / terri 4/20/1952 (approximate) #6133  
                   OTTAWA, ON Huge blue-green saucer curves / extremely fas 5/1/1952 #6234  
r), NM An object was seen that was blue-green in color and its estimated al 5/12/1952 #6304  
Roswell, New Mexico. The object is blue-green in color, and its estimated a 5/12/1952 #6305  
oswell, New Mexico. The object was blue-green in color and its estimated al 5/12/1952 #6306  
ND CHICHAOUA, MAROC 2 observer(s). Blue-green sphere/orb/globe trails light 7/13/1952 #6793  
    OFF MISAWA AIR FORCE BASE, JPN Blue-green fireball rushes F94. F94 purs 7/23/1952 #7051  
lot flying F-94 jet fighter chased blue-green fireball. (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 7/23/1952 #7064  
ed a radar lock-on while chasing a blue-green light, which circled Braintre 7/23/1952 #7087  
 AC&W Squadron. One dull, glowing, blue-green ball,.the size of a dime at a 7/28/1952 #7259  
        VERACRUZ, VER, MEXICO Neon blue-green saucer northeast going quickl 8/27/1952 #7747  
      Marietta, GA Red, white, and blue-green object which spun and shot of 9/1/1952 #7809  
 and 24 others.  A red, white, and blue-green object which spun and shot of 9/1/1952 #7815  
ta, Georgia, see a red, white, and blue-green object that spins and shoots  9/1/1952 #7818  
exercise. Among the sightings: one blue-green triangle was observed flying  9/14/1952 #7918  
xercise.  Among the sightings: one blue-green triangle was observed flying  9/14/1952 #7934  
 sightings. Among the sightings: a blue-green triangle was observed flying  9/14/1952 #7943  
0 / boxing match and pilot. Bright blue-green cylinder/cigar-shape going. F 9/21/1952 #7993  
LAND, NZ AND OTHER TOWNS Whistling blue-green disk sails over. / Jimmy Guie 12/6/1952 #8380  
 Zuni / NM station/depot/facility. Blue-green pulsing night light going qui 9/4/1953 #9142  
een glowing objects with white and blue-green fringe, flew from south to no 10/29/1953 #9260  
   UNION LAKE, MICH 2 observer(s). Blue-green haze going quickly east. Circ 10/31/1953 #9265  
 object took off 100 m away with a blue-green lightning. The police found b 12/1953 #9327  
FL 6 separate observers. Moon-size blue-green disk or sphere hovers. Sudden 3/13/1954 #9620  
       A woman on a moped saw four blue-green lights in the middle of a vin 2/4/1955 #11974  
f Albuquerque, New Mexico, watch a blue-green fireball streak west over the 4/8/1955 #12089  
nd he was temporarily blinded by a blue-green light. The men walked with an 5/14/1955 #12132  
ur) windows which emitted a bright blue-green light. It was not rotating bu 6/23/1955 #12209  
                        MOAB, UTAH Blue-green saucer speeds below observers 5/12/1957 #13657  
                   Moab, UT Round, blue-green UFO sped past below observer' 5/12/1957 #13658  
le nearby. They see the star-like, blue-green object at about 400 feet alti 6/3/1957 #13698  
nds with a beam of light. A second blue-green, pulsating object joins the f 6/3/1957 #13698  
RTH LONDON, ENGL Many observer(s). Blue-green cylinder/cigar-shape going qu 9/17/1957 #14004  
              HEDLEY, TX Pulsating blue-green object near ground. Shape unk 11/5/1957 #14315  
color changed from bright white to blue-green. It hovered 60 m above a fiel 11/6/1957 #14417  
color changed from bright white to blue-green. It hovered 60 meters above a 11/6/1957 #14441  
                    PANDO, URUGUAY Blue-green ovoid going northeast over Ai 10/2/1958 #15298  
ar-shape going south low and slow. Blue-green luminous halo. Males turn ove 11/1960 #16491  
enly a 5-foot 3-inch being wearing blue-green coveralls, a brown balaclava, 2/3/1964 #18125  
tment had a close encounter with a blue-green UFO that hovered over the bad 6/8/1964 #18340  
s. It was something solid, glowing blue-green and causing E/M interference  7/3/1965 #19056  
eters. Photographs were taken. The blue-green lighted object was seen zig-z 7/3/1965 #19065  
d diameter: 7 m, height, 3 m, with blue-green edges.                        7/19/1965 #19131  
inkled complexion. They wore shiny blue-green clothes with a belt; one wore 10/26/1965 #19682  
  Liberal, KS Time not reported. A blue-green sphere hovered at low altitud 4/4/1966 #20221  
            NATAL PROV, RSA Pilot. Blue-green disk follows liner. No furthe 5/1966 #20435  
feet of his car, changing color to blue-green. He tried to flee, but the UF 5/6/1966 #20453  
feet of his car, changing color to blue-green. He tried to flee, but the UF 5/6/1966 #20455  
a row of bright yellow lights, and blue-green lights were visible around th 6/1/1966 #20518  
 is a row of bright yellow lights; blue-green lights are visible around the 6/1/1966 #20519  
 yellow lights encircled the dome, blue-green lights around the lower perim 6/1/1966 #20520  
g tetrahedron shaped UFO with four blue-green tail lights maneuvering in th 6/23/1966 #20600  
bject with bright colors of “vivid blue-green with flashing lights.” Cunnin 1/13/1967 #21298  
mechanical steps. The being wore a blue-green tunic and baglike trousers, a 1/15/1967 #21312  
 rocket launched at Eglin AFB, FL, blue-green color, visible over wide area 1/16/1967 #21321  
epped out of the vehicle and saw a blue-green light overhead, which changed 2/13/1967 #21539  
d cut off), clearly outlined, with blue-green, occasionally red, flame-like 2/27/1967 #21672  
uminous orange dome-shaped object, blue-green and with occasional red flame 2/27/1967 #21678  
                          OLPE, KS Blue-green cone with lit interior going  3/6/1967 #21772  
e witnesses spotted a cone-shaped, blue-green light that was estimated to b 3/6/1967 #21780  
ging colors in a cycle from red to blue-green to white, and back to red. Af 3/24/1967 #21963  
ch end, a red light on one side, a blue-green light on the other side (body 8/10/1967 #22857  
low, red orange, and a triangle of blue-green lights, and took off at extre 10/1/1967 #23160  
e about 1.20 m tall and wore shiny blue-green clothing. Their faces looked  10/21/1967 #23279  
eet tall and wearing tight-fitting blue-green clothing. Their faces appear  10/21/1967 #23282  
NWTL Airport/apartment weatherman. Blue-green glowing sphere maneuvers / 30 11/15/1967 #23454  
ort saw a spherical object glowing blue-green that moved across the sky, ma 11/15/1967 #23460  
  High River, Alta., CAN Elongated blue-green object, sound like "jet motor 11/28/1967 #23516  
n saw 12 objects displaying green, blue-green, yellow, red, and white light 12/1/1967 #23530  
t was fluctuating in color between blue-green and yellow. They stopped and  7/8/1968 #24159  
only a dark greenish nebula with a blue-green ring around it that illuminat 7/20/1968 #24193  
e Moon moving swiftly and emitting blue-green rays from its center. At one  10/24/1968 #24588  
NIA, BRZ Clerics. Extremely bright blue-green metallic disk over radio tran 7/6/1969 #25256  
               An extremely bright blue-green, metallic disc was observed o 7/6/1969 #25259  
backyard. Going down / 3'. Whirrs. Blue-green glow. Zooms up going up.      9/1969 (approximate) #25346  
hanical steps. The creature wore a blue-green tunic and baglike trousers, a 1/15/1971 #25989  
 one-piece coverall of luminescent blue-green color, identical to the one s 9/28/1972 #27038  
pposite end of the room, wearing a blue-green metallic coverall uniform, wi 11/28/1972 #27150  
d the UFO changed color again to a blue-green, then moved away, sinking to  12/30/1972 #27193  
RE/OTHERS, DOMN.REP 2 observer(s). Blue-green disk drops / very low over su 4/24/1973 #27441  
MARQUES, MOZAMBQ Many observer(s). Blue-green hemisphere / 30M altitude. 2  5/12/1973 #27478  
 making supper, she sees a “little blue-green thing” about 2.5 feet tall an 10/16/1973 #28085  
e. It had large wide windows and a blue-green neon glow, and figures could  3/31/1974 #28979  
 that were red, orange, yellow and blue-green in color but could not recall 5/26/1974 #29135  
er and separate observer(s). Large blue-green cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 8/15/1974 #29347  
ralia had a close encounter with a blue-green cone-shaped UFO that was maki 5/3/1975 #30028  
Yr old cow mutilated. Unidentified blue-green helicopter seen. See / r98#26 10/22/1975 (approximate) #30456  
 inside had gone out. Two beams of blue-green light appeared, coming from b 8/6/1976 #31241  
und openings along the fuselage. A blue-green light shone from the openings 12/5/1976 #31582  
und openings along the fuselage. A blue-green light is shining from the ope 12/5/1976 #31584  
 rectangle with rounded corners of blue-green light. It fades from view in  1/21/1977 #31741  
ssee, sees a round object with 7–8 blue-green lights flashing in its center 5/15/1977 #32095  
woke a third witness, who saw only blue-green lights. When they shone a fla 8/1/1977 #32345  
nship, New Jersey, watch a bright, blue-green star silently loping from low 8/10/1977 #32377  
a moderately reflective surface. A blue-green light is coming out of its do Early Autumn 1977 #32456  
e surface. On top of its dome is a blue-green light, and underneath the obj Fall 1977 #32515  
 GOMEZ PALACIO, MX 12+observer(s). Blue-green disk spins east going west un 4/1978 #33107  
South Carolina. They appeared in a blue-green haze, and left behind a metal 4/21/1979 #34520  
e minutes. It had a row of red and blue-green lights along its leading edge 5/25/1979 #34579  
hovers 100 feet from the ground. A blue-green light is along its sides, sha 8/1979 #34692  
ay and flashing beams of white and blue-green light. It vanishes suddenly.  8/10/1979 #34725  
rough binoculars. The object has a blue-green band in the center and is ora 5/2/1980 #35303  
arly collides with an unidentified blue-green cigar-shaped object over the  9/22/1980 #35528  
ground. It becomes shrouded with a blue-green mist as it increases its rota 3/1985 #37561  
   Edmonton, Queensland, AU Bright blue-green oval paced ahead of car, buzz 10/20/1986 #38051  
   Edmonton, Queensland, Australia Blue-green oval ahead of car, forward mo 10/20/1986 #38053  
, MS Silvery object with flashing, blue-green lights paced ahead of car. MU 1/20/1990 #39382  
ates Long-lasting fireball meteor, blue-green with short tail, changing to  1/26/1990 #39389  
 Traffic Controllers and hundreds. Blue-green ball hovers over city. Moon-s 4/6/1990 #39512  
ms going down. Grass turns intense blue-green. / LDLN#302.                  5/4/1990 #39552  
 light turned the grass an intense blue-green color. Four hours later, at 1 5/4/1990 #39557  
NT Air charter flight 866. Glowing blue-green cylinder/cigar-shape stops ah 3/6/1991 #39995  
g over Kingston, Ontario a glowing blue-green cigar-shaped UFO stopped in t 3/6/1991 #40001  
old milkman turned around to see a blue-green cigar-shaped UFO behind him t 7/31/1992 #40541  
  NORTH SARDINIA Motorist. Several blue-green luminous/glowing spheres / lo 1/19/1994 #41378  
    ESTACADA, OR 1 observer. Large blue-green sphere/orb/globe 3OM over Kin 10/6/1994 #41788  
 VASHON ISLAND, WA Cop / ex-pilot. Blue-green disk west going quickly east  8/15/1995 #42385  
ng / lights alternating orange and blue-green. / CUFOS.                     2/1/1996 #42731  
KWELL, WORCS, ENGL 1 observer. 80' blue-green cylinder/cigar-shape drifts / 9/18/1996 #43030  
 numerous sightings of one or more blue-green "fireballs" streaking overhea 10/3/1996 #43052  
orted that he had seen a bluish or blue-green fireball descend almost verti 10/3/1996 #43052  
## Word: "blue-green-red" (Back to Top)
th bright white lights and smaller blue-green-red body lights hovering abou 6/10/1982 #36498  
## Word: "blue-green-yellow" (Back to Top)
    PELHAM AND DAWSON AND ADEL, GA Blue-green-yellow night lights. 22+towns 8/31/1973 #27733  
## Word: "blue-greenish" (Back to Top)
abel D. saw a brightly illuminated blue-greenish rail in her backyard in Me 12/4/1978 #34058  
## Word: "blue-grey" (Back to Top)
              KUNGSHOLMEN, SWD 12M blue-grey ball with 12M antenna passes c 9/25/1947 (approximate) #3426  
bject like 2 inverted plates-matte blue-grey non-reflected bottom (Berliner 4/3/1949 #4067  
D KANTO, JPN Several airliners. 16 blue-grey objects / 2 formations going q 1/15/1975 #29751  
BORO, DE 7+observer(s). Silent 10' blue-grey pill-ovoid hovers / 5 minute(s 9/11/1979 #34859  
              XINGHUA, JIANGSU, CH Blue-grey cylinder/cylindrical object li 2/26/1981 #35846  
                      MUTARE, ZIMB Blue-grey ovoid with spikes / 100M. Whin 10/1988 (approximate) #38660  
         WHISPER BAY, FL 3 glowing blue-grey bell-shaped objects. Humming.  11/2/1989 #39210  
s going [to] east-northeast. Faint blue-grey. Center transparent.           3/30/1996 #42846  
## Word: "blue-land" (Back to Top)
an saw three lights-red, white and blue-land among some trees two miles fro 6/5/1971 #26158  
## Word: "blue-light" (Back to Top)
 CA 4 / car buzzed / saucer. Brill blue-light. Loops. Going quickly south.  3/11/1950 #4612  
0' altitude. 12+square portholes / blue-light.                              8/1963 (approximate) #17854  
## Word: "blue-lighted" (Back to Top)
ong and has two horizontal rows of blue-lighted windows and a flaming exhau 12/23/1944 #1731  
 MAESER, UT House-size saucer with blue-lighted dome lands. Pulsating red a 9/7/1966 #20859  
 Silva e Souza, 60, saw an intense blue-lighted object on the ground near t 12/20/1971 #26510  
## Word: "blue-lights" (Back to Top)
g object, flat, circular, and with blue-lights travelling at a great speed  9/9/2005 #44873  
## Word: "blue-lit" (Back to Top)
ND 1 / car. Saucer with lights and blue-lit windows / dome. 180° turn going 10/21/1966 #21023  
de. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Blue-lit portholes / dome. Going quickly 3/30/2000 #43970  
## Word: "blue-luminous" (Back to Top)
LOS ANGELES, CA Newsman J. Harris. Blue-luminous wheel-like object wobbles. 7/6/1947 #2792  
## Word: "blue-metallic" (Back to Top)
E BOUQUET, FR Hunter. Chain noise. Blue-metallic cylinder/cylindrical objec 10/17/1954 #11161  
                     VANCOUVER, BC Blue-metallic 12M ovoid maneuvers / squa 7/7/1957 #13781  
## Word: "blue-neon" (Back to Top)
e terrified by a mysterious bright blue-neon light that chases them at high 3/24/1967 #21970  
## Word: "blue-orange" (Back to Top)
ing in volume and sees a smokeless blue-orange flame coming from beneath. H 4/24/1964 #18200  
## Word: "blue-ovoid" (Back to Top)
SP 2 military / observer(s) tower. Blue-ovoid with red glowing east going q 3/27/1950 #4736  
## Word: "blue-purple" (Back to Top)
e sees the yard bathed in a steady blue-purple light. Suddenly the light go Fall 1933 #1175  
 merge into one. Three other oval, blue-purple lights also fly through the  12/3/2021 #45727  
## Word: "blue-red" (Back to Top)
 a disc-shaped object with glowing blue-red colored rings hovering 365 mete 11/30/1973 #28491  
ect hovers / low altitude. Intense blue-red light.                          4/18/1990 #39534  
## Word: "blue-ribbon" (Back to Top)
It has appointed five experts to a blue-ribbon panel that will evaluate all 3/12/1972 #26601  
## Word: "blue-short" (Back to Top)
ny observer(s). Great white disk / blue-short fringe going quickly southeas 12/17/1953 #9376  
## Word: "blue-silver" (Back to Top)
d. The lower part of the object is blue-silver and an 18–20 foot wide ramp  3/23/1987 #38152  
The lower part of the craft looked blue-silver, especially what seemed to b 3/23/1987 #38153  
## Word: "blue-smoke" (Back to Top)
ltitude. Leaves (something behind) blue-smoke trail. Going quickly east tow 1/18/1954 #9490  
## Word: "blue-violet" (Back to Top)
ight red with an orange glow and a blue-violet colored dome, was sighted so 9/24/1954 #10441  
 saucer-shaped and surrounded by a blue-violet light. It had a cupola on to 3/29/1959 #15678  
 March 29th and found the hovering blue-violet disc-shaped craft and the ta 4/1/1959 #15689  
## Word: "blue-white" (Back to Top)
atch a glowing white object with a blue-white tail streak across the sky in 7/9/1946 #2036  
h to north, giving off a brilliant blue-white light. Sometimes two of the o 8/11/1946 #2117  
n see small side wings and fins. A blue-white light streams from the bottom 8/13/1946 #2131  
ad. Door opens / bottom/underside. Blue-white light comes out. Buzz and whi 6/29/1947 #2462  
of the earth and gave off a bright blue-white light.                        7/7/1947 #2835  
SIAN GULF Crew / tanker Chipola. 8 blue-white ovoids climb / echelon format 9/6/1947 #3389  
w and passengers saw an elliptical blue-white object with orange or red tai 11/15/1947 #3490  
ute from Midway to Honolulu, saw a blue-white light approaching, changing t 9/12/1948 #3798  
 of Los Alamos, New Mexico, spot a blue-white fireball moving in a nearly f 12/20/1948 #3936  
       Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX Blue-white object about 2 ft x 1 ft in s 3/6/1949 #4034  
and Pfc. John Ransom notice a pale blue-white light streaking across the we 3/6/1949 #4035  
f Controller W. W. Jones watches a blue-white fireball moving 5°–7° per sec 11/27/1949 #4427  
          ANKARA, TURKEY Locals. 6 blue-white disks turn / sky. Suddenly sh 3/17/1950 #4658  
                  Jacksonville, FL Blue-White Flame Approaches C-47 (NICAP: 3/23/1950 #4711  
   PITTSBURGH, PA Kids / baseball. Blue-white object / lightning tail. All  4/7/1950 #4810  
had three portholes shining with a blue-white light. It hovered for about 2 4/8/1950 #4827  
had three portholes shining with a blue-white light. It hovered for about 2 4/8/1950 #4831  
 Saucer crosses sky / 7 second(s). Blue-white with green side.              12/2/1950 #5307  
range fireball buzzes B29. Flashes blue-white and shoots by.                3/10/1951 #5474  
e red-yellow glow burst and become blue-white (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 3/10/1951 #5475  
e red-yellow glow burst and became blue-white.  No further information in f 3/10/1951 #5476  
 pilot Capt. W. R. Hunt observes a blue-white, star-like object gyrating ar 5/22/1951 #5517  
ir Force intelligence OFFs. Silent blue-white sphere/orb/globe going quickl 1/20/1952 #5866  
         TIJERAS CANYON, NM Bright blue-white 40M saucers hover / 6km altit 2/18/1952 #5906  
LPHI, IN Airman and several. Large blue-white night light going northwest.  7/12/1952 #6765  
ightings and one radar tracking of blue-white lights during two hours.      7/22/1952 #7022  
ightings and one radar tracking of blue-white lights around Trenton, New Je 7/22/1952 #7028  
lot Capt. H. W. Kloth saw 2 bright blue-white objects flying together, then 7/23/1952 #7070  
ilot Capt. H. W. Kloth. Two bright blue-white objects flew together, then t 7/23/1952 #7077  
 blip. F94 in cat and mouse game / blue-white blob. Going quickly north.    7/26/1952 #7145  
                      Dallas, TX 3 blue-white lights hover then descend (NI 8/21/1952 #7668  
sen, ex-artillery observer.  Three blue-white lights hovered then descended 8/21/1952 #7669  
n ex-artillery observer, saw three blue-white lights hover and then descend 8/21/1952 #7671  
ct Bluebook Case #2086. C54 pilot. Blue-white night light south and L / 30  9/14/1952 #7923  
54 transport pilot Tarbutton.  One blue-white light travelled straight and  9/14/1952 #7933  
AF C-54 transport pilot, sighted a blue-white light that traveled straight  9/14/1952 #7946  
w and passengers saw an elliptical blue-white object with orange or red tai 11/15/1952 #8278  
            Wichita, KS Elliptical blue-white object with orange or red tai 11/15/1952 #8279  
eet away, his cockpit is bathed in blue-white light and everything seems mo 2/11/1953 #8664  
n 350 feet, bathing his cockpit in blue-white light. He can see the bones i 2/19/1953 #8686  
D State Highway Patrolman. Glowing blue-white saucer. / CSI bulletin. No fu 10/24/1953 #9250  
                 SAN FRANCISCO, CA Blue-white disk over US101+radio tower.  1/9/1954 #9471  
ds. 25' saucer 1K' over city park. Blue-white flashes. Going up / very high 7/18/1954 #10023  
y in a V-formation. They radiate a blue-white light from their edges. He gr 9/9/1954 #10277  
 figures is holding a rod emitting blue-white sparks. Hunnicut gets out of  5/25/1955 #12159  
 40 MI NORTHEAST / SPRINGFIELD, MO Blue-white saucer circles flying-tiger p 6/16/1955 #12201  
al civil and military observer(s). Blue-white disc-UFO with 10-14 blinking  6/26/1955 #12212  
ie, NY Airline Pilots Report Round Blue-White Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  10/2/1955 #12485  
 Quartsite (20 miles south of), AZ Blue-white pulsating light fly fast stra 8/8/1956 #13060  
.B. Buttermore and J.W. Smith. One blue-white pulsating light flew fast, st 8/8/1956 #13062  
KFURT, GERM Engineering student. 7 blue-white ovoids / V-formation east goi 11/19/1956 #13337  
 Frankfurt, Germany V-formation of blue-white, elliptical UFOs. (UFOE, X) ( 11/19/1956 #13338  
above it. The light is a brilliant blue-white with two dark spots, possibly 7/1958 #15130  
LIBYA Project Bluebook Case #6027. Blue-white sphere/orb/globe grows / near 9/1/1958 #15240  
s AFB, Tripoli, N. Africa A round, blue-white object fly at varying speeds  9/1/1958 #15244  
esentative A.M. Slaton. One round, blue-white object flew at varying speeds 9/1/1958 #15246  
              DOCELLES, FR Violent blue-white flashes. 4 deep rectangular t 9/2/1958 (approximate) #15249  
 INDIAN HEAD, SSK 2 / farm. 3M and blue-white glowing-object going down / 3 10/7/1958 #15322  
                SQ / ELKADER, IA 2 blue-white 5M disks skim trees. Follow 2 7/1959 #15805  
soundless, round. “quarter sized,” blue-white light is seen in the sky. ART 10/2/1959 #16011  
k Case #7437. Several observer(s). Blue-white night light maneuvers erratic 6/2/1961 #16708  
    Miyako Jima Air Station, Japan Blue-white light fly erratic course at v 6/2/1961 #16710  
 representative D.W. Mattison. One blue-white light flew erratic course at  6/2/1961 #16711  
entative D. W. Mattison, sighted a blue-white light that flew an erratic co 6/2/1961 #16712  
 suddenly failed and saw a glowing blue-white object, about 30 nn in diamet 6/14/1964 #18355  
 suddenly failed. He saw a glowing blue-white object, about 30-cm in diamet 6/14/1964 #18357  
                McClelland AFB, CA Blue-White Object Too Fast For Aircraft  4/27/1965 #18922  
IE ISLAND, ANTARC Arg. scientists. Blue-white lens going west / arc. Jolts  7/3/1965 #19058  
 1 / (seen thru) telescope. Silent blue-white round night light going quick 7/20/1965 #19145  
ar windows, and with a surrounding blue-white haze. Lights on the bottom (b 3/19/1966 #19991  
rge UFOs with brilliant, flashing, blue-white lights hover above him for on 3/22/1966 #20031  
ee three UFOs ringed with flashing blue-white lights hovering nearby. They  3/22/1966 #20032  
 It changes from reddish-orange to blue-white before it accelerates away.   3/30/1966 #20163  
                 Austin, TX Solid, blue-white, elliptical object fly in res 6/24/1967 #22542  
:  artist Ray Stanford. One solid, blue-white, elliptical object flew from  6/24/1967 #22547  
a bend, they encounter a brilliant blue-white light blocking the road. It a 7/13/1967 #22656  
               Garrison, ND Round, blue-white object hovered near missile s 7/25/1967 #22731  
e tower. At one point it emitted a blue-white light beam which illuminated  7/28/1967 #22746  
hen he is surrounded by a blinding blue-white light that illuminates the ro 8/24/1967 #22917  
6:37 p.m. EDT. A man saw a bright, blue-white sphere hovering over a mounta 10/12/1967 #23226  
mes agitated and she sees a bright blue-white beam of light illuminating th 3/6/1969 #24976  
 Dogs and cats and horses frantic. Blue-white 30' saucer hums. Vanishes!    4/23/1969 #25084  
red light on top of a more diffuse blue-white light darting haphazardly in  5/23/1969 #25160  
over car, driver blinded by strong blue-white light, physiological effects. 10/29/1970 #25891  
over car, driver blinded by strong blue-white light, physiological effects. 10/29/1970 #25892  
en he was temporarily blinded by a blue-white light that hurt his eyes. A b 10/29/1970 #25894  
INAWA TWA and KLM crews. Brilliant blue-white ball going quickly SSW extrem 9/22/1972 #27024  
ouple minutes later, a very bright blue-white light appears behind the car, 9/25/1972 #27030  
EAST / OHURA, NZ Airliner. Intense blue-white fireball paces. Compasses spi 2/2/1973 #27260  
     Auckland, New Zealand Intense blue-white light paced airliner for 20-2 2/2/1973 #27264  
          CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO Brill blue-white night light going quickly sou 8/5/1973 #27685  
ion and a 30 feet object with four blue-white lights at James Connally AFB. 12/28/1973 #28612  
lake’s surface glows a fluorescent blue-white. The object then shoots away  2/26/1975 #29852  
r Th. Brandt-Jensen sees a bright, blue-white light cross the road behind h 6/21/1976 #31121  
CKEN, SWEDEN 3 observer(s). Bright blue-white observer(s) going south slow. 9/25/1976 #31425  
Pennsylvania 12:05 a.m. An intense blue-white glow hovers 200–300 feet abov 7/18/1977 #32292  
                        Kenyon, RI Blue-white glowing oval, windows; one wi 12/17/1977 #32787  
 of a B-29 in diameter and glowing blue-white. She sees 4–5 dark windows an 12/17/1977 #32791  
 NEAR BAY CITY, TX Pilot. Circular blue-white light paces light plane. Make 12/22/1977 #32805  
oward him and directs a paralyzing blue-white beam at him. Hermann loses co 3/18/1978 #33055  
ear Milanere, Torino, Italy, see a blue-white light among the trees. One of 12/8/1978 #34077  
          STJARNHOLM, SWD 2 / car. Blue-white ovoid buzzes car. Car engine  2/20/1979 #34438  
slides shows a cluster of about 19 blue-white lights in the sky.            10/27/1979 #34970  
on of yellow-white, red-green, and blue-white. The object is moving north v 9/13/1980 #35520  
e car heater quit when a luminous, blue-white ball of light came briefly ov 12/3/1980 #35688  
owrey [or Lawrey?] see a luminous, blue-white ball of light to the east. Th 12/3/1980 #35690  
e car heater quit when a luminous, blue-white ball of light came briefly ov 12/3/1980 #35691  
 feet thick. Five intense, steady, blue-white lights illuminate its dark sh 12/6/1980 #35703  
dows are apparent, through which a blue-white light shines, and a red light 10/15/1981 #36172  
 three different types: a white or blue-white flashing light, high in the a 1/21/1984 #37136  
     CAIRANNE, FR 2 observer(s). 2 blue-white balls swing / sky. Stop. Erra 8/9/1985 #37640  
OLA, FL Ret Navy pilot and 1. Huge blue-white glowing-sphere/orb/globe arcs 7/20/1990 #39653  
utes later, Escobar sees a bright, blue-white light approaching on his righ 6/8/1991 #40092  
               CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA Blue-white balls / light cross sky back  8/21/1996 #42989  
Dover Air Force Base Night. Bright blue-white lights are seen throughout Su 11/30/1998 #43692  
iangle, it responds with a beam of blue-white light on him for 3 seconds, c 5/8/2009 #45221  
## Word: "blue-white-pink" (Back to Top)
k UFO 500' over I85 / 5 minute(s). Blue-white-pink glow with blue lights.   5/2/1993 #40964  
## Word: "blue-yellow" (Back to Top)
 WA 5 observer(s). Round brilliant blue-yellow glowing-object circles atomi 7/14/1952 #6810  
          BREMONDANS, FR 2 / farm. Blue-yellow saucer 20M away. Horses run. 10/11/1954 #10918  
surfaces are gray, and a brilliant blue-yellow light is streaming from the  Late 9/1977 #32518  
               CANNES-LA-BOCCA, FR Blue-yellow sphere hovers over fire stat 4/15/1995 #42151  
## Word: "blueberries" (Back to Top)
 the pilot of a UFO. While picking blueberries in fields around Ceydalen, n 8/20/1954 #10158  
## Word: "blueberry" (Back to Top)
e, were hiking in the afternoon on Blueberry Mountain, three miles southwes 7/28/1976 #31187  
e, were hiking in the afternoon on Blueberry Mountain, three miles southwes 7/28/1976 #31190  
## Word: "blueberry-picking" (Back to Top)
 2, and Åsta Solvang, 32, are on a blueberry-picking trip to Øyfjellet, nea 8/20/1954 #10157  
## Word: "blueblurrylines" (Back to Top)
retical-physics.html   https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2019/03/the-us-gover 5/20/1985 #37591  
tical-physics.html *   https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2019/03/the-us-gover 4/28/2006 #44936  
ntractor for the USG.  https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2020/03/the-pentagon 10/17/2008 #45175  
## Word: "bluebook" (Back to Top)
    50 MI WITH DUTCH COAST Project Bluebook Case #54. RAF Mosquito chases R 1/16/1947 #2226  
          NEAR MINERAL, WA Project Bluebook Case #12. Kenneth Arnold. 9 sau 6/24/1947 #2387  
            HARBORSIDE, ME Project Bluebook Case #77. Astronomer Cole. Seri 7/3/1947 #2562  
                EMMETT, ID Project Bluebook Case #34. United Airlines (UAL) 7/4/1947 #2634  
      FAIRFIELD-SUISUN, CA Project Bluebook Case #36. Air Force pilot. Sauc 7/6/1947 #2746  
                 TEMPE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #46. Photograph / manta-sa 7/7/1947 #2887  
       ROGERS DRY LAKE, CA Project Bluebook Case #1. F51 pilot and ground c 7/8/1947 #2972  
        NEAR EVERETT, MASS Project Bluebook Case #73. Pilot and navigator.  8/4/1947 #3287  
           NEAR BETHEL, AK Project Bluebook Case #58. Local pilots. Very la 8/4/1947 #3288  
                 MEDIA, PA Project Bluebook Case #70. Ex Air Force-pilot an 8/6/1947 #3296  
           LAKE OSWEGO, OR Project Bluebook Case #51. 1 observer. 12-15 sil 9/3/1947 #3380  
                 LOGAN, UT Project Bluebook Case #62. Several separate obse 9/8/1947 #3391  
         NECKER ISLAND, HI Project Bluebook Case #59. PAA crew. Night light 9/13/1947 #3394  
             LAS VEGAS, NV Project Bluebook Case #71. Ex-USAF pilot and mor 10/8/1947 #3449  
             VAN BUREN, OH Project Bluebook Case #019. 2 observer(s). 2 shi 10/20/1947 #3461  
GON Steamship Ticonderoga. Project Bluebook Case #35. 36' saucers going [to 11/11/1947 (approximate) #3483  
               VAASA, FINL Project Bluebook Case #99 / news. Saucer west go 1/3/1948 #3530  
               ACWORTH, GA Project Bluebook Case #121. Eastern Airlines DC3 1/9/1948 #3550  
              HJORRING, DK Project Bluebook Case #149. 'Rockets' in blue-gl 1/19/1948 #3558  
                ASHLEY, OH Project Bluebook Case #112. Several observer(s). 4/12/1948 #3621  
        NEAR WESTFIELD, IN Project Bluebook Case #129. Private pilot. Small 5/12/1948 #3646  
           BERLIN, GERMANY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Unidentified. US 5/28/1948 #3658  
WILMINGTON, NC 1 observer. Project Bluebook Case #129. Cylinder/cigar-shape 5/31/1948 #3661  
             UNIONTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #164. Several observer(s). 6/29/1948 #3681  
          INDIANAPOLIS, IN Project Bluebook Case #152. 20' saucer / 7' dome 7/1/1948 #3693  
              ARNHEM, NETH Project Bluebook Case #168. 2 observer(s). Cylin 7/20/1948 #3717  
 ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Project Bluebook Case #165. 1 military observer( 7/24/1948 #3725  
 goes east going west. / letter to Bluebook.                                7/24/1948 #3728  
  CHAMBLEE AND AUGUSTA, GA Project Bluebook Case #165. 6 observer(s). Footb 7/26/1948 #3740  
              COLUMBUS, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Unidentified. 1+ 7/31/1948 #3755  
             SAN PABLO, CA Project Bluebook Case #176. 2 observer(s). Grey  9/23/1948 #3807  
          ASCENSION PR, LA Project Bluebook Case #174. 1 observer. Silent c 10/1/1948 #3823  
ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Project Bluebook Case #207. Unidentified. Saucer 11/18/1948 #3881  
nd level. Then going down. Project Bluebook Case #223.                      12/8/1948 #3915  
               JACKSON, MS Project Bluebook Case #233. 2 pilots / private p 1/1/1949 #3952  
          HICKAM FIELD, HI Project Bluebook Case #275. 1 observer. Silent s 1/4/1949 #3956  
IRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Project Bluebook Case #242. Military guard. Whit 1/6/1949 #3964  
           NEAR CORTEZ, FL Project Bluebook Case #252. Cucumber with row sq 1/27/1949 #3978  
  EAST / GANADO, AZ US191. Project Bluebook Case #262. Salsbury and 1 / car 2/14/1949 #4006  
             FORT HOOD, TX Project Bluebook Case #319. Fireballs etc. mimic 3/17/1949 #4046  
                DILLON, MT Project Bluebook Case #304. 4 observer(s). Class 4/3/1949 #4066  
      COLORADO SPRINGS, CO Project Bluebook Case #294. 2 frosty-color objec 4/15/1949 #4091  
              AMBRIDGE, PA Project Bluebook Case #272. Railroad/railway men 4/26/1949 #4110  
               FT HOOD, TX Project Bluebook Case #315. Many report(s) since 4/27/1949 #4113  
               HOMER, MICH Project Bluebook Case #313. 2 men / factory. 6 s 4/28/1949 #4119  
    CATALINA MOUNTAINS, AZ Project Bluebook Case #332. 700' metal cylinder/ 4/28/1949 #4120  
). White saucers / 250mph. Project Bluebook Case #311-military observer(s). 5/5/1949 #4146  
        EAST / HANFORD, WA Project Bluebook Case #331. RADAR and telescopes 5/21/1949 #4198  
         HART MOUNTAIN, OR Project Bluebook Case #392. 1 / private plane. 7 5/27/1949 #4211  
         KLAMATH FALLS, OR Project Bluebook Case #497. CAA technician. 6 si 6/1949 (approximate) #4220  
             NEAR LIMA, OH Project Bluebook Case #381. Metal ovoid going do 6/11/1949 #4234  
 GUNTER AIR FORCE BASE, AL Project Bluebook Case #397. Saucers going down [ 6/18/1949 #4241  
             OAK RIDGE, TN Project Bluebook Case #380. Teacher and scientis 6/22/1949 #4248  
CA 4 military observer(s). Project Bluebook Case #404. 2 white round object 7/18/1949 #4272  
        NORTH / DELPHI, IN Project Bluebook Case #408. 2 fishing / quarry a 7/23/1949 #4275  
            FORT WORTH, TX Project Bluebook Case #411. Air Force Captain an 7/24/1949 #4279  
               SPOKANE, WA Project Bluebook Case #413. Man / ground. 8 disk 7/26/1949 #4291  
             TROUTDALE, OR Project Bluebook Case #416. Airliner and Portlan 7/30/1949 #4296  
      TIGVARIAK ISLAND, AK Project Bluebook Case #428. Geodetic scientist/s 8/22/1949 (approximate) #4335  
      NORTHEAST / ROME, NY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Lt. Col. Silver  9/20/1949 #4361  
          WINCHENDON, MASS Project Bluebook Case #513. Many observer(s). Cy 9/26/1949 #4370  
            HUMBOLDT, NEBR Project Bluebook Case #475. Observer(s) = Nemech 9/29/1949 #4377  
             HOLLAND, MICH Project Bluebook Case #473. Vibrant bright sauce 10/2/1949 #4381  
                OXFORD, MS Project Bluebook Case #510. Several farmers and  11/16/1949 #4415  
      SOUTH / RACELAND, LA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 4 observer(s). S 11/18/1949 #4418  
         AKITA, HONSHU, JP Project Bluebook Case #501. F80 pilot. 60x20' re 11/21/1949 #4420  
         LANGLEY FIELD, VA Project Bluebook Case #520. Military observer(s) 12/28/1949 #4448  
            LOS ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #645. 2+12 Atomic Energy C 2/24/1950 #4548  
LFRIDGE AIR FORCE BASE, MI Project Bluebook Case #650. 2 RADAR's and visual 3/3/1950 #4573  
       MOTOBO, OKINAWA, JP Project Bluebook Case #678. Military RADAR-visua 3/27/1950 #4735  
         MARROWBONE LK, TN Project Bluebook Case #682. 2 fishing. 3 black s 3/29/1950 #4754  
                KOKOMO, IN Project Bluebook Case #706. 5M domed saucer 30m  4/8/1950 #4823  
      REDSTONE ARSENAL, AL Project Bluebook Case #758. 2 civil observer(s). 7/13/1950 #5060  
  ATLANTIC SS MARCALA CREW Project Bluebook Case #773. 10' cylinder/cylindr 8/4/1950 #5100  
           NICOSIA, CYPRUS Project Bluebook Case #793. 3+USAF. Small vibran 8/20/1950 #5128  
       SOUTHWEST / BERMUDA Project Bluebook Case #787. 8 civil and US B29 R 8/22/1950 #5135  
               SPOKANE, WA Project Bluebook Case #797. Air Force Major and  9/3/1950 #5165  
             OAK RIDGE, TN Project Bluebook Case #819. Several RADAR's and  10/15/1950 #5227  
ER POPE AIR FORCE BASE, NC Project Bluebook Case #821. 4 shiny 100' orbs 25 10/15/1950 #5228  
            NANYUKI, KENYA Project Bluebook Case #845. 2 observer(s). Pearl 12/2/1950 #5306  
    SOUTH / FORT WORTH, TX Project Bluebook Case #864. 15' delta/triangle/b 1/8/1951 #5385  
            FT BENNING, GA Project Bluebook Case #868. 10+observer(s). Sauc 1/12/1951 #5389  
   LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook Case #897. Observer(s) = sells. 2/26/1951 #5459  
          NEW DELHI, INDIA Project Bluebook Case #908. 25 observer(s). 100' 3/15/1951 #5485  
         NIAGARA FALLS, NY Project Bluebook Case #928. 3 military observer( 5/31/1951 #5524  
                  US USAF project "Bluebook" is started                     Summer 1951 #5548  
               MATADOR, TX Project Bluebook Case #962. 2 / car. Silent 50'  8/31/1951 #5639  
      EAST / CLAREMONT, CA Project Bluebook Case #964. 2 USAF observer(s) / 9/6/1951 #5650  
              COLUMBUS, OH Project Bluebook Case #980. Physicist. Bright ov 10/2/1951 #5695  
    EAST / TERRE HAUTE, IN Project Bluebook Case #985. CAA man and pilot. H 10/9/1951 #5707  
           MINNEAPOLIS, MN Project Bluebook Case #989. 2 / plane. Object ci 10/11/1951 #5721  
                CORONA, CA Project Bluebook Case #2364. Unidentified. Obser 2/19/1952 #5908  
      SINUIJU, NORTH KOREA Project Bluebook Case #1061. B29 crew. Blue cyli 2/23/1952 #5921  
           CENTREVILLE, MD Project Bluebook Case #1074. 2 observer(s). Dull 3/20/1952 #5962  
  WEST / PT CONCEPTION, CA Project Bluebook Case #1077. B29 navigator and R 3/24/1952 #5970  
         SOUTH / PECOS, TX Project Bluebook Case #1079. 4 Air Force B50D pi 3/26/1952 #5975  
MISAWA AIR FORCE BASE, JPN Project Bluebook Case #1082. 2 pilots. 20cm sauc 3/29/1952 #5984  
                TEMPLE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1099. 1 observer. 50-75 w 4/6/1952 #6036  
              LACROSSE, WI Project Bluebook Case #1113. Central airline(s)/ 4/14/1952 #6073  
                  YUMA, AZ Project Bluebook Case #1127. Numerous observer(s 4/17/1952 #6097  
            LONGMEADOW, MA Project Bluebook Case #1124. 2 engineers. Silent 4/17/1952 #6098  
        CORNER BROOK, NFLD Project Bluebook Case #1129+1131. Yellow sphere/ 4/18/1952 #6113  
              BETHESDA, MD Project Bluebook Case #1128. Parstell and 3. 7-1 4/18/1952 #6114  
        NAHA, OKINAWA, JPN Project Bluebook Case #1144. 6 military-air and  4/22/1952 #6151  
              MILTON, MASS Project Bluebook Case #1148. 3 RADAR experts. Si 4/24/1952 #6166  
             ROSEVILLE, MI Project Bluebook Case #1160. 4 observer(s). Ovoi 4/27/1952 #6191  
                  YUMA, AZ Project Bluebook Case #1163. Air Traffic Control 4/27/1952 #6192  
      NORTH / GOODLAND, KS Project Bluebook Case #1168. B29 bombardier. Whi 4/29/1952 #6210  
 GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA Project Bluebook Case #1176. 5 separate observer 5/1/1952 #6232  
         SAN FRANCISCO, CA Project Bluebook Case #1201. Clear photo of ovoi 5/4/1952 #6255  
 GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA Project Bluebook Case #1194. 2 F86's and 3 Air T 5/9/1952 #6279  
 at car. Roars! 90° turns. Project Bluebook Case #1260 / 7 June and #1263 / 5/10/1952 #6287  
      SOUTH / ELLENTON, SC Project Bluebook Case #1198. 8 small saucers / S 5/10/1952 #6291  
              MAYAGUEZ, PR Project Bluebook Case #1213. Ex-Air Force pilot  5/14/1952 #6321  
ANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1522. Air Force Captain.  5/21/1952 #6346  
           WALNUT LAKE, MI Project Bluebook Case #1227. Hoffman and 6. Sauc 5/25/1952 #6354  
      SAIGON, FR INDOCHINA Project Bluebook Case #1232. Many observer(s). C 5/28/1952 #6368  
ORTHEAST / ALBUQUERQUE, NM Project Bluebook Case #1233. 2 firemen. 1+2+1 sa 5/28/1952 #6369  
ACKLAND AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1236. Air Force pilot / g 5/29/1952 #6381  
            FULDA, GERMANY Project Bluebook Case #1249. Photograph-reconnai 6/2/1952 #6423  
6 speed. Seen 6 second(s). Project Bluebook Case #unknown.                  6/5/1952 #6440  
           ALBUQUERQUE, NM Project Bluebook Case #1260. B25 crew / 11.5K' a 6/7/1952 #6458  
        MARRAKESH, MOROCCO Project Bluebook Case #1270. US radarman. Uniden 6/12/1952 #6479  
AIR FORCE BASE-ROSWELL, NM Project Bluebook Case #1295. Staff Sgt. 5 grey s 6/16/1952 #6515  
MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #1298. Many observer(s) an 6/17/1952 #6520  
           WALNUT LAKE, MI Project Bluebook Case #1305. Soft white light ju 6/18/1952 #6535  
            GOOSE BAY, NFL Project Bluebook Case #1308. RADAR-visual (obser 6/19/1952 #6543  
TUDE COORDS. = APPROXIMATE Project Bluebook Case #1313. USAF. 10' saucer ci 6/20/1952 #6556  
  KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1319. B29 crew. Brilliant 6/21/1952 #6566  
 2 Sergeants / 753D RADAR. Project Bluebook Case #1323. Object hovers and f 6/22/1952 #6585  
0 3MI EAST / OWENSBORO, KY Project Bluebook Case #1335. 2 military. 2 huge  6/23/1952 #6591  
MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #1332. Civil and military  6/23/1952 #6594  
                TOPEKA, KS Project Bluebook Case #1355. 2 military. 200' sp 6/27/1952 #6643  
               NAGOYA, JPN Project Bluebook Case #1364. ECM officer. Silent 6/28/1952 #6650  
       LAKE KOSHKONONG, WI Project Bluebook Case #1361. 1 ground observer(s 6/28/1952 #6651  
      NEAR ROME CENTER, MI Project Bluebook Case #1380. 2 6m circular light 7/3/1952 #6697  
               CHICAGO, IL Project Bluebook Case #1382. 1 observer. 2 paste 7/3/1952 #6699  
        SSW / NORMAN, OKLA Project Bluebook Case #1390. 3 saucers hover unt 7/5/1952 #6709  
              KUTZTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #1409. Farmer. Aluminum sa 7/9/1952 #6733  
 NORTHWEST / ANNAPOLIS, MD Project Bluebook Case #1431. 2 observer(s). 4 wh 7/12/1952 #6763  
            KIRKSVILLE, MO Project Bluebook Case #1436. Many military RADAR 7/12/1952 #6767  
       WEST PALM BEACH, FL Project Bluebook Case #1451. Pilot and 2 / groun 7/15/1952 #6822  
               SALEM, MASS Project Bluebook Case #1501. USCG photos / 4 ova 7/16/1952 #6835  
PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Project Bluebook Case #1458. Several observer(s) 7/18/1952 #6886  
           ELKINS PARK, PA Project Bluebook Case #1494. Unidentified. 1 sta 7/19/1952 #6908  
      NEAR WILLISTON, NDAK Project Bluebook Case #1492. Pilot / US85. Sauce 7/19/1952 #6910  
            LAVALLETTE, NJ Project Bluebook Case #1504. Unidentified. Chemi 7/20/1952 #6943  
        WIESBADEN, GERMANY Project Bluebook Case #1514. USAF pilot and sepa 7/21/1952 #6964  
           TERRE HAUTE, IN Project Bluebook Case #1533. USAF man. Delta/tri 7/21/1952 #6965  
 MARCOS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1516. Unidentified. Sever 7/21/1952 #6968  
      SSW / LOS ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #1538. Air Traffic Control 7/22/1952 #6989  
               TRENTON, NJ Project Bluebook Case #1588. Several F94 crews.  7/22/1952 #7003  
und object spins past F94. Project Bluebook Case #1556. No further details. 7/22/1952 #7005  
CG / NAHANT, MASS AND MORE Project Bluebook Case #1556. 2 5' saucers going  7/23/1952 #7039  
             POTTSTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #1554 unidentified. 3 F94  7/23/1952 #7047  
                CLOVIS, NM Project Bluebook Case #1151. Unidentified. Milit 7/24/1952 #7103  
            WILMINGTON, DE Project Bluebook Case #1664? Observer(s) / 3rd f 7/25/1952 #7123  
               HALLOCK, MN Project Bluebook Case #unknown. GCI RADAR and Ai 7/28/1952 #7225  
             BURLEY, IDAHO Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 1 observer. V-fo 7/28/1952 #7242  
          HEIDELBERG, GERM Project Bluebook Case #1700. Unidentified. Metal 7/28/1952 #7244  
           8MI / ENNIS, MT Project Bluebook Case #1747 / unidentified. 12 o 7/29/1952 #7283  
               WICHITA, KS Project Bluebook Case #1739. Unidentified. Airpo 7/29/1952 #7284  
                MERCED, CA Project Bluebook Case #1738. Unidentified. Mitch 7/29/1952 #7289  
           SAGINAW BAY, MI Project Bluebook Case #1680. RADAR and 2 F94s RA 7/29/1952 #7295  
           SAN ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #1758. Saucer / 5K' altitu 7/30/1952 #7343  
             LANCASTER, CA Project Bluebook Case #1771. 2 cops and more/oth 8/1/1952 #7388  
          SOUTH / YAAK, MT Project Bluebook Case #2023. 2+observer(s). RADA 8/1/1952 #7390  
           ALBUQUERQUE, NM Project Bluebook Case #1755. Newsman. 10 saucers 8/1/1952 #7399  
 HANEDA AIR FORCE BASE, JP Project Bluebook Case #1827. 2+2 Air Traffic Con 8/5/1952 #7461  
ENNAULT AIR FORCE BASE, LA Project Bluebook Case #1870. 30cm disk zips over 8/9/1952 #7519  
      SOUTH / HERMANAS, NM Project Bluebook Case #1961. Air Force F84 / 35K 8/24/1952 #7696  
        NEAR PITTSBURG, KS Project Bluebook Case #1972. 75' saucer / 10' al 8/25/1952 #7719  
         COLORADO SPRS, CO Project Bluebook Case #2013. Pilot Magruder. 3 s 8/29/1952 #7781  
                TUCSON, AZ Project Bluebook Case #2048. 2 observer(s). Tear 9/6/1952 #7863  
         NEAR RABAT, MAROC Project Bluebook Case #2062. 6 silent saucers in 9/9/1952 #7883  
             ALLENTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #2085. 1 observer. Saucer  9/13/1952 #7910  
LMSTEAD AIR FORCE BASE, PA Project Bluebook Case #2093. 2 civil observer(s) 9/14/1952 #7919  
          WHITE LAKE, SDAK Project Bluebook Case #2089. Unidentified. Groun 9/14/1952 #7922  
         SANTA BARBARA, CA Project Bluebook Case #2086. C54 pilot. Blue-whi 9/14/1952 #7923  
 ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Project Bluebook Case #2100. 2 glowing-night lig 9/16/1952 #7955  
    TOPCLIFFE, NORTH YORKS Project Bluebook Case #2087. Saucer follows mete 9/19/1952 #7976  
  400MI NORTHWEST / AZORES Project Bluebook Case #2126. Unidentified. C124  9/26/1952 #8033  
              INYOKERN, CA Project Bluebook Case #2128. Unidentified. Sever 9/27/1952 #8040  
   SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, SC Project Bluebook Case #2142. Unidentified. RF80  10/1/1952 #8078  
            PASCAGOULA, MS Project Bluebook Case #2143. Unidentified. 4 civ 10/1/1952 #8079  
 OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Project Bluebook Case #2155. Blinking white nigh 10/10/1952 #8111  
               KILLEEN, TX Project Bluebook Case #2172. Unidentified. 2 obs 10/17/1952 #8141  
           SAN ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #2177. Unidentified. 3 sil 10/19/1952 #8158  
  PACIFIC 155° 35W-12° 17N Project Bluebook Case #2175. 2 / USAF C50. 100'  10/19/1952 #8159  
             KNOXVILLE, TN Project Bluebook Case #2179. Unidentified. / the 10/21/1952 #8168  
    ERDING AIR DEPOT, GERM Project Bluebook Case #2196. Unidentified. 3 USA 10/29/1952 #8209  
          FAYETTEVILLE, GA Project Bluebook Case #2200. Unidentified. Lt. C 10/31/1952 #8218  
 LAREDO AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #2202. 2 Air Traffic Contr 11/3/1952 #8231  
            LOS ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #2219. Unidentified. 4 obj 11/12/1952 #8261  
             ANNANDALE, VA Project Bluebook Case #2246. Unidentified. Brett 11/24/1952 #8329  
                 PANAMA CZ Project Bluebook Case #101. 2 separate observer( 11/25/1952 #8336  
            WASHINGTON, DC Project Bluebook Case #2253. Unidentified HIQ RA 11/30/1952 #8355  
   LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook Case #2266. Ground RADAR and F9 12/8/1952 #8393  
       SOUTH / MADISON, WI Project Bluebook Case #2267. Unidentified. 2 / T 12/9/1952 #8397  
     NORTHWEST / CRAIG, MT Project Bluebook Case #2315. Anderson. Saucer /  1/1/1953 #8489  
 LARSON AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #2323. 60+observer(s). RAD 1/8/1953 #8511  
    NORTHWEST / SONOMA, CA Project Bluebook Case #2326. 2 HIQ observer(s).  1/10/1953 #8527  
    OFF POINT MUGU NAS, CA Project Bluebook Case #1261. 3 / ship. 50cm sauc 1/28/1953 #8583  
           NEAR ALBANY, GA Project Bluebook Case #2365. Saucer avoids F86.  1/28/1953 #8589  
          HAMPTONVILLE, NC Project Bluebook Case #unknown. U.S. Marine Corp 2/9/1953 #8650  
         PORT AUSTIN, MICH Project Bluebook Case #2419. Unidentified. CE2+. 2/17/1953 #8681  
              STOCKTON, CA Project Bluebook Case #2426. Air Force B25 pilot 2/20/1953 #8687  
            SHREVEPORT, LA Project Bluebook Case #2543. 1 observer. 5 sauce 2/26/1953 #8707  
               SEA / JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #2496. RADAR's and 10 / P2 3/14/1953 #8749  
            GREENVILLE, MS Project Bluebook Case #2692. Several Air Force m 3/15/1953 #8756  
                ELMIRA, NY Project Bluebook Case #2511. Unidentified. 4 Gro 3/21/1953 #8767  
           SAN ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #2521. Military observer(s 3/25/1953 #8783  
            MT. TAYLOR, NM Project Bluebook Case #2524. Unidentified. 2 mil 3/27/1953 #8788  
 GOOSE AIR FORCE BASE, NFL Project Bluebook Case #2555. Tower and air visua 5/1/1953 #8853  
           SAN ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #2577. 2+observer(s). 9 si 5/27/1953 #8911  
      GOOSE AFB.LABR, NFLD Project Bluebook Case #2601. F94 crew and ground 6/22/1953 #8954  
      IWO JIMA, BONIN, JPN Project Bluebook Case #2605. KB29 air RADAR. Bli 6/24/1953 #8962  
ith lights in V-formation. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.                  8/28/1953 #9119  
              MARIETTA, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = At 11/18/1953 #9305  
to1952ufo/   https://www.nicap.org/bluebook/bluelist.htm     Note: Blue Boo 12/18/1953 #9384  
              QUANTICO, VA Project Bluebook Case #1654. Marines. Unknown ro 12/21/1953 #9387  
mode/2up   http://www.waterufo.net/bluebook/bbpdf.pdf                       3/10/1954 #9611  
  NEAR NOUASSEUR AB, MAROC Project Bluebook Case #2937. F86 can't catch UFO 3/12/1954 #9614  
               CHICAGO, IL Project Bluebook Case #2962. 3 observer(s). Sauc 4/8/1954 #9674  
            PITTSFIELD, ME Project Bluebook Case #2974. 2 observer(s). Dome 4/23/1954 #9707  
              HARTLAND, ME Project Bluebook Case #2976. Flashy domed silver 4/24/1954 #9716  
                ATHENS, GA Project Bluebook Case #2983. 5 observer(s). Orbs 4/26/1954 #9723  
    WASHINGTON AIRPORT, VA Project Bluebook Case #2997. RADAR and many. 2 s 5/5/1954 #9752  
           INDIAN LAKE, OH Project Bluebook Case #3072. Private pilot. 40'  6/25/1954 #9943  
              NEAR BERMUDA Project Bluebook Case #3088. B56 RADAR. 6 saucer 7/3/1954 #9986  
              NORMANDY, MO Project Bluebook Case #3116. Unidentified. Obser 7/18/1954 #10024  
              WESTLAKE, OH Project Bluebook Case #3149. Observer(s) = Schro 8/2/1954 #10091  
 MARCOS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #3166. C47 crew. Saucer ma 8/15/1954 #10142  
       EGILSTADIR, ICELAND Project Bluebook Case #3180. Farmer. 2' x 5' cyl 8/24/1954 #10173  
              DANVILLE, VA Project Bluebook Case #3182. 2 6m domed saucers  8/26/1954 #10178  
          DORCHESTER, MASS Project Bluebook Case #3185. Unidentified. 7 tea 8/27/1954 #10184  
R PRINCE CHRISTIAN, GREENL Project Bluebook Case #3189. KLM DC4 pilot. 3 da 8/29/1954 #10200  
                 PARIS, FR Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Several separate 8/31/1954 #10214  
                BUTLER, MO Project Bluebook Case #3185 / 89. 2 observer(s). 9/4/1954 #10244  
IMPO AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA Project Bluebook Case #3213. 1 Air Traffic Contr 9/18/1954 #10338  
 AIRPORT/APARTMENT, AZORES Project Bluebook Case #3224. 10' saucer lands. A 9/21/1954 #10378  
  3M EAST / MARSHFIELD, MO Project Bluebook Case #3226. 4 observer(s) and m 9/22/1954 #10388  
            GATLINBURG, TN Project Bluebook Case #3227. Unidentified. 2 obs 9/23/1954 #10401  
     NOUASSEUR, FR MOROCCO Project Bluebook Case #3260. Weatherman / theodo 10/13/1954 #10989  
   TERCIERA ISLAND, AZORES Project Bluebook Case #3287. Many observer(s). 4 10/25/1954 #11385  
            MIHO AB, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #3281. USAF pilots / groun 10/28/1954 #11456  
       SOUTH / MANILA, PHL Project Bluebook Case #3341. Unidentified. Physi 11/28/1954 #11717  
              GULFPORT, MS Project Bluebook Case #3352. Observer(s) Mellen  12/3/1954 #11749  
             UPINGTON, RSA Project Bluebook Case #3356. Weatherman. White d 12/7/1954 #11767  
  30 MI EAST / COCHISE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #3382. B25 pilot and 1. 13 1/1/1955 #11904  
          MELBOURNE, AUSTR Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2 / car. UFO com 1/3/1955 #11915  
  20 MI EAST / COCHISE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #3414. Vibrant bright. Red 2/1/1955 #11957  
           MIRAMAR NAS, CA Project Bluebook Case #3416. Navy Commander. 100 2/2/1955 #11962  
              BETHESDA, MD Project Bluebook Case #3427. HIQ observer(s) = S 2/10/1955 #11989  
ng sounds (made by UFO's). Project Bluebook Case #unknown.                  6/15/1955 #12198  
              COLUMBUS, NE Project Bluebook Case #3673. 1 observer. 4 orang 7/29/1955 #12296  
ss-crosses entire sky. / letter to Bluebook.                                8/7/1955 #12338  
             ARLINGTON, VA Project Bluebook Case #3720. Amateur astronomer. 8/23/1955 #12393  
                COLFAX, IA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Ground Observer  9/7/1955 #12432  
             LOOGOOTEE, IN Project Bluebook Case #3800. Prather and Ahern.  10/8/1955 #12493  
             LAKE CITY, TN Project Bluebook Case #3862. Several observer(s) 11/20/1955 #12576  
  SOUTHEAST / WASHBURN, ME Project Bluebook Case #3893. Domed saucer lights 12/21/1955 #12616  
SOUTHEAST / GOOSE BAY, NFL Project Bluebook Case #3969. 2 F89s RADAR-visual 2/12/1956 #12711  
          NEAR HOUSTON, TX Project Bluebook Case #3977. Unidentified. Airli 2/19/1956 #12730  
   7MI EAST / MCKINNEY, TX Project Bluebook Case #4050. 2 observer(s). 2M U 4/4/1956 #12784  
         CASABLANCA, MAROC Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 1 meteor-like ni 4/5/1956 #12788  
               JUNIATA, PA Project Bluebook Case #4348. 2 observer(s). Dome 8/27/1956 #13134  
                DALLAS, TX Project Bluebook Case #4379. Military observer(s 9/4/1956 #13182  
             HIGHLANDS, NC Project Bluebook Case #4399. Cop and 1. 14 sauce 9/14/1956 #13219  
ding / ground observer(s). Project Bluebook Case #unknown.                  11/23/1956 #13345  
RLESTON AIR FORCE BASE, SC Project Bluebook Case #4543. Many military obser 11/30/1956 #13366  
              NEW YORK, NY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Ho 7/17/1957 #13805  
         NIAGARA FALLS, NY Project Bluebook Case #321. USAF RADAR-visual (o 7/25/1957 #13828  
               OLDSMAR, FL Project Bluebook Case #4848. Observer(s) = Henki 7/29/1957 #13849  
        OVER CLEVELAND, OH Project Bluebook Case #4847. Airline(s)/airliner 7/29/1957 #13850  
           CAMBRIA AFS, CA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 6 include/includ 8/21/1957 #13916  
               WICHITA, KS Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Flying military  8/29/1957 #13943  
TOSE AIR FORCE BASE, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #4928. Unidentified. 5 day 9/1/1957 #13968  
NA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA Project Bluebook Case #4959. 3 military. Silent  9/20/1957 #14016  
           (NIKE SITE), WA Project Bluebook Case #5003. 2 military observer 10/8/1957 #14071  
     WIESBADEN, HESSE, GER Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 10/22/1957 #14140  
                BOERNE, TX Project Bluebook Case #5205. 5M red ovoid hovers 11/6/1957 #14377  
           RADIUM SPRS, NM Project Bluebook Case #5227. Several cops and mo 11/6/1957 #14390  
           CROWNSVILLE, MD Project Bluebook Case #unknown. UFO explodes ove 11/13/1957 #14539  
       MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Photographs / UF 1/30/1958 #14849  
I ISLAND, JPN / (USSR OCC) Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2 10 minute(s) e 3/1/1958 #14906  
            HEALDSBURG, CA Project Bluebook Case #5716. 2 observer(s). 1M s 3/14/1958 #14927  
         BOHOL ISLAND, PHL Project Bluebook Case #5800. Airline pilot. Shin 5/9/1958 #15024  
                PUEBLO, CO Project Bluebook Case #5852. Weatherman. 10M Sat 6/14/1958 #15093  
-WALKER AIR FORCE BASE, NM Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2 UFO's / 25 sec 6/21/1958 #15109  
ARIBBEAN / 76° 05W-16° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 1 UFO seen / 8 m 7/17/1958 #15144  
                WARREN, MI Project Bluebook Case #5999. 1 / (seen thru) bin 8/17/1958 #15206  
FORCE BASE, TRIPOLI, LIBYA Project Bluebook Case #6027. Blue-white sphere/o 9/1/1958 #15240  
rther details [in] at all. Project Bluebook Case #unknown. ? / r246p134?    9/17/1958 #15268  
           STROUDSBURG, PA Project Bluebook Case #6089. 2 / car. Huge smoky 10/2/1958 #15297  
        LOCH RAVEN DAM, MD Project Bluebook Case #6148. 2 observer(s). 30M  10/26/1958 #15378  
                 MINOT, ND Project Bluebook Case #6153. Military observer(s 11/3/1958 #15418  
eral 90° turns. Going southwest. / Bluebook files.                          11/15/1958 (approximate) #15442  
           BENGHAZI, LIBYA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 2/16/1959 #15589  
               CORSICA, PA Project Bluebook Case #6317. Odd 20' "fish-shape 3/26/1959 #15670  
  PEASE AIR FORCE BASE, NH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Many military ob 5/2/1959 #15720  
            EDMONTON, ALTA Project Bluebook Case #6400. 2 observer(s) / (se 6/18/1959 #15774  
MD 2 military observer(s). Project Bluebook Case #6409. 9x1 gold ovoid. 100 6/30/1959 #15801  
            RIDGECREST, CA Project Bluebook Case #6962. Military electrical 7/12/1959 #15835  
           IRONDEQUOIT, NY Project Bluebook Case #6446. 50' crescent with d 7/25/1959 #15874  
               TRENTON, NJ Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Vertical cylinde 8/19/1959 #15927  
                ELBURN, IL Project Bluebook Case #unknown. United Airlines  8/19/1959 #15928  
               SHELTON, CT Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Work crew. Brigh 8/19/1959 #15929  
            GILLS ROCK, WI Project Bluebook Case #6506. Large fuzzy saucer  9/13/1959 #15965  
 BASE WITH BUNKER HILL, IN Project Bluebook Case #6507. Air Traffic Control 9/13/1959 #15966  
           QUEZON CITY, PI Project Bluebook Case #6538. 2 military observer 10/4/1959 #16014  
   SOUTHEAST / LINCOLN, NE Project Bluebook Case #6543. 2 military observer 10/6/1959 #16019  
            PLAINVILLE, KS Project Bluebook Case #6563. USAF pilot. Bright  10/19/1959 #16038  
fle scopes / Hells canyon. Project Bluebook Case #6534. Vibrant bright nigh 10/25/1959 (approximate) #16058  
  SOUTH / CRYSTAL SPRS, MS Project Bluebook Case #6600. 1 observer. Row / r 11/18/1959 #16091  
               DUBUQUE, IA Project Bluebook Case #6667. Pilot and several.  3/4/1960 #16193  
                LACAMP, LA Project Bluebook Case #6711. Saucer going quickl 4/12/1960 #16222  
-GEBAUR AIR FORCE BASE, MO Project Bluebook Case #6721. 2 / 48X-(seen thru) 4/17/1960 #16230  
      GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Project Bluebook Case #6724. Unidentified. Poor  4/21/1960 #16235  
                SHELBY, MT Project Bluebook Case #6727. Unidentified. 3M or 4/25/1960 #16238  
             ST. LOUIS, MO Project Bluebook Case #6858. 8+observer(s) / 3 n 7/19/1960 #16338  
               WICHITA, KS Project Bluebook Case #6914. Unidentified. "Japa 8/23/1960 #16407  
                 CRETE, IL Project Bluebook Case #6929. Unidentified. Brill 8/29/1960 #16422  
            RIDGECREST, CA Project Bluebook Case #6962. 4 observer(s). 1 se 9/10/1960 #16439  
           CHULA VISTA, CA Project Bluebook Case #7133. 7 / trailer camp. S 11/27/1960 #16513  
       SOUTH / KYUSHU, JPN Project Bluebook Case #7134. Unidentified. 2 / T 11/29/1960 #16517  
            BARK RIVER, MI Project Bluebook Case #7284. 13cm sphere/orb/glo 2/27/1961 #16604  
  ATLANTIC 43° 30W-42° 55N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer 3/4/1961 #16621  
 PACIFIC 124° 00E-22° 22N. Project Bluebook Case #unknown. US Navy boat obs 5/10/1961 #16680  
 PACIFIC 141° 55E-35° 26N. Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 5/15/1961 #16683  
  ATLANTIC 37° 00W-43° 46N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 5/16/1961 #16685  
TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, FL Project Bluebook Case #7417. Pilots and many. RA 5/20/1961 #16689  
    MIYAKO JIMA AFS, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #7437. Several observer(s) 6/2/1961 #16708  
  PACIFIC 148° 10W-26° 03N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer 6/17/1961 #16729  
                BEULAH, MI Project Bluebook Case #7491. 4 observer(s). 2-3  7/8/1961 #16754  
  PACIFIC 175° 19E-22° 27N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Observer(s) = Fre 8/6/1961 #16779  
           KANSAS CITY, KS Project Bluebook Case #7579. 130' ovoid with lig 8/12/1961 #16787  
lston. No further details. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.                  10/19/1961 #16916  
               OLDTOWN, FL Project Bluebook Case #7741. Huge saucer goes go 11/21/1961 #16965  
  PACIFIC 173° 00W-40° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 11/29/1961 #16983  
            WASHINGTON, DC Project Bluebook Case #7754. 3 observer(s). 10'  12/13/1961 #16989  
  ATLANTIC 17° 30W-50° 31N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer 12/14/1961 #16994  
  PACIFIC 174° 00W-40° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 12/15/1961 #16995  
  ATLANTIC 06° 45W-61° 15N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer 12/16/1961 #16997  
              KOTZEBUE, AK Project Bluebook Case #7818. 7 observer(s). Blue 2/25/1962 #17059  
                 SALEM, NY Project Bluebook Case #7823. 1 observer. 30cm x  3/1/1962 #17068  
  ATLANTIC 67° 20W-22° 00N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Observer(s) = Pan 3/15/1962 #17076  
STEIN AIR FORCE BASE, GERM Project Bluebook Case #7840. Thin silver cylinde 3/26/1962 #17081  
            NAPERVILLE, IL Project Bluebook Case #7841. 2 observer(s). 6-8  3/26/1962 #17082  
              WURTLAND, KY Project Bluebook Case #7851. Unidentified. 2 obs 4/3/1962 #17095  
  PACIFIC 173° 15W-44° 45N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 4/5/1962 #17099  
  PACIFIC 160° 40W-22° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 4/12/1962 #17110  
 NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Blip going quick 4/18/1962 #17118  
  PACIFIC 137° 30W-28° 23N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 5/1/1962 #17146  
          BURLINGTON, MASS Project Bluebook Case #7927. Unidentified. 2 Pol 5/15/1962 #17175  
             BLANDFORD, MA Project Bluebook Case #7930. 6 USCG and more. Mo 5/26/1962 #17204  
                PALMER, AK Project Bluebook Case #7931. Unidentified. Numer 5/27/1962 #17208  
     NEAR INDIANAPOLIS, IN Project Bluebook Case #7957. 3 / B52 bomber. 3 s 6/21/1962 #17234  
              RICHMOND, VA Project Bluebook Case #7968. Observer(s) = Meado 6/30/1962 #17253  
              METUCHEN, NJ Project Bluebook Case #8020. 2 observer(s). 4 si 7/19/1962 #17286  
  PACIFIC 163° 40E-34° 42N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 7/29/1962 #17297  
         OCEAN SPRINGS, MS Project Bluebook Case #8034. Unidentified. Red r 7/29/1962 #17298  
CURACAO, DUTCH WEST INDIES Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Dutch Navy ship  8/7/1962 #17324  
  PACIFIC 163° 44W-23° 34S Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 8/29/1962 #17371  
  PACIFIC 163° 03E-34° 35N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = US 9/3/1962 #17384  
          WSW / BILOXI, MS Project Bluebook Case #8133. Fishing boat. 2 red 9/21/1962 #17423  
  ATLANTIC 16° 09W-61° 45N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer 10/16/1962 #17473  
  PACIFIC 173° 12W-37° 12N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 10/18/1962 #17477  
            FARMINGTON, UT Project Bluebook Case #8182. Duck Hunter. 3' sil 10/23/1962 #17486  
ON ISLAND, CENTRAL PACIFIC Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Airborne observa 10/25/1962 #17492  
/ PACIFIC 160° 49W-11° 59N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 11/16/1962 #17549  
             DADE CITY, FL Project Bluebook Case #8215. 2 observer(s). Nigh 11/17/1962 #17550  
  PACIFIC 174° 30W-20° 21N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 11/22/1962 #17556  
  PACIFIC 131° 58W-16° 08N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 11/23/1962 #17558  
  PACIFIC 173° 30W-45° 50N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 12/7/1962 #17572  
  ATLANTIC 07° 15W-61° 38N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer 12/16/1962 #17586  
  PACIFIC 176° 41W-04° 35N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 3/13/1963 #17703  
/ PACIFIC 168° 19W-03° 45S Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Navy ship observ 3/15/1963 #17707  
  PACIFIC 173° 00W-42° 20N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 4/21/1963 #17728  
          NEW PLYMOUTH, NZ Project Bluebook Case #8360. Unidentified. Blurr 5/18/1963 #17748  
            PEQUANNOCK, NJ Project Bluebook Case #8363. 1 observer. 4 pink  5/22/1963 #17757  
DIAN OCEAN 69° 57E-14° 17N Project Bluebook Case #8388. Steamship Thetis. L 6/15/1963 #17784  
  PACIFIC 172° 00W-42° 20N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = US 6/19/1963 #17793  
  PACIFIC 176° 25W-31° 45N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = US 6/26/1963 #17804  
            GLEN ELLYN, IL Project Bluebook Case #8434. 1 observer / theodo 7/1/1963 #17820  
  PACIFIC 174° 09W-35° 20N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 7/20/1963 #17841  
  PACIFIC 175° 19W-31° 45N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 8/16/1963 #17904  
               ROMA, ITALY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Classic saucer f 8/20/1963 #17909  
  PACIFIC 174° 00E-31° 57N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 8/25/1963 #17918  
  PACIFIC 155° 27W-22° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Ha 9/9/1963 #17928  
            SUSANVILLE, CA Project Bluebook Case #8548. 2 observer(s). Sphe 9/14/1963 #17935  
              MERIDIAN, ID Project Bluebook Case #8603. Several observer(s) 10/23/1963 #18000  
etailed and unidentified / Project Bluebook Case #8604.                     10/24/1963 #18005  
nes crew. UFO near Hawaii. Project Bluebook Case #unknown. No further detai 10/25/1963 #18009  
FALGOUT / PACIFIC 174W-40N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Navy ship observ 11/3/1963 #18024  
S FALGOUT PACIFIC 173W-40N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Same Navy ship a 11/11/1963 #18029  
  ATLANTIC 17° 40W-41° 20N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer 12/9/1963 #18068  
    PACIFIC NORTH / MIDWAY Project Bluebook Case #8654. Observer(s) / milit 12/16/1963 #18083  
  PACIFIC 170° 00W-50° 40N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 2/28/1964 #18138  
  PACIFIC 171° 40W-43° 01N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 3/14/1964 #18150  
            MONTICELLO, WI Project Bluebook Case #8729. Scientist and 3 / c 4/3/1964 #18154  
  PACIFIC 171° 00E-35° 50N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Cape Kennedy RAD 4/9/1964 #18163  
     NORTHWEST / HOMER, NY Project Bluebook Case #8739. Cop and MD and 2. B 4/11/1964 #18166  
               CHICAGO, IL Project Bluebook Case #8788. 1 observer. 3 green 5/9/1964 #18250  
            MT. VERNON, VA Project Bluebook Case #8811. Civil engineer. Whi 5/18/1964 #18280  
             CAMBRIDGE, MA Project Bluebook Case #8836. Pilot / satellite t 5/26/1964 #18300  
          PLEASANTVIEW, PA Project Bluebook Case #8839. Saucer in field cha 5/26/1964 #18301  
NG MEADOWS, NY World fair. Project Bluebook Case #9411. Good photo / donut  5/30/1964 #18312  
                ELMORE, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2 cops include/i 6/12/1964 #18344  
  PACIFIC 175° 50W-36° 50N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 7/2/1964 #18392  
  PACIFIC 178° 05E-20° 05N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 7/5/1964 #18394  
MI SOUTH / HOUGHTON LK, MI Project Bluebook Case #8924. 4+2 night lights bu 7/16/1964 #18413  
      WEST / LITTLETON, IL Project Bluebook Case #8942. 1 / car. 20m saucer 7/20/1964 #18426  
                DENVER, CO Project Bluebook Case #8973. Observer(s) = Borsa 7/27/1964 #18441  
          WAKE ISLAND, PAC Project Bluebook Case #9031. Night light circles 8/10/1964 #18473  
              YOSEMITE, CA Project Bluebook Case #9049. Campers. Whoosh! 3  8/15/1964 #18486  
      SOUTH CHARLESTON, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Lo 10/30/1964 #18597  
          REDWOOD CITY, CA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Me 11/2/1964 #18603  
  PACIFIC 164° 05E-34° 55N Project Bluebook Case #9183. Unidentified milita 11/19/1964 #18625  
ACIFIC 162° WEST-13° NORTH PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer 11/28/1964 #18642  
rther details [in] at all. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.                  11/29/1964 #18644  
rther details [in] at all. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.                  11/30/1964 #18647  
             CORVALLIS, OR Project Bluebook Case #9301. 2 / car. 3 night li 3/4/1965 #18837  
            MOUNT AIRY, MD Project Bluebook Case #9305. 3 observer(s). Cyli 3/8/1965 #18847  
SAWA AIR FORCE BASE, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Ground-air visua 4/10/1965 #18902  
                OXFORD, MI Project Bluebook Case #9389. 1 observer. "Satell 5/7/1965 #18931  
            PITTSBURGH, PA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Silver saucer he 7/22/1965 #19158  
              CASTALIA, OH Project Bluebook Case #9550. Amateur astronomer. 7/25/1965 #19167  
 near ground in city! Also Project Bluebook Case #9666 = photo / saucer in  8/3/1965 #19277  
           CASA GRANDE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Di 8/4/1965 #19295  
                DALLAS, TX Project Bluebook Case #9675. Red and blue night  8/4/1965 #19301  
           TINLEY PARK, IL Project Bluebook Case #9680. 2 teens. Night ligh 8/4/1965 #19304  
 YAP ISLAND, US TRUST TERR Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observe 8/6/1965 #19330  
         TRAVERSE CITY, MI Project Bluebook Case #555? unidentified. Heller 8/18/1965 #19415  
                URBANA, OH Project Bluebook Case #9864. 3 observer(s). 6' p 8/30/1965 #19474  
nce, p. 152; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). 1967  - Two news 8/30/1965 #19481  
                EXETER, NH Project Bluebook Case #9890. 6 separate observer 9/3/1965 #19498  
                 DAMON, TX Project Bluebook Case #9915. 2 cops / car zapped 9/3/1965 #19501  
        CORPUS CHRISTI, TX Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 4 separate sight 9/5/1965 #19521  
              CHISHOLM, MN Project Bluebook Case #9970. 3 observer(s). 5 fa 9/25/1965 #19596  
          US80 / RODEO, NM Project Bluebook Case #9971. Pilot / chemist and 9/25/1965 #19599  
            MIDDLETOWN, OH Project Bluebook Case #10066. Observer(s) = Tuck 11/4/1965 #19698  
  PACIFIC 138° 44E-25° 04N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer 11/16/1965 #19722  
               TANGENT, OR Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Bl 12/8/1965 #19756  
             SALISBURY, NC Project Bluebook Case #10193. Unidentified. 2 /  2/2/1966 #19873  
             NEDERLAND, TX Project Bluebook Case #10196. Street all lit / r 2/6/1966 #19881  
         BRUNSWICK NAS, ME Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Luminous object  2/16/1966 #19904  
                  MIMS, FL Project Bluebook Case #10247. USAF / NASA man. N 3/20/1966 #20000  
        SOUTH / TEMPLE, OK Project Bluebook Case #10270. Laxson. Domed cyli 3/23/1966 #20037  
               TEXHOMA, OK Project Bluebook Case #10291. Unidentified. Moto 3/26/1966 #20086  
         WALL TOWNSHIP, NJ Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Wi 3/30/1966 #20145  
             MARINETTE, WI Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = J. 3/30/1966 #20148  
EAR FRANKLIN AND UNION, NJ Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2+many observer( 4/3/1966 #20209  
              LYCOMING, NY Project Bluebook Case #10385. 1 observer 3M stea 4/5/1966 #20229  
               KITTERY, ME Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 4 observer(s) /  4/5/1966 #20231  
                  ALTO, TN Project Bluebook Case #10384. 2 observer(s). 30M 4/5/1966 #20233  
          BATTLE CREEK, MI Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 25M domed saucer 4/18/1966 #20324  
               ASHBY, MASS Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Silent UFO / blu 4/24/1966 #20396  
            SACRAMENTO, CA Project Bluebook Case #sUNK. Night light maneuve 4/30/1966 #20430  
               HOLLY, MICH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = To 5/1/1966 #20437  
                KANSAS, OH Project Bluebook Case #10629. 1 observer. Wingle 6/8/1966 #20538  
          MT. MITCHELL, NC Project Bluebook Case #10663. Bell-saucer hovers 6/18/1966 #20576  
              KIRKWOOD, PA Project Bluebook Case #10739. 2 observer(s). 100 7/11/1966 #20636  
/view_archive.php?archive=/8/items/bluebook/1950s.zip&file=1950s%2F1952-05- 7/21/1966 #20664  
       NEAR GREENVILLE, NC Project Bluebook Case #10781. Saucer chases car  7/25/1966 #20678  
          PRESQUE ISLE, PA Project Bluebook Case #10798. Top-hat maneuvers  7/31/1966 #20697  
            DONNYBROOK, ND Project Bluebook Case #10872. Radio beeps. Silen 8/19/1966 #20766  
           GAYLESVILLE, AL Project Bluebook Case #10899. NASA Aerospace eng 8/26/1966 #20808  
D AFS AND GRAND MARAIS, MN Project Bluebook Case #1321. 2 separate report(s 9/5/1966 #20847  
FRANKLIN SPRINGS, NY SR34. Project Bluebook Case #10942. Unidentified. UFO  9/9/1966 #20865  
                STIRUM, ND Project Bluebook Case #10944. Saucer lands / far 9/13/1966 #20875  
       SAULT STE MARIE, MI Project Bluebook Case #1323. 2 Sergeants and RAD 9/18/1966 #20894  
               OSCEOLA, WI Project Bluebook Case #10996. Several observer(s 10/5/1966 #20959  
          COLD BAY AFS, AK Project Bluebook Case #11092. Air Traffic Contro 10/26/1966 #21034  
               SAGINAW, MI Project Bluebook Case #11135. Ground and F94 RAD 11/8/1966 #21082  
                MONROE, OR Project Bluebook Case #11239. Several observer(s 12/25/1966 #21218  
            CHARLESTON, SC Project Bluebook Case #1065. 2 silver-blue sauce 1/16/1967 #21316  
                ODESSA, DE Project Bluebook Case #11350. 2 observer(s). 50' 2/6/1967 #21465  
         DAVIDSONVILLE, MD Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Ne 2/13/1967 #21527  
             STOUGHTON, WI Project Bluebook Case #11383. 1 observer. Night  2/16/1967 #21558  
                OXFORD, WI Project Bluebook Case #11384. Ex-airman. Orange- 2/20/1967 #21600  
         BENTON HARBOR, MI Project Bluebook Case #11454. Several observer(s 3/6/1967 #21770  
             HENDERSON, IL Project Bluebook Case #11460. Cop. Domed saucer  3/6/1967 #21771  
                 PARIS, TX Project Bluebook Case #1207. 2 night lights make 3/7/1967 #21783  
                 ONAWA, IA Project Bluebook Case #11480. Huge white disk go 3/9/1967 #21826  
             TILLAMOOK, OR Project Bluebook Case #1212. Many observer(s). C 3/13/1967 #21880  
               LEBANON, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Separate observe 3/16/1967 #21893  
               WAPELLO, IA Project Bluebook Case #11541. Observer(s) = Euts 3/22/1967 #21941  
         EASTHAMPTON, MASS Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = De 3/23/1967 #21951  
                  BELT, MT Project Bluebook Case #11551. Many separate obse 3/24/1967 #21960  
        NEW WINCHESTER, OH Project Bluebook Case #11559. 3+2 observer(s). S 3/26/1967 #21988  
      NEAR HUGHESVILLE, MT Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) phot 4/2/1967 #22046  
            SOUTH HILL, VA Project Bluebook Case #11677. Crowder. Bullet-cy 4/21/1967 #22178  
                AUSTIN, TX Project Bluebook Case #11815. Small car signals  6/24/1967 #22537  
               LIZELIA, MS Project Bluebook Case #11869. Car malfunctions d 7/10/1967 #22639  
Force Base. RADAR confirm. Project Bluebook Case #1306.                     7/30/1967 #22751  
             OTTSVILLE, PA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Sc 8/21/1968 #24361  
       WEST CARROLLTON, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. FAA Air Traffic  6/1969 #25177  
 censured) continues after Project BLUEBOOK is closed.                      12/1969 #25482  
## Word: "bluebookdesk" (Back to Top)
ttps://documents.theblackvault.com/bluebookdesk/hynekcorrespondence.pdf     1959 #15516  
## Word: "blueboys" (Back to Top)
lew the helicopter were code named BLUEBOYS and it was a special group invo 1982 #36292  
## Word: "bluefield" (Back to Top)
                                   BLUEFIELD, WV Several observer(s). Sauce 7/9/1947 #3047  
 Zanesville, St. Clairsville, Ohio Bluefield, West Virginia Washington, D.C 9/12/1952 #7905  
t is last seen moving south around Bluefield, West Virginia. Another object 9/12/1952 #7905  
                      A witness in Bluefield, West Virginia reported that a 3/14/2005 #44822  
## Word: "bluefire" (Back to Top)
other-strange-places/bluefire-main/bluefire/the-bob-lazar-corner/the-lazar- 5/15/1989 #38953  
## Word: "bluefire-main" (Back to Top)
e/area-51-and-other-strange-places/bluefire-main/bluefire/the-bob-lazar-cor 5/15/1989 #38953  
## Word: "bluegill" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bluegill 3 Prime” Yield: 1000KT          10/26/1962 #17498  
## Word: "bluegrass" (Back to Top)
 path at right angles. [Report via Bluegrass NICAP Affiliate, Lexington, Ky 1/24/1963 #17638  
## Word: "bluegreen" (Back to Top)
 Ontario, Canada 7:58 A.M. Glowing bluegreen cigar-shaped object crossed pa 3/6/1991 #39998  
## Word: "blueish" (Back to Top)
. Her skin was light tan, her eyes blueish gray, and she had shoulder lengt 8/23/1976 #31294  
## Word: "bluelist" (Back to Top)
/   https://www.nicap.org/bluebook/bluelist.htm     Note: Blue Book scienti 12/18/1953 #9384  
## Word: "blueprint" (Back to Top)
et policy paper that provides the “blueprint for the militarization of the  4/7/1950 #4818  
## Word: "blueprints" (Back to Top)
ntactee Gloria Lee takes channeled blueprints for a spaceship to Washington 9/1962 #17379  
## Word: "bluesky" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / BLUESKY, ALTA 3 / car. "Boot-shape" UFO  11/28/1952 #8350  
## Word: "bluestone" (Back to Top)
 lubricating oil, two chisels, and bluestone. When Barclay returns with the 4/22/1897 #559  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bluestone” Yield: 1270KT                 6/30/1962 #17256  
## Word: "bluetooth" (Back to Top)
The woman called her mother on her bluetooth cell phone. She asked her moth 6/1/2013 #45369  
## Word: "bluff" (Back to Top)
                               RED BLUFF AND CHICO AND LEESVILLE, CA Severa 11/22/1896 #345  
             Chico, California Red Bluff, California 7:00 p.m. A bright lig 11/23/1896 #352  
 similar light is seen west of Red Bluff, California flying west at about 2 11/23/1896 #352  
             Many witnesses in Red Bluff, California witnessed a light mane 11/24/1896 #357  
, New Zealand South Spit Landguard Bluff After 5:00 p.m. Two women at Durie 8/12/1918 #975  
th. It disappears behind Landguard Bluff. Other witnesses come forward to c 8/12/1918 #975  
a In northern Okinawa, Japan, on a bluff looking toward the South China Sea 7/1945 #1887  
 North American Aviation, from Red Bluff, California, to Burns, Oregon.  Fi 5/27/1949 #4213  
                               Red Bluff, California Burns, Oregon Hart Mou 5/27/1949 #4214  
r North American Aviation from Red Bluff, California, to Burns, Oregon, see 5/27/1949 #4214  
                           Poplar (Bluff?), MT Round object moving erratica 9/18/1950 #5182  
                               RED BLUFF, CA Ground Observer Corps (GOC) ob 4/19/1952 #6129  
                        WEST / RED BLUFF, TX Several metallic pie-pans pass 8/12/1952 #7555  
                               Red Bluff, CA USAF pilot saw tailess object  8/19/1952 #7645  
                               Red Bluff, California Witness: Ground Observ 8/19/1952 #7647  
                               Red Bluff, California 2:38 p.m. Ground Obser 8/19/1952 #7649  
straight, level, and fast over Red Bluff, California.                       8/19/1952 #7649  
               At 2:38 p.m. in Red Bluff, California Ground Observer Corps  8/19/1952 #7652  
                              MOSS BLUFF, LA Silent ovoid descends. Strong  8/29/1952 #7779  
                                   Bluff Hill Invercargill, New Zealand Lon 6/20/1957 #13743  
s radar echoes begin turning up on Bluff Hill, near Invercargill, New Zeala 6/20/1957 #13743  
                              PINE BLUFF TO/FROM STUTTGART, ARK Saucer over 10/14/1957 #14107  
                               Red Bluff, CA State Police encounter with hi 4/13/1960 #16226  
                               Red Bluff, CA State Police encounter with hi 4/13/1960 #16227  
                               Red Bluff, CA Red Bluff, CA: CHP Officers Ch 8/13/1960 #16373  
                 Red Bluff, CA Red Bluff, CA: CHP Officers Charles A. Carso 8/13/1960 #16373  
                               RED BLUFF, CA Cops and many and RADAR's. Red 8/13/1960 #16376  
                               Red Bluff, CA Police, vehicle encounter, lig 8/13/1960 #16378  
                               Red Bluff, CA Red Bluff, California, G,V (NI 8/13/1960 #16379  
                 Red Bluff, CA Red Bluff, California, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADA 8/13/1960 #16379  
                Highway Patrol Red Bluff, California Tehama County 11:50 p. 8/13/1960 #16380  
E. Scott, plus three others at Red Bluff, California, are on patrol when se 8/13/1960 #16380  
 Carson were 18 miles north of Red Bluff and east of Corning, California on 8/13/1960 #16381  
                        EAST / RED BLUFF, CA Cop and dispatcher. Orange sph 10/1960 #16469  
x Army Depot Sydney, Nebraska Pine Bluff Gurley Quebec LCF Chugwater 1:30–4 8/1/1965 #19242  
ver the Echo LCF southeast of Pine Bluff at 1:48 a.m. Nine more objects are 8/1/1965 #19242  
he sighting. They had set out from Bluff, the port of Invercargill, New Zea 11/13/1965 #19719  
ty Memorial Airport Missouri River bluff Highway 94 9:00 p.m. School princi 4/17/1967 #22153  
bject come over the Missouri River bluff and move directly above their cars 4/17/1967 #22153  
                      Colorado Red Bluff The Colorado project staff meet ag 7/6/1967 #22620  
e a case, but Low proposes the Red Bluff police report of August 1960, whic 7/6/1967 #22620  
           US60 NORTHWEST / POPLAR BLUFF, MO 6 / car. Night lights / trees. 2/21/1973 #27303  
                              Slip Bluff County Park Lamoni, Iowa 2:30 a.m. 8/30/1979 #34809  
a.m. A student camping out at Slip Bluff County Park near Lamoni, Iowa, is  8/30/1979 #34809  
overing about 200–300 feet above a bluff less than a city block away. When  1/21/1980 #35141  
                          NEAR RED BLUFF, CA 2 / Cessna 172. 1M metallic ov 8/28/1980 #35480  
d List, from a Cessna 172 over Red Bluff, California. It was solid, smooth, 8/28/1980 #35481  
                               Red Bluff, California 1:15 p.m. Flight instr 9/4/1980 #35494  
 miles south of the airport in Red Bluff, California. His passenger, a scho 9/4/1980 #35494  
## Word: "bluffs" (Back to Top)
                           COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA Railroad/railway crew. 2-10 s 7/30/1952 #7342  
                           Council Bluffs, Iowa Nebraska Waverly, Nebraska  4/25/1955 #12101  
treak across the sky above Council Bluffs, Iowa. State Highway Patrolman Jo 4/25/1955 #12101  
                           COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA Several separate observer(s). 7/31/1976 #31205  
                           Council Bluffs, Iowa 11:45 p.m. Debbie Focken an 7/31/1976 #31206  
tandard Service Station in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Apparently the UFO causes  7/31/1976 #31206  
metime after 11:00 p.m. in Council Bluffs, Iowa when she had a close encoun 7/31/1976 #31207  
                           Council Bluffs, Iowa Northern city limits 7:45 p 12/17/1977 #32792  
y Kenny and Carol Drake of Council Bluffs, Iowa, falling to earth near the  12/17/1977 #32792  
                       SOUTH / OAK BLUFFS, MARTHAS VINYD, MA Radio Frequenc 3/27/1979 #34490  
m the surf off of the shore at Oak Bluffs on Martha Vineyard, Massachusetts 3/27/1979 #34492  
                           Council Bluffs, Iowa Pioneer Trail Longview Driv 1/21/1980 #35141  
rs from a bridge game near Council Bluffs, Iowa. The first car with six wit 1/21/1980 #35141  
                   SOUTH / COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA Car malfunctions due to EME ( 2/11/1980 #35164  
                           Council Bluffs, IA Brilliant orange light in fie 2/11/1980 #35166  
 driving on Highway G66 in Council Bluffs, Iowa encountered an orange UFO a 2/11/1980 #35175  
                           COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA 1 observer. Huge grey triangl 2/21/1995 #42053  
    A young man driving in Council Bluffs, Iowa at 7 p.m. saw a huge, gray  2/21/1995 #42054  
hts and one red light over Council Bluffs, Iowa. It hovered, moved slowly,  9/7/2008 #45167  
## Word: "bluish" (Back to Top)
r in Kellogg, Iowa, sees a bright, bluish light moving rapidly to the south 11/19/1897 #612  
PPET, SWZ 2 observer(s). Area lit. Bluish circular fireball going [to] stra 1/27/1903 #658  
of Lake Baikal observe a column of bluish light, nearly as bright as the su 6/30/1908 #711  
s dazzled by a bright light with a bluish tinge overhead. It switches off f 5/19/1909 #767  
 Mars” has been lit up with a deep bluish tint for 40 seconds each time. He Winter 1936 #1254  
is on the main deck when he sees a bluish light move to the south, turn rig 9/26/1945? #1940  
     Stockholm, Sweden 2:30 p.m. A bluish flying cigar 10–12 times the diam 7/10/1946 #2047  
       ALENTEJO AREA, PORTUGAL Odd bluish ball / light seen / 5 minute(s).  9/14/1946 #2181  
 Commerce official Max Hood sees a bluish disc zigzagging for about 30 seco 7/1/1947 #2520  
ION, WA 2+2 kids. Round flat shiny bluish disk straight and level going qui 7/10/1947 #3089  
 PC-472) encounters a cigar-shaped bluish object about one mile away off Ca Summer 1949 #4247  
s, NM AFOSI Case 85; 20:00 - round bluish green obj disappeared behind buil 8/6/1949 #4305  
FOSI Case 90; 20:30 - round, white/bluish obj similar to falling star went  8/6/1949 #4310  
                               Six bluish white disc-shaped objects turned  3/17/1950 #4666  
ft flew away toward Chile, leaving bluish trails.                           3/18/1950 #4674  
ft flew away toward Chile, leaving bluish trails.                           3/18/1950 #4680  
 alerts Sperry to a bright blue or bluish light ahead of them and increasin 5/29/1950 #4972  
. 3 planes and ground observer(s). Bluish light.                            6/26/1950 #5010  
tness: Captain/B-29 navigator. One bluish cylinder, three times long as wid 2/23/1952 #5922  
 on a B-29 bomber sees a pulsating bluish cylinder while the aircraft is ev 2/23/1952 #5923  
navigator of a USAF B-29 sighted a bluish cylindrical UFO, three times long 2/23/1952 #5924  
4 transport plane. Three circular, bluish objects in loose "fingertip" form 4/24/1952 #6175  
                     VANCOUVER, BC Bluish round object changes to cone-shap 4/30/1952 #6221  
 to descend and intercept a round, bluish white UFO. The F-94's radar locke 5/31/1952 #6395  
ened by a thunderclap and a strong bluish light. As she got out, she saw a  Summer 1952 #6575  
              THANN, HT RHIN, FR 2 bluish disks seen. Observer(s) and time  7/6/1952 #6719  
 White Plains, NY 2 round objects, bluish white with brighter rims, fly in  7/17/1952 #6862  
ameter, on the ground. It gave off bluish flashes as it took off, leaving a 7/20/1952 #6951  
 object on the ground. It gave off bluish flashes as it took off, and left  7/20/1952 #6953  
       Maxwell, TX At 2240 CST one bluish green object was observed at 8,00 7/22/1952 #7011  
rmation.” One of the objects has a bluish glow in the front and a reddish t 7/22/1952 #7025  
ast Guard Station observed two (2) bluish lights approximately 5 feet in di 7/23/1952 #7071  
tion [now closed] when he sees two bluish lights approximately 5 feet in di 7/23/1952 #7078  
reported hovering over open field; bluish lights seen through ports; swift  8/27/1952 #7753  
 luminous eyes from which beams of bluish light emerged; it also had a dark 9/11/1952 #7896  
ours at 6:30 p.m. Each craft had a bluish leading edge and left a trail of  2/28/1953 #8718  
ect arrive from the east, emitting bluish smoke trails and moving relativel 1/18/1954 #9494  
he craft had a window on top and a bluish light on each end, and made a dru 6/5/1954 #9867  
 disk-shaped, red object leaving a bluish trail.                            9/10/1954 #10283  
 disc-shaped, red object leaving a bluish trail.                            9/10/1954 #10285  
 disc-shaped, red object leaving a bluish trail.                            9/10/1954 #10287  
ard at Santa Maria Airport,  saw a bluish metallic pecan shaped object 5’ x 9/20/1954 #10373  
         N1 SOUTHWEST / CALAIS, FR Bluish domed saucer dives / ground. Turn 10/8/1954 #10809  
, France On the road to Boulogne a bluish object, clearly seen with a dome  10/8/1954 #10815  
Pas de Calais department, France a bluish domed disc-shaped object dove tow 10/8/1954 #10821  
.m. horses panicked and ran when a bluish yellow saucer approached them to  10/11/1954 #10950  
 Yugoslavia [now Serbia], trailing bluish tails for about an hour. Witnesse 10/25/1954 #11390  
t / hits trees and lands. Bounces. Bluish trail / air.                      10/30/1954 #11488  
 altitude and flew away, leaving a bluish trail.                            10/30/1954 #11490  
 altitude and flew away, leaving a bluish trail.                            10/30/1954 #11493  
 it, the being wrapped itself in a bluish cloud. The witnesses ran away.    11/2/1954 #11536  
unção sees a “reddish and slightly bluish object” moving at incredible spee 12/14/1954 #11807  
earby field, and it was emitting a bluish light like that from a welding to 12/28/1954 #11869  
a disc with two bright, pulsating, bluish lights on the underside.          2/10/1955 #11992  
ge color slightly from greenish to bluish or vice versa [as the object rece 6/23/1955 #12209  
nt end is dark, its middle section bluish green, and its end very bright.   8/11/1955 #12353  
                                 A bluish white elongated UFO was sighted b 12/9/1955 #12601  
ley, California reporeted seeing a bluish green light at 5:30 a.m. that app 7/22/1956 #13008  
f airport), TX Egg shaped object w/bluish glow approaching from the SW (NIC 11/4/1957 #14278  
r of the fuselage. It has a bright bluish hue and leaves a bluish fluoresce 11/9/1957 #14505  
s a bright bluish hue and leaves a bluish fluorescent trail. The sighting l 11/9/1957 #14505  
d not. It had by now turned a dull bluish gray again, and instead of portho 12/16/1957 #14736  
00 feet. On its underside it has a bluish triangular section with rounded p 6/1958 #15071  
pper transparent sphere emitting a bluish, pulsating light, 12 m diameter,  11/23/1958 #15456  
pper transparent sphere emitting a bluish, pulsating light, 12 meters diame 11/23/1958 #15457  
           Wallingford, Kentucky A bluish, disk-shaped object was observed  9/7/1959 #15959  
gford, Kentucky. After a minute, a bluish blaze of fire comes from the bott 9/7/1959 #15960  
 at an angle by a church. A strong bluish light is on top of it. The same d 5/13/1960 #16266  
sc, almost circular, with a strong bluish light on top, flew noiseless and  5/13/1960 #16271  
bove their car dragging a trail of bluish light behind it. The inside of th 7/2/1960 #16327  
he rim and dull aluminum in color. Bluish smoke is issuing from an apparent 8/11/1960 #16369  
                 On this morning a bluish green oval object, the size of a  4/27/1961 #16664  
arth after which the object turned bluish color and then burned out or went 4/18/1962 #17120  
 to the south. The UFOs gave off a bluish light. The teachers said they als 7/27/1962 #17292  
 an anticlockwise direction and is bluish. The upper portion appears to be  2/15/1963 #17669  
meters in diameter, and gave off a bluish glow as it emitted a swishing noi 2/15/1963 #17670  
                     SUNNYVALE, CA Bluish saucer hovers and circles slowly  5/23/1963 #17762  
                     Sunnyvale, CA Bluish disc observed hovering and circli 5/23/1963 #17764  
e entire area was illuminated by a bluish light "as bright as day," and a r 4/22/1964 #18183  
 illuminated as bright as day by a bluish light. Then a disc-shaped object  4/22/1964 #18185  
ting some power lines. There was a bluish glow from the bottom. As it left, 12/21/1964 #18671  
ticeable nose; a slit for a mouth; bluish skin. When the creature walked it 1965 #18679  
w coming from the near side, and a bluish glow from the far side. Soon the  1/23/1965 #18760  
ng man dressed in a tight fitting, bluish white two piece uniform, continuo 1/30/1965 #18785  
                 On this evening a bluish 40-foot disc-shaped object with i 6/15/1965 #19006  
a clear yellow glow, and it left a bluish trail.                            7/6/1965 #19076  
a clear yellow glow, and it left a bluish trail.                            7/6/1965 #19079  
ford, Connecticut sighted a round, bluish white object that flew silently t 7/20/1965 #19154  
lowing through trees, and gave off bluish sparks.                           8/4/1965 #19321  
disc-shaped object with a "ring of bluish white lights" moved overhead slow 8/9/1965 #19349  
 large, metallic, oval object with bluish lights land in a park at the edge 10/13/1965 #19655  
ll portholes along the side, and a bluish glow at the trailing end. The obj 2/14/1966 #19903  
ith, South Australia when he saw a bluish disc-shaped UFO with lights, abou 2/27/1966 #19926  
" surface, coneshaped, and showing bluish lights that turned red. Then the  3/20/1966 #20008  
llow-orange light in the center, a bluish light on the right, and a white l 3/23/1966 #20052  
 yellow, blue, and white. It had a bluish light at one end and a white ligh 3/23/1966 #20057  
and then sped away leaving a short bluish tail, disappearing in an estimate 3/29/1966 #20133  
ed a large object with a pulsating bluish light on top, an orange light bel 3/31/1966 #20175  
ed a large object with a pulsating bluish light on top, an orange light bel 3/31/1966 #20182  
el path. The object was emitting a bluish glow, and two light beams extende 6/8/1966 #20540  
ix feet in diameter. It gave off a bluish glow and stayed parallel with the 6/8/1966 #20547  
 varying from brilliant green to a bluish tinge, and was hovering at an est 6/23/1966 #20595  
 varying from brilliant green to a bluish tinge, and is hovering at an esti 6/23/1966 #20597  
up into the sky leaving a trail of bluish light. (Hynek, 1972, pp. 95-96, 2 7/22/1966 #20667  
p into the sky, leaving a trail of bluish light.                            7/22/1966 #20669  
p and bottom, surrounded by a soft bluish glow. The object was visible for  8/27/1966 #20814  
nd other fishermen notice a small, bluish, luminous cloud moving in a circl 10/8/1966 #20974  
EVELT, UT Silver 35' saucer shines bluish light through windows. Altitude = 10/15/1966 #21002  
    Two bright red lights with dim bluish white lights in between, which mo 10/17/1966 #21013  
Rectangular object emitting steady bluish light moving slowly to the N (NIC 11/6/1966 #21079  
iptical dull gray object glowing a bluish color around the rim. It was esti 1/10/1967 #21282  
usky, Ohio, when he sees a bright, bluish disc moving toward the southwest  2/10/1967 #21504  
again, the object has “turned to a bluish tinge” and is far in the distance 4/5/1967 #22066  
harles D. Scott saw a large round, bluish white lighted object descend to l 4/21/1967 #22200  
window-like openings, from which a bluish light emanated. They also saw the 5/1/1967 #22263  
ere human in appearance they had a bluish aura. The tallest was dressed in  10/6/1967 #23187  
horns, yellow in color with a pale bluish tail, moving at about 1.5 degrees 10/18/1967 #23261  
ilgrim’s hat with a green glow and bluish color surrounding it. A few minut 5/27/1968 #23987  
grim's hat , with a green glow and bluish outline around the edges. A few m 5/27/1968 #23989  
           CURICA PROV, CHILE Huge bluish UFO shoots orange rays all over p 7/25/1968 #24222  
ft. over barn and projected bright bluish beam into cornfield. Moved off so 8/1968 #24282  
ft. over barn and projected bright bluish beam into cornfield. Moved off so 8/1968 #24283  
ee a cylindrical object emitting a bluish light and descending slowly to th 9/15/1968 #24468  
 sitting on a tripod under which a bluish light illuminates the ground, and 9/26/1968 #24516  
y after five p.m., a disc, red and bluish in color, hovered in the sky sout 11/19/1968 #24666  
a tube at Machado, which emitted a bluish flame that “floated” toward him.  2/6/1969 #24897  
 halfway through, and it emitted a bluish flame that “floated” at him. When 2/7/1969 #24902  
owie, South Australia watched as a bluish white object followed two young m 5/28/1969 #25167  
                                 A bluish white oval shaped object hovered  6/6/1969 #25205  
by field the witnesses could see a bluish green light under each object. Th 6/10/1969 #25209  
ffects on car, static electricity. Bluish object shaped like inverted mushr 6/19/1969 #25225  
nds on end. He looks up and sees a bluish, upside-down-mushroom-shaped obje 6/19/1969 #25226  
a window. It looked like "a little bluish colored man with eyes that gave o 7/18/1969 #25280  
ow of the craft was seen “a little bluish colored man with eyes that gave o 7/18/1969 #25281  
e smaller objects are egg- shaped, bluish, and no more than 8 feet long and 10/24/1969 #25422  
m-fitted, and tended to give off a bluish glow. The middle figure turned sl 8/15/1970 #25787  
that these were on a line of eight bluish luminescent rectangles on the gro 3/5/1971 #26044  
 passed them when it filled with a bluish white light from behind, as if a  3/5/1971 #26044  
ning it pearly gray with a faintly bluish sheen. As it gets closer, the cir 5/24/1971 #26130  
m. The larger UFO emitted a broad, bluish beam of light that fell directly  8/11/1971 #26280  
 Its color was tan to brown with a bluish gray tinge. The humanoid creature 8/16/1971 #26291  
the road about six feet away. Of a bluish color, a localized mist surrounde 8/17/1971 #26293  
lond hair. They wore tight-fitting bluish metallic coveralls with wide whit 8/25/1971 #26305  
around 10:00 p.m. There they saw a bluish light pulsating over a small squa 12/6/1971 #26490  
to look for a broom when he sees a bluish light, which gets larger as if it 3/19/1972 #26617  
ar display of lights surrounded by bluish sparks. At 10:45 p.m. a farmer in 7/4/1972 #26764  
farmer in Ellezelles notices three bluish beams of light shining down from  7/4/1972 #26764  
countered a tall figure, glowing a bluish green, moving among a pile of cha 9/27/1972 #27035  
 oval, and from red to yellow to a bluish white.                            12/24/1972 #27189  
h 28th they had seen two elongated bluish objects high overhead. At about o 3/29/1973 #27390  
ssissippi 7:45 p.m. A 50-foot-wide bluish object hovers 2–3 feet above US H 10/16/1973 #28086  
                        Europa, MS Bluish object landed on road, creature e 10/17/1973 #28129  
                      Copeland, NC Bluish oval object hovered near mobile h 10/19/1973 #28186  
 as well as a vertically revolving bluish light around the center. It displ 5/11/1974 #29100  
it might be a helicopter. It had a bluish tinge, and was flashing bright an 5/31/1974 #29150  
d for four seconds. He witnessed a bluish circular tube with blurred edges  9/24/1974 #29475  
kinese. The color of its skin was "bluish" like "a bruise." The teen report 11/21/1974 #29601  
c and the engine wouldn't start. A bluish light beam then shone on the car  1/6/1975 #29729  
T Time unknown. Egg-shaped object, bluish lights beaming. (NIDS UFO 89) (NI 3/9/1975 #29883  
r with a saucer-shaped disc with a bluish white glow underneath.            10/6/1975 #30419  
ointed at the ends. It then turned bluish in color and began to hover. (HC  10/19/1975 #30449  
dlights on, and the UFO rises as a bluish gas is emitted from a tube and ex 6/22/1976 #31128  
ose up about 30 feet and emitted a bluish gas. It then grew as large as a 2 6/22/1976 #31130  
t the witness from which a beam of bluish white light emerged. The witness  9/3/1976 #31341  
et altitude encountered an intense bluish light, which suddenly turned off, 9/19/1976 #31412  
sbon, Portugal when they spotted a bluish white light in front of them. The 9/19/1976 #31413  
 around 10 p.m. when a fluorescent bluish green light descended from the sk 10/29/1976 #31506  
few minutes later yellow, red, and bluish green balls of light flew over Va 12/20/1976 #31627  
oad. It gave off a brilliant, hot, bluish light from its leading edge, whic 9/7/1977 #32470  
g examined by a being with a small bluish light, while another being examin 9/15/1977 #32485  
t, England, when he sees a glowing bluish object in the sky traveling fast  10/15/1977 #32578  
ing a beachfront cafe saw a bright bluish light flying low over the ocean d 1/6/1978 #32855  
s, which were now illuminated by a bluish glow. Upon entering a clearing, t 1/6/1978 #32855  
ortugal at 10:30 p.m. saw a bright bluish light flying low over the ocean d 1/6/1978 #32856  
s, which were now illuminated by a bluish glow. Upon entering a clearing, t 1/6/1978 #32856  
has a grid pattern, and it emits a bluish glow like a tongue of flame. When 9/18/1978 #33708  
 Torino, Italy when they sighted a bluish white light among the trees. One  12/8/1978 #34078  
green halo, and they left behind a bluish trail. A truck driver said his tr 12/21/1978 #34189  
green halo, and they left behind a bluish trail. A truck driver said his tr 12/21/1978 #34194  
ay metallic outfits that emitted a bluish glow. They wore white-colored hel 1/2/1979 #34281  
to it, and it took off, emitting a bluish flash and pulsating twice before  1/4/1979 #34296  
nto it and it took off, emitting a bluish flash and pulsating twice before  1/5/1979 #34304  
 color and brightness, from red to bluish white, formed over a base ring of 1/9/1979 #34326  
ening another witness saw a bright bluish light descend into the same woods 1/19/1979 #34362  
noon four police officers viewed a bluish silvery disc in the sky over Dixo 2/19/1979 #34436  
r behind the object comes a bright bluish ball of light. Warren claims he c 12/28/1980 #35750  
ornoz said the spherical light was bluish in color, and it did not illumina 2/18/1981 #35832  
 glowing orange and has a whirling bluish ring around it. The object pulsat 4/8/1981 #35887  
t was only 100 meters away. It had bluish yellow bottom lights, and green l 1/29/1982 #36315  
he cabin and illuminates it with a bluish tint. The UFO is still in clear v 2/8/1982 #36327  
r color is a powerful white with a bluish hue, especially at the sides. Aft 10/14/1982 #36641  
zil, he notices a strong, slightly bluish light on his right. Radar in Curi 1984 #37096  
 some hazel bushes, emitting small bluish flames from its sides. The witnes 10/8/1984 #37480  
 transparent, brightly illuminated bluish disc-shaped object partly resting 6/20/1986 #37918  
 seconds; the second is a circular bluish object in the western sky seen fo 8/12/1986 #37984  
ir skin looked translucent and was bluish in color. The creatures said noth 3/7/1987 #38133  
, gaining altitude. Eight smaller, bluish lights appear in circular formati 7/27/1987 #38219  
RE Lemon shaped object. White with bluish halo. Very fast. Going quickly [t 1/4/1988 #38399  
umanoid outside her home. It had a bluish complexion. Five men appeared, fo 4/2/1989 #38888  
Y Bus driver. 2 strong red lights. Bluish classic small humanoid (or Grey)  7/24/1990 #39659  
 the light turns off, and she sees bluish flashes erupting from a spot to t 11/22/1990 #39898  
altitude that had three bands of a bluish white corona around its mid-secti 9/30/1992 #40651  
n the village have seen one or two bluish objects colliding with the rock f 1/14/1993 #40795  
e face and was covered with a dark bluish fur. After a few minutes the crea 4/19/1993 #40944  
rance had their vehicle paced by a bluish UFO. The form of the object was l 5/16/1993 #40983  
form of the object was lit under a bluish light, and positioned itself in f 5/16/1993 #40983  
   L'HOPITAL, FR 1 observer. Large bluish sphere crosses entire sky in 30 s 8/8/1993 #41114  
 window on the bottom that emits a bluish light and a buzzing sound.        12/29/1994 #41910  
the paddock. There was a brilliant bluish white light and a metallic smell  2/10/1996 #42754  
ts. From a belt around its waist a bluish beam of light emerged. The being  2/23/1996 #42776  
server reported that he had seen a bluish or blue-green fireball descend al 10/3/1996 #43052  
d that the interior had a metallic bluish sheen to it. Still speaking in th 12/9/1996 #43133  
 with a large bald head who wore a bluish colored uniform. All three witnes 2/16/1997 #43194  
be discerned, but the UFO radiated bluish beams of light. Three more lights 9/22/1997 #43414  
 at 2:30 a.m. he became aware of a bluish white light beam from an outside  12/14/1997 #43462  
nly three to four months. Soon the bluish light started to "close in" at th 12/14/1997 #43462  
 kind of table. A figure wearing a bluish shiny suit approached him. The be 4/13/1998 #43550  
of creatures: some were short with bluish black skin, perfectly round eyes, 3/11/2000 #43965  
ey see a bright white light with a bluish tinge descend and hover about 2,0 6/23/2001 #44196  
e rapidly, and was surrounded by a bluish haze. It moved very fast, before  8/28/2003 #44586  
 battery cables, and sees a bright bluish glow lighting up a wooded area ac 7/5/2005 #44851  
circular disc-shaped object with a bluish tint, and blinking very brightly, 11/22/2006 #44986  
 go off and left behind a cloud of bluish fog.                              12/4/2006 #44989  
e to greenish to white and back to bluish. The smaller objects dart up and  5/8/2009 #45220  
## Word: "bluish-" (Back to Top)
o, see a silent, spherical object, bluish- or greenish-white, with a flamin 3/13/1949 #4044  
law see a formation of rectangular bluish- green lights at Las Cruces, New  8/20/1949 #4333  
n company engineer saw a brilliant bluish- white light going fast in a zig- 1/31/1967 #21423  
## Word: "bluish-black" (Back to Top)
Crossing, Newfoundland. They see a bluish-black exhaust trail that has cut  7/10/1947 #3110  
 The humanoid wore a tight fitting bluish-black tunic, a purple cape, and a 2/29/1964 #18141  
## Word: "bluish-glow" (Back to Top)
ray disc in a field. It had a weak bluish-glow coming from the bottom of th 2/13/1979 #34420  
## Word: "bluish-gray" (Back to Top)
sfield, California, when he sees a bluish-gray metallic disc with portholes 10/18/1927 #1081  
7, and Yves DeGillerboz, 23, see a bluish-gray object floating in midair ov 9/7/1954 #10268  
nd Yves DeGillerboz, age 23, saw a bluish-gray object floating in midair ov 9/7/1954 #10270  
in his headlights a four-foot-tall bluish-gray figure with arms and legs sp 10/15/1954 #11111  
onds later, the witness saw a dull bluish-gray oval-shaped object, about fi 9/27/1973 #27879  
brows, and wears a tight one-piece bluish-gray suit with an emblem on its c 6/23/1976 #31134  
d ears, no eyebrows, and wearing a bluish-gray coverall bearing an emblem o 6/23/1976 #31135  
s, and cat-like eyes that glowed a bluish-gray color. Their hands had three 5/2/2001 #44174  
e Elem, Washington, when he sees a bluish-gray disc hovering about 600–700  10/17/2007 #45077  
## Word: "bluish-green" (Back to Top)
le town. Duration: 1 1/2 min, as a bluish-green flame. Then plunged into th 11/2/1885 #269  
le town. Duration: 1 1/2 min, as a bluish-green flame. Then plunged into th 11/2/1885 #270  
illuminated the entire town with a bluish-green glow. It made several circl 11/2/1885 #271  
left of the road. It glowed with a bluish-green light, made a whistling sou 9/1943 #1523  
left of the road. It glowed with a bluish-green light, made a whistling sou 9/1943 #1524  
ses, NM A rigid formation of faint bluish-green rectangles (NICAP: 01 - Dis 8/20/1949 #4332  
andia Base, New Mexico 1:07 a.m. A bluish-green fireball is seen moving to  10/10/1949 #4385  
ere visible through windows, and a bluish-green ray was shot in the directi 3/15/1950 #4644  
ssachusetts Braintree 10:20 p.m. A bluish-green UFO is seen over Boston, Ma 7/22/1952 #7026  
nd 24 others saw a red, white, and bluish-green object spinning and throwin 9/1/1952 #7821  
hes away at high speed, emitting a bluish-green light. He estimates it is 1 10/1952 #8076  
about 50 miles from Woomera sees a bluish-green circular object moving nort 11/22/1953 #9315  
sville, Maryland, observes a large bluish-green oval or round object circli 6/12/1954 #9897  
a. It made a humming sound and had bluish-green lights on its top and amber 3/30/1955 #12071  
 of his truck and turn from red to bluish-green at which time the truck’s e 11/2/1957 #14194  
ottom like a loaf of bread, with a bluish-green tint, about 75–125 feet lon 11/3/1957 #14243  
d ahead of his truck, then turn to bluish-green. The truck’s electrical sys 11/3/1957 #14245  
0, saw a brilliant red object with bluish-green tail (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  11/26/1957 #14624  
hey see a metallic disc emitting a bluish-green light around its edge. The  10/22/1959 #16052  
feebly. He notices a huge, bright, bluish-green, crescent-shaped object hov 12/1959 #16107  
                               Two bluish-green oval lights were seen oscil 2/27/1963 #17687  
         Carson City, NV Disc with bluish-green glow hovered emitting beam  11/14/1963 #18038  
ki Wachee Springs, Florida, sees a bluish-green and reddish-purple object 2 3/2/1965 #18832  
h a theodolite, and photographed a bluish-green lighted object that zigzagg 7/3/1965 #19065  
. CST. Police and citizens saw two bluish-green lighted objects and heard a 3/13/1966 #19957  
ts lights were alternately red and bluish-green.                            6/18/1966 #20579  
ts lights were alternately red and bluish-green.                            6/18/1966 #20582  
 object hovering low in the sky, a bluish-green area visible on its undersi 10/31/1967 #23377  
hts dimmed. The witness then saw a bluish-green, elongated object to his le 11/28/1967 #23520  
ucharest, Romania, when she sees a bluish-green object above the plant at a 12/10/1967 #23567  
 the north. One hour later a large bluish-green top-shaped UFO, surrounded  3/2/1971 #26039  
changed color from white to red to bluish-green. (NICAP UFOI, Oct 1972, pag 8/20/1972 #26938  
changed color from white to red to bluish-green. After an unknown period of 8/29/1972 #26969  
 clothing, a one-piece luminescent bluish-green tight fitting coverall with 9/27/1972 #27035  
their car, and changed colors from bluish-green to reddish-orange. Three od 12/13/1973 #28570  
er and several others saw a large, bluish-green cigar-shaped UFO hovering o 8/15/1974 #29356  
entina, in the midst of a luminous bluish-green light.                      5/7/1978 #33192  
 Am flight 440 and an unidentified bluish-green cigar-shaped object. The UF 9/22/1980 #35527  
 Am flight 440 and an unidentified bluish-green cigar-shaped object. The UF 9/22/1980 #35529  
cone-shaped object with an intense bluish-green electric-arc glow fly overh 10/5/1980 #35555  
cone-shaped object with an intense bluish-green electric-arc glow fly overh 10/5/1980 #35557  
ight at 9:15 p.m. The object had a bluish-green, cone-shaped beam projectin 4/8/1996 #42858  
## Word: "bluish-greenish" (Back to Top)
querque, NM AFOSI Case 40; 21:55 - Bluish-greenish white obj 1/2 diameter o 3/13/1949 #4043  
## Word: "bluish-red" (Back to Top)
ameter and surrounded by a strange bluish-red or violet glow. Curious, he d 11/2/1954 #11539  
ang, Malaysia a spinning, luminous bluish-red ball hovered just 30 feet ove 6/5/1980 #35355  
## Word: "bluish-silver" (Back to Top)
                        A luminous bluish-silver colored ovoid UFO was seen 2/24/1963 #17685  
## Word: "bluish-silvery" (Back to Top)
g like a ramp are tall people with bluish-silvery robes. She watches them f 1948? #3524  
## Word: "bluish-skinned" (Back to Top)
ing and communicating with a short bluish-skinned humanoid with a large hea 7/1/2001 #44202  
## Word: "bluish-white" (Back to Top)
ory in Switzerland reports seeing “bluish-white flashes” on Mars for 17 con 10/1913 #892  
are luminescent white in front and bluish-white in back. She sees about 10  10/10/1946 #2202  
n Reno, Nevada, leaving a trail of bluish-white vapor. It is high in the sk 7/7/1947 #2931  
ngton, when her bedroom fills with bluish-white light pouring in through th 1948? #3524  
aughn of Burlington, said he saw a bluish-white flying saucer land in Massa 7/11/1948 #3707  
orce major and captain watch seven bluish-white lights pass over Fort Worth 7/24/1949 #4284  
                                 A bluish-white object circled around and p 5/22/1951 #5518  
ayton, Ohio, when he sees a large, bluish-white light moving parallel to th 6/1/1951 #5535  
                 Fairchild AFB, WA Bluish-white spherical object with a lon 1/20/1952 #5867  
hington, when they notice a large, bluish-white, spherical object approachi 1/20/1952 #5868  
ght witnesses watched an irregular bluish-white or silver sphere hover in t 6/2/1952 #6429  
es SW of ), D.C. Saw round ball of bluish-white light hovering Bruen Case ( 7/13/1952 #6795  
lle, Florida, sees a round ball of bluish-white light about 60 miles southw 7/13/1952 #6797  
D.C. over Virginia reported that a bluish-white light approached their plan 7/13/1952 #6798  
Florence Daley. Two round objects, bluish-white with brighter rims, flew in 7/17/1952 #6866  
ooked like an elongated egg with a bluish-white tail.                       10/6/1952 #8096  
t 6,000 feet when he sees a bright bluish-white glowing object below him at 12/4/1952 #8377  
as Air Force Base chased a glowing bluish-white object that made extremely  12/4/1952 #8378  
ely large and intense bright round bluish-white light (NICAP: 01 - Distant  12/29/1952 #8458  
ph when they see a large, intense, bluish-white light near Vega, Texas. It  12/29/1952 #8462  
                        Mobile, AL Bluish-white object 1-2 ft size with a s 1/1/1953 #8491  
 C. Loveless sees a V-formation of bluish-white lights approaching his airc 1/9/1953 #8525  
          Cincinnati, OH Pulsating bluish-white luminous halo surrounding a 3/9/1954 #9607  
orce Base in Kadena, Japan sighted bluish-white circular objects overhead a 4/25/1954 #9721  
nt off to the southeast. Circular, bluish-white in color. No sound, no rada 4/25/1954 #9721  
 11:30 p.m. P. D. McCormack sees a bluish-white object flying at 1,000 mph  8/1/1954 #10090  
me illuminated with a very bright, bluish-white light, which suddenly went  10/19/1954 #11239  
 portholes gave off a very bright, bluish-white light that suddenly went ou 10/19/1954 #11250  
 New Hampshire, sees four glowing, bluish-white objects to the southwest. O 10/1955 #12477  
wo men approached. It changed to a bluish-white sphere with a dark red cent 1/13/1957 #13454  
but it jumped away, turning into a bluish-white sphere with a dark red cent 1/15/1957 #13456  
t it jumped away and turned into a bluish-white sphere with a dark red cent 1/15/1957 #13457  
l), they used a device producing a bluish-white light and another instument 10/25/1957 #14154  
ses they used a device producing a bluish-white light and another instrumen 10/25/1957 #14157  
          Soeul, S. Korea Luminous bluish-white barrel-shaped object (NICAP 11/6/1957 #14407  
h of Seoul a barrel-shaped object, bluish-white and luminous, was seen clos 11/6/1957 #14410  
outh Korea a barrel-shaped object, bluish-white and luminous, was seen clos 11/6/1957 #14431  
nment contractor, sighted a round, bluish-white object at Wheelus AFB, Liby 9/1/1958 #15247  
   At nine o'clock several violent bluish-white flashes were seen at ground 9/2/1958 #15251  
e. It changed color from white to  bluish-white when it shot off.           8/23/1959 #15933  
 found himself onboard a hovering, bluish-white craft. His two friends had  11/15/1959 #16088  
oud explosion it emits a brilliant bluish-white flash that extends downward 2/6/1960 #16169  
             In Beulah, Michigan a bluish-white light with a faint rotating 7/8/1961 #16755  
, Queensland, Australia. It glowed bluish-white and had a red tail. At 10:0 6/24/1965 #19025  
a, observe for 15 seconds a round, bluish-white object moving east to west  7/3/1965 #19062  
ahoma City 9:08 p.m. Four objects, bluish-white with a red haze, are seen f 8/1/1965 #19244  
owly south. Its base has a ring of bluish-white lights that make the object 8/9/1965 #19348  
enly changed from reddishorange to bluish-white before accelerating out of  3/30/1966 #20160  
 the crew saw high above them as a bluish-white object giving off a brillia 5/4/1966 #20448  
 An aircraft design engineer saw a bluish-white object pickup 10 smaller ob 5/17/1966 #20496  
ign engineer in Mentor, Ohio saw a bluish-white object pickup 10 smaller ob 5/17/1966 #20498  
orthwest of Vernal, Utah. It had a bluish-white light in the dome and pulsa 9/7/1966 #20862  
 to be the size of a house, with a bluish-white light in the dome. It lande 9/7/1966 #20863  
hite ball of light surrounded by a bluish-white pulsating glow (halo effect 9/30/1966 #20938  
y described the object as a bright bluish-white, glowing dome-shaped object 3/8/1967 #21818  
 Missouri, and see a 350–400 foot, bluish-white, WWI-helmet–shaped object c 4/17/1967 #22153  
t's huge!" It gave off an intense, bluish-white, cold light from the unders 4/17/1967 #22157  
cyclist was suddenly engulfed in a bluish-white light so dazzling that he h 8/24/1967 #22914  
when he was suddenly engulfed in a bluish-white light that so dazzling he h 8/24/1967 #22918  
ople exclaiming about a mysterious bluish-white object that had landed on a 2/7/1969 #24902  
ood up on her arms. She then saw a bluish-white beam of light ahead on the  3/6/1969 #24977  
 “as large as two rooms” that is a bluish-white color like the glow around  4/23/1969 #25086  
e flourescent UFOs hadedges lit by bluish-white light, red underparts, and  9/24/1969 #25378  
enmark, when he is surrounded by a bluish-white light. His engine stops and 8/13/1970 #25782  
derslev, Denmark was engulfed by a bluish-white cone of light from a metall 8/13/1970 #25783  
was a transparent cupola bearing a bluish-white rotating light; and around  8/16/1970 #25791  
. Jenkins hears gunfire and sees a bluish-white streak as the object speeds 10/1973 #27902  
ng gunfire and seeing a “streak of bluish-white light moving at high speed” 10/1973 #27903  
ts side, and shines three beams of bluish-white light on the road, and anot 1/6/1976 #30770  
nge-white light at the top and six bluish-white lights on the side. It is 5 4/22/1976 #31010  
 Islands. It is transparent with a bluish-white hue. The crew of the corvet 6/22/1976 #31129  
d Klein. The staff fires a beam of bluish-white light that hits Klein in th 9/3/1976 #31335  
The object is white in the center, bluish-white at the periphery, and is su 11/5/1976 #31528  
lights remained on. The object was bluish-white in color and vanished in th 3/13/1977 #31905  
from the road. It had three bright bluish-white lights. Next to the craft s 7/24/1977 #32310  
cinity stalled. The UFO gave off a bluish-white glow, and the witnessed exp 12/17/1977 #32793  
f light toward the ground. Several bluish-white lights are visible between  2/4/1978 #32951  
waters sees an object resembling a bluish-white kite moving silently at a h 1/6/1979 #34311  
       At shortly after midnight a bluish-white light entered a house in Ca 3/1/1985 #37564  
ter, with three horizontal rows of bluish-white lights on the perimeter. Th 6/11/1985 #37598  
ter, with three horizontal rows of bluish-white lights on the perimeter. Th 6/11/1985 #37599  
Navy pilot and his wife saw a huge bluish-white glowing orb in the sky over 7/20/1990 #39655  
ne. At around 6:00 p.m. an intense bluish-white oval-shaped object buzzed a 6/8/1991 #40093  
.m. a huge triangle with pulsating bluish-white lights was seen by a Mr. Cr 3/3/1992 #40350  
, and robust looking. It emitted a bluish-white light.                      7/26/2001 #44211  
ing silently above him. There is a bluish-white light in the center. Behind 5/8/2009 #45220  
two egg-shaped and two round, with bluish-white lights that change to green 5/8/2009 #45220  
immediately with a beam of intense bluish-white light about 2–3 feet in dia 5/8/2009 #45220  
## Word: "bluish-whitelight" (Back to Top)
r Bay, Okinawa, Japan A stationary bluish-whitelight, about the size of a d 9/1945 #1933  
## Word: "bluish-yellow" (Back to Top)
ing over rooftops, surrounded by a bluish-yellow glow. It moved as if suspe 9/8/1967 #23020  
New York, a large half-circle of 6 bluish-yellow lights connected to a part 10/5/1984 #37477  
## Word: "blum" (Back to Top)
ide. (Hall, 2001, p. 530-32, from: Blum and Blum, 1974, pp. 109-121; Gillmo 12/3/1967 #23540  
l, 2001, p. 530-32, from: Blum and Blum, 1974, pp. 109-121; Gillmor, 1969,  12/3/1967 #23540  
aft. (Hall, 2001, p. 530-32, from: Blum and Blum, 1974, pp. 109-121; Gillmo 12/3/1967 #23541  
l, 2001, p. 530-32, from: Blum and Blum, 1974, pp. 109-121; Gillmor, 1969,  12/3/1967 #23541  
rmy Col. John B. Alexander (Howard Blum gives him the pseudonym “Harold Phi 5/20/1985 #37590  
s New York Times journalist Howard Blum publishes Out There: The Government 9/1990 #39711  
er). Founded in 1987, according to Blum, after a flurry of suppressed UFO s 9/1990 #39711  
ny of the major events of ufology. Blum also claims that NORAD deep-space r 9/1990 #39711  
## Word: "blumenthal" (Back to Top)
imes China Russia Harry Reid Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean report in the 7/23/2020 #45654  
n Origin, by Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal. A former intelligence offici 6/5/2023 #45798  
## Word: "blunt" (Back to Top)
 Large, cigar-shaped object with a blunt front (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 6/15/1952 #6506  
 large, cigar-shaped object with a blunt front, lit sides and a red stern,  6/15/1952 #6508  
id hovers / 8M over alfalfa field. Blunt ends. Going up [to] and going sout 9/1962 #17377  
ealized the object was oblong with blunt edges and hovered about 7 m above  9/1962 #17378  
ers above an alfalfa field. It had blunt ends. It ascended to a higher alti 9/26/1962 #17442  
lack markings is visible along the blunt forward edge as the object passes  10/4/1963 #17980  
 a glowing elongated object with a blunt end. It has a series of four body  6/23/1966 #20597  
t each apex. It is moving with its blunt end forward from northeast to sout 2/10/1967 #21505  
rs. Rigel watched a gun-metal gray blunt oval shaped disc, about 25 feet in 2/19/1967 #21598  
hts in the rear. It moves with the blunt edge forward and hovers intermitte 6/29/1972 #26742  
ges several small spheres from its blunt end “like soap bubbles.”           12/1974 #29625  
   FARMERSVILLE, IN 2 observer(s). Blunt cylinder/cigar-shape / 60m altitud 2/7/1976 #30849  
ike a flattened avocado pear.” The blunt leading end seems to be rimmed wit 10/15/1977 #32578  
Odd huge cylinder/cigar-shape with blunt end like face / house near shell r 11/14/1977 #32673  
t was shaped like a diamond with a blunt top. The UFO seemed to be struggli 12/29/1980 #35758  
endent witnesses reported seeing a blunt gray, 300-foot long cigar- shaped  7/25/1982 #36549  
endent witnesses reported seeing a blunt gray, 300-foot long cigar-shaped o 7/25/1982 #36551  
al separate observer(s). 300' grey blunt cylinder/cigar-shape with windows  7/25/1983 #36923  
NE, ON Cop and 11. 150' ovoid with blunt end hovers low over road. Silent.  10/11/1983 #37000  
      An egg-shaped UFO with a one blunt end and one round end and two larg 10/11/1983 #37001  
tops of Kharovsk, Russia. It had a blunt nose and a fish-shaped tail. The c 4/24/1989 #38926  
ampshire a diamond-shaped UFO with blunt points paused in the sky, then van 1/28/1994 #41391  
delta/triangle/box-like craft with blunt point up. 5 portholes / side.      11/24/1994 #41864  
e-cylinder/cylindrical object with blunt ends west going east / 2 minute(s) 7/10/1996 #42954  
ge with two bright headlights. The blunt end of the wedge is facing forward 3/24/1999 #43750  
ped like a dart that flew with the blunt end forward, found in a crash retr 5/9/2001 #44183  
ix white lights on the front and a blunt rear section.                      5/12/2002 #44343  
sion expert Eugene Mallove died of blunt force trauma in 2004 before a pres 12/2014 #45425  
## Word: "blunt-end" (Back to Top)
a dark, triangular shaped UFO flew blunt-end forward over North Woodstock,  2/10/1967 #21508  
## Word: "blunt-nosed" (Back to Top)
      MT. GAMBIER, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Blunt-nosed torpedo going [to] fast. Ora 12/1932 (approximate) #1148  
## Word: "blunted" (Back to Top)
, France Dark ellipsoidal object & blunted on each end like sausage. (Page  6/6/1944 #1604  
n the horizon about 5 miles away. “Blunted on each end like a sausage,” the 6/10/1944? #1605  
            ACERNO, ITL 2 hunting. Blunted cylinder/cigar-shape flashes. St 12/1977 (approximate) #32713  
       VERTICAL-LE-GRANDE, FR Dark blunted cylinder/cigar-shape hovers over 11/5/1990 #39861  
## Word: "blunter" (Back to Top)
ct is oriented vertically with the blunter end highest. After several minut 9/8/1958 #15261  
lsating lights protruding from the blunter ends. The objects are apparently 10/22/1976 #31486  
## Word: "bluntly" (Back to Top)
ve purposes.” Kennedy writes back, bluntly reminding Khrushchev that he sta 10/23/1962 #17489  
 continues for the next 18 months, bluntly attacking McDonald’s integrity a 12/16/1967 #23593  
 that looked like nightgowns. They bluntly told the women they were from an 7/4/1989 #39009  
am called C dans l’air. Questioned bluntly by host and journalist Yves Calv 3/30/2007 #45014  
## Word: "blur" (Back to Top)
7 confirmed a visual sighting of a blur of light moving at high speeds. Bot 8/13/1956 #13081  
of it, but the images show a speed blur.                                    6/29/1958 #15126  
ins revolving swiftly, almost to a blur, then explodes silently and disappe 10/7/1964 #18574  
but a minute or so later he saw a “blur” and heard a rush of air. At the la 8/13/1965 #19384  
 series of photos that show only a blur.                                    6/11/1967 #22493  
rce. No wings were visible, only a blur above their shoulders like the fast 6/14/1968 #24034  
O HORIZONTE, BRZ 3 girls. Luminous blur / sky / 20 hours. Small humanoids ( 3/22/1969 #25036  
Massachusetts, when they see a red blur above a road sign. The blur resolve 4/6/1980 #35257  
 a red blur above a road sign. The blur resolves into a disc about 30 feet  4/6/1980 #35257  
iner / 43K' altitude. DC9-size red blur going northeast. Turns going quickl 1/22/1984 #37139  
t of sight. The photos only show a blur of distant light. A day later, the  3/7/1985 #37566  
away with incredible speed. With a blur it vanished into some bushes.       3/12/2000 #43966  
## Word: "blured" (Back to Top)
 it the witness, Mr. Dagota, got a blured glimpse of two figures moving abo 9/5/1964 #18540  
## Word: "blurred" (Back to Top)
10:00 p.m. Something like a “great blurred electric light” appears over Mia 6/13/1928 #1086  
 500 mph. The photo shows a small, blurred white oval against a background  7/4/1947 #2662  
ack-and-white presentation shows a blurred ellipsoid with a dark center, bu 7/1950 #5035  
 300 feet. He sees the object as a blurred reddish-bluish haze smaller than 12/4/1952 #8377  
 two more photos. Anomalies in the blurred grain, inconsistencies in orient 6/5/1955 #12186  
e a nearly perfect oval, the other blurred.                                 7/26/1956 #13021  
ave natural explanations, has been blurred.)                                1963 #17619  
C-124 transport plane.  One round, blurred, reddish-white object was on a c 8/18/1964 #18495  
00 feet over the North Atlantic. A blurred reddish-white glare appears ahea 8/18/1964 #18497  
 the witness, Mr. C. Dagota, got a blurred glimpse of two figures moving ab 9/6/1964 #18542  
 school building. TV reception was blurred throughout the observation.      4/22/1966 #20371  
ent outside when the TV set became blurred. They observed a fantastic spinn 9/3/1966 #20841  
t outside when their TV set became blurred near Kelly AFB, Texas. They obse 9/3/1966 #20844  
he roll of film, the photos show a blurred disc- shaped object with two bla 11/22/1966 #21140  
 photo and determines that it is a blurred photo of the “Diamond Peak” sign 11/22/1966 #21140  
" Then the figure dissolved into a blurred glow of light. Before it complet 7/18/1967 #22695  
nessed a bluish circular tube with blurred edges that zigzagged as it rose, 9/24/1974 #29475  
d whistle. For several days he has blurred vision, impaired speech, and a m 2/14/1975 #29812  
k photographs but they only show a blurred yellow shape. Mr. Price next got 1/10/1978 #32870  
A Brilliant green ovoid 100' away. Blurred edges. Glow elongates. No furthe 11/15/1978 #33956  
 100 feet away from him and having blurred edges. As he watched, the glow s 11/15/1978 #33958  
ion of heavy pressure, witnessed a blurred silvery shape, and after that ex 10/8/1981 #36169  
perienced burns on their faces and blurred vision.                          12/4/1988 #38745  
irst set spun clockwise and became blurred when moving forward.             8/11/1993 #41131  
 / cornfield. Headaches and vision blurred. No trace.                       10/8/1994 #41794  
. He reported having headaches and blurred vision afterwards.               10/8/1994 #41796  
sk outside. Red-orange circle with blurred edges.                           5/17/1995 #42212  
## Word: "blurring" (Back to Top)
 with a fist (probably John’s) and blurring it with motion.                 8/8/1965 #19341  
f a domed, disc-shaped object. The blurring movement of the object suggests 1/24/1988 #38432  
## Word: "blurry" (Back to Top)
                          MESA, AZ Blurry disk / light hovers over trees. 1 8/18/1952 #7630  
they see a round object emitting a blurry light-blue light moving off a hil 1/29/1954 #9512  
ea that morning. The photo shows a blurry oval with a small dark area on to 9/9/1954 #10277  
rge "teardrop-fuselage". No wings. Blurry edges. Flies overhead.            3/12/1955 #12043  
nter and 350–400 feet wide, with a blurry glow around the rim. Gradually it Fall 1956 #13237  
Bluebook Case #8360. Unidentified. Blurry 60' disk checks campsite. 270° tu 5/18/1963 #17748  
t 12:35 a.m. they sighted a round, blurry, reddish-white object that appear 8/18/1964 #18498  
was brighter than the moon and had blurry edges, but appeared to be solid.  8/30/1965 #19481  
                An erratic moving, blurry object emitting green, red and &  9/8/1965 #19538  
s of photos but they showed only a blurry light.                            6/11/1967 #22497  
car engine and radio failed, and a blurry white object came out of the UFO  12/3/1967 #23545  
one slide is developed, it shows a blurry white object against a mountainou Late 12/1968 #24790  
nearby tower. Chbosky’s photos are blurry.                                  10/2/1971 #26400  
n Evillers, France a red disc with blurry edges flew silently toward the no 2/5/1972 #26565  
h on a zigzag course. The photo is blurry, but shows a disc.                4/24/1972 #26660  
was imaginary, and the photo was a blurry streetlight.                      3/20/1973 #27352  
lent 10' glowing-barrel going SSW. Blurry. Lights yards / town.             7/31/1974 #29287  
GH-DURHAM, NC Several observer(s). Blurry circular object hovers / trees. S 2/26/1975 #29846  
econds. The photo shows a slightly blurry disc above a nearby building.     5/26/1975 #30066  
 silver, then light blue. It grows blurry and fuzzy and finally fades away  9/11/1976 #31376  
HAMRUN, MALTA Several observer(s). Blurry object with hundreds / lights hov 8/1977 #32333  
tographs, only one of which is not blurry because the object began speeding 8/17/1977 #32409  
ark windows and its bottom half is blurry. Another woman, driving an AMC Gr 12/17/1977 #32791  
oment his eyesight began to become blurry. He next heard a deep "electronic 2/19/1982 #36357  
stbound at 43,000 feet, observed a blurry bright red object about the size  1/22/1984 #37140  
, Ohio, at 43,000 feet. They see a blurry, bright-red object the size of a  1/22/1984 #37145  
                    At 7:25 a.m. a blurry red object was viewed by the crew 1/22/1984 #37148  
ilm is developed, one shot shows a blurry image of a UFO.                   9/9/1985 #37656  
nt to his car and did not see the "blurry" creature leave. He did not tell  2/10/1995 #42033  
t from the ground looking a little blurry. The witness continued driving ea 2/26/1997 #43210  
efield, Pennsylvania 3:09 p.m. Two blurry round objects appear in a photogr 8/20/2000 #44032  
phone, but the picture was totally blurry. The five other witnesses were Ro 6/14/2005 #44847  
lt to focus upon because it looked blurry.                                  12/23/2007 #45102  
of them named Xavier Garza takes a blurry video of a reddish-orange orb in  7/5/2012 #45347  
ellphone reception, his vision was blurry, and his eyes were watery for abo 8/6/2013 #45381  
of extremely low resolution. Three blurry dots are discernible, but there a 7/17/2019 #45595  
eir cellphones, but the footage is blurry. The mother of the driver starts  11/9/2019 #45616  
## Word: "blurs" (Back to Top)
H 3M metallic ovoid circles / sky. Blurs and vanishes in place! 2nd object  9/3/1956 #13175  
  NEAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX TV blurs. Spinning night light illuminates  9/3/1966 #20838  
## Word: "blurt" (Back to Top)
unication with them and managed to blurt out "I love you, I love you!" The  4/3/1995 #42137  
ified, one of the group managed to blurt out over a cell phone what they we 11/7/1998 #43678  
 attempting to move. He managed to blurt out "get out" and the figures and  4/23/2001 #44161  
## Word: "blv" (Back to Top)
            COCHABAMBA AND LA PAZ, BLV 2+glowing-disks going northeast over 3/16/1950 (approximate) #4648  
                         EL CHORO, BLV 2 cops and more/others. Saucer lands 5/29/1968 #23993  
                     MT. ILLIMANI, BLV Numerous observer(s). Top saucer wit 11/8/1973 #28384  
               BERMEJO AND MECOYA, BLV 4M saucer and night lights maneuver. 5/6/1978 #33189  
                  NEAR SANTA CRUZ, BLV Fireball going down. 3' sphere found 8/19/1979 (approximate) #34755  
## Word: "blwlin" (Back to Top)
apan Witnesses: USAF Lt. Col. R.L. Blwlin (sp?) and Maj. F.B. Brown, flying 11/29/1960 #16520  
## Word: "blxeikk0l0i" (Back to Top)
ories in trucks.  https://youtu.be/BLxEiKK0l0I?t=2109   https://youtu.be/Ls 3/16/2022 #45740  
## Word: "bly" (Back to Top)
                 Gearhart Mountain Bly Southern Oregon Tokyo, Japan A pregn 5/5/1945 #1864  
e forest of Gearhart Mountain near Bly in southern Oregon. (Wikipedia, “Fu- 5/5/1945 #1864  
les under Projects Moon Dust, Blue Bly and UFO. That document distinguishes 3/1968 #23799  
## Word: "blyth" (Back to Top)
t a ship's bridge off the coast of Blyth, Northumberland, England. It then  5/14/1909 #744  
                          Aberdeen Blyth, Northumberland, England North Sea 11/20/1963 #18052  
 in the North Sea from Aberdeen to Blyth, Northumberland, England. It passe 11/20/1963 #18052  
## Word: "blythe" (Back to Top)
                               OFF BLYTHE, ENGL Cylinder/cigar-shape aims 5 5/14/1909 #743  
                            WEST / BLYTHE, CA Bill Lear / P38 plane. 2 near 7/1947 #2497  
              Palomar Gardens Café Blythe, California Desert Center, Califo 11/20/1952 #8306  
the Williamsons and the Baileys at Blythe, California, at 8:00 a.m., and th 11/20/1952 #8306  
   Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona Blythe, California Colorado River north  3/3/1953 #8727  
flying an F-84 at 25,000 feet over Blythe, California. He spots am object 3 3/3/1953 #8727  
                                   BLYTHE, CA 1 / car chased / domed disk / 11/8/1973 #28385  
                                   Blythe, CA Motorist observed circular ob 11/8/1973 #28390  
a motorist driving on I-10 east of Blythe, California observed a circular o 11/8/1973 #28393  
                                   BLYTHE, CA 5 / boat. Ovoid 3-4x moon-siz 7/15/1977 #32274  
                    Colorado River Blythe, California 11:45 p.m. Adult witn 7/15/1977 #32276  
 a boat on the Colorado River near Blythe, California, watch an oval light, 7/15/1977 #32276  
five people in a boat on a lake in Blythe, Riverside County, California wat 7/15/1977 #32278  
                                   Blythe, California 2:26 p.m. A woman wat 9/26/1980 #35537  
shaped object approach her home in Blythe, California, from the east and pa 9/26/1980 #35537  
                                In Blythe, Riverside County, California at  9/26/1980 #35538  
## Word: "blytheville" (Back to Top)
                                   BLYTHEVILLE AIR FORCE BASE, AR 3 observe 10/21/1967 #23275  
                                   Blytheville AFB, AR RAPCON Tracks Object 10/21/1967 #23278  
                                   Blytheville Air Force Base Arkansas Inte 10/21/1967 #23281  
ase Arkansas International Airport Blytheville, Arkansas 6:16 a.m. Two cont 10/21/1967 #23281  
 at the south end of the runway at Blytheville Air Force Base [now Arkansas 10/21/1967 #23281  
Arkansas International Airport] in Blytheville, Arkansas, see two dark oblo 10/21/1967 #23281  
## Word: "blyton" (Back to Top)
                                   Blyton, TN 6:00 p.m. A lady and her son  10/1/1973 #27911  
e driving in the farm community of Blyton, Illinois saw some yellowish oran 12/6/1989 #39301  
## Word: "bmdo" (Back to Top)
stic Missile Defense Organization. BMDO is renamed the Missile Defense Agen 3/23/1983 #36792  
## Word: "bmews" (Back to Top)
 conditions create phantoms on the BMEWS that cannot be seen by other radar 10/5/1960 #16481  
## Word: "bmow" (Back to Top)
but in the air, and it moved.” The BMOW corroborated Olesiak’s statement th 5/9/2022 #45747  
ion “above my pay grade.” When the BMOW wrote the sighting into his log, he 5/9/2022 #45747  
## Word: "bmw" (Back to Top)
group at Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW) in Munich, Germany, are invited by  9/1946 #2164  
## Word: "bn" (Back to Top)
t M. Bond requests to fly a MiG-23 BN fighter-bomber, a newly acquired supe 4/26/1984 #37301  
## Word: "bn2a" (Back to Top)
 depart Southampton, England, in a BN2a Mk3 Trislander aircraft at about 2: 4/23/2007 #45022  
## Word: "bnl" (Back to Top)
haels/dp/1973559773   https://bera.bnl.gov/brea/officers                    11/24/1992 #40726  
## Word: "bo" (Back to Top)
ado Calling themselves The Two (or Bo and Peep), Marshall Applewhite and Bo 9/14/1975 #30360  
          TIANJIN AND GULF / ZHILI(BO HAI), CH 100, 000s / observer(s). UFO 8/1980 #35435  
nd Bonnie Nettles (formerly called Bo and Peep).                            3/26/1997 #43240  
 Scarsdale is sitting with his son Bo and girlfriend Joanna Fife on the por 7/5/2009 #45230  
 closes quickly. On July 10, Buck, Bo, and Joanna see an intensely blue lig 7/5/2009 #45230  
## Word: "boa" (Back to Top)
cs were observed all night long in Boa del Tigre, Argentina by several witn 4/17/1958 #14995  
                                   Boa del Tigre, Argentina Remo dell'Armel 5/27/1958 #15056  
blocking the road near the town of Boa del Tigre. He went towards it with a 5/27/1958 #15057  
ment with her mother in Sao Joa da Boa Vista, Sao Paulo, Brazil 17-year-old 9/7/1970 #25828  
## Word: "boac" (Back to Top)
                At 9:05 p.m. EDT a BOAC airliner with 22 witnesses aboard t 6/29/1952 #6668  
national Airport], India Jagalgori BOAC Flight 783, a de Havilland Comet 1, 5/2/1953 #8857  
                  Atlantic Ocean A BOAC Strato Cruiser (British Airways) on 6/29/1954 #9958  
g [to] Blue Book with reference to BOAC Case. Blob / sky changes shape goin 6/29/1954 #9959  
    NORTHEAST / SEPTEMBER ILES, QB BOAC crew and more/others. Huge ship and 6/29/1954 #9960  
llite objects on a horizontal line BOAC Case (AL) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 6/29/1954 #9961  
t Everybody's Magazine 5:03 p.m. A BOAC Stratocruiser leaves New York City  6/29/1954 #9962  
                  NEAR WAKE ISLAND BOAC and PAA liners and military ship. B 9/21/1961 #16863  
rew of two Boeing 707 airliners, a BOAC flight and a Pan Am flight, witness 9/21/1961 #16867  
 J. B. W. “Angus” Brooks, a former BOAC pilot and photo interpreter, is wal 10/26/1967 #23334  
  KENT CO, ENGL / LOCATION UNKNOWN BOAC pilot. Reflective disk flies. No fu 7/13/1971 #26225  
## Word: "boadilla" (Back to Top)
                                   Boadilla del Monte, Spain Three witnesse 2/1/1967 #21432  
                                   BOADILLA DEL CAMINO, SP 1+several observ 11/22/1968 #24678  
## Word: "boadilladel" (Back to Top)
   At 9:00 p.m. three witnesses in Boadilladel Monte, Spain independently s 2/1/1967 #21434  
## Word: "boak" (Back to Top)
.S. Navy P2V Neptune patrol plane, Boak, Prentis and Hara, flying near Port 9/16/1952 #7963  
## Word: "boar" (Back to Top)
 / daylight. Abduction / 5' men. / boar.                                    2/1978 #32934  
p.m., while night hunting for wild boar, three men in Bonaire, Georgia came 8/5/2006 #44952  
## Word: "board" (Back to Top)
underland Lizard Point The British Board of Trade asks Trinity House to inv 12/1865 #165  
o kidnaps people and takes them on board the airship.                       1886 #273  
est. Six passengers can be seen on board.                                   4/14/1897 #465  
 hydrant in Baylor’s yard, the men board the airship, which speeds away nor 4/20/1897 #546  
d which "magnetized" everything on board. The compass was observed to swing 1908 #700  
d which "magnetized" everything on board. The compass was observed to swing 1908 #701  
d cylinder/cigar-shape. Gibberish. Board and zigzag upward. / Flying Saucer 5/18/1909 #755  
tra. There were three witnesses on board the aircraft. The sighting lasted  8/10/1944 #1639  
ere thirteen military witnesses on board. Len Stringfield became a life lon 8/28/1945 #1931  
The Joint Research and Development Board is created by the Secretaries of W 6/6/1946 #2003  
The Joint Research and Development Board is established. Essentially it is  7/3/1946 #2025  
, Navy, and Air Force complete the board’s membership. Counting Bush, this  7/3/1946 #2025  
rship. Counting Bush, this makes a board of 12.                             7/3/1946 #2025  
ld A. Dahl, his son, and others on board a boat allegedly saw six donut-sha 6/21/1947 #2358  
Petroleum aircraft with two men on board, flying near the Kansas-Colorado b 7/6/1947 #2819  
ert A. Slusher, who says he was on board.                                   7/9/1947 #3054  
    Joint Research and Development Board President Truman signs the Nationa 7/26/1947 #3233  
The Joint Research and Development Board becomes the R&D brain center. Each 7/26/1947 #3233  
e officer Maj. George Sander, then board the B-25 for Hamilton Army Airfiel 8/1/1947 #3281  
lls for review by a classification board assembled from the AEC’s regional  8/9/1947 #3308  
regional sites. In September, this board assembles in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. 8/9/1947 #3308  
 does show that the Classification Board blesses the illustrations of matte 8/9/1947 #3308  
 hour. There were two witnesses on board the aircraft.                      8/18/1947 #3347  
ame Joint Research and Development Board is changed to simply Research and  8/24/1947 #3364  
to simply Research and Development Board.                                   8/24/1947 #3364  
 and Navy Research and Development Board, the USAF Scientific Advisory Grou 9/23/1947 #3417  
 and Navy Research and Development Board, the USAF Scientific Advisory Grou 9/23/1947 #3419  
an of the Research and Development Board, at the White House. Secretary of  9/24/1947 #3422  
f the new Research and Development Board in the National Military Establish 9/30/1947 #3431  
      The Research and Development Board has its first meeting.             12/19/1947 #3507  
      The Research and Development Board dismisses flying saucers as “a mir 1/31/1948 #3567  
      The Research and Development Board, a key recipient of UAP data at th 1/31/1948 #3568  
tagon The USAF Scientific Advisory Board meets in Room 3E-869 of the Pentag 3/17/1948 #3590  
or of the Research and Development Board) who organizes an impromptu scient 3/25/1948 #3597  
er of the USAF Scientific Advisory Board, visits the Kirtland AFB Office of 4/27/1948 #3630  
an of the USAF Scientific Advisory Board, to review UFO reports and investi 4/27/1948 #3630  
an of the Research and Development Board, passing the job on to Karl Taylor 10/1948 #3820  
personnel. The Scientific Advisory Board and George Valley of MIT are to be 11/12/1948 #3874  
          USAF Scientific Advisory Board Project Sign is ordered to send co 12/6/1948 #3913  
, and the USAF Scientific Advisory Board.                                   12/6/1948 #3913  
      The Research and Development Board writes a memo to USAF Intelligence 1/7/1949 #3968  
mises to alert Scientific Advisory Board chairman Von Kármán and urge an in 2/8/1949 #3998  
, and the USAF Scientific Advisory Board.                                   2/11/1949 #4003  
les Cabell and Scientific Advisory Board Chairman Theodore Von Kármán, who  4/25/1949 #4109  
rt to the Research and Development Board, along with some appendices that l 5/19/1949 #4195  
                   The Navy review board, convened by Adm. Morton D. Willcu 5/31/1949 #4219  
ritten by USAF Scientific Advisory Board member George E. Valley, who write 8/10/1949 #4315  
an to the USAF Scientific Advisory Board at the Pentagon. By this time, he  11/3/1949 #4409  
an of the Research and Development Board around the same time that Lawrence 11/3/1949 #4410  
artment’s Research and Development Board, Joseph Kaplan’s green fireball pr 12/20/1949 #4441  
lved in the Psychological Strategy Board created in 1951.                   3/1950 #4566  
 Bryan III, a future president and board chairman of NICAP.                 3/27/1950 #4741  
yan III later became President and Board Chairman of NICAP, a nonprofit sup 3/27/1950 #4742  
DM Roscoe Hillenkoetter was also a Board member. Bryan III’s background in  3/27/1950 #4742  
trial named Alan, he is invited on board the craft, which flies him to New  7/4/1950 #5042  
ry of the Research and Development Board. He later refers to a real group c 8/1950 #5092  
to the US Research and Development Board), scientist reveals Frank Scully’s 9/15/1950 #5177  
e Dept.’s Research and Development Board. Smith asks if there is any truth  9/15/1950 #5178  
ithin the Research and Development Board.                                   11/21/1950 #5282  
artment’s Research and Development Board, convenes a press briefing at the  2/13/1951 #5441  
n forms the Psychological Strategy Board to coordinate and plan for psychol 4/4/1951 #5498  
 for psychological operations. The board is composed of the Under Secretary 4/4/1951 #5498  
ir designated representatives. The board’s first director is Gordon Gray, l 4/4/1951 #5498  
the Eisenhower administration. The board is created in response to the grow 4/4/1951 #5498  
otifies the Psychological Strategy Board that “Flying Saucers” have implica 1952? #5828  
      The USAF Scientific Advisory Board Secretariat suggests Project Twink 2/19/1952 #5911  
     The Canadian Defence Research Board establishes a UFO study group that 4/22/1952 #6155  
Planning, and the Defence Research Board. At its April 24 meeting, it decid 4/22/1952 #6155  
s, on the Research and Development Board, and many other agencies.”         6/30/1952 #6674  
ll of the Research and Development Board prepares a memorandum that general 7/31/1952 #7372  
g experiment using a sort of Ouija board, they receive a message from an ex 8/2/1952 #7424  
om the National Security Resources Board. The topic is the Washington UFO i 9/3/1952 #7839  
ct with the Psychological Strategy Board.                                   10/2/1952 #8084  
g of the Office of Naval Estimates Board by the CIA on UFOs includes the sh 1/29/1953 #8614  
Airport], India, killing all 43 on board. Witnesses observe the wingless Co 5/2/1953 #8857  
ishes the Research and Development Board for the politically motivated reas 6/1953 #8923  
an air space, the Defence Research Board sets up a restricted landing field 1954 #9423  
 portholes, was seen by several on board an airliner flying near Barquisime 2/3/1954 #9532  
. Martin and her followers hope to board a landed flying saucer before doom 8/20/1954 #10156  
isabling beam 2 observer(s) / car. Board and fly. / r217p185.               10/4/1954 #10685  
 human" in appearance were seen on board the craft.                         10/9/1954 #10859  
and using telepathy invited him to board a UFO hovering above a nearby fiel 2/24/1955 #12017  
                       Yonkers, NY Board of Education official and others s 8/28/1955 #12413  
ctor of the Psychological Strategy Board, a committee formed by the Truman  11/20/1955 #12580  
plan psychological operations. The Board included representatives from DOD  11/20/1955 #12580  
gstrom) invisible and personnel on board showed side effects. The project i 4/1956 #12778  
afraid this time?” He leads her on board the craft, which she learns also c 4/7/1956 #12798  
, Washington, D.C. NICAP’s initial board of governors includes T. Townsend  10/19/1956 #13286  
n DC NICAP established. One of its board of directors was Admiral Roscoe H. 10/24/1956 #13288  
     NORTHWEST / CELINA, TX School board president / farm. Flat metallic di 11/1956 #13299  
o financially inept that the NICAP board asks him to step down. Delmer S. F 1/14/1957 #13455  
 Delmer S. Fahrney replaces him as board chairman, Keyhoe steps in as direc 1/14/1957 #13455  
coe H. Hillenkoetter joins NICAP’s board of directors.                      1/27/1957 #13478  
h message to the Civil Aeronautics Board describing the incident: “Pilot to 3/9/1957 #13540  
  Delmer S. Fahrney leaves NICAP’s board of directors for urgent and person 4/10/1957 #13593  
rthrup Aircraft, to join the NICAP board at a rehearsal for the I’ve Got a  7/1957 #13767  
ow chairman of the Defense Science Board, on Project Blue Book, presumably  9/16/1957 #14001  
m above the water, and a figure on board the craft aimed at them a beam so  10/8/1957 #14076  
observer(s). 6 pseudo-human/entity board 10' saucers. Join 3 more saucers.  11/18/1957 #14572  
Air Force C-118 plane with four on board crashes between Sumner and Orting, 4/1/1959 #15688  
 for congressional hearings. NICAP Board member Rear Adm. Roscoe Hillenkoet 2/27/1960 #16186  
lying objects are nonsense.” NICAP board member Albert Baller writes: “If t 2/27/1960 #16186  
sion over UFOs.” He mentions NICAP board member Adm. Roscoe Hillenkoetter’s 8/31/1960 #16426  
nd for Kurgan with seven people on board. About 80–100 miles from Sverdlovs 1961 #16550  
 and there is no sign of anyone on board. No marks or footprints are seen.  1961 #16550  
 loses consciousness and awakes on board a craft where they are given a med 9/29/1961 #16877  
rce and advisor to NATO, joins the board of NICAP. In 1959 he had contacted Summer 1962 #17238  
t delta/triangle/box-like craft. 3 board 2nd delta/triangle/box-like craft. 6/25/1962 #17244  
cture. Five occupants were seen on board.                                   7/28/1962 #17296  
 They caught a calf and took it on board the craft, then collected some pla 4/1/1963 #17721  
11:15 p.m. Donald Keyhoe and NICAP board member Joseph Bryan III appear on  1/27/1965 #18777  
ation, to USAF Scientific Advisory Board requesting a scientific panel to r 9/28/1965 #19618  
or of the USAF Scientific Advisory Board, saying that Gen. Arthur C. Agan h 9/28/1965 #19619  
Texas The USAF Scientific Advisory Board meets in Houston, Texas, to discus Early 11/1965 #19697  
       US USAF Scientific Advisory Board met to review Project Blue Book. I 2/3/1966 #19877  
 the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (psychologist Launor F. Carter, in 2/3/1966 #19879  
cretary to the Scientific Advisory Board. They receive a briefing from Quin 2/3/1966 #19879  
                             NICAP board member Charles A. Maney writes to  3/29/1966 #20138  
 the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. Stever queries MIT, Harvard, the  4/22/1966 #20374  
, at about 6,000 feet, everyone on board is alerted and watches the object  4/25/1966 #20415  
RFI). 2 small humanoids (or Greys) board and away. / LDLN#86+/ r39p58.      7/13/1966 #20642  
 secret mission). The two men then board a bus to Niterói and arrive at 2:3 8/20/1966 #20779  
away. There were five witnesses on board the aircraft.                      12/30/1966 #21231  
rd the entities' craft. She was on board for an estimated two hours. During 1/25/1967 #21389  
n-appearing occupants were seen on board the craft, and one of them appeare 2/10/1967 #21508  
suits going [to] woods and return. Board and away. / FSR'67#6.              7/17/1967 #22672  
til he faded out. A Civil Aviation Board report was logged of a crash at Oa 7/27/1967 #22743  
 Lot. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) board and fly. / MJ#231+/ r41p360.       7/31/1967 #22757  
 small men in shiny black uniforms board the object, which takes off straig 7/31/1967 #22761  
plus two pilots and a passenger on board, saw a " bright light, then visibl 10/27/1967 #23342  
wo other pilots and a passenger on board, is flying over the Atlantic north 10/27/1967 #23350  
adar. There were four witnesses on board the aircraft.                      10/27/1967 #23357  
it should be shared with the NICAP board. Roger Harkins hears about the mem 11/22/1967 #23495  
him telepathically. He is taken on board by aliens (who first ask him, “Are 12/3/1967 #23545  
              Keyhoe and the NICAP Board of Directors write to President Ly 4/30/1968 #23932  
                                UK Board of Trade MP John Langford-Holt ask 6/11/1968 #24022  
ile police reports are made to the Board of Trade. Wilson replies that repo 6/11/1968 #24022  
 replies that reports going to the Board of Trade are passed on to the Mini 6/11/1968 #24022  
ector Gordon I. R. Lore Jr. writes board member Joseph B. Hartranft Jr. an  10/27/1969 #25425  
tion’s difficulties. He alerts the board of directors to the growing financ 10/27/1969 #25425  
                         The NICAP board of governors demands Keyhoe’s resi 12/3/1969 #25483  
, at age 72. Leading the effort is board chairman Col. Joseph Bryan III, wh 12/3/1969 #25483  
2 pseudo-human/entity exit car and board. / FSRv19#4.                       7/7/1971 #26210  
 future hydroelectric projects. On board are photographer Sergio Loaiza, a  9/4/1971 #26317  
de Janeiro, Brazil, four pilots on board a single-engine Cessna airplane wa 10/5/1971 #26410  
ed the president of a local school board and his wife as they were driving  11/6/1971 #26463  
ch down and humanoids were seen on board the craft. At 9:00 p.m. in Rouen,  6/6/1972 #26704  
p.m., and figures could be seen on board working behind an instrument panel 1/1/1973 #27212  
"man" standing. He was handling a "board" and was just a "tiny" figure but  3/20/1973 #27353  
and given a medical examination on board a craft. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases 10/16/1973 #28083  
 a line of people waiting to go on board. Disturbed, Roach takes her childr 10/16/1973 #28088  
and given a medical examination on board a craft. Carrying a "machine" of s 10/16/1973 #28093  
ample and later remembers going on board the craft, whose occupants warn hi 10/28/1973 #28309  
part of a sterilization system. On board were two other very different bein 11/18/1973 #28443  
 not permitted to touch them or to board one of their ships, but he promise 9/3/1974 #29418  
phere on legs. Photographs. 2M men board. Going quickly northeast. 1M sauce 9/6/1974 #29426  
h sophisticated instrumentation on board and are dispatched to areas of UAP 3/14/1975 #29900  
 Hyman take seats on the executive board. The committee will be funded with 4/30/1976 #31028  
e the Earth's atmosphere. While on board he stuck his hand into a chamber,  2/2/1977 #31781  
ermany 2:00 AM. Three witnesses on board a flight at 31,000'. Seen briefly  4/14/1977 #31979  
id, and hostess Rothenhofer are on board Swissair Flight SR-798 near Maastr 4/14/1977 #31980  
round 5 minutes with 6-7 people on board. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (N 7/4/1977 #32235  
, SD Foia. 2 figure(s) melt rifle. Board 20' saucer and fly. Nuclear part / 11/16/1977 #32675  
 ozone, a smell also detectable on board. Julio's gun and knife levitated u 2/5/1978 #32957  
an abduction/contact experience on board a spacecraft with beings from Zeta 3/18/1978 #33055  
h him by telepathy and take him on board their craft. He is given a salty-t 5/1978 #33181  
 to the ground, and he is taken on board by the two entities, along with tw 5/10/1978 #33196  
so said "We just act as a sounding board and pass on the information to our 7/9/1978 #33357  
trait 8:04 p.m. P. A. Hadden is on board the tanker MV Ficus in the Indian  8/23/1978 #33553  
 as director. Acuff remains on the board and keeps the case files in his pe 10/1978 #33786  
job. Support for Hall on the NICAP board comes from Charles Lombard, an aid 10/1978 #33786  
and John Fisher are voted onto the board.                                   10/1978 #33786  
etto del Tronto, Marche, Italy, on board the Exodus, three fishermen—Flavia 11/8/1978 #33928  
minous UFO was seen by everyone on board the aircraft and was tracked by ra 12/31/1978 #34238  
minous UFO was seen by everyone on board the aircraft and was tracked by ra 12/31/1978 #34249  
iddled with CIA-friendly or covert board members and staff, among them Jose 1/1979 #34268  
e “leader” cajoling her to come on board, which she does with her son, seei 1/4/1979 #34294  
 pointed nails. They invite him on board by gestures and he follows them in 1/18/1979 #34359  
ow II was heading for Corsica,. On board was the owner of the boat, his wif 6/22/1979 #34625  
nge occurrence was that the dog on board started barking and appeared scare 6/22/1979 #34625  
 leaving Viareggio at 3:45 p.m. On board was the owner of the boat, who was 6/22/1979 #34626  
nge occurrence was that the dog on board started barking and appeared scare 6/22/1979 #34626  
and radio failed, car levitated on board domed craft surrounded by dense cl 11/19/1980 #35658  
ds and parents that he is going to board an alien spacecraft and take a 42- 11/29/1980 #35683  
 UFO display, and the batteries on board the boat were found to be dead. (N 1/8/1981 #35776  
 UFO display, and the batteries on board the boat were found to be dead.    1/8/1981 #35781  
s a physician to work on a science board at the CIA. This man told Green “t 1982 #36293  
bühl, Bavaria, Germany Everyone on board a British aircraft sees a large tr 6/12/1982 #36499  
lowed, involving a medical exam on board the craft. They were left with a m 6/30/1983 #36896  
ultant US Research and Development Board and President and Chairman of the  11/29/1983 #37053  
 and President and Chairman of the Board, Washington Institute of Technolog 11/29/1983 #37053  
o the DOD Research and Development Board (RDB) in the 1950s, states he had  11/29/1983 #37058  
lotov are beginning their watch on board the Russian tanker Gori in the Med Mid 6/1984 #37364  
for posting on the Usenet bulletin board.                                   12/1984 #37513  
ington Seattle The Usenet bulletin board service ParaNet is launched, manag 1/1/1986 #37745  
on, it functions as a UFO bulletin board using a voice and data line connec 1/1/1986 #37745  
e out of the disc and took them on board without touching them. Inside they 8/15/1986 #37992  
is is a bad move and that the APRO board should reconsider. He wants the ar 4/12/1988 #38541  
or UFO Research, convince the APRO board that they are the most logical rec 4/12/1988 #38541  
t logical recipients. In 1989, the board gives them the archives free of ch 4/12/1988 #38541  
chives free of charge. Former APRO board member Robert Dean later realizes  4/12/1988 #38541  
 of his activities. He and Mariani board a bus with blacked-out windows and 12/6/1988 #38748  
und. There were three witnesses on board and the incident lasted several mi 1/30/1989 #38809  
 see a “boat” with three beings on board. The entities have absolutely iden 7/4/1989 #39007  
 frightened. The beings relent and board the craft by a ladder that then re 7/4/1989 #39007  
 to be a boat with three beings on board. The beings looked very pale and h 7/4/1989 #39009  
rector and CIA Deputy Director and Board member of SAIC and Wackenhut at th 10/1989 #39139  
ry of the Research and Development Board (RDB), headed by Vannevar Bush, wh 9/6/1990 #39717  
eiss and three other passengers on board Dan Air Flight DA 4700 from London 6/17/1991 #40101  
an and Ukrainian ufologists on its board, and it publishes RIAP Bulletin (i 1992 #40275  
ngs with slanted eyes were seen on board. According to the witnesses, a lar 4/19/1993 #40943  
, and the Research and Development Board. Kissner unfortunately did not rev 1994 #41349  
nment UAP work. Petersen is also a Board member of the Lindbergh Foundation 12/10/1994 #41888  
uts together a Scientific Advisory Board that includes ufologist Jacques Va 12/1995 #42635  
Green as chair. The first official board meeting takes place in January 199 12/1995 #42635  
covery Science scientific advisory board in Las Vegas, Nevada. Jacques Vall 8/1996 #42968  
hly vehicles” behind and expect to board a spacecraft trailing Comet Hale-B 3/26/1997 #43240  
ll Airport in Orkney, Scotland, to board British Airways Flight 8773 to Abe 5/30/1997 #43302  
with windows. She had a "guide" on board the craft, who was a handsome blon 7/23/1997 #43358  
ration’s Energy Resources Advisory Board (ERAB) mislead the executive branc 5/17/1999 #43770  
s, chairman of the Defense Science Board, senior advisor to the President a 7/31/1999 #43815  
or Craig A. Roberts. Its editorial board features UFO researchers in the UK 9/1999 #43838  
fense industry non-profit, holds a board meeting with members including for 12/3/1999 #43892  
n L. Petersen, Chairman of the TAI board, denied Fitts’ allegations and Joe 12/3/1999 #43892  
legations and Joe Firmage, another Board member, did not recall the meeting 12/3/1999 #43892  
her directions, and invited her to board their van and accompany them to th 9/6/2000 #44037  
wnsend Brown served on the initial board of governors for U.S. civilian UAP 5/9/2001 #44183  
nsk, Poland, with 50 passengers on board watch an object 10 feet in diamete 8/20/2001 #44238  
 CEO John J Hamre, Defense Science Board Chairman William Schneider, Lockhe 11/27/2002 #44452  
 have caused some a malfunction on board the craft that resulted in the cra 4/18/2003 #44516  
ngus Boeing 737 with 135 people on board is about 2 miles off the east coas 1/4/2004 #44643  
 Boeing 737-400 with 135 people on board was damaged by near a miss with a  1/4/2004 #44645  
when a A330-200 with 213 people on board encountered a flashing strobe ligh 1/4/2004 #44645  
iments with handicapped persons on board.                                   6/2005 #44846  
ilian who runs an internet message board for retired intelligence community 11/1/2005 #44899  
his left-hand side. The UK Airprox Board rules out another aircraft or weat 7/19/2013 #45378  
k to aircraft leads the UK Airprox Board to launch a Small Unmanned Air Sys 2017 #45462  
ounder Hal Puthoff stepped off the board of directors to serve on its scien 10/26/2017 #45488  
o serve on its scientific advisory board. Aerospace Division head and forme 10/26/2017 #45488  
on of UFO phenomena. Its executive board includes Robert Powell, Richard Ho 10/27/2017 #45489  
t conveys an Accountability Review Board to “review security incidents invo 1/9/2018 #45502  
ter W. Bodde is chosen to lead the board.                                   1/9/2018 #45502  
an it was vertically.” The Airprox board is unable to identify the object,  12/30/2018 #45553  
white light on top. The UK Airprox Board places this incident in the highes 4/28/2019 #45573  
ched what they saw. The UK Airprox Board concludes that a “definite high ri 9/1/2020 #45660  
 widely available, headed by CUFOS board member David Marler.               11/2020 #45664  
 it). The Emergency Loan Guarantee Board set up by the Nixon Administration 10/21/2021 #45717  
                 Five witnesses on board the USS Ronald Reagan say they see 5/9/2022 #45747  
erard Pratt who dreamt of going on board a large disc where he was given a  10/20/2022 #45779  
nt’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. The document mentions it is class 12/17/2022 #45787  
## Word: "boarded" (Back to Top)
trousers. The short humanoids then boarded their machine, which rose vertic 9/25/1954 #10444  
und it. The dogs barked at him. He boarded the machine, and it flew away in 10/15/1954 #11098  
dogs barked at him. The being then boarded the craft and it flew away in si 10/15/1954 #11114  
n Algoz, Portugal at 3:30 a.m. The boarded the craft and the UFO took off v 6/10/1960 #16311  
ing, and the second entity quickly boarded the vehicle, which ascended rapi 7/19/1967 #22701  
ground in truck headlights. Beings boarded, took off straight up. (Hall, 19 7/31/1967 #22759  
 shook hands with the men and they boarded the craft, which quickly left th 6/23/1968 #24072  
help, at which point the three men boarded a gray colored, unlighted vehicl 7/23/1968 #24214  
ck to their craft, which they then boarded, and the craft took off and rapi 11/21/1968 #24676  
d to be in a hurry to get away. He boarded, after which the craft rose off  12/28/1968 #24794  
ds the witnesses. As the witnesses boarded a bus, one of the beings extende 8/24/1970 #25802  
ray uniform. At one point Castillo boarded a smaller craft accompanied by C 11/18/1973 #28443  
lue color on top. The three beings boarded, the landing gear withdrew, and  1/7/1974 #28661  
s. A few seconds later both beings boarded the object, but before entering  7/11/1978 #33368  
are. After a few moments the being boarded the cylindrical object that was  9/20/1981 #36134  
elves in an unknown language, then boarded the object, which quickly took o 6/21/1996 #42936  
and got in the van. As soon as she boarded the van one of the women covered 9/6/2000 #44037  
met. After 30 minutes the humanoid boarded a triangular shaped object, whic 7/1/2001 #44202  
ns state two “unknown individuals” boarded and retrieved the data recording 11/14/2004 #44785  
## Word: "boarder" (Back to Top)
 2:00 a.m. Virginia A. Guinn and a boarder are awakened by loud howlings an 4/23/1969 #25086  
## Word: "boarding" (Back to Top)
. He alerts other residents in his boarding house and they watch the silent 2/15/1915 #926  
h as the last of the occupants was boarding.                                8/16/1971 #26289  
 England this afternoon a group of boarding school boys, concealed on the o 6/12/1977 #32160  
                       San Michele boarding house Sassello Savona Italy Lat 9/6/1978 #33639  
. Two witnesses at the San Michele boarding house in Sassello, Savona, Ital 9/6/1978 #33639  
                       San Michele boarding house in Sassello, Savona, Ital 9/7/1978 #33645  
.m. Many people in the San Michele boarding house in Sassello, Savona, Ital 9/7/1978 #33645  
ng above La Carta to the east. The boarding house owner, Piera Viacava, swi 9/7/1978 #33645  
peating. When they return to their boarding house, they see it again but mu 9/3/1983 #36969  
f maneuvers." The group then began boarding a small, silver colored flying  9/2/1994 #41713  
rinidad, a nurse's aide at a local boarding home for the elderly in West Da 3/6/1996 #42811  
e seen to enter. Immediately after boarding, the object began to spin very  7/2/2001 #44203  
## Word: "boardman" (Back to Top)
                                   BOARDMAN, OH Noise. Minister goes out on 7/18/1967 #22688  
                                   Boardman, Ohio A minister was awakened b 7/18/1967 #22694  
 God minister, was lying in bed in Boardman, Ohio when he heard a very loud 7/18/1967 #22695  
 / car. 15M cylinder going south / Boardman Lake. 10 colored lights flash / 8/14/1973 #27698  
                                   Boardman, Ohio 3:00 a.m. A woman doctor  6/1979 #34600  
he TV room of her parents’ home in Boardman, Ohio, suffering from insomnia. 6/1979 #34600  
## Word: "boards" (Back to Top)
Wang to the Los Alamos complex and boards a bus with blacked-out windows. H 4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
all humanoid (or Grey) exits one & boards the other! Away.                  2/1951 #5424  
human/entity with helmet gestures. Boards 4M cylinder/cigar-shape. Going we 9/10/1954 #10279  
l humanoid (or Grey) / diving suit boards and flies. / LDLN#102+/ r138#9.   10/3/1954 #10628  
ineer. 4' small humanoid (or Grey) boards saucer and flies. On road to Port 10/12/1954 #10961  
HAMPS, FR Small humanoid (or Grey) boards phony car! Glides over road / 30  10/12/1954 #10963  
(or Grey) from each disk exits and boards the other. / r112p97.             10/18/1954 #11203  
ITL Buzz. Small humanoid (or Grey) boards 2M saucer / marsh. Going / low al 10/24/1954 #11350  
 shaped like an oval with "running boards" bearing a series of lights. It h 8/12/1961 #16789  
ke a sled with lighted car running boards.  Hovered at 50' altitude for 3-5 8/12/1961 #16790  
ke a sled with lighted car running boards, near Old Mission High School on  8/12/1961 #16791  
-shape / road. Man / military Togs boards. Going southeast. / r55p208.      3/23/1966 #20037  
age. Asks and gets water / bottle. Boards saucer. / r8#918.                 8/27/1968 #24384  
the doors, windshield, and running boards of their car. The witnesses next  9/1/1968 #24422  
   NEAR STRASBOURG, FR Observer(s) boards 25M saucer. 4 pseudo-human/entity 1/31/1978 #32924  
ous suit by bridge. Big dark eyes. Boards cylinder/cylindrical object and q 9/20/1981 #36131  
is approved by the CUFOS and MUFON boards.                                  1994 #41343  
d defense projects and oil company boards/groups/front groups.              1994 #41347  
hide behind some debris and broken boards. Terrified, the boys ran to get a 4/15/1994 #41493  
nt, Ralston became a member of the Boards of Directors of Lockheed Martin,  7/5/2019 #45590  
 Corporation. Inman would join the Boards of SAIC, Wackenhut, Evolutionary  9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "boaria" (Back to Top)
                                   BOARIA, ITL 4 observer(s). Ovoid over ho 10/15/1954 #11080  
                                   Boaria, Italy A farmer leading cows to a 10/15/1954 #11099  
                                   Boaria Pisani, Padua, Italy In Boaria Pi 10/15/1954 #11109  
    Boaria Pisani, Padua, Italy In Boaria Pisani, Padua, Italy, a farmer is 10/15/1954 #11109  
                                In Boaria, Italy a farmer was leading his c 10/15/1954 #11115  
## Word: "boas" (Back to Top)
OUTH FRANCISCO DE SALES, BRZ A. V. boas and 1. Headlight searches down all  10/5/1957 #14060  
      On this night Antonio Villas Boas witnessed a UFO making complex mane 10/13/1957 #14105  
                    Antonio Villas Boas, age 23, had his second UFO sightin 10/14/1957 #14112  
                     Brazil Villas Boas abduction. Has intercourse with an  10/15/1957 #14113  
 Minas Gerais State, Brazil Villas Boas abduction, sexual encounter case (U 10/15/1957 #14116  
 Minas Gerais State, Brazil Villas Boas abduction, sexual encounter case    10/15/1957 #14119  
r. As in the famous Antonio Villas Boas abduction, he was rubbed down with  3/2/1978 #33011  
## Word: "boasts" (Back to Top)
is real, metallic, reflective, and boasts a speed five times greater than t 11/16/1996 #43112  
## Word: "boat" (Back to Top)
r near Boston, Massachusetts, in a boat when a “great light” appears above  1638 #41  
ching it, they discover that their boat has moved about one mile against th 1638 #41  
 an hour and a half. Peasants in a boat try to get close to it, but the hea 8/15/1663 #44  
d was directed onto fisherman in a boat on the lake. The water in the lake  8/15/1663 #45  
g machine “shaped like an ordinary boat” passes overhead. It has red and gr 4/11/1897 #434  
land, see an airship shaped like a boat that flies toward them from the eas 7/23/1909 #780  
ALCLUTHA, NZ 2 observer(s). Flying boat going [to] overhead toward(s) mount 7/27/1909 #785  
ning a flying object shaped like a boat flew overhead toward the mountains  7/27/1909 #786  
            WAIKAKA VALLEY, NZ 3 / boat. Shell saucer wobbles. 2 pseudo-hum 7/30/1909 #788  
at it was thought to be a plane. A boat was sent out, but nothing was found 9/9/1922 #1025  
at it was thought to be a plane. A boat was sent out, but nothing was found 9/9/1922 #1026  
 it might have been an airplane. A boat was sent out but nothing was found. 9/9/1922 #1027  
n but reappears and approaches the boat, passing it at a distance of 200 fe Fall 1924 #1044  
er away, and another two next to a boat on the shore. Suddenly the figures  5/1935 #1229  
f the water. The captain turns the boat around to offer assistance, but the 2/11/1937 #1265  
) pier. Observer(s) hides. Strange boat and 2 men land.                     8/28/1945 (approximate) #1928  
    OFF ST. HELENA SOUND, SC Men / boat. 4 silent silver saucers spin going 5/28/1947 (approximate) #2299  
sed. When it is directly above the boat at 500 feet, it supposedly spews so 6/21/1947 #2356  
hl, his son, and others on board a boat allegedly saw six donut-shaped obje 6/21/1947 #2358  
         LAKE PONCHARTRAIN, LA 5 / boat. 3 shiny saucers / delta/triangle/b 7/6/1947 #2763  
X SOUTH / SARASOTA, FL 1 / fishing boat. Round flat silver blimp going quic 7/7/1947 #2879  
n) river to get some rope from his boat. When he thought they were overdue  8/13/1947 #3322  
 Mrs. William McBeth) on a fishing boat on the Rogue River, Oregon, near El 5/24/1949 #4207  
o 4:00 p.m. The French Navy patrol boat La Rusé (formerly the USS PC-472) e Summer 1949 #4247  
fishing. 8 metal saucers 300m over boat / lake. Absolute(ly) silent.        7/8/1949 #4264  
allic discs flew 300 meters over a boat in a lake at Yellowstone National P 7/8/1949 #4265  
                 OFF RICCIONE, ITL Boat crew. Ovoid dives / sea. Column / w 4/1/1950 #4785  
 the evening the crew of a fishing boat off the coast of Perugia, Italy wat 4/1/1950 #4787  
               OFF NORWALK, CT 2 / boat. Intense low star becomes 2 small n 7/5/1952 #6710  
 of Starke County, is fishing in a boat with Surphin Casper on the Tippecan Mid 8/1952 #7608  
eving radio-controlled drones on a boat 1,100 yards offshore and south of N 1/28/1953 #8600  
t lights over runway. Fast ascent. Boat and plane search.                   3/8/1953 #8738  
            NEAR GUAM RNZAF flying boat buzzed / metallic 15 Mx4M wingless  7/1953 #8977  
iny saucers. 90° turn over fishing boat and away. / r114p55.                7/21/1953 #9009  
   SANTA FE, NM Boy / 16. Metallic boat over road going [to] bushes. Takes  10/25/1953 #9252  
           GIPPSLAND LAKE, VCT 3 / boat. Wingless DC3-size hemisphere / 300 1/7/1954 #9458  
 JAKARTA, INDNS Several / military boat. Flat silvery disk hovers. Tilts. C 2/1954 #9515  
Dragon No. 5"), a Japanese fishing boat, and created an international incid 3/1/1954 #9589  
name "Lucky Dragon" of the fishing boat was not lost on any of the newspape 3/1/1954 #9589  
front until the Coast Guard search boat had passed. Then the UFO enlarged a 4/8/1954 #9678  
                 BUCK LAKE, MN 2 / boat. 20M flat disk exits woods and stop 8/1954 (approximate) #10080  
de silently. Mr. L. Hauser is on a boat leaving Belfast when he sees a rock 9/8/1954 #10273  
          OFF PLOZEVET, FR Several boat crews. Orange saucer hovers in smok 10/7/1954 #10769  
 saw a UFO looking like "a glowing boat" land in a nearby field. Three hair 11/18/1954 #11667  
ge of a UFO described as “a flying boat” with a brilliant light on the back 11/27/1954 #11714  
k Case #3352. Observer(s) Mellen / boat. Grey translucent saucer spins / hi 12/3/1954 #11749  
          ISLA / FRANCES, URUG 4 / boat. 10M luminous/glowing ovoid lands / 12/7/1954 #11768  
 around the middle, like a steamer boat. I noticed a man standing on the en 2/23/1955 #12013  
Catalina Channel, CA Family aboard boat saw a round cylinder, greyish and w 7/9/1955 #12245  
, gray-white disc paced a pleasure boat for six minutes nine miles west of  7/9/1955 #12246  
grayish-white UFO paced a pleasure boat for six minutes. It was surrounded  7/10/1955 #12248  
           OTTER TAIL LAKE, MN 2 / boat and several. Ovoid / windows / side 7/14/1955 #12260  
cer rises / lake 2'. Dives. Trails boat. Away very fast. / r8#376.          9/17/1955 #12458  
      OFF WAKAYA ISLAND, FIJI 10 / boat. Saucer seen / 2 hours going northw 7/12/1956 #12965  
lands, several people on a fishing boat saw a cigar-shaped UFO. It was clos 7/12/1956 #12968  
   LEVUKA IS.FIJI 10 observer(s) / boat. Circular / light with square windo 7/13/1956 #12969  
violent maneuvers. Studies fishing boat?                                    8/1956 (approximate) #13032  
             DEEP PACIFIC Japanese boat. 2 10M silver objects going down [t 4/19/1957 #13604  
            OFF CHANNEL ISL.NZ 1 / boat. Saucer blows smoke. Maneuvers / al 4/28/1957 #13619  
                HOWE SOUND, BC 3 / boat. Silver 8M flat-bottom dome going q 6/28/1957 #13757  
AR SEA ISLE CITY, NJ 2 engineers / boat / (seen thru) binoculars. Plain met 8/30/1957 #13948  
n the afternoon two engineers in a boat on the Atlantic Ocean near Sea Isle 8/30/1957 #13954  
/ sea. Figure beams / light at 4 / boat. Quickly going up. / Flying Saucer  10/8/1957 #14072  
nce, Fiji Islands Natives in small boat saw UFO descend vertically, hover a 10/8/1957 #14074  
rom Nabouwalu to Nawaca in a motor boat saw a white object come down from t 10/8/1957 #14076  
e shines a blinding light at their boat, which makes them feel dazed and we 10/8/1957 #14078  
awaca in the Fiji Islands by motor boat saw a white colored object descend  10/8/1957 #14079  
A Ovoid with antennas dives at 5 / boat. Levels off going quickly southwest 10/12/1957 #14102  
      BAGANSIAPIAPI, INDONESIA 2 / boat / malfunctions due to EME (electro- 11/6/1957 #14375  
d object swiftly approaching their boat and trailing black and greenish smo 11/6/1957 #14424  
along with his wife and a Japanese boat boy) a huge cigar-shaped object wit 11/10/1957 #14524  
        TRINIDADE ISLAND, ATLANTIC Boat crew. Silver ovoid hovers near Igy  11/27/1957 (approximate) #14628  
 passes over the hull of the small boat, the vessel grows luminous, with fi 11/29/1957 #14638  
 metal railings at the edge of the boat has disappeared, leaving only the r 11/29/1957 #14638  
NORTHWEST / FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 2 / boat. Orange fireball flares up and flee 5/17/1958 #15040  
        At 11:45 p.m. two men in a boat in Fort Lauderdale, Florida watched 5/17/1958 #15042  
ame rolling toward the fishermen's boat, and they were terrified that it wo 6/12/1958 #15092  
mming noise. Comparing it to their boat, it seemed to be about 4 meters in  6/12/1958 #15092  
       CANISTEAR RESERVOIR, NJ 2 / boat. Large red-glow "bar" going north.  7/8/1958 #15136  
ht coming down. They stopped their boat as it came to hover about 15 m abov 8/16/1958 #15202  
to hover about 45 feet above their boat. It is saucer-shaped, about 39 feet 8/16/1958 #15203  
oward the lake. They stopped their boat as it came to hover about 15 meters 8/16/1958 #15204  
say the substance settles on their boat in such quantity that it makes the  11/9/1958 #15434  
in such quantity that it makes the boat appear “a million years old.” A sam 11/9/1958 #15434  
sel Generator Disrupted On Fishing Boat (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Ra 12/16/1958 #15476  
s watching a lighted squid-fishing boat close to shore, but Gill has confir 6/26/1959 #15790  
VILLE, NY Several observer(s). Big boat rests / empty field. Green-brown co 8/4/1959 #15894  
             OFF LAE, PAPUA-NG 6 / boat. White 14M umbrella sways to and fr 1/31/1960 #16160  
                          Six in a boat on the ocean on the coast of Lae, P 1/31/1960 #16161  
 New Haven, CT Former Air Force PT Boat Commander watched UFOs rendezvous,  2/3/1960 #16164  
ect going down / 100M over fishing boat. 3 observer(s). Blue light going do 5/13/1960 #16263  
overed 300 feet over their fishing boat in a clear sky for three minutes. I 5/13/1960 #16269  
32° 15W-34° 34N Blue Book. US Navy boat crew. No further details.           4/2/1961 #16642  
ct Bluebook Case #unknown. US Navy boat observer(s). No further details [in 5/10/1961 #16680  
ly Off this town, four people in a boat were suddenly shaken by growing wav 6/3/1961 #16714  
orboat off Savona, Italy, when the boat begins to roll badly. More than one 6/3/1961 #16715  
(s). Silver saucer going [to] over boat / lake. Changes / cross shape! Shoo 3/29/1962 #17090  
The skipper of a chartered fishing boat 6 miles southeast of Avalon, Santa  7/28/1962 #17295  
and left no wake as it passed by a boat on the surface, and was described a 7/28/1962 #17296  
h large windows hovering above the boat dock 50 feet away. Silhouetted in t 8/1962 #17310  
oject Bluebook Case #8133. Fishing boat. 2 red and black moon-size objects  9/21/1962 #17423  
e Gulf of Mexico Witness:  fishing boat captain S.A. Guthrie. Two objects,  9/21/1962 #17427  
                         A fishing boat captain, S. A. Guthrie, and a deck  9/21/1962 #17429  
     LAVENO TO/FROM INTRA, ITL 3 / boat. 2 classic saucers 20M over Lago Ma 12/19/1962 #17594  
Italy. At 7:15 a.m. three men in a boat saw two classic-shaped discoid obje 12/19/1962 #17596  
              SKJERVOY, NORWAY 1 / boat. 30M saucer going [to] over sunken  8/21/1963 (approximate) #17914  
ion, but the object sinks before a boat can get there. The object has a con 9/12/1963 #17932  
 offshore. Going down / surface as boat nears. Dive.                        1/9/1964 #18111  
utes. As fishermen approached in a boat dove under the sea.                 1/9/1964 #18112  
            OFF OXELOSUND, SWD 3 / boat. Green-yellow sphere/orb/globe-sauc 10/4/1964 #18570  
n, a 45-year-old man, was out in a boat with his hunting dogs in the Big Cy 3/15/1965 #18860  
  OFF CATTOLICA, ITL Radiologist / boat. 5 saucers emerge / sea. Going up [ 8/1965 (approximate) #19226  
object shoots straight up, and the boat is hit by a strong wave that overtu 8/2/1965 #19267  
d his family were awaiting a ferry boat when a brilliant, orange-red object 8/14/1965 #19389  
S, PALESTN Guard fires at flaming "boat". Circles farm. Figure(s) seen. / F 8/15/1965 #19393  
              OFF CLARKSON, ON 2 / boat. Domed saucer with flat bottom. Rin 6/1/1966 (approximate) #20517  
witnesses approached it in a motor boat. The incident was reported to NICAP 6/1/1966 #20520  
disks going quickly west toward(s) boat. Turn going quickly northwest.      6/18/1966 #20575  
                    CHARLESTON, SC Boat crew and many. 30M disk / light ove 7/25/1966 #20677  
ERITA LIGURE, ITL Engineer and 6 / boat. Ovoid / sea surface fires beams qu 9/14/1966 #20882  
MA 7:15 a.m. EST. Two hunters in a boat off the coast saw two cigar-shaped  11/15/1966 #21106  
             Two duck hunters in a boat offshore of Beverly, Massachusetts  11/15/1966 #21108  
wo former submarine sailors, and a boat captain guide.                      4/12/1967 #22124  
T 6 observer(s). 35' saucer chases boat. Tree limbs burnt. Strong Radio Fre 6/18/1967 #22514  
ing. A family crossing the lake by boat saw a shiny, metallic-appearing ova 6/18/1967 #22516  
e object approached the witnesses' boat, it took on an orange tinge. (Bonda 6/18/1967 #22516  
ing. A family crossing the lake by boat saw a shiny, metallic-appearing ova 6/18/1967 #22517  
ing. A family crossing the lake by boat saw a shiny, metallic-appearing ova 6/18/1967 #22518  
ing. A family is returning home by boat near Clearwater Bay on Shoal Lake,  6/18/1967 #22520  
e and suddenly sweeps toward their boat at great speed. They beat a hasty r 6/18/1967 #22520  
g. A lawyer who was fishing from a boat saw a gray-blue, double-saucer (Sat 8/4/1967 #22796  
ez [or Yepes], is fishing from his boat in the sea about 15 miles north of  8/4/1967 #22804  
violently disturbed near a fishing boat. A Saturn-shaped UFO, six meters in 8/4/1967 #22807  
h Oleynikov of the Russian fishing boat Kama is in Vyborg Bay in western Ru 9/1967 #22972  
 the captain and crew of a fishing boat saw four brilliant red lights in a  10/4/1967 #23175  
altitude. 2 beams. Follows car and boat.                                    11/8/1967 #23420  
oss sky as if on rail. Then a "big boat" lit up on the water's surface, and 2/21/1968 #23775  
wobbled and moved with motion of a boat moving over waves in the ocean. It  3/10/1968 #23835  
              OFF LE BRUSC, FR 3 / boat. Plain silent silver ovoid hovers / 4/1968 #23880  
          OFF CAT CAY, BAHAMAS 4 / boat. Cylinder/cigar-shape drops. Levels 4/23/1968 #23919  
 WEST / ANDROS ISLAND, BAHAMAS 5 / boat / Miami. 2 ovoids just over sea lev 6/21/1968 #24060  
EAR HULUN LK, CHINA Border guards. Boat saucer hovers / 2 separate days. Sh 8/1968 #24281  
      LAGOA RODRIGO, BRZ Several / boat club. Saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape g 10/7/1968 #24545  
              OFF QUEQUEN, ARG 2 / boat and 4. Large luminous saucer lights 11/7/1968 #24639  
 going down. 45° turn. Aims beam / boat. Quickly going up.                  11/22/1968 #24677  
d disc descended, flew over shrimp boat, hovered briefly, shone light down  11/22/1968 #24683  
vered briefly, shone light down on boat, then took off straight up out of s 11/22/1968 #24683  
d disc descended, flew over shrimp boat. Hovered briefly, shone light down  11/22/1968 #24687  
vered briefly, shone light down on boat, then took off straight up out of s 11/22/1968 #24687  
ded, hovered briefly over a shrimp boat, shone a beam of light down on the  11/22/1968 #24691  
 shone a beam of light down on the boat, then shot straight up out of sight 11/22/1968 #24691  
eamen. White 6M glowing-ball nears boat. Floats. Quickly going up [to] and  12/15/1968 #24769  
ll back. Circles cannery. Hovers / boat. Diesel electro-magnetic effect (EM 12/16/1968 #24774  
ut a possible light from a fishing boat in the water ahead. But the light s 1969 #24805  
, AK 2 / (seen thru) binoculars on boat. 30M disk / 450M altitude. Vibrant  1/16/1969 #24851  
             The crew of a fishing boat off the coast of Quinteros, Chile w 2/12/1969 #24916  
          OSSIPEE, NH Fisherman in boat and more/others. Splash. 30' saucer 7/4/1969 #25248  
principal witness was fishing in a boat at about 7:00 in the morning when h 7/4/1969 #25252  
                  FT. WORTH, TX 3' boat floats / 20' altitude / backyard. G 9/1969 (approximate) #25346  
cylinder/cigar-shape in bay chases boat. Glows!                             4/1970 #25615  
vigator Norman Baker, aboard their boat the Ra II, radioed in that they had 6/11/1970 #25697  
 at reat speed and disappears. The boat’s motor starts working again.       8/1970 #25765  
e to investigate, they go out in a boat but can find no submerged object.   8/14/1970 #25784  
ights. It came "directly toward my boat" and hovered noiselessly overhead a 1/26/1972 #26556  
LA ROMANA, DOM.REP Aero mechanic / boat / malfunctions due to EME (electro- 11/9/1972 #27111  
 blue light "twice as big as a row boat" approach from over the lake. It st 7/1/1973 #27610  
             BRAVIKEN BAY, SWD 9 / boat. Vibrant bright sphere/orb/globe-sa 7/17/1973 #27635  
erver(s). 4 washtub saucers follow boat. Then follow car. Going quickly [to 9/14/1973 #27820  
                ILES DE GLENAN, FR Boat crew. Faintly glowing saucer lands  10/3/1973 #27923  
O, PORTUGAL 3 saucers buzz fishing boat / 3 hours. Very close. Go when hit  11/2/1973 #28343  
tedly had to beat it away from his boat with an oar.                        11/6/1973 #28377  
s had the courage to go out in the boat to see what was happening. Days lat 6/18/1974 #29212  
9:30 p.m. a businessman was on his boat on the lake when he spotted a cone- 6/29/1974 #29232  
r named Noel with another man in a boat on Lake Winnepausaukee near Laconia 8/14/1974 #29345  
to view it. The object resembled a boat; it had lights like portholes that  9/19/1974 #29464  
BUCKS 8 / (seen thru) binoculars / boat. Glowing-disk hovers / trees / 6 mi 9/21/1974 #29466  
 a UFO. At 7:30 p.m. five men in a boat in Cincinnati, Ohio had a close enc 10/27/1974 #29562  
        FAIRFIELD, OH 1 observer. "Boat" going down [to] going up [to] over 12/22/1974 #29655  
nsula, a group of men on a fishing boat saw a bright light with a definite  3/2/1975 #29865  
nsula, a group of men on a fishing boat saw a bright light with a definite  3/2/1975 #29869  
            St. Bernard Parish, LA Boat brightly illuminated by round glowi 1/21/1977 #31737  
ng object, abnormal silence, heat, boat held back as if by invisible force, 1/21/1977 #31737  
            St. Bernard Parish, LA Boat brightly illuminated by round glowi 1/21/1977 #31739  
ng object, abnormal silence, heat, boat held back as if by invisible force, 1/21/1977 #31739  
ernard Parish, Louisiana, one in a boat and the other walking along the sho 1/21/1977 #31743  
ight seems right around him as the boat is engulfed in the glow, which exte 1/21/1977 #31743  
 the light. They both get into the boat and move down the dike canal, using 1/21/1977 #31743  
 Although the motor is running the boat is not moving, seemingly held in pl 1/21/1977 #31743  
n the light quickly leaves and the boat lurches forward with great force, c 1/21/1977 #31743  
           CRAB ISLAND, BRAZIL 4 / boat. 5+hours / missing time. 1 dead. 2  4/25/1977 #32023  
           GRAND HARBOR, MALTA 2 / boat photograph 2 white glowing-objects. 6/28/1977 #32201  
                    BLYTHE, CA 5 / boat. Ovoid 3-4x moon-size. Darts / all  7/15/1977 #32274  
ia 11:45 p.m. Adult witnesses on a boat on the Colorado River near Blythe,  7/15/1977 #32276  
stops abruptly, comes close to the boat, then curves around the river.      7/15/1977 #32276  
At 11:45 p.m. PDT five people in a boat on a lake in Blythe, Riverside Coun 7/15/1977 #32278  
l. The light then moved toward his boat. A reddish-yellow light was next se 11/1/1977 #32652  
the sea until 5:30 a.m. On another boat a blue light was seen over the ship 11/1/1977 #32652  
L 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Glow boat 5km offshore. Going up [to] and hov 4/25/1978 #33165  
rved through binoculars a glowing "boat"  5 kilometers offshore. It then as 4/25/1978 #33170  
from the rail of a river excursion boat on the Rhine River, Germany. When t Summer 1978 #33295  
:30 a.m. a group of witnesses on a boat on Lake Crescent, Tasmania encounte 8/5/1978 #33477  
       OFF CUPRA MARITIMMA, IT 2 / boat. 20cm sphere/orb/globe going [to] 3 10/23/1978 #33859  
           OFF GROTTAMARE, ITL 2 / boat. 20M dark object emerges and hovers 10/24/1978 #33867  
 and 11:00 a.m. two fishermen in a boat in Grottammare, Marche, Italy saw a 10/24/1978 #33869  
           OFF GROTTAMARE, ITL 2 / boat. Big dark object going [to] over se 10/27/1978 #33884  
 light follows and circles fishing boat. Back 7 Nov. '78.                   11/3/1978 #33916  
FI). Large dark object floats near boat. / r200v4#3.                        11/7/1978 #33922  
       OFF PORTO D'ASCOLI, ITL 3 / boat. Luminous/glowing red-yellow sphere 11/8/1978 #33925  
aly Ship Tracks Submerged Object / Boat Observes Light (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 11/8/1978 #33927  
ater, the radar of another fishing boat, the Andrea Padre, reports a moving 11/8/1978 #33928  
        OFF SILVI MARINA, ITL Navy boat. Intense red night light quickly go 11/9/1978 #33933  
 disc come down to right above the boat. The greenish-blue color surroundin 11/25/1978 #34002  
 disc come down to right above the boat. The greenish-blue color surroundin 11/25/1978 #34004  
          OFF CAPO MELE, ITL Men / boat. 3 white ovoids rise / sea and goin 12/1/1978 #34039  
 was not a Japanese shrimp fishing boat, as claimed by debunkers.           12/31/1978 #34249  
aw of the Air Force…don’t rock the boat, play it down, cool it, don’t get t 1979 #34260  
    60 MI EAST / NANTUCKET, MA 3 / boat. Bright circular object hovers over 4/10/1979 #34506  
ca,. On board was the owner of the boat, his wife and children and a crew o 6/22/1979 #34625  
ree miles ahead of the prow of the boat they saw a black cylindrical shape. 6/22/1979 #34625  
p.m. On board was the owner of the boat, who was a businessman in Milano, h 6/22/1979 #34626  
ree miles ahead of the prow of the boat they saw a black cylindrical shape. 6/22/1979 #34626  
                    OFF SEWARD, AK Boat. Bowl going down / clouds 2' over s 7/5/1979 #34647  
Off The Water / Radar Tracked From Boat (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R,  7/5/1979 #34648  
          GREAT BEAR LAKE, NWT 2 / boat. Metallic saucer hovers / 30M. Phot 7/16/1979 #34657  
the object as it passed over their boat. Reportedly a wristwatch being worn 7/16/1979 #34658  
the object as it passed over their boat. Reportedly a wristwatch being worn 7/16/1979 #34659  
of Człuchów, Poland, is rowing his boat on a lake when he sees a “dark oblo 8/1979 #34692  
to a distance of 9 miles. A patrol boat uses its searchlight to illuminate  8/12/1979 #34739  
ms, the searchlight and the patrol boat’s lights also dim.                  8/12/1979 #34739  
rs abut 1,500 feet in front of the boat and the original two lights, which  8/23/1979 #34768  
ibrations, and Szomborg steers his boat closer. The red light places itself 8/23/1979 #34768  
7’s path three times, matching the boat’s course changes. The crew members  8/23/1979 #34768  
               BALSAM LAKE, WI 3 / boat. Silent shiny Mltc saucer oscillate 8/25/1979 #34771  
sin 3:30 p.m. Three witnesses in a boat at Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, watch an 8/25/1979 #34775  
 SOUTH MARGHERITA, ITL 2 / fishing boat. Swallow-tail delta/triangle/box-li 9/14/1979 #34873  
                OFF SINISCOLA, ITL Boat crew. Sphere with luminous rays hov 9/14/1979 #34876  
                    At 6:30 a.m. a boat crew off the coast of Siniscola, Sa 9/14/1979 #34883  
hotographs of his friends’ fishing boat coming out of the Motunau River on  10/27/1979 #34970  
und the world with his family in a boat he has built himself. Mathematician 12/30/1979 #35103  
pes stop / 3 minute(s). Away fast. Boat found / no crew.                    2/11/1980 #35163  
erver(s). 3M blazing saucer passes boat / very low altitude. Lights area. V 9/1980 #35487  
owing-sphere/orb/globe circles 2 / boat. Lands / island. Windows. Tank trac 9/5/1980 #35497  
 two witnesses from Hollywood in a boat watched a cloud-cigar maneuver erra 12/10/1980 #35709  
     OFF FLINDERS ISLAND, AUST 2 / boat. 2 night lights exchange light beam 1/8/1981 #35775  
nders Island (near), Tasmania On a boat near Flinders Island two men saw tw 1/8/1981 #35776  
ay, and the batteries on board the boat were found to be dead. (NICAP: 01 - 1/8/1981 #35776  
                At 11:00 p.m. on a boat near Flinders Island, Tasmania two  1/8/1981 #35781  
ay, and the batteries on board the boat were found to be dead.              1/8/1981 #35781  
                OFF AYAMONTE, SP 6 boat crews. Grey 60M-tall cone hovers 1M 3/25/1981 #35872  
 Ogunquit and Old Orchard Beach. A boat was sent out at 9:20 p.m. to look f 6/28/1981 #35980  
m. Malcolm Smith is traveling on a boat up the Mahakam River in Borneo, Ind 7/19/1981 #36019  
             NEAR LIEKSA, FINL 2 / boat. Black sphere / sky. 6 hours / miss 7/31/1981 #36042  
m, and a fog forms in front of the boat. They lose the ability to move and  7/31/1981 #36048  
they are differently placed in the boat, the time is 4:10 a.m., and the boa 7/31/1981 #36048  
at, the time is 4:10 a.m., and the boat is drifting. They go back ashore to 7/31/1981 #36048  
endently, flew over the stern of a boat on a lake near Cape Vaaraniemi, Lie 7/31/1981 #36050  
 At 12:30 a.m. four witnesses on a boat near Malibu Beach, California saw a 8/23/1981 #36083  
 Karasu Region, Kazakhstan A large boat shaped, green colored UFO with an o 11/9/1981 #36213  
      BRAVIKEN BAY, SWD 3 / rescue boat. RADAR going [to] crazy. Boat caugh 9/24/1982 #36615  
scue boat. RADAR going [to] crazy. Boat caught / wake / very large diving o 9/24/1982 #36615  
0 p.m. three witnesses in a rescue boat in Braviken Bay, Ostergotland, Swed 9/24/1982 #36616  
gational radar go crazy when their boat was caught in the wake of a very la 9/24/1982 #36616  
n the object. The men turn off the boat lights and the object shuts off its 7/12/1983 #36909  
30 a.m., the BDF launches a patrol boat and scrambles a Cessna but does not 4/12/1984 #37258  
               GAINESVILLE, FL 2 / boat. Silent ovoid hovers 100M away. Bea 4/13/1984 #37259  
100 feet about 300 feet from their boat. The object shines a cone of bright 4/13/1984 #37260  
 ground. As the UFO approaches the boat its engine stops. The captain resta 11/3/1985 #37699  
                  PACAJUS, BRZ 3 / boat / reservoir. Silent carsize grey ob 4/20/1986 #37826  
carsize grey object swoops down by boat and back up and away.               4/20/1986 #37826  
  At 7 p.m. three people were in a boat on a reservoir near Pacajus, Ceara  4/20/1986 #37828  
ntly out of sky and approached the boat, then flew back up and away.        4/20/1986 #37828  
g and Jandura, were fishing from a boat on Banksons Lake, Michigan when the 8/1/1986 #37968  
OFF PORT LINCOLN, SOUTH AUSTR Tuna boat crews and more. Green night lights  1/21/1988 #38424  
    LAKE OJESJON, DALARNA, SWD 4 / boat. 3 Brill hat-saucers follow / 5km.  7/24/1988 #38606  
lliant hat-shaped discs followed a boat for five kilometers. The four witne 7/24/1988 #38607  
                MONTAUK PT, NY 3 / boat. Silent 150' delta/triangle/box-lik 1/30/1989 #38806  
 flips over. 90° turn going south. Boat RADAR malfunctions due to EME (elec 1/30/1989 #38806  
s then seen as it moved toward the boat, turned west, and then finally sout 1/30/1989 #38809  
' away. Shimmers as if hot. Bottom boat shaped.                             5/28/1989 #38965  
V, UKRAINE 2 pseudo-human/entity / boat. "From another planet". Lead women  7/4/1989 #39005  
ar Kyiv, Ukraine, when they see a “boat” with three beings on board. The en 7/4/1989 #39007  
uddenly saw what they took to be a boat with three beings on board. The bei 7/4/1989 #39009  
, MA Sphere with windows seen from boat near lighthouse. Several objects to 3/4/1990 #39445  
, MA Sphere with windows seen from boat near lighthouse. Several objects to 3/4/1990 #39446  
          LLANQUIHUE LAKE, CHL 2 / boat. Huge object hovers over boat. Heat 10/20/1990 #39798  
 2 / boat. Huge object hovers over boat. Heat rays. Pseudo-human/entity thr 10/20/1990 #39798  
            IGUAPE, CEARA, BRZ 3 / boat. Bright UFO just over sea sucks up  7/17/1992 #40521  
ver / riverside. Beams going down. Boat can't move.                         9/3/1992 (approximate) #40604  
s of light were directed down at a boat, and the boat couldn't move.        9/3/1992 #40609  
e directed down at a boat, and the boat couldn't move.                      9/3/1992 #40609  
                  CHALABRE, FR Big boat or Christmas-tree circles / high-al 2/1/1994 #41394  
        RUZIRUHURU, ZIMB Several / boat. Huge flashy object rises over hill 9/14/1994 #41747  
CITY, OR Police report "UFO taking boat". Cops find boat only. No further d 1/12/1995 #41970  
eport "UFO taking boat". Cops find boat only. No further details.           1/12/1995 #41970  
ct returned light signals from the boat, and then zipped away.              2/12/1995 #42040  
         BIG LAKE STREAM, ME Boy / boat. 3 "ducks" = silent machines. Rise  7/4/1995 #42290  
, landing on a nearby islet. Their boat engine fails as the UFO passes over 10/1/1995 #42529  
 object going down [to] near bow / boat. Moves going [to] rear. Vertical as 4/28/1996 #42889  
he Collins Elite met at the Loftus Boat on 23 May 1997 and that the Collins 3/11/1998 #43532  
        ACEVAL, PARAGUAY Several / boat. Shiny silver egg maneuvers / all d 5/24/1998 #43570  
Milton Leite, were preparing their boat to go fishing and had just exited t 4/1/1999 #43752  
go fishing and had just exited the boat storage garage in Santana do Ipanem 4/1/1999 #43752  
ered silently above a crab fishing boat at 11:15 p.m. while the fisherman w 1/30/2000 #43937  
a. The man was onboard his 25 foot boat with his dog but had no other witne 1/30/2000 #43937  
then appeared and hovered over the boat. The chopper was flat black in colo 1/30/2000 #43937  
of light was again directed at the boat. He last saw the triangle gain alti 1/30/2000 #43937  
t 500 feet away. It approaches the boat, submerges, and maneuvers underwate 8/20/2001 #44238  
ite contrail-like wake much like a boat in the water would do.              5/4/2002 #44337  
d a white contrail or wake like "a boat in water."                          5/5/2002 #44339  
two males in a sailboat. A fishing boat skipper heard their dramatic UFO re 9/9/2002 #44393  
ted 100 feet over the ocean from a boat off Newport Beach, California. The  8/6/2005 #44859  
California. The came closer to the boat stopped and hovered for 10 minutes, 8/6/2005 #44859  
s in fact only a civilian “working boat.”                                   4/13/2015 #45436  
 seems to move effortlessly like a boat coasting through the water—“slow en 12/10/2016 #45461  
e being 15 miles away from the one boat that the pilot noted seeing below.  3/13/2018 #45523  
## Word: "boat'" (Back to Top)
LY Hundreds / observer(s). 'Flying boat' glows over Parma and Pavia and Mas 9/10/1997 #43404  
## Word: "boat's" (Back to Top)
t, Long Island, New York a fishing boat's radar system and other electronic 1/30/1989 #38809  
caused him fall backwards into the boat's cabin. He grabbed his Rugger 10-2 1/30/2000 #43937  
## Word: "boat-cylinder" (Back to Top)
R 2 observer(s). Glowing-ovoid and boat-cylinder/cigar-shape both vanish. D 3/26/1974 #28955  
## Word: "boat-shaped" (Back to Top)
e mist. It appears to be a narrow, boat-shaped craft that circles the dredg 7/30/1909 #789  
s Hill, Otago, New Zealand a large boat-shaped flying object with three lig 8/2/1909 #796  
          Fairfield, OH 10:00 p.m. Boat-shaped or oblong object 50-60' wide 5/22/1974 #29123  
 witness looked outside and saw a "boat-shaped," or oblong, object hovering 12/22/1974 #29656  
## Word: "boat-shapes" (Back to Top)
 FRANKFORT, IN 2 hunters. 6 silent boat-shapes going southeast toward(s) to 10/3/1956 #13261  
## Word: "boating" (Back to Top)
 a.m. Musician Leon M. Thompson is boating on Keuka Lake in western New Yor 8/9/1934 #1217  
student and a Swedish engineer are boating on a small river “somewhere in S 8/24/1946 #2156  
had rescued him from drowning in a boating accident, when two of his compan 9/22/1972 #27026  
 retired policeman Jim Lucksky are boating on Candlewood Lake north of Danb 7/12/1983 #36909  
nesville, Florida 10:00 p.m. While boating on a lake near Gainesville, Flor 4/13/1984 #37260  
## Word: "boatlike" (Back to Top)
      Nablus, Jordan A guard saw a boatlike object flying at high speed, wi 8/15/1965 #19399  
## Word: "boatload" (Back to Top)
                      GUSTAVUS, AK Boatload / fishermen. Very large orange  2/12/1995 #42038  
large orange UFO approached near a boatload of commercial fishermen at sea  2/12/1995 #42040  
## Word: "boatman" (Back to Top)
wo small islands. Thinking another boatman might be in trouble, the buoy te 6/3/1967 #22459  
## Word: "boats" (Back to Top)
nferior mirages of distant fishing boats, as atmospheric conditions are fav 2/24/1893 #308  
 a developed state. She draws men, boats, houses, and flowers, named in Mar 8/1895 #319  
l (observation). Buzzes planes and boats. Silent. Going quickly southeast.  1/22/1950 #4500  
 It then buzzed several planes and boats. A U.S. Navy plane failed to inter 1/22/1950 #4504  
Os appeared and bobbed around like boats in a stream. The objects disappear 4/25/1952 #6180  
three objects “jittered about like boats in a stream.” Then the small disc  4/25/1952 #6185  
France The crew of several fishing boats saw a luminous, orange-colored obj 10/7/1954 #10781  
he day the crew of several fishing boats at sea saw a luminous, orange-colo 10/7/1954 #10795  
CATALINA IS, CA Several / separate boats. 50' saucer spins and smokes. 10 J 7/9/1955 #12243  
            OFF LE BRUSC, FR 3 / 2 boats. Saucer surfaces. 12 men emerge an 8/1/1962 #17311  
s away from three fisherman in two boats off of Le Brusc, France in the Med 8/1/1962 #17313  
 Komar-class guided missile patrol boats, and a cruise missile site at Bane 8/29/1962 #17372  
to the bay, but a search by patrol boats was unsuccessful.                  11/19/1966 #21127  
ude. The witnesses, in two 16-foot boats in windy weather with choppy waves 4/12/1967 #22124  
n hour of the crash, local fishing boats go out to the crash site in the wa 10/4/1967 #23176  
I, MS Several observer(s) / shrimp boats. 5M round object going down. 45° t 11/22/1968 #24677  
F PADDY ISLAND, TASM Fishermen / 2 boats. Domed disk / 100M altitude. Turns 10/28/1969 (approximate) #25426  
                  Fishermen in two boats off Paddy Island, Tasmania sighted 10/28/1969 #25429  
ng a few of the observers get into boats and sail to the spot where the sph 4/29/1970 #25645  
ve crossed the Atlantic in papyrus boats centuries before Columbus.         6/11/1970 #25697  
RO, SPAIN Night light near fishing boats. Maneuvers impossibly. Responds /  10/5/1973 (approximate) #27943  
FF AZUA, DOM.REP Saucer stops over boats. Helmeted figure(s) work controls  3/12/1975 #29889  
       LAKE CRESCENT, TASMANIA 3+/ boats. 3OM black-brown colored cylinder/ 8/5/1978 #33472  
A, ITL Night lights follow fishing boats. 1 flies going up. 2 men dead.. ho 10/12/1978 #33829  
SILVI MARINA, ITL Separate fishing boats. Night light going up [to] from se 11/7/1978 #33923  
    OFF VENTIMIGLIA, ITL Several / boats. 6-9 bright night lights rise / se 11/30/1978 #34028  
OFF CUPRA MARITTIMA, ITL Several / boats and shore. Big red sphere going so 12/30/1978 #34225  
sula, Poland 8:15 p.m. Two fishing boats belonging to the Szomborg family,  8/23/1979 #34768  
sphere has moved further away. The boats safely return to Hel by 4:00 a.m., 8/23/1979 #34768  
     At 7:15 p.m. the crews of six boats saw a gray colored, 60 meter tall  3/25/1981 #35874  
hy spit on the Caspian Sea. Patrol boats rush to that area, but when they r 1985 #37541  
r funnel up to saucer. Odd lack of boats.                                   4/26/1994 #41504  
## Word: "boatswain" (Back to Top)
ng.” Another witness, an anonymous Boatswain’s Mate of the Watch was in con 5/9/2022 #45747  
## Word: "boatwright" (Back to Top)
r a hill. Around 10:00 p.m., Edith Boatwright of nearby Mill Spring sees a  2/21/1973 #27305  
## Word: "bob" (Back to Top)
r. 2 saucers 30cm apart circle and bob going up and down [to] over school.  7/4/1947 (approximate) #2602  
A, PA 2 20cm disks / intense light bob and weave 5M from house. Soar up and 7/7/1947 #2864  
ilver ovoids going southeast fast. Bob and weave. No smoke or noise.        7/12/1947 (approximate) #3144  
on at AMC brings in news columnist Bob Considine for an in-depth interview  11/16/1950 #5278  
tion Officer Author and journalist Bob Considine’s article appears in Cosmo 1/1951 #5380  
rom tangible bodies, but CAA chief Bob Zeigler overrules them and blames “p 9/2/1952 #7829  
 he and his wingman, pilot Captain Bob Hagan, encounter difficulties pickin 11/1/1952 #8228  
Wollongong Mascot 11:00 p.m. Capt. Bob Jackson is piloting an Australian Na 5/10/1953 #8873  
der states former Douglas engineer Bob Wood tells him he believed the SOM1- 1954 #9424  
objects hang / sky / 45 minute(s). Bob going up and down. Glide away going  5/19/1954 #9813  
2 cops and several. 3 night lights bob going up [to] going down / sky. 1 qu 6/24/1954 #9940  
r disks going SSE. Turn going SSW. Bob and bounce / sky. / r140#7p13.       5/20/1956 #12859  
rises before speeding off. Fireman Bob Volz also sees a reddish-orange UFO  11/4/1957 #14285  
            SACRAMENTO, CA 3 disks bob going up and down [to] and circle in 11/9/1957 #14498  
bles, FL Area-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar is born in Coral Gables, FL.   1/26/1959 #15565  
ething or that something hit them. Bob Gribble and other UFO investigators  4/1/1959 #15688  
chard Lorenzen and Flight Engineer Bob Scott also see the UFOs. Another Pan 7/11/1959 #15834  
rior about one mile from shore and bob about on the surface. She summons a  10/14/1961 #16910  
 Edwards AFB, CA X-15 flight, Maj. Bob White pilot. Photographs and visual  7/17/1962 #17277  
this decades later from technician Bob Caplan. Nelson does not understand w Late 1963 #17989  
onnel at the base—Jerry C. Nelson, Bob Caplan, and Gene Lamb—relay their ex Winter 1963 #18090  
mbers—T/Sgt. Jack Nevins, Airman1C Bob Garner, and Airman 1C Mike Rundag—ab Late 1964 #18583  
ow-orange in color, was sighted by Bob Young and four others in Dry Fork, U 6/14/1965 #19005  
g Space Force Base] on December 9 (Bob Wenzel Gross).                       12/9/1965 #19762  
 white lights. Mannor’s son-in-law Bob Wagner, back at the house, sees the  3/20/1966 #20012  
oach from the southwest, hover and bob around. She stopped and observed the 5/24/1966 #20509  
                        Four boys, Bob & John Kangas, Mike Kauppi, and Scot 3/12/1967 #21874  
screaming for help. The farmer and Bob his son admitted him, and it took a  11/2/1967 #23392  
 a craft that mimics UAP behavior. Bob Wood, Chan Thomas, Paul Wilson, Joe  4/5/1970 #25625  
2 observer(s). 3 domed top saucers bob going up and down. Split apart and g 1/27/1973 #27246  
is disbanded. (Story, p. 8) 1974 — Bob Gribble, a Seattle, Washington, fire 1974 #28630  
rver(s). 4 objects large and small bob going up and down. 15' row / windows 6/12/1974 #29177  
mal Reactions / Compass Deviates”; Bob Gribble, “Looking Back,” MUFON UFO J 10/15/1974 #29531  
ike entity, whom he identified as "Bob C", telepathically for nearly two ho 9/11/1975 #30353  
al telepathic communications with "Bob C."                                  9/11/1975 #30353  
 of the actors who are interested (Bob Balaban, Richard Dreyfuss, Melinda D 7/23/1976 #31183  
eve the object, he calls a friend, Bob Palmer, who arrives around 2:30 p.m. 1/10/1977 #31715  
77-11, citing Monte Blue Skelton & Bob Pratt). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)   3/5/1977 #31860  
 examined him in silence. (Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and D 7/10/1977 #32256  
olen. A follow-up investigation by Bob Pratt of the National Enquirer deter 11/16/1977 #32677  
es The National Enquirer publishes Bob Pratt’s well-researched article, “UF 12/13/1977 #32768  
ed all was normal, said controller Bob Turner. Fearing that a military jet  12/16/1978 #34144  
er Shapiro, who told NASA engineer Bob Oechsler about reverse engineered UA 2/16/1979 #34431  
on of a December 1979 interview by Bob Pratt with Jesse Marcel Sr. as a pre 2/28/1980 #35186  
et, and Missouri Highway Patrolman Bob Lober guesses 1,500–1,800 feet in Ed 11/18/1980 #35654  
 her hand. The next day she visits Bob Boyd, an investigator with the Plymo 9/10/1981 #36108  
                    Arizona Writer Bob Pratt flies out to Arizona to meet W 1/2/1982 #36294  
                    Los Alamos, NM Bob Lazar appears on the front Sunday pa 6/27/1982 #36517  
 Los Alamos, NM Area-51/S-4 worker Bob Lazar meets Dr. Edward Teller at a p 7/28/1982 #36553  
                       Phoenix, AZ Bob Lazar appears in the “Arizona Republ 8/21/1982 #36578  
 Allen Hynek, Philip Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, Night Siege: The Hudson Valle 3/30/1983 #36823  
k 10:20 p.m. Electronics executive Bob Pozzuoli shoots a videotape of a lar 7/24/1984 #37413  
               Seattle, Washington Bob Gribble, who operates the National U 12/1984 #37513  
 receives most of its reports from Bob Gribble of the National UFO Reportin 1/1/1986 #37745  
             NV Area-51/S-4 worker Bob Lazar meets ufologist John Lear      1988 #38381  
ies that was supposedly written by Bob Lazar while working at Los Alamos.   10/8/1988 #38665  
rd Teller calls Area-51/S-4 worker Bob Lazar                                11/29/1988 #38725  
 51 Crash Retrieval Program worker Bob Lazar starts working at Area-51/S-4  12/1988 #38729  
 Year of Area-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar’s W-2 statement                1989 #38768  
                  Papoose Dry Lake Bob Lazar takes groups of friends on Wed Spring 1989 #38876  
ighway 375 Video of John Lear with Bob Lazar near Groom Lake                3/22/1989 #38877  
              Tikaboo Peak, Nevada Bob and Tracy Lazar, Gene Huff, John Lea 3/29/1989 #38885  
Dry Lake Area-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar’s last day at work             4/7/1989 #38896  
is assigned to research all things Bob Lazar.                               5/1989 #38928  
                     Las Vegas, NV Bob Lazar, at ex-CIA contractor and ufol 5/14/1989 #38949  
                     Las Vegas, NV Bob Lazar interviews on KLAS-TV in silho 5/24/1989 #38961  
           NASA mission specialist Bob Oechsler meets retired RADM Sumner S 10/1989 #39139  
 alert two teachers in the school, Bob Markham and Mark MacMurchy, and they 10/11/1989 #39162  
eleased by George Knapp, revealing Bob Lazar’s identity to the public.      11/1989 #39202  
/entity apparently does mindscan / Bob Oechsler in public. See reference!   11/17/1989 #39234  
n his Area 51 Viewer's Guide that "Bob Lazar's story has been impossible to 10/1992 #40653  
e/box-like crafts or domed saucers bob going up and down / mountains. Spotl 3/24/1993 #40897  
ding night lights light trees etc. Bob to and fro / low altitude. Absolute( 1/15/1995 #41973  
                                   Bob Bigelow suggests to Jacques Vallée t 1/11/1998 #43499  
                                   Bob Bigelow states in a NIDS meeting tha 1/8/1999 #43712  
 Hal Puthoff and AAWSAP contractor Bob Bigelow are also linked to TAI’s Pet 12/3/1999 #43892  
        Jacques Vallée writes that Bob Bigelow calls him and tells him Jim  1/24/2000 #43934  
MUFON field investigator and pilot Bob Durant, "In the short time the light 7/15/2001 #44209  
               In Fulton, Missouri Bob Simon, age 25, awoke at three a.m. w 1/4/2003 #44468  
 research. It was located at 906-E Bob Wallace Ave., Huntsville, AL 35801.  3/2004 #44671  
 underside of it. McGarity claimed Bob Lazar was a “simple technician” at L 12/5/2005 #44907  
UBLIC DOMAIN between NASA engineer Bob Oechsler and ADM Bobby Ray Inman, In 7/7/2007 #45037  
                                   Bob Bigelow tells Jacques Vallée he rece 10/21/2007 #45078  
to managers who are eager to move; Bob says any time he mentions a case the 10/21/2007 #45078  
                                   Bob Bigelow tells Jacques Vallée that th 10/2/2008 #45174  
y Establishment (MATE) composed of Bob Wood, Charles Modlin, Robert Powell  10/17/2008 #45175  
rich, Switzerland, as requested by Bob Bigelow. Vallee is asked to revoke h 11/24/2008 #45191  
members of Congress including Sen. Bob Smith on breakthrough energy technol 2/13/2009 #45212  
a briefing for UK Defence Minister Bob Ainsworth recommending that the Mini 11/2009 #45251  
nce Agency defense warning officer Bob Carlsberg.                           11/2009 #45252  
                    NASA physicist Bob Oechsler believes Navy EMP experimen 8/18/2014 #45414  
             Former USG contractor Bob Fish tells Clinton campaign manager  3/6/2015 #45433  
             Former USG contractor Bob Fish tells Clinton campaign manager  3/6/2015 #45434  
rea 51 The independent documentary Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers is 12/4/2018 #45550  
                                US Bob Lazar and film maker Jeremy Corbell  6/20/2019 #45586  
tching Area 51 conspiracy theorist Bob Lazar and filmmaker Jeremy Corbell o 6/27/2019 #45588  
ist and ex-NASA mission specialist Bob Oechsler dies                        6/6/2020 #45648  
ne conversation with NASA engineer Bob Oechsler, according to author Timoth 3/16/2022 #45740  
me was referenced to NASA engineer Bob Oeschler by Bobby Ray Inman as someo 9/26/2022 #45771  
## Word: "bobac" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bobac” YieldMax: 20KT                    8/24/1962 #17357  
## Word: "boback" (Back to Top)
               Youngstown, PA John Boback, 17, was walking along the railro 10/1916 #952  
town, Pennsylvania 12:30 p.m. John Boback is walking along railroad tracks  Late Summer 1917 #962  
     Youngstown, Pennsylvania John Boback, 17, was walking along the railro 10/1917 #967  
## Word: "bobbed" (Back to Top)
s football-shaped UFO that glowed, bobbed, weaved, and maneuvered over the  7/26/1948 #3744  
 Next to it more UFOs appeared and bobbed around like boats in a stream. Th 4/25/1952 #6180  
near Seoul, South Korea. The light bobbed in the sky, then rose rapidly to  6/7/1952 #6462  
laska over the Kenai Mountains. It bobbed up and down several times for 55  3/14/1953 #8755  
ung in the sky for 45 minuts. They bobbed up and down, and glided away fast 5/19/1954 #9816  
t saw disc-like UFO which hovered, bobbed around. [NICAP UFOE, V] (NICAP: 0 8/16/1960 #16395  
ed) that hovered over power lines, bobbed around and rocked in a pendulum m 3/20/1966 #20005  
een-red) hovered over power lines, bobbed around, and rocked in a pendulum  3/20/1966 #20010  
inidad, Colorado. They tilted, and bobbed up and down in flight.            3/23/1966 #20056  
s object hovered, blocked roadway, bobbed up and down, moved quickly. Car b 3/31/1966 #20177  
 object making a humming sound. It bobbed up and down rapidly and emitted w 4/17/1966 #20314  
whirring, mechanical noises" as it bobbed around apparently close to the bu 4/24/1966 #20400  
FO with red, blue and white lights bobbed, hovered, darted, and went away a 9/7/1966 #20862  
d hovered nearby. The large object bobbed around and emitted light beams to 9/22/1966 #20913  
hts which maneuvered, hovered, and bobbed like a cork on water. The object  1/22/1967 #21366  
. The object stopped, hovered, and bobbed around. (Letter in NICAP files.)  2/16/1967 #21565  
descended behind trees into a bog, bobbed up and down like a yo-yo, and spe 5/11/1967 #22315  
        A brightly luminous object bobbed up-and-down, and then hovered nea 10/27/1967 #23356  
itnessed an object in the sky that bobbed up-and-down starting at 6:30 p.m. 10/17/1971 #26429  
s then joined by the second, which bobbed on the surface nearby. Silva went 3/29/1973 #27390  
ject made rapid darting movements, bobbed up and down (NICAP UFO Evidence I 2/17/1975 #29818  
ject made rapid darting movements, bobbed up and down                       2/17/1975 #29819  
 made rapid darting movements, and bobbed up-down.                          2/17/1975 #29821  
wn low over the field and hovered, bobbed, wobbled, and moved behind some t 6/25/1978 #33310  
wn low over the field and hovered, bobbed, wobbled, and moved behind some t 6/25/1978 #33311  
   Mansura, LA Dog reacted as oval bobbed near ground (NICAP: 04 - Animal R 8/13/1989 #39060  
0 p.m. a domed, disc-shaped object bobbed and wove through the sky over Cor 5/7/1994 #41516  
s a white triangular object, which bobbed up and down.                      7/14/2003 #44564  
Florida. It reflected sunlight and bobbed around at between 3,000 and 5,000 1/4/2004 #44647  
## Word: "bobberly" (Back to Top)
.m. Seamen John C. Kennedy and Ben Bobberly are on duty at Naval Air Statio 7/12/1947 #3160  
## Word: "bobbie" (Back to Top)
 Marine Corps captains and pilots (Bobbie Foster, Richard Francisco, Teddy  6/20/1952 #6562  
## Word: "bobbing" (Back to Top)
 for 15 minutes, with a vertically bobbing motion and sideways movements, b 1/8/1953 #8514  
o the southwest. It has a vertical bobbing motion and makes sideways moveme 1/8/1953 #8515  
ee passes at a brilliantly lit UFO bobbing up and down in the sky. On the t 11/25/1956 #13352  
 at a brilliantly lit UFO that was bobbing up and down. On the third pass t 11/25/1956 #13353  
nd. He sees a red spherical object bobbing on the ocean waves about 600 fee 4/29/1961 #16667  
xtremely wavy motion--like a float bobbing on the water" north of Lewistown 5/15/1964 #18273  
s flying in-line, traveling with a bobbing motion over the terrain. (McDona 3/23/1966 #20040  
s flying in-line, traveling with a bobbing motion over the terrain.         3/23/1966 #20051  
r, circling over a schoolhouse and bobbing up and down. Coincident power fa 4/12/1966 #20288  
r, circling over a schoolhouse and bobbing up and down. There was a coincid 4/12/1966 #20291  
t yellow light on top of the dome, bobbing up and down as it moved. The yel 4/23/1966 #20388  
with a ring of blinking red lights bobbing up and down above a building acr 4/23/1966 #20390  
zes that the UFO is right outside, bobbing up and down, looking about the s 4/23/1966 #20390  
response, the object speeds up its bobbing motion, and she hears a heavy th 4/23/1966 #20390  
r car to watch, and saw the object bobbing around and circling slowly in on 5/16/1966 #20490  
r. It hovered for several minutes, bobbing like a ship, and reflected sunli 11/22/1966 #21144  
paces the aircraft for 15 minutes, bobbing up and down, moving closer and r 8/6/1967 #22831  
 come down from the sky were still bobbing up and down in the water when he 3/29/1973 #27390  
about the craft was that it made a bobbing motion as it moved.. They watche 7/10/1973 #27627  
stopped, the object hovered with a bobbing, fluttering motion above an adja 6/6/1974 #29168  
ect with multicolored lights and a bobbing motion, descend near a road. The 6/6/1974 #29170  
UFO with bouncing movements, or "a bobbing up and down" hovered over tree t 6/12/1974 #29181  
e of K-01, describes a blue object bobbing up and down. Radar at Malmstrom  2/17/1975 #29820  
 with domed tops. The objects were bobbing and moving very slowly. (Referen 1/27/1976 #30822  
 An unusually bright light is seen bobbing up and down low in the southern  1/15/1977 #31722  
. The light increases speed, still bobbing and spinning, and finally shoots 12/13/1980 #35712  
the top of a hill and sees a light bobbing around and moving west to east.  12/1996 #43127  
hree very big disc-shaped objects, bobbing up and down, were seen over Melb 5/23/2003 #44544  
## Word: "bobbio" (Back to Top)
uard at the local thermal baths in Bobbio, Italy at 7 p.m. when he saw an " 8/19/1971 #26296  
## Word: "bobble" (Back to Top)
lel to the horizon, and it did not bobble in the plane's turbulence as woul 8/28/1980 #35481  
## Word: "bobbles" (Back to Top)
 about 600–700 feet in the air. It bobbles slightly for about 5 minutes the 10/17/2007 #45077  
## Word: "bobbling" (Back to Top)
abelvale, Arkansas, sees a bright, bobbling light moving through the air ab 12/13/1909 #819  
## Word: "bobby" (Back to Top)
day night, a group of pals, Allen, Bobby, Rick, and Danny were hanging out  5/11/1967 #22316  
Mexico 10:15 p.m. Three teenagers (Bobby Grant, Joseph Romero, and Johnny S 5/26/1967 #22405  
                                   Bobby Ford was outside his home in Jones 5/2/1971 #26097  
      Demopolis, Alabama 4:00 a.m. Bobby Hines wakes up at her home in Demo 12/31/1978 #34247  
roughs, Sgt. Adrian Bustinza, Sgt. Bobby Ball, and Sgt. Monroe Nevels). The 12/28/1980 #35749  
neering project under retired Adm. Bobby Ray Inman. Wood says the meetings  5/20/1985 #37590  
es Edward Teller, Henry Kissinger, Bobby Ray Inman, and possibly John Poind 12/29/1987 #38378  
ler gets the intro to Shapiro from Bobby Ray Inman, former NSA Director and 10/1989 #39139  
ika Company. He claims former Adm. Bobby Ray Inman leads DSAI.  Wilson clai 8/19/1997 #43387  
NASA engineer Bob Oechsler and ADM Bobby Ray Inman, Inman states Deputy Dir 7/7/2007 #45037  
 jewel” that had crossover between Bobby Ray Inman in SAIC and MAJIC; and W 4/18/2016 #45451  
                              Adm. Bobby Ray Inman, former NSA Director and 3/16/2022 #45740  
d to NASA engineer Bob Oeschler by Bobby Ray Inman as someone familiar with 9/26/2022 #45771  
eering project” existed under Adm. Bobby Ray Inman (see 16 March 2022)   Jo 9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "bobet" (Back to Top)
irport, when pilots Capt. Philippe Bobet and First Officer Kurt Grunder see 8/9/1997 #43376  
## Word: "bobs" (Back to Top)
ed disk southwest going northeast. Bobs going up and down / 6500' altitude. 7/5/1947 #2712  
 / high altitude. Kite-like object bobs going up and down / 45 minute(s)!   7/6/1947 #2783  
ar. Sent shiny metal Saturn-saucer bobs going up and down [to] while crossi 7/14/1947 (approximate) #3174  
165. 6 observer(s). Football glows bobs weaves and maneuvers going quickly  7/26/1948 #3740  
uards. Night light hovers / 1000'. Bobs going up and down. Rises fast. Goin 6/7/1952 #6457  
 yellow object. Red lights / edge. Bobs going up and down [to] and circles. 7/22/1952 #7006  
 quickly northwest / 90 second(s). Bobs and floats. Absolute(ly) silent. Ph 8/23/1952 #7687  
ort/apartment. Shiny silver saucer bobs up and down / 10 minutes. Going [to 9/5/1952 #7851  
UTHEAST / SEAL I., NS Fiery object bobs / sea. Skips about. Crackles as wav 10/23/1952 #8175  
ly west. Terrific speed. Stops and bobs about.                              1/27/1953 #8580  
er. Yellow sphere/orb/globe hovers bobs going up [to] going down. Going qui 1/8/1954 #9464  
 NZ Schoolteacher. Brilliant ovoid bobs going up and down. Away sideways. / 2/10/1955 #11986  
r at Redondo Beach, California. It bobs on the water’s surface before sinki 2/9/1956 #12703  
ight wheel / light spins. Erratic. Bobs going up and down [to] as jets circ 3/5/1956 #12749  
, NY Orange-white sphere/orb/globe bobs going up and down / 25 minute(s). D 8/16/1956 #13090  
minous/glowing saucer follows car. Bobs going up and down. Swish noise. TV  11/5/1957 #14316  
Air Force pilot. Saucer hovers and bobs around. No further details. / r78p1 8/16/1960 #16387  
             ALBUQUERQUE, NM Ovoid bobs around sky near schoolyard. Skin an 4/28/1963 #17731  
EWISTOWN, MT Teacher and 4. Saucer bobs going up and down [to] over roadway 5/15/1964 #18267  
A Many observer(s). Pie-tin object bobs going up [to] & going down [to] ove 1/25/1965 #18763  
e instruments or seats. The object bobs up and down slightly, and the being 7/1965 #19039  
and hover nearby. The large object bobs around and emits blue light beams t 9/22/1966 #20915  
ing south. Stops over UN building. Bobs. Going up [to] and going southwest  11/22/1966 #21134  
 Nations building. It flutters and bobs “like a ship on agitated water.” It 11/22/1966 #21142  
de. Ringed / lights. Loud humming. Bobs going up and down. Fast vertical qu 3/16/1967 #21892  
ttached to. The formation dips and bobs toward a line of high-voltage tower 10/22/1967 #23290  
ect hovers / trees. Strobes beams. Bobs going up and down.                  2/26/1975 #29846  
KY 1 observer. 8' manta buzzes and bobs going up [to] going down / vegetati 5/10/1975 #30049  
e/orb/globe hovers / 50 minute(s). Bobs going northwest toward(s) Berkhamps 1/1/1977 #31668  
separate pilots. Red and white UFO bobs going up and down. Follows Cessna.  4/6/1978 #33127  
cer over airport. Follows 2 / car. Bobs going up and down [to] over roofs.  7/13/1978 #33378  
GEORGE, QLD 4 hunters / car. Ovoid bobs all over/all about. Dodges bullets. 9/29/1978 #33775  
UKEE, WI 2 observer(s). Large dome bobs going up and down / treetops. Shrin 9/7/1979 #34843  
 the ocean without a splash. As it bobs about, a light comes on in the inte 6/15/1980 #35375  
 minute(s) video. Bubbletop saucer bobs weaves and shoots away.             5/7/1994 #41515  
 circles house 4X / 150' altitude. Bobs and shoots off. Videos / night ligh 11/28/1994 #41869  
NG, CA 1+kids. Orange ball / light bobs over treetops. Then wide streak / w 11/19/1995 #42610  
wing delta/triangle/box-like craft bobs going up and down [to] like a kite  10/3/1996 #43049  
d, pewter- colored craft spins and bobs around in the sky. The witnesses gi 12/8/1997 #43454  
s a “flattened silver pyramid.” It bobs up and down then disappears suddenl 12/14/1997 #43460  
## Word: "bobstay" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bobstay” YieldMax: 20KT                  10/26/1977 #32616  
## Word: "boc" (Back to Top)
   Long Island, NY Lufthansa 405 / Boc Flight 226 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 11/17/1995 #42602  
## Word: "boca" (Back to Top)
                                   BOCA GRANDE, FL 3 observer(s). 3 disks w 7/11/1947 #3134  
                                   BOCA CHICA NAS, FL Navy astronomer. 800' 7/14/1955 #12259  
                                   BOCA DEL TIGRE, ARG Trucker. 3M giant /  5/27/1958 #15053  
                      KEY WEST, FL Boca Chica NAS buzzed / orange glow sauc 3/22/1966 #20025  
                                   BOCA RATON TO/FROM KEY LARGO, FL Cops an 11/10/1975 #30588  
                                   Boca Raton, FL Two discs circle Aerostar 9/28/1980 #35540  
00 feet of an airplane flying over Boca Raton, Florida near Pompano Beach.  9/28/1980 #35541  
                                   BOCA NEGRA, PERU Several observer(s). 2  3/17/1997 #43234  
                                In Boca Raton, Florida at 7:40 p.m. a close 12/31/2010 #45309  
## Word: "bocaiuva" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / BOCAIUVA, BRZ Many / bus. 3 luminous/glo 3/7/1969 #24980  
engers on a bus traveling north of Bocaiuva, Brazil. One of the UFOs later  3/7/1969 #24982  
                                   BOCAIUVA, BRZ 5 / car and 2 / separate c 7/5/1969 (approximate) #25255  
oming from a nearby wooded area in Bocaiuva do Sul, Brazil and ran over to  8/3/1997 #43366  
## Word: "bocaranga" (Back to Top)
                                   BOCARANGA, C.AFR.REP Priest and 7. 4 red 11/22/1952 #8322  
                                   Bocaranga, Ubangi-Shari [now Central Afr 11/22/1952 #8323  
hers are driving along the road to Bocaranga, Ubangi-Shari [now Central Afr 11/22/1952 #8323  
## Word: "bocca" (Back to Top)
         CANNES TO/FROM/BETWEEN LA BOCCA, FR 2M blessed virgin appears. Goi 3/30/1931 (approximate) #1124  
## Word: "bock" (Back to Top)
        US Germany 11:30 a.m. Otto Bock, a German scientist with a specialt 8/17/1951 #5611  
## Word: "bockscar" (Back to Top)
 is dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, by Bockscar. Although the bomb is more powe 8/9/1945 #1920  
## Word: "bocos" (Back to Top)
                                   BOCOS TO/FROM CURIEL, SPN Saucer overhea 11/16/1975 #30630  
## Word: "bodde" (Back to Top)
ed US Ambassador to Libya Peter W. Bodde is chosen to lead the board.       1/9/2018 #45502  
## Word: "boddy" (Back to Top)
 Times business manager Clayton J. Boddy Jr. and dozens of others watch 12– 3/16/1950 #4657  
## Word: "bode" (Back to Top)
                        CASTELO DE BODE DAM / TANCOS, PRT Dornier 27 buzzed 6/17/1977 #32168  
                        Castelo de Bode dam central Portugal 12:00 noon. Jo 6/17/1977 #32171  
27 light plane over the Castelo de Bode dam in central Portugal. When he em 6/17/1977 #32171  
## Word: "bodega" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BODEGA BAY, CA 3 girls abduction. Car fl 11/26/1972 #27142  
## Word: "boden" (Back to Top)
                                   Boden, Norrbotten, Sweden A mystery airc 1/22/1934 #1196  
lies over the military fortress at Boden, Norrbotten, Sweden, seen by 30 so 1/22/1934 #1196  
                                   Boden, Norrbotten, Sweden New ghost flie 1/4/1937 #1261  
r sightings around the fortress at Boden, Norrbotten, Sweden, have prompted 1/4/1937 #1261  
        Lake Kattisträsket, Sweden Boden 11:30 a.m. Kurt Larsson, 11, is fi 7/19/1946 #2070  
 detonated. Military officers from Boden investigate, but the lake is too m 7/19/1946 #2070  
Lieut. Karl-Gösta Bartoll from the Boden engineer corps arrives the next da 7/19/1946 #2071  
## Word: "bodense" (Back to Top)
bout 150 feet away in Langernargen Bodense, Germany. The object emitted an  2/24/1977 #31846  
## Word: "bodensee" (Back to Top)
                    Meinau Island, Bodensee, Germany Midnight the witness w 9/1981 #36097  
## Word: "bodfari" (Back to Top)
                                   BODFARI, CLWYD, WALES Blue delta hovers  12/22/1992 #40760  
                                   BODFARI, WALES 1 observer. Orange and re 6/27/1994 #41585  
## Word: "bodfish" (Back to Top)
                                   BODFISH, CA 2 / trailer. 48+hours missin 12/11/1979 #35070  
## Word: "bodie" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bodie” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT       12/13/1986 #38082  
## Word: "bodies" (Back to Top)
SA, ITALY Several friars. Luminous bodies fly single file / 1 hour. / Belgi 1/8/1388 #17  
ch. At this moment three “luminous bodies” emerge from the sea about one-ha 6/18/1845 #141  
rge number of brilliantly luminous bodies are seen to rise from the horizon 3/22/1880 #226  
istant see a large number of small bodies crossing the solar disc. Over the 8/12/1883 #255  
 appear on the upper part of their bodies, especially around the face and l 10/24/1886 #276  
at 6:10 a.m., three large dull red bodies flew in from the northwest over t 2/28/1904 #671  
nging up the rear, but the various bodies making up the procession continue 2/9/1913 #881  
s are made in Bermuda, the leading bodies are described as “like large arc  2/9/1913 #881  
ercast. He watches several hundred bodies pass; about half are perfectly ro 9/9/1914 #916  
lopment of the Earth, solar system bodies without atmospheres, the giant ga 1940 #1323  
kage. He also sees three non-human bodies about 4 feet tall with long arms, Early Spring 1941 #1355  
a crashed object. There were three bodies. All described as "not human". (N Spring 1941 #1358  
x. The head takes up half of their bodies and there are no apparent legs or Late 8/1944 #1647  
hips with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies6/1947 #2304  
f the crash site. Barnett saw dead bodies strewn about the crash site. They 7/2/1947 #2536  
k human. Seen from a distance, the bodies had on silvery suits and appeared 7/2/1947 #2536  
l, NM Famous alleged UFO crash and bodies recovered (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 7/3/1947 #2575  
ver disk crashed / Arroyo. 3 alien bodies. (Controversial.)                 7/4/1947 #2641  
 The retrieval of UFO wreckage and bodies allegedly occurred on this day fr 7/4/1947 #2672  
 site near Corona, New Mexico. The bodies were taken later to Roswell AFB,  7/4/1947 #2672  
d details about the alien humanoid bodies, they had baldheads, small sunken 7/4/1947 #2672  
while others secure the area. Five bodies are allegedly found on the site.  7/5/1947 #2721  
ew proceed to the impact site. The bodies, originally covered by sheets, ar 7/5/1947 #2722  
 researcher Kathy Kasten, the dead bodies are taken to Roswell Army Air Fie 7/5/1947 #2722  
ions debris and a stench from dead bodies.                                  7/6/1947 #2807  
n, D.C. Some of the debris and the bodies are on that flight.               7/7/1947 #2927  
posedly tells him that three alien bodies had been found. Other witnesses t 7/8/1947 #3026  
ound. Other witnesses to recovered bodies include T/Sgt Ernest R. Robbins,  7/8/1947 #3026  
Sgt. Melvin E. Brown (who says the bodies looked Asian), Capt. Oliver “Papp 7/8/1947 #3026  
. A crate allegedly carrying alien bodies is flown from Roswell to Fort Wor 7/9/1947 #3054  
ld, Ohio Dayton Roswell debris and bodies have been flown from Fort Worth t 7/10/1947 #3103  
tings with approaches of planetary bodies) “in order to set up a system for Late 8/1947 #3369  
 a crashed craft and two humanoid “bodies” in Paradise Valley, AZ. Graves s 10/1947 #3440  
 told by workers on the scene that bodies of “little men” have been removed 1948 #3522  
suffocation of five occupants. The bodies had turned blue and were 4 feet t 1948 #3527  
ugh a broken porthole and find the bodies of 16 small humanlike beings (3–3 3/25/1948 #3598  
ments of the craft, as well as the bodies, are supposedly transported to Wr 3/25/1948 #3598  
, a crash occurs in Arizona and 16 bodies are taken from the wreckage. A th 3/25/1948 #3598  
 around it, also photographs small bodies.                                  4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
ucer had crashed to earth and that bodies of a vaguely human appearance and Early 1950 #4465  
metal allegedly “defied analysis.” Bodies are said to be 3 feet tall.       1/16/1950 #4494  
0 ft. diam. Each one occupied by 3 bodies, only 3 ft. tall, dressed in meta 3/22/1950 #4696  
nd “each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet ta 3/22/1950 #4702  
ing overall of a brown color.” The bodies are about 4 feet tall, and their  5/15/1950 #4944  
ng direction without turning their bodies." Their faces could not be seen.  7/2/1950 #5038  
ng direction without turning their bodies." Their faces could not be seen.  7/2/1950 #5040  
e ejection craft in 1947 with five bodies, and the ejection craft were cyli 1952 #5845  
at the base. He also stated he saw bodies recovered from a “UFO” told to hi 1952 #5846  
 they were from the Southwest; the bodies were “little people.” He stated “ 1952 #5846  
 targets are returns from tangible bodies, but CAA chief Bob Zeigler overru 9/2/1952 #7829  
he Arizona border. He also saw the bodies first-hand at Wright-Patterson AF 1953? #8470  
d at night by DC-7. Description of bodies: approx. 4 ft. high. Resting un-s 1953? #8470  
disproportionately large for their bodies. Skin had brown tint. Open eyes,  1953? #8470  
 Force Base in 1953 with recovered bodies of small humanoids, recovered fro 1953 #8482  
sproportionately larger than their bodies, with brown skin, no hair, and we 1953 #8482  
te; the next scene showed two dead bodies on tables inside a tent, small wi 1953 #8483  
gield that he had seen three alien bodies in a crate at Wright-Patterson AF 5/21/1953 #8897  
? Observer(s) interrogated / USAF. Bodies in laundry bag. / MJ#129.         10/1953 (approximate) #9196  
, accompanied by a pair of smaller bodies. Chief Controller Pedro V. Ocamp  3/1/1954 #9588  
g in that direction. Several small bodies were scattered outside the craft, 4/12/1954 #9685  
 began tagging the objects and the bodies. More dead bodies were inside a s 4/12/1954 #9685  
 objects and the bodies. More dead bodies were inside a small hatchway in t 4/12/1954 #9685  
warfs were extremely strong, their bodies covered with hair. They fled into 12/10/1954 #11794  
years ago] looking for terrestrial bodies to inhabit—they select the evolvi 1957 #13430  
in "dark gray suits glued to their bodies." The disks were about 3.5 m wide 11/18/1957 #14575  
in "dark gray suits glued to their bodies." The discs were only about 3.5 m 11/18/1957 #14577  
ed for recharging the cells in our bodies. In the course of its constructio 1959 #15515  
ect, four humanlike figures, their bodies surrounded by illumination, are b 6/26/1959 #15790  
eared to play like children. Their bodies glowed with lights of changing co Spring 1960 #16201  
Grassy Creek, Kentucky. The burned bodies of four men and a youth were foun 11/20/1960 #16509  
s roof had dropped on the cremated bodies.                                  11/20/1960 #16509  
 what seemed like extraterrestrial bodies, crash reports of UAP craft, and  1961 #16553  
hat night and was not aware of any bodies recovered.  [Retrievals of the Th 12/10/1964 #18655  
climbed to the site they found the bodies of two men, electronics technicia 8/20/1966 #20778  
ans Pereira da Cruz and Viana. The bodies had lead masks on the upper part  8/20/1966 #20778  
o de Janeiro, Brazil, discover the bodies of two dead males and report them 8/20/1966 #20779  
the police are unable to reach the bodies until August 21. When a small tea 8/20/1966 #20779  
, they encounter an odd scene: the bodies are resting next to each other, p 8/20/1966 #20779  
e locates the exact spot where the bodies were found and notes that no vege 8/20/1966 #20779  
climbed to the site they found the bodies of two men, electronic technician 8/20/1966 #20782  
ans Pereira da Cruz and Viana. The bodies were wearing lead masks on the up 8/20/1966 #20782  
 look for survivors. No survivors, bodies, or debris are found, either by t 10/4/1967 #23176  
ther, they are shot dead and their bodies burned.                           7/1968 #24107  
blocky arms and legs and shapeless bodies." They emitted a purple and yello 1/14/1969 #24842  
ook off the hair on the witnesses' bodies stood on end, as if affected by a 1/14/1969 #24842  
ilar to other cases occurring over bodies of water during ongoing military  4/12/1969 #25057  
ed out of stone, da Silva sees the bodies of four human men lying stretched 5/4/1969 #25114  
and positioned on their backs, the bodies bear no visible wounds, but it is 5/4/1969 #25114  
ea showed the imprint of two small bodies, while the other impression outli 5/11/1969 #25128  
e outfits, entirely covering their bodies and heads, light cream in color,  5/20/1969 #25151  
 unusual objects seen in or around bodies of water. He speculates that such 1970 #25518  
s in height with well-proportioned bodies and long blond hair. They wore ti 8/25/1971 #26305  
lar to his wife's, except that the bodies ended at the mid-section and he c 10/28/1971 #26438  
son’s visit there to see the alien bodies. Homestead replies that “no such  2/19/1973 #27298  
onfirms the story about seeing the bodies at Homestead. The person who Jack 2/19/1973 #27298  
orted Jackie Gleason to view alien bodies at Homestead, but everything chec 2/19/1973 #27298  
ith their arms held close to their bodies. (Continued) On the far side of t 10/29/1973 #28319  
 the crates and found two humanoid bodies about 5 to 6 feet tall, and so ve 1/23/1974 #28695  
r colored suits that covered their bodies up to their necks. He could disce 6/8/1974 #29173  
cal shocks began penetrating their bodies." This went on for about a minute 9/16/1974 #29460  
Air Force allegedly is storing the bodies at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton 10/11/1974 #29521  
eral observer(s). Luminous/glowing bodies fly over city. 30 min power outag 10/16/1974 #29537  
r" suits that covered their entire bodies up to their necks. Although their 1/5/1975 #29723  
ls are living on Earth in humanoid bodies. Swann deduces that there are man 2/1975 #29781  
states in the “earlier years” some bodies were taken to WPAFB but later, bo 3/14/1975 #29900  
ies were taken to WPAFB but later, bodies were taken elsewhere depending on 3/14/1975 #29900  
 where CR occurred; he states some bodies are being flown to a “secret nava 3/14/1975 #29900  
t skidded in the ground; he states bodies were small, dressed in silver ski 3/14/1975 #29900  
le performing movements, and their bodies looked comic. Richard remembered  7/12/1975 #30175  
ms as if they were "glued to their bodies, and their legs were motionless a 8/8/1975 #30244  
ut six feet tall, brown vinyl like bodies with metallic looking arms, and m 12/2/1975 #30681  
s, which were “too high” and round bodies. Their square-chinned, straw yell 8/6/1976 #31241  
or, and there were scales on their bodies. They did not utter words, but “h 8/25/1976 #31302  
hed in the Southwest in 1957, four bodies were recovered and badly burned b 1977 #31658  
ze; the heads were larger than the bodies but facial features were erased b 1977 #31658  
 beings had somewhat human-looking bodies, but their long arms reached almo 2/24/1977 #31846  
us heads, narrow necks, and flared bodies. Unable to stop in time, he crash 3/4/1977 #31858  
to seven feet, thin, with delicate bodies, and very long fingers. They wore 3/20/1977 #31921  
aterrestrial hardware and possibly bodies. The book immediately prompts doz 5/1977 #32042  
witnesses of crashed UFOs or alien bodies to contact Stringfield with their 5/1977 #32042  
colorless liquid is present in the bodies; there are no red cells. The eyes 5/1977 #32042  
0 inches tall, with small, slender bodies and large baldheads. They were we 6/12/1977 #32161  
esidents claim that scars on their bodies are caused by lights in the sky t 7/1977 #32220  
ing emitted. The beings had stocky bodies and long, elephant trunk-like arm 9/15/1977 #32485  
n a single digit. Their robot-like bodies were covered by a rough metallic  9/15/1977 #32485  
n the body surface, or skin. Their bodies were rounded at the bottom and su 9/15/1977 #32485  
Ohio-Michigan border with two dead bodies and one still alive, retrieved.   1978 #32831  
and held their arms close to their bodies.                                  5/2/1978 #33184  
belts with numerous gadgets. Their bodies were very thin, and their heads w 7/11/1978 #33368  
 tagging them; there were humanoid bodies stored there; Wilhelm states he s 8/1978 #33460  
entist viewed three small humanoid bodies. *   “General T” claimed he saw a 8/1978 #33460  
USAF Maj. Truman Weaver, states 13 bodies and two saucers are stored at a s 4/5/1979 #34499  
ates he viewed UAP “artifacts” and bodies at Grafford AFB in Nevada on Than 6/27/1979 #34637  
ng suits that covered their entire bodies. The suits had two small slits at 9/2/1979 #34820  
e circus owner, had burns on their bodies after a 1:15 a.m. UFO close encou 3/21/1980 #35225  
nted ears, and rounded eyes. Their bodies were small and "rectangular" in s 4/20/1980 #35281  
g a crashed saucer and small alien bodies.                                  6/1980 #35350  
down on metallic tables, and their bodies were probed by two humanoids usin 8/22/1980 #35475  
he Roswell incident involved alien bodies and that in 1949 another alien, t 9/8/1980 #35504  
h large heads, slim necks and slim bodies. No other features could be seen. 11/1/1980 #35608  
 normal size, elongated eyes, thin bodies and wearing white coveralls from  5/1981 #35920  
lights, they notice two triangular bodies that the lights are associated wi 9/18/1981 #36129  
out rumors of alien technology and bodies at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio.  10/19/1981 #36179  
 The USAF officer saw the occupant bodies on location.                      2/6/1982 #36322  
 of feet of film of crashed discs, bodies, EBE-1, and the Holloman landing  4/9/1983 #36830  
idents where pranksters cut up the bodies of already dead cattle, and ritua 1984 #37091  
ion, with many spherical satellite bodies that were brightly lit and blue i 11/3/1986 #38059  
ry recovery of flying saucers, and bodies of occupants.” Walker replies: “Y 8/30/1987 #38264  
ort number 13 that refers to alien bodies; and a paper on Project Excalibur 10/8/1988 #38665  
 Lear’s tales of crashes and alien bodies, adding that the aliens are calle 12/18/1988 #38755  
y, as well as photos of gray alien bodies. The aliens are allegedly from th 3/1989 #38855  
he sphere. The lower part of their bodies were black and the upper parts we 4/30/1989 #38927  
n order to retrieve the craft. The bodies and materials were transported to 5/7/1989 #38939  
at least 16 downed alien craft, 65 bodies, and one live alien retrieved bet 5/23/1989 #38960  
ery of an “alien” spacecraft. Says bodies could have been taken to Denver,  7/1989 #39001  
d their blood looked like oil. The bodies were light brown, and the researc 1990 #39358  
ates Nixon had awareness, and some bodies were at Homestead AFB, corroborat 1990 #39358  
 Jackie Gleason’s claims of seeing bodies at Homestead. His security went f 1990 #39358  
numerous underground levels, alien bodies in liquid tanks, and even several 1991 #39935  
eatures with “big heads and little bodies.” The caller claims he was assign 1991 #39940  
and sometime afterward; she claims bodies were flown into Los Alamos, which 3/16/1991 #40015  
ave a Q clearance.  Mary mentioned bodies were flown to LANL periodically f 3/16/1991 #40015  
cal and nuclear medicine research, bodies with deformed heads and limbs and 3/16/1991 #40015  
deformed heads and limbs and small bodies, with abnormal eyes and grey/yell 3/16/1991 #40015  
AFB and Langley; they were lifting bodies that looked like inverted bathtub 7/1991 #40108  
rash of a UFO outside Roswell with bodies of aliens; she states he told her 7/9/1991 #40116  
the newspaper article and said the bodies were small, pale, with slanted ey 7/9/1991 #40116  
 boots and gloves. Their heads and bodies were completely hairless. Their s 3/5/1992 #40359  
uniforms that covered their entire bodies except for their faces. They were 3/11/1992 #40372  
had pale white skin, frail looking bodies, large triangular-shaped heads, a 6/9/1992 #40489  
. They had well-proportioned adult bodies. One looked Asian, with straight  7/23/1992 #40531  
ed to take photos of the crash and bodies. Most of his time was spent in a  9/1/1994 #41712  
n a dark tent taking photos of the bodies, with dark complexions, thin with 9/1/1994 #41712  
t indistinguishable. They had thin bodies with long skinny arms. They all w 12/15/1994 #41895  
other vehicles to move the covered bodies. The trucks are parked on the sid 1/22/1996 #42706  
 firemen, and military police. The bodies inside the three trucks go to the 1/22/1996 #42706  
embling fish scales, covered their bodies. They also had large, limp protru 7/8/1996 #42950  
, white faces, big eyes, and scaly bodies are moving around inside it. The  7/9/1996 #42952  
ads far out of proportion to their bodies.                                  9/8/1996 #43009  
IH, CDC, or other federally funded bodies are involved, and they are suppor 1997 #43154  
, California. Two deputies find 39 bodies of identically dressed, androgyno 3/26/1997 #43240  
s McAndrew, stating that any alien bodies found at Roswell, New Mexico, wer 6/24/1997 #43338  
ut the exact date. Claims of alien bodies at Roswell Army Air Field hospita 6/24/1997 #43338  
James McAndrew, which states alien bodies found at Roswell, NM and Holloman 6/24/1997 #43339  
 as the mutilated remains of alien bodies.                                  9/7/1997 #43401  
 strange triangular marks on their bodies.                                  12/12/1997 #43458  
laims told her she could see alien bodies. Curiously, Petersen has also ser 12/3/1999 #43892  
manta ray” shaped craft, recovered bodies, foil material and a special stud 3/3/2001 #44147  
 a separate finger or thumb. Their bodies were of a beige-pale color and ap 5/2/2001 #44174  
 felt that the aliens needed human bodies as some kind of breeding "contain 5/2/2001 #44174  
iptions. He did not know about any bodies but says the balloon story was a  3/1/2002 #44321  
affidavit that asserts he had seen bodies recovered from the 1947 crash in  12/26/2002 #44460  
 there were 3-5 “extraterrestrial” bodies recovered and one was alive; mili 7/21/2003 #44567  
range scratches and marks on their bodies.                                  9/3/2003 #44592  
h definition shapes in the crafts' bodies.                                  8/16/2004 #44734  
e test subjects and sometimes dead bodies. These subjects were handicapped  6/2005 #44846  
loon flights in May–July 1947. The bodies were broiught to Oak Ridge under  6/2005 #44846  
ng behind a rock; it and some dead bodies were later transferred to Loa Ala 11/1/2005 #44898  
dia Army Base, which recovered six bodies that were first sent to Sandia th 11/1/2005 #44898  
nded and retrieved their comrades’ bodies (which had been frozen). In 1965, 11/1/2005 #44898  
their heads and hands, as if their bodies were cloaked by clothing. Next th 8/29/2007 #45050  
tates another source told him some bodies were sent to Muroc Army Airfield  1/1/2008 #45110  
their arms were too long and their bodies were too thin. Their skin also ha 8/30/2009 #45240  
mall “balls of light” fly from the bodies of the people into the saucers. O 3/31/2011 #45322  
in a UAP crash recovery and saw ET bodies.  A.H. also claims an underground 11/1/2013 #45393  
it has not reported to centralized bodies like the UAPTF.  https://www.revi 3/5/2016 #45445  
it has not reported to centralized bodies like the UAPTF.  https://youtu.be 3/22/2017 #45465  
## Word: "bodily" (Back to Top)
chine like instruments. Samples of bodily fluids were taken from all four m 8/26/1976 #31307  
## Word: "bodine" (Back to Top)
h Dakota Ronald Sherven and Robert Bodine saw a glowing, white object on a  8/5/1967 #22814  
two men, Ronald Sherven and Robert Bodine, saw a glowing, white flying obje 8/5/1967 #22818  
## Word: "bodler" (Back to Top)
man 6:30 p.m. USNR Commander J. R. Bodler is in charge of a merchant vessel 11/11/1949 #4413  
## Word: "bodmin" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / BODMIN, CORNWALL 1 / (seen thru) binocul 5/22/1991 #40071  
## Word: "bodungen" (Back to Top)
st of El Campo, Texas Night. Janis Bodungen, 17, is on her way home on Farm 11/28/1966 #21158  
## Word: "body" (Back to Top)
he notices a large, spindle-shaped body moving across the solar disc from e 8/9/1762 #81  
   Around midday a luminous square body settled near the center of an empty 8/7/1869 #181  
 as a “beam,” “spindle,” “definite body” with a Zeppelin-like shape and pal 11/17/1882 #249  
rray watches a “brilliant luminous body” move slowly over the Oxford Univer 8/31/1895 #321  
n make out the “outlines of a dark body” just above the light.              11/25/1896 #360  
k cigar with a fishlike tail.” The body is at least 100 feet long and looks 11/26/1896 #365  
 at intervals around a larger dark body. After 10 minutes it returns at a l 2/4/1897 #387  
ing headlight,” a glistening steel body, and wings on either side. It makes 4/8/1897 #418  
edly see an object “resembling the body of a huge man swimming through the  4/14/1897 #469  
d light appears at either end of a body that is apparently 50–75 feet long. 4/16/1897 #506  
 south, and carried red and yellow body lights.                             4/16/1897 #513  
windmill and disgorged the mangled body of a little man.                    4/17/1897 #517  
and to the north >N inland. It had body lights and light beams.             8/16/1897 #605  
) he travels to Venus in an astral body while his physical form remains at  1905 #673  
xplosion was caused by a celestial body entering Earth's atmosphere. For ex 6/30/1908 #712  
upper portion was dark, and as the body of the object revolved a light kept 8/13/1909 #804  
     CHERNOVTSY, UKRAINE Star-like body enters 100M cloud. Maneuvers. / r22 5/4/1910 #837  
also note a large, white, tailless body bringing up the rear, but the vario 2/9/1913 #881  
ALLINASLOE, IRELAND Large luminous body going northwest. Stops 45 minute(s) 7/31/1915 #930  
o neck, and a hump in front of the body. The mouth was a large, straight sl Fall 1938 #1294  
o neck, and a hump in front of the body. The mouth was a large, straight sl Fall 1938 #1295  
paced at equal distances along its body. (Page 34-35 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - D 11/28/1942 #1463  
irs of red lights spaced along its body and is flying on a level course. Fi 11/28/1942 #1464  
paced at equal distances along its body.                                    11/28/1942 #1465  
s pointed at one end, has a narrow body, and what appear to be fins on the  9/11/1946 #2177  
hlight with a white head and green body. It flew at a moderate speed over a 7/3/1947 #2588  
d by sheets, are now in lead-lined body bags. Only those with the highest c 7/5/1947 #2722  
 whether or not they are a foreign body mechanically devised and controlled 7/10/1947 #3078  
ch a craft can be built, the human body cannot withstand the maneuvers, and 12/1947 #3496  
 instead they retract close to his body during ascent, and are extended to  1/6/1948 #3533  
nstead they retracted close to his body during ascent, and were extended to 1/6/1948 #3534  
Texas. Supposedly the badly burned body of a nonhuman entity is recovered f 7/7/1948 #3699  
 That description seems to fit the body shown in two photographs that are m 7/7/1948 #3699  
 F. McIntyre in December 1978. The body depicted in the photos sent to McIn 7/7/1948 #3699  
fner and Kevin Randle, believe the body is that of a human pilot who is bad 7/7/1948 #3699  
a human pilot would wear, near the body.                                    7/7/1948 #3699  
Two objects separate from the main body and trail behind it. Thanks to an i 12/20/1948 #3936  
ing blue tail twice as long as the body, which is apparently half the size  3/13/1949 #4044  
 finds the room empty. Forrestal’s body is found on a third-floor roof belo 5/22/1949 #4203  
cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to 3/22/1950 #4702  
 3 pseudo-human/entity weld saucer body. Metal fragments left! Observer(s)  4/24/1950 #4886  
t jutting diagonally from the main body.”                                   4/25/1950 #4894  
bright metal and has an elliptical body “as big as the cross-section of a B 6/30/1950 #5027  
urning counterclockwise around its body.                                    6/30/1950 #5027  
be the sun shining off the wing or body of a distant DC-4, or jet, or a wea 11/16/1950 #5278  
as a square-cut, vertical fin. The body of the craft was a dull silver cove 2/19/1951 #5451  
erved elliptical UFO with 2 bright body lights. [UFOE, VI] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 1952 #5834  
s he hit it, but he can’t find the body.                                    1952 #5842  
mond saws and torches, and a small body, badly burned, was recovered.  [Ret 1952 #5847  
isappears in a burst of speed. The body of each seems to be elongated but s 7/27/1952 #7213  
 coming to earth in a “square star body.” Williamson arrives from Prescott  8/22/1952 #7683  
 it also had a dark metallic green body that "floated" toward the witnesses 9/11/1952 #7896  
 he felt pricklings throughout his body, had to stop, lost his balance seve 9/13/1952 #7914  
prickling sensation throughout his body, had to stop, and then lost his bal 9/13/1952 #7916  
n water. Neither his plane nor his body has ever been found; his family onl 11/1/1952 #8228  
hat was rotating, medics carried a body away that was making strange noises 1953 #8484  
r six-feet tall, with a long scaly body, hissed at residents of Berri from  1/2/1953 #8496  
ver Corps (GOC) observer(s). White body drops straight going down. Stops /  3/30/1953 #8795  
lane “collided with a fairly heavy body” and UFO rumors persist for about a 5/2/1953 #8857  
clothing that covered the head and body was also seen. His arms and legs we 5/20/1953 #8890  
metal. In a nearby tent was a dead body, 4 feet tall. The body was clothed  5/21/1953 #8898  
 was a dead body, 4 feet tall. The body was clothed in a silvery metallic s 5/21/1953 #8898  
 with a skull cap. The dead pilots body had brown skin, with the other unus 5/21/1953 #8898  
chnique for rejuvenating the human body before dropping him off and shootin 8/24/1953 #9108  
 bags that he thinks might contain body parts.                              Autumn 1953 #9176  
al version of events; when Olson’s body is exhumed in 1994, cranial injurie 11/28/1953 #9324  
shaft about the same length as its body hanging below it.” Total duration o 1/1/1954 #9436  
50 yards away. "The whole metallic body seemed to glow faintly," but was no 2/18/1954 #9555  
changes shape and ejects a smaller body that moves below and behind. An ope 3/1/1954 #9588  
diver suit that covered his entire body except his head, and was carrying w 8/7/1954 #10113  
l are dressed in one-piece elastic body suits.                              10/9/1954 #10858  
ge with respect to the rest of the body and he had two enormous eyes. The s 10/13/1954 #10998  
ge with respect to the rest of the body and he had two enormous eyes. The s 10/13/1954 #11004  
he stuff on his face or hands. His body heat would have dissipated it as it 10/14/1954 #11041  
igure with large slanted eyes. Its body was covered with fur.               10/14/1954 #11044  
protruding eyes and a squat, furry body. Its nose is flat, it has thick lip 10/14/1954 #11057  
igure with large slanted eyes. Its body was covered with fur. Its nose was  10/14/1954 #11065  
 at the top of its head. Its upper body was covered in slightly luminous ov 10/18/1954 #11225  
is hand he regained control of his body . Pugina took a few more steps forw 10/18/1954 #11225  
near a tree. The lower part of its body is like a cone. It aims a light bea 10/19/1954 #11243  
 like electric shocks all over his body. The child cries, the engine stops, 10/21/1954 #11303  
eadlights go out as a luminous red body with a tail flashes briefly in fron 10/21/1954 #11303  
ed toward his head, “freezing” his body with cold as it passed. Then it sto 11/9/1954 #11611  
pside-down washbowl. It is a solid body 160 feet across, oscillating with a 11/22/1954 #11691  
I] Millville, N. J. Disc with four body lights. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 11/26/1954 #11709  
less than 2O kg), and observed its body was very hard and covered with fur. 11/28/1954 #11720  
e glanced off as if the creature’s body was made of steel.  There was a bli 11/28/1954 #11724  
venly spaced yellow portholes. The body of the object itself was flecked wi 11/28/1954 #11725  
AS Many observer(s). Large glowing body goes over city. / radio news.       12/15/1954 #11813  
esus Paz had deep scratches on his body from the creature.                  12/16/1954 #11824  
erver. Glowing saucer-shaped white body hovers just below overcast.         1/7/1955 #11924  
was rotating counterclockwise. The body of the craft was green, but around  2/2/1955 #11969  
O Many observer(s). Large luminous body hovers / 1 hour! Clouds pass beneat 8/11/1955 #12349  
car saw a creature with a luminous body, standing near a fireplug.          8/25/1955 #12407  
hio saw a creature with a luminous body, standing near a fireplug.          8/25/1955 #12409  
th long rows of brilliant, reddish body lights, moving slowly south. [UFOE, 12/6/1955 #12599  
s and (seen thru) telescope. Round body glows / pulses. Straight and level  6/27/1956 #12924  
bout 1.30 m tall with a beige-gray body, an abnormally large black head, an 5/10/1957 #13652  
100 meters away. Its circular main body had a curved window and was surmoun 8/28/1957 #13940  
A 4 observer(s). Gaseous car-sized body quickly going up [to] from roadside 11/4/1957 #14269  
gree burns on large areas of their body, chiefly in areas covered by clothi 11/4/1957 #14284  
         SALVADOR, BRAZIL Metallic body low / horizon. Splits. Half descend 12/6/1957 #14675  
 red tail was twice as long as the body. It stopped, started, backed up for 12/17/1957 #14740  
ice watched two UFOs with flashing body lights, maneuver near coastline. [U 4/7/1958 #14964  
it. It had very long arms, a scaly body, and wore a flight coverall. The wi 5/27/1958 #15056  
re. It had very long arms, a scaly body, and wore a flightsuit coverall. Th 5/27/1958 #15057  
a method of rejuvenating the human body. Using his new-found knowledge and  1959 #15515  
er an armband was removed, and the body was sent to the Soviet Union. An au 1/21/1959 #15560  
s about 1.60 meters in height. The body was placed in a freezer and stored  1/21/1959 #15560  
ils revealed later, a second alien body was recovered on shore a short time 1/21/1959 #15560  
North Carolina at 7:30 p.m. It had body lights and was witnessed by two chi 3/2/1959 #15630  
f a saucer-shaped object. The main body of the UFO appeared to be rotating  4/29/1959 #15718  
as discovered the fragments of the body of a dwarf humanoid, perhaps 80 cm  9/26/1959 #15994  
entific research locations and the body was allegedly taken to an undergrou 9/26/1959 #15994  
on gets prickly pains in his lower body.                                    Late 10/1959 #16060  
broad shoulders, long arms, a dark body, no ears or nose, and a large pumpk 6/10/1960 #16311  
at 11:00 p.m. The strange luminous body suddenly appeared over the mountain 8/16/1960 #16397  
s in 1978 that a CIA agent had the body in the trunk of his car in order to 1/17/1961 #16578  
ing sensation throughout his whole body but particularly in his head. His d 6/11/1961 #16724  
e prickling sensation all over his body but especially on his head when he  6/11/1961 #16725  
owish lights (or V-shaped UFO with body lights) passed behind trees at low  8/17/1961 #16798  
s, Venezuela UFOs, described as "a body giving off a brilliant light. . . m 2/11/1962 #17047  
tings over area. Circular UFO with body lights, apparent dome on top, shaft 4/24/1962 #17126  
s. A rotating band around the main body consists of a series of square wind 4/24/1962 #17127  
pe, delineating a semi-transparent body, was visible. The apparition had a  6/26/1962 #17248  
the "Michelin" tire man. His upper body was luminous. After the being had w 8/30/1962 #17374  
ject with two apparently revolving body lights. At 4 a.m., two policemen, b 9/21/1962 #17425  
sus describes Oannes as having the body of a fish but underneath the figure 11/15/1962 #17548  
TH, ME Saucer on ground near pond. Body lights. Beams lights going up / eac 8/13/1963 #17891  
asses Pond, for more than an hour. Body lights were visible along its lengt 8/13/1963 #17895  
 for almost an hour. The craft had body lights along its length, and there  8/13/1963 #17900  
ng a hissing noise and causing the body to vibrate and the instruments to g 8/20/1963 #17912  
d a prickly sensation all over his body. He sees a brilliant light in front 10/12/1963 #17987  
 driver to feel burns all over his body. Examination by a doctor revealed t 10/12/1963 #17988  
ctrical arcing from one observer’s body to metal inside the fuselage. The h 4/20/1964 #18180  
, glowing eyes and wide shoulders. Body hair not obvious; had pointed chin  Summer 1964 #18366  
ss felt a burning sensation in his body while the UFO hovered just in front 6/29/1964 #18383  
 two rows of intense lights on the body of the craft, and a green light on  12/28/1964 #18678  
ather observer saw black oval with body lights flying in and out of clouds  4/4/1965 #18895  
ank of floodlights around the main body was seen hovering and on the ground 5/24/1965 #18963  
ision in both eyes, and his entire body was "sunburned." Medical examinatio 8/13/1965 #19379  
n both eyes. He notices his entire body is sunburned. A medical examination 8/13/1965 #19382  
ar representation of her brain and body. Two more figures, about a foot sho 8/16/1965 #19410  
LESVILLE, IN Domed top-saucer with body lights hovers over car. Engine elec 8/18/1965 #19414  
e, IN Top-shaped object with dome, body lights, hovered over car. Report in 8/18/1965 #19417  
 top-shaped object with a dome and body lights hovered over the car. The cl 8/18/1965 #19419  
her smaller eyes located along its body.” A few seconds later, they saw a f 8/30/1965 #19480  
ome with an antenna, an elliptical body, and an undercarriage with three da 8/30/1965 #19481  
e could not move or speak, and his body tingled like he had received an ele 9/14/1965 #19561  
and silver stripes over its entire body. Soon afterward a craft flew over t 9/29/1965 #19622  
nd golden stripes running down its body. Soon afterwards, a UFO flew above  9/29/1965 #19624  
.m. An object with a row of bright body lights was observed to hover, and t 1/20/1966 #19861  
large disc with two bright lights (body lights) and three small beings abou 2/25/1966 #19917  
 flying slowly, then accelerating, body lights blinking on and off. (NICAP  3/16/1966 #19973  
-white haze. Lights on the bottom (body lights) flicked on and off one at a 3/19/1966 #19991  
 object glowed “blood red” and the body lights disappeared. They lost sight 3/20/1966 #19997  
an egg-shaped object with flashing body lights across the center (red-white 3/20/1966 #20005  
razil. It was difficult to see the body of the object, but it was assumed t 3/21/1966 #20022  
rge oval object with four blinking body lights fly overhead, hover over som 3/22/1966 #20027  
lashing lights around their edges (body lights) were reported from an outdo 3/22/1966 #20028  
    Bangor, ME Landed ellipse with body lights, within 50 ft., humming soun 3/23/1966 #20043  
 craft blocking high-way, flashing body lights, port, door, antenna on top, 3/23/1966 #20049  
circular object with red and white body lights at an estimated 150-200 feet 3/24/1966 #20065  
d silver object with multi-colored body lights was seen about 200 feet abov 3/24/1966 #20068  
H 2 / farm. Top-saucer with bright body lights hovers over woods. No furthe 3/25/1966 #20075  
T. A top-shaped object with bright body lights visible on its outer edge wa 3/25/1966 #20077  
ed, blue, green, and white lights (body lights). The object then slowly asc 3/27/1966 #20096  
 object with red, green, and white body lights had paced his truck. When he 3/28/1966 #20110  
 a panel be set up by a scientific body to study Blue Book’s UFO files. He  3/28/1966 #20117  
tric power transmission lines. Its body was dull silver and "like crumpled  3/29/1966 #20132  
lticolored lights around the rims (body lights) "flickering like a computer 3/29/1966 #20134  
rs, including an object with amber body lights that passed over a car and h 3/30/1966 #20154  
 object with bright red and orange body lights that hovered over the road a 3/30/1966 #20154  
d: and an object with flashing red body lights emitting a whistling or humm 3/30/1966 #20154  
ng, with lights at top and bottom (body lights), landed near a highway, the 3/30/1966 #20156  
-like object, grayish with various body lights, hovering just off the road  3/31/1966 #20173  
bottom, and blinking red and green body lights, maneuvered near a car. Stat 4/1/1966 #20195  
orted seeing an oblong object with body lights. (NICAP report forms.) (NICA 4/3/1966 #20212  
ayish-white egg-shaped object with body lights and portholes hovered above  4/6/1966 #20255  
r-shaped object with red and green body lights flew ahead of a car, circled 4/7/1966 #20262  
d, green, blue, and white flashing body lights, was seen flying in circular 4/17/1966 #20313  
rcumference, and two smaller white body lights. The object reacted to searc 4/18/1966 #20327  
liant white lights and intense red body lights. When he turned back to inve 4/18/1966 #20329  
bject with red, green, f and white body lights, oscillating up and down whe 4/19/1966 #20340  
wo oval objects with red and green body lights hovered directly over the Ro 4/19/1966 #20341  
 object with red, green, and white body lights, oscillating up and down whe 4/19/1966 #20346  
round object with colored blinking body lights pace above and ahead of heir 4/22/1966 #20364  
 because the right side of Viola’s body is partially paralyzed. She is in s 4/24/1966 #20404  
giving it a metallic sheen. On the body were what appeared to be a row of l 5/24/1966 #20509  
isible around the lower perimeter (body lights). After hovering briefly, th 6/1/1966 #20518  
stralia. A white light made up the body of the craft, while a red light loo 6/8/1966 #20545  
g lights around the circumference (body lights), buzzed over a car and hove 6/11/1966 #20551  
 a triangular pattern approaching (body lights), then hovering from about m 6/19/1966 #20586  
blunt end. lt had a series of four body lights varying from brilliant green 6/23/1966 #20595  
blunt end. It has a series of four body lights varying from brilliant green 6/23/1966 #20597  
 a hovering elliptical object with body lights, surrounded by mist or vapor 6/24/1966 #20605  
ee port-like black spots along the body, flying overhead. The object was vi 6/24/1966 #20606  
ichmond, VA Elliptical object with body lights, surrounded by mist or vapor 6/24/1966 #20607  
bright green, red, yellow and blue body lights descend behind some woods ab 6/27/1966 #20615  
 two cylindrical objects also with body lights appeared, and the disc reapp 6/27/1966 #20615  
elliptical object with two rows of body lights passed over a religious cent 7/20/1966 #20659  
d probably would add an impressive body of evidence that there is no realit 8/9/1966 #20734  
blue object that had revolving red body lights. The object at one point emi 8/16/1966 #20752  
d dinner plate, with red and green body lights on top and bottom and flashi 8/19/1966 #20767  
s) on top, and lights at each end (body lights). The object moved silently  8/23/1966 #20795  
, with red, blue, green, and white body lights around its perimeter, hoveri 11/18/1966 #21122  
e knee-high grass around the dog's body was pressed flat in a perfect circl 11/20/1966 #21129  
 diameter. Every bone in the dog's body was crushed, and no blood was in ev 11/20/1966 #21129  
le undercarriage (legs), and a red body light was observed. At one point th 12/14/1966 #21202  
ion, and pulsating colored lights (body lights). The obiect responded to ho 1/6/1967 #21266  
4-5 square lights in a tilted row (body lights). The object, a domed disc s 1/7/1967 #21270  
ly, and it had several dim lights (body lights) on its rim. (Ridge, 1994, p 1/10/1967 #21282  
object with lighted dome, numerous body lights, short wings, three wheels h 1/13/1967 #21296  
ing a slow-moving gray object with body lights. At 5:30 pm a woman and her  1/16/1967 #21319  
d. Then they saw a domed disc with body lights. It was near the ground on t 1/18/1967 #21339  
nd two white lights and a metallic body. The object was now hovering at 100 1/20/1967 #21361  
ith red, white, and blue pulsating body lights. It hovered for about 2 minu 1/21/1967 #21363  
h two bright red vertical blinking body lights descend, emitting a sound li 1/24/1967 #21372  
nd another in her navel, and had a body scan by a device that looked like a 1/25/1967 #21389  
ball (sphere) with blinking yellow body light(s) which descended, circled a 1/26/1967 #21395  
aturn-shaped object, with the main body white in color like a frosted light 1/29/1967 #21412  
erine-colored light on the bottom (body lights). The object zipped back and 2/3/1967 #21446  
or with a cluster of white lights (body lights). The object also was seen b 2/5/1967 #21454  
nking red, green and white lights (body lights) around the edge. The object 2/5/1967 #21458  
d flashing lights and blue lights (body lights) that flew very low making a 2/6/1967 #21467  
 saw a saucer (disc) with a bright body light hovering over the railroad de 2/9/1967 #21488  
 with bright red and white lights (body lights). The object hovered for abo 2/10/1967 #21498  
ights in a triangle on the bottom (body lights). It flew, hovered, and pass 2/10/1967 #21500  
 a string of red and white lights (body lights). A steady light beam was em 2/11/1967 #21510  
d amber lights at the bottom edge (body lights). The object flew over the w 2/12/1967 #21518  
that had a red light on each side (body lights) hovering just off the road. 2/12/1967 #21520  
t (disc) with blinking red lights (body lights) forced a car off the road.  2/14/1967 #21543  
, green, orange, and white lights (body lights). The object both hovered an 2/14/1967 #21545  
, green, and blue blinking lights (body lights). The object hovered at abou 2/14/1967 #21547  
ints and a red light at the third (body lights). It moved across the sky an 2/14/1967 #21549  
 an pval object with red and green body lights approach their car at low al 2/16/1967 #21569  
plish lights around its perimeter (body lights). The object hovered at tree 2/17/1967 #21582  
 was at the bottom of the cluster (body lights). The object, going NE, pass 2/17/1967 #21584  
V-shaped object, with a variety of body lights, hovered low over the inters 2/17/1967 #21587  
, a row of revolving green lights (body lights), a row of shield-shaped yel 2/19/1967 #21595  
d, blue, yellow, and white lights (body lights). It hovered over smoke-stac 2/20/1967 #21603  
 object with airplane-like lights (body lights), but it then acquired a bri 2/20/1967 #21604  
ect with a red light on each side (body lights). Fowler, 1974, p. 345; Mass 2/26/1967 #21655  
hanging color from white to green (body lights). (London Free Press (Ontari 2/26/1967 #21658  
a saw a bright shining object with body lights changing color from white to 2/26/1967 #21665  
er hovers over trees. Red and blue body lights. TV Radio Frequency Interfer 2/27/1967 #21667  
op-shaped object with red and blue body lights hovering over trees, remaini 2/27/1967 #21671  
oving around the main white light (body lights). (Omaha World Herald, 2/28/ 2/27/1967 #21674  
n bottom and a white light on top (body lights) that was hovering over a ho 2/27/1967 #21676  
e top-shaped UFO with red and blue body lights at 7:05 p.m. local time. The 2/27/1967 #21678  
out a minute. It had red and green body lights. The object then accelerated 2/28/1967 #21680  
w a dome-shaped object with orange body lights on the ground (landed), whic 3/1967 #21693  
nexplained object with red lights (body lights) which hovered over homes an 3/2/1967 #21723  
llipse or cigar-shaped object with body lights along its length was reporte 3/2/1967 #21724  
owing yellow disc with a small red body light moving slowly to the west. Th 3/3/1967 #21741  
owing yellow disc with a small red body light moving slowly to the west. Th 3/3/1967 #21744  
object with multi-colored flashing body lights that flew irregularly at hig 3/8/1967 #21801  
liptical-) shaped object with many body lights around the perimeter (green  3/8/1967 #21805  
 "wings" and red, green, and white body lights. The object hovered over som 3/8/1967 #21808  
 IL Domed circular object with red body lights approached witnesses, gave o 3/8/1967 #21814  
m tugged by some force against the body of the car. He felt tingling electr 3/8/1967 #21818  
ngated flying object with flashing body lights and light beams at each end  3/8/1967 #21820  
with flashing red, blue, and green body lights. Something was attached to i 3/9/1967 #21833  
th flashing red, green, and yellow body lights. The object hovered at first 3/9/1967 #21834  
g red lights and four steady white body lights. It hovered over a highway i 3/15/1967 #21889  
l, with two lighted portholes. Its body was blue-brown and dull. The witnes 3/15/1967 #21890  
th three red lights in the center (body lights). It flew overhead, changing 3/17/1967 #21910  
ights that slowly passed overhead (body lights). (Letter from witness dated 3/17/1967 #21911  
. EST. A couple saw an oval with a body light changing color from red to bl 3/17/1967 #21913  
d lights around the circumference (body lights) that flashed in a pattern.  3/18/1967 #21916  
saw a disc with a dome and two red body lights hovering near the horizon. T 3/30/1967 #22016  
an object with a short cylindrical body, dome-shaped top, and flat bottom ( 4/1967 #22029  
 lights and a pulsating red light (body lights). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcom 4/1/1967 #22039  
with cone top. Green light / peak. Body yellow and red. Going [to] over car 4/5/1967 #22058  
p surmounted by a green light. Its body was yellowish (like house lights) w 4/5/1967 #22063  
s, and white lights on the bottom (body lights) for 1.25 hours. The object  4/12/1967 #22115  
 with flashing lights on the rims (body lights). The objects circled the wi 4/12/1967 #22116  
nking lights and two white lights (body lights). The object hovered, then m 4/20/1967 #22167  
arge cigar-shaped object with many body lights arranged in groupings. It fl 4/20/1967 #22168  
ights and two dimmer white lights (body lights). The objects moved in a pat 4/20/1967 #22169  
, turauoise lights front and rear (body lights). (Massachusetts NICAP Subco 4/20/1967 #22170  
 a dark object with 2-3 bright red body lights that hovered and descended b 4/21/1967 #22184  
hts and a bright light underneath (body lights). The object was hovering ne 4/26/1967 #22219  
 a dome, swept back wings, and red body lights. As it pursued the witnesses 4/26/1967 #22221  
 It had a swept back wing, and red body lights. As it pursued the witnesses 4/26/1967 #22225  
nate non- ; blinking red and green body lights around the middle. (NICAP re 4/28/1967 #22242  
ights in a row and two red lights (body lights) underneath. (The Worcester  4/30/1967 #22248  
hts inside and a red light on top (body lights), an estimated 4-5 feet from 5/1967 #22252  
s), an estimated 4-5 feet from the body of the craft. (NICAP report form, c 5/1967 #22252  
s and a steady white light on top (body lights). It hovered, then rose stra 5/2/1967 #22265  
tom and with red and green lights (body lights) which they followed and obs 5/7/1967 #22292  
-orange light from its cone-shaped body. The couple stops and shuts off the 5/7/1967? #22295  
round object with four red lights (body lights) in a curving row and a very 5/8/1967 #22299  
ing from front to back underneath (body lights). Indianapolis airport radar 5/15/1967 #22345  
ghts and a white light on one end (body lights). The object hovered over th 5/16/1967 #22352  
Levels / 1m altitude. = large dark body.                                    5/17/1967 #22363  
er named T.N. Kanshov saw a bright body twice as large as the moon moving a 5/17/1967 #22364  
nt, and a green light at the rear (body lights). (Witness letter, NICAP fil 5/25/1967 #22397  
fe saw an object with amber to red body lights moving an estimated 100 mph  6/1967 #22436  
 object with red and green lights (body lights) 4 around the perimeter, whi 6/1/1967 #22444  
 shiny, bright, white oval lights (body lights). It approached within 400 f 6/6/1967 #22469  
t with a large white light on top (body lights). The object ; also had ligh 6/9/1967 #22481  
e. The boy said, "He didn't have a body." Two more strange beings were visi 6/9/1967 #22484  
 object with three colored lights (body lights) and a glowing pink band aro 6/11/1967 #22492  
 green, and white flashing lights (body lights) and windows that emitted li 6/30/1967 #22577  
d and her clothes had edged up her body. Her daughter said she did not reme 6/30/1967 #22580  
 Large walk-in refrigerator, empty body bags, men at work with technical in 7/3/1967 #22593  
e bright orange lights on the rim (body lights) approach from the northeast 7/3/1967 #22598  
or unit on skids had several empty body bags.  RT states he was seen lookin 7/3/1967 #22604  
ight on the bottom near the front (body lights). (Corning Daily Observer, 7 7/4/1967 #22607  
al lines of light toward the rear (body lights). The object was directly ov 7/4/1967 #22609  
inking white lights in the center (body lights). (Telephone call 7/7/67, no 7/6/1967 #22619  
right white lights on the front , (body lights). The object approached abou 7/9/1967 #22636  
ith red and green blinking lights (body lights). One was seen to be saucer  7/11/1967 #22649  
ets of lights, some of them green (body lights). The object landed in a pas 7/12/1967 #22653  
 flashing white lights on the top (body lights). The object moved slowly at 7/15/1967 #22662  
reen, lights along the outer edge (body lights). The object approached at l 7/19/1967 #22699  
light also was visible on the top (body lights). The object alternately hov 7/28/1967 #22746  
 The craft had a spherical central body with side extensions tipped with gr 7/31/1967 #22762  
reen light coming from the bottom (body lights). (Lorczak letter, NICAP fil 8/4/1967 #22798  
he reentry of the Pioneer 7 rocket body that had launched from Cape Canaver 8/6/1967 #22830  
lue-green light on the other side (body lights), and a girder-type structur 8/10/1967 #22857  
s length that flashed in sequence (body lights). The object seemed to be as 8/11/1967 #22861  
herself between the beings and the body of her husband, and picks up his ri 8/13/1967 #22873  
ont and a green light on the rear (body lights). The object was dull gray a 8/14/1967 #22875  
bjects with flashing red and white body lights. The objects hovered in sepa 8/16/1967 #22884  
th three vertical bands of lights (body lights) between them. The object ap 8/25/1967 #22923  
ith a huge head, bulgy eyes, and a body covered with "hairy stuff or wiry m 8/26/1967 #22932  
 felt a prickling sensation in his body. In perfect Spanish the creature sa 8/26/1967 #22932  
prickling sensation throughout his body. The little man then spoke in Spani 8/26/1967 #22935  
lel upper row of yellowish lights (body lights) apparently attached to a cu 8/28/1967 #22942  
e around the bottom of the object (body lights). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcom 8/29/1967 #22950  
mference and a white light on top (body lights). The object moved slowly at 8/29/1967 #22952  
row of white lights on the bottom (body lights). Harrisburg airport control 8/31/1967 #22962  
nd and a white light at the other (body lights). As the object crossed the  9/5/1967 #23005  
g its rim, and a red light on top (body lights). (Massachusetts NICAP Subco 9/8/1967 #23019  
 a flashing red light on each end (body lights) and a white glow on the bot 9/10/1967 #23030  
saw a row of orange-yellow lights (body lights) with a vague form behind th 9/13/1967 #23047  
object with a row of white lights (body lights) on the side. The object hov 9/13/1967 #23048  
windows, and a white light on top (body lights). A white light beam from th 10/2/1967 #23164  
, greenish blue, and white lights (body lights) apparently on an oval objec 10/2/1967 #23165  
ect also had one red and two green body lights that pulsated off and on. (S 10/10/1967 #23203  
ect also had one red and two green body lights that pulsated on and off. As 10/10/1967 #23207  
ting red, green and yellow lights (body lights). Its light illuminated the  10/11/1967 #23214  
 end and a red light at the other (body lights). The object appeared to be  10/19/1967 #23270  
 floating over a field, apparently body lights on a larger craft. A car sto 10/22/1967 #23286  
h red revolving lights at the top (body lights) and an apparent row of wind 10/26/1967 #23331  
 a green light, and a white light (body lights). The object circled, hovere 10/26/1967 #23332  
horizontal row on a darker object (body lights). (Haines, 2000, pp. 58-59.) 10/27/1967 #23342  
objects with red, green, and white body lights, at first moving slowly, the 10/30/1967 #23368  
nd arm attached to a dark, conical body, but they saw no legs. They also re 11/13/1967 #23444  
 glowing lights in front and back (body lights). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcom 11/15/1967 #23461  
T. Four people saw two red lights (body lights) on an object with a row of  11/18/1967 #23478  
h flashing , multi-colored lights (body lights) around the center. The obje 11/19/1967 #23481  
und a disc that had a dome and red body lights. Physical traces were found  11/24/1967 #23505  
nted end, and two or three lights (body lights). It descended and landed in 11/29/1967 #23522  
en, yellow, red, and white lights (body lights). (Phone call, NICAP file me 12/1/1967 #23530  
pulsating blue lights on each end (body lights). (NICAP report form.) (NICA 12/6/1967 #23554  
y cylindrical object with legs and body lights on the underside. The object 12/7/1967 #23556  
ngs and physical marks left on her body (suggested abduction). (Ridge, 1994 12/8/1967 #23560  
te and green lights along the rim (body lights). (Unidentified newspaper cl 12/11/1967 #23569  
ry and ring and flashlight and car body all hot!                            12/13/1967 #23577  
 road. Over the next hour, the car body heats up and the witness’s hair get 12/13/1967 #23581  
road. During the next hour the car body began to heat up and even his hair  12/13/1967 #23582  
ject with a red light at each tip (body lights). (Unidentified newspaper cl 12/14/1967 #23585  
d green lights around the equator (body lights). The object approached at l 12/15/1967 #23589  
. A silvery disc with multicolored body lights revolving around its perimet 12/22/1967 #23598  
 tingling sensation throughout her body. Looking out, she sees an object 30 2/19/1968 #23767  
nd the dome about 4 feet wide. The body of the object looks like dull alumi 2/19/1968 #23767  
ojection on this night. It had red body lights that dimmed when an airplane 2/24/1968 #23783  
s arms crossed and was rocking his body slightly back and forth. Mr. Banesc 5/22/1968 #23980  
that it was attached to a metallic body, shaped like a pilgrim's hat , with 5/27/1968 #23989  
0 m tall, hovering in the air, his body emitting a peculiar glow, near a br 7/2/1968 #24126  
0 m tall, hovering in the air, his body emitting a peculiar glow, near a br 7/2/1968 #24129  
ght, hanging suspended in air, his body emitting a strange luminosity." Thi 7/2/1968 #24134  
tallic cylinder with yellow-orange body lights followed a Cessna 172 light  7/8/1968 #24160  
LE 5 observer(s). Luminous/glowing body curves east going quickly southwest 7/10/1968 #24165  
evice into his mouth that made his body appear transparent. During this pro 7/17/1968 #24186  
grayish brown, and the rest of the body was a darker shade of the same colo 11/9/1968 #24648  
    Belcourt, ND Round object with body lights hovered, shone red light bea 11/27/1968 #24723  
    Belcourt, ND Round object with body lights hovered, shone red light bea 11/27/1968 #24724  
      A luminous round object with body lights hovered over Belcourt, North 11/27/1968 #24726  
ground in a curved trajectory. The body of the UFO again became visible, cl 1/6/1969 #24822  
ng a luminous halo to surround his body. After this, the onlookers could se 1/31/1969 #24882  
unter, and died a month later, its body found bloated up. The dog had never 2/12/1969 #24915  
mpression outlined one other small body. About a half mile west of the area 5/11/1969 #25128  
eing inside the object whose upper body looked normal, but whose lower half 7/4/1969 #25253  
t was not a wolf. It had a strange body, two and a half feet long. It had t 11/9/1969 #25455  
. She felt electrical jolts in her body, and her hair had turned yellow in  10/5/1970 #25870  
he next day with pain all over her body and with no further recollection of 1/1/1971 #25966  
 lot of hair all over its face and body. It was dressed in an indescribable 2/27/1971 #26034  
bject was the size of a house. The body of the object was a silver ball ill 5/16/1971 #26115  
are of the witness and he used his body and arm to conceal some sort of ins 6/9/1971 #26165  
erience. They also had unexplained body marks on their limbs.               6/21/1971 #26184  
wing its two wings inside the main body. Some 50 witnesses report the same  7/17/1971 #26234  
e wearing a wet suit. The hood and body suit were one unit. The eyes were c 8/16/1971 #26291  
e directly from his shoulders. The body itself was almost transparent, with 10/28/1971 #26438  
-foot tall humanoid with a "lumpy" body and surrounded by an aura of light  12/14/1971 #26502  
I touch the [electric] iron and my body goes all jerky." Suddenly, the gian 8/22/1972 #26949  
had a green dome and red and green body lights.                             9/23/1972 #27029  
 heat, and itching over his entire body. There was also the smell of burnin 9/27/1972 #27035  
ngs keep their elbows close to the body when walking, as if on tiptoe, rais 12/13/1972 #27176  
eing, since I only saw half of its body and its head, which, as I say, look 3/29/1973 #27390  
 was uncertain whether the silvery body was a close fitting garment or the  5/12/1973 #27481  
he engine, and the interior of the body. Pátero faints. An hour later, two  5/22/1973 #27518  
wollen and her eyes bloodshot. Her body was painful, particularly in the jo 5/27/1973 #27535  
elf made out of metal. The being's body emitted bright silvery flashes. Whi 9/30/1973 #27892  
ptical object with blue and orange body lights, legs, standing on the road. 10/15/1973 #28052  
 form the bottom and stared at her body. At this point she felt something a 10/16/1973 #28089  
used numbness in every part of her body apart from her head. The being clim 10/16/1973 #28089  
untain. The thing had a shimmering body, large head with no eyes and ran si 10/18/1973 #28161  
rginia. The thing had a shimmering body, large head with no eyes, and ran s 10/18/1973 #28174  
ral needles were inserted into her body. She was left briefly alone in the  10/20/1973 #28220  
-like devices were attached to her body and the creatures interrogated her  10/20/1973 #28220  
nout like feature on the face. Its body was uniformly gray, and it was movi 10/21/1973 #28229  
 shone briefly, bathing Castillo's body. He understood that the blue light  11/18/1973 #28443  
es, Germany Egg-shaped object with body lights sped toward witnesses, hover 12/10/1973 #28550  
d around the middle of the craft's body                                     12/10/1973 #28552  
. Emblem on side of disc. Flashing body lights. Greenish glow. Muffled chir 12/19/1973 #28584  
and had several lights on the main body of the object. It also gave off hea 5/20/1974 #29120  
at morning with bloodshot eyes and body aches. He had vague impressions of  5/26/1974 #29135  
 a structured object with a row of body lights. They fled in fear with the  6/6/1974 #29168  
ingston, NY Elliptical object with body lights hovered low, moved toward po 7/9/1974 #29250  
ingston, NY Elliptical object with body lights hovered low, moved toward po 7/9/1974 #29251  
 with red, blue, white, and yellow body lights. (Concord Monitor & Patriot, 8/11/1974 #29322  
 a "Roman helmet" on his head. The body was tall and slender, but he could  11/8/1974 #29589  
 generally human in shape, but its body is covered in dark tan fur except o 12/2/1974 #29629  
ngs appeared on the landing. Their body texture was "something like closely 12/2/1974 #29630  
ground by guard at Air Force base. Body lights visible, ground illuminated  1/2/1975 #29695  
ground by guard at Air Force base. Body lights visible, ground illuminated  1/2/1975 #29699  
n the ground at an Air Force Base. Body lights were visible on the craft, a 1/2/1975 #29703  
re plucking hair from his head and body. Diaz faints and wakes up in the af 1/4/1975 #29715  
nd a few days later he developed a body rash. As months passed he regained  8/13/1975 #30258  
y now has a heat rash on his lower body. His memories about the incident ev 8/13/1975 #30264  
ke figure with a well-proportioned body. It suddenly vanished in plain sigh 8/16/1975 #30281  
 long metallic-appearing arms. Its body was like "brown vinyl." (Source: Da 8/26/1975 #30309  
ic-appearing, mechanical arms. Its body was like "brown vinyl." No communic 8/26/1975 #30312  
upied about half the height of his body." His skin was gray & leathery, and 9/3/1975 #30339  
d 1:00 a.m. when he had an "out of body experience" (OOBE) and the next thi 9/11/1975 #30353  
side her house, but she had a high body temp, bloodshot eyes, and her skin  10/25/1975 #30468  
side her house, but she had a high body temp, bloodshot eyes, and her skin  10/25/1975 #30472  
r. Small humanoids (or Greys) take body samples and 1 button! / r110p70+/ r 10/27/1975 #30478  
 ME October 28, 1975; Objects with body lights penetrated security areas on 10/27/1975 #30484  
object 20–30 feet away. Around its body are green, blue, and yellow lights  10/27/1975 #30486  
are machine with dials scanned his body. The Grey humanoids also took a but 10/27/1975 #30489  
cial features. The top half of its body was greenish and the bottom half wa 11/3/1975 #30548  
overing at treetop level, windows, body lights visible. Skylook, MUFON, Jan 11/4/1975 #30551  
h an extensive search for Walton’s body. They search for several days and f 11/5/1975 #30562  
tic. White balls / light exit. Car body magnetized.                         11/15/1975 #30621  
ith white sand, lit by a celestial body resembling the moon. She was taken  12/2/1975 #30681  
undressed. The woman went over his body with a small metallic device, then  12/4/1975 #30685  
      Stanford, KY Domed disc with body lights descended, illuminated car i 1/6/1976 #30768  
      Stanford, KY Domed disc with body lights descended, illuminated car i 1/6/1976 #30769  
d extended about 9 inches from the body, with a less luminous silvery outer 1/11/1976 #30785  
h some kind of glowing sack to his body, but when they start to approach hi 2/1976 #30842  
image of the inside of the woman's body. There were seven different humanoi 2/7/1976 #30851  
 seven different humanoid types, a body implant, and communication to the w 2/7/1976 #30851  
tted light and scanned it over his body from head to foot. His abduction la 4/2/1976 #30980  
d a headache. The left side of his body is reddish, and he has difficulty g 4/3/1976 #30983  
inuously, and the left side of his body is red. A few days later, his hair  4/3/1976 #30983  
dical examinations and had several body samples taken. (Sources: Thomas E.  5/21/1976 #31069  
dical examinations and had several body samples taken. Among other procedur 5/21/1976 #31070  
76, a dead cow, mutilated and with body parts missing was found in a field  6/13/1976 #31105  
cated with via telepathy. They had body marks and rashes subsequent to thei 6/20/1976 #31117  
hands. Brilliant red suits covered body, halo around heads. Object moved in 6/22/1976 #31127  
It had red glowing eyes and a gray body. It saw them and rose straight up t 7/4/1976 #31151  
resulted in vivid dreams or out of body experiences. The contents of her ex 9/3/1976 #31337  
ng, dressed in what appeared to be body armor and a helmet with a protubera 9/3/1976 #31338  
 barn about 50 feet away. The main body of the craft is a disc shape, which 9/10/1976 #31371  
 bright that Jafari cannot see its body. He approaches within 70 miles, the 9/18/1976 #31395  
d on legs on road! Blue and orange body lights. No further details / local  10/15/1976 #31463  
ead there was no other hair on his body. He insisted that humans on our pla 10/28/1976 #31501  
 vehicle his wife leaned her upper body out of the window to look up at it, 12/6/1976 #31587  
flashing night lights maneuver. No body resolved. Back / April.             3/11/1977 #31895  
feet tall and had a small, slender body with a very large melon-shaped head 4/21/1977 #32009  
ed heat and the motorcycle's metal body became hot to the touch. The object 6/6/1977 #32153  
felt terrible pains throughout his body that prevented him from working for 7/10/1977 #32257  
th "antennae," but the rest of its body was completely covered in hair. At  7/17/1977 #32288  
med to reflect off the rest of the body of the craft.                       9/7/1977 #32470  
t 7:30 p.m. As the beam struck her body, paralysis spread throughout her bo 9/10/1977 #32478  
y, paralysis spread throughout her body accompanied by chills and shaking.  9/10/1977 #32478  
ce he believed could have been the body surface, or skin. Their bodies were 9/15/1977 #32485  
es of the USSR contains an immense body of visual observations, radiolocati 9/20/1977 #32499  
ey think they see a dark “pancake” body twice the Moon’s diameter attached  10/29/1977 #32631  
 At this point the stranger, whose body was surrounded by a strange glow, t 1/2/1978 #32848  
witness. The glow around the man's body increased and he flew up into the a 1/2/1978 #32848  
id being, AF security police found body on deserted runway                  1/18/1978 #32893  
fat head, long arms, and a slender body appears in front of his car. The MP 1/18/1978 #32894  
. A security patrol finds its dead body near the McGuire AFB runaway, givin 1/18/1978 #32894  
 shows a UAP sighting incident and body recovery at Ft. Dix and McGuire AFB 1/18/1978 #32895  
en shot by Dix MPs.” “Some kind of body found” and the area was cordoned of 1/18/1978 #32895  
 a fat head, long arms and slender body.  https://www.app.com/story/news/hi 1/18/1978 #32895  
IP programs, suggested the Ft. Dix body recovery was a hoax. NIDS Dept. Dir 1/18/1978 #32895  
hts, single round objects with red body lights, and orange globes in straig 3/22/1978 #33071  
cts are also reported with rows of body lights.                             3/22/1978 #33071  
 Strinestown, PA Round object with body lights hovered ahead of car, made p 4/2/1978 #33117  
 Strinestown, PA Round object with body lights hovered ahead of car, made p 4/2/1978 #33118  
ared brighter than the rest of the body and it had human like features. On  4/25/1978 #33169  
eels “a tingling sensation” in his body as he drives to the station, but he 5/13/1978 #33202  
o felt a tingling sensation in his body as he drove to the police station.  5/13/1978 #33205  
adar tracked an oblong object with body lights, illuminating the terrain, o 5/14/1978 #33209  
The humanoid had a bright metallic body that reflected the sunlight, two an 7/11/1978 #33367  
shaped object with same pattern of body lights, moving at very high rate of 7/23/1978 #33411  
shaped object with same pattern of body lights, moving at very high rate of 7/23/1978 #33412  
 is like shiny black glass and the body is metallic silver with two antenna 8/12/1978 #33512  
rnea" of shiny black glass, and a "body" of metallic silver. The object als 8/12/1978 #33513  
Nisula, MI Cone-shaped object with body lights flew overhead. International 8/30/1978 #33601  
ter with a cone-shaped object with body lights that flew low overhead. Thei 8/30/1978 #33606  
p, orange behind tip, and a yellow body.                                    9/10/1978 #33659  
age in the newspaper shows a black body between some iron bars.             9/21/1978 #33724  
He was unconscious and half of his body appeared softer than the other half 9/24/1978 #33744  
und apparently having crashed. The body of a short dwarf-like humanoid was  12/6/1978 #34064  
n in the Akademgorodok region. The body of a short dwarf-like humanoid was  12/6/1978 #34066  
robot briefly stepped out, and its body gave off an intense heat. Moments l 12/30/1978 #34232  
st to the east. The UFO had a long body with lots of tiny lights. Before lo 12/31/1978 #34251  
g in suction cups that covered his body. He felt no pain but could not move 1/3/1979 #34292  
 exam found 108 tiny pricks on his body. Days after the encounter he suffer 1/3/1979 #34292  
 any arms, and it did not move its body when it walked. Its head appeared t 2/26/1979 #34450  
ding white headlights and a row of body lights. It hovered in one spot for  5/26/1979 #34584  
. He remembers looking back at his body and seemingly walking on air toward 6/6/1979 #34601  
ey spread an oily substance on his body, and forced him to have sexual inte 6/18/1979 #34618  
th thick arms and legs and a round body appeared. It began moving slowly to 7/15/1979 #34655  
se effects, along with involuntary body movements and trouble speaking and  8/12/1979 #34740  
der and several other parts of his body. At the same time they spoke in an  2/6/1980 #35160  
time. Calf mutilated / alien base. Body parts / red liquid!                 5/5/1980 #35305  
he sees tanks of water with cattle body parts, as well as a human arm.      5/5/1980 #35306  
xtraterrestrial beings who harvest body parts required for their survival o 5/28/1980 #35343  
ribed as having huge oval eyes, no body hair, a broad flat nose, and a smal 8/22/1980 #35475  
ensation like a cold liquid on his body, and heard a voice in his head tell 9/25/1980 #35535  
all outfit that covered his entire body and head except for his face, opera 9/25/1980 #35535  
lia Spinning topshaped object with body lights, whistling sound, landed nea 9/30/1980 #35545  
or top-shaped UFO withmulticolored body lights and a black tube appendage t 9/30/1980 #35548  
i, AZ Boomerang-shaped object with body lights shone brilliant light beam d 10/23/1980 #35581  
i, AZ Boomerang-shaped object with body lights shone brilliant light beam d 10/23/1980 #35582  
CH Circle / lights rotates. Saucer body faintly visible. Silent. Flashes.   11/10/1980 #35624  
n missing for five days before his body was found on top of a coal pile. Ac 11/29/1980 #35682  
ith a reddish-orange nose, silvery body, and diamond-blue rear section, wit 12/15/1980 #35719  
es will be done on UFO's and human body science relationships.              1981 #35760  
at extend about 8 inches below the body of the machine. The object takes of 1/8/1981 #35779  
7:30 p.m. as 16 round objects with body lights maneuvered overhead in Wades 1/14/1981 #35786  
lt paralyzed and couldn't move his body or his head, but could talk. Seven  7/31/1981 #36050  
uge UFO was the "same shape as the body of a crab", and it hovered over a h 9/10/1981 #36109  
Valley, CA Triangular objects with body lights, humming sound, observed thr 9/18/1981 #36126  
Valley, CA Triangular objects with body lights, humming sound, observed thr 9/18/1981 #36127  
ro, who was shaking with fear. His body was glittering. When Ferreira came  10/17/1981 #36176  
back with help, Boro was dead; his body was all white and he reportedly did 10/17/1981 #36176  
 feel an electric shock, increased body heat, loss of speech, paralysis and 10/31/1981 #36198  
 a tingling sensation all over the body. He was not able to move as the tru 12/15/1981 #36256  
 a tingling sensation all over his body. He was unable to move as the truck 12/15/1981 #36259  
ists. A tube was inserted into her body and she could feel fluid or drugs g 1/22/1982 #36306  
object with rows of amber and blue body lights and two huge white light bea 1/31/1982 #36317  
and, TX Diamond-shaped object with body lights, bright "headlights," flew o 5/22/1982 #36479  
and, TX Diamond-shaped object with body lights, bright "headlights," flew o 5/22/1982 #36480  
and, TX Diamond-shaped object with body lights, bright "headlights," flew o 5/22/1982 #36481  
dbury, NH Wedge-shaped object with body lights hovered low over reservoir,  6/10/1982 #36496  
dbury, NH Wedge-shaped object with body lights hovered low over reservoir,  6/10/1982 #36497  
 lights and smaller blue-green-red body lights hovering about 50 feet above 6/10/1982 #36498  
small head and a triangular shaped body. There was a sizzling sound and the 7/30/1982 #36556  
archlight. The object had four red body lights. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 8/2/1982 #36559  
archlight. The object had four red body lights. When they stopped at a stop 8/10/1982 #36568  
erience, feeling that his "astral" body was taken into the object. Inside h 11/18/1982 #36683  
erience, feeling that his "astral" body was taken into the object. Inside h 11/18/1982 #36684  
anceville, VA Circular object with body lights shone light beam down into f 11/19/1982 #36686  
anceville, VA Circular object with body lights shone light beam down into f 11/19/1982 #36687  
ly substance" had covered his nude body. Da Silva also complained that his  11/29/1982 #36702  
ly substance" had covered his nude body. Da Silva also complained that his  11/30/1982 #36703  
rose from field illuminating area, body lights visible, accelerated rapidly 4/10/1983 #36835  
as and night lights. Grey metallic body seen.                               4/21/1983 #36842  
 (or Greys). Odd burns and marks / body. Telepathy = "you'll never forget". 12/14/1983 #37073  
ant for the marks on the witness’s body and the many sexual elements of the 1984 #37094  
otating clockwise around a 30-foot body. She wakes up her husband, who sugg 1/3/1984 #37105  
erful electric shock penetrate her body with a buzzing sound.               1/3/1984 #37105  
ct that struck her and entered her body, and she felt the warmth emitted by 4/25/1984 #37290  
 in the air and seems to enter her body. She is blinded for a few seconds b 4/25/1984 #37293  
ct that struck her and entered her body, and she felt the warmth emitted by 4/25/1984 #37295  
 from NERVA rocket testing. Bond’s body is discovered by a USAF sergeant on 4/26/1984 #37301  
 plating. The base of the object's body consisted of two semi-discs, the sm 6/15/1984 #37365  
n ice-cream-cone-shape and a solid body the length of three football fields 7/24/1984 #37412  
 helmet and the entity’s back. Its body is covered with long, dark-brown ha 10/8/1984 #37480  
te of shock, with a sunburn on his body.                                    2/8/1985 #37554  
 The witness received burns on his body that resembled a sunburn while stan 10/16/1985 #37684  
 WI Silent, triangular object with body lights (section IX). (NICAP: 01 - D 11/19/1985 #37709  
 WI Silent, triangular object with body lights                              11/19/1985 #37710  
 Pittsburgh, silver-gray disc with body lights hovered, mist formed around  1/7/1986 #37754  
 Pittsburgh, silver-gray disc with body lights hovered, mist formed around  1/7/1986 #37755  
ilver-grayish disc-shaped UFO with body lights hovered in the sky, with a m 1/7/1986 #37757  
w Castle, PA Hovering oval object, body lights, brightly illuminated the ar 2/28/1986 #37791  
w Castle, PA Hovering oval object, body lights, brightly illuminated the ar 2/28/1986 #37792  
open hatch. It has a thin, spindly body, long webbed fingers and toes, and  8/31/1987 #38265  
open hatch. It had a thin, spindly body, long webbed fingers and toes, and  8/31/1987 #38266  
cluding oval objects with flashing body lights.                             11/1987 #38315  
hly governments, harvests of human body parts, friendly and unfriendly alie 12/1987 #38342  
ld over its eyes, chest, and lower body and was holding a lighted rod in it 12/2/1987 #38348  
es on her abdomen. Into 1989, more body marks appear, including a solid red 1988 #38383  
 test of a diamond shaped “lifting body” at Norton Air Force Base in Califo 11/12/1988 #38714  
 an awareness of crash recoveries, body recovery, human mutilation of milit 1/1989 #38773  
red lights moving slowly along the body of the terminally ill patient, who  4/18/1989 #38908  
 felt a jolt of electricity in his body. Upset and in pain, Perez cursed at 5/10/1989 #38942  
vey of the earth. (2) The humanoid body structure is unlikely to have origi 6/1989 #38970  
as about two meters tall, with its body covered with dark brown hair, and i 8/10/1989 #39051  
ing sensation came over her entire body. She then noticed a small being sta 8/10/1989 #39053  
fade out of consciousness, and her body seemed to disappear. She came to th 10/8/1989 #39150  
rk round or oblong object with red body light photographed by several peopl 1/8/1990 #39370  
rk round or oblong object with red body light photographed by several peopl 1/18/1990 #39380  
N, PA 2+observer(s). Manta without body / 10k' altitude. No fuselage. Much  1/31/1990 #39399  
0 to 30 feet above the ground. The body of the craft was silver-white. Ther 2/5/1990 #39411  
reported the appearance of a black body with two white flashing lights. The 3/21/1990 #39476  
0–2,600 feet. At times, the entire body of an object “scintillates,” while  Early 4/1990 #39506  
 on his chest. He had a child-like body. Behind his head was a fog-like mis 7/29/1990 #39667  
g Group, a top secret, interagency body headed by “Col. Harold E. Phillips” 9/1990 #39711  
f white objects with red and green body lights alternately hovered and dart 10/10/1990 #39771  
man being is recycled into another body and the process begins again. Grace 1/1991 #39944  
le has a yellow-orange cylindrical body with a “wrinkled” appearance and is 6/1/1991 #40080  
y, causing sparks to jump from his body. After staggering around, he finds  6/16/1991 #40099  
lights inside a room, and puzzling body scars. The poll, financed by the Bi 5/1992 #40439  
ers a blonde hair wrapped around a body part. He turns the hair over to Bil 7/23/1992 #40530  
ect passed over car, blue flashing body lights; made sharp turns, moved out 8/14/1992 #40571  
ect passed over car, blue flashing body lights. Made sharp turns, moved out 8/14/1992 #40572  
n, AZ Manta ray-shaped object with body lights approached car, falling leaf 8/19/1992 #40581  
n, AZ Manta ray—shaped object with body lights approached car, falling leaf 8/19/1992 #40582  
en the lightning flashed. The main body of the craft was disc-shaped, like  9/16/1992 #40623  
but measuring only 15 cm tall. The body was reported to be greenish in colo 9/22/1992 #40635  
s or made any facial gestures. Its body was described as thin and child-lik 9/24/1992 #40639  
 with red, blue and green flashing body lights around its base. Through the 2/19/1993 #40854  
hat is, all blood drained from the body without a drop on the ground, laser 3/1993 #40867  
ons in the corpse and parts of the body surgically removed-but most such in 3/1993 #40867  
overalls that clung tightly to his body like a second skin. He also wore a  3/30/1993 #40907  
e, IN Cigar-shaped object with red body lights maneuvered at low level      7/13/1993 #41064  
lack aliens stooped over her naked body like he was kissing her navel. That 8/8/1993 #41118  
ith huge slanted eyes. The being's body was dark but its eyes were a bright 11/29/1993 #41309  
k coverall that covered his entire body including his unusually long feet.  2/3/1994 #41406  
nfield. Lights / head light entire body. Video taken.                       9/16/1994 #41753  
 had the sudden sensation that her body was being lifted up, apparently flo 12/15/1994 #41895  
humanoids, two on each side of her body, who were apparently somehow holdin 12/15/1994 #41895  
ing as it pumped blood through her body. During the whole experience she fe 12/15/1994 #41895  
ic sensation spread throughout her body as she heard the being whisper some 2/2/1995 #42013  
ienced himself sitting outside his body as it lay on the bed. Suddenly he p 4/3/1995 #42137  
ray entities had injected into his body. After that he experienced a sensat 4/3/1995 #42137  
three and four feet tall, with the body and dark plumage of an eagle, a thi 4/23/1995 #42173  
ll, residual pain, nerve response, body normalization were all included.  S Mid 1995 #42258  
 it as an authentic autopsy on the body of an alien recovered from the 1947 8/28/1995 #42425  
re, grayish in color, covering its body with a pair of wings. It had a flat 11/9/1995 #42589  
d. The being was unclothed and its body seemed covered with an oily substan 1/20/1996 #42697  
e scars and other anomalies on her body.                                    1/28/1996 #42724  
lops a fever and pain all over his body.                                    2/6/1996 #42742  
rulent bacteria. Doctors order his body to be cremated immediately, but his 2/15/1996 #42764  
 scars were found on the witness's body.                                    2/29/1996 #42789  
) examine. Burning powder traces / body.                                    9/16/1996 #43022  
ortedly find numerous scars on his body that he attributes to his abduction 9/26/1996 #43043  
or something on either side of its body, that was moving up and down. She a 11/24/1996 #43120  
ilitary presence” that is loading “body bags” onto a Sea King helicopter. W 3/24/1997 #43239  
 shallow saucers, lip to lip.  The body of the object was like the tail of  5/5/1997 #43288  
s. There was no noise, but he felt body vibrations as it flew over.         9/7/1997 #43399  
 hand go right through the alien's body. She screamed out loud, telling him 9/11/1997 #43405  
 hand go right through the alien's body. She screamed out loud, telling him 9/12/1997 #43407  
. An odd feeling swept through his body, forcing him to close his eyes. His 10/15/1997 #43429  
ear liquid being injected into his body. He then felt paralyzed, and after  10/15/1997 #43429  
mpletely naked with bruises on his body.                                    12/10/1997 #43457  
hes long, appeared and scanned his body. The tube was placed over his pubic 12/14/1997 #43462  
 are found on the left side of the body, most of them fluoresce under ultra 1998 #43479  
 to reveal a silver top and a gray body.                                    1/5/1998 #43494  
t in proportion to the rest of the body, wide shoulders, a very thin waist, 4/27/1998 #43559  
 him not to leave any marks on her body this time, but she was told that it 6/8/1998 #43584  
ing several anomalous scars on her body.                                    6/27/1998 #43596  
re going to remove a cyst from her body, and promised not to leave any scar 7/11/1998 #43601  
her eyelashes nor other facial nor body hair, his head was unusually large, 7/12/1998 #43602  
as having a large head and a small body "like a puppet." He was about four  8/8/1998 #43620  
 wore what appeared to be V-shaped body armor equipped with a luminous back 8/8/1998 #43620  
hat its head was hairless, but its body was covered with ample hair, and it 8/24/1998 #43637  
and the flying humanoid turned its body once in the direction of nearby Zap 9/14/1998 #43646  
d not turn around. Then he felt a “body” next to him, and he next felt a pl 7/18/1999 #43807  
eeling a presence in her room. Her body began to get a familiar vibrating f 10/26/1999 #43866  
, again feeling a vibration in her body. The female humanoid was gone.      10/26/1999 #43866  
scovering mysterious wounds on his body that glow under a black light and c 2000 #43913  
face she saw a huge head on a thin body. At the same time she felt a puff o 1/13/2000 #43928  
inguishable features as the entire body was dark, but its body fluctuated i 1/24/2000 #43933  
 the entire body was dark, but its body fluctuated in and out of transparen 1/24/2000 #43933  
ack in his home. Subsequently, his body turned a sickly yellow jaundiced co 5/3/2000 #43988  
felt like a rope going through her body from her right shoulder to her righ 5/17/2000 #43996  
ail, unlike a normal airplane. The body of the object was long with a squar 5/17/2000 #43996  
had been sticking needles into his body.                                    7/25/2000 #44022  
were in a praying position and its body and head jerked around as if it had 7/31/2000 #44024  
ectrical current going through his body and was unable to move. His memory  8/11/2000 #44030  
esia felt a cold wave envelope her body. The beam of light then retreated b 10/19/2000 #44060  
ckling sensation invade her entire body. Meanwhile, Valentina felt the same 10/19/2000 #44060  
hes and smelled a strong odor like body odor with no known source.          10/28/2000 #44063  
 beings inserting needles into her body.                                    11/28/2000 #44085  
ng with long skinny arms, a skinny body, and a large head appeared in view. 1/29/2001 #44134  
buzzing sound, and then his entire body went completely tingly and numb and 4/23/2001 #44161  
 strange stupor that paralyzed her body. She was unable to move her arms, l 8/4/2001 #44225  
ight side veered off from the main body.                                    11/15/2001 #44277  
ith red eyes, no mouth, and a gray body. It had huge hands with very long f 1/4/2003 #44468  
aimed to have scratch marks on his body.                                    1/4/2003 #44468  
ng. He did not stop to pick up the body but drove on. Sightings of the tall 4/22/2003 #44518  
eads" that were connected to their body, but she couldn't see how. Their ar 5/2/2003 #44521  
 proposal to create a Europe-wide “body for the study of unexplained atmosp 1/20/2004 #44652  
nd he felt as if every hair on his body was standing on end. The feeling of 3/12/2004 #44676  
gs which may have been part of the body, like some type of bat. They protru 4/5/2004 #44684  
he sides of the wings, with a dark body color, possibly dark brown or black 4/5/2004 #44684  
suit, which completely covered its body. It had on a helmet which was attac 8/2/2004 #44725  
is yard, with unusual marks on his body, and believing he had been abducted 8/26/2004 #44743  
ergy that reverberated through his body. He stated that he felt many sensat 10/2/2004 #44766  
e which also passed throughout his body. After the object passed him, it su 10/2/2004 #44766  
p.m. a red disc-shaped object with body lights on the underneath side flew  12/23/2004 #44801  
rough the man’s left arm and upper body, exiting his right arm. He feels a  5/1/2005 #44828  
tish author Nick Redfern publishes Body Snatchers in the Desert, which purp 6/2005 #44846  
 It had a red light underneath the body of the craft.                       10/8/2005 #44888  
His family had gone and his entire body felt sore, particularly below the w 11/25/2005 #44905  
 remove his consciousness from his body. When practicing, he left his body  4/28/2006 #44937  
body. When practicing, he left his body and saw a UAP in Earth’s atmosphere 4/28/2006 #44937  
about 12 feet long, and there were body lights on this object. The activity 8/6/2006 #44953  
d he had several sore spots on his body including his anus.  At first he th 9/21/2007 #45066  
 luminous rectangular UFO, with no body lights nor sound, moved at tremendo 5/5/2010 #45279  
 cannot see any reflections on the body or wings. The object slows almost t 10/6/2013 #45389  
microwaves can affect the mind and body to dangerous, harmful degrees. In t 2014 #45400  
ed alien is actually the mummified body of a two-year-old Native American c 5/5/2015 #45437  
O Conspiracy, a sequel to his 2005 Body Snatchers in the Desert. In 2001, R 6/2017 #45472  
onroe Institute who held 40 out of body sessions where he was in a craft in 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "body-shaped" (Back to Top)
euvered it changed shape to become body-shaped with projections like arms a 7/1977 #32222  
## Word: "bodyguards" (Back to Top)
ssibly Alaska. Along with two twin bodyguards, Swann and Axelrod attempt to 2/1975 #29781  
 from the woods or something.” The bodyguards realize they are discovered a 2/1975 #29781  
## Word: "boeche" (Back to Top)
DC Meeting between researchers Ray Boeche and Scott Colborn and US Senator  3/3/1985 #37565  
## Word: "boedec" (Back to Top)
tly touched down. (Source: Jean-F. Boedec, Les OVNI en Bretagne: Anatomie d 12/24/1975 #30737  
## Word: "boeing" (Back to Top)
nshaw and 11 passengers (including Boeing engineers C. H. Jenkins and Dean  4/27/1950 #4910  
ckly northwest. Iridescent. Size = Boeing 707.                              10/18/1952 #8154  
-shaped object about the size of a Boeing 707 some 10 miles away over the A 10/18/1952 #8155  
 Melville Sound, Nunavut, Canada A Boeing RB-47 reconnaissance aircraft of  6/4/1955 #12180  
r, call sign Archie 91, are flying Boeing KC-97 Stratofreighters at 20,000  7/5/1955 #12238  
ry-Rand, Curtiss-Wright, Lockheed, Boeing and North American are all mentio 2/25/1956 #12739  
olulu 6:00 p.m. Pan Am Flight 7, a Boeing Stratocruiser flying across the P 11/8/1957 #14489  
u, Hawaii 6:02 a.m. A Pan American Boeing Stratocruiser piloted by Capt. Ge 7/11/1959 #15834  
         Wichita, Kansas Witness:  Boeing aeronautical engineer C.A. Komisk 8/23/1960 #16409  
                   C.A. Komiske, a Boeing aeronautical engineer, sighted a  8/23/1960 #16410  
oon the passengers and crew of two Boeing 707 airliners, a BOAC flight and  9/21/1961 #16867  
ana Malmstrom AFB complex Night. A Boeing security guard at an unidentified 10/2/1962 #17451  
       Topeka, Kansas Night. A TWA Boeing 707 airliner flying west of Topek 8/1/1965 #19245  
                       Seattle, WA Boeing aerospace engineer saw two silver 8/10/1965 #19361  
cipal reporting witness, a retired Boeing engineer named Allen, there where 5/11/1966 #20478  
            New Orleans, LA Day. A Boeing engineer was among the witnesses  5/17/1966 #20495  
                    At 6:40 p.m. a Boeing engineer in Arabi, near New Orlea 5/17/1966 #20499  
on, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Boeing. Despite his attempts to “build t Early 3/1967 #21730  
 on- site, as well as lab tests at Boeing’s Seattle plant. No cause for the 3/24/1967 #21973  
s object, apparently longer than a Boeing 707 jetliner. Two large transpare 5/28/1967 #22413  
 Washington McDonald addresses the Boeing Management Association in Renton, 8/7/1968 #24306  
d the cloud that was larger than a Boeing jet plane. It hovered, trembling  8/11/1971 #26280  
              Three witnesses in a Boeing 727 airliner and Air Traffic Cont 12/28/1971 #26521  
bullet-shaped object larger than a Boeing 727 and adorned with a cluster of 10/23/1972 #27087  
.m. American Airlines Flight 21, a Boeing 747 at 33,000' encountered appare 10/18/1973 #28163  
t. Lars Berglund and the crew of a Boeing 727 airliner flying near Lisbon,  1/26/1974 #28709  
und and the flight crew of his SAS Boeing 727 airliner flying east of Lisbo 1/26/1974 #28710  
A huge glowing disc, the size of a Boeing 747, was sighted flying to the so 9/28/1974 #29489  
ho lives on a hill overlooking the Boeing factory in Renton, Washington, no 1976 #30750  
m, Brazil 4:00 p.m. A copilot of a Boeing 727 for the Brazilian Varig airli Mid 9/1976 #31384  
indicating something the size of a Boeing 707. Visually, it is flashing lik 9/18/1976 #31395  
isbon, Portugal A TAP Air Portugal Boeing 707 nearly collides with a UFO sh 9/19/1976 #31410  
 luminous domed disc the size of a Boeing 707. A small object was shot by t 9/19/1976 #31411  
t 1:10 a.m. four crew members on a Boeing 707 airliner, Duarte, Alexio, Gra 9/19/1976 #31412  
e Portuguese airline TAP, flying a Boeing 707 airliner at 4000 feet altitud 9/19/1976 #31413  
                             A TAP Boeing 707 reported a near collision wit 9/22/1976 #31419  
, the pilot of an Iberian Airlines Boeing 727 on a flight from Santiago de  11/19/1976 #31558  
 cigar-shaped object larger than a Boeing 747 jumbo jet that is orange on t 4/18/1977 #31992  
 a second object closing in on the Boeing 747. Witnesses on the ground repo 7/16/1977 #32281  
haped lighted object the size of a Boeing 747 moving slowly to the southwes 3/16/1978 #33043  
 p.m. Capt. Namdar, the pilot of a Boeing 707 flying from Shiraz to Tehran, 6/11/1978 #33274  
d an oval-shaped object followed a Boeing 727 airliner over Mattenheim, Ger 8/28/1978 #33587  
en commercial aircraft—four Iberia Boeing 727s, a British airliner, an air- 11/11/1980 #35634  
erson Maciel de Britto, piloting a Boeing 727 for VASP Flight 169, notices  2/8/1982 #36327  
watched a metallic sphere pace the Boeing 737 aircraft for two minutes, the 6/27/1982 #36519  
watched a metallic sphere pace the Boeing 737 aircraft for two minutes, the 6/27/1982 #36522  
 test laboratory. Hutchison states Boeing and McDonnell Douglas invested in 1983 #36738  
gar-shaped UFO about the size of a Boeing 747 hovered over Gorki Airport at 3/27/1983 #36817  
RETT, WA 12cm ovoid exits woods by Boeing 747 plant. Buzzes car / MJ#194.   2/19/1984 #37192  
aped UFO that looked larger than a Boeing 747. It paced his truck for five  3/21/1984 #37234  
 altitude that looks larger than a Boeing 747. It has red, white, and green 3/21/1984 #37236  
aped UFO that looked larger than a Boeing 747. It paced his truck for five  3/21/1984 #37238  
hts, estimated to be the size of a Boeing 747 airliner if all connected to  5/31/1984 #37344  
hts, estimated to be the size of a Boeing 747 airliner if all are connected 5/31/1984 #37348  
hts, estimated to be the size of a Boeing 747 airliner if all connected to  5/31/1984 #37349  
n. Albert Stubblebine, Jack Houck (Boeing), and remote viewer Ed Dames. Ale 5/20/1985 #37590  
ovince, China 10:40 p.m. A Chinese Boeing 747 airliner encounters a UFO on  6/11/1985 #37598  
nese Civil Aviation Administration Boeing 747 encountered a UFO on the Peki 6/11/1985 #37599  
ect, estimated to be the size of a Boeing 747, with white, red, blue, and g 1/9/1986 #37762  
ect, estimated to be the size of a Boeing 747, with white, red, blue and gr 1/9/1986 #37763  
ska Japan Airlines flight #1628, a Boeing 747 freighter, was cruising at 35 11/17/1986 #38068  
.m. Japan Air Lines Flight 1628, a Boeing 747 cargo plane with a crew of th 11/17/1986 #38072  
de Camargo is flying a Transbrasil Boeing 737-300 from Rio Branco, Acre, Br 3/12/1987 #38139  
adar. A Canadian Air International Boeing 737 was en route from Toronto, On 5/16/1987 #38175  
to be at least twice as large as a Boeing 747. It stops descending and begi 7/27/1987 #38219  
Simplicio Pinto, and crew of a LAM Boeing 737 airliner witnessed a hovering 2/11/1988 #38458  
in Puerto Montt, Chile 8:10 p.m. A Boeing 737 pilot, on a final approach to 6/1/1988 #38579  
 low altitude. They were as big as Boeing 747 airliners, according to the o 12/2/1988 #38735  
an object four times the size of a Boeing 747. Three other witnesses in a d 4/20/1989 #38913  
ed a rectangle twice the size of a Boeing 747. The object moved very slowly 8/10/1989 #39056  
craft, apparently refueling from a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker and accompani Late 8/1989 #39073  
motor. The object is larger than a Boeing 707. It has flashing red, green,  11/29/1989 #39275  
 near collision occurred between a Boeing 707 airliner and a disc-shaped ob 5/17/1991 #40067  
land 2:38 p.m. A Britannia Airways Boeing 737 is descending for a landing a 6/1/1991 #40080  
The copilot of a Britannia Airways Boeing 737 on a flight from Crete to Gat 7/15/1991 #40123  
    At 1:45 p.m. a United Airlines Boeing 747 crew flying 50 miles northeas 8/5/1992 #40553  
 Hercules transport aircraft and a Boeing 747. The light beam retracts in a 3/31/1993 #40914  
                                 A Boeing 737 Chinese airliner had a near c 3/14/1994 #41457  
object several times larger than a Boeing 747. Possibly debris from the roc 9/14/1994 #41749  
nmarked civilian registered (CIA?) Boeing 737 and anonymous DC-8 visited th 9/26/1994 #41776  
art are piloting a British Airways Boeing 737 aircraft with 60 passengers w 1/6/1995 #41956  
Airport] Guizhou province, China A Boeing 737 is starting a landing approac 2/1995 #42006  
reolíneas Argentinas Flight 734, a Boeing 727 with three crew and 102 passe 7/31/1995 #42347  
                    At 8:15 p.m. a Boeing 727 airliner narrowly missed a UF 7/31/1995 #42348  
d in UAP work: Northrup Aerospace, Boeing Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, BDM,  8/30/1996 #43001  
an Capital International Airport A Boeing 757-200 operated by China’s South 12/19/1996 #43148  
nts: the June 26, 1956, crash of a Boeing KC- 97G Stratotanker at Roswell-W 6/24/1997 #43338  
light aircraft, heading toward the Boeing 747 at high speed. The airliner i 8/9/1997 #43376  
n for UAP, contracted by Lockheed, Boeing, Northrup, Teledyne Ryan and mana 1998 #43481  
 object swaying in the sky above a Boeing 727 airliner. He then witnessed a 11/30/1998 #43693  
g disc-shaped object the size of a Boeing 707 then came into view, moving s 2/15/1999 #43729  
vilian contractors like BDM, SAIC, Boeing, Lockheed and the comptrollers wh 2000 #43914  
hite lights, and was the size of a Boeing 727. It flew over the mountain ra 8/16/2001 #44236  
a story that claims researchers at Boeing are using the work of Russian sci 7/29/2002 #44369  
 project is run in “top secret” by Boeing Phantom Works, and states documen 7/29/2002 #44369  
rch Applied to Space Propulsion).  Boeing denies it is funding the project  7/29/2002 #44369  
     Jane’s Defense Weekly reports Boeing Project GRASP documents it obtain 7/29/2002 #44370  
e Eugene Podkletnov’s experiments. Boeing states this technology could impa 7/29/2002 #44370  
any object, enough to vaporize it. Boeing GRASP documents state its examina 7/29/2002 #44370  
 shield or anti-satellite weapon.  Boeing attempted to work with Podkletnov 7/29/2002 #44370  
ite world” as he is anti-military. Boeing documents seen by Jane’s Defense  7/29/2002 #44370  
ike any aircraft and larger than a Boeing 747. Her husband said he could "s 9/15/2002 #44398  
of Ireland 8:30 p.m. An Aer Lingus Boeing 737 with 135 people on board is a 1/4/2004 #44643  
        At 8:30 p.m. an Aer Lingus Boeing 737-400 with 135 people on board  1/4/2004 #44645  
0 p.m. The crew of a Magnicharters Boeing 737 encounters a luminous disc in Early 10/2005 #44884  
avy, having been supplanted by the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.           9/22/2006 #44964  
                    The pilot of a Boeing 767 observed a fast moving light  11/12/2006 #44984  
 states the primary contractor was Boeing and JP Aerospace was a subcontrac 6/2013 #45368  
A.H.” claims to have been a former Boeing Aerospace engineer with contacts  11/1/2013 #45393  
 He also claims a friend of his at Boeing was involved in a UAP crash recov 11/1/2013 #45393  
 “technical collaboration” between Boeing, AAWSAP contractor Bigelow Aerosp 12/2015 #45441  
A also never mentions working with Boeing or BAE again, though Lockheed Mar 12/2015 #45441  
llaboration” with Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Bigelow Aerospace and BAE System 8/8/2019 #45605  
s TTSA ever mentioned working with Boeing or BAE. Lockheed Martin Skunk Wor 8/8/2019 #45605  
ding nearly 780 days in space. The Boeing X37B is an uncrewed, reusable, ro 10/27/2019 #45615  
. A commercial aircrew is flying a Boeing 737-800 airliner at 37,000 feet a 11/11/2019 #45617  
xico/US border Night. A commercial Boeing 767 airliner is flying from Mexic 3/19/2020 #45639  
major corporations” like Lockheed, Boeing, and others and “swore them to co 10/2021 #45713  
## Word: "boeing's" (Back to Top)
 USAF 341st Strategic Missile Wing Boeing's Seattle plant Late evening. An  3/24/1967 #21973  
## Word: "boeing-737" (Back to Top)
                 A British Airways Boeing-737 flight with 60 passengers abo 1/6/1995 #41957  
## Word: "boeing-747" (Back to Top)
1,200 feet altitude, larger than a Boeing-747, and moving slowly at about 6 8/20/1992 #40586  
aw a triangular UFO, larger than a Boeing-747, zigzag in the sky at great s 3/30/1993 #40906  
## Word: "boeing-stearman" (Back to Top)
 A. Casey and a student pilot in a Boeing-Stearman Model 75 watch a radiant 4/5/1943 #1492  
## Word: "boeker" (Back to Top)
elex sent by US Ambassador Paul H. Boeker to the State Department requestin 5/6/1978 #33190  
n with known re-entries. He refers Boeker to the 1973 Project Moondust orde 5/6/1978 #33190  
## Word: "boer" (Back to Top)
 tree-top level” by his hired hand Boer de Klerk. Its color changes to brig 6/26/1972 #26735  
                At 8:10 p.m. Shaun Boer of Traralgon, Victoria, Australia s 3/11/2000 #43965  
## Word: "boerne" (Back to Top)
                                   BOERNE, TX Project Bluebook Case #5205.  11/6/1957 #14377  
                                   Boerne, TX Oval object, about 15 ft long 11/6/1957 #14393  
                                   Boerne, Texas A civilian source reported 11/6/1957 #14415  
                   At 6:00 p.m. in Boerne, Texas a civilian source reported 11/6/1957 #14437  
## Word: "boersma" (Back to Top)
                   Warrenville, IL Boersma saw a light move around the sky  8/11/1963 #17884  
rrenville, Illinois Witness:  R.M. Boersma. One light moved around the sky  8/11/1963 #17885  
t ten o'clock in the evening R. M. Boersma saw a white light move around th 8/11/1963 #17887  
## Word: "boethin" (Back to Top)
s 2:00 a.m. Amateur astronomer Lev Boethin sees a red-brown oval object 10  5/1/1977 #32045  
## Word: "boeuf" (Back to Top)
int-Hilaire-des-Loges, France Mrs. Boeuf was coming out of her farmhouse wh 10/23/1954 #11336  
                              Mrs. Boeuf was coming out of her farmhouse in 10/23/1954 #11347  
## Word: "boffey" (Back to Top)
rouble on the Ground" by Philip M. Boffey in Science magazine, reporting on 7/26/1968 #24233  
## Word: "bog" (Back to Top)
clouds and land in the middle of a bog at The Loup (near Moneymore), County 9/7/1956 #13202  
eland. They wade 600 feet into the bog until they come upon the small (3 fe 9/7/1956 #13202  
igar-shaped UFO landed in a nearby bog. The witness, a Mr. Hutchinson, atte 9/7/1956 #13204  
ers hover. Go going [to] cranberry bog. Police spots drive them away.       5/11/1967 #22312  
red, descended behind trees into a bog, bobbed up and down like a yo-yo, an 5/11/1967 #22315  
behind some trees into a cranberry bog. It moved up-and-down like a yo-yo,  5/11/1967 #22318  
 to play across a nearby cranberry bog, her car engine "fluttered" and the  9/3/1974 #29418  
r saw the same lights again over a bog. At this point he began to hear voic 2/26/1997 #43210  
## Word: "bogado" (Back to Top)
-year-old bus driver named Antonio Bogado La Rúbia leaves his home in Paciê 9/15/1977 #32484  
## Word: "bogdan" (Back to Top)
 or oblong changing into a sphere. Bogdan Śmiech from Malbork watches 9– 10 8/20/1979 #34763  
## Word: "bogea" (Back to Top)
             SOUTH / PINHEIRO, BRZ Bogea chased / delta/triangle/box-like c 8/10/1977 #32373  
l Early morning hours. A man named Bogea was chased by a delta-shaped flyin 8/10/1977 #32374  
                       A man named Bogea was chased by a delta-shaped flyin 8/10/1977 #32378  
## Word: "bogey" (Back to Top)
ased air defense radar picked up a bogey over Alaska southeast of Talkeetna 7/24/1952 #7120  
ssachusetts in response to a radar bogey. Ground radar showed rapid changes 12/3/1953 #9340  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bogey” YieldMax: 20KT                    4/17/1964 #18177  
o Rico, At Sea U.S.S. Gyatt Tracks Bogey (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 11/19/1964 #18627  
erto Rico when its radar detects a bogey approaching the island from the no 11/19/1964 #18629  
mission, the astronauts mention a “bogey.” James Oberg, based on his trajec 12/5/1965 #19753  
     At 4:20 a.m. an unidentified "bogey" was detected on radar at the West 9/14/1972 #27000  
(Fran Ridge) and "Sailor" about a "bogey" crossing the Ohio River S-N with  10/6/1974 #29502  
ne of his fellow crew members to a bogey at the 5 o'clock position while fl 10/15/2004 #44768  
## Word: "bogeys" (Back to Top)
radar over Fusuoka, Japan. The six bogeys were seen on the radar by Hemphil 10/15/1948 #3843  
head of the plane. Only one of the bogeys was seen visually. It was a dull  10/15/1948 #3843  
hree unidentified radar blips. The bogeys hovered for awhile, and then orbi 1/12/1950 #4485  
a collision course when one of the bogeys diverted to the right upon the re 9/14/1951 #5668  
 WITH ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Bogeys / ground and air RADAR's. F94s ge 7/21/1952 #6967  
lly, on that same day unidentified bogeys appeared on radar screens over at 12/10/1952 #8410  
adar contact was reported with two bogeys over T'Bilisi, Georgia at 11:22 a 10/8/1990 #39767  
## Word: "bogged" (Back to Top)
 crater. Unfortunately, it becomes bogged and must be towed out 10 days lat 4/15/1948 #3623  
 skidded, left the road and became bogged down in the mud. The driver found 10/12/1963 #17988  
n diameter, until their car became bogged down. The ball of light then land 10/15/1978 #33839  
## Word: "boggs" (Back to Top)
ibly composed by Maj. Aaron “Jere” Boggs or Col. Edward H. Porter at the US 11/3/1948 #3867  
, and McCoy. On the Pentagon side, Boggs and Cabell are there and perhaps V 11/12/1948 #3874  
ade aware of all cases. So too are Boggs’s office, ONI, and maybe even the  11/12/1948 #3874  
 future cases and analyses to Maj. Boggs of the Office of Defensive Air, th 12/6/1948 #3913  
hea, press officers; and Maj. Jere Boggs, Pentagon liaison to Project Grudg 1/1950 #4470  
e interview involves questions for Boggs. Keyhoe is given two looseleaf not 1/1950 #4470  
S. Wesley Reynolds interviews Maj. Boggs and Lieut. Col. John V. Hearn Jr.  3/28/1950 #4749  
 (Willis himself, who has replaced Boggs) monitors all UFO reports. As an a 1/29/1951 #5421  
l. Edward R. Porter, and Col. Jere Boggs. This is to be done “immediately”  12/4/1952 #8376  
ht three witnesses, members of the Boggs family, in Fordland, Missouri had  5/3/1992 #40449  
## Word: "boggus" (Back to Top)
Texas Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Boggus, plus unidentified drivers and pa 1/8/1951 #5387  
## Word: "boggy" (Back to Top)
home on an isolated road in a flat boggy area called Simonswood Moss in Rai 1/2/1978 #32847  
## Word: "boglio" (Back to Top)
15–30 feet. Another witness, Jules Boglio, is about 1,000 feet away and see 4/14/1957 #13602  
## Word: "bogne" (Back to Top)
  Redmond, Oregon 11:00 a.m. C. J. Bogne and other witnesses in a car near  7/4/1947 #2656  
## Word: "bogner" (Back to Top)
ew York Electrical engineer George Bogner stops his car at the corner of St 12/22/1941 #1381  
## Word: "bogota" (Back to Top)
                                   BOGOTA, COLOMBIA Hundreds / observer(s). 8/16/1952 #7616  
                                   Bogota, Colombia Eight people working in 5/2/1958 #15010  
rking in a forest near Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia saw a green creature wi 5/2/1958 #15011  
                                   BOGOTA, COLOMBIA Huge classic saucer ove 11/10/1967 #23435  
50 kilometers south of Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia; at 8:00 p.m. After arr 11/3/1973 #28362  
 returned to an area not farm from Bogota, Columbia. He had been away for a 11/18/1973 #28443  
                                   Bogota, Columbia G,A,V, mult. radars, ai 1/21/1977 #31735  
                                   Bogota, Columbia Airliner, R/V, reaction 1/21/1977 #31736  
                                   Bogota, Colombia Brilliant white light z 1/21/1977 #31740  
                              NEAR BOGOTA, COL. Airline pilot and many. Lum 2/19/1977 #31828  
                                   Bogota, Columbia Thousands of witnesses  10/3/1978 #33795  
         Thousands of witnesses in Bogota, Colombia saw two UFOs in an unus 10/3/1978 #33796  
redawn hours in Choconta, north of Bogota, Colombia. Ten to fifteen discs w 5/9/1979 #34553  
                                   BOGOTA, COLOMBIA Air Traffic Controller  4/2/1989 #38887  
                              NEAR BOGOTA, COL. Air Force pilot videos 6 si 12/13/1996 #43138  
xit cloud and going [to] toward(s) Bogota / 2 groups.                       12/13/1996 #43138  
ing from a cloud and moving toward Bogota, Colombia in two groups.          12/13/1996 #43139  
er home in the city of Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia Juan Sudarsky was walki 3/10/1997 #43225  
                                   Bogota, Colombia Berlin, Germany US dipl 10/2021 #45712  
ia Berlin, Germany US diplomats in Bogota, Colombia, and Berlin, Germany, a 10/2021 #45712  
## Word: "bogotá" (Back to Top)
                                   Bogotá, Colombia Aviation inventor Bill  2/2/1955 #11967  
Lear, during a press conference in Bogotá, Colombia, states his belief that 2/2/1955 #11967  
the sky at 20,000 feet altitude in Bogotá, Colombia. At 1:00 p.m. in Jabuti 12/10/1957 #14705  
                Anolaima, Colombia Bogotá 8:00 p.m. Two children, Mauricio  7/4/1969 #25251  
 become bloody. Within a week, two Bogotá physicians, unaware of his UFO ex 7/4/1969 #25251  
                 El Dorado Airport Bogotá, Colombia Night. Capt. Gustavo Fe 1/21/1977 #31744  
es out of the El Dorado Airport in Bogotá, Colombia, westbound at 20,000 fe 1/21/1977 #31744  
                                   Bogotá, Colombia El Dorado International 4/29/1977 #32035  
ly blinded in flight by a UFO near Bogotá, Colombia. Circling in the air fo 4/29/1977 #32035  
                             Tunja Bogotá, Columbia Bank manager Serrano Si 8/1978 #33459  
car on a highway between Tunja and Bogotá, Columbia. The car’s engine and h 8/1978 #33459  
 appeared low over the Santa Fe de Bogotá airport in Colombia, causing air  4/2/1989 #38888  
## Word: "bogs" (Back to Top)
, the drone tank gives trouble and bogs in the crater, but the soil samples 5/15/1948 #3651  
## Word: "bogue" (Back to Top)
WASHINGTON, NC Large cone hovers / Bogue Inlet / 10 minute(s). Rises fast w 6/29/1974 #29230  
                                At Bogue Inlet, Washington, North Carolina  6/29/1974 #29232  
## Word: "bogullua" (Back to Top)
   Enewetak Atoll Marshall Islands Bogullua Island Drones are again used in 4/21/1951 #5507  
signals and crashes on uninhabited Bogullua Island. The Air Force concludes 4/21/1951 #5507  
## Word: "bogus" (Back to Top)
y government agents. He produces a bogus FBI agent to “confirm” the story.  8/1949 #4301  
ention of potential investors in a bogus oil detection scheme allegedly lin 9/1952 #7804  
g gun-camera film. His stories are bogus, and later he runs phony investmen 12/1953 #9329  
yer invisible in October 1943 [the bogus Philadelphia Experiment]. He write 1/13/1956 #12657  
r promote factionalism. It creates bogus organizations to attack or disrupt 8/1956 #13042  
 boulder.” The children were Denis Bogus, age 7, who first saw the object;  8/29/1968 #24401  
and Andre, and their uncle, George Bogus; other adults who subsequently obs 8/29/1968 #24401  
is the individual who operated the bogus magnetic-field sensor. The hoax is 3/28/1970 #25613  
rything else about the incident is bogus. Raeke has suffered no injuries an 11/16/1977 #32677  
 Ellsworth landing. He shows her a bogus, undated document, A Briefing Pape 4/9/1983 #36830  
e FBI the documents are completely bogus and the FBI should cease its inqui 11/30/1988 #38728  
 was irrelevant because “MJ-12 are bogus” and it feeds into paranoia of “ne 4/15/1993 #40934  
-12 group and its documents to be “bogus.” However, he concedes that there  10/12/1993 #41231  
-12 group and its documents to be “bogus.” Weaver cannot explain how the Ai 10/12/1993 #41232  
## Word: "bohai" (Back to Top)
                    Tianjin, China Bohai Sea Thousands of witnesses see UFO Early 8/1980 #35439  
a row over Tianjin, China, and the Bohai Sea. One large object keeps appear Early 8/1980 #35439  
   Dagang Oilfield, Tianjin, China Bohai Bay 3:00 a.m. Five off-duty metalw 10/5/1980 #35556  
as it flies by and disappears over Bohai Bay.                               10/5/1980 #35556  
## Word: "bohain" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHEAST / BOHAIN, FR 2 / car. Huge metallic blue e 6/25/1978 #33307  
## Word: "bohm" (Back to Top)
ntists claim the research of David Bohm has been expanded upon; that everyt 11/25/1991 #40241  
## Word: "bohol" (Back to Top)
                                   BOHOL ISLAND, PHL Project Bluebook Case  5/9/1958 #15024  
                                   Bohol Island, Philippines Pilot saw obje 5/9/1958 #15025  
                                   Bohol Island, Phillipine Islands Witness 5/9/1958 #15026  
y for 90 seconds while flying over Bohol Island, The Philippines. A Project 5/9/1958 #15027  
                                   BOHOL ISLAND, PHL Hundreds / observer(s) 4/23/1979 #34522  
## Word: "bohr" (Back to Top)
pothesis of Danish physicist Niels Bohr that fission is more readily produc 3/1940 #1325  
## Word: "bohunice" (Back to Top)
                         Jaslovské Bohunice, Czech Republic Severe corrosio 2/22/1977 #31838  
of the KS 150 reactor in Jaslovské Bohunice, Czech Republic, causes a relea 2/22/1977 #31838  
## Word: "boianai" (Back to Top)
ST PAPUA, NG 62 UFO's / 1959. 18 / Boianai and 13 / Baniara and 7 / Ruabapa 1959 #15507  
 by the Sideia Mission Brothers in Boianai, Papua New Guinea.               4/9/1959 #15695  
                                   BOIANAI, PNG Fr Gill and 37. Saucer and  6/26/1959 #15786  
                            Papua (Boianai Mission), New Guinea Father Gill 6/26/1959 #15788  
                                   Boianai, New Guinea Many witnesses, amon 6/26/1959 #15789  
                                   Boianai Mission, Papua New Guinea Giwa 6 6/26/1959 #15790  
Papua New Guinea Giwa 6:45 p.m. At Boianai Mission, Papua New Guinea, Rev.  6/26/1959 #15790  
                   At 6:45 p.m. at Boianai Mission on Milne Bay, Papua New  6/26/1959 #15791  
                                   BOIANAI, PNG Fr Gill and 25. Saucer and  6/27/1959 #15793  
                            Papua (Boianai Mission), New Guinea Object retu 6/27/1959 #15798  
 same position in the sky over the Boianai Mission on Milne Bay, New Guinea 6/27/1959 #15799  
                            Papua (Boianai Mission), New Guinea Father Gill 6/28/1959 #15800  
## Word: "boil" (Back to Top)
 into the water, which appeared to boil.                                    10/31/1963 #18016  
nto the water. The water seemed to boil after the object fell into the wate 10/31/1963 #18019  
 vibration and the water begins to boil “in big bubbles, in a circle about  8/4/1967 #22804  
                               ST. BOIL, FR 2 observer(s). Orange disk goes 12/2/1973 (approximate) #28501  
' and saucer rises / lake. Bubbles boil. Rises straight/strait(s) going up  4/12/1989 #38901  
## Word: "boiled" (Back to Top)
glowing ovoid lands / river. Water boiled. 200+dead fish.                   12/7/1954 #11768  
iso, Chile. The surface of the sea boiled and there was an odor of sulphur  1/5/1969 #24818  
 treetops, beeping sound, radiator boiled over. Flying Saucer Review, Vol.  8/21/1972 #26944  
e treetops, while his car radiator boiled over.                             8/21/1972 #26945  
or well. Fourteen men are possibly boiled alive. The incident is covered up 6/27/1985 #37609  
## Word: "boiler" (Back to Top)
d it wore a uniformly silver-gray "boiler suit." It remained motionless in  4/7/1977 #31957  
and are wearing white outfits like boiler suits. They appear to “take measu 4/19/1977 #32001  
rounded by a number of men wearing boiler suit coveralls who appeared to be 12/4/1995 #42638  
## Word: "boilerplate" (Back to Top)
, BELGIUM 1 / kitchen window. Dark boilerplate ovoid going northeast low an 11/29/1989 #39258  
## Word: "boiling" (Back to Top)
 Stockholm is said to be “near the boiling point” with ghost rocket specula 8/11/1946 #2117  
the object the water seemed to be "boiling" or attracted upward, while a so 4/1958 #14953  
hear the sound. They see the river boiling up in the spot, followed by an e 10/31/1963 #18017  
he pond producing a loud sizzle of boiling water. It then landed behind a s 4/6/1977 #31953  
ARDYS BAY, NSW Fish-boat. Hiss and boiling sound. Bright green light going  10/18/1978 #33842  
         ST. DENIS, FR 1 observer. Boiling lens-cloud-saucer. 5X moon-size  11/5/1990 #39829  
## Word: "boils" (Back to Top)
 up [to] from sea. Water glows and boils.                                   3/1931 #1123  
going down. Dives. Water glows and boils. / r44p39.                         12/13/1956 #13399  
 going down [to] and submerge. Sea boils. / r2p185+/ r141#2.                4/19/1957 #13604  
ft dives. Blows smoke. Hovers. Sea boils. Quickly going up.                 11/6/1957 #14375  
ant red cloud stalls car. Radiator boils.                                   11/6/1957 #14384  
               OFF SAVONA, ITL Sea boils. Glowing-saucer emerges. Going qui 6/3/1961 #16713  
   NORTH / CATIA LA MARCH, VNZ Sea boils. 3 huge saucers emerge / water and 8/25/1967 #22920  
ct going down [to] and floats. Sea boils. Sulfur odor. Marsh plants.        1/5/1969 #24816  
ECLA, ITL Several observer(s). Sea boils. Dark disk going up [to] and going 12/28/1978 #34215  
shape-tornado wrecks 50+24 houses. Boils water. Going quickly south. Disk s 9/9/1980 #35506  
arge red saucer over stream. Water boils. Visible to/from/between invisible 4/1983 #36827  
ding 20M bullet shape. 12V battery boils over.                              7/1985 #37612  
 police. Huge cylinder/cigar-shape boils sea water with beams.              12/30/1995 #42650  
## Word: "bois" (Back to Top)
                                DU BOIS, PA 80 National Guardsmen. 30' rota 9/1950 #5155  
etween Andigne and Saint-Martin du Bois, France when he saw a light that tu 10/18/1954 #11224  
                                   BOIS DE VILLERS, BELGIUM 2 locals hear s 11/9/1954 #11608  
                                   Bois de Villers, Belgium Two villagers r 11/9/1954 #11610  
                  Two villagers in Bois de Villers, Belgium reported the la 11/9/1954 #11613  
Tamaroa, Illinois US Highway 51 Du Bois Afternoon. Evalyn Riead hears a spu 11/14/1957 #14551  
4-mile area between Tamaroa and Du Bois is interrupted for 10 minutes. Powe 11/14/1957 #14551  
                                   BOIS DE GOUJOUSE / CENDRAS, FR Ranger. S 11/1968 #24610  
                                   BOIS D'EPINEAU, FR Night light maneuvers 5/28/1974 #29140  
                                   BOIS DE SILLY, BELGIUM 2+several. Woods  9/5/1974 #29424  
## Word: "bois-blanc" (Back to Top)
                          FORET DE BOIS-BLANC, FR 8M Pentagon-saucer 5M ove 6/13/1970 #25699  
## Word: "bois-de-" (Back to Top)
n a clearing in a forest area near Bois-de- Champ, Vosges, France, when the Late 4/1954 #9720  
## Word: "bois-de-champ" (Back to Top)
                                   Bois-de-Champ, Vosges, France Afternoon. Late 4/1954 #9720  
## Word: "bois-en-ardres" (Back to Top)
                                   BOIS-EN-ARDRES, PDC, FR Red cylinder/cig 9/15/1954 #10306  
object reappeared over the town of Bois-en-Ardres, Pas-de-Calais, France an 9/15/1954 #10314  
## Word: "bois-francs" (Back to Top)
r(s). 3 7.5M saucers maneuver over Bois-Francs. Light snow. 1 lands.        1/15/1969 #24844  
## Word: "bois-seigneur-isaac" (Back to Top)
                                   BOIS-SEIGNEUR-ISAAC, BELGIUM Flat diamon 1/4/1995 #41950  
## Word: "boise" (Back to Top)
                                   BOISE, ID Lt. Governor and 3. "Daytime c 6/24/1947 #2391  
                                   Boise, Idaho Chehalis, Washington Yakima 6/24/1947 #2398  
ington Pendleton, Oregon 3:00 p.m. Boise, Idaho, businessman Kenneth Arnold 6/24/1947 #2398  
                             Idaho Boise, Idaho 3:30 p.m. Idaho Lieutenant  6/24/1947 #2399  
 from an office window in downtown Boise, Idaho. It dips from view after ab 6/24/1947 #2399  
                            WEST / BOISE, ID 2 / car. Silvery half-dome cli 6/30/1947 #2477  
                                   BOISE, ID United Press International new 7/4/1947 #2623  
                                   Boise, Idaho 6:30 p.m. United Press corr 7/4/1947 #2663  
es, see a white disc speeding over Boise, Idaho, at an altitude of about 10 7/4/1947 #2663  
                                   Boise, Idaho Seattle, Washington Emmett, 7/4/1947 #2667  
icer Ralph Stevens are flying from Boise, Idaho, to Seattle, Washington, wh 7/4/1947 #2667  
                                   BOISE, ID Retired airman and several. 3  7/5/1947 #2700  
                  16KM SOUTHEAST / BOISE, ID Airline(s)/airliner passenger. 7/6/1947 #2749  
                                   BOISE, ID 21+observer(s). Silver disk wh 7/6/1947 #2771  
inois, Darlington, South Carolina; Boise, Idaho; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Port 7/6/1947 #2815  
ger in a plane flying southeast of Boise, Idaho watched a disc flash by his 7/6/1947 #2817  
ed over to look. That evening over Boise, silver discs whirled and changed  7/6/1947 #2817  
               Seattle, Washington Boise, Idaho Palm Springs, California Wa 7/7/1947 #2935  
two in Seattle, Washington; one in Boise, Idaho; one in Palm Springs, Calif 7/7/1947 #2935  
                                   BOISE TO/FROM MERIDIAN, ID United Airlin 7/9/1947 #3041  
                                   Boise (Bet. Meridian and), ID A black di 7/9/1947 #3050  
                                   Boise (Idaho) Municipal Airport The FBI  7/9/1947 #3055  
Smith and copilot Ralph Stevens at Boise (Idaho) Municipal Airport about th 7/9/1947 #3055  
                  Gowen Field [now Boise Airport], Boise, Idaho 12:17 p.m.  7/9/1947 #3063  
  Gowen Field [now Boise Airport], Boise, Idaho 12:17 p.m. Idaho Statesman  7/9/1947 #3063  
epares to land at Gowen Field [now Boise Airport], Boise, Idaho. Johnson ta 7/9/1947 #3063  
t Gowen Field [now Boise Airport], Boise, Idaho. Johnson takes 10 seconds o 7/9/1947 #3063  
5 p.m. a huge flat black disc over Boise, Idaho executed a series of stairc 7/9/1947 #3074  
                                   BOISE, ID Lester Sherill. 8' silver disk 7/10/1947 #3088  
                   Hotel Owyhee in Boise, Idaho Hamilton Army Airfield [now 7/12/1947 #3157  
interviewed at the Hotel Owyhee in Boise, Idaho, by Lt. Frank M. Brown and  7/12/1947 #3157  
ear that pilot Emil J. Smith is in Boise on a layover, and all three go to  7/12/1947 #3157  
                                   BOISE, ID Ex-airman / ground. Brilliant  7/21/1947 #3208  
0:15 a.m. Mr. James E. Petteway of Boise, Idaho briefly sighted an oval obj 7/21/1947 #3211  
                                   Boise, Idaho Intelligence agents from th 7/25/1947 #3229  
 Davidson, visit Kenneth Arnold in Boise, Idaho, and tell him to contact th 7/25/1947 #3229  
                Portland Oregonian Boise Stateman Capt. Davidson and Lt. Br 7/27/1947 #3235  
 Flight Officer Ralph Stevens, and Boise Stateman Editor David N. Johnson a 7/27/1947 #3235  
               Bt. Mountain Home & Boise, ID DC-3 Crew Observes Disc (NICAP 7/28/1947 #3238  
              Mountain Home, Idaho Boise 8:34 p.m. Capt. Charles F. Gibian  7/28/1947 #3240  
aho, in preparation for landing in Boise. Harvey sees an object that seems  7/28/1947 #3240  
5 flying between Mountain Home and Boise, Idaho had a near collision with a 7/28/1947 #3242  
       NEAR WINNEMUCCA, NV Mayor / Boise and 1. 12 disks / V formation / 30 8/1/1947 #3279  
                                   Boise Idaho Mitchel Field, New York Bois 11/18/1947 #3492  
oise Idaho Mitchel Field, New York Boise Idaho Statesman Aviation Editor Da 11/18/1947 #3492  
                                   BOISE, ID Group / surveyors. 15' saucer  2/20/1948 #3581  
                                   Boise, Idaho Day. Charles W. Shangle Jr. 7/14/1948 #3708  
Os maneuvering at 300–600 mph over Boise, Idaho. Two of the objects exhibit 7/14/1948 #3708  
                            WEST / BOISE, ID Air Force man / US20. 1+5 silv 5/13/1949 #4185  
, driving along Highway 20 west of Boise, Idaho spotted first one disc, the 5/13/1949 #4186  
                            EAST / BOISE, ID Ground and air observer(s). Ni 9/23/1952 #8008  
                                   BOISE, ID 3 observer(s). Row / 5-7 night 9/5/1995 #42442  
                                   BOISE, ID 2 separate observer(s). Black  9/24/1995 #42506  
ts hovering and moving slowly near Boise, Idaho. Her son saw the same thing 9/24/1995 #42509  
                                   BOISE, ID 2 / city park. Meteor = severa 3/9/1996 #42816  
g edges moved through the sky over Boise, Idaho at 11:00 p.m. It shimmered  5/28/2003 #44548  
craft was seen in the sky north of Boise, Idaho.                            6/6/2006 #44949  
## Word: "boisseuges" (Back to Top)
                                   BOISSEUGES, FR 3.5M glowing saucer / pas 9/16/1955 #12455  
                                   Boisseuges, France A young shepherd hear 9/16/1955 #12456  
                                   Boisseuges, France. A young shepherd hea 9/16/1955 #12457  
## Word: "boisvert" (Back to Top)
  At around 7:30 p.m. farmer Louis Boisvert, 19, saw a very large metallic  2/6/1996 #42743  
 of the barn. After the craft left Boisvert and his father noticed that the 2/6/1996 #42743  
ing. Troubled by recurrent dreams, Boisvert underwent hypnotic regression.  2/6/1996 #42743  
nds, and gaunt arms and legs. Both Boisvert and his father were taken onboa 2/6/1996 #42743  
## Word: "boitte" (Back to Top)
ter UFO: A SOBEPS Inquiry by Frank Boitte, Brussels, Belgium.) (NICAP: 02 - 4/14/1974 #29022  
## Word: "bojnord" (Back to Top)
                                   Bojnord, North Khorasan, Iran A bright,  9/12/1980 #35518  
rom all sides is reported south of Bojnord, North Khorasan, Iran. It moves  9/12/1980 #35518  
## Word: "bok" (Back to Top)
and Dutch-American astronomer Bart Bok see a vivid pink object moving slowl 11/8/1957 #14486  
## Word: "bokoelia" (Back to Top)
ound two o'clock in the morning in Bokoelia, Florida and stepped outside hi 11/3/1975 #30547  
## Word: "bol" (Back to Top)
hone down from the balls of light (BOL), which had a red glow. They flew at 4/25/1960 #16243  
a.m. A bright green ball of light (BOL) sped up, flew away fast to the nort 4/27/1972 #26663  
 observed an orange ball of light (BOL) the apparent size of the full moon  5/4/1975 #30034  
sketball court. A green-blue blob (BOL) approached, passing 25 feet above t 5/6/1975 #30044  
.m. a brilliant red ball of light (BOL) flew at a very low altitude and ill 3/14/1982 #36391  
d to be red-orange balls of light (BOL), but changed frequently to white or 5/19/1986 #37882  
ncounter with a red ball of light (BOL) larger than 3 car lengths. Initiall 5/9/1988 #38559  
              A red ball of light (BOL) with white lines and a light on one 8/22/1988 #38619  
ouis, Missouri witnessed an orange BOL (ball of light) in the east. Then, t 4/22/1989 #38921  
huge, white glowing ball of light (BOL) over the road.                      5/5/1990 #39561  
5 p.m. a big orange ball of light (BOL) dimmed and reappeared in Bath, Illi 3/1/1996 #42797  
 formation for three minutes; each BOL vanished one-by-one.                 11/3/1996 #43103  
aw an intense white ball of light (BOL) come directly at her at high speed. 11/27/1998 #43687  
## Word: "boland" (Back to Top)
aj. James F. Byrne, Maj. Joseph E. Boland, and Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker who  1/31/1958 #14855  
Columbus, Ohio USAF Maj. Joseph E. Boland and Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker brief 6/20/1958 #15105  
aj. James F. Byrne, Maj. Joseph E. Boland, Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker, and Bur 2/17/1959 #15591  
## Word: "bolander" (Back to Top)
o Marion, Ohio 8:00 p.m. Howard R. Bolander, superintendent of the Ohio Bic 4/16/1897 #509  
## Word: "bolatre" (Back to Top)
Toutry, Daniel Grapin and Francois Bolatre, topographers saw a luminous sph 10/10/1954 #10886  
Toutry, Daniel Grapin and Francois Bolatre, two topographers, saw a luminou 10/10/1954 #10896  
## Word: "bolazec" (Back to Top)
                                   BOLAZEC, FR 4M luminous box going up / r 1/16/1966 #19836  
                                   Bolazec, France On the Morlaix-Callac Ro 1/16/1966 #19840  
iving by a pasture in Kerrodien en Bolazec, France when he saw a luminous,  1/16/1966 #19841  
## Word: "boldesti" (Back to Top)
                                   BOLDESTI SCAENI, ROMANIA 6 kids. Large s 10/16/1974 #29535  
## Word: "boldface" (Back to Top)
th blanks for deleted passages and boldface type for the 171 deletions that 3/1972 #26584  
## Word: "bolen" (Back to Top)
facturers Association CEO Edward M Bolen, former Assistant Secretary of the 11/27/2002 #44452  
## Word: "bolender" (Back to Top)
             Brig. Gen. Carroll H. Bolender, USAF Deputy Director of Develo 10/20/1969 #25418  
ty or in the interest of science.” Bolender adds that “reports of unidentif 10/20/1969 #25418  
“past UFO studies.” He repeats the Bolender wording that Blue Book “cannot  12/17/1969 #25501  
## Word: "boletim" (Back to Top)
 Janeiro, Brazil. It publishes the Boletim SBEDV through 1988.              12/1957 #14652  
ahia, Brazil. It begins publishing Boletim G-PAZ annually.                  1972 #26531  
nde de Sul, Brazil. It publishes a Boletim SPIPDV.                          1972 #26532  
## Word: "boletín" (Back to Top)
ina, and publish three issues of a boletín informativo.                     1980 #35113  
## Word: "bolfango" (Back to Top)
Witness:  USAF radar operator Cpl. Bolfango. Tracked on radar for 2 minutes 3/27/1950 #4739  
F antiaircraft radar operator Cpl. Bolfango tracks a stationary target on r 3/27/1950 #4740  
## Word: "bolide" (Back to Top)
9:15–9:30 p.m. An unusually bright bolide is observed in the British Isles  8/18/1783 #90  
r, Indiana 8:30–8:45 p.m. A bright bolide that explodes and breaks up into  12/21/1876 #208  
RIS Astronomer Libert. Gold-yellow bolide seen / 12 minute(s) and 44 second 7/4/1898 #624  
 Astronomer Libert. Very very slow bolide. Shape = tadpole-head. Fast wavin 5/6/1899 #634  
ns over Nebraska and runs south. A bolide explodes over Norcatur, Kansas, a 2/18/1948 #3579  
          Murray, KY Dog cowers at bolide (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactio 9/20/1950 #5186  
l streak through the sky. Probable bolide.                                  11/11/1951 #5775  
 Leaves (something behind) sparks. Bolide?                                  11/5/1954 #11574  
gden, Utah. They determine it is a bolide. Blue Book lists it as two sighti 4/18/1962 #17120  
 of observers in Las Vegas), and a bolide over Utah that it claims occurs o 4/18/1962 #17120  
for the study of auroras. Probable bolide.                                  7/7/1962 #17265  
## Word: "bolinas" (Back to Top)
                                   BOLINAS RIDGE, CA Man hunting. 'Airship' 10/31/1896 (approximate) #333  
## Word: "boling" (Back to Top)
                   Neef Agent Jack Boling Groseclose and Smith have an unpl 2/24/1949 #4023  
hange with Neef, LaPaz, Agent Jack Boling, and Army Maj. Godsoe, who says i 2/24/1949 #4023  
## Word: "bolingbrook" (Back to Top)
                                   BOLINGBROOK, IL 1+4 observer(s). Noises. 4/3/1982 #36431  
                                   Bolingbrook, IL A woman schoolteacher in 4/3/1982 #36432  
brook, IL A woman schoolteacher in Bolingbrook was awakened by a high pitch 4/3/1982 #36432  
                                   Bolingbrook, Illinois 3:00 a.m. A woman  4/3/1982 #36433  
3:00 a.m. A woman schoolteacher in Bolingbrook, Illinois, is awakened by a  4/3/1982 #36433  
e morning a woman schoolteacher in Bolingbrook, Illinois was awakened by a  4/3/1982 #36434  
     At 1:40 a.m. several women in Bolingbrook, Illinois saw an "orange or  10/2/1995 #42532  
## Word: "bolivar" (Back to Top)
                                CD.BOLIVAR, VNZL Several observer(s). Night 12/16/1954 #11818  
                    SOUTHEAST / CD.BOLIVAR, VNZL 2 observer(s). Saucer stop 1/3/1955 #11914  
                                CD.BOLIVAR, VNZL 4 kids. Fireball quickly g 3/28/1957 #13563  
                            Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela Coro Trujillo 9:15 p. 10/12/1957 #14104  
inous oval object pass over Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela, at great speed. The  10/12/1957 #14104  
                            WEST / BOLIVAR, ARG Car malfunctions due to EME 8/8/1958 #15181  
g on the highway between Unsue and Bolivar, Buenos Aires province, Argentin 8/8/1958 #15185  
sin, is commanded by Capt. Uyrangê Bolivar Soares Nogueira de Hollanda Lima 7/1977 #32220  
                            WEST / BOLIVAR, MO 2 observer(s). 30' saucer /  1/9/1993 #40787  
uth of the Orinoco River at Ciudad Bolivar. The incident was witnessed by w 5/15/2004 #44702  
## Word: "bolivia" (Back to Top)
                       GUAPORE R., BOLIVIA Saucer over river. Pipes. Water  11/28/1953 #9323  
                                   Bolivia Cuban Capture and death of Che G 10/7/1967 #23190  
apture and death of Che Guevara in Bolivia. Félix Rodríguez, a Cuban exile  10/7/1967 #23190  
ops during the hunt for Guevara in Bolivia. In addition, the 2007 documenta 10/7/1967 #23190  
                      Opoco Uyuni, Bolivia 6:00 p.m. Valentina Flores is br 3/10/1968 #23834  
 her farm between Opoco and Uyuni, Bolivia, when she discovers that her she 3/10/1968 #23834  
ween the towns of Uyini and Otoco, Bolivia and went to investigate. She fou 5/14/1968 #23962  
Cỏ (Tiger Island) El Choro, Poopó, Bolivia Night. Allied forward spotters a 6/15/1968 #24040  
d blue light near El Choro, Poopó, Bolivia. It lands, leaves a strange, pow 6/15/1968 #24040  
                         EL CHORO, BOLIVIA Bright object going down. Thin f 6/19/1968 #24047  
r, saw a UFO land in Poopo, Oruro, Bolivia. From the landed craft emerged a 6/19/1968 #24051  
                       NEAR UYUNI, BOLIVIA 1.1M small humanoid (or Grey) /  12/1968 #24738  
                           La Paz, Bolivia Top-shaped object with windows m 11/8/1973 #28389  
                           La Paz, Bolivia Top-shaped object with windows m 11/8/1973 #28392  
                      NEAR LA PAZ, BOLIVIA Airliner and Air Force pilots. L 11/11/1973 #28402  
                           La Paz, Bolivia Airlines crew & interceptor pilo 11/11/1973 #28409  
           A bus driver in Catavi, Bolivia reported encountering a little m 11/15/1973 #28426  
 on the Rio Bermejo Aguas Blancas, Bolivia Tarija, Bolivia Wright-Patterson 5/6/1978 #33190  
ejo Aguas Blancas, Bolivia Tarija, Bolivia Wright-Patterson AFB Pentagon La 5/6/1978 #33190  
he Rio Bermejo along the border of Bolivia and Argentina. It produces a son 5/6/1978 #33190  
s visit the town of Aguas Blancas, Bolivia, to interview witnesses. Velez O 5/6/1978 #33190  
sh. On May 14, police from Tarija, Bolivia, find the object, a dull metalli 5/6/1978 #33190  
                      NEAR LA PAZ, BOLIVIA Buzz wakens man. Plain silver fu 8/15/1978 #33516  
                        In La Paz, Bolivia a buzzing sound woke the male wi 8/15/1978 #33517  
                                   Bolivia Enconada Buen Retiro Chile La Pa 8/10/1979 #34724  
arge metallic spheres are found in Bolivia, one near Enconada and another n 8/10/1979 #34724  
urs after reports of a fireball in Bolivia and northern Chile. Newspaper re 8/10/1979 #34724  
                          Huayana, Bolivia A man saw a lenticular-shaped ob 1/12/1980 #35131  
 of Huayana, in the Potosi Valley, Bolivia a man saw a lenticular-shaped ob 1/12/1980 #35132  
                            Ckolo, Bolivia Space Aliens Terrorize Tiny Moun 3/2/1983 #36773  
                         VENTILLA, BOLIVIA 70 observer(s). Saucer zaps trai 3/10/1983 #36776  
                         Ventilla, Bolivia Train Stalled By Huge UFO (NICAP 3/10/1983 #36777  
           WEST TAJSARA MOUNTAINS, BOLIVIA Hiker lost. Blue tube maneuvers. 9/27/1996 #43045  
ng of a flying disc in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The local TV stations had close 3/26/2001 #44151  
tance while in flight over La Paz, Bolivia.                                 3/26/2001 #44151  
al "Hospital del Torax" in La Paz, Bolivia nurse Wilma Huanapaco was workin 8/4/2001 #44225  
## Word: "bolivian" (Back to Top)
vities Division operative, advised Bolivian troops during the hunt for Guev 10/7/1967 #23190  
th tremble” as it passed over. The Bolivian Air Force dispatches three airp 5/6/1978 #33190  
der. One of the flights includes a Bolivian astronomer, who sees a rockslid 5/6/1978 #33190  
 and Maj. John Heise arrive with a Bolivian Air Force officer. On May 23, t 5/6/1978 #33190  
ir Force officer. On May 23, three Bolivian Air Force officers and a guide  5/6/1978 #33190  
y Col. Ariel Coca, director of the Bolivian Air Force Academy. The Defense  8/10/1979 #34724  
 which include translations of two Bolivian newspaper reports. Moon Dust is 8/10/1979 #34724  
## Word: "bollen" (Back to Top)
            ANTON, TX Constable L. Bollen and others. Cars stall as UFO goi 11/3/1957 #14225  
## Word: "bollene" (Back to Top)
                                   BOLLENE, FR 2 / car. Red-orange 350M sph 11/18/1975 #30637  
                                   BOLLENE, FR 2 observer(s). Dark silent S 11/14/1992 #40710  
## Word: "bolling" (Back to Top)
eld], Fayetteville, North Carolina Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia- B 1/24/1950 #4509  
ing AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia- Bolling], Washington, D.C. Blacksburg, V 1/24/1950 #4509  
, Fayetteville, North Carolina, to Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia- B 1/24/1950 #4509  
ing AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia- Bolling], Washington, D.C. While at 5,00 1/24/1950 #4509  
rge’s County, Maryland Andrews AFB Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anaconda-Bol 7/19/1952 #6935  
sightings are also taking place at Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anaconda-Bol 7/19/1952 #6935  
          WASHINGTON, DC RADAR's / Bolling and Andrews AFBs and local (as a 7/20/1952 #6942  
onal Airport Andrews AFB, Maryland Bolling AFB, D.C. Wright-Patterson AFB,  7/21/1952 #6981  
, a USAF intelligence officer from Bolling AFB in D.C. Ruppelt hears that P 7/21/1952 #6981  
                                   BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE AND WDC AND HERND 7/29/1952 #7274  
Mount Vernon, Virginia Andrews AFB Bolling AFB New Castle AFB, Delaware 9:4 8/5/1952 #7470  
. Planes from both Andrews AFB and Bolling AFB are sent up to investigate b 8/5/1952 #7470  
the Office of Air Force History at Bolling Air Force Base.  US Office of Te 1958 #14787  
                                   Bolling AFB in Washington, D.C. Kirtland 11/17/1980 #35645  
ument”) from AFOSI headquarters at Bolling AFB in Washington, D.C., to the  11/17/1980 #35645  
                                   Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia-Bo 12/11/2009 #45262  
lleher, and Larry Grossman meet at Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia-Bo 12/11/2009 #45262  
## Word: "bollullos" (Back to Top)
 3 kids. 1.5M saucer flies in from Bollullos. Descends to 3M altitude.      8/31/1968 #24406  
                                   BOLLULLOS DE LA MIT., SP 6 observer(s).  10/1968 #24532  
                                   BOLLULLOS, SP 4+2 observer(s). 2 20cm di 8/24/1970 #25800  
                                   BOLLULLOS P.D CONDADO, SPN Night lights. 1/12/1974 #28674  
## Word: "bollwiller" (Back to Top)
                                   Bollwiller, Alsace, Germany A woman driv 4/9/1980 #35261  
## Word: "bolmen" (Back to Top)
                       Sweden Lake Bolmen 10:17 a.m. A Swedish J-5 jet purs 8/1976 #31215  
 accelerate out of sight over Lake Bolmen, Sweden.                          8/1976 #31215  
## Word: "bologna" (Back to Top)
                                   Bologna, Italy Chased three lights in sh 2/27/1945 #1795  
                                   Bologna, Italy Two sightings: (1) 100 hu 3/13/1945 #1812  
 quickly [to] Rome. Also Turin and Bologna and Bari and Vercelli and Imola  9/22/1946 #2186  
                                   BOLOGNA, ITL 5M saucer lands by observer 12/9/1962 #17575  
                                   Bologna, Italy Antonio Candau saw a circ 12/9/1962 #17576  
       A young man named Candau in Bologna, Italy saw a circular object 18  12/9/1962 #17577  
                             Milan Bologna, Italy 4:30 p.m. Giuseppe Cardel 1/18/1974 #28684  
delli is driving between Milan and Bologna, Italy, when he sees a “strange  1/18/1974 #28684  
                              NEAR BOLOGNA, ITL 1 observer. 5M 'UFO' follow 8/27/1977 #32427  
                                   Bologna, Italy The Centro Ufologico Nazi 3/1981 #35857  
it is edited by Gianfranco Neri in Bologna, Italy, and continues through at 3/1981 #35857  
ght a truck driver driving outside Bologna, Italy saw a bright light approa 11/1/1998 #43674  
                                   BOLOGNA, ITL Dark cylinder/cigar-shape s 2/27/1999 #43737  
en spinning on its major axis over Bologna, Italy. It had lights at both en 2/27/1999 #43738  
## Word: "bologoye" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BOLOGOYE, RUSSIA Dr. Zaitsev and more/ot 7/12/1964 #18403  
                                   Bologoye, Tver Oblast, Russia Assistant  7/12/1964 #18404  
rd a Tupolev Tu-104 airliner above Bologoye, Tver Oblast, Russia, when he s 7/12/1964 #18404  
d to Moscow while over the city of Bologoye, Russia. It then shot away. One 7/12/1964 #18405  
                              OVER BOLOGOYE, TVER, RUSSIA Scientist/science 7/12/1966 #20641  
## Word: "bolotov" (Back to Top)
Globa and mate of the watch Sergey Bolotov are beginning their watch on boa Mid 6/1984 #37364  
## Word: "bols" (Back to Top)
cted several white balls of light (BOLs). The metal of the car was magnetiz 11/15/1975 #30625  
cted several white balls of light (BOLs). The metal of the car was magnetiz 11/15/1975 #30628  
 to thirteen white and green UFOs (BOLs) were chased by the three Mirage II 5/19/1986 #37882  
w a ball of light with two smaller BOLs to one side of it. All three object 8/25/1991 #40166  
                        Two orange BOLs flew silently over a reservoir in W 5/5/1992 #40453  
nd six maneuvering balls of light (BOLs) at 2:15 a.m., with one light emitt 9/13/1999 #43844  
green balls moving in the sky. The BOLs were ten times larger than a star,  5/3/2004 #44694  
## Word: "bolshaya" (Back to Top)
 BERIOZOVSKY / YUGO-ALEKSANDROVA / BOLSHAYA ZLATOGORKA Photos / fireball an 3/18/1988 #38510  
## Word: "bolshevik" (Back to Top)
ssia During operations against the Bolshevik Army in Tulgas, Arkhangelsk Ob 10/1918 #977  
## Word: "bolster" (Back to Top)
lmer S. Fahrney and Adm. Calvin M. Bolster, his opinion changes.            5/9/1949 #4175  
ld E. Keyhoe and Admiral Calvin M. Bolster. The film is apparently only sho 11/17/1950 #5279  
ll and Chief of ONR Adm. Calvin M. Bolster. The report is never made public 3/14/1952 #5957  
## Word: "bolstering" (Back to Top)
other world war, is now defined as bolstering a consensus around free marke 5/29/1954 #9840  
## Word: "bolt" (Back to Top)
en his horses see the object, they bolt and tumble his wagon into the ditch 4/4/1897 #414  
llow glow. Going up / sparks. Cows bolt. Going quickly southwest. / r187#35 7/5/1947 #2714  
ends to about 40 feet, the 13 cows bolt as the object disappears to the wes 9/14/1952 #7938  
 of cattle, loose in the farmyard, bolt when the object moves into the area 2/19/1968 #23767  
r toward the ground. One lightning bolt hits the sphere and red sparks fly  8/1973 #27672  
e a “superbolt”—an unusually large bolt of lightning. A 2004 documentary on 4/2/1978 #33119  
ard and saw something resembling a bolt of lighting come from the sky. Stra 11/13/1998 #43682  
## Word: "bolted" (Back to Top)
oked at the sight of the craft and bolted, throwing the man into a ditch. T 4/8/1897 #419  
erside passed low overhead; cattle bolted. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant 9/16/1952 #7959  
ds like gunshots, and their cattle bolted. An odor of ozone was in the air. 4/23/1966 #20385  
 red color, and cattle on the farm bolted and ran in response to the object 4/23/1966 #20391  
whine. Dog cowered in snow, tattle bolted                                   2/19/1968 #23766  
owered in the snow, and the cattle bolted.                                  2/19/1968 #23768  
He quickly stepped back inside and bolted the door, without saying a word o 5/21/1969 #25153  
                   Orland, CA Cows bolted at descent of domed disc (NICAP:  9/30/1975 #30398  
c disk / 20M altitude / mountains. Bolted sections. Going quickly [to] goin 8/13/1977 #32395  
     CAPULIN, NM 2 / US87. Heavily bolted octagonal tank going east over ca 10/6/1978 #33799  
c, Canada for 90 seconds, and then bolted away with an amazing burst of spe 2/19/2007 #45007  
## Word: "bolten" (Back to Top)
                                   Bolten, MA 9:40 p.m. EST. Three people s 4/20/1967 #22170  
## Word: "boltman" (Back to Top)
ted by two witnesses, Tetrault and Boltman.                                 3/14/1955 #12048  
## Word: "bolton" (Back to Top)
                   MOON Astronomer Bolton. Anomalous luminous lines cross c 10/25/1901 #647  
                                   BOLTON, LANCASHIRE Several kids. 3 helme 11/1926 #1066  
                                   Bolton, Lancashire, England Early evenin 11/1926 #1067  
ying hide-and-seek with friends in Bolton, Lancashire, England, Henry Thoma 11/1926 #1067  
48 when Robert H. Streeten of West Bolton, Vermont notified authorities tha 7/11/1948 #3707  
                              EAST BOLTON, QBC Several observer(s). Silver  8/22/1953 #9096  
escended from the clouds over East Bolton, Quebec, Canada. It stopped near  8/22/1953 #9097  
                                   BOLTON, MA 3 observer(s). Mushroom-shape 4/20/1967 #22166  
a red light on bottom hovered over Bolton, Massachusetts. It had turquioise 4/20/1967 #22173  
                                   BOLTON, LANCS 25' object hovers. Girl fr 1/23/1976 #30812  
 witness had gotten off the bus in Bolton, Lancashire, England and was retu 1/23/1976 #30817  
                                   BOLTON, ENGL 2 / Cessna 150. 2 white bal 12/11/1979 #35069  
                                   Bolton, Greater Manchester, England Wint 12/11/1979 #35072  
 150 flying at 4,500 feet south of Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, whe 12/11/1979 #35072  
                                   BOLTON, ENGLAND 2 kids see and draw iden 8/27/1993 #41163  
ing National Security Adviser John Bolton in London, England, is in her hot 8/2019 #45603  
## Word: "bolts" (Back to Top)
        Jedburgh, Scotland, UK Dog bolts as cigar-shaped object flies by (N 8/1955 #12309  
. It is as big as a jetliner, with bolts on its base as large as volleyball 2/1979 #34398  
. It appeared to be metallic, with bolts "like a tank," and passed slowly a 10/6/1979 #34948  
ve launch pad number 1. On June 2, bolts and rivets are found that supposed 6/1/1982 #36489  
 observer. Night light zigzags and bolts west to/from/between east. Jets gi 8/31/1986 #38003  
ning occurred in groups of several bolts that struck upward, then fanned ou 12/1992 #40736  
 / night lights / horizon. Fires 4 bolts / light at mountain twice.         9/11/1995 #42454  
erhead in formation. Exchange blue bolts / light.                           8/23/1996 #42991  
mid). At the same time, the object bolts away at an incredible speed and di 1/12/2013 #45360  
## Word: "boltzmann" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Boltzmann” Yield: 12KT                   5/28/1957 #13683  
          Nevada Test Site Area 51 Boltzmann, the first of 29 nuclear tests 5/28/1957 #13684  
## Word: "bolume" (Back to Top)
ver the ocean surface while a huge bolume of water rose and entered the obj 7/25/2000 #44023  
## Word: "bolv" (Back to Top)
                      NEAR LA PAZ, BOLV Military pilot. Brilliant metallic  3/26/2001 #44150  
## Word: "bolvian" (Back to Top)
at the Pentagon, claiming that the Bolvian Army has found nothing, but woul 5/6/1978 #33190  
## Word: "bolzano" (Back to Top)
                                   BOLZANO, ITL Several observer(s). Large  10/30/1954 #11485  
                                   BOLZANO, ITL Woman / bicycle. Colored 6M 8/22/1978 #33543  
## Word: "bolívar" (Back to Top)
quetia International Airport Simón Bolívar International Airport Venezuela  9/28/1967 #23144  
ternational Airport [now the Simón Bolívar International Airport], Venezuel 9/28/1967 #23144  
                             Simón Bolívar Airport Caracas, Venezuela Carib 3/15/1976 #30943  
g over the landing strips at Simón Bolívar Airport near Caracas, Venezuela, 3/15/1976 #30943  
## Word: "bom" (Back to Top)
                                   BOM FIM MINE, BRZ Silent saucer rises /  9/1978 #33614  
                                   BOM JESUS, BRZ AND MORE/OTHERS 3 airline 2/8/1982 #36323  
                                   BOM JESUS, BRAZIL 3+dog. Tub-saucer goin 9/1983 #36963  
                          Hospital Bom Pastor in Varginha, Brazil Chereze i 2/11/1996 #42758  
il Chereze is admitted to Hospital Bom Pastor in Varginha, Brazil.          2/11/1996 #42758  
## Word: "bomb" (Back to Top)
dynamite and is bound for Cuba” to bomb Spanish ships.                      4/6/1897 #416  
   Washington DC Einstein’s atomic bomb warning letter to President Rooseve 8/2/1939 #1311  
the prospect of building an atomic bomb, but is willing to authorize $6,000 10/21/1939 #1318  
 uranium would be needed to make a bomb, requiring delivery by ship. The ca 3/1940 #1326  
ion in the memorandum shows that a bomb might be possible using as little a 3/1940 #1326  
morandum to determine if an atomic bomb is feasible, meets in the Royal Soc 4/10/1940 #1331  
d emitting smoke. Thinking it is a bomb, they rush to the basement, but the Late 6/1941 #1365  
mbers. It concludes that an atomic bomb is feasible. Vannevar Bush receives 6/26/1941 #1366  
gin thinking about how to create a bomb, not whether it is possible.        6/26/1941 #1366  
e US at war, funding for an atomic bomb is now available in amounts undream 12/18/1941 #1379  
action by July 1942, and an atomic bomb by January 1945. In January 1942, h 12/18/1941 #1379  
ual aspects of producing an atomic bomb, while the Army handles engineering 6/19/1942 #1417  
crews of two aircraft of the 384th Bomb Group, commanded by Capt. Raymond P 9/6/1943 #1528  
thwest Ukraine During a mission to bomb oil fields in Romania, a Russian Tu 1944 #1559  
d into the “Chelyabinsk-40” atomic bomb project plant opened (Plutonium pro 1945 #1742  
ancaster with 25 other aircraft to bomb Hitler’s headquarters at Berchtesga 4/25/1945 #1854  
 discover a Japanese Fu-Go balloon bomb that has landed in the forest of Ge 5/5/1945 #1864  
Oregon. (Wikipedia, “Fu-Go balloon bomb”) May 23 and 25 — Night. In the wak 5/5/1945 #1864  
Japanese development called a Baka Bomb, but exhaust flames can only be see 7/1945 #1886  
ther Venus nor the moon nor a Baka Bomb.”                                   7/1945 #1886  
 Japan "After coming away from our bomb drop, we saw the UFO's. I especiall 7/4/1945 #1891  
s Proving Grounds, NM First atomic bomb test “Trinity”, 35 miles (56 km) so 7/16/1945 #1897  
an implosion-style plutonium-based bomb) takes place at the Trinity site on 7/16/1945 #1900  
rdo, New Mexico. At this time, the bomb’s price tag, adjusted for inflation 7/16/1945 #1900  
     Hiroshima, Japan First atomic bomb attack at Hiroshima, Japan. 20,000  8/6/1945 #1913  
apan Enola Gay 8:15 a.m. An atomic bomb (a fission weapon containing 64 kil 8/6/1945 #1915  
     Nagasaki, Japan Second atomic bomb attack at Nagasaki, Japan. 39,000–8 8/9/1945 #1917  
         NAGASAKI, JAPAN Plutonium bomb destroys city. 2nd of 2.            8/9/1945 #1918  
i Valley 11:01 a.m. Another atomic bomb (an implosion-type plutonium weapon 8/9/1945 #1920  
, Japan, by Bockscar. Although the bomb is more powerful than the one used  8/9/1945 #1920  
ntiy Beria to direct Soviet atomic bomb effort                              8/22/1945 #1926  
 Kirtland Field The US Army atomic bomb production unit, Z Division, named  9/1945 #1935  
t Union Soviet “Arzamas-16” atomic bomb project plant opened - the Soviet " 1946 #1956  
nion Soviet “Sverdlovsk-44” atomic bomb project plant opened (Uranium enric 1946 #1957  
 of a report that a Russian flying bomb had recently crashed in England. Th 1946 #1962  
0 feet when he also sees a “flying bomb” looking like a big star traveling  7/12/1946 #2053  
toll can find no trace of a “ghost bomb.”                                   7/19/1946 #2072  
            A spool-shaped "rocket bomb" was sighted flying rapidly to the  8/12/1946 #2124  
it “a great white bird; another, a bomb.” Mrs. Russell Lampman says that th 8/15/1946 #2138  
helyabinsk-40 and later 65” atomic bomb project plant opened (Plutonium pro 1947 #2216  
“Sverdlovsk-45” (Plant 418) atomic bomb project plant opened (Uranium enric 1947 #2217  
ight, which resembled the V-1 buzz bomb but was somewhat smaller. The noise 2/28/1947 #2244  
rike force in the world, the 509th Bomb Group, orders Jesse A. Marcel, the  7/6/1947 #2812  
intelligence officers of the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell Army Air Field [no 7/8/1947 #3020  
insk Test Site First Soviet atomic bomb test RDS-1 “First Lightning” at Sem 8/29/1949 #4337  
MIPALATINSK, KAZAK 1st Soviet atom bomb test detected by USA seismographs.  8/29/1949 #4338  
o the first US “Fat Man” plutonium bomb. The project is led by physicist Ig 8/29/1949 #4340  
get, the development of a hydrogen bomb, and increased military aid to US a 4/7/1950 #4818  
X-674 Tarzon controllable vertical bomb test at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, F 5/24/1950 #4964  
ite of the Savannah River hydrogen bomb production facility, not yet constr 12/2/1950 #5313  
-50D bomber drops the first atomic bomb, the Able blast, for testing in the 1/27/1951 #5419  
ipalatinsk Test Site Soviet atomic bomb test RDS-2 (Joe 2), 38.3kt          9/24/1951 #5688  
ipalatinsk Test Site Soviet atomic bomb test RDS-3 (Joe 3), 41.2kt, first a 10/18/1951 #5731  
 Granite City, IL The 3903rd Radar Bomb Scoring Group observed an unusual r 2/13/1952 #5902  
return while attempting to score a bomb run (McDonald list; BB Rpt 6) (NICA 2/13/1952 #5902  
room cloud created after an Atomic bomb test blast.                         4/15/1952 #6083  
. MDT, three hours after an atomic bomb test explosion, Mrs. M. Kennedy saw 4/22/1952 #6157  
the first detonation of a hydrogen bomb at Elugelab Atoll in the Marshall I Late 10/1952 #8184  
on thermonuclear weapon (“hydrogen bomb”) using the Teller-Ulam design the  11/1/1952 #8228  
 almost 500 times the yield of the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. The fireball i 11/1/1952 #8228  
sk Test Site First Soviet hydrogen bomb test (Joe 4), 400kt, Semipalatinsk  8/12/1953 #9061  
ld consistent with a true hydrogen bomb.                                    8/12/1953 #9065  
-49 flying wing dropping an atomic bomb on the invading Martians. The color 8/13/1953 #9068  
k Test Site Soviet tactical atomic bomb test RDS-4, 28kt                    8/23/1953 #9098  
bers capable of carrying a nuclear bomb to the US. The aircraft is the Myas 2/15/1954 #9548  
e humans, after the British atomic bomb tests in Australia saucer reports t 2/22/1954 #9562  
ll Islands "Castle Bravo" hydrogen bomb test at the Bikini Atoll, Marshall  3/1/1954 #9581  
01st Air Refueling Squadron, 301st Bomb Wing, while flying a KC-97 to a pra 3/5/1954 #9598  
iet Union Soviet underwater atomic bomb test, 3.5kt                         9/21/1955 #12464  
irst megaton-class Soviet hydrogen bomb test RDS-37 at the Semipalatinsk Te 11/22/1955 #12582  
oviet test of a true thermonuclear bomb takes place at the Semipalatinsk Te 11/22/1955 #12586  
        Kapustin Yar Soviet atomic bomb test R-5M. The RDS-4 comprised the  2/5/1956 #12697  
out the same size as the Hiroshima bomb and causes Area 51 personnel 11 mil 5/28/1957 #13684  
ge the psychological impact of the bomb. The flash is visible from Canada t 7/5/1957 #13779  
evada, where the Project 57 “dirty bomb” had been detonated in April 1957,  1958 #14779  
 miles into space. Only the atomic bomb can penetrate the astral realm, whi 1958 #14782  
 once wrote of disc-shaped “flying bomb” technology passed on to Germany.   1958 #14787  
er the alert hanger and the atomic bomb storage nearby. The saucer then mov 5/1958 #15006  
and the only to carry the hydrogen bomb. Grusinksi says deck logs from 1958 10/1958 #15295  
t city. The reply: one 4.5 megaton bomb and three more 1.1 megaton weapons  12/14/1960 #16533  
.1 megaton weapons in case the big bomb is a dud. The execution of SIOP-62  12/14/1960 #16533  
aj. Paul W. Henderson of the 100th Bomb Wing calls back with a few question 9/21/1961 #16866  
emlya Soviet “Tsar Bomba” hydrogen bomb test, the most powerful thermonucle 10/3/1961 #16891  
inland The Soviet RDS-202 hydrogen bomb, the 50-megaton Tsar Bomba, is supp 10/30/1961 #16939  
ses hear a whistling sound “like a bomb,” then a “whoosh,” and finally a lo 10/4/1967 #23176  
nah River plant in South Carolina. Bomb fragments are recycled by Pantex, i 1/21/1968 #23684  
th those involved that one nuclear bomb was lost. However, the Danish Insti 1/21/1968 #23684  
gust 2009 that there is no missing bomb and that the US underwater operatio 1/21/1968 #23684  
otifies his Command Post at the 42 Bomb Wing that an unknown aircraft has p 10/27/1975 #30487  
 white plastic suits exit. Inspect bomb shelter!                            4/19/1977 #31995  
## Word: "bomb-bearing" (Back to Top)
ches the first of some 9,300 Fu-Go bomb-bearing fire balloons intended to l 11/3/1944 #1691  
## Word: "bomba" (Back to Top)
Island, Novaya Zemlya Soviet “Tsar Bomba” hydrogen bomb test, the most powe 10/3/1961 #16891  
hydrogen bomb, the 50-megaton Tsar Bomba, is supposedly the most powerful n 10/30/1961 #16939  
## Word: "bombarded" (Back to Top)
 The men felt like they were being bombarded with vibrations and had the un 3/10/1967 #21854  
## Word: "bombardier" (Back to Top)
 Robert Barrowclough riding in the bombardier’s seat. Only a few packages a 7/8/1947 #3019  
aircraft commander, navigator, and bombardier. One object is first sighted  1/12/1950 #4484  
S Project Bluebook Case #1168. B29 bombardier. White fan-shaped light pulse 4/29/1952 #6210  
   Goodland, Kansas Witness:  B-29 bombardier Lt. R.H. Bauer. One white fan 4/29/1952 #6214  
one o'clock in the afternoon, B-29 bombardier Lt. R. H. Bauer sighted a whi 4/29/1952 #6217  
## Word: "bombarding" (Back to Top)
rlin, Germany, producing barium by bombarding uranium with neutrons.        12/17/1938 #1301  
## Word: "bombardment" (Back to Top)
t. A group of B-17s from the 384th Bombardment Group are returning from a m 10/14/1943 #1536  
Phyllis Marie, a B-17 of the 390th Bombardment Group, sees an odd-looking s Winter 1943 #1555  
cessful air strike by the US 449th Bombardment Group against the Concordia- 7/9/1944 #1621  
 Antwerp, Belgium, during a German bombardment. He steps out of his vehicle 9/1944 #1663  
 Leet’s B-17 crew (part of the 2nd Bombardment Group, 5th Wing of the Fifte 11/24/1944 #1705  
igator Lieut. Warren Barber, 653rd Bombardment Squadron, are conducting a r 1/2/1945 #1751  
morning. Nine B-24’s with the 11th Bombardment Group’s 431st Squadron are h 5/3/1945 #1862  
ireball follows a B-29 of the 39th Bombardment Group for 50 miles (NICAP: 1 5/25/1945 #1870  
rn Marianas Japan Iwo Jima The 9th Bombardment Group on Tinian in the North 7/1945 #1886  
. Maj. Elmer H. Hammer of the 28th Bombardment Wing at Rapid City Army Air  8/15/1947? #3337  
32 p.m. Several airmen of the 91st Bombardment Wing at Glasgow Air Force Ba 8/10/1963 #17882  
eentries of the Fractional Orbital Bombardment System, a nuclear weapons de 1/1978 #32835  
 in the reactor where it undergoes bombardment and spontaneous fission, pro 3/1989 #38855  
## Word: "bombay" (Back to Top)
                                   BOMBAY, INDIA Dazzling fireball then rou 6/6/1947 #2313  
 a dazzling fireball was seen over Bombay, India. Then a round blue ball of 6/6/1947 #2314  
                                   BOMBAY, INDIA 100+observer(s). Dark sile 10/8/1954 #10802  
                                   BOMBAY, INDIA Many observer(s). Blue sau 2/4/1957 #13483  
                                   Bombay, NY 7:15 p.m. A woman saw a round 2/16/1967 #21565  
                                   BOMBAY TO/FROM CALCUTTA, INDIA DC10 pilo 7/22/1976 #31176  
## Word: "bombed" (Back to Top)
 short vapor trail, moves over the bombed area, and returns silently in the 7/9/1944 #1621  
USAF. 10' saucer circles area just bombed. Going quickly east.              6/20/1952 #6556  
## Word: "bomber" (Back to Top)
and Ruhr Valley of Germany The RAF Bomber Command issues a report on “Pheno 8/11/1940 #1343  
 to be several times longer than a bomber.                                  1941 #1352  
ZUIDER ZEE, NETH 2 airmen. British bomber followed / orange-glowing disk. A 3/25/1942 #1404  
        Zuider Zee, Holland An RAF bomber returning from a raid on Essen, G 3/25/1942 #1405  
many Nazi Amerikabomber long range bomber project study completed           4/27/1942 #1410  
n (Ray) Sabiński of the 301 Polish Bomber Squadron is flying an RAF Welling 6/25/1942 #1422  
uadron is flying an RAF Wellington bomber after returning from a run on the 6/25/1942 #1422  
 Finally, it moves in front of the bomber, stays there a while, then takes  6/25/1942 #1422  
                       Germany RAF Bomber Command’s Operational Research Se 9/25/1942 #1448  
hrop N-9M, a prototype flying wing bomber with a wingspan of 60 feet, makes 12/27/1942 #1473  
Cammell is flying an RAF Lancaster bomber back over the English Channel whe 5/1943 #1498  
rnia The Northrop N-9M flying wing bomber prototype crashes 12 miles west o 5/19/1943 #1500  
flying at 18,000 feet in a Halifax bomber on a run near Essen, Germany, whe 5/26/1943 #1502  
              ESSEN, GERM Numerous bomber crews. Giant cigarette shape seen 5/27/1943 #1503  
                             USAAF bomber crews flying over Essen, Germany  5/27/1943 #1505  
ation. One hits the wing of a B-17 bomber, setting it on fire. The bomber d 9/6/1943 #1528  
17 bomber, setting it on fire. The bomber does not return from the mission. 9/6/1943 #1528  
gland Peenemünde, Germany A Polish bomber unit based in England claims that Autumn 1943 #1530  
ptical object approaches them. The bomber starts shaking, the oil pressure  1944 #1559  
 Even after the object passes, the bomber’s wings are covered with glowing  1944 #1559  
   BASS STRAIT, AUSTR Object tails bomber / 20 minute(s). Instruments elect 2/1944 #1568  
    Bass Strait, AU At 2:30 a.m. a bomber crew at 4,500 feet altitude saw a 2/1944 #1569  
a 2:30 a.m. An Australian Beaufort bomber is flying at 4,500 feet over Bass 2/1944 #1570  
0–150 feet away and stays with the bomber for 18–20 minutes, during which t 2/1944 #1570  
 silver objects are seen by an RAF bomber returning from a mission over Sch 2/24/1944 #1579  
t paced a U.S. Army Air Force B-29 bomber over the ocean between Palembang, 8/10/1944 #1639  
 Alvah M. Reida is piloting a B-29 bomber based at Kharagpur, India, on a b 8/11/1944 #1640  
 aboard a No. 7 Squadron Lancaster bomber returning from a bombing run on L 8/11/1944 #1641  
ng to show how the UFO dwarfed the bomber.                                  8/11/1944 #1641  
nd, Zenon Sergisz notices a German bomber passing by, as well as three brig Mid 8/1944 #1644  
oints of light that descend as the bomber moves away. The lights are flatte Mid 8/1944 #1644  
           ERNSTEIN, GERMANY 415th Bomber Squadron. Brilliant fireball / 2K 12/15/1944 #1722  
r / ground. White football follows bomber / 18K'.                           1/22/1945 #1760  
n-Koźle, Poland) see a four-engine bomber overhead. Behind it is a “brillia 1/22/1945 #1761  
football-shaped object following a bomber at 18,000 feet between Heydebreck 1/22/1945 #1762  
jet-powered design for the Amerika Bomber contract competition and do not a 2/2/1945 #1771  
) Archipelago, Japan Night. A B-24 bomber flying near Chichijima in the Oga 2/22/1945 #1794  
it Francis Williams of the RAF 617 Bomber Squadron is flying a Lancaster wi 4/25/1945 #1854  
loses one of its bombs. He and his bomber and engineer get severe headaches 4/25/1945 #1854  
           Gen. Curtis LeMay’s XXI Bomber Command’s Air Intelligence staff  4/26/1945 #1855  
awn hours a US Army Air Force B-24 bomber flying over Fala Island in the Tr 5/3/1945 #1863  
ircraft for over an hour while the bomber performed evasive maneuvers; ther 5/3/1945 #1863  
y with intermittent clouds, a B-17 bomber was en route from Morocco to Daka 5/25/1945 #1869  
          Pacific Theatre Truk XXI Bomber Command Air Intelligence issues a 6/9/1945 #1875  
-engine Northrop XB-35 flying wing bomber makes its first test flight from  6/25/1946 #2015  
n-engine Saab 18 Swedish Air Force bomber crashes and explodes near Valdshu 8/12/1946 #2122  
. Two witnesses flying a SAAB B-18 bomber on a navigational training flight 8/14/1946 #2133  
r, Cpl. Möller, are flying a B-18A bomber at 650 feet 4 miles northeast of  8/14/1946 #2135  
     US Sweden A US Navy Privateer bomber flying over Sweden picks up signa 2/8/1947 #2239  
vinced it is the remains of a B-29 bomber. He remains at the site for about 7/9/1947 #3066  
 “Sabotage Hinted in Crash of Army Bomber at Kelso.” Debris from the crash  8/1/1947 #3281  
       Newspaper article: “Crashed Bomber Reported Carrying ‘Flying Disc’”. 8/3/1947 #3283  
om the ground, intercepting Allied bomber formations by firing a spray of r 8/20/1947 #3355  
Horten Ho 299 (a prototype fighter/bomber flying wing design), his investig 12/16/1947 #3503  
 A piston-driven YB-35 flying wing bomber makes its first and only flight a 5/15/1948 #3652  
d. 8 disks 1000' over B29. Outpace bomber / same direction.                 7/26/1949 #4291  
. 25' saucer stops right under B36 bomber. Then quickly going up. / r29p75. 3/16/1950 #4651  
w a flat oval UFO pass under a B36 bomber. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 3/16/1950 #4654  
- flying B-36. It hovers under the bomber for a moment, then flies off and  3/16/1950 #4656  
        OAKLAND, CA 2 observer(s). Bomber flies over. Shiny spinning object 6/27/1950 #5013  
ht. Rev. Ross Vermillion, a former bomber pilot, and his wife are driving 9 6/30/1950 #5027  
evada Test Site An Air Force B-50D bomber drops the first atomic bomb, the  1/27/1951 #5419  
orea Witnesses:  crew of USAF B-29 bomber, including scanners and tail gunn 3/10/1951 #5476  
noculars sees a large UFO near the bomber. Another observer sights the UFO  7/14/1951 #5575  
ated at 1.5 times wingspan of B-36 bomber,or 350'. Dark, chordwise stripes  8/25/1951 #5623  
s 1.5 times the wingspan of a B-36 bomber, or 350 feet. It had dark, chordw 8/25/1951 #5628  
F does possess a “flying wing” jet bomber, and he feels that at least some  8/30/1951 #5638  
of the sightings are caused by the bomber, although he cannot explain why,  8/30/1951 #5638  
          Mitchell AFB (SE of), NY Bomber chased a a white circular domed-d 1/22/1952 #5875  
11:15 p.m. The navigator on a B-29 bomber sees a pulsating bluish cylinder  2/23/1952 #5923  
e leveling out under the B-29. The bomber was evading mild anti-aircraft fi 2/23/1952 #5924  
is in use that makes an “attacking bomber look like a ball of fire in the s 4/7/1952 #6043  
, Okinawa Witnesses:  crew of B-29 bomber, on ground. One elliptical object 4/22/1952 #6153  
aped UFOs approached close to B-36 bomber, also seen from ground            5/1/1952 #6241  
 F-51 assigned to the 18th Fighter Bomber Group flying at 9,000 feet over N 5/15/1952 #6332  
igator on an RB-26C reconnaissance bomber.  One porcelain-white object flew 6/2/1952 #6427  
vigator on a RB-26C reconnaissance bomber, sighted a porcelain-white object 6/2/1952 #6430  
New Mexico Witnesses: crew of B-25 bomber #8840 at 11,500'.  One rectangula 6/7/1952 #6461  
num colored object followed a B-25 bomber during its flight. Both of these  6/7/1952 #6462  
Brilliant 3'GUITAR-pick dives past bomber / 8K' altitude.                   6/21/1952 #6566  
ard Davis, flight engineer of B-29 bomber at 8,000' altitude. One flat obje 6/21/1952 #6577  
d Davis, flight engineer of a B-29 bomber flying at 8,000 feet altitude nea 6/21/1952 #6578  
vis, the flight engineer of a B-29 bomber flying at 8,000' altitude, witnes 6/21/1952 #6582  
er object going [to] alongside B50 bomber. 3 separate observer(s) see sauce 6/24/1952 #6617  
 p.m. an object the size of a B-36 bomber was picked up on radar flying ove 7/12/1952 #6786  
., the pilot and copilot of a B-29 bomber on landing approach are vectored  7/22/1952 #7027  
lonels McGinn and Barton in a B-25 bomber. Three silver, delta-shaped objec 7/24/1952 #7114  
ng the sky in front of a B-25 USAF bomber. The military witnesses onboard t 7/24/1952 #7118  
The military witnesses onboard the bomber were named McGinn and Barton, and 7/24/1952 #7118  
FB, Michigan Witnesses: three B-29 bomber crewmen on ground.  Many round, w 7/27/1952 #7211  
ginia Witnesses: crew of USAF B-29 bomber. A lot of bright, metallic partic 9/24/1952 #8021  
           The crew of a USAF B-29 bomber, flying near Charleston, West Vir 9/24/1952 #8023  
 pilot and crew chief of UAAF B-26 bomber. A series of black smoke bursts ( 11/27/1952 #8348  
rew chief of a U.S. Air Force B-26 bomber reported seeing a series of black 11/27/1952 #8349  
          Gulf of Mexico Air Force bomber tracked "mother ship," smaller hi 12/6/1952 #8388  
ack five unidentified blips on the bomber’s radar. They maneuver around the 12/6/1952 #8389  
oing west. Size / medium Air Force bomber. No further details. Blue Book /  12/28/1952 #8451  
                Santa Ana, CA B-29 Bomber Crew Watch V-Formation (NICAP: 11 1/9/1953 #8520  
o] 1000mph. Each the size of a B36 bomber.                                  1/28/1953 #8584  
lic discs, each the size of a B-36 bomber, flew over Malibu Beach, Californ 1/29/1953 #8618  
X RADAR-visual (observation) / B36 bomber crew. 3 night lights in formation 2/13/1953 #8667  
 offers to personally fly him in a bomber to an air force base in Illinois  Mid 2/1953 #8676  
, California Witnesses:  USAF B-25 bomber pilots. #1 was a bright yellow li 2/20/1953 #8689  
        SALISBURY PLAIN, ENGL Test bomber crew / 60K' altitude. RADAR blip. 4/1953 (approximate) #8801  
lifornia Witnesses:  crew of TB-29 bomber/trainer plane.  One greyish oval  8/20/1953 #9089  
               The crew of a TB-29 bomber/trainer aircraft flying near Cast 8/20/1953 #9091  
al photo of a Martin B-57 Canberra bomber taken near Edwards Air Force Base 1954 #9421  
 promoting its unfounded myth of a bomber gap, in which the Soviet Union ha 2/15/1954 #9548  
 Witnesses:  crew of USAF B-47 jet bomber at 34,000' altitude.  One object  6/1/1954 #9859  
0 p.m. the crew of a USAF B-47 jet bomber was flying at 34,000' altitude lo 6/1/1954 #9862  
nglert and Peterson, flying a B-25 bomber.  One metallic, pencil-shaped obj 7/30/1954 #10068  
ste and the 9-man crew of his B-47 bomber are flying at 25,000 feet in the  9/3/1954 #10239  
descends to within 300 feet of the bomber and begins circling it. The UFO s 9/3/1954 #10239  
n the squadron are behind the lead bomber and also view the object. The UFO 9/3/1954 #10239  
 and the nine man crew of his B-47 bomber were flying near Dallas, Texas at 9/3/1954 #10242  
 identify, intercept and destroy a bomber or reconnaissance aircraft moving 12/1954 #11736  
tor and student pilot in USAF B-25 bomber/trainer. A metallic disc, shaped  1/1/1955 #11908  
A Large fireball drops / sky. Hits bomber wing / badly damaged. No crash.   1/14/1955 #11931  
viation cadet F.W. Miller in TB-25 bomber/trainer.  One red and white ball  2/1/1955 #11959  
National Security Agency RB-47 jet bomber, newly re-fitted for aerial elect 6/4/1955 #12181  
he crew drops 5,000 feet, then the bomber hits something and crashes.       10/3/1955 #12486  
er near Grodno, Belarus, then over bomber bases at Minsk, Belarus; Leningra 7/4/1956 #12951  
ultiplying by the number of Soviet bomber bases, the intelligence suggests  7/9/1956 #12957  
he entire Bison fleet; there is no bomber at any of the other bases. Simila 7/9/1956 #12957  
 At least in official circles, the bomber gap is disproven.                 7/9/1956 #12957  
imated the size as that of a large bomber at high altitude.                 7/23/1956 #13013  
 LUIS, AZ Saucer follows Air Force bomber. Stops and blows smoke. 2nd sauce 8/1956 #13037  
      MANHATTAN, NY Saucer follows bomber and fighter escort through turn.  12/4/1956 #13389  
-86D Sabre fighters with the 406th Bomber Wing based at RAF Manston [now cl 5/20/1957? #13667  
ar Weapons Storage Area and a B-58 bomber service site. It hovers for 20–60 11/4/1957 #14289  
r object like disk flipping. Paces bomber plane.                            11/8/1957 #14467  
ee times the size of any tanker or bomber we have. They could travel at 2,0 3/19/1959 #15652  
henomenon, as well as an Air Force bomber crew, a Slick Airways plane, and  7/11/1959 #15834  
ollowed a Brazilian Air Force B-26 bomber plane for one hour as it flew fro 7/14/1959 #15854  
 does not need extending to handle bomber operations, it is farther away fr 4/4/1961 #16643  
ts maneuver all over/all about B58 bomber. Chase futile. No further details 10/17/1961 #16914  
oject Bluebook Case #7957. 3 / B52 bomber. 3 star-like night lights joined  6/21/1962 #17234  
. Roberts, aboard a B-52 heavy jet bomber.  Three bright, star-like lights: 6/21/1962 #17236  
. Roberts, aboard a B-52 heavy jet bomber flying over Indianapolis, Indiana 6/21/1962 #17240  
                An Air Force RB-57 bomber flying over the Stallion Missile  4/30/1964 #18234  
lina A B-52G Strategic Air Command bomber collides with a KC-135 tanker dur 1/17/1966 #19844  
fit the D-21 to launch from a B-52 bomber in order to not endanger any more 7/30/1966 #20696  
ear Thule Air Base, Greenland. The bomber crashes 7 miles from the air base 1/21/1968 #23684  
SAF crew of a B-52H Stratofortress bomber at 2,000 feet as a UFO target 24  10/24/1968 #24587  
arling Downs Day. An RAAF Canberra bomber chases but fails to catch a UFO o 8/31/1969 #25344  
        NORTH / KHABAROVSK Russian bomber vanishes. Search planes find 20 h 4/24/1970 #25642  
               A Soviet supersonic bomber allegedly disappeared without a t 4/24/1970 #25643  
security personnel assigned to the Bomber Alert Area of Grand Forks AFB nea 10/14/1974 #29527  
ight flying directly behind a B-52 bomber. Using his rifle scope to get a b 11/11/1975 #30606  
ight flying directly behind a B-52 bomber. Using his rifle scope to get a b 11/11/1975 #30610  
f a competition to build a stealth bomber. Immediately it begins manufactur 4/1976 #30971  
ich seems to be a World War II–era bomber. The tips of each wing appear to  8/1976 #31216  
        USAF Sgt. M.S. of the 97th Bomber Wing claims while serving at WPAF 1977 #31658  
Radar-visual UFO approached Mirage bomber, sped away                        3/7/1977 #31872  
ng a Dassault Mirage IV supersonic bomber over Chaumont, Haute-Marne, Franc 3/7/1977 #31873  
ean Object Tracked on Radar by B-1 Bomber (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 3/29/1977 #31930  
The crew of an RAF Avro Vulcan B.2 bomber piloted by Flight Lt. David Edwar 5/26/1977 #32133  
ARCTIC OCEAN NORTH / RUSSIA Soviet bomber. 900' saucer hovers. Cone / green 10/22/1980 #35579  
ine item was funding for a stealth bomber program, but that has not been co 1985 #37542  
k Krai, Russia 10:35 p.m. A Soviet bomber regiment carrying out a scheduled 5/23/1985 #37592  
a The Northrup Grumman B-2 stealth bomber is first publicly displayed at Un 11/22/1988 #38718  
ed UFOs during testing of the B1-B bomber. There is also a rumor of an abdu 6/4/1989 #38977  
45 p.m. during testing of the B1-B bomber. There was also a rumor of an abd 6/4/1989 #38978  
udgetary code name for the stealth bomber fly-off that resulted in the B-2  3/1990 #39434  
orthrop Grumman B-2 Spirit stealth bomber is delivered to Whiteman AFB, sou 12/17/1993 #41331  
ght it resembled more of a Stealth Bomber with a triangle shape. They slowe 4/16/2004 #44689  
ported to be larger than a stealth bomber.                                  11/13/2007 #45094  
or a moment that it might be a B-2 bomber, but it made no noise at all and  6/7/2008 #45146  
and it is shaped like a B2 stealth bomber.                                  2/23/2018 #45508  
## Word: "bomber's" (Back to Top)
orbited the B-29 at 3,000 mph. The bomber's airborne radar jammed for an ad 1/12/1950 #4485  
rain in a fruitless search for the bomber's wreckage.                       4/24/1970 #25643  
## Word: "bomber-trainer" (Back to Top)
erick W. Miller are flying a TB-25 bomber-trainer about 20 miles east of Co 2/1/1955 #11960  
## Word: "bombers" (Back to Top)
eir formation and closing with the bombers. The crews talk back and forth,  10/14/1943 #1536  
 very uniform cluster.” One of the bombers goes directly through the cluste 10/14/1943 #1536  
ht. Some 105 German Junkers Ju 888 bombers attack the port of Bari, Italy,  12/2/1943 #1549  
              US Emden, Germany US bombers conduct a daylight raid on Emden 12/11/1943 #1551  
e target area. It passes below the bombers in a straight line and at terrif 12/11/1943 #1551  
inous silver objects follow allied bombers. Bigger / planes.                3/1944 #1582  
                     RAF Lancaster bombers Solingen, Germany Night. RAF Lan 11/4/1944 #1692  
ngen, Germany Night. RAF Lancaster bombers over Solingen, Germany, report w 11/4/1944 #1692  
          NEAR RASTATT, GERM 415th Bombers. 5-6 red and green night lights  12/18/1944 #1725  
seems to be as big as several B-36 bombers. As he stands there stunned, the 3/1945 #1805  
          US Honshu, Japan US B-29 bombers over Honshu, Japan, encounter nu 4/3/1945 #1838  
ANDS Fireballs maneuver and follow bombers. Often far out to sea.           5/1945 #1857  
ht 19) of five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers disappears while over the Atlant 12/5/1945 #1950  
 the incident. None of the Avenger bombers have been found.                 12/5/1945 #1950  
pilots are installed in eight B-17 bombers, converting them into remote-con 7/1/1946 #2024  
as County, Nebraska. Two Army B-29 bombers circle the area until nightfall. 2/18/1948 #3579  
 Shemya AFB - Aleutian Islands, AK Bombers see a dull-yellowish light flyin 3/29/1949 #4059  
                  NORTH KOREA 6 US bombers. 200M saucers jam RADAR / each f 9/1950 #5156  
 aircraft that have intercepted US bombers.                                 3/5/1952 #5946  
g with a formation of 12 Air Force bombers—either B-29s or B-50s—flying wes 5/1/1952 #6245  
 p.m., the crews of five USAF B-29 bombers see green spherical objects. The 5/28/1952 #6378  
 in formation, making a sound like bombers, only softer.  Note:  Later, the 7/17/1952 #6866  
outh. Dives under formation / USAF bombers 2X! Jerky motion. Separate obser 8/19/1952 #7640  
bject going quickly southeast near bombers. 2nd does same. 3rd circles bomb 9/5/1952 #7849  
ombers. 2nd does same. 3rd circles bombers.                                 9/5/1952 #7849  
 article describing new Soviet jet bombers capable of carrying a nuclear bo 2/15/1954 #9548  
 in which the Soviet Union has 500 bombers capable of delivering nuclear we 2/15/1954 #9548  
veral separate observer(s). 4 USAF bombers going west paced / saucers. / r2 7/11/1954 #10007  
            Hunterdon County, NJ 4 bombers saw a disc-shaped object pace th 7/11/1954 #10008  
ssia, and photographs 20 M-4 Bison bombers on the ramp. Multiplying by the  7/9/1956 #12957  
rt and apparently launches nuclear bombers toward Russia, but the alert is  9/20/1957 #14020  
s instead that the pilots saw B-47 bombers refueling in flight from a KC-97 3/19/1959 #15652  
conducting an exercise to test his bombers’ capability to penetrate US air  Early 1960 #16146  
 of Soviet missiles and long-range bombers assess. The Corona program is al 8/10/1960 #16367  
raska, scrambles the crews of B-52 bombers armed with nuclear warheads to p 10/5/1960 #16481  
raft designed to shoot down Soviet bombers, was cancelled in December 1961  12/1961 #16985  
confirmed time in US history, B-52 bombers go on continuous airborne alert, 10/25/1962 #17495  
us airborne alert, and B-47 medium bombers are dispersed to various militar 10/25/1962 #17495  
 Two Air Force B-52 Stratofortress bombers are returning to Loring AFB [now Late 10/1962 #17496  
d security over nuclear-armed B-52 bombers. The base had a nuclear weapons  10/1973 #27903  
 Taylor of the missing TBM Avenger bombers in December 1945 containing the  9/1974 #29412  
 that they could have been stealth bombers, but Northrup denied any of thei 10/26/1988 #38699  
” that the people building the B-2 bombers (Northrop Grumman) “would like t 3/9/1992 #40368  
raft designed to shoot down Soviet bombers. The ambitious program, called P Late 2012 #45355  
## Word: "bombing" (Back to Top)
 with several tons of dynamite for bombing Spanish troops and ships in Cuba 4/15/1897 #487  
nidentifiable aircraft observed by bombing crews over the coast of Holland  8/11/1940 #1343  
RAF Lancaster are returning from a bombing raid on Turin, Italy, when about 11/28/1942 #1464  
rbourg, Manche, France During a US bombing raid over Cherbourg, Manche, Fra 1/15/1943 #1480  
     Schweinfurt, Germany During a bombing run a B-17 crews of the 384th Gr 10/14/1943 #1535  
e year. During World War Two, on a bombing mission over Bremen, Germany cre 11/26/1943 #1543  
many Phyllis Marie Day. While on a bombing mission over central Germany, Sg Winter 1943 #1555  
e 622 Squadron is returning from a bombing mission to Essen, Germany, when  4/26/1944 #1593  
      CEYLON TO/FROM SUMATRA B29 / bombing run paced. 2M sphere/orb/globe.  8/10/1944 #1636  
er based at Kharagpur, India, on a bombing mission over Palembang, Sumatra, 8/11/1944 #1640  
 Lancaster bomber returning from a bombing run on La Pallice, La Rochelle,  8/11/1944 #1641  
e 640 Squadron is returning from a bombing mission over Köln, Germany. His  10/30/1944 #1688  
eenth Air Force) is returning from bombing a target at Klagenfurt, Austria. 11/24/1944 #1705  
d B. Ringwald as observer) is on a bombing mission and flying above the Rhi 11/29/1944 #1710  
the Night Fighter Squadrons during bombing raids over Germany. Pilot and op 12/14/1944 #1721  
                         NORTH SEA Bombing raid. Fuselage dives / 1000 plan 4/7/1945 #1839  
31st Squadron are heading out on a bombing mission against Japanese air ins 5/3/1945 #1862  
5' grey metal saucers chase B29s / bombing raids. Fast and maneuverable.    5/23/1945 #1868  
allon and Eureka Tonopah–Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range Pamlico Sound  Late 1948 #3842  
 and Eureka; the Tonopah–Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range (the site fina Late 1948 #3842  
          continental US Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range in Nevada Fren 7/1950 #5034  
 site on the Air Force’s Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range in Nevada is t 7/1950 #5034  
                 Tonopah–Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range, Nevada The AF 12/12/1950 #5343  
ally selects the Tonopah–Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range, Nevada, for d 12/12/1950 #5343  
installation” within the Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range. Contractor wa 5/18/1955 #12140  
ly on three tracking radars of the Bombing Trials Unit based at RAF West Fr 4/4/1957 #13582  
onds. Witnesses could see military bombing practice in the distance at the  2/3/1967 #21445  
nas. 1 grows legs and going down / bombing range. / APRO Nov. '68.          11/26/1968 #24710  
Vietnam The US begins a covert SAC bombing campaign, Operation Menu, in eas 3/18/1969 #25025  
970. An official USAF record of US bombing activity over Indochina from 196 3/18/1969 #25025  
gives details of the extent of the bombing of Cambodia, as well as of Laos  3/18/1969 #25025  
ion Menu. Under Freedom Deal, B-52 bombing is expanded to a much larger are 3/18/1969 #25025  
Night light attaches to B52 during bombing games! RADAR onboard malfunction 11/11/1975 #30600  
cts were conducted at Langley Avon Bombing Range and Seymour-Johnson Navy T 8/1978 #33460  
Silent black disk turns / military bombing range. Going north. Vanishes.    8/15/1991 #40155  
                            Nellis Bombing Range, NV Glenn Campbell wrote i 10/20/1992 #40683  
n near Desert Valley in the Nellis Bombing Range, not over Groom or Papoose 10/20/1992 #40683  
## Word: "bombings" (Back to Top)
l as of Laos and Vietnam. The Menu bombings are an escalation of what has p 3/18/1969 #25025  
he response to the 1998 US embassy bombings; and a 2019 photo, revealed by  12/19/1976 #31620  
irut, Lebanon 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombings                                 10/23/1983 #37013  
## Word: "bombs" (Back to Top)
d also lead to the construction of bombs"                                   8/2/1939 #1311  
 that Germany might develop atomic bombs and suggests that the United State 8/2/1939 #1313  
nds of ammunition against them. No bombs dropped, no casualties among our t 2/26/1942 #1392  
oot long and similar to incendiary bombs, coming up from a direction of the 1/15/1943 #1480  
re. Liquid sulfur mustard from the bombs spills into waters already contami 12/2/1943 #1549  
many Projectiles resembling glider bombs; a large orange glow & smoke trail 4/11/1944 #1590  
ctrical power and loses one of its bombs. He and his bomber and engineer ge 4/25/1945 #1854  
 them as possible Japanese balloon bombs. Jean Kisling, serving with a Free 7/1945 #1888  
ear stockpile consists of 9 atomic bombs.                                   1946 #1959  
viet ballistic missiles and atomic bombs at Kapustin Yar test site          5/13/1946 #1990  
ral and southern Sweden see “ghost bombs” that fly from south to north, giv 8/11/1946 #2117  
ttaché in Oslo, Norway, on “Rocket Bombs or Guided Missiles over Norway and 8/24/1946 #2155  
ew York City, says that the “ghost bombs are no myth but real missiles.”    9/30/1946 #2193  
concludes that they are not V-type bombs.                                   10/10/1946 #2203  
eveloped to use 133 nuclear aerial bombs against 70 cities of the USSR.     12/1948 #3899  
ndia Base, New Mexico where atomic bombs were being assembled.              12/5/1948 #3910  
e that on earth we now have atomic bombs and are fast developing rockets. I 2/1949 #3990  
hich calls for dropping 133 atomic bombs on 70 cities in the USSR within 30 3/1949 #4030  
e that on Earth we now have atomic bombs and are fast developing rockets. I 8/10/1949 #4315  
2 dark objects shaped like 300-lb. bombs (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 3/29/1950 #4761  
 dark objects shaped like 300-lb.  bombs, estimated 5 feet long.  Flew 500  3/29/1950 #4762  
wing terrorism group that sets off bombs, steals arms and explosives, and r 11/1952 #8227  
 US nuclear stockpile totals 2,422 bombs.                                   1955 #11893  
 roughly matches, he asks how many bombs the SIOP “laid down” on that city. 12/14/1960 #16533  
rs. Of the four Mk28-type hydrogen bombs the B-52G carries, three are found 1/17/1966 #19844  
ockpile reaches its peak at 31,255 bombs.                                   1967 #21235  
s nuclear payload of four hydrogen bombs carried on an ongoing (since 1960) 1/21/1968 #23684  
truction of Solar System by atomic bombs." The UFOnauts were between four a 2/9/1974 #28755  
e mosque escaped damaged from U.S. bombs.                                   3/27/2003 #44506  
rmation in the 1960s about nuclear bombs in the US.                         11/1/2005 #44898  
planation is that these are candle bombs used as aerial targets for Russian 9/5/2006 #44958  
ar stockpile has dwindled to 3,822 bombs. (“Stockpile Numbers,” DoD Open Go 2017 #45462  
## Word: "bombshell" (Back to Top)
l On the eve of the release of the bombshell Life magazine article, Ruppelt 4/2/1952 #6016  
## Word: "bompas" (Back to Top)
                                   Bompas, France Mr. Sebelli saw an object 10/7/1954 #10787  
w an object land in the village of Bompas, France shortly before midnight.  10/7/1954 #10801  
                                   BOMPAS, FR Baker Sebelli and more/others 10/9/1954 #10839  
                                   BOMPAS, FR Farmer. White triangle west g 12/13/1994 #41894  
## Word: "bomporto" (Back to Top)
                                   BOMPORTO, ITL Several observer(s). Flami 6/29/1977 #32205  
## Word: "bon" (Back to Top)
ivet, France A math professor, Mr. Bon, observed a silvery disk about 7 m i 10/10/1954 #10889  
At 2:02 p.m. a math professor, Mr. Bon, observed a silvery disc about seven 10/10/1954 #10901  
 A math professor at Lisieux named Bon is in Saint-Germain-de-Livet, Calvad 10/12/1954 #10978  
ove or crashed into the ocean near Bon Portage Island, in the area of Shag  10/4/1967 #23177  
                                   BON HARBOR HILLS, KY 5 observer(s). 2 ni 6/17/1986 #37915  
## Word: "bon-encontre" (Back to Top)
                                   BON-ENCONTRE, FR 30cm sun-like sphere go 3/25/1980 #35239  
## Word: "bona" (Back to Top)
ganizations to attack or disrupt a bona fide group, and instigates hostile  8/1956 #13042  
 films, of which they verify 38 as bona fide.                               1957 #13433  
r public inquiries and examine any bona fide new physical evidence that com 12/21/1977 #32802  
MO that stated NASA would receive “bona fide physical [UAP] evidence.” One  9/19/1978 #33710  
## Word: "bona-fide" (Back to Top)
ether. Also during the sighting, a bona-fide helicopter with multi-colored  3/14/2003 #44502  
## Word: "bonabot" (Back to Top)
           Bruges, Belgium Jacques Bonabot, Jean-Gérard Dohmen, and Roger L 1965 #18685  
   Antwerp, Belgium Bruges Jacques Bonabot founds the Studiegroep voor Vree 1979 #34255  
## Word: "bonaire" (Back to Top)
unting for wild boar, three men in Bonaire, Georgia came upon a stand of oa 8/5/2006 #44952  
## Word: "bonanza" (Back to Top)
Robert Fisher, flying a Beechcraft Bonanza over Bradford, Illinois, encount 3/18/1950 #4675  
Camaguey province, Cuba in a Beech Bonanza aircraft sighted a circular obje 10/20/1950 #5248  
 pilot W.A. Hobler, flying a Beech Bonanza. One object, shaped like a fat f 9/13/1952 #7915  
t W.A. Hobler was flying his Beech Bonanza airplane when he sighted a flyin 9/13/1952 #7917  
ase in an unmarked Beechcraft V-35 Bonanza. CIA official Richard M. Bissell Early 1955 #11901  
                                   BONANZA AND OLONE, OR 2 separate observe 12/8/1957 #14684  
               At the same time in Bonanza, Oregon two people claimed to ha 12/8/1957 #14695  
p.m. LT. The pilot of a Beechcraft Bonanza en route to Posadas, Argentina,  4/29/1966 #20426  
exhaust pipes circled a Beechcraft Bonanza aircraft flown by a single priva 4/29/1966 #20428  
                                   BONANZA, UT SR45. Day unknown. Milkman s 11/21/1966 (approximate) #21131  
lying his single-engine Beechcraft Bonanza at 9,500 feet southeast at 170 m 9/10/1978 #33655  
 feet to the altitude of his Beech Bonanza airplane (9500 feet). It went be 9/10/1978 #33660  
attorney, took off in a Beechcraft Bonanza from the Bar Harbor-Trenton airp 7/22/1989 #39030  
## Word: "bonaparte" (Back to Top)
reated by Attorney General Charles Bonaparte. Its first chief is Stanley Fi 7/26/1908 #716  
## Word: "bonar" (Back to Top)
                                   BONAR, SP Rumors. Shepherd sees saucer.  4/1969 #25042  
## Word: "bonarda" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bonarda” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT     9/25/1980 #35532  
## Word: "bonaventure" (Back to Top)
              International Hilton Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Montreal,  11/7/1990 #39881  
p pool of the International Hilton Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Montreal,  11/7/1990 #39881  
## Word: "bonbeach" (Back to Top)
                                   BONBEACH, VCT Loud humming. Moon-size go 1/7/1954 #9461  
## Word: "bond" (Back to Top)
              SALEM, OR William A. Bond. 2 disks northwest going southeast  6/25/1947 #2406  
 the newspaper photographer, James Bond Johnson, at a press conference held 7/8/1947 #3025  
chigan 1:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bond are driving near Ann Arbor, Michiga 3/22/1959 #15665  
ield, Ohio 11:15 a.m. Maj. Jack D. Bond is sitting in a passenger seat of a 8/12/1965 #19373  
apt. Thomas Goduto, S/Sgt James F. Bond, S/Sgt William E. Smith, A1C Robert 10/24/1968 #24587  
                                   BOND CO, IL Location approximate. 100m x 1/1/1975 #29685  
e, Nevada, USAF Lt. Gen. Robert M. Bond requests to fly a MiG-23 BN fighter 4/26/1984 #37301  
 of the usual 2 weeks of training, Bond is given a cursory briefing while s 4/26/1984 #37301  
 from disengaging the afterburner. Bond loses control, makes a distress cal 4/26/1984 #37301  
minated from NERVA rocket testing. Bond’s body is discovered by a USAF serg 4/26/1984 #37301  
who removes the rank insignia from Bond’s flight suit with a pocketknife be 4/26/1984 #37301  
USAF does not confirm or deny that Bond was flying a MiG when he died and s 4/26/1984 #37301  
t to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly o 9/21/1987 #38290  
## Word: "bondarchuk" (Back to Top)
dar Case”; UFOEv, pp. 83–84; Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Sightings, Landings, and Summer 1948 #3679  
y. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969b, pp. 4-5; Bondarchuk, pp. 45-46, from the Hamilton 3/29/1966 #20134  
s' TV would not work (EM effect). (Bondarchuk, 1979, pp. 124-126.) (NICAP:  2/8/1967 #21479  
boat, it took on an orange tinge. (Bondarchuk, 1979, p. 31-34.) (NICAP: 02  6/18/1967 #22516  
e later noted (physical effects). (Bondarchuk, 1979, p. 31-34.) (NICAP: 03  6/18/1967 #22517  
e later noted (physical effects). (Bondarchuk, 1979, p. 31-34.) (NICAP: 06  6/18/1967 #22518  
dropped something into the water. (Bondarchuk, 1979, pp. 122-24.) (NICAP: 0 9/11/1967 #23039  
x people who also saw the lights. (Bondarchuk, 1979, p. 47-50.) (NICAP: 02  10/22/1967 #23286  
tion was revealed under hypnosis. (Bondarchuk, 1979, pp. 83-88.) (NICAP: 07 11/19/1967 #23481  
## Word: "bondi" (Back to Top)
                                   BONDI BEACH, NSW 1 observer. Humming or  6/27/1947 (approximate) #2428  
                                   BONDI, NSW, AUSTR Dozens / observer(s).  2/9/1977 #31799  
                                   Bondi, New South Wales, Australia 5:20 a 2/9/1977 #31802  
hovering for several minutes above Bondi, New South Wales, Australia, befor 2/9/1977 #31802  
## Word: "bondowoso" (Back to Top)
                                   BONDOWOSO, JAVA, INDONESIA Numerous obse 7/25/1954 #10048  
t 9:00 p.m. several UFOs flew over Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia.         10/19/1954 #11253  
                                   Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia 6:30 p.m 7/6/1977 #32241  
 East Java, Indonesia 6:30 p.m. At Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia, a ham r 7/6/1977 #32241  
## Word: "bonds" (Back to Top)
ll bellowed and tried to break its bonds.                                   8/19/1965 #19424  
ll bellowed and tried to break its bonds.                                   8/19/1965 #19428  
, and Gabriella struggled with her bonds but could not free herself. The be 10/16/1973 #28089  
## Word: "bonduel" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / BONDUEL, WI 2 / car. Fireball tumbles an 9/29/1972 #27040  
## Word: "bondy" (Back to Top)
                                   BONDY, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowin 1/21/1933 #1153  
 held at arms length, hovered over Bondy, Seine-St-Denis, France for five m 1/21/1933 #1154  
                                   BONDY, FR 2 observer(s). Huge blazing do 1/21/1993 #40808  
## Word: "bone" (Back to Top)
                                   BONE = ANNABA, ALGERIA Luminous sphere s 7/6/1952 #6718  
h him in case he runs into a stray bone. Each track contains within it a di 11/20/1952 #8309  
 circle 20 feet in diameter. Every bone in the dog's body was crushed, and  11/20/1966 #21129  
 hovering at 50' altitude. (Reggie Bone incident) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 2/21/1973 #27304  
igh School basketball coach Reggie Bone and five players on his team are dr 2/21/1973 #27305  
ghway 60 near Ellsinore, Missouri, Bone notices a “bright shaft of light be 2/21/1973 #27305  
 Holmes notices another light, and Bone pulls over for a closer look. They  2/21/1973 #27305  
t that can punch through flesh and bone, usually in the neck region. Around 2/1975 #29780  
on. The animal’s heart, as well as bone and muscle samples, are sent to the 3/24/1978 #33077  
d a gummy texture with no apparent bone structure. On her descent back to h 5/2/2001 #44174  
pace craft to the northwest of Dog Bone Lake and tunnel entrances to the no 5/7/2003 #44528  
## Word: "bone-dry" (Back to Top)
 the plants inside the circle were bone-dry as if completely dehydrated.    10/7/1968 #24549  
## Word: "bone-shape" (Back to Top)
RLETON, NORTH YORKS Blue-glow 25cm bone-shape paces car briefly near NSA M- 2/7/1992 #40322  
## Word: "bonefish" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bonefish” YieldMax: 20KT                 2/18/1964 #18132  
## Word: "boneless" (Back to Top)
emist Harrison Brown suggests that boneless animals similar to jellyfish ab 12/1/1959 #16109  
## Word: "bones" (Back to Top)
 with his flesh detaching from his bones, injuries on his feet and ankles,  3/5/1946 #1973  
his gloved hand and he can see the bones in his hand like an X-ray. Suddenl 2/11/1953 #8664  
n blue-white light. He can see the bones in his hand like an X-ray where he 2/19/1953 #8686  
ar collision / UFO. 2 aboard break bones.                                   4/14/1954 #9689  
rs, which are nothing but bleached bones. The cut in the neck looks smooth  9/9/1967 #23026  
s had multiple injuries and broken bones but reported feeling no pain, then 8/11/1969 #25317  
me, but for three years his broken bones remained unhealed. “Then one day,  8/11/1969 #25317  
d unhealed. “Then one day, all the bones re-knitted in record time,” and he 8/11/1969 #25317  
otic motion. Beam shows observer's bones! 5h / missing time. / r178p12.     10/15/1973 #28033  
ith an oval object that showed the bones of his legs when it passed over th 10/15/1973 #28059  
a “low frequency vibration” in his bones. Looking upward, he sees the outli 6/17/1977 #32172  
aucer "robots" seen cutting animal bones up.                                9/6/1978 #33635  
like entity is cutting some animal bones into pieces. Perez tries touching  9/6/1978 #33638  
pparently busy disecting the large bones of some animals resembling either  9/6/1978 #33640  
at is stretched tightly over their bones. Their heads are bald, and at the  11/24/1978 #33995  
gain. In 1986, truck fragments and bones are found at a blast site on Mount 11/29/1980 #35683  
coroner attributes the adult human bones to Taylor. Fragments of clothing f 11/29/1980 #35683  
## Word: "boneta" (Back to Top)
minous orange object follows car / Boneta, UT / r41p329.                    2/23/1967 #21626  
                                   Boneta, UT 8:00 p.m. MST (9:00 p.m. CST) 2/23/1967 #21629  
inous orange object paced a car in Boneta, Utah for ten minutes, and then s 2/23/1967 #21637  
## Word: "bonfire" (Back to Top)
med ovoid hovers / 10M altitude by bonfire. Zigzag maneuvers. Going quickly 8/15/1967 #22880  
er Scouts are having a camp-out by bonfire in the mountains near Caracas, V 9/4/1968 #24429  
ss than 500° Celsius, and not by a bonfire or hydrocarbon fuels.            9/17/1978 #33701  
      NILES, MI 1 / car. 15m domed bonfire over farms and trees. Several ro 2/15/1993 #40849  
Three young women returning from a bonfire in the Illinois countryside and  5/2/2003 #44521  
hey headed over to the site of the bonfire, the embers of which were still  5/2/2003 #44521  
## Word: "bonfires" (Back to Top)
etween some bushes and a couple of bonfires that the shepherds had lit earl 11/23/1954 #11697  
## Word: "bongiorni" (Back to Top)
             Security guard Pietro Bongiorni was standing guard at the loca 8/19/1971 #26296  
## Word: "boni" (Back to Top)
                                   Boni & Liveright publishes Charles Fort’ 12/1/1919 #994  
                                   Boni & Liveright publishes New Lands by  10/1923 #1035  
## Word: "boniface" (Back to Top)
                      NICE, FR St. Boniface Manuscript v2p397. Luminous glo 1/5/1433 #19  
## Word: "bonifait" (Back to Top)
en Mareuil and Ste-Hermine, Daniel Bonifait and his family saw a red disk,  7/24/1967 #22725  
                At ten p.m. Daniel Bonifait and his family were driving bet 7/24/1967 #22726  
## Word: "bonifraterska" (Back to Top)
              Warsaw Ghetto Poland Bonifraterska street Old Town 5:00 p.m.  4/9/1943 #1494  
e German and Lithuanian snipers on Bonifraterska street shooting at it, alt 4/9/1943 #1494  
## Word: "bonilla" (Back to Top)
CAS OBSERVER(S), MEXICO Astronomer Bonilla. 283 objects pass suns face. Pho 8/12/1883 #254  
as, Mexico Astronomer José Árbol y Bonilla, director of the El Cerro de la  8/12/1883 #255  
day at around 8:00 a.m. Astronomer Bonilla at the Zacatecas Observatory in  8/12/1883 #256  
## Word: "bonin" (Back to Top)
             Chichijima Ogasawara (Bonin) Archipelago, Japan Night. A B-24  2/22/1945 #1794  
 near Chichijima in the Ogasawara (Bonin) Archipelago, Japan, sees an objec 2/22/1945 #1794  
                         IWO JIMA, BONIN, JPN Project Bluebook Case #2605.  6/24/1953 #8962  
                                   Bonin Islands, Iwo Jima Radar tracked an 6/24/1953 #8964  
                         Iwo Jima, Bonin Islands Witnesses: crew of USAF KB 6/24/1953 #8967  
## Word: "bonise" (Back to Top)
aryland 9:30 p.m. Pfc Alfred V. De Bonise and Sgt1C James Conley of the 89t 12/7/1953 #9345  
## Word: "bonita" (Back to Top)
leeping in a station wagon at Lake Bonita, New Mexico. At around three a.m. 8/20/1959 #15932  
hich is translated into English by Bonita Samuelson and published by the Ce 6/20/1977 #32176  
## Word: "bonlee" (Back to Top)
                                   BONLEE, NC Ex-USAF pilot. MLT blimp with 10/23/1950 #5249  
                                   Bonlee, NC Aluminum object shaped like a 10/23/1950 #5251  
                                   Bonlee, North Carolina Witness: ex-USAF  10/23/1950 #5252  
tholes hover for five seconds over Bonlee, North Carolina. He lost sight of 10/23/1950 #5253  
## Word: "bonn" (Back to Top)
                            Aachen/Bonn/Cologne, Germany Possible jet; sing 11/5/1944 #1694  
## Word: "bonnaventure" (Back to Top)
France Michel Monnerie and Raymond Bonnaventure begin publishing Ufologie C 4/1976 #30972  
## Word: "bonner" (Back to Top)
                                   BONNER SPRINGS, KS 2 observer(s). Silent 5/11/1977 #32085  
                                   Bonner Springs, KS 9:45 PM. A silent dis 5/11/1977 #32087  
                                   Bonner Springs, Kansas 9:45 p.m. An adul 5/11/1977 #32090  
sas 9:45 p.m. An adult couple near Bonner Springs, Kansas, see a silent dis 5/11/1977 #32090  
                   At 9:45 p.m. in Bonner Springs, Kansas a silent disc-sha 5/11/1977 #32092  
 Bigfoot creature was seen east of Bonner Springs, Kansas from Interstate 7 9/28/1978 #33771  
## Word: "bonnet-like" (Back to Top)
tallic silver jumpsuits and black “bonnet-like helmets.” The men hid in the 6/14/2005 #44847  
## Word: "bonnets" (Back to Top)
sers...the other two were women in bonnets, shawls, and white colored dress 8/9/1977 #32372  
## Word: "bonneville" (Back to Top)
strikes a high-tension wire on the Bonneville Power Administration in Washi 3/10/1945 #1810  
iles City, Montana Day. William A. Bonneville sees a bright white ball, thr 5/17/1948 #3653  
                       NORTHEAST / BONNEVILLE, FR 2 / (seen thru) binocular 9/5/1969 #25353  
. Shiny 3M domed saucer soars over Bonneville power lines. / r108p10.       12/7/1970 #25933  
r was sighted by some fishermen in Bonneville Carteret, Normandy, France at 12/2/1973 #28506  
## Word: "bonnie" (Back to Top)
                        Las Vegas (Bonnie Springs? near), NV 2 in/car saw i 7/17/1961 #16763  
                                   Bonnie Springs Ranch Red Rock Canyon Nat 7/17/1961 #16765  
le driving about one mile north of Bonnie Springs Ranch [now the Ranch at R 7/17/1961 #16765  
ws with witnesses. His former wife Bonnie Millslagle later reports that all 12/9/1965 #19762  
. At the same time, their daughter Bonnie and a friend are at a swimming po 7/1970 #25723  
n her other children. Two of them, Bonnie and Debbie, tell her they had see 10/16/1973 #28088  
idnight Pat Roach and her children Bonnie and Debbie were abducted and take 10/17/1973 #28135  
exas University of Texas at Austin Bonnie Collier observes two metallic cig 10/23/1973 #28250  
and Peep), Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles hold a meeting in a hotel 9/14/1975 #30360  
e UFO Research Group is founded by Bonnie Wheeler in Cambridge, Ontario. Sh 9/1976 #31320  
Summit Lake, Alaska Early evening. Bonnie McCrory and her father, Maurice S 10/27/1982 #36666  
and led by Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles (formerly called Bo and P 3/26/1997 #43240  
## Word: "bonnieux" (Back to Top)
                                   BONNIEUX, FR Flashlight malfunctions due 9/14/1975 #30357  
## Word: "bonny" (Back to Top)
as Vegas, Nevada One mile north of Bonny Spring Ranch, on U.S. Highway 91,  7/17/1961 #16764  
## Word: "bonnybridge" (Back to Top)
                                   BONNYBRIDGE, SCOTLAND 12 observer(s). UF 11/7/1992 #40705  
                                   BONNYBRIDGE, SCOTLAND 14+observer(s). La 8/28/1993 (approximate) #41166  
## Word: "bono" (Back to Top)
ter Gersten taking on the case pro bono, the case winds its way through the 12/29/1980 #35757  
## Word: "bonriki" (Back to Top)
               Mullinix Field [now Bonriki International Airport] on Tarawa 12/1943? #1548  
ty adjacent to Mullinix Field [now Bonriki International Airport] on Tarawa 12/1943? #1548  
## Word: "bonsall" (Back to Top)
hile driving while driving home on Bonsall Moor, Cromford, Derbyshire, Engl 10/31/2001 #44269  
## Word: "bontrask" (Back to Top)
      Around noon two witnesses in Bontrask, Norrbotten, Sweden saw six tin 10/10/1972 #27064  
                                   BONTRASK, SWD Several observer(s). 6 tin 10/11/1972 #27066  
## Word: "bonu's" (Back to Top)
along the base of the mountain, to Bonu's Field, an open spot about a mile  9/11/1973 #27803  
teep, north side. The witnesses at Bonu's field had gotten back in their ca 9/11/1973 #27803  
along the base of the mountain, to Bonu's Field, an open spot about a mile  9/12/1973 #27809  
teep, north side. The witnesses at Bonu's field had gotten back in their ca 9/12/1973 #27809  
## Word: "bonus" (Back to Top)
ed “Victor” appears anonymously in bonus footage for the re-release of “Ali 2008 #45105  
## Word: "bony" (Back to Top)
st 10 feet above the ground. Thin, bony looking humanoids, seven to eight f 5/10/1957 #13654  
 his forearms. The beings had long bony fingers. They then led him to a shi 4/12/1992 #40414  
ree fingers, a huge head two three bony protrusions (one on each side and o 1/20/1996 #42695  
## Word: "boobyalla" (Back to Top)
                                   BOOBYALLA, TASMANIA Several / farm. Glow 5/25/1974 #29133  
## Word: "booher" (Back to Top)
ving in Idaho in 2013, where David Booher interviews him about his PTSD-lik 2/20/1959 #15595  
## Word: "book" (Back to Top)
gonal star' seen. / Charles Fort / Book of the Damned and IFS#26.           4/15/1752 #71  
in very close until 1900, when the book is first published, documenting her 1900 #639  
ifornia Frederick Spencer Oliver’s book A Dweller on Two Planets is publish 1905 #673  
s his story from 1883 to 1886. The book deals with deep esoteric subjects i 1905 #673  
ght publishes Charles Fort’s first book of scientific anomalies, The Book o 12/1/1919 #994  
 book of scientific anomalies, The Book of the Damned. Fort gathers reports 12/1/1919 #994  
inutes in Eternity,” expanded to a book 1933 as Seven Minutes in Eternity.  5/1928 #1085  
 (Author Moira McGhee wrote in her book "Alien Gene" that the Pearl Harbor  12/7/1941 #1377  
                ROCKFIELD, WI Blue Book. M. Beusher and 1. 7-10 silent blue 6/28/1947 #2440  
tings, hundreds of witnesses, Blue Book Report includes state and local pol 7/4/1947 #2590  
rs whirl. Going quickly west. Blue Book. / MJ#121.                          7/6/1947 #2787  
, WA Bloecher's case 547, from his book, is a humanoid report. (NICAP: 07 - 7/7/1947 #2920  
, TX Bloecher's case 698, from his book, is a humanoid report. (NICAP: 07 - 7/8/1947 #3002  
mile away. Hynek, for Project Blue Book, later identifies it as an “atmosph 8/13/1947 #3320  
ng quickly southwest. Birds / Blue Book. / r131#6p21.                       8/17/1947 #3342  
Intel. Center. (ATIC) query / Blue Book files. No further details.          12/13/1947 #3501  
urther details / brief note / Blue Book files.                              12/20/1947 #3508  
nt of recovered disc. (Armstrong’s book confusingly indicated the craft lan 1948 #3519  
itled The Flying Saucer, the first book to use that phrase in its title. Th 1948 #3523  
oing [to] Pentagon going [to] Blue Book.                                    1/21/1948 #3559  
 UFO crash and coverup in his 2015 book The Aztec UFO Incident. Ramsey thin 3/25/1948 #3598  
s shot up vertically. Project Blue Book listed this as an "unidentified" ca 4/5/1948 #3613  
                  MEMPHIS, TN Blue Book and FBI document. 50+night lights / 5/7/1948 #3641  
             INDIANAPOLIS, IN Blue Book. 2 observer(s). 8' metal propeller  7/29/1948 #3749  
s. Very high and very fast. / Blue Book file.                               8/3/1948 #3770  
roject SIGN, incident ?207 in Blue Book files: at approx. 2200 hours, Lt. H 11/18/1948 #3880  
 document would be in Project Blue Book files, but it is not.               11/30/1948 #3895  
conducted under the code name BLUE BOOK. The liaison between Project GRUDGE 12/1948 #3896  
 Air Force officer in head of BLUE BOOK. (Capt. Ruppelt?)                   12/1948 #3896  
 saw project names Archangel, Blue Book, Black Book, White Book and Yellow  1949 #3947  
 names Archangel, Blue Book, Black Book, White Book and Yellow Book, adding 1949 #3947  
ngel, Blue Book, Black Book, White Book and Yellow Book, adding that he hea 1949 #3947  
 Black Book, White Book and Yellow Book, adding that he heard LANL was anal 1949 #3947  
legible) are available on the Blue Book microfilm. Its conclusions are base 2/11/1949 #4003  
               LOS ALAMOS, NM Blue Book. Guard stations 103+106. Silent gre 3/8/1949 #4037  
 banked trajectory. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          5/9/1949 #4177  
s case is listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown" case.                     5/27/1949 #4215  
                  ASTORIA, OR Blue Book. "Venus" crosses sky 3X / 8.5 minut 7/7/1949 #4263  
 spark plugs burned out. When Blue Book investigates the case, they confisc 7/24/1949 #4283  
d stationary. Sharp outlines. Blue Book.                                    7/26/1949 #4290  
hat is the way I have written this book. I actually have gone to the places 8/1949 #4300  
  HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. 3 military. Silver sphere/orb/glob 10/12/1949 #4388  
                   BILOXI, MS Blue Book. 3 observer(s). Silent 200' white c 11/18/1949 #4419  
   ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Blue Book. F51 chases / classic domed saucer. 12/24/1949 #4442  
                   HOWARD, KS Blue Book. C47 Carswell going [to] Offutt Air 1/6/1950 #4473  
           SOUTH / CORONA, NM Blue Book. 1 Air Force-man / car. Green fireb 1/7/1950 #4476  
         GMX NORTHWEST / CUBA Blue Book. 3 RADAR blips hover and orbit B29  1/12/1950 #4481  
appeared. Listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown" case.                     2/5/1950 #4531  
            PACIFIC BEACH, WA Blue Book. Civil observer(s) = Ballieu. Objec 3/14/1950 #4633  
             RAPID CITY, SDAK Blue Book. 2 observer(s). Metal saucer makes  3/21/1950 #4693  
corroborating Frank Scully’s later book on 8/1950). Description: Circular w 3/22/1950 #4696  
                   SHELBY, NC Blue Book. 5 observer(s). Metal saucer wobble 4/8/1950 #4825  
, NY Variety author Frank Scully’s book “Behind the Flying Sauces” announce 4/17/1950 #4855  
  HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. 2+3 pilots. Saucer / 3000' altitud 6/21/1950 #4993  
              WIESBADEN, GERM Blue Book. 2 soldiers. Classic saucer. Reflec 7/27/1950 #5079  
          US Author Frank Scully’s book “Behind the Flying Saucers” publish 8/1950 #5085  
ged in the analysis. In 1952, Blue Book reviews the film; so does Robert M. 8/15/1950 #5126  
hind the Flying Saucers, the first book on UFOs. It sensationally claims th 9/8/1950 #5171  
d H. Jenison (R-Ill.) condemns the book as contributing to mass hysteria du 9/8/1950 #5171  
heard about saucers, thanks to the book.                                    9/8/1950 #5171  
s 1950 "Behind the Flying Saucers" book is true and substantially correct,  9/15/1950 #5177  
eplies, “The facts reported in the book are substantially correct.” He says 9/15/1950 #5178  
                    TATUM, NM Blue Book. Fireball / grey edge going south.  9/17/1950 #5180  
 witness described by Project Blue Book as a "reliable source" reported sig 9/20/1950 #5188  
ticle is expanded into a paperback book, The Flying Saucers Are Real, which 10/1950 #5204  
     MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. Air Force navigator in-flight. Nig 10/14/1950 #5225  
   SOUTHWEST / JONESVILLE, LA Blue Book. 7 observer(s). Extremely bright "g 11/5/1950 #5262  
s case is listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown."                          12/2/1950 #5312  
                OAK RIDGE, TN Blue Book. Saucer over post office / 60 secon 12/5/1950 #5316  
            SOUTH LONDON, ENG Blue Book. Silver ball high / 3 minute(s). Th 12/12/1950 #5341  
orts do not appear in Project Blue Book.                                    1951 #5376  
net, while serving on Project Blue Book, conducted his own FOIA-exempt extr 1951 #5379  
   STEWART AIR FORCE BASE, NY Blue Book. USAF man. Meteor going up [to] and 1/12/1951 #5390  
ne other witnesses. A Project Blue Book unknown.                            1/12/1951 #5393  
            BIG BEAR LAKE, CA Blue Book. Hillman and 3 / small plane. 50' s 1/14/1951 #5396  
                  ARTESIA, NM Blue Book. 6+GM scientists / theodolite and p 1/16/1951 #5400  
  HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. Saucer hovers by test balloon. Gro 1/22/1951 #5411  
    ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Blue Book. 2+observer(s). 150' dark cylinder/ 1/25/1951 #5416  
 MCCLELLAN AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. 2 observer(s). 200' cylinder/cylin 3/13/1951 #5478  
n incredible speed. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          3/13/1951 #5481  
over seven minutes. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          3/15/1951 #5490  
                  SPOKANE, WA Blue Book report. 4 airmen. Saucer going ESE  5/29/1951 #5521  
0 p.m. This case is a Project Blue Book "unknown."                          5/31/1951 #5525  
ses, Cobb and Fein. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          7/24/1951 #5585  
quests no further publicity in his book. However, Texas Tech mathematics pr 8/30/1951 #5638  
t (which later became Project Blue Book).                                   9/1951 #5643  
 above 700 mph. (p127 of Ruppelt’s book)                                    9/10/1951 #5656  
eliability unknown by Project Blue Book and Dr. James McDonald.             9/10/1951 #5661  
   3MI SOUTHWEST / ORANGE, VA Blue Book. 3 teens. Saucer inside haze / blac 9/30/1951 #5691  
uppelt, later head of Project Blue Book, hears the recording before it is o 10/1/1951 #5694  
,800 mph. Listed as a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                10/3/1951 #5702  
             EAST / PARIS, IL Blue Book 985. Private pilot and separate obs 10/9/1951 #5708  
ads to the northeast. Project Blue Book plots the sighting and concludes th 10/9/1951 #5715  
t (which later became Project Blue Book) officially established.            10/27/1951 #5748  
and D. E. Stewart . A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                11/24/1951 #5791  
ver. Up and down maneuvers. / Blue Book and USAF-OSI.                       11/28/1951 #5795  
a. This shift is probably why Blue Book’s Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt later can 1952 #5838  
 messages in a misleadingly titled book, I Rode a Flying Saucer!            1/6/1952 #5861  
basis for terminating Project Blue Book as an intelligence function). As an 1/29/1952 #5884  
sted as an unknown by Project Blue Book. At 8:00 p.m. three or more green b 2/19/1952 #5910  
 for Project Grudge, “Project Blue Book”.                                   3/1952 #5936  
the code name was changed to "Blue Book."                                   3/1952 #5937  
y high rate of speed. Project Blue Book explained it as a meteor.           3/4/1952 #5945  
 ONR to be kept separate from Blue Book. Keyhoe hears about this from both  3/14/1952 #5957  
s, named Hutchison. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          3/21/1952 #5966  
 Group and is renamed Project Blue Book, apparently by Lt. Col. Charles Coo 3/25/1952 #5973  
 Group, which recommends that Blue Book use “sound detection apparatus” in  3/26/1952 #5979  
 on data forwarded by Project Blue Book files.                              3/31/1952 #5998  
rland requesting that Project Blue Book be entirely declassified in order t 3/31/1952 #5999  
                      Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #5.        3/31/1952 #6000  
rce Letter 200-5 gave Project Blue Book authority to cut red tape, contact  4/1952 #6003  
ssachusetts, to brief them on Blue Book’s progress. Afterward, he asks them 4/1952 #6010  
              DUNCANVILLE, TX Blue Book. 2 RADAR operators. Blip tracked at 4/4/1952 #6021  
as asked about details of the Blue Book investigation with a two-and-a-half 4/17/1952 #6108  
                   CLOVIS, NM Blue Book. Flight surgeon and 1. Orange night 4/24/1952 #6168  
y operated outside of Project Blue Book as a flexible study group to take o 4/24/1952 #6179  
UAP in the field than Project Blue Book. AFOIN offices doing UAP work inclu 4/24/1952 #6179  
 ROYAL OAK AND BIRMINGHAM, MI Blue Book. Several separate observer(s). Whit 4/27/1952 #6190  
 commands. It enables Project Blue Book staff to communicate directly with  4/29/1952 #6215  
                      Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #6.        4/30/1952 #6223  
ts angry. Col. Dunn says that Blue Book would have put some money into more Early 5/1952 #6249  
efuses to leave them a copy of his book to pass on to Joseph Kaplan and J.  Early 5/1952 #6249  
s case is listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown."                          5/5/1952 #6261  
                MISHAWAKA, IN Blue Book. Ghostly domed saucer circles power 5/9/1952 #6278  
ornia at 10:20 a.m. A Project Blue Book "unknown." At 12:30 two more UFOs w 5/9/1952 #6284  
 and flips going northeast. / Blue Book report.                             5/10/1952 #6286  
             OVER RUIDOSO, NM Blue Book. USAF observer(s). Disc-star makes  5/15/1952 #6327  
                      Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #7.        5/31/1952 #6393  
wo civilians on his permanent Blue Book staff (including Lt. Anderson G. Fl 6/1952 #6402  
ey Fournet Jr. is a full-time Blue Book liaison.                            6/1952 #6402  
sted by the Air Force Project Blue Book as "unknowns." At 6:15 p.m. in Albu 6/5/1952 #6449  
eports were listed by Project Blue Book as "unidentified" cases.            6/7/1952 #6462  
 One USAF colonel argues that Blue Book’s investigation is biased against t Mid 6/1952 #6512  
d speed of 550 mph. A Project Blue Book "unknown" report.                   6/16/1952 #6518  
ghtings are simultaneous, but Blue Book records indicate they are separate. 6/19/1952 #6551  
se was unexplained by Project Blue Book.                                    6/22/1952 #6589  
 sky at a slow speed. Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                6/25/1952 #6630  
he object pulsated. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          6/27/1952 #6648  
eats the procedure 3-4 times. Blue Book obtains the film and sends it to th 7/2/1952 #6694  
              OFF LAHAINA, HI Blue Book unidentified. Submarine/submerged B 7/16/1952 #6833  
 sky at high speed. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                7/17/1952 #6871  
ht for 5-6 seconds. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                7/17/1952 #6874  
 than jet aircraft. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                7/17/1952 #6875  
tel. Center. (ATIC) report to Blue Book.                                    7/21/1952 #6962  
 test center again. 700mph. / Blue Book files.                              7/21/1952 #6966  
 Intelligence Center (Project Blue Book) in Dayton, Ohio, for evaluation. S 7/21/1952 #6982  
 and down [to] and circles. / Blue Book files.                              7/22/1952 #7006  
nutes. An unexplained Project Blue Book report.                             7/22/1952 #7030  
darts to and fro. / letter to Blue Book.                                    7/23/1952 #7040  
 off at high speed. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.                   7/24/1952 #7117  
ss than 10 seconds. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.                   7/24/1952 #7118  
nute(s). No further details / Blue Book files.                              7/26/1952 #7153  
   ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Blue Book. HIQ. Many blips over WDC. Newmen b 7/26/1952 #7159  
s are classified (but Project Blue Book chief Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt suspe 7/26/1952 #7174  
nd then a last one. A Project Blue Book unidentified case.                  7/27/1952 #7217  
een for 15 seconds. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          7/27/1952 #7220  
er details [in] type unknown. Blue Book files. No further details.          7/28/1952 #7228  
lver objects speed over town. Blue Book files. No further details.          7/28/1952 #7230  
         DEL PASO HEIGHTS, CA Blue Book. Star-like night light moves and st 7/28/1952 #7232  
d his later adventures in his 1954 book Aboard a Flying Saucer, ghostwritte 7/28/1952 #7260  
ng, so that he can close down Blue Book. Technological hurdles and budget l 7/28/1952 #7261  
s greatly delay the plan, but Blue Book does transition into a propaganda d 7/28/1952 #7261  
ers at the Roger Smith Hotel. Blue Book receives an astonishing total of 50 7/28/1952 #7262  
ht for 4.5 minutes. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          7/28/1952 #7269  
 / ROSWELL AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. 4 observer(s). Several saucers see 7/29/1952 #7275  
on AFB, Dayton, Ohio; Project Blue Book head Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt; USAF  7/29/1952 #7328  
nutes it sped away. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.                   7/30/1952 #7365  
n to the lower left. Although Blue Book Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt’s assistant 8/1/1952 #7408  
, is missing from the Project Blue Book files.                              8/1/1952 #7411  
  HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. Many / (seen thru) binoculars and  8/3/1952 #7429  
rmy depot / 2500' altitude. / Blue Book report.                             8/4/1952 #7441  
                LUMBERTON, NC Blue Book. Saucer hits chimney and lands. 70c 8/6/1952 #7475  
          Hynek sends Project Blue Book a report on his interviews with 45  8/6/1952 #7489  
sive briefing about UFOs from Blue Book staff. This classified visit is in  8/8/1952 #7515  
ed for two seconds. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                8/9/1952 #7526  
                   DALLAS, TX Blue Book. Airline(s)/airliner pilot chases n 8/13/1952 #7568  
story, an analysis of Project Blue Book, and a discussion of explained sigh 8/14/1952 #7593  
                    DAVIS, CA Blue Book. 2+Ground Observer Corps (GOC) obse 8/15/1952 #7598  
 sudden turns. Unidentified / Blue Book.                                    8/17/1952 #7622  
slowly and change color(s). / Blue Book files.                              9/3/1952 #7834  
               SACRAMENTO, CA Blue Book. Ground Observer Corps (GOC) observ 9/4/1952 #7842  
                  DURBAN, RSA Blue Book. 2 weathermen / theodolite. 5 white 9/6/1952 #7859  
                 PORTLAND, OR Blue Book. 2 saucers hover / regular searchli 9/9/1952 #7882  
). Then going quickly east. / Blue Book files. No further details.          9/15/1952 #7949  
ea going quickly northwest. / Blue Book files.                              9/22/1952 #8000  
ove side-to-side up and down. Blue Book report.                             9/23/1952 #8008  
night lights circle in sky. / Blue Book report.                             9/23/1952 #8010  
e ADC Intelligence liaison to Blue Book, who says that “no one can understa Late 9/1952 #8027  
ckly north / 600m altitude. / Blue Book files.                              9/26/1952 #8032  
 become the basis for Project Blue Book’s form.                             10/10/1952 #8114  
saucer. Strong white beams. / Blue Book files.                              11/8/1952 #8256  
 clockwise / 400' altitude. / Blue Book files.                              11/15/1952 #8275  
 Adamski he is planning to write a book about his channelings and contacts, 11/24/1952 #8333  
C. Durant and Edward Tauss on Blue Book’s top three cases: the Tremonton UF 11/25/1952 #8340  
dings of the Robertson Panel, Blue Book, and Condon Committee that UAPs do  12/2/1952 #8364  
ear Fairbanks, Alaska Project Blue Book explained a brief sighting by two a 12/10/1952 #8410  
is unimpressed with the three Blue Book cases, especially since Presque Isl 12/16/1952 #8426  
e bomber. No further details. Blue Book / NICAP.                            12/28/1952 #8451  
                      Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #8, classi 12/31/1952 #8468  
ayton, OH Director of Project Blue Book, Capt. Ruppelt stated: “Two RAF Int 1953 #8469  
e, OK The “flying cup” photo. Blue Book listed as hoax, which it probably w 1953 #8476  
                 OLD TOWN, ME Blue Book. Small ringed sphere/orb/globe goin 1/1/1953 #8487  
 speaks for 40 minutes on the Blue Book method of UFO investigation. It is  1/14/1953 #8539  
d AISS field units to conduct Blue Book field investigations. The meeting a 1/14/1953 #8539  
orts as possible, and enlarge Blue Book. Other USAF representatives discuss 1/15/1953 #8541  
isney Inc. animated cartoons. Blue Book should be expanded to 18 staff memb 1/17/1953 #8548  
examine. Hynek travels to the Blue Book facility in Building 263 at Wright- 1/18/1953 #8550  
d AISS on how they might help Blue Book investigate UFOs. He also puts in f 1/24/1953 #8563  
lt & Co. that Maj. Donald Keyhoes’ book on “flying saucers” is accurate and 1/26/1953 #8569  
eteor and submits a report to Blue Book. However, one of the witnesses, aut 1/28/1953 #8602  
d away at high speed. Project Blue Book listed this later case as an offici 1/28/1953 #8605  
nd’s recommendation to expand Blue Book (it hasn’t) and that its education  1/29/1953 #8613  
                      Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #9.        1/31/1953 #8621  
a very high altitude. Project Blue Book lists the explanation for the encou 2/3/1953 #8633  
behind some clouds. A Project Blue Book unknown.                            2/4/1953 #8638  
ng at a speed of 170–230 mph. Blue Book explains it as a weather balloon la 2/6/1953 #8643  
k.” Ruppelt tells Keyhoe that Blue Book must even discredit USAF pilots who 2/9/1953 #8653  
these they forward to Project Blue Book. Channing writes: “Apparently, an e 2/9/1953 #8654  
 by the Air Force for his upcoming book Flying Saucers from Outer Space wer 2/25/1953 #8703  
                      Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #10, class 2/27/1953 #8714  
d J. Ruppelt transfers out of Blue Book for a seven-month assignment in Den 2/28/1953 #8717  
mic institution, and the first UFO book by a scientist. ATIC personnel are  3/1953 #8721  
factual answers about Project Blue Book, UFOs, and the inadequacy of Menzel 3/1953 #8722  
ng was seven minutes. Project Blue Book lists the explanation as aircraft,  3/3/1953 #8728  
uppelt tells him that Project Blue Book “has no evidence of any of these ob 3/8/1953 #8739  
e provides a good overview of Blue Book’s investigations and staff of seven 3/8/1953 #8739  
de of the aircraft. A Project Blue Book unknown.                            3/14/1953 #8754  
     NOUASSEUR AB, FR MOROCCO Blue Book Case #. Military ground and air and 3/25/1953 #8784  
isted as an Air Force Project Blue Book "unknown."                          3/27/1953 #8791  
                      Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #11.       5/31/1953 #8917  
 has taken over nearly all of Blue Book’s field investigations. (Ruppelt, p 7/1953 #8978  
. Robert M. Olsson of Project Blue Book sends five supposedly unsolved UFO  7/1953 #8979  
Ed Ruppelt returns to Project Blue Book as either acting chief or consultan 7/20/1953 #9008  
 Robert Olsson leaves Project Blue Book. He later tells Ruppelt his 5-month 7/31/1953 #9027  
s. 2nd identical behind it. / Blue Book.                                    8/3/1953 #9039  
c Energy Commission (AEC) and Blue Book reports.                            8/3/1953 #9041  
orce investigation. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                8/3/1953 #9044  
onnel no longer go to Project Blue Book, which is now only a PR front. Some 8/26/1953 #9112  
ersonnel do not go to Project Blue Book. Fewer credible unidentifieds are s 8/26/1953 #9113  
ble unidentifieds are sent to Blue Book and are therefore kept out of futur 8/26/1953 #9113  
ard J. Ruppelt leaves Project Blue Book permanently, leaving Max Futch in c 8/31/1953 #9124  
                    California The book “Flying Saucers Have Landed” by Des 9/1953 #9126  
ch resemble philosophy in the 1882 book Oahspe, produced by automatic writi 9/1953 #9131  
immortalizes the episode in a 1956 book, They Knew Too Much about Flying Sa 9/28/1953 #9186  
 Bender does little to promote the book and soon moves to Los Angeles and s 9/28/1953 #9186  
ted telephone number. However, the book does reveal Bender’s long-time obse 9/28/1953 #9186  
                      Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #12.       9/30/1953 #9192  
ce Center, which runs Project Blue Book. The Air Force states that Keyhoe i 10/1/1953 #9198  
ir Force offers no comment. In the book, he takes note of a curious documen 10/1/1953 #9198  
ardin takes charge of Project Blue Book.                                    11/1953 #9270  
lso when it banks sideways. / Blue Book files.                              11/14/1953 #9297  
conds. This case is a Project Blue Book unknown, but the possibility of the 12/17/1953 #9383  
d in any declassified Project Blue Book documentation and is not listed as  12/18/1953 #9384  
uebook/bluelist.htm     Note: Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek s 12/18/1953 #9384  
tain Air Force general swears your book is a complete fraud.” Forewarned by 12/29/1953 #9406  
dach says it is not a meteor. Blue Book, no doubt Hynek, labels it as a met 1/25/1954 #9500  
ty, and the Flying Saucer, British Book Centre, 1955; Good Above, p. 377; D 2/15/1954 #9549  
These photos are reproduced in his book. A slight humming sound marked the  2/18/1954 #9555  
wave of sightings to Keyhoe’s 1953 book Flying Saucers from Outer Space.    3/1/1954 #9586  
 used genuine ATIC reports for his book.                                    4/4/1954 #9664  
mation fly / treetop level. / Blue Book report.                             4/13/1954 #9687  
color of gun metal. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          5/10/1954 #9772  
            NEAR RICHMOND, IN Blue Book. USAF RB29. Reconnaissance photogra 5/24/1954 #9827  
o] east-northeast. = meteor / Blue Book.                                    5/30/1954 #9843  
ver saucer going quickly ESE. Blue Book report cites telex / Ramey Air Forc 6/3/1954 #9863  
the material used by Keyhoe in his book was not cleared through official ch 6/7/1954 #9872  
t. Charles A. Hardin, head of Blue Book, states that “Colonel O’Mara’s word 6/12/1954? #9896  
 case is forwarded to Project Blue Book, but it does not appear in its file 6/21/1954 #9921  
 presence of the UFO. Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                6/25/1954 #9948  
TO 5555N-5810W Tty going [to] Blue Book with reference to BOAC Case. Blob / 6/29/1954 #9959  
 NEUSTADT / WEINSTRASSE, GERM Blue Book. 15 Foo-Fighters seen at once. Seve 7/18/1954 #10022  
io Ruppelt visits the Project Blue Book office at Wright-Patterson AFB in O 7/20/1954 #10031  
ather information for his upcoming book. He is told that all UFO publicity  7/20/1954 #10031  
                  MILFORD, OH Blue Book report. 2 observer(s). Silver circu 7/23/1954 #10039  
as brought in to assist ATIC (Blue Book) with preliminary and field UFO inv 8/12/1954 #10138  
 when they sped up. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.                   8/27/1954 #10190  
ing at 179 mph at 3,500 feet. Blue Book receives a teletype about the objec 9/17/1954 #10333  
tude rolls and loops about. / Blue Book files.                              9/24/1954 #10430  
erick Muller publishes a contactee book, Flying Saucer from Mars, allegedly 10/1954 #10536  
t Campbell allege in 1986 that the book was written by arch-skeptical astro 10/1954 #10536  
 telescope. Davies also edited the book to conceal Moore’s distinctive styl 10/1954 #10536  
                METZ, MSL, FR Blue Book. Large crowd and spotlight beams. O 10/10/1954 #10884  
lver cigar. Silent. No trail. Blue Book says British plane.                 10/20/1954 #11257  
ad misunderstood and that Keyhoe’s book does contain officially released Ai 11/1954 #11509  
ee minutes. This is a Project Blue Book case classified as "unidentified".  11/15/1954 #11660  
                      Ent AFB Blue Book head Capt. Charles Hardin and Allen 11/17/1954 #11664  
                MILLVILLE, NJ Blue Book. Several observer(s). Saucer with 4 11/26/1954 #11707  
 seconds. Listed as a Project Blue Book “unknown” case.                     11/28/1954 #11725  
 Adam, who claims to have read his book and gives him some kind of mind-alt 12/1954 #11737  
             Europe A Project Blue Book memo acknowledges the many “Foreign 12/7/1954 #11772  
 overseas translations of Keyhoe’s book Flying Saucers from Outer Space.    12/7/1954 #11772  
sted seven minutes. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                12/7/1954 #11775  
 to assess cases from Project Blue Book including films and photos that led 1955 #11899  
ects fell from sky. A Project Blue Book unknown.                            1/26/1955 #11944  
es The Case for the UFO, the first book to use the relatively new US Air Fo 3/1955 #12022  
 Miller. Retired USAF Project Blue Book head Edward J. Ruppelt is in the au 3/12/1955 #12046  
ades away. = airport beacon / Blue Book.                                    4/6/1955 #12082  
ed as an "unknown" by Project Blue Book.                                    5/4/1955 #12119  
                   US Project Blue Book "Special Report No. 14" declassifie 5/5/1955 #12120  
ted in March 1954, as Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14 but does not  5/5/1955 #12122  
ing the US mail system to sell his book. Eickhoff’s lawyer brings in a gove 6/1955 #12173  
estifying in court concerning this book because maximum security exists con 6/1955 #12173  
uickly north / 6 second(s). / Blue Book. No further details.                7/5/1955 #12235  
ly north. Seen / 4 minute(s). Blue Book report.                             8/3/1955 #12326  
s. Shoots going quickly west. Blue Book.                                    8/20/1955 #12377  
                 PALMDALE, CA Blue Book. Saucer = silver dollar / arms leng 9/13/1955 #12449  
e with the Air Force, Project Blue Book, or the Condon Committee, and it wa 10/15/1955 #12506  
                US Summary of Blue Book report released to press; linked wi 10/25/1955 #12518  
       Columbus, Ohio Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14 is released,  10/25/1955 #12519  
                  LA VETA, CO Blue Book. Senator. Blimp / 15K' altitude. De 11/25/1955 #12590  
bout Flying Saucers, a bestselling book about the supposed Albert K. Bender 1956 #12634  
hem for 28 minutes. A Project Blue Book unknown.                            2/19/1956 #12733  
Hardin as director of Project Blue Book.                                    4/1956 #12776  
, force fields, and much more. The book falls into the possession of Maj. D 4/1956 #12777  
shes 25 spiral-bound copies of the book in black and red ink, which shows t 4/1956 #12777  
the annotations in the Jessup/Varo book that ONR chose to copy (see April 1 4/1956 #12779  
Force secrecy, deconstructing Blue Book Special Report no. 14, and requesti 4/3/1956 #12782  
ber that Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker’s book Flying Saucers and the US Air Force 5/1/1956 #12823  
its that Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker’s book was reviewed under the regulation,  5/1/1956 #12825  
                   PUEBLO, CO Blue Book. Several observer(s). 2 saucers cir 5/3/1956 #12827  
ne more, followed by another. Blue Book classes the sighting as meteors wit 5/4/1956 #12832  
0m altitude. Spins. Silent. / Blue Book report.                             6/5/1956 #12884  
the master of the ship. He wrote a book about his experience, entitled 7 Ho 6/11/1956 #12895  
visits and interviews Project Blue Book head Capt. George T. Gregory at Wri 6/14/1956 #12904  
 special printing of the annotated book by the Varo Publishing Company of G Summer 1956? #12914  
anding out multiple copies of Blue Book Special Report no. 14 and that it d 6/25/1956 #12919  
ion, complains that the USAF “Blue Book Special Report No. 14” on UAP is no 7/5/1956 #12953  
formation.pdf     Note: Given Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek l 7/5/1956 #12953  
WEST / DURANGO AND PUEBLO, CO Blue Book. Weatherman / (seen thru) binocular 7/11/1956 #12963  
                   PIXLEY, CA Blue Book. Air Force C131 hits saucer! Tail c 7/22/1956 #13005  
oves / 100mph. Smoke trail. / Blue Book.                                    7/23/1956 #13010  
UFO's / triangular formation. Blue Book evaluates = meteors.                8/3/1956 #13049  
                 LA JOLLA, CA Blue Book. Large silver saucer crosses jets'  8/6/1956 #13054  
Shoots going quickly north. / Blue Book.                                    8/10/1956 #13065  
          EAST / DANVILLE, IL Blue Book. Civil observer(s) = Nicoson. Large 8/12/1956 #13070  
             HERMANSVILLE, MI Blue Book. Observer(s) = jetty. Silver-metall 8/13/1956 #13075  
                NEWINGTON, CT Blue Book. Observer(s) = Gordes. Fiery object 8/19/1956 #13098  
              TANGIERS, MAROC Blue Book. Numerous observer(s). Glowing-disc 8/25/1956 #13128  
            NEAR CHEYENNE, WY Blue Book. UFO going quickly northwest over a 8/26/1956 #13130  
         COLORADO SPRINGS, CO Blue Book. Ground Observer Corps (GOC) observ 8/26/1956 #13131  
hone a light on it. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          9/2/1956 #13173  
            SILVER SPRING, MD Blue Book reports. Civil observers. Large whi 9/3/1956 #13176  
                WALDOBORO, ME Blue Book. Military and civil observer(s). Si 9/10/1956 #13211  
                  USS TAKELMA Blue Book. Lookout. Silent black cylinder/cig 9/20/1956 #13227  
veral X. No further details / Blue Book card.                               10/26/1956 #13291  
        EL TORO MARINE AS, CA Blue Book. RADAR-visual (observation). Small  11/11/1956 #13320  
ely printed copies of Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14, together wit 12/1956 #13378  
t U-2 aircraft, which is what Blue Book suspects.                           12/10/1956 #13396  
n”) around the globe. Williamson’s book Secret Places of the Lion follows i 1957 #13430  
ent astronaut books. In the latter book, Williamson claims that the Hopi’s  1957 #13430  
mained unexplained by Project Blue Book. At four o'clock in the morning in  1/1/1957 #13446  
      TIERRA AMARILLA AFS, NM Blue Book. Ground and air RADAR. 2 night ligh 2/13/1957 #13495  
            GREAT MEADOWS, NJ Blue Book. Saucer hovers and rocks / 1 minute 3/6/1957 #13521  
                 OFF SC COAST Blue Book. Several airliners. Fiery tail fall 3/9/1957 #13534  
                   OXNARD, CA Blue Book. Several Navy and cops and Air Traf 3/23/1957 #13556  
                   RESEDA, CA Blue Book. Observer(s) = Simon. DC6-size cyli 3/28/1957 #13564  
                    OMAHA, NE Blue Book. Civil air patrol. UFO dives going  6/13/1957 #13722  
s asked the Air Force for the Blue Book file on the RB-47 case, the file co 7/17/1957 #13808  
r by better file searching at Blue Book, James E. McDonald’s success at loc 7/17/1957 #13808  
od to be his duty as chief of Blue Book, we would label this as reckless an 7/17/1957 #13808  
              NORTH HAVRE, MT Blue Book. Bright round silver object zigzags 7/25/1957 #13833  
nute(s). No further details / Blue Book.                                    8/29/1957 #13942  
ilitary radar UFO case in the Blue Book files from now on is a NORAD case b 9/12/1957 #13992  
nse Science Board, on Project Blue Book, presumably because he wants to fin 9/16/1957 #14001  
1953 Robertson Panel. The briefing book (including Special Report no. 14 as 9/16/1957 #14001  
n and out of clouds. = moon / Blue Book card.                               10/14/1957 #14108  
object visually and on radar. Blue Book explains this as the star Arcturus, 10/14/1957 #14110  
ual (observation) / Army man. Blue Book. Huge UFO no description. [Nike Bas 10/23/1957 #14147  
gle investigator from Project Blue Book headquarters arrived at Loveland, T 11/5/1957 #14291  
t Delavan, Wisconsin. Project Blue Book claims it is an aurora or jet aircr 11/5/1957 #14346  
 case was listed as a Project Blue Book unidentified report.                11/6/1957 #14437  
             Levelland, Texas Blue Book Capt. George T. Gregory complains t 12/4/1957 #14669  
he case was never reported to Blue Book.                                    12/8/1957 #14690  
case is listed in the Project Blue Book files as case number 61 for the mon 12/8/1957 #14693  
t to the US Air Force Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book did not provide  12/15/1957 #14731  
ce Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book did not provide an evaluation of th 12/15/1957 #14731  
s. The U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book recorded the case as "little men in 12/16/1957 #14736  
little men in cigar." Project Blue Book filed a newspaper article on the ca 12/16/1957 #14736  
          LIVERMORE FALLS, ME Blue Book. Small round vibrant bright fast ob 12/28/1957 #14764  
tember–October 1954 in France. The book’s preface is written by Gen. Lionel 1958 #14781  
ded by Stefan Possony to analyze a book written by Nazi Maj. Rudolf Lusar,  1958 #14787  
ok evaluated the claims in Lusar’s book and finds mixed corroboration, part 1958 #14787  
security. Horner says Project Blue Book has things well in hand, and he tel 1/1958 #14791  
oe objects exit. Local wave / Blue Book.                                    4/15/1958 #14986  
d, The Philippines. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                5/9/1958 #15027  
r his presentation on Project Blue Book’s “improved” methods. The hearings  8/8/1958 #15184  
right night light going west. Blue Book. No further details. / UFOCAT.      9/5/1958 #15252  
takes over as head of Project Blue Book, relieving Capt. George T. Gregory. 10/1958 #15294  
ave not been sent directly to Blue Book. Though ATIC urges implementation o 10/1958 #15294  
 black momentarily. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                10/2/1958 #15305  
groups / 12 each. = meteors / Blue Book.                                    10/17/1958 #15349  
              MONTAUK AFS, NY Blue Book. Military observer(s) = Frey. CE2.  11/19/1958 #15450  
 unsuccessfully requests that Blue Book be transferred from ATIC to Air Res 12/1958 #15465  
ears to be a code for Project Blue Book. *   https://documents.theblackvaul 1959 #15516  
            WELDON SPRING, MO Blue Book. 3 observer(s). Saucer hovers / gov 1/1959? #15521  
rt bringing together ATIC and Blue Book personnel for monthly meetings wher 2/17/1959 #15591  
 the Air Force officials, and Blue Book staffers in the Pentagon. This meet 2/17/1959 #15591  
        SOUTHEAST / KYGER, OH Blue Book. Buzz / car radio. Lights dim. 6M m 3/19/1959 #15650  
, Kewper claimed that Project Blue Book was just window dressing and for pu Spring 1959 #15656  
T / OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, NE Blue Book. Military and civil Air Traffic Con 5/13/1959 #15727  
lt tells Keyhoe he is revising his book to bring it more up to date and req Late 5/1959 #15747  
              SOUTH CHINA SEA Blue Book. USAF RB66 pilot and gunner and RAD 6/22/1959 #15780  
d level flight path.A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          6/30/1959 #15804  
d out.” Neasham urges Project Blue Book’s Maj. Robert Friend to come over f 7/5/1959 #15817  
 officer in charge of Project Blue Book at the time and who was present at  7/9/1959 #15829  
ysteriously vanished. Project Blue Book lists this case as an "unknown." At 8/10/1959 #15903  
gists for 18 years. Alston Chase’s book Harvard and the Unabomber connects  9/1959 #15952  
        NORTH / LEXINGTON, KY Blue Book. Ex Air Force pilot and more. 5 glo 9/7/1959 #15957  
ds for two minutes. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                10/6/1959 #16022  
o further details / report to Blue Book.                                    10/19/1959 #16036  
erent in tone from the rest of the book. He claims there is no Air Force se 12/1959 #16104  
licly. Late in 1960, Col. Tacker's book "Flying Saucers and the U.S. Air Fo 1960 #16138  
 on a public tour to publicize the book, appearing on radio and television, 1960 #16138  
Adam and Eve to move to Earth. The Book of Genesis is a symbolic version of 1960 #16141  
d as a U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book unidentified report.                3/23/1960 #16205  
ng.” At Wright Patterson AFB, Blue Book analysts classify it as a “weather  5/19/1960 #16289  
cal explanation,” but Project Blue Book classifies the UAP as a weather bal 5/19/1960 #16292  
dditional staffer for Project Blue Book (raising it to 3) and additional fu 9/1960 #16430  
 20 and 30 minutes. A Project Blue Book "unknown".                          11/27/1960 #16516  
The case is listed by Project Blue Book as unexplained.                     11/29/1960 #16522  
ly attacks critics of Project Blue Book, depicting them all as charlatans a 12/5/1960 #16525  
Garroway. Tacker says he wrote the book Flying Saucers and the US Air Force 12/5/1960 #16526  
                     Pentagon Blue Book officer Maj. Robert Friend and his  12/27/1960 #16541  
                LAKEVILLE, MA Blue Book. Roar. Bright-yellow ovoid / 2 pass 2/28/1961 #16612  
                SAN DIEGO, CA Blue Book. 2 Navy men. "Satellite" going goin 3/13/1961 #16627  
     PACIFIC 132° 15W-34° 34N Blue Book. US Navy boat crew. No further deta 4/2/1961 #16642  
to J. Allen Hynek for Project Blue Book; and the third he keeps for himself 4/18/1961 #16653  
ir and disappeared. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          5/22/1961 #16695  
 80,000–120,000 feet. Project Blue Book evaluators correctly identify the o 6/3/1961 #16716  
 Technology Division. Project Blue Book is included in the reorganization.  7/1/1961 #16741  
ORN, OH Observer(s) = Wilson. Blue Book. Orange-yellow saucer / 10 minute(s 7/8/1961 #16753  
nds. A U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book "unknown" case. "                   8/12/1961 #16792  
a tour, tell him that Project Blue Book has the UFO problem at hand, and th Mid 8/1961 #16794  
                SAN DIEGO, CA Blue Book. Amateur astronomers and more/other 9/11/1961 #16828  
r the sighting.” Nonetheless, Blue Book wanders from Venus to a research ba 10/2/1961 #16889  
     PACIFIC 143° 55W-58° 14N Blue Book. Military observers. No further det 10/23/1961 #16924  
sted three minutes. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.                   12/13/1961 #16993  
ccording to a “former Project Blue Book Chief” (probably Maj. Friend) gun-c 1962 #17004  
Hall claims a “former Project Blue Book chief,” possibly Lt. Col. Robert J. 1962 #17011  
hey determine it is a bolide. Blue Book lists it as two sightings: a multip 4/18/1962 #17120  
r incident, including Project Blue Book documents, and now possible confirm 4/18/1962 #17120  
se is also not explained in a Blue Book monthly sighting listing for April  4/18/1962 #17120  
     PACIFIC 170° 00W-33° 00N Blue Book. Military observer(s). 1 day before 4/19/1962 #17122  
 bottom. Yellow-white center. Blue Book unidentified. No further details.   5/26/1962 #17203  
entified." (Air Force Project Blue Book 1962 Summary.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 5/26/1962 #17206  
o view behind a peak. Project Blue Book concludes it is Jupiter, even thoug 6/7/1962 #17221  
climbed and banked. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          6/30/1962 #17258  
appears in 5 seconds. Project Blue Book concludes that the men were watchin 8/30/1962 #17373  
                HAWTHORNE, NJ Blue Book. Green saucer going down [to] over  9/18/1962 #17411  
              DES PLAINES, IL Blue Book. Separate observer(s). Domed saucer 10/4/1962 #17454  
wett, who has recently published a book of his poetry. After he reads selec 11/23/1962 #17559  
° 43N. Military observer(s) / Blue Book. No further details. Fireballs goin 4/15/1963 #17727  
A / PACIFIC 168° 36E-33° 12N. Blue Book Case #. Observer(s) = USCG cutter c 6/20/1963 #17796  
wn request for information on Blue Book. The Air Force treats the request g 7/2/1963 #17824  
(not described in the Project Blue Book file) on the next day..             8/13/1963 #17899  
bert J. Friend leaves Project Blue Book and is replaced by Maj. Hector Quin 9/1963 #17926  
 Donald H. Menzel, saying that his book The World of Flying Saucers has “ef 9/19/1963 #17945  
                              Blue Book releases a statement on the Hill ca 9/27/1963 #17960  
appointed director of Project Blue Book. He is assisted by Sgt. David Moody 10/1963 #17967  
tails in files. Note: Project Blue Book chief Maj. H. Quintanilla told the  10/24/1963 #18007  
 Air Force files, but Project Blue Book chief Major Hector Quintanilla wrot 10/24/1963 #18008  
d helping him analyze Project Blue Book data.                               11/17/1963 #18047  
                  ARDMORE, OK Blue Book. Observer(s) = Rollins. Huge cylind 4/9/1964 #18164  
ps from a zinc pail. In 1966, Blue Book chief Maj. Hector Quintanilla write 4/24/1964 #18200  
r. J. Allen Hynek for Project Blue Book. Everyone, except UFO debunker Phil 4/24/1964 #18202  
 in size and color. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          5/9/1964 #18256  
he is aware of the US Project Blue Book, and that 10% of the cases are insu 7/15/1964 #18411  
ng ring hovers / 4-5 minutes. Blue Book investigation/investigators. No fur 7/27/1964 #18439  
herburne, New York. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.                   7/27/1964 #18450  
the next two minutes. Project Blue Book lists this case as an "unknown."    8/10/1964 #18477  
     ATLANTIC 27° 40W-66° 00N Blue Book. Military-sea observer(s). No furth 10/24/1964 #18591  
ading of 16–18 milliR/hr. Two Blue Book investigators—T/Sgt. David N. Moody 12/21/1964 #18670  
               WALLOPS IS, VA Blue Book. RADAR-visual (observation). Yellow 1/5/1965 #18695  
, Virginia The Pentagon sends Blue Book chief Maj. Hector Quintanilla to Ri 2/11/1965 #18810  
no. 1 (May 1965): 4; “Project Blue Book,” Interplanetary Intelligence Repor 3/2/1965 #18832  
re found at the site. Project Blue Book lists this case as an "unknown."    3/4/1965 #18842  
Leslie was a coauthor of his first book. Captain Thomas F. Mantell, pilotin 4/24/1965 #18916  
n Buckle, rushes into print with a book, The Scoriton Mystery. Shortly afte 4/24/1965 #18916  
 is familiar with the story in the book, as her husband had presented it to 4/24/1965 #18916  
have been tumbling. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          5/7/1965 #18935  
 Assembly spins! "Airplane" / Blue Book..                                   5/27/1965 #18967  
e the UFO problem. It is the first book by a working scientist to argue for 6/1965 #18978  
closer attention than Project Blue Book can possibly encompass at the prese 7/1965 #19038  
lahoma City, Oklahoma Project Blue Book puts out an official USAF press rel 8/2/1965 #19264  
d of 690 mph or more. Project Blue Book evaluates this sighting as a solar  8/12/1965 #19373  
                   RENTON, WA Blue Book. Possible abduction-try / 2 girls.  8/13/1965 #19377  
-4 seconds. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official statistic 8/30/1965 #19481  
         Angleton, TX Project Blue Book File #(?): Damon/Angleton, TX. Depu 9/3/1965 #19495  
woods. Box held beneath. Also Blue Book photos / Swan Lake.                 9/27/1965 #19609  
thods and findings of Project Blue Book. LeBailly noted: "Many of the repor 9/28/1965 #19618  
hur C. Agan has found Project Blue Book to be a worthwhile program and that 9/28/1965 #19619  
e organized to review Project Blue Book—its resources, methods, and finding 9/28/1965 #19619  
               ST. GEORGE, MN Blue Book. Cop and 4 / (seen thru) binoculars 10/21/1965 #19668  
h of this incident alive. The Blue Book report changed the name of Kecksbur 12/9/1965 #19760  
 astronomer Carl Sagan coauthors a book with Russian astrophysicist Iosif S 1966 #19795  
 (an expansion of Shklovsky’s 1962 book) in which he speculates that Earth  1966 #19795  
y Board met to review Project Blue Book. Issued report dated "March 1966" r 2/3/1966 #19877  
c Committee to Review Project Blue Book, headed by University of Rochester  2/3/1966 #19879  
es. The group recommends that Blue Book “be strengthened to provide opportu 2/3/1966 #19879  
e.” The group recommends that Blue Book data be given “wide unsolicited cir 2/3/1966 #19879  
              FORT PIERCE, FL Blue Book. Glowing balloon too bright to watc 3/23/1966 #20035  
by a scientific body to study Blue Book’s UFO files. He also writes to his  3/28/1966 #20117  
was dissatisfied with Project Blue Book and was seeking an independent anal 4/3/1966 #20214  
                    HAGUE, FL Blue Book Case #. Man tries / touch 2 Mx70CM  4/4/1966 #20216  
rvices Committee that Project Blue Book had “no radar cases which are unexp 4/5/1966 #20253  
onth in its first year alone. Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek l 4/5/1966 #20253  
noted Quintanilla’s deception in a book written six years later.  http://ww 4/5/1966 #20253  
               DORCHESTER, MA Blue Book. Power outage. Many observer(s) dom 4/12/1966 #20286  
cretary Robert McNamara about Blue Book’s treatment of his constituents.    Late 4/1966 #20416  
were made that day to Project Blue Book from nearby Columbus, Ohio.         5/4/1966 #20449  
vel for 35 seconds. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          5/7/1966 #20460  
 with another critique of the Blue Book explanation. Even Hynek urges FTD t 5/17/1966 #20497  
Dayton, Ohio, and examine the Blue Book files. On his first visit, he is st 6/6/1966 #20535  
e Air Force remains a Project Blue Book unexplained case.                   6/8/1966 #20546  
                Pentagon In a Blue Book briefing, Brig. Gen. William C. Gar 7/7/1966 #20634  
      ATLANTA, GA AND 26 JULY Blue Book. FAA men and cops and RADAR's. 4 ov 7/23/1966 #20671  
t Field. This was not Project Blue Book but something else.  https://ufos-s 7/23/1966 #20673  
ves him a copy of outstanding Blue Book UFO reports, but the contact goes n 8/1/1966 #20717  
an investigation into Project Blue Book’s methods.                          Mid 8/1966 #20749  
ate a computer program to put Blue Book’s UFO reports into a machine-readab 9/12/1966 #20873  
letter about UFOs and Project Blue Book is published in Science magazine. I 10/1966 #20944  
 18 — Excerpts of John G. Fuller’s book about the Betty and Barney Hill abd 10/3/1966 #20955  
reature “Mothman” based on a comic book character. The Scarberrys and Malle 11/15/1966 #21107  
 E. McDonald and USAF Project Blue Book advisor J. Allen Hynek through his  1967 #21240  
. Beams. Telepathy = "you'll write book". / r4p161.                         1/6/1967 #21264  
 him that someday "He will write a book."                                   1/6/1967 #21268  
ng with Col. Raymond Sleeper, Blue Book’s boss as Foreign Technology Divisi 1/12/1967 #21290  
y. (Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archives; Fowler, 1 1/18/1967 #21339  
                  WINSTED, MN Blue Book. Truck malfunctions due to EME (ele 1/25/1967 #21378  
estrials. Raymond E. Fowler’s 1979 book about the case contains the first r 1/25/1967 #21386  
He in turn handed her a thin, blue book containing their form of knowledge, 1/25/1967 #21389  
 Report, NICAP files; Project Blue Book files, National Archives; U.F.O. In 2/17/1967 #21583  
              GLASTONBURY, CT Blue Book. Noises / barn. Small humanoids (or 2/18/1967 #21588  
 and reveals that none of the Blue Book cases have been spot-checked for in 3/1967 #21696  
n. (Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP:  3/2/1967 #21724  
es; Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP:  3/3/1967 #21743  
s reported. This is a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case. The entire dur 3/6/1967 #21778  
sound. This is also a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                3/6/1967 #21779  
                ROCHESTER, MN Blue Book. Inverted mushroom 10M / ground. Ca 3/12/1967 #21861  
high speed. This is a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.                3/22/1967 #21949  
y. No further details. USAF / Blue Book report.                             3/29/1967 #22009  
 (Air Force report in Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP:  3/29/1967 #22011  
; Air Force report in Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP:  3/31/1967 #22020  
xplanations’ that are made by Blue Book and the facts of the case.” He adds 4/6/1967 #22079  
ost disturbing way by Project Blue Book investigators and their consultants 4/6/1967 #22079  
                    HOUMA, LA Blue Book. 8 observer(s). CE2+RADAR confirm.  4/10/1967 #22100  
rned, and flew away. (Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP:  4/12/1967 #22119  
turned and flew away. Project Blue Book files, (E) National Archives, car ( 4/12/1967 #22120  
Colorado project to compile a case book of its best UFO reports. Richard Ha 6/1967 #22437  
south and took off. A Project Blue Book "unknown."                          6/29/1967 #22575  
rentz hold a meeting about a “case book” of significant cases. Condon tries 6/30/1967 #22578  
t set of UFO reports for its “case book.” Condon refuses to nominate a case 7/6/1967 #22620  
rce unexplained case, Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP:  7/10/1967 #22644  
                   MAUMEE, OH Blue Book. Car hits UFO! 92% Mg fragments. /  7/13/1967 #22655  
the Boron AFS ADC radar site. Blue Book claims the date of the sighting is  7/30/1967 #22754  
n Ohio to look at the Project Blue Book files. They find cases stored adjac 9/1967? #22970  
he examines the statistics in Blue Book Special Report no. 14. Plus all of  9/1967? #22970  
             LAKE CHARLES, LA Blue Book. 1 observer. Fireball flashes 4X pa 10/18/1967 #23260  
sting on no old cases and no “case book.” He insists on including everythin 11/13/1967 #23443  
lice station and writes in the log book, “Saw a flying saucer at the juncti 12/3/1967 #23545  
p J. Klass publishes his first UFO book, UFOs—Identified, in which he theor 1968 #23627  
B and send him copies of good Blue Book cases, since Quintanilla has scrupu 2/14/1968 #23757  
 send him a catalog of recent Blue Book cases and offers to help him obtain 2/23/1968 #23779  
Following the publication of their book Flying Saucer Report: UFOs Unidenti 6/20/1968 #24054  
ecall UFO cases mentioned in their book.                                    6/20/1968 #24054  
 has publicly accused Project Blue Book of shoddy science, and further asks 9/4/1968 #24427  
 Hynek to offer advice on how Blue Book could improve its scientific method 9/4/1968 #24427  
ritique of everything Project Blue Book has done wrong: the project suffers 10/7/1968 #24548  
erence (RFI). Night light. 14 Blue Book report(s).                          10/24/1968 #24581  
 J. Werlich, is designated as Blue Book liaison and he calls the report in  10/24/1968 #24587  
 debriefing. Werlich provides Blue Book with selected data through October  10/24/1968 #24587  
h October 31. On November 13, Blue Book chief Lt. Col. Hector Quintanilla c 10/24/1968 #24587  
r signal to shut down Project Blue Book. Yet 30% of its cases are unexplain 10/31/1968 #24608  
cannot be justified.” Project Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek l 11/15/1968 #24662  
 as object flew away. Project Blue Book files, National Archives, same as N 11/22/1968 #24681  
scientific method. It is the first book to question the ETH and the first t 1969 #24802  
that will change fate. In time the book leads to a new school of ufology wh 1969 #24802  
 head of the moribund Project Blue Book.                                    2/1969 #24887  
ere was no doubt that Project Blue Book was finished.”                      3/1969 #24956  
10,000 reports in the Project Blue Book files, he estimates that 1,000–3,00 3/3/1969 #24961  
 the “continuation of Project Blue Book cannot be justified either on the g 10/20/1969 #25418  
 55-1 and are not part of the Blue Book system.” This is a clear indication 10/20/1969 #25418  
is is a clear indication that Blue Book is only a front for a classified UF 10/20/1969 #25418  
ounced termination of Project Blue Book UFO study.                          12/17/1969 #25498  
es the termination of Project Blue Book, based on the Condon report, the NA 12/17/1969 #25501  
ats the Bolender wording that Blue Book “cannot be justified either on the  12/17/1969 #25501  
est of science.” Technically, Blue Book does not terminate until January 30 12/17/1969 #25501  
inate until January 30, 1970. Blue Book records are moved to Maxwell AFB in 12/17/1969 #25501  
. Sanderson publishes his last UFO book, Invisible Residents, which compile 1970 #25518  
ry, Alabama 3:30 p.m. Project Blue Book’s doors close as its office is staf 1/30/1970 #25564  
ichols made these allegations in a book in 1992 with no independent sourcin 1/1971 #25963  
es his plans to write a nonfiction book about the agency and completes a dr 3/1972 #26584  
r. Marchetti continues work on his book with a coauthor, John D. Marks, and 3/1972 #26584  
author, John D. Marks, and signs a book contract with publisher Alfred A. K 3/1972 #26584  
olds all 168 of the deletions. The book is published by Knopf in 1974 as Th 3/1972 #26584  
nd later withdrew. It is the first book the federal government of the Unite 3/1972 #26584  
                      Project Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek w 5/1972 #26666  
or J. Allen Hynek writes that Blue Book was a “cover up” and that the UAP p 5/1972 #26666  
ynek also writes he suspected Blue Book was a “front” for a more classified 5/1972 #26666  
use for decades the USAF used Blue Book’s conclusions to debunk UAP to the  5/1972 #26666  
et analyses of UAP even after Blue Book ended; he stated he heard the offic 10/28/1972 #27098  
r, tells a different story. In his book Confessions of an Ex-Secret Service 2/19/1973 #27298  
bridge. This person fumbled with a book, dropped it in the water, retrieved 5/15/1973 #27492  
polygraph, but former Project Blue Book advisor J. Allen Hynek stated the t 10/11/1973 #28009  
had fabricated the story to sell a book, and that the doctors were a party  10/28/1973 #28311  
f the then unreleased Project Blue Book files at Maxwell AFB, Alabama, whic 1/1974 #28636  
ic to the findings of Project Blue Book, which concluded UAP were not a nat 3/1974 #28831  
is released along with a paperback book of the same title by Robert Emenegg 5/9/1974 #29097  
y on conclusions from Project Blue Book to debunk UAP, other elements of US 7/17/1974 #29267  
known” cases from the Project Blue Book files before they are withdrawn fro 1/1975? #29684  
Rutledge logged this report in his book. He and his wife saw an object emer 1/3/1975 #29709  
                   US Project Blue Book files transferred from Maxwell AFB, 3/1975 #29860  
ll AFB in Montgomery, Alabama Blue Book files are withdrawn from public acc 4/1975 #29930  
well AFB, AL withdraw Project Blue Book files from public access. Some docu 4/1975 #29931  
ret UAP study somewhere after Blue Book.  https://ufos-scientificresearch.b 4/13/1975 #29985  
stelle Parsons. It is based on the book The Interrupted Journey by John G.  10/20/1975 #30454  
. Allen Hynek that appeared in his book The UFO Experience.                 Late 10/1975 #30470  
 panel finishes reviewing the Blue Book files and turns over the sanitized  12/1975 #30679  
US writer Bill Kaysing publishes a book claiming that NASA lacks the techni 1976 #30743  
ked in a studio or at Area 51. The book launches a host of similar moon lan 1976 #30743  
 Zecharia Sitchin writes his first book of many, The 12th Planet, proposing 1976 #30744  
                            In his book Gods of Aquarius, author Brad Steig 1976 #30745  
ofilming the redacted Project Blue Book files through the commercial firm F 2/19/1976 #30886  
releases the redacted Project Blue Book paper files at its College Park, Ma Mid 5/1976 #31055  
crofilm with redacted Project Blue Book files.                              7/12/1976 #31160  
sible that Leonard has written the book as a spoof.                         8/1976 #31214  
. / unsubstantiated note / library book.                                    11/13/1976 #31542  
 of and commentary on Project Blue Book records. It is largely ghostwritten 1977 #31649  
lassified sections of Project Blue Book.” He claims to have seen photos of  1977 #31650  
lassified sections of Project Blue Book.” Sheehan claims to see photos of a 1977 #31659  
 this contradicts findings of Blue Book delivered to Congress and the Ameri 1977 #31659  
er telepathically and showed her a book. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)         3/20/1977 #31920  
er telepathically and showed her a book. She later recalled that the craft  3/20/1977 #31921  
 hardware and possibly bodies. The book immediately prompts dozens of alleg 5/1977 #32042  
ar lighted objects seen / hours. / book in works.                           10/26/1977 #32612  
 kitchen with her sister reading a book. At 10:15 p.m. a light beam came th 10/26/1977 #32618  
sely on the real-life Project Blue Book. The show is created by Jack Webb,  2/19/1978 #32982  
ft resolution. Former Project Blue Book consultants J. Allen Hynek and Jacq 12/8/1978 #34079  
ct the conclusions of Project Blue Book given to Congress and the American  12/20/1978 #34186  
                      Project Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek s 1979 #34260  
 of the CIA and author of the 1974 book The CIA and the Cult of Intelligenc 5/1979 #34532  
eted as UFOs. The remainder of the book covers techniques that can be used  8/1/1979 #34699  
ia, with a nod to Jacques Vallée’s book Passport to Magonia. It continues u Fall 1979 #34917  
UAP information after Project Blue Book.                                    1980's? #35109  
lishes Observing UFOs, a technical book on analyzing UFO reports.           1980 #35112  
or Berlitz and Moore’s forthcoming book.                                    2/28/1980 #35186  
but diaries written by former Blue Book contractor Jacques Vallée state Bri 11/17/1980 #35646  
 Who or What Were They? in 2017, a book that includes his speculations rega 11/29/1980 #35682  
 an animal. Georgina Bruni, in her book You Can’t Tell the People (2000), p 12/26/1980 #35737  
rren’s account unreliable, and the book he coauthored, Left at East Gate, i 12/28/1980 #35750  
d with local researchers the first book on the case in 1984, Sky Crash: A C 12/28/1980 #35750  
alled him to propose a non-fiction book project about UFOs. Moore tells him 1/2/1982 #36294  
teinman states that Frank Scully’s book (“Behind the Flying Saucers”) story 11/29/1983 #37053  
and Ian Summers publish a 500-page book titled Mute Evidence, arguing that  1984 #37091  
                            US The book “Clear Intent”, later renamed to “T 5/1/1984 #37309  
 recent reports and documents. The book immediately sells out and is unavai 7/1984 #37385  
 for extended periods. In his 1987 book Night Siege, Philip J. Imbrogno lis 11/1984 #37500  
rieber tells the story in his 1987 book Communion.                          12/26/1985 #37738  
tant to the Air Force Project Blue Book for many years, and founder of the  4/27/1986 #37847  
vement with mysterious events. The book remains on the bestseller list for  2/1987 #38108  
copies of the MJ-12 documents. The book is an international exposé of UFO i Summer 1987 #38198  
rt Walters’s claims, coauthoring a book with him in 1997.                   11/11/1987 #38322  
r. Hall is an UFO investigator and book author.                             12/21/1987 #38369  
g at Area-51/S-4 (Unclear: Lazar’s book says 1/89 in Preface)               12/1988 #38729  
Stevens which details Project Blue Book officials J. Allen Hynek and Lt. Co 1/1989 #38773  
e: On 6 January 1967, Project Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek t 6/1989 #38972  
ary radar UAP case in Project Blue Book files is a NORAD case because the s 6/1989 #38972  
sed on abductee Whitley Strieber’s book of the same name, premieres in the  11/10/1989 #39225  
ctively equivalent to Project Blue Book unknowns—high-strangeness UFOs that 1990 #39348  
tracts.  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45857064-forbidden-science-4   1990 #39357  
olas Goodrick-Clarke describes the book as a “chaotic farrago of conspiracy 1991 #39933  
e other USAF projects besides Blue Book that were UAP related including Pro 7/1991 #40108  
AP related including Project Black Book or Project Black Sky that used adva 7/1991 #40108  
s he heard of a USAF Project White Book that looked into historical UAP sig 7/1991 #40108  
 ice; he had not been aware of the book The Roswell Incident at that time.  7/9/1991 #40116  
. Plait discusses the issue in his book Bad Astronomy, agreeing with NASA.  9/15/1991 #40187  
tml   https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/910527.Above_Black             1992 #40276  
 Former consultant to Project Blue Book and eventual BAASS/AAWSAP subcontra 5/22/1992 #40469  
                               The book UFO Encounters by JB Michaels state 11/24/1992 #40726  
en authorized by CNES to write the book. Its foreword is written by astroph 1993 #40777  
 based on abductee Travis Walton’s book of the same name. Walton is portray 3/12/1993 #40881  
ases are written up in Mack’s 1994 book Abduction). Angela Hind writes, “It 5/1994 #41510  
 George Knapp subsequently write a book, Hunt for the Skinwalker (2005), in Fall 1994 #41773  
thing he would not disclose in the book.  https://www.amazon.com/Above-Blac Mid 1995 #42258  
 the “Dark Alliance” series into a book that responds to the criticism of t 8/18/1996 #42985  
ce Committee in turn considers the book’s claims as well as the series’ cla 8/18/1996 #42985  
inning it was still under the Blue Book, Snowbird and different covert prog 8/30/1996 #43002  
, crash and retrieval. Much of the book is an account of Corso’s claims tha 6/1997 #43304  
erse engineer that technology. The book contends that several aspects of mo 6/1997 #43304  
ly concluded in Earth’s favor. The book concludes with information about Pr 6/1997 #43304  
the Moon. When first released, the book contains a foreword written by Sen. 6/1997 #43304  
Os, since Thurmond has assumed the book is a straightforward memoir. When h 6/1997 #43304  
d memoir. When he learns about the book’s contents, Thurmond asks for his f 6/1997 #43304  
in Intelligence, that Project Blue Book had known that more than half of UF 8/3/1997 #43365  
cknowledging their existence, Blue Book came up with “false cover stories”  8/3/1997 #43365  
y in the news media. One-time Blue Book head Robert J. Friend says the stor 8/3/1997 #43365  
947-1990. Haines says Project Blue Book purposefully covered up NRO overfli 8/3/1997 #43367  
na, but provides no evidence. Blue Book head Robert J. Friend states the st 8/3/1997 #43367  
                    David Jacobs’s book The Threat expresses his belief tha 1/1998 #43482  
rd copy 16mm microfilm of the Blue Book Files, filmed at Maxwell AFB in Mon Early 3/1998 #43528  
st John E. Mack publishes a second book on abductions, Passport to the Cosm 1999 #43708  
the creation of a new Project Blue Book. John Alexander and others at NIDS  1/24/2000 #43934  
earlier in Milton William Cooper’s book Behold a Pale Horse. Another Disclo 5/9/2001 #44182  
er, Philip J. Corso, states in his book The Day after Roswell that the craf 5/9/2001 #44182  
bling Brown’s gravitators. Corso’s book also features several gravity contr 5/9/2001 #44182  
allée he finds a rare Project Blue Book file that shows Howard Cross from B 12/17/2001 #44294  
st Class Charles J Hall releases a book stating he worked at Nellis AFB bet 5/7/2003 #44528  
an-Jacques Velasco is publishing a book, OVNIs: L’évidence, in April.       1/2004 #44641  
ntire collection of sanitized Blue Book documents to be placed on the web t 2007 #44994  
 his ideas on UFOs in the landmark book Phénomènes aérospatiaux non identif 4/2007 #45015  
at was kept away from Project Blue Book.  Hal Puthoff also tells Vallee tha 1/23/2009 #45208  
either from the programmed address book or with manual input calling. He ke 9/14/2009 #45247  
ary pilot sightings, the USAF Blue Book database, UFOCAT, the MUFON Case Ma 9/30/2010 #45300  
 demonic origin. Some Project Blue Book cases at the time reminded some CIA 3/31/2011 #45322  
Greenewald Jr. puts the Fold3 Blue Book files online into his Black Vault w 1/10/2015 #45426  
ds that Greenewald remove his Blue Book collection from the Black Vault web 1/27/2015 #45427  
AF NCO who worked for Project Blue Book in the 1970s after it had publicly  3/6/2015 #45434  
                  Sekret Machines: Book 1, Chasing Shadows is released by a 4/5/2016 #45449  
and colleagues were concerned this book was written after a leak of classif 4/5/2016 #45449  
ified continuation of Project Blue Book would likely exist as a deep, black 2018 #45498  
GLs   https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/53742888-contact-modalities    12/12/2018 #45551  
The television series Project Blue Book premieres on the History channel. T 1/8/2019 #45557  
            Author Diana Pasulka’s book America Cosmic states a USG/USG con 2/20/2019 #45563  
r to AATIP, but after Project Blue Book unbeknownst to the public.  Elizond 7/19/2020 #45653  
 and J. Allen Hynek’s Project Blue Book copies) are transferred from Chicag 11/2020 #45664  
rmation for his recently published book have gone quiet. Coulthart states t 12/17/2021 #45729  
in a chair inside a saucer. In the book, ret. CIA analyst John Ramirez also 10/20/2022 #45779  
rom a “higher consciousness.”  The book additionally tracks Peter Whitley,  10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "book's" (Back to Top)
       Two cases from Project Blue Book's list of unexplained reports occur 6/17/1952 #6530  
Island in the Azores. Project Blue Book's explanation of this sighting was  7/22/1955 #12279  
## Word: "book-length" (Back to Top)
rature inversions. It is the first book-length argument against UFOs, one o 3/1953 #8721  
, and UFO and the Bible, the first book-length attempt to connect biblical  1956 #12635  
## Word: "book-unidentified" (Back to Top)
                  PHOENIX, AZ Blue Book-unidentified. 3 observer(s). Saucer 4/12/1967 #22114  
## Word: "book1%e2%80%93chasingshadows" (Back to Top)
.wikipedia.org/wiki/SekretMachines:Book1%E2%80%93ChasingShadows             4/5/2016 #45449  
## Word: "booked" (Back to Top)
s arrest with a gun and the police booked the man before another man in a “ 7/3/1967 #22604  
## Word: "bookkeeper" (Back to Top)
             On this night a local bookkeeper, X. Saidov, spotted a large d 10/31/1989 #39200  
## Word: "bookkeeping" (Back to Top)
ute in Moscow. Data processing and bookkeeping is performed by I. G. Petrov 1/1978 #32835  
## Word: "booklet" (Back to Top)
ship’s interior in Schmidt’s later booklet depicts a Volkswagen Beetle.) Un 11/5/1957 #14343  
r of copper. Also inside is a tiny booklet of 17 sheets of thin copper foil 11/21/1957 #14590  
per foil fastened at one edge. The booklet is engraved with script similar  11/21/1957 #14590  
own the third. This was in a small booklet.                                 1/28/1967 #21411  
## Word: "books" (Back to Top)
owell publishes his views in three books: Mars (1895), Mars and Its Canals  5/1894 #314  
t and researcher who wrote several books on the subject, included descripti 10/13/1917 #970  
 York City in order to promote his books and ideas.                         1/26/1931 #1121  
        Charles Fort’s four famous books                                    1941 #1349  
in 1952 and future author of seven books on the UFO phenomenon, witnessed a 6/10/1947 #2320  
t Oak Ridge.  http://www.cufos.org/books/TheRoswellReportR2.pdf (p14)   htt 9/23/1947 #3419  
ing a correlation; it mentions the books of Charles Fort as indicating that 11/8/1948 #3871  
.” Ruppelt says it is based on the books provided for taking college tests  3/25/1952 #5973  
udo-human/entity translator. Wants books. Shows tricks. / MJ#309.           4/10/1952 #6054  
opulsion method not in the physics books.”                                  4/25/1952 #6185  
l science of life expounded in the books he has written, all of them channe 2/1954 #9522  
tive 3820.2.  http://www.nicap.org/books/fsc/flying-saucer-conspiracy.pdf ( 7/23/1954 #10044  
including Willis Sperry’s) and UFO books.                                   3/1/1955 #12026  
ing Saucers, one of the best early books on UFOs, originally published in F 1956 #12633  
lest of the current crop of saucer books.”                                  1/22/1956 #12678  
ut after this happened, I got some books and read up on it. Now I'm convinc 11/8/1956 #13315  
 date of 1953), the first of three books that set forth an alternative occu 1957 #13430  
 among the first ancient astronaut books. In the latter book, Williamson cl 1957 #13430  
y but provides no motive.  https://books.google.com/books/about/Flying%20Sa 5/1957 #13633  
 motive.  https://books.google.com/books/about/Flying%20Saucers%20Top%20Sec 5/1957 #13633  
00046R000200090019-9.pdf   https://books.google.com/books?id=Zgw35KTLOVoC&p 2/16/1961 #16600  
9-9.pdf   https://books.google.com/books?id=Zgw35KTLOVoC&pg=PT407&lpg=PT407 2/16/1961 #16600  
pacemen?, the first of a series of books espousing his view that the world’ 1964 #18103  
ecomes one of the best-selling UFO books of all time.                       6/1966 #20515  
 Note: One of the only open source books discussing electrogravitics for ae 1968 #23633  
 Research Institute. [rg: Also see books/presentations by physicist Paul La 1968 #23633  
of the Gods?, the first of several books setting out the “ancient astronaut 3/1968 #23798  
n Ummo cult has begun to form, and books—both journalistic accounts and ant 1969 #24804  
to the public in a 965-page Bantam Books edition.                           1/9/1969 #24830  
 Keyhoe’s failure to keep adequate books and records. He urges the hiring o 10/27/1969 #25425  
 Gleason has a collection of 1,700 books on parapsychology, UFOs, and the u 2/19/1973 #27298  
  http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books,%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Pap 12/28/1973 #28612  
The Unidentified, one of the first books to reject the notion of alien invo 1975 #29671  
e next morning. A friend finds his books and notebooks scattered on the str 6/23/1976 #31134  
1969. Stringfield began publishing books on the sources’ claims in the 1970 8/1978 #33460  
ll.  http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/DigitizedbyAFU/QuestPublications/Q 2/16/1979 #34431  
blic and is the subject of various books and media. Doty redirects attentio 1980's? #35109  
2   https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/DigitizedbyAFU/QuestPublications/Q 11/17/1980 #35646  
things missing being Stringfield’s books. RC states he and his fiancé moved 1982 #36291  
is experiences in seven subsequent books, in which he elaborates on his bel 2/1987 #38108  
 entry in Eisenhower’s appointment books on a special meeting.              7/22/1987 #38212  
cluded in The Matrix series of six books published from 1988 to 2007 by Gra 12/1987 #38342  
“John Grace” publishes a series of books on the “Matrix” under the pseudony 1/1991 #39944  
it was not something we had on the books.”  This conflicts with D’Amato’s c 5/22/1992 #40469  
s://youtu.be/xXsrH2qT2O4   https://books.google.com/books?id=Gic3gcQysOsC&l 5/25/1995 #42229  
H2qT2O4   https://books.google.com/books?id=Gic3gcQysOsC&lpg=PA66&ots=nPadI 5/25/1995 #42229  
it was not something we had on the books.” *   https://imgur.com/a/4TxNMVI  Late 1990's #43480  
*   https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/DigitizedbyAFU/Aldrich,%20Jan%20-% 12/3/1999 #43892  
Special Access Programs.”  https://books.google.com/books?id=WwYRW5zQnQcC&p 2000 #43914  
ograms.”  https://books.google.com/books?id=WwYRW5zQnQcC&pg=PA300&lpg=PA300 2000 #43914  
/vidaalien/esphall02.htm   https://books.google.com/books/about/MillennialH 5/7/2003 #44528  
l02.htm   https://books.google.com/books/about/MillennialHospitality.html?i 5/7/2003 #44528  
rk expands on the concept in later books and articles.                      6/26/2008 #45147  
he CIA” that has been run “off the books,” something that Congress wasn’t i 9/2022 #45765  
## Word: "bookstore" (Back to Top)
igberg, owner of the Flying Saucer Bookstore in New York City, begins publi 3/1955 #12023  
ering approximately 75 feet over a bookstore in London, Ontario, Canada. Th 10/10/1998 #43662  
## Word: "bookstores" (Back to Top)
itia circles as well as mainstream bookstores. Historian Nicholas Goodrick- 1991 #39933  
## Word: "boom" (Back to Top)
         CUPAR, FIFE, SCOTLAND Big boom. Clothes fly off lines. Some drop.  6/30/1842 #134  
bserver(s). Huge disk going south. Boom! Angel hair all over/all about. Sma 10/13/1954 #10991  
MON, SD 1M fireball follows train. Boom! Railroad/railway phones and signal 11/16/1956 #13331  
near. Quickly going up [to] with a boom! / r46p115.                         11/3/1957 #14227  
 an object at the time or hear the boom.                                    10/26/1958 #15385  
:00 or 4:00 p.m. Following a sonic boom above Quebec, a fiery object falls  6/12/1960 #16312  
ing quickly [to] 1600kph. No sonic boom. / r83p11.                          5/18/1964 #18281  
d 1,000 mph without making a sonic boom.                                    5/18/1964 #18285  
s to a level approximating a sonic boom as it goes up. As the UFO disappear 8/19/1965 #19427  
 small humanoids (or Greys) hang / boom. Oil traces. / r8#850+/ r113p202.   6/13/1967 #22499  
ur amber lights are underneath the boom. After watching for 10 minutes, Cun 6/13/1967 #22503  
                 OELWEIN, IA Sonic boom. Moon-size object paces 2 cops / ca 10/8/1967 #23192  
A woman heard a sound like a sonic boom and went to the window to investiga 11/10/1967 #23436  
RK Many calls. Orange flash. Sonic boom! White silver saucer below clouds.  9/17/1970 #25839  
 overhead and hears a double sonic boom. The smoke trail lingers in the atm 8/10/1972 #26892  
 a.m. by a loud noise like a sonic boom. A few minutes later he saw a brigh 9/8/1974 #29437  
er going down [to] by woods. Sonic boom. Phone out / 7 days.                9/12/1976 #31380  
ing like a horizontal periscope or boom protruded form the right side. The  4/4/1977 #31943  
 going [to] over car / heavy rain. Boom and scratch sound.                  9/30/1977 #32533  
d streaks of light in the sky. The boom is heard 34 miles away in Cape Broy 4/2/1978 #33119  
and Argentina. It produces a sonic boom that is heard 120 miles away and sh 5/6/1978 #33190  
ing [to] WSW overhead. Slow. Sonic boom?                                    11/11/1980 #35633  
 US395. Lights all over/all about. Boom hangs. Going northeast.             1/9/1984 #37117  
t the Nevada Test Site, by a sonic boom or some secret military aircraft ma 2/24/1985 #37559  
er(s). Saucer with sparking forked boom. Antennas. 3 hours missing time. Je 10/14/1988 #38673  
s away making a noise like a sonic boom.                                    10/12/1989 #39166  
s 6-8 red night lights. Vanishes / boom!                                    9/19/1990 #39734  
off. This was followed with a loud boom.                                    9/19/1990 #39737  
t, giving no engine noise or sonic boom. He also writes about some “exotic” 10/1/1990 #39756  
lit up, bright illumination, sonic boom. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)   2/24/1992 #40334  
lit up, bright illumination, sonic boom.                                    2/24/1992 #40335  
w. Dims. Ringed / portholes. Sonic boom.                                    4/26/1992 #40430  
iro State, Brazil. It made a sonic boom as it flew off toward the east.     4/26/1992 #40431  
uthern Zambia, followed by a sonic boom. Some people see three large lights 9/14/1994 #41749  
ry low altitude there was no sonic boom heard.                              4/18/2003 #44516  
 barrier without producing a sonic boom, high maneuverability not able to b 6/25/2021 #45694  
. Several residents report a sonic boom. According to Hassan Ali Dar, deput 7/30/2021 #45701  
## Word: "boom-like" (Back to Top)
ith four windows along the side; a boom-like aerial protrudes from one side 6/13/1967 #22503  
## Word: "boomer" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Boomer” YieldMax: 20KT                   10/1/1961 #16884  
## Word: "boomerang" (Back to Top)
s / groups. 200mph going west. Odd boomerang / SF news.                     7/15/1947 #3184  
                      LASHAM, ENGL Boomerang hovers over glider-plane / 30  7/26/1955 #12286  
ritish Gliding Association watched boomerang -shaped object (or flattened t 7/26/1955 #12288  
                POINT PLEASANT, NJ Boomerang going down. Grass flat. Voice  9/19/1957 #14010  
red ovoids, followed by a V-shaped boomerang.                               8/16/1960 #16398  
ver(s). 1 sees disk. 1 photographs boomerang. 4 passes / 70 minute(s).      9/10/1960 #16439  
, NY Several report(s). Silent 25M boomerang 30M over canal. Hides / search 4/4/1966 (approximate) #20215  
TX 8 separate reports. Saucers and boomerang. Erratic darting maneuvers. Bi 1/22/1967 #21365  
icians and 5 separate observer(s). Boomerang seen / 5-6 minute(s). Going no 2/5/1967 #21450  
an object that first looked like a boomerang, then appeared like a teardrop 2/5/1967 #21454  
al times; it returns to him like a boomerang, after it inflicts superficial 3/10/1968 #23834  
 Dark spots cross moons face. Then boomerang shapes!                        11/9/1968 #24645  
LLE, PA 3 cops and 4+12. DC3-sized boomerang hovers over school. Lights / e 1/19/1972 #26548  
 strange object in the shape of a "boomerang" hovering over the High School 1/19/1972 #26549  
 IN 4:00 a.m. Giant orange glowing boomerang object with no sound, one hour 3/10/1972 #26595  
        BULAWAYO, RHODESIA 2 cops. Boomerang object passes over town. / Sky 4/9/1973 #27416  
ht a woman reported seeing a large boomerang shaped craft hovering over a h 8/27/1973 #27725  
nnsylvania reported seeing a large boomerang shaped craft hovering over a h 8/27/1973 #27726  
        Saline, MI Residents saw a boomerang or triangular object hovering  2/9/1978 #32962  
esidents of Saline, Michigan saw a boomerang or triangular object hovering  2/9/1978 #32964  
lash. 3+2 observer(s). 340' silent boomerang / night lights hovers / 70' al 9/27/1978 #33755  
            TEGULCIGALPA, HONDURAS Boomerang UFO swoops over city. All elec 10/14/1978 #33830  
erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Boomerang tumbles and maneuvers / 5 minu 9/26/1979 (approximate) #34925  
HVILLE, ARK Thundering noise. Huge boomerang / lights 30m over isolated hou 2/3/1981 #35811  
 observer(s). Luminous sharp-edged boomerang circles / irregular path / 30  2/20/1981 #35839  
naba (west of), MI An 80-foot wide boomerang shaped object, with a convex c 4/8/1982 #36441  
                   An 80-foot wide boomerang shaped object, with a convex c 4/8/1982 #36443  
       KATY, TX Unnatural silence. Boomerang UFO overhead hums-the only sou 7/22/1982 #36542  
  NEAR KENT, NY Man / car buzzed / boomerang. Voice in head says. "Don't be 12/31/1982 #36730  
               KENT, NY Cop and 1. Boomerang hums / low-frequency. Lights g 12/31/1982 #36731  
r Traffic Controllers. Huge silent boomerang with array / lights stops / sk 2/26/1983 #36768  
MEL, NY 2 observer(s). Silent 150' boomerang with lights going south / 50'  2/26/1983 #36769  
, NY 25 observer(s) and cops. 200' boomerang / 160' altitude near homes. Be 3/17/1983 #36785  
OUGHKEEPSIE, NY 25 calls / police. Boomerang UFO. Cop follows delta/triangl 3/17/1983 #36787  
ds / observer(s). 75 reports. 150' boomerang over Taconic highway. Hums. Go 3/24/1983 #36798  
servoir, NY Dog did not respond to boomerang (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 3/24/1983 #36799  
white light as it speeds under the boomerang. John Miller sees the object h 3/24/1983 #36807  
e, New York, see white lights in a boomerang shape hovering over a utility  3/24/1983 #36808  
ts go out, allowing him to see the boomerang shape. The lights come back on 3/24/1983 #36808  
PAC, NY 20 ind. observer(s). Large boomerang shines beam ahead. Hovers over 3/26/1983 #36812  
      Sandy Hook, CT Dog barked at boomerang (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 3/31/1983 #36826  
:30 PM. A huge silent, stationary, boomerang shaped UFO with two large oran 7/22/1983 #36920  
30 p.m. a huge silent, stationary, boomerang shaped UFO with two large oran 7/22/1983 #36922  
        ARCACHON, FR Engineer. Big boomerang going south. Red-orange lights 8/5/1983 #36934  
                   At 10:30 p.m. a boomerang with lights moved slowly acros 9/18/1983 #36972  
is (west of), ND 10:00 PM. A large boomerang or U-shaped UFO was seen by tw 3/6/1984 #37218  
nsen and Gary Myers, watch a large boomerang or U-shaped UFO west of Norris 3/6/1984 #37219  
                           A large boomerang or U-shaped UFO was seen by tw 3/6/1984 #37220  
  I87 / WOODBURY, NY Trucker. Huge boomerang paces / 5 min. Pure-colored li 3/21/1984 #37232  
   CHAPPAQUA, NY Cops and several. Boomerang / night lights over town-hall. 6/11/1984 #37355  
r more bright lights arranged in a boomerang pattern hovering for about 15  6/14/1984 #37361  
 away. They finally form up into a boomerang shape. Ruhl and Petracca suspe 6/21/1984 #37370  
ey area of New York say they see a boomerang shaped UAP that traveled at tr 6/28/1984 #37382  
IDGE, NY Several observer(s). Slow boomerang low over road. Faint humming.  7/19/1984 #37402  
 lights in such a way as to create boomerang or circle patterns. The author 11/1984 #37500  
 SAN RAFAEL, CA 1 observer. Curved boomerang hovers. Maneuvers. Rises / hig 10/25/1985 #37692  
ORD, CT Police phones jammed. Huge boomerang. I84 traffic jam. Absolute(ly) 1/9/1986 #37758  
efore heading off to the west. The boomerang is also seen by dozens of witn 1/9/1986 #37762  
efore heading off to the west. The boomerang seen over Hartford and New Bri 1/9/1986 #37763  
 Nash and son. Large silent curved boomerang cloud obscures stars north goi 2/1/1987 #38109  
lotting out the stars in a precise boomerang shape. The perimeter of the sh Early Autumn 1987 #38274  
RON, IN 1 / car. Huge black silent boomerang / treetops. Going south. Same  9/14/1987 #38286  
ctober 1988, and they saw a bright boomerang shaped UAP, and later two brig 10/23/1988 #38683  
OPE VALLEY, CA 2 observer(s). 600' boomerang / 25mph. 2nd joins. 15-20 sauc 10/26/1988 #38695  
re several reports of sightings of boomerang and V-shaped objects in Porter 10/26/1988 #38699  
sses reported that a 600 foot wide boomerang flew over at 25 mph; it was jo 10/26/1988 #38699  
esses at 7:00 p.m. Next, four dark boomerang or V-shaped craft, from 75 fee 12/2/1988 #38735  
    SHRUB OAK, NY 1 observer. 900' boomerang stops 50' over baseball field. 3/2/1989 #38863  
 engineer and two others watched a boomerang or V-shaped object as big as a 5/4/1989 #38936  
t turned off it looked like a blue boomerang.                               5/4/1989 #38936  
nitoba, when she sees a “cloudlike boomerang” pass over her car.            Late 8/1989 #39072  
 little; he claims it was wedge or boomerang shaped, he had previously work 9/28/1989 #39132  
 Breeze, FL Dogs barking at hum of boomerang (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 10/9/1989 #39154  
 a park when he sees a “shimmering boomerang” in the sky. He goes closer an 10/12/1989 #39166  
RCOS, CA Several observer(s). 300' boomerang over homes. Going quickly west 10/14/1989 #39172  
    (NW), IN 2 separate airliners. Boomerang going quickly northeast / impo 10/24/1989 #39182  
          LANCASTER, CA 800' black boomerang goes over downtown! 35' silver 11/18/1989 #39236  
LIS, IN Several observer(s). White boomerang chased / 4 black Huey-helicopt 12/1/1989 #39291  
 EXINCOURT, FR 3 observer(s). Dark boomerang with lights going [to] 20M ove 3/23/1990 #39480  
                       WARRIOR, AL Boomerang with Fantail going [to] over t 5/19/1990 #39577  
 Blind dog on porch indifferent to boomerang (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 5/21/1990 #39581  
H HUNTINGDON, PA 1 observer. Large boomerang near power lines. Vibration fe 5/24/1990 #39586  
og became still and quite before a boomerang appeared (NICAP: 04 - Animal R 5/24/1990 #39587  
        CLACTON-ON-SEA, ESSEX 200' boomerang. Silent. Follows coast northea 9/27/1990 #39745  
AZERES, FR 1 observer. Slow silver boomerang makes jet noise. Weak glow / r 10/26/1990 #39812  
, FR 1 observer. White-glowing 25M boomerang going east over trees. Porthol 11/2/1990 #39824  
D, FR 5 separate observer(s). 250M boomerang and ovoid / low altitude. Phot 11/5/1990 #39860  
 OSYTH, ESSEX 2+2 observer(s). Fat boomerang going east. 0230h / Clacton. S 11/22/1990 #39895  
N, FR 3 observer(s). Silent yellow boomerang with lights from Mts. Stops. G 11/22/1990 (approximate) #39897  
ELD, MA Repeat adductee. Huge dark boomerang blocks starry sky.             2/12/1991 #39975  
 at 1:40 a.m., watched a huge dark boomerang shaped UFO that blocked out th 2/12/1991 #39976  
EST / LANCASTER, CA 4 observer(s). Boomerang strobes maneuver and vanish. 2 5/28/1991 #40076  
 SOUTH / MARSHALL, ARK 300m silent boomerang over group / hunters. 3 red ni 11/15/1991 #40230  
 PINEVILLE, NC Odd lack / traffic. Boomerang hovers over girl / 16 / 20 min 6/8/1992 #40488  
   WILLIAMSPORT, PA 2 observer(s). Boomerang / 500' altitude. Slow. White s 10/27/1992 #40693  
onroe, Louisiana watched a silent, boomerang shaped UFO with bright beams o 12/24/1992 #40768  
    ELBA, AL 3 observer(s). Silent boomerang with lights follows car going  1/21/1993 #40807  
     BAYPORT, FL Cop. Silent black boomerang paces car. Going quickly [to]  4/16/1993 #40936  
bserved a 200-300 foot wide flying boomerang or V-shaped UFO in Bayport, Fl 4/16/1993 #40938  
        LONDON, ONT 2 observer(s). Boomerang with 12 lights / bottom. 2 day 10/18/1993 #41244  
, ON 1 observer. Huge silent black boomerang going quickly NNW / 30 second( 11/18/1993 (approximate) #41282  
LLA VENICE, FL 3 observer(s). Huge boomerang / low altitude. Blows smoke. G 8/27/1994 #41694  
            EL CENTRO NAS, CA Huge boomerang and objects in formation. Seve 2/23/1995 #42059  
 Several observer(s). Glowing hazy boomerang going straight and level. Fast 8/18/1995 #42398  
 AUBURN, WA 1+6 observer(s). Black boomerang with dim lights descends. Tria 9/10/1995 #42452  
5. Buzz sound. Huge vibrant bright boomerang going quickly [to] overhead. R 4/20/1996 #42873  
             Akron, OH Dogs hid as boomerang passed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Rea 7/25/1996 #42965  
 MS 3 observer(s). Static. Ghostly boomerang / 5mph / 200' altitude. Vanish 10/11/1996 #43064  
, Washington. It changed form to a boomerang shape and became transparent,  9/21/1999 #43852  
s on the leading edge defining the boomerang outline, flew directly overhea 4/26/2001 #44169  
                  Silently gliding boomerang or V-Shaped objects were seen  11/1/2002 #44434  
                             Three boomerang shaped objects hovered over th 3/13/2003 #44501  
                            A huge boomerang, surrounded by a cloud or mist 5/19/2003 #44541  
 did not appear to notice enormous boomerang moving slowly and silently ove 6/5/2003 #44553  
        A very large, silent, dark boomerang shaped aircraft was seen over  9/26/2003 #44609  
ou could see through it and it was boomerang shaped, very fast, and silent. 11/21/2003 #44616  
t angle movements. Next, a silent, boomerang shaped object flew over Borger 12/23/2003 #44631  
.m. a dark to light brown "rounded boomerang" or crescent moon-shaped objec 3/14/2005 #44822  
                                 A boomerang shaped object, white with mult 9/7/2005 #44869  
 Jersey a witness reported another boomerang or V-shaped UFO. It was big an 3/14/2006 #44929  
                    At 3:30 a.m. a boomerang V-shaped object, very large, w 9/17/2006 #44963  
red to be fixed to the bottom of a boomerang or chevron-shaped object flyin 11/9/2007 #45092  
                A black chevron or boomerang shaped object with circling li 11/22/2007 #45095  
   At 12:48 a.m. a gigantic flying boomerang or V-shaped object with a doze 11/22/2008 #45190  
              At 10:20 p.m. a huge boomerang or V-shaped object was observe 11/29/2008 #45193  
         There were two reports of boomerang shaped objects maneuvering in  9/9/2009 #45244  
on County, Alabama of three silver boomerang shaped objects spotted in broa 9/9/2009 #45244  
nd, England a 40-foot across black boomerang shaped object with five green  5/12/2010 #45280  
shield around the US using a large boomerang shaped craft that could loiter 6/2013 #45368  
y building material for triangular/boomerang shaped craft.  https://futuret 6/2013 #45368  
iniec walking her dog sees a giant boomerang floating silently to the west  8/3/2013 #45380  
## Word: "boomerang-" (Back to Top)
rd, Connecticut, to watch a silent boomerang- shaped object, estimated to b 1/9/1986 #37762  
tect in Sandomierz, Poland, sees a boomerang- or half-moon-shaped object su 10/31/2008 #45182  
## Word: "boomerang-shaped" (Back to Top)
hin, translucent, tan asymmetrical boomerang-shaped object (NICAP: 01 - Dis 9/22/1954 #10393  
thin, translucent tan asymmetrical boomerang-shaped object revolved, then t 9/22/1954 #10394  
thin, translucent tan asymmetrical boomerang-shaped object as it came down  9/22/1954 #10398  
                Point Pleasant, NJ Boomerang-shaped object bigger than a ho 9/19/1957 #14011  
      Point Pleasant, New Jersey A boomerang-shaped object bigger than a ho 9/19/1957 #14012  
                                 A boomerang-shaped object bigger than a ho 9/19/1957 #14015  
ht gray glowing objects, saucer or boomerang-shaped (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 9/10/1960 #16440  
ht gray glowing objects, saucer or boomerang-shaped, which swished when acc 9/10/1960 #16441  
ht-gray glowing objects, saucer or boomerang-shaped, that swish when accele 9/10/1960 #16443  
ht gray glowing objects, saucer or boomerang-shaped, which made a swishing  9/10/1960 #16444  
ormation of nocturnal lights, or a boomerang-shaped object with running lig 8/17/1961 #16799  
 separate reports of saucers and a boomerang-shaped object from Wharton and 1/22/1967 #21367  
                    At 1:45 a.m. a boomerang-shaped object was seen for six 2/5/1967 #21461  
and their three children saw a fat boomerang-shaped object with three red l 3/17/1967 #21910  
 10:30 p.m. PDT. Four people saw a boomerang-shaped object with a white lig 8/14/1967 #22875  
he east, now visibly attached to a boomerang-shaped object with the concave 9/26/1979 #34928  
ichael Romanowski, 8, sees a white boomerang-shaped object in Buffalo, New  4/17/1980 #35273  
                       Morenci, AZ Boomerang-shaped object with body lights 10/23/1980 #35581  
                       Morenci, AZ Boomerang-shaped object with body lights 10/23/1980 #35582  
 evening meal break. They notice a boomerang-shaped object approaching the  10/23/1980 #35584  
aty, TX Three witnesses saw a dark boomerang-shaped (or V-shaped) object wi 7/22/1982 #36544  
While walking his dog, a man saw a boomerang-shaped object traveling southe 9/17/1982 #36605  
olice officer and his family see a boomerang-shaped object drift slowly ove 12/31/1982 #36733  
 side of the road after spotting a boomerang-shaped formation of lights tha 12/31/1982 #36733  
t, multi-colored 200-300 foot wide boomerang-shaped object with many lights 2/26/1983 #36770  
n they see a silent, multicolored, boomerang-shaped object about 200–300 fe 2/26/1983 #36771  
t, multi-colored 200-300 foot wide boomerang-shaped object with many lights 2/26/1983 #36772  
0:00 p.m. Hundreds of people see a boomerang-shaped object moving slowly an 3/17/1983 #36788  
oded with calls reporting a large, boomerang-shaped UFO with red, blue, and 3/24/1983 #36807  
n, GA 8:00 PM. Three 12-meter long boomerang-shaped objects hovered at low  3/21/1984 #37235  
 south of Albany, New York, sees a boomerang-shaped UFO about 100 feet alti 3/21/1984 #37236  
to a near stop when they see three boomerang-shaped objects, with wings poi 3/21/1984 #37237  
               Three 12-meter long boomerang-shaped objects hovered at low  3/21/1984 #37239  
m to be attached to a slow-moving, boomerang-shaped object with six intense 3/25/1984 #37245  
   Pound Ridge, NY 8:20 PM. A huge boomerang-shaped object with lights runn 7/19/1984 #37403  
                            A huge boomerang-shaped object with lights runn 7/19/1984 #37405  
ar Plant, NY 9:00 PM. A very large boomerang-shaped UFO hovered only 300 fe 7/24/1984 #37410  
         At 9:00 p.m. a very large boomerang-shaped UFO hovered only 300 fe 7/24/1984 #37414  
red and white blinking lights on a boomerang-shaped craft, which passed ove 3/14/1985 #37568  
cut at 9:00 p.m. to watch a silent boomerang-shaped object, estimated to be 1/9/1986 #37763  
ana witnessed a very large, black, boomerang-shaped object, the size of a r 9/14/1987 #38288  
York reported that a huge metallic boomerang-shaped UFO with many lights in 3/2/1989 #38864  
roof. They pointed at a large dark boomerang-shaped object overhead and tol 6/29/1989 #38997  
nipeg, Manitoba. They see a white “boomerang-shaped” object hanging silentl 10/9/1989 #39155  
eg, Manitoba, when he sees a large boomerang-shaped object flying north to  10/9/1989 #39156  
                    At 6:15 a.m. a boomerang-shaped object was observed 50  10/24/1989 #39184  
nia Early evening. A large, black, boomerang-shaped object glides over down 11/18/1989 #39237  
        Two witnesses observed two boomerang-shaped UFOs pass low over the  12/23/1989 #39328  
, Alabama at 4:35 a.m. a man saw a boomerang-shaped object with a fan tail  5/19/1990 #39578  
, England at 12:30 a.m., and a fat boomerang-shaped object was seen going e 11/22/1990 #39899  
aeli police and the IDF followed a boomerang-shaped UFO from Beth Shean, Is 12/6/1991 #40257  
         In Marshfield, Missouri a boomerang-shaped object was seen by two  8/15/1992 #40576  
men had a close encounter with two boomerang-shaped objects with a fat cent 8/20/1992 #40586  
Monroe, Louisiana, watch a silent, boomerang-shaped UFO with bright beams o 12/24/1992 #40767  
                    At 9:30 p.m. a boomerang-shaped object with a luminous  9/18/1993 #41203  
nsylvania put their spotlight on a boomerang-shaped object in a field, whic 11/22/1993 #41300  
m vet claimed to have seen a large boomerang-shaped object appear from the  8/15/1995 #42389  
y. Fifteen minutes later, a silent boomerang-shaped object glides above the 7/1997 #43344  
la, Skåne, Sweden, when they see a boomerang-shaped object flying overhead, 11/11/1999 #43879  
                          A silent boomerang-shaped object with no lights w 4/30/2002 #44334  
s City, Kansas observed an immense boomerang-shaped craft at 9:30 p.m. It w 11/9/2002 #44437  
Town district of Rzeszów, Poland A boomerang-shaped object surrounded by mi 11/16/2002 #44444  
ing I-5 near Fresno, California. A boomerang-shaped UFO was spotted over Al 5/19/2003 #44543  
                           A black boomerang-shaped object passed low and f 8/13/2003 #44575  
                    At 8:00 p.m. a boomerang-shaped UFO was observed travel 2/11/2004 #44663  
nitoba at 10:30 p.m. three orange, boomerang-shaped objects moved in format 8/20/2004 #44737  
                           Another boomerang-shaped object flew over the wi 9/18/2004 #44760  
and was huge. Also at 10:00 p.m. a boomerang-shaped object was seen in Miam 10/27/2004 #44772  
                            A huge boomerang-shaped UFO with a single front 5/7/2006 #44941  
                A dark gray, giant boomerang-shaped UFO with 8 dim lights w 6/1/2009 #45225  
unty, Alabama of a dark chevron or boomerang-shaped object maneuvering in d 9/9/2009 #45244  
a.m. A Mr. Mateusz notices a large boomerang-shaped object with yellow ligh 10/13/2013 #45390  
## Word: "boomerangs" (Back to Top)
NGTON, SC FBI wire / 12 saucers( = boomerangs) / 200mph. Army plane follows 7/6/1947 #2766  
culars, they look like black, open boomerangs. More objects join them until 6/29/1949 #4256  
tate and Connecticut "Night Siege" boomerangs, continuing for a long period Late 1982 #36642  
        CLAXTON, GA 2 / car. 3 12M boomerangs hover low / altitude. 1 going 3/21/1984 #37233  
        PORTERVILLE, CA AND FRESNO Boomerangs etc. reported (after 9 pm). N 10/26/1988 #38696  
t light / lakeside. 4 dark 75-300' boomerangs slow overhead / low altitude. 12/2/1988 #38734  
nging from balls of light to other boomerangs. He telephones a newspaper to 10/9/1989 #39156  
A 1 observer. 2 fast green-glowing boomerangs going northeast. 1 loops. Bot 1/1991 #39942  
 FR 2 luminous/glowing silver-grey boomerangs. South going quickly north. S 7/23/1995 #42322  
g / 35 minute(s). 5 silent glowing boomerangs going [to] overhead / V-forma 1/1/1996 #42661  
## Word: "booming" (Back to Top)
cer hovers / treetops / rainstorm. Booming sounds.                          11/17/1958 #15446  
he police, she hears a loud, deep, booming sound, and the object and creatu 10/21/1973 #28228  
eg Karyakin hears a low- frequency booming noise and sees a bright object l 6/14/1980 #35367  
enly the lights go out and the ice booming stops. The witnesses assume the  3/4/1988 #38487  
Oroshaza, Hungary and heard a loud booming voice repeat three times, "We wi 1/26/1991 #39966  
g-like and disappeared. He heard a booming voice say, three times, "I will  12/4/1991 #40254  
 At 11:33 p.m. a barking dog and a booming sound alerted the witness to two 6/18/1996 #42934  
o accounts of bright flashes, loud booming noises, and “several plumes of b 3/24/1997 #43239  
 in Mitchell, Manitoba, hears loud booming sounds and runs outside to see t 8/17/2001 #44237  
## Word: "booms" (Back to Top)
ing up and down. Odd clouds. Sonic booms. No further details. / Periodicals 11/18/1795 #93  
ing quickly west / 60M altitude. 3 booms / regular intervals.               3/4/1909 #722  
d strokes its surface when a voice booms, “Better not touch the hull, pal,  7/4/1950 #5042  
       WHANGAMOA, NZ Farmer. Sonic booms? Domed saucer quickly going down.  3/19/1954 #9630  
Moon saucer. Beams and flashes and booms. Power out / 4 mile(s) area / 10 m 11/14/1957 #14546  
ighway 51. It disappears after 5–6 booms and 3 flashes of light. As soon as 11/14/1957 #14551  
as accompanied by five or six loud booms and three brilliant flashes. Then  11/14/1957 #14552  
              LONG BEACH, CA Sonic booms. 12 metal objects play / sky. Vani 5/19/1961 #16686  
 some grass fires and causes sonic booms in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, m 12/9/1965 #19762  
c WW1-helmet saucer. Regular sonic booms heard. Photograph second(s).       9/6/1970 #25825  
l lights all over/all about. Small booms heard.                             12/4/1971 #26484  
 were also a series of unexplained booms or skyquakes heard all along the e 12/2/1977 #32731  
France. Also that night mysterious booms were reported up and down the east 12/15/1977 #32777  
re were several reports of mystery booms being heard in Burlington, Atlanti 12/21/1977 #32803  
ing two dull explosions like sonic booms.                                   5/3/1979 #34539  
Chances of Nellis aircraft causing booms that would be felt in Las Vegas ar 2/24/1985 #37559  
portholes going up / lighthouse. 4 booms. / r123p238+/ r41p205.             3/4/1990 #39444  
s took off at high speed with loud booms, stopped, hovered, and flashed bri 3/4/1990 #39445  
s took off at high speed with loud booms, stopped, hovered, flashed bright  3/4/1990 #39446  
 LA MADELEINE-NONANCOURT, FR Sonic booms. Jet plane zigzags! Seen / (seen t 10/22/1996 #43089  
 the capability to eliminate sonic booms at high speeds by using videos of  8/22/1998 #43636  
ed straight down. Three loud sonic booms, followed by a roaring sound, were 9/19/2001 #44262  
## Word: "boondael" (Back to Top)
                                   BOONDAEL, BELGIUM Crackling noise. Lumin 12/2/1973 #28500  
## Word: "boone" (Back to Top)
night. Teenagers Richard Frombach, Boone Powers, and Chris Beachner are par 2/18/1968 #23763  
## Word: "booneville" (Back to Top)
ort (100–203–79,p.12,Sec.P-2): Mr. Booneville observed a reddish glow with  6/15/1948 #3669  
## Word: "boonton" (Back to Top)
errace of an apartment building in Boonton, New Jersey at 7:00 p.m. as it s 12/9/1955 #12601  
## Word: "boos" (Back to Top)
ry few seconds. Col. Francis Henry Boos and another officer also observe it 8/1944 #1633  
## Word: "boosted" (Back to Top)
autopsy of three dead ET; Mike was boosted into opening of the disc and ins 1/1989 #38772  
## Word: "booster" (Back to Top)
e Navy’s Project Vanguard, using a booster advertised as more civilian in n 1954 #9413  
 including US and Soviet payloads, booster rockets, and debris.             11/29/1957 #14639  
nder/cylindrical object with arms. Booster? / MJ#214+/ r33p115.             6/3/1965 #18987  
il. It came down, split apart like booster rocket, arched through the sky t 6/5/1975 #30083  
 identifies it as the reentry of a booster rocket that launched a Russian s 12/31/1978 #34248  
an, South Australia a former radio booster station saw a huge whitish-blue  6/1/1981 #35949  
aused by the Soviet Tsyklon rocket booster 22586U, which launched the Kosmo 3/31/1993 #40914  
## Word: "booster-associated" (Back to Top)
tronauts’ comments as referring to booster-associated debris and not a refe 12/5/1965 #19753  
## Word: "boot" (Back to Top)
iranta grabs it by the heel of its boot with his bare hand. It burns him li 2/5/1971 #26014  
 man grabbed it by the heel of its boot with his bare hand. He found that t 2/5/1971 #26015  
inct line between the sole and the boot itself. The height of the figure wa 5/12/1973 #27481  
 he had a split in the sole of his boot, and a bruise on his foot. EM effec 11/28/1980 #35680  
 minutes, during which he splits a boot and acquires an itchy, red mark on  11/29/1980 #35682  
## Word: "boot-shape" (Back to Top)
    WEST / BLUESKY, ALTA 3 / car. "Boot-shape" UFO = mass / curves. Small d 11/28/1952 #8350  
## Word: "boot-shaped" (Back to Top)
NDOTA, WI University students. Odd boot-shaped object hovers over lake. No  5/12/1995 #42196  
## Word: "booth" (Back to Top)
ositive reviews from Ben Hecht and Booth Tarkington.                        12/1/1919 #994  
id-day. Electronics engineer Cliff Booth is having lunch in his office at a 7/1950 #5035  
rted by one of the range stations. Booth and an Askania cinetheodolite oper 7/1950 #5035  
                             Cliff Booth, a Holloman AFB contractor, invest 7/1950 #5037  
of a range station sighting a UAP. Booth and a camera operator film a cigar 7/1950 #5037  
liam F. Hamilton and Lt. Norman W. Booth write: “Based on my experience in  10/29/1952 #8215  
11:30 p.m. A farmer named Lloyd C. Booth just north of Conway, South Caroli 1/29/1953 #8616  
            Rome, Italy Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, American Ambassador, others  10/28/1954 #11461  
o Andreolo and US Ambassador Clare Booth Luce. Some witnesses report “fine  10/28/1954 #11465  
                        Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, American Ambassador to Italy 10/28/1954 #11468  
MAYDAY, we’ve been hit!” Col. R.E. Booth told reporters that a mid-air coll 4/1/1959 #15686  
on, Papua New Guinea, Rev. William Booth Gill and 38 others watch a platfor 6/26/1959 #15790  
s well as the lights in the police booth, but they came back on as soon as  11/28/1967 #23518  
goula, Mississippi 9:00 p.m. Larry Booth of Pascagoula, Mississippi, finish 10/11/1973 #27999  
                       Mrs. Jackie Booth of Avon Lake, Ohio--mother of thre 7/17/1974 #29266  
gular, and taller than a telephone booth, and it stood on three legs. From  1/29/1976 #30832  
d an object resembling a telephone booth and emitting a red and white light 10/29/1976 #31505  
   OSPEDALETTO, ITL 4 / car / toll booth. 3M dome saucer spins counterclock 10/3/1977 #32548  
           ATRIPALDA, ITL 2 / toll booth and separate observer(s). Brill sp 12/13/1978 #34104  
bject was shaped like a "telephone booth" about 1 meter in height. (NICAP:  5/16/1979 #34561  
 object is shaped like a telephone booth about 3 feet tall. He takes a phot 5/16/1979 #34563  
bject was shaped like a "telephone booth" about 1 meter in height. He had b 5/16/1979 #34564  
he river 3:10 a.m. Al Wagner, toll booth operator at the Mississippi River  7/22/1981 #36023  
## Word: "booth's" (Back to Top)
se and appeared interested in Mrs. Booth's electric organ. She tried to tal 7/17/1974 #29266  
## Word: "bootlegger" (Back to Top)
                   Shale Plant on "Bootlegger", MT 5:30 p.m. Several saucer 1/8/1976 #30775  
## Word: "boots" (Back to Top)
ess and a uniform, with gloves and boots, of fine metallic mesh. A ribbed b 10/1952 #8073  
ersized heads and wore helmets and boots. One entered the elongated object, 9/4/1953 #9144  
ersized heads and wore helmets and boots. One entered the elongated object, 9/4/1953 #9145  
ore a wide leather belt or girdle, boots, and a tunic. He put water in a bo 10/4/1954 #10703  
f light at him. The individual had boots without heels and very bright eyes 10/9/1954 #10849  
 that looks like a diver. It wears boots without heels and has brilliant ey 10/9/1954 #10854  
f light at him. The individual had boots without heels and very bright eyes 10/9/1954 #10867  
 man near it, wearing a gray suit, boots, and a gray hat. He held a flashin 10/12/1954 #10973  
ding near it, wearing a gray suit, boots, and a gray hat. He held a flashin 10/12/1954 #10983  
fronted by a man wearing a jacket, boots, and cloth headgear (like a pilot' 10/20/1954 #11270  
fronted by a man wearing a jacket, boots, and some type of cloth headgear,  10/20/1954 #11278  
 coverall and luminescent heelless boots, and had a bald head. The observat 11/23/1958 #15456  
 coverall and luminescent heelless boots, and had a bald head. The observat 11/23/1958 #15457  
e tight fitting trousers and heavy boots, and had long blond hair. They tur 6/26/1959 #15792  
nd ask to see his hunting gear and boots. They tell him not to say anything Late 11/1961 #16978  
 middle of his forehead, wore high boots that left a triangular imprint, an 8/28/1963 #17920  
ing down onto the ground. Once his boots touched the earth, the creature be 8/28/1963 #17922  
otion, then sat down. He wore high boots that left a triangular imprint, an 8/28/1963 #17924  
piece uniform, continuous with the boots. The UFO occupant identified himse 1/30/1965 #18785  
loved and he wore metallic looking boots. His eyes were set far apart and h 3/2/1965 #18833  
earing plastic coveralls and small boots, seemed to study a piece of paper. 7/20/1965 #19149  
earing plastic coveralls and small boots, seemed to be studying a piece of  7/20/1965 #19153  
ht eyes, wearing gray clothing and boots. No object was described. Approxim 9/10/1965 #19548  
ed eyes, wearing gray uniforms and boots. No object was described.          9/10/1965 #19553  
y hands, possibly gloved, and wore boots. Their leader, named Quazgaa, was  1/25/1967 #21389  
l like garment with short sleeves, boots, and bracelets on both arms. On hi 5/15/1967 #22348  
, tight-fitting coverall and green boots.                                   6/11/1968 #24023  
hey also wore wide belts and small boots, and their outfits were white in c 8/25/1968 #24377  
ny black coveralls and shiny black boots. The suits were one-piece, with ho 11/21/1968 #24676  
ece suit that was tucked in at the boots. The being also wore gloves, a bel 12/18/1968 #24779  
en coverall with darker green knee boots, white gauntlets, and a conical me 1/7/1970 #25540  
all uniform with darker green knee boots, white gauntlets, and a conical me 1/7/1970 #25541  
which were tucked into mud covered boots. The man carried a leather case on 6/21/1970 #25704  
 ball-shaped UFO. A figure wearing boots emerged from the sphere. The objec 4/24/1972 #26661  
lver belt and large, square silver boots. A number of physical effects occu 9/28/1972 #27038  
lic coverall uniform, with helmet, boots, and a black belt with a box attac 11/28/1972 #27150  
occasion he also found the pair of boots that he'd lost on his earlier enco 3/21/1973 #27356  
 the arms. The feet were clad with boots or shoes, with a heavy, distinct l 5/12/1973 #27481  
ng coverall, with metallic colored boots and a wide belt with a very large  5/16/1973 #27496  
ck-like outfit and wore tall white boots. It had long white hair and a dark 8/16/1973 #27706  
s far as their ankles. Thick-soled boots covered their feet. Every piece of 10/16/1973 #28089  
 metallic jump suits, with gloves, boots, and belts across the chest area.  10/19/1973 #28199  
ck hair, black clothing, and white boots. The two men were both of the same 10/29/1973 #28319  
itting silvery outfits with orange boots and gloves, while others wore brow 11/3/1973 #28362  
arge eyes. He wore gloves and gold boots with gold buttons on the chest. Th 11/11/1973 #28410  
ncluding gloves and heavy, pointed boots. He wore a black belt with a lumin 1/7/1974 #28661  
 coverall outfit with gold colored boots. He had short light hair, light sk 1/8/1974 #28669  
It left footprints of feet wearing boots. Later on she noticed a light and  4/11/1974 #29004  
fit with a belt, gloves, and short boots. He was very handsome, and illumin 8/1/1974 #29298  
 white markings, and a pair of ski boots with square toes and heels. A helm Mid 11/1974 #29596  
nd white markings and large square boots. He wore a helmet with a visor tha 11/15/1974 #29597  
all beings wearing wearing silvery boots and tight fitting clothing of a du 10/26/1975 #30475  
 at the neck. He also had on black boots. The other two men were dressed in 12/11/1975 #30705  
n close-fitting black clothing and boots. On its chest there is a white tra 12/14/1975 #30715  
ting white uniforms with belts and boots. They all had light blond, shoulde 4/23/1976 #31019  
 a silver coverall suit with white boots, a black visor helmet, and had a b 5/31/1976 #31076  
ey wore brown one-piece suits with boots. Two were seated at a control pane 4/4/1977 #31943  
, but it also wore strange looking boots. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Human 4/12/1977 #31974  
, but it also wore strange looking boots. Behind the thin figure five other 4/12/1977 #31977  
te fluorescent one-piece suit with boots, it has no discernible facial feat 1/2/1978 #32846  
te fluorescent one-piece suit with boots. It had no discernible facial feat 1/2/1978 #32847  
ssed in bright yellow outfits with boots and gloves. One of them looks diff 1/31/1978 #32928  
ssed in bright yellow outfits with boots and gloves. One of the beings look 1/31/1978 #32930  
wore a pair of silvery calf-length boots, met them inside. He communicated  3/11/1978 #33034  
suits, dark blue helmets, and high boots also bright blue in color; on thei 9/10/1978 #33657  
sparkles in the sunlight. It wears boots, has two containers at waist level 9/18/1978 #33708  
hing was silvery and he wore large boots. The being walked slowly back and  11/24/1978 #33996  
g a tight fitting silvery suit and boots was seen coming out of a metallic  12/11/1978 #34091  
g a tight fitting silvery suit and boots was seen coming out of a metallic  12/11/1978 #34094  
They also wore white tight-fitting boots and had a dark cylinder shaped "co 1/2/1979 #34281  
being wore a silvery suit and blue boots, and apparently arrived in a gray- 1/11/1979 #34331  
ght-fitting coveralls and pullover boots, and their leader had an emblem li 5/17/1979 #34566  
piece white outfit with gloves and boots, a very wide belt, and a large hel 11/30/1979 #35034  
a long sleeveless habit with white boots. Among other things, the woman tol 9/11/1981 #36110  
a long sleeveless habit with white boots. Among other things, the woman tol 9/12/1981 #36112  
ng silvery outfits and large black boots briefly emerged. A smaller headles 9/21/1989 #39115  
 The being also wore large silvery boots.                                   9/26/1989 #39121  
lvery coveralls and bronze-colored boots. A strange robot-like creature acc 9/27/1989 #39124  
lvery coveralls and bronze colored boots. A strange robot-like creature acc 9/27/1989 #39126  
aistcoats, with silver buttons and boots. Their faces were dark, and their  10/28/1989 #39191  
y wore tight fitting clothing with boots and gloves. Their heads and bodies 3/5/1992 #40359  
 slit-like. They also wore silvery boots. Suddenly he felt something strike 7/16/1996 #42959  
t-fitting coverall, with belts and boots. The entity stared intently at Urs 4/27/1998 #43559  
eings wore fluorescent helmets and boots and tight-fitting silvery outfits, 6/21/1998 #43591  
ng wore silvery coveralls and blue boots. His head was bald and he had larg 12/5/1999 #43894  
ers in height, wearing thick soled boots. She is convinced that she will se 10/19/2000 #44060  
## Word: "booz-allen" (Back to Top)
nell Douglas, TRW, Rockwell Intl., Booz-Allen and Hamilton, MITRE Corp., SA 8/30/1996 #43001  
## Word: "boqueirâo" (Back to Top)
                                   Boqueirâo, Paraiba, Brazil Walter Corrêa 7/1988 #38596  
, Brazil Walter Corrêa do Prado of Boqueirâo, Paraiba, Brazil, undergoes ab 7/1988 #38596  
## Word: "boqueron" (Back to Top)
                                   BOQUERON, PR 2 women. Flash and heat. Sm 5/15/1993 (approximate) #40982  
## Word: "bor" (Back to Top)
                          SOSNOVYY BOR, RUSSIA Airport RADAR and visual. Fa 3/2/1991 #39990  
 a nuclear power plant in Sosnovyy Bor, Russia at 7:30 p.m. It was picked u 3/2/1991 #39991  
ip / erratic maneuvers here and S. Bor nuclear plant. 1852kph.              10/10/1991 #40209  
## Word: "borate" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Borate” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT      10/23/1987 #38309  
## Word: "boraure" (Back to Top)
                                   Boraure, Venezuela Guillermo Roldan, his 4/16/1967 #22139  
                                   Boraure, Venezuela Businessman Guillermo 4/16/1967 #22140  
ed object fly across the sky above Boraure, Venezuela, at great speed. It s 4/16/1967 #22140  
ng ovoid UFO stopped and landed in Boraure, Venezuela on this day. It took  4/16/1967 #22141  
## Word: "borba" (Back to Top)
the same night eight-year-old Zeca Borba of Guaraja-Mirim, Para State, Braz 7/1/2001 #44202  
## Word: "borburata" (Back to Top)
                                   BORBURATA, VNZL 1+several observer(s). S 11/28/1954 #11718  
## Word: "borda" (Back to Top)
nt Pleasant, Ontario 5:00 p.m. Joe Borda is doing farm chores at Mount Plea 7/6/1975 #30167  
## Word: "bordas" (Back to Top)
                                   BORDAS, FR 2 / N21. 3M saucer / road! Be 10/8/1954 #10808  
## Word: "bordeaux" (Back to Top)
 were shipped to Japan. These left Bordeaux in August 1944 on the transport 8/1944 #1624  
                                   BORDEAUX, FR Long brilliant cylinder/cig 12/3/1952 #8365  
 1952 at 10:10 p.m. in the city of Bordeaux, France a long, bright cigar-sh 12/3/1952 #8367  
                                   BORDEAUX, FR 5 workers. 2 bright metalli 10/5/1954 #10717  
                  At 11:45 a.m. in Bordeaux, France, five people saw two br 10/5/1954 #10742  
France An electronics professor at Bordeaux University and three school tea 1/22/1961 #16586  
       An electronics professor at Bordeaux University and three school tea 1/22/1961 #16588  
               BERGERAC GOING [TO] BORDEAUX, FR Car stops to see odd object 5/15/1963 #17739  
 were driving between Bergerac and Bordeaux, beyond the Yvrac intersection, 5/15/1963 #17740  
 were driving between Bergerac and Bordeaux, beyond the Yvrac intersection, 5/15/1963 #17743  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bordeaux” YieldMax: 20KT                 8/18/1967 #22888  
    Gujan-Mestras, Gironde, France Bordeaux La Réole 1:30 a.m. Franck Pavia 6/19/1978 #33291  
er named Bachère is driving toward Bordeaux when he sees a large orange bal 6/19/1978 #33291  
## Word: "bordelon" (Back to Top)
                 Maj. Gen. John H. Bordelon, NORAD chief of staff, responds 12/22/2008 #45197  
## Word: "borden" (Back to Top)
er his town. Prime Minister Robert Borden hears about the reports and order 2/14/1915 #925  
## Word: "bordentown" (Back to Top)
 triangular UFOs were sighted from Bordentown, New Jersey. They had very br 9/11/2001 #44259  
## Word: "border" (Back to Top)
g near the Virginia-North Carolina border                                   1/1/1937 #1260  
                     German-Polish border, In Air Space Objects described a Late 1937 #1278  
owing-clouds follow farm fences by border / Hungary.                        8/1945 (approximate) #1907  
                     Norway-Sweden border 5:00 p.m. A customs officer on th 7/30/1946 #2088  
stoms officer on the Norway-Sweden border watches a silvery torpedo with sh 7/30/1946 #2088  
d, flying near the Kansas-Colorado border, reported that nine metallic, rev 7/6/1947 #2819  
t 2 'flying saucers' near Yugoslav border here.                             9/8/1949 #4350  
ss AFB near Abilene, Texas Mexican border near Del Rio, Texas Hagerstown, M 12/6/1950 #5330  
 is said to crash near the Mexican border near Del Rio, Texas. Willingham a 12/6/1950 #5330  
crash on the Mexico side of the US border in the area between El Indio, Tex 12/6/1950 #5332  
                       SOVIET-IRAN BORDER AREA Wave / night lights fireball 12/29/1950 #5369  
a crash site near the Texas-Mexico border at El Indio-Guerrero in December  1952 #5845  
tical-shaped object with a pulsing border flew straight and level at 700-80 6/28/1952 #6658  
ERBAIJAN Luminous saucer at Soviet border / 30 minute(s). Soviets turn on s 11/8/1952 #8254  
hat it was just inside the Arizona border. He also saw the bodies first-han 1953? #8470  
                      Virginia, NC Border. Marine Corps pilot chased rocket 2/9/1953 #8652  
north of Parker Dam on the Arizona border 1:25 p.m. USAF Capt. Roderick D.  3/3/1953 #8727  
north of Parker Dam on the Arizona border. He takes 151 frames of gun camer 3/3/1953 #8727  
in the Australian outback near the border of Western Australia and South Au 4/18/1954 #9696  
n the region close to the Pyrenees border observed a cigar-shaped object tr 4/28/1954 #9731  
le Sister Island, on U.S.-Canadian border in western Lake Erie Witness:  at 7/25/1954 #10051  
le Sister Island, on U.S.-Canadian border in western Lake Erie. At 7:12 p.m 7/25/1954 #10053  
 Poland before crossing the Soviet border near Grodno, Belarus, then over b 7/4/1956 #12951  
at differing speeds seen over this border village.                          7/10/1957 #13783  
                       Texas state border El Paso Airport Texas Franklin Mo 11/4/1957 #14287  
 Mountains 7:30 p.m. A Texas state border inspector is driving 3 miles sout 11/4/1957 #14287  
                 French Alps Swiss border The director of an engineering fi 11/27/1957 #14632  
 supersonic speed toward the Swiss border.                                  11/27/1957 #14632  
                    Finland-Russia border Several UFO sightings take place  12/1957 #14651  
ake place along the Finland-Russia border. A cigar-shaped object is seen by 12/1957 #14651  
o Grosso do Sul, Brazil Paraguayan border 6:30 p.m. Yvonne Torres de Mendon 12/21/1957 #14755  
 Sul, Brazil, along the Paraguayan border. They see a large ball of light a 12/21/1957 #14755  
tween 6:38 and 6:40 p.m. Along the border of Russia and India, an observer  12/6/1958 #15471  
. Two hours later, just across the border in Covington, Kentucky a woman re 1/30/1959 #15571  
t light circles all over/all about border area. Crescent going quickly sout 9/11/1961 #16828  
 the incident. In January 1968, US Border Patrol agent [later BATF agent] D Late 11/1961 #16978  
n both sides of the Iowa-Minnesota border, with no results.                 6/4/1963 #17776  
n both sides of the Iowa-Minnesota border but found nothing.                6/4/1963 #17777  
ng near the Georgia-South Carolina border late in the evening, Beauford Par 6/29/1964 #18383  
                        Lynden, WA Border Patrol officer saw bright disc il 1/12/1965 #18716  
far side and touches the ground. A border patrol officer also sees the obje 1/12/1965 #18720  
morning Mr. Don Flickinger, a U.S. Border Patrol officer, had his patrol ca 1/12/1965 #18721  
shington not far from the Canadian border. The UFO hovered, then acelerated 1/12/1965 #18721  
and is streaking towards the Texas border. Campbell takes his 4-by-5 Speed  8/2/1965 #19266  
. Paul, Minnesota to the Wisconsin border, blue lights in the sky, power fa 11/26/1965 #19737  
g quickly north and northwest over border. USAF investigation/investigators 2/17/1966 #19909  
        Donnybrook, North Dakota A border patrolman saw a bright, shiny dis 8/19/1966 #20769  
ybrook, North Dakota Witness: U.S. Border Patrolman Don Flickenger.  Round  8/19/1966 #20770  
                                US Border Donnybrook, North Dakota 4:50 p.m 8/19/1966 #20772  
nybrook, North Dakota 4:50 p.m. US Border Patrolman Donald E. Flickinger, i 8/19/1966 #20772  
. in Donnybrook, North Dakota U.S. Border Patrolman Don Flickenger sighted  8/19/1966 #20773  
 7:45 p.m. two policemen, Edie and Border, in Coshocton, Ohio saw two light 2/26/1967 #21666  
er flying above the French-Spanish border saw two unexplained blinking ligh 3/22/1967 #21944  
 SP 300+observer(s). Dome-object / border post. Clear hexagonal physical tr 3/22/1968 #23857  
ferrying men and materiel over the border. The lights appear the following  6/15/1968 #24040  
              NEAR HULUN LK, CHINA Border guards. Boat saucer hovers / 2 se 8/1968 #24281  
  CHARRIERE, FR Many observer(s) / border post. Brilliant silent salad-bowl 9/19/1973 #27834  
d there were many witnesses at the border post.                             9/19/1973 #27840  
profusion" all over Franco-Italian border. News.                            12/5/1973 #28520  
30 p.m. Near the Austrian-Bavarian border, Friedrich Lennartz, 33, and Pete 12/10/1973 #28549  
Germany near the Austrian-Bavarian border, Friedrich Lennartz, age 33, and  12/10/1973 #28553  
, Belgium along the French-Belgian border, the witness experienced the fail 1/7/1974 #28661  
 Customs post at the South African border showed 8:30 a.m. although their w 5/31/1974 #29150  
ed a full tank when he reached the border, but when he tried to fill the ta 5/31/1974 #29150  
 in the area and across the nearby border in Nebraska.                      7/15/1974 #29262  
e activities from across the Texas border. The Americans hear the Mexican s 8/25/1974 #29386  
        Indian Air Force Pakistani border Two Indian Air Force MiG 21 jets  7/11/1976 #31158  
s are scrambled near the Pakistani border to intercept what appears initial 7/11/1976 #31158  
diana New Albany, Indiana Kentucky border 10:30 p.m. An Indiana Gas service 11/24/1976 #31571  
. It follows him from the Kentucky border and moves silently ahead into the 11/24/1976 #31571  
month. Most near SR90 and tristate border.                                  2/1977 #31770  
 westbound Nebraska–Colorado state border 2:00 p.m. James R. Leming is driv 8/17/1977 #32409  
st of the Nebraska– Colorado state border. He sees a strange object moving  8/17/1977 #32409  
 by military men along the Finnish border; when they try to report it, all  9/20/1977 #32499  
out a crash near the Ohio-Michigan border with two dead bodies and one stil 1978 #32831  
west of Calgary, Alberta, when his border collie starts running in circles  4/2/1978 #33120  
ntain on the Rio Bermejo along the border of Bolivia and Argentina. It prod 5/6/1978 #33190  
illages 30 miles away. Argentinian border police search for wreckage, while 5/6/1978 #33190  
s 15 feet in diameter and conical. Border Patrol Cpl. Natalio Farfan Ruiz s 5/6/1978 #33190  
 the crash site on its side of the border. One of the flights includes a Bo 5/6/1978 #33190  
aiti oilfield at Al-Sabriyah Iraqi border 5:30 a.m. A UFO appears over a Ku 11/21/1978 #33974  
ield at Al-Sabriyah near the Iraqi border. An employee of the company takes 11/21/1978 #33974  
ling, Illinois, is awakened by his border collie and goes outside. When he  6/26/1979 #34632  
southeastern Oregon near the Idaho border, near a hunter campsite, a UAP cr 6/27/1979 #34637  
ommanded that specific area of the border told him “yes, I know about that… 8/13/1979 #34741  
atrol near the Northern California border with Oregon when he spotted a dar 3/24/1983 #36802  
, Switzerland Athens Swiss-Italian border 4:05 p.m. Greek Olympic Airways F 8/15/1985 #37643  
 is just passing the Swiss-Italian border at 25,000 feet when a wingless pr 8/15/1985 #37643  
oming from the Italian side of the border. Italian and Swiss military deny  8/15/1985 #37643  
oler Hill when she is crossing the border between the two counties. Its int 2/4/1988 #38439  
erous independent observers on the border of Cambria and Somerset counties  2/10/1988 #38452  
         MacMillan Pass, NWT/Yukon Border, CAN Horses panic as object flies 7/1988 #38594  
i Desert in Botswana South African border Hoaxed South African Air Force do 5/7/1989 #38938  
0 miles north of the South African border. Two Mirage fighter aircraft alle 5/7/1989 #38938  
0 miles north of the South African border in Botswana. It had been tracked  5/7/1989 #38939  
ary personnel crossed the Botswana border without permission in order to re 5/7/1989 #38939  
land. The fall of the inner German border took place shortly afterwards. An 11/9/1989 #39221  
een Eupen, Belgium, and the German border, two federal policemen, Heinrich  11/29/1989 #39272  
 it moves slowly toward the German border for 2 minutes and then suddenly t 11/29/1989 #39272  
peed contacts take place along the border of Germany and southern Belgium.  11/5/1990 #39867  
               On January 13, 1991 border guard Istvan Balogh woke up in hi 1/26/1991 #39966  
 was later fired from his job as a border guard.                            1/26/1991 #39966  
he area of Lake Issyk-Kul near the border of Kazakhstan. A month later repo 8/28/1991 #40168  
eth Shean, Israel to the Jordanian border on this evening.                  12/6/1991 #40257  
vania near the West Virginia State border at around 11 p.m. The discs were  6/23/1992 #40506  
night near the New Mexico-Colorado border in the San Luis Valley of Colorad 10/28/1994 #41816  
ay 54 in Texas near the New Mexico border, just beyond the intersection wit 3/19/1996 #42830  
at came from across the Portuguese border. The twelve lights were elongated 4/15/1996 #42870  
 20 mins near the Idaho-Washington border.                                  9/21/1999 #43851  
                       JACUMBA, CA Border patrol. Dog reacts / warble. 12 d 1/31/2002 #44312  
                      A senior INS Border Patrol officer and his dog witnes 1/31/2002 #44314  
rial from a crash near the Mexican border close to El Paso. No other detail 6/29/2002 #44354  
canning the water. Apparently some border guards had become alerted to the  8/2/2004 #44725  
, on the same night on the eastern border of Washington State, a huge trian 9/11/2004 #44754  
feet. Shortly after they cross the border of Virginia from Charlotte, North 2/18/2012 #45339  
 troops deployed along the Chinese border from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradash  8/1/2012 #45350  
about sightings by an Indo-Tibetan Border Police unit in the Thakung distri 8/1/2012 #45350  
lots of an airborne US Customs and Border Protection De Havilland Canada Da 4/25/2013 #45365  
em. The white light develops a red border that transitions into a solid red 10/6/2013 #45389  
tional Monument Arizona New Mexico border 3:40 p.m. A Learjet 36 belonging  2/24/2018 #45513  
outhern Arizona and the New Mexico border. The air traffic controller in Al 2/24/2018 #45513  
oria, Tamaulipas, Mexico Mexico/US border Night. A commercial Boeing 767 ai 3/19/2020 #45639  
ndant UFO approaches the Mexico/US border, the light begins to flicker, cha 3/19/2020 #45639  
m the aircraft and parallel to the border without crossing into the US.     3/19/2020 #45639  
lice Department and US Customs and Border Protection helicopters began to p 2/9/2021 #45676  
## Word: "bordered" (Back to Top)
 and can see only a small cubicle, bordered by another door, and several po 7/23/1947 #3218  
## Word: "bordering" (Back to Top)
with a tail moving above the trees bordering US Highway 51. It disappears a 11/14/1957 #14551  
haped object appear over the trees bordering US Highway 1, which had "a sor 11/14/1957 #14552  
d the Michigan City, Indiana area, bordering Lake Michigan, saw a series of 6/20/1969 #25229  
wrong turn onto a narrow dirt road bordering a ditch. They suddenly see a 7 1/2/1978 #32846  
wrong turn onto a narrow dirt road bordering a ditch. Suddenly a seven foot 1/2/1978 #32847  
other light appears behind a hedge bordering the right-hand side of the roa 10/21/1990 #39803  
about 80 feet away behind the wall bordering her neighbor’s garden and in a 11/22/1990 #39898  
brushes with black projects,” some bordering on myth and “utter absurdity.” 2005 #44804  
## Word: "borderland" (Back to Top)
                     San Diego, CA Borderland Sciences Research Association 2/1945 #1766  
 California Meade Layne founds the Borderland Sciences Research Associates  2/1945 #1768  
 Layne, BSRA director, founds the “Borderland Sciences Research Foundation” 1951 #5370  
 which was found in the BSRA/BSRF (Borderland Sciences Research Foundation) 12/29/1987 #38377  
## Word: "borderlands" (Back to Top)
                             BSRA (Borderlands) Memorandum found in officia 7/8/1947 #2953  
## Word: "borderline" (Back to Top)
   Lowestoft, Suffolk, England The Borderline Science Investigation Group i 2/1971 #26009  
## Word: "borders" (Back to Top)
d are of actual aircraft violating borders, the military admits the phenome 7/8/1935 #1231  
n at a bus stop in Pentland Hills, Borders, Scotland. It briefly hovered, t 11/8/1979 #34987  
oculars, the objects have distinct borders and intense multicolored flashin 5/19/1986 #37878  
sert Kalahari Desert, close to the borders between the Republics of South A 5/17/1989 #38954  
## Word: "bordertown" (Back to Top)
                   3 miles west of Bordertown, South Australia While harves 12/8/1973 #28541  
tened into circles 3 miles west of Bordertown, South Australia. They are sp 12/8/1973 #28541  
## Word: "bordes" (Back to Top)
  Bush Pine, New York Mr. and Mrs. Bordes, of New York City, were fishing w 9/17/1955 #12459  
 Pine Bush, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Bordes of New York City were fishing at  9/17/1955 #12460  
                                LE BORDES, 45, FR Milk truck stalls. UFO sh 9/1956 #13159  
                                   BORDES, FR Boy / 16. Saucer landed / 4 l 7/25/1970 #25749  
                 In Jabreilles des Bordes, France at 5:30 p.m. in 1970 a di 7/25/1970 #25751  
## Word: "bordeu" (Back to Top)
                             Villa Bordeu, Bahia Blanca, Arg Dionisio Llanc 10/28/1973 #28308  
## Word: "bordj" (Back to Top)
int-Arnaud [now El Eulma], Algeria Bordj de la Remonte fort (southwest of M 1/18/1954 #9494  
over the town. Several officers at Bordj de la Remonte fort (southwest of M 1/18/1954 #9494  
## Word: "bordj-bou-arreridj" (Back to Top)
                                   BORDJ-BOU-ARRERIDJ, ALGERIA Hemisphere s 11/5/1953 #9284  
## Word: "bore" (Back to Top)
 3 m high, army green in color. It bore lettering beginning with the letter 11/1957 #14181  
ere over 7 feet tall, deceased and bore mutations as if they were victims o 1959 #15516  
 meters, height 2.5 meters, and it bore "fluorescent lights."               5/3/1961 #16675  
oard, which he did. The UFO, which bore no lights, was shaped like a 50 foo 1/30/1965 #18785  
ets of thin tissue like paper that bore messages written in an unknown alph 3/2/1965 #18833  
ear end cut off on a bevel, and it bore a red and white blinking light. The 12/11/1965 #19765  
ed to be examining the craft which bore the identification "TL 4768" (see c 3/23/1966 #20047  
ed to be examining the craft which bore the identification "TL 4768." When  3/23/1966 #20055  
out 10 meters in diameter. It also bore a black mark or insignia. Next to i 8/24/1967 #22918  
only 25 meters away. On its top it bore another such "foot." It was dark bl 7/31/1968 #24272  
ards above a tree 35 feet tall. It bore a pulsating red luminous domed cupo 4/6/1977 #31953  
## Word: "borealis" (Back to Top)
going northeast during rare aurora Borealis.                                5/20/1956 #12861  
ses also reportedly saw the Aurora Borealis and several meteors.            7/29/1978 #33450  
ge hovers over house during aurora Borealis. / r147'94.                     10/29/1994 #41819  
## Word: "bored" (Back to Top)
und sky / 30+min. Observer(s) gets bored and goes to bed!                   6/25/1947 #2410  
orizonte Anor Ferreira da Silva, a bored telegraph operator in Caratinga, M 11/22/1954 #11690  
er seen eyes like that, "They just bored into me". The stranger just stood  4/25/1978 #33171  
## Word: "boren" (Back to Top)
uding Idaho State Reporter Barbara Boren, see two “star-like moving lights” 7/12/1969 #25263  
## Word: "boreon" (Back to Top)
                                LE BOREON, FR 3 observer(s) / (seen thru) b 8/7/1994 #41661  
                   D89 SOUTHWEST / BOREON, FR 1 / car. Night light hovers b 4/22/1996 (approximate) #42878  
 over the highway D89 southwest of Boreon, Alpes-Maritime, France, aiming b 4/22/1996 #42879  
## Word: "bores" (Back to Top)
or inside a closed room. The sound bores into his head. He looks up and see 10/8/1972 #27058  
## Word: "borger" (Back to Top)
                                   Borger, TX Pilot Reports* Object Seen Si 12/27/1952 #8449  
 boomerang shaped object flew over Borger, Texas at 1:40 a.m. CST. At 4:56  12/23/2003 #44631  
## Word: "borgerhout" (Back to Top)
                                   Borgerhout, Belgium 7:30 a.m. Arthur de  3/24/1973 #27372  
 is watching a distant airliner in Borgerhout, Belgium, when he notices ano 3/24/1973 #27372  
## Word: "borgerson" (Back to Top)
ed into the area by Capt. Ralph J. Borgerson at the base, but the object sp 8/19/1952 #7650  
## Word: "borggen" (Back to Top)
e survivor, 2nd Lt. William Daniel Borggen, says the plane is flying at 15, 10/3/1955 #12486  
## Word: "borghezio" (Back to Top)
  European Parliament Member Mario Borghezio calls for the European Union t 6/14/2010 #45285  
even records held by the military. Borghezio argues that governments should 6/14/2010 #45285  
 satisfied with a central archive, Borghezio also wants a scientific center 6/14/2010 #45285  
## Word: "borgo" (Back to Top)
                                   BORGO SOUTH LORENZO, ITL Odd glowing-man 10/9/1984 #37483  
## Word: "borgomanero" (Back to Top)
                                   BORGOMANERO, ITL 3 observer(s). Strange  1/7/1964 #18110  
## Word: "boring" (Back to Top)
and gives off a smell like a drill boring through wood. Before it goes away 11/6/1967 #23414  
be there is a completely, sort of, boring explanation for it. But we need t 7/23/2020 #45654  
## Word: "boris" (Back to Top)
v Tu-2 piloted by Maj. Bajenov and Boris Surikov are flying over southwest  1944 #1559  
 to the region’s environment. Col. Boris Sokolov reveals that the phenomeno 9/20/1977 #32499  
st commission is entrusted to Col. Boris Sokolov, that of the second commis 10/1977 #32539  
st, Russia 9:00 p.m. Militia Capt. Boris Ivanovich Vladimirov is riding in  Late 9/1984 #37469  
ian Setka program are disclosed by Boris Sokolov, coordinator of Setka-MO,  2000 #43911  
## Word: "borise" (Back to Top)
g boys named Lukin, Levchenko, and Borise watched a large sphere, five mete 9/21/1989 #39115  
## Word: "borisoglebsk" (Back to Top)
                                   BORISOGLEBSK, RUSSIA Domed saucer with 3 6/16/1978 #33281  
wing object in a nearby field near Borisoglebsk, Voronezh, Russia and walke 6/16/1978 #33282  
## Word: "borisov" (Back to Top)
                  FLIGHT 8352 NEAR BORISOV, BELORUS 25 mile-long cloud obje 9/7/1984 (approximate) #37456  
                              NEAR BORISOV, BELORUS 2 Soviet Air Force crew 11/22/1989 #39243  
e beams of light while flying over Borisov, Belarus. There were reportedly  11/22/1989 #39247  
## Word: "borja" (Back to Top)
ering from severe headaches. A Dr. Borja examined her and reportedly locate 5/18/1993 #40984  
## Word: "borjas" (Back to Top)
                                   BORJAS BLANCAS, SP 3 dark discs on edge! 2/1962 #17029  
## Word: "borlange" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / BORLANGE, SWD 2+cops. White sphere hover 3/18/1988 #38513  
## Word: "borman" (Back to Top)
 some sort of UFO. Astronaut Frank Borman later confirms that what he saw w 12/5/1965 #19753  
                          APOLLO 8 Borman, Lovell and more. Saucers orbit m 12/21/1968 #24783  
## Word: "bormes-ls-mimosas" (Back to Top)
                                   BORMES-LS-MIMOSAS, FR Vibrant bright 2M  9/13/1970 #25836  
## Word: "born" (Back to Top)
                      Nikola Tesla born (dies 1/7/1943)                     7/10/1858 #151  
                   Albert Einstein born                                     3/14/1879 #216  
 perpetration of the Holocaust, is born in Austria-Hungary.                 4/20/1889 #288  
r physicist Stanton T. Friedman is born in Elizabeth, NJ.                   7/29/1934 #1215  
y) telepaths message. "Grandson is born". Granny checks. True!              10/1/1934 #1218  
evelopment, and the Skunk Works is born in Burbank, California, with Johnso 7/1943 #1515  
s information on atomic energy as “born classified,” even if it is not crea 8/1/1946 #2097  
         Georgia David Huggins was born in Georgia in 1943 on a farm and cl 1951 #5372  
-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar is born in Coral Gables, FL.                1/26/1959 #15565  
at that hour and where he had been born. He then took Baldwin's gun, looked 3/1/1967 #21715  
 cities where its inhabitants were born in the wilderness. They told him th 6/23/1968 #24072  
s/doc689.htm     Note: The NRC was born out of the Atomic Energy Commission 7/24/1984 #37416  
e son of a Chinese peasant will be born in 60 years.” His story is examined Early 6/1994 #41548  
## Word: "borne" (Back to Top)
ir Force] and Wright Field had not borne out this belief. Disc and balloon  7/8/1947 #3026  
eapons tests. May have been a ship borne device.) (Clear Intent) (NICAP: 02 2/16/1975 #29814  
rned. A gorse bush appears to have borne a heavy weight, because almost all 5/3/1977 #32050  
## Word: "borneo" (Back to Top)
                    SERIA, BRUNEI, BORNEO Hundreds / observer(s). Bright ni 2/25/1953 #8701  
 the Sultanate of Brunei, northern Borneo. It remained for 40 minutes and w 2/25/1953 #8706  
              NORTH / BANJARMASIN, BORNEO Saucer with fiery rim lands / lak 12/1956 #13375  
                          TARAKAN, BORNEO 2 separate locations. Cylinder/ci 11/16/1958 #15443  
                     Mahakam River Borneo, Indonesia 8:27 p.m. Malcolm Smit 7/19/1981 #36019  
 on a boat up the Mahakam River in Borneo, Indonesia, when he sees an odd s 7/19/1981 #36019  
## Word: "borner" (Back to Top)
pt 1:30 a.m. Swissair pilot Walter Borner is flying a DC-6B at 18,000 feet  12/1/1957 #14660  
## Word: "bornholm" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / BORNHOLM ISLAND, DK Danish destroyer cre 9/13/1952 #7912  
                                   Bornholm island, Denmark Baltic Sea 10:1 9/14/1952 #7940  
e Mainbrace maneuvers, is north of Bornholm island, Denmark, in the Baltic  9/14/1952 #7940  
                                   Bornholm Island, Den August-September 19 8/1956 #13040  
Island, Den August-September 1956; Bornholm Island, Denmark, G (NICAP: 09 - 8/1956 #13040  
              NEAR TUCHOLA, POLAND Bornholm RADAR. 4 blips circle and maneu 8/22/1956 #13112  
                                   Bornholm Island, Den (McDonald list; FUF 8/22/1956 #13115  
                                   Bornholm, Denmark 8:50–11:59 p.m. Radars 8/22/1956 #13117  
11:59 p.m. Radars on the island of Bornholm, Denmark, first report 2–3 obje 8/22/1956 #13117  
                                   BORNHOLM ISLAND, DK Separate report(s) / 11/20/1957 #14582  
                            RONNE, BORNHOLM, DK Cop. Silent 50cm fireball z 3/24/1993 #40898  
## Word: "bornholn" (Back to Top)
                         AKIRKEBY, BORNHOLN, DK Farm boy. Triangle / light. 10/10/1988 #38667  
## Word: "bornos" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / BORNOS RESERVOIR, SP 1 / motorcycle. 2 r 5/1960 #16246  
## Word: "boro" (Back to Top)
                              Abel Boro was hunting with his friend Ribamar 10/17/1981 #36176  
rrified men, focusing its light on Boro. He climbed a tree and Ferreira ran 10/17/1981 #36176  
 around and doing something bad to Boro, who was shaking with fear. His bod 10/17/1981 #36176  
When Ferreira came back with help, Boro was dead; his body was all white an 10/17/1981 #36176  
## Word: "boron" (Back to Top)
                                   Boron, CA GOC Observer saw 2 objects, sh 8/19/1952 #7644  
                                   Boron Air Force Station Boron, Californi 8/19/1952 #7650  
           Boron Air Force Station Boron, California 8:00 p.m. An oval disc 8/19/1952 #7650  
00 p.m. An oval disc is seen above Boron Air Force Station [now closed] in  8/19/1952 #7650  
 Air Force Station [now closed] in Boron, California. Two jet fighters are  8/19/1952 #7650  
with traces of magnesuim, calcium, boron, and silicon.” It shrinks from 3 i 10/9/1953 #9216  
on, aluminum, magnesium, iron, and boron.                                   10/27/1954 #11449  
consist of an “amalgam of silicon, boron, calcium, and magnesium.”          1/17/1963 #17636  
China Lake Walker Pass Edwards AFB Boron AFS ADC radar site 10:17 p.m. Geor 7/30/1967 #22754  
(Radar Approach Control) radar (or Boron AFS FPS-35 search radar) and confi 7/30/1967 #22754  
phone during their sighting to the Boron AFS ADC radar site. Blue Book clai 7/30/1967 #22754  
## Word: "boron-si-glass" (Back to Top)
llgame. 2 orbs drops angel hair. = boron-Si-glass! / r138#4p88.             10/27/1954 #11430  
## Word: "boronia" (Back to Top)
                     DANDENONG AND BORONIA, AUSTR 10' "distress flare" mane 9/22/1993 #41207  
## Word: "boros" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Boros” Yield: 20KT                       4/1/1980 #35245  
## Word: "borough" (Back to Top)
lors was seen over Jamaica, Queens borough, New York at 1:30 a.m. Parts of  1/26/1967 #21401  
                        Cuajimalpa borough Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City, Mex 5/15/1978 #33217  
 along the road between Cuajimalpa borough and Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City, 5/15/1978 #33217  
## Word: "borovkov" (Back to Top)
Highway 3:40–4:00 a.m. Ismailovich Borovkov wakes up to a bright light shin 3/14/1995 #42092  
inishes to a point and disappears. Borovkov hears a loud ringing in his rig 3/14/1995 #42092  
## Word: "borras" (Back to Top)
 Child, Mercedes Carrasco, Alberto Borras, Trinidad Pastrana, Sean O’Connel 11/5/2010 #45305  
## Word: "borrego" (Back to Top)
                                   BORREGO SPRS, CA Big red object flashes  11/4/1957 #14265  
                              Anza Borrego Desert, California Two prospecto Spring 1968 #23852  
 Johnson, are sleeping in the Anza Borrego Desert, California, when they wa Spring 1968 #23852  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Borrego” YieldMax: 150KT                 9/29/1982 #36618  
                              Anza Borrego State Park, California. Carl Man 9/16/2007 #45059  
e route and stumbled upon the Anza Borrego Desert State Park. They arrived  9/16/2007 #45059  
## Word: "borrow" (Back to Top)
e photographed but asks Adamski to borrow one of his unexposed photos. Afte 11/20/1952 #8309  
, Michael Swords and Robert Powell borrow one Ubatuba sample from Sturrock  Early 9/1957 #13971  
rnandes, Santa Catarina, Brazil to borrow some milk when they saw an elonga 5/19/1969 #25147  
 a.m. and tiptoed into his room to borrow some antacid medicine. He noticed 11/30/1982 #36703  
## Word: "borrowed" (Back to Top)
hat Orthon can return the photo he borrowed. The film holder is pushed out  12/13/1952 #8414  
ork with a handful of employees in borrowed office space. Its mission is th 10/1/1961 #16886  
 takes motion picture footage on a borrowed Keystone 8mm Capri camera of so 2/17/1967 #21586  
ved at the home of one of them and borrowed some binoculars, after which th 9/23/1996 #43039  
## Word: "borrows" (Back to Top)
ing Saucers Are Watching Us, which borrows liberally from the theories of e 1968 #23625  
## Word: "borrud" (Back to Top)
                  At 7:50 p.m. Mr. Borrud, an amateur astronomer, sighted a 9/22/1956 #13236  
## Word: "borsa" (Back to Top)
Bluebook Case #8973. Observer(s) = Borsa. White car-size fireball climbs sl 7/27/1964 #18441  
     Denver, Colorado Witness:  A. Borsa. One white ball of fire, the size  7/27/1964 #18448  
      At 8:20 p.m. a witness named Borsa in Denver, Colorado sighted a whit 7/27/1964 #18451  
## Word: "boruszak" (Back to Top)
nother tenant of the building, Mr. Boruszak, who also saw the object. She c 4/8/1954 #9678  
## Word: "borys" (Back to Top)
ers, Connecticut 10:10 a.m. Walter Borys and George McCracken, two guards a 9/6/1952 #7868  
## Word: "bos" (Back to Top)
pe Cod, Massachusetts Capt. Jan P. Bos and five officers of the Dutch ocean 7/29/1954 #10063  
## Word: "bosak" (Back to Top)
10:30 p.m. Dairy farmer William L. Bosak is driving back to his house south 12/2/1974 #29629  
hes. The mouth and nose seem flat. Bosak speeds past the object and his car 12/2/1974 #29629  
k, Wisconsin at 10:30 p.m. William Bosak, a 69-year-old farmer, noticed som 12/2/1974 #29631  
ge and protruding. Frightened, Mr. Bosak sped up past the object, which was 12/2/1974 #29631  
## Word: "bosc" (Back to Top)
rench fighter pilot Colonel Claude Bosc. On night training flight in a T-33 3/3/1976 #30920  
n night training flight in a T-33, Bosc saw a bright light approach at high 3/3/1976 #30920  
dre-et-Loire, France Night. Claude Bosc, a student pilot flying a French Ai 3/3/1976 #30921  
## Word: "bosca" (Back to Top)
he crew of the Romanian cargo ship Bosca are steaming 200 miles off the coa 9/17/1982 #36607  
## Word: "boscawen" (Back to Top)
                                   BOSCAWEN, NH 12 observer(s). 3 night lig 2/21/1990 #39423  
                                   BOSCAWEN, NH Cops and MUFON and more/oth 3/7/1990 #39449  
## Word: "bosco" (Back to Top)
mento Teixeira, a professor at Don Bosco College, is walking in the Núcleo  10/1959 #16004  
 and brown skin. Fish peddler João Bosco Manoel comes across firefighters S 1/20/1996 #42693  
## Word: "boscolo" (Back to Top)
                        Alessandro Boscolo and two friends were driving hom 11/9/1996 #43110  
 home near Isola Verde, Italy when Boscolo stopped his vehicle to relieve h 11/9/1996 #43110  
t source on the field. Frightened, Boscolo and his friends drove away from  11/9/1996 #43110  
## Word: "boscombe" (Back to Top)
                               RAF Boscombe Down [now MoD Boscombe Down] in Spring 1953 #8766  
        RAF Boscombe Down [now MoD Boscombe Down] in Wiltshire, England Sal Spring 1953 #8766  
ification, he is able to leave RAF Boscombe Down [now MoD Boscombe Down] in Spring 1953 #8766  
o leave RAF Boscombe Down [now MoD Boscombe Down] in Wiltshire, England, an Spring 1953 #8766  
                                   BOSCOMBE DOWNS, DORSET "Large ugly flyin 7/30/1990 #39669  
                               RAF Boscombe Down Wiltshire, England An airc 9/26/1994 #41775  
, England An aircraft crash at RAF Boscombe Down in Wiltshire, England, app 9/26/1994 #41775  
ject crash landed on the runway at Boscombe Down, UK, and shortly after, an 9/26/1994 #41776  
## Word: "bose" (Back to Top)
um Dum [now Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport], India Jagal 5/2/1953 #8857  
um Dum [now Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport], India, kill 5/2/1953 #8857  
Airport [now Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport] Kolkata, Ind 7/16/1977 #32281  
Airport [now Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport] in Kolkata,  7/16/1977 #32281  
## Word: "bosh" (Back to Top)
t James Stiner and M/Sgt Joseph R. Bosh, 6520th Air Police Squadron, at Han 7/1/1952 #6689  
## Word: "boshkunk" (Back to Top)
                                   BOSHKUNK LAKE, ON 50+observer(s). Ovoid  3/20/1974 #28913  
## Word: "boshof" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BOSHOF, RSA Saucer / roadside. Follows 2 8/28/1972 #26963  
## Word: "boskloof" (Back to Top)
                   CLANWILLIAM AND BOSKLOOF, RSA Big wave going [to] May. N 4/1963 #17716  
## Word: "bosler" (Back to Top)
                                   BOSLER, WY Several cars stop. 'Balloon'  4/10/1966 #20280  
## Word: "bosnia" (Back to Top)
     Ljubljana, Slovenia Sarajevo, Bosnia Belgrade, Serbia Thousands of wit 10/15/1954 #11112  
und Ljubljana, Slovenia; Sarajevo, Bosnia; and Belgrade, Serbia. Yugoslavia 10/15/1954 #11112  
                         SARAJEVO, BOSNIA Amateur astronomers. 4 photograph 10/18/1968 #24569  
                         Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Mostar 5:00 p.m.  10/18/1968 #24571  
bject that appears above Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, traveling from n 10/18/1968 #24571  
       In the afternoon in Kladar, Bosnia (then part of Yugoslavia) a cloud 10/13/1971 #26422  
 Sarajevo International Airport in Bosnia 7:00 p.m. Sarajevo International  Early 2/1972 #26561  
 Sarajevo International Airport in Bosnia picks up an unidentified radar ta Early 2/1972 #26561  
       SARAJEVO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, BOSNIA Air and ground RADAR-visual (obse 2/4/1972 (approximate) #26563  
                       Medjugorje, Bosnia St. James Church 6:35 p.m. Maria  9/19/1991 #40194  
aria Kulis is visiting Medjugorje, Bosnia, and takes a photo of St. James C 9/19/1991 #40194  
## Word: "boso" (Back to Top)
                                   BOSO PENINSULA, JPN 100M cylinder/cigar- 12/10/1957 #14700  
 meters long, was sighted from the Boso Peninsula in Japan. It shot off to  12/10/1957 #14704  
## Word: "bosque" (Back to Top)
 Brazil France US 2:00 a.m. Javier Bosque, a seminarist of the order of St. 6/22/1972 #26726  
hen touches the cassette recorder. Bosque grabs the recorder and holds the  6/22/1972 #26726  
oadcast station and does not match Bosque’s narrative.                      6/22/1972 #26726  
## Word: "bosques" (Back to Top)
 around 4 a.m., directly above the Bosques del Recuerdo cemetery. Both obje 10/27/1995 #42566  
## Word: "bosquets" (Back to Top)
ami Valley, Argentina Mr. and Mrs. Bosquets and their family observed a lum 7/15/1965 #19105  
 province, Argentina, Mr. and Mrs. Bosquets and their family observed a lum 7/15/1965 #19108  
## Word: "boss" (Back to Top)
eryone else, expects to have a new boss in January. His relationship with A 11/3/1948 #3866  
 magazine article, Ruppelt and his boss, ATIC Technical Analysis Division C 4/2/1952 #6016  
n Maryland the day before with his boss Col. Donald L. Bower, and no one ha 7/21/1952 #6981  
unknown language. He calls for his boss, and the creature runs into the obj 10/5/1954 #10732  
 Ohio, and prepares a memo for his boss.                                    7/5/1959 #15817  
officer Maj. Robert Friend and his boss at ATIC, Philip G. Evans, write a m 12/27/1960 #16541  
 Col. Raymond Sleeper, Blue Book’s boss as Foreign Technology Division Comm 1/12/1967 #21290  
round 6:30 p.m., Higdon radios his boss, Roy Fleming of the AM Well Service 10/15/1974 #29531  
nd workers are able to alert their boss, who steps outside and sees the obj 11/21/1978 #33974  
## Word: "bossa" (Back to Top)
noon. Architect Enrique Carotenuto Bossa is driving in an isolated region i 5/15/1950 #4944  
## Word: "bossert" (Back to Top)
s, accompanied by OSI agent Howard Bossert.                                 11/6/1951 #5768  
## Word: "bosses" (Back to Top)
 that possibly originates from his bosses at the Pentagon. Attention needs  7/8/1947 #3019  
d Sam Giancana. Later, other crime bosses such as Carlos Marcello, Santo Tr 9/1960 #16428  
## Word: "bossier" (Back to Top)
AFB Fort Hood, Texas Fort Campbell Bossier Base, adjacent to Barksdale AFB  2/22/1952 #5920  
cent to Fort Campbell; Site Dog at Bossier Base, adjacent to Barksdale AFB  2/22/1952 #5920  
se, adjacent to Barksdale AFB near Bossier City, Louisiana; Lake Mead Base, 2/22/1952 #5920  
    Dallas, Texas Barksdale AFB in Bossier City, Louisiana Carswell AFB [no 9/3/1954 #10239  
, on their way to Barksdale AFB in Bossier City, Louisiana. Carswell AFB [n 9/3/1954 #10239  
                                   Bossier City, Louisiana Barksdale Air Fo 9/22/1987 #38291  
young couple is sitting outside in Bossier City, Louisiana, when they see a 9/22/1987 #38291  
## Word: "bosson" (Back to Top)
office in Vevay, Switzerland. Yves Bosson takes over as chief editor. The m 9/1981 #36098  
## Word: "bostobrick" (Back to Top)
                       DORRIGO AND BOSTOBRICK, NSW Saucers and mushrooms in 6/14/1973 #27564  
## Word: "boston" (Back to Top)
                                   Boston, Massachusetts Night. John Everet 1638 #41  
 are crossing the Muddy River near Boston, Massachusetts, in a boat when a  1638 #41  
 Worcester, Massachusetts Marlboro Boston New York City 6:30 p.m. Many resi 12/22/1909 #821  
e E. Tillinghast, who has told the Boston Herald on December 12 that he has 12/22/1909 #821  
 than 100 test flights at night to Boston and New York City. But Tillinghas 12/22/1909 #821  
                                   Boston, Massachusetts Revere 10:00 p.m.  12/23/1909 #822  
0:00 p.m. Thousands of citizens of Boston, Massachusetts, and neighboring c 12/23/1909 #822  
                           Harvard Boston Harvard astronomer William H. Pic 1/9/1911 #853  
mer William H. Pickering tells the Boston Post that he believes Venus is po 1/9/1911 #853  
                    Fort Strong in Boston harbor, Massachusetts Fort Bliss, 9/1945 #1934  
cientists arrive at Fort Strong in Boston harbor, Massachusetts, through Op 9/1945 #1934  
                                   Boston (20 miles SW of), MA T-6 Chases / 6/10/1949 #4231  
    Massachusetts New Mexico Texas Boston The Geophysical Sciences Branch o 9/14/1949 #4356  
ected to send representatives from Boston to a meeting in New Mexico.       9/14/1949 #4356  
                                   Boston (Logan Airport), MA Deep-blue ell 4/7/1950 #4814  
                     Logan Airport Boston Massachusetts A CAA control tower 4/7/1950 #4815  
tower operator at Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, watches a blue li 4/7/1950 #4815  
                                   Boston, MA 7:25 am. Two silvery elliptic 7/1/1952 #6686  
l UFOs were observed visually near Boston, where an F-94 interceptor was se 7/1/1952 #6686  
                                   Boston, Massachusetts Lynn, Massachusett 7/1/1952 #6689  
sees a UFO headed southwest across Boston, Massachusetts. Two F-94s are scr 7/1/1952 #6689  
 long as it was wide” heading over Boston at a very high altitude. An ident 7/1/1952 #6689  
ed was travelling southwest across Boston. Radar couldn't pick it up so the 7/1/1952 #6691  
                                   BOSTON TO/FROM PROVINCETOWN, MA Pilot an 7/22/1952 #7005  
                                   BOSTON HARBOR, MA Logan WxMAN. Dazzling  7/22/1952 #7007  
                                   Boston (near Braintree between Provincet 7/22/1952 #7013  
                           between Boston and Provincetown, Massachusetts W 7/22/1952 #7021  
                                   Boston, Massachusetts Braintree 10:20 p. 7/22/1952 #7026  
m. A bluish-green UFO is seen over Boston, Massachusetts, and a few minutes 7/22/1952 #7026  
                                   Boston, MA [Same as or continuation of J 7/23/1952 #7061  
        Optical Society of America Boston, Massachusetts At the Optical Soc 10/9/1952 #8107  
ical Society of America meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, J. Allen Hynek pr 10/9/1952 #8107  
                     10 MI NORTH / BOSTON, MA TWA crew. Large white saucer  6/1/1954 #9855  
                                   Boston (near), MA TWA Crew Spot White Di 6/1/1954 #9857  
                    Paris New York Boston, Massachusetts 9:30–9:40 a.m. TWA 6/1/1954 #9860  
ation heading southwest, spot near Boston, Massachusetts, “a large, white-  6/1/1954 #9860  
 it cannot be a balloon, and radio Boston airport control tower, which tell 6/1/1954 #9860  
                                   BOSTON, MASS White ball hovers / 15 minu 6/13/1954 #9898  
 sphere was observed hovering over Boston, Massachusetts at 8:00 p.m. Two l 6/13/1954 #9899  
R. Howard receives directions from Boston Air Traffic Center to hold his po 6/29/1954 #9962  
les for 10–12 minutes, after which Boston tells him to detour over Cape Cod 6/29/1954 #9962  
                                   BOSTON, MA 6+observer(s). 4 orbs circle  8/15/1954? #10141  
                                   BOSTON CREEK, ONT Saucer lands 1.5mi awa 8/27/1954 #10186  
                                   Boston Creek, Canada A wingless flying o 8/27/1954 #10188  
                  At 10:30 p.m. in Boston Creek, Ontario a wingless, circul 8/27/1954 #10192  
ws and Air Traffic Controllers and Boston RADAR. Saucer / 4 windows. 4500MP 6/23/1955 #12207  
                       Utica, NY / Boston, MA, Various 150' Object Passes O 6/23/1955 #12208  
            Utica, New York Albany Boston 12:15 p.m. A Mohawk Airlines DC-3 6/23/1955 #12209  
proached Albany, we overheard that Boston radar had also tracked an object  6/23/1955 #12209  
 an object along Victor-2, passing Boston.”                                 6/23/1955 #12209  
                                   BOSTON, MA Huge lens saucer going down [ 11/6/1955 #12552  
 Gravity Research Institute of New Boston, NH, and the Institute of Pure Ph 11/20/1955 #12580  
                                   BOSTON, MASS 2 observer(s). Wingless sil 8/14/1956 #13085  
                       SOUTHWEST / BOSTON, MA PAA pilot. Fast silver night  10/8/1957 #14070  
                                   Boston (near), MA Pan American Airways p 10/8/1957 #14073  
at great speed over the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts. The witness, Mr.  10/8/1957 #14080  
                                   BOSTON, MA 1 observer?? 30M lens-saucer  11/3/1957 #14229  
                                   Boston Tom Gerber of the Boston Herald f 11/30/1958 #15462  
          Boston Tom Gerber of the Boston Herald features interviews with u 11/30/1958 #15462  
ons performed by a psychiatrist in Boston brought back memories of their ab 9/19/1961 #16858  
                                   Boston, Massachusetts NICAP secretary Ri 10/19/1961 #16918  
r N. Webb at Hayden Planetarium in Boston, Massachusetts, and asks him to t 10/19/1961 #16918  
                    Wendover, Utah Boston, Massachusetts An A-12 piloted by 5/24/1963 #17765  
or and contracts with a well-known Boston, Massachusetts, psychiatrist with 5/24/1963 #17765  
rizon. [Report via Walter N. Webb, Boston NICAP Adviser.] (NICAP: 01 - Dist 6/19/1963 #17795  
                                   Boston, MA An advertising plane caused s 7/1963 #17818  
hurch in Portsmouth, New Hampshire Boston, Massachusetts Capt. Swett gives  9/7/1963 #17927  
mon, a well- known psychiatrist in Boston, Massachusetts, with much experie 9/7/1963 #17927  
                                   Boston, Massachusetts The Hills have an  12/14/1963 #18081  
n Simon, a well-known hypnotist in Boston, Massachusetts, recommended to th 12/14/1963 #18081  
           Westford, Massachusetts Boston area 10:00 p.m. A meteorologist a Summer 1964 #18367  
are no thunderstorms in the entire Boston area.                             Summer 1964 #18367  
                             South Boston, VA Hissing Object With Sparks (N 1/10/1965 #18702  
National Guard Base] in Portsmouth Boston Around 1:00 a.m. Exeter, New Hamp 9/3/1965 #19511  
-Lite Aerial Advertising Agency of Boston was not running between August 21 9/3/1965 #19511  
y reporter John H. Luttrell in the Boston Traveler newspaper. He has obtain 10/25/1965 #19680  
rby Roxbury. (Fowler 1974, p. 337; Boston Record American, Apr. 13, 1966, q 4/12/1966 #20288  
On the north-northeast side of the Boston metroplex, witnesses reported an  4/19/1966 #20340  
e within about a 30-mile radius of Boston, in an arc from the southeast to  4/19/1966 #20343  
Wenham, one north and one south of Boston.] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  4/22/1966 #20369  
, Massachusetts Kalnicki apartment Boston 10:45 p.m. On hearing a listener  4/23/1966 #20390  
minutes moving to the north toward Boston. The lights come back on. NICAP’s 4/23/1966 #20390  
r the road. (Fowler, 1974, p. 341; Boston Traveler, June 13, 1966, quoted i 6/11/1966 #20551  
                                   Boston, MA 2:30 p.m. EST. An art instruc 8/15/1966 #20745  
                                   Boston, Massachusetts State Highway 9 St 7/13/1968 #24173  
r Sue Postle are traveling west of Boston, Massachusetts, on State Highway  7/13/1968 #24173  
                               Bt. Boston Bar and Yale, B.C, CAN 3:00 a.m.T 10/1968 #24533  
place in the Fraser Canyon between Boston Bar and Yale in an area where the 10/1968 #24533  
                                   Boston, MA American Association for the  12/26/1969 #25508  
 Science (AAAS) annual meeting, in Boston, MA, included panel discussion on 12/26/1969 #25508  
                                   Boston, Massachusetts NASA Manned Spacec 12/26/1969 #25509  
 Objects” at its annual meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, at the Sheraton H 12/26/1969 #25509  
                                   BOSTON, MA 1 observer only.. Bright silv 7/21/1970 #25741  
 Route 128, a major beltway in the Boston metropolitan area, in Beverly, Ma 8/31/1972 #26971  
                                   Boston, OH Evening. About eighty reports 10/14/1973 #28028  
. There were over 50 witnesses. In Boston, Ohio a cow was missing from a pa 10/14/1973 #28032  
                Syracuse, New York Boston’s Logan Airport in Massachusetts  3/12/1977 #31901  
cuse, New York, on a course toward Boston’s Logan Airport in Massachusetts. 3/12/1977 #31901  
nsity is like that of a flashbulb. Boston Center calls them and asks, “Unit 3/12/1977 #31901  
             SEA 600MI NORTHEAST / BOSTON TWA crew. White saucer paces 747. 12/22/1977 #32804  
 Both going quickly east toward(s) Boston.                                  1/1991 #39942  
   Skegness, Lincolnshire, England Boston Claxby by Normanby, Lincolnshire  10/5/1996 #43056  
ar Lincoln St. Botolph’s Church in Boston 2:00 a.m. Police Constable David  10/5/1996 #43056  
 the coast guard. Police in nearby Boston see a single, stationary bright l 10/5/1996 #43056  
ire, picks up a strong target over Boston, and RAF Waddington near Lincoln  10/5/1996 #43056  
steeple of St. Botolph’s Church in Boston, the stationary white light is Ve 10/5/1996 #43056  
t 7:02 p.m. the U.S.Coast Guard in Boston received a report of a close enco 9/9/2002 #44393  
## Word: "boswell" (Back to Top)
                                   BOSWELL, PA 2+3 observer(s) / (seen thru 7/16/1996 #42957  
## Word: "bosworth" (Back to Top)
                          HUSBANDS BOSWORTH, ENGL 2 separate couples. Large 7/15/1989 #39019  
## Word: "bot" (Back to Top)
h / 1000mph. Bronze top and silver bot. Absolute(ly) silent. Trails blue va 6/1950 #4976  
rns and leads. All brown colored / bot and silver tops.                     4/22/1952 #6150  
lar formation. Subtend 6.25°. Dark bot and silver top. Going quickly northe 11/17/1955 #12570  
p over house. 2 small objects exit bot. and side. / r237.                   10/28/1976 #31499  
. Clam-saucer blue / top and red / bot. Mist / edge. To and fro 2X. / r208p 12/26/1979 #35097  
ows red and bottom yellow. Top and bot alternate.                           9/6/1980 #35498  
der/cigar-shape with many lights / bot. Strong white ray and contrail / rea 11/5/1990 #39833  
/ 30 minute(s). Oval top. Lights / bot. Type unknown.                       12/6/1991 #40255  
NC 50' ovoid. Red lights / top and bot strobe in turn. Intense slab / light 8/1992 #40543  
## Word: "botafogo" (Back to Top)
                                   BOTAFOGO, BRZ Several / (seen thru) bino 1/26/1968 #23701  
                                   BOTAFOGO, BRZ 60M round silent object ho 4/20/1969 #25072  
## Word: "botafuegos" (Back to Top)
                                   Botafuegos, Spain A man spotted a low fl 2/11/1980 #35165  
                                In Botafuegos, Spain later that same night  2/11/1980 #35169  
## Word: "botanical" (Back to Top)
nous/glowing metallic disk lands / botanical garden briefly. Going quickly  8/29/1967 #22947  
e UFO with small objects pass over botanical gardens / 15 minute(s).        5/18/1986 #37873  
## Word: "botany" (Back to Top)
 Flaming "Trolley" going west from botany bay / 15 June. / r138#2p20.       6/14/1954 #9901  
## Word: "botham" (Back to Top)
amond Shamrock plant at Lamar [now Botham Jean Boulevard] and Lenway Street 10/15/1982 #36643  
amond Shamrock plant at Lamar [now Botham Jean Boulevard] and Lenway Street 10/15/1982 #36643  
## Word: "bothel" (Back to Top)
                                   BOTHEL, WA 2 observer(s). Saucer? with t 7/9/1986 #37934  
## Word: "bothell" (Back to Top)
                                   BOTHELL, WA MUFON observer(s) / (seen th 8/4/1995 #42358  
                                   BOTHELL, WA UFO investigators chase ovoi 3/1/1996 #42793  
                                In Bothell, Washington UFO investigators pu 3/1/1996 #42798  
ge object flew across the sky over Bothell, Washington.                     6/6/1997 #43316  
tation also reportedly occurred in Bothell, Washington on this night. At tw 9/6/1998 #43641  
                                   Bothell, Washington Cascades Mountains 7 11/6/1998 #43677  
s Mountains 7:00 a.m. A witness in Bothell, Washington, sees a thin, horizo 11/6/1998 #43677  
## Word: "bother" (Back to Top)
s in the ground, but police do not bother to follow up.                     9/12/1971? #26330  
hoppy manner. The man continues to bother them, so they drive away from the Early 4/1974 #28990  
## Word: "bothered" (Back to Top)
ights went out, and high frequency bothered the witnesses' ears.  Sighting  2/6/1966 #19885  
ad left the beam. The woman's eyes bothered her for three days following th 3/6/1969 #24977  
 missing for thirty minutes. Light bothered his eyes, and a scar was found  12/8/1978 #34078  
 from a hovering, triangular light bothered the dogs in the neighborhood in 7/9/2002 #44358  
## Word: "bothering" (Back to Top)
nation is completed without anyone bothering to interview the teenage daugh 3/22/1957 #13553  
 worked, and he drove away without bothering to look back at the disc. Amon 2/5/1978 #32957  
## Word: "bothers" (Back to Top)
uggy. A high-pitched ringing sound bothers one of his dogs. He stops 600 fe 3/15/1965 #18859  
r other scientific questions; what bothers me is that it appears that these 1/31/1968 #23714  
## Word: "bothnia" (Back to Top)
emünde East Germany Moscow Gulf of Bothnia Director of the Central Intellig 8/22/1946 #2150  
f V-1s being aimed for the Gulf of Bothnia for test purposes and “do not ov 8/22/1946 #2150  
             Oulu, Finland Gulf of Bothnia Afternoon. Eero Lammi is on his  Early 12/1976 #31579  
toward him from across the Gulf of Bothnia and land in a nearby field. When Early 12/1976 #31579  
## Word: "bothwell" (Back to Top)
 of light also occurred earlier in Bothwell, Tasmania around 7:30 p.m. loca 6/22/1976 #31131  
## Word: "botocatu" (Back to Top)
crossed the skies over the town of Botocatu, Brazil during the daytime. It  5/4/1960 #16254  
## Word: "botolph" (Back to Top)
re RAF Waddington near Lincoln St. Botolph’s Church in Boston 2:00 a.m. Pol 10/5/1996 #43056  
sed by the 273-foot steeple of St. Botolph’s Church in Boston, the stationa 10/5/1996 #43056  
## Word: "botswana" (Back to Top)
                Kalahari Desert in Botswana South African border Hoaxed Sou 5/7/1989 #38938  
FO crash in the Kalahari Desert in Botswana 50 miles north of the South Afr 5/7/1989 #38938  
rth of the South African border in Botswana. It had been tracked by radar b 5/7/1989 #38939  
can military personnel crossed the Botswana border without permission in or 5/7/1989 #38939  
 the Republics of South Africa and Botswana: UFO shot down by 2 scrambled M 5/17/1989 #38954  
                          Zimbabwe Botswana southern Zambia Zvishavane, Zim 9/14/1994 #41749  
de range of territory in Zimbabwe, Botswana, and southern Zambia, followed  9/14/1994 #41749  
## Word: "bottle" (Back to Top)
trains of music in the air. Then a bottle falls at Sergeant’s feet and brea 12/26/1896 #380  
OFT, ENGL 1 observer. Motor sound. Bottle shape going [to] overhead. Driver 5/15/1909 #746  
that looked like a silvery thermos bottle flew over Jarna, Sweden. There we 7/9/1946 #2042  
humanoid (or Grey) exits and fills bottle / river water!                    10/1954 #10532  
/ streambed. Puts water going [to] bottle and pebbles going [to] belt. Goin 10/4/1954 #10676  
ts, and a tunic. He put water in a bottle, and some pebbles in a belt pouch 10/4/1954 #10703  
manoids (or Greys) with pig noses. Bottle cracks. / r217p214.               10/20/1954 #11264  
na AFB, Okinawa Object like a coke bottle w/o the neck, translucent and flu 9/20/1957 #14017  
an. One object, shaped like a coke bottle without the neck, translucent and 9/20/1957 #14019  
erved an object shaped like a coke bottle without the neck. It was describe 9/20/1957 #14021  
ME (electro-magnetic effects). 40M bottle with 2 necks / ground. 2 pseudo-h 7/30/1962 #17301  
cylindrial object, described as "a bottle with two necks," about 40 m long, 7/30/1962 #17304  
shaped object, "resembling a great bottle with two necks, one at each end." 7/30/1962 #17306  
ontents of an oil can into a small bottle and went away, leaving the witnes 12/16/1965 #19773  
orpses, police find an empty water bottle and a packet containing two wet t 8/20/1966 #20779  
purchased at a shop there, and one bottle of water from a local bar. Upon b 8/20/1966 #20779  
ood, and holding an engraved glass bottle and a mug. Mrs. Cintra filled the 8/26/1968 #24381  
wn language. Asks and gets water / bottle. Boards saucer. / r8#918.         8/27/1968 #24384  
and handed Marie a mug and a glass bottle covered with beautiful engravings 8/27/1968 #24388  
and handed Marie a mug and a glass bottle covered with beautiful engravings 8/27/1968 #24390  
taken with a small plastic looking bottle with tubes and wires attached. He 10/16/1973 #28089  
 observer(s). Dog and cat frantic. Bottle shaped silver cylinder/cigar-shap 5/23/1975 #30064  
 / UFO's. Car batteries dead. Coke bottle bursts..                          10/19/1976 #31477  
 and the bursting of a refreshment bottle.                                  10/19/1976 #31481  
 observer. Grey metallic "fat Coke bottle" shape hovers / southwest sky. Bo 11/10/1977 #32661  
 it appears in the shape of a Coke bottle, then disappears quickly.         11/10/1977 #32662  
NO, ITL 2 / farm field. Big white "bottle" going down / ground level. Turns 7/1980 #35396  
Old-type parabolic brass hot-water bottle" shape southeast going quickly no 10/30/1980 #35596  
## Word: "bottle'" (Back to Top)
HANS, FR Light green 1.4M 'propane bottle' / low altitude going [to] to row 2/20/1975 (approximate) #29831  
## Word: "bottle-head" (Back to Top)
g-cloud rotates. Lands / field. 1M bottle-head figure(s) chase cows. Sick.  7/28/1968 #24243  
## Word: "bottle-shape" (Back to Top)
TTYN, SHROPS 2 observer(s). Orange bottle-shape with cylinder/cylindrical o 9/4/1912 (approximate) #862  
## Word: "bottle-shaped" (Back to Top)
eard a motor sound, then watched a bottle-shaped object fly overhead. There 5/15/1909 #747  
 her window and sees a long, dark, bottle-shaped object pass by at a low al 5/16/1909 #750  
 and cat reacted with panic when a bottle-shaped silver UFO flew near a mou 5/23/1975 #30065  
 and cat reacted with panic when a bottle-shaped silver UFO flew near a mou 5/23/1976 #31071  
 the afternoon saw two white, milk bottle-shaped objects make an angular de 3/13/1990 #39459  
## Word: "bottles" (Back to Top)
rbor, Argentina The Argentine Navy bottles up a fast, submarine-like object 6/1959 #15753  
ardest hit of all. Clear Coca-Cola bottles turn brown, hydraulic fluid coag 6/1959 #15754  
ard. Buried nearby are a number of bottles of colorless fluid. The team is  Summer 1962 #17239  
3 feet tall with heads shaped like bottles. As the UFO flies above them, th 7/28/1968 #24244  
nvestigate, they found some broken bottles on the floor and some other dama 9/10/1978 #33657  
oyce Blackburn is putting out milk bottles on the step of her bungalow on t 10/28/1978 #33887  
re objects like boxes and "thermos bottles" slung over shoulders.           12/13/1979 #35080  
## Word: "bottom" (Back to Top)
aph pole is splintered from top to bottom.                                  Early 7/1880 #235  
headlight and another light on the bottom. It is also seen over Folsom, San 11/20/1896 #343  
pping wings and a red light on the bottom. Musician and President of the Un 11/26/1896 #364  
rom the object (with wheels at the bottom), which rises into the air in a z 5/18/1909 #758  
. It had a box-shaped cabin on the bottom, center, and it flew on towards t 7/31/1909 #795  
. A black object shoots out of the bottom of the cloud, leaving a vapor tra 6/2/1919 #986  
 stops over house. Lit portholes / bottom/underside. Drops line.            4/1927 (approximate) #1071  
meters in diameter and the top and bottom secions spun in opposite directio 7/25/1938 #1289  
t Pârvu and two others remain. The bottom of the object has a ring of small Early 8/1939 #1312  
i steamboat with a deck around the bottom.” Strata or veins run through it, Late Summer 1939 #1314  
or tentacles” moving around on the bottom passes overhead at 500–1,000 feet Mid 5/1940 #1332  
 to be a line of windows along the bottom of the object. (Page 60 Ref.1) (N 2/19/1944 #1575  
, evenly split between the top and bottom sections. They hear a clicking no Summer 1946 #2013  
rhead. Mirror-tops and dull grey / bottom/underside. Silent.                8/1946 (approximate) #2089  
 blue-white light streams from the bottom, and it diverges from a straight  8/13/1946 #2131  
ss than 15,000 feet and has a flat bottom and a dome on top.                4/1947 #2257  
 going [to] overhead. Door opens / bottom/underside. Blue-white light comes 6/29/1947 #2462  
 fireball-saucer going north fast. Bottom rotates. / r171p104.              7/12/1947 #3153  
 the top and gray and black on the bottom. At their closest point, they are 7/15/1947 #3187  
 was almost hat shaped with a flat bottom and a dome on top. Its pale blue  8/13/1947 #3322  
 the balloon. It has a flat, level bottom and a dome on top. It remains on  4/1948 #3600  
 three bumps or protrusions on the bottom, as Jones describes it through bi Late 5/1948 #3654  
haped like a dirigible with a flat bottom and clipped tail end. Six seen on 10/15/1948 #3840  
 a bullet or dirigible with a flat bottom and with a heel-shaped clipped ta 10/15/1948 #3843  
ates-matte blue-grey non-reflected bottom (Berliner; cf. FOIA; Jan Aldrich) 4/3/1949 #4067  
lates attached face-to-face; matte bottom, bright aluminum top; 20' diamete 4/3/1949 #4068  
 11:55 a.m. The object had a matte bottom and a bright aluminum top. The di 4/3/1949 #4070  
nerally round object with a curved bottom and dull coloring.  The object ga 4/4/1949 #4073  
ghted a round object with a curved bottom and dull coloring at 10:20 p.m. i 4/4/1949 #4074  
th going north over sea. 6 holes / bottom. No spin.                         3/12/1950 #4616  
e pilot. 7M dome with green glow / bottom. Quickly going up. / r134#1p49.   3/14/1950 #4631  
eter dome with a green glow on the bottom. It shot up vertically.           3/14/1950 #4637  
orth / 900kph. 6-7 lit portholes / bottom/underside. Blue-glow. / r2p77.    3/20/1950 #4686  
stimated 3 flashes per second. The bottom of the object appears to have 9–1 3/20/1950 #4690  
ns / 150M altitude. Blue streaks / bottom/underside. Going quickly east. /  3/29/1950 #4756  
d maneuvers. Bright yellow light / bottom/underside.                        9/1950 (approximate) #5157  
1951. Description: Flat on top and bottom and appeared from front view to h 7/10/1951 #5571  
ror reports luminous cigar. Blue / bottom. Both ends green. No further deta 2/13/1952 #5901  
s cigar-shaped object, blue on the bottom and green at both ends, flew over 2/13/1952 #5903  
along the rim. A hole opens in the bottom and phosphorescent white sparks d 3/1952 #5940  
SN) plane. Vertical slots / top to bottom.                                  4/14/1952 #6074  
north of Condon, Oregon. They were bottom on the bottom and had silver tops 4/22/1952 #6158  
n, Oregon. They were bottom on the bottom and had silver tops. The larger d 4/22/1952 #6158  
distinct, bright yellow “V” on its bottom. Two slight points extend from it 4/23/1952 #6163  
er way, shows a raised ring on the bottom. The final picture is taken as th 5/7/1952 #6270  
very or aluminum color flat on the bottom, slightly rounded on top (NICAP:  5/23/1952 #6349  
 Domed disk. Flips over. 2 balls / bottom/underside.                        6/1952 #6399  
aucer. Dome. Pipe and ropes hang / bottom. Same / Chasse going quickly sout 6/12/1952 #6480  
rcular object flattened on top and bottom (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  6/30/1952 #6673  
oing down / river. Props / top and bottom/underside. Pseudo-human/entity. / 7/25/1952 #7124  
ar. 4M saucer going SSE slow. Flat bottom/underside and curved top. Stops.  7/25/1952 #7125  
drical object with a domed top and bottom moving northwest to southeast (NI 7/27/1952 #7202  
re going east. Flat / top. Rounded bottom/underside glows. Tilts. Going qui 7/29/1952 #7299  
 white circular object with a flat bottom fly very fast (NICAP: 01 - Distan 7/29/1952 #7309  
 white circular object with a flat bottom flew very fast, and then hovered  7/29/1952 #7317  
t white circular craft with a flat bottom at the Municipal Airport. The obj 7/29/1952 #7338  
 stops overhead. Shoots up. Flat / bottom.                                  8/5/1952 #7454  
 Ground Observer Corps (GOC). Flat bottom/underside turtle saucers going ea 8/7/1952 #7498  
, FL 2 / truck. Saucer nears. Flat bottom/underside glows and spins. Metall 8/8/1952 #7512  
ve silver ovoid over trees. Dark / bottom/underside. 300kph?                8/17/1952 #7617  
/ 5 minutes. Rock and tilt. Glow / bottom/underside. 1 going east. 1 going  8/25/1952 #7725  
ts going west. Small blue flames / bottom. Turn going quickly SSW. / r43.   9/16/1952 #7955  
 NELSON, NZ Wide-rim saucer / flat bottom/underside hovers / island offshor 11/5/1952 #8249  
ylinder/cylindrical object turns / bottom. Pseudo-human/entity inside!      11/16/1952 #8284  
g cylinder rotating on the top and bottom of the object and made a sound li 11/16/1952 #8290  
per in color. At the center of the bottom surface, 20 m in diameter, was a  11/18/1952 #8294  
per in color. At the center of the bottom surface was a cylindrical section 11/18/1952 #8298  
Red and green lights flash top and bottom. / r136#6.                        12/27/1952 #8448  
nd with a dome at the top, and the bottom was a hatch or a door; in the nex 1953 #8483  
r-shaped object with a red glowing bottom (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  1/1/1953 #8492  
r-shaped object with a red glowing bottom, flew low over a river and then c 1/1/1953 #8493  
 at the rims. It has a red glowing bottom and portholes. The object dives l 1/1/1953 #8494  
 MN Farmer. Slow saucer. Antenna / bottom. S-shape object / front. Delta/tr 10/11/1953 #9218  
s. It tilts, revealing a fiery-red bottom. The UFO spins and drifts away wi 2/1/1954 #9526  
 tail, two yellowish lights on the bottom, and possible lights on each wing 2/4/1954 #9535  
       WAITAKERE MOUNTAIN, NZ Flat bottom/underside silver saucer going qui 4/4/1954 #9663  
 2 rows / orange portholes top and bottom/underside. Sudden lateral leaps.  5/1954 #9736  
haped, and had a metal ring on the bottom and a transparent section on top. 5/5/1954 #9755  
 level. Figures move / portholes / bottom/underside. / r174p79+/ r107p47.   5/30/1954 #9842  
imilar to an airplane with a glass bottom with orange lights shining throug 6/21/1954 #9915  
 aluminum round object with a flat bottom, raised front edge, inverted cone 6/25/1954 #9946  
maneuvers / 15 minute(s). Flames / bottom.                                  6/26/1954 #9951  
1,000 feet away. Suddenly from the bottom of the object comes a horizontal  8/23/1954 #10170  
e sides and an orange exhaust. The bottom of the object seems to be glowing 9/3/1954 #10239  
other bright ball emerges from the bottom, falls, slows, turns, and disappe 9/22/1954 #10395  
north going south. Stops. Divides. Bottom part going down / ground. Rejoins 10/3/1954 #10648  
ide. Flexible tube loops / side to bottom.                                  10/14/1954 #11040  
was a dome shaped disk with a flat bottom, and it emitted a blinding light  10/14/1954 #11041  
ver. Adamski-saucer with 4 balls / bottom. 2 "eyes" shoot beams.            10/15/1954 #11082  
y. It was rhomboidic, and from the bottom a cylinder was hanging. A peculia 10/30/1954 #11490  
nd a cylinder was hanging from the bottom. A peculiar sound could also be h 10/30/1954 #11493  
et above the ground, having at the bottom center a spinning "screw without  11/2/1954 #11539  
 domed saucer / roadside. Grates / bottom. Quickly going up. / r8.          11/4/1954 #11555  
nte Ortobene. It had grates on the bottom. After eight minutes it took off  11/4/1954 #11567  
about 10 feet in diameter, and the bottom is black, trimmed with yellow spo 11/23/1954 #11696  
about 10 feet in diameter, and the bottom was black, trimmed with yellow sp 11/23/1954 #11698  
, then go away. Their craft "had a bottom like an enormous polished brass k 12/11/1954 #11800  
 pilot. Red sphere hovers. Green / bottom. Blows smoke etc. and going quick 2/9/1955 #11983  
to] horizon. 2 blue lights pulse / bottom. / r139#4p27.                     2/10/1955 #11988  
. Yellow spherical section hovers. Bottom = funnel.                         2/10/1955 #11989  
shaped like a small portion of the bottom of moon (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 2/10/1955 #11990  
shaped like a small portion of the bottom of the Moon, with a radiant yello 2/10/1955 #11991  
olor, hovered for 30 seconds.  Its bottom changed to a funnel shape.  Total 2/10/1955 #11991  
had two pulsing blue lights on the bottom, and was in view for more than si 2/10/1955 #11993  
t of column with a platform at the bottom. He is then dazzled by a bright b 2/23/1955 #12015  
ts" by domed UFO with cone / top. (Bottom hidden.)                          4/1955 (approximate) #12073  
ircular object about 3 m away, the bottom edge about 30 cm from the ground. 5/31/1955 #12169  
me clouds. The object had a bright bottom and dark, shadowed top. Motion is 6/5/1955 #12187  
 Going up and down. Light pulses / bottom/underside.                        11/10/1955 #12561  
lat objects, silver on top/dark on bottom (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  11/17/1955 #12571  
cts, silver on top and dark on the bottom, flew in 4-deep formation, tippin 11/17/1955 #12572  
were silver on top and dark on the bottom. They tipped in pitched and rolle 11/17/1955 #12573  
e range; rings of light visible on bottom. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 02 - Close E 1/17/1956 #12664  
 / 5 minutes. Green vapor / port / bottom/underside. Shoots going quickly s 1/19/1956 #12670  
directed either through the top or bottom, in addition to the main turbine  3/1956 #12742  
e main turbine exhaust through the bottom center of the craft. A multiengin 3/1956 #12742  
 dives / car. 2M deep. Glow / top. Bottom/underside dark. Going up [to] and 4/1956 #12775  
se and more/others. Pipe extends / bottom/underside. Red glow.              5/1956 (approximate) #12820  
and 25 feet long on each side. The bottom surface is like steel with ribs e 5/22/1956 #12865  
ight on top and a red light on the bottom, which he had observed just above 6/1956 #12879  
u) binoculars. Orange saucer / red bottom. East going quickly west. Sweeps  6/24/1956 #12917  
asses / top saucer going down [to] bottom saucer.                           7/26/1956 #13017  
ilver-metallic 6m saucer with flat bottom. Seen / 20 second(s). Going quick 8/13/1956 #13075  
ds); the top is spinning while the bottom (a small, saucer-shaped base) rem 9/7/1956 #13202  
und openings or light sources. The bottom is nearly flat. Its narrow vertic Fall 1956 #13239  
ENNEBEC, SD Round object with flat bottom/underside follows car. Beam light 12/27/1956 (approximate) #13414  
. Stops 15M over Gulf. Blue glow / bottom/underside. Rises and going quickl 2/10/1957 #13489  
overs / 2 hours. Turrets / top and bottom/underside. Changes color(s).      7/13/1957 #13791  
hts / rotate / rim? Lights top and bottom/underside. Same / Mira Loma.      7/13/1957 #13792  
l over/all about. 3 lights flash / bottom. Going quickly southwest. / r141# 7/17/1957 #13806  
nutes.  Middle band was scalloped, bottom had four kidney-shaped forms.     7/27/1957 #13847  
ighted areas. In the middle of the bottom is a round area that looks like i 8/1957 #13868  
emits yellow rays. Ball-antennas / bottom. Going quickly southwest.         9/11/1957 #13989  
 Vanishes / flash and bang! Dome / bottom/underside.                        10/31/1957 #14170  
red oval-shaped object flat on the bottom (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  11/3/1957 #14237  
ed, oval-shaped object flat on the bottom like a loaf of bread, with a blui 11/3/1957 #14243  
. It had a flickering light on the bottom. There was no ignition interferen 11/5/1957 #14339  
. It had a flickering light on the bottom. There was no ignition interferen 11/5/1957 #14350  
ltop about 4 km away. From top and bottom issued light cones that illuminat 11/6/1957 #14416  
ck and greenish smoke. The top and bottom of the object are curved like dis 11/6/1957 #14424  
t 35 feet above the water, and the bottom part continues to rotate as the w 11/6/1957 #14424  
 kilometers away. From the top and bottom of the object came cones of light 11/6/1957 #14440  
back and forth from the top to the bottom of its range. It then stops just  11/7/1957 #14460  
about 30 feet long and has a shiny bottom and a glass top.                  11/7/1957 #14463  
ne says it is domed on the top and bottom. It follows them for 5–10 minutes 11/8/1957 #14490  
ange light and makes no sound. The bottom of the object is solid, but the u 11/21/1957 #14589  
vania. It has a green light at the bottom, a red light at the right corner, 11/23/1957 #14604  
 maneuvers / mountains. Red glow / bottom.                                  12/6/1957 #14676  
 at 5:15 p.m. It had a red glowing bottom.                                  12/6/1957 #14679  
ed sound. It had a dome on top and bottom. It rose as the car started by it 12/8/1957 #14690  
ars stop to see 15M saucer. Dome / bottom. 50mph. Altitude = 6 meters.      12/11/1957 #14707  
4 saucers / vertical stack. Drop / bottom / sequence. / r55p120+/ r141#10.  12/13/1957 #14722  
round. Two figures came out of the bottom of the object, walked around a cl 12/30/1957 #14770  
ground. Two figures got out of the bottom of the object, walked around a cl 12/30/1957 #14772  
 Huge bowl-saucer whirrs. Lights / bottom/underside. Going south overhead.  3/1958 (approximate) #14903  
bject shaped like Saturn, less the bottom part; silver with no metallic lus 6/14/1958 #15095  
 white cloud-saucer going [to] NQ. Bottom glows. No plane / balloon.        7/14/1958 #15140  
rson saw a dull-grey object w/flat bottom (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  10/2/1958 #15299  
, shaped like a pickle with a flat bottom, flew erratically and made loops  10/2/1958 #15301  
, shaped like a pickle with a flat bottom, fly erratically in loops over th 10/2/1958 #15304  
oke, then "like pickle with a flat bottom" was sighted in Stroudsburg, Penn 10/2/1958 #15305  
shining from two oval ports at the bottom. As they drive closer, they can h 3/22/1959 #15665  
e of 8–10 red lights appear on the bottom. Then it rises rapidly and disapp 3/22/1959 #15665  
 Circular object rotates CW(seen / bottom). Glows. Dome flashes. Going west 5/13/1959 #15726  
ty of Colon, Uruguay. The circular bottom of the object rotated clockwise.  5/13/1959 #15729  
ring legs, two at each end, on the bottom. A shaft of blue light that shone 6/26/1959 #15791  
of white light projecting from the bottom. A rose-colored, rotating device  8/9/1959 #15898  
 going down. Black saucer shoots / bottom/underside. / MJ#256.              8/27/1959 #15940  
shaped object was ejected from the bottom.                                  8/27/1959 #15941  
luish blaze of fire comes from the bottom and it rises about 500 feet, leav 9/7/1959 #15960  
to be about 1000 ft. thick (top to bottom). Billie Guyton of Centerville, T 9/29/1959 #15997  
nd oilcans lifted. Antenna spins / bottom/underside. / r249p407.            5/19/1960 #16285  
 They use a pole to probe the lake bottom and find a channel that is one fo 6/22/1960 #16315  
/ slag heap. 5 transparent domes / bottom/underside. Going quickly south.   7/1/1960 #16322  
sparent bubbles are visible on the bottom as it rocks gently before moving  7/1/1960 #16324  
r meters wide, with a red luminous bottom that illuminated the road. the UF 8/2/1960 #16364  
d like three triangular windows at bottom.  Object was dull orange.  Flew i 8/23/1960 #16409  
ked like triangular windows at the bottom. The object flew in an arc for tw 8/23/1960 #16410  
h about 60 feet in diameter at the bottom with a 30-foot dome on top. Withi Summer 1961 #16736  
a long structure descends from the bottom of the craft. The UFO approaches  9/19/1961 #16857  
h / coastline. Dome-lights top and bottom.                                  10/8/1961 #16901  
und. Cylinder/cylindrical object / bottom bigger inside than out! Going qui 11/1961 (approximate) #16942  
ins. Lights / edge and portholes / bottom.                                  11/10/1961 #16961  
close behind the B-52. The top and bottom gunners also see spheres above an 1962 #17006  
ts leave, one at a time, first the bottom one, then the top, then the tail. 1962 #17006  
ut, a reddish flame comes from the bottom, and it makes a soft humming nois 5/12/1962 #17165  
A Red ovoid emits sparks / top and bottom. Yellow-white center. Blue Book u 5/26/1962 #17203  
ct, giving off sparks from top and bottom. Center. . . yellowish or white.  5/26/1962 #17206  
hat its original topside is on the bottom. The object silently accelerates  8/30/1962 #17373  
d object with a blue top and a red bottom.                                  10/2/1962 #17451  
. The entities are sucked into the bottom of the object. He hears a “clack, 11/1962 #17525  
tle man emerged from a door in the bottom of the craft. It pointed a finger 12/17/1962 #17589  
ve the ground. A door opens at the bottom and a small man just over 3 feet  12/18/1962 #17593  
rent dome and aerial and a concave bottom hovered 30 meters above the groun 2/15/1963 #17670  
e light on top and orange light on bottom. [Witnesses interviewed by NICAP  6/26/1963 #17807  
 high, with a concave top and flat bottom, was seen on the road by a Willas 6/28/1963 #17813  
ree ball-shaped protrusions on the bottom. Around the rim are evenly spaced 10/1963 #17969  
cedes into the distance, while the bottom objects heads downward at a 45° a 4/11/1964 #18169  
h the top part fading away and the bottom part assuming a vertical pencil s 4/11/1964 #18169  
he sky to the south-southwest. The bottom of the flame is out of sight behi 4/24/1964 #18200  
he object emitted a flame from the bottom. The foliage in the area was scor 4/24/1964 #18202  
llow-orange light, shaped like the bottom of a ball (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 5/26/1964 #18303  
llow-orange light, shaped like the bottom of a ball, was spotted in a field 5/26/1964 #18305  
ellow-orange light shaped like the bottom of a ball in a field at Pleasant  5/26/1964 #18308  
ellow-orange light shaped like the bottom of a ball (hemispherical) was spo 5/26/1964 #18311  
domed disc with a red light on the bottom hovered 20 feet away and at only  6/15/1964 #18364  
r’s garden across the highway. Its bottom side is fully visible; on the dar 7/7/1964 #18398  
t green light then shines from the bottom, illuminating the trees. A foul o 7/7/1964 #18398  
g object with a round top and flat bottom. It had a long acetylene-colored  7/20/1964 #18431  
ights / corners. Small red light / bottom/underside.                        8/22/1964 #18503  
saucer hovers 30' / trees. Glows / bottom.                                  10/6/1964 #18571  
o male witnesses. It had a glowing bottom.                                  10/6/1964 #18572  
. There was a bluish glow from the bottom. As it left, it rose to about 200 12/21/1964 #18671  
 high, 25' diameter on top and l0' bottom diameter; metallic grey with a re 1/23/1965 #18757  
ing top spitting sparks out of the bottom as it moves up the Rappahannock V 1/25/1965 #18767  
nd has several lights on its round bottom. Spinning clockwise, it shoots ou 1/26/1965 #18768  
like a 50 foot sphere with top and bottom cut off, and surrounded by a hori 1/30/1965 #18785  
th a dent on top and a knot on the bottom off Newcastle, New South Wales. H 3/17/1965 #18861  
n. Fast black 40' saucer. Lights / bottom. Going [to] across wind. / r59p17 4/4/1965 #18890  
 object with four lights along the bottom, flew in and out of the clouds fo 4/4/1965 #18894  
 object with four lights along the bottom (see sketch below). It flew in an 4/4/1965 #18896  
ruding lights evenly spaced on the bottom, and looked dark against the clou 4/4/1965 #18896  
l and oblate, flattened on top and bottom; appeared to have exhaust gasses  5/28/1965 #18969  
ect, which was flat on the top and bottom. The aerial encounter lasted 10-1 5/28/1965 #18974  
meter and 9 feet high. The top and bottom are silver gray and the rim in be 7/19/1965 #19134  
) telescope. Rods protrude top and bottom/underside. / Flying Saucer Review 7/30/1965 #19208  
d rods protruding from the top and bottom.                                  7/30/1965 #19212  
ke Saturn with a flat top and flat bottom.”                                 8/1/1965 #19244  
ights on top, orange-red flames on bottom. It rose vertically without a sou 8/9/1965 #19351  
ps over airbase. 2 dark sections / bottom.                                  8/19/1965 #19420  
colorless light glowing out of the bottom. There was a loud hum. The rocket 10/23/1965 #19679  
disappeared. When the light on the bottom went out after it was in the air, 10/23/1965 #19679  
om the table with the light at the bottom." That night several hunters in t 10/23/1965 #19679  
s about 30 fathoms deep to a sandy bottom.                                  11/13/1965 #19719  
d its edge and a dark cross on its bottom. It moves from directly beneath t 12/13/1965 #19766  
r a disc shaped object with a flat bottom and two spotlights flew toward th 12/24/1965 #19788  
omed disc (rounded on top, flat on bottom) hovering low above a field. A gr 1/7/1966 #19811  
aerial object with domed top, flat bottom, and red and white flashing light 3/14/1966 #19961  
ing blue-white haze. Lights on the bottom (body lights) flicked on and off  3/19/1966 #19991  
ers over house. Beams going down / bottom. Shot up til gone.                3/23/1966 #20036  
had a waffle shaped surface on the bottom, and glowed with an intense red l 3/27/1966 #20102  
 feet long, with lights at top and bottom (body lights), landed near a high 3/30/1966 #20156  
tical object with domes on top and bottom, and blinking red and green body  4/1/1966 #20195  
oing east / 4 min. apart. Lights / bottom/underside. 6mm / arms length.     4/2/1966 #20205  
ice cream cone, 3 feet wide at the bottom and 10 feet wide at the top. It t 4/4/1966 #20224  
 up to an altitude of 7 m. Top and bottom diameters: 3 and 1 m respectively 4/5/1966 #20239  
(red to white to green) around the bottom, which appeared to land on the ro 4/12/1966 #20290  
 perimeter. Colored lights flash / bottom.                                  4/23/1966 #20384  
N 2 / boat. Domed saucer with flat bottom. Ringed / lights. 2 beams. Away e 6/1/1966 (approximate) #20517  
bubble-type dome on top and a flat bottom, casting an oval reflection on th 6/1/1966 #20520  
s 3M over ground. Lights / top and bottom/underside and rim. Going quickly  6/3/1966 #20526  
diameter of 7 m, lights on top and bottom and smaller lights at the rim. It 6/3/1966 #20527  
ven meters, with lights on top and bottom and smaller lights on the rim. It 6/3/1966 #20530  
werful light beam shining from its bottom. One of the observers is alerted  6/16/1966 #20568  
d and green body lights on top and bottom and flashing lights on the circum 8/19/1966 #20767  
nd then a red beam came out of the bottom. When children ran toward it, it  8/20/1966 #20783  
-shaped disc with domes on top and bottom, surrounded by a soft bluish glow 8/27/1966 #20814  
lowing green flashing light on the bottom. It also had what looked like exh 9/15/1966 #20886  
 descends. White / top and green / bottom/underside. Vanishes on landing!   9/30/1966 #20936  
nches at the top and 1 inch at the bottom.                                  10/4/1966 #20957  
 and bright light shining from the bottom. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)     10/11/1966 #20990  
ew Jersey, to investigate. A flat- bottom, red-orange disc with a dome on t 10/15/1966 #21006  
ent ceiling line is visible in the bottom tier. Suddenly an intense white l 11/1/1966 #21061  
im on the road. It was flat on the bottom and rounded on top. As he stopped 11/2/1966 #21069  
sene lamp chimney flattened on the bottom side. A door opens and a smiling  Early 11/1966 #21070  
im on the road. It was flat on the bottom and rounded on top. As he stopped 11/2/1966 #21071  
 police type lights on its top and bottom. From the object emerged four men 11/10/1966 #21088  
ng down toward the hay barn in the bottom. Partridge shined his light in th 11/14/1966 #21101  
ng down toward the hay barn in the bottom. Partridge shined the light in th 11/15/1966 #21109  
artment building reflected off the bottom of the object. Across the Ohio Ri 11/20/1966 #21129  
  HARWICH, MA Disk with 2 lights / bottom/underside. Observers signal with  1/6/1967 #21265  
 15M saucer. White lit portholes / bottom. Buzzes. Going quickly east. / r2 1/15/1967 #21304  
 saw a cloud-like object with flat bottom, a dome on top, and a blue stripe 1/18/1967 #21340  
with four legs projecting from the bottom. (Hall, 2001, pp. 286-87, from "T 1/24/1967 #21374  
ike an elevator descended from the bottom and a man walked out. He was dres 1/25/1967 #21387  
ear), IL 60 ft object, flat on the bottom, rounded on top 10 ft thick (NICA 1/26/1967 #21392  
shaped object that was flat on the bottom and had a rounded top (dome). A g 1/26/1967 #21394  
aced red lights was visible on the bottom. The object flew straight for 5-6 1/26/1967 #21394  
when he saw an object, flat on the bottom, rounded on top, cross the road s 1/26/1967 #21397  
saw an object that was flat on the bottom and rounded on top cross the road 1/26/1967 #21403  
w a shiny round object with a flat bottom hover over her house and then fly 2/1967 #21427  
d a tangerine-colored light on the bottom (body lights). The object zipped  2/3/1967 #21446  
 colored lights / 10 mile(s). Flat bottom. Shoots going south.              2/5/1967 #21451  
 white lights in a triangle on the bottom (body lights). It flew, hovered,  2/10/1967 #21500  
 white lights in a triangle on the bottom. It flies, hovers, and passes ove 2/10/1967 #21506  
dy light beam was emitted from the bottom. The object descended rapidly, th 2/11/1967 #21510  
een, blue, and amber lights at the bottom edge (body lights). The object fl 2/12/1967 #21518  
omed disc with revolving lights at bottom edge flew over car just above pho 2/12/1967 #21523  
Officer. Huge saucer with lights / bottom/underside buzzes car. Going quick 2/13/1967 #21529  
moving light beam emitted from its bottom center. (Letter from witness, 9/1 2/16/1967 #21569  
t that emits a light beam from its bottom center that moves around and illu 2/16/1967 #21572  
y. A bright white light was at the bottom of the cluster (body lights). The 2/17/1967 #21584  
rge window / top. Colored lights / bottom/underside. Hovers and acceleratio 2/19/1967 #21593  
 feet high. The object had a rough bottom, a row of revolving green lights  2/19/1967 #21595  
t 25 feet in diameter with a rough bottom, hovering at 20 feet altitude ove 2/19/1967 #21598  
nd a band of colored lights on the bottom. It crossed the highway in Lane C 2/19/1967 #21599  
ital. Lights white / top and red / bottom/underside. Spins? Siren noise.    2/27/1967 #21670  
ange dome-shaped object (ball with bottom third cut off), clearly outlined, 2/27/1967 #21672  
with a tail, white on top, blue on bottom and later bright red. The object  2/27/1967 #21673  
-shaped object with a red light on bottom and a white light on top (body li 2/27/1967 #21676  
t was white on top and blue on the bottom. They viewed it through a 45x tel 2/27/1967 #21678  
It was white on top and red on the bottom, and made a sound like a siren.   2/27/1967 #21678  
s). Silver disks with green glow / bottom. Separate observer(s) / Las Cruce 3/2/1967 #21721  
saucer / low altitude. Rim pulses. Bottom/underside spins. Hiss. / r237p21. 3/6/1967 #21771  
ed, green and yellow lights around bottom rim which pulsated red.  Flew lev 3/6/1967 #21776  
 leg, with a dome set in the cup.  Bottom of object spun rapidly, rim pulsa 3/6/1967 #21777  
reen, and yellow lights around its bottom rim, and with a pulsating red lig 3/6/1967 #21778  
 UFO had a pulsating red rim and a bottom that rotated rapidly. The UFO app 3/6/1967 #21779  
ed as police cruiser lights on its bottom. It made a sound like "a hot-rod" 3/7/1967 #21788  
p, white in the middle, red on the bottom. The object hung motionless (hove 3/8/1967 #21811  
. Two woman saw a disc with a flat bottom and peaked top moving very slowly 3/14/1967 #21885  
as a bright white spotlight on the bottom near the front. The object hovere 3/18/1967 #21916  
d glow coming from the top and the bottom. The object hovered, then flew aw 3/23/1967 #21954  
al body, dome-shaped top, and flat bottom (turret shape). Eventually it spe 4/1967 #22029  
rs / Tully Pond. Red light turns / bottom/underside. Back 19-20 Apr. '67.   4/11/1967 #22106  
It had a rotating red light on the bottom. Five minutes later, at 6:50 p.m. 4/11/1967 #22110  
both ends, and white lights on the bottom (body lights) for 1.25 hours. The 4/12/1967 #22115  
both ends, and white lights on the bottom. The object left a white trail, a 4/12/1967 #22127  
on. An elevator descended from the bottom, with eight occupants sliding dow 4/15/1967 #22135  
ws on top, and light coming from a bottom bulge. (Ricks letter in NICAP fil 4/17/1967 #22149  
light on top, and red light on the bottom, turauoise lights front and rear  4/20/1967 #22170  
te light on top and a red light on bottom hovered over Bolton, Massachusett 4/20/1967 #22173  
  TUCSON, AZ Yellow dome with flat bottom/underside and shaft / yellow ligh 4/21/1967 #22179  
ow, dome-shaoed object with a flat bottom (hemisphere) and with a shaft of  4/21/1967 #22185  
es a white burst of flame from the bottom and ascends rapidly. Meanwhile, t 4/21/1967 #22194  
yellow dome-shaped object, flat on bottom, was seen by two women in Tucson, 4/21/1967 #22201  
ucer / red lights / edge. 2 legs / bottom. / r83p333.                       4/27/1967 #22227  
r highly polished metal: “Near the bottom there was a triangular-shaped ope 4/28/1967 #22245  
t reflected a lot of sunlight. The bottom was crinkled, very white, and see 4/28/1967 #22245  
rical object with spinning top and bottom and with red and green lights (bo 5/7/1967 #22292  
cal object with a spinning top and bottom and with red and green lights for 5/7/1967 #22294  
 feet, a light beam comes from the bottom of the object, illuminating the g 5/7/1967 #22294  
 saucer with rivets shoots flame / bottom. Zigzags away. / r41.             5/25/1967 #22395  
t with a smaller blue light on the bottom that approaches from the south an 5/31/1967 #22432  
75 feet away. A white light on the bottom becomes brighter as the object ho 5/31/1967 #22432  
perimeter, white and golden at the bottom. The Volkswagen-sized J object la 6/1/1967 #22444  
ts midsection. One photo shows the bottom of the UFO with the Aluche symbol 6/1/1967 #22448  
photo shows an "H" insignia on the bottom of the craft. The photograph, how 6/1/1967 #22449  
dome and aerial extending from the bottom. To even the untrained eye it loo 6/10/1967 #22487  
arge lighted object with a rounded bottom and domed top that rose straight  6/21/1967 #22526  
d light at each end and one on the bottom, and a row of blue lights along t 6/29/1967 #22572  
and a row of blue lights along the bottom.  Circled m.n aircraft, hovering  6/29/1967 #22572  
 on top and a smaller light on the bottom near the front (body lights). (Co 7/4/1967 #22607  
 on top and a smaller light on the bottom near the front. Jay Munger, propr 7/4/1967 #22610  
 a smaller and dimmer light on the bottom directed downward. A dark band ci 7/4/1967 #22610  
 object with red lights on top and bottom and two bright white lights on th 7/9/1967 #22636  
ect, the top gunmetal blue and the bottom the color of old lead. The object 7/10/1967 #22644  
the top colored gunmetal blue, the bottom the color of old lead.  Moved eas 7/10/1967 #22645  
 was colored gunmetal blue and the bottom was the color of lead. It moved e 7/10/1967 #22646  
 white-green light coming from the bottom (body lights). (Lorczak letter, N 8/4/1967 #22798  
ight up with flame coming from the bottom (exhaust). The object leveled off 8/4/1967 #22799  
hite lights was visible around the bottom of the object (body lights). (Pen 8/29/1967 #22950  
 with a row of white lights on the bottom (body lights). Harrisburg airport 8/31/1967 #22962  
e a diameter of about 50 feet. The bottom portion contains nozzles that emi 9/1967 #22972  
dy lights) and a white glow on the bottom that moved slowly across the sky  9/10/1967 #23030  
s of passing cars reflected on its bottom surface. It then proceeds slowly  9/22/1967 #23114  
ent white disk. Windows / lights / bottom. / r203p30.                       10/2/1967 #23161  
ghts). A white light beam from the bottom illuminated the ground. (light re 10/2/1967 #23164  
 and a prism-like component on the bottom that emitted light rays. The obje 10/5/1967 #23179  
 the top and two green ones at the bottom.                                  10/12/1967 #23228  
 yards. was seen to be flat on the bottom with a dark dome-like structure o 10/13/1967 #23232  
on fire" (hemisphere), flat on the bottom, that rose from on or near the gr 10/14/1967 #23236  
, four-toes footprint in the muddy bottom of a creek bed about 300 feet fro 10/21/1967 #23282  
ed by constantly repositioning the bottom light to the top, the bottom ligh 10/24/1967 #23300  
g the bottom light to the top, the bottom light fading out and then appeari 10/24/1967 #23300  
p, and it had an oblong box on the bottom with red, green, and white lights 10/24/1967 #23309  
l behind it. A hatch opened in the bottom of the craft and five small drone 10/24/1967 #23310  
ires or rocks that are hitting the bottom of the chassis. A second witness, 10/27/1967 #23351  
 It was plate shaped with a convex bottom side, and about 30 feet in diamet 10/29/1967 #23364  
w flame-like light coming from the bottom. Hammon lets Tossie inside his fa 11/2/1967 #23390  
its a flamelike substance from the bottom. His head sticking out the window 12/3/1967 #23545  
long objects that were flat on the bottom, hat-shaped on top (domed disc).  12/12/1967 #23571  
th a white light on top and on the bottom, and red and green lights around  12/15/1967 #23589  
 with a white light on the top and bottom, and red and green lights around  12/15/1967 #23592  
smaller sphere discharged from the bottom, and it in turn discharged a smal 12/15/1967 #23592  
 road. Banks. Square panels glow / bottom/underside. Silent!                12/27/1967 #23614  
 square, fluorescent panels on the bottom. The dome light in their car turn 12/27/1967 #23615  
urns on spontaneously as the whole bottom of the UFO flashes. The two witne 12/27/1967 #23615  
 circular obj with 7 lights on the bottom, 8-10 lights on top (NICAP: 02 -  2/4/1968 #23731  
one of white light coming from the bottom of the object. It also had a gree 2/21/1968 #23773  
uddenly a big tube came out of the bottom, which moved from side to side un 3/19/1968 #23850  
-saucer with poles / rim. Flames / bottom. Going northwest. 180° turn. Hove 3/21/1968 #23853  
R 12. Hums. Colored bands rotate / bottom.                                  4/3/1968 #23885  
 object / pointed top. Portholes / bottom. TV CH.6 fades.                   4/24/1968 #23921  
t domed ovoid / 600M altitude. Red bottom. / r156#2.                        6/4/1968 #24002  
shaped UFO, with a dome on top and bottom. Around the bottom part of the ob 6/10/1968 #24018  
dome on top and bottom. Around the bottom part of the object were yellow, r 6/10/1968 #24018  
 saucer 30M away. Colored lights / bottom/underside. Quickly going up [to]  6/14/1968 #24026  
ellow, green and red lights at the bottom. (Magonia #908; LDLN 95) (NICAP:  6/14/1968 #24028  
ellow, green and red lights at the bottom. As he approached, the object ros 6/14/1968 #24030  
k with some brighter bulges on the bottom and emits a buzzing sound.        Summer 1968 #24066  
/ 2 days. Top-saucer with lights / bottom. Object stops over car.           7/3/1968 #24138  
ens 2 observer(s). 2 saucers enter bottom of huge glowing-cylinder/cigar-sh 7/6/1968 #24148  
d beam going down. 3 'portholes' / bottom/underside. / NICAP.               7/15/1968 #24174  
eet in diameter, it is dark on the bottom but luminous on top. The cows in  7/28/1968 #24244  
 field. The object was dark on the bottom and luminous on top. He then saw  7/28/1968 #24246  
e ends, two protrusions on top and bottom, and measured 5 m in diameter, 2. 7/31/1968 #24270  
e one at a time from the right-end bottom of the UFO. As soon as the third  8/7/1968 #24307  
aped UFO craft, shaped with a flat bottom that was hovering 3 feet above th 8/26/1968 #24381  
at with smudges, which had top and bottom rows of waffle-like squares inden 9/8/1968 #24442  
c that was slightly flatter on the bottom. It had red lights on top and was 9/23/1968 #24505  
Army radio station/depot/facility. Bottom/underside spins. Circles city. /  11/8/1968 #24643  
a yellowish-white light on top and bottom, and the tube seemed to be spinni 11/14/1968 #24657  
cer going down. Rectangular door / bottom/underside lights ground. Possible 12/8/1968 #24749  
ith a central light on the top and bottom and four white lights around the  1/22/1969 #24867  
zed / 100' saucer. Blinding beam / bottom/underside. Going quickly south. / 3/10/1969 #24986  
 altitude. 4-5 portholes / top and bottom/underside. (Earthquake fault zone 3/21/1969 #25034  
ny observer(s). Saucer with dome / bottom hovers / 30 minute(s). Intermitte 4/8/1969 #25052  
 and had lights streaming from the bottom in a cone shape. The UFO followed 4/20/1969 #25076  
, the top was transparent, and the bottom was a greenish metallic color, li 4/25/1969 #25091  
rightest blue imaginable," and the bottom portion had three large transpare 4/25/1969 #25091  
ted by wider saucer shaped top and bottom; rods from the base of the cylind 5/4/1969 #25115  
ms to be a domed craft with a flat bottom (like a World War I helmet) about 5/11/1969 #25125  
ping. Four legs protruded from the bottom of the object. A second orange UF 5/28/1969 #25167  
h a pulsating red light around the bottom. The top was an orange-yellow col 6/20/1969 #25230  
and two-thirds of the way from its bottom to the top, and made a noise like 7/12/1969 #25265  
sible through a half-circle on the bottom. “Corn cobs” with green or turquo 10/24/1969 #25422  
mference and lights on the top and bottom.                                  10/28/1969 #25431  
g-shaped flying object with a flat bottom, the size of VW Beetle, in a moun 10/30/1969 #25440  
ng east slow. Rotate. X / lights / bottom.                                  12/19/1969 #25505  
haped arrangement of lights on the bottom.                                  12/19/1969 #25507  
r-shaped flying object with a flat bottom hovering some distance away. The  12/27/1969 #25510  
m hovering some distance away. The bottom opened slowly and from it descend 12/27/1969 #25510  
ning in the center of the object’s bottom, a bright light beam is emitted,  1/7/1970 #25540  
t wide metallic object with a flat bottom and a dome in the sky outside of  1/7/1970 #25541  
 light come from an opening in the bottom of the craft. It created an illum 1/7/1970 #25541  
nd going down [to] again. Flames / bottom/underside. Circles / grass.       6/1970 #25679  
h its top an intense blue, and the bottom a neon yellow was near the paddoc 6/2/1970 #25688  
It had three bar appendages on the bottom. It was also seen by three securi 6/2/1970 #25688  
y. It had a hazy edge and a convex bottom.                                  6/29/1970 #25721  
g on steps that came down from the bottom of the craft. The being had a gra 7/4/1970 #25727  
t had been discovered on the ocean bottom the previous day had gone.        7/29/1970 #25756  
es a conical light coming from the bottom of a large, silent, gray object.  8/13/1970 #25782  
ghts / corners. Possible windows / bottom/underside.                        9/8/1970 #25829  
 it has a red light at each of its bottom corners and white lights in its c 9/8/1970 #25830  
UFO appeared to have a saw-toothed bottom edge, and seemed to be dripping a 10/6/1970 #25872  
urface. A light from a tube on the bottom illuminates a broad stretch of wa 11/5/1970 #25902  
 [to] behind cloud. 8 red lights / bottom.                                  11/20/1970 #25911  
nd. It had eight red lights on the bottom, and moved behind a cloud. During 11/20/1970 #25912  
at 8 p.m. It had red lights on the bottom and two white lights. It went beh 11/21/1970 #25914  
 the sky may now be resting at the bottom of a lake. The object was observe 1/7/1971 #25981  
scoop up puddles of water from the bottom of the fish pond, crouched on its 2/27/1971 #26034  
of the UFO was transparent and the bottom was a greenish metallic "like gun 4/24/1971 #26081  
ared to have burnt areas along the bottom. The witness, sitting behind the  5/21/1971 #26121  
ys going down / circular opening / bottom.                                  6/13/1971 #26171  
isc with a circular opening in the bottom hovered over Courbevoie, France a 6/13/1971 #26175  
ck-and-white film, strapped on the bottom of the aircraft and taking automa 9/4/1971 #26317  
 saucer with colored lights around bottom edge. No further details.         9/20/1971 #26351  
low with a flame shooting from the bottom. It was about three meters in len 9/20/1971 #26354  
th multi-colored lights around the bottom edge was seen at 9:00 p.m. in For 9/20/1971 #26357  
FO with a large white light at the bottom and many smaller red lights aroun 10/2/1971 #26399  
lic saucer stops 50M over tractor. Bottom turns. Tilts and going quickly no 10/31/1971 #26440  
as, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The bottom of the object was revolving. The  10/31/1971 #26441  
which vibrates." The glow from the bottom of the UFO increased as it began  11/2/1971 #26450  
st slow / 30+min. Lights / top and bottom. No planes up.                    4/6/1972 #26637  
2:30 a.m. It had lights on top and bottom, and flew without making a sound. 4/6/1972 #26639  
ular windows on top and a rotating bottom. It approached their house in Dri 4/15/1972 #26647  
. 2 figure(s) / south-suits work / bottom. Blue beams. / MJ#291.            7/1972 #26747  
It had large square windows in the bottom of the craft.                     7/31/1972 #26852  
Metallic domed saucer with cabin / bottom/underside going down. Low whistle 8/1972 #26854  
it had four feet coming out of the bottom." . (SL-60, page 5) (NICAP: 02 -  9/11/1972 #26987  
he upper dome and glow pink on the bottom side. He flashes his lights at it 9/20/1972 #27016  
zl. 2 ruts through rock and muck / bottom.                                  10/19/1972 #27080  
on and off and going around on its bottom". The UFO followed the traffic on 1/23/1973 #27244  
rver(s). 3 luminous cones / beach. Bottom part spins. Going quickly [to] di 2/9/1973 #27275  
omed saucer going east. Portholes. Bottom/underside rotates.                2/17/1973 #27293  
 large mushroom with a stem at the bottom and a hemispherical dome on top.  2/22/1973 #27310  
object by US1. White dots circle / bottom. Going [to] low and silent over t 4/7/1973 #27412  
white-metallic and luminous on the bottom, about 6.5–13 feet wide and 3–6 f 5/27/1973 #27533  
four or five red lights on top and bottom and a large white light atop. (NI 6/20/1973 #27576  
trapazoid, only rounded off on the bottom" (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/1973 #27671  
wards the sky. It was green on the bottom half and it revolved. There were  8/4/1973 #27683  
an Lake. 10 colored lights flash / bottom/underside.                        8/14/1973 #27698  
wo hoops, appeared to have feet on bottom part. Emitted a very powerful lig 9/11/1973 #27800  
n liner with rounded back and flat bottom and top. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 9/23/1973 #27858  
n eight-foot hose dangled from the bottom of the object. A clear bubble thr 10/4/1973 #27936  
use sized saucer with 3 segments / bottom. Hovers / 3 minute(s). / D. Worle 10/5/1973 #27940  
t point. Mushroon shaped with flat bottom. Red flashing light on top. (NICA 10/5/1973 #27950  
 house, with three segments on the bottom, hovered for three minutes. At 7: 10/5/1973 #27953  
and 1. Silent saucer rotates slow. Bottom/underside divided / 3rds / lights 10/11/1973 #27990  
ith a segmented compartment on the bottom hovered over trees near a house.  10/11/1973 #28002  
, and had three green doors on the bottom. It shot off after several second 10/11/1973 #28002  
and a segmented compartment on the bottom, as it flew over a U.S. governmen 10/11/1973 #28003  
 together with a cabin on top. The bottom of the craft was trisected, with  10/11/1973 #28004  
 a steady speed. Strung out of the bottom were a series of lights divided i 10/11/1973 #28008  
w lights and intersecting lines on bottom hovered (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 10/15/1973 #28054  
d dome and rays emanating from the bottom. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/16/1973 #28082  
ed, rounded on top and flat on the bottom. It was silver gray in color and  10/16/1973 #28089  
 touched Gabriella. The man at the bottom of the bed took a number of gray  10/16/1973 #28089  
ed the end of the blanket form the bottom and stared at her body. At this p 10/16/1973 #28089  
d. The being climbed slowly on the bottom of the bed and slowly and without 10/16/1973 #28089  
d dome and rays emanating from the bottom. It made a buzzing sound. As many 10/16/1973 #28090  
n top,with bright lights along the bottom. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/17/1973 #28116  
t on top and a bright red light on bottom. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/18/1973 #28162  
their cars that were parked at the bottom of the mountain. No trace of the  10/20/1973 #28222  
object with blinking lights on the bottom surrounded by haze. He drove to h 10/25/1973 #28287  
             Midland, Pennsylvania bottom of a gully in an isolated section 11/3/1973 #28361  
 Midland, Pennsylvania Day. At the bottom of a gully in an isolated section 11/3/1973 #28361  
hree rotating white spheres on the bottom, and were emitting multicolored l 11/3/1973 #28362  
ay. Bright green halo. Red light / bottom/underside.                        11/7/1973 #28378  
ic eye and glowing red basket-like bottom section. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 11/16/1973 #28433  
0 meters. It had a dome on top and bottom. The surface was shiny and metall 11/19/1973 #28449  
disk nears / low altitude. Top and bottom flash alternately.                11/28/1973 #28472  
rcles bridge / low altitude. Fin / bottom. / news.                          11/29/1973 #28479  
s, and flashing a red light in the bottom center with two blue lights on th 11/29/1973 #28482  
looked like an acorn, with a green bottom. It was blinking slowly and was s 12/2/1973 #28507  
he object had a rectangular-shaped bottom, and a hat-shaped side view; it f 12/2/1973 #28507  
lar UFO with colored lights on the bottom for 15 minutes two miles north of 12/3/1973 #28514  
ht on top and a green light on the bottom. The UFO made a hissing sound, an 12/3/1973 #28515  
r from their school classroom. The bottom of the object was "real shiny lik 12/10/1973 #28552  
ts on top and silver lights on the bottom moved gradually north after remai 12/10/1973 #28552  
es a landed domed disc with a flat bottom like a WWI helmet, 23–33 feet in  1/7/1974 #28660  
eral afterburners flaming from the bottom, and flew at an altitude of only  2/19/1974 #28782  
hape hovers / 5 minute(s). Pointed bottom descends and extends wire!        2/25/1974 #28801  
hovered for 5 minutes. Its pointed bottom descended and extended what looke 2/25/1974 #28803  
 observer. Saucer west tall dome / bottom near main NATO headquarters.      3/14/1974 #28883  
heres with cupolas on both top and bottom, began to chase him. He got in hi 3/20/1974 #28915  
). Metallic ovoid nears car. Round bottom/underside. Spins slow. 4 lights / 4/16/1974 #29036  
d, and a ramp came down out of the bottom of the craft. Three gray-skinned  5/7/1974 #29093  
/ backyard. Shoots going up. Fin / bottom.                                  5/23/1974 #29126  
m. Glowing-banana or luminous bowl bottom going north slow. Back / 27 th.   5/25/1974 #29133  
 over field. Rectangular opening / bottom. Silent. Sparks.                  6/6/1974 #29166  
bject seen. Round / top and flat / bottom. No further details.              6/29/1974 #29227  
tended three landing legs from the bottom. The craft passed barely inches f 9/3/1974 #29418  
lta/triangle/box-like craft seen / bottom. Guitar pick shape. Northwest goi 9/10/1974 #29447  
R 20M dome overhead. 3 portholes / bottom/underside. Girl wakens 15M away.  9/13/1974 #29452  
obe 35M away lands. Tube extends / bottom. Photographs. / r30+FSRv24#4.     11/19/1974 #29599  
 him. It is a disc-shaped UFO, the bottom half obscured by the fog. But wha 12/2/1974 #29629  
on ground 1000' away. Dome top and bottom/underside. Wild Radio Frequency I 3/2/1975 #29864  
with a rounded hump on its top and bottom, along with red and orange lights 3/2/1975 #29867  
 with red and orange lights on the bottom edge. He estimates the object is  3/2/1975 #29867  
beams shoot up. Orange portholes / bottom.                                  3/17/1975 #29904  
A 5 / car. Saturn saucer with boxy bottom on legs / gravel pit. Marks. Mili 3/22/1975 #29915  
th of the road. It was flat on the bottom and dome-shaped on top, and was o 4/6/1975 #29975  
prominent ears and long noses. The bottom of the object is “highly polished 5/3/1975 #30027  
 south. 754' diameter. Lit slits / bottom/underside. Sharp outline.         6/13/1975 #30100  
night. It had lighted slits on the bottom and a sharp outline, and was esti 6/13/1975 #30101  
bject, almost circular with a flat bottom and a rounded top, hovering above 7/15/1975 #30182  
 Somewhat rectangular (SWR) tube / bottom. Going north.                     7/23/1975 #30203  
he UFO was conical in shape with a bottom diam. of 4–5 meters and a top dia 8/13/1975 #30257  
 the middle portion white, and the bottom part red. It appears to change to 9/3/1975 #30340  
rns slow. Oval portholes / top and bottom. Going quickly north and going up 9/5/1975 #30344  
oked to be a small platform at the bottom of the vehicle." Mr. Suffern said 10/7/1975 #30422  
rhead. Silent. Red lights rotate / bottom. Shoots going up.                 10/29/1975 #30507  
 silent. Red lights rotated on the bottom of the object. When it left it sh 10/29/1975 #30512  
ead. 50mph. Many round portholes / bottom/underside.                        11/3/1975 (approximate) #30543  
f of its body was greenish and the bottom half was pale white. This strange 11/3/1975 #30548  
arrow beam of light fires from the bottom of the disc and strikes Walton in 11/5/1975 #30562  
s 80M over station. Lights top and bottom/underside. Going southeast slow.  11/20/1975 #30644  
t had bright lights on the top and bottom. It flew away slowly to the south 11/20/1975 #30646  
t had bright lights on the top and bottom. It flew away slowly to the south 11/20/1975 #30649  
The object was cone-shaped and the bottom appeared to rotate rapidly, "like 11/27/1975 #30669  
nd a yellow, blinking light on the bottom. When the chaos subsided, they we 1/6/1976 #30762  
IE Cylinder/cigar-shape / lights / bottom. Shines intermittent beams down / 1/6/1976 #30766  
igar-shaped UFO with lights on the bottom flew slowly over the town of Lais 1/6/1976 #30771  
0 to 45 feet in diameter. From the bottom a bright white light turned on, w 1/9/1976 #30781  
 in the door of a translucent UFO. bottom bubble of UFO. She recalled at on 1/14/1976 #30786  
in the middle and red light on the bottom.                                  1/21/1976 #30802  
the middle, and a red light on the bottom. An Air Force officer calls the U 1/21/1976 #30810  
rver. Metal saucer low / sky. Flat bottom. Passes steeple. Straight and lev 1/28/1976 #30827  
de. Colored lights flash in dome / bottom.                                  2/10/1976 #30860  
M domed saucer over road. 4 legs / bottom. No electro-magnetic effect (EME) 2/24/1976 #30897  
 road. There were four legs on the bottom of the craft, and it was silent.  2/24/1976 #30898  
7 p.m. There were four legs on the bottom of the craft, and it was silent.  2/24/1976 #30899  
light, and there were holes in the bottom out of which a blue light shone.  3/5/1976 #30928  
r / treetops. Transparent bubble / bottom. Going [to] behind buildings.     6/21/1976 #31119  
a transparent cupola bubble on the bottom. It moved out of sight behind som 6/21/1976 #31123  
ipsoidal object. It had a revoling bottom section with red and white panels 6/25/1976 #31140  
 Grey disk going south. 5 lights / bottom. Banks going west / 250 Kts. Fain 6/30/1976 #31143  
.m. A hexagonal object with a flat bottom hovered over the highway. No colo 7/22/1976 #31177  
nd had a red flame coming from the bottom the entire time. (Source: CUFOS N 7/22/1976 #31177  
sin a hexagonal object with a flat bottom hovered over the highway at 10:50 7/22/1976 #31178  
nd had a red flame coming from the bottom the entire time.                  7/22/1976 #31178  
 curved on the top and flat on the bottom, and in between them is a third o 8/1976 #31216  
stimated to be 30 feet wide at the bottom, and 60 feet high. As soon as day 8/23/1976 #31294  
d as two red lights on top, silver bottom. (UFO 105 NIDS) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 9/1/1976 #31323  
FO had a solid top, but indistinct bottom; it was 7-8 meters in diameter, a 9/2/1976 #31327  
gray in color, except for the very bottom, which has a “porcelain” look abo 9/10/1976 #31371  
he bright light that came from the bottom of the object dimmed when hoverin 9/10/1976 #31373  
 lights below that, and two at the bottom of the object that looked like po 9/19/1976 #31412  
ights: the top row was red and the bottom row was white. There was no moon  10/15/1976 #31467  
light with a row of windows at the bottom hover below the cloud cover for 2 10/19/1976 #31482  
rver(s). Domed disk bright green / bottom/underside. Maneuvers / all direct 11/2/1976 #31518  
rly shaped objects, rounded on the bottom, hovering low near their car. One 11/4/1976 #31522  
op, a whiter flashing light on the bottom, and a revolving red light. Aroun 11/4/1976 #31522  
legs 30 meters away. It had a flat bottom and a transparent dome or cupola  11/8/1976 #31532  
t / 6km. 3 portholes / top and 3 / bottom. / GEOS group.                    11/10/1976 #31534  
30M metallic lens saucer / flaming bottom/underside. 180° turn going quickl 1/1/1977 #31670  
c disc with flames coming from the bottom made a 180-degree turn and flew o 1/1/1977 #31677  
c disc with flames coming from the bottom made a 180-degree turn and flew o 1/1/1977 #31682  
that appeared too thin towards the bottom. A strange sound, resembling seve 1/3/1977 #31687  
nk three feet into the muck at the bottom. Frustrated in his attempt to ret 1/10/1977 #31715  
 the hole has been and to the pool bottom. A fresh 6-inch-wide trench stret 1/10/1977 #31715  
and with struts and a light on the bottom. As the helicopter circles, the o 2/1/1977 #31775  
Domed saucer jumps in spurts. Flat bottom. Antenna / top. / r210v25#9.      2/8/1977 #31798  
C Shiny saucer going down. Bulge / bottom/underside. Circles 2 observer(s)  3/9/1977 #31881  
h a red light on top and a rounded bottom descend to 30 feet above the grou 3/9/1977 #31887  
elongated object, green on top and bottom, with a red band around the cente 3/15/1977 #31907  
d to be another compartment on the bottom of this disc, and I could see win 3/15/1977 #31907  
elongated object, green on top and bottom, with a red band around the cente 3/15/1977 #31910  
d to be another compartment on the bottom of this disc, and I could see win 3/15/1977 #31910  
and a golden light flashing at the bottom. It hovers silently above them br 3/19/1977 #31917  
 of fluorescent green light on the bottom. Drifting west into a field, the  3/29/1977 #31933  
d lights in two rows on the center bottom. One mile away, two other witness 4/1/1977 #31938  
d. Ovoid with red lights / top and bottom. Row / blue / middle.             4/7/1977 #31954  
 spider like legs hanging from its bottom. The UFO rose slowly and disappea 4/12/1977 #31977  
ge on the top half and blue on the bottom half with dark portholes along th 4/18/1977 #31992  
 its rim and two red lights on its bottom. It pursues their car for three-q 4/22/1977 #32012  
ngs, one on the top and one on the bottom. A figure wearing a dark gray cov 5/5/1977 #32060  
D 1 observer. Ovoid hovers. Narrow bottom. 8cm / arms length. Vanishes in p 5/10/1977 #32081  
It is flying at a tilt, and on the bottom is a circle of foggy light surrou 5/10/1977 #32082  
he object extended a tube from its bottom, and then sucked up water. Two oc 6/24/1977 #32189  
he object extended a tube from its bottom, and then sucked up water. Two oc 6/24/1977 #32191  
o climb the next hill when, at the bottom of the dip, they saw two tall hum 8/28/1977 #32437  
 It had a large white light on the bottom and a green and a blue flashing l 8/31/1977 #32444  
 It had a large white light on the bottom and a green and a blue flashing l 8/31/1977 #32447  
. Their bodies were rounded at the bottom and surmounted a single leg, like 9/15/1977 #32485  
he being began melting from top to bottom, until it was nothing but a porri 9/15/1977 #32485  
long with a rounded top and a flat bottom. The object was seen to travel at 10/30/1977 #32637  
is made by something with a curved bottom. The sighting is partially corrob 11/1/1977 #32651  
tle" shape hovers / southwest sky. Bottom wobbles.                          11/10/1977 #32661  
id rises / woods. Lights / top and bottom flash. Accelerates going up.      11/18/1977 #32682  
top and two flashing lights on the bottom. Possible balloon.                11/18/1977 #32685  
witnessed an "airship," red on the bottom, gray metallic on the top, and ov 11/23/1977 #32694  
, and then tilts back (showing its bottom portion with two Saturn-like ring 11/24/1977 #32697  
 She sees 4–5 dark windows and its bottom half is blurry. Another woman, dr 12/17/1977 #32791  
 disc, red blinking lights top and bottom, paced airliner for 20 minutes. E 12/22/1977 #32807  
d object (“with teacups on top and bottom of saucer”) as large as a full mo 1/10/1978 #32869  
ble, looked transparent, and had a bottom that reflected a greenish blue li 1/23/1978 #32908  
ushroom" / field. 2 strong beams / bottom. Takes off going quickly south.   2/2/1978 #32943  
 concealed behind two hills in the bottom of a small valley, though hoverin 2/5/1978 #32957  
a round UFO with four balls on the bottom, a dome on top, and three windows 3/24/1978 #33078  
ject that had three spheres on the bottom. He entered the object through a  3/24/1978 #33079  
oon over railroad/railway. "Eye" / bottom.                                  3/27/1978 #33086  
r and through 3k' clouds. Lights / bottom/underside.                        4/1978 #33107  
 has a row of windows circling the bottom that emit colored light. It stops Late 4/1978 #33167  
 = burst / static. Lights rotate / bottom / UFO.                            5/24/1978 #33235  
 and yellow lights rotating on its bottom. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)          5/24/1978 #33236  
 and yellow lights rotating on its bottom. The driver continued to drive pa 5/24/1978 #33238  
to look. A door slides open in the bottom of the object and a smaller silve 7/1978 #33319  
de and a rib-like structure on the bottom. After hovering above the car a f 7/11/1978 #33366  
 a plume of smoke emerged from the bottom and the object began to ascend. T 7/11/1978 #33368  
ver street. Colored lights blink / bottom/underside. Purrs. / LDLN#306.     7/13/1978 #33379  
 It has protrusions on the top and bottom, two rows of portholes, and is su 8/8/1978 #33489  
Dome hovers / green glow. Lights / bottom/underside. Circles. Appliances el 8/11/1978 #33499  
ike an elongated parachute. At the bottom was a man protruding from its tip 8/31/1978 #33611  
se to a ladder protruding from the bottom of the object and climbs in. His  9/6/1978 #33638  
ed around the circumference on the bottom. There was also an orange-yellow  9/10/1978 #33659  
O, ITL Dark disk with red lights / bottom/underside. Hovers / site previous 9/16/1978 #33693  
ring UFO nearby. A hatch opened on bottom of the object and their vehicle a 9/26/1978 #33753  
s three bright white lights on the bottom. The object slows down, flying lo 9/28/1978 #33768  
O west going east. 3 lights turn / bottom. Tape cassette erased. / r79p73.  9/29/1978 #33773  
. It emits a strong light, and the bottom has a transparent door through wh 10/7/1978 #33805  
g its base, and three bumps on the bottom. It hovered, tilted at an angle,  10/29/1978 #33890  
e room. The main movement was from bottom left to top right and getting lar 10/31/1978 #33902  
ting a burst of red flame from its bottom. During the same time other indep 11/24/1978 #33997  
grees down. The UFO had a bevelled bottom and a fin-like tail. There was no 11/28/1978 #34016  
-luminous tube protruding from the bottom. Other witnesses also see the UFO 12/2/1978 #34048  
 herself, "If I could only see its bottom," and it suddenly turned exposing 12/12/1978 #34100  
id there were three spheres on its bottom surface, the middle one being lar 12/12/1978 #34100  
it portholes. 3 beams going down / bottom.                                  12/14/1978 #34112  
flashing red lights on the top and bottom and flashing yellow lights in bet 12/14/1978 #34118  
three beams of light came from its bottom. At 4:30 in the afternoon in San  12/14/1978 #34125  
flashing red lights on the top and bottom and flashing yellow lights in bet 12/14/1978 #34128  
 in between. It had 3 balls on the bottom. It hovered for 20 minutes, and t 12/14/1978 #34128  
lights in the front and two on the bottom.                                  12/16/1978 #34159  
ish light that was attached to the bottom of a large flying object. He was  12/31/1978 #34250  
 disk / field. Weak blue-glowing / bottom. Quickly going up [to] fast.      2/13/1979 #34419  
a weak bluish-glow coming from the bottom of the craft. It rose vertically  2/13/1979 #34420  
es bright golden light from top to bottom. Red and blue lights sparkle from 3/1979 #34453  
 a long, pointed protrusion on the bottom. As he tries to photograph the se 5/16/1979 #34563  
nd a long pointy protrusion on the bottom. As he tried to photograph this s 5/16/1979 #34564  
t is silver on top and dark on the bottom and seems to have a band around t 6/10/1979 #34605  
ith three legs protruding from the bottom, and the interior is lit by brigh 6/28/1979 #34639  
[to] over town. Shiny top and dark bottom. Speeds and quickly going up [to] 7/18/1979 #34662  
rnoon. It had a shiny top and dark bottom section. It sped up, and then sho 7/18/1979 #34663  
rnoon. It had a shiny top and dark bottom section. It sped up, and then sho 7/18/1979 #34666  
inches behind the dent runs top to bottom, with four apparent impacts; it l 8/27/1979 #34787  
om-shaped craft on the ground. The bottom half of the craft emitted a soft  9/2/1979 #34820  
aped object with a slightly curved bottom flopping around and tumbling in t 9/4/1979 #34835  
y north overhead. Raised circle on bottom.                                  9/8/1979 #34844  
 about 35 feet in diameter. On the bottom of the object there was a ring of 9/26/1979 #34929  
ed-shaped object with a black flat bottom from a 38th- floor window on Madi 10/4/1979 #34940  
2 observer(s). Silver dome / black bottom / clear sky. Maneuvers and drifts 10/16/1979 #34957  
e a silvery domed disc with a flat bottom traveling toward the southwest, m 10/16/1979 #34958  
 altitude. Lights blink. Grating / bottom.                                  12/3/1979 #35042  
O with red and white lights on the bottom hover stationary at 1000 meters a 1/29/1980 #35150  
in the center and is orange at the bottom. It makes rapid up- and-down moti 5/2/1980 #35303  
 had a red rectangular area on the bottom. It made a U-turn, then banked aw 5/7/1980 #35316  
d has numerous white lights on the bottom. They pass silently above his car 5/14/1980 #35331  
ne gradually fades out from top to bottom. The lower one turns on its side  6/21/1980 #35385  
-shaped object with dome-circle on bottom. Object was moving from overhead  7/4/1980 #35401  
ar, which sat on the flat metallic bottom of the hovering craft. A voice in 8/22/1980 #35475  
south over city. Top glows red and bottom yellow. Top and bot alternate.    9/6/1980 #35498  
 or red object that looks like the bottom of an Army tank with runners on t 9/21/1980 #35524  
ng in the clouds. It resembled the bottom view of an Army tank, with runner 9/21/1980 #35526  
n colored-yellow object = saucer / bottom."desk lamp shape" / top. Southeas 9/23/1980 #35530  
rhead 500M altitude. 3 portholes / bottom/underside. Fast turn and away.    10/17/1980 #35574  
d had additional lights on top and bottom. The central section was spinning 11/28/1980 #35680  
uld have counted the lights on the bottom of the object, had I not panicked 3/1981 #35856  
ent to very dim, had lights on the bottom as it hovered over trees for ten  3/30/1981 #35880  
circular opening is visible in the bottom of the black disc. Inside the ope 3/30/1981 #35881  
 The middle part is white, and the bottom is luminous green. It moves out o 4/25/1981 #35915  
middle of the object white and the bottom green, glowed and hung in the sky 4/25/1981 #35916  
d up into the sky and entering the bottom of the object through two large d 7/15/1981 #36008  
ted up to the sky and entering the bottom of an object through two large do 7/16/1981 #36010  
500 feet when overhead, has a flat bottom, a strange raised center section, 7/23/1981 #36026  
use. Luminous/glowing top and dark bottom/underside.                        10/28/1981 (approximate) #36191  
top and multicolored lights on the bottom fly overhead and disappear from s 12/29/1981 #36281  
 meters away. It had bluish yellow bottom lights, and green lights on the s 1/29/1982 #36315  
t with a blinking red light on the bottom. Terrified, she hides in a school 2/2/1982 #36321  
up snowflakes.” The rim around the bottom of the UFO has red windows all th 2/10/1982 #36334  
up snowflakes." The rim around the bottom of the UFO had red windows all th 2/10/1982 #36337  
 distinguishable features, and the bottom half of the figure was dark. The  8/2/1982 #36561  
ep whoop-whoop sound. Black door / bottom.                                  8/30/1982 #36584  
pacing it at 40 feet altitude. The bottom of the object had a dark black do 8/30/1982 #36586  
o daughters also view the UFO. The bottom and top of the object are jet bla 9/2/1982 #36593  
eet in Dallas, Texas Trinity River bottom 1:35 p.m. A witness at the Diamon 10/15/1982 #36643  
as risen up from the Trinity River bottom and is heading east. He estimates 10/15/1982 #36643  
e. Going quickly northeast. Convex bottom.                                  10/22/1982 #36658  
rcular dark area is visible on the bottom and something looking like a grid 11/2/1982 #36674  
ers / 88 minutes. Lit dome top and bottom/underside. Going west.            1/20/1983 #36751  
 light at each of the corners; the bottom is silvery and flat. She drives h 1/27/1983 #36754  
ows, and a reddish golden metallic bottom maneuvered over trees in McHenry, 5/23/1983 #36863  
ows, and a reddish golden metallic bottom maneuvering over trees in McHenry 5/23/1983 #36864  
ows, and a reddish golden metallic bottom maneuvered over trees in McHenry, 5/23/1983 #36866  
two beams of light coming from the bottom. It crossed some power lines and  10/13/1983 #37005  
shape 100' over road. Red lights / bottom. Going north.                     1/9/1984 #37116  
the road and had red lights on the bottom; it flew off to the north. (NICAP 1/9/1984 #37123  
the road and had red lights on the bottom; it flew off to the north.        1/9/1984 #37127  
rent colored lights on the top and bottom. One of the officers takes photos 4/26/1984 #37302  
here is a round, black spot on the bottom, and a cylindrical “tailpipe” is  Mid 6/1984 #37364  
an's attention was centered on the bottom portion of the UFO. It looked as  6/15/1984 #37365  
ke stain. At the edge of the UFO's bottom, which was easily visible, was so 6/15/1984 #37365  
 wave. Many lights illuminated its bottom portion. The crew of GORI tried t 6/15/1984 #37365  
o hollow spheres or portals in the bottom. The UFO takes 5 minutes to pass  7/24/1984 #37412  
ouse. Going down / creek. Lights / bottom.                                  10/14/1984 #37485  
 object with an amber light on the bottom and red lights in a circle on top 10/23/1984 #37489  
 object with an amber light on the bottom and red lights in a circle on top 10/23/1984 #37490  
). 30' X-shaped object. 5 lights / bottom. Paces over car / 20 minute(s). H 12/30/1984 #37534  
nia. There were five lights on the bottom of the craft and it made a hummin 12/30/1984 #37535  
nia. There were five lights on the bottom of the craft and it made a hummin 12/30/1984 #37536  
p.m. It had a convex window in the bottom center of the craft and was dark  10/10/1985 #37678  
dull gray, 40 feet across, and its bottom is sloped into contours. It is ha 11/22/1985 #37721  
ers / TV transmitter. Shoots away. Bottom spins.                            1/3/1986 #37746  
aucer over bridge. Domes / top and bottom. Turns / edge. / MJ#224.          1/7/1986 #37753  
ovoid. Glows. 2 legs / top and 2 / bottom. Revolves / 900' altitude.        2/28/1986 #37790  
osses road / treetop level. 50mph. Bottom = ring of lights.                 7/10/1986 #37938  
aft hovers over car. Many lights / bottom. 2 observer(s) dizzy. Also saucer 9/5/1986 #38014  
ed object with fins on the top and bottom. It floated at 3 mph from behind  9/6/1986 #38017  
ith an even, slow oscillation. Its bottom seems to transform from silver to 2/25/1987 #38123  
. Classic saucer over lake. Glow / bottom/underside. Darkness cloud engulfs 4/17/1987 #38158  
oderbarke, Kopparberg, Sweden. The bottom of the object was glowing, until  4/17/1987 #38160  
range glow bands alternate top and bottom/underside..                       7/24/1987 #38215  
color alternating from the top and bottom.                                  7/24/1987 #38217  
ith a bulging center, and it had a bottom section with multiple orange, red 8/18/1987 #38247  
ht blue light in the center of the bottom dome and antennae on both the top 9/24/1987 #38294  
e and antennae on both the top and bottom domes. The close encounter lasted 9/24/1987 #38294  
section and a luminous ring on the bottom. He rushes in and grabs a Polaroi 11/11/1987 #38322  
 an illuminated orange ring on the bottom. He could also see a beam of blue 12/2/1987 #38348  
nd slow just over house. Circles / bottom.                                  12/26/1987 #38374  
5min / video / saucer. Something / bottom pulses at 7.5 Hz. / MJ#239.       12/28/1987 #38376  
lue sphere / treetops. Lightning / bottom extends miles!!                   12/31/1987 #38380  
s of three, and a red light on the bottom forward. The edges of the object  1/31/1988 #38436  
surface on the leading side of the bottom of the object (reflecting white l 3/1/1988 #38479  
veral white lights in a row on the bottom section. The object hovers close  3/3/1988 #38482  
and blue blinking lights along the bottom edge. 5–6 bright triangular light 3/4/1988 #38487  
that glowed a bright blue from its bottom. It hovered silently and there wa 5/21/1988 #38574  
hts on them that protrude from the bottom. A hissing noise can be heard as  7/17/1988 #38603  
000' away. Size = 2 747s! Lights / bottom.                                  3/2/1989 #38862  
ts about 6 feet in diameter on the bottom hovering about 5 miles away. Anot 3/12/1989 #38871  
round the mid-section, and a black bottom with many blue lights underneath  4/22/1989 #38921  
FO 1500' away. Shimmers as if hot. Bottom boat shaped.                      5/28/1989 #38965  
e structure clearly visible on the bottom. The witness experience an episod 6/13/1989 #38988  
ing of red and green lights on the bottom flashed sequentially.             8/14/1989 #39062  
he was able to discern its top and bottom.                                  9/16/1989 #39107  
30 feet in diameter and had a flat bottom and a bright yellow-white light s 9/27/1989 #39125  
ight on top and a red light on the bottom. It is more than half a mile away 10/11/1989 #39162  
s a flattened top and “corrugated” bottom. Light is shining brightly from t 10/13/1989 #39169  
an upside-down cup and saucer. The bottom portion has a red light in the ce 11/4/1989 #39214  
ts. Black hole / rear. Neon glow / bottom/underside.                        11/29/1989 #39257  
oing northeast. Many turns. Dome / bottom.                                  11/29/1989 #39263  
 flashes of light from the top and bottom of the object.                    1/28/1990 #39393  
p and a pulsating red light on the bottom. He called his wife and another w 2/5/1990 #39410  
pointed appendages and the top and bottom that hovered at 20 to 30 feet abo 2/5/1990 #39411  
took on a metallic appearance. The bottom of the oval craft glowed dark red 2/18/1990 #39422  
e with a centered red light on the bottom and pairs of white lights at the  4/10/1990 #39516  
hich is grayish. Structures on the bottom of the platform look like “an air 4/22/1990 #39539  
l of six lights, and structures on bottom that looked like "an aircraft car 4/22/1990 #39541  
rb/globe / 180' altitude. 2 legs / bottom and row / windows?                5/4/1990 #39554  
t altitude. It had two legs on the bottom and what appeared to be a row of  5/4/1990 #39559  
nce. The windows were wider at the bottom than at the top, and a dark line  5/30/1990 #39600  
d a fuzzy white glow from its flat bottom. It then drifted slowly away towa 5/30/1990 #39600  
ed two white beams at her from the bottom of the object. Meanwhile, her dog 6/7/1990 #39609  
haped object with portholes on the bottom portion, very bright, followed th 6/23/1990 #39623  
with cylinder/cylindrical object / bottom. Rotates and rises / 20 minute(s) 6/30/1990 #39630  
ellow, and white lights around its bottom rim. It then accelerated and was  7/18/1990 #39649  
 Lot / treetops. Circular window / bottom.                                  10/1990 #39754  
glows over pasture. Grid-opening / bottom.                                  10/16/1990 #39789  
d light on the lower rear end. The bottom part is bulged out and dark gray  1/6/1991 #39947  
remely slow. 16 square portholes / bottom.                                  2/6/1991 #39973  
e with irregular structures on the bottom. He walks upstairs to an upper-le 3/15/1991 #40014  
' altitude. Colored lights pulse / bottom/underside. Vanish.                4/4/1991 (approximate) #40030  
when a small hatch opened from the bottom of the craft and a long thin gree 5/14/1991 #40060  
round dome shaped disc with a flat bottom, no landing gear or windows but a 7/1991 #40107  
z. UFO 90M overhead. Odd symbols / bottom. Small footprints found.          10/14/1991 #40211  
e above a blazing red light on the bottom. There were multiple witnesses, a 11/5/1991 #40218  
, BELGIUM Rounded manta with box / bottom beams white light going down. See 11/27/1991 #40243  
tude. Glows blue / top and green / bottom.                                  11/28/1991 #40245  
llow, green and blue lights on the bottom.                                  12/6/1991 #40256  
bserver(s). Glowing "blimp" flat / bottom and ends. Both saw saucers / 1963 12/10/1991 #40258  
g "blimp" at 4:15 a.m. with a flat bottom and ends. Both had seen flying sa 12/10/1991 #40259  
of light descended on him from the bottom of the craft, and he was apparent 12/26/1991 #40267  
gs like tentacles hanging from the bottom. It drifted outside and vanished. 1/4/1992 #40277  
ight 1300' away. Ring red lights / bottom. Fades.                           2/9/1992 #40325  
as a domed craft with a triangular bottom. Inside were two figures. They ha 3/9/1992 #40367  
aucer teases F14 jet. Splits top / bottom. 1st part going quickly southwest 4/28/1992 #40434  
nder/cigar-shape hovers. Windows / bottom. Vibrant bright beams. Vanishes.  5/5/1992 #40452  
-shaped object with windows on the bottom hovered silently in High Point, N 5/5/1992 #40453  
. A cone of light emerges from the bottom that completely bathes the area,  8/19/1992 #40583  
ow in the middle, and white on the bottom. The first witness, age 65, saw t 8/25/1992 #40591  
te lights spaced evenly around the bottom, and it had smaller green and red 9/16/1992 #40623  
EFORD, NC 50' grey box. 6 lights / bottom. 20 glowing ovoids follow. Air ge 9/30/1992 #40645  
00 feet, and had six lights on the bottom. It was followed by 20 smaller gl 9/30/1992 #40651  
med disc-shaped object with a flat bottom. They stopped to watch as a secon 1/23/1993 #40812  
He was then floated up through the bottom of the object and inside was met  3/16/1993 #40886  
 / 150M altitude. 3 green lights / bottom. / r239p216.                      3/31/1993 #40913  
h going southeast. Dark sections / bottom.                                  6/9/1993 #41011  
 orange-lighted windows around the bottom. Humanoid figures were seen movin 8/8/1993 #41118  
ouse from left to right and top to bottom. Jill began snapping photos throu 8/18/1993 #41146  
 round and had a flattened top and bottom, and she described it as shaped l 10/6/1993 #41222  
-shaped object  with lights on the bottom in Connersville, Indiana. Three l 10/17/1993 #41241  
ver(s). Boomerang with 12 lights / bottom. 2 days missing time! Marks and m 10/18/1993 #41244  
c-shaped object with an "X" on the bottom was seen in Warsaw, Benton County 11/3/1993 #41261  
. It had a square of lights on the bottom of the craft.                     12/28/1993 #41335  
to] overhead. Strong lights / flat bottom.                                  12/31/1993 #41337  
 UFO with bright lights and a flat bottom, flew over the city of Quixada, C 12/31/1993 #41338  
 ovoid with bars. Vertical. Pads / bottom. Wave.                            1/16/1994 #41373  
 feet in diameter, and its top and bottom halves are rotating in opposite d 5/21/1994 #41534  
led / lights. 4 square portholes / bottom. Going north.                     6/12/1994 #41566  
s had four square portholes on its bottom, was seen at 8:40 p.m. in St. Usu 6/12/1994 #41567  
n blue flames shot from out of the bottom of the craft as it accelerated st 6/27/1994 #41588  
 observer(s). Saucer dome rotates, bottom not. Hovers. Hums. Away / extreme 7/26/1994 #41642  
ovoid rotates slowly by. Flashes / bottom.                                  8/21/1994 #41682  
rom the object at both its top and bottom, shining continuous beams of ligh 8/23/1994 #41687  
he dome. A bright red light on the bottom flashes 3–4 times like a strobe,  8/31/1994 #41707  
e, violet, and green lights on its bottom, and it moved very slowly, making 12/1/1994 #41876  
Y 1 observer. Saucer with 4 legs / bottom. Seen / rainy parking Lot. / UFO  12/5/1994 #41882  
st going quickly east. Edges glow. Bottom greyish. Fast and absolute(ly) si 12/13/1994 #41894  
guration. Each has a window on the bottom that emits a bluish light and a b 12/29/1994 #41910  
vers / 2 nights. Small red disks / bottom/underside. Silent. Beam turns.    1/5/1995 #41951  
 There were small red discs on the bottom of the object and a beam of light 1/5/1995 #41952  
 triangle with windows and vents / bottom. Going northwest up coast.        1/7/1995 #41958  
ere covers roadway. Conical beam / bottom.                                  3/25/1995 #42116  
onical beam of light came from the bottom of the object.                    3/25/1995 #42118  
riangle/box-like craft with orange bottom. Nears. Stops. Hovers. Retreats.  5/7/1995 #42184  
-shape = 5cm / arms length. Hump / bottom. Hovers. Gone / seconds.          5/22/1995 #42219  
 near moon. Suddenly nears. Square bottom with dome / top!                  8/10/1995 #42370  
ted indigo beams from lamps on the bottom, which formed concentric circles  9/29/1995 #42520  
cher. 100' saucer spins. 25' box / bottom doesn't. 130' altitude. Photograp 1/7/1996 #42669  
bject / 50M altitude. Turns. Box / bottom/underside still. Livestock scared 2/4/1996 #42739  
] overhead. Odd blended color(s) / bottom. Reservoir nearby.                2/23/1996 #42775  
away from them. It was flat on the bottom and about 30 feet in diameter. Th 2/28/1996 #42788  
imated to be 50 feet across at the bottom, with a dome on top and red, gree 3/6/1996 #42813  
ALLENTOWN, PA Cross with circles / bottom/underside going [to] over 2 / tru 3/24/1996 #42840  
2 / truck. 6 transparent windows / bottom surface.                          3/24/1996 #42840  
t had a three foot diameter at the bottom towards the ground, although it d 4/8/1996 #42858  
to be illuminating the ground. The bottom of the disc had an inner circle o 4/8/1996 #42858  
ckly [to] overhead. Round bubble / bottom.                                  4/20/1996 #42873  
ed ramp that had come out from the bottom of the object. At the object beca 5/6/1996 #42898  
ly bright enough to illuminate the bottom of the canyon. There were two "pi 6/4/1996 #42921  
f-moon night light with platform / bottom. Curves going quickly east. Split 6/6/1996 #42923  
haped light with a platform on the bottom. It curved away through the night 6/6/1996 #42924  
ue and flared in intensity. On the bottom of the object was a bright white  7/8/1996 #42950  
n West Manchester, Ohio. The round bottom of the craft appeared to be gold  8/20/1996 #42986  
 shows a black Teflon-like covered bottom and a flange or rim that goes aro 9/16/1996 #43023  
e, yellow, and white lights on the bottom of the UFO. In the middle of the  9/26/1996 #43043  
         RIMUKA, KADOMA, ZIMB Flat bottom/underside glowing-dome hovers / 8 2/1997 #43183  
 / 1500' altitude. Silent. Light / bottom/underside.                        4/6/1997 #43254  
er, suspended vertically, with the bottom party positioned 25° above the ho 4/20/1997 #43268  
top. A blue glow emanated from the bottom of the craft. Around the middle o 5/19/1997 #43300  
ad / 30 minute(s). Color(s) move / bottom/underside. Small jumps. Away fast 8/23/1997 #43388  
een for 30 minutes. Colors move on bottom of object. Makes small jumps, sho 8/23/1997 #43389  
ion. Blue and red circular spots / bottom/underside. Going northeast low an 8/24/1997 #43390  
00 feet away, and they can see the bottom of the object.                    11/13/1997 #43440  
light started to "close in" at the bottom and the beings were gone. However 12/14/1997 #43462  
a on top and other markings on the bottom right under the rim lights.       1/11/1998 #43498  
as oval on the top and flat on the bottom. The sighting occurred on a clear 4/3/1998 #43543  
t had three white lights along the bottom.                                  4/11/1998 #43547  
k), with a big orange light on the bottom (middle) and small lights that mo 5/16/1998 #43568  
le hovers outside. Square lights / bottom.                                  5/31/1998 #43576  
ar objects that are rounded on the bottom. They remain stationary for 6–7 m 6/5/1998 #43580  
 was large on top and small at the bottom. It glided through a guardrail to 6/9/1998 #43585  
g north. Several box-shapes glow / bottom/underside.                        7/22/1998 #43613  
FL 40M glowing saucer with concave bottom/underside paces 2 / car. Shoots g 7/29/1998 #43615  
isk going quickly south fast. Grey bottom and silver top. Silent. No furthe 7/30/1998 #43616  
g fast to the south. It had a gray bottom and was silent.                   7/30/1998 #43617  
room-shaped dome on top and a flat bottom covered with rotating lights. The 10/19/1998 #43665  
ertical, triangular formation. The bottom two lights are about 100 feet off 12/1998 #43694  
t had four bright lights along its bottom in perfect alignment.             2/25/1999 #43735  
lf a meter tall, come out from the bottom of the hovering craft. Again, bec 5/23/1999 #43773  
saucer going east. Bright lights / bottom/underside. Laser scans ground..   7/23/1999 #43810  
 altitude. Light humming. Lights / bottom/underside. Going quickly west.    1/5/2000 #43919  
s of .22 caliber ammunition at the bottom of the craft, trying to shoot out 1/30/2000 #43937  
clip he saw a hatch open up on the bottom of the object and two men leaned  1/30/2000 #43937  
o, dropping a new light out of its bottom. All remaining lights then sped a 2/16/2000 #43951  
d, Ohio. It had many lights on the bottom, and it hovered on the side of Ro 3/1/2000 #43960  
bject standing on end. The top and bottom of the object was spiked with thr 6/22/2000 #44006  
bject had small protrusions on the bottom. Stunned and unable to move, he s 7/16/2000 #44020  
king lights surrounding it. On the bottom of the object was a big green lig 7/25/2000 #44023  
disc "with a bite taken out of the bottom," with yellow, orange and blue li 10/5/2000 #44053  
There was a US Army marking on the bottom of one helicopter but they were o 2/24/2001 #44142  
overs / corn field. Lights flash / bottom/underside. Sudden takeoff.        3/2/2001 #44146  
and a reddish looking light on the bottom center was seen over Durham, Nort 3/26/2001 #44152  
grey disk. Silver sides and dome / bottom. Lights / rim.                    6/16/2001 #44194  
 a dome at the top and flat at the bottom. The sighting lasts about 10 minu 8/3/2001 #44223  
a "sparkly light" that came out of bottom of one of the ships in a tubular  8/29/2001 #44247  
d object exited from a door in the bottom. There was no sound during the en 10/2/2001 #44265  
amond-shaped UFO with an elongated bottom, a light on each end, and an oran 11/15/2001 #44277  
nd a brilliant yellow light at the bottom.                                  12/6/2001 #44282  
ed and white lights on the top and bottom. It moved slowly to the west and  12/10/2001 #44286  
oid. Extreme accelerations. Knob / bottom. 4 minutes / videotape.           12/19/2001 #44296  
t had a peculiar knob shape on the bottom of the object. It shot off with e 12/19/2001 #44297  
ach corner, and a red light in the bottom center. The lights appeared to be 6/8/2002 #44349  
s had a clear view of the side and bottom of the ship, but could not make o 9/5/2002 #44390  
 tips, a white strobe light on the bottom, and dim white lights on the unde 10/29/2002 #44424  
teardrop-shaped craft with a round bottom, hovering nearby. The craft had a 4/21/2003 #44517  
red mist or hot looking gas on the bottom of it, on the left side was what  5/3/2003 #44523  
ighway 2 in Clinton, Missouri. Its bottom perimeter looked octagonal, and i 5/8/2003 #44529  
o strobing oval-shaped lights. The bottom of the craft was a deep blue colo 6/2/2003 #44552  
It had white and red lights on the bottom.                                  9/13/2003 #44599  
something like a round door on the bottom. It suddenly speeds up and disapp 1/25/2004 #44656  
was hemisphere shaped, with a flat bottom and round top. The light had an a 2/13/2004 #44664  
 "dinner plate" with a dome on the bottom was sighted in St. John's, Newfou 3/26/2004 #44680  
ct with four diamond shapes on the bottom was seen flying over Longmont, Co 4/26/2004 #44692  
 were located at the center of the bottom of the craft, while four blue lig 8/2/2004 #44725  
ddish-orange lights affixed to the bottom of a huge triangular craft. He ne 10/2/2004 #44766  
to be some 300 feet in length. The bottom of the craft was illuminated from 10/2/2004 #44766  
ibbed structure running across the bottom of the object. As it passed direc 10/2/2004 #44766  
annel. Two objects emerge from the bottom of the blip, which takes off and  11/14/2004 #44784  
to the craft, entering through the bottom of the craft, and they appeared t 6/14/2005 #44847  
 white with multiple colors on the bottom, was seen over Williamsport, Penn 9/7/2005 #44869  
Roanoke, Virginia at 9:56 a.m. Its bottom was covered with lights.          9/11/2005 #44874  
lar craft with three lights on the bottom. It made no noise, and had red, b 10/17/2005 #44890  
well as the rim of the disc-shaped bottom. There was a probe-like arm that  2/28/2006 #44927  
 and a red light shimmering in the bottom middle.                           2/17/2007 #45006  
ounty, California at 3:48 p.m. The bottom of the object was red and the res 2/26/2007 #45008  
r greenish-blue, dim lights on the bottom: one light in the middle towards  4/22/2007 #45021  
g edges (sides and middle); on the bottom there were four more circles--3 w 5/16/2007 #45030  
 an object like a dome with a flat bottom was first seen hovering, then com 9/7/2007 #45053  
     A craft with a tan "X" on the bottom was seen from Portland, Oregon at 11/3/2007 #45090  
 shape appeared to be fixed to the bottom of a boomerang or chevron-shaped  11/9/2007 #45092  
purple beacon in the center of the bottom, but no position lights or anti-c 6/7/2008 #45146  
a 4-pronged star-like shape on the bottom, was seen flying only 60 feet abo 8/28/2008 #45162  
otrusions on its side and a smooth bottom. It seems to be rotating at first 9/16/2008 #45168  
ject with a spinning circle on the bottom, making no sound, was sighted fro 2/11/2009 #45211  
and looks up, seeing lights on the bottom of the object, which immediately  11/25/2009 #45256  
were there were four lights on the bottom of the object, which appeared to  2/11/2011 #45315  
 the green of a traffic light. The bottom section was smaller; it contained 6/1/2013 #45369  
ov. Jared Polis vows to get to the bottom of the case. Sheriffs say the dro 12/2019 #45620  
## Word: "bottom-" (Back to Top)
hape - black colored lights on the bottom- no other lights observed approxi 10/1971 #26395  
## Word: "bottom-center" (Back to Top)
oing [to] over hills. Boxy cabin / bottom-center. Going quickly west. / r96 7/31/1909 #794  
## Word: "bottomed" (Back to Top)
 the object, described as a "flat- bottomed catfish-shaped" object, as it p Summer 1973 #27577  
hen she saw an oyster shaped, flat bottomed metallic object with a row of w 1/6/1977 #31707  
Using binoculars, she sees a flat- bottomed orange dome shape within the li 8/29/1979 #34802  
## Word: "bottoms" (Back to Top)
ID 5 disc-shaped objects with flat bottoms and rough tops. Smith/Stevens Ca 7/4/1947 #2650  
nutes while four objects with flat bottoms and rough tops moved at varying  7/4/1947 #2651  
ormation. Same back 16+17 October. Bottoms lit up.                          10/15/1954 #11089  
er, OK 50 objects with illuminated bottoms were seen flying (NICAP: 01 - Di 10/15/1954 #11097  
54. Fifty objects with illuminated bottoms were seen flying in a V-formatio 10/15/1954 #11107  
ts, fifty objects with illuminated bottoms were seen flying very fast in a  10/15/1954 #11120  
l "boxes" with small wheels on the bottoms and four "arms" on the sides cam 8/20/1966 #20781  
t had been newly purchased and the bottoms of their shoes were unscuffed. W 1/28/1967 #21411  
al silver discs with green glowing bottoms were sighted by a separate obser 3/2/1967 #21732  
aw three discs with domes and flat bottoms (domed discs) that were later jo 3/25/1967 #21981  
wo hemispherical objects with flat bottoms were seen by a woman to emerge f 9/25/1967 #23129  
 radio tower. "Flames" / top. Flat bottoms.                                 1/5/1968 #23648  
lames coming from the top and flat bottoms.                                 1/5/1968 #23651  
riangle/box-like crafts with round bottoms going south. Windy noise. Join a 7/2/1980 #35400  
## Word: "botucatu" (Back to Top)
                                   BOTUCATU, SP, BRZ 3 boys. 8M UFO / tripo 7/1/1968 #24111  
                                   Botucatu, Brazil 12:30 a.m. Three boys s 7/1/1968 #24113  
                                   Botucatu, Brazil Three boys saw an objec 7/1/1968 #24115  
as of the Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil 12:30 a.m. T 7/1/1968 #24118  
as of the Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. Suddenly th 7/1/1968 #24118  
       At 12:30 p.m. three boys in Botucatu, Sao Paulo State, Brazil saw a  7/1/1968 #24120  
                                   BOTUCATU, BRZ J.da Silva abduction / sma 11/29/1982 #36701  
                                In Botucatu, Sao Paolo State, Brazil Joao V 11/29/1982 #36702  
                                In Botucatu, State of Sao Paolo, Brazil Joa 11/30/1982 #36703  
## Word: "botz" (Back to Top)
            Ret. USAF pilot Warren Botz in 1966 and journalist Jack D. Pick 1966 #19799  
itnessed by ret. USAF pilot Warren Botz in 1966 and journalist Jack D. Pick 3/1968 #23799  
## Word: "bouaci" (Back to Top)
enezuela 10-year-old Jose Gregorio Bouaci was in his bedroom in the early a 8/16/1967 #22886  
## Word: "bouahmama" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUAHMAMA, ALG Legionaire. 300M saucer g 3/1958 #14901  
## Word: "bouamama" (Back to Top)
                                   Bouamama Sidi Chami Algeria A French For 3/1958 #14905  
eign Legionnaire on sentry duty at Bouamama, near Sidi Chami, Algeria, hear 3/1958 #14905  
## Word: "bouchard" (Back to Top)
                                   Bouchard, Argentina 1:05 a.m. Jorge Ribl 6/25/1968 #24080  
                                   Bouchard, Argentina Jorge Ribles, electr 6/25/1968 #24081  
## Word: "boucher" (Back to Top)
Alaska Mission Road 10:00 p.m. Jan Boucher, a policeman in Kodiak, Alaska,  11/4/1957 #14288  
## Word: "bouches-du-rhone" (Back to Top)
anded at the Marignane airfield in Bouches-du-Rhone Department. (NICAP: 01  1/4/1954 #9443  
                 Outside of Mimet, Bouches-du-Rhone, France a 4.5 meter lon 8/30/1993 #41172  
## Word: "bouches-du-rhône" (Back to Top)
                        Marignane, Bouches-du-Rhône, France 2:03 a.m. Custo 10/27/1952 #8198  
unway of the airport at Marignane, Bouches-du-Rhône, France, 100 meters awa 10/27/1952 #8198  
 [now Marseille Provence Airport], Bouches-du-Rhône, France Arles to Marsei 1/4/1954 #9445  
 [now Marseille Provence Airport], Bouches-du-Rhône, France. There is only  1/4/1954 #9445  
## Word: "bouches-rhone" (Back to Top)
f shoppers in the city of Aubagne, Bouches-Rhone, France at 6 p.m. Twenty h 10/30/1959 #16069  
n the sky over Mont Ste. Victoire, Bouches-Rhone, France by an aerospace wo 12/9/1973 #28543  
                          Eyragues,Bouches-Rhone Department, France 10:00 P 1/1/1977 #31680  
among trees in Eyragues, France in Bouches-Rhone department. Broken branche 1/1/1977 #31682  
itness at 10:50 p.m. in Martigues, Bouches-Rhone department, France when a  3/5/1994 #41441  
## Word: "bouchez" (Back to Top)
 the witness, a single woman named Bouchez who was inside the building, and 4/25/1974 #29062  
## Word: "boudreaux" (Back to Top)
affic Controller and pilot Alex A. Boudreaux and VHF Direction-Finding (DF) 1/7/1948 #3546  
## Word: "bouffioulx" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUFFIOULX, BELGIUM Saucer stops. Big bl 5/16/1953 #8878  
                                   Bouffioulx, Belgium 8:15 p.m. Photograph 5/16/1953 #8879  
tographer Herman Charmanne is near Bouffioulx, Belgium, when he hears a str 5/16/1953 #8879  
                                In Bouffioulx, Hainaut, Belgium at 5:30 p.m 5/16/1953 #8880  
## Word: "bouffioux" (Back to Top)
   Fleurus, Belgium 5:28 a.m. Mme. Bouffioux is lying awake in bed at her h 11/22/1990 #39898  
## Word: "bougainville" (Back to Top)
                   Torokina Beach, Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea 12 6/1944 #1601  
m with a friend at Torokina Beach, Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea. T 6/1944 #1601  
                                   Bougainville Reef, Australia Police stat 5/28/1965 #18969  
alia Police statement (interview); Bougainville Reef, Australia: An Ansett- 5/28/1965 #18969  
                                   Bougainville Reef Queensland, Australia  5/28/1965 #18973  
y Capt. John Barker is flying over Bougainville Reef off the coast of Queen 5/28/1965 #18973  
ANA DC-6B airliner flying over the Bougainville Reef between Brisbane, Quee 5/28/1965 #18974  
## Word: "bouganville" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BOUGANVILLE REEF DC6 buzzed / large sauc 5/28/1965 #18970  
## Word: "bougard" (Back to Top)
 in a wooded area. (Ref. 3; Michel Bougard, Des Soucoupes Volantes aux OVNI Late 6/1942 #1421  
nd footprints were found. (Ref. 3; Bougard, 1977.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases 10/1942 #1451  
## Word: "bought" (Back to Top)
ough nothing had happened. The man bought a glass of fruit juice and sat at 7/12/1975 #30175  
anyone but the witnesses. He again bought a glass of fruit juice and again  7/12/1975 #30175  
## Word: "bouillancourt-la-bataille" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUILLANCOURT-LA-BATAILLE, FR Vertical c 6/27/1975 #30124  
 sky at only 10 meters altitude in Bouillancourt-la-Bataille, Somme, France 6/27/1975 #30126  
 sky at only 10 meters altitude in Bouillancourt-la-Bataille, Somme, France 6/27/1975 #30127  
## Word: "bouiller" (Back to Top)
ver a quadrilateral area. Francois Bouiller confirmed he had seen a luminou 10/4/1954 #10697  
ver a quadrilateral area. Francois Bouiller confirmed he had seen a luminou 10/4/1954 #10710  
## Word: "boukanefis" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUKANEFIS, ALG 2 bakers. "Agile" dinner 7/15/1952 #6823  
## Word: "boulan" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / BOULAN, FR 1 / car. Perfect rectangle go 2/7/1997 #43186  
## Word: "boulange" (Back to Top)
                                   BOULANGE, FR 4 / car. Blue blinking vert 1/26/1993 #40814  
## Word: "boulaur" (Back to Top)
  Sainte-Marie Cistercian Abbey in Boulaur, Gers, France 5:50 a.m. Five nun 3/24/1984 #37240  
e Sainte-Marie Cistercian Abbey in Boulaur, Gers, France, see a bright oval 3/24/1984 #37240  
## Word: "boulder" (Back to Top)
                                   BOULDER, CO Amateur astronomer / (seen t 5/3/1947 #2277  
t Convention at Giant Rock, a huge boulder in the Mojave Desert near Lander 4/4/1954 #9665  
                                   Boulder City, NV Research technician obs 8/1956 #13041  
                                   BOULDER CITY, NV 2 observer(s). 5 saucer 8/15/1956 (approximate) #13087  
                                   Boulder City, Nevada 10:15 p.m. North Am Mid 8/1956 #13089  
 flat, circular, pinkish UFOs over Boulder City, Nevada.                    Mid 8/1956 #13089  
d on this day in Left Hand Canyon, Boulder County, Colorado at 3:10 in the  8/11/1960 #16370  
                                   BOULDER, CO Radio astronomers. Intense a 1/10/1961 #16568  
                                   BOULDER, CO 1 / college. 6 white footbal 2/11/1965 #18805  
al Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, Colorado University of Colorado Late 7/1966 #20683  
Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, about contracting wit Late 7/1966 #20683  
                                   Boulder, Colorado Hynek visits Franklin  10/20/1966 #21019  
ado Hynek visits Franklin Roach in Boulder, Colorado, to meet Condon and ot 10/20/1966 #21019  
                                   Boulder, Colorado The USAF advisory comm 1/12/1967 #21290  
mittee holds a special briefing in Boulder, Colorado. Condon discusses proj 1/12/1967 #21290  
ce Defense Center complex Colorado Boulder Condon and Low visit Cheyenne Mo 1/13/1967 #21297  
d briefing for Condon and staff at Boulder concludes. The Cheyenne Mountain 1/13/1967 #21297  
                                   Boulder, Colorado In Boulder, Colorado,  2/1/1967 #21433  
              Boulder, Colorado In Boulder, Colorado, Saunders confronts Co 2/1/1967 #21433  
                          Colorado Boulder Daily Camera The Lorenzens visit 10/10/1967 #23204  
r methodology. They also meet with Boulder Daily Camera journalist R. Roger 10/10/1967 #23204  
braska US Highway 6 State Route 63 Boulder, Colorado Early a.m. Police Sgt. 12/3/1967 #23545  
3, 1968, Schirmer is hypnotized in Boulder, Colorado, by R. Leo Sprinkle. D 12/3/1967 #23545  
                                   Boulder, Colorado McDonald’s letter arri 2/5/1968 #23737  
orado McDonald’s letter arrives in Boulder, Colorado. Low is out of town an 2/5/1968 #23737  
                                   Boulder Daily Camera Condon and Low meet 2/9/1968 #23746  
 the events at the project for the Boulder Daily Camera; when he interviews 2/9/1968 #23746  
                                   Boulder, Colorado Boulder, Colorado, pol 3/1/1968 #23801  
                 Boulder, Colorado Boulder, Colorado, police arrest Colorad 3/1/1968 #23801  
                                   BOULDER, CO Several observer(s). Phony m 5/25/1968 #23982  
saw a strange being hanging onto a boulder overlooking a cemetery. He was a 8/29/1968 #24401  
m an excavation at the foot of the boulder, and a kind of “flying saucer” w 8/29/1968 #24401  
 it were trying to land behind the boulder.” The children were Denis Bogus, 8/29/1968 #24401  
                                   BOULDER, CO FAA man and 1. Silent saucer 10/11/1973 #27990  
0 p.m. a mass of lights approached Boulder, Colorado from high overhead, fl 10/11/1973 #28008  
ucted while driving on a road near Boulder, Colorado at about 1:30 a.m. The 8/22/1974 #29376  
t partly resting on top of a large boulder. The disc was about 9 meters in  6/20/1986 #37918  
as surprised to see that the large boulder was gone.                        6/20/1986 #37918  
                                   Boulder, Colorado Jacques Vallée present 6/1989 #38970  
iety for Scientific Exploration in Boulder, Colorado. (1) There are too man 6/1989 #38970  
80° turn going southeast toward(s) boulder dam.                             3/7/1996 #42814  
as viewed from Superior, Colorado (Boulder County).                         12/23/2003 #44631  
       At 10:05 MDT in Gun Barrel, Boulder County, Colorado a dark, disc-sh 5/9/2008 #45136  
                                   Boulder, Colorado 9:20 a.m. At the 27th  6/26/2008 #45147  
iety for Scientific Exploration in Boulder, Colorado, Jerome Clark gives a  6/26/2008 #45147  
## Word: "boulders" (Back to Top)
themselves. They toss two enormous boulders “of unknown composition” out of 4/16/1897 #507  
ry suits jump out from behind some boulders and paralyze her. The women hav 9/13/1989 #39098  
## Word: "bouldoux" (Back to Top)
                                   BOULDOUX, FR 2 white and 1 red fireballs 3/15/1974 #28889  
## Word: "boule" (Back to Top)
e (near), NY A woman named Mary E. Boule saw a silent dome-shaped object ne 4/29/1982 #36456  
             A woman named Mary E. Boule saw a silent dome-shaped object ne 4/29/1982 #36457  
## Word: "boulevard" (Back to Top)
                           Victory Boulevard Burbank, California Los Angele 5/23/1952 #6350  
gelucci is driving home on Victory Boulevard from his job in Burbank, Calif 5/23/1952 #6350  
       Prescott, Arizona Brookside Boulevard 8:00 p.m. George Hunt Williams 2/3/1953 #8632  
round from their home on Brookside Boulevard in Prescott, Arizona. Another  2/3/1953 #8632  
s). 50M ovoid going [to] over main Boulevard! Radios out. Watches stop.     11/20/1957 #14584  
                            Sunset Boulevard and La Brea Avenue in Hollywoo 2/5/1960 #16168  
or near the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and La Brea Avenue in Hollywoo 2/5/1960 #16168  
      Hollywood, California Sunset Boulevard and Sycamore Avenue La Brea Av 2/6/1960 #16169  
e block further east, above Sunset Boulevard and Sycamore Avenue. A number  2/6/1960 #16169  
ngeles police station Santa Monica Boulevard and Beverly Glen Street 7:30 a 9/15/1960 #16449  
rs in the vicinity of Santa Monica Boulevard and Beverly Glen Street.       9/15/1960 #16449  
 arrived at a bus stop at Lindberg Boulevard and West Road in Olmstead Fall 8/24/1970 #25802  
ew Mexico Sandia Mountains Tramway Boulevard NE Menaul Boulevard Copper Ave 5/28/1974 #29142  
ntains Tramway Boulevard NE Menaul Boulevard Copper Avenue Kirtland AFB San 5/28/1974 #29142  
ground on the east side of Tramway Boulevard NE, between Menaul Boulevard a 5/28/1974 #29142  
amway Boulevard NE, between Menaul Boulevard and Copper Avenue. Next to it  5/28/1974 #29142  
 Two witnesses on a deserted rural boulevard near Hayward, California, see  8/28/1977 #32433  
 in a building at 999 N. Sepulveda Boulevard in El Segundo, CA operated by  1981 #35765  
ck plant at Lamar [now Botham Jean Boulevard] and Lenway Street in Dallas,  10/15/1982 #36643  
ck plant at Lamar [now Botham Jean Boulevard] and Lenway Street in Dallas,  10/15/1982 #36643  
ly [to] east-northeast at angle to Boulevard.                               11/26/1990 #39911  
                        Serebristy Boulevard St. Petersburg, Russia Pulkov  3/14/1995 #42092  
 shining in his home on Serebristy Boulevard in St. Petersburg, Russia. He  3/14/1995 #42092  
                      Homer Watson Boulevard Doon South Drive Kitchener, On 8/20/2013 #45384  
vehicles pull over on Homer Watson Boulevard just west of Doon South Drive  8/20/2013 #45384  
 a “jump room” at 999 N. Sepulveda Boulevard in El Segundo, CA, the same lo 7/16/2016 #45456  
craft building at 999 N. Sepulveda Boulevard in El Segundo, CA; the paintin 10/20/2022 #45783  
## Word: "boulmer" (Back to Top)
                               RAF Boulmer near Alnwick, Northumberland, En 7/1977 #32222  
et in the air over the sea off RAF Boulmer near Alnwick, Northumberland, En 7/1977 #32222  
                               RAF Boulmer in Alnwick, Northumberland, Engl 7/30/1977 #32323  
. Airmen on the night shift at RAF Boulmer in Alnwick, Northumberland, Engl 7/30/1977 #32323  
move away out to sea, radar at RAF Boulmer picks up two targets 20–30 miles 7/30/1977 #32323  
## Word: "boulogne" (Back to Top)
    Calais,, France On the road to Boulogne a bluish object, clearly seen w 10/8/1954 #10815  
      At 9:15 p.m., on the road to Boulogne in Pas de Calais department, Fr 10/8/1954 #10821  
 a bulk newspaper delivery between Boulogne and Lille by motorbike when the 8/22/1975 #30297  
 a bulk newspaper delivery between Boulogne and Lille by motorbike when the 8/22/1975 #30298  
## Word: "boulou" (Back to Top)
                    SOUTHEAST / LE BOULOU, FR 2 big white disks over Mt. St 4/10/1960 #16220  
## Word: "bounce" (Back to Top)
it the roof of his truck, and then bounce off. At the point of contact a sm 7/30/1947 #3263  
bserver(s). 6 colored night lights bounce about / sky. Hover and rise.      9/21/1952 #7991  
going SSE. Turn going SSW. Bob and bounce / sky. / r140#7p13.               5/20/1956 #12859  
ng or buzzing sounds which seem to bounce off the trunk of their vehicle. T 9/19/1961 #16857  
ar-like lights approach, hover and bounce and fade (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 11/17/1962 #17551  
r-like lights approach, hover, and bounce at Tampa, Florida, for about 15 m 11/17/1962 #17554  
ar-like lights approach, hover and bounce in the sky over Tampa, Florida. A 11/17/1962 #17555  
ampers. 2 night lights collide and bounce. 1 going quickly NNE. 1 hovers. R 5/3/1964 #18239  
moved erratically and appeared to "bounce," approaching the witness. At one 8/19/1967 #22890  
h red blinking lights on the side, bounce around over WTPA TV towers for 2- 11/15/1967 #23463  
 grass as the object landed with a bounce, about 100 feet away. The silvery 5/15/1971 #26111  
 no power applied. After a slight “bounce” the UFO took off to the N.E.     10/18/1973 #28144  
s over cars in a forested area and bounce up and down for 6 minutes. The ob 12/24/1992 #40767  
n a forested area at 6:00 p.m. and bounce up and down for six minutes. The  12/24/1992 #40768  
A, QLD, AUSTRALIA 2 bright objects bounce around / low altitude. Seen 75 mi 5/24/1994 #41536  
## Word: "bounced" (Back to Top)
mate date.) Radar signals secretly bounced off the Moon during WW2 accordin 1945 #1741  
lic announcements of radar signals bounced off Moon                         1/10/1946 #1963  
e that radar signals were secretly bounced off the Moon during WW2. He also 7/5/1946 #2026  
e on top plunged to the ground and bounced several times across a field thi 10/5/1954 #10741  
e an orange football shaped object bounced up and down, then blinked out at 10/28/1954 #11469  
 through trees, struck the ground, bounced nine times, and resulted in expl 4/12/1960 #16225  
rd by many people, and a flame. It bounced in an easterly direction for abo 4/18/1960 #16233  
rd by many people, and a flame. It bounced in an easterly direction for abo 4/18/1960 #16234  
s satellite. Microwave signals are bounced off the satellite from one point 8/12/1960 #16372  
ike lights approached, hovered and bounced, then faded after 11-15 minutes. 11/17/1962 #17552  
d a metallic ping as if the bullet bounced off the object. As the UFO moved 4/28/1964 #18218  
 at the robot, but the arrows just bounced off and caused no damage. The be 9/4/1964 #18535  
 a 25' wide royal blue glowing UFO bounced up-and-down as it moved across t 9/6/1964 #18543  
100' in front of the witness' car, bounced and flew away.  Sighting lasted  8/30/1965 #19477  
et in front of the witnesses' car, bounced and flew away. The sighting last 8/30/1965 #19481  
 power line. The objects sometimes bounced up and down, and they moved away 2/17/1967 #21585  
 Station. A red NL nocturnal light bounced up and down for 10 minutes.      1/5/1977 #31700  
eature, which doubled into a ball, bounced against a wall, and ran away at  9/7/1995 #42447  
y in Reno, Nevada at 3:30 a.m. It "bounced like a ball" in the sky.         9/20/1995 #42492  
cle, then stopped and hovered. It "bounced" during its flight.              9/29/2004 #44763  
## Word: "bounces" (Back to Top)
Y, ENGL Many observer(s). Fireball bounces going up and down. Odd clouds. S 11/18/1795 #93  
ARDENS, TX Silver disk / fireball. Bounces and circles. Dips and soars fast 7/12/1947 #3155  
NSHU, JP Night light drops. Stops. Bounces / sky like a Spring. "Similar /  6/15/1952 #6500  
ar. White saucer drops. Stops and "bounces" / 1000' altitude. Goes slowly g 7/23/1952 #7052  
40. USAF Major and 4. Glowing disk bounces like kite / 5 minute(s). Going q 10/17/1952 #8139  
the object twice. The first bullet bounces off with a metallic sound; at th 1/29/1953 #8616  
cal object / hits trees and lands. Bounces. Bluish trail / air.             10/30/1954 #11488  
e U-2 on his first attempt, and it bounces back into the air, but he manage 8/1/1955 #12316  
g Saturn saucer wakes man. Whirrs. Bounces / sky like ball. Going up.       10/8/1956 #13267  
aircraft approaching and something bounces and hits the surface of the lake 6/22/1960 #16315  
 MASS 2 observer(s). 25' blue glow bounces over Mystic Lake. Red lights rot 9/6/1964 #18541  
              SHERBORN, MASS Ovoid bounces going up [to] going down. R-G-Y  7/16/1965 #19109  
 red vapor toward the ground, then bounces back to the ship as it hovers ab 8/19/1965 #19427  
er(s). 6' plain sphere going down. Bounces off road. Flies away. 3-4 second 8/30/1965 #19474  
rike the top of the object, but it bounces off something. When he gets to 1 2/14/1967 #21551  
ilots. Brilliant white night light bounces going up and down / 5 minute(s). 12/5/1969 #25486  
    PORT MONMOUTH, NJ Glowing ball bounces / meadows. Imprints / grass = pe 7/4/1970 #25725  
s hillside. Square windows. Lands. Bounces.                                 3/28/1976 #30963  
uickly going down. Stops by house. Bounces / hilltop. Goes and stops / smal 1/1/1979 #34272  
 low over some trees. It rolls and bounces silently over the top of the car 10/6/1979 #34946  
oded area. Within a few seconds it bounces from one side of the road to the Late 2/1984 #37202  
 hovers 50' / home / 40' altitude. Bounces going up and down.               12/29/1988 #38765  
ta/triangle/box-like craft. Sphere bounces / sky. No further details.       12/4/1992 #40740  
overhead. Flashes colored lights. "Bounces" like a ball in sky!             9/20/1995 #42489  
## Word: "bouncing" (Back to Top)
ater and looks up to see an object bouncing along the surface, stirring up  7/19/1946 #2073  
hite light fly with varying speed, bouncing motion (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 12/3/1948 #3901  
for 25 seconds with varying speed, bouncing motion, and finally a rapid err 12/3/1948 #3903  
variable speed (200–400 mph) and a bouncing motion, finally disappearing af 12/3/1948 #3904  
 descended and then climbed with a bouncing motion at an estimated 400 m.p. 1/27/1949 #3980  
st. It descends then climbs with a bouncing motion (up 4,000 feet, down 2,0 1/27/1949 #3981  
ltitude of around 40,000 feet. The bouncing appears to start after the fina 1/27/1949 #3981  
turn similar to the path of a ball bouncing off a wall.                     7/23/1952 #7078  
sition and the cylinder hit trees, bouncing three times. Then the craft gai 10/30/1954 #11490  
sition and the cylinder hit trees, bouncing three times. The craft then gai 10/30/1954 #11493  
d Taylor / (seen thru) binoculars. Bouncing sphere/orb/globe east going qui 8/15/1955 #12360  
O's / V-formation. Various colors. Bouncing trajectory. No further details. 9/5/1960 #16436  
 moved with a jerky motion “like a bouncing ball.” It changed color from re 12/3/1960 #16523  
no effect. He can hear the bullets bouncing off. It silently moves away to  4/28/1964 #18217  
grass and soil samples. They were “bouncing up & down, their arms flopping  8/16/1965 #19410  
 across the street. She watches it bouncing back and forth for 15 minutes a 7/4/1970 #25726  
ver and walked in a "stiff legged, bouncing" fashion. The humanoid being ha 5/15/1971 #26111  
proach small bright silver figures bouncing on highway 9 miles east of Hart 10/22/1973 #28238  
ver(s). Multicolor object offloads bouncing orbs. / Lebanon Daily News 1.12 11/30/1973 #28484  
            On this day a UFO with bouncing movements, or "a bobbing up and 6/12/1974 #29181  
ay & leathery, and he walked "in a bouncing, hopping motion." (Humcat 1975- 9/3/1975 #30339  
 the top, the UFO hovers, silently bouncing up and down, about 500 feet fro Mid 2/1977 #31817  
ough a door and walk around with a bouncing motion. The children keep appro 11/15/1979 #35000  
 maneuvering around her car with a bouncing motion. It approaches to within 3/25/1984 #37244  
ee radar returns, moving in unison bouncing in altitude between 7,000 to 12 3/8/1994 #41450  
lowly down the side of a mountain, bouncing over a rock along the way. A co 5/16/2006 #44943  
 been hearing sounds like “marbles bouncing and hitting the floor” since Ap 5/23/2018 #45527  
## Word: "bound" (Back to Top)
th several tons of dynamite and is bound for Cuba” to bomb Spanish ships.   4/6/1897 #416  
2 expert was a passenger on U-234, bound for Japan in May 1945 when the war 8/1944 #1624  
e Oxford/Bicester area in England, bound for RAF Acklington. Visiting US Ma Late 5/1948 #3654  
sses aboard a ferry in Puget Sound bound for Victoria, British Columbia fro 12/17/1949 #4440  
Stratocruiser leaves New York City bound for London, England. 30 minutes la 6/29/1954 #9962  
lot driving through the desert and bound for Nellis Air Force Base experien Summer 1956 #12912  
eld at or near Sverdlovsk, Russia, bound for Kurgan with seven people on bo 1961 #16550  
and to leap 50-60 feet in a single bound. It had a metal medallion on its c 9/20/1973 #27850  
ight blue blanket. Her wrists were bound to the table by what she described 10/16/1973 #28089  
FO briefing at the White House and bound to secrecy. According to former US 6/14/1977 #32162  
 Baltiysky-35 is in the Baltic Sea bound from Lübeck, Germany, to Riga, Lat 10/1985 #37670  
oaching the east coast of Ireland, bound for Dublin Airport, when the crew  1/4/2004 #44644  
ar while they were driving on east bound I-70, about 50 miles west of Green 4/25/2006 #44933  
## Word: "bound--to" (Back to Top)
e road. One of them jumped--in one bound--to the middle of the roadway, a d 12/11/1975 #30705  
## Word: "boundary" (Back to Top)
 aircraft crashes just outside the boundary of the airfield. Ziller is thro 2/18/1945 #1790  
At 9:00 p.m., from inside the base boundary, Sgt. Hubert Vickery and Pfc. J 3/6/1949 #4035  
                                   BOUNDARY PEAK, NV / CA 2 hikers. Beams f 9/11/1955 #12446  
er with an indistinct flame-orange boundary. Suddenly the Piper goes into t 8/13/1976 #31261  
## Word: "bounded" (Back to Top)
e UFO flew in a triangular pattern bounded by Melton, Rockbank, Sydenham, a 7/22/1983 #36921  
rees. The figure ducked down, then bounded away into the bush in two great  9/19/1992 #40631  
## Word: "bounding" (Back to Top)
lso sees possibly the same object “bounding along through space like a ball 4/14/1897 #470  
g a creature, which May reports as bounding towards them. Other sources des 9/12/1952 #7905  
## Word: "bounding-like" (Back to Top)
roached him, making huge, bizarre, bounding-like jumps. Next, he fainted, a 9/21/1978 #33725  
## Word: "bounds" (Back to Top)
o, Texas Night. Judge John Spencer Bounds is riding in a buggy in Hillsboro 4/16/1897 #510  
r cap. It moved in short steps and bounds. This apparently frightened the w 4/25/1978 #33169  
## Word: "bountiful" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUNTIFUL, UT 2 observer(s). Yellow-oran 5/2/1969 #25110  
## Word: "bouquet" (Back to Top)
                                LE BOUQUET, FR Hunter. Chain noise. Blue-me 10/17/1954 #11161  
                               MT. BOUQUET, FR 4+observer(s). 'Apollo capsu 3/28/1973 #27383  
 large loops in the sky over Mount Bouquet, France at 4:00 p.m.. It flew of 3/28/1973 #27386  
## Word: "bourbeau" (Back to Top)
 addition # 1011, Source: Francois Bourbeau, Spectra, Quebec Canada, Type:  7/27/1971 #26246  
## Word: "bourbon" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bourbon” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT     1/20/1967 #21359  
## Word: "bourbon-l'archambault" (Back to Top)
                                   BOURBON-L'ARCHAMBAULT, FR Orange cylinde 11/29/1954 #11728  
ect flew toward the northeast from Bourbon-L'Archambault, Allier, France. I 11/29/1954 #11731  
## Word: "bourg" (Back to Top)
            Levroux, France At the Bourg du Cerisier, two women (Janiki and 10/2/1954 #10604  
## Word: "bourg-de-peage" (Back to Top)
                                   BOURG-DE-PEAGE, 26, FR Luminous-UFO rota 8/12/1974 #29336  
## Word: "bourg-en-bresse" (Back to Top)
                                   BOURG-EN-BRESSE, 01, FR Sighting on nort 10/2/1954 #10588  
## Word: "bourgata" (Back to Top)
                                   Bourgata, Israel - Hannah Somech awoke a 5/30/1993 #40997  
## Word: "bourgeois" (Back to Top)
 because all reports “originate in bourgeois countries, where they are inve 11/1954 #11510  
l Defense, Canada, Brig. Gen. L.A. Bourgeois states: All UFOs reported to C 10/2/1972 #27044  
## Word: "bourges" (Back to Top)
                                   BOURGES, FR Big noise. Huge 'projectiles 8/24/1946 #2152  
 them flew overhead in the town of Bourges, Cher Department, France. Many p 8/24/1946 #2157  
## Word: "bourget" (Back to Top)
                                LE BOURGET AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Air Traffi 6/12/1952 #6481  
                                Le Bourget (airport), France Control tower  6/13/1952 #6493  
                          Paris–Le Bourget Airport, France 1:00 a.m. M. Vei 6/13/1952 #6496  
ffic control operators at Paris–Le Bourget Airport, France, watch a promine 6/13/1952 #6496  
                                LE BOURGET AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Weathermen 11/13/1967 #23441  
                              NEAR BOURGET, ON 2 / car. Large UFO with whit 2/13/1974 #28763  
## Word: "bourget-le-lac" (Back to Top)
                                   BOURGET-LE-LAC, FR Airman. Disk 2km over 10/1947 (approximate) #3436  
## Word: "bourgneuf" (Back to Top)
                                   BOURGNEUF, FR Students. Glowing object i 10/1/1954 #10546  
                                   BOURGNEUF, FR Separate observer(s). Bril 3/6/1978 #33015  
## Word: "bourgneuf-la-foret" (Back to Top)
                                   BOURGNEUF-LA-FORET, FR Woman. 6M silver  10/7/1978 #33802  
## Word: "bourgueyraud" (Back to Top)
                                   BOURGUEYRAUD, FR 1 observer. Flash. Lumi 11/22/1990 #39896  
## Word: "bourke" (Back to Top)
  At two o’clock in the morning in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia. Mr.  12/19/1976 #31623  
## Word: "bourke's" (Back to Top)
adlights occurred on this night in Bourke's Flat, Victoria, Australia on th 4/4/1966 #20225  
## Word: "bourland" (Back to Top)
ngineers C. H. Jenkins and Dean C. Bourland and executives E. J. Fitzgerald 4/27/1950 #4910  
## Word: "bournbrook" (Back to Top)
                                   Bournbrook, West Midlands, England Day.  Summer 1901 #645  
10-year-old boy is walking home to Bournbrook, West Midlands, England, thro Summer 1901 #645  
## Word: "bournebrook" (Back to Top)
                                   BOURNEBROOK, ENG Boy. Small domed box /  8/1901 (approximate) #646  
## Word: "bournel" (Back to Top)
                                   BOURNEL, L&G, FR Surveyors. Silent sauce 10/7/1954 #10768  
## Word: "bournemouth" (Back to Top)
 Tunbridge Wells Weston-super-Mare Bournemouth Caxton Hall in London Birmin 4/18/1959 #15707  
unbridge Wells, Weston-super-Mare, Bournemouth, at Caxton Hall in London (o 4/18/1959 #15707  
                                   Bournemouth, Southampton, UK 8:50 p.m. L 10/31/1967 #23376  
                                   BOURNEMOUTH, ENGL 4 observer(s). Large g 4/11/1970 #25628  
                                   BOURNEMOUTH, DORSET 2 girls. Silver sphe 9/29/1970 #25860  
                           SOUTH / BOURNEMOUTH, DORSET Newsman / (seen thru 2/17/1973 #27293  
## Word: "bourrasol" (Back to Top)
                                   Bourrasol Toulouse, France 7:35 p.m. Thr 10/13/1954 #11000  
isc about 12 feet in diameter near Bourrasol, a suburb of Toulouse, France. 10/13/1954 #11000  
## Word: "bourrasole" (Back to Top)
                                   Bourrasole, France Messrs. Olivier and P 10/13/1954 #10998  
vier and Perano and a third man in Bourrasole, France saw a reddish disc ab 10/13/1954 #11004  
## Word: "bourret" (Back to Top)
rench radio journalist Jean-Claude Bourret interviews French Defense Minist 2/21/1974 #28787  
ster, volume 7, p. 44; Jean-Claude Bourret, OVNI l' Armee Parle, p. 146; Da 1/5/1976 #30760  
vance, with journalist Jean-Claude Bourret, in which he admits the physical 1993 #40777  
## Word: "bourriot" (Back to Top)
     Saint-Point Lake, France Miss Bourriot saw a bright red light on Route 10/18/1954 #11211  
   At 10:45 p.m. Miss Marie Louise Bourriot saw a bright red light on Route 10/18/1954 #11223  
## Word: "bourtembourg" (Back to Top)
 it had a sunburn. (Source: Claude Bourtembourg, SOBEPS News, March 1976, p 10/25/1975 #30468  
## Word: "bourton" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHEAST / BOURTON, GLOUCS Extremely fast brilliant 11/14/1967 #23447  
## Word: "bousard" (Back to Top)
rance La Vaureille 10:45 p.m. Aimé Bousard is returning on his bicycle from 10/26/1954 #11418  
lights on either side of its head. Bousard is paralyzed for 10 minutes whil 10/26/1954 #11418  
rosses the road and disappears and Bousard can move again. Gendarmes invest 10/26/1954 #11418  
## Word: "bouscat" (Back to Top)
                                LE BOUSCAT, FR Amateur astronomer. Very sma 12/31/1989 #39344  
                                LE BOUSCAT, FR Beam / light and separate re 11/6/1990 #39876  
## Word: "bouschet" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bouschet” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT    5/7/1982 #36466  
## Word: "bouselham" (Back to Top)
                            MOULAY BOUSELHAM, MOROCCO "5 trustworthy men".  8/2/1952 #7418  
## Word: "boussard" (Back to Top)
           La Madiere, France Aime Boussard, 47, a farmer, was suddenly con 10/26/1954 #11414  
in La Madiere, Creuse, France Aime Boussard, a 47-year-old farmer, was sudd 10/26/1954 #11422  
## Word: "boussois" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUSSOIS, FR Several observer(s). Fake c 11/1970 #25895  
                                   BOUSSOIS, FR 4 observer(s). 2M luminous  3/1/1972 #26585  
ll of light hung over a factory in Boussois, France at 6:30 p.m. It moved o 3/1/1972 #26586  
## Word: "boussu" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUSSU, BELGIUM 5 observer(s). Cone / li 9/10/1974 #29443  
## Word: "bout" (Back to Top)
ported the upper disc. It was only bout six feet high and nine feet wide. I 5/4/1969 #25115  
## Word: "bouteille" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUTEILLE, FR 10 / 2 cars. Red 20M ovoid 3/9/1974 #28868  
## Word: "bouts" (Back to Top)
She sleeps abnormally and exhibits bouts of hysteria for a while after the  9/20/1979 #34907  
 the next several days experienced bouts of vomiting, diarrhea, and skin bu 12/29/1980 #35758  
## Word: "bouville" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUVILLE, FR Circular object / 100M away 9/23/1996 #43037  
                                In Bouville, France a circular object was s 9/23/1996 #43038  
## Word: "bouvron" (Back to Top)
                             D16 / BOUVRON, FR 2 separate observer(s). Grey 10/20/1975 #30450  
## Word: "bouxieres-aux-dames" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUXIERES-AUX-DAMES, FR 2+1 observer(s). 12/11/1979 #35071  
## Word: "bouynot" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUYNOT, ST. SAUVEUR / MEILHAN, FR 1 obs 10/12/1989 #39165  
## Word: "bouzais" (Back to Top)
                                   Bouzais, France At "Le Grand Tertre" Mr. 9/28/1954 #10485  
## Word: "bouze" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUZE TO/FROM BEAUNE, FR Flashes. Figure 1/26/1976 #30820  
while driving at 9:45 p.m. between Bouze and Beaune, Cote D’Or department,  1/26/1976 #30821  
## Word: "bouzinville-en-beauce" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUZINVILLE-EN-BEAUCE, FR Fireballs fly  12/19/1973 #28582  
## Word: "bouznika" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUZNIKA AND BAULHAUT, MAROC Several obs 7/13/1952 #6791  
                       SOUTHWEST / BOUZNIKA, MAROC Small grey saucer going  9/18/1954 #10340  
## Word: "bouzonville" (Back to Top)
                                   BOUZONVILLE, FR 1 observer. Delta/triang 5/2/1990 #39550  
## Word: "bova" (Back to Top)
en over some telephone lines by J. Bova at the Davis Monthan Air Force Base 4/9/1949 #4085  
## Word: "bovard" (Back to Top)
 the same county, at 10:30 p.m. at Bovard Tunnel, Pennsylvania a triangle p 11/21/1993 #41288  
## Word: "boves" (Back to Top)
                                   BOVES AND DEMUIN, FR Several observer(s) 10/1954 #10528  
## Word: "bovier" (Back to Top)
     French philosopher Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle writes Conversation 1686 #50  
## Word: "boville" (Back to Top)
gland London 11:20 p.m. Miss H. M. Boville notices from her bedroom window  5/9/1909 #733  
ugh. At 11:20 p.m. a witness named Boville in Shoeburyness, Essex, England  5/9/1909 #734  
## Word: "bovina" (Back to Top)
                              OVER BOVINA, TX 757 crew and NORAD RADAR's. 3 5/25/1995 #42224  
                                   Bovina, TX America West crew sees cigar  5/25/1995 #42225  
                                   Bovina, TX America West airline crew obs 5/25/1995 #42226  
                                   Bovina, Texas Albuquerque FAA Air Route  5/25/1995 #42227  
er is cruising at 39,000 feet near Bovina, Texas. To their right and somewh 5/25/1995 #42227  
emerging from a thunder cloud near Bovina, Texas. Another airline crew flyi 5/25/1995 #42228  
## Word: "bovines" (Back to Top)
s, especially the udders of female bovines.” L. D. Kuttner of the Universit 6/1980 #35349  
## Word: "bovingdon" (Back to Top)
                                   BOVINGDON, HERTFS 1 observer / lonely pa 6/24/1967 (approximate) #22539  
## Word: "bovington" (Back to Top)
ne at night along a bridal path in Bovington, England came upon a strange f 6/24/1967 #22551  
## Word: "bovs" (Back to Top)
out 250 miles from Rochester, four bovs 9-12 vears old reportedly encounter 3/12/1967 #21867  
## Word: "bow" (Back to Top)
drical airship with a cone- shaped bow, “two wings hinged at the upper part 8/11/1896 #329  
ings and with yellow lights at the bow and stern flew to the north over Hud 4/15/1897 #500  
le to move forward. The little men bow in their direction, waist deep, then Early 8/1939 #1312  
g with us about 45 degrees off the bow to the right, about 100 feet or so b 2/8/1951 #5434  
f the objects appears off the port bow at close range and low elevation. Mc Late 5/1952 #6362  
us yellow-orange object going [to] bow to Stern / USS Curtiss after H-test. 4/7/1954 #9669  
passes silently over the ship from bow to stern, traveling at a high rate o 4/7/1954 #9673  
te object dimmed once, crossed the bow of the airliner, which then gave cha 7/29/1957 #13853  
 dimmed once, and then crossed the bow of their airliner. They gave chase b 7/29/1957 #13855  
der/cylindrical object hovers over bow / steamship Aida. / APRO 9'59.       8/31/1959 #15943  
That same evening two men had gone bow hunting in the forest near Cisco Gro 9/4/1964 #18535  
                                   Bow River Forest, Alberta, CAN Time not  10/10/1967 #23202  
          A forest fire lookout in Bow River Provincial Forest, Alberta, Ca 10/10/1967 #23206  
idly toward the ship at 45° to the bow, passing below the vessel. The sailo 1969 #24805  
fornia Santa Maria Valley Medicine Bow National Forest southeast of Rawlins 10/15/1974 #29531  
k on the northern edge of Medicine Bow National Forest southeast of Rawlins 10/15/1974 #29531  
                          MEDICINE BOW, WY Hunters bullet falls. Complex ab 10/25/1974 #29554  
n, was out hunting in the Medicine Bow National Forest in southern Wyoming  10/25/1974 #29557  
l, Ecuador. The crew sees from the bow four rapidly departing bright white  6/15/1978 #33280  
telligible voice. He made a slight bow towards her as if in a form of salut 1/5/1979 #34303  
bright object going down [to] near bow / boat. Moves going [to] rear. Verti 4/28/1996 #42889  
## Word: "bow-and-arrow" (Back to Top)
                 Cisco Grove, CA A bow-and-arrow hunter separated from his  9/4/1964 #18531  
 Donald Schrum and his friends are bow-and-arrow hunting in an isolated are 9/5/1964 #18539  
## Word: "bow-hunting" (Back to Top)
ng to their homes in Gibbon from a bow-hunting trip. Arthur A. Strauch, a S 10/21/1965 #19670  
## Word: "bow-legged" (Back to Top)
th only two digits, emerged with a bow-legged gait. He wore a disproportion 10/16/1969 #25417  
cking up “like wheat straw,” it is bow-legged, and it is wearing a black co 10/15/1974 #29531  
## Word: "bow-shaped" (Back to Top)
ers in Tokyo, Japan sighted a huge bow-shaped, dark brown UFO, its length t 1/1/1966 #19801  
## Word: "bow-tie" (Back to Top)
             PINTADA, NM "Aluminum bow-tie" somersaults / 5000' altitude. C 4/9/1952 #6048  
    WARRINGTON, FL 1 observer. 30'"bow-tie". Vanishes! Observer(s) hypno-re 5/1/1989 #38931  
s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Black bow-tie shape going down / 150m altitude 10/18/1990 #39794  
       HARTLAND, NB 2 observer(s). Bow-tie deltoid seen 2.5min. Videos take 2/2/1992 #40313  
## Word: "bowbells" (Back to Top)
           Minot AFB, North Dakota Bowbells, North Dakota Launch Facility O 10/24/1968 #24587  
n) to the location of the UFO near Bowbells, North Dakota, which the B-52 n 10/24/1968 #24587  
## Word: "bowden" (Back to Top)
hinthurst Hill, Great Britain Vera Bowden, 35, saw a gray, elliptical objec 5/25/1960 #16301  
                              Vera Bowden, age 35, and a man named Foster s 5/25/1960 #16302  
                                   Bowden, Alberta (10 mi south of), CAN 9: 11/5/1975 #30559  
ed object flying 10 miles south of Bowden, Alberta. Mr. Morrow was proceedi 11/5/1975 #30559  
## Word: "bowed" (Back to Top)
 went to greet them, but they just bowed without extending their hands. The 11/18/1973 #28443  
## Word: "bowen" (Back to Top)
ents named Ronald Tucker and Betty Bowen) by radio, using 405 or 450 kilocy 8/25/1952 #7733  
dor, Canada Witnesses:  F-89 pilot Bowen, radar observer Crawford. One gree 2/12/1956 #12713  
t 20,000 feet, one crewed by pilot Bowen and radar observer Crawford, sudde 2/12/1956 #12714  
r Waveney Girvan dies, and Charles Bowen takes control and oversees the mag 10/22/1964 #18589  
n opportunity to meet with Charles Bowen in London, England, and instead go 8/22/1967 #22892  
S News, March 1976, p. 18; Charles Bowen, Saga UFO Report, December 1976, p 10/25/1975 #30468  
 by a blue light. (Source: Charles Bowen, FSR, July 1976, p. 33 and Saga UF 10/25/1975 #30469  
s tall, emerged. (Sources: Charles Bowen, Saga UFO Report, November 1976, p 1/5/1976 #30760  
## Word: "bower" (Back to Top)
efore with his boss Col. Donald L. Bower, and no one had said anything. At  7/21/1952 #6981  
nd wants a full investigation, but Bower orders Ruppelt to return to Wright 7/21/1952 #6981  
hth Air Force; USAF Col. Donald L. Bower, Technical Analysis Division, Air  7/29/1952 #7328  
ysis Division Chief Col. Donald L. Bower transfers out, explaining it as tw 8/1/1952 #7408  
ecial meeting for Ruppelt and Col. Bower with seven people from the laborat 10/23/1952 #8178  
 Maine Florida ATIC Col. Donald L. Bower and Maj. Dewey Fournet brief CIA c 11/25/1952 #8340  
                    Col. Donald L. Bower forbids Ruppelt from visiting the  12/9/1952 #8400  
               USAF Col. Donald L. Bower forbids Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt fr 12/9/1952 #8401  
d by stopwatch at 12 seconds. Dave Bower, at the Scotia nickel mine about 5 12/16/1976 #31608  
gon Self-professed pranksters Doug Bower and Dave Chorley make headlines cl 9/9/1991 #40182  
a, crop circle accounts from 1966, Bower and Chorley claim to be responsibl 9/9/1991 #40182  
## Word: "bowers" (Back to Top)
                       CIA’s H. L. Bowers writes a memo to Dr. Machle, “Not 3/31/1949 #4062  
## Word: "bowie" (Back to Top)
               Texarkana, Arkansas Bowie County, Texas Red River Army Depot Fall 1936 #1249  
kana, Arkansas, are fox hunting in Bowie County, Texas [around the current  Fall 1936 #1249  
                       SOUTHEAST / BOWIE, AZ 2 / car. Brilliant disk / ligh 10/9/1964 #18576  
nd police in College Park, Lanham, Bowie, Seat Pleasant, and elsewhere arou 8/1/1966 #20715  
nd police in College Park, Lanham, Bowie, Seat Pleasant, and elsewhere arou 8/1/1966 #20719  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bowie” YieldMax: 20KT                    4/6/1990 #39513  
white light flew low and fast over Bowie, Maryland.                         12/23/2007 #45103  
## Word: "bowl" (Back to Top)
    SOUTHWEST / NOGALES, MX Silver bowl follows Posse. 1 sees small humanoi 9/1899 #637  
                      LA PORTE, IN Bowl saucer beams going down / wagon. Ho 10/1909 #814  
und, metallic object, like a “soup bowl turned upside down,” speed by at a  Early 11/1928 #1090  
em. It was shaped like an inverted bowl, about 10-15 meters in diameter, an 4/3/1948 #3607  
ppears like an upside-down shallow bowl.                                    7/11/1950 #5056  
          OVER MEMPHIS, TN 1M inv. bowl passes 2 / United States Navy (USN) 4/14/1952 #6074  
              Memphis, TN Inverted Bowl Passes Aircraft At 300' (NICAP: 11  4/14/1952 #6075  
acky, Lt. jg. O'Neil. One inverted bowl, 3' long and 1' high, with vertical 4/14/1952 #6078  
hts hover. 1 going quickly east. = bowl saucer / flat top. 2nd follows. 3rd 8/7/1953 #9054  
arate observer(s). Inverted silver bowl going quickly south. "Far bigger /  11/1954 #11506  
SGAM, ENGL 3 near quarry. 2 silver bowl saucers flip over. Flat side black. 11/20/1955 #12575  
   EAST / PIERRE, SD Red silent 2M bowl saucer over SR34. Cops chase / 12km 11/25/1956 #13347  
                    MILFORD, PA 7M bowl 5M over ground. Tilts. Pseudo-human 5/25/1957 (approximate) #13677  
 MELBOURNE, AUS 2 observer(s). 20M bowl saucer with hexagonal cabin hovers  3/5/1966 #19939  
han she was. It looked like "a big bowl of jelly, plastic-like and shiny... 5/16/1966 #20490  
he size of a car and shaped like a bowl land on the road and make a whining 5/22/1966 #20507  
N, OH 2+1 separate cops. Brilliant bowl saucer going north. Hovers / 60M al 11/7/1966 #21081  
 "with something like a glass fish bowl on his head," of medium height, see 1/5/1967 #21261  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Bowl saucer by road. Going quickly south 1/20/1967 #21356  
      DRY CREEK BASIN, CO Luminous bowl saucer going [to] slow. Accelerates 3/1967 #21687  
 The shape was said to be " like a bowl atop a plate" (domed disc). (NICAP: 3/23/1967 #21952  
 EST. A woman saw a shiny inverted bowl with flashing red lights hovering a 4/10/1967 #22104  
ng. The woman sits him down with a bowl of Jell-O, which he tries to drink. 5/1967 #22254  
de. It was shaped like an inverted bowl with a dome on top and looked metal 5/11/1967 #22317  
rs. It was shaped like an inverted bowl with a dome on top and looked metal 5/11/1967 #22319  
ow object shaped like a large soup bowl (dome shaped). The object hovered a 6/27/1967 #22562  
e-like UFO shaped like an inverted bowl, with a row of yellow lights on its 8/9/1967 #22854  
nd. It was shaped like an inverted bowl and had three legs. Burn marks and  8/23/1967 #22896  
nd. It was shaped like an inverted bowl and had three legs. The witness saw 8/23/1967 #22897  
bject shaped like an inverted soup bowl (dome-shaped) that approached and h 8/31/1967 #22961  
 an object shaped like an inverted bowl (dome-shaped) flashing red and whit 9/14/1967 #23054  
aya, Spain Object like upside-down bowl, glowing underside, flew low over r 7/29/1968 #24251  
described as looking like a silver bowl inverted upon another silver bowl w 7/21/1970 #25743  
 bowl inverted upon another silver bowl was sighted hovering in the sky ove 7/21/1970 #25743  
n diameter and shaped like a large bowl inverted over a smaller one. It had 4/14/1971 #26073  
lic and shaped like an upside-down bowl about 30–40 feet in diameter and 15 12/20/1971 #26509  
LO, PERU Several / beach. Inverted bowl very close. Observer(s) suffer head 4/1972 #26630  
  TOULON, FR Numerous observer(s). Bowl saucer shoots green beams up. 300M  4/6/1972 #26638  
object in the shape of an inverted bowl with several white, yellow, and vio 10/28/1972 #27095  
   BERLAIMONT, FR Strange flat-top bowl saucer with 3 small parasols on sta 2/22/1973 #27307  
AST GREENWICH, RI 6th grade class. Bowl saucer hovers / 7 minute(s). Tilts  4/2/1973 #27400  
 center of the room and ate from a bowl of fruit on a table. A man entered  9/26/1973 #27872  
BURG, MO 2 observer(s). Red-orange bowl passes / very low altitude. / W. St 12/2/1973 #28504  
/ farm. Glowing-banana or luminous bowl bottom going north slow. Back / 27  5/25/1974 #29133  
    ST. LAURENT, QB 3+several. 50' bowl saucer hovers 25' over house. Windo 8/25/1974 (approximate) #29385  
. Tsugaane photos glowing inverted bowl. Original report = Hya Kuri A.      10/10/1975 #30426  
object that looked like a cup in a bowl due east at 70 degrees elevation. W 11/15/1975 #30622  
, FR Family / 6. Big rumble. Salad bowl saucer outside going [to] toward(s) 3/16/1976 #30944  
       STE.CROIX-EN-PLAINE, FR 18M bowl saucer 50M over house. Rays converg 7/22/1977 #32300  
a UFO that looked like an inverted bowl with two long extensions. It was 75 10/1/1977 #32543  
              OFF SEWARD, AK Boat. Bowl going down / clouds 2' over sea. St 7/5/1979 #34647  
   BURBANK, CA Rattle-noise. Large bowl over busy freeway. 1 of 3 in car se 10/12/1979 #34952  
g the shape of an upside-down soup bowl with a dome on top. A red triangle  5/7/1980 #35314  
 described as an "upside down soup bowl" with a dome on top came out of clo 5/7/1980 #35316  
e road and then saw a huge lighted bowl shaped object. They both attempted  4/1/1981 #35883  
             QINGYUAN, CH Inverted bowl north going south. Glows. Ejects 7  4/13/1981 #35895  
CROSS, YK Blue-glowing 5M inverted bowl saucer going down [to] close. Hums. 3/16/1988 #38506  
a landed object like an overturned bowl. He estimates it is nearly 17 feet  7/9/1990 #39640  
LAND, ON Several observer(s). 120' bowl saucer / 10' altitude by house. Ozo 6/1991 #40079  
 plate upside down, with a smaller bowl on top. There were four round white 9/16/1992 #40623  
eral separate observer(s). Glowing bowl saucer hovers / hills. Going [to] b 8/24/1994 #41688  
ON, SOMERSET 3 observer(s). Bright bowl hovers over road. Lights / edge tur 9/8/1994 #41725  
nverted soup plates with a pudding bowl on top, and the upper level has por 3/30/1995 #42127  
 It was round like an upside- down bowl, and was charcoal gray with red lig 11/13/2002 #44439  
## Word: "bowl-1" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Bowl-1” YieldMax: 40KT                   6/26/1969 #25235  
## Word: "bowl-like" (Back to Top)
 EST). Three people saw an oval or bowl-like object with a dome on too and  3/18/1967 #21916  
## Word: "bowl-saucer" (Back to Top)
TON, ND 2 observer(s). 6-7M silver bowl-saucer beams rays going down / fiel 11/5/1928 (approximate) #1091  
EAST / MONKLAND, ONT 2 / car. Huge bowl-saucer whirrs. Lights / bottom/unde 3/1958 (approximate) #14903  
  ATHENS, TN ~20 observer(s). Fast bowl-saucer going quickly southwest fast 11/27/1958 #15459  
eral observer(s). Bright orange 7M bowl-saucer. Shadows move inside. / r143 12/23/1959 #16129  
ANBY, CT Extremely bright red-glow bowl-saucer. Fast maneuvers. Extends rod 4/12/1967 #22112  
 TV image fades. Lights dim. Large bowl-saucer maneuvers going down [to] an 1/8/1968 #23657  
S, D&G, SCOTLAND 1 observer. White bowl-saucer. Absolute(ly) silent. Hovers 1/8/1971 #25984  
                RICHMOND, IN Domed bowl-saucer going down [to] slow going [ 6/19/1975 #30108  
          VALPARAISO, IN Silent 4m bowl-saucer / 30m altitude. Goes overhea 1/12/1986 #37764  
       FREDENSBORG, DK 1 / car. 7M bowl-saucer lands / road / 5 thin legs.  9/19/1986 #38030  
0 separate observer(s). 15M silent bowl-saucer hovers. Follows car. Media s 11/6/1994 #41837  
ll objects dart in and out / large bowl-saucer. All merge. Going down. Goin 5/21/1995 #42218  
 Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Bowl-saucer with square windows aims bea 10/25/1996 #43094  
## Word: "bowl-shape" (Back to Top)
                     SHEBOYGAN, WI Bowl-shape over road. Seen again going s 3/24/1966 #20063  
                 IASI, ROMANIA 10M bowl-shape UFO(narrow end Dn). Lands beh 8/16/1968 #24336  
## Word: "bowl-shaped" (Back to Top)
e heard a whirring sound and saw a bowl-shaped object, 7 m in diameter, wit 5/1957 #13628  
 hears a whirring sound and sees a bowl-shaped object approaching at a heig 5/1957 #13631  
:00 a.m. a seven meter in diameter bowl-shaped object was sighted low over  5/25/1957 #13678  
e sighting is 20 minutes. Shallow, bowl-shaped ground impressions in the sh 11/23/1957 #14603  
nge object at ground level. It was bowl-shaped, as wide as the road, and sh 12/22/1959 #16127  
night when he saw a bright, orange bowl-shaped object descend to about 20 f 12/22/1959 #16128  
nesses sighted a seven-meter wide, bowl-shaped disc. Shadows were seen movi 12/23/1959 #16131  
                   A round, silver bowl-shaped object flew slowly to the so 5/23/1961 #16698  
t 9:00 p.m. a 20 meter in diameter bowl-shaped saucer with a hexagonal cabi 3/5/1966 #19942  
           Sheboygan, WI A glowing bowl-shaped object on the road hovering  3/24/1966 #20069  
 and one red light. The object was bowl-shaped, and they lost sight of it w 3/24/1966 #20073  
 Creek Basin, CO Luminous inverted bowl-shaped object approached within 100 3/1967 #21690  
1 and 8, saw a glowing, red-orange bowl-shaped object that was emitting ver 4/12/1967 #22117  
tnesses saw a glowing, red-orange, bowl-shaped object emitting a "painfully 4/12/1967 #22123  
a.m. EST. A woman reported a large bowl-shaped orange object that levitated 12/8/1967 #23560  
.m. a dark gray, metallic inverted bowl-shaped disc flew over a farm in Van 7/12/1969 #25265  
rgate. At 11:32 p.m. a red glowing bowl-shaped disc flew from south to nort 11/21/1970 #25914  
tland a Mrs. Bunn sighted a white, bowl-shaped saucer hovering in the sky.  1/8/1971 #25986  
               Colby, KS Luminous, bowl-shaped object hovered near ground;  8/19/1972 #26931  
               Colby, KS Luminous, bowl-shaped object hovered near ground.  8/19/1972 #26932  
o a cone. In Croespenmaen, Wales a bowl-shaped disc was observed hovering a 9/14/1972 #27001  
nce An 18 meter in diameter domed, bowl-shaped disc hovered 50 meters over  7/22/1977 #32301  
    An 18 meter in diameter domed, bowl-shaped disc hovered 50 meters over  7/22/1977 #32302  
ally hidden by some trees, a large bowl-shaped or jug-shaped craft with a r 11/24/1978 #33996  
Poland when he saw a dull metallic bowl-shaped flying object descend and la 1/15/1986 #37765  
10 a.m. a seven-meter in diameter, bowl-shaped disc landed on the road on 5 9/19/1986 #38031  
 his gun. He photographed a large, bowl-shaped craft with darkened porthole 12/2/1987 #38348  
the object turned off, and a white bowl-shaped object could be discerned. A 8/13/1991 #40152  
 12:10 a.m. a 15 meter in diameter bowl-shaped object hovered and then foll 11/6/1994 #41840  
ri a number of 25 foot in diameter bowl-shaped metallic discs lifted off fr 3/10/1995 #42084  
Manitoba 2:00 a.m. A family sees a bowl-shaped disc with five rectangular w 10/25/1996 #43095  
                     At 2:00 pm. a bowl-shaped disc with square windows was 10/25/1996 #43096  
en, Denmark a large, red, luminous bowl-shaped UFO with a tail like a parab 12/19/1999 #43900  
## Word: "bowl-type" (Back to Top)
eads. They were wearing glass fish bowl-type helmets, with a metallic band  6/12/1977 #32161  
## Word: "bowlby" (Back to Top)
 seen by another resident, Hjalmar Bowlby, earlier that same evening. Remar 12/24/1970 #25952  
## Word: "bowlegged" (Back to Top)
hat together formed an "X." It was bowlegged, and around each ankle was a b 8/23/1967 #22908  
## Word: "bowler" (Back to Top)
 man about 3 feet tall with a high bowler hat and beard standing motionless 1/28/1967 #21409  
## Word: "bowler-hat" (Back to Top)
      SUAMICO, WI 2 observer(s). 2 bowler-hat saucers all over/all about. T 7/30/1952 #7347  
              CURBAR, UK 30M black bowler-hat hovers / 270M away / 300M alt 1/6/2001 #44121  
## Word: "bowles" (Back to Top)
 San Angelo. County Clerk Henry J. Bowles sees the airship as it passes ove 4/20/1897 #546  
inchester, England 9:00 p.m. Joyce Bowles and Ted Pratt are driving down th 11/14/1976 #31548  
                In 1976, Ms. Joyce Bowles, 42, and Mr. Edwin Pratt, 58, wer 11/14/1976 #31549  
, Hampshire, UK 9:00 PM. Mrs. Jane Bowles was driving with a friend, Mrs. A 3/7/1977 #31869  
arance to the one involved in Mrs. Bowles earlier close encounter. The wome 3/7/1977 #31869  
n returned to Winchester, and Mrs. Bowles observed that her hands were red  3/7/1977 #31869  
, Hampshire, UK 9:00 PM. Mrs. Jane Bowles was driving with a friend, Mrs. A 3/7/1977 #31870  
            At nine p.m. Mrs. Jane Bowles was driving with a friend, Mrs. A 3/7/1977 #31874  
arance to the one involved in Mrs. Bowles earlier close encounter. He was h 3/7/1977 #31874  
ing out his hands, and touched Mrs Bowles. His hands were warm to the touch 3/7/1977 #31874  
anguage. He gave something to Mrs. Bowles which she would not divulge, and  3/7/1977 #31874  
n returned to Winchester, and Mrs. Bowles observed that her hands were red  3/7/1977 #31874  
## Word: "bowley" (Back to Top)
 Mexico 9:05 p.m. Capt. William T. Bowley and Capt. Herbert T. Lange, both  12/29/1952 #8462  
o glow as if lit by a searchlight. Bowley radios the CAA controller in Tucu 12/29/1952 #8462  
## Word: "bowlin" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BOWLIN SPRING, OK Farmer. Silver object  2/17/1974 (approximate) #28774  
## Word: "bowling" (Back to Top)
 Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox Bowling Green, Kentucky Franklin, Kentuc 1/7/1948 #3544  
overtakes the UFO from below, past Bowling Green, Kentucky, at about 3:10 p 1/7/1948 #3544  
                                   Bowling Green State University 3724 Dext 7/27/1952 #7213  
ad, Ann Arbor, Michigan 10:40 a.m. Bowling Green State University biologist 7/27/1952 #7213  
                                   BOWLING GREEN, OH 30cm diameter disk buz 12/11/1953 #9357  
                                   BOWLING GREEN, KY 2 observer(s). Orange  2/18/1955 #12008  
n. Two men are returning home from bowling in Norwood, Massachusetts. The M 8/1966 #20711  
Munger, proprietor of an all-night bowling alley, and two police officers,  7/4/1967 #22610  
cross a metal sphere the size of a bowling ball and weighing 22 pounds. The 3/27/1974 #28961  
ities, 5 feet tall and shaped like bowling pins, in the glare of his headli 3/4/1977 #31858  
 stop the car, and he knocked the "bowling pin shaped" thing down and ran i 8/25/1977 #32423  
                  WEST SEATTLE, WA Bowling ball sized balls / light zip up  3/5/1988 #38490  
ee bizarre figures in the shape of bowling pins standing in the hallway abo 11/13/1998 #43681  
f figures, arranged into a ten pin bowling formation. He has a recurring im 4/28/2003 #44519  
## Word: "bowls" (Back to Top)
 structure resembling two inverted bowls, separated by a row of lights, is  10/1909 #815  
 dark green object nearby like two bowls put together and about 5 feet in d 8/16/1949 #4318  
 feet away. The UFO looks like two bowls placed together end to end, 75 fee 8/25/1952 #7732  
feet thick and looks like two soup bowls joined at the rims. It has a red g 1/1/1953 #8494  
d it, found it was shaped like two bowls g]ued together, about 3 m diameter 12/10/1954 #11794  
n color and looks like two shallow bowls with a dark gap between them. Wisp 9/15/1956 #13224  
sc. The object was shaped like two bowls edge-to-edge, had a shining stripe 4/27/1960 #16244  
ot diameter object shaped like two bowls rim-to-rim hovering over some powe 6/26/1963 #17811  
sic 10M saucer. Altitude = 30M. "2 bowls together".                         4/26/1966 #20419  
 Silent 30 ft object shaped like 2 bowls, at 100 ft altitude ahead of a car 4/26/1966 #20420  
aw a silent object shaped like two bowls glued together, 30 m altitude, ahe 4/26/1966 #20421  
e saw a silent UFO shaped like two bowls glued together. It flew at 30 mete 4/26/1966 #20422  
eet in diameter and looks like two bowls clamped together. Around the rim i 10/7/1967 #23189  
, with the appearance of “two soup bowls joined rim- to-rim.” There is a st 4/25/1969 #25090  
 that looked like upside down soup bowls with domed tops. The objects were  1/27/1976 #30822  
O, MO 1 observer. 8m wide metallic bowls rise / ground 30m away. Duration = 3/10/1995 #42082  
## Word: "bowlshaped" (Back to Top)
reen and red light. The object was bowlshaped, and they lost sight of it wh 3/24/1966 #20070  
## Word: "bowman" (Back to Top)
                                   BOWMAN, CA 2 separate observer(s). 3 ver 10/25/1896 (approximate) #331  
                                   Bowman, California Fruit rancher Constan Late 10/1896 #332  
onstant T. Musso and his family in Bowman, California. watch three bright l Late 10/1896 #332  
 Marietta, Georgia Witnesses:  Mr. Bowman (ex-artillery officer) and 24 oth 9/1/1952 #7815  
p.m. An ex-artillery officer named Bowman and 24 others at Marietta, Georgi 9/1/1952 #7818  
r 30 minutes. At the same time Mr. Bowman, an ex-artillery officer, and 24  9/1/1952 #7821  
## Word: "bowna" (Back to Top)
nd son were camping near a lake at Bowna Hume Weir, New South Wales when th 3/3/1961 #16620  
                                   Bowna, Australia F. Reynolds and his son 3/10/1961 #16625  
son were camping near the water in Bowna, New South Wales, Australia. They  3/10/1961 #16626  
                              NEAR BOWNA, AUSTR 2 / camp. Flaming object /  3/15/1961 #16628  
                      Murray River Bowna, New South Wales 8:45 p.m. Mr. F.  3/16/1961 #16632  
900 feet from the Murray River, at Bowna, New South Wales, when they see wh 3/16/1961 #16632  
                              NEAR BOWNA, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). Short si 3/30/1978 (approximate) #33098  
                                   BOWNA, AUSTR Night light paces car / 7M  5/23/1982 #36483  
                                   Bowna, New South Wales, AU A nocturnal l 5/23/1982 #36484  
U A nocturnal light paced a car in Bowna, New South Wales, Australia only 3 5/23/1982 #36484  
. a nocturnal light paced a car in Bowna, New South Wales, Australia only 3 5/23/1982 #36485  
## Word: "bowral" (Back to Top)
                                   BOWRAL, NSW, AUSTR Fast silent steel-blu 1/6/1951 (approximate) #5384  
## Word: "bows" (Back to Top)
 suits and shoes. One with a beard bows to Quezet and says something uninte 1/4/1979 #34294  
## Word: "bowsher" (Back to Top)
 Steven Schiff asks Charles Arthur Bowsher, head of the US General Accounti 10/1993 #41214  
 tells Jacques Vallée that Charles Bowsher, former Comptroller General unde 8/7/2004 #44728  
arge audit of classified programs. Bowsher uncovered it in 1984-85, which h 8/7/2004 #44728  
gulation, and Congressional rule.” Bowsher considered turning it over to th 8/7/2004 #44728  
individual in the DOD squashed it. Bowsher said the program had to do with  8/7/2004 #44728  
## Word: "bowtie" (Back to Top)
ok Case #758. 2 civil observer(s). Bowtie object = 2 delta/triangle/box-lik 7/13/1950 #5060  
hed aluminum object, shaped like a bowtie (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  7/13/1950 #5062  
ashburn. one object, shaped like a bowtie, and like polished aluminum.  Fle 7/13/1950 #5063  
## Word: "bowtie-shaped" (Back to Top)
led Arsenal employees, witnessed a bowtie-shaped object flying in the sky,  7/13/1950 #5066  
## Word: "bowyer" (Back to Top)
th of the Isle of Wight. Capt. Ray Bowyer notices, exactly in the direction 4/23/2007 #45022  
right, like a band around a cigar. Bowyer makes contact with Jersey ATC to  4/23/2007 #45022  
r behind the captain confirms what Bowyer is seeing and points out a second 4/23/2007 #45022  
 UFO immediately behind the first: Bowyer estimates both lights to be “up t 4/23/2007 #45022  
the presence of two objects, which Bowyer believes to be correlated with th 4/23/2007 #45022  
ted at least some of the readings. Bowyer disagrees with Clarke’s team on t 4/23/2007 #45022  
## Word: "box" (Back to Top)
fabrics and is clutching an ornate box also marked with the unknown script. 2/22/1803 #100  
  HIGH WYCOMB, BUCKS Night lights. Box found / leaves. Sprouts eyes and pro 10/4/1871 #192  
 southeast. It looks “like a cigar box with a spark of fire in it.”         Mid 1/1897 #381  
g, narrow car, resembling a corset box in shape,” some 30–35 feet long and  4/4/1897 #414  
 BOURNEBROOK, ENG Boy. Small domed box / backyard. 4' small humanoids (or G 8/1901 (approximate) #646  
hips or the German army, and a tin box with paste for polishing metal.      5/18/1909 #758  
 one of them holding a rectangular box pointing at the ground. The children Early 8/1939 #1312  
re encased in a transparent oblong box. The head takes up half of their bod Late 8/1944 #1647  
eyelashes or eyebrows, and a metal box on their back, emerged from the craf 7/23/1947 #3216  
eyelashes or eyebrows, and a metal box on their back, emerged from the craf 7/23/1947 #3219  
ike rock stuffed in a large cereal box, which is loaded into Brown’s army v 7/31/1947 #3264  
d City Army Air Base Ellsworth AFB Box Elder, South Dakota 9:30 p.m. Maj. E 8/15/1947? #3337  
 Air Base [now Ellsworth AFB] near Box Elder, South Dakota, sees 12 objects 8/15/1947? #3337  
 RAYNE, LA Teacher and 1. Wingless box with windows goes east going west. / 7/24/1948 #3728  
. 4 10M silver disks going south / box formation. Bank and maneuver. XX acc 4/24/1949 #4101  
e at the American Heritage Center (Box #34 Item #17).                       3/31/1950 #4772  
Furman University, when they saw a box or diamond formation of four oval du 5/13/1952 #6320  
d 2 civil. 5+silver cigars in neat box formation with 1 leading.            6/1/1952 #6408  
ilver objects which flew in a neat box formation with a leader. (Berliner)  6/1/1952 #6410  
long silver objects flew in a neat box formation with a leader for 15-20 se 6/1/1952 #6413  
long silver objects flew in a neat box formation with a leader for 15-20 se 6/1/1952 #6422  
top. One of the men had a flashing box. Both men went inside, and the disk  7/11/1952 #6761  
Several observer(s). Cream-colored box drops over airliner. Paces just abov 8/15/1952 #7603  
s he remembers being “trapped in a box” called a Skinner box and given a “f 10/1952 #8077  
trapped in a box” called a Skinner box and given a “forced learning experie 10/1952 #8077  
                                   BOX HILL, VCT, AUS Also Melbourne. Odd b 1/3/1954 #9438  
HILL, VCT, AUS Also Melbourne. Odd box turns / sky. Vapor ball joins it. Bo 1/3/1954 #9438  
 and held a tube in one hand and a box in the other. Mrs. Forster had to be 2/1954 #9518  
She holds a tube in one hand and a box in the other, wears luminous clothin 2/1954 #9521  
trict, England, armed with a Kodak box camera. Meyer notices an object abov 2/15/1954 #9549  
a silver aluminum colored metallic box on the ground 3 feet long and 1 1/2  4/12/1954 #9685  
shable; he tried to photograph the box but was told by the ground crew to “ 4/12/1954 #9685  
light above it, go past his signal box. Hypnotic regression was planned at  5/13/1954 #9791  
ing. Just as the two pilots try to box in the UFOs, Scarborough sees them f 5/14/1954 #9796  
amie Shandera on 1985 in the 126th box of USAF files. Carbon of the origina 7/14/1954 #10014  
 1M 'men' put stones from fence in box. Helmets and silver suits.           8/1954 (approximate) #10077  
hing. Glowing car-size rectangular box crosses lake going quickly [to] tree 9/18/1954 #10339  
wers, shrubs, and twigs in a shiny box, then take off. They seemed to be in 9/24/1954 #10434  
getation and putting it in a shiny box. Before they took off they seemed to 9/24/1954 #10438  
/ FIGEAC, FR Kids. Odd man runs to box. Going up [to] and going quickly sou 9/27/1954 #10457  
    Figeac, France Children saw "a box" and "an unknown man" standing nearb 9/27/1954 #10470  
 Children in Figeac, France saw "a box" and "an unknown man" standing nearb 9/27/1954 #10475  
NIL, FR 9M saucer / ground. 3 men. Box emits 3M beam. 7 photographs. Going  11/5/1954 #11572  
 nearby. One was holding a sort of box, "which emitted a beam of light thre 11/5/1954 #11578  
standing near it. One is holding a box that emits a beam of light and the o 11/5/1954 #11579  
 nearby. One was holding a sort of box, "which emitted a beam of light thre 11/5/1954 #11581  
 in diameter, with four fins and a box suspended from it by apparent ropes. 12/3/1954 #11754  
B, OH Chemist and many. Triangle / box flashes over airbase / 15 minute(s). 3/30/1955 #12070  
anoids (or Greys) / Sp-suits exit. Box / chests. Observer(s) frozen. / r30p 5/14/1955 #12130  
gular object resembling a railroad box car that settles near the ground at  6/1956 #12880  
OC 2 observer(s). Brilliant silver box going northwest over hills. Local wa 8/28/1956 #13145  
our discs were sighted flying in a box formation. Two of the objects turned 5/23/1957 #13674  
check out saucer and put samples / box. No further details.                 9/1957 #13961  
. They gathered samples in a large box. The witnesses saw small portholes a 9/1957 #13964  
 been preserved in a tin cigarette box housed in London’s Science Museum. T 11/21/1957 #14590  
y. He sees a student of his with a box camera, and he takes six photos of w 10/1959 #16004  
7823. 1 observer. 30cm x 10cm gold box going straight and level across hori 3/1/1962 #17068  
            Salem, NY Gold-colored box fly straight and level across the ho 3/1/1962 #17069  
s. L. Doxsey, 66. One gold-colored box, 12-14"x3-4", flew straight and leve 3/1/1962 #17070  
ported a 40 cm x 10 cm flying gold box that slowly crossed the horizon in 3 3/1/1962 #17072  
 L. Doxsey, 66, saw a gold-colored box, 12-14 inches x 3-4 feet, fly straig 3/1/1962 #17072  
oid (or Grey) puts plants / silver box. / r211p42+/ FSR'63#4.               10/28/1962 #17507  
 some plants into a silver colored box and carried them back onboard. The o 10/28/1962 #17514  
 to his friends in a cheap plastic box—which is how it is sold in tourist s 5/31/1963 #17774  
 triangular imprint, and carried a box emitting flashes. He made a threaten 8/28/1963 #17920  
 triangular imprint, and carried a box emitting flashes. It spoke in an uni 8/28/1963 #17924  
       SASKATOON, SSK Saucer drops box / ground. Kids look. Find partly tra 9/19/1963 #17943  
 appears like magic. Touches black box and observer(s) asleep! / r25p126.   2/3/1964 #18124  
e and a big nose and holds a black box that buzzes and clicks as he points  2/3/1964 #18125  
 nose in her room. He held a black box that buzzed when he pointed it at he 2/3/1964 #18126  
eather-like helmet. He also wore a box in the front attached to his belt. A 2/29/1964 #18141  
               Socorro, New Mexico Box Canyon or Six Mile Canyon Mountain W 4/24/1964 #18200  
object climbs slowly and goes past Box Canyon or Six Mile Canyon Mountain ( 4/24/1964 #18200  
             HUBBARD, OR 4' square box / 4 legs lands / field. Beeps. Trace 5/18/1964 #18279  
to the craft, then returned with a box that emitted a flash when pointed at 3/2/1965 #18831  
s at him for 1.5 minutes, points a box or 6–7-inch black object at Reeves t 3/2/1965 #18832  
to the craft, then returned with a box that emitted two bright flashes when 3/2/1965 #18833  
ccupants. One of them held a small box that he opened, and inside the box w 5/30/1965 #18977  
box that he opened, and inside the box was a dark-colored crystal that gave 5/30/1965 #18977  
 10M silvery object rises / woods. Box held beneath. Also Blue Book photos  9/27/1965 #19609  
           BOLAZEC, FR 4M luminous box going up / roadside going [to] over  1/16/1966 #19836  
                Hampton (area), NH Box like object landed in woods (NICAP:  3/29/1966 #20135  
a, NH Dog does not react to landed box (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)       3/29/1966 #20136  
s toward it. He sees an “L” shaped box, long side parallel to the ground, s 3/29/1966 #20139  
           At 4:20 p.m. a L-shaped box was seen sitting on the ground on fo 3/29/1966 #20143  
Astronomer and many. Self-luminous box changes color brightness and shape g 4/1966? #20187  
everal times. Going quickly south. Box going quickly north.                 1/5/1967 #21254  
r saw an object that looked like a box kite without paper (presumably recta 1/16/1967 #21319  
cap with a visor. He was holding a box in his hand. It appeared to be some  1/26/1967 #21402  
 with a broad black belt and black box in front. A dim glow envelops him, g 1/28/1967 #21409  
er the water, the object lowered a box on an arm-thick cable, and eight sma 4/13/1967 #22128  
wide belt, from which hung a small box with a small antenna. The collosus p 5/15/1967 #22348  
s). Beeps. Whirlwind. Silent metal box rotates / air. Girl levitates!       6/1967 #22434  
aised its head and arms, holding a box from which a short tube protruded. I 8/23/1967 #22908  
saw four brilliant red lights in a box formation that appeared to be on or  10/4/1967 #23175  
ng beneath the object is a “square box” full of red, green, and white light 10/24/1967 #23305  
tenna on top, and it had an oblong box on the bottom with red, green, and w 10/24/1967 #23309  
magnetic effect (EME). 15' saucer. Box exits and sucks dirt. / r120p64+/ MJ 11/6/1967 #23409  
call the police from a nearby call box. The witnesses note that there are m 11/6/1967 #23414  
completely resurfaced and the call box has been repainted.                  11/6/1967 #23414  
woods / 15 minute(s). Crazy noise. Box hangs / pole. / APRO Jan'68.         11/29/1967 #23521  
ip. The large UFO looks like a big box with semicircles on the side, and it 10/24/1969 #25422  
rea, carrying in its hands a black box with a pulsating yellow light. Its a 1/7/1970 #25540  
llic helmet. He held a small black box at his chest level with a pulsating  1/7/1970 #25541  
So does small humanoid (or Grey) / box / belt. Flash. Small humanoid (or Gr 2/16/1971 #26020  
 silver objects, four of them in a box formation with a fifth leading, are  3/14/1971 #26046  
ing. In one hand it held a glowing box. The humanoid giant appeared to be a 5/15/1971 #26111  
egs and going down. Man exits with box / hand. / MJ#277.                    5/16/1971 #26112  
                    ROSEDALE, ALTA Box going down / field. 2 pseudo-human/e 6/9/1971 #26160  
sly vanished from their experiment box.                                     12/6/1971 #26490  
les hover. Sharp edges. One is [a] box. 500M altitude. Rise going south slo 7/14/1972 #26796  
AGNACAVALLO, ITL 2 observer(s). 7M box with round top / farm. Whoosh. Quick 7/25/1972 #26829  
ch office supplies hidden inside a box are presented to Swann, who is asked 8/1972 #26862  
 it alive, and sealing it inside a box. When Swann looks at the box, he see 8/1972 #26862  
ide a box. When Swann looks at the box, he sees “something small, brown, an 8/1972 #26862  
 black sphere/orb/globe dangles 3' box / 10' pipe. Maneuvers against wind.  11/13/1972 #27121  
et, boots, and a black belt with a box attached. The being stood up, and wa 11/28/1972 #27150  
ent visor and a tube that ran to a box on his back. With a shower of sparks 12/30/1972 #27193  
ENBORO, NC Teen. Radio noisy. 30cm box going [to] very low. Snow melted. Gr 1/8/1973 #27226  
ed outside and saw a one-foot wide box in his yard moving very slowly at a  1/8/1973 #27227  
.m. in Quarouble, France a glowing box shone a strong beam of light. It mad 1/10/1973 #27229  
NJ Numerous observer(s). 15M domed box hovers / reservoir. Hums. 2nd fast o 2/19/1973 #27297  
hwest. Same observer(s) saw flying box / 1970.                              6/1973 #27541  
manoids (or Greys) and rectangular box exit and crawl. Physical traces. Obs 10/6/1973 #27955  
a mesquite tree and stores it in a box. Some 20 years later, the sample is  10/23/1973 #28250  
RTERET, FR 2 observer(s) and more. Box scans fish nets with beam. Going qui 12/2/1973 #28499  
he house, where she saw a floating box about three inches long and very shi 12/12/1973 #28559  
her's but with a small rectangular box under the chin. His suit was a dull  1/7/1974 #28661  
tude. Beams going down. 90° turns. Box exits.                               2/6/1974 #28740  
 radio, he sees the object lower a box, seemingly to take samples. Then the Early 4/1974 #28990  
d. They were made to touch a black box, which caused them to lose conscious 8/22/1974 #29376  
CH 2 observer(s). Silent domed 40' box hovers / treetops 80' away. Shoots g 10/15/1974 #29528  
r(s). Power outage. Rounded flying box with antenna puffs smoke.            10/20/1974 #29546  
frantic. Man / odd suit rides 60cm box. Going east. / Flying Saucer Review  11/15/1974? #29595  
ied. She notices a man seated on a box that is suspended in the air above h Mid 11/1974 #29596  
s to be looking for something. The box has a control rod with colored strip Mid 11/1974 #29596  
it further away to the east on his box. Sensoli sees a bright light to the  Mid 11/1974 #29596  
s a translucent, faintly luminous "box like structure." In a moment they we 12/2/1974 #29630  
  ST.-HILAIRE-LES-CAMBRAI, FR 4.5M box becomes sphere. Lands / yard. Traces 3/31/1975 #29926  
. When he put these in a cardboard box next to some potted plants, the plan 8/28/1975 #30315  
heville, France 8:10 p.m. A silver box, about five meters in diameter, flew 3/2/1976 #30916  
             At 8:10 p.m. a silver box, about five meters in diameter, flew 3/2/1976 #30917  
 series of spectacular right-angle box turns, after which it moves off in t 4/2/1976 #30979  
s, a black visor helmet, and had a box strapped to its chest. It flew into  5/31/1976 #31076  
g table, where they ran "a kind of box" over her.                           6/11/1976 #31103  
' cylinder/cylindrical object with box / top over house. 2 small objects ex 10/28/1976 #31499  
   CARAPITO, PORTGL 2 observer(s). Box 8' x3' with head / outside house. Tr 1/3/1977 #31685  
s. It resembled an eight-foot-tall box with a round head on top and legs th 1/3/1977 #31687  
 that looks like a one-foot-square box. He races back to the house and brin 1/10/1977 #31715  
t the pond, McCarthy sees that the box has sunk three feet into the muck at 1/10/1977 #31715  
se of a fish. Over its mouth was a box like device with a tube leading over 3/13/1977 #31906  
surrounded by a luminous glow. Its box shaped helmet framed a dark square a 4/23/1977 #32018  
-like stairway came out and a red "box" was ejected down the stairway to th 5/15/1977 #32096  
   ST. ROCH, FR Whoosh! Large dark box shoots up / ground near power pole.  5/28/1977 #32138  
 on top. On the being's back was a box like a knapsack. Sr. De Olmos also o 7/12/1977 #32266  
lmet, a metallic belt, and a black box on its arm. At one point the entity  8/31/1977 #32445  
nae jutted up from each end of the box, and a receptacle stood atop it. The 9/15/1977 #32485  
is container, pushing a key on the box. When this happened, a scene would a 9/15/1977 #32485  
space-suit stands / road. No face. Box / chest blinks.                      1/2/1978 #32844  
ending in claws. On its chest is a box with two flashing red lights. The fi 1/2/1978 #32846  
rms ending in claws. It also had a box with two flashing red lights on its  1/2/1978 #32847  
O.VALTRAVALGLIA, ITL 3 / car. Dark box / road. Paralysis. Heat. Box going u 2/1978 #32933  
 Dark box / road. Paralysis. Heat. Box going up. Shoots beam. / r39.        2/1978 #32933  
ther cassette tapes in a cardboard box on a car seat were undamaged. (NICAP 9/28/1978 #33767  
pens, even though other tapes in a box are not affected.                    9/28/1978 #33768  
other casette tapes in a cardboard box on a car seat were undamaged.        9/28/1978 #33772  
-human/entity / silver suits Carry box. Glide over brush. / APRO Apr'79.    10/2/1978 #33788  
on the ground. The other carried a box with a small sphere on top. The one  10/15/1978 #33837  
Hundreds / Air Force men. 1km long box / 7km over outdoor movie. / LDLN#218 10/23/1978 #33860  
own object shaped like a shoeshine box on the ground. Lighted windows surro 10/25/1978 #33872  
own object shaped like a shoeshine box on the ground. Lighted windows surro 10/25/1978 #33873  
own object shaped like a shoeshine box on the ground. Lighted windows surro 10/25/1978 #33875  
hapes maneuver / mountain valleys. Box and antennas / top. Pulses over powe 10/30/1978 (approximate) #33893  
 and came back out holding a black box and handed it to one of the others.  12/6/1978 #34070  
otested. The men then put away the box and calmly walked back into their cr 12/6/1978 #34070  
        LORETO, ARG Boy / 12. 1.4M box appears / schoolroom. Flaps drop. 3  1/13/1979 (approximate) #34334  
ne of the beings gives him a small box with writing on it. A door opens and 1/18/1979 #34359  
e voice seemed to originate from a box like apparatus on their backs. He wa 5/16/1979 #34564  
nside it is an entity sitting on a box and facing what seems to be a contro Late 8/1979 #34774  
, CA 4+2 geologists. Cone offloads box. Box goes all over/all about S. Andr 9/9/1979 #34848  
4+2 geologists. Cone offloads box. Box goes all over/all about S. Andreas f 9/9/1979 #34848  
hwest of Maricopa, California. The box then flew along the San Andreas faul 9/9/1979 #34857  
    CHERBOURG, FR 1+2 observer(s)? Box appears / bedroom. Turns into pseudo 1/14/1980 #35134  
sound "like a blender running in a box." She looked out at the cloudy, wind 4/3/1982 #36432  
sound “like a blender running in a box.” She looks outside and sees a brigh 4/3/1982 #36433  
sound "like a blender running in a box." She looked out at the cloudy, wind 4/3/1982 #36434  
isor. In one hand it held a square box that seemed connected to the hose. T 7/22/1982 #36545  
ial identification” had opened the box and confiscated the contents.  Hal s 9/29/1982 #36619  
t white sphere exits and re-enters box canyon 2X.                           4/4/1984 #37253  
elmet probes ground / forked tool. Box quickly going up [to] and going quic 10/8/1984 #37479  
et on its head and carrying a blue box on its back that features tubes runn 10/8/1984 #37480  
 PA 1 observer. 5' x2.5'x3'GLOWING box with tail over house. Going down / c 10/14/1984 #37485  
n-copy 1954 Cutler-Twining memo in Box 189 of Record Group 341 in the Natio 7/18/1985 #37623  
TY, UT 2 observer(s). 60' x40'x20' box goes slow. Sounds heard / type unkno 4/22/1986 #37830  
 BRZ Series / UFO's. Night lights. Box chases man. Abductions. Fireballs ni 9/2/1986 #38011  
NCE WELL, WEST AUSTRALIA Weird 40' box / light near oil-rig. Saucers and ph 5/21/1987 #38177  
ad been found in a virtually empty box in the National Archives containing  12/1987 #38341  
litary RADAR and more/others. Huge box object with 3 lights. Hovers / hours 2/11/1988 #38453  
HOYLAND-ELSECAR, ENG 2 / car. Huge box with green and white and red lights. 4/24/1988 #38544  
with a silver rod and covered in a box like suit. He was then unable to mov 5/1/1988 #38551  
n ring. The entity was examining a box when the witness made a sudden move, 4/12/1989 #38902  
/ YZERON, FR 2 / car. Rumble. Flat box with 2 spheres going south 20M overh 7/3/1989 (approximate) #39004  
s. Below that it had a rectangular box that protruded out. The being also w 9/26/1989 #39121  
     SANDEFJORD, NORW Large square box hovers / 100M altitude 150M away. Li 11/22/1989 #39244  
BREEZE, FL 2+1 observer(s). 30x15' box with lights stops and turns upright. 4/30/1990 #39544  
th lights stops and turns upright. Box kite prank?                          4/30/1990 #39544  
RIA, ARG Several observer(s). Dark box lands / swamp. Night light blinks ab 8/20/1990 #39693  
S, FR Night lights outline pointed box. Blocks stars. Hovers / 1 minute(s). 11/5/1990 #39856  
IBELLE, FR 4 observer(s). 30M grey box with windows and beams. Turns going  11/5/1990 #39862  
URG, PA 3 observer(s). 150' silent box with many colored lights hovers over 2/4/1991 #39972  
BEACH, FL 1+6 kids. Light-grey 10' box with antennas going [to] over treeto 7/27/1991 #40135  
LONCIN, BELGIUM Rounded manta with box / bottom beams white light going dow 11/27/1991 #40243  
 A-3 flight launch facility Sluice Box Canyon Monarch, Montana 4:30 a.m. S/ 3/1992 #40343  
ght launch facility outside Sluice Box Canyon near Monarch, Montana. Due to 3/1992 #40343  
 yards and trees. Back 5 June. 40' box / 4 June.                            5/19/1992 #40466  
, FR 3 / car. Very large fast grey box with blinking light / top going quic 8/28/1992 (approximate) #40592  
 1:00 a.m. a very large, fast gray box with a blinking light on top, flew t 8/28/1992 #40593  
        I95 / RAEFORD, NC 50' grey box. 6 lights / bottom. 20 glowing ovoid 9/30/1992 #40645  
ms / treetop level. "2 plates with box / middle". Row / windows.            12/15/1992 #40748  
 cops. Silent 50M semi-transparent box with square windows. Going west slow 3/31/1993 #40911  
observer / (seen thru) binoculars. Box with rectangular windows going quick 11/14/1993 #41273  
uman souls and placing them into a box. One alien group appears to harvest  1994 #41345  
ILHAN, FR Same teacher. Pentagonal box with 5 portholes seen.               11/24/1994 #41865  
 observer(s). Slow silent 10' grey box with lit domes stops over tree. Flam 1/15/1995 (approximate) #41975  
orners! Object drifts going north. Box kite?                                8/1/1995 #42351  
TR Rancher. 100' saucer spins. 25' box / bottom doesn't. 130' altitude. Pho 1/7/1996 #42669  
-magnetic effect (EME). One is [a] box. Other / wings.                      1/20/1996 (approximate) #42690  
y the military and put in a wooden box with a white plastic or canvas cover 1/20/1996 #42697  
creatures are delivered in a metal box punctured with holes to the Universi 1/23/1996 #42709  
, transporting three containers, a box, several soldiers, and a sophisticat 1/23/1996 #42709  
, MEXICO Hundreds and videos. 300' box going quickly southwest over port in 1/27/1996 #42716  
ical object / 50M altitude. Turns. Box / bottom/underside still. Livestock  2/4/1996 #42739  
AONE, FR 2 groups / night lights / box formation going north. 1 turns going 9/27/1996 #43046  
  JOAO PESSOA, BRZ 300+panic. 240' box hovers / 3km altitude. Seen / 10 oth 10/16/1996 #43072  
TTLE, WA Ex-Navy / airliner. Black box hovers over university campus. Shoot 6/10/2001 #44193  
E, ITL 2+1 observer(s). Silent 10M box going down / plaza. Hovers / low alt 8/3/2001 #44222  
round briefly, and then took out a box and put the instrument in it. It the 4/25/2007 #45023  
-secret-partner.html   https://app.box.com/s/x54czwgmwfd5fph50527xw9zvma1yy 10/17/2008 #45175  
stry Chase Brandon states he saw a box labeled “Roswell” in the Agency’s Hi 7/8/2012 #45349  
note how crisp and clear the green box angles are and how there is no glow, 10/6/2013 #45389  
command vehicle (such as a “closed box trailer with antennas or a large van 1/6/2020 #45624  
e known as the “Morningstar Energy Box.” The box produced a 7% reduction in 2/29/2020 #45635  
 the “Morningstar Energy Box.” The box produced a 7% reduction in mass of a 2/29/2020 #45635  
## Word: "box-cylinder" (Back to Top)
 BRIVE, FR 3 separate observer(s). Box-cylinder/cylindrical object and blin 11/5/1990 #39839  
## Word: "box-formation" (Back to Top)
d more. 4 large ovoids going NNW / box-formation / 300M. / r136#1+/ r172p14 5/13/1952 #6311  
       KANSAS CITY, KS 4 saucers / box-formation. 2 turn northwest. 2 going 5/23/1957 #13673  
## Word: "box-like" (Back to Top)
 2 luminous/glowing delta/triangle/box-like crafts / upper limb. 2 dark tri 7/3/1882 #247  
 orange fireballs / delta/triangle/box-like craft-formation. No further det 5/3/1945 (approximate) #1861  
de crying-like sounds and clutched box-like devices to their chests. One of 5/31/1947 #2303  
g northeast. Turn / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. / ABQJ2JLY47+/ 6/20/1947 #2344  
ucers going north / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Back / 1415h g 6/23/1947 #2369  
. 3 shiny saucers / delta/triangle/box-like craft-formation high and fast g 7/6/1947 #2763  
rey-black saucers / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. 500mpg going q 7/7/1947 #2850  
' metallic ovoids / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation going east / 10 7/7/1947 #2900  
. 3 bright ovoids / delta/triangle/box-like craft-formation. Fast going qui 7/7/1947 #2910  
st/science and 1. 2 delta/triangle/box-like crafts and 1 saucer seen / 15 m 6/22/1949 #4248  
E, ID Pilot. 7 dark delta/triangle/box-like crafts / V formation. 800kph. 2 7/24/1949 #4278  
kly south. Possible delta/triangle/box-like craft structure?                7/24/1949 #4279  
r with searchlight. Delta/triangle/box-like crafts exit. Objects back 24 Oc 10/23/1949 #4400  
observer(s). 2 dark delta/triangle/box-like crafts going north. Join saucer 4/18/1950 #4863  
. Bowtie object = 2 delta/triangle/box-like crafts. 1 rotates. 90 turn and  7/13/1950 #5060  
book Case #864. 15' delta/triangle/box-like crafts / night lights go overhe 1/8/1951 #5385  
se #1533. USAF man. Delta/triangle/box-like craft / 12K' altitude and 600mp 7/21/1952 #6965  
). 3 30cm saucers / delta/triangle/box-like craft-formation. Flip in place. 8/3/1952 #7427  
ilent UFO's seen as delta/triangle/box-like crafts blimps saucers etc.      8/12/1952 #7554  
 PY4-2. 3 saucers / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Hover and away 8/29/1952 #7776  
ntrollers and many. Delta/triangle/box-like craft going quickly south. Very 1/6/1953 #8503  
M and white rounded delta/triangle/box-like craft. 70mph going quickly SSW  4/19/1953 #8836  
ape object / front. Delta/triangle/box-like craft going quickly south very  10/11/1953 #9218  
 object rises / odd delta/triangle/box-like craft cloud..                   1/12/1954 #9479  
more/others. 13 20' delta/triangle/box-like crafts. 6 buzz plane. 8 going e 3/24/1954 #9637  
thru) binoculars. 3 delta/triangle/box-like crafts in formation / 5 minute( 5/13/1954 #9786  
ver(s). 3 saucers / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation / r107p243. Als 5/15/1954 #9799  
m area. Yellow 4M V-delta/triangle/box-like craft going quickly east. Turns 5/16/1954 #9805  
dreds. 15 saucers / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Tinker Air For 8/28/1954 #10195  
s). Brilliant white delta/triangle/box-like craft going quickly NNE toward( 4/6/1956 #12793  
igars going south / delta/triangle/box-like craft-formation. Light contrail 4/27/1956 #12814  
 "Wink out". Wave / delta/triangle/box-like crafts etc. 2-7 May / MJ#277.   5/3/1956 #12827  
jects going north / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Odd hopping tr 7/31/1956 #13031  
    PERTHUS, FR Odd delta/triangle/box-like craft / mountainside. 20M WIDEx 8/8/1956 #13059  
KAPONGA, NZ Farmer. Delta/triangle/box-like craft with clear cockpit / fron 9/5/1956 #13187  
] overhead. Rounded delta/triangle/box-like craft-wings.                    9/5/1956 #13187  
ks / night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formations. Night light c 12/28/1956 #13417  
-magnetic effects). Delta/triangle/box-like craft dives. Blows smoke. Hover 11/6/1957 #14375  
). Luminous/glowing delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Splits! Half goin 11/7/1957 #14450  
       HAZLETON, PA Delta/triangle/box-like craft / lit corners seen 3x / o 11/12/1957 #14536  
observer(s). Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft? hovers / air station/dep 11/20/1957 #14582  
 and more / or blue delta/triangle/box-like craft. West going quickly east. 11/29/1957 #14636  
men / ground. Small delta/triangle/box-like craft falls / Hunter jet. Split 4/1/1958 (approximate) #14956  
 and more/others. 2 delta/triangle/box-like crafts / sharp silent turns low 4/9/1958 #14968  
erver(s). Big black delta/triangle/box-like craft / low altitude. Brilliant 4/15/1958 #14986  
everal large silver delta/triangle/box-like crafts going south. 1 lands / f 4/16/1958 #14992  
D, NORW 1 observer. Delta/triangle/box-like craft turns and going down / fj 6/1/1958 #15073  
 featureless silver delta/triangle/box-like craft-wing whistles going north 8/4/1958 #15178  
teen girls. Rounded delta/triangle/box-like craft going down. Zigzags and m 8/21/1958 #15216  
Astronomers. Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft spins. Going [to] WSW. /  5/22/1960 #16295  
DEW, CA Postmaster. Delta/triangle/box-like craft seen clearly. Interior li 8/18/1960 #16405  
obe hovers. 4 small delta/triangle/box-like crafts exit and maneuver and re 5/31/1961 #16704  
reen fireballs exit delta/triangle/box-like craft. 3 board 2nd delta/triang 6/25/1962 #17244  
 craft. 3 board 2nd delta/triangle/box-like craft. Saucer drops cable going 6/25/1962 #17244  
Reverend Alcorn. 10 delta/triangle/box-like crafts circle at 50K' altitude  7/23/1964 #18432  
r collision / black delta/triangle/box-like craft. Going quickly [to] extre 1/3/1965 #18692  
h / 45' saucer with delta/triangle/box-like craft features / underside. Glo 8/2/1965 #19250  
s going southwest / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Sudden turn to 8/7/1965 #19336  
      MILAN, MI 16m delta/triangle/box-like craft follows cop-car / 1km. Ra 3/17/1966 #19978  
). Night lights and delta/triangle/box-like crafts and saucers and cigars l 3/31/1966 #20172  
arge metallic domed delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers still. Balloon?    10/17/1966 #21011  
n thru) binoculars. Delta/triangle/box-like craft / high altitude. Circles  11/1966 (approximate) #21054  
observer(s). Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers over homes. Photog 2/10/1967 #21497  
parate observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft stops over road. Rectangl 2/17/1967 #21580  
AYES, SD 2 / car. V-delta/triangle/box-like craft paces car / low altitude. 3/5/1967 #21758  
 STARA ZAGORA, BULG Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / 45 minute(s). Sh 4/7/1967 #22085  
its arms and seems to be holding a box-like apparatus with a tube. Two thin 8/23/1967 #22905  
n thru) binoculars. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers and maneuvers / 30 10/3/1967 (approximate) #23169  
nder shiny metallic delta/triangle/box-like craft / high altitude. Notch /  11/15/1967 #23456  
ilots / car / US12. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Nears / low altit 12/14/1967 #23584  
rawings and photos. Delta/triangle/box-like craft "balloon" flies going wes 3/29/1968 #23867  
ude. Drops. Becomes delta/triangle/box-like craft! Odd maneuvers and away.  4/13/1968 #23904  
A Photograph taken. Delta/triangle/box-like craft / Skulte Airport. 12 smal 8/4/1968 #24293  
merous observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft with point going down [to 8/27/1968 #24385  
 Old wounds healed. Delta/triangle/box-like craft marks. / r5p102+/ LDLN#18 11/2/1968 #24621  
2 communists. Shiny delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers still / sky. No fu 4/26/1969 #25092  
A, ON 2 / car. Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft stops over car. Stars vis 7/25/1969 (approximate) #25298  
s going southeast / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. No structure v 9/1969 (approximate) #25345  
t. 2 silent glowing-delta/triangle/box-like crafts. Stop / mid-flight. Flas 9/24/1969 #25377  
-FERRAND, PDD Black delta/triangle/box-like craft / rounded top. 1.8M tall. 2/14/1970 #25581  
 right shoulder, and was holding a box-like object to his face with a peris 6/21/1970 #25704  
sic disk saucer and delta/triangle/box-like craft seen. / Novosti, Belgrade 10/8/1971 #26411  
ver(s). Saucers and delta/triangle/box-like crafts seen. Photographs and ne 10/9/1971 #26414  
ide the craft, who pointed a small box-like implement in his direction. The 10/11/1971 #26418  
) binoculars. Domed delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Object shoots goi 11/4/1971 #26456  
N Chest pains. Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft. Heavy orange-red stone f 3/10/1972 #26593  
2 observer(s). Slow delta/triangle/box-like craft Met / small dark object r 6/25/1972 #26729  
AY, RSA Saucers and delta/triangle/box-like crafts and cylinders / 2 hours. 7/2/1972 #26752  
, NATAL Dumbell and delta/triangle/box-like craft hover / sea. Pulses and d 7/3/1972 #26754  
MS TOWN, RSA Banana-delta/triangle/box-like crafts seen to 1430h. Fireballs 7/5/1972 #26769  
s flutter and orbit delta/triangle/box-like craft. All rise going quickly N 7/5/1972 #26771  
Shallow-domed manta-delta/triangle/box-like craft going southwest across sk 8/27/1972 #26960  
/ CORAM, NY Rounded delta/triangle/box-like craft with antenna between 2 ma 10/9/1972 #27060  
r(s). 6 tiny silent delta/triangle/box-like crafts going [to] 7km / 30 seco 10/11/1972 #27066  
sky. Night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. / r156#17.     10/13/1972 #27068  
 CORRALES, NM Wedge-delta/triangle/box-like craft beams going down / motorc 11/1972 #27102  
observer(s). Yellow delta/triangle/box-like craft going south / 10 minute(s 11/26/1972 #27143  
 4+1 observer(s). 2 delta/triangle/box-like crafts. 1 hovers / low. 1 lands 2/11/1973 #27281  
. UFO with antenna. Delta/triangle/box-like craft paces car.                2/11/1973 #27281  
Interference (RFI). Delta/triangle/box-like craft / 19 February. Night ligh 2/20/1973 #27300  
rotates. Going [to] delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] diamond going  3/16/1973 #27349  
inoculars. Apparent delta/triangle/box-like craft west 4 lights / trailing  5/24/1973 #27523  
team. Night lights. Delta/triangle/box-like craft / night lights = pseudo-p 5/25/1973 #27529  
 FR Hiss. Pie-slice delta/triangle/box-like craft over house. Rotates. Big  7/1973 #27606  
 TO/FROM TUEJAR, SP Delta/triangle/box-like craft sits / hill 20M / road. 1 8/1973 #27665  
hape and bullet and delta/triangle/box-like craft back next 2 days.         8/6/1973 #27686  
o] disk! going [to] delta/triangle/box-like craft.                          9/23/1973 #27854  
 SR118. Color domed delta/triangle/box-like craft / 3M altitude. Pseudo-hum 10/4/1973 #27931  
erver(s). Moon-size delta/triangle/box-like craft rises / 10 minute(s). Spe 10/13/1973 #28018  
everal observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / 150min. Going [t 10/21/1973 #28226  
nd with no features noticed except box-like feet. The pair moved in a clums 10/22/1973 #28244  
C Many observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / high altitude. S 10/25/1973 #28281  
k arcs going north. Delta/triangle/box-like craft exits back going west.    11/11/1973 #28404  
dows. A loud voice emanated from a box-like device in the corner of the roo 2/28/1974 #28825  
observer(s). Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft going quickly southwest l 3/2/1974 #28846  
s). Big silent grey delta/triangle/box-like craft going west. Stops. Turns  3/2/1974 #28849  
 / car. Dark silent delta/triangle/box-like craft stops. Apex up. Regular f 3/2/1974 #28850  
          AVION, FR Delta/triangle/box-like craft makes complex light signa 3/3/1974 #28852  
/ roadside. Pyramid delta/triangle/box-like craft going up / rocks. / LDLN# 3/15/1974 #28887  
/ car. Pink-glowing delta/triangle/box-like craft rises / trees. Row 3 10'  3/23/1974 #28932  
Silent 40' stingray delta/triangle/box-like craft / 3' altitude. Floodlight 9/1974 #29407  
GIUM 4 observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft 4 / 2 beams / front. West 9/10/1974 #29446  
erver(s). Grivignee delta/triangle/box-like craft seen / bottom. Guitar pic 9/10/1974 #29447  
esuit" sitting on a 0.6 meter wide box-like object that was swinging back a 11/15/1974 #29597  
 left of the road. The object is a box-like mass, 8 feet high and 9 feet wi 3/22/1975 #29916  
rate cars. Car-size delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers over water-tower.  4/3/1975 #29936  
, NC US13 / FR1703. Delta/triangle/box-like craft passes 350' over cop. Glo 4/4/1975 #29956  
RTH / ST. PAULS, NC Delta/triangle/box-like craft going quickly northeast o 4/4/1975 #29957  
 ROWLAND, NC US301. Delta/triangle/box-like craft seen / 3 cops / (seen thr 4/4/1975 #29959  
ACKSONVILLE, NC 60' delta/triangle/box-like craft going west and going nort 4/4/1975 #29961  
ST / WHITE LAKE, NC Delta/triangle/box-like craft buzzes patrol car. Cop fl 4/4/1975 #29962  
am and cops. Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft going north. Flashes red  4/5/1975 #29967  
    DUBLIN, NC Cop. Delta/triangle/box-like craft circles water tower. Stop 4/5/1975 #29969  
UTH / LUMBERTON, NC Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Lights electro-ma 4/8/1975 #29981  
bserver(s). Diamond delta/triangle/box-like craft going down / gravel road. 6/12/1975 #30097  
and several. Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft with 2 bright lights. Des 8/13/1975 #30260  
bserver(s). 3, 5, 8 delta/triangle/box-like crafts fly over sea. Go north a 8/29/1975 #30316  
UM 3 night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Change / row f 9/20/1975 #30373  
ops. Night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft hover and maneuver. Near  11/11/1975 #30597  
). Silent Lima-bean delta/triangle/box-like craft over woods. Goes overhead 1/19/1976 #30799  
p and several. Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft-saucer. Going east when s 1/19/1976 #30800  
N125. 30M arrowhead-delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / 30 degree angle. 4/1/1976 #30974  
 Silent 25M rounded delta/triangle/box-like craft / 15M altitude. Going dow 7/19/1976 #31173  
rver(s). Silver 45' delta/triangle/box-like craft searches house and golf c 8/18/1976 #31277  
ES, LANCS Girl / 9. Delta/triangle/box-like craft with lit corners. 60' alt 3/4/1977 #31856  
er/cigar-shape with delta/triangle/box-like craft fins up and down. Cigars  3/4/1977 #31857  
B Several lights in delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. At 2200hrs sam 4/15/1977 #31982  
R, SP 1 / car. Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft crosses highway / 100M al 4/30/1977 (approximate) #32038  
EDEN 2 observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft beams light going down /  5/6/1977 (approximate) #32061  
LLE, IN 2 boys. 90m delta/triangle/box-like craft passes overhead. 45m alti 7/1977 #32212  
 BRZ Bogea chased / delta/triangle/box-like craft. Abduction. Shown strange 8/10/1977 #32373  
arge silent rounded delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights hovers over s 8/28/1977 #32429  
e them clearly. He noticed a small box-like device standing on two poles th 9/15/1977 #32485  
RONGOTEA, NZ Double-delta/triangle/box-like craft follows 1 / car / 2 minut 9/18/1977 #32493  
LONDON Small orange delta/triangle/box-like craft over house grows / 2X / s 10/20/1977 #32593  
te observer(s). Big delta/triangle/box-like craft going east / low altitude 2/22/1978 #32988  
rver(s). Fast green delta/triangle/box-like craft. Ovoids zigzag. Cones / l 3/6/1978 #33017  
s / all directions. Delta/triangle/box-like crafts also. Possible missing t 4/5/1978 #33124  
 AND BLAGNAC, FR 2M delta/triangle/box-like craft / 5M altitude. Beam sweep 4/12/1978 #33143  
rate observer(s). 6 delta/triangle/box-like crafts over river. 10' ovoid. F 5/20/1978 #33229  
. Very large silent delta/triangle/box-like craft paces cars. Hovers.       6/10/1978 #33264  
-grey moon-size bat-delta/triangle/box-like craft going quickly northeast.  7/22/1978 #33408  
IWAN Astronomers. 2 delta/triangle/box-like crafts and 9 night lights in S. 9/4/1978 #33632  
 observer(s). Large delta/triangle/box-like craft and bullet with square wi 9/22/1978 #33726  
ver. Whistle. Domed delta/triangle/box-like craft follows power lines. Brea 10/1978 #33785  
VALE, TASM 4' green delta/triangle/box-like craft just over road. Taxi radi 11/9/1978 #33931  
r and ground crews. Delta/triangle/box-like craft paces plane to airport. B 11/23/1978 #33986  
gular overhead. 2nd delta/triangle/box-like craft / ground. Burns and deep  12/6/1978 #34060  
3M figure(s) / huge delta/triangle/box-like craft. Traces. / MJ#248 / Inter 12/6/1978 #34063  
, IL 2 teens. Small delta/triangle/box-like craft-winged double fuselage pl 12/14/1978 #34115  
/ observer(s). Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft chases 2 military jets. M 12/16/1978 #34145  
and RADAR and film. Delta/triangle/box-like craft and saucer and globes. Te 12/30/1978 #34229  
  NEAR AUBURN, MA 3 delta/triangle/box-like crafts over I90. AM and CB radi 1/5/1979 #34297  
). Night lights and delta/triangle/box-like crafts all over/all about. Some 3/9/1979 #34471  
m anybody.” The voice comes from a box-like apparatus on their backs. He is 5/16/1979 #34563  
observation). Black delta/triangle/box-like craft maneuvers. Turns and gone 5/28/1979 (approximate) #34593  
O, ON Cylinders and delta/triangle/box-like crafts / 2 days. Girl / 14+man  8/4/1979 #34708  
 boat. Swallow-tail delta/triangle/box-like craft zigzags. Headlight / fron 9/14/1979 #34873  
/cylindrical object-delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers nose-up over power 12/4/1979 #35048  
GA 4 teens / car. 4 delta/triangle/box-like crafts with round bottoms going 7/2/1980 #35400  
    PINE BUSH, NY 7 delta/triangle/box-like crafts cavort and land / field  7/18/1980 #35417  
ng [to] slow. Small delta/triangle/box-like craft exits and circles. All va 8/20/1980 #35468  
UNTAIN, TX Campers. Delta/triangle/box-like craft / 40m altitude hums. Goin 9/13/1980 #35519  
        MORENCI, AZ Delta/triangle/box-like craft over smelter. Bright beam 10/23/1980 #35580  
, IN Cop. 30m black delta/triangle/box-like craft 60m away. 5 small humanoi 11/1/1980 #35603  
reds and cops. Huge delta/triangle/box-like crafts and cigars / 22 towns /  11/18/1980 #35648  
   SADDLE BROOK, NJ Delta/triangle/box-like craft follows car from here to  12/11/1980 #35710  
LESHAM FOREST, ENGL Delta/triangle/box-like craft back. Well observed and t 12/26/1980 #35735  
WOODBRIDGE, ENG 12' delta/triangle/box-like craft / ground. Electro-magneti 12/27/1980 #35740  
2 observer(s). Blue delta/triangle/box-like craft rotates and wobbles going 12/27/1980 #35741  
being was a meter and a half tall, box-like in shape, and appeared metallic 2/13/1981 #35827  
(s). Dog Acts up. 3 delta/triangle/box-like crafts and 3 night lights play  3/21/1981 #35869  
 observer(s). Large delta/triangle/box-like craft follows truck / miles. Be 5/12/1981 #35932  
s going southwest / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. 2 more north g 7/27/1981 #36037  
   SARNIA, ONT Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft going quickly west over R 9/14/1981 #36115  
, CA 6+observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft too large and slow for pl 9/18/1981 #36124  
 SR23. 3 bright 50' delta/triangle/box-like crafts / low altitude. Going [t 9/18/1981 #36125  
 CA Family. Rounded delta/triangle/box-like crafts. 1 going [to] over house 10/6/1981 #36160  
ny observer(s). 4-5 delta/triangle/box-like crafts change shape. Give light 11/12/1981 #36217  
er(s). Bicycle-seat delta/triangle/box-like craft low and slow. Roar. Vibra 1/31/1982 #36316  
Odd space-shuttle / delta/triangle/box-like craft follows treeline / 100' a 2/1982 #36318  
    BAKERSFIELD, VT Delta/triangle/box-like craft follows car home. Going [ 2/8/1982 #36324  
. Very large silent delta/triangle/box-like craft follows car closely down  3/22/1982 #36407  
s). Odd shaped cone delta/triangle/box-like craft. Rays / all directions. A 3/23/1982 #36409  
 exit and fly away. Delta/triangle/box-like craft quickly going up / sky. N 4/1/1982 #36424  
 3 observer(s). Red delta/triangle/box-like craft attracted / lights. 2 nig 4/1/1982 #36425  
e. Semi-transparent delta/triangle/box-like craft northwest going quickly s 5/5/1982 #36463  
ver(s). Huge silent delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / minutes. Wind so 7/22/1982 #36543  
/ bus. Silent manta-delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Tilts / rear. Man 10/2/1982 #36627  
, NY 6 observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft over reservoir. Tilts nos 3/17/1983 #36786  
ng UFO. Cop follows delta/triangle/box-like craft going north / Taconic Par 3/17/1983 #36787  
, NY 100+cops. 200' delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Going quickly nor 3/24/1983 #36794  
ND PUTNAM CNTYS, NY Delta/triangle/box-like crafts and triangles and colore 4/15/1983 #36840  
ic effects). Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft / sky. Away faster than p 6/17/1983 #36882  
er(s). Huge ovoid / delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Zooms off. / APRO 8/21/1983 #36955  
, NY Engineer. 100' delta/triangle/box-like craft / 15' altitude. Repeatedl 10/28/1983 #37025  
ver(s). 15 747-size delta/triangle/box-like crafts singly and in pairs. Cop 2/1/1984 #37173  
 / Taconic Parkway. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Going northeast t 3/25/1984 #37242  
 1 observer. Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft with 2 headlights passes  3/29/1984 #37247  
A 3 / car. 300' and delta/triangle/box-like craft 100' over American Canyon 4/25/1984 #37289  
(s). Slow 300' grey delta/triangle/box-like craft-cylinder/cigar-shape / tr 5/20/1984 #37336  
NY 1 / car. Diamond-delta/triangle/box-like craft goes over car / RTE 9A an 6/13/1984 #37357  
      PEEKSKILL, NY Delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights on all 3 side 6/14/1984 #37358  
ar. Silent 747-size delta/triangle/box-like craft swoops going down. 180-tu 7/15/1984 #37398  
CTOR, NY Very large delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers 300' over active v 7/24/1984 #37409  
noculars. Arrowhead delta/triangle/box-like craft west tail fuselage / angl 8/20/1984 #37435  
MN 2 observer(s). 2 delta/triangle/box-like crafts going east low over powe 10/24/1984 (approximate) #37491  
3 observer(s). 150' delta/triangle/box-like craft with cone / light going d 11/26/1984 #37509  
hway 52 drive under delta/triangle/box-like craft. In sight / 45 minute(s). 8/3/1985 #37636  
l object with large delta/triangle/box-like craft fins follows power lines. 8/18/1985 #37646  
     WEST HAVEN, CT Delta/triangle/box-like craft flies over beach. Observe 10/16/1985 #37682  
TON, OH 1 observer. Delta/triangle/box-like craft with many lights going do 10/18/1985 #37686  
N TO/FROM ROUEN, FR Delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights. Sudden jumps 10/20/1985 #37688  
. Huge silent white delta/triangle/box-like craft with blue lights covers 2 11/12/1985 #37702  
observer(s). Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers over homes. 2nd ob 11/21/1985 #37713  
nes swamped. Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft with blinking lights all  11/22/1985 #37717  
ing [to] cops. Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft. Cylinder/cigar-shape wit 1/9/1986 #37759  
NGTON, CT 300' slow delta/triangle/box-like craft. Red light detaches-circl 1/9/1986 #37760  
y observer(s). Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft up and down Naugatuck Val 1/9/1986 #37761  
 observer(s). Large delta/triangle/box-like craft with amber lights maneuve 1/23/1986 #37769  
Large bright golden delta/triangle/box-like craft 1 mile away. Hovers / 10  1/28/1986 #37772  
NGTOWN, PA 3 / car. Delta/triangle/box-like craft sails right down US30. Ho 3/25/1986 #37808  
Cops and 20. Bright delta/triangle/box-like crafts over reservoir. Passing  4/20/1986 #37825  
calls / police etc. Delta/triangle/box-like crafts hover and shoot away. Ul 5/29/1986 #37897  
umanoid (or Grey) / delta/triangle/box-like craft. Marked map / N. America  5/30/1986 #37899  
 6 observer(s). 40' delta/triangle/box-like craft with colored lights hover 6/20/1986 #37916  
A 1 observer. Large delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Size = 747 jet. S 8/12/1986 #37982  
 observer(s). Large delta/triangle/box-like craft over rancho Seco Nuclear  8/27/1986 #38001  
 going down. Also 6 delta/triangle/box-like crafts / 28 August!             8/27/1986 #38001  
         MENDON, MI Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers over car. Many lig 9/5/1986 #38014  
, WA 4 observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft / southwest sky north goi 9/11/1986 #38023  
-magnetic effects). Delta/triangle/box-like craft going down. Small humanoi 10/1986 #38037  
O, NC 2 / airliner. Delta/triangle/box-like craft and small objects right o 10/12/1986 #38045  
, AZ 7 observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft flies on side. Smoothly n 11/15/1986 #38065  
ver(s). Bright gold delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / 10 minute(s). Go 1/6/1987 #38093  
er(s). Silent manta-delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] overhead. Pace 3/7/1987 #38131  
e observer(s). Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft with many lights. Lit cro 8/4/1987 #38227  
everal observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft makes silent U-turn overh 10/9/1987 #38301  
r. Silent 20' brown delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] low and slow j 12/26/1987 #38374  
). Very large black delta/triangle/box-like craft / 20' altitude follows po 2/10/1988 #38450  
URG, PA 1 observer. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / 20' altitude. Sm 2/14/1988 #38464  
r-shape emits small delta/triangle/box-like crafts near nuclear plant. USAF 3/4/1988 #38483  
boys. Grey car-size delta/triangle/box-like craft 300mph / treetop level. P 5/20/1988 #38571  
tall. Silent silver delta/triangle/box-like craft / woods. Treetops move /  9/25/1988 #38648  
PLACE, IN Arrowhead-delta/triangle/box-like craft / odd maneuvers. Fuses Bl 12/4/1988 #38736  
APOLIS, IN 2 / car. Delta/triangle/box-like craft maneuvers / fantastic spe 12/4/1988 #38737  
/ observer(s). Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft swallows 2 F14S! Splits / 12/28/1988 #38761  
e hour procession / delta/triangle/box-like crafts etc. Night lights dance  1/24/1989 #38799  
/ boat. Silent 150' delta/triangle/box-like craft flips over. 90° turn goin 1/30/1989 #38806  
 photographs banana-delta/triangle/box-like craft. 12 March-extremely large 3/9/1989 #38867  
N RESERVOIR, NC Red delta/triangle/box-like craft / 1000' going down [to] 3 8/8/1989 #39043  
anslucent white 75' delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers over trees. Back / 8/22/1989 #39067  
erver(s) / balcony. Delta/triangle/box-like craft of red night lights over  8/23/1989 #39070  
military jets chase delta/triangle/box-like craft.                          10/14/1989 #39172  
IRE Cop and family. Delta/triangle/box-like craft covered / lights hovers o 10/23/1989 #39181  
 nearly transparent delta/triangle/box-like craft. 2 spots quickly going do 10/26/1989 #39186  
ERTZ, BLG Huge dark delta/triangle/box-like craft / rectangular-box shaped  11/28/1989 #39253  
IUM 1 observer. Odd-delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / 250M altitude. 2 11/29/1989 #39257  
E, BELGIUM 2 / car. Delta/triangle/box-like craft going east. Turns southwe 11/29/1989 #39259  
] 20 cops and many. Delta/triangle/box-like craft / huge lights / corners.  11/29/1989 #39262  
ball drop from huge delta/triangle/box-like craft.                          11/29/1989 #39267  
2 observer(s). Dark delta/triangle/box-like craft between and over houses.  11/29/1989 #39268  
EN, BELGIUM 2 cops. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / roads. Faint noi 11/29/1989 #39269  
re/orb/globe exits. Delta/triangle/box-like craft going northeast. / FSRv35 11/29/1989 #39269  
PLOMBIERES, BELGIUM Delta/triangle/box-like craft passes low over roadway.  11/30/1989 #39279  
bserver(s). Rounded delta/triangle/box-like craft / low altitude. Lights tu 12/1/1989 #39290  
rver(s). Silent 10M delta/triangle/box-like craft with 3 lights. Tilts 45°  12/21/1989 #39324  
BELGIUM Rigid manta-delta/triangle/box-like craft going east / 100M altitud 12/24/1989 #39337  
UM 2600 sightings / delta/triangle/box-like craft objects. 300+good observe 1990 #39347  
RKS 1 observer. 20' delta/triangle/box-like craft with tailfin! Banks and t 1/9/1990 #39371  
erver / car. Saucer-delta/triangle/box-like craft circles Fermi nuclear fac 2/11/1990 #39415  
g rectangle hovers. Delta/triangle/box-like craft then a saucer land / tree 2/14/1990 #39418  
  FLEMALLE, BELGIUM Delta/triangle/box-like craft. Windows / rounded front. 2/15/1990 #39419  
 FR 2+2 kids. Black delta/triangle/box-like craft with arrowhead-nose. 35M  3/16/1990 #39464  
ver(s). Dark silent delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights / corners. Ba 3/18/1990 #39466  
ge metallic mass (2 delta/triangle/box-like crafts together) drops slowly b 3/20/1990 #39468  
, BELGIUM 2+kids. 2 delta/triangle/box-like crafts / roadside. 40 minute(s) 3/24/1990 #39483  
UM Civilians report delta/triangle/box-like craft. Glons and Ghent RADAR's  3/30/1990 #39492  
 Blips to 1010 kts. Delta/triangle/box-like crafts and night lights. F16s c 3/31/1990 #39501  
 FL 2 / bay bridge. Delta/triangle/box-like craft over N. shore. Observer(s 4/10/1990 #39515  
). 3 night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation NNW going quick 4/18/1990 #39533  
FR Scientist and 1. Delta/triangle/box-like craft with red lights comes in  5/1/1990 #39548  
rver(s). 3 globes / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation buck and flash  5/2/1990 #39549  
LLE, FR 1 observer. Delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights front and rea 5/2/1990 #39550  
TRY, FR 1 observer. Delta/triangle/box-like craft with "loose yellow spotli 5/4/1990 #39553  
, BC 3+observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like crafts seen during meteor showe 5/7/1990 (approximate) #39563  
hey noticed him, they pulled out a box-like device from behind and aerial a 5/18/1990 #39576  
 observer(s). Large delta/triangle/box-like craft overhead. Faint humming.  5/21/1990 #39579  
SIDE 2 observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft seen / (seen thru) binocu 7/13/1990 #39643  
BYCHEV, RUSSIA Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft. Possible penetration / M 9/13/1990 #39728  
ops and 2 boys. 70' delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] over parking L 10/1990 #39754  
R, CA 1 observer. 3 delta/triangle/box-like crafts going quickly west from  10/3/1990 #39758  
nd lights surrounds delta/triangle/box-like craft. Hartcliffe area going [t 10/11/1990 #39775  
observer(s). Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft / 150m altitude flies ove 10/11/1990 #39776  
balls and 3 glowing delta/triangle/box-like crafts / linear formation going 10/11/1990 #39777  
going quickly west. Delta/triangle/box-like craft blinks / front.           10/11/1990 #39777  
n thru) binoculars. Delta/triangle/box-like craft? (hazy edges). Zigzags. I 10/11/1990 #39779  
 trajectories. Also delta/triangle/box-like craft 2 miles away. / r237p130. 10/24/1990 #39809  
TER, CA 1 observer. Delta/triangle/box-like craft slowly maneuvers / 10 min 10/25/1990 #39811  
erver(s). Long thin delta/triangle/box-like craft low and slow. Going quick 11/5/1990 #39828  
ny observer(s). Big delta/triangle/box-like craft / low altitude. Going qui 11/5/1990 #39838  
object and blinking delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] east-northeast 11/5/1990 #39839  
'ISLE ADAM, FR Dark delta/triangle/box-like craft makes 90° and 300° turns. 11/5/1990 #39849  
ight lights / rigid delta/triangle/box-like craft formation blink / unison. 11/5/1990 #39855  
ver(s). Dark bullet-delta/triangle/box-like craft extends tubes / light tha 11/5/1990 #39858  
ical engineer. Dark delta/triangle/box-like craft object with 3 lights goin 11/5/1990 #39859  
. Dark "coathanger" delta/triangle/box-like craft. Lights / edges. Yellow b 11/6/1990 #39874  
IQUIN, NSW 5 / car. Delta/triangle/box-like crafts hover and play. 1 lands  11/6/1990 #39878  
30h / Clacton. Same delta/triangle/box-like craft over pier.                11/22/1990 #39895  
 1 observer. Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft northeast going southwest 12/3/1990 #39920  
parate observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers near auto auction  1/3/1991 #39945  
 Huge rounded black delta/triangle/box-like craft-saucer / low altitude. Ri 1/16/1991 #39955  
 observer(s). Manta-delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / several min. Dar 1/23/1991 #39964  
(s). 15 2' lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation just over trees 2/22/1991 #39981  
 / car. Red-glowing delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights. White halo.  3/3/1991 #39992  
 AND PA Many pilots delta/triangle/box-like craft-fireball on side. Overfli 3/6/1991 #39994  
hs small saucer and delta/triangle/box-like craft. Liner chases / 9 minute( 3/18/1991 #40019  
) to 0040h. Rounded delta/triangle/box-like crafts / 1000' altitude. 6x siz 5/22/1991 #40072  
s / observer(s). 15 delta/triangle/box-like crafts / sky. Photographs and v 6/2/1991 #40081  
    CENTERVILLE, IN Delta/triangle/box-like craft lands / yard. Observer(s) 6/8/1991 #40088  
bound / US22. Large delta/triangle/box-like craft low / roadside. Partly tr 8/30/1991 #40173  
AIN, ARK Very large delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Tilts on end. Red 10/8/1991 #40207  
more/others. Silver delta/triangle/box-like craft beams and retracts light. 11/13/1991 #40227  
retracts light. 2nd delta/triangle/box-like crafts circle lake. 6 more delt 11/13/1991 #40227  
circle lake. 6 more delta/triangle/box-like crafts.                         11/13/1991 #40227  
. Silent white 360m delta/triangle/box-like craft / 450m altitude. Grid / l 11/14/1991? #40229  
  PETROGRAD, RUSSIA Delta/triangle/box-like craft high over houses. Apparen 11/17/1991 #40233  
eparate sightings / delta/triangle/box-like crafts. 2nd / 1900hrs. Rumbles  2/5/1992 #40315  
SPORT, PA Very loud delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] low and slow o 2/5/1992 #40316  
  COGAN STATION, PA Delta/triangle/box-like craft seen here also. Noise. An 2/5/1992 #40317  
ver. House rumbles. Delta/triangle/box-like craft overhead. Animals freak.  2/5/1992 #40318  
(s). Houses rumble. Delta/triangle/box-like craft outside. Animals freak ou 2/5/1992 #40319  
LLE, BELGIUM Bright delta/triangle/box-like craft peeks / clouds over large 2/11/1992 #40327  
l observer(s). Slow delta/triangle/box-like craft passes horizon going [to] 3/3/1992 #40344  
LD, IN Bright white delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers 15m / cornfield. V 3/3/1992 #40346  
EST AUSTRALIA Large delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights / corners fol 3/5/1992 #40355  
HAMAR, NORWAY Domed delta/triangle/box-like craft over road. 2 small humano 3/9/1992 #40366  
 PROVIDENCE, RI 30' delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers 30' over road. Hum 4/4/1992 #40409  
CHELYABINSK, RUSSIA Delta/triangle/box-like craft descends over houses. Bea 4/12/1992 (approximate) #40413  
 PROVIDENCE, RI 30' delta/triangle/box-like craft follows "repeat abductee" 4/18/1992 #40422  
, PA Houses rumble. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / 5 minute(s) over 5/2/1992 #40445  
ad / one hour. Dark delta/triangle/box-like craft inside..                  5/24/1992 #40471  
ope. Night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation maneuver in sta 5/26/1992 #40474  
nary night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Go out in sequ 6/1/1992 #40479  
ry flat domed black delta/triangle/box-like craft going quickly north extre 6/20/1992 #40499  
k. 9 night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Hisses. 4 good 7/4/1992 #40512  
 pilot sees 4 white delta/triangle/box-like crafts / V-formation.           7/20/1992 #40529  
l observer(s). 200M delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] over house / 3 8/4/1992 (approximate) #40549  
rists / US22. Large delta/triangle/box-like craft / 150' altitude over cars 8/14/1992 #40570  
 Large black silent delta/triangle/box-like craft rotates slowly over trees 8/15/1992 #40574  
ach. 3 red lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation going south / v 8/20/1992 #40585  
DE 2 observer(s). 2 delta/triangle/box-like crafts connected by cylinder/cy 9/10/1992 #40614  
 appear attached to delta/triangle/box-like craft object. Moves away slowly 10/25/1992 (approximate) #40691  
 alarms. 250' x200' delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] over truck. 7  10/27/1992 #40692  
 BRZ 1 observer. 5M delta/triangle/box-like craft 80M away with 11 dim whit 11/3/1992 #40702  
ver(s). Huge silent delta/triangle/box-like craft and several night lights  11/26/1992 #40731  
IAEGER, WV 2 / car. Delta/triangle/box-like craft 75M overhead going [to] b 12/1/1992 #40738  
everal observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft. Sphere bounces / sky. No 12/4/1992 #40740  
ueen. Large diamond-delta/triangle/box-like craft with squared back going q 12/18/1992 #40751  
more/others. Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft with bright beams going [ 12/24/1992 #40766  
lent metallic manta-delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers 55M overhead. Many 1/10/1993 #40791  
 only by a faint outline. A golden box-like object appeared to be attached  1/19/1993 #40802  
s observer(s). 900' delta/triangle/box-like craft responds / telepathy and  2/1/1993 #40829  
cers and cigars and delta/triangle/box-like crafts and more/others. Wave co 3/1993 #40869  
AZ 2 observer(s). 3 delta/triangle/box-like crafts or domed saucers bob goi 3/24/1993 #40897  
 ROBLIN, MBA Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft / 30M altitude. Bright wh 6/8/1993 #41009  
KAMLOOPS, BC Wave / delta/triangle/box-like crafts and night lights to 18 A 7/26/1993 #41089  
s to 18 August when delta/triangle/box-like craft lands / hilltop. Duration 7/26/1993 #41089  
WSTEAD ABBEY, NOTTS Delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] over 4 / car.  9/4/1993 #41179  
, FR Night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation low in sky. Sev 9/7/1993 #41186  
rver(s). 300M black delta/triangle/box-like craft. White lights / corners a 9/26/1993 #41210  
1 observer. Blazing delta/triangle/box-like craft just over Nabbs Lane roof 11/14/1993 #41274  
, PA 4 hunters. 20M delta/triangle/box-like craft going up / field when hit 11/22/1993 #41295  
observer(s). Silent delta/triangle/box-like crafts / night lights. Hover /  12/12/1993 #41329  
, LINCS Huge silent delta/triangle/box-like craft near M-wave dishes. Sever 1/4/1994 #41358  
OPANGA, CA 2 / car. Delta/triangle/box-like craft going southeast over car  1/16/1994 #41374  
ght lights. Saucer. Delta/triangle/box-like craft. Beams. Telepathy! Very c 1/19/1994 #41376  
, CA 1 / car. 100+' delta/triangle/box-like craft low and slow over US101 f 3/1994 #41431  
es / window. Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft oscillates outside. Radio 3/5/1994 #41438  
ghts and saucer and delta/triangle/box-like craft-blips maneuver widely. Go 3/8/1994 #41447  
car. Vibrant bright delta/triangle/box-like craft with 1 side curved. Hover 3/20/1994 #41462  
ND, BC Large silent delta/triangle/box-like craft going northeast slowly ov 4/1994 #41468  
bserver(s). Diamond delta/triangle/box-like craft south going quickly north 4/6/1994 #41478  
 2 observer(s). 18' delta/triangle/box-like craft glows and searches. Groun 4/14/1994 #41491  
observer(s). Series delta/triangle/box-like crafts to 0600hrs. Silent. Ligh 5/11/1994 #41522  
COTLAND Solid metal delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / field / several  6/18/1994 #41571  
 going quickly [to] delta/triangle/box-like craft. Lights / edge.           7/6/1994 (approximate) #41608  
ular night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft form going southeast / 20 7/31/1994 #41648  
MO 3 observer(s). V-delta/triangle/box-like craft follows turns / road with 8/23/1994 #41685  
elescope. Slow grey delta/triangle/box-like craft-cloud going east. Subtend 8/27/1994 #41692  
inute(s). Honeycomb delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Vanishes! / r98#2 8/28/1994 #41696  
ber? 3 observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft of night lights large and 9/7/1994? #41721  
5 observer(s). Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Green fireballs f 9/9/1994 #41728  
CITY, MI 3 / truck. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / cornfield. Light 10/10/1994 #41797  
ver(s). Silent 600' delta/triangle/box-like craft goes right over house. Do 10/11/1994 #41799  
parate observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft / night lights circles ho 10/14/1994 #41804  
USSEX 1 / car. Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft goes overhead / 150' alti 10/24/1994 #41810  
Night light drops / delta/triangle/box-like craft. Slow going down [to] and 10/28/1994 #41814  
oing up [to] again. Delta/triangle/box-like craft zigzags going quickly sou 10/28/1994 #41814  
ny observer(s). 100 delta/triangle/box-like crafts and night lights etc. sw 11/6/1994 #41839  
STA, CA 1 observer. Delta/triangle/box-like craft formation / night lights  11/22/1994 #41858  
 Luminous Isoscoles delta/triangle/box-like craft with blunt point up. 5 po 11/24/1994 #41864  
, TN Farmer. Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft going southeast. Turns go 11/28/1994 #41867  
0+observer(s). 100' delta/triangle/box-like craft / rooftop level and 400'  11/28/1994 #41868  
parate observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft circles house 4X / 150' a 11/28/1994 #41869  
everal observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft with colored lights sound 12/13/1994 #41893  
server(s). 747 size delta/triangle/box-like craft / colored lights. Big fla 1/7/1995 #41960  
). Luminous/glowing delta/triangle/box-like craft beams lights going down.  1/22/1995 #41987  
         IAEGER, WV Delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] backwards. Sma 1/27/1995 #41998  
HIRE 2 observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft with 5 lights / underside 3/16/1995 #42108  
e as recent Belgian delta/triangle/box-like craft.                          3/16/1995 #42108  
RVILLE, SHROPS Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft with rounded rear covers  3/25/1995 #42115  
. Equilateral/equal delta/triangle/box-like craft north going quickly south 4/4/1995 #42139  
LE, IL 2 / car. 50M delta/triangle/box-like craft / 300m altitude? Car malf 4/20/1995 #42162  
rver(s). Dull white delta/triangle/box-like craft with orange bottom. Nears 5/7/1995 #42184  
hD and 2 sons / I5. Delta/triangle/box-like craft going north descending. L 5/19/1995 #42215  
IN Top-saucer here. Delta/triangle/box-like crafts follow tornado and avoid 6/8/1995 #42243  
AZ 2 backpackers. 2 delta/triangle/box-like crafts circle 16K' over peak. 1 7/1/1995 #42287  
2+observer(s). Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft and 4 disks / low altitud 7/9/1995 #42294  
 / several days. 50 delta/triangle/box-like crafts / low altitude. Military 7/23/1995 (approximate) #42319  
ast. Pulses. Turns. Delta/triangle/box-like craft back / 15 August / 0430hr 8/14/1995 #42382  
 / farm. 3 ovoids / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation reappear severa 10/1995 #42522  
etlike whine. Large delta/triangle/box-like craft outside. Changes shape! N 10/19/1995 #42558  
r. Intensely bright delta/triangle/box-like craft rests / roadside. Rises a 11/18/1995 #42605  
ek 750' away. Black delta/triangle/box-like craft east going quickly west.  11/18/1995 #42607  
N Wave / ovoids and delta/triangle/box-like crafts and night lights. Videos 1/1996 #42660  
rver(s) and videos. Delta/triangle/box-like craft = "inverted steam-iron".  1/25/1996 #42710  
ar collision / huge delta/triangle/box-like craft. On NORAD Doppler radar.  3/3/1996 #42800  
AR HILL, TX 2 boys. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. 2 more join. 6 or 3/3/1996 #42801  
 join. 6 orbs join. Delta/triangle/box-like crafts going up. Orbs going [to 3/3/1996 #42801  
 MORE/OTHERS, FR 2M delta/triangle/box-like craft-fireball going quickly so 8/1/1996 #42969  
r. Luminous/glowing delta/triangle/box-like craft bobs going up and down [t 10/3/1996 #43049  
NE, FR Black silent delta/triangle/box-like craft stops. Turns toward(s) Br 12/5/1996 #43131  
E, QLD White-yellow delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / sea. Lights / un 2/27/1997 #43211  
iamond and triangle delta/triangle/box-like crafts dart to and fro / incred 4/24/1997 #43275  
) binoculars. Wedge-delta/triangle/box-like craft / 1k'. Stops overhead. Go 5/2/1997 #43285  
 / farm. 22M double delta/triangle/box-like craft low / field. Observers fo 6/9/1997 #43320  
CO Several / hotel. Delta/triangle/box-like crafts and orbs and night light 6/15/1997 #43323  
server(s). Black 3M delta/triangle/box-like craft going quickly east. Turns 6/18/1997 #43326  
RK, IA 3 / car. 20M delta/triangle/box-like craft / 60M altitude. Hyena hit 8/7/1997 #43372  
3 / UFO group. Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft going south toward(s) Met 9/4/1997 #43393  
server(s) / window. Delta/triangle/box-like craft and saucer outside. Both  9/6/1997 #43397  
bserver(s). Glowing delta/triangle/box-like craft. Corner lights alternate  2/5/1998 #43513  
400M silent glowing-delta/triangle/box-like craft going NNW / 80kph edge le 9/7/1998 #43642  
 8-10 giant rounded delta/triangle/box-like crafts going north overhead. Or 12/27/1998 #43705  
 die. Humming. Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft 30M overhead. AOK after.  2/20/1999 #43731  
r(s). Very luminous delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / water plant. Awa 8/21/1999 #43828  
Woman age 87. Large delta/triangle/box-like craft buzzes overhead. Blue-bea 8/22/1999 #43829  
QUE, IA Pilot. Dark delta/triangle/box-like craft flies grid north going qu 8/23/1999 #43833  
, CT Cops and many. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers 30M over construct 9/20/1999 #43847  
N, MO 4 / I44. Dark delta/triangle/box-like craft over rest stop. Observers 12/25/1999 #43902  
ig rounded triangle-delta/triangle/box-like craft very low over 4 / camp. O 10/27/2000 #44062  
2 disks going east. Delta/triangle/box-like craft / midst. Going west again 1/31/2002 #44312  
 BAY, NS Huge black delta/triangle/box-like craft blocks stars. Going north 8/13/2002 #44380  
## Word: "box-object" (Back to Top)
    NEAR GRAZ, AUSTRIA 1 observer. Box-object projects 4 tapering beams / l 3/26/1973 #27378  
## Word: "box-robot" (Back to Top)
 lights maneuver. Dog barks. 140cm box-robot barks too! Traces / dirt.      2/13/1981 #35825  
## Word: "box-shape" (Back to Top)
 AIR FORCE BASE, CA V-bright white box-shape. Larger / 747. Altitude = 30K' 3/12/1988 #38500  
        NOUMEA, NEW CALEDONIA Blue box-shape arcs down and away going quick 7/24/1993 #41080  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Box-shape over satellite dish! Hums. Sai 8/10/1994 #41666  
## Word: "box-shaped" (Back to Top)
 garden when he comes upon a large box-shaped device with a small, centrall Summer 1901 #645  
und Fairfax, New Zealand. It had a box-shaped cabin on the bottom, center,  7/31/1909 #795  
o investigate. They find a strange box-shaped object, large enough to have  Summer 1962 #17239  
Then, about 30 feet away, a second box-shaped object, about 10 feet long an 11/13/1965 #19719  
ec, France when he saw a luminous, box-shaped UFO rise from the roadside. T 1/16/1966 #19841  
w Hampshire a witness saw a brown, box-shaped object with silvery tripod le 3/29/1966 #20142  
mes, then shot off to the south. A box-shaped object was then seen flying n 1/5/1967 #21262  
own on the ground. Up in the sky a box-shaped or rectangular object hung in 6/30/1967 #22580  
ve foot by twelve foot by ten foot box-shaped object in an oilfield in Drum 9/23/1971 #26369  
                  At 15 meter wide box-shaped object with a dome on top hov 2/19/1973 #27299  
                                 A box-shaped object approximately 8 feet i 12/2/1973 #28506  
 a luminous glow. It was wearing a box-shaped helmet that framed a dark squ 4/24/1977 #32021  
         At 3:10 a.m. a large dark box-shaped object shot up from the groun 5/28/1977 #32139  
ide to tell her that he had seen a box-shaped aircraft, like "a little hous 5/17/1978 #33223  
ide to tell her that he had seen a box-shaped aircraft, like "a little hous 5/17/1978 #33225  
r reporter, and his wife watched a box-shaped, noiseless object at Russell  9/2/1978 #33628  
aped object that emitted a smaller box-shaped object northwest of Maricopa, 9/9/1979 #34857  
a, Italy carrying a forked tool. A box-shaped UFO took off vertically and f 10/8/1984 #37481  
ue. The object seemed to be a huge box-shaped craft with three lights, whic 2/11/1988 #38458  
                            A dark box-shaped UFO landed in a swamp in Vict 8/20/1990 #39694  
t 10:45 p.m. over York, England at box-shaped object hovered over a satelli 8/10/1994 #41668  
 over the same field. Large white, box-shaped objects and "people" were obs 5/7/1995 #42188  
## Word: "box-shapes" (Back to Top)
glides inland going north. Several box-shapes glow / bottom/underside.      7/22/1998 #43613  
## Word: "box-sphere" (Back to Top)
 CAVALERIE, FR Several cops. Weird box-sphere/orb/globe changes shape. Vibr 3/5/1974 #28862  
## Word: "box-ufo" (Back to Top)
uction / 4 5' men. Many birds / 5M box-UFO. / International UFO Reporter (C 5/17/1978 #33222  
ST / ANDERSON, SC Teen photographs box-UFO. Going quickly northeast. Photog 10/8/1978 #33809  
## Word: "boxcar" (Back to Top)
ectangular object “like a railroad boxcar” with no apparent source of propu Late 8/1944 #1646  
ar-shape going south slow. "Flying boxcar" follows. Jet going quickly north 5/24/1957 #13675  
haped like an illuminated railroad boxcar. As they came close to it, the ob 5/12/1962 #17166  
r portion followed a C-119 "flying boxcar" transport plane over Waltham, Ma 10/7/1964 #18575  
MASS Several groups / observer(s). Boxcar size ovoid circles slowly. Enters 4/17/1966 #20308  
e object was shaped like a tapered boxcar and flame was coming out the rear 3/12/1967 #21869  
a disc-shaped object as large as a boxcar moving at about 90 feet above the 12/12/1967 #23575  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Boxcar” Yield: 1300KT                    4/26/1968 #23925  
 and several separate observer(s). Boxcar UFO buzzes car. Going down / corn 8/4/1973 #27677  
ular "and had the shape of a large boxcar," Sedgwick said. He described it  8/4/1973 #27678  
r. Rumble / 3 minute(s). Invisible boxcar of night lights. Red flashes / re 10/18/1973 #28158  
lliantly lit object the “size of a boxcar” following Maki up the slope. Whe Mid 2/1977 #31817  
equency Interference (RFI)? Flying boxcar covered / lights crosses field /  3/30/1978 #33099  
                         A "flying boxcar" covered with lights crossed a fi 3/30/1978 #33102  
## Word: "boxcar-shaped" (Back to Top)
            At 10:00 p.m. a flying boxcar-shaped UFO buzzed a car with thre 8/4/1973 #27682  
## Word: "boxcar-sized" (Back to Top)
rcycle on patrol when he spotted a boxcar-sized object hovering at about 3, 3/9/1967 #21832  
## Word: "boxed-in" (Back to Top)
ght-bulb shape. Irregular motion. "Boxed-in light beam".                    12/28/1976 #31634  
## Word: "boxer" (Back to Top)
sort of trunk. When a man sicced a boxer dog onto the dwarfs, the animal tu 11/8/1954 #11596  
sort of trunk. When a man sicced a boxer dog onto the dwarfs, the animal tu 11/8/1954 #11602  
## Word: "boxes" (Back to Top)
r three are about the size of shoe boxes. They are so light that it feels a 7/8/1947 #3019  
l collars, and small, black, shiny boxes on their backs. They had helmets u 8/18/1953 #9080  
tal collars, and small black shiny boxes connected to the collars on the ba 8/18/1953 #9081  
kids. Saucer and 'ghost'. Aluminum boxes walk. Traces. / Flying Saucer Revi 9/27/1954 #10465  
. The creature had two pear-shaped boxes under his arms that may have assis 10/4/1954 #10703  
esuits exited the craft. Both wore boxes on their chests. Mr. Droguet was p 5/14/1955 #12132  
ng down. 10+men work on 1st. Large boxes and cables. Subassembly. / r193#04 11/25/1964 #18634  
ur hours. Some of them are holding boxes filled with unusual gadgets. The n 11/25/1964 #18637  
 slid out, and five robotic metal "boxes" with small wheels on the bottoms  8/20/1966 #20781  
 over the shore it threw out some "boxes." Hovering low over the water, the 4/13/1967 #22128  
wore masks and breathing apparatus boxes on their backs, and one of them wo 4/15/1967 #22135  
ylinder/cigar-shape hover outside. Boxes hang from saucer. Silent. Away fas 7/20/1967 #22704  
ow in color, clambering around the boxes and attaching themselves to the wa 1/3/1968 #23647  
     HEMLIDEN, SWD Tech frozen. 10 boxes float / landed 150M saucer going [ 3/12/1969 #25001  
manoid in shape, looking more like boxes than anything; he had the feeling  3/12/1969 #25002  
eling the entities were inside the boxes and did not want to be recognized  3/12/1969 #25002  
ime. The files have been packed in boxes and are on their way to the Air Fo 1/30/1970 #25564  
ot of the table and picked up some boxes or cubes. He placed three of the o 10/16/1973 #28089  
 TX Several observer(s). 2 rounded boxes with domes submerge / Brazos River 11/21/1973 #28454  
 him with red beams of light, from boxes that they carried on their chests. 6/18/1979 #34616  
These humanoid beings also carried boxes on their backs and had an insignia 6/18/1979 #34616  
 him with red beams of light, from boxes that they carried on their chests. 6/18/1979 #34618  
These humanoid beings also carried boxes on their backs and had an insignia 6/18/1979 #34618  
hway. They had square objects like boxes and "thermos bottles" slung over s 12/13/1979 #35080  
 entire surface are what look like boxes and pipes. An officer orders Busti 12/28/1980 #35750  
 slits for mouths. He can see dark boxes, violet and yellow cables, and tap 8/8/1981 #36064  
ACOMA, WA 2 observer(s). 2 reddish boxes connected / corners! Object drifts 8/1/1995 #42351  
 inside, apparently carrying small boxes and tubular canisters around. Tall 9/23/1996 #43039  
ength, with a design consisting of boxes, keys, and a Celtic cross was foun 6/12/1999 #43785  
r-shaped, and some were like small boxes with four perpendicular lights. Th 3/14/2003 #44502  
e design and construction of these boxes through 2008, data are recorded fr 2006 #44916  
## Word: "boxford" (Back to Top)
                                   BOXFORD, MASS Red oval object ringed wit 1/15/1967 #21303  
                                   Boxford, MA 3:00 a.m. EST. A witness saw 1/15/1967? #21307  
 and circled the witness's home in Boxford, Massachusetts before flying awa 1/15/1967 #21313  
## Word: "boxing" (Back to Top)
            CASABLANCA, MOR 5000 / boxing match and pilot. Bright blue-gree 9/21/1952 #7993  
d in little feet that looked like "boxing gloves." Their faces were blank e 7/25/1979 #34681  
## Word: "boxlike" (Back to Top)
 nearby. One of the males points a boxlike device at the witness, who leave 5/18/1946 #1994  
d the west. Under the object was a boxlike device. Distance to witness: 400 9/27/1965 #19613  
fferent stations. It had a square, boxlike protuberance supported by a pole 11/29/1967 #23523  
fferent stations. It had a square, boxlike protuberance supported by a pole 11/29/1967 #23524  
ight-fitting silver suits and wear boxlike shoes. They move in a clumsy fas 10/22/1973 #28241  
## Word: "boxy" (Back to Top)
cigar-shape going [to] over hills. Boxy cabin / bottom-center. Going quickl 7/31/1909 #794  
                 BREST, FR 2 Army. Boxy object going [to] over front lines. 7/1944 #1614  
         HAMPTON FALLS, NH Boys. 2 boxy objects with rotating lights. 1 goi 3/29/1966 #20122  
 His dog runs ahead and sniffs the boxy structure, and then, appearing unin 3/29/1966 #20139  
                   MAGNOLIA, MS 1M boxy object? exits silver sphere. Maneuv 10/10/1973 #27973  
TRALIA 5 / car. Saturn saucer with boxy bottom on legs / gravel pit. Marks. 3/22/1975 #29915  
 lands / field. Antenna / Rh side. Boxy object protrudes / left.            9/9/1975 #30349  
             BATEAU BAY, AUSTRALIA Boxy night light out to sea. Bald 150cm  10/10/1976 #31458  
 KY Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Boxy UFO. Missing time. Man abduction /  1/27/1977 #31755  
        PARMAIN, FR 2 observer(s). Boxy object with rotating light like fly 2/28/1993 #40865  
w red object. Arrow-like front and boxy rear. 60cm / arms length.           8/25/1993 #41158  
## Word: "boy" (Back to Top)
tern area, Venezuela A 14-year-old boy saw a luminous ball descending from  1880 #223  
   Eastern Venezuela A 14-year-old boy saw a luminous ball descending from  1880 #225  
bia. The same day, a First Nations boy sees something similar at the Skeena 7/3/1896 #327  
dlands, England Day. A 10-year-old boy is walking home to Bournbrook, West  Summer 1901 #645  
or, but the other walks toward the boy and waves him away. The beings go ba Summer 1901 #645  
                  BOURNEBROOK, ENG Boy. Small domed box / backyard. 4' smal 8/1901 (approximate) #646  
                   RHAYADER, WALES Boy abduction / farm Christmas party. Sc 12/24/1909 #824  
              SCORBE-CLAIRVAUX, FR Boy. Shiny metal disk descends. Dims. Go 6/1919 #985  
      At 9:00 a.m. a nine-year-old boy in Otter Tail, Minnesota saw a black 6/2/1919 #987  
                     MARSEILLE, FR Boy / 8 abduction / 2 tall thin figure(s 7/1921? #1011  
               NEAR EVANSVILLE, IN Boy / 10. Saucer / 3 legs / pasture. 4'  6/1923 #1032  
              NORTH / ROUILLAC, FR Boy / 13. Moon-size sphere/orb/globe des 1/1924 (approximate) #1036  
                WEST FRANKFORT, IL Boy. Bright metallic 12M sphere/orb/glob 4/1927 (approximate) #1071  
OUR, AUSTRALIA Small object buzzes boy. Boy faints. Feels sick. Gets bliste 4/1932 (approximate) #1139  
AUSTRALIA Small object buzzes boy. Boy faints. Feels sick. Gets blisters. O 4/1932 (approximate) #1139  
rl J. Duncan and a Native American boy are in a truck near Fort Washakie, W 1933 #1151  
 FROSON, SWD Telepathy / hypnosis? Boy / 12 goes / town for mystery package 6/1942 (approximate) #1413  
he uranium gun-type weapon (Little Boy) continues.                          7/4/1944 #1618  
          MERIDEN, CT Summer / 44. Boy / 5 abduction. Telepathy "we visit o 8/1944 (approximate) #1625  
4 kilograms of Uranium-235, Little Boy) is detonated 1,900 feet above Hiros 8/6/1945 #1915  
     Denmark Afternoon. A troop of Boy Scouts in Denmark see a rocket-like  8/13/1946 #2131  
           GAINESVILLE, GA Man and boy. 3 shiny silver saucers going [to] f 7/3/1947 #2555  
                 VALLEY STREAM, NY Boy / 14. 3 large "aluminum plates" / V- 7/6/1947 (approximate) #2777  
                      SYRACUSE, NY Boy / 13. Featureless 60M cylinder/cigar 7/14/1947 #3175  
n Syracuse, New York a 13-year-old boy saw a long, featureless cigar-shaped 7/14/1947 #3180  
                       ELSMERE, DE Boy and mom. Large CLSC metallic saucer  7/25/1949 (approximate) #4287  
           MCALISTERVILLE, PA Farm boy. 2 ovoids dive fast. Level off / 600 3/31/1950 #4775  
 south of Pinckney, is showing two boy campers some celestial objects throu 8/3/1951 #5595  
                  GORDONSVILLE, VA Boy / 14. 4 teardrop flames going quickl 7/23/1952 #7043  
                  NEAR LINCOLN, CA Boy / 12 / ranch. 6M x 12M top saucer wi 7/27/1952 #7186  
t see it, so he drives on. Another boy admits he has seen a light in that d 8/19/1952 #7651  
                    SUNNYBROOK, MD Boy calls cops. Cops call USAF. 3 orange 10/13/1952 #8126  
                NAPIER, NZ Group / boy scouts. Glowing object / 7000' altit 6/3/1953 #8927  
their arms. One of them smacks the boy’s face, then they reenter the machin 7/1/1953 #8982  
in Approximate date. An illiterate boy cowherd, Maximo Munos Olivares, 14,  7/2/1953 #8986  
                      SANTA FE, NM Boy / 16. Metallic boat over road going  10/25/1953 #9252  
                         The young boy was sitting with his goat on a small 5/5/1954 #9755  
on the top. As the object left the boy felt a wave of heat. Inside this sec 5/5/1954 #9755  
abriel Coupal, age 13, and another boy were out riding a horse when they sa 8/7/1954 #10113  
                COLDWATER, KS Farm boy. Small humanoid (or Grey) / long nos 9/2/1954 #10231  
                        ERBRAY, FR Boy. Cylinder/cigar-shape / field. Pseud 10/12/1954 #10965  
                          DURY, FR Boy / 15. 12M cylinder/cigar-shape / gro 10/16/1954 #11129  
ore shiny black outfits. The first boy yelled for his friend to come and lo 10/25/1954 #11401  
. in Mesples, France a 14-year-old boy sought asylum in the farmhouse owned 10/29/1954 #11481  
                   CROYDON, LONDON Boy sees small saucer. 9 November 3 smal 11/8/1954 #11592  
                LAIZE-LA-VILLE, FR Boy / 15. Huge top-saucer crosses road / 11/20/1954 #11678  
l humanoids (or Greys) try to grab boy. Report going [to] police. / r112p10 12/10/1954 #11792  
lso landed, one on a housetop. One boy started walking toward one of the ve 8/29/1955 #12416  
 little men riding on its rim. One boy climbed down after a garden hose was 8/29/1955 #12416  
          At 10:35 p.m. a group of boy scouts and their scoutmaster sighted 6/21/1956 #12916  
                      LEESPORT, PA Boy and 2 / farm. 3M thick saucer 60M ov 9/2/1956 #13171  
n. Dome still. Edge turns. Follows boy. / MJ#231+/ FSRv4#1+/ r141.          7/30/1957 #13858  
                         DANTE, TN Boy. 4 pseudo-human/entity try / grab 2  11/6/1957 #14365  
 with his wife and a Japanese boat boy) a huge cigar-shaped object with lig 11/10/1957 #14524  
 gives birth on June 2, 1958, to a boy with blond hair that she and her hus 11/16/1957 #14567  
         KAIKOHE AND WAIHARARA, NZ Boy / 11. Silver disk going south. 2nd d 12/29/1957 #14768  
                      RICHMOND, BC Boy / 12. 3M ovoid with buzzing arms / 1 2/24/1958 #14886  
                  SANTA MONICA, CA Boy / 9 / (seen thru) telescope. Cylinde 4/4/1958 #14962  
                        Newark, OH Boy filmed unidentified light. [NICAP UF 5/29/1961 #16703  
nfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Danny Boy” Yield: .43KT                        3/5/1962 #17073  
icut Three women and a 10-year-old boy are driving home to Granby, Connecti Late 4/1962 #17130  
                        MARGNY, FR Boy / 8. UFO / 3 legs / field. Buzz like 7/1962 #17260  
irmed. Country: USA Name: “Johnnie Boy” Yield: .5KT                         7/11/1962 #17273  
nfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Small Boy” YieldMax: 20KT                      7/14/1962 #17275  
w mist that enveloped the man. The boy ran after his father, noting that th 8/20/1962 #17347  
w mist that enveloped the man. The boy ran after his father, noting that th 8/20/1962 #17349  
three legs, round windows, and the boy remarks that he can see people in it 10/28/1962 #17513  
                     A 12-year-old boy and seven friends saw a UFO hovering 4/27/1964 #18212  
       At 7:30 a.m. a ten-year-old boy in Hubbard, Oregon saw a silver colo 5/18/1964 #18285  
trail appears and hovers above the boy’s head, enveloping him in a cloud. H 6/2/1964 #18321  
                  PORTOGRUARO, ITL Boy / 10. Transparent domed object / 12M 8/1964 #18462  
               MAZARA / VALLO, ITL Boy / 10. Round white object going / 20M 8/1964 #18465  
                       A newspaper boy in Riverside, California at 5:30 a.m 1/14/1965 #18731  
                        A group of boy scouts lead by a Mr. Smythe sighted  2/16/1965 #18820  
                    NEW LONDON, MN Boy / 9. Object going down / ground leve 4/26/1965 #18919  
At around seven p.m. a 15-year-old boy named San Roman Nunez in Lima, Peru  8/1/1965 #19247  
hts, and "looked like a toad." The boy fled.                                8/1/1965 #19247  
car also saw the object; a teenage boy reportedly ran toward it and the obj 8/8/1965 #19342  
the clouds turn green. Inside, the boy’s mother, Mrs. William Butcher, note 8/19/1965 #19427  
                        PUNO, PERU Boy. 7 80CM 1-eyed small humanoids (or G 9/8/1965 #19535  
ething has crashed in the woods. A boy sees the object land; his mother Fra 12/9/1965 #19762  
   On the same night a 13-year-old boy named C. Cozens saw two white oval U 3/26/1966 #20094  
ario, CAN 9:15 p.m. EST. A teenage boy saw two luminous oval objects about  3/29/1966 #20134  
tal. No heat or cold was felt. The boy then touched an antenna-like project 3/29/1966 #20134  
 Hampshire 4:15 p.m. A 10-year-old boy and his Dalmatian are walking famili 3/29/1966 #20139  
e dog goes off into the woods. The boy stops about 24 feet away, not sure w 3/29/1966 #20139  
thwest of Beverly, a teacher and a boy saw a dome-shaped object with three  4/22/1966 #20365  
 Carolina Witnesses:  members of a Boy Scout group, including Sterrett. One 6/18/1966 #20581  
ell, NC 12:05 a.m. EDT. A group of Boy Scouts while camping out, saw three  6/19/1966 #20586  
rth Carolina 12:05 a.m. A group of Boy Scouts camping out at Mount Mitchell 6/19/1966 #20588  
        At 7:30 a.m. a 12-year-old boy, Randy Rotenberger, saw a silvery-gr 9/13/1966 #20880  
at 0.1 milliroentgen (normal). The boy reported that the object "went away  9/13/1966 #20880  
                       POTOMAC, MD Boy. Domed saucer with row / lights / gr 10/5/1966 #20958  
               Potomac, Maryland A boy saw a disk-shaped object with a tran 10/5/1966 #20962  
                                 A boy in Potomac, Maryland saw a disc-shap 10/5/1966 #20965  
causing static on the phone as the boy was calling his mother to describe i 10/14/1966 #20999  
as Park, FL 9:20 p.m. EST. A young boy saw a very bright red, self-luminous 11/10/1966 #21087  
bout the size of a twelve-year-old boy, maybe four feet tall. He wore no he 11/17/1966 #21119  
                    IOLA, KS Young boy. 5M domed disk with windows. Figure  1/13/1967 #21292  
This "terrible" man frightened the boy although he could not say why. He go 1/13/1967 #21300  
                 MILAN, IN Rumble. Boy / 15 photographs silent 2M beanpot j 1/19/1967 #21347  
O by Reed Thompson, a 15- year-old boy from Milan. The town constable state 1/19/1967 #21350  
The town constable stated that the boy was reliable and said that he had se 1/19/1967 #21350  
                     A 15-year old boy was in his room at four o'clock in t 1/19/1967 #21355  
a, CA 5:25 p.m. PST. A 14-year-old boy saw and photographed a metallic-appe 1/24/1967 #21374  
California 5:25 p.m. A 14-year-old boy in Yorba Linda, California, sees an  1/24/1967 #21375  
            Rochester, Minnesota A boy who had gone outside to buy a newspa 3/12/1967 #21871  
                                 A boy who had gone outside in Rochester, M 3/12/1967 #21873  
le. They were the same size as the boy and all but one wore striped suits a 4/13/1967 #22128  
lars or cameras. They waved to the boy before the object disappeared. A lum 4/13/1967 #22128  
, CAN 2:00 a.m. MST. A 14-year-old boy and four others saw a spherical obje 5/7/1967 #22292  
ond, VA 11:30 a.m. EDT. A pre-teen boy and a 16-year-old S girl saw a hubca 6/1/1967 #22444  
less mouth. The stranger asked the boy what the garden soil was, and told h 6/9/1967 #22484  
back shooting out white smoke. The boy said, "He didn't have a body." Two m 6/9/1967 #22484  
that looked like a gun at him. The boy screamed and ran out of the bathroom 6/9/1967 #22484  
n staring up into the sky. A young boy was holding her eight-year-old daugh 6/30/1967 #22580  
er daughter, who seemed dazed. The boy explained that the five of them had  6/30/1967 #22580  
                           A young boy on a farm near Port Perry, Durham co 8/15/1967 #22883  
over-sized head, with no arms. The boy left his room screaming, saying that 8/16/1967 #22886  
               Kolmarden, Sweden A boy and a girl, both 15, noticed a red g 8/23/1967 #22902  
Sodermanland, Sweden a 15-year-old boy and girl, Erik and Inga, were walkin 8/23/1967 #22908  
home. The next day at the site the boy found some apples that had been brok 8/23/1967 #22908  
 Rockville, MD Unspecified time. A boy saw a bright sphere hovering near th 9/14/1967 #23056  
llotinelike door that slid up. The boy fled, but a voice told him in Portug 9/14/1967 #23059  
is also found. Aleixo subjects the boy to psychological testing and he find 9/14/1967 #23060  
lotine-like door that slid up. The boy started to flee, but a voice in Port 9/14/1967 #23061  
n park. 7' pseudo-human/entity ask boy to return / next day.                9/17/1967 #23073  
a small figure about the size of a boy, 3.5 feet tall, "zoomed" out of the  9/22/1967 #23115  
 Gerais, Brazil a sixteen-year-old boy named Diniz had a humanoid encounter 9/26/1967 #23134  
                 EAST / TUCSON, AZ Boy. 8' aluminum cylinder/cylindrical ob 10/9/1967 #23198  
            East Tucson, Arizona A boy riding his bicycle saw an aluminum c 10/9/1967 #23200  
all and more than 2 feet wide. The boy approaches it for a better view, but 10/9/1967 #23201  
nd Richard Corben, 14, and a third boy, reported the landing of a dome-shap 10/25/1967 #23318  
d Corben, both age 14, and a third boy, reported that they had witnessed th 10/25/1967 #23323  
                 COMMERCE CITY, CO Boy photographs 2 red orbs float around. 10/26/1967 #23325  
                  WINCHESTER, ENGL Boy / 13. 4 lightning jets chase black m 10/27/1967 #23340  
 While walking home, a 14-year-old boy saw a silver-grayish object with fla 11/19/1967 #23481  
echnician Ugo Battaglia, 39, and a boy, heard a high-pitched sound and saw  11/24/1967 #23506  
white coveralls walked around. The boy later suffered severe headaches. Tra 11/24/1967 #23506  
Device protrudes and shoots beam / boy / 11. Burns. / r83p288.              3/19/1968 #23847  
t fades away after 10 minutes. The boy is taken to a hospital and treated f 3/19/1968 #23849  
nd. His jacket caught fire and the boy rolled around on the ground screamin 3/19/1968 #23850  
Messina, Oscar Crespo, and a third boy were bicycling in Cerro de las Rosas 6/27/1968 #24087  
                 SIERRA CHICA, ARG Boy and 5. Pseudo-human/entity give odd  7/2/1968 #24123  
     Cofico, Argentina 8:15 a.m. A boy, Sola, saw, a few meters away, a str 7/2/1968 #24126  
               Cofico, Argentina A boy, Sola, saw, a few meters away, a str 7/2/1968 #24129  
paralyzed for several minutes. The boy arrived home "like a madman."        7/2/1968 #24130  
paralyzed for several minutes. The boy arrives home terrified. The family g 7/2/1968 #24131  
ditch. Then one of them handed the boy an envelope, telling him to dip it i 7/2/1968 #24133  
                    At 8:15 p.m. a boy named Sola saw a bright object hover 7/2/1968 #24134  
e, Argentina. At the same time the boy beheld at only a few meters distance 7/2/1968 #24134  
A, ARG 2 pseudo-human/entity offer boy ride / saucer. Refuses. Tripod physi 7/4/1968 #24142  
me evening in St. Basile, Quebec a boy reported seeing a man like figure th 7/22/1968 #24206  
s head over its eyes and ears. The boy starts crying, then the car engine b 11/25/1968 #24704  
d it was shorter than a 7-year-old boy. A priest and a teacher also reporte 11/28/1968 #24729  
                    BLADWORTH, SSK Boy / 12. Red-glowing silver disk going  5/20/1969 #25150  
 Kalamunda 6:35 p.m. A 13-year-old boy in Cloverdale, Western Australia, no 5/23/1969 #25160  
 the same time a local handicapped boy also reported being taken onboard a  8/8/1969 #25312  
                   BEAUHARNOIS, QB Boy. Saucer lands. Small green robotic f 9/14/1969 #25368  
              At 5:00 p.m. a young boy saw a small silver object land close 9/14/1969 #25369  
 he took off to wipe his brow. The boy could see that he was bald and had a 10/16/1969 #25417  
                       TERRACE, BC Boy. Saucer-sphere/orb/globe / ground. G 2/27/1970 (approximate) #25593  
                                 A boy saw a UFO that landed on four legs i 2/27/1970 #25594  
ar the building when he noticed a "boy" about 3.5 feet tall standing beside 6/4/1970 #25690  
ossed by a wide black strap. This "boy" ran around behind the building. A s 6/4/1970 #25690  
                        BORDES, FR Boy / 16. Saucer landed / 4 legs. 45cm a 7/25/1970 #25749  
e of the boys on his hand when the boy attempted to grab him. The boys ran  8/20/1970 #25799  
                       PARANA, ARG Boy photographs classic WW1-helmet sauce 9/6/1970 #25825  
Jessup, Pennsylvania a 16-year-old boy was returning home from a high schoo 9/25/1970 #25852  
                   TATEBAYASI, JPN Boy. 6 objects northeast going southwest 11/29/1970 #25921  
bout to fall into Scargo Lake. One boy sees a hole in the ice on the lake;  1/7/1971 #25982  
Milcher, age 18, and a 10-year-old boy in Brooksville, Florida saw a hoveri 2/26/1971 #26033  
 the same night a fifteen year old boy named Skiver took a night time photo 1/8/1972 #26545  
g, Kelantan, Malaysia a 6-year-old boy named Husain saw a 2" tall being, bu 2/15/1972 #26580  
ifteen minutes later a 12-year-old boy named Yakob confirmed his report by  2/15/1972 #26580  
comac, Puebla, Mexico 10:00 p.m. A boy named Mario goes out onto his patio  3/19/1972 #26617  
            ORLAND, CA Rancher and boy. Bright white round object with high 4/14/1972 #26645  
 resembling that of a small man or boy, in the clearing just in front of th 7/26/1972 #26836  
ebec at 10:30 a.m. a nine-year-old boy, Mario Mercier, was alone on an ice  11/28/1972 #27151  
e, and was about to enter when the boy cried out. He then turned toward Mar 11/28/1972 #27151  
                         MACON, GA Boy and mom. 50cm glowing-ball scouts ba 4/1973 #27395  
Fay, a 7-year-old girl, was with a boy about her own age on the golf course 5/15/1973 #27492  
'Idro Brescia, Italy a 16-year-old boy found and photographed some strange  7/27/1973 #27657  
pping mentioned that a 16-year-old boy had seen a UFO "shaped like a trapaz 8/1973 #27671  
y were joined by another couple, a boy and girl also driving back from West 9/11/1973 #27803  
y were joined by another couple, a boy and girl also driving back from West 9/12/1973 #27809  
        At 7:30 p.m. a 13-year-old boy and some other younger children watc 9/15/1973 #27825  
rious actions. Assuming them to be boy scouts, the witnesses notice they ar 10/6/1973 #27960  
nner Williams, AL A three-year old boy reported to his mother that he had b 10/11/1973 #27993  
ula, Mississippi, a three-year-old boy told his mother that he had been pla 10/11/1973 #28006  
ree of her children and a neighbor boy, and given a medical examination on  10/16/1973 #28083  
 mentioned. They invited the older boy to look in the object. When the boy' 10/16/1973 #28090  
ree of her children and a neighbor boy, and given a medical examination on  10/16/1973 #28093  
owly walked towards the woods. One boy had already run home, and the other  10/25/1973 #28286  
Young man (15) and three others (l boy & 2 girls) saw object come down and  11/16/1973 #28433  
 in 1975 in Oak Brook, Illinois, a boy saw a domed disc hovering near his h 11/19/1973 #28449  
tely, he discards the negatives. (“Boy’s New Camera Records UFO,” CUFOS Ass 5/5/1974 #29085  
Mt. Vernon couple and their little boy were on their way home from a play i 7/30/1974 #29286  
e, France 11:30 a.m. A 15-year-old boy sees a disc maneuvering near a hedge 8/12/1974 #29337  
ne, New South Wales An 11-year-old boy and an older friend are on a farm ne 9/27/1974 #29486  
be lands under tree / field. Nears boy who runs. Other observer(s) too. / r 2/5/1975 #29785  
e recorder running backwards." The boy who had been touched sat down, paral 2/23/1975 #29839  
                   FLAMBOROUGH, ON Boy / 19. Domed saucer going [to] by qua 3/18/1975 #29907  
                     MONTLUCON, FR Boy / 11. 2 metallic hat-saucers southea 5/29/1975 #30067  
 had a previous UFO encounter. The boy ran to get his mother, but when they 7/12/1975 #30176  
                 WYLFA HILL, WALES Boy. 40' dome / ground. Jellymen inside  7/22/1975 #30198  
th, Powys, Wales 5:00 p.m. A young boy on holiday with his family in Wales  7/22/1975 #30200  
ties floats toward the object, the boy flees the scene and unsuccessfully t 7/22/1975 #30200  
 take a look. Returning alone, the boy sees the object carrying the entitie 7/22/1975 #30200  
o them. Immediately afterward, the boy suffers acute shock and what a docto 7/22/1975 #30200  
          SOUTH / TRINITY LAKE, NY Boy fishing. Orange-glowing sphere maneu 8/1/1975 #30227  
NCALO DE AMARANTE, BRZ Saucer zaps boy / blue ray. Near death. Wave and pan 10/27/1975 (approximate) #30480  
                   MT. HEALTHY, OH Boy. Cylinder/cylindrical object UFO 25' 10/29/1975 #30507  
 in 1975 in Oak Brook, Illinois, a boy saw a domed disc hovering near his h 11/19/1975 #30643  
                       NAGOYA, JPN Boy photographs dark metallic high-domed 12/8/1975 #30691  
                ANCY / MOSELLE, FR Boy / 10. Dah-dit sound. 8M grey domed d 12/18/1975 (approximate) #30722  
 manner of a sleepwalker. When the boy sneezed, this “giant” turned toward  1/5/1976 #30761  
M pseudo-human/entity back. Chases boy / 10. Ovoid / 1.5M altitude. / r153p 1/6/1976 #30763  
        At 5:55 p.m. a 14-year-old boy was walking through the falling snow 1/11/1976 #30785  
io, Brazil 4:00 p.m. A 12-year-old boy named Ojeda saw a 40-foot in diamete 3/3/1976 #30919  
ock in the afternoon a 12-year-old boy named Ojeda saw a 40-foot in diamete 3/3/1976 #30922  
. The beings communicated with the boy using telepathy, and gave him a phys 3/3/1976 #30922  
                  INDIANAPOLIS, IN Boy / 13. 3 photographs / dark saucer wi 3/10/1976 #30931  
                    A ten-year old boy, Lorenzo Alvarez Vazquez, in the Bil 8/4/1976 #31232  
 nothing, but shone a light on the boy as they stood next to a motorcycle.  8/4/1976 #31232  
the spot, saw nothing although the boy said he could still see one of the e 8/4/1976 #31232  
 in the direction indicated by the boy, who then announced the “spaceman” h 8/4/1976 #31232  
        At 2:30 a.m. a 10-year-old boy in Blissfield, Michigan got up to go 8/25/1976 #31302  
 third being stood in front of the boy. The third entity was about an inch  8/25/1976 #31302  
 was about an inch taller than the boy. The beings appeared not to have any 8/25/1976 #31302  
seemed like about five seconds the boy found himself back in his house, and 8/25/1976 #31302  
                         REGAL, MN Boy / 10 only. 3.5' small humanoid (or G 9/22/1976 #31417  
In Regal, Minnesota a ten-year-old boy saw a 3 to 3.5 foot tall green human 9/22/1976 #31420  
oing east from Sweden. Beam knocks boy down. Missing time. Burns. / MJ#110+ 11/15/1976? #31550  
ianapolis, Indiana - A 13-year-old boy with the last name of Brandenburg to 3/10/1977 #31893  
ouse where she found a 13-year-old boy, Jos Madison, pointing a carbine at  4/6/1977 #31953  
low in the sky when an 11-year-old boy reported seeing a figure 50 meters a 4/12/1977 #31976  
and the hum stops. The 11-year-old boy stays home from school for several d 5/11/1977 #32088  
of the witnesses was a 13-year-old boy named McKenzie. The UFOs generally f 5/17/1977 #32106  
Y, SOUTH AUSTR Beam hits bicycles. Boy thrown down when touches. Saucer qui 5/27/1977 #32137  
perience occurred to a 13-year-old boy in Treinta y Tres, Uruguay on this n 6/26/1977 #32198  
eld, Ohio 9:30 a.m. An 11-year-old boy playing baseball in Springfield, Ohi 8/1/1977 #32344  
           ROCHEFORT-SUR-MER, FR 1 boy. Silver 27M ovoid going NNE. Stops 3 9/1977 #32450  
                  SCARBOROUGH, ONT Boy sees saucer object hover near ground 2/1978 #32935  
                      SALERNO, ITL Boy / 16. Lampshade saucer stops / 2M al 3/17/1978 (approximate) #33045  
                      PENALVA, BRZ Boy abduction / 81 hours. Paralyzed. Sau 3/24/1978 #33076  
         On this day a 16-year-old boy had gone out into the woods near Pen 3/24/1978 #33079  
ard a shout for help and found the boy standing in a forested area, dazed a 3/24/1978 #33079  
ud, incomprehensible language. The boy was then taken on a journey to a str 3/24/1978 #33079  
                  NEAR CAMBRAI, FR Boy found delirious. "Saucers.. small hu 3/29/1978 #33093  
e UFO’s appearance. An 11-year-old boy is so frightened that he hides behin 4/29/1978 #33179  
  Escazu, Costa Rica A 10 year-old boy was out playing, saw a cat and ran t 5/2/1978 #33183  
 open its mouth. At this point the boy became afraid, and ran away quickly  5/2/1978 #33185  
 On this day in 1978 a 15-year-old boy and his grandfather spied an eight-f 7/29/1978 #33451  
    LEWISTON, CA Date approximate. Boy. Small humanoid (or Grey) seen near  8/1/1978 #33461  
                 EAST / LE ROY, MI Boy / 12. Vertical cylinder/cigar-shape  8/4/1978 #33469  
, Michigan 9:30 p.m. A 12-year-old boy in East Leroy, Michigan, hears a noi 8/4/1978 #33471  
nnel at its rear and steams up the boy’s window. After a few more seconds i 8/4/1978 #33471  
           VENADO TUERTO, ARG Farm boy abduction / saucer "robots" seen cut 9/6/1978 #33635  
 invited Juan to come inside. They boy then tied his horse to the craft's l 9/6/1978 #33640  
either cows or horses. Afraid, the boy jumped out of the object and onto th 9/6/1978 #33640  
                     A 12-year-old boy in Marcos Paz, Buenos Aires province 9/21/1978 #33724  
. After about 45 minutes of talk a boy named Will leapt to his feet and beg 10/31/1978 #33902  
                 RUNCORN, CHESHIRE Boy / bicycle buzzed / large night light 12/31/1978 #34236  
                       LORETO, ARG Boy / 12. 1.4M box appears / schoolroom. 1/13/1979 (approximate) #34334  
       At 11:50 a.m. a 12-year-old boy named Suarez, the son of the school' 1/13/1979 #34339  
e school and one being grabbed the boy. A voice coming from the object spok 1/13/1979 #34339  
g him to sit down. Once seated the boy was paralyzed and unable to move fro 1/13/1979 #34339  
                        SIENA, ITL Boy / 10. White flat rounded hexagon hov 6/1979 #34598  
the early evening a seven-year old boy in Handsworth, Sheffield, England wa 10/4/1979 #34942  
ole in the ground with a tube. The boy watched the figure until it suddenly 10/4/1979 #34942  
Wisconsin 12:30 a.m. A 15-year-old boy in a farmhouse in Baldwin, Wisconsin 10/20/1979 #34962  
                   POUND RIDGE, NY Boy / woods. 3' maple tree glows / 3 sec 11/17/1979 #35003  
, New York 2:30 p.m. A 13-year-old boy is walking home from school through  11/17/1979 #35004  
other in-law on the telephone. The boy observed the tree with a pair of bin 2/11/1980 #35168  
        Mt. Vernon, IL 11-year-old boy reported a disc-shaped object with d 7/4/1980 #35401  
ers. Probe and figure(s). Retarded boy frantic..                            7/18/1980 #35416  
s. On December 8 at 8:45 p.m., the boy returns to the same spot alone and s 12/5/1980 #35701  
down. Green smoke and saucer / 3rd boy.                                     12/29/1981 #36280  
eople in a car at Camp McKensie, a Boy Scout camp, had a close encounter ne 10/26/1983 #37022  
                 SPRING VALLEY, CA Boy / 15. Dull 14' x5' perfect cylinder/ 11/1/1983 #37038  
ad lights around his head, and the boy was unable to move. The entity spoke 11/27/1983 #37050  
         ST. HIPPOLYTE-DU-FORT, FR Boy / 14 photographs circular object dro 3/1984 #37213  
, FL Time not given. A 13-year-old boy working at a kennel in Williston, Fl 5/6/1984 #37323  
, Florida 10:30 p.m. A 13-year-old boy is washing out dog pens in Williston 5/6/1984 #37324  
area turns red and looking up, the boy sees a bright red circular object th 5/6/1984 #37324  
                     A 13-year-old boy working at a kennel in Williston, Fl 5/6/1984 #37325  
ool. Several separate tales / odd "boy" after.                              8/12/1987 #38244  
                A 16-year-old farm boy and high school student, Tirn Kendal 9/24/1987 #38294  
         RINGSTED, DK 1 observer. "Boy" / field. 3M glowing-ball floats up. 11/12/1987 #38323  
r, Atomic Powered. Two women and a boy exposed to radiation burns by this s 6/6/1988 #38581  
       AKIRKEBY, BORNHOLN, DK Farm boy. Triangle / light. Tractor lights fl 10/10/1988 #38667  
                    An 11-year-old boy in Webster, Massachusetts saw a ciga 4/12/1989 #38903  
                       At 9 p.m. a boy named Torshin returning home late in 9/23/1989 #39118  
saucer. 3M robot / park. Aims rod. Boy vanishes and reappears. / FSRv34#4.  9/27/1989 #39122  
hen one of the beings looks at the boy and points a tube at him. A luminous 9/27/1989 #39124  
m comes from the tube and hits the boy, which makes him disappear. The boy  9/27/1989 #39124  
oy, which makes him disappear. The boy later reappears after the beings and 9/27/1989 #39124  
en one of the beings looked at the boy and pointed a tube at him. A luminou 9/27/1989 #39126  
eam came from the tube and hit the boy, which made him disappear. The boy l 9/27/1989 #39126  
boy, which made him disappear. The boy later reappeared after the beings an 9/27/1989 #39126  
rd, 12, Kevin Still, and one other boy are skateboarding outside the town p 10/11/1989 #39162  
z, Belgium 6:30 p.m. A 12-year-old boy and his family in Trooz, Belgium, wa 12/11/1989 #39312  
hwest. That same night the younger boy had a strange dream-like experience. 5/30/1990 #39600  
 gray-skinned being befriended the boy, then accompanied him back home. The 5/30/1990 #39600  
hen accompanied him back home. The boy remembers being told several "things 5/30/1990 #39600  
                 NOIRMOUTIER, FR 1 boy. Dark "coathanger" delta/triangle/bo 11/6/1990 #39874  
green arm came out and grabbed one boy by the leg. As the boy struggled to  5/14/1991 #40060  
grabbed one boy by the leg. As the boy struggled to get away a second arm e 5/14/1991 #40060  
ed and grabbed him by his arm. The boy grabbed a piece of wood and struck b 5/14/1991 #40060  
RNIA, ONT Orange rectangle follows boy home. Possible part / series of fami 1/12/1992 #40286  
                                 A boy in Connersville, Indiana reported be 5/12/1992 #40462  
ing, elderly humanoid visitor. The boy had apparently reported UFO abductio 5/12/1992 #40462  
                WEST VANCOUVER, BC Boy / 16. Dark glowing-cone zigzags. Sma 7/19/1992 #40527  
omed disk hums. Beams going down / boy. Can't move. Missing time. News. Loc 9/17/1992 #40625  
used track into the bush, when the boy noticed a movement nearby and told h 9/19/1992 #40631  
inted ears. That afternoon another boy, Mohd Najib Rasli, age 12, went to t 9/22/1992 #40635  
 September. Air Force interrogates boy / hours!                             10/28/1992? #40695  
          BARVAUX / OURTH, BELGIUM Boy / 9. Large silent triangle stops. Li 11/18/1992 #40717  
lake in Springfield, Missouri by a boy and a girl, age 10. The UFO left beh 12/25/1992 #40769  
-Queen / 3 minute(s). 1 observer = boy. Police log.                         12/30/1992 #40773  
            MILWAUKEE, WI 7-Yr-old boy. 100' delta / lights / each corner.  2/5/1993 (approximate) #40839  
                           A young boy went outside at 7:25 p.m. in Colebro 2/9/1993 #40846  
d son. She suddenly thought of the boy and became afraid, thinking, "they a 8/20/1993 #41148  
                   BARKING, LONDON Boy / 10. Dome object with red-orange li 2/17/1994 #41417  
                     A 10-year-old boy in Barking, London, England witnesse 2/17/1994 #41418  
                     LEVALLOIS, FR Boy / 13. 2 ovoids circle in unison. 3 l 3/7/1994 #41446  
k into the object. Minutes later a boy threw a rock at the object, which pr 5/10/1994 #41521  
                           A young boy ran into his mother's bedroom at 4:0 7/27/1994 #41644  
                     NELSON, LANCS Boy and 2. Ovoid hovers and rotates. Red 1/18/1995 #41982  
                       HASLETT, MI Boy. 2 16m disks near home. Good Polaroi 4/3/1995 #42136  
th Africa 7:30 a.m. An 11-year-old boy is on his way to school with his mot 4/10/1995 #42145  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Boy sees 'sky-men'. 30 minute(s) / missi 4/20/1995 #42162  
Small humanoid (or Grey) stares at boy through patio door! Frozen / fright. 5/10/1995 #42194  
               BIG LAKE STREAM, ME Boy / boat. 3 "ducks" = silent machines. 7/4/1995 #42290  
oy. Night light hovers. 2nd joins. Boy draws interior / ship in detail afte 9/29/1995 #42516  
                      WOODLAND, CA Boy. Disk with flutter sound outside. 2  11/22/1995 #42619  
          N51 NEAR POIX-TERRON, FR Boy / car. 2 odd vertical rectangles wit 1/21/1996 #42699  
                  BELVAL, FR Young boy. Blinking luminous/glowing triangle  1/21/1996 #42701  
o, El Salvador found a 17-year-old boy wandering confused along the shore o 2/29/1996 #42789  
 herself with a blanket, while the boy saw what appeared to be a large form 7/22/1996 #42963  
 In an attempt to protect her, the boy jumped up in front of the girl. At t 7/22/1996 #42963  
e figure. Both the alien and young boy stared at each other for at least fi 9/16/1996 #43025  
 9-year-old children, a girl and a boy, spotted a four-foot-tall sky-blue f 9/24/1996 #43041  
                     TWIN LAKE, MI Boy / camp. Metal-grey flashlight shape  7/3/1998 #43599  
ually the one remaining witness, a boy, observed it turn blue and streak aw 7/18/1998 #43610  
                     A 12-year-old boy in Victoria, British Columbia sudden 10/25/1998 #43670  
 Maybrook, New York an 11-year-old boy awoke at 1:30 a.m. and saw three biz 11/13/1998 #43681  
   Sereban, Malaysia - A Malaysian boy named Mohd Fami awoke at 4:30 a.m. t 5/24/1999 #43775  
 of a figure, the size of a little boy, but it was gone in an instant. The  1/17/2000 #43929  
h Isaac, a friend, and their small boy are driving on the Klondike Highway  3/30/2000 #43971  
ing a young couple and their small boy, driving near Little Fox Lake in the 3/30/2000 #43973  
                     A 14-year-old boy had gone to bed late on this night a 7/12/2000 #44015  
itness. He telepathically told the boy that they were going to cure an infe 7/12/2000 #44015  
, Arizona 8:45 p.m. An 11-year-old boy on the north side of Phoenix, Arizon 11/20/2000 #44075  
                        NEWARK, OH Boy / 11. Silent round grey 5M object wi 11/29/2000 #44087  
    In Newark, Ohio an 11-year-old boy reported to the police that he had s 11/29/2000 #44090  
 not think much about it since the boy usually gets a nose bleed once a yea 9/3/2003 #44592  
00 p.m. an elderly man and a young boy in Lagos, Nigeria reported seeing a  8/25/2004 #44742  
hey did not believe him. The young boy, who was peddling spring water aroun 8/25/2004 #44742  
at 2:30 p.m. It scared a dog and a boy.                                     11/3/2007 #45089  
etherlands 6:30 p.m. A 13-year-old boy in Briele, Netherlands, watches two  2/27/2018 #45517  
## Word: "boy's" (Back to Top)
heir arms. One of them smacked the boy's face, then they re-entered the mac 7/1/1953 #8983  
heir arms. One of them smacked the boy's face, then they reentered the mach 7/2/1953 #8986  
alled. The apparition snatched the boy's scarf, but he ran away and came ba 7/30/1962 #17305  
ering fire through an opening. The boy's father warned him to stay away as  8/20/1962 #17347  
ring flame through an opening. The boy's father warned him to stay away as  8/20/1962 #17349  
a strange noise (also heard by the boy's father) was noted. After 1-2 min t 4/26/1965 #18920  
noise, which was also heard by the boy's father, was noted. After a couple  4/26/1965 #18921  
is, they walked to the home of the boy's sisters, where they found a round, 8/23/1967 #22908  
r responded. Mrs. James Wells, the boy's mother, also reported seeing the U 3/19/1968 #23850  
om, walking down a path toward the boy's tent. The farther away the figure  7/8/1971 #26218  
le column. They did not answer the boy's questions as they passed on either 9/11/1973 #27803  
le column. They did not answer the boy's questions as they passed on either 9/12/1973 #27809  
oy to look in the object. When the boy's father stepped into the backyard m 10/16/1973 #28090  
eyard. They then ran to one of the boy's homes and informed their parents,  2/23/1975 #29839  
## Word: "boy-scouts" (Back to Top)
                CAMPBELLSVILLE, KY Boy-scouts exec. Luminous/glowing ovoid  11/1/1957 #14187  
## Word: "boyaca" (Back to Top)
                  In Nobsa, Dicho, Boyaca Province, Colombia three men name 12/31/2006 #44992  
## Word: "boyang" (Back to Top)
                                   BOYANG CO, JIANGXI, CH Big panic. Round  8/1958 (approximate) #15168  
## Word: "boyce" (Back to Top)
                         Media, PA Boyce Case, (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 8/1947 #3273  
Pennsylvania USAF fighter pilot W. Boyce sees a hovering disc above Media,  8/1947 #3274  
                               Mr. Boyce, age 51, was driving near a horse  8/8/1971 #26274  
## Word: "boyd" (Back to Top)
s AFB California USAAF Col. Albert Boyd reaches a world airspeed record of  6/19/1947 #2342  
iefing about UFOs by Cmdr. Randall Boyd Jr. of the Air Intelligence Estimat 7/29/1952 #7324  
US and distant parts of the world. Boyd explains that USAF has made no prog 7/29/1952 #7324  
hese events were First Officer Lee Boyd and Navigator Capt. H. McDonnell. A 6/29/1954 #9958  
hot away. Upon landing, Howard and Boyd were debriefed by intelligence offi 6/29/1954 #9958  
s, Quebec, Howard, his copilot Lee Boyd, and navigator H. McDonnell see a l 6/29/1954 #9962  
 Menzel and science writer Lyle G. Boyd publish The World of Flying Saucers 1963 #17621  
                   Taola Point Ben Boyd National Park New South Wales 4:00  10/23/1976 #31488  
olar eclipse at Taola Point in Ben Boyd National Park, New South Wales, not 10/23/1976 #31488  
 hand. The next day she visits Bob Boyd, an investigator with the Plymouth  9/10/1981 #36108  
ood and bruising. On September 12, Boyd visits her with a nurse, who persua 9/10/1981 #36108  
                                   BOYD CO, KY Longitude & latitude coords. 10/16/1982 #36644  
                                   Boyd County, KY 4:00 PM. Cube-shaped obj 10/16/1982 #36645  
tion of lights were seen by Mr. D. Boyd in Yorktown, New York. An engineer  5/31/1984 #37346  
State Parkway. At 8:45 p.m., David Boyd in Yorktown, New York, sees a V-sha 5/31/1984 #37348  
.m. the lights were seen by Mr. D. Boyd in Yorktown, New York. An engineer  5/31/1984 #37349  
         Lockheed Martin scientist Boyd Bushman is awarded a patent for a d 4/17/1997 #43264  
         Lockheed Martin scientist Boyd Bushman claims before he dies that  8/2014 #45413  
## Word: "boyer" (Back to Top)
 and one or more humanoid beings. (Boyer letter dated 5/5/67 in NICAP files 3/12/1967 #21867  
## Word: "boyeros" (Back to Top)
n the Havana, Cuba municipality of Boyeros, several people witnessed the pr 5/8/2004 #44696  
## Word: "boyertown" (Back to Top)
                                   BOYERTOWN, PA 1 observer. Green and whit 4/5/1995 #42141  
## Word: "boyett" (Back to Top)
on her back. An acquaintance, Paul Boyett, has a Geiger counter, with which 2/17/1958 #14878  
## Word: "boyfriend" (Back to Top)
led out his sister Joanne, and her boyfriend Carl, and all three of them sa 7/17/1967 #22683  
te of shock. That same evening the boyfriend of one of these girls was walk 3/22/1969 #25037  
headquarters office worker and her boyfriend, Burnham and Pidcock, saw a ro 11/21/1970 #25914  
ea near Bartelso, Illinois, with a boyfriend when they see lights traveling 1/1972 #26535  
            Nancy, age 22, and her boyfriend Jim were camping at Phantom La 10/14/1973 #28031  
Bismarck, North Dakota by Jackie's boyfriend when they heard a loud rumblin 8/26/1975 #30309  
Bismarck, North Dakota by Jackie's boyfriend when they heard a loud rumblin 8/26/1975 #30312  
led the milk and ran. His sister’s boyfriend, who had been following him, s 1/6/1976 #30771  
, his 17-year-old sister, and ther boyfriend all saw a red “headlight” dive 1/6/1976 #30771  
call from a man whose daughter and boyfriend have seen a strange object ove 7/28/1978 #33435  
K Late night. Ros Reynolds and her boyfriend were driving to visit friend w 9/1982 #36588  
 Rosalind Reynolds-Parnham and her boyfriend Philip are driving through the 9/1982 #36590  
ng her. She goes inside to get her boyfriend and two children. They watch t 11/28/1983 #37052  
ward the object on foot, while the boyfriend jumps in a car to pursue it. A 11/28/1983 #37052  
experience eye irritation, and the boyfriend’s face and hands turn red and  11/28/1983 #37052  
witness was asleep in bed with her boyfriend at their home in Florida when  1/27/2003 #44481  
## Word: "boykin" (Back to Top)
e Executive Officer Maj. Samuel V. Boykin responds to Corning asking for mo 1/20/1945 #1759  
      Grierson writes to Samuel V. Boykin that the Air Ministry thinks the  3/18/1945 #1816  
## Word: "boyle" (Back to Top)
     Alberta Highway 46 Highway 63 Boyle, Alberta 7:00 a.m. Arnold Barker i 12/15/1976 #31604  
ighway 63] nearly 3 miles south of Boyle, Alberta, when he sees two bright  12/15/1976 #31604  
                                   BOYLE, MS 8' cone / round top paces car. 1/20/1990 #39381  
                                   Boyle, MS Silvery object with flashing,  1/20/1990 #39382  
                                   Boyle, MS Silvery object with two rows o 1/20/1990 #39383  
                    Highway 446 at Boyle, Mississippi 1:15–1:20 a.m. A silv 1/20/1990 #39384  
o to three miles on Highway 446 at Boyle, Mississippi. The engine and light 1/20/1990 #39384  
## Word: "boyne" (Back to Top)
                   At 8:00 p.m. in Boyne City, Michigan, a huge diamond-sha 11/15/2001 #44277  
## Word: "boynton" (Back to Top)
 corner of Congress and Gateway in Boynton Beach, Florida at 5:10 a.m. when 1/17/1995 #41981  
; Jean Kimura, who claims while in Boynton Canyon near Sedona, AZ she and o 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "boys" (Back to Top)
am, Iowa. A large crowd of men and boys sets out to examine the object, but 4/14/1897 #466  
ttä-Vilppula], Finland, a group of boys see a light come from over the wate Summer 1907 #695  
                  KAKA POINT, NZ 6 boys / beach. House-sized luminous/glowi 7/24/1909 #782  
uthwest of Riwaka, New Zealand six boys on the beach sighted a house-sized  7/24/1909 #784  
ay, begin barking and howling. The boys stop work and go to investigate. Th 5/1913 #888  
 no other clothes. Right after the boys get there, the two dogs jump him an 5/1913 #888  
w out, but it doesn’t cry out. The boys go back and check the spot the next 5/1913 #888  
edge of it. They approach, and the boys take off.                           9/1914 #914  
          WELLINGTON BRIDGE, IRE 2 boys. Light beam follows roads / several 9/1924 #1043  
ls energized, but one of the other boys is temporarily sick. Pârvu encounte Early 8/1939 #1312  
bdon Gonzales Tello, 13, and other boys see a silvery, cigar-shaped object  5/1942 #1411  
nst the wind to the southwest. The boys say it looks like a large, metallic 7/19/1946 #2069  
          LOS ALTOS, CA Lady and 2 boys. 8 disks / 3 formations going quick 7/8/1947 #2981  
lls, Smoke River Canyon, Idaho Two boys and their father saw a sky-blue obj 8/13/1947 #3319  
about 1:00 p.m. Mr. Urie "sent his boys to the (Salmon) river to get some r 8/13/1947 #3322  
ream. Looking around, he sees two “boys” on the edge of a grove of trees. H 8/14/1947 #3330  
                  LIVINGSTON, MT 3 boys. Saucers going quickly north. Railr 8/23/1947 #3361  
                       HAMEL, MN 2 boys. 2' saucer lands. Going up [to] and 8/11/1948 #3776  
              Hamel, Minnesota Two boys were playing outside when a round d 8/11/1948 #3778  
                               Two boys were playing outside at noon in Ham 8/11/1948 #3779  
                      AMARILLO, TX Boys. 3' saucer / ground. Dome turns. Re 4/8/1950 #4824  
ry fast. The faces and arms of the boys later became red.                   4/8/1950 #4828  
ry fast. The faces and arms of the boys later became red with welts.        4/8/1950 #4832  
rchasing agent Harry Lamp and four boys, using lO-power binoculars.  One 75 12/6/1950 #5328  
rchasing agent Harry Lamp and four boys spot a 75-foot silver object hoveri 12/6/1950 #5331  
                 SAN ANSELMO, CA 2 boys. Bright yellow saucer stops. Night  7/16/1952 (approximate) #6834  
ight in a wild palmetto grove. The boys do not see it, so he drives on. Ano 8/19/1952 #7651  
d goes into the grove, telling the boys to stay in the car unless he is del 8/19/1952 #7651  
less he is delayed. Soon all three boys see red lights flashing in the grov 8/19/1952 #7651  
                   KENNEWICK, WA 2 boys. Large silver saucer / treetops. Ra 8/28/1952 #7762  
local farmer G. Bailey Fisher. The boys go to the home of the May brothers’ 9/12/1952 #7905  
Mrs. May, accompanied by the three boys, local children Neil Nunley, 14, an 9/12/1952 #7905  
                     EL PASO, TX 2 boys. Round array / lights rotates over  9/25/1952 #8025  
                         CAIRO, GA Boys. Silver grey domed saucer going wes 4/1953 (approximate) #8802  
            GREENWICH, CT 2 scared boys. Classic saucer turns going north a 2/2/1954 #9528  
rom the inside, and scared the two boys named Morrell and Moshier who obser 2/2/1954 #9529  
       Coniston, England Two small boys see and take pic of UFO near Conist 2/15/1954 #9543  
a bee." The man approached and the boys galloped their horse for the house. 8/7/1954 #10113  
                Quebec, Canada Two boys in Quebec, Canada see spaceship lan 8/28/1954 #10193  
                Quebec, Canada Two boys saw a craft land and two or three m 8/28/1954 #10197  
                               Two boys in Quebec saw an unidentified craft 8/28/1954 #10199  
                   COLCERASA, IT 2 boys. 3 35cm figure(s) enter 150cm ovoid 10/25/1954 #11378  
 a strong gust of wind struck both boys. The object sported something like  11/23/1954 #11697  
to the left of Mount La Cesa. Both boys ran home to relate what they had ju 11/23/1954 #11697  
  Calcerosa, Italy Two 12-year-old boys, G. Marziano and P. Santucci, sudde 11/25/1954 #11703  
osa, Sicily, Italy two 12-year-old boys, G. Marziano and P. Santucci, watch 11/25/1954 #11704  
e appeared and spoke to one of the boys. All the children experienced visio 8/22/1955 #12389  
e appeared and spoke to one of the boys. All the children experienced visio 8/22/1955 #12390  
arms appeared, and told two of the boys to climb a tree to be “picked up.”  8/29/1955 #12416  
                 PONTELAND, ENGL 4 boys. Large saucer / windows / edge. Low 8/31/1955 #12419  
                         ADA, OK 2 boys. 20 silver disks going north in V-g 5/17/1956 #12855  
                 SOUTH RIVER, NJ 4 boys. Small white disk going [to] overhe 9/3/1956 #13178  
                    MATANZAS, CUBA Boys. Brill-shiny top-saucer. Going up [ 7/8/1959 (approximate) #15823  
Wisconsin 4:30 p.m. Two 8-year-old boys are walking over a small hill in ru 11/3/1960 #16493  
                  SANTA CRUZ, CA 2 boys / bus. Classic saucer with transpar 11/2/1961 #16945  
            SOUTHEAST TUCSON, AZ 3 boys. 3+1 green fireballs exit delta/tri 6/25/1962 #17244  
to the ground for 3–5 minutes. The boys soon get sleepy and retire after a  6/25/1962 #17245  
   Lethbridge, Alberta Two teenage boys in Lethbridge, Alberta, see an elli 11/30/1962 #17565  
                  FERN CREEK, KY 2 boys. Small disk exits cylinder/cigar-sh 7/18/1963 #17837  
two o'clock in the afternoon, four boys in Fern Creek, Kentucky saw a cigar 7/18/1963 #17839  
helmet emerged from the trees. The boys threw dirt clods at the entity, and 7/18/1963 #17839  
               LEEDS, WEST YORKS 2 boys. Domed saucer descends from overcas 7/24/1963 #17850  
  On this morning two ten year old boys with the last names Lee and Duffy w 7/24/1963 #17851  
                   FORT KENT, ME 2 boys agree. Saucer passes overhead north 8/18/1963 #17905  
c-shaped UFO was seen by two young boys, whose parents agreed they must hav 8/18/1963 #17907  
c-shaped UFO was seen by two young boys in Fort Kent, Aroostook County, Mai 8/18/1963 #17908  
d faces the cyclops. Now all three boys are aware of the visitor. The cyclo 8/28/1963 #17922  
ps the brick, and all three of the boys become calm and frozen. For a few m 8/28/1963 #17922  
e a threatening gesture at the two boys, aged 9 and 11, and then flew up to 8/28/1963 #17924  
      NEAR ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR 2 boys and 20. Saucer lands / field. 7' fi 10/1/1963? #17970  
       PLYMPTON, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 2 boys. Large saucer going down [to] and g 2/29/1964 #18139  
                   Two 10-year-old boys named Mathlin and Jensen saw a glow 2/29/1964 #18141  
, 7 Floyd Moore, 10, and two other boys, saw a dwarf dressed in a black sui 7/16/1964 #18416  
tially hidden in the brush, as the boys ran home.                           7/16/1964 #18416  
 New York Shortly after noon. Five boys (Edmund Travis, Randy Travis, Floyd 7/16/1964 #18421  
e source of a whistling sound, the boys spot a 3-foot-tall humanoid figure  7/16/1964 #18421  
s to emanate from his stomach. The boys throw stones and apples at it, but  7/16/1964 #18421  
n a field alongside a road by five boys at 12:30 p.m. in Conklin, Broome Co 7/16/1964 #18422  
                      SIENA, ITL 2 boys. 1M saucer skims roofs / 80kph. Fla 8/1964 #18463  
                    DEFIANCE, OH 2 boys. Domed saucer spins over water tank 8/11/1964 #18478  
ttleton, about 50 km west, by four boys. It was described as silvery gray,  8/25/1964 #18509  
was sighted at close range by four boys in Littleton, Massachusetts at 9:30 8/25/1964 #18510  
 and were barefoot. They asked the boys if they were interested in seeing a 9/4/1964 #18534  
Rocky, Oklahoma 4:00 a.m. Two farm boys are stacking hay near Rocky, Oklaho 6/19/1965 #19017  
gures about the size of 8-year-old boys, apparently looking at a lavender p 7/1/1965 #19047  
 At 4:30 a.m. a group of newspaper boys sighted a silver, football-shaped o 7/12/1965 #19098  
nd hear a buzzing noise. The other boys run, but Adilon remains and sees an 7/26/1965 #19181  
                               Two boys, Doug Knopka, age 9, and Tim Dietz, 8/3/1965 #19294  
gure moving about. Frightened, the boys ran from the spot. As they ran they 8/3/1965 #19294  
ert, also goes outside and the two boys see that the UFO has reappeared, th 8/19/1965 #19427  
                 HAMPTON FALLS, NH Boys. 2 boxy objects with rotating light 3/29/1966 #20122  
                      TUCSON, AZ 4 boys. Flash / sky. 3-4 disks going east  4/2/1966 #20205  
y heard footsteps on the roof. Two boys went out to investigate and heard a 4/7/1966 #20271  
sses about 15 feet above them. The boys run to the Holy Ghost Seminary near 4/8/1966 #20276  
   Cape Canaveral, Florida - Three boys were playing behind their apartment 6/3/1966 #20529  
ing, with their backs to them. The boys said the two men wore "glass helmet 6/3/1966 #20529  
e type of identifying letters. The boys ran back at the same time the men r 6/3/1966 #20529  
rói Jacques Vallée Afternoon. Some boys looking for a lost kite on the Morr 8/20/1966 #20779  
t, which appeared to crumble." The boys and their mother had not seen anyon 9/5/1966 #20852  
sition somewhat to the north. Both boys sit on their bicycles and watch a d 10/4/1966 #20957  
           EAST CONNERSVILLE, IN 2 boys. Dark saucer / ground. Sulfur odor. 10/5/1966 #20960  
 New Jersey Turnpike 9:45 p.m. Two boys in Elizabeth, New Jersey—Martin Mun 10/11/1966 #20992  
teep. John Keel interviews the two boys three days after the incident. They 10/11/1966 #20992  
          WANAQUE, NJ Engineer and boys. Metallic flat-bottom ovoid hovers  10/16/1966 #21009  
 in the effort, code-named BITBR (“Boys in the Back Room”). Wood networks w 1967 #21238  
e up the project code-named BITBR (Boys in the Back Room).  Wood meets Jame 1967 #21240  
ids depicting a flying saucer. The boys claimed that they observed the sauc 1/9/1967 #21275  
                   STUDHAM, ENGL 7 boys. 3' small humanoid (or Grey) / helm 1/28/1967 #21406  
giving him a blue color. The other boys see it too. They begin to run towar 1/28/1967 #21409  
pears in a different spot, and the boys start running there, but again he d 1/28/1967 #21409  
e vanishing act repeats again, the boys hear a deep-toned sound emanating f 1/28/1967 #21409  
nt the school bell sounds, and the boys rush off to class. Miss Newcomb, th 1/28/1967 #21409  
chool headmistress, interviews the boys and collects their written reports  1/28/1967 #21409  
    At 1:45 p.m. a group of school boys encountered a "little blue man" abo 1/28/1967 #21410  
                    STANFORD, CA 2 boys photograph huge silver donut saucer 2/2/1967 #21436  
ossville, KS Night. Three teenaged boys saw what looked like two car lights 2/8/1967 #21480  
go, ND 7:50 p.m. CST. Two teenaged boys saw around or disc-shaped brightly  2/25/1967 #21647  
North Dakota 7:50 p.m. Two teenage boys in Fargo, North Dakota, see a round 2/25/1967 #21648  
erica on this day. Two 12-year-old boys in Bunkie, Louisiana saw two points 2/27/1967 #21678  
                              Four boys, Bob & John Kangas, Mike Kauppi, an 3/12/1967 #21874  
 "objects" faded out of sight. The boys headed for the nearest house, "visi 3/12/1967 #21874  
Ohio Witnesses:  man, woman, three boys.  One oval object, which looked lik 3/26/1967 #21996  
              SJAELLENS ODDE, DK 2 boys. UFO with tripod / near landing. Du 4/1/1967? #22032  
             NEW WESTMINSTER, BC 2 boys. Fast 1M saucer. Stops. Hovers / 20 4/1/1967 #22036  
       New Westminster, Canada Two boys saw an orange disk, less than 1 m i 4/1/1967 #22041  
                         Two young boys saw a dark gray object overhead at  4/13/1967 #22128  
                         Two young boys sawa dark gray UFO hovering over th 4/15/1967 #22135  
        Green Lake, Wisconsin Four boys with binoculars observed an object  4/27/1967 #22232  
            At 10:00 p.m. CDT four boys with binoculars in Green Lake, Wisc 4/27/1967 #22237  
"glowed reddish-white." One of the boys had a camera, and allegedly took th 5/11/1967 #22316  
 forward and shouts. “Okay, Yankee boys, having trouble? Come on out and we 5/20/1967 #22382  
              NORTH SAN JUAN, CA 2 boys. Good clear photographs / 10M sauce 6/2/1967 #22451  
 Kenmare, ND 10:45 p.m. CDT. Three boys and a policeman saw a hovering oblo 6/21/1967 #22528  
Harrisburg, PA 10:25 p.m. EDT. Two boys, 12 and 14, saw a round1 object wit 7/9/1967 #22636  
                 At 10:25 p.m. two boys shone a spotlight on a red and whit 7/9/1967 #22637  
. As I saw the "thing," some local boys were saying "il disco," and pointin 7/18/1967 #22691  
                       WICHITA, KS Boys and mom. Saucer lands / field. Ligh 9/14/1967 #23052  
           SR7 EAST / DUNCAN, OK 4 boys. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) / roa 10/21/1967 #23277  
             Duncan, Oklahoma Four boys were driving east on State Route 7  10/21/1967 #23279  
re of the same flying objects. The boys claimed their walkie-talkies malfun 10/24/1967 #23309  
         GREAT MALVERN, H&W, ENG 3 boys. Domed saucer lands 200M away. Trac 10/25/1967 #23314  
            SOUTH / SCRIBNER, NE 3 boys hunting. Glowing football ovoid goi 11/19/1967 #23480  
ers up and 50 meters away from the boys. On the upper part of the object ap 6/27/1968 #24087  
               BOTUCATU, SP, BRZ 3 boys. 8M UFO / tripod. Ladder / ground.  7/1/1968 #24111  
 Botucatu, Brazil 12:30 a.m. Three boys saw an object, about 8 m wide, 350  7/1/1968 #24113  
            Botucatu, Brazil Three boys saw an object, about 8 m wide, 350  7/1/1968 #24115  
São Paulo, Brazil 12:30 a.m. Three boys are sitting on the main gate of the 7/1/1968 #24118  
r reaching down to the ground. The boys can hear a weird “tinging sound on  7/1/1968 #24118  
               At 12:30 p.m. three boys in Botucatu, Sao Paulo State, Brazi 7/1/1968 #24120  
esidual "gunpowder" smell, and the boys thought they heard a "tingling" sou 7/1/1968 #24120  
ternoon around 3:00 p.m. two young boys riding their bicycles near the airp 7/26/1968 #24234  
 lots of people and lots of little boys..." She knocked at a nearby house,  8/4/1968 #24297  
               ST. GERTRUDE, QBC 4 boys. Glowing small humanoid (or Grey) j 8/6/1968 #24300  
                   WOLFVILLE, NS 4 boys. 5M black disk hovers / 30M. Going  9/15/1968 #24461  
          PLAYA SHANGRILA, URG 1+3 boys. 2 good photographs / hat-saucer /  9/23/1968 #24501  
ir presence had been detected, the boys ran away.                           9/30/1968 #24527  
                   Two 15-year-old boys in Houston, Texas sighted a domed d 11/3/1968 #24628  
area of Houston, Texas Two teenage boys see a disc-shaped UFO about 200 fee 11/6/1968 #24637  
, Sao Paulo State, Brazil when two boys, Joao Batista Da Silva, age 9, and  2/6/1969 #24898  
the workers fighting the ants. The boys told her that the men’s clothing wa 2/6/1969 #24898  
tinued her work, when suddenly the boys cried out, “Look, the little tent h 2/6/1969 #24898  
indeed gone. Shortly afterward the boys pointed out a “luminous ball the si 2/6/1969 #24898  
             BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ 2 boys. Dog frantic. Saucer touches outer  2/20/1969 #24931  
                   On this day two boys claimed they saw an emormous flying 2/23/1969 #24940  
they wore ashen-gray trousers. The boys fled down the mountain. They return 2/23/1969 #24940  
                      CANNES, FR 2 boys. Bang / door. Dog barks. Small whit 7/21/1969 #25283  
partment, France. Looking out, two boys saw a small white sphere that was h 7/21/1969 #25289  
t in the basket. When two teenaged boys drove up in a car and saw the being 12/27/1969 #25510  
               NEBRASKA CITY, NE 2 boys. 35' disk stops. Hovers and rocks.  12/29/1969 #25513  
ts depart. After school six school boys in the same village reported seeing 8/19/1970 #25796  
t apparently sent out signals. The boys became frightened and ran away.     8/19/1970 #25796  
        At 6:30 a.m. several young boys in Bukit Mertajam, Penang province, 8/20/1970 #25799  
sembling a gun and shot one of the boys on his hand when the boy attempted  8/20/1970 #25799  
the boy attempted to grab him. The boys ran to get their teachers but upon  8/20/1970 #25799  
en shot by the creature. Two other boys in the same village went out lookin 8/20/1970 #25799  
red to be holding a small gun. The boys attempted to capture the entities b 8/20/1970 #25799  
served independently by two school boys on the morning of the 7th on Cape C 1/7/1971 #25981  
nis, Massachusetts Scargo Lake Two boys independently observe a metallic ob 1/7/1971 #25982  
vestigating witnesses, two teenage boys, found an elongated hole in the ice 1/7/1971 #25983  
                               Two boys, Stewart and Lyle Leppke of Peabody 1/22/1971 #25996  
he time the sheriff got there. The boys said the object hovered a few feet  1/22/1971 #25996  
ey waved at the witnesses. The two boys felt a numbness and stinging sensat 2/26/1971 #26033  
 New South Wales three 13-year-old boys with the last names of Fuller and D 4/23/1971 #26079  
e after camping out with two other boys; while crossing a grassy field, alo 5/15/1971 #26110  
ut the previous day with two other boys. He was crossing a grassy field at  5/15/1971 #26111  
tent camping with three adolescent boys in a grotto about ten kilometers fr 7/8/1971 #26218  
figure had disappeared. He got the boys up and they explored the surroundin 7/8/1971 #26218  
                 FT DUCHESNE, UT 2 boys. Large domed saucer with colored li 9/20/1971 #26351  
ght in Twin Falls, Idaho two young boys reported that their farm animals we 9/22/1971 #26366  
old Wantage canal. Two 14-year-old boys said they were chased by it, that w 9/25/1971 #26380  
                               Two boys in Leicester, England reported that 10/17/1971 #26429  
                 HALESOWEN, ENGL 3 boys. Saucer spins and wobbles / 10 minu 1/20/1972 #26550  
   On this evening two 13-year old boys named Akkan and Green in Loughborou 2/11/1972 #26572  
                  WHITEWATER, WI 2 boys. Whistle. 3 silver 5M hamburger sau 12/31/1972 #27194  
           Pana, IL Evening. Three boys reported they saw an orange ball co 2/8/1973 #27272  
dscape. After it had gone, all the boys went off on a race, leaving Helene  2/26/1973 #27318  
                Fairfield, IL Four boys (ages 14-18) saw an illuminated obj 7/6/1973 #27615  
          IBAGUE, COLOMBIA Several boys and cop. Little men search / river  8/10/1973 #27689  
ut - At 10:30 p.m. two 17-year-old boys were driving north on Route 7 from  9/11/1973 #27803  
ked their cars and the two younger boys got out and asked the occupants of  9/11/1973 #27803  
ut - At 10:30 p.m. two 17-year-old boys were driving north on Route 7 from  9/12/1973 #27809  
ked their cars and the two younger boys got out and asked the occupants of  9/12/1973 #27809  
follow. The shapes sped up and the boys noticed an odor like burning oil. W 9/20/1973 #27849  
 Princeton, IN 4:40 p.m. Two young boys spotted a strange object just befor 10/17/1973 #28115  
 small humanoid (or Grey) chases 2 boys sideways! Green cloud maneuvers. /  10/18/1973 #28155  
2-year-old man and two 10-year-old boys allegedly see a bright-white, dome- 10/25/1973 #28285  
when the principal witness and two boys proceeded up a hill in a field and  10/25/1973 #28286  
                 LEMON GROVE, CA 2 boys. Domed saucer / ground. TV and inst 11/16/1973 #28430  
lifornia 7:00 p.m. Two 11-year old boys are outside in Lemon Grove, Califor 11/16/1973 #28434  
eld. It seems inactive. One of the boys cautiously approaches and raps it w 11/16/1973 #28434  
hen flashing intermittent red. The boys are now frightened and start to run 11/16/1973 #28434  
 this day in 1973, two 11-year-old boys in Chula Vista, San Diego County, C 12/10/1973 #28552  
                 Three 16-year-old boys saw a silver disc hovering 20 feet  12/13/1973 #28570  
                LINCOLNSHIRE, IL 2 boys photograph saucer-cylinder/cigar-sh 5/5/1974 #29081  
Lincolnshire, IL Six photos taken. Boys sight UFO, Hynek called in. (Review 5/5/1974 #29084  
t of hot air that blows dust on he boys. It extends three short legs and bl 8/16/1974 #29362  
parks leap up from the ground. The boys run home. Investigator Graham Conwa 8/16/1974 #29362  
     Shortly after 7:30 p.m. three boys, ages 9 and 10, in Port Coquitlam,  8/16/1974 #29364  
TER, OXON Strange figure follows 2 boys. Night light overhead. Observer(s)  10/9/1974 #29506  
New York 7:00 p.m. Two 15-year-old boys in Annadale, Staten Island, New Yor 2/10/1975 #29800  
sly to something in the woods. The boys return early the next morning and f 2/10/1975 #29800  
                     KOFU, JAPAN 2 boys. 5M domed saucer lands / 3 legs bur 2/23/1975 #29836  
p.m. and 7 p.m. two seven-year-old boys named Kono and Yamahata watched a l 2/23/1975 #29837  
p.m. and 7 p.m. two seven-year-old boys named Kono and Yamahata watched a l 2/23/1975 #29839  
in diameter and six feet high. The boys got very close to it, and discovere 2/23/1975 #29839  
s" where the mouth should be. Both boys could see one more smaller humanoid 2/23/1975 #29839  
reached out and touched one of the boys, patting him twice on the shoulder  2/23/1975 #29839  
             VITRY-EN-ARTOIS, FR 2 boys. Disk tilts and turns over. 4 anten 8/22/1975 #30293  
 inches above the ground. When the boys followed them a bright white, lemon 2/10/1976 #30863  
        OLDHAM, MANCHESTER Group / boys. Saucer west transparent dome in an 3/1/1976 #30913  
      On this afternoon a group of boys in Oldham, Cairo Mill, Greater Manc 3/1/1976 #30914  
 whistling sound became louder the boys ran to get their brothers Chris, ag 7/5/1976 #31154  
, age 11, and Tom, age 9. All four boys then saw a pulsating glowing domed  7/5/1976 #31154  
                     SAVANNA, OK 3 boys. White saucer with beams searching  7/12/1976 #31159  
evening in Savanna, Oklahoma three boys watched a white disc-shaped object  7/12/1976 #31161  
sted (near), CT 3:45 p.m. Fourteen boys and their camp counselor Mr. Leifer 7/28/1976 #31187  
ounselor Ira Leifer and 13 teenage boys are resting from a hike in the wood 7/28/1976 #31189  
                          Fourteen boys and their camp counselor Mr. Leifer 7/28/1976 #31190  
altar Mediterranean 11:00 p.m. Two boys aged 13 and 14 are standing on the  8/11/1976 #31256  
                 EL FUNDO, DOM.REP Boys. Robot with wig and ordinary clothe 8/14/1976 #31262  
five o'clock in the afternoon, two boys with a dog on a farm in El Fundo, t 8/14/1976 #31264  
 inches above the ground. When the boys followed them a bright white, lemon 8/16/1976 #31274  
he air, only 15 feet away from the boys.                                    8/16/1976 #31274  
r ears nor hair. None of the other boys appeared to have seen it, and most  10/15/1976 #31465  
a loud crackling sound. Two of the boys next noticed an object resembling a 10/29/1976 #31505  
owly towards the wall, and the two boys could now see bright shiny eyes but 10/29/1976 #31505  
 stopped and seemed to look at the boys, then floated on and disappeared be 11/12/1976 #31541  
        SOUTHWEST NORTHRIDGE, CA 3 boys / (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer /  12/14/1976 #31600  
                     EAST LONDON 2 boys. Odd sphere/orb/globe going southwe 1/1977 #31662  
                LOUISVILLE, KY 1+2 boys. 100' and domed object hovers / 80' 1/26/1977 #31751  
fteen children, mostly 10-year-old boys, at Broad Haven Primary School in P 2/4/1977 #31790  
for five minutes, by a total of 14 boys and one girl. Their drawings show a 2/4/1977 #31792  
outh, Devon, England Morning. Four boys and one adult at Penlee Secondary S 2/16/1977 #31820  
ain dashed back and forth. The two boys followed it to the Nadon field by t 4/6/1977 #31953  
ments. Darkness had fallen and the boys returned home, finally running beca 4/6/1977 #31953  
n Bay 11:00 p.m. Three 14-year-old boys are in a field near Bayview Avenue  5/20/1977 #32116  
ng with a stiff, limping walk. The boys run across the street and look back 5/20/1977 #32116  
ternoon a group of boarding school boys, concealed on the opposite side of  6/12/1977 #32160  
                CONNERSVILLE, IN 2 boys. 90m delta/triangle/box-like craft  7/1977 #32212  
nersville, IN Evening. Three young boys, Todd being 12-years old, were play 7/1977 #32219  
 stars between them. The other two boys fled, but Todd was entranced as thi 7/1977 #32219  
                     IRLAM, ENGL 2 boys. Long cylinder/cylindrical object g 7/5/1977 #32237  
            COLDSTREAM, SCOTLAND 2 boys. 5M classic domed saucer hovers 15c 10/1977 #32536  
s it rises into the air again. The boys run to the nearby Alm school. They  10/25/1977 #32609  
ds it rose into the air again. The boys ran to the nearby Alm school. They  10/25/1977 #32610  
chool playing field 6:15 p.m. Four boys are playing on the ice of the Montv 1/31/1978 #32928  
 cape over the yellow suit. As the boys watch, they note an uncanny silence 1/31/1978 #32928  
he nearby Public Works Garage. The boys then notice another figure, this on 1/31/1978 #32928  
dlights illuminated the field. The boys then noticed a "plane" like object  1/31/1978 #32930  
 cape over the yellow suit. As the boys watched the figures, they noted an  1/31/1978 #32930  
he nearby Public Works Garage. The boys then noticed another figure, this o 1/31/1978 #32930  
              Evansville, IN Three boys saw two lights. Then they could see 4/7/1978 #33131  
WV 60' saucer beams going down / 2 boys. Paralysis and apparent abduction.  6/14/1978 #33277  
isc directed beams of light at two boys. The boys found they were paralyzed 6/14/1978 #33278  
ed beams of light at two boys. The boys found they were paralyzed and could 6/14/1978 #33278  
isc directed beams of light at two boys in Williamson, West Virginia. The b 6/14/1978 #33279  
 in Williamson, West Virginia. The boys found they were paralyzed and could 6/14/1978 #33279  
 Can Cifre, Ibiza, Spain Two young boys were playing in a tree and heard a  7/11/1978 #33365  
                         Two young boys were playing in a tree in an empty  7/11/1978 #33367  
 using incredibly long jumps. Both boys ran towards a nearby barbwire fence 7/11/1978 #33367  
          At 11:15 a.m. four young boys in the Groendal Nature Reserve, Uit 10/2/1978 #33791  
it, and one stopped to look at the boys. The silver suit covered his forehe 10/2/1978 #33791  
he summit. During the incident the boys noticed a strange silence in the ar 10/2/1978 #33791  
                     MILANO, ITL 2 boys. Black Havana-cylinder/cigar-shape  11/1978 #33903  
                      ORANGE, CA 2 boys / (seen thru) telescope. Domed sauc 11/2/1978 #33913  
          Catania, Italy Two young boys were playing in a yard on the islan 12/15/1978 #34136  
           At 12:15 p.m. two young boys were playing in a yard in Catania,  12/15/1978 #34138  
  Ashland, Wisconsin 8:15 p.m. Two boys in Ashland, Wisconsin, watch a cone 9/4/1979 #34835  
tnesses, including two 11-year-old boys with the surnames Lara and Moron, h 9/19/1979 #34902  
shiny white robe. One of the other boys then approached on a bicycle and sa 10/7/1979 #34951  
den, Alabama 9:00 p.m. Two teenage boys in Gadsden, Alabama, see a domed di 11/15/1979 #35001  
           Two 19-year-old teenage boys, one the son of the circus owner, h 3/21/1980 #35225  
              POOLE HARBOR, ENGL 6 boys. Silent 20M hamburger saucer hovers 11/13/1980 #35635  
ort for UFO are known as the “BLUE BOYS”. The Texas Department of Public Sa 12/29/1980 #35752  
port] Before midnight. Two teenage boys are driving south on Highway 2A pas 7/16/1981 #36012  
es, 500 feet in front of him, “two boys in dark suits” dashing into the bus 8/8/1981 #36064  
       Praglia, Italy 3:00 PM. Six boys were racing dirt bikes near a lake  10/8/1981 #36165  
and hit his head. Two of the other boys went to assist him, when suddenly a 10/8/1981 #36165  
lying turtle beams going down [to] boys working on car. Maneuvers and circl 10/20/1981 #36180  
n Praglia, Liguria, Italy. The six boys were racing dirt bikes near a lake  11/8/1981 #36211  
 fell and hit his head. Two of the boys went to assist him, when suddenly a 11/8/1981 #36211  
                      ONSTED, MI 2 boys. Small humanoid (or Grey) floats ov 12/29/1981 #36280  
                  Brooklyn, MI Two boys playing in a snow fort behind their 12/29/1981 #36281  
      BELLENDEN KER NT.PARK, QLD 2 boys. Night light maneuvers / electric s 1/23/1982 #36307  
        NEAR SARIKEI, MLYS Several boys. Several midgets / plantation. 24 A 8/22/1982 #36579  
gets / plantation. 24 August. Same boys. Large UFO going quickly.           8/22/1982 #36579  
ople, including school students, a boys soccer team, their coaches, and two 1/18/1983 #36748  
             KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 2 boys. Large silent saucer with lights /  1/27/1984 #37155  
 Of Prussia, PA 6:15 AM. Two young boys delivering papers observed a big ci 1/27/1984 #37157  
russia, Pennsylvania 6:15 a.m. Two boys delivering papers in King of Prussi 1/27/1984 #37159  
                 NEAR SIBIU, ROM 4 boys. Cold wind. Brilliant 60M saucer /  10/1985 (approximate) #37668  
mouth “like an old grandma’s.” The boys estimate the being is about 6 feet  8/31/1987 #38265  
irects a beam of energy at the two boys on the swings, causing the levitati 8/31/1987 #38265  
evitation of the metal swings. The boys flee quickly into the Springsteen h 8/31/1987 #38265  
 flies away. Charlene then has the boys draw separate sketches of both the  8/31/1987 #38265  
and hovered over a playground. Two boys who were sons of military personnel 8/31/1987 #38266  
mouth "like an old grandma's." The boys estimated the being to be about six 8/31/1987 #38266  
rected a beam of energy at the two boys on the swings, causing the levitati 8/31/1987 #38266  
evitation of the metal swings. The boys fled quickly into the home of one o 8/31/1987 #38266  
ingsteen, the mother of one of the boys, then had the boys draw separate sk 8/31/1987 #38266  
r of one of the boys, then had the boys draw separate sketches of both the  8/31/1987 #38266  
h cat ears beam light going down / boys. / NUFORC Rp.                       9/1/1987 #38271  
              HOLBROOK, NSW, AUS 2 boys. Grey car-size delta/triangle/box-l 5/20/1988 #38571  
 40 children, including some young boys named Lukin, Levchenko, and Borise  9/21/1989 #39115  
                  VORONEZH, RUSSIA Boys. 5M sphere lands. Headless robot /  9/23/1989 #39117  
ible but then reappear. One of the boys screams in fear. Then one of the be 9/27/1989 #39124  
le but then reappeared. One of the boys screamed in fear. Then one of the b 9/27/1989 #39126  
t, then takes off to the west. The boys alert two teachers in the school, B 10/11/1989 #39162  
       LITTLE FALLS, NY Cops and 2 boys. 70' delta/triangle/box-like craft  10/1990 #39754  
small dome-like sphere on top. The boys approached the object and began tou 5/14/1991 #40060  
roached. Later that afternoon, two boys were playing in the area close to t 5/15/1991 #40064  
em. The being stood looking at the boys, emitting a strange "chatter" like  5/15/1991 #40064  
 strange "chatter" like noise. The boys threw fruit at it and then chased i 5/15/1991 #40064  
int the creature caused one of the boys to fall down by grabbing him by the 5/15/1991 #40064  
 Cemetery. Saucer shines beam on 2 boys. All sides seen. 1 mile / Strategic 3/9/1992 #40365  
g a woman named Paca and two local boys, were walking up a hill when Paca s 9/24/1992 #40639  
       BARNSLEY, SOUTH YORKSHIRE 4 boys. Ovoid hovers over park. Zips away  10/8/1992 #40664  
              CHICHESTER, SUSSEX 2 boys. UFO 200' tall x 150' wide directly 1/1993 #40781  
                 Three 12-year-old boys including Diego Percebal were walki 4/15/1994 #41493  
to enter the abandoned shrine. The boys saw the strange humanoid hide behin 4/15/1994 #41493  
 and broken boards. Terrified, the boys ran to get adult witnesses, several 4/15/1994 #41493  
ivas, near Managua, Nicaragua four boys including 6-year-old Royllin Reyes  2/23/1995 #42060  
               FERRYHILL, DURHAM 4 boys. Domed saucer with orange beams goi 8/22/1995 #42407  
      NORTHWEST / CEDAR HILL, TX 2 boys. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hove 3/3/1996 #42801  
         FT. COLLINS, CO Man and 2 boys. Metallic object reflects sun. Turn 4/15/1996 #42868  
         NORTH / GEORGEVILLE, PA 2 boys. 4' sky-blue figure marches / cornf 9/24/1996 #43040  
           At 10:15 p.m. two young boys, 13-year-old Giovanni and 15-year-o 9/4/1997 #43394  
lking for about 100 meters the two boys next noticed a bizarre creature sta 9/4/1997 #43394  
ore, the next morning the same two boys in Cordenons, Italy along with two  9/5/1997 #43395  
eters away, among some bushes, the boys saw a round hairless head that was  9/5/1997 #43395  
kled in appearance. Terrified, the boys fled the area, but soon returned ar 9/5/1997 #43395  
 didn't see any sexual organs. The boys left quickly. The creature was seen 9/5/1997 #43395  
                SIRACUSA, SICILY 2 boys photograph shiny metallic disk. Err 11/15/1997 #43442  
         In the late afternoon two boys in Siracusa, Sicily, Italy photogra 11/15/1997 #43444  
                   PILAPILA, PNG 5 boys. Large silent cylinder/cigar-shape  11/4/1999 #43871  
## Word: "boys'" (Back to Top)
ok County, Maine at 12:30 p.m. The boys' parents agreed that they must have 8/18/1963 #17908  
## Word: "boyscouts" (Back to Top)
                  FUJIMOMYA, JPN 6 Boyscouts. Bright orange hat saucer resp 3/31/1965 #18881  
## Word: "boyup" (Back to Top)
                                   Boyup Brook, Australia A businessman was 10/30/1967 #23369  
a A businessman was driving toward Boyup Brook when his car failed complete 10/30/1967 #23369  
g a businessman was driving toward Boyup Brook, Australia when his car fail 10/30/1967 #23372  
ng driven by a man named Spargo in Boyup Brook, Western Australia and halte 10/31/1967 #23378  
## Word: "bozeman" (Back to Top)
         Later that day outside of Bozeman, Montana Dan Duggleby was up in  8/20/1966 #20781  
## Word: "boötis" (Back to Top)
the same orbit as the Moon Epsilon Boötis Arcturus Scottish author Duncan L 4/1973 #27396  
tants of a planet orbiting Epsilon Boötis. He says the message reads, “Star 4/1973 #27396  
, “Start here. Our home is Epsilon Boötis, which is a double star. We live  4/1973 #27396  
## Word: "bp" (Back to Top)
hronos/1950fullrep.htm   https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-X0BWGLnELg/Wc5ZLqBeZI/A 3/27/1950 #4742  
lection teams existing.  https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kILfYw2VJyk/VzABvIBOpPI 11/13/1961 #16963  
/BLOG%2B50%2B-%2BA.png   https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-eSTVEVMkTUM/VzAB6HTXdyI 11/13/1961 #16963  
/BLOG%2B50%2B-%2BB.png   https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Ro21GyILirI/VzAB7flzgBI 11/13/1961 #16963  
## Word: "bpp" (Back to Top)
e Breakthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP) program at the time. *   https://ar 8/1997 #43363  
nt0000cook/mode/1up     Note: NASA BPP was working on five methods of antig 2002 #44302  
## Word: "bpvts" (Back to Top)
Television, the group calls itself BPVTS for short. Members include Lev M.  11/1978 #33907  
## Word: "br" (Back to Top)
               EAST / ESCAMBIA BAY BR, FL 2 / car. Group / lights spins and 6/7/1995 #42241  
## Word: "brabant" (Back to Top)
 at 7:45 p.m. in Rhode-St. Genese, Brabant, Belgium. It was absolutely sile 1/24/1970 #25552  
ect hovered in place over Dilbeek, Brabant, Belgium for a few minutes. It t 12/11/1973 #28556  
         In the town of Molenbeek, Brabant, Belgium at 3:50 a.m. a very lum 1/3/1995 #41946  
## Word: "brabazon" (Back to Top)
the constellation Lyra by Reginald Brabazon, 12th Earl of Meath, second sec 9/26/1870 #187  
## Word: "brabham" (Back to Top)
tor, age 18, was driving Miss Abby Brabham, age 15, home. At a point 1.2 mi 4/23/1977 #32019  
## Word: "bracamonte" (Back to Top)
                              Luis Bracamonte, a truck driver, saw a sparkl 3/16/1972 #26606  
## Word: "brace" (Back to Top)
xpecting a mid-air collision, they brace themselves for impact. The object  7/4/1981 #35987  
## Word: "bracebridge" (Back to Top)
                                   BRACEBRIDGE, ON 13' saucer / road. Helme 10/7/1975 #30420  
     Three Mile Lake Road north of Bracebridge, Ontario 8:00 p.m. After his 10/7/1975 #30421  
n on Three Mile Lake Road north of Bracebridge, Ontario, Robert Suffern, 27 10/7/1975 #30421  
landed about 13 miles northwest of Bracebridge, Ontario on this night, and  10/7/1975 #30422  
                                   Bracebridge, Ontario Robert Suffern and  12/12/1975 #30708  
e other American, at his home near Bracebridge, Ontario. They tell him the  12/12/1975 #30708  
## Word: "braced" (Back to Top)
 ground. One side of the object is braced up by two slender legs with round 1930 #1106  
mors persist that the Air Force is braced for an expected invasion by UFOs. Mid 7/1952 #6829  
om the direction of the sea. As he braced for a possible impact the creatur 8/2/2001 #44219  
## Word: "bracelet" (Back to Top)
nto a coma-like state after an arm bracelet was removed. Both aliens had si 1/21/1959 #15560  
## Word: "bracelets" (Back to Top)
ent with short sleeves, boots, and bracelets on both arms. On his chest he  5/15/1967 #22348  
## Word: "braces" (Back to Top)
aircraft on a collision course. He braces himself, but the light disappears 5/13/1958 #15031  
## Word: "bracewell" (Back to Top)
                Engineer Ronald N. Bracewell, suggests that extraterrestria 5/28/1960 #16303  
stellar space probe (now called a “Bracewell probe”) sent for the express p 5/28/1960 #16303  
## Word: "brachet" (Back to Top)
                            Gérard Brachet, the new director of CNES, decid 2001 #44111  
## Word: "bracing" (Back to Top)
 of an unknown alloy, and interior bracing and piping composed of a very hi 4/18/2003 #44516  
## Word: "bracken" (Back to Top)
up a bank, and finds in a patch of bracken a metallic saucer shaped like a  11/21/1957 #14590  
led in terror. There was flattened bracken, and two-foot long footprints.   11/16/1963 #18046  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bracken” YieldMax: 20KT                  7/9/1971 #26220  
## Word: "brackenridge" (Back to Top)
. 310 miles to the south, Capt. M. Brackenridge and the crew of the merchan 3/24/1977 #31929  
## Word: "bracket" (Back to Top)
 closely together and mounted on a bracket so they revolve “in a horizontal 8/25/1952 #7732  
      TLALPAN, MEXICO 3 2M saucers bracket Piper PA-24. RADAR. Electro-magn 5/3/1974 #29080  
CE BASE, OH 2 large silver saucers bracket Air Force jet testing new equipm 5/6/1975 #30039  
nected to each other by a support “bracket.” Two flashing lights, one red a 7/26/1990 #39663  
## Word: "bracketed" (Back to Top)
d object with two square portholes bracketed by two round ports and emittin 11/15/1967 #23457  
o large silver disc-shaped objects bracketed a USAF jet aircraft testing eq 5/6/1975 #30043  
## Word: "brackets" (Back to Top)
, it is seen as a cigar with small brackets. It is dull silver, distinctly  8/20/1978 #33533  
## Word: "brackett" (Back to Top)
da 9:55 a.m. Newspaper editor John Brackett and his wife Wilma see an objec 7/7/1947 #2931  
## Word: "brad" (Back to Top)
ie Bullard provided this report to Brad Sparks in Dec. 2006. A Medical doct 4/15/1897 #480  
eteors. See report and analysis by Brad Sparks.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 2/28/1904 #669  
      2 MILES EAST / WEST BEND, IA Brad Steiger. Small humanoid (or Grey) s 10/15/1940? #1346  
uspended from a string. Researcher Brad Sparks finds major mathematical and 5/11/1950 #4939  
tence and contents are revealed in Brad Sparks’s interviews with Brent and  6/1952 #6403  
or New York, probably Washington.” Brad Sparks identifies the scientist as  Mid 7/1952 #6829  
rliner) as “literally ridiculous.” Brad Sparks sums it up in 1998 (and in 2 7/17/1957 #13808  
elevated temperatures. Researchers Brad Sparks and Michael Swords examine R Early 9/1957 #13971  
tes exist in central Pennsylvania. Brad Sparks uncovers new evidence in 201 2/24/1959 #15604  
B. Buzz Aldrin recounts encounter. Brad Sparks is convinced this is debris, 6/18/1969 #25222  
 his book Gods of Aquarius, author Brad Steiger introduces the concept of “ 1976 #30745  
crecy is formed by W. Todd Zechel, Brad Sparks, and Peter Gersten. Its purp 4/1978 #33110  
s UFO records. Based on a draft by Brad Sparks, Gersten prepares a stipulat 8/17/1978 #33522  
                                   Brad Sparks and Todd Zechel claim the CI 12/15/1978 #34142  
                                   Brad Sparks and Todd Zechel also claim t 12/15/1978 #34143  
laims that Stanton T. Friedman and Brad Sparks know him personally and will 9/30/1980 #35547  
dino, California Aviation designer Brad Sorensen attends an air show at Nor 11/12/1988 #38713  
atchewan Parkside School 7:30 p.m. Brad Schmidt, 13, Todd Weinheimer, 13, P 10/11/1989 #39162  
   Alleged former USAF Sgt. Daniel Brad MacBolen III claims to have partici 7/8/2012 #45348  
 at Norton Air Force Base in 1988. Brad states the first generation Aurora  12/2014 #45425  
d like “something from the 1950s.” Brad gave McCandlish all of the details  12/2014 #45425  
it.” In a back-and-forth with Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), Bray agrees that 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "bradbury" (Back to Top)
entatives Lincoln LaPaz, Norris E. Bradbury, Marshall Holloway, Frederick R 2/16/1949 #4010  
ented program. He says that Norris Bradbury, the Los Alamos lab director, h 7/13/1949 #4269  
## Word: "braddock" (Back to Top)
 tracks between Youngstown and Mt. Braddock when he saw a saucer-shaped obj 10/1916 #952  
 tracks between Youngstown and Mt. Braddock when he saw a saucer-shaped obj 10/1917 #967  
ay Inman (see 16 March 2022)   Joe Braddock, a co-founder of BDM, was in at 9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "braden" (Back to Top)
 on a strange object seen near the Braden River, the witness started to tur 12/13/1973 #28566  
ver disc hovering 20 feet over the Braden River in Florida. It extended a t 12/13/1973 #28570  
## Word: "bradenton" (Back to Top)
raiso, Florida Cortez Road between Bradenton and Cortez, Florida 10:20–11:2 1/27/1949 #3981  
ving slowly on Cortez Road between Bradenton and Cortez, Florida, when they 1/27/1949 #3981  
                                   BRADENTON, FL 3 airmen / car. Dark sauce 1/6/1955 #11923  
                                   BRADENTON BEACH, FL Classic saucer going 2/10/1957 #13489  
                                   BRADENTON, FL Glowing-disk stops 2km awa 4/23/1959 #15710  
minous disc flew over a pasture in Bradenton, Florida and stopped two kilom 4/23/1959 #15711  
                                   Bradenton, FL Patrick Thrush spots a hov 12/13/1973 #28560  
                                   BRADENTON, FL Saucer with tube into rive 12/13/1973 #28564  
                                   Bradenton, FL 8:50 p.m. While checking o 12/13/1973 #28566  
                               OFF BRADENTON, FL 2 observer(s). Vibrant bri 4/9/1996 #42860  
## Word: "bradfield" (Back to Top)
                                   BRADFIELD DALE, SOUTH YORKS 2 observer(s 1/12/1979 #34332  
                                   BRADFIELD, SOUTH YORKS Domed saucer back 1/13/1979 #34336  
                               Low Bradfield, South Yorkshire, England 12:1 7/29/1995 #42342  
d 12:15 a.m. Five witnesses in Low Bradfield, South Yorkshire, England, wat 7/29/1995 #42342  
## Word: "bradford" (Back to Top)
       950KM ESE / KYUSHU, JPN USS Bradford. Red-white glowing-object going 8/10/1945? #1921  
                                   BRADFORD, IL Several / private plane. Ve 3/18/1950 #4670  
                                   Bradford (near), IL Fisher Case (P) (NIC 3/18/1950 #4673  
                                   Bradford, Illinois 8:40 a.m. Private pil 3/18/1950 #4675  
, flying a Beechcraft Bonanza over Bradford, Illinois, encounters an oval o 3/18/1950 #4675  
as sighted five miles northeast of Bradford, Illinois at 8:40 a.m.          3/18/1950 #4679  
                              OVER BRADFORD, IL TWA pilot. Night light / vi 12/27/1950 #5365  
                                   Bradford (near), IL Shutts Case (AL) (NI 12/27/1950 #5366  
               Chicago Kansas City Bradford, Illinois Sunset. A TWA flight, 12/27/1950 #5368  
 from Chicago to Kansas City. Near Bradford, Illinois, Shutts notices a bri 12/27/1950 #5368  
                                   BRADFORD, WEST YORKS 1.2M small humanoid 8/16/1955 #12362  
                                   Bradford, England Mr. Ernest Suddard, 35 8/16/1955 #12363  
                                   Bradford, West Yorks, England Early morn 8/16/1955 #12364  
year-old son are returning home to Bradford, West Yorks, England, when thei 8/16/1955 #12364  
old son were driving in a truck in Bradford, England at 4:00 in the morning 8/16/1955 #12366  
                                   BRADFORD, WEST YORKSHIRE 1 observer. 4M- 8/19/1955 #12372  
                                   Bradford, England About 700 m away from  8/19/1955 #12373  
ncounter only three days before in Bradford, England, Mr. Wood, a warehouse 8/19/1955 #12375  
                                   BRADFORD, PA 3 observer(s). Double soup- 8/29/1956 #13149  
e Base near Alamogordo, New Mexico—Bradford Rickets, James Cole, Dennis Mur 11/7/1957 #14458  
                                   BRADFORD, PA AND MORE/OTHERS 6 airline(s 2/24/1959 #15600  
 while flying over Philipsburg and Bradford, Pennsylvania. His co-pilot als 2/24/1959 #15606  
                                   BRADFORD, MASS Classic saucer makes 2 pa 5/14/1965 #18938  
 a domed UFO over a golf course in Bradford, Massachusetts at 3:30 p.m. It  5/14/1965 #18943  
                   Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania Elmira, Ne 12/27/1967 #23615  
ong a back road in Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, when they 12/27/1967 #23615  
 the pilots (instructor pilot Maj. Bradford Runyon and copilot Maj. James P 10/24/1968 #24587  
                                   BRADFORD, WEST YORKS 1+kids. Hat saucer  12/4/1971 #26484  
                                   Bradford, England Judy Woods 6:45 p.m. P 10/1983 #36990  
e is walking through Judy Woods in Bradford, England, with a 14-year-old fr 10/1983 #36990  
 sleeping on a couch that night in Bradford, Ontario when she woke up at 3: 6/29/1989 #38997  
                                   BRADFORD, NH Several observer(s). Slow d 3/3/1992 #40344  
triangular object flew over nearby Bradford, New Hampshire . It had multi-c 3/3/1992 #40350  
 emitted pulses of light. Later in Bradford, England at 10:40 p.m. a large  10/5/2000 #44053  
                                   Bradford, West Yorkshire, England 9:30 p 5/9/2005 #44836  
p.m. A man getting into his car in Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, spots 5/9/2005 #44836  
dlish, who claims a friend of his, Bradford Sorensen, saw a man-made disc-s 12/2014 #45425  
## Word: "bradley" (Back to Top)
, Hampshire, England New Alresford Bradley Dawn. Parson-naturalist Gilbert  9/21/1741 #63  
ring villages of New Alresford and Bradley.                                 9/21/1741 #63  
w with another attorney, Frederick Bradley. Suspicion falls on an itinerant 11/22/1896 #347  
 Irish Republic Army man, Lawrence Bradley, wrote to the editor of “Watford 1922 #1017  
                                   BRADLEY FIELD, ID 2 pilots / ground. 2 s 8/21/1947 #3358  
ed. Gen. Nathan Twining, Gen. Omar Bradley, Adm. William Fechteler, Gen. J. 11/18/1952 #8296  
hosted by veteran announcer Truman Bradley. Each episode opens with Bradley 4/5/1955 #12081  
n Bradley. Each episode opens with Bradley on a laboratory set, sometimes q 4/5/1955 #12081  
        Beloit, Ohio Day. Glenn E. Bradley watches a group of six metallic  Summer 1961 #16736  
Mate Homer Hawthorne, seamen Earle Bradley and Eric Koster, all crew of the 5/16/1967 #22355  
atachewan, Ontario Night. Glenn E. Bradley sees two large cylindrical objec 2/23/1975 #29838  
eling to the west at about 30 mph. Bradley begins following them in his pic 2/23/1975 #29838  
    Peoria, Illinois 6:00 p.m. Two Bradley University security guards in Pe 2/5/1978 #32955  
onnecticut Torrington, Connecticut Bradley International Airport in Windsor 1/9/1986 #37762  
a “cigar with square windows” near Bradley International Airport in Windsor 1/9/1986 #37762  
K Ministry of Defence London Alice Bradley Sheldon An anonymous email is re 11/1/2005 #44898  
s a CIA document authored by Alice Bradley Sheldon (a science fiction autho 11/1/2005 #44898  
t was written by CIA officer Alice Bradley Sheldon under the pseudonym Jame 11/1/2005 #44899  
## Word: "bradshaw" (Back to Top)
                                   BRADSHAW, WV Round silent silver object  4/11/1947 (approximate) #2261  
                           NORTH / BRADSHAW, WV Separate observer(s) and pi 11/8/1994 #41842  
gular windows was sighted north of Bradshaw, West Virginia at 11:15 a.m. by 11/8/1994 #41843  
 Steven Greer suggests a location “Bradshaw Ranch” near Sedona, AZ got “tak 10/14/2022 #45777  
## Word: "brady" (Back to Top)
t Officers David Chambers and John Brady from 23 Squadron at RAF Waterbeach 8/13/1956 #13080  
l contacts were made. Chambers and Brady comment that “my feeling is that t 8/13/1956 #13080  
Flight missile alert facility near Brady, Montana Romeo-29 launch facility  3/1974 #28830  
Flight missile alert facility near Brady, Montana, when both the outer and  3/1974 #28830  
Flight missile alert facility near Brady, MT. A missile launch officer with 3/1974 #28831  
                              John Brady and Ronald Pullman were driving ho 12/6/1976 #31586  
## Word: "bradys" (Back to Top)
                West Tamar Highway Bradys Lookout State Reserve Tasmania 3: 5/22/1996 #42908  
ist on the West Tamar Highway near Bradys Lookout State Reserve in Tasmania 5/22/1996 #42908  
## Word: "braemar" (Back to Top)
                                   BRAEMAR, SCOT Soldiers. Gurgle noise. 2  11/1958 #15411  
                                   Braemar, Scotland Two soldiers of the Te 11/1958 #15414  
## Word: "braeside" (Back to Top)
                                   Braeside Farm Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cap 6/26/1972 #26735  
a.m. Bennie Smit, the new owner of Braeside Farm 9 miles from Fort Beaufort 6/26/1972 #26735  
mer Bennie Smith, the owner of the Braeside farm, near Fort Beaufort, South 6/26/1972 #26736  
## Word: "braga" (Back to Top)
ca 10:30 a.m. Taxi driver Maurilio Braga Godoi leaves the streetcar trailer 11/2/1954 #11537  
            At 10:30 a.m. Maurilio Braga Godoi left the Santo Amaro, Brazil 11/2/1954 #11539  
d Cornville, Maine 9:45 p.m. Linda Braga and her daughter Piper see a starl 4/27/1984 #37306  
## Word: "bragalia" (Back to Top)
 J. Carey, Donald Schmitt, Anthony Bragalia, and others to lend credence to 5/5/2015 #45437  
## Word: "bragatto" (Back to Top)
                            Plinio Bragatto, a 74-year old laborer, was on  12/9/1996 #43133  
 stepped out. The being approached Bragatto and, in a peculiar language tha 12/9/1996 #43133  
e to understand, the humanoid told Bragatto that they were going to take hi 12/9/1996 #43133  
hem somewhat ugly. Before leaving, Bragatto was given a medical examination 12/9/1996 #43133  
lar ground mark at the field where Bragatto was supposedly dropped off by t 12/9/1996 #43133  
## Word: "bragg" (Back to Top)
                                FT BRAGG, CA 2 / beach. Glistening tire-siz 7/7/1947 #2881  
                              Fort Bragg, North Carolina 12:20 a.m. Six sta 12/14/1947 #3502  
0 a.m. Six staff sergeants at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, watch a domed dis 12/14/1947 #3502  
eigh, North Carolina Pope AFB Fort Bragg Pope Field 4:20 p.m. After taking  10/15/1950 #5236  
 Pope AFB [now Pope Field] at Fort Bragg. They look like two saucers fitted 10/15/1950 #5236  
                              FORT BRAGG, CA Observers estimate 4-foot UFO  8/3/1952 #7430  
                              Fort Bragg, NC Airline pilots saw an orange r 5/15/1958 #15034  
                                FT BRAGG, NC Army officer. Silver saucer ho 6/20/1958 #15100  
                              Fort Bragg, NC Silver, circular object, its l 6/20/1958 #15101  
                               Ft. Bragg, North Carolina Witness: Battalion 6/20/1958 #15104  
                At 11:05 p.m. Fort Bragg, North Carolina Battalion Communic 6/20/1958 #15106  
                          NEAR FT. BRAGG, NC Airman. Metallic domed 10M sau 8/1960 #16358  
                            WEST / BRAGG CREEK, ALTA 4 / 2 cars. 150' sauce 11/11/1978 #33943  
                                   Bragg Creek, Alberta, Can Late in the ev 11/11/1978 #33944  
ur witnesses traveling by car near Bragg Creek, Alberta on a snowy night no 11/11/1978 #33946  
wn atmospheric interference called Bragg scattering, in which an aircraft’s 3/30/1990 #39499  
the country house they occupied in Bragg Creek, Alberta, Canada. They looke 1/30/2006 #44920  
## Word: "braided" (Back to Top)
 female alien with six fingers and braided leg fur is in his room. He and t Early 6/1994 #41548  
2 minute(s). Whistles. 2 circles / braided wheat. Pseudo-human/entity!      6/20/1994 #41573  
## Word: "braila" (Back to Top)
                                   BRAILA, ROM Several nights / succession. 8/1970 #25763  
## Word: "brain" (Back to Top)
 Vannevar Bush’s existing cadre of brain trust from the still active Office 7/3/1946 #2025  
 Development Board becomes the R&D brain center. Each of the three service  7/26/1947 #3233  
pectedly takes ill and dies from a brain tumor on June 24, 1967. The other  4/24/1965 #18916  
s if something were going into her brain. A round black object was then tak 8/16/1965 #19410  
e of tabular representation of her brain and body. Two more figures, about  8/16/1965 #19410  
on he is talking to an “electronic brain.” Other messages follow, and Villa 11/28/1966 #21157  
 UFO occupants who operated on his brain when he was a child, a modificatio 1969 #24803  
he corresponding wavelength of his brain” to establish contact with them. T 8/11/1969 #25317  
    PALOS VERDES, CA 2 abduction. "Brain" warns / nuclear plants. Videos an 8/17/1971 #26292  
hn Hodges recalled that the larger brain had spoken to them telepathically, 8/17/1971 #26293  
 of being in a large room with the brain. There were control consoles all a 8/17/1971 #26293  
were pinpoint of lights, which the brain told him were places on Earth wher 8/17/1971 #26293  
earth, “that would be tuned to the brain waves…. About ten cycles per secon 7/25/1972 #26833  
vice—by direct transmission to the brain.                                   1973 #27200  
ction. One hour and missing time. "Brain removed and replaced". / r249p282. 8/26/1975 #30308  
he had the sensation that even her brain had been briefly removed. This bei 8/26/1975 #30312  
mation was being inserted into her brain at high speed. She was also given  1/23/1976 #30817  
 if thoughts were flowing into his brain from an external source. Goralski  9/20/1979 #34909  
ttsdale, Arizona, from a malignant brain tumor.                             4/27/1986 #37846  
 been suffering from an inoperable brain tumor.                             4/27/1986 #37847  
located an implant deep within her brain case.                              5/18/1993 #40984  
d calf was later found missing its brain and spinal column.                 3/2/1995 #42072  
tations like the crenulations of a brain. The object appeared to be resting 9/23/1996 #43039  
 down, and she was so sluggish her brain seemed as if it had been drugged.  9/11/1997 #43405  
 down, and she was so sluggish her brain seemed as if it had been drugged.  9/12/1997 #43407  
ut through what she thought was a "brain scanning" device. She was then tak 9/23/2000 #44045  
                         USAF Maj. Brain Hans, Maj. Christopher Jefferson a 4/2017 #45467  
ave sustained injury to widespread brain networks.” Some experts criticize  3/2018 #45520  
 posted in Havana show evidence of brain damage that mirrors the injuries o 3/2018 #45520  
ome and director of the Center for Brain Injury and Repair at the Universit 9/1/2018 #45538  
y sure the diplomats have suffered brain injury. Strikes with microwaves, s 9/1/2018 #45538  
ound that microwaves can trick the brain into perceiving what seem to be or 9/1/2018 #45538  
 the caudate-putamen region of the brain may have an impact on UAP contacts 12/12/2018 #45551  
na, Cuba, embassy have experienced brain trauma; advanced MRI scans (specif 7/2019 #45589  
 MRI) reveal “differences in whole brain white matter volume, regional gray 7/2019 #45589  
al support for personnel suffering brain injuries. However, while funding f 10/8/2021 #45715  
rome could represent an underlying brain disorder, the authors state that “ 2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "brainchild" (Back to Top)
cers suspect that the craft is the brainchild of German airplane engineers, 7/5/1947 #2721  
ations. The program is largely the brainchild of Harvard University’s Fred  9/11/1956 #13214  
## Word: "braine" (Back to Top)
                                   Braine l'Alleud, Belgium 1:30 a.m. A nur 5/17/1991 #40066  
leud, Belgium 1:30 a.m. A nurse in Braine l’Alleud, Belgium, hears an inten 5/17/1991 #40066  
## Word: "braine-le-chateau" (Back to Top)
                                   BRAINE-LE-CHATEAU, BELGIUM 1 observer. H 4/7/1990 #39514  
                                   BRAINE-LE-CHATEAU, FR Observer(s) unknow 10/14/1996 #43066  
## Word: "braine-le-compte" (Back to Top)
                                   BRAINE-LE-COMPTE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). 5/9/1976 #31040  
## Word: "braine-le-comte" (Back to Top)
                                   Braine-le-Comte, Belgium 10:30 p.m. A 22 5/9/1976 #31041  
n part of the sky over the town of Braine-le-Comte, Belgium at 10:30 p.m. I 5/9/1976 #31042  
## Word: "brainerd" (Back to Top)
                      RED BANK AND BRAINERD, TN Several separate observer(s 9/19/1973 #27833  
## Word: "brains" (Back to Top)
 the purpose of stimulation of the brains of targets. It is claimed these i 1952 #5844  
lls audience in Amarillo that best brains of Air Force are trying to solve  5/15/1954 #9797  
ce Chief of Staff, stated the best brains in the country were working on th 5/15/1954 #9798  
ys that the Air Force has the best brains in the country working on the “fl 5/15/1954 #9804  
cts are being examined by the top ‘brains’ in the country…Information regar 6/4/1954 #9864  
s, as well as “the best scientific brains available in the laboratories of  5/25/1962 #17201  
 insert tiny electrodes into their brains. Behaviorists then experiment on  7/1968 #24107  
eadlights things that looked like "brains" on the road about six feet away. 8/17/1971 #26293  
of California also suggested human brains were ready for teleportation due  1981 #35765  
 have implants inserted near their brains, one through the nasal cavity and Early 7/1983 #36900  
ls Jacques Vallée “nobody with any brains seems to be tracking this,” but V 7/11/1989 #39016  
eams going down. Dead calf missing brains and spinal column!                3/2/1995 #42071  
nstruction of footage (using sheep brains and jelly stuffed into puppets ma 8/28/1995 #42425  
## Word: "braintree" (Back to Top)
                      Boston (near Braintree between Provincetown and), MA  7/22/1952 #7013  
             Boston, Massachusetts Braintree 10:20 p.m. A bluish-green UFO  7/22/1952 #7026  
e UFO, the pilot sees the UFO near Braintree and locks on to it with his ow 7/22/1952 #7026  
                              NEAR BRAINTREE, MA 5 in 3 F94s and 5 / ground 7/23/1952 #7044  
inuation of July 22 sightings near Braintree?] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 7/23/1952 #7061  
                                   Braintree, MA G,A,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 7/23/1952 #7072  
 a blue-green light, which circled Braintree, Massachusetts at high speed.  7/23/1952 #7087  
r objects was seen in the sky over Braintree, Massachusetts at four o'clock 12/25/1970 #25953  
                                   BRAINTREE, MASS 1 observer. 10 silver di 12/25/1971 #26516  
## Word: "brainwashed" (Back to Top)
cally." He believed that they had "brainwashed" him. He was finally release 6/20/1968 #24056  
 incident; the uncle claims he was brainwashed for several hours before bei 4/12/1991 #40038  
## Word: "brainwashing" (Back to Top)
ctually not about mind control and brainwashing, but about designing “a sci 2/1957 #13481  
ress reactions, but for a study of brainwashing and enhanced interrogation  9/1959 #15952  
 related to LSD, mind-control, and brainwashing, and rarely use the word “t 7/1963 #17819  
## Word: "brake" (Back to Top)
 loud mechanical sound like an air brake. Investigating, he discovers an ai Mid 4/1897 #492  
foul odor “like embalming fluid or brake fluid” hangs in the air after the  7/7/1964 #18398  
ar in neutral, pulls the emergency brake, and steps outside. As he points t 3/8/1967 #21815  
 unseen force, eventhough the hand brake was on. Frightened, the two teenag 10/1/1975 #30409  
 the town of Navelli was forced to brake when two luminous globes were bloc 12/11/1978 #34090  
elli, Abruzzi, Italy was forced to brake at 10 p.m. when two luminous globe 12/11/1978 #34093  
that the two fuses controlling the brake lights and tail lights have blown, 7/19/1981 #36020  
ave the impression of looking like brake lights, but they were huge. The wo 6/1/2013 #45369  
## Word: "braked" (Back to Top)
e felt a burn on his face. He then braked but the vehicle skidded, left the 10/12/1963 #17988  
 UFO on the road at 1:30 a.m. They braked to avoid collision with the objec 4/21/1967 #22195  
d to be turning to look at him. He braked his car but the car went through  8/2/1976 #31222  
 no accountable reason he suddenly braked. From this point on the car seeme 2/5/1978 #32957  
## Word: "brakeman" (Back to Top)
a Scotia 3:15 p.m. R. G. Putnam, a brakeman on a train running from Truro,  10/25/1967 #23322  
## Word: "brakes" (Back to Top)
 radio was blocked. He applied the brakes; object vanished.                 Fall 1949 #4365  
meter, 1 m high. As he applied the brakes, the object took off at very high 10/14/1954 #11045  
meter, 1 m high. As he applied the brakes, the object took off at very high 10/14/1954 #11066  
hin 12 feet of it when he hits the brakes. The object turns a lighter reddi 6/28/1963 #17814  
e, Minnesota, when he slams on his brakes to avoid hitting a rocket-like de 10/23/1965 #19678  
io went out, and he slammed on the brakes and stopped twenty feet in front  10/23/1965 #19679  
he road. The driver slammed on the brakes, and the object took off. The obj 3/14/1966 #19961  
ht and light up a nearby fence. He brakes his car. In the middle of an adja 4/4/1966 #20224  
 object is pacing him, He hits his brakes and reaches for the radio, but it 9/1966 #20827  
s car begins to pick up speed, the brakes won’t work, and the doors won’t o 9/24/1966 #20923  
out 50 feet ahead. He slams on his brakes, but it is too late. He feels a t 3/28/1967 #22004  
on the road and had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting it . (June Larso 4/21/1967 #22181  
n the road and have to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting it. The object t 4/21/1967 #22191  
 tall and 21 feet wide. Richardson brakes and close their eyes. They feel a 7/13/1967 #22656  
a gunshot. Sandberg slammed on the brakes. The little man was still there.  8/19/1970 #25797  
 about 50 feet in front of him. He brakes, but the entity has gone. The UFO 10/24/1970 #25885  
dshire, England. He slammed on the brakes and came to a halt, believing he  9/27/1971 #26384  
nowhere. He slammed on the truck's brakes and came to a stop only a short d 5/22/1973 #27520  
terstate 75 when her engine, power brakes and steering quit. No UFO was see 10/19/1973 #28190  
rn, Georgia when her engine, power brakes and steering quit. No UFO was see 10/19/1973 #28200  
rated speed! He tried to apply the brakes but it had no effect, and his ste 5/31/1974 #29150  
of his car, causing him to hit the brakes. It runs into a field. Suffern ge 10/7/1975 #30421  
of the hill, he had to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting "some sort of cr 10/7/1975 #30422  
H even though Mona was hitting the brakes. A glowing red UFO descended and  1/6/1976 #30762  
without risking serious burns. The brakes are found to be so badly worn tha 6/6/1977 #32151  
nly disappeared. The next day, the brakes on the cycle were found to be abn 6/6/1977 #32153  
he car. The witness slammed on the brakes but the figure suddenly vanished  11/29/1977 #32709  
       NEAR NAVELLI, ITL Taxi hits brakes. 2 luminous/glowing globes ahead. 12/11/1978 #34088  
tween 2 houses. Noise / screeching brakes!                                  12/26/1978 #34211  
hnson closes his eyes and hits the brakes, skidding the car to a stop, spin 8/29/1979 #34798  
derside. Betty Cash slammed on the brakes and brought the car to a halt abo 12/29/1980 #35758  
hts fail instantly, and the driver brakes to a stop. Intense light comes fr 12/14/1987 #38364  
e end of the hedge, Mme. Henquinet brakes, and Stephane runs out of the car 10/21/1990 #39803  
er car. The witness slammed on her brakes and when she turned to look again 1/17/1995 #41981  
s, the crew cannot raise the speed brakes on the wings, which are found to  1/4/2004 #44643  
damage and hydraulic damage to the brakes caused by the UFO wake.           1/4/2004 #44643  
 no tires hitting the pavement, no brakes, no engine, no idling or anything 2005 #44804  
at them. The driver slammed on the brakes because it didn’t look like the c 10/27/2007 #45080  
utside Shantytown. I slammed on my brakes and my eyes were still trying to  8/6/2013 #45381  
## Word: "braking" (Back to Top)
lo, Brazil, hears a noise like the braking of a car. Cintra readies herself 8/25/1968 #24376  
## Word: "brambila" (Back to Top)
              Milan, Italy Antonio Brambila and another man saw a glow comi 7/7/1967 #22628  
             At 11:30 p.m. Antonio Brambila and another man in Milan, Italy 7/7/1967 #22632  
## Word: "brambilla" (Back to Top)
er Milan, Italy 11:30 p.m. Antonio Brambilla and another man watch a UFO la 7/7/1967 #22630  
## Word: "bramfield" (Back to Top)
                                   BRAMFIELD, SUFFOLK Several cars stop. Ve 1/28/1992 #40307  
## Word: "brampton" (Back to Top)
 Calvine, Perthshire, Scotland RAF Brampton [now closed] Washington, D.C. D 8/4/1990 #39679  
issance Intelligence Centre at RAF Brampton [now closed] for scrutiny. The  8/4/1990 #39679  
seen changing shape and speed over Brampton, Ontario, Canada at 10:20 p.m.  8/6/2004 #44726  
## Word: "bramston" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BRAMSTON BEACH, QLD Extra moon / treetop 1/16/1979 #34346  
## Word: "branca" (Back to Top)
her while she did laundry in Serra Branca, Paraiba state, Brazil and then v 5/10/1977 #32083  
## Word: "branch" (Back to Top)
                              Long Branch, NJ A research engineer saw a dar Fall 1942 #1446  
and War. The Research and Analysis Branch is transferred to the State Depar 9/20/1945 #1938  
r (Maj. Malone) is from MI10(a), a branch of the Directorate of Military In 7/18/1946 #2061  
. A small entity holding an acacia branch is nearby. The being enters the o 8/1946 #2093  
l Oil Company, is inspecting Shell branch offices in Europe, while Sarnoff, 8/19/1946 #2145  
Beirne, Chief of the Defensive Air Branch, writes a memorandum to the chief 2/28/1947 #2244  
fice of Air Intelligence about the branch’s interview with H. W. Flickinger 2/28/1947 #2244  
f of the Requirements Intelligence branch of Army Air Force Intelligence. I 7/7/1947 #2935  
f of the Requirements Intelligence branch of Army Air Force Intelligence, r 7/9/1947 #3067  
Col. Robert Taylor III, Collection Branch of Army Air Force Intelligence, s 8/22/1947 #3360  
nates T-2 and the Air Intelligence branch of the US Navy Bureau of Aeronaut 9/24/1947 #3421  
ating T-2 and the Air Intelligence branch of the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics 9/24/1947 #3425  
ewellyn (chief of special projects branch), Lt. Howard W. Smith, George W.  1/22/1948 #3563  
. Porter at the USAF Defensive Air Branch. While admitting that the objects 11/3/1948 #3867  
urope Sweden Armament Intelligence Branch A USAF Europe document transmits  11/4/1948 #3868  
 no record), Armament Intelligence Branch, and AMC.                         11/4/1948 #3868  
of the R&DB Technical Intelligence Branch.                                  1/7/1949 #3968  
ames, acting chief of the Aircraft Branch, Eglin AFB, and Mrs. Sames. They  1/27/1949 #3980  
nnes, acting chief of the Aircraft Branch at Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Flo 1/27/1949 #3981  
as Boston The Geophysical Sciences Branch of the Air Force Research and Dev 9/14/1949 #4356  
nd other Holloman AFB Photographic Branch project staff at an observation p 2/24/1950 #4554  
y his staff Technical Capabilities Branch in the Evaluation Division under  7/1950 #5032  
 Ministry’s technical intelligence branch. Young explains that Henry Tizard 8/15/1950 #5127  
tion Division’s Collection Control Branch (AFOIN-CC-1) at the Pentagon issu 9/8/1950 #5172  
include the Technical Capabilities Branch (TCB) of the Evaluation Division  1/29/1952 #5883  
ivision and the Collection Control Branch of the Collection Division.       1/29/1952 #5883  
eter A. Stranges of the Propulsion Branch Power Plant Group, to help with t 2/8/1952 #5894  
ncluded the Technical Capabilities Branch of the Evaluation Division (AFOIV 4/24/1952 #6179  
OIV-TC) and the Collection Control Branch of the Collection Division (AFOIC 4/24/1952 #6179  
. Graybeal (Chief, Guided Missiles Branch, Weapons and Equipment Division,  6/1952 #6403  
nd Irl D’Arcy Brent (Chief, Ground Branch, W&E Division, OSI) prepare a sum 6/1952 #6403  
and Denis Plunkett forms a British branch of Albert K. Bender’s Internation Summer 1952 #6580  
n IFSB in late September 1953, the branch becomes the British Flying Saucer Summer 1952 #6580  
 Burgoyne L. Griffing, electronics branch, ATIC. Samford says that the Air  7/29/1952 #7328  
 the CIA’s Physics and Electronics Branch) of UFO history, an analysis of P 8/14/1952 #7593  
 the CIA’s Physics and Electronics Branch, provides a briefing document exp 8/22/1952 #7682  
ef of the Nuclear Powered Aircraft Branch of Wright Air Development Center. 11/4/1952 #8245  
tish Air Ministry air intelligence branch DDI (Tech) The British Air Minist 12/16/1953 #9373  
st be sent to the air intelligence branch DDI (Tech) that is now responsibl 12/16/1953 #9373  
                                   Branch Hill, Ohio Robert Hunnicutt, a bu 3/1955 #12021  
                                   BRANCH HILLS, OH 1 observer. 3 small hum 5/25/1955 #12156  
             Loveland-Madeira Road Branch Hill area of Loveland, Ohio Hopew 5/25/1955 #12159  
g the Loveland-Madeira Road in the Branch Hill area of Loveland, Ohio. At t 5/25/1955 #12159  
nnicutt was driving down a road in Branch Hill, Ohio at 3:30 a.m. when he s 5/25/1955 #12160  
lining procedures in the executive branch. Gen. Mark W. Clark, heading the  6/29/1955 #12219  
 Australian Victoria The Victorian branch of the Australian Flying Saucer R 1957 #13437  
tention of Scotland Yard’s Special Branch, thanks to an informant on the ne 5/26/1957 #13680  
gious and not political. A Special Branch officer visits King in his home i 5/26/1957 #13680  
ica Berkeley, California Livermore branch [now the Lawrence Livermore Natio 8/27/1958 #15229  
unpublished paper of the Livermore branch [now the Lawrence Livermore Natio 8/27/1958 #15229  
Lee B. James, chief of the Liaison Branch of the Army Ballistic Agency in H 2/25/1959 #15614  
aves were brittle and yellowish. A branch of a nearby pear tree was newly b 6/27/1966 #20618  
r Atmosphere Section (Astrophysics Branch) in Ottawa, Ontario. But the NRC  2/1968 #23719  
                            Spring Branch West area of Houston, Texas Two t 11/6/1968 #24637  
harging angel hair over the Spring Branch West area of Houston, Texas. C. E 11/6/1968 #24637  
ef of the CIA’s Technical Services Branch, Sidney Gottlieb, to “explore the 1969 #24800  
e consigned to the Modern Military Branch, Military Archives Division, Nati 12/17/1969 #25501  
ling some type of aerial on a tree branch that apparently sent out signals. 8/19/1970 #25796  
 on a rock and the other on a tree branch. Both figures were dressed in yel 8/20/1970 #25799  
side the ground marks a large tree branch was freshly broken off. In the sn 3/5/1971 #26044  
olby head of the CIA’s clandestine branch.                                  3/2/1973 #27325  
een’s connections in the Executive branch and IC that were interested in UA 2/11/1974 #28758  
les at its College Park, Maryland, branch.                                  Mid 5/1976 #31055  
 limbs are snapped off the central branch and displaced in an outward-radia 5/3/1977 #32050  
including snapping off the central branch. The pattern of breakage was to d 5/3/1977 #32053  
n, Hammonton, Hazlet, Howell, Long Branch, Mount Holly, Ocean County, Old B 12/2/1977 #32731  
(0.17 m tall), hanging from a tree branch on a beach in Posorja Beach, Guay 10/27/1978 #33886  
g electric shock. He grabs a large branch and takes a swipe at them as they 11/24/1978 #33995  
s. The being appeared to move from branch to branch, and then seemed to sta 2/11/1980 #35168  
ng appeared to move from branch to branch, and then seemed to stand on a ve 2/11/1980 #35168  
hen seemed to stand on a very thin branch that appeared incapable of suppor 2/11/1980 #35168  
search Organization as an official branch of the Chinese Academy of Social  5/1980 #35297  
itish Police Force’s elite Special Branch in 1997 opens files on two UFO re Fall 1984 #37466  
t) of the Scientific and Technical Branch, Counter intelligence Directorate 3/12/1987 #38136  
                             North Branch, MN Puppy indifferent to presence 1/31/1991 #39968  
ries raid and lock down records of branch offices of the Bank of Credit and 7/5/1991 #40112  
                              LONG BRANCH, NJ Very odd structure hovers jus 12/27/1993 (approximate) #41333  
traight/strait(s) going down. Tree branch shakes / no wind. See reference!  8/7/1994 #41662  
they are actually from the Special Branch of the Metropolitan Police, a cou 3/1997 #43215  
he NRO, NSA, CIA and the Executive Branch.  https://www.abovetopsecret.com/ 8/19/1997 #43387  
                           FARMERS BRANCH, TX Ex USAF man and family / I35. 4/12/1998 #43548  
                        In Farmers Branch, Texas three witnesses saw a blac 4/12/1998 #43549  
Board (ERAB) mislead the executive branch when it relied on a fraudulent MI 5/17/1999 #43770  
 knocking itself against it, and a branch was seen to fall down. At the sam 8/2/2000 #44026  
st 1990-1993 that has no Executive Branch, no staffers, no Clinton/Bush adm 10/16/2002 #44418  
reates a different timeline, a new branch of the original one.  https://www 10/2006 #44970  
orporation, and led the California branch of the Thelemite Ordo Templi Orie 3/31/2011 #45322  
telligence community and Executive Branch helped him shape the information  4/5/2016 #45449  
## Word: "branches" (Back to Top)
e trees are scorched and devoid of branches but still standing upright. Mor 6/30/1908 #711  
until it finds a break in the high branches of a tree, where it hovers for  1/22/1919 #983  
of trees at a ranch house and the “branches parted like a great force had s 9/11/1946 #2177  
12 persons selected to control all branches of government, both military an 9/24/1947 #3420  
king violet object passing through branches of a tree (NICAP: 01 - Distant  4/27/1949 #4114  
tion, the light passes through the branches of a tree. At 9:25 p.m., 2 mile 4/27/1949 #4118  
ing quickly NNE 200M overhead. Oak branches thrash. / r39p31.               10/28/1949 (approximate) #4404  
 towards the north-northeast. Tree branches thrashed about as it passed by. 10/28/1949 #4405  
bers, representing UK intelligence branches. Its charge is to study UFO rep 10/1950 #5206  
e sees a trio of intruders cutting branches off her apple, plum, and cherry 8/17/1953? #9077  
and grass are tightly packed. Tree branches are broken from above. Shocked, 9/26/1954 #10451  
ining a flight path below the tree branches. The flight produced a soft buz 10/18/1954 #11225  
 noise and notice an object in the branches of an oak tree about 165 feet a 12/3/1954 #11754  
r,leaving the ground blackened and branches broken. The craft had a station 7/30/1957 #13861  
mph. It moves over trees, breaking branches, and lands about 1.5 miles away 9/29/1958 #15286  
o the landing site and find broken branches and a scorched strip of earth a 9/29/1958 #15286  
a maple tree, descends through the branches and hovers about 18 inches abov Late 10/1959 #16060  
es a UFO hovering above the tree’s branches. The craft, which is spherical  8/28/1963 #17922  
rushed vegetation was found, three branches were broken, and a pole was cal 11/1964 #18602  
object / trees. Crushed and broken branches. / r180p32+/ LDLN#76.           11/8/1964 #18610  
 they discovered trees with broken branches and some crushed undergrowth, p 6/19/1966 #20586  
mp they discover trees with broken branches and some crushed undergrowth, p 6/19/1966 #20588  
ers! All take off / smoke. Twisted branches. Burns.                         6/27/1966 #20612  
with a policeman, the found broken branches at the site.                    2/11/1967 #21511  
with a policeman they found broken branches at the site.                    2/11/1967 #21512  
Wheless, USAF, sends notice to all branches of the military warning of pers 3/1/1967 #21703  
aking a sound. At the landing site branches were broken and the brush charr 6/13/1967 #22504  
hen he heard the sound of breaking branches outside his tent at around one  7/8/1971 #26218  
it orange ovoid. Cars stop. Broken branches. / FSRv19#4+/ LDLN#122.         8/12/1972 #26904  
ence, France, and soon establishes branches in Vevey, Switzerland, and Kalm 1974 #28626  
, after establishing many overseas branches in Turkey, Colombia, and elsewh 1974 #28627  
dministration Hospital, hears tree branches swishing and swaying nearby and 5/5/1974 #29085  
s color(s). Going south. Shriveled branches / ground. / LDLN#138.           8/4/1974 #29307  
t the site there were snapped tree branches and scorched earth. (Sources: C 2/10/1975 #29799  
t the site there were snapped tree branches and scorched earth.             2/10/1975 #29803  
otices something shining among the branches off to the right. The others se 11/5/1975 #30562  
owing day and found freshly broken branches at the site.                    1/26/1976 #30821  
oles in the ground and broken tree branches where the UFO had evidently lan 3/5/1976 #30928  
fles. Then they heard a sound like branches being broken in the direction o 11/12/1976 #31540  
m hemisphere glows / trees. Broken branches. Going quickly south. / r226#18 1/1/1977 #31674  
red and glowed among trees. Broken branches were found later in the area. ( 1/1/1977 #31680  
n Bouches-Rhone department. Broken branches were found later in the area.   1/1/1977 #31682  
rn of breakage was to displace the branches into an outward radiating splay 5/3/1977 #32053  
n the sky. Sounds of breaking tree branches are heard, unidentified voices  8/3/1977 #32353  
sonable search of 22 CIA component branches. US District Court Judge John H 8/17/1978 #33522  
e tips of its ears touch the lower branches of nearby trees. Incomprehensib 11/24/1978 #33995  
eet long. It is 100 feet up in the branches of a 230-foot-tall cypress tree 2/7/1980 #35161  
s of a 230-foot-tall cypress tree, branches bending under its weight. The t 2/7/1980 #35161  
auspices of Wuhan University, with branches in Beijing, Shanghai, and the p 5/1980 #35297  
, as well as burn marks and broken branches on nearby trees. At 10:30 a.m., 12/26/1980 #35737  
cle of grass and some charred tree branches were found at the landing site. 1/28/1981 #35805  
cle of grass and some charred tree branches were found at the landing site. 1/28/1981 #35806  
nsparent figure was seen among the branches of a tree on the property of a  7/30/1982 #36556  
nd balls rise / mountainside. Tree branches shake. No trace.                7/21/1983 #36916  
ough the trees, then stops by some branches 30 feet away. It drops to his e 1986 #37743  
e craft rotates slowly over trees. Branches move. / r147.                   8/15/1992 #40574  
lowly over some trees, causing the branches to move. It moved off to the ea 8/15/1992 #40577  
other federal agencies or military branches and store it in NNSA or DOE own 1994 #41349  
nd, burnt and dead vegetation, and branches from nearby trees covered in wh 9/23/1996 #43039  
5 p.m. when he heard some snapping branches. Thinking it was a deer he stop 1/25/1998 #43505  
ays stationary for 7 minutes, then branches out and grows until 5 smaller c 7/21/1998 #43612  
ber of parallel timelines, lots of branches; and to the USG knowledge, ther 10/2006 #44970  
## Word: "branching" (Back to Top)
aces = 2 1M circles with 1.5M deep branching holes. / r50p28.               5/11/1970 #25658  
ion being quite fine with frequent branching.” The primary constituents are 10/12/1976 #31461  
## Word: "branco" (Back to Top)
                           Castelo Branco, Portugal Hoaxed story of an alle 9/24/1954 #10436  
ghting by Cesar Cardoso at Castelo Branco, Portugal, who sees two entities  9/24/1954 #10436  
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Branco” YieldMax: 40KT                   9/21/1983 #36977  
                               Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil Manaus, Amazonas 9: 3/12/1987 #38139  
ransbrasil Boeing 737-300 from Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, to Manaus, Amazona 3/12/1987 #38139  
 directly in front of him. The Rio Branco tower says it has nothing on its  3/12/1987 #38139  
as sitting on her verandah in Pato Branco, Parana, Brazil drinking some cof 12/5/1999 #43894  
## Word: "brand" (Back to Top)
 F. George, Grayson Mead, and John Brand. Some researchers, including Ruppe 8/25/1951 #5625  
ew. Schmidt notices they drink MJB brand coffee, and also carry in their ci 11/5/1957 #14343  
ay. An Air Force pilot is flying a brand new B-52 with a full crew out of W 1962 #17006  
 "neat" coveralls, as if they were brand new. One of the men was about 20 y 5/2/1968 #23940  
st. The man had long hair and wore brand new, large jeans and a checkered s 10/31/1990 #39822  
## Word: "brand's" (Back to Top)
                                   Brand's Flats, VA Two Humanoids Approach 1/19/1965 #18745  
                                   Brand's Flats, VA Humanoid beings emerge 1/19/1965 #18747  
## Word: "brand-new" (Back to Top)
N 2 orange saucers zigzag all over brand-new RCAF airfield. Supersonic.     1/1/1952 #5855  
d black berets. They emerge from a brand-new red Ford Mustang, at a distanc 7/7/1971 #26211  
archer Marcia S. Smith, visits the brand-new Madison Building at the Librar 1977 #31650  
## Word: "brandenburg" (Back to Top)
         Schwielowsee Caputh Ferch Brandenburg Germany Potsdam Leipzig Döbe 3/13/1913 #886  
ielowsee between Caputh and Ferch, Brandenburg, Germany, observe an airship 3/13/1913 #886  
year-old boy with the last name of Brandenburg took three photographs of a  3/10/1977 #31893  
                            John E Brandenburg, former consultant to the De 1994 #41351  
ark side of the Moon in this year. Brandenburg claims he sees an image of a 1994 #41351  
ww.sourcewatch.org/index.php/JohnE.Brandenburg                              1994 #41351  
## Word: "brandenton" (Back to Top)
Gulf of Mexico heading east toward Brandenton, Florida and then turned shar 3/26/2004 #44680  
## Word: "brandmeyer" (Back to Top)
. a U.S. Marine Corp Colonel named Brandmeyer driving on Route 161 had a cl 8/5/1969 #25311  
## Word: "brandon" (Back to Top)
eams and was reported to heat up. (Brandon Sun, Manitoba, 10/4/67, copy in  8/28/1967 #22941  
                                   BRANDON, MB Pilot and 1. Flaming cone an 9/28/1967 #23139  
                                   BRANDON, MBA 2 small humanoids (or Greys 2/1970 (approximate) #25569  
    Grand Valley Road northwest of Brandon, Manitoba Kirkham’s Bridge Hamio 6/20/1975 #30111  
 on Grand Valley Road northwest of Brandon, Manitoba, notices a bright whit 6/20/1975 #30111  
   A security officer on patrol in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada observed four  5/4/2006 #44940  
o the entertainment industry Chase Brandon states he saw a box labeled “Ros 7/8/2012 #45349  
tah, to Utah real estate developer Brandon Fugal. In 2020, he partners with 4/2016 #45447  
ated by Utah real estate developer Brandon Fugal (who purchased the land fr 6/15/2019 #45585  
aire and owner of Skinwalker Ranch Brandon Fugal says Gen. Wesley Clark, Ha 10/27/2022 #45784  
## Word: "brands" (Back to Top)
                                   BRANDS FLAT, VA Cars electro-magnetic ef 1/19/1965 #18744  
                                   Brands Flat, Virginia A workman cutting  1/19/1965 #18746  
                Staunton, Virginia Brands Flats 6:15 p.m. William Blackburn 1/19/1965 #18750  
ginia, in an area known locally as Brands Flats. He sees two saucer-like sh 1/19/1965 #18750  
                    US Highway 250 Brands Flats, Virginia Evening. Steven H 1/26/1965 #18769  
are driving on US Highway 250 near Brands Flats, Virginia, when they see a  1/26/1965 #18769  
16, were driving on Route 250 near Brands Flats, Virginia at 7:30 p.m. when 1/26/1965 #18770  
## Word: "brandsen" (Back to Top)
                          NEAR COR.BRANDSEN, ARG Classic luminous saucer go 5/24/1954 #9829  
, 15 kilometers outside of Colonel Brandsen, Argentina at 11:50 p.m. Two hu 5/24/1954 #9834  
## Word: "brandstorp" (Back to Top)
                                   BRANDSTORP, SWD 5 observer(s). Very flat 6/20/1992 #40499  
## Word: "brandt" (Back to Top)
alifornia. Pilot 1st Lt. Lowell D. Brandt turns to avoid them.              1/9/1953 #8525  
: Yuba County Airport Manager Dick Brandt. One saucer, with a brilliant blu 12/28/1953 #9403  
                                   BRANDT, OH Several teens. Large white di 10/13/1958 #15342  
## Word: "brandt-jensen" (Back to Top)
mark 12:40 a.m. Police officer Th. Brandt-Jensen sees a bright, blue-white  6/21/1976 #31121  
## Word: "brandvlei" (Back to Top)
                                   Brandvlei in Northern Cape Province, Sou 5/26/1953 #8910  
 Beyers, driving 80 miles south of Brandvlei in Northern Cape Province, Sou 5/26/1953 #8910  
## Word: "brandy" (Back to Top)
dwards reported that his daughter, Brandy Edwards, and their cousin, Sashay 11/22/2002 #44449  
## Word: "brandywine" (Back to Top)
                                   Brandywine, MD Famous jet scramble case, 7/26/2002 #44364  
ews AFB, Maryland Washington, D.C. Brandywine, Maryland Waldorf, Maryland 1 7/26/2002 #44366  
 at a sand-and-gravel operation in Brandywine, Maryland, sees the first two 7/26/2002 #44366  
## Word: "branges" (Back to Top)
                                   BRANGES, FR Classic saucer / roadside. G 10/1/1954 #10551  
                                   Branges, near Louhans, France Coming hom 10/1/1954 #10561  
                                In Branges, near Louhans in Saone-Loire dep 10/1/1954 #10578  
## Word: "braniff" (Back to Top)
 Flying military observer(s). Also Braniff flight 40. UFO / complex traject 8/29/1957 #13943  
 a civilian ATC, and all onboard a Braniff airliner witnessed a fireball fl 5/13/1959 #15730  
falling from the sky. The next day Braniff Airways Flight 542, carrying 28  9/29/1959 #15997  
                    Charleston, WV Braniff Airlines Flt. 42 (AL) (NICAP: 11 5/4/1966 #20444  
leston, West Virginia. The crew of Braniff Airline Flight 42, headed east a 5/4/1966 #20447  
ock position, then approaching the Braniff airliner to a distance of 3 mile 5/4/1966 #20447  
of 5 miles at 1,000 mph, which the Braniff crew confirms as the object desc 5/4/1966 #20447  
es to the 11 o'clock position from Braniff Airline Flight 42 headed east at 5/4/1966 #20448  
o'clock position, then come at the Braniff airliner to within three miles d 5/4/1966 #20448  
 5 miles at 1,000 mph [5 G's]. The Braniff crew confirmed the object descen 5/4/1966 #20448  
ed up on radar. During this time a Braniff flight was coming in for a landi 5/13/1967 #22335  
nd return being reflected from the Braniff aircraft. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 5/13/1967 #22335  
rado Springs, Colorado, airport. A Braniff flight is coming in for a landin 5/13/1967 #22337  
nd return being reflected from the Braniff aircraft. The blip appears at ab 5/13/1967 #22337  
rs at about twice the range of the Braniff blip. When the Braniff airliner  5/13/1967 #22337  
ange of the Braniff blip. When the Braniff airliner touches down, however,  5/13/1967 #22337  
 4:40 a.m. MDT. During this time a Braniff flight was coming in for a landi 5/13/1967 #22339  
und return being reflected off the Braniff aircraft. The radar blip appeare 5/13/1967 #22339  
ed at about twice the range of the Braniff blip. When Braniff touched down, 5/13/1967 #22339  
he range of the Braniff blip. When Braniff touched down, however, the situa 5/13/1967 #22339  
midnight over Hailey, Idaho when a Braniff Airlines crew, as well as privat 5/29/1979 #34594  
## Word: "braniff#603" (Back to Top)
        SOUTH / GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR Braniff#603 pilots. Red disk stops. Shoo 8/24/1952 #7700  
## Word: "brantley" (Back to Top)
ny Robertson, Ron Koczor and Whitt Brantley of the University of Alabama in 8/1/1997 #43364  
## Word: "branton" (Back to Top)
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/branton/esp_dulcebook5.htm               2/21/1990 #39426  
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/branton/esp_cosmicconflict09.htm         1991 #39940  
## Word: "brashear" (Back to Top)
 father of one of the girls, Ralph Brashear, reported the incident to the p 12/14/1978 #34128  
## Word: "brasher" (Back to Top)
lots flying two F-84s, Lt. Jack E. Brasher and Lt. Thomas W. Hale, also see 3/3/1953 #8727  
## Word: "brasil" (Back to Top)
ce. Dark cigar-shape. / Journal do Brasil.                                  5/21/1986 #37884  
## Word: "brasilia" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BRASILIA, BRZ 2 deputies. Triangle hover 1/18/1968 #23669  
he town of Taguatinga, Brazil near Brasilia. It had lights and portholes ar 11/8/1968 #24644  
                                   BRASILIA, BRZ Lawyer and 1. Silent dish  6/4/1969 #25197  
l. Earlier that morning at dawn in Brasilia, a silent, dish-shaped UFO mane 6/4/1969 #25200  
                                   BRASILIA, BRZ Private pilot followed 460 5/16/1986 #37871  
       A private pilot flying from Brasilia, Brazil was followed 460 miles  5/16/1986 #37872  
José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil Brasilia São Paulo 6:30 p.m. 2ndSgt Serg 5/19/1986 #37878  
t 7:00 p.m., flight controllers at Brasilia and São Paulo confirm three pri 5/19/1986 #37878  
               São José dos Campos Brasilia 7:40 p.m. Visual UFO sightings  5/19/1986 #37879  
. By 8:00 p.m., CINDACTA radars in Brasilia track 8 unidentified targets on 5/19/1986 #37879  
light airplane São José dos Campos Brasilia 9:00 p.m. A Xingu light airplan 5/19/1986 #37880  
a receives a call from CINDACTA in Brasilia asking them to confirm some uni 5/19/1986 #37880  
ulo Anápolis Air Force Base, Goiás Brasilia 10:23 p.m. By this time, the Ai 5/19/1986 #37881  
ubmit to news media questioning in Brasilia.                                5/19/1986 #37881  
nd in the sky. Meanwhile, radar at Brasilia confirmed the presence of an un 5/19/1986 #37882  
aulo State, and Anapolis AFB, near Brasilia. Three F-5E jets were scrambled 5/19/1986 #37882  
                                   BRASILIA, BRZ 26 cops. Luminous ovoid ho 4/11/1991 #40033  
 São Sebastião Federal District of Brasilia, Brazil Lago Sul area Brasilia  4/11/1991 #40034  
 of Brasilia, Brazil Lago Sul area Brasilia airport 7:00–9:00 p.m. A bright 4/11/1991 #40034  
bastião in the Federal District of Brasilia, Brazil. The object is seen by  4/11/1991 #40034  
the Lago Sul area and close to the Brasilia airport. Later, it identifies t 4/11/1991 #40034  
id object hovered over a prison in Brasilia, Brazil. It had a vertical orie 4/11/1991 #40035  
untry. The event culminates in the Brasilia Letter, a document signed by ne 12/7/1997 #43453  
                          Guará I, Brasilia, Brazil 1:00 a.m. Carlos Eduard 2/8/2003 #44484  
o wakes up in his home in Guará I, Brasilia, Brazil, to tend to his dog in  2/8/2003 #44484  
ro Lysias Rodrigues Airport Palmas Brasilia 4:45 p.m. Shortly after TAM Fli 6/5/2003 #44554  
gues Airport in Palmas, Brazil, to Brasilia, air traffic control asks the p 6/5/2003 #44554  
orts were sent by the 1st COMAR to Brasilia.”                               5/20/2005 #44844  
              National Archives in Brasilia Members of the Brazilian Ufolog 4/18/2013 #45364  
ilable at the National Archives in Brasilia and online.                     4/18/2013 #45364  
## Word: "brasiliera" (Back to Top)
r K. Buhler launches the Sociedade Brasiliera de Estudos sobre Discos Voado 12/1957 #14652  
## Word: "brasov" (Back to Top)
                                   BRASOV, ROMANIA 5 fast large saucers goi 5/23/1969 #25159  
                                   BRASOV, ROM Large indistinct UFO has bri 4/18/1971 #26076  
## Word: "brass" (Back to Top)
WOOD, HAMPS 2+4 observer(s). 'Huge brass shield lit / searchlight'. Spheres 2/6/1938 (approximate) #1282  
itting on the ground with military brass, intelligence guards and officers, 4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
                                 A brass domed-disc with a transparent clea 6/27/1949 #4254  
NDRIA, VA Top CIA man and military brass / lawn party. Vibrant bright night 5/1952 #6226  
s SSW of), OH B-25 Crew & Pentagon Brass See Lights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 7/27/1952 #7204  
Cleveland Press runs the headline “Brass Curtain Hides Flying Saucers” and  1/6/1954 #9456  
 shaped like an “enormous polished brass kettle” with a rectangular structu 12/9/1954 #11787  
a bottom like an enormous polished brass kettle," hovered with an oscillati 12/11/1954 #11800  
 shaped like an "enormous polished brass kettle" with a rectangular structu 12/11/1954 #11802  
se again. This time he saw a shiny brass colored cigar-shaped object hoveri 12/30/1954 #11882  
ide the craft while it glowed like brass. A spinning antennalike device was 12/18/1957 #14746  
TITUDE COORDS. = BIG GUESS Several brass. 2000' UFO paces flying tigers pla 2/15/1960 #16176  
ontaining spaces for cameras and a brass panel that explains, in pictures,  Summer 1962 #17239  
oat pocket. It resembled a gold or brass badge and it seemed to have a big  1/9/1967 #21278  
er, OH Oval object, like copper or brass fly with tumbling motion (NICAP: 0 3/26/1967 #21993  
bject, which looked like copper or brass with the sun shining on it, flew f 3/26/1967 #21996  
see an oval object, like copper or brass with the sun shining on it, fly fr 3/26/1967 #21997  
   BEIJING, CH "Old-type parabolic brass hot-water bottle" shape southeast  10/30/1980 #35596  
 fiery sphere, similar in color to brass, within 1,000 feet of the damaged  4/26/1986 #37844  
## Word: "brass-" (Back to Top)
cluster of 25 small (24–30 inches) brass- colored discs with a spot in the  7/29/1947 #3254  
## Word: "brass-colored" (Back to Top)
 the center of the object are four brass-colored arms in the shape of a cro 12/9/1990 #39927  
## Word: "brasschaat" (Back to Top)
                                   BRASSCHAAT, BELGIUM Large silver ovoid w 4/27/1972 #26662  
lver ovoid with a halo vanished in Brasschaat, Antwerp, Belgium at 2:10 a.m 4/27/1972 #26663  
## Word: "brassen" (Back to Top)
                At 9:30 p.m. J. P. Brassen watched an oval-shaped craft ris 8/12/1975 #30256  
## Word: "brassy" (Back to Top)
 Arnold / light plane again. 20-25 brassy disks flip and veer going quickly 7/29/1947 #3245  
 ALBERA LIGURE, ITL 2 observer(s). Brassy disk with glassy top / 10M altitu 6/27/1949 #4252  
udflat 66 feet away. The object is brassy or yellowish metallic with telesc 9/18/1978 #33708  
## Word: "brasvell" (Back to Top)
 (radar observer), and PFC William Brasvell (gunner).                       3/26/1945 #1829  
## Word: "braswell" (Back to Top)
          Buffalo, Texas Maj. R.O. Braswell, while flying an C-47 at 6500 f 9/29/1959 #15997  
                  Texas Maj. R. O. Braswell, flying an Air Force C-47 at 6, 9/29/1959 #15998  
## Word: "brasília" (Back to Top)
      Núcleo Bandeirante region in Brasília, Federal District, Brazil 10:00 10/1959 #16004  
n the Núcleo Bandeirante region in Brasília, Federal District, Brazil, when 10/1959 #16004  
                                   Brasília, Brazil 9 miles outside of Bras 1/20/1968 #23682  
rasília, Brazil 9 miles outside of Brasília, Brazil 6:00 p.m. Police deputi 1/20/1968 #23682  
gas are driving 9 miles outside of Brasília, Brazil, when they see a triang 1/20/1968 #23682  
              Porto Alegre, Brazil Brasília The Porto Alegre, Brazil, newsp 1/23/1971 #25999  
on close to the federal capital of Brasília. An unnamed local peasant is qu 1/23/1971 #25999  
                                   Brasília, Brazil Núcleo de Pesquisas Ufo 12/7/1997 #43453  
ld Forum of Ufology takes place in Brasília, Brazil, coordinated by the Bra 12/7/1997 #43453  
                                   Brasília, Brazil Rio Grande do Sul São P 5/20/2005 #44844  
h Brazilian Air Force officials in Brasília, Brazil, headed by Brigadier Te 5/20/2005 #44844  
           The National Archive in Brasília, Brazil The National Archive in 10/31/2008 #45181  
ia, Brazil The National Archive in Brasília, Brazil, receives from the Cent 10/31/2008 #45181  
## Word: "braternitz" (Back to Top)
ruary 17 —Night. Hy Smith, Charles Braternitz, and Harry Reese see a bright 2/4/1897 #387  
## Word: "brattleboro" (Back to Top)
riving north on Interstate 95 near Brattleboro, Vermont noticed several bri 9/25/1998 #43652  
## Word: "brauer" (Back to Top)
y, Col. W. V. Brown, Lt. col. L.w. Brauer. One small, round, bright object  8/20/1950 #5131  
 W. V. Brown, and Lt. Colonel L.W. Brauer reported that the UFO flew fast,  8/20/1950 #5133  
## Word: "braulino" (Back to Top)
l 11:30 a.m. Copilot Cmdr. Armando Braulino, pilot Cmdr. Pedro Luiz Teixeir 11/21/1954 #11683  
## Word: "braun" (Back to Top)
and] into a field belonging to Eva Braun’s family and is retrieved by Germa Summer 1937 #1272  
supposedly winds up in Wernher von Braun’s laboratory, but the story is pro Summer 1937 #1272  
gh Operation Overcast: Wernher von Braun, Erich W. Neubert, Theodor A. Popp 9/1945 #1934  
eep. German scientists Wernher Von Braun and Ernst Steinhoff are conducting 5/29/1947 #2301  
he detonation disturbs Wernher Von Braun so greatly that he leaves the isla 8/1/1958 #15174  
rmany Rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, on holiday in Germany, makes a cr 1/1/1959 #15526  
uding J. Edgar Hoover, Wernher Von Braun, William Sullivan, Clay Shaw, and  1970 #25523  
by Ernst Steinhoff and Wernher von Braun.  https://www.earthfiles.com/2004/ 7/1991 #40107  
d” or short-range recon probe. Von Braun, Condon, Oppenheimer and Teller wo 7/1991 #40108  
ects were performed by Wernher von Braun’s team at the Army Ballistic Missi 1998 #43481  
vanced aerospace concepts from von Braun made their way there. *   https:// 1998 #43481  
## Word: "braun's" (Back to Top)
[now Czernica, Poland] Wernher von Braun's laboratory An object allegedly f Summer 1937 #1272  
## Word: "braunger" (Back to Top)
     Sioux City, Iowa Witness:  F. Braunger. One bright red star flew strai 11/23/1961 #16975  
 Sioux City, Iowa at  9:30 p.m. F. Braunger saw a bright red "star" fly str 11/23/1961 #16976  
## Word: "brava" (Back to Top)
 the craft on the ground near Loma Brava.                                   1/8/1962 #17016  
ops. UFO takes off. 1 lands / Loma Brava / CODOVNI'62.                      2/8/1962 #17038  
## Word: "brave" (Back to Top)
k with glowing-edge. Low and slow. Brave dog cowers..                       6/15/1969 #25217  
 flashing object, neither one felt brave enough to touch it. Later that nig 10/20/1973 #28222  
## Word: "bravely" (Back to Top)
a wall. Shocked and terrified, she bravely opened the door but was confront 5/30/1993 #40997  
## Word: "braviken" (Back to Top)
                                   BRAVIKEN BAY, SWD 9 / boat. Vibrant brig 7/17/1973 #27635  
                                   BRAVIKEN BAY, SWD 3 / rescue boat. RADAR 9/24/1982 #36615  
hree witnesses in a rescue boat in Braviken Bay, Ostergotland, Sweden had t 9/24/1982 #36616  
## Word: "bravo" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bravo” Yield: 15000KT                    2/28/1954 #9573  
ni Atoll, Marshall Islands "Castle Bravo" hydrogen bomb test at the Bikini  3/1/1954 #9581  
                            Castle Bravo Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands Rong 3/1/1954 #9584  
aigo Fukuryū Maru 6:45 a.m. Castle Bravo is the most powerful nuclear devic 3/1/1954 #9584  
ler aircraft monitoring the Castle Bravo test at Bikini Atoll. Shortly afte 3/1/1954 #9585  
uch stronger than expected. Castle Bravo was the most powerful nuclear devi 3/1/1954 #9589  
                           BRITISH BRAVO BASE, ANTARCTIC Silent night light 6/2/1965 #18981  
 photography, plus geographer Juan Bravo and topographer Francisco Reyes. L 9/4/1971 #26317  
 Mexico City businessman Guillermo Bravo. Speakers include J. Allen Hynek,  4/17/1977 #31987  
## Word: "bravo-one" (Back to Top)
photographing UAP, Project Radiant Bravo-One, Project Might using high spee 6/13/2022 #45757  
## Word: "bravone" (Back to Top)
he coast of Corsica in the town of Bravone, Corse-Sud department, France. I 9/7/1994 #41722  
## Word: "brawdy" (Back to Top)
mary School in Pembroke, Wales RAF Brawdy [now Cawdor Barracks], east of St 2/4/1977 #31790  
f Broad Haven, especially near RAF Brawdy [now Cawdor Barracks], east of St 2/4/1977 #31790  
                                   BRAWDY / PENYCWM, WALES 1 observer. Dome 3/17/1977 #31914  
## Word: "brawley" (Back to Top)
ing to the mystery is the story of Brawley Oates, who purchases Judge Proct 4/17/1897 #523  
                                   BRAWLEY AND IMPERIAL, CA Several separat 8/4/1905 #680  
ink pancake-object flips in sky. / Brawley, CA newspapers.                  4/7/1950 (approximate) #4805  
 Others dart all over/all about. / Brawley News.                            4/7/1950 #4813  
4, while driving between Indio and Brawley, California on US highway 99, a  6/7/1954 #9873  
                                   BRAWLEY, CA Ex-military airman. Sting-ra 5/23/1995 #42220  
## Word: "brax" (Back to Top)
                                   BRAX TO/FROM BRENIL, AUDE Red sphere/orb 8/18/1974 #29370  
## Word: "braxton" (Back to Top)
ia National Guardsman Eugene Lemon Braxton Democrat Max Lockard Baltimore,  9/12/1952 #7905  
g, A. Lee Stewart, co-owner of the Braxton Democrat, visits the site of the 9/12/1952 #7905  
## Word: "bray" (Back to Top)
  Memphis, TN (35.14° N, 90.03° W) Bray and Kaiser (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 5/7/1948 #3642  
 Kaiser and their housekeeper Jean Bray, at 251 W. Waldorf Avenue, Memphis, 5/7/1948 #3643  
ral witnesses including Kaiser and Bray in Memphis, Tennessee saw 50 or mor 5/7/1948 #3644  
 California Witness: civilian, Mr. Bray, using a small telescope. One thin, 9/22/1953 #9173  
seen later that day by a man named Bray in Hayward, California in Alameda c 9/22/1953 #9174  
                                   Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland Bray Head  8/26/1954 #10182  
     Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland Bray Head Wicklow 9:35 p.m. Crowds of pe 8/26/1954 #10182  
klow 9:35 p.m. Crowds of people in Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland. see an ob 8/26/1954 #10182  
ject traveling at great speed over Bray Head. It is a brilliant blue light, 8/26/1954 #10182  
eill South Australia Rancher B. T. Bray discovers a 14-foot diameter, circu 3/11/1977 #31896  
ation Group (AOIMSG), and Scott W. Bray, deputy director of naval intellige 5/17/2022 #45750  
ty director of naval intelligence. Bray testifies that their database of re 5/17/2022 #45750  
observations by military aviators. Bray says that “Navy and air force crews 5/17/2022 #45750  
 with Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), Bray agrees that standardizing the civil 5/17/2022 #45750  
raveling at extremely high speeds. Bray says that he does not have an expla 5/17/2022 #45750  
 for what this specific object is. Bray and Moultrie both say they will com 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "bray-sur-seine" (Back to Top)
                                   BRAY-SUR-SEINE AND LAGNY AND MORET AND T 10/21/1954 #11289  
                                   BRAY-SUR-SEINE, FR Saucer just over grou 11/1961 (approximate) #16942  
## Word: "braybrook" (Back to Top)
re seen oscillating in tandem over Braybrook, Victoria, Australia.          2/27/1963 #17687  
## Word: "brayfield" (Back to Top)
                                   Brayfield Station Port Neill South Austr 3/11/1977 #31896  
ter, circular ring in a paddock at Brayfield Station, southwest of Port Nei 3/11/1977 #31896  
## Word: "brazel" (Back to Top)
         SOUTHEAST / CORONA, NM WW Brazel finds much weird wreckage. Unknow 7/3/1947 #2556  
famous Roswell debris field by Mac Brazel on a ranch near Corona, New Mexic 7/3/1947 #2586  
r Corona, New Mexico, W. W. “Mack” Brazel hears a tremendous thunderclap th 7/4/1947 #2669  
llowing the rain the night before, Brazel inspects the pastures surrounding 7/5/1947 #2723  
D. Proctor. During the inspection, Brazel discovers a large debris field. S 7/5/1947 #2723  
it to water more than a mile away. Brazel, taking a few scraps of the mater 7/5/1947 #2723  
 have symbols on them that reminds Brazel of Chinese ideograms. The Proctor 7/5/1947 #2723  
               Later that evening, Brazel removes the large, circular piece 7/5/1947 #2725  
iece of the debris from the range. Brazel either loads it into the back of  7/5/1947 #2725  
well Army Air Field Brazel's ranch Brazel gets up early, completes his chor 7/6/1947 #2807  
 have only the directions given by Brazel, but both men are familiar with t 7/6/1947 #2807  
 Joyce calls Wilcox, who tells him Brazel is in his office with an interest 7/6/1947 #2807  
 office with an interesting story. Brazel allegedly gets on the phone with  7/6/1947 #2807  
heriff’s office. Marcel interviews Brazel, examines the pieces of the mater 7/6/1947 #2812  
es the pieces of the material that Brazel brought in, and decides he had be 7/6/1947 #2812  
in Sheridan W. Cavitt. They escort Brazel back to his ranch and examine the 7/6/1947 #2812  
After Marcel and Cavitt leave with Brazel, the two deputies return to say t 7/6/1947 #2812  
roads that are less than adequate, Brazel, Marcel, and Cavitt do not arrive 7/6/1947 #2814  
r over the large piece of wreckage Brazel has stored in the cattle shed. He 7/6/1947 #2814  
                                   BRAZEL RANCH, NM Major J. Marcel and 2 g 7/7/1947 #2851  
                           Roswell Brazel takes Marcel and Cavitt out to th 7/7/1947 #2928  
ness. Easley is directed to locate Brazel and have him escort the MPs to th 7/8/1947 #3011  
rt Worth RAAF officers locate Mack Brazel and take him to the base for ques 7/9/1947 #3054  
           Roswell, New Mexico Mac Brazel is still being held at a guest ho 7/10/1947 #3111  
      Roswell AAF, New Mexico Mack Brazel is returned home after an extensi 7/15/1947 #3186  
ield near Corona, New Mexico. Mack Brazel, having found various scraps and  Summer 1949 #4246  
 he did an interview with WW “Mac” Brazel in July 1947 who claimed he found 12/30/1991 #40271  
## Word: "brazel's" (Back to Top)
 New Mexico Roswell Army Air Field Brazel's ranch Brazel gets up early, com 7/6/1947 #2807  
## Word: "brazelle" (Back to Top)
gt. John Goosen and Constable Koos Brazelle are looking towards Rosmead wit 11/12/1972 #27120  
elburg police about it. Goosen and Brazelle respond. There are 5 holes in t 11/12/1972 #27120  
## Word: "brazey" (Back to Top)
was seen taking off from a farm in Brazey en Morvan, France. Dead sheep and 6/21/1968 #24068  
## Word: "brazey-en-morvan" (Back to Top)
                                   BRAZEY-EN-MORVAN, FR 12M ovoid going dow 6/21/1968 #24059  
## Word: "brazil" (Back to Top)
northeastern United States Bermuda Brazil Michigan New York Pennsylvania On 2/9/1913 #881  
 ships at sea, including eight off Brazil, giving a total recorded ground t 2/9/1913 #881  
                     Unknown City, Brazil Snake-like shafts of light hangin 12/1935 #1238  
etê River Araçariguama, São Paulo, Brazil Santana di Parnaíba 6:00 p.m. Joã 3/5/1946 #1973  
s home in Araçariguama, São Paulo, Brazil. As he is entering the house, a l 3/5/1946 #1973  
 in Aracariguama, Sao Paulo State, Brazil but he returned home at 7:30 p.m. 3/5/1946 #1974  
                                   BRAZIL, IN 1 observer. Shiny silver 60cm 7/12/1947 #3146  
              Bauru, near Pitanga, Brazil A group of survey workers ran awa 7/23/1947 #3216  
 Goio-Bang Luiziana Mamboré Paraná Brazil José C. Higgens and some assistan 7/23/1947 #3218  
ween Luiziana and Mamboré, Paraná, Brazil. On hearing a sharp sound, they s 7/23/1947 #3218  
ortheast of Pitanga, Parana State, Brazil ran away when they heard a hissin 7/23/1947 #3219  
                        VASSOURAS, BRAZIL Shiny 38cm metallic saucer wavers 8/1947 (approximate) #3269  
    Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 5:00 p.m. Mario Restier is return 12/4/1949 #4434  
 in Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, when he notices a disc land abou 12/4/1949 #4434  
from Barra Mansa to Volta Redonda, Brazil at around 5:00 a.m. when he saw a 12/4/1949 #4435  
                       Porto Novo, Brazil Mr. Campello and several others i 7/20/1950 #5074  
                    In Porto Novo, Brazil Mr. Campello and several others d 7/20/1950 #5075  
                  Barra da Tijuca, Brazil Brazil photos (NICAP: 08 - Photog 5/7/1952 #6265  
           Barra da Tijuca, Brazil Brazil photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic  5/7/1952 #6265  
  Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Colorado 4:30 p.m. Magazine write 5/7/1952 #6270  
r Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the first, the UFO resembles  5/7/1952 #6270  
n Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They show a disc-shaped object w 5/7/1952 #6271  
                         Itenhaem, Brazil A woman was awakened by a thunder Summer 1952 #6575  
        A UFO was seen over Belem, Brazil near the mouth of the Amazon Rive 9/11/1952 #7895  
              Angatuba, São Paulo, Brazil São Paulo Aladino Félix and a fri 11/1952 #8227  
g a hill near Angatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. When they get to the top, Félix  11/1952 #8227  
na dos Montes, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Two 5.1 foot tall men jumped out 1/3/1953 #8500  
 Santana dos Montes, Minas Gerais, Brazil 1:00 p.m. Maurício Ramos is drivi 1/12/1953 #8535  
 Santana dos Montes, Minas Gerais, Brazil, when he sees a luminous, metalli 1/12/1953 #8535  
 Santana dos Montes, Minas Gerais, Brazil Sr. M. Ramos Bessa had a close en 1/12/1953 #8536  
f Pedras Negras in Maranhao State, Brazil when a disc-shaped UFO hovered ov 11/28/1953 #9325  
                     ITANHAEM, SP, BRAZIL 1 / beach. DC3 size silent object 1/15/1954 #9487  
                      Santa Maria, Brazil Rubem Hellwig was driving when he 3/1954 #9577  
                      Santa Maria, Brazil Rubem Hellwig again saw a strange 3/1954 #9578  
ts, spoke of the natural riches of Brazil, and expressed surprise that he d 3/1954 #9578  
ientists studying natural riches / Brazil".                                 3/16/1954 #9623  
an at Baranagua Bay, Parana State, Brazil was continuously buzzed by an ora 8/6/1954 #10107  
                     Porto Alegre, Brazil House lights failed as UFO passed 8/30/1954 #10208  
                          PELOTAS, BRAZIL Firemen and more/others. Large si 10/12/1954 #10964  
                     Porto Alegre, Brazil Formation of silver, circular obj 10/24/1954 #11359  
anoas Air Force Base Porto Alegre, Brazil Rio de Janeiro 1:00–6:00 p.m. Off 10/24/1954 #11365  
 Air Force Base near Porto Alegre, Brazil, watch a number of “circular silv 10/24/1954 #11365  
ai Air Force Base in Porto Alegre, Brazil.  It began making fast, tight cir 10/24/1954 #11373  
north of Tapas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil at 11:35 p.m. four lights approac 10/30/1954 #11494  
                            LAGES, BRAZIL Farmer. Glowing-disk going west.  10/31/1954 #11497  
nto Amaro Rua Andaguara São Paulo, Brazil South America 10:30 a.m. Taxi dri 11/2/1954 #11537  
anto Amaro, a suburb of São Paulo, Brazil, and starts to walk home. When he 11/2/1954 #11537  
 Braga Godoi left the Santo Amaro, Brazil streetcar terminal and started to 11/2/1954 #11539  
                       PONTAL, SP, BRAZIL 4M saucer going down. 3 small hum 11/4/1954 #11560  
                           Pontal, Brazil Jose Alves was fishing in the Par 11/4/1954 #11563  
                Pontal, São Paulo, Brazil Rio Pardo A laborer named Jose Al 11/4/1954 #11564  
d Jose Alves of Pontal, São Paulo, Brazil, is night fishing in the Rio Pard 11/4/1954 #11564  
 river in Pontal, Sao Paulo state, Brazil when he saw a luminous object com 11/4/1954 #11568  
                     Porto Alegre, Brazil An agronomist and his family in t 11/10/1954 #11619  
    Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul Brazil An agronomist and his family enco 11/10/1954 #11620  
n Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Two men with long hair and one-p 11/10/1954 #11620  
                         Curitiba, Brazil A lens-shaped object was seen on  11/13/1954 #11638  
           Curitiba, Parana State, Brazil - At 3:30 a.m. Mr. Cheminot, a Br 11/13/1954 #11642  
                     Urai, Paraná, Brazil 3:30 a.m. Railroad worker Jose Ro 11/14/1954 #11651  
railroad tracks near Urai, Paraná, Brazil. They see him and run back into t 11/14/1954 #11651  
                   Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Shiny Objects Encountered By Airl 11/21/1954 #11682  
   Paraíbo do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 11:30 a.m. Copilot Cmdr. Armando  11/21/1954 #11683  
er Paraíbo do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, see a UFO formation, described a 11/21/1954 #11683  
Paraiba River near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. There were more than 16 witnesse 11/21/1954 #11685  
                      Santa Maria, Brazil A radio operator at the local air 11/22/1954 #11688  
          Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil Belo Horizonte Anor Ferreira da S 11/22/1954 #11690  
erator in Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil, transmits a Morse code message t 11/22/1954 #11690  
a Air Force Base Rio Grande do Sul Brazil Porto Alegre 9:45 p.m. At Santa M 11/22/1954 #11691  
Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, radio operator Arquimedes Fernan 11/22/1954 #11691  
Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil saw a huge, dark disc-shaped obje 11/22/1954 #11692  
                 Linha Bela Vista, Brazil A farmer, O. da Costa e Rosa, obs 12/9/1954 #11784  
Venâncio Aires, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Evening. Farmer Olmiro de Costa e 12/9/1954 #11787  
Venâncio Aires, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, when he hears a sound like a sew 12/9/1954 #11787  
nha Bela Vista, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil heard a sound something like a se 12/9/1954 #11789  
                 Linha Bela Vista, Brazil Near the site of Case 349, Pedro  12/11/1954 #11800  
nha Bela Vista, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil first noticed a disturbance among 12/11/1954 #11802  
land in Campinas, Sao Paulo state, Brazil at dusk. One peeled off from the  12/13/1954 #11805  
                 Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil Rio de Janeiro 11:00 a.m. Three b 12/14/1954 #11807  
in the sky above Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Around 12:00 noon, they descend  12/14/1954 #11807  
city of Campinas, Sao Paulo state, Brazil on this afternoon in 1954. One of 12/14/1954 #11808  
 Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil A man is fishing in a river near  12/15/1954 #11815  
 Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, when he sees an unusual object l 12/15/1954 #11815  
ose encounter with three aliens in Brazil. While fishing in the river in Ca 12/15/1954 #11817  
                           RIO DJ, BRAZIL Palace guards and thousands. Lumi 12/18/1954 #11830  
e Catete Palace in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil witnessed a yellow glowing ovoid  12/18/1954 #11831  
                          CAMAQUA, BRAZIL 4 observer(s). Silent 30M disk st 12/31/1954 #11883  
, four men in a forest in Camaqua, Brazil in the State of Rio Grande do Sul 12/31/1954 #11885  
lored disc flew over Ponta Grossa, Brazil and off to the west, making wild  3/13/1956 #12755  
         Caraguatatuba, São Paulo, Brazil São Sebastião Ilhabela 7:00 p.m.  7/16/1956 #12974  
beach at Caraguatatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, when he observes a hat-shaped, l 7/16/1956 #12974  
         Rio de Janeiro (USS FDR), Brazil Huge Cigar Observed & Tracked On  7/26/1956 #13018  
                   Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Two disc-shaped objects are suspe 7/26/1956 #13020  
hed in the port of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They are 75–100 feet in diameter 7/26/1956 #13020  
                      PASSO FUNDO, BRAZIL 2 cops and 2. 2 silent silver dis 8/21/1956 #13106  
                       CAMBUQUIRA, BRAZIL 6 observer(s). Luminous disk stop 8/28/1956 #13144  
                        Cabo Frio, Brazil O. Guarichi was walking on the be 9/1956 #13165  
                           MANAUS, BRAZIL 2 trusted observer(s). Large sauc 10/5/1956 #13263  
                        BARBACENA, BRAZIL 2 politicos / car. Many luminous/ 5/1957 #13627  
                   Belo Horizonte, Brazil Disc-like object paced, maneuvere 6/30/1957 #13759  
 Belo Horizonte to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and subsequently paced the aircra 6/30/1957 #13760  
                       GAVEA ROCK, BRAZIL 2 silver moons hover / peak. Blac 7/2/1957 #13773  
                    Campos (near), Brazil Disc with dome and portholes pace 7/4/1957 #13776  
lying between Campos and Victoria, Brazil.                                  7/4/1957 #13777  
                    Sao Sebastiao, Brazil Mr. Joao Guimaraes, who is a prof 7/25/1957 #13835  
g near the shore in Sao Sebastiao, Brazil at 7:10 p.m. when he saw a hat-sh 7/25/1957 #13840  
                           RIO DJ, BRAZIL Thousands / observer(s). Silent t 7/26/1957 #13842  
                 Joinville (near), Brazil Airliner cabin lights dimmed and  8/14/1957 #13892  
        Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil 8:55 p.m. Varig Airlines pilot Ca 8/14/1957 #13893  
et over Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The UFO speeds up and crosses ju 8/14/1957 #13893  
oinville, Santa Catarina province, Brazil. It caused temporary disruption o 8/14/1957 #13894  
              RIO TO/FROM NITEROI, BRAZIL Crowds / piers. 10M saucer zigzag 8/23/1957 #13926  
                         Campinas, Brazil A man suddenly fell, as if paraly 9/1957 #13964  
              Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil Avenida Julio Mesqita 3:00 p.m. H 9/1957 #13966  
ado’s farm in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, when Sabiá’s dog begins growling 9/1957 #13966  
               Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil Several people fishing near Ubatu Early 9/1957 #13971  
e fishing near Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, watch a disc dive down from the  Early 9/1957 #13971  
                          Ubatuba, Brazil Approximate date. Anonymous witne 9/10/1957 #13988  
                          Ubatuba, Brazil UFO explodes and leaves fragments 9/14/1957 #13994  
                      Niquelandia, Brazil At the Gabiroba farm, owners A. S 10/1957 #14049  
               Francisco de Sales, Brazil Antonio Villas-Boas who could not 10/5/1957 #14061  
 Francisco de Sales, Minas Gerais, Brazil 11:00 p.m. Antonio Villas-Boas ge 10/5/1957 #14062  
 Francisco de Sales, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to open a window and notices a s 10/5/1957 #14062  
           Sao Francisco de Sales, Brazil. Antonio Villas-Boas could not sl 10/5/1957 #14063  
                       Quebracoco, Brazil Naval officer Miguel Espanhol and 10/10/1957 #14092  
         Ceres Quebra Coco, Goiás, Brazil The coffee truck driven by Miguel 10/10/1957 #14095  
 of Ceres near Quebra Coco, Goiás, Brazil, as a UFO lands nearby. They see  10/10/1957 #14095  
                       Quebracoco, Brazil. On this night a naval officer, M 10/10/1957 #14097  
ere driving to Ceres, Goias State, Brazil when they saw a bright object tha 10/10/1957 #14097  
rmhouse in Sao Francisco de Sales, Brazil. This is three nights prior to hi 10/13/1957 #14105  
               Francisco de Sales, Brazil Second observation by A. Villas-B 10/14/1957 #14109  
 Francisco de Sales, Minas Gerais, Brazil. He was plowing the field with hi 10/14/1957 #14112  
                                   Brazil Villas Boas abduction. Has interc 10/15/1957 #14113  
               Minas Gerais State, Brazil Villas Boas abduction, sexual enc 10/15/1957 #14116  
               Minas Gerais State, Brazil Villas Boas abduction, sexual enc 10/15/1957 #14119  
               Francisco de Sales, Brazil Third observation by A. Villas-Bo 10/16/1957 #14127  
 Francisco de Sales, Minas Gerais, Brazil 1:00 a.m. Antonio Villas-Boas is  10/16/1957 #14128  
 Francisco de Sales, Minas Gerais, Brazil, when a red, egg-shaped object ap 10/16/1957 #14128  
           Sao Francisco de Sales, Brazil. A famous alien abduction and sex 10/16/1957 #14131  
raia Grande, Santa Catarina state, Brazil. It Illuminated the area with bea 10/22/1957 #14146  
                       Petropolis, Brazil A girl suffering from cancer appe 10/25/1957 #14154  
       Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil On a farm near Petrópolis, Rio de 10/25/1957 #14155  
m near Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a housekeeper (pseudonym = Anazi 10/25/1957 #14155  
                    In Petropolis, Brazil a girl suffering from cancer appe 10/25/1957 #14157  
                        Ararangua, Brazil Airliner direction finder and tra 11/3/1957 #14239  
                      Sao Vicente, Brazil Ltaipu Fort electrical system fai 11/3/1957 #14240  
           Porto Alegre São Paulo, Brazil Araranguá, Santa Catarina 1:30 a. 11/4/1957 #14283  
ne from Porto Alegre to São Paulo, Brazil. They are near Araranguá, Santa C 11/4/1957 #14283  
Itaipu in Praia Grande, São Paulo, Brazil Rio de Janeiro 2:00 a.m. Two sent 11/4/1957 #14284  
Itaipu in Praia Grande, São Paulo, Brazil, watch an orange object approachi 11/4/1957 #14284  
                         VARGINHA, BRAZIL Prof. / medicine and 4. Silent 70 11/10/1957 #14514  
                        Cachoeira, Brazil Several car motors failed as driv 11/15/1957 #14559  
0' over an aerodrome in Cachoeira, Brazil. East of Viking, Minnesota, at 11 11/15/1957 #14562  
                        Bage City, Brazil A blinding object, red and yellow 11/16/1957 #14566  
the Rural Exhibition in Bage City, Brazil at 10:30 p.m.                     11/16/1957 #14568  
                         Maracaja, Brazil Farmers Joao Ernani and Pedro Zil 11/18/1957 #14575  
                      In Maracaja, Brazil Farmers Joao Ernani and Pedro Zil 11/18/1957 #14577  
                       Mogi Mirim, Brazil All city lights failed as three U 11/25/1957 #14612  
            Mogi Mirim, São Paulo, Brazil 10:00 p.m. All the lights in the  11/25/1957 #14614  
the town of Mogi Mirim, São Paulo, Brazil, suddenly dim and fail. Numerous  11/25/1957 #14614  
nd then faded away. In Mogi Mirim, Brazil all lights failed in the city at  11/25/1957 #14615  
                   Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Walter K. Buhler launches the Soc 12/1957 #14652  
Discos Voadores in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It publishes the Boletim SBEDV t 12/1957 #14652  
                         SALVADOR, BRAZIL Metallic body low / horizon. Spli 12/6/1957 #14675  
 horizon in Salvador, Bahia state, Brazil. It split in half. One half desce 12/6/1957 #14679  
                      JABOTICABAL, BRAZIL Farmer. 4M 'watermelon' lands / f 12/10/1957 #14699  
                   BARRA DO PIRAI, BRAZIL 10M luminous disk low over road.  12/10/1957 #14703  
mbia. At 1:00 p.m. in Jabuticabal, Brazil a four-meter long "watermelon" la 12/10/1957 #14705  
e landing site. In Barra do Pirai, Brazil at 10 p.m., a 10-meter wide lumin 12/10/1957 #14705  
                  CHROCKATT DE SA, BRAZIL Aluminum disk follows train / 10  12/16/1957 #14733  
ckatt de Sa in Minas Gerais State, Brazil for ten minutes, maneuvering back 12/16/1957 #14737  
  Ponta Poran, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil Before this sighting was over, th 12/21/1957 #14753  
                      Ponte Poran, Brazil Mrs. Mendonca and five other pers 12/21/1957 #14754  
   Ponta Porã, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil Paraguayan border 6:30 p.m. Yvonn 12/21/1957 #14755  
ds Ponta Porã, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, along the Paraguayan border. The 12/21/1957 #14755  
five other persons in Ponta Poran, Brazil saw a light in the southern sky,  12/21/1957 #14757  
               Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil South Atlantic Day. Capt. Chrysól 1/10/1958 #14817  
 of a house in Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil, overlooking the South Atlantic.  1/10/1958 #14817  
                 Ilha da Trindade, Brazil Atlantic Ocean Pico Desejado Arou 1/16/1958 #14831  
he south side of Ilha da Trindade, Brazil, 730 miles off the coast in the A 1/16/1958 #14831  
In August 2010, a major TV show in Brazil airs information stating that the 1/16/1958 #14831  
orteiro Ortiz, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil Highway 463 Ponta Porã 10:30 p.m. 2/19/1958 #14881  
orteiro Ortiz, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, along Highway 463 and shining th 2/19/1958 #14881  
    Santa Antonio de Jesus (near), Brazil Car motor failed; passengers then 2/24/1958 #14887  
                Conceicao Almeida, Brazil Three witnesses, among them Dr. C 2/24/1958 #14888  
    Santo Antônio de Jesus, Bahia, Brazil Salvador 3:05 a.m. Attorney Carlo 2/24/1958 #14889  
ear Santo Antônio de Jesus, Bahia, Brazil. The car engine sputters and fail 2/24/1958 #14889  
eling by car in Conceicao Almeida, Brazil when their engine stalled near Sa 2/24/1958 #14890  
                                   Brazil Brig. Gen. João Adil Oliveira, ch 2/28/1958 #14897  
                           Maceio, Brazil Near Paripueira, jeweler Wilson L 4/1958 #14953  
en Maceió and Paripueira, Alagoas, Brazil 6:00 a.m. At some place along the 4/1958 #14955  
en Maceió and Paripueira, Alagoas, Brazil, Wilson Lustosa stops to ask some 4/1958 #14955  
                           Abaatu, Brazil All night long, three hovering di 4/17/1958 #14994  
                Bahia State Coast, Brazil Varig Airlines pilot watched a br 5/27/1958 #15055  
  TRINDADE ISLAND, ATLANTIC OCEAN. Brazil Navy sentry. Fast round red-glowi 10/3/1958 #15307  
                         Brazilia, Brazil Air Force pilot and 500 observers 11/8/1958 #15433  
vening of April 23rd in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Around midnight of April 23-24 h 4/25/1959 #15713  
efore he went to bed in Sao Paulo, Brazil and when he awoke at midnight he  4/26/1959 #15714  
            SOUTHEAST / PIQUEROBI, BRAZIL Mayor and several. Domed saucer v 6/18/1959 #15773  
                SOUTH / RIACHUELO, BRAZIL Sgt. and 5. Silent metallic domed 6/27/1959 #15796  
elo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil Luminous object followed FAB (Bra 7/14/1959 #15849  
w from Pampulha to Belo Horizonte, Brazil. All the time it was changing col 7/14/1959 #15854  
                           RIO DJ, BRAZIL Numerous observer(s). Wobbling ov 7/16/1959 #15857  
                        FORTALEZA, BRAZIL Air Traffic Controller and severa 7/22/1959 #15869  
                       Uberlandia, Brazil Automatic keys at power station t 8/17/1959 #15922  
         Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil The automatic keys at the power s 8/17/1959 #15923  
ation in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, suddenly disconnect power to all 8/17/1959 #15923  
ion in Brasília, Federal District, Brazil 10:00 a.m. Fr. Raimundo Nasciment 10/1959 #16004  
ion in Brasília, Federal District, Brazil, when he sees a crowd watching a  10/1959 #16004  
e skies over the town of Botocatu, Brazil during the daytime. It moved at a 5/4/1960 #16254  
own of Vila Ezio, Sao Paulo State, Brazil moving at high speed.             5/6/1960 #16257  
                  Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil Céara state Rio Grande do Norte P 5/13/1960 #16266  
han 100 people at Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil, watch a disc-shaped UFO. Flying  5/13/1960 #16266  
 including two close encounters in Brazil recorded for this evening in 1960 5/13/1960 #16267  
                                   Brazil: At shortly before 18:30 a huge c 5/13/1960 #16268  
peed and passed over Campos Sales, Brazil. It two ends were opaque and smok 5/13/1960 #16268  
t 18:30 off the coast at Paracuru, Brazil at the location marked as (2) on  5/13/1960 #16269  
the towns of Taboleiro and Nazare, Brazil at the location marked as (3). Th 5/13/1960 #16270  
sition over Paracuru, Ceara State, Brazil (4) at 19:00.                     5/13/1960 #16271  
tion marked as (5) over Fortaleza, Brazil. The UFO made an evasive maneuver 5/13/1960 #16272  
he ocean in Paracuru, Ceara State, Brazil. He went near them and saw severa 5/13/1960 #16273  
                         Paracuru, Brazil Raimondo dos Santos saw two craft 5/14/1960 #16275  
                  Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil 4:00 a.m. Fisherman Raimundo Ursu 5/14/1960 #16276  
l by the beach at Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil. As he approaches, he sees two hu 5/14/1960 #16276  
farm called Capin Acu in Paracuru, Brazil. He went near them and saw severa 5/14/1960 #16277  
 Taboleiro de Nazare, Ceara State, Brazil were chased by a huge round objec 5/17/1960 #16281  
 coastline in Acarau, Ceara State, Brazil. It stopped offshore, then follow 5/17/1960 #16281  
        NORTHEAST / FLORIANOPOLIS, BRAZIL Airmen. Luminous disk circles / s 5/28/1961 (approximate) #16701  
 level northeast of Florianopolis, Brazil on this night. It climbed to the  5/28/1961 #16702  
es northwest of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil 2:30 a.m. Patrolman Jaime de Mira 6/5/1961 #16721  
es northwest of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil. When they arrive, they find abou 6/5/1961 #16721  
                      Ilha Grande, Brazil An intensely luminous UFO maneuve 7/24/1961 #16772  
lneário Pinhal, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Beach House 9:30 p.m. Real estate Late 11/1961 #16979  
lneário Pinhal, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, when he sees a huge light 900 fe Late 11/1961 #16979  
                           RIO DJ, BRAZIL 3 observer(s). 45cm cylinder/ciga 1/16/1962 #17020  
  Pojucara, Bela Horizonte (near), Brazil Car motor stopped, then oval UFO  7/30/1962 #17303  
                         Pasnembi, Brazil A man driving near Pasnembi stopp 7/30/1962 #17304  
near Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil on the road to Pasnembi two men,  7/30/1962 #17306  
                      Duas Pontes, Brazil Rivalino da Silva, a diamond pros 8/17/1962 #17335  
uas Pontes Diamantina Minas Gerais Brazil Evening. Walking home, diamond pr 8/17/1962 #17336  
north of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil. On August 19, Mafra da Silva and 8/17/1962 #17336  
n Duas Pontes, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. When he approached them they ran 8/17/1962 #17337  
                      Duas Pontes, Brazil Raimundo, the son of Rivalino da  8/19/1962 #17346  
                      Duas Pontes, Brazil Raimundo da Silva (see previous c 8/20/1962 #17347  
n Duas Pontes, Minas Gerais State, Brazil he saw two spherical objects hove 8/20/1962 #17349  
as in Três Corações, Minas Gerais, Brazil 12:05 a.m. Geraldo Bichara, 18, i 8/26/1962 #17362  
as in Três Corações, Minas Gerais, Brazil, when an electrical blackout occu 8/26/1962 #17362  
 in Itapirito, Minas Gerais State, Brazil saw a domed disc-shaped object 15 8/30/1962 #17374  
onceicao, near Barcelos, Amazonas, Brazil saw a round glowing object emitti 9/16/1962 #17407  
                         Barcelos, Brazil Three men working in a rubber pla 9/18/1962 #17415  
ation in Barcelos, Amazonas State, Brazil saw a large, disk-shaped object h 9/18/1962 #17417  
                        VASSOURAS, BRAZIL Teen. Cylinder/cigar-shape with r 8/20/1963 #17910  
                   Sagrada Famila, Brazil Two brothers, F. and R. Eustagio, 8/28/1963 #17920  
  Sagrada Familia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Gualbertos’s backyard 7:00 p.m. J 8/28/1963 #17922  
n Sagrada Familia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, to wash a coffee strainer in a c 8/28/1963 #17922  
milia Sagrada, Minas Gerais State, Brazil at 7:15 p.m. There were four seat 8/28/1963 #17924  
                   Peropava River, Brazil A farmer, Issuo Oikiti, and two o 10/31/1963 #18016  
                Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil Rio Peropava Eight-year-old Rute  10/31/1963 #18017  
 her house near Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil. It soars above her, hits a palm  10/31/1963 #18017  
 River in Iguape, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. It "writhed and struggled" in th 10/31/1963 #18019  
                POCINHOS, PARAIBA, BRAZIL UFO lands. 3 small humanoids (or  4/7/1964 #18160  
lock in the afternoon in Pocinhos, Brazil. They collected rock and plant sp 4/7/1964 #18161  
king along the beach near Guarani, Brazil five local residents saw a large  2/14/1965 #18814  
                   NEAR FORTALEZA, BRAZIL 2 / car / skids. Red fireball goi 4/3/1965 #18888  
ing toward Fortaleza, Ceara State, Brazil at 11:20 p.m. when they saw somet 4/3/1965 #18889  
in Monte Negro, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Through an opening two humanoids 6/3/1965 #18989  
     Bairio Paraiso dos Barbeiros, Brazil Student Humberto Aranjo da Silva  7/12/1965 #19095  
g in Bairio Paraiso dos Barbeiros, Brazil nearly hit a saucer-shaped craft, 7/12/1965 #19099  
                        CARAZINHO, BRAZIL 2 3M saucers land. Groups / small 7/26/1965 #19176  
                        Carazinho, Brazil A teenager, Adilon Azevedo, a oth 7/26/1965 #19179  
     Carazinho, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Rua David Canaberra Rua 15 de Nov 7/26/1965 #19181  
s of Carazinho, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. When they pass a vacant lot on R 7/26/1965 #19181  
arazinho, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil who fled the scene, saw two UFOs  7/26/1965 #19183  
                   LAGOA VERMELHA, BRAZIL 2 separate observer(s). Silent 7M 8/2/1965 #19254  
eru, Mexico and seven reports from Brazil.                                  8/2/1965 #19269  
                           Trapua, Brazil Joao Erondo dos Santos saw a disk 8/4/1965 #19314  
ameter land near the Trapua River, Brazil with a distinct sound, although n 8/4/1965 #19323  
              SOUTHWEST / ITABIRA, BRAZIL 1 / car. Black silent 90M domed s 8/14/1965 #19387  
Cruzeiro, Santa Catarina province, Brazil, a little man only 28" tall, intr 8/14/1965 #19390  
of Itabira, Minas Gerais province, Brazil. The craft hovered just 1.2 meter 8/14/1965 #19390  
                       Alto Purus, Brazil After work, latex collectors saw  9/8/1965 #19536  
ber latex gatherers in Alto Purus, Brazil witnessed a flying object resembl 9/8/1965 #19540  
     São João Garanhuns Pernambuco Brazil 8:30 a.m. Farmer Antônio Pau Ferr 9/10/1965 #19550  
 João, near Garanhuns, Pernambuco, Brazil, when he hears a noise and sees t 9/10/1965 #19550  
eld in Sao Joao, Pernambuco State, Brazil at 8:30 in the morning when he he 9/10/1965 #19551  
                        Guarulhos, Brazil Antonio Pau Ferro saw two objects 9/11/1965 #19554  
on latex collectors in Alto Purus, Brazil saw evening an object resembling  10/8/1965 #19652  
                      Ponte Praia, Brazil Thousands of persons saw a circul 10/18/1965 #19666  
                       Canhotinho, Brazil Approximate date. Jose Camilo Fil 10/22/1965 #19671  
           Canhotinho, Pernambuco, Brazil Evening. José Camilo Filho is wal 10/22/1965 #19673  
emetery in Canhotinho, Pernambuco, Brazil, when he runs across two little m 10/22/1965 #19673  
t in Canhotinho, Pernambuco State, Brazil.                                  10/22/1965 #19674  
n in Canhotinho, Pernambuco state, Brazil. They were one meter tall, with w 10/26/1965 #19682  
                           Pinhal, Brazil Witnesses in a Volkswagen encount 10/30/1965 #19689  
te in Mogi Guacu, Sao Paulo state, Brazil at around 9 p.m. by a woman and h 11/11/1965 #19713  
                      Mogi-Guassu, Brazil Dario Filho, his wife, his grands 11/13/1965 #19718  
ng in Mogi-Guacu, Sao Paulo State, Brazil Sr. Dario Filho, his wife, his gr 11/13/1965 #19720  
                          Quipapa, Brazil 10:15 p.m. LT. Two young female f 2/25/1966 #19917  
                       In Quipapa, Brazil three young women in their twenti 2/25/1966 #19918  
n Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2:00 a.m. Ivan de Almeida and oth 3/6/1966 #19944  
n Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, watch an oval object with a brig 3/6/1966 #19944  
                   NORTH / RIO DJ, BRAZIL 50 / military motor plant. Fast s 3/12/1966 #19952  
s Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 10:40 a.m. A security guard at th 3/12/1966 #19954  
n Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, alerts 10 employees to a mysteri 3/12/1966 #19954  
antic Ocean Ilha Cagarras Ipanema, Brazil 5:45 p.m. Many people see a white 3/16/1966 #19974  
 to the Ilha Cagarras off Ipanema, Brazil. Some see a few smaller white par 3/16/1966 #19974  
ended slowly over Barra de Tijuca, Brazil at 1:50 a.m. It circled Pt. Maris 3/17/1966 #19984  
aped windows hovered over Niteroi, Brazil. It was viewed through binoculars 3/19/1966 #19996  
neuvering in the sky over Niteroi, Brazil. It was difficult to see the body 3/21/1966 #20022  
                      JACAREPAGUA, BRAZIL 3M brilliant silent metallic sauc 3/24/1966 #20060  
e occurred in Australia and one in Brazil. The rest were in the Northeaster 3/29/1966 #20141  
hed north of Ipamari, Goias State, Brazil as it flew to the south over the  5/8/1966 #20466  
                   Atafona Campos, Brazil Approximate date. The crowd at a  5/10/1966 #20472  
crowd of people in Atafona Campos, Brazil were watching an outdoor movie wh 5/10/1966 #20476  
                          ITAGUAI, BRAZIL 1 observer. Airliner sized dark ' 5/15/1966 #20481  
d over Itaguai, Rio Janeiro State, Brazil at 5:30 p.m. It appeared to be ab 5/15/1966 #20482  
i Morro do Vintem, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Plants in their vicinity were bu 8/17/1966 #20759  
                          Niteroi, Brazil A woman called police to report a 8/20/1966 #20778  
Vintém in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Campos dos Goytacazes Niterói Jac 8/20/1966 #20779  
Vintém in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, discover the bodies of two dead  8/20/1966 #20779  
       In Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil a woman called the police to repo 8/20/1966 #20782  
                Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Salgado Filho Airport near Gravat 3/21/1967 #21936  
er the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, while on its way to Salgado Filh 3/21/1967 #21936  
l Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Salgado Filho International Airpo 3/27/1967 #22001  
f Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The BAF crew describes it as a “ 3/27/1967 #22001  
oof on a shed in Parque en Grande, Brazil when they noticed a 15 foot long  5/24/1967 #22394  
                   RIBEIRAO PIRES, BRAZIL 2 observer(s). 5M cylinder/cigar- 5/30/1967 #22423  
n Ribeirao Pires, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It had 4 legs for landing gear.  5/30/1967 #22427  
                          Itajuba, Brazil Mushroom-shaped buzzed car, human 6/6/1967 #22470  
 object buzzed a car near Itajuba, Brazil and the car's motor and headlight 6/6/1967 #22473  
                          Itajuba, Brazil A vehicle stalled in the vicinity 6/7/1967 #22476  
ro in Itajuba, Minas Gerais state, Brazil and caused the complete failure o 6/7/1967 #22479  
 a highway in Santa Clara del Mar, Brazil saw a huge cigar-shaped object on 7/10/1967 #22647  
n Sao Benedito Do Sul, Pernambuco, Brazil. Inside the object she could see  7/19/1967 #22701  
         Garopaba, Santa Catarina, Brazil The Naviero 6:15 p.m. The Naviero 7/30/1967 #22753  
coast of Garopaba, Santa Catarina, Brazil, when Office Jorge Montoya notice 7/30/1967 #22753  
                          Conrado, Brazil J. Vieira, a lawyer, and his driv 8/3/1967 #22785  
                   Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Japeri Miguel Pereira Arcádia La  8/3/1967 #22787  
oad to Japeri from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, when they see several yellowish  8/3/1967 #22787  
lights were seen again at Conrado, Brazil. When the driver blinked the car' 8/3/1967 #22790  
     Morro do Policia Porto Alegre Brazil Night. A bright object appears in 8/4/1967 #22805  
 Morro do Policia in Porto Alegre, Brazil, for 30 minutes and is photograph 8/4/1967 #22805  
     Pilar de Goiás Crixás, Goiás, Brazil Estancia de Santa Maria Goiânia 8 8/13/1967 #22873  
 Pilar de Goiás and Crixás, Goiás, Brazil, a plantation worker at the Estan 8/13/1967 #22873  
nd former president of the Bank of Brazil. Between the object and the coupl 8/13/1967 #22873  
oaching their home at Santa Maria, Brazil near the town of Crixas Pilar de  8/13/1967 #22874  
                        La Baleia, Brazil Fabio J. Diniz, 16, was walking n 9/14/1967 #23059  
Hospital da Baleia Belo Horizonte, Brazil 10:50 a.m. “Fábio Jose Diniz,” 16 9/14/1967 #23060  
n the outskirts of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. He notices an object in an adjac 9/14/1967 #23060  
 in La Baleia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil when he saw a mushroom-shaped cra 9/14/1967 #23061  
elo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil Time not given. Two witnesses rep 9/17/1967 #23074  
elo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil Time not given. Two witnesses rep 9/17/1967 #23075  
                          ITAJUBA, BRAZIL 3 opaque spheres maneuver near we 9/24/1967 #23124  
 Da Baleia Hospital, Minas Gerais, Brazil a sixteen-year-old boy named Dini 9/26/1967 #23134  
In Santa Adelita, Sao Paolo State, Brazil Mr. P, age 51, was driving home a 10/29/1967 #23364  
 along the Amazon River in Manaus, Brazil. Several people who were attacked 11/8/1967 #23428  
                   Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2:30 p.m. Three small white-clad  11/24/1967 #23505  
                   Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Technician Ugo Battaglia, 39, and 11/24/1967 #23506  
ng a phonograph in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil when they heard a high-pitched so 11/24/1967 #23508  
awakened in Alexania, Goias State, Brazil by a telepathic voice that called 11/28/1967 #23517  
t near Americana, Sau Paulo State, Brazil "as high as a 15-story building,  11/28/1967 #23518  
                         Brasília, Brazil 9 miles outside of Brasília, Braz 1/20/1968 #23682  
razil 9 miles outside of Brasília, Brazil 6:00 p.m. Police deputies Bias Fo 1/20/1968 #23682  
iving 9 miles outside of Brasília, Brazil, when they see a triangular UFO.  1/20/1968 #23682  
f Torres, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil when a silver colored, luminous o 1/25/1968 #23700  
p.m. in Torres, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil a luminous object rose from the s 1/30/1968 #23712  
  Late that same night in Itabara, Brazil several teenage girls were walkin 4/3/1968 #23888  
                        Chascomus, Brazil Gerardo Vidal and his wife were d 5/1968 #23936  
               Caconde, São Paulo, Brazil 5:00 a.m. Caetano Sergio dos Sant 5/17/1968 #23969  
ht watchman at Caconde, São Paulo, Brazil. In the courtyard of his house he 5/17/1968 #23969  
 and Lagune, Santa Catalina State, Brazil when they suddenly heard a whirri 5/17/1968 #23970  
aneuvers over the city of Niteroi, Brazil at 10:10 p.m. The object also rep 6/5/1968 #24010  
s evening in Lavras de Mangabeira, Brazil a UFO shaped like a flattened ova 6/11/1968 #24023  
                         Botucatu, Brazil 12:30 a.m. Three boys saw an obje 7/1/1968 #24113  
                         Botucatu, Brazil Three boys saw an object, about 8 7/1/1968 #24115  
e Medicina de Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil 12:30 a.m. Three boys are sitting 7/1/1968 #24118  
e Medicina de Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. Suddenly they see a large object 7/1/1968 #24118  
boys in Botucatu, Sao Paulo State, Brazil saw a disc-shaped object on the g 7/1/1968 #24120  
              São Paulo Highway in Brazil Late evening. A civil servant is  7/17/1968 #24185  
tched off the São Paulo Highway in Brazil and taken into a UFO by four gree 7/17/1968 #24185  
              Near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at around eleven p.m. a civil ser 7/17/1968 #24186  
 substation near Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil Lins 1:00 a.m. Daíldo de Oliveira 7/23/1968 #24213  
 substation near Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil, confronts three intruders who ov 7/23/1968 #24213  
        In Bauru, Sao Paulo state, Brazil a night watchman named Oliveira w 7/23/1968 #24214  
                          URUBICI, BRAZIL 20 observer(s). 2 brilliant objec 8/8/1968? #24309  
                    JABOTICATUBAS, BRAZIL 3 observer(s). Saucer lights area 8/9/1968 #24311  
Jaboticatubas, Minas Gerais State, Brazil at 8:10 p.m. On the same night a  8/9/1968 #24313  
                In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil a six meter in diameter hat-shape 8/15/1968 #24333  
ira sanitarium in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil 5:00 a.m. Hospital assistant Mari 8/25/1968 #24376  
ira sanitarium in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil, hears a noise like the braking o 8/25/1968 #24376  
a Cintra in Lins, Sao Paulo State, Brazil opened the door to find a “foreig 8/26/1968 #24381  
                             Lins, Brazil Early. Maria Josa Cintra, who wor 8/27/1968 #24387  
                             Lins, Brazil Maria Josa Cintra, who worked at  8/27/1968 #24388  
mente Ferreira Sanatorium in Lins, Brazil was awakened by a noise early in  8/27/1968 #24390  
ear Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. It was a disc-shaped craft emitt 9/9/1968 #24448  
e de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil at around 1:00 a.m. Three beams o 9/20/1968 #24490  
 Baumer Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil 6:00 a.m. Industrial chemist Henr 9/26/1968 #24516  
part of Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil. He comes across a strange object 9/26/1968 #24516  
                                   Brazil Brazil’s System of Investigation  10/1968 #24535  
                            Brazil Brazil’s System of Investigation of Unid 10/1968 #24535  
ida da Saudade in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil 6:20 a.m. While oiling his tracto 10/2/1968 #24537  
ida da Saudade in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil, Turíbio Pereira sees only a few  10/2/1968 #24537  
         In Lins, Sao Paolo State, Brazil at 6:20 a.m., while oiling his bu 10/2/1968 #24538  
y to the south over Lagoa Rodrigo, Brazil at 9:20 a.m. A jet aircraft attem 10/7/1968 #24549  
                             Lins, Brazil 6:20 a.m. Doribio Pereira, 41, mu 10/9/1968 #24553  
                             Lins, Brazil Doribio Pereira, 41, municipal em 10/9/1968 #24554  
 down over the town of Taguatinga, Brazil near Brasilia. It had lights and  11/8/1968 #24644  
 while in Macedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. At 9:30 p.m. she saw at the bus  11/21/1968 #24676  
t Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil soldiers at the Vila Floresta wat 1/5/1969 #24818  
d Itaparuna, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil a single witness stopped his car  1/5/1969 #24818  
o’s Alexania Fazenda, Goias State, Brazil where UFO sightings had been occu 1/31/1969 #24882  
people in Pirassununga, Sao Paolo, Brazil were excited about a mysterious d 2/6/1969 #24897  
to, Pirassununga, Sao Paulo State, Brazil when two boys, Joao Batista Da Si 2/6/1969 #24898  
          Pirassununga, São Paulo, Brazil hill on the grounds of the Zootec 2/7/1969 #24901  
s home in Pirassununga, São Paulo, Brazil, and hears a neighbor shouting ab 2/7/1969 #24901  
 in Pirassununga, Sao Paulo State, Brazil the shouts of people exclaiming a 2/7/1969 #24902  
 in Pirassununga, Sao Paolo state, Brazil Luis Flozinho De Oliveira, a farm 2/12/1969 #24915  
 night in Pirassununga, Sao Paulo, Brazil the manager of the Bela Alianca F 2/20/1969 #24936  
do Soares in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. From a vertical door two small m 2/23/1969 #24940  
                             LINS, BRAZIL Several / car. 10' glowing-saucer 2/26/1969 #24946  
                         ALEXANIA, BRAZIL Rancher. Saucer lands. Crew seen! 3/3/1969 (approximate) #24958  
a bus traveling north of Bocaiuva, Brazil. One of the UFOs later followed t 3/7/1969 #24982  
              Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil Erratically moving, color-changin 3/11/1969 #24996  
rist in Campinas, Sao Paulo state, Brazil saw a light moving erratically in 3/11/1969 #24998  
 grounds twice in Lins, Sao Paolo, Brazil. It was seen again over the next  3/14/1969 #25014  
tic club in Lins, Sao Paulo state, Brazil.                                  3/15/1969 #25015  
 a dirt road near Barra da Tijuca, Brazil after his car engine had quit. Mo 3/17/1969 #25020  
t of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil at around 8 p.m. when they saw a  3/22/1969 #25037  
od in Nova Iguaca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil witnessed the descent of a "myste 3/31/1969 #25041  
FO sightings in various regions of Brazil, student Marco Antonio von Kruger 4/10/1969 #25055  
in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais state, Brazil noticed interference on his TV. H 4/10/1969 #25055  
is evening in Itaucu, Goias state, Brazil, 25-year-old Adelino Roque was on 4/20/1969 #25075  
a, a city in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. There were many witnesses.       4/21/1969 #25080  
hway between Ibiuna and Sao Paulo, Brazil in Sao Paulo State at 4:30 a.m.   4/26/1969 #25097  
 in the city of Osasco, Sao Paulo, Brazil a man photographed a saucer-shape 5/3/1969 #25112  
oa Santa Matozinhos, Minas Gerais, Brazil 3:00 p.m. A 24-year-old Brazilian 5/4/1969 #25114  
ta) near Matozinhos, Minas Gerais, Brazil, when he begins dozing off. He pe 5/4/1969 #25114  
ro in the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil. Jose Antonio da Silva had left h 5/4/1969 #25115  
 near Jaboticatubas, Minas Gerais, Brazil when he was confronted by the sam 5/5/1969 #25117  
                          PIEDADE, BRAZIL 3 law students. 1M ring / yellow- 5/14/1969 #25136  
 in Piedade, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil at 10:50 p.m. when they sighted a 5/14/1969 #25137  
ouse in Fernandes, Santa Catarina, Brazil to borrow some milk when they saw 5/19/1969 #25147  
me in Vila Operaria, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Going outside through his back d 5/20/1969 #25151  
     Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil - At midnight Jose Antonio Da Sil 5/21/1969 #25153  
 month at Bebedouro, Minas Gerais, Brazil dressed in the same flightsuits.  5/21/1969 #25153  
tically in the sky over Sao Paulo, Brazil. It released a smaller sphere whi 5/31/1969 #25175  
ra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil for hours. Two of the objects fle 6/3/1969 #25195  
the town of Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil. It emitted blue and orange beams 6/4/1969 #25200  
und and 150 meters away in Lavras, Brazil. Earlier that morning at dawn in  6/4/1969 #25200  
      In 1969 at 6:00 a.m. in Uba, Brazil an orange UFO paced and circled a 6/5/1969 #25203  
                Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil 2:00 a.m. Kaneto and Kioko Nobuto 6/17/1969 #25220  
g in the air in Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil. It appears to be 30 feet in diam 6/17/1969 #25220  
es northwest of Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil 2:30 p.m. Sr. Benedito, a justice 6/26/1969 #25236  
es northwest of Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil, when he hears a humming noise li 6/26/1969 #25236  
                       CATAGUASES, BRAZIL Mechanic and several. Luminous 'c 6/30/1969 #25237  
                Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil After a series of UFO sightings a 7/1969 #25241  
the area around Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil, the Brazilian Air Force informs  7/1969 #25241  
ocal radio transmitter in Goiania, Brazil at 5 o'clock in the morning. It f 7/6/1969 #25259  
 afternoon in Sobral, Ceara State, Brazil Mr. Neusa Rodgriques saw a shiny  7/18/1969 #25280  
ilian Air Force base at Fortaleza, Brazil.                                  7/18/1969 #25280  
n the town of Sobral, Ceara State, Brazil, opposite the house of Neusa Rodr 7/18/1969 #25281  
Paulo Lopes, Santa Catarina state, Brazil. The car was set down a considera 7/23/1969 #25294  
 children from Ararauma to Campos, Brazil. At 2:50 a.m. near Macae, in the  8/19/1969 #25324  
e, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil he saw a blue light which, when s 8/19/1969 #25324  
local power station in Urubupunga, Brazil reported encountering two tall ro 11/21/1969 #25467  
           Uruguay Rio de Janeiro, Brazil A Uruguayan professor of socioeco 1/29/1970 #25559  
r-shaped object in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Analysis shows that it was proba 1/29/1970 #25559  
                   Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Domed disc on ocean surface, two  6/27/1970 #25712  
                   Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Domed disc on ocean surface, two  6/27/1970 #25713  
    Atlantic Ocean Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 11:40 a.m. Aristeu Machado, his w 6/27/1970 #25714  
e off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Two humanoid figures are standin 6/27/1970 #25714  
 Aguiar of Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil watched a grayish metallic object 6/27/1970 #25716  
                     NEAR MARILIA, BRAZIL Balloon follows car several miles 8/15/1970 (approximate) #25785  
t 9:00 p.m. in Marilia, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The object followed his car for  8/15/1970 #25786  
                         Itatiaia, Brazil 2145, close approach, human effec 8/30/1970 #25813  
rred in Itatainia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil involving a patrol guard and a re 8/30/1970 #25816  
n Sao Joa da Boa Vista, Sao Paulo, Brazil 17-year-old Valeria was upset and 9/7/1970 #25828  
c dam security guard in Guanabara, Brazil was paralyzed after firing on a U 9/9/1970 #25832  
een by hundreds in Belo Horizonte, Brazil during a time when part of the ci 11/24/1970 #25917  
object on this night in Itaperuna, Brazil. Two other beings of the same sta 12/20/1970 #25949  
                       OURO PRETO, BRAZIL 50cm disk found / kitchen. Hums a 12/29/1970 #25955  
                     Porto Alegre, Brazil Brasília The Porto Alegre, Brazil 1/23/1971 #25999  
 Brazil Brasília The Porto Alegre, Brazil, newspaper Correiro do Povo notes 1/23/1971 #25999  
beach Florianópolis Santa Catarina Brazil 9:30 a.m. Gunar Gruenzner is taki 1/25/1971 #26002  
 in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, when he claims to see an intense 1/25/1971 #26002  
                        CANELINHA, BRAZIL Dog frantic. Lantern goes out. Be 1/30/1971 (approximate) #26006  
p.m. in Canelinha, Santa Catalina, Brazil a dog began behaving frantically, 1/30/1971 #26008  
                          IPIABAS, BRAZIL Farmer. 10M glowing-cloud / 20M a 2/19/1971 #26027  
round the mountains in Petropolis, Brazil on this evening at around 9:00 p. 2/24/1971 #26032  
                          PIRANGI, BRAZIL Many observer(s) to June. Firebal 3/1971 #26036  
isc was seen at dusk in Itaperuna, Brazil. When the witness approached the  5/27/1971 #26139  
                           OSASCO, BRAZIL Several separate observer(s). Blu 6/24/1971 #26187  
                   Uberaba (near), Brazil Glowing disc startles veteran Bra 8/9/1971 #26276  
              Minas Gerais region, Brazil Airline flight paced for 20 minut 8/9/1971 #26277  
te to Uberaba, Minas Gerais State, Brazil for 20 minutes, and then suddenly 8/9/1971 #26278  
 Gavea district of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was sitting by an open window whi 8/11/1971 #26280  
                         BRAZILIA, BRAZIL Numerous observer(s). Moonlike ba 8/25/1971 #26304  
 driving to his home in Itaperuna, Brazil. At Tombos he reported the matter 9/22/1971 #26365  
0 west of Itaperuna, Minas Gerais, Brazil when he perceived a strong beam o 9/25/1971 #26379  
    São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 7:50 p.m. Two students, Vània, 9, 10/2/1971 #26400  
f São Cristóvão in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, when they see a luminous, yellow 10/2/1971 #26400  
s. Cury where driving in Anapolis, Brazil at 1:40 a.m. when their car's eng 10/3/1971 #26405  
ntos Dumont Airport Rio de Janeiro Brazil Early morning. While on the downw 10/5/1971 #26410  
 Dumont Airport in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, four pilots on board a single-en 10/5/1971 #26410  
                        Itaperuna, Brazil - At three o'clock in the morning 10/11/1971 #26418  
ast of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The bottom of the object was rev 10/31/1971 #26441  
city of Campinas, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It was seen by hundreds as it pa 12/4/1971 #26486  
e Rio Carangula outside Itaperuna, Brazil at 7:00 p.m. He was invited insid 12/5/1971 #26489  
und near the airport in Itaperuna, Brazil. The UFO was about eight feet lon 12/20/1971 #26510  
oadside of Highway 116 in Mossoro, Brazil in the state of Rio Grande do Nor 12/21/1971 #26512  
                  Salvador, Bahia, Brazil Alberto Romero founds Grupo de Pe 1972 #26531  
paciais Zenith in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. It begins publishing Boletim G-P 1972 #26531  
       Pelotas, Rio Grande de Sul, Brazil Luis do Rosário Real founds the S 1972 #26532  
res in Pelotas, Rio Grande de Sul, Brazil. It publishes a Boletim SPIPDV.   1972 #26532  
    Logroño, La Rioja, Spain Spain Brazil France US 2:00 a.m. Javier Bosque 6/22/1972 #26726  
analyzed by laboratories in Spain, Brazil, France, and the US. It contains  6/22/1972 #26726  
thousands in Mage, Espirito Santo, Brazil during which battery powered radi 7/31/1972 #26850  
s on the Amaral Peixoto Highway in Brazil when the road was blocked by a UF 8/9/1972 #26890  
in Gavea, Rio de Janeiro Province, Brazil a metallic saucer-shaped object w 8/11/1972 #26899  
                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRAZIL Several observer(s). UFO lands. 3 8/24/1972 #26950  
jara and Galia in Sao Paulo State, Brazil had a close encounter with a 1.5  10/28/1972 #27096  
              Dias d’Ávila, Bahia, Brazil 7:04 p.m. Fritz Abbehusen is watc 12/13/1972 #27176  
atching TV in Dias d’Ávila, Bahia, Brazil, when his set experiences some in 12/13/1972 #27176  
        In Londrina, Parana State, Brazil Joao Marques, age 31, observed a  1/4/1973 #27221  
      Catanduva, Sao Paulo (near), Brazil A man and his wife employed at th 5/1973 #27459  
y by the river in Parafuso, Bahia, Brazil carrying his shotgun, when he hea 5/16/1973 #27496  
                          Itajobi, Brazil Oval object hovering overhead, bl 5/22/1973 #27517  
                        São Paulo, Brazil Catanduva 3:00 a.m. Onilson Páter 5/22/1973 #27518  
raries for the State of São Paulo, Brazil, is just outside Catanduva, after 5/22/1973 #27518  
ng home to Catanduva in Sao Paolo, Brazil during a rainstorm. He had given  5/22/1973 #27519  
 Sao Jose Do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2:00 a.m. saw a luminous flying o 5/27/1973 #27532  
 São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil 2:00 a.m. A Mrs. Geni, 57, is pre 5/27/1973 #27533  
 São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. Through her balcony window she s 5/27/1973 #27533  
 Sao Jose Do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil - Geni Lisboa was busily baking w 5/27/1973 #27535  
                           Sousas, Brazil Yellow "fireball" approached, sto 6/7/1973 #27556  
three people in a car near Sousas, Brazil saw a "fireball" which came towar 6/7/1973 #27557  
                         Gravatay, Brazil While driving toward Ijui about 1 9/13/1973 #27814  
        While driving toward Ijui, Brazil at about 1:30 a.m., a group of mo 9/13/1973 #27815  
 near Gravatai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil for 20 minutes beginning at aroun 9/14/1973 #27822  
                      Sidrolandia, Brazil Orange oval emerged from white cl 11/19/1973 #28448  
uck engine stalled in Sidrolandia, Brazil on this night in 1973. Farmer Joa 11/19/1973 #28449  
                In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil a man reported that he was home a 2/28/1974 #28825  
na in the state of Espiritu Santo, Brazil, which was over 900 kilometers fr 4/26/1974 #29064  
 and Julio de Mesquita, Sao Paulo, Brazil. In fact, his car was found there 4/26/1974 #29064  
ter of Vila Velha, Espirito Santo, Brazil at 11:30 p.m. when he saw on the  5/1/1974 #29078  
e beach in Paraipaba, Ceara state, Brazil an odd looking "jeep" was seen be 5/5/1974 #29087  
       Off Itajai, Santa Catarina, Brazil at 3:30 p.m. several independent  6/13/1974 #29186  
a off the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. It was at a distance of some tho 6/18/1974 #29212  
ernardo da Campo, Sao Paulo state, Brazil at 7:30 p.m. It reportedly respon 6/20/1974 #29217  
 Navegantes beach, Santa Catarina, Brazil 3:30 p.m. Some fishermen at Praia 7/2/1974 #29237  
 Navegantes beach, Santa Catarina, Brazil, see a disc with small thrusters  7/2/1974 #29237  
antes Beach, Santa Catarina State, Brazil Antonio De Azevedo, an angler, wa 8/31/1974 #29405  
                           TRAIRI, BRAZIL 2 observer(s). Blue domed disk on 5/1975 #30014  
 Gondolo do Amarante, Ceara state, Brazil 6:00 p.m. A young woman with the  10/25/1975 #30468  
 Gondolo do Amarante, Ceara state, Brazil Bt. 6:00 & 7:00 p.m. A local man  10/25/1975 #30469  
the same community in Ceara state, Brazil. At around 6 p.m. a young woman w 10/25/1975 #30472  
 Goncalo do Amarante, Ceara State, Brazil at low altitude for two hours, ca 10/29/1975 #30513  
                        Sao Paulo, Brazil In the city of Americana, 16-year 12/17/1975 #30720  
ricana, in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil 16-year old Mr. Salles de Andrade 12/17/1975 #30721  
                       Refrigerio, Brazil 4:00 p.m. A 12-year-old boy named 3/3/1976 #30919  
aring in the forest in Refrigerio, Brazil. It sat upon some type of metalli 3/3/1976 #30919  
aring in the forest in Refrigerio, Brazil. It sat upon some type of metalli 3/3/1976 #30922  
he abduction of the 12-year-old in Brazil, a luminous green sphere with a l 3/3/1976 #30923  
                       Paso Fondo, Brazil Paso Fondo, Brazil (NICAP: 08 - P 3/12/1976 #30937  
    Paso Fondo, Brazil Paso Fondo, Brazil (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)  3/12/1976 #30937  
n unseen flying object in Quixada, Brazil. The energy beam sapped her stren 3/30/1976 #30969  
                   Quixadá, Ceará, Brazil Fortaleza 4:30 a.m. Several resid 4/3/1976 #30983  
veral residents of Quixadá, Ceará, Brazil, during an outdoor physical educa 4/3/1976 #30983  
a pasture in Quixada, Ceara State, Brazil at 5:00 a.m. Soon after the abduc 4/23/1976 #31018  
            Aricanduva, São Paulo, Brazil 11:30 p.m. Paulo Coutinho, 18, is 6/23/1976 #31134  
ht class in Aricanduva, São Paulo, Brazil, when he sees a light in the sky  6/23/1976 #31134  
 occurred this night in Sao Paulo, Brazil. A bright nocturnal light approac 6/23/1976 #31135  
                    PRES.PRUDENTE, BRAZIL Many observer(s). Saucer going do 8/6/1976 #31238  
             Rua Cajati São Paulo, Brazil Three men watch a dense white clo Early 9/1976 #31326  
low above Rua Cajati in São Paulo, Brazil. It dissipates, revealing a disc- Early 9/1976 #31326  
          Brusque, Santa Catarina, Brazil Azambuja hospital in Brusque 7:00 9/3/1976 #31335  
s home to Brusque, Santa Catarina, Brazil, after visiting a friend. As he a 9/3/1976 #31335  
ra Do Mouro, Santa Catarina State, Brazil when he observed an approaching d 9/3/1976 #31341  
gem Grande, Minas Gerais province, Brazil 39-year-old Mr. Coelho de Silva w 9/5/1976 #31346  
      Vargem Grande, Minas Gerais, Brazil About 2:00 a.m. Farmer Hermelindo 9/9/1976 #31362  
ns in Vargem Grande, Minas Gerais, Brazil, when his dog grows agitated. A f 9/9/1976 #31362  
Vargem Grande, Minas Gerais State, Brazil at around two o'clock in the morn 9/9/1976 #31365  
       Amazon forest Manaus Belém, Brazil 4:00 p.m. A copilot of a Boeing 7 Mid 9/1976 #31384  
n forest between Manaus and Belém, Brazil. The aircraft’s radar confirms th Mid 9/1976 #31384  
                 Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil José Jean Pereira de Alencar foun 1977 #31652  
os Ufologicos in Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, and publishes the journal UFOnot 1977 #31652  
                      CRAB ISLAND, BRAZIL 4 / boat. 5+hours / missing time. 4/25/1977 #32023  
                      NEAR BALDIM, BRAZIL Ovoid going [to] over / 3M altitu 5/1977 #32040  
ry employees in Atuba, Para state, Brazil fulfilling a prediction made on M 5/4/1977 #32055  
ry in Serra Branca, Paraiba state, Brazil and then vanished suddenly at aro 5/10/1977 #32083  
 Belem do Para, Para State (near), Brazil 9:30 PM. In the village of Icoara 5/17/1977 #32104  
i, near Belem do Para, Para State, Brazil two fiery balls of light were see 5/17/1977 #32107  
east and west along north coast of Brazil. Longitude & latitude coords. Apr 6/15/1977 (approximate) #32164  
                    Colares, Pará, Brazil Brazilian National Archives Numer 7/1977 #32220  
FOs are reported in Colares, Pará, Brazil. Residents claim that scars on th 7/1977 #32220  
                         Pinheiro, Brazil 1:00 AM. A chicken farmer was wal 7/10/1977 #32256  
ning a chicken farmer in Pinheiro, Brazil was walking to town to catch a bu 7/10/1977 #32257  
                   BARRA DO CORDA, BRAZIL Rancher. Straw-hat saucer lands.  7/17/1977 #32284  
            Barra do Corda (near), Brazil A domed disc-shaped UFO, resembli 7/17/1977 #32286  
ed on a ranch near Barra do Corda, Brazil. The ranch owner saw a short, hai 7/17/1977 #32286  
ar Barra do Corda, Maranhao State, Brazil only 200 meters from the ranch ow 7/17/1977 #32288  
                           Campos, Brazil On this day a gray disc-shaped ob 8/3/1977 #32350  
            On this day in Campos, Brazil a gray disc-shaped object was see 8/3/1977 #32355  
         Pinheiro, Maranhao State, Brazil Early morning hours. A man named  8/10/1977 #32374  
orest in Pinheiro, Maranhao State, Brazil in the early morning hours. He re 8/10/1977 #32378  
o Antonio do Ubintuba, Para State, Brazil at 7:30 p.m. As the beam struck h 9/10/1977 #32478  
        Paciência, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2:15 a.m. A 33-year-old bus drive 9/15/1977 #32484  
home in Paciência, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to catch a bus. As he is walking 9/15/1977 #32484  
  Paciencia, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. At 2:20 a.m. Antonio La Rubia, a 9/15/1977 #32485  
           In Colares, Para State, Brazil Raimundo Galvao Trindade, age 36, 10/15/1977 #32579  
e Carvalho in Colares, Para State, Brazil a bright metallic object, thimble 10/22/1977 #32601  
e skies above Colares, Para State, Brazil a young woman, 25-year-old Nueza  10/26/1977 #32618  
 Island, near Colares, Para State, Brazil Benedito Campos and his 17-year-o 10/29/1977 #32633  
                NORTHEAST / CRATO, BRAZIL 4 observer(s). Blue-glow disk fol 11/1977 (approximate) #32647  
 the river in Colares, Para State, Brazil. The light then moved toward his  11/1/1977 #32652  
observed over Colares, Para State, Brazil. When it changed its flight direc 11/1/1977 #32653  
e 36, was on the river in Colares, Brazil at 1:30 a.m., when he witnessed a 11/3/1977 #32657  
hts flying over Belem, Para State, Brazil at low altitudes.                 11/22/1977 #32692  
he village of Colares, Para State, Brazil 35-year-old Anotnio Ferreira witn 11/23/1977 #32694  
31, in Vila Mosqueiro, Para state, Brazil witnessed red-yellow lights in th 11/28/1977 #32703  
                                   Brazil Rio de Janeiro Brazilian ufologis 1978 #32827  
 OVNI Documento in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.                                  1978 #32827  
 the beach in Colares, Para State, Brazil at 11:30 p.m. It had two legs tha 1/23/1978 #32908  
ellow light flew over Belem, Para, Brazil from north to south at 900 feet a 1/23/1978 #32908  
ie camera in Rio Laranjeira, Para, Brazil using Extachrome film. It looked  1/23/1978 #32908  
ight p.m. that evening in Pelotas, Brazil in the state of Rio Grande do Sul 3/2/1978 #33011  
                Penalva, Maranhão, Brazil Scrub forest Serme Hospital in Sã 3/24/1978 #33078  
st just west of Penalva, Maranhão, Brazil, when he hears a sharp noise like 3/24/1978 #33078  
 the woods near Penalva, Maranhao, Brazil and disappeared, and a search par 3/24/1978 #33079  
       Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil The witness was walking home alon 5/10/1978 #33194  
one in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil when he observed a very bright ob 5/10/1978 #33199  
ng yellow lights flew above Amapa, Brazil at an altitude above 35,000 feet. 6/7/1978 #33258  
ision in Alto Da Mooca, Sao Paolo, Brazil as her 3 sons slept in their room 7/11/1978 #33368  
                         Iracauba, Brazil On this night J. R. B. and his fa 7/16/1978 #33389  
bject land in a field in Iracauba, Brazil. A short humanoid with greenish s 7/16/1978 #33393  
 night in Penalva, Maranhao State, Brazil a witness saw three medium-sized  8/23/1978 #33556  
                          COLARES, BRAZIL Odd light. Man / diving suit in w 9/1978 #33615  
eports from Benevides, Para State, Brazil on this evening. At 7:20 p.m. a r 9/9/1978 #33650  
 Carmo Da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil Some men were traveling by Jeep o 10/30/1978 #33894  
 Carmo Da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil when suddenly an unknown force ha 10/30/1978 #33898  
3:15 p.m. in Tome-Acu, Para State, Brazil 26-year-old Luiz Gomes Freitas de 11/28/1978 #34018  
                             Leme, Brazil A brightly lit globular shaped ob 12/3/1978 #34055  
lying at a low altitude over Leme, Brazil on this night. Several moving fig 12/3/1978 #34056  
lant in Marimbonda near Fronteira, Brazil was at his guardhouse on top of t 12/6/1978 #34070  
                         Arembepe, Brazil On this night a tall human-like f 12/11/1978 #34091  
        On this night in Arembepe, Brazil a tall human-like figure with lig 12/11/1978 #34094  
around the world on this day, from Brazil, England, Scotland, Italy, Switze 12/31/1978 #34250  
ida. In Mirrasol, Sao Paulo State, Brazil a man was walking home around 11: 12/31/1978 #34250  
city of Sorocaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil began on this evening and continu 1/11/1979 #34330  
witness in Fortaleza, Ceara State, Brazil and touched him on the arm, burni 1/11/1979 #34331  
nity of Sorocaba, Sao Paolo State, Brazil three newspaper reporters watched 1/12/1979 #34333  
                FAZENDA CACARUABA, BRAZIL 25' cylinder/cylindrical object w 1/15/1979? #34345  
        Pampulhas, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Object with portholes, blinding r 5/5/1979 #34543  
 field in Pampulhas, Minas Gerais, Brazil for 90 seconds. The witnesses wer 5/5/1979 #34545  
ependi, Minas Gerais State (near), Brazil Sr. dos Santos next saw an object 5/16/1979 #34561  
           Baependi, Minas Gerais, Brazil 10:30 a.m. Arlindo Gabriel dos Sa 5/16/1979 #34563  
orest near Baependi, Minas Gerais, Brazil, when he becomes separated from t 5/16/1979 #34563  
near Baependi, Minas Gerais State, Brazil around 10:30 a.m. when he became  5/16/1979 #34564  
ose encounter of the third kind in Brazil a mechanic in Charleston, South C 5/16/1979 #34565  
        Mirassol, Sao Paolo State, Brazil Sr. A. Ferreira was returning hom 6/18/1979 #34616  
uard in Mirassol, Sao Paolo State, Brazil at 3:00 a.m. when a metallic oval 6/18/1979 #34618  
              Mirassol, São Paulo, Brazil Security guard Antonio Carlos Fer 6/28/1979 #34639  
re factory in Mirassol, São Paulo, Brazil. He is approached by three humano 6/28/1979 #34639  
              SITIO DENTRO, CEARA, BRAZIL Huge dark object passes. 2 figure 8/26/1979 #34781  
Sitio Dentro, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Two men were walking and they loo 8/26/1979 #34782  
Sitio Dentro, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil were walking back home late at ni 8/26/1979 #34783  
ving around in a field in Goiania, Brazil. They moved about with jerky, mec 10/12/1979 #34953  
                         BELTERRA, BRAZIL 10 / beach. Disk shines beam goin 1/1980 #35118  
             Rio Tapajós Santarém, Brazil 11:00 p.m. A Brazilian electronic 1/1980 #35120  
apajós 30 miles south of Santarém, Brazil. The man, his family, and some re 1/1980 #35120  
                    NEAR SOROCABA, BRAZIL Airman and 3 / car. Phony plane g 1/15/1980 (approximate) #35136  
yzed a female witness in Araguari, Brazil. The beings were described as bei 2/2/1980 #35154  
tina Pajas Blancas Airport Uruguay Brazil Chile Paraguay 7:00–8:00 p.m. A f 6/14/1980 #35368  
r around the same time in Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, and Paraguay. CUFOS suspe 6/14/1980 #35368  
tina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay and Brazil this evening.  At around 7 p.m. t 6/14/1980 #35369  
onceicao de Araguaia, Goias State, Brazil the driver felt a sensation like  9/25/1980 #35535  
        Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Ocean Day. The airport control to 10/31/1980 #35599  
ower at Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, detects a UFO on its radar. An F 10/31/1980 #35599  
                              Rio, Brazil Cows and horses alerted, then ran 12/18/1980 #35727  
n a farm in Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil, four men and women watched farm  12/18/1980 #35729  
                         Quindira, Brazil 2:00 AM. A woman was awakened by  2/1981 #35810  
ving on Highway 101 near Linhares, Brazil in Sao Paulo state at 6:30 p.m. w 4/20/1981 #35910  
e awoke he was in a remote part of Brazil, over 1000 kilometers away to the 4/20/1981 #35910  
               Minas Gerais state, Brazil A bright disc landed on the groun 5/4/1981 #35927  
elo Horizonte, Minas Gerais state, Brazil and then vanished. A witness felt 5/4/1981 #35927  
elo Horizonte, Minas Gerais state, Brazil and then vanished. A witness felt 5/4/1981 #35929  
                 SOUTH / ALENQUER, BRAZIL Big ball / light zigzags behind f 6/20/1981 #35976  
s, near Parnarama, Maranhao State, Brazil when they saw a bright star that  10/17/1981 #36176  
FO near Parnarama, Maranhao State, Brazil emitted an intense glare that cau 10/31/1981 #36198  
                            Areal, Brazil Silo-shaped object with three leg 12/19/1981 #36265  
                            Areal, Brazil Silo-shaped object swooped over v 12/19/1981 #36266  
                            Areal, Brazil UFO swooped over vehicle, blocked 12/19/1981 #36267  
 night at 10 p.m. in Aguas Claras, Brazil a car was stalled by a UFO. A bul 12/19/1981 #36269  
                                   Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Brazilian  1982 #36288  
            Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Brazilian ufologist Irene Granchi 1982 #36288  
Extraterrestres in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The group is eventually taken ov 1982 #36288  
   Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Two Brazilian Air Force F-5 fight 1/3/1982 #36295  
er Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, see a dark metallic-looking obje 1/3/1982 #36295  
 near Petrolina to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 3:11 AM. A large, multicolored fl 2/8/1982 #36325  
            Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil Belo Horizonte Galeão Airport in  2/8/1982 #36327  
flying over Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil, on a southern course. It starts  2/8/1982 #36327  
 near Petrolina to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was disc shaped and had flash 2/8/1982 #36328  
         Santa Cruz das Palmeiras, Brazil At night, two witnesses, Fernando 2/14/1982 #36344  
não Campo Grande Rio Grande do Sul Brazil Night. A cylindrical object passe 3/6/1982 #36379  
n Campo Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, during a soccer game attended by 3/6/1982 #36379  
ngle in Cocalinho, Maranhao State, Brazil, waiting for deer, was zapped by  8/26/1982 #36583  
        200 miles off the coast of Brazil in the South Atlantic 9:00 p.m. C 9/17/1982 #36607  
teaming 200 miles off the coast of Brazil in the South Atlantic when they s 9/17/1982 #36607  
     In Botucatu, Sao Paolo State, Brazil Joao Valeiro da Silva was awakene 11/29/1982 #36702  
  In Botucatu, State of Sao Paolo, Brazil Joao Valeiro da Silva was awakene 11/30/1982 #36703  
          Rosario, Argentina Spain Brazil Uruguay Paraguay US The Third Int 12/8/1982 #36708  
, with representatives from Spain, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and the US, a 12/8/1982 #36708  
a house on this night in Mirassol, Brazil and a noise was heard coming from 12/30/1982 #36729  
             Corumbiara, Rondônia, Brazil Porto Velho, Rondônia Night. Farm 5/23/1983 #36865  
 a farm near Corumbiara, Rondônia, Brazil. As he is about to land on his fa 5/23/1983 #36865  
                           Cupira, Brazil UFO Turns Night into Day (NICAP:  6/12/1983 #36880  
n Urbanopolis, Minas Gerais State, Brazil at eight o'clock in the evening w 8/1/1983 #36930  
 neighborhood of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil Lagoa da Maraponga Cavan poles fa 8/12/1983 #36949  
Cavan poles factory Uruoca, Ceará, Brazil 11:10 p.m. In the Maraponga neigh 8/12/1983 #36949  
 neighborhood of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, João de Lira Pessoa Neto is ridi 8/12/1983 #36949  
nces in a lagoon in Uruoca, Ceará, Brazil.                                  8/12/1983 #36949  
                        BOM JESUS, BRAZIL 3+dog. Tub-saucer going down [to] 9/1983 #36963  
                   Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 5:10 PM. An F-5E interceptor was  10/31/1983 #37032  
 many witnesses in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil reported a silvery spot maneuveri 10/31/1983 #37032  
 many witnesses in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil reported a silvery spot maneuveri 10/31/1983 #37033  
as balloon, but UFO researchers in Brazil don't accept it as plausible.     10/31/1983 #37033  
le das Velhas, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. A man was levitated by the UFO,  11/1/1983 #37041  
          Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil 4 miles north of Chapecó, Santa C 12/14/1983 #37074  
 north of Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil 8:00 p.m. Realtor Antônio Nelso T 12/14/1983 #37074  
 north of Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil, when he feels compelled to turn  12/14/1983 #37074  
ro Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Curitiba Santa Maria 9:45 p.m. Br 1984 #37096  
of Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, he notices a strong, slightly bl 1984 #37096  
                           GAVEAO, BRAZIL Chupa lands / riverbank. 2 observ 9/1984 #37450  
 Parnaiba River in Maranhao State, Brazil. A door was heard to slam, and vo 9/23/1984 #37467  
                                   Brazil Concentration of sightings includ 3/19/1986 #37801  
A wave of UFO sightings started in Brazil on this date in 1986.             3/19/1986 #37802  
iscs paced a bus in Caraguatatuba, Brazil at 11:30 p.m. They made no sound. 3/30/1986 #37814  
servoir near Pacajus, Ceara State, Brazil when a gray colored UFO, the size 4/20/1986 #37828  
              NEAR BELO HORIZONTE, BRAZIL Saucer 10-15 meters off ground /  5/15/1986 #37868  
near Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil watched a lighted object hovering 5/15/1986 #37870  
rivate pilot flying from Brasilia, Brazil was followed 460 miles by several 5/16/1986 #37872  
                        Sao Paulo, Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Near Sao P 5/19/1986 #37874  
 Sao Paulo, Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Near Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro 5/19/1986 #37874  
Near Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Between 9:00 to 12 midnight the  5/19/1986 #37874  
         Rio de Janeiro Sao Paulo, Brazil Brazilian Aircraft / UFO Encounte 5/19/1986 #37876  
     Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Radar-visual and pilot sightings, 5/19/1986 #37877  
   São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil Brasilia São Paulo 6:30 p.m. 2ndS 5/19/1986 #37878  
or São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil, sees two luminous objects about  5/19/1986 #37878  
in Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For n 5/19/1986 #37882  
 Paulo, Brazil and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For nearly three hours, air traf 5/19/1986 #37882  
ade personally by the president of Brazil, and carried out by the Air Force 5/19/1986 #37882  
 part of Nego, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. He noticed a luminous yellow, ov 6/3/1986 #37904  
                 Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil Manaus, Amazonas 9:15 p.m. Cmdr.  3/12/1987 #38139  
ing 737-300 from Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, to Manaus, Amazonas, when his ra 3/12/1987 #38139  
   Anápolis Air Base ALA 2, Goiás, Brazil 11:00 p.m. Brazilian Air Force Ca 6/19/1987 #38194  
at Anápolis Air Base ALA 2, Goiás, Brazil, when the control tower asks him  6/19/1987 #38194  
                   Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil A radioactive contamination accid 9/13/1987 #38285  
ent takes place in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil, after a forgotten radiotherapy s 9/13/1987 #38285  
flying over her area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. She heard a voice in her head te 5/13/1988 #38569  
               Boqueirâo, Paraiba, Brazil Walter Corrêa do Prado of Boqueir 7/1988 #38596  
êa do Prado of Boqueirâo, Paraiba, Brazil, undergoes about one hour of miss 7/1988 #38596  
boãtoa dos Guararapes, Pernambuco, Brazil São Paulo 11:00 p.m. A captain of 12/1/1988 #38733  
boãtoa dos Guararapes, Pernambuco, Brazil, when his radar indicates traffic 12/1/1988 #38733  
6 miles west of Arapongas, Paraná, Brazil Pilot Manoel Luiz Christóvão, fly 5/2/1989 #38935  
6 miles west of Arapongas, Paraná, Brazil, sees a huge circular light in th 5/2/1989 #38935  
             Americana, São Paulo, Brazil 3:46 a.m. TAM Airlines Flight 573 5/30/1989 #38967  
 vicinity of Americana, São Paulo, Brazil, is contacted twice by the local  5/30/1989 #38967  
                      NORTH CEARA, BRAZIL 3 observer(s). Brilliant coffin s 10/1989 #39136  
ruz Air Force Base Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 10:00 a.m. UFOs approach the Sant 1/22/1990 #39387  
uz Air Force Base, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Air traffic controllers spot the 1/22/1990 #39387  
                           BALDIM, BRAZIL Blazing ovoid chases man off of b 6/1990 #39602  
                    SOLEDADE, RGN, BRAZIL 1 / 2M red fireball circles house 7/20/1990 #39654  
 in Soledade, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil for 20 minutes. They felt heat fr 7/20/1990 #39656  
           In Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil a silent reddish orange ball of l 12/4/1990 #39925  
                     EAST / ACARI, BRAZIL 3 observer(s). Silent 40cm red ba 2/1991 #39969  
                       APODI, RGN, BRAZIL Silent hot and cold whirlwind lev 3/1991 #39989  
r on a highway south of Fortaleza, Brazil. The domed disc emitted heat and  3/9/1991 #40007  
                       LAKE APODI, BRAZIL 3 / canoe. 50cm red ball / light  4/1991 #40026  
tião Federal District of Brasilia, Brazil Lago Sul area Brasilia airport 7: 4/11/1991 #40034  
 the Federal District of Brasilia, Brazil. The object is seen by dozens of  4/11/1991 #40034  
hovered over a prison in Brasilia, Brazil. It had a vertical orientation, a 4/11/1991 #40035  
                           Carolyn Brazil claims her uncle, Ralph Scheibly, 4/12/1991 #40038  
any UK Mexico Peru Venezuela Chile Brazil Canada US Wendelle C. Stevens hol 5/1/1991 #40053  
K, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Brazil, Canada, and the US.              5/1/1991 #40053  
ampo Redondo, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil 7:00 p.m. Farmer Moisés Campelo i 5/12/1991 #40057  
ampo Redondo, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, when a bright light approaches a 5/12/1991 #40057  
round twice north of Camp Redondo, Brazil in the state of Rio Grande do Nor 5/12/1991 #40059  
he city of Paraipaba, Ceara State, Brazil saw a ball of light with two smal 8/25/1991 #40166  
        4 MILES SOUTHEAST / ACARI, BRAZIL Observer(s) hides under tree. Run 9/1991 #40176  
nutes in Ibicuitinga, Ceara State, Brazil. The shirt he was wearing later d 9/9/1991 #40183  
                          GUARUJA, BRAZIL 1 observer. Night light = sphere/ 1/25/1992 #40303  
 p.m. an observer in Porto Alegre, Brazil saw a glow in the clouds, then a  2/24/1992 #40336  
                      Ceará state, Brazil Catandório 6:30 p.m. Military Pol 3/5/1992 #40358  
ng in the interior of Ceará state, Brazil, when a domed disc lands nearby.  3/5/1992 #40358  
the Rio Palhano area, Ceara State, Brazil. At 6:30 p.m. both men observed w 3/5/1992 #40359  
st city Ariquemes, Rondonia state, Brazil. The silent three-meter wide disc 3/14/1992 #40380  
me in the city of Mafra, Rondonia, Brazil a 15 m cigar-shaped object headin 3/14/1992 #40380  
       In Ipigua, Sao Paulo state, Brazil birds were seen fleeing from a fa 3/17/1992 #40385  
o the town of Russas, Ceara State, Brazil at around 9 p.m. It hovered nearb 4/9/1992 #40411  
ea of Macae, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. It made a sonic boom as it flew  4/26/1992 #40431  
echnology Cambridge, Massachusetts Brazil Canada United Kingdom Australia T 6/13/1992 #40492  
n-US research is also contributed (Brazil, Canada, United Kingdom, Australi 6/13/1992 #40492  
e ocean off the coast near Iguape, Brazil. It sucked up a wide column of wa 7/17/1992 #40524  
me time an engineer from Cascavel, Brazil reported that a bright ball of li 7/17/1992 #40524  
7:30 p.m. in Guaira, Parana State, Brazil three beams of light hovered and  9/3/1992 #40609  
       SAO FRANCISCO DE PAULA, MG, BRAZIL Rectangular UFO. Beam pulls / obs 9/20/1992 #40632  
isco de Paula, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. This was confirmed by a separate 9/20/1992 #40633  
witnesses in Miraima, Ceara State, Brazil saw a fiery ball of light that mo 9/30/1992 #40650  
p.m. in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil a glowing craft landed near a thi 12/23/1992 #40764  
reports in the State of Fortaleza, Brazil, a man named Jose Ernani claimed  4/23/1993 #40948  
ad west of Fortaleza, Ceara State, Brazil recorded three hours of videotape 5/10/1993 #40974  
me or a similar object was seen in Brazil that day. At 1:40 a.m. local time 12/31/1993 #41338  
 the city of Quixada, Ceara State, Brazil.                                  12/31/1993 #41338  
servers in Tiete, Sao Paolo State, Brazil watched a luminous greenish spher 12/11/1994 #41890  
          Feira de Santana, Bahía, Brazil Around 5:00 a.m. Farmer Beto Lima 1/12/1995 #41971  
erty near Feira de Santana, Bahía, Brazil, when he finds an object the size 1/12/1995 #41971  
                 Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil Dusk. As a Varig Airlines flight  7/1/1995 #42289  
ut 37 miles from Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, the commander sees a very bright 7/1/1995 #42289  
                    Macapá, Amapá, Brazil Two airliners, one from TAM and t 8/8/1995 #42368  
s, watch a UFO over Macapá, Amapá, Brazil. TAM Cmdr. Marcos Aurélio de Cast 8/8/1995 #42368  
an in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil encountered three 50 cm tall huma 8/26/1995 #42417  
use in Rio Claro, San Paulo State, Brazil at five o'clock in the morning. I 8/30/1995 #42429  
 Barbara D'Oeste, Sao Paulo State, Brazil when he noticed a very bright lig 9/24/1995 #42508  
io Piaçabuçu São Vicente São Paulo Brazil 11:00 p.m. Fernando Beserra and W 10/1/1995 #42529  
djacent to São Vicente, São Paulo, Brazil, when a bright yellow object appr 10/1/1995 #42529  
ay 227 Ituporanga, Santa Catarina, Brazil 2:30 p.m. Farmer Egon Kratz and h 12/12/1995 #42641  
s from Ituporanga, Santa Catarina, Brazil, when a bright, silent, disc-shap 12/12/1995 #42641  
           Varginha, Minas Gerais, Brazil Oralina Augusta de Freitas is wat 1/13/1996 #42680  
 home near Varginha, Minas Gerais, Brazil, when she sees a UFO hovering ove 1/13/1996 #42680  
s Coracões Varginha, Minas Gerais, Brazil Highway 491 4:00 a.m. Businessman 1/13/1996 #42681  
oracões to Varginha, Minas Gerais, Brazil, along Highway 491. About 3 miles 1/13/1996 #42681  
                         Varginha, Brazil Jardim Andere neighborhood 8:00 a 1/20/1996 #42693  
ighborhood 8:00 a.m. The Varginha, Brazil, fire department receives a call  1/20/1996 #42693  
                         Varginha, Brazil small forest near Varginha, Brazi 1/20/1996 #42694  
Brazil small forest near Varginha, Brazil Afternoon. According to testimony 1/20/1996 #42694  
ng the small forest near Varginha, Brazil, where the creature had been foun 1/20/1996 #42694  
 Santana neighborhood of Varginha, Brazil 3:30 p.m. Sisters Liliane Fátima  1/20/1996 #42695  
 Santana neighborhood of Varginha, Brazil, when they encounter a thin, hair 1/20/1996 #42695  
                         Varginha, Brazil Hospital Regional do Sul de Minas 1/20/1996 #42696  
h for several hours, the Varginha, Brazil, search units venture back into t 1/20/1996 #42696  
alindo of Jardim Andere, Varginha, Brazil opened his bathroom window at eig 1/20/1996 #42697  
re to the nearby city of Campinas, Brazil.                                  1/20/1996 #42697  
ital Humanitas Unimed in Varginha, Brazil Belo Horizonte The strange creatu 1/21/1996 #42704  
ital Humanitas Unimed in Varginha, Brazil. There are many reports of unusua 1/21/1996 #42704  
gentos das Armas in Très Coracões, Brazil The Brazilian military uses three 1/22/1996 #42706  
gentos das Armas in Très Coracões, Brazil.                                  1/22/1996 #42706  
a de Sargentos das Armas Campinas, Brazil 4:00 a.m. A military convoy leave 1/23/1996 #42708  
 Sargentos das Armas for Campinas, Brazil.                                  1/23/1996 #42708  
iversity of Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil Legal Medical Institute at the Ce 1/23/1996 #42709  
iversity of Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil, where doctors Fortunato Badan Pa 1/23/1996 #42709  
                      US Campinas, Brazil The US military arrives in Campin 1/25/1996 #42712  
e US military arrives in Campinas, Brazil, by helicopter, where the entire  1/25/1996 #42712  
      NASA University of Campinas, Brazil Several scientists and military p 1/26/1996 #42713  
ive at the University of Campinas, Brazil. The cover story is that US scien 1/26/1996 #42713  
                         Varginha, Brazil Marco Eli Chereze, 23, one of the 2/6/1996 #42742  
olicemen involved in the Varginha, Brazil, creature capture, begins exhibit 2/6/1996 #42742  
  Hospital Bom Pastor in Varginha, Brazil Chereze is admitted to Hospital B 2/11/1996 #42758  
o Hospital Bom Pastor in Varginha, Brazil.                                  2/11/1996 #42758  
Hospital Regional do Sul de Minas, Brazil Chereze is transferred to the eme 2/12/1996 #42759  
Hospital Regional do Sul de Minas, Brazil, suffering from intense pain in t 2/12/1996 #42759  
ghted flying south over Americana, Brazil. One object veered away and zigza 3/30/1996 #42847  
   In 1996 at 11 a.m. in Varginha, Brazil a silver disc flew in and stopped 4/2/1996 #42850  
t very high speeds over Americana, Brazil.                                  4/8/1996 #42859  
holic Church in Belem, Para State, Brazil, witnessed a UFO land in the chur 4/17/1996 #42872  
cipal Dr. Mário Frota in Varginha, Brazil Around 9:00 p.m. Terezinha Gallo  4/21/1996 #42876  
cipal Dr. Mário Frota in Varginha, Brazil, when she steps onto a porch to s 4/21/1996 #42876  
ocal Jardim Zoologico in Varginha, Brazil in Minas Gerais State. The creatu 4/21/1996 #42877  
                         Varginha, Brazil Luzia Helena da Silva is visited  4/29/1996 #42890  
a da Silva is visited in Varginha, Brazil, by four men in suits who do not  4/29/1996 #42890  
do Buraquinho, Minas Gerais State, Brazil at 9:00 p.m. Marcelo Barbosa and  5/6/1996 #42898  
                    Très Coracões, Brazil Varginha Brig. Gen. Sergio Pedro  5/8/1996 #42900  
gentos das Armas in Très Coracões, Brazil, reads a statement saying that no 5/8/1996 #42900  
           Très Coracões Varginha, Brazil 8:00 p.m. Hildo Lúcio Gardino, 20 5/17/1996 #42904  
ng from Très Coracões to Varginha, Brazil, when she sees a strange creature 5/17/1996 #42904  
me from work outside of Flexeiras, Brazil when he noticed a strong light in 6/21/1996 #42936  
le in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil saw a triangular shaped craft lan 9/8/1996 #43009  
               GUARABIRA, PARAIBA, BRAZIL Several observer(s) and several h 9/10/1996 #43013  
                    JABOTICATUBAS, BRAZIL 2 silver disks stop over church.  9/15/1996 #43019  
                        BAURU, SP, BRAZIL Farmer. Night light hovers. Split 9/29/1996 #43047  
              SOUTHEAST / PELOTAS, BRAZIL 4 / plane. Silent 150M pyramid ho 10/5/1996 #43054  
                         SOROCABA, BRAZIL Many observer(s). Large cylinder/ 10/5/1996 #43055  
ão José do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Brazil Pelotas Airport 10:00 a.m. Busine 10/5/1996 #43057  
 José do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, when he sees a gigantic object a 10/5/1996 #43057  
 35 miles east of Pelotas Airport, Brazil at 10:30 a.m. A disc was seen eme 10/5/1996 #43058  
            SOUTHWEST / GUARABIRA, BRAZIL 1 / light plane. 30M pyramid goin 10/18/1996 #43077  
         MAMANGUAPE AND SAO NEVES, BRAZIL 2 30M saucers seen. Balls / light 10/18/1996 #43079  
                Santos, São Paulo, Brazil During an exhibition by the Brazi 11/16/1996 #43112  
he coastline of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil, one of the EMB-312 Tucano aircra 11/16/1996 #43112  
est of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil a luminous flying object paced an 11/28/1996 #43125  
Governador Valadares, Mina Gerais, Brazil when he made a brief stop to buy  12/9/1996 #43133  
 in the morning he was returned to Brazil, but he found himself in an unfam 12/9/1996 #43133  
                          LIMEIRA, BRAZIL Night light goes by. Silent 10M f 1/1/1997 #43161  
fternoon in Campina Grande do Sul, Brazil a woman waiting for a bus heard a 1/2/1997 #43164  
                          LIMEIRA, BRAZIL 12+observer(s). Luminous object o 2/15/1997 #43193  
                        AMERICANA, BRAZIL 2 10M silver plates hover. Douses 3/31/1997 #43247  
                         REGISTRO, BRAZIL 3 separate observer(s). Ovoid ris 6/6/1997 #43314  
                       SOBRADINHO, BRAZIL Soccer-ball object appears. Hover 6/18/1997 #43325  
by wooded area in Bocaiuva do Sul, Brazil and ran over to investigate. He s 8/3/1997 #43366  
                         Brasília, Brazil Núcleo de Pesquisas Ufológicas (N 12/7/1997 #43453  
f Ufology takes place in Brasília, Brazil, coordinated by the Brazilian Ufo 12/7/1997 #43453  
 this night in Riachao De Jacuipe, Brazil a witness saw a bright light in a 12/16/1997 #43464  
                        Sao Paulo, Brazil Dogs barked a small sphere roamed 1/2/1998 #43485  
Redondo neighborhood of São Paulo, Brazil 9:30 p.m. Fernando Mariano de Oli 1/2/1998 #43486  
Redondo neighborhood of São Paulo, Brazil, when they see a small luminous s 1/2/1998 #43486  
their home in Aurora, Ceara State, Brazil when they heard a noise that soun 4/27/1998 #43559  
ve youths in Massape, Ceara State, Brazil reported seeing a huge object lan 8/12/1998 #43629  
n Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil at 8:30 p.m. when he noticed a br 2/4/1999 #43722  
     In Campinas, Sao Paolo state, Brazil Gley Freitas observed a large ova 2/17/1999 #43730  
   In Bangues, Minas Gerais state, Brazil Jose Joaquim Dos Santos was parke 2/21/1999 #43733  
s in Votoporanga, Sao Paolo state, Brazil as she was walking through the ci 2/28/1999 #43739  
e from a party in Altonia, Parana, Brazil when he noticed what appeared to  3/15/1999 #43748  
ge in Santana do Ipanema, Alagoas, Brazil when they spotted a huge cylindri 4/1/1999 #43752  
he afternoon of this day in Goias, Brazil a UFO the size of a football fiel 6/12/1999 #43785  
                        ISLA BELA, BRAZIL 2 silent 2OM flat cigars going no 7/7/1999 #43793  
ach on Isla Bela, Sao Paulo State, Brazil by three witnesses. They were des 7/7/1999 #43796  
nito Goncalves, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil when they observed a strange flyi 11/1/1999 #43869  
choeira de Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil on a very sunny afternoon at arou 11/13/1999 #43880  
her yard in Coari, Amazonas State, Brazil when she felt something moving ne 11/25/1999 #43886  
r verandah in Pato Branco, Parana, Brazil drinking some coffee when she obs 12/5/1999 #43894  
in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. They were standing next to a hug 12/17/1999 #43899  
            Iturama, Minas Gerais, Brazil 9 miles from Iturama, Minas Gerai 12/13/2000 #44101  
 miles from Iturama, Minas Gerais, Brazil 10:00 pm. A group of five people  12/13/2000 #44101  
 miles from Iturama, Minas Gerais, Brazil—João Caiana, his wife Valdeir Mar 12/13/2000 #44101  
                      SAO VICENTE, BRAZIL AND MORE/OTHERS Wide power outage 1/11/2001 #44122  
d in Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo State, Brazil at 3:30 a.m. when a large disc-sh 1/11/2001 #44123  
resident of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil reported that first everything fr 1/29/2001 #44134  
n Paracambi, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil on this night when she observed a 7/1/2001 #44201  
orba of Guaraja-Mirim, Para State, Brazil reported encountering and communi 7/1/2001 #44202  
Silva in Canatuma, Amazonas State, Brazil saw a large disc-shaped object wi 7/2/2001 #44203  
field in Quedas do Iguacu, Parana, Brazil. The two witnesses including Rube 7/29/2001 #44213  
eserted beach in Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, including Luis Carlos Prima, rep 8/1/2001 #44217  
                   Belém Salvador, Brazil Day. A Brazilian Air Force pilot  8/3/2001 #44223  
g supplies from Belém to Salvador, Brazil, aboard a C-130 Hercules transpor 8/3/2001 #44223  
, and Gravatai, Rio Grande do Sol, Brazil. The same day, at 4:35 p.m., a si 11/1/2002 #44431  
aia do Cassino, Rio Grande do Sol, Brazil. It was a metallic fuselage or ci 11/1/2002 #44431  
t city of Santos, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It had alternating yellow, white 11/22/2002 #44448  
                Guará I, Brasilia, Brazil 1:00 a.m. Carlos Eduardo Montilho 2/8/2003 #44484  
 in his home in Guará I, Brasilia, Brazil, to tend to his dog in the backya 2/8/2003 #44484  
ysias Rodrigues Airport in Palmas, Brazil, to Brasilia, air traffic control 6/5/2003 #44554  
      São Paulo–Congonhas Airport, Brazil Afternoon. A Brazilian pilot flyi 2004 #44635  
r the São Paulo–Congonhas Airport, Brazil. The encounter lasts 14 minutes.  2004 #44635  
                 São Paulo Recife, Brazil 2:00 p.m. Lt. Ribeiro of the Braz 2/20/2004 #44668  
a flight from São Paulo to Recife, Brazil. He is ordered to intercept a rad 2/20/2004 #44668  
                         Brasília, Brazil Rio Grande do Sul São Paulo São J 5/20/2005 #44844  
n Air Force officials in Brasília, Brazil, headed by Brigadier Telles Ribei 5/20/2005 #44844  
 The National Archive in Brasília, Brazil The National Archive in Brasília, 10/31/2008 #45181  
 The National Archive in Brasília, Brazil, receives from the Center for Aer 10/31/2008 #45181  
ista district of Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil 8:00 p.m. A circle of six yellow  8/13/2010 #45291  
ista district of Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. Dentist Daniela Tamarossi and ot 8/13/2010 #45291  
                Logradouro, Ceará, Brazil 6:30 p.m. A swiftly moving light  11/14/2010 #45306  
n the sky above Logradouro, Ceará, Brazil, apparently following witnesses,  11/14/2010 #45306  
w, Russia Cosmos Hotel US Italy UK Brazil Argentina Turkey Hungary Bulgaria 10/15/2018 #45540  
seltine (UK), Ademar José Gevaerd (Brazil), Andrea Simondini (Argentina), H 10/15/2018 #45540  
## Word: "brazil--where" (Back to Top)
O Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next? and in Timothy Good  7/10/1977 #32256  
## Word: "brazilia" (Back to Top)
                                   Brazilia, Brazil Air Force pilot and 500 11/8/1958 #15433  
                                   BRAZILIA, BRAZIL Numerous observer(s). M 8/25/1971 #26304  
                           SOUTH / BRAZILIA, BRZ 3 / car and cops and milit 8/21/1996 #42987  
## Word: "brazilian" (Back to Top)
 some shadows was explained by the Brazilian UFO investigator, Dr. Olavo T. 5/7/1952 #6271  
were named Keffel and Martins. The Brazilian Air Force conclusion on the ph 5/7/1952 #6271  
iro with a request to investigate. Brazilian Air Force Chief of Intelligenc 10/24/1954 #11365  
e is listed as an "unknown" by the Brazilian Air Force.                     11/2/1954 #11539  
are also observed by Fr. Zilwes, a Brazilian priest at the Vatican Observat 11/12/1954 #11628  
eleven o'clock that same morning a Brazilian priest working at the Vatican' 11/12/1954 #11630  
zil - At 3:30 a.m. Mr. Cheminot, a Brazilian railway employee, saw three sh 11/13/1954 #11642  
 the press inquiries, and soon the Brazilian military investigates, finding 11/22/1954 #11690  
s see they are metallic discs. The Brazilian Air Force scrambles some jets, 12/14/1954 #11807  
ing. He sends the negatives to the Brazilian Naval School in Rio de Janeiro 12/14/1954 #11807  
bank. Col. Adil de Oliveira of the Brazilian Air Force has the soil analyze 12/15/1954 #11815  
unnamed organization (possibly the Brazilian Air Force) shows that the meta 9/1957 #13966  
 by chemist Elson Teixeira and the Brazilian Army. The Laboratory of Crysta Early 9/1957 #13971  
laming them for cherry-picking the Brazilian lab results. Peter A. Sturrock Early 9/1957 #13971  
e samples were gathered, sent to a Brazilian newsman, analyzed by friends o 9/10/1957 #13988  
s covered by clothing. Afterwards, Brazilian Army and USAF personnel, along 11/4/1957 #14284  
l, along with investigators of the Brazilian Air Force, fly to the fort to  11/4/1957 #14284  
nder Paulo Moreira da Silva of the Brazilian Navy Hydrography and Navigatio 1/16/1958 #14831  
.m. a doctor in Villa Velha in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo and th 1/16/1958 #14832  
UFO was taken at 12:15 p.m. from a Brazilian Navy ship participating in the 1/16/1958 #14832  
                                   Brazilian Navy releases authentic pictur 2/1958 #14857  
. João Adil Oliveira, chief of the Brazilian Air Force’s General Staff info 2/28/1958 #14897  
              Ilha da Trindade The Brazilian Navy, after an analysis of the 3/2/1958 #14911  
                                   Brazilian coast between Maceió and Parip 4/1958 #14955  
 6:00 a.m. At some place along the Brazilian coast between Maceió and Parip 4/1958 #14955  
azil Luminous object followed FAB (Brazilian Air Force) B-26, hovered near  7/14/1959 #15849  
                A light followed a Brazilian Air Force B-26 bomber plane fo 7/14/1959 #15854  
hree best photos to forward to the Brazilian Navy for analysis. A few month 10/1959 #16004  
land Islands, Antarctica 6:15 p.m. Brazilian meteorologist Rubens J. Villel 3/16/1961 #16631  
rt near Gravataí Cruzeiro do Sul A Brazilian military aircraft with 14 pass 3/21/1967 #21936  
ational Airport Day. The crew of a Brazilian Air Force C-47 and the crew of 3/27/1967 #22001  
 30 minutes and is photographed by Brazilian Air Force technician Otacilio  8/4/1967 #22805  
contacts along with members of the Brazilian defense establishment includin 11/28/1967 #23517  
                    At 2:30 a.m. a Brazilian highway patrolman saw an immen 11/28/1967 #23518  
the Fourth Air Zone Command of the Brazilian Air Force and sponsored by Bri 10/1968 #24535  
by Antônio Geris and summoned to a Brazilian Air Force facility where he is 10/2/1968 #24537  
 entirely normal. Officials of the Brazilian Air Force later subjected him  10/2/1968 #24538  
after 30 minutes, and soon after a Brazilian Air Force helicopter appeared  2/6/1969 #24898  
is, Brazil 3:00 p.m. A 24-year-old Brazilian soldier named José Antônio da  5/4/1969 #25114  
blast of air as it moves away. The Brazilian Air Force investigates the lan 6/26/1969 #25236  
und Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil, the Brazilian Air Force informs local offici 7/1969 #25241  
press releases will be made by the Brazilian Air Force Public Relations Dep 7/1969 #25241  
itnesses, on instructions from the Brazilian Air Force base at Fortaleza, B 7/18/1969 #25280  
itnesses, on instructions from the Brazilian Air Force base at Fortaleza.   7/18/1969 #25281  
d children, and João Aguiar of the Brazilian Federal police, see a metallic 6/27/1970 #25714  
red about the same time in several Brazilian cities.                        11/24/1970 #25917  
azil Glowing disc startles veteran Brazilian (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   8/9/1971 #26276  
 A copilot of a Boeing 727 for the Brazilian Varig airline sees a disc-shap Mid 9/1976 #31384  
             Colares, Pará, Brazil Brazilian National Archives Numerous UFO 7/1977 #32220  
 officially requests help from the Brazilian Air Force. The operation, a hi 7/1977 #32220  
icial documents can be seen in the Brazilian National Archives. According t 7/1977 #32220  
             Brazil Rio de Janeiro Brazilian ufologist Irene Granchi begins 1978 #32827  
ajós Santarém, Brazil 11:00 p.m. A Brazilian electronics businessman and 9  1/1980 #35120  
     Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Brazilian ufologist Irene Granchi founds 1982 #36288  
ndo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Two Brazilian Air Force F-5 fighters flying  1/3/1982 #36295  
E interceptor was scrambled by the Brazilian Air Force as many witnesses in 10/31/1983 #37032  
E interceptor was scrambled by the Brazilian Air Force as many witnesses in 10/31/1983 #37033  
zil Curitiba Santa Maria 9:45 p.m. Brazilian Air Force Col. Marcelo Heckshe 1984 #37096  
l: Between 9:00 to 12 midnight the Brazilian Air Defense and the Civil Air  5/19/1986 #37874  
  Rio de Janeiro Sao Paulo, Brazil Brazilian Aircraft / UFO Encounter / Rad 5/19/1986 #37876  
about 30 minutes. By that time the Brazilian Defense Center, which operates 5/19/1986 #37882  
se ALA 2, Goiás, Brazil 11:00 p.m. Brazilian Air Force Capt. Faria de Sousa 6/19/1987 #38194  
 Paulo 11:00 p.m. A captain of the Brazilian Air Force flying a Mirage figh 12/1/1988 #38733  
d by an internal commission of the Brazilian Air Force, which can find no e 1/22/1990 #39387  
nd Lima carries it into his house. Brazilian soldiers allegedly retrieve th 1/12/1995 #41971  
 rumors that NORAD has alerted the Brazilian authorities that it has tracke 1/13/1996 #42681  
sphere and that one has penetrated Brazilian airspace.                      1/13/1996 #42681  
Armas in Très Coracões, Brazil The Brazilian military uses three trucks and 1/22/1996 #42706  
 Cemitério dos Amarais in Campinas Brazilian Departamento de Ciência e Tecn 1/23/1996 #42709  
an unknown origin are taken to the Brazilian Departamento de Ciência e Tecn 1/23/1996 #42709  
is that US scientists are choosing Brazilian scientists to take part in fut 1/26/1996 #42713  
Brazil During an exhibition by the Brazilian Air Force’s Smoke Squadron ove 11/16/1996 #43112  
asília, Brazil, coordinated by the Brazilian Ufologists Commission. The coa 12/7/1997 #43453  
Ademar José Gevaerd, both from the Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Resea 12/7/1997 #43453  
 the position of ufologists to the Brazilian government to take the necessa 12/7/1997 #43453  
     Belém Salvador, Brazil Day. A Brazilian Air Force pilot and four other 8/3/2001 #44223  
onhas Airport, Brazil Afternoon. A Brazilian pilot flying an ATR 42-300 twi 2004 #44635  
razil 2:00 p.m. Lt. Ribeiro of the Brazilian Air Force is retuning on a fli 2/20/2004 #44668  
ndade Island Ademar José Gevaerd’s Brazilian Ufologists Commission launches 4/15/2004 #44687  
!” with the goal of convincing the Brazilian government to publicly release 4/15/2004 #44687  
gation of ufologists who meet with Brazilian Air Force officials in Brasíli 5/20/2005 #44844  
 Rio de Janeiro in May 1986; and a Brazilian Air Force investigation of UFO 5/20/2005 #44844  
nal Archives At the request of the Brazilian Commission of Ufologists, the  5/5/2008 #45133  
rchives in Brasilia Members of the Brazilian Ufologists Commission meet wit 4/18/2013 #45364  
n meet with representatives of the Brazilian armed forces at the Ministry o 4/18/2013 #45364  
         Minas Gerais Varginha The Brazilian Ufologists Commission begins a 2/2018 #45504  
ow.” The campaign demands that the Brazilian Army, the Minas Gerais militar 2/2018 #45504  
## Word: "brazoria" (Back to Top)
          Damon, Texas Witnesses:  Brazoria County Chief Sheriff's Deputy B 9/3/1965 #19508  
                                   Brazoria County Highway 36 West Columbia 9/3/1965 #19512  
t Columbia Damon, Texas 11:00 p.m. Brazoria County Sheriff’s Deputies Billy 9/3/1965 #19512  
 up along Highway 35 in Liverpool, Brazoria County, Texas; an identical loo 10/27/2008 #45179  
## Word: "brazos" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Brazos” Yield: 8.4KT                     3/8/1962 #17075  
ounded boxes with domes submerge / Brazos River. / r231'74p82.              11/21/1973 #28454  
## Word: "brazzaville" (Back to Top)
usset Owando Republic of the Congo Brazzaville La Semaine de L’akf Laketi M 6/18/1954 #9910  
blic of the Congo], reports in the Brazzaville newspaper La Semaine de L’ak 6/18/1954 #9910  
## Word: "brea" (Back to Top)
           Sunset Boulevard and La Brea Avenue in Hollywood, California 11: 2/5/1960 #16168  
section of Sunset Boulevard and La Brea Avenue in Hollywood, California. Ca 2/5/1960 #16168  
t Boulevard and Sycamore Avenue La Brea Avenue Sunset and La Brea 11:15 p.m 2/6/1960 #16169  
venue La Brea Avenue Sunset and La Brea 11:15 p.m. The red object reappears 2/6/1960 #16169  
ghting up the ground all around La Brea Avenue. A mushroom-shaped cloud app 2/6/1960 #16169  
out 1,000 feet above Sunset and La Brea for about 8 minutes. It then begins 2/6/1960 #16169  
/1973559773   https://bera.bnl.gov/brea/officers                            11/24/1992 #40726  
## Word: "breach" (Back to Top)
hreatened with a national security breach if he talked.                     5/1957 #13626  
 police and others watched objects breach security areas, hover low over we 10/30/1975 #30521  
o to three months later after this breach, all Army personnel were restrict 12/14/1980 #35716  
## Word: "breached" (Back to Top)
egic Air Command base. The objects breached security areas, and hovered ove 10/30/1975 #30523  
ase personnel saw orange disc that breached security area, illuminated miss 11/7/1975 #30575  
alerted that its security has been breached.                                7/22/1983 #36921  
## Word: "bread" (Back to Top)
he beings offer Kravets a piece of bread the size of a small coin. Breaking 8/17/1953? #9077  
 flat on the bottom like a loaf of bread, with a bluish-green tint, about 7 11/3/1957 #14243  
ular object shaped “like a loaf of bread” hovering above the Obolon neighbo 6/24/1989 #38994  
 The woman offers them some of the bread she has just purchased, but the wo 9/13/1989 #39098  
ne, offering her some of their own bread. Without thinking, she reflexively 9/13/1989 #39098  
s the taste as a lightly sweet rye bread. The craft ascends and flies over  9/13/1989 #39098  
 One of them offers her some tasty bread and a strange liquid. After she fi 7/6/1990 #39637  
two headlights continually paced a bread delivery truck starting at around  8/15/1997 #43383  
                                 A bread delivery man and a salesman had se 9/10/2001 #44256  
## Word: "break" (Back to Top)
giant kicks him severely enough to break his hip.                           4/14/1897 #463  
 a period of rain, the dark clouds break and the Sun appears as an opaque,  10/13/1917 #970  
ight, and ascends until it finds a break in the high branches of a tree, wh 1/22/1919 #983  
ings, Colorado, are taking a lunch break when they watch a silver object co 5/19/1947 #2294  
rtain media sources) attempting to break the story of location of disc toda 7/8/1947 #2951  
 ranch. 7 saucers going [to] over. Break formation and cross sky very fast. 7/10/1947 #3087  
ve on and stop again. A few pieces break off the original star and arrange  6/30/1948 #3686  
fly in formation for a while, then break off and return to formation again. 8/8/1949 #4313  
eral and decides to stop to take a break. On foot, he comes upon a large, g 3/28/1950 #4750  
954–1960 he claimed the ability to break up clouds with his psychokinetic a Summer 1951 #5549  
able, seem to almost collide, then break away in a right-angle turn. They a 5/1/1952 #6244  
ere estimated at 60,000 feet. They break off the intercept at 11:13 a.m. ab 8/1/1952 #7408  
ut 60 seconds, 6–10 smaller lights break off from the main light, surroundi 8/15/1952 #7611  
there, not even a cloud.” The jets break off their aerial search at 6:19 a. 9/2/1952 #7829  
sed over his throat. He managed to break free and scrambled towards the car 4/10/1954 #9681  
193 near collision / UFO. 2 aboard break bones.                             4/14/1954 #9689  
 His directive empowers the FBI to break into homes and offices and install 5/20/1954 #9820  
n follow B29 going quickly west. 3 break away and check Piper cubs. / MJ#25 6/1954 #9852  
hem. After 15 minutes the aircraft break off and head home. On the base, he 10/1954 #10537  
ircular cloud. 50 separate objects break formation / high speed. Going quic 3/28/1955 #12063  
nsufficient information. They also break down knowns and unknowns into four 10/25/1955 #12519  
 a.m. Several workers are taking a break at the Daye Steel Plant in Huangsh 7/25/1957 #13837  
 4:15 a.m. and continued until the break of day.                            10/31/1959 #16072  
n Lorain, Ohio, is taking a coffee break when he sees a light that he think 9/14/1960 #16446  
est stuff I ever saw." Attempts to break the weird strings were to no avail 11/18/1961 #16964  
lied to one of the strings, it did break. The string did not, however, burs 11/18/1961 #16964  
positioned as if they might try to break a blockade. But Soviet freighters  10/23/1962 #17489  
ite.  A bull bellowed and tried to break its bonds.                         8/19/1965 #19424  
site. A bull bellowed and tried to break its bonds.                         8/19/1965 #19428  
on. Looking up, he sees a distinct break in the fog with stars visible and  7/5/1967 #22616  
nds. One of the objects appears to break formation and approach the aircraf 8/6/1967 #22830  
ree lights in triangular formation break up and form a single file, the wir 10/22/1967 #23290  
mmobilized him, but he was able to break free and fled home in terror. Ther 7/1/1968 #24119  
d fast. Seen / 8 second(s) through break / 9km clouds.                      1/18/1969 #24859  
going quickly northeast. 2 saucers break V-formation and zigzag. High accel 5/23/1969 #25159  
r 3–4 minutes, the cloud begins to break apart, with no UFOs showing.       7/1970 #25723  
G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt break into the office of Lewis J. Fieldi 9/3/1971 #26311  
the objects inside. During a lunch break one of the CIA agents walks outsid 8/1972 #26862  
d to pound on the glass, trying to break it open, and then picked up a rock 8/26/1972 #26956  
rs saw a round object during their break. Five men from the D & M Dishwashi 10/15/1973 #28053  
t when workers stepped outside for break. Craft with row of yellow lights a 10/15/1973 #28054  
throws a rock at it. It appears to break into pieces and return to its orig 5/16/1975 #30061  
w minutes, the two smaller objects break away and leave in the direction fr 8/20/1975 #30291  
n top of it, and the result was to break almost all of the limbs, including 5/3/1977 #32053  
e lights get near to the car, they break away, one to the side of the road, 6/25/1977 #32194  
arage’s double door. At 1:30, they break formation, with the light on the r 3/28/1978 #33090  
ng the encounter, “fever blisters” break out on his face and in places on h 5/13/1978 #33202  
 get out and look. All four lights break formation and move off in differen 10/7/1978 #33806  
ter needle to spin wildly and then break.                                   11/22/1978 #33981  
ater, sores containing dried blood break out on his face.                   5/22/1979 #34574  
os, some childish, laughing voices break into the UHF-1 channel linking him 11/17/1979 #35005  
ther employees for an evening meal break. They notice a boomerang-shaped ob 10/23/1980 #35584  
 time he reaches Mach 2, he has to break off due to lack of fuel, never hav Spring 1984 #37231  
dministration and priorities. They break off and form the Centro Italiano S 12/1985 #37730  
Ukraine, steps outside for a quick break when a beam of light strikes her f 9/16/1989 #39106  
ia had stepped outside for a quick break at a tramway when a beam of light  9/16/1989 #39108  
den stops in mid-air, and suddenly break off in lateral directions from the Early 4/1990 #39506  
                While on her lunch break at 1:30 p.m. at West Point Lake, n 5/7/1996 #42899  
                          Taking a break from work at 3:10 p.m., a 32-year- 7/5/1996 #42947  
nd strong, requiring a good tug to break, but quickly sublimates to nothing 8/10/1998 #43625  
f-mile away. Small points of light break off from its base, some returning  1/8/2013 #45359  
## Word: "break-in" (Back to Top)
ey, Surrey, England, learns that a break-in has occurred the previous night 4/1974 #28982  
nt contractor GEC-Marconi claims a break-in occurred one night that month.  4/1974 #28984  
nse to findings from the Watergate break-in, which allegedly uncovers a his 10/25/1978 #33874  
## Word: "break-ins" (Back to Top)
Herbert Brownell Jr. authorize FBI break-ins to install bugs during nationa 5/20/1954 #9820  
il openings, resumption of illegal break-ins, electronic surveillance, and  7/23/1970 #25745  
orization from Nixon for all those break-ins and wiretaps.                  7/23/1970 #25745  
## Word: "breakage" (Back to Top)
the central branch. The pattern of breakage was to displace the branches in 5/3/1977 #32053  
## Word: "breakaway" (Back to Top)
s a Shickshinny Knight of Malta, a breakaway group from SMOM.  Sunn also pr 7/1980 #35399  
n be utilized for R&D purposes   A breakaway group exists with a large amou 4/5/2016 #45449  
## Word: "breakdown" (Back to Top)
 suffering from a “total psychotic breakdown.”                              11/3/1948 #3866  
Glickman suffers a complete mental breakdown from which he never recovers.  10/1952 #8075  
power unit that has caused a minor breakdown of the search radar set. He ca 6/30/1953 #8976  
 not believe him. KA had a nervous breakdown and was placed in hospital for 4/12/1954 #9685  
 witness nearly suffered a nervous breakdown afterwards.                    10/16/1959 #16035  
 a.m. It was later attributed to a breakdown in the insulation of the wirin 4/24/1966 #20400  
s night. A guard suffers a nervous breakdown, is taken to an unnamed hospit 4/1974 #28982  
n duty allegedly suffers a nervous breakdown after claiming to see a non-hu 4/1974 #28984  
ng the incident John had a nervous breakdown, while Elaine and the children 10/27/1974 #29561  
rist reportedly suffered a nervous breakdown as he encountered several tall 8/23/1978 #33554  
 He was hospitalized for a nervous breakdown.                               4/23/1980 #35286  
essing. This leads to an emotional breakdown, hospitalization, and medicati 10/1981 #36150  
nt, the witness suffered a nervous breakdown.                               11/24/1996 #43120  
ravitation that allegedly causes a breakdown of Newton’s third law based on 1/1998 #43483  
missiles if necessary and that the breakdown lasted only 59 minutes. But ac 10/23/2010 #45303  
ne site UFO Identified, compiles a breakdown of 484 sightings reported in t 1/2021 #45671  
## Word: "breaker" (Back to Top)
the company closes an open circuit breaker, but they could find no cause.   11/14/1957 #14551  
hen workmen closed an open circuit breaker, although investigation could fi 11/14/1957 #14552  
es outside to check on the circuit breaker and feels an electrical sensatio 9/10/1976 #31371  
## Word: "breakers" (Back to Top)
ver(s). Fireball going down. Power breakers trip 4X. 20cm circular burnt gr 12/24/1975 #30735  
d, France 10:00 p.m. Power circuit breakers were tripped four times when a  12/24/1975 #30737  
       At 10:00 p.m. power circuit breakers were tripped four times when a  12/24/1975 #30739  
pping outside to check the circuit breakers, he felt static electricity and 9/10/1976 #31373  
## Word: "breakfast" (Back to Top)
kenly conflated the reality of his breakfast with a dream.                  4/18/1961 #16653  
e craft and invited him aboard for breakfast. He said he spent a pleasant h 2/16/1967 #21574  
day before, a mother was preparing breakfast while her two children, Adas a 5/17/1978 #33225  
st of Des Moines, Iowa, are fixing breakfast when through their window they 7/17/1979 #34661  
the farmers, Angelo F., was having breakfast when he first saw the multicol 8/8/1998 #43620  
## Word: "breaking" (Back to Top)
 is a flying saucer. Marcel is not breaking regulations since nothing has y 7/8/1947 #3010  
ised, the disc takes off abruptly, breaking off a limb from an oak tree on  Summer 1950 #4997  
in West Lumberton, North Carolina, breaking it, and fell into the back yard 8/6/1952 #7493  
ise at 35,000 feet. Not long after breaking out of a cloud during a climb a 10/21/1952 #8172  
of bread the size of a small coin. Breaking it open, she sees something dar 8/17/1953? #9077  
ng at 30 mph. It moves over trees, breaking branches, and lands about 1.5 m 9/29/1958 #15286  
by building. The object descended, breaking through the top of a maple tree 9/29/1959 #16000  
By the time they get home, dawn is breaking, and their wives are waiting fo Late 11/1961 #16978  
 the shore and he could hear waves breaking. Then, a voice spoke to him in  8/9/1965 #19350  
 to a high pitch, peaking and then breaking off, as if on a musical scale,  11/15/1966 #21109  
d seen a UFO coming in at a slant, breaking and burning tree leaves. Severa 9/20/1967 #23101  
h. It moved at first into a gully, breaking some trees, where it remained f 10/30/1967 #23373  
is wife, hearing the pane of glass breaking, entered the kitchen in time to 4/2/1971 #26065  
 France when he heard the sound of breaking branches outside his tent at ar 7/8/1971 #26218  
She next heard the sound of dishes breaking. She and her husband went to th 3/6/1975 #29876  
 11, and a close family friend—are breaking camp and preparing to go home f 6/17/1977 #32172  
craft appear in the sky. Sounds of breaking tree branches are heard, uniden 8/3/1977 #32353  
ave been a massive section of rock breaking away from the northern part of  4/2/1978 #33119  
, Austria. The light appears to be breaking into pieces that fall down. The 6/26/1978 #33313  
The creature then shot at a brick, breaking it into pieces. Afterwards the  5/19/1979 #34569  
linding light. Johnson hears glass breaking and sees the inside of the patr 8/27/1979 #34787  
d that the Earth was in danger of "breaking in half." Apparently the witnes 1/5/1980 #35124  
the airport, then disappears after breaking into four smaller orange balls  4/20/1980 #35280  
f and he sees hundreds of crystals breaking along the wing. The aircraft tu 7/1985 #37613  
ntil it gradually fades away after breaking into several parts, each about  10/10/1986 #38044  
re IRBMs into the sea, rather than breaking them up. Moving into position t 10/1988 #38661  
imestone debris falls around them, breaking window panes and plunging throu 1/14/1993 #40795  
nding in New Zealand sees a meteor breaking up into fragments that turn gre 5/16/2006 #44943  
sees an object a few seconds after breaking through cloud at 17,000 feet. I 4/28/2019 #45573  
e. Sheriffs say the drones are not breaking Colorado law, but industry expe 12/2019 #45620  
eristics, including high velocity, breaking the sound barrier without produ 6/25/2021 #45694  
## Word: "breakneck" (Back to Top)
e car. They head for Ponta Porã at breakneck speed.                         2/19/1958 #14881  
n shot upward at a steep angle at "breakneck speed."                        12/10/1973 #28553  
## Word: "breaks" (Back to Top)
nd the English Channel; it finally breaks up, after a passage within the at 8/18/1783 #90  
ccurs when an earth-grazing meteor breaks apart and the fragments travel ac 7/20/1860 #155  
 A bright bolide that explodes and breaks up into a group of 20–100 smaller 12/21/1876 #208  
ottle falls at Sergeant’s feet and breaks into pieces. He sees an enormous, 12/26/1896 #380  
t knocks people off their feet and breaks windows hundreds of kilometers aw 6/30/1908 #711  
EDEN Missile flies over. Explosion breaks many windows. No traces found.    8/16/1946 #2139  
over Malmö, Sweden, that shakes or breaks many windows. Some witnesses thin 8/16/1946 #2141  
s some hot slag-like material that breaks Charles’s arm and kills his dog.  6/21/1947 #2356  
h Oakenwald, Chicago, Illinois. It breaks up into two dozen small discs tha 6/26/1947 #2417  
tantly reverses course four times, breaks into two objects, then merges int 7/1/1947 #2518  
10+observer(s). Group / saucers. 1 breaks away and flips. Black / 1 side an 7/8/1947 #2974  
st pilot Chuck Yeager unofficially breaks the sound barrier (670 mph) for t 10/14/1947 #3458  
 Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox breaks in over the radio to request Mant 1/7/1948 #3544  
 and the concussion from the blast breaks windows and rocks buildings over  2/18/1948 #3579  
flying in a confusing “swirl” that breaks into a V-formation and back to a  3/14/1951 #5483  
 speed is greater than a jet’s. It breaks into two parts at one point but m 4/19/1952 #6131  
 pursue the UFO any further, so he breaks off the chase and heads for home. 8/12/1952 #7559  
, MT Rumor / radar-men. UFO lands. Breaks trees. Hops about and flies when  9/22/1952 #8002  
enly there is a flash, and the UFO breaks away as sound and motion return.  2/11/1953 #8664  
front of him. Fear prevails and he breaks off the chase. The UFO goes off t 8/5/1953 #9049  
re first seen heading west through breaks in the clouds, then turn north an 8/28/1953 #9120  
h about Flying Saucers, and Bender breaks his long silence in 1962 with Fly 9/28/1953 #9186  
or makes fast sharp turn. Skyquake breaks windows. / r173p201.              1/7/1954 #9459  
 Palm Springs, California, when he breaks the porcelain cap of his “upper l 2/20/1954 #9560  
re, and stewardess Naomi J. Penaat breaks an ankle. The object is only in s 4/14/1954 #9690  
s the jets approach, the formation breaks, changes to a semicircle, and the 8/28/1954 #10198  
 turning into an X-formation, then breaks off into two separate curves that 11/6/1954 #11585  
 three instruments go out after it breaks away from a refueling plane in a  10/3/1955 #12486  
 determination. The report further breaks these results down based on wheth 10/25/1955 #12519  
 planes but not the UFO. One pilot breaks off to return but sees that the U 10/7/1956 #13266  
  BALTIMORE, MD 2 / ground. Saucer breaks away / transport plane. Spins cou 12/3/1956 #13386  
 formation at a high altitude. One breaks away from the other, moving at hi 1/21/1957 #13468  
ters windows in the mess hall, and breaks a dormitory ventilator panel. The 5/28/1957 #13684  
            LAKE ONEGA, RUSSIA UFO breaks dirt and ice / frozen lake. Furro 4/27/1961 #16663  
aveling along in front of them. It breaks into four lights that move along  10/21/1961 #16922  
 villages in surrounding areas and breaks windows in Finland 1,000 miles aw 10/30/1961 #16939  
est in hypnosis. After the meeting breaks up, the Hills approach Swett priv 11/23/1962 #17559  
olm. Odd cloud going quickly west. Breaks / concentric rings and night ligh 4/3/1963 #17722  
completely destroyed and the B-52G breaks apart, killing 3 of its 7 crew me 1/17/1966 #19844  
of rippling blue light. The thread breaks into 7–8 individual blue lights,  Spring 1967 #21926  
e for International Studies A fire breaks out in the navigator’s compartmen 1/21/1968 #23684  
l object / ground. Noise and heat. Breaks roof / house to escape. / r193#18 5/18/1968 #23973  
oin the others. One of the objects breaks away and descends silently over t 8/15/1968 #24331  
 (electro-magnetic effects). Watch breaks mainspring. Windy sound / no wind 11/14/1968 #24655  
 moon changes color(s). Haze. Part breaks off.                              1/6/1969 #24819  
nly 12 miles away, and it suddenly breaks into six targets. The officer in  10/24/1969 #25422  
ing down [to] and to/from/between. Breaks in half.                          2/2/1970 #25570  
ur life and your family’s too.” He breaks his appointment, and does so a mo 5/3/1975 #30026  
ions produce no results. The craft breaks the circling pattern and begins f 10/27/1975 #30488  
r a better look. One of the lights breaks away from the group and approache 7/4/1978 #33335  
ox-like craft follows power lines. Breaks / square pieces! Beams.           10/1978 #33785  
slowly upward at a 70° angle, then breaks into two smaller objects that sho 7/17/1979 #34661  
 re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere, breaks into several pieces, and creates  12/25/1980 #35732  
encar Júnior to a party. The cycle breaks down, so they push it home and he 8/12/1983 #36949  
 10-15 meters off ground / 30 min. Breaks electric wires.                   5/15/1986 #37868  
ntinuously from white to green. He breaks off contact when the object moves 5/19/1986 #37881  
n Week & Space Technology magazine breaks the news that the term “Aurora” h 3/1990 #39434  
Fishermen. Fast flashing submarine breaks nets. Glowing-ball overhead. Goin 12/21/1992 #40757  
he EMB-312 Tucano aircraft’s wings breaks off and causes it to crash. A pie 11/16/1996 #43112  
g just at the point where the wing breaks off. Ufologist Reginaldo de Athay 11/16/1996 #43112  
 Big flash. Silver-metallic object breaks windshield! / Reuters.            12/19/1996 #43147  
    USA Phoenix, Arizona USA Today breaks the media silence about the Phoen 6/18/1997 #43327  
rror of kidnap by unearthly beings breaks the illusion that the world is un 1999 #43708  
arget 17 miles in front of him. He breaks the lock and reacquires it to val 1/12/2007 #44999  
y an unknown object. The collision breaks the plastic window covering the c 10/30/2007 #45086  
 that they at first think might be breaks in the cloud cover. Watching them 2/3/2016 #45444  
## Word: "breakthrough" (Back to Top)
                   NASA sponsors a breakthrough propulsion physics workshop 8/1997 #43363  
stellar vision came together. But “breakthrough physics” which would lead t 8/1997 #43363  
ed Marc Mills was in charge of the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP) pr 8/1997 #43363  
ded by NASA and independent of the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics program  8/1998 #43618  
 to investigate the development of breakthrough aerospace planes for the Ai 2/1/2006 #44921  
ates that the primary focus is on “breakthrough technologies and applicatio 8/18/2008 #45159  
ngress including Sen. Bob Smith on breakthrough energy technologies associa 2/13/2009 #45212  
ey also mention EmDrive as another breakthrough propulsion technology oppor 4/2017 #45467  
ima Centauri. Researchers from the Breakthrough Listen Project cannot attri 4/2019 #45570  
ate companies that have introduced breakthrough technologies that could exp 7/16/2019 #45594  
                eastern coast In a breakthrough interview on CBS-TV’s 60 Mi 8/29/2021 #45704  
## Word: "breakthroughs" (Back to Top)
 is assigned the task of exploring breakthroughs in gravity propulsion. The 1967 #21238  
 is assigned the task of exploring breakthroughs in gravity propulsion. The 1967 #21240  
e “certain laws” protect their own breakthroughs and proprietary assets; De 4/2016 #45448  
dedicated to finding revolutionary breakthroughs in propulsion, energy and  10/26/2017 #45488  
## Word: "breakup" (Back to Top)
s obsession with UFOs leads to the breakup of his family and the disintegra 12/1953 #9330  
## Word: "breakwater" (Back to Top)
e a ball of fire plunge behind the breakwater at Redondo Beach, California. 2/9/1956 #12703  
ght white light, now very near the breakwater, vanished.                    12/16/1978 #34155  
## Word: "breast" (Back to Top)
em of a winged serpent on the left breast of each entity’s uniform. The Col 12/3/1967 #23545  
 a helical coil on the suit's left breast. The being had long arms that end 3/16/1993 #40886  
 a strange insignia over the right breast. He was later taken to the shores 2/29/1996 #42789  
## Word: "breastfeeding" (Back to Top)
     At 9:30 p.m. young mother was breastfeeding her baby in her fourth flo 7/23/2001 #44210  
## Word: "breasts" (Back to Top)
 belly, and the lower parts of her breasts.                                 1/24/1992 #40302  
 head, drawing his face toward her breasts. He resisted. Apparently very st 7/23/1992 #40531  
e humanoids attempted to touch her breasts but she pushed his arm aside and 5/2/2001 #44174  
## Word: "breath" (Back to Top)
e object, he felt like he couldn’t breath and looked at his colleague who h 11/1977 #32648  
tare on his face; he too could not breath. Woods flashed a flashlight at th 11/1977 #32648  
kinky hair, and very foul smelling breath. He resisted her sexual advances  6/18/1979 #34618  
d to the point that he can see his breath. The object is hovering about 20  3/20/1992 #40394  
t the same time she felt a puff of breath coming from the entity's open mou 1/13/2000 #43928  
 witness did not see any condensed breath come from its small mouth. The mo 1/22/2003 #44477  
ame back inside running and out of breath, reporting to his family that he  10/26/2005 #44894  
## Word: "breath-taking" (Back to Top)
ORTUGAL Odd cloud darts upward 'at breath-taking speed'.                    5/13/1952 #6307  
## Word: "breathable" (Back to Top)
ransparent tub or tank filled with breathable fluid by two short Grey human 9/6/1995 #42445  
## Word: "breathe" (Back to Top)
e UFO was “heavy” and difficult to breathe. Once she was inside they flew t 8/16/1965 #19410  
craft made it difficult for her to breathe, and a hot wind blew from the sp 4/22/1966 #20377  
ground in grove. Observer(s) can't breathe. Pain. A smell.                  9/11/1969 #25360  
Furthermore they did not appear to breathe, making no respiratory noises. D 10/16/1973 #28089  
1,000 feet. Jean-Marc is unable to breathe and faints. The object then chan 6/19/1978 #33291  
## Word: "breathed" (Back to Top)
id not need food, for the air they breathed was converted into what was nee 7/4/1970 #25727  
## Word: "breathing" (Back to Top)
arrying and egg-shaped light and a breathing apparatus under the left arm.  11/25/1896 #361  
sate in and out as though they are breathing. A minute or two later they di 6/1/1933 #1158  
mbness, chest pain, and difficulty breathing. The UFO made a swishing sound 6/28/1947 #2449  
ressed in black, wearing a mask or breathing apparatus that resembled the t 10/8/1954 #10818  
r road. Small humanoid (or Grey) / breathing apparatus exits.               2/2/1963 (approximate) #17648  
nds. Small humanoid (or Grey) with breathing gear zaps observer(s).         7/18/1963 #17837  
ste in their mouths and difficulty breathing (physiological effects), birds 4/28/1966 #20424  
a thick cable. They wore masks and breathing apparatus boxes on their backs 4/15/1967 #22135  
were over 6 feet tall, hefty, used breathing apparatus, and had bulging eye 9/17/1967 #23075  
ike midday. There was also a heavy breathing sound present, and the bridge  8/16/1971 #26291  
f it appeared to be having trouble breathing. The man proceeded to pound on 8/26/1972 #26956  
 complain they were having trouble breathing, and the air became filled wit 10/25/1973 #28286  
at 15m altitude. Varies size as if breathing. Type unknown.                 8/5/1974 (approximate) #29308  
robots, but La Rúbia can hear them breathing. A typical abduction scenario  9/15/1977 #32484  
nside he started having difficulty breathing and noticed that the air seeme 5/10/1978 #33199  
ched to the object by some type of breathing apparatus. It invites Perez in 9/6/1978 #33638  
ched to the object by some type of breathing apparatus. He invited Juan to  9/6/1978 #33640  
movements and trouble speaking and breathing, last 10 minutes.              8/12/1979 #34740  
 a compression in her head and her breathing became shallow, and soon both  10/11/1989 #39164  
ich paralyzed her. She had trouble breathing, and tried in vain to call out 2/18/1990 #39422  
 of light changed to green and her breathing improved. All of the sudden, t 2/18/1990 #39422  
heir speech was measured and their breathing was heavy and labored. Every t 3/5/1992 #40359  
robbed” as if they were living and breathing. Garratt claimed he was in tur 3/31/2011 #45322  
## Word: "breathtaking" (Back to Top)
. His proposed schedule is no less breathtaking: to produce a nuclear chain 12/18/1941 #1379  
s column that the “Air Force has a breathtaking report” ready on UFOs. The  9/26/1952 #8036  
ese tales be stopped no matter how breathtaking they may be.”               1/8/1961 #16565  
## Word: "breau" (Back to Top)
 two truck drivers, Messrs. Gaston Breau and Amoura, who stopped their gaso 10/11/1954 #10933  
 two truck drivers, Messrs. Gaston Breau and Amoura, who stopped their gaso 10/11/1954 #10949  
## Word: "breaux" (Back to Top)
                                   BREAUX BRIDGE, LA 2 observer(s). Large h 4/9/1986 #37820  
## Word: "brechant" (Back to Top)
nes, Oise, France - At midnight M. Brechant, his 11-year-old son Patrice, a 3/24/1973 #27373  
           Just after midnight Mr. Brechant, his 11-year-old son Patrice, a 3/25/1973 #27376  
## Word: "breckel" (Back to Top)
rmandy, France, when gunner Edward Breckel sees a “dark ellipsoidal object” 6/10/1944? #1605  
## Word: "brecksville" (Back to Top)
                                   Brecksville, OH At 7:30 p.m. a light hov 3/13/1973 #27341  
## Word: "brecon" (Back to Top)
                                   BRECON BEACONS, WALES Trucker and separa 11/29/1957 #14636  
## Word: "breda" (Back to Top)
                                   Breda, Netherlands 1:15 a.m. A man in Br 2/24/2018 #45512  
da, Netherlands 1:15 a.m. A man in Breda, Netherlands, looks out his bedroo 2/24/2018 #45512  
## Word: "breed" (Back to Top)
d, France. At dawn 65 bulls of the breed that supplies the French bull ring 12/5/1973 #28523  
ybridizations occurs as the aliens breed or engineer early-stage hybrids in 1/1998 #43482  
## Word: "breeder" (Back to Top)
uel for the Jōyō experimental fast breeder reactor, using uranium enriched  9/30/1999 #43856  
## Word: "breeding" (Back to Top)
s family's agricultural and cattle breeding business, on whose estate the i 6/11/1961 #16725  
ical experiments on humans—such as breeding techniques, DNA manipulation, a 12/1987 #38342  
the closest match would be a cross breeding of someone from Iceland with so 7/23/1992 #40531  
rying out a deliberate and massive breeding program using individuals from  1/1998 #43482  
eeded human bodies as some kind of breeding "container" for their own survi 5/2/2001 #44174  
## Word: "breen" (Back to Top)
Gander Gander Lake 10:10 p.m. John Breen, a Canadian armed forces pilot, is 10/10/1974 #29512  
miles away from Gander. Every time Breen looks at the light it seems to tur 10/10/1974 #29512  
dy. About 25–30 miles from Gander, Breen radios the airport, which has no t 10/10/1974 #29512  
sible in the water of Gander Lake. Breen says: “I started a right turn and  10/10/1974 #29512  
## Word: "breese" (Back to Top)
t, California, by test pilot Vance Breese for several hundred yards. He rep 7/3/1941 #1368  
oad Shawnee High School Lima, Ohio Breese Road 4:30 p.m. Richard H. VanPelt Late 7/1964 #18438  
ped metallic object hovering above Breese Road 600 feet away. It is about 1 Late 7/1964 #18438  
ing home from a basketball game in Breese, Illinois at 9:30 p.m., four teen 12/29/1967 #23619  
## Word: "breeus" (Back to Top)
                An architect named Breeus in Zellik, Belgium watched two si 9/24/1969 #25378  
## Word: "breezand" (Back to Top)
                                   BREEZAND AND SCHIPOL AIRPORT, HOLLAND Lu 9/9/1996 #43010  
## Word: "breeze" (Back to Top)
re seen moving with the current or breeze at a slow speed. They were silver 5/9/1952 #6284  
rtically, then north.  A very cold breeze seemed to have been originated by 8/27/1956 #13139  
 off toward the north. A very cold breeze originated from the object during 8/27/1956 #13141  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 5 observer(s). Ovoid going we 7/14/1971 #26226  
an ovoid UFO flew overhead in Gulf Breeze, Florida heading west. A nocturna 7/14/1971 #26227  
, CH Many observer(s). Silent Gulf Breeze saucer beams rings / light going  8/1977 #32335  
ted again. He next felt a chilling breeze at this heet. He looked up and sa 4/23/1980 #35286  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 5 photographs crown-saucer. M 11/11/1987 #38319  
                              Gulf Breeze, FL First five photos reported ta 11/11/1987 #38320  
                              Gulf Breeze, FL First five photos reported ta 11/11/1987 #38321  
                              Gulf Breeze, Florida California 5:00 p.m. Edw 11/11/1987 #38322  
 of a construction company in Gulf Breeze, Florida, has his first alleged e 11/11/1987 #38322  
                   In 1987 in Gulf Breeze, Florida at 4:00 p.m. Ed Walters  11/20/1987 #38330  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 2 observer(s). 30' saucer ove 11/24/1987 #38333  
 and two teenagers driving in Gulf Breeze, Florida saw a multicolored disc- 11/24/1987 #38334  
ge voices outside his home in Gulf Breeze, Florida speaking Spanish. Thirty 12/2/1987 #38348  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL Mr. Ed. Several photos / sauc 12/17/1987 #38365  
one o’clock in the morning in Gulf Breeze, Florida. An abduction of Mr. Wal 12/17/1987 #38367  
at 5:55 a.m. from his home in Gulf Breeze, Florida. He had the impression t 12/23/1987 #38371  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL Mr. Ed. 1.5min / video / sauc 12/28/1987 #38376  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL Crown saucer low over road. 5 1/12/1988 #38409  
                              Gulf Breeze, Florida Ed Walters produces his  1/12/1988 #38410  
above a road near his home in Gulf Breeze, Florida.                         1/12/1988 #38410  
 his pickup truck on US 98 in Gulf Breeze, Florida when an object appeared  1/12/1988 #38411  
n this evening at his home in Gulf Breeze, Florida Ed Walters took his twen 1/24/1988 #38432  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL ED's foto#24. Wife ducks beam 2/7/1988 #38442  
                           In Gulf Breeze, Florida at around eight o'clock  2/8/1988 #38445  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 1 observer. Dark 20' saucer g 3/2/1988 #38480  
MESA, AZ Private pilot lands. Gulf Breeze type saucer seen briefly. 2 obser 3/6/1988 #38492  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL Minister and teen. Silent sau 3/11/1988 #38497  
             VILLA VENYCE AND GULF BREEZE, FL 2 / car chase huge saucer / w 3/14/1988 #38504  
 Massachusetts and another in Gulf Breeze, Florida.                         4/2/1988 #38530  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 2 observer(s). Circle / orang 4/3/1988 #38531  
he sound of a tree falling in Gulf Breeze, Florida at 2:45 a.m. They looked 4/3/1988 #38533  
                       EAST / GULF BREEZE, FL 1 / US98. Saucer stays ahead  4/28/1988 #38546  
ving on US highway 98 east of Gulf Breeze, Florida had a disc-shaped UFO pa 4/28/1988 #38547  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL Ed abducted / 75 minute(s). F 5/1/1988 #38549  
ce that began at 1:20 a.m. in Gulf Breeze, Florida. He found himself walkin 5/1/1988 #38551  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL Engineer and family. Standard 5/10/1988 #38560  
 videotaped several UFOs over Gulf Breeze, Florida at 8:00 p.m. for 8 minut 5/11/1988 #38563  
      At 8:07 p.m. a woman in Gulf Breeze, Florida saw a large UFO that app 9/11/1988 #38636  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL Woman / car. Disk moves to an 10/5/1988 #38663  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 2 observer(s). Light passes w 12/4/1988 #38739  
-shaped object zigzagged over Gulf Breeze, Florida at 4:55 p.m.             12/5/1988 #38747  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL Dogs bark. 3' saucers land. V 2/8/1989 #38823  
                              Gulf Breeze, FL Dogs barked constantly as 2 s 2/8/1989 #38824  
                              Gulf Breeze, Florida 3:40 a.m. A man in Gulf  2/8/1989 #38825  
e, Florida 3:40 a.m. A man in Gulf Breeze, Florida, wakes to the sound of d 2/8/1989 #38825  
                     A man in Gulf Breeze, Florida was awakened by his dogs 2/8/1989 #38826  
       A 20-year-old woman in Gulf Breeze, Florida saw two rows of six to e 8/10/1989 #39056  
haped object was sighted over Gulf Breeze, Florida at 9:20 p.m. by a man an 8/14/1989 #39062  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 2 observer(s). Translucent wh 8/22/1989 #39067  
                              Gulf Breeze, FL Cats indifferent to triangle  8/22/1989 #39068  
           On this evening in Gulf Breeze, Florida a white or silver delta- 8/23/1989 #39071  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 3 / car. Saucer in distance j 9/9/1989 #39094  
                              Gulf Breeze, FL Dogs barking at hum of boomer 10/9/1989 #39154  
                              Gulf Breeze, FL Dogs barking excitedly at hum 11/1/1989 #39206  
objects. Humming. Also seen / Gulf Breeze.                                  11/2/1989 #39210  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 2 / car / US98. 10M beige cyl 11/15/1989 #39231  
                           In Gulf Breeze, Florida on this date in 1989, in 11/15/1989 #39233  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 1 observer. Dark arrowhead dr 11/30/1989 #39280  
   Driving on Highway 98 near Gulf Breeze, Florida at 9:45 p.m. a 50-year-o 11/30/1989 #39286  
                              Gulf Breeze, FL Dark round or oblong object w 1/8/1990 #39370  
                              Gulf Breeze, FL Dark round or oblong object w 1/18/1990 #39380  
 in Stockbridge, Michigan. In Gulf Breeze, Florida that afternoon, a MUFON  1/28/1990 #39393  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 3' beam / light going down [t 3/7/1990 #39448  
                              Gulf Breeze, Florida A woman feeding her infa 3/7/1990 #39452  
A woman feeding her infant in Gulf Breeze, Florida, notices a beam of white 3/7/1990 #39452  
     Two teenagers driving in Gulf Breeze, Florida had approached a stop li 3/31/1990 #39504  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL Several observer(s). Military 4/5/1990 #39510  
                              Gulf Breeze, Florida 8:15 p.m. A motorist dri 4/5/1990 #39511  
ist driving near the shore at Gulf Breeze, Florida, sees what looks like a  4/5/1990 #39511  
                              Gulf Breeze, Florida Gulf of Mexico Evening.  4/11/1990 #39519  
Evening. Several residents of Gulf Breeze, Florida, watch a red light move  4/11/1990 #39519  
land Pensacola Beach, Florida Gulf Breeze Night. Two witnesses see a bright 4/12/1990 #39522  
the next night to the west of Gulf Breeze.                                  4/12/1990 #39522  
                              Gulf Breeze, Florida Pensacola At least seven 4/14/1990 #39524  
t a red light to the north of Gulf Breeze, Florida. It approaches from the  4/14/1990 #39524  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 2+1 observer(s). 30x15' box w 4/30/1990 #39544  
      At 4:30 a.m. a woman in Gulf Breeze, Florida saw an intense blinking  5/9/1990 #39570  
learly and briefly. Resembles Gulf Breeze photograph #18.                   6/10/1990 #39611  
             Pensacola (Fla.) Gulf Breeze, Florida Reporter Craig Myers ann 6/10/1990 #39612  
ic of the former residence of Gulf Breeze, Florida, UFO photographer Ed Wal 6/10/1990 #39612  
, Tom Smith Jr., 22, a former Gulf Breeze resident, comes forward and claim 6/10/1990 #39612  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 2+observer(s). Red object goi 9/19/1990 #39734  
                              Gulf Breeze, Florida. Two witnesses at 9:30 a 9/19/1990 #39737  
t red UFO was photographed in Gulf Breeze, Florida by three observers with  11/24/1990 #39907  
rew videotaped a red UFO over Gulf Breeze, Florida during a skywatch.       1/11/1991 #39950  
ard the east. At 7:50 p.m. in Gulf Breeze, Florida a red ball of light was  1/16/1991 #39956  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL Walters takes stereo-photogra 2/4/1991 #39971  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 2+35 observer(s). "Blimp" cir 4/9/1991 #40032  
s taken on this same night in Gulf Breeze, Florida. Thirty residents and a  10/5/1991 #40206  
tographed a structured UFO in Gulf Breeze, Florida with a curved shape abov 11/5/1991 #40218  
              At 8:23 p.m. in Gulf Breeze, Florida 52 high quality witnesse 3/14/1992 #40381  
ed UFO as it hovered over the Gulf Breeze, Florida Three Mile Bridge.       4/16/1992 #40419  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 1 observer. 10' domed saucer  9/11/1992 #40618  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL Large orange ovoid followed / 9/8/1993 #41188  
y. Earlier that afternoon, in Gulf Breeze, Florida, Ed Walters videotaped a 11/15/1993 #41277  
 Rosa Sound as witnessed from Gulf Breeze, Florida. It created a churning s 4/26/1994 #41505  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 2 nurses. Odd orange star dro 9/7/1994 #41720  
       A UFO was sighted over Gulf Breeze, Florida at 2:30 a.m. It dropped  9/7/1994 #41723  
ate sightings this evening in Gulf Breeze, Florida at 7:40 p.m., 7:50 p.m., 9/11/1994 #41736  
                              GULF BREEZE, FL 3 observer(s). Large dark sil 9/14/1995 #42469  
as seen against the clouds in Gulf Breeze, Florida at 8:30 p.m., flying to  9/14/1995 #42470  
 definitely unhuman. A warm strong breeze next came out of the north, and i 1/30/2006 #44920  
am. He states EMP was used in Gulf Breeze to recover “quite a number of cra 8/18/2014 #45414  
## Word: "breiland" (Back to Top)
er a nighttime UFO sighting, Grant Breiland goes down to the business distr 10/2/1981 #36154  
nd. When the friend does not show, Breiland calls him up from a pay phone.  10/2/1981 #36154  
nchronization to a nearby roadway. Breiland follows them and sees them ente 10/2/1981 #36154  
   One of the events following the Breiland abduction occurred on this day  10/5/1981 #36159  
## Word: "breisach" (Back to Top)
                                   Breisach, Germany 5 or 6 flashing red an 12/17/1944 #1724  
## Word: "breit" (Back to Top)
Russian-American physicist Gregory Breit, American physicist Edward Condon, 6/28/1941 #1367  
## Word: "brekke" (Back to Top)
eyes with bandages. Sheriff Dennis Brekke drives Johnson’s 1977 Ford LTD pa 8/27/1979 #34787  
tenna for CB radio is bent at 90°. Brekke, after calling the Center for UFO 8/27/1979 #34787  
## Word: "brekkens" (Back to Top)
                                   Brekkens Corner, Montana Witnesses got o 8/12/1964 #18482  
## Word: "bremen" (Back to Top)
War Two, on a bombing mission over Bremen, Germany crew members of the Unit 11/26/1943 #1543  
rocket from Kummerdorf Airfield in Bremen, Germany with both of the top Naz 2/12/1944 #1573  
## Word: "bremerton" (Back to Top)
                                   BREMERTON, WA 2+1 separate observer(s).  6/17/1947 #2334  
y for a period of three hours over Bremerton, Washington from late in the a 6/17/1947 #2337  
                                   BREMERTON, WA 2 teens. 8 saucers / tight 8/17/1955 #12368  
                                   BREMERTON, WA Silent dark-brown colored  7/7/1959 #15821  
                          downtown Bremerton, Washington Naval Submarine Ba 2/25/2003 #44496  
on 7:30 p.m. A witness in downtown Bremerton, Washington, looks up and sees 2/25/2003 #44496  
                                   Bremerton, Washington Naval Base Kitsap  3/5/2007 #45009  
7:15 p.m. Several witnesses around Bremerton, Washington, see a steady red  3/5/2007 #45009  
## Word: "bremond" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BREMOND, TX 5 observer(s). Round object  11/22/1973 #28457  
                              NEAR BREMOND, TX 2 hunters. Huge silent UFO o 12/7/1973 #28538  
## Word: "bremondans" (Back to Top)
                                   BREMONDANS, FR 2 / farm. Blue-yellow sau 10/11/1954 #10918  
oached them to within 20 meters in Bremondans, Doubs, France. A figure was  10/11/1954 #10950  
## Word: "brenac" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BRENAC, FR 1 / car. Huge reddish sphere  4/18/1974 #29044  
## Word: "brenda" (Back to Top)
respondence Group leaders Henk and Brenda Hinfelaar for a 6-week engagement 1/17/1959 #15553  
 explanation of the circumstances. Brenda Reilly and Sandra Chandler report 6/17/1978 #33286  
Road Red Wing, Minnesota 9:00 p.m. Brenda Simanski and Janine Mattson quit  1/13/1980 #35133  
00 p.m. William Meara and his wife Brenda are driving on I-84 just south of 4/6/1980 #35257  
## Word: "brenes" (Back to Top)
                VILLAVERDE TO/FROM BRENES, SP 3 / car. Small oval "bus" / r 8/15/1968 #24326  
ere driving between Villaverde and Brenes, Sevilla province, Spain at 12:30 8/15/1968 #24332  
## Word: "brenil" (Back to Top)
                      BRAX TO/FROM BRENIL, AUDE Red sphere/orb/globe flies  8/18/1974 #29370  
## Word: "brennan" (Back to Top)
oint Western Australia Night. Neil Brennan and Dean Gibbs step outside when 12/19/1976 #31622  
, Salter Point, Western Australia. Brennan sees a bright disc, 2 feet in di 12/19/1976 #31622  
 Point, Western Australia two men, Brennan and Gibbs, heard a whirring soun 12/19/1976 #31624  
r of the US Navy’s UAP Task Force, Brennan McKernan, leads this new Pentago 12/27/2020 #45670  
## Word: "brenner" (Back to Top)
                                   BRENNER PASS, AUSTR-ITL Small extremely  3/1945 #1796  
## Word: "brent" (Back to Top)
tific Intelligence) and Irl D’Arcy Brent (Chief, Ground Branch, W&E Divisio 6/1952 #6403  
planation for UFOs is suggested by Brent (foreshadowing the Hynek swamp-gas 6/1952 #6403  
d in Brad Sparks’s interviews with Brent and Graybeal and other OSI officia 6/1952 #6403  
ine ufologists Shirley Fickett and Brent Raynes soon hear about the case an 10/27/1975 #30486  
hern oil platform in the North Sea Brent oil platform 6:40 a.m. A glowing o 11/25/1980 #35670  
nough to be seen by workers at the Brent oil platform 12–15 miles away. An  11/25/1980 #35670  
Zabel tells a story told to him by Brent Friedman, the alleged neighbor of  2012 #45336  
## Word: "brent-sur-montreux" (Back to Top)
ribourg at 10:15 p.m. and again at Brent-sur-Montreux.                      6/26/1973 #27587  
## Word: "brentwood" (Back to Top)
                                   Brentwood, CA "Sparkling green light" ap 7/28/1954 #10057  
                                   Brentwood, California 9:55 p.m. Seven wi 7/28/1956 #13023  
ornia 9:55 p.m. Seven witnesses in Brentwood, California, see a sparkling g 7/28/1956 #13023  
een flash was seen in the sky over Brentwood, California and something cras 7/28/1956 #13024  
g a silver dome shaped object over Brentwood, South Australia at around 10: 5/8/1969 #25119  
                                   BRENTWOOD, MO 3 observer(s). V-delta/tri 8/23/1994 #41685  
                                   BRENTWOOD, TN Mom and 2 teens. Large whi 5/24/1995 #42222  
## Word: "brera" (Back to Top)
                                   Brera Observatory Milan, Italy Astronome 10/1877 #211  
canali on the Martian surface from Brera Observatory in Milan, Italy, durin 10/1877 #211  
## Word: "brescia" (Back to Top)
 to go to a certain place, Paul de Brescia walked to an isolated wooded are 8/25/1971 #26305  
                      Lago d’Idro, Brescia, Italy A 16-year-old UFO buff fi 7/27/1973 #27656  
ks on the ground near Lago d’Idro, Brescia, Italy. In 1977 he undergoes hyp 7/27/1973 #27656  
                    In Lago D'Idro Brescia, Italy a 16-year-old boy found a 7/27/1973 #27657  
                Toscolano-Moderno, Brescia, Italy The Centro Ufologico Nazi 6/25/1977 #32195  
l Conference in Toscolano-Moderno, Brescia, Italy, to commemorate the 30th  6/25/1977 #32195  
              Ghedi Air Force Base Brescia, Italy 4:15 a.m. A senior master 5/5/1995 #42179  
r of the Ghedi Air Force Base near Brescia, Italy. Suddenly they notice an  5/5/1995 #42179  
## Word: "bresee" (Back to Top)
   At ten a.m. a deer hunter named Bresee in Roaring River State Park, Miss 11/22/1966 #21143  
## Word: "breslau" (Back to Top)
aucer technology were developed in Breslau, Poland and Prague, Czechoslovak 1958 #14787  
## Word: "breslin" (Back to Top)
s Northwest Highway 7:20 p.m. Ruby Breslin is driving along Central Express 2/1976 #30841  
## Word: "bressol" (Back to Top)
            Grouzies, France Alain Bressol observed a large, disk-shaped ob 7/29/1965 #19200  
                             Alain Bressol of Grouzies, France observed a l 7/29/1965 #19204  
## Word: "bressuire" (Back to Top)
                         4KM ESE / BRESSUIRE, FR 3M saucer / ground. Small  10/3/1954 #10628  
                                   Bressuire, France Angelo Girardo, 55, a  10/3/1954 #10657  
                                   Bressuire, Deux-Sèvres, France Dawn. Sto 10/3/1954 #10664  
elo Girardo is going to his job in Bressuire, Deux-Sèvres, France, when he  10/3/1954 #10664  
ard employee, was going to work in Bressuire, France at dawn when he saw a  10/3/1954 #10668  
 Beams front and rear. Also seen / Bressuire.                               4/17/1972 #26649  
## Word: "brest" (Back to Top)
                                   BREST, FR Red ball 2X sun-size and huge  8/1920 (approximate) #1004  
                                   BREST, FR 2 Army. Boxy object going [to] 7/1944 #1614  
                                   Brest, France Two men of the 175th Infan 7/1944 #1615  
                                   Brest, Brittany, France Sgt. Ness and an Late 8/1944 #1646  
t 90 mph over the front lines near Brest, Brittany, France, and out to sea. Late 8/1944 #1646  
          SHIPS CREW ROUEN TO/FROM BREST, FR Object descends touches water. 9/30/1954 #10507  
                                   Brest, France At sea between Brest and R 9/30/1954 #10512  
      Brest, France At sea between Brest and Roven, the crew of the tanker  9/30/1954 #10512  
                    At sea between Brest and Roven, France on the Atlantic  9/30/1954 #10523  
                                   BREST, FR 1 observer. Luminous/glowing,  1/1975 #29682  
        GUIPAVAS, FR Telegramme de brest. 2 observer(s). Hexagon near airpo 4/12/1990 #39521  
ned at Krepachi, Baranovichi area, Brest region. On the night of August 24  8/25/2004 #44741  
rom the village of Krepachi in the Brest region. The location was mixed for 8/25/2004 #44741  
## Word: "bretagne" (Back to Top)
ource: Jean-F. Boedec, Les OVNI en Bretagne: Anatomie d'un Phenomene, p. 75 12/24/1975 #30737  
work at 1:30 a.m. in Meilleraye de Bretagne, Loire-Atlantique, France saw a 5/3/1997 #43287  
## Word: "brethren" (Back to Top)
ildren from the Rosedale Hutterite Brethren Colony near Etzikom, Alberta, s 4/1/2001 #44156  
## Word: "bretigny" (Back to Top)
                                   BRETIGNY / ORGE, FR 1+2 separate observe 11/5/1990 #39858  
## Word: "breton" (Back to Top)
                                   BRETON WOODS, NJ Former Air Force pilot  3/28/1966 #20104  
r a radio tower in South Bar, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, and then landed in  9/9/1974 #29440  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Breton” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT      9/13/1984 #37460  
the air over the ocean off of Cape Breton near Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada  8/18/2008 #45160  
## Word: "brett" (Back to Top)
served by 2 OPP constables ZADOW & BRETT) 2 objects seen appeared to be art 11/12/1975 #30614  
     Australia RAAF Wing Commander Brett Biddington informs civilian UFO gr 1/4/1994 #41360  
## Word: "brettnach" (Back to Top)
                             Falck Brettnach, Moselle, France 5:15 p.m. A w Early 12/1977 #32725  
A witness is driving from Falck to Brettnach, Moselle, France, when he noti Early 12/1977 #32725  
                                   BRETTNACH, FR 2 observer(s). Round objec 8/13/1993 #41134  
## Word: "brettner" (Back to Top)
Bluebook Case #2246. Unidentified. Brettner and 1. Baseball size sphere/orb 11/24/1952 #8329  
Annandale, Virginia Witness:  L.L' Brettner. One round, glowing object flew 11/24/1952 #8331  
 Virginia. 6:30 p.m. Witness L. L. Brettner reported seeing a round, glowin 11/24/1952 #8334  
## Word: "brettschneider" (Back to Top)
m., and two more people, one named Brettschneider, took a photo in Gansernd 6/10/1967 #22487  
## Word: "breuil" (Back to Top)
n, Saône-et-Loire, France François Breuil begins publishing L’Insolite in M 7/1975 #30140  
## Word: "brevard" (Back to Top)
                                   BREVARD, NC Blimp races over town. Glows 10/28/1953 #9257  
uth over the river at 7:30 p.m. in Brevard, Florida.                        12/17/2001 #44292  
## Word: "brevik" (Back to Top)
bout an hour after midnight in the Brevik Hills of Vastervik, Sweden when s 12/4/1979 #35052  
## Word: "brew" (Back to Top)
Australia 7:10 a.m. Farmer Charles Brew and his son Trevor are in a shed, m 2/15/1963 #17669  
lude Rev. William Gill and Charles Brew. Former Air Marshal George Jones at 2/27/1965 #18829  
out reports like those by Gill and Brew.                                    2/27/1965 #18829  
## Word: "brewed" (Back to Top)
 Works” where a strong beverage is brewed from skunks, old shoes, and other 7/1943 #1515  
## Word: "brewer" (Back to Top)
hrough the wall. Journalist Carson Brewer goes back to the site with Clark  11/6/1957 #14422  
Winsted, CT 12:12 a.m. Ms. Cecilia Brewer and five companions were driving  2/21/1968 #23770  
is night at 12:12 a.m. Ms. Cecilia Brewer and five companions were driving  2/21/1968 #23773  
                                   Brewer, ME A man drove in a daze along a 12/14/1978 #34117  
                                In Brewer, Maine a local resident named Joh 12/14/1978 #34127  
## Word: "brewery" (Back to Top)
p.m. John R. Ligon, an agent for a brewery in Houston, and his son Charley  4/19/1897 #539  
## Word: "brewster" (Back to Top)
W-28° A4N United States Navy (USN) Brewster. 30' metal saucer / 90° turns t 4/29/1953 #8849  
                                   BREWSTER, WA Cop. 1M saucer / 20M altitu 9/1/1958 #15241  
                                   BREWSTER, NY 25 observer(s) and cops. 20 3/17/1983 #36785  
                         I-84 near Brewster, New York 7:00–10:00 p.m. Hundr 3/17/1983 #36788  
slowly and hovering over I-84 near Brewster, New York.                      3/17/1983 #36788  
stle Taconic Highway Putnam County Brewster, New York 8:30 p.m. Police offi 3/24/1983 #36807  
ring above a pond near his home in Brewster, New York. It is aiming two ver 3/24/1983 #36807  
                                   Brewster, NY 10:20 PM. A videotape was m 7/24/1984 #37411  
ing of lights in the dark sky over Brewster, New York in the Hudson River V 7/24/1984 #37411  
                                   Brewster, New York 10:20 p.m. Electronic 7/24/1984 #37413  
a ring of 6 lights in the sky over Brewster, New York. It moves behind a pi 7/24/1984 #37413  
ing of lights in the dark sky over Brewster, New York in the Hudson River V 7/24/1984 #37415  
                     Hudson Valley Brewster, New York Pease Air National Gu 8/25/1984 #37440  
ey sightings in a middle school in Brewster, New York, and 1,500 people sho 8/25/1984 #37440  
               A family of four in Brewster, New York found themselves awak 10/27/1989 #39188  
                         US97 NEAR BREWSTER, WA 1 observer photographs soli 8/1994 #41650  
                                In Brewster, Massachusetts at 4:30 a.m. a s 8/20/2001 #44241  
## Word: "brezhnev" (Back to Top)
nd Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev sign the Anti-Ballistic Missile 5/26/1972 #26689  
## Word: "brian" (Back to Top)
rimenter in wireless transmission. Brian Dunning of the Skeptoid podcast at 1899 #628  
d no evidence of a hoax”; however, Brian Dunning reports that “the claim th 8/21/1955 #12386  
              Farm Hill, Australia Brian Crittendon, 21, was chased by a do 1/13/1958 #14823  
s, Australia Benns Road 11:45 p.m. Brian Crittenden sees a dome-shaped ligh 1/13/1958 #14824  
Casino, New South Wales, Australia Brian Crittendon, age 21, was chased by  1/13/1958 #14825  
ity of Rochester optical physicist Brian O’Brien, meets at Wright-Patterson 2/3/1966 #19879  
                 Kitchener, Canada Brian Dorscht saw a dark object, measuri 4/26/1967 #22223  
Brixham, Devon, England 11:30 a.m. Brian F. Jenkins and seven other coast g 4/28/1967 #22245  
ot thinking a whole lot about it. (Brian Vike, HBCC UFO Research) (NICAP: 0 1968 #23622  
maller until it was out of sight. (Brian Vike, Director, HBCC UFO Research) Spring 1968 #23851  
 hovering above the Fraser River. (Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research)  10/1968 #24533  
                    Two young men, Brian Scott and Nick Corbin, were in the 3/14/1971 #26047  
mba, South Australia on Route One, Brian Hunt and his passenger, Miss Sharo 2/4/1973 #27270  
area some 2-3 feet above the base. Brian called this to his companion's att 2/4/1973 #27270  
on. Mr. Max Inglis, who had passed Brian and Sharon just before reaching th 2/4/1973 #27270  
                     On this night Brian Scott returned to the site of his  3/21/1973 #27356  
                     On this night Brian Scott saw an object with blinking  10/25/1973 #28287  
mes Howard, age 15, and his friend Brian Hollis, age 14, observed an object 11/12/1976 #31541  
                                   Brian Mountain Lodge Norway, Michigan 10 Mid 2/1977 #31817  
nts as he grooms the ski slopes at Brian Mountain Lodge near Norway, Michig Mid 2/1977 #31817  
son, Lancashire, England 3:10 a.m. Brian Grimshaw and his friend Jeff are d 3/9/1977 #31886  
on, Alberta CFB Edmonton 9:30 p.m. Brian Mosychuk is walking in a neighborh 2/2/1978 #32946  
ornia Auburn, California 9:40 p.m. Brian Metcalfe, an FAA air traffic contr 2/22/1978 #32990  
 a non-UFO case. In December 2018, Brian Dunning investigates the case and  12/29/1980 #35757  
80 other countries through Earl W. Brian, a man with close personal and bus 1982 #36286  
e of entrepreneurs Tina Choate and Brian Myers, who introduce him to wealth 8/1984 #37426  
 witnessed by the SSD and his son, Brian (15), who observed the object from 8/30/1984 #37447  
, Scotland Fenwick Moor 12:56 a.m. Brian McMullan Sr., Brian McMullan Jr.,  7/14/1985 #37619  
oor 12:56 a.m. Brian McMullan Sr., Brian McMullan Jr., and a third member o 7/14/1985 #37619  
t his connection with Tina Choate, Brian Myers, and the ICUFOR operation in 11/22/1985 #37720  
o stay in Arizona. Tina Choate and Brian Myers, with their dubious Internat 4/12/1988 #38541  
                                   Brian Canfield was driving his truck alo 4/19/1993 #40944  
en took off towards Mount Rainier. Brian was then able to restart his truck 4/19/1993 #40944  
. Col. Jack A Jackson Jr., Lt. Col Brian L Jones and Maj. Lee J Lehmkuhl of 5/1996 #42891  
         At 12:10 in the afternoon Brian Norton sighted a white cigar-shape 10/10/1996 #43063  
          Jacques Vallée states a “Brian and Tina in Arizona” tell him at a 9/1/2002 #44389  
 Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula 9:00 p.m. Brian Junkin, Chuck Martin, and three ch 9/16/2004 #44757  
                             Pilot Brian Binnie reaches a world record alti 10/4/2004 #44767  
ke McCandless, Pennsylvania Night. Brian Vike is driving near North Park La 4/6/2007 #45016  
ficer First Class flight Engineer “Brian” tells ufologist Linda Moulton How 1/30/2015 #45429  
n months after sharing his story, “Brian” claims he received an anonymous p 1/30/2015 #45429  
## Word: "briar" (Back to Top)
R-ROZEILLE, FR 2 odd talking men / briar patch. 2 more descend. Dark cylind 10/18/1954 #11193  
                                   Briar Mountain Lodge Norway, Michigan 3: Mid 1/1977 #31723  
out grooming the ski slopes at the Briar Mountain Lodge near Norway, Michig Mid 1/1977 #31723  
## Word: "briarcliff" (Back to Top)
                                   Briarcliff Road, Atlanta, Georgia 10:35  12/29/1967 #23618  
ng, red object above their home on Briarcliff Road, Atlanta, Georgia. It ho 12/29/1967 #23618  
                           NORTH / BRIARCLIFF MANOR, NY 1 / car. Diamond-de 6/13/1984 #37357  
## Word: "briatexte" (Back to Top)
                                   BRIATEXTE, FR 3 / car. 2 small humanoids 10/9/1954 #10833  
                                   Briatexte, France On Route N631 at "La C 10/9/1954 #10850  
                          Toulouse Briatexte, Tarn, France La Caiffe 8:30 p 10/9/1954 #10855  
iving on Road 631 from Toulouse to Briatexte, Tarn, France, at a crossroads 10/9/1954 #10855  
                                   Briatexte, France. At 8:30 p.m. on Route 10/9/1954 #10868  
## Word: "bribie" (Back to Top)
                       SOUTHWEST / BRIBIE ISLAND, QLD 4 / car. Car malfunct 5/6/1979 #34546  
riving on the southwestern part of Bribie Island, Queensland, Australia at  5/6/1979 #34549  
## Word: "briceville" (Back to Top)
                                   BRICEVILLE, TN Several and Air Force RAD 9/22/1957 #14023  
                                   BRICEVILLE, TN 2 / private plane. 3 nigh 10/2/1973 #27916  
## Word: "brichambaut" (Back to Top)
f its members, Christian Perrin de Brichambaut, general inspector of the Na 9/1/1983 #36967  
## Word: "brick" (Back to Top)
Wales 10:30 p.m. Four young men at brick kilns near the railway station in  8/7/1909 #801  
k at the UFO. Fernando, spotting a brick on the ground, picks it up and aim 8/28/1963 #17922  
t on his chest. Fernando drops the brick, and all three of the boys become  8/28/1963 #17922  
    TORONTO, ON "Screen" appears / brick wall / park. Entities / image conv 10/29/1976 #31504  
G, WV 1+observer(s). Silent silver brick shape 1.5X moon-size going quickly 7/3/1977 #32231  
FO while driving home from work in Brick Township, New Jersey. It was brigh 2/5/1979 #34407  
 hand. The creature then shot at a brick, breaking it into pieces. Afterwar 5/19/1979 #34569  
thwest sky. Glows. Apparent size = brick / arms length.                     11/1/1980 #35604  
                                In Brick Township, Ocean County, New Jersey 3/14/2006 #44929  
n, and now it really does become a brick and that brick falls. Now all of a 6/10/2021 #45693  
eally does become a brick and that brick falls. Now all of a sudden, gravit 6/10/2021 #45693  
## Word: "brick-wall" (Back to Top)
oving behind a partially collapsed brick-wall and ran from the area. There  4/15/1994 #41493  
## Word: "bricker" (Back to Top)
                            Violet Bricker was driving two miles north of L 1/5/1966 #19806  
nd the man was lost from view. Ms. Bricker was so taken aback by the experi 1/5/1966 #19806  
## Word: "bricklayer" (Back to Top)
eleine, France The car driven by a bricklayer, Mr. Fillonnau, stoped as a l 10/21/1954 #11299  
leine, France. The car driven by a bricklayer, Mr. Fillonnau, stopped when  10/21/1954 #11308  
d 8:30 a.m. Frederick S. Briggs, a bricklayer and former army sergeant empl 2/23/1955 #12015  
## Word: "bricklayers" (Back to Top)
etween Harponville and Contay, two bricklayers, Emile Renard, 27, and Yves  9/7/1954 #10266  
ontay, Somme, France 7:15 a.m. Two bricklayers, Emile Renard, 27, and Yves  9/7/1954 #10268  
ntay, Somme department, France two bricklayers, Emile Renard, age 27, and Y 9/7/1954 #10270  
he afternoon in Blanzy, France two bricklayers, Romain de Bastiani, age 21, 9/30/1954 #10520  
                Blanzy, France Two bricklayers, Sebastiani and Buratto, app 10/1/1954 #10556  
                  At 1:00 p.m. two bricklayers, Sebastiani and Buratto, app 10/1/1954 #10572  
## Word: "brickner" (Back to Top)
lomon Islands Day. Sgt. Stephen J. Brickner of the 1st Marine Division on T 8/12/1942 #1434  
## Word: "bricks" (Back to Top)
ium surrounded by tungsten carbide bricks—goes critical. He sees a momentar 8/21/1945 #1925  
## Word: "brickworks" (Back to Top)
ria Yarra River valley Templestowe brickworks 10:15 a.m. Capt. Douglas Bark 1/1/1954 #9436  
iver valley toward the Templestowe brickworks in the northwest. He estimate 1/1/1954 #9436  
## Word: "bricy" (Back to Top)
                                   BRICY AIRPORT, FR AV.Maint.crew. Huge da 11/5/1990 #39845  
## Word: "bridal" (Back to Top)
man walking alone at night along a bridal path in Bovington, England came u 6/24/1967 #22551  
## Word: "brides" (Back to Top)
ne into Middle Cliff field, at St. Brides, Pembrokeshire, Wales not farm fr 5/15/1977 #32096  
## Word: "bridestones" (Back to Top)
                               The Bridestones, Cheshire, England 1:30 a.m. 6/16/1991 #40099  
e road to relieve himself near The Bridestones, Cheshire, England, a Neolit 6/16/1991 #40099  
## Word: "bridge" (Back to Top)
s, Louisville, Kentucky Ohio River bridge Madisonville, Kentucky 6:00 p.m.  7/28/1880 #237  
om the direction of the Ohio River bridge. As it approaches them, it appear 7/28/1880 #237  
20 feet above the water close to a bridge. The three beings float to the cr 11/25/1896 #361  
incinnati Southern Railway trestle bridge Lexington, Kentucky 9:00 p.m. Geo 4/17/1897 #525  
incinnati Southern Railway trestle bridge in Lexington, Kentucky. An airshi 4/17/1897 #525  
n tried to move some chains on the bridge, they found that they were glued  1908 #701  
r/cigar-shape aims 5 beams / ships bridge. Does same to different ship. Fly 5/14/1909 #743  
ed five beams of light at a ship's bridge off the coast of Blyth, Northumbe 5/14/1909 #744  
overs still. 2 lights scan Newport Bridge / 10 minute(s). Flies away.       5/15/1909 #745  
rom the object scanned the Newport Bridge for 10 minutes, then it flew away 5/15/1909 #747  
etts Infantry are stationed on the bridge linking Portsmouth, New Hampshire 4/13/1917 #955  
ntified aircraft circling near the bridge. When it descends, apparently to  4/13/1917 #955  
, apparently to make a pass at the bridge, one of the guardsmen panics and  4/13/1917 #955  
                        WELLINGTON BRIDGE, IRE 2 boys. Light beam follows r 9/1924 #1043  
ed in the sky over the Susquehanna Bridge, on Route 30, a string of highly  12/1942 #1466  
zis fired eleven V-2 missiles at a bridge, their first use against a tactic 3/17/1945 #1814  
lls plummet going down / bay at GG bridge!                                  7/2/1947 #2538  
e while they were out fishing on a bridge at 3:00 p.m.                      7/4/1947 #2676  
tor and 2 families camping / McKee Bridge. Silver disk / 7K' altitude overh 7/6/1947 #2740  
ly northwest. Saucer flies over GG bridge / 600mph / 1452h.                 7/6/1947 #2753  
t 30 miles away. Wood notifies the bridge, and the captain orders the ship  3/1951 #5470  
n they see a number of lights on a bridge crossing the valley. They begin b Early 6/1952 #6428  
, one by one. When they get to the bridge, they see no street lights.       Early 6/1952 #6428  
                 Glendale-Hyperion Bridge Glendale, California Night. Conta 7/23/1952 #7084  
to walk over the Glendale-Hyperion Bridge in Glendale, California. He feels 7/23/1952 #7084  
e/orb/globe turns over James River bridge / 30 minute(s). Jets chase.       7/26/1952 #7143  
                    CHESAPEAKE BAY BRIDGE, MD Newsman and 1. 3 huge white p 8/10/1952 #7530  
lear test, is going on duty to the bridge when he notices that the ship is  Late 10/1952 #8185  
talking with other officers on the bridge, saying they do not know what the Late 10/1952 #8185  
TER / (SEEN THRU) TELESCOPE 20 km "bridge" crosses Mare Crisium / moon! See 7/29/1953 #9020  
t he interprets as a giant natural bridge. The observation is prematurely c 7/30/1953 #9021  
cation is still known as O’Neill’s bridge. When viewing conditions are poor 7/30/1953 #9021  
 is small, the feature resembles a bridge joining the tips of the capes Pro 7/30/1953 #9021  
                          Gjasjoen Bridge, Norway Mr. Trygve, Mrs. Bufflot  11/1953 #9269  
                         Gjersjøen bridge Norway 6:30 p.m. Trygve Jansen an 11/1953 #9271  
mle Mossevei road at the Gjersjøen bridge, Norway, when they see an object  11/1953 #9271  
r(s). Grey metallic ovoid hovers / bridge. Watches traffic? Going quickly S 2/1954 #9516  
nd of a train passing over a metal bridge.” They then see three metallic, c Late 4/1954 #9720  
e ground. When the car reaches the bridge at Buire, the object shoots away  9/7/1954 #10267  
TES, FR 'Aviator / flight-suit' on bridge. Saucer with clear dome / field.  10/4/1954 #10677  
tween the railroad station and the bridge 100 m away from their house. When 10/6/1954 #10755  
etween the railway station and the bridge 100 meters away from their house. 10/6/1954 #10761  
ther red, with a sort of luminous "bridge" between them. They landed, and o 10/18/1954 #11210  
ther red, with a sort of luminous "bridge" between them. They landed, and o 10/18/1954 #11222  
nnigan is driving a truck across a bridge over the Little Miami River near  Late 6/1955 #12211  
           SETE, HERAULT Several / bridge. Red metal UFO appears and vanish 7/11/1956 #12961  
                              High Bridge, New Jersey New York City Howard  10/29/1956 #13297  
d Menger, a sign painter from High Bridge, New Jersey, goes public on the L 10/29/1956 #13297  
 Classic silent silver saucer over bridge. Gone fast. / Flying Saucer Revie 6/14/1957 #13725  
48. 2 observer(s). 30M saucer over bridge. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Q 10/26/1958 #15378  
ore, MD UFO observed hovering over bridge ahead of car; motor and headlight 10/26/1958 #15379  
g-Shaped Object & E-M Effects Over Bridge (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Co 10/26/1958 #15381  
146 some 600–900 feet south of the bridge at Loch Raven Reservoir, Maryland 10/26/1958 #15385  
ect hanging 100–150 feet above the bridge. When they drive to within 75 fee 10/26/1958 #15385  
hen it approached their car at the bridge over the reservoir the car engine 10/26/1958 #15386  
RRES, FR 1 / car. 100M saucer over bridge. No electro-magnetic effect (EME) 10/28/1958 #15394  
                       NEAR MURRAY BRIDGE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 2 / car. Blazing 3/20/1959 #15658  
Skiatook, Oklahoma. Upon nearing a bridge, the car engine dies. Another car 8/1959 #15888  
s stopped on the other side of the bridge with its hood up. They see a meta 8/1959 #15888  
                         Glienicke Bridge Potsdam West Berlin, Germany CIA  2/10/1962 #17045  
t spy Rudolf Abel on the Glienicke Bridge that connects Potsdam to West Ber 2/10/1962 #17045  
g south on the Dauphin Island Toll Bridge Causeway in Alabama saw a reddish 2/19/1962 #17053  
n radar by the Commanding Officer, bridge crew and others on deck.  The obj 5/6/1965 #18930  
                            Bury's Bridge, Eire A man was repairing the bro 8/21/1965 #19447  
Jones and Hollander, had come to a bridge in Crewe, Cheshire, England at 8: 8/30/1965 #19481  
 hunts 2 kids who hide / trees and bridge. Antenna. / r111p272+/ r8.        4/8/1966 #20274  
ary nearby and hide under a nearby bridge abutment as the object continues  4/8/1966 #20276  
She had just crossed the Red River bridge into Oklahoma near Thackerville w 4/22/1966 #20377  
rver(s). Small metallic ovoid over bridge. Flashes yellow-white.            4/25/1967 #22216  
 A glowing object flew over Murray Bridge, South Australia at two o'clock i 5/28/1967 #22415  
                            Murray Bridge, South Australia Karoonda Highway 7/5/1967 #22616  
ve miles north-northeast of Murray Bridge, South Australia, on the Karoonda 7/5/1967 #22616  
      MATURIN, VNZ "Heron" lands / bridge. Actually = 1M small humanoid (or 8/26/1967 #22929  
e thought was a heron, land near a bridge. He then saw that it was a dwarf, 8/26/1967 #22933  
ng overhead. When it landed near a bridge he took it to be a heron, but whe 8/26/1967 #22936  
rginia Gallipolis, Ohio The Silver Bridge over the Ohio River between Point 12/15/1967 #23591  
                         LANGELAND BRIDGE AND AREA, DK White ovoids seen ov 3/11/1968 #23836  
                       THROGS NECK BRIDGE, NY 5 / car. Orange glow disks ma 3/12/1968 #23837  
ar. 22M saucer buzzes car crossing bridge. Cylinder/cigar-shape seen weeks  7/1968 #24098  
be rests / field by Imurissu River Bridge.                                  9/9/1968 #24446  
s behind a cloud. After crossing a bridge, they see the object again, hover 9/10/1968 #24449  
ar eight miles northeast of Murray Bridge, South Australia sighted five bri 10/28/1968 #24598  
hind a cloud. At 9:00 p.m. in Bull Bridge, England a police headquarters of 11/21/1970 #25914  
 their sixties were driving over a bridge on Highway 2 at 6:45 p.m. just ou 12/5/1970 #25929  
, WA 3 2' fuzzy objects hover over bridge as car nears. Motor dies. Radio R 1/3/1971 #25971  
 fuzzy, round objects moved near a bridge and hovered over it as a car appr 1/3/1971 #25973  
LCARCE, ARG Ray / light going [to] bridge. Group / cars levitated several m 5/20/1971 #26118  
rver(s). Huge disk hovers 60M over bridge. Windows flicker / side.          6/21/1971 #26182  
ard is parked on the road near the bridge over the Hurricana River in Joute 7/8/1971 #26216  
he base at the concrete reinforced bridge, which crossed over Cow Creek. Fo 8/16/1971 #26291  
ound him. As he began to cross the bridge and just before he got to the mid 8/16/1971 #26291  
Simultaneously the area around the bridge lit up like midday. There was als 8/16/1971 #26291  
y breathing sound present, and the bridge began to sway in a wave-like moti 8/16/1971 #26291  
to run toward the other end of the bridge, but before he reached it he real 8/16/1971 #26291  
 and went back to retrieve it. The bridge was still lit up and the loud sou 8/16/1971 #26291  
tact" experience occurred near the bridge over the Rio Carangula outside It 12/5/1971 #26489  
                            FISH R.BRIDGE, RSA 2 / truck. Banana with net-c 7/5/1972 #26767  
mming sound when it crossed over a bridge, and flew with an up-and-down mot 8/31/1972 #26971  
                            MURRAY BRIDGE, SAU Diamond-object lands. Car ma 11/30/1972 #27152  
                            Murray Bridge, S. AU Diamond-shaped object in p 11/30/1972 #27153  
                            Murray Bridge, South Australia 11:15 p.m. A mot 11/30/1972 #27154  
 out testing his vehicle in Murray Bridge, South Australia, when the engine 11/30/1972 #27154  
 over a rise in the road in Murray Bridge, South Australia 19-year-old mech 11/30/1972 #27155  
nge figure came out from under the bridge. This person fumbled with a book, 5/15/1973 #27492  
saw four small humanoids beneath a bridge. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)       8/10/1973 #27691  
essed in white uniforms, beneath a bridge. The beings were only 20 centimet 8/10/1973 #27692  
d west on Rte. 341 and crossed the bridge over the river, heading toward Mt 9/11/1973 #27803  
d west on Rte. 341 and crossed the bridge over the river, heading toward Mt 9/12/1973 #27809  
 Man / car. Ovoid sits on SR133 at bridge. Takes off. Separate observer(s)  10/24/1973 #28260  
d object sat on highway SR133 at a bridge for two minutes before taking off 10/24/1973 #28274  
e. 1 / car. 3' silvery figure(s) / bridge. Split arms. No UFO seen. / r178. 11/7/1973 #28380  
erver. Flashy domed object circles bridge / low altitude. Fin / bottom. / n 11/29/1973 #28479  
e. Pseudo-human/entity photographs bridge. See reference.                   2/28/1974 #28814  
1:30 p.m. just before he crossed a bridge while driving between Catanduva a 4/26/1974 #29064  
 Africa via Fort Victoria and Beit Bridge. Peter and Frances saw what they  5/31/1974 #29150  
to static as she is passing over a bridge and the sky ahead lights up. The  9/16/1974 #29459  
 light up ahead of her. Crossing a bridge, the car then lost power and roll 9/16/1974 #29460  
wo women driving near Liberty Lake Bridge in Carroll County, Maryland suffe 10/27/1974 #29562  
t, West Virginia Ohio River Silver Bridge John A. Keel publishes The Mothma 1975 #29670  
them to the collapse of the Silver Bridge across the Ohio River on December 1975 #29670  
                            HEBDEN BRIDGE, WEST YORKS Man / bus-stop. Amber 1/28/1975 #29770  
est of Brandon, Manitoba Kirkham’s Bridge Hamiota 11:10 p.m. A Royal Canadi 6/20/1975 #30111  
pparently in the area of Kirkham’s Bridge. Another RCMP in the bridge area  6/20/1975 #30111  
kham’s Bridge. Another RCMP in the bridge area sees the light 10 minutes la 6/20/1975 #30111  
oman stopped her pickup truck on a bridge three miles east of Stacy, Minnes 4/21/1976 #31006  
oggy morn. Clamshell saucer lights bridge. Truck and driver pulled inside.  5/14/1976 #31050  
 unusual fog while crossing over a bridge. An oyster shaped UFO emitted a b 5/14/1976 #31051  
 unusual fog while crossing over a bridge. An oyster shaped UFO emitted a b 5/14/1976 #31052  
ge dome-shaped object hovered over bridge, memory loss, apparent abduction. 6/11/1976 #31099  
object hovered above road and over bridge, E-M effects on car; missing time 6/11/1976 #31100  
et, Drôme, France Pont du Martinet bridge 1:15 a.m. Hélène Guiliana is driv 6/11/1976 #31102  
eet away near the Pont du Martinet bridge she sees an orange light in the f 6/11/1976 #31102  
hen she noticed above the Martinet bridge, 75 feet ahead of her, a bright r 6/11/1976 #31103  
            CALIGNAIA, ITL 3 men / bridge. Dog barks. Colored light maneuve 8/12/1976 #31259  
hovers / 10 minute(s) / Tappan Zee Bridge. Rises going up [to] and going ea 8/25/1976 #31299  
object hovered over the Tappan Zee Bridge in South Nyack, New York for 10 m 8/25/1976 #31303  
with blue halo by railroad/railway bridge. Follows man walking home.        5/6/1977 (approximate) #32062  
had a close encounter by a railway bridge with a two-meter sphere surrounde 5/6/1977 #32065  
arin. Going west under golden gate bridge!                                  7/25/1977 #32311  
iles. Captain Tarankin goes to the bridge and sees 9 bright discs moving in 10/7/1977 #32559  
ch, Mount Holly, Ocean County, Old Bridge, Oyster Creek, Point Pleasant, Re 12/2/1977 #32731  
                             Hance Bridge Road Vineland, New Jersey Night.  2/1/1978 #32940  
enagers are driving north on Hance Bridge Road in Vineland, New Jersey. The 2/1/1978 #32940  
ut of control. As she approaches a bridge, the car drops down again, and sh 7/27/1978 #33427  
d. Light / other end. Tilts to see bridge.                                  10/24/1978 #33866  
e driving a company truck toward a bridge on the Rio Segundo between Arroyi 12/28/1978 #34222  
5 kilometers further away from the bridge to the town of Transito. They bel 12/28/1978 #34222  
they had been when they neared the bridge. At some point, the men spotted a 12/28/1978 #34222  
     Bruce Highway Liverpool Creek bridge Cowley Beach, Queensland 9:00 p.m 2/9/1979 #34416  
ghway north of the Liverpool Creek bridge near Cowley Beach, Queensland, wh 2/9/1979 #34416  
NROE, NC 1 / car. Night light over bridge. 12km displacement and 3 hours /  3/1979 #34452  
bject spouts fire. Seen twice from bridge.                                  4/9/1979 #34503  
STED, WV 30 day wave. Saucer under bridge. 6+6+6 orbs exit cylinder/cigar-s 12/5/1979 #35053  
re driving home in two cars from a bridge game near Council Bluffs, Iowa. T 1/21/1980 #35141  
e 25, was driving her car across a bridge when her car entered a fog and he 4/2/1980 #35249  
                 Mississippi River bridge in Muscatine, Iowa Illinois side  7/22/1981 #36023  
 operator at the Mississippi River bridge in Muscatine, Iowa, goes out to f 7/22/1981 #36023  
 wild rabbits that hang around the bridge, when he notices six of them lyin 7/22/1981 #36023  
ect clears the highest part of the bridge by about 10 feet, making a wheezi 7/22/1981 #36023  
s). Tall figure / luminous suit by bridge. Big dark eyes. Boards cylinder/c 9/20/1981 #36131  
ject on the ground next to a local bridge near his residence in Genoa, Ital 9/20/1981 #36134  
                         EWE RIVER BRIDGE, BC Photograph / saucer. No visua 10/8/1981 #36161  
port in Rio de Janeiro Rio-Niterói Bridge Capt. Gerson Maciel de Britto, pi 2/8/1982 #36327  
 Some witnesses on the Rio-Niterói Bridge also see the object.              2/8/1982 #36327  
 on the side of the road at Hapuku Bridge in New Zealand. He had no disting 8/2/1982 #36561  
server(s). Large metal saucer over bridge. Domes / top and bottom. Turns /  1/7/1986 #37753  
oute 117. As they are crossing the bridge over the Ottawa River, they see a 2/8/1986 #37783  
                            BREAUX BRIDGE, LA 2 observer(s). Large hexagon  4/9/1986 #37820  
r-shape with green halo goes under bridge 120' away. Heads going east and a 8/29/1986 #38002  
oded figure / new and inaccessible bridge. Vanishes when lit.               9/8/1987 #38279  
figure standing on an inaccessible bridge near the road junction. When they 9/8/1987 #38280  
T / ARCADIA, FL Lady sees saucer / bridge. Beings seen through "window". Da 10/19/1987 #38307  
ioned vertically 30 feet above the bridge to the only island on the lake. H 1/5/1988 #38405  
ickly moving up and down along the bridge like a sine wave for 30 minutes.  1/5/1988 #38405  
some strange lights above a nearby bridge. As they approach the lights, the 3/3/1988 #38482  
                 PENSACOLA, FL Bay bridge. 2 / car. Orange ball hovers then 1/6/1989 #38776  
 driving towards the entrance of a bridge. Later, one man recalled being in 2/11/1989 #38835  
n and disappeared towards a nearby bridge.                                  6/20/1989 #38991  
            New York City Brooklyn Bridge East River 3:15 a.m. New York Cit 11/30/1989 #39283  
ctees from a car near the Brooklyn Bridge, and a VIP political dignitary la 11/30/1989 #39283  
ing low overhead as they crossed a bridge on the Merrimack River. It had wh 12/10/1989 #39308  
             PENSACOLA, FL 2 / bay bridge. Delta/triangle/box-like craft ov 4/10/1990 #39515  
                     Pensacola Bay Bridge in Florida Pensacola A couple dri 4/10/1990 #39516  
driving north on the Pensacola Bay Bridge in Florida see an object that loo 4/10/1990 #39516  
pexes. As they near the end of the bridge in Pensacola, the object moves to 4/10/1990 #39516  
 descending below the Escambia Bay Bridge.                                  4/18/1990 #39536  
es a stop east of Brzózka near the bridge over the Bóbr River southwest of  7/9/1990 #39640  
nd 40 mph). When they approach the bridge at Seraing, the object crosses th 7/26/1990 #39663  
/ road. 3 toes and 3 fingers. Jump bridge to lake.                          8/11/1990 #39683  
s on each hand; they jumped from a bridge into a lake.                      8/11/1990 #39686  
f light was sighted over the Sikes Bridge. It moved west, hovered, and then 1/16/1991 #39956  
                            HEBDEN BRIDGE, WEST YORKS "Bus" rotates over hi 2/8/1992 #40323  
ng quickly southwest stops 1M over bridge. Antenna rotates.                 3/14/1992 #40378  
makes a stop only one meter over a bridge, as its antenna rotates. It cause 3/14/1992 #40380  
he Gulf Breeze, Florida Three Mile Bridge.                                  4/16/1992 #40419  
 / 6M altitude by railroad/railway bridge. 2 beams going quickly [to] lake  9/30/1992 #40644  
six meters altitude over a railway bridge, then directed two beams of light 9/30/1992 #40650  
 same night Mr. C. Wagh was at the Bridge of Earn in Central Scotland when  2/9/1993 #40847  
hovers / background. Photograph at bridge / River Kwai! Unidentified. No fu 6/5/1994 #41551  
-shape ringed / lights. Drops over bridge. Heads going quickly south.       11/9/1994 #41845  
bserver(s). Ovoid hovers over York bridge / seconds. Then shoots behind clo 2/27/1995 #42063  
an ovoid UFO hovered over the York bridge for several seconds before shooti 2/27/1995 #42065  
                  I10 / BLACKWATER BRIDGE, FL 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar 5/22/1995 #42219  
       PENSACOLA, FL 2 / car / bay bridge. Red 1' fireball / trees shoots o 9/2/1995 #42436  
          At 10:30 p.m. at the Bay Bridge in Pensacola, Florida two witness 9/2/1995 #42437  
                           SOWERBY BRIDGE, ENG Several observer(s). Big whi 11/2/1995 #42577  
t West Point Lake, near the McGhee Bridge in La Grange, Georgia, a 35-year- 5/7/1996 #42899  
    COURLAY, FR 1 observer. Girl / bridge = pseudo-human/entity? Stiff hair 6/19/1996 #42935  
 lights over the George Washington Bridge. At the same time he heard a mess 12/15/1998 #43699  
en heading towards the Golden Gate Bridge. It is uncertain if what the witn 1/30/2000 #43937  
lights moved smoothly over the Bay Bridge toward Oakland.                   11/23/2003 #44620  
Highway 370, just off of Discovery Bridge. It had three white and one red n 7/18/2008 #45151  
erpass, this time driving over the bridge, his eyes began to tear up uncont 9/14/2009 #45247  
ably again until he got beyone the bridge, when his eyes began to clear up. 9/14/2009 #45247  
e timeline also indicates that the bridge was able to see flashing red ligh 7/17/2019 #45595  
## Word: "bridgeland" (Back to Top)
                       US40 EAST / BRIDGELAND, UT Orange sphere 30M overhea 7/1/1956? #12943  
## Word: "bridgeman" (Back to Top)
             US US test pilot Bill Bridgeman attains an unofficial altitude 8/15/1951 #5607  
 S/Sgt. H.T. O'Connor, S/Sgt. H.D. Bridgeman. One object, shaped like a cok 9/20/1957 #14019  
Sergeants H. T. O'Connor and H. D. Bridgeman at Kadena AFB on Okinawa obser 9/20/1957 #14021  
## Word: "bridgeport" (Back to Top)
                                   BRIDGEPORT, NE Chickens panic. 2 platter 6/23/1947 #2371  
                                   Bridgeport, Connecticut Albert K. Bender 4/1952 #6011  
ert K. Bender, a factory worker in Bridgeport, Connecticut, announces the f 4/1952 #6011  
                                   Bridgeport, NJ 3:30 p.m. EDT. A group of 9/26/1966 #20928  
                                   BRIDGEPORT AND NEW HAVEN, CT Many separa 8/21/1983 #36955  
                     University of Bridgeport, Connecticut Hudson Valley In 3/21/1985 #37572  
ly after leaving the University of Bridgeport, Connecticut, where they took 3/21/1985 #37572  
## Word: "bridges" (Back to Top)
dison, Wisconsin Witnesses:  Capt. Bridges and lst Lt. Johneon in USAF T-33 12/9/1952 #8399  
form into a triangle with squarish bridges between them, then split up and  Summer 1962 #17239  
a liner note to his 1974 Walls and Bridges album.                           8/23/1974 #29379  
                      In 1990, the Bridges family of Navarre Beach, Florida 6/8/1990 #39610  
k was a deep ditch with small foot bridges across the culvert. When the ser 7/8/1996 #42950  
## Word: "bridgeton" (Back to Top)
                                   BRIDGETON, MO 1 observer. 3 night lights 1/28/1996 #42721  
             In 1996 at 11 p.m. in Bridgeton, Missouri three nocturnal ligh 1/28/1996 #42723  
ights flashing outside her home in Bridgeton, New Jersey late at night. She 4/15/1997 #43261  
## Word: "bridgewater" (Back to Top)
                              East Bridgewater, MA 10:53 p.m. EDT. A man sa 9/13/1967 #23047  
was sighted by a Mrs. H. Parker in Bridgewater, Tasmania at 6:20 a.m. It ha 12/15/1971 #26504  
                                   BRIDGEWATER, TASM Saucer paces 2 / car.  7/26/1974 #29280  
                        Mahone Bay Bridgewater, Nova Scotia 8:30 p.m. Harol 11/5/1974 #29587  
 is driving between Mahone Bay and Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, in the pouring 11/5/1974 #29587  
                                   Bridgewater Township, New Jersey 8:50 p. 8/10/1977 #32377  
sey 8:50 p.m. Two adult couples in Bridgewater Township, New Jersey, watch  8/10/1977 #32377  
                              NEAR BRIDGEWATER, TASM 2 / car. 2 silver orbs 2/18/1978 #32975  
## Word: "bridgeworth" (Back to Top)
ing her dog in some fields between Bridgeworth and Shrewsbury, England at a 4/12/1969 #25059  
## Word: "bridgwater" (Back to Top)
                                   BRIDGWATER, SOMERSET 4 observer(s). Larg 10/30/1964 #18598  
                           SOUTH / BRIDGWATER, SOMERSET UFO with square pan 7/7/1994 #41611  
## Word: "bridle" (Back to Top)
 the fields, leading a mare by the bridle, was surprised when the animal be 10/16/1954 #11142  
and the witness had to release the bridle. Then the animal fell like a mass 10/16/1954 #11142  
## Word: "bridlington" (Back to Top)
                                   BRIDLINGTON, ENGL 3 observer(s). Ovoid / 1/21/1977 #31731  
                                   Bridlington, Yorkshire, England Britax P 1/21/1977 #31742  
m. Three female factory workers in Bridlington, Yorkshire, England, are wal 1/21/1977 #31742  
## Word: "bridport" (Back to Top)
 Eggardon Hill between Newport and Bridport, England a motorist reported th 9/24/1974 #29475  
ent object hovered for awhile over Bridport, England. It shone a light beam 12/23/2007 #45102  
## Word: "brie" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Brie” YieldMax: 20KT                     6/18/1987 #38192  
:30 p.m. a woman in Le Chatelet en Brie, Seine-Marne department, France obs 5/4/1990 #39558  
## Word: "brief" (Back to Top)
 other cotton-pickers are taking a brief respite from work 10 miles southea 11/1906 #692  
e west at high speed. They catch a brief visual glimpse of it.              2/7/1945 #1774  
y northeast. High fast and silent. Brief sighting.                          6/30/1947 #2478  
g quickly northwest into clouds. 1 brief red flash.                         7/4/1947 #2626  
kly southeast. Big fast steady and brief. No further details.               7/6/1947 #2762  
st. Straight and level trajectory. Brief.                                   7/8/1947 #2961  
ws report(s). No further details / brief note / Blue Book files.            12/20/1947 #3508  
l of Mines Rees, Kaplan, and LaPaz brief Armed Forces Special Weapons Proje 4/27/1949 #4115  
          The Navy releases only a brief summary of its findings in the dea 10/11/1949 #4386  
ATIC, were called to Washington to brief a General (and a disgruntled group 9/15/1951 #5669  
Pentagon, Cummings and Rosengarten brief Cabell, his staff, and a represent 10/1/1951 #5694  
hio On his trip to the Pentagon to brief Gen. William M. Garland, Ruppelt v 1/29/1952 #5883  
Col. William A. Adams of AFOIN, to brief the Lincoln Lab scientists on UFOs 1/29/1952 #5884  
p) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to brief them on Blue Book’s progress. Afte 4/1952 #6010  
with an irregular trajectory and a brief trail, for about 7 seconds.        4/17/1952 #6104  
 a distance of 500 feet for a very brief time.                              6/21/1952 #6582  
loud-cylinder/cigar-shape. Regular brief lights. Thick white smoke.         7/18/1952 (approximate) #6882  
 cloud-cigar with regularly spaced brief lights. It was emitting a thick wh 7/18/1952 #6899  
east toward(s) sun. Spins on edge! Brief glimpse..                          7/24/1952 #7096  
and Barton, and their sighting was brief, lasting less than 10 seconds. A P 7/24/1952 #7118  
 airplane. This encounter was very brief, and lasted only two 2 seconds.    9/13/1952 #7917  
ic Training Center] in Colorado to brief Gen. Benjamin W. Chidlaw and his s Late 9/1952 #8027  
ld L. Bower and Maj. Dewey Fournet brief CIA consultants Frederick C. Duran 11/25/1952 #8340  
h or southwest. The fighter gets a brief radar lock-on.                     11/26/1952 #8344  
aska Project Blue Book explained a brief sighting by two airmen as a meteor 12/10/1952 #8410  
report are kept classified until a brief summary is declassified in 1958, a 1/17/1953 #8548  
 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, to brief the 4602nd AISS on how they might  1/24/1953 #8563  
re crosses US30 north going south. Brief.                                   9/23/1953 #9175  
nneapolis, MN 40 ft object leaving brief vapor trail was seen by 3 gm emplo 10/15/1953 #9228  
launch, a 40-foot object leaving a brief vapor trail is seen by three Gener 10/15/1953 #9230  
er sounds as it hovers. It makes a brief dive, returns to position, then zo 9/17/1954 #10333  
ly then away. No further details / brief account.                           12/20/1954 (approximate) #11843  
ke a zephyr. The sighting was very brief and lasted for only 2-3 seconds.   4/30/1955 #12107  
white objects, one of which left a brief smoke trail (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 5/4/1955 #12115  
white objects, one of which left a brief smoke trail, flew in an irregular  5/4/1955 #12116  
y and jerkily." One of them left a brief smoke trail. The UFOs moved at a t 5/4/1955 #12119  
           Mastic, Long Island, NY Brief Sighting By AF Pilot (NICAP: 11 -  7/17/1956 #12979  
           WICHITA FALLS, TX Rain. Brief power outage. Ovoid going northwes 11/3/1957 #14235  
Boland and Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker brief Rep. John E. Henderson (R-Ohio) fo 6/20/1958 #15105  
 invites Long John Nebel to have a brief glimpse of the model, but Nebel th 4/19/1959 #15708  
    BANIARA, PNG Sphere maneuvers. Brief beams going up. Small disk paces m 8/10/1959 #15900  
    US Air Force Inspector General brief to Operations and Training Command 12/24/1959 #16132  
Director for Plans Richard Bissell brief President-elect John F. Kennedy on 11/18/1960 #16508  
d, hovering at 10 m altitude for a brief time, its underside glowing, and i 6/3/1961 #16714  
ers altitude above the waves for a brief time. Its lower part was similar t 6/3/1961 #16717  
, Indiana NICAP Subcommittee, on a brief visit to Florida, observed a UFO.  8/6/1963 #17871  
 their necks. One of the men had a brief recollection of encountering stran 3/5/1965 #18844  
aft, and invited him onboard for a brief tour.                              9/4/1965 #19520  
the size of a jet fighter plane." (Brief United Press International story.) 4/3/1966 #20211  
 need to extensively examine UFOs. Brief Hearing, C. Sagan.                 4/5/1966 #20227  
, and Col. Robert Hippler of AFOSR brief the Colorado project staff. Quinta 11/14/1966 #21100  
, he just laughed. The meeting was brief, perhaps only two or three minutes 11/17/1966 #21119  
ders’s invitation, Hall and Keyhoe brief the Colorado project members. They 11/28/1966 #21156  
s terrain / 12M altitude 1km away. Brief.                                   4/17/1967 #22144  
 hunting looked up when he heard a brief swishing sound. Six or eight light 5/21/1967 #22386  
nly a compass needle deviate and a brief apparition of a line of six lumino 10/13/1967 #23234  
ar. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Brief paralysis. / APRO and more / r24 5 3/3/1968 #23810  
lowing trail by power station. Big brief blackout.                          9/18/1968 #24476  
 2 luminous ovoids. Maneuver fast. Brief stops. Very sharp turns etc.       1/1969 #24807  
 there. They drove on by and had a brief glimpse of his apparel: he wore a  8/19/1970 #25797  
CARO, MI 2 Brill objects buzz car. Brief Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) 10/10/1970 #25873  
 and pulled to the ground. After a brief struggle he escaped from his assai 5/2/1971 #26097  
 followed them down the road for a brief while. It then turned and followed 7/16/1971 #26232  
y 1953.” The writer runs through a brief history of the Robertson Panel and 7/29/1971 #26251  
hern Petro Chemical Company plant. Brief power failure reported. (NICAP: 03 9/5/1973 #27766  
 plant for 20 minutes. There was a brief power failure reported.            9/5/1973 #27768  
kened sometime after midnight by a brief, high-pitched sound; the room was  10/15/1973 #28047  
kened sometime after midnight by a brief, high-pitched sound. His bedroom w 10/15/1973 #28059  
d to keep pace with the car. For a brief while they wondered if it might be 5/31/1974 #29150  
's possible that the object made a brief landing.                           5/1/1975 #30017  
elicopters circle saucer and flash brief red lights at it. Saucer turns int 9/3/1975 #30338  
 loses control of his car. After a brief report appears in the press, the R 4/22/1976 #31009  
looking out at the witnesses for a brief period. (Source: Maurizio Verga, I 5/18/1976 #31060  
looking out at the witnesses for a brief period. It then moved away. A seco 5/18/1976 #31061  
 Saucer ducks between clouds. Very brief. / unsubstantiated note / library  11/13/1976 #31542  
ight towards them. The woman had a brief recollection of seeing several tal 3/20/1977 #31920  
ight towards them. The woman had a brief recollection of seeing several tal 3/20/1977 #31921  
 witnesses observed 4-5 UFOs. Very brief. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Av 10/26/1977 #32613  
g and gun at his side. Suddenly, a brief, piercing whistle was heard, produ 2/5/1978 #32957  
t, Charente-Maritime, France for a brief while. It flew off to the northeas 8/28/1978 #33588  
ss's pruning axe from him. After a brief struggle the creatures fled into t 11/24/1978 #33997  
imself from aliens. A strained and brief hypnosis session follows, after wh 6/3/1980 #35353  
ppeals, District of Columbia. In a brief decision issued barely a week afte 10/28/1981 #36192  
, and Michael Persinger, with only brief appearances by Bruce Maccabee and  10/12/1982 #36640  
adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Brief power outage. Saucer lands / field 4/10/1983 #36831  
ect beams light going down / farm. Brief. Same area / 08 sighting.          9/9/1986 #38022  
           MAYLENE, AL 1 observer. Brief out-of-body experience as 12m sauc 11/9/1988 #38707  
gain, and she reports having had a brief out-of-body experience during the  11/9/1988 #38709  
                 A car experienced brief electrical system failure, then re 5/27/1989 #38964  
man then abruptly invites her on a brief excursion that will last no longer 7/6/1990 #39637  
opped and hovered in the air for a brief moment before shooting away at hig 12/31/1990 #39932  
ound onto the street, and traced a brief series of figure 8s. Suddenly, aft 5/17/1991 #40066  
ates as CIA director. A meeting to brief President Bush on the topic is sch Summer 1991 #40102  
It then vanished. The sighting was brief and lasted no more than 6 seconds. 11/30/1995 #42634  
Mina Gerais, Brazil when he made a brief stop to buy some beers. He walked  12/9/1996 #43133  
ECHNIQUE” in achieving spontaneous brief laboratory manifestation of materi 3/11/1998 #43532  
ains fascinated by John Petersen’s brief of “Day After” disclosure scenario 1/8/1999 #43712  
experienced missing time and had a brief abduction experience at this time, 10/19/2000 #44060  
s disc shaped and the sighting was brief.                                   5/4/2001 #44176  
a, Colorado. The sighting was very brief.                                   8/10/2001 #44231  
ida at 11:00 p.m. The sighting was brief, lasting less than 15 seconds.     3/13/2003 #44501  
sound as it flew. The sighting was brief, lasting about six seconds.        8/13/2003 #44575  
l being felt like it lasted only a brief 30 seconds, but when he looked aga 3/12/2004 #44676  
tnesses and the sighting was quite brief.                                   5/8/2004 #44697  
hen he suddenly awoke and caught a brief glimpse of what looked to be an al 11/25/2005 #44906  
tah. The buzzing by the object was brief, and lasted only 2-3 seconds.      4/25/2006 #44933  
                                 A brief entry of a landing and report of h 8/18/2007 #45049  
ce of Special Investigations. They brief him on their operations and securi 12/11/2009 #45262  
 Navy pilots. “I did have one very brief meeting on it. But people are sayi 6/15/2019 #45584  
ntly falling into the ocean, and a brief video of a triangular- shaped ligh 7/15/2019 #45593  
A log entry reflects an apparently brief counter UAS exercise lasting about 7/24/2019 #45598  
secretary Thomas Modly writes in a brief letter that “the Department of the 7/31/2019 #45602  
## Word: "briefcase" (Back to Top)
on the water, although a Generals’ briefcase was found floating around.     5/1961 #16669  
Blue beams through car! Abduction. Briefcase rifled. / r193#37+FSRv21#3.    5/22/1973 #27516  
Missing time. Abduction regressed. Briefcase frayed.                        6/16/1978 #33281  
hen he came to he noticed that the briefcase he had been carrying looked ol 6/16/1978 #33282  
## Word: "briefed" (Back to Top)
d in personal archives. Interloper briefed the CIA in 1953 but its findings 1951 #5379  
of Intelligence, and his staff are briefed at the Pentagon on the status of 1/29/1952 #5884  
. Ruppelt and a Lt. Col. from ATIC briefed Air Force Secretary Thomas K. Fi 5/8/1952 #6272  
                  US Capt. Ruppelt briefed General Samford, Director of Int Mid 6/1952 #6499  
 to increase the use of thoroughly briefed USAF intelligence officers to in 1/15/1953 #8541  
ander. Other key organizations are briefed on Area 51’s existence—the Natio 7/1955 #12225  
inventory. President Eisenhower is briefed multiple times. One year later,  9/20/1957 #14020  
itus province President Kennedy is briefed, together with all the major dep 1/28/1961 #16590  
ce and Astronautics Committee were briefed by USAF and told no government a 2/16/1961 #16600  
ce Congressional Liaison personnel briefed key Congressional committees in  6/1961 #16706  
tary of Defense Robert McNamara is briefed at midnight.                     10/15/1962 #17472  
 the National Research Council are briefed by an unnamed specialist [probab 5/5/1967 #22275  
w that, contrary to what NORAD had briefed him on in 1967, NORAD radars can 2/14/1968 #23758  
n I was an Intelligence Officer, I briefed General George S. Brown, at 7th  Summer 1968 #24063  
 heard (although he has never been briefed on the matter), the aliens look  3/27/1978 #33087  
hat Fort Allen personnel have been briefed on UFOs with training films that 7/19/1990 #39651  
 CSETI, a nonprofit that allegedly briefed members of Congress and the Clin 8/1/1993 #41101  
n technology but that he was never briefed on it, it’s only his suspicion.  Early 1995 #41927  
orthwest in 1995 where Rockefeller briefed the Clintons on Project Starligh 11/1/1995 #42576  
tates in 1969, President Nixon was briefed by MJ-12 on UAP and all aspects  7/7/1999 #43798  
uss Kit Green’s claims that he was briefed at a “very high level” about thr 5/8/2000 #43992  
adar operator on the USS Princeton briefed him that they had been tracking  11/14/2004 #44784  
the implications have already been briefed to the relevant MoD technology m 5/15/2006 #44942  
states George Bush Sr. says he was briefed by Col. Trudeau at the time of t 10/17/2006 #44976  
Bell and Sacha Mover in a SCIF and briefed them on the program.  Some time  2/2011 #45312  
1980s, President Ronald Reagan was briefed on UAP from different perspectiv 3/31/2011 #45322  
ngton allegedly stated he had been briefed for several weeks at an undergro 2012 #45336  
nce analyst Harry Howard claims he briefed Gen. George S. Brown and that so 6/22/2014 #45411  
me that a given president has been briefed on every SAP. A president does n 2018 #45498  
 reports that US Navy pilots fully briefed AATIP about encounters they had  5/26/2019 #45581  
ge Stephanopoulos that he has been briefed on Navy pilots reporting increas 6/15/2019 #45584  
rews says government officials are briefed on the event and discourage peop 9/20/2019 #45609  
r the Mariana Trench and was later briefed and told by his CO they saw them 11/30/2020 #45666  
project contracts. Davis states he briefed “findings,” presumably of his ow 10/2/2021 #45714  
## Word: "briefer" (Back to Top)
 seemed it should have been a much briefer experience.                      9/26/1977 #32522  
and alleged Clinton Administration briefer Steven Greer alleges he meets th Mid 1990's #41926  
and alleged Clinton Administration briefer Steven Greer alleges an E-System 4/28/2006 #44935  
and alleged Clinton Administration briefer Steven Greer alleges an unnamed  4/28/2006 #44936  
and alleged Clinton Administration briefer Steven Greer claims a Lockheed S 4/28/2006 #44937  
## Word: "briefing" (Back to Top)
n clothes. Thomas wants an on-site briefing as soon as it can be arranged.  7/4/1947 #2668  
orthwest of Roswell. A preliminary briefing is provided by Blanchard about  7/8/1947 #3012  
                            Secret Briefing Document to Brig. General Georg 9/23/1947 #3415  
bert B. Smith attends a classified briefing with physicist Robert I. Sarbac 9/15/1950 #5178  
evelopment Board, convenes a press briefing at the Pentagon and announces t 2/13/1951 #5441  
irkland Jr., give an extraordinary briefing, technically unclassified but i 4/2/1952 #6016  
ct engineer Walther A. Riedel. The briefing takes place at the Mayfair Hote 4/2/1952 #6016  
yan III) receive a secret one-hour briefing on UFOs from Ruppelt and Lt. Co 5/8/1952 #6276  
 a press release about his May UFO briefing, saying, “No concrete evidence  6/4/1952 #6438  
Fournet calls Ruppelt to come to a briefing with Capt. Berkow, a USAF intel 7/21/1952 #6981  
 on instruments,” as worded in his briefing, so that he can close down Blue 7/28/1952 #7261  
ng Saucers” discusses a classified briefing about UFOs by Cmdr. Randall Boy 7/29/1952 #7324  
on AFB in Ohio for a comprehensive briefing about UFOs from Blue Book staff 8/8/1952 #7515  
for Director CIA: the DCI, after a briefing by OSI on the subject of UFOs,  8/20/1952 #7654  
hadwell. (See continuation of this briefing.)                               8/20/1952 #7654  
and Electronics Branch, provides a briefing document explaining the “Air Fo 8/22/1952 #7682  
at his regular Friday intelligence briefing.                                8/22/1952 #7682  
ratory, New Mexico Ruppelt holds a briefing on UFOs at Los Alamos Scientifi 10/23/1952 #8178  
ashington DC MAJESTIC “Preliminary Briefing” document to President (elect)  11/18/1952 #8292  
.C. US Date of the fake four-page “Briefing Document: Operation Majestic 12 11/18/1952 #8295  
ives a 43-minute national security briefing on matters that are still class 11/18/1952 #8296  
               Langley, VA (cont’d briefing from 8/20/1952): Memorandum for 11/25/1952 #8335  
r sign the directive because he is briefing the president directly.         12/2/1952 #8363  
not be able to conduct the ADC UFO briefing tour as previously scheduled du 12/22/1952 #8442  
 film at the base theater; with no briefing, he was shown a film of a deser 1953 #8483  
                    Utah Montana A briefing of the Office of Naval Estimate 1/29/1953 #8614  
s revealed in the PROJECT AQUARIUS Briefing Document and is said to have su 1954 #9414  
           Washington DC MJ-12 SSP briefing letter, briefing scheduled for  7/14/1954 #10014  
gton DC MJ-12 SSP briefing letter, briefing scheduled for July 16, 1954. ME 7/14/1954 #10014  
n Twining, indicates that an MJ-12 briefing should take place at the White  7/14/1954 #10018  
erence, Eisenhower asks for a full briefing on UFOs.                        12/15/1954 #11816  
mentation, specifically an alleged briefing document of a Majestic-12 Group 11/20/1955 #12580  
a film, which was later shown at a briefing in Whitehall. The object is tra 8/13/1956 #13080  
s of the 1953 Robertson Panel. The briefing book (including Special Report  9/16/1957 #14001  
decides to give Henderson a formal briefing.                                5/8/1958 #15023  
stituent inquiries related to UAP. Briefing notes show the management of “u 6/20/1958 #15107  
m to allow the Air Force to give a briefing, while allowing people like Men 8/8/1958 #15184  
d spectacular news reporting.” The briefing concludes with Rep. Sheldon sta 8/13/1958 #15200  
tein gave these leaders a thorough briefing on his fact-finding mission. Th Spring 1959 #15656  
. Robert Friend to come over for a briefing. He shows up on July 9 and hear 7/5/1959 #15817  
 The Air Force gives a preliminary briefing to associate counsel Stuart Fre 7/13/1960 #16335  
       The Air Force gives a major briefing on UFOs for congressional staff 7/15/1960 #16337  
ersonnel on flying status attend a briefing in the theater at the Clinton-S Spring 1962 #17078  
be willing to consider an informal briefing by NICAP.                       1/19/1965 #18749  
fic Advisory Board. They receive a briefing from Quintanilla, review the Ro 2/3/1966 #19879  
           Pentagon In a Blue Book briefing, Brig. Gen. William C. Garland, 7/7/1966 #20634  
 Hynek and Vallée give an extended briefing to Condon and his staff. Hynek  11/11/1966 #21090  
advisory committee holds a special briefing in Boulder, Colorado. Condon di 1/12/1967 #21290  
lex in Colorado, for a “classified briefing” by orbital analysts 1Lt. Henry 1/13/1967 #21297  
rk, hours after another classified briefing for Condon and staff at Boulder 1/13/1967 #21297  
r concludes. The Cheyenne Mountain briefing is the first in a series of tac 1/13/1967 #21297  
                 Colorado A second briefing for Robert Low by NORAD analyst 3/28/1967 #22005  
his discussion is distributed as a briefing paper to all Colorado project m 3/28/1967 #22005  
as F. Robertson prepares a 28-page briefing document, CDS Briefing on Unide 11/14/1967 #23450  
s a 28-page briefing document, CDS Briefing on Unidentified Flying Objects, 11/14/1967 #23450  
s revealed in the Project AQUARIUS Briefing Document.                       1972 #26526  
iolate its charter. According to a briefing provided by CIA Director Willia 12/31/1974 #29665  
hovers and maneuvers near military briefing / 30 minute(s).                 11/2/1976 (approximate) #31517  
my Carter is allegedly given a UFO briefing at the White House and bound to 6/14/1977 #32162  
onversation is known as “Executive Briefing: Project Aquarius” and later le 6/14/1977 #32162  
re is no hard evidence that such a briefing has taken place.                6/14/1977 #32162  
ne. Someone is apparently giving a briefing to a general about aircraft los 3/27/1978 #33088  
s her a bogus, undated document, A Briefing Paper for the President of the  4/9/1983 #36830  
 training, Bond is given a cursory briefing while sitting inside the cockpi 4/26/1984 #37301  
ilm with the faked 1952 Eisenhower briefing document and the 1947 Truman MJ 12/11/1984 #37522  
sident Ronald Reagan for his daily briefing. Reagan recommends a follow-up  Mid 12/1986 #38083  
es a copy of one page of the MJ-12 briefing document, with some text blacke 5/1987 #38169  
 also received a copy of the MJ-12 briefing document (the same one received 5/31/1987 #38180  
f all the pages of the Majestic-12 briefing document. Certain areas that ha 6/1987 #38183  
ld a press conference on the MJ-12 briefing document and the Cutler-Twining 6/11/1987 #38189  
found that Eisenhower did attend a briefing in Washington on November 18, 1 6/11/1987 #38189  
n August 31, sending him the MJ-12 briefing document and asking about Proje 8/30/1987 #38264  
He cites the disparity between the briefing document’s extensive discussion 12/1987 #38341  
dge Special Report 13 and an MJ-12 briefing. He elaborates on Moore’s and L 12/18/1988 #38755  
ontradicted data in the Eisenhower briefing memo, and that Moore admitted t 6/1989 #38971  
ng to the Area 51 program, he read briefing documents describing the histor 11/10/1989 #39224  
uce Maccabee to produce a relevant briefing to the White House Science Advi 4/15/1993 #40934  
ate that Kit Green was involved in briefing OSTP while he was with General  4/15/1993 #40934  
.bibliotecapleyades.net/disclosure/briefing/disclosure03.htm                8/1/1993 #41101  
 shows it at CSETI’s Congressional Briefing on April 9, 1997, in Washington 1994 #41341  
l was rumored to have been the CIA briefing officer on UAP for at least thr 1994 #41348  
             UK British Airways In briefing notes on the safety implication 2/20/1995 #42052  
thus gratuitously omitted from the briefing syllabus.”                      2/20/1995 #42052  
.bibliotecapleyades.net/disclosure/briefing/disclosure03.htm     Note: Hays 8/30/1996 #43001  
f 1947…S&T at PTC are aware of our briefing from STAC on their files but ar 3/11/1998 #43532  
itical questions posed in our 1991 briefing to STAC, Entry Points — And How 3/11/1998 #43532  
ds [deleted] has prepared a unique briefing paper on the Lincoln County Tro 3/11/1998 #43532  
od, suggested the MJ-12 Eisenhower Briefing Document was a fake once meant  1/1/1999 #43710  
nly half of the information in the briefing is true.  https://www.amazon.co 5/8/2000 #43992  
few million dollars and received a briefing; it was low-level maintenance w 5/9/2000 #43993  
                              In a briefing document presented to some memb 4/2001 #44154  
otected by USG classification. The briefing states the group is quasi-priva 4/2001 #44154  
unity, religious groups, etc., the briefing claims.  https://archive.org/st 4/2001 #44154  
nologies associated with UAP.  The briefing mentions various forms of elect 2/13/2009 #45212  
and The RAF Air Command prepares a briefing for UK Defence Minister Bob Ain 11/2009 #45251  
archer Robert Hastings organizes a briefing at the National Press Club in W 9/27/2010 #45298  
ttps://youtu.be/SULJf2-XnuE (press briefing)   https://www.ufohastings.com/ 9/27/2010 #45299  
s T. Lacatski provides an in-depth briefing to Jim Bell and Sacha Mover of  2/7/2011 #45313  
lins Report,” which is allegedly a briefing document from the 1980s that la 3/31/2011 #45322  
in 1979 is the alleged “Eisenhower Briefing Document,” which claims a secre 2014 #45400  
TSA spent the last year and a half briefing the Senate, multiple Committees 7/12/2019 #45591  
se contractor), gives a classified briefing to a Defense Department agency  3/2020 #45636  
al Intelligence holds a classified briefing to destigmatize the UAP problem 5/1/2020 #45645  
                    A declassified briefing card utilized by the Navy’s Chi 7/24/2020 #45655  
                          During a briefing prior to a planned US Air Force 5/2021 #45685  
 UAP work, most notably in CSETI’s briefing to Congress (see 30 August 1996 9/26/2022 #45772  
 a large disc where he was given a briefing and shown how to use a plastic- 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "briefing-book" (Back to Top)
cated.”  https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/intelligence-russia-progra 2014 #45400  
## Word: "briefings" (Back to Top)
 the end of 1952, with possibly 18 briefings in all.                        Spring 1948? #3594  
gths to debunk the case in his ADC briefings to the Robertson Panel.        8/1/1952 #7408  
ver the next decade of hearings or briefings, and contradicts the official  7/5/1956 #12954  
s, after months of discussions and briefings, a framework for the Colorado  4/21/1967 #22192  
is just the most recent of several briefings since the 1988 Cabo Rojo incid 7/19/1990 #39651  
Stephen Lovekin states he received briefings concerning UAP while at Pentag 7/21/2003 #44567  
 Eric W. Davis PhD gave classified briefings on "retrievals of unexplained  10/21/2019 #45613  
 Eric W. Davis PhD gave classified briefings on "retrievals of unexplained  10/23/2019 #45614  
rd, June 23, 2020; “Classified UFO Briefings May Have Left Senators ‘Distur 6/23/2020 #45649  
de an annual report and semiannual briefings on the topic to Congress. The  5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "brieflv" (Back to Top)
o bright she could look at it only brieflv (brilliant illumination). The ob 3/17/1967 #21909  
## Word: "briefly" (Back to Top)
ad canvas wings.” The object lands briefly one mile from town, terrifying s 4/14/1897 #464  
speed of a man walking. They pause briefly in a small hollow, then continue 6/1904 #672  
th occupants of a balloon who land briefly in various places (usually near  4/20/1907 #694  
rful searchlights at each end very briefly.                                 5/9/1909 #733  
to the level of her bed and hovers briefly at the foot, so close that she c Late Summer 1939 #1314  
point passed in front of the moon, briefly obscuring it from view. [NICAP U 7/1944 #1615  
bject passes in front of the moon, briefly obscuring it from view.          Late 8/1944 #1646  
raft seemed undamaged as it rested briefly on the ground, then lifted again 3/1945 #1802  
 turn around and fly back eastward briefly.                                 3/21/1947 #2249  
on. Going quickly north fast. Seen briefly. No further details.             7/5/1947 #2693  
disk going quickly southwest. Seen briefly. No further details.             7/5/1947 #2702  
nd fast north going quickly south. Briefly seen.                            7/7/1947 #2845  
observer(s). Disk hovers over yard briefly. Shoots going quickly east. No f 7/7/1947 #2867  
 for Pan American Airways. Watched briefly while one translucent disc- or w 7/10/1947 #3101  
Newfoundland, Canada. They watched briefly while the UFO flew very fast, le 7/10/1947 #3118  
 James E. Petteway of Boise, Idaho briefly sighted an oval object flying on 7/21/1947 #3211  
ght out and into the air, hovering briefly at an angle, then vanishes. Rapu 8/14/1947 #3330  
. Col. McCoy is present and speaks briefly about Project Sign, saying it ha 3/17/1948 #3590  
g guns in holsters. They were seen briefly by three witnesses with the last 4/7/1948 #3614  
   Six people in Chamblee, Georgia briefly saw a luminous football-shaped U 7/26/1948 #3744  
y to the west. Paul Trent’s father briefly sees the object before it flies  5/11/1950 #4939  
ly higher altitude. The light very briefly passes between the aircraft and  5/29/1950 #4972  
ce-versa. Circular silhouette seen briefly.                                 6/4/1952 #6436  
unway shooting red flames, hovered briefly over a hill, turned 180, flashed 6/22/1952 #6587  
00–450 mph for 2–3 seconds, hovers briefly over a hill, turns 180° in 45–60 6/22/1952 #6588  
hts cross sky / V-formation. Hover briefly.                                 7/16/1952 #6839  
otorists. Phosphorescent disk seen briefly. No further details.             7/29/1952 #7281  
 PA Dazzling gold blob hangs / sky briefly. Then descends. No further detai 8/14/1952 #7591  
 quickly when the pilot looks away briefly. Two Meteor F.8 fighters are scr 10/21/1952 #8172  
bserved a cigar-shaped object land briefly on the airfield 100 m away, prod 10/27/1952 #8197  
bserves a cigar-shaped object land briefly on a runway of the airport at Ma 10/27/1952 #8198  
.” Strand looks at his instruments briefly and when he looks up the objects 3/1953 #8720  
-shaped UFO and occupant were seen briefly by a single witness named Cherma 5/16/1953 #8880  
hind his aircraft then accelerates briefly until it is beside him for four  8/6/1953 #9052  
ting on a nearby building, hovered briefly during the 1.5 minute observatio 12/28/1953 #9403  
ng noise happened again. He waited briefly before resuming his walk toward  4/10/1954 #9681  
 other towns when at least one UFO briefly flew over.                       8/11/1954 #10129  
-shape turns vertical. Saucer seen briefly. Going northwest. / r138#9.      10/2/1954 #10587  
ing scientists,” who glances at it briefly, then declares that “flying sauc 10/10/1954 #10894  
 beam at Pugina that paralyzes him briefly. He only manages to move some fi 10/19/1954 #11243  
of white cassock or smock was seen briefly onboard the object. The craft im 10/19/1954 #11248  
inous red body with a tail flashes briefly in front of them.                10/21/1954 #11303  
he evening. Two human like figures briefly emerged from the object, then we 10/25/1954 #11402  
d takes off. Observer(s) paralyzed briefly. / r79p5.                        11/13/1954 #11634  
bserver(s). "Flying saucer" hovers briefly then away. No further details /  12/20/1954 (approximate) #11843  
 visual sighting of the object was briefly made by a pilot landing at the a 2/17/1956 #12724  
h or risk collision. It disappears briefly and reappears as an orange light 4/8/1956 #12803  
         ALLIANCE, OH Silver ovoid briefly / window. Gone / seconds as astr 5/7/1956 #12834  
n orchard. Television reception is briefly interrupted. Sheriff’s deputies  7/28/1956 #13023  
ighter heads back. The UFO follows briefly, then stops and hovers. Another  8/13/1956 #13080  
arc and turns on its edge, swaying briefly. The disc moves toward the south 8/5/1957 #13881  
sses just in front of them, hovers briefly, then dives into the undercast a 8/14/1957 #13893  
to a waiting airplane, which stops briefly at Wright-Patterson AFB to pick  11/17/1957 #14571  
ver disks going quickly east. Seen briefly. / Fresno Bee 12 Oct. '58.       10/11/1958 #15336  
authority and persuasiveness. ARDC briefly considers, then declines, the of 12/1958 #15465  
ree stiltlike protuberances appear briefly then are drawn back in. The thir 6/25/1962 #17245  
nexplained cases for each year are briefly described. (In the new "fact she 1963 #17619  
    An A-1 piloted by Louis Schalk briefly achieves a speed of Mach 3 for t 7/20/1963 #17844  
n the parking lot to the south. He briefly loses sight of it as it passes b 5/26/1964 #18306  
lar object that came to the ground briefly. It stood on a sort of pillar an 9/5/1964 #18537  
 saucer-shaped object touched down briefly at 9:00 p.m. It stood on a kind  9/5/1964 #18540  
  A saucer-shaped UFO touched down briefly in Cofico, Argentina around nine 9/6/1964 #18542  
0 mph, even if he sees the balloon briefly it would be behind him in a seco 1965? #18680  
 at low level. Object touched down briefly, took off, and rapidly climbed o 1/27/1965 #18773  
 at low level. Object touched down briefly, took off, rapidly climbed out o 1/27/1965 #18775  
gs through sky. Lights entire city briefly. Blinks out.                     7/17/1965 #19114  
eral hundred yards away, it pauses briefly and hovers. At that precise mome 8/2/1965 #19263  
out a half-mile to take a look and briefly sees a “being,” about 3–3.5 feet 8/11/1965? #19367  
e house and touched the front door briefly, and then returned to the craft, 8/14/1965 #19391  
 have "vertical mouths," were seen briefly.                                 8/20/1965 #19438  
ge shape and dazzling brightness,” briefly emerged from it. They were also  8/20/1965 #19443  
m the lakeside. The saucer hovered briefly before flying off in the directi 1/21/1966 #19865  
S 4 observer(s). Long ovoid hovers briefly and shoots going [to] horizon. R 4/18/1966 #20322  
 a humming sound. It hovered again briefly at the end of the alley, then mo 4/23/1966 #20388  
n airliner. The outer discs lagged briefly during a turn by the airliner. ( 5/17/1966 #20495  
n airliner. The outer discs lagged briefly during a turn by the airliner.   5/17/1966 #20499  
eter (body lights). After hovering briefly, the UFO took off at high speed  6/1/1966 #20518  
he lower perimeter. After hovering briefly, the UFO takes off at high speed 6/1/1966 #20519  
he lower perimeter. After hovering briefly, the UFO took off at high speed  6/1/1966 #20520  
 a reddish disc-shaped object that briefly comes into view before speeding  7/1966 #20625  
io Canal. Two little men were seen briefly on the ground before the departu 7/13/1966 #20643  
a, Italy. Two little men were seen briefly on the ground before the object  7/13/1966 #20645  
range being, 1.80 meters tall, was briefly seen. The sighting lasted five m 7/31/1966 #20703  
ibed) who walked around the ground briefly then returned to the object. The 11/10/1966 #21088  
inutes the UFO flew south, stopped briefly, and then sped away. Ninety minu 2/10/1967 #21508  
ine p.m. MST a cigar-shaped object briefly hovered over a hospital in Edmon 2/27/1967 #21678  
d green lights. The object hovered briefly, then suddenly accelerated and z 3/1/1967 #21709  
R 2 teens photograph ovoid. Hovers briefly. Shoots going quickly west 'too  3/16/1967 #21895  
proached rapidly at high speed. It briefly moved away, but returned when on 5/1/1967 #22263  
eatureless saucer. Follows roadway briefly. Sharply outlined.               5/12/1967 #22322  
e first in the sky. After hovering briefly, the objects vanished. (Los Ange 6/21/1967 #22527  
igar-shaped object. After stopping briefly the two smaller objects merge in Mid 8/1967 #22882  
llic disk lands / botanical garden briefly. Going quickly northeast.        8/29/1967 #22947  
f bees. A small object was dropped briefly.                                 10/11/1967 #23215  
earing behind trees. It reappeared briefly and then moved out of sight. (Ho 10/30/1967 #23367  
rkily, rising and falling, hovered briefly, sped away                       2/4/1968 #23733  
 feet. Coming to a stop, it hovers briefly, jerks forward, hovers again, th 2/4/1968 #23734  
E, QLD, AUSTR Airliner paced / UFO briefly. Shoots off / 1500mph.           3/2/1968 #23803  
 low overhead, and the witness was briefly paralyzed.                       3/3/1968 #23813  
 but quite fast." They only saw it briefly before it ran into the scrub. Mr 4/3/1968 #23886  
. Averting her eyes from the being briefly, she looked up and both the bein 6/10/1968 #24018  
level passes over the beach before briefly landing. One witness, Professor  9/9/1968 #24448  
 answers his questions clearly and briefly about where they come from, whic 9/26/1968 #24516  
ed, flew over shrimp boat, hovered briefly, shone light down on boat, then  11/22/1968 #24683  
g flashes, which landed in a field briefly. It suddenly took off and was lo 11/22/1968 #24684  
g flashes, which landed in a field briefly. It suddenly took off and was lo 11/22/1968 #24685  
ed, flew over shrimp boat. Hovered briefly, shone light down on boat, then  11/22/1968 #24687  
t surrounded with a blue glow land briefly in a field. It suddenly took off 11/22/1968 #24690  
c-shaped object descended, hovered briefly over a shrimp boat, shone a beam 11/22/1968 #24691  
about 500 feet away. He looks away briefly, and the object is gone, althoug 5/11/1969 #25125  
n staring at her. At one point she briefly looked away, and when she looked 7/4/1969 #25254  
of its employees, who stopped work briefly to watch it. Lt. Pedro Edvaldo D 7/18/1969 #25280  
f many employees, who stopped work briefly to watch it. Lt. Pedro Edvaldo D 7/18/1969 #25281  
lted slightly to one side, hovered briefly over some nearby power lines, th 12/7/1970 #25934  
e wind. Their electricity goes off briefly. Looking out the window, the Tal 1/3/1971 #25972  
ed why he was afraid. His mind was briefly transported to some other worldl 3/14/1971 #26047  
b-green coveralls. She goes inside briefly, but the object is gone when she 6/9/1971 #26162  
rnal light exited and returned. It briefly stopped over a "ship" that was o 7/14/1971 #26227  
 blinded her. The light turned off briefly and then turned on again, at fir 8/11/1971 #26280  
height of 40 feet, where it hovers briefly, retracts its legs, whistles aga 4/1/1972 #26633  
otor runabout outside the plant he briefly glimpsed "a sort of rainbow very 9/27/1972 #27035  
 Victoria, Australia. On route she briefly saw a man sitting in the front s 2/22/1973 #27310  
 to EME (electro-magnetic effects) briefly. Battery dead. / MJ#241.         5/2/1973 #27462  
 to stop. The object stops, hovers briefly, and shoots away straight upward 8/1973 #27672  
something in the sky. Both of them briefly observed a light over the highwa 8/4/1973 #27683  
e south. The group assembled there briefly but was unable to see anything.  9/11/1973 #27803  
e south. The group assembled there briefly but was unable to see anything.  9/12/1973 #27809  
ely white UFO paced their aircraft briefly. The two Spanish A.F. captains s 9/26/1973 #27871  
t whistling sound. There it paused briefly, then departed toward the northe 9/27/1973 #27879  
se-fitting sheet.” It is seen only briefly when she notices a bright white  10/16/1973 #28085  
e fitting sheet." It was seen only briefly. She then noticed a bright white 10/16/1973 #28091  
e-fitting sheet." It was seen only briefly when she noticed a bright white  10/19/1973 #28187  
serted into her body. She was left briefly alone in the brightly lit room,  10/20/1973 #28220  
y bright blue flash of light shone briefly, bathing Castillo's body. He und 11/18/1973 #28443  
ance. They flew away and came back briefly, then left going toward the east 12/19/1973 #28588  
3 villagers and 2 / car. UFO stops briefly and disappears silently.         3/7/1974 #28865  
n the back. The figure stepped out briefly onto the sand and then re-entere 5/20/1974 #29120  
h the mummy figures were only seen briefly.                                 8/20/1974 #29373  
hematical symbols." After hovering briefly, the object shot straight up and 9/3/1974 #29418  
as it is moving. The object hovers briefly, then shoots away, emitting a no 10/15/1974 #29531  
There were two other witnesses who briefly witnessed the flying disc in Bro 1/5/1975 #29724  
TE-SUR-SYE, 26, FR Red saucer seen briefly near house. Seems to glide on ra 2/21/1975 #29834  
oung witnesses see a light descend briefly behind a school in Chomedey, Lav 4/26/1975 #30006  
 follows her home, where it hovers briefly before moving into a neighbor’s  7/1975 #30141  
 motorbike when they were followed briefly by an unknown "vehicle" in the v 8/22/1975 #30297  
 motorbike when they were followed briefly by an unknown "vehicle" in the v 8/22/1975 #30298  
ation that even her brain had been briefly removed. This being had a lumino 8/26/1975 #30312  
ex County, Massachusetts when they briefly glimpsed a large humanoid creatu 9/17/1975 #30367  
right light again appears overhead briefly, then streaks away and disappear Fall 1975 #30381  
ey hear something explode outside. Briefly puzzled, they decide to go for a 10/27/1975 #30486  
cing the aircraft. The object then briefly attached itself to the B-52, det 11/11/1975 #30606  
cing the aircraft. The object then briefly attaches itself to the B-52, det 11/11/1975 #30610  
 MI 20m object going down / ground briefly. Goes behind trees. Car radio Ra 11/22/1976 #31563  
oh driving near Rockford, Michigan briefly encountered an oblong, greenish  11/22/1976 #31564  
 some community gardens and hovers briefly at about 6 feet altitude, lowers 1/21/1977 #31742  
). Moon-size red round object seen briefly. Shoots away.                    1/28/1977 #31762  
as Viamao). Bright blue ovoid seen briefly again.                           1/29/1977 #31764  
 Slovenia. It illuminates the room briefly then goes out. The light is comi 2/11/1977 #31810  
area, a human-like figure was seen briefly to step out of the object and th 2/17/1977 #31825  
tom. It hovers silently above them briefly then moves off to the south.     3/19/1977 #31917  
on board a flight at 31,000'. Seen briefly four times. Radar and E-M. (Hain 4/14/1977 #31979  
osition. The crew sees two targets briefly at that position but only on rad 4/14/1977 #31980  
 driving the car, only glimpsed it briefly. Neither of them knew of the oth 4/23/1977 #32019  
ate. Then one of them looks up and briefly sees a thin, large, white cresce 5/3/1977 #32050  
ng this, one of them looked up and briefly saw a thin, large, white crescen 5/3/1977 #32053  
 man in Clarksburg, West Virginia, briefly watches a silver rectangular obj 7/3/1977 #32233  
haped craft. At one point he awoke briefly to see several men staring at hi 7/10/1977 #32256  
nsciousness. At one point he awoke briefly to see several men staring at hi 7/10/1977 #32257  
 object rises up to join the other briefly, and they can see a blinking red 8/11/1977 #32384  
ed a blue aura that at times would briefly turn golden. The little man poin 9/25/1977 #32519  
to a neighbor's house and was also briefly paralyzed by a light beam. Both  10/29/1977 #32633  
, and white blinking lights hovers briefly and silently above their car. It 4/26/1978 #33172  
and large oval-shaped eyes emerged briefly from the craft. (NICAP: 02 - Clo 7/16/1978 #33389  
and large oval-shaped eyes emerged briefly from the craft. It then re-enter 7/16/1978 #33393  
tly lighted object buzzed her car, briefly lifted it off road (section VII) 7/27/1978 #33422  
tly lighted object buzzed her car, briefly lifted it off road               7/27/1978 #33425  
 object that appears and reappears briefly in a slightly different position 7/29/1978 #33448  
 the flyover of a UFO that is also briefly tracked on radar. Joseph Staudin 8/8/1978 #33490  
at it, to no avail. They look away briefly and do not notice how the lights 8/24/1978 #33564  
ll sombrero saucer stops near town briefly. Going quickly northeast. Change 8/28/1978 (approximate) #33583  
t moved horizontally, then stopped briefly above a building. It finally wen 8/31/1978 #33611  
o and tape player also malfunction briefly. A French woman driving in the a 9/7/1978 #33645  
ent direction or appearing to stop briefly. Probable meteor.                9/14/1978 #33676  
static on FM radio, headlights out briefly. International UFO Reporter, Jul 9/26/1978 #33750  
nd one blue flashing light is seen briefly. It suddenly drops halfway to th 9/27/1978 #33763  
ne point approaching the witnesses briefly. It made low humming noises. The 11/24/1978 #33996  
eing described as a metallic robot briefly stepped out, and its body gave o 12/30/1978 #34232  
night two Grey aliens materialized briefly in abductee B. Herrmann's home i 4/21/1979 #34520  
ilot. 6' sparkly torus off wingtip briefly. 7K mph. / MJ#186.               6/9/1979 #34603  
manoid emerged from the object and briefly chased the peasant. The humanoid 9/25/1979 #34922  
manoid emerged from the object and briefly chased the peasant. The humanoid 9/25/1979 #34923  
r bullet-shaped craft that hovered briefly (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)   10/26/1979 #34966  
, bullet-shaped craft that hovered briefly over a farm near a river in Colu 10/26/1979 #34967  
tland Hills, Borders, Scotland. It briefly hovered, then shot off at high s 11/8/1979 #34987  
ater 60 feet below. The UFO hovers briefly then begins moving north, parall 1/1980 #35120  
                        Two aliens briefly paralyzed a female witness in Ar 2/2/1980 #35154  
obajas, the humanoid forms stopped briefly by a small creek and seemed to b 2/11/1980 #35169  
 down the car. The car slowed down briefly, but then sped away. Perhaps the 2/11/1980 #35170  
gives off a high-pitched sound and briefly emits three white rays, then asc 6/14/1980 #35367  
ge jumpsuit. The being stood there briefly and stared at the witness, who p 8/8/1980 #35448  
emale credit manager in Lima, Ohio briefly observed a vivid orange to red o 9/21/1980 #35526  
ss. The craft flew slowly, stopped briefly in in the west, and finally shot 9/26/1980 #35538  
e car stalls and the lights go out briefly.                                 10/19/1980 #35576  
ry slow speed. It stops and hovers briefly, then comes down to 700–1,000 fe 10/23/1980 #35584  
ves it to Bill Moore. It mentions, briefly and cryptically, analyses of a U 11/17/1980 #35645  
 in the southern sky and disappear briefly when a plane flies below them.   11/24/1980 #35664  
ous, blue-white ball of light came briefly over the right side of the car's 12/3/1980 #35688  
 car heater quits when light comes briefly over the right side of the hood. 12/3/1980 #35690  
ous, blue-white ball of light came briefly over the right side of the car’s 12/3/1980 #35691  
arly seen inside, one them glanced briefly at the witness then the object r 2/1981 #35810  
ith red glowing lights; it hovered briefly, spinning, and then went away.   5/13/1981 #35935  
en. Pete Domenici (R-N.Mex.) meets briefly with Sgt. Richard Doty at Kirtla 7/30/1981 #36040  
ect departed upwards. The aircraft briefly disappeared from FAA radar durin 8/8/1981 #36063  
 of Gdynia, Poland. He leaves them briefly to go back to a camping area and 8/8/1981 #36064  
ect departed upwards. The aircraft briefly disappeared from FAA radar durin 8/8/1981 #36065  
ight at 50 feet.” They stop moving briefly twice near the star Eta Tauri, t 8/12/1981 #36070  
s wearing shiny overalls were seen briefly before the light went out.       8/15/1981 #36076  
rhead. Through an open port he was briefly able to see a humanoid figure ap 9/1981 #36097  
og to howl. A fifth object appears briefly, leaving a glow that persists fo 9/17/1982 #36607  
FO lifts the right side of her car briefly off the road, causing her lights 10/13/1983 #37004  
s in a FOIA response that the Army briefly had an “in-house” group known as 5/16/1984 #37330  
 garden. Windows / side. Seen very briefly.                                 4/29/1987 #38167  
ng light-colored hair. The figures briefly turned to stare at the witness b 8/2/1987 #38226  
husband sees a white beam shooting briefly from the direction it has gone.  9/11/1987 #38281  
UBBERHOUSES, NORTH YORKS Bus paced briefly / yellow saucer. Going quickly e 2/3/1988 #38438  
ands. Gulf Breeze type saucer seen briefly. 2 observer(s). Vanishes.        3/6/1988 #38492  
ming from the northwest. It hovers briefly over the Sierra Highway before “ 8/3/1988 #38613  
ht up into the sky, stopping again briefly before departing. The officer’s  12/4/1988 #38743  
very outfits and large black boots briefly emerged. A smaller headless robo 9/21/1989 #39115  
leaves. When it returns, it hovers briefly, and then descends close to the  9/27/1989 #39124  
 point the craft and beings become briefly invisible but then reappear. One 9/27/1989 #39124  
 left. When it returned it hovered briefly, and then descended very close t 9/27/1989 #39126  
 point the craft and beings became briefly invisible but then reappeared. O 9/27/1989 #39126  
ect, it, and then rose up, hovered briefly, and finally flew away quickly.  10/28/1989 #39191  
lowing-halo. Beacons / sides. Seen briefly.                                 1/29/1990 #39395  
earby building. The object hovered briefly, moved slowly overhead, and then 3/31/1990 #39504  
erver(s). Crown-saucer clearly and briefly. Resembles Gulf Breeze photograp 6/10/1990 #39611  
aring tight-fitting coveralls were briefly seen standing near the object.   8/31/1990 #39709  
is dog barking and went outside to briefly see a missile like object fly ov 3/6/1991 #40000  
shaped UFO. Lights / corners. Seen briefly from car.                        4/12/1991 #40037  
t one point a luminous, yellow ray briefly shoots from the object to the we 6/8/1991 #40092  
lue-glow 25cm bone-shape paces car briefly near NSA M-wave facility/install 2/7/1992 #40322  
ft, feeling dizzy and numb. He was briefly left alone before two beings ent 4/12/1992 #40414  
ashington at 10:55 p.m. It stopped briefly, changed color from bright blue  4/15/1992 #40418  
 said that the object touched down briefly and then took off in the directi 6/10/1992 #40491  
 her kitchen. It stopped and stood briefly by a kitchen storage cabinet. Sh 8/13/1992 #40569  
d from the smoke. He walked around briefly, then entered the crescent-shape 9/22/1992 #40636  
 a large, dark aircraft. It hovers briefly above the hangar at 300–500 feet 10/27/1992 #40694  
 appeared and followed the witness briefly before leaving.                  7/31/1993 #41095  
 members of his A320 airliner crew briefly observe over Coulommiers–Voisins 1/28/1994 #41390  
ar /. Saucer 60' over road. Hovers briefly. Shoots going quickly west to se 4/6/1994 #41477  
diameter disc was sighted hovering briefly over a road in Welcombe, Devonsh 4/6/1994 #41479  
lowing object" seen clearly. Stops briefly. Shoots going quickly southwest. 5/23/1994 #41535  
ng southeast / 20 second(s). Stops briefly. Each 1cm / arms length.         7/31/1994 #41648  
e heat. Three of the children then briefly saw two short, "robot like creat 2/23/1995 #42060  
awoke in Buena Park, California to briefly see an extremely bright light ou 8/15/1995 #42390  
peared to be blinking. The witness briefly illuminated the creatures with t 12/9/1995 #42639  
full moon hovers near prison. Seen briefly.                                 1/8/1996 #42674  
p the steps, stand still and stare briefly at the witness before disappeari 2/10/1996 #42755  
nge ovoid goes NNE going SSW. Seen briefly. No further details.             3/6/1996 #42807  
p.m. the Mayor of Autignac, France briefly sighted an orange, ovoid flying  3/6/1996 #42813  
          VARGINHA, BRZ 1 observer briefly. Helmeted small humanoid (or Gre 4/21/1996 #42875  
d. The object descended and landed briefly, becoming dark, and then bright  5/6/1996 #42898  
Classic metallic domed saucer seen briefly. Hovers then gone.               10/18/1996 #43076  
s of UFOs descend from the sky and briefly hover above Aviano Air Base, Ita 3/6/1997 #43221  
 Going [to] behind trees then back briefly. No further details.             5/9/1997 #43290  
eft quickly. The creature was seen briefly next day in the same woods, but  9/5/1997 #43395  
n Skobran and Maciej Robert see it briefly before it disappears. At 11:50 p 12/31/1997 #43477  
nd small heads. They looked around briefly and then went back inside the ob 2/14/1998 #43521  
ported to a UFO hotline that a UFO briefly chased him and his dog. At about 3/27/1998 #43535  
ly hopped by the witness, stopping briefly to stare at him. It then hopped  9/21/1998 #43650  
 30 feet above the ground. He also briefly saw a 4 foot 8 inch tall figure  9/25/1998 #43651  
ng at Henry. Henry turned his head briefly, and when he looked back the fig 9/3/1999 #43842  
 speed", then stopped abruptly and briefly before shooting off at a 90º ang 3/30/2000 #43973  
 describe. Inside the enclosure he briefly met a short humanoid, with sunke 8/10/2000 #44029  
00 a.m. a rectangular UFO was seen briefly over Florissant, St. Louis Count 1/5/2002 #44304  
ge, round domed disc that was seen briefly. It was also described as very s 6/7/2002 #44348  
parent V-shaped object was sighted briefly in Barnesville, Ohio at 8:30 p.m 11/21/2003 #44616  
esses in Creston, British Columbia briefly saw some blue lights in the sky  11/25/2003 #44621  
me thicker, the display disappears briefly, then reappears and become more  1/22/2004 #44654  
haped object hovered over the road briefly in Guilderland, Albany County, N 8/11/2004 #44732  
object with two lights was sighted briefly over Seattle, Washington in dayl 9/11/2004 #44753  
d object with many lights was seen briefly in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Ca 9/17/2004 #44759  
 had become visible, from which he briefly saw a figure descend down what a 11/8/2004 #44780  
that shot up into the sky, hovered briefly, and began to get smaller as the 1/30/2006 #44920  
orida a triangular object was seen briefly. The craft had four greenish-blu 4/22/2007 #45021  
h of light, lighting up everything briefly like daytime. A creature descend 4/25/2007 #45023  
the instrument and waved it around briefly, and then took out a box and put 4/25/2007 #45023  
 UFO with 8 dim lights was spotted briefly at Berryville pond, Berryville,  6/1/2009 #45225  
p the ridge-line behind the house, briefly pausing near a transmitter mast  3/19/2013 #45362  
## Word: "briefs" (Back to Top)
  USAF Directorate of Intelligence briefs the USAF Deputy Chief of Staff fo 4/27/1949 #4116  
t meets with two RCAF officers and briefs them on the new procedures.       Late 3/1952? #5974  
                           Ruppelt briefs Maj. Gen. John A. Samford and his Mid 6/1952 #6512  
ightings plus many unofficial.” It briefs CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith  8/19/1952 #7648  
       The CIA/OSI UFO study group briefs CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith, 8/20/1952 #7663  
ctor Walter Bedell Smith, who then briefs President Truman on the CIA UFO s 8/22/1952 #7682  
                     Pentagon ATIC briefs Howard P. Robertson, now chairman 9/16/1957 #14001  
                     The Air Force briefs Reps. Henderson, Cramer, Magnuson 6/20/1958 #15107  
                     The Air Force briefs the Subcommittee on Atmospheric P 8/13/1958 #15200  
 evacuated by helicopter. As Salas briefs Lt. Fred Meiwald, an alarm rings  3/24/1967 #21973  
receiving the report, Helms orally briefs the President about its contents. 4/24/1967 #22214  
 aerospace engineer Robert M. Wood briefs the Colorado project on UFOs. Sub 10/13/1967 #23233  
    Steven Greer’s CSETI allegedly briefs members of Congress with a list o 8/30/1996 #43001  
     CSETI and Aero Inc. allegedly briefs someone in the Obama Administrati 2/13/2009 #45212  
## Word: "briele" (Back to Top)
more, Maryland 9:35 p.m. Robert D. Briele, an engineer for WFBR-AM radio, a 8/22/1964 #18505  
                                   Briele, Netherlands 6:30 p.m. A 13-year- 2/27/2018 #45517  
nds 6:30 p.m. A 13-year-old boy in Briele, Netherlands, watches two black d 2/27/2018 #45517  
## Word: "brien" (Back to Top)
nt Lot A teenage couple, William O’Brien and Irma (later married surname is Summer 1922 #1022  
ochester optical physicist Brian O’Brien, meets at Wright-Patterson AFB in  2/3/1966 #19879  
esearch to accept the February 3 O’Brien recommendation to seek a universit 4/5/1966 #20249  
the UFO project suggested by the O’Brien committee in February. He assemble 4/22/1966 #20374  
       Manotick, Ontario Bernard O’Brien is cutting grass in a field with h Mid 7/1969 #25270  
## Word: "brienne" (Back to Top)
                                   BRIENNE, FR 4 Mx2M domed saucer lands /  10/14/1954 #11033  
## Word: "brier" (Back to Top)
                Nova Scotia Sambro Brier Island Weymouth Shag Harbour Highw 10/4/1967 #23176  
n 11:00 and 11:30 pm, northwest of Brier Island, the captain and crew of a  10/4/1967 #23176  
## Word: "brierley" (Back to Top)
                                   BRIERLEY HILL, ENGL 2 observer(s). Massi 11/19/1987 #38328  
## Word: "brig" (Back to Top)
ab, Lebanon 10:30 p.m. The British brig Victoria, captained by George Henry 6/18/1845 #141  
velt gives the letter to his aide, Brig. Gen. Edwin “Pa” Watson with the in 8/2/1939 #1313  
nhattan Engineering District, with Brig. Gen. James C. Marshall as district 8/13/1942 #1436  
                     Germany Japan Brig. Gen. George C. McDonald is appoint 2/23/1944 #1577  
egic Services Unit (SSU) headed by Brig. Gen. John Magruder, the former OSS 9/20/1945 #1938  
                                   Brig. Gen. George C. McDonald, AAF direc 10/9/1945 #1944  
Fort Worth, Texas Eighth Air Force Brig. Gen. Roger M. Ramey and intelligen 6/30/1947 #2487  
 on what he claims are orders from Brig. Gen. Martin F. Scanlon of the Army 7/5/1947 #2718  
A meeting is held in the office of Brig. Gen. George F. Schulgen, chief of  7/7/1947 #2935  
                                   Brig. Gen. George F. Schulgen, chief of  7/9/1947 #3067  
 Wright Field, according to future Brig. Gen. Arthur Exon, then stationed a 7/10/1947 #3103  
                  Garrett Estimate Brig. Gen. George F. Schulgen passes the Late 8/1947 #3369  
power-plant laboratory chief), and Brig. Gen. Edgar P. Sorenson (Air Instit Mid 9/1947 #3396  
       Secret Briefing Document to Brig. General George Schulgen, AC/AS-2,  9/23/1947 #3415  
                                   Brig. Gen. George F. Schulgen, Chief of  10/28/1947 #3469  
              Plans and Operations Brig. Gen. Charles P. Cabell, chief of t 2/12/1948 #3576  
 proposal by Col. Howard McCoy and Brig. Gen. Charles P. Cabell for station 3/3/1948 #3587  
s E. Lipp writes an 8-page memo to Brig. Gen. Donald Putt on “Special Desig 12/13/1948 #3929  
                                   Brig. Gen. Donald Putt, Director of USAF 12/16/1948 #3931  
mento Mather Airport Evening. USAF Brig. Gen. William M. Garland is station 1949? #3944  
ers, Rear Adm. Robert Dennison and Brig. Gen. Robert B. Landry, and that th 4/4/1950 #4792  
ions writes a confidential memo to Brig. Gen. Joseph F. Carroll, Director o 5/25/1950 #4966  
    Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio USAF Brig. Gen. Ernest Moore writes a memo to 10/18/1950 #5241  
d Lt. Gen. Nathan Twining to USAAF Brig. Gen. George Schulgen states: “It i 1952 #5843  
                      Soviet Union Brig. Gen. William M. Garland, Assistant 1/3/1952 #5859  
ton, Ohio Cambridge, Massachusetts Brig. Gen. William M. Garland, USAF Assi 1/29/1952 #5884  
for his UFO article. He talks with Brig. Gen. Joseph F. Carroll, Director o 2/25/1952 #5931  
irector of Special Investigations. Brig. Gen. William M. Garland tells him  2/25/1952 #5931  
tack. Air Force Intelligence warns Brig. Gen. Woodbury Burgess, at ADC Head 4/16/1952 #6093  
ahran, Saudi Arabia 9:20 p.m. USAF Brig. Gen. Edwin M. Day is reclining on  4/19/1952 #6131  
ppelt, ATIC chief Col. Frank Dunn, Brig. Gen. William M. Garland, Possony’s Early 5/1952 #6249  
                                   Brig. Gen. Alfred R. Maxwell of the Rese 7/31/1952 #7372  
o ATIC but the commanding officer (Brig. Gen. William A. Matheny) orders it 9/1952 #7801  
Ent AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado Brig. Gen. Woodbury M. Burgess, commande 3/5/1953 #8733  
hrney, Gen. William E. Kepner, and Brig. Gen. Thomas B. Catron. Gladys Rose 10/19/1956 #13286  
                              USAF Brig. Gen. Arno H. Leuhman, director of  Early 4/1957 #13576  
                            Brazil Brig. Gen. João Adil Oliveira, chief of  2/28/1958 #14897  
                   Hynek writes to Brig. Gen. Benjamin G. Holzman at ARDC i 2/17/1960 #16180  
 Beach AFB he was debriefed by his Brig. Gen. and was told he broke securit 1962 #17012  
 he replied nothing), to which the Brig. Gen. Said “You have the right answ 1962 #17012  
 Pentagon In a Blue Book briefing, Brig. Gen. William C. Garland, deputy ch 7/7/1966 #20634  
e group meets in the Pentagon with Brig. Gen. Edward B. Giller, director of 2/20/1967 #21607  
azilian Air Force and sponsored by Brig. Gen. José Vaz da Silva and coordin 10/1968 #24535  
                                   Brig. Gen. Carroll H. Bolender, USAF Dep 10/20/1969 #25418  
und in damp clay soil. On June 28, Brig. A. Vosloo, divisional commander of 6/26/1972 #26735  
Dept. of National Defense, Canada, Brig. Gen. L.A. Bourgeois states: All UF 10/2/1972 #27044  
ent report sent to Col. Landon and Brig. Gen. Brown (AFOSI). The reporting  1/18/1978 #32890  
was distributed to Col. Landon and Brig. Gen. Brown at AFOSI. It states a U 1/18/1978 #32895  
small group of officials—including Brig. Gen. William Brooksher, base AFOSI 11/10/1980 #35625  
ter evidence shows this was likely Brig. Gen. Donald Flickinger, who was a  1982 #36293  
 they climbed vertically past him. Brig. Gen. Octavio Moreira Lima made the 5/19/1986 #37874  
11:20 p.m. The Air Force Minister, Brig.Gen. Octávio Júlio Moreira Lima, ma 5/19/1986 #37881  
ied out by the Air Force Minister, Brig. Gen. Octavio Moreira Lima.         5/19/1986 #37882  
       Commanding Officer of WPAFB Brig. Gen. Arthur Exon states “the Unhol 7/1989 #39001  
                                   Brig. Gen. Thomas Dubose states the ball 9/16/1991 #40189  
isor Dean Judd, Jessica Utts, USAF Brig. Gen. Jim Whinnery, Emily Williams  1/28/1996 #42725  
    Très Coracões, Brazil Varginha Brig. Gen. Sergio Pedro Coelho Lima, com 5/8/1996 #42900  
ahrney, Gen. William E. Kepner and Brig. Gen. Thomas B. Catron among others 5/9/2001 #44183  
spoke with an Air Force physician, Brig. Gen. Donald Flickinger, MD. Flicki 3/5/2002 #44323  
r Paul Kaminski, Director of SAPCO Brig. Gen. Mike Kostelnik and SecDef Wil 10/16/2002 #44418  
 Mexico Attorney and Army Reserves Brig. Gen. Stephen Lovekin, who had work 9/20/2005 #44877  
## Word: "brigade" (Back to Top)
:16 a.m., the 37th Coast Artillery Brigade begins firing .50 caliber machin 2/24/1942 #1388  
s, CA, yesterday morning. The 37th Brigade (AA) expended 1430 rounds of amm 2/26/1942 #1392  
s), trained and funded by the CIA, Brigade 2506 fronts the armed wing of th 4/17/1961 #16649  
rais military police, and the fire brigade of Varginha release the secret f 2/2018 #45504  
## Word: "brigadeiro" (Back to Top)
                            Palmas–Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airport Palm 6/5/2003 #44554  
 Flight 3287 takes off from Palmas–Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airport in P 6/5/2003 #44554  
## Word: "brigades" (Back to Top)
p catch fire and explode. The fire brigades of three villages, 40 riflemen  3/13/1913 #886  
a flaming appearance, causing fire brigades to rush to the scene, keeping w 1/15/1982 #36301  
T / ANTRAIGUES, FR 2 separate fire brigades. 3 silent green fireballs / tri 3/31/1993 #40909  
## Word: "brigadier" (Back to Top)
 Col. Leslie Groves is promoted to brigadier general and becomes director o 9/23/1942 #1447  
ir Field, had received a call from Brigadier General Martin F. Scanlon of t 7/1/1947 #2501  
ector of Intelligence for the ADC, Brigadier Gen. Woodbury M. Burgess.” Chi 3/19/1952 #5961  
second explosion. That witness was Brigadier General C. Smith.              5/4/1976 #31035  
king Air Force personnel including Brigadier General William Brooksher. In  11/10/1980 #35623  
ok contractor Jacques Vallée state Brigadier Gen. Peter J. Hennessy was the 11/17/1980 #35646  
als in Brasília, Brazil, headed by Brigadier Telles Ribeiro, chief of the A 5/20/2005 #44844  
## Word: "brigantine" (Back to Top)
                                   BRIGANTINE, NJ Large saucer going [to] W 10/16/1953 #9232  
                                   Brigantine, New Jersey Atlantic 4:00–4:3 10/16/1953 #9236  
gar-shaped object as it approaches Brigantine, New Jersey, from over the At 10/16/1953 #9236  
ith her grandchildren in a room in Brigantine, New Jersey and had left seve 2/24/1997 #43207  
## Word: "briggs" (Back to Top)
nsists of NBS Director Lyman James Briggs, Army Lt. Col. Keith F. Adamson,  10/21/1939 #1318  
onnel in the sections. Lyman James Briggs remains the chairman, with Americ 6/28/1941 #1367  
d as its chairman, and Lyman James Briggs, Karl Taylor Compton, Ernest Lawr 6/19/1942 #1417  
 Robert Scott Creely, and Louis I. Briggs, watch a bright light moving agai 4/10/1950 #4841  
 by Lord Mountbatten and Frederick Briggs describing a Saucer that landed o 2/23/1955 #12013  
re, England 8:30 a.m. Frederick S. Briggs, a bricklayer and former army ser 2/23/1955 #12015  
ing from less than 100 yards away, Briggs estimates that the object is 80 f 2/23/1955 #12015  
erest in this incident, interviews Briggs, and searches the area of the mea 2/23/1955 #12015  
as a statement prepared, detailing Briggs’s claims. This story is written u 2/23/1955 #12015  
                      Beaumont, CA Briggs. (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 44; FUFOR Inde 4/6/1955 #12083  
Carl Towill, postmaster, and Percy Briggs, mail carrier, saw a dome-shaped  3/13/1959 #15640  
ey had observed it for 10 min. Mr. Briggs was questioned by investigators f 3/13/1959 #15640  
 Hill Murray River 2:00 a.m. Percy Briggs is driving from Purnong to Mannum 3/13/1959 #15641  
ters from the ferry, two men names Briggs and Towill came upon a multi-colo 3/13/1959 #15642  
                          Two men, Briggs and Elio, saw a strange, domed di 3/23/1959 #15666  
es east of McChord Air Force Base. Briggs exited the building to investigat 10/14/1972 #27074  
vestigate the sound. Once outside, Briggs observed a saucer shaped object d 10/14/1972 #27074  
directly above the TACAN building. Briggs watched as the object landed just 10/14/1972 #27074  
 just south of the TACAN compound. Briggs was startled by the object and en 10/14/1972 #27074  
oned Hillsgeck. Once Hillsgeck and Briggs exited the building together, the 10/14/1972 #27074  
         Airman First Class Steven Briggs and Airman Dennis Hillsgeck, stat 10/14/1972 #27077  
the equipment. At around 2:00 p.m. Briggs heard a high-pitched engine sound 10/14/1972 #27077  
t south of the compound. Startled, Briggs entered the building and summoned 10/14/1972 #27077  
atures" walking towards the fence. Briggs went back into the building and t 10/14/1972 #27077  
 minutes they arrived and observed Briggs and Hillsgeck standing near their 10/14/1972 #27077  
d not work. Reid and Tash then got Briggs and Hillsgeck and drove them from 10/14/1972 #27077  
r the District of Columbia William Briggs asks Peter Gersten of Ground Sauc 8/17/1978 #33522  
## Word: "brigham" (Back to Top)
     Misawa (20 miles N of), Japan Brigham/T-6 Case: UFO Makes Pass At F-84 3/29/1952 #5987  
rth of Misawa AFB, Japan Witness:  Brigham, pilot of AT-6 trainer. One smal 3/29/1952 #5990  
sawa, Japan, USAF Lt. David Conant Brigham is flying a T-6 target plane on  3/29/1952 #5992  
## Word: "brighly" (Back to Top)
ree turn and flew off to the NE. A brighly lit object stopped in mid-flight 11/14/1971 #26472  
## Word: "brighouse" (Back to Top)
                                   BRIGHOUSE, NORTH YORKS 6+separate cops.  4/14/1978 #33145  
## Word: "bright" (Back to Top)
JAPAN / LOCATION UNKNOWN Unusually bright saucers fly. Then join together.  8/3/989 #5  
                            LONDON Bright white cloud 'drops fire' / Westmi 3/14/1660 #43  
h are embedded brilliant lights as bright as the full moon that give off sl 12/5/1737 #60  
MANLAND, SWD Luminous spheres exit bright cylinder/cylindrical object in sk 6/1/1752? #72  
ngland 9:15–9:30 p.m. An unusually bright bolide is observed in the British 8/18/1783 #90  
      DARK PART / MOON Astronomer. Bright object 400X200 km. wide! Going qu 10/20/1824 #119  
asterly course. The objects are so bright they are painful to look at. A po 6/18/1845 #141  
s appear / 2 days. 11+12 December. Bright flashing light / dark part.       3/18/1847 #142  
the houses below. Suddenly another bright cloud appears above the first. Af 3/19/1847 #143  
for nearly one minute. They are as bright as Venus. A rare event, and littl 7/20/1860 #155  
instruments independently notice a bright object below the lunar disc and j 8/7/1869 #180  
oid going [to] fish shape. Vibrant bright red and fast.                     4/5/1870 #186  
ight pillar reflection caused by a bright arc-light source at a military in 9/26/1870 #187  
n Bristol Township when they see a bright light descending swiftly with a r Late 3/1873 #200  
 CZ Astronomer Schafarick. Vibrant bright slow white object crosses moons f 4/24/1874 (approximate) #202  
ochester, Indiana 8:30–8:45 p.m. A bright bolide that explodes and breaks u 12/21/1876 #208  
high in the southern sky. It is so bright it hurts his eyes as it moves wit 1/22/1878 #212  
e object maneuvers 3.5 hours. Very bright.                                  4/13/1879 #217  
tal of 447 dark objects. They seem bright as they approach the sun but are  8/12/1883 #255  
large as the moon, surrounded by a bright ring, two dark lines crossing the 7/3/1884 #261  
ight. During a severe snowstorm, a bright light suddenly flashes in the hig 2/16/1885 #263  
e beneath the object was lit up as bright as a carbon-arc light, causing al 2/14/1889 #287  
ange a cigar-shaped balloon with a bright light on one end and a fan on the 7/12/1891 #294  
lway going northeast against wind. Bright beam. Returns going southwest.    3/7/1892 #298  
t Przemyśl Fortress, Poland, see a bright point of light in the north that  4/16/1892 #302  
forms. Their colors vary: Some are bright red, others green or black, but w 8/18/1893 #309  
maneuvers / 120M altitude. Vibrant bright lights.                           7/3/1896 #326  
 CA 2 separate observer(s). 3 very bright lights 8' apart going quickly eas 10/25/1896 (approximate) #331  
in Bowman, California. watch three bright lights moving toward the east at  Late 10/1896 #332  
Woodland, California, notice three bright lights in the southwestern sky mo Early 11/1896 #335  
KTON, CA Several observer(s). Fast bright night light exits shadow-ovoid. D 11/23/1896 #350  
 SAN JOSE, CA Several observer(s). Bright night light going south. Again go 11/23/1896 #351  
 Red Bluff, California 7:00 p.m. A bright light is seen west of Chico, Cali 11/23/1896 #352  
alifornia witnessed a fast moving, bright light in the sky that had exited  11/23/1896 #353  
Elmira, California, see two large, bright lights moving parallel with them  12/4/1896 #375  
xtended wings, a large tail, and a bright searchlight. Amid the shattered g 12/26/1896 #380  
airship with an immense artificial bright light was sighted in the early ev 1/30/1897 #383  
eeting in Inavale, Nebraska, see a bright light passing overhead. Six small 2/4/1897 #387  
 Braternitz, and Harry Reese see a bright light moving to the east just wes 2/4/1897 #387  
     North Loup, Nebraska Night. A bright fireball appears in the west over 3/13/1897 #390  
t and others in Belleville watch a bright light pass above the city for 45  3/23/1897 #393  
liable observer(s). Conic airship. Bright light / windows. / news / L. Fari 4/2/1897 #411  
apids, Iowa, see an object with a “bright glaring headlight,” a glistening  4/8/1897 #418  
, see a cone-shaped airship with a bright headlight moving south of town.   4/10/1897 #423  
s of Jacksonville, Illinois, see a bright light moving swiftly from east to 4/10/1897 #425  
ippi River South Park 11:00 p.m. A bright white light with red and green li 4/10/1897 #426  
like two monster cigars with three bright headlights” moving to the north.  4/11/1897 #435  
rald sees a V-shaped object with a bright searchlight moving rapidly toward 4/12/1897 #447  
et, and was clearly visible in the bright moonlight.                        4/15/1897 #500  
s, sees a “globular” object with a bright light the size of a star in one e 4/17/1897 #522  
atchitoches, Louisiana, they see a bright light attached to a massive airsh 4/19/1897 #534  
le Monroe County, Ohio 9:00 p.m. A bright light moves from the northwest ov 4/19/1897 #537  
W. Baylor of Uvalde, Texas, sees a bright light and hears strange voices be 4/20/1897 #546  
 Cylinder/cigar-shape with vibrant bright lights lands. Pseudo-human/entity 4/21/1897 #549  
e in Toledo, Ohio, when he notices bright, multicolored lights moving rapid 4/24/1897 #569  
est of Hot Springs when they saw a bright light in the sky. About 7 km fart 5/6/1897 #591  
est of Hot Springs when they saw a bright light in the sky. About 7 km fart 5/6/1897 #592  
 Springs, Arkansas when they saw a bright light in the sky. About seven km  5/6/1897 #594  
k, Ohio, sees an object with 10–12 bright white and red lights moving slowl 5/9/1897 #595  
 operator in Kellogg, Iowa, sees a bright, bluish light moving rapidly to t 11/19/1897 #612  
New Castle, Pennsylvania, notice a bright arc light moving in from the sout 5/2/1898 #621  
         FR ASTRONOMER LIBERT Very bright slow white meteorite. 60 second(s 6/29/1898 #623  
gement” pass overhead. It shines a bright searchlight along the ground.     1/26/1899 #631  
The beings go back in the craft, a bright flash surrounds it, and it shoots Summer 1901 #645  
USS SUPPLY AT SEA 3 observer(s). 3 bright ovoids quickly going down [to] be 2/28/1904 #668  
h the clouds, their color a rather bright red.” As they approach the ship t 2/28/1904 #670  
o) to Imperial, California, when a bright light flashes on him from above.  8/3/1905 #679  
of the Wailuku Mountains. It is so bright it illuminates the cane fields be 1/4/1906 #686  
n stops and what looks like a very bright star takes off at great speed tow 5/1908 #704  
ylinder/cigar-shape with antennas. Bright beams straight going down [to] an 6/27/1908 #707  
 column of bluish light, nearly as bright as the sun, moving across the sky 6/30/1908 #711  
ny Night. Frederick G. Hehr sees a bright white light executing a “curious  1909 #719  
from choir practice when he sees a bright searchlight attached to a torpedo 3/4/1909 #723  
NORWICH AND THURSTON, ENGL Vibrant bright light searches ground. Framework  5/19/1909 #763  
, England, when he is dazzled by a bright light with a bluish tinge overhea 5/19/1909 #767  
YS Danish steamship Bintang. Large bright wheel surfaces and spins in air.  6/3/1909 #773  
n Goulburn, New South Wales, see a bright, pale blue light arise from behin 8/7/1909 #801  
ris of Mabelvale, Arkansas, sees a bright, bobbling light moving through th 12/13/1909 #819  
MA "Mysterious Airship" emitting a bright beam of light appeared moving SE  12/22/1909 #820  
INA SEA Dutch steamship Valentijn. Bright spinning wheel close to surface.  8/12/1910 #843  
 midnight in the South China Sea a bright spinning wheel was see in the oce 8/12/1910 #844  
head. Red and green lights / rear. Bright headlight / front. No further det 10/27/1910 #849  
and green lights on the rear and a bright headlight flew overhead on this m 10/27/1910 #851  
ntense-black object crosses moon's bright side.                             1/27/1912 #857  
es, watch a “dirigible” carrying a bright light pass in a northwesterly dir 2/5/1913 #880  
 a procession of between 40 and 60 bright, slow-moving fireballs moving fro 2/9/1913 #881  
Hornsea, Yorkshire, England, see a bright light traveling to the west and r 2/25/1913 #884  
 sees outside her bedroom window a bright light in the sky bearing north. I Late 6/1915 #929  
                 DARLINGTON, DEVON Bright white sphere/orb/globe rises / me 9/4/1915 #935  
Dartmoor, Devon, England, watch a “bright white light, considerably larger  9/4/1915 #936  
 became a silver disc, and emitted bright rainbow shafts of light, changing 10/13/1917 #971  
mouth, New Zealand, when he sees a bright star against some mountains about 8/13/1918 #976  
eighbor’s farm is illuminated with bright white light. Several minutes late 1/22/1919 #983  
           WEST FRANKFORT, IL Boy. Bright metallic 12M sphere/orb/globe sto 4/1927 (approximate) #1071  
winter of 1927–1928, he has seen a bright light, usually between 8:00 and 1 11/28/1928 #1092  
ark, Illinois, when he sees a very bright yellowish-white light like two sa 9/1929 #1103  
armer in Largentiere, France saw a bright orange glowing, cone-shaped objec 4/15/1930 #1113  
ucer going south. Searches trees / bright beam. Maneuvers and going quickly 1/1/1931 #1118  
 UFO sighted in early morning, had bright light on front which lit up tree- 1/1/1931 #1119  
g, Pennsylvania, when he notices a bright speck of light approaching from s 6/1932 #1144  
 The objects are silent and are so bright they seem to be emitting their ow Early Summer 1932 #1145  
m an open central doorway shines a bright orange glow; a ladderlike stairwa Summer 1933 #1162  
Duncan of Chamblee, Ga., saw three bright round orange objects in the sky a 1934 #1189  
                     Palestine, TX Bright shaft of light (Page 10 Ref. 1) ( 11/24/1935 #1237  
n he sees a series of intermittent bright flashes across the south polar ca 5/30/1937 #1270  
 battlefront were illuminated by a bright glow, then saw an oval object abo 7/25/1938 #1287  
rmășești, Romania, when they see a bright light in the sky moving in a zigz Early 8/1939 #1312  
Island, The Orkneys, Scotland On a bright sunny day an anti-aircraft unit m 6/1940 #1339  
Round sharply outlined object with bright aluminum or chrome finish (Patric 12/22/1941 #1380  
he Ruhr Valley, Germany; he sees a bright copper-colored light the “size of 6/25/1942 #1422  
ermany A phenomenon described as a bright white light (Page 29-30 Ref. 1) ( 8/11/1942 #1431  
 Naples, Italy Roman candlelights; bright very large red light that looked  3/13/1943 #1485  
raft warning observer spots a very bright repeatedly flashing light SW of L Spring 1943 #1487  
0 minutes, they watch it project a bright and constant light.               5/1943 #1498  
         Naples, Italy Small round bright light. (Page 52 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 12/14/1943 #1552  
e and his navigator notice a small bright light behind them. It stays on th 12/14/1943 #1553  
aples, Italy had a dogfight with a bright light that climbed much faster th 12/14/1943 #1554  
t Navy patrol plane, he observes a bright aerial sphere that alternately mo 6/1944 #1602  
5 or 6 feet in diameter, of a very bright and intense red or orange in colo 8/1/1944 #1634  
5 or 6 feet in diameter, of a very bright and intense red or orange in colo 8/10/1944 #1638  
 At a few minutes after midnight a bright reddish-orange, pulsing, maneuver 8/10/1944 #1639  
or six feet in diameter, of a very bright and intense red or orange in colo 8/11/1944 #1640  
sc; circular lights (changing from bright yellow top white) like portholes  8/12/1944 #1642  
omber passing by, as well as three bright points of light that descend as t Mid 8/1944 #1644  
                  Unknown City, UK Bright spherical object & like a rolling 9/1944 #1660  
lat end “like frosted glass with a bright light behind it.” It makes a crac 10/1944 #1674  
        Lingayen Gulf, Philippines Bright green globe. (Page 95-96 Ref.1) ( Late 10/1944 #1683  
y near Weert, Netherlands, watch a bright silvery object through field glas Late 10/1944 #1684  
P. Kendall Bruce describes it as a bright green globe that rises from behin 11/16/1944 #1697  
he left wingtip of the B-17. It is bright and perfectly circular. Leet orde 11/24/1944 #1705  
hin, France. They see “eight to 10 bright orange lights off the left wing…f 11/29/1944 #1710  
ol officer on the ship, observes a bright green, globe-shaped object rising 11/30/1944? #1711  
rasbourg and Manheim Btn., Germany Bright fuzzy round ball, twice the size  12/1944 #1714  
e btn., Germany Three to four very bright balls, completely illuminated red 12/1944 #1715  
ennes, Belgium Pair of fog lights; bright yellowish orange; flying in tande 1/1/1945 #1749  
ny silver ball looking like a very bright weather balloon with a metal shee 2/4/1945 #1772  
              Riegel, Germany Very bright light moving slowly. (Page 133 Re 2/9/1945 #1777  
(Central), Italy Observed two very bright lights appear directly in front o 2/17/1945 #1787  
orch in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, a bright light that seems to be directly a 4/10/1945 #1843  
t round in shape that changed from bright red, to dim orange. (Page 180 Ref 6/18/1945 #1876  
                Fukuoka, Japan One bright ball of fire; no fuselage or any  6/19/1945 #1878  
sees out of the left-hand window a bright, stationary, yellowish-white ligh Summer 1945 #1881  
  Unknown City, WA Object was very bright and had saucer-like appearance; w Mid 7/1945 #1895  
earby Hanford facility. They see a bright object with a saucer-like appeara Mid 7/1945 #1896  
ing and his wife Thelma approach a bright light about 50 feet in the air an 10/1945 #1942  
a, Illinois, with Douglas Gowdy. A bright orange ball appears in the road a 3/14/1946 #1977  
he saw the craft take off emitting bright red light, then speed away. Burne 5/1946 #1986  
' altitude. Clear outline. Vibrant bright light / rear. FSRv15#2.           7/7/1946 #2029  
istinguishable outline, and a very bright light at the rear.                7/7/1946 #2030  
d the other two slag-like, after a bright projectile is seen over a beach a 7/9/1946 #2034  
inland 3:35 p.m. Many people see a bright red, rocket-like object moving sw 7/9/1946 #2041  
              At 3:35 p.m. a fast, bright red, cigar-shaped 'rocket' cast s 7/9/1946 #2043  
       KOPINGSVIK, OLAND, SWD Fast bright green sphere/orb/globe going quic 7/11/1946 #2049  
NCE, NORWAY 4 observer(s). Vibrant bright yellow-red object / steady high a 7/13/1946 #2056  
d immediately overhead, it grew so bright you could see a well as on a sunn 8/24/1946 #2156  
ver(s). Ducks and chickens act up. Bright metal saucers going quickly east  4/1947 #2252  
                                 A bright metallic ovoid object was seen fr 6/12/1947 #2325  
-glowing-cylinder/cigar-shape with bright halo. Lands / 5 minute(s) in stor 6/13/1947 #2326  
igar-shaped object surrounded by a bright halo landed in a storm. It stayed 6/13/1947 #2327  
          VALLEY CITY, ND Fireman. Bright red 40cm ball going quickly west  6/16/1947 (approximate) #2332  
k going down. Levels off and away. Bright rays. Exudes vapor.               6/17/1947 #2333  
     MADISON, WI E. McGilvery PhD. Bright round self-Illum.obj 2 / 3 moon-s 6/17/1947 (approximate) #2335  
LIS, OR Series of several groups / bright shiny silver objects going quickl 6/24/1947 #2383  
kly northwest. White vapor trails. Bright and high and fast.                6/24/1947 #2388  
         ROSEVILLE, CA Mrs. Wendt. Bright shiny disk turns and dips / moder 6/24/1947 #2392  
ateral surfaces, which reflect the bright sunlight and cause the flashes he 6/24/1947 #2398  
tonio, New Mexico, when she sees a bright silver object descending quickly  6/27/1947 #2429  
dland, Washington. The objects are bright, flat, and moving at an estimated 6/27/1947 #2433  
. Round object very fast and high. Bright and dim going quickly south / 3 m 6/28/1947 #2442  
AFB] in Montgomery, Alabama, see a bright light zigzagging across the sky f 6/28/1947 #2448  
 Force officers saw a fast moving, bright, zigzagging light in the sky over 6/28/1947 #2451  
  ROGERS, ARK J. P. Crumpler. Fast bright metallic disk northwest going qui 6/30/1947 #2471  
Y, ID 2 observer(s). 8-9 extremely bright saucers / V-formation going quick 6/30/1947 #2475  
A Jailer and separate observer(s). Bright shiny silent "silver dollar" goin 6/30/1947 #2476  
     ALBANY, GA 4 observer(s). Big bright plain metallic top-saucer hovers  6/30/1947 #2479  
 OR Several observer(s). Extremely bright disk maneuvers / 15 minute(s). Go 7/1/1947 #2504  
oon-size disk north going south. 3 bright flashes. Maneuvers just over hori 7/1/1947 #2510  
nce Edward Island, when they see a bright, shapeless object speeding along  7/1/1947 #2517  
Stevens Annex, Oregon an extremely bright disc-shaped object maneuvered for 7/1/1947 #2528  
       DENVER, CO 2 / car. Several bright thin disks / 5000' altitude going 7/2/1947 #2542  
  REDDING, CA 2 observer(s). Large bright fast silent triangle going quickl 7/3/1947 #2552  
K, IA 3 flight instructors. 3 fast bright silver disks straight going quick 7/3/1947 #2559  
       AUGUSTINE COVE, PEI Farmer. Bright round "apple-shape" north going q 7/3/1947 #2564  
                        OTTAWA, ON Bright green saucer here. Translucent 30 7/4/1947 #2592  
 RICHLAND, WA Several observer(s). Bright disk flips over and over. Straigh 7/4/1947 #2604  
st going quickly northeast. Fairly bright. Straight and level course. No fu 7/4/1947 #2633  
        MADISON, WI 2 observer(s). Bright saucer circle town. Out and back  7/4/1947 #2635  
 MILES EAST / UTICA, MI 1+boy / 9. Bright white round object / jerks going  7/4/1947 #2639  
    WEST TRENTON, NJ Ms. Marshall. Bright luminous silent disk high and fas 7/4/1947 #2642  
          BETHESDA, MD Writer. 3-4 bright blue disks going north very fast. 7/4/1947 #2643  
 “Trudy Truelove” supposedly see a bright flash of light and hear a roaring 7/4/1947 #2670  
           EUGENE, OR 3 / car. Big bright shiny disk going [to] slow. Lines 7/6/1947 #2735  
Army Air Force (AAF) Major / B-25. Bright silver 40' saucer / 10K' altitude 7/6/1947 #2752  
 plane of the earth and gave off a bright blue-white light.                 7/7/1947 #2835  
be. They look like either two very bright saucer trails, or two saucers see 7/7/1947 #2836  
Army Air Force (AAF) Sgt. / plane. Bright moon-size silver saucer tilts. Ca 7/7/1947 #2853  
         LAWTON, OK 1 / back yard. Bright aluminum plate going quickly west 7/7/1947 #2860  
     EAST POINT, GA 5 / car. Plain bright silver disk going / 10 minute(s). 7/7/1947 #2871  
ATTANOOGA, TN 2+1 observer(s). 1+4 bright shiny silent disks going quickly  7/7/1947 #2874  
lly contours going east. Extremely bright.                                  7/7/1947 #2889  
ILLE, KY 2+1 separate observer(s). Bright fiery disk going quickly northwes 7/7/1947 #2905  
       MANCHESTER, NH 5 reports. 3 bright ovoids / delta/triangle/box-like  7/7/1947 #2910  
 observer. "Little sun" altitude / bright and dim. Straight and level fast. 7/7/1947 #2913  
itary aircraft pilot Harston saw a bright silver object (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 7/7/1947 #2921  
                Hickam Field, HI A bright silver object about the angular s 7/7/1947 #2923  
1,000 feet. The object gives off a bright light.                            7/7/1947 #2937  
RTH / DE LAMERE, ND Farmer Miller. Bright shiny circular object going quick 7/8/1947 #2961  
             DOUGLAS, AZ 1 / home. Bright thick 16CM disk just outside wind 7/10/1947 #3084  
, SURINAM 3+observer(s). 2+1 large bright disks going quickly east toward(s 7/11/1947 #3126  
                       DOUGLAS, AZ Bright metallic 15cm disk just outside h 7/11/1947 #3131  
n thru) binoculars. Whirr. 3+3+3+1 bright metallic disks going north. Dip a 7/12/1947 #3150  
 CUMBERLAND, WV 3 observer(s). 4-5 bright white 1M disks going quickly sout 7/13/1947 #3169  
         At 9:30 p.m. four or five bright white, one-meter wide discs flew  7/13/1947 #3172  
s. Dip and arc all over/all about. Bright and dim.                          7/18/1947 #3196  
            JOPLIN, MO 1 observer. Bright shiny 50cm ovoid going quickly so 7/18/1947 #3197  
             In Joplin, Missouri a bright, shiny ovoid object, half a meter 7/18/1947 #3198  
rse to the north-northeast. It was bright, like polished silver, and flew a 7/21/1947 #3211  
     Canyon Ferry (Helena?), MT 3' Bright Disc Maneuvers At High Speed (NIC 7/29/1947 #3250  
                     Everett, MA A bright orange or deep-gold colored cigar 8/4/1947 #3290  
ssachusetts at 4:00 p.m. sighted a bright glowing orange cylindrical object 8/4/1947 #3292  
server(s) = Brummond and Decker. 2 bright objects. Very fast. Seen 8 second 8/13/1947 #3312  
IA Astronomers and weathermen. Big bright disk turns going quickly northeas 8/22/1947 #3359  
and to Oahu, Hawaii, in airspace A bright light with no blue or red tinge s 9/13/1947 #3395  
 oval or saucer-shaped object with bright light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 11/2/1947 #3478  
00 feet above the ground is a huge bright cloud. Gliding down from it in gr 1948? #3524  
 Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio, spot a bright object to the southwest of the ai 1/7/1948 #3546  
 green cone dances in sky. Vibrant bright even behind clouds. No further de 1/9/1948 #3549  
e, OH Large 60 ft domed disc, with bright orange-amber glow from within (NI 2/1/1948 #3572  
ion and his staff catch sight of a bright metallic, elliptical disc while t 4/1948 #3600  
 cup.” It was also emitting a very bright beam of white light. A humanoid b 4/3/1948 #3607  
ht zigzagging. They are shiny like bright aluminum with silvery trails. Lt. 5/7/1948 #3643  
 Day. William A. Bonneville sees a bright white ball, three times as bright 5/17/1948 #3653  
 bright white ball, three times as bright as a locomotive headlight, sail o 5/17/1948 #3653  
k cloud. It is silent, and a long, bright light shoots out from beneath.    5/17/1948 #3653  
ket, but the UFO managed to emit a bright beam that blinded the pilot. It i 6/19/1948 #3674  
senger private airplane.  A single bright white light accelerated and turne 7/1948 #3690  
indows through which glowed a very bright light, as brilliant as a magnesiu 7/24/1948 #3724  
ouston County, Georgia 1:45 a.m. A bright object is seen at Robins AFB in H 7/24/1948 #3733  
 of square windows through which a bright light is glowing. They only see i 7/24/1948 #3734  
                    Shreveport, LA Bright white aluminum half-spherical obj 9/18/1948 #3804  
 miles E of Virginia coast, At Sea Bright nearly moon-shaped object with di 10/15/1948 #3839  
y moon-shaped object with distinct bright center (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 10/15/1948 #3839  
         Pacific Heights, Oahu, HI Bright Silver Object Cruises Across Sky  10/18/1948 #3846  
ghts, Oahu, HI Round or elliptical bright silver object 10-15 ft in size (N 10/18/1948 #3847  
 a hovering, disc-like object. Two bright objects drop down out of the disc Mid 11/1948 #3876  
         Peace River, Alberta, CAN Bright orange flaming egg-shaped object  11/17/1948 #3878  
 Army Col. William P. Hayes sees a bright white, round light “larger than a 11/23/1948 #3888  
nt to intercept it describes it as bright red. It climbs abruptly to 50,000 11/23/1948 #3889  
s copilot Maj. Roger Carter spot a bright green flash. Some 22 minutes late 12/5/1948 #3909  
ing in their yard when they see a “bright, silvery, round object” going too 1949? #3944  
 base. After a few weeks, they see bright lights in the sky. They approach  1949 #3945  
he base and slowly circling. It is bright white on the underside and darker 1/4/1949 #3959  
querque, NM AFOSI Case 16: 17:50 - bright white diamond shaped obj faster t 1/6/1949 #3965  
 unknown Alain Berard saw a large, bright object land near his farm with a  2/17/1949 #4014  
         Alain Berard saw a large, bright object land near his farm in Fran 2/17/1949 #4016  
 Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 27; 01:59 - bright green obj went straight down and  3/3/1949 #4033  
 Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 36; 18:36 - bright white w/greenish tint went out or 3/8/1949 #4038  
 see apparently separate streaking bright lights (one white, the other yell 3/8/1949 #4041  
cumcari, NM AFOSI Case 44; 10:15 - bright orange, long and narrow obj faded 3/27/1949 #4056  
tached face-to-face; matte bottom, bright aluminum top; 20' diameter, 4-5'  4/3/1949 #4068  
he object had a matte bottom and a bright aluminum top. The dimensions of t 4/3/1949 #4070  
times described as greenish-white, bright green, yellow-green, or blue gree 4/19/1949 #4094  
 Case 57; app 17:45 - a very large bright, sausage-shaped object (NICAP: 01 4/28/1949 #4122  
 Hann, Mr. Hubert, Tex Keahey. One bright, sausage-shaped object was observ 4/28/1949 #4124  
, and Tex Keahey see a very large, bright, sausage- shaped object travel fr 4/28/1949 #4129  
 Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 59; 21:43 - bright white obj went very fast (up to 1 5/3/1949 #4139  
                        Sidney, OH Bright shiny disc high overhead wavering 5/3/1949 #4142  
    Maplewood (4.5 Miles W of), OH Bright silver flat circular object to th 5/4/1949 #4143  
 Object with no trail or sound-too bright to see the shape (NICAP: 01 - Dis 5/6/1949 #4153  
an and Quinn in Sidney, Ohio saw a bright object about half a mile to the w 5/6/1949 #4162  
e of the witnesses said it was too bright to tell what shape it had, but th 5/6/1949 #4162  
 Navy engineers under Capt. Robert Bright McLaughlin is testing an Air Forc 6/14/1949 #4240  
rectangular objects appeared to be bright metal on top but dark underneath, 6/22/1949 #4249  
         SEATTLE, WA Flat saucer / bright center. Halo / edges. Burien, WA  7/30/1949 #4297  
, NM AFOSI Case 87; 20:00 - round, bright white w/slight reddish cast 1/2 s 8/6/1949 #4307  
lar to ducks flying in formation,” bright silver and roughly round in shape 9/14/1949 #4357  
roject Bluebook Case #473. Vibrant bright saucer going west into cloud. The 10/2/1949 #4381  
is day in Holland, Michigan a very bright disc flew into a cloud heading we 10/2/1949 #4383  
 orange as it descends, then turns bright blue-green as it levels out and d 1/7/1950 #4478  
       Holloman AFB, NM Observed a bright white object that changed color t 1/13/1950 #4486  
ball drops / 1+flies away. Vibrant bright / lights all.                     2/5/1950 #4528  
    SOUTHWEST / DUVALL, WA Farmer. Bright night light going east. Blinks on 2/18/1950 #4540  
 New Mexico Naval Commander Robert Bright McLaughlin, in charge of a team o 3/1950 #4565  
altitude. Changes shape. Extremely bright. Dangles and maneuvers. Going sou 3/5/1950 #4581  
 watched a 25 foot wide, extremely bright UFO maneuver in the sky over Geri 3/5/1950 #4584  
olina A publisher and others see a bright disc hover over Orangeburg, South 3/10/1950 #4607  
AND CALEXICO, CA Many observer(s). Bright discs tumble / sky. Crescents zip 3/12/1950 #4615  
ew and several / airliner. Strange bright object / 10 minute(s). Vanishes.  3/20/1950 #4685  
nter of the object is an extremely bright light blinking at an estimated 3  3/20/1950 #4690  
N JUAN, SP Cloud object hits car / bright light. Buzzes car repeatedly.     3/22/1950 #4699  
 two industrialists in Spain saw a bright blue, cloud-like object while dri 3/22/1950 #4703  
d Real Province. It emitted a very bright light that appeared to collide wi 3/22/1950 #4703  
including fed Judge and big crowd. Bright silver discs maneuver over city.  3/24/1950 #4713  
N, GERM Astronomers. Odd new star. Bright. Zigzags going west. Stops at tim 3/27/1950 #4733  
take photos, but the object is too bright to appear on film. Thompson retur 3/28/1950 #4750  
    ASTRONOMER H.P.WILKINS Vibrant bright oval glow lights Aristarchus-Hero 3/30/1950 #4763  
omer Harold Wilkins watched a very bright oval glow illuminate the Aristarc 3/30/1950 #4771  
ous observer(s) / Rhue St. Vibrant bright red rectangular "neon tube" going 4/5/1950 #4797  
              HAPEVILLE, GA Silent bright red 6M pencil shape going south.  4/9/1950 (approximate) #4834  
                                 A bright red pencil-shaped UFO, about six  4/9/1950 #4835  
eely, and Louis I. Briggs, watch a bright light moving against the wind at  4/10/1950 #4841  
 CAMARASA, SP Several observer(s). Bright object lands / reservoir / hydro  4/14/1950 #4848  
 Hausmann Muller takes a film of a bright, circular UFO with rays of flame  4/25/1950 #4895  
Virginia, Gates alerts Sperry to a bright blue or bluish light ahead of the 5/29/1950 #4972  
Missile Range, New Mexico A shiny, bright object streaking across the sky i 5/29/1950 #4973  
in West Sussex, England, sights a “bright circular metallic object” that sp 6/1/1950 #4978  
      BARCELONA, SP 4 observer(s). Bright long metallic cylinder south goin 6/25/1950 #5008  
wsman shoots 50' / 8mm film. Large bright saucer near passing plane. Going  6/27/1950 #5012  
 of Red River Arsenal. One object, bright, shaped like two dishpans face-to 6/27/1950 #5016  
f Kingman, Kansas, when they see a bright red light hovering over US Hwy 54 6/30/1950 #5027  
but it speeds away. As seen in the bright moonlight, the object looks made  6/30/1950 #5027  
oonlight, the object looks made of bright metal and has an elliptical body  6/30/1950 #5027  
re see platter / 7 July. Extremely bright.                                  7/6/1950 #5044  
dstand and notices two fast-moving bright lights “like two new dimes in the 8/15/1950 #5126  
k Case #793. 3+USAF. Small vibrant bright white sphere/orb/globe going quic 8/20/1950 #5128  
Cyprus Small, round or elliptical, bright object overhead (NICAP: 01 - Dist 8/20/1950 #5130  
ol. L.w. Brauer. One small, round, bright object flew fast, straight and le 8/20/1950 #5131  
y officers sighted a small, round, bright white flying object. MATS liaison 8/20/1950 #5133  
(250 Miles SW of), At Sea Distinct bright unidentified target travel at sam 8/24/1950 #5137  
AFB, New Mexico, see two glaringly bright circular or elliptical objects ma 8/30/1950 #5150  
e portholes. WHIRRs and maneuvers. Bright yellow light / bottom/underside.  9/1950 (approximate) #5157  
s buzzed by a wing-like UFO with 8 bright lights between San Fernando and V 10/5/1950 #5213  
lue Book. 7 observer(s). Extremely bright "ghosts" right over farm-shed. Go 11/5/1950 #5262  
Fred Perrior, and E. Newman) see a bright object fly east to west over Heat 11/5/1950 #5265  
light at that time. At 9:08 p.m. a bright light made a sharp turn toward a  11/27/1950 #5295  
UGH, QLD, AUS Several observer(s). Bright blue saucer sweeps going north. R 12/7/1950 #5333  
ks, Kent, England, when they see a bright light moving east to west in comp 12/10/1950 #5336  
 South Africa, when they observe a bright object “like a huge mirror in the 12/13/1950 #5345  
e of magnesium wire burning with a bright, purplish-white light.” It dives  12/13/1950 #5345  
adford, Illinois, Shutts notices a bright white light ahead of the plane, a 12/27/1950 #5368  
dentified aircraft. The crew saw a bright light that quickly closed with th 1/20/1951 #5408  
0,000–70,000 feet, when they see a bright star-like object adjacent to the  1/22/1951 #5413  
ut 1 minute it emits a series of 3 bright photoflashes at one-second interv 1/22/1951 #5413  
hile approaching it, and it was so bright that they thought at first that p 2/8/1951 #5434  
                          A giant, bright orange-red disc was observed by t 2/10/1951 #5440  
of Nairobi, Kenya, when they see a bright object hanging motionless about 1 2/19/1951 #5449  
ly report a large green ball, very bright and trailing streaks of red then  7/1/1951 #5558  
 UFO shows on the film as a round, bright spot. The film has never been rel 7/14/1951 #5575  
ion of 20–30 lights, as intense as bright stars but larger. Blue-green and  8/25/1951 #5625  
le (1st jets scrambled from), CA A bright silvery aircraft with highly swep 9/23/1951 #5683  
ve the F-86's. It appeared to be a bright silvery aircraft with highly swep 9/23/1951 #5687  
ect Bluebook Case #980. Physicist. Bright ovoid with clipped tail. Straight 10/2/1951 #5695  
                      Columbus, OH Bright oval with a clipped tail fly (NIC 10/2/1951 #5697  
aduate physicist Howard Cross. One bright oval with a clipped tail flew str 10/2/1951 #5698  
 passenger plane was followed by a bright green glowing cigar shaped object 11/2/1951 #5764  
, watches the object speed by as a bright blue-green ball that leaves a str 11/3/1951 #5766  
     DOWAGIAC, MICH 2 observer(s). Bright silver saucer / high speed. Flies 11/15/1951 (approximate) #5776  
Stockholm, Sweden, when they see a bright flash of light illuminate the sky 12/5/1951 #5805  
mer observed elliptical UFO with 2 bright body lights. [UFOE, VI] (NICAP: 0 1952 #5834  
onsan Sunchon North Korea Night. A bright orange, disc-shaped object, also  1/29/1952 #5886  
                           Several bright discs, each estimated to be three 1/29/1952 #5887  
                                 A bright, yellowish orange object with a p 2/11/1952 #5898  
 and Baltimore, Maryland sighted a bright white UFO at 10:30 p.m. The objec 2/12/1952 #5900  
                TIJERAS CANYON, NM Bright blue-white 40M saucers hover / 6k 2/18/1952 #5906  
regational Minister saw three very bright silver objects, apparently spheri 2/20/1952 #5914  
                                 A bright blue cylindrical object approache 2/24/1952 #5929  
1:35 a.m. over the Sea of Japan, a bright orange, 75-foot long ovoid object 3/4/1952 #5945  
    Tulsa (Bet. Claremore and), OK Bright Light Passes C-54, Drops Down (NI 3/7/1952 #5948  
:55 p.m. over Downey, California a bright, aluminum colored spot of light h 3/27/1952 #5982  
gineer and 1. Black rectangle with bright yellow triangle / underside going 4/1952 #6005  
lliptical in shape, and having two bright pinpoints of light along its main 4/1952? #6008  
 STOCKTON, KS Several observer(s). Bright metal saucer-sphere/orb/globe / g 4/1/1952 #6013  
ors / ground and airborne. Vibrant bright huge silver ovoid hovers / one ho 4/3/1952 #6018  
                        Marana, AZ Bright aluminum shiny oblong object abov 4/3/1952 #6019  
e in the sky.” It is essentially a bright magnesium searchlight (dubbed a “ 4/7/1952 #6043  
TH BAY, ON 2 military observer(s). Bright amber saucer stops / airfield. Ri 4/12/1952 #6059  
orth Bay, Ontario, when they see a bright amber disc arrive from the southw 4/12/1952 #6063  
ulsating at regular intervals. The bright white light had a red glow precee 4/15/1952 #6084  
bor in Shreveport, Louisiana saw a bright white object make a fast approach 4/16/1952 #6094  
etely black except for a distinct, bright yellow “V” on its bottom. Two sli 4/23/1952 #6163  
    MANCHESTER AND ANN ARBOR, MICH Bright green saucer with tail. Very high 4/27/1952 #6193  
                          Yuma, AZ Bright red or flame-colored discs (NICAP 4/27/1952 #6197  
 off-duty control tower operator). Bright red or flame-colored discs, appea 4/27/1952 #6199  
perator, and his wife observed two bright red or flame-colored discs that a 4/27/1952 #6202  
litary brass / lawn party. Vibrant bright night light going up. Going down. 5/1952 #6226  
        WARRAGUL, VCT, AUSTRALIA 2 bright disks play tag. Join and merge in 5/3/1952 #6251  
                   On this day two bright discs played tag in the sky over  5/3/1952 #6253  
   HOUSTON, TX 2 Air Force pilots. Bright ovoid moves side to side in gradu 5/20/1952 #6341  
                       Houston, TX Bright or white oval object (NICAP: 11 - 5/20/1952 #6343  
Spurgin and Capt. BB. Stephan. One bright or white oval object moved from s 5/20/1952 #6344  
     unknown location, North Korea Bright white object that accelerated to  5/26/1952 #6365  
                   San Antonio, TX Bright tubular object tilt from horizont 5/29/1952 #6382  
j. D.W. Feuerstein, on ground. One bright tubular object tilted from horizo 5/29/1952 #6384  
h Korea, several US soldiers see a bright UFO that looks like a falling sta 5/31/1952 #6392  
             Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE Bright red stationary object for 4-5 min 6/5/1952 #6444  
agent; and two other persons.  One bright red object remained stationary fo 6/5/1952 #6447  
         Cape Cod, MA Light like a bright star cross the nose of a jet (NIC 6/17/1952 #6523  
4 jet interceptor.  A light like a bright star crossed the nose of the airp 6/17/1952 #6525  
SAF F-94 pilot sees a light like a bright star cross the nose of his jet at 6/17/1952 #6526  
952. On Cape Cod, Massachusetts, a bright light crossed the sky in front of 6/17/1952 #6530  
 the flew on to the east. A second bright flash was seen followed by comple 6/22/1952 #6589  
                       Chicago, IL Bright yellow-white, egg-shaped object ( 6/25/1952 #6624  
s:  Mrs. Norbury, Mr. Matheis. One bright yellow-white, egg-shaped object w 6/25/1952 #6626  
Norbury and Lawrence Matheis see a bright yellow-white, egg-shaped object,  6/25/1952 #6629  
hen rose vertically straight up. A bright yellow-white egg-shaped light fle 6/25/1952 #6630  
et. Hawaii and Calif., in airspace Bright Light Crosses C-97's Path (NICAP: 6/28/1952 #6656  
     O'Hare Airport, Chicago, IL A bright silver smooth surfaced, flat oval 6/29/1952 #6664  
s:  three USAF air policemen.  One bright silver, flat oval object surround 6/29/1952 #6665  
o towers about 7 miles away. It is bright silver in color, encircled by whi 6/29/1952 #6666  
look around, and see in the west a bright silver “cigar shaped object about 7/1/1952 #6689  
at the jets were after. They saw a bright silver cigar-shaped object "about 7/1/1952 #6691  
                     Chicago, IL 2 bright pastel green discs fly straight a 7/3/1952 #6701  
Witness:  Mrs. J. D. Arbuckle. Two bright pastel green discs flew straight  7/3/1952 #6703  
 p.m. Mrs. J. D. Arbuckle sees two bright pastel-green discs fly straight a 7/3/1952 #6705  
y depot in Ottawa, Ontario, sees a bright orange light about a quarter size 7/8/1952 #6727  
           SAN ANSELMO, CA 2 boys. Bright yellow saucer stops. Night lights 7/16/1952 (approximate) #6834  
eaman Shell R. Alpert sees several bright lights through a window screen (n 7/16/1952 #6843  
INS, NY 1 observer. 2 saucers with bright rims. Soft sounds. Female voices  7/17/1952 #6856  
      At 2:00 a.m. a procession of bright orange discs in single file veere 7/18/1952 #6900  
Stong, situated miles apart.  Four bright yellowish lights were seen by Dou 7/21/1952 #6977  
round in Wiesbaden, Germany, see 4 bright yellowish lights. Dougher watches 7/21/1952 #6983  
inutes. The UFOs were described as bright yellow lights.                    7/21/1952 #6984  
                 WEST BRIGHTON, NY Bright yellow object. Red lights / edge. 7/22/1952 #7006  
Los Alamos, NM Saw 8 large, round, bright aluminum objects fly straight and 7/22/1952 #7012  
                      Stafford, VA Bright ovoid object hover then move in s 7/22/1952 #7017  
ots for Carco. Eight large, round, bright aluminum objects flew straight an 7/22/1952 #7019  
USAF pilot Capt. H. W. Kloth saw 2 bright blue-white objects flying togethe 7/23/1952 #7070  
 USAF pilot Capt. H. W. Kloth. Two bright blue-white objects flew together, 7/23/1952 #7077  
 at Culver City, California, see a bright silvery elliptical object that mo 7/23/1952 #7082  
   NORTHEAST / LAPWAI, ID 2 / car. Bright silver disk going east toward(s)  7/24/1952 #7096  
         BELLFLOWER AND RESEDA, CA Bright UFO / red rim splits / 3 pieces.  7/24/1952 #7101  
       WEISER, ID Airport manager. Bright metallic ovoid. Zigzags going sou 7/24/1952 #7104  
yards of the plane. They are three bright silver, delta-wing craft with no  7/24/1952 #7115  
       At Travis AFB, California a bright orange light witnessed by three m 7/24/1952 #7117  
am Patterson, says, “I saw several bright lights. I was at my maximum speed 7/26/1952 #7174  
TON, WV 3+4 observer(s). Extremely bright saucer follows river. Circles rai 7/27/1952 #7197  
elongated but split at the rear. A bright glow is visible in the front, and 7/27/1952 #7213  
d onto the UFO which appeared as a bright flashing colored light. The objec 7/29/1952 #7307  
                      Witchita, KS Bright white circular object with a flat 7/29/1952 #7309  
and Hess at Municipal Airport. One bright white circular object with a flat 7/29/1952 #7317  
n to investigate. The pilot sees a bright, flashing, colored light in the l 7/29/1952 #7331  
p employees Douglas and Hess saw a bright white circular craft with a flat  7/29/1952 #7338  
L Eastern Airlines crew. Extremely bright night light still / 3 minute(s).  7/30/1952 #7339  
tal ovoid / gentle turns. 1115hrs. Bright white saucer straight and level n 7/30/1952 #7341  
NICE, CA 2 observer(s). Very large bright round object in from sea? Hovers. 8/4/1952 #7440  
ts of Camden, New Jersey, report a bright, round, orange object hovering or 8/5/1952 #7471  
a dark round shape surrounded by a bright light with a curved outer edge an 8/5/1952 #7472  
GA 2 / car. 2 top-hat saucers glow bright. Float / low altitude and follow  8/10/1952 #7536  
                  CEDAR SPRS, CA 3 bright ovoids maneuver all over/all abou 8/14/1952 #7585  
t flying at high speed. It emits a bright light.                            8/14/1952 #7594  
              COARI, AMAZONAS, BRZ Bright long mass hovers over town. Minut 8/15/1952? #7597  
                       ONTARIO, CA Bright ovoid leads B36. Darts in and out 8/15/1952 #7601  
-turn going quickly north. Silent. Bright.                                  8/15/1952 #7606  
           Athens, GA An intensely bright bright white round object hoverin 8/17/1952 #7625  
    Athens, GA An intensely bright bright white round object hovering (NICA 8/17/1952 #7625  
V Air Force Captain. Large vibrant bright saucer. Cone / center. Hovers. 90 8/26/1952 #7738  
D.A. Woods. One large, round, very bright object with a V-shaped contrail h 8/26/1952 #7743  
Woods sighted a large, round, very bright object with a V-shaped contrail i 8/26/1952 #7744  
 Villacoublay, France Unidentified bright blue light observed through theod 8/29/1952 #7783  
rate observer(s). 7-8 observer(s). Bright 'saucer' exits cloud. Circles jet 9/1/1952 #7806  
              Lake Charles AFB, LA Bright star-like light move about the sk 9/6/1952 #7865  
 Wilson and two enlisted men.  One bright star-like light moved about the s 9/6/1952 #7866  
Charles AFB in Louisiana sighted a bright star-like light moving about the  9/6/1952 #7869  
 in Flatwoods, West Virginia saw a bright red "meteor" land on top of a hil 9/11/1952 #7896  
 away, which was pulsating between bright orange and dull red. There was al 9/11/1952 #7896  
12, and 10 respectively) witness a bright object cross the sky, coming to r 9/12/1952 #7905  
ll also concludes in 2000 that the bright light in the sky reported by the  9/12/1952 #7905  
t around 9:00 p.m. Two men wearing bright suits emerged from the craft and  9/14/1952 #7947  
MOR 5000 / boxing match and pilot. Bright blue-green cylinder/cigar-shape g 9/21/1952 #7993  
       AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FR Vibrant bright cylinder/cigar-shape / long trail 9/21/1952 #7994  
        MARGATE, KENT Fisherman. 4 bright 'dinner-plates' go east going qui 9/21/1952 #7996  
                  Gander Lake, CAN Bright white light, which reflected on t 9/23/1952 #8012  
icer and seven other campers.  One bright white light, which reflected on t 9/23/1952 #8013  
nd seven other campers witnessed a bright white light, which reflected on t 9/23/1952 #8015  
                    Charleston, WV Bright metallic particles or flashes, up 9/24/1952 #8019  
crew of USAF B-29 bomber. A lot of bright, metallic particles or flashes, u 9/24/1952 #8021  
3:30 p.m. reported seeing a lot of bright, metallic particles or flashes, u 9/24/1952 #8023  
  Aurora, CO 5-6 circular objects, bright white but not shiny (NICAP: 01 -  9/29/1952 #8057  
hes. Five or six circular objects, bright white but not shiny, circled in t 9/29/1952 #8061  
ssed five or six circular objects, bright white but not shiny. They circled 9/29/1952 #8065  
                      Shaw AFB, SC Bright white light fly straight, then ve 10/1/1952 #8080  
t of RF-8O reconnaissance jet. One bright white light flew straight, then v 10/1/1952 #8082  
MOGORDO, NM 2 military / drive-in. Bright vertical ovoid to NNE. Turns on s 10/7/1952 #8099  
 SOUTHEAST / HARMONY, IL 2 / US20. Bright dish-saucer zigzags. Vanishes and 10/9/1952 #8106  
n through lighted windows inside a bright yellow, cigar-shaped object on th 10/15/1952 #8135  
                    Taos, NM Round bright blue light move from N to NE at a 10/17/1952 #8142  
es:  Four USAF officers One round, bright blue light moved from north to no 10/17/1952 #8145  
ur USAF officers observed a round, bright blue light moved from north to no 10/17/1952 #8150  
other crewmen see a round, silent, bright white light that is motionless at Late 10/1952 #8184  
 AGDE, HERAULT, FR 2 pilots / car. Bright silver football. 1500mph. Steep b 11/6/1952 #8251  
                      HAWERA, NZ 4 bright circular objects going [to] WSW / 11/18/1952 #8293  
             Carribean Sea, At Sea Bright Red Object Paces Aircraft (Photo  11/21/1952 #8314  
RTHWEST / ST. AUBIN AND CHOLET, FR Bright colored cylinder/cigar-shape goin 11/22/1952 #8319  
e city of Bordeaux, France a long, bright cigar-shaped UFO moved slowly in  12/3/1952 #8367  
 east going quickly west fast with bright white and red flashes. No further 12/4/1952 #8372  
ainer at 6,000 feet when he sees a bright bluish-white glowing object below 12/4/1952 #8377  
ing green luminous ball has band / bright spots. Hissing sound. Going quick 12/6/1952 #8382  
                     Madison, WI 4 bright lights, in diamond formation (NIC 12/9/1952 #8398  
eon in USAF T-33 jet trainer. Four bright lights, in diamond formation, fle 12/9/1952 #8399  
 (McDonald list) Four Radars Paint Bright Circular Object (NICAP: 09 - RADA 12/10/1952 #8403  
4 pilot chased disc - changed from bright red to white, A,V (NICAP: 09 - RA 12/15/1952 #8419  
                    Greensboro, NC Bright circular or spherical silvery obj 12/15/1952 #8421  
r Observer Lt. H. S. Norris) see a bright red and white light.              12/15/1952 #8422  
cigar or disc shaped that emanated bright light in smooth flight (NICAP: 01 12/17/1952 #8429  
              OFF CANNES, FR Large bright silver saucer hovers. Glides over 12/20/1952 #8435  
 driving near Mvuma when he sees a bright red light crossing the road about 12/21/1952 #8439  
r Traffic Controllers and RADAR's. Bright saucers and night lights flee jet 12/29/1952 #8455  
T / TUCUMCARI, NM 2 / B26. Vibrant bright white night light lights clouds.  12/29/1952 #8456  
f), TX Extremely large and intense bright round bluish-white light (NICAP:  12/29/1952 #8458  
 AU Extremely brilliant carbon-arc bright object (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 12/30/1952 #8465  
inal pass when the object shines a bright light into the cockpit. The pilot 1953 #8479  
stronomer / (seen thru) telescope. Bright red night light hovers / 20 minut 1/1953? #8485  
      CALGARY, ALTA 2 observer(s). Bright object hovers / 10 minute(s) / no 1/1/1953 #8490  
 per hour. Fifteen minutes later a bright object hovered in the sky over th 1/1/1953 #8495  
         NAPIER, NEW ZEALAND Large bright circular object fades to red glow 1/6/1953 #8504  
NSLOW, AZ 3 / ranch. Round vibrant bright object maneuvers all over/all abo 1/13/1953 #8537  
 “high reflectivity of seagulls in bright sunlight.” Because the “mass rece 1/17/1953 #8548  
 eye the object appeared as a very bright reddish-white object estimated to 1/26/1953 #8572  
 eye the object appeared as a very bright reddish-white object estimated to 1/26/1953 #8576  
         unknown location, Okinawa Bright orange object change color to red 2/7/1953 #8645  
ear Nemuro, Hokkaido, Japan, see a bright orange object change color to red 2/7/1953 #8647  
tercept it. The F-94 pilot saw the bright object change speeds and altitude 2/7/1953 #8648  
    Ft. Worth (Carswell AFB), TX 3 bright lights of equal intensity in stac 2/13/1953 #8673  
            Pittsburg-Stockton, CA Bright yellow light seen for 8 mins (NIC 2/20/1953 #8688  
 USAF B-25 bomber pilots. #1 was a bright yellow light seen for 8 minutes.  2/20/1953 #8689  
ight seen for 8 minutes.  #2 was a bright light which flew on a collision c 2/20/1953 #8689  
over Lake Erie going quickly west. Bright and silent.                       2/22/1953 #8693  
                     Sherman, TX 2 bright red, round objects with big halos 2/24/1953 #8698  
arrant Officer and Mrs. Alden. Two bright red, round objects with big halos 2/24/1953 #8699  
ant Officer and Mrs. Alden saw two bright red, round objects with big halos 2/24/1953 #8700  
EI, BORNEO Hundreds / observer(s). Bright night light-saucer rotates / 30K' 2/25/1953 #8701  
                                 A bright disc was sighted hovering in the  2/25/1953 #8706  
er at 600 kts.  (700 m.p.h.).  One bright orange circle flew at 800 kts.  ( 3/27/1953 #8790  
                                 A bright orange circular UFO was chased by 3/27/1953 #8791  
        FUKUOKA, JAPAN F94B pilot. Bright blue night light drops and paces  4/8/1953 #8809  
f USAF F-94B jet interceptor.  One bright blue light descended, accelerated 4/8/1953 #8812  
F F-94B jet interceptor, watched a bright blue light descend, accelerate, a 4/8/1953 #8813  
    ABADAN, IRAN Very fast vibrant bright "half moon" seen here and all ove 5/18/1953 #8882  
ran Khuzestan Province 6:55 p.m. A bright, luminous object is seen over Aba 5/18/1953 #8884  
ape Province, South Africa, sees a bright yellowish-green light in the clou 5/26/1953 #8910  
               On this day a small bright blue UFO made irregular motions i 5/30/1953 #8916  
und and Navy jet crew observer(s). Bright metallic triangle going quickly S 7/1/1953 #8981  
faded from sight. Each UFO had one bright red light on it.                  7/26/1953 #9015  
even unidentified objects with one bright red light on each object hovering 7/26/1953 #9017  
ervers see 7 UFOs, each carrying a bright red light, hovering at 5,000–8,00 7/26/1953 #9018  
, MN 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 bright stars = saucers with portholes. A 7/31/1953 #9023  
tracks a “well-defined, solid, and bright” object. The base scrambles an F- 8/5/1953 #9049  
e from Brunswick of a fast-moving, bright blue object, similar to the Rapid 8/5/1953 #9049  
     NEAR SHADY GROVE, OR 3+/ car. Bright silver 6M sphere / 150M altitude. 8/9/1953 #9055  
SAF C-47 transport plane. One very bright light was on a collision course w 9/2/1953 #9136  
aining mission, encountered a very bright light that appeared on a collisio 9/2/1953 #9137  
              Portland, Oregon Two bright silver ovals moved very fast. Cas 9/3/1953 #9139  
UFO, a dark mass with a blindingly bright white beam of light, was about th 10/19/1953 #9244  
            Norton AFB, CA Daytime Bright Object In Vertical Climb Near C-4 10/30/1953 #9263  
the car changed from dark beige to bright green.                            11/1953 #9269  
the car’s beige paint has turned a bright green.                            11/1953 #9271  
 see it as circular and emitting a bright light around its periphery. The d 11/3/1953 #9279  
Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Atha. Bright red UFO. 2 jets chase. Ordered ve 11/18/1953 #9305  
on (Ellington AFB), TX Silver grey bright light with "skipping" motion (NIC 12/3/1953 #9339  
 Dagger-shape passes handle-first! Bright colors. Big news.                 12/14/1953 #9363  
w a dagger-shaped object with many bright colors pass over Exmouth, Devon h 12/14/1953 #9364  
 SHREWSBURY, SHROPS Gavin Gibbons. Bright large silent disk hovers. Vanishe 12/27/1953 #9399  
teor" passes under clouds. Silent. Bright green with yellow band / center.  12/27/1953 #9400  
A, NSW, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). 3 bright orbs very fast going quickly west 1/5/1954 #9448  
CHISON, TX 3 separate observer(s). Bright silver saucer hovers / 3 minute(s 1/5/1954 #9449  
, New South Wales, Australia three bright orbs moved very fast through the  1/5/1954 #9450  
rs in Murchison, Texas witnessed a bright silver, saucer-shaped UFO that ho 1/5/1954 #9453  
ROOKLYN, NY Several women. Vibrant bright "dinner-plate" 3 nights / row to  1/7/1954 #9457  
        HAMILTON, VCT, AUS Vibrant bright orange classic saucer going quick 1/8/1954 #9467  
liner crew and 1 / ground. Vibrant bright slow meteor-sphere exits odd clou 1/25/1954 #9498  
           Blackstone, VA Circular Bright Light Observed by Air & Ground Ob 1/28/1954 #9506  
Maine Witness:  Wilhelm Reich. Two bright lights moved into valley, and wer 1/28/1954 #9507  
                  Rangeley, ME Two bright lights moved into valley (NICAP:  1/29/1954 #9510  
uente, California, sees a silvery, bright, round object through binoculars. 2/1/1954 #9526  
                               Two bright white objects approached a cosmic 2/1/1954 #9527  
 wings, some kind of stabilizer, a bright light on its nose and tail, two y 2/4/1954 #9535  
ee (near Creston), Wyoming, spot a bright green glowing object at 12°–15° a 3/28/1954 #9646  
   COLUMBIA, MO Several / airport. Bright white saucer east going quickly w 4/10/1954 #9680  
hat lasted five seconds. It left a bright white tail in descent, and flew o 4/26/1954 #9727  
  Washington, D.C. Piloceman saw 2 bright lights on 3 occasions fly straigh 5/11/1954 #9774  
t Washington National Airport. Two bright lights were seen on three occasio 5/11/1954 #9775  
           NEAR HAMMARFEST, NRWY 3 bright object / V-formation going quickl 5/13/1954 #9783  
rton in Derbyshire, England when a bright light appeared ahead of his car,  5/13/1954 #9791  
as moved through the air while the bright light stayed above him. The car c 5/13/1954 #9791  
as hovering overhead, giving out a bright light. He was taken inside to a r 5/13/1954 #9791  
 had seen a car, with an extremely bright light above it, go past his signa 5/13/1954 #9791  
     3MI / BRUTON, UK Cyclist. 15m bright saucer / 6m altitude 27m away. /  5/20/1954 #9818  
                    La Porte, IN A bright light make a shallow climb (NICAP 5/22/1954 #9824  
. Dring, engineer Geert Tibma. One bright light made a shallow climb for 45 5/22/1954 #9825  
rubaker observes and photographs a bright object below the plane for 45 sec 5/24/1954 #9832  
clouds, which shows an overexposed bright round blob of light.              5/24/1954 #9833  
s fly / parallel / 1500M altitude. Bright / overcast sky.                   6/6/1954 #9868  
M Electric engineer and 1 / bus. 2 bright objects swoop down and back up an 6/8/1954 #9874  
ERM 2+1 separate observer(s). 25cm bright disk going quickly west. 180° tur 6/8/1954 #9875  
louds 2 miles away. "Sharp edged," bright gold in color, they "looked exact 6/11/1954 #9893  
                  Delray Beach, FL Bright round disc-shaped object with dom 6/21/1954 #9916  
Arbutus, Maryland, wakes up when a bright light shines into her bedroom win Summer 1954 #9919  
t, and each of the objects beams a bright white light to the center of the  Summer 1954 #9922  
escend, stop, and become extremely bright (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  6/22/1954 #9926  
ded, stopped, and became extremely bright. Sighting lasted 7 minutes.       6/22/1954 #9927  
escend, stop, and become extremely bright. Sighting lasted 7 minutes.       6/22/1954 #9928  
  FRANKLIN, IN Many observer(s). 4 bright 150m saucers. Dayton jets chase.  6/23/1954 #9931  
ht lights / western sky. Extremely bright silent night light curves northea 6/23/1954 #9933  
ark terrain below seen against the bright, ‘silvery’ sky to the left of the 6/29/1954 #9962  
 BRIGHTON, EAST SUSSEX 1 observer. Bright sharp saucer going quickly southw 7/5/1954 #9995  
anchester, England, when he sees a bright star in the southern sky that he  7/8/1954 #10003  
va. Soon it resolves itself into a bright, metallic globe with a cluster of 7/8/1954 #10003  
e and when they clear, he sees two bright objects, gyrating and flashing an 7/8/1954 #10003  
               Key Largo, FL Huge, bright pale blue or whitish-blue egg or  7/29/1954 #10062  
ky 10:30 p.m. An astronomer sees a bright white disc, 20 times the apparent 8/1954 #10085  
and others watch an object “like a bright electric bulb” fly overhead from  8/1/1954 #10090  
                 Westlake, OH Thin bright ellipse, like polished metal, hov 8/2/1954 #10092  
ssions) N.E. Schroeder.  One thin, bright ellipse, like polished metal, hov 8/2/1954 #10093  
on 19 combat missions--saw a thin, bright silver ovoid hovering in the sky  8/2/1954 #10095  
            Santa Fe, New Mexico A bright white ball shoots across the sky  8/6/1954 #10105  
cting Nowra, O’Farrell sees a very bright light closing fast at one o’clock 8/31/1954 #10218  
 witness's car engine quit. Soon a bright saucer-shaped object descended an 9/15/1954 #10315  
               Oberdorff, France A bright light was seen in the east, came  9/19/1954 #10360  
.m. a policeman, Louis Moll, saw a bright light land on the heights in Ober 9/19/1954 #10363  
                                 A bright light was seen in the east by res 9/20/1954 #10371  
s, moving smoke. Suddenly, another bright ball emerges from the bottom, fal 9/22/1954 #10395  
         LE JOU, FR 5 observer(s). Bright UFO lands. Beams. Follows car goi 9/23/1954 #10409  
NLAND, FRN Cops and many / 1 hour. Bright/brilliant object follows car into 9/23/1954 #10411  
                  Gatlinburg, TN 2 bright silver, wheel-shaped objects fly  9/23/1954 #10415  
 family witnessed the landing of a bright object giving off a magnesiumlike 9/23/1954 #10416  
nnessee Witness:  Dave Owenby. Two bright silver, wheel-shaped objects flew 9/23/1954 #10418  
sighted two daylight UFOs. The two bright silver, wheel-shaped objects flew 9/23/1954 #10422  
 family witnessed the landing of a bright object that gave off a magnesium- 9/23/1954 #10423  
 in diameter domed disc, which was bright red with an orange glow and a blu 9/24/1954 #10441  
 FRONCLES, FR 3 observer(s). Large bright UFO oscillates and lands. Changes 9/28/1954 #10481  
Georgette Mongot observed a large, bright object oscillate, then land. It c 9/28/1954 #10484  
Froncles, France observed a large, bright object oscillate, then land. It c 9/28/1954 #10489  
E / TOURS, FR 3 / truck. Extremely bright 7M ovoid / ground. Rises quickly  9/29/1954 #10495  
 25, FR Multiple observer(s). Huge bright UFO lights countryside. East goin 9/29/1954 #10496  
tte-en-Re, Celeste Simonutti saw a bright light and, fearing a fire, rushed 9/30/1954 #10514  
s yellow-orange in color and quite bright. There were landing traces: a cir 9/30/1954 #10521  
lows road west going quickly east. Bright light. 2 separate observer(s).    10/1/1954 #10540  
rance, on his motor scooter when a bright egg-shaped object lands on the le 10/1/1954 #10568  
shaped object in the sky with very bright white lights fly towards the nort 10/1/1954 #10577  
l ovoid hovers / one hour. Vibrant bright. Going quickly west extremely fas 10/2/1954 #10594  
            BRIGNOLES, FR Milkman. Bright silent fireball going quickly nor 10/5/1954 #10713  
         BORDEAUX, FR 5 workers. 2 bright metallic disks over factory. / Su 10/5/1954 #10717  
AIN-EN-LAYE, FR Ovoid with vibrant bright halo. Moves very slowly. No furth 10/5/1954 #10721  
deaux, France, five people saw two bright metallic discs fly over a factory 10/5/1954 #10742  
their house. When it moved, a very bright light was visible under its dark  10/6/1954 #10755  
their house. When it moved, a very bright light was visible under its dark  10/6/1954 #10761  
 objects on the ground that gave a bright white light. One was circular, th 10/7/1954 #10786  
 railroad crossing that gave off a bright white light. One was circular, th 10/7/1954 #10800  
         SIDNEY, BC 2 observer(s). Bright plain metallic ovoid crosses sky  10/9/1954 #10826  
scillating in mid-air. It was very bright and "fiery," and it came very low 10/9/1954 #10842  
r Carcassonne, Jean Bertrand saw a bright, metallic sphere on the road ahea 10/9/1954 #10847  
l had boots without heels and very bright eyes, walked on the road for one  10/9/1954 #10849  
oscillating in midair. It was very bright and "fiery," and came very low to 10/9/1954 #10860  
the afternoon, Jean Bertrand saw a bright, metallic sphere ahead on the roa 10/9/1954 #10865  
l had boots without heels and very bright eyes. It walked along the road fo 10/9/1954 #10867  
Roger Gayout and family saw a very bright object come very close to the gro 10/10/1954 #10890  
r Gayout and his family saw a very bright object come very close to the gro 10/10/1954 #10902  
           RANCE, 01, FR Extremely bright object slowly drops. Flashes and  10/13/1954 #10992  
ad two enormous eyes. The suit was bright and shiny like glass." The craft  10/13/1954 #10998  
ad two enormous eyes. The suit was bright and shiny like glass." The Disc w 10/13/1954 #11004  
 GARD, FR 2 observer(s). Intensely bright UFO leaves (something behind) glo 10/14/1954 #11016  
saw a luminous object resembling a bright star. Coming near, he observed it 10/14/1954 #11043  
     Angles, France A farmer saw a bright object, which came almost to the  10/14/1954 #11046  
 for 10 min it flew north, while a bright cloud slowly fell to the ground a 10/14/1954 #11047  
the west at low altitude. It is so bright that he stops his car. Probable m 10/14/1954 #11059  
s and, as he gets off the cycle, a bright circular object bursts ahead of h 10/14/1954 #11060  
saw a luminous object resembling a bright star. When he approached, he obse 10/14/1954 #11064  
s, Vendee department, France saw a bright object, which came almost to the  10/14/1954 #11067  
ft by flying to the north, while a bright cloudy misty material fell slowly 10/14/1954 #11069  
               BELESTA, FR Intense bright ovoid quickly going up [to] and q 10/16/1954 #11133  
          SAULIEU, 21, FR 5 / car. Bright fireball rises / ground. Going qu 10/16/1954 #11136  
ll lands. Floats going [to] woods. Bright beams. Vanishes! / LDLN#321.      10/17/1954 #11162  
em Mr. Beuclair a policeman, saw a bright red domeshaped object descend to  10/17/1954 #11174  
ong them policeman Beuclair, saw a bright red dome-shaped object descend to 10/17/1954 #11182  
val object with a dome, emitting a bright white light, resting in a field.  10/18/1954 #11207  
t Lake, France Miss Bourriot saw a bright red light on Route N437 near the  10/18/1954 #11211  
es, Haute-Loire, France, watch two bright balls connected by a rod for 15 m 10/18/1954 #11213  
val object with a dome, emitting a bright white light and resting in a fiel 10/18/1954 #11216  
. Miss Marie Louise Bourriot saw a bright red light on Route N437 near an o 10/18/1954 #11223  
oles, some illuminated with a very bright, bluish-white light, which sudden 10/19/1954 #11239  
, Charente, France, when he sees a bright fireball. His headlights go out a 10/19/1954 #11242  
e of the portholes gave off a very bright, bluish-white light that suddenly 10/19/1954 #11250  
brenner, 25, a truck driver, saw a bright light in the distance and soon fo 10/20/1954 #11273  
t, Moselle, France, when he sees a bright glow ahead on route N393. He cont 10/20/1954 #11275  
e sees an egg-shaped object with a bright trail climbing in the sky. The mo 10/20/1954 #11276  
 a 25-year-old truck driver, saw a bright light in the distance and soon fo 10/20/1954 #11282  
hts electro-magnetic effect (EME). Bright saucer hovers. / r217p31+/ r8.    10/21/1954 #11294  
half was transparent, flooded with bright white light. Aboard were six men  10/23/1954 #11338  
lf is transparent and flooded with bright light. Aboard are six men in yell 10/23/1954 #11341  
was transparent and flooded with a bright white light. Aboard were six men  10/23/1954 #11344  
. Ovoid silently rises / roadside. Bright trail. / r8.                      10/24/1954 #11357  
 and rose without noise, leaving a bright trail behind.                     10/24/1954 #11362  
nd rose without a noise, leaving a bright trail behind.                     10/24/1954 #11371  
atures walking stiffly and wearing bright clothes.                          10/25/1954 #11392  
ame and Rene Marais, encountered a bright light source in a field. When the 10/25/1954 #11404  
e felt an electric shock as a very bright object flying very low stopped th 10/27/1954 #11442  
ashion, and had clothes resembling bright armor. They vanished suddenly, an 10/27/1954 #11445  
Mayor's secretary saw for 15 min a bright, cigar-shaped object, flying very 10/27/1954 #11447  
e felt an electric shock as a very bright object flying very low stopped th 10/27/1954 #11451  
on. They had on clothes resembling bright armor. They vanished suddenly, an 10/27/1954 #11453  
e N40, the Mayor's secretary saw a bright, cigar-shaped object for 15 minut 10/27/1954 #11453  
  SE of Taiwan, Taiwan Long narrow bright blue object emitting deep-orange  10/29/1954 #11476  
 the Philippines saw a long narrow bright blue oblong object emitting deep  10/29/1954 #11483  
ontroller and more/others. Vibrant bright silent object leaves (something b 10/31/1954 #11496  
It measured about 4.5 m, emitted a bright light similar to a welder's torch 10/31/1954 #11499  
 (15 feet) in length and emitted a bright light similar to a welder's torch 10/31/1954 #11500  
FORCE BASE, AK Ground observer(s). Bright round night light maneuvers / 20  11/4/1954 #11556  
   WEST / ST. VRAN, FR 3 / road. 2 bright cylinders 50M overhead. 1 small.  11/4/1954 #11562  
I SOUTHEAST / SAN JUAN, PR Vibrant bright "clam-shell" saucer / 2000mph. Go 11/5/1954 #11573  
Amerigo Lorenzini, a farmer, saw a bright, cigar-shaped craft land near him 11/14/1954 #11648  
nd their craft departed, leaving a bright trail.                            11/14/1954 #11648  
ting near the road give off a very bright light. His clothing was partially 11/14/1954 #11649  
yzed. The UFO takes off, leaving a bright trail.                            11/14/1954 #11653  
in La Spezia, Italy at 7:45 p.m. a bright cigar-shaped object landed in a f 11/14/1954 #11655  
 knees down. Looking up, he sees a bright orange object as large as the ful 11/17/1954 #11663  
ORVALLIS, OR Professor = ex-pilot. Bright white night light hovers / 9 minu 11/19/1954 #11670  
                     Corvallis, OR Bright white light hover 8.5-9 mins (NIC 11/19/1954 #11672  
d ex-U.S. Navy aviation cadet. One bright white light hovered 8.5-9 minutes 11/19/1954 #11673  
.S. Navy aviation cadet, sighted a bright white light hovering over Corvall 11/19/1954 #11674  
ject (65-70' across, 18-20' high), bright orange with yellow discs attached 11/28/1954 #11721  
d civilian saw an oval light, very bright, illuminating the countryside. Af 12/1/1954 #11742  
symmetrical openings, from which a bright red light was emitted. The witnes 12/4/1954 #11758  
mmetrical openings which emitted a bright red light. The witness got a rifl 12/4/1954 #11759  
a commercial firm, observed a very bright disc come down to just 20 inches  12/4/1954 #11760  
ly afterward after emitting a very bright light.                            12/4/1954 #11760  
    Chico, Venezuela Having seen a bright object land near the Trans-Andean 12/10/1954 #11794  
il Rio de Janeiro 11:00 a.m. Three bright lights appear in the sky above Cu 12/14/1954 #11807  
  APPLE VALLEY, CA 50+observer(s). Bright silver cylinder/cigar-shape hover 12/16/1954 #11820  
er. 3 turtle-saucers shoot vibrant bright rays.                             12/17/1954 #11826  
A woodsman from Poligny saw a very bright light on the road, first thought  12/17/1954 #11828  
artment, a woodsman sighted a very bright light on the road, coming from a  12/17/1954 #11829  
rtheast of Cobalt, Ontario, sees a bright white light maneuvering in the sk 12/26/1954 #11863  
      IROQUOIS FALLS, ON 3 / farm. Bright silent washtub saucer hovers low  1/5/1955 #11920  
round. They described it as a very bright red globe 2.5 meters in diameter, 1/5/1955 #11922  
ark saucer 1000' near US41. 2 very bright flashes. Photos?                  1/6/1955 #11923  
, ON Several observer(s) / 2 days. Bright white disk plays near mine. Maneu 1/7/1955 #11925  
merican Highway 1N when they see a bright light in the sky ahead. The objec 1/31/1955 #11956  
 in their direction, changing to a bright orange color then to a bright whi 1/31/1955 #11956  
to a bright orange color then to a bright white as it shoots past them at t 1/31/1955 #11956  
oject Bluebook Case #3414. Vibrant bright. Red and white sphere/orb/globe p 2/1/1955 #11957  
 miles E of ), NM Pilot saw a very bright round object with red and white h 2/1/1955 #11958  
0 feet and 238 mph when they see a bright round object with red and white h 2/1/1955 #11960  
more/others / theodolites. Vibrant bright saucer drops. Stops. Shoots up ag 2/4/1955 #11973  
tes. It looks like a disc with two bright, pulsating, bluish lights on the  2/10/1955 #11992  
helmet. As the Saucer powered up a bright blue light came from one of the p 2/23/1955 #12013  
he bottom. He is then dazzled by a bright blue light from the craft and fal 2/23/1955 #12015  
n John Ebert says the light was as bright as an arc welder. One resident se 4/25/1955 #12101  
                 SAN FRANCISCO, CA Bright round object hangs / W. sky / min 5/17/1955 #12137  
ear Namur, Belgium, when he sees a bright disc moving at a high speed at an 6/5/1955 #12186  
t of some clouds. The object had a bright bottom and dark, shadowed top. Mo 6/5/1955 #12187  
     ENID, OK Several observer(s). Bright saucer swoops / various direction 6/9/1955 #12191  
east four) windows which emitted a bright blue-green light. It was not rota 6/23/1955 #12209  
D 2 KC97 crews and ground RADAR. 2 bright objects and 5 small objects buzz  7/5/1955 #12234  
ing refueling mission pilots saw 2 bright objects at 20,000 ft (NICAP: 11 - 7/5/1955 #12236  
oast of Newfoundland. They see two bright objects at 20,000 feet, apparentl 7/5/1955 #12238  
ish-orange light changing color to bright white (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 7/11/1955 #12251  
FR 2 separate observer(s). Vibrant bright slow silent saucer southeast goin 7/18/1955 #12268  
       LEICESTER, ENGL Formation / bright silver balls. Orbs change positio 7/22/1955 #12277  
ck at night a formation of several bright silver balls was sighted that cha 7/22/1955 #12278  
RESNO, CA Weatherman / theodolite. Bright silver saucer near balloon. Going 8/2/1955 #12322  
ver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 4 bright saucers spin / southwest sky. Til 8/8/1955 #12341  
EAR MOON LAKE, NE 3 farm families. Bright moon-size object hovers low / 2 h 8/9/1955 #12343  
                                 A bright object, the apparent size of the  8/9/1955 #12344  
           CAIRO, IL Lady. Vibrant bright triangle going quickly NNW low /  8/11/1955 #12350  
ion bluish green, and its end very bright.                                  8/11/1955 #12353  
                            A very bright triangular object flew over Cairo 8/11/1955 #12355  
ickly [to] against wind. Extremely bright. Going up.                        8/14/1955 #12357  
t, Mr. Wood, a warehouseman, saw a bright, bullet-shaped, silvery object be 8/19/1955 #12373  
d, Mr. Wood, a warehouseman, saw a bright, silvery, bullet-shaped object be 8/19/1955 #12375  
Hopkinsville, Kentucky, and sees a bright object come from the south-southw 8/21/1955 #12386  
 Ray Taylor’s claim that he saw “a bright light streak across the sky and d 8/21/1955 #12386  
transparent, wearing a belt with a bright disk, was seen nearby. Another cr 8/22/1955 #12389  
nsparent and wearing a belt with a bright disc on it, was seen nearby. Anot 8/22/1955 #12390  
                  CINCINNATI, OH 3 bright orbs elude F84s / Max speed. Mili 8/23/1955 #12395  
                    CINCINNATI, OH Bright metal saucer hovers over Ohio Riv 8/29/1955 #12414  
IDGE, NJ 2 observer(s). Dog barks. Bright glare. White cylinder/cylindrical 10/21/1955 #12514  
                  Nr. Auckland, NZ Bright object passed National Airlines D 10/31/1955 #12533  
            ATLANTIC / SS MATHERAN Bright yellow night light / 150' altitud 11/8/1955 #12555  
           Lake City, TN 2 oblong, bright orange, semi-transparent objects  11/20/1955 #12577  
 USAF 663rd AC&W Sqdn. Two oblong, bright orange, semi-transparent objects  11/20/1955 #12578  
63rd AC&W Squadron see two oblong, bright orange, semi-transparent objects  11/20/1955 #12579  
                   HITCHIN, HERTFS Bright silver "saucer" curves down and b 12/12/1955 #12607  
eak across the sky. At 4:40 p.m. a bright silver disc curved down and then  12/12/1955 #12609  
bserver(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape / bright lights / ends. 7 lights / side. V 12/15/1955 #12612  
           Caribou, ME Round, very bright gold, domed disc in short climb,  12/21/1955 #12617  
Roberta V. Jacobs. One round, very bright gold, domed disc made a short cli 12/21/1955 #12618  
 Observer Corps (GOC) observer(s). Bright wheel / light spins. Erratic. Bob 3/5/1956 #12749  
                Newport (near), UK Bright white star increase in brightness 4/28/1956 #12816  
long with many others, see a large bright object flying low over the roofto 5/1/1956 #12824  
   TATOW KNOB, UT 3 U-prospectors. Bright silver ovoid hovers / strong wind 5/10/1956 #12844  
ckly south. Zigzags. Very fast and bright.                                  5/16/1956 #12851  
-zagged away. It was very fast and bright.                                  5/16/1956 #12853  
Monroe, Louisiana, when they see a bright light due east. They see it again 5/22/1956 #12865  
feet away. It flashes an intensely bright white light from a “greenhouse-sh 5/22/1956 #12865  
toward New Hampshire, Ohio, when a bright light approaches them from a smal 6/1956 #12880  
                    SHADY COVE, OR Bright red saucer over house. 2 more joi 6/13/1956 #12898  
                         In 1956 a bright blob of light zoomed away when ap 6/17/1956 #12906  
                                 A bright object crossed and re-crossed the 7/2/1956 #12948  
       AGAWAM, MASS 3 observer(s). Bright night light scouts / erratically. 7/12/1956 #12964  
ON, VA Amateur astronomer. Vibrant bright "star" wobbles around sky / 4 hou 7/14/1956 #12971  
     RIALTO, CA Civil observer(s). Bright yellow object = dime / arms lengt 7/30/1956 #13029  
                      PORTLAND, OR Bright silent orange umbrella top / 30M  8/1956 #13034  
AWRENCE ISLAND, AK Several / USAF. Bright object hovers / 9 km altitude. Qu 8/1956 #13035  
r Newark, Ohio, when they see five bright lights in a rigid V- formation. T 8/1956 #13045  
size disk circles house several X. Bright yellow rim.                       8/1/1956 #13046  
 SO.NEPAL Thousands / observer(s). Bright sun-size disk changes color(s) re 8/6/1956 #13053  
D CHINGOLA AND MORE/OTHERS, ZAMBIA Bright pulsing saucer all over/all about 8/9/1956 #13063  
                    PITTSBURGH, PA Bright steel-grey saucer hovers / 2 hour 8/11/1956 #13067  
wspaper that at around 9:00 a.m. a bright steel-gray, saucer-shaped object  8/11/1956 #13069  
orth of Cambridge and sees it as a bright white light, which then disappear 8/13/1956 #13080  
ghts, CA Man & wife saw 25 or more bright, Saturn-like UFOs in a rough semi 8/20/1956 #13103  
ck, bell-shaped object bearing two bright, white lights at the top several  8/22/1956 #13116  
                       Juniata, PA Bright disc with a clear dome fly vertic 8/27/1956 #13137  
ania Witness:  Mrs. R.S. Pope. One bright disc with a clear dome flew verti 8/27/1956 #13139  
e sees at a much lower altitude a “bright light which was sharply defined a 8/27/1956 #13140  
 at 9:55 p.m. Mrs. R.S. Pope saw a bright disc-shaped object with a clear t 8/27/1956 #13141  
 ground around them is lit up by a bright white light. Looking up, they see 8/28/1956 #13146  
ORTHWEST / ILKLEY, YORKS 4 hikers. Bright orange sphere hovers / 5 minute(s 9/24/1956 #13241  
S. Marine Corps (USMC) F9F pilots. Bright silver disk going [to] under jets 10/13/1956 #13275  
A Military ground and air RADAR's. Bright blips maneuver. Objects invisible 10/17/1956 #13283  
 Observer Corps (GOC) observer(s). Bright silver disk hovers. Flips over se 10/26/1956 #13291  
                                 A bright red-orange object was seen by a B 10/28/1956 #13295  
inot AFB saw the same or a similar bright orange-red UFO. The B-52 was vect 10/28/1956 #13295  
           SHARPES, FL 1 observer. Bright round object follows test missile 11/8/1956 #13310  
ir. Long thin object with series / bright orange lights. / r140#10p7.       11/9/1956 #13317  
ong narrow object with a series of bright orange lights (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 11/9/1956 #13318  
age-shaped object with a series of bright orange lights was sighted by an a 11/9/1956 #13319  
his Ford V8 pickup when they see a bright flying object with the shape of a 11/11/1956 #13322  
ct and shape / Parry Crater, moon. Bright and sharp.                        11/26/1956 #13355  
EL GALPON, ARG Dentist and 11. Big bright object from hills. Stops. Shoots  12/1956 #13374  
R BEAMSLEY, YORKS 2+1 observer(s). Bright green 6M sphere hovers / 2K' alti 12/11/1956 #13398  
ip Dorthe Maersk view an intensely bright fireball giving off weird flashes 12/13/1956 #13400  
   BURBANK, CA Many observer(s). 3 bright saucers / 18km altitude. Searches 2/13/1957 #13496  
                             Three bright disc-shaped objects were seen fly 2/13/1957 #13504  
 and hundreds. Unknown object with bright lights. Follows car going [to] na 3/24/1957 #13560  
                NEAR ROSWELL, NM 3 bright circular lights / collision cours 3/27/1957 #13561  
. DC6-size cylinder/cigar-shape in bright elliptical glow. / r141#2p12.     3/28/1957 #13564  
n in the Mojave Desert, they see a bright object in the sky. It is initiall 5/2/1957 #13643  
ning manner. One of them carries a bright light which prevents him from see 5/10/1957 #13653  
les" observed through telescope in bright daylight. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01  6/15/1957 #13729  
SE, NZ Jet pilot and ground RADAR. Bright fireball zooms away when jet near 6/17/1957 #13733  
           Starting at 6:30 p.m. a bright red-orange disc maneuvered around 6/30/1957 #13760  
ignal coincides in location with a bright UFO. At times the signal moves ah 7/17/1957 #13808  
                     DEVONPORT, NZ Bright silver disk hovers near grand hot 7/24/1957 #13820  
        NORTH HAVRE, MT Blue Book. Bright round silver object zigzags going 7/25/1957 #13833  
ear a humming sound. They notice a bright spot in the clear sky that is inc 7/25/1957 #13837  
   SAN FERNANDO, CA 2+observer(s). Bright golden disks going west. Dip down 8/5/1957 #13877  
                       PRESTON, ON Bright fiery circular object follows tee 8/14/1957 #13891  
oo county, Ontario at 10:30 p.m. a bright fiery, circular object followed t 8/14/1957 #13895  
ack, bellshaped object bearing two bright, white lights at the top and maea 8/22/1957 #13922  
ng, bell-shaped object bearing two bright white lights at the top. Their en 8/22/1957 #13924  
ck, bell-shaped object bearing two bright, white lights at the top and maea 8/22/1957 #13925  
s, FL Crew of aircraft saw object/ bright red to reddish-yellow pulsating l 8/27/1957 #13934  
 unidentified flying object with a bright red to reddish-yellow pulsating l 8/27/1957 #13937  
Northwest Airlines DC-6, sighted a bright object that flew at great speed,  8/30/1957 #13955  
int, Ferreira notices a UFO like a bright star with a scintillating, colore 9/4/1957 #13978  
 U.S. Embassy officer and wife, of bright elliptical UFO. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 9/26/1957 #14034  
ARIS, FR US embassy Officer and 1. Bright orange ovoid seen / 20 minute(s). 9/27/1957 #14038  
teur astronomer Earl Sydow spots a bright object with the magnitude of the  10/6/1957 #14066  
 the craft aimed at them a beam so bright they "felt weak." The figure disa 10/8/1957 #14076  
ike fashion. Its color varies from bright white to deep, flashing red.      10/8/1957 #14078  
am of energy at them that was very bright and made them feel weak. The figu 10/8/1957 #14079  
                    At 7:05 a.m. a bright silver object flew at great speed 10/8/1957 #14080  
o min later it flew up again, very bright. The next day she was feeding ani 10/10/1957 #14091  
her man, traveling to Ceres, saw a bright object that illuminated the count 10/10/1957 #14092  
rial" with a red light on top. The bright light went off and the witnesses  10/10/1957 #14092  
ater it flew up again and was very bright. The next day she was feeding her 10/10/1957 #14096  
oias State, Brazil when they saw a bright object that illuminated the count 10/10/1957 #14097  
rial" with a red light on top. The bright light went off and the witnesses  10/10/1957 #14097  
r anti-submarine aircraft toward a bright light over Point Loma. The aircra 10/14/1957 #14110  
ther brother are plowing and see a bright object hovering 300 feet in the a 10/14/1957 #14111  
Analysts generally agree this is a bright lenticular cloud with a trail of  10/16/1957 #14129  
haped like a huge football and had bright white lights. No living human cou 11/2/1957 #14194  
fast it traveled. The thing was as bright as day. It lit up the whole area. 11/2/1957 #14194  
NOLE, TX Car motor and lights die. Bright lights on road ahead quickly goin 11/2/1957 #14201  
t, over 60 m long, equipped with a bright light, and which interfered with  11/2/1957 #14213  
sates steadily; each time it glows bright, the car’s power goes on and off. 11/3/1957 #14244  
 farm-to-market road. He reports a bright object that is egg or oval-shaped 11/3/1957 #14247  
s in their jeep when they notice a bright object high in the sky. It drops  11/3/1957 #14249  
er 60 meters long, equipped with a bright light, and which interfered with  11/3/1957 #14253  
ing color from an intense green to bright red. The object maintains a const 11/4/1957 #14281  
Lukasek, and Dan Diglovanni) see a bright cigar-shaped object in the sky. T 11/4/1957 #14285  
  HOUSTON, TX Several observer(s). Bright planet object zigzags. Cars elect 11/5/1957 #14302  
moving-van. Night light alternates bright and dim. Possible landing. / r111 11/5/1957 #14319  
a, AL 3 USAF pilots at Selma saw a bright object flash from S to N; The CG  11/5/1957 #14327  
ghts dead, electric clock stopped; bright light awakened couple. Milkman re 11/5/1957 #14333  
, Texas, when he sees an extremely bright object settle down in a ravine ab 11/5/1957 #14347  
). Cylinder/cigar-shape with row / bright lights / side. Hovers. Going quic 11/6/1957 #14382  
 TX Oval object, about 15 ft long, bright orange (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 11/6/1957 #14393  
        Lake County, OH Unbearably bright round object, landed on a ridge,  11/6/1957 #14398  
ilian source reported an object so bright that his eyes could not sustain i 11/6/1957 #14412  
ed an oval object, about 5 m long, bright orange, similar to glowing coals, 11/6/1957 #14415  
son and three of his friends saw a bright, yellowish-white sphere hovering  11/6/1957 #14416  
denly saw an object looking like a bright meteor split into two pieces, one 11/6/1957 #14417  
arger while its color changed from bright white to blue-green. It hovered 6 11/6/1957 #14417  
hio, when he sees an object like a bright meteor split into two pieces, one 11/6/1957 #14430  
arger while its color changes from bright white to blue green. It hovers ab 11/6/1957 #14430  
 that at 6:30 a.m. he saw a UFO so bright that his eyes could not stand to  11/6/1957 #14435  
ur meters above the ground. It was bright orange in color, similar to glowi 11/6/1957 #14437  
son and three of his friends saw a bright, yellowish-white sphere that was  11/6/1957 #14440  
y noticed an object looking like a bright meteor split into two pieces, one 11/6/1957 #14441  
arger while its color changed from bright white to blue-green. It hovered 6 11/6/1957 #14441  
rin Road 2373 Highway 60 7:46 p.m. Bright, flashing objects hover for 30 mi 11/7/1957 #14462  
 over his garage. The top part was bright, and there were two figures visib 11/8/1957 #14483  
th the base facing forward and has bright lights on the tips of the triangl 11/8/1957 #14487  
n Waterloo, Iowa. The top part was bright and there were two figures visibl 11/8/1957 #14494  
the rear of the fuselage. It has a bright bluish hue and leaves a bluish fl 11/9/1957 #14505  
SKARYSZEW, POLAND ~12 observer(s). Bright cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 30  11/10/1957 #14512  
 three UFOs flying in formation in bright daylight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 11/11/1957 #14531  
nois. She looks outside and sees a bright, moon-shaped object with a tail m 11/14/1957 #14551  
a sputtering noise" and observed a bright, moon-shaped object appear over t 11/14/1957 #14552  
URA, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Bright 2M object beams 4 lights down / g 11/15/1957 #14557  
AL, MADEIRA ISLANDS, PORTUGAL Fast bright sphere north going quickly south. 11/26/1957 #14620  
       HAMILTON, NZ 2 observer(s). Bright orange domed saucer / southwest s 11/26/1957 #14621  
tower operator on the ground saw a bright red glow (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 11/27/1957 #14630  
begins missing. Suddenly he sees a bright flash of light 20 feet above the  11/28/1957 #14635  
ght is misty, but the object is so bright that it lights up the sky as if i 12/3/1957 #14667  
t was misty, but the object was so bright that it lit up the sky as if it w 12/3/1957 #14668  
 a hill in this wooded area when a bright light appeared ahead. It reminded 12/8/1957 #14690  
5 p.m. At least 13 witnesses see a bright light over the Sea of Japan. The  12/12/1957 #14721  
 30] circular, tapered discs, very bright, fly in a formation (NICAP: 01 -  12/13/1957 #14723  
teen circular, tapered discs, very bright, flew in a formation like a stack 12/13/1957 #14724  
degree from Yale, is awakened by a bright light in her room. A cigar-shaped 12/16/1957 #14735  
sometime between two three a.m. by bright lights passing her bedroom window 12/16/1957 #14736  
ide to side of the train. It had a bright orange light.                     12/16/1957 #14737  
 ME Blue Book. Small round vibrant bright fast object maneuvers going up an 12/28/1957 #14764  
fighter low on fuel. The men see a bright light approaching from across the 1958 #14783  
ibya Military aircraft pilot saw a bright orange light streaking across the 1/4/1958 #14804  
w upright shafts or tubes that are bright and visible to the naked eye. The 1/10/1958 #14817  
 a greenish-blue object emitting a bright flash (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 1/12/1958 #14821  
              SHIMADA, JPN Vibrant bright object lands / beach. Figure(s) f 1/26/1958 #14842  
        Shimada City, Japan A very bright object landed before numerous che 1/26/1958 #14843  
l workers at Shimada, Japan, see a bright object land and claim that beings 1/26/1958 #14844  
                            A very bright object landed before numerous che 1/26/1958 #14845  
mpa, FL Balloon-shaped object with bright light land on the airfield (NICAP 3/2/1958 #14909  
e before disappearing. It showed a bright light source.                     3/2/1958 #14910  
tude before disappearing. It had a bright light source on it.               3/2/1958 #14912  
            MARSHALL, TX Family. 2 bright "planets" hover. Smaller night li 3/3/1958 #14913  
Marshall (near), TX Family saw two bright, planet-like objects with 6 or 7  3/3/1958 #14915  
                      HASTINGS, NZ Bright ellipse descends going east. Stop 3/7/1958 #14917  
l Mavero investigate and watch the bright disc for 10 minutes. Their police Early 4/1958 #14959  
ilot for Philippines Airline saw a bright, shiny metallic object fall and s 5/9/1958 #15027  
  WEDNESFIELD, ENGL 2 observer(s). Bright silver object going [to] overhead 5/27/1958 #15054  
 overhead / 4 minute(s). Extremely bright. Going north. Vanishes / mid-sky. 6/1958 #15065  
r and seems to be spherical and as bright as Venus. It soon becomes the app 7/1958 #15130  
                 Hamar, Norway Two Bright Rocket-Shaped Objects Nr Navy Air 7/20/1958 #15150  
 the lake in perfect weather saw a bright light coming down. They stopped t 8/16/1958 #15202  
 Lake Geneva, Switzerland, watch a bright light descending. It comes to hov 8/16/1958 #15203  
k in the afternoon when they saw a bright light coming down toward the lake 8/16/1958 #15204  
              Warren, MI Extremely bright object shaped first like a bell,  8/17/1958 #15208  
ess:  A.D. Chisholm. One extremely bright object shaped first like a bell,  8/17/1958 #15209  
 D. Chisholm observed an extremely bright UFO shaped first like a bell and  8/17/1958 #15210  
° 03N. RADAR-visual (observation). Bright night light going west. Blue Book 9/5/1958 #15252  
rn back, and follow the train. The bright glow conceals their exact shape,  10/3/1958 #15311  
train until the conductor shines a bright light on them. Immediately the ob 10/3/1958 #15311  
HEEP MOUNTAIN, WY 3 doctors. Large bright night light jerks and tumbles. An 10/9/1958 #15331  
Airport workers and small plane. 2 bright objects make odd maneuvers. Unide 10/17/1958 #15350  
 CAIRNS, QLD Separate observer(s). Bright orange triangle stops / police st 10/23/1958 #15369  
NORTH / ROSWELL, NM 2 observer(s). Bright luminous disk buzzes lonely house 10/25/1958 (approximate) #15374  
TTE, IND Chemist with telescope. 3 bright/brilliant saucers "near the moon" 10/26/1958 #15377  
yette, IN Research chemist saw 2-3 bright objects pass through field of tel 10/26/1958 #15380  
       FRONTEIRA, PORTUGAL Strange bright sphere seen here. / Diario de Lis 10/27/1958 #15388  
 Case #6153. Military observer(s). Bright green coin-disk explodes. Small s 11/3/1958 #15418  
                         Minot, ND Bright green object and one smaller, sil 11/3/1958 #15420  
Sgt. William R. Butler, medic. One bright green object, shaped like a 10 ce 11/3/1958 #15421  
feet long and 20 feet high, with a bright glow underneath the object and a  11/9/1958 #15435  
val hemorrhages and sensitivity to bright light. She begins to wear sunglas 11/11/1958 #15438  
                    SANTA CRUZ, CA Bright silver white saucers play and man 11/29/1958 #15460  
ssia and India, an observer sees a bright UFO cross his field of vision thr 12/6/1958 #15471  
 SP 2.5M x 30cm "missile". Vibrant bright. Maneuvers 2 min. Going [to] behi 12/17/1958 #15479  
t was ellipsoid in shape and solid bright red while giving off a pulsating  12/20/1958 #15482  
                     TOBOLSK, USSR Bright "star" forms cloud. Emits similar 1/1959 #15518  
orona del Mar, California, spots a bright object outside department headqua 1/1/1959 #15527  
Lake, Pennsylvania, when he sees a bright light approaching from the east a 1/13/1959 #15549  
eventually coalesced into a single bright light. This light then hovered ov 1/13/1959 #15551  
is point. The light, which was too bright for Mr. ColIins to discern any st 1/13/1959 #15551  
                                 A bright silver object was sighted as it a 1/23/1959 #15562  
 IMPERIAL BEACH, CA 2 observer(s). Bright object with halo filmed. Hovers.  2/9/1959 #15583  
                Imperial Beach, CA Bright UFO with halo filmed. [NICAP UFOE 2/9/1959 #15584  
o Detroit when he encounters three bright lights flying in a precise line.  2/24/1959 #15604  
rville, California, when he sees a bright light shining in his bedroom wind 2/24/1959 #15605  
illian on Flight 937 sighted three bright yellow-orange maneuvering lights, 2/24/1959 #15606  
 Traffic Controllers, others saw a bright yellow disc which hovered for 20  2/26/1959 #15619  
t that covered even his feet, with bright blue trunks. The "helmet" was par 3/7/1959 #15631  
witnesses at Bergen, Norway, see a bright object passing north to south, ta 3/12/1959 #15636  
 / 20 minute(s). Pulsates. Vibrant bright. Going up. / r100.                3/15/1959 #15646  
:00 p.m. It was pulsating and very bright, and hovered 20 minutes.          3/15/1959 #15647  
eared to be armless and had large, bright greenish eyes. It left tracks beh 3/28/1959 #15677  
t had a cupola on top that emitted bright beams of light. Fascinated, he wa 3/29/1959 #15678  
 5 m long, the top part emitting a bright light. The object went away silen 4/29/1959 #15717  
re amoung those reporting seeing a bright object flash down towards the des 6/17/1959 #15772  
r road. Violent maneuvers. Vibrant bright.                                  6/18/1959 #15773  
      OFF GIWA, NEW GUINEA Trader. Bright green 70' saucer with portholes h 6/26/1959 #15787  
lson & Moffatt) and crew saw a big bright light followed by 3-4 smaller lig 7/11/1959 #15833  
nolulu, Hawaii, encounters a large bright light with 3–4 satellite lights i 7/11/1959 #15834  
ka at around 10:30 p.m. they saw a bright white light hovering in the south 7/19/1959 #15860  
TH AUSTRALIA Many / town and base. Bright white cylinder/cigar-shape going  7/20/1959 #15861  
a at around 6 p.m. At 10:15 p.m. a bright white cigar-shaped object flew so 7/20/1959 #15864  
t 1:00 a.m. in Cullen, Chile had a bright light fly over his head and follo 8/2/1959 #15891  
 another vehicle, the girl spots a bright blue light around 7:54 p.m. that  8/9/1959 #15898  
me, a 30-year-old RCAF pilot saw a bright light fly from horizon to overhea 8/10/1959 #15903  
ars electro-magnetic effect (EME). Bright UFO flies over into woods. 2+4 ob 8/13/1959 #15909  
                 Freeport, Texas A bright, flying object passed low over a  8/13/1959 #15912  
f Freeport, Texas, when they see a bright object with two satellite lights  8/13/1959 #15914  
al area near Freeport, Texas saw a bright UFO pass low in front of their ca 8/13/1959 #15917  
waii, HI Military pilot saw a very bright white light change color to red a 8/14/1959 #15919  
 turn off again. Outside he sees a bright object approaching at high speed. 8/17/1959 #15923  
Bluebook Case #unknown. Work crew. Bright star spirals going northeast / 3  8/19/1959 #15929  
hree a.m. they were awake to see a bright fireball descend and land on the  8/20/1959 #15932  
 figures carrying what looked like bright flashlights emerged from the obje 8/20/1959 #15932  
  At 9:30 p.m. a student watched a bright, pulsating ellipsoid object hover 8/23/1959 #15933  
0M saucer lands / tripod. 2 rows / bright openings. Observer(s) faints.     8/25/1959 #15936  
Hagen, Lutz Holtmann went toward a bright object in a forest, and fainted w 8/25/1959 #15937  
a tripod landing gear, two rows of bright openings, and was about 30 m in d 8/25/1959 #15937  
many, Lutz Holtman walks towards a bright object in a forest and faints aft 8/25/1959 #15938  
ripod landing gear and two rows of bright openings, and is about 90 feet in 8/25/1959 #15938  
tz Holtmann began walking toward a bright object he had seen in the forest, 8/25/1959 #15939  
ripod landing gear and two rows of bright openings. It was about 30 meters  8/25/1959 #15939  
ce officer Robert Dickerson sees a bright white light rapidly descending no 9/24/1959 #15987  
0° turns. 20M altitude. Maneuvers. Bright and dim. / NICAP.                 9/26/1959 #15992  
ckie J. Cox, schoolteacher, saw a “bright light in the sky that spread to c 9/29/1959 #15997  
               Telephone Ridge, OR Bright light approach hover about 30 min 10/1/1959 #16006  
t Bluebook Case #6563. USAF pilot. Bright yellow night light buzzes T33. Di 10/19/1959 #16038  
                    Plainville, KS Bright yellowish light on collision cour 10/19/1959 #16040  
nt store manager C.A. Cissman. One bright light approached, hovered about 3 10/19/1959 #16041  
my, flying a T-33 jet trainer. One bright yellowish light came head-on at t 10/19/1959 #16042  
nville, Kansas at 9:25 p.m. when a bright yellow light came directly head-o 10/19/1959 #16043  
 ovoid hovers / northeast sky. Too bright to watch. Back 21 October.        10/20/1959 #16045  
              MT. GWOIRA, PAPUA NG Bright disk / light going northwest. Cir 10/23/1959 #16055  
oject Bluebook Case #6534. Vibrant bright night light hovers and away.      10/25/1959 (approximate) #16058  
shining feebly. He notices a huge, bright, bluish-green, crescent-shaped ob 12/1959 #16107  
               GHAZNI, AFGHANISTAN Bright saucer seen going quickly southwe 12/2/1959 #16110  
             Ghazni, Afghanistan A bright, circular object is seen in the s 12/2/1959 #16111  
t. Stops and circles / 45 minutes. Bright glow / edge. Lost in clouds.      12/3/1959 #16112  
cled for 45 minutes. It gave off a bright glow around its rim. It was final 12/3/1959 #16113  
the sea became brilliant with many bright colors and very turbulent at that 12/13/1959 #16119  
saucers race and play tag. Vibrant bright yellow and bronze. Moon high and  12/20/1959 #16125  
dondo Beach, California. They were bright yellow and bronze in color.       12/20/1959 #16126  
 and several other witnesses saw a bright, orange object at ground level. I 12/22/1959 #16127  
round 11:50 at night when he saw a bright, orange bowl-shaped object descen 12/22/1959 #16128  
  OAKDALE, CA Several observer(s). Bright orange 7M bowl-saucer. Shadows mo 12/23/1959 #16129  
urse, they see the object has four bright blue- white lights on it and it i Early 1960 #16146  
They look up and see the object is bright blue white on its underside. It d Early 1960 #16146  
apartment rooftops go out to see a bright “cherry-red, circular light.” Two 2/5/1960 #16168  
nd maneuvers all over sky. Vibrant bright and metallic. 10 minute(s).       3/23/1960 #16202  
de, the other on the south side. A bright light illuminates the entire area 3/24/1960 #16206  
outh, NH Former Town Selectman saw bright red cigar-shaped UFO hover, speed 4/25/1960 #16240  
ere opaque and smoky, but it had a bright light at the center. It was seen  5/13/1960 #16268  
out 3 feet in diameter. It is very bright and changes color repeated. It th Summer 1960 #16313  
 see the landscape light up with a bright blue light as a ball of fire appr 7/2/1960 #16327  
              St. Louis, MO Round, bright red light fly overhead, stop, hov 7/19/1960 #16339  
ri Witness:  T.L. Ochs. One round, bright red light flew overhead, stopped  7/19/1960 #16340  
issouri reported watching a round, bright red light that flew overhead, sto 7/19/1960 #16341  
da after a misty blue cloud with a bright center was seen. A crowd chased a 7/21/1960 #16342  
00 p.m.  in Nashville, Ohio a very bright cigar-shaped object passed by slo 7/31/1960 #16352  
OCATION UNKNOWN Geology Professor. Bright disc / sky. Going [to] moons diam 8/16/1960 #16388  
  EUREKA, CA Many observer(s). 6-8 bright red and white night lights maneuv 8/16/1960 #16390  
 Koktal, Kazakstan, U.S.S.R. saw a bright orange lens-shaped UFO at 11:00 p 8/16/1960 #16397  
te cops. Fireball lands and flies. Bright green disk makes turn and away.   9/26/1960 #16462  
STAROLKA, POLAND Many observer(s). Bright object going [to] going up [to] g 10/4/1960 (approximate) #16476  
                   Mount Kisco, NY Bright, star-like light move across 120° 10/5/1960 #16479  
York Witness:  E.G. Crossland. One bright, star-like light moved across 120 10/5/1960 #16480  
m. He went to the window and saw a bright, round object, 6 m in diameter, r 11/13/1960 #16501  
d for 25 minutes, an object with a bright, pulsating light was seen by Fran 11/29/1960 #16518  
    Miho, Japan T-33 Crew Observed Bright Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 12/29/1960 #16542  
                    At 9:12 p.m. a bright red disc-shaped object was sighte 1/10/1961 #16576  
w altitude to the northeast. It is bright yellow in the middle with a brigh 2/28/1961 #16615  
bright yellow in the middle with a bright red edge and surrounded by thin c 2/28/1961 #16615  
 in Millville, New Jersey, watch a bright light silently moving northward.  Spring 1961 #16637  
pilot and passenger saw an intense bright light rise (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 3/23/1961 #16639  
de runs inside, but the disc turns bright white and shots away at enormous  6/11/1961 #16724  
                EXETER, ENGL Large bright shiny object hovers 50k' over air 6/19/1961 #16730  
t had five windows through which a bright orange light was shining, and it  7/3/1961 #16745  
INGFIELD, OH Ex-airman and others. Bright metallic round object overhead /  7/11/1961 #16757  
             Springfield, OH Round bright light like shiny aluminum, pass o 7/11/1961 #16758  
 Scott, and neighbors.  One round, bright light like shiny aluminum, passed 7/11/1961 #16759  
d their neighbors sighted a round, bright light like shiny aluminum pass ov 7/11/1961 #16761  
 ground and air RADAR's. 2 vibrant bright saucer-fireballs over port Arthur 7/20/1961 #16766  
    Houston, TX Pilot in DC3 saw 2 bright white lights fly in formation (NI 7/20/1961 #16767  
eport from ground radar.  Two very bright white light or objects flew in tr 7/20/1961 #16768  
apt. A.V. Beather sighted two very bright white lights or objects. They fle 7/20/1961 #16769  
e surrounding area grows intensely bright. Particles of white matter contin 9/18/1961 #16847  
rney noticed what appeared to be a bright star, or planet, which seemed to  9/19/1961 #16848  
veton, New Hampshire, Betty sees a bright light moving upward and erratical 9/19/1961 #16857  
y reached Colebrook they noticed a bright lighted object in the sky that se 9/19/1961 #16858  
 and PAA liners and military ship. Bright white ring. Seen / Oahu / 72 min. 9/21/1961 #16863  
d Airline pilots, ship, reported a bright white circular UFO. [NICAP UFOE,  9/21/1961 #16864  
t and a Pan Am flight, witnessed a bright white UFO with a halo while flyin 9/21/1961 #16867  
] in Granger, Utah, when he sees a bright spot in the sky. After he takes o 10/2/1961 #16889  
ngle over a plowed field; it had a bright white light on each tip and the l 11/22/1961 #16973  
                    Sioux City, IA Bright red star fly straight and level ( 11/23/1961 #16974  
y, Iowa Witness:  F. Braunger. One bright red star flew straight and level  11/23/1961 #16975  
wa at  9:30 p.m. F. Braunger saw a bright red "star" fly straight and level 11/23/1961 #16976  
 D.C. Dark diamond-shaped object w/bright tip fly straight and level (NICAP 12/13/1961 #16990  
 dark diamond-shaped object with a bright tip flew straight and level for 1 12/13/1961 #16991  
ase in the southwest. He notices a bright flash of sunlight in his left sid 1962 #17006  
ent of an advertising agency saw a bright red hemispherical UFO which hover 2/7/1962 #17037  
ly losing speed as he approached a bright, oval thing hovering 10 m above t 2/9/1962 #17042  
 white with a yellowish tint and a bright yellow jagged flame coming from t 4/18/1962 #17120  
 windows from which come shafts of bright white light. They drive back home 4/24/1962 #17127  
e to Granby, Connecticut, when two bright yellow lights appear in the sky a Late 4/1962 #17130  
waiting in a drizzling rain when a bright light, first thought to be from a 5/1962 #17145  
 luminous, elongated object with a bright trail. Soon thereafter, fog fille 5/13/1962 #17170  
stfield, MA "Round, slightly oval, bright red object, giving off sparks fro 5/26/1962 #17206  
rd a B-52 heavy jet bomber.  Three bright, star-like lights:  one seen; 10  6/21/1962 #17236  
ndianapolis, Indiana sighted three bright, star-like flying nocturnal light 6/21/1962 #17240  
11. About 9:00 p.m. John notices a bright star in the west that moves occas 6/25/1962 #17245  
es:  Mr. and Mrs. M.O. Barton. One bright cherry-red, diamond-shaped object 7/29/1962 #17299  
f Ocean Springs, Mississippi saw a bright cherry-red, diamond-shaped object 7/29/1962 #17300  
                 Ocean Springs, MS Bright cherry-red, diamond-shaped object 7/30/1962 #17302  
lta, a number of people reported a bright object moving at high altitude.   7/30/1962 #17304  
CATRILO, ARG 5 truckers. Intensely bright object rises / ground. Away / fan 8/12/1962 #17333  
 province, Argentina encountered a bright object on the ground at night, 30 8/28/1962 #17370  
                     ORADELL, NJ 2 bright saucers maneuver and dive / reser 9/15/1962 #17397  
                       Oradell, NJ Bright luminous object surrounded with a 9/15/1962 #17399  
           Oradell, New Jersey Two bright disks were first seen at 1700, th 9/15/1962 #17400  
cial investigation described it as bright, surrounded with a glow, the appa 9/15/1962 #17400  
ll Oradell Reservoir 5:00 p.m. Two bright discs are seen over Oradell, New  9/15/1962 #17403  
5 p.m., three teens see and hear a bright, oval object land in the reservoi 9/15/1962 #17403  
                               Two bright discs were first seen at 5:00 p.m 9/15/1962 #17404  
cial investigation described it as bright, surrounded with a glow, and the  9/15/1962 #17404  
oved from side to side as it shone bright enough to illuminate a huge area. 9/20/1962 #17420  
horne and North Haledon, watched a bright light revolving and moving up and 9/21/1962 #17425  
ons in Hawthorne reported seeing a bright star-like object with light beams 9/21/1962 #17426  
ops and dispatcher / radio-room. 2 bright umbrella-top saucers change COLOR 10/25/1962 #17493  
inverted umbrella with a number of bright, tail-like appendages." [NICAP UF 10/25/1962 #17494  
                         Tampa, FL Bright star-like lights approach, hover  11/17/1962 #17551  
e graduate and ex-USMC Capt. Three bright star-like lights approached, hove 11/17/1962 #17552  
ale, ex-Marine captain, sees three bright, star-like lights approach, hover 11/17/1962 #17554  
ate and ex-USMC Captain, saw three bright star-like lights approach, hover  11/17/1962 #17555  
ight-red spot light up. It gets so bright that he points it out to his wife 12/1/1962 #17568  
                                 A bright, light-bulb shaped object flew in 12/2/1962 #17569  
und of a mountain slope. They were bright and spherical, rose straight up a 12/11/1962 #17579  
aight up and flew away with a very bright trail.                            12/11/1962 #17579  
                  SALTO ANGEL, VNZ Bright teardrop-light going up / jungle  12/21/1962 #17598  
            Angel Falls, Venezuela Bright teardrop-shaped light apparently  12/21/1962 #17599  
this day in Trail, Oregon a large, bright UFO emitted a cone-shaped tail an 1/9/1963 #17631  
               Montibello, VA Very Bright Light On Horizon Seen By Pilot of 2/6/1963 #17656  
rs. Drops going [to] 1K' altitude. Bright beam going down / 15 second(s).   2/27/1963 #17686  
as, Texas, various (McDonald list) Bright Flash & Radar Track in 3 States ( 3/6/1963 #17693  
I Hundreds / land and air. Vibrant bright crescent going west / high altitu 3/11/1963 #17697  
d, Hawaii when they spotted a very bright, crescent-shaped UFO flying at hi 3/11/1963 #17699  
                   GREEK SHIP CREW Bright white moon-size fireball going qu 3/18/1963 #17709  
, the "Hellenic Laurel", watched a bright white fireball shoot to the east  3/18/1963 #17712  
nt size of the Moon, and it left a bright white contrail.                   3/18/1963 #17712  
e got to within six meters of it a bright light dazzled him. The five-meter 5/19/1963 #17751  
dusk, the object (now resembling a bright star) began moving across the sky 7/20/1963 #17843  
REST, ROM 2 amateur astronomers. 2 bright saucers play / sky. 1 going north 8/1963 #17855  
linois, airport when they notice a bright white round object about 20° abov 8/4/1963 #17863  
Vernon, Illinois, watched a large, bright red oval-shaped light making a "w 8/9/1963 #17881  
 walking in the parking lot when a bright light appears above them, bathing 8/10/1963 #17882  
1 observer = Mrs. Roush. 2 vibrant bright golden cigars. 1 hovers. 1 west g 9/12/1963 #17931  
               Vandalia, OH 2 very bright gold objects one staying stationa 9/15/1963 #17940  
itness:  Mrs. F.E. Roush. Two very bright gold objects--one shaped like a b 9/15/1963 #17941  
lia, Ohio reported seeing two very bright gold objects in the sky, one shap 9/15/1963 #17942  
katoon, Canada Four children saw a bright oval object hover in a field and  9/19/1963 #17944  
 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, see a bright, oval object hover in a field and 9/19/1963 #17947  
skatoon, Saskachewan, Canada saw a bright oval object hover in a field and  9/19/1963 #17948  
 observed a gray disc with central bright spot, moving on a westerly course 9/26/1963 #17956  
 disc-shaped object with a central bright spot, moving on a westerly course 9/26/1963 #17957  
houettes) moving around within two bright lights linked by a prolongation o 10/21/1963 #17997  
 some trees. Shortly thereafter, a bright, golden light was seen 80 m away, 11/16/1963 #18044  
anishes. Moments later, they see a bright, golden light in a field about 24 11/16/1963 #18045  
ees. Shortly thereafter they saw a bright, golden light some 15-20 feet wid 11/16/1963 #18046  
                  EAST / NECHE, ND Bright orange saucer buzzes 2 girls / ca 11/20/1963 #18050  
 high school girls reported that a bright orange, oval-shaped object circle 11/20/1963 #18051  
ded behind a hangar. It gave out a bright glow, and the witnesses fled when 12/10/1963 #18071  
shire, England 11:30 p.m. A large, bright, dome-shaped UFO lands at RAF Cos 12/10/1963 #18072  
   McMinnville, OR Professor saw a bright star-like light hover, slow, dim  12/11/1963 #18075  
e faculty of Linfield College. One bright, star-like light hovered, slowed, 12/11/1963 #18076  
lty of Linnfield College watched a bright, star-like light slow, hover, dim 12/11/1963 #18077  
d their car. The UFO had intensely bright orange and blue lights and emitte 12/14/1963 #18082  
 Creek, South Australia awoke to a bright light in her room. She saw a man  2/3/1964 #18126  
book Case #8739. Cop and MD and 2. Bright vertical cylinder/cigar-shape hov 4/11/1964 #18166  
.S. Coast Guard C-130 spotted nine bright white flying objects in a "V" for 4/20/1964 #18181  
 illuminated by a bluish light "as bright as day," and a round object flew  4/22/1964 #18183  
 entire area became illuminated as bright as day by a bluish light. Then a  4/22/1964 #18185  
o and Tularosa, New Mexico, when a bright oval object descends and seemingl 4/25/1964 #18203  
Mexico Orlando Gallegos observed a bright, metallic, egg-shaped object abou 4/26/1964 #18208  
0 p.m. Orlando Gallegos observed a bright, metallic, egg-shaped object abou 4/26/1964 #18211  
          A circular UFO with very bright headlights flew in "an extremely  5/15/1964 #18273  
 MA Pilot and more/others. Vibrant bright night light going SSE. 360° turn. 5/18/1964 #18281  
                 Hubbard, Oregon A bright, silvery object, 3 m long, 1.5 m  5/18/1964 #18283  
heast of Ranchland, Texas, a large bright light is seen directly over the f 5/21/1964 #18289  
ty below 10,000 feet. The light is bright enough to light up the silo cap.  5/21/1964 #18289  
YVALE, CA Dark saucer with vibrant bright rectangular plate hovers over new 6/2/1964 #18318  
arfs, about 80 cm tall, dressed in bright green, and having hands lighted " 6/2/1964 #18320  
ut 31 inches tall, were dressed in bright green clothes, and had luminous h 6/2/1964 #18322  
ark disc-shaped object with a very bright rectangular plate hovered over so 6/2/1964 #18324  
from the airport when an intensely bright object appeared on the road ahead 6/5/1964 #18331  
ect on the road ahead of them. Its bright light went out, leaving only a vi 6/5/1964 #18332  
Crawford of Elmore, Ohio spotted a bright, motionless blinking object emitt 6/12/1964 #18348  
enberville, Ohio Karen Fahle saw a bright object coming to the ground about 6/13/1964 #18351  
n Fahle of Penberville, Ohio saw a bright object coming to the ground about 6/13/1964 #18353  
y go out. He notices that a small, bright orange-colored, basketball-sized  6/14/1964 #18356  
at Westford, Massachusetts, sees a bright lightning flash 5 miles to the so Summer 1964 #18367  
ckinan's house. The lower part was bright red, with three lights on the upp 7/7/1964 #18397  
             RED HILL, GA 2 / car. Bright red ovoid maneuvers within 100M.  7/14/1964 #18407  
 NNW. Absolute(ly) silent. Vibrant bright.                                  7/20/1964 #18427  
AMTON, NY 3 firemen and many. Fast bright object going quickly northwest /  7/24/1964 #18434  
uorescent, and three beams of very bright light were emitted before it flew 7/27/1964 #18446  
               Yosemite Park, CA 3 bright silver, round objects, in a stack 8/15/1964 #18488  
school mathematics teacher.  Three bright silver, round objects, in a stack 8/15/1964 #18490  
tional Park, California. The three bright silver, round objects flew in a s 8/15/1964 #18492  
ee a cigar- shaped object with two bright lights hovering 500 feet up in th 8/30/1964 #18522  
fornia. He goes outside and sees a bright light maneuvering erratically in  11/3/1964 #18605  
Unidentified military observer(s). Bright white flashing night light crosse 11/19/1964 #18625  
(Pacific, 1400 miles E of), At Sea Bright white flashing light traveling fr 11/19/1964 #18626  
nidentified military persons.  One bright white flashing light was travelli 11/19/1964 #18628  
veral military personnel sighted a bright white, unidentified flashing ligh 11/19/1964 #18630  
     New Berlin, NY Dog fearful as bright light hovered (NICAP: 04 - Animal 11/25/1964 #18635  
nksgiving dinner when an extremely bright light appears over their car, com 11/26/1964 #18639  
encounter experience with a single bright, stationary light. At the same ti 11/26/1964 #18640  
 TERRYVILLE, CT 1 / car. Extremely bright object lands / woods. Burnt area  11/30/1964 #18645  
ille, Connecticut saw an extremely bright object land in the nearby woods a 11/30/1964 #18649  
At 5:15 p.m. a procession of three bright, orange to red elliptical objects 1/4/1965 #18694  
                Wallops Island, VA Bright Yellow Light Flies Overhead (NICA 1/5/1965 #18696  
nden, WA Border Patrol officer saw bright disc illuminating ground, swoop d 1/12/1965 #18716  
toward their house when they see a bright yellow object moving swiftly over 1/12/1965 #18719  
er, had his patrol car buzzed by a bright round flying object in Lynden, Wa 1/12/1965 #18721  
ER LAKE ELSINORE, CA Night lights. Bright / 5 minute(s) and dim / 3 minute( 1/14/1965 #18722  
se from the ground, appearing as a bright, circular silvery craft.          1/14/1965 #18727  
 when it reappears it looks round, bright, and silvery.                     1/14/1965 #18729  
orfolk, Virginia. It appeared as a bright, circular silvery craft.          1/14/1965 #18732  
ke an electrical whine, then saw a bright light 2,000-5,000 feet high. It w 1/14/1965 #18734  
he car door, steps out, and sees a bright light below the cloud cover at ar 1/15/1965 #18740  
                     AltaVista, VA Bright Light In Erratic Pattern (NICAP:  1/27/1965 #18772  
EREY, CA Mayor and family. Vibrant bright object does acrobatics. Rises and 1/29/1965 #18779  
eorge Clemens and his family see a bright light performing acrobatics in th 1/29/1965 #18781  
es bigger than an automobile, very bright, and moving fast across the James 1/30/1965 #18786  
 BETHEL, VT 7 observer(s). 3 large bright orbs / 200' altitude. Going quick 2/16/1965 #18816  
turned with a box that emitted two bright flashes when pointed at the witne 3/2/1965 #18833  
on the freighter Iron Duke, sees a bright orange object with a dent on top  3/17/1965 #18861  
over car / 20 second(s). Extremely bright. Inside / car lit up.             3/28/1965 #18876  
       FUJIMOMYA, JPN 6 Boyscouts. Bright orange hat saucer responds / ligh 3/31/1965 #18881  
hing in the sky that looked like a bright red infrared lamp. It shined a be 4/3/1965 #18889  
the south. First seen as a single, bright light, then two luminous sources  4/8/1965 #18899  
large luminous object encased in a bright green glow hovered low over a fie 6/3/1965 #18989  
ica, when he notices a stationary, bright, yellow light at an altitude of 2 6/7/1965 #18996  
                   On this night a bright light seen in the sky over Townsv 6/16/1965 #19008  
                         ROCKY, OK Bright round object going down / 12M alt 6/19/1965 #19014  
g hay near Rocky, Oklahoma, when a bright white, circular, wingless craft a 6/19/1965 #19017  
EIJING, CH 10000s / observer(s). 2 bright domed saucers invade skies. / r12 7/1965 (approximate) #19037  
s of the light resemble those of a bright star.                             7/2/1965 #19053  
otographs of 2 saucer-cigars. Very bright lights-red-green-blue.. No furthe 7/3/1965 #19057  
 watch for a total of 20 minutes a bright and apparently solid object zigza 7/3/1965 #19063  
 changed to blue. It was extremely bright, and was seen swaying from side t 7/12/1965 #19097  
                                 A bright silver disc-shaped object was see 7/14/1965 #19102  
     NEAR FLAGSTAFF, AZ Cop and 1. Bright observer(s) with blue halo and ye 7/17/1965 #19112  
    Colonia, Uruguay. A blindingly bright object, smaller than an airplane  7/17/1965 #19118  
ok Case #9550. Amateur astronomer. Bright blue star crosses sky / 90 second 7/25/1965 #19167  
     Castalia, OH Astronomer saw a bright blue star cross 90° of sky (NICAP 7/25/1965 #19169  
ur astronomer M.D. Harris, 16. One bright blue star crossed 90 of sky in 10 7/25/1965 #19171  
.m. when he saw what looked like a bright blue star move 90° across of the  7/25/1965 #19173  
 language. One of the beings had a bright object in his hand. The witness e 7/26/1965 #19179  
Ogra Observatory, Latvia sighted a bright light in the west. Through a tele 7/26/1965 #19182  
 language. One of the beings had a bright object in its hand. The witness e 7/26/1965 #19183  
 Saucer and other shapes maneuver. Bright red light. / news.                7/27/1965 #19189  
veral people. The object emitted a bright, purple light and a green beam.   7/31/1965 #19218  
veral people. The object emitted a bright, purple light and a green beam.   7/31/1965 #19221  
X Deputy sheriffs saw an object as bright as burning magnesium (NICAP: 01 - 8/2/1965 #19257  
of Tarrant County saw an object as bright as burning magnesium, which lande 8/2/1965 #19261  
, deputy sheriffs see an object as bright as burning magnesium land. An ext 8/2/1965 #19268  
of Tarrant County saw an object as bright as burning magnesium, which lande 8/2/1965 #19271  
us military and civil observer(s). Bright silver object lands / hill / 45 m 8/4/1965 #19299  
                    Chena, Chile A bright, silvery object landed on a hill  8/4/1965 #19311  
                                 A bright, silvery object landed on a hill  8/4/1965 #19322  
dows below, and a room inside with bright lights. Rotating flashing lights  8/9/1965 #19351  
PA Pilot and 2+ground RADAR. Large bright night light drifts. Shoots going  8/12/1965 #19369  
o rise and travel west. They see a bright golden cigar hovering in the nort 8/19/1965 #19426  
Ecuador when they saw two beams of bright light shining up into the sky. On 8/26/1965 #19466  
 with a transparent dome on top. A bright amber light kept flashing around  8/26/1965 #19466  
 off like lighting,” it became too bright to look at.                       8/26/1965 #19466  
dome through binoculars. It was as bright as the full moon, and estimated t 8/30/1965 #19481  
ed at 100 feet off the ground. The bright glow illuminated the interior of  9/3/1965 #19495  
bject 70 m long, 15 m high, with a bright, violet light at one end and a pa 9/3/1965 #19506  
middle and dark grey, with a long, bright, pulsing, purple light on the rig 9/3/1965 #19508  
 level, verified by police, row of bright pulsating red lights, animal reac 9/3/1965 #19509  
y a large object with four or five bright red lights that approaches from n 9/3/1965 #19511  
 thick at the middle, with a long, bright, pulsing, purple light on the rig 9/3/1965 #19512  
ght. They reported that there were bright lights on either end of the objec 9/3/1965 #19517  
resembling a huge wheel, intensely bright, with two flaming openings in fro 9/8/1965 #19536  
 without noses or mouths with red, bright eyes, wearing gray clothing and b 9/10/1965 #19548  
, without noses or mouths but with bright red eyes, wearing gray uniforms a 9/10/1965 #19553  
R ISLAND, TASMANIA 6 / lighthouse. Bright white top-saucer maneuvers. Sever 9/25/1965 #19598  
em. They described it as intensely bright with two flaming openings in the  10/8/1965 #19652  
 which time its lights change from bright white to dull orange, alternating 10/21/1965 #19670  
ates from the UFO, which assumes a bright illumination and shoots off. The  10/23/1965 #19678  
nt up into the rocket, which had a bright colorless light glowing out of th 10/23/1965 #19679  
ing above the object and shining a bright light on it. The object was appro 11/1965 #19690  
                    Middletown, OH Bright, flashing red and white object, w 11/4/1965 #19699  
object and the creatures were very bright.                                  11/13/1965 #19718  
 KS 2+2 observer(s) / car. Vibrant bright object buzzes car. Returns and fo 11/17/1965 #19727  
/ BUENOS AIRES, ARG 3+observer(s). Bright horseshoe-ovoid going quickly [to 11/18/1965 #19728  
ITY, SOUTH ATLANTIC 2 observer(s). Bright circular object going southwest.  11/20/1965 #19729  
 the middle of the afternoon saw a bright silver ball hurtle through the sk 11/30/1965 #19743  
th of Herman, Minnesota. He sees a bright, oval-shaped object hovering seve 12/19/1965 #19777  
w colored flying object with three bright spotlights was sighted by 13 youn 12/24/1965 #19788  
AC, ONT Scientist/science teacher. Bright yellow saucer hovers 8M over tree 12/30/1965 #19791  
 mass of white clouds behind it. A bright flash of light was seen high in t 1/1/1966 #19801  
ts and missiles sighted a group of bright light sources speeding overhead a 1/3/1966 #19803  
g as a Piper Club. It had a single bright yellow-white light on the end fac 1/5/1966 #19806  
illiant light source, then later a bright egg-shaped object that hovered at 1/11/1966 #19826  
illiant light source, then later a bright egg-shaped object that hovered at 1/11/1966 #19829  
ily and sees an erratically moving bright light. They observe it through bi 1/14/1966 #19834  
 to Houston, Texas, was paced by a bright object just after take-off from E 1/16/1966 #19839  
12:30 a.m. An object with a row of bright body lights was observed to hover 1/20/1966 #19861  
        At 12:30 a.m. a blindingly bright oval-shaped UFO hovered over a ca 1/20/1966 #19862  
 Ortuno and another man observed a bright orange disk, about 11 m in diamet 2/6/1966 #19884  
 Ortuno and another man observed a bright luminous orange disc-shaped objec 2/6/1966 #19891  
vel increasing. The UFO had a very bright light at the front, small porthol 2/14/1966 #19903  
 that it was a large disc with two bright lights (body lights) and three sm 2/25/1966 #19917  
eft toward the north. It emitted a bright red glow, supported a sort of dom 2/26/1966 #19923  
       SOUTH / BARRA / TIJUCA, BRZ Bright ovoid maneuvers over sea. Phones  3/6/1966 #19943  
razil, watch an oval object with a bright red-orange light that shines on t 3/6/1966 #19944  
 projections on top, surrounded by bright haze, that hovered above a cloud  3/8/1966 #19948  
rnoon. The UFO was surrounded by a bright, misty haze, and hovered above a  3/8/1966 #19949  
er Superior reported seeing a very bright UFO hovering over the Ringwood ir 3/11/1966 #19951  
 Air Force pilot, and family saw a bright white light approach from the sou 3/19/1966 #19993  
 TX 1:25 a.m. CST. Witnesses saw a bright flash of blue light, then a hover 3/19/1966 #19994  
sappeared. Shortly afterwards, two bright lights shot up from the ground an 3/19/1966 #19994  
bject frequently burst into such a bright glare that it blinded them, forci 3/20/1966 #19998  
 FL Blue Book. Glowing balloon too bright to watch. Vanishes without trace. 3/23/1966 #20035  
                   Fort Pierce, FL Bright object like a balloon covered wit 3/23/1966 #20041  
blong object surrounded by smaller bright lights was observed by a dozen pe 3/23/1966 #20044  
ough a wooded area when they saw a bright object that they thought was a ba 3/23/1966 #20046  
t paint but it became so intensely bright that they could not look directly 3/23/1966 #20046  
B-26, rested on legs, and had very bright aft and forward lights. There was 3/23/1966 #20047  
ith a Plexiglas bubble on top, and bright lights forward and aft. Laxson st 3/23/1966 #20050  
rt Pierce, Florida when they saw a bright object that they thought at first 3/23/1966 #20054  
t. However, it became so intensely bright that they could not look at it di 3/23/1966 #20054  
6. It rested on legs, and had very bright aft and forward lights. There was 3/23/1966 #20055  
USKY, OH 2 / farm. Top-saucer with bright body lights hovers over woods. No 3/25/1966 #20075  
a.m. EST. A top-shaped object with bright body lights visible on its outer  3/25/1966 #20077  
ent, suddenly saw above him a very bright object with a dark underside. He  3/25/1966 #20079  
ent, suddenly saw above him a very bright object with a dark underside. He  3/25/1966 #20084  
RHILL, MASS 3+1 observer(s). Large bright night light hovers over houses. C 3/29/1966 #20126  
           MUZEMA, BRZ 1 observer. Bright silent saucer swoops going down / 3/29/1966 #20129  
iving, a nurse's aide saw a large, bright red elliptical object with dome,  3/29/1966 #20132  
me, five or six portholes emitting bright white light. The object was surro 3/29/1966 #20132  
on, Ontario, CAN 11:15 p.m. EST. A bright saucer-shaped (disc) object with  3/29/1966 #20137  
 off the road; an oval object with bright red and orange body lights that h 3/30/1966 #20154  
 tree surgeon and his family saw a bright white object maneuvering around p 3/30/1966 #20155  
rk oval-shaped object carrying two bright red flashing lights was seen by t 3/30/1966 #20165  
ves in geometric angles around two bright stars until it shoots straight up 4/1/1966? #20202  
ng a large white "beacon" with 4-5 bright red lights, hovering at low altit 4/7/1966 #20266  
 deputies while on patrol chased a bright round object at high speed, seein 4/7/1966 #20267  
e sky, which were joined by a very bright white light. Watching from the ca 4/7/1966 #20271  
ning several luminous objects with bright red lights were seen hovering at  4/7/1966 #20272  
. Elongated ovoid hovers off SR24. Bright red-orange light / each end.      4/12/1966 #20287  
ical (or cigar-like) object with a bright red- orange light at each end was 4/12/1966 #20289  
ical (or cigar-like) object with a bright red-orange light at each end was  4/12/1966 #20291  
n elongated elliptical object with bright red light on each end and blue li 4/16/1966 #20303  
in Sherborn, Massachusetts. It had bright red lights affixed to each end, a 4/16/1966 #20304  
gible or blimp-shaped UFO carrying bright lights.                           4/16/1966 #20304  
seen thru) telescope. Ovoid with 2 bright white lights. Hovers. Goes going  4/17/1966 #20311  
air, bathing the two officers in a bright light. Spaur’s eyes water up. The 4/17/1966 #20318  
feet in diameter. The object is so bright he hardly needs his headlights to 4/17/1966 #20318  
 in Salem, Ohio, see the UFO as a “bright ball” much larger than a jet. The 4/17/1966 #20318  
, Pennsylvania, sees the UFO, very bright and in the “shape of a half of a  4/17/1966 #20318  
s four witnesses reported seeing a bright red glowing object flying in circ 4/17/1966 #20320  
torist almost struck a> blindingly bright object which had landed on the hi 4/18/1966 #20329  
ay in Albany, New York. A blinding bright object with intense red lights la 4/18/1966 #20333  
n elongated elliptical object with bright red lights on each end flew low,  4/19/1966 #20342  
en saw a cigar-shaped object, with bright, red lights at both ends, flying  4/19/1966 #20344  
object described as a high-flying, bright purple light flew over Stoughton, 4/19/1966 #20347  
n elongated oval-shaped craft with bright red lights on each end was seen d 4/19/1966 #20347  
ine pilot observed an unidentified bright orange object. (Project 1947 repo 4/20/1966 #20348  
nce, OH 12:15 a.m. A disc emitting bright white light from a dome on top an 4/22/1966 #20366  
    Ashby, MA Silent object with a bright blue light on top dive within 100 4/24/1966 #20399  
of their car. It was silent, had a bright blue light on top, suddenly accel 4/24/1966 #20403  
of their car. It was silent, had a bright blue light on top, suddenly accel 4/24/1966 #20407  
for Tallahassee. It appears as two bright yellow globes side by side. In th 4/25/1966 #20415  
s sighted two apparently connected bright yellow or yellow-orange globe-sha 4/25/1966 #20418  
 witnesses saw an oval object with bright rotating red, green, and white li 5/1/1966 #20439  
low-flying oval-shaped object with bright rotating red, green and white lig 5/1/1966 #20440  
all, had oversized heads, appeared bright and "transparent." Their eyes wer 5/10/1966 #20471  
 had oversized heads, and appeared bright and "transparent." Their eyes wer 5/10/1966 #20475  
haze surrounding it. The color was bright green. Flashes of sunlight reflec 5/24/1966 #20509  
face. Around the dome was a row of bright yellow lights, and blue-green lig 6/1/1966 #20518  
rface. Around the dome is a row of bright yellow lights; blue-green lights  6/1/1966 #20519  
tion on the lake surface. A row of bright yellow lights encircled the dome, 6/1/1966 #20520  
   Toledo (Between Kansas and), OH Bright silver, cigar-shaped object, as l 6/8/1966 #20539  
t of nowhere. It was cigar-shaped, bright metallic, and flew low to the nor 6/8/1966 #20541  
sas, Ohio Witness:  Max Baker. One bright silver, cigar-shaped object, as l 6/8/1966 #20542  
hio and Toledo at 6:45 a.m. when a bright silver, metallic cigar-shaped obj 6/8/1966 #20546  
                    LUSAKA, ZAMBIA Bright MTCL object wavers and hovers. Fr 6/15/1966 #20560  
Hibbing, Minnesota, when he sees a bright, elliptical light making three 36 Mid 6/1966 #20564  
 scientists reported seeing a very bright yellow object above a cloud bank  6/17/1966 #20572  
 a flare lit up the north sky. The bright UFO approached the base alternate Summer 1966 #20590  
aw a large disc-shaped object with bright green, red, yellow and blue body  6/27/1966 #20615  
PA Large (100 ft wide, 20 ft high) bright red luminous object (NICAP: 01 -  7/11/1966 #20637  
e. One large (100' wide, 20' high) bright red object with small windows and 7/11/1966 #20639  
ia observed a large, 100-foot wide bright red object with small windows and 7/11/1966 #20640  
al. Two little men emerge, but the bright light comes on again and the obje 7/13/1966 #20644  
inder/cylindrical object and small bright objects. Photographs and ask / RA 7/18/1966 #20650  
he east. The object ejects smaller bright objects that fly away. After 30 m Late 7/1966 #20684  
NJ Ivan Sanderson and 3. Extremely bright ovoid south going north. 22 minut 7/31/1966 #20698  
a.m. LT. A couple saw an intensely bright glowing disc approach and hover a 8/15/1966 #20744  
 at one point emitted an extremely bright light beam that blinded the drive 8/16/1966 #20752  
                    Donnybrook, ND Bright, shiny, round disc, 30 ft in diam 8/19/1966 #20768  
th Dakota A border patrolman saw a bright, shiny disk on its edge, 10 m in  8/19/1966 #20769  
Patrolman Don Flickenger sighted a bright white, shiny thirty-foot diameter 8/19/1966 #20773  
 to find the whole house bathed in bright light, and they observed a "six-s 8/20/1966 #20777  
 Heraldsburg, California bathed in bright light. They next observed a "six- 8/20/1966 #20780  
 the mysterious flying object with bright flashing lights hovering near the 9/1966 #20820  
                    BEJA, PORTUGAL Bright night light zigzags in sky over c 9/7/1966 #20856  
                                 A bright light zigzagged over the city of  9/7/1966 #20862  
der/cigar-shape hovers vertical. 2 bright night lights fly in and out sever 9/17/1966 #20889  
ect resting on the beach, with two bright lights flying in and out of the c 9/17/1966 #20891  
h at 4:45 a.m. It had two or three bright lights that flew in and out of th 9/17/1966 #20893  
eants and RADAR and range finders. Bright ovoid. Disappears.                9/18/1966 #20894  
pilots and crew members observed a bright circular object flying at high sp 9/21/1966 #20906  
-moving light like a "particularly bright star" traveling from west to east 9/21/1966 #20907  
the Royal Canadian Air Force saw a bright object that flew down at high spe 9/21/1966 #20908  
the Royal Canadian Air Force saw a bright object that flew down at high spe 9/21/1966 #20911  
rea near Rockford, Illinois, see a bright light that appears over some near Autumn 1966 #20919  
                Osceola, WI Small, bright orange, moon-shaped object statio 10/5/1966 #20961  
 members of one family. One small, bright orange, moon-shaped object remain 10/5/1966 #20963  
 on one side emitting an extremely bright, blinding light that lit up the t 10/10/1966 #20980  
Jersey) Reservoir Police watches a bright light performing fantastic maneuv 10/10/1966 #20982  
 on one side emitting an extremely bright, blinding light that lit up the s 10/10/1966 #20985  
h had a "bulge" (dome?) on top and bright light shining from the bottom. (N 10/11/1966 #20990  
 Illinois A adolescent first saw a bright light, then a plate-shaped object 10/14/1966 #20999  
   CHELMSFORD, MA 2 observer(s). 2 bright red night lights with string / bl 10/17/1966 #21012  
                               Two bright red lights with dim bluish white  10/17/1966 #21013  
p.m. EDT. A policeman watched as a bright yellow oval UFO approached slowly 10/23/1966 #21029  
de, South Australia at 2:30 a.m. a bright oval-shaped object with a cone sh 10/23/1966 #21032  
ion above the horizon. It glowed a bright orange-yellow color. A "sodium-li 10/23/1966 #21032  
water towers. A closer witness saw bright white lights along its side. (Fow 10/28/1966 #21044  
sachusetts, notices a particularly bright star in the southwestern sky that 10/31/1966 #21053  
 four windows that were emitting a bright yellowish-green light, was watche 11/1/1966 #21064  
 right over his car and focusing a bright beam of light on him for 10 secon 11/6/1966 #21080  
bject just above tree. Alternately bright / dim. Never moved.               11/10/1966 #21086  
0 p.m. EST. A young boy saw a very bright red, self-luminous, cigar-shaped  11/10/1966 #21087  
cluding a private pilot saw a very bright, round, pulsating orange light th 11/13/1966 #21097  
ard from the object, then two very bright lights approached it from the dis 11/17/1966 #21118  
d, which was pulsating from dim to bright. They were dressed in a "gold shi 11/17/1966 #21118  
ar, “cushion- shaped” object whose bright, reflective surface first catches 11/22/1966 #21142  
El Campo, Texas, when she sees teo bright lights coming toward her. As they 11/28/1966 #21158  
RO, MASS 1 observer. Saucer with 2 bright red lights dives at car. Goes int 12/1/1966 #21173  
e, apparently oval, with two large bright red pulsating lights, dived in fr 12/1/1966 #21175  
n Highway 25. It carried two large bright red pulsating lights. It stopped  12/1/1966 #21176  
                LISBON, OH Family. Bright 5M dish-saucer hovers / hilltop.  12/5/1966 #21185  
 Finally the lights went out and a bright greenish light came on. Then the  12/8/1966 #21193  
bout the size of an automobile and bright silver in color, with a bubble cu 12/13/1966 #21200  
 a frosty white UFO with a central bright spot, shaped like an ellipse and  12/22/1966 #21215  
feet above a solid undercast saw a bright object in clear sky above them, a 12/24/1966 #21217  
 gave off vapor, then became three bright reddish-orange lights.  Blast at  12/25/1966 #21220  
LLE, LA Physics Professor. Vibrant bright saucer. Light and burns = 900MW p 12/30/1966 #21225  
                   Haynesville, LA Bright, pulsating glow, changing from or 12/30/1966 #21226  
riving through a wooded area saw a bright, pulsating glow, changing from or 12/30/1966 #21228  
Haynesville, Louisiana, and sees a bright, pulsating glow, changing from or 12/30/1966 #21230  
lsating regularly from dull red to bright orange every two seconds. It gave 12/30/1966 #21232  
                  NEW RICHMOND, IN Bright object over car. Car can't accele 1/3/1967 #21246  
diana had a close encounter with a bright, domed disc-shaped UFO. She descr 1/3/1967 #21251  
ng lights on the dome, then turned bright red. It appeared to be metallic.  1/7/1967 #21270  
 He describes it as an object with bright colors of “vivid blue-green with  1/13/1967 #21298  
e jet with an intense red light so bright that the pilot has difficulty see 1/13/1967 #21299  
Lear Jet with intense red light so bright the pilot had difficulty seeing h 1/13/1967 #21301  
 MA 3:00 a.m. EST. A witness saw a bright red object that looked like an up 1/15/1967? #21307  
:00 p.m. EST. A motorist noticed a bright light seemingly pacing him. A lon 1/16/1967 #21318  
 (presumably rectangular) with two bright headlights on the front. The obje 1/16/1967 #21319  
flies in from sea going northwest. Bright white headlight looks forward.    1/17/1967 #21324  
lights across the front, a halo of bright light, and two "antennae" on the  1/19/1967 #21351  
ts, when they see a string of 9–10 bright red lights on a dark object that  1/20/1967 #21360  
r about 3 miles away also sees 7–8 bright lights flying low.                1/20/1967 #21360  
nce, NC 8:35 p.m. EST. A man saw a bright light that changed to a series of 1/22/1967 #21366  
 saw a large solid object with two bright red vertical blinking body lights 1/24/1967 #21372  
tch of the object, which had three bright red lights, one at each end and o 1/24/1967 #21377  
 to check under the hood and saw a bright luminous object, 75 feet long by  1/25/1967 #21387  
ds. 20 mm / apparent size. Vibrant bright. Sharp outlines.                  1/30/1967 #21414  
(5 miles SW and 20 miles W of), ND Bright white sharply outlined lozenge-sh 1/30/1967 #21416  
n Sandusky, Ohio, when they spot a bright light in the sky. Stopping their  1/30/1967 #21419  
osby, North Dakota when they saw a bright white, sharply outlined lozenge-s 1/30/1967 #21422  
n the crew and passengers notice a bright light coming toward them from the 2/2/1967 #21442  
med, and their radio went out. The bright luminous UFO first came toward th 2/2/1967 #21443  
in diameter and 20' high--with two bright lights, a green light on one side 2/6/1967 #21469  
 and 20 feet in height and had two bright lights, a green light on one side 2/6/1967 #21471  
ST. A newspaper reporter watched a bright orange ball or cylinder hovering  2/8/1967 #21481  
foreman saw a saucer (disc) with a bright body light hovering over the rail 2/9/1967 #21488  
       WORCESTER, MA Object with 3 bright lights hovers near home. TV and f 2/10/1967 #21496  
pearing, saucer-shaped object with bright red and white lights (body lights 2/10/1967 #21498  
 in Sandusky, Ohio, when he sees a bright, bluish disc moving toward the so 2/10/1967 #21504  
er, Massachusetts a UFO with three bright lights hovered over a house. The  2/10/1967 #21508  
   KENSINGTON, CT 2+? observer(s). Bright white ovoid hovers / roadside. Re 2/12/1967 #21514  
ger, saw a bell-shaped object with bright light in the dome and revolving r 2/12/1967 #21518  
 red object that also emitted some bright green light. The object maneuvere 2/12/1967 #21519  
us motorists) stopped to observe a bright white glowing object that had a r 2/12/1967 #21520  
llington, CT 6:10 p.m. A man saw a bright white object that looked like a w 2/12/1967 #21521  
ver power lines. It was blindingly bright and brought tears to his eyes. (T 2/12/1967 #21521  
orce man with pilot training saw a bright light for 25 minutes which maneuv 2/13/1967 #21535  
luding two policemen) of a glowing bright white, light-bulb-shaped object t 2/16/1967 #21566  
one identified as a colonel, saw a bright object which appeared to drip whi 2/16/1967 #21567  
Augusta, GA 11:00 p.m. EST. A very bright luminous orange obiect rose out o 2/16/1967 #21568  
t's two rooms. One was lit up with bright red lights, the other looked like 2/16/1967 #21574  
 witnessed a glowing object like a bright light bulb hovering in the sky ov 2/16/1967 #21575  
thwest edge / crater Alfonse. Also bright red light.                        2/17/1967 #21578  
altitude and moving very slowly. A bright white light was at the bottom of  2/17/1967 #21584  
wrence, Massachusetts a dazzlingly bright V-shaped object, with a variety o 2/17/1967 #21587  
nia, NH 5:45 p.m. EST. A man saw a bright light with smaller associated lig 2/20/1967 #21602  
ewan, CAN 10:30 p.m. A woman saw a bright lighted object speed in and hover 2/20/1967 #21605  
lows creek / 50M altitude. Slow. 2 bright lights / front. Dogs frantic.     2/22/1967 #21618  
tices an oval object with a row of bright lights. She lets the frightened d 2/22/1967 #21623  
p.m. CST. Two women saw a light so bright it hurt their eyes to look direct 2/23/1967 #21630  
m the University of Illinois saw a bright unexplained light in the sky that 2/25/1967 #21649  
ed UFOs, entirely lit with a plain bright light. The UFOs flew up from a lo 2/25/1967 #21652  
luding a newspaper reporter, saw a bright amber oval which at times turned  2/26/1967 #21657  
g four provincial policemen, saw a bright shining object with lights changi 2/26/1967 #21658  
luding a newspaper reporter, saw a bright amber oval-shaped object which at 2/26/1967 #21663  
southeastern Ontario, Canada saw a bright shining object with body lights c 2/26/1967 #21665  
 p.m. PST. Four people saw a large bright oval with a tail, white on top, b 2/27/1967 #21673  
e on top, blue on bottom and later bright red. The object at times traveled 2/27/1967 #21673  
:00 p.m. CST. A couple saw a round bright light, pulsating and changing col 2/27/1967 #21674  
ct with red and green lights and a bright white light in the middle, made a 2/27/1967 #21678  
ison, and Siemens watched a large, bright, oval-shaped UFO that was white o 2/27/1967 #21678  
nutes. It later changed color to a bright red as it went straight, left, ri 2/27/1967 #21678  
, and (2) a cluster of lights with bright center, reddish edges, and oval s 2/28/1967 #21681  
leader radios in that the UFO is a bright metallic sphere with no visible m 3/1967 #21700  
PARAISO, CHILE Many observer(s). 4 bright domed saucers north going south.  3/1/1967 #21704  
lamp shade (truncated cone) with a bright center stripe. The object hovered 3/1/1967 #21707  
s of Valparaiso, Chile, watch four bright domed objects, flashing blue and  3/1/1967 #21714  
                              Four bright domed discs flew from north to so 3/1/1967 #21716  
 people had several sightings of a bright fuzzy ball of light (spherical) o 3/3/1967 #21739  
d from brown-red to dull orange to bright white. The object hovered and man 3/4/1967 #21751  
ht by a V-shaped object emittina a bright light that illuminated the ground 3/5/1967 #21760  
ic, disc-shaped object ringed with bright flashing lights moving slowly, ma 3/5/1967 #21765  
th Dakota, on US Highway 14 when a bright light follows their car. The V-sh 3/5/1967 #21766  
height by a V-shaped object with a bright light. It made a humming sound as 3/5/1967 #21768  
d it illuminated the ground with a bright light, and the occupants felt a n 3/5/1967 #21768  
t 15 feet in diameter, outlined in bright white lights and with two big bea 3/7/1967 #21787  
                     FROSTBURG, MD Bright object blinks out when plane near 3/8/1967 #21793  
arly at high speed. The object had bright light beams at each end, and a ma 3/8/1967 #21801  
t changed color to yellow, then to bright white. When the object began movi 3/8/1967 #21810  
ar St. Leo’s Cemetery and notice a bright light on the left. Wallace turns  3/8/1967 #21815  
st. They described the object as a bright bluish-white, glowing dome-shaped 3/8/1967 #21818  
n. The rim of the object glowed as bright as an acetylene torch. The car's  3/8/1967 #21818  
                         Onawa, IA Bright white, saucer-shaped object fly s 3/9/1967 #21830  
, Iowa Witness:  Jack Lindley. One bright white, saucer-shaped object, as b 3/9/1967 #21839  
Iowa 9:05 p.m. Jack Lindley sees a bright white saucer-shaped light, as big 3/9/1967 #21840  
y club. The lights were steady and bright.                                  3/9/1967 #21842  
(dome-shaped). The object glowed a bright orange-red all over and was about 3/10/1967 #21847  
sters in northwest Minnesota saw a bright orange oval which pulsated. The o 3/10/1967 #21850  
ST. Four witnesses saw a disc with bright white light beams that swept the  3/12/1967 #21866  
 at 2:15 p.m. when they saw a very bright light coming from an old abandone 3/12/1967 #21874  
The object was described as a very bright white, brighter than a convention 3/14/1967 #21885  
ght. A woman reported an object so bright she could look at it only brieflv 3/17/1967 #21909  
 flashed in a pattern. There was a bright white spotlight on the bottom nea 3/18/1967 #21916  
mpus to observe the sky. The see a bright orange light precisely due west o Spring 1967 #21926  
, MN 7:45 p.m. CST. A couple saw a bright red oval that approached, stopped 3/21/1967 #21934  
Hillsboro, Kansas, when they see a bright object “like an upside-down cup o 3/21/1967 #21937  
 Hillsboro, Kansas when they saw a bright light ahead on the road. The ligh 3/21/1967 #21938  
ght crew saw an object that was as bright as Venus, but that also was being 3/24/1967 #21962  
One dome-shaped object, emitting a bright light, landed in a ravine.  As th 3/24/1967 #21969  
they are terrified by a mysterious bright blue-neon light that chases them  3/24/1967 #21970  
es a dome-shaped object emitting a bright light land in a ravine near Belt, 3/24/1967 #21974  
nesses saw a solid, self-luminous, bright ^ reddish-orange circular object  3/25/1967 #21983  
m south of Altona, they saw a very bright object at ground level, illuminat 3/26/1967 #21995  
visible in the sky. One particular bright light was strong enough to light  3/26/1967 #21998  
 Manitoba, Canada. They saw a very bright object at ground level near three 3/26/1967 #21999  
t Britain Three strange objects, a bright, orange light emitting a shower o 3/31/1967 #22021  
          Three strange objects--a bright, orange light emitting a shower o 3/31/1967 #22024  
ost track of time. She remembers a bright light outside her window and a lo 4/2/1967 #22048  
rborough, a man saw an obiect with bright blue light that moved slowly and  4/5/1967 #22062  
          EDMONTON, ALTA NCP#1206. Bright night light / NNW. Zooms. Hovers. 4/6/1967 #22072  
mstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana A bright white object circles one Minutema 4/10/1967 #22105  
. Two witnesses saw a mass of very bright lights, brighter than the moon wh 4/11/1967 #22108  
his day a cigar-shaped object with bright red and white lights was sighted  4/11/1967 #22110  
assachusetts three witnesses saw a bright glowing object shaped like a "squ 4/11/1967 #22110  
later, at 6:50 p.m. a mass of very bright lights descended and hovered in R 4/11/1967 #22110  
        NORTH GRANBY, CT Extremely bright red-glow bowl-saucer. Fast maneuv 4/12/1967 #22112  
aped object that was emitting very bright light ("painful to stare at"). Th 4/12/1967 #22117  
er film work for ABC News saw five bright white lights in formation, “pulsa 4/12/1967 #22118  
aped object emitting a "painfully" bright light. It made rapid motions for  4/12/1967 #22123  
er film work for ABC News saw five bright white lights in formation while n 4/12/1967 #22124  
hen closed and the object turned a bright red color as it rose into the sky 4/14/1967 #22131  
 / (seen thru) binoculars. Vibrant bright small saucer shoots white beams.  4/15/1967 #22133  
domed object with flashing lights, bright white at first and then turning t 4/19/1967 #22162  
9:00 p.m. EST. Six neighbors saw a bright light that moved straight up, the 4/19/1967 #22164  
sachusetts at 7:30 p.m. It flashed bright white lights, then red lights. It 4/19/1967 #22165  
sses saw two dark objects with two bright flashing red lights and two dimme 4/20/1967 #22169  
rew member saw what appeared to be bright multi-colored lights about 120 me 4/20/1967 #22172  
:30 p.m. two dark objects with two bright flashing red lights and two dimme 4/20/1967 #22173  
al reported a dark object with 2-3 bright red body lights that hovered and  4/21/1967 #22184  
–3.5 feet long. He switches to his bright lights and the object belches a w 4/21/1967 #22194  
mechanic and his wife w observed a bright disc that climbed slowly, sped up 4/22/1967 #22206  
entral flashing green lights and a bright light underneath (body lights). T 4/26/1967 #22219  
ral nights. Toward the southeast a bright haze appears that turns into an i 4/29/1967 #22247  
 the French Foreign Legion watch a bright object landing in a “falling leaf 5/1967 #22255  
 tractor when they observed a very bright object in the sky that they first 5/1/1967 #22263  
f Tabasco, Mexico, when they see a bright point of light in the sky. It des 5/7/1967? #22295  
ights) in a curving row and a very bright center light that flashed on and  5/8/1967 #22299  
ights in a curving row, and a very bright white center light that flashed o 5/8/1967 #22300  
t circled the airport, turned on a bright light, made turns, and hovered, t 5/9/1967 #22301  
t circled the airport, turned on a bright light, made turns, and hovered. I 5/9/1967 #22305  
emed to land and grew increasingly bright causing the witnesses to fear an  5/10/1967 #22308  
ct in the sky. The central part is bright white and the edge is bright pink Mid 5/1967 #22347  
rt is bright white and the edge is bright pink or red. It holds its positio Mid 5/1967 #22347  
south going north / 2 min. Vibrant bright. Beams / side.                    5/17/1967 #22360  
 engineer named T.N. Kanshov saw a bright body twice as large as the moon m 5/17/1967 #22364  
es including S.V. Ostrovskiy saw a bright point descending in the western s 5/17/1967 #22366  
 feet above the ground, emitting a bright red flame which shot from a 3-4 f 5/25/1967 #22398  
d 5000 feet altitude. It emitted a bright red flame from an aperture undern 5/25/1967 #22399  
                       MANKATO, MN Bright red-orange domed ovoid swoops ove 5/28/1967 #22411  
ngineer and his son (age 12) saw a bright silver, wingless object, apparent 5/28/1967 #22413  
                                 A bright reddish orange domed ovoid object 5/28/1967 #22416  
ejour, Manitoba, sees an intensely bright red light with a smaller blue lig 5/31/1967 #22432  
w two disc-shaped UFOs, one with a bright white light, the second with whit 6/3/1967 #22458  
d others saw an object with shiny, bright, white oval lights (body lights). 6/6/1967 #22469  
eiling." He looked outside and saw bright blue, red, and black lights, and  6/9/1967 #22484  
, PA 11:15 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a bright cigar-shaped object with a red li 6/11/1967 #22490  
ern Henrico County, Virginia saw a bright UFO overhead that dropped a subst 6/14/1967 #22505  
 Lake, Ontario, when they notice a bright oval object hovering 50 feet abov 6/18/1967 #22520  
a outside of the city observed two bright, cone-shaped objects, one after t 6/21/1967 #22527  
 de los Libres, policemen saw 8-10 bright lights that flew in formation ove 6/24/1967 #22544  
tes, Argentina, policemen see 8–10 bright lights that fly in formation over 6/24/1967 #22548  
, PA 2:05 a.m. EDT. A couple saw a bright sparkling white light for 10-15 m 6/25/1967 #22553  
backyard of a home when they saw a bright light. They drove to Sunset Hill  6/25/1967 #22556  
inder/cigar-shape emerges / woods. Bright spine and foggy edges. / r30p278. 6/27/1967 #22560  
LT. Reportedly 10,000 people saw a bright round, glowing object three times 6/28/1967 #22567  
5 a.m. EDT. Two people saw a large bright object that emitted four smaller  7/3/1967 #22596  
 highly reflective disc with three bright orange lights on the rim (body li 7/3/1967 #22598  
ing experience, saw an egg-shaped, bright orange, glowing light that hovere 7/3/1967 #22599  
h from the north- northeast. It is bright metallic in color, about 50 feet  7/3/1967 #22602  
 RSA Ex-Air Force missile tracker. Bright orange ovoid hovers. Erratic mane 7/4/1967 #22605  
w a torpedo-shaped object with two bright white lights and three vertical l 7/4/1967 #22609  
                            A very bright, white, star-like object rose slo 7/6/1967 #22623  
f NICAP member George Earley saw a bright cigar- shaped object with revolvi 7/7/1967 #22626  
d lights on top and bottom and two bright white lights on the front , (body 7/9/1967 #22636  
had windowlike openings emitting a bright light.                            7/11/1967 #22650  
ad window-like openings emitting a bright light.                            7/11/1967 #22651  
 p.m. EDT. Several witnesses saw a bright object with two sets of lights, s 7/12/1967 #22653  
 2:00 a.m. PDT. Two people saw two bright lights that flew in parallel emit 7/15/1967 #22661  
bject (10-15 feet diameter) with a bright orange hue. (See above reports.)  7/17/1967 #22676  
site direction, the object emits a bright yellow glow that lights up the ro 7/20/1967 #22710  
of wind from a hurricane and saw a bright object pass over his house at nig 7/20/1967 #22712  
on. They saw 5-6 objects radiating bright white lights "wobbling" over a fi 7/25/1967 #22729  
 rapidly disappeared after turning bright red (color change/speed correlati 7/25/1967 #22729  
d that a red glowing object with a bright glow toward the tail approached t 7/27/1967 #22740  
longated oval-shaped UFO, carrying bright white lights fore and aft and a c 7/27/1967 #22742  
4 lights seen same hour / 2 weeks! Bright trail each time.                  7/28/1967 #22744  
e (see July 4, Corning, Calif.). A bright white light also was visible on t 7/28/1967 #22746  
m. George and Brownie Petyak see a bright yellow star-like light at about 6 7/30/1967 #22754  
inoculars the first object appears bright blue. A second independent observ 7/30/1967 #22754  
ta, Ohio, when he sees a strangely bright star to the left of Polaris. As h 8/1967 #22771  
k sky as it sailed slowly south. A bright football-shaped light appeared se 8/2/1967 #22778  
dia and La Chaumiere, they see two bright beams of light, one yellow and on 8/3/1967 #22787  
                 PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Bright saucer zigzags all over sky / 30  8/4/1967 #22793  
00 p.m. EDT). Four witnesses saw a bright metallic-appearing disc with brig 8/4/1967 #22797  
right metallic-appearing disc with bright red dome moving from northeast to 8/4/1967 #22797  
imeter of the underside were 15-20 bright red rotating lights. (NICAP: 02 - 8/4/1967 #22797  
licia Porto Alegre Brazil Night. A bright object appears in the sky in the  8/4/1967 #22805  
of two bungalows, and had 10 to 12 bright red lights arranged around its ci 8/4/1967 #22806  
Guanajuato, Mexico. They see three bright points flying in formation from n 8/6/1967 #22830  
aw a diskshaped object with a very bright orange glow emitting a buzzing so 8/8/1967 #22846  
w a disc-shaped object with a very bright orange glow and emitting a buzzin 8/8/1967 #22849  
                   At 11:30 p.m. a bright, cage-like UFO shaped like an inv 8/9/1967 #22854  
y E. King and Michael Swartz see a bright round ball, about 50–60 feet in d 8/10/1967 #22859  
econd. At 10:00 p.m., they watch a bright light descend for 5 minutes, move 8/10/1967 #22859  
K 11:00 p.m. LT (7:00 p.m. EDT). A bright yellow-white elongated oval objec 8/23/1967 #22899  
Y 9:25 p.m. EDT. A woman saw three bright white ovals or elongated objects, 8/24/1967 #22913  
luminates the road. As he stops, a bright lens-shaped domed disc, estimated 8/24/1967 #22917  
 identification and his wife saw a bright white light and a blue glow with  8/25/1967 #22923  
roaches it on foot and is hit by a bright light coming from the object that 8/27/1967 #22940  
 over Dublin, Ireland. It was very bright at one end, and gave off an orang 8/28/1967 #22944  
nidentified light. He saw a large, bright orange light at 6,000 feet and es 8/29/1967 #22951  
from the ground, and another had a bright object, like a mirror. When the e 8/29/1967 #22955  
rzhinsk, Russia 8:50 p.m. A round, bright, uniformly illuminated light yell 8/30/1967 #22958  
er sightings in the area featured "bright" or "brilliant," often red-orange 8/30/1967 #22959  
nesses watched an orange disc with bright red glowing dome as it flew low o 9/2/1967 #22980  
-on-Trent, England and saw, a very bright yellow object with an orange ligh 9/2/1967 #22984  
ing back and forth in front of the bright light generated by the object. Sh 9/2/1967 #22984  
e could not be certain because the bright light caused her eyes to strain w 9/2/1967 #22984  
. As the object crossed the sky, a bright white light flashed three times a 9/5/1967 #23005  
 seconds at irregular intervals. A bright, glowing orange oval then emerges 9/6/1967 #23011  
y northeast. Color = molten metal. Bright "star" follows.                   9/9/1967 #23025  
their five children saw a flash of bright orange light, then resolved into  9/11/1967 #23040  
orange light, then resolved into a bright light seemingly mounted on an obj 9/11/1967 #23040  
                            A very bright strobe light was seen, and then s 9/13/1967 #23050  
n, DC 2:20 a.m. EDT. A woman saw a bright, orange-yellow sphere that hovere 9/14/1967 #23055  
, MD Unspecified time. A boy saw a bright sphere hovering near the moon. Th 9/14/1967 #23056  
h the object pulsated between very bright white and dull red, and moved dia 9/15/1967 #23066  
s the object pulsated between very bright white and dull red, and moved dia 9/15/1967 #23071  
 At twilight, with a clear sky and bright moon, seven witnesses watched a l 9/20/1967 #23097  
, seven witnesses watched a large, bright silvery oval move slowly overhead 9/20/1967 #23097  
over. Two (possibly three) smaller bright round silvery objects emerged and 9/20/1967 #23097  
30 p.m. Three witnesses saw a very bright round, slightly oval object "brig 9/20/1967 #23098  
right round, slightly oval object "bright as a car headlight" hover overhea 9/20/1967 #23098  
ke-on-Trent, England, see a large, bright, silver-colored, oval-shaped obje 9/20/1967 #23100  
n Barcelona province he saw a very bright "casserole" shaped object on the  9/21/1967 #23106  
      ROSARIO, ARG 2 / farm. Large bright object hovers / 4 hours. 4 antenn 9/22/1967 #23110  
nders moving against the wind in a bright blue sky over Amherst, Massachuse 9/23/1967 #23123  
eer and 1 / (seen thru) telescope. Bright ovoid. 2 night lights shoot out.  9/28/1967 #23141  
 stature wearing dark uniforms and bright helmets. Two of the beings climbe 10/1/1967 #23160  
ried a red, a greenish blue, and a bright white light. At times it glowed r 10/2/1967 #23168  
ts light illuminated the ground as bright as day. (Salisbury, 1974, p. 55-6 10/11/1967 #23214  
oke, VA 6:37 p.m. EDT. A man saw a bright, blue-white sphere hovering over  10/12/1967 #23226  
fiery red, while the other two are bright green. The objects dart about sid 10/12/1967 #23228  
wo men in a car saw a sharp-edged, bright orange object shaped like a "hays 10/14/1967 #23236  
BGA, KRAZNDR, RUSSIA MD and crowd. Bright sphere going east smoothly from s 10/18/1967 #23259  
azan Engelgardt observatory, saw a bright object in the northwest. It was a 10/18/1967 #23261  
                  Lake Charles, LA Bright, fiery ball flash 4 times while m 10/18/1967 #23262  
isiana Witness:  John Herbert. One bright, fiery ball flashed four times wh 10/18/1967 #23263  
Louisiana John Herbert witnessed a bright, fiery ball that flashed four tim 10/18/1967 #23266  
wo police officers reported that a bright red ellipse followed and illumina 10/20/1967 #23272  
ference (RFI) / 2235hrs. Extremely bright disk going [to] overhead / low al 10/21/1967 #23276  
 flickered. The center light was a bright red inverted teardrop shape that  10/22/1967 #23287  
y, the blue ring changing color to bright pink (color change/motion correla 10/23/1967 #23293  
 4:00 a.m. LT. Two policemen saw a bright cross-shaped light that moved at  10/24/1967 #23299  
ar, 13, and Pat Crozier, 10, saw a bright object hovcrillg in mid-air. It t 10/24/1967 #23302  
lley and Clifford Waycott, chase a bright cross-shaped light in their patro 10/24/1967 #23304  
ewfield, New York, when they see a bright disc-like object approach them wi 10/24/1967 #23305  
police officers chased a pulsating bright flying cross-shaped UFO across fa 10/24/1967 #23306  
r. Then the rim lights became very bright, it assumed a horizontal attitude 10/24/1967 #23309  
n into another room where he saw a bright ball of light; it communicated te 10/24/1967 #23310  
 and a passenger on board, saw a " bright light, then visible as six huge,  10/27/1967 #23342  
 Jacksonville, Florida. They see a bright light, which becomes visible as s 10/27/1967 #23350  
 G. Brunsell, sees a low-altitude, bright round light like a welding-torch  10/27/1967 #23351  
le or V-shaped craft with six very bright white lights along one side occur 10/27/1967 #23357  
s, Kent, UK Triangular object with bright white lights ahead. Slowly rose a 10/28/1967 #23361  
 encounter with an object with six bright lights that looked like a church  10/28/1967 #23362  
f the witness and turned on a very bright white beam of light from a flashl 10/29/1967 #23364  
I 4:00 a.m. EST. A policeman saw a bright orange half-moon (hemisphere) sha 10/30/1967 #23367  
n, but was perhaps 50 feet long. A bright spotlight came on, and he saw the 10/30/1967 #23373  
 shadow preceding him, as though a bright light were shining on him from be 11/2/1967 #23392  
T (2:35 a.m. CST). Two women saw a bright circular object about 100 feet in 11/4/1967 #23400  
. CST. Multiple witnesses saw four bright lights that hovered, moved off, c 11/4/1967 #23401  
 WA 5:35 p.m. PST. A witness saw a bright orange oblong object that passed  11/5/1967 #23404  
C 4:00 a.m. EST. A policeman saw a bright oval light with a red light on on 11/8/1967 #23421  
er see it, though they could see a bright red light in the sky. The young w 11/9/1967 #23434  
 AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Weathermen. Bright night light hovers. 3 small night 11/13/1967 #23441  
er(s). Large hemisphere. Extremely bright. Hovers low over grounded. / Flyi 11/14/1967 #23446  
rew of Quebecair Flight 650 sees a bright object at the end of the runway a 11/15/1967 #23464  
tracked aircraft with NORAD, saw a bright circular object about 50 feet in  11/19/1967 #23482  
ard a high-pitched sound and saw a bright, metallic, disk-shaped object com 11/24/1967 #23506  
o the radio inside his home when a bright green light called his attention  11/25/1967 #23510  
sing the curtain he noticed a huge bright light resting on the ground about 11/28/1967 #23517  
y see a landed object encased in a bright blue glow that was about five met 11/28/1967 #23517  
 getting to within three meters. A bright beam of light then struck Wilson  11/28/1967 #23517  
round. It carried searchlights too bright to look at, and made a loud hummi 11/28/1967 #23518  
(Herbert Schirmer) saw a hovering, bright aluminum, elliptical object estim 12/3/1967 #23540  
(Herbert Schirmer) saw a hovering, bright aluminum, elliptical object estim 12/3/1967 #23541  
Police Officer Schirmer observed a bright, aluminum-colored object just abo 12/3/1967 #23543  
MST. A 15-year-old girl saw a very bright white illuminated circular object 12/8/1967 #23561  
                   Idaho Falls, ID Bright illumination from domed disc, obj 12/8/1967 #23562  
sachusetts, see a silently moving, bright orange light. It is joined by a s 12/24/1967 #23607  
our teenagers watched a motionless bright light in the sky and got out of t 12/29/1967 #23619  
tro-magnetic effect (EME). Vibrant bright object pulses / treetops. Heat fe 1/2/1968 #23642  
            Whitehorse, Yukon, CAN Bright pulsating yellow-orange object ne 1/2/1968 #23643  
00 p.m.. This object was extremely bright. One of the snowmobile's engines  1/2/1968 #23645  
RRELLAS DE FOIX, SP 2 observer(s). Bright 10M saucer rises / Mt. San Juan.  1/5/1968 (approximate) #23650  
                           An very bright, yellowish orange, disc-shaped UF 1/5/1968 #23652  
d into the object, which emitted a bright flash and took off.               1/6/1968 #23655  
round 6:30 p.m. when suddenly some bright lights in the sky attracted her a 1/17/1968 #23668  
aped object hovering overhead with bright flashing lights. She watched as i 1/17/1968 #23668  
idsection. It also had five steady bright white lights spaced evenly along  1/17/1968 #23668  
 the light inside the craft was so bright that it hurt his eyes. He was sen 1/24/1968 #23697  
 seven lights on its base emitting bright orange flame. Some 8–10 other lig 2/4/1968 #23734  
LHA, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Bright fireball seen / 20 minute(s). No  2/5/1968 #23735  
NWT Dog team excited. Huge vibrant bright orange ball moves near phone line 2/16/1968 #23760  
 frosted yellow side lights with a bright red light in the middle, and it s 2/21/1968 #23775  
     FLORES, AZORES 2+observer(s). Bright white ball becomes ovoid. No furt 2/23/1968 #23778  
on, Devon, England, when he sees a bright light appear at the crest of a hi 2/27/1968 #23787  
clock in the afternoon, flashing a bright light. It left a slight smoke tra 3/2/1968 #23807  
ky, some showering sparks, leaving bright trails. Zond IV Soviet satellite  3/3/1968 #23812  
ky, some showering sparks, leaving bright trails. Zond IV Soviet satellite  3/3/1968 #23814  
stelar, Argentina was flooded by a bright blue light at 12:45 a.m., and the 3/3/1968 #23816  
near, the witness could only see a bright yellow light. The driver of the c 3/4/1968 #23825  
jillo, a janitor, saw a long, very bright UFO at 1:45 a.m. making a noise l 3/4/1968 #23828  
 White ovoids seen over roads etc. Bright lights.                           3/11/1968 #23836  
Ohio, when he sees an oval-shaped, bright red object hovering above some ne 3/19/1968 #23849  
trees. The large red object was so bright that it illuminated the road. It  3/19/1968 #23850  
ed in the base of the object and a bright white light shone out from it. Th 3/29/1968 #23873  
                TIMISOARA, ROMANIA Bright cone maneuvers all over. Fast 90- 4/4/1968 #23892  
owing orange while standing still, bright red while moving, hovered over ca 4/4/1968 #23893  
  At 9:00 p.m. two groups of three bright lights flew in a triangular forma 4/10/1968 #23899  
Rotating object lights entire sky. Bright and dim. Going north. Turns going 4/18/1968 #23911  
ILLO OBSERVER(S), CHL Astronomers. Bright night light flickers and maneuver 5/16/1968 #23964  
oing quickly north fast. Painfully bright and silent.                       5/25/1968 #23982  
           MOSINEE, WI Supervisor. Bright circular object / low altitude. D 5/29/1968 #23992  
                      A blindingly bright circular UFO hovered at a low alt 5/29/1968 #23994  
ond man, 2 m tall, wearing a blue, bright suit, and holding a paleblue sphe 6/1968 #23998  
renas airport, Chile. An unusually bright object, long and spindle-shaped,  6/6/1968 #24013  
 saw a strange light outside and a bright object, the size of a bus, 30 m a 6/14/1968 #24028  
 saw a strange light outside and a bright object, the size of a bus, 30 m a 6/14/1968 #24030  
gentina four people in a car saw a bright, stationary object only five mete 6/18/1968 #24045  
                 EL CHORO, BOLIVIA Bright object going down. Thin figure ex 6/19/1968 #24047  
settler, Romulo Velasco, 25, saw a bright object land. From it emerged a st 6/19/1968 #24048  
settler, Romulo Velasco, 25, saw a bright object land. From it emerged a st 6/19/1968 #24049  
y emitting a peculiar glow, near a bright, unknown object. (Magonia #915, F 7/2/1968 #24126  
y emitting a peculiar glow, near a bright, unknown object.                  7/2/1968 #24129  
t 8:15 p.m. a boy named Sola saw a bright object hovering over a nearby mou 7/2/1968 #24134  
s in Wooler, Ontario, Canada saw a bright object land on some nearby brush  7/2/1968 #24137  
lue overalls, had long hair, and a bright light shone from his chest. The b 7/3/1968 #24140  
n another room. At the same time a bright light seemed to descend from the  7/15/1968 #24179  
o bed. Through a window they see a bright object about 165 feet away. It is 7/20/1968 #24193  
ing outside eating when they saw a bright light descend overhead and join u 7/20/1968 #24194  
one inside their cabin, they saw a bright orange bus-shaped object on the g 7/20/1968 #24194  
 in the middle of the courtyard. A bright red beam comes from the object an 7/22/1968 #24204  
 p.m. a cigar shaped object with a bright light flew behind some trees in t 7/24/1968 #24218  
ed 200 ft. over barn and projected bright bluish beam into cornfield. Moved 8/1968 #24282  
ed 200 ft. over barn and projected bright bluish beam into cornfield. Moved 8/1968 #24283  
n 30 seconds. At 11:44 p.m. a very bright red object was observed by severa 8/2/1968 #24291  
in north of Burlington, Vermont, a bright light appears in the southwest sk 8/7/1968 #24307  
nuelas, Argentina was woke up by a bright light coming from outside his hom 8/8/1968 #24310  
. Two dwarves wearing helmets with bright glowing antennae on their heads e 8/9/1968 #24313  
a.m. there was a reappearance of a bright white UFO, sometimes vivid orange 8/12/1968 #24320  
 brightly lit object that gave off bright flashes of light, sitting on the  8/12/1968 #24322  
oving at high speed and emitting a bright green light. They watch it for 10 8/17/1968 #24346  
               Needham, Alabama. A bright ovoid object with three luminous  8/26/1968 #24380  
a," and went out to a pearlshaped, bright object that took off with the sou 8/27/1968 #24388  
ke as "Rempaua," and went out to a bright, pearl-like sphere, that took off 8/27/1968 #24390  
 SP Several observer(s). Extremely bright domed square object hovers / peak 8/29/1968 #24397  
 with a dome on top, and extremely bright.                                  8/29/1968 #24400  
his night when he saw a stationary bright, white light close to the horizon 8/29/1968 #24402  
TO, SPAIN 2 observer(s). Extremely bright umbrella-saucer going quickly [to 8/30/1968 #24403  
t above the ground and directing a bright beam of light downward. When the  9/1/1968 #24422  
 of people in Madrid, Spain, see a bright object in the sky, causing a monu 9/5/1968 #24431  
them fall out the left door as the bright UFO hovers 2 feet above the car r 9/10/1968 #24449  
                    BUCHAREST, ROM Bright 30cm object hovers / 400M altitud 9/15/1968 #24462  
is Air Force Base, Nevada, watch a bright light moving in a way they cannot 9/17/1968 #24475  
gh trained observer, watched as a  bright pulsating orange ball descended o 9/19/1968 #24487  
          LA LLAGOSTA, SP Trucker. Bright ovoid upright / ground. Small sma 9/21/1968 #24491  
uman/entity approach woman / road. Bright glow. 7' burnt area. / r180p59.   9/24/1968 #24506  
in Cedeira, La Coruna, Spain saw a bright light coming from Ponteiro, and s 9/24/1968 #24509  
nd artificial satellites sighted a bright blue light source moving across t 9/29/1968 #24522  
the witness, and when it emitted a bright flash Pereira found himself paral 10/2/1968 #24538  
outheast. The UFO at first appears bright blue then changes first to a whit 10/18/1968 #24571  
HAREST, ROM Railroad/railway yard. Bright very fast point / light maneuvers 10/23/1968 #24579  
TH MADAGASCAR Ship crew / Sextant. Bright 17M white saucer going northwest. 10/24/1968 #24584  
Commander Nicolae Ştefanescu see a bright orange-yellow disc half the diame 10/24/1968 #24588  
idge, South Australia sighted five bright orange oval shaped lights that we 10/28/1968 #24598  
                     At 11:20 p.m. bright white lights were seen hovering o 10/28/1968 #24599  
 window. Behind the shutter a very bright light could be seen moving. After 11/1/1968 #24620  
 the sky, silvery white on top and bright red underneath. Each had a tall a 11/1/1968 #24620  
umanoid figures walking across the bright top of the UFO, which is as wide  11/20/1968 #24672  
left with jerky movements, and the bright lights from the craft hurt their  11/20/1968 #24673  
 AUDEUX, FR 2 saucers beam vibrant bright cones / light going down [to] str 11/24/1968 (approximate) #24698  
              Lake Cyprus, FL Four bright, oval objects paced aircraft. Pil 11/26/1968 #24717  
rt, Watts and Wilhelm, watched two bright lights in the sky engage in sudde 11/26/1968 #24719  
FO's 15 December and 8 JAN'69. All bright and silent.                       12/11/1968 #24758  
saw a dark cigar-shaped UFO with a bright dome on top at around eight o’clo 12/15/1968 #24772  
tened. It shot out beams of light. Bright green flashes went out from it se 12/15/1968 #24772  
rter describes the object as being bright white and about as bright as the  1/6/1969 #24821  
as being bright white and about as bright as the moon. It appears to have c 1/6/1969 #24821  
itchen window and saw an intensely bright light. Her daughter, 25-year old  1/6/1969 #24822  
 30M disk / 450M altitude. Vibrant bright. Away extremely fast.             1/16/1969 #24851  
tville, Illinois. The woman sees a bright object like an ice- cream cone lo 1/25/1969 #24871  
as wider in the front. It gave off bright colors, green and yellow mostly,  1/29/1969 #24877  
in Glen Rock, New Jersey and saw a bright red, star-like object flying towa 2/8/1969 #24903  
, FR 1 observer. 1.1M "ghost" with bright eyes panics horses. / FSRv16#4+v1 2/16/1969 #24922  
"something shining" with intensely bright eyes "of a very pale, brilliant g 2/16/1969 #24923  
she sees on her right a “gigantic, bright pinky-red coloured” object “about 2/18/1969 #24928  
/ Iberia airline(s)/airliner crew. Bright red object paces. Quickly going d 2/25/1969 #24942  
 Atlanta, Missouri, when he sees a bright reddish-orange light about 100 fe 3/4/1969 #24968  
 Ontario. He looks up and sees two bright flashing red lights above and sli 3/4/1969 #24969  
og becomes agitated and she sees a bright blue-white beam of light illumina 3/6/1969 #24976  
ermen / (seen thru) telescope. Big bright "machine" turns / sky. Type unkno 3/14/1969 #25006  
       Southern part, UK 7:38 P.M. Bright fireball meteor traveling south-s 4/3/1969 #25046  
             Southern UK 7:38 P.M. Bright fireball meteor traveling south-s 4/3/1969 #25047  
rradinho ranch on his horse when a bright beam of light struck him from abo 4/20/1969 #25075  
HA, BRZ MD and dozens. 3 extremely bright saucers / low altitude spin over  4/21/1969 #25077  
P Night light on roadside. Vibrant bright red light. Est 20M object. Flies. 4/21/1969 #25078  
                   Three extremely bright discs were seen spinning over a m 4/21/1969 #25080  
up turned upside down.” It has two bright lights directed horizontally and  4/22/1969 #25082  
              ALCORCON, SP Vibrant bright landed green night light at 1500M 5/1969 #25103  
CHAPEAU, QB 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright domed saucer / farm. Burnt traces 5/11/1969 #25122  
itnesses, Mr. & Mrs. Chaput, and a bright light was shining from the craft  5/11/1969 #25127  
om a date. The UFO appeared rather bright, then dimmed and became bright tw 5/11/1969 #25128  
her bright, then dimmed and became bright two times before she and her date 5/11/1969 #25128  
R Cop and 8 observer(s). Extremely bright white saucer stops over tractor.  5/18/1969 #25141  
 At around 10:00 p.m. an extremely bright white disc-shaped UFO stopped ove 5/18/1969 #25144  
          SOUTHEAST / ST. JOHN, NB Bright glowing-ovoid chases car. Radio F 5/19/1969 #25145  
                    At 3:10 a.m. a bright glowing ovoid object chased a car 5/19/1969 #25146  
R ESPERANCE, AUSTRALIA 4 truckers. Bright diamond follows trucks. Speeds aw 5/22/1969 #25154  
           ITAGUAI, BRZ 2 / truck. Bright 13M saucer / low altitude. Darken 5/31/1969 #25170  
 MARASESTI, ROMANIA 2 observer(s). Bright green night light flies northeast 6/1/1969 #25185  
distant. All objects appeared very bright and solid. The closest one was ex 6/20/1969 #25230  
lid. The closest one was extremely bright [and] faded away at tremendous sp 6/20/1969 #25230  
h his windshield, he saw the large bright object that "hovered over Lake Mi 6/20/1969 #25230  
 jurist and more/others. Extremely bright saucer with wings hovers / Guanab 6/26/1969 #25234  
   GOIANIA, BRZ Clerics. Extremely bright blue-green metallic disk over rad 7/6/1969 #25256  
                      An extremely bright blue-green, metallic disc was obs 7/6/1969 #25259  
ad/railway station/depot/facility. Bright cloud on clear night. Points / li 7/10/1969 #25260  
re windows through which comes the bright red light. They are completely si 7/11/1969 #25261  
Petawawa, Ontario, when they see a bright star that lights up the Ottawa Ri 7/13/1969 #25268  
 ten years old at the time, a very bright metallic silver disc, reflecting  7/18/1969 #25279  
00 meters ahead, now appeared as a bright blue inverted plate about 20 mete 8/19/1969 #25324  
that fell to its shoulders and had bright eyes. The eye color was impossibl 8/27/1969 #25333  
ntreal, Quebec when they noticed a bright circular object on the ground at  9/22/1969 #25375  
                 PIANELLO, CORSICA Bright metallic ovoid to and more/others 9/26/1969 #25379  
                  A half circle of bright "sparks" flashed at random on the 10/14/1969 #25414  
 the large object passes overhead. Bright red lights under the UFO seem to  10/24/1969 #25422  
 frequency at the same time that a bright light flew by, changing color fro 11/20/1969 #25464  
E, FR 1 observer / spyglass. Large bright glowing-disk going [to] east-nort 11/30/1969 #25479  
about one hour, the object emits a bright white light and takes off vertica Early 1970 #25524  
ncan, British Columbia, and sees a bright, Saturn-shaped object about 50 fe 1/1/1970 #25532  
e center of the object’s bottom, a bright light beam is emitted, creating a 1/7/1970 #25540  
HEAST / EVILLERS, FR 3 / car. Fast bright large ovoid going quickly northea 1/17/1970 #25547  
med Herbosch reported a blindingly bright saucer-shaped object that was see 1/24/1970 #25552  
northeast over rooftops. Extremely bright. / LDLN#110.                      2/26/1970 #25589  
he humanoid. However, he did see a bright object land on the grass outside, 4/15/1970 #25633  
inous disc-shaped object glowed as bright as the sun, yet vanished while st 4/15/1970 #25634  
RDETTE, ARK 2 observer(s). Extreme bright light 20m over field just off I40 4/21/1970 (approximate) #25638  
h, New South Wales, when he sees a bright light on he ocean side of the hig 6/1970 #25684  
orning hours. It disappeared in a "bright orange flash." The sighting was n 6/11/1970 #25697  
 WEST / GALSTON, SCOTLAND 2 / car. Bright orange saucer drops near power li 6/27/1970 #25711  
nge saucer drops near power lines. Bright beam going down. Going quickly ea 6/27/1970 #25711  
                    At 1:30 a.m. a bright orange disc-shaped object dropped 6/27/1970 #25715  
trathclyde, Scotland. It emitted a bright beam of light, then flew off to t 6/27/1970 #25715  
      BOSTON, MA 1 observer only.. Bright silver disk hovers / tilt. Sharpl 7/21/1970 #25741  
n at around 10:30 p.m. when a very bright light caught his eye. It seemed t 8/15/1970 #25787  
nesses in Enebacken, Sweden, see a bright, round, red light maneuvering aro 8/29/1970 #25808  
CH Hundreds / observer(s). Vibrant bright red drum / northwest sky. Hovers  9/1970 #25820  
     BORMES-LS-MIMOSAS, FR Vibrant bright 2M white fireball follows land co 9/13/1970 #25836  
                    At 6:30 p.m. a bright red-orange ball of light descende 9/20/1970 #25845  
  SSE / AUDELANGE, FR Barge with 2 bright portholes going southeast 3M over 9/27/1970 #25855  
15 a.m. a red object with beams of bright light was sighted in Walsh, Illin 10/5/1970 #25869  
MacGregor, Manitoba. They notice a bright light approaching from about a ha 10/24/1970 #25885  
t gets back on his bike and sees a bright flash of white light to the south 11/29/1970 #25922  
ys before, a family watched a very bright object approach their house at 7: 12/7/1970 #25934  
akened in Bucharest, Romania, by a bright red glow, which changes to white. 12/14/1970 #25938  
going [to] over / low altitude. So bright / headlights wash out.            12/23/1970 #25950  
ndred foot diameter spherical UFO, bright as the Moon, wobbled as it hung i 1/1/1971 #25965  
ew Mexico after 3 a.m. It sent out bright orange objects that then landed o 1/1/1971 #25965  
   EURAJOKI, FINL Military report. Bright hat-saucer all over/all about big 2/3/1971 #26012  
ers screamed in pain from a sudden bright flash that seemed to come from th 3/25/1971 #26054  
ng ponies in Denton, England saw a bright orange cross in the sky emitting  3/25/1971 #26055  
. Following several sightings of a bright light in the sky at West Kempsey, 4/2/1971 #26064  
rby Kempsey had observed a strange bright light in the sky.                 4/2/1971 #26065  
ASOV, ROM Large indistinct UFO has bright crescent dish pointed upward. P27 4/18/1971 #26076  
ing on a rural road. It was a very bright, pulsating light. It would move a 4/25/1971 #26082  
ing on a rural road. It was a very bright, pulsating light. It would move a 4/25/1971 #26084  
N ANTARCTIC STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY Bright night light 35° / southwest horiz 5/15/1971 #26109  
ng a grassy field, alone, he saw a bright object slowly approaching at low  5/15/1971 #26110  
 field at 10:00 p.m. when he saw a bright object slowly approach at a low a 5/15/1971 #26111  
several other family members saw a bright disc-shaped object, which had bee 5/15/1971 #26111  
n elongated metallic object, quite bright like metal reflecting sun, that a 5/19/1971 #26117  
minous white disc passed over car, bright illumination; lights dimmed, engi 5/25/1971 #26134  
Vegas, Nevada have reported that a bright unidentified aerial object hovere 6/26/1971 #26195  
the Bay of Plenty. She saw a large bright white ball of light above her nei 6/26/1971 #26197  
ngham, Massachusetts and watched a bright yellow-orange light approach from 6/28/1971 #26200  
                    At 9:30 p.m. a bright light floated slowly along to a p 6/28/1971 #26201  
, GERMANY Cop and 2 adamant. Large bright red saucer going quickly [to] ove 7/16/1971 #26231  
 Grossweier, Germany when a large, bright red disc flew overhead and follow 7/16/1971 #26232  
Estate in Hewaheta when they see a bright object larger than the full moon  7/17/1971 #26234  
J, ROM 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Bright sphere/orb/globe / low altitude.  7/27/1971 #26245  
took 12 photographs of the object (bright luminous, shape undefined) as it  8/16/1971 #26287  
at which point the witness saw two bright points of light on its lower righ 8/30/1971 #26306  
 LUOSHAN, HENAN, CH 2 observer(s). Bright white ovoid / clear outlines slow 9/15/1971 (approximate) #26336  
ba, to do some hunting. They see a bright flash as something passes overhea 9/19/1971 #26347  
Aires, Argentina when he noticed a bright white object quickly approaching  9/20/1971 #26354  
ed in a stiff, mechanical way. Two bright beams of light were focused on th 9/22/1971 #26365  
separate Army squads chase vibrant bright orange-yellow ball. No luck.      10/4/1971 #26406  
       MATTAWAN, MI 6 observer(s). Bright white cloud circles going east. F 10/12/1971 #26420  
st one adult reported observing "a bright white cloud flying in circles but 10/12/1971 #26421  
it descended. When white it was so bright it hurt their eyes. They watched  10/17/1971 #26429  
figure striding up the road in the bright moonlight. The figure was about s 10/28/1971 #26438  
ily house to alert the others. The bright glow was now high in the sky, as  11/2/1971 #26450  
 and wife observed for 9 minutes a bright, slowly-moving "white-orange" lig 11/7/1971 #26467  
        At 10:30 p.m. an extremely bright, luminous disc hovered and spun o 12/4/1971 #26486  
llege professor, reported seeing a bright light circling over Holiday Acres 12/14/1971 #26498  
married couple name Castillo had a bright light pace their car in Osuna, Se 12/22/1971 #26515  
. Sphere with windows jumps / sky. Bright light. Sulfur odor.               1/26/1972 #26555  
 by a loud humming sound and saw a bright light from his window. Looking ou 3/25/1972 #26623  
 are all normal. Then they see two bright lights. Shortly afterward, they h 4/1/1972 #26633  
beams up. 300M altitude. Extremely bright. Suddenly drops.                  4/6/1972 #26638  
       ORLAND, CA Rancher and boy. Bright white round object with high-pitc 4/14/1972 #26645  
e silver ovoid with halo vanishes. Bright green ball speeds up going quickl 4/27/1972 #26662  
t, Antwerp, Belgium at 2:10 a.m. A bright green ball of light (BOL) sped up 4/27/1972 #26663  
          ARVIN, CA Cop on patrol. Bright yellow classic saucer going east. 5/9/1972 #26674  
t near Arvin, California sighted a bright yellow disc that flew to the east 5/9/1972 #26675  
w to her right and noticed a large bright shiny object. It was saucer shape 6/1/1972 #26696  
ales, Cadiz, Spain observed a very bright light which temporarily blinded h 6/9/1972 #26711  
IR FORCE BASE, CA USAF men and 30. Bright orange object 350M / diameter goi 6/17/1972 #26718  
d each other's report of seeing a "bright orange object", that seemed to be 6/19/1972 #26720  
La Rioja, Spain, when he notices a bright light outside through the half-cl 6/22/1972 #26726  
oer de Klerk. Its color changes to bright green and then to whitish yellow, 6/26/1972 #26735  
s stop in Liège view a triangle of bright globes of light moving slowly fro 7/4/1972 #26764  
awinne watches a triangle of three bright lights ascending vertically. At 1 7/4/1972 #26764  
RSA Math teacher and 1. Very large bright night light hovers 15° / horizon. 7/10/1972 #26787  
than eight witnesses, giving off a bright yellow light. It was estimated to 7/16/1972 #26807  
ess by the name of Alexander saw a bright red object only two or three mete 7/21/1972 #26823  
n Barrio Garzas when he sees three bright discs moving through the sky. The 8/1972 #26864  
n with his brother when they see a bright light off in the bush 300 feet fr 8/1972 #26864  
eed. At this time there were three bright orange-red lights which illuminat 8/1/1972 #26866  
             Western United States Bright daylight fireball meteor filmed l 8/10/1972 #26891  
tinued to pulsate colors. First, a bright orange, then gray, then bright or 8/11/1972 #26895  
, a bright orange, then gray, then bright orange again. Estimated at 200' a 8/11/1972 #26895  
ize, France Elliptical object with bright lights hovered near ground emitti 8/12/1972 #26909  
ize, France Elliptical object with bright lights hovered near ground emitti 8/12/1972 #26910  
e elongated elliptical object with bright lights hovered near the ground in 8/12/1972 #26912  
ight-foot tall figures, dressed in bright silvery clothing resembling fish  8/18/1972 #26928  
er. They had round heads that were bright silver in color, with two round b 8/18/1972 #26928  
ke became a big fire. "There was a bright light shining from his chest whic 8/22/1972 #26949  
ral, Illinois on this night when a bright light in the sky caught his atten 8/26/1972 #26956  
e train station. The lights are as bright as the full moon and remain in po 9/1972 #26973  
                   BEAUSEJOUR, MBA Bright ovoid follows 2 / car home. Low a 9/7/1972 #26977  
                    At 9:45 p.m. a bright ovoid shaped UFO followed a car w 9/7/1972 #26980  
ston, Missouri, watches an unusual bright object after their portable TV is 9/14/1972 #26999  
hing in a nearby woods. They see a bright flash of light at ground level. T 9/14/1972 #26999  
HAUTMONT, FR 2 observer(s). Noise. Bright dome / ground level. Rises. Beams 9/18/1972 #27007  
 the size of an automobile, with a bright "nickel plated" surface. The conv 9/22/1972 #27026  
ng. A couple minutes later, a very bright blue-white light appears behind t 9/25/1972 #27030  
      RIO PIEDRAS, PR 30 families. Bright shiny ovoid down on open land bet 10/7/1972 #27053  
 Selden, New York, when they see a bright white light. It is joined by a re 10/9/1972 #27063  
N JUAN, PR Numerous observer(s). 3 bright disks cross sky. Night lights / d 10/13/1972 #27068  
urchill, Manitoba, when they see a bright streak of light approaching from  10/23/1972 #27087  
plane, bathing it in light that is bright enough to read to, and stops in m 10/23/1972 #27087  
t of 150 feet, it tilts, belches a bright fireball, and silently disappears 10/28/1972 #27095  
t, four other witnesses observe a “bright object” on the water.             11/13/1972 #27122  
 color as if wrapped in a cloud of bright light, and leaves a long trail be 12/1972 #27158  
  TRENT R., ENGL Location unknown. Bright sphere/orb/globe / lawn. Glowing  12/19/1972 #27180  
sen Gulf. He sees an object like a bright star that moves west to east, sto 12/24/1972 #27188  
                    St. Albans, UK Bright yellow sphere hovered low over ro 2/9/1973 #27278  
in Hertford, England encountered a bright yellow sphere hovering low over t 2/9/1973 #27279  
ed by the object was reportedly so bright that it "almost hurt your eyes to 2/18/1973 #27296  
lsinore, Missouri, Bone notices a “bright shaft of light beaming down out o 2/21/1973 #27305  
REA 2 ROK F4 pilots. Disk radiates bright golden light. / J. Aldrich.       3/1973 #27319  
   ST.-JEAN-DE-BOURNAY, FR Vibrant bright fireball maneuvers near 2 observe 3/9/1973 #27339  
arcienne, Belgium, when she sees a bright light approaching. It passes over 3/20/1973 #27352  
           POINT DUNE, CA 3 teens. Bright sphere/orb/globe going [to] inlan 3/23/1973 #27362  
et went off and on. She then saw a bright flash of light in her kitchen.    4/6/1973 #27410  
VC, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). Large bright disk paces car / 8mi. Jet sound.  4/8/1973 #27415  
ructure on top, which was the same bright color as the rest of the object.  4/15/1973 #27431  
ed, the headlights came back on as bright as before. The object made a high 4/15/1973 #27431  
    MAHAENA, TAHITI 2 observer(s). Bright saucer hovers. Then shoots toward 4/22/1973 #27435  
W, AU Four teenagers driving saw a bright yellow domed disc or domed-ovoid  4/30/1973 #27456  
, New South Wales, Australia saw a bright yellow domed disc or domed-ovoid  4/30/1973 #27457  
Cylinder/cylindrical object with 2 bright lights. Back 12 May. / SKYLOOK#68 5/10/1973 #27473  
each, Bacoli, Naples, Italy, see a bright disc with a dome 165 feet away ov 5/18/1973 #27506  
ngine and lights fail. The dome is bright like a white neon light, and a re 5/18/1973 #27506  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Bright round object going up / field. Ro 6/1/1973 #27544  
 2:30 a.m. The UFO had a series of bright running lights then a large orang 6/2/1973 #27546  
 room is immediately engulfed in a bright light, even though the windows ha 6/4/1973 #27549  
dows have heavy curtains. It is so bright that she can’t even see a cupboar 6/4/1973 #27549  
re driving near Weston Lake when a bright floodlight-type light was pointed Summer 1973 #27577  
thwell Ranch, two men watched as a bright light that had a ring around it r 6/23/1973 #27583  
ont, Missouri two men watched as a bright light that had a ring around it r 6/23/1973 #27585  
-M, animal reactions, light beams, bright illumination, physical traces     6/28/1973 #27595  
s moves to the window and sees two bright, silver-white light beams about 5 6/28/1973 #27598  
The beams disappear, and a glowing bright oval form appears, about 12–15 fe 6/28/1973 #27598  
t barking at all the noise and the bright lights. The object moves away to  6/28/1973 #27598  
e window and hovers, and now, less bright to the eye, the witnesses can see 6/28/1973 #27598  
ed couple in Fonda, Iowa sighted a bright yellow light in the southwestern  7/6/1973 #27616  
           PORTHCOTHAN, CORNWALL 2 bright disks and black cigars / sides. H 7/7/1973 #27619  
ata, Argentina when she observed a bright green light that made her look up 7/9/1973 #27625  
RAVIKEN BAY, SWD 9 / boat. Vibrant bright sphere/orb/globe-saucer. Blue bal 7/17/1973 #27635  
ennsylvania. The UFO looked like a bright BB in the dusk sky and reflected  7/18/1973 #27640  
                    At 9:30 p.m. a bright red oblong-shaped object suddenly 7/19/1973 #27642  
EME (electro-magnetic effects) and bright object going up / ground. Going q 7/21/1973 #27643  
E-M effects, paralysis, cold felt; bright object rose from ground and shot  7/21/1973 #27644  
re unable to move they witnessed a bright shining object rise from ground,  7/21/1973 #27646  
 around 9 p.m. when they noticed a bright globe of light descend and pass n 7/29/1973 #27662  
the trees," she said* "It was real bright, it looked like light bulbs. (NIC 8/4/1973 #27680  
ied to counter them by thinking of bright colors. She found the gray images 8/4/1973 #27683  
r. Windows fog. Silver saucer with bright beam. Fog = ashes!                8/20/1973 #27715  
o. Fast-moving oblong objects with bright flashing or revolving lights witn 8/31/1973 #27734  
                  MULLUMBIMBI, NSW Bright red object paces ahead / car. Fol 9/2/1973 #27745  
ONG, SOUTH AUSTR 1 / truck. Voice. Bright ovoid / roadside. Pseudo-humans/e 9/6/1973 (approximate) #27769  
en sleeping but awoke to observe a bright egg-shaped object on the ground o 9/6/1973 #27774  
aucer-shaped" object with flashing bright red and white lights dove at MP p 9/8/1973 #27781  
    El Ferrol del Caudillo, Spain "Bright, circular, with two hoops, appear 9/11/1973 #27800  
nd in the road they saw a luminous bright orange object shaped like a flowe 9/14/1973 #27821  
ding a bend in the road they saw a bright orange luminous object shaped lik 9/14/1973 #27823  
d when the two young men saw three bright triangular lights, or shapes, gli 9/20/1973 #27849  
oop” thumping sound. Then a large, bright, square light descends and swings 9/23/1973 #27859  
nding the site. They find a large, bright UFO hovering above the site. One  Autumn 1973 #27860  
sound emanating from the object. A bright square light also swung from the  9/23/1973 #27861  
of metal. The being's body emitted bright silvery flashes. While on the gro 9/30/1973 #27892  
e misfired and stopped as dazzling bright light appeared on the road ahead. 10/1973 #27896  
              TIMISOARA, ROMANIA 2 bright stars zigzag. 1 going southwest.  10/4/1973 #27932  
fter midnight a married couple saw bright lights on their property. (NICAP: 10/6/1973 #27959  
thias-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, see a bright light like a projector emanating  10/6/1973 #27960  
St.-Mathias-de-Chambly, Quebec saw bright lights on their property. Later t 10/6/1973 #27961  
 figures of small stature, wearing bright yellow garments and helmets, move 10/6/1973 #27961  
n their late teens observed a very bright round object having sequentially  10/14/1973 #28029  
night when they were awakened by a bright light shining in through the back 10/14/1973 #28031  
or suddenly burst open. They saw a bright saucer-shaped object about to lan 10/14/1973 #28031  
 sound; the room was lit up with a bright, orange-red glow, and he saw thre 10/15/1973 #28047  
sound. His bedroom was lit up by a bright, orange-red glow, and he saw thre 10/15/1973 #28059  
en only briefly when she notices a bright white object moving about, and ap 10/16/1973 #28085  
annford, Oklahoma, when she sees a bright light coming from the south. They 10/16/1973 #28087  
s a vague memory an intruder and a bright light. Suspecting a prowler, she  10/16/1973 #28088  
got closer she saw that it was too bright to be a headlight. Her car sudden 10/16/1973 #28089  
r, and before them stood a strange bright object. It was half-moon shaped,  10/16/1973 #28089  
n only briefly. She then noticed a bright white object moving about, approa 10/16/1973 #28091  
rms. Her next memory was of a big, bright room with lots of "lights and but 10/16/1973 #28093  
 her from her home who wore shiny, bright white uniforms. During the exam s 10/16/1973 #28093  
parate cops. 3 10M cigars humming. Bright beam on car. Going west slow then 10/17/1973 #28109  
er-shaped, silver gray on top,with bright lights along the bottom. (NICAP:  10/17/1973 #28116  
ight twirling in the air. It had a bright red light on top and a bright red 10/18/1973 #28162  
ad a bright red light on top and a bright red light on bottom. (NICAP: 01 - 10/18/1973 #28162  
ple minutes later, Yanacsek sees a bright red light on the eastern horizon  10/18/1973 #28172  
erating and heading northwest. The bright white light just snaps out. Coyne 10/18/1973 #28172  
people in Wooster, Ohio, notices a bright, pulsing, triangular object with  10/18/1973 #28173  
en only briefly when she noticed a bright white object moving (NICAP: 07 -  10/19/1973 #28187  
 by car in Iowa when she noticed a bright light over the next approaching h 10/19/1973 #28199  
lots of machinery, and also a very bright light. She next found herself in  10/19/1973 #28199  
t of Mount Vernon, Indiana, sees a bright white light coming out of the nor 10/20/1973 #28216  
rear conductors, who can now see a bright light (possibly another train) be 10/20/1973 #28216  
es a triangular-shaped object with bright white lights hovering above Milto 10/20/1973 #28218  
each end of the object there was a bright red square, while the object's ce 10/20/1973 #28221  
of Cincinnati, Ohio, and notices a bright light shining outside. The source 10/21/1973 #28228  
ide her window, as well as another bright light over the parking lot. Outsi 10/21/1973 #28228  
io awoke with a terrible thirst. A bright light outside her house then attr 10/21/1973 #28229  
le in car with baby approach small bright silver figures bouncing on highwa 10/22/1973 #28238  
ad. They were described as wearing bright silver suits, straight in form an 10/22/1973 #28244  
2 small humanoids (or Greys) enter bright washtub and fly. Physical traces  10/23/1973 #28245  
 PENSACOLA, FL 1 observer at home. Bright orange extra moon goes behind tre 10/24/1973 #28256  
 "lit up" and the light became too bright to be merely the reflection of he 10/24/1973 #28270  
en he had a close encounter with a bright light.                            10/24/1973 #28275  
n Toulon, Var department, France a bright ovoid object divided into three p 10/26/1973 #28296  
oined him and all three saw a very bright, silent, reddish white light whiz 10/26/1973 #28297  
e green-glowing blimps hover. Turn bright orange. Never move.               10/27/1973 #28299  
            Goffstown, NH UFO with bright yellow light paced car, moved in  11/2/1973 #28349  
oles. It suddenly started shooting bright beams of light in different direc 11/3/1973 #28362  
ole area was next illuminated by a bright glow, and two huge, saucer-shaped 11/3/1973 #28362  
                       INKSTER, ND Bright 10' "cube" over field. Static / a 11/4/1973 #28365  
 New York, facing east. They see a bright light in the sky that is not the  11/6/1973 #28375  
:00 p.m. on this evening. It was a bright metallic object submerged four to 11/6/1973 #28377  
plate going quickly [to] over bay. Bright green halo. Red light / bottom/un 11/7/1973 #28378  
A Disc-shaped object surrounded by bright green halo, red light emitted fro 11/7/1973 #28382  
ing with a large oval head and two bright red eyes (UFOE II, Section XII).  11/7/1973 #28383  
under overpass. Wobbles. Extremely bright.                                  11/8/1973 #28387  
URGEL, SP Several observer(s). Big bright blue saucer going south. Going ea 11/10/1973 (approximate) #28399  
AST LOS ANGELES, CA 2 cops and 12. Bright blue ovoid quickly going down / 4 11/12/1973 #28413  
re of the disc height) and glowing bright red, then flashing intermittent r 11/16/1973 #28434  
the last step and the door. A very bright blue flash of light shone briefly 11/18/1973 #28443  
mer's house when they observed a a bright orange oval-shaped object 12 mete 11/19/1973 #28449  
g. It then faded in intensity to a bright star. It stayed visible for 75 mi 12/2/1973 #28505  
large round head, long arms, and a bright red glow that emanated from behin 12/2/1973 #28508  
 made a hissing sound, and emitted bright white jets of light from the side 12/3/1973 #28515  
      LA SEYNE, VAR Silent vibrant bright ovoid pulses white and orange. SS 12/6/1973 #28529  
 four legs on the ground. It had a bright dome or "blister" on top. A door  12/6/1973 #28535  
yaguez, Puerto Rico when she saw a bright oval-shaped craft hovering at a h 12/12/1973 #28559  
e was of normal height, but wore a bright, tight-fitting uniform and a blac 12/12/1973 #28559  
      WHIDBEY ISL., WA 1 observer. Bright blue sphere / low altitude. / Pt. 12/30/1973 #28614  
F PORT TOWNSEND, WA 2 observer(s). Bright blue sphere/orb/globe over Puget  12/30/1973 #28617  
e Hat, Alberta, Canada a man saw a bright light in his rearview mirror. It  12/31/1973 #28623  
g object (about 75' high) with two bright lights in front shining straight  1/4/1974 #28642  
round 5:15 p.m. The object had two bright lights and a red tower-shaped str 1/4/1974 #28644  
ship Police saw four “unbelievably bright” lights, the color and hue of a b 1/4/1974 #28644  
 on high backed chairs and wearing bright colored robes. Each had very long 1/8/1974 #28667  
round and was confronted by a very bright light, within the light she was a 1/8/1974 #28669  
                    AIGUAFREDA, SP Bright night light maneuvers / square-wa 1/12/1974 #28675  
 Llandrillo, northern Wales, see a bright object followed by a luminous tai 1/23/1974 #28694  
ich time it dims then becomes very bright. It appears to crash around Cadai 1/23/1974 #28694  
ronwen, three family members see a bright object in the sky near the mounta 1/24/1974 #28701  
ted sign, blinking at random, very bright, with smaller white light on each 1/25/1974 #28704  
red a precise V formation of 10-15 bright glowing orange disc-shaped object 1/26/1974 #28710  
        PLOEREN, FR 2 observer(s). Bright rectangular object going southeas 2/3/1974 #28732  
earby desert. When on the ground a bright light and three beams of light we 2/8/1974 #28749  
        ST. CLAUDE, FR M. Trabard. Bright orange disk leaves (something beh 3/1974 #28828  
e objects had "flashed" him with a bright light. She helped him back up to  3/1/1974 #28842  
a nearby hillside illuminated by a bright yellow light in Vesta Community,  3/1/1974 #28843  
e/orb/globe changes shape. Vibrant bright. Near military camp. / r30.       3/5/1974 #28862  
                   COMBEROUGER, FR Bright 30M "Trolley" / field. Going up [ 3/7/1974 #28866  
 diver suit from which projected a bright, cylindrical, solid like coherent 3/17/1974 #28898  
 object like a domed disc and four bright, beamlike extensions. UFO investi 3/23/1974 #28937  
             HOMBREIRO, SP Vibrant bright light. Car malfunctions due to EM 3/30/1974 #28970  
30 p.m. Motorists are blinded by a bright yellow-green object on or near th 3/30/1974 #28973  
AJAS BLANCAS, ARG 2 airline crews. Bright object with luminous beam hovers. 4/2/1974 #28989  
          In the early afternoon a bright object ascended vertically from t 4/12/1974 #29008  
           AZNALCOLLAR, SP Row / 4 bright silver night lights 20M apart. Si 4/15/1974 #29023  
andrino, Italy, when they notice a bright object that dives abruptly toward 4/16/1974 #29040  
rrie and her daughter Laurie see a bright light that seems to be only sever 4/19/1974 #29047  
minute(s). Maneuvers. 2nd object / bright beams. Black clay found.          4/23/1974 #29056  
ALIA Pilot sighting. 5 small round bright white UFO's leave yellow cone tai 4/25/1974 #29060  
waking up, he watches an extremely bright star above him for about 15 secon 5/1974 #29075  
as, Cuenca, Spain, when they see a bright orange object for 40–50 seconds.  5/7/1974 #29091  
sed out. He next became aware of a bright white light around him and severa 5/9/1974 #29098  
and white lights that were each as bright as a welder's torch flew over Max 5/12/1974 #29102  
mother, daughter and son watched a bright object in the sky that was a quar 5/19/1974 #29114  
ng running through the field and a bright beam of light was shone upon him. 5/26/1974 #29136  
of the Sandia Mountains. It was so bright that no discernable structure cou 5/28/1974 #29141  
 of the Sandia Mountains. It is so bright that no structure is visible. The 5/28/1974 #29142  
d a bluish tinge, and was flashing bright and steady for 5 seconds, then of 5/31/1974 #29150  
ins that they are to investigate a bright orange-red light reported by grou 6/9/1974 #29175  
 NORTH / CLUSES, FR Surgeon and 1. Bright ball spirals up into clouds. Miss 6/12/1974 #29179  
, Spain at 4:30 a.m. when he saw a bright light, then a "pot-shaped" object 6/14/1974 #29193  
+6+observer(s). Fast plate saucer. Bright flashes. Stops dead / sky. Leaves 6/15/1974 #29195  
áceres, Extremadura, Spain, when a bright object illuminates the highway. H 6/16/1974 #29202  
driving near Caceres, Spain when a bright object illuminated the highway. H 6/16/1974 #29203  
  SUDBURY, MA Several observer(s). Bright yellow ball going west. Back goin 6/18/1974 #29209  
he beach when they saw the silent, bright shiny object flying very low alon 6/18/1974 #29212  
Lodi, Wisconsin, sees an intensely bright light that is illuminating a hill Summer 1974 #29218  
g into his driveway. He sees three bright points of light fixed horizontall Summer 1974 #29218  
ynter in his Cessna Citation see a bright white light zigzagging through th Summer 1974 #29219  
irline(s)/airliner pilots. Vibrant bright object seen. Round / top and flat 6/29/1974 #29227  
ly in the sky and had an intensely bright center section. A second and thir 6/29/1974 #29231  
rs / Hivline 300M / south. Vibrant bright. Tilts and going quickly.         7/1974 (approximate) #29235  
 the police spotlight by beaming a bright light into the car. It then sped  7/9/1974 #29254  
s over Le Luc, France. It had very bright beams of light that were directed 7/9/1974 #29255  
    CERILLY, FR 1+2+1 observer(s). Bright flashes and masses. 1 lands behin 7/25/1974 #29277  
            DARNEY, VOSGES Vibrant bright ovoid lands / railroad/railway tr 7/28/1974 (approximate) #29282  
 FORCE BASE, FR 3 pilots / ground. Bright night light going west rising / s 8/1974 #29293  
 beam / woods lights 2 men / road. Bright blue 9M ovoid passes.             8/3/1974 #29305  
   PLOESTI, ROMANIA 2 observer(s). Bright orange 50'DOMED disk going northe 8/12/1974 #29331  
aped objects displaying a blinding bright blue light approach, then buzz th 8/13/1974 #29340  
" It was white in color, fuzzy and bright as the sun, and was followed by s 8/20/1974 #29373  
M 2+several. Woods lit up. Vibrant bright object lights cars and road. Type 9/5/1974 #29424  
uille, Allier, France an intensely bright red dome, 12 meters in diameter,  9/8/1974 #29435  
boom. A few minutes later he saw a bright purple light flashing outside his 9/8/1974 #29437  
 after the purple light was seen a bright white light the size and shape of 9/8/1974 #29437  
ulars. Disk over military airbase. Bright beams. 400M altitude east going w 9/10/1974 #29445  
gine. The landscape is lit up by a bright area of light ahead. The mother t 9/16/1974 #29459  
like portholes that emitted a very bright light that changed from orange to 9/19/1974 #29464  
ew South Wales, when they notice a bright white light about one-half mile a 9/27/1974 #29486  
rold Hill, some 20 minutes away. A bright light from the sky swooped across 10/27/1974 #29561  
ference (RFI). Watchdial extremely bright! Paint changes color.             11/4/1974 #29582  
he pouring rain when he sees three bright amber lights appear in his rear-v 11/5/1974 #29587  
he east on his box. Sensoli sees a bright light to the north and she is ove Mid 11/1974 #29596  
 cemetery, followed closely by the bright light. He appeared to circle the  11/15/1974 #29597  
onville, Louisiana when he saw two bright luminous objects flying low over  11/21/1974 #29601  
.m. At two-minute intervals, three bright red lights are seen climbing very 11/22/1974 #29603  
 also saw the object, which was as bright as the full moon. The photo, howe 11/26/1974 #29610  
own Aeronca Champion aircraft on a bright day over Shabbona, Illinois, and  11/28/1974 #29619  
katchewan, Canada observed several bright lights that looked like they were 12/1/1974 #29627  
. These shooting lights were quite bright but dimmed upon stopping, then di 12/1/1974 #29627  
atchewan, when he notices a large, bright glow to the west that lasts for 2 12/17/1974 #29645  
adt, they were suddenly aware of a bright light illuminating the area aroun 12/21/1974 #29652  
airfield, OH 10:00 p.m. Noticing a bright light shining in her bedroom, the 12/22/1974 #29656  
    Multiple reports of a UFO with bright colored lights came about the sam 12/29/1974 #29661  
DALEN, SWEDEN Several observer(s). Bright saucer becomes ovoid. Splits. Res 12/31/1974 #29662  
globe maneuvers to airfield. Turns bright white. Going quickly SSE / mounta 12/31/1974 #29663  
ew year when they see a cluster of bright red spheres over Lake Ontario to  12/31/1974 #29667  
vers for 6–7 minutes, then after a bright flash it takes off.               12/31/1974 #29667  
t of Wheatland, Wyoming. He sees a bright white light coming over the mount 1975 #29680  
r and all four get out and watch a bright yellow object just above the grou 1/1/1975 #29689  
y near Route 83 when they saw four bright white lights to the west of Route 1/2/1975 #29697  
. He immediately noticed four very bright lights about 10 degrees above the 1/2/1975 #29698  
 a black square and topped by five bright dots.                             1/2/1975 #29701  
N CITY, GA 2 separate observer(s). Bright grey saucer with pyramid dome hov 1/3/1975 #29707  
Argentina when he saw a blindingly bright that emitted a bent beam of light 1/5/1975 #29723  
SAN JUAN, PR 1 observer. 3 vibrant bright objects zigzag going quickly sout 1/12/1975 #29742  
east gate. They vary in color from bright red to almost white and remain in 1/31/1975 #29774  
, England, when he sees a group of bright lights to the east. He calls his  1/31/1975 #29775  
      STE.MARIE, REUNION 3 vibrant bright silent night lights hover. Then g 2/14/1975 #29808  
 feels a blast of heat, and sees a bright metallic object hovering about 5  2/14/1975 #29812  
 sea R.M.S. Carmania (UK) observes bright white circular light appear and r 2/16/1975 #29814  
HARLOWTON, MT Several observer(s). Bright round object hovers 500' over K1  2/17/1975 #29816  
ounty and state officials observed bright, round object hovering near missi 2/17/1975 #29818  
ounty and state officials observed bright, round object hovering near missi 2/17/1975 #29819  
y Sheriff Richard Egebakken sees a bright, round object hovering about 500  2/17/1975 #29820  
ty and state officials, observed a bright round object hovering near the Ha 2/17/1975 #29821  
A, MAROC Hundreds / observer(s). 2 bright UFO's hover / 1 hr. Then shoot go 2/18/1975 (approximate) #29822  
 appears as flat black against the bright blue clear sky, was taken in Puer 2/18/1975 #29824  
ts downward to the ground and have bright lights at the top. They are trave 2/23/1975 #29838  
nce (RFI). Search lake / extremely bright ray. / MJ#262. / FSRv22#6.        2/26/1975 #29848  
   Lake Sorell, Tasmania Intensely bright domed disc, orange glow, emitted  2/26/1975 #29849  
   Lake Sorell, Tasmania Intensely bright domed disc, orange glow, emitted  2/26/1975 #29851  
oup of men on a fishing boat saw a bright light with a definite form behind 3/2/1975 #29865  
oup of men on a fishing boat saw a bright light with a definite form behind 3/2/1975 #29869  
NORTH / ORAN, ALG UFO with vibrant bright light. Altitude = 50K Ft. Latest  3/6/1975 #29874  
lia a man and his cousin watched a bright orange hexagonal shaped craft hov 3/6/1975 #29875  
ltiple witnesses. An object with a bright light has been seen near Oran, Be 3/7/1975 #29878  
s)/airliner crew and passengers. 6 bright shiny disks / 300M altitude. Shoo 3/15/1975 #29902  
Family. Cylinder/cigar-shape and 4 bright objects circle nuclear power stat 3/18/1975 #29908  
       BATZ-SUR-MER, FR 2 / car. 2 bright night lights 2M apart drop to sal 3/30/1975 #29925  
haped objects, hover-acceleration, bright illumination                      4/3/1975 #29951  
n seen at treetop level and with a bright and maneuverable spotlight. Among 4/3/1975 #29952  
                                 A bright yellow-orange ball of light was s 5/1/1975 #30017  
openhagen, Denmark, when he sees a bright flash off to his right. When he d 5/3/1975 #30025  
MOSCIANO SOUTH ANGELO, ITL 2 kids. Bright red sphere going down / lake. Mov 5/13/1975 #30055  
1:30 p.m. Multiple witnesses see a bright light a few miles north of Carman 5/13/1975 #30056  
      Nautical UFO. At 5:20 a.m. a bright red sphere descended into a lake  5/13/1975 #30057  
         60 MI WITH CAPE BEALE, BC Bright 200' ovoid going down [to] and st 5/14/1975 #30058  
all human looking beings, who wore bright white uniforms and square helmets 6/1/1975 #30074  
st of Brandon, Manitoba, notices a bright white light to the northwest, app 6/20/1975 #30111  
5 p.m. Mr. Eric Falkenburger saw a bright object from his car. The object p 6/24/1975 #30119  
tion. It illuminated the ground as bright as day. (Source: Lumieres dans la 6/27/1975 #30125  
 a.m. It illuminated the ground as bright as day. That night at 11:20 p.m.  6/27/1975 #30127  
mia Mare, Romania, when she sees a bright yellow-orange globe nearly 2 feet 7/1975 #30141  
hat it is composed of thousands of bright dots emanating the same color lig 7/1975 #30141  
, CT 2 observer(s) / 20 second(s). Bright red ovoid going [to] 100' over tr 7/1/1975 #30143  
on their porch when they noticed a bright red oval shoot across the nearby  7/1/1975 #30145  
l paces / low altitude. Blindingly bright.                                  7/4/1975 #30153  
 Jersey sweeping the ground with a bright beam of light near highway 46. It 7/4/1975 #30158  
d the CB radio went dead when four bright lights descended over them. They  7/4/1975 #30159  
                     LIVE OAK, FLA Bright pink sphere flies over and hovers 7/11/1975 #30172  
he following night at 7:30 p.m., a bright silvery object is seen hovering m 7/15/1975 #30182  
                    RUWA, RHODESIA Bright green 1' sphere/orb/globe over ba 7/20/1975 #30189  
a sudden his car was engulfed by a bright blue light while at the same time 8/13/1975 #30257  
 so he couldn’t call for help. The bright beam from the UFO was conical in  8/13/1975 #30257  
lta/triangle/box-like craft with 2 bright lights. Descriptions vary. No fur 8/13/1975 #30260  
ir Traffic Controllers. Disk emits bright orange light. / MUFON Proc.1979.  8/14/1975 #30267  
near the airport, the object turns bright red and shoots off.               8/14/1975 #30270  
to a disc-shaped object emitting a bright orange light, which hovered and p 8/14/1975 #30271  
 Albany sightings, large discs and bright lights are seen at low altitude l 8/20/1975 #30291  
MINSTER, ENG Military observer(s). Bright silent red night light buzzes car 8/25/1975 #30305  
nne, France Gray, disc-shaped UFO, bright illumination, darted above car, h 8/29/1975 #30324  
nne, France Gray, disc-shaped UFO, bright illumination, darted above car, h 8/29/1975 #30325  
object spins and descends / trees. Bright lights / edge. / news.            9/16/1975 #30364  
  LA HULPE, BELGIUM 5 observer(s). Bright "star" zigzags. Then straight goi 9/20/1975 #30372  
 several witnesses. At 7:50 p.m. a bright star-like object zigzagged over L 9/20/1975 #30374  
oward Toppenish, Washington, see a bright white light that appears overhead Fall 1975 #30381  
miles from the first incident, the bright light again appears overhead brie Fall 1975 #30381  
barking dogs at 5:50 a.m. He saw a bright red sphere about a foot in diamet 9/25/1975 #30384  
like daylight," cows fled. Emitted bright red light, humming sound, took of 9/30/1975 #30399  
airy "like daylight". It emitted a bright red light, and made a humming sou 9/30/1975 #30400  
ness after appearing at first as a bright light. It circled behind some tre 10/2/1975 #30410  
igh School principal and more. Big bright object lights top / Columbia moun 10/18/1975 #30439  
et ahead of him. It directs a very bright light at him, causing the truck’s 10/18/1975 #30444  
ich showed a long window and three bright lights. Finally it rose verticall 10/27/1975 #30489  
that when they had encountered the bright light he had somehow been taken f 10/27/1975 #30489  
and saucer hat shaped object, very bright, low about 500 feet, was observed 10/28/1975 #30499  
ear road. Droning sound. Extremely bright. Violet glow.                     10/30/1975 #30516  
ON, MT Cop sees UFO / 30 min. Very bright. Flies / irregular patterns. No R 11/2/1975 #30537  
de-Bagot, Quebec, Canada on a very bright starry night. They heard a strang 11/3/1975 #30548  
rted by Minot Air Force Station, a bright star-like object in the west, mov 11/10/1975 #30593  
B, North Dakota 10:15–11:20 p.m. A bright light passes over Minot AFB, Nort 11/10/1975 #30594  
eer Manor Sudbury, observed a very bright object over the Sudbury Stadium.  11/11/1975 #30602  
shaped object with shafts of light bright enough to light up clouds in imme 11/11/1975 #30603  
nally. In Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin bright white lights that dimmed, disappe 11/13/1975 #30615  
nally. In Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin bright white lights that dimmed, disappe 11/13/1975 #30616  
her and sister in law observed one bright white object that looked like a c 11/15/1975 #30622  
ck yard facing south. Observed one bright yellow object moving up and back, 11/15/1975 #30623  
e east, sky partly cloudy, saw one bright white object about 70° elevation, 11/15/1975 #30624  
r 27, and she tells him there is a bright light coming from a 30-foot-wide  11/17/1975 #30636  
 traveling in a vehicle observed a bright orange to red object with a curve 11/18/1975 #30640  
 police station at two a.m. It had bright lights on the top and bottom. It  11/20/1975 #30646  
 police station at two a.m. It had bright lights on the top and bottom. It  11/20/1975 #30649  
lerated away to the southwest. The bright white UFO was seen above the Sava 11/22/1975 #30653  
t around 2:30 a.m. when they saw a bright object approach them at high spee 11/27/1975 #30669  
shadowy, small entities using some bright fluorescent lights. Her husband,  11/27/1975 #30669  
this night a silvery cylinder with bright lights hovered overhead for one m 11/29/1975 #30675  
d on and off several times. Soon a bright light illuminated his truck's cab 12/11/1975 #30705  
the figure. A few moments later, a bright, elongated UFO appears behind him 12/14/1975 #30715  
d girls driving together noticed a bright light in the sky, and their car's 12/23/1975 #30732  
 in Goodridge, Minnesota noticed a bright light in the sky, and their car's 12/23/1975 #30733  
ng red UFO descended and emitted a bright light into the car with a gaseous 1/6/1976 #30762  
mass / ground. Shape unknown / too bright! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v12 1/7/1976 #30772  
rb/globe leaves (something behind) bright white trail. / NICAP Feb. '76.    1/9/1976 #30777  
eet in diameter. From the bottom a bright white light turned on, which illu 1/9/1976 #30781  
. Witnesses saw an object with two bright lights hovering over woods about  1/19/1976 #30801  
rnia Highway Patrol (CHP) offices. Bright night light maneuvers. Lights mou 1/28/1976 #30824  
   WOODLAND, CA 2 women. Extremely bright cone hovers over backyard. Lights 1/28/1976 #30825  
s whose buckles emitted blindingly bright and hot flashes of red and white  1/29/1976 #30832  
und. When the boys followed them a bright white, lemon-shaped UFO blinked o 2/10/1976 #30863  
 a.m. A truck driver driving saw a bright object ahead and to his left.. It 2/13/1976 #30868  
leah and Berridale, Tasmania saw a bright cigar-shaped object ahead and to  2/17/1976 #30877  
ining flight in a T-33, Bosc saw a bright light approach at high speed on a 3/3/1976 #30920  
0 feet, sees a rapidly approaching bright light in the distance near Tours, 3/3/1976 #30921  
/airliner paced / long object with bright light. Rumor only / Bal.Olmos.    3/11/1976 #30932  
deciding on directions. Suddenly a bright, greenish-yellow light descends a 3/22/1976 #30952  
VENTRY, CT L. Fawcett and 4 / car. Bright cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / pow 3/24/1976 #30954  
itnesses reported seeing a narrow, bright red trail that climbed steeply in 5/4/1976 #31035  
ect 150 feet above him. It had two bright headlights and two rotating red l 5/4/1976 #31038  
et bridge, 75 feet ahead of her, a bright reddish-orange dome-shaped light. 6/11/1976 #31103  
e officer Th. Brandt-Jensen sees a bright, blue-white light cross the road  6/21/1976 #31121  
s over 6' tall, flesh color, large bright eyes. Pointed wing-like appendage 6/22/1976 #31127  
       Canary Islands 10:30 p.m. A bright red light like a rocket emerging  6/22/1976 #31129  
this night in Sao Paulo, Brazil. A bright nocturnal light approached a man  6/23/1976 #31135  
dawn, the sunlight neutralizes the bright lights of the UFOs, but the obser 7/14/1976 #31164  
NDIA DC10 pilot. Large object with bright windows / 35k' altitude. / Richar 7/22/1976 #31176  
 crew look up and see a stationary bright light. They announce the sighting 7/30/1976 #31203  
Oregon, when he sees two intensely bright lights “like burning magnesium” s 8/1976 #31216  
The object is oval-shaped and very bright yellow in its center with an indi 8/13/1976 #31261  
onal Park, Cumbria, England, see a bright light in the sky. Through binocul 8/14/1976 #31263  
 REAL DE LA JARA, SP 20 cars stop. Bright night light hovers. Nears as taxi 8/15/1976 #31266  
 Spain Highway 3:00 a.m. A distant bright light appears above El Real de la 8/15/1976 #31270  
 the antenna on his helmet flashed bright red. Anderson had now closed to w 8/16/1976 #31273  
his doorway, and “the craft glowed bright blue, red, and orange and then to 8/16/1976 #31273  
und. When the boys followed them a bright white, lemon-shaped UFO blinked o 8/16/1976 #31274  
             NEW HAVEN, CT 2 cops. Bright night light zigzags across entire 8/17/1976 #31275  
GDA, HEDMARK, NORWAY Black saucer. Bright silent cylinder/cylindrical objec 8/21/1976 #31283  
              HANEY, BC Trucker. 3 bright diamonds zigzag near cement plant 8/23/1976 #31293  
. He turned around and saw a huge, bright, multicolored sphere of light ris 8/26/1976 #31307  
KSKILL, NY Several calls / cops. 3 bright flashing objects join larger obje 8/30/1976 #31314  
/ CANTON = GUANGZHOU, CH Extremely bright silent object with 3 colored jets 9/3/1976 #31332  
m about 16 feet from the ground. A bright, red light shines from the center 9/3/1976 #31335  
re are these enormously huge, very bright shining objects that are suspende 9/3/1976 #31337  
                      An extremely bright, silent object with three colored 9/3/1976 #31339  
e compartment in the center, and a bright orange dome on top. It was 5 feet 9/3/1976 #31340  
ct had a rotating lower half and a bright light on top which seemed to chan 9/3/1976 #31341  
a strange buzzing sound. He sees a bright object about 4 feet in diameter a 9/9/1976 #31362  
3,000 feet away. The upper part is bright silver, and the lower part is dar 9/9/1976 #31363  
 British BEA flight 831. Extremely bright yellow object lights overcast sky 9/10/1976 #31368  
g disc with dome, rotating rim and bright lights, power failure. Object mov 9/10/1976 #31369  
g disc with dome, rotating rim and bright lights, power failure. Object mov 9/10/1976 #31370  
ther lights on either end, and the bright light that came from the bottom o 9/10/1976 #31373  
find that its color has changed to bright silver, then light blue. It grows 9/11/1976 #31376  
one foot at a time. Hopkins sees a bright light outside, rushes to the kitc 9/11/1976 #31376  
s, Australia at 3:30 a.m. a round, bright object with an intense blue glow  9/17/1976 #31390  
ok. With his binoculars, he sees a bright object flashing colored lights an 9/18/1976 #31395  
lue lights (in a diamond shape) so bright that Jafari cannot see its body.  9/18/1976 #31395  
MEDJEBACKEN, SWEDEN 3 observer(s). Bright blue-white observer(s) going sout 9/25/1976 #31425  
A, CA 2 / car. 50 = ' saucer near. Bright glow. Many small lights / undersi 9/25/1976 #31426  
gure moves / dome. Turns extremely bright and going quickly east.           10/6/1976 #31450  
 dome. The object turned extremely bright and shot away rapidly to the east 10/6/1976 #31452  
A couple driving saw a row of very bright rotating lights rising above the  10/23/1976 #31487  
f Algeria south of Algiers watch a bright oval light on the horizon heading Late 10/1976 #31495  
rts around the sky silently. It is bright when in motion, but faint when it Late 10/1976 #31495  
  NEAR LAKE TEXARKANA, TX 1 / car. Bright night light splits / 3. Parts goi 10/26/1976 (approximate) #31497  
itting black diving suits and wide bright belts. The figures walked slowly  10/29/1976 #31505  
ll, and the two boys could now see bright shiny eyes but no other facial fe 10/29/1976 #31505  
CA Several observer(s). Domed disk bright green / bottom/underside. Maneuve 11/2/1976 #31518  
ntroller / military control tower. Bright flying disk. No further details.  11/5/1976 #31523  
n Rives, Isère, France. She sees a bright light outside and calls her fathe 11/5/1976 #31528  
 TUOLUMNE, CA Several observer(s). Bright egg-shape hovers over westside pr 12/1/1976 #31577  
f Boyle, Alberta, when he sees two bright flashing lights flying west to ea 12/15/1976 #31604  
ws on the side. It disappears in a bright red flash.                        12/15/1976 #31605  
craft. The object disappeared in a bright red flash after another 7-8 secon 12/15/1976 #31606  
 Western Australia. Brennan sees a bright disc, 2 feet in diameter, hoverin 12/19/1976 #31622  
               NAPANEE, ON 3 cops. Bright object hovers over Lennox hydro p 1/5/1977? #31692  
da three police officers watched a bright object hovering over the Lennox H 1/5/1977 #31700  
ton, Oregon 8:15 p.m. An unusually bright light is seen bobbing up and down 1/15/1977 #31722  
. Two hunters spotted an extremely bright light which seemed to appear from 1/21/1977 #31738  
g along the shore. Melerine sees a bright red light in the sky. Suddenly th 1/21/1977 #31743  
ca flight HK-1273 see an extremely bright white light in front of his plane 1/21/1977 #31744  
 a.m. when a penetrating sound and bright lights coming from the sky awoke  1/23/1977 #31748  
, BRZ 1 observer (same as Viamao). Bright blue ovoid seen briefly again.    1/29/1977 #31764  
nt in Glendale, California, sees a bright red light 45° in the west. He dri 2/1/1977 #31776  
 away behind a chicken coop. It is bright white with a green or blue center 2/11/1977 #31810  
r three children are followed by a bright light for one hour and a distance 2/22/1977 #31839  
r-shaped object carrying four very bright lights land about 150 feet away i 2/24/1977 #31846  
ld light was turned on, and a very bright light was shined on our windshiel 3/5/1977 #31860  
ld light was turned on, and a very bright light was shined on our windshiel 3/5/1977 #31861  
ed Airlines DC-10 observed a round bright white object. The object had stro 3/12/1977 #31900  
ir left side and see an “extremely bright white light at about their own al 3/12/1977 #31901  
gs by the seashore when they saw a bright disc-shaped object come from the  3/20/1977 #31920  
 Beach, California when they saw a bright disc-shaped object come from the  3/20/1977 #31921  
led a doctor's office: it was very bright white and warm. The wife was made 3/20/1977 #31921  
nd his wife watch for 15 minutes a bright stationary light an estimated 10  3/22/1977 #31926  
 fashion, and leave behind a huge, bright halo that lasts 10 minutes. Sever 3/24/1977 #31929  
ircle on the horizon, with a small bright arc inside. In only 3 minutes it  3/24/1977 #31929  
antenna on top. The interior was a bright red, and it contained six three-f 4/4/1977 #31942  
of "spun aluminum" and there was a bright light that illuminated the interi 4/4/1977 #31943  
antenna on top. The interior was a bright red, and it contained six three-f 4/4/1977 #31944  
op spins / 10M altitude. Extremely bright beam going [to] car. / LDLN#166.  4/7/1977 #31955  
very-gray egg-shaped object with a bright orange-red light on top of it. It 4/7/1977 #31956  
very-gray egg-shaped object with a bright orange-red light on top of it. It 4/7/1977 #31957  
          YATALA VALE, SOUTH AUSTR Bright night light low / sky passes over 4/22/1977 #32011  
ddleton Island, Alaska, they see a bright white star moving smoothly from t 4/23/1977 #32017  
n a military patrol suddenly saw a bright light nearby. The soldiers' dog a 4/25/1977 #32024  
arinacota, Chile, suddenly see two bright violet lights nearby. The soldier 4/25/1977 #32026  
entify themselves. At this point a bright light envelops Valdés and he appa 4/25/1977 #32026  
mpa Lluscuma, Chile suddenly saw a bright light nearby. The soldiers' dog a 4/25/1977 #32027  
entify themselves. At this point a bright light enveloped Valdes and he van 4/25/1977 #32027  
 dispatched, and they see a “large bright red light” on the eastern shore.  5/3/1977 #32050  
nuously pulsates from dull to very bright red for the next 2–3 minutes. The 5/3/1977 #32050  
the lake road and noticed a "large bright red light" across on the eastern  5/3/1977 #32053  
ted continuously from dull to very bright red for the next 2 to 3 minutes.  5/3/1977 #32053  
 surrounding a triangle of intense bright light. She watches it with a frie 5/10/1977 #32082  
esses in Fresno, California, see a bright yellow light rise erratically fro 5/11/1977 #32089  
  GLASGOW, SCOTLAND 3 observer(s). Bright silent disk going quickly east /  5/16/1977 #32097  
XTON, DEVON Several observer(s). 5 bright yellow-orange night lights going  5/17/1977 #32100  
, New Jersey, watches a blindingly bright round object composed of many sma 5/19/1977 #32112  
ralia Dog and Horse raise alert to bright object near ground (NICAP: 04 - A 5/26/1977 #32132  
eed of Mach 0.86 when they observe bright lights coming from the west. The  5/26/1977 #32133  
              NEAR MIDDLEBURG, RSA Bright UFO / quarry. Truck malfunctions  6/17/1977 (approximate) #32167  
 sergeant at Entry Control about a bright light above his truck. He sees an Summer 1977 #32181  
e suddenly felt heat from a "huge, bright object" that was very close to hi 6/28/1977 #32202  
ly feels heat from a nearby “huge, bright object” that changes from red to  6/28/1977 #32203  
e suddenly felt heat from a "huge, bright object" that was very close to hi 6/28/1977 #32204  
ier named James Blake sees a large bright light hovering at a low altitude  7/1/1977 #32227  
 walking to town to catch a bus. A bright greenish blue light appeared and  7/10/1977 #32256  
 walking to town to catch a bus. A bright greenish blue light appeared and  7/10/1977 #32257  
                 HINSBECK, GERMANY Bright red UFO. 2 more. Separate and reg 7/12/1977 #32260  
Louisiana Before 12:00 midnight. A bright light in the west above Baton Rou 7/16/1977 #32282  
 were moving about in the sky. One bright light appeared on a hill 300 yard 7/23/1977 #32304  
t are moving about in the sky. One bright light appears on a hill 900 feet  7/23/1977 #32305  
 were moving about in the sky. One bright light appeared on a hill 300 yard 7/23/1977 #32306  
s away from the road. It had three bright bluish-white lights. Next to the  7/24/1977 #32310  
rom a civilian who is watching two bright objects hovering above the North  7/30/1977 #32323  
, she was momentarily blinded by a bright reflection of light. About 20 met 8/3/1977 #32356  
ey are dark gray or green and have bright white lights on opposite ends. Th 8/6/1977 #32367  
ater Township, New Jersey, watch a bright, blue-green star silently loping  8/10/1977 #32377  
YS, CA Amateur astronomer. Vibrant bright night light northwest going quick 8/20/1977 #32415  
ome partially opened blinds a very bright white light approach and stop a f 8/26/1977 #32426  
PC IAN MACKENZIE observed two very bright horizontal lights in the vicinity 8/28/1977 #32431  
w a UFO on August 11 see a similar bright object 2 miles away from the prev 8/28/1977 #32434  
r 20 minutes; it had two extremely bright lights, and made a faint "purring 8/28/1977 #32435  
. At one point the entity shines a bright beam of light at them. The durati 8/31/1977 #32445  
 sees an object like an elongated, bright blue candle. It moves toward him, 9/4/1977 #32460  
ll that the object was airborne. A bright blue light came on, and he found  9/15/1977 #32485  
     MARRUBIU, ITL 2 / parked car. Bright orange 2M saucer stops / 100M alt 9/19/1977 #32496  
 last seen as a semicircular glow, bright red in the middle and white on th 9/20/1977 #32499  
o had had a close encounter with a bright multicolored object the previous  9/25/1977 #32519  
 he stopped the car and suddenly a bright light appeared. There was a brill 9/25/1977 #32519  
cery store clerk watches a distant bright light moving west over Burlington 9/28/1977 #32531  
nkin goes to the bridge and sees 9 bright discs moving in from the northeas 10/7/1977 #32559  
 window. He and his family watch a bright light source (a bright red light  10/11/1977 #32568  
ily watch a bright light source (a bright red light flashing next to a dimm 10/11/1977 #32568  
round six o'clock in the evening a bright pulsating light flew alonside a S 10/11/1977 #32569  
nd her children watch a blindingly bright red light from their first-floor  10/17/1977 #32584  
 later, the family watches another bright light maneuvering in the southwes 10/17/1977 #32584  
o in Colares, Para State, Brazil a bright metallic object, thimble shaped,  10/22/1977 #32601  
               Three hours later a bright red sphere hovered in front of a  10/26/1977 #32620  
               At 7:00 p.m. a very bright reddish light, semi-circular in f 11/1/1977 #32653  
h the upper half red emitting very bright blue flashes of light, was observ 11/1/1977 #32653  
:30 a.m., when he witnessed a very bright blue flying light at great distan 11/3/1977 #32657  
AL GREENLAND 3 / airliner. Row / 7 bright ovoids. Going up / steep angle an 11/4/1977 #32658  
 storage site, when they noticed a bright light hovering above a nearby hil 11/13/1977 #32672  
he officer. This was followed by a bright flash of light from the object, a 11/13/1977 #32672  
  Vichy Troy, Missouri 9:17 p.m. A bright white light moving at a high rate 11/18/1977 #32686  
nto dead tree, which fluoresced in bright colors. Sheep fled (NICAP UFOE II 11/29/1977 #32705  
nto dead tree, which fluoresced in bright colors. Sheep fled (NICAP UFOE II 11/29/1977 #32706  
nto dead tree, which fluoresced in bright colors. Sheep fled                11/29/1977 #32707  
had been seen in the vicinity with bright revolving lights.                 11/30/1977 #32712  
t is about 50 feet in diameter and bright red with two open doors in the si 12/2/1977 #32726  
R Several separate observer(s). 2M bright silent orange glowing-saucer hove 12/4/1977 #32733  
   OXNARD TO/FROM LA AIRPORT, CA 2 bright circular lights pace and buzz com 12/8/1977 #32745  
es, CA Four UFOs tracked on radar; bright, circular objects maneuvered arou 12/8/1977 #32749  
ommuter aircraft reports two large bright lights maneuvering around it for  12/8/1977 #32750  
             LEGNANO, ITL 1 / car. Bright red ovoid hovers upright 20M away 12/10/1977 #32755  
e witness in a car reported that a bright red ovoid object hovered in a upr 12/10/1977 #32757  
ater. That same night a blindingly bright light came up close to a French N 12/15/1977 #32776  
ater. That same night a blindingly bright light came up close to a French N 12/15/1977 #32777  
                          Two very bright cones of bright light moved rapid 12/27/1977 #32815  
          Two very bright cones of bright light moved rapidly through the s 12/27/1977 #32815  
e explanation, but the UFO was too bright and emitted an energetic ball of  12/27/1977 #32815  
 Okrug, Russia, the crew notices a bright round object that approaches rapi 1/1978 #32836  
The sun reflects off the dome as a bright spot when the UFO passes. After a 1/1/1978 #32841  
 short wing like protrusions and a bright halo type light around its head.  1/4/1978 #32852  
en leaving a beachfront cafe saw a bright bluish light flying low over the  1/6/1978 #32855  
dura, Portugal at 10:30 p.m. saw a bright bluish light flying low over the  1/6/1978 #32856  
an observed two irregularly shaped bright yellow objects in the night sky w 1/10/1978 #32867  
0 minutes later he observed a very bright object that looked like a "chicke 1/10/1978 #32867  
ce observed two irregularly shaped bright yellow objects in the night sky w 1/10/1978 #32870  
0 minutes later he observed a very bright object that looked like a "chicke 1/10/1978 #32870  
ying at 5,500' when he spotted two bright lights at eye level at some unkno 1/15/1978 #32884  
(s). Fireball / 200M altitude. Too bright to watch steadily. / capital.     1/21/1978 #32903  
height and bald-headed, dressed in bright yellow outfits with boots and glo 1/31/1978 #32928  
ht and bald headed, and dressed in bright yellow outfits with boots and glo 1/31/1978 #32930  
over farm house. Steady humming. 3 bright lights.                           2/2/1978 #32942  
 the haze behind. The object has a bright red light at each end that sends  2/4/1978 #32951  
 their car lights up. An intensely bright object is ahead of them and about 2/5/1978 #32955  
r rose and he was back outside, in bright sunlight. He staggered back to hi 2/5/1978 #32957  
ncounter with a V-formation of ten bright orange-white lights which paced h 2/5/1978 #32958  
               GRAND HARBOR, MALTA Bright silent fuzzy moon-size object rel 2/9/1978 #32960  
when around 2:00 a.m. they noticed bright flashes of green, red and white l 2/17/1978 #32974  
katong when they see a comet-like, bright blue object leaving a fiery trail 3/11/1978 #33032  
 Bay report the UFO, which has two bright lights in front and smaller ones  3/16/1978 #33043  
a car horn. He looks up and sees a bright white light about 20 inches wide  3/24/1978 #33078  
like sound. He looked up and saw a bright light coming from above the trees 3/24/1978 #33079  
 Wales, Australia. They see a very bright, stationary, chrome-colored light 3/29/1978 #33097  
ating sound; tilted down, beamed a bright light from the top onto car (sect 4/2/1978 #33117  
ating sound. Tilted down, beamed a bright light from the top onto car.      4/2/1978 #33118  
tened. She and her mother notice a bright white light moving in the sky, da 4/6/1978 #33128  
pearing. It is large and bathed in bright red lights. At one point it seems 4/11/1978 #33141  
esidents of Mumbai, India, sight a bright white, streak-like light moving a Mid 4/1978 #33149  
wer, and her car radio went off. A bright light in the sky made a "zinging" 4/23/1978 #33159  
wer, and her car radio went off. A bright light in the sky made a "zinging" 4/23/1978 #33160  
n size and a short being wearing a bright orange coverall type suit stepped 4/25/1978 #33169  
home alone when he observed a very bright object in the sky that began to d 5/10/1978 #33194  
ul, Brazil when he observed a very bright object in the sky that began to d 5/10/1978 #33199  
nued to descend, and projected two bright beams of white light to the groun 5/10/1978 #33199  
nse. The room was illuminated by a bright light. It was at this point that  5/10/1978 #33199  
HPORT, AL 3 observer(s). Intensely bright ovoid with tripod legs. Drops and 5/13/1978 #33201  
 silently in the sky. It is a very bright crimson-red color, which despite  5/13/1978 #33202  
labama, when they see an intensely bright pale- yellow light. It is oblong  5/13/1978 #33204  
 handing in the sky. It was a very bright crimson red. Suddenly, a blue bea 5/13/1978 #33205  
blong-shaped UFO with an intensely bright, flashing light near Silver Glen  5/14/1978 #33210  
 Finland, watch a formation of 7–9 bright lights in the eastern sky. After  6/2/1978 #33251  
, stopped to investigate and saw a bright red, revolving hemispherical obje 6/4/1978 #33255  
                  LISBON, PORTUGAL Bright ball-shaped object flies over cit 6/7/1978 #33257  
         OPORTO, PORTUGAL 6 teens. Bright blue globe with red center flies  6/8/1978 #33259  
          NAZARE, PORTUGAL Vibrant bright UFO seen / type unknown. Immediat 6/8/1978 #33261  
rom the bow four rapidly departing bright white trails about 66 feet in len 6/15/1978 #33280  
ject circles them twice and shines bright lights down on them.              6/17/1978 #33285  
UJAN, FR Ovoid / 250M altitude. So bright / street lights go out! Rumbles.  6/19/1978 #33289  
 he sees a large orange ball, very bright, hovering above La Réole at about 6/19/1978 #33291  
w Lisbon, Wisconsin, see a distant bright light making extremely fast back- 6/24/1978 #33306  
3 separate observer(s). Ovoid with bright yellow light hovers / 30 minute(s 7/1/1978 #33320  
a Paula, California. Its dome is a bright chrome with two protrusions. Hall 7/4/1978 #33333  
FFLER: A number of residents saw a bright light lingering in the sky west o 7/9/1978 #33357  
 started receiving calls, said the bright light may have been two Metro hel 7/9/1978 #33357  
 ran to town they were chased by a bright blue light most of the way. Stran 7/11/1978 #33365  
bot-like being. The humanoid had a bright metallic body that reflected the  7/11/1978 #33367  
 ran to town they were chased by a bright blue light most of the way. Stran 7/11/1978 #33367  
nd the object began to ascend. Two bright yellow lights became visible and  7/11/1978 #33368  
AY, CAPE PROV, RSA 13 observer(s). Bright egg-shape hovers / minutes. Venus 7/19/1978 #33401  
30 p.m. Chloene Bechdolt notices a bright red light near the ground in the  7/21/1978 #33406  
was sighted at 11:45 p.m. It had a bright light in front, several large ora 7/24/1978 #33414  
ght near the shoreline. It is very bright, proceeds westerly past the Big S 7/28/1978 #33435  
tation. It has red lights and very bright strobes flashing erratically. The 7/29/1978 #33445  
cm circular? object lands. Extreme bright. Burnt dirt and grass.            7/30/1978 #33452  
 a 0.4 meter in diameter extremely bright circular object, landed at 1:00 a 7/30/1978 #33453  
urch and, walking behind it, see a bright white light with flashing red and 8/7/1978 #33485  
 portholes, and is surrounded by a bright orange glow. Every 15 seconds, sm 8/8/1978 #33489  
peeds, they watched it change to a bright silver and hover, though rocking  8/22/1978 #33545  
enly in the south. It changes to a bright silver and hovers, rocking from s 8/22/1978 #33547  
hnson as passenger. Johnson sees a bright reflective object at the same alt 8/27/1978 #33578  
oucester, Massachusetts, watches a bright yellow cylinder approaching him f 8/27/1978 #33579  
gal, see a large round object with bright red and white lights flying about 8/30/1978 #33603  
ct moving at rooftop level. It was bright silver in color and was shaped li 8/31/1978 #33611  
ng a man hunting rabbits watched a bright white light descend slowly behind 9/1/1978 #33621  
and a man hunting rabbits, watch a bright white light descend slowly behind 9/1/1978 #33622  
ng a man hunting rabbits watched a bright white light descend slowly behind 9/1/1978 #33623  
nt, Italy. The strip morphs into a bright fireball about 5 feet wide. It di 9/3/1978 #33630  
 student in Dayton, Ohio, sees two bright orange lights, closely spaced hor 9/7/1978 #33644  
arby. These beings were dressed in bright blue, one-piece suits, dark blue  9/10/1978 #33657  
 blue helmets, and high boots also bright blue in color; on their arms they 9/10/1978 #33657  
ULS BAY, MALTA Tourist photographs bright circular saucer. Hovers. Away fas 9/11/1978 #33662  
w looking out at fields and sees a bright moon and an object with lights in 9/15/1978 #33686  
 8:15 p.m. two witnesses watched a bright sphere descend over the area the  9/17/1978 #33703  
engine and lights went out, then a bright red object descended over the roa 9/17/1978 #33703  
area was suddenly illuminated by a bright light and he could no longer see  9/21/1978 #33725  
around the same time (8:00 p.m.) a bright light approached an Italian Air F 9/21/1978 #33725  
            Waterford, OH Two very bright but distant lights approached fou Fall 1978 #33732  
hed from behind at high speed by a bright yellow luminous light, blinding t 9/23/1978 #33738  
rt humanoid beings surrounded by a bright light approached them. One of the 9/26/1978 #33753  
m Magnusy, Poland, when she sees a bright flash of light near a mountain. T 9/27/1978 #33761  
g her from the right. It has three bright white lights on the bottom. The o 9/28/1978 #33768  
o observe Jupiter and sees another bright object to the south of it. It is  10/10/1978 #33827  
Fish-boat. Hiss and boiling sound. Bright green light going [to] by under s 10/18/1978 #33842  
 one side. The object has a single bright white light on the underside and  10/20/1978 #33847  
 VCT, AUSTR 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright night light hovers / minutes. Jum 10/21/1978 #33853  
 appears to be illuminated by four bright landing lights. He is unable to c 10/21/1978 #33856  
 Air Force pilots sighted a large, bright rectangular object at an estimate 10/23/1978 #33861  
es. They said it carried intensely bright lights. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 10/23/1978 #33861  
 Air Force pilots sighted a large, bright rectangular object at an estimate 10/23/1978 #33864  
es. They said it carried intensely bright lights.                           10/23/1978 #33864  
ng and moving away. Its glow is so bright that their eyes hurt in looking a 10/28/1978 #33887  
vering above a rail line. It has a bright light on top and rings of light c 10/29/1978 #33889  
, England a bell-shaped UFO with a bright light on top caused car radio int 10/29/1978 #33890  
. The light from the object was so bright that it temporarily blinded the t 10/30/1978 #33894  
. The light from the object was so bright that it temporarily blinded the t 10/30/1978 #33898  
an nearly fainted from fright. Two bright rotating beams of light illuminat 10/30/1978 #33898  
ith halo leaves (something behind) bright trail. Low and silent.            11/1978 (approximate) #33904  
ear South Bend, Indiana, notices a bright light in the sky, much larger tha 11/7/1978 #33924  
tnesses traveling by car noticed a bright white light approaching their veh 11/11/1978 #33944  
d the object. The beings had large bright eyes, large noses, no necks and w 11/11/1978 #33945  
Alberta on a snowy night noticed a bright white light approaching their veh 11/11/1978 #33946  
go, Dominican Republic. They see a bright light in the sky that shoots out  11/20/1978 #33967  
t light in the sky that shoots out bright blue rays. It moves off behind a  11/20/1978 #33967  
eucalyptus grove. They all carried bright lanterns and continued looking fo 11/24/1978 #33996  
ND HOUNSLOW, ENG Many observer(s). Bright yellow triangle hovers / high alt 11/25/1978 #33998  
 Vale had a close encounter with a bright gray, metallic oval-shaped UFO, w 11/28/1978 #34018  
              At 10:30 p.m. a very bright, multi-colored, pencil-shaped obj 11/28/1978 #34021  
TIMIGLIA, ITL Several / boats. 6-9 bright night lights rise / sea and away. 11/30/1978 #34028  
       At round 6 a.m. six to nine bright nocturnal lights rose from the se 11/30/1978 #34031  
 emerges in which he is taken to a bright room by giant entities who put a  12/6/1978 #34065  
ran towards the car. He then saw a bright yellow, triangular shaped craft t 12/6/1978 #34069  
e recalled being taken into a very bright room by giant beings that put a p 12/6/1978 #34069  
ight and he suddenly vanished. The bright light then took off into the sky. 12/8/1978 #34078  
e suddenly quit. He then noted two bright lights approaching slowly in his  12/12/1978 #34099  
e one being larger. It possessed a bright orange spot at its center. As the 12/12/1978 #34100  
e suddenly quit. He then noted two bright lights approaching slowly in his  12/12/1978 #34102  
 what appeared to be straps with a bright round light on the center. The fi 12/12/1978 #34102  
                  LISBON, PORTUGAL Bright green round metallic object flies 12/13/1978 #34105  
Sarandi del Yi, Uruguay A UFO with bright red lights suddenly appeared and  12/14/1978 #34121  
d in Mogoro, Italy. The object was bright enough to illuminate the clouds a 12/14/1978 #34125  
arandi del Yi, Uruguay, a UFO with bright red lights suddenly appeared and  12/14/1978 #34129  
 dome-shaped craft take off with a bright flash. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 12/15/1978 #34135  
ngle, just above the TV antenna. A bright beam of light shot out of the ope 12/15/1978 #34136  
pen hatch in its center section. A bright beam of light shot out of the ope 12/15/1978 #34138  
uman-like faces could be seen. Two bright beams of light were emitted from  12/15/1978 #34141  
 dome-shaped craft take off with a bright flash. A strong smell of sulphur  12/15/1978 #34141  
 said "At first I thought it was a bright star or planet, but then I saw it 12/16/1978 #34144  
rface of the sea and became a very bright flourescent white light that refl 12/16/1978 #34148  
rface of the sea and became a very bright flourescent white light that refl 12/16/1978 #34155  
own an alleyway. Moments later the bright white light, now very near the br 12/16/1978 #34155  
t speed. The UFOs were radiating a bright, light blue light but made no sou 12/21/1978 #34194  
f the window he sees three or four bright flashes coming from a ball of bri 12/24/1978 #34201  
                        SS JOHNSON Bright night light hovers / horizon. Hov 12/30/1978 #34226  
ighting, Startup and Guard see 6–7 bright, pulsating lights like Chinese la 12/31/1978 #34246  
barking outside. She sees a large, bright object hovering above the trees 1 12/31/1978 #34247  
people in the United Kingdom see a bright light with a long trail behind it 12/31/1978 #34248  
               NAGO, ITL Extremely bright 4M red fireball / roadside. Orang 1/1/1979 #34270  
alifornia. It is about 10 times as bright as the background stars. It is in 1/1/1979 #34275  
ennsylvania suddenly encountered a bright orange circular UFO hovering over 1/9/1979 #34324  
r their heads. The helmets emitted bright beacons of light. Suddenly everyt 1/12/1979 #34333  
ure. The sphere changed color to a bright orange, then it began to dim reve 1/13/1979 #34337  
, Italy spotted a large blindingly bright fiery red sphere descend in a nea 1/13/1979 #34338  
re. The sphere changed colors to a bright orange and then to red, and final 1/13/1979 #34338  
same evening another witness saw a bright bluish light descend into the sam 1/19/1979 #34362  
the window and was amazed to see a bright hovering oval-shaped craft. Insid 1/29/1979 #34389  
the window and was amazed to see a bright hovering oval-shaped craft. Insid 1/29/1979 #34391  
ng down to watch television when a bright light shines outside their window 2/1979 #34398  
ation of his car at 9:50 p.m. by a bright white light that enveloped his ca 2/5/1979 #34406  
Brick Township, New Jersey. It was bright orange, fuzzy semi-circular with  2/5/1979 #34407  
approach. It had a cluster of very bright strobe-like lights that lit up gr 2/8/1979 #34410  
approach. It had a cluster of very bright strobe-like lights that lit up gr 2/8/1979 #34412  
OES-VISEU, PORTUGAL 2+observer(s). Bright sphere at medium speed. / Journal 2/15/1979 #34422  
                     FERNVALE, QLD Bright flash / area. Cylinder/cigar-shap 2/21/1979 #34440  
. Glancing ahead of her, she saw a bright orange hovering spinning sphere.  2/21/1979 #34441  
k again the figures were gone. The bright orange sphere then vanished, and  2/21/1979 #34441  
uma, Shanxi, China, when he sees a bright luminous object shoot across the  Late 2/1979 #34448  
as big as a jumbo jet and radiates bright golden light from top to bottom.  3/1979 #34453  
. Multicolored concentric rings or bright zigzag trails are seen on the hor 3/5/1979 #34465  
to expand, developing into a huge, bright dome. Independent sets of clear p 3/5/1979 #34465  
 MI EAST / NANTUCKET, MA 3 / boat. Bright circular object hovers over sea.  4/10/1979 #34506  
          Brisbane, Queensland, AU Bright orange lights on road ahead, terr 5/6/1979 #34547  
 park in Piastów, Poland, sees two bright yellow beams of light coming from 5/22/1979 #34574  
 Clearlake, California sighted six bright "doughnut" shaped objects flying  6/9/1979 #34604  
rimarily by its lights, shines two bright yellowish-white beams of light. A 6/12/1979 #34610  
n the clear dusk sky, had two huge bright yellowish-white beams of light. A 6/12/1979 #34611  
, she was temporarily blinded by a bright light and the craft sped away. (N 6/19/1979 #34621  
saucer. Underside turns. Extremely bright. 90-turn going north.             6/26/1979 #34630  
ide of the object turned extremely bright, then it made a ninety-degree tur 6/26/1979 #34635  
bottom, and the interior is lit by bright red and green lights. Ferreira st 6/28/1979 #34639  
ght of the stars. Within seconds a bright light beams down at him from the  7/4/1979 #34646  
 of light overhead followed by two bright descending spheres. One of the sp 8/2/1979 #34704  
o Warren, Minnesota, when they see bright lights over a field to the left.  Mid 8/1979 #34743  
to the north. It is silent and too bright to look at.                       Mid 8/1979 #34743  
late at night when they saw a huge bright light appear above them, illumina 8/26/1979 #34783  
dog was barking when she noticed a bright light above a nearby mountain. It 8/29/1979 #34806  
   CAPE CHARLES, VA 2 observer(s). Bright star zigzags up to 10° / sky. The 9/3/1979 #34826  
s in Cape Charles, Virginia, see a bright light zigzagging in an unusual ma 9/3/1979 #34830  
s to the object, which is now less bright and soon turns dark. The observat 9/5/1979 #34838  
Illinois 4:30 a.m. A driver sees a bright amber light through her windshiel 9/9/1979 #34852  
low spikes of light emanate from a bright white center. When she feels her  9/9/1979 #34852  
hua, Hunan, China. At 9:00 p.m., a bright object appears overhead, emitting 9/12/1979 #34866  
 outfit with what appeared to be a bright green visor over the eyes. The wi 9/19/1979 #34901  
nse white "fog" and illuminated by bright light. They both felt inertial ef 9/20/1979 #34909  
 HOLLYWOOD, CA 1 observer. 2 sharp bright slow silver orbs cross sky northw 9/29/1979 #34933  
 8:45 a.m. A screenwriter sees two bright silver spheres moving above Holly 9/29/1979 #34934  
ERY, WI 2+? observer(s). 2 vibrant bright red orbs hover under heavy clouds 10/6/1979 #34943  
t outside to investigate. He saw a bright light among the nearby trees. Som 10/6/1979 #34947  
humanoids came up to him. They had bright eyes, long fingers, and skinny ar 10/6/1979 #34947  
         BALDWIN, WI 1 observer. 2 bright night lights circle. Beams going  10/20/1979 #34961  
s, and see a flat-bottomed object. Bright luminous white in the middle, its 10/25/1979 #34965  
       During the day an unusually bright light in sky split into two equal 11/9/1979 #34990  
ight in sky split into two equally bright objects over Easterhouse, Glasgow 11/9/1979 #34990  
air. The light underneath it is so bright that it illuminates the entire ob 11/15/1979 #35001  
 in Antioch, California, watches a bright red light flying from east to the 11/18/1979 #35006  
atching television when they see a bright light hanging at a height of 100  11/30/1979 #35031  
bate, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico saw a bright, multicolored oval-shaped object  11/30/1979 #35034  
ct for 15 minutes that went from a bright distant light in the NW to a pair 12/2/1979 #35037  
stant light in the NW to a pair of bright headlights to what appeared to be 12/2/1979 #35037  
otos (four of which turn out) of a bright light from his home 7 miles west  12/3/1979 #35045  
epot, Connecticut, when they see a bright, football-shaped “cloud” hovering 12/4/1979 #35051  
ia 5:55 p.m. Norma White watches a bright star from her restaurant in Anste 12/5/1979 #35054  
CO, HUBEI, CH Several observer(s). Bright silver saucer slow and silent goi 12/13/1979 #35078  
, Zhejiang, China, when they see a bright beam of light ahead. When the lea 12/13/1979 #35079  
 GAINESVILLE, FL 1 observer. Large bright saucer chases car. Hovers over ho 12/19/1979 #35083  
           Gainesville, FL A large bright disc chased a car down a road, ho 12/19/1979 #35085  
st of Gainesville, Florida a large bright disc chased a car down a road, ho 12/19/1979 #35086  
 Coquille, Oregon, when they see a bright flash in the southern sky. It is  12/27/1979 #35100  
s outside to quiet them, he sees a bright, triangular object the size of a  12/31/1979 #35107  
sappears. At 10:45 p.m., he sees a bright light moving slowly toward the ze 1/17/1980 #35137  
s out another quarter-mile away. A bright orange light appears in a cornfie 1/21/1980 #35141  
Desaguadero and Pomata, Peru saw a bright circular UFO with red and white l 1/29/1980 #35150  
by a thin membrane. Both carried a bright metallic-looking sphere in their  3/3/1980 #35194  
 appearance, except they had large bright medallions hanging from their nec 3/3/1980 #35194  
Object buzzed car, jet-like sound, bright illumination; dog howled as if hi 3/8/1980 #35203  
 Object buzzed car, jetlike sound, bright illumination. Dog howled as if hi 3/8/1980 #35204  
  NEW CASTLE, KY 1 observer. Small bright cylinder/cigar-shape / 6m altitud 3/9/1980 #35206  
ew her attention to a strange very bright object hovering motionless 20' aw 3/9/1980 #35209  
 A couple in Bannock, Ohio, Spot a bright light in the southwestern sky. Th 3/15/1980 #35218  
 NEW CASTLE, KY Dogs bark. Vibrant bright cylinder/cigar-shape 6m over yard 3/20/1980 #35224  
furiously, James Balkcom notices a bright light moving along the railroad t 3/24/1980 #35238  
 Dayton, Ohio, when Harris notices bright, beaming lights in the sky. They  3/25/1980 #35241  
                Lodz, Poland Three bright spheres hovered low over a house  4/6/1980 #35256  
                             Three bright spheres hovered low over a house  4/6/1980 #35258  
ving through a forested area saw a bright light descending toward her car,  4/9/1980 #35261  
      RIXHEIM, FR Huge sphere with bright lights hovers. Drops object halfw 4/11/1980 #35268  
 Scotia, when he sees an unusually bright light. As he drives 5–6 miles clo 4/13/1980 #35271  
/ SAN MATEO, CA 2 / car / I-280. 5 bright silent metal orbs travel length / 4/20/1980 #35274  
king in the late evening sighted a bright yellow disc-shaped UFO rise verti 4/20/1980 #35276  
his 18-year-old son. They see five bright, apparently metallic, Saturn-shap 4/20/1980 #35278  
larger one and form an orange ball bright enough to throw a shadow on the r 4/20/1980 #35280  
stance, behind some trees, a large bright silvery light appeared on the gro 4/20/1980 #35281  
ses in a car on I-280 watched five bright metallic Saturn-shaped objects si 4/20/1980 #35282  
c watch when one of them notices a bright star in the west at about 45° mov 4/22/1980 #35285  
   NEAR LAKE NORMAN, NC 2 roofers. Bright saucer rises / lake. Makes loop a 4/24/1980 #35287  
ate evening at 9:00 p.m. sighted a bright yellow disc-shaped UFO rise verti 4/24/1980 #35288  
ter in Bargersville, Indiana, when bright red flashes of light illuminate t 5/9/1980 #35319  
ater, an aero-taxi pilot reports a bright object passing to his left and de 5/22/1980 #35339  
frequency booming noise and sees a bright object less than 500 feet away. H 6/14/1980 #35367  
h UFO above some treetops. Another bright object is accompanying the first, 6/14/1980 #35367  
uthern sky. The lower two are like bright stars, while the upper ones seem  7/12/1980 #35412  
 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, see a bright light descend in a restricted are 8/8/1980 #35447  
serves a disc-shaped object with a bright light hovering behind a building. 8/8/1980 #35447  
in Lima, Ohio, and sees an unusual bright light in the sky. He steps out an 8/17/1980 #35462  
ad, and they found themselves in a bright circular room, still inside the c 8/22/1980 #35475  
ark in Virginia when they notice a bright reflection. She is taking a photo 9/3/1980 #35493  
 110 feet away. Hundreds of steady bright white lights surround its perimet 9/11/1980 #35514  
   Bojnord, North Khorasan, Iran A bright, round object radiating red and w 9/12/1980 #35518  
      At 2:45 in the afternoon two bright yellow UFOs shaped like hamburger 9/28/1980 #35541  
at “defied all convention.” A very bright light is seen by the pilot of an  10/1980 #35551  
 [to] overhead. High heat. Vibrant bright. / FSRv27#5p17+/ LDLN#218.        10/5/1980 #35553  
ky over San Diego, California. The bright sun makes them seem uniformly whi 10/21/1980 #35578  
angle/box-like craft over smelter. Bright beams going down / smokestacks. G 10/23/1980 #35580  
bove the south stack and shine the bright light inside. It then moves off a 10/23/1980 #35584  
oved further away it looked like a bright orange light in the southwestern  10/26/1980 #35592  
authorization to pursue. He sees a bright gold object right in front of him 10/31/1980 #35599  
ar Ozona, Texas at 6:50 p.m. saw a bright, elongated glowing object that fl 11/3/1980 #35615  
 but when she develops the film, a bright, disc-shaped object appears on th 11/6/1980 #35622  
  MEZEL, FR 3 observer(s). Vibrant bright slow white fireball going southwe 11/11/1980 #35631  
olute(ly) silent. Slower / planes. Bright and dim.                          11/18/1980 #35647  
is a triangular formation with two bright headlights. Rick Hull, a 20-year- 11/18/1980 #35654  
 in the middle. There are also two bright headlights and an apparent dome w 11/18/1980 #35654  
 IL 2 cops. Teardrop object rises. Bright and dim and fades away. Local wav 11/25/1980 #35666  
et, and Ellwood, Illinois, watch a bright white light that fluctuates in br 11/25/1980 #35669  
F and VHF). Three other cops saw a bright light moving toward Todmorden at  11/28/1980 #35680  
car park when they observed a very bright UFO low on the horizon. (NICAP: 0 11/29/1980 #35681  
able Alan Godfrey allegedly sees a bright light ahead on Burnley Road that  11/29/1980 #35682  
Normal, Illinois, see a stationary bright white light about half the size o 12/5/1980 #35701  
r five “comet-like objects leaving bright trails.” Astronomers also record  12/25/1980 #35732  
ers have explained these as merely bright stars. In June 2010, retired Col. 12/28/1980 #35749  
d to surround what appears to be a bright fog or mist. When his group enter 12/28/1980 #35750  
From far behind the object comes a bright bluish ball of light. Warren clai 12/28/1980 #35750  
coincides with the appearance of a bright fireball over southern England; s 12/28/1980 #35750  
to have been misinterpretations of bright stars distorted by atmospheric an 12/28/1980 #35750  
sh and her two passengers notice a bright light ahead. As they draw within  12/29/1980 #35757  
e described as "clean, sterile and bright, with a long table in the middle. 12/31/1980 #35759  
AN, CH Many observer(s). Extremely bright slow ovoid going quickly northeas 1/15/1981 #35787  
          NEAR KUNMING, CH Vibrant bright saucer-ovoid in steep descent sud 1/15/1981 #35788  
round that intermittently gave off bright flashes of light. At this time hi 2/13/1981 #35827  
f bed and through her window saw a bright hovering disc shaped object. Unde 2/15/1981 #35829  
nd his next memory was of seeing a bright light quickly flying away. He des 2/18/1981 #35832  
AN JOSE AIRPORT, CA Pilot and 1+1. Bright red night light / sharp turns. 2n 2/28/1981 #35848  
on the edge of town when he sees a bright light apparently above the Columb 3/17/1981 #35866  
d Cade look to the south and see a bright orange-red light about 80–100 fee 3/17/1981 #35866  
                    Alton, IL Huge bright light went to very dim, had light 3/30/1981 #35880  
 Alton, Illinois 10:00 p.m. A huge bright light hovers over trees for 10 mi 3/30/1981 #35881  
esses see “this churning motion of bright white light with yellow and orang 3/30/1981 #35881  
 back home when they noticed three bright lights above the highway. As they 4/1/1981 #35883  
and visibility unlimited. It was a bright, sunny day.                       4/12/1981 #35894  
l red lights on the sides and very bright white light on the leading edge f 4/15/1981 #35897  
bury and Lucy Slothower notice two bright lights in the sky moving toward t 4/15/1981 #35899  
l red lights on the sides and very bright white light on the leading edge f 4/15/1981 #35900  
New Hampshire, when he notices two bright stars, one of which descends to j 4/16/1981 #35901  
ored lights on the underside and a bright white light on top flies over his 4/16/1981 #35901  
                     HOLLYWOOD, CA Bright white disk maneuvers / clouds. Er 4/18/1981 #35903  
cal object going northwest. 7 wide bright windows. 180° turn going quickly  4/19/1981 #35904  
ao Paulo state at 6:30 p.m. when a bright light overtook and blinded him. H 4/20/1981 #35910  
e same time a married couple saw a bright light hovering over some nearby w 4/25/1981 #35917  
               BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ Bright saucer / ground. Vanishes. Observ 5/4/1981 #35926  
      Minas Gerais state, Brazil A bright disc landed on the ground in Belo 5/4/1981 #35927  
                   At 10:40 p.m. a bright disc landed on the ground in Belo 5/4/1981 #35929  
ree brown skin beings with slanted bright blue eyes straight noses and bush 5/14/1981 #35936  
 brown-skinned beings with slanted bright blue eyes, straight noses, and bu 5/14/1981 #35937  
rratically. A second object with a bright light appears slightly above it,  6/10/1981 #35961  
no pressure. At 2:10 p.m. he saw a bright object in the sky that he first t 6/12/1981 #35967  
  EAST / MILWAUKEE, WI AAL pilots. Bright silver disk. 6 round portholes. F 7/4/1981 #35983  
en the camp swimming pool, he sees bright lights. He moves to an unobstruct 7/11/1981 #35998  
 approached, turned, followed car, bright illumination. Object finally shot 7/12/1981 #36000  
 approached, turned, followed car, bright illumination. Object finally shot 7/12/1981 #36001  
hey are confronted by a brilliant, bright green, gold, and red object comin 7/12/1981 #36002  
en Valencia and Barcelona, Spain A bright silver disc with six round portho 7/25/1981 #36035  
             At around 4:00 a.m. a bright silver disc with six round portho 7/25/1981 #36036  
i, when they notice an object with bright lights moving back and forth acro 7/30/1981 #36041  
arge disc-shaped object with three bright lights land in a field. Another m 8/5/1981 #36060  
a straight line. The lights are as bright as a “halogen automobile headligh 8/12/1981 #36070  
silver coveralls. The light is too bright to see clearly, and after it goes 8/15/1981 #36075  
s. Witnesses take many photos of a bright white triangle more than 700 feet 8/16/1981 #36078  
          KILLINGLY, CT 2 / car. 2 bright lights. Lopsided hexagon follows  8/25/1981 #36084  
, Connecticut at 9:15 p.m. saw two bright lights, then a lopsided hexagonal 8/25/1981 #36085  
 gear, portholes, and a blindingly bright 1 meter wide searchlight. The clo 8/28/1981 #36088  
ped on its own accord. There was a bright flash, then moments later two sma 8/30/1981 #36093  
, looking out of the tent he saw a bright sphere descending rapidly overhea 9/1981 #36097  
 to explore on foot. He soon saw a bright football-shaped light that appear 9/11/1981 #36110  
llese, Piemonte, Italy A man saw a bright football-shaped light that appear 9/12/1981 #36111  
 to explore on foot. He soon saw a bright football-shaped light that appear 9/12/1981 #36112  
SOUTH / MOORPARK, CA 2+2 / SR23. 3 bright 50' delta/triangle/box-like craft 9/18/1981 #36125  
 see a triangular object with five bright white lights on the front and sid 9/18/1981 #36128  
California, when they notice three bright lights like floodlights on the ho 9/18/1981 #36129  
 9:15 p.m. when they sighted three bright delta-shaped objects in the sky.  9/18/1981 #36130  
this night a man reported seeing a bright luminous object on the ground nex 9/20/1981 #36134  
The next day there were reports of bright lights over the area.             10/2/1981 #36155  
ent to assist him, when suddenly a bright green light was seen descending o 10/8/1981 #36165  
nhao State, Brazil when they saw a bright star that descended and hovered o 10/17/1981 #36176  
ed emerging from the surface three bright lights or forms that approached t 10/24/1981 #36185  
, ARG 2 airliners and more/others. Bright fast saucer / 180M going quickly  10/31/1981 #36195  
      Shortly after 9 p.m. a huge, bright, round object was observed flying 10/31/1981 #36197  
ent to assist him, when suddenly a bright green light was seen descending o 11/8/1981 #36211  
anging clothing when she noticed a bright light approaching over the nearby End of 1981 #36240  
 dirt road. Suddenly he observes a bright object that approaches the truck, 12/15/1981 #36256  
sunset. Ali Ozel sees an extremely bright light hovering at a distance of 6 12/15/1981 #36257  
 Aksaray, Nigde province, Turkey a bright light shaped like a "flying tray" 12/15/1981 #36258  
arge engine factory complex with a bright green colored light in Aksaray, T 12/21/1981 #36274  
city when suddenly they saw a very bright beam of light shining down to ear 1982 #36284  
ing window. The object was issuing bright illumination about 400-500 feet f 1/31/1982 #36317  
, inside of which is an elliptical bright spot. After a few minutes, the br 2/19/1982 #36356  
ght spot. After a few minutes, the bright spot disappears behind the forest 2/19/1982 #36356  
uickly disappears. At 5:15 p.m., a bright arrow-shaped object flies directl 2/19/1982 #36356  
T / PAWNEE, OK 5 cops and 20. Huge bright object hovers / dumps. Going nort 2/21/1982 #36360  
                   Fleetwood, PA A bright round, lighted object flew over a 2/24/1982 #36363  
lling 12 miles west of town when a bright light approaches him on his left. 2/24/1982 #36365  
ns to Neillsville. The light is so bright he can see the road plainly. At o 2/24/1982 #36365  
                    At 6:30 a.m. a bright round, lighted object flew over a 2/24/1982 #36366  
 / NEW CASTLE, PA 3 separate cops. Bright saucer over house. Follows patrol 3/23/1982 #36410  
           OAKMONT, PA 1 observer. Bright shiny silver disk hovers / area.  3/29/1982 #36416  
lvania, when one of them notices a bright object with a flashing red light  4/1/1982 #36427  
turn on the jeep’s headlights, the bright object moves toward them. When th 4/1/1982 #36427  
 over their heads at 250 feet. Its bright lights go out, and its triangular 4/1/1982 #36427  
er lights on the other angles. Two bright lights shoot away from the triang 4/1/1982 #36427  
east, the object stops and becomes bright. Then it rises straight up until  4/1/1982 #36427  
ks out her front window and sees a bright, fluorescent object hovering a fe 4/1/1982 #36428  
residential neighborhood and saw a bright blue domed disc-shaped object lan 4/3/1982 #36432  
box.” She looks outside and sees a bright blue, domed, disc-shaped object l 4/3/1982 #36433  
blue lights illuminate the area as bright as day. A streetlight goes out. T 4/3/1982 #36433  
residential neighborhood and saw a bright blue domed disc-shaped object lan 4/3/1982 #36434  
the object illuminated the area as bright as day. A street light went out.  4/3/1982 #36434  
 Escanaba, Michigan. They notice a bright star to the southwest, which soon 4/8/1982 #36442  
                       DERRY, PA 2 bright orange-glowing orbs hover over tr 4/21/1982 #36449  
 TOWNSEND, WI Several observer(s). Bright metallic 80cm saucer / 1m altitud 5/14/1982 #36472  
lture, Queensland, Australia saw a bright light descend. They noted that it 5/20/1982 #36477  
nd-shaped object with body lights, bright "headlights," flew overhead, seen 5/22/1982 #36479  
nd-shaped object with body lights, bright "headlights," flew overhead, seen 5/22/1982 #36480  
nd-shaped object with body lights, bright "headlights," flew overhead, seen 5/22/1982 #36481  
 Sheriff John McDonald notices two bright lights above tall pine trees near 5/22/1982 #36482  
ickly. The UFO then changed into a bright fiery flame and disappeared. The  6/3/1982 #36492  
re, see a wedge-shaped object with bright white lights and smaller blue-gre 6/10/1982 #36498  
 2:30 a.m. Kathy Freeman watches a bright star that makes two right-angle t 6/25/1982 #36516  
g-shaped (or V-shaped) object with bright orange-yellow "headlights" hoveri 7/22/1982 #36544  
ester, England when they noticed a bright light above an empty piece of pro 7/22/1982 #36545  
NORTH / BLACK DIAMOND, WA 3 / car. Bright object searches sky / beam. Beams 8/10/1982 #36567  
ection. As they turned a corner, a bright beam of light shone down into the 8/10/1982 #36568  
                   At 10:00 p.m. a bright white disc-shaped object stopped  9/11/1982 #36600  
e coords. approximate. 1 observer. Bright white saucer stops when hit / lig 9/12/1982 #36601  
          At sea, South Atlantic A bright patch of light exploded into an o 9/17/1982 #36606  
                   At 11:03 p.m. a bright patch of light exploded into an o 9/17/1982 #36608  
nd Nicky LeClair) see a low-flying bright light approaching. Poland pulls t 9/30/1982 #36622  
flying at 3,000–4,000 feet. It has bright red lights on top.                10/15/1982 #36643  
 CAIRNS, QLD 2 observer(s). Silent bright white night light follows trees.  11/4/1982 #36675  
d, turned, and left. He then saw a bright flash and the figure vanished. Th 11/10/1982 #36678  
 grayish object that was shining a bright shaft of light onto the field. In 11/19/1982 #36688  
 the object switched off and three bright white lights lit up the ground. H 12/31/1982 #36732  
formation of lights that project a bright beam of light to the ground. It i 12/31/1982 #36733  
 the object switched off and three bright white lights lit up the ground. H 12/31/1982 #36734  
Base Mediterranean Sea 7:53 p.m. A bright object appears in the sky above A 1/14/1983 #36747  
ois, sees a triangular object with bright lights. A similar object is seen  2/7/1983 #36762  
                    At 9:30 p.m. a bright light near the southeastern horiz 3/10/1983 #36778  
r, New York. It is aiming two very bright searchlight beams over the surfac 3/24/1983 #36807  
vers near Ross, Ohio, see a large, bright, oval object that seems to land.  4/10/1983 #36836  
ly hovering high in the sky. 20–30 bright blue, red, orange, and green ligh 7/12/1983 #36909  
 on again, and the UFO switches on bright lights and moves off behind the m 7/12/1983 #36909  
lbourne, Victoria, when they see a bright, stationary light over the center 7/22/1983 #36921  
robe, Pennsylvania, when he sees a bright light outside his bathroom window 7/25/1983 #36925  
IN 1 / I225. House-sized extremely bright silent metallic dome maneuvers. S 8/9/1983 #36937  
         At 8:45 p.m. an extremely bright metallic dome-shaped object maneu 8/9/1983 #36941  
stopped at a scenic overlook saw a bright pulsating light. As it neared he  8/13/1983 #36950  
             OFF SIZEWELL, SUFFOLK Bright green blob / light hovers and sub 10/15/1983 #37006  
. It was described as silent, very bright, with five lights by the two witn 10/17/1983 #37010  
amond-shaped object, red in front, bright green in the rear, hovers low ove 10/26/1983 #37021  
 illuminated rotating dome that is bright enough to reflect off the low clo 10/28/1983 #37027  
mall disc-shaped object with eight bright green lights descended from the s 12/27/1983 #37084  
Port Washington, Wisconsin, when a bright light shines through the bedroom  1/3/1984 #37105  
ake Michigan. The center light, as bright as a searchlight, rotates north,  1/3/1984 #37105  
slightly to the right of the road. Bright lights are evenly spaced around t 1/8/1984 #37113  
zled by the flight of a mysterious bright sphere followed by seven small li 1/13/1984 #37129  
 at 43,000 feet, observed a blurry bright red object about the size of a DC 1/22/1984 #37140  
ar, car out-of-control into ditch, bright light, 75 minutes missing time.   1/26/1984 #37153  
. At 6:50 a.m., the husband sees a bright object ascend from the same ridge 1/28/1984 #37162  
king on an oil platform observed a bright orange object descending from the 1/30/1984 #37165  
bject came to an instant stop. The bright orange glow faded and the crew ob 1/30/1984 #37165  
the crew observed an object with a bright chrome dome-shaped top and dozens 1/30/1984 #37165  
iles west of Miami, Florida, see a bright orange object descending at a hig 1/30/1984 #37166  
d and went to the window and saw a bright white circular object with a hump 2/7/1984 #37179  
nd finds his room illuminated by a bright light. He goes to the window and  2/7/1984 #37180  
. He goes to the window and sees a bright circular object with a hump on to 2/7/1984 #37180  
 morning in Atco, New Jersey and a bright light illuminated the bedroom. Ou 2/7/1984 #37181  
illuminated the bedroom. Outside a bright white 10-foot wide circular UFO w 2/7/1984 #37181  
IONTOWN, PA Several observer(s). 2 bright night lights zigzag east going qu 2/9/1984 #37183  
vering above a field. Each has two bright lights in the top center and a ro 3/21/1984 #37237  
ey in Boulaur, Gers, France, see a bright oval object about 16 feet long an 3/24/1984 #37240  
n Santa Monica, California, sees a bright red ball of light, about 10 inche 3/25/1984 #37244  
an altitude of 50 feet. It has two bright lights and is silent.             3/28/1984 #37246  
 boat. The object shines a cone of bright white light onto the surface of t 4/13/1984 #37260  
urned red with illumination, and a bright red disc-shaped object hovered on 5/6/1984 #37323  
red and looking up, the boy sees a bright red circular object that hovers f 5/6/1984 #37324  
urned red with illumination, and a bright red disc-shaped object hovered on 5/6/1984 #37325  
 VA A very luminous object shone a bright light into the window of a mobile 6/4/1984 #37351  
984 a very luminous object shone a bright light into the window of a mobile 6/4/1984 #37352  
chanan, New York, watch 10 or more bright lights arranged in a boomerang pa 6/14/1984 #37361  
 shiny, metallic surface. It emits bright, irregular flashes of light. In t Mid 6/1984 #37364  
r disc Globa saw numerous shining, bright bead-like lights. The seaman's at 6/15/1984 #37365  
ipe. It glowed with an unnaturally bright rosy color, like a neon lamp. The 6/15/1984 #37365  
nd. A green-metallic object with a bright cupola 8 feet tall approaches, br Summer 1984 #37369  
 in The Orkney Islands, Scotland A bright circle trailing a red tail and fl 6/25/1984 #37379  
                                 A bright circle trailing a red tail and fl 6/25/1984 #37381  
as driving, was the first to see a bright yellowish-orange light. Suddenly  7/15/1984 #37399  
as driving, was the first to see a bright yellowish-orange light. Suddenly  7/15/1984 #37401  
 light disappears and an extremely bright white light approaches and floods 10/9/1984 #37484  
       Several hundred witnessed a bright ovoid object fly east over Imperi 12/5/1984 #37517  
ical in shape and has an extremely bright spot in the center, with three ho 6/11/1985 #37598  
ical in shape and had an extremely bright spot in the center, with three ho 6/11/1985 #37599  
e approaches, he sees it is a huge bright light that switches off as he get 7/1985 #37613  
 and pilots / planes see and photo bright cylinder/cigar-shape. RADAR says  9/5/1985 #37654  
pilots saw and then photographed a bright, cigar-shaped UFO over Sydney, Ne 9/5/1985 #37655  
second object paced alongside car, bright illumination of area (section IX) 9/15/1985 #37662  
Second object paced alongside car, bright illumination of area              9/15/1985 #37663  
 in the sky about 100 feet away. A bright light appears at each point of th Autumn 1985 #37665  
, Latvia, when the crew observes a bright dot in the sky emanating concentr 10/1985 #37670  
ok him inside the UFO. it was very bright inside the craft and he saw two m 1/15/1986 #37765  
ACH, FL Several observer(s). Large bright golden delta/triangle/box-like cr 1/28/1986 #37772  
mped up-and-down six times. A very bright light, like flames from a welding 1/29/1986 #37776  
SLEV, DK 2 / car. Silent extremely bright ovoid goes north and south / 60M  2/4/1986 #37778  
d a dark triangular UFO with three bright lights, hovering over some trees  2/8/1986 #37784  
lot of his Vickers VC10 observes a bright red flash in the sky. Charles doe 2/26/1986 #37789  
 a humming sound and has intensely bright lights, mostly white but also red 3/26/1986 #37811  
        KREMMLING, CO Cops and 20. Bright delta/triangle/box-like crafts ov 4/20/1986 #37825  
    FARMINGTON, MO AND AREA Ring / bright lights rotates in passing. No str 4/22/1986 #37831  
 slowly descends while radiating a bright light that illuminates the trees. 4/22/1986 #37833  
le witness reported seeing ring of bright lights rotating while it passed h 4/22/1986 #37836  
       NIPOMO, CA 2 observer(s). 4 bright night lights circle / high altitu 4/26/1986 #37840  
tor at the height of the fire. Two bright rays shoot out from the object, d 4/26/1986 #37844  
AZARETH, PA 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright white night lights hang / 7 minut 4/30/1986 #37849  
 of 8500 ft. at 4 p.m. when a very bright UFO was seen approaching head-on  5/11/1986 #37861  
NEAR CAMP VERDE, AZ 2 observer(s). Bright saucer passes light plane / 1200m 5/11/1986 #37862  
anion, Alcir Pereira da Silva, saw bright red-orange UFOs, not at all like  5/19/1986 #37874  
les of an UFO, visible to him as a bright light changing from white to gree 5/19/1986 #37874  
ntified targets. They look and see bright red or red-orange lights “not at  5/19/1986 #37880  
the pattern and turned to follow a bright red-orange light that seemed to d 5/19/1986 #37882  
s and saw a very strong, intensely bright light, continuously changing colo 5/19/1986 #37882  
m southwest to northeast, about as bright as Venus, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylv 6/26/1986 #37924  
4+separate Patrolman / US93. Large bright orange object on hill. Rises and  7/10/1986 #37935  
 IL 1 observer. Shiny object turns bright white. Large and silent. Below cl 7/19/1986 #37948  
at 8:10 p.m. a shiny object turned bright white as it flew silently below t 7/19/1986 #37949  
            SEBASTIAN, FL 1 / car. Bright yellow night light over house. Sh 7/25/1986 #37953  
URGEON BAY, WI 1 observer. Vibrant bright night light going up and down [to 7/29/1986 #37956  
              At 11:50 p.m. a very bright nocturnal light was reported over 7/29/1986 #37957  
               At 9:00 p.m. a huge bright light came at a lady in a pickup  7/31/1986 #37962  
MOUNTAIN HOME, AR 2 observer(s). 2 bright balls going quickly [to] over N.  8/1986 (approximate) #37963  
rs / 4 minute(s). At times vibrant bright. 1 mile altitude. Going quickly N 8/1/1986 #37965  
ing [to] overhead / 120M altitude. Bright lights / front.                   8/11/1986 #37977  
 feet altitude at 4:30 a.m. It had bright lights in the front.              8/11/1986 #37979  
 wood outside town when they see a bright light descend. It soon becomes a  8/15/1986 #37992  
tle and dogs barking, and sees two bright lights. The objects descend and r 8/31/1986 #38005  
UNNAMURRA, WEST AUSTRALIA 3 / car. Bright round object paces car / 40km. Go 9/1986 #38006  
vening at 7:30 p.m. four extremely bright red lights in a tight rectangular 9/6/1986 #38017  
     SCOTTSDALE, PA 2 observer(s). Bright orange vertical football flutters 9/8/1986 #38021  
      SCOTTDALE, PA 2 observer(s). Bright white object beams light going do 9/9/1986 #38022  
    MIAMISBURG, OH 1 observer. Big bright round object / perfect vertical d 9/14/1986 #38028  
          Edmonton, Queensland, AU Bright blue-green oval paced ahead of ca 10/20/1986 #38051  
nd at 5:11 p.m. the pilots noticed bright lights 30 degrees to the left and 11/17/1986 #38068  
tered lighted maneuvering objects. bright illumination, heat, radar-visual, 11/17/1986 #38071  
int, the large object casts such a bright light that it illuminates the coc 11/17/1986 #38072  
es, Jim Begg and Tom Murphy, saw a bright orange moving light over Armadale 12/23/1986 #38086  
       BLENHEIM, NZ 2 observer(s). Bright amber night light / 40K' altitude 12/28/1986 #38088  
     WASHINGTON, PA 2 observer(s). Bright gold delta/triangle/box-like craf 1/6/1987 #38093  
            ARNOLD, PA 1 observer. Bright ovoid over homes. Glows red and b 1/21/1987 #38100  
cer / 50' altitude / 30 minute(s). Bright white light. Dogs frantic. / r237 2/6/1987 #38112  
n. He sees an object nearby with a bright white directional light aimed at  2/6/1987 #38113  
is house when suddenly he saw five bright flashes of light. He looked in th 3/7/1987 #38134  
ooked in their direction and saw a bright ball of light. It landed between  3/7/1987 #38134  
he dome is projecting an intensely bright orange light that creates shootin 3/23/1987 #38152  
 that she had ever seen. It was so bright that she could only look for a sh 3/23/1987 #38153  
 Italy at 9:45 p.m. when she saw a bright white light encased in what appea 8/2/1987 #38226  
tness before disappearing into the bright spherical white light. The light  8/2/1987 #38226  
ht surriounds the perimeter, and a bright white light is seen inside. The o 8/11/1987 #38241  
h, South Australia reported that a bright green ball of light traveled para 8/11/1987 #38242  
 / light spins / hazy spiral glow. Bright point / center. Northwest going q 8/27/1987 #38257  
, observe a triangular object with bright white lights at each point and re 9/1987 #38270  
Corydon, Indiana when he noticed a bright blue light behind him. Within sec 9/24/1987 #38294  
en) lights on the rim. There was a bright blue light in the center of the b 9/24/1987 #38294  
their vehicles stopped as a large, bright aircraft flew over and passed sil Mid 10/1987 #38305  
             RATVIK, SWD 2 vibrant bright moon-size orbs with coronas make  1/2/1988 #38386  
 HUMBERSIDE 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright lights pace car / miles. Shoot st 1/3/1988 #38388  
                         Some very bright lights in the sky paced a car for 1/3/1988 #38390  
WAKEFIELD, WEST YORKS Family. Slow bright green ball / light blows steam. F 1/4/1988 #38398  
toria, by car, when they observe a bright, egg-shaped object ahead of them  1/20/1988 #38422  
ad of the Knowles’s car; he sees a bright light in his rearview mirror for  1/20/1988 #38422  
ng the tires to pop. The UFO had a bright yellow light in the center and lo 1/20/1988 #38423  
0 feet above her car. It had three bright white headlights on the side faci 1/31/1988 #38436  
ers and his wife witnessed a small bright orange ring in the sky. Mr. Walte 2/8/1988 #38445  
., a witness and two friends saw a bright light in the valley, so they went 3/1/1988 #38479  
 lights along the bottom edge. 5–6 bright triangular lights detach from the 3/4/1988 #38487  
ar Highway, Tasmania Motorists saw bright light ahead, engine lost power, r 3/23/1988 #38519  
ar Highway, Tasmania Motorists saw bright light ahead, engine lost power, r 3/23/1988 #38520  
is wife and floated them towards a bright light. They were taken in front o 5/21/1988 #38574  
arge hovering object that glowed a bright blue from its bottom. It hovered  5/21/1988 #38574  
Y AIRPORT/APARTMENT, LEICS Vibrant bright night light hovers / field. Shoot 6/20/1988 (approximate) #38587  
t-speed. 4000M altitude. Intensely bright.                                  7/25/1988 #38608  
risville, Michigan when he noticed bright lights coming toward him. It turn 8/23/1988 #38621  
ze triangle hovers / 20 minute(s). Bright. No further details.              9/4/1988 #38632  
 NIKOLAEVSKY-NA-AMURE, RUSSIA Flat bright disk / 400M altitude curves betwe 9/15/1988 #38639  
 observer(s). Ring / light. West / bright object / center. Ring dissipates. 9/25/1988 #38647  
in Atherton, Indiana saw intensely bright lights approach their car and mov 9/28/1988 #38655  
TINEHAMN, SWD Many windows rattle. Bright red object with lights hovers ove 9/30/1988 #38657  
ILLA, WEST AUSTR Bus driver and 7. Bright night lights paces bus. Report ri 10/1988 #38659  
estern Australia said that several bright nocturnal lights paced their bus  10/10/1988 #38668  
                KOPORIE, LENINGRAD Bright red triangle, 1/2 moons apparent  10/20/1988 #38679  
on 23 October 1988, and they saw a bright boomerang shaped UAP, and later t 10/23/1988 #38683  
oomerang shaped UAP, and later two bright lights on a canyon wall near the  10/23/1988 #38683  
exam. The light in the room was so bright he could not see his surroundings 10/24/1988 #38687  
home in Maylene, Alabama spotted a bright light "new to the area;" she beca 11/9/1988 #38709  
 in the sky ahead of him. It is so bright he can hardly see as he drives do 12/4/1988 #38743  
 Indianapolis when he saw a silent bright light approach, zig-zag, move awa 12/4/1988 #38744  
er(s). Silent 135m triangle with 6 bright lights 300m over road / 40 second 1/13/1989 #38781  
3 saucers all over farm / 2 hours. Bright colors. Go. 2 return.             1/18/1989 #38783  
g whale". DWG looks like windsock. Bright light.                            1/22/1989 #38790  
at were accompanied by 4-5 smaller bright objects were seen by dozens over  1/24/1989 #38800  
x, England. Its color changes from bright to dull white before it shoots to 1/28/1989 #38804  
 RAVENNA, MI Multiple observer(s). Bright fireball paces car / treetop leve 2/3/1989 #38816  
             PERM, NOVOSIB, RUSSIA Bright disk / sky. Beam / light has 2 fi 2/6/1989 #38817  
ight a woman in Perm, Russia saw a bright disc-shaped object hovering over  2/6/1989 #38818  
E, AL Banana-UFO. Silent and slow. Bright lights. Maneuvers. Makes 90° turn 2/10/1989 #38828  
             POWAY, CA 1 observer. Bright fireball drops straight going dow 2/21/1989 #38845  
e observer(s) and 40 police calls. Bright round object bigger / house. Vani 2/24/1989 #38848  
he encounter, and the tape shows a bright light apparently maneuvering. Whe 3/22/1989 #38878  
server(s) / separate houses waken. Bright disk outside. Beams. Both have mi 4/5/1989 #38890  
as semi-transparent, and it wore a bright green neon belt and a green ring. 4/12/1989 #38902  
        SEVILLE, OH 1 observer. 4' bright gold octagon going down / yard. M 4/24/1989 #38922  
ping in his camper by an extremely bright white light that illuminated the  5/10/1989 #38942  
antsevo, Vologda, Russia watched a bright sphere descend and land. It rolle 6/6/1989 #38982  
ed a strange squeaking sound and a bright light in their direction which ca 6/20/1989 #38991  
he object is flashing an intensely bright light from its underside. It hove 7/28/1989 #39035  
to circular. The upper surface was bright, while the lower surface was shad 8/10/1989 #39054  
 huge, eight-foot-tall figure with bright slanted eyes. The being appeared  8/10/1989 #39055  
ights in the sky at 10:40 p.m., as bright as stadium lights, that formed a  8/10/1989 #39056  
                                 A bright white light paced a car driving o 9/17/1989 #39111  
ameter and had a flat bottom and a bright yellow-white light shining at bot 9/27/1989 #39125  
veral kilometers. It projects four bright lights, some downward, others par 10/1989 #39138  
, VCT, AUS Cars chased / extremely bright police-light. Continues going eas 10/5/1989 (approximate) #39144  
ia, Australia by a cluster of very bright lights. The UFO continued to the  10/5/1989 #39146  
ing near Tyndall, Manitoba, sees a bright light flash upward out of sight i 10/6/1989 #39147  
g her, in the center of which is a bright point. She tries to push it away  10/11/1989 #39161  
the teachers says the object has a bright flashing light on top and a red l 10/11/1989 #39162  
loating silently upwards towards a bright object overhead. She found hersel 11/6/1989 #39216  
a neighbor is also awakened by the bright light and observes four blue obje 11/20/1989 #39241  
s by power station/depot/facility. Bright lights come on.                   11/30/1989 #39280  
ed near power substation, then its bright lights came on.                   11/30/1989 #39286  
 AMAND-LES-EAUX, FR 3 observer(s). Bright orange saucer with flat edges hov 12/24/1989 #39329  
    BEAUVOIS-EN-CAMBRESIS, FR Huge bright red blimp slow and silent leaves  12/24/1989 #39330  
 a vacuum, and he saw an extremely bright light envelope him and a lattice- 12/31/1989 #39345  
 CRAWFORDSVILLE, IN 2 observer(s). Bright silent orange night light circles 1/6/1990 #39366  
  In 1990 a super large craft with bright blue lights around its perimeter  1/28/1990 #39393  
        MIDLOTHIAN, VA 1 observer. Bright silver saucer / falling leaf moti 2/2/1990 #39407  
, Czechoslovakia. It emitted three bright oval-shaped beams of light from a 2/7/1990 #39414  
         KORBACH, GERM 1 observer. Bright glowing-ball appears. Voice = "ha 2/18/1990 #39421  
t began to glow with an incredibly bright light for 20 to 30 seconds. After 2/18/1990 #39422  
VILLE, IN 1 observer. Gust / wind. Bright silver saucer over trees / sway.  2/22/1990 #39427  
Henryville, Indiana and then saw a bright silver disc-shaped object with li 2/22/1990 #39429  
all. Two or three of the craft are bright, pulsing, ellipsoid objects. He t 2/28/1990 #39432  
oms, stopped, hovered, and flashed bright white lights (section VI). (NICAP 3/4/1990 #39445  
d booms, stopped, hovered, flashed bright white lights                      3/4/1990 #39446  
rea. Witnesses in Khabarovsk watch bright red spheres flying in complete si 3/21/1990 #39475  
s tall, massively built, and had a bright circle of light on its chest from 3/24/1990 #39485  
e of light on its chest from which bright beams of light emanated. It walke 3/24/1990 #39485  
             Kokomo, IN Blindingly bright oval object approached car, passe 3/27/1990 #39488  
             Kokomo, IN Blindingly bright oval object approached car, passe 3/27/1990 #39489  
e scrambles were misperceptions of bright stars and planets. The other cont 3/30/1990 #39499  
ghts on the UFO, which seemed very bright to the observers, are barely disc 3/31/1990 #39503  
 hours all three witnesses watch a bright light continue to ascend slowly.  4/5/1990 #39511  
 Breeze Night. Two witnesses see a bright red light hovering above Little S 4/12/1990 #39522  
ania at 10:30 p.m. first saw three bright lights ahead. They heard a "click 4/17/1990 #39532  
        ST. SAULVE, FR 1 observer. Bright red triangle crosses sky / 20 sec 5/1/1990 #39546  
al illuminated object topped by a “bright white mushroom cone” floating abo 5/4/1990 #39556  
nidentified flying object direct a bright fan of light down on the slopes o 5/7/1990 #39564  
omed saucer hovers 15m over house. Bright windows. Going southwest.         5/30/1990 #39599  
 as about 30 feet in diameter with bright white windows around its circumfe 5/30/1990 #39600  
AR AIRPORT, CA Triangle shines 2-3 bright lights / ground. Hums. Hovers. Sh 6/1990 #39603  
aymart, Pennsylvania a woman saw a bright light in the sky while driving ho 6/7/1990 #39609  
saucer. Portholes beneath. Vibrant bright. Follows creek and road. Observer 6/23/1990 #39622  
tholes on the bottom portion, very bright, followed the course of a creek i 6/23/1990 #39623  
server(s). Wooshing sound. Vibrant bright light through curtains. No UFO se 6/27/1990 #39627  
 bed at 2:00 a.m. when she noticed bright flashing lights over her backyard 7/18/1990 #39649  
h many colored lights around it. A bright beam of pinkish-white light is co 7/19/1990 #39651  
manoids, with large heads and huge bright eyes, walked in front of parked c 8/31/1990 #39708  
           MURMANSK Russian RADAR. Bright craft from Barents Sea going quic 9/2/1990 #39714  
ng black triangle giving off three bright rays pass directly overhead at no 9/13/1990 #39729  
oor on the upper level of house. A bright yellow beam, surrounded in a gree 9/13/1990 #39730  
tly, and seemed to be encased in a bright halo of light. She became concern 9/13/1990 #39731  
OC TREDUDON, FR Several cars stop. Bright white dome with red portholes at  9/28/1990 #39750  
m. several cars stopped to watch a bright white, dome-shaped object with re 9/28/1990 #39753  
 aircraft, typically observed as a bright, pulsating light, moving much fas 10/1/1990 #39756  
r(s). 3 red balls / light. Vibrant bright but 35 mm photographs show nothin 10/7/1990 #39763  
and, when she sees two motionless, bright white lights ahead of them to the 10/14/1990 #39785  
 later, he and his men see several bright objects maneuvering in an extraor Late 1990 #39786  
 a nearby hill. It consists of two bright headlights directed at her. A sma 10/23/1990 #39806  
7, see an unusual object with very bright lights in Pepinster, Belgium. The 10/23/1990 #39807  
displaying on its lower part three bright white lights in the form of a tri 10/23/1990 #39807  
              At 1:15 a.m. a huge, bright orange ball with the top third cu 10/29/1990 #39816  
disappear. Later the witness saw a bright light zigzagging over the forest. 10/31/1990 #39822  
, FR Big slow meteor stops! Shines bright beam going down / factory. Night  11/5/1990 #39842  
 a group of 15–20 spheres emitting bright trails.                           11/5/1990 #39870  
nspector in Hendale, England saw a bright light split into a number of blue 11/24/1990 #39905  
CA Delta maneuvers / northern sky. Bright light / each corner. 1 observer / 11/25/1990 #39909  
ultitude of white lights that are “bright as diamonds.” Stretching from the 12/9/1990 #39927  
idth. As he stared at the object a bright beam of light struck him. His nex 1/26/1991 #39966  
 Overflies NYC repeatedly. Vibrant bright. / meteor.                        3/6/1991 #39994  
 Brasilia airport 7:00–9:00 p.m. A bright, oval-shaped object that changes  4/11/1991 #40034  
io Grande do Norte, Brazil, when a bright light approaches and stops right  5/12/1991 #40057  
s. They described him as short and bright green in color. He had an oval he 5/15/1991 #40064  
 few minutes later, Escobar sees a bright, blue-white light approaching on  6/8/1991 #40092  
arks straight toward him. It is so bright that it causes pain in his eyes a 6/16/1991 #40099  
e 20th century, they also notice a bright object hovering in the sky. Video 7/11/1991 #40119  
ains in west central Romania see a bright red light approaching them from b 8/4/1991 #40142  
        POCKLINGTON, HUMBERSD Huge bright sphere/orb/globe goes over house. 8/9/1991 #40145  
TROWELL, NOTTS Night light becomes bright haze. Goes over houses. Lights sh 10/1991 #40200  
, MO Classic saucer over treetops. Bright windows all around. Slow then up  11/8/1991 #40222  
labama on this night when he saw a bright light in the trees about 150 yard 11/9/1991 #40224  
light. The cloud was following the bright light and they both flew over the 11/9/1991 #40224  
der hypnosis, he recalled that the bright light had really been a saucer-sh 11/9/1991 #40224  
arm in Laboulaye, Argentina when a bright light outside caught their attent 12/1/1991 #40251  
he figure was of normal height and bright green in color. The farmer walked 12/4/1991 #40254  
Wiltshire, England, when he sees a bright glow approaching from the opposit 1992 #40272  
D CITY, SD 3 / car stop. Extremely bright 100' phony plane drifts west goin 2/9/1992 #40326  
           HENRI-CHAPELLE, BELGIUM Bright delta/triangle/box-like craft pee 2/11/1992 #40327  
  Pacific Northwest, OR 12:15 A.M. Bright green fireball meteor, wavered, s 2/24/1992 #40334  
ireball meteor, wavered, split up, bright illumination, sonic boom. (NICAP: 2/24/1992 #40334  
ific Northwest (Oregon) 12:15 A.M. Bright green fireball meteor, wavered, s 2/24/1992 #40335  
ireball meteor, wavered, split up, bright illumination, sonic boom.         2/24/1992 #40335  
arriving at the site, Brown sees a bright white light moving erratically th 3/1992 #40343  
          US40 WITH PLAINFIELD, IN Bright white delta/triangle/box-like cra 3/3/1992 #40346  
was jolted awake at 2:30 a.m. by a bright blue, glaring light. Through the  3/4/1992 #40354  
scending at high speed. Suddenly a bright light enveloped both men and Pedr 3/5/1992 #40359  
itoba a group of children saw some bright lights floating near some snow ba 3/6/1992 #40363  
ke that of a train on idle. Then a bright light hurt their eyes. Fifteen me 3/9/1992 #40367  
red in the sky, responding to very bright searchlight signals. Four red bal 3/14/1992 #40381  
ls. Four red balls of light turned bright white, then disappeared.          3/14/1992 #40381  
front of his car and then shines a bright white light into the interior. He 3/20/1992 #40394  
. Wingfield and more/others. Large bright saucer and 7 small objects / 30K' 4/13/1992 #40415  
                                 A bright blue, domed disc-shaped UFO emerg 4/15/1992 #40418  
topped briefly, changed color from bright blue to bright red, then accelera 4/15/1992 #40418  
 changed color from bright blue to bright red, then accelerated rapidly awa 4/15/1992 #40418  
                      GRAULHET, FR Bright orange night light hovers / high  5/3/1992 #40446  
, 14-year-old Robbie saw a line of bright lights that hung over a slight ri 5/3/1992 #40449  
 hovers. Windows / bottom. Vibrant bright beams. Vanishes. Jets chase.      5/5/1992 #40452  
int, North Carolina, emitting very bright beams of light. It vanished when  5/5/1992 #40453  
 or larger disc-shaped object with bright lights crossed the sky over the b 5/7/1992 #40458  
GHWAY NORTH / BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND Bright light shaped like inverted plate  5/8/1992 #40459  
disc-shaped object, described as a bright, stationary inverted plate with a 5/8/1992 #40460  
 man reported that an unidentified bright light followed him and his girlfr 6/14/1992 #40494  
      IGUAPE, CEARA, BRZ 3 / boat. Bright UFO just over sea sucks up wide c 7/17/1992 #40521  
                    At 6:30 p.m. a bright UFO was sighted hovering just abo 7/17/1992 #40524  
m Cascavel, Brazil reported that a bright ball of light followed his car fo 7/17/1992 #40524  
                           A large bright sphere hovered over a constructio 8/11/1992 #40566  
 above a nearby farmhouse. Again a bright light comes from its base, engulf 8/19/1992 #40583  
f an olive tree and suspended on a bright glowing "cloud" 25 cm above the g 9/24/1992 #40639  
out stargazing when they spotted a bright, light yellow glowing cone-shaped 9/30/1992 #40651  
r / 5 minute(s). Shape unknown-too bright. Common here.                     10/1/1992 #40658  
s 5 observer(s) to town. Extremely bright. Lights area. Pain and insomnia a 10/4/1992 #40661  
had three rectangular 20 foot long bright pink lights along the side. There 10/10/1992 #40673  
uge. = transparent ball. Extremely bright.                                  10/20/1992 #40684  
pid City, South Dakota. A group of bright white lights suddenly appears in  10/27/1992 #40694  
                      WOODBURN, OR Bright silent night light / forest. Very 10/28/1992? #40695  
urns near Săpoca. Drăgoi also sees bright objects crossing overhead from ea 11/1992 #40700  
oked out the window she observed a bright shining, flat cylindrical craft s 11/9/1992 #40707  
                SOUTH / BLAINE, WA Bright 20' rectangle low over Birch bay. 11/13/1992 #40709  
XERAMOBIM, BRZ 10 farmers. Vibrant bright UFO over dam. Heats water? Leaves 11/25/1992 #40729  
delta/triangle/box-like craft with bright beams going [to] over cars. Going 12/24/1992 #40766  
 silent, boomerang-shaped UFO with bright beams of light pass over cars in  12/24/1992 #40767  
 silent, boomerang shaped UFO with bright beams of light pass over cars in  12/24/1992 #40768  
ear Monarch, Montana, they watch a bright light in the sky for about 5 minu 1/1993 #40782  
oud humming sound in the house and bright lights. Then he saw a white human 1/20/1993 #40804  
  WILLIAMS LAKE, BC Silent vibrant bright light beams 600' to house. Broken 1/29/1993 #40818  
side. Two police officers had seen bright beams of lights in the vicinity e 2/1/1993 #40830  
oves away but returns with another bright blue light below it.              2/4/1993 #40838  
d grows spokes which retract. Also bright flashes 20 Feb. '93.              2/10/1993 #40848  
  HOLBAEK, DK 2 observer(s) follow bright silent night light / saucer. Mane 2/21/1993 #40856  
     WEST SALEM, WI 6 observer(s). Bright light / cross pattern as night li 3/3/1993 #40875  
LA CROSSE, WI Oblong saucer shines bright lights going down / cemetery and  3/15/1993 #40883  
proach. It was a large object with bright square-shaped light panels that g 3/16/1993 #40886  
. It transformed into two or three bright orbs of light, and as it passed o 3/16/1993 #40886  
when he was suddenly awakened by a bright blue light that entered his room  3/20/1993 #40895  
 object. The object was covered in bright white flashing lights. Jets soon  3/26/1993 #40902  
        MABLETHORPE, LINCS Vibrant bright 1' glowing ovoid outside window / 4/16/1993 #40935  
the house at 2:30 a.m. It was very bright, and some psychic effects resulte 4/16/1993 #40937  
 to be around 30+ mph. There was a bright light on front when last seen. It 4/17/1993 #40941  
                 TOTTENHAM, LONDON Bright classic domed saucer. Video taken 5/1993 #40962  
Argentina four witnesses noticed a bright light floating very close to the  5/28/1993 #40993  
xt saw an eight-foot tall giant in bright coveralls. She thought it might b 5/30/1993 #40997  
                  CHILDERSBURG, AL Bright ball and antennas / 5 nights. Now 6/4/1993 #41004  
ectangle glides just over homes. 2 bright lights / 1 side.                  6/7/1993? #41006  
n, Vermont at 9:15 p.m. It had two bright lights on one side.               6/7/1993 #41007  
gle/box-like craft / 30M altitude. Bright white light / front and red / und 6/8/1993 #41009  
ut a window at 10:35 p.m. to see a bright light land on a nearby hill. Soon 6/18/1993 #41022  
CORBEIL-ESSONES, FR 2 observer(s). Bright yellow star immobile. Then jumps  7/11/1993 #41057  
 UFO hovers overhead near roadway. Bright light. Seen / man returning from  7/23/1993 #41078  
g close to the ground. It had four bright lights on its top and multicolore 7/26/1993 #41090  
 The figure then disappeared and a bright white sphere appeared and followe 7/31/1993 #41095  
aucer rotates / one hour. 2 rows / bright spots. Going quickly north.       8/5/1993 #41105  
meter ahead they encounter another bright light. Her husband continues driv 8/8/1993 #41117  
 observer(s). 80' saucer with many bright lights. No blimp. / r147'93.      8/18/1993 #41143  
As the object turned she saw three bright lights below. Nearby a normally p 8/18/1993 #41144  
            CANTERBURY, KENT Large bright cylinder/cigar-shape. Shines ligh 9/20/1993 #41204  
 Canterbury, Kent, England a large bright cigar-shaped object engaged in ae 9/20/1993 #41205  
          KENNINGTON, KENT Vibrant bright fireball radiates beams / light.  10/11/1993 #41230  
   NICE, FR Cops and many. Vibrant bright disk makes irregular jumps left a 11/10/1993 #41269  
Many separate observer(s). Vibrant bright silent 8cm sphere/orb/globe / 50' 11/17/1993 #41280  
         SEDBERGH, CUMBRIA Vibrant bright diamond-UFO flies Up. Hovers. Sho 11/26/1993 #41303  
of the highway when they noticed a bright red star-like light moving slowly 11/29/1993 #41309  
behind they saw a fast approaching bright reddish-white light. The UFO quic 11/29/1993 #41309  
 body was dark but its eyes were a bright yellow color. At this point the d 11/29/1993 #41309  
level. Close / backyard. Extremely bright. Lights hill.                     12/6/1993 #41326  
silent, light bulb shaped UFO with bright lights and a flat bottom, flew ov 12/31/1993 #41338  
ar-shape leaves (something behind) bright green trail. Going quickly [to] b 1/20/1994 #41379  
e overhead. Absolute(ly) silent. 5 bright lights. Back / 01 Feb. 9. / r147. 1/21/1994 #41380  
                        ODENSE, DK Bright phony moon going west / overcast  1/28/1994 #41385  
 RAF, NORFOLK 1 civil observer(s). Bright white night light hovers over air 2/2/1994 #41399  
BARKING, LONDON, ENG Many calls. 4 bright white night lights circle / 60' a 2/21/1994 #41423  
ru) binoculars / one hour. Vibrant bright multicolor object shoots going up 3/5/1994 #41439  
ONT-EN-BRESSE, FR 2 / car. Vibrant bright delta/triangle/box-like craft wit 3/20/1994 #41462  
EICS Several observer(s). UFO west bright lights circles hovers / low altit 4/10/1994 #41487  
ct with square windows. It shone a bright light at the observer from 100 me 4/27/1994 #41507  
 NOOSA, QLD, AUSTRALIA 1 observer. Bright light beams 2 red shafts going do 5/7/1994 #41514  
Alloa, Scotland. The object was a "bright white light with a big hole in th 5/15/1994 #41527  
               At 9:30 p.m. a huge bright light with lots of little lights, 5/17/1994 #41528  
         YANDINA, QLD, AUSTRALIA 2 bright objects bounce around / low altit 5/24/1994 #41536  
ver(s). 2 minute(s) video. Vibrant bright white oval night light / erratic  6/10/1994 (approximate) #41563  
, Seine-et-Marne, France, notice a bright set of lights in the sky. They dr 6/24/1994 #41581  
         VANLOSE, DK 1 observer. 2 bright ORBs going down [to] by Damhus La 6/27/1994 #41587  
heat field became lit up by a very bright light. Traian Crisan, a 48-year-o 6/27/1994 #41588  
NAMIB DESERT, NAMIBIA Prof. and 3. Bright night light follows rough land co 6/28/1994 #41591  
ward the west. Ten minutes later a bright illumination was seen ahead of tw 7/16/1994 #41627  
RINGS, SD 2 observer(s). 2 vibrant bright silent stars hover. Vanish when j 7/21/1994 #41633  
AR BLUBBERHOUSES, NORTH YORKS Fast bright silver 50cm disk sheds sparks goi 7/23/1994 #41635  
AR STONEHENGE, WILTS Truck driver. Bright green rounded triangle hovers ove 8/18/1994 #41679  
beam going down. Silent UFO with 3 bright lights. Back 28 Aug. '94.         8/27/1994 #41691  
 approximately 30 feet long with a bright head light and tail light, and re 8/28/1994 #41698  
strobe light on top of the dome. A bright red light on the bottom flashes 3 8/31/1994 #41707  
  TAUNTON, SOMERSET 3 observer(s). Bright bowl hovers over road. Lights / e 9/8/1994 #41725  
e orange-red lights with trails, a bright link with a dark center and 14 li 9/14/1994 #41749  
erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Bright object with colored lights rotate 9/19/1994 #41762  
 A 22-year-old man awoke to find a bright light shining in his face and sev 9/20/1994 #41765  
              CANVEY ISLAND, ESSEX Bright colored ovoid hovers over island. 10/3/1994 #41781  
      A police officer watched two bright lights descend into a cornfield n 10/8/1994 #41796  
 WALLACE, WV 1 observer. Extremely bright silent object circles car / low a 10/22/1994 #41808  
50' altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Bright beams. / LDLN#330.                10/24/1994 #41810  
y house. Scrape-noise / tile roof. Bright beam going down / patio.          11/14/1994 #41846  
nd object hovers / clouds. Vibrant bright. Still in wind.                   11/14/1994 #41847  
      NEAR TALLMANSVILLE, WV Farm. Bright night light hovers. Moves. Hovers 11/18/1994? #41855  
-LES-ARBOIS, FR 1 / car. 2 vibrant bright triangular night lights / points  11/23/1994 #41862  
nd going up [to] repeatedly. Grows bright green band / center.              11/26/1994 #41866  
            MCCALL, ID 2 wakened / bright light. Separate observer(s) see b 12/5/1994 #41881  
ington. To the east she sees three bright yellow lights that appear to be s 12/29/1994 #41910  
ects, each with stubby wings and a bright light on the nose. They move slow 12/29/1994 #41910  
HT, AK Pilot and several / ground. Bright lights / 4 hours. 1 passes plane. 1/1/1995 #41929  
, goblin-like creature with large, bright oval-shaped eyes. It crossed the  1/2/1995 #41939  
ENG Ba 747 with 60 aboard buzzed / bright triangle. Veers away. / r226#31.  1/6/1995 #41954  
ssengers when they are buzzed by a bright wedge-shaped object as they are p 1/6/1995 #41956  
 passengers aboard was buzzed by a bright wedge-shaped object as it flew ov 1/6/1995 #41957  
ckwards. Small lights / Lead.edge. Bright corners. 3 military jets chase.   1/27/1995 #41998  
lian or lizard-like humanoids with bright red eyes standing outside her bed 1/30/1995 #42002  
ILLEFRANCHE-SUR-SAONE, FR 2 / car. Bright "star" hovers over town. Shoots a 1/31/1995 #42005  
WA Several separate observer(s). 3 bright green and white lights east / I5. 2/9/1995 #42030  
Woman / 80 2 nights / row. Vibrant bright pear-shaped fireball over trees.  2/11/1995 #42034  
           Around 4:00 a.m. a very bright pear-shaped ball of light was see 2/11/1995 #42035  
got near they could all see a very bright craft on the ground. Royllin atte 2/23/1995 #42060  
shape with windows surveys farm. 1 bright light / front. Small lights / rea 3/1/1995 #42069  
arm in Sedalia, Missouri. It had a bright light in front and several small  3/1/1995 #42070  
Ismailovich Borovkov wakes up to a bright light shining in his home on Sere 3/14/1995 #42092  
 St. Petersburg, Russia. He sees a bright orange light hovering outside the 3/14/1995 #42092  
llowish-orange domed disc with 6-7 bright lights was viewed through binocul 3/14/1995 #42095  
. When it stopped moving, a small, bright sphere of the same color burst ou 3/14/1995 #42095  
H / PRESSAC, FR 2 / car. Extremely bright silent night light hovers. Going  3/16/1995 #42107  
FALKIRK, SCOTLAND 2 observer(s). 2 bright white objects pace car and zoom a 3/18/1995 #42109  
                       In 1995 two bright white UFOs paced a car southwest  3/18/1995 #42110  
d not be discerned, but it flashed bright lights into the home on the prope 3/19/1995 #42112  
                SEATTLE, WA Woman. Bright silver helmet-saucer / E. sky. 2n 3/25/1995 #42117  
  WEST / MURPHY, NC 2 observer(s). Bright large ovoid seen. Similar seen 28 3/30/1995 #42126  
 USAF / aerospace man. Odd vibrant bright pure-white light going down [to]  3/31/1995 #42129  
          PORTLAND, OR 1 observer. Bright red ball going down. Flies into g 4/22/1995 #42168  
          PORTLAND, OR Man in bed. Bright ball enters airport/apartment / 7 4/25/1995 #42174  
                            A very bright ball of light entered a bedroom i 4/25/1995 #42175  
pokane, Washington reported seeing bright lights apparently on the ground n 4/29/1995 #42176  
 NY Trucker driving / I90. Vibrant bright white domed disk seen / 4 min. No 5/3/1995 #42177  
 disc while driving. It had a very bright, white light, so he could clearly 5/3/1995 #42178  
R 1 observer clearly seen. Vibrant bright disk below clouds. Zigzags southw 5/7/1995 #42183  
   FRAMINGHAM, MA 1 woman. Vibrant bright triangular ship going quickly [to 5/13/1995 #42201  
ny separate observer(s). Extremely bright mass / light moves unlike plane.  5/15/1995 #42209  
nd airborne RADAR. Large extremely bright object zigzags / MACH 4! / Denver 5/25/1995 #42223  
fficer John J. Waller see a row of bright white lights that sequence on and 5/25/1995 #42227  
 same night saw a large, extremely bright object zigzagging through the sky 5/25/1995 #42228  
"Lampshade" object hovers. Vibrant bright. Small windows. Lights circulate. 5/27/1995 #42230  
'clock in the morning. It was very bright with small windows, and had light 5/27/1995 #42231  
anadian airline(s)/airliner pilot. Bright yellow-white object overtakes DC1 6/9/1995 #42245  
   FAIRFIELD, CA 2 / I680. Vibrant bright perfect circle with blue clouds.  6/11/1995 #42251  
bell saucer flashes and maneuvers. Bright red beam and going quickly northe 6/16/1995 #42260  
 Shelton, Washington. It emitted a bright red beam of light. After 10 minut 6/16/1995 #42261  
   FALL RIVER, MA 2 / car. Vibrant bright "plane" with 60° swept wings hove 6/18/1995 #42262  
 FRANCISCO, CA 1 observer / Marin. Bright star hovers. 90° turn east. 90° t 6/19/1995 #42264  
zau River, Romania, notice several bright lights in the valley below. They  6/22/1995 #42267  
 MN 1 observer. Dogs bark. Colored bright orbs float over farmyard. 2nd sig 6/24/1995 #42270  
R GOUDHURST, KENT 1 / car. Vibrant bright night lights / 100' altitude snak 6/28/1995 #42277  
           At 12:30 a.m. some very bright nocturnal lights snaked by a car  6/28/1995 #42279  
FF OCEAN SHORES, WA 9 observer(s). Bright white night light hovers and mane 7/1/1995 #42288  
 Brazil, the commander sees a very bright disc-like object spinning in the  7/1/1995 #42289  
t 215 feet in diameter and emits a bright white light. As they approach the 7/1/1995 #42289  
 CAVERSWALL, STAFFS 2 observer(s). Bright red sphere/orb/globe hovers / hor 7/7/1995 (approximate) #42291  
 turn going west. Stops. Extremely bright. Zigzags. Changes color.          7/8/1995 #42292  
 RACINE, WI 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright silver disk hovers / clear sky. 2 7/28/1995 #42332  
                            A very bright silver disc was seen hovering in  7/28/1995 #42336  
LICANTE, SP 2 tourists and locals. Bright white disk hovers motionless / sh 7/29/1995 #42339  
S PLAINS, NJ 3 cops and 2. Vibrant bright flying wing with colored "bubbles 7/31/1995 #42346  
 two civilian witnesses saw a very bright flying wing with colored "bubbles 7/31/1995 #42349  
its palm that emitted an extremely bright light beam. The laser-like beam s 8/11/1995 #42376  
NEAR AABENRAA, DK Meteor watchers. Bright night light stops / 2 minute(s).  8/12/1995 (approximate) #42377  
 ten o'clock in the evening a huge bright light buzzed a car driving on U.S 8/15/1995 #42388  
fornia to briefly see an extremely bright light out on the patio. It appear 8/15/1995 #42390  
 Cylinder/cigar-shape with vibrant bright lights hovers just over treetops. 8/31/1995 #42431  
           At 10:21 a.m. a  large, bright, dome-shaped object looking like  9/11/1995 #42456  
 NORTH HAVEN, CT 1 observer. Large bright speckled "bicycle helmet" hovers  9/12/1995 #42460  
     POTTER VALLEY, CA 1 observer. Bright red dot hovers near window. Grows 9/13/1995 #42466  
 SP306 NEAR CAPIVARI, BRZ 1 / car. Bright lights. 35 minute(s) / missing ti 9/24/1995 #42505  
ate, Brazil when he noticed a very bright light by the side of the road. A  9/24/1995 #42508  
        WEST / ODOMEZ, FR 2 / car. Bright white disk with sharp contours ov 10/1995 #42523  
            PIEDMONT, CA Extremely bright disk flies over house going quick 10/1/1995 #42527  
Vicente, São Paulo, Brazil, when a bright yellow object approaches swiftly  10/1/1995 #42529  
titude. At 10:30 p.m. an extremely bright disc-shaped object flew over a ho 10/1/1995 #42530  
rge cylinder/cigar-shape-ship with bright lights hovers. Also separate repo 10/5/1995 #42534  
g, a large cigar-shaped craft with bright lights hovered over the desert no 10/5/1995 #42536  
43 SOUTHWEST / MILWAUKEE, WI Large bright blue night light going quickly [t 10/10/1995 #42544  
                           A large bright blue light buzzed a car on Inters 10/10/1995 #42545  
SON, WI Family / 4. Pointed ovoid. Bright light dims. Spikes protrude. No f 10/14/1995 #42549  
, CA Several observer(s). Up to 11 bright objects loop and maneuver. "Shoot 10/28/1995 #42567  
ours beginning at 1:30 a.m. eleven bright lights were observed maneuvering  10/28/1995 #42568  
              TACOMA, WA Extremely bright ball / light lands / field. 2 nd. 10/31/1995 #42571  
e UFO Reporting Center to report a bright ball of light landing in a nearby 10/31/1995 #42573  
BANON, OR 2 observer(s). Extremely bright disk hovers over rural road. Sudd 11/6/1995 #42584  
MPS 50-100' black triangle hovers. Bright lights. 2k' altitude. Going south 11/7/1995 #42585  
MUSKEGON, MI 1 observer. Intensely bright delta/triangle/box-like craft res 11/18/1995 #42605  
     FRAMINGHAM, MA Several / car. Bright saucer fills car / green light. " 11/19/1995 #42608  
Disk with flutter sound outside. 2 bright white ovoids going quickly northe 11/22/1995 #42619  
           REDDING, CA 1 observer. Bright star hovers / 5 minute(s). Splits 11/29/1995 #42629  
he water. They had large heads and bright luminous eyes that appeared to be 12/9/1995 #42639  
ga, Santa Catarina, Brazil, when a bright, silent, disc-shaped object appea 12/12/1995 #42641  
hts maneuvers. Going quickly west. Bright trail. Power outage.              12/15/1995 #42645  
O flew away to the west, leaving a bright trail in the sky. An electrical p 12/15/1995 #42646  
, NWT Many observer(s) / 4 nights. Bright colored object pulses. Shoots str 1/4/1996 #42665  
S, MO 60 police report(s). Vibrant bright silent disk / sphere/orb/globe go 1/13/1996 #42679  
           FERNTREE GULLY, AUSTR 2 bright orange night lights going SSW tow 2/4/1996 #42737  
he saw the source of light to be a bright long elliptical shape about 50cm  2/10/1996 #42754  
treaks going quickly east. Vibrant bright light. Hums. No further details.  2/19/1996 #42772  
           EAST / DOYLESTOWN, PA 3 bright fireballs. Van motor and lights q 2/25/1996 #42778  
ner pilot dives to avoid extremely bright fireball. Fireball jumps about. C 2/27/1996 #42785  
e to avoid a collision with a very bright ball of light that appeared to ju 2/27/1996 #42786  
er black-out. Suddenly there was a bright flash of blue light behind him. T 2/29/1996 #42789  
about 300 feet in diameter, with a bright light on their tops and windows o 3/12/1996 #42821  
   PINK HILL, NC 1 / home. Vibrant bright night light hovers. Sparks / 1 en 3/13/1996 #42822  
 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 5 observer(s). Bright object shoots going south as plan 3/19/1996 #42829  
D Several fed.employees. Extremely bright cylinder/cylindrical object hover 3/22/1996 #42832  
Aircraft simply stops / sky. Turns bright red going [to] blue going [to] ye 3/23/1996 #42836  
SEATTLE, WA 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright white cylinder/cigar-shape going  3/27/1996 #42842  
       BILLINGS, MT Man. 2 vibrant bright night lights going quickly north  4/6/1996 #42852  
 MANCHESTER, OH Woman. Object with bright strobes going south by house. 2nd 4/8/1996 #42857  
ADENTON, FL 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright night light over ocean. Drops "te 4/9/1996 #42860  
     NIKISHKA, AK Family awakened. Bright object steaks overhead. Returns.  4/12/1996 #42862  
 Large trapezoid / amber extremely bright lights and strobes going northeas 4/14/1996 #42866  
 / SR135. Buzz sound. Huge vibrant bright boomerang going quickly [to] over 4/20/1996 #42873  
t and sees a strange creature with bright red eyes and a yellow helmet on i 4/21/1996 #42876  
           RICHMOND, VA Commuters. Bright shine chrome object over trees be 4/23/1996 #42880  
 NEAR SANTA BARBARA, CA Man / car. Bright flash and missing time. Old scene 4/24/1996 #42882  
 BISHOP, CA 4+observer(s). Vibrant bright object / sky. Regular pulses / li 4/25/1996 #42883  
LANGLEY, WA 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright long object with 2 lights hovers. 4/26/1996 #42884  
. WALTON BEACH, FL 5 crew. Vibrant bright object going down [to] near bow / 4/28/1996 #42889  
 in their house when they saw some bright multicolored lights--white, yello 5/6/1996 #42898  
lice car. It also had two or three bright lit windows. Inside one of these  5/6/1996 #42898  
d briefly, becoming dark, and then bright again. Before it landed both witn 5/6/1996 #42898  
f the object. At the object became bright again, it quickly took off a high 5/6/1996 #42898  
e object. They also seemed to have bright lights on their heads. The entire 5/16/1996 #42903  
 10:30 p.m. when two of them saw a bright UFO streak by, apparently crashin 6/4/1996 #42921  
 glowed. The glow was sufficiently bright enough to illuminate the bottom o 6/4/1996 #42921  
g sound alerted the witness to two bright lights floating in the sky over H 6/18/1996 #42934  
 miles away, and hovers there as a bright dot, then disappears. The pilot i 7/1996 #42943  
 On the bottom of the object was a bright white light. Neither of the witne 7/8/1996 #42950  
 NEAR AVELLINO, ITL 2 observer(s). Bright red disk going [to] low over farm 8/10/1996 #42975  
                                 A bright red disc was sighted moving low o 8/10/1996 #42977  
to make out any details due to the bright light.                            8/11/1996 #42980  
EAST / GYMPIE,, AUSTRALIA 1 / car. Bright fireball going east / 10 minute(s 9/9/1996 #43011  
s and maneuvers / 2 hours. Vibrant bright. Going quickly east. / Le Figaro  9/17/1996 #43027  
huge triangular craft shining very bright beams of lights towards the groun 9/23/1996 #43039  
the house shook. Next, there was a bright light that lit up the sky, and it 9/26/1996 #43043  
by Boston see a single, stationary bright light, while the crew of an offsh 10/5/1996 #43056  
                    SCIOTODALE, OH Bright yellow sphere zigzags going quick 10/23/1996 #43092  
t the light was coming from a very bright source in a nearby field, and the 11/9/1996 #43110  
llers reported a number of intense bright orange fireballs traveling fast o 11/25/1996 #43123  
f 31,500 feet, the copilot spots a bright flash in the sky just ahead of th 12/19/1996 #43148  
omething to eat. Suddenly he saw a bright flash of light outside. He looked 1/5/1997 #43166  
 ten minutes they disappeared in a bright blue flash of light.              1/8/1997 #43168  
 sky that “bursts downward” with a bright white light three times in succes 1/13/1997 #43170  
 objects have rows of windows with bright blue light shining through them.  2/22/1997 #43202  
 S. Hall, said that it had lots of bright lights around the sides and made  3/8/1997 #43223  
reports soon turn into accounts of bright flashes, loud booming noises, and 3/24/1997 #43239  
eparate observer(s).. gained time? Bright flash..                           4/4/1997 #43250  
D, NORTH HOLLAND 3+observer(s). 30 bright flashing saucers / acrobatic mane 4/24/1997 #43276  
Others in the area reported seeing bright red lights flying in a zigzag pat 5/18/1997 #43298  
osti and two other men saw several bright objects over a power plant in Blo 5/18/1997 #43299  
n Bloomington, Indiana saw several bright objects hovering over a local pow 5/19/1997 #43300  
as apparently ignored. Two smaller bright spherical objects emerged from th 5/19/1997 #43300  
cy call in Daniec, Poland, see two bright spheres maneuvering 1,000 feet to 6/1997 #43306  
 in her kitchen when she notices a bright light source on the window blinds 6/24/1997 #43337  
, flaring every two seconds into a bright white from a dull gray.           6/28/1997 #43343  
lic disk going quickly southwest / bright clear sky.                        7/5/1997 #43346  
g behind a tree. He was carrying a bright lantern so he pointed the light a 8/3/1997 #43366  
p down the middle, and there was a bright spotlight shining from the lower  9/9/1997 #43403  
heir shapes or how they moved. The bright light was directed at her and she 9/9/1997 #43403  
As he pondered what had happened a bright beam of light hit him, and severa 12/10/1997 #43457  
De Jacuipe, Brazil a witness saw a bright light in a nearby field that incr 12/16/1997 #43464  
  DUNKIRK, NY 4 observer(s). Large bright glowing tube going [to] over hous 2/2/1998? #43511  
hers in the area reported seeing a bright light over the area around the sa 2/14/1998 #43521  
 Ohio with her dogs when she saw a bright light hovering above the trailers 2/27/1998 #43524  
                 CANNONVILLE, GA 2 bright silver balls hover / Hogg Mountai 3/22/1998 #43534  
ing a radio being tuned and then a bright blue light invaded the bedroom. L 4/27/1998 #43559  
o UFOs at 11:49 p.m. EDT, a large, bright object accompanied by a smaller o 6/5/1998 #43581  
n isolated field when he noticed a bright light to his left. A bright white 6/21/1998 #43591  
iced a bright light to his left. A bright white rotating light approached a 6/21/1998 #43591  
t afraid and she was surrounded by bright lights. She saw three short human 6/27/1998 #43596  
FF PRESQUE ISLE, MI Sailboat crew. Bright white sphere going east. Erratic  7/14/1998 #43605  
urrey, British Columbia observed a bright white disc "drop out of the sky"  8/13/1998 #43630  
reature transformed itself into a "bright spot" and then vanished. During t 9/14/1998 #43646  
ooked out her window and noticed a bright sphere of light making triangular 9/21/1998 #43650  
hbor's home. A few moments later a bright white, oval-shaped hole appeared  9/21/1998 #43650  
rted to slow down there was a very bright flash of light. The witnesses was 9/25/1998 #43651  
attleboro, Vermont noticed several bright headlights approaching from behin 9/25/1998 #43652  
and three colleagues noticed three bright UAP blinking in a triangle format 10/1998 #43656  
rmation. The lights were extremely bright “it felt like it was daytime agai 10/1998 #43656  
ELURAN, MALAYSIA Nurse / hospital. Bright orange round object lands 2km awa 10/2/1998 #43657  
    Ms. J. Juanin watched a round, bright orange flashing light with small  10/2/1998 #43658  
ick brown fog made up of different bright colors with a bright glow about 2 10/24/1998 #43669  
 of different bright colors with a bright glow about 27 feet in diameter. S 10/24/1998 #43669  
iving outside Bologna, Italy saw a bright light approach his vehicle. Sudde 11/1/1998 #43674  
could see the head of a being with bright, crystal blue eyes. He heard a lo 11/25/1998 #43684  
he could see a humanoid being with bright, crystal blue eyes. He heard a th 11/29/1998 #43689  
laware Dover Air Force Base Night. Bright blue-white lights are seen throug 11/30/1998 #43692  
our of them notice three extremely bright amber lights in front of them in  12/1998 #43694  
t 10 seconds and the lights are so bright that it looks like daytime. The g 12/1998 #43694  
risbane, Queensland, consists of a bright white light, an orange ball of li 12/2/1998 #43695  
50 p.m. a triangular object with a bright light in each corner and a flashi 12/10/1998 #43697  
ose presence outside his home of a bright aerial object with several window 12/19/1998 #43700  
zil at 8:30 p.m. when he noticed a bright light some distance away. Thinkin 2/4/1999 #43722  
 Texas at midnight a witness saw a bright green light descending and it see 2/14/1999 #43727  
 Point, Knox County, Indiana saw a bright light in the northwest. A silvery 2/15/1999 #43729  
 feet above the trees. It had four bright lights along its bottom in perfec 2/25/1999 #43735  
 Belper, Derbyshire, England saw a bright orange light in the sky from her  3/10/1999 #43746  
highway in Duffield, England saw a bright light in sky and pulled into a bu 3/10/1999 #43746  
tes later, when he reached home, a bright glow attracted his attention abou 3/15/1999 #43748  
 looks like a black wedge with two bright headlights. The blunt end of the  3/24/1999 #43750  
  LA VERNE, CA House shakes. Large bright red glowing-ball going west overh 3/29/1999 #43751  
                CLYDE, OH 2 teens. Bright white saucer with green lights ho 4/11/1999 #43757  
 curtains. When he did so he saw a bright spherical object that was circlin 4/15/1999 #43758  
izabeth, South Australia sighted a bright light the size of a large strawbe 5/6/1999 #43764  
 Arenales, Spain when he noticed a bright spherical light flying low over t 5/10/1999 #43767  
iving. Five minutes later he saw a bright spherical object resting on the g 5/10/1999 #43767  
           A hexagon shaped set of bright blue light maneuvered over Hot Sp 5/14/1999 #43769  
d of wind blowing. He noticed some bright lights outside his house. When he 5/23/1999 #43773  
0-30 feet away and gave off a very bright blue light. He could not tell its 5/23/1999 #43773  
ering craft. Again, because of the bright blue light he could not distingui 5/23/1999 #43773  
a strong wind. He saw a blindingly bright craft hovering nearby.            5/24/1999 #43775  
lia four men sitting outside saw a bright blue light appear from nowhere. I 6/12/1999 #43785  
lasville, Kentucky at 12:15 a.m. A bright light was also seen passing in fr 6/21/1999 #43787  
 at 11:45 p.m. when they spotted a bright red spherical object descend slow 7/14/1999 #43802  
inous Derby-hat saucer going east. Bright lights / bottom/underside. Laser  7/23/1999 #43810  
n Monkton, Strathclyde, Scotland a bright blue flash was seen overhead, and 8/26/1999 #43835  
 meters over sea offshore. Vibrant bright lights / back.                    11/4/1999 #43872  
, Colorado Keith C. saw a strange, bright, multi-colored light that was rem 11/15/1999 #43881  
nt of Birmingham, Alabama awoke to bright white lights illuminating their f 12/5/1999 #43893  
y woods. Soon afterwards she saw a bright light rise from the woods and sho 12/5/1999 #43894  
nd after four minutes it emitted a bright beam of light from its center. Th 12/8/1999 #43896  
ow humming sound and had a tail of bright orange flame. The UFO was reporte 1/2/2000 #43916  
zanne, Marne, France, encounters a bright white light near the town water t 1/10/2000 #43923  
ke with a start and noticed a very bright light coming through the window.  1/17/2000 #43929  
d in Dayton, Nevada at 6:15 p.m. A bright light shone straight out of objec 1/18/2000 #43931  
ity, California. The witness saw a bright light beam that looked like the s 1/18/2000 #43931  
ng in the northern sky. Two large, bright cylindrical UFOs were sighted in  1/28/2000 #43935  
en backtracked. At 10:15 p.m. five bright lights in a triangle formation ch 1/29/2000 #43936  
hat seemed to be smoke. These five bright lights were also observed by a ma 1/29/2000 #43936  
ia this night. Single and multiple bright orange orbs were seen flying over 1/29/2000 #43936  
nois reported that at 10:00 p.m. a bright orange sphere descended out of th 2/12/2000 #43948  
NC Dogs react to horizontal row of bright lights hovering in the sky (NICAP 2/18/2000 #43953  
he morning a large object emitting bright rays of light was seen hovering o 3/3/2000 #43964  
aralgon, Victoria, Australia saw a bright star-like object that was moving  3/11/2000 #43965  
                  At 8:35 p.m. two bright green objects were seen shooting  4/6/2000 #43977  
                      MARIETTA, GA Bright disk low over house. Beams going  5/2/2000 #43987  
ence, Missouri remembered seeing a bright light overhead through her bedroo 5/17/2000 #43996  
 woke up in her bed, and noticed a bright light shining in the skylight, an 5/17/2000 #43996  
se. The strange craft had two very bright large white lights underneath it  5/17/2000 #43996  
st report commented that the three bright orange/yellow lights appeared to  6/3/2000 #44000  
oval or disc-shaped object shone a bright white light beam down toward the  7/7/2000 #44013  
d that a beam of light came from a bright circular object, which left a gre 7/7/2000 #44013  
a disc-shaped object surrounded by bright lights descend overhead and land  7/14/2000 #44017  
ous transparent figure, with large bright yellowish almond-shaped eyes. The 8/2/2000 #44026  
ach, where one witness also sees a bright light.                            8/5/2000 #44028  
enly finding himself inside a very bright place, but someone "dark" at the  8/10/2000 #44029  
range; it later disappeared with a bright flash of light.                   8/25/2000 #44033  
g Hill, Maryland when an extremely bright light appeared above the car. The 9/13/2000 #44040  
rs as it stood almost upright with bright lights at each end. It had white  10/5/2000 #44053  
t the front door, accompanied by a bright white light. The beings were shor 10/15/2000 #44058  
chool grounds when they both saw a bright star-like light suddenly appear i 10/19/2000 #44060  
ed towards the witnesses, emitting bright blue, red and yellow flashes of l 10/19/2000 #44060  
a panel opened on the object and a bright beam of light shone down from the 10/19/2000 #44060  
sky over Medina, Ohio. It had very bright lights and was making a humming n 10/24/2000 #44061  
es a triangular formation of three bright lights in the southern sky blinki 11/4/2000 #44072  
:15 p.m. in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho a bright orange-yellow colored object, des 11/22/2000 #44077  
 object at 3:46 a.m. with five big bright white lights arranged in a V shap 11/29/2000 #44088  
 looked outside and noticed a very bright light in one of his fields, so he 11/30/2000 #44094  
ne 20-second exposure he catches a bright luminous object that contrasts wi 12/19/2000 #44106  
                                 A bright round light approached a family t 1/2/2001 #44116  
ed triangular object with two very bright lights on the front and a reddish 3/26/2001 #44152  
 Felipe, Baja California, Mexico a bright light was witnessed following a c 4/25/2001 #44166  
huge, silent triangular craft with bright, blinking, strobing and pulsing w 5/17/2001 #44185  
na Beach, Florida, when they see a bright white light with a bluish tinge d 6/23/2001 #44196  
e-entered the object, which became bright again and took off at high speed. 7/1/2001 #44201  
e ground. It then emitted a sudden bright flash of light from the top secti 7/2/2001 #44203  
ring from 4–5 to as many as 16–20, bright orange or orange-red in hue, and  7/14/2001 #44208  
land for two minutes. It emitted a bright object  from one end that shot in 8/1/2001 #44216  
 the huge disc, which had numerous bright lights on its top and windows in  8/1/2001 #44217  
nd blue, and was described as very bright. At the same time in Port Talbot, 8/4/2001 #44224  
                OFF CANDELARI, TRK Bright cone-saucer with legs. Dogfight / 8/6/2001 #44226  
nyel are surprised by an extremely bright object, shaped like something bet 8/6/2001 #44227  
the other, and they were extremely bright.                                  8/6/2001 #44228  
in Floriston, California. It had a bright red strobing light as well as the 8/16/2001 #44236  
ooks like an intense red beam with bright flashes behind it. In the front i 9/9/2001 #44253  
                    At 2:15 a.m. a bright light moving across the city of M 9/9/2001 #44254  
e-dawn highway encounters with two bright oncoming lights in Kanturk, Count 9/10/2001 #44256  
,000 meters long. There was also a bright red light flying with them in a c 9/11/2001 #44258  
dentown, New Jersey. They had very bright round lights at each apex. At 11: 9/11/2001 #44259  
 England. It was white with a very bright base. It moved very fast.         9/16/2001 #44261  
, saw a combination of low flying, bright white lights. The two outer light 9/25/2001 #44264  
he two outer lights were round and bright, while the inner lights were dimm 9/25/2001 #44264  
 a smooth surface that was glowing bright red in the overcast daytime sky.  10/2/2001 #44265  
etired military pilot saw a large, bright object in the western sky. It mov 12/12/2001 #44288  
                               Two bright blue lights were seen on a cigar- 12/17/2001 #44293  
La Marco and his family saw a very bright disk while driving to basketball  1/22/2002 #44310  
t, Florida, when he sees a silent, bright light over Lake Minnehaha. The ob 2/2/2002 #44315  
 at 2:30 p.m. witnesses saw a very bright light that was hovering over the  2/25/2002 #44320  
                                 A bright pulsating ovoid object flew over  7/17/2002 #44361  
e. Night light / saucer maneuvers. Bright and dim / 1.5sec cycle.           7/26/2002 #44363  
t fighter. At 1:40 a.m., he sees a bright, pale-bluish light in the north-n 7/26/2002 #44366  
s. "It was like an orange, yellowy bright light shining on us from far away 7/28/2002 #44367  
                            A very bright white disc-shaped object traverse 8/24/2002 #44385  
 or cigar-shaped object, extremely bright and painful to the eyes even in b 9/11/2002 #44396  
sighted what appeared to be really bright stars. After five minutes, as the 9/15/2002 #44398  
 a van in Poquoson, Virginia saw a bright light streaking across the sky. S 9/15/2002 #44399  
. They have a clear alternation of bright and dark segments. The Agenzia Re 10/18/2002 #44419  
o the east he first noticed a very bright light on an object heading WSW. I 10/29/2002 #44424  
on an object heading WSW. It had a bright white headlight, and what looked  10/29/2002 #44424  
med out of place was the extremely bright, single headlight on the nose, no 10/29/2002 #44424  
ng, Xinjiang, China photographed a bright ball of light with "yellow, blue  11/1/2002 #44429  
                                 A bright light moved erratically through t 11/6/2002 #44435  
ng, blinks out, and reappears as a bright red light that lasts only 2–3 sec 11/21/2002 #44446  
In Vinita, Oklahoma at 3:30 p.m. a bright cigar-shaped object hovered in th 11/21/2002 #44447  
ashay Rauter, first noticed a very bright tube of intense white light 30 de 11/22/2002 #44449  
 flying object with 3-5 blindingly bright horizontal lights flew low overhe 1/2/2003 #44465  
 for over one hour. Eleven or more bright objects moved across the sky in f 1/4/2003 #44467  
Simon. There was a sudden blast of bright light and the creature vanished.  1/4/2003 #44468  
 British Columbia, Canada a small, bright, crescent-shaped object was sight 1/5/2003 #44470  
:00 p.m. for half a minute, with a bright light in broad daylight.          3/26/2003 #44505  
vering north of the city. It had a bright, yellowish light in front that ou 5/13/2003 #44534  
rn in for the night and they saw a bright blue flash south of their campsit 5/16/2003 #44538  
ided to leave when they saw a very bright red flash and looked out the truc 5/16/2003 #44538  
17, at 9:50 p.m. on this evening a bright shining nocturnal light was obser 5/19/2003 #44542  
e UFO looked like a white star, as bright as Sirius. It was moving 2-3 time 5/19/2003 #44542  
totally silent craft bearing three bright white lights was observed crossin 5/19/2003 #44543  
ter, Iowa at 9:30 p.m. The UFO had bright orange lights at each apex which  5/23/2003 #44544  
. It is metallic and surrounded by bright multicolored lights. It flies as  6/5/2003 #44554  
st one, and they all vanished in a bright flash. They heard no sound during 7/12/2003 #44563  
 were slightly illuminated but not bright. The objects zig-zagged and criss 7/18/2003 #44566  
land at 41,000 feet was paced by a bright red UFO. It stopped mid-air at th 10/23/2003 #44612  
                    At 7:30 p.m. a bright cylindrical-shaped object explode 11/22/2003 #44618  
                                 A bright, multi-colored, pulsating cigar-s 12/2/2003 #44624  
 as he was driving east. It got as bright as Venus, and then dimmed altoget 12/10/2003 #44627  
sport, New York at 2:30 a.m. EST a bright light shot across the sky from th 12/23/2003 #44631  
cally from a field. The object has bright strobe lights and is triangular i 1/4/2004 #44643  
ront of the plane, and gives off a bright flashing light. The UFO begins ci 1/4/2004 #44644  
 Bass River, New Brunswick, sees a bright, fast-moving fireball. Around 11: 1/17/2004 #44651  
sees the object is composed of two bright white lights that seem to be atta 1/21/2004 #44653  
ts directly overhead and glowing a bright white. When the clouds become thi 1/22/2004 #44654  
                                   Bright amber lights flashing in a random 2/9/2004 #44660  
lyn, Maryland an oval-shaped, very bright light came down into a backyard,  2/29/2004 #44670  
ied by videotape that shows moving bright lights at 11,500 feet. Mexican jo 3/5/2004 #44672  
n he looked up to the sky he saw a bright light shooting up into the stars. 3/12/2004 #44676  
llege students, witnessed two very bright lights in the night sky at 7:26 p 3/21/2004 #44678  
 "I was tidying the shelves when a bright light came through the window tha 5/8/2004 #44696  
 kitchen when she was blinded by a bright flash of light that came in throu 5/17/2004 #44703  
cksburg, Michigan. There was a big bright flash that blinded the witness fo 5/19/2004 #44704  
rge, oblong-shaped object with two bright yellow lights on both ends fly 90 Summer 2004 #44713  
       A saucer shaped object with bright red lights was seen in Richmond H 6/21/2004 #44714  
., driving at 63 mph, he noticed a bright blue light about a half-mile ahea 7/27/2004 #44718  
peared to be wearing loose-fitting bright silver outfits, similar to HAZMAT 7/27/2004 #44718  
ngland three very strange looking, bright orange objects were reported in t 7/31/2004 #44721  
arge disc-shaped object emitting a bright light and a buzzing sound at inte 7/31/2004 #44722  
by rows of lights. There were four bright emerald green lights positioned a 8/2/2004 #44725  
blinking in a clockwise direction. Bright yellow-green lights were located  8/2/2004 #44725  
, but immediately following this a bright beam of light appeared from the s 8/2/2004 #44725  
ctly overhead. At around 3:00 a.m. bright yellow flashes of light appeared  8/2/2004 #44725  
 3:08 a.m. they were awakened by a bright but plain spreading orange light. 8/25/2004 #44741  
 One huge object in particulalr, a bright yellow or silver-white object, fl 9/9/2004 #44751  
t about 10:10 p.m. a witness saw a bright moving object in the clear sky ov 9/10/2004 #44752  
y. On top of the object was a very bright white light. It was hovering, the 9/10/2004 #44752  
               At 4:10 A.M. a very bright white ball of light was seen in t 9/29/2004 #44763  
had an equilateral form with seven bright, yellow-white lights. There were  10/30/2004 #44776  
rane River, Manitoba, Canada had a bright light closely following his truck 11/8/2004 #44779  
                   At 12:15 a.m. a bright, white and orange triangle-shaped 11/21/2004 #44788  
                    At 7:40 p.m. a bright orange light was seen in Houston, 11/24/2004 #44790  
y big, and the white part was very bright with black edges. Suddenly, it sh 11/29/2004 #44793  
20 and continuing for two hours, a bright shining object emitted multicolor 12/5/2004 #44796  
overhead; it made no sound and had bright white lights on its tips and scro 12/5/2004 #44798  
er and analyzed UBOs (unidentified bright objects) present in MRI scans.  h 2005 #44805  
me night in Wood River, Nebraska a bright oval-shaped object allegedly pick 1/31/2005 #44812  
of Bend, Oregon. They notice three bright blue objects zigzagging around ea 5/1/2005 #44828  
 proceed. The F-16s then fire four bright flares across the plane’s nose, a 5/11/2005 #44840  
of speed. They had three extremely bright lights: two white and one red.    5/16/2005 #44843  
eck the battery cables, and sees a bright bluish glow lighting up a wooded  7/5/2005 #44851  
                                 A bright silver cigar-shaped UFO was sight 7/8/2005 #44853  
om the north. They are the size of bright stars and are moving slowly below 8/27/2005 #44866  
00 a.m. a witness spotted a large, bright, diamond-shaped object, initially 9/7/2005 #44870  
in Peoria, Arizona, when he sees a bright object approaching from the east. 9/17/2005 #44876  
                             Three bright lights appeared at different time 10/2/2005 #44885  
 three witnesses reported seeing a bright white light at 7:00 p.m., which w 10/17/2005 #44890  
              At around two p.m. a bright, aluminum colored, cigar-shaped c 10/26/2005 #44893  
ng low to the ground and was quiet bright from a distance. It was in view f 12/17/2005 #44912  
 Uruguay many people saw intensely bright "stars" in the afternoon sky begi 1/26/2006 #44919  
e evening when he noticed two very bright lights on each side of his car th 2/15/2006 #44923  
horn for several minutes while the bright lights remained close to his car. 2/15/2006 #44923  
ernally lit. It also had a line of bright blue lights in a marquee pattern. 4/18/2006 #44932  
ang-shaped UFO with a single front bright light and many tiny bright lights 5/7/2006 #44941  
e front bright light and many tiny bright lights in sequence on the edges w 5/7/2006 #44941  
 brighter than the moon but not as bright as the sun blaze over northeast A 5/16/2006 #44943  
                      An extremely bright object that was highly maneuverab 6/4/2006 #44948  
ach it, one of which explodes in a bright flare-up. The official explanatio 9/5/2006 #44958  
                           A long, bright, white cigar-shaped object rose f 11/21/2006 #44985  
 split in two and there was a very bright flash of light, lighting up every 4/25/2007 #45023  
d in Wales, United Kingdom. It had bright green and blue lights. A second o 5/29/2007 #45033  
wed by three others. They were all bright and fiery colored, spinning and m 8/4/2007 #45042  
0:20 p.m. There were also numerous bright white lights appearing and disapp 8/6/2007 #45044  
f the city, reporting inexplicable bright lights and moving objects.        8/6/2007 #45044  
 triangular craft with an array of bright lights glided silently near the t 9/21/2007 #45068  
triangular object with hundreds of bright yellow lights near Cincinnati. At 9/21/2007 #45068  
xico at 10:34 p.m. when they saw a bright white cigar-shaped craft near the 9/21/2007 #45069  
     A small triangular craft with bright red, blue and yellow lights, 4-5  9/24/2007 #45071  
ington, for 3–5 minutes. A beam of bright greenish light is extended from i 10/10/2007 #45072  
and shot through the sky with very bright lights over Jensen Beach, Martin  10/10/2007 #45073  
 Massachusetts at 3:00 p.m. a very bright silver circular object hung stati 10/15/2007 #45074  
                                 A bright, triangular object was seen in th 10/28/2007 #45082  
h red and green lights, and a very bright red, slowly pulsating light, was  10/29/2007 #45084  
                              Very bright underwater lights were seen in th 11/23/2007 #45096  
 EST a cigar-shaped object with a  bright light was seen zigzagging above W 12/10/2007 #45099  
 from red to blue to white, with a bright burst happening occasionally. The 12/14/2007 #45101  
lights directly ahead. They are as bright as welding arcs. They split apart 1/8/2008 #45112  
          In Yorkville, Illinois a bright round-shaped object was seen for  2/11/2008 #45118  
bject that spawned 8 to 10 or more bright saucer-shaped bright luminous obj 2/26/2008 #45123  
to 10 or more bright saucer-shaped bright luminous objects, flew over San F 2/26/2008 #45123  
                                 A bright white light turned to red as it s 7/30/2008 #45153  
shing lights, and then became very bright, next "jumped" up and came down,  8/6/2008 #45156  
reported seeing a UFO resembling a bright greenish sphere encircled with re 9/4/2008 #45165  
               At 7:50 p.m. a very bright, diamond shaped light hovered 100 10/26/2008 #45177  
rginia at midnight. At 2:00 a.m. a bright, flashing disc-shaped object see  10/31/2008 #45183  
                    At 2:20 p.m. a bright white object was seen doing unnat 2/11/2009 #45210  
was a clear daylight sighting of a bright cigar-shaped object that rapidly  2/11/2009 #45211  
 in both devices. When he points a bright spotlight beam at the triangle, i 5/8/2009 #45220  
nty, California. They notice seven bright blue lights silently hovering sev 7/5/2009 #45230  
s. However, the craft then shone a bright beam of light into her room throu 8/28/2009 #45239  
In Newton, Iowa at 2:00 a.m. three bright orange, oval-shaped craft were si 9/6/2009 #45243  
ing through the sky and emitting a bright LED-like light. At 6:10 p.m. EST  11/24/2009 #45255  
    During the middle of the day a bright, star-like object was observed ro 5/12/2010 #45281  
30 p.m. CDT in Hugo, Minnesota two bright lights, pentagonal in shape and r 5/16/2010 #45282  
k or red, and then blue. It got so bright that you could no longer see its  5/16/2010 #45283  
culates online, reportedly showing bright blue lights in the sky over the v 10/13/2010 #45302  
personnel after seeing a tunnel of bright light, he was taken to a colder p 3/31/2011 #45322  
ia, the father unexpectedly sees a bright, glowing sphere about 30 feet in  2/18/2012 #45339  
 down their street, they see three bright lights in a row in the sky. They  1/12/2013 #45360  
to a solid red light. A very short bright green line also appears just belo 10/6/2013 #45389  
een line is actually a long, flat, bright, rectangular strip. Both note how 10/6/2013 #45389  
er seen a solid object emit such a bright green light.                      10/6/2013 #45389  
to, Ontario, that “reported a very bright light pass overhead of them” when 4/15/2016 #45450  
ings spread open. They can see its bright red eyes that vary in intensity.  8/9/2017 #45478  
, see a hovering triangle with two bright lights like a star. There are red 2/23/2018 #45508  
ir route at 40,000 feet, reports a bright object passing above them in the  2/24/2018 #45513  
s out the window and sees a large, bright globe without a tail shooting tow 2/25/2018 #45514  
o, Netherlands, takes a video of a bright, flashing object.                 2/26/2018 #45515  
he British Airways plane notices a bright light moving fast on the left and 11/9/2018 #45544  
. The Norwegian pilot has seen two bright lights. Shannon verifies that oth 11/9/2018 #45544  
area to Calgary, Alberta, observes bright lights high above Saskatchewan, w 11/17/2018 #45546  
efence Sector log entry describes “bright shining lights” that are “maneuve 11/17/2018 #45546  
n projects an illuminating beam of bright white light on the aircraft and a 3/19/2020 #45639  
t and First Officer suddenly see a bright light and an object that appears  9/1/2020 #45660  
        Izmir, Turkey 11:00 p.m. A bright green fireball illuminates the ni 7/30/2021 #45701  
 a triangular-shaped object with a bright yellow light on top and two sets  11/8/2021 #45720  
ent, claimed she was abducted by a bright UFO, carried for 40 miles, then l 11/16/2021 #45722  
## Word: "bright-" (Back to Top)
, then visible as six huge, round, bright- white lights in a horizontal row 10/27/1967 #23342  
## Word: "bright-and-dim" (Back to Top)
argo, Florida. The lights pulsated bright-and-dim on a half-second cycle, a 4/12/1967 #22124  
## Word: "bright-blue" (Back to Top)
        PALMERSTON NORTH, NZ Small bright-blue UFO / irregular motion. Ange 5/30/1953 #8914  
 North, New Zealand After a small, bright-blue object with a strange irregu 5/30/1953 #8915  
ky. The driver stops, and a small, bright-blue object comes into view, movi 4/20/1984 #37278  
## Word: "bright-blue-green" (Back to Top)
ismana, Romania, see a stationary, bright-blue-green conical object that ch 3/29/1968 #23871  
## Word: "bright-colored" (Back to Top)
 / U.S. Marine Corps (USMC). Large bright-colored ovoid hovers. Then going  9/4/1952 #7845  
## Word: "bright-dim" (Back to Top)
te lights in formation, “pulsating bright-dim on a 1/2- second cycle and ma 4/12/1967 #22118  
## Word: "bright-green" (Back to Top)
, Texas, at 4,500 feet. They see a bright-green, projectile-shaped object,  11/2/1951 #5763  
lliam R. Butler, a medic, sees one bright-green object, shaped like a 10-ce 11/1958 #15415  
leaving a large orange glow with a bright-green fluorescent spot. An object 5/26/1977 #32133  
n. Sapkov and other officers see a bright-green elliptical object, occasion 11/1979 #34981  
## Word: "bright-metal" (Back to Top)
s (GOC) and air civil observer(s). Bright-metal saucers over new Atomic Ene 1/27/1953 #8579  
## Word: "bright-orange" (Back to Top)
5 MI WITH ASHIYA, JPN US C54 crew. Bright-orange 75' ovoid going quickly no 3/4/1952 #5943  
AURORA, GUAT 6 observer(s). Silent bright-orange sphere going northeast. Se 6/13/1957 #13724  
NASA spokesman as “barbell shaped, bright-orange in color, and passing in g 4/30/1962 #17141  
ver, Colorado, when she sees three bright-orange UFOs motionless in the air 3/28/1978 #33090  
ort when he sees a string of three bright-orange lights. They are moving al 7/15/1986 #37943  
alia watched at least four intense bright-orange "fireball" type lights ove 11/25/1996 #43123  
## Word: "bright-red" (Back to Top)
FINLAND Numerous observer(s). Fast bright-red 'rocket' casts shadows. South 7/9/1946 #2033  
r Goshen, Indiana, when they see a bright-red disc-shaped UFO behind their  4/27/1950 #4910  
r drivers in Forli, Italy, watch a bright-red, luminous UFO approach them i 11/14/1954 #11652  
lson, New Zealand, when they see a bright-red triangular object with white  4/9/1958 #14971  
  KENNEBUNKPORT, ME Business exec. Bright-red hemisphere hovers. Going quic 2/7/1961 #16597  
rom the terminator, the man sees a bright-red spot light up. It gets so bri 12/1/1962 #17568  
senger, Muriel McCrave. He spots a bright-red circular disc with a dome on  5/21/1966 #20505  
b County, KY Evening. Couple saw a bright-red light swoop down close enough 9/29/1973 #27887  
zomborg on the Hel-127 notices two bright-red lights in the air less than a 8/23/1979 #34768  
at 43,000 feet. They see a blurry, bright-red object the size of a DC-9 mov 1/22/1984 #37145  
 Marcel Smoleanu notices a silent, bright-red sphere about 60 feet in diame 11/1992 #40700  
## Word: "bright-silver" (Back to Top)
, sees a square or spindle-shaped, bright-silver UFO on the ground in Hubba 5/19/1964 #18288  
## Word: "bright-white" (Back to Top)
observer(s). Fast silent extremely bright-white stovepipe here and going so 6/29/1947 #2456  
exico 5:30 p.m. PFC Everitt sees a bright-white, diamond-shaped light in ho 1/6/1949 #3967  
quickly east / 1 minute(s). Leaves bright-white contrail.                   3/18/1963 #17709  
sby, North Dakota, when they see a bright-white, sharply outlined, lozenge- 1/30/1967 #21418  
 City], Vietnam, when he sees five bright-white, oval-shaped objects travel 4/17/1967 #22152  
ecomes visible as six huge, round, bright-white lights in a horizontal row  10/27/1967 #23350  
o 10-year-old boys allegedly see a bright-white, dome-shaped UFO about 100  10/25/1973 #28285  
y, a dome-shaped object emitting a bright-white to yellow light from three  Late 2/1976 #30905  
h of Chicago, Illinois, notice two bright-white rectangular objects slightl 5/7/1979 #34550  
 in Washington State, see a large, bright-white object make two passes over 7/15/1981 #36006  
## Word: "bright-yellow" (Back to Top)
            OVER LUBECK, WV Pilot. Bright-yellow 50cm fuselage going [to] 1 9/25/1949 #4368  
    LAKEVILLE, MA Blue Book. Roar. Bright-yellow ovoid / 2 passes. House li 2/28/1961 #16612  
sland, Virginia, observes a round, bright-yellow light rising from the hori 1/5/1965 #18699  
           LEZAY, FR Several cops. Bright-yellow ball east going west going 5/1/1975 #30016  
abo Rojo, Puerto Rico, see a huge, bright-yellow triangular object in the s 12/28/1988 #38763  
## Word: "brighten" (Back to Top)
ing the sun’s image to alternately brighten and dim and so seem to advance  10/13/1917 #970  
 to see them. The objects dim then brighten suddenly. Alpert grabs a camera 7/16/1952 #6843  
rby. 1 advances and retreats. Both brighten and rise going up / sky.        7/20/1952 #6941  
cally in patterns; they also would brighten for five minutes and then dim f 1/14/1965 #18733  
ook just like airliner blips. They brighten and dim on the screen, moving a 8/2/1965 #19265  
eared as if from nowhere and could brighten up to a size much larger than w 6/20/1969 #25229  
inutes. He watches it increasingly brighten from a row of windows at the up 9/20/1972 #27016  
zigzag. 1 going southwest. Dim and brighten. Possible rocket launch.        10/4/1973 #27932  
oin, growing small and fuzzy, then brighten and enlarge. Three small lights 12/5/1980 #35701  
e in Dortmund, Germany saw the sky brighten, and then sighted a huge 20-met 8/5/1995 #42359  
## Word: "brightened" (Back to Top)
egion of the Siberian taiga, which brightened the pre-dawn sky as far away  6/30/1908 #712  
 the first two. The UFO ultimately brightened and flew away toward the east 10/11/1954 #10943  
object climbed in front of clouds, brightened, turned 90 to the north.  See 10/28/1954 #11463  
bject then made a whistling sound, brightened, and shot up into the sky.    11/9/1954 #11614  
edford, IN House lights dimmed and brightened as hovering UFO pulsated (NIC 8/25/1955 #12405  
 a long period of time, the lights brightened and the object suddenly sped  1/20/1966 #19861  
ke a pendulum. The object suddenly brightened and made a rapid departure (l 3/29/1966 #20131  
t. When the object moved, its glow brightened and it appeared to be a power 6/23/1966 #20595  
 At a distance of one mile the UFO brightened to blinding white and woke up 12/30/1966 #21232  
up, then crossed the sky, stopped, brightened, and emitted two smaller ligh 4/19/1967 #22164  
a third approached from the north, brightened and changed color to white as 8/1/1967 #22773  
d, righted itself, then dimmed and brightened. It shot out beams of light.  12/15/1968 #24772  
over some nearby power lines, then brightened while making a low sweep over 12/7/1970 #25934  
our. At 4:00 a.m. the streetlights brightened and the dogs began barking ag 3/31/1975 #29927  
light appeared inside the room. It brightened and then faded. The witness a 10/6/1979 #34947  
mming sound increased and the glow brightened. Then a craft shaped like a f 5/9/1985 #37589  
 and moved off. One of the objects brightened for several seconds.          6/26/1986 #37925  
bornville, NJ Shiny oval, hovered; brightened, took off like a shot, left w 8/11/1987 #38237  
bornville, NJ Shiny oval, hovered; brightened, took off like a shot, left w 8/11/1987 #38238  
shaped object with lights hovered, brightened, and then took off like a "sh 8/11/1987 #38243  
under it. At this point the object brightened and came closer. A beam of wh 1/12/1988 #38411  
 intensity of the light dimmed and brightened considerably about every 5 se 5/9/1988 #38559  
h was joined by others. The lights brightened and pulsed, hovered, then des 5/11/1988 #38563  
 hovering over the area. The craft brightened suddenly and the witness beca 2/6/1989 #38818  
ect. Shortly after this the object brightened and took off.                 11/30/2000 #44094  
mall red lights in the middle that brightened and dimmed.                   3/8/2003 #44500  
## Word: "brightening" (Back to Top)
und at jet-like speed, dimming and brightening periodically. Two objects ar 3/17/1966 #19983  
ckup 10 smaller objects in groups, brightening each time a pick-up was made 5/17/1966 #20496  
ckup 10 smaller objects in groups, brightening each time a pick-up was made 5/17/1966 #20498  
exico a light was seen dimming and brightening in the sky at 11:15 p.m. It  7/25/1995 #42327  
## Word: "brightens" (Back to Top)
him with a light so strong that it brightens the River Olt some 2.5 miles a 6/1926 #1058  
 between 8:00 and 11:00 p.m., that brightens the landscape.                 11/28/1928 #1092  
e size of the full moon, its light brightens the countryside, then it vanis Spring 1930 #1111  
            RIVERSIDE, FL Fireball brightens and roars every 2 second(s). A 7/11/1950 #5052  
 Large night light / 2K' altitude. Brightens. Rises. Drops. Rises. Going up 10/15/1954? #11085  
ke disk maneuvers / high altitude. Brightens and dims. Then going quickly w 10/23/1954 #11326  
erver(s) run beneath. Whistles and brightens and quickly going up.          11/9/1954 #11609  
). Silver saucer hovers over city. Brightens and descends. Soars up and gon 12/16/1954 #11819  
glowing-orange going west / 30kph? Brightens and dims. Report / USAF.       11/22/1956 #13342  
rs / square trajectory. 90° turns. Brightens. Going quickly southeast.      7/7/1957 #13781  
, SOUTH AFRICA 2+observer(s). Star brightens. Changes color(s). Moves down- 9/29/1957 #14042  
eet in size and 4–5 miles away. It brightens and dims then sometimes goes o 11/3/1957 #14251  
ward(s) Sputnik! Vanishes. Sputnik brightens!                               11/10/1957 #14511  
seen thru) telescope. Small object brightens and dims. Emits smoke. Still.  4/3/1962 #17095  
ight resting in a nearby field. It brightens and dims alternately. As they  5/12/1962 #17165  
r. Fireball darkens / 4 minute(s). Brightens and "explodes". Back / 14 Augu 8/13/1963 #17892  
Air Force cadets and 1. UFO spins. Brightens. Suddenly shoots away. No furt 6/5/1964 #18328  
co. When the object moves its glow brightens, and it appears to be a powere 6/23/1966 #20597  
g scared. Saucer flashes overhead. Brightens and shoots away.               1/6/1968 #23653  
s / 10 minute(s). Going northeast. Brightens and shoots away extremely fast 5/7/1970 #25656  
phere/orb/globe north going south. Brightens. Changes color and trajectory. 7/11/1970 #25730  
st going southwest / 10 minute(s). Brightens and dims.                      3/25/1974 #28944  
oing down [to] cornfield. Darkens. Brightens and goes.                      8/17/1974 #29366  
of the desert around them suddenly brightens. They see a large mass of ligh Mid 3/1977 #31909  
 Disk glows. Slow / 200M altitude. Brightens / sudden fast climb.           9/6/1980 #35499  
ven with him at 212 mph. The light brightens and begins to pulse with an in 11/5/1980 #35620  
(seen thru) telescope. Night light brightens and dims 4x / min. Absolute(ly 3/22/1986 #37805  
e with blue ring / underside. Ring brightens when object moves.             5/25/1986 #37894  
 FR 1 observer. Moon-size fireball brightens and dims 3 times in 3 seconds. 10/18/1989 (approximate) #39175  
ht seen widely over mountain tops. Brightens and dims every 5 second(s).    8/5/1994 #41656  
  SAPELLO, NM Night light dims and brightens. Goes going up and down [to] e 7/25/1995 #42326  
for 3 minutes, then suddenly dims, brightens, and disappears.               3/5/2007 #45009  
## Word: "brighter" (Back to Top)
, and the Venusians are only dimly brighter—making any Jupiterians and Satu 3/1755 #73  
ted, except that it created a much brighter light” that dazzles people stan 6/13/1891 #293  
e apparent size of the planet, but brighter, speeds across his field, passi 9/9/1914 #916  
are well defined and intrinsically brighter than Venus. The prevailing colo 9/9/1914 #916  
cinta Marto—report seeing a woman “brighter than the sun, shedding rays of  5/13/1917 #958  
ight “like a meteor.” When it gets brighter, they can see figures moving in 1930 #1108  
 the horizon east of Umeå. A light brighter than a headlight is reported fr Late 1/1937 #1262  
heir direction, getting bigger and brighter. The egg-shaped object hovers s Early 8/1939 #1312  
xcept the first, which was larger, brighter and seemed to have a proboscis- 12/1942 #1466  
 on the port side. They now appear brighter and larger. When they reach his 12/1942 #1470  
y silent. It was about three times brighter than the brightest star or plan 6/1944 #1597  
g it for 5 minutes, the light gets brighter, rises vertically for several t 1947 #2220  
, the beam shortening and becoming brighter as it nears the water. Soon the 7/1/1947? #2522  
 observer. Classic silver saucer. "Brighter than anything seen before / obs 7/11/1947 #3123  
 making its turn. It was ten times brighter than the brightest star.        4/16/1952 #6094  
 landing light. The object becomes brighter as it approaches from the north 7/10/1952 #6751  
ain into a flat attitude. Two new, brighter UFOs join the formation, and th 7/14/1952 #6817  
ed objects that were joined by two brighter discs. They were each estimated 7/14/1952 #6818  
2 round objects, bluish white with brighter rims, fly in formation (NICAP:  7/17/1952 #6862  
o round objects, bluish-white with brighter rims, flew in formation, making 7/17/1952 #6866  
uvers, darkening and then becoming brighter again.                          7/28/1952 #7270  
 Port Austin, MI Object larger and brighter than a star change color (NICAP 2/17/1953 #8683  
sual object appeared to larger and brighter than a star and changed color;  2/17/1953 #8684  
climbed side-by-side while getting brighter.  Observed for 2 minutes.       8/26/1954 #10181  
c speed side-by-side while getting brighter. He observed them for two minut 8/26/1954 #10183  
ect coming toward them and getting brighter. When it was about 150 m away,  10/5/1954 #10729  
ect coming toward them and getting brighter at 3:45 in the afternoon. When  10/5/1954 #10743  
he first two. It ultimately turned brighter and flew away toward the east.  10/11/1954 #10927  
 about 80 m away. The light turned brighter; the witness felt an intense he 12/17/1954 #11828  
meters away. When the light became brighter the man felt an intense wave of 12/17/1954 #11829  
N, NY 3 cops and 1. Night light 8X brighter / any star. Moves going quickly 8/9/1956 #13064  
ntal. The peripheral lights become brighter and turn greenish as it speeds  Fall 1956 #13239  
r about 10 minutes the object gets brighter, lifts off the ground, moves to 11/11/1956 #13322  
CT Large blue ball drops in jerks. Brighter / sun. Shoots up and away.      7/15/1957 #13797  
m above his tractor. Its light was brighter than that of the headlights as  10/16/1957 #14127  
s above his tractor. Its light was brighter than that of the tractor headli 10/16/1957 #14131  
size at extreme range. It was much brighter than Venus, at 70 degrees eleva 8/17/1958 #15210  
aughter, when he sees a light much brighter than Venus in the vicinity of a 8/18/1958 #15215  
e sky and alerts the crew. It gets brighter as it nears the surface of the  12/13/1959 #16117  
 Egg shaped light crossing the sky brighter than the Echo I satellite (NICA 4/28/1962 #17134  
hite light, approximately 20 times brighter than first magnitude stars, is  6/7/1962 #17221  
1:45, they notice that the star is brighter and has moved closer, taking th 6/25/1962 #17245  
 like a window on one side that is brighter than the rest of the object. It 12/27/1963 #18098  
shire, England at 9:00 p.m. It was brighter than the moon and had blurry ed 8/30/1965 #19481  
ctly. It periodically flashes even brighter. Plant director Col. Jorge Albe 3/12/1966 #19954  
fter a few more moments, it glowed brighter and took off quickly, shooting  3/23/1966 #20057  
mmed, shot eastward, returned, got brighter again, then sped away to the we 3/27/1966 #20099  
5 feet. They describe it as round, brighter than the moon, silver, and abou 8/1/1966 #20718  
a mile and a half away. It becomes brighter after 45 seconds and speeds awa 8/1/1966 #20718  
 described as a very bright white, brighter than a conventional aircraft. I 3/14/1967 #21885  
 saw a mass of very bright lights, brighter than the moon which was visible 4/11/1967 #22108  
 an upward course. The lights were brighter than the Moon, which was visibl 4/11/1967 #22110  
 white light on the bottom becomes brighter as the object hovers, its glow  5/31/1967 #22432  
ded again, the white light growing brighter as it neared the ground (lumino 6/30/1967 #22577  
ris. As he watches, it grows a bit brighter and begins to move directly ben 8/1967 #22771  
ed away. The object was many times brighter than the moon and was seen for  9/14/1967 #23055  
nding still, but glowed redder and brighter when it was moving. The object  3/4/1968 #23826  
tanding still, but gets redder and brighter when moving. The object then co 4/4/1968 #23895  
szów, Poland. It is dark with some brighter bulges on the bottom and emits  Summer 1968 #24066  
 Around 4:30 a.m., the object goes brighter and slowly moves off toward the 7/30/1968 #24263  
turned a red color and became much brighter. Sorenson's truck engine sudden 8/29/1968 #24402  
d object with a dome which glowed "brighter than the sun." It buzzed their  3/12/1969 #25003  
ar, and began pulsating. As it got brighter, the cars' headlights spread wi 3/19/1969 #25030  
w two star-like objects, ten times brighter than Venus. Both rose in the sk 7/20/1969 #25282  
usman reported that the object was brighter than any of the planets.        9/20/1973 #27848  
d glowing with a red-orange color, brighter at the edge than in the center. 9/29/1973 #27888  
ing light of an aircraft but seems brighter and carries none of the other F 10/18/1973 #28172  
bject moves, the red light becomes brighter. It moves right, left, up, and  10/18/1973 #28173  
n a light outside causes it to get brighter. She sees a lighted domed disc  11/1973 #28329  
it reappears twice more, seemingly brighter and closer. She sees that it is 11/2/1973 #28352  
he approached it, the light became brighter and larger. (Reference: UFO INV 1/22/1974 #28690  
ter 5 seconds the object gets much brighter for a second then dims again. T 5/1974 #29075  
a round, orange object, bigger and brighter than the full Moon, hovered for 8/1/1974 #29297  
ect through bedroom window, become brighter, made "whirring sound" As it ca 11/1974 #29572  
his luminous watch dial has become brighter and that the car’s clock is run 11/1974 #29575  
d green light. The object was much brighter than the sky background and was 11/11/1975 #30605  
ce again off to port, it becomes a brighter green, tilts at an angle, and s 4/23/1976 #31017  
r Voreppe. He sees a luminous disc brighter than the full moon and stops hi 11/5/1976 #31528  
oars, and the lights seem to shine brighter than usual. They spot what appe 11/14/1976 #31548  
ed for 23 minutes by a UFO that is brighter than the moon. It remains about 2/1977 #31772  
e forest. It is silent and has 4–7 brighter spots on it. Walking along, the 2/4/1977 #31789  
ods. It was dark blue in color and brighter than its surroundings. It had n 5/8/1977 #32074  
ke that moved towards him and grew brighter. He ruled out any type of aircr 8/28/1977 #32431  
ound for 10 seconds. The object is brighter than the moon.                  4/9/1978 #33135  
 all directions. Its face appeared brighter than the rest of the body and i 4/25/1978 #33169  
d soon splits into two lights, one brighter than the other. They spread apa 10/10/1978 #33827  
ain, floating downward and growing brighter. Red and yellow spikes of light 9/9/1979 #34852  
on airport radar joining a larger, brighter object, then separating again   3/22/1980 #35228  
l objects that join with a larger, brighter object then separate again. The 3/22/1980 #35230  
feet altitude. Its lights are much brighter than normal landing lights, and 3/21/1982 #36404  
er, star-light object, which grows brighter and larger in size. Both object 9/17/1982 #36607  
ft. It had 4 red lights and 1 or 2 brighter white lights. It made no sound. 7/15/1984 #37401  
nly shoot going quickly south even brighter.                                4/30/1986 #37849  
, oval object that hovers, becomes brighter, and takes off like a shot, lea 8/11/1987 #38240  
r of a mile, watching the glow get brighter. As he climbs a hill, the glow  Mid 10/1987 #38305  
15 feet wide. Inside are four much brighter lights in the shape of a cross. 1/5/1988 #38405  
time, the airplane lights come out brighter than those on the UFO, appearin 3/31/1990 #39503  
about 30 minutes over the sea. The brighter and closer group forms a circle 8/24/1990 #39701  
g and 3 feet wide. Soon it becomes brighter and shoots into the sky and dis 8/13/1993 #41135  
s away. The object suddenly became brighter illuminating the nearby trees.  4/7/1994 #41480  
t 30 meters its lights became much brighter, and the neon streetlights went 7/8/1996 #42950  
ises vertically, its lights become brighter, and nearby streetlights go out 7/9/1996 #42952  
joined together. The lights appear brighter when the airport lights are on  7/14/1997 #43350  
ht descending and it seemed to get brighter as it got closer. It dimmed, re 2/14/1999 #43727  
disappeared. The craft then became brighter and rose up quickly, disappeari 4/1/1999 #43752  
hovers for a few seconds and turns brighter, then shoots off westward in a  10/31/2000 #44068  
:30 p.m. "The UFO was 2 to 3 times brighter than the illuminated vapor trai 11/22/2002 #44449  
nge to red It became smaller, then brighter again, then disappeared.        5/31/2003 #44550  
 She said the light got bigger and brighter, and in the midst of the light  7/12/2003 #44563  
lding goes out when the lights get brighter. Possible light pillars.        1/22/2004 #44654  
heast. The strange object was much brighter, much bigger, and much higher t 9/10/2004 #44752  
across the highway. The light gets brighter and moves upward through the tr 7/5/2005 #44851  
 red lights on the corners and two brighter smaller "escorts" flew silently 10/19/2005 #44892  
lia At least three green fireballs brighter than the moon but not as bright 5/16/2006 #44943  
n the light from the object became brighter and brighter, and it turned int 5/16/2010 #45283  
rom the object became brighter and brighter, and it turned into different c 5/16/2010 #45283  
 not blinking. The green color was brighter than the green of a traffic lig 6/1/2013 #45369  
stand of tall pine trees. Then the brighter light begins to grow as it appr 10/6/2013 #45389  
s, sees three points of light (one brighter than the others) on a triangula 2/20/2018 #45507  
## Word: "brightest" (Back to Top)
bout three times brighter than the brightest star or planet, and large enou 6/1944 #1597  
 very shiny & much larger than the brightest star; unaffected by gunfire; d Mid 3/1945 #1813  
It was ten times brighter than the brightest star.                          4/16/1952 #6094  
ed and saw silvery object like the brightest star (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 8/5/1953 #9048  
ad an interior light that was "the brightest blue imaginable," and the bott 4/25/1969 #25091  
ed," the interior light being "the brightest blue imaginable." The top port 4/24/1971 #26081  
 above the Lotts’ house. The three brightest lights are orange-yellow and a 1/31/1975 #29775  
rs the same night, the largest and brightest appearing at 3:00 a.m.         12/25/1980 #35732  
, about 10° above the horizon. The brightest of these hovers for 2–3 hours  12/28/1980 #35749  
 feet high. From the dome came the brightest orange light that she had ever 3/23/1987 #38153  
s like tips. The outer points were brightest, fading into black at the cent 12/4/2004 #44795  
## Word: "brightly" (Back to Top)
d / 15 minute(s). Lights all below brightly.                                2/5/1780 #87  
a group of Canadian trappers see a brightly lit balloon traveling north nea 7/3/1896 #327  
hen the object is moving and glows brightly when hovering.                  4/1/1897 #407  
ped object illuminated the terrain brightly in King's Lynn. Looking up, he  5/13/1909 #739  
several independent witnesses of a brightly illuminated, 80 to 100 foot lon 5/13/1909 #742  
a [now Czech Republic], glittering brightly with no wings, no rudder, and n Summer 1944 #1609  
        FREMONT, OH 3 observer(s). Brightly lit orange disk north going qui 7/8/1947 #2956  
st 78 torpedo-shaped UFOs, glowing brightly and moving silently low over th 8/18/1947 #3348  
ad at tremendous speed. It flashed brightly as it reflected the sunlight.   7/26/1949 #4292  
light crew saw the first object, a brightly glowing one with a dark undersi 10/11/1951 #5724  
bserving a balloon when they see a brightly glowing object to the southeast 10/11/1951 #5725  
light crew saw the first object, a brightly glowing UFO with a dark undersi 10/11/1951 #5726  
nter the machine, which glows very brightly, makes a soft whistling sound,  7/1/1953 #8982  
red the machine, which glowed very brightly, made a soft whistling sound an 7/1/1953 #8983  
red the machine, which glowed very brightly, made a soft whistling sound an 7/2/1953 #8986  
ada The Coupal childrm said that a brightly lighted object followed them to 8/10/1954 #10117  
s younger siblings said they saw a brightly lighted object follow them to t 8/10/1954 #10119  
n the earlty evening when he saw a brightly lit cigar-shaped object resting 10/17/1954 #11180  
irectly overhead. The windows were brightly lit and inside he could see sev 7/17/1955 #12267  
A UFO witness watched an extremely brightly lit UFO over Cincinnati, Ohio f 8/6/1955 #12337  
ghter Hawaiian Fisherman saw three brightly lighted objects "like small moo 6/18/1957 #13738  
eighter Hawaiian Fisherman see two brightly lit objects off the port beam a 6/18/1957 #13740  
                       A disc with brightly illuminated windows followed a  7/4/1957 #13777  
 sees a 200-foot-long, egg-shaped, brightly lit object on Route 114 four mi 11/2/1957 #14219  
–1,200 feet away. They are glowing brightly and equipped with three landing 11/23/1957 #14603  
n her room. A cigar-shaped object, brightly lit and with square portholes,  12/16/1957 #14735  
eet long, dark gray or black, with brightly lit square windows. The object  12/16/1957 #14736  
zil Varig Airlines pilot watched a brightly luminous circular object maneuv 5/27/1958 #15055  
quare object, spinning and shining brightly in the daytime sky. At 8:00 p.m 1/3/1959 #15532  
oaches, but the UFO starts glowing brightly and making a noise, and they dr 8/13/1959 #15914  
etty big. It appears to be shining brightly and is about 50,000 feet up.”   6/19/1961 #16732  
und observed a lens-shaped disc of brightly polished aluminum over the Utah 10/2/1961 #16890  
then turns to Las Vegas. It blares brightly like a “tremendous, flaming swo 4/18/1962 #17120  
ki, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, see a brightly glowing UFO. All five students  12/12/1962 #17584  
 in South Australia a disc-shaped, brightly lit object moved slowly about t 3/20/1965 #18869  
  Damon, TX Two sheriffs saw huge, brightly illuminated object speed toward 9/3/1965 #19510  
grass to an area that was suddenly brightly illuminated from a door opening 9/3/1965 #19518  
object and the creatures were very brightly lit. The incident lasted 30 min 11/13/1965 #19720  
             Aluche, Madrid, Spain Brightly lighted disc with legs seen lan 2/6/1966 #19886  
four times at the UFO, which glows brightly and takes off at high speed, ma 3/23/1966 #20052  
to , be a double-decked craft with brightly lit windows on the upper surfac 3/27/1966 #20099  
a.m. CST. A motorist encountered a brightly lighted disc-like object, grayi 3/31/1966 #20173  
 p.m. CDT. Several persons saw two brightly luminous objects in daylight, o 10/11/1966 #20989  
ich, after about 2 minutes, lit up brightly and moved quickly to the north. 10/11/1966 #20990  
shaped object followed car, ground brightly illuminated, engine, headlights 10/15/1966 #21004  
. In the middle of the object were brightly lit windows. Mrs. Kathleen coul 11/5/1966 #21078  
 saw a Saturn-shaped UFO with many brightly lit windows from her kitchen wi 11/11/1966 #21091  
d object hovered over car, roadway brightly illuminated. Forward motion slo 1/3/1967 #21247  
d object hovered over car, roadway brightly illuminated. Forward motion slo 1/3/1967 #21248  
n, reported to State Police that a brightly lighted disc-shaped craft, abou 1/17/1967 #21330  
ged boys saw around or disc-shaped brightly illuminated object. It moved hi 2/25/1967 #21647  
Dakota, see a round or disc-shaped brightly illuminated object only a few f 2/25/1967 #21648  
f its electrical system. Through a brightly illuminated transparent surface 6/7/1967 #22479  
10-15 in diameter, and was glowing brightly with an orange light. Stanley t 7/17/1967 #22683  
sisters, where they found a round, brightly luminous object hovering about  8/23/1967 #22908  
ter. Occasionally one flares up so brightly that it causes an afterimage in 10/4/1967 #23176  
                                 A brightly luminous object bobbed up-and-d 10/27/1967 #23356  
                        In 1967, a brightly lit object hovered over a field 11/19/1967 #23483  
and above Falkirk, Scotland, saw a brightly illuminated white object with a 11/21/1967 #23492  
ses her to look up, and she sees a brightly lit circular object “about as b 12/8/1967 #23564  
object only 20 meters away. It was brightly luminous and sitting in the mid 7/22/1968 #24202  
object only 20 meters away. It was brightly luminous and sitting in the mid 7/22/1968 #24205  
the evening. Looking out she saw a brightly lit object that gave off bright 8/12/1968 #24322  
standing vertically on end. It was brightly lit, and near it he saw a small 9/21/1968 #24495  
North Dakota, report a very large, brightly illuminated aerial object, alte 10/24/1968 #24587  
all elevator, which went up into a brightly lit circular compartment with a 5/20/1969 #25151  
through a forest when he sighted a brightly lit, yard-wide sphere in the sk 8/5/1970 #25770  
owards his position. He saw a very brightly lit, large cartouche-shaped win 8/15/1970 #25787  
                               Two brightly lit, 25 foot in diameter disc-s 10/10/1970 #25874  
Four men near a railway line saw a brightly lit disc come down through the  11/25/1970 #25920  
stripped and placed against a very brightly lit wall panel. A machine direc 3/14/1971 #26047  
ain, at first gradually, then more brightly. She now felt irresistibly draw 8/11/1971 #26280  
ing home when his car was suddenly brightly illuminated by multiple beams o 9/20/1971 #26353  
aw a large disc-shaped object with brightly lit portholes and blue beams of 10/16/1971 #26427  
er, Tasmania at 6:20 a.m. It had a brightly reflective surface that flashed 12/15/1971 #26504  
other Muskegon citizens observed a brightly colored UFO around 9:15 P.M (NI 3/8/1972 #26591  
 near ground; blinding white light brightly illuminated terrain; object mad 8/19/1972 #26931  
 near ground. Blinding white light brightly illuminated terrain. Object mad 8/19/1972 #26932  
nd the being's enormous eyes shone brightly in the light, like those of a c 2/26/1973 #27318  
garage doors opening." Illuminated brightly from within, she observed a hum 6/23/1973 #27584  
                                 A brightly lit football-shaped object asce 8/3/1973 #27676  
              Elmwood Township, MI Brightly glowing ellipse hovered near ho 9/16/1973 #27827  
                    At 7:30 p.m. a brightly glowing ellipse hovered near a  9/16/1973 #27828  
 She was left briefly alone in the brightly lit room, and then strapped to  10/20/1973 #28220  
00 feet above car, light reflected brightly off of car hood; object then sp 10/25/1973 #28282  
a landed domed disc on legs with a brightly lit “blister” on top, flashing  12/6/1973 #28533  
all their facial features. The UFO brightly illuminated the surrounding ter 1/8/1974 #28667  
 twenties sighted a 30 meter long, brightly illuminated "trolley" in a fiel 3/7/1974 #28867  
remembers finding herself inside a brightly lit room as a ramped door close 3/20/1974 #28916  
     Málaga, Spain Night. A large, brightly shining, spindle-shaped object  3/27/1974 #28962  
are windows emanating white light. Brightly lit transparent area on top. Tw 5/22/1974 #29123  
ams to ground, illuminated terrain brightly (Reference 1, Section IX). (NIC 10/17/1974 #29539  
ams to ground, illuminated terrain brightly                                 10/17/1974 #29540  
t out and his watch dial lights up brightly. The object moves away and abru 11/4/1974 #29583  
Sheryl Ricard were driving home, a brightly lit globe appeared in the sky i 1/8/1975 #29733  
 lights surrounding a transparent, brightly lit dome, inside of which 3 dar 1/8/1975 #29733  
 he sees a dark, round object with brightly lit windows hovering over the g 1/12/1975 #29744  
storm, the object reappears, glows brightly, and suddenly zooms toward the  2/26/1975 #29852  
orm, the object reappeared, glowed brightly, and suddenly zoomed toward the 2/26/1975 #29853  
 rough terrain. Although they were brightly illuminated by a white light, t 8/8/1975 #30244  
 to be afraid. He was taken into a brightly lit adjoining room where there  10/27/1975 #30489  
their location, they are viewing a brightly glowing, orange, football field 11/7/1975 #30576  
herical object, transparent, huge, brightly luminous, no sound. Two human-l 6/22/1976 #31127  
wn. For a period of two hours, two brightly shining UFOs perform fantastic  7/14/1976 #31164  
 meters tall.” It was dressed in a brightly shining, dark brown outfit, and 7/15/1976 #31165  
t static electricity and spotted a brightly lit, 150 foot domed disc-shaped 9/10/1976 #31373  
ar, and the UFO was described as a brightly luminous domed disc the size of 9/19/1976 #31411  
w him on the same ski run, shining brightly. He decides to go home in his p Mid 1/1977 #31723  
       St. Bernard Parish, LA Boat brightly illuminated by round glowing ob 1/21/1977 #31737  
       St. Bernard Parish, LA Boat brightly illuminated by round glowing ob 1/21/1977 #31739  
      Nelson, North Lancashire, UK Brightly lighted ellipse hovered, car en 3/9/1977 #31884  
ight chestnut color, and also with brightly reflecting points of light. It  8/3/1977 #32356  
 / car. 6 luminous balls. 1 pulses brightly and going quickly west. 4 maneu 8/13/1977 #32398  
 blue flashing light, plus several brightly lit windows could be seen on it 8/31/1977 #32444  
 blue flashing light, plus several brightly lit windows could be seen on it 8/31/1977 #32447  
rtaking his DC-10. It has a row of brightly illuminated windows running fro 9/22/1977 #32510  
          An elongated object with brightly lit windows passed Continental  9/22/1977 #32513  
 some point during the incident, a brightly lighted object passed him, and  2/5/1978 #32956  
nton Harbor, Michigan, see a long, brightly lit, silver cylinder at about 6 7/28/1978 #33434  
 disc-shaped object. The craft had brightly lit rectangular windows around  8/22/1978 #33551  
na Car participating in road rally brightly illuminated by glowing object,  9/22/1978 #33728  
na Car participating in road rally brightly illuminated by glowing object,  9/22/1978 #33729  
                    Leme, Brazil A brightly lit globular shaped object was  12/3/1978 #34055  
                                 A brightly lit globular shaped object was  12/3/1978 #34056  
ight a woman named Isabel D. saw a brightly illuminated blue-greenish rail  12/4/1978 #34058  
ed and found himself in a circular brightly illuminated room crammed full o 12/15/1978 #34137  
n this night. They first noticed a brightly illuminated rhomboid object tha 12/25/1978 #34207  
nd object over the alpine glacier, brightly illuminating the ice. Later tha 12/31/1978 #34245  
nd object over the alpine glacier, brightly illuminating the ice. Later tha 12/31/1978 #34252  
kened to find their bedroom lit up brightly. One of the witnesses looked ou 1/29/1979 #34389  
 a.m. to find their bedroom lit up brightly. One of the witnesses looked ou 1/29/1979 #34391  
s dome or domed disc descended and brightly illuminated the surrounding are 3/6/1979 #34470  
n Croy ran from their car when the brightly lit object passed low overhead. 4/19/1979 #34514  
ngland ran from their car when the brightly lit object passed low overhead. 4/19/1979 #34516  
 their vehicle. The ground was lit brightly, and figures could be seen look 5/5/1979 #34545  
snodar Krai, Russia. They notice a brightly illuminated object approaching  8/12/1979 #34739  
e light returns, this time shining brightly through the window. The light i 11/30/1979 #35031  
ys pilot and crew observed a huge, brightly illuminated hemispherical objec 6/20/1980 #35381  
ays pilot and crew observe a huge, brightly illuminated hemispherical objec 6/20/1980 #35382  
              South Canterbury, NZ Brightly lighted, dome-shaped object wit 7/12/1981 #36000  
               Temuka, New Zealand Brightly lighted, dome-shaped object wit 7/12/1981 #36001  
outh Canterbury, New Zealand saw a brightly lit domed disc-shaped craft wit 7/12/1981 #36003  
g no sound. The object had several brightly lit windows and slot like inden 7/12/1981 #36003  
             Alpine (near), CA UFO brightly illuminated car, witness badly  8/30/1981 #36091  
                  El Cajon, CA UFO brightly illuminated car, witness badly  8/30/1981 #36092  
 As she does, the object flares up brightly and zips away at an incredible  4/1/1982 #36428  
      Palatine, IL Luminous object brightly illuminated police car, changed 11/27/1982 #36693  
      Palatine, IL Luminous object brightly illuminated police car, changed 11/27/1982 #36695  
inous object with brilliant lights brightly illuminates a police patrol car 11/27/1982 #36697  
object with brilliant illumination brightly illuminated a police patrol car 11/27/1982 #36698  
 state of Victoria reported seeing brightly colored UFOs (NICAP: 01 - Dista 5/20/1983 #36861  
 begins to approach and shine more brightly. His airplane instruments start 5/23/1983 #36865  
disc has large round windows and a brightly lit interior. Inside they see h 8/12/1983 #36949  
p.m. It lit up the area incredibly brightly as it hovered over the observat 10/25/1983 #37017  
r Cedarburg, Wisconsin, to watch a brightly lit object silently descend and 12/7/1983 #37068  
ticed everything around him became brightly lit. He looked up to see that t 5/19/1984 #37334  
enly, everything around him became brightly lit, and the witness felt a tin 5/19/1984 #37335  
ner are startled to see a strange, brightly glowing shape that appears to t 9/7/1984 #37458  
Hovering oval object, body lights, brightly illuminated the area, moved up, 2/28/1986 #37791  
Hovering oval object, body lights, brightly illuminated the area, moved up, 2/28/1986 #37792  
and came upon a large transparent, brightly illuminated bluish disc-shaped  6/20/1986 #37918  
herical satellite bodies that were brightly lit and blue in color. The form 11/3/1986 #38059  
 pipes). The inside cockpit shined brightly and I felt warm in the face.” T 11/17/1986 #38068  
 Zimbabwe reported seeing a large, brightly lit balloon-shaped object passi 1/29/1987 #38106  
, lights around perimeter, terrain brightly illuminated (section IX). (NICA 2/7/1987 #38115  
, lights around perimeter, terrain brightly illuminated                     2/7/1987 #38116  
, and the mountainside terrain was brightly illuminated by its presence.    2/7/1987 #38117  
s produces his most famous photo—a brightly lit structured craft hovering a 1/12/1988 #38410  
edgerow around 8:00 a.m. It glowed brightly and made a noise like rushing a 2/9/1988 #38449  
es an 8mm videotape recording of a brightly luminous object that passes nea 7/6/1989 #39013  
rrugated” bottom. Light is shining brightly from the joint between the two  10/13/1989 #39169  
om a window, the officer can see a brightly lit, circular, metallic object  7/19/1990 #39651  
use, and the eldest daughter saw a brightly lit being in the house, who alm 8/5/1990 #39681  
rliner, with the pilot reporting a brightly lit object approaching on a con 6/8/1991 #40092  
                  DISLEY, CHESHIRE Brightly lit 60' torus-UFO with windows. 3/4/1992 #40351  
 leaf motions, hovered, light beam brightly illuminated terrain (section VI 8/19/1992 #40581  
 leaf motions, hovered, light beam brightly illuminated terrain             8/19/1992 #40582  
England, calls the RAF to report a brightly lit UFO shaped like a “squashed 11/1992 #40699  
t. Werner Noeske observes a large, brightly illuminated disc with a large t 12/16/1992 #40749  
 that seemed to emerge through the brightly lit interior wall of the craft. 3/16/1993 #40886  
 the arm and escorted him inside a brightly illuminated dome-shaped room. T 3/16/1993 #40886  
m. A triangular UFO with two other brightly lit round objects is seen over  6/15/1995 #42257  
moment the bedroom curtains lit up brightly and there was a whooshing sound 12/4/1995 #42638  
 British Columbia Night. After two brightly lit objects fly above Surrey, B 12/8/1997 #43454  
                                 A brightly lit triangular UFO was sighted  3/3/1998 #43529  
. At 8:00 o’clock in the evening a brightly colored disc was seen hovering  12/21/1999 #43901  
ari, Texas many people witnessed a brightly lit object move across the sky  12/1/2001 #44280  
ward the north. All objects pulsed brightly and then faded.                 7/13/2002 #44360  
t 11:30 p.m. The light came from a brightly lit, disc-shaped object that wa 8/31/2002 #44388  
:04 p.m. It shrank and then glowed brightly, and changed color from orange  5/31/2003 #44550  
n shape, appeared to land.  It was brightly lit with what looked like halog 3/21/2004 #44678  
h a bluish tint, and blinking very brightly, was sighted next to Interstate 11/22/2006 #44986  
## Word: "brightly-lighted" (Back to Top)
diameter, transparent dome on top. Brightly-lighted, red in color. Two tall 7/4/1978 #33329  
## Word: "brightly-lit" (Back to Top)
e to Perth. She awoke to observe a brightly-lit egg-shaped object on the gr 9/6/1973 #27773  
## Word: "brightness" (Back to Top)
, England. It rapidly increases in brightness, changing from a star-like ob 9/10/1798 #96  
hwest of the Sun. He estimates its brightness to be the same as that of The 7/29/1878 #214  
s with a green luminescence. Their brightness changes considerably as they  7/31/1933 #1169  
y Spherical object, fluctuating in brightness, pyrotechnic pink in color, c 11/22/1944 #1699  
h-orange objects, solid color, and brightness; apparently individually cont 3/25/1945 #1825  
herville, 3 miles to the east. Its brightness fluctuates and it seems to be 4/10/1945 #1843  
ess sky by diminishing in size and brightness. At the same time, 100 guards 2/17/1949 #4015  
eor. But others are puzzled by the brightness, trajectories, and soundlessn 11/3/1949 #4409  
times, maintaining the same shape, brightness, and size (less than one inch 7/4/1951? #5559  
asion, a red fireball increased in brightness and then faded over 45 second 3/23/1952 #5969  
f jet aircraft. Intensity of color brightness varies with the object’s alti 5/12/1952 #6305  
rcraft. The intensity of its color brightness varied with the object's alti 5/12/1952 #6306  
e rear, periodically increasing in brightness. It moves swiftly, giving off 7/17/1952 #6869  
he rear, periodically increased in brightness.  It moved very fast for l 1/ 7/18/1952 #6892  
aft that periodically increased in brightness, and its rim gave off an oran 7/18/1952 #6903  
 NJ Stationary glowing object lose brightness and diminish in size (NICAP:  8/12/1952 #7556  
ast in a shallow arc. It pulses in brightness at regular intervals. At the  1/25/1954 #9500  
eappeared, then shrank in size and brightness.                              6/13/1954 #9899  
y object in the west. It varies in brightness, changing color from white to 8/11/1954 #10126  
east, came to the ground, lost its brightness, remained on the spot about 4 9/19/1954 #10360  
m. It came to the ground, lost its brightness, and remained in one spot for 9/20/1954 #10371  
jects, shape, duration, speed, and brightness. If there are no significant  10/25/1955 #12519  
esults, all characteristics except brightness test significant at less or m 10/25/1955 #12519  
cant at less or much less than 1% (brightness is greater than 5%). By remov 10/25/1955 #12519  
uggested. For two characteristics, brightness and speed, the significance a 10/25/1955 #12519  
, UK Bright white star increase in brightness in the E at “high altitude” ( 4/28/1956 #12816  
 took off with a great increase in brightness at very high speed, but witho 10/31/1957 #14173  
takes off with a great increase in brightness, silently, at high speed.     10/31/1957 #14175  
 took off with a great increase in brightness as it flew away at very high  10/31/1957 #14177  
s 2:25 a.m. A sudden violet-orange brightness illuminates the sky over Rome 8/3/1958 #15177  
ionary object in the sky change in brightness and give off smoke. It remain 4/3/1962 #17096  
pe spotted a small object changing brightness (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 4/4/1962 #17097  
escope.  One small object changing brightness, gave off smoke but remained  4/4/1962 #17098  
gs, “of strange shape and dazzling brightness,” briefly emerged from it. Th 8/20/1965 #19443  
y. Self-luminous box changes color brightness and shape going [to] delta.   4/1966? #20187  
ight side. The lights fluctuate in brightness but are very distinct. Burns  4/25/1966 #20415  
s of a light in the sky, twice the brightness of Venus, that changed color  3/7/1967 #21789  
cond period and an approximate 1:3 brightness ratio. The lower objects rise 5/16/1967 #22355  
wish glow pulsated or flickered in brightness. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p.  8/23/1967 #22899  
to describe short-lived changes in brightness, color, or appearance on the  7/1/1968 #24117  
econd. It was about magnitude-2 in brightness and pulsated twice a second.  9/29/1968 #24522  
 and the illumination increased in brightness to such a point that Pereira  5/20/1969 #25151  
Ron was temporarily blinded by the brightness of the craft as it ascended.  11/2/1971 #26450  
ground at the edge of a woods. Its brightness dazzled him so that he had to 11/21/1974 #29601  
M altitude / 30 minute(s). Changes brightness.                              3/1/1975 #29861  
 binoculars; the object changed in brightness.                              3/1/1975 #29862  
c circles of varying thickness and brightness form around it. They watch it Early 7/1975 #30148  
ion slightly once and increases in brightness when lightning flashes. It di 7/13/1977 #32269  
rs from the ranch owner. After the brightness abated, the ranch owner, Joao 7/17/1977 #32288  
imson-red color, which despite its brightness does not hurt his eyes. It sh 5/13/1978 #33202  
 Valencia, Spain at 11:00 p.m. Its brightness decreased as he approached th 12/2/1978 #34051  
 police. The UFO changed color and brightness, from red to bluish white, fo 1/9/1979 #34326  
n. It grows bigger, four times the brightness of the houselights at the bas 8/11/1979 #34732  
d maneuver. Different color(s) and brightness.                              8/1980 #35434  
ght white light that fluctuates in brightness and mostly remains stationary 11/25/1980 #35669  
t was an airplane. It increased in brightness and stopped in midair. The ob 6/12/1981 #35967  
f in response. At no time does the brightness or color or altitude of the l 11/23/1987 #38332  
officer’s eyes hurt badly from the brightness and he feels ill. There is a  12/4/1988 #38743  
ide and 15 miles long. Its surface brightness is the same as Phobos. Its si 3/25/1989 #38881  
th rapid variation in the object’s brightness in images obtained during its 11/6/1991 #40220  
switch apparently triggered by the brightness of the object's lights. The o 5/3/1992 #40449  
ing and changing in both color and brightness, was encased within a structu 4/25/2001 #44164  
Simferopol' that evening, changing brightness and pulsating, moving directl 5/15/2003 #44537  
nd how there is no glow, given the brightness of the green light. The fathe 10/6/2013 #45389  
nitoba. The CIRVIS report says the brightness of the light in the night sky 1/6/2019 #45556  
## Word: "brighton" (Back to Top)
                                   BRIGHTON, SUSSEX 2 observer(s). Too-larg 7/7/1947 #2884  
                          WEST NEW BRIGHTON AND MANHATTAN, NY 3+observer(s) 7/18/1952 #6881  
                              WEST BRIGHTON, NY Bright yellow object. Red l 7/22/1952 #7006  
                                   BRIGHTON, VCT, AUSTR Gold saucers / V-fo 1/1954 #9427  
                                   BRIGHTON, EAST SUSSEX 1 observer. Bright 7/5/1954 #9995  
                                   BRIGHTON, NZ Horseshoe shape hovers and  11/20/1957 #14581  
                       SOUTHEAST / BRIGHTON, NZ Several separate observer(s 2/3/1965 #18794  
                             South Brighton, New Zealand A man saw a light  2/3/1965 #18795  
w the object as it rose over South Brighton.                                2/3/1965 #18795  
          Penguin Street South New Brighton New Zealand 8:45 p.m. A man see 2/3/1965 #18796  
ach near Penguin Street, South New Brighton, New Zealand, and gets out of h 2/3/1965 #18796  
UFO ascend from the beach in South Brighton, New Zealand. It emitted a whis 2/3/1965 #18797  
                               NEW BRIGHTON, MN 'Ferris wheel' 2X moon-size 8/5/1965 (approximate) #19326  
 same night Mr. & Mrs. De Turca of Brighton Township, Beaver County, Pennsy 8/11/1965 #19368  
                            SR13 / BRIGHTON, MO 10 / bus. Silent manta-delt 10/2/1982 #36627  
hours later ten people in a bus in Brighton, Missouri watched a silent mant 10/2/1982 #36630  
                 Coffeen, Illinois Brighton, Illinois 8:19 p.m. A witness i 2/7/1983 #36762  
lice officer 10 miles southwest of Brighton, Illinois, around 8:27 p.m.     2/7/1983 #36762  
                                   Brighton, England English Channel Night. 11/1992 #40699  
nd English Channel Night. A man in Brighton, England, calls the RAF to repo 11/1992 #40699  
                                   BRIGHTON, ONT MUFON swamped / calls. 10  6/23/1993 #41030  
                                   Brighton Racecourse, Sussex, England 11: 8/14/1995 #42383  
n by three family members near the Brighton Racecourse, Sussex, England.    8/14/1995 #42383  
                               NEW BRIGHTON, MN 2 observer(s). 30 diamond a 4/24/1997 #43275  
                                   BRIGHTON, NZ 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. 3/30/1998 #43538  
capsule shaped object hovered over Brighton, New Zealand at 8:30 p.m. While 3/30/1998 #43539  
raveling at 300 feet altitude over Brighton, Michigan on a steady course, a 6/1/2002 #44345  
        At around 9:00 p.m. in New Brighton, Pennsylvania a black triangula 6/30/2003 #44559  
## Word: "brights" (Back to Top)
moving, chevron-shaped object with brights lights on the underneath of the  3/5/2006 #44928  
## Word: "brignoles" (Back to Top)
                                   BRIGNOLES, FR Milkman. Bright silent fir 10/5/1954 #10713  
                              OVER BRIGNOLES, FR Military helicopter crew.  7/8/1992 #40517  
## Word: "brill" (Back to Top)
 Carload / Fairchild-Nepa workers. Brill fireball hovers / restricted airsp 1/14/1950 #4487  
LINAS, CA 4 / car buzzed / saucer. Brill blue-light. Loops. Going quickly s 3/11/1950 #4612  
                  PEARL HARBOR, HI Brill blue-green fireball passes overhea 3/24/1950 #4716  
r and 2 United Airlines (UAL) men. Brill night light / northwest. Hovers /  3/26/1950 #4725  
ILLIAM AND MORE/OTHERS, ON Crowds. Brill fireball. No wings. 4 night lights 3/29/1950 #4751  
  NEAR CROWFOOT, OR 2 observer(s). Brill 8M saucer? going up / gully. Dogs  10/1950 #5203  
    CLEVELAND, OH Airline workers. Brill saucer / 3000' altitude. Vibrates  4/13/1952 #6066  
ELES, CA Several reports / papers. Brill night lights going up [to] going d 9/2/1952 #7825  
UITI, NI, NZ Airborne observer(s). Brill orange fireball with reddish tail. 1/6/1953 #8507  
                      VANDALIA, OH Brill white UFO flies under 2 United Sta 9/7/1953 #9150  
 3 observer(s) / 3 separate towns. Brill saucer. Many UFO's in north all we 5/13/1954 #9784  
      NEWMARKET, NH 2 observer(s). Brill orange disk zigzags then straight  7/10/1954 #10006  
                      SANTA FE, NM Brill white sphere/orb/globe leaves (som 8/6/1954 #10101  
 SHROPS Gibbons and 3 observer(s). Brill silver ovoid going quickly southwe 8/16/1954 #10147  
        ROUBAIX, FR 2 observer(s). Brill red disk with luminous/glowing gre 9/15/1954 #10303  
                    TOULOUSE, FR 2 Brill saucers / ground. Small humanoid ( 10/1/1954 #10541  
        BILLOM, FR 30+observer(s). Brill object circles and maneuvers. Goin 10/3/1954 #10634  
         BELLENAVES-ST.-BONNET, FR Brill round object / high altitude leave 10/10/1954 #10870  
              ERNEMONT / BUCHY, FR Brill crescent going down. 3 shadows exi 10/23/1954 #11329  
              CHICAMA VALLEY, PERU Brill saucer flashes. Moves slow and fas 10/27/1954 #11426  
veral thousands and astronomers. 2 Brill objects hover over crowds. Away ex 11/7/1956 #13309  
                           OKA, QB Brill 120cm disk spins fast. Up and down 10/30/1957 (approximate) #14163  
OFF CLEARWATER, FL 20+observer(s). Brill cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / high 11/5/1957 #14307  
F TO/FROM HAWAII 8 airliners. Huge Brill objects maneuver and turn. Extreme 7/11/1959 #15832  
       EURAMO, AUSTR Farmer. Large Brill 10M cone over sugar cane. Lights h 9/1959 #15946  
Bluebook Case #6929. Unidentified. Brill silvery globe over farm road. Rise 8/29/1960 #16422  
CA FAA expert and more/others. 2+3 Brill objects hover. 6th object scouts b 10/30/1960 #16489  
   LIEPAYA, LATVIA Several pilots. Brill white ovoid. Size = moon / 2. Make 8/12/1965 #19371  
Car electro-magnetic effect (EME). Brill 5M saucer. 5 cat-faces / portholes 6/7/1967 #22475  
    BRIXHAM, DEVON RAF jet circles Brill 200' cone. Many HIQ military and c 6/22/1967 #22532  
ETE, SPN 3+1 separate observer(s). Brill 1.2M turtle-saucer / 200M over oli 1/18/1968 #23670  
 MORE/OTHERS Astronomers and many. Brill lens-cone circles and pulses. Phot 5/17/1968 #23965  
FIRTATESTI, ROMANIA 5 observer(s). Brill round elongated object going quick 8/23/1968 #24371  
        CLUJ, ROMANIA Teacher sees Brill red ovoid. Larger / moon. Goes ver 11/5/1968 #24634  
                NEAR HANBURY, ENGL Brill object rises / field. Hovers over  11/20/1968 #24667  
                     BESCANCON, FR Brill white saucer seen from car / 45 se 12/15/1968 #24768  
DL SIERRA, SP 4 observer(s). 1 x2M Brill window by tree. Vanishes / gun rai 8/5/1970 #25769  
                   NEAR CARO, MI 2 Brill objects buzz car. Brief Radio Freq 10/10/1970 #25873  
 Air Traffic Controllers and more. Brill saucer near airport/apartment. Jet 9/14/1972 #26992  
GEMENT MOUNTAIN, QB 9 observer(s). Brill sphere going quickly southeast. St 9/21/1972 #27018  
  HORNBY ISLAND, BC 4 observer(s). Brill red night light going up and down  4/26/1973 #27447  
                CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO Brill blue-white night light going quick 8/5/1973 #27685  
 OVER TOULON, FR Nice observatory. Brill ovoid divides / 3. 2 going quickly 10/26/1973 #28288  
er. Car slows going [to] downhill. Brill domed saucer ahead. Force field?   2/17/1974 #28776  
NC Highway Patrol. 30' object with Brill white light. Red lights / side. No 4/5/1975 #29968  
 KEMPSEY, AUS 2 observer(s). Large Brill night light going quickly west. Se 7/21/1975 #30196  
                      MONTREAL, QB Brill disk / sky / nearby. Shadow-figure 11/1975 #30529  
EADOWVIEW, VA Several observer(s). Brill fireball maneuvers and lands. Blas 1/18/1976 #30797  
                     LOVINGTON, NM Brill fireball hovers near Venus. Change 9/30/1976 #31433  
 WHITEHORSE, YKN Ambulance paced / Brill ovoid. Electrics electro-magnetic  12/26/1976 #31631  
ALTA Several separate observer(s). Brill flashing night lights maneuver. No 3/11/1977 #31895  
, ITL 3 cops and 3. Frozen / beam! Brill object hovers low / docks. / r41p3 12/9/1978 #34080  
ll booth and separate observer(s). Brill sphere shoots rays going down. Goi 12/13/1978 #34104  
              TILH, FR 1 observer. Brill white 15M disk going up and down / 11/26/1979 #35014  
O over car / 5 second(s) and gone. Brill white light. Dog howls / pain.     3/8/1980 #35202  
 SPROSTON GREEN, CHESHIRE 2 / car. Brill lights. 2 7' figure(s) glide up. T 6/1980 #35346  
adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Brill object becomes dome / light. / r17 6/18/1982 #36508  
 WEST YORKS 2 amateur astronomers. Brill yellow sphere going north slow. 3  1/4/1988 #38396  
 emits smoke and flame and debris! Brill sphere/orb/globe going [to] slow.  1/4/1988 #38397  
 OJESJON, DALARNA, SWD 4 / boat. 3 Brill hat-saucers follow / 5km. "Oppress 7/24/1988 #38606  
 red. No recall of 2 photographs / Brill object / complex trajectory.       12/24/1990 #39930  
         MUROWANA, POLAND 2 / car. Brill 30M saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape sh 1/18/1991 #39958  
                 WITT SPRINGS, ARK Brill red-orange disappears as military  11/21/1991 #40234  
, IL Storm and power outage. Large Brill object over field. Crushed wheat f 5/15/1995 #42206  
## Word: "brill-blue" (Back to Top)
DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 Brill-blue blobs. Tucson, AZ civilians s 8/27/1952 #7752  
## Word: "brill-shiny" (Back to Top)
              MATANZAS, CUBA Boys. Brill-shiny top-saucer. Going up [to] fa 7/8/1959 (approximate) #15823  
## Word: "brillance" (Back to Top)
 his dog, near the junction of the Brillance Canal and the Durance River, w 10/17/1954 #11173  
2:30 p.m. near the junction of the Brillance Canal and the Durance River. H 10/17/1954 #11179  
## Word: "brillant" (Back to Top)
on vacation in Sonora. One night a brillant electric blue UFO flew right by 4/13/1971 #26068  
## Word: "brillian" (Back to Top)
r Force sighted a sharply defined, brillian white ball of light in Andover, 9/27/1965 #19616  
## Word: "brilliance" (Back to Top)
hen flashes out again with renewed brilliance. Edward Carragher, owner of t 11/22/1896 #348  
cts move, they give off a dazzling brilliance. They maintain a level flight 9/26/1949 #4372  
ular night light changes shape and brilliance. Fades to a star going northw 12/18/1950 #5355  
a circular light changed shape and brilliance as it hovered over Oak Ridge  12/18/1950 #5357  
tion, the object loses some of its brilliance and diminishes in size, appar 8/12/1952 #7559  
t began to glow with scintillating brilliance. Immediately, there rose from 12/16/1957 #14736  
s them through binoculars, and the brilliance hurts his eyes for two hours. 9/10/1960 #16442  
of sparks and blinding them by its brilliance.                              11/11/1960 #16499  
ly no experience, and, despite his brilliance, ‘didn’t have a clue.’ Becaus 11/1/1966 #21060  
 foot spherical object of dazzling brilliance that rested on the ground. On 8/29/1967 #22955  
moving slowly through the sky. Its brilliance increases and decreases as it 8/18/1968 #24352  
it "quickly diminished in size and brilliance" and disappeared. "Once a sma 6/20/1969 #25229  
 by the reflection of the object's brilliance in his rear view mirror. Both 8/4/1975 #30235  
ood in his doorway. Because of the brilliance of the light, he shielded his 5/15/1986 #37870  
eings re-entered the craft and its brilliance increased, and it then vanish 9/26/1997 #43417  
l its shape because of the light's brilliance. He watched in amazement, for 5/23/1999 #43773  
## Word: "brilliancy" (Back to Top)
e” object moving upward with great brilliancy. As he approaches it, he feel 3/23/1974 #28935  
## Word: "brilliant" (Back to Top)
 more clouds in which are embedded brilliant lights as bright as the full m 12/5/1737 #60  
             HRADEC-KRALOVY, CZK 2 brilliant disks seen. No further details 6/6/1744 #67  
CHISWICK, LONDON Odd sphere shoots brilliant beams. Drops and hovers just o 8/15/1755 #74  
st, Massachusetts 8:00–9:00 p.m. A brilliant white fireball streaks across  8/13/1819 #110  
     CASSADAGA SWAMP, NY Man lost. Brilliant 12M square / light guides him  10/1828 (approximate) #124  
 an hour. It was described as very brilliant, and was shaped like a "prunin 11/13/1833 #128  
 People in Washington, D.C., see a brilliant light in the sky overhead “lik 3/21/1854 #148  
 in New Haven, Connecticut, sees a brilliant red fireball in the sky near t 1/22/1855 #149  
     Columbus, Georgia 9:45 p.m. A brilliant object is seen crossing the sk 9/30/1880 #240  
EWCOMERSTOWN, OH Many observer(s). Brilliant square night light going north 12/27/1883 #257  
eral springs there when they see a brilliant light rise above a mountain to 9/2/1891 #296  
e of a lagoon, covering it with a “brilliant halo of light.” It rises momen 1/1892? #297  
icographer James Murray watches a “brilliant luminous body” move slowly ove 8/31/1895 #321  
fornia, Mayor Adolph Sutro watch a brilliant light approaching from the sea Early 11/1896? #334  
ents of Galesburg, Michigan, see a brilliant white light passing overhead.  4/1/1897 #408  
s horse whirls around in fright. A brilliant light as if from an arc lamp s 4/16/1897 #510  
lle, Texas, when he comes across a brilliant light and a large, cigar-shape 4/16/1897 #511  
Virginia at 8:30 p.m.. It directed brilliant searchlights down toward the g 4/18/1897 #529  
 horse. He sees an object with two brilliant white lights on either end lan 4/21/1897? #551  
s an oblong airship with wings and brilliant lights. When he first sees it, 4/22/1897 #559  
Texas. Stepping outside, he sees a brilliant, multicolored light approachin 4/28/1897? #582  
Blossom, Texas Sherman 9:00 p.m. A brilliant object passes over Italy, Gree 10/4/1898 #625  
IN, NZ 1 observer. Flying airship. Brilliant light from mast / antenna on t 7/31/1909 #793  
 New Zealand later that morning. A brilliant light shone from atop a mast a 7/31/1909 #795  
f Worcester, Massachusetts, see a “brilliant ray” emitted by a large black  12/22/1909 #821  
EST / GREER, ID 2 prospector. Huge brilliant gold globe maneuvers going sou 2/5/1910 #835  
Ohio, when they notice a light, as brilliant as an arc light, in the northe 8/3/1911 #856  
        BRISTOL AND LIVERPOOL, ENG Brilliant lights / sky sweep hills. No p 1/24/1913 #871  
aveling about 25 mph and carries a brilliant light.                         1/25/1913 #872  
yshire, England After 10:00 p.m. A brilliant light the size of a tennis bal 1/22/1919 #983  
iny surface, one side of which was brilliant from the sun."                 8/5/1927 #1077  
den, Ontario, see an object with a brilliant white light on its front illum 1/1/1931 #1120  
           Oakland, CA About seven brilliant objects in a group flew from 3 1932 #1134  
s standing on a street lit up by a brilliant white light from above. Lookin 5/4/1932 #1143  
 Belgium Night. A Mr. Aerts sees a brilliant circular object “like aluminum Spring 1935 #1224  
              AZNALCAZAR, SP Large brilliant saucer going down / just over  4/5/1935 (approximate) #1226  
er named Mora sees a large, round, brilliant object descend and hover just  4/5/1935 #1227  
      In Aznalcazar, Spain a large brilliant, round object descended from t 4/5/1935 #1228  
cap, some coalescing to swell in a brilliant white spot that quickly become 5/30/1937 #1270  
02, FR Numerous observer(s). Small brilliant silent metallic objects north  1/8/1943 #1478  
any people witnessed several small brilliant metallic objects fly silently  1/8/1943 #1479  
                     CHAUNY, FR 12 brilliant stars maneuver / all direction 6/4/1943 #1509  
           On this day in 1943, 12 brilliant star-like lights were seen man 6/4/1943 #1510  
kton, CA) while on watch notices a brilliant, globalar light in the sky tha 6/1944 #1597  
          Kaoe Bay, Indonesia Very brilliant light appearing to hover in ai 8/13/1944 #1643  
n White object & egg-shaped & very brilliant. (Page 76 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 -  9/1944 #1658  
ld Artillery officer and men saw a brilliant object moving from NW to SW, c 10/1944 #1672  
                  Erstein, Germany Brilliant red light & appeared to be 4 o 12/14/1944 #1720  
IN, GERMANY 415th Bomber Squadron. Brilliant fireball / 2K' altitude. 200mp 12/15/1944 #1722  
e bomber overhead. Behind it is a “brilliant light” that is following it cl 1/22/1945 #1761  
. For about 5 minutes they watch a brilliant red and green rectangular obje 8/10/1945 #1922  
 France. Suddenly the pilot sees a brilliant “shooting star” about 35° abov 1/18/1946 #1966  
 from south to north, giving off a brilliant blue-white light. Sometimes tw 8/11/1946 #2117  
 an inverted saucer-shaped disc of brilliant metal was sighted by John Laub 6/2/1947 #2311  
ob M. Lampert see an object with a brilliant head and a smoky tail from an  6/24/1947 #2399  
OM AUSTIN, NV 2 / private plane. 5 brilliant disks going quickly southwest  7/4/1947 #2601  
t, Frank Kaufmann allegedly sees a brilliant glow on the radar display, pul 7/4/1947 #2670  
EATTLE, WA 3 separate observer(s). Brilliant saucer going north. Also 2 ovo 7/5/1947 #2687  
        RUTLAND, VT 2 observer(s). Brilliant ovoid over gas-plant lights ar 7/7/1947 #2847  
        WEST / YORK, OH 2 / farm. "Brilliant saucers" play / western sky /  7/7/1947 #2907  
 MADISON, WI 5 teens camping. Flat brilliant disk close to horizon. Southea 7/8/1947 #3001  
 in Madison, Wisconsin saw a flat, brilliant disc close to the horizon. It  7/8/1947 #3028  
lying tin lid" / incredible speed. Brilliant reflections / sun.             7/10/1947 #3092  
ITY, NM 2 observer(s) / backyards. Brilliant flying disk west going quickly 7/11/1947 #3133  
     WILMINGTON, NC 2 observer(s). Brilliant saucer 3 / 4 moon-size going w 7/12/1947 #3147  
     BOISE, ID Ex-airman / ground. Brilliant silver ovoid going quickly NNE 7/21/1947 #3208  
    PAOLA, MALTA Many observer(s). Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape going qui 8/1947 #3271  
oximately 100 feet long and have a brilliant yellow-white luminous glow.    8/15/1947? #3337  
AIHE, JIANXI, CHINA 2 observer(s). Brilliant orange coil southeast going qu 10/1947 (approximate) #3437  
 2 cigar-shaped objects reflecting brilliant sunlight (McDonald list; FOIA; 10/20/1947 #3463  
FB], South Dakota, when he sees 21 brilliant, yellow-white, oval-shaped obj 7/1/1948 #3694  
 Day. Edward E. Thompson watches a brilliant spherical UFO for five minutes 7/4/1948 #3698  
ich glowed a very bright light, as brilliant as a magnesium flare."         7/24/1948 #3724  
ible for three hours “resembling a brilliant star surrounded by streamers o 8/21/1948 #3785  
      Moorhead (4 miles SE of), MN Brilliant golden-white round object sudd 10/24/1948 #3851  
6.88° N, 96.78° W) when they saw a brilliant golden-white round object sudd 10/24/1948 #3852  
ico, at 5,000 feet when they see a brilliant green light, larger and more b 12/8/1948 #3918  
liant green light, larger and more brilliant than a meteor or flare, travel 12/8/1948 #3918  
 Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 17: 03:10 - brilliant green obj at high speed disapp 1/6/1949 #3966  
 Canado, NM AFOSI Case 22: 18:40 - brilliant white, slightly green stationa 2/14/1949 #4007  
ivil Engineering Marvin May sees a brilliant white object in the west at 6° 2/17/1949 #4015  
They sighted and triangulated on a brilliant light 4000 yards in the distan 5/6/1949 #4164  
d, TX AFOSI Case 64; 20:25-21:05 - brilliant white diamond-shaped obj at tr 5/7/1949 #4167  
d, TX AFOSI Case 66; 20:08-20:17 - brilliant white diamond-shaped object ca 5/8/1949 #4169  
 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee watched a brilliant fiery ball of light hover over 1/14/1950 #4489  
             A car was buzzed by a brilliant blue disc at 9:00 p.m. as it w 3/11/1950 #4614  
notices the noise is coming from a brilliant light in the sky, one- half th 3/13/1950 #4626  
       NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA Writer. Brilliant undimming ovoid near home. / L 3/25/1950 #4718  
obert Higbee and Fred Hinkle see a brilliant light northeast of Hubbard Fie 3/26/1950 #4731  
TY, OH 4+5 separate observer(s). 2 brilliant night lights hover and maneuve 4/2/1950 #4790  
everal / railroad/railway station. Brilliant flying cartwheel going quickly 4/28/1950 #4912  
       SUTTER BUTTES, CA 2 / farm. Brilliant white objects play around in s 5/13/1950 #4941  
lear research facilities watched a brilliant fiery ball of light hover over 6/14/1950 #4986  
                    Kit Carson, CO Brilliant white star like object acceler 9/20/1950 #5185  
                      ELLENTON, SC Brilliant object maneuvers / 10 minute(s 12/2/1950 #5308  
             At around 9:00 p.m. a brilliant UFO maneuvered over Ellenton,  12/2/1950 #5313  
 As it approaches, it turns into a brilliant blue-green disc pulsating with Early Spring 1951 #5471  
green ball that leaves a streak of brilliant red fire.                      11/3/1951 #5766  
S, FR M. Gerbaud and 1 via window. Brilliant silver saucer going quickly so 5/11/1952 #6301  
     SANTAREM, PORTUGAL Dazzlingly brilliant sphere with vapor trail. Sever 5/13/1952 #6309  
 of Santarem, Portugal a dazzingly brilliant sphere that left a vapor trail 5/13/1952 #6318  
the pilot and radar operator see a brilliant white light straight ahead. Th 5/26/1952 #6366  
                    At 3:20 a.m. a brilliant white object was seen overhead 5/26/1952 #6367  
 An F-94 attempts to intercept the brilliant white object, which takes clea 5/31/1952 #6392  
, FR 2 observer(s) / 15 second(s). Brilliant circular machine going west ov 6/8/1952 #6463  
 tower operators and pilot watched brilliant light source cross sky SW of f 6/13/1952 #6493  
ect Bluebook Case #1319. B29 crew. Brilliant 3'GUITAR-pick dives past bombe 6/21/1952 #6566  
O hover at 6:50 p.m. and pulsate a brilliant red over Topeka, Kansas. The s 6/27/1952 #6648  
  ORAN, ALG Newsman and 2 grocers. Brilliant disk. Going quickly southwest  7/11/1952 #6757  
                      Dayton, OH 2 brilliant round white lights hovering at 7/12/1952 #6778  
  HANFORD, WA 5 observer(s). Round brilliant blue-yellow glowing-object cir 7/14/1952 #6810  
(s). Large cone-shaped object with brilliant orange glow. / USAF Tech. Inte 7/21/1952 #6962  
                     Baltimore, MD Brilliant orange, cone-shaped object siz 7/21/1952 #6969  
adio failure when he encountered a brilliant white light playing in the sky 7/21/1952 #6986  
NVIEW, TX T33 jet / 30K' altitude. Brilliant distant white object hovers an 7/26/1952 #7152  
YWOOD, FL Separate observers. Huge brilliant orange glowing-ball hovers / 3 7/27/1952 #7184  
e #1771. 2 cops and more/others. 2 brilliant red night lights. 1 to/from/be 8/1/1952 #7388  
                   Sharonville, OH Brilliant white disc observed at low alt 8/1/1952 #7401  
                   Lancaster, CA 2 brilliant red lights hovering and maneuv 8/1/1952 #7403  
r persons, one named Mallette. Two brilliant red lights hovered and maneuve 8/1/1952 #7407  
                  At 1:14 a.m. two brilliant red lights hovered together an 8/1/1952 #7412  
Massachusetts 12:25 a.m. A trio of brilliant white dots of indefinite shape 8/5/1952 #7468  
at Manassas, Virginia, who spots a brilliant oval flying south. About 10:50 8/5/1952 #7470  
         Port Lyautey, Fr. Morocco Brilliant white disc-shaped luminous obj 8/6/1952 #7485  
TERVILLE, NC Numerous observer(s). Brilliant disk / light maneuvers all ove 8/12/1952 #7553  
, COLOMBIA Hundreds / observer(s). Brilliant saucer flies behind hill. 5000 8/16/1952 #7616  
 Ret Navy Lt. commercial aircraft. Brilliant saucer like welding torch.     10/5/1952 #8091  
bject, shaped like a plate, with a brilliant front and vague trail (NICAP:  10/24/1952 #8179  
bject, shaped like a plate, with a brilliant front and vague trail, flew wi 10/24/1952 #8180  
 plate-shaped flying object with a brilliant front and vague trail. It flew 10/24/1952 #8182  
             LAVAL, FR 3 / clinic. Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape changes c 11/4/1952 #8238  
aval, Mayenne department, France a brilliant cigar-shaped UFO changed color 11/4/1952 #8248  
RLE AND ANCENIS AND VITRE, FR Huge brilliant saucer-sphere seen widely. Cha 11/24/1952 #8327  
                 BORDEAUX, FR Long brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape moves slo 12/3/1952 #8365  
AY, NFLD F94+T33 pilots and RADAR. Brilliant red night light maneuvers. / r 12/15/1952 #8418  
          TERRIGAL, NSW, AUSTRALIA Brilliant night light / 2000' altitude.  12/30/1952 #8464  
gal, New South Wales, AU Extremely brilliant carbon-arc bright object (NICA 12/30/1952 #8465  
20 p.m. A triangular object with a brilliant reddish glow is seen for 10 mi 1/8/1953 #8516  
t 1:00 p.m. Two humanoids wearing "brilliant lead" colored suits w shining  1/12/1953 #8536  
  Guatemala City (near), Guatemala Brilliant green-gold object, shaped like 1/17/1953 #8546  
ologist/salesman J.J. Sackett. One brilliant green-gold object, shaped like 1/17/1953 #8547  
ity, Guatemala, when he observes a brilliant greenish-gold object, shaped l 1/17/1953 #8549  
BRIDGE, WILTS Postman / thick fog. Brilliant saucer overhead. Rays light en 1/20/1953 #8556  
       OVER HANFORD, CA T33 pilot. Brilliant silver pie-plate. Then 4 more  1/27/1953 #8578  
 CHATHAM, NB Military observer(s). Brilliant silver disk going / 500kts str 3/12/1953 #8746  
     IBERVILLE, QBC 2 observer(s). Brilliant carsize disk stops and spins o 4/23/1953 #8843  
            ISLIP TERRACE, NY 2.5M brilliant egg hovers 30M away / 20M alti 8/24/1953 (approximate) #9107  
        SURREY, BC 2 scientists. 7 brilliant silver disks hover and move ve 11/27/1953 #9321  
       STRASBOURG, FR 2 gardeners. Brilliant disk back and forth / sky. Goi 12/1/1953 #9332  
rs in Strasbourg, France watched a brilliant disc move back and forth in th 12/1/1953 #9333  
, FR 1 observer. Huge white saucer brilliant rays going down. Red crescent  12/11/1953 #9356  
 a huge white disc-shaped UFO with brilliant beams of light was seen over M 12/11/1953 #9359  
        HASSLEHOLM, SWD DC3 pilot. Brilliant metallic sphere/orb/globe / 70 12/17/1953 #9377  
              PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN 2 brilliant objects southwest going quickl 12/21/1953 #9386  
    Scott AFB, IL 2 oval extremely brilliant silver objects with mirror-lik 12/24/1953 #9392  
               YUBA CO AIRPORT, CA Brilliant blue saucer hovers 300' over a 12/28/1953 #9401  
      Marysville, CA Saucer with a brilliant blue light (NICAP: 01 - Distan 12/28/1953 #9402  
er Dick Brandt. One saucer, with a brilliant blue light, reflecting on a ne 12/28/1953 #9403  
           Sonoita (5 mi N of), AZ Brilliant white stationary object, stell 1/10/1954 #9475  
ta, Arizona, when McDonald spots a brilliant white stationary object in the 1/10/1954 #9476  
an Road, Chicago, Illinois, sees a brilliant white round- topped disc, para 4/8/1954 #9677  
                    NEAR LOGAN, UT Brilliant red fireball rises / ground. B 5/1/1954 #9742  
 three different areas observed a "brilliant, silver colored sphere with a  5/13/1954 #9787  
omer H. Percy Wilkins observed two brilliant, oval shaped objects above the 6/11/1954 #9893  
ng outside, she sees a triangle of brilliant white lights parallel to the g Summer 1954 #9919  
 BUTTE CO, ID Several observer(s). Brilliant flash over Atomic Energy Commi 6/26/1954 #9949  
rookley] in Mobile, Alabama, see a brilliant silver or white object with sh 6/30/1954 #9970  
         In Santa Fe, New Mexico a brilliant white ball of light left a lum 8/6/1954 #10106  
                COIRE = CHUR, SWZL Brilliant metallic ball going quickly we 8/18/1954 #10150  
                                 A brilliant metallic sphere was witnessed  8/18/1954 #10152  
           EAST / DIETIKON, SWZL 2 brilliant red disks hover and spin / 15  8/21/1954 #10160  
reat speed over Bray Head. It is a brilliant blue light, traveling at “2,00 8/26/1954 #10182  
 2 / mopod/motorscooter/motorbike. Brilliant yellow disk low and silent. Go 8/30/1954? #10207  
orth Bay, Canada Sgt. Durdle saw a brilliant, circular object flying across 8/30/1954 #10209  
rough a vertical lighted slit. Six brilliant appendages, which looked like  8/30/1954 #10209  
 Sgt. Durdle of the R.C.A.F. saw a brilliant, circular object fly across La 8/30/1954 #10210  
rough a vertical lighted slit. Six brilliant appendages that looked like ne 8/30/1954 #10210  
 Cylinder/cigar-shape going south. Brilliant globe circles town and going q 9/19/1954 #10352  
ZURICH, SWZ Several observer(s). 2 brilliant rose colored objects. 1 stops. 9/21/1954 #10376  
FRN Cops and many / 1 hour. Bright/brilliant object follows car into town.  9/23/1954 #10411  
near Prémanon, Jura, France, see a brilliant rectangular object. He sees tw 9/27/1954 #10473  
he Ile de Re, France when he saw a brilliant light and, fearing a fire, rus 9/30/1954 #10525  
           ESPARTIGNAC, FR 1+girl. Brilliant cylinder/cylindrical object sp 10/2/1954 #10586  
POMMIERS, FR 2 observer(s). Silent brilliant yellow-orange cylinder/cigar-s 10/3/1954 #10649  
 wears boots without heels and has brilliant eyes and a large moustache. Ho 10/9/1954 #10854  
      NEAR CAVANAC, FR 1 observer. Brilliant bulging ovoid on road ahead. S 10/10/1954 #10873  
hts go out. The larger one becomes brilliant white with a reddish halo. Aft 10/11/1954 #10941  
-AUBAN, 04, FR Hundreds / workers. Brilliant sphere with 2 large tubes on t 10/14/1954 #11007  
          CARPENTRAS, VAUCLUSE, FR Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape shoots ou 10/14/1954 #11008  
on, Saône-et-Loire, France, when a brilliant reddish fireball passes near h 10/14/1954 #11059  
                    At 3:40 a.m. a brilliant, yellow machine in the shape o 10/14/1954 #11062  
h / sky 1 minute(s) and more. Very brilliant.                               10/15/1954 #11078  
Pierre-Halte, France A baker saw a brilliant yellow craft descend rapidly a 10/15/1954 #11100  
 A yellow, cigarshaped object with brilliant portholes, 30 m long, 6 m diam 10/15/1954 #11103  
France. At 3:40 a.m. a baker saw a brilliant yellow craft descend rapidly a 10/15/1954 #11116  
a yellow, cigar-shaped object with brilliant portholes, 30 m long, 6 m diam 10/15/1954 #11119  
ZI-BOURDON, NIEVRE 30+observer(s). Brilliant saucer maneuvers. Rises until  10/20/1954 #11260  
this village. One of them was very brilliant and landed in a pasture. Two o 10/20/1954 #11272  
omme, France. One of them was very brilliant and landed in a pasture. Two o 10/20/1954 #11281  
                    At 5:10 a.m. a brilliant crescent-shaped object landed  10/23/1954 #11345  
, AUSTRIA Thousands / observer(s). Brilliant disk spins over city. Leaves ( 10/25/1954 #11375  
 a friend were nearly blinded by a brilliant, luminous disc that landed in  10/25/1954 #11394  
                    At 6:15 a.m. a brilliant disc-shaped object was seen by 10/25/1954 #11397  
ht in the Chicama Valley of Peru a brilliant disc flashed in the sky, moved 10/27/1954 #11450  
/ ground / (seen thru) binoculars. Brilliant white saucer makes 90° turn go 10/28/1954 #11456  
                    Miho AB, Japan Brilliant white, round-oval object climb 10/28/1954 #11462  
ground using 7x50 binoculars.  One brilliant white, round-oval object climb 10/28/1954 #11463  
. Red ovoid passes / low altitude. Brilliant blinding light lights area.    11/1/1954 #11515  
  D2 NEAR PLAISSAN, FR 1 observer. Brilliant red sphere / field. Gone when  11/4/1954 #11559  
AR CHRISTCHURCH, NZ 2 observer(s). Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape going wes 11/21/1954 #11681  
escribed as “a flying boat” with a brilliant light on the back. The object  11/27/1954 #11714  
ts a tube at Gonzáles that emits a brilliant beam of energy. He is paralyze 11/28/1954 #11722  
                       COBALT, ONT Brilliant saucer hovers / mine / 5 hours 12/26/1954 #11861  
ix others traveling together saw a brilliant glow at the side of the road n 12/28/1954 #11869  
      LIMA, PERU 50+observer(s). 5 brilliant metallic saucers over city / 8 12/30/1954 #11879  
ring or band that emits flashes of brilliant light. Above and below this ba 2/2/1955 #11968  
ng or band that emitted flashes of brilliant light. Above and below this ba 2/2/1955 #11969  
isburg, PA Flying Tiger Pilot Sees Brilliant Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 2/7/1955 #11980  
    DUNEDIN, SI, NZ Schoolteacher. Brilliant ovoid bobs going up and down.  2/10/1955 #11986  
             GREAT HANWOOD, SHROPS Brilliant green sphere/orb/globe. Sharpl 2/25/1955 #12018  
m. Lawrence Grab and his son see a brilliant flash of light from their home 3/11/1955 #12041  
a.m. Residents and motorists see a brilliant fireball streak across the sky 4/25/1955 #12101  
    WEIDEN, BAVARIA 3+observer(s). Brilliant sphere zips back and forth / o 5/1/1955 #12112  
                Washington, D.C. A brilliant round object with trail 4 or 5 6/26/1955 #12214  
est Heights, Maryland 10:45 p.m. A brilliant round object with a trail 4–5  6/26/1955 #12217  
ational Airport Washington, D.C. A brilliant round object with a trail 4–5  7/26/1955 #12290  
the ground is illuminated with two brilliant lights aimed directly from the 8/1/1955 #12317  
UERTO CUMAREBO, VNZ 3 observer(s). Brilliant object going quickly south thr 8/6/1955 #12335  
ll, with red eyes and mouth, and a brilliant disc on its belt. Other simila 8/29/1955 #12416  
GANJO, KENYA Military observer(s). Brilliant sphere/orb/globe going southea 10/30/1955 #12531  
E, IA Ground Observer Corps (GOC). Brilliant object hovers / lake. Maneuver 11/23/1955 #12587  
Observer Corps spotters reported a brilliant object which changed color, mo 11/23/1955 #12588  
ar-shaped object with long rows of brilliant, reddish body lights, moving s 12/6/1955 #12599  
MP IRWIN, CA 2 observer(s). Silent brilliant ovoid / grid 3114 going quickl 2/9/1956 #12702  
AVON Several separate observer(s). Brilliant white delta/triangle/box-like  4/6/1956 #12793  
 feet north of Schenectady, when a brilliant white light about 2–3 miles aw 4/8/1956 #12803  
INGEY, LONDON Several observer(s). Brilliant sphere/orb/globe hovers / 45 m 5/10/1956 #12845  
        LAKEWOOD, CA Nurse. Silent brilliant saucer with wires / edge. 4 tu 5/12/1956 #12846  
d a close encounter with a silent, brilliant saucer-shaped object with wire 5/12/1956 #12847  
er(s) and Air Traffic Controllers. Brilliant night light going quickly sout 7/16/1956 #12973  
        LONG BEACH, CA 1 observer. Brilliant light. Saucer with wires / edg 7/20/1956 #12992  
 At three o'clock in the morning a brilliant light was seen in the sky over 7/20/1956 #12997  
hotographed in color "an intensely brilliant, oval-shaped object" that was  8/23/1956 #13125  
T / TANGIERS, MAROC 2 observer(s). Brilliant silver box going northwest ove 8/28/1956 #13145  
EAST / CHIHUAHUA, MX 4 / car. Fast brilliant silent 4M saucer. Windows / do 9/7/1956 #13198  
                    A fast moving, brilliant domed disc with windows was se 9/7/1956 #13205  
                        MALIBU, CA Brilliant ovoid with windows / underside 11/5/1956 (approximate) #13307  
Alabama, they see something like a brilliant meteor flash by the aircraft.  11/14/1956 #13329  
OUTH / ODESSA, MN Dog howls. Plain brilliant round object 1 / 3 moon-size g 11/28/1956 #13360  
 IN News report. Pilot and many. 4 brilliant night lights trail large pulsi 1/24/1957 #13470  
ial pilot and many others saw four brilliant white lights, in-line formatio 1/24/1957 #13472  
, Indiana and many others saw four brilliant nocturnal lights trailing a la 1/24/1957 #13474  
                    MAMARONECK, NY Brilliant silent ovoid swings north and  2/15/1957 #13507  
 when they see a UFO bearing three brilliant white lights. After the UFO sp 3/8/1957 #13532  
 action, object appeared to have a brilliant greenish-white center with an  3/9/1957 #13540  
                   NORTH / BAHAMAS Brilliant night light follows PAA flight 3/29/1957 #13568  
an American Airways pilot observed brilliant pulsating light, confirmed by  3/29/1957 #13570  
he captain and first officer see a brilliant light approaching them. All ra 5/31/1957 #13690  
FO which correlated with visual of brilliant white-red light (NICAP: 09 - R 6/17/1957 #13734  
N, SCT 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. Brilliant silver sphere/orb/globe hovers 6/20/1957 #13742  
         WARREN CO, MS ECM vs ECM. Brilliant sphere/orb/globe follows RB47  7/17/1957 #13803  
       KATOOMBA, AUS Night lights. Brilliant ovoid maneuvers all over/all a 7/17/1957 #13806  
          OREGON CITY, OR 2 / car. Brilliant disk spins across sky fast. Sl 7/25/1957 #13830  
ra Falls, NY CPS6 ADC Radar Tracks Brilliant White Light (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 7/25/1957 #13834  
                   At 12:45 p.m. a brilliant disc spun as it flew fast acro 7/25/1957 #13839  
      CALISTOGA, CA Businessman. 2 brilliant white night lights circle and  7/31/1957 #13864  
atched two erratically maneuvering brilliant white objects. [VII] (NICAP: 0 7/31/1957 #13865  
is attention to it. It gives off a brilliant glow at an estimated altitude  8/20/1957 #13912  
00 feet. The Viscount pilot sees a brilliant object that “flew fast and the 8/30/1957 #13952  
DI, KUWAIT 2 separate observer(s). Brilliant saucer hovers / oil jetty. Goi 9/1957 (approximate) #13963  
A Pan American Airways pilot saw a brilliant object flying at high speed in 10/8/1957 #14073  
ILVER CITY, NM Prospector. Distant brilliant red fireball hovers / 45m. Hig 10/10/1957 #14090  
ghts exit and maneuver and return. Brilliant color(s). Fades away.          10/17/1957 #14133  
          LITTLEFIELD, TX 2 / car. Brilliant ovoid going west. Small blue n 11/2/1957 #14205  
EAR GUNNISON, CO 4 / rifle-scopes. Brilliant cone saucer over Ridgetop. Rin 11/3/1957 (approximate) #14222  
lough see a flash of light “like a brilliant red sunset” 300–400 yards to t 11/3/1957 #14248  
                Ft. Oglethorpe, GA Brilliant round orange object hovered, r 11/5/1957 #14329  
10 minutes. A visual object like a brilliant planet is seen at 5:21 a.m. sp 11/5/1957 #14342  
                                 A brilliant white ovoid object moving at a 11/5/1957 #14349  
ocal wave / night lights etc. Huge brilliant red cloud stalls car. Radiator 11/6/1957 #14384  
                        DUGGER, IN Brilliant round object hovers low overhe 11/6/1957 #14389  
town, New Jersey John Trasco saw a brilliant, egg-shaped object hovering in 11/6/1957 #14414  
ng Point Road in Houston, Texas. A brilliant red, egg-shaped UFO kills his  11/6/1957 #14420  
ening. Varine “Rene” Gilham sees a brilliant object radiating a strong red  11/6/1957 #14425  
n in Danville, Illinois, observe a brilliant white light that changes color 11/6/1957 #14427  
altimore, Maryland, when he sees a brilliant white light in the northwest.  11/6/1957 #14429  
hat same evening John Trasco saw a brilliant, egg-shaped object hovering in 11/6/1957 #14438  
bject 20 m above ground. It was so brilliant that she had to close her eyes 11/10/1957 #14520  
ground in Madison, Ohio. It was so brilliant that she had to close her eyes 11/10/1957 #14527  
y five or six loud booms and three brilliant flashes. Then the lights in he 11/14/1957 #14552  
mchatka, USSR Crew of RB-50, saw a brilliant red object with bluish-green t 11/26/1957 #14624  
HERFORDSHIRE, ENG 1 observer. Huge brilliant white domed-saucer with halo h 11/27/1957 #14629  
                           A huge, brilliant, white domed disc-shaped objec 11/27/1957 #14633  
                   SILVER LAKE, OH Brilliant cone / lawn. Many small lights 12/1/1957 #14656  
0,000 feet near Mexico City when a brilliant light illuminates his cockpit. 12/11/1957 #14713  
0 minute(s). Maneuvers to and fro. Brilliant orange light.                  12/16/1957 #14733  
cticut Mary Stan was awakened by a brilliant light and saw through her east 12/18/1957 #14746  
BRZ Numerous military observer(s). Brilliant night light makes 90° turn and 1/1/1958 #14794  
                 A photograph of a brilliant light making a ninety-degree t 1/1/1958 #14795  
ntosh twice encounter an intensely brilliant orange light about 15 feet in  2/17/1958 #14878  
gle/box-like craft / low altitude. Brilliant horseshoe objects exit. Local  4/15/1958 #14986  
] near San Carlos, Uruguay, when a brilliant top-like object (symmetrical a 5/5/1958 #15018  
        On this day at 3:40 p.m. a brilliant top-shaped UFO (that was symme 5/5/1958 #15019  
 10 miles away. Suddenly he sees a brilliant white pinpoint of light materi 5/13/1958 #15031  
 mass. It grows in size, forming a brilliant ball that quickly approaches t 5/13/1958 #15031  
he clouds above it. The light is a brilliant blue-white with two dark spots 7/1958 #15130  
          BROOK, IN 2 observer(s). Brilliant "pie plate" going quickly nort 8/24/1958 #15222  
         NORTH GREENFIELD, MA Huge brilliant orange-silver disk going north 10/5/1958 #15314  
te observer(s). Night lights pass. Brilliant green flare / 1200M altitude g 10/18/1958 #15355  
D Chemist with telescope. 3 bright/brilliant saucers "near the moon". No fu 10/26/1958 #15377  
ARACAS, VNZL Numerous observer(s). Brilliant blue-glowing disk with 2 domes 11/12/1958 #15439  
                                 A brilliant blue glowing disc with two dom 11/12/1958 #15440  
 FL Numerous separate observer(s). Brilliant 30M top saucer going west slow 12/12/1958 #15475  
           AIRLINER TO NY Copilot. Brilliant yellow cylinder/cigar-shape go 1/14/1959 #15552  
t / 12km altitude and more/others. Brilliant round object going west flashi 2/20/1959 #15593  
IRPORT/APARTMENT Many observer(s). Brilliant glowing disk hovers / runway / 2/26/1959 #15618  
cer hovers / 25 minute(s). Several brilliant flashes. Vanishes.             2/28/1959 #15620  
or 15 minutes. It gave off several brilliant flashes before vanishing. At 1 2/28/1959 #15625  
d 400 m away. It resembled a huge, brilliant circus tent, studded with ligh 3/13/1959 #15640  
erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Brilliant ovoid circles town 4X in 7 min 5/8/1959 #15725  
server(s). Dome-saucer / roadside. Brilliant object shines beams going down 7/7/1959 #15820  
NORTH / BARSTOW, CA 2 cops. 4 huge brilliant disks follow jet. 90° turns an 8/31/1959 #15944  
 Barstow, California saw four huge brilliant disc-shaped objects following  8/31/1959 #15945  
ts within it, and then five larger brilliant red lights. The object rose ve 9/13/1959 #15972  
WNW / TRES ARROYOS, ARG 5 / car. 2 brilliant spheres hover / 3km altitude.  9/25/1959 #15988  
                               Two brilliant spheres hovered at three kilom 9/25/1959 #15990  
 RUTHVEN, IA Cops and more/others. Brilliant ovoid swoops and 180° turns. 2 9/26/1959 #15992  
Gideon Johansson and his son saw a brilliant white light hovering over a ne 9/29/1959 #16000  
 on top of a plate, and it emitted brilliant orange, green and purple light 10/16/1959 #16035  
nto his son Rolf, who points out a brilliant white object hovering above a  Late 10/1959 #16060  
OIABAGIRI, PAPUA-NG 3 observer(s). Brilliant disk half-moon-size going down 11/23/1959 #16098  
chila Island, Venezuela. He sees a brilliant cone-shaped object descending  12/13/1959 #16117  
 The surface becomes turbulent and brilliant with many colors.              12/13/1959 #16117  
                                 A brilliant cone giving off flares descend 12/13/1959 #16119  
he object submerged the sea became brilliant with many bright colors and ve 12/13/1959 #16119  
 when the headlights dim just as a brilliant green flash lights up the sky. 1/18/1960 #16155  
n with a loud explosion it emits a brilliant bluish-white flash that extend 2/6/1960 #16169  
               NAPIER, NZ 3 women. Brilliant pole rises slowly. Turns horiz 4/16/1960 #16228  
                                 A brilliant vertical cylinder or pole-shap 4/16/1960 #16229  
nder/cigar-shape passes. Painfully brilliant. Vanishes in place.            7/31/1960 #16350  
ate, Massachusetts, sees a trio of brilliant discs parked in a triangle for 9/10/1960 #16442  
passes him. A few minutes later, a brilliant metallic disc like polished bl 1/1961 #16555  
s driving on the Andean Highway. A brilliant disk with the appearance of bl 1/1/1961 #16558  
l Pie Town, New Mexico 2:00 a.m. A brilliant fireball flashes in front of R 10/21/1961 #16922  
4:30 p.m. Mr. E. Adkins observes a brilliant object with an orange center f 11/3/1961 #16951  
 described as "a body giving off a brilliant light. . . moving at great alt 2/11/1962 #17047  
 to Nellis AFB, various High speed brilliant maneuverable object is tracked 4/18/1962 #17119  
                 POMPANO BEACH, FL Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape with dark 5/18/1962 #17176  
NCE, OH Scientist and more/others. Brilliant blue and yellow ball / light m 5/20/1962 #17181  
 watched maneuvering light source, brilliant blue changing to yellow. [NICA 5/20/1962 #17182  
ed] Cape Hallett East Antarctica A brilliant white light, approximately 20  6/7/1962 #17221  
adron near Oracle, Arizona, sees a brilliant light descending over the site 8/7/1962 #17328  
; Two Oradell policemen reported a brilliant light in the sky. [NICAP UFO E 9/18/1962 #17412  
ks, was of silvery color, and very brilliant. It eventually rose straight u 9/18/1962 #17415  
rks, was a silvery color, and very brilliant. It eventually rose straight u 9/18/1962 #17417  
run parallel to the road project a brilliant beam of light on the road. Whe 11/26/1962 #17563  
THEAST / CHUMBICHA, ARG 5 / car. 7 brilliant spheres / mountain slope. Goin 12/11/1962 #17578  
 diameter of 3 m. The object had a brilliant yellow red halo, but its dome  2/20/1963 #17674  
d halo, but its dome was much more brilliant. The witness observed it throu 2/20/1963 #17674  
                          Oahu, HI Brilliant light headed west and leaving  3/11/1963 #17698  
ear), AU Unconfirmed report that a brilliant light followed a car. A youth  5/21/1963 #17756  
 NZ A college student observed two brilliant lights descending in zig-zag f 6/16/1963 #17788  
bout 30–40 feet across and has two brilliant lights. The UFO follows some p 6/26/1963 #17809  
RACAS, VNZL Many observer(s). Huge brilliant disk going down [to] by TV sta 8/6/1963 #17870  
      In Caracas, Venezuela a huge brilliant disc hovered and maneuvered by 8/6/1963 #17872  
ation all over his body. He sees a brilliant light in front of him. Tempora 10/12/1963 #17987  
d something like a windshield more brilliant than the rest of the craft. It 12/27/1963 #18097  
d something like a windshield more brilliant than the rest of the craft. Wh 12/27/1963 #18099  
ontinuous roaring sound and sees a brilliant blue “cone of flame” in the sk 4/24/1964 #18200  
 a business trip when he notices a brilliant light in the sky. It is moving 6/30/1964 #18386  
ject ascends, the lights go out. A brilliant green light then shines from t 7/7/1964 #18398  
   Langley AFB, VA (McDonald list) Brilliant Objects Tracked on GCA Radar ( 7/24/1964 #18435  
    PAINTED ROCK PARK, MT Campers. Brilliant 8M object over mountains. Beam 8/9/1964 #18471  
    SOUTHEAST / BOWIE, AZ 2 / car. Brilliant disk / light over Chiricahua M 10/9/1964 #18576  
             Many people witnessed brilliant nocturnal lights hovering and  1/14/1965 #18733  
ST / WDC 5 / USCG eagle and RADAR. Brilliant star quickly going up / horizo 6/21/1965 #19019  
      COLONIA, URUG 6 observer(s). Brilliant ovoid lands / 4 metal legs. Tr 7/17/1965 #19115  
oximately 40 feet long and has two brilliant white lights pulsating off and 7/28/1965 #19196  
                 Oklahoma City, OK Brilliant, round object without wings, c 8/2/1965 #19258  
City, Oklahoma Five children saw a brilliant, round object without wings, c 8/2/1965 #19262  
               Five children saw a brilliant, round object without wings, c 8/2/1965 #19273  
 were awaiting a ferry boat when a brilliant, orange-red object shaped like 8/14/1965 #19389  
, causing the engine to stall. Its brilliant white luminescence changed col 8/14/1965 #19392  
ar, stalling the car's engine. Its brilliant white luminescent glow changed 8/15/1965 #19402  
t moving around the edge was now a brilliant red and the vertical white bea 8/26/1965 #19466  
 Vandenberg AFB 4:47 p.m. A large, brilliant fireball is seen by thousands  12/9/1965 #19762  
lice and citizens reported first a brilliant light source, then later a bri 1/11/1966 #19826  
lice and citizens reported first a brilliant light source, then later a bri 1/11/1966 #19829  
ound in the California Desert. The brilliant luminosity concealed the exact 3/11/1966 #19950  
ly 18 feet in diameter and emits a brilliant white light that makes it diff 3/12/1966 #19954  
by misty white rings. It emitted a brilliant white light as it paced a poli 3/19/1966 #19995  
 swamp on Quigley Road. They see a brilliant light that dims and then reapp 3/20/1966 #20012  
liamson sees three large UFOs with brilliant, flashing, blue-white lights h 3/22/1966 #20031  
            JACAREPAGUA, BRAZIL 3M brilliant silent metallic saucer nearly  3/24/1966 #20060  
 hovering object that was flashing brilliant lights. The object, which made 3/28/1966 #20111  
 few feet above the road. It has a brilliant white light, and red, green, a 3/31/1966 #20179  
engine stalled. The UFO also had a brilliant white searchlight.             3/31/1966 #20181  
 able to stop the car. He then saw brilliant lights flashing in a field, fo 4/4/1966 #20225  
 had landed on the highway. It had brilliant white lights and intense red b 4/18/1966 #20329  
l. Dumbell. Round ends glow white. Brilliant red bar.                       4/19/1966 #20334  
ers and passengers. 4 photographs. Brilliant "cloud". See reference plate 5 4/22/1966 #20358  
 red lights around the edge, and a brilliant yellow light on top of the dom 4/23/1966 #20388  
4B near Fleming, New York, when a “brilliant, flashing ball of fire” appear 4/24/1966 #20404  
ees a white-blue object giving off brilliant, flaming light of alternating  5/4/1966 #20447  
a bluish-white object giving off a brilliant flaming light of alternating w 5/4/1966 #20448  
LGRADE, SERBIA 2 observer(s). Fast brilliant object follows canal? Type unk 5/21/1966 #20502  
s of four body lights varying from brilliant green to a bluish tinge, and w 6/23/1966 #20595  
s of four body lights varying from brilliant green to a bluish tinge, and i 6/23/1966 #20597  
y, was on duty at 2:20 a.m. when a brilliant light dazzled him. He determin 7/13/1966 #20645  
NEAR CALABOZO, VNZL Several / car. Brilliant object / rice Paddy. White bea 7/28/1966 #20690  
d like a cold capsule), emitting a brilliant glow even when in clouds. The  9/26/1966 #20928  
room is filled for an instant with brilliant white light; then this vanishe 10/2/1966 #20949  
t night the room was filled with a brilliant white light, which then vanish 10/2/1966 #20950  
es from the cloud and beams down a brilliant ruby light on them. The cloud  10/8/1966 #20974  
sey at 4:30 a.m. The UFO emitted a brilliant light beam. The engine and lig 10/15/1966 #21008  
                       LAPOINT, UT Brilliant orange object darkens resolvin 11/1/1966 #21057  
 EAST AKRON, OH 2+1 separate cops. Brilliant bowl saucer going north. Hover 11/7/1966 #21081  
er Kelsey. Flashes light-beams and brilliant glows / 2 separate craters. 30 12/22/1966 #21213  
ened by a banging noise and sees a brilliant orange-red light soaring above 1967 #21236  
ch, then saw over the treetops two brilliant lights. Each light was dome-sh 1/10/1967 #21283  
r reported to State Police, when a brilliant glowing white light darted int 1/17/1967 #21329  
eir car on the same road. It has a brilliant red light and flashing ywllow  1/17/1967 #21333  
ing a pinkish light of a painfully brilliant intensity into the bedroom. Wh 1/25/1967 #21388  
 close encounter experience with a brilliant pink triangular UFO three nigh 1/28/1967 #21411  
ll aviation company engineer saw a brilliant bluish- white light going fast 1/31/1967 #21423  
 pilot and airline navigator saw a brilliant white light, sometimes with a  2/7/1967 #21473  
dy lights), but it then acquired a brilliant glow and flame was emitted fro 2/20/1967 #21604  
35-9:00 p.m. CST. Two people saw a brilliant white cylinder that moved up a 2/21/1967 #21613  
their eyes to look directly at it (brilliant luminosity). The object hovere 2/23/1967 #21630  
.m. a married couple sighted three brilliant red lights, each with a blinki 2/25/1967 #21650  
                     FLOODWOOD, MN Brilliant object hovers glides and shoot 3/1967 #21688  
ad and an area around the car in a brilliant light. They hear a humming sou 3/5/1967 #21766  
 IL 12:00 Noon CST. A couple saw a brilliant red and blue circular object t 3/8/1967 #21803  
ached witnesses, gave off burst of brilliant white light, hissing sound, ac 3/8/1967 #21814  
                 WEST / SURREY, ND Brilliant sphere/orb/globe going west go 3/9/1967 #21821  
esses and seemed to explode with a brilliant white light that lasted 10 sec 3/9/1967 #21838  
she could look at it only brieflv (brilliant illumination). The object hove 3/17/1967 #21909  
 in front of the car and emitted a brilliant light; it then moved off at tr 4/1/1967 #22044  
                       ALAMOSA, CO Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape pulses re 5/14/1967 #22341  
ylinder/cigar-shape. No blimps up. Brilliant lights. Going up [to] extremel 5/15/1967 #22344  
50-foot cigar-shaped object with a brilliant white light in front, a rapidl 5/15/1967 #22345  
ti-colored cigar-shaped UFO with a brilliant light in front at 11:15 p.m. T 5/15/1967 #22349  
 50 binoculars, the objects appear brilliant yellow with red lights across  5/16/1967 #22355  
d to come home. She said she saw a brilliant red light with a smaller blue  5/31/1967 #22430  
 husband to return home. She saw a brilliant red light with a smaller blue  5/31/1967 #22433  
     SR 2 / PT. PLEASANT, WV Large brilliant UFO extends tentacles. Tries / 6/5/1967 (approximate) #22461  
ed over a power station, emitted a brilliant blue flash, and moved away. Tw 6/5/1967 #22465  
hicle stalled in the vicinity of a brilliant, transparent, mushroom-shaped  6/7/1967 #22476  
, metallic-appearing object with a brilliant light on top and a smaller lig 7/4/1967 #22607  
, metallic-appearing object with a brilliant light on top and a smaller lig 7/4/1967 #22610  
 dark-gray flattened sphere with a brilliant light beam on top directed upw 7/4/1967 #22610  
 rounding a bend, they encounter a brilliant blue-white light blocking the  7/13/1967 #22656  
, multicolored, luminous object so brilliant that he had to close his eyes. 8/6/1967 #22832  
d, multicolored luminous object so brilliant that he had to close his eyes. 8/7/1967 #22840  
lue, then whitish, yellowish, then brilliant orange. An orange disc rises o 8/8/1967 #22847  
 / power station/depot/facility. 2 brilliant silver disks to and fro over f 8/15/1967 (approximate) #22879  
d from the west. Suddenly it turns brilliant white and appears to land on t 8/23/1967 #22905  
egged, and around each ankle was a brilliant, white glowing wire. The witne 8/23/1967 #22908  
nd the object changes from pink to brilliant red, and it tilts up at a 45°  8/24/1967 #22917  
 in the area featured "bright" or "brilliant," often red-orange objects tha 8/30/1967 #22959  
:55 p.m. EDT). Two witnesses saw a brilliant white oval, its light flickeri 9/5/1967 #23004  
 in a field 300 m away, giving off brilliant beams of light for 4 hours, af 9/11/1967 #23042  
om the farmhouse. The object emits brilliant beams of light. After 4 hours  9/11/1967 #23045  
ite garb were seen moving toward a brilliant round object on the ground. Th 9/21/1967 #23104  
ahoma, when they see a disc with a brilliant silvery light and smaller flas 9/22/1967 #23114  
nd crew of a fishing boat saw four brilliant red lights in a box formation  10/4/1967 #23175  
mbers of the MV Nickerson see four brilliant red lights in a rectangular fo 10/4/1967 #23176  
and crew of a fishing vessel see a brilliant white light the size of the mo 10/4/1967 #23176  
 of the moon. As they watch, three brilliant yellow lights emerge and form  10/4/1967 #23176  
s, independently reported seeing a brilliant reddish-orange object moving s 10/11/1967 #23214  
o real ! estate salesmen saw three brilliant, 2-3 foot diameter, pulsating  10/22/1967 #23286  
a, when they notice a formation of brilliant red, pulsating lights above an 10/22/1967 #23290  
T / BOURTON, GLOUCS Extremely fast brilliant white cylinder/cigar-shape sto 11/14/1967 #23447  
via. The light from the UFO was so brilliant that it was painful to look at 11/14/1967 #23451  
         LANUS, ARG 7 observer(s). Brilliant fireball hovers / shed. Observ 11/16/1967 #23468  
facing the coastal hills and saw a brilliant metallic disc-shaped object. I 11/24/1967 #23508  
 feet in diameter, surrounded by a brilliant orange glow. He remembered tha 12/3/1967 #23547  
s separate observer(s). Very large brilliant red-orange ball going up and d 1/12/1968 #23660  
  At 7:30 p.m. in Umbrete, Spain a brilliant, turtle-shaped domed disc flew 1/18/1968 #23672  
mpleton, Massachusetts 4:30 a.m. A brilliant flood of light from her window 2/27/1968 #23786  
  MILLERTON, NY Metal swings jump. Brilliant red ovoid / going up [to] back 3/1968 #23794  
r." The suit was light colored and brilliant, and appeared woven with heavy 3/29/1968 #23873  
BARA BAY, BRZ Several / ferryboat. Brilliant domed ovoid / 600M altitude. R 6/4/1968 #24002  
Cuba, when he sees on the ground a brilliant domed UFO with several antenna 6/14/1968 #24031  
e had come to within 150 feet of a brilliant disc-shaped object on the grou 6/14/1968 #24033  
    MOCHA ISLAND, CHL 5 / airport. Brilliant white saucer. Stops / 5 minute 7/20/1968 #24192  
    PALQUEBUDIS, CHILE 1 observer. Brilliant blue object zigzags and emits  7/23/1968 #24211  
t plunged downward. At 7:30 p.m. a brilliant blue object zigzagged through  7/23/1968 #24215  
    CAUQUENES, CHL 20+observer(s). Brilliant ovoid and silver disk flash /  7/27/1968 #24235  
ger, saw two circular objects with brilliant red halos over St.-Stanislas-d 7/28/1968 #24245  
turned their backs and there was a brilliant flash of light, and a sensatio 7/31/1968 #24272  
 URUBICI, BRAZIL 20 observer(s). 2 brilliant objects maneuver slowly. 1 rec 8/8/1968? #24309  
hich the figure of a man wearing a brilliant silvery outfit was seen to eme 8/12/1968 #24318  
hich the figure of a man wearing a brilliant silvery outfit was seen to eme 8/12/1968 #24322  
en to emerge. Suddenly there was a brilliant reddish blue flash and the who 8/12/1968 #24322  
o] and buzzes car. Near collision. Brilliant beams. RCMP report.            8/15/1968 #24329  
IR FORCE BASE, PR 16 guards. Large brilliant ovoid rises / sea. Lights area 8/18/1968 #24347  
RRODILLA, ARG 40+observer(s). Huge brilliant metallic pear hovers / high al 8/29/1968 #24394  
The being's eyes also shone with a brilliant light. The stunned witness cou 8/31/1968 #24410  
                                 A brilliant royal blue ball of light with  9/2/1968 #24425  
     NITEROI, BRZ Several / beach. Brilliant 8M saucer / 150M altitude pass 9/9/1968 #24444  
                        CERES, ARG Brilliant red 25cm ovoid descends. Skims 9/12/1968 #24453  
STI, ROMANIA Numerous observer(s). Brilliant white ovoid maneuvers / all di 9/13/1968 #24455  
              DUQUE DE CAXIAS, BRZ Brilliant 20M circle / lights / 100M alt 9/24/1968 #24507  
 / STEWARTVILLE, MN 4 observer(s). Brilliant 25'SCR / 200' altitude. Stops. 10/24/1968 #24585  
al object, alternating colors from brilliant white to orange-red and green, 10/24/1968 #24587  
 behind the mountain, resembling a brilliant star. The red light seemed “ge 11/9/1968 #24649  
ednesford when they suddenly saw a brilliant object rising from a held to t 11/20/1968 #24670  
om their left. Suddenly they see a brilliant object. They stop the car and  11/20/1968 #24672  
t dome in a field to the left. The brilliant object rose from the field and 11/20/1968 #24673  
a. When he rounds a bend he sees a brilliant yellowish-white light about 20 11/23/1968 #24695  
4+1+1 / airport/apartment tower. 2 brilliant objects maneuver north and sou 11/26/1968 #24709  
, NS Military and civil observers. Brilliant 12M flat-bottom/underside ovoi 11/26/1968 #24711  
e “genius of Passport, a genuinely brilliant work, is its success in placin 1969 #24802  
appeared quickly, leaving behind a brilliant greenish track that persisted  1/6/1969 #24822  
ards in diameter, which gave off a brilliant violet luminosity. From the cr 1/14/1969 #24842  
nsely bright eyes "of a very pale, brilliant green." Mr. Meingault saw the  2/16/1969 #24923  
    POINTE-NOIRE, CONGO 2 / wharf. Brilliant Oblong night light crosses sky 2/26/1969 (approximate) #24947  
 object and described the light as brilliant.                               3/4/1969 #24970  
                   EVILLERS, DOUBS Brilliant flashy night light loops going 3/9/1969 #24983  
                 RA PRENESSAYE, FR Brilliant ovoid hovers / hill after trem 3/11/1969 #24993  
He looks out the window and sees a brilliant light close to the ground. The 5/11/1969 #25125  
                     CASINO, AUSTR Brilliant circular object hovers / low a 5/12/1969 #25129  
                    At 9:45 p.m. a brilliant circular object hovered at a l 5/12/1969 #25132  
GLENORCHY, TASM 1 observer. Silent brilliant white saucer just over ground. 5/22/1969 #25155  
0 p.m. Graham Longey sees a large, brilliant, circular white object hoverin 5/22/1969 #25157  
        VICUNA, CHILE 4 / truck. 2 brilliant figure(s) hide from view. Beam 6/1969 #25180  
t Morgan, Colorado]. They notice a brilliant, yellow-gold object hovering h 8/29/1969 #25337  
rver(s) / (seen thru) telescope. 2 brilliant night lights very close. Hover 12/5/1969 #25485  
 / TORONTO, ONT 2 separate pilots. Brilliant white night light bounces goin 12/5/1969 #25486  
 land behind a hill. It radiates a brilliant green light, and a strange mus Early 1970 #25524  
NORW Several observer(s) / 2 days. Brilliant 7-legged saucer follows cars / 1/1970 #25526  
                       WILLARD, OH Brilliant white dome with "jet exhaust"  1/22/1970 #25549  
        BLUE DIAMOND, NV Ranchers. Brilliant night light panics livestock.  6/26/1970 #25708  
achusetts a UFO landed remotely. A brilliant yellow aura surrounded the obj 6/26/1970 #25710  
o-way radio died. The light was so brilliant it hurt his eyes and felt heat 8/13/1970 #25783  
e the city, flooding the area with brilliant light. Other sightings occurre 11/24/1970 #25917  
NA MINE, WEST AUSTRALIA 18 miners. Brilliant ovoid reacts / headlights. Van 12/7/1970 #25932  
re drinking coffee when they see a brilliant light approaching from the lak 1/3/1971 #25972  
          LERIDA, SP AND WIDE AREA Brilliant ovoid east going west / 5 minu 1/23/1971 #25998  
                                 A brilliant ovoid object flew from east to 1/23/1971 #26000  
House size silver ball illuminated brilliant red, green, blue,and white lig 5/16/1971 #26114  
t was a silver ball illuminated by brilliant red, green, blue and white lig 5/16/1971 #26115  
                                 A brilliant flash of light followed by a g 6/25/1971 #26193  
 Friday The object, described as a brilliant white lighted object with a pi 6/26/1971 #26195  
ers / railroad/railway switchyard. Brilliant windows. Spins and climbs goin 8/23/1971 #26300  
to get a closer look but under the brilliant luminance he was not able to m 11/2/1971 #26450  
 a rancher and his wife observed a brilliant orange triangular- shaped obje 11/5/1971 #26459  
rge eyes, and a sharp chin. Next a brilliant white light hit him that paral 1/26/1972 #26556  
      SOUTHWEST / MENLO PARK, CA V brilliant UFO goes east to/from/between  2/1972 #26559  
d. About 100 feet long, it has two brilliant white lights at the front and  6/29/1972 #26742  
       VIENNA WOODS, AUS 2+2+many. Brilliant silent 55M saucer going quickl 8/3/1972 #26868  
           TOURCOING, FR 1+4 kids. Brilliant silver 5M domed saucer going s 8/18/1972 #26927  
out of the car he was dazzled by a brilliant flash of white light, accompan 8/28/1972 #26966  
           BROADMEADOWS NORTH, VCT Brilliant disk flips 6-8X. Fantastic spe 9/19/1972 #27010  
Mr. Jamieson took photographs as a brilliant disc-shaped object flipped 6-8 9/19/1972 #27011  
HWEST / OKINAWA TWA and KLM crews. Brilliant blue-white ball going quickly  9/22/1972 #27024  
ORA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, GUATEMALA 3 brilliant saucers hover 10M over runways 11/24/1972 #27137  
1+2 observer(s). Red fireball with brilliant white ring wobbles. Zigzags. B 12/18/1972 #27179  
, NSW 2 / car / street lights dim. Brilliant gold ball rises / trees. Car m 2/1973 #27253  
  LIMA, PERU Numerous observer(s). Brilliant round object hovers / 1km alti 2/21/1973 #27302  
a race, leaving Helene behind. The brilliant light source then reappeared a 2/26/1973 #27318  
xeter, Rhode Island. It glows with brilliant white lights and has smaller g 3/28/1973 #27385  
LENEUVE-SUR-LOT, FR 2 observer(s). Brilliant football going down [to] and g 8/3/1973 #27675  
, to red, to yellow, and then to a brilliant white. Then it vanished. It wa 8/4/1973 #27683  
NS AND SIERRA BLANCA AND CLINT, TX Brilliant object all over/all about sout 9/5/1973 #27765  
FR Many observer(s) / border post. Brilliant silent salad-bowl saucer hover 9/19/1973 #27834  
r(s). Ovoid going [to] over trees. Brilliant white light / top. Imprints fo 10/1/1973 #27907  
STILLWELL, GA Several observer(s). Brilliant fast object / low altitude. Fo 10/1/1973 #27909  
es reported egg-shaped object with brilliant light on top disappear behind  10/1/1973 #27912  
LE AND SONOCO, SC 2+1 observer(s). Brilliant moon-size red object below tre 10/6/1973 #27957  
 Air Traffic Controllers and many. Brilliant object cavorts / 45 minute(s). 10/14/1973 #28023  
In Dover, Delaware at 12:20 a.m. a brilliant yellow-orange UFO descended ra 10/14/1973 #28030  
re the UFO had been is now glowing brilliant white. The hairy creatures hea 10/25/1973 #28285  
KVILLE, NB Cops and several. Large brilliant object hugs terrain over marsh 11/6/1973 #28371  
ly of six observed two low flying, brilliant red lights that flew over thei 11/8/1973 #28394  
, the object’s dome lights up in a brilliant red light that illuminates the 11/16/1973 #28434  
NJE / VELENJE, YUGO 4 observer(s). Brilliant shiny object over hills. Airli 12/5/1973 #28521  
ain. Red cylinder/cigar-shape with brilliant red beams / ends. Meteor showe 12/13/1973 #28563  
           METTRAY, FR 3 / cars. 2 brilliant 2M balls left left and right r 12/31/1973 #28620  
seen thru) binoculars. Fast silent brilliant white saucer going quickly nor 1/24/1974 #28699  
haped object that appeared to have brilliant white lights on both sides. Th 2/13/1974 #28764  
. The newspaper man then noticed a brilliant object only about 5,000 feet o 2/17/1974 #28777  
BRIE, FR Several observer(s). Huge brilliant orange blimp hovers. Plane pas 3/6/1974 #28863  
spot about 400 feet away. It had a brilliant yellow base separated by a bla 3/15/1974 #28891  
         WASQUEHAL, FR 1 observer. Brilliant white silent ball in treetops. 3/22/1974 #28924  
ake an alternate route. Suddenly a brilliant light blinded him. He threw hi 3/23/1974 #28938  
ON TO/FROM HANCHES, FR 1 observer. Brilliant object quickly going down / gr 4/12/1974 #29005  
'Spaceship' circles high and fast. Brilliant night lights exit and maneuver 4/17/1974 #29043  
n the top half, from which comes a brilliant golden glow. Changes of contra 4/19/1974 #29047  
  MAXTON, NC Cop and farmer follow brilliant object. Hovers / trailer park. 5/12/1974 #29101  
cal turret on top, which emitted a brilliant yellow light. Inside the turre 6/14/1974 #29193  
RD, CHESHIRE 2 observer(s). Silent brilliant white globe hovers. Then moves 6/17/1974 #29205  
 HVAR ISL., CROATIA 2 observer(s). Brilliant silent white cross east going  6/20/1974 #29216  
r; officer turned spotlight on it, brilliant white beam from object illumin 7/9/1974 #29250  
r. Officer turned spotlight on it, brilliant white beam from object illumin 7/9/1974 #29251  
amsdell turn their spotlight on, a brilliant beam lights up the cruiser. Th 7/9/1974 #29252  
  MOULINS, FR Several observer(s). Brilliant round silent night light west  7/29/1974 #29283  
BULLY-LES-MINES, FR 9 observer(s). Brilliant lens hovers over electric pylo 8/5/1974 #29309  
s, Pas de Calais, France spotted a brilliant, lens-shaped disc hovering ove 8/5/1974 #29310  
A-SOURCE, FR 4 observer(s). Silent brilliant ovoid going [to] overhead slow 8/11/1974 #29321  
our witnesses watched as a silent, brilliant ovoid object flew slowly overh 8/11/1974 #29324  
   6KM EAST / BEAUREPAIRE, FR Huge brilliant bullet going down [to] cornfie 8/17/1974 #29366  
00 p.m. Police officers reported a brilliant elliptical object hovering abo 9/24/1974 #29474  
d turns ruby red before becoming a brilliant white light. As it passes over 10/15/1974 #29531  
FR Oval cloud hovers / high winds. Brilliant disk inside. 3 night lights ex 11/14/1974 #29594  
y Islands, after which they create brilliant concentric circles. A reporter 11/22/1974 #29603  
MUNTE, ROMANIA Teacher photographs brilliant night light. Blowup = dumbell  12/12/1974 #29639  
  Pike, IL 5:00 a.m. Awakened by a brilliant red light shining in her bedro 1/20/1975 #29756  
some trees near a frozen pond. The brilliant orange mass compresses itself  2/10/1975 #29800  
 completely. The object gave off a brilliant blue luminescence and the witn 2/19/1975 #29828  
  EAST / DUNCAN, OK 2 observer(s). Brilliant object lands / ranch. Going up 2/25/1975 (approximate) #29844  
 its lights dimming. It projects a brilliant, cone-shaped light beam toward 2/26/1975 #29852  
0 meters away and 150 meters up. A brilliant, cone-shaped light beam was pr 2/26/1975 #29853  
 YAKIMA, WA Many observer(s). Huge brilliant blue / green rotating sphere/o 3/18/1975 #29906  
val disc shaped object with a very brilliant light close to the top and cen 6/4/1975 #30080  
toward the two policemen who see a brilliant white light shining from the c 8/20/1975 #30291  
        WEST / VOLVIC, FR 1 / car. Brilliant 30M sphere stops over road. Ra 8/25/1975 #30306  
 trip on Interstate 94, they see a brilliant flash of light and sounds like 8/26/1975 #30310  
The crew is seeing a “round light, brilliant red in color and with yellowis 9/1975? #30333  
                       SINNAI, ITL Brilliant 35cm ball / light / ground. Qu 9/29/1975 #30393  
                ARTIX, FR 1 / car. Brilliant white domed saucer over trees  10/22/1975 #30457  
                    At 1:30 p.m. a brilliant white domed disc was seen over 10/22/1975 #30460  
nesota, including Helen Kay, see a brilliant orange-red light go behind a b 11/2/1975 #30540  
e a jet.” Turning around, he saw a brilliant light hovering in the sky; it  1/29/1976 #30832  
hape hovers / power lines / 10 mn. Brilliant light / top. Maneuvers.        3/24/1976 #30954  
     ASCOLI PICENO, ITL Fishermen. Brilliant Oblong object rises / sea and  3/30/1976 #30968  
noculars. Odd ship going up / sea. Brilliant lights / ends. Big antenna. Su 4/25/1976 #31021  
               ORANGE, FR 3 teens. Brilliant ovoid comes fast. Slows and de 5/15/1976 #31054  
ed wing-like appendages for hands. Brilliant red suits covered body, halo a 6/22/1976 #31127  
climbs diagonally and turns into a brilliant semicircular dome over the Can 6/22/1976 #31129  
 Tacuarembo, Uruguay. It emits two brilliant beams of light from the top an 9/13/1976 #31382  
ntroller / (seen thru) binoculars. Brilliant 7M cylinder/cylindrical object 9/18/1976 #31392  
s the F-4 was vectored towards the brilliant UFO, all communications and in 9/19/1976 #31396  
 PROVINCE, CH Weathermen and many. Brilliant white saucers east going quick 10/5/1976 (approximate) #31447  
 Akita Airport, Japan 10:40 a.m. A brilliant golden disc hovers south of Ak 10/17/1976 #31474  
1:15 a.m. Six distant objects with brilliant white lights are seen performi 11/15/1976 #31552  
 light became a lenticular mass of brilliant light about 30 feet wide and 1 12/10/1976 #31594  
           CAMPO DELL'ORO, CORSICA Brilliant white ball near airport. 2nd j 12/14/1976 #31599  
                  Bogota, Colombia Brilliant white light zigzagging erratic 1/21/1977 #31740  
TAYLOR MOUNTAIN, WA 4 campers. 35' brilliant disk hovers and circles low. A 2/1977 #31768  
 road when their car stopped and a brilliant glow "like a white sun" lit up 3/7/1977 #31869  
 road when their car stopped and a brilliant glow "like a white sun" lit up 3/7/1977 #31870  
gland when their car stopped and a brilliant glow "like a white sun" lit up 3/7/1977 #31874  
ca province, Colombia. There was a brilliant flash of light that temporaril 5/5/1977 #32059  
 single witness, a Mr. Gouws, in a brilliant light. The man experienced amn 6/16/1977 #32166  
coon, New York, when they notice a brilliant light coming slowly and silent 7/3/1977 #32232  
arallel to the road. It gave off a brilliant, hot, bluish light from its le 9/7/1977 #32470  
west. Its surfaces are gray, and a brilliant blue-yellow light is streaming Late 9/1977 #32518  
ers above her garden, its light so brilliant that she puts her hands up to  Late 9/1977 #32518  
bright light appeared. There was a brilliant flash, and a three-foot tall f 9/25/1977 #32519  
mbling a flashlight that emitted a brilliant golden yellow light. The figur 9/25/1977 #32519  
iles away. Initially, the light is brilliant and appears to be closing rapi 10/26/1977 #32617  
LOTTE EN RE, FR 2 observer(s). Big brilliant silent disk going up / sea. Ho 11/1977 (approximate) #32645  
d craft. The object then emitted a brilliant flash of green light, and disa 11/13/1977 #32672  
ics electro-magnetic effect (EME). Brilliant light.                         11/20/1977 (approximate) #32689  
, Tasmania A round object with two brilliant lights in its center approache 1/31/1978 #32927  
d ones. It rises higher, flashes a brilliant white light on and off for 3 s 2/4/1978 #32951  
A, NORTH CALEDONIA 30+observer(s). Brilliant silent silver saucer going qui 2/23/1978 #32993  
OURGNEUF, FR Separate observer(s). Brilliant round object lands / woods. Co 3/6/1978 #33015  
is driving back to Gisborne when a brilliant orange light illuminates the i 3/12/1978 #33036  
AR RYE BEACH, NH Many observer(s). Brilliant diamond-shape going east. Poss 4/15/1978 #33148  
 the plane’s cabin is flooded with brilliant yellow light radiating from tw 6/11/1978 #33274  
                      FARNETO, ITL Brilliant 4M sphere quickly going down.  6/23/1978 #33299  
red. They were nearly blinded by a brilliant red light and felt very cold.  7/6/1978 #33346  
e notices in her rearview mirror a brilliant light approaching from behind  7/27/1978 #33427  
ght with violet flashes and left a brilliant trail. It made a high-pitched  8/25/1978 #33569  
 UFO hovers / 10K' altitude. Beams brilliant light. / MJ#226.               8/30/1978 #33596  
                 WEST / BELDEN, NE Brilliant Army tank' going down / US20.  9/14/1978 #33673  
San Basilio, Sardegna, Italy a big brilliant light in the night sky resolve 9/14/1978 #33679  
red the object, which rose up in a brilliant column of light emitting a hig 9/14/1978 #33680  
A, ITL University Professor and 4. Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape low and s 9/16/1978 #33692  
ts head. The color of its face was brilliant yellow. The creature moved its 9/28/1978 #33770  
                    CASILDA, ARG 2 brilliant plate saucers come and go seve 10/19/1978 #33844  
" in Pescara, Italy. It had a very brilliant center with crab-colored edges 10/23/1978 #33865  
              INNISFAIL, AUSTRALIA Brilliant green ovoid 100' away. Blurred 11/15/1978 #33956  
 eastern Washington State. Also, a brilliant green ovoid UFO was sighted th 11/15/1978 #33958  
olor surrounding the object was so brilliant that it was blinding. (NICAP:  11/25/1978 #34002  
olor surrounding the object was so brilliant that it was blinding. The UFO  11/25/1978 #34004  
                      MESSINA, ITL Brilliant yellow circular object going s 12/12/1978 #34095  
DISI AIR FORCE BASE, ITL 2 guards. Brilliant object maneuvers overhead. Fig 12/13/1978 #34106  
     NEAR MESSINA, ITL 2 teachers. Brilliant 1M glowing-ovoid 4M over sea.  12/18/1978 #34168  
ight flashes coming from a ball of brilliant red light that hurts his eyes. 12/24/1978 #34201  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Brilliant buzzing object nears. 1 observ 1/3/1979 #34283  
er(s). Large domed disk 300' away. Brilliant blue lights rotate.            1/12/1979 #34332  
                 Lawitta, Tasmania Brilliant illumination of car, E-M effec 2/5/1979 #34404  
asmania, Australia experienced the brilliant illumination of his car at 9:5 2/5/1979 #34406  
lights closely corresponded with a brilliant flash of light coming from the 2/9/1979 #34418  
NG SEPAT, MALAYSIA 20 observer(s). Brilliant ovoid lands / rice-field. Shri 4/1979 #34497  
        EYZIN-PINET, FR 2+60 kids. Brilliant jelly-disk stops / 5M altitude 5/14/1979 #34557  
rge, football-shaped object with a brilliant metallic sheen was seen by fiv 9/5/1979 #34840  
                     FABBRICO, ITL Brilliant orange glow = hat saucer / 15- 1/10/1980 #35127  
s working as a mechanic aboard the Brilliant, a Russian fishing trawler ope 1/24/1980 #35144  
 CUGNAUX, FR 2 observer(s). Silent brilliant green cylinder/cylindrical obj 2/8/1980 #35162  
                Council Bluffs, IA Brilliant orange light in field, memory  2/11/1980 #35166  
       RONFE, SPAIN 2 observer(s). Brilliant clam-saucer lands / field. 3 s 3/9/1980 #35207  
     BULAWAYO, ZIMB 2 observer(s). Brilliant blue saucer hovers / low altit 5/12/1980 #35324  
      Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Africa A brilliant blue disc hovered at a low alt 5/12/1980 #35325  
                                 A brilliant blue disc hovered at a low alt 5/12/1980 #35326  
niversity in Beijing, China, see a brilliant oval object in the sky near th 8/1980 #35437  
w hats placed brim to brim” with a brilliant center line. It stops hovering 8/1980 #35437  
aped object with body lights shone brilliant light beam down smoke stacks,  10/23/1980 #35581  
aped object with body lights shone brilliant light beam down smoke stacks,  10/23/1980 #35582  
,000 feet, just above the stack. A brilliant light erupts from the forward  10/23/1980 #35584  
 a gray protuberance that shines a brilliant light, and the outer edge emit 12/27/1980 #35747  
-year-old Colby. They watched as a brilliant diamond-shaped object descende 12/29/1980 #35758  
esup, Georgia Many witnesses see a brilliant triangular object with multipl 1/22/1981 #35795  
 25+observer(s) and film and more. Brilliant white cylinder/cigar-shape. Be 1/25/1981 #35797  
           Franklin, OH 2:00 AM. A brilliant white light that began filling 2/15/1981 #35829  
g off a pink and blue aura. It had brilliant square headlights and a blue l 2/19/1981 #35837  
               SONORA, CA 1 / car. Brilliant 50'CGR hovers. 2 white saucers 3/1981 #35851  
                NEAR LINHARES, BRZ Brilliant light. Driver wakens 1000km aw 4/20/1981 #35906  
 The object was domed disc-shaped, brilliant white in color and with a dark 6/12/1981 #35967  
gher than the regular lights, is a brilliant light. Suddenly the lights go  7/11/1981 #35996  
gher than the regular lights, is a brilliant light. Suddenly the lights go  7/11/1981 #35998  
  WEST / TEMUKA, NZ 5 observer(s). Brilliant ovoid paces car going east. Sl 7/12/1981 #35999  
ters when they are confronted by a brilliant, bright green, gold, and red o 7/12/1981 #36002  
was driving along a highway when a brilliant silvery object descended over  8/19/1981 #36081  
           ALBI, FR 2 observer(s). Brilliant red 10M x 5M perfect rectangle 9/13/1981 #36113  
en he had a close encounter with a brilliant object that approached his tru 12/15/1981 #36259  
 Barbara Warmoth was asleep when a brilliant light filled her bedroom. She  2/15/1982 #36346  
    WOODSTOCK, AUST 4 observer(s). Brilliant red sphere/orb/globe / very lo 3/14/1982 #36390  
                    At 3:30 a.m. a brilliant red ball of light (BOL) flew a 3/14/1982 #36391  
 Virginia, when she spots a large, brilliant light in the sky hovering seve 3/30/1982 #36419  
, when they see an object with two brilliant white lights and a blinking re 10/2/1982 #36629  
            Lombard, IL 3:45 PM. A brilliant round, intense light was seen  11/6/1982 #36676  
                                 A brilliant round, intense light was seen  11/6/1982 #36677  
) 5:00 a.m. A luminous object with brilliant lights brightly illuminates a  11/27/1982 #36697  
 began when a luminous object with brilliant illumination brightly illumina 11/27/1982 #36698  
 the door and went outside where a brilliant beam of light fell on him and  11/29/1982 #36702  
about three feet tall, and wearing brilliant blue coveralls. They approache 11/30/1982 #36703  
ave radio contact with it. A slow, brilliant white light is seen by some ci 3/15/1983 #36784  
it has a V shape. At that moment a brilliant beam of white light shoots dow 3/24/1983 #36806  
t on it, and the object projects a brilliant flash of white light downward. 7/12/1983 #36909  
ge plant. Other residents report a brilliant orange light over the sewage p 7/25/1983 #36925  
.m. A Mrs. Zurwaski is awakened by brilliant white flashes of light reflect 8/26/1983 #36960  
over the highway. It was blazingly brilliant and had more than 15 colored c 1/8/1984 #37112  
over the highway. It was blazingly brilliant and had more than 15 colored c 1/8/1984 #37115  
erved a circular object with three brilliant white lights and a corona of w 1/22/1984 #37142  
s car the witness observed a large brilliant ball of orange light in a stat 1/22/1984 #37143  
tington, West Virginia, observes a brilliant orange ball of light about 900 1/22/1984 #37144  
, see a circular object with three brilliant white lights and a corona of w 1/22/1984 #37147  
VALLEY CENTER, CA 4 observer(s). 5 brilliant night lights / diamond formati 1/27/1984 #37154  
our witnesses observed five large, brilliant, stationary white lights in th 1/27/1984 #37156  
l group of red lights above, and a brilliant white light on top. It is hove 4/22/1984 #37281  
to see that the light source was a brilliant orangish-colored light, low in 5/19/1984 #37334  
to see that the light source was a brilliant orange light, low in the north 5/19/1984 #37335  
 County, New York, when they see a brilliant white wedge-shaped object floa 6/21/1984 #37370  
radio station/depot/facility WVIP. Brilliant 100M triangle going quickly no 10/31/1984 #37498  
 staff of radio station WVIP saw a brilliant, 100-yard-wide triangle flying 10/31/1984 #37499  
e a circular structure ringed in 7 brilliant lights hovering over a 15-stor 3/21/1985 #37572  
NEAR SIBIU, ROM 4 boys. Cold wind. Brilliant 60M saucer / 400M altitude. Bi 10/1985 (approximate) #37668  
er / 400M altitude. Birds scared / brilliant light.                         10/1985 (approximate) #37668  
r house, engulfing their home in a brilliant white light. They are so frigh 1/9/1986 #37762  
r house, engulfing their home in a brilliant white light. They were so frig 1/9/1986 #37763  
   NEAR RANDERS, DK 2 / car. Large brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape hovers. 4 2/1986 (approximate) #37777  
mer reported seeing an object with brilliant lights descend and land slowly 3/21/1986 #37804  
t above the lake. The object had a brilliant steady white light and three b 8/1/1986 #37968  
istic Missile Defense Organization Brilliant Pebbles, a non-nuclear system  11/1986 #38057  
 the most capable SDI systems, the Brilliant Pebbles program is canceled in 11/1986 #38057  
DERBY, DERBYSHIRE 2 observer(s). 3 brilliant white silent spheres hover ove 1/4/1988 #38394  
 was followed through the sky by a brilliant ball of light. At 8:45 p.m. a  1/4/1988 #38404  
jesjon in Kopparberg, Sweden three brilliant hat-shaped discs followed a bo 7/24/1988 #38607  
on to intercept and goes after the brilliant disk-like object that has a du 12/1/1988 #38733  
        SHELTON, WA 4 observer(s). Brilliant light / lakeside. 4 dark 75-30 12/2/1988 #38734  
                                 A brilliant light was first seen lakeside  12/2/1988 #38735  
g, PA Silvery oval object hovered, brilliant illumination, physiological ef 12/4/1988 #38740  
g, PA Silvery oval object hovered, brilliant illumination, physiological ef 12/4/1988 #38741  
in County, Pennsylvania, notices a brilliant glow in the sky ahead of him.  12/4/1988 #38743  
iangular metallic looking UFO with brilliant yellow lights on the right tip 12/28/1988 #38764  
2 minute(s). Shoots going up. Also brilliant sphere.                        1/23/1989 #38794  
ppeared. The man's eyes radiated a brilliant light. The witness asked where 4/18/1989 #38908  
ness aimed rifle at hovering disc, brilliant white light on underside, humm 4/21/1989 #38917  
 at the hovering disc, which had a brilliant white light on the underside a 4/21/1989 #38919  
, BC 2 observer(s). 3 formations / brilliant white saucers and 2 formations 5/18/1989 #38957  
ear Sari, Iran when suddently this brilliant, orange-colored object, 8-12 m 9/3/1989 #39089  
NORTH CEARA, BRAZIL 3 observer(s). Brilliant coffin shape rises / dirt road 10/1989 #39136  
m Police patrol car illuminated by brilliant light beam, hovering dark tria 11/29/1989 #39270  
m Police patrol car illuminated by brilliant light beam, hovering dark tria 11/29/1989 #39271  
 a patrol car are illuminated by a brilliant light beam from a dark triangu 11/29/1989 #39273  
aces car / 7 minute(s). Maneuvers. Brilliant lights. Absolute(ly) silent. N 1/4/1990 #39362  
         MONTBAZON, FR 1 observer. Brilliant saucer stops over town. Hovers 1/29/1990 #39394  
                    At 7:30 a.m. a brilliant disc-shaped object stopped ove 1/29/1990 #39396  
                   Beavercreek, IL Brilliant white pulsating oval paced tru 3/2/1990 #39440  
                   Beavercreek, IL Brilliant white pulsating oval paced tru 3/2/1990 #39441  
ged color from a light silver to a brilliant yellow. As they watched an eer 7/2/1990 #39634  
 At 7:00 p.m. a teenage girl saw a brilliant light from her bedroom window  7/13/1990 #39644  
WEST / CASPER, WY 2 / horseback. 2 brilliant objects going quickly northwes 8/26/1990 #39704  
                 HONG, DK 2 / car. Brilliant silent moon-size white night l 11/6/1990 #39875  
     BENSHAHR, IRAN Police report. Brilliant 1M cylinder/cylindrical object 11/14/1990 #39886  
port was filed that at 5:20 p.m. a brilliant, one meter long cylinder flew  11/14/1990 #39890  
 JAHROM, IRAN Irna news. Intensely brilliant saucer west going quickly east 11/20/1990 #39893  
 France, when they see a large and brilliant star in the west. At nightfall 2/6/1991? #39974  
 and headlights fail to respond. A brilliant beam of light envelops the car 2/22/1991 #39982  
 and cold whirlwind levitates man. Brilliant drum-saucer hums.              3/1991 #39989  
I MOUNTAINS, NORWAY 7 observer(s). Brilliant object descends / ground. 3 55 3/26/1991 #40023  
IAGO, RS, BRZ Several observer(s). Brilliant blob / light twinkles and mane 1/15/1992 #40287  
rien and his friend McIntyre saw a brilliant white lights that illuminated  7/18/1992 #40526  
 the vehicle and its interior with brilliant white light. The car's engine  8/15/1992 #40576  
ENOIT, BELGIUM 2 / car. Big silent brilliant yellow rectangle going [to] by 10/4/1992 #40660  
ed tips. It also had a large round brilliant light on the leading edge midp 2/19/1993 #40853  
                      KADIMA, ISRL Brilliant 4M metallic tank lands. Pure s 3/20/1993 #40892  
                   MUIZENBURG, RSA Brilliant ovoid maneuvers / all directio 4/1993 #40917  
          BARMAH FOREST, AUSTRALIA Brilliant white rectangle zigzags. Becom 5/2/1993 #40963  
           SINGLETON, NSW Rancher. Brilliant round object going [to] over r 10/30/1993 #41255  
                 GROSSE POINTE, MI Brilliant Kelly-green sphere/orb/globe n 4/9/1994 #41484  
                                 A brilliant Kelly green sphere flew near a 4/9/1994 #41485  
car headlights at it, it flashed a brilliant white light, and then shot str 4/25/1994 #41503  
     HAPPY ISLE LAKE, ON 2 / camp. Brilliant silent night light hovers / 5- 5/27/1994 #41538  
veral observer(s) / car and train. Brilliant blue and white night lights. C 8/14/1994 #41674  
ton, Oxfordshire, England saw some brilliant blue and white nocturnal light 8/14/1994 #41676  
 Kariba, Zimbabwe 8:50–9:05 p.m. A brilliant ball of fire with a long trail 9/14/1994 #41749  
a UFO at 3:30 a.m. It had two very brilliant spotlights, changing colors fr 11/30/1994 #41872  
ht light. Separate observer(s) see brilliant object over house. Power outag 12/5/1994 #41881  
    SALINDRES, FR 1 observer. Fast brilliant ovoid scoots behind clouds. Ac 2/14/1995 #42047  
            PENSACOLA, FL 1 / car. Brilliant silent ellipse appears over st 3/10/1995 #42083  
, AR Several separate observer(s). Brilliant triangle lights area. Hovers.  4/13/1995 #42148  
insula, Nova Scotia, sees a large, brilliant, white light hovering in the s 4/18/1995 #42157  
OSTA RICA Several / trainer plane. Brilliant gold ovoid passes under / 7K'  7/26/1995 #42328  
red to be wings. Others reported a brilliant, round object flying over the  11/11/1995 #42594  
remain anonymous reported seeing a brilliant object descend from the sky an 12/9/1995 #42639  
          LAKE GEORGE, NSW 2 cars. Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape? Sparks.  1/14/1996 #42684  
m away in the paddock. There was a brilliant bluish white light and a metal 2/10/1996 #42754  
the objects and were able to see a brilliant light emerge from behind some  2/23/1996 #42776  
          GRINSTED, DK 1 observer. Brilliant red wheel with spokes / low al 3/10/1996 #42818  
AL JUBAYL, ARABIA Several campers. Brilliant blue ovoid lights area. Vanish 3/29/1996 #42844  
ay. One man felt mesmerized by the brilliant outburst of light, while his p 4/15/1996 #42870  
R, CA 2 observer(s). 1/2 moon-size brilliant object going quickly north. Re 4/26/1996 #42885  
    NEAR QORMI, MALTA JJ Mercieca. Brilliant cylinder/cylindrical object re 5/6/1996 #42897  
       COHUNA, AUST 2 car chased / brilliant night light. Hovers / 4 minute 5/15/1996 #42901  
CONSTANTA, ROMANIA 40 observer(s). Brilliant silent cylinder/cigar-shape cu 6/18/1996 #42932  
in Constanta, Romania watched as a brilliant cigar-shaped object curved slo 6/18/1996 #42933  
    MIDDLETOWN, OH 30 observer(s). Brilliant red round object goes all dire 7/5/1996 #42946  
ORT-EN-VALLEE, FR 1+1 observer(s). Brilliant red globe with yellow halo hov 7/7/1996 #42948  
  NEAR LA PASTORIL, ARG 3 hunters. Brilliant object flashes / treetops. Van 8/29/1996 #42998  
          BELLEVILLE-SUR-SAONE, FR Brilliant luminous diamond shape east go 10/13/1996 #43065  
SA HEAD, AUSTRALIA 4 / MUFON. Huge brilliant silver sphere/orb/globe rises  10/17/1996 #43074  
pel, Chile were followed home by a brilliant, noiseless flying object at 4: 2/16/1997 #43194  
    NEAR RIVER ROUGE, MI 2 / SR39. Brilliant 2-tiered "wedding-cake" hovers 2/22/1997 #43201  
a at 11:30 p.m. Then they saw five brilliant lights on a lenticular-shaped  9/22/1997 #43414  
        HICKORY, NC 2 / car / I40. Brilliant white disk going [to] overhead 12/26/1998 #43703  
             HARTFORD, CT 1 / car. Brilliant 3M sphere hugs terrain. Glow l 4/8/1999 #43755  
                                 A brilliant sphere some three meters in di 4/8/1999 #43756  
haped UFO with a pointed rear end, brilliant white, sped east to west at 22 9/13/1999 #43845  
 NEAR LA PAZ, BOLV Military pilot. Brilliant metallic sphere paces T33 trai 3/26/2001 #44150  
se up photos. At 7:30 a.m. a huge, brilliant metallic sphere or disc-shaped 3/26/2001 #44151  
olony near Etzikom, Alberta, see a brilliant fireball falling and apparentl 4/1/2001 #44156  
 on the narrow road to capture the brilliant image on filme. Despite having 10/31/2001 #44269  
lights in the three corners, and a brilliant yellow light at the bottom.    12/6/2001 #44282  
land, watch a V-shaped object with brilliant white lights at each of its co 8/2002 #44373  
 flew at a high altitude and had a brilliant gleam (reflecting sunlight); a 11/1/2002 #44431  
it seemed to diminish in size to a brilliant sphere.                        11/1/2002 #44431  
0 p.m. two people watched a set of brilliant strobing lights through binocu 9/3/2004 #44746  
m. a couple again watched a set of brilliant strobing lights through binocu 9/5/2004 #44748  
ey both watch the UFO stop, emit a brilliant flash of blue- white light, mo Late 7/2005 #44857  
’clock ahead) what appears to be a brilliant yellow lamp or light. He think 4/23/2007 #45022  
sts for a couple of minutes. It is brilliant yellow, with a dark grey band  4/23/2007 #45022  
archer Joseph Jones claims Project Brilliant Buzzard was a codename used fo 6/2013 #45368  
 as the full moon. The light is so brilliant it hurts his eyes to look at i 2/24/2018 #45512  
he copilot describes the UFO as a “brilliant yellow white plasma object, te 3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "brilliant-white" (Back to Top)
arosa, New Mexico, when she sees a brilliant-white, elliptical object hover 10/16/1957 #14129  
ffic control tower personnel see a brilliant-white, elongated, cylindrical  9/8/1958 #15261  
## Word: "brilliantly" (Back to Top)
 About 6:00 a.m. A large number of brilliantly luminous bodies are seen to  3/22/1880 #226  
and a vivid, dazzling light, which brilliantly illuminated the interior of  10/24/1886 #275  
tude. It lights up the village “as brilliantly as if by a strong electric l 2/7/1889 #286  
e early evening a family watched a brilliantly glowing cigar-shaped object  3/17/1903 #659  
 intercepting starlight. It became brilliantly lighted and landed in a holl 2/22/1922 #1019  
 intercepting starlight. It became brilliantly lighted and landed in a holl 2/22/1922 #1020  
 circular flying object. It became brilliantly lighted and landed in a holl 2/22/1922 #1021  
Norrvikssand, Sweden Kubikenborg A brilliantly glowing projectile trailing  7/10/1946 #2046  
dible speed. It reflected sunlight brilliantly.                             7/10/1947 #3119  
:40 a.m. It reflected the sunlight brilliantly.                             7/27/1949 #4294  
op duster. Saucer passes overhead. Brilliantly reflects sunlight.           7/28/1949 #4295  
ichigan sighted a large oblong and brilliantly lighted object moving at a r 12/24/1951 #5824  
rs, France at eight o'clock when a brilliantly illuminated egg-shaped objec 10/1/1954 #10576  
scooter when an egg-shaped object, brilliantly illuminated, landed on the l 10/2/1954 #10607  
g home on his motor scooter when a brilliantly illuminated egg-shaped objec 10/2/1954 #10619  
lvania at 8:15 p.m. They glistened brilliantly at the height of normal airc 6/27/1956 #12926  
 City that makes three passes at a brilliantly lit UFO bobbing up and down  11/25/1956 #13352  
er Squadron made three passes at a brilliantly lit UFO that was bobbing up  11/25/1956 #13353  
ch bigger then begins to glow more brilliantly. The pilot and copilot smell 11/4/1957 #14283  
ic control tower personnel, saw an brilliantly white elongated cylindrical  9/8/1958 #15260  
ndow surrounded by rivets. Inside, brilliantly illuminated by a white light 9/29/1959 #16000  
ompano Beach, FL Cigar-shaped UFO, brilliantly lighted below, dark on top.  5/18/1962 #17178  
t of Lordsburg, New Mexico, when a brilliantly luminous object sweeps about 4/22/1964 #18184  
                       Lavonia, GA Brilliantly lit top-shaped object made h 6/29/1964 #18382  
nge. The witness entered through a brilliantly lit antechamber, and was met 1/30/1965 #18785  
 her; its helmet beginning to glow brilliantly. She could now see that its  8/16/1965 #19410  
                Nha Trang, Vietnam Brilliantly lighted object illuminated t 6/19/1966 #20587  
ain to near ground level. Becoming brilliantly yellow-white, it finally too 1/11/1967 #21288  
f them, its yellow lights flashing brilliantly, on an apparent collision co 8/15/1968 #24331  
 wide and four meters high, with a brilliantly lit turret in which he could 3/19/1969 #25031  
t wide. Inside was a cubical room, brilliantly lit but from no visible sour 5/4/1969 #25115  
eto and Kioko Nobutoshi witness a “brilliantly illuminated window” hovering 6/17/1969 #25220  
 a man named Churchill. It "glowed brilliantly pink and then faded" 4 or 5  6/9/1971 #26166  
to the machine, whose interior was brilliantly illuminated by white light.  9/22/1971 #26365  
                       Delphos, KS Brilliantly lighted, mushroomshaped obje 11/2/1971 #26448  
southwest of Germantown, watched a brilliantly lighted UFO near their home  5/14/1972 #26683  
enly spaced around its edge. It is brilliantly lit and its colors are const 8/1972 #26864  
ealing a 15-foot long oval object, brilliantly illuminated with orange and  6/28/1973 #27599  
 an unseen door opened to reveal a brilliantly lit interior. Three beings c 10/11/1973 #28005  
ert team arrives and sees a large, brilliantly self-illuminated object hove 3/1974 #28830  
es up, moves slowly south, flashes brilliantly, then shoots straight up. Ne 5/13/1975 #30056  
gearing up outside and sees a huge brilliantly lit object the “size of a bo Mid 2/1977 #31817  
backyard fence. The whole area was brilliantly lit now. Next Lothar heard a 2/24/1977 #31846  
          Union, MO Woman reported brilliantly lighted object buzzed her ca 7/27/1978 #33422  
          Union, MO Woman reported brilliantly lighted object buzzed her ca 7/27/1978 #33425  
s, Australia at 8:45 p.m. It was a brilliantly illuminated object, possibly 1/14/1996 #42685  
d, shaped like a double cross, and brilliantly studded with red, green, and 5/9/2005 #44836  
## Word: "brim" (Back to Top)
range "soap bubble" with "drops on brim". Goes going quickly northwest slow 7/12/1946 #2051  
Its top part is orange, and on its brim is a flickering red light. They wat 7/12/1965 #19096  
shaped like “two straw hats placed brim to brim” with a brilliant center li 8/1980 #35437  
ike “two straw hats placed brim to brim” with a brilliant center line. It s 8/1980 #35437  
looking like a hat standing on its brim, and the object disappears shortly  9/3/1983 #36969  
## Word: "brimfield" (Back to Top)
                                   Brimfield, Massachusetts 12:00 midnight– 10/29/1964 #18595  
yard, illuminating her property in Brimfield, Massachusetts. When she first 10/29/1964 #18595  
## Word: "brimmed" (Back to Top)
tall man in a dark coat and a dark brimmed hat, who had been standing close 1/17/1968 #23668  
ring an old black coat with a wide brimmed hat pulled down over the face. T 11/1/1973 #28338  
ng coverall outfit and had a broad brimmed hat, with two antennas on its he 8/28/1977 #32439  
## Word: "brimstone" (Back to Top)
a nauseating smell like sulfur and brimstone. He lost the sense of taste an 10/2/1956 #13258  
## Word: "brindisi" (Back to Top)
                                   BRINDISI, ITL Many observer(s). Huge yel 5/21/1959 #15743  
 northwest and circled the town of Brindisi, Italy before continuing on tow 5/21/1959 #15745  
ures, ascended in the direction of Brindisi, emitted a vertical beam of gre 1/11/1963 #17633  
       San Pietro Vernotico, Italy Brindisi At 11:00 p.m., at San Pietro Ve 1/11/1963 #17634  
ay. It ascends in the direction of Brindisi to the north, emitting a vertic 1/11/1963 #17634  
high, ascended in the direction of Brindisi, and emitted a vertical beam of 1/11/1963 #17635  
                                   BRINDISI, ITL 5 / car stop. Domed lumino 7/16/1970 #25737  
   Five people driving in a car in Brindisi, Italy stopped when a domed, lu 7/16/1970 #25739  
                              NEAR BRINDISI, ITL 2 / car. Metal-grey domed  11/29/1978 #34022  
d disc halted directly over car in Brindisi, Apulia, Italy. Two witnesses i 11/29/1978 #34027  
                                   BRINDISI AIR FORCE BASE, ITL 2 guards. B 12/13/1978 #34106  
                                   Brindisi AFB, Italy Two soldiers on guar 12/13/1978 #34108  
 two soldiers on guard duty at the Brindisi Air Force Base saw a UFO with p 12/13/1978 #34109  
                 45 NM SOUTHEAST / BRINDISI, ITL 737 crew and more/others.  6/21/1982 #36512  
## Word: "bring" (Back to Top)
Hitachi province, Japan. Fishermen bring her inland to investigate further, 2/22/1803 #100  
vatory in the French Pyrenees also bring formal discredit to the Martian ca 9/20/1909 #811  
mann, who claims he was ordered to bring a group of radar experts to Alamog 7/1/1947 #2524  
ovato, California Crisman and Dahl bring heavy fragments and white metal fr 7/31/1947 #3264  
Peck hauls back on his controls to bring his plane up to safer altitude. No 8/4/1947 #3291  
 a fake Martian threat in order to bring the world together. Plot elements  1948 #3523  
 LaPaz accompanies search teams to bring back any fragments. They end up in 1/31/1949 #3988  
iring a guided missile at a UFO to bring it down and requests that Ginna de 2/25/1952 #5931  
 killed one of its occupants. They bring the dead animal to the Atlanta Con 7/7/1953 #8989  
 been selected by Nordic aliens to bring their message of peace to Earth pe 1955 #11896  
uit. Eickhoff’s efforts eventually bring a reply from a lawyer for CIA Dire 6/1955 #12173  
ir, but he manages to successfully bring it down on a second try. Damage to 8/1/1955 #12316  
ests hypnosis or truth serum might bring out more details.                  1/13/1956 #12657  
s to run away. Three small figures bring him into the object, where he is s 10/16/1957 #14128  
use. 20 minutes later, he calls to bring the dog back and sees Frisky with  11/6/1957 #14422  
 Keyhoe he is revising his book to bring it more up to date and requests NI Late 5/1959 #15747  
t the space people would return to bring peace on earth. The humanoids then 2/21/1965 #18825  
that in a month he will return and bring proof of “Mantell.” Ufologists who 4/24/1965 #18916  
n provided by such a program might bring to light new facts of scientific v 2/3/1966 #19879  
role you have played in helping to bring about a rational study of UFOs and 4/6/1966 #20258  
 panel of experts that suggests he bring in H. Guyford Stever, head of the  4/22/1966 #20374  
, Saunders, and Mary Lou Armstrong bring Hynek together with James McDonald 12/12/1967 #23573  
even then drove north into town to bring back two additional witnesses. The 9/11/1973 #27803  
even then drove north into town to bring back two additional witnesses. The 9/12/1973 #27809  
r. When he shouts and tells her to bring the gun, she observes a similar ob 12/29/1976 #31639  
ect. The witness told his daughter bring him a pencil and paper so he could 7/12/1977 #32266  
 O. Perez, had gone out at dawn to bring in a herd of horses in Venado, Tue 9/6/1978 #33640  
up thirsty and asked her father to bring her a glass of water. As she follo 9/15/1978 #33689  
by psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle to bring contactees together, is held in La 5/23/1980 #35340  
ed object over the North Sea. They bring two crew members into the cockpit  11/5/1990 #39866  
morning, Hillary told him never to bring the subject up again with them.  h 11/1/1995 #42576  
t into the back of their car. They bring it to a health clinic but are turn 1/20/1996 #42696  
om humans to thrive, so the aliens bring abductees back to touch and intera 1/1998 #43482  
in the country’s skies. DIFAA will bring together sociologists, archaeologi 10/2013 #45387  
ieval), and the other ones I won’t bring up because those are still classif 10/28/2018 #45542  
## Word: "bringing" (Back to Top)
accompany Ligon to his house, each bringing two baskets, which they fill an 4/19/1897 #539  
note a large, white, tailless body bringing up the rear, but the various bo 2/9/1913 #881  
selves at Sandia Base, New Mexico, bringing the strict secrecy that has pre 1/29/1947 #2236  
ers, Bernard and Potraux, who were bringing a locomotive from Nantes to Aur 9/28/1954 #10486  
9, and Victor Paroux, age 40, were bringing a locomotive from Nantes to Aur 9/28/1954 #10491  
y voice,” which reproached him for bringing the others.                     11/28/1956 #13362  
     Pentagon Hynek wants to start bringing together ATIC and Blue Book per 2/17/1959 #15591  
 should be used for correlation in bringing Special Report #14 up to date.” 5/22/1959 #15746  
in a clockwise motion on its axis, bringing the other end in view and expos 1/5/1966 #19806  
83,155, plus $29,750 for expenses, bringing the total to $525,905.          7/1/1967 #22591  
ivia 6:00 p.m. Valentina Flores is bringing in her llamas on her farm betwe 3/10/1968 #23834  
idge with other servicemen who are bringing lighting equipment to a large c 12/28/1980 #35750  
 to make light of the situation by bringing on stage his 6-foot-4 chief of  6/19/1997 #43331  
at,” he stated. “We’re going to be bringing out hardware,” DeLonge claimed. 7/2018 #45532  
ings discovered in existing files, bringing the total number of UFO sightin 1/12/2023 #45792  
## Word: "brings" (Back to Top)
ath it. At some point he allegedly brings his invention out for a test flig 4/20/1897 #545  
awyer Elihu Root, the organization brings diplomats, high-level government  7/29/1921 #1013  
nference in Fort Worth, Texas, and brings astronomer Oscar Monnig along to  7/1/1947 #2519  
s of the material in a tin can and brings them the next morning to Robert S 7/9/1947 #3068  
 Pentagon Los Alamos Joseph Kaplan brings the green fireball plan to the US 11/3/1949 #4409  
al, which sells 500,000 copies. It brings many interested civilians and mil 10/1950 #5204  
      Col. Harold E. Watson at AMC brings in news columnist Bob Considine f 11/16/1950 #5278  
n her sleeping friend. After Allen brings the “killer” out of her trance, s 2/19/1954 #9558  
o sell his book. Eickhoff’s lawyer brings in a government adviser who advis 6/1955 #12173  
a new preface and an addendum that brings the subject up to date, in July 1 10/25/1955 #12519  
utical project officer at ONR, who brings it to the attention of ONR Capt.  4/1956 #12777  
ing plans of the US. Later Schmidt brings local police to view the landing  11/5/1957 #14343  
ongo MKUltra chief Sidney Gottlieb brings a vial of poison concealed in too 9/1960 #16429  
ant worm. Further hypnotic probing brings forth apparent memories of lifelo 1/25/1967 #21386  
well. After Hynek leaves, McDonald brings up the Low memorandum. He has app 12/12/1967 #23573  
raska Kansas Iowa Midwest Newsweek brings the issue of cattle mutilations t 9/30/1974 #29494  
ebooks scattered on the street and brings them to his parents. A police sea 6/23/1976 #31134  
ox. He races back to the house and brings family members over for a look. T 1/10/1977 #31715  
 UFO enthusiast Randall Jones Pugh brings the story to the attention of the 2/4/1977 #31790  
 newsletter, Just Cause. The group brings a lawsuit against the CIA using t 4/1978 #33110  
e in Pontoise, Val d’Oise, France, brings officers to the apartment of Jean 11/26/1979 #35015  
O Secrecy’s attorney Peter Gersten brings a lawsuit against the National Se 5/1980 #35295  
 and a UFO investigator, on May 11 brings psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle in t 5/5/1980 #35306  
ocal pub a couple hours later. She brings along a colleague, Peter A. Hough 10/28/1986 #38056  
Congress in Tucson, Arizona, which brings together UFO researchers, witness 5/1/1991 #40053  
present the UFO evidence, Sturrock brings in aviation psychologist Richard  9/29/1997 #43420  
iens cured her of a disease. Zhang brings Cao to the Tangshan Bureau of Pub 12/1999 #43890  
urns out to be 15 years old. Zhang brings her back to Beijing to meet Cao G 12/1999 #43890  
er space and a single light, which brings up the rear of the moving set. Th 7/15/2001 #44209  
anch, Utah Virginia Robert Bigelow brings Pentagon technical analyst Juliet 8/2009 #45231  
ess Club in Washington, D.C., that brings together former US Air Force pers 9/27/2010 #45298  
gating the Havana Syndrome attacks brings its findings to CIA director Gina 12/3/2019 #45621  
local, state, and federal agencies brings 75 people to Brush, Colorado, to  1/6/2020 #45624  
## Word: "briniger" (Back to Top)
t of their position and 20°–30° up Briniger estimates that the ice-cream co 6/11/1978 #33275  
## Word: "brininger" (Back to Top)
wo previous sentries, Gunnery Sgt. Brininger and PFC Johnny Johnson, go on  6/11/1978 #33275  
## Word: "brink" (Back to Top)
 controllers R. M. Kaser and E. G. Brink see a highly maneuverable 15–20-fo 11/4/1957 #14289  
en both nations step back from the brink of war.                            10/27/1962 #17505  
## Word: "brinkerhoff" (Back to Top)
                                   Brinkerhoff Avenue Mansfield, Ohio 9:00  8/3/1911 #856  
and his wife Carrie are driving on Brinkerhoff Avenue in Mansfield, Ohio, w 8/3/1911 #856  
witnesses, including Sheriff L. C. Brinkerhoff of the Big Horn County, Wyom 6/8/1964 #18340  
## Word: "brinkley" (Back to Top)
and journalists Frank Blair, David Brinkley, Clay Blair, and various UFO wi 8/1/1952 #7410  
                                   BRINKLEY, ARK 3 observer(s). Red-orange  3/8/1967 #21797  
                                   Brinkley, South Australia Cheltenham, Ad 5/11/1968 #23958  
laide, South Australia A farmer in Brinkley, South Australia, notices stran 5/11/1968 #23958  
## Word: "brinklow" (Back to Top)
car driving on the A5 highway near Brinklow, Warkwick, England for more tha 9/17/1989 #39111  
## Word: "brinkmann" (Back to Top)
ally released between the towns of Brinkmann and Cotagaita, in Cordoba prov 6/20/1968 #24056  
## Word: "brinkworth" (Back to Top)
At 7:30 p.m. a man driving between Brinkworth and Clare saw red lights flyi 6/4/1969 #25199  
## Word: "brino" (Back to Top)
d by music store proprietor Thomas Brino and James Shaw of Clifton, New Jer 8/10/1945 #1922  
## Word: "brinsley" (Back to Top)
                                   Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 8th Earl of Cla 7/1956 #12939  
rship of Flying Saucer Review from Brinsley Le Poer Trench.                 9/1959 #15951  
             Mars Atlantis Lemuria Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 8th Earl of Cla 1960 #16141  
                   London, England Brinsley Le Poer Trench founds Contact ( 4/1967 #22031  
        Argyll, Scotland 7:07 p.m. Brinsley Le Poer Trench, Lord Clancarty, 1/18/1979 #34358  
                                   Brinsley Le Poer Trench, the Earl of Cla 3/4/1982 #36377  
                                   Brinsley, Nottinghamshire Crich and Belp 3/24/1999 #43750  
Night. Five people in the towns of Brinsley, Nottinghamshire, and Crich and 3/24/1999 #43750  
## Word: "brinson" (Back to Top)
                   2 MILES NORTH / BRINSON, GA Farmer. "Lampshade" saucer o 11/8/1952 #8255  
## Word: "brion" (Back to Top)
                                   BRION, SP Ovoid lands. Goes going up [to 8/12/1959 #15904  
                                   Brion, Spain A 60-year-old farmer saw an 8/12/1959 #15906  
           A 60-year-old farmer in Brion, La Coruna province, Spain saw an  8/12/1959 #15907  
## Word: "brisbane" (Back to Top)
                                   BRISBANE, QLD, AUST Cylinder/cigar-shape 3/10/1953 #8742  
                                   BRISBANE, CA Numerous observer(s) / US10 12/7/1957 #14681  
uvered and circled in the sky over Brisbane, California at 7:10 p.m. One fl 12/7/1957 #14683  
   Sydney Perth Adelaide Melbourne Brisbane, Australia George Adamski conti Late 2/1959 #15612  
y, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, and Brisbane, Australia.                     Late 2/1959 #15612  
                                   Brisbane car park Stan Seers, president  8/1959 #15887  
o requests a meeting with him in a Brisbane car park and offers him importa 8/1959 #15887  
ning a luminous UFO zigzagged over Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.         5/17/1965 #18944  
lia Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Brisbane Canberra 3:25 a.m. An Ansett-AN 5/28/1965 #18973  
lia. When he eventually arrives in Brisbane, he is flown directly to Canber 5/28/1965 #18973  
over the Bougainville Reef between Brisbane, Queensland, Australia enroute  5/28/1965 #18974  
 Fraser Island, 150 miles north of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia at about 6/6/1965 #18995  
ject was seen for two minutes over Brisbane, Queensland, Australia at 10:00 7/14/1965 #19102  
                 INDOOROOPILLY AND BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA Fireball hovers / ho 12/6/1965 #19754  
riving in Kuraby, Queensland (near Brisbane, Australia) at 2:00 a.m. a man  7/19/1972 #26814  
                   COOLANGATTA AND BRISBANE, AUSTR Air Traffic Controllers  11/4/1976 #31520  
                                   Brisbane, Queensland, AU Bright orange l 5/6/1979 #34547  
             BRUCE HIGHWAY NORTH / BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND Bright light shaped 5/8/1992 #40459  
ighway along the Sunshine Coast to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It then 5/8/1992 #40460  
                                   BRISBANE, QLD Night light and black / si 5/27/1994 #41539  
ical UFO approached a fisherman in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia at 2:10  5/27/1994 #41540  
                   In Norman Park, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia at 7:30  4/27/1997 #43280  
                                   Brisbane, Queensland Night. UFO activity 12/2/1998 #43695  
 Queensland Night. UFO activity in Brisbane, Queensland, consists of a brig 12/2/1998 #43695  
floating in water nearWoody Point, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia just 20  11/5/2000 #44073  
t to northeast near the end of the Brisbane, Queensland, Australia airport  4/17/2002 #44331  
r the water at the Wivenhoe Dam in Brisbane Valley, Queensland, Australia o 9/14/2003 #44601  
  northeast Australia Great Divide Brisbane, Queensland New Zealand Austral 5/16/2006 #44943  
reat Divide about 75 miles west of Brisbane, Queensland, then watch a phosp 5/16/2006 #44943  
nsland University of Technology in Brisbane.                                5/16/2006 #44943  
 maneuvers in the daytime sky over Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.         2/11/2009 #45210  
## Word: "brisk" (Back to Top)
ing south 500kph / 1200M altitude. Brisk 30° turn going quickly southeast.  7/16/1947 #3190  
## Word: "briskly" (Back to Top)
ler recovers, the object is moving briskly in a descent to the south. He wa 4/4/1897 #414  
figures appeared. The group walked briskly away in single file, towards the 4/12/1977 #31977  
## Word: "brisola" (Back to Top)
o. One of the pilots, Capt. Marcio Brisola Jordão, is able to approach with 5/19/1986 #37881  
## Word: "bristled" (Back to Top)
 was highly agitated, and its hair bristled in reaction to the close approa 3/4/1967 #21754  
        Ross, OH Dog vocalized and bristled when objected landed (NICAP: 04 4/10/1983 #36833  
## Word: "bristly" (Back to Top)
 The farmers have also seen black, bristly haired dwarfs that hid in caves  4/10/1954 #9681  
rfish creature covered with stiff, bristly hair. Gonzáles grabs it, but it  11/28/1954 #11722  
## Word: "bristol" (Back to Top)
          Taylorsville (now Philo) Bristol Township Lawrence Road New York  Late 3/1873 #200  
 Philo], Ohio, and are possibly in Bristol Township when they see a bright  Late 3/1873 #200  
       Forestville neighborhood of Bristol, Connecticut Lake Compounce Mass 7/25/1908 #715  
er the Forestville neighborhood of Bristol, Connecticut. It seems to be an  7/25/1908 #715  
urse toward the southwest. An East Bristol man named Wilson later claims it 7/25/1908 #715  
ueen Alexandra Dock Cardiff, Wales Bristol Channel Weston-super-Mare 1:15 a 5/19/1909 #765  
minute or two.” It passes over the Bristol Channel towards Weston-super-Mar 5/19/1909 #765  
                                   BRISTOL AND LIVERPOOL, ENG Brilliant lig 1/24/1913 #871  
               Barton Hill Academy Bristol, England Day. Schoolboys and tea 1930 #1107  
hers at the Barton Hill Academy in Bristol, England, watch a cigar-shaped m 1930 #1107  
ck Hardy Vesey Wells is flying his Bristol Beaufighter on a patrol mission  12/14/1943 #1553  
                                   Bristol Beaufighter Rhine River Strasbou 11/29/1944 #1710  
 France Mannheim, Germany Night. A Bristol Beaufighter crew (pilot Lieut. E 11/29/1944 #1710  
eet apart. The lights follow their Bristol Beaufighter, closing in to about 1/30/1945 #1764  
nt at sea aboard the destroyer USS Bristol.                                 3/1950 #4565  
                                   Bristol, England Denis Plunkett forms a  Summer 1952 #6580  
ernational Flying Saucer Bureau in Bristol, England. When Bender closes dow Summer 1952 #6580  
                                   BRISTOL, AVON Several separate observer( 4/6/1956 #12793  
 Derek Mansell is a passenger in a Bristol 170 Freighter Mk 31M near Wellin 6/1956 #12879  
                            WEST / BRISTOL, TN 2 10M saucers / 300M altitud 9/24/1956 #13240  
7 to September 2007, edited by Les Bristol.                                 1957 #13437  
t hovers. Going quickly north over Bristol channel. / r141.                 6/27/1957 #13755  
S 3 cops. Large red saucer rises / Bristol channel. Going quickly west. / r 9/1/1957 #13969  
                       SOUTHWEST / BRISTOL, ENGL Airline(s)/airliner pilots 5/21/1962 #17183  
                                   Bristol, VT Bt. 10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT. Se 7/12/1967 #22653  
                                   Bristol, Avon, UK 4:50 a.m. LT. A woman  10/23/1967 #23292  
                                   BRISTOL, CT 2 observer(s). White night l 8/23/1973 #27720  
 lights, and then flew off towards Bristol.                                 12/2/1973 #28507  
                  On this night in Bristol, Wales, UK Ken, an off-duty poli 12/31/1976 #31645  
                              NEAR BRISTOL, FL 1 observer. Saturn object. I 1/12/1977 #31718  
                           NORTH / BRISTOL, WI 20m delta hovers 6m over US4 10/14/1986 #38047  
                    US Hwy 45 near Bristol, Wisconsin 11:00 p.m. A couple d 10/14/1986 #38048  
le driving north on US Hwy 45 near Bristol, Wisconsin, sees red and white l 10/14/1986 #38048  
                                   BRISTOL, AVON 3 observer(s). Orange plas 10/11/1990 #39775  
                                In Bristol, England three witnesses watched 10/11/1990 #39780  
                                   BRISTOL, AVON 2 girls trapped / invisibl 10/18/1990 #39793  
police officers saw a UFO over the Bristol Channel. The UFO appeared on rad 11/24/1990 #39905  
confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Bristol” YieldMax: 20KT                  11/26/1991 #40242  
                       Hartcliffe, Bristol, England 4:00 a.m. Witnesses in  6/26/1993 #41038  
4:00 a.m. Witnesses in Hartcliffe, Bristol, England, see a large cigar-shap 6/26/1993 #41038  
                                   BRISTOL, AVON 8+UFO's in groups all over 6/28/1993 #41041  
                              NEAR BRISTOL, AVON 30 / barbecue see and phot 8/14/1993 #41136  
  Thirty people at a barbecue near Bristol, Avon, England saw and photograp 8/14/1993 #41138  
                         YATE NEAR BRISTOL, ENGL 2 observer(s). Silent Oblo 12/12/1994 #41892  
                                   BRISTOL CHANNEL, UK 1 observer. 3 C130s  7/17/1995 #42308  
                                In Bristol, Vermont at 6:15 p.m. a large lu 2/9/2000 #43943  
## Word: "brit" (Back to Top)
ns. Strange craft / night sky / Sr Brit diplomat. Type unknown.             8/1977 #32336  
affic Controller confirms. = UFO / Brit CAA. / r41.                         4/21/1991 #40042  
## Word: "britain" (Back to Top)
                    Banbury, Great Britain At King's Sutton an object resem 12/7/1872 #195  
                  Aldershot, Great Britain A strange being dressed in tight 1880 #224  
                The Allied Powers (Britain, France, and Russia) jointly iss 5/24/1915 #928  
 States, East Coast East Coast and Britain, mysterious aircraft (Page 7 Ref 8/1933 #1174  
iphant because, as enemy aliens in Britain, they are ineligible to particip 3/1940 #1326  
                                   Britain Battle of Britain                7/10/1940 #1341  
                 Britain Battle of Britain                                  7/10/1940 #1341  
                                   Britain Personal Minute from Prime Minis 7/28/1952 #7223  
                                   Britain SECRET, EYES ONLY MEMO to Deputy 7/29/1952 #7273  
                                   Britain Reply from Air Ministry, Whiteha 8/9/1952 #7516  
                   North Sea Great Britain France Canada Denmark Norway Por 9/14/1952 #7939  
he US Navy and the navies of Great Britain, France, Canada, Denmark, Norway 9/14/1952 #7939  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Hurricane” Yield: 25KT    10/3/1952 #8089  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Totem 1” Yield: 10KT      10/14/1953 #9225  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Totem 2” Yield: 8KT       10/26/1953 #9256  
                     Bruton, Great Britain Nigel Frapple was cycling home f 5/20/1954 #9819  
e from the Orkney Islands of Great Britain. The rest are from France, which 10/2/1954 #10612  
                   Southend, Great Britain Pat Hennessey ran away when she  10/15/1954 #11104  
                     Ranton, Great Britain Near Shrewsbury, Jennie Roestenb 10/21/1954 #11298  
met with counterparts from France, Britain, and the USA to discuss the prob 1955 #11886  
                                   Britain Broadlands Archives Record: Swor 2/23/1955 #12013  
ireball zigzags going north across Britain / 45 minute(s). Jets chase..     3/24/1955 #12057  
                               New Britain, CT Shiny object hovered, sped a 12/29/1955 #12622  
met with counterparts from France, Britain, and the USA to discuss the UFO  1956 #12626  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Mosaic G1” Yield: 15KT    5/16/1956 #12852  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Mosaic G2” Yield: 60KT    6/19/1956 #12909  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Buffalo” Yield: 15KT      9/27/1956 #13250  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Buffalo” Yield: 1.5KT     10/4/1956 #13262  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Buffalo” Yield: 3KT       10/11/1956 #13274  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Buffalo” Yield: 10KT      10/22/1956 #13287  
7.2500 Nuclear test: Air. Country: Britain Name: “grapple”                  5/15/1957 #13661  
7.2500 Nuclear test: Air. Country: Britain Name: “grapple”                  5/31/1957 #13689  
7.2500 Nuclear test: Air. Country: Britain Name: “grapple”                  6/19/1957 #13741  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Antler” Yield: 1KT        9/14/1957 #13996  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Antler” Yield: 6KT        9/25/1957 #14032  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Antler” Yield: 25KT       10/9/1957 #14082  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “grapple” Yield: 1800KT    11/8/1957 #14485  
                      Aston, Great Britain Mrs. Cynthia Appleton, 27, mothe 11/18/1957 #14576  
                      Aston, Great Britain Two figures again appeared to Mr 1/7/1958 #14812  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “grapple” Yield: 3000KT    4/28/1958 #15003  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “grapple” Yield: 24KT      8/22/1958 #15217  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “grapple” Yield: 1000KT    9/2/1958 #15250  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “grapple” Yield: 800KT     9/11/1958 #15263  
ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “grapple” Yield: 25KT      9/23/1958 #15280  
          Stratford-on-Avon, Great Britain Leonard Hewins, of Tredington, s 1/1959 #15522  
            Chinthurst Hill, Great Britain Vera Bowden, 35, saw a gray, ell 5/25/1960 #16301  
                 Warminster, Great Britain Four witnesses, among them three 11/11/1960 #16498  
                       Ryde, Great Britain An object resembling a hovercraf 7/3/1961 #16744  
              Aston Clinton, Great Britain Mr. Wildam, of Luton, noticed th 2/9/1962 #17042  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Pampas” Yield: 9.5KT      3/1/1962 #17071  
                  Overfield, Great Britain Myra Jones was driving between O 9/13/1962 #17394  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Tendrac” YieldMax: 20KT   12/7/1962 #17573  
                    Shilton, Great Britain Mary Sharp and Mrs. E. L. Sharp  1/28/1963 #17644  
                     Kirkby, Great Britain Margaret McCutcheon and her 13-y 5/7/1963 #17735  
                   Charlton, Great Britain A farmer discovered strange crat 7/15/1963 #17830  
                       Parr, Great Britain William Holland, 12, and two oth 7/22/1963 #17847  
                   Saltwood, Great Britain Four teenagers, among them paint 11/16/1963 #18044  
                    Cosford, Great Britain At the RAF camp, two airmen obse 12/10/1963 #18071  
                     Epping, Great Britain A shiny white object was seen on 12/27/1963 #18097  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Cormorant” YieldMax: 20KT 7/17/1964 #18424  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Courser” Yield: 0KT Yield 9/25/1964 #18563  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Charcoal” Yield: 20KT Yie 9/10/1965 #19549  
                               NEW BRITAIN, CT Metallurgist. Round object w 1/18/1966 #19846  
                               New Britain, CT 6:00 p.m. A round object rot 1/18/1966 #19847  
                    Studham, Great Britain Children observed "a little blue 1/28/1967 #21408  
                 Chippenham, Great Britain G. Grammond saw an object with f 2/22/1967 #21622  
                     Hanley, Great Britain Three strange objects, a bright, 3/31/1967 #22021  
                    Clifton, Great Britain One hundred persons claimed to h 7/5/1967 #22614  
ford, Berkshire, and chemists with Britain’s Home Office analyze samples of 9/4/1967 #22998  
                    Malvern, Great Britain Clive Robinson and Richard Corbe 10/25/1967 #23318  
                    Reading, Great Britain A businessman driving north betw 10/26/1967 #23333  
              Fordingbridge, Great Britain Lorry driver Karl Farlow told po 11/5/1967 #23407  
                                   Britain Through unrelenting pressure by  11/8/1967 #23427  
                Storrington, Great Britain Mrs. Quick and another woman saw 11/16/1967 #23469  
                    Hanbury, Great Britain Mr. and Mrs. Milakovic were driv 11/20/1968 #24670  
Island, The Channel Islands, Great Britain. It rapidly shrank down to a sma 10/17/1970 #25881  
           Lisbon, Portugal Norway Britain 2:59 a.m. Capt. Lars Berglund an 1/26/1974 #28709  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Fallon” Yield: 20KT Yield 5/23/1974 #29128  
shock. / Ministry of Defense (MoD, Britain) police report.                  10/9/1974 #29506  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Banon” Yield: 20KT YieldM 8/26/1976 #31305  
                            Little Britain, Ontario Night. Three members of 9/11/1976 #31377  
untry road to their home in Little Britain, Ontario. Paul Hood notices a fl 9/11/1976 #31377  
ded on this day in 1977 from Great Britain. At 8:00 p.m. an elliptical UFO  3/4/1977 #31859  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Fondutta” Yield: 20KT Yie 4/11/1978 #33140  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Quargel” Yield: 20KT Yiel 11/18/1978 #33962  
 car near Rowlands Castle in Great Britain. It shot off, circled around, an 11/20/1978 #33968  
the multiple UFO flyovers in Great Britain, at three p.m. EST three men saw 12/31/1978 #34252  
s / car. Ministry of Defense (MoD, Britain) report.                         2/8/1979 #34408  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Nessel” Yield: 20KT Yield 8/29/1979 #34797  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Colwick” Yield: 20KT Yiel 4/26/1980 #35292  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Dutchess” YieldMax: 20KT  10/24/1980 #35587  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Serpa” Yield: 20KT YieldM 12/17/1980 #35723  
is allegation that his country and Britain both conspired to deceive their  12/28/1980 #35749  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Rousanne” Yield: 20KT Yie 11/12/1981 #36219  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Gibne” Yield: 20KT YieldM 4/25/1982 #36453  
lice and Ministry of Defense (MoD, Britain) report(s). / r210v31#3.         9/17/1982 #36603  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Armada” YieldMax: 20KT    4/22/1983 #36843  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Mundo” Yield: 20KT YieldM 5/1/1984 #37310  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Egmont” Yield: 20KT Yield 12/9/1984 #37519  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Kinibito” Yield: 20KT Yie 12/5/1985 #37731  
omerang seen over Hartford and New Britain was also seen by dozens of witne 1/9/1986 #37763  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Darwin” Yield: 20KT Yield 6/25/1986 #37923  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Midland” Yield: 20KT Yiel 7/16/1987 #38208  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Barnwell” Yield: 20KT Yie 12/8/1989 #39304  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Houston” Yield: 20KT Yiel 11/14/1990 #39888  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Bristol” YieldMax: 20KT   11/26/1991 #40242  
## Word: "britannia" (Back to Top)
rport, London, England 2:38 p.m. A Britannia Airways Boeing 737 is descendi 6/1/1991 #40080  
England 5:45 p.m. The copilot of a Britannia Airways Boeing 737 on a flight 7/15/1991 #40123  
## Word: "britannica" (Back to Top)
nd Richard H. Hall to Encyclopedia Britannica as excellent persons to write 4/28/1967 #22244  
## Word: "britax" (Back to Top)
   Bridlington, Yorkshire, England Britax PMG factory roof 4:45 p.m. Three  1/21/1977 #31742  
azy oval object hovering above the Britax PMG factory roof just before it b 1/21/1977 #31742  
## Word: "brite" (Back to Top)
side. Lands near observer(s). Very brite.                                   1/1970 #25527  
## Word: "british" (Back to Top)
               OFF NORTHWEST SPAIN British ship. Glowing cloud divided / be 3/1/1716 #55  
                     Bath, England British astronomer William Herschel has  1783 #88  
                                   British Isles North Sea east coast of Sc 8/18/1783 #90  
y bright bolide is observed in the British Isles on a clear, dry night. Ana 8/18/1783 #90  
taly Ainab, Lebanon 10:30 p.m. The British brig Victoria, captained by Geor 6/18/1845 #141  
n Tyne Sunderland Lizard Point The British Board of Trade asks Trinity Hous 12/1865 #165  
 of Meath, second secretary of the British legation to the North German Con 9/26/1870 #187  
           North Pacific Victoria, British Columbia 5:00 a.m. Sailing in th 2/25/1885 #264  
c some 800 miles west of Victoria, British Columbia, Captain John Waters of 2/25/1885 #264  
st of Florida Capt. Corning of the British schooner W. and H. Witherspoon s 2/1894? #313  
                  Blackwater Lake, British Columbia Skeena River, British C 7/3/1896 #327  
ke, British Columbia Skeena River, British Columbia The chief of the Kispio 7/3/1896 #327  
veling north near Blackwater Lake, British Columbia. The same day, a First  7/3/1896 #327  
thing similar at the Skeena River, British Columbia.                        7/3/1896 #327  
nd the other speaks English with a British accent. The craft is called the  4/21/1897? #551  
  At around 6:00 p.m. in Rossland, British Columbia, Canada a luminous red  8/11/1897 #603  
             1200MI.S / GHANA, AFR British ship. 100M metallic cylinder/cyl 10/28/1902 #653  
n of the LZ 13 Hansa Zeppelin over British airspace.                        10/14/1912 #864  
                 South Africa Many British residents in South Africa observ 8/11/1914 #909  
n July and August, so much so that British Naval Intelligence sends two off Late 6/1915 #929  
nelles a peculiar cloud engulfed a British regiment which was never seen ag 8/21/1915 #933  
nelles a peculiar cloud engulfed a British regiment which was never seen ag 8/21/1915 #934  
moor, Devon, England 9:30 p.m. Two British Naval Intelligence officers, Lt. 9/4/1915 #936  
               Rochford, Essex, UK British A/c Encounters Object With Row o 1/31/1916 #940  
                                   British Air Ministry The British Air Min 9/1921 #1014  
          British Air Ministry The British Air Ministry has asked the publi 9/1921 #1014  
                    Okanagan Lake, British Columbia Dusk. A hunter in a row Fall 1924 #1044  
ter in a rowboat on Okanagan Lake, British Columbia, sees a faint blue ligh Fall 1924 #1044  
untaineer Frank Smythe, during the British Mount Everest Expedition in the  6/1/1933 #1158  
 spheres that were floating in the British sky (Page 11-12 Ref. 1) (NICAP:  2/8/1938 #1283  
nthony Kornilak, and others on the British troopship SS Pulaski in the Moza 9/1941 #1370  
        ZUIDER ZEE, NETH 2 airmen. British bomber followed / orange-glowing 3/25/1942 #1404  
, GRM Many 8cm silver disks seen / British B17s. Chaff? flak? / LDLN#338.   10/14/1943 #1534  
              Naples, Italy Night. British 255 Night Fighter Squadron leade 12/14/1943 #1553  
vel (approximately 3550 km/h). The British government, concerned about spre 9/7/1944 #1666  
          BELGIUM LOCATION UNKNOWN British Anti-Aircraft guns/teams gunners 11/23/1944 #1701  
abor camp Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland British prisoners being force-marched ou 1/22/1945 #1761  
                 Cuxhaven, Germany British Operation Backfire near Cuxhaven 10/2/1945 #1943  
                 Cuxhaven, Germany British Operation Backfire near Cuxhaven 10/15/1945 #1945  
esterham, Kent, England, calls the British Technical Intelligence staff ask 1946 #1962  
 ghost rocket information with the British military attaché in Stockholm, S 7/12/1946 #2052  
            The Swedes provide the British attaché with analytical reports  7/15/1946 #2057  
                     Stockholm Two British intelligence officers arrive in  7/18/1946 #2061  
            London, England Sweden British Air Attaché Capt. Henderson info 7/27/1946 #2082  
legend General Jimmy Doolittle and British Group Captain Douglas Bader, and 8/19/1946 #2145  
                            Sweden British The British Foreign Office state 8/23/1946 #2151  
                Sweden British The British Foreign Office states that Engli 8/23/1946 #2151  
d “submitted secret reports to the British government on the origin of the  8/23/1946 #2151  
            US Stockholm Sweden UN British The US military attaché in Stock 8/26/1946 #2161  
p, have canceled their request for British radar equipment.                 8/26/1946 #2161  
            Littlehampton, England British pilot Edward Mortlock Donaldson  9/7/1946 #2171  
        LINGEN AND MEPPEN, GERMANY British Army observer(s). 'Missiles' pas 9/26/1946 #2192  
ar Department complaining that the British “may not have given us all infor 10/1/1946 #2196  
ladelphia, Pennsylvania New Mexico British radio and TV entertainer Hughie  7/8/1947? #3018  
At 10 o'clock in the morning GMT a British Vickers Viking aircraft was flyi 7/10/1947 #3113  
              New Mexico Russia UK British author and ex-MI5 operative Bern 1948 #3523  
in Puget Sound bound for Victoria, British Columbia from Seattle, Washingto 12/17/1949 #4440  
                        Vancouver, British Columbia 2:45 p.m. Three witness 2/26/1950 #4560  
laced face to face over Vancouver, British Columbia. It slows down as it pa 2/26/1950 #4560  
ed device flew over the Vancouver, British Columbia airport at 15,000 feet  4/25/1950 #4897  
                              OVER BRITISH GUIANA Airline(s)/airliner crew. 11/28/1950 #5296  
Stratocruiser airliner flying over British Guinea, and was sighted by the e 11/28/1950 #5297  
eater than the cruising speed of a British Vampire jet. The total duration  3/15/1951 #5489  
ject flew to the north in Hammond, British Columbia, turned red, and made a 4/11/1952 #6058  
group of persons including a noted British Scientist sighted an UFO which a 5/10/1952 #6285  
        Paphos, Cyprus 8:30 p.m. A British scientist and others at Paphos,  5/10/1952 #6297  
ol, England Denis Plunkett forms a British branch of Albert K. Bender’s Int Summer 1952 #6580  
ember 1953, the branch becomes the British Flying Saucer Bureau, with his s Summer 1952 #6580  
 pendulum as it lost altitude. Ten British officers had just deplaned from  9/19/1952 #7981  
g into the village of Jagalgori. A British aviation investigator, J. H. Let 5/2/1953 #8857  
            Littlehampton, England British pilot Neville Duke reaches 728 m 9/7/1953 #9153  
        Castel Idris Tripoli Libya British pilot Mike Lithgow attains an of 9/26/1953 #9180  
           MANCHE DEPARTMENT, FR 2 British airline(s)/airliner pilots. Clas 10/18/1953 #9237  
                                   British Parliament The British Parliamen 11/24/1953 #9320  
            British Parliament The British Parliament discusses the Novembe 11/24/1953 #9320  
                                   British Air Ministry air intelligence br 12/16/1953 #9373  
intelligence branch DDI (Tech) The British Air Ministry sends orders to all 12/16/1953 #9373  
                               The British Air Ministry and the British War 1/25/1954 #9499  
  The British Air Ministry and the British War Office order airmen and sold 1/25/1954 #9499  
e, Gravity, and the Flying Saucer, British Book Centre, 1955; Good Above, p 2/15/1954 #9549  
people look like humans, after the British atomic bomb tests in Australia s 2/22/1954 #9562  
ssions. However, there is only one British Canberra in the area at the time 3/1/1954 #9585  
rginia to Atlanta on this morning, British astronomer H. Percy Wilkins obse 6/11/1954 #9893  
         central Vancouver Island, British Columbia Naselle Air Force Stati 6/21/1954 #9921  
ted over central Vancouver Island, British Columbia, responds to coded IFF  6/21/1954 #9921  
antic Ocean A BOAC Strato Cruiser (British Airways) on a trans Atlantic fli 6/29/1954 #9958  
                    Lancashire, UK British astronomer saw a silvery object  7/8/1954 #10002  
. Silent. No trail. Blue Book says British plane.                           10/20/1954 #11257  
                         NORTHWEST BRITISH GUIANA Sketchy news report(s). U 1/5/1955 (approximate) #11919  
 in the Los Angeles Examiner that “British scientists and airmen” have exam 5/22/1955 #12148  
flying saucer. Her informant is a “British official of Cabinet rank,” who t 5/22/1955 #12148  
                         In 1955 a British fishing trawler crew spotted a s 6/5/1955 #12187  
      Lasham, Hants, UK Members of British Gliding Association watched boom 7/26/1955 #12288  
oesn’t think there is an official “British attitude to UFOs.”               2/18/1956 #12728  
               Chichester, England British pilot Peter Twiss reaches an off 3/10/1956 #12751  
med Hunt along Highway 1 in Flood, British Columbia, Canada.                5/17/1956 #12858  
ent Rochester, England 7:17 a.m. A British airliner is flying over Kent, tw 5/31/1957 #13690  
                    At 7:17 a.m. a British Airways airliner flying over Ken 5/31/1957 #13691  
humberland Avenue, London, England British Isles A report in the UK weekly  6/15/1957 #13730  
gs” on file and a large map of the British Isles with thousands of colored  6/15/1957 #13730  
                          Kelowna, British Columbia Night. Radio station CK 10/9/1957 #14084  
ht. Radio station CKOV in Kelowna, British Columbia, after reports on Sputn 10/9/1957 #14084  
es of blasts Late one afternoon, a British RAF team is planning to return h Late 10/1957 #14156  
 he obtained this information from British Intelligence Objectives Subcommi 1958 #14787  
ation Cold Lake, Alberta Victoria, British Columbia Calgary, Alberta 12:15  5/13/1958 #15031  
Cold Lake, Alberta, from Victoria, British Columbia. When it changes its he 5/13/1958 #15031  
ay 1), and several more around the British Isles.                           4/18/1959 #15707  
e. The royal couple claim that the British royal family, especially Prince  5/18/1959 #15737  
Charlotte Islands off the coast of British Columbia saw a pillar of white l 8/27/1959 #15941  
                  New Westminster, British Columbia 9:25 p.m. Five people a 9/29/1960 #16467  
ho 1 satellite in New Westminster, British Columbia. After they spot it, th 9/29/1960 #16467  
luding among them three men in the British military, saw an object that see 11/11/1960 #16499  
                    Saanich Inlet, British Columbia Evening. Mrs. R. H. Cha 3/25/1962 #17080  
 above the water at Saanich Inlet, British Columbia. They have flashing rub 3/25/1962 #17080  
                                   British Crete British writer W. Raymond  1964 #18103  
                     British Crete British writer W. Raymond Drake writes G 1964 #18103  
earch Organisation merges with the British UFO Association (a consolidation 1/25/1964 #18119  
 UFO groups in the UK) to form the British UFO Research Association. It beg 1/25/1964 #18119  
                       Green Lake, British Columbia Vancouver 6:30 p.m. Ber 6/1964 #18314  
 the northern shore of Green Lake, British Columbia, when they see a light  6/1964 #18314  
gh officials suspect they could be British aircraft from the HMS Victorious 9/18/1964 #18559  
 F-51. He reports the story to the British UFO Research Association, which  4/24/1965 #18916  
                                   BRITISH BRAVO BASE, ANTARCTIC Silent nig 6/2/1965 #18981  
                                   British Antarctic Station B Deception Is 7/2/1965 #19053  
 p.m. Five garrison members of the British Antarctic Station B [abandoned i 7/2/1965 #19053  
per reports, Antartica: Argentine, British and Chilean military and scienti 7/3/1965 #19056  
          In Warminster, England a British Army major reported that his hea 9/7/1965 #19531  
nter with a domed disc in Kelowna, British Columbia.                        3/1/1966 #19931  
                                   British Columbia Saanich Inlet Mrs. R. H 3/25/1966 #20082  
ng 40–50 feet above Saanich Inlet, British Columbia. Ruby-red lights flash  3/25/1966 #20082  
                        Vancouver, British Columbia, CAN Time not reported. 3/27/1966 #20096  
                       Blue River, British Columbia Jasper, Alberta A witne 5/22/1966 #20507  
itness driving between Blue River, British Columbia, and Jasper, Alberta, s 5/22/1966 #20507  
                        Castlegar, British Columbia, CAN 11:00 p.m. LT. Thr 6/8/1966 #20540  
ving south of Castlegar Airport in British Columbia when they were chased b 6/8/1966 #20547  
                          Gibsons, British Columbia Strait of Georgia Keats 1967 #21236  
ight. Miss E. R. East, of Gibsons, British Columbia, is awakened by a bangi 1967 #21236  
                      Port McNeil, British.Columbia, CAN 7:30-8:30 p.m. PST 2/27/1967 #21673  
 than 30 minutes. In Port McNeill, British Columbia at 7:30 p.m. PST four w 2/27/1967 #21678  
ck in the city of New Westminster, British Columbia a fast moving, one-mete 4/1/1967 #22045  
ts for one hour over Port McNeill, British Columbia, Canada.                6/16/1967 #22511  
nd horses reacted. (Vancouver Sun, British Columbia, 7/27/67, copy in NICAP 7/11/1967 #22649  
lying at 14,000 feet over Enderby, British Columbia at 10 p.m., Mr. H. Schi 7/19/1967 #22702  
 Westfall River Rocky Mountains of British Columbia Kamloops 8:38 p.m. Capt 7/26/1967 #22735  
ll River in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia. He notices a small pin 7/26/1967 #22735  
 to the guided weapons division of British Aerospace, whose chief design en 9/4/1967 #22998  
oid in a wooded area near Langley, British Columbia, Canada. It was reporte 9/17/1967 #23077  
covered in a field in Charleswood, British Columbia, Canada clustered aroun 10/22/1967 #23291  
in Through unrelenting pressure by British ufologist Julian J. A. Hennessey 11/8/1967 #23427  
0 p.m. LT. The pilot and crew of a British European Airways plane flying at 11/15/1967 #23459  
                                   British Embassy in Moscow, Russia The Br 12/12/1967 #23574  
tish Embassy in Moscow, Russia The British Embassy in Moscow, Russia, is di 12/12/1967 #23574  
,” a pseudonym for a source in the British aerospace industry, states in 20 1968 #23633  
servers with binoculars in Nelson, British Columbia, Canada watched four sa 1/5/1968 #23651  
ussia mentioning an attempt by the British Government in 1967 to collaborat 1/19/1968 #23673  
On this evening over Keats Island, British Columbia in 1968, a dark UFO wit 1/28/1968 #23706  
an isolated cabin on Keats Island, British Columbia had for several days wi 1/29/1968 #23708  
in near the coast on Keats Island, British Columbia saw a single object man 2/21/1968 #23775  
      Glossop, Derbyshire, England British Aerospace 9:00 p.m. A man is dri 3/4/1968 #23824  
akes the radio to his workplace at British Aerospace and finds that two key 3/4/1968 #23824  
pot near her lake on Keats Island, British Columbia when the same two stran 5/2/1968 #23940  
UFOs Unidentified, Unidentifiable, British researchers Anthony R. Pace and  6/20/1968 #24054  
                                   British physicist Reginald Victor Jones  7/1968 #24106  
s Base Esquimalt Vancouver Island, British Columbia Night. Amateur astronom 9/29/1968 #24521  
 southern tip of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. One photo shows a larg 9/29/1968 #24521  
                           Duncan, British Columbia John Magor begins publi 1/1969 #24811  
rly Canadian UFO Report in Duncan, British Columbia. It persists through th 1/1969 #24811  
ea 3 The event occurred while the "British Grenadier" was sailing through t 3/17/1969 #25018  
 round object flew over Vancouver, British Columbia. The witness reported s 10/13/1969 #25411  
ichan District Hospital in Duncan, British Columbia 5:00 a.m. Registered nu 1/1/1970 #25532  
ichan District Hospital in Duncan, British Columbia, and sees a bright, Sat 1/1/1970 #25532  
rict Hospital on Vancouver Island, British Columbia five nurses saw a silve 1/1/1970 #25533  
at landed on four legs in Terrace, British Columbia around noon. He encount 2/27/1970 #25594  
avis becomes the first head of the British UFO desk to appear on TV to expl 1/1972 #26534  
                  POKHARA, NEPAL 2 British photograph swarm / white dots. M 4/18/1972 #26650  
              In the afternoon two British tourists in Pokhara, Nepal took  4/18/1972 #26651  
                     Willow Point, British Columbia Inside Passage Quadra I 4/24/1972 #26660  
Island Day. A man in Willow Point, British Columbia, on the Inside Passage  4/24/1972 #26660  
 UFO was shaped like a World War I British helmet, was 7 to 10 meters wide, 1/7/1974 #28661  
fireball meteors this evening. The British Geological Survey identifies the 1/23/1974 #28694  
 ground control. A Norwegian and a British aircraft also report the same ph 1/26/1974 #28709  
 if this event was investigated by British or U.S. authorities considering  4/1974 #28984  
                   Port Coquitlam, British Columbia 8:00 p.m. David Bates,  8/16/1974 #29362  
 to their homes in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia. Suddenly they hear a h 8/16/1974 #29362  
 ages 9 and 10, in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia saw a buzzing, multi-co 8/16/1974 #29364  
that flew over the river in Delta, British Columbia, Canada and landed 150  8/28/1974 #29398  
            OFF NORTHWEST / SICILY British airline(s)/airliner crew and pas 3/15/1975 #29902  
west coast of Ireland 12:37 p.m. A British naval vessel is stationed off th 6/23/1975 #30117  
        Canada Highway 16 Terrace, British Columbia 1:45 a.m. RCMP Constabl 4/22/1976 #31009  
Canada Highway 16 west of Terrace, British Columbia. As he rounds a curve,  4/22/1976 #31009  
antic Lisbon, Portugal 9:00 p.m. A British Airways Trident 2E piloted by Ca 7/30/1976 #31203  
e" shaped UFOs were sighted from a British Airways Trident II airliner near 7/30/1976 #31204  
gged over a cement plant in Haney, British Columbia. They emitted red laser 8/23/1976 #31295  
                    OVER LITHUANIA British BEA flight 831. Extremely bright 9/10/1976 #31368  
ow London Lithuania 6:00–7:00 p.m. British European Airways Flight 831 from 9/10/1976 #31372  
i, 20 miles west of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada on Highway 16.  1/5/1977 #31701  
                          Saanich, British Columbia 7:20 p.m. Susanna and M 3/9/1977 #31887  
 right above the trees in Saanich, British Columbia. It disappears toward t 3/9/1977 #31887  
A1719], citing Randall Jones Pugh, British UFO Research Association). (NICA 4/7/1977 #31956  
   Vancouver International Airport British Columbia Richmond About 12:05 a. 4/18/1977 #31992  
Vancouver International Airport in British Columbia have just gotten off th 4/18/1977 #31992  
ncor, two weathermen in Vancouver, British Columbia watched an orange and b 4/18/1977 #31994  
Rolvenden, Kent, England 6:45 p.m. British diplomat Alan K. Rothnie is driv 10/15/1977 #32578  
Detective Constable 1877 HESELTINE British Transport Police (NICAP: 07 - En 10/30/1977 #32637  
                    Prince George, British Columbia 7:30 p.m. Vicki Burns i 4/6/1978 #33128  
le on her farm near Prince George, British Columbia, when a narrow beam of  4/6/1978 #33128  
                NEAR ATHENS, GRC 3 British. Dark 35M saucer hums very low a 7/22/1978 #33409  
nd 4:00 p.m. Elizabeth McKibben, a British nurse at the Inuit settlement of 11/13/1978 #33952  
          Buckinghamshire, England British science fiction author David Lan 1979 #34254  
ircraft—four Iberia Boeing 727s, a British airliner, an air-taxi, and a Tra 11/11/1980 #35634  
                           Duncan, British Columbia Mount Prevost Mechanic  11/29/1980 #35683  
nic Granger Taylor, 32, of Duncan, British Columbia, a man obsessed with al 11/29/1980 #35683  
Detective Constable 1877 HESELTINE British Transport Police). (NICAP: 02 -  3/10/1981 #35862  
          Thompson River Kamloops, British Columbia 2:30 p.m. A man is fish 5/16/1981 #35940  
 the Thompson River near Kamloops, British Columbia, when the water about 3 5/16/1981 #35940  
                         Winnipeg, British Columbia (near), CAN Midnight, t 8/16/1981 #36077  
nd of Cyprus. Radar at a Sovereign British Base, either Akrotiri or Dhekeli 8/16/1981 #36078  
etective Constable 1877 HESELTINE, British Transport Police) (NICAP: 01 - D 9/1981 #36095  
                         Victoria, British Columbia Afternoon. Three days a 10/2/1981 #36154  
the business district in Victoria, British Columbia, to meet a friend. When 10/2/1981 #36154  
 occurred on this day in Victoria, British Columbia. At 4 o'clock in the af 10/5/1981 #36159  
     Kelsey Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia 11:00 a.m. Hannah McRob 10/8/1981 #36167  
h of Kelsey Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. She snaps a color phot 10/8/1981 #36167  
 eastern side of Vancouver Island, British Columbia by Ms. Hannah McRoberts 10/8/1981 #36170  
varia, Germany Everyone on board a British aircraft sees a large translucen 6/12/1982 #36499  
ver the eastern Mediterranean Sea. British personnel at RAF Troödos on Cypr 10/19/1982 #36654  
e nothing. Following the incident, British authorities launch a secret inve 10/19/1982 #36654  
anguage. Other analyses indicate a British origin.                          1983 #36736  
   High Wycombe London England The British UFO Research Association holds i 8/27/1983 #36962  
                                   British ufologist Jenny Randles publishe 9/1983 #36964  
 missing key data, are sent to the British UFO Research Association. When h 3/4/1984 #37216  
 for UFO reports in the 1950s. The British Police Force’s elite Special Bra Fall 1984 #37466  
                                   British British UFO researcher Timothy G 11/1984 #37501  
                           British British UFO researcher Timothy Good inte 11/1984 #37501  
jave Desert, California 12:05 p.m. British pilot David J. Hastings is flyin 9/9/1985 #37656  
 “null and void.” Funding from the British investor Kaye has fallen through 11/22/1985 #37720  
nny Randles receives a call from a British military man who refuses to give 10/28/1986 #38056  
entally tapped into UFO files. The British officer copied many of the files 10/28/1986 #38056  
 the files and manages to tell the British officer where they are and reque 10/28/1986 #38056  
 John Spencer and sponsored by the British UFO Research Association, in an  1987 #38090  
rth Yorkshire, England 3:00 a.m. A British Army communications officer is s 3/1987 #38128  
        London New York Washington British ufologist Timothy Good has also  5/31/1987 #38180  
    On this night, from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada a woman church  1/30/1990 #39398  
cast night, a witness in Richmond, British Columbia first noticed a light o 2/5/1990 #39409  
ng a meteor shower in North Delta, British Columbia, Canada. An abduction o 5/7/1990 #39565  
ourse of a creek in Williams Lake, British Columbia at a low altitude. The  6/23/1990 #39623  
 be about 98 feet in diameter. The British government continues to deny tha 8/4/1990 #39679  
red with US intelligence after the British expressed “concern about a possi 8/4/1990 #39679  
 airspace.” A 1992 letter from the British Defence Staff in Washington, D.C 8/4/1990 #39679  
ne photos was brought to the US by British Intelligence officials to be exa 8/4/1990 #39679  
                  NEAR GENOVA, ITL British 747 crew. UFO over city / 2 min. 11/5/1990 #39864  
00 p.m. The pilot and copilot of a British Airways flight from Rome to Gatw 11/5/1990 #39866  
get, which is now behind them. The British Army denies firing any missiles. 4/21/1991 #40046  
my denies firing any missiles. The British Civil Aviation Authority conclud 4/21/1991 #40046  
rough the sky over West Vancouver, British Columbia at 3:10 a.m. A 16-year- 7/19/1992 #40528  
ted at 2:30 a.m. in Mount Seymour, British Columbia. The policeman witness  8/29/1992 #40596  
                                   British embassy in Washington D.C. write 12/22/1992 #40762  
Specifically, three years earlier, British Royal Observer Corps (ROC) membe 12/22/1992 #40762  
ecame public in 1992, after which, British officials monitored USG reaction 12/22/1992 #40762  
e engineered from UAP technology.] British intelligence writes the situatio 12/22/1992 #40762  
 for 10-15 seconds in Cache Creek, British Columbia on this night. The next 4/1/1993 #40923  
lowing UFO hovered over Wood Lake, British Columbia at 9:00 p.m. It dropped 8/18/1993 #41145  
s altitude over Surrey, Vancouver, British Columbia. Over 100 witnesses wat 9/10/1993 #41192  
curred at 12:53 a.m. in Vancouver, British Columbia.                        11/22/1993 #41297  
loor apartment in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and had kept th 6/15/1994 #41568  
served hovering over Taharti Lake, British Columbia, Canada for three minut 7/21/1994 #41634  
's bedroom at 4:00 a.m. in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada and reported se 7/27/1994 #41644  
e minutes over Errington, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. There were sma 1/5/1995 #41952  
Officer Mark Stuart are piloting a British Airways Boeing 737 aircraft with 1/6/1995 #41956  
                                 A British Airways Boeing-737 flight with 6 1/6/1995 #41957  
                                UK British Airways In briefing notes on the 2/20/1995 #42052  
ss Working Group in the UK, former British Airways Capt. Graham Sheppard co 2/20/1995 #42052  
                                   British hacker Mathew Bevan is arrested  6/21/1996 #42937  
             Abbotsford Chilliwack British Columbia Highway 1 Sardis Mornin 1/13/1997 #43170  
y 1 from Abbotsford to Chilliwack, British Columbia, notices a fluffy cloud 1/13/1997 #43170  
un-camera footage of UFOs taken by British military pilots, the fact that t 3/1997 #43215  
port in Orkney, Scotland, to board British Airways Flight 8773 to Aberdeen  5/30/1997 #43302  
                           Surrey, British Columbia Night. After two bright 12/8/1997 #43454  
htly lit objects fly above Surrey, British Columbia, a large, disc-shaped,  12/8/1997 #43454  
                        Vancouver, British Columbia Seven people in Vancouv 12/14/1997 #43460  
olumbia Seven people in Vancouver, British Columbia, see an object shaped l 12/14/1997 #43460  
ee 12 August 2022), suggesting the British government is aware of Astra. *  Late 1990's #43480  
 a group of witnesses in Kamloops, British Columbia observed a silver disc  4/18/1998 #43551  
                         Whistler, British Columbia Puget Sound 9:20 p.m. A 4/22/1998 #43556  
ar as he is driving near Whistler, British Columbia. It is visible only a f 4/22/1998 #43556  
       Three witnesses in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada observed a dark 5/5/1998 #43561  
05 p.m. PDT a couple in Vancouver, British Columbia observed a stationary,  6/5/1998 #43581  
         Several people in Surrey, British Columbia observed a bright white 8/13/1998 #43630  
ound 5 p.m. a witness in Kamloops, British Columbia observed an object shoo 9/3/1998 #43640  
    A 12-year-old boy in Victoria, British Columbia suddenly woke up for no 10/25/1998 #43670  
 North Sea off Denmark Yorkshire A British Debonair Bae146 charter jet enco 2/3/1999 #43721  
ation in Yorkshire after it enters British air space.                       2/3/1999 #43721  
                        Kimberley, British Columbia Midnight. A diamond-sha 3/5/1999 #43743  
se of a theatre roof in Kimberley, British Columbia. An object covered with 3/5/1999 #43743  
iving on Highway 99 in White Rock, British Columbia. It had "headlights".   5/9/1999 #43765  
omething weird," flew over Surrey, British Columbia at 10:15 a.m.           5/23/1999 #43774  
e", flew near a mountain in Trail, British Columbia at 10:30 p.m. in 1999.  6/4/1999 #43779  
te light paced a truck in Burnaby, British Columbia at 4:25 a.m., then ejec 10/16/1999 #43861  
       At 10:10 p.m. in Pemberton, British Columbia four witnesses watched  11/25/1999 #43887  
    At 1:15 a.m. a man in Mission, British Columbia saw an object larger th 1/2/2000 #43915  
re sitting in a house in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada and when they g 1/24/2000 #43933  
r reports occurred that evening in British Columbia, Oregon, California, an 1/28/2000 #43935  
feet above the ground in Kamloops, British Columbia at 9:18 p.m. It suddenl 5/6/2000 #43989  
s outside of Juniper and Kamloops, British Columbia. It split into four sma 5/8/2000 #43990  
agged around the sky over Kelowna, British Columbia and made a loud rumblin 10/13/2000 #44055  
ging back and forth" over Kelowna, British Columbia. After a few minutes it 1/5/2001 #44120  
f motion" was seen over Vancouver, British Columbia at nine o'clock in the  1/23/2001 #44128  
              A man in Salmon Arm, British Columbia awoke to a noise outsid 4/23/2001 #44161  
 a single witness in Powell River, British Columbia travelling from west to 4/25/2001 #44167  
                         Victoria, British Columbia 12:25 a.m. Five people  8/12/2001 #44232  
 in a straight line over Victoria, British Columbia, which change position  8/12/2001 #44232  
icle was driving in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada. At 10:00 p.m.  8/15/2001 #44235  
s sighted at 9:45 p.m. in Kelowna, British Columbia. It looked like a hang  4/30/2002 #44334  
ke Road, northeast of Fort Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. The photo is e 7/7/2002 #44357  
 near the water in West Vancouver, British Columbia. It rose vertically. St 8/5/2002 #44375  
at 10:50 p.m. on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. It moved overhead to t 9/10/2002 #44395  
        At 10:25 p.m. in Granisle, British Columbia a large glowing orange  10/22/2002 #44421  
                                   British hacker Gary McKinnon is arrested 11/2002 #44428  
d object was sighted over Merritt, British Columbia. As the witness watched 11/20/2002 #44445  
 hovered in the sky over Rosswood, British Columbia. In San Isidro, Texas a 1/4/2003 #44467  
         At 3:08 a.m in Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada a small, bright 1/5/2003 #44470  
                      In Victoria, British Columbia, Canada two witnesses w 2/11/2003 #44487  
                        Vancouver, British Columbia 9:02 p.m. A dark triang 2/12/2003 #44488  
age is seen flying over Vancouver, British Columbia. It is in view for 3 mi 2/12/2003 #44488  
eath flew silently over Vancouver, British Columbia. There were two witness 2/12/2003 #44489  
                          Houston, British Columbia Highway 7:55 a.m. The d 3/3/2003 #44499  
veling along a highway in Houston, British Columbia, watch as a silver obje 3/3/2003 #44499  
lew low over the river in Terrace, British Columbia at 10:55 p.m.           4/3/2003 #44510  
from south to north over Victoria, British Columbia at 2:40 a.m., and then  4/16/2003 #44514  
instant. At 11:35 p.m. in Terrace, British Columbia a ring of colored light 5/13/2003 #44536  
                          Houston, British Columbia, CAN Dogs did not appea 6/5/2003 #44553  
                  Okanagan Valley, British Columbia Kamloops Jaffray 12:45  7/28/2003 #44568  
t flying over the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, zigzagging from northw 7/28/2003 #44568  
                      In Wycliffe, British Columbia a silent, low flying, s 7/28/2003 #44569  
                  New Westminster, British Columbia 6:00 p.m. Diana Luca an 8/11/2003 #44574  
le in her home in New Westminster, British Columbia. Out of the corner of h 8/11/2003 #44574  
                     Near Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. At around 2:30 9/3/2003 #44592  
         Two witnesses in Creston, British Columbia briefly saw some blue l 11/25/2003 #44621  
                          Houston, British Columbia 8:45 p.m. An unusual wh 12/8/2003 #44626  
s hovers above a house in Houston, British Columbia, dropping sparks. It th 12/8/2003 #44626  
d in for landing on Runway 10 by a British Midland Airbus A330- 200 at a di 1/4/2004 #44643  
over a mountain in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada.                1/5/2004 #44649  
st the witness' window in Kelowna, British Columbia so low that it was illu 4/25/2004 #44691  
as spotted by a couple in Kelowna, British Columbia. It was white in color. 4/26/2004 #44693  
 moving in the sky over Cranbrook, British Columbia. There were four witnes 5/8/2004 #44697  
ow, close to the ground, in Trail, British Columbia, Canada. There were thr 5/19/2004 #44705  
ts were reported in the sky to the British Ministry of Defense. They were d 7/31/2004 #44721  
eeing at 11:00 a.m. from Squamish, British Columbia. The sighting lasted 30 8/9/2004 #44729  
in the northern sky of Metlakatla, British Columbia, Canada responded to a  8/11/2004 #44733  
 orange light was seen in Houston, British Columbia descending slowly, foll 11/24/2004 #44790  
n Adelaide, South Australia, whose British father had worked for MI5 after  1/15/2005 #44808  
      At 1:25 p.m. in Maple Ridge, British Columbia two witnesses sighted a 2/15/2005 #44814  
 of sight. At 6:28 p.m. in Ruskin, British Columbia a single witness sighte 2/15/2005 #44814  
 Ridge National Laboratory Roswell British author Nick Redfern publishes Bo 6/2005 #44846  
 flew over the witness in Terrace, British Columbia, then stopped, hovered, 10/19/2005 #44891  
rds two witnesses in Port Alberni, British Columbia at 6:00 a.m., then back 10/28/2005 #44897  
       At 11:53 p.m. over Houston, British Columbia four witnesses saw what 2/12/2006 #44922  
     In Chilliwack, Fraser Valley, British Columbia a very large, silent, d 5/3/2006 #44939  
ting sparks was seen over Houston, British Columbia at 4:20 p.m.            6/4/2006 #44948  
                               The British Ministry of Defense received a r 9/13/2006 #44961  
        A witness in North Surrey, British Columbia, Canada observed a hock 9/24/2006 #44967  
angular formation over Aldergrove, British Columbia, Canada at 8:30 p.m., t 10/11/2006 #44974  
silently overhead New Westminster, British Columbia.                        4/16/2007 #45017  
t of humanoids is contained in the British Ministry of Defence database of  8/18/2007 #45049  
                      In Victoria, British Columbia at 9:30 p.m. an object  9/7/2007 #45053  
                      In Granisle, British Columbia, Canada at 6:00 p.m. a  11/29/2007 #45098  
 through the air over Maple Ridge, British Columbia at 3:00 p.m. PST, flash 12/10/2007 #45099  
 it flew across the sky in Popkum, British Columbia.                        1/26/2008 #45114  
            At 11:43 in Coquitlam, British Columbia a witness sighted two o 5/15/2008 #45139  
city of Chilliwack, Fraser Valley, British Columbia.                        5/17/2008 #45140  
round, then rejoined over Nanaimo, British Columbia.                        9/3/2008 #45164  
hts was sighted in Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada at 2:10 a.m.    5/9/2011 #45325  
 as the “most catastrophic loss to British intelligence ever.”              6/14/2013 #45372  
 investigating as manslaughter and British authorities were investigating a 7/16/2016 #45456  
                        Vancouver, British Columbia British Columbia's rugg 9/19/2016 #45459  
       Vancouver, British Columbia British Columbia's rugged northern coast 9/19/2016 #45459  
Express pilot flying to Vancouver, British Columbia, reports “3 red lights  9/19/2016 #45459  
eet over an uninhabited stretch of British Columbia’s rugged northern coast 9/19/2016 #45459  
                               The British UFO Research Association publish 2018 #45496  
insula Shannon Airport 6:47 a.m. A British Airways 787 is flying eastward j 11/9/2018 #45544  
same flight path. The pilot of the British Airways plane notices a bright l 11/9/2018 #45544  
                               The British UFO Research Association reports 2/7/2021 #45675  
 large diamond UAP referenced in a British Ministry of Defence (MOD) report 8/12/2022 #45762  
ignificant because it suggests the British MOD may have been in possession  8/12/2022 #45762  
 Astra. Noted in 22 December 1992, British officials chose to monitor USAF  8/12/2022 #45762  
ss by stating Aurora didn’t exist. British interest in triangular UAP stems 8/12/2022 #45762  
 stems from several overflights of British airspace.  Note: There is nothin 8/12/2022 #45762  
comments included UAP sighted over British airspace.                        8/12/2022 #45762  
g with beings telepathically; ret. British Army officer Gerard Pratt who dr 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "british-armenian" (Back to Top)
                                   British-Armenian South African British-A 1/26/1990 #39390  
    British-Armenian South African British-Armenian orchid hunter Habib “He 1/26/1990 #39390  
## Word: "british-russian" (Back to Top)
is directed by London to look into British-Russian cooperation in the inves 12/12/1967 #23574  
## Word: "british-swedish" (Back to Top)
that he suspects there is a secret British-Swedish collaboration on ghost r 9/12/1946 #2180  
## Word: "brito" (Back to Top)
itnesses including Rubem Bastos de Brito reported seeing several short biza 7/29/2001 #44213  
## Word: "briton" (Back to Top)
up, were on a night vigil on Monte Briton, Puerto Rico when one of the them 11/7/1998 #43678  
## Word: "brits" (Back to Top)
 was never released. Lt. Col. J.B. Brits, District Commandant of Pretoria N 9/16/1965 #19569  
6 feet in diameter. Lt. Col. J. B. Brits, district commandant of Pretoria N 9/16/1965 #19574  
## Word: "britt" (Back to Top)
ing a buzzing noise. KVET engineer Britt Lamb says the radio interference i 1/9/1953 #8523  
m the porch of their house Richard Britt and his 12-year-old son Richie saw 10/28/1976 #31503  
out of sight for a short while and Britt went indoors, but his son Richie c 10/28/1976 #31503  
e next morning. In the morning Mr. Britt noticed a 15 x 20 foot area in fro 10/28/1976 #31503  
## Word: "brittany" (Back to Top)
                            Brest, Brittany, France Sgt. Ness and another m Late 8/1944 #1646  
h over the front lines near Brest, Brittany, France, and out to sea. At one Late 8/1944 #1646  
## Word: "brittle" (Back to Top)
a potato field all the leaves were brittle and yellowish. A branch of a nea 6/27/1966 #20618  
 are severely dehydrated, dry, and brittle. This case was investigated by s 7/12/1969 #25264  
al’s hide is found to be unusually brittle for a fresh death (the animal wa 3/24/1978 #33077  
e desert; a thick metallic foil, a brittle brownish-black plastic like mate 3/6/1991 #40002  
## Word: "britto" (Back to Top)
erói Bridge Capt. Gerson Maciel de Britto, piloting a Boeing 727 for VASP F 2/8/1982 #36327  
## Word: "britton" (Back to Top)
       Dayton, Ohio A farmer named Britton sees two cigar-shaped UFOs trave 10/20/1947 #3464  
## Word: "brive" (Back to Top)
                                   BRIVE, FR 3 separate observer(s). Box-cy 11/5/1990 #39839  
## Word: "brives-charensac" (Back to Top)
                                   BRIVES-CHARENSAC, FR 5 weathermen. Silve 10/27/1952 #8193  
later a UFO was seen hovering over Brives-Charensac, France.                10/27/1952 #8205  
## Word: "brix" (Back to Top)
                                   BRIX, FR 1 observer. Luminous blue churc 2/20/1980 #35178  
## Word: "brixham" (Back to Top)
                                   Brixham, Devon, UK Huge Cone-Shaped UFO  4/1967 #22028  
                                   BRIXHAM, DEVON 8 coast guard and many. 6 4/28/1967 #22238  
                                   Brixham, Devon, UK G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADA 4/28/1967 #22241  
                                   Brixham, Devon, England 11:30 a.m. Brian 4/28/1967 #22245  
ns and seven other coast guards at Brixham, Devon, England, watch a huge, c 4/28/1967 #22245  
                                   BRIXHAM, DEVON RAF jet circles Brill 200 6/22/1967 #22532  
## Word: "brixton" (Back to Top)
          TORQUAY AND PAIGNTON AND BRIXTON, DEVON Several observer(s). 5 br 5/17/1977 #32100  
## Word: "brize" (Back to Top)
ed], Oxford, England Berkshire RAF Brize Norton, Oxford 5:00 p.m. An uniden 3/15/1983 #36784  
n Berkshire. Cpl. Candellin at RAF Brize Norton, Oxford, claims that RAF ra 3/15/1983 #36784  
## Word: "brno" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BRNO, MORAVIA, CZK 6 fiery red 'stars' c 9/1913 (approximate) #891  
                                   Brno Czech Republic Night. During a paus 1960 #16143  
ing a pause in army maneuvers near Brno [now in the Czech Republic], soldie 1960 #16143  
## Word: "broach" (Back to Top)
burn, Alabama police officer Keith Broach had a close encounter with two UF 9/9/1973 #27795  
## Word: "broad" (Back to Top)
 flakes or rags; some near an inch broad, and five or six long, which fell  9/21/1741 #63  
                         Standlake Broad Oxford, England Astronomer George  7/14/1745 #68  
for at least one hour at Standlake Broad west of Oxford, England.           7/14/1745 #68  
 is cigar-shaped and “propelled by broad canvas wings.” The object lands br 4/14/1897 #464  
, unintelligible signals” that are broad in wavelength and “come in all ove 1/10/1935 #1222  
 shaped like Northrop flying wing (broad, slightly swept-back wing with no  11/24/1951 #5788  
Case #1201. Clear photo of ovoid / broad daylight. Looks black.             5/4/1952 #6255  
nto a target UFO. The pilots had a broad daylight view of the UFO and fired Summer 1952 #6564  
EL 12M ovoid 15K' over Mt. Carmel. Broad rapidly revolving belt / middle.   8/7/1952 (approximate) #7494  
 AZ Shiny, dark ellipse make three broad, curving sweeps (NICAP: 01 - Dista 9/3/1952 #7836  
One shiny, dark ellipse made three broad, curving sweeps in 1.5 minutes.    9/3/1952 #7837  
her. 9-12 saucers fly over city in broad daylight. No further details.      2/15/1954 #9545  
ir observers. Lone UFO very high / broad daylight. Spirals / several min.   10/4/1954 #10675  
an named Hogl. They had thin legs, broad chests, large heads, and they wore 10/10/1954 #10898  
d not notice any portholes. At the broad back end there was a bent tripod.  10/24/1954 #11368  
. They were of average height, had broad shoulders, long hair, very white s 12/9/1954 #11784  
it back to him. All three men were broad shouldered, with very pale skin, s 12/9/1954 #11789  
7. Classic saucer seen over town / broad daylight. No further details.      1957 #13426  
ear. They wore white uniforms with broad black belts crossed over their sho 9/29/1959 #16000  
nd are wearing white uniforms with broad black belts. One seems to be worki Late 10/1959 #16060  
nd ran. It was described as having broad shoulders, long arms, a dark body, 6/10/1960 #16311  
 about 20–23 feet long and 10 feet broad. It vanishes “like a tornado in th Autumn 1961 #16869  
gray skin, oddly shaped heads, and broad foreheads. Simon discounts the pos 3/7/1964 #18145  
een swaying from side to side in a broad pendulum swing, at least a mile in 7/12/1965 #19097  
were slanted, their shoulders very broad. They wore no apparent weapon, but 5/10/1966 #20471  
, USATs, for years.) Reese makes a broad statement that the Air Force has n 5/10/1966 #20474  
yes were slanted and they had very broad shoulders. They wore no apparent w 5/10/1966 #20475  
alf feet) tall, and was enormously broad shouldered. He wore a Russian fur  1/9/1967 #21278  
thed in a one-piece garment with a broad black belt and black box in front. 1/28/1967 #21409  
ving on a road near Mexico City in broad daylight, 4,400 miles to the north Early 5/1968 #23939  
 dark green coveralls and had on a broad instrument belt on which was a lar 1/15/1969 #24849  
ms DISC’s offices are at 3990 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH and Redstone  1970 #25523  
a tube on the bottom illuminates a broad stretch of water about one half-mi 11/5/1970 #25902  
 half-mile wide. It changes from a broad floodlight to a sharp spot on the  11/5/1970 #25902  
eet were elephant like, with three broad toes. When the examination was com 3/14/1971 #26047  
ind them. The larger UFO emitted a broad, bluish beam of light that fell di 8/11/1971 #26280  
00 yards away. Three men with very broad shoulders emerged, walking with di 3/16/1972 #26606  
see that the beings were unusually broad shouldered and slender. They had r 8/18/1972 #26928  
reen tight fitting coverall with a broad silvery belt. Moreno felt an intol 9/27/1972 #27035  
overing over Hanoi, Vietnam in the broad daylight. It stayed in place for a 9/30/1972 #27041  
ave elongated heads and enormously broad shoulders. He could not distinguis 3/24/1973 #27373  
ave elongated heads and enormously broad shoulders. He could not distinguis 3/25/1973 #27376  
ucer plates, separated by a row of broad windows, and it made a loud hissin 5/3/1973 #27465  
oid beings approach him. They have broad shoulders, heads shaped like inver 1/7/1974 #28660  
amp" lights clouds and ground like broad daylight.                          9/16/1975 #30366  
                                   BROAD HAVEN, WALES 15 kids. Descriptions 2/4/1977 #31785  
                                   Broad Haven Primary School in Pembroke,  2/4/1977 #31790  
ldren, mostly 10-year-old boys, at Broad Haven Primary School in Pembroke,  2/4/1977 #31790  
ring up within a 20-mile radius of Broad Haven, especially near RAF Brawdy  2/4/1977 #31790  
At 1:30 p.m. several schoolboys at Broad Haven school in Pembrokeshire, Wal 2/4/1977 #31792  
teacher and two canteen workers at Broad Haven school watched a silvery yel 2/17/1977 #31824  
teacher and two canteen workers at Broad Haven school in Pembrokeshire, Wal 2/17/1977 #31825  
 well over six-foot tall with very broad shoulders, walked toward her from  4/4/1977 #31941  
 well over six-foot tall with very broad shoulders, walked toward her from  4/4/1977 #31943  
he road. It looked robot like, had broad shoulders, and was wearing a golde 8/28/1977 #32439  
-fitting coverall outfit and had a broad brimmed hat, with two antennas on  8/28/1977 #32439  
ith a wide band running across the broad portion and are cut into mirror-li 9/15/1977 #32484  
 as four and a half feet tall with broad shoulders and arms that hung down  1/10/1978 #32872  
 two meters tall and had extremely broad shoulders, with powerful dorsal mu 2/5/1978 #32957  
She makes out a wedge-shaped form, broad at the front and narrow at the bac 4/2/1978 #33121  
 The object remained visible until broad daylight. At the same time, in Pea 12/10/1978 #34086  
                                   BROAD HINTON, ENGL 1+3 kids. Domed sauce 2/8/1979 #34408  
t approached a car driving between Broad Hinton and Clyffe Pypard in Wiltsh 2/8/1979 #34410  
t approached a car driving between Broad Hinton and Clyffe Pypard in Wiltsh 2/8/1979 #34412  
ect. They were strongly built with broad shoulders and strong chests. They  9/2/1979 #34820  
 was at least 170 meters long, and broad as well, and it emitted a buzzing  8/16/1980 #35459  
ng huge oval eyes, no body hair, a broad flat nose, and a small slit for a  8/22/1980 #35475  
ses on top of a hill. Six or seven broad shafts of light are shining down o 9/10/1981 #36108  
oids. Luminous red saucer hovers / broad daylight. Same / rossendale.       3/9/1986 #37797  
er(s). 6 spheres make 90° turns in broad daylight.                          7/23/1987 #38213  
made 90 degree turns in the sky in broad daylight over West Pensacola, Flor 7/23/1987 #38214  
      A figure with two eyes and a broad mouth stood inside a glowing ovoid 10/11/1989 #39163  
id-egg ovoid seen / 90 minute(s) / broad daylight. No further details. HIQ  7/3/1992 #40511  
brown hair, and heads circled by a broad silver band. He moved closer and n 4/17/1993 #40940  
              A UFO hovered in the broad daylight on this afternoon in New  4/18/1993 #40942  
lack ball circled with halo seen / broad daylight. High altitude. Then goin 7/18/1993 #41069  
 CT 500' diameter disc observed in broad daylight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 7/15/1995 #42302  
ce The New York Times’s William J. Broad reports on a study, “The C.I.A.’s  8/3/1997 #43365  
ht and painful to the eyes even in broad daylight, was seen over Dennisport 9/11/2002 #44396  
f a minute, with a bright light in broad daylight.                          3/26/2003 #44505  
 object with no lights was seen in broad daylight in Saugus, Massachusetts  9/20/2003 #44605  
y, with the object flying with the broad part of the triangle facing forwar 8/11/2005 #44861  
erical metallic object was seen in broad daylight above University Hospital 10/15/2007 #45075  
oomerang shaped objects spotted in broad daylight.                          9/9/2009 #45244  
## Word: "broad-shouldered" (Back to Top)
ht (7 feet), fair-complexioned and broad-shouldered, with short wavy hair.  Summer 1946 #2013  
g gear. An occupant described as a broad-shouldered dwarf, wearing clothing 5/20/1953 #8890  
 witnesses saw a tall, well-built, broad-shouldered man standing at the sam 3/28/1954 #9648  
 hovering just above the ground. A broad-shouldered man with pale skin was  12/9/1954 #11789  
o the side of the road. Four tall, broad-shouldered, pale-skinned men in da 5/3/1975 #30026  
p.m. He next saw a nine foot tall, broad-shouldered winged creature land ab 4/19/1993 #40944  
## Word: "broadband" (Back to Top)
elated to Rendlesham. Green states broadband non-ionizing electromagnetic r 3/13/2015 #45435  
## Word: "broadcast" (Back to Top)
            First commercial radio broadcast from KDKA in Pittsburgh PA     11/2/1920 #1007  
n Welles “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast performed and broadcast live o 10/30/1938 #1299  
lds” radio broadcast performed and broadcast live over the CBS Radio Networ 10/30/1938 #1299  
Worlds (1898). It is performed and broadcast live in New York City as a Hal 10/30/1938 #1300  
 Einstein’s ABC Special live radio broadcast on “The Immediate Need for Wor 7/12/1947 #3140  
 Einstein’s ABC Special live radio broadcast on “The Immediate Need for Wor 7/24/1947 #3221  
ersion of The War of the Worlds is broadcast in Quito, Ecuador, causing pan 2/12/1949 #4005  
, and Edwards puts it on his radio broadcast, generating more press calls t 6/12/1954? #9896  
evelop a script for closed-circuit broadcast at the base. Keyhoe agrees.    1/1958 #14792  
elivers a farewell address in a TV broadcast. Perhaps best known for advoca 1/17/1961 #16579  
ton University Exeter A nationally broadcast public affairs interview progr 2/27/1966 #19925  
oning County, the pursuit is being broadcast over police radios in three co 4/17/1966 #20318  
st transmission from a terrestrial broadcast station and does not match Bos 6/22/1972 #26726  
room, allegedly hears spoken words broadcast by “pulsed microwave audiogram 1973 #27200  
t by “pulsed microwave audiogram.” Broadcast in a range between 300 MHz to  1973 #27200  
is able to identify words that are broadcast without any form of electronic 1973 #27200  
that lasts for months in print and broadcast news.                          10/11/1974 #29521  
he controls, he cut into the music broadcast to describe to his listening a 4/6/1975 #29978  
ules out a terrestrial origin or a broadcast from a satellite. Nevertheless 8/15/1977 #32402  
shington DC “UFO Cover-Up?: Live!” Broadcast from Washington DC on 130 synd 10/14/1988 #38672  
opsy: Fact or Fiction. The film is broadcast by Channel 4 in the UK as a se 8/28/1995 #42425  
      Eric Davis states on a radio broadcast that the Del Rio TX UAP crash  10/28/2018 #45542  
## Word: "broadcaster" (Back to Top)
WRC radio in Pendleton, Oregon, by broadcaster Theodore A. “Ted” Smith.     6/26/1947 #2418  
                            Russia Broadcaster Walter Winchell announces on 4/3/1949 #4069  
                US Hollywood Radio broadcaster Henry J. Taylor, on his synd 3/27/1950 #4741  
                             Radio broadcaster Henry J. Taylor announces fl 3/27/1950 #4742  
 Coast military field Mutual Radio broadcaster Frank Edwards alleges on his 1/13/1954 #9480  
gton DC A 1954 letter addressed to broadcaster Frank Edwards, found in the  8/1/1954 #10086  
                                   Broadcaster Frank Edwards publishes Flyi 6/1966 #20515  
                                   Broadcaster Frank Edwards dies of a hear 6/23/1967 #22536  
## Word: "broadcasters" (Back to Top)
, leading to an outcry against the broadcasters and calls for regulation by 10/30/1938 #1300  
## Word: "broadcasting" (Back to Top)
alloween episode over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. The e 10/30/1938 #1300  
                        Pikes Peak Broadcasting Company Pueblo, Colorado Mo 7/22/1952 #7024  
rado Montana California Pikes Peak Broadcasting Company President Joseph H. 7/22/1952 #7024  
                            Mutual Broadcasting Network Frank Edwards is fi 8/11/1954 #10125  
fired by his sponsor at the Mutual Broadcasting Network, the American Feder 8/11/1954 #10125  
, which had been turned off, began broadcasting in a strange language. A ti 4/14/1967 #22131  
chida, a TV reporter for the Akita Broadcasting Company, is at Akita Airpor 10/17/1975 #30437  
## Word: "broadcasts" (Back to Top)
 radio station in Santiago, Chile, broadcasts a version of The War of the W 11/12/1944 #1696  
rticles in magazines and arranging broadcasts to make UFO reports seem like 2/9/1953 #8653  
rticles in magazines and arranging broadcasts to make UFO reports seem like 2/9/1953 #8656  
io Renascença in Lisbon, Portugal, broadcasts a Portuguese-language version 6/25/1958 #15116  
Patterson field TV host Larry King broadcasts “Larry King Live at Area 51,” 10/1/1994 #41779  
w Mexico Los Angeles London Fox TV broadcasts for the first time the “alien 8/28/1995 #42425  
which was shown on many television broadcasts. New York radar operators ind 7/15/2001 #44209  
## Word: "broader" (Back to Top)
ampaign to spread its message to a broader audience.                        12/20/1954 #11849  
 of cold fusion experiments fits a broader trend that advanced energy sourc 5/17/1999 #43770  
definitely being withheld from the broader physics community by private aer 2/11/2022 #45739  
owledge is being withheld from the broader scientific community. Puthoff st 2/11/2022 #45739  
## Word: "broadlands" (Back to Top)
                           Britain Broadlands Archives Record: Sworn statem 2/23/1955 #12013  
                                   Broadlands, Romsey, Hampshire, England 8 2/23/1955 #12015  
d former army sergeant employed at Broadlands, Romsey, Hampshire, England,  2/23/1955 #12015  
of his other private papers at the Broadlands Archive.                      2/23/1955 #12015  
d on the Lord Montbatten estate in Broadlands, near Romsey, Hampshire, Engl 2/23/1955 #12016  
ng a cyclist riding his bicycle in Broadlands, Hampshire, England saw a man 2/24/1955 #12017  
## Word: "broadly" (Back to Top)
of Ground Saucer Watch to identify broadly all categories of UFO documents  8/17/1978 #33522  
## Word: "broadmeadows" (Back to Top)
                                   BROADMEADOWS NORTH, VCT Brilliant disk f 9/19/1972 #27010  
 flipped 6-8 times in the sky over Broadmeadows North, a suburb of Melbourn 9/19/1972 #27011  
## Word: "broadshouldered" (Back to Top)
hem. An  occupant described  as  a broadshouldered dwarf wearing clothing t 5/20/1953 #8888  
## Word: "broadside" (Back to Top)
inter Hans Glaser describes in his broadside many blood-red, blue, and blac 4/4/1561 #32  
 up and see a cigar-shaped object “broadside” to them. It is of smooth meta Summer 1944 #1610  
ng the same trajectory and plunges broadside into the water. A sudden wind  8/7/1968 #24307  
## Word: "broadus" (Back to Top)
r 7:40 p.m. Parole Officer Raymond Broadus, Pascagoula City Councilor Emman 10/11/1973 #27998  
## Word: "broadwater" (Back to Top)
ALMING, SURREY Grey ovoid hovers / Broadwater Lake / tree height. Going wes 5/25/1960 #16300  
bject hovering at tree height over Broadwater Lake for 18 min. Then it left 5/25/1960 #16301  
bject hovering at tree height over Broadwater Lake in Chinthurst Hill, Engl 5/25/1960 #16302  
## Word: "broadway" (Back to Top)
 San Francisco Oakland, California Broadway 6:45 p.m. Several passengers on 11/24/1896 #356  
lookers as the object passes above Broadway, flashing its light. One specta 11/24/1896 #356  
nville Walter Winchell, in his “On Broadway” syndicated column, writes: “Th 5/18/1949 #4193  
 BEACH, FL Saucer going south down Broadway / 150M altitude! 2nd follows /  9/24/1952 #8018  
## Word: "broager" (Back to Top)
                                   BROAGER, DK 20+observer(s). Big black de 4/15/1958 #14986  
                                   Broager, Denmark Day. A witness in Broag 4/15/1958 #14988  
Broager, Denmark Day. A witness in Broager, Denmark, sees a large, black, l 4/15/1958 #14988  
cts was sighted at 12:30 a.m. over Broager, Denmark.                        4/15/1958 #14990  
## Word: "brochure" (Back to Top)
per and distributes a well-printed brochure announcing that Otis T. Carr ha 2/3/1958 #14870  
## Word: "brock" (Back to Top)
rtically and vanished. At Margaret Brock Lighthouse in South Australia a di 3/20/1965 #18869  
## Word: "brockenhurst" (Back to Top)
                                   BROCKENHURST, ENG 3 / car and several. B 9/20/1995 #42491  
## Word: "brocklehurst" (Back to Top)
                                   BROCKLEHURST, BC Big saucer hovers over  7/25/1993 #41087  
## Word: "brockleys" (Back to Top)
sed by two families, including the Brockleys.                               8/22/1966 #20788  
## Word: "brockton" (Back to Top)
                                   BROCKTON, MASS 1 observer. Shiny white 2 8/27/1950 #5140  
                                   Brockton (near), MA Shiny white spherica 8/27/1950 #5141  
ide sphere sped into the wind over Brockton, Massachusetts. The Air Force e 8/27/1950 #5142  
                                   BROCKTON, MA 3 observer(s). 50' saucer c 10/11/1964 #18578  
                                   Brockton, MA Engineer, others, observed  10/11/1964 #18579  
                                   Brockton, MA Engineer, others, observed  10/11/1964 #18580  
 being followed by jet fighters in Brockton, Massachusetts at four o'clock  10/11/1964 #18581  
                                   BROCKTON, MASS 1 observer. Elongated ovo 4/12/1966 #20287  
                                   Brockton, MA 10:00 p.m. EST. An elongate 4/12/1966 #20289  
 was seen hovering off Route 24 in Brockton, Massachusetts.                 4/12/1966 #20291  
overs off SR16. Same description / Brockton UFO.                            4/16/1966 #20301  
ff Route 16. [Compare to April 12, Brockton, Mass., sighting.] (Fowler, 197 4/16/1966 #20303  
                                   Brockton, Massachusetts Early evening. A 4/12/1979 #34508  
ing home from the grocery store at Brockton, Massachusetts. They see a pian 4/12/1979 #34508  
## Word: "brockville" (Back to Top)
                                   Brockville, Ontario Morristown, New York 2/14/1915 #925  
mayor and three city constables of Brockville, Ontario, see the lights of u 2/14/1915 #925  
ass from the east and west ends of Brockville. The mayor, who has seen one  2/14/1915 #925  
wa is placed on high alert. Later, Brockville police find two paper balloon 2/14/1915 #925  
## Word: "brockway" (Back to Top)
rthur Lundahl, Gen. James Stewart, Brockway McMillan and Kelly Johnson for  1968 #23634  
## Word: "brockworth" (Back to Top)
                                   BROCKWORTH, GLOUCS, ENG Humming. Grey be 11/13/1939 #1319  
                                   Brockworth, UK Motorist heard high-pitch 11/13/1939 #1320  
                                   Brockworth, Gloucester, England 7:00 a.m 11/13/1939 #1321  
 driving past a deserted farm near Brockworth, Gloucester, England, when he 11/13/1939 #1321  
erted farm in the early morning in Brockworth, England and heard a high-pit 11/13/1939 #1322  
## Word: "broden" (Back to Top)
he report is made to Capt. Kenneth Broden, Hamilton AFB Airdrome Officer, h 8/13/1952 #7576  
## Word: "brodski" (Back to Top)
rad St. Petersburg Forester Vasili Brodski finds a mysterious crater 100 fe 2/1961 #16593  
## Word: "brodu" (Back to Top)
n abduction case, while Jean-Louis Brodu observes that in the 9th century t 812 #2  
## Word: "brogan" (Back to Top)
re two married couples, Mr. & Mrs. Brogan and Mr. & Mrs. Turner. The incide 8/4/1967 #22806  
## Word: "brogden" (Back to Top)
kersfield, Vermont 9:00 p.m. Aubre Brogden is driving along Vermont Highway Mid 2/1982 #36347  
## Word: "broiught" (Back to Top)
 in May–July 1947. The bodies were broiught to Oak Ridge under stringent se 6/2005 #44846  
## Word: "broke" (Back to Top)
 near him and received a blow that broke his hip.                           4/17/1897 #521  
 near him and received a blow that broke his hip.                           4/17/1897 #526  
0 mph. The target reversed course, broke up into two responses, then merged 7/1/1947 #2525  
ssile test at Kapustin Yar, 270km (Broke up upon re-entry. Landed within 18 11/13/1947 #3486  
 Pad 33, 150.6km altitude (Vehicle broke up at 370s at 84 km altitude.)     9/2/1948 #3795  
 20: 17:54 - green ball shaped obj broke into pieces (NICAP: 08 - Photograp 1/30/1949 #3983  
t two were running low on fuel and broke off pursuit. The second pair of F- 9/23/1951 #5687  
California to the NNW but the jets broke off intercept because they were lo 9/23/1951 #5687  
the San Bernardino Mountains. They broke off the intercept at about 9:25 a. 9/23/1951 #5687  
 driver Gonzalo Rubinos Ramos' cab broke down in Ordenes, La Coruna, Spain. 11/1/1954 #11523  
, Maryland for a short while, then broke away, spinning counterclockwise. T 12/3/1956 #13387  
 Lake Onega in Karelia, Russia and broke through the ice. It was heading to 4/27/1961 #16664  
e area went crazy with fear, sheep broke loose, and dogs cowered in silence 6/11/1961 #16725  
utely no noise." "Big chunks of it broke off and these fibers began settlin 11/18/1961 #16964  
 by his Brig. Gen. and was told he broke security, asked if he saw anything 1962 #17012  
he city came into sight the object broke off pursuit and climbed into the s 11/26/1962 #17563  
pursued them. After two minutes it broke off and went behind some trees.    4/22/1966 #20376  
back. Baldwin claimed the humanoid broke the muzzle of the gun while examin 3/1/1967 #21715  
. The object slowly ascended, then broke in half. Each half broke into two  7/15/1967 #22665  
ded, then broke in half. Each half broke into two pieces and their light we 7/15/1967 #22665  
 smaller lights on the "kite tail" broke formation with the rectangular obj 10/4/1967 #23177  
n the electrical system of his car broke down. He then observed a dull obje 10/26/1967 #23333  
n the electrical system of his car broke down at 4:30 a.m. He then observed 10/26/1967 #23335  
l of vapor, accelerated away, then broke into many sparks.                  6/21/1968 #24069  
rrounded the plane when it finally broke free, and the plane had been moved 12/4/1970 #25926  
ounger brother playing a joke, she broke free and pushed her attacker back  2/26/1973 #27318  
tle in a nearby field bellowed and broke through a fence about the time of  9/1/1974 #29417  
ried to move the car, the CB radio broke into static and the engine wouldn' 1/6/1975 #29728  
ried to move the car, the CB radio broke into static and the engine wouldn' 1/6/1975 #29729  
ying the same distance ahead, then broke up into several “sections” which s 8/6/1976 #31241  
n were suddenly lost. As the pilot broke off pursuit, all aircraft function 9/19/1976 #31396  
ecuted a series of maneuvers: they broke into two formations and then rejoi 5/4/1978 #33187  
 high-pitched squeal as the driver broke hard stopping only 5 meters from t 11/9/1978 #33941  
other UFO researchers, and that he broke into Bennewitz’s house and office. 11/26/1980 #35673  
models were taken apart by whoever broke into his house.  https://www.reddi 9/29/1982 #36619  
ight, and that the security guards broke out shotguns. A big coverup by gov 7/24/1984 #37414  
way it hit some electric wires and broke one of them. He reportedly lost ab 5/15/1986 #37870  
 green then red again. Both pilots broke off chase as they were running low 5/19/1986 #37874  
wn object was in the area, so they broke off the pattern and turned to foll 5/19/1986 #37882  
 moved off shore and out to sea he broke off contact and returned to base.  5/19/1986 #37882  
theville, Virginia It shot off and broke sound barrier, rattling windows in 10/31/1987 #38313  
t when he saw the prop plane as it broke through clouds at 4600 feet on lan 12/5/1987 #38350  
 Krill. But, he claims, the aliens broke the treaty, abducting humans, cons 5/23/1989 #38960  
changing to white and orange as it broke up, observed about 7:10 P.M. movin 1/26/1990 #39389  
ice resembling a small TV set. She broke loose from the Greys and yelled fo 5/14/1991 #40061  
t trajectory for about 17 seconds, broke up over southeastern New York; lar 10/9/1992 #40669  
t trajectory for about 17 seconds, broke up over southeastern New York. Lar 10/9/1992 #40670  
anito, Illinois saw a light, which broke into two disks, and then into thre 4/25/1998 #43558  
xplosions rocked both cities. They broke windows. Some witnesses in Colon s 10/26/2006 #44977  
ear some, but not see them as they broke cloud cover once they had passed h 4/17/2007 #45018  
 at eleven o'clock in the morning, broke the surface, and disappeared benea 2/19/2008 #45121  
## Word: "broken" (Back to Top)
 appear to soar, passing above the broken clouds. After rising above the cl 2/28/1904 #670  
est-northwest while climbing above broken clouds. There were at least three 2/28/1904 #671  
n, he finds a weird-looking craft “broken and scattered all around,” but sm Early Spring 1941 #1355  
RG, MD White circular object above broken clouds. Audible sounds-type unkno 7/20/1947 #3202  
on the scene, they crawl through a broken porthole and find the bodies of 1 3/25/1948 #3598  
trieval where a piece of metal was broken from the ship and later studied.  1952 #5847  
Fontes, as having been due to some broken leaves. The witnesses were named  5/7/1952 #6271  
cts were seen flying in and out of broken cloud cover. There were six small 6/29/1952 #6668  
 objects move in pairs following a broken, zig-zag path. They leave an abun 10/17/1952 #8148  
s on at 15,000 feet and contact is broken at a range of 600 feet. The radar 1/9/1953 #8524  
the F-94 gaining, and the chase is broken off because of low fuel. The obje 1/29/1953 #8615  
traces included crushed bushes and broken sticks in a circular area 40-45 f 8/17/1953 #9078  
b driver, was trying to repair his broken down car out in the country near  8/18/1953 #9081  
istling sound. A 40-foot circle of broken bushes was left behind at the lan 8/18/1953 #9081  
-green lightning. The police found broken bushes as evidence of an enormous 12/1953 #9327  
 tightly packed. Tree branches are broken from above. Shocked, she stays in 9/26/1954 #10451  
nzalo Rubinos Ramos, whose car had broken down, saw a large, shining disk r 11/5/1954 #11577  
nzalo Rubinos Ramos, whose car had broken down, saw a large, shining disc r 11/5/1954 #11580  
 the ground blackened and branches broken. The craft had a stationary dome, 7/30/1957 #13861  
ound and small tree limbs that are broken. There are four burned or charred 7/30/1957 #13862  
eyes. He thought the dwarf said in broken English: "We are peaceful people; 11/6/1957 #14414  
eyes. He thought the dwarf said in broken English: "We are peaceful people, 11/6/1957 #14438  
nama Canal Zone, Panama Radar Lock Broken By UO (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 3/9/1958 #14922  
ey go to the landing site and find broken branches and a scorched strip of  9/29/1958 #15286  
                                   BROKEN HILL, AUSTRALIA Numerous observer 7/21/1959 #15867  
was shattered with one large piece broken off. The largest section of the c 9/26/1959 #15994  
on some of the submerged pieces of broken ice. The pellets seem to be an in 2/1961 #16593  
avail. They seemingly could not be broken apart, but, when a hot cigarette  11/18/1961 #16964  
nnounce that the US has repeatedly broken the Soviet’s world record for air 2/29/1964 #18140  
1963. Sightings are systematically broken down by witness category and spec 5/1964 #18237  
he grass is crushed and bushes are broken. In the middle is dried, yellow m 7/16/1964 #18421  
ion was found, three branches were broken, and a pole was calcined.         11/1964 #18602  
lowing-object / trees. Crushed and broken branches. / r180p32+/ LDLN#76.    11/8/1964 #18610  
(a turbine fitting, metal parts, a broken bulb and fitting, a phial contain 4/24/1965 #18916  
t the edges the stubble is bent or broken outward at an angle of 20–30° fro 6/25/1965 #19028  
idge, Eire A man was repairing the broken chain of his motorbike when an ob 8/21/1965 #19447  
                                   BROKEN HILL = KABWE, ZAMBIA 30M saucer 1 11/1965 #19692  
                                   Broken Hill, Zambia Eric Williams saw a  11/1965 #19694  
 a red-colored, bell-shaped craft. Broken trees and other traces were found 6/18/1966 #20580  
 a red-colored, bell-shaped craft. Broken trees and other traces were found 6/18/1966 #20583  
ir camp they discovered trees with broken branches and some crushed undergr 6/19/1966 #20586  
heir camp they discover trees with broken branches and some crushed undergr 6/19/1966 #20588  
ch of a nearby pear tree was newly broken off, thrown some distance, and tw 6/27/1966 #20618  
e of their cows were found to have broken through the fence around their pa 1/13/1967 #21300  
ence around their pasture. One had broken her leg. A pond in the pasture ne 1/13/1967 #21300  
 scene with a policeman, the found broken branches at the site.             2/11/1967 #21511  
 scene with a policeman they found broken branches at the site.             2/11/1967 #21512  
 At the landing site branches were broken and the brush charred, and an oil 6/13/1967 #22504  
ises / woods / rocket noise. Trees broken. / NICAP.                         6/21/1967 #22524  
the woods reportedly were bent and broken (physical traces), all at the sam 6/21/1967 #22526  
anoids (or Greys). Musical speech. Broken plants and footprints. / r30.     7/17/1967 #22671  
 They were dressed in black suits. Broken vegetation, a circle of burnt gra 7/17/1967 #22684  
oy found some apples that had been broken apart, some of them with the mark 8/23/1967 #22908  
f five fingernails or claws on the broken surface. Other apples were coated 8/23/1967 #22908  
Several tall trees in the area are broken off at the top.                   9/20/1967 #23101  
rved the object was 18-19 minutes. Broken trees were found near the site.   10/30/1967 #23373  
ng that the horses in the barn had broken free of their stalls and knocked  4/23/1969 #25086  
e nearby is scorched and has limbs broken. He notices an oily smell.        5/22/1969 #25157  
domed saucer beams going down. 26' broken vegetation. Saucers and fireballs 6/17/1969 #25219  
Migueres had multiple injuries and broken bones but reported feeling no pai 8/11/1969 #25317  
went home, but for three years his broken bones remained unhealed. “Then on 8/11/1969 #25317  
ks a large tree branch was freshly broken off. In the snow were footprints  3/5/1971 #26044  
hts orbit orange ovoid. Cars stop. Broken branches. / FSRv19#4+/ LDLN#122.  8/12/1972 #26904  
). UFO lands. 3 figure(s) outside. Broken trees and burnt grass.            8/24/1972 #26950  
n diameter where all the stems are broken off about 3 feet from the ground. Early 9/1972 #26975  
woods. Portholes and stilts. Trees broken. / r41p264.                       4/6/1973 #27404  
t 1:45 a.m. Later searches uncover broken tree limbs, damaged foliage, scor 6/28/1973 #27598  
y found the rear axle on the truck broken in half.                          2/14/1974 #28773  
atchewan, CAN Cattle found to have broken fence/domed object (NICAP: 04 - A 9/1/1974 #29414  
. A bumping noise and a sound like broken glass is heard on the roof, and t 9/26/1974 #29483  
theast. Photograph no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing.              5/7/1975 #30046  
own. 2 photographs no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing. / r251p065.  6/5/1975 #30081  
 required repairs, the result of a broken piston. Peculiar "hoof like" mark 10/1/1975 #30409  
ding on and off with jerky motion. Broken cloud layer with no estimated bas 11/12/1975 #30614  
he following day and found freshly broken branches at the site.             1/26/1976 #30821  
dge-shaped holes in the ground and broken tree branches where the UFO had e 3/5/1976 #30928  
 southwest going northeast through broken clouds / 4 minute(s). End / 2 MO. 4/14/1976 #30995  
ntainside. Crack sound! Sparkplugs broken!                                  8/28/1976 #31309  
 heard a sound like branches being broken in the direction of some nearby e 11/12/1976 #31540  
mirror on the driver side had been broken off. She tried to get out of the  12/10/1976 #31594  
s). 65cm hemisphere glows / trees. Broken branches. Going quickly south. /  1/1/1977 #31674  
maneuvered and glowed among trees. Broken branches were found later in the  1/1/1977 #31680  
rance in Bouches-Rhone department. Broken branches were found later in the  1/1/1977 #31682  
nt to investigate, they found some broken bottles on the floor and some oth 9/10/1978 #33657  
 away. Noticing that something had broken open the shutters of their barrac 9/23/1978 #33736  
nd make drawings of it. A fire had broken out 2 miles west on the tundra ab 11/13/1978 #33952  
c effect (EME). Speedometer needle broken!                                  11/22/1978 #33976  
cases, the animal’s legs have been broken, perhaps by clamps being placed o 2/16/1979 #34429  
e off and several rafters had been broken. One of the men felt sick for thr 8/26/1979 #34783  
30 inches of the AM/FM antenna has broken off. A filmy substance covers the 8/29/1979 #34803  
nchester hospital diagnosed with a broken blood vessel in his left eye. He  8/29/1979 #34803  
pattern, as well as burn marks and broken branches on nearby trees. At 10:3 12/26/1980 #35737  
at the thermostat in the engine is broken.                                  7/19/1981 #36020  
 / trees. Going quickly [to] fast. Broken LIMBs.                            12/30/1982 #36728  
 light. The beings speak to him in broken English, telling him that he is t 8/12/1983 #36948  
ensive, and suspecting someone had broken into her apartment. She checked a 10/31/1989 #39199  
oland and noticed that his dog had broken the chain that he had been tied u 7/23/1990 #39658  
an endless cycle of suffering only broken by enlightenment, while ancient G 1/1991 #39944  
rther he found he had a cow with a broken leg.                              1/4/1992 #40277  
 bright light beams 600' to house. Broken tree found after.                 1/29/1993 #40818  
ishes. Photographs no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing.              1/10/1994 #41366  
manoid hide behind some debris and broken boards. Terrified, the boys ran t 4/15/1994 #41493  
ntain. Photographs no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing.              7/17/1994 #41629  
oises. Photographs no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing.              7/25/1994 #41639  
Guizhou province, China. Trees are broken off at the same height and some r 12/1/1994 #41875  
echanic to fetch her car which had broken down. Once outside both saw an un 2/21/1995 #42055  
 east. Photographs no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing.              11/30/1995 #42632  
 unknown origin that had allegedly broken out as the object or objects pass 10/3/1996 #43052  
ak about 12–13 inches long that is broken in several spots. The residue is  11/27/1998 #43686  
hinking that it was a car that had broken down he approached to offer assis 2/4/1999 #43722  
 seen moving slowly against higher broken clouds. The sighting of the objec 4/22/2000 #43983  
one of its ears, and its eye had a broken blood vessel.                     8/1/2001 #44215  
eed. There was no sound. There was broken cloud cover at the time, with a l 11/6/2001 #44273  
that was metallic and could not be broken, and a purplish foil with burn ma 3/1/2002 #44321  
g. The pursuit takes place between broken clouds at about 4,000 feet and a  7/26/2002 #44366  
clapping noise. After daylight had broken he finally had the courage to pul 11/25/2005 #44906  
## Word: "broker" (Back to Top)
ris, private pilot and real-estate broker, is getting ready to take off in  10/2/1961 #16889  
  On that same date, a commodities broker claims he saw helicopters transpo 9/28/1989 #39132  
## Word: "brome" (Back to Top)
                                   BROME, SUFFOLK Government inspector. Cyl 5/16/1909 #749  
## Word: "bromley" (Back to Top)
A. Two ONI officers, Captains John Bromley and Harry Baltazzi, visit Swan a 6/8/1954 #9877  
                                   BROMLEY, KENT / LONDON Small orange delt 10/20/1977 #32593  
                                   Bromley, Kent, England 8:15 p.m. Keith K 10/20/1977 #32595  
ll orange triangle over a house in Bromley, Kent, England, that grows to tw 10/20/1977 #32595  
                                   BROMLEY, LONDON 1 observer. Big square w 5/21/1981 #35944  
are white light goes over house. / Bromley times, Kent.                     5/21/1981 #35944  
                                   BROMLEY, ZIMBABWE Dog barks. Phony moon  8/2/1992 #40546  
## Word: "bromwich" (Back to Top)
                              WEST BROMWICH, BIRMINGHAM, ENGL 1 observer. S 10/26/1973 #28290  
                              WEST BROMWICH AND WEDNESBURY, UK Separate obs 9/22/1978 #33726  
partment Inspector-General Michael Bromwich, and a second investigation int 8/18/1996 #42985  
## Word: "bron" (Back to Top)
                                   BRON AND CALUIRE, FR 3+1 separate observ 12/1/1990 #39917  
## Word: "bronco" (Back to Top)
five of them piled into their Ford Bronco and drove away. Looking back, the 10/26/1975 #30476  
five of them piled into their Ford Bronco and drove off. Looking back, they 10/27/1975 #30491  
## Word: "bronk" (Back to Top)
                               Dr. Bronk’s team determines the recovered sa 9/19/1947 #3404  
     In a Top Secret Document, Dr. Bronk’s scientific team classifies extra 11/30/1947 #3494  
ning, Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg, Detlev Bronk, Jerome Clarke Hunsaker, Sidney So 11/18/1952 #8295  
## Word: "bronkhorstspruit" (Back to Top)
rk are patrolling on the Pretoria- Bronkhorstspruit highway in South Africa 9/16/1965 #19574  
## Word: "bronowicki" (Back to Top)
 scouting mission. As pilot Henryk Bronowicki approaches the object at 24,6 7/13/1984 #37395  
## Word: "bronson" (Back to Top)
                                   Bronson and Cross City, FL Oval Tracked  5/23/1961 #16697  
## Word: "bronte" (Back to Top)
w glow hovered about 75 feet above Bronte Gorge, followed a car, then sped  4/3/1966 #20213  
## Word: "bronwen" (Back to Top)
 Llandrillo, northern Wales Cadair Bronwen mountain, east of the village Le 1/23/1974 #28694  
 It appears to crash around Cadair Bronwen mountain, east of the village. M 1/23/1974 #28694  
                            Cadair Bronwen While the RAF rescue team is sti 1/24/1974 #28701  
m is still operating around Cadair Bronwen, three family members see a brig 1/24/1974 #28701  
## Word: "bronwood" (Back to Top)
ing the grass along Highway 118 in Bronwood, Georgia when he saw a six-foot 8/1/1955 #12318  
                                   BRONWOOD, GA UFO seen. Jeep stalls. 6' h 8/3/1955 #12325  
## Word: "bronx" (Back to Top)
                                   BRONX, NYC, NY Round smooth glowing sauc 6/27/1952 #6641  
                             NORTH BRONX, NY 2 observer(s). Domed saucer sp 11/5/1957 #14297  
                                   BRONX, NY Detective and 5. UFO = "25c co 10/23/1966 #21028  
                                   BRONX, NY Amateur astronomer. Dark disk  8/28/1999 #43837  
## Word: "bronze" (Back to Top)
a A singular airfoil of glistening bronze color; domed upper surface; possi Summer 1942 #1418  
 A “singular airfoil of glistening bronze color” appears out of a cloudbank Summer 1942 #1419  
cer going quickly south / 1000mph. Bronze top and silver bot. Absolute(ly)  6/1950 #4976  
bjects, others saw one).  Metallic bronze discs, 20-30' long, 2-6' thick. M 9/3/1950 #5167  
   SPOKANE, WA Project grudge. 30' bronze saucer / all speeds. Silent errat 9/3/1951 #5649  
     NEAR NORTH BAY, ON Pilot. 30' bronze sphere/orb/globe below airliner / 9/15/1952 #7948  
ND TOP MOUNTAIN, OR Fire lookouts. Bronze stovepipe cylinder/cylindrical ob 8/1953 (approximate) #9033  
         PERTH, WEST AUS 30M shiny bronze ovoid with 3 lit portholes / dull 6/11/1954 (approximate) #9891  
mewhat slanted, and his skin was a bronze color. After waving back to the v 8/20/1954 #10158  
es (of many dazzling colors) and a bronze disc flew over the shore of Bania 8/10/1959 #15903  
lay tag. Vibrant bright yellow and bronze. Moon high and full.              12/20/1959 #16125  
ornia. They were bright yellow and bronze in color.                         12/20/1959 #16126  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bronze” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT      7/23/1965 #19164  
k place on this night to recover a bronze colored, bullet or acorn-shaped o 12/9/1965 #19763  
he complexion of the face was dark bronze, and the entity was wearing a one 12/11/1965 #19765  
black helmet. His skin was reddish bronze in color and he seemed not to hav 12/12/1973 #28559  
and white gloves. Its face is dark bronze with almond-shaped eyes and large 9/18/1978 #33708  
RPINTERIA, CA 2 observer(s). Round bronze object going down [to] slowly. Ho 8/12/1982 #36572  
            NEWPORT BEACH, CA Huge bronze triangle with painted nose. Verti 10/14/1985 #37680  
. These wore silvery coveralls and bronze colored boots. A strange robot-li 9/27/1989 #39126  
                                 A bronze, metallic, rectangular object wit 9/19/1997 #43409  
e. That night, at 11:45 p.m., five bronze lights, each elliptical in shape  11/19/2001 #44278  
## Word: "bronze-colored" (Back to Top)
:45 p.m. Three witnesses observe a bronze-colored object that looks like tw 2/26/1950 #4560  
ng occupant inside the craft, with bronze-colored skin and wearing a silver 5/25/1957 #13678  
rcular mark seems to extend like a bronze-colored cylinder and has a handle 5/24/1971 #26130  
t. They wear silvery coveralls and bronze-colored boots. A strange robot-li 9/27/1989 #39124  
The trail changes into an upright, bronze-colored cigar shape that disappea 5/22/1996 #42908  
t 7:00 p.m. It was approached by a bronze-colored object, triangular or fly 3/5/2007 #45010  
## Word: "bronze-green" (Back to Top)
ng out of the craft, which emitted bronze-green rays of light, flooding the 10/21/1954 #11297  
li, Italy. It gives off a powerful bronze-green light. He then sees an occu 10/21/1954 #11301  
ng out of the craft, which emitted bronze-green rays of light, flooding the 10/21/1954 #11306  
## Word: "brood" (Back to Top)
cts (stopped clock), burned trees, brood son vanished (animal effects). (SL 5/1968 #23935  
## Word: "brooder" (Back to Top)
phosphorescent craft shaped like a brooder, about 2 m in diameter, 1 m high 10/25/1954 #11389  
escent craft shaped like a chicken brooder, about two meters in diameter an 10/25/1954 #11400  
## Word: "brook" (Back to Top)
                            CORNER BROOK, NFLD Project Bluebook Case #1129+ 4/18/1952 #6113  
                            Corner Brook, Newfoundland, CAN Janitor saw a y 4/18/1952 #6116  
                            Corner Brook, Newfoundland, CAN Round, yellow-g 4/18/1952 #6118  
                            Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada Witness:  re 4/18/1952 #6121  
                            Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada Witness:  ja 4/18/1952 #6123  
            At 4:00 a.m. in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada Mr. C. Hamil 4/18/1952 #6126  
                                   BROOK, IN 2 observer(s). Brilliant "pie  8/24/1958 #15222  
Virginia Mountain View, California Brook Park, Ohio NASA begins operations. 10/1/1958 #15296  
ory [now Glenn Research Center] in Brook Park, Ohio. It incorporates elemen 10/1/1958 #15296  
           Erie County NASA’s Plum Brook Station Neil A. Armstrong Test Fac 2/10/1967 #21504  
rolling in the area of NASA’s Plum Brook Station [now the Neil A. Armstrong 2/10/1967 #21504  
A/AEC nuclear facility at the Plum Brook Naval Air Station in Erie County,  2/10/1967 #21507  
in diameter, traveled across Trout Brook Lake in New Brunswick, Canada. It  5/29/1967 #22422  
ars to land on the other side of a brook. They run home and see a huge ligh 8/23/1967 #22905  
 a whistling sound coming from the brook and what seem to be footsteps comi 8/23/1967 #22905  
sighted by two witnesses in Rising Brook, Staffordshire, England. It was es 8/25/1967 #22928  
                             Boyup Brook, Australia A businessman was drivi 10/30/1967 #23369  
sinessman was driving toward Boyup Brook when his car failed completely and 10/30/1967 #23369  
sinessman was driving toward Boyup Brook, Australia when his car failed com 10/30/1967 #23372  
ven by a man named Spargo in Boyup Brook, Western Australia and halted its  10/31/1967 #23378  
 strange urge to bathe in a nearby brook, which he did despite the very low 6/10/1968 #24018  
                               Oak Brook, IL 5:30 a.m. Same object seen. (S 8/11/1972 #26897  
se ceased. As they were crossing a brook by a footbridge a strange figure c 5/15/1973 #27492  
255). On this night in 1975 in Oak Brook, Illinois, a boy saw a domed disc  11/19/1973 #28449  
                               Oak Brook, IL On this night in 1975 in Oak B 11/19/1975 #30643  
k, IL On this night in 1975 in Oak Brook, Illinois, a boy saw a domed disc  11/19/1975 #30643  
                             SMITH BROOK, ME Allagash-4 beamed going up / s 8/26/1976 #31304  
                            SADDLE BROOK, NJ Delta/triangle/box-like craft  12/11/1980 #35710  
## Word: "brookby" (Back to Top)
                                   BROOKBY, NZL 2 observer(s). Domed UFO wi 1/8/1975 #29732  
11:30 p.m. near a power station in Brookby, New Zealand a man and a woman s 1/8/1975 #29734  
## Word: "brooke" (Back to Top)
al Bureau of Standards and Richard Brooke Roberts from the Carnegie Institu 10/21/1939 #1318  
uth Bend, IN (41.68° N, 86.26° W). Brooke and Thompson (NICAP: 01 - Distant 10/13/1948 #3833  
ience” that led him to be put into Brooke General Hospital for six weeks.   10/1952 #8077  
 A red UFO hovered and pulsed near Brooke High School in Bethany, West Virg 11/3/1978 #33918  
ologists Keith Basterfield and Ray Brooke, who take it to a laboratory. The 1/20/1988 #38422  
## Word: "brooker" (Back to Top)
             In the afternoon Mrs. Brooker saw a cone-shaped UFO with flash 12/20/1973 #28593  
## Word: "brookesmith" (Back to Top)
 researchers Karl Pflock and Peter Brookesmith organize an invitation-only  9/2000 #44035  
## Word: "brookfield" (Back to Top)
                                   BROOKFIELD HILLS, RI Several observer(s) 4/8/1973 #27414  
                    Danbury Bethel Brookfield New Fairfield, Connecticut 10 7/19/1984 #37404  
00 p.m. Police in Danbury, Bethel, Brookfield, and New Fairfield, Connectic 7/19/1984 #37404  
              Candlewood Lake Road Brookfield, Connecticut 6:00 p.m. A man  Mid 10/1987 #38305  
ving up Candlewood Lake Road, near Brookfield, Connecticut, when he sees a  Mid 10/1987 #38305  
## Word: "brookhaven" (Back to Top)
 allegedly did some experiments at Brookhaven National Laboratory.  Note: B 1/1971 #25962  
khaven National Laboratory.  Note: Brookhaven is linked to claims of a UAP  1/1971 #25962  
way on flatbeds, special access by Brookhaven personnel, county police turn 1/1971 #25962  
oriches Bay, Long Island, New York Brookhaven National Laboratory Suffolk C 9/28/1989 #39130  
tasy. Ford is convinced the nearby Brookhaven National Laboratory is part o 9/28/1989 #39130  
cles with a police escort going to Brookhaven National Laboratories that mo 9/28/1989 #39132  
 anonymous scientist “Dr. Nick” at Brookhaven told LIUFON a large object wa 9/28/1989 #39132  
loaded onto flatbeds, and taken to Brookhaven National Laboratories via Wil 9/28/1989 #39132  
 were removed from the wreckage at Brookhaven and placed in secure storage  9/28/1989 #39132  
UAP crashed in Southaven Park near Brookhaven Lab on this date. John Ford,  11/24/1992 #40726  
n technology via R&D being done at Brookhaven; he also claims DOE had done  11/24/1992 #40726  
ng in the past using technology at Brookhaven and Los Alamos. Of note, Mona 11/24/1992 #40726  
Of note, Mona Rowe, an employee at Brookhaven at the time, said she saw a U 11/24/1992 #40726  
ase. Personnel from the JRDB, MIT, Brookhaven National Laboratory, RAND Cor 1994 #41349  
ed the dogs in the neighborhood in Brookhaven, Pennsylvania.                7/9/2002 #44358  
## Word: "brookings" (Back to Top)
              Washington, D.C. The Brookings Research Institute in Washingt 12/14/1960 #16532  
                                   BROOKINGS, OR Numerous observer(s). Red- 5/4/1976 #31033  
## Word: "brookland" (Back to Top)
                                   BROOKLAND AND JONESBORO, AR Several sepa 4/13/1995 #42148  
## Word: "brookley" (Back to Top)
          Guatemala Guatemala City Brookley Air Force Base Mobile Aeroplex  3/15/1950 #4643  
 Air Force Base Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley Mobile, Alabama An Air Force Ca 3/15/1950 #4643  
 local press. When Hall returns to Brookley Air Force Base [now Mobile Aero 3/15/1950 #4643  
Force Base [now Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley] in Mobile, Alabama, he is inte 3/15/1950 #4643  
                           Mobile (Brookley AFB & Bates Field), AL Object f 4/10/1950 #4840  
 Object flying to the NE or E over Brookley AFB at 3,500 ft (NICAP: 01 - Di 4/10/1950 #4840  
                                   Brookley AFB (Mobile), AL Barrel-shaped  7/22/1952 #7014  
                                   BROOKLEY AIR FORCE BASE / MOBILE, AL Sev 8/28/1952 #7767  
                                   Brookley AFB, Mobile, AL Multiple red st 8/28/1952 #7768  
                     Chickasaw and Brookley AFB, Alabama Witnesses:  USAF c 8/28/1952 #7771  
                Chickasaw, Alabama Brookley AFB [now Mobile Downtown Airpor 8/28/1952 #7773  
s in Chickasaw, Alabama, report to Brookley AFB [now Mobile Downtown Airpor 8/28/1952 #7773  
h to west, all in the direction of Brookley. AFOSI agent Charles A. Robinso 8/28/1952 #7773  
l tower operators at Chickasaw and Brookley AFB, Alabama, an officer from t 8/28/1952 #7774  
                                   BROOKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, AL Saucer going 6/30/1954 #9966  
                                   Brookley AFB (Mobile), AL Object With Sh 6/30/1954 #9967  
                                   Brookley AFB Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley 6/30/1954 #9970  
   Brookley AFB Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley Mobile, Alabama 6:50 p.m. Four  6/30/1954 #9970  
 and several military personnel at Brookley AFB [now Mobile Aeroplex at Bro 6/30/1954 #9970  
ookley AFB [now Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley] in Mobile, Alabama, see a bril 6/30/1954 #9970  
 by two air traffic controllers at Brookley Air Force Base in Mobile, Alaba 6/30/1954 #9971  
## Word: "brooklyn" (Back to Top)
                                   Brooklyn, New York Texas State Universit 7/20/1860 #155  
timore Norfolk 9:40 p.m. A poem by Brooklyn, New York, poet Walt Whitman, “ 7/20/1860 #155  
very cigar-shaped object flew over Brooklyn, New York. It had a light orang 4/19/1952 #6132  
                                   BROOKLYN, NY Engineer. Night light going 4/20/1953 #8841  
                                   BROOKLYN, NY Accountant and 2. 12 glowin 12/12/1953 #9360  
                                   BROOKLYN, NY Several women. Vibrant brig 1/7/1954 #9457  
                                   BROOKLYN, NY Army Sgt. Glowing-saucer ru 2/23/1956 #12736  
es in the Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. It made a loud rumbl 2/23/1956 #12738  
ind Sputnik II while orbiting over Brooklyn Park, South Australia on this e 1/24/1958 #14841  
e walking his dog at 10:40 p.m. in Brooklyn, New York. He saw a small protu 2/15/1969 #24921  
                                   BROOKLYN, IA Red-orange night light / gr 2/23/1973 #27312  
                                   Brooklyn, MI Two boys playing in a snow  12/29/1981 #36281  
                                   Brooklyn, NY A young woman was awakened  6/3/1982 #36490  
 around 4:00 a.m. a young woman in Brooklyn, New York was awakened by a voi 6/3/1982 #36492  
                     New York City Brooklyn Bridge East River 3:15 a.m. New 11/30/1989 #39283  
 and abductees from a car near the Brooklyn Bridge, and a VIP political dig 11/30/1989 #39283  
                  Two witnesses in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota reported sighti 12/5/2000 #44098  
reflecting sunlight, was seen over Brooklyn, New York at 8:40 a.m. EST for  1/5/2002 #44305  
ing home from the train station in Brooklyn, New York at 6:43 p.m., the wit 5/8/2003 #44530  
                   At 9:00 p.m. in Brooklyn, Maryland an oval-shaped, very  2/29/2004 #44670  
k triangular object was sighted in Brooklyn, New York. It had no lights, ma 10/27/2004 #44772  
lying triangles that same night in Brooklyn, Michigan and Mountain View, Ca 6/7/2008 #45146  
## Word: "brooks" (Back to Top)
  Arlington Hall, Washington, D.C. Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texa 4/18/1949 #4093  
ngton Hall in Washington, D.C., to Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, Te 4/18/1949 #4093  
                                   BROOKS CO, TX 11 observer(s) / 2 separat 3/12/1950 #4618  
dow, Massachusetts Witnesses: S.B. Brooks, chemical engineer J.A. Eaton. On 4/17/1952 #6103  
                                   BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE, TX 2 USAF men. Si 10/9/1952 #8105  
                                   BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Night light ci 2/27/1953 #8710  
                                   Brooks Air Force Base Kelly Air Force Ba 8/1/1953 #9037  
ervice moves its headquarters from Brooks Air Force Base [now closed] to Ke 8/1/1953 #9037  
t explodes in the night sky. Kelly Brooks and A. L. Taylor say the source o 6/26/1954 #9953  
utics for approval by Rep. Overton Brooks (D-La.) and discusses the effects 12/14/1960 #16532  
 Committee, headed by Rep. Overton Brooks (D-La.), to investigate Air Force 3/1961 #16618  
       La. Minn. U.S. Rep. Overton Brooks (D-La.) appoints Rep. Joseph Kart 5/1961 #16672  
eph Karth. Meanwhile, Rep. Overton Brooks meets privately with Hillenkoette 8/4/1961 #16777  
                      Rep. Overton Brooks dies of a heart attack; the Augus 9/16/1961 #16841  
ngland 11:25 a.m. J. B. W. “Angus” Brooks, a former BOAC pilot and photo in 10/26/1967 #23334  
 “distraught” as she stands beside Brooks. Her ears are pricked, indicating 10/26/1967 #23334  
he sounds she is hearing, although Brooks can detect no sound from the obje 10/26/1967 #23334  
                                   BROOKS, GA 2 observer(s). Gold object la 9/14/1973 #27818  
se 1977, case # 1386, citing J. A. Brooks, Ghosts and Legends of Wales). (N 2/17/1977 #31824  
## Word: "brooks-swift" (Back to Top)
ld also have been comet C/1883 D1 (Brooks-Swift) or even a third, unknown c 8/12/1883 #255  
## Word: "brooksher" (Back to Top)
ncluding Brigadier General William Brooksher. In the report of this meeting 11/10/1980 #35623  
cials—including Brig. Gen. William Brooksher, base AFOSI head Maj. Thomas C 11/10/1980 #35625  
## Word: "brookside" (Back to Top)
                 Prescott, Arizona Brookside Boulevard 8:00 p.m. George Hun 2/3/1953 #8632  
near the ground from their home on Brookside Boulevard in Prescott, Arizona 2/3/1953 #8632  
## Word: "brooksville" (Back to Top)
ess: astronomer John Cole of South Brooksville, Me. Watched 10-15 seconds w 7/3/1947 #2578  
fternoon from Harborside, south of Brooksville, Maine. The objects were in  7/3/1947 #2587  
                               Nr. Brooksville, FL Landed Object And Entity 3/2/1965 #18830  
                                   Brooksville, Florida John F. Reeves, 65, 3/2/1965 #18831  
hunting for snakes in the woods in Brooksville, Florida when he observed a  3/2/1965 #18833  
nging a tire on a lonely road near Brooksville, Florida on this night when  11/30/1966 #21168  
                                   BROOKSVILLE, FL Saucer lands again. Phot 12/4/1966 #21181  
                                   BROOKSVILLE, FL Saucer nears car going t 8/21/1968 #24362  
, age 18, and a 10-year-old boy in Brooksville, Florida saw a hovering UFO  2/26/1971 #26033  
## Word: "brooksville-harborside" (Back to Top)
                             South Brooksville-Harborside, ME Astronomer Ob 7/3/1947 #2576  
## Word: "broom" (Back to Top)
the dust had been removed by a big broom.” He tells his story to Lt. Wilson 8/17/1962 #17336  
the dome is something resembling a broom handle. A sound, described as swis 2/15/1963 #17669  
mac, Puebla, Mexico, to look for a broom when he sees a bluish light, which 3/19/1972 #26617  
## Word: "broomall" (Back to Top)
        Columbus, Ohio Witnesses:  Broomall and Gilpin. One circular, lumin 8/23/1966 #20796  
lock in the evening two witnesses, Broomall and Gilpin, reported seeing a c 8/23/1966 #20797  
## Word: "broome" (Back to Top)
vernment inspector named Hervey in Broome, Suffolk, England reported that a 5/16/1909 #751  
ive boys at 12:30 p.m. in Conklin, Broome County, New York. A three-foot ta 7/16/1964 #18422  
                           NORTH / BROOME, WEST AUSTR Pearl farmers. Cresce 8/8/1992 #40561  
## Word: "broomfield" (Back to Top)
the teardrop-shaped UFO flew by in Broomfield, Colorado at 10:30 p.m.       4/21/1998 #43554  
## Word: "broomstick" (Back to Top)
raining test — last 5 launches by “Broomstick Scientists”)                  8/22/1951 #5615  
## Word: "broquerie" (Back to Top)
                                LA BROQUERIE, MBA Screech. "Plane" flashes. 7/21/1995 #42314  
## Word: "brosius" (Back to Top)
Helmer, Indiana Mid-evening. Madge Brosius, 12, and her father Charles see  3/17/1903 #660  
## Word: "brosse" (Back to Top)
                          D30 / LA BROSSE, FR 4 / car. Luminous/glowing red 8/11/1975 #30249  
 to Egreville on Highway D30 in La Brosse, Seine-Marne, France. The frighte 8/11/1975 #30251  
## Word: "brosseau" (Back to Top)
  Fermeneuve, CAN 11:00 p.m. Levis Brosseau, 20 was returning home when he  6/12/1929 #1096  
          Fermeneuve, Canada Levis Brosseau, 2O was returning home when he  6/12/1929 #1097  
home at Ferme-Neuve, Quebec, Levis Brosseau, 20, sees something like a blac 6/12/1929 #1098  
                             Levis Brosseau, age 20, was riding home in Fer 6/12/1929 #1099  
## Word: "brosses" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BROSSES TILLOTS, FR Motorcycle dies. 7M  10/14/1954 #11030  
     Saint-Romain-sous-Gourdon Les Brosses Tillots Saône-et-Loire France Tw 10/14/1954 #11060  
 Saint-Romain-sous-Gourdon and Les Brosses Tillots, Saône-et-Loire, France. 10/14/1954 #11060  
## Word: "brosses-thillot" (Back to Top)
                                   Brosses-Thillot, Saone-Et-Loire (near),  10/11/1954 #10922  
## Word: "brosses-tillots" (Back to Top)
 Saint-Romain-sous-Gourdon and les Brosses-Tillots, Saone-et-Loire departme 10/14/1954 #11072  
## Word: "broteas" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Broteas” Yield: 5KT                      2/27/1981 #35847  
## Word: "brothels" (Back to Top)
astro for closing their profitable brothels and casinos in Cuba. On Septemb 9/1960 #16428  
 community service, stay away from brothels, and undergo psychotherapy.     6/5/1990 #39606  
## Word: "brother" (Back to Top)
tagonist in Surrey and his younger brother in London as southern England is 1898 #614  
ng Prairie, IN Tom Darby, with his brother and mother, saw two whitish-blue 1904 #665  
airie, Indiana Tom Darby, with his brother and mother, saw two whitish-blue 1904 #666  
house, he calls for his mother and brother, and all three walk toward the o 6/1904 #672  
ster City, Iowa 11:00 a.m. A young brother and sister who live on a farm ne 7/1919 #990  
lights, including Tito Bengoa, the brother of Frank and Christopher Bengoa  1922 #1018  
5-year-old girl and her 8-year-old brother have such an unsettling experien 1929 #1093  
.m. J. Stewart Childerhose and his brother, two farmers of Cobden, Ontario, 1/1/1931 #1120  
 Teenager Fred W. Van Sant and his brother Milton see 7–8 “meteors flying i Early Summer 1932 #1145  
hole story was made up, as did her brother Charles in the late 1960s, who c 8/7/1947 #3306  
, David Lightfoot, age 12, and his brother Charles saw a disc land behind a 4/8/1950 #4832  
5 p.m. Thomas Bartis and his older brother Francis are driving through New  11/11/1951 #5775  
z, California Witness:  Mr. Hayes, brother of Master Sergeant. Two faint ob 4/15/1952 #6081  
ves towards the window. He and his brother watch as an object approaches an 10/5/1957 #14062  
s. He was plowing a field with his brother when they saw a red light at the 10/14/1957 #14109  
m. Antonio Villas-Boas and another brother are plowing and see a bright obj 10/14/1957 #14111  
 He was plowing the field with his brother on a tractor when they saw a red 10/14/1957 #14112  
ia Dusk. Michael D. Swords and his brother Tom are at home in St. Albans, W 7/1958 #15129  
n in lying, intrigue, and the ‘Big Brother’ attitude carried to the ultimat 12/1958 #15465  
n. In the late 1980s, Gustafsson’s brother Artur reveals to ufologist Clas  12/20/1958 #15489  
Clas Svahn that before he died his brother had told him the story was a hoa 12/20/1958 #15489  
nial regarding reports is the “Big Brother attitude carried to the ultimate 12/21/1958 #15494  
orce policy of denial is like “Big Brother.” They say the gag order of talk 12/21/1958 #15495  
ng the family pets and his younger brother in Victorville, California, when 2/24/1959 #15605  
sky. Neil Abercrombie, his mother, brother, and some other friends, all saw 3/31/1959 #15683  
rs are alerted by their journalist brother about an elusive UFO that local  Summer 1960 #16313  
t. Marilyn Chenarides, her younger brother Roger, and their mother Mildred  8/1962 #17310  
, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Austin, and brother and sister also see the light, w 8/4/1963 #17863  
after a few seconds. Ernst and his brother find a crater-like depression, a 5/5/1964 #18244  
otographing the full moon with his brother John, 23. According to them, a s 8/8/1965 #19341  
” in her radio reception. Harold’s brother, Robert, also goes outside and t 8/19/1965 #19427  
            Source “AF” claims his brother Pete saw a saucer in a hangar at 1967 #21239  
ing and the creature flew off. Her brother in law and her parents saw the c 9/8/1967 #23021  
yellow glow. Gumersindo Neiro, her brother in law, got the best view from h 9/8/1967 #23021  
vail. He also attempted to get his brother in law to wake up, but with the  11/28/1967 #23517  
30 p.m. Fred Coulthard Jr. and his brother Wayne are at a family get-togeth 7/2/1968 #24132  
d Joanne, and Regent Leger and his brother Dennis Leger, saw two circular o 7/28/1968 #24245  
anada Mr. Bellerose, his wife, his brother in law, and his sister in law sa 10/8/1968 #24551  
les and the coming of a True White Brother, publicly calls for the appearan 7/12/1969 #25263  
ralding the coming of a True White Brother, publicly summons his space brot 8/7/1970 #25775  
rother, publicly summons his space brother friends telepathically for 15 mi 8/7/1970 #25775  
olem receives a message from space brother Paul 2, who tells him that the s 8/7/1970 #25775  
drove away from her house with her brother. They parked the car in an isola 9/7/1970 #25828  
is driving back from town with his brother when they see a bright light off 8/1972 #26864  
s. Thinking it must be her younger brother playing a joke, she broke free a 2/26/1973 #27318  
igure smaller than her 13-year-old brother sitting in the snow. She ran bac 2/26/1973 #27318  
s 11-year-old son Patrice, and his brother in law, Mr. Cosme, were driving  3/25/1973 #27376  
 the eye. Then he said, "Good bye, brother, I must go" and pushed a white b 5/16/1973 #27496  
eturn to Phoenix and she asked her brother to go along with her for company 8/4/1973 #27683  
ing on the dashboard and asked her brother if there was something in the sk 8/4/1973 #27683  
n view for less than a minute. Her brother was very excited. The trip conti 8/4/1973 #27683  
50 p.m. The RCMP report he and his brother Manus Smith had been driving on  11/25/1973 #28466  
other object approaches again. One brother points a flashlight at it, where 2/14/1974 #28772  
e black sky. He goes in to get his brother who has a telescope, and they at Summer 1974 #29218  
oung woman, Kimberle Lenz, and her brother were abducted while driving on a 8/22/1974 #29376  
 Before midnight. Paul Dedieu, his brother, and a friend are driving near H 5/4/1975 #30032  
Lyman Paquette, his wife, plus his brother and sister in law observed one b 11/15/1975 #30622  
 meters away. The two witnesses, a brother and sister, reported that as the 12/30/1977 #32819  
th Australia. The two witnesses, a brother and sister, report that as they  12/30/1977 #32821  
 meters away. The two witnesses, a brother and sister, reported that as the 12/30/1977 #32822  
old cook is driving north from her brother’s house about 10 miles south of  8/24/1978 #33563  
ana Francelina de Jesus, his older brother, and a younger cousin were trave 10/30/1978 #33898  
:27 a.m. Tailor Mike Sacks and his brother Ray are on the moors near Stacks 5/19/1979 #34568  
d him until early morning when his brother, Simeon, awoke at 5:00 a.m. and  11/29/1982 #36702  
 until early next morning when his brother Simeon awoke early at 5:00 a.m.  11/30/1982 #36703  
ld me he wanted to take Casey [his brother]." He left through the closet.   11/27/1983 #37050  
, Ukraine - Vitaly Rudenko and his brother were sleeping on the roof of the 7/2/1990 #39634  
en with his clothing scorched. His brother was found unconscious with bruis 7/2/1990 #39634  
s Campelo is walking home from his brother’s house in Campo Redondo, Rio Gr 5/12/1991 #40057  
 left for Martinsburg, he told his brother that he frequently received hara 8/10/1991 #40147  
. At the same time he summoned his brother Cesareo. Jose Manuel then took o 3/7/1996 #42815  
d dogs bark constantly. Fernando’s brother, Alan Bruno de Oliveira, 10, pic 1/2/1998 #43486  
0-year-old girl and her 8-year-old brother spotted a large UFO hovering abo 5/7/1998 #43562  
 Three days earlier her mother and brother had also seen beings in their ro 1/3/2000 #43917  
of the humanoid, but the witness's brother saw two similar creatures back i 10/26/2005 #44894  
. They return to the house. Buck’s brother Roger arrives at 10:30 p.m., and 7/5/2009 #45230  
d Natali was woke up by her little brother at around 3:00 a.m. because he w 8/28/2009 #45239  
e same height as her four-year-old brother. When the figure became aware th 8/28/2009 #45239  
## Word: "brother's" (Back to Top)
s was sleeping on the floor of his brother's room in Windsor, North Carolin 9/16/1996 #43025  
 He does not believe he was in his brother's room at that point.            9/16/1996 #43025  
## Word: "brother-in-law" (Back to Top)
e witness claims that his wife and brother-in-law also see the object.      1/5/1965 #18699  
hen the object leaves. Her son and brother-in-law later find three imprints 7/4/1970 #25726  
s 11-year-old son Patrice, and his brother-in-law Mr. Cosme, were in a car  3/24/1973 #27373  
minutes and witnessed by his wife, brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Negati 11/15/1975 #30624  
 into an opening on the craft. His brother-in-law hears him and sees him as 9/9/1976 #31362  
ry Police Chief Nelson Macedo, his brother-in-law Charles Yacuzzi, his son  7/12/1983 #36909  
## Word: "brother-in-law's" (Back to Top)
 seemed to be out and he heard his brother-in-law's dog growling outside. L 12/30/1979 #35104  
## Word: "brotherhood" (Back to Top)
udonym of Claude D. Dodgin) of the Brotherhood of the White Temple in Denve 10/1946 #2195  
 claims are inhabited by the Black Brotherhood and protected by “space-warp 10/1946 #2195  
” are to establish a priory of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays “in a remo 12/2/1956 #13384  
an at the invitation of the Cosmic Brotherhood Association and its contacte 8/16/1961 #16795  
## Word: "brothers" (Back to Top)
J. Latham, 12, is working with his brothers Sid and Clyde on a cotton farm  5/1913 #888  
he design is taken from the Horten brothers and given to Gothaer Waggonfabr 3/1/1944 #1585  
in Gotha. By this time, the Horten brothers are working on a turbojet-power 2/2/1945 #1771  
an Flying Wings Designed by Horten Brothers by Capt. N. LeBlanc, detailing  1/10/1946 #1964  
Nazi aircraft designers the Horten brothers that were recovered in Germany  1/10/1946 #1964  
,800) aircraft based on the Horten brothers’ VIII-type, low-aspect, disc- s 6/9/1947 #2315  
-shaped aircraft based on a Horton brothers design obtained at the end of W 7/1/1947 #2523  
earch to find what happened to the brothers allegedly takes place; informan 7/5/1947 #2721  
 tells US Army CIC that the Horten brothers were working on an advanced air 11/1947 #3474  
 in Berlin stating that the Horten brothers (Reimer and Walter) have been l 12/16/1947 #3503  
 970th CIC, writes that the Horten brothers have been located and interroga 3/12/1948 #3588  
nventions and models by the Horten brothers had fallen into the hands of th 1/3/1952 #5859  
, in Flatwoods, West Virginia, two brothers, Edward and Fred May, and their 9/12/1952 #7905  
The boys go to the home of the May brothers’ mother, Kathleen May, where th 9/12/1952 #7905  
ging to local farmers, the Stewart brothers, die from acute radiation poiso 3/24/1953 #8782  
lysis" subsided, he ran to get his brothers and came back to the craft, whi 12/29/1954 #11875  
ds away. From a separate location, brothers Miguel and Martín Arraspio also 1/3/1955 #11917  
Elboeuf, France Near Exauroux, two brothers, 18 and 20, saw a red ball to t 4/8/1956 #12802  
:45 p.m. near Exauroux, France two brothers, ages 18 and 20, saw a red ball 4/8/1956 #12804  
ona, with the Laugheads, ufologist brothers Ray and Rex G. Stanford, and Ge 12/2/1956 #13384  
rals disguised as benevolent Space Brothers argue fervently for nuclear dis 1958 #14782  
he mountains by the Sideia Mission Brothers in Boianai, Papua New Guinea.   4/9/1959 #15695  
                               Two brothers with the last name of Hawkins w 10/31/1959 #16072  
  Walkerton, Ontario 2:00 a.m. Two brothers are alerted by their journalist Summer 1960 #16313  
posefully for several minutes. The brothers climb a fence and approach it,  Summer 1960 #16313  
Burruyacú Tucumán Argentina Night. Brothers Rosauro Antonio, Ricardo, and V 1/1963 #17624  
reported to have landed. The Lopez brothers found traces in the grass and e 1/31/1963 #17646  
de Algosaray, Argentina. The Lopez brothers found traces in the grass and e 1/31/1963 #17647  
        Sagrada Famila, Brazil Two brothers, F. and R. Eustagio, 11 and 9,  8/28/1963 #17920  
ar, Fife, Scotland. No time given. Brothers A. McLean, age 12, and G. McLea 10/24/1963 #18008  
tely, it was. In 1976 the Jaroslaw brothers admitted to perpetrating the pr 1/9/1967 #21275  
r National Guard Base] Two teenage brothers of Mount Clemens, Michigan, Dan 1/9/1967 #21277  
bster City, IA 11:30 p.m. CDT. Two brothers saw a circular object with a la 7/19/1967 #22699  
e 7, who first saw the object; his brothers Michael and Andre, and their un 8/29/1968 #24401  
near McWaters, Quebec with her two brothers and seven other teenaged friend 2/26/1973 #27318  
         Ely, Nevada 4:25 a.m. Two brothers are transporting their parents’ 2/14/1974 #28772  
                               Two brothers were moving some of their posse 2/14/1974 #28773  
hie Manitou Park, IA 9:00 a.m. Two brothers, 8-year-old Andy and 6 year-old 7/5/1976 #31153  
   At 9 o'clock in the morning two brothers, 8-year-old Andy and 6 year-old 7/5/1976 #31154  
e louder the boys ran to get their brothers Chris, age 11, and Tom, age 9.  7/5/1976 #31154  
        Allagash, Maine Eagle Lake Brothers Jim and Jack Weiner, with frien 8/20/1976 #31282  
                  At 7:00 p.m. two brothers were hunting in an uninhabited  10/1/1977 #32543  
r, “In the name of God, we are all brothers; we don’t harm anybody.” The vo 5/16/1979 #34563  
r, "In the name of God, we are all brothers, we don't harm anybody." The vo 5/16/1979 #34564  
a, Missouri 10:00 p.m. Two teenage brothers are driving 9 miles west of Rol 8/12/1979 #34740  
                       In 1980 two brothers commuting to work in Abasto, Ar 6/4/1980 #35354  
nos Aires, Argentina 8:30 p.m. The brothers Farisano are returning home fro 3/3/1988 #38482  
                               Two brothers were engaged in opal mining in  6/16/1989 #38989  
ng blond hair. There seemed to the brothers that a struggle ensued between  6/16/1989 #38989  
wartime efforts to find the Horten brothers, as well as an “Intelligence Re 1994 #41342  
                       Two teenage brothers in Lago de Rapel, Chile were fo 2/16/1997 #43194  
                               Two brothers saw a triangular UFO over their 5/27/1998 #43571  
 trust and two partners from Brown Brothers Harriman became the trustees fo 10/2021 #45713  
Cloy, all senior partners at Brown Brothers Harriman. Sheehan states a USG  10/2021 #45713  
ded by the covert money from Brown Brothers Harriman, took custody of the U 10/2021 #45713  
o involved with the Institute; her brothers Michael Eskridge and Matt Eskri 6/15/2022 #45758  
## Word: "brou" (Back to Top)
-like craft stops. Turns toward(s) Brou. Rises. Going quickly east. / Progr 12/5/1996 #43131  
 9:30 p.m., and then turned toward Brou; rises in altitude and shoots towar 12/5/1996 #43132  
## Word: "brough" (Back to Top)
                                   BROUGH, CUMBRIA 3+1 observer(s). Sheep a 8/16/1965 #19404  
                    At midnight in Brough, Durham County, England three wom 8/16/1965 #19409  
## Word: "brougham" (Back to Top)
e William Butcher Jr. and Kathleen Brougham, a friend. They do not see the  8/19/1965 #19427  
## Word: "brought" (Back to Top)
said had fallen from these ships.” Brought out in front of an enraged mob,  812 #2  
The subject of mystery airships is brought up in a debate in the House of C 5/17/1909 #753  
e chosen in several cities and are brought together for discussions in thei 1938 #1279  
munication by wireless with a race brought up completely separate, having t 1946 #1961  
pieces of the material that Brazel brought in, and decides he had better vi 7/6/1947 #2812  
e, Marcel sees that the package he brought has been substituted by a torn-u 7/8/1947 #3019  
of an alleged “Flying Saucer” were brought to AMC by Col. H. M. McCoy (NICA 8/1947 #3272  
ion The Soviet R-1V carrier rocket brought the dogs of Dezik and Tsygan to  7/22/1951 #5580  
 the Korean sightings. Ruppelt has brought in an expert from Wright-Patters 2/8/1952 #5894  
, and the Ground Observer Corps is brought into the UFO reporting net.      3/19/1952 #5961  
portance that the matter should be brought before the National Security Cou End of 7/1952 #7224  
 such importance that it should be brought to the attention of the National 9/24/1952 #8022  
 in the US on a classified mission brought six single-spaced typed pages of 1953 #8469  
ies and the United States would be brought together with the aim of promoti 5/29/1954 #9840  
 Intelligence Service Squadron was brought in to assist ATIC (Blue Book) wi 8/12/1954 #10138  
ate of great excitement Senesi was brought to a hospital, where he tried to 10/19/1954 #11238  
t chased after him. Mr. Senesi was brought to a hospital in a state of grea 10/19/1954 #11247  
om the interior of a recovered UAP brought to the base; all items were phot 1955 #11900  
g the antenna tilt up, it could be brought back on the screen. It disappear 11/8/1956 #13315  
ivers were sent to retrieve it and brought back a piece of un-rusted metal  1/21/1959 #15560  
t outside Dawsonville, Georgia, is brought up to full power and unsheathed  6/1959 #15754  
 and medically controlled hypnosis brought back what apparently was the mem 9/19/1961 #16852  
formed by a psychiatrist in Boston brought back memories of their abduction 9/19/1961 #16858  
ide to a spot in the mountains and brought back to the beach after two hour 1/30/1965 #18785  
e during this process. The car was brought to the ground near the shore and 8/9/1965 #19350  
o record Spaur’s interview and has brought two reporters and UFO researcher 5/9/1966 #20469  
 burns on her legs and ankles. She brought her friends back to the spot whe 8/11/1966 #20739  
ines. It was blindingly bright and brought tears to his eyes. (The Hartford 2/12/1967 #21521  
ir backs. They blindfolded him and brought him before a little man with lon 5/4/1969 #25115  
rs to the growing financial crisis brought on by Donald E. Keyhoe’s failure 10/27/1969 #25425  
r figure told him that he had been brought here to show him the potential o 7/4/1970 #25727  
igh speed. At one point the aliens brought him a small cube-shaped containe 8/15/1970 #25787  
 friend and her cat. They were all brought from her apartment through a win 1/1/1971 #25966  
 remote viewing experiments. He is brought by Harold E. Puthoff and other s 6/6/1972 #26703  
omposed of script letters. She was brought out of the trance and given a po 8/4/1973 #27683  
e manual work outside the ship. It brought specimens for examination and st 10/16/1973 #28089  
e being gestured to the other, who brought out from a bag on his back a sma 2/28/1974 #28822  
complete halt. Hernandez was later brought back to his vehicle. He was then 4/22/1975 #30000  
ong with computer specialists, are brought to the launch site to examine th 11/7/1975 #30576  
le is then taken from the silo and brought back to the base. Eventually the 11/7/1975 #30576  
ssia, nuclear power plant is being brought back online after scheduled main 11/30/1975 #30677  
a ladder. They took him aboard and brought him into a oval-shaped room. The 4/2/1976 #30980  
was home at the time. She went and brought him the binoculars, but just as  10/24/1976 #31493  
s then levitated inside a beam and brought up inside the craft through an o 7/16/1978 #33388  
s then levitated inside a beam and brought up inside the craft through an o 7/16/1978 #33392  
werful orange flash of light again brought her attention outside. She saw a 12/6/1978 #34068  
tty Cash slammed on the brakes and brought the car to a halt about 150 feet 12/29/1980 #35758  
College, argue that Able Archer 83 brought the world close to a nuclear war 11/7/1983 #37044  
l hubbub of activity. The daughter brought her father's attention to a stre 1/19/1988 #38417  
that one of the Calvine photos was brought to the US by British Intelligenc 8/4/1990 #39679  
xcited and saw “debris” his father brought home in his car from the desert; 3/6/1991 #40002  
f the craft, and he was apparently brought up inside the beam. He found him 12/26/1991 #40267  
ed with them.  She states when she brought this up to her superiors and ask 8/30/1996 #43000  
ver each shoulder. Frightened, she brought her two children to her bed and  2/13/1997 #43191  
taken there on 20 June 1971 he was brought to a low flat hangar that was em 1999 #43709  
dden elevator and he claims he was brought down 20 stories. Underground, Ad 1999 #43709  
oing to cure an infection that was brought to Earth by another alien race.  7/12/2000 #44015  
scanned and examined. Later he was brought back to his room.                7/12/2000 #44015  
 perpendicular lights. The witness brought several people out from the buil 3/14/2003 #44502  
rce. She also reports on materials brought back from a recent abduction by  7/22/2005 #44856  
-servicemembers say that when they brought their concerns to superiors, the 9/27/2010 #45298  
, or if “ghostbuster” devices were brought onboard in reaction to the earli 7/24/2019 #45598  
ings from the public. The issue is brought up when Kono meets with US Defen 9/15/2020 #45661  
ered in New Mexico in 1947, it was brought to Wright Field and the “Anderso 10/2021 #45713  
custody of the UAP technology and “brought in major corporations” like Lock 10/2021 #45713  
## Word: "broughton" (Back to Top)
 seen high in the sky east of Port Broughton, South Australia. It drifted s 11/13/1957 #14542  
## Word: "broughty" (Back to Top)
                                   Broughty Ferry, Dundee Scottish minister 1838 #133  
ystem is inhabited. At his home in Broughty Ferry, Dundee, he computes that 1838 #133  
## Word: "brousse" (Back to Top)
                                La Brousse, Charente-Maritime, France 11:30 8/12/1974 #29337  
 maneuvering near a hedgerow at La Brousse, Charente-Maritime, France. It i 8/12/1974 #29337  
## Word: "brouwer" (Back to Top)
s that Belgian General Wilfried De Brouwer asked whether the objects were A 3/1990 #39435  
 Belgian Air Force Col. Wilfred De Brouwer gives a public talk on UFOs at N 7/11/1990 #39641  
## Word: "brovary" (Back to Top)
 UFOs maneuvering over the area of Brovary, Kiev region, Ukraine, woke up i 10/31/1989 #39199  
## Word: "brovst" (Back to Top)
                                   Brovst, Denmark was the scene of an atte 9/11/1953 #9162  
                                   BROVST, DK Attempted abduction / girl by 9/12/1953 #9163  
                                   Brovst, Denmark Brovst was the scene of  9/12/1953 #9165  
                   Brovst, Denmark Brovst was the scene of an attempted abd 9/12/1953 #9165  
                                   Brovst, Denmark was the scene of an atte 9/12/1953 #9166  
## Word: "brow" (Back to Top)
’t human; large eyes under a heavy brow; no noticeable nose; a slit for a m 1965 #18679  
met, which he took off to wipe his brow. The boy could see that he was bald 10/16/1969 #25417  
om. He saw a "creature" with heavy brow ridges, jowls, and large pointed ea 11/26/1974 #29610  
ithout pupils, and they have heavy brow ridges, apertures in place of ears, 5/1977 #32042  
## Word: "broward" (Back to Top)
n a triangular pattern over Davie, Broward County, Florida.                 1/3/2009 #45205  
## Word: "browerville" (Back to Top)
 afternoon by the Gmyrek family in Browerville, Minnesota. The disc made no 4/21/1952 #6148  
## Word: "brown" (Back to Top)
  SKANNINGE, SWEDEN Sky turns red. Brown hat-crown size objects pass overhe 5/16/1808 #101  
enly, and leaving puffs of grayish brown smoke.                             11/4/1867 #169  
 overhead, then vanished leaving a brown, smoke-like vapor.                 11/4/1867 #170  
                 PARRAMATTA, NSW 3 brown colored clouds. Large object exten 3/9/1873 #199  
ne. Formation / disks going north. Brown colored contrails. Seen against mo 2/24/1893 #307  
ns for which he submitted to E. W. Brown of Davis, California, and which th 12/1/1896 #373  
her outside to watch. City Marshal Brown is in the western part of town mak 4/15/1897 #490  
verhead about 200 feet in the air. Brown can see two men in the object and  4/15/1897 #490  
Maryland, when he sees a metallic, brown, blimplike object, more than 100 f Summer 1910 #839  
 explain this. One observer, A. W. Brown from Thamesville, Ontario, reports 2/9/1913 #881  
de were three men dressed in light brown, wearing square masks down to thei 8/1914 #906  
ad. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) / brown colored suits outside. / r30p47.   8/1944 (approximate) #1627  
 4.5-foot-tall figure dressed in a brown robe. Fifteen feet to its left are 10/1944 #1673  
 other figures dressed in luminous brown metallic suits. Their heads seem l 10/1944 #1673  
ir heads, revealing itself to be a brown, bullet- shaped object with a flat 10/1944 #1674  
 accompanies Lt. Commander Richard Brown and Ensign C. T. Neal to a waiting 12/23/1944 #1731  
 T. Neal to a waiting aircraft and Brown takes off in pursuit of a ball of  12/23/1944 #1731  
 Sandra, and her mother Mrs. W. H. Brown saw several flying discs while dri 3/30/1947 #2251  
Public Relations Officer Capt. Tom Brown says the army has no idea what the 6/27/1947 #2430  
            JAMSA, FINL Girl / 11. Brown cylinder/cigar-shape exits cloud.  7/1947 #2495  
cluding a physician, saw a reddish brown disc move at great speed in a stra 7/6/1947 #2827  
about two feet long, is wrapped in brown paper. The other three are about t 7/8/1947 #3019  
nor Joseph Montoya, Sgt. Melvin E. Brown (who says the bodies looked Asian) 7/8/1947 #3026  
e in Boise, Idaho, by Lt. Frank M. Brown and Capt. William L. Davidson, who 7/12/1947 #3157  
 While they are at Arnold’s house, Brown and Davidson hear that pilot Emil  7/12/1947 #3157  
cer slowly circles Air Force Base. Brown colored-grey / one side. Silver /  7/16/1947 #3191  
the Fourth Air Force, Lt. Frank M. Brown and Capt. William L. Davidson, vis 7/25/1947 #3229  
se Stateman Capt. Davidson and Lt. Brown interview Richard Rankin. The FBI  7/27/1947 #3235  
ot locate the photos. Arnold calls Brown and Davidson at Hamilton Army Airf 7/31/1947 #3264  
 and says his informant knows that Brown and Davidson are on their way in a 7/31/1947 #3264  
e cereal box, which is loaded into Brown’s army vehicle. Brown and Davidson 7/31/1947 #3264  
 loaded into Brown’s army vehicle. Brown and Davidson leave to go back to H 7/31/1947 #3264  
   NEAR PUDASJARVI, FNL 2 / woods. Brown bullet shape hovers / N. sky. Blue 8/1947 #3270  
vato, California Kelso, Washington Brown and Davidson make a stop at McChor 8/1/1947 #3281  
 and engineer parachute to safety. Brown and Davidson fail to signal distre 8/1/1947 #3281  
o D. Milton Ladd identifies either Brown or Davidson as a CIC agent on a to 8/6/1947 #3300  
at the plane carrying Davidson and Brown was not sabotaged, nor was it carr 8/14/1947 #3332  
tionless as four handsome men with brown complexions, wearing shiny black s 3/19/1950 #4683  
craft and tan in color, turning to brown around the edges.” It first travel 3/22/1950 #4701  
assachusetts. The object was light brown in color, climbed away from the je 4/27/1950 #4911  
kind of tight-fitting overall of a brown color.” The bodies are about 4 fee 5/15/1950 #4944  
r Lt. William Ghormley, Col. W. V. Brown, Lt. col. L.w. Brauer. One small,  8/20/1950 #5131  
t. William Ghormley, Colonel W. V. Brown, and Lt. Colonel L.W. Brauer repor 8/20/1950 #5133  
r he saw a short alien, covered in brown fur, with large glowing eyes. He a 1951 #5372  
 emerged four handsome men who had brown skin and wore black shiny suits an 6/19/1951 #5545  
eem frozen in place. Four men with brown skin and wearing black shiny suits 6/19/1951 #5546  
 emerged four handsome men who had brown skin and wore black shiny suits an 6/19/1951 #5547  
lenn L. Martin Co. Thomas Townsend Brown proposes Project Winterhaven to th 1952 #5843  
t Winterhaven to the US military.  Brown proposes using Stanford Research I 1952 #5843  
ertrandias’s visit to the Townsend Brown Foundation when it was proposing P 1952 #5843  
ughby M. Cady writes that Townsend Brown’s claims of gravitational anomalie 1952 #5843  
/33/mode/1up (p33)  Note: In 1955, Brown worked for French aerospace compan 1952 #5843  
 Sud-Est a year later and canceled Brown’s contract.  In 1956, Brown helped 1952 #5843  
nceled Brown’s contract.  In 1956, Brown helped found the National Investig 1952 #5843  
le program RADM Delmer S. Fahrney. Brown stepped down in 1957 and gave a pr 1952 #5843  
r “intelligent control.”  In 1957, Brown was hired as a consultant for the  1952 #5843  
Larger saucer turns and leads. All brown colored / bot and silver tops.     4/22/1952 #6150  
lver and the other orange or light brown, performing fast maneuvers on thre 5/28/1952 #6376  
Education Center 4:30 a.m. Fred J. Brown is preparing to milk the cows at t 9/14/1952 #7938  
 object disappears to the west. As Brown is rounding up the cows, the objec 9/14/1952 #7938  
 “like acid or ammonia” that makes Brown’s eyes smart. The cows stampede on 9/14/1952 #7938  
y large for their bodies. Skin had brown tint. Open eyes, small mouth, indi 1953? #8470  
ely larger than their bodies, with brown skin, no hair, and wearing tight f 1953 #8482  
S. Weather Bureau observer Stanley Brown, using a theodolite.  One white, o 2/4/1953 #8636  
Weather Bureau observer Stanley H. Brown in Yuma, Arizona, tracks with a th 2/4/1953 #8637  
Weather Bureau observer Stanley H. Brown in Yuma, Arizona, using a theodoli 2/4/1953 #8638  
             LAREDO, TX T33 pilot. Brown cylinder/cigar-shape / 60K' altitu 4/28/1953 (approximate) #8847  
                   At 10:30 a.m. a brown, cigar-shaped UFO flew near the La 4/28/1953 #8848  
t was approx. 4 ft. tall and had a brown complexion, two eyes, a small roun 5/21/1953 #8892  
kull cap. The dead pilots body had brown skin, with the other unusual featu 5/21/1953 #8898  
t had one occupant, now dead, dark brown complexion, 4 feet tall, wearing a 5/21/1953 #8899  
o be Cobb County policeman Sherley Brown, that they had seen a flying sauce 7/7/1953 #8989  
  Airport control tower chief C.S. Brown. One round and reflective or trans 8/3/1953 #9043  
CONNEAUT, OH Multiple observer(s). Brown pie-plate going east over Lake Eri 12/8/1953 (approximate) #9348  
d man and two women, who had light brown skin, long black hair, dark, slant 3/1954 #9578  
:15 p.m., KC-97 pilots Capt. G. E. Brown, 1st Lt. L. B. Gordon, and 1st Lt. 3/5/1954 #9598  
 It also had a conical protrusion, brown in color, on the top. As the objec 5/5/1954 #9755  
ity of Melbourne 6:23 p.m. Janette Brown, 16, is standing on Princes Highwa 6/5/1954 #9866  
   East Dandenong, Australia Janet Brown, 16, and a 13-year-old friend hear 6/9/1954 #9881  
                             Janet Brown, age 16, and a 13-year-old friend  6/9/1954 #9883  
tic effects). Lands / woods. Large brown colored circle / ground. / r79p2+A 6/21/1954 #9912  
ft the ground. They found a large, brown, circular spot in the pasture wher 6/21/1954 #9917  
round the area. They find a large, brown, circular spot in the pasture wher 6/21/1954 #9920  
d in the area. They found a large, brown, circular spot in the pasture wher 6/21/1954 #9923  
ttention was the man’s long, light brown hair. His eyes were light blue and 8/20/1954 #10158  
of the object was yellow, the rest brown. From the fore part, two appendage 10/1/1954 #10556  
of the object was yellow, the rest brown. From the fore part, two appendage 10/1/1954 #10572  
iterally "sucked up" into the sky. Brown oily spots were found at the site. 10/9/1954 #10850  
ut 20 feet in diameter and orange. Brown, oily residue is found at the site 10/9/1954 #10855  
iterally "sucked up" into the sky. Brown oily spots were found at the landi 10/9/1954 #10868  
hen saw in a field near the road a brown object about 10 m long, 2.5 m high 10/16/1954 #11143  
hen saw in a field near the road a brown object about 10 m long, 2. 5 m hig 10/16/1954 #11149  
urry small humanoid (or Grey) with brown skullcap. No UFO seen.             10/22/1954 #11315  
cursionists, but he soon noticed a brown craft shaped like a large shell be 10/24/1954 #11368  
ts Lt. Col. O.C. Cook and Lt. J.W. Brown, on ground using 7x50 binoculars.  10/28/1954 #11463  
n Japan, Olen C. Cook and James W. Brown, both military pilots, viewed a ro 10/28/1954 #11466  
d UFO. Then one of them took out a brown wrapped circular object, carrying  11/1/1954 #11520  
ds less than 5 feet tall with dark brown skin and dressed in a light gray c 11/2/1954 #11537  
than five feet tall. They had dark brown skin, short black hair, and were d 11/2/1954 #11539  
om a window, 3 feet tall with dark brown skin. They are dressed in white cl 11/4/1954 #11564  
 skin, and slanted eyes. They wore brown coveralls ending with shoes withou 12/9/1954 #11784  
d long blond hair. They wore light brown coveralls fastened to shoes withou 12/9/1954 #11789  
Messrs. Coisin and Mahieu saw five brown, disk-shaped machines coming down  8/5/1955 #12330  
Messrs. Coisin and Mahieu saw five brown, disc-shaped craft come down from  8/5/1955 #12332  
Messrs. Coisin and Mahieu saw five brown, disc-shaped machines coming down  8/5/1955 #12334  
FERNALD, OH 2 separate cops. Light brown sphere/orb/globe hovers over atomi 8/25/1955 #12403  
observer / (seen thru) binoculars. Brown nearly square object circles / 10- 9/9/1955 #12440  
                   Rock Garden, TN Brown, almost square object fly with a c 9/9/1955 #12442  
.N. Dawkins, using binoculars. One brown, almost square object flew with a  9/9/1955 #12443  
wkins, using binoculars, spotted a brown, almost square object near Alcoa,  9/9/1955 #12445  
the performance of Thomas Townsend Brown’s gravitators through attempts to  11/30/1955 #12594  
e after 1974. Follow-up studies on Brown’s work and other claims are conduc 11/30/1955 #12594  
n be observed in a vacuum and that Brown’s and other ion-lifter devices pro 11/30/1955 #12594  
   RIVERSIDE, CA Navy pilot. Plain brown cylinder/cigar-shape flies straigh 2/15/1956 #12715  
      Riverside, CA F9F Encounters Brown Cigar (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 2/15/1956 #12717  
                   At 12:40 p.m. a brown cigar-shaped object was seen flyin 2/15/1956 #12718  
 on the designs of Thomas Townsend Brown.  It states Glenn Martin Co. (see  2/25/1956 #12739  
e force fields back to T. Townsend Brown, later the founder of NICAP.       4/1956 #12777  
ked to the work of Thomas Townsend Brown, who earlier that year proposed a  4/1956 #12778  
 rumor coming out four years after Brown’s proposal of Project Winterhaven  4/1956 #12778  
ged experiment back to T. Townsend Brown, the founder of NICAP, but it is a 4/1956 #12779  
 investigate UFOs, and T. Townsend Brown offers to draft a preliminary prop 7/20/1956 #12995  
ity, California 5:30 a.m. Mrs. Ray Brown sees an egg-shaped object giving o 7/22/1956 #13006  
wo pieces. At the same time a Mrs. Brown, driving near Highway City between 7/22/1956 #13008  
      Washington, D.C. T. Townsend Brown files incorporation papers for a n 8/29/1956 #13151  
 of governors includes T. Townsend Brown (founder), Frank Edwards, Leon C.  10/19/1956 #13286  
ts first news release. T. Townsend Brown emphasizes the group’s “growing me 11/4/1956 #13305  
                       T. Townsend Brown has proven so financially inept th 1/14/1957 #13455  
ball hovers and vanishes 2X. Small brown colored disks maneuver.            1/21/1957 #13467  
eared twice. Meanwhile, some small brown discs were also seen maneuvering i 1/21/1957 #13469  
  CRAWFORD SPRING, OR 2 foresters. Brown hat-saucer going quickly northwest 7/10/1957 #13785  
      SOUTH / LINCOLNVILLE, IN 30m brown cloud nears car. Lands / field. Or 11/6/1957 #14388  
instant taxidermy.” Oak trees turn brown, yet crabgrass is seemingly unaffe 6/1959 #15754  
 all. Clear Coca-Cola bottles turn brown, hydraulic fluid coagulates into c 6/1959 #15754  
            Edmonton, Alberta, CAN Brown, cigar-shaped object come from bel 6/18/1959 #15776  
Blessin, using 7x binoculars.  One brown, cigar-shaped object came from bel 6/18/1959 #15777  
and Crawfordville, Georgia, watch “brown or black footballs” traveling sout 10/12/1959 #16030  
D.C., Cal Tech geochemist Harrison Brown suggests that boneless animals sim 12/1/1959 #16109  
hru) binoculars. Silent orange and brown colored object soars over valley.  11/17/1960 #16506  
l. R.L. Blwlin (sp?) and Maj. F.B. Brown, flying a T-33 jet trainer. One wh 11/29/1960 #16520  
Hurley, Wisconsin, when they see a brown cigar-shaped object spouting fire  10/15/1961 #16913  
, ENGL Airline(s)/airliner pilots. Brown colored sphere/orb/globe with ante 5/21/1962 #17183  
and at 17,000 feet when they see a brown globe-shaped object approaching he 5/21/1962 #17187  
ng wearing blue-green coveralls, a brown balaclava, and an open brown jacke 2/3/1964 #18125  
ls, a brown balaclava, and an open brown jacket appears. He wears elbow-len 2/3/1964 #18125  
e a helmet, green coveralls, and a brown jacket. She sank back into her bed 2/3/1964 #18126  
UTHWEST / BAKER, CA 3 observer(s). Brown colored saucer hovers and lands. L 4/30/1964 #18224  
husband, and her mother observed a brown, dome-shaped object on a hilltop a 4/30/1964 #18228  
husband, and her mother observed a brown, dome-shaped object on a hilltop a 4/30/1964 #18233  
h an opening two humanoids wearing brown suits and with dark round eyes wer 6/3/1965 #18989  
                   SAO JOAO, BRZ 2 brown 75cm small humanoids (or Greys) /  9/10/1965 #19545  
 15 feet. The entities had reddish brown, wax-like complexions and wore tig 9/10/1965 #19551  
, large heads, slanted eyes, and a brown wrinkled complexion. They wore shi 10/26/1965 #19682  
ls, the other had a gray shirt and brown trousers. By what seemed an optica 11/13/1965 #19718  
 the other had on a gray shirt and brown trousers. By what seemed an optica 11/13/1965 #19720  
the entity was wearing a one-piece brown coverall. The object was less than 12/11/1965 #19765  
an sighted a huge bow-shaped, dark brown UFO, its length ten times the appa 1/1/1966 #19801  
 over a swamp. It was described as brown, with a "scaly" surface, coneshape 3/20/1966 #20008  
lls, New Hampshire a witness saw a brown, box-shaped object with silvery tr 3/29/1966 #20142  
              Melbourne (near), AU Brown photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Ca 4/2/1966 #20207  
f UFOs. Air Force Secretary Harold Brown testifies that while USAF has done 4/5/1966 #20249  
sses some enthusiasm for the idea, Brown suddenly realizes that maybe he ha 4/5/1966 #20249  
ations. Shortly after the hearing, Brown tells the USAF Office of Scientifi 4/5/1966 #20249  
 Carl Sagan, Donald Menzel, Harold Brown, Lawrence Tacker, Donald Keyhoe, a 5/10/1966 #20474  
 Secretary of the Air Force Harold Brown to create a program to put UFO rep 9/22/1966 #20916  
 saw something that looked like "a brown human being" that flew from some n 11/12/1966 #21096  
s leg and was covered with a large brown spot. The Christiansen's noted tha 1/9/1967 #21278  
                                   Brown County, IN 5:30 a.m. EST. A woman  2/1967 #21427  
ject made a loud whistling sound. (Brown Co. Democrat, Nashville, Ind., 2/9 2/1967 #21427  
 Secretary of the Air Force Harold Brown has established the policy that al 2/23/1967 #21635  
away. The UFO varied in color from brown to red to orange to white.         3/4/1967 #21754  
Jersey Witness: truck driver Damon Brown. One oyster-shaped object--2OO' wi 6/29/1967 #22572  
 feet tall, who wore tight fitting brown uniforms. A circular depression 12 8/15/1967 #22883  
ocky or bumpy" skin of a chocolate brown color. They stood motionless, peer 10/24/1967 #23309  
 two hideous-looking entities with brown crocodile skin, slits for mouths,  11/17/1967 #23477  
method is the same Thomas Townsend Brown proposed in the 1950s (see 1952),  1968 #23633  
ficer, I briefed General George S. Brown, at 7th Air Force Headquarters in  Summer 1968 #24063  
m about UFOs near the DMZ. General Brown states in a Department of Defense  Summer 1968 #24063  
 FLORIDA, BA, ARG 200+observer(s). Brown colored 7M saucers maneuvers. Loud 7/27/1968 #24237  
ound eyes, a flat nose, and a dark brown skin that was "wrinkled, scabby, a 7/28/1968 #24245  
are hovering above 7,200-foot high Brown’s Peak. They remain for several ho 8/26/1968 #24379  
 in black trousers and a black and brown shirt appear near the object; ther 8/31/1968 #24409  
 It was described as being an ugly brown metallic object resembling a harmo 9/8/1968 #24442  
blue knee-length robes, hoods, and brown sandals with cross garters to the  10/2/1968 #24538  
iny round objects spin across sky. Brown edges. / r114p46.                  11/7/1968 #24638  
t tall. Its front side was grayish brown, and the rest of the body was a da 11/9/1968 #24648  
                            Nathan Brown, a 46-year-old Maori, was walking  2/22/1969 #24939  
about 5.5 feet in height, had dark brown skin and closely cropped hair, and 2/22/1969 #24939  
and closely cropped hair, and wore brown pants and jackets. He questioned t 2/22/1969 #24939  
ze that had no visible source. Mr. Brown found some marks on the ground at  2/22/1969 #24939  
y. It was green in color with pale brown spots, and had “legs” underneath.  3/19/1969 #25031  
lt black man and another has light brown skin. Two others, more slightly bu 5/4/1969 #25114  
 apart, eyebrows “like scars,” and brown hair cut short. He was wearing a c 8/11/1969 #25317  
ood, Chan Thomas, Paul Wilson, Joe Brown and Stanton Friedman are all names 4/5/1970 #25625  
ay / mountains. 2 odd circles with brown colored musty gunk found.          12/28/1970 #25954  
Three days later similar chocolate brown rectangular marks appeared on his  3/5/1971 #26044  
clouds of vapor that had a reddish brown tinge. The craft then flew in betw 8/16/1971 #26291  
 exoskeleton. Its color was tan to brown with a bluish gray tinge. The huma 8/16/1971 #26291  
walks outside and collects a small brown moth, capturing it alive, and seal 8/1972 #26862  
the box, he sees “something small, brown, and irregular, sort of like a lea 8/1972 #26862  
l, Manitoba 6:30 p.m. Capt. Daryle Brown and two copilots are flying a Ward 10/23/1972 #27087  
 of multicolored pulsating lights. Brown notifies the 15 passengers aboard  10/23/1972 #27087  
rectly in front of the jet. Before Brown can take evasive action, it moves  10/23/1972 #27087  
esses, including 40-year-old Daryl Brown. The encounter lasted three minute 10/23/1972 #27089  
k. Flying chandelier! 10' circle / brown dust / lawn. / r231'74#1p16.       2/9/1973 #27274  
ad triangular markings for eyes, a brown square of a nose and motionless ye 5/15/1973 #27492  
eveal round, white ears and sparse brown hair. Before eating a berry, he pe 5/15/1973 #27492  
only two feet tall. They had light brown skin and black hair, but he couldn 5/22/1973 #27520  
s, big eyes, protruding lips, dark brown skin, small ears, long flat noses, 5/27/1973 #27533  
                               Ms. Brown, age 52, saw a silvery metallic sp 9/5/1973 #27767  
a hooked nose. It was dressed in a brown shirt and black pants and had a sm 9/20/1973 #27850  
rt and black pants and had a small brown cap on its head. It walked with a  9/20/1973 #27850  
orth Carolina. It was dressed in a brown shirt, black pants, and wore a sma 9/26/1973 #27873  
irt, black pants, and wore a small brown cap and some kind of medallion on  9/26/1973 #27873  
ef of Staff Gen. George Scratchley Brown states that sightings of what were 10/16/1973 #28084  
hway 29 Danielsville, Georgia Paul Brown is driving on US Highway 29 near D 10/17/1973 #28132  
ngs with red faces and white hair. Brown grabs a pistol and steps halfway o 10/17/1973 #28132  
ish faces and white hair. When Mr. Brown stepped halfway out of his car wit 10/17/1973 #28139  
h took off with a whooshing sound. Brown fired several shots at it with no  10/17/1973 #28139  
n he encountered a four-foot tall, brown, or green creature with long, fuzz 10/26/1973 #28297  
oots and gloves, while others wore brown outfits. The witness was given inf 11/3/1973 #28362  
atrolmen Gary Steinberg and Thomas Brown are sitting in an unmarked patrol  11/6/1973 #28375  
et closer in the patrol car, while Brown stays behind and directs him by ra 11/6/1973 #28375  
e-foot-tall dwarf dressed in light brown coveralls got into a cab and told  11/11/1973 #28410  
e color of the seat. Each has long brown hair that reaches the floor. The o 1/8/1974 #28666  
 colored robes. Each had very long brown hair that reached almost to the fl 1/8/1974 #28667  
in Paris for analysis. The wilted, brown ferns are found to be without chlo 5/20/1974 #29119  
d eyes, no nose, and was wearing a brown jacket, black trousers, and what l 11/8/1974 #29589  
rrow ears that stuck straight out, brown furry arms, and a hairy torso. The 12/2/1974 #29631  
oked like a gun. His skin was dark brown and he had large pointed ears, but 2/23/1975 #29839  
appearing arms. Its body was like "brown vinyl." (Source: David F. Webb & T 8/26/1975 #30309  
echanical arms. Its body was like "brown vinyl." No communication with the  8/26/1975 #30312  
 At 3:30 a.m. two men, Philips and Brown, had a close encounter with a dome 9/30/1975 #30400  
xion, and elderly looking. He wore brown coveralls with no shirt. Speaking  11/3/1975 #30547  
 August 26th: about six feet tall, brown vinyl like bodies with metallic lo 12/2/1975 #30681  
change colors from red to green to brown to yellow. The UFO moved erratical 12/5/1975 #30687  
change colors from red to green to brown to yellow. The UFO moved erratical 12/5/1975 #30688  
ressed in a brightly shining, dark brown outfit, and wore a silver disc on  7/15/1976 #31165  
ly after 9:00 p.m. two very large, brown cigar or "sausage" shaped UFOs wer 7/30/1976 #31204  
with feelings of terror. They wore brown khaki uniforms, like a police offi 8/6/1976 #31241  
        ALSAGER, CHESHIRE 1 / car. Brown colored dome with rectangular wind 12/14/1976 #31601  
imed he spoke to Defense Secretary Brown himself. His story was met with li 1/27/1977 #31761  
ved four strange beings dressed in brown. They seemed to be just staring bl 2/27/1977 #31853  
 four to five feet tall. They wore brown one-piece suits with boots. Two we 4/4/1977 #31943  
SWD Earsplitting 40 hz vibrations. Brown colored saucer seen / Oxelosund.   4/12/1977 #31971  
                    OXELOSUND, SWD Brown colored 4M saucer 100M over water  4/12/1977 #31972  
n-like figure emerged. It had long brown hair and was wearing a blue top an 4/12/1977 #31974  
 heard a shrill whistling sound. A brown, four-meter diameter disc hovered  4/12/1977 #31975  
n-like figure emerged. It had long brown hair and was wearing a blue top an 4/12/1977 #31977  
 at Dowagiac, Michigan. Suddenly a brown, cigar-shaped object, distinctly o 5/26/1977 #32135  
 North East, Pennsylvania, spots a brown, cigar-shaped object moving toward 10/29/1977 #32629  
sent to Col. Landon and Brig. Gen. Brown (AFOSI). The reporting officer was 1/18/1978 #32890  
uted to Col. Landon and Brig. Gen. Brown at AFOSI. It states a UAP sighting 1/18/1978 #32895  
s he heard that the being was gray/brown with a fat head, long arms and sle 1/18/1978 #32895  
                            A dark brown hat-shaped object was seen hoverin 1/23/1978 #32908  
ased” down the middle and has on a brown cape over the yellow suit. As the  1/31/1978 #32928  
e parking lot. She has medium long brown hair and wears a dark suit with bl 1/31/1978 #32928  
ased" down the middle and had on a brown cape over the yellow suit. As the  1/31/1978 #32930  
e parking lot. She had medium long brown hair and wore a dark suit with blu 1/31/1978 #32930  
/ car. 2 silver orbs. 1 turns into brown saucer and silver sphere again.    2/18/1978 #32975  
         EAST / COLUMBUS, IN Small brown ovoid stays 16km ahead / corporate 2/23/1978 #32992  
burned, and the grass around it is brown and withered.                      5/6/1978 #33190  
 day, another group had reported a brown, cigar- shaped object over nearby  8/5/1978 #33475  
 encountered a 30-meter long, dark brown cigar-shaped object, half a meter  8/5/1978 #33477  
 above the elbow. Their faces were brown and their complexion seemed pockma 9/10/1978 #33657  
en field and spotted a large light brown object shaped like a shoeshine box 10/25/1978 #33872  
en field and spotted a large light brown object shaped like a shoeshine box 10/25/1978 #33875  
in appearance except that they had brown skin, kinky hair, dark eyes, and t 6/18/1979 #34618  
ike with black almond-shaped eyes, brown skin, a large head, red kinky hair 6/18/1979 #34618  
foot-by-45 foot triangular area of brown and dried vegetation in the hayfie 10/20/1979 #34962  
-set. The tall thin creatures wore brown one-piece brown outfits, and had g 3/3/1980 #35194  
hin creatures wore brown one-piece brown outfits, and had grayish skin with 3/3/1980 #35194  
     BEIJING, CH Many observer(s). Brown colored-yellow object = saucer / b 9/23/1980 #35530  
 were human like, wore helmets and brown uniforms. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 3/1981 #35855  
t. Inside the cosmonauts saw three brown skin beings with slanted bright bl 5/14/1981 #35936  
o six foot tall being with a large brown head and orange eyes. They all suf 7/23/1982 #36546  
o six foot tall being with a large brown head and orange eyes. They all suf 7/23/1982 #36547  
ORIA, TX Several observer(s). Dark brown colored ovoid going south slow. 5k 11/12/1982 #36679  
is Lincoln Avenue Busse Woods (Ned Brown Forest Preserve) 5:00 a.m. A lumin 11/27/1982 #36697  
mingly landing in Busse Woods (Ned Brown Forest Preserve). The entire episo 11/27/1982 #36697  
ction of their backyard has turned brown, a circular area about 8 feet in d Early 7/1983 #36900  
 object is about 6 feet long, dark brown or black, and is coming from the I 8/15/1985 #37643  
ND HILL, ON 1 observer. Silent 20' brown delta/triangle/box-like craft goin 12/26/1987 #38374  
otices a large, perfectly circular brown spot, 13 feet in diameter, in thei 1/1988 #38385  
 light beam one month earlier. The brown area slowly fills in with Bermuda  1/1988 #38385  
termined it could not recreate the Brown effect.  https://apps.dtic.mil/dti 4/1988 #38526  
Edwards AFB could not recreate the Brown effect based on the work of Thomas 4/1988 #38526  
sed on the work of Thomas Townsend Brown, the very effect Mark McCandlish t 4/1988 #38526  
 and California Congressman George Brown Jr. was there to see the F-117A de 11/12/1988 #38714  
l, with its body covered with dark brown hair, and it had shoulder length h 8/10/1989 #39051  
ut shaped, helmeted head, and wore brown colored clothing. The man ran from 8/10/1989 #39055  
ed like oil. The bodies were light brown, and the researchers came to the c 1990 #39358  
hem. The being who was smaller and brown in color performed the surgery. Fo 11/9/1991 #40224  
 Montana 4:30 a.m. S/Sgt Joseph M. Brown is posted to a security team at th 3/1992 #40343  
. Just after arriving at the site, Brown sees a bright white light moving e 3/1992 #40343  
Joni Dourif, Dane Spotts, Courtney Brown and Aaron Donahue.  https://web.ar 3/9/1992 #40368  
-shaped eyes. These creatures wore brown, loose-fitting outfits. The two sh 3/11/1992 #40372  
ped from exploring Thomas Townsend Brown’s suppressed work.  Riconosciuto c 5/13/1992 #40463  
omewhat pallid. The hair was light brown in color and its eyes were "carame 9/24/1992 #40639  
vy set man, described as wearing a brown monk's outfit, with sandals and wa 9/24/1992 #40639  
 came into the room. She had short brown hair and wore a red and gold blous 10/8/1992 #40667  
h piercing deep blue eyes, reddish brown hair, and heads circled by a broad 4/17/1993 #40940  
on, a heart shaped mouth, and long brown wavy hair. Her eyes were of a "pen 4/23/1993 #40948  
thing. A female "alien" with short brown hair, wearing a red-gold black tri 8/10/1993 #41123  
with very strong beam. Grass turns brown. / r226#20+23.                     3/6/1994 #41442  
t hit the ground reportedly turned brown afterwards.                        3/6/1994 #41444  
were about five feet tall, grayish brown in color, and with long, stout fea 9/11/1994 #41734  
her bed. It had a large head and a brown skinned face. The startled woman t 9/20/1994 #41766  
l bipedal entity with red eyes and brown skin. Fish peddler João Bosco Mano 1/20/1996 #42693  
eing inside it. One of its feet is brown, and the firefighters are trying t 1/20/1996 #42693  
ight of a short creature with oily brown skin, crouched in a nearby alleywa 1/20/1996 #42697  
was only about 80 cm tall, and had brown skin, bulging red eyes, bulging ve 1/20/1996 #42697  
id creature with bulging red eyes, brown skin, and a large head with three  4/21/1996 #42877  
 also seen and described as having brown skin and oriental shaped eyes. The 9/23/1996 #43039  
e contained a very tall being with brown skin and narrow eyes. Another larg 9/23/1996 #43039  
eparate observer(s) / 2 days. Long brown cylinder/cylindrical object. Ends  6/26/1997 #43340  
 voltage based on the work of T.T. Brown/Bielfeld and Bahnson, Naudin, Hart 1/1998 #43483  
eature covered in a sort of ginger brown hair that seemed to be drinking fr 1/25/1998 #43505  
n. She described the clothing as a brown tight-fitting coverall, with belts 4/27/1998 #43559  
feet behind them there was a thick brown fog made up of different bright co 10/24/1998 #43669  
se of a wolf. Their skin was light brown in color and their hands had six d 8/14/1999 #43822  
     EAST / MYAKKA ST. PK, FL 130M brown colored blimp nears truck. 40cm li 9/7/1999 #43843  
for about one minute. It carried a brown staff that was about five feet lon 8/3/2000 #44027  
e damaged. Four beings, with light brown skin and large oval-shaped eyes, c 11/28/2000 #44085  
ystems in terms of Thomas Townsend Brown’s gravitators and provides a line  5/9/2001 #44182  
had a propulsion system resembling Brown’s gravitators. Corso’s book also f 5/9/2001 #44182  
 early concepts by Thomas Townsend Brown using electrogravitics.  McCandlis 5/9/2001 #44183  
mode/1up     Note: Thomas Townsend Brown served on the initial board of gov 5/9/2001 #44183  
s the UAP he saw were based off of Brown’s research, more recent studies by 5/9/2001 #44183  
a to ionic drift. NASA has studied Brown’s claims and found no anti graviti 5/9/2001 #44183  
 tall humanoid beings covered with brown hair. They seemed to be holding or 7/1/2001 #44200  
ght. The creature was described as brown in color, bigger than a condor, wi 8/2/2001 #44219  
                 At 3:00 p.m. four brown, connected spheres with several sp 6/1/2002 #44345  
only describe the figure as having brown legs, and as it ran it seemed to b 4/18/2003 #44515  
to be stick-like, and dark gray or brown in color. They did not move but st 5/2/2003 #44521  
5DA726 (white sedan), 4WEP4HEP852 (brown Honda), SE4JPL (white Toyota), 5BE 7/2003 #44560  
 had seen. One of the people was a brown haired girl, about 20 years old, w 9/3/2003 #44592  
lly lost sight of it. It was light brown in color along the sides of the wi 4/5/2004 #44684  
h a dark body color, possibly dark brown or black.                          4/5/2004 #44684  
that at 11:00 p.m. a dark to light brown "rounded boomerang" or crescent mo 3/14/2005 #44822  
he middle of the road when a huge, brown and tan object, somewhat oval shap 10/27/2007 #45080  
been naked, and was an odd looking brown color. Afterwards, they drove home 10/27/2007 #45080  
d claims he briefed Gen. George S. Brown and that some “enemy helicopters”  6/22/2014 #45411  
tion of the deaths of Davidson and Brown and ultimately concluded that Dahl 4/18/2017 #45468  
rivate trust and two partners from Brown Brothers Harriman became the trust 10/2021 #45713  
Jay McCloy, all senior partners at Brown Brothers Harriman. Sheehan states  10/2021 #45713  
p, funded by the covert money from Brown Brothers Harriman, took custody of 10/2021 #45713  
## Word: "brown's" (Back to Top)
                 Gleeson, Colorado Brown's Peak 7:50 p.m. Pearl Christianse 8/26/1968 #24379  
C.S, Rt 29, 300 feet ahead of Paul Brown's car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 10/17/1973 #28124  
orgia about 300 feet ahead of Paul Brown's car, forcing him to make an imme 10/17/1973 #28139  
## Word: "brown--were" (Back to Top)
lver and the other orange or light brown--were seen three times performing  5/28/1952 #6375  
## Word: "brown-colored" (Back to Top)
r obtains a visual sighting of two brown-colored, football-shaped objects t 5/15/1964 #18270  
rnia. He pulls over when he sees a brown-colored domed disc the size of a d 3/18/1978 #33054  
## Word: "brown-green" (Back to Top)
e out playing. They turn and see a brown-green object under a tree near a c 7/1919 #990  
e like smaller slits. The skin was brown-green, compared to pegamoid, hands Fall 1938 #1295  
lmet on its head. It was clad in a brown-green coverall suit and crossed th 2/2/1971 #26011  
## Word: "brown-red" (Back to Top)
aped object; its color varied from brown-red to dull orange to bright white 3/4/1967 #21751  
## Word: "brown-skinned" (Back to Top)
. Inside, the cosmonauts see three brown-skinned beings with slanted bright 5/14/1981 #35937  
## Word: "browne" (Back to Top)
 uniforms with a lighter blue "Sam Browne" strap. They had bulky hands, pos 1/25/1967 #21389  
      Belfast, Northern Ireland E. Browne, walking in a wood, saw a disklik 7/17/1967 #22681  
                            Mr. E. Browne of Belfast, Northern Ireland was  7/17/1967 #22685  
thern Ireland at 10:45 p.m. Eugene Browne was walking home from a jazz club 10/6/1967 #23187  
 disc in front and a diagonal "Sam Browne" strap from belt to shoulder, wit 1/7/1974 #28661  
g, South Australia 9:50 p.m. Daryl Browne, a ranch hand at the Glenalta hor 2/7/1980 #35161  
ght. The trunk shows large gouges. Browne calls the police, but the object  2/7/1980 #35161  
 the time they arrive. For 2 days, Browne’s dogs refuse to go near the tree 2/7/1980 #35161  
ecretary of State for Defence, Des Browne, approves a proposal from the Dir 9/2006 #44957  
## Word: "browned" (Back to Top)
 some “skid marks”, and a strip of browned vegetation were found at the lan 9/11/1952 #7896  
## Word: "brownell" (Back to Top)
          Attorney General Herbert Brownell Jr. FBI officials recommend tha 5/20/1954 #9820  
mend that Attorney General Herbert Brownell Jr. authorize FBI break-ins to  5/20/1954 #9820  
 prior approval, as with wiretaps. Brownell concurs, but concludes that he  5/20/1954 #9820  
## Word: "brownfield" (Back to Top)
                                   Brownfield, Texas Lubbock Evening. Josep 8/25/1951 #5624  
s wife, at 407 West Powell Street, Brownfield, Texas, see a loose group of  8/25/1951 #5624  
                         Reese AFB Brownfield, Texas Ruppelt and an officer 11/8/1951 #5772  
nd an officer from Reese AFB visit Brownfield, Texas, to investigate UFO si 11/8/1951 #5772  
, Reinhold Krantz (math), and John Brownfield (art). They conclude that the 2/4/1968 #23734  
## Word: "brownie" (Back to Top)
 Adamski McGinnis and Bailey Kodak Brownie 1:57 p.m. Adamski stays behind t 11/20/1952 #8308  
tos of the Scout ship with a Kodak Brownie before it disappears behind a hi 11/20/1952 #8308  
C radar site 10:17 p.m. George and Brownie Petyak see a bright yellow star- 7/30/1967 #22754  
## Word: "browning" (Back to Top)
enter, Kansas 1:45 p.m. Maj. A. B. Browning and the crew of a B-25 flying o 7/6/1947 #2808  
many Russia Argentina Maj. Earl S. Browning Jr., in a memo to the European  3/12/1948 #3588  
llion viewers. Both Gen. Frederick Browning and RAF Commander Peter Horsley 4/18/1959 #15707  
sy, Tasmania 6:10 p.m. Rev. Lionel Browning and his wife are looking at a r 10/4/1960 #16477  
 array that projects from the top. Browning estimates it to be 100 feet lon 10/4/1960 #16477  
                 Reverend and Mrs. Browning in Cressy, Tasmania observed a  10/4/1960 #16478  
ing indications in frozen ground. (Browning) (Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 1/24/1968 #23694  
## Word: "brownish" (Back to Top)
       Marion, Indiana 3:00 p.m. A brownish cigar-shaped object with wings  4/14/1897 #465  
eads are covered in tight-fitting, brownish caps. He looks at them in aston 8/14/1947 #3330  
 build, normal height, their faces brownish, wearing no helmets. One was in 3/1954 #9577  
 and Capt. Jesse M. Strong see two brownish, disc-shaped objects maneuverin 1/21/1957 #13468  
a a national guardsman saw a large brownish man-shaped figure on the limb o 11/1/1966 #21063  
int Pleasant, West Virginia--saw a brownish silver humanoid flying creature 12/7/1966 #21191  
ppeared in front of him. He wore a brownish gray, tight-fitting coverall, w 5/16/1973 #27496  
.m. when she saw a seven foot tall brownish being with long stringy arms an 1/17/1995 #41981  
hey see another object engulfed in brownish gas and emitting powerful flood 6/6/1997 #43315  
## Word: "brownish-" (Back to Top)
 side length of 30 feet and a dull brownish- green. At one point it turns u 5/16/1980 #35336  
## Word: "brownish-black" (Back to Top)
"tripod legs and matchstick arms," brownish-black in color, having no eyes  10/23/1965 #19677  
 object rise out of a lake. It was brownish-black and 15' long.             4/12/1989 #38903  
; a thick metallic foil, a brittle brownish-black plastic like material lik 3/6/1991 #40002  
ed erect. The feet were small with brownish-black areas on the side. When i 1/22/2003 #44477  
## Word: "brownish-golden" (Back to Top)
:20 p.m. at Itazuke AFB in Japan a brownish-golden colored UFO was sighted  12/17/1956 #13410  
## Word: "brownish-orange" (Back to Top)
d diamond-shaped object that had a brownish-orange glow centered beneath it 12/13/1961 #16993  
own in Menard County. It had three brownish-orange circles with a dark cent 11/28/2009 #45257  
## Word: "brownlow" (Back to Top)
ol. William Price Drury and Lt. C. Brownlow, on Dartmoor, Devon, England, w 9/4/1915 #936  
## Word: "brownout" (Back to Top)
-shape 45M over power lines. Power brownout. Vibration felt.                3/13/1966 #19955  
ower station/depot/facility. Power brownout. Away fast. Photographs.        10/26/1973 #28293  
lice station/depot/facility. Power brownout..                               10/19/1978 #33844  
te beam going down / garden. Power brownout. No source visible.             1/15/1979 #34344  
bjects going up / reservoir. Power brownout. 1.5M saucer. Missing time and  2/18/1979 #34432  
## Word: "brownouts" (Back to Top)
 NORTH / LITTLEBOROUGH, ENGL Cops. Brownouts. 2 saucers over pylons / reser 7/11/1980 #35410  
## Word: "browns" (Back to Top)
hiny metallic 'parachute' hovers / BROWNs bay. No cords or rider.           7/31/1960 #16351  
. These "images" came in grays and browns, and she tried to counter them by 8/4/1973 #27683  
north slowly, in single file, over Browns Plains, Queensland shortly after  7/12/2002 #44359  
## Word: "brownstown" (Back to Top)
                                   Brownstown, IL 2:30 p.m. 15-year old Dav 1/5/1975 #29722  
David Mahon was in his backyard in Brownstown, Illinois photographing his d 1/5/1975 #29724  
iefly witnessed the flying disc in Brownstown.                              1/5/1975 #29724  
## Word: "brownsville" (Back to Top)
                                   Brownsville, IN 2:00 a.m. Main features  9/1973 #27739  
                              NEAR BROWNSVILLE, TX Red silent saucer paces  11/14/1973 #28419  
rpus Christi, Texas Gulf of Mexico Brownsville El Llano, Coyame, Chihuahua, 8/25/1974 #29386  
over land, and seems headed toward Brownsville. As the disc continues to hu 8/25/1974 #29386  
rn Mexico, about 40 miles south of Brownsville. Its speed is down to 2,000  8/25/1974 #29386  
## Word: "browntown" (Back to Top)
ing on Highway 11 one mile west of Browntown, Wisconsin when a UFO came dir 4/20/1969 #25076  
## Word: "brownwood" (Back to Top)
                                   BROWNWOOD, TX 30cm fireball 10M over hou 7/17/1949 #4270  
## Word: "brows" (Back to Top)
r heads were intact, they had high brows, long blond hair, and eyes that lo 1959 #15516  
## Word: "broxa" (Back to Top)
l Silpho, North Yorkshire, England Broxa Forest Scarborough London's Scienc 11/21/1957 #14590  
all to the ground on a ridge above Broxa Forest. Dickenson leaves the car w 11/21/1957 #14590  
## Word: "broxburn" (Back to Top)
                                   BROXBURN, SCOTLAND Series / cases. Car e 8/12/1973 #27696  
                        Several in Broxburn, Lothian, Scotland watched as a 8/12/1973 #27697  
## Word: "broyle" (Back to Top)
land, Newfoundland Lance Cove Cape Broyle Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 4/2/1978 #33119  
oom is heard 34 miles away in Cape Broyle. The incident is investigated by  4/2/1978 #33119  
## Word: "broyles" (Back to Top)
Cheyenne, Wyoming USAF Capt. J. E. Broyles sees an aluminum-like oval objec Late 12/1950 #5363  
## Word: "bru" (Back to Top)
                                   BRU / GARDONNE, FR Red saucer / field. O 12/29/1954 #11873  
                                   Bru, France Near Gardonne, Mr. Gamba saw 12/29/1954 #11875  
seen on the ground near a river in Bru, Gironde, France, 50 meters away fro 12/29/1954 #11876  
## Word: "bruay-en-artois" (Back to Top)
                                   BRUAY-EN-ARTOIS, FR 2M domed saucer near 8/26/1974 #29387  
## Word: "brubaker" (Back to Top)
diana, in a B-17, USAF Maj. Leo N. Brubaker observes and photographs a brig 5/24/1954 #9832  
n with a USAF T-11 mapping camera. Brubaker denies the object is a sundog.  5/24/1954 #9832  
moving on a different heading. Leo Brubaker, one of the crewmembers, took a 5/24/1954 #9833  
## Word: "bruce" (Back to Top)
nwood thinks they are meteors, but Bruce Maccabee is not so sure.           2/28/1904 #670  
rate. Capt. Nigel Tompkins and Lt. Bruce H. Thomas make emergency landings  7/5/1933 #1167  
r Somme, France 8:00 p.m. RAAF Lt. Bruce Clyde Lumsden is flying a Hawker H 12/1942 #1470  
s. Fire Control Officer P. Kendall Bruce describes it as a bright green glo 11/16/1944 #1697  
                                   Bruce Peninsula Lake Huron Georgian Bay, 11/29/1944 #1709  
nd his daughter Frances are on the Bruce Peninsula between Lake Huron and G 11/29/1944 #1709  
on, Philippines, Lieut. JG Kendall Bruce, fire control officer on the ship, 11/30/1944? #1711  
rage, Alaska 11:00 a.m. USAAF Col. Bruce H. Perry and Maj. William E. Geyse 7/11/1947 #3138  
 paper by U.S. Navy Physicist, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, he stated: “...the Air F Mid 7/1947 #3181  
       Circleville, Ohio farmer C. Bruce Stevenson's farm 2:00 a.m. Glancin 2/1948 #3570  
etting a drink of water, farmer C. Bruce Stevenson notices a bight orange-a 2/1948 #3570  
lifornia Travis AFB 8:15 p.m. Sgt. Bruce Earlin McFarland, control tower op 12/3/1948 #3904  
                                   Bruce Bliven summarizes flying saucer ne 7/18/1950 #5070  
ons Deputy Elmer Sandling and Sgt. Bruce Young and the three watch the obje 1/1/1959 #15527  
:30 p.m. Ronnie Austin and Phyllis Bruce are driving east on State Highway  8/4/1963 #17863  
         Ronnie Austin and Phyllis Bruce, age 18, were driving to Phyllis B 8/4/1963 #17864  
               A 16-year-old named Bruce Pollock took three photographs of  5/8/1966 #20465  
ng. (Humcat 1971-17; John Carlson, Bruce Maccabee for NICAP) (NICAP: 07 - E 5/15/1971 #26110  
a.m. Missile Combat Crew Commander Bruce Fenstermacher is on alert duty at  Autumn 1976 #31421  
                         Physicist Bruce Maccabee uses FOIA requests to obt Summer 1977 #32182  
equence Crockett captures on film. Bruce Maccabee spends 10 days in New Zea 12/31/1978 #34246  
                                   Bruce Highway Liverpool Creek bridge Cow 2/9/1979 #34416  
. Peter Hathaway is driving on the Bruce Highway north of the Liverpool Cre 2/9/1979 #34416  
uest by Barry Greenwood. Moore and Bruce Maccabee both interview Doty, who  8/8/1980 #35447  
 sightings. The proponents include Bruce Maccabee, J. Allen Hynek, and Alla 9/6/1980 #35500  
nel consisting of Richard H. Hall, Bruce S. Maccabee, and Don Berliner. The 2/7/1981 #35817  
s by J. Allen Hynek, Budd Hopkins, Bruce Maccabee, and Mark Rodeghier. Pres 9/25/1981 #36137  
hristmas Tree. (Complete report by Bruce Maccabee). (On Dec. 22, 1989 there 12/4/1981 #36246  
in New Mexico from 1980. Moore and Bruce Maccabee examine the documents and 2/1982 #36319  
t extends and contracts in flight. Bruce Maccabee analyzed the images.      8/13/1982 #36577  
er, with only brief appearances by Bruce Maccabee and Allan Hendry.         10/12/1982 #36640  
more, Maryland 7:28 p.m. Physicist Bruce Maccabee is standing near the Ligh 9/2/1984 #37454  
essed by many, including physicist Bruce Maccabee.                          9/2/1984 #37455  
cross the right side of the frame. Bruce Maccabee says the blob could be a  11/14/1984 #37504  
 expert Charlie Rosen and attorney Bruce Garrett, Gen. Johnny Johnson forme 11/10/1986 #38061  
                   Naval physicist Bruce Maccabee states he spoke about the 7/7/1987 #38206  
e some of the photos. Photoanalyst Bruce Maccabee continues to support Walt 11/11/1987 #38322  
small number of non-UFO documents. Bruce Maccabee thinks the Cutler-Twining 12/1987 #38341  
 a steep angle at very high speed. Bruce Maccabee’s photo analysis shows th 7/6/1989 #39013  
                                   BRUCE HIGHWAY NORTH / BRISBANE, QUEENSLA 5/8/1992 #40459  
he tree line by a woman driving on Bruce Highway along the Sunshine Coast t 5/8/1992 #40460  
3 which referred to the CIA asking Bruce Maccabee to produce a relevant bri 4/15/1993 #40934  
            SR 80 NEAR GARLAND, WV Bruce church. Blinding silent 30cm silve 12/12/1994 #41891  
be spider web or cottonwood fluff. Bruce Maccabee thinks it might be a genu 8/27/1995 #42422  
rd F. Haines, Jesse A. Marcel Jr., Bruce Maccabee, R. Leo Sprinkle, hypnoth 3/21/1997 #43236  
r having to conceal U-2 sightings. Bruce Maccabee points out that the great 8/3/1997 #43365  
. Col. Dwynne C. Arneson and Capt. Bruce Fenstermacher write affidavits tha 9/27/2010 #45299  
## Word: "bruce's" (Back to Top)
e, age 18, were driving to Phyllis Bruce's home in Wayne City, Illiniois wh 8/4/1963 #17864  
## Word: "bruceville" (Back to Top)
                                   BRUCEVILLE, IN 2 / car. Grey 9m x 2.5m o 1/10/1967 #21280  
                                   Bruceville, IN 8:30 p.m. EST. A woman an 1/10/1967 #21282  
y 25 feet above a car on a road in Bruceville, Indiana at 8:30 p.m. It had  1/10/1967 #21284  
## Word: "bruderovskiy-raspadok" (Back to Top)
                                   BRUDEROVSKIY-RASPADOK, RUSSIA Silent 400 9/24/1988 #38645  
 low altitude over the tundra near Bruderovskiy-Raspadok in the Asiatic reg 9/24/1988 #38646  
## Word: "brue-auriac" (Back to Top)
                                   BRUE-AURIAC, FR 1 observer. Several phot 12/19/1995 #42648  
## Word: "bruejouis" (Back to Top)
                                   BRUEJOUIS, FR 2 / car. Luminous yellow-w 9/14/1978 #33672  
## Word: "bruen" (Back to Top)
all of bluish-white light hovering Bruen Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 7/13/1952 #6795  
gton, D.C. 4:00 a.m. Capt. William Bruen, piloting National Airline Flight  7/13/1952 #6797  
akes off upwards at 1,000 mph when Bruen turns on all aircraft lights.      7/13/1952 #6797  
## Word: "brugeda" (Back to Top)
in Morning. Victoriano Maeso, Luis Brugeda, and Francisco Huertos are at La 12/3/1954 #11754  
## Word: "bruges" (Back to Top)
                                   BRUGES, BELGIUM Unusual meteor goes sout 7/1799 #97  
                                   Bruges, Belgium Jacques Bonabot, Jean-Gé 1965 #18685  
tude des Sciences d’Avant-Garde in Bruges, Belgium. It publishes Bulletin d 1965 #18685  
                  Antwerp, Belgium Bruges Jacques Bonabot founds the Studie 1979 #34255  
tude des Sciences d’Avant-Garde in Bruges. It publishes SVL Tijdschrift fro 1979 #34255  
ouple driving between Oostende and Bruges, Belgium saw a triangular object  7/3/1999 #43790  
## Word: "brugine" (Back to Top)
                                   BRUGINE, ITALY Several observer(s). Lens 9/15/1940 #1345  
## Word: "bruise" (Back to Top)
o be unharmed except for a strange bruise on his side. He did not remember  4/20/1969 #25075  
r of its skin was "bluish" like "a bruise." The teen reported the encounter 11/21/1974 #29601  
lit in the sole of his boot, and a bruise on his foot. EM effects were the  11/28/1980 #35680  
 a scab in her navel and a 2" x 6" bruise on her leg. During a later hypnos 6/18/1992 #40497  
## Word: "bruised" (Back to Top)
ht, and both men are scratched and bruised. A passing motorist takes them t 12/9/1954 #11788  
 both young men were scratched and bruised. When they told their story to t 12/10/1954 #11798  
 the ground by a relative, cut and bruised, seven feet away from the smashe 4/2/1971 #26065  
nto a plant. He runs to the house, bruised.                                 9/9/1976 #31362  
e fell into her swimming pool, and bruised her left ear, eye, and waist. Wh 12/4/1978 #34058  
e recovered she found her left eye bruised and violet rectangular marks beh 12/4/1978 #34058  
ions of an exam table. His back is bruised.                                 4/9/2000 #43980  
## Word: "bruises" (Back to Top)
ital with damage to his right eye, bruises, burns, deep muscle tissue damag 3/15/1965 #18859  
ter the witnesses are treated for “bruises and abrasions” at the Napier Hos 9/10/1968 #24449  
light hits man. 2h / missing time. Bruises. Hoax? / Flying Saucer Review (F 7/26/1975 #30206  
m, puncture wounds, scratches, and bruises. Poltergeist phenomena occur. Th 1988 #38383  
ext morning. Doctors could find no bruises nor abrasions on her arms, and s 10/8/1989 #39150  
brother was found unconscious with bruises on his forehead. No hypnotic reg 7/2/1990 #39634  
 sustaining some minor scrapes and bruises. Asked why she fell, she says sh 5/30/1997 #43302  
n the field, completely naked with bruises on his body.                     12/10/1997 #43457  
## Word: "bruising" (Back to Top)
iny dermis with spots of blood and bruising. On September 12, Boyd visits h 9/10/1981 #36108  
## Word: "brumac" (Back to Top)
-about-ufo-sightings.html   http://brumac.mysite.com/cia_explaination.html  8/3/1997 #43367  
## Word: "brumfield" (Back to Top)
ssissippi two witnesses, one named Brumfield, saw a round, shiny, metallic  10/10/1973 #27983  
## Word: "brummond" (Back to Top)
         REDMOND, WA Observer(s) = Brummond and Decker. 2 bright objects. V 8/13/1947 #3312  
## Word: "brun" (Back to Top)
nt, Puy-de-Dôme, France, witnesses Brun, Marfaron, Douti, and Marplat see a 10/5/1954 #10734  
## Word: "brundage" (Back to Top)
                     A woman named Brundage driving in Kent, Washington had 7/2/1965 #19055  
## Word: "bruneau" (Back to Top)
uminous gas. According to Jean-Luc Bruneau, inspector general at the Commis 8/16/1954 #10148  
riat à l’Energie Atomique Jean-Luc Bruneau, is approved. Bruneau recommends 1967 #21237  
que Jean-Luc Bruneau, is approved. Bruneau recommends that the study first  1967 #21237  
## Word: "brunei" (Back to Top)
                            SERIA, BRUNEI, BORNEO Hundreds / observer(s). B 2/25/1953 #8701  
 the night sky in the Sultanate of Brunei, northern Borneo. It remained for 2/25/1953 #8706  
## Word: "brunel" (Back to Top)
do going quickly [to] near locks / Brunel Ward. / Huntsv.Forester 29.11.73. 11/23/1973 #28460  
 through the sky near the locks at Brunel Ward, Huntsville, Ontario.        11/23/1973 #28462  
## Word: "brunelli" (Back to Top)
two college professors, Professors Brunelli and Porchietto, at 2:40 a.m. Th 8/16/1972 #26921  
## Word: "bruner" (Back to Top)
orter, TX 4:15 AM. Officer John W. Bruner, a deputy sheriff, was on duty an 7/21/1977 #32296  
to observe the phenomenon. Officer Bruner and his partner Officer Coogler w 7/21/1977 #32296  
 approximately 1/2 to 1 mile away. Bruner and Coogler got out of their vehi 7/21/1977 #32296  
t 4:15 a.m. Police Officer John W. Bruner, a deputy sheriff, was on duty In 7/21/1977 #32299  
person to observe the UFO. Officer Bruner and his partner Officer Coogler w 7/21/1977 #32299  
mately hald a mile to a mile away. Bruner and Coogler got out of their vehi 7/21/1977 #32299  
rapefruit at arm's length. Officer Bruner was convinced that the object he  7/21/1977 #32299  
## Word: "brunflo" (Back to Top)
                                   BRUNFLO, SWEDEN 5 observer(s) / 7 hours. 4/17/1986 #37824  
## Word: "bruni" (Back to Top)
, Italy A young man named Fabrizio Bruni heard a strange hissing sound and  10/27/1954 #11444  
, Italy a young man named Fabrizio Bruni heard a strange hissing sound and  10/27/1954 #11452  
e been made by an animal. Georgina Bruni, in her book You Can’t Tell the Pe 12/26/1980 #35737  
## Word: "bruno" (Back to Top)
                               SAN BRUNO, CA 4+observer(s). Group / 15 disk 7/7/1947 #2858  
           Abbiate Guazzone, Italy Bruno Facchini heard and saw sparks comi 4/24/1950 #4887  
Guazzone, Varese, Italy 10:00 p.m. Bruno Facchini steps outside his house o 4/24/1950 #4888  
m. in Abbiate Guazzone, Italy, Sr. Bruno Facchini heard and saw sparks comi 4/24/1950 #4890  
                    A memo by Col. Bruno W. Feiling, chief of the USAF Tech 7/19/1950 #5072  
moke behind. Around 5:45 p.m., Lt. Bruno Giustiniani and other personnel at 9/17/1954 #10333  
s, Romain de Bastiani, age 21, and Bruno Burato, age 20, witnessed a partia 9/30/1954 #10520  
                    Livorno, Italy Bruno Senesi saw two shining objects emi 10/19/1954 #11238  
                                   Bruno Senesi saw two shining objects emi 10/19/1954 #11247  
cribed as "The Virgin Mary" in St. Bruno, Quebec. The apparition appeared b 7/22/1968 #24206  
isk 400M away. Rotates in place. / Bruno Mazzocchi.                         11/15/1968 (approximate) #24658  
                               ST. BRUNO, QBC 1+several cops. Blinding obje 6/24/1973 #27586  
ets. Pointed ears. (V.M., 28, Ref. Bruno Molon) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)  12/19/1973 #28584  
anel. Object departed out to sea. (Bruno Molon CEIII study) (NICAP: 07 - En 6/22/1976 #31127  
taly, several witnesses, including Bruno Vitali, see a cone-shaped object “ 8/11/1977 #32384  
a, Umbria, Italy at 12:10 a.m. Sr. Bruno Vitali was driving home after work 8/11/1977 #32385  
ints the object out to a neighbor, Bruno Stafforini, who has also woken up  6/5/1983 #36876  
, she joins her neighbors Ruth and Bruno Novelli to watch the light, which  4/26/1984 #37302  
nstantly. Fernando’s brother, Alan Bruno de Oliveira, 10, picks up a camcor 1/2/1998 #43486  
## Word: "brunoy" (Back to Top)
                                   Brunoy, France The Sauvegarde et Conserv 2/1990 #39404  
ives Ufologiques is established in Brunoy, France, by Jacques Scornaux. Its 2/1990 #39404  
## Word: "bruns" (Back to Top)
an, Minnesota 11:45 p.m. Edward A. Bruns is driving his father’s 1962 Ford  12/19/1965 #19777  
e other side of the road. Stunned, Bruns stares at the UFO, which makes a w 12/19/1965 #19777  
bout 15 km east of Durand, Mrs. E. Bruns and her two children observed an e 9/7/1966 #20860  
 at midnight. At 8:00 p.m. Mrs. E. Bruns and her two children observed an e 9/7/1966 #20862  
## Word: "brunsell" (Back to Top)
second witness, police Lt. Glen G. Brunsell, sees a low-altitude, bright ro 10/27/1967 #23351  
## Word: "brunson" (Back to Top)
   Guam Witness:  USAF lst Lt. Ted Brunson, flying an F-86D jet interceptor 12/31/1956 #13422  
## Word: "brunsville" (Back to Top)
northwest sky over a farm north of Brunsville, Iowa. The object abruptly va 7/19/1973 #27642  
## Word: "brunswick" (Back to Top)
                                   BRUNSWICK, GA 3 pilots and 2 / (seen thr 3/26/1950 #4723  
         RCAF Station Chatham, New Brunswick, CAN Steep Climb Observed By G 3/12/1953 #8747  
                      Chatham, New Brunswick 3:45 p.m. The crew of a commer 4/16/1953 #8831  
g at 9,000 feet above Chatham, New Brunswick, watches a metallic disc appro 4/16/1953 #8831  
ar Chatham Royal Canadian AFB, New Brunswick sights an eight meter in diame 4/16/1953 #8832  
kota Ellsworth AFB near Rapid City Brunswick Around 8:00 p.m. Ground Observ 8/5/1953 #9049  
 northeast. Reports soon come from Brunswick of a fast-moving, bright blue  8/5/1953 #9049  
y Cook, though, show a facility in Brunswick was working on radio-controlle 1958 #14787  
                    Maine Portland Brunswick Many people report strange lig 2/5/1961 #16596  
 yellow, and red lights hover over Brunswick, then dart away with ‘unbeliev 2/5/1961 #16596  
                                   BRUNSWICK NAS, ME Project Bluebook Case  2/16/1966 #19904  
                                   Brunswick NAS, ME Luminous object flashi 2/16/1966 #19905  
                                   Brunswick Naval Air Station, Maine A lum 2/16/1966 #19906  
d to have landed in the woods near Brunswick Naval Air Station, Maine at 10 2/16/1966 #19908  
led across Trout Brook Lake in New Brunswick, Canada. It moved in a "spinni 5/29/1967 #22422  
his night in St Louis de Kent, New Brunswick, Canada a dozen teenagers repo 8/12/1967 #22870  
 de Kent humanoid encounter in New Brunswick, Canada an unidentified woman  8/14/1967 #22876  
tified woman from St. Charles, New Brunswick reported sighting a similar fi 8/14/1967 #22876  
   Truro, Nova Scotia Moncton, New Brunswick Wentworth Station, Nova Scotia 10/25/1967 #23322  
ruro, Nova Scotia, to Moncton, New Brunswick, when he sees a disc with gree 10/25/1967 #23322  
 a road southeast of St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. The car's radio and l 5/19/1969 #25146  
y along to a point over the sea in Brunswick, Maine. Its lights went out, l 6/28/1971 #26201  
t of nearby Cook's Corner near the Brunswick Naval Air Station.             6/28/1971 #26201  
                    Sackville; New Brunswick, CAN Two men photographing the 7/28/1971 #26249  
   On this night in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada two amateur astronomer 7/28/1971 #26250  
                                   BRUNSWICK, GA 4 observer(s). Luminous/gl 2/18/1973 #27294  
                                   Brunswick, ME 9:00 p.m. Police officers  9/24/1974 #29474  
orth Bay, Ontario Grand Falls, New Brunswick 8:45 p.m. Sgt. Grover K. Eggle 10/27/1975 #30488  
ins flying toward Grand Falls, New Brunswick. Radar contact is lost in the  10/27/1975 #30488  
ormal helicopter, hovered over the Brunswick Naval Air Station in in Maine  10/27/1975 #30490  
 Limestone, Maine Grand Falls, New Brunswick 7:45 p.m. While patrolling the 10/28/1975 #30503  
 the direction of Grand Falls, New Brunswick. SAC Headquarters is again not 10/28/1975 #30503  
                                   BRUNSWICK, MD All 23 channels / CB Radio 3/15/1976 #30941  
                             SOUTH BRUNSWICK, NJ Cop and 4. Silent saucer r 8/11/1977 #32380  
                             South Brunswick, NJ A silent disc-shaped objec 8/11/1977 #32382  
                             South Brunswick, New Jersey 8:05 p.m. A 37-yea 8/11/1977 #32383  
year-old police detective in South Brunswick, New Jersey, watches a silent  8/11/1977 #32383  
                          In South Brunswick, New Jersey at 10:45 p.m. EDT  8/11/1977 #32387  
 their farmhouse in Edmunston, New Brunswick, Canada late this night. The w 9/15/1978 #33689  
Astrophysics in Ottawa, Canada New Brunswick UFO skeptic Philip Klass sends 8/15/1980 #35458  
h Council. Klass characterizes New Brunswick ufologist Stanton Friedman as  8/15/1980 #35458  
red in the sky over Woodstock, New Brunswick, Canada. They took 10 minutes  1/22/1992 #40298  
tia Ursa Major Moncton Center, New Brunswick 2:15 a.m. A woman watching the 8/13/2002 #44383  
hat radar at Moncton Center in New Brunswick had picked up an unidentified  8/13/2002 #44383  
 witnesses in Indian Mountain, New Brunswick, Canada saw a smooth, round or 2/9/2003 #44485  
                   Bass River, New Brunswick Saint-Louis-de-Kent, New Bruns 1/17/2004 #44651  
Brunswick Saint-Louis-de-Kent, New Brunswick Caraquet Moncton Saint Paul 7: 1/17/2004 #44651  
 p.m. A witness at Bass River, New Brunswick, sees a bright, fast-moving fi 1/17/2004 #44651  
uple near Saint-Louis-de-Kent, New Brunswick, watch two flashing lights low 1/17/2004 #44651  
hway 10 miles north of Sussex, New Brunswick A man is driving on the Trans- 1/21/2004 #44653  
hway 10 miles north of Sussex, New Brunswick, when he sees a blinking light 1/21/2004 #44653  
                   Richibucto, New Brunswick 6:26 p.m. A woman and her son  1/25/2004 #44656  
t in the sky above Richibucto, New Brunswick. It has sparkling lights on to 1/25/2004 #44656  
 on Highway 1 South, St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. It was moving at firs 11/21/2004 #44788  
ft while flying over Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canada at 10:06 p.m. The airc 11/12/2006 #44984  
aft) was sighted in Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada at 7:55 p.m. It was th 8/9/2007 #45045  
ring in the sky over St. John, New Brunswick, Canada at 12:30 p.m. It was s 11/3/2007 #45088  
n in Fredericton, York County, New Brunswick, Canada at 7:10 p.m.           3/14/2011 #45319  
## Word: "bruny" (Back to Top)
                            EAST / BRUNY ISLAND, TASM Fr. Navy ship. Lumino 4/1968 #23881  
## Word: "brusc" (Back to Top)
                            OFF LE BRUSC, FR 3 / fishermen. 4M glowing-sauc 6/12/1958 #15090  
                           near Le Brusc, France - Three fishermen had gone 6/12/1958 #15092  
                            OFF LE BRUSC, FR 3 / 2 boats. Saucer surfaces.  8/1/1962 #17311  
e fisherman in two boats off of Le Brusc, France in the Mediterranean Sea.  8/1/1962 #17313  
                            OFF LE BRUSC, FR 3 / boat. Plain silent silver  4/1968 #23880  
## Word: "bruscarella" (Back to Top)
                                   BRUSCARELLA, ITL 3 kids. Cone / light ma 8/5/1981 #36057  
away from three young witnesses in Bruscarella, Italy. The UFO had orange b 8/5/1981 #36060  
## Word: "brush" (Back to Top)
ion, meteorites, will-o’-the-wisp, brush discharge, and other natural pheno 1936 #1239  
RIAS), Lear Inc., Jansky & Bailey, Brush Development Co., and Hancock Manuf 1952 #5843  
                                   BRUSH CREEK, CA 2 observer(s). 7' saucer 5/20/1953 #8887  
                                   Brush Creek, California Two miners, John 5/20/1953 #8888  
tional Forest, northern California Brush Creek area At the junction of Jord 5/20/1953 #8889  
cores of sightseers descend on the Brush Creek area (snack bars are set up  5/20/1953 #8889  
                     Two miners in Brush Creek, California, John Q. Black,  5/20/1953 #8890  
                                   BRUSH CREEK, CA Prospectors. Saucer and  6/20/1953 #8942  
                                   Brush Creek, California John Q. Black, w 6/20/1953 #8943  
                                   Brush Creek, California. John Q. Black,  6/20/1953 #8944  
itnessed a landing and humanoid at Brush Creek on May 20th of this year, wi 6/20/1953 #8944  
 gestures, then went back into the brush, entered a cigar-shaped object abo 9/10/1954 #10283  
 words. Then it goes back into the brush, enters a cigar-shaped object abou 9/10/1954 #10285  
 gestures, then went back into the brush, entered a cigar-shaped object abo 9/10/1954 #10287  
server(s). Saucer rises / roadside brush. / LDLN#324.                       10/21/1954 #11291  
dwarfish figures ran away into the brush.                                   4/5/1960 #16215  
 dwarfish figures ran off into the brush.                                   4/5/1960 #16216  
and fly away.  Burning and charred brush found at landing sight.            4/24/1964 #18195  
 alfalfa, roots, soil, leaves, and brush. Wilcox hears a voice say, “Do not 4/24/1964 #18199  
vez arrives, and they find burning brush (including a badly damaged creosot 4/24/1964 #18200  
ny machine partially hidden in the brush, as the boys ran home.             7/16/1964 #18416  
fects). Huge saucer lands. Moves / brush. 4 shots ricochet. / r47p119.      3/23/1966 #20039  
 site branches were broken and the brush charred, and an oily liquid was fo 6/13/1967 #22504  
ame right up to her car, seemed to brush against the windscreen, then veere 7/17/1967 #22686  
cal farmer said he had burned some brush there.                             8/6/1967 #22834  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Brush” YieldMax: 20KT                    1/24/1968 #23695  
N Several observer(s). UFO lands / brush. Shadows raid house and grab thing 7/2/1968 #24125  
 bright object land on some nearby brush at 10:00 p.m.. Later several shado 7/2/1968 #24137  
 side that suddenly drops into the brush out of sight. Thinking it is an ac 6/26/1969 #25236  
rched grass in the thickly tangled brush.                                   6/26/1969 #25236  
 quickly south. 17M circle / burnt brush found. Deep tripod indents / cente 9/4/1969 #25350  
00 p.m. A 17 meter circle of burnt brush was found at the landing site, wit 9/4/1969 #25352  
. They notice a disturbance in the brush some 60 feet away in a flattened a 10/30/1969 #25439  
 seemed to move clumsily among the brush. The men yelled at the figure to s 3/25/1971 #26054  
le. Hovering partially behind some brush 200 yards away was a glowing egg-s 6/26/1972 #26736  
ands and darkens. Path / flattened brush. / TUFOIC.                         7/5/1972 #26766  
time it emits a beam that sets the brush on fire.                           12/13/1972 #27176  
oud, then turned and fled into the brush behind them. A few seconds later,  9/27/1973 #27879  
and Terry Betz investigate a small brush fire near their residence on Fort  3/27/1974 #28961  
hrough a vacant lot overgrown with brush and surrounded by buildings in Dom 1/5/1976 #30760  
hrough a vacant lot overgrown with brush and surrounded by buildings in Dom 1/5/1976 #30761  
w a UFO hovering above some nearby brush. From out of some bushes beneath w 4/12/1977 #31974  
w a UFO hovering above some nearby brush. The craft was dark gray, metallic 4/12/1977 #31977  
l slab and sphere that descend and brush by the horse. They pull the glove  9/6/1978 #33638  
silver suits Carry box. Glide over brush. / APRO Apr'79.                    10/2/1978 #33788  
approach. He saw a dim glow in the brush on the far side of a creek. He the 11/20/1992 #40721  
ng man-like figure emerge from the brush. It moved stiffly, like a robot, n 11/20/1992 #40721  
rt Lazar (element 115) and Charles Brush. It is alleged that cold fusion wi 1/1998 #43483  
hed down, and disappeared into the brush. The soldier conducted a search bu 11/25/1998 #43685  
aw many lights shining through the brush that were maybe a thousand yards d 8/6/2006 #44953  
eatures coming toward him into the brush. These were somewhat human-like wi 8/6/2006 #44953  
wo-foot tall figure walking in the brush. The figure, whatever it was, seem 4/12/2008 #45128  
                                   Brush, Colorado A meeting of local, stat 1/6/2020 #45624  
deral agencies brings 75 people to Brush, Colorado, to share information an 1/6/2020 #45624  
## Word: "brush-off" (Back to Top)
-up. He receives the standard USAF brush-off letter, saying that UFOs are n 2/6/1977 #31793  
## Word: "brushed" (Back to Top)
that looked like a highly polished brushed metal. In a nearby tent was a de 5/21/1953 #8898  
stead of shaking hands he slightly brushed their palms, and then spoke in a 8/20/1954 #10158  
partment, France at 11:00 p.m.  It brushed a tree, leaving behind burnt lea 9/20/1954 #10372  
pparently left by the craft having brushed the surface of the ground.       11/23/1954 #11696  
pparently left by the craft having brushed the surface of the snow covered  11/23/1954 #11698  
, which was flashing and rotating, brushed the tops of nearby trees in its  8/20/1965 #19444  
m. CST. Seven witnesses saw three "brushed aluminum" discs with a row of li 2/25/1967 #21646  
nesota seven people sighted three "brushed aluminum" disc-shaped objects wi 2/25/1967 #21651  
es four more identical domes “like brushed stainless steel” arranged in a r 9/1/1974 #29417  
m again. Turning to go, the leader brushed his fingertips over Mr. Sands ha 1/29/1976 #30833  
slab and sphere that descended and brushed by the horse, pulling off the gl 9/6/1978 #33640  
 center portion appears to be like brushed aluminum with a grid pattern. As 9/18/1981 #36128  
t bell-shaped object, the color of brushed aluminum, buzzed a car being dri 2/24/1993 #40858  
ed standing moved towards her. One brushed against her face and grabbed her 2/24/1997 #43207  
nything on radar. The object has a brushed gray color and is the size of a  8/3/2001 #44223  
st witness's account, but was also brushed aside by authorities. as an infa 8/25/2004 #44742  
## Word: "brushes" (Back to Top)
tretches out his hand, but he only brushes Edith’s palm with it. He has lon 8/20/1954 #10157  
 CHASSAGNE, FR 3 / farmers. Saucer brushes tree. Burnt leaves. Marks / dirt 9/20/1954 #10366  
nd she was left with scratches and brushes. A shiny round object was seen i 8/14/1955 #12358  
s. It heads toward the windshield, brushes against it, then veers off to th 7/17/1967 #22682  
 then veers off to the left. As it brushes, her car lights up “like a great 7/17/1967 #22682  
missing. As he tries to get up, he brushes down his trousers and finds that 6/16/1991 #40099  
, SWEDEN 60cm very flat white disk brushes ground 5M away. Rises and shoots 6/12/1994 #41565  
TI, ITL Cop. 5M disk low / valley. Brushes top of Tevere River. Going quick 10/3/1998 #43659  
hare similar experiences that are “brushes with black projects,” some borde 2005 #44804  
k wings disappear into some nearby brushes. Two of the men went to investig 4/12/2008 #45128  
## Word: "brushing" (Back to Top)
lying at very low altitude, nearly brushing the tops of the trees in the me 10/24/1954 #11366  
ght cupola 8 feet tall approaches, brushing a tree, and the woman picks up  Summer 1984 #37369  
## Word: "brushoff" (Back to Top)
go, CA SAUCERS GIVE NAVAL GUNS THE BRUSHOFF - In conversing with a former N 1943 #1474  
 FBI investigation/investigators = brushoff.                                9/3/1947 #3380  
## Word: "brushwood-covered" (Back to Top)
area and see a fire burning in the brushwood-covered wasteland. Firemen put 9/13/1978 #33671  
## Word: "brushy" (Back to Top)
                                   BRUSHY CREEK, TX Numerous observer(s). R 7/8/1947 #2998  
 US Highway 60 Ellsinore, Missouri Brushy Creek Mill Spring Night. Clearwat 2/21/1973 #27305  
 the sky.” A few miles later, near Brushy Creek, student Randal Holmes noti 2/21/1973 #27305  
                                   BRUSHY CREEK AND CHARLESTON, MO Physicis 4/13/1973 #27428  
ar Locatelli was driving through a brushy isolated area in Mentrux-en-Joux, 6/20/1986 #37918  
## Word: "brusk" (Back to Top)
 B17 pilot. Fast sphere with halo. Brusk maneuvers. Shoots going [to] horiz 3/1944 #1580  
quickly west / very high altitude. Brusk turn and disappears. / news.       3/25/1950 #4719  
## Word: "brusque" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BRUSQUE, BRZ 3M saucer going north. Stop 9/3/1976 #31331  
                                   Brusque, Santa Catarina, Brazil Azambuja 9/3/1976 #31335  
arina, Brazil Azambuja hospital in Brusque 7:00 p.m. Farm laborer João Rome 9/3/1976 #31335  
o Romeu Klein, 19, returns home to Brusque, Santa Catarina, Brazil, after v 9/3/1976 #31335  
so he goes to Azambuja hospital in Brusque, where doctors find no sign of i 9/3/1976 #31335  
## Word: "brussels" (Back to Top)
                                   BRUSSELS, BELGIUM 1 observer. Transparen 9/1944 #1653  
eturning to Edinburgh from picking Brussels sprouts in a nursey at Musselbu 11/8/1957 #14490  
                                   BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Slow silent 600M and t 8/14/1968 #24323  
                                   Brussels, Belgium The Société Belge d’Ét 5/1971 #26090  
nomènes Spatiaux is established in Brussels, Belgium, by Lucien Clarebaut.  5/1971 #26090  
                                   BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Silver saucer hovers a 7/5/1972 #26770  
                                   BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Perfect disk flashes a 12/2/1973 #28498  
object maneuvered over the city of Brussels, Belgium shortly after midnight 12/2/1973 #28505  
 A SOBEPS Inquiry by Frank Boitte, Brussels, Belgium.) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 4/14/1974 #29022  
oing north over treetops toward(s) Brussels. Clear contours. Extremely fast 9/10/1974? #29441  
                                   BRUSSELS, BELGIUM 5M saucer tilts and "h 8/5/1975 #30237  
 disc-shaped object was sighted in Brussels, Belgium. It tilted, then "hid" 8/5/1975 #30238  
                                   BRUSSELS, BELGIUM 3 large green lights i 3/30/1990 #39491  
                                   Brussels and Wavre, Belgium Gendarmes re 3/30/1990 #39498  
             19 miles southeast of Brussels, Belgium Night. Lucien Clerebau 3/31/1990 #39503  
erhead about 19 miles southeast of Brussels, Belgium. Ferryn estimates its  3/31/1990 #39503  
 workers in Basecles, southwest of Brussels, Hainaut, Belgium. They were in 4/22/1990 #39541  
                           Belgium Brussels NATO headquarters Belgian Air F 7/11/1990 #39641  
lk on UFOs at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. He states that the Ma 7/11/1990 #39641  
              Waterloo exit of the Brussels Ring Road near Belle-Vue, Belgi 12/9/1990 #39927  
nd are at the Waterloo exit of the Brussels Ring Road near Belle-Vue, Belgi 12/9/1990 #39927  
                                   Brussels, Belgium The Société Belge d’Ét 6/11/2007 #45035  
d’Étude des Phénomènes Spatiaux in Brussels, Belgium, is officially dissolv 6/11/2007 #45035  
## Word: "bruswick" (Back to Top)
ree, then another two, flying over Bruswick, Georgia. They were silver in c 3/26/1950 #4732  
## Word: "bruton" (Back to Top)
etops. Glides down road going [to] Bruton, Somerset.                        5/19/1954 #9814  
s; it then glided down road toward Bruton, Somerset where a close encounter 5/19/1954 #9815  
                             3MI / BRUTON, UK Cyclist. 15m bright saucer /  5/20/1954 #9818  
                                   Bruton, Great Britain Nigel Frapple was  5/20/1954 #9819  
ia 5:56 p.m. NASA engineer Dempsey Bruton, head of the Wallops Flight Facil 1/5/1965 #18699  
6 p.m. an aerospace engineer named Bruton on Wallops Island, Virginia watch 1/5/1965 #18700  
## Word: "bruzual" (Back to Top)
                                   BRUZUAL, VNZL Several observer(s). Lumin 9/10/1967 #23028  
                                   Bruzual, Apure, Venezuela Apure River Se 9/10/1967 #23032  
a Apure River Several residents of Bruzual, Apure, Venezuela, watch a white 9/10/1967 #23032  
## Word: "bry" (Back to Top)
                                   BRY, FR Man and dog paralyzed / luminous 10/1/1954 #10542  
                                   Bry, France A man and his dog were "para 10/1/1954 #10557  
 At 4:00 p.m. a man and his dog in Bry, Nord department, France were "paral 10/1/1954 #10573  
## Word: "bry-sur-marne" (Back to Top)
                                   Bry-sur-Marne, Val-de-Marne, France 4:00 10/1/1954 #10566  
ward them and climbs away again at Bry-sur-Marne, Val-de-Marne, France.     10/1/1954 #10566  
## Word: "bryan" (Back to Top)
                                   Bryan Stryker, Ohio 8:00 p.m. While driv 10/1945 #1942  
0 p.m. While driving a car between Bryan and Stryker, Ohio, Gerald M. Kryli 10/1945 #1942  
cal Warfare staff headed by Joseph Bryan III, a future president and board  3/27/1950 #4741  
cal Warfare Staff headed by Joseph Bryan III to confuse the American public 3/27/1950 #4742  
 psychological warfare head Joseph Bryan III later became President and Boa 3/27/1950 #4742  
enkoetter was also a Board member. Bryan III’s background in psyops was not 3/27/1950 #4742  
assistant, covert CIA agent Joseph Bryan III) receive a secret one-hour bri 5/8/1952 #6276  
                                   BRYAN, TX Airport/apartment tower. Cylin 6/15/1955 #12197  
sses / 10 minute(s) intervals. See Bryan, TX.                               6/20/1955 #12205  
                  CIA agent Joseph Bryan III writes to Ruppelt, saying that 4/3/1956 #12781  
                    Col. Joseph J. Bryan III, special assistant to the Secr Summer 1962 #17238  
CIA’s psychological warfare staff. Bryan never discloses his CIA background Summer 1962 #17238  
round to NICAP or Keyhoe. Although Bryan, the father of later UFO author C. Summer 1962 #17238  
ather of later UFO author C. D. B. Bryan, makes strong pro-UFO statements,  Summer 1962 #17238  
yhoe and NICAP board member Joseph Bryan III appear on the Les Crane Show a 1/27/1965 #18777  
fort is board chairman Col. Joseph Bryan III, who takes over as acting pres 12/3/1969 #25483  
                                   Bryan dismisses NICAP Assistant Director 12/5/1969 #25488  
agreement, to Judge Albert Vickers Bryan Jr. of the US District Court for E 3/1972 #26584  
e case proceeds to trial, at which Bryan finds for the CIA and issues a per 3/1972 #26584  
it Court of Appeals, which upholds Bryan’s restraint but limits it to class 3/1972 #26584  
e trial is held again before Judge Bryan. This time, however, he rejects al 3/1972 #26584  
ovably classified. The CIA appeals Bryan’s ruling, and ultimately the Fourt 3/1972 #26584  
mbers and staff, among them Joseph Bryan III, Karl T. Pflock, Stuart Nixon, 1/1979 #34268  
 Birmingham, Alabama where, as Dr. Bryan McClelland said in an interview, " 12/29/1980 #35758  
reprisal. As to this point, author Bryan Bender has not revealed who the so 5/16/2022 #45749  
## Word: "bryandbender" (Back to Top)
ime at AATIP.  https://twitter.com/BryanDBender/status/1480390687900061696? 3/18/2022 #45741  
## Word: "bryant" (Back to Top)
Wilbur L. Mitchell and Capt. Perry Bryant of the objects’ size as 30 feet i 4/27/1950 #4909  
eld, Texas Lubbock Evening. Joseph Bryant and his wife, at 407 West Powell  8/25/1951 #5624  
ircles around the house. This time Bryant can hear them, and he identifies  8/25/1951 #5624  
n, England 5:30 p.m. Ernest Arthur Bryant is walking toward Scoriton Down n 4/24/1965 #18916  
e youth speaks with an accent that Bryant thinks might be Russian and calls 4/24/1965 #18916  
he thought was a UFO. According to Bryant, the saucer returns June 7 and le 4/24/1965 #18916  
n investigation. The various items Bryant turns over to the two investigato 4/24/1965 #18916  
oriton Mystery. Shortly afterward, Bryant unexpectedly takes ill and dies f 4/24/1965 #18916  
of the hoax, few remain to support Bryant except Buckle.                    4/24/1965 #18916  
egedly appeared to a witness named Bryant one day after the flying saucer c 6/7/1965 #18997  
ows on its base. Witness Norman E. Bryant thinks it is 1,000 feet long, 250 3/3/1968 #23815  
ason called “The Great One.” Larry Bryant, editor of Just Cause, the newsle 2/19/1973 #27298  
on Act request with Homestead AFB. Bryant requests documentation on the rep 2/19/1973 #27298  
es that “no such records existed.” Bryant also sends an advertisement to th 2/19/1973 #27298  
officer at Homestead denounces the Bryant advertisement and “forbade its pu 2/19/1973 #27298  
its publication.” At the same time Bryant writes Gleason providing him with 2/19/1973 #27298  
a growing accumulation of evidence Bryant is collecting in preparation for  2/19/1973 #27298  
sengers, a 28-year-old woman named Bryant, experienced five hours of missin 5/21/1976 #31069  
sengers, a 28-year-old woman named Bryant, experienced five hours of missin 5/21/1976 #31070  
           UFO researcher Larry W. Bryant writes a letter to President Jimm 2/6/1977 #31793  
in a T-38 jet trainer, 1st Lt Seth Bryant (instructor pilot) and 1st Lt Cho 10/26/1977 #32617  
            Washington DC Larry W. Bryant, Director of CAUS, filed a Civil  6/24/1983 #36891  
rent extraterrestrial origin.” Mr. Bryant contends that the Government acti 6/24/1983 #36891  
 Doty writes to ufologist Larry W. Bryant that he had never promised film f 3/5/1988 #38491  
m and Coral Lorenzen, and Larry W. Bryant. Moore leaves the stage through a 7/1/1989 #39002  
in a letter to researcher Larry W. Bryant that it keeps a classified person 8/2/1989 #39041  
 the District of Columbia Larry W. Bryant files suit in District Court for  8/28/1989 #39076  
n T. Friedman as a result of Larry Bryant’s lawsuit.                        11/13/1989 #39228  
## Word: "bryce" (Back to Top)
pace Museum Denver, Colorado Noall Bryce Cornwell (who uses the pseudonyms  12/1953 #9329  
he IPP participants mentioned are: Bryce S. Dewitt of the Radiation Laborat 11/20/1955 #12580  
ial airlines planes flying between Bryce Canyon and Mormon Mesa reported ob 1/3/1960 #16149  
                            Author Bryce Zabel tells a story told to him by 2012 #45336  
## Word: "bryey" (Back to Top)
                                   BRYEY, FR AND NEARBY TOWNS Many observer 3/7/1974 #28864  
## Word: "bryn" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / BRYN ATHYN, PA 2 observer(s). Cone with  11/6/1973 #28372  
highway A465 between Ebbw Vale and Bryn Mawr, Gwent, Wales at shortly after 9/3/1999 #43841  
## Word: "brynmor" (Back to Top)
 Elis-Thomas asks Defence Minister Brynmor John if any official investigati 1/23/1974 #28694  
## Word: "bryson" (Back to Top)
                                   BRYSON CITY, NC Several observer(s). 20M 12/21/1957 (approximate) #14752  
                        In 1957 in Bryson City, North Carolina a 20-meter-l 12/21/1957 #14756  
## Word: "brz" (Back to Top)
                     ARACARIGUAMA, BRZ Night light zaps man / beam. Flesh f 3/5/1946 #1972  
                            BAURU, BRZ Grey 30M saucer going down. 3 2M men 7/23/1947 #3214  
                    VOLTA REDONDA, BRZ 15M saucer going down. 2 pseudo-huma 12/4/1949 #4432  
                  BARRA DA TIJUCA, BRZ 5 photographs. 200' silent saucer. G 5/7/1952 #6263  
                  COARI, AMAZONAS, BRZ Bright long mass hovers over town. M 8/15/1952? #7597  
               SANTANA DOS MONTES, BRZ 4M saucer. 3 small humanoids (or Gre 1/3/1953 #8498  
                        SAO PAOLO, BRZ Druggist. Black moon-size disk cross 10/1953 #9195  
                      SANTA MARIA, BRZ 2 pseudo-human/entity / saucer take  3/1954 #9575  
                      SANTA MARIA, BRZ Same saucer 3 new pseudo-human/entit 3/16/1954 #9623  
                    OFF PARANAGUA, BRZ Orange fireball buzzes DC3 / 2 hours 8/5/1954 #10100  
          GRAVATAI AIR FORCE BASE, BRZ Many. Silver 30M saucers circle. Abr 10/24/1954 #11352  
                  BELEM VELHO, RGS.BRZ Air Force officer. Moon-size globe h 10/26/1954 #11408  
                     PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Air Force officer. Grey disk west go 10/26/1954 #11411  
                WEST / TAPES, RGS, BRZ 4 / car. Dome maneuvers low / roadsi 10/30/1954 #11489  
                      SANTO AMARO, BRZ Man enters open saucer. Maps / S. Am 11/2/1954 #11527  
                      MATTOSINHOS, BRZ Numerous separate observer(s). Cylin 11/2/1954 #11534  
                NEAR PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 2 long-haired pseudo-human/entity /  11/10/1954 #11616  
                      EAST / URAI, BRZ Saucer on railroad/railway tracks. 3 11/13/1954 #11633  
                 NORTH / IGUARAPA, BRZ Domed saucer on / over small island. 11/20/1954 #11675  
                PARAIBA RIVER, SP, BRZ All / airliner panic. 19 100' saucer 11/21/1954 #11679  
       SANTA MARIA AIR FORCE BASE, BRZ Numerous observer(s). 50M dark cloud 11/22/1954 #11687  
                        SAO PAOLO, BRZ Huge cylinder/cigar-shape blows smok 12/6/1954 #11765  
                 LINHA BELA VISTA, BRZ Saucer and 3 pseudo-human/entity. Ch 12/9/1954 #11781  
                   RIO DE JANEIRO, BRZ Banker photographs saucer over munit 12/9/1954 #11783  
                         CAMPINAS, BRZ Several observer(s). 3 cone-saucers  12/13/1954 #11804  
                     CAMPO GRANDE, BRZ Large and small orbs. 3 small humano 12/15/1954 #11810  
                     NEAR UBATUBA, BRZ 4 / airline(s)/airliner crew. Huge l 10/28/1955 #12526  
                     PONTA GROSSA, BRZ Hundreds / observer(s). Silent silve 3/13/1956 #12753  
                    RIO DJ HARBOR, BRZ USS Roosevelt. Many / RADAR-visual.  7/26/1956 #13017  
                        CABO FRIO, BRZ 20M object rises / sea. 2 pseudo-hum 9/1956 #13163  
                   NORTH / RIO DJ, BRZ Many / DC3. Glowing-saucer maneuvers 6/29/1957 #13758  
                      NEAR CAMPOS, BRZ Domed saucer paces and maneuvers all 7/4/1957 #13775  
                    NEAR RIO DOCE, BRZ Airline(s)/airliner pilot and copilo 7/14/1957 #13794  
                         PAMPULHA, BRZ Night light follows Air Force B26 /  7/14/1957 #13795  
                    SAO SEBASTIAO, BRZ 4 pseudo-human/entity invite Profess 7/25/1957 #13831  
                   NEAR JOINVILLE, BRZ Domed saucer buzzes Varig C47. Engin 8/14/1957 #13890  
                     CAMPINAS, SP, BRZ Man faints. Saucer lands. Pseudo-hum 9/1957 #13961  
                          UBATUBA, BRZ Saucer maneuvers and explodes. Mg fr 9/7/1957 (approximate) #13983  
                      NIQUELANDIA, BRZ Saucer / ground. Blinding light. Goe 10/1957 #14046  
         SOUTH FRANCISCO DE SALES, BRZ A. V. boas and 1. Headlight searches 10/5/1957 #14060  
                       NEAR CERES, BRZ 150M saucer / long antenna. 7 small  10/10/1957 #14089  
          SOUTH FRANCISCO / SALES, BRZ Avb. Blazing disc? plays tag 20x / f 10/14/1957 #14106  
          SOUTH FRANCISCO / SALES, BRZ Avb abduction. Small humanoids (or G 10/16/1957 #14123  
                     PRAIA GRANDE, BRZ 5 observer(s). Object / ground near  10/22/1957 #14142  
                       PETROPOLIS, BRZ 7+observer(s). 2 small humanoids (or 10/25/1957 #14153  
                        ARARANGUA, BRZ Varig C46 buzzed / red fireball. Ele 11/4/1957 #14259  
                      FORT ITAIPU, BRZ Saucer over base. All electrical fai 11/4/1957 #14260  
                    MT. CORCOVADO, BRZ Many observer(s). Luminous/glowing d 11/7/1957 #14450  
                        CACHOEIRA, BRZ Silent 60M saucer hovers 90M / airpo 11/15/1957 #14555  
                            BAGE', BRZ Several observer(s). Red-yellow blin 11/16/1957 #14565  
                         MARACAJA, BRZ 2 observer(s). 6 pseudo-human/entity 11/18/1957 #14572  
                       PONTA PORA, BRZ 5 observer(s). 5M saucer paces jeep  12/21/1957 #14751  
                 TRINIDADE ISLAND, BRZ Numerous military observer(s). Brill 1/1/1958 #14794  
                      TRINIDADE I, BRZ Weather balloon going [to] cloud. Ex 1/6/1958 #14811  
                      VILLA VELHA, BRZ Doctor and 3. Large silent metallic  1/16/1958 #14828  
                   PORTIERA ORTIZ, BRZ Many observer(s). Saturn-saucer foll 2/19/1958 #14879  
           SOUTH ANTONIO DE JESUS, BRZ Car malfunctions due to EME (electro 2/24/1958 #14885  
                  NEAR PONTA PORA, BRZ Saturn-saucer chases jeep. Headlight 3/3/1958 #14914  
                           MACEIO, BRZ 20M saucer / portholes hovers / wave 4/1958 #14952  
                 NEAR TUPANCIRETA, BRZ 3 saucers hover and maneuver all nig 4/17/1958 #14993  
                        OFF BAHIA, BRZ Varig pilot. Luminous/glowing saucer 5/27/1958 #15052  
                         SALVADOR, BRZ Domed saucer with symbols / under. T 4/24/1959 #15712  
                OVER ITAPETININGA, BRZ Airline(s)/airliner crew and ground  5/7/1959 #15724  
                        RIO PARDO, BRZ Saucer overhead points tube at croco 6/1959 #15752  
                       OFF ILHEUS, BRZ Luminous sphere/orb/globe scouts des 6/27/1959 #15794  
                       UBERLANDIA, BRZ All CCTS out / electric main and sub 8/17/1959 #15921  
          BEACH NEAR PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 4 / car. Domed saucer going [to] ove 11/2/1959 #16075  
               TABOLEIRO / NAZARE, BRZ Huge round grey object follows donke 5/13/1960 #16262  
                     OFF PARACURU, BRZ Dark silent object going down / 100M 5/13/1960 #16263  
                         PARACURU, BRZ 100+. 60' saucer / searchlight. 7 st 5/13/1960 #16264  
                        FORTALEZA, BRZ Silent saucer hovers / edge of town. 5/13/1960 #16265  
                   PARACURU BEACH, BRZ 2 metallic disks on beach. 2 small h 5/14/1960 #16274  
                           ACARAU, BRZ Luminous green sphere going south. S 5/17/1960 #16280  
                      ILHA GRANDE, BRZ Vasp pilot. Fireball maneuvers all o 7/24/1961 #16771  
                      PINHAL, RGS, BRZ Man compelled to walk to beach. 2 ho 11/25/1961 (approximate) #16977  
                          PANAMBI, BRZ Car malfunctions due to EME (electro 7/30/1962 #17301  
                       DIAMANTINA, BRZ 2 observer(s). Small humanoids (or G 8/19/1962 #17343  
                         FLORESTA, BRZ Argentine Navy pilot. Burnished meta 9/8/1962 #17389  
                         BARCELOS, BRZ 3 small humanoids (or Greys) / sauce 9/16/1962 #17405  
                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ Transparent sphere/orb/globe hovers. 8/28/1963 #17919  
                      NEAR IGUAPE, BRZ Silver 8M saucer hits tree. Going [t 10/31/1963 #18013  
                  COPACABANA, RIO, BRZ Saucer with red portholes slowly cro 7/11/1965 #19092  
                       OSASCO, SP, BRZ Glowing red saucer photographed. No  7/18/1965 #19119  
ARROCAO AND CALFATE AND GAMELEIRA, BRZ Hundreds / observer(s) glowing-disk  7/27/1965 #19184  
                          NITEROI, BRZ Judge and 2. Mushroom saucer going d 7/27/1965 #19185  
                 CURITIBA, PARANA, BRZ Several observer(s). Squadron / 18 s 8/3/1965 #19281  
                           TRAPUA, BRZ 50M saucer lights area. Lands with d 8/4/1965 #19302  
                     CRUZEIRO, SP, BRZ Saucer. 70CM small humanoid (or Grey 8/13/1965 #19375  
                    ALTO PURUS R., BRZ Longitude & latitude coords. = appro 9/8/1965 #19533  
                         SAO JOAO, BRZ 2 brown 75cm small humanoids (or Gre 9/10/1965 #19545  
              PONTE / PRAIA FUNDA, BRZ Thousands / observer(s). Saucer circ 10/18/1965 #19663  
                       CANHOTINHO, BRZ 2 "old" small humanoids (or Greys) s 10/26/1965 #19681  
                           PINHAL, BRZ Numerous observer(s). Huge night lig 10/30/1965 #19688  
                       MOGI-GUACU, BRZ UFO beams going up. Small humanoid ( 11/11/1965 #19712  
                       MOGI-GUACU, BRZ Several observer(s). Saucer lands. S 11/13/1965 #19717  
                      NEAR RIO DJ, BRZ 7 / C130+Air Traffic Controllers. Wh 2/8/1966 #19892  
                          QUIPAPA, BRZ 3 observer(s). Large disk / ground.  2/25/1966 #19916  
           SOUTH / BARRA / TIJUCA, BRZ Bright ovoid maneuvers over sea. Pho 3/6/1966 #19943  
                   CAGARRA ISLAND, BRZ Explosion. White 'parachute' quickly 3/16/1966 #19971  
                   BARRA / TIJUCA, BRZ Several observer(s). Glowing-ovoid g 3/17/1966 #19977  
                          NITEROI, BRZ Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Fl 3/19/1966 #19990  
                          NITEROI, BRZ Invisible disk ringed / lights maneu 3/21/1966 #20015  
                           MUZEMA, BRZ 1 observer. Bright silent saucer swo 3/29/1966 #20129  
                  NORTH / IPAMERI, BRZ 2 observer(s) photograph 75' diamond 5/8/1966 #20461  
                  MORRO DO VINTEM, BRZ Saucer seen. 2 dead men with masks a 8/17/1966 #20757  
                NEAR PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Air Force C47+ground observer(s). Ai 3/21/1967 #21928  
                       GAVEA PEAK, BRZ Doctors etc. / (seen thru) binocular 4/15/1967 #22133  
              SERRA DA MANTIQUERA, BRZ Car electro-magnetic effect (EME). B 6/7/1967 #22475  
                   MIGUEL PEREIRA, BRZ 4 observer(s). 6M and silent metalli 7/1967 #22586  
   CONRADO TO/FROM MIGUEL PERIERO, BRZ 1+2 / jeep paced / saucer. Responds  8/3/1967 #22780  
                   NORTH / RECIFE, BRZ 6M saucer rises / sea. Hovers and dr 8/4/1967 #22792  
                     PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Bright saucer zigzags all over sky / 8/4/1967 #22793  
                   PILAR DE GOIAS, BRZ Man shoots going [to] 3 small humano 8/13/1967 #22871  
                        LA BALEIA, BRZ Domed saucer / field. Door slides up 9/14/1967 #23051  
                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ Saucer on ground in park. 7' pseudo- 9/17/1967 #23073  
                       COPACABANA, BRZ 2+1 observer(s). Saucer going down.  11/24/1967 #23504  
                        AMERICANA, BRZ Cop. 150' metallic cylinder/cigar-sh 11/28/1967 #23515  
                           VIAMAO, BRZ 5 observer(s). 10M saucer 2M over La 1/3/1968 (approximate) #23646  
                    NEAR BRASILIA, BRZ 2 deputies. Triangle hovers / 5 minu 1/18/1968 #23669  
                         BOTAFOGO, BRZ Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Da 1/26/1968 #23701  
                      TORRES, RGS, BRZ Luminous object rises / sea and goin 1/30/1968 (approximate) #23710  
                           CANOAS, BRZ Separate report(s). Huge saucer / 30 2/1968 #23716  
                     ALEGRIA, RGS, BRZ Hat shaped object hovers stationary  2/5/1968 #23736  
                   PICO DA TIJUCA, BRZ 3 observer(s) 20km away. 40M circula 2/11/1968 #23747  
                    NEAR GRAVATAI, BRZ Luminous/glowing red object follows  3/1968 #23795  
                           CANOAS, BRZ Saucer flashes. Going [to] behind tr 5/7/1968 #23948  
            SOUTH / FLORIANOPOLIS, BRZ 4 / VW bus lifted and dropped 2X! Sa 5/17/1968 #23967  
                          CACONDE, BRZ 17cm metal cylinder/cylindrical obje 5/18/1968 #23973  
      PORTO ALEGRE AND MORRO AZUL, BRZ Moon-size object hovers and pulses / 5/31/1968 #23995  
                    GUANABARA BAY, BRZ Several / ferryboat. Brilliant domed 6/4/1968 #24002  
                          NITEROI, BRZ College kids. Orange balloon / compl 6/5/1968 #24008  
                    FLORIANOPOLIS, BRZ 2 observer(s). Domed saucer going no 6/25/1968 #24077  
                          GUAJARA, BRZ Luminous/glowing globe seen / days.  6/28/1968 #24091  
                     BOTUCATU, SP, BRZ 3 boys. 8M UFO / tripod. Ladder / gr 7/1/1968 #24111  
                      ITAPEVA, SP, BRZ 2 observer(s). Double-saucer glows a 7/4/1968 #24141  
       SAO MIGUEL AND MORE/OTHERS, BRZ Luminous/glowing globes and saucers. 7/5/1968 #24143  
                            BAURU, BRZ Powerplant guard buzzed / probe. Par 7/23/1968 #24207  
                           CANOAS, BRZ Moon-size object offloads trailing n 7/26/1968 #24231  
                NOVA CACHOEIRINHA, BRZ Night light hovers / clouds. Drops.  7/27/1968 #24239  
                           CANOAS, BRZ Ground observer(s). White object sta 7/29/1968 #24249  
                             LINS, BRZ 2 observer(s). Circular saucer glitt 8/5/1968 #24298  
                           RIO DJ, BRZ 6M hat-saucer hovers 5M over field 1 8/15/1968 (approximate) #24327  
                         LINS, SP, BRZ Female pseudo-human/entity / unknown 8/27/1968 #24384  
                     PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Large light violet ovoid seen. No fu 9/1/1968 #24418  
                          NITEROI, BRZ Several / beach. Brilliant 8M saucer 9/9/1968 #24444  
                           ITAIPU, BRZ Several separate observer(s) / beach 9/9/1968 #24445  
                     CAMPO GRANDE, BRZ 1 observer. White aluminum globe res 9/9/1968 #24446  
                  DUQUE DE CAXIAS, BRZ 4 observer(s). Luminous saucer-spher 9/15/1968 #24464  
                  DUQUE DE CAXIAS, BRZ Saucer over courtyard. 3 beams going 9/20/1968? #24488  
                  DUQUE DE CAXIAS, BRZ Brilliant 20M circle / lights / 100M 9/24/1968 #24507  
                             LINS, BRZ 3 small humanoids (or Greys) by sauc 10/2/1968 #24536  
                        PARANAGUA, BRZ Hundreds / observer(s). Large ovoid  10/3/1968 #24539  
                             LINS, BRZ 3 / car and 1 separate observer(s).  10/4/1968 #24542  
                    LAGOA RODRIGO, BRZ Several / boat club. Saucer-cylinder 10/7/1968 #24545  
                             LINS, BRZ 400+observer(s). Flickering disk goi 10/7/1968 #24547  
                             LINS, BRZ Huge pear-shaped Ob hovers / 30M alt 10/12/1968 #24557  
                GETULINA AND LINS, BRZ 2 separate cars paced / night lights 10/12/1968 #24558  
                      PASSO FUNDO, BRZ 4 / car. Fireball shoots going down  10/30/1968 #24602  
                        SAO PAOLO, BRZ TV technician. Red-orange object wes 11/6/1968 #24636  
                       TAGUATINGA, BRZ Saucer stops / Army radio station/de 11/8/1968 #24643  
   GUARULHOS AND CUMBICA AF RADAR, BRZ Separate observer(s) / (seen thru) b 11/19/1968 #24665  
                       COR.MACEDO, BRZ 3 cops and 20. Domed saucer / ground 11/21/1968 #24675  
                        GUARULHOS, BRZ Cops and several. UV-violet globe ho 12/25/1968 #24789  
                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ 2 observer(s). 2 luminous ovoids. Ma 1/1969 #24807  
                     PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Soldiers / Vila Floresta. Fireball h 1/5/1969 #24817  
                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ Physics student and more/others. Odd 1/7/1969 #24823  
         CAMPOS TO/FROM ITAPERUNA, BRZ Judge and 1. Metallic ovoid hovers / 1/15/1969 #24846  
                         CAMPINAS, BRZ Professor takes 3 photographs / spin 1/25/1969 #24869  
                             LINS, BRZ Several observer(s). 10' luminous/gl 1/27/1969 #24873  
                        NEAR LINS, BRZ Rancher. Red wheel maneuvers and cir 2/4/1969 (approximate) #24893  
                        SALVADORE, BRZ Round silver object with propeller?  2/5/1969? #24896  
                     PIRASSUNUNGA, BRZ Saucer lands. 2 small humanoids (or  2/7/1969 #24899  
                        ITAPERUNA, BRZ Ovoid hovers / 10'. 2 observer(s) st 2/7/1969 #24900  
                          UBATUBA, BRZ Several observer(s). Object hovers / 2/9/1969 #24904  
                     PIRASSUNUNGA, BRZ Farmer attacked / 2 1.5M long bearde 2/12/1969 #24911  
                          CACONDE, BRZ Engineer and wife. Round object with 2/14/1969 #24920  
                    NOVA FRIBURGO, BRZ 2 observer(s). 1M metallic saucer wi 2/19/1969 #24929  
                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ 2 boys. Dog frantic. Saucer touches  2/20/1969 #24931  
                NEAR PIRASSUNUNGA, BRZ 5M saucer lands / tripod. 3 figure(s 2/20/1969 (approximate) #24933  
                      NOVA IGUACU, BRZ Silent UFO spirals going down [to] a 2/28/1969 #24948  
              PRESIDENTE PRUDENTE, BRZ Doctor and 1. Groups / saucers going 3/3/1969 (approximate) #24959  
                        FORTALEZA, BRZ , Colonel. Silent saucer going quick 3/4/1969 (approximate) #24964  
                 NORTH / BOCAIUVA, BRZ Many / bus. 3 luminous/glowing objec 3/7/1969 #24980  
                    NEAR CAMPINAS, BRZ Erratic fireball maneuvers. Stops ov 3/11/1969 #24994  
                             LINS, BRZ 1+kids. Silent silver 1.5M ovoid sto 3/12/1969 #25000  
                             LINS, BRZ Several separate observer(s). Red sa 3/14/1969 #25007  
 CARLOS PRATES AND BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ Several separate observer(s). Night  3/19/1969 #25029  
             NEAR BARRA DA TIJUCA, BRZ Army General. Electro-magnetic effec 3/20/1969 #25032  
                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ 3 girls. Luminous blur / sky / 20 ho 3/22/1969 #25036  
                    GUARATINGUETA, BRZ Many observer(s). Saucer with dome / 4/8/1969 #25052  
                       OURO PRETO, BRZ Photographs / saucer. 2 objects and  4/10/1969 #25053  
                    ITAUCU, GOIAS, BRZ Man abduction. Wakens 400km south! H 4/20/1969 #25071  
                         BOTAFOGO, BRZ 60M round silent object hovers over  4/20/1969 #25072  
                    NORTH / PENHA, BRZ MD and dozens. 3 extremely bright sa 4/21/1969 #25077  
                    MONTES CLAROS, BRZ "Concrete mixer" on road. Flies away 5/1969 #25102  
                           PAVUNA, BRZ Cops and many separate observer(s) / 5/2/1969 #25108  
                          NITEROI, BRZ Cops and more. Ovoid hovers / legisl 5/2/1969 #25109  
                           OSASCO, BRZ Man photographs saucer. Rapid maneuv 5/3/1969 (approximate) #25111  
                        BEBEDOURO, BRZ Soldier abduction / small humanoids  5/4/1969 #25113  
                        NOVA LIMA, BRZ 1 observer paralyzed as silent 14M s 5/20/1969 #25149  
     PELOTAS TO/FROM CAMAGUA, RGS, BRZ Ball / light near ground. 3 observer 5/21/1969 #25152  
                          ITAJUBA, BRZ All / town. Luminous object going [t 5/29/1969 #25168  
                          ITAGUAI, BRZ 2 / truck. Bright 13M saucer / low a 5/31/1969 #25170  
                        SAO PAOLO, BRZ Large night light maneuvers. Smaller 5/31/1969 #25171  
                  WEST COPACABANA, BRZ 3 observer(s). 13M saucer maneuvers  6/1969 #25179  
                   ANGRA DOS REIS, BRZ Entire town. 3 saucers maneuver / ho 6/3/1969 #25193  
          SOUTH JOSE DO RIO PRETO, BRZ Many observer(s). 15' silver ovoid 5 6/4/1969 (approximate) #25196  
                         BRASILIA, BRZ Lawyer and 1. Silent dish shape mane 6/4/1969 #25197  
                       LAVRAS, MG, BRZ Red-orange 50M object / 1M altitude  6/4/1969? #25198  
                         UBA', MG, BRZ 7 / car / mountains. Orange UFO pace 6/5/1969? #25201  
                           MANAUS, BRZ 2 observer(s). Saucer guides "remote 6/6/1969 #25204  
                    SANTA BARBARA, BRZ 2 observer(s). Intense light. 5M ell 6/10/1969 (approximate) #25207  
                           IBIUNA, BRZ 2 observer(s). 30' domed saucer beam 6/17/1969 #25219  
              RIO TO/FROM NITEROI, BRZ Major jurist and more/others. Extrem 6/26/1969 #25234  
                 NEAR ITACOATIARA, BRZ 2 / disabled car. Ovoid overhead. Be 7/1969 #25238  
                         BOCAIUVA, BRZ 5 / car and 2 / separate car. Silent 7/5/1969 (approximate) #25255  
                          GOIANIA, BRZ Clerics. Extremely bright blue-green 7/6/1969 #25256  
                           SOBRAL, BRZ Numerous observer(s). Shiny saucer h 7/18/1969 #25278  
                      PAULO LOPES, BRZ 4 / car. Saucer lifts car. Set down  7/23/1969 #25292  
                       NEAR MACAE, BRZ Small humanoids (or Greys) / ground  8/1969 #25303  
                        CABO FRIO, BRZ Several observer(s). Night light / 9 3/28/1970 #25612  
               SOUTHWEST / LEBLON, BRZ Metallic saucer going down / sea. 2  6/21/1970 #25701  
                        CANELINHA, BRZ Beam levitates man / bicycle 2X. No  7/16/1970 #25738  
                    GUARULHOS, SP, BRZ 11 teachers and more. Night light go 8/4/1970 #25767  
                         ITATIAIA, BRZ Guard / dam shoots / UFO. Blinded an 8/30/1970 #25811  
                    NEAR ALEGRETE, BRZ 2 / ranch. Cows upset. Calf levitate 10/28/1970 (approximate) #25887  
                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ 6 1M small humanoids (or Greys) glid 11/24/1970 #25916  
                           RIO DJ, BRZ 20M metallic cylinder/cylindrical ob 1/1971 #25960  
                           RECIFE, BRZ 5000 observer(s). Saucer circles and 2/6/1971 #26016  
                       PETROPOLIS, BRZ 2+several. Bell-saucer all over/all  2/24/1971 #26031  
              NEAR CAMPINA GRANDE, BRZ 10M fireball / bushes. Chases man ac 3/22/1971 #26049  
                 SOUTH / PRATINHA, BRZ Washtub-saucer paces plane / 20 minu 8/9/1971 #26275  
                        ILHA BELA, BRZ Metallic cone with halo hovers overh 9/7/1971 #26321  
                        ITAPERUNA, BRZ Saucer malfunctions due to EME (elec 9/22/1971 #26359  
                       CATAGUASES, BRZ Beam lifts man. Hangs / 15 minute(s) 9/25/1971 #26373  
                    SAO CRISTOVAO, BRZ 12 observer(s). Saucer 3M over nearb 10/1/1971 #26397  
                         ANAPOLIS, BRZ Car O / O / control. Speeds going [t 10/3/1971 #26403  
                NORTH / ITAPERUNA, BRZ 20 / bus / panic. Saucer follows / m 10/20/1971 (approximate) #26430  
              NORTHEAST / PELOTAS, BRZ Silent 25M metallic saucer stops 50M 10/31/1971 #26440  
                   NEAR FORTALEZA, BRZ Many observer(s). Fast silent saucer 11/4/1971 (approximate) #26453  
                  NEAR BANANEIRAS, BRZ Phony bus. Light-beam opens car. 2 a 11/17/1971 #26473  
                         CAMPINAS, BRZ Hundreds / observer(s). Extremely lu 12/4/1971 #26485  
                        ITAPERUNA, BRZ Numerous observer(s). Luminous/glowi 12/9/1971 #26492  
   BEACH SOUTHEAST / PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 2 observer(s). Silent UFO emerges /  12/19/1971 #26507  
D VIAMAO AND CARAZINHO AND GUAIBA, BRZ Many separate observer(s). UFO = 5cm 12/19/1971 #26508  
                          MOSSORO, BRZ 7 / car. Saucer / roadside shoots sp 12/21/1971 #26511  
              HIGHWAY NEAR NAZARE, BRZ Busload / law students etc. Saucer c 4/2/1972 (approximate) #26634  
                   WEST / PELOTAS, BRZ 300 sheep mutilated. Blood drained.  6/1972 #26692  
                           CAMPOS, BRZ 2000 / ballgame. Cylinder/cigar-shap 7/26/1972 #26835  
                            MAGE', BRZ All power out and battery radios! Ma 7/31/1972 #26847  
                            GAVEA, BRZ Metallic saucer. 2 small objects orb 8/11/1972 #26894  
          GALIA TO/FROM UBIRAJARA, BRZ Teachers and many. 1.5 saucer lands  10/28/1972 #27092  
                       VILA VELHA, BRZ Glowing-ring hovers / ham radio mast 2/3/1973 #27267  
                        CATANDUVA, BRZ 3 / farm. 8' saucer-cylinder/cigar-s 5/14/1973 #27482  
                        CATANDUVA, BRZ Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Blue  5/22/1973 #27516  
                    NEAR CAMPINAS, BRZ Car malfunctions due to EME (electro 6/1/1973 #27544  
                       SOUSAS, SP, BRZ Location approximate. 3 / car and mo 6/7/1973 #27555  
                    NEAR GRAVATAI, BRZ 4 / car. Yellow ovoid paces cars. No 9/14/1973 #27817  
                           RIO DJ, BRZ 1+1+2 observer(s). "Turreted wall" / 10/6/1973 #27958  
                      SIDROLANDIA, BRZ 12M saucer and small humanoid (or Gr 11/19/1973 #28445  
                           IPAUCU, BRZ Row / old cars that look new! Pseudo 2/1974 (approximate) #28723  
                           RIO DJ, BRZ Man abduction and cloned! Guides dou 2/28/1974 #28814  
                        CATANDUVA, BRZ Repeat abduction. Medical exam. Foun 4/26/1974 #29063  
                        PARAIPABA, BRZ 2 observer(s). 3 men with ropes by o 5/5/1974? #29083  
                       OFF ITAJAI, BRZ Several separate observer(s). Saucer 6/13/1974 #29182  
                      NEAR RIO DJ, BRZ 4+6+observer(s). Fast plate saucer.  6/15/1974 #29195  
                   OFF NAVEGANTES, BRZ 20+observer(s). Silent shiny saucer  6/18/1974 #29208  
            SAO BERNARDO DA CAMPO, BRZ Hundreds and 15 police. Luminous cyl 6/20/1974 #29215  
                       NAVEGANTES, BRZ Saucer lands / beach. 2 observer(s)  8/31/1974 #29404  
                      NORTH CEARA, BRZ Lady bathing / lake zapped / blue-be 10/1974 #29496  
                        GUARAPARI, BRZ 2+4 observer(s). Luminous ball stops 1/8/1975 #29731  
                        ITAPERUNA, BRZ 3 / bicycles chased / hedge-hopping  9/5/1975 #30343  
    URUBURETAMA AND TURURU, CEARA, BRZ 30 day siege / fireballs etc. Burnin 10/1/1975 (approximate) #30408  
        SOUTH GONCALO DE AMARANTE, BRZ Saucer zaps boy / blue ray. Near dea 10/27/1975 (approximate) #30480  
                        GARANHUNS, BRZ 1 / VW car. Silent 4M egg passes / l 12/3/1975 #30682  
                   MATIAS-BARBOSA, BRZ VW and riders beamed / saucer! Earph 1/21/1976 #30807  
                          QUIXADA, BRZ Man abduction / light beam / UFO. De 4/23/1976 #31013  
          SOUTHWEST / PASSO FUNDO, BRZ 2 / car photograph 7M metallic Satur 5/12/1976 #31046  
                      SAO GONCALO, BRZ Separate observer(s). Saucer beams m 6/14/1976 #31107  
                     NEAR BRUSQUE, BRZ 3M saucer going north. Stops overhea 9/3/1976 #31331  
                        SAO PAOLO, BRZ Odd cloud going down / street. Dissi 9/7/1976 (approximate) #31351  
                    VARGEM GRANDE, BRZ 3M saucer drops 4 cables. Small huma 9/9/1976 #31359  
                     PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Many observer(s) and photographs / g 1/10/1977 #31714  
                VIAMAO AND ITAPUA, BRZ 2 observer(s). Moon-size red round o 1/28/1977 #31762  
                      ITAPUA, RGS, BRZ 1 observer (same as Viamao). Bright  1/29/1977 #31764  
                         PINHEIRO, BRZ Fireballs March-June. 60% / populati 3/1977 #31854  
                   ICOARACI, PARA, BRZ Thunder. 2 fireballs south going nor 5/17/1977 #32102  
                            BELEM, BRZ Wave starts near Cape Garupi. moves  6/15/1977 (approximate) #32164  
                            BELEM, BRZ Wave until Oct. '77. UFO's north goi 7/1977 (approximate) #32209  
                            VISEU, BRZ Local panic / weeks. Cylinder/cylind 7/1977 #32210  
                 CARDEIROS, CEARA, BRZ Net-like beam tries / abduction man. 7/1977 #32213  
                        SAO BENTO, BRZ Bird-shaped fireball zaps man / hors 7/14/1977 #32270  
                   COLARES ISLAND, BRZ By now island 90% evacuated. Photogr 8/1/1977 #32342  
                 SOUTH / PINHEIRO, BRZ Bogea chased / delta/triangle/box-li 8/10/1977 #32373  
                        PACIENCIA, BRZ 3 robot(s)/android(s) abduction man. 9/15/1977 #32482  
                            VIGIA, BRZ Power outage. 6 night lights shoot b 10/18/1977 #32587  
                          COLARES, BRZ Cylinder/cylindrical object-Chupa se 10/19/1977 #32590  
                 MOSQUIERO ISLAND, BRZ Chupa beams burn people / house and  10/29/1977 #32626  
                 JOAQUIM MURTINHO, BRZ Saturn probe pulls TV-plug. 3 pseudo 11/2/1977 #32654  
             NEAR VILA DO COLARES, BRZ Triangle with row / lights on long s 11/11/1977 #32663  
                          PELOTAS, BRZ Blue beam zaps man. Abduction. Sex / 3/3/1978 #33012  
                          PENALVA, BRZ Boy abduction / 81 hours. Paralyzed. 3/24/1978 #33076  
                      BAIA DO SUL, BRZ UFO hovers. Tube / light penetrates  5/24/1978 #33234  
                           RIO DJ, BRZ Electric engineer / bus photographs  6/20/1978 (approximate) #33293  
              NEAR CACAPAVA VELHA, BRZ Observer(s) 'hypnotized' takes pseud 8/1978 #33456  
                     BOM FIM MINE, BRZ Silent saucer rises / ground. Man lo 9/1978 #33614  
                  VALE DAS VELHAS, BRZ 3 separate levitations. Observers gr 10/1978 #33784  
                        MARIBONDO, BRZ 5M saucer going down / dam. 3 2M men 12/6/1978 #34061  
           SOUTHEAST / SANTA CRUZ, BRZ Cylinder/cylindrical object overhead 12/20/1978? #34179  
                WEST / SANTA CRUZ, BRZ Saucer lifts woman 40M with beam / l 1/1979 #34267  
                   SITIO TIMBAUBA, BRZ Woman levitated / beam / fireball an 1/27/1979 #34383  
                          MARINGA, BRZ Several observer(s). Photographs. 2  4/13/1979 #34509  
                      CARNAUBINHA, BRZ 2M UFO zaps man on fence. Paralyzed. 5/1979 #34531  
                         PAMPULHA, BRZ 2 cops. Car malfunctions due to EME  5/5/1979 #34541  
                         MIRASSOL, BRZ 3 small humanoids (or Greys) abducti 6/18/1979 #34614  
                       NEAR LAJES, BRZ Odd shadow / ground. 4 hours missing 8/24/1979 #34770  
                   NEAR SAQUAREMA, BRZ 2 / car. Electro-magnetic effect (EM 10/15/1979 #34955  
                   CAJAZEIRAS, PB, BRZ Town terrorized / UFO's for months a 11/1979 #34978  
                      STO.ANTONIO, BRZ Saucer snares Mans shirts / rope and 11/10/1979? #34992  
             CONCEICAO / ARAGUAIA, BRZ 3 / truck / malfunctions due to EME  9/25/1980 #35531  
              COAST EAST / RIO DJ, BRZ 2 / car. Saucers rise / sea. 1 stops 11/1980 #35600  
          SOUTH JOSE DO RIO PRETO, BRZ 4 observer(s). Animals run. 25cm sil 12/18/1980 #35726  
               BEACH EAST / PECEM, BRZ Glowing-object chases man 3 hours. C 2/1981 #35809  
                 NEAR PASSA TEMPO, BRZ Large dark ovoid 2M away. Observer(s 2/24/1981 #35841  
                     MONTE ALEGRE, BRZ Man imprisoned / cone-beam going dow 3/1981 #35853  
                    NEAR LINHARES, BRZ Brilliant light. Driver wakens 1000k 4/20/1981 #35906  
                   BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ Bright saucer / ground. Vanishes. Ob 5/4/1981 #35926  
                        PARNARAMA, BRZ Hunters / tree hammocks zapped / Chu 8/15/1981 (approximate) #36073  
                        PARNARAMA, BRZ Hunter zapped / Chupa? Falls / tree. 10/17/1981 #36175  
                NEAR AGUAS CLARAS, BRZ 2+several observer(s). Car malfuncti 12/19/1981 #36264  
                        BOM JESUS, BRZ AND MORE/OTHERS 3 airliners and grou 2/8/1982 #36323  
                            PECEM, BRZ Fireball chases 2 women 500M. Going  4/1982 #36421  
            PORTO ALEGRE AND AREA, BRZ Several separate observer(s). 2 sauc 5/20/1982 #36475  
                        COCALINHO, BRZ Deer Hunter in tree. Zapped by Chupa 8/26/1982 #36582  
                         BOTUCATU, BRZ J.da Silva abduction / small humanoi 11/29/1982 #36701  
                        PECEM, CE, BRZ Saucer zaps fisherman / red beam / 3 2/1983 #36757  
                  VALE DAS VELHAS, BRZ Fireball hums and lights area. Man l 11/1/1983 #37039  
               CAJNEIRO, MARANHAO, BRZ Glowing fatman grows tall and thin.  11/11/1983 #37045  
                          CHAPECO, BRZ A. Tasca abducted / small humanoids  12/14/1983 #37073  
                SANTANA DO ACARAU, BRZ Chupa chases and zaps man repeatedly 5/1984 #37307  
                SANTANA DO ACARAU, BRZ Woman with cigarette chased / Chupa  8/1984 #37425  
                       PARNAIBA R, BRZ Night lights buzz fishermen. UFO lan 9/23/1984 #37463  
                    CARAGUATATUBA, BRZ Several / bus. 3 silent domed glow s 3/30/1986 (approximate) #37813  
                          PACAJUS, BRZ 3 / boat / reservoir. Silent carsize 4/20/1986 #37826  
                    MONTES CLAROS, BRZ Several observer(s). 12 objects goin 5/1986 #37850  
               NORTH MINAS GERAIS, BRZ UFO beams strong light all over hous 5/15/1986 #37869  
                         BRASILIA, BRZ Private pilot followed 460mi by smal 5/16/1986 #37871  
                   RIO DE JANEIRO, BRZ 1 observer. Large UFO with small obj 5/18/1986 #37873  
                 SAO PAULO-RIO DJ, BRZ 6hr wave / huge objects. Jets chase. 5/19/1986 #37875  
           PORTO NACIONAL, GOAIAS, BRZ 1 observer. Luminous "Ping-pong ball 5/20/1986 #37883  
                 FORTALEZA, CEARA, BRZ Many calls / Air Force. Dark cigar-s 5/21/1986 #37884  
                  MARINGA, PARANA, BRZ Freelance cameraman films glowing ro 5/21/1986 #37885  
                     RONDONOPOLIS, BRZ Trucker. UFO / roadside. Flash. 72 h 5/23/1986 #37890  
                    FOZ DO IGUACU, BRZ Hundreds / observer(s). Pan shaped d 8/22/1986 #37997  
               NORTH MINAS GERAIS, BRZ Series / UFO's. Night lights. Box ch 9/2/1986 #38011  
                SANTANA DO ACARAU, BRZ Date approximate. 1 object with 2 li 7/1987 #38203  
                        COCALINHO, BRZ Wandering night light beams on / off 7/15/1988 #38601  
                      CARNAUBINHA, BRZ 2+observer(s). Round object going do 11/1988 #38700  
        SOUTH GONCALO DO AMARANTE, BRZ 2 / farm. Big silent flashy fireball 6/1989 #38969  
            SAO JOSE DO CAMPESTRE, BRZ Saucer going down. 9 pairs / holes / 11/1989 #39203  
            4 MILES SOUTH / LAJES, BRZ Woman nearly levitated / fireball. M 8/1990 #39673  
                       CAJAZEIRAS, BRZ Man / bike. Huge blue light overhead 3/1991 #39988  
          14 MI SOUTH / FORTALEZA, BRZ 2 / motorcycle / malfunctions due to 3/9/1991 #40006  
                         BRASILIA, BRZ 26 cops. Luminous ovoid hovers verti 4/11/1991 #40033  
                       NEAR LAJES, BRZ Ovoid 5M overhead follows man. Obser 5/1991 #40052  
            NORTH / CAMPO REDONDO, BRZ Fireball levitates man twice. Heat a 5/12/1991? #40056  
            MURITI NEAR PARAIPABA, BRZ Farmer and 3. Fireball with small li 8/25/1991 #40165  
                  SANTA CRUZ, RGN, BRZ 6 with lamp tending cow. Night light 9/1991 #40177  
                      IBICUITINGA, BRZ Teen chased. Saucer hovers over drop 9/9/1991? #40181  
           SOUTHWEST / SANTA CRUZ, BRZ Tape deck ejects. Beams search farm. 9/30/1991 #40198  
                      BARUERI, SP, BRZ "Chapada" spins between hills 2km aw 1/5/1992 (approximate) #40279  
                     SANTIAGO, RS, BRZ Several observer(s). Brilliant blob  1/15/1992 #40287  
                  MORRO DO CHAPEU, BRZ 3rd star / Centaurus suddenly curves 1/16/1992 #40289  
           SAO FRANCISCO DE ASSIS, BRZ Observer(s) fixing TV antenna. 3 nig 2/6/1992 #40320  
                     GRAVATAI, RS, BRZ 2 observer(s). 1.5km arrow cloud wit 2/14/1992 #40328  
             SOUTH / SANTIAGO, RS, BRZ Several observer(s). Small hemispher 2/15/1992? #40330  
                     PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 1 observer. Glowing-cloud-saucer sho 2/24/1992 #40333  
                  JACUPIRANGA, SP, BRZ 3 observer(s). Red glowing-object ho 2/27/1992 #40340  
                    SOUTH / LAJES, BRZ 1 observer. Night light nears house. 3/1992 #40341  
                          PALHANO, BRZ 2 observer(s). Saucer going down. Mi 3/5/1992 #40356  
                     SANTIAGO, RS, BRZ 3 cloud saucers flash / 2-3 minute(s 3/5/1992 #40357  
                            MAFRA, BRZ 2 observer(s) frozen. Radio Frequenc 3/14/1992 #40378  
                        ARIQUEMES, BRZ Silent 3M saucer going down / 3M alt 3/14/1992 #40379  
              VICENTE DE CARVALHO, BRZ 20cm fireball enters room. "Vuuh" so 3/15/1992? #40383  
                     PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Silent 4 / 1 cylinder goes over obse 4/3/1992 #40407  
                       RUSSAS, CE, BRZ Night light follows 5 observer(s) to 4/9/1992 #40410  
                     IPORANGA, SP, BRZ 5 / GUG group. Big flash. Air glows  4/18/1992 #40421  
                            MACAE, BRZ 3 / UFO group. Saucer west going qui 4/26/1992 #40430  
                     GRAVATAI, RS, BRZ 2+6 observer(s). "Satellite" going s 5/3/1992 #40448  
                   VOTORANTIM, SP, BRZ Busload / observer(s) stops. Silent  6/20/1992 #40500  
                     CASCAVEL, CE, BRZ Fireball follows engineer / minutes. 7/17/1992 #40520  
                    IGUAPE, CEARA, BRZ 3 / boat. Bright UFO just over sea s 7/17/1992 #40521  
           SAO GONCALO / AMARANTE, BRZ Several observer(s). Fireball lights 7/25/1992 #40534  
                         SANTIAGO, BRZ 2 kids. Small black object / white t 8/3/1992 #40547  
                  SITIO JOAO, RGN, BRZ Area lit. 2 hide under burro. Oily g 8/4/1992 #40548  
        WEST / CAMPO REDONDO, RGN, BRZ 2M yellow fireball over hunters / 30 8/6/1992 #40556  
                   CAPAO DA CANOA, BRZ Unidentified object slowly northeast 8/24/1992 #40588  
                     SANTIAGO, RS, BRZ 1 observer. 30cm red sphere curves e 8/29/1992 #40595  
                    ALTO DO SITIO, BRZ 1 observer. Night lights zigzag all  8/31/1992 #40599  
                    SOUTH / LAJES, BRZ Farmer. Red ball / light on extinct  9/1992 #40600  
                           GUAIRA, BRZ 1 observer. 3 silent spotlights hove 9/3/1992 (approximate) #40604  
                     SANTIAGO, RS, BRZ 2 observer(s). 6 silent night lights 9/17/1992 #40624  
                          MIRAIMA, BRZ 6 observer(s). Fireball / 6M altitud 9/30/1992 #40644  
                          QUIJADA, BRZ 50 observer(s). Wave / UFO's fly ove 10/1/1992 #40658  
                          MIRAIMA, BRZ Fireball hovers. Follows 5 observer( 10/4/1992 #40661  
                     PLANALTO, RS, BRZ 3 observer(s). Satellite stops dead  10/15/1992? #40676  
                    FORTALEZA, CE, BRZ 1.5 observer(s). Small red ball ente 10/16/1992 #40679  
                          MIRAIMA, BRZ 2 by house. Night light nears. Sudde 10/20/1992 #40684  
                     PARACURU, CE, BRZ Several / UFO group. Intense white b 10/21/1992 #40685  
                   CAPAO DA CANOA, BRZ Night light scoots over hills. Helic 10/21/1992 #40686  
                     SANTIAGO, RS, BRZ Red sphere/orb/globe flashes / 0.5hz 10/21/1992 #40687  
                      GUARUJA, SP, BRZ 1 observer. 5M delta/triangle/box-li 11/3/1992 #40702  
                         SANTIAGO, BRZ UFO follows 3 girls home. Hovers 5M  11/10/1992 #40708  
                  SANTA MARIA, RS, BRZ 1 observer. 3 saucers north going qu 11/15/1992? #40711  
                         SANTIAGO, BRZ 2 observer(s). Slow cylinder/cylindr 11/15/1992? #40712  
                         SANTIAGO, BRZ Many observer(s). White metallic ovo 11/15/1992? #40713  
                  PARACURU, CEARA, BRZ 5 observer(s). Red ball hovers / 30  11/25/1992 #40727  
                     QUIXERAMOBIM, BRZ 10 farmers. Vibrant bright UFO over  11/25/1992 #40729  
                       PIRACICABA, BRZ UFO group. 4 night lights / wavy tra 12/19/1992 #40753  
                  PASSA TEMPO, MG, BRZ Several observer(s). Glowing-object  12/22/1992 #40761  
                     OLIVEIRA, MG, BRZ 3 / ranch. Small night light / 500M  12/23/1992 #40763  
                           MANAUS, BRZ UFO group. Night light passes. Magne 12/30/1992 (approximate) #40771  
                       PIRACICABA, BRZ 2 observer(s). VLF UFO detector nois 12/30/1992 (approximate) #40772  
                   VOTORANTIM, SP, BRZ 2+4 observer(s). Huge silent metalli 1/10/1993 #40791  
                        FORTALEZA, BRZ Astronomers and thousands. 250M obje 3/20/1993 #40893  
                     NEAR QUIXABA, BRZ Night light maneuvers / clouds. Beam 4/1993 #40916  
FORTALEZA TO/FROM/BETWEEN CANDIDE, BRZ 6 observer(s) and 3 hours / video. N 5/10/1993 #40972  
                          QUIXADA, BRZ 2 observer(s). Huge silent lightbulb 12/31/1993 #41337  
                 DIVINOLANDIA, SP, BRZ Loud whistle. Huge rock explodes int 4/2/1994 #41472  
                     BERTIOGA, SP, BRZ 2 observer(s). Huge silent luminous  4/22/1994 #41499  
                  BATURITE, CEARA, BRZ Thousands await blessed virgin. 6 25 10/1/1994 #41778  
                           TIETE', BRZ 2+observer(s). Sphere/orb/globe goin 12/11/1994 #41889  
                PRATA, UBERLANDIA, BRZ Huge sphere/orb/globe sucks clouds a 12/22/1994 #41903  
                        SAO PAOLO, BRZ 1 observer. UFO with colored lights  12/27/1994 #41907  
                       RAFARD, SP, BRZ Fisherman. Round object ascends / hi 1/1/1995 #41930  
                      QUARAI, RGS, BRZ 50+live newscaster. Sphere/orb/globe 1/6/1995 #41955  
                    NEAR CAPIVARI, BRZ Yellow object / roadside. Chases car 1/16/1995 #41978  
                     CAPIVARI, SP, BRZ 2 observer(s). Round silent yellow s 1/20/1995 #41985  
         TIETE TO/FROM RAFARD, SP, BRZ 2 and more/others observer(s). Lumin 1/22/1995 #41987  
          MARIESAS TO/FROM JUQUEI, BRZ 2 / car. Silent 1' sphere/orb/globe  2/28/1995 #42067  
                         CAPIVARI, BRZ Metallic 6M guitar-pick saucer / 140 4/13/1995 #42147  
           NORTH / QUIXADA, CEARA, BRZ Several separate observer(s). Orange 5/13/1995 #42199  
                    RIO CLARO, SP, BRZ 1 observer. Thin silent cylinder/cig 8/30/1995 #42427  
               APARECIDA DO NORTE, BRZ Night lights all over/all about. 1 p 8/31/1995 #42433  
              SP306 NEAR CAPIVARI, BRZ 1 / car. Bright lights. 35 minute(s) 9/24/1995 #42505  
                     CAPIVARI, SP, BRZ 2 cops. 6 colored night lights / cir 9/29/1995 #42515  
                       PIRACICABA, BRZ Several separate observer(s). Night  10/20/1995 #42560  
             SOUTHEAST / VARGINHA, BRZ 2 farmers wakened / animals. 3M grey 1/20/1996 #42691  
                         VARGINHA, BRZ 3 girls and more/others. Red-eyed fi 1/20/1996 #42692  
                           AMPARO, BRZ Saucer-fireball lights deserted moun 1/27/1996 #42715  
                           MANAUS, BRZ Several observer(s) / 2 nights. 2M g 2/23/1996 #42773  
                        JEQUITIBA, BRZ(1 OF 2) Blinding red night light 100 3/15/1996 #42823  
                         VARGINHA, BRZ 3 observer(s). Huge red sphere searc 3/16/1996 #42824  
                           IPIGUA, BRZ Birds flee. 12M silent metallic sauc 3/17/1996 #42827  
      CAPIVARI TO/FROM PIRACICABA, BRZ 2 / car. Phony cloud = white metalli 3/24/1996 #42837  
                        AMERICANA, BRZ Several observer(s). Luminous/glowin 3/27/1996 #42843  
                        AMERICANA, BRZ 3 observer(s). 2 night lights going  3/30/1996 #42845  
                         VARGINHA, BRZ 50+observer(s). Silver disk stops ov 4/2/1996 #42848  
                        AMERICANA, BRZ Several observer(s). UFO east going  4/8/1996 #42856  
                         VARGINHA, BRZ Yellow spheres seen. 17 separate rep 4/15/1996 #42869  
                         VARGINHA, BRZ 1 observer briefly. Helmeted small h 4/21/1996 #42875  
                 SOUTH / BRAZILIA, BRZ 3 / car and cops and military. Doubl 8/21/1996 #42987  
                       PIRACICABA, BRZ 2 observer(s). 4M saucer going down. 8/26/1996 #42996  
   4 MILE(S) WEST / JABOTICATUBAS, BRZ Farmer. Classic silver saucer going  9/6/1996 #43006  
                   STA.MARIA, RGS, BRZ Metal sphere hovers / low altitude / 9/18/1996 #43029  
                      JOAO PESSOA, BRZ 300+panic. 240' box hovers / 3km alt 10/16/1996 #43072  
                      PILOEZINHOS, BRZ Farmer. Odd silver plane lands verti 10/18/1996 #43078  
                        GUARABIRA, BRZ Huge fluorescent cylinder/cylindrica 10/18/1996 #43081  
                NEAR PIRASSUNUNGA, BRZ Small sphere paces Tucano trainer pl 11/16/1996 #43111  
       PIRACICABA AND MORE/OTHERS, BRZ 100s.Sep.obs. 100M silver domed sauc 3/4/1997 #43218  
                      SAO CAETANO, BRZ 2 large opaque objects and 30 small  8/8/1997 #43373  
                       OFF SANTOS, BRZ Many / beach. Luminous/glowing disk  3/28/1998 #43536  
                          CUBATAO, BRZ 4 observer(s). Very luminous delta/t 8/21/1999 #43828  
## Word: "brzeg" (Back to Top)
                         OPOLE AND BRZEG, POLAND Separate observer(s). Sile 12/2/1983 #37062  
## Word: "brzezie" (Back to Top)
                                   Brzezie Ujazd, Poland 3:00 p.m. A 14-yea 1926 #1053  
s tending cows in a meadow between Brzezie and Ujazd, Poland. Suddenly the  1926 #1053  
## Word: "brzezinksi" (Back to Top)
bers include Gordon Dean, Zbigniew Brzezinksi, Henry Kissinger and 34 other 2004 #44638  
## Word: "brzinski" (Back to Top)
                       A man named Brzinski was working the late night shif 8/11/1995 #42376  
closer together, like fingers. Mr. Brzinski said that the taller one seemed 8/11/1995 #42376  
## Word: "brzózka" (Back to Top)
                           Germany Brzózka Bóbr River Krosno, Poland 4:00 a 7/9/1990 #39640  
d Germany and makes a stop east of Brzózka near the bridge over the Bóbr Ri 7/9/1990 #39640  
## Word: "bráz" (Back to Top)
                Rua Dr. Benevenuto Bráz Viêrira Santana neighborhood of Var 1/20/1996 #42695  
a vacant lot at Rua Dr. Benevenuto Bráz Viêrira in the Santana neighborhood 1/20/1996 #42695  
## Word: "brăila" (Back to Top)
             Iași, Romania Focşani Brăila Târgovişte 8:00 p.m. An airplane  1/29/1913 #875  
h at military barracks in Focşani, Brăila, and Târgovişte.                  1/29/1913 #875  
## Word: "bs" (Back to Top)
e told him there is a “mountain of BS” out there regarding Montauk and Camp 8/4/2008 #45155  
## Word: "bsra" (Back to Top)
and Sciences Research Association (BSRA) Founded by Meade Layne. Works with 2/1945 #1766  
ge of spirit and cosmos, Layne and BSRA seek to explore the mysteries of th 2/1945 #1768  
er meteor shower over southern CA. BSRA received many phone calls. BSRA med 10/9/1946 #2197  
A. BSRA received many phone calls. BSRA mediums established contact and rep 10/9/1946 #2197  
                                   BSRA (Borderlands) Memorandum found in o 7/8/1947 #2953  
ent metal fragments appears in the BSRA’s “Round Robin” publication         3/1949 #4027  
 Dayton OH Reply letter concerning BSRA’s “second memorandum of importance” 5/18/1949 #4190  
ew and study. Found in the private BSRA archives now at the AFU in Sweden.  5/18/1949 #4190  
    San Diego, CA Letter sent from BSRA to President                        4/7/1950 #4804  
C Reply letter from White House to BSRA                                     5/16/1950 #4945  
 San Diego, CA Private letter from BSRA Director Meade Layne to Frank Scull 11/10/1950 #5271  
                      Meade Layne, BSRA director, founds the “Borderland Sc 1951 #5370  
ded consciousness. Previously, the BSRA was a loose/unofficial association. 1951 #5370  
                   Los Angeles, CA BSRA’s “Gerald Light” associate reports  2/25/1951 #5457  
                     San Diego, CA BSRA sends a warning letter to the Presi 7/24/1952 #7091  
es is immediately published by the BSRA. Einstein, Paperclip scientists, an 4/13/1954 #9686  
caster Frank Edwards, found in the BSRA/BSRF archives at the Archives for t 8/1/1954 #10086  
rbor to the future director of the BSRA, Riley Crabb. They gave him an awar 10/5/1955 #12490  
                  Nevada Letter to BSRA about a recent nuclear test that wa 6/2/1957 #13694  
with hand written notes in private BSRA/BSRF archives containing the addres 1966 #19792  
o the BSRF, which was found in the BSRA/BSRF (Borderland Sciences Research  12/29/1987 #38377  
## Word: "bsra's" (Back to Top)
s, Minnesota Newspaper coverage of BSRA's “second memorandum of importance” 5/13/1949 #4184  
## Word: "bsrf" (Back to Top)
r Frank Edwards, found in the BSRA/BSRF archives at the Archives for the Un 8/1/1954 #10086  
994) takes over as director of the BSRF. One of the first major things he d 1960's #16135  
hand written notes in private BSRA/BSRF archives containing the addresses o 1966 #19792  
n Diego, CA Private letter sent to BSRF from an active duty USAF pilot aski 1970's #25515  
d in a physical letter sent to the BSRF, which was found in the BSRA/BSRF ( 12/29/1987 #38377  
 BSRF, which was found in the BSRA/BSRF (Borderland Sciences Research Found 12/29/1987 #38377  
## Word: "bt" (Back to Top)
                                   Bt. St. Lo and Vire, France Cherry-red l 8/1944 #1632  
                         Somewhere bt. eastern France and Western Germany,  12/1944 #1716  
            Wissembourg and Landau bt., Germany Two amber colored lights ab 1/29/1945 #1763  
            Rastatt and Bishwiller bt., Germany Two sets of lights; separat 2/13/1945 #1781  
            Mannheim and Darmstadt bt., Germany Six or seven circular, yell 3/25/1945 #1825  
                                   Bt. Malingsbo and Krylbo, Sweden 10:02 a 8/14/1946 #2133  
                                   Bt. Mountain Home & Boise, ID DC-3 Crew  7/28/1947 #3238  
                   Springfield, OH Bt. 8:05 and 10:15 p.m. two lights, some 7/23/1952 #7069  
                                   Bt. Dayton & Columbus, OH Something Foll 6/23/1954 #9935  
            The Hague, Netherlands Bt. 11:00 and 12:00 p.m. Ten firemen and 8/4/1954 #10098  
                                   Bt. Anchorage, Alaska & Tachikawa Air Ba 2/11/1965 #18806  
                           Pacific bt. Pearl Harbor & Seattle, Washington,  7/1966 #20624  
              Vernal and Roosevelt bt., UT 8:15 p.m.MST. A couple saw the g 3/12/1967 #21869  
                       Bristol, VT Bt. 10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT. Several witnes 7/12/1967 #22653  
            Zaporoje and Volgograd Bt., Russia Time not reported. An airlin 9/29/1967 #23146  
        Elnora and Mirror, Alberta bt., CAN 1:50 a.m. A locomotive engineer 10/13/1967 #23232  
                    Summerdale, PA Bt. 10:50 and 11:15 pm. Multiple witness 11/15/1967 #23463  
             Burlington County, NJ Bt. 3:30-4:00 a.m. EST. A police officer 11/19/1967 #23482  
                   Ithaca & Auburn bt., NY 6:45 p.m. EST. A woman driving w 12/12/1967 #23572  
                                   Bt. Boston Bar and Yale, B.C, CAN 3:00 a 10/1968 #24533  
                                   Bt. Bedoga Bay and Woodland, CA Judy Ken 11/26/1972 #27144  
                                   Bt. Manor & Penn, PA During the late aft 4/15/1973 #27430  
                                   bt. Penong and Ivy Tanks, AU The witness 9/6/1973 #27773  
o do Amarante, Ceara state, Brazil Bt. 6:00 & 7:00 p.m. A local man was str 10/25/1975 #30469  
## Word: "bt-13" (Back to Top)
 Frank A. Flynn is flying a Vultee BT-13 Valiant over Concord, California,  7/15/1947 #3187  
/ MEXICO, MO 2 experience airmen / BT-13 plane. 3 grey disks going northwes 8/26/1947 #3371  
## Word: "bt13a" (Back to Top)
ucer dives at Army Air Force (AAF) BT13A trainer. Going quickly south. / r1 4/3/1943 #1490  
and then dove at an Army Air Force BT13A trainer aircraft. It subsequently  4/5/1943 #1493  
## Word: "btn" (Back to Top)
            Strasbourg and Manheim Btn., Germany Bright fuzzy round ball, t 12/1944 #1714  
           Frankfurt and Karlsrhue btn., Germany Three to four very bright  12/1944 #1715  
                                   btn Blackstone, Va and Greensboro, N.C., 7/24/1948 #3729  
                                   Btn Mockville and Arrity, NC Long Object 3/8/1957 #13528  
                                   Btn Hawthorne & N. Haledon, NJ At 3:40 a 9/21/1962 #17425  
                  Salford and Bury btn., UK On this day a 10 meter long sil 6/21/1977 #32179  
          Noupoort and Middelburg (btn), S.Africa A driver of a newspaper d 6/23/1977 #32185  
                  Abadan and Ahvaz btn., Iran On this night a man with a fl 6/28/1977 #32202  
           Leicester and Hinckley (btn), UK At least 17 people saw a delta- 1/24/1978 #32911  
           Caujimolpa and Obregon (btn), Mexico A man walking observed a ho 5/15/1978 #33216  
            San Juan and San Luis (btn), Argentina Two men, Srs. De Cesare  8/31/1978 #33607  
          Mt. Vernon & Evansville (btn), IN Blimp-like object seen my motor 12/2/1979 #35038  
## Word: "btwn" (Back to Top)
 Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 48; 12:05 - btwn light and dark green object traveli 4/6/1949 #4077  
## Word: "bua" (Back to Top)
                                   Bua Province, Fiji Islands Natives in sm 10/8/1957 #14074  
## Word: "bubb" (Back to Top)
co Conservatory of Music; and C.R. Bubb, a high school mathematics teacher. 8/15/1964 #18490  
o Conservatory of Music, and C. R. Bubb, a high school mathematics teacher, 8/15/1964 #18492  
## Word: "bubble" (Back to Top)
enly disappears like a “burst soap bubble.”                                 Late 3/1945 #1826  
     RAGUNDA, SWEDEN Strange "soap bubble" with "drops on brim". Goes going 7/12/1946 #2051  
to his left. An oval object like a bubble is floating over a field about on 7/25/1947 #3231  
rs, FL 75 ft object, 3-4 ft thick, bubble on top, silver with a red rim hav 12/6/1950 #5326  
lars.  One 75' object, 3-4' thick, bubble on top, silver with a red rim hav 12/6/1950 #5328  
 pseudo-human/entity / transparent bubble see street play near crowd. Going 8/1/1951? #5591  
lpes-Maritime viewed a transparent bubble in the sky at nine o'clock in the 8/1/1951 #5592  
he street and the crowd below. The bubble flew off towards the north-northe 8/1/1951 #5592  
the radar scope. The objects had a bubble dome on the top. Each object flew 5/29/1952 #6385  
I, FL 2 observer(s). Opaque silver bubble flies fast at right angles to win 7/18/1952 #6879  
         Miami, FL Opaque, silvery bubble fly very fast at a right-angle to 7/18/1952 #6888  
and daughter.  One opaque, silvery bubble flew very fast at a right-angle t 7/18/1952 #6893  
aughter spotted an opaque, silvery bubble for 10 seconds. The object flew v 7/18/1952 #6901  
the landed UFO looked "like a soap bubble," and three men were seen walking 8/7/1954 #10113  
 “gray, metallic disc with a clear bubble on top” hovering above a church i 5/1955 #12111  
           STOCKPORT, ENGL 6 kids. Bubble dome saucer hums going north. Spo 8/11/1955 #12348  
CA 1 observer / lonely road. Small bubble expands to/from 9' ovoid. Telepat 5/10/1957 #13650  
kly [to] WNW. Then 3 more. 1 drops bubble which bursts..                    1/27/1958 #14846  
stralia a flat object with a large bubble on top was seen just before sunri 11/20/1959 #16097  
 crowd chased a "spaceman" wearing bubble headgear "with gold in it" down C 7/21/1960 #16342  
 the sea swelling like an enormous bubble 1 km away. An object emerged, hov 6/3/1961 #16714  
 the sea swell up like an enormous bubble a kilometer away, with large wave 6/3/1961 #16717  
hbor’s lawn and sees a transparent bubble of light about 100 feet away. Ins 7/1965 #19039  
plane fuselage, 25 m long, with a "bubble" on top resembling the canopy on  3/23/1966 #20047  
long, 8' high and 12' wide; with a bubble canopy on top.  Sat on highway, a 3/23/1966 #20048  
gh, 12 feet wide, with a Plexiglas bubble on top, and bright lights forward 3/23/1966 #20050  
 fuselage, 25 meters long, with a "bubble" on top resembling the canopy on  3/23/1966 #20055  
      BINGHAM, ME Girl / 6. Silver bubble going down. Man / helmet exits. 1 4/23/1966 #20383  
hing she could not hear. He had a "bubble" on his head that he took off bef 4/23/1966 #20392  
y-grey elliptical object w/a clear bubble dome on top (NICAP: 01 - Distant  9/13/1966 #20876  
 silvery-grey ellipse with a clear bubble protruding from its top, hovered  9/13/1966 #20878  
gray ellipsoid object with a clear bubble dome protruding from its top; it  9/13/1966 #20880  
and bright silver in color, with a bubble cupola or dome on top. It carried 12/13/1966 #21200  
- shaped (elliptical) object with "bubble" dome on top and two protrusions  4/27/1967 #22230  
et thick. On top was a transparent bubble dome, occupied by two small entit 11/2/1967 #23392  
lorado 12 people saw a transparent bubble with 12 lights. It hovered fifty  1/2/1968 #23644  
y and from it descended a “plastic bubble” with a glowing light inside. It  12/27/1969 #25510  
girl saw an UFO shaped like a huge bubble come down from the sky and land n 8/24/1970 #25803  
countryside lit / lightning storm. Bubble dome.                             8/1/1971 #26258  
 the bottom of the object. A clear bubble three feet in diameter swiveled a 10/4/1973 #27936  
re a silvery type of wet suit. The bubble began rotating faster and disappe 10/4/1973 #27936  
side. Pseudo-human/entity stands / bubble / top.                            10/17/1973 #28111  
ng and 6-8 feet high. On top was a bubble. Inside she saw a human figure st 10/17/1973 #28114  
ng and 6-8 feet high. On top was a bubble. Inside she saw a human figure st 10/17/1973 #28136  
id with metallicappearing garb and bubble helmet (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 10/19/1973 #28185  
 saucer. Ape-figure in transparent bubble. Fire alarms.                     10/21/1973 #28225  
 door of a translucent UFO. bottom bubble of UFO. She recalled at one point 1/14/1976 #30786  
med saucer / treetops. Transparent bubble / bottom. Going [to] behind build 6/21/1976 #31119  
Italy. It had a transparent cupola bubble on the bottom. It moved out of si 6/21/1976 #31123  
s actually like a transparent soap bubble, they see some panels and two eno 6/22/1976 #31128  
            PASADENA, CA 8cm clear bubble floats going [to] backyards. 3 li 8/30/1976 #31313  
ect was dark gray in color and had bubble like windows. Ground traces were  1/10/1978 #32872  
a silver disc-shaped object with a bubble top tumbling and turning at an es 8/16/1979 #34749  
nt over at a 60° angle. The large “bubble” lamp just inches in front of the 8/27/1979 #34787  
ith multiple lights, a door, and a bubble roof descend to the east and hove 11/8/1979 #34986  
e object is “like an enormous soap bubble” that is coming straight for his  11/11/1980 #35634  
ry disc-shaped object with a clear bubble dome was taken thirty miles north 10/8/1981 #36170  
f the object she could see a large bubble like window illuminated by a soft 11/19/1982 #36688  
RONADO, CA 3 observer(s). 3' clear bubble lands by church. Rises when neare 12/1985 #37729  
 he sees a tennis-ball-sized “soap bubble” that has a white, feathery mass  8/1989 #39040  
nstant he thinks about popping the bubble, it speeds off to the east, cover 8/1989 #39040  
, AVON 2 girls trapped / invisible bubble. Birds hit it. Bad dreams after.  10/18/1990 #39793  
 in size, resembling a translucent bubble. Inside they could see eight to t 4/7/1994 #41480  
with luminous/glowing halo inside "bubble". Going / 30 minute(s). Descends  2/15/1996 #42762  
going quickly [to] overhead. Round bubble / bottom.                         4/20/1996 #42873  
 that…so now all of the sudden the bubble pops, and so all of a sudden come 6/10/2021 #45693  
## Word: "bubble-dome" (Back to Top)
 side of the road. The being had a bubble-dome head or helment with rectang 10/19/1973 #28200  
  COTILE LAKE, LA Low humming. 75' bubble-dome saucer. Floodlight and thin  6/17/1977 #32169  
## Word: "bubble-like" (Back to Top)
 Park, CA Large, glowing disc with bubble-like dome on top, two humanoid be 8/4/1979 #34711  
## Word: "bubble-shaped" (Back to Top)
 The witness first spotted a white bubble-shaped object floating above the  5/10/1957 #13654  
untryside for 20 minutes. It had a bubble-shaped, transparent dome on top.  8/1/1971 #26262  
## Word: "bubble-top" (Back to Top)
 2 observer(s). Silver saucer with bubble-top tumbles and turns / 2K' altit 8/16/1979 #34746  
## Word: "bubble-type" (Back to Top)
 Grant could now see a disc with a bubble-type dome on top and a flat botto 6/1/1966 #20520  
## Word: "bubbled" (Back to Top)
and the car's hood was warped with bubbled up paint.                        6/29/1964 #18383  
 the surface of the sea rolled and bubbled (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/27/1984 #37421  
 the surface of the sea rolled and bubbled.                                 7/27/1984 #37422  
## Word: "bubblelike" (Back to Top)
 Park, CA Large, glowing disc with bubblelike dome on top, two humanoid bei 8/4/1979 #34712  
## Word: "bubbles" (Back to Top)
been observing. They resemble soap bubbles and dissipate quickly, leaving a 5/16/1808 #102  
 KY 2 obj looking like “giant soap bubbles” reflecting (NICAP: 01 - Distant 6/23/1952 #6600  
o objects looking like "giant soap bubbles", reflecting yellow and lavender 6/23/1952 #6605  
wo objects looking like giant soap bubbles reflecting yellow and lavender c 6/23/1952 #6609  
o objects looking like "giant soap bubbles", reflecting yellow and lavender 6/23/1952 #6614  
oing quickly northeast. Specks and bubbles / all directions. Pingpong balls 8/1/1952 #7396  
is 14 feet thick. Five transparent bubbles are visible on the bottom as it  7/1/1960 #16324  
     MALDEN, MASS 3 Girlscouts. 9 "bubbles" pass. Last 3 flash lights back  8/3/1965 #19280  
ars. Paint Job ruined / tiny clear bubbles.                                 6/17/1966 #20570  
d the water begins to boil “in big bubbles, in a circle about six meters in 8/4/1967 #22804  
ed of 2–5 layers, and riddled with bubbles filled with air and dirt.        2/18/1968 #23763  
eres from its blunt end “like soap bubbles.”                                12/1974 #29625  
 outside window. Change going [to] bubbles going [to] saucers. Shoot going  7/15/1988? #38602  
 dark 12' and saucer rises / lake. Bubbles boil. Rises straight/strait(s) g 4/12/1989 #38901  
t bright flying wing with colored "bubbles" / exterior.                     7/31/1995 #42346  
y bright flying wing with colored "bubbles" on the exterior.                7/31/1995 #42349  
l entity. They were soon dozens of bubbles or capsules hovering near the tw 9/23/1996 #43039  
## Word: "bubbletop" (Back to Top)
) telescope and 4 minute(s) video. Bubbletop saucer bobs weaves and shoots  5/7/1994 #41515  
## Word: "bubbling" (Back to Top)
the witness, burning his elbow and bubbling paint on the car. Mr. Florio al 3/30/1955 #12071  
ome odd dust on their car and some bubbling of the paint on the top. At 1:0 8/28/1967 #22943  
ter about 300–450 feet away starts bubbling up. A 15–20-foot UFO rises out  5/16/1981 #35940  
## Word: "bubi" (Back to Top)
                                   BUBI = BUBYE, ZIMBABWE 1 observer. Night 10/10/1980 #35561  
## Word: "bubye" (Back to Top)
                            BUBI = BUBYE, ZIMBABWE 1 observer. Night light  10/10/1980 #35561  
ng quickly northwest. Same seen in Bubye?                                   10/10/1980 #35562  
## Word: "buca" (Back to Top)
         Niğde Havsa, Edirne İzmir Buca forest 7:05–11:35 p.m. Three sighti 1/15/1982 #36301  
nic. When the UFO hovers above the Buca forest it takes on a flaming appear 1/15/1982 #36301  
## Word: "bucegi" (Back to Top)
                                   Bucegi Mountains, Romania Engineer Pante 1957 #13436  
of and others see an object in the Bucegi Mountains, Romania, pass over the 1957 #13436  
## Word: "buchanan" (Back to Top)
                                   Buchanan, VA Object With Rings Observed  1/18/1965 #18743  
thority Indian Point Nuclear Plant Buchanan, New York 10:15 p.m. New York S 6/14/1984 #37361  
he Indian Point Nuclear Plant near Buchanan, New York, watch 10 or more bri 6/14/1984 #37361  
     Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, New York Camp Smith Peekskill  7/24/1984 #37412  
e at Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, New York, again see a UFO with 7/24/1984 #37412  
e at Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, NY allegedly see a UAP with li 7/24/1984 #37416  
orehouse, Col. John Alexander, Lyn Buchanan, Paul H. Smith, Mel Riley, Joni 3/9/1992 #40368  
arlene Shufelt, Paul H. Smith, Lyn Buchanan, Bill Ray, Atwater and McNear,  6/30/1995 #42284  
ith Schufelt, Atwater, Ray, Smith, Buchanan, Gabrielle Pettingell, Riley, D 6/30/1995 #42284  
tar Gate (DIA and CIA) with Smith, Buchanan, Pettingell, Riley, Greg S, Ang 6/30/1995 #42284  
## Word: "bucharest" (Back to Top)
                                   Bucharest Wallachia Banat region Afterno 12/6/1737 #62  
ject is seen in the western sky at Bucharest, Wallachia [now Romania]. It l 12/6/1737 #62  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM Signs appear in sky. One  3/5/1843 #136  
                Armășești, Romania Bucharest George Pârvu and four other sc Early 8/1939 #1312  
e summer of 1954 (in the center of Bucharest).                              Early 8/1939 #1312  
 toward Europe, but the oil tanker Bucharest approaches the US quarantine z 10/25/1962 #17495  
nstead, Kennedy decides to let the Bucharest through the quarantine because 10/25/1962 #17495  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROMANIA Amateur astronomer. L 7/1963 #17817  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM 2 amateur astronomers. 2  8/1963 #17855  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM Point / light going south 7/1967 #22585  
                 Floreşti, Romania Bucharest 4:45 p.m. Some 40 soldiers and 9/1967 #22971  
ports it to the General Command in Bucharest, who order him to shoot it dow 9/1967 #22971  
Aurel Vlaicu International Airport Bucharest, Romania 9:30 p.m. A lieutenan 12/2/1967 #23533  
Vlaicu International Airport] near Bucharest, Romania, when he goes outside 12/2/1967 #23533  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM Many separate observer(s) 12/10/1967 #23565  
                Republic Factories Bucharest, Romania Magnet Strada 7:30 a. 12/10/1967 #23567  
ing past the Republic Factories in Bucharest, Romania, when she sees a blui 12/10/1967 #23567  
nesses at 7:30 a.m. in the city of Bucharest, Romania observed a sphere wit 12/10/1967 #23568  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROMANIA Object flying over ci 6/28/1968 #24088  
                   A UFO flew over Bucharest, Romania at around 2 o'clock i 6/28/1968 #24093  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM Bright 30cm object hovers 9/15/1968 #24462  
                      25KM NORTH / BUCHAREST, ROM Physics student / train.  9/19/1968 #24483  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM Saucer flies / high speed 9/26/1968 #24512  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM Sphere/orb/globe going [t 9/30/1968 #24524  
  Starting at 8:15 p.m. two men in Bucharest, Romania watched a spherical o 9/30/1968 #24528  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM Railroad/railway yard. Br 10/23/1968 #24579  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM Sphere zigzags / 40 minut 10/28/1968 #24593  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM Star flies / frightening  2/1969 #24883  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM Intense white 35cm sphere 6/1/1969 #25183  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM 10cm red sphere/orb/globe 6/1/1969 #25187  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROMANIA Night light going qui 7/6/1969 #25257  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM 1 observer. Silent violen 7/23/1969 #25291  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM Delta rises / behind nort 8/30/1969 #25338  
          North Railway Station in Bucharest, Romania 7:30 p.m. Ion Hobana  8/30/1969 #25340  
is at the North Railway Station in Bucharest, Romania, when he sees a trian 8/30/1969 #25340  
ehind the North Railway Station In Bucharest, Romania and flew off behind s 8/30/1969 #25341  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM AND MANY LOCATIONS Thousa 9/10/1969 #25357  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM Sphere/orb/globe north go 7/11/1970 #25730  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM Cigar shaped cloud hovers 11/17/1970 #25907  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROM Sky turns red. Blinding w 12/14/1970 #25937  
                           Belgium Bucharest, Romania 1:30 a.m. Belgian wri 12/14/1970 #25938  
bergh and his wife are awakened in Bucharest, Romania, by a bright red glow 12/14/1970 #25938  
n his house at 1:30 a.m., a man in Bucharest, Romania saw a vivid red light 12/14/1970 #25939  
Henri Coandă International Airport Bucharest, Romania Alexeni Air Force Bas 8/23/1984 #37438  
Coandă International Airport] near Bucharest, Romania, picks up a target fl 8/23/1984 #37438  
                                   Bucharest, Romania Sofia, Bulgaria Cluj- 8/1986 #37964  
l Meteorological Administration in Bucharest, Romania, when he picks up a s 8/1986 #37964  
                    Herăstrău Park Bucharest, Romania Arcul de Triumf Roman 9/11/1987 #38281  
ael I Park] and Aviators Square in Bucharest, Romania, when they see a larg 9/11/1987 #38281  
e Urseanu Astronomical Observatory Bucharest, Romania UFO researchers Ion H 9/28/1998 #43654  
rseanu Astronomical Observatory in Bucharest, Romania.                      9/28/1998 #43654  
                                   BUCHAREST, ROMN Power outage. Lights ove 6/28/2001 #44197  
                 Power went out in Bucharest, Romania at 4:10 a.m. when lig 6/28/2001 #44198  
                  Ring Road around Bucharest, Romania Autostrada Soarelui 4 11/8/2013 #45394  
re driving on the Ring Road around Bucharest, Romania, near the exit for th 11/8/2013 #45394  
## Word: "buchert" (Back to Top)
 same vicinity, a man named George Buchert took a photograph of a double-sa 4/17/1966 #20319  
## Word: "buchser" (Back to Top)
tnesses: U.S. Marine Corps Maj. E. Buchser and Maj. J.V. Wilkins. One meteo 6/22/1954 #9927  
 9 p.m. U.S. Marine Corps Major E. Buchser and Major J. V. Wilkins In Miami 6/22/1954 #9928  
## Word: "buchy" (Back to Top)
                        ERNEMONT / BUCHY, FR Brill crescent going down. 3 s 10/23/1954 #11329  
                                   BUCHY, FR Car slows. Luminous/glowing ob 11/13/1954 #11634  
                                   Buchy, France At intersection of Routes  11/13/1954 #11637  
                                   Buchy, Seine-Maritime, France 2:00 a.m.  11/13/1954 #11639  
 2:00 a.m. A witness is driving in Buchy, Seine-Maritime, France, and sees  11/13/1954 #11639  
rsection of Routes N28 and N319 in Buchy, Seine-Maritime, France Mr. R. L.  11/13/1954 #11641  
## Word: "bucine" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BUCINE, ITL Man / mopod/motorscooter/mot 11/1/1954 #11515  
e at a low altitude on a road near Bucine, Tuscany, Italy. It had a blindin 11/1/1954 #11524  
## Word: "buck" (Back to Top)
 Kalberer labels the sightings as “Buck Rogers stuff.”                      6/30/1947 #2487  
alley, California Two prospectors, Buck Fitzgerald and Mase Garney, report  8/19/1949 #4328  
Os. “It’s a raw deal, but we can’t buck the CIA.”                           2/9/1953 #8653  
aid “it’s a raw deal, but we can’t buck the CIA.”  https://archive.org/deta 2/9/1953 #8656  
                      Mt. View, MO Buck Nelson takes a trip to Venus, Moon, 4/24/1954 #9713  
                                   BUCK LAKE, MN 2 / boat. 20M flat disk ex 8/1954 (approximate) #10080  
 in the Ozarks hosted by contactee Buck Nelson. He claims that since April  6/28/1958 #15123  
 stories, among them Wayne Aho and Buck Nelson himself.                     6/28/1958 #15123  
/triangle/box-like craft formation buck and flash and going quickly SSE / f 5/2/1990 #39549  
a 9:20 p.m. Retired police officer Buck Scarsdale is sitting with his son B 7/5/2009 #45230  
ections. They return to the house. Buck’s brother Roger arrives at 10:30 p. 7/5/2009 #45230  
y that closes quickly. On July 10, Buck, Bo, and Joanna see an intensely bl 7/5/2009 #45230  
t the northern end of the pasture. Buck and Roger approach it and watch a f 7/5/2009 #45230  
## Word: "buckboard" (Back to Top)
jamin Buland--drove toward it in a buckboard wagon. About seven kilometers  4/15/1897 #496  
                      Sedan Crater Buckboard Mesa Nevada Test Site Astronau 2/16/1965 #18819  
 Schweikart visit Sedan Crater and Buckboard Mesa at the Nevada Test Site t 2/16/1965 #18819  
## Word: "bucket" (Back to Top)
from the machine. He is carrying a bucket, which he fills with water from a 4/17/1897 #525  
y. One is holding a phosphorescent bucket, and another has a metallic tube  12/15/1954 #11815  
d two transparent (like Plexiglas) bucket seats. There are no visible motor Mid 10/1965 #19659  
## Word: "buckets" (Back to Top)
ore he can get close, two men with buckets ask him if they can draw water f 4/22/1897 #560  
 from the riverbank. They take two buckets’ worth inside the craft, which t 12/15/1954 #11815  
## Word: "buckeye" (Back to Top)
                              LAKE BUCKEYE, FL 2+2 observer(s). 2 gold disk 7/7/1947 #2895  
## Word: "buckhannon" (Back to Top)
                                   BUCKHANNON MOUNTAIN, WV Cop and several. 12/30/1994 #41914  
 large glowing ovoid hovering over Buckhannon Mountain in Upshur County, We 12/30/1994 #41916  
## Word: "buckhaven" (Back to Top)
arried couple outside gardening in Buckhaven, Fife, Scotland at 3:30 p.m. i 3/18/2003 #44503  
## Word: "buckhorn" (Back to Top)
ome movie was made at 1:00 a.m. in Buckhorn, Ontario when a family saw 15 l 7/3/1967 #22603  
                                   BUCKHORN, CA SR88 northeast / pioneer. L 6/20/1977 #32174  
## Word: "buckingham" (Back to Top)
North Yorkshire, England Dishforth Buckingham Palace 10:53 a.m. During Exer 9/19/1952 #7980  
 of any reports for examination at Buckingham Palace and begins an informal 9/19/1952 #7980  
                                   Buckingham Palace London, England Austra Mid 3/1954 #9622  
photo hoaxer Stephen Darbishire to Buckingham Palace in London, England, to Mid 3/1954 #9622  
                    Maids Moreton, Buckingham, England 12:45 a.m. Three you 2/22/1991 #39982  
a school reunion at Maids Moreton, Buckingham, England, see a white, cigar- 2/22/1991 #39982  
                                   BUCKINGHAM, BUCKS 2 observer(s). Silent  3/3/1995 #42076  
r vessel hovering over the town of Buckingham, Quebec. The craft flew very  2/6/1996 #42743  
## Word: "buckinghamshire" (Back to Top)
                                   Buckinghamshire, England British science 1979 #34254  
ounter, as experienced by a man in Buckinghamshire, England; in its framing 1979 #34254  
                    Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, UK Two uniformed office 3/25/1982 #36413  
## Word: "buckland" (Back to Top)
                              WEST BUCKLAND, SOMERSET Several report(s) / r 10/21/1993 #41248  
## Word: "buckle" (Back to Top)
, one of the investigators, Eileen Buckle, rushes into print with a book, T 4/24/1965 #18916  
ew remain to support Bryant except Buckle.                                  4/24/1965 #18916  
d in a white coverall with a metal buckle at the waist. She was led across  9/3/1965 #19518  
 white wrist bands, anklets, and a buckle. The man was examining a nearby f 8/16/1970 #25791  
a wide belt with a very large blue buckle. His face and his hands, which ha 5/16/1973 #27496  
 pushed a white button on his belt buckle. At this a beam of light shone on 5/16/1973 #27496  
ove their waists. The leader had a buckle on his belt upon which was a wavy 9/3/1974 #29418  
t. 1 under watchband. 1 under belt buckle.                                  3/31/1980 #35243  
in. He wore a belt with a circular buckle that had colored lights. An invis 9/25/1980 #35535  
g wore a smooth suit with a square buckle on the front of a larger belt-buc 7/29/1990 #39667  
iny neon like light shone from the buckle, which changed color to blue, the 7/29/1990 #39667  
d color to blue, the inside to the buckle was black. The witness was not af 7/29/1990 #39667  
with a silver belt. The belt had a buckle with what appeared to be a gliste 7/11/1998 #43601  
## Word: "buckles" (Back to Top)
rily evacuated. Another test blast buckles aircraft hangar doors in Area 51 5/28/1957 #13684  
alls. They wore a belts with large buckles that had what looke like "piano  11/28/1967 #23517  
 or plastic, with wide belts whose buckles emitted blindingly bright and ho 1/29/1976 #30832  
## Word: "buckley" (Back to Top)
                                   BUCKLEY NAS, CO 2 military observer(s).  7/6/1947 #2748  
on No. 14, proposed by Rep. Horace Buckley of Jackson and calling for a com 2/1979 #34397  
                       Rep. Horace Buckley’s Mississippi House Resolution N 2/1979 #34399  
             geosynchronous orbits Buckley AFB Aurora, Colorado A total of  1/2018 #45499  
ed Battlespace Awareness Center at Buckley AFB in Aurora, Colorado, as well 1/2018 #45499  
## Word: "bucknall" (Back to Top)
                                   Bucknall, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, 9/20/1967 #23097  
## Word: "buckner" (Back to Top)
                                   Buckner Bay, Okinawa, Japan A stationary 9/1945 #1933  
                                   Buckner Bay, Okinawa, Japan Night. Machi 9/26/1945? #1940  
Submarine Squadron 45, anchored in Buckner Bay, Okinawa, Japan. He is on th 9/26/1945? #1940  
he and her grandmother, Mrs. Alice Buckner, went out to the yard for a bett 2/10/1977 #31806  
he and her grandmother, Mrs. Alice Buckner, went our to the yard at 7:30 p. 2/10/1977 #31808  
coming from between his feet. Mrs. Buckner walked directly beneath the obje 2/10/1977 #31808  
## Word: "bucks" (Back to Top)
                      HIGH WYCOMB, BUCKS Night lights. Box found / leaves.  10/4/1871 #192  
                           DENHAM, BUCKS, ENG Large cylinder/cigar-shape of 8/28/1952 #7764  
                    ASTON CLINTON, BUCKS Domed saucer 10M / road. Car slows 2/9/1962 #17040  
animal reaction in West Homestead, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.              8/6/1965 #19335  
noids (or Greys) go to saucer. Car bucks on saucer takeoff.                 9/21/1967 #23103  
                          ROWSHAM, BUCKS, ENGL Green bullet beams pseudo-hu 12/1971 #26481  
                       Cuddington, Bucks, England 9:00 a.m. Building survey 1/11/1973 #27230  
er Day is driving near Cuddington, Bucks, England, when he sees an orange l 1/11/1973 #27230  
                           MARLOW, BUCKS 8 / (seen thru) binoculars / boat. 9/21/1974 #29466  
                     HIGH WYCOMBE, BUCKS Aviation expert and 1. Saucer spee 12/22/1989 #39327  
                    MAIDS MORELON, BUCKS 3 / car. White cylinder/cigar-shap 2/22/1991 #39980  
                      BISHOPSTONE, BUCKS Several observer(s). "Mexican-hat" 7/9/1993 #41054  
                        AYLESBURY, BUCKS 2 video silent pulsing night light 4/10/1994 #41486  
                        BLETCHLEY, BUCKS 2+observer(s). Silent "ship" with  7/1/1994 #41599  
              LILLINGSTONE LOVELL, BUCKS 1 observer. Circular ball of fire  3/3/1995 #42075  
                       BUCKINGHAM, BUCKS 2 observer(s). Silent spinning bal 3/3/1995 #42076  
                         HANSLOPE, BUCKS Many separate observer(s). 300' du 10/9/1995 #42543  
## Word: "buckskin" (Back to Top)
                                   BUCKSKIN MTS, AZ 2 / Cessna. 20 35' sauc 3/17/1969 #25017  
## Word: "buckwheat" (Back to Top)
ts, including hydrogenated oil and buckwheat flour. The Air Force concludes 4/18/1961 #16653  
## Word: "bucov" (Back to Top)
                                   BUCOV, PRAHOVA, ROMANIA Egg-UFO flies si 9/14/1968 #24457  
## Word: "bucura" (Back to Top)
                              LAKE BUCURA, ROMANIA 3 campers. Night light r 7/27/1970 #25753  
                         NEAR LAKE BUCURA, ROMANIA 7 hikers. Night lights m 8/4/1991 #40141  
                             Lacul Bucura Retezat Mountains west central Ro 8/4/1991 #40142  
Rea Night. Seven hikers near Lacul Bucura in the Retezat Mountains in west  8/4/1991 #40142  
## Word: "bucuresti" (Back to Top)
s over the Baneasa airfield in the Bucuresti province of Romania. It then f 12/2/1967 #23534  
## Word: "bud" (Back to Top)
. On night patrol, 1st Lt. Oliver “Bud” Hemphill Jr. of the 68th Fighter Sq 10/15/1948 #3841  
                               RED BUD, IL Several separate observer(s). Hu 4/23/1950 #4881  
                               Red Bud, IL Red Bud, IL (NICAP: 08 - Photogr 4/23/1950 #4882  
                   Red Bud, IL Red Bud, IL (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 4/23/1950 #4882  
ord, Oregon 1:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Oliver are at the state forestry loo 8/12/1950 #5120  
                               Red Bud, IL 2:30 p.m. Four-engine prop plane 10/1973 #27898  
                     At 11:30 p.m. Bud Le Duc was driving home from Toppeni 12/11/1975 #30705  
## Word: "budabest" (Back to Top)
                                   Budabest, Hungary Test pilot encounters  7/6/1994 #41609  
## Word: "budacu" (Back to Top)
                                   Budacu de Jos, Romania 10:00 p.m. Journa 8/28/1973 #27729  
ean and Ion Moise are driving near Budacu de Jos, Romania, when they see a  8/28/1973 #27729  
## Word: "budapest" (Back to Top)
                                US Budapest, Hungary Germany Russia The US  8/6/1946 #2107  
ermany Russia The US delegation in Budapest, Hungary, reports that a German 8/6/1946 #2107  
                                   Budapest London Stockholm Oslo Helsinki  8/13/1946 #2128  
 of staff for intelligence, to ask Budapest for further information. Top-se 8/13/1946 #2128  
                                   Budapest, Hungary 8:30 p.m. A spherical  5/14/1947 #2281  
 3-4 feet in diameter is seen over Budapest, Hungary, passing southeast to  5/14/1947 #2281  
                                   BUDAPEST, HUNG Approximate 50 report(s)  6/10/1947 #2316  
Street [modern Dózsa György út] in Budapest, Hungary 3:30 p.m. Gyorik Feren 6/10/1947 #2319  
Street [modern Dózsa György út] in Budapest, Hungary, watch four yellow-red 6/10/1947 #2319  
 UFOs seen during the daytime over Budapest, Hungary.                       6/10/1947 #2320  
                                   BUDAPEST Army men. Group / UFO's going q 5/2/1956 (approximate) #12826  
                                   BUDAPEST, HUNG Famous poet Lazlo Benjami 11/20/1967 #23484  
## Word: "budd" (Back to Top)
lays the story to an acquaintance, Budd Hopkins, who is interested in UFOs. 1/12/1975 #29744  
trol (A1C John Burroughs and S/Sgt Budd Steffens) near the East Gate of RAF 12/26/1980 #35737  
          New York New York artist Budd Hopkins publishes Missing Time, whi 1981 #35761  
ago, with talks by J. Allen Hynek, Budd Hopkins, Bruce Maccabee, and Mark R 9/25/1981 #36137  
 Davis Abduction at Kitley Woods. (Budd Hopkins) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 6/30/1983 #36895  
t 8 feet in diameter. She contacts Budd Hopkins, who speaks with Debbie and Early 7/1983 #36900  
rs” unfolds under the direction of Budd Hopkins in hypnosis sessions by Don 12/26/1985 #37738  
ianapolis UFO abduction researcher Budd Hopkins publishes Intruders, an acc 4/1987 #38155  
 stress. She reads Missing Time by Budd Hopkins and Communion by Whitley St 1988 #38383  
FO then dives into the East River. Budd Hopkins delves into the case, altho 11/30/1989 #39283  
 nearly 6,000 US adults devised by Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, and Ron West 5/1992 #40439  
n phenomenon. UFO researchers like Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, and Mack hol 6/13/1992 #40492  
ak, Jill Tarter, Stanton Friedman, Budd Hopkins, Susan Clancy, and Michio K 2/24/2005 #44816  
## Word: "buddhism" (Back to Top)
ontrol of a soul recycling system. Buddhism teaches reincarnation is an end 1/1991 #39944  
eliefs in ghosts, god, aliens, and Buddhism combined.                       12/1997 #43452  
## Word: "buddhist" (Back to Top)
t Mr. Takao took a photograph of a Buddhist temple in Bangkok, Thailand. A  3/7/1973 #27337  
ajor Cherd Chuensamnaun is deep in Buddhist meditation at his home in Nakho 12/1997 #43452  
## Word: "buddies" (Back to Top)
s a prank by Casey’s fighter pilot buddies at the 62nd who are monitoring h 7/12/1952 #6785  
 you of some of the experiences my buddies have had, you’d never fly again! 7/17/1963 #17835  
## Word: "buddy" (Back to Top)
es that the UFO is now chasing his buddy’s plane. Several officers arrive f 10/7/1956 #13266  
                          Durward ‘Buddy’ Hack, CPO Radar Observer, claims  1979 #34263  
## Word: "bude" (Back to Top)
Budleigh Salterton Plymouth, Devon Bude, Cornwall Exeter, Devon 10:00 p.m.  8/4/1987 #38228  
.m. Observations were also made in Bude, Cornwall, and Exeter, Devon, where 8/4/1987 #38228  
## Word: "budge" (Back to Top)
ehicle, he said, the door wouldn’t budge and he began to feel “tingly”. Eve 8/1/1976 #31219  
 insert false numbers to make Navy budge figures match Treasury figures kno 11/18/2013 #45396  
## Word: "budget" (Back to Top)
rankness possibly interest defense budget and to alert west against east.”  8/24/1946 #2154  
t it must be approved for the next budget cycle.                            12/10/1946 #2211  
st black military and intelligence budget.                                  7/26/1947 #3233  
ning suggests UAP could be a black budget USG project or from Soviet/Bloc.  9/23/1947 #3419  
and rumors of worse). (ref. “Black Budget”; JMP letter)                     9/24/1947 #3420  
iorated, and he has not obtained a budget consensus from the Joint Chiefs.  11/3/1948 #3866  
 a large expansion in the military budget, the development of a hydrogen bo 4/7/1950 #4818  
ue Book. Technological hurdles and budget limits greatly delay the plan, bu 7/28/1952 #7261  
ups against the Castro regime. Its budget is $4.4 million. Under the Cuban  3/17/1960 #16200  
 terminate the A-12 program due to budget concerns and because of the devel 12/28/1966 #21223  
thoff (see 2002) suggested a black budget program utilizes, and what Mark M 1968 #23633  
nly a small percentage of the CNES budget.                                  2/11/1983 #36764  
e United Kingdom.” It has no other budget than minor staff costs and its re Fall 1984 #37466  
tes that the Pentagon has a “Black Budget” which has become a “Black Hole”  2/15/1987 #38120  
 It is far bigger than the federal budget for education, transportation, ag 2/15/1987 #38120  
xhibit to garner support for black budget aerospace programs. An anonymous  11/12/1988 #38714  
ently been included in the 1985 US budget, as an allocation of $455 million 3/1990 #39434  
 Blank Check: The Pentagon’s Black Budget, based on his articles on black-b 9/1990 #39712  
 security clearances to audit this budget. He estimates its size as at leas 9/1990 #39712  
re-routing of that money for black budget or extra-government projects. She 8/30/1996 #43000  
arlier, fitting a pattern of black budget programs allegedly changing the n 8/30/1996 #43000  
irectors of the relevant UAP black budget divisions from Rockwell, Martin-B 8/19/1997 #43387  
 oversight, (7) is funded by black budget monies and non-governmental capit 8/22/1998 #43635  
pretty solid” that there are black budget aerospace programs that contraven 2002 #44302  
fueling the development of a black budget antigravity program at the time.  2002 #44302  
three-letter agency and that black budget physics is decades ahead of physi 10/2006 #44970  
020, but it now operates without a budget, office, or formal name until Eli 2008 #45106  
 2020, where it was mentioned in a budget document.  The language in the AA 6/2008 #45144  
hington, D.C. The Pentagon’s black budget is at $52.6 billion, according to 2013 #45357  
earch Program mentions in a public budget document it has been researching  3/2014 #45403  
es in the microwave (RF) spectrum. Budget documents show DOD supercomputer  3/2014 #45403  
funded by USG/USG contractor black budget funds, lost money, cost overruns  6/22/2014 #45411  
unt ever, in funding for the black budget that bankrolls US intelligence op 2/27/2018 #45516  
## Word: "budgetary" (Back to Top)
h Nixon about what he thinks is a “budgetary matter.” Nixon’s chief of staf 11/20/1972 #27130  
ion, writes that the Aurora is the budgetary code name for the stealth bomb 3/1990 #39434  
ant from a findings perspective, a budgetary perspective or a political per 7/19/2020 #45653  
## Word: "budgets" (Back to Top)
ing the program and justifying its budgets and personnel may never be deter 9/1956 #13166  
e black programs collectively have budgets in the $10B range annually. Topi 2018 #45498  
## Word: "budinger" (Back to Top)
sent to analytical chemist Phyllis Budinger for tests and analysis. The res 11/27/1998 #43686  
sent to analytical chemist Phyllis Budinger for Fourier Transform infrared  11/11/1999 #43878  
Romanek Industrial chemist Phyllis Budinger reports on her laboratory tests 7/22/2005 #44856  
## Word: "budleigh" (Back to Top)
loyees were towing a bus from East Budleigh to Exmouth, England when they s 1/22/1971 #25995  
 Exmouth, Devon, England Lympstone Budleigh Salterton Plymouth, Devon Bude, 8/4/1987 #38228  
orizon. Observers in Lympstone and Budleigh Salterton also see the object.  8/4/1987 #38228  
## Word: "budville" (Back to Top)
y and had just passed the Langford Budville, England exit. The highway seem 10/16/1973 #28089  
## Word: "buech" (Back to Top)
s flying between Orange and Aspres Buech, France at 10:37 a.m. in a French  6/15/1951 #5543  
## Word: "buell" (Back to Top)
 Ex-Governor Woodbury and Mr. A.A. Buell, when without warning they were st 7/2/1907 #698  
## Word: "buen" (Back to Top)
                  Bolivia Enconada Buen Retiro Chile La Paz Cape Canaveral, 8/10/1979 #34724  
one near Enconada and another near Buen Retiro, just hours after reports of 8/10/1979 #34724  
Four family members of a family in Buen Consejo, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico w 3/3/1980 #35194  
## Word: "buena" (Back to Top)
                           Caleta, Buena, Chile Luminous oval with dome app 9/24/1971 #26371  
                         In Caleta Buena, Chile a police car engine and its 9/24/1971 #26372  
                            CALETA BUENA, CHL 3+5 / separate cars. Silent s 10/30/1971 #26439  
                           SOUTH / BUENA VISTA, GA 1 / SR41. Round glowing  9/12/1973 #27804  
d by haze. He drove to his home in Buena Park, California to get someone el 10/25/1973 #28287  
                                   BUENA PARK, CA Several observer(s). Glow 3/19/1983 #36789  
 midnight another witness awoke in Buena Park, California to briefly see an 8/15/1995 #42390  
ns: on Highway 24 40 miles east of Buena Vista, Colorado, and again about 3 11/22/2002 #44449  
away, which would have put it over Buena Vista, Colorado or west of it. In  11/22/2002 #44449  
                   At 1:30 p.m. in Buena Park, California a silver disc was 12/31/2002 #44461  
ut oriented horizontally flew over Buena Park, California at 8:01 p.m. It h 10/8/2005 #44888  
## Word: "buenas" (Back to Top)
                  In Bairoa, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico a woman was awakened 7/31/2000 #44024  
## Word: "buenos" (Back to Top)
ehind a grove near Monte-Brandsen, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Two on 9/20/1954 #10374  
                                   BUENOS AIRES, ARG Cops and workers. Disk 10/23/1954 #11325  
                         Dudignac, Buenos Aires province, Argentina 9:30 a. 8/30/1955 #12418  
irling storm clouds over Dudignac, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. When h 8/30/1955 #12418  
highway between Unsue and Bolivar, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The ob 8/8/1958 #15185  
                    Over La Verde, Buenos Aires province, Argentina an airp 8/31/1958 #15235  
                                   BUENOS AIRES, ARG Many separate observer 10/18/1958 #15354  
               Pehuelches station, Buenos Aires, Argentina 5:30 p.m. Antoni 5/20/1959 #15741  
t 7 miles from Pehuelches station, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They see a sauc 5/20/1959 #15741  
                                   Buenos Aires harbor, Argentina The Argen 6/1959 #15753  
fast, submarine-like object in the Buenos Aires harbor, Argentina. It is sh 6/1959 #15753  
s on Highway 35 near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina had a c 5/9/1962 #17155  
ccurred northwest of Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina that in 5/12/1962 #17166  
s from six provinces in Argentina: Buenos Aires, La Rioja, Neuquen, La Pamp 5/13/1962 #17172  
d Mendoza. In Mercedes, located in Buenos Aires province, Argentina an Air  5/13/1962 #17172  
ight from Espora Naval Air Base in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The pl 5/22/1962 #17193  
s and General Pirana, Argentina in Buenos Aires province at 1:45 a.m., Sr.  8/5/1962 #17322  
a man named Bellantoni in Dolores, Buenos Aires province, Argentina encount 8/28/1962 #17370  
 to stop running in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina at 8:00 10/10/1962 #17465  
                                   Buenos Aires Airport, Argentina A large, 12/21/1962 #17600  
                                   Buenos Aires, Argentina At Ezeiza Airpor 12/22/1962 #17604  
nal Airport Ezeiza Partido Greater Buenos Aires Argentina About 3:00 a.m. A 12/22/1962 #17606  
port] at Ezeiza Partido in Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina, tower operators 12/22/1962 #17606  
of two aircraft at Ezeiza Airport, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The UFO rose to 12/22/1962 #17607  
            San Miguel Observatory Buenos Aires, Argentina 10:55 p.m. Astro 9/14/1964 #18552  
ssi at the San Miguel Observatory, Buenos Aires, Argentina, watch an object 9/14/1964 #18552  
            San Miguel Observatory Buenos Aires, Argentina Midnight. Astron 11/14/1964 #18616  
ers at the San Miguel Observatory, Buenos Aires, Argentina, see an elongate 11/14/1964 #18616  
 Adhara Observatory in San Miguel, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, astron 11/14/1964 #18617  
                                   Buenos Aires province, Argentina A coupl 1965 #18689  
le is driving on a country road in Buenos Aires province, Argentina, when t 1965 #18689  
                                   BUENOS AIRES, ARG Photographs of 2 sauce 7/3/1965 #19057  
     At 7:30 p.m. in Villas Rosas, Buenos Aires province, Argentina Maria A 7/19/1965 #19137  
 near Monte de los Curas, Quilmes, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when he 7/20/1965 #19153  
                                   BUENOS AIRES, ARG 2 observer(s). 1M top  8/1/1965 #19237  
ng to their home in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when th 8/20/1965 #19444  
                    FLORES DISTR / BUENOS AIRES, ARG 3+observer(s). Bright  11/18/1965 #19728  
                                   BUENOS AIRES GOING QUICKLY [TO] NEQUEN,  1/7/1966 #19808  
                       Montevideo, Buenos Aires, S.America Local astronomer 11/12/1966 #21093  
'clock in the morning in Necochea, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina a close 5/7/1967 #22296  
                                   Buenos Aires, Argentina Fabio Zerpa foun 1968 #23631  
igadora de Fénomenos Espaciales in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It publishes a  1968 #23631  
                  Chascomús Maipú, Buenos Aires, Argentina Mexico City Arge Early 5/1968 #23939  
ving home from Chascomús to Maipú, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They are just o Early 5/1968 #23939  
was walking home after midnight in Buenos Aires province, Argentina when he 6/4/1968 #24006  
                              NEAR BUENOS AIRES, ARG UFO going quickly. Big 6/15/1968 #24037  
ove up to his house in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina in a black car.  6/20/1968 #24056  
                     Sierra Chica, Buenos Aires, Argentina 11:25 a.m. Oscar 7/2/1968 #24131  
 motioning to him at Sierra Chica, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They have short 7/2/1968 #24131  
 riding his horse in Sierra Chica, Buenos Aires, Argentina and encountered  7/2/1968 #24133  
           Highway 226 La Pastora, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2:00 a.m. Juan S 7/25/1968 #24225  
along Highway 226 near La Pastora, Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is only 115  7/25/1968 #24225  
        At 2:05 a.m. in Olavarria, Buenos Aires, Argentina a corporal and s 7/25/1968 #24226  
ling on Route 3 in General Alvear, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he observed 7/25/1968 #24227  
                     Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Mrs. Emilia La 8/31/1968 #24410  
       On this night in Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina J. Bautista Pera 9/10/1968 #24450  
  On this evening in Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina 19-year 9/19/1971 #26348  
n Estacion Gil, near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he noticed  9/20/1971 #26354  
                                   Buenos Aires, Argentina Oscar A. Uriondo 1972 #26529  
s de Fénomenos Aéreos Inusuales in Buenos Aires, Argentina.                 1972 #26529  
ems while driving in Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. He sto 8/8/1972 #26885  
 between Medanos and Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he stopped  8/28/1972 #26966  
ision in his home in Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when th 11/28/1972 #27150  
ng near his shack in Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires, Argentina with his dog and 12/30/1972 #27193  
igway in his Fiat 1500 in Oriente, Buenos Aires province, Argentina at 10:3 5/14/1973 #27486  
ad at 1:15 a.m. near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina when he 10/28/1973 #28311  
ers northeast of General Pinto, in Buenos Aires province, Argentina was dri 10/29/1973 #28319  
he ground in a garden in La Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina at arou 11/26/1974 #29611  
hite, near Bahía Blanca, Argentina Buenos Aires Hospital Ferroviario 3:30 a 1/4/1975 #29715  
s and wakes up in the afternoon in Buenos Aires some 400 miles away, where  1/4/1975 #29715  
iero, a town outside Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he saw a bl 1/5/1975 #29723  
imself lying beside a road outside Buenos Aires. The time was 7:30 a.m. but 1/5/1975 #29723  
                                   Buenos Aires, Argentina Guillermo Carlos 10/1976 #31440  
oni begins publishing UFO Press in Buenos Aires, Argentina, until November  10/1976 #31440  
hree hunters near Coronel Dorrego, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina heard s 8/22/1978 #33550  
g "silo-shaped" craft in Necochea, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Their  8/31/1978 #33612  
  A 12-year-old boy in Marcos Paz, Buenos Aires province, Argentina photogr 9/21/1978 #33724  
                                   Buenos Aires Province, Argentina Car par 9/22/1978 #33728  
                                   Buenos Aires Province, Argentina Car par 9/22/1978 #33729  
                                   Buenos Aires, Argentina 4:30 a.m. Carlos 9/23/1978 #33734  
oën CG on the flat pampas south of Buenos Aires, Argentina, stragglers on t 9/23/1978 #33734  
in 50 meters. Cronica, May 7, 1979 Buenos Aires, Argentina (E,R) police car 5/5/1979 #34543  
                                   Buenos Aires, Argentina Alejandro Agosti 1980 #35113  
ómenos Aéreos No Convencionales in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and publish thr 1980 #35113  
                                   BUENOS AIRES, ARG Hundreds / observer(s) 6/14/1980 #35363  
      Córdoba Jorge Newbery Ezeiza Buenos Aires Rosario Argentina Pajas Bla 6/14/1980 #35368  
rge Newbery and Ezeiza airports in Buenos Aires, and Rosario, Argentina, in 6/14/1980 #35368  
glia, a farmer in Los Acantilados, Buenos Aires province, Argentina observe 1/23/1981 #35796  
                                   BUENOS AIRES, ARG Hundreds / observer(s) 2/4/1984 #37177  
                 General Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina 8:30 p.m. The br 3/3/1988 #38482  
hampionship near General Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, when they notic 3/3/1988 #38482  
d's house in Barrio Supe, Berisso, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina riding  8/31/1990 #39707  
                                   Buenos Aires, Argentina The Centro de Es 4/1993 #40922  
s de Fenómenos Aéreos Inusuales in Buenos Aires, Argentina, publishes the f 4/1993 #40922  
                                   Buenos Aires, Argentina Night. Two polic 11/28/2002 #44453  
 Argentina Night. Two policemen in Buenos Aires, Argentina, see a large lig 11/28/2002 #44453  
tted at 8:10 p.m. in Almagro Pale, Buenos Aires, Argentina.                 10/26/2008 #45178  
## Word: "bufa" (Back to Top)
                    El Cerro de la Bufa Meteorological Observatory in Zacat 8/12/1883 #255  
la, director of the El Cerro de la Bufa Meteorological Observatory in Zacat 8/12/1883 #255  
## Word: "bufalino" (Back to Top)
e east. (Unidentified clipping and Bufalino report, 8/9/67, NICAP files.) ( 8/6/1967 #22826  
## Word: "buff" (Back to Top)
orace Eakins. Two objects:  one, a buff or grey rectangle with vertical lin 9/23/1948 #3810  
 observed two daylight UFOs: one a buff or gray rectangle with vertical lin 9/23/1948 #3813  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Buff” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT        12/16/1965 #19775  
                                   BUFF LEDGE, VT 2+4 observer(s). Saucers  8/7/1968 #24302  
                                   Buff Ledge, VT Dual abduction of male an 8/7/1968 #24304  
                                   Buff Ledge, VT Dual abduction of male an 8/7/1968 #24305  
                                   Buff Ledge Camp Lake Champlain Burlingto 8/7/1968 #24307  
an watch from the end of a dock at Buff Ledge Camp [now closed] along the s 8/7/1968 #24307  
afternoon at a private camp called Buff Ledge two teenage camp counselors,  8/7/1968 #24308  
, Brescia, Italy A 16-year-old UFO buff finds and photographs some strange  7/27/1973 #27656  
 drawn by the two abductees in the Buff Ledge, Vermont case from 1968.      12/3/1979 #35046  
 H. W. Bush is approached by a UFO buff named Charles Huffer, who asks him  3/7/1988 #38493  
## Word: "buff-colored" (Back to Top)
e-down salad dish, and consists of buff-colored pulpy substance with an ove 8/13/1819 #110  
## Word: "buffalo" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Buffalo” Yield: 15KT                     9/27/1956 #13250  
confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Buffalo” Yield: 1.5KT                    10/4/1956 #13262  
confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Buffalo” Yield: 3KT                      10/11/1956 #13274  
confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Buffalo” Yield: 10KT                     10/22/1956 #13287  
bserver Corps (GOC) observer(s) to buffalo USAF. High-polished or glowing U 11/6/1957 #14356  
                                   Buffalo, Texas Maj. R.O. Braswell, while 9/29/1959 #15997  
over the entire sky.” W.S. Webb of Buffalo, N.Y., glanced out his bedroom w 9/29/1959 #15997  
                                   Buffalo, NY USAF Col. Tacker lectures to 3/17/1961 #16633  
acker lectures to the Aero Club of Buffalo, N.Y.                            3/17/1961 #16633  
                              NEAR BUFFALO LAKE, MT Flash! 150M cylinder/cy 3/7/1967 (approximate) #21785  
                                   BUFFALO, SD Many observer(s). 6 photogra 6/29/1972 #26741  
                                   Buffalo, South Dakota 10:00 p.m. A dark, 6/29/1972 #26742  
nesses at 200–500 feet altitude in Buffalo, South Dakota, at a slow speed.  6/29/1972 #26742  
        At eight p.m. residents of Buffalo Mills, Pennsylvania spotted an e 8/19/1973 #27714  
s). Many circular objects / sky. / Buffalo Courier-Express 12.10.73.        10/10/1973 #27976  
                                   Buffalo, ND 4:00 a.m. Near the Grand For 8/26/1975 #30309  
                              near Buffalo, North Dakota - Sandra Larson, a 8/26/1975 #30312  
                              NEAR BUFFALO, WY Local observer(s). Helicopte 11/3/1975 (approximate) #30541  
                            EAST / BUFFALO, MT 5 Strategic Air Command (SAC 11/7/1975 #30570  
                                   BUFFALO SHOALS, NC Domed disk hovers. Th 8/11/1978 #33498  
                                   Buffalo Shoals, NC Glowing, yellow domed 8/11/1978 #33503  
                   At 10:55 EDT in Buffalo Shoals, North Carolina Mr. T. Ma 8/11/1978 #33508  
                                   Buffalo, New York Day. Michael Romanowsk 4/17/1980 #35273  
a white boomerang-shaped object in Buffalo, New York.                       4/17/1980 #35273  
circle of much shorter and greener buffalo grass that is 4 inches wide. Thi 5/20/1983 #36862  
## Word: "buffenbarger" (Back to Top)
J Stevens, IAM Intl. President Tom Buffenbarger, and Holland & Knight LLP P 11/27/2002 #44452  
## Word: "buffeted" (Back to Top)
11:45 that night, a parked car was buffeted by a flying disc, 100 yards awa 11/15/1957 #14562  
the roadway. The car was violently buffeted as the object darted around fro 3/31/1966 #20173  
ed up and down, moved quickly. Car buffeted, humming sound. Object rose, sp 3/31/1966 #20177  
s. Udvardy backs up and his car is buffeted by gusts of wind as the object  3/31/1966 #20179  
s and engine died, and the car was buffeted about as the object took off. T 4/5/1967 #22068  
ilently took off. She felt the car buffeted with a shock wave as it left. A 12/10/1976 #31594  
 light changes to blue, the car is buffeted around.                         10/11/2000 #44054  
## Word: "buffeting" (Back to Top)
 in Lewisville, Texas at 9:10 p.m. Buffeting of his vehicle was caused by t 11/3/1973 #28363  
ribes—an oddly localized whirlwind buffeting debris and leaving a swirled r 11/29/1980 #35682  
idnight, during the heavy rain and buffeting of Tropical Storm Marilyn, a l 9/16/1995 #42477  
## Word: "buffiere" (Back to Top)
                            PIERRE BUFFIERE, FR 2 observer(s). 110cm small  12/6/1967 #23553  
## Word: "bufflot" (Back to Top)
en Bridge, Norway Mr. Trygve, Mrs. Bufflot and a neighbor saw an object ris 11/1953 #9269  
## Word: "buffoons" (Back to Top)
ut it, “a bunch of bumbling sci-fi buffoons” rather than a rational group o 7/1963 #17819  
## Word: "buffs" (Back to Top)
 of aerospace engineers and saucer buffs organized as Civilian Saucer Inves 4/2/1952 #6016  
       Cleveland, Ohio Teenage UFO buffs Allen H. Greenfield, Rick Hilberg, 6/27/1964 #18377  
month or so to several hundred UFO buffs whom Moseley calls “nonsubscribers 2/1976 #30840  
## Word: "buffumville" (Back to Top)
 4:00 a.m. four men out fishing on Buffumville Reservoir in Oxford, Massach 5/29/1971 #26142  
## Word: "bufkin" (Back to Top)
                                   Bufkin, IN 10:40 p.m. Blue and green obj 11/1/1973 #28337  
                                   Bufkin (2 miles East of), IN 7:15 p.m. T 11/28/1973 #28473  
## Word: "bufoi" (Back to Top)
                   Anvers, Belgium BUFOI magazine (Belgian UFO Information) 6/1964 #18315  
## Word: "bufora" (Back to Top)
 begins publishing a new magazine, BUFORA Journal, in the summer.           1/25/1964 #18119  
ers near power pole. Likely fake / BUFORA.                                  3/28/1966 #20109  
        Whitehall, London, England BUFORA researchers Anthony R. Pace and R 9/27/1967 #23136  
engine after the lights come on. A BUFORA investigator takes the radio to h 3/4/1968 #23824  
e electro-magnetic effect (EME). / BUFORA.                                  8/25/1975 #30305  
zon, May 22, 1976; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Repo 5/14/1976 #31051  
 case 1977-12, citing Lionel Beer, BUFORA). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 3/7/1977 #31869  
 case 1977-12, citing Lionel Beer, BUFORA). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)      3/7/1977 #31870  
77 -13, citing Randall Jones Pugh, BUFORA). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)  3/13/1977 #31903  
77 -13, citing Randall Jones Pugh, BUFORA). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)      3/13/1977 #31904  
s Pugh, FSR, August 1977, p. 6 for BUFORA). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)         4/19/1977 #31997  
s Pugh, FSR, August 1977, p. 6 for BUFORA). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)       4/19/1977 #31998  
s Pugh, FSR, August 1977, p. 6 for BUFORA). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)      4/19/1977 #31999  
 face was visible. They called the BUFORA investigator Randall Jones Pugh,  4/23/1977 #32018  
hey called Randall Jones Pugh, the BUFORA investigator, and the police imme 4/24/1977 #32021  
speed across the landscape. Source BUFORA Vol 6 No 6 March/April (Reference 10/30/1977 #32637  
hts are visible on the undersides. BUFORA initially attributes the sighting 5/16/1988 #38570  
ndently verified. Philip Mantle of BUFORA has spent 25 years examining both 8/28/1995 #42425  
ome. 2 photographs sent going [to] BUFORA. No further details.              9/19/1995 #42484  
## Word: "bufora-j" (Back to Top)
ing [to] over LSU football game. / BUFORA-J v4#3p13.                        10/21/1973 #28223  
## Word: "buford" (Back to Top)
lls, personnel (William D. Wilson, Buford G. Truett, Clifford E. Strang, an 12/20/1948 #3936  
ashtenaw County sheriff’s deputies Buford Bushroe and John Foster see highl 3/14/1966 #19966  
                                   BUFORD AND SCREVEN, GA Cops and many. Ca 9/20/1973 #27844  
## Word: "buftea" (Back to Top)
tional Airport at Otopeni, Romania Buftea Corbeanca 10:49 p.m. Air traffic  7/14/1997 #43350  
ight about 3 miles distant between Buftea and Corbeanca and well below the  7/14/1997 #43350  
## Word: "bug" (Back to Top)
he Avro Canada Project Y-2 (Silver Bug), a proposed vertical take-off gyrop 10/19/1955 #12510  
vro Canada MX-1794 (Y-2, or Silver Bug) vertical take-off gyroplane under d 3/1956 #12742  
 2 saucers. 1 maneuvers. 10-legged bug found in angel hair.                 11/2/1959 #16074  
## Word: "bug-" (Back to Top)
ntal features. Others are pale and bug- eyed. Their behavior is frequently  1975 #29670  
## Word: "bug-eyed" (Back to Top)
 near this town when she saw four "bug-eyed" creatures near the road. They  7/3/1955 #12231  
ockton, Georgia when she saw four "bug-eyed" creatures near the road. They  7/3/1955 #12233  
ealm where she saw cities, strange bug-eyed creatures, and a vast ocean. Sh 1/25/1967 #21389  
## Word: "bug-spray" (Back to Top)
Air Force. It is based on the Flit bug-spray advertisement that has a woman 1/18/1953 #8550  
## Word: "bugatti" (Back to Top)
tary aviator and vice-president of Bugatti, is flying his own plane near Vé 9/1967 #22975  
## Word: "bugeat" (Back to Top)
                         Mourieras Bugeat Corrèze France Limoges 8:30 p.m.  9/10/1954 #10285  
 his fields at Mourieras, north of Bugeat, Corrèze, France, when he is conf 9/10/1954 #10285  
## Word: "bugey" (Back to Top)
eys-Malville (closed in 1997); the Bugey Nuclear Power Plant, Ain; Blayais  10/5/2014 #45416  
## Word: "bugged" (Back to Top)
t looks immobilized with his eyes “bugged out.” A white beam emanates from  12/12/1967 #23575  
## Word: "bugging" (Back to Top)
n after, the FBI is systematically bugging King’s home and his hotel rooms, 8/28/1963 #17921  
## Word: "buggy" (Back to Top)
walks a few paces and steps into a buggy, which Inman has not noticed befor Late 3/1873 #200  
 Inman has not noticed before. The buggy begins to move silently and quickl Late 3/1873 #200  
John Spencer Bounds is riding in a buggy in Hillsboro, Texas, when his hors 4/16/1897 #510  
 it three miles south of town in a buggy. The craft descended to about 50 f 4/16/1897 #515  
 causing him to be thrown from the buggy. As the horses flee, the ship land 4/19/1897 #536  
eep in the Everglades in his swamp buggy, somewhere east of Immokalee, Flor 3/15/1965 #18859  
lynn decides to approach it in his buggy. A high-pitched ringing sound both 3/15/1965 #18859  
## Word: "buggy-a" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Buggy-A” Yield: 5.4KT                    3/12/1968 #23838  
## Word: "bugs" (Back to Top)
authorize FBI break-ins to install bugs during national security investigat 5/20/1954 #9820  
ius to a lethal dose of radiation. Bugs fall from the air, and small animal 6/1959 #15754  
larizing and planting surveillance bugs in the Democratic National Committe 6/17/1972 #26719  
 sample finds four southern chinch bugs (Blissus insularis) that he says ca 1/1988 #38385  
  SOUTH / CHIPINGE, ZIMB Clock and bugs silent. Ball / light going [to] thr 4/1/1988 #38529  
stribution of causes being birds & bugs (40%), balloons and airborne object 11/19/2021 #45723  
## Word: "buhl" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / BUHL, ID 2 / ranch. 7 saucers going [to] 7/10/1947 #3087  
rmation and cross sky very fast. / Buhl Herald.                             7/10/1947 #3087  
## Word: "buhler" (Back to Top)
  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Walter K. Buhler launches the Sociedade Brasiliera 12/1957 #14652  
## Word: "buhr" (Back to Top)
Mr. and Mrs. John Dick and Mrs. W. Buhr were driving toward Gretna. Near th 3/26/1967 #21995  
Mr. and Mrs. John Dick and Mrs. W. Buhr were driving toward Gretna, Manitob 3/26/1967 #21999  
## Word: "buigny-st" (Back to Top)
                                   BUIGNY-ST. MACLOU, FR 2 observer(s). 2 c 2/20/1993 #40855  
## Word: "buiietin" (Back to Top)
d a few days later. (Sources: APRO BuIIetin, June 1975; Mark Rodeghier, UFO 1/6/1975 #29728  
## Word: "build" (Back to Top)
enthusiasts, and their attempts to build an enormous Columbiad space gun an 1865 #163  
rch 9, 1873, and later attempts to build a mechanical replica of what he ha 7/25/1868 #176  
titioning the French government to build a giant mirror to communicate with 1869 #178  
eaders and shape public opinion to build support for the council’s policies 1938 #1279  
 move to the pilot plant stage and build piles to produce plutonium and ele 6/19/1942 #1417  
e Associated Press that “If we can build such craft, what is to prevent oth 7/26/1948 #3743  
 Ottawa Canada, announces plans to build and test free energy geomagnetic e 3/22/1950 #4697  
 heavily tanned face, is of stocky build, and wears overalls and a plaid sh 4/1950 #4784  
 toward it and met two men of slim build, normal height, their faces browni 3/1954 #9577  
charts in hopes of learning how to build a saucer for Canada.               7/28/1954 #10059  
ere six mm of average height, slim build, dressed in "dark gray suits glued 11/18/1957 #14575  
six men of average height and slim build, dressed in "dark gray suits glued 11/18/1957 #14577  
e Mars Project Orion, an effort to build a nuclear-powered spacecraft, begi 1958 #14780  
(MISS). MISS contracts Lockheed to build a spacecraft for a single astronau 1958 #14785  
, USAF still contracts Lockheed to build the MISS craft and the USAF hires  1958 #14785  
t and the USAF hires Itek Corp. to build a high-powered camera system for t 1958 #14785  
d the US government and offered to build it a working spacecraft called the 2/3/1958 #14870  
 Project 1794, a secret program to build a flying saucer-type aircraft desi 12/1961 #16985  
ght-foot tall beings, very thin in build, emerge from the craft. They wore  2/14/1965 #18814  
ive and one half feet tall, stocky build, and he stood with his left hand a 1/5/1966 #19806  
erent floors. The man, muscular in build, was manipulating something like a 11/5/1966 #21078  
d Boeing. Despite his attempts to “build the record,” the project’s failure Early 3/1967 #21730  
1.40 meters in height, of a robust build with short muscular legs and over- 7/20/1968 #24195  
y from him. The being had a medium build as far as the torso, but its head  8/16/1971 #26291  
inated, even though the project to build a nuclear rocket has been proceedi 1/3/1973 #27218  
hes tall. Fair skinned and slim in build, they wore the same garments. All  10/16/1973 #28089  
e humanoid. 3 1/2 ft. tall. Medium build, normal proportions. Dark face wit 12/19/1973 #28584  
appearance, a male figure of large build, about 6' 6" tall, holding its arm 8/1/1974 #29298  
eed the winner of a competition to build a stealth bomber. Immediately it b 4/1976 #30971  
men. A 6 foot tall man with a slim build, wearing a silvery suit, emerged b 11/14/1976 #31549  
-suited humanoid figures of slight build, about 4 feet 8 inches tall; they  12/2/1977 #32727  
e beings were described as thin in build and had large heads and eyes; they 9/7/1980 #35502  
 journalist in 2019 “if we were to build an anti-gravitational device, it w 4/1988 #38527  
eys". Aliens helped US Military to build a working saucer, Atomic Powered.  6/6/1988 #38581  
pose of the press conference is to build public pressure through the media  5/9/2001 #44182  
Roswell, New Mexico, crash site to build three Alien Reproduction Vehicles  5/9/2001 #44182  
everse engineered recovered UAP to build three USG/USG contractor-made vehi 5/9/2001 #44183  
to 2.15 meters in height, strongly build, and robust looking. It emitted a  7/26/2001 #44211  
ing records of a secret program to build a flying saucer-type aircraft desi Late 2012 #45355  
ere USG coordinated with Russia to build a Wing-in-Ground craft. In 2021, D 9/3/2021 #45707  
## Word: "build-up" (Back to Top)
gency that I can’t name” about the build-up of UFO reports. From his study  Mid 7/1952 #6829  
to the USSR had indicated a Soviet build-up).                               10/25/1973 #28284  
## Word: "builder" (Back to Top)
irst five photos reported taken by builder Ed Walters (section VII). (NICAP 11/11/1987 #38320  
irst five photos reported taken by builder Ed Walters                       11/11/1987 #38321  
## Word: "builders" (Back to Top)
se it in a hollow sphere. Once the builders have completed it, the only lig 6/3/1958 #15077  
## Word: "building" (Back to Top)
                           Pearson building in downtown New Castle, Pennsyl 5/2/1898 #621  
Bystanders in front of the Pearson building in downtown New Castle, Pennsyl 5/2/1898 #621  
  Van Meter, Iowa Mather & Gregg’s building An implement dealer named U. G. 9/29/1903 #662  
om the top of the Mather & Gregg’s building. He approaches cautiously, but  9/29/1903 #662  
n a sub-basement of the US Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Both sister 1939? #1303  
is skeptical about the prospect of building an atomic bomb, but is willing  10/21/1939 #1318  
h, Gloucester, England 7:00 a.m. A building foreman is driving past a deser 11/13/1939 #1321  
                         In 1939 a building foreman drove past a deserted f 11/13/1939 #1322  
e sees something like an “aluminum building” partly concealed in the trees. Summer 1940 #1340  
omes back and confirms there is no building on the spot.                    Summer 1940 #1340  
rge object next to the corn-drying building on a steep hillside that he at  Late 7/1944 #1623  
ONT-DE-MARSAN, FR 30cm ball enters building. Stops over 5 workers. Passes t 8/1944 #1630  
num 20'DOMED disk 5K' over capitol building. 1100MPH going quickly northeas 7/5/1947 #2685  
 story that claims the military is building a secret base consisting of hug 8/1947 #3277  
 Forces Special Weapons Project is building one of several bases around the 8/1947 #3277  
southwest. Tip side-side. Saucer / building site.                           8/6/1947 #3298  
 more orange than star went behind building (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 6/27/1949 #4253  
luish green obj disappeared behind building (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 8/6/1949 #4305  
ticles may have come from a campus building, although samples from the open 8/18/1949 #4322  
s office at a private contractor’s building at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, wh 7/1950 #5035  
                         Metropole Building on Northumberland Avenue in Lon 8/15/1950 #5127  
 UFOs takes place at the Metropole Building on Northumberland Avenue in Lon 8/15/1950 #5127  
roof of the airport administration building for a better look. Fowler is ab 11/26/1950 #5287  
URG, VA 1M saucer hovers / college building. Zigzags. Rolls on edge. Going  7/6/1951 #5560  
mmer, two suspicious men posing as building contractors seem to be lurking  1/1952 #5853  
ntists. 2m saucer wobbles over FMC building. 2 30m saucers overhead rise go 4/25/1952 #6181  
s of light sources from inside the building, but this ignores the fact that 7/16/1952 #6843  
4? Observer(s) / 3rd floor / Drano building. 2 silver turtle-shapes soar an 7/25/1952 #7123  
s it hovered over the U.S. Capitol Building. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 7/27/1952 #7207  
pe messages inside a high-security building at the Defense Supply Center ne Late Summer 1952 #7612  
 array / lights rotates over phone building. Winks out. Away extremely fast 9/25/1952 #8025  
 Moscow west façade of the central building Beams of microwaves, varying be 1/1953 #8486  
rom a source in a Soviet apartment building about 325 feet west of the emba 1/1953 #8486  
ing the west façade of the central building, with highest intensities betwe 1/1953 #8486  
 in the OSI conference room at CIA Building “M” in Washington, D.C. Present 1/14/1953 #8539  
             Ohio State University Building 263 at Wright-Patterson Upon Hy 1/18/1953 #8550  
avels to the Blue Book facility in Building 263 at Wright-Patterson about 2 1/18/1953 #8550  
ctly stored in a financial-records building and discovered following a FOIA 4/13/1953 #8823  
own over the Sheppard AFB hospital building in Texas. It was glowing and mo 7/9/1953 #8993  
ue saucer hovers 300' over airport building. Wobbles. Abrupt motion.        12/28/1953 #9401  
blue light, reflecting on a nearby building, hovered briefly during the 1.5 12/28/1953 #9403  
Contactee George Van Tassel begins building the Integratron at Giant Rock,  1954 #9419  
 allegedly taken from Kirtland AFB Building 21 Unit KB-88; it describes a r 1954 #9424  
rts, photographs and film taken to Building 21 KB-88; and weapons taken to  1954 #9424  
he called in another tenant of the building, Mr. Boruszak, who also saw the 4/8/1954 #9678  
for three days in “living hell” in Building No. 5, and told by men dressed  4/12/1954 #9685  
irport in Washington, D.C. Capitol building 4:45 a.m. Three USAF Air Police 5/12/1954 #9779  
n of two UFOs fly over the Capitol building, and again at 5:15 a.m. and 6:1 5/12/1954 #9779  
esville, west of Utica, striking a building and an auto, killing 4 people,  7/2/1954 #9984  
 snaps a photo of the disc above a building. He sends the negatives to the  12/14/1954 #11807  
ger-saucer going [to] over capitol building. Stops. Descends. Shoots going  8/10/1955 #12346  
are slowly moving above the school building toward the northeast.           10/1955 #12477  
olated from the company’s aircraft building business and managed by Welcome 11/20/1955 #12580  
ple from a terrace of an apartment building in Boonton, New Jersey at 7:00  12/9/1955 #12601  
 the ground above the Empire State Building and the New York City skyline.  12/9/1955 #12601  
 County, New Jersey Mr. Locuson, a building contractor, watched an orange-r 5/16/1956 #12853  
 Stig Ekberg and Harry Sjöberg are building a house on the island of Väddö, 11/11/1956 #13322  
ands in some trees behind a school building two blocks from where they live 11/5/1957 #14345  
n Washington, Moore is housed in a building said to be a federal courthouse 11/17/1957 #14571  
r 22 request on the feasibility of building a manned “flying saucer,” stati 11/21/1957 #14588  
                                   Building 1535 of the Geophysics Research 11/29/1957 #14639  
 Wahl, form Project Space Track in Building 1535 of the Geophysics Research 11/29/1957 #14639  
ourist season her home is the only building occupied in the vicinity, and m 12/16/1957 #14736  
                           Capitol building in Columbus, Ohio USAF Maj. Jos 6/20/1958 #15105  
 UFO investigations in the Capitol building in Columbus, Ohio. Also in atte 6/20/1958 #15105  
nderground bunker, located under a building on a biomedical research center 1/21/1959 #15560  
 saucer going down / Johnson's Wax building! Phones dead. News.             7/1/1959 #15809  
 held at an office in a government building at the corner of 5th and K Stre 7/9/1959 #15829  
portion of a Washington government building. When trance state contact was  7/9/1959 #15829  
. Wobbling ovoid stops / apartment building. Wobbles. Away fast.            7/16/1959 #15857  
white light hovering over a nearby building. The object descended, breaking 9/29/1959 #16000  
ael Pinheiro, president of the New Building Company, who takes the negative 10/1959 #16004  
bject hovering above a three-story building. The object descends slowly and Late 10/1959 #16060  
Project Space Track moves to a new building in Cambridge, Massachusetts, th 12/1959 #16106  
 sedan, driven to the headquarters building, put into different rooms and d 1960 #16145  
les and as large as a three-storey building, in a nearby field while drivin 9/2/1960 #16432  
ical object hovering near a school building and decide to throw rocks at it 11/30/1962 #17565  
ing saucer was taken over the Diet Building, Tokyo, Japan by a Mr. Hagiwara 3/1/1963 #17691  
                         Munitions Building at Nineteenth Street and Consti 1/11/1965 #18709  
 N.W., Washington, D.C. US Capitol Building Andrews AFB in Maryland 4:20 p. 1/11/1965 #18709  
stem specialists, at the Munitions Building at Nineteenth Street and Consti 1/11/1965 #18709  
feet altitude above the US Capitol Building. Two delta- wing jets, apparent 1/11/1965 #18709  
ittle man standing in front of the building. Weaver paused long enough to t 1/26/1965 #18770  
 its lower section, shook a school building as it allegedly landed on the r 8/25/1965 #19463  
 its lower section, shook a school building as it allegedly landed on the r 8/25/1965 #19465  
ed the craft when it rose from the building, spinning and emitting red ligh 8/25/1965 #19465  
opped his patrol car to check on a building at 2:30 a.m. He glanced up and  4/11/1966 #20285  
d when stationary above the school building. TV reception was blurred throu 4/22/1966 #20371  
 feet over the Beverly High School building. There were intense, flashing b 4/22/1966 #20380  
he object stopped, hovering over a building. After a while it approached th 4/23/1966 #20388  
 approached the family's apartment building and maneuvered between it and t 4/23/1966 #20388  
uvered between it and the adjacent building, emitting a humming sound. It h 4/23/1966 #20388  
lights bobbing up and down above a building across the street. A yellow lig 4/23/1966 #20390  
ject moves between their apartment building and the one next door, where it 4/23/1966 #20390  
TER, MA Domed ovoid hits apartment building. Power cable burnt out. / r83p3 4/24/1966 #20398  
bed around apparently close to the building. An explosive sound was heard,  4/24/1966 #20400  
at a point very near the apartment building. Later that evening investigato 4/24/1966 #20400  
9 who were on the roof of a nearby building and a 35-mm motion picture film 5/11/1966 #20478  
s the sky and disappear behind the building, apparently dropping into the w 6/3/1966 #20529  
 with RADAR dish hooks line to RCA Building towers!                         10/30/1966 #21049  
na. Roof lights of their apartment building reflected off the bottom of the 11/20/1966 #21129  
ctangle going south. Stops over UN building. Bobs. Going up [to] and going  11/22/1966 #21134  
 observer(s). UFO hovers over U.N. building. Rocks. Blinks. Going up [to] a 11/22/1966 #21135  
d Avenue East River United Nations building 4:20 p.m. At least eight employ 11/22/1966 #21142  
hen hover above the United Nations building. It flutters and bobs “like a s 11/22/1966 #21142  
es on the 17th floor of the office building at 750 Third Avenue in New York 11/22/1966 #21144  
r house and circled above a nearby building before going out of sight.      1/11/1967 #21287  
ject the size of a large apartment building, with a ring of red lights arou 1/20/1967 #21358  
lliptical) object; hovering over a building. As jets approached the object, 1/26/1967 #21396  
     Heidelberg, Germany Apartment building 8:30 p.m. The teenage daughter  1/26/1967 #21399  
ople gather around their apartment building to watch the object, which is o 1/26/1967 #21399  
ible-shaped object hovering over a building 100 feet away. As jets approach 1/26/1967 #21400  
ghts was sighted from an apartment building in Wharton, Texas. The disc ski 2/12/1967 #21526  
steps out of the mine headquarters building and sees two strange objects ne 6/13/1967 #22503  
mily saw a red disk, the size of a building, fall 300 m away behind a hill. 7/24/1967 #22725  
 they saw a red disc the size of a building, fall behind a hill 300 meters  7/24/1967 #22726  
f light was directed toward a farm building near the witnesses. (Unidentifi 8/12/1967 #22865  
dwarf, 1 m tall, "zoom" out of the building.                                9/22/1967 #23112  
. Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers over building. Car malfunctions due to EME (e 10/1967 #23152  
 were in an eighth floor apartment building repairing a phonograph in Rio d 11/24/1967 #23508  
d on a hill opposite the apartment building. The UFO struck and shattered a 11/24/1967 #23508  
 continued their work and left the building at 2:55 p.m., noticing that the 11/24/1967 #23508  
ate, Brazil "as high as a 15-story building, apparently made of aluminum an 11/28/1967 #23518  
ing close to the ground beside the building and railroad tracks. A short be 2/21/1968 #23774  
erested in looking down inside the building through a skylight. The girl be 2/21/1968 #23774  
g her head with the bedcovers. The building was being used as a storage sit 2/21/1968 #23774  
                Burro Club Rayburn Building Washington, D.C. McDonald addre 6/3/1968 #24001  
sistants and Aides) in the Rayburn Building in Washington, D.C., on the que 6/3/1968 #24001  
undred feet south of the apartment building. It was headed towards a UFO th 7/1/1968 #24121  
power him outside a control center building. A large UFO 50 feet tall is re 7/23/1968 #24213  
ut it stops and hovers above a low building about 500 feet away. Suddenly t 10/5/1968 #24544  
 maneuvers over and behind faculty building.                                5/14/1969 #25136  
vering over and behind the faculty building.                                5/14/1969 #25137  
r that day the Canadian Parliament Building was buzzed by a mysterious red  6/5/1969 #25203  
ect going down / cloud. Lands near building. 2 figure(s) inside. Traces. /  7/1/1969 #25243  
 a clattering sound that shook the building in Olds, Alberta, Canada. Looki 7/1/1969 #25244  
bject rise from behind the station building. It is a dull orange color and  8/30/1969 #25340  
l AFB in Montgomery, Alabama, in a building that requires security clearanc 12/17/1969 #25501  
saw craftlike object hovering near building, two humanoid figures visible i 1/1/1970 #25530  
saw craftlike object hovering near building, two humanoid figures visible i 1/1/1970 #25531  
, led by Noel, age 12, entered the building. Noel saw a small person about  6/4/1970 #25690  
.m. Bertrand, age 10, was near the building when he noticed a "boy" about 3 6/4/1970 #25690  
. This "boy" ran around behind the building. A short time later Noel, Simon 6/4/1970 #25690  
ts were found. Six days later, the building mysteriously caught fire and bu 6/4/1970 #25690  
hovered directly above the science building on the University campus. Two s 8/11/1971 #26280  
ous, yellow, silent object above a building across the street some 260–300  10/2/1971 #26400  
 then remembered seeing a strange "building" or UFO having no discernible s 12/6/1971 #26490  
ark figure parted from the strange building and approached him, then put so 12/6/1971 #26490  
s dark lens-object from Tokai bank building. (Indistinct.)                  5/26/1972 #26688  
 Puthoff and other scientists to a building where, several floors below, is 6/6/1972 #26703  
         The White House Watergate Building Complex Washington, D.C. 2:30 a 6/17/1972 #26719  
Committee offices at the Watergate Building Complex in Washington, D.C.     6/17/1972 #26719  
et in diameter as it sank behind a building southwest of their security-pol 6/19/1972 #26720  
was abnormally high. Lights in the building went on and off by themselves.  9/21/1972 #27022  
 Air Force Base. Briggs exited the building to investigate the sound. Once  10/14/1972 #27074  
ed object directly above the TACAN building. Briggs watched as the object l 10/14/1972 #27074  
y the object and entered the TACAN building to summoned Hillsgeck. Once Hil 10/14/1972 #27074  
ce Hillsgeck and Briggs exited the building together, they observed two "cr 10/14/1972 #27074  
gine sound coming from outside the building, so he went out to investigate. 10/14/1972 #27077  
er-shaped object directly over the building. He then watched the object lan 10/14/1972 #27077  
ound. Startled, Briggs entered the building and summoned Hillsgeck. Back ou 10/14/1972 #27077  
e fence. Briggs went back into the building and telephoned the base securit 10/14/1972 #27077  
aucer stops over airport/apartment building. Fin / rear. Lights blink.      10/29/1972 #27100  
 strange looking being entered the building, took the paster by the hand, a 11/6/1972 #27109  
                 Financial-records building Most Project MKUltra records ar 1973 #27199  
ctly stored in a financial-records building and discovered following a FOIA 1973 #27199  
 Mutual UFO Network and focuses on building a national grassroots UFO inves 1973 #27201  
ddington, Bucks, England 9:00 a.m. Building surveyor Peter Day is driving n 1/11/1973 #27230  
like a motor as it sways above the building, then after a few minutes it mo 5/27/1973 #27533  
 and the young woman who rents the building in the back arrives to help. Sh 5/27/1973 #27533  
al cylinder/cigar-shape glows over building / 30 second(s). Quickly going u 2/13/1974 #28761  
IUM 1 observer. Saucer tilted over building. 3 different colored beams aim  4/25/1974 #29061  
object hovered nearby an apartment building in Marcinelle, Belgium at 10:30 4/25/1974 #29062  
n named Bouchez who was inside the building, and then shot three beams of l 4/25/1974 #29062  
 beams of light over the apartment building.                                4/25/1974 #29062  
 from the object. The two left the building to get a closer look. Neighborh 4/30/1974 #29072  
FO descend and land on the roof of Building no. 1 about 150 feet away. Four 5/5/1974 #29085  
lluminated dome on the roof of the building. When one of the entities notic 5/5/1974 #29085  
observer. Saucer extends 4 legs to building roof. 3 small humanoids (or Gre 5/7/1974 #29089  
ania was walking from one hospital building to another at around 9 p.m. whe 5/7/1974 #29093  
ct descend and land on the roof of Building #1. Four silver-colored legs em 5/7/1974 #29093  
lluminated dome on the roof of the building. When the beings noticed her th 5/7/1974 #29093  
1 / penthouse balcony. UFO near UN building then right overhead.            8/23/1974 #29377  
 observer(s). Mini-saucer lands on building / mid-city. Going up [to] fast. 9/18/1974 #29462  
light. Fireball follows car / 8km. Building lights die. Sound / speaker wit 10/1974 (approximate) #29495  
). Cylinder/cigar-shape stops over building. 5 figure(s) move between 4 squ 11/10/1974 #29590  
k, New Jersey Stonehenge apartment building 2:45 a.m. George O’Barski is dr 1/12/1975 #29744  
the high-rise Stonehenge apartment building, Bill Pawlowski, who sees a UFO 1/12/1975 #29744  
s ago I tried to get access to the building at Wright-Patterson (HANGER-18) 3/28/1975 #29921  
effort to find out what was in the building at Wright-Patterson Air Force B 3/28/1975 #29922  
no detail. Going quickly west over building / light.                        4/4/1975 #29960  
ghts going down [to] behind school building and going up [to] again. Hole / 4/29/1975 #30009  
lightly blurry disc above a nearby building.                                5/26/1975 #30066  
liant orange-red light go behind a building, where they suspect it has land 11/2/1975 #30540  
 moon. She was taken into a square building where a humanoid--she thought o 12/2/1975 #30681  
 notices lights hovering above the building at the south end of the plant.  1976 #30750  
FIELD, MT UFO / field like 2-story building with square windows. Night ligh 1/21/1976 #30806  
                       Skunk Works Building 82 Burbank, California DARPA na 4/1976 #30971  
ave Blue prototypes in Skunk Works Building 82 in Burbank, California.      4/1976 #30971  
e size of the sphere to a 20-story building. The driver turns the car aroun 6/22/1976 #31128  
t then grew as large as a 20-story building, though the two humanoids and t 6/22/1976 #31130  
o the equivalent of a twenty-story building. On that same night a photograp 6/22/1976 #31131  
es and spins and going [to] behind building.                                7/11/1976 #31155  
e, about 400 yards from the police building. The object circled at a low al 7/16/1976 #31166  
BUFIERA, PORT 2 observer(s). Phony building hovers / hotel. Lights room. Ps 8/10/1976 #31248  
ning out at an angle. There was no building, or structure of any kind whats 8/10/1976 #31252  
r foot tall dwarf at a former Army building in La Spezia near Mount Parodi, 9/5/1976 #31345  
 hovering about 100 feet above the building and looks like a “fat cigar” ab Autumn 1976 #31421  
ressional Research Service Madison Building Library of Congress Constitutio 1977 #31650  
mith, visits the brand-new Madison Building at the Library of Congress to l 1977 #31650  
Smith claims to visits the Madison Building at the Library of Congress to l 1977 #31659  
MONTREAL, QB Saucer lands / roof / building. Tall helmeted men walk out and 1/6/1977 #31704  
rooftop of a three-story apartment building across the street from her only 1/6/1977 #31706  
ooftop of a three-storey apartment building across the street from her, onl 1/6/1977 #31707  
and going toward the façade of the building, were four small, narrow footpr 1/6/1977 #31707  
r-shaped UFO in a field behind the building, partially hidden by trees and  2/4/1977 #31790  
 proceeding toward their apartment building when the child suddenly motione 5/20/1977 #32115  
1 / car. Saucer hovers near school building with edge tilted down. No other 7/2/1977 #32228  
allic disk hovers. Shoots beams at building.                                8/1977 #32331  
 sounds like wind passing around a building and looks straight up. About 50 10/13/1977 #32572  
forward again and moved off behind building to which she was parked. (NICAP 1/10/1978 #32868  
ward again, and moves off behind a building. The trail is only visible whil 1/10/1978 #32869  
then walks toward the Public Works building and at one point seems to appea 1/31/1978 #32928  
so walked towards the Public Works building and at one point seemed to appe 1/31/1978 #32930  
nks it is as large as a five-story building and has thousands of small ligh 3/12/1978 #33036  
sley Universities Research Reactor building Pudgate police station 11:30 p. 3/17/1978 #33048  
 the Universities Research Reactor building and the UKAEA fire station, he  3/17/1978 #33048  
care some students in an isolation building across the road.                3/17/1978 #33048  
 IL 2 / car. Fireball flies behind building. Hovers / 6 minute(s). Shoots g 8/7/1978 #33482  
s on the 5th floor of an apartment building in Livorno, Italy were awakened 8/28/1978 #33586  
ce on the tenth floor of an office building in London, England on the south 8/31/1978 #33611  
ally, then stopped briefly above a building. It finally went behind the Nat 8/31/1978 #33611  
er from a tap at the corner of the building and sees a dark, motionless sil 9/23/1978 #33736  
eters above the ground outside the building. Startled, he watched the two f 1/2/1979 #34281  
ape, contaminating the containment building with thousands of gallons of ra 3/28/1979 #34493  
oved again.” He states they are in building 18F on the 3rd floor.  Thompson 4/5/1979 #34499  
 hovering low over the containment building and smokestack of the Carolina  6/12/1979 #34608  
 hovering low over the containment building and smokestack of the Carolina  6/12/1979 #34610  
 hovering low over the containment building and smokestack of the Carolina  6/12/1979 #34611  
 Los Angeles, California Apartment Building 10:35 p.m. Maria Artura and her 8/4/1979 #34714  
tops and hovers above an apartment building on the other side of the street 8/4/1979 #34714  
 silently above a nearby apartment building. They described it as a domed m 8/4/1979 #34715  
d saucer turns avoiding Empire St. building! Climbs going quickly north.    10/4/1979 #34938  
reet in New York City Empire State Building Pan Am building Hudson River 12 10/4/1979 #34940  
 City Empire State Building Pan Am building Hudson River 12:00 noon. A sale 10/4/1979 #34940  
pparently hitting the Empire State Building. It clears the Pan Am building  10/4/1979 #34940  
ate Building. It clears the Pan Am building and flies off along the Hudson  10/4/1979 #34940  
ME). Cylinder/cigar-shape over old building. Missing time. Complex abductio 10/15/1979 #34955  
side and outside airport/apartment building! Goes through aluminum door!    11/8/1979 #34984  
ee other witnesses come out of the building and also watch the object, whic 1/13/1980 #35133  
sappears above a parachute-rigging building. The SR-71 does not take off. L 5/1980 #35296  
a runway. It nearly crashed into a building, but gained altitude and flew a 6/14/1980 #35370  
h a bright light hovering behind a building. He approaches it with a shotgu 8/8/1980 #35447  
ccess road to check out an alarmed building and observed a landed UFO next  8/9/1980 #35449  
ed a landed UFO next to an alarmed building. The UFO was around disk shaped 8/9/1980 #35449  
so he couldn’t reach dispatch. The building contained HQ CR 44 material. (N 8/9/1980 #35449  
ehind 'headquarters CR 44' storage building. / MJ#204+/ r26p225.            8/9/1980 #35450  
ind the "HQ CR 44" nuclear storage building at Sandia Laboratories, Kirtlan 8/9/1980 #35453  
th aliens and UFOs to the point of building his own full-size model in his  11/29/1980 #35683  
 Larry claims it had a large metal building and warehouse, 1-2 small guard  12/14/1980 #35716  
d William B. Stillings worked in a building at 999 N. Sepulveda Boulevard i 1981 #35765  
itude by church. Going [to] behind building.                                12/19/1981 #36263  
                   Aksaray, Turkey Building Site of the Aksaray Engine Fact 12/21/1981 #36273  
shedding a greenish light over the building site of the Aksaray Engine Fact 12/21/1981 #36273  
. Saucer paces jogger who hides in building.                                2/2/1982 #36320  
. Terrified, she hides in a school building.                                2/2/1982 #36321  
and Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych building 1:30 a.m. A man and his son fin 9/30/1982 #36621  
the Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych building they smell smoke and see a stra 9/30/1982 #36621  
cm formless black object just over building. Shoots going quickly southeast 2/29/1984 #37205  
hat hovered just over a University building, then shot off very fast toward 2/29/1984 #37207  
hat hovered just over a University building, then shot off very fast toward 2/29/1984 #37211  
e locomotive and passes around the building. When it returns, the object mo 2/1985 #37552  
nt lights hovering over a 15-story building, watch it turn in the sky, and  3/21/1985 #37572  
ned they flee to the basement. The building inspector for Torrington sees a 1/9/1986 #37762  
      San Antonio, Texas Apartment Building Whitley Strieber's Abduction St 3/1987 #38127  
r that hovers around his apartment building. The instances increase as he r 3/1987 #38127  
riumf Romanian National Television building 8:15 p.m. Lydia B. Lövendal-Pap 9/11/1987 #38281  
d the Romanian National Television building and disappears to the northeast 9/11/1987 #38281  
s. Hover several min. Beams down / building. West going quickly east.       2/12/1988 #38459  
am of light was directed down at a building.                                2/12/1988 #38460  
EGORSK Large sphere hovers / party building / seconds. Moves off. Flashes a 8/27/1988 #38626  
                              EG&G building at McCarran Airport in Las Vega 12/6/1988 #38748  
 Lazar reports to work at the EG&G building at McCarran Airport in Las Vega 12/6/1988 #38748  
pilots of Regiment 57 are inside a building at the base planning future exe Late 3/1989 #38880  
upants were carted off to a secure building for evaluation. The disc was ke 1990 #39358  
 burger bun over airport/apartment building. Turns going [to] pink going [t 2/5/1990 #39408  
iced a light outside the apartment building window, which came closer and b 2/5/1990 #39409  
 when they saw a UFO over a nearby building. The object hovered briefly, mo 3/31/1990 #39504  
nna on top of their communications building. The steel in the radar unit wa 9/13/1990 #39732  
ids on the balcony of an apartment building. Later that night in Krakow, Po 1/18/1991 #39961  
were rounded up, driven to a small building where the live alien was delive 4/12/1991 #40038  
W / 40kph. 2 beams light apartment building.                                1/22/1992 #40297  
ed two beams light on an apartment building.                                1/22/1992 #40299  
nice technologies” that the people building the B-2 bombers (Northrop Grumm 3/9/1992 #40368  
warfish figure moving close to the building. The figure was dark in color,  4/15/1994 #41493  
haking the tree and moves behind a building and shoots away, leaving a hole 5/21/1994 #41534  
ue ball hovers high over apartment building / 10 minute(s) and more. Below  11/17/1994 #41851  
y that passed in front of a nearby building. It continued rolling as it fle 1/16/1995 #41979  
sed on the altered location of the building and the truck's tracks. He repo 8/15/1995 #42389  
-shape hovers over trees by office building. Gone when 3 observer(s) return 9/22/1999 #43853  
tes millionaire Henry Dakin owns a building that offers low rent to paranor 2/20/2000 #43955  
lew within 30 feet of an apartment building in Portland, Maine. It was in s 10/28/2000 #44064  
w on the 4th floor of an apartment building. It makes unusual maneuvers lik 12/24/2000 #44109  
 the lights. The top of a house or building, and possibly a chimney on a ho 7/15/2001 #44209  
of being in a hospital. Inside the building she saw numerous children of bo 8/2/2001 #44220  
held at the Johnson Space Center’s Building 8 showed a “cigar shaped”object 11/2002 #44428  
 of the Behavioral Health Services Building in Winfield, Illinois the witne 3/14/2003 #44502  
rought several people out from the building, and they all watched the spect 3/14/2003 #44502  
 light with no sound or shockwave. Building in intensity, the explosion kee 4/2003 #44508  
e power company had set up a steel building that looked like the only thing 9/3/2003 #44592  
dent Eisenhower, that assisted the building of underground military bases f 2004 #44638  
 cellphone and the internet in his building goes out when the lights get br 1/22/2004 #44654  
 came over the witness's apartment building in Gardena, California at aroun 11/27/2004 #44792  
 Skinwalker Ranch Utah Homestead 1 building Robert Bigelow accompanies DIA  7/26/2007 #45040  
 in the kitchen of the Homestead 1 building. After 30 seconds, it vanishes. 7/26/2007 #45040  
ut they came upon a newly finished building on a new road, so they decided  10/27/2007 #45080  
ember tells Jacques Vallée he was “building a relationship” with an aerospa 12/24/2008 #45198  
 in AAWSAP feel like they would be building on top of existing research.  h 4/26/2009 #45216  
er lantern and the lights from the building. After the wife started to walk 8/30/2009 #45240  
g by running into the South campus building. "It was a beautiful looking sh 5/3/2010 #45277  
ngineers are on top of a 4–5 story building in Mamaia-Set, Romania, when th Late 5/2012 #45344  
 team of engineers was tasked with building a disc-shape vehicle capable of Late 2012 #45355  
r a loud explosion that causes the building to shake. The next morning they 3/19/2013 #45362  
than styrofoam used as the primary building material for triangular/boomera 6/2013 #45368  
a height just below the top of the building. It hovers with a large pair of 8/9/2017 #45478  
sses quicken their pace toward the building, the “winged being” descends in 8/9/2017 #45478  
 to the next stage, which would be building a full-sized craft.” Sokol did  6/29/2021 #45696  
yCAM-5 on the roof of a university building on the Hubland campus. “When th 12/15/2021 #45728  
ing inside the old Hughes Aircraft building at 999 N. Sepulveda Boulevard i 10/20/2022 #45783  
## Word: "buildings" (Back to Top)
 cart. Knocks man / horse. Damages buildings. / r186#28.                    9/1767 #82  
specially of One of their Colossal Buildings, in which he announces his dis 1824 #117  
ng, can be perceived as resembling buildings complete with streets. His cla 1824 #117  
ay), it passes out of sight behind buildings. Possibly the moon.            Mid 7/1896 #328  
 altitude for 30 minutes, avoiding buildings and hills. Some people claim t 11/17/1896 #340  
 exits shadow-ovoid. Dips low near buildings.                               11/23/1896 #350  
ct at 10:10 p.m.; it dips low near buildings in the city. There were severa 11/23/1896 #353  
he west and disappears behind some buildings. One of the witnesses is Isaac 3/14/1897 #392  
bject lights ground and clouds and buildings / huge lamps. Zigzags. Going u 4/1/1897 #403  
about 50 feet over the tops of the buildings. It was estimated to be about  7/2/1907 #698  
ht that illuminates the road, farm buildings, trees, and everything it touc 5/13/1909 #741  
rver(s). Long black object circles buildings. Engine sound. Back / 31 Augus 8/30/1910 #845  
       A long black object circled buildings in downtown Manhattan around M 8/30/1910 #846  
 order lifted at 7:21 a.m. Several buildings and vehicles are damaged by sh 2/24/1942 #1388  
 spheres that move low behind some buildings then rise up at an angle and d Mid 8/1944 #1644  
ht orange-amber glow near his farm buildings a few miles from Circleville,  2/1948 #3570  
ille, Ohio. He expects to find the buildings on fire, but instead there is  2/1948 #3570  
the blast breaks windows and rocks buildings over a wide area of Kansas, Ne 2/18/1948 #3579  
e to the east and disappear behind buildings.                               8/29/1954 #10203  
d comes closer and approaches some buildings in the city center. Chief of P 12/14/1954 #11807  
e object hovering over some nearby buildings.                               7/17/1955 #12267  
th windows / edge. Going [to] over buildings and yards.                     10/21/1955 #12515  
e the sensitive information in the buildings with security guards. Seventy  7/5/1957 #13779  
dioactive ground zero to reach the buildings at Area 51 ten miles away. Are 7/5/1957 #13779  
inutes until it passes behind some buildings.                               11/6/1957 #14429  
eter long object disappear between buildings. Three more were seen in the s 1/8/1959 #15542  
 concrete foundations on which the buildings and reactors were placed.      6/1959 #15754  
tonment area include workshops and buildings for storage and administration 8/1961 #16776  
g-term occupancy facilities. Older buildings are repaired, and additional f 8/1961 #16776  
d portholes going [to] over 2 tall buildings. No further details.           8/20/1963 #17910  
f Austin, Texas, that includes two buildings. Equipment eventually includes 1964 #18102  
tude and are lost from view behind buildings at the site. The two targets a 5/15/1964 #18270  
r with portholes. Maneuvers / farm buildings. / r70p3-98 / r8#611.          6/8/1964 #18337  
 from north to southwest among the buildings of Valencia, Venezuela. At 10: 1/8/1966 #19817  
its rim move between two apartment buildings in Dorchester, Massachusetts.  4/24/1966 #20406  
eria. When they arrive at a row of buildings, they notice a light in the sk 1/1967 #21243  
west. Land / ice offshore. Go over buildings / town. Generators electro-mag 2/12/1967 #21516  
ne side. The UFOs went behind some buildings. The case is listed as a Proje 2/12/1967 #21524  
rd and out of sight among the tall buildings in that part of the city. They 9/8/1967 #23021  
ance falls and settles on foliage, buildings, and power lines. The Universi 9/18/1968 #24478  
 this date the Canadian Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, Ontario were buzzed 3/4/1969 #24970  
 lights. Flies / airport/apartment buildings again. Several separate observ 6/1/1969 #25187  
ania and flew off behind some city buildings.                               8/30/1969 #25341  
 street lined with beautiful white buildings three stories tall to a cleari 7/4/1970 #25727  
oad. There were no houses or other buildings in the area. The women were ve 2/2/1971 #26011  
an immediately towards some nearby buildings and was followed closely by tw 3/25/1971 #26054  
 to the northwest of the community buildings. Renata Faa is the first to se 8/12/1972 #26911  
bove the roof of one of the rented buildings on the ground floor in the bac 5/27/1973 #27533  
hangs around on the area ropes and buildings for three days. On the third d 10/1973 #27902  
rs over the Number 3 and 4 reactor buildings. It is about 30 feet across. T 12/31/1974 #29667  
mes crescent. Maneuvers going [to] buildings. Going west and going up [to]  1/4/1975 #29713  
FO fly south over Manhattan's tall buildings in New York, New York this nig 6/13/1975 #30101  
er(s). Large ovoid hovers low over buildings. Jets chase going quickly west 9/26/1975 #30385  
ent saucer with wings circles city buildings. Rotating lights. Wave.        10/22/1975 #30458  
object with wings silently circled buildings in downtown Covington, Kentuck 10/22/1975 #30461  
grown with brush and surrounded by buildings in Domene, Isere, France when  1/5/1976 #30760  
grown with brush and surrounded by buildings in Domene, Isere, France when  1/5/1976 #30761  
bubble / bottom. Going [to] behind buildings.                               6/21/1976 #31119  
 It moved out of sight behind some buildings.                               6/21/1976 #31123  
craft, shooting up from behind the buildings. The object remained at a heig 10/31/1976 #31512  
inoculars. Moon-size object passes buildings. Lands / trees. 2nd object joi 4/8/1977 #31958  
ry close. Maneuvers over old stone buildings. Back 17 separate.             9/17/1977 #32490  
 speeding through a city with tall buildings on a five-lane highway. The sk 7/6/1978 #33346  
y barracks was walking around some buildings when a two meter tall, dark ma 9/23/1978 #33737  
m. It disappeared behind some tall buildings, and left behind a small trail 1/14/1979 #34341  
00 feet away and hovers above some buildings for about 10 seconds. They can 8/29/1979 #34800  
oots beams. Lost from sight behind buildings.                               1/21/1980 #35140  
 altitude and move off behind some buildings in the town.                   12/19/1981 #36268  
. Octagon ovoid low over trees and buildings. Hums and hovers and maneuvers 10/31/1983 #37031  
id at 8:30 p.m. low over trees and buildings in Rochester, New Hampshire. I 10/31/1983 #37034  
 lights. Going down [to] between 2 buildings then flies.                    12/26/1983 #37081  
land in a vacant field between two buildings. Moments later a hatch slid op 1/15/1986 #37765  
nge saucers going down [to] behind buildings and trees. Trail smoke.        7/24/1986 #37950  
p and lower domes! Swerves to miss buildings. Car malfunctions due to EME ( 9/24/1987 #38292  
                        ODENSE, DK Buildings shake. House lights flash. Noi 10/17/1988 #38676  
in front of the witnesses, between buildings, only 150 feet away. It was de 4/22/1989 #38921  
15 / bus. Sphere/orb/globe rises / buildings. 1 sees small humanoids (or Gr 1/18/1991 #39957  
a spherical UFO ascend between two buildings. One witness saw humanoids on  1/18/1991 #39961  
as the lights maneuvered over farm buildings and then go behind some trees. 7/13/1993 #41066  
ball rises and drops by university buildings. Going [to] Montreuil.         11/22/1993 #41290  
rs in diameter, rise and fall over buildings on campus in Versailles, Yveli 11/22/1993 #41296  
lowing spots / oval formation over buildings. Going northeast. Maneuvers an 12/5/1993 #41323  
 observer(s). Cone hovers 80' over buildings. Many small lights. Balloon?   6/1/1994 #41547  
 flight. It disappears behind some buildings to the south.                  8/23/1994 #41687  
g inside an object and seeing tall buildings with domed ceilings that had s 3/6/1996 #42809  
 in appearance and he saw numerous buildings that appeared to be made of a  12/9/1996 #43133  
ound the rim, hovering between two buildings at 1:30 p.m. She said it made  7/23/1997 #43358  
cts a white beam of light onto the buildings.                               6/26/1998 #43595  
 mountain where there are no known buildings. The lights were positioned in 8/2/2004 #44725  
kers in downtown Washington office buildings.                               5/11/2005 #44840  
mn nuclear power plants Parliament buildings and the Royal Palacec in Stock 1/17/2022 #45734  
s are seen circling the Parliament buildings and the Royal Palacec in Stock 1/17/2022 #45734  
## Word: "builds" (Back to Top)
g available had to serve.” Adamski builds a “small observatory” to house hi 1944 #1560  
 inches tall. They all had slender builds, narrow shoulders, and long arms. 3/22/1953 #8776  
ar missiles from space. But no one builds Orion and it is effectively disba 1958 #14780  
n Chantilly, Virginia. It designs, builds, launches, and operates the recon 9/6/1961 #16818  
aches and stops ahead. Strong heat builds up in the car, so the father stop 8/6/1976 #31240  
 feet 8 inches in height with slim builds. They are carrying one of the dog 12/2/1977 #32726  
## Word: "built" (Back to Top)
 alien race indigenous to Mars has built the canals to transport the water  5/1894 #314  
e of the idea that the canals were built for irrigation by an intelligent c 5/1894 #314  
ed like a bird’s tail. It has been built in Oroville and is now hidden in t 11/22/1896 #347  
 or three airships exist (a second built in an eastern state) and his role  11/22/1896 #347  
e size of a small house, seemingly built of canvas, and moving to the south Mid 1/1897 #381  
and that several of them have been built.                                   4/19/1897 #536  
he ship and says it is one of five built in a small Iowa town. Rabbi Aaron  4/19/1897 #539  
s him that five airships have been built in an Iowa town.                   4/22/1897 #560  
e the number of dirigibles, either built or in progress of being built, in  5/17/1909 #753  
ther built or in progress of being built, in Germany. Haldane replies that  5/17/1909 #753  
hat 7 dirigible airships have been built and another 5 are under constructi 5/17/1909 #753  
 does involve a mysterious airship built by aeronauts, but it is more of a  4/26/1915 #927  
 front, glass. The machine must be built with some light material, airproof Summer 1931 #1130  
 of advanced prehistoric races who built underground cities before abandoni 11/1943 #1541  
nd slips. The test assembly he has built—a ball of plutonium surrounded by  8/21/1945 #1925  
s that even if such a craft can be built, the human body cannot withstand t 12/1947 #3496  
hildlike; they do not know who has built their flying saucers and seem to p 3/28/1950 #4750  
te(s). Site / 1st H-bomb plant not built yet! Going quickly southwest.      12/2/1950 #5308  
 when they see an 8- foot, heavily built figure walking with “fluid movemen 10/1952 #8073  
mid and megalithic structures were built with levitation techniques derived 9/1953 #9130  
g the project. Numerous models are built, and wind-tunnel testing is undert 3/1956 #12742  
e craft. A multiengine test rig is built and tested in 1956, resulting in p 3/1956 #12742  
e on land], were 12 feet tall, and built an underground city beneath Lake T 1957 #13430  
ugelblitz was allegedly larger and built in an underground weapons complex  1958 #14787  
pitched hum. They then saw a "well built" man run across the road in front  12/1/1958 #15467  
ed structure, 55 feet in diameter, built mostly of wood without nails, scre 1959 #15515  
14/32) to replace the existing one built for the U-2.                       9/1960 #16427  
 is now operating with J58 engines built by Pratt and Whitney, allowing for 1/1963 #17623  
-seat version of the Lockheed A-12 built as an interceptor. He says the A-1 2/29/1964 #18140  
as wide as it was high, and seemed built from metal sections over one squar 3/15/1965 #18857  
it Jones could see a very stockily built, six-foot tall occupant. The being 12/11/1965 #19765  
ing near the saucer was a robustly built man about 5-1/2 feet tall, dressed 10/29/1967 #23364  
 ancient world, and monuments were built by levitation.                     3/1968 #23798  
viet missile launches since it was built in 1960–1962. It soon picks up uni 3/1/1968 #23802  
 Volante” (Flying Saucer) is later built on the site.                       7/31/1968 #24271  
ent. The beings were tall and well built, with normal features, chestnut-co 1/6/1969 #24822  
black eyes. These beings were well built and wore tight fitting grayish gre 4/5/1969 #25051  
wn skin. Two others, more slightly built, are Caucasian, one of them very b 5/4/1969 #25114  
owed to his waist. He was strongly built, and his skin was pallid in color. 5/4/1969 #25115  
 above his base in Turkey in a US- built F-5A Freedom Fighter. He flies abo 6/17/1969 #25221  
r door, and outside was a superbly built young woman with deep chestnut hai 8/8/1969 #25312  
olved in the CASH/LANDRUM CASE was built by the Americans as part of this p 1972 #26526  
ng. This humanoid figure, strongly built and about 7.5 feet tall, had eyes  9/27/1972 #27035  
n outflow vent that would later be built for the Seabrook nuclear reactor.  5/20/1974 #29120  
re described as beautiful and well built, wearing form-fitting outfits, whi 8/26/1976 #31306  
ject hovered above a military base built into the mountainside at an elevat 12/5/1976 #31582  
bject hovers above a military base built into the mountainside at an elevat 12/5/1976 #31584  
 light. A humanoid being of medium built, who wore a pair of silvery calf-l 3/11/1978 #33034  
rom the object. They were strongly built with broad shoulders and strong ch 9/2/1979 #34820  
ing-sphere / ground by house being built. Vanishes! Possible telepathy.     11/1979 #34979  
d with his family in a boat he has built himself. Mathematician Alain Ester 12/30/1979 #35103  
astlund later claims that HAARP is built using his patents, prompting Nick  1/10/1985 #37546  
Fence), a multistatic radar system built to detect orbital objects passing  Mid 12/1986 #38083  
acility at Groom Lake, Nevada, was built “for and with the help of” the ETs 12/29/1987 #38378  
-gravitational device, it would be built on the principles involved in [Wil 4/1988 #38527  
ists of concealed aircraft hangars built into a mountainside. Lazar says th 5/15/1989 #38952  
lose to two meters tall, massively built, and had a bright circle of light  3/24/1990 #39485  
onds. He described the creature as built like an orangutan, with a reddish- 2/10/1995 #42033  
on. The beings appeared to be well built, with huge strong shoulders. Their 6/5/1997 #43311  
 claims triangular craft have been built that are mistaken for UAP, contrac 1998 #43481  
ims at least three prototypes were built and use “MFD” technology built fro 1998 #43481  
ere built and use “MFD” technology built from reverse engineering UAP at Sa 1998 #43481  
and Nevada. Cooper claims some are built beneath Native American reservatio 2004 #44638  
roject known as “Senior Soda” that built a ramjet disc. McGarity also state 12/5/2005 #44907  
s (SQEs); Basiago claims the Greys built SQEs to help humanity understand t 7/2012 #45346  
 Bearden states he and others have built electromechanical devices that dem 12/24/2013 #45399  
ntain The catalog of space objects built by the US Space Surveillance Netwo 6/23/2019 #45587  
-based Falcon Space, states he has built a device to detect gravity-induced 6/29/2021 #45696  
ed anti-gravity, and they’re being built by aerospace corporations; the new 2/11/2022 #45739  
## Word: "buire" (Back to Top)
                                   BUIRE, FR 3 / N363. Saucer over railroad 9/7/1954 #10262  
             Hirson, Aisne, France Buire 12:30 a.m. Robert Chovel and two o 9/7/1954 #10267  
When the car reaches the bridge at Buire, the object shoots away at great s 9/7/1954 #10267  
## Word: "buire-sur-ancre" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / BUIRE-SUR-ANCRE, FR 6M saucer lands. 4 / 8/1972 #26860  
## Word: "buitendag" (Back to Top)
rus Nel, Fanie Rosseau, and Gerrie Buitendag) are guarding a petrol dump at 11/12/1972 #27120  
## Word: "bujoreanca" (Back to Top)
                                   Bujoreanca, Romania Dusk. A man is havin Autumn 1914 #917  
an outdoor meal with his family in Bujoreanca, Romania, when they see a red Autumn 1914 #917  
## Word: "bukit" (Back to Top)
                                   BUKIT MERTAJAM, MALAYSIA Wave / report(s 8/19/1970 #25795  
         A ten year old student in Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia reporte 8/19/1970 #25796  
At 6:30 a.m. several young boys in Bukit Mertajam, Penang province, Malaysi 8/20/1970 #25799  
                                   Bukit Mertajam, Malaysia Six school chil 5/19/1979 #34567  
                                In Bukit Mertajam on the island of Pinang,  5/19/1979 #34569  
## Word: "buland" (Back to Top)
avid Evans, Joe Croaskey, Benjamin Buland) drove toward it. About 7 km nort 4/15/1897 #483  
 men—James Evans, F. G. Ellis, Ben Buland, David Evans, and Joe Croskey—jum 4/16/1897 #507  
## Word: "buland--drove" (Back to Top)
avid Evans, Joe Croaskey, Benjamin Buland--drove toward it in a buckboard w 4/15/1897 #496  
## Word: "bulava" (Back to Top)
f failed flights of Russian RSM-56 Bulava SLBM. The Russian Defense Ministr 12/9/2009 #45261  
## Word: "bulawayo" (Back to Top)
phs were taken on this day, one in Bulawayo, Rhodesia and a second in North 1/2/1953 #8497  
                                   BULAWAYO, RHOD Moon-size silver object c 1/15/1953 #8540  
                       SOUTHEAST / BULAWAYO, RHOD 2 / road. Flashy ball / l 11/10/1957 #14517  
                                   BULAWAYO, RHOD 5 observer(s). 5' x2'RECT 5/18/1958 #15043  
                                   BULAWAYO, RHODESIA 2 cops. Boomerang obj 4/9/1973 #27416  
                   Khami Prison in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe 8:15 p.m. David Burge 7/15/1975 #30182  
ss, an official at Khami Prison in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and a friend see fro 7/15/1975 #30182  
                                   BULAWAYO, RHD Orange domed saucer hovers 7/16/1975 #30184  
                              Near Bulawayo Zimbabwe David and several sold 3/1978 #33003  
                                   BULAWAYO, ZIMB 2 observer(s). Brilliant  5/12/1980 #35324  
                                   Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Africa A brilliant b 5/12/1980 #35325  
 low altitude for ten minutes over Bulawayo. It shot straight up, stopped,  5/12/1980 #35325  
 low altitude for ten minutes over Bulawayo, Zimbabwe at six p.m. It shot s 5/12/1980 #35326  
                                   BULAWAYO, ZIMBABWE Many and RADAR. 2 haw 7/22/1985 #37627  
rnhill Air Base in Gweru, Zimbabwe Bulawayo Matabeleland South Bulawayo Air 7/22/1985 #37628  
mbabwe Bulawayo Matabeleland South Bulawayo Airport Thornhill 5:45 p.m. Two 7/22/1985 #37628  
, Zimbabwe, following sightings in Bulawayo and five other cities in Matabe 7/22/1985 #37628  
ct is seen and tracked on radar at Bulawayo Airport. It looks orange and ro 7/22/1985 #37628  
ne on top. When the jets arrive at Bulawayo, the object is hovering at 7,00 7/22/1985 #37628  
archer Cynthia Hind speaks to some Bulawayo witnesses who think the object  7/22/1985 #37628  
## Word: "bulb" (Back to Top)
ere yellowish like an incandescent bulb. The objects were cigar-shaped, but 12/1942 #1466  
 it “just turned off” like a light bulb.                                    11/24/1944 #1705  
engine enclosed within a big glass bulb.                                    8/1945 #1911  
eport burst of lights like a flash bulb.                                    3/6/1949 #4035  
 of an ordinary incandescent light bulb. After about 60 seconds, 6–10 small 8/15/1952 #7611  
 an object “like a bright electric bulb” fly overhead from the mountains an 8/1/1954 #10090  
lloons illuminated by a flashlight bulb released by Neil Robinson, a laundr 2/15/1957 #13509  
oward the west, disappeared like a bulb turned off, and was seen again in t 8/8/1963 #17879  
ped like a mushroom or an electric bulb, 25 m high, 8 m in diameter made no 1/23/1965 #18756  
ine fitting, metal parts, a broken bulb and fitting, a phial containing sil 4/24/1965 #18916  
 in the center of its glow “like a bulb turned off.” The trail and the halo Late 9/1965 #19604  
h speed disappearing "Like a light bulb turned out." Plewman said the perim 6/1/1966 #20520  
hite in color like a frosted light bulb and a shiny gold horizontal ring ar 1/29/1967 #21412  
glowing object like a bright light bulb hovering in the sky over a rural pa 2/16/1967 #21575  
ts up “like a great electric light bulb,” her engine quits, and the headlig 7/17/1967 #22682  
it up "like a giant electric light bulb." The engine and headlights failed  7/17/1967 #22686  
white glowing object like a "light bulb" that flew from west to east, disap 8/3/1967 #22784  
, and something similar to a light bulb lowered itself to ground level. Thi 8/3/1967 #22786  
d the stones and stepped into the "bulb" that reentered the craft, which to 8/3/1967 #22786  
e craft and something like a light bulb lowered itself to the ground. This, 8/3/1967 #22791  
d the stones and stepped into the "bulb" that reentered the craft, which to 8/3/1967 #22791  
gray and like an upside-down light bulb. However, it moves to his left and  6/17/1969 #25221  
N, GA 3 separate cops. "Dull light bulb" maneuvers. Responds / lights. Goin 9/8/1973 #27779  
It blinked on and off like a light bulb. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May  2/17/1974 #28777  
, MT 5:30 p.m. 70' altitude, light bulb shape (UFO 55 NIDS) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 1/17/1976 #30795  
 from hotel window. "Frosted light bulb" going quickly [to] away.           10/10/1980 #35561  
he beings were humanoid with light bulb shaped heads and with large unblink 2/10/1981 #35823  
ght looked just like a small light bulb, [and I] couldn't see the post at a 3/23/1987 #38153  
. local time a huge, silent, light bulb shaped UFO with bright lights and a 12/31/1993 #41338  
embles moths flying around a light bulb. They watch it for 45 minutes, then 10/10/1999 #43860  
## Word: "bulb-balloon" (Back to Top)
TOR, ARK 2 observer(s). Vivid blue bulb-balloon shape going southeast towar 9/20/1981 #36132  
## Word: "bulb-cylinder" (Back to Top)
         DOM-LE-MESNIL, FR 2 cops. Bulb-cylinder/cigar-shape with many ligh 11/5/1990 #39833  
## Word: "bulbous" (Back to Top)
ge, dark-gray, seemingly metallic, bulbous mass hanging out of a large cumu 6/1944 #1601  
as shaped like a barbell, with two bulbous spheres on each end connected by 7/23/1956 #13013  
ray but the back of his head had a bulbous extension with veins showing thr 8/13/1965 #19383  
the left side of the road and have bulbous heads, narrow necks, and flared  3/4/1977 #31858  
watch two cylindrical objects with bulbous ends approach her from the south 8/6/1977 #32367  
n each hand. The being had a large bulbous head with slightly bulging eyes. 11/1/1982 #36669  
white, slender fingers with rather bulbous tips on the ends. The creature w 2/2/1995 #42013  
## Word: "bulbous-shaped" (Back to Top)
. A silver colored, 150 foot long, bulbous-shaped object with a long tail h 4/25/1984 #37290  
. a silver colored, 150 foot long, bulbous-shaped object with a long tail h 4/25/1984 #37295  
## Word: "bulbs" (Back to Top)
the filament in old electric light bulbs.” Church turns around immediately, 10/1952 #8073  
 completely dead and the headlight bulbs burned out.                        10/19/1954 #11242  
aving hands lighted "like electric bulbs," who seemed to be searching for s 6/2/1964 #18320  
ine and headlights died. The light bulbs had to be replaced. The object was 3/28/1966 #20113  
he driver has to replace the light bulbs in his headlights after the incide 3/28/1966 #20118  
ine and headlights died. The light bulbs in the headlights had to be replac 3/28/1966 #20120  
t tall, had eyes like yellow light bulbs, large pointed ears, a square chin 9/27/1972 #27035  
 real bright, it looked like light bulbs. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)  8/4/1973 #27680  
tall, with heads shaped like light bulbs and skinny limbs that made unintel 9/16/1996 #43026  
## Word: "bulczyński" (Back to Top)
Biskupice, Poland 10:00 p.m. Jerzy Bulczyński and his family in Biskupice,  10/7/1994 #41793  
## Word: "bulebush" (Back to Top)
g to “Acme” PA. After 20 yrs. Bill Bulebush came forward with a description 12/9/1965 #19760  
## Word: "bulg" (Back to Top)
                     STARA ZAGORA, BULG Delta/triangle/box-like craft hover 4/7/1967 #22085  
                            SOFIA, BULG Large object / 30km altitude change 11/21/1967 #23489  
           MOUNTAIN SOUTH / SOFIA, BULG 3+2 / weather station/depot/facilit 2/29/1976 #30911  
                       TSARICHINA, BULG Cone emits blue flames. Burnt circl 5/1993 #40960  
## Word: "bulgaria" (Back to Top)
                            SOFIA, BULGARIA All present. Basketball-size an 7/1908? #713  
                    STRUMA VALLEY, BULGARIA Fireball descends slow as a par 7/1913? #890  
                            SOFIA, BULGARIA Conical UFO over city. Photos.  4/9/1967 #22097  
d over Sofiya, the capital city of Bulgaria.                                4/9/1967 #22098  
                            Sofia, Bulgaria 5:10 p.m. LT. An unknown number 11/21/1967 #23490  
                      NEAR MELNIK, BULGARIA 2 communists. Shiny delta/trian 4/26/1969 #25092  
e suburbs outsie of Melnik, Sofia, Bulgaria a shiny delta-shaped object rem 4/26/1969 #25095  
                            SOFIA, BULGARIA 2 observer(s). Orange sphere bi 6/1973 #27540  
                PLEVEN DEPARTMENT, BULGARIA Many observer(s). 2 moon-size o 12/29/1978 #34223  
         Bucharest, Romania Sofia, Bulgaria Cluj-Napoca, Romania Varna, Bul 8/1986 #37964  
lgaria Cluj-Napoca, Romania Varna, Bulgaria Lima, Ohio 2:00 a.m. Meteorolog 8/1986 #37964  
ars to be above the city of Sofia, Bulgaria, at an altitude of 18.6 miles.  8/1986 #37964  
 moving horizontally toward Varna, Bulgaria. At one point he locks the rada 8/1986 #37964  
          On this night in Dibich, Bulgaria the witness of a previous UFO c 4/10/1989 #38899  
UK Brazil Argentina Turkey Hungary Bulgaria Peru The Five Continents UFO Fo 10/15/2018 #45540  
rçali (Hungary), Lachezar Filipov (Bulgaria), and Anthony Choy (Peru). The  10/15/2018 #45540  
## Word: "bulge" (Back to Top)
 saw a three-foot wide disc with a bulge in the middle land on a city stree 7/6/1947 #2816  
ped like a stovepipe with a center bulge and short wings (10' long, 3' in d 10/29/1954 #11479  
like a stovepipe. It had a central bulge and short wings; they estimated it 10/29/1954 #11484  
s 300 feet ahead of them. It has a bulge at the top and reddish-pink, green 8/1962 #17309  
ound objects appeared. Each had a "bulge" (dome?) on top and bright light s 10/11/1966 #20990  
op, and light coming from a bottom bulge. (Ricks letter in NICAP files; U.F 4/17/1967 #22149  
)/airliner pilot. Thin object with bulge / center stops / trees. Wavers goi 5/5/1969 #25116  
bout 80 yards away. It had a domed bulge above and below the central rim, a 5/20/1974 #29120  
TORIA, BC Shiny saucer going down. Bulge / bottom/underside. Circles 2 obse 3/9/1977 #31881  
bject was disc shaped with a small bulge on top, the air shimmered around t 12/14/1980 #35716  
 1 / car. 60M submersible/USO with bulge / end maneuvers. Going southwest.  2/3/1983 #36759  
bject tilts and moves, revealing a bulge on its underside. It moves away, a 10/9/1989 #39155  
t. Turns southwest then going SSW. Bulge / front and rear. See sketches.    11/29/1989 #39259  
Flat diamond with flat corners and bulge / rear. / 100M altitude.           1/4/1995 #41950  
t / 5 second(s). 1 observer sees 1 bulge only.                              6/6/1996 #42922  
a silver disc-shaped object with a bulge on one face, estimated to be maybe 1/4/2004 #44647  
## Word: "bulged" (Back to Top)
lower rear end. The bottom part is bulged out and dark gray in color. On th 1/6/1991 #39947  
## Word: "bulges" (Back to Top)
and. It is dark with some brighter bulges on the bottom and emits a buzzing Summer 1968 #24066  
       LOZOVAYA, UKR Oblong UFO. 2 bulges / top. Hovers. Rises. Vanishes. S 10/12/1990 #39782  
## Word: "bulging" (Back to Top)
 CAVANAC, FR 1 observer. Brilliant bulging ovoid on road ahead. Sparks. Goi 10/10/1954 #10873  
                    At 4:30 a.m. a bulging ovoid object was seen on the roa 10/10/1954 #10897  
 with its right arm raised. It had bulging eyes, a sort of cap, no visible  7/3/1955 #12231  
 with its right arm raised. It had bulging eyes, a sort of cap, no visible  7/3/1955 #12233  
ge heads, dome-like foreheads, and bulging eyeballs. They delivered a messa 12/1957 #14648  
ge heads, dome-like foreheads, and bulging eyeballs. They deliver a message 12/1957 #14653  
 notice the surface of the sea is “bulging like an enormous ball, with long 6/3/1961 #16715  
 creatures about 1.60 m tall, with bulging eyes, expressionless faces, whit 8/13/1965 #19380  
stone", had no hair, and had large bulging eyes. The first “person” was des 8/13/1965 #19383  
welded together at their widest or bulging ends” at 6:45 p.m. by Irma Hudgi 11/4/1966 #21075  
ushes. They were dark-skinned, had bulging eyes, and spoke among themselves 7/17/1967 #22680  
 little man had a very large head, bulging eyes, and made a deep whistling  8/26/1967 #22935  
arf, 1 m tall, with a big head and bulging, reddish glowing eyes, wearing a 9/4/1967 #22996  
, 3 feet tall, with a big head and bulging, reddish, glowing eyes, wearing  9/4/1967 #22997  
warf humanoid, with a big head and bulging, reddish glowing eyes. The being 9/4/1967 #23000  
 used breathing apparatus, and had bulging eyes. (Baltimore Morning Sun, Ma 9/17/1967 #23075  
e object, triangular in shape with bulging sides, appeared to descend as it 11/25/1968 #24706  
   ST. ETIENNE, 88, FR 1 observer. Bulging saucer going quickly northeast i 2/16/1976 #30874  
a large bulbous head with slightly bulging eyes. There were other similar b 11/1/1982 #36669  
ld woman. The UFO was black with a bulging center, and it had a bottom sect 8/18/1987 #38247  
ut 80 cm tall, and had brown skin, bulging red eyes, bulging veins, enormou 1/20/1996 #42697  
 had brown skin, bulging red eyes, bulging veins, enormous feet, and three  1/20/1996 #42697  
range short humanoid creature with bulging red eyes, brown skin, and a larg 4/21/1996 #42877  
. Cylinder/cylindrical object with bulging ends east going quickly west / 5 6/6/1996 #42922  
bject. They had oval-shaped heads, bulging eyes, and large "cauliflower-lik 7/14/2000 #44017  
 or silver disc-shaped object with bulging black windows. It hovered, tilte 8/23/2003 #44580  
## Word: "bulgy" (Back to Top)
dwarf, 1 m tall, with a huge head, bulgy eyes, and a body covered with "hai 8/26/1967 #22932  
## Word: "bulk" (Back to Top)
                            A dark bulk with a narrow, rectangular shape an 4/8/1897 #419  
y, Ohio, who watch a “fleecy white bulk” floating far away to the west. Thr 5/11/1897 #596  
es, and a statistical treatment of bulk data. He divides the research quest 4/21/1967 #22192  
nd walked toward a very large dark bulk that she could make out among some  2/26/1973 #27318  
ondon, with Rimmer taking over the bulk of the editorial work.              1974 #28631  
celerates out of sight. During the bulk of this encounter, the neighborhood 4/19/1974 #29047  
0 p.m. Two young men were making a bulk newspaper delivery between Boulogne 8/22/1975 #30297  
0 p.m. two young men were making a bulk newspaper delivery between Boulogne 8/22/1975 #30298  
s any seams or windows and has the bulk of three to four cars. It emits a l 12/18/1976 #31612  
d of seams or windows, and had the bulk of three to four cars. It emitted a 12/18/1976 #31616  
## Word: "bulkhead" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bulkhead” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT    4/27/1977 #32031  
## Word: "bulkier" (Back to Top)
omething like a Zeppelin, but much bulkier and rounder at the front; alumin Mid 8/1942 #1439  
## Word: "bulkley" (Back to Top)
Worcester (Mass.) Washington, D.C. Bulkley Griffin, chief of the Worcester  6/1/1960 #16305  
## Word: "bulky" (Back to Top)
The creatures were under 1 m tall, bulky, and wore dark diving suits. No fa 9/10/1954 #10284  
ere under 1 meter (3.3 feet) tall, bulky, and wore dark diving suits with d 9/10/1954 #10288  
 strange being of small height and bulky figure with large slanted eyes. It 10/14/1954 #11044  
 strange being of small height and bulky figure with large slanted eyes. It 10/14/1954 #11065  
 hill, they were confronted with a bulky human figure, about 1 m tall. The  10/18/1954 #11209  
he hill, they were confronted by a bulky human figure about one meter (3.3  10/18/1954 #11220  
r visits him later and shows him a bulky portfolio of glossy UFO photos, ma 6/1964 #18314  
m on which stood a "man" wearing a bulky, white, one-piece suit. He was abo 1/5/1966 #19806  
 blue "Sam Browne" strap. They had bulky hands, possibly gloved, and wore b 1/25/1967 #21389  
ens-shaped craft, and two somewhat bulky human-like entities about four fee 8/23/1967 #22906  
tall, dressed from head to foot in bulky coveralls, something like the Mich 7/31/1968 #24272  
alf-foot tall humanoid beings. The bulky humanoids wore red tops with black 6/4/1970 #25690  
ome nearby bushes. They saw a huge bulky figure that seemed to move clumsil 3/25/1971 #26054  
hen he came up with a 7-foot tall, bulky figure standing in a slumped forwa 1/4/1974 #28643  
en he came upon a seven-foot-tall, bulky figure standing in a slumped forwa 1/6/1974 #28654  
two human-looking figures, wearing bulky helmets on their heads, looking ou 3/12/1975 #29891  
of a nearby hill a strange looking bulky figure that was dark and motionles 1/3/1977 #31687  
sh and disappeared, and so did the bulky figure. The witness suffered from  1/4/1977 #31691  
 was about 7-8 feet tall and quite bulky and hairy like a bear. The head wa 4/25/2007 #45023  
## Word: "bull" (Back to Top)
d grass were found at the site.  A bull bellowed and tried to break its bon 8/19/1965 #19424  
n WKBW. Just outside, a 3-year old bull is tied by its nose to a metal pipe 8/19/1965 #19427  
 to a metal pipe. Harold hears the bull make a noise “like I have never hea 8/19/1965 #19427  
runs outside. As he approaches the bull, the UFO rises and moves behind som 8/19/1965 #19427  
ed grass were found at the site. A bull bellowed and tried to break its bon 8/19/1965 #19428  
nt behind a cloud. At 9:00 p.m. in Bull Bridge, England a police headquarte 11/21/1970 #25914  
the breed that supplies the French bull rings were found drowned in the riv 12/5/1973 #28523  
 mutilated cow in 30' crop circle. Bull in separate C-circle nearby.        3/10/1975 #29884  
                     (EASTERN), CO Bull calf found mutilated / surgical cut 6/28/1975 #30128  
month-old cross Hereford-Charolais bull, belonging to Manuel Gomez of Dulce 3/24/1978 #33077  
                    NEAR DULCE, NM Bull mutilated. Dropped from the air. Od 4/24/1978 #33161  
. The next morning a prize-winning bull was found dead. No nearby airport h 6/5/1980 #35355  
 footprints in the snow and a dead bull with one of its ears cut off.       3/7/1987 #38134  
o, NV and from working with Gerald Bull of Space Research Corporation. Sour 5/13/1992 #40463  
## Word: "bulla" (Back to Top)
z Vazquez, in the Bilbao suburb of Bulla, Vizcaya province, Spain reported  8/4/1976 #31232  
## Word: "bullard" (Back to Top)
oad Lisle, Illinois Morning. F. L. Bullard, engineer on the Fast Mail train 4/12/1897 #446  
Illinois, the object is far ahead. Bullard estimates it is moving at 100–15 4/12/1897 #446  
declared a possible UFO. Dr. Eddie Bullard provided this report to Brad Spa 4/15/1897 #480  
e Project Report, p. 77; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of  5/14/1976 #31051  
samples taken. (Sources: Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of  5/21/1976 #31069  
esearcher and folklorist Thomas E. Bullard publishes UFO Abductions: The Me 1987 #38089  
mation and reliable investigation. Bullard’s study summarizes key episodes  1987 #38089  
ds of mental and physical control. Bullard examines the literalist and redu 1987 #38089  
esearcher and folklorist Thomas E. Bullard expands on his description of th 7/2/1999 #43789  
 Stacy, Marcello Truzzi, Thomas E. Bullard, Hilary Evans, Robert Sheaffer,  9/2000 #44035  
## Word: "bullard'82" (Back to Top)
urn going quickly east and away. / Bullard'82.                              10/7/1906 #689  
## Word: "bullard's" (Back to Top)
ase is also discussed in Thomas E. Bullard's UFO Abductions: The Measure of 10/27/1975 #30483  
## Word: "bulldozed" (Back to Top)
t that relocated a nearby road and bulldozed the land to cover up the crash 10/1947 #3440  
## Word: "bulldozer" (Back to Top)
e, saw what he first thought was a bulldozer by the side of the road. He ca 5/20/1963 #17753  
saw what he at first thought was a bulldozer by the side of the road. He ca 5/20/1963 #17754  
zil at 6:20 a.m., while oiling his bulldozer’s engine, Sr. Doribio Pereira  10/2/1968 #24538  
square, yellow object resembling a bulldozer emerges from the tent and trav 10/6/1973 #27960  
## Word: "bulldozers" (Back to Top)
 engines of the idling Skyraiders, bulldozers and trucks. The entire valley Summer 1966 #20590  
## Word: "buller" (Back to Top)
                     Mrs. Henry X. Buller reported that she and her husband 6/2/1959 #15755  
## Word: "bulles" (Back to Top)
                               LES BULLES, BELGIUM 1 observer. Grey-brown c 4/14/1974 #29021  
## Word: "bullet" (Back to Top)
n-dollar bill and took off "like a bullet out of a gun."                    4/22/1897 #555  
r bill. The craft took off "like a bullet out of a gun."                    4/22/1897 #561  
oke going quickly northeast. Large bullet shoots going down / Kumla. / r130 7/10/1946 #2044  
ing quickly [to] going west like a bullet.                                  7/11/1947 #3127  
R PUDASJARVI, FNL 2 / woods. Brown bullet shape hovers / N. sky. Blue-green 8/1947 #3270  
. Description: shaped like a rifle bullet and apparently 20 to 30 feet long 10/15/1948 #3835  
houette, which looks like a “rifle bullet” 20–30 feet long. The object “see 10/15/1948 #3841  
dull or dark object, shaped like a bullet or dirigible with a flat bottom a 10/15/1948 #3843  
ic Controller and many. Jets chase bullet cylinder/cigar-shape. Quickly goi 3/8/1950 #4590  
going north. Then straight up like bullet.                                  8/10/1950 #5114  
2 shiny silver objects shaped like bullet (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  10/15/1950 #5230  
o shiny silver objects shaped like bullet or bladder.  They dove with a smo 10/15/1950 #5233  
and more/others. Photographs. Huge bullet going up [to] and going east / 1K 2/19/1951 #5446  
n Tanzania sighted a 200 foot long bullet shaped UFO at 7:20 a.m. At one en 2/19/1951 #5451  
ver Corps (GOC) observer(s). 2 fat bullet objects straight and level fast f 4/19/1952 #6129  
         OAK RIDGE, TN 1 observer. Bullet object trails burnt orange smoke  6/23/1952 #6590  
ots at the object twice. The first bullet bounces off with a metallic sound 1/29/1953 #8616  
K ISLAND, PACIFIC Army weatherman. Bullet shaped object sails overhead. No  2/6/1953 #8640  
as knocked down from the roof by a bullet: it "floated down." Running out o 8/21/1955 #12385  
lor(s) / rainbow. Shoots away like bullet.                                  5/1/1957 #13636  
 heard a clank suggesting that the bullet hit a solid object, then the UFO  10/19/1959 #16044  
 a long orange trail like a tracer bullet, then abruptly divides in two as  3/16/1961 #16631  
nd heard a metallic ping as if the bullet bounced off the object. As the UF 4/28/1964 #18218  
heard a sound similar to that of a bullet, but saw nothing. The child suffe 6/2/1964 #18319  
n of Genoa. It made the sound of a bullet flying by one's ear. Crawford rad 6/12/1964 #18348  
night to recover a bronze colored, bullet or acorn-shaped object, 12 feet l 12/9/1965 #19763  
ith a whistling sound like a rifle bullet ricocheting. It remains in the sw 3/20/1966 #20012  
psoid object. He believes that one bullet hit the craft. His car lights imm 3/23/1966 #20057  
M saucer outside house. Flies like bullet.                                  6/23/1966 #20593  
ch backed up and flew away "like a bullet." Three other persons saw it from 6/23/1966 #20596  
ch backed up and flew away "like a bullet." Three other people saw it from  6/23/1966 #20601  
 Leary later finds evidence of two bullet holes in Lady’s rump.             9/9/1967 #23026  
ugh binoculars it looks conical or bullet shaped. Dozens of other personnel 12/2/1967 #23533  
                    At 9:30 p.m. a bullet or cone-shaped UFO hovered for tw 12/2/1967 #23534  
ateur astronomers. 4 photographs / bullet UFO with conical point. Going qui 10/18/1968 #24569  
rom a .22 caliber rifle. The first bullet made a "whomp" sound, like it had 11/24/1968 #24699  
TIRAGNES, FR 1 observer. Silent 2M bullet / 60cm dia going southeast / 50cm 10/28/1969 (approximate) #25427  
        ROWSHAM, BUCKS, ENGL Green bullet beams pseudo-human/entity down. W 12/1971 #26481  
MONTMAGNY, QB 1 observer. Metallic bullet zigzags generally going west towa 12/13/1971 #26494  
OR Observer(s) = J. Satterlee. 12M bullet shape going northwest up Grant Av 3/4/1973 #27330  
s / well. Cylinder/cigar-shape and bullet and delta/triangle/box-like craft 8/6/1973 #27686  
ous object. / r232v3#1p10'74. Also bullet object / 12 Dec. '73.             11/13/1973 #28415  
, PR Observer(s) = Manuel Padilla. Bullet shaped object / sky. No further d 12/17/1973 #28579  
LONDON, RSA Many observer(s). Huge bullet hovers / port. Portholes / side.  7/9/1974 #29249  
T / BEAUREPAIRE, FR Huge brilliant bullet going down [to] cornfield. Darken 8/17/1974 #29366  
 He attempts to shoot one, but the bullet falls about 50 feet from him as i 10/15/1974 #29531  
          MEDICINE BOW, WY Hunters bullet falls. Complex abduction. / r202p 10/25/1974 #29554  
n he fired his rifle at an elk the bullet went only 50 feet and then fell t 10/25/1974 #29557  
/ trees. Then going up [to] like a bullet.                                  3/14/1975 #29896  
rees, then shot straight up like a bullet. There were five witnesses of var 3/14/1975 #29898  
 going quickly southeast / perfect bullet formation.                        8/4/1975 #30234  
                   DOMENE, FR 4.5M bullet lands / 5 thin legs. 2M pseudo-hu 1/5/1976 #30759  
d should have been pockmarked with bullet holes, showed not a single bullet 11/12/1976 #31540  
 bullet holes, showed not a single bullet pockmark. A few days after the in 11/12/1976 #31540  
  CHEADLE, CHESHIRE 1 observer. 6' bullet shape splits and rejoins. Possibl 12/28/1976 #31635  
er. The object shoots north like a bullet, then stops a short distance away 8/11/1977 #32384  
          LLANERCHYMEDD, WALES 10' bullet going down / field. 3 6' pseudo-h 9/1/1978 #33619  
 delta/triangle/box-like craft and bullet with square windows. Traces / gro 9/22/1978 #33726  
, ME Cop and ground RADAR. 60' dia bullet hovers / 3km / 90 minute(s). Glow 9/24/1978 #33742  
2 separate observer(s). White 2.5M bullet / ground. 2 small humanoids (or G 7/25/1979 #34675  
the object, which takes off like a bullet and disappears.                   5/1980 #35298  
                       BEIJING, CH Bullet capsule hangs vertical. Glows / c 4/25/1981 #35914  
s shapes, but three predominate: a bullet or cigar, a sphere, and an “upsid 11/1981 #36201  
azil a car was stalled by a UFO. A bullet shaped UFO sat on the roadway in  12/19/1981 #36269  
STAPLES, MN 2 / car and more. Gold bullet hovers / 300M altitude. Hazy blue 7/29/1983 #36926  
Blue night lights exit landing 20M bullet shape. 12V battery boils over.    7/1985 #37612  
ct with 2 lights shot / fisherman. Bullet pings.                            7/1987 #38203  
ts hovers. Going quickly [to] like bullet. Stops. Shoots srt up.            8/11/1987 #38236  
 Sketch / classic saucer with tall bullet dome / top with searchlights.     1/12/1988 #38408  
    CHIRUNDU, ZIMBABWE 1 observer. Bullet shaped object trails sparks desce 3/27/1993 #40903  
urn to the west. It made a pinging bullet sound as it flew.                 5/17/1994 #41528  
ROO, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Teen. Flaming bullet shape zigzags all around. Unusual 8/11/1996 #42978  
7-year-old man. He described it as bullet shaped with a flame coming from i 8/11/1996 #42979  
RVOIR, CT 4 observer(s). Odd large bullet shape and sphere pass closely goi 12/13/1999 #43897  
imed the object resembled a silver bullet.                                  2/2/2000 #43938  
 a house, shaped like a large gray bullet, in the sky above Squeaking Point 5/4/2005 #44830  
## Word: "bullet-" (Back to Top)
s, revealing itself to be a brown, bullet- shaped object with a flat end “l 10/1944 #1674  
## Word: "bullet-cone" (Back to Top)
         BANEASA AIRFIELD, ROMANIA Bullet-cone hovers / 2 hours. Going nort 12/2/1967 #23532  
## Word: "bullet-cylinder" (Back to Top)
                FROBERVILLE, FR 9M bullet-cylinder/cigar-shape / 30M altitu 11/9/1954 #11609  
ect Bluebook Case #11677. Crowder. Bullet-cylinder/cylindrical object quick 4/21/1967 #22178  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Bullet-cylinder/cylindrical object on ro 12/19/1981 #36264  
## Word: "bullet-delta" (Back to Top)
 FR 1+2 separate observer(s). Dark bullet-delta/triangle/box-like craft ext 11/5/1990 #39858  
## Word: "bullet-diamond" (Back to Top)
                       GALATI, ROM Bullet-diamond UFO keeps changing shape. 6/21/1970 #25702  
## Word: "bullet-dome" (Back to Top)
ASJARVI, FINL 2 / car. 4' vertical bullet-dome buzzes and follows car. 2 ar 11/13/1967 #23440  
## Word: "bullet-object" (Back to Top)
NORTHWEST / FUKUOKA, JP F61 chases bullet-object. 180-turns. Going up and d 10/15/1948 #3837  
  NEW YORK, NY 1 observer. 10' x5' bullet-object with wavy lines. 6 pipes / 8/15/1964 #18485  
                    MINDALORE, RSA Bullet-object going down / 4 legs. Sever 1/3/1979 #34285  
/ COLUSA, CA 2 observer(s). Silver bullet-object over Sacramento R. / 3 min 5/25/1979 #34575  
## Word: "bullet-rectangle" (Back to Top)
       MOOSE CREEK, ON 1 observer. Bullet-rectangle with many lights going  9/11/1992 #40619  
## Word: "bullet-shape" (Back to Top)
CKINSON, ND 3 observer(s). Colored bullet-shape slows and hovers / high alt 11/4/1957 #14264  
al observer(s). Sphere/orb/globe / bullet-shape toward(s) Planolas. / Stend 12/28/1973 #28607  
## Word: "bullet-shaped" (Back to Top)
t Vandalia Airport, Ohio sighted a bullet-shaped UFO being chased by milita 3/8/1950 #4594  
h binoculars and sees a “metallic, bullet-shaped object which must have bee 2/19/1951 #5449  
feet in length. At the end of it a bullet-shaped object appears, approximat 3/15/1951 #5489  
TN Secretary Martha Milligan saw a bullet-shaped object with burnt-orange e 6/23/1952 #6598  
ss: secretary Martha Milligan. One bullet-shaped object with burnt-orange e 6/23/1952 #6604  
. Secretary Martha Milligan sees a bullet-shaped object emitting a burnt-or 6/23/1952 #6608  
artha Milligan, a secretary, saw a bullet-shaped object with burnt-orange e 6/23/1952 #6613  
                Truk Atoll, At Sea Bullet-Shaped Object At 500' (NICAP: 01  2/6/1953 #8642  
             At 4:45 p.m. a silver bullet-shaped object was seen in the sky 9/17/1954 #10335  
                A nine meter long, bullet-shaped cigar hovered at 30 meters 11/9/1954 #11614  
WEST YORKSHIRE 1 observer. 4M-high bullet-shaped object behind hill. High-p 8/19/1955 #12372  
ood, a warehouseman, saw a bright, bullet-shaped, silvery object behind a h 8/19/1955 #12373  
rehouseman, saw a bright, silvery, bullet-shaped object behind a hillock. I 8/19/1955 #12375  
f." At 7:30 p.m. a luminous green, bullet-shaped UFO was seen from the New  12/9/1955 #12601  
    New York City, NY 10 ft x 5 ft bullet-shaped object with wavy lines on  8/15/1964 #18487  
ss:  S.F. D'Alessandro. One 10'x5' bullet-shaped object with wavy lines on  8/15/1964 #18489  
F. D'Alessandro watched a 10' x 5' bullet-shaped object with wavy lines on  8/15/1964 #18491  
6:00 p.m. local time a low flying, bullet-shaped object flew over Dublin Ai 2/26/1967 #21662  
 and discussed their sighting of a bullet-shaped object with a flashing red 9/10/1967 #23030  
ning at 9:30 p.m. a two-meter long bullet-shaped object flew very slowly ju 10/28/1969 #25430  
t comes closer, it appears to be a bullet-shaped object larger than a Boein 10/23/1972 #27087  
 At around 6 p.m. a yellow and red bullet-shaped UFO approached an airliner 10/23/1972 #27089  
Girardeau, MO 7:12 p.m. Dull gray, bullet-shaped object observed for severa 6/19/1973 #27574  
wo women watched a strange looking bullet-shaped metallic object move acros 1/6/1974 #28655  
                            A huge bullet-shaped object hovered over the po 7/9/1974 #29255  
2:30 a.m. An ex-pilot sees a dark, bullet-shaped object while walking his d 9/8/1977 #32473  
. A silver colored, heel-shaped or bullet-shaped object hovered between fif 5/25/1979 #34578  
. a silver colored, heel-shaped or bullet-shaped object hovered between fif 5/25/1979 #34579  
wly in a horizontal position, land bullet-shaped, looking black on its flat 8/29/1979 #34799  
aking loudly in response to silver bullet-shaped craft that hovered briefly 10/26/1979 #34966  
ng loudly in response to a silver, bullet-shaped craft that hovered briefly 10/26/1979 #34967  
a, California. He spots an orange, bullet-shaped light that is keeping even 11/5/1980 #35620  
nd two-way radios, occurred when a bullet-shaped UFO passed within 500 feet 4/4/1981 #35885  
Luis Reservoir, California, when a bullet-shaped object pulls alongside the 4/8/1981 #35887  
nd two-way radios, occurred when a bullet-shaped UFO passed within 500 feet 4/8/1981 #35888  
hrough binoculars he can see it is bullet-shaped and varies its speed, some 4/25/1981 #35915  
  In Beijing, China at 7:00 a.m. a bullet-shaped ellipsoid, with the middle 4/25/1981 #35916  
 Hessdalen, Norway On this night a bullet-shaped object, a sphere, and seve 12/1/1981 #36241  
           On this night in 1981 a bullet-shaped object, a sphere, and seve 12/1/1981 #36242  
         Canton, OH Dog barking at bullet-shaped object with searchlights a 10/1992 #40656  
       At 7:30 p.m. three grayish, bullet-shaped objects flew near witnesse 9/6/2008 #45166  
## Word: "bullet-ufo" (Back to Top)
        NEAR BEAUFORT, FR 2 / car. Bullet-UFO going down / 3 legs / ditch.  10/16/1954 #11137  
## Word: "bulletin" (Back to Top)
N work announced in JTA Daily News Bulletin                                 6/15/1943 #1511  
                            Bureau Bulletin 59 ends all FBI cooperation wit 10/1/1947 #3444  
ble for over 40 minute(s) / Manila bulletin article.                        3/24/1950 (approximate) #4715  
     The Air Intelligence Training Bulletin publishes a facetious news item 2/20/1951 #5452  
Spring 1956 and Flying Saucer News Bulletin from February 1955 through 1957 Summer 1952 #6580  
ublish the first issue of the APRO Bulletin.                                7/15/1952 #6828  
y four issues of its CSI Quarterly Bulletin. The final issue appears in ear 9/1952 #7803  
er starts publishing The Saucerian Bulletin in Clarksburg, West Virginia, w 9/1953 #9133  
. Glowing blue-white saucer. / CSI bulletin. No further details.            10/24/1953 #9250  
 in the November 1995 issue of the Bulletin of the History of Dentistry.    2/20/1954 #9560  
FB Date of Gerald Light’s detailed bulletin of meeting with others at Edwar 4/15/1954 #9691  
. It publishes Ground Saucer Watch Bulletin from 1976 to 1982. By 1979, GSW 1957 #13433  
y. It publishes the Australian UFO Bulletin from 1957 to September 2007, ed 1957 #13437  
s 1954 letters on UFOs in the APRO Bulletin and jumps to the conclusion tha 7/29/1958 #15158  
lishing a monthly magazine, LUFORO Bulletin.                                12/1959 #16105  
merely a “lobbying” effort in APRO Bulletin, while APRO is “gradually drawi 7/1962 #17261  
s, it returns as UFO Magazine News Bulletin in early 1974 and continues at  Summer 1963 #17801  
 the Merseyside UFO Research Group Bulletin in Liverpool, England.          1965 #18683  
e in Bruges, Belgium. It publishes Bulletin du GESAG.                       1965 #18685  
 Florida ‘Landing’ Incident,” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1965, pp. 1, 3; Jo 3/2/1965 #18832  
im. (Ridge, 1994, p. 19. from APRO Bulletin No. 15.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 1/10/1967 #21282  
flashing in a regular cycle. (APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 4.) (NICAP:  1/26/1967 #21396  
, then sped away. (Binghampton Sun Bulletin, 2/21/67, copy in NICAP files.) 2/20/1967 #21604  
eview, July-Aug. 1967, p. 30; APRO Bulletin, Mar.-Apr. 1967, p. 11.) (NICAP 3/10/1967 #21848  
 car, which rocked violently. APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, (E) p. 5, car ( 3/21/1967 #21932  
3/26/67, copy in NICAP files; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 1.) (NICAP:  3/25/1967 #21981  
hoe and Lore,1969b, pp.28-29; APRO Bulletin, March-April 1967, p. 1.) (NICA 3/28/1967 #22003  
ended , tipping and swaying. (APRO Bulletin, May- June 1967, p. 7.) (NICAP: 4/21/1967 #22185  
ered, then rose straight up. (APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 8.) (NICAP:  5/2/1967 #22265  
which changed to red sparks. (APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 12.) (NICAP: 5/3/1967 #22270  
, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 6; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 6 (case misd 5/6/1967 #22281  
, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 3; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 7; Phillips, 5/7/1967 #22292  
t engine after UFO sped away. APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967 (E,L) car (NICAP 5/26/1967 #22402  
7/21/67, copy in NICAP files; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 2.) (NICAP:  5/31/1967 #22429  
es the newsletter as the New SIGAP Bulletin from 1977 to 1979.              6/1967 #22438  
letter, 6/19/67, NICAP files; APRO Bulletin, Nov. - Dec. 1967, p. 4.) (NICA 6/15/1967 #22509  
isc and took gravel samples. (APRO Bulletin, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p. 12.) (NICA 8/3/1967 #22783  
ash of light knocked him out, APRO Bulletin, Mar.-Apr. 1969 (E,L) 3 cars (N 8/27/1967 #22938  
ctions) during the sighting. (APRO Bulletin, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p. 8) (NICAP: 8/31/1967 #22960  
). (Hall, 2001, p. 458, from: APRO Bulletin, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p.10; Gillmor 10/24/1967 #23301  
aces were found at the site. (APRO Bulletin, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 3.) (NICAP: 11/24/1967 #23505  
 a new publication, Merseyside UFO Bulletin (MUFOB), in Liverpool, England, 1/1968 #23639  
 CIA, tells the Providence Evening Bulletin that the key to developing an e 5/13/1968 #23959  
 skeptical view of UFOs in Physics Bulletin, but supports genuine scientifi 7/1968 #24106  
ew seen! Photographs taken / Sbedv Bulletin 69 / 70.                        3/3/1969 (approximate) #24958  
t and UFOs" by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, calle 4/1969 #25044  
eview of the Condon report for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, calli 4/1969 #25045  
val with dome approached car. APRO Bulletin, Mar.-Apr. 1972 (E,R) police ca 9/24/1971 #26371  
landed about 200 meters away. APRO Bulletin, May-June, 1972 (E) car (NICAP: 3/10/1972 #26596  
y green haze passed over car. APRO Bulletin, MayJune 1973; see Rodeghier, 1 4/10/1973 #27421  
ly [to] over. Philadelphia Evening.Bulletin 3.12.73.                        12/2/1973 #28503  
ium. It begins publishing the AESV bulletin through June 1981. AESV continu 1974 #28626  
mely close around the plane. (APRO Bulletin, Vol. 24 No. 2, Aug 1975) (NICA 5/2/1974 #29079  
t Australia. It publishes the ACOS Bulletin through December 1979.          11/1974 #29573  
, report dated July 14, 1975; APRO Bulletin, November-December 1976, p. 5;  2/23/1975 #29837  
y over Quincy. (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, p. 7). (NICAP:  10/3/1975 #30413  
yellow lights. (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, p. 9). (NICAP:  10/16/1975 #30430  
y disappeared. (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, p. 13.) (NICAP: 11/13/1975 #30615  
s on the side. (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, p. 13). (NICAP: 11/19/1975 #30643  
moved forward. (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, pp. 11 & 14). ( 12/5/1975 #30686  
d short spurts (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, pp. 11 & 14). ( 12/5/1975 #30687  
nterference, case 392, citing ACOS Bulletin, June 1976) (NICAP: 03 - EME Ca 2/13/1976 #30868  
he nocturnal fly by. (Source: APRO Bulletin, May-June 1976, p. 5). (NICAP:  5/23/1976 #31071  
e entire time. (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, September 1976, p. 6). (NICAP: 7/22/1976 #31177  
c. It begins publishing the CUFORN Bulletin in late 1979, lasting until the 1977 #31651  
, APRO; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, APRO Bulletin). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 2/10/1977 #31806  
lis, IN 4:00 PM. Hoax photo. (APRO Bulletin) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Case 3/10/1977 #31891  
legs. (Sources: Leonte Objio, APRO Bulletin, January 1982, p. 6; Stendek, S 6/24/1977 #32189  
ness reported eye irritation. APRO Bulletin, July 1978; see Rodeghier, 1981 12/17/1977 #32787  
pins. Flashes 1 / second(s). / GUB Bulletin #5 1980.                        8/17/1979 #34751  
orway, begins publishing the NIVFO Bulletin, edited by Gunnar Bertelsen and 1981 #35764  
oucoupes Volantes renames its AESV Bulletin as OVNI Présence and moves its  9/1981 #36098  
s publishing the Project Hessdalen Bulletin in Duken, Norway, in English. I 10/1983 #36988  
d, Illinois airport. (Source: APRO Bulletin, September 1984, p. 8). (NICAP: 12/12/1983 #37070  
   White Swan, WA Reported in APRO Bulletin: D.M., who lives just south of  4/1984 #37250  
uebec Marc Leduc begins publishing Bulletin d’Information Ufologique in Sai 9/1984 #37452  
Compufon for posting on the Usenet bulletin board.                          12/1984 #37513  
and, Washington Seattle The Usenet bulletin board service ParaNet is launch 1/1/1986 #37745  
 Washington, it functions as a UFO bulletin board using a voice and data li 1/1/1986 #37745  
       The final issue of the APRO Bulletin is published by Jim and Coral L 9/1987 #38269  
David Gotlib begins publishing the Bulletin of Anomalous Experience (at fir 1/1990 #39359  
 information. It publishes a SCEAU Bulletin from 1991 to 2008.              2/1990 #39404  
n its board, and it publishes RIAP Bulletin (in English, edited by Vladimir 1992 #40275  
 of Setka-AN, in an article in the Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Scien 2000 #43911  
## Word: "bulletins" (Back to Top)
 and sends out regular information bulletins to investors.                  1955 #11894  
 accompanied by occasional special bulletins of the Ufology News Project fr 7/2011 #45329  
## Word: "bullets" (Back to Top)
treet shooting at it, although the bullets seem to pass through it. The obj 4/9/1943 #1494  
o shiny silver objects shaped like bullets. They dove in the sky leaving a  10/15/1950 #5237  
t view of the UFO and fired tracer bullets at it before it accelerated out  Summer 1952 #6564  
f range. The officer who fired the bullets was debriefed by his Colonel (na Summer 1952 #6564  
ing in their direction like tracer bullets. As they get closer, they resolv 7/14/1952 #6817  
ver saw 2 objects, shaped like fat bullets (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 8/19/1952 #7644  
hrop. Two objects, shaped like fat bullets, flew straight and level, very f 8/19/1952 #7647  
p sees two objects shaped like fat bullets flying straight, level, and fast 8/19/1952 #7649  
ighted two objects shaped like fat bullets that flew straight and level, ve 8/19/1952 #7652  
it with no effect. He can hear the bullets bouncing off. It silently moves  4/28/1964 #18217  
ired at it four times, hearing the bullets hit a metal surface as the objec 3/25/1966 #20079  
times with his pistol, hearing the bullets hit a metal surface as the objec 3/25/1966 #20084  
D. F. Davies fired ten .38-caliber bullets at it and it disappeared. At 2:3 4/1/1967 #22042  
istol and fired a complete clip of bullets at the object. He reported that  5/6/1967 #22285  
ect. He reported that he heard the bullets ricochet off. He also suffered s 5/6/1967 #22285  
rection of the craft. He heard the bullets hit metal and the object took of 5/11/1967 #22317  
rection of the craft. He heard the bullets hit metal and the object took of 5/11/1967 #22319  
 blank at the object. He hears the bullets hit and ricochet as they strike. 5/13/1967 #22336  
ts find 48 spent cartridges and 14 bullets flattened by impact with somethi 6/14/1968 #24031  
ight spent cartridges and fourteen bullets apparently flattened by impact,  6/14/1968 #24033  
FO's here and Pastora and Alvear.. Bullets do nothing. / La Razon.          7/27/1968 (approximate) #24236  
 over house. Lands / field. Dodges bullets! Saucers dart.                   11/24/1968 #24696  
 field, and was shot at. It dodged bullets from a .22 caliber rifle. The fi 11/24/1968 #24699  
 hit a solid object, but the later bullets had no reported effect.          11/24/1968 #24699  
. He shoots at the object, but the bullets have little effect. At 10:30 a.m 6/26/1972 #26735  
 up. The older witness fires three bullets into the larger creature’s chest 10/25/1973 #28285  
hot at the creatures, first tracer bullets were shot over their heads, and  10/25/1973 #28286  
over their heads, and then regular bullets was used. The larger of the two  10/25/1973 #28286  
hunters. Huge silent UFO overhead. Bullets richochet / metallic sound.      12/7/1973 #28538  
al shots. 2 "hit" plane. No damage bullets or shooter found.                11/3/1975 #30544  
alt, so he opens fire on them. His bullets strike one on the shoulder and t 11/16/1977 #32677  
id bobs all over/all about. Dodges bullets. Follows car. Electro-magnetic e 9/29/1978 #33775  
ovoid flying object. It dodged the bullets, then followed the car, causing  9/29/1978 #33781  
unds from his 30mm guns at it. The bullets seem to hit the object without c 4/11/1980 #35269  
 Mexico reportedly fired a hail of bullets at a creature on this night. App 5/3/1996 #42892  
## Word: "bullfighter" (Back to Top)
. Four people--a local reporter, a bullfighter, and two taxi drivers--saw a 9/10/1965 #19552  
             Punta Umbria, Spain A bullfighter observed blinking red and ye 7/25/1982 #36548  
  At 4:00 o'clock in the morning a bullfighter in Punta Umbria, Spain obser 7/25/1982 #36551  
## Word: "bullfrog" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bullfrog” YieldMax: 150KT                8/30/1988 #38627  
## Word: "bullfrogs" (Back to Top)
, ducks quacked, geese honked, and bullfrogs started croaking loudly in res 10/26/1979 #34966  
, ducks quacked, geese honked, and bullfrogs started croaking loudly in res 10/26/1979 #34967  
## Word: "bullion" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bullion” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT     6/13/1990 #39616  
## Word: "bulloo" (Back to Top)
                                   BULLOO RIVER, QLD Prospector. 3 50M UFO  6/22/1977 #32184  
## Word: "bulls" (Back to Top)
                                   BULLS, NZ Classic saucer spins and glows 9/22/1954 #10387  
New Zealand RNZAF Base Ohakea near Bulls RNZAF Airman Derek Mansell is a pa 6/1956 #12879  
er lands at RNZAF Base Ohakea near Bulls, the pilot of a Douglas C-47 Dakot 6/1956 #12879  
cers / low altitude. Power out. 65 bulls panic and die.                     12/5/1973 #28519  
ar Nimes, Gard, France. At dawn 65 bulls of the breed that supplies the Fre 12/5/1973 #28523  
## Word: "bully" (Back to Top)
, activates the stimoceiver in the bully and pacify him. A female in the ca 1952 #5837  
## Word: "bully-les-mines" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHWEST / BULLY-LES-MINES, FR 9 observer(s). Brill 8/5/1974 #29309  
0 p.m. nine witnesses northwest of Bully-les-Mines, Pas de Calais, France s 8/5/1974 #29310  
## Word: "bulnes" (Back to Top)
                       Peasants in Bulnes Nuble, Chile saw a five-foot tall 6/20/1968 #24057  
## Word: "bulverde" (Back to Top)
                                   Bulverde, Texas 9:45 p.m. Fred Wirth Jr. Early 3/1980 #35190  
irth Jr. steps outside his home in Bulverde, Texas, and sees a large orange Early 3/1980 #35190  
## Word: "bulwell" (Back to Top)
                                   BULWELL, NOTTS Amateur astronomers. Glow 1/19/1994 #41377  
## Word: "bumbling" (Back to Top)
 as one author put it, “a bunch of bumbling sci-fi buffoons” rather than a  7/1963 #17819  
## Word: "bumm" (Back to Top)
Wendover, Quebec, when he hears a “bumm, bumm, bumm” sound, as if something 6/25/1974 #29224  
er, Quebec, when he hears a “bumm, bumm, bumm” sound, as if something very  6/25/1974 #29224  
ebec, when he hears a “bumm, bumm, bumm” sound, as if something very heavy  6/25/1974 #29224  
## Word: "bump" (Back to Top)
 the others reach it, they seem to bump into it. It grows a little bigger,  5/1908 #704  
 object hovering nearby. It had a "bump"  or dome in the middle and six rot 12/30/1954 #11882  
 and close their eyes. They feel a bump but can see nothing. The local poli 7/13/1967 #22656  
 on the roof of their trailer. The bump was followed by the sound of someth 11/9/1968 #24648  
s face and hands swollen and a red bump on his forehead. A red scar on his  11/15/1969 #25461  
r lifted 2' over road. Sets down / bump. / r184p179.                        5/14/1971 #26108  
ay. Seconds later there is another bump and they reach a developed area tha 1/3/1974 #28641  
is still inside the car with a red bump on his forehead, so he calls an amb 8/27/1979 #34787  
 black cigar-shaped vehicle with a bump on the top. The witness continued t 12/10/2003 #44627  
## Word: "bumper" (Back to Top)
te Sands Pad 33, 127.3km altitude (Bumper 1 Premature cut-off of WAC 2nd st 5/13/1948 #3648  
ite Sands Pad 33, 13.4km altitude (Bumper 2 First stage failed due to prope 8/19/1948 #3784  
te Sands Pad 33, 150.3km altitude (Bumper 3 WAC stage failed)               9/30/1948 #3816  
hite Sands Pad 33, 4.8km altitude (Bumper 4 Explosion in tail of V-2)       11/1/1948 #3860  
ornia. Cars are stopped bumper-to- bumper, according to employees of severa 2/5/1960 #16168  
ris finds three dents in the front bumper and right headlight ring of his c 3/28/1967 #22004  
he road. Marks on his car hood and bumper suggest a collision with an objec 7/13/1967 #22656  
e. Fibrous material from the front bumper is 92% magnesium, 5% aluminum, 2% 7/13/1967 #22656  
 disappear as they touch the car’s bumper. Looking in his rear-view mirror, 3/4/1977 #31858  
out three feet away from the front bumper. The figure was described as larg 7/13/2000 #44016  
## Word: "bumper-to-" (Back to Top)
wood, California. Cars are stopped bumper-to- bumper, according to employee 2/5/1960 #16168  
## Word: "bumping" (Back to Top)
n a meandering movement, but never bumping into anything. It circles the ro 7/4/1951? #5559  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bumping” Yield: 11.3KT                   10/6/1962 #17456  
n light descends toward the car. A bumping noise and a sound like broken gl 9/26/1974 #29483  
oor. The witness jumps out of bed, bumping into the ball of light with his  5/1977 #32043  
## Word: "bumps" (Back to Top)
ster, England 100' Oval with Three Bumps Tracked By Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADA 5/1948 #3636  
 a 100-foot oval object with three bumps or protrusions on the bottom, as J Late 5/1948 #3654  
to look at the power lines when he bumps into his son Rolf, who points out  Late 10/1959 #16060  
at was "wrinkled, scabby, and with bumps." When caught in the flashlight be 7/28/1968 #24245  
ht silver in color, with two round bumps in place of eyes, small ears, no v 8/18/1972 #26928  
e, but she could make out the hair bumps under the caps. The eyes were more 10/16/1973 #28089  
full of potholes, but they felt no bumps, which suggested the car was being 10/27/1975 #30489  
very dome, and reported that three bumps underneath the object descended sl 10/8/1978 #33822  
Leigh, England. They can see three bumps on its underside. It makes a faint 10/10/1978 #33828  
ing noise and can see three orange bumps in a triangular formation on its u 10/28/1978 #33887  
 has three glowing inset lights or bumps. After 30 seconds, it tilts at an  10/29/1978 #33889  
light circling its base, and three bumps on the bottom. It hovered, tilted  10/29/1978 #33890  
flash. Some report three lights or bumps on the underside.                  11/1/1978 #33909  
la awakens to sounds of clicks and bumps in the house, followed by disembod 1988 #38383  
 elongated behind and covered with bumps, with no hair, and large ears. The 7/8/1996 #42950  
a small lipless mouth, and little "bumps" where the nose should have been.  4/27/1998 #43559  
## Word: "bumpy" (Back to Top)
ess than 5'7" tall, with "rocky or bumpy" skin of a chocolate brown color.  10/24/1967 #23309  
eavy black beard, and with red and bumpy skin, “like that of a lizard.” Thi 8/29/1968 #24401  
r control as it floats down a very bumpy road. After three minutes the UFO  2/18/1969 #24928  
bed the beings as robot-like, with bumpy looking skin, and without faces. T 9/29/1974 #29492  
 skin on their cheeks and arms was bumpy and rough like an alligator, and t 8/25/1976 #31302  
sband and wife are driving along a bumpy road near Kinston, North Carolina, 7/31/1981 #36049  
## Word: "bun" (Back to Top)
ke two saucers in the center and a bun shaped dome underneath and was silve 10/14/1954 #11005  
ght. Her hair was gathered up in a bun and she was wearing a light turquois 10/20/1955 #12513  
e, Nevada. Sheriff’s deputy Walter Bun, who leads the search and rescue uni 4/18/1962 #17120  
orts a downed or missing aircraft, Bun and the other deputies call off the  4/18/1962 #17120  
 round and shaped like a hamburger bun; in the middle of the craft at its e 12/10/1964 #18655  
f Cavallo. She had black hair in a bun, Oriental shaped eyes, and she lacke 9/11/1981 #36110  
f Cavallo. She had black hair in a bun, Oriental shaped eyes, and she lacke 9/12/1981 #36112  
server(s). Deep red-glowing burger bun over airport/apartment building. Tur 2/5/1990 #39408  
## Word: "bun-shaped" (Back to Top)
im on a collision course. It had a bun-shaped top, a flange like two saucer 10/14/1954 #11005  
came a deep red, glowing hamburger bun-shaped UFO. The object changed exter 2/5/1990 #39409  
## Word: "bunceton" (Back to Top)
                                   BUNCETON, MO 1 observer. Ovoid flashes c 9/14/1967 #23053  
## Word: "bunch" (Back to Top)
ilton see 7–8 “meteors flying in a bunch” over hills east of Oakland, Calif Early Summer 1932 #1145  
ndola lowers from the object and a bunch of “Navy officers in white hats” r 7/1952 #6679  
 Landrum, South Carolina. David S. Bunch takes 40 minutes of film with an 8 11/16/1952 #8289  
.” Once Pugina was able to grasp a bunch of keys in his hand he regained co 10/18/1954 #11225  
ing her stockings and shoes, and a bunch of carnations on her way to visit  11/1/1954 #11520  
ecrecy on UFOs and NICAP is just a bunch of grandstanding nuts.             12/1959 #16104  
hers are, as one author put it, “a bunch of bumbling sci-fi buffoons” rathe 7/1963 #17819  
imes that his investigation “was a bunch of damn nonsense,” and he is sorry 12/18/1969 #25504  
 garble of voices" talking, like a bunch of CB voices, and felt a great dea 4/4/1977 #31944  
 sees the UFO says it cannot be “a bunch of guys flying in planes.”         3/26/1986 #37811  
tness in Avondale, Arizona, sees a bunch of lights in the shape of a triang 12/1/2000 #44095  
                                 A bunch of disc-like lights were seen hove 11/9/2004 #44781  
ith four main lights, along with a bunch of small white lines on the undern 4/25/2005 #44826  
## Word: "bunched" (Back to Top)
e Homan sees two groups of loosely bunched objects, rocking back and forth  6/27/1947 #2433  
 made up of several smaller lights bunched close together. They move in a n 10/14/1982 #36641  
## Word: "bunching" (Back to Top)
 ELSTREE, HERTFORDS, ENG 'Horrible bunching dumb-bell-like things over town 8/13/1914 #910  
## Word: "bundle" (Back to Top)
IRE-SUR-L'ADOUR, FR Luminous green bundle rises / ground and vanishes. Reap 3/9/1975 #29881  
## Word: "bundles" (Back to Top)
that the fibers are “multifilament bundles” that are characteristic of “reg 9/25/1956 #13245  
## Word: "bundy" (Back to Top)
y Council Robert McNamara McGeorge Bundy Gordon Gray The NSC 5412/2 Special 12/28/1954 #11868  
efeller, Robert McNamara, McGeorge Bundy, Gordon Gray, and Allen Dulles—is  12/28/1954 #11868  
efeller, Robert McNamara, McGeorge Bundy, Gordon Gray and Allan Dulles, and 12/28/1954 #11870  
National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy chooses to wait until the next mor 10/15/1962 #17472  
## Word: "bunea" (Back to Top)
                        In Schitul Bunea, Romania two men saw a 30 meter co 8/20/1968 #24360  
## Word: "bunescu" (Back to Top)
ver Olt After midnight. Farmer Ion Bunescu is with his horses on the Leurda 6/1926 #1058  
## Word: "bungalow" (Back to Top)
ut milk bottles on the step of her bungalow on the south side of Warrington 10/28/1978 #33887  
se. As she goes to the back of the bungalow, she sees an enormous metallic- 9/10/1981 #36108  
## Word: "bungalows" (Back to Top)
 11:10 p.m. It was the size of two bungalows, and had 10 to 12 bright red l 8/4/1967 #22806  
nd hovered a few seconds above the bungalows at the top of the road. The wi 8/4/1967 #22806  
## Word: "bungawalban" (Back to Top)
                                   Bungawalban, New South Wales Lismore Mor 4/17/1969 #25067  
ismore Morning. T. J. Hefferman of Bungawalban, New South Wales, wakes up a 4/17/1969 #25067  
## Word: "bungawalbin" (Back to Top)
                                   BUNGAWALBIN, NSW, AUS 2+1 observer(s). G 4/16/1969 #25066  
## Word: "buninyong" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BUNINYONG, AUSTRALIA 4 observer(s). Cyli 5/14/1995 #42203  
## Word: "bunker" (Back to Top)
                            EAST / BUNKER HILL, KOREA All / US patrol. Thin 8/14/1952 #7582  
land Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker [now closed] in Essex East Anglia 5/20/1957? #13667  
from Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker [now closed] in Essex, to go up w 5/20/1957? #13667  
escended to about 50 yards above a bunker used during the first A-bomb expl 11/2/1957 #14194  
in and it drops to the ground in a bunker area 3 miles away and goes out. T 11/3/1957 #14249  
und or from about 50 feet over the bunker up to about 45° elevation until i 11/3/1957 #14251  
eezer and stored in an underground bunker, supposedly in the Moscow area. T 1/21/1959 #15560  
an isolated top-secret underground bunker, located under a building on a bi 1/21/1959 #15560  
       GRISSOM AIR FORCE BASE WITH BUNKER HILL, IN Project Bluebook Case #6 9/13/1959 #15966  
                                   Bunker Hill AFB, IN Nearly motionless wh 9/13/1959 #15968  
                                   Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana Witnesses:  at  9/13/1959 #15970  
ast two control tower operators at Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana plus the pilot  9/13/1959 #15974  
 allegedly taken to an underground bunker in Moscow.                        9/26/1959 #15994  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bunker” YieldMax: 20KT                   2/13/1964 #18129  
                                   Bunker Hill Lebanon County, Pennsylvania 7/9/1965 #19089  
nie Wolferd and other residents of Bunker Hill, Lebanon County, Pennsylvani 7/9/1965 #19089  
uard duty with other soldiers in a bunker near Da Nang, Vietnam, when they  7/1969 #25242  
he lights come back on and all the bunker alarms go off. A roving unit need 5/1974 #29075  
nt George W. Bush to be taken to a bunker and Vice President Dick Cheney to 4/27/2005 #44827  
 who is visiting, are ushered to a bunker beneath the White House for safet 5/11/2005 #44840  
## Word: "bunkers" (Back to Top)
g sensation. They retreat to their bunkers and continue to watch the object Early Spring 1951 #5471  
ir Force. What appear to be secure bunkers are visible to people (mostly mi 2/22/1952 #5920  
he air near where the ICBM storage bunkers are located. It silently shoots  10/2/1962 #17452  
 hovering 100–150 feet above igloo bunkers housing nuclear weapons. Twelve  10/1973 #27902  
## Word: "bunkie" (Back to Top)
 this day. Two 12-year-old boys in Bunkie, Louisiana saw two points of ligh 2/27/1967 #21678  
## Word: "bunks" (Back to Top)
awl space in the attic above their bunks and removed some of the roof’s shi 12/14/1980 #35716  
## Word: "bunn" (Back to Top)
 a.m. in Dumfries, Scotland a Mrs. Bunn sighted a white, bowl-shaped saucer 1/8/1971 #25986  
t, Suffolk, England, by Ivan A. W. Bunn. It publishes Lantern, a newsletter 2/1971 #26009  
## Word: "bunnel" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / BUNNEL, FL UFO / field. Car malfunctions 9/3/1960 (approximate) #16433  
## Word: "bunnell" (Back to Top)
le driving down a highway north of Bunnell, Florida. The UFO then came and  9/2/1960 #16432  
      Marfa, Texas 7:00 p.m. James Bunnell sees a pulsating light on the si 11/21/2002 #44446  
## Word: "buns" (Back to Top)
rt side. It is saucer-shaped with “buns” on top and underneath, silvery and 10/14/1954 #11058  
rti describes it as “two hamburger buns one on top of another with a sandwi 6/26/1963 #17809  
 yellow UFOs shaped like hamburger buns spproached to within 200 feet of an 9/28/1980 #35541  
## Word: "buntar" (Back to Top)
                             PARIT BUNTAR, MLYS Several observer(s). Saucer 3/13/1985 #37567  
## Word: "bunyan" (Back to Top)
 The White Hart and a farmer named Bunyan, who strenuously denies having ma 1946 #1962  
## Word: "buono" (Back to Top)
as a 24-year-old man named Vicente Buono.                                   8/9/1971 #26278  
## Word: "buoy" (Back to Top)
d. Double-plate saucer hovers over buoy. Portholes. Flashes.                12/15/1955 #12611  
p.m., on Lake Nipissing, Ontario a buoy tender named Arcand observed green  6/3/1967 #22459  
r boatman might be in trouble, the buoy tender headed toward the lights. He 6/3/1967 #22459  
 MONTE CARLO, MONACO "Flying glass buoy" east going west / 6 minute(s). 2 b 7/10/1967 #22641  
 SURAN, FR 2 / field. Rounded cone buoy whistles when going up and down. 2  9/5/1967 (approximate) #23002  
 out of an object that resembled a buoy.                                    9/21/1968 #24496  
## Word: "buoy-object" (Back to Top)
w faces and black tight suits exit buoy-object / water.                     9/21/1968 #24492  
## Word: "buoyancy" (Back to Top)
apor-expanded material to achieve “buoyancy in air.” The patent was publish 6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "buoyant" (Back to Top)
n is referred to in the report as “Buoyant Plasma Formation,” akin to ball  5/15/2006 #44942  
## Word: "buran" (Back to Top)
 First and only test of the Soviet Buran orbital spaceplane. It was the fir 11/15/1988 #38715  
## Word: "buraquinho" (Back to Top)
                      Near Mata do Buraquinho, Minas Gerais State, Brazil a 5/6/1996 #42898  
## Word: "burato" (Back to Top)
ain de Bastiani, age 21, and Bruno Burato, age 20, witnessed a partially ye 9/30/1954 #10520  
## Word: "buratto" (Back to Top)
ce Two bricklayers, Sebastiani and Buratto, approached a cigar-shaped objec 10/1/1954 #10556  
m. two bricklayers, Sebastiani and Buratto, approached a cigar-shaped objec 10/1/1954 #10572  
## Word: "burbage" (Back to Top)
                                   BURBAGE, LEICS Several observer(s). UFO  4/10/1994 #41487  
                                   BURBAGE, LEICS Several separate observer 6/29/1995 #42280  
## Word: "burbank" (Back to Top)
                                   Burbank, California The Army Air Force’s 6/1943 #1507  
h Lockheed Aircraft Corporation in Burbank, California, to ask them to deve 6/1943 #1507  
                                   Burbank, CA Skunk Works begins in Burban 7/1943 #1513  
 Burbank, CA Skunk Works begins in Burbank CA. Lockheed Engineer Kelly John 7/1943 #1513  
                                   Burbank, California Lockheed Engineer Ke 7/1943 #1515  
nt, and the Skunk Works is born in Burbank, California, with Johnson at the 7/1943 #1515  
                                   BURBANK, CA Near Lockheed works. Spoked  3/10/1950 #4602  
                 Victory Boulevard Burbank, California Los Angeles River Af 5/23/1952 #6350  
 Victory Boulevard from his job in Burbank, California, when he senses a fo 5/23/1952 #6350  
                                   BURBANK, CA Pale blue object circles / 1 7/28/1952 #7248  
           Tujunga Canyon north of Burbank, California 2:00 a.m. Sara Shaw  3/22/1953 #8775  
est around Tujunga Canyon north of Burbank, California, wake up when an odd 3/22/1953 #8775  
      Groom Lake “Ranch” in Nebada Burbank, California Area 51 Lockheed’s o 7/24/1955 #12283  
rnia Area 51 Lockheed’s offices in Burbank The Groom Lake “Ranch” in Nebada 7/24/1955 #12283  
ves it first delivery of U-2s from Burbank, California, in a C-124 Globemas 7/24/1955 #12283  
 Area 51 and Lockheed’s offices in Burbank. To preserve secrecy, personnel  7/24/1955 #12283  
                                   BURBANK, CA Many observer(s). 3 bright s 2/13/1957 #13496  
                                   Burbank, CA Police received many calls a 2/13/1957 #13501  
aped objects were seen flying over Burbank, California at 7:00 p.m. They se 2/13/1957 #13504  
                                   Burbank, California Skunk Works Radar te 8/1957 #13867  
ects facility (the Skunk Works) in Burbank, California. His first assignmen 8/1957 #13867  
                   Area 51, Nevada Burbank, California Employees of Lockhee 9/1959 #15950  
lowing tests with wooden models at Burbank, California, proof-of-concept te 9/1959 #15950  
                Groom Lake, Nevada Burbank, California The first A-12 test  2/28/1962 #17063  
rrives at Groom Lake, Nevada, from Burbank, California.                     2/28/1962 #17063  
le at 2110. then from Lawrence and Burbank between 2125 and 2130. It flew e 5/17/1964 #18277  
 9:10 p.m., then from Lawrence and Burbank at 9:25 and 9:30 p.m. It flew er 5/17/1964 #18278  
                                   BURBANK, CA Domed saucer / backyard. 4 f 10/16/1973 #28076  
                                   Burbank, CA Landed UFO with humanoid fig 10/16/1973 #28080  
                                   Burbank, CA Two children, ages 2 and 4,  10/16/1973 #28082  
half hours later, at 11:30 a.m. in Burbank, California another domed disc w 10/16/1973 #28090  
           Skunk Works Building 82 Burbank, California DARPA names Lockheed 4/1976 #30971  
ypes in Skunk Works Building 82 in Burbank, California.                     4/1976 #30971  
                                   Burbank, California Area 51 in Nevada Lo 11/16/1976 #31554  
camouflage makeover, is flown from Burbank, California, to Area 51 in Nevad 11/16/1976 #31554  
                                   BURBANK, CA Amateur astronomer. Little d 4/2/1977 #31939  
                                   BURBANK, CA Rattle-noise. Large bowl ove 10/12/1979 #34952  
                                   BURBANK, CA 1 observer. Odd white sphere 8/28/1995 #42423  
## Word: "burbling" (Back to Top)
 A sound, described as swishing or burbling, is heard by both Charles and T 2/15/1963 #17669  
## Word: "burchi" (Back to Top)
                         POIENARII BURCHI, ROMANIA 2M-cylinder/cylindrical  11/21/1967 #23488  
## Word: "burchii" (Back to Top)
                         Poienarii Burchii, Romania 4:30 p.m. David V. Mari 11/21/1967 #23491  
 backyard at the edge of Poienarii Burchii, Romania. He watches it for 10 m 11/21/1967 #23491  
## Word: "burden" (Back to Top)
 has long wished to get rid of the burden of the troublesome UFO problem an 4/22/1967 #22208  
quests for UFO files are an “undue burden” and that the papers released so  9/19/1979 #34900  
## Word: "burdened" (Back to Top)
ravails of a cosmic whistleblower. Burdened with a revolutionary secret, he 12/4/2018 #45550  
## Word: "burdett" (Back to Top)
ses directly over the home of John Burdett, an IBM engineer in Hawthorne, N 5/31/1984 #37348  
## Word: "burdette" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BURDETTE, ARK 2 observer(s). Extreme bri 4/21/1970 (approximate) #25638  
## Word: "bureau" (Back to Top)
ngress. It is assigned to the Navy Bureau of Navigation and collects report 6/21/1866 #167  
. Wickersham renames the force the Bureau of Investigation in March 1909.   7/26/1908 #716  
ion officially becomes the Federal Bureau of Investigation.                 7/1/1935 #1230  
         Washington, D.C. National Bureau of Standards Carnegie Institution 10/21/1939 #1318  
for the first time at the National Bureau of Standards in Washington, D.C.  10/21/1939 #1318  
s Fred L. Mohler from the National Bureau of Standards and Richard Brooke R 10/21/1939 #1318  
                        US Weather Bureau Richmond, Virginia 11:00 a.m. US  4/1947 #2257  
nd, Virginia 11:00 a.m. US Weather Bureau meteorologist Walter A. Minczewsk 4/1947 #2257  
 Ladd adds a note saying that the “Bureau does not believe it should go int 7/10/1947 #3102  
an Francisco Examiner’s Washington Bureau hears a rumor from a US intellige 8/13/1947 #3321  
Intelligence branch of the US Navy Bureau of Aeronautics as National Assets 9/24/1947 #3421  
ir Intelligence branch of the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics as “national asset 9/24/1947 #3425  
                                   Bureau Bulletin 59 ends all FBI cooperat 10/1/1947 #3444  
                        US Weather Bureau Richmond, Virginia Morning. US We 4/1948 #3600  
mond, Virginia Morning. US Weather Bureau meteorologist Walter A. Minozewsk 4/1948 #3600  
                          National Bureau of Standards in Washington, D.C.  11/12/1948 #3874  
n personnel travel to the National Bureau of Standards in Washington, D.C., 11/12/1948 #3874  
 circulating at that time, but the Bureau’s files have no information to ve 3/22/1950 #4702  
 Dakota) Regional Airport. Weather Bureau observer Gene Fowler, Winfield He 11/26/1950 #5287  
ertically.” The Rapid City weather bureau and Aberdeen CAA in South Dakota  11/26/1950 #5287  
of the International Flying Saucer Bureau.                                  4/1952 #6011  
p.m.. Orville Foster, a US Weather Bureau observer at the Pueblo (Colorado) 6/17/1952 #6529  
Airport, watches a UFO through the bureau’s theodolite. It circles leisurel 6/17/1952 #6529  
nder’s International Flying Saucer Bureau in Bristol, England. When Bender  Summer 1952 #6580  
 becomes the British Flying Saucer Bureau, with his son E. L. Plunkett as p Summer 1952 #6580  
egins the Australian Flying Saucer Bureau in Sydney, New South Wales, Austr 7/1952 #6678  
ow, Montana Witness:  U.S. Weather Bureau observer Earl Oksendahl. Five ova 11/13/1952 #8271  
, a qualified and reliable weather bureau witness, at 2.43 a.m. five glowin 11/13/1952 #8272  
ma, Arizona Witness:  U.S. Weather Bureau observer Stanley Brown, using a t 2/4/1953 #8636  
                        US Weather Bureau Yuma, Arizona 1:50 p.m. US Weathe 2/4/1953 #8637  
Yuma, Arizona 1:50 p.m. US Weather Bureau observer Stanley H. Brown in Yuma 2/4/1953 #8637  
         At 1:50 p.m. U.S. Weather Bureau observer Stanley H. Brown in Yuma 2/4/1953 #8638  
   The International Flying Saucer Bureau declares today World Contact Day  3/15/1953 #8757  
se the International Flying Saucer Bureau. Barker immortalizes the episode  9/28/1953 #9186  
much better position to defend the Bureau in the event there should be a te 5/20/1954 #9820  
rns the letters over to the Navy’s Bureau of Aeronautics.                   6/8/1954 #9877  
pe A security officer at the Naval Bureau of Aeronautics develops a persona 7/24/1954 #10046  
being taken in this matter by this Bureau.”                                 7/24/1954 #10046  
ject for 45 minutes on the weather bureau’s theodolite; he says the object  11/12/1954 #11629  
Hewes founds the International UFO Bureau in Edmond, Oklahoma. It publishes 1957 #13435  
vanished. The Invercargill Weather Bureau had no explanation.               1/15/1957 #13456  
vanished. The Invercargill Weather Bureau had no explanation.               1/15/1957 #13457  
 USSR and moved to a Soviet design bureau east of Moscow, but Cook found no 1958 #14787  
s a New York City group called the Bureau of UFO Research and Analysis to p Early 12/1958 #15468  
 same evening the Adelaide Weather Bureau received a report of a UFO at abo 3/31/1959 #15684  
 Queensland Flying Saucer Research Bureau [now UFO Research Queensland], is 8/1959 #15887  
 Queensland Flying Saucer Research Bureau and the renamed Victorian UFO Res 1/1960 #16147  
vening Gazette’s Washington, D.C., Bureau, writes a well- reasoned story ab 6/1/1960 #16305  
the Werkgroep Nederlands Onderzoek Bureau voor UFOs (later UFO-Workgroep Ne 1965 #18686  
 E. Flickinger, an agent of the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms 1/12/1965 #18717  
 Martin, instrument maker for U.S. Bureau of Standards. Six lights flew ove 3/8/1965 #18850  
 instrument maker for the National Bureau of Standards, and his two sons ob 3/8/1965 #18851  
g an instrument maker for the U.S. Bureau of Standards, saw a cigar-shaped  3/8/1965 #18852  
cked on U.S. Air Force and Weather Bureau radar shortly after 1:00 a.m. The 7/31/1965 #19222  
ified blips show up on the Weather Bureau radar screen at the Wichita Munic 8/2/1965 #19265  
tracks several UFOs on the Weather Bureau radar flying at altitudes of 6,00 8/2/1965 #19265  
aid he was from "the Missing Heirs Bureau" and asked to be let in. They inv 1/9/1967 #21278  
                          National Bureau of Standards Gaithersburg, Maryla 9/13/1967 #23049  
troscopy symposium at the National Bureau of Standards in Gaithersburg, Mar 9/13/1967 #23049  
ce (part of the Joint Intelligence Bureau) cooperates with other defense in 1968 #23629  
 Queensland Flying Saucer Research Bureau at Horseshoe Lagoon, Tully, Queen 3/2/1968 #23806  
at great speed. The Madrid Weather Bureau says it has no meteorological bal 9/5/1968 #24431  
 tells Jacques Vallée the National Bureau of Standards (now the National In 1969 #24806  
estigated by the International UFO Bureau, Hayden Hewes. Exact date not kno 10/1969 #25388  
director of the Joint Intelligence Bureau, he indicates he is working with  11/8/1969 #25453  
Flinders Island. In July 1983, the Bureau of Air Safety Investigation asks  10/21/1978 #33856  
here the aircraft disappeared. The bureau notes that “the part has been ide 10/21/1978 #33856  
sponse from the State Department’s Bureau of Oceans and International Envir 2/25/1982 #36370  
Dust and Blue Fly with OES and the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR 2/25/1982 #36370  
office of the FBI and supplies the Bureau with a copy of the MJ-12 document 9/15/1988 #38640  
ao, Hebei province Suzhou Tangshan Bureau of Public Security Beihang Univer 12/1999 #43890  
a lie detector test at the Beijing Bureau of Public Security. Cao remembers 12/1999 #43890  
. Zhang brings Cao to the Tangshan Bureau of Public Security in July 2000,  12/1999 #43890  
tes “Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted an inv 4/18/2017 #45468  
## Word: "bureaucrat" (Back to Top)
                        BUTLER, MO Bureaucrat. Silent silver 30M cylinder/c 3/29/1952 #5985  
## Word: "bureaucratic" (Back to Top)
all; he claimed it was enmeshed in bureaucratic confusion.  https://www.scr 1978 #32829  
s, their efforts are frustrated by bureaucratic deaccession rules, especial 2009 #45202  
## Word: "buren" (Back to Top)
                          NEAR VAN BUREN, MO Private plane chases flying di 1/1937? #1255  
                      Missouri Van Buren, Missouri A man who later becomes  1/1937 #1256  
t in his private aircraft over Van Buren, Missouri.                         1/1937 #1256  
                               VAN BUREN, OH Project Bluebook Case #019. 2  10/20/1947 #3461  
                               VAN BUREN, NY Several observer(s). Dog howls 4/1978 #33108  
## Word: "buret" (Back to Top)
                                   BURET, BELGIUM 2 chrome 20M saucers exit 9/25/1967 #23127  
                          Tavigny, Buret, France Daytime. Two hemispherical 9/25/1967 #23129  
                                In Buret, Belgium at 7:00 a.m. two witnesse 9/25/1967 #23132  
## Word: "burevestnik" (Back to Top)
d rocket engine,” possibly a 9M730 Burevestnik cruise missile test or recov 8/8/2019 #45604  
## Word: "burford" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BURFORD, OXFORDS 1 / car. Silver cylinde 6/16/1994 #41569  
## Word: "burgara" (Back to Top)
 unidentified. Submarine/submerged Burgara crew / (seen thru) binoculars. O 7/16/1952 #6833  
## Word: "burge" (Back to Top)
es to Frontier City promoter Jimmy Burge, oilman Frank Buttram, and publish 5/4/1959 #15722  
med in Hobart, Tasmania, by Robert Burge. It publishes the TUFOIC Newslette 10/1965 #19630  
## Word: "burger" (Back to Top)
BC 2 observer(s). Deep red-glowing burger bun over airport/apartment buildi 2/5/1990 #39408  
               At 1:20 a.m. at the Burger King parking lot in Baton Rouge,  11/13/2002 #44438  
## Word: "burger-bun" (Back to Top)
       COLUMBUS, OH A. G. Corbett. Burger-bun saucer near military transpor 11/17/1956 #13335  
## Word: "burger-buns" (Back to Top)
OMPANO BEACH, FL 1 observer. 2 10' burger-buns circle private plane / 10x.  9/28/1980 #35539  
## Word: "burger-saucer" (Back to Top)
 NY Several girls and more. Orange burger-saucer going north. Portholes / r 2/1952 #5889  
ABATUT, FR Dog scared. Blazing 20M burger-saucer over road by farm. Tall ma 10/16/1980 #35571  
ANAPOLIS, IN 2 observer(s). Silent burger-saucer north going quickly south. 8/13/1986 #37986  
server(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape or burger-saucer with windows / side going  12/27/1988 #38760  
## Word: "burgess" (Back to Top)
he ADC, Brigadier Gen. Woodbury M. Burgess.” Chidlaw promises to issue a di 3/19/1952 #5961  
is is issued, apparently in April. Burgess assigns Maj. Vernon L. Sadowski  3/19/1952 #5961  
lligence warns Brig. Gen. Woodbury Burgess, at ADC Headquarters, Ent AFB [n 4/16/1952 #6093  
 time, workmen (one of them Howard Burgess) erecting an antenna at nearby S 5/1/1952 #6245  
 “cylinder tumbling end over end.” Burgess and the others are debriefed and 5/1/1952 #6245  
ke, Massachusetts Witness: Mrs. A. Burgess. One round, yellow, flashing lig 7/22/1952 #7018  
s, Colorado Brig. Gen. Woodbury M. Burgess, commander at Ent AFB [now the U 3/5/1953 #8733  
                              Gen. Burgess’s 4602nd AISS plan is approved.  3/23/1953 #8780  
. Perry writes to Gen. Woodbury M. Burgess, ADC Deputy for Intelligence at  12/23/1953 #9389  
rado Dayton, Ohio Gen. Woodbury M. Burgess chairs a conference at Ent AFB [ 1/13/1954 #9481  
sing these imaginary objects.” But Burgess persuades him to stay.           1/13/1954 #9481  
y, Jim Tilse, Eric Judin, and John Burgess saw a circular object, 10 m in d 5/23/1965 #18953  
 Epsom, Queensland 12:05 a.m. John Burgess, James Tilse, and Eric Judin are 5/24/1965 #18962  
 be 30 feet, Judin as 20 feet, and Burgess as 6 feet. In the moonlight, its 5/24/1965 #18962  
accelerates away to the northeast. Burgess and Judin heard a buzzing sound. 5/24/1965 #18962  
ustralia by three men named Tilse, Burgess, and Juden. The object was 20-30 5/24/1965 #18963  
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe 8:15 p.m. David Burgess, an official at Khami Prison in  7/15/1975 #30182  
                                   BURGESS HILL, WEST SUSSEX Several night  6/26/1993 #41035  
 of light hovered over the town of Burgess Hill, England this night. Accord 6/26/1993 #41039  
## Word: "burgh" (Back to Top)
g photograph was taken this day in Burgh le Marsh, Cumbria, England. A Mr.  4/26/1964 #18210  
                                   BURGH MARSH, UK Photograph / girl shows  5/23/1964 #18292  
                                   Burgh by Sands, Cumbria, England James P 5/24/1964 #18297  
ly is picnicking on the marshes at Burgh by Sands, Cumbria, England. When t 5/24/1964 #18297  
## Word: "burghausen" (Back to Top)
                                   Burghausen, Bavaria, Germany Ms. Adele H 12/12/1978 #34098  
 saw a hemispherical white disc in Burghausen, Bavaria, Germany. More puzzl 12/12/1978 #34100  
## Word: "burghfield" (Back to Top)
                                   Burghfield, Berkshire, UK 7:30 p.m. GMT. 3/30/1967 #22013  
## Word: "burglar" (Back to Top)
                                 A burglar alarm went off in a house in La  12/6/1973 #28536  
y sheriffs came in response to the burglar alarm call and also saw the ligh 12/6/1973 #28536  
FR White luminous ovoid near farm. Burglar alarm rings 6km / west 20 minute 6/6/1975 #30086  
ometers west of Meymans, France. A burglar alarm went off at around the sam 6/6/1975 #30089  
electrical damage to a CB radio, a burglar alarm, an adding machine, a cash 7/31/1976 #31206  
ncluded damage of the CB radio and burglar alarm. The UFO hung in the air,  7/31/1976 #31207  
he sky at close range after a home burglar alarm system and lights were eff 8/29/1992 #40596  
## Word: "burglarized" (Back to Top)
in Las Vegas and his apartment was burglarized, with the things missing bei 1982 #36291  
“panicking” and his house has been burglarized several times; this man was  9/29/1982 #36619  
## Word: "burglarizing" (Back to Top)
ers are arrested in the process of burglarizing and planting surveillance b 6/17/1972 #26719  
## Word: "burgles" (Back to Top)
 Commission to Investigate the FBI burgles an FBI field office in Media, Pe 3/8/1971 #26045  
## Word: "burgoberbach" (Back to Top)
nt near midnight in the suburbs of Burgoberbach, France, an 18-year-old wom 10/15/1976 #31467  
## Word: "burgoon" (Back to Top)
                                   BURGOON, OH 2 observer(s). Saucer going  12/19/1959 #16124  
## Word: "burgos" (Back to Top)
                                   BURGOS, SP Air Traffic Controllers and m 3/29/1950 #4757  
                   Quintanaortuño, Burgos, Spain Burgos 6:25 a.m. Four Span 1/1/1975 #29689  
     Quintanaortuño, Burgos, Spain Burgos 6:25 a.m. Four Spanish Army soldi 1/1/1975 #29689  
) are driving near Quintanaortuño, Burgos, Spain, when Aguera sees a light  1/1/1975 #29689  
p in succession. Driving on toward Burgos, the soldiers stop two more times 1/1/1975 #29689  
## Word: "burgoyne" (Back to Top)
 James, ATIC radar specialist; and Burgoyne L. Griffing, electronics branch 7/29/1952 #7328  
land, Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker, and Burgoyne Lee Griffing. The group agrees  2/17/1959 #15591  
## Word: "burguillo" (Back to Top)
                                   BURGUILLO RESERVOIR, SP White rectangle  4/28/1978 #33176  
## Word: "burguillos" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR BURGUILLOS, SP 3 / car. Flashes / sky. R 11/28/1972 #27148  
## Word: "burgundy" (Back to Top)
luminated with colors ranging from burgundy to silver. At one point it make 6/26/1979 #34633  
## Word: "burial" (Back to Top)
 River plant in South Carolina for burial.                                  1/17/1966 #19844  
saucer goes 6' over cemetery after burial. Beams going down.                10/8/1967 #23194  
ere camping on the site of a Maori burial ground in the Waimata Valley, New 3/11/1978 #33034  
rk side Waterloo Cafe Blazing Star Burial Ground Evening–night. Dozens of S 7/14/2001 #44208  
 located opposite the Blazing Star Burial Ground on Arthur Kill Road, provi 7/14/2001 #44208  
## Word: "buriat" (Back to Top)
aineering expedition, Mongols, and Buriat lamas. The lamas believed it was  8/5/1927 #1078  
## Word: "buried" (Back to Top)
 does not survive the crash and is buried “with Christian rites” at the Aur 4/17/1897 #523  
hey conclude that whatever fell is buried in 15 feet of mud.                7/19/1946 #2070  
nel guarding a crashed saucer half buried in the sand. Description: Disc sh 1/1947 #2221  
ortedly dies one week later and is buried in the Fort Stanton cemetery.     7/5/1947 #2722  
lanet.” The Air Force finds itself buried in letters, telegrams, and phone  12/24/1949 #4443  
). The source claims the craft was buried.  https://www.earthfiles.com/2005 5/20/1953 #8891  
g object of an explosive nature or buried high explosives set off by pranks 5/1/1954 #9744  
off and the contaminated equipment buried in place. Data from the test conf 4/24/1957 #13615  
d portion of the facility has been buried. The area is closed in 1971, and  6/1959 #15754  
nt of discovery to claim a reward. Buried nearby are a number of bottles of Summer 1962 #17239  
r. Contaminated ice and debris are buried at the Savannah River plant in So 1/21/1968 #23684  
 from being transported and it was buried; the logistics stories are “legen 12/29/1987 #38379  
 Lansdale, discovered the Japanese buried trillions of dollars worth of gol 10/2021 #45713  
## Word: "burien" (Back to Top)
                                   BURIEN, WA Don Reber. Round shiny 3' dis 7/10/1947 #3083  
 p.m. PDT (2:00 p.m. EDT) a man in Burien, Washington watched a three-foot  7/10/1947 #3115  
cer / bright center. Halo / edges. Burien, WA similar object hours before.  7/30/1949 #4297  
## Word: "burisch" (Back to Top)
acon corroborates testimony by Dan Burisch, who claims ET groups are concer 10/2006 #44970  
                               Dan Burisch claims to have been a microbiolo 2008 #45109  
entity “J-Rod” and its neuropathy. Burisch claims he was a pro-tem member o 2008 #45109  
o are human looking and spiritual. Burisch claims the P45s and P52 stayed o 2008 #45109  
Earth for the Moon and later Mars. Burisch claims the P45s are intent on ju 2008 #45109  
le the P52s and P52 Orions do not. Burisch also claims a Project Lotus is a 2008 #45109  
## Word: "burisis" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Burisis” Yield: 5KT                      6/18/1983 #36883  
## Word: "burk" (Back to Top)
, Pennsylvania 8:30 p.m. Catherine Burk is driving to her home in Altoona,  10/13/1983 #37004  
## Word: "burke" (Back to Top)
ce Adm. Ralph Riggs, Capt. Richard Burke (USCG), and about 20 other officia 1947 #2219  
 affected, and the drivers (Ronald Burke and Joe Thomas) all get out. They  11/6/1957 #14421  
tosh, South Dakota 7:15 p.m. Larry Burke sees an object with red, green, an 3/12/1967 #21872  
Hill Raspberry Ridge station Mount Burke, Alberta Highwood Ranger Station 1 9/18/1967 #23085  
Raspberry Ridge station near Mount Burke, Alberta. He hears a strange pulsa 9/18/1967 #23085  
                               Mr. Burke, age 48, was driving between Nowra 9/16/1981 #36118  
ern, Germany 9:00 p.m. S/Sgt Shawn Burke of the 86th Operations Support Squ 1/22/2004 #44654  
looking more like lines than dots. Burke takes a few photos. They remain st 1/22/2004 #44654  
angular craft was sighted over the Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Oh 2/17/2007 #45006  
## Word: "burkes" (Back to Top)
                                   Burkes Flat, Victoria, AU 8:00 p.m. LT.  4/4/1966 #20220  
                                   Burkes Flat, Victoria, Australia Wychepr 4/4/1966 #20224  
livan is driving about 60 mph near Burkes Flat, Victoria, Australia. In the 4/4/1966 #20224  
bblebine didn’t agree;  Dr. Joseph Burkes claims the Maj. Gen.’s assistant  3/9/1992 #40369  
## Word: "burkhala" (Back to Top)
                                   Burkhala, Magadan Oblast, Russia Witness 10/21/1989 #39179  
agadan Oblast, Russia Witnesses in Burkhala, Magadan Oblast, Russia, watch  10/21/1989 #39179  
## Word: "burkhalter" (Back to Top)
 and by the early 1980s, RADM E.A. Burkhalter Jr. and his deputy Col. Roy K 3/26/2004 #44682  
 also tells Vallee that ADM Edward Burkhalter, once Chief of Naval Intellig 1/23/2009 #45208  
## Word: "burkhard" (Back to Top)
versity of California at Berkeley, Burkhard Heim of Goettingen University,  11/20/1955 #12580  
## Word: "burkhardt" (Back to Top)
0 p.m. in Melville, New York P. E. Burkhardt, an aerospace computer systems 10/2/1967 #23167  
## Word: "burklington" (Back to Top)
                              EAST BURKLINGTON, ONT Teens and more/others.  6/1953 #8920  
## Word: "burlap-covered" (Back to Top)
les as a practical joke, using his burlap-covered feet and a posthole tampe 9/16/1979 #34890  
## Word: "burleson" (Back to Top)
                                   BURLESON, TX 10' saucer / red-orange glo 11/3/1954 #11540  
                   At 6:30 a.m. in Burleson, Texas a witness named McDowell 11/3/1954 #11551  
## Word: "burley" (Back to Top)
                                   BURLEY, IDAHO Project Bluebook Case #unk 7/28/1952 #7242  
 Barbara M. Middlehurst, Jaylee M. Burley, Patrick Moore, and Barbara L. We 7/1/1968 #24117  
## Word: "burlingame" (Back to Top)
                                   BURLINGAME, CA Astronomer. Night light n 7/1973? #27605  
## Word: "burlington" (Back to Top)
.m. Many people in towns along the Burlington, Cedar Rapids, and Northern R 4/8/1897 #418  
                           Chicago Burlington Quincy Railroad Lisle, Illino 4/12/1897 #446  
he Fast Mail train on the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad, says he 4/12/1897 #446  
                                   Burlington Frankfort, Indiana Middle For 4/14/1897 #462  
eling with a party of workmen from Burlington to Frankfort, Indiana. When t 4/14/1897 #462  
                                   BURLINGTON, VT 1 observer. Flying torped 7/2/1907 #696  
                                   Burlington, Vermont Church and College s 7/2/1907 #697  
r of Church and College streets in Burlington, Vermont, when they hear a lo 7/2/1907 #697  
                                   Burlington, Vermont. The Bishop John Mic 7/2/1907 #698  
hop John Michaud was standing on a Burlington street corner around 2 in the 7/2/1907 #698  
nd Royal Society committee room in Burlington House, London The first meeti 4/10/1940 #1331  
he Royal Society committee room in Burlington House, London. The original m 4/10/1940 #1331  
               LAKE GENEVA TO/FROM BURLINGTON, WI 2 observer(s). Saucer wit 7/6/1947 #2794  
                                   Burlington, Vermont -- A fresh wave of U 7/11/1948 #3707  
One Vermonter, Dr. C. H. Vaughn of Burlington, said he saw a bluish-white f 7/11/1948 #3707  
th / Canada. Turns going west near Burlington. 5000' altitude.              12/13/1950 #5344  
int Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst] in Burlington County, New Jersey Army radar 5/1952 #6229  
int Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst] in Burlington County, New Jersey, the targe 5/1952 #6229  
                                   BURLINGTON, VT Large round black object  8/20/1953 #9087  
in the air over the radio tower in Burlington, Vermont for three minutes.   8/20/1953 #9092  
 Elementary School, North Carolina Burlington Industries Afternoon. Hosea D 10/27/1955 #12524  
m the sky at the same time. Nearby Burlington Industries tests a sample and 10/27/1955 #12524  
                                   BURLINGTON, MASS Project Bluebook Case # 5/15/1962 #17175  
                                   BURLINGTON, MASS White night light going 6/19/1963 #17794  
                                   Burlington, MA An unidentified white lig 6/19/1963 #17795  
hat hovered over the badlands near Burlington, Wyoming. It reacted to the s 6/8/1964 #18340  
                                   Burlington, Ontario, CAN 10:15 p.m. EST. 4/3/1966 #20213  
bout 500 feet from the witnesses. (Burlington Free Press, Vt., 7/14/67, cop 7/12/1967 #22653  
                                   Burlington County, NJ Bt. 3:30-4:00 a.m. 11/19/1967 #23482  
    Buff Ledge Camp Lake Champlain Burlington, Vermont Adirondack Mountains 8/7/1968 #24307  
e shore of Lake Champlain north of Burlington, Vermont, a bright light appe 8/7/1968 #24307  
                           SOUTH / BURLINGTON, CO 3 / US385. 12M saucer pac 9/13/1972 #26988  
                                   Burlington, CO A rural family, who polic 9/13/1972 #26990  
                 A rural family in Burlington, Colorado, who police said we 9/13/1972 #26991  
                                   Burlington, Vermont Quebec City, Quebec  7/14/1974 #29259  
navian Airlines flight en route to Burlington, Vermont, is flying at 35,000 7/14/1974 #29259  
                                   BURLINGTON, IA 1 observer. 2 daytime sta 9/28/1977 #32530  
                                   Burlington, Iowa 2:45 p.m. A grocery sto 9/28/1977 #32531  
tant bright light moving west over Burlington, Iowa. A second point of ligh 9/28/1977 #32531  
ts of mystery booms being heard in Burlington, Atlantic, and Bergen Countie 12/21/1977 #32803  
int Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst] in Burlington County, New Jersey Fort Dix a 1/18/1978 #32894  
int Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst] in Burlington County, New Jersey, is called 1/18/1978 #32894  
                                   BURLINGTON, VT Cops and Air Traffic Cont 3/22/1980 #35226  
                                   Burlington, VT G, FAA & 3 UFOs (NICAP: 0 3/22/1980 #35227  
                                   Burlington, VT Three smaller objects wer 3/22/1980 #35228  
                                   Burlington (Vermont) International Airpo 3/22/1980 #35230  
port Malletts Bay 10:00–11:00 p.m. Burlington (Vermont) International Airpo 3/22/1980 #35230  
                                   BURLINGTON, IA Woman startled. Octagon / 1/28/1996 #42719  
                           In both Burlington and Colchester, Vermont witne 12/17/1997 #43465  
      Orange flashes in the sky in Burlington, Indiana were followed by the 12/4/2004 #44795  
## Word: "burmarsh" (Back to Top)
                 Folkestone Herald Burmarsh, Kent, England Dymchurch Lympne 3/8/1997 #43222  
list Sarah Hall is driving through Burmarsh, Kent, England, when she sees a 3/8/1997 #43222  
## Word: "burmeister" (Back to Top)
, Wisconsin 9:30 p.m. Rev. Charles Burmeister, an amateur astronomer, sees  5/4/1956 #12832  
## Word: "burn" (Back to Top)
 Thinking the vessels are about to burn, they hide and take cover.          12/15/1547 #27  
ieces everywhere, and these pieces burn until they are powder. The original 6/12/1790 #91  
supposed landing site but finds no burn marks or meteoritic stones.         4/1/1826 #122  
 they return and find imprints and burn marks, which they photograph. Two o Summer 1933 #1162  
he coast of Holland, they seem to “burn themselves out.”                    4/26/1944 #1593  
r Grey) outside holds tree-branch. Burn physical trace(s).                  8/1946 #2090  
alls on Seay, although it does not burn. After several seconds, the object  7/4/1947 #2665  
r” of material that he can neither burn nor cut. Some of the beams have sym 7/5/1947 #2723  
st that makes their eyes and noses burn. Lemon then notices two small light 9/12/1952 #7905  
ying on a fabric to prevent freeze burn from dry ice underneath, with heads 1953 #8482  
d kills two cows, whose hides show burn marks. Lt. Tewrik takes a photo of  10/5/1954 #10731  
clouds of smoke. Her eyes begin to burn after watching it for 20–30 minutes 11/10/1957 #14521  
ppears in seconds. The tree has no burn or scorch marks.                    12/30/1958 #15503  
wever, burst into flame or seem to burn. "They're so fine you just can't te 11/18/1961 #16964  
Burruyacú, Tucumán, Argentina. The burn is in the shape of two rings (each  1/1963 #17624  
 a military investigation shows no burn or scratch marks or any trace of an 7/16/1963 #17833  
vehicle. Simultaneously, he felt a burn on his face. He then braked but the 10/12/1963 #17988  
econd. Parham's hands continued to burn even after he washed them. An oily  6/29/1964 #18383  
 notices his arms are beginning to burn. He immediately reports his sightin 6/30/1964 #18386  
ject. Returns going up / fireball. Burn spot left. / Flying Saucer Review ( 7/19/1965 #19125  
ject leave a larger one, land, and burn a spot on the ground before going b 7/19/1965 #19130  
 leave a larger one, then land and burn a spot on the ground before going b 7/19/1965 #19137  
s family, and then they would then burn up the entire earth as punishment f 7/21/1965 #19156  
 Going quickly north / flames. 15' burn / field.                            8/15/1965? #19394  
 could be a meteor, but it did not burn out when he stopped to watch it. It 9/27/1965 #19616  
me. His parents confirmed a 3-inch burn mark on his hand and questioned him 3/29/1966 #20134  
t to authorities. His first-degree burn was treated at a hospital and heale 3/29/1966 #20134  
home. His parents confirm a 3-inch burn mark on his hand and question him t 3/29/1966 #20140  
t to authorities. His first-degree burn is treated at a hospital and heals  3/29/1966 #20140  
und. Physical traces included some burn damage to a tent as well as to a tr 11/22/1966 #21143  
itnesses a giant phoenix-like bird burn up and reappear from the ashes as a 1/25/1967 #21386  
y the back of the neck and causing burn marks. The man next dragged Timothy 2/5/1967 #21462  
llen shut, and a triangular shaped burn mark on her abdomen. Later under hy 4/2/1967 #22048  
head out the window, and his hands burn when he touches the horn rim and da 5/1/1967 #22262  
and receives a sedative. His chest burn heals, but the gridlike burn lesion 5/20/1967 #22382  
chest burn heals, but the gridlike burn lesions on his abdomen persist. The 5/20/1967 #22382  
 inverted bowl and had three legs. Burn marks and impressions (physical tra 8/23/1967 #22896  
than the other. Each has a kind of burn or cicatrice on each cheek. Machado 2/7/1969 #24901  
otorist. Afterwards three circular burn marks were found on the hood of his 6/4/1969 #25199  
ICES, SP "Fire" in woods. Circular burn spots found only. Ground is cold.   9/18/1971 #26343  
y to farm. Hovers / corral. Cows / burn spots.                              2/26/1972 #26582  
are 2.5 meters wide, and a central burn mark.                               3/19/1972 #26618  
of their encounter, and there were burn marks on one of their automobiles.  6/4/1972 #26701  
r 48 hours, her back still showing burn marks. She now shunned the site of  12/30/1972 #27193  
e object, beside rode, buzzed car; burn marks found where UFO first seen. B 4/22/1973 #27439  
 witness's car stalled. Two yellow burn marks were found on the pavement. T 4/22/1973 #27440  
 a 1.3 meter square with a central burn mark.                               12/6/1973 #28535  
 (bleeding from his forehead and a burn on his cheek), takes him to Dandery 3/23/1974 #28936  
dition and baffled by a mysterious burn on the side of his face, sent him t 3/23/1974 #28939  
night light rolls going down. Both burn vegetation. / FSRv21#1.             6/13/1974 #29184  
sture. Triangle of 3 rings / grass burn.                                    7/19/1975 #30187  
e continues to feel sick, his eyes burn continuously, and the left side of  4/3/1976 #30983  
ct glides going down / wheatfield. Burn trace found. No further details.    1/5/1977 #31696  
ior. It left behind a 12 foot wide burn mark, landing gear imprints, and a  1/23/1977 #31748  
 field 100 yards behind the hotel. Burn marks were found on the ground at t 4/19/1977 #31998  
UFO and humanoid figures had gone. Burn marks were found on the ground at t 4/19/1977 #32002  
s into the following day. Her eyes burn and water for a week afterward, and Early Autumn 1977 #32456  
 MOSQUIERO ISLAND, BRZ Chupa beams burn people / house and dog. Figure(s) a 10/29/1977 #32626  
ass found on the ground reveal the burn marks were caused by an electrical  12/13/1977 #32765  
ass found on the ground reveal the burn marks were caused by an electrical  12/13/1977 #32769  
nderneath his uniform. However, no burn is present where the car door is be 5/13/1978 #33202  
him and the flash. Also, he has no burn on his back, which is away from the 5/13/1978 #33202  
 the following day and finds three burn marks in the unpaved road. Digging  9/17/1978 #33701  
n and shot at a rock causing it to burn and explode (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 12/15/1978 #34136  
n and shot at a rock causing it to burn and explode. He was seen to bend do 12/15/1978 #34138  
, and a 5-inch wide diamond-shaped burn on his chest. His hair was also som 1/24/1979 #34378  
with 2 weak sky-blue beams hovers. Burn physical traces.                    3/23/1979 #34486  
in Gioia del Colle, Italy. One had burn marks on his wrist under his wristw 3/21/1980 #35225  
communication, apparent abduction, burn marks on chest corresponding to lig 12/4/1980 #35695  
n a triangular pattern, as well as burn marks and broken branches on nearby 12/26/1980 #35737  
on's Parkway General Hospital as a burn patient. She spent four of the next 12/29/1980 #35758  
gear marks were located around the burn. Electromagnetic effects included i 1/23/1981 #35796  
An hour of so later, she notices a burn mark on her hand. The next day she  9/10/1981 #36108  
tter formed on her hand, causing a burn. She still had a burn on her hand t 9/10/1981 #36109  
d, causing a burn. She still had a burn on her hand three months later that 9/10/1981 #36109  
ter has landed, producing a 3-foot burn mark in the center.                 4/10/1983 #36836  
s (Debbie Jordan) abduction. Round burn in lawn. / r237p71.                 6/30/1983 #36894  
ical examination reveals a strange burn on his ribs and other odd marks on  12/14/1983 #37074  
ght eye, and he had a sunburn-like burn on his left arm.                    5/15/1986 #37870  
 her stomach that appeared to be a burn scar.                               9/13/1990 #39730  
spinning slowly. His eyes begin to burn and he feels paralyzed, as if he is 5/12/1991 #40057  
 figure / kitchen. Ovoid / garden. Burn marks / stomach. Cures.. .          1/24/1992 #40301  
They unsuccessfully try to cut it, burn it, and bend it. The discovery rema Summer 1992 #40501  
lying trashcan" flies over lawn. 4 burn marks left.                         8/6/1993 #41109  
med saucer every 2-3 nights. Beams burn natives. Several missing. / Cni.    8/7/1997 #43371  
e broken, and a purplish foil with burn marks that could be crumpled up and 3/1/2002 #44321  
l only to find three circle-shaped burn markings on the pavement of the str 3/12/2004 #44676  
smay his arms and legs had various burn marks of unknown cause, and he susp 9/21/2007 #45066  
## Word: "burn-off" (Back to Top)
uggests the lights are most likely burn-off flares on offshore oil platform 3/5/2004 #44672  
## Word: "burnaby" (Back to Top)
                             NORTH BURNABY, BC 2 / (seen thru) binoculars.  6/24/1957 #13749  
    A white light paced a truck in Burnaby, British Columbia at 4:25 a.m.,  10/16/1999 #43861  
## Word: "burnd" (Back to Top)
          Herman, Minnesota Edward Burnd, 15, was driving west in a farm tr 12/20/1965 #19780  
## Word: "burned" (Back to Top)
pth of 30 feet. The fisherman were burned by the heat from the beams, and t 8/15/1663 #45  
rom some electrical wires is found burned off.                              8/14/1914 #912  
e apparent landing site a circular burned area and footprints were found. ( 10/1942 #1451  
 wakes up in the morning. A round, burned circle 20 feet from the house and 10/1944 #1673  
ne tree down the middle. He smells burned rubber. The object seems to be as 3/1945 #1805  
 the claws of a bird. His arms are burned and the flesh on his fingers is f 3/5/1946 #1973  
st, neck, and face also seem to be burned but not charred or red. Prestes d 3/5/1946 #1973  
bright red light, then speed away. Burned grass and other trace marks were  5/1946 #1986  
nd the debris field but observed a burned area in one of the pastures. Ther 7/6/1947 #2812  
he wreckage, which appears to have burned. He is convinced it is the remain 7/9/1947 #3066  
s in it and the center seems to be burned.                                  7/25/1947 #3231  
, 40 feet in diameter, of recently burned grass and skunk cabbage.          9/3/1947 #3384  
tonio, Texas. Supposedly the badly burned body of a nonhuman entity is reco 7/7/1948 #3699  
onal proof; later declassified and burned).                                 9/1948 #3792  
 found to have all its spark plugs burned out.                              7/24/1949 #4282  
ands, he finds all his spark plugs burned out. When Blue Book investigates  7/24/1949 #4283  
d torches, and a small body, badly burned, was recovered.  [Retrievals of t 1952 #5847  
aster) has contact with saucer. Is burned.                                  8/19/1952 #7637  
ght were emitted by the object and burned him. He also observed a "hideous" 8/19/1952 #7646  
as well). An area of flattened and burned grass is found after the event. D 8/19/1952 #7651  
ght were emitted by the object and burned him. He also observed a "hideous" 8/19/1952 #7653  
45 degree for 2-3 seconds and then burned out.                              10/17/1952 #8145  
            NEAR DUBLIN, IRE Child burned when strange 25cm disk lands. No  11/1952 #8225  
       Dublin, Ireland A child was burned when a strange disk, 25 cm in dia 11/1952 #8226  
meter. Poplar trees were partially burned. Official investigation.          10/15/1954 #11102  
ameter. Poplar trees are partially burned.                                  10/15/1954 #11110  
meter. Poplar trees were partially burned. Official investigation.          10/15/1954 #11118  
etely dead and the headlight bulbs burned out.                              10/19/1954 #11242  
y was dead and the headlights were burned out." Thorough police investigati 10/21/1954 #11299  
y was dead and the headlights were burned out. " Thorough police investigat 10/21/1954 #11308  
 light. His clothing was partially burned when he went close to it.         11/14/1954 #11649  
 possibly permanently. His face is burned to the point where he cannot shav 10/2/1956 #13260  
nds leaves on the ground that have burned up like tissue paper. Sturdevant  10/2/1956 #13260  
 Also, when grain samples from the burned patch were studied under a micros 7/30/1957 #13860  
esidents examine the area and find burned patches on the ground and small t 7/30/1957 #13862  
bs that are broken. There are four burned or charred areas, each about 1 fo 7/30/1957 #13862  
ite the ground and vegetation were burned and charred. Large claw-like impr 7/30/1957 #13863  
sville, Maryland, and two or three burned pieces of metal fall on the hospi 11/13/1957 #14541  
ic substance from the ashes of the burned hay. The material finds its way t 12/14/1957 #14729  
h witnesses are exhausted and have burned or reddened areas on their skin,  2/17/1958 #14878  
Irwin curiously took the paper and burned it. He then went to sheriff Pfief 2/28/1959 #15624  
             Wallingford, KY 15-ft burned mark left by object on takeoff (N 9/7/1959 #15958  
 impact area. They find an area of burned grass and another area where gras 6/22/1960 #16315  
960 in Grassy Creek, Kentucky. The burned bodies of four men and a youth we 11/20/1960 #16509  
touch. The object leaves pit marks burned in the windshield, circular track 5/10/1961 #16681  
 circular tracks on the glass, and burned specks in the finish of the hood. 5/10/1961 #16681  
bject turned bluish color and then burned out or went dark. After the objec 4/18/1962 #17120  
a circle 60 m in radius, grass was burned, insects were carbonized, and the 5/12/1962 #17162  
ses. At the landing site, grass is burned over an area 180 feet in diameter 5/12/1962 #17165  
nd Victor Domingo López discover a burned area of grass in a field just ove 1/1963 #17624  
et in diameter) where the grass is burned down to its roots to a depth of 3 1/1963 #17624  
5 m deep. Vegetation around it was burned and there were four holes in the  7/15/1963 #17830  
ll vegetation inside the circle is burned, leaving only bare earth, and the 7/16/1963 #17833  
uglas fired at them, as a red beam burned him. He ran away and found shelte 10/12/1963 #17986  
n and fired at them, as a red beam burned him. He ran away and found shelte 10/12/1963 #17988  
oles in the ground surrounding the burned area. The case was personally inv 4/24/1964 #18202  
rm cordon off the area, dig up the burned areas to a depth of one foot, and 4/25/1964? #18205  
s deep, about 13 feet apart, and a burned area.                             4/30/1964 #18232  
larger depression. The earth seems burned on the perimeter of the hole and  5/5/1964 #18244  
 his face and ears are swollen and burned, although he does not feel any pa 6/2/1964 #18321  
 Farm Family. A five foot circular burned circle, with three intensely burn Late 6/1964 #18374  
urned circle, with three intensely burned circles arranged in a triangular  Late 6/1964 #18374  
g he finds a symmetrical circle of burned ground. The tops of trees are bur 3/15/1965 #18859  
rned ground. The tops of trees are burned. Flynn makes his way to the home  3/15/1965 #18859  
s permanent. The landing marks and burned trees are verified by the Lee Cou 3/15/1965 #18859  
s that “tops of trees appear to be burned.”                                 5/24/1965 #18962  
 feet south of the tree he finds a burned area about 15–20 feet in diameter 8/11/1965? #19367  
6 m, and left a trail and smell of burned gasoline. It rose straight up int 8/20/1965 #19439  
parated from the tar in a severely burned area about 6 feet in diameter. Lt 9/16/1965 #19574  
de. The physical traces included a burned five foot diameter depression on  9/16/1965 #19575  
ters apart, and a circular area of burned grass at the landing site.        2/6/1966 #19891  
on one of the objects his hand was burned. There was a flash and a buzzing  3/29/1966 #20144  
nd of a switch the resultant flash burned her ankles and she fainted. When  8/11/1966 #20739  
by the back of the neck, leaving a burned wound. Another being comes and bo 2/5/1967 #21460  
tical light and vanished. The road burned for 15 min. Mr. Martin, who lived 4/21/1967 #22188  
s, and upon touching the craft, he burned his rubber-coated glove, and was  5/20/1967 #22379  
, and when he touched the craft he burned his rubber-coated glove, and he w 5/20/1967 #22384  
 an area of 400 meter wide area of burned crops.                            5/27/1967 #22410  
 left physical traces, including a burned area and radioactive soil. (Winni 5/31/1967 #22429  
s to the spot and finds a circular burned area 100 feet in diameter with fo 6/1967 #22439  
) landed , leaving three holes and burned grass (physical traces) at the la 6/1/1967 #22442  
races found at the site included a burned area, disturbed grass, and an oil 6/15/1967 #22509  
ng east. A five-foot wide circular burned area was found, but a local farme 8/6/1967 #22834  
nd, but a local farmer said he had burned some brush there.                 8/6/1967 #22834  
bees. De Souza incurred a circular burned patch six inches in diameter, and 8/13/1967 #22874  
appear to land on a golf course. A burned ring (physical traces) was found  9/5/1967 #23003  
nd a forest ranger try to find the burned spot. They locate a burned and de 9/20/1967 #23101  
ind the burned spot. They locate a burned and depressed teardrop-shaped are 9/20/1967 #23101  
atchewan, Canada. A large circular burned area was found at the landing sit 11/19/1967 #23483  
inds that two key transistors have burned out, seemingly due to a power sur 3/4/1968 #23824  
a.m.) E-M effects (stopped clock), burned trees, brood son vanished (animal 5/1968 #23935  
left a strange, powerful odor, and burned grass and shrubs. (Magonia #909,  6/16/1968 #24041  
left a strange, powerful odor, and burned grass and shrubs.                 6/16/1968 #24042  
hey are shot dead and their bodies burned.                                  7/1968 #24107  
ys. Several small potted trees are burned. Casalvieri de Panassiti has firs 7/22/1968 #24204  
everal small potted trees had been burned. Mrs Casalvieri had first-degree  7/22/1968 #24205  
gators find a considerable area of burned grass at the site. Those who visi 8/16/1968 #24342  
the apparent site and find erratic burned patches of Dasylirion plants (cha 8/26/1968 #24379  
 the road at 12:30 a.m. A scraped, burned area was found later at the landi 8/26/1968 #24380  
.m. There were scorched plants and burned grass found at the site.          8/26/1968 #24382  
 a nearby field the grass had been burned in a circle 42 feet in diameter,  9/21/1968 #24497  
er, an investigator later found “a burned area, irregular but about two met 9/24/1968 #24509  
d. The next day, Schneider finds a burned circle of grass just over 2 feet  9/26/1968 #24516  
Longey finds an elliptical area of burned grass 18 feet by 12 feet. A small 5/22/1969 #25157  
t in diameter and 1.5 inches deep, burned into the ground in the shape of a 4/29/1970 #25645  
of dead grass of varying sizes and burned trees.                            6/1970 #25684  
lding mysteriously caught fire and burned to the ground.                    6/4/1970 #25690  
wn, but the skin sloughs off as if burned, and he has a redness around his  10/29/1970 #25893  
re hand. He found that touching it burned like a hot iron and he had to let 2/5/1971 #26015  
n diameter. The nearby grass seems burned.                                  5/1971 #26092  
de circular patches of crushed and burned potatos where the UFO had hovered 7/29/1971 #26252  
ct had descended they also found a burned circular area of grass about 10 m 9/20/1971 #26354  
     Soviet Salyut 1 space station burned up during atmospheric reentry.    10/11/1971 #26417  
e finds a large, circular patch of burned and crushed grass about 45 feet i 10/6/1973 #27960  
e site, where they find an area of burned grass 50–75 feet in diameter.     4/19/1974 #29047  
to the dark sky. There was a large burned area 60 feet in diameter at the l 4/30/1974 #29072  
e lights, and an exhaust hole that burned two circles in the ground, 4'6" a 8/28/1974 #29398  
ced holes where the grass has been burned all the way to the ground.        1/1/1975 #29689  
t the trees are only superficially burned on their bark but that the fire i 2/10/1975 #29800  
arge smoke blot. Nearby plants are burned and stones are blackened. Some fo 4/20/1975 #29998  
across a perfectly round circle of burned grass, 5 feet in diameter and 6 i 5/12/1975 #30052  
l, Saskatchewan, when he finds two burned areas in the center of his field. 5/30/1975 #30069  
the tobacco plants were wilted and burned, and an oily residue was found. ( 7/6/1975 #30165  
the tobacco plants were wilted and burned, and an oily residue was found. A 7/6/1975 #30169  
t gave off a chemical smell, which burned their noses, and the witnesses "e 8/3/1975 #30232  
nd a bare spot, 12 feet square, of burned grass and ashy residue. At some d 11/2/1975 #30540  
 over him, emitting something that burned him; he lost consciousness until  1/29/1976 #30832  
 find a 30-foot-diameter circle of burned ground and grass swirled in a cou 9/11/1976 #31377  
r. Police find landing marks and a burned area.                             9/13/1976 #31382  
ur bodies were recovered and badly burned but their silver spacesuits were  1977 #31658  
ater, notices his hair is slightly burned. He is admitted to a nearby hospi 4/19/1977 #32000  
attened in the center and slightly burned. A gorse bush appears to have bor 5/3/1977 #32050  
attened in the center and slightly burned. The gorse bush appeared to have  5/3/1977 #32053  
ps man / horseback. Faints. Others burned / area.                           7/14/1977 #32270  
d is completely bald with his hair burned off. He has a general loss of mot 3/24/1978 #33078  
op. Some of the large rocks appear burned, and the grass around it is brown 5/6/1978 #33190  
e areas where the skin is actually burned (arms, face, neck). These are not 5/13/1978 #33202  
 areas where the skin was actually burned, on his arms, face, and neck. The 5/13/1978 #33205  
ds that the road material has been burned by a temperature less than 500° C 9/17/1978 #33701  
 chest. His hair was also somewhat burned.                                  1/24/1979 #34378  
hes, doused them with jet-fuel and burned them. They claimed that the U.S.  1980's #35108  
ass that comes up after a fire has burned the old grass. A prickly pear cac 5/20/1983 #36862  
aped object landed in the yard and burned the grass. An abduction by Grey a 6/30/1983 #36896  
ter with multicolored lights which burned steadily. He estimated it was 8k- 4/1984 #37250  
n analysis of the soil, rocks, and burned wood taken from the landing groun 1/29/1986 #37775  
rstand them. A six-meter circle of burned grass was found on the site and t 3/21/1986 #37804  
ith his wife that leaves traces of burned grass), he begins reading UFO lit 7/1988 #38596  
d a while, the tips of her fingers burned and enlarged, and she is taken to 10/11/1989 #39161  
eet in diameter, of flattened (not burned) grass. The RCMP visits the circl 11/20/1989 #39241  
ning her husband finds a circle of burned grass 11 feet in diameter near th 3/7/1990 #39452  
ll, and has a nauseating odor like burned chocolate. About 15 entities rese 7/9/1990 #39640  
g. The steel in the radar unit was burned from a distance of 430 feet. A wr 9/13/1990 #39732  
e to a meadow, leaving behind four burned spots 135 feet in diameter.       9/21/1990 #39744  
ling-leaf motion. They return with burned faces and mild radiation poisonin 1991 #39935  
e soil samples obtained within the burned area seeds germinate easily, but  10/1/1995 #42529  
use under construction in the town burned down as a result of a powerful wa 11/1/1995 #42575  
                       An alleged “Burned memo” from MJ-1 to MJs 2-7 from t 1/23/1999 #43720  
isinformation. He also states the “burned memo” with directives was saved a 1/23/1999 #43720  
as found on the ground. There were burned patches in the grass, and scorche 11/15/2002 #44443  
n was red and sore appearing, like burned scar tissue. She was also pregnan 9/3/2003 #44592  
where the UFO landed were somewhat burned.                                  5/8/2004 #44696  
 close to earth that the particles burned up in reentry.                    2/21/2008 #45122  
## Word: "burnedmemo-s1-pgs1-2" (Back to Top)
 https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/burnedmemo-s1-pgs1-2.pdf   https://majes 1/23/1999 #43720  
## Word: "burnedmemo-s1-pgs3-9" (Back to Top)
 https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/burnedmemo-s1-pgs3-9.pdf   https://majes 1/23/1999 #43720  
## Word: "burnedmemocoverletter" (Back to Top)
 https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/burnedmemocoverletter.pdf                1/23/1999 #43720  
## Word: "burnell" (Back to Top)
riff Robert L. Carr and his deputy Burnell J. Long search the area separate 9/12/1952 #7905  
## Word: "burner" (Back to Top)
like a rice cooking pot or incense burner in Hitachi province, Japan. Fishe 2/22/1803 #100  
## Word: "burnes" (Back to Top)
stigators estimated the object had burnes or irradiated the field from a he 7/29/1971 #26252  
## Word: "burnet" (Back to Top)
30 feet in length. Witness Marilyn Burnet has a sample analyzed and finds c 6/9/1999 #43782  
## Word: "burnett" (Back to Top)
onomers. 2 fireballs rise over Mt. burnett telecom tower. Hiss.             2/3/1996 #42736  
## Word: "burnham" (Back to Top)
                                   Burnham, ME 7:45 p.m. Two large, moon-si 3/16/1966 #19973  
s office worker and her boyfriend, Burnham and Pidcock, saw a round domed d 11/21/1970 #25914  
## Word: "burnie" (Back to Top)
                              Glen Burnie, MD 50 ft flat silver disc with c 3/29/1952 #5989  
  Governor Ritchie Highway in Glen Burnie, Maryland 10:45 p.m. Donald F. St 3/29/1952 #5995  
e Governor Ritchie Highway in Glen Burnie, Maryland. A 50-foot silvery dome 3/29/1952 #5995  
                               OFF BURNIE, TASM Ship. Luminous vertical clo 2/23/1997 #43204  
                                In Burnie, Tasmania a clear jelly like subs 2/27/1997 #43213  
## Word: "burning" (Back to Top)
tle lasts about one hour, then the burning balls fall to the earth and vani 4/4/1561 #32  
e that grass and small trees start burning. In the evening the sphere is st 6/12/1790 #91  
that the illumination is caused by burning jungles to create new farmland.  1824 #117  
n a straight course for the woods, burning up the underbrush. It makes a pa 6/19/1857 #150  
with the Martians and Venusians by burning giant lines on the deserts of th 1869 #178  
he sky and crash into many pieces, burning the grass and fusing the sand. T 6/6/1884 #258  
sparkling water and pierced by the burning rays of the sun.” The woman wear 5/13/1917 #958  
ct going quickly south. Stops over burning oil refinery. Zigzags going quic 8/1944 (approximate) #1626  
 as a result of the fumes from the burning engine. The aircraft crashes jus 2/18/1945 #1790  
shes into Mt. Landholm. A powerful burning smell lingers for 15 minutes.    7/9/1946 #2040  
he underside. Afterward, traces of burning on the ground are detected.      8/1946 #2093  
ruct by small demolition charge or burning.”                                8/22/1946 #2150  
n Fort Ross saw what looked like a burning ship sink slowly into the Pacifi 7/3/1947 #2586  
lue vapor and "an intense smell of burning benzine." A large, flat section  3/18/1950 #4674  
en vapor with "an intense smell of burning benzene." A large, flat section  3/18/1950 #4680  
. Minutes later the witness feIt a burning sensation on his face.           4/20/1950 #4876  
. Minutes later the witness felt a burning sensation on his face.           4/20/1950 #4877  
ng like a “piece of magnesium wire burning with a bright, purplish-white li 12/13/1950 #5345  
h a beam of light, and they feel a burning and tingling sensation. They ret Early Spring 1951 #5471  
as it took off, leaving a smell of burning sulphur.                         7/20/1952 #6951  
 off, and left behind the smell of burning sulphur.                         7/20/1952 #6953  
 thought a chemical plant might be burning in the area and walked toward a  9/13/1952 #7914  
 thought a chemical plant might be burning in the area and walked towards a 9/13/1952 #7916  
. The light has the appearance of “burning hydrogen” and emits three streak 5/26/1953 #8910  
 / 6m altitude 27m away. / r3p247. Burning haystack?                        5/20/1954 #9818  
ject and a giant man with strange, burning eyes. He fainted. When he regain 7/7/1954 #9999  
ject and a giant man with strange, burning eyes. He fainted. When he regain 7/7/1954 #10000  
eam of white light at the witness, burning his elbow and bubbling paint on  3/30/1955 #12071  
 dead" and that their clothes were burning them.                            11/2/1955 #12544  
observes the glow, which resembles burning alcohol or benzene.              1/15/1956 #12661  
t at 5:30 a.m. that appeared to be burning as it flew rapidly toward the we 7/22/1956 #13008  
Jacksonville, Florida, observes a “burning greenish white round object” to  3/9/1957 #13540  
t of a helicopter and perceived a "burning" odor. He saw a balloon-like, el 11/5/1957 #14341  
t of a helicopter and perceived a "burning" odor. He saw a balloon-like, el 11/5/1957 #14353  
Egypt, when he sees a “giant, red, burning cylinder falling down vertically 12/1/1957 #14660  
r's electrical system and caused a burning sensation on one of its occupant 10/27/1958 #15391  
s forced to stop because he smells burning rubber. The battery caps are blo 12/1959 #16107  
ing what looked like a black tube, burning two of them. There were landing  7/18/1963 #17839  
h a roar, go silent and fly away.  Burning and charred brush found at landi 4/24/1964 #18195  
. S. Chavez arrives, and they find burning brush (including a badly damaged 4/24/1964 #18200  
hind some sooty trace remnants and burning a child. Surprisingly, the child 6/2/1964 #18323  
icken feeder). He smells sulfur or burning rubber and find three imprints i 6/14/1964 #18356  
illion snakes". The witness felt a burning sensation in his body while the  6/29/1964 #18383  
ed. The next day, witnesses felt a burning sensation on their faces and arm 7/7/1964 #18397  
r to watch an object resembling a "burning haystack," oval or crescent-shap 8/12/1964 #18482  
heriffs saw an object as bright as burning magnesium (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 8/2/1965 #19257  
 County saw an object as bright as burning magnesium, which landed as they  8/2/1965 #19261  
heriffs see an object as bright as burning magnesium land. An extensive inv 8/2/1965 #19268  
 County saw an object as bright as burning magnesium, which landed as they  8/2/1965 #19271  
gh speed. The tar on the road kept burning for some time.                   9/15/1965 #19566  
gh speed. The tar on the road kept burning for some time after the UFO left 9/15/1965 #19567  
 area and was caused by two cables burning out a block away from the Kalnic 4/23/1966 #20390  
al effects on some who touched it (burning sensation, itching, nausea). Acc 10/12/1966 #20996  
 is a dead tree with its top still burning. The witness then heasr a low hu 11/22/1966 #21141  
tic vacuum that protects them from burning up in our stratosphere. Their cr 2/1967 #21431  
    DETROIT, MI 8 calls / police. "Burning orange ovoid" over Liggett schoo 3/8/1967 #21796  
hed sound and an odor resembling a burning electrical circuit were noted. A 5/20/1967 #22379  
sending him reeling backwards, and burning his shirt and undershirt. He rip 5/20/1967 #22382  
ing sound and an odor resembling a burning electrical circuit were noted. S 5/20/1967 #22384  
und. The object lands and leaves a burning area 90 feet by 150 feet in size 5/31/1967 #22432  
 apparently following the car. The burning yellow light seems to be floatin 7/20/1967 #22710  
coming in at a slant, breaking and burning tree leaves. Several tall trees  9/20/1967 #23101  
and angels with space visitors and burning bushes, clouds, and Ezekiel’s ch 1968 #23624  
the dog barked uncontrollably. The burning jacket resulted in second-degree 3/19/1968 #23850  
he wakes to the smell of something burning. He sees a light about 1,600 fee 7/1968 #24109  
fleecy white light, and emitting a burning odor. He gets within 10 feet and 7/1968 #24109  
 Milakovic feels like his eyes are burning. Thoroughly frightened, Milakovi 11/20/1968 #24672  
of this day Ludwig Pallmann felt a burning sensation from a ring given to h 1/15/1969 #24849  
nd when they saw something like a "burning bush" on the ground about 600 ya 8/27/1969 #25333  
 10-15 minutes later with her eyes burning, her head feeling hot and heavy, 10/5/1970 #25870  
to descend vertically, and stopped burning just before it hit the ground. N 1/2/1971 #25968  
ed disk rises / ground. Fire still burning / police arrive.                 7/5/1972 #26768  
, although he noticed small flames burning around its feet." The witness in 8/16/1972 #26922  
 body. There was also the smell of burning oil. His arms and legs were para 9/27/1972 #27035  
nd pains in the neck, as well as a burning sensation in his eyes. At the en 9/27/1972 #27035  
 and the boys noticed an odor like burning oil. When they reached the top o 9/20/1973 #27849  
ht” lights, the color and hue of a burning log, from their patrol car. The  1/4/1974 #28644  
n. There is no evidence of heat or burning. Some additional circles are fou 9/1/1974 #29417  
 BRZ 30 day siege / fireballs etc. Burning beams. General panic.            10/1/1975 (approximate) #30408  
 the sky nearby. ing in river felt burning, saw oscillating blue light in s 10/25/1975 #30472  
s’ house in Oxford, suffering from burning eyes, sore throats, and aching t 10/27/1975 #30486  
t spot, dizzy and suffering from a burning sensation on his face, and a hea 4/3/1976 #30983  
 two intensely bright lights “like burning magnesium” silently move across  8/1976 #31216  
the couple’s backs and they feel a burning sensation.                       9/8/1976 #31356  
lvania. It leaves a large patch of burning grass (100 feet long by 30 feet  3/8/1977 #31878  
 they find nothing except a strong burning smell. They make a report to the 5/3/1977 #32050  
g at all, except a strong smell of burning. No cause could be determined. A 5/3/1977 #32053  
ours has elapsed. They complain of burning eyes and headaches that last for 7/23/1977 #32305  
rs had elapsed. They complained of burning eyes and headaches that lasted f 7/23/1977 #32306  
pinpoints of light “like magnesium burning” silently maneuvering in and out 8/9/1977 #32371  
. His head was spinning and he was burning. The time was 3:55 a.m. Anotonio 9/15/1977 #32485  
fle and causes it to disintegrate, burning his hands and arms. Jenkins help 11/16/1977 #32677  
wice more. The women complain of a burning sensation in their eyes.         9/3/1978 #33630  
rs rush to the area and see a fire burning in the brushwood-covered wastela 9/13/1978 #33671  
 Martins Pond, where the tundra is burning in patches [methane outgassing?] 11/13/1978 #33952  
approached they perceived a strong burning smell, an odor like burnt human  1/3/1979 #34290  
Brazil and touched him on the arm, burning him. The being wore a silvery su 1/11/1979 #34331  
nd the man’s face feels like it is burning. Frightened, he runs away and do 5/22/1979 #34574  
in the air, a blinding headache, a burning sensation on his chin, itching o 11/9/1979 #34991  
Physiological effects included red burning eyes, swollen glands in neck, he 9/11/1980 #35512  
 to a piece of natural debris seen burning up as a fireball over southern E 12/26/1980 #35737  
complained that his genitals "were burning". da Silva had been troubled by  11/29/1982 #36702  
complained that his genitals "were burning".                                11/30/1982 #36703  
hands felt rough. He experienced a burning pain that twisted down his spina 5/1/1988 #38551  
 hour or so she woke up, feeling a burning sensation on her stomach. She fo 9/13/1990 #39730  
 Quezon City, the Philippines were burning some wood in a wooded area next  1/22/1993 #40810  
      Groom Lake “Groom Lake Toxic Burning Alleged” A former worker at the  3/20/1994 #41461  
      TRULL, SOMERSET 1 observer. "Burning orange globe" near garden. Becom 6/4/1994 #41550  
mall humanoids (or Greys) examine. Burning powder traces / body.            9/16/1996 #43022  
n and more. Fireball going west to burning garage. Curves going up [to] and 4/1/1997 #43248  
to he smelled an odor of something burning. He recalls a high-pitched buzzi 4/9/2000 #43980  
the north, and it had a smell like burning plastic. A security light outsid 1/30/2006 #44920  
our lights similar in intensity to burning magnesium. They come out of the  1/8/2008 #45112  
him for about 3 seconds, causing a burning sensation. He runs back into the 5/8/2009 #45220  
ight on him for 3 seconds, causing burning and later, hair loss and lumps o 5/8/2009 #45221  
esiak states it reminded him of a “burning bush,” and states the Office of  5/9/2022 #45747  
## Word: "burnished" (Back to Top)
 object glitters like a “column of burnished silver.” It gradually fades aw 8/7/1869 #179  
two feet thick that glittered like burnished silver. It gradually faded awa 8/7/1869 #181  
 watch a round object the color of burnished copper, with a faint light and 10/1918 #977  
erior finish appears to be spun or burnished aluminum.” The object slows, t 7/1948 #3691  
way from his truck. It looked like burnished stainless steel. Bethurum shoo 7/27/1952 #7216  
LORESTA, BRZ Argentine Navy pilot. Burnished metal lens-saucer maneuvers. / 9/8/1962 #17389  
              Floresta, Argentine "Burnished metal" lens-shaped UFO sighted 9/8/1962 #17390  
-shaped UFO with the appearance of burnished metal was sighted by an Argent 9/8/1962 #17392  
## Word: "burnisland" (Back to Top)
etails. Night lights maneuver over Burnisland, Scotland / r156#14p15.       1/27/1973 #27248  
## Word: "burniston" (Back to Top)
my Air Forces Capt. and Mrs. James Burniston. Watched for 1 minute while on 7/6/1947 #2806  
Day. Army Air Corps Capt. James H. Burniston and his wife watch a round, fl 7/6/1947 #2809  
## Word: "burnley" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / BURNLEY, LANCS 1 observer. Huge top-sauc 7/20/1963 #17840  
red and rotated in the sky west of Burnley, England for two minutes. It sho 7/20/1963 #17845  
                   At 6:15 a.m. in Burnley, England a car's electrical syst 11/6/1967 #23415  
                                   Burnley Todmorden, West Yorkshire, Engla 1/14/1980 #35135  
t is on an early delivery run from Burnley to Todmorden, West Yorkshire, En 1/14/1980 #35135  
Todmorden, West Yorkshire, England Burnley Road 5:00 a.m. While checking re 11/29/1980 #35682  
gedly sees a bright light ahead on Burnley Road that appears to be a hoveri 11/29/1980 #35682  
he event surfaces, a bus driver on Burnley Road who around 4:55 a.m. experi 11/29/1980 #35682  
## Word: "burns" (Back to Top)
 close to the light that it causes burns on his face and hands. Probable ho 7/5/1933 #1167  
gency landings. One pilot suffered burns to his face and hands after his ai 7/5/1933 #1168  
, including blindness and chemical burns. That puzzling development is furt 12/2/1943 #1549  
E, NC Fireballs land / roof. House burns down. 2 escape. 5 kids gone withou 12/25/1945 #1952  
ome of it reduced to powder (which burns the hands when touched) is found a 7/10/1946 #2046  
F FT ROSS, CA Forest lookout. Ship burns and sinks / 30 minute(s). None mis 7/3/1947 #2573  
ime three of them suffer radiation burns on their hands serious enough to b 5/15/1948 #3651  
or Yoke is then also found to have burns on his hands and is also hospitali 5/15/1948 #3651  
aught / 40M cone of light. Gets UV burns. No object seen.                   11/10/1948 #3872  
hey see it for 2 seconds before it burns out.                               12/8/1948 #3918  
on, from Red Bluff, California, to Burns, Oregon.  Five to eight oval objec 5/27/1949 #4213  
             Red Bluff, California Burns, Oregon Hart Mountain, Oregon 2:25 5/27/1949 #4214  
ion from Red Bluff, California, to Burns, Oregon, sees 5–8 oval objects, tw 5/27/1949 #4214  
 hatch in a red ball of light (and burns his cap as well). An area of flatt 8/19/1952 #7651  
r nylon, is not water soluble, and burns rapidly.                           5/12/1954 #9780  
ce jet chases ovoid into cloud and burns up! Balloon? / FSRv32#3.           7/2/1954 #9981  
and run away, apparently suffering burns. Some haystacks catch fire. The si 10/14/1954 #11056  
L 4 observer(s). Ovoid over house. Burns haystacks and cattle. Dries pond.  10/15/1954 #11080  
ew over, while the cattle suffered burns.                                   10/15/1954 #11099  
lies over while the cattle suffers burns.                                   10/15/1954 #11109  
lew over while the cattle suffered burns.                                   10/15/1954 #11115  
ot patch. Flat ground. Indents and burns. / r217p116.                       10/22/1954 #11313  
stance to contraction and torsion, burns rapidly, leaving a transparent res 10/27/1954 #11449  
gnetic effects). 100' saucer. Beam burns paint and observer(s) skin. Electr 3/30/1955 #12069  
solvable in hydrochloric acid, and burns. The crystal structure is differen 10/4/1957 #14058  
ellafield] in Cumbria, England. It burns for three days, and there is a rel 10/9/1957 #14083  
l system failed, sentries received burns as UFO approached and hovered (NIC 11/3/1957 #14240  
. Heat and radiation/radioactivity burns. / r47p23+/ r141#5.                11/4/1957 #14260  
hey suffer second and third-degree burns on large areas of their body, chie 11/4/1957 #14284  
 farm / blue light. Going west. UV burns skin. / r70p3-53.                  11/6/1957 #14387  
n minutes, treated at hospital for burns (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)     11/6/1957 #14400  
led, and his head was covered with burns following the close encounter. On  11/9/1957 #14509  
bled car seen. Lady and child with burns. / r141#10.                        12/11/1957 #14706  
 child who seemed to have suffered burns. The unknown object went away: The 12/11/1957 #14711  
e, to see about possible radiation burns and exposure. She overhears a comm 2/17/1958 #14878  
re given a cursory examination for burns. Other people in the neighborhood  10/26/1958 #15385  
an odd uniform, and apparently has burns on the face. He is taken to a hosp 1/21/1959 #15558  
otograph / saucer over woods. Skin burns. / r68p80. / LDLN#123. Fake / VJBO 3/2/1960 #16191  
luminous UFO, but he also received burns on his face and hands from the enc 3/2/1960 #16192  
 to potentially inflict 3rd degree burns at 100km distance.                 10/3/1961 #16891  
linton-Sherman Industrial Airpark] Burns Flat, Oklahoma All base personnel  Spring 1962 #17078  
n-Sherman Industrial Airpark] near Burns Flat, Oklahoma. The airmen are sho Spring 1962 #17078  
d reboard. Quickly going up. Grass burns / rain.                            4/9/1962 #17103  
shelter in Monte Maiz. He suffered burns similar to ultraviolet exposure. F 10/12/1963 #17986  
Monte Maiz, Argentina. He suffered burns similar to strong ultraviolet expo 10/12/1963 #17988  
ch time causing the driver to feel burns all over his body. Examination by  10/12/1963 #17988  
tion by a doctor revealed that the burns were 'curious lesions' of undeterm 10/12/1963 #17988  
 object with flames" is blamed for burns suffered by an 8-year-old child, w 6/2/1964 #18319  
. The child suffered second-degree burns on his face, and lost part of his  6/2/1964 #18319  
he soot embedded in his flesh. The burns respond well to treatment and he s 6/2/1964 #18321  
ingly, the child reported that the burns did not cause any pain despite the 6/2/1964 #18323  
         Harrisonburg, Viginia Mr. Burns saw a huge object cross the road,  12/21/1964 #18667  
ing east on US Highway 250, Horace Burns is approaching Fishersville, Virgi 12/21/1964 #18670  
own gently and lands in a field to Burns’s right. Meanwhile, Burns’s car en 12/21/1964 #18670  
field to Burns’s right. Meanwhile, Burns’s car engine has shut off. The obj 12/21/1964 #18670  
further readings (1.5 milliR/hr on Burns’s left rear car door). They disput 12/21/1964 #18670  
 five o’clock in the afternoon Mr. Burns was driving east on highway Route  12/21/1964 #18671  
 damage to his right eye, bruises, burns, deep muscle tissue damage, and lo 3/15/1965 #18859  
 road and going northwest. Asphalt burns. / r111p242 / r25 / r67 / r180.    9/16/1965 #19570  
         A 15-year-old youth named Burns was driving home in his pickup tru 12/20/1965 #19782  
eived a strong electric shock, and burns on the hand. Investigators rated h 3/26/1966 #20094  
a 8:52 p.m. Florida Gov. W. Haydon Burns’s campaign airplane is paced by a  4/25/1966 #20415  
 brightness but are very distinct. Burns orders the pilot to turn toward th 4/25/1966 #20415  
t carrying Florida Governor Haydon Burns sighted two apparently connected b 4/25/1966 #20418  
 newsmen and state officials. When Burns ordered his pilot to turn toward t 4/25/1966 #20418  
ake off / smoke. Twisted branches. Burns.                                   6/27/1966 #20612  
s. A doctor who examined her found burns on her legs and ankles. She brough 8/11/1966 #20739  
. Vibrant bright saucer. Light and burns = 900MW power. / r5p32+/ r8#808.   12/30/1966 #21225  
the next day, he located traces of burns, and called the Air Force and the  12/30/1966 #21228  
the next day, he locates traces of burns and calls the USAF and University  12/30/1966 #21230  
served the light. Holes, traces of burns, and calcined matches were noted a 4/21/1967 #22188  
ss felt dizzy, suffered minor face burns, second and third degree burns on  5/20/1967 #22379  
ace burns, second and third degree burns on his chest, vomited frequently f 5/20/1967 #22379  
, voices heard. Experienced severe burns on chest, weight loss, and vomitin 5/20/1967 #22380  
cidentally touches the surface, it burns and melts. The UFO angles upwards  5/20/1967 #22382  
ss felt dizzy, suffered minor face burns, and second and third degree burns 5/20/1967 #22384  
burns, and second and third degree burns on his chest. He vomited frequentl 5/20/1967 #22384  
e that struck his arm. He received burns on his arm and the left side of hi 6/14/1967 #22505  
rom nausea and a general numbness. Burns are noted, initially attributed to 8/13/1967 #22873  
ce with his instructions, his wife burns the bed, the mattress, and the clo 8/13/1967 #22873  
ng west. Railroad/railway man / UV burns or radiation/radioactivity.        10/25/1967 #23312  
trudes and shoots beam / boy / 11. Burns. / r83p288.                        3/19/1968 #23847  
ital and treated for second-degree burns. His scars are still visible three 3/19/1968 #23849  
g jacket resulted in second-degree burns that required medical attention.   3/19/1968 #23850  
aves a strange, powerful odor, and burns grass and shrubs.                  6/15/1968 #24040  
e. Red beam going down. Powder and burns. / LDLN#95+r8#911.                 6/21/1968 #24058  
ieri de Panassiti has first-degree burns on her face and hands (an allergic 7/22/1968 #24204  
d. Mrs Casalvieri had first-degree burns on her face and hands, and parts o 7/22/1968 #24205  
een to land in a cemetery. It left burns on the ground and imprints arrange 11/29/1970 #25923  
of its boot with his bare hand. It burns him like a hot iron, and he has to 2/5/1971 #26014  
ot iron, and he has to let go. The burns are clearly visible 2 months later 2/5/1971 #26014  
 He also suffered facial and scalp burns. Later he had further memories of  9/20/1971 #26354  
/ very low. 3M robot vanishes. Car burns. Headaches. / r96#161.             6/4/1972 #26700  
ortholes / dome lands. 3' indent / burns. / r180p85+/ APRO 9'72.            8/16/1972 #26919  
base rises / jets chase. Marks and burns / ground found.                    9/9/1972 #26982  
mmoned. Hillsgeck appeared to have burns around the face. Tash walked aroun 10/14/1972 #27077  
t going up / field. Round hole and burns. / FSR'73#11.                      6/1/1973 #27544  
              Two military police, Burns and Shade, at Hunter Air Force Bas 9/8/1973 #27783  
server(s). Radiation/radioactivity burns and hair loss. / r232.             9/19/1973 #27836  
ng [to] over. Factory explodes and burns.                                   9/25/1974 (approximate) #29477  
beam. Fireball zigzags away. Sick. Burns.                                   10/1974 #29496  
 strong light going down. Outhouse burns. Animals frantic. / IFS#29.        4/29/1975 #30010  
ling beam observer(s). Indents and burns / ground. Sheep avoid spot. / r41p 7/31/1975 #30215  
 speed, but they were covered with burns. Upon reaching Mrs. Smith's home,  1/6/1976 #30762  
ts. Abduction. Exam. Missing time. Burns. Pets avoid observer(s). Death. /  1/6/1976 #30767  
exam on an exam table. He had skin burns resulting from the flash of light. 3/3/1976 #30922  
ousness. She was hospitalized with burns and nervous exhaustion.            3/30/1976 #30969  
hey are gone the next day. Hopkins burns all his tapes, correspondence, and 9/11/1976 #31376  
eam knocks boy down. Missing time. Burns. / MJ#110+#284.                    11/15/1976? #31550  
 prank until a doctor finds slight burns on his chest and back. The case is Early 12/1976 #31579  
e to touch without risking serious burns. The brakes are found to be so bad 6/6/1977 #32151  
r watch lady in garden. Blue light burns her hand.                          9/1977 #32448  
t pseudo-human/entity / dome. Skin burns. / MJ#293+/ r41p462.               9/25/1977 (approximate) #32516  
 the M-16 carbine exploded causing burns to the hands of the officer. As th 11/13/1977 #32672  
and the witnessed experienced skin burns and rashes as a result of the inte 12/17/1977 #32793  
, British Columbia 7:30 p.m. Vicki Burns is standing outside the stable on  4/6/1978 #33128  
street. Flash & apparent microwave burns. / International UFO Reporter (CUF 5/13/1978 #33200  
o Fresno Community Hospital. These burns are visible for 2 days. The day fo 5/13/1978 #33202  
hospital tell the officer that the burns look like they are caused by micro 5/13/1978 #33202  
on his arms, face, and neck. These burns were visible for two days, and the 5/13/1978 #33205  
n window. Shoots beam at woman 3X. Burns.                                   9/1978 #33615  
n witness, a 47-year-old man named Burns.                                   9/17/1978 #33702  
/triangle/box-like craft / ground. Burns and deep TRCa / soil. / r39.       12/6/1978 #34060  
 appear. 5-6 hours / missing time. Burns / chest. Holes / clothes.          1/24/1979 #34371  
 Geometric figure(s) flash / edge. Burns. / International UFO Reporter (CUF 5/22/1979 #34573  
insonneault suspects corneal flash burns and covers his eyes with bandages. 8/27/1979 #34787  
spital for second and third degree burns on his shoulder, apparently caused 9/25/1979 #34923  
llucinations. Abduction signs. Bad burns. UFO's seen.                       12/11/1979 #35070  
d incoherent and suffering various burns and other injuries that they never 12/11/1979 #35073  
ly north over A422. Steering wheel burns hands!                             3/13/1980 #35212  
 during the flyover, and it caused burns on his hands. (NICAP: 02 - Close E 3/13/1980 #35213  
 during the flyover, and it caused burns on his hands, including one that l 3/13/1980 #35215  
e the son of the circus owner, had burns on their bodies after a 1:15 a.m.  3/21/1980 #35225  
twatch, and the other had scalding burns on his waist where his waist band  3/21/1980 #35225  
                       Huffman, TX Burns and radiation damage. Cash/Landrum 12/12/1980 #35711  
ts of vomiting, diarrhea, and skin burns. Betty Cash also lost most of her  12/29/1980 #35758  
hovers. Green beam going down [to] burns hand. Going [to] slow. / r120p98.  9/10/1981 #36107  
ssing time. Man and car abduction. Burns / skin.                            2/19/1982 #36351  
 his neck. He had some unexplained burns on his skin. A passing motorist pi 2/19/1982 #36357  
Plant in Armenia. The turbine hall burns down, and an emergency team is air 10/1982 #36625  
 / small humanoids (or Greys). Odd burns and marks / body. Telepathy = "you 12/14/1983 #37073  
at 11:30 p.m. The witness received burns on his body that resembled a sunbu 10/16/1985 #37684  
r house. Observer(s) half-blinded. Burns.                                   5/15/1986 #37869  
items” from inside experience mild burns on their hands (though gloved).    Early 8/1987 #38225  
men and a boy exposed to radiation burns by this saucer. Government is not  6/6/1988 #38581  
ssible abduction. KCl dust / cars. Burns. / MJ#253.                         12/4/1988 #38738  
 and the two witnessed experienced burns on their faces and blurred vision. 12/4/1988 #38745  
AEL Fireball slowly drops / beach. Burns / hours. Odd chemistry-Technetium! 4/21/1989 #38914  
ken home where she was treated for burns to her hands and fingers. Around t 10/11/1989 #39164  
suffer from some sort of radiation burns. The expedition soon had to abando 8/28/1991 #40168  
thes were singed and they had skin burns. The woman also had a round scar o 3/14/1997 #43231  
 neighbor also woke up with facial burns, but he had no recollection of any 4/15/1997 #43261  
of individuals suffering injuries, burns, skin lesions, cancer and diseases 2005 #44805  
 immediately and three suffer from burns. Russian authorities order the eva 8/8/2019 #45604  
orts under new Director William J. Burns, who has vowed during his confirma 12/2020 #45667  
## Word: "burnside" (Back to Top)
ect flew toward the northeast over Burnside, South Australia at 8:25 p.m. A 10/23/1966 #21032  
UFO with "flashing lights" land on Burnside Mountain. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 4/29/1973 #27453  
bject appeared over the village of Burnside, near Cumnock in Strathclyde, S 2/7/1997 #43188  
## Word: "burnsville" (Back to Top)
                                   Burnsville, NC Red bell shaped object wi 6/18/1966 #20577  
                                   Burnsville, North Carolina Witnesses:  m 6/18/1966 #20581  
## Word: "burnt" (Back to Top)
etrating light. Family / 9 vomits. Burnt. Very radiation/radioactivity sick 10/24/1886 #274  
/ ranch. Domed saucer seen / days. Burnt grass. Cows scared. Pig missing.   2/1927 #1069  
oing down. Lights / ends. Circular burnt area and footprints found.         10/1942 #1450  
g down. Type unknown. 50M circle / burnt grass. Sharply defined.            8/1947 #3267  
rn. Sparks. Spins. Observer's face burnt. / LDLN#123+/ r8.                  4/20/1950 #4874  
l, and their faces seem charred or burnt. In front of them is a screen with 5/15/1950 #4944  
N 1 observer. Bullet object trails burnt orange smoke / 30 second(s) and mo 6/23/1952 #6590  
s flashlight at saucer. Zapped and burnt. / APRO Vol.1#2.                   8/19/1952 #7643  
5 degrees for 2-3 seconds and then burnt out.                               10/17/1952 #8150  
Saucer / blue flashes. Wires smell burnt. Going quickly west. / r30p65.     2/1953 #8623  
 3 / farmers. Saucer brushes tree. Burnt leaves. Marks / dirt. / r8#155.    9/20/1954 #10366  
 It brushed a tree, leaving behind burnt leaves and ground marks in the dir 9/20/1954 #10372  
id shaped UFO had landed. Strip of burnt, crushed grass found at spot, trod 10/8/1954 #10822  
going down [to] near woods. Ground burnt. / r8#230+/ r30p146+/ r217p39.     10/11/1954 #10906  
on the rim. Ground traces included burnt soil in a circle 14 feet in diamet 10/20/1954 #11279  
ucer lands near road. Mans clothes burnt / approach. / r67p56.              11/14/1954 #11646  
e". Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Burnt grass and tripod traces.           3/1955 (approximate) #12019  
                 TRENTON, NJ Guard burnt! Glowing-cylinder/cigar-shape swoo 10/2/1956 #13259  
 finder and transmitter - receiver burnt during UFO sighting (NICAP: 03 - E 11/3/1957 #14239  
oth receiver and transmitter) have burnt out, allegedly simultaneously.     11/4/1957 #14283  
ucer hovers / 60M altitude. Ground burnt. / r79p12.                         11/6/1957 #14360  
uman/entity exit and make repairs? Burnt grass.                             11/8/1957 #14469  
h. Part of his face appeared to be burnt and his hair singed. After being t 1/21/1959 #15560  
s) frozen. Glow outside. 8M oval / burnt soil.                              7/1959 #15806  
[to] as object going quickly east. Burnt circle / ground.                   9/7/1959 #15956  
observer(s). 8' torpedo over lawn. Burnt grass and car malfunctions due to  5/21/1960 #16294  
e object hit and it appeared to be burnt and cut up over an area of 20 feet 6/22/1960 #16316  
to] against wind. Lands / 2 hours. Burnt grass. / FSR'61#5.                 2/10/1961 #16598  
y on takeoff. There were traces of burnt grass at the site.                 4/9/1962 #17104  
kes off. Night lights exit. Ground burnt. / r8#533.                         5/12/1962 #17161  
inute. The grass on the ground was burnt in a 60m radius circle at the land 5/12/1962 #17166  
ant robot(s)/android(s) exit. 6M / burnt grass. / r8#535+/ r113p152.        5/22/1962 #17189  
wife. Later an 18 foot in diameter burnt circle was found in the grass.     5/24/1962 #17198  
e luminous/glowing trail / air. 3M burnt trace.                             9/3/1962 #17385  
o field. Dirt gone. 4 holes. Crops burnt. / FSR'63#5.                       7/16/1963 #17831  
effects on van, 10-meter (30-foot) burnt circle found next day              5/10/1964 #18259  
ry saucer swoops down. Child badly burnt. Soot / no pain. / r111p226+/ r8.  6/2/1964 #18316  
ight light lands / woods and goes. Burnt crater found. No radiation/radioac 9/4/1964 #18527  
in the woods, and then take off. A burnt crater was found by the NICAP inve 9/4/1964 #18534  
e thorough job. In addition to the burnt area and ground marks, some white  9/4/1964 #18534  
emely bright object lands / woods. Burnt area and landing marks. / r180p32. 11/30/1964 #18645  
and in the nearby woods at 11 p.m. Burnt area, landing marks, and radioacti 11/30/1964 #18649  
 lands / several min. Melted snow. Burnt dirt. Tracks to woods.             1/12/1965 #18713  
/ hill. Sparks. Trees uprooted and burnt. / r201p60 / Fate.                 1/25/1965 #18762  
ucer zaps observer(s). Eye damage. Burnt grass. / r176p223+/ r210v13#6.     3/15/1965 #18855  
r(s). 30' saucer grows 3 legs. 15' burnt ring. Quickly going up. / APRO 1'6 5/24/1965 #18955  
. Fly when observer(s) near. 40M / burnt crops. / FSR'60#10.                8/6/1965 #19329  
 Small humanoid (or Grey) / field. Burnt grass and indents. / APRO Jan. '75 8/10/1965 (approximate) #19355  
y, he found a 15-20 foot circle of burnt glass, within which were three ind 8/13/1965 #19384  
small humanoid (or Grey) vanishes. Burnt grass and indents.                 8/22/1965 (approximate) #19451  
 as 7M saucer rises / road. Lights burnt out. / r8#739.                     3/28/1966 #20108  
ts apartment building. Power cable burnt out. / r83p327.                    4/24/1966 #20398  
 with masks and odd papers. Plants burnt. / r5p1.                           8/17/1966 #20757  
zil. Plants in their vicinity were burnt. A disc shaped UFO had been seen e 8/17/1966 #20759  
y. Humming heard. Tent and treetop burnt. 2 photographs.                    11/22/1966 #21133  
ing pear shape / sky. Exposed skin burnt. Atomic test?                      12/1966 #21170  
 saucer / edge over rocks. Silent. Burnt smell. / r100p249.                 3/12/1967 #21862  
al object quickly going up / road. Burnt tar. Hoax / r98#39.                4/21/1967 #22178  
meters in length. There was also a burnt spot in the center measuring 0.9 m 4/21/1967 #22199  
o-human/entity inside. Observer(s) burnt / chest. Physical traces. / FSRv27 5/20/1967 #22376  
ails over ground. 4 dead cows 400M burnt crops. Odors. / FSRv17#2.          5/27/1967 #22408  
uded three holes in the ground and burnt grass at the landing site. The hol 6/1/1967 #22449  
35' saucer chases boat. Tree limbs burnt. Strong Radio Frequency Interferen 6/18/1967 #22514  
ts. Broken vegetation, a circle of burnt grass four meters in diameter, and 7/17/1967 #22684  
und fragments of what seemed to be burnt wood, but the inside looked like f 7/20/1967 #22712  
/ fireball again. Dog shakes. Sand burnt. / FSRv17#2+/ r113p14.             7/21/1967 #22714  
 Going quickly north. 10M circle / burnt soy found.                         8/4/1967 #22795  
circle / dried soybeans found. Not burnt.. dried!                           8/15/1967 #22877  
hours. 4 antennas. Strong odor and burnt vegetation.                        9/22/1967 #23110  
ject going quickly north. Landing? Burnt trees and grass. Very hot.         9/28/1967 #23139  
gs. They also reported the odor of burnt food at the time of their encounte 11/13/1967 #23444  
car. Blinding fireball flies away. Burnt grass found.                       11/19/1967 #23479  
 lands / 4h. Rises going up. Large burnt area. / r180p54+/ r156#13.         1/23/1968 #23686  
ertically, and left behind a large burnt area.                              1/23/1968 #23688  
void / going up [to] backyard. 20' burnt grass. / FS observer(s).           3/1968 #23794  
EME). Night light going northwest. Burnt path / woods. 3 trees die.         5/1968 #23934  
dio electro-magnetic effect (EME). Burnt grass.                             5/1/1968 #23937  
ld in less than a year. A circular burnt area was found on the roof of the  5/17/1968 #23970  
d more/others. Saucer lands. Odor. Burnt grass and shrubs. Back / 16 June.  5/29/1968 #23993  
ding site there was a wide area of burnt grass.                             6/19/1968 #24051  
next morning, they find a circular burnt area about 6 feet in diameter and  7/20/1968 #24193  
. Figure / ground vanishes. Ground burnt.                                   7/21/1968 #24197  
ance. The UFO left a large area of burnt grass, and "watches stopped 3 time 8/16/1968 #24343  
 Silver disk joined / gold saucer. Burnt Cactus and grass. / r41p264.       8/26/1968 #24378  
(s) type unknown. Tracks and 42' / burnt grass found.                       9/21/1968 #24494  
oach woman / road. Bright glow. 7' burnt area. / r180p59.                   9/24/1968 #24506  
 White ball / light / roadside. 2M burnt circular found. Fireball flys near 10/19/1968 #24573  
 BA, ARG Saucer seen. 36' circle / burnt earth grows 3' mushrooms. / r156#1 11/8/1968 #24642  
ots going up. Trees and damp grass burnt / 12m circle.                      3/1969 #24953  
ibrant bright domed saucer / farm. Burnt traces and holes in ground. / MJ#2 5/11/1969 #25122  
 altitude. Beams pulse going down. Burnt patches / heavy rain!              5/12/1969 #25129  
ds from the ground toward the UFO. Burnt patches of vegetation were found a 5/12/1969 #25132  
close. Windows / edge. Rises fast. Burnt patch.                             5/22/1969 #25156  
lassic saucer / farm. 40' circle / burnt soybeans found. / r180p66.         7/12/1969 #25262  
r 10 p.m. A 40-foot wide circle of burnt soybean plants was found in a fiel 7/13/1969 #25269  
 Blinding lights going down. Trees burnt. Going northwest. / r180p67.       7/16/1969 #25271  
 going quickly south. 17M circle / burnt brush found. Deep tripod indents / 9/4/1969 #25350  
 at 7:00 p.m. A 17 meter circle of burnt brush was found at the landing sit 9/4/1969 #25352  
rts involving animal reactions and burnt landing traces from New Zealand on 11/5/1969 #25452  
ew Zealand. Later three circles of burnt grass were found, and the third ci 11/5/1969 #25452  
rted to be agitated, while later a burnt circle was found on a small island 11/5/1969 #25452  
. 8M saucer / landing gear. Glows. Burnt traces. / r50+/ FSRv16#2.          11/25/1969 #25471  
 lines / 20 minute(s). Tree leaves burnt. / r180p69.                        12/18/1969 #25502  
     LAKE ANTON, SWD Night lights. Burnt landing marks by house mildly radi 4/30/1970 #25646  
om cap" maneuvers / treetop level. Burnt plants. / r50p29.                  7/24/1970 #25746  
del Alcores, Spain. It left behind burnt plants and leaves.                 7/24/1970 #25748  
0' saucer overhead. 2nd dead horse burnt up. / FSRv18#2.                    8/25/1970? #25805  
gray in color and appeared to have burnt areas along the bottom. The witnes 5/21/1971 #26121  
onsciousness. The landing site had burnt grass.                             5/27/1971 #26139  
itude. 2 11' circles / crushed and burnt crops. / r180p78.                  7/20/1971 #26238  
GUIGNAN, VAR 5.6M perfect circle / burnt discolored grass. 2nd smaller circ 9/11/1971 #26327  
' saucer hovers 2' / field. Ring / burnt soil. / MJ#209+/ r113p22+/ r41p58. 11/2/1971 #26445  
way men incoherent. Fireball seen. Burnt sugar cane. / Evening news.        11/5/1971 #26458  
en p.m. with a ball of fire, which burnt a sugar cane field.                11/5/1971 #26460  
d. 3 38cm imprints / 18' triangle. Burnt bush.                              11/25/1971 #26476  
nts in an 18 foot triangle, and  a burnt bush at the site.                  11/28/1971 #26477  
ter of the tracks there is a black burnt mark on the ground.                3/19/1972 #26617  
igure(s) outside. Broken trees and burnt grass.                             8/24/1972 #26950  
 dogs bark. Night light back. Tree burnt. Tripod marks.                     9/14/1972 #26994  
y scene / party house and guests. (Burnt down 6 weeks before!)              11/4/1972 #27108  
ing bands. Going up [to] silently. Burnt triangle.                          12/19/1972 #27180  
ing hovers / ham radio mast. Cable burnt. Abduction-try / Mar. '73. LDLN#18 2/3/1973 #27267  
r going up / field. Round hole and burnt grass. / FSRv19#6+r231 / 74.       6/1973 #27539  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Burnt grass. Going up [to] and going qui 6/10/1973 #27559  
 object / low altitude. Traces and burnt grass found / gravel pit.          9/13/1973 #27810  
Gold object lands. Vanishes. Grass burnt. Ovoid seen / 17 October. No furth 9/14/1973 #27818  
/ farm. UFO / field. Type unknown. Burnt area. Trees harmed. / T. Phillips. 10/3/1973 #27919  
as a 50 foot in diameter circle of burnt grass, and a second circle 12 feet 10/6/1973 #27961  
 a sensation of heat, an odor like burnt insulating tape, and one of the ca 10/19/1973 #28197  
ckly / extremely fast. 5 marks and burnt area. / r231'74.                   10/28/1973 #28304  
ed flashing object lands / valley. Burnt grass and odd fungus.              11/11/1973 #28407  
light buzzes all around. 2 bands / burnt weeds. / r30.                      12/1973 #28493  
d and the grass and thorn-scrub is burnt.                                   2/8/1974 #28748  
in length. The vegetation was also burnt. On the same evening at 7:30 p.m.  2/8/1974 #28749  
 ovoid and squat figure on ground. Burnt physical traces. Investigation/inv 3/1/1974 #28838  
wn / road. Figure works / dome. 60 burnt area / roadside. / r180p100.       4/30/1974 #29071  
 over field near airport. Circle / burnt grass found.                       5/5/1974 (approximate) #29082  
ight maneuvers and beeps. Treetops burnt.                                   5/11/1974 #29099  
 to the site and found "an area of burnt vegetation for a distance of 200 y 6/8/1974 #29173  
H Geologists. Large perfect oval / burnt grass. Not lightning.              8/1974 #29289  
, three sharply defined circles of burnt straw form an isosceles triangle w 8/12/1974 #29337  
us mass / low altitude. Dogs bark. Burnt trees Foret / Ecouvres.            8/26/1974 #29389  
low over field. Going quickly NNW. Burnt beet plants found. / r30p512.      8/28/1974 #29395  
ms" came in low over a beet field. Burnt beet plants were found at the site 8/28/1974 #29399  
neuvers / treetops. Animals react. Burnt patch / alfalfa.                   9/4/1974 #29419  
vel outside of Sioux City, Iowa. A burnt patch of vegetation was found in a 9/4/1974 #29423  
 / radio tower. Lands / field. 35' burnt patch and 4 indents.               9/9/1974 #29438  
t the landing site: a 35 foot wide burnt patch, and four landing pad indent 9/9/1974 #29440  
r ground / 15s. Classic 10' ring / burnt grass.                             11/1/1974 #29577  
side. The grass and a tree top was burnt, and a silvery powder residue made 11/26/1974 #29611  
 washtub-saucer going down. Beams. Burnt 20-40cm areas / ground. / r50p53.  1/1/1975 #29686  
). Silent 20M saucer shrinks to 0. Burnt dirt and snapped trees. / r180p106 2/10/1975 #29797  
ys. 5M domed saucer lands / 3 legs burnt circle. 1.3M small humanoid (or Gr 2/23/1975 #29836  
ion. 100MPH. Lands. Smoke rises. 6 burnt trees.                             4/6/1975 #29971  
At the landing site there were six burnt trees.                             4/6/1975 #29977  
were found at the site including a burnt area 25 feet in diameter. There we 5/4/1975 #30033  
  LA VILLEDIEU-DU-TEMPLE, FR Vines burnt. 8M dent / crops. 35x35cm plug gon 8/1975 (approximate) #30221  
er breakers trip 4X. 20cm circular burnt grass found.                       12/24/1975 #30735  
-Nord, France. A 0.2 meter area of burnt grass was found at the site were i 12/24/1975 #30737  
-Nord, France. A 0.2 meter area of burnt grass was found at the site were i 12/24/1975 #30739  
ucer lands / college. 4 square M / burnt trace. / LDLN#157.                 4/16/1976 #30997  
e the circles had been swirled and burnt. At 9:40 p.m. in Drumchapel, Scotl 10/5/1976 #31449  
ralyzed. Post radio RFIs. Circle / burnt dirt.                              12/12/1976 #31595  
against the wind. Holes were found burnt in the ground at a possible landin 3/7/1977 #31871  
uvers against wind. Landing holes. Burnt.                                   3/8/1977 #31875  
ania at 7:30 p.m. Holes were found burnt in the ground at a possible landin 3/8/1977 #31879  
iry farm. Observer(s) faints. Hair burnt. No wounds. Missing time?          4/19/1977 #31996  
 DALE, WALES 7' figure / aqualung. Burnt bush. TV fried. Large dog crazed-d 4/24/1977 #32020  
rs / missing time. 1 dead. 2 badly burnt. Zero recall with hypnosis.        4/25/1977 #32023  
opod/motorscooter/motorbike lights burnt out.                               5/1977 (approximate) #32039  
 abduction man. Partial paralysis. Burnt and sick.                          7/1977 #32213  
samples collected from a circle of burnt grass found on the ground reveal t 12/13/1977 #32765  
samples collected from a circle of burnt grass found on the ground reveal t 12/13/1977 #32769  
Radio. 20M soup-bowl saucer nears. Burnt grass found later.                 2/1978 #32932  
/orb/globe spins 1.5M over ground. Burnt rocks.                             7/17/1978 #33394  
witnesses found scorched earth and burnt rocks. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 7/17/1978 #33395  
witnesses found scorched earth and burnt rocks. Later that evening, at 7:15 7/17/1978 #33396  
lar? object lands. Extreme bright. Burnt dirt and grass.                    7/30/1978 #33452  
L Saucer going down / 3M altitude. Burnt grass and dark jellied crud / calc 8/2/1978 #33465  
n the area included a 12-foot wide burnt circle, with vegetation whirled co 11/24/1978 #33997  
m land there were later found some burnt areas and deep ground marks in the 12/6/1978 #34067  
ps area / beams. Quickly going up. Burnt traces etc.                        1/2/1979 #34277  
     MIRABELLO, ITL 2+kids. Flash. Burnt hair odor. 2 pseudo-human/entity p 1/3/1979 #34284  
strong burning smell, an odor like burnt human hair. The light resembled a  1/3/1979 #34290  
ects). Driver / total daze. Wiring burnt. Missing time? Abduction? / r241'7 2/5/1979 #34402  
bout town at roof-level. 1 found = burnt plastic.                           9/3/1979 #34824  
. Beams going down. 45' triangle / burnt hay found later.                   10/20/1979 #34961  
 with intense light. 2 observer(s) burnt. 1 under watchband. 1 under belt b 3/31/1980 #35243  
made a whistling sound on takeoff. Burnt grass was found at the landing sit 1/23/1981 #35796  
landing site later, with the roots burnt 3 cm below the surface. Three circ 1/23/1981 #35796  
er maneuvers over woods and lands. Burnt trees and grass / circle.          1/28/1981 #35804  
trees in Colle Maddalena, Italy. A burnt circle of grass and some charred t 1/28/1981 #35805  
trees in Colle Maddalena, Italy. A burnt circle of grass and some charred t 1/28/1981 #35806  
s going down / hiding places. Skin burnt.                                   2/1981 #35809  
Observer(s) pulled toward(s) spot. Burnt grass.                             5/4/1981 #35926  
tness felt pulled toward the spot. Burnt grass was found at the site. (NICA 5/4/1981 #35927  
tness felt pulled toward the spot. Burnt grass was found at the site.       5/4/1981 #35929  
ights area. 4' altitude. Gone. 13' burnt circle found later.                8/26/1983 #36957  
er it is found that the fuses have burnt out. The upper part of the object  5/5/1984 #37318  
ands / riverbank. 2 observer(s). 1 burnt / ray. Hums. Observers hide / hour 9/1984 #37450  
ery low altitude. Going southeast. Burnt spot very hot next day.            4/20/1985 #37581  
 object lands / hill. 20M circle / burnt plants.                            8/19/1985 #37648  
. Flash and blast. Fuses Blown and burnt.                                   7/3/1986 #37928  
 in the roof, and smells something burnt. Henley and another trucker drive  1/20/1988 #38422  
 park. Takes off. Black Pumice and burnt soil found.                        10/24/1988 #38684  
n took off again. Black pumice and burnt soil was found at the landing site 10/24/1988 #38688  
ng were simply scorch marks from a burnt hay-bale.                          9/27/1989 #39124  
rs / holes / 5M circle. 15cm deep. Burnt grass.                             11/1989 #39203  
Dull grey ovoid / yard. Power out. Burnt grass and tree.                    12/1989 #39289  
 [to] outside window. 11' circle / burnt grass found. Perfumey.             3/7/1990 #39448  
ver old airport. Lands. Circular / burnt grass. Military investigation/inve 9/21/1990 #39742  
o] over town. Possible landing and burnt traces / Batovice.                 1/18/1991 #39959  
. A possible UFO landing site with burnt traces was found in Batovice. In M 1/18/1991 #39961  
nse fog. Noise. Missing time. Face burnt. Ill.                              10/22/1991 #40214  
mily noticed that he smelled like "burnt cinnamon." He also found reddish p 11/9/1991 #40224  
g down [to] and going up and down. Burnt spots / jungle.                    5/22/1992 #40468  
HINA, BULG Cone emits blue flames. Burnt circle / grass. 12 UFO's / 22 mont 5/1993 #40960  
0 night lights / scout and return. Burnt skin!                              12/17/1994 #41897  
containing a pyramid and a wing. A burnt circle was found on the ground at  4/17/1996 #42872  
ound circular marks on the ground, burnt and dead vegetation, and branches  9/23/1996 #43039  
. At the site there were dark blue burnt areas, about the size of two footb 7/17/1999 #43806  
lso filled with an acrid odor like burnt wiring. Badly frightened, Arias ra 7/21/2002 #44362  
## Word: "burnt-brown" (Back to Top)
nska Dagbladet on July 11 finds a “burnt-brown object with a hollow cylinde 7/10/1946 #2046  
## Word: "burnt-orange" (Back to Top)
an saw a bullet-shaped object with burnt-orange exhaust fly straight and le 6/23/1952 #6598  
gan. One bullet-shaped object with burnt-orange exhaust flew straight and l 6/23/1952 #6604  
 a bullet-shaped object emitting a burnt-orange exhaust fly straight and le 6/23/1952 #6608  
y, saw a bullet-shaped object with burnt-orange exhaust fly straight and le 6/23/1952 #6613  
## Word: "burr" (Back to Top)
    Nancy, France 7:45 p.m. Didier Burr, 17, photographs a dark, disc-shape 5/26/1975 #30066  
## Word: "burrel" (Back to Top)
 driving in a wooded area of Upper Burrel Township, Pennsylvania at 10:30 p 4/17/1990 #39532  
## Word: "burrell" (Back to Top)
                             UPPER BURRELL, PA 2 / car. Part / sky starless 4/17/1990 #39531  
## Word: "burren" (Back to Top)
                             SSE / BURREN JCT., NSW Separate observer(s). D 7/7/1959 #15820  
## Word: "burro" (Back to Top)
                                   Burro Club Rayburn Building Washington,  6/3/1968 #24001  
ngton, D.C. McDonald addresses the Burro Club (Democratic Congressional Adm 6/3/1968 #24001  
O, RGN, BRZ Area lit. 2 hide under burro. Oily gunk falls. Observer(s) sick 8/4/1992 #40548  
## Word: "burros" (Back to Top)
 balloons are tethered in place; 9 burros, 109 beagles, 10 sheep, and 31 wh 4/24/1957 #13615  
osure of animals (dogs, sheep, and burros) to plutonium dispersal in a non- 5/15/1963 #17742  
## Word: "burroughs" (Back to Top)
event. A security patrol (A1C John Burroughs and S/Sgt Budd Steffens) near  12/26/1980 #35737  
hen others (S/Sgt James Penniston, Burroughs, and A1C Edward Cabansag) ente 12/26/1980 #35737  
zy.” Penniston later claims he and Burroughs encountered a “craft of unknow 12/26/1980 #35737  
rroboration from other witnesses. (Burroughs only reports a blinding white  12/26/1980 #35737  
away on the coast. After daybreak, Burroughs and Penniston return to a smal 12/26/1980 #35737  
h 20–30 servicemen (including John Burroughs, Sgt. Adrian Bustinza, Sgt. Bo 12/28/1980 #35749  
ates the records of Ret. USAF John Burroughs, Rendlesham Forest incident wi 3/13/2015 #45435  
    Rendlesham Forest witness John Burroughs states Kit Green wanted him to 12/12/2018 #45551  
## Word: "burrs" (Back to Top)
h what looked like desert dust and burrs. In a way this confirmed for her t 4/4/1977 #31943  
## Word: "burrumbeet" (Back to Top)
                                   BURRUMBEET, VCT 2+/ tram. Large Saturn n 8/1/1954 #10087  
## Word: "burruyacú" (Back to Top)
               Cañada de Alzogaray Burruyacú Tucumán Argentina Night. Broth 1/1963 #17624  
house in Cañada de Alzogaray, near Burruyacú, Tucumán, Argentina. The burn  1/1963 #17624  
## Word: "bursa" (Back to Top)
                                   BURSA, TURKEY (AP) "Mohammedan Muzzeins  3/18/1950 #4669  
## Word: "burscough" (Back to Top)
                                   BURSCOUGH, LANCS Motorcycle malfunctions 8/27/1969 #25330  
                In a rural area of Burscough, Lancashire, England a motocyc 8/28/1969 #25334  
## Word: "burson" (Back to Top)
nset, Utah 5:30 p.m. Mayor Michael Burson and his wife watch two pairs of U 10/14/1961 #16911  
## Word: "burst" (Back to Top)
sks stream past sun. 1 pauses then burst / speed.                           10/17/1849 #144  
ange course and shoot upwards then burst, throwing out three distinct objec 10/4/1898 #625  
is generally attributed to the air burst of a meteoroid. It is classified a 6/30/1908 #711  
reddish orange in color; emitted a burst giving off a green star. (Ref. 1 P 5/12/1943 #1499  
ry object, similar to a small flak burst floating. (Page 59 Ref.1) (NICAP:  2/4/1945 #1773  
ir. It suddenly disappears like a “burst soap bubble.”                      Late 3/1945 #1826  
hem and it accelerates in a sudden burst of speed to the west-northwest.    7/13/1947 #3171  
re it pulled "up with a tremendous burst of flame out of its rear and zoome 7/24/1948 #3724  
eared, and finally took off with a burst of speed.                          10/15/1948 #3843  
ight, descending vertically, which burst 100-200 feet from the ground (NICA 11/23/1948 #3886  
 four more security patrols report burst of lights like a flash bulb.       3/6/1949 #4035  
xico. It disappears “in a blinding burst of speed to the west.”             5/9/1949 #4176  
y globe hovers / mountains. Sudden burst / speed going quickly northeast.   3/14/1950 #4632  
er the mountains. It made a sudden burst of speed to the northeast.         3/14/1950 #4635  
h and disappears with a tremendous burst of speed.                          3/22/1950 #4701  
e sky for 5 minuites. It puts on a burst of speed and disappears over the h 5/5/1950 #4924  
liner. Saucer seen / 30 km. Sudden burst speed / 600 kph and away.          6/24/1950 #5000  
orbs 25' apart. DC4 chases. Gone / burst / speed.                           10/15/1950 #5228  
ecially after the object puts on a burst of speed. It dims to a pinpoint an 12/27/1950 #5368  
nampo, Korea Large red-yellow glow burst and become blue-white (NICAP: 01 - 3/10/1951 #5475  
l gunner.  A large red-yellow glow burst and became blue-white.  No further 3/10/1951 #5476  
iner for about one minute. It then burst into pieces that looked like red f 11/2/1951 #5764  
detects the objects, they put on a burst of speed and head southwest toward 7/1/1952 #6690  
 the formation and disappears in a burst of speed. The body of each seems t 7/27/1952 #7213  
alls hover / 10 minute(s). Seem to burst. / r30p62.                         10/27/1952 #8190  
nutes at 7:45 a.m., then seemed to burst.                                   10/27/1952 #8203  
nt. Turn going quickly northwest / burst of speed.                          11/24/1952 #8328  
and saw a large, dark object that "burst into light" hovering 20 m away at  6/9/1954 #9881  
and saw a large, dark object that "burst into light" hovering 20 meters awa 6/9/1954 #9883  
Truckers / D3. Luminous UFO lands. Burst / light / takeoff. Type unknown. / 10/4/1954 #10673  
 10 m diameter and took off with a burst of light.                          10/4/1954 #10692  
rs in diameter and took off with a burst of light.                          10/4/1954 #10701  
f paralysis." The object emitted a burst of green light and flew away very  10/5/1954 #10727  
ralysis. The glowing UFO emitted a burst of green light and flew away, very 10/5/1954 #10739  
off reddish and greenish sparks. A burst of orange light was seen as it jum 10/11/1954 #10927  
 witnesses wae blinded by a sudden burst of light, blue, then orange, then  10/11/1954 #10934  
off reddish and greenish sparks. A burst of orange light was seen as it jum 10/11/1954 #10943  
 witnesses was blinded by a sudden burst of light blue, then orange, then r 10/11/1954 #10951  
nue straight toward the south. The burst of fragments scattered throughout  10/13/1954 #11002  
ground, while the object emitted a burst of light. The witness ran to the h 10/15/1954 #11099  
e ground, while the object emits a burst of light. The farmer runs to the h 10/15/1954 #11109  
ground, while the object emitted a burst of light. The farmer ran to the ho 10/15/1954 #11115  
lent. Trails white sparks. Gone in burst / speed.                           11/3/1954 #11540  
o minutes. It was gone in a sudden burst of speed.                          11/3/1954 #11551  
elder. One resident sees the light burst into flame and drop to earth. Witn 4/25/1955 #12101  
 Then it accelerates in a terrific burst of speed to a position above them. 6/29/1958 #15126  
ugaru Strait and disappearing in a burst of speed. The center commander ord Spring 1959 #15662  
reak. The string did not, however, burst into flame or seem to burn. "They' 11/18/1961 #16964  
ed the Special Services Hangar and burst through the doors only to see an a 1962 #17012  
-shaped light in the sky emitted a burst which was responded to by one from 7/28/1964 #18457  
 inside the craft. Finally, with a burst of orange flame, the object rose v 8/14/1965 #19392  
 by a green light. Finally, with a burst of orange flame, the object rose v 8/15/1965 #19402  
ey watched, then "got a tremendous burst of speed" and left nearly instanta 1/11/1966 #19830  
e young men, the object frequently burst into such a bright glare that it b 3/20/1966 #19998  
s later, the object takes off in a burst of speed.                          4/8/1966 #20276  
vered, then left with a tremendous burst of speed (rapid acceleration). (NI 2/10/1967 #21501  
hts approached witnesses, gave off burst of brilliant white light, hissing  3/8/1967 #21814  
owly, then puts on such a terrific burst of speed that Demler and his autom 4/5/1967 #22066  
hts and the object belches a white burst of flame from the bottom and ascen 4/21/1967 #22194  
estimated 1.1 meters long. A white burst of flame came from the object, whi 4/21/1967 #22199  
d glow 100M from car. 2 rear tires burst! Going quickly [to] extremely fast 5/14/1967 #22341  
rgentina heard a loud noise like a burst of wind from a hurricane and saw a 7/20/1967 #22712  
gain, then shoots straight up in a burst of speed. The object is not detect 2/4/1968 #23734  
the soldiers. The corporal fired a burst of submachine gun fire at them, up 7/25/1968 #24226  
s in a sudden flash of light and a burst of hot air. The incident is invest 7/31/1968 #24271  
 then was struck in the legs by a "burst of fire" coming from a form partly 5/4/1969 #25115  
 minutes before it disappears in a burst of speed. At 3:00 a.m. they are aw 9/14/1972 #26999  
tanced the plane with a tremendous burst of speed.                          4/12/1973 #27427  
lected from the site spontaneously burst into blue flames and were likewise 5/22/1973 #27520  
dow. Then the camper door suddenly burst open. They saw a bright saucer-sha 10/14/1973 #28031  
Green caught sight of this extreme burst of light twirling in the air. It h 10/18/1973 #28162  
buquerque, New Mexico, registers a burst of energy in the upper atmosphere  5/17/1974 #29109  
here in the 250–275 MHz range. The burst throws all the facility’s instrume 5/17/1974 #29109  
moves away in a flash of light and burst of heat. The car starts again. All 8/6/1976 #31240  
ited again. After this there was a burst of light in front of them followed 8/6/1976 #31241  
OOSA, AL Metallic UFO. Car radio = burst / static. Lights rotate / bottom / 5/24/1978 #33235  
earby. His car radio experienced a burst of static as he sighted the object 5/24/1978 #33236  
earby. His car radio experienced a burst of static as he sighted the object 5/24/1978 #33238  
ently and at high speed emitting a burst of red flame from its bottom. Duri 11/24/1978 #33997  
to the craft, which takes off in a burst of red-orange flames. Small circul 11/15/1979 #35000  
more, they detect a similar small “burst” over half a mile away from the la 12/28/1980 #35749  
k down the tower, go past him, and burst into flame again at an outbuilding 8/15/1981 #36075  
t a 45 degree angle. It gave off a burst of black smoke when it turned.     9/6/1986 #38017  
mitting a loud humming sound and a burst of blue flame. They were reports o 5/10/1989 #38943  
's hover. All mailboxes / 1 street burst / flames. Beings seen. No further  6/1992 #40477  
l, bright sphere of the same color burst out of it and flew off in the dire 3/14/1995 #42095  
 where it apparently explodes in a burst of white light with no sound or sh 4/2003 #44508  
d then bolted away with an amazing burst of speed.                          2/19/2007 #45007  
ed to blue to white, with a bright burst happening occasionally. The object 12/14/2007 #45101  
## Word: "bursting" (Back to Top)
ny, Ireland, where it appears as a bursting fireball.                       12/5/1737 #60  
 After an internal hemorrhage with bursting of the gall bladder, he receive 8/11/1969 #25317  
ge of three car batteries, and the bursting of a refreshment bottle.        10/19/1976 #31481  
## Word: "bursts" (Back to Top)
ntinue a few seconds before it too bursts, emitting a shower of sparks. Blo 10/4/1898 #625  
cerbated by stray flares and shell bursts from adjoining batteries. A numbe 2/24/1942 #1388  
/cigar-shape / 90M altitude shoots bursts / sparks. Going quickly southwest 5/24/1946 #1996  
ontgomery, AL Object Zig-Zags With Bursts of Speed (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 6/28/1947 #2446  
UR SPRS, TX 6M funnel going south. Bursts into small white disks. They hove 7/10/1947 #3080  
tarts moving in level flight, then bursts into small particles. The duratio 6/6/1949 #4228  
co. They hover, then move in great bursts of speed. The objects appear thre 3/16/1950 #4657  
object going northeast. Maneuvers. Bursts / light. Shoots quickly going up. 4/12/1951 #5503  
-cylinder/cigar-shape paces plane. Bursts into red fireballs going quickly  11/2/1951 #5758  
aped "meteor" crosses sky in short bursts / motion.                         2/24/1952 (approximate) #5925  
ver and climb. Going quickly west. Bursts / speed/velocity.                 8/7/1952 #7499  
lairvoyantly perceiving cosmic ray bursts of sufficient magnitude to trigge 10/1952 #8074  
ue, NV Series of 20 ft black smoke bursts similar to antiaircraft fire (NIC 11/27/1952 #8347  
26 bomber. A series of black smoke bursts (4-3-3-4-3), similar to antiaircr 11/27/1952 #8348  
ted seeing a series of black smoke bursts (4-3-3-4-3), similar to antiaircr 11/27/1952 #8349  
ers / erratic speed. Moves / short bursts.                                  9/6/1953 #9148  
he cycle, a bright circular object bursts ahead of him. He walks back with  10/14/1954 #11060  
f and airliner, and made 2,000 mph bursts of speed. A visual sighting of th 2/17/1956 #12724  
SHAWAR, PAKISTAN Red saucer trails bursts of sparks. Goes behind Khyber hil 7/4/1956 #12950  
inescence everywhere. The fireball bursts like fireworks, seen by others on 11/29/1957 #14638  
 Then 3 more. 1 drops bubble which bursts..                                 1/27/1958 #14846  
putting on sudden and intermittent bursts of speed, before disappearing in  9/19/1963 #17946  
nd witnessed the object giving off bursts of light once per second. It took 6/12/1964 #18348  
wi is allowed to overheat until it bursts, sending fuel hurtling skyward. D 1/12/1965 #18718  
nto the field below. The car radio bursts with static, and he hears a whirr 10/26/1966 #21038  
 axis vertical. It gave out orange bursts of flame, and disappeared behind  11/12/1967 #23439  
ear), Cuba After midnight. Several bursts of machine gun fire were heard co 6/14/1968 #24029  
FO. Shortly after midnight several bursts of machine gun fire were heard co 6/14/1968 #24033  
all nears maple tree. Zips off and bursts into sparks!                      6/21/1968 #24062  
ome. Object vanished in a dazzling bursts of speed. (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 10/15/1973 #28050  
 pace his aircraft with occasional bursts of speed.                         3/11/1976 #30936  
 Car lit. Driver wipes window. Rag bursts / flame. / r210v25#1+/ r25p55.    3/22/1976 #30951  
 a short way, and the yellow cloth bursts into flame. When the white car pa 3/22/1976 #30952  
s. Car batteries dead. Coke bottle bursts..                                 10/19/1976 #31477  
s causing a loud sound in 5-second bursts. He sees over Ipswich Bay an elon 8/30/1978 #33605  
municate among themselves in quick bursts of "buzzing sounds." They glided  4/20/1980 #35281  
g through the top window before it bursts into flame. As Muchena is ringing 8/15/1981 #36075  
va, Italy at 11:30 a.m. giving off bursts of flashing light.                12/5/1984 #37517  
tov Oblast, Russia, a relief valve bursts and superheated steam at 572° F.  6/27/1985 #37609  
er. At that moment, the alert team bursts from its vehicle and runs to the  Winter 1987 #38370  
The beings seemed to move in short bursts of speed. He remembers falling do 5/1/1988 #38551  
It lands nearby and gives off more bursts of energy for 90 minutes. Cpl. S. 9/13/1990 #39729  
s). Large star maneuvers and emits bursts / light. Rises / ground / NURC re 9/18/1994 #41760  
 fluffy cloud in a clear sky that “bursts downward” with a bright white lig 1/13/1997 #43170  
e moves from side to side in short bursts before vanishing completely. The  10/18/1998 #43664  
st Sussex, England reported seeing bursts of lights in her room and then fi 1/7/1999 #43711  
some 10 minutes and then sends out bursts of light toward the ground before 1/31/2005 #44811  
## Word: "burt" (Back to Top)
Lt. Col. E.J. Stealy, lst Lt. J.W. Burt. About 10 round, white objects, one 5/4/1955 #12116  
rfield, Iceland, and 1stLt. Joseph Burt see 10–15 flying objects, 60–70 fee 5/4/1955 #12118  
ol. E. J. Stealy and 1st Lt. J. W. Burt, spotted 10 white oval-shaped objec 5/4/1955 #12119  
rt occurred on the previous day in Burt County, three counties to the east. 7/6/1974 #29239  
## Word: "burton" (Back to Top)
ckcroft, Mark Oliphant, and Philip Burton Moon; physicists Patrick Blackett 4/10/1940 #1331  
was driving homeward from Derby to Burton in Derbyshire, England when a bri 5/13/1954 #9791  
ng up. Also separate observer(s) / Burton. / r179p48+/ r73p68.              9/21/1966 #20905  
                                   Burton, CAN Early on that same morning t 9/21/1966 #20907  
that same morning two fisherman at Burton, 45 miles northwest of Summerside 9/21/1966 #20907  
side, Prince Edward Island, Canada Burton, Prince Edward Island 6:30 a.m. E 9/21/1966 #20909  
 out for an early morning catch at Burton, Prince Edward Island, when they  9/21/1966 #20909  
                                   BURTON PIDSEA, HUMBERSIDE 1 / car. Orang 9/18/1994 #41759  
## Word: "burtons" (Back to Top)
im to an open area near the local "Burtons Biscuit Factory." He then had a  4/28/2003 #44519  
## Word: "burtoo" (Back to Top)
e, England Around 1:00 a.m. Alfred Burtoo is fishing along the Basingstoke  8/12/1983 #36948  
## Word: "buruish" (Back to Top)
r electronics engineers, one named Buruish. Two flat, red squares flew wobb 4/24/1952 #6176  
## Word: "burwood" (Back to Top)
         At 9:20 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Burwood were driving between Tilshead an 9/24/1966 #20924  
## Word: "bury" (Back to Top)
ver(s). Small humanoids (or Greys) bury object. 1 observer zapped / balls w 8/19/1962 #17343  
                       NORTHEAST / BURY AND NORTH / ROCHDALE, ENGL 2 separa 8/16/1975 #30278  
                                   BURY, MANCHESTER Police Sgt. White sauce 4/2/1976 #30977  
        M62 and M66 motorways near Bury, Greater Manchester, England Knoll  4/2/1976 #30979  
ong the M62 and M66 motorways near Bury, Greater Manchester, England. As he 4/2/1976 #30979  
heading toward Knoll Hill, east of Bury. The UFO makes a right- angle turn  4/2/1976 #30979  
                              NEAR BURY, ENGL 10M silver cylinder/cigar-sha 6/21/1977 #32178  
                       Salford and Bury btn., UK On this day a 10 meter lon 6/21/1977 #32179  
n a motorcycle between Salford and Bury. It replicated all of their turns a 6/21/1977 #32179  
n a motorcycle between Salford and Bury, England. It replicated all of thei 6/21/1977 #32183  
                              NEAR BURY ST. EDMUNDS, SUFFOLK Silent object  12/2/1982 #36705  
 at 8 a.m., then followed a car in Bury St. Edmonds, Suffolk, England. Ther 12/2/1982 #36706  
                              NEAR BURY ST. EDMONDS, SUFFOLK 4 observer(s). 3/28/1992 #40402  
## Word: "bury's" (Back to Top)
                                   Bury's Bridge, Eire A man was repairing  8/21/1965 #19447  
## Word: "burying" (Back to Top)
gue sticking out from the side and burying itself in the sand just ahead of 8/15/1970 #25787  
## Word: "burzaco" (Back to Top)
                                   BURZACO, ARG G. Ciccioli abduction / tal 10/4/1972 #27047  
## Word: "burzet" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Burzet” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT      8/3/1979 #34707  
## Word: "bus" (Back to Top)
ture ufologist Ann Druffel is on a bus returning from her summer job in Lon Summer 1945 #1881  
s a yellow color. She gets off the bus and still watches it, walking home.  Summer 1945 #1881  
           US69 EAST / CLARION, IA Bus driver. 17 white saucers. At 1200'.  6/29/1947 #2460  
he Los Alamos complex and boards a bus with blacked-out windows. He sees an 4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
m. in San Martino, Lombardy, Italy bus driver Guiseppe Langiano and railway 4/3/1948 #3607  
                NEAR TIOGA, TX 7 / bus. Slow silent flat disk suddenly flip 3/16/1950 #4652  
500 feet while he is waiting for a bus in Oakland, California. They pick up 3/10/1952 #5953  
imilar to those “worn by Greyhound bus drivers.” All had coal black hair an 7/27/1952 #7216  
            WEST / GLENRIO, NM 2 / bus. 2 perfect round white disks hover.  8/11/1952 #7540  
hn Townsend Sackett is riding in a bus with about a dozen passengers near G 1/17/1953 #8549  
EAR KINGMAN, AZ Eng. / blacked-out bus. 30' saucer and 4' dead small humano 5/21/1953 #8894  
 outside Kingman, Arizona aboard a bus with its windows blackened out to vi 5/21/1953 #8898  
DT, GERM Electric engineer and 1 / bus. 2 bright objects swoop down and bac 6/8/1954 #9874  
ALENCIENNES, FR Night lights play. Bus headlights and motor stop. Passenger 9/10/1954 #10281  
40 sec. It was the size of a small bus, and there was a figure in front of  9/19/1954 #10360  
The object was the size of a small bus. The light from the object became re 9/19/1954 #10363  
ed to be about the size of a small bus, and there was a figure standing in  9/20/1954 #10371  
s, France At "Revety," people in a bus saw a reddish light coming down. Lat 9/27/1954 #10469  
, France. At "Revety," people on a bus saw a reddish light with a halo come 9/27/1954 #10474  
aw the object, the size of a small bus, taking off while its color changed  10/1/1954 #10576  
aw the object, the size of a small bus, taking off while its color changed  10/2/1954 #10607  
r department, France at 6:30 p.m., bus passengers observed a luminous objec 10/2/1954 #10617  
ect, which was the size of a small bus, take off. During the ascent the obj 10/2/1954 #10619  
s seen under it. The witness was a bus driver, Mr. De Rossi.                10/16/1954 #11140  
s seen under it. The witness was a bus driver, Mr. De Rossi.                10/16/1954 #11152  
ward the forest. Other people in a bus saw the same thing.                  12/9/1954 #11785  
 AFB Dayton, Ohio Early morning. A bus driving past Wright-Patterson AFB ne 3/29/1955? #12068  
r and ten students aboard a school bus in Dunoon, Scotland, UK sighted five 9/7/1955 #12435  
d Gertie Wynn, while waiting for a bus, saw two pulsating lights flying hor 5/9/1956 #12841  
nd diving to 50 m altitude. As the bus arrived, it seemed that the objects  5/9/1956 #12841  
d Gertie Wynn, while waiting for a bus, saw two pulsating lights flying hor 5/9/1956 #12842  
in fear of being abducted when the bus arrived, and they ran to the vehicle 5/9/1956 #12842  
for the occupants proved futile. A bus driver was said to have seen two cra 10/10/1957 #14091  
for the occupants proved futile. A bus driver was reported to have seen two 10/10/1957 #14096  
 Park, Frank C. was talking with a bus driver when they saw in the park, ab 11/5/1957 #14340  
 a.m., Frank C. was talking with a bus driver when they both saw a metallic 11/5/1957 #14351  
               EAST / PORTALES, NM Bus driver. Round metallic object hovers 11/8/1957 #14471  
CA, PERU Shocks! Car and truck and bus electro-magnetic effect (EME). 15' s 1/27/1958 #14847  
          Lima (near), Ohio Truck, bus, and car passengers felt shock; moto 1/30/1958 #14850  
altitude, glowing red. A truck and bus are also affected.                   1/30/1958 #14851  
titude, glowing red. A truck and a bus were also affected by the presence o 1/30/1958 #14852  
                PANDO, URUGUAY 2 / bus. 60M domed ovoid with colored lights 3/11/1958 #14925  
            HAVERHILL, MA 4 kids / bus. Flash! Round silver domed object go 12/17/1959 #16121  
 morning four children on a school bus in Haverhill, Massachusetts saw a fl 12/17/1959 #16122  
           SANTA CRUZ, CA 2 boys / bus. Classic saucer with transparent dom 11/2/1961 #16945  
low altitude, jumped over a school bus and landed on the outskirts of town. 4/22/1966 #20379  
mission). The two men then board a bus to Niterói and arrive at 2:30 p.m. E 8/20/1966 #20779  
ucer with glassy dome paces school bus. Responds / headlights.              6/1/1967 #22440  
ss-like dome. The object paced the bus for 2 miles. (Clausen report, NICAP  6/1/1967 #22446  
 files; U.F.O Investigator, school bus Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June, p. 3.) (NI 6/1/1967 #22446  
 SOUTH / FLORIANOPOLIS, BRZ 4 / VW bus lifted and dropped 2X! Saucer going  5/17/1968 #23967  
and a bright object, the size of a bus, 30 m away. It had yellow, green and 6/14/1968 #24028  
and a bright object, the size of a bus, 30 m away. It had yellow, green and 6/14/1968 #24030  
. Paralyzed / 3 men. Fly away / VW bus. / r113p159.                         7/23/1968 #24207  
  LARAQUETE-CURANILAHUE, CHILE 7 / bus and separate observer(s). Fireball b 7/25/1968 #24223  
arate observer(s). Fireball buzzes bus. Stops. Continues north going quickl 7/25/1968 #24223  
OM BRENES, SP 3 / car. Small oval "bus" / roadside. Only windows lit. / r23 8/15/1968 #24326  
ad. They said it resembled a small bus with windows and luminous portholes. 8/15/1968 #24332  
med disk with square windows paces bus closely. / r224p101.                 8/22/1968 #24365  
                  A woman was on a bus that stopped for a while in Macedo,  11/21/1968 #24676  
razil. At 9:30 p.m. she saw at the bus station there, about 40 yards away,  11/21/1968 #24676  
     GOLD RIVER, BC 5 observer(s). Bus malfunctions due to EME (electro-mag 12/1/1968 #24741  
      NORTH / BOCAIUVA, BRZ Many / bus. 3 luminous/glowing objects / roadsi 3/7/1969 #24980  
wing objects / roadside. 1 follows bus. Returns light signals!              3/7/1969 #24980  
e roadside by many passengers on a bus traveling north of Bocaiuva, Brazil. 3/7/1969 #24982  
One of the UFOs later followed the bus, and returned light signals from the 3/7/1969 #24982  
nd returned light signals from the bus driver.                              3/7/1969 #24982  
home in Belo Horizonte and taken a bus to Bebedouro to go fishing the eveni 5/4/1969 #25115  
three people had just arrived at a bus stop at Lindberg Boulevard and West  8/24/1970 #25802  
nesses. As the witnesses boarded a bus, one of the beings extended his arm  8/24/1970 #25802  
eared. One of the witnesses at the bus stop went back to the site that even 8/24/1970 #25803  
pherical light is hovering above a bus before disappearing.                 12/14/1970 #25938  
                             Three bus company employees were towing a bus  1/22/1971 #25995  
us company employees were towing a bus from East Budleigh to Exmouth, Engla 1/22/1971 #25995  
          STRAKEN, SWD Man waits / bus. So does small humanoid (or Grey) /  2/16/1971 #26020  
     At 6 p.m. while waiting for a bus in Straken, Sweden Ake Westerberg sa 2/16/1971 #26021  
 when he saw a vessel "as big as a bus" land near an old well. Many, perhap 9/11/1971 #26328  
 when he saw a vessel "as big as a bus" land near an old well. Many, perhap 9/12/1971 #26331  
       NORTH / ITAPERUNA, BRZ 20 / bus / panic. Saucer follows / miles. Bea 10/20/1971 (approximate) #26430  
      NORTH MONTREAL, QB Several / bus. Ovoid follows bus going north. Stop 10/28/1971 #26434  
L, QB Several / bus. Ovoid follows bus going north. Stops near power Stm. P 10/28/1971 #26434  
  At 5:45 p.m. several people on a bus in North Montreal, Quebec saw an ovo 10/28/1971 #26437  
w an ovoid UFO that followed their bus, going north. It stopped near a powe 10/28/1971 #26437  
        NEAR BANANEIRAS, BRZ Phony bus. Light-beam opens car. 2 abducted. / 11/17/1971 #26473  
10:30 p.m., several witnesses at a bus stop in Liège view a triangle of bri 7/4/1972 #26764  
 he first took to be an overturned bus, with a large blue light in the midd 8/28/1972 #26966  
e of the entity in a mirror on the bus the next day.                        9/21/1972 #27022  
rger than a car but smaller than a bus, and it vanished as if someone had t 2/18/1973 #27296  
m a show onboard a small passenger bus, when between Casalincontrada and Ch 8/16/1973 #27706  
a distance of only two meters. The bus stopped in order for the witnesses t 8/16/1973 #27706  
                 London, OH School bus driver saw a glowing yellow-orange o 10/16/1973 #28078  
                                 A bus driver in Catavi, Bolivia reported e 11/15/1973 #28426  
 1 observer. Power outage. Glowing bus with figure(s) inside floats going e 2/3/1974 (approximate) #28734  
essee instead of taking the school bus home. Although she recalls seeing no 3/20/1974 #28916  
              VALENSOLE, FR "Small bus" / ground. Large windows. Neon glowi 3/31/1974 #28976  
             At 8:00 p.m. a "small bus" shaped object was seen in Valensole 3/31/1974 #28979  
lberto Diaz is walking home from a bus stop along Daniel de Solier street,  1/4/1975 #29715  
 A. Diaz was walking home from the bus after a late night at 3:30 a.m. in P 1/5/1975 #29723  
N 4 observer(s). Large grey silent bus crosses road / low altitude. 3 south 2/22/1975 #29835  
         NEAR ZVISHAVANE, RHOD Odd bus. 1 passenger standing. Vanishes / op 8/17/1975 #30282  
Melinda Chow got off her homebound bus she saw an orange disc glowing above 9/3/1975 #30339  
ear-old witness had gotten off the bus in Bolton, Lancashire, England and w 1/23/1976 #30817  
. a 49-year-old woman waiting at a bus stop in St. Louis, Missouri saw a st 5/16/1976 #31058  
m for 15 minutes before taking the bus.                                     5/16/1976 #31058  
 It is larger than a double-decker bus and shaped like a rugby ball. All th 1/21/1977 #31742  
mer was walking to town to catch a bus. A bright greenish blue light appear 7/10/1977 #32256  
zil was walking to town to catch a bus. A bright greenish blue light appear 7/10/1977 #32257  
n police constable is waiting at a bus stop near Lewes, East Sussex, Englan Early Autumn 1977 #32456  
about 20 minutes of time. When the bus arrives, she feels a numbness as she Early Autumn 1977 #32456  
ro, Brazil 2:15 a.m. A 33-year-old bus driver named Antonio Bogado La Rúbia 9/15/1977 #32484  
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to catch a bus. As he is walking by a deserted fiel 9/15/1977 #32484  
0 a.m. Antonio La Rubia, age 33, a bus driver, was en route to work when he 9/15/1977 #32485  
 feet altitude while waiting for a bus. On an impulse, she waves at the obj Fall 1977 #32515  
s unclear after this, but when the bus arrives, she feels numb and uncoordi Fall 1977 #32515  
hey are walking home from a school bus station in Nybygda, Ringerike, Norwa 11/1/1977 #32651  
t 15–16 feet high and as long as a bus. Four black objects on the surface g 5/10/1978 #33196  
i, encountered a UFO shaped like a bus, making a humming sound. The humanoi 5/10/1978 #33198  
   RIO DJ, BRZ Electric engineer / bus photographs Saturn-saucer 2X. Observ 6/20/1978 (approximate) #33293  
d UFO, bigger than a double-decker bus, with a blue flashing light on top,  11/20/1978 #33966  
d UFO, bigger than a double-decker bus, with a blue flashing light on top,  11/20/1978 #33968  
th and the size of a double decker bus, and emitted a zooming sound (NICAP: 12/28/1978 #34216  
 a Metropolitan Transit Commission bus on the southwest side of Minneapolis 8/30/1979 #34810  
with a loud explosion. The shocked bus driver runs over the point of impact 8/30/1979 #34810  
 lights was seen by two women at a bus stop in Pentland Hills, Borders, Sco 11/8/1979 #34987  
l witness to the event surfaces, a bus driver on Burnley Road who around 4: 11/29/1980 #35682  
             HAMWORTHY, DORSET 1 / bus stop. Telepathy? Large domed saucer  12/6/1980 #35702  
 Dorset, England, is waiting for a bus and feels the urge to look up. She s 12/6/1980 #35704  
2:10 a.m. the witness was riding a bus through East Germany to Mittaguzeit  10/2/1981 #36155  
lar people before in the area. The bus continued on and he lost sight of th 10/2/1981 #36155  
rmy helicopter about the size of a bus. It is blue-black in color and seems 7/6/1982 #36531  
          SR13 / BRIGHTON, MO 10 / bus. Silent manta-delta/triangle/box-lik 10/2/1982 #36627  
vers 100–150 feet nearly above the bus. The underside is in full view and a 10/2/1982 #36629  
 Three hours later ten people in a bus in Brighton, Missouri watched a sile 10/2/1982 #36630  
.m. Rachel Morton is waiting for a bus in Whitby, North Yorkshire, England, Early 11/1982 #36673  
 Alexander is waiting for a school bus with his daughter in Rosedale, Queen 12/10/1982 #36712  
, SWD Army capt. and 2. 30M flying bus going down / woods. 2 metallic sauce 12/17/1982 #36717  
out jogging and saw a huge “flying bus” with two other metallic disc-shaped 12/17/1982 #36718  
rs a white and green object like a bus about 33 feet long and 10 feet high  12/14/1983 #37074  
      CARAGUATATUBA, BRZ Several / bus. 3 silent domed glow saucers pace bu 3/30/1986 (approximate) #37813  
. 3 silent domed glow saucers pace bus. Completely smooth.                  3/30/1986 (approximate) #37813  
         Three domed discs paced a bus in Caraguatatuba, Brazil at 11:30 p. 3/30/1986 #37814  
ngle witness walking home from the bus station in Watertown, Massachusetts, 7/15/1986 #37943  
                                 A bus driver in Peterborough, South Austra 8/11/1987 #38242  
 of light traveled parallel to his bus and effected the bus electrical syst 8/11/1987 #38242  
rallel to his bus and effected the bus electrical system.                   8/11/1987 #38242  
 WEST / BLUBBERHOUSES, NORTH YORKS Bus paced briefly / yellow saucer. Going 2/3/1988 #38438  
GHWAY, NEAR MUNDRABILLA, WEST AUST Bus driver and more/others. CB Radio Rad 2/5/1988 (approximate) #38440  
      NEAR MUNDRABILLA, WEST AUSTR Bus driver and 7. Bright night lights pa 10/1988 #38659  
r and 7. Bright night lights paces bus. Report ridiculed later.             10/1988 #38659  
                                 A bus driver and seven passengers in Mundr 10/10/1988 #38668  
right nocturnal lights paced their bus for 10 minutes at 12:10 a.m. Their r 10/10/1988 #38668  
activities. He and Mariani board a bus with blacked-out windows and ride fo 12/6/1988 #38748  
             BENFLEET, ESSEX 300' "bus" / 900' altitude. 2 rows / windows.  1/30/1989 #38808  
, England spotted a 300-foot long "bus" in the sky at 900 feet altitude. It 1/30/1989 #38810  
pular host Billy Goodman organizes bus trips to the outskirts of Groom Lake 5/24/1989 #38961  
ne of them a headache. A number of bus passengers also saw the humanoid. As 6/20/1989 #38991  
              FARMINGDALE, NY 20 / bus. Night lights near lake. 2 circles / 9/30/1989 #39134  
               SHANGHAI, CH Many / bus. UFO / 60' over road. Beam lights tr 1/11/1990 #39373  
 over a tree. Then a 40-foot long "bus" or cigar-shaped object with windows 4/17/1990 #39532  
                 KISBAJCS, HUNGARY Bus driver. 2 strong red lights. Bluish  7/24/1990 #39659  
. Low altitude. Seen on / off from bus 5-6 minute(s).                       9/21/1990 #39741  
shire, England. It was seen from a bus through the trees on and off for the 9/21/1990 #39743  
          CZESTACHOWA, POLAND 15 / bus. Sphere/orb/globe rises / buildings. 1/18/1991 #39957  
       At 3:30 p.m. 15 people on a bus in Czestochowa, Poland saw a spheric 1/18/1991 #39961  
ure dissolve. The next day, near a bus stop, she sees a strange figure wear 2/6/1991? #39974  
 COL. DE VENCE, FR 2+observer(s) / bus. Intense red Saturn-ball skims mount 1/18/1992 #40291  
            Several witnesses on a bus in Col de Vence, France saw an inten 1/18/1992 #40292  
        HEBDEN BRIDGE, WEST YORKS "Bus" rotates over hilltop. "Fairy lights 2/8/1992 #40323  
 wheel-shaped object the size of a bus. Soon he felt he was being sucked up 3/5/1992 #40359  
watched a child walk to the school bus stop at 8:05 a.m. Beyond the woods a 12/4/1992 #40742  
                  NEAR PANTHER, WV Bus driver and 2. 300' white round objec 2/19/1993 #40852  
                    At 6:20 a.m. a bus driver and two passengers saw a 300  2/19/1993 #40854  
N, RSA 4 observer(s). Rectangular "bus" flies north going quickly south ove 6/20/1993 #41025  
                    ANGERS, FR 1 / bus stop. Metallic saucer exits cloud go 5/30/1996 #42915  
 Sul, Brazil a woman waiting for a bus heard a loud roaring sound resemblin 1/2/1997 #43164  
imate size of a small 12-passenger bus. The telepathic messages he received 3/19/1997 #43235  
      CERRO MORENO MOUNTAIN, CHILE Bus malfunctions due to EME (electro-mag 7/24/1997 #43361  
RG Half-sphere zigzags and follows bus. Numerous observer(s) and video. Row 11/25/1997 #43448  
iotic engine” the size of a school bus whose alloys had an iridescent sheen 1999 #43709  
ght light in sky and pulled into a bus stop for better view. He reported se 3/10/1999 #43746  
ed gray color and is the size of a bus. It has a dome at the top and flat a 8/3/2001 #44223  
ness was driving his sister to the bus stop in Rancho Santa Margarita, Cali 5/16/2003 #44539  
een hovering on top of a Greyhound Bus traveling on Hwy 6 from Ericksdale t 11/9/2004 #44781  
## Word: "bus-like" (Back to Top)
appeared’ because there was a huge bus-like object with no wheels hovering  4/25/2007 #45023  
## Word: "bus-shaped" (Back to Top)
ir cabin, they saw a bright orange bus-shaped object on the ground about 50 7/20/1968 #24194  
ping motion and invite him into a “bus-shaped” white rectangular vehicle ho 5/17/1978 #33224  
## Word: "bus-size" (Back to Top)
      NEAR TROMBORN, FR Cop and 1. Bus-size object lands. Silhouette / fron 9/19/1954 #10356  
AN LAKE, UT SR88 11M south / US40. Bus-size saucer comes down to land near  10/15/1968 #24562  
         VINA, CA 3 separate cops. Bus-size object lights trees. Follows tr 5/24/1969 #25162  
              NEAR AZNALCOLLAR, SP Bus-size UFO lands / field. 50 pseudo-hu 9/12/1971 #26329  
## Word: "bus-sized" (Back to Top)
CENTER, ON Car ammeter freaks out. Bus-sized white round object hovers. Awa 12/12/1957 #14715  
ar, Seville, Spain, when he sees a bus-sized object landing near an abandon 9/12/1971? #26330  
             PIETERMARITZBURG, RSA Bus-sized object / 4K' altitude descends 6/22/1972 #26725  
## Word: "bus-stop" (Back to Top)
           CANNES-LA-BOCCA, FR 1 / bus-stop. Silent Saturn-saucer drops goi 12/27/1971 #26519  
   HEBDEN BRIDGE, WEST YORKS Man / bus-stop. Amber ball / light hovers and  1/28/1975 #29770  
/ 60' altitude / 40 minute(s) near bus-stop.                                2/21/1994 #41423  
## Word: "busan" (Back to Top)
                                   Busan, South Korea 150 feet offshore Bus 1/15/1956 #12661  
san, South Korea 150 feet offshore Busan, South Korea An object the apparen 1/15/1956 #12661  
ing into the sea 150 feet offshore Busan, South Korea, by large numbers of  1/15/1956 #12661  
## Word: "busbies" (Back to Top)
inded the witnesses of Guardsmen's Busbies. The figures stood motionless, f 8/28/1977 #32437  
## Word: "buscot" (Back to Top)
n the same day a married couple in Buscot, Alicante, Spain saw three UFOs i 3/6/1969 #24978  
## Word: "buses" (Back to Top)
football and the size of two large buses lifted off from the hollow in the  5/9/1985 #37589  
## Word: "bush" (Back to Top)
 atomic bomb is feasible. Vannevar Bush receives a copy. Without the help o 6/26/1941 #1366  
Research and Development; Vannevar Bush is appointed director. It subsumes  6/28/1941 #1367  
sons. To the S-1 Section, Vannevar Bush adds American physicist Samuel King 6/28/1941 #1367  
 and Development Director Vannevar Bush and Vice President Henry A. Wallace 10/9/1941 #1373  
ice President Henry A. Wallace. On Bush’s advice, Roosevelt chooses the US  10/9/1941 #1373  
 atomic energy for powering ships. Bush’s negative experiences with the Nav 10/9/1941 #1373  
 Committee, consisting of Vannevar Bush (with James B. Conant as his altern 9/23/1942 #1447  
fare/high explosives. Dr. Vannever Bush asks Einstein to consult for the OS 5/1943 #1495  
lished. Essentially it is Vannevar Bush’s existing cadre of brain trust fro 7/3/1946 #2025  
e the board’s membership. Counting Bush, this makes a board of 12.          7/3/1946 #2025  
esident Truman meets with Vannevar Bush, chairman of the Research and Devel 9/24/1947 #3422  
                          Vannevar Bush is appointed head of the new Resear 9/30/1947 #3431  
  A letter from Truman to Vannevar Bush appears to bear the original Truman 10/1/1947 #3445  
as chaired at the time by Vannevar Bush, who was the former Chairman of the 1/31/1948 #3568  
s (NACA, which later became NASA). Bush was mentioned in a Canadian Departm 1/31/1948 #3568  
ng them “headed by Doctor Vannevar Bush.” It is reasonable to deduce this g 1/31/1948 #3568  
on, Marshall contacts Dr. Vannevar Bush (director of the Research and Devel 3/25/1948 #3597  
                          Vannevar Bush resigns as chairman of the Research 10/1948 #3820  
t knew or worked with Dr. Vannever Bush during WW2, but was instead given b 3/8/1950 #4588  
ine. Also state that "Dr. Vannevar Bush heads highest secret saucer researc 3/22/1950 #4697  
d the meetings. He claims Vannevar Bush, Eric A. Walker, and John von Neuma 9/15/1950 #5178  
small group headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush.” Sarbacher later verifies the info 11/21/1950 #5282  
tor Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Vannevar Bush, Secretary of Defense James Forrest 11/18/1952 #8295  
t and she runs away and hides in a bush. About 15 feet away, she sees an ob 9/26/1954 #10451  
                                   Bush Pine, New York Mr. and Mrs. Bordes, 9/17/1955 #12459  
                              Pine Bush, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Bordes of N 9/17/1955 #12460  
Once there he walked straight to a bush and found his missing jacket. There 2/28/1959 #15624  
including a badly damaged creosote bush) where the UFO has been, as well as 4/24/1964 #18200  
is a medicine-like smell. A nearby bush is flattened oddly. Alamosa County  9/9/1967 #23026  
                              PINE BUSH, NY 3 / car. 22M saucer buzzes car  7/1968 #24098  
gth. The lights circled some scrub bush and landed remotely. Two more light 10/28/1968 #24598  
mall white sphere hovers over rose bush outside.                            7/21/1969 #25283  
here that was hovering over a rose bush outside.                            7/21/1969 #25289  
they saw something like a "burning bush" on the ground about 600 yards away 8/27/1969 #25333  
                     CRAWFORD-PINE BUSH, NY Cop wakens. Classic 30M saucer  1/4/1971 #25974  
een the towns of Crawford and Pine Bush in Ulster County, New York. The UFO 1/4/1971 #25975  
8cm imprints / 18' triangle. Burnt bush.                                    11/25/1971 #26476  
 an 18 foot triangle, and  a burnt bush at the site.                        11/28/1971 #26477  
ought they saw a fire in the thick bush land. Thinking it might be poachers 6/26/1972 #26736  
the farm laborers shouted from the bush the object moved down out of sight  6/26/1972 #26736  
they see a bright light off in the bush 300 feet from the road. They get ou 8/1972 #26864  
                                   BUSH KILL, PA Chief / police and more/ot 3/21/1973 #27355  
shiny eyes that stepped out of the bush in an isolated area. The three yout 8/4/1973 #27681  
al silence. At the landing site, a bush and some grass had been flattened,  9/27/1973 #27879  
flame-colored glow lighting up the bush to the north. It looka larger than  11/1974 #29575  
en-foot tall man standing behind a bush. (Source: Pat Miller, Sioux Falls ( 7/5/1976 #31153  
en-foot tall man standing behind a bush. He was wearing a shiny blue unifor 7/5/1976 #31154  
ets with CIA Director George H. W. Bush to discuss certain “exotic and very 11/19/1976 #31557  
ources and methods.” At one point, Bush and his aide Jennifer Fitzgerald ta 11/19/1976 #31557  
 which Carter has asked about. But Bush explains that this “information was 11/19/1976 #31557  
ate.” Carter determines to replace Bush with his Naval Academy classmate St 11/19/1976 #31557  
.-GEORGES, FR Observer(s) thrown / bush. 3 luminous globes overhead. 75 min 1/18/1977 #31726  
 WALES 7' figure / aqualung. Burnt bush. TV fried. Large dog crazed-dies. / 4/24/1977 #32020  
hat night. The next day, one large bush is found damaged: flattened in the  5/3/1977 #32050  
enter and slightly burned. A gorse bush appears to have borne a heavy weigh 5/3/1977 #32050  
very night. In daylight, one large bush was found to have damage: it was fl 5/3/1977 #32053  
ter and slightly burned. The gorse bush appeared to have had a very heavy w 5/3/1977 #32053  
 him. Frightened, he runs behind a bush. When he looks out again, the objec 10/25/1978 #33873  
 a low humming noise in the nearby bush. Walking toward it, he feels sharp  10/1979 #34936  
                              PINE BUSH, NY 7 delta/triangle/box-like craft 7/18/1980 #35417  
                              Pine Bush, NY Seven delta-shaped objects cavo 7/18/1980 #35418  
d and landed at 10:15 p.m. in Pine Bush. Ellen Crystal approached them in h 7/18/1980 #35418  
d and landed at 10:15 p.m. in Pine Bush, New York. Ellen Crystal approached 7/18/1980 #35419  
                              PINE BUSH, NY E. crystal chases UFO's. Finds  8/8/1980 #35444  
                              Pine Bush, NY Author Ellen Crystal was out in 8/8/1980 #35446  
out in an isolated field near Pine Bush by herself when she noticed a large 8/8/1980 #35446  
out in an isolated field near Pine Bush, New York by herself when she notic 8/8/1980 #35448  
                              PINE BUSH, NY Saucers / deltas all over field 8/9/1980 #35451  
, between emissaries of the Reagan/Bush campaign, with future CIA Director  10/15/1980 #35569  
 the entities and run out into the bush, thinking they are ghosts.          8/15/1981 #36075  
e John von Neuman and Dr. Vannever Bush. Also, Dr. Sarbacher thought that R 11/29/1983 #37053  
initely” involved, as was Vannevar Bush and Robert Oppenheimer.  Sarbacher  11/29/1983 #37058  
                              Pine Bush, NY UFO investigators went to a Jew 6/6/1984 #37353  
emetery in the UFO hotspot of Pine Bush, New York. A close encounter with a 6/6/1984 #37353  
emetery in the UFO hotspot of Pine Bush, New York. A close encounter with a 6/6/1984 #37354  
             On this night in Pine Bush, Orange County, New York a nocturna 8/20/1987 #38248  
                              PINE BUSH, NY Several observer(s). Delta/tria 10/9/1987 #38301  
residential candidate George H. W. Bush is approached by a UFO buff named C 3/7/1988 #38493  
ow all that stuff.” “I know some,” Bush replies, “I know a fair amount.”    3/7/1988 #38493  
            President George H. W. Bush in office                           1/20/1989 #38787  
Berlin Wall President George H. W. Bush and Soviet General Secretary Mikhai 12/2/1989 #39295  
he Berlin Wall. During the summit, Bush and Gorbachev declare an end to the 12/2/1989 #39295  
nt Board (RDB), headed by Vannevar Bush, whose name was linked to a Canadia 9/6/1990 #39717  
 is made by Raven to encourage the Bush administration to reveal the US gov Summer 1991 #40102  
ctor. A meeting to brief President Bush on the topic is scheduled for Augus Summer 1991 #40102  
                   SR302 NEAR PINE BUSH, NY 2 / truck. 9 night lights / del 7/4/1992 #40512  
ere using a disused track into the bush, when the boy noticed a movement ne 9/19/1992 #40631  
d down, then bounded away into the bush in two great strides. The entity ha 9/19/1992 #40631  
four objects landing in the “rough bush area” about 330 feet away. An entit 9/16/1994 #41754  
 SOMERSET 2 / car. Fireball behind bush jumps up over car. Blinding electri 6/25/1995 #42274  
1 April 992 by President George HW Bush and prior to that, Goldin worked at 8/7/1996 #42971  
k to investigate, and hid behind a bush for a few minutes until the craft d 12/10/1997 #43457  
riter Eugene Mallove tells him the Bush Administration’s Energy Resources A 5/17/1999 #43770  
enheimer was appointed by Vannevar Bush to head Jehovah until the AEC took  7/7/1999 #43798  
 Washington DC President George W. Bush in office                           1/20/2001 #44125  
metallurgy as far back as Vannevar Bush’s war research.  https://www.amazon 12/17/2001 #44294  
ve Branch, no staffers, no Clinton/Bush administrations, a few recognized n 10/16/2002 #44418  
of the commission include George W Bush senior advisor on science, space an 11/27/2002 #44452  
avis speaks to former Pres. George Bush Sr. on the phone about Phil Corso’s 3/26/2004 #44681  
ut Phil Corso’s claims. Davis asks Bush if Corso could have been “mistaken” 3/26/2004 #44681  
ling with recovered Nazi hardware. Bush Sr. told him it was “impossible” an 3/26/2004 #44681  
wo topics were clearly separated.” Bush Sr. tells Eric the Holloman AFB fil 3/26/2004 #44681  
a landed UAP was “the real thing.” Bush Sr. also states there was a secret  3/26/2004 #44681  
ginia, causing President George W. Bush to be taken to a bunker and Vice Pr 4/27/2005 #44827  
 the White House. First lady Laura Bush and former first lady Nancy Reagan, 5/11/2005 #44840  
          Eric Davis states George Bush Sr. says he was briefed by Col. Tru 10/17/2006 #44976  
del Rivers Congressional Hearings. Bush Sr. claims Trudeau told him that on 10/17/2006 #44976  
ect Seen / Tracked By Radar / Near Bush Ranch (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Cod 1/8/2008 #45111  
rect course to President George W. Bush’s Western White House in Crawford,  1/8/2008 #45112  
                                   Bush ranch Researcher Robert Powell writ 11/5/2008 #45187  
ace by “unknown aircraft” near the Bush ranch.                              11/5/2008 #45187  
                              Pine Bush, New York Night. Dogs belonging to  1/4/2013 #45358  
belonging to Carlos Torres of Pine Bush, New York, become noisy and agitate 1/4/2013 #45358  
 him Henry Kissinger, George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan were aware of the 11/1/2013 #45393  
ates it reminded him of a “burning bush,” and states the Office of the Watc 5/9/2022 #45747  
## Word: "bushbridge" (Back to Top)
          A 17-year-old teen named Bushbridge encountered an ovoid object b 5/19/1963 #17751  
vening a 17-year-old witness named Bushbridge, driving his car between Glen 5/20/1963 #17754  
## Word: "bushel" (Back to Top)
July sparkler, about the size of a bushel basket, no more than 100 feet awa 7/9/1947 #3068  
## Word: "bushes" (Back to Top)
e upon a misty white light in some bushes around 8:00 p.m. He then felt a t 5/8/1880 #233  
. Small humanoid (or Grey) hides / bushes. Observer(s) throws rock. Small h 7/11/1908 #714  
t a half mile and notices that the bushes part in front of the object and c 5/1931 #1126  
he landing traces included crushed bushes and broken sticks in a circular a 8/17/1953 #9078  
 sound. A 40-foot circle of broken bushes was left behind at the landing sp 8/18/1953 #9081  
Metallic boat over road going [to] bushes. Takes off as observer(s) nears.  10/25/1953 #9252  
opped as the object landed in some bushes. He walked toward it, found a cra 10/25/1953 #9253  
car when the object landed in some bushes. He walked toward it and found a  10/25/1953 #9255  
lightning. The police found broken bushes as evidence of an enormous weight 12/1953 #9327  
ified. 100M UFO flies off. Crushed bushes.                                  12/15/1953? #9365  
meter wide UFO flying off. Crushed bushes were discovered at the landing si 12/15/1953 #9367  
as a sudden movement in the nearby bushes. Martinez stopped and stood motio 4/10/1954 #9681  
ike creatures” moving between some bushes and a couple of bonfires that the 11/23/1954 #11697  
ft concealed 10 m away behind some bushes. The beings were small, about 35  11/25/1954 #11703  
meters away from them, behind some bushes. The UFO had two propellers in fr 11/25/1954 #11704  
 two other dwarfs emerged from the bushes and leaped into the sphere, carry 11/28/1954 #11720  
2 small humanoids (or Greys) run / bushes. Saucer takes off fast / sizzle s 12/8/1954 #11778  
o little men were running into the bushes. Soon thereafter, a luminous disk 12/10/1954 #11793  
watch two little men run into some bushes. Shortly afterward they saw a lum 12/10/1954 #11798  
ed object take off from behind the bushes at a high speed and dart off into 12/10/1954 #11798  
o of them walking into some nearby bushes to observe. The object now seems  8/1962 #17309  
an object took off from behind the bushes. It was shaped like a hat and sur 8/17/1962 #17335  
 approached them they ran into the bushes. A few moments later a hat-shaped 8/17/1962 #17337  
 out of their car and hide in some bushes to see what happens next. The obj Late 8/1962 #17361  
he tree and floats slowly into the bushes. They can see it crawling through 7/16/1964 #18421  
eld where the grass is crushed and bushes are broken. In the middle is drie 7/16/1964 #18421  
n opening. Snow was blown away and bushes were flattened.                   11/29/1965 #19739  
n opening. Snow was blown away and bushes were flattened during the near la 11/29/1965 #19740  
ng says he can hear the elderberry bushes scraping as it approaches and hov 3/23/1966 #20052  
cular area of crushed pussy willow bushes, about 15 feet in diameter.       4/23/1966 #20392  
ight feet high, noisy, zipped into bushes. It came back and submerged."     5/29/1967 #22422  
, who moved very rapidly among the bushes. They were dark-skinned, had bulg 7/17/1967 #22680  
 being jumped out from behind some bushes, 35 feet away. The being was 4 fe 8/23/1967 #22908  
 she left she walked away into the bushes, and moments later the humming so 9/26/1967 #23133  
ls with space visitors and burning bushes, clouds, and Ezekiel’s chariot wi 1968 #23624  
the object disappeared behind some bushes. One of the witnesses ran to wher 7/20/1968 #24194  
 place where the grass, weeds, and bushes have been pressed down.           Late 9/1968 #24511  
g from a form partly hidden in the bushes. Seized with a cramp and feeling  5/4/1969 #25115  
 25 landed small objects among the bushes just outside school grounds. From 8/19/1970 #25796  
bject, blue in color, land in some bushes near their school. Five little me 8/19/1970 #25796  
t and was found later lying in the bushes. He regained consciousness later, 8/20/1970 #25799  
nd spotted two tiny men among some bushes. One was on a rock and the other  8/20/1970 #25799  
saw two tiny figures hiding in the bushes near the school compound. As he t 8/20/1970 #25799  
CAMPINA GRANDE, BRZ 10M fireball / bushes. Chases man across dam. Emits smo 3/22/1971 #26049  
loud noise coming from some nearby bushes. They saw a huge bulky figure tha 3/25/1971 #26054  
ORD SIDING, TASM Whirr! 20M / flat bushes. Cat dies. Tripod marks. / r180p7 5/25/1971 #26132  
pears into a small “garage” in the bushes. After wandering around in a diso 6/29/1971 #26203  
in gray coveralls emerge from some bushes and enter the craft, which then t 8/16/1971 #26288  
e then appeared out of some nearby bushes and stood together. They were dre 8/16/1971 #26289  
THWEST / PALENQUE, DOM.REP Ovoid / bushes. Pseudo-human/entity stand by. On 9/22/1972 #27023  
rolina. The figure would jump into bushes and vanish when observed. The cal 12/29/1974 #29661  
ed like an ape and jumped from the bushes in front of them. They ran to a n 9/10/1975 #30351  
ed from view and were lost in some bushes ont he hill. The main witness rep 11/8/1975 #30584  
actly the same thing. Although the bushes blocked their view, the witnesses 11/8/1975 #30584  
shaped UFO had landed next to some bushes. It was about 30 feet away from h 1/5/1976 #30760  
shaped UFO had landed next to some bushes. It was about 30 feet away from h 1/5/1976 #30761  
g figure floating, near some sumac bushes 400 feet away. The figure was see 1/11/1976 #30785  
w from the head extended above the bushes that were 7-8 feet high, and exte 1/11/1976 #30785  
d a humanoid being standing in the bushes about 20 feet away beside the roa 1/26/1976 #30821  
 portion of the figure because the bushes blocked his view. After driving o 1/26/1976 #30821  
est. Black sphere rolls going [to] bushes.                                  8/14/1976 #31262  
. Hovers by sign. Dives going [to] bushes.                                  9/1976 #31317  
 field and saw it land behind some bushes on three legs. An oval-shaped ope 10/29/1976 #31505  
A UFO witness was thrown into some bushes when three glowing balls of light 1/18/1977 #31727  
orges, France was thrown into some bushes when three glowing balls of light 1/18/1977 #31728  
 match. Metallic saucer going up / bushes. Small humanoid (or Grey) / silve 2/4/1977 #31785  
lf on the ground behind some small bushes in front of the backyard fence. T 2/24/1977 #31846  
ome nearby brush. From out of some bushes beneath where the object had been 4/12/1977 #31974  
ng a curved path. From out of some bushes beneath where the object had been 4/12/1977 #31977  
they heard a rustling sound in the bushes. They then observed a huge figure 5/8/1977 #32074  
in "man," partially hidden by some bushes. He stood at least six-foot tall, 5/18/1977 #32111  
e gone. That next morning trampled bushes were foundin the quarry, along wi 8/30/1977 #32441  
ally arranged in the midst of some bushes overlooking the road, They also h 8/31/1977 #32446  
 and everything was gone. Trampled bushes were in evidence, and what looked 8/31/1977 #32446  
red and then descended behind some bushes. Tracks were later found in the n 10/25/1977 #32608  
vers and then descends behind some bushes at Åsbygda, Ringerinke, Norway. A 10/25/1977 #32609  
red and then descended behind some bushes. After about 10 seconds it rose i 10/25/1977 #32610  
, hooded figure leaped out of some bushes along the side of the road. The f 11/29/1977 #32709  
eing that is hit runs off into the bushes, and the other runs into the UFO, 12/2/1977 #32726  
hat was hit staggered off into the bushes while the second one entered the  12/2/1977 #32727  
mall humanoid (or Grey)-heads over bushes. Helmeted small humanoid (or Grey 4/9/1978 #33133  
o when they heard a noise from the bushes ahead. The youths saw a huge seve 7/9/1978 #33362  
m long and 3 cm deep, and uprooted bushes.                                  11/24/1978 #33997  
standing in the shadows among some bushes, two silvery-garbed humanoid figu 2/21/1979 #34441  
being then quickly jumped into the bushes and disappeared.                  8/15/1979 #34744  
luminous "mass" behind some nearby bushes. One of them approached and was c 10/7/1979 #34951  
 The central section was spinning; bushes beneath it were agitated. Abruptl 11/28/1980 #35680  
L, NORWAY 1 observer. UFO shines / bushes. Small humanoid (or Grey) / parka 7/25/1981 #36034  
ys in dark suits” dashing into the bushes on his right. A moment later they 8/8/1981 #36064  
that was partly hidden behind some bushes. The object then rose and disappe 9/20/1981 #36134  
rom her head and hovers above some bushes. It blinks twice and climbs into  4/25/1984 #37293  
toward a clearing among some hazel bushes, emitting small bluish flames fro 10/8/1984 #37480  
 a UFO ascend at an angle from the bushes, turn, and shoot away toward a mo 10/8/1984 #37480  
rk suit, made a long jump into the bushes. Scared, the witness also hid in  3/7/1987 #38134  
ared, the witness also hid in some bushes. From his hiding place he saw fiv 3/7/1987 #38134  
uage, but ran off quickly into the bushes when some other children approach 5/15/1991 #40064  
dro ran and hid behind some nearby bushes, while Luis ran towards town with 3/5/1992 #40359  
arn, when he heard noises from the bushes. He found one of his goats dead w 11/13/1993 #41272  
tate. The creature hid behind some bushes. It reportedly wore a golden helm 4/21/1996 #42877  
. About 50 meters away, among some bushes, the boys saw a round hairless he 9/5/1997 #43395  
ods, but it scurried away into the bushes when the witness approached.      9/5/1997 #43395  
ject hovering low over some nearby bushes. It was about 20-30 feet away and 5/23/1999 #43773  
ath where it had vanished into the bushes, but found nothing unusual.       8/22/1999 #43831  
 With a blur it vanished into some bushes.                                  3/12/2000 #43966  
the ground over some nearby laurel bushes. It appeared to be an amorphous t 8/2/2000 #44026  
sc-shaped object zoomed out of the bushes and right over the vehicle was dr 8/15/2001 #44235  
-like helmets.” The men hid in the bushes and observed the scene for about  6/14/2005 #44847  
t of the vehicle and ran into some bushes to hide. He next saw many lights  8/6/2006 #44953  
und shape to it, jumped out of the bushes and ran onto the road. They had t 10/27/2007 #45080  
r of tear gas. They approached the bushes but they failed to find anything. 4/12/2008 #45128  
loud clicks coming from some dense bushes, and three others clicks coming f 7/5/2009 #45230  
## Word: "bushey" (Back to Top)
waters Parks], Woodbridge, Suffolk Bushey, Hertfordshire Evening. A former  8/1/1963 #17860  
000 feet. An amateur astronomer in Bushey, Hertfordshire, takes a clear pho 8/1/1963 #17860  
nd deep red appeared to hover over Bushey, Watford, England. It approached  4/16/1977 #31983  
rmation of lights flew overhead in Bushey, Hertford. At 2:30 a.m. over Glas 8/4/2001 #44224  
## Word: "bushkill" (Back to Top)
jects were reported. On March 20th Bushkill Township Police Chief Harold Ko 3/1/1973 #27322  
## Word: "bushman" (Back to Top)
    Lockheed Martin scientist Boyd Bushman is awarded a patent for a device 4/17/1997 #43264  
laim UAP occupants possess.  Note: Bushman also claimed before his death he 4/17/1997 #43264  
    Lockheed Martin scientist Boyd Bushman claims before he dies that he wo 8/2014 #45413  
elluride, germanium and palladium. Bushman claims some debris and materials 8/2014 #45413  
erial in capacitors. The materials Bushman suggests were included in the UA 8/2014 #45413  
## Word: "bushnell" (Back to Top)
               Tulsa, Oklahoma Don Bushnell, plant superintendent with Sout Fall 1949 #4365  
## Word: "bushroe" (Back to Top)
w County sheriff’s deputies Buford Bushroe and John Foster see highly maneu 3/14/1966 #19966  
ter, Michigan two police officers, Bushroe and Foster, saw four highly mane 3/14/1966 #19967  
## Word: "bushwell" (Back to Top)
          New Mexico Night. Donald Bushwell and his wife are traveling alon Fall 1949 #4367  
## Word: "bushwick" (Back to Top)
rmy Sergeant for 15 minutes in the Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn, New Y 2/23/1956 #12738  
## Word: "bushy" (Back to Top)
right blue eyes straight noses and bushy eyebrows. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 5/14/1981 #35936  
ght blue eyes, straight noses, and bushy eyebrows. At a distance of 100 fee 5/14/1981 #35937  
## Word: "busied" (Back to Top)
erent kind of tool with which they busied themselves, apparently repairing  2/20/1969 #24936  
## Word: "busies" (Back to Top)
e debate.” “Unfortunately, Corbell busies up the documentary with a barrage 12/4/2018 #45550  
## Word: "busily" (Back to Top)
rass by the roadside, with two men busily working on something. They are we 5/18/1909 #758  
ao Paulo, Brazil - Geni Lisboa was busily baking wedding cakes early in the 5/27/1973 #27535  
## Word: "business" (Back to Top)
oats over the southern side of the business district where it is distinctly 9/16/1906 #688  
olm, Sweden, ostensibly on private business, and independently of each othe 8/19/1946 #2145  
 access to anyone without official business. Easley is directed to locate B 7/8/1947 #3011  
ngineer Capt. and Farmington Times business manager Clayton J. Boddy Jr. an 3/16/1950 #4657  
already infiltrated many US labor, business, church, university, student, a 1/1952 #5854  
The next morning, Greene tells his business partner Russell Rouse about the 8/1952 #7385  
pean and North American political, business, finance, academic, and media l 5/29/1954 #9840  
        Griffiss AFB [now Griffiss Business and Technology Park] in Rome, N 7/2/1954 #9984  
ff from Griffiss AFB [now Griffiss Business and Technology Park] in Rome, N 7/2/1954 #9984  
om the company’s aircraft building business and managed by Welcome Bender.  11/20/1955 #12580  
pelt, both of whom are in the UFO “business” strictly for the money. Yet to 10/1958 #15294  
es are rehired, but it isn’t quite business as usual. The USAF Project Offi 2/20/1959 #15596  
is “all set to hop on this Killian business” and begins to plan for Killian 3/27/1959 #15674  
d Training Commands: "UFOs Serious Business." Stated that UFO investigators 12/24/1959 #16132  
es instructions pertaining to “UFO business” to every air base commander in 12/24/1959 #16133  
he top are the words “UFOs Serious Business.” It says that UFOs “must be ra 12/24/1959 #16133  
urately identified as serious USAF business in the ZI [Zone of Interior]” a 12/24/1959 #16133  
es of O’Keefe’s 1959 “UFOs Serious Business” memo to the media and to commi 2/27/1960 #16186  
                 KENNEBUNKPORT, ME Business exec. Bright-red hemisphere hov 2/7/1961 #16597  
has degrees in law, economics, and business management, and at the time was 6/11/1961 #16725  
s agricultural and cattle breeding business, on whose estate the incident o 6/11/1961 #16725  
 by a lake for a picnic while on a business trip around noon. He noticed a  9/1/1962 #17382  
the marsh. Two men dressed in dark business suits show up and drive him to  5/24/1964 #18297  
a, Georgia, on his way back from a business trip when he notices a brillian 6/30/1964 #18386  
s at MacDill AFB.  Pickett and his business partner Harold Baker claim they 1966 #19799  
 Constable Colin Perks is checking business property along Alderley Road in 1/7/1966 #19813  
s publishes Flying Saucers—Serious Business, and it becomes one of the best 6/1966 #20515  
vernment should get out of the UFO business, since there was apparently not 1/25/1967 #21382  
hat the government get out of this business. My attitude right now is that  1/25/1967 #21385  
inore, California 3:30–4:00 a.m. A business executive is driving near Lake  11/8/1967 #23425  
 records. He urges the hiring of a business director. In the summer he had  10/27/1969 #25425  
wing object from front of place of business, chased at high speed (NICAP: 0 11/6/1973 #28374  
Caselle Airport in Turin, Italy; a business pilot named Ricardo Marano and  11/30/1973 #28491  
tero failed to return from a short business trip that he embarked upon on t 4/26/1974 #29064  
A married couple and the husband’s business partner purchase an abandoned r Fall 1975 #30379  
wner of a large firm and prominent business executive was driving on I-80 t 9/14/1978 #33680  
        Manlius, New York Griffiss Business and Technology Park, Rome, New  5/1980 #35298  
rom Griffiss AFB [now the Griffiss Business and Technology Park] in Rome, N 5/1980 #35298  
g, Grant Breiland goes down to the business district in Victoria, British C 10/2/1981 #36154  
ian, a man with close personal and business ties to President Ronald Reagan 1982 #36286  
mphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make i 6/20/1983 #36884  
hat I’ve never tried to make it my business since.”                         6/20/1983 #36884  
 Corp, claims the USG has been “in business” with gray extraterrestrials si 12/29/1987 #38379  
Paul Bennewitz has turned over his business to his sons and barricaded hims 8/1988 #38611  
ennifer," were driving back from a business conference in Colorado to St. L 11/6/1989 #39216  
 just checked the doors on a local business at Haines City, Florida, and tu 3/20/1992 #40394  
 base because of the flying saucer business. Zimmerman states there was no  11/2/1993 #41259  
ed object low in the sky above the business district of a western suburb of 8/23/1994 #41687  
      The witness was driving on a business trip when he had a flat tire at 4/28/1997 #43283  
ernment that are “involved in that business.” Miller states he could do thi 4/25/2002 #44333  
it will alter the entire aerospace business.” GRASP’s objective is to explo 7/29/2002 #44370  
orts, "While sitting outside of my business, visiting with a customer, we a 5/16/2007 #45031  
 Lazar’s United Nuclear Scientific business in Laingsburg, Michigan, in con 7/19/2017 #45476  
.m. The pilot of an Embraer Phenom business jet flying at 45,000 feet above 4/22/2022 #45745  
## Word: "businesses" (Back to Top)
 according to employees of several businesses around the intersection, with 2/5/1960 #16168  
te citizens make 60% of them, with businesses and journalists accounting fo 1/1/2005 #44806  
tended as a joke, has an effect on businesses both locally in Nevada and ar 9/20/2019 #45609  
## Word: "businessman" (Back to Top)
rship is attributed to a Worcester businessman named Wallace E. Tillinghast 12/22/1909 #821  
aids on Tokyo, Japan, both nights, businessman Iomoyo Okado looks up from h 5/5/1945 #1864  
on, Oregon 3:00 p.m. Boise, Idaho, businessman Kenneth Arnold, flying his C 6/24/1947 #2398  
n Michigan City, Indiana 8:00 a.m. Businessman and private pilot Leon A. Fa 4/28/1949 #4128  
untain, Oregon 2:25 p.m. Pilot and businessman Joseph Shell, ferrying an SN 5/27/1949 #4214  
Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio, businessman Thomas B. Eickhoff informs K 3/1954 #9580  
eld’s colleague, Cincinnati, Ohio, businessman Tom Eickhoff, storms into th 6/7/1954 #9872  
Eure, France Seine River 1:00 a.m. Businessman Bernard Miserey has just par 8/23/1954 #10170  
 chief of police, a Dr. Mariani, a businessman named Sory Diallo, and a gro 9/18/1954 #10348  
  Dompierre-les-Tilleuls, France A businessman, Mr. Vielle, was on Route N4 10/12/1954 #10974  
s-Tilleuls, France - Mr. Vielle, a businessman, was on Route N471 between F 10/12/1954 #10984  
Carr attracts the funding of local businessman Wilfred C. Gosnell. Soon he  1955 #11894  
nch Hill, Ohio Robert Hunnicutt, a businessman, saw three men kneeling on t 3/1955 #12021  
                    Technician and businessman Morris K. Jessup publishes T 3/1955 #12022  
Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio, businessman Thomas Eickhoff buys a copy  6/1955 #12173  
                     CALISTOGA, CA Businessman. 2 brilliant white night lig 7/31/1957 #13864  
                     Calistoga, CA Businessman watched two erratically mane 7/31/1957 #13865  
            Longchaumois, France A businessman and his wife saw a large, li 10/31/1957 #14173  
      Longchaumois, Jura, France A businessman and his wife at Longchaumois 10/31/1957 #14175  
midnight in Longchaumois, France a businessman and his wife saw a large, li 10/31/1957 #14177  
         KIRCHBURG, HUNSRUCK, GERM Businessman and 1. Silver disk with ante 5/25/1958 #15047  
France About 11 km before Laval, a businessman coming from Paris suddenly s 9/1/1958 #15245  
km before reaching Laval, France a businessman driving from Paris suddenly  9/1/1958 #15248  
f. U-turn and retreats. 8mm film / businessman.                             1/22/1961 #16583  
otographed on 8 mm movie film by a businessman. [NICAP UFOE, VIII] (NICAP:  1/22/1961 #16585  
theastern France Evening. A French businessman is driving along a minor roa 11/1962 #17525  
and State Route 614. A 31-year-old businessman named Mains, whose car had s 1/23/1965 #18760  
                  NEAR SYDNEY, NSW Businessman. 6M blue-glow disk lands by  7/20/1965 #19139  
2:02 p.m. James Kibel, a Melbourne businessman who is a member of the Victo 4/2/1966 #20208  
ia, Australia Wycheproof 7:50 p.m. Businessman Ron Sullivan is driving abou 4/4/1966 #20224  
New York City, NY 8:45 p.m. EDT. A businessman saw an oblong obiect with a  8/23/1966 #20795  
n light, and a transparent dome. A businessman from Gwinner and an Air Forc 9/13/1966 #20877  
light, and the transparent dome. A businessman from Gwinner and an Air Forc 9/13/1966 #20880  
                Boraure, Venezuela Businessman Guillermo Roldan and his dau 4/16/1967 #22140  
The 13-year-old son of a prominent businessman is riding a bicycle along a  10/9/1967 #23201  
          Reading, Great Britain A businessman driving north between Hook a 10/26/1967 #23333  
                                 A businessman driving in the pre-dawn hour 10/26/1967 #23335  
          Boyup Brook, Australia A businessman was driving toward Boyup Bro 10/30/1967 #23369  
ound nine o'clock in the evening a businessman was driving toward Boyup Bro 10/30/1967 #23372  
                  AJACCIO, CORSICA Businessman. Luminous banana going east. 1/5/1974 #28647  
 Cabrejas, Cuenca, Spain 7:00 a.m. Businessman Amadeo Villar is driving wit 5/7/1974 #29091  
        Pedroche, Córdoba, Spain A businessman and a teacher in Pedroche, C 5/15/1974 #29105  
                     On this day a businessman and a teacher had a UFO pace 5/15/1974 #29106  
ton, North Carolina at 9:30 p.m. a businessman was on his boat on the lake  6/29/1974 #29232  
ørresø Viborg, Denmark 9:00 a.m. A businessman is taking a walk along the s 11/17/1974 #29598  
vening. Humanoid report. Concerned businessman while driving through Clarks 1/27/1977 #31758  
, Mexico, organized by Mexico City businessman Guillermo Bravo. Speakers in 4/17/1977 #31987  
s the owner of the boat, who was a businessman in Milano, his wife and chil 6/22/1979 #34626  
11:00 p.m. A Brazilian electronics businessman and 9 others see a disc-shap 1/1980 #35120  
 Road Lincolnton, North Carolina A businessman driving on the Philadelphia  4/10/1980 #35266  
        Winifreda, Arg A respected businessman says he was abducted by alie 8/9/1983 #36938  
r, based on stories by Albuquerque businessman Paul Bennewitz, claims in a  12/29/1987 #38378  
nes, Cheshire, England 1:30 a.m. A businessman stops by the side of the roa 6/16/1991 #40099  
 a rare case of physical evidence. Businessman Peter Khoury had at least on 7/23/1992 #40530  
rais, Brazil Highway 491 4:00 a.m. Businessman and pilot Carlos de Souza is 1/13/1996 #42681  
        In Vancouver, Washington a businessman and a retired Navy man obser 7/18/2003 #44566  
## Word: "businessman--were" (Back to Top)
tina--a lawyer, an engineer, and a businessman--were driving along highway  6/14/1964 #18358  
## Word: "businessman-pilot" (Back to Top)
 Brazil Pelotas Airport 10:00 a.m. Businessman-pilot Haroldo Westendorff is 10/5/1996 #43057  
## Word: "businessmen" (Back to Top)
at speed.” At one point a group of businessmen waiting for a train at the C 2/21/1913 #883  
rance Near Saint Jan d'Angely, two businessmen, Messrs. Estier and Phelippe 10/1/1954 #10560  
Near St. Jean d'Angely, France two businessmen, Messrs. Estier and Phelippe 10/1/1954 #10575  
        Woodlands, New Zealand Two businessmen at Woodlands, New Zealand, w 4/11/1959 #15696  
     Bavonne, New Jersey Two local businessmen observed a dark, gray, metal 11/19/1966 #21127  
 and Lane City. Witnesses included businessmen and prominent citizens. Exac 2/19/1967 #21596  
                   ROTA, CDZ, SP 6 businessmen. 2M cylinder/cigar-shape goi 8/14/1971 #26283  
some men in black suits resembling businessmen or government agents. At thi 4/28/2003 #44519  
s investment from local Huntsville businessmen Remigrius Shatas and Robert  3/2004 #44671  
## Word: "businesswoman" (Back to Top)
h recovery. In 1949, a Los Angeles businesswoman Alma Lawson stated a “sobe 4/25/2019 #45572  
## Word: "buskerud" (Back to Top)
                         NEAR AAL, BUSKERUD, NORWAY 4 separate events / win 12/23/1951 (approximate) #5823  
## Word: "busload" (Back to Top)
     FOUSSIGNARGUES AND REVETY, FR Busload / observer(s). Glowing-tomato wi 9/27/1954 #10455  
          HIGHWAY NEAR NAZARE, BRZ Busload / law students etc. Saucer cause 4/2/1972 (approximate) #26634  
              NEAR HIMKOMBINAT, RS Busload / observer(s). Cone beams lights 12/30/1988 #38766  
               VOTORANTIM, SP, BRZ Busload / observer(s) stops. Silent clas 6/20/1992 #40500  
## Word: "busot" (Back to Top)
                   CABESO DOR MTS, BUSOT, SPAIN 3 night lights light up mou 3/6/1969 #24972  
## Word: "buss" (Back to Top)
, England Afternoon. Albert Alfred Buss is observing the sun using a spectr 10/10/1914 #920  
d. Present are Air Commodore K. C. Buss (Air Ministry), Gen. George C. McDo 9/6/1944 #1665  
## Word: "busse" (Back to Top)
 Palatine, Illinois Lincoln Avenue Busse Woods (Ned Brown Forest Preserve)  11/27/1982 #36697  
he tree line, seemingly landing in Busse Woods (Ned Brown Forest Preserve). 11/27/1982 #36697  
## Word: "bussed" (Back to Top)
ssachusetts when their vehicle was bussed by two glowing saucers. The objec 4/17/1950 #4861  
## Word: "bussieres" (Back to Top)
                                   BUSSIERES, FR Civil records. Flaming 'dr 2/5/1780 #87  
## Word: "bussieres-saint-georges" (Back to Top)
                                   Bussieres-Saint-Georges, France 1:00 AM. 1/18/1977 #31727  
                  A UFO witness in Bussieres-Saint-Georges, France was thro 1/18/1977 #31728  
## Word: "bussieres-st" (Back to Top)
                                   BUSSIERES-ST.-GEORGES, FR Observer(s) th 1/18/1977 #31726  
## Word: "bussy" (Back to Top)
                                   BUSSY, FR Fat grey cylinder/cigar-shape  3/9/1997 #43224  
## Word: "bust" (Back to Top)
lopango Airport. Castillo tried to bust the operation, but discovers that t 4/13/1989 #38905  
## Word: "busteni" (Back to Top)
                                   BUSTENI RESORT, ROMANIA Several observer 6/12/1971 #26169  
## Word: "buster" (Back to Top)
cemen are preparing to observe the Buster Charlie atomic test at Area 7 of  10/30/1951 #5754  
## Word: "bustinza" (Back to Top)
luding John Burroughs, Sgt. Adrian Bustinza, Sgt. Bobby Ball, and Sgt. Monr 12/28/1980 #35749  
boxes and pipes. An officer orders Bustinza and Warren (now feeling nauseou 12/28/1980 #35750  
## Word: "buston" (Back to Top)
 or disc-shaped object was seen in Buston, Derby, England. There was a yell 10/24/1967 #23307  
## Word: "bustos" (Back to Top)
                         CORRAL DE BUSTOS, ARG Night light flies over car / 11/15/1969 #25457  
         Three people in Corral de Bustos, Argentina observed a luminous ob 11/15/1969 #25460  
## Word: "busts" (Back to Top)
t dome or cupola which showed the "busts" of two large heads. They stopped  11/8/1976 #31532  
## Word: "busy" (Back to Top)
dren, all moving about “as if very busy.”                                   4/11/1897 #434  
-purple clothes. They seemed to be busy with a hose, plunging it into the w 8/1914 #905  
-purple clothes. They seemed to be busy with a hose, plunging it into the w 8/1914 #906  
vendor photographs hat saucer over busy street. People stare. See reference 1/1942? #1386  
ressed in outfits and headgear are busy around it. When she honks her horn, Early 7/1947 #2547  
] near Mount Clemens, Michigan, is busy monitoring the night flying units o 3/9/1950 #4598  
sses bay 4X. Fireball paces plane. Busy all month / USAF.                   4/21/1954 #9699  
ield. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) busy outside. Observer(s) runs. / LDLN#2 8/1954 #10073  
s four beings 1.2 meters tall were busy underneath a blue cigar-shaped obje 10/10/1954 #10898  
 four dwarfs, 1 m tall, who seemed busy with the machine. The creatures rus 10/11/1954 #10934  
dwarfs, one meter tall, who seemed busy with the machine. The creatures rus 10/11/1954 #10951  
to observe the six men, apparently busy with instruments. Reliable investig 10/23/1954 #11338  
to observe the six men, apparently busy with their instruments. Reliable in 10/23/1954 #11344  
               While the UFOs were busy over the northern Plain States they 11/8/1956 #13315  
interested in UFOs anymore and too busy.                                    7/30/1958 #15162  
es surrounded by illumination, are busy with some unknown task. The men and 6/26/1959 #15790  
vers for at least 5 minutes over a busy drive-in. Pen Meyer, another servic 2/5/1960 #16168  
ure. Rises and vanishes instantly. Busy area!                               4/1961 #16640  
y reverses its course. Bedel is so busy staring at the spectacle that he lo 1/17/1967 #21333  
l the neighbors, all she gets is a busy signal, and when she looks outside  5/1967 #22256  
 them was bending over, apparently busy with something on the ground, and a 8/29/1967 #22953  
 down outside their residence on a busy street in the populous neighborhood 10/2/1971 #26400  
and with hands that appeared to be busy working instruments. She next heard 6/23/1973 #27584  
emed to stand still. The noisy and busy coffee bar, occupied by 80 people,  7/12/1975 #30175  
with little black knobs. They were busy manipulating the knobs while a thir 8/25/1976 #31302  
entering a tunnel; and a view of a busy Rio thoroughfare. One scene showed  9/15/1977 #32485  
 some puzzlement that the normally busy street is strangely quiet and devoi 7/21/1978 #33407  
bot-like being that was apparently busy disecting the large bones of some a 9/6/1978 #33640  
, CA Rattle-noise. Large bowl over busy freeway. 1 of 3 in car sees.        10/12/1979 #34952  
ny observer(s). Saucer hovers over busy intersection. Low-frequency Radio F 11/27/1979 #35018  
s of light while it hovered over a busy traffic intersection in Madrid, Spa 11/27/1979 #35023  
c 20M cylinder/cigar-shape follows busy highway N29 going [to] east-northea 2/20/1980 (approximate) #35179  
her two children were driving on a busy highway when they spotted a rectang 3/15/1982 #36394  
ffic, although the road is usually busy. The object is round and has blue,  Spring 1983 #36790  
a medallion on it. The beings were busy making quick gestures, when they su 5/29/1986 #37898  
issing time. Greys and USAF types! Busy time / area.                        8/1988 (approximate) #38610  
nd 2 small saucers / low altitude. Busy area strangely empty..              4/15/1989 #38906  
m huge triangle. 'Bigger / 747'. A busy night.                              11/24/1990 #39904  
Big flash. Air glows white / 500M! Busy area. / r226#26.                    4/18/1992 #40421  
g time. Pain and marks. Oz-factor? busy road empty.                         8/8/1992 #40557  
NCOLNTON, NC SR150 north / town is busy spot. Lady videos domed saucer / 11 5/6/1993 #40968  
want to. Just leave me alone, I am busy." The woman ran back to her bedroom 5/30/1993 #40997  
    At 5:30 p.m. Karen Manning was busy cooking in her second floor apartme 6/15/1994 #41568  
 4 dia / moon. No further details. Busy area.                               4/25/1996 #42883  
UAP research to keep the community busy with disinformation. He also states 1/23/1999 #43720  
 and above Interstate 75, which is busy with cars and large trucks. It hove 10/31/2000 #44068  
ry low and very slow over a major, busy, metropolitan area, and was complet 11/13/2001 #44276  
 triangle was seen moving toward a busy intersection in Bloomington, Indian 11/13/2002 #44441  
n hover for several minutes over a busy airport but not be registered on ra 11/7/2006 #44981  
hovered nearby, and crossed over a busy interstate highway in Tampa, Florid 1/24/2010 #45267  
 Crawley, West Sussex, England, in busy airspace when the First Officer and 5/5/2018 #45526  
## Word: "butane" (Back to Top)
ome 900 feet away. It looks like a butane tank “as long as a telephone pole 4/26/1964 #18209  
d, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Butane 1-1” Yield: 4.6KT                 3/30/1965 #18880  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Butane 1-2” Yield: 7.6KT                 6/10/1965 #19000  
an Sea Over 50 UFOs surrounded the butane freighter "Tamames" in the Medite 2/9/1979 #34414  
       Over 50 UFOs surrounded the butane freighter "Tamames" in the Medite 2/9/1979 #34417  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Butane 2-1” Yield: 3.2KT                 6/16/1980 #35377  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Butane 2-2” Yield: 3.2KT                 6/25/1980 #35390  
## Word: "butano" (Back to Top)
                                   BUTANO ST. PARK, CA Several observer(s). 11/3/1964 #18604  
                                   Butano Creek Girl Scout Camp Pescadero,  11/3/1964 #18605  
ng dog alerts the caretaker of the Butano Creek Girl Scout Camp near Pescad 11/3/1964 #18605  
## Word: "butcher" (Back to Top)
he sea. Witness: Georges Galant, a butcher.                                 10/3/1954 #10660  
 toward the sea. The witness was a butcher named Georges Galant.            10/3/1954 #10669  
veral times on the farm of William Butcher. It was chromelike, measured abo 8/5/1965 #19328  
    Cherry Creek, NY Cherry Creek (Butcher) Trace Case (NICAP: 04 - Animal  8/19/1965 #19423  
k New York Witnesses: Mrs. William Butcher, son Harold, 17, and children.   8/19/1965 #19424  
orce Station 8:20–9:00 p.m. Harold Butcher, 16, is milking the cows in his  8/19/1965 #19427  
de, the boy’s mother, Mrs. William Butcher, notes that there is “definite i 8/19/1965 #19427  
thers in the house include William Butcher Jr. and Kathleen Brougham, a fri 8/19/1965 #19427  
r suffer from upset stomachs. Mrs. Butcher says the cows produce only one c 8/19/1965 #19427  
herry Creek, New York Mrs. William Butcher, her son Harold, age 17, and oth 8/19/1965 #19428  
ow altitude on the farm of William Butcher. It was shaped like two saucers  8/20/1965 #19439  
## Word: "butchered" (Back to Top)
f a strong red cable; it was found butchered in a field the next day. (NICA 4/19/1897 #532  
f a strong red cable; it was found butchered in a field the next day.       4/19/1897 #533  
 and what sounded like a pig being butchered were heard. Light signals.     4/1/1966 #20199  
## Word: "butchering" (Back to Top)
 carcasses, including the apparent butchering of sex organs. The lack of bl 12/1973 #28494  
## Word: "buteo" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Buteo” YieldMax: 20KT                    5/12/1965 #18937  
## Word: "butler" (Back to Top)
 City 12:15 a.m. Dairy farmer Dick Butler is returning to his farm in Wolf  4/4/1897 #414  
 wagon into the ditch. By the time Butler recovers, the object is moving br 4/4/1897 #414  
workers (a man named Nelson, A. C. Butler, and Albert Profitt) are driving  9/1944 #1662  
                  SR38 NORTHEAST / BUTLER, PA 4 / car. Silver football flas 4/2/1950 #4789  
                                   BUTLER, MO Bureaucrat. Silent silver 30M 3/29/1952 #5985  
                                   Butler, MO Chairman of Industrial Commis 3/29/1952 #5986  
                                   Butler, Missouri 6:40 p.m. Carl J. Henry 3/29/1952 #5994  
inutes almost directly overhead in Butler, Missouri. It is moving silently  3/29/1952 #5994  
                                   BUTLER, MO Project Bluebook Case #3185 / 9/4/1954 #10244  
                                   Butler, Missouri Witness:  J. Faltemeier 9/4/1954 #10246  
                                   Butler, MO 3 AM CST 20-30 lights, as if  9/5/1954 #10254  
                                   Butler, MO 12:23 AM CST silver or white  9/5/1954 #10255  
                                   Butler, Missouri Witness:  J. Faltemeier 9/5/1954 #10256  
                            EAST / BUTLER, PA 2 / farm. 60cm washtub saucer 9/5/1956 (approximate) #13188  
ip, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Butler Valley Turnpike exit 7:30 p.m. Si 11/23/1957 #14604  
 State Highway 8 just north of the Butler Valley Turnpike exit in Richland  11/23/1957 #14604  
t, North Dakota, M/Sgt. William R. Butler, a medic, sees one bright-green o 11/1958 #15415  
Dakota Witness:  M/Sgt. William R. Butler, medic. One bright green object,  11/3/1958 #15421  
dfordshire, England 1:45 p.m. Alex Butler, 10, and five young friends are p 1/28/1967 #21409  
42 a.m. Erie County Constable Gary Butler is patrolling in the area of NASA 2/10/1967 #21504  
                                   BUTLER, PA Globes going down. 5 odd pseu 3/20/1967 #21919  
                                   Butler, Pennsylvania A man and his daugh 3/20/1967 #21922  
                                   Butler, Pennsylvania 11:00 p.m. A man an 3/20/1967 #21923  
. A man and his daughter living in Butler, Pennsylvania, take the car out t 3/20/1967 #21923  
:45 p.m. a man and his daughter in Butler, Pennsylvania saw two lights that 3/20/1967 #21927  
US Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. John Rich Butler and copilot Lt. John H. Gould are 11/22/1967 #23498  
                                   Butler, IN 1:55 p.m. 8-10' altitude!!! C 9/11/1972 #26987  
the Aubury Evening News was in the Butler Police Station when a woman walke 9/11/1972 #26987  
          MILLVILLE, OH Also other Butler county locations. Too many UFO re 10/15/1973 #28037  
ailroad tracks on the outskirts of Butler, Ohio when they heard a noise fro 7/9/1978 #33362  
hite disc-shaped object stopped in Butler County, Pennsylvania when hit by  9/11/1982 #36600  
                                   BUTLER CO, PA Longitude & latitude coord 9/12/1982 #36601  
                                   Butler, PA UFO emitted six light beams t 1/7/1986 #37754  
                                   Butler, PA UFO emitted six light beams t 1/7/1986 #37755  
                                   Butler, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh A UFO em 1/7/1986 #37756  
light toward the ground is seen in Butler, Pennsylvania. In Pittsburgh, 20  1/7/1986 #37756  
court in the mountain community of Butler, Pennsylvania at 10:54 p.m. a UFO 1/7/1986 #37757  
haped object flew over the town of Butler, Pennsylvania making a roaring so 2/24/1989 #38850  
                                   BUTLER, PA Multiple observer(s). Silent  8/31/1989 #39077  
                                   Butler Township, PA Luminous mushroom-sh 8/31/1989 #39079  
                                   Butler Township, PA Luminous mushroom-sh 8/31/1989 #39080  
th a light hovered over a field in Butler, Pennsylvania. Two smaller object 8/31/1989 #39081  
ickly south. Going quickly north / Butler co / 1745 hours. / Pasu.          8/16/1999 #43823  
n again, this time flying north in Butler County, Pennsylvania. A married c 8/16/1999 #43824  
## Word: "butner" (Back to Top)
                                   BUTNER, NC 2 / car. Dark UFO 500' over I 5/2/1993 #40964  
## Word: "butt" (Back to Top)
                                   Butt Valley Reservoir Humbug Valley, Cal 7/31/1933 #1169  
fornia 9:15 p.m. Somewhere between Butt Valley Reservoir and Humbug Valley, 7/31/1933 #1169  
t. Flores strikes one with his gun butt, but it has no effect and feels lik 12/9/1954 #11788  
ke striking rock. The wooden rifle butt cracks from the impact. Gómez faint 12/9/1954 #11788  
ft. Flores struck one with his gun butt, but it had no effect and felt like 12/10/1954 #11798  
ke striking rock. The wooden rifle butt cracked from the impact. Gomez fain 12/10/1954 #11798  
## Word: "butte" (Back to Top)
          Eugene, Oregon Skinner's Butte Day. E. H. Sprinkle is one of a ha 6/18/1947 #2340  
northeast. Watching from Skinner’s Butte outside town. Sprinkle takes a sna 6/18/1947 #2340  
                                   BUTTE, CA Hundreds / silvery balls join  10/11/1950 #5218  
e-Ile, France At a place alled "La Butte" a luminous sphere, which seemed t 11/21/1952 #8315  
             At a place called "La Butte" on Belle-Ile, France a luminous s 11/21/1952 #8318  
                                   BUTTE CO, ID Several observer(s). Brilli 6/26/1954 #9949  
nt Nicolas de Redon, France At "La Butte Rouge" two railroad engineers, Ber 9/28/1954 #10486  
es to Auray. When they reached "La Butte Rouge" they saw a dark object take 9/28/1954 #10491  
                                   Butte Falls, Oregon Two men in a car nea Late 8/1960 #16416  
alls, Oregon Two men in a car near Butte Falls, Oregon, see a pale-white li Late 8/1960 #16416  
                              LONE BUTTE, BC 3+observer(s). 5 night lights  7/11/1967 #22648  
                              Lone Butte, BC, CAN Evening. Witnesses saw 13 7/11/1967 #22649  
                              LONE BUTTE, BC 1 observer. 28' domed saucer o 2/3/1968 (approximate) #23728  
ng quickly north. Lost behind deer butte.                                   7/21/1974 #29272  
                            PRIEST BUTTE, MT 2 / east slope. Large ovoid /  10/20/1975 #30451  
                            Priest Butte, MT 4:30 p.m. A couple living on a 10/20/1975 #30452  
uple living on a ranch near Priest Butte, Montana, reported that they had s 10/20/1975 #30452  
 home, on the east slope of Priest Butte. Using binoculars, they described  10/20/1975 #30452  
                             SIMON BUTTE, WA Satus Parkway lookouts. Big gl 10/26/1976 #31496  
ed cylinder/cigar-shape going up / butte fast. No flames.                   10/26/1976 #31496  
 Wilderness Area Mount Adams Simon Butte 11:00 p.m. A fire lookout at the S 9/12/1979 #34867  
 balls appear in the area of Simon Butte. Moving erratically. They are join 9/12/1979 #34867  
                             SIMON BUTTE, WA 2 lookouts / Satus Peak. 2+1 o 9/13/1979 #34868  
 lights going north toward(s) Lake Butte des Morts. Several calls / cops.   11/2/1995 #42578  
ted include: Edwards AFB, Haystack Butte, China Lake, George AFB, Norton AF 8/30/1996 #43001  
isclosure03.htm     Note: Haystack Butte is linked to one anonymous source  8/30/1996 #43001  
rce Laboratory deep under Haystack Butte at Edwards AFB. Wolf suggests unde 8/30/1996 #43001  
pers at a campsite on Berry Creek, Butte County, California viewed one ciga 7/15/2010 #45287  
## Word: "butterflies" (Back to Top)
minutes later, she notices monarch butterflies are getting entangled in “sh 10/23/1973 #28250  
## Word: "butterfly" (Back to Top)
d "wings" that made it look like a butterfly. It then took a vertical posit 9/4/1953 #9144  
e "wings" that made it look like a butterfly. It then shifted to a vertical 9/4/1953 #9145  
g west. Going east. Unfolds like a butterfly.                               6/4/1984 #37350  
s that resemble the top wings of a butterfly. The sightings is the most rec 8/9/2017 #45478  
## Word: "buttermore" (Back to Top)
Arizona Witnesses:  attorneys W.B. Buttermore and J.W. Smith. One blue-whit 8/8/1956 #13062  
## Word: "butternut" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Butternut” Yield: 81KT                   5/11/1958 #15029  
## Word: "butterworth" (Back to Top)
                                   BUTTERWORTH RAAF, MALAYSIA Rumor. 2 jets 7/4/1959 (approximate) #15811  
                                   BUTTERWORTH, PINANG, MLYS RAAF man photo 1/2/1979 #34279  
## Word: "buttes" (Back to Top)
                            SUTTER BUTTES, CA 2 / farm. Brilliant white obj 5/13/1950 #4941  
. It was just a streak through the buttes as it approached from the north a 11/8/1956 #13314  
## Word: "buttocks" (Back to Top)
covered two puncture wounds on her buttocks and small lumps in mid chest. ( 8/30/1978 #33600  
## Word: "button" (Back to Top)
t, hooked up his harness, pushed a button, took off with the object's nose  9/21/1954 #10382  
ct, hooks up his harness, pushes a button, takes off with the object’s nose 9/21/1954 #10383  
her, I must go" and pushed a white button on his belt buckle. At this a bea 5/16/1973 #27496  
d them. The conductor hits a reset button and the train starts with no trou 10/20/1973 #28216  
(or Greys) take body samples and 1 button! / r110p70+/ r41p546.             10/27/1975 #30478  
dy. The Grey humanoids also took a button from his clothes. Finally, he put 10/27/1975 #30489  
hts. Small humanoid (or Grey) hits button and flies away. / FSRv23#6.       7/12/1977 #32259  
ct in the middle. The man pushes a button on the wall and the object rises. 5/16/1979 #34563  
ct in the middle. The man pushed a button on the wall and the object rose u 5/16/1979 #34564  
kin, reddish blond hair, and black button eyes. His nose was small, his lip 7/12/1998 #43602  
e disk going [to] overhead. Size / button / arms length. Going west to wood 12/26/1998 #43703  
## Word: "buttoned" (Back to Top)
e tan trench coats which they kept buttoned from knee to collar. The taller 1/28/1967 #21411  
urrounded by four entities wearing buttoned jackets, a rucksack, and helmet 9/21/1978 #33723  
tall entities were closer, wearing buttoned jackets, backpacks, and helmets 9/21/1978 #33725  
y, his shoes untied, and his shirt buttoned improperly. At first his memory 11/15/1978 #33959  
## Word: "buttonhole" (Back to Top)
ng jacket. There was a pencil in a buttonhole with a piece of paper wound t 2/28/1959 #15624  
## Word: "buttonhook" (Back to Top)
t change of course resulting in a "buttonhook" effect on the image. Both ph 12/24/1970 #25952  
## Word: "buttons" (Back to Top)
s neck, and they could not see any buttons or seams. He also wore a very wi 8/20/1954 #10158  
ay cloaks, and doublets with shiny buttons; on their heads were reddish hel 11/1/1954 #11520  
LLE, CA Engineer. 2 large aluminum buttons with rims going south / 50kph. A 10/1955 (approximate) #12473  
dressed in a green suit with shiny buttons, a green tam-o-shanter-like cap, 11/6/1957 #14414  
ssed in a green uniform with shiny buttons, and wore what looked like a gre 11/6/1957 #14438  
one-piece coverall with no visible buttons or fasteners, and gloves made of 3/13/1963 #17705  
one-piece coverall with no visible buttons or fasteners, and gloves made of 3/13/1963 #17706  
hite" clothing with numerous black buttons on his chest. Then the object to 4/23/1966 #20392  
was dressed in a gold suit with no buttons or zippers. His costume was shin 11/17/1966 #21119  
in tight, silvery garments without buttons, covering them from head to foot 2/6/1969 #24897  
-fitting silvery coveralls without buttons. Their facial features were visi 2/7/1969 #24902  
d head, "like a machine", luminous buttons, and fiery eyes. "The specter fa 8/16/1972 #26922  
here is a table with multi-colored buttons, a screen on the wall, and two a 10/22/1972 #27085  
n air. Next the being pressed some buttons on his belt apparatus, which cau 11/28/1972 #27150  
ooking up at the sky pressed other buttons on his belt. The being went outs 11/28/1972 #27150  
her right was a console covered in buttons and dials. The floor was covered 10/16/1973 #28089  
ight room with lots of "lights and buttons" and glass tubes containing liqu 10/16/1973 #28093  
re gloves and gold boots with gold buttons on the chest. The being paid for 11/11/1973 #28410  
 shoulder, with a vertical row of "buttons" on each side of the chest. Both 1/7/1974 #28661  
nd nimbly fingered several silvery buttons. The seat began to revolve along 2/5/1978 #32957  
embers started desperately pushing buttons. The central platform began to r 2/5/1978 #32957  
 leg. Inside, he sees a panel with buttons and some tables. A robot-like en 9/6/1978 #33638  
e, he was able to see a panel with buttons, tables, and a small robot-like  9/6/1978 #33640  
ts, silver waistcoats, with silver buttons and boots. Their faces were dark 10/28/1989 #39191  
## Word: "buttram" (Back to Top)
promoter Jimmy Burge, oilman Frank Buttram, and publisher Edward K. Gaylord 5/4/1959 #15722  
## Word: "buttressed" (Back to Top)
s later. Webb’s background checks, buttressed by psychological analyses, co 8/7/1968 #24307  
## Word: "butts" (Back to Top)
                                   BUTTS CO, GA Black saucer-shape hovers o 9/22/1999 #43853  
## Word: "buxton" (Back to Top)
                                   BUXTON, ENGL 30' round object seen. Yell 10/24/1967 #23298  
                           SOUTH / BUXTON, DERBYSHIRE 2 observer(s). Silent 9/18/1973 #27830  
## Word: "buy" (Back to Top)
ere looking for desert property to buy they came upon the Papagos Indian Re 1/1947 #2221  
 The memo is a desperate effort to buy time for Battelle to finish its stat 1/9/1953 #8521  
 January and February, which would buy some time, but the suggestion is rej 1/9/1953 #8522  
n attack, favoring a quarantine to buy time to negotiate a missile withdraw 10/16/1962 #17475  
sota A boy who had gone outside to buy a newspaper saw an object resembling 3/12/1967 #21871  
outside in Rochester, Minnesota to buy a newspaper saw an object resembling 3/12/1967 #21873  
razil when he made a brief stop to buy some beers. He walked on from the ma 12/9/1996 #43133  
 again called him and suggested he buy Skinwalker from Bigelow, so he did.  10/27/2022 #45784  
## Word: "buyer" (Back to Top)
ulare County Late afternoon. Grain buyer Reinhold O. Schmidt is driving thr 11/5/1957 #14343  
## Word: "buying" (Back to Top)
h they use for running errands and buying groceries. (A schematic drawing o 11/5/1957 #14343  
tor’s alternative energy device by buying it and shelving it.  https://yout 11/15/2015 #45440  
## Word: "buys" (Back to Top)
 Airport sightings in D.C. when he buys a newspaper in the Washington Natio 7/21/1952 #6981  
orgia, barber named Edward Watters buys a monkey from a pet shop, shaves an 7/7/1953 #8989  
 Ohio, businessman Thomas Eickhoff buys a copy of George Adamski’s Inside t 6/1955 #12173  
## Word: "buzancy" (Back to Top)
                                   BUZANCY, FR 3 observer(s). 5 disks going 8/5/1955 #12328  
                                   Buzancy, Ardennes, France Messrs. Coisin 8/5/1955 #12330  
                                   Buzancy, Ardennes, France - At 2:30 p.m. 8/5/1955 #12332  
isc-shaped machines coming down in Buzancy, Ardennes, France. They maneuver 8/5/1955 #12334  
## Word: "buzau" (Back to Top)
              Carpathian Mountains Buzau River, Romania Întorsura Buzăului  6/22/1995 #42267  
hern Carpathian Mountains near the Buzau River, Romania, notice several bri 6/22/1995 #42267  
## Word: "buzz" (Back to Top)
romwell Road making an engine-like buzz. The light is on a dark, fast-movin 3/23/1909 #725  
 UT Disk hovers very low / desert. Buzz and slow ascent. Then streaks away. 8/1910 (approximate) #842  
. Glowing-orbs and ovoids pace and buzz planes and airfields..              1941 #1351  
 Moon-size. Going east with slight buzz.                                    7/1943? #1514  
in flight, which resembled the V-1 buzz bomb but was somewhat smaller. The  2/28/1947 #2244  
R PUEBLO, CO Lowry and 1. 2 ovoids buzz car / sequence. Spin fast. 90-turn  6/25/1947 #2405  
rside. Blue-white light comes out. Buzz and whirr.                          6/29/1947 #2462  
bserver(s). 13 house-sized saucers buzz going quickly east / single file. B 7/7/1947 #2865  
e fast. Level off / 600M altitude. Buzz and whirl / 2 minute(s).            3/31/1950 #4775  
       SAN FRANCISCO, CA 2 saucers buzz house. Stop. Go going up [to] going 4/8/1950 #4821  
D, MASS 2 teens. 2 glowing saucers buzz car. Hop about. Rise going up [to]  4/17/1950 #4857  
wing saucer spins. Paces jeep. Bee buzz sound.                              12/2/1950 #5306  
l people witnessed a luminous disc buzz the city of Puerto Maldonaldo, Peru 7/19/1951 #5579  
s. Hovers near junkyard / 3 hours! Buzz heard widely.                       8/22/1952 #7676  
LEM, VT 3 fishing. 3 silver globes buzz large passing plane! Sharp maneuver 8/15/1953 (approximate) #9070  
 delta/triangle/box-like crafts. 6 buzz plane. 8 going east. Also huge obje 3/24/1954 #9637  
 5 observer(s). Orbs / V formation buzz professor of aero tactics / C54. So 4/26/1954 #9723  
like a "machine gun." There was a "buzz like a bee." The man approached and 8/7/1954 #10113  
      CASTIGLIONE D / PESCAIA, ITL Buzz. Small humanoid (or Grey) boards 2M 10/24/1954 #11350  
d flying railroad/railway-carriage buzz family / car. Vanishes over swamp.  2/6/1955 #11976  
bright objects and 5 small objects buzz tanker. Going quickly northeast.    7/5/1955 #12234  
 FL Several observer(s). 2 saucers buzz F100 jet after missile test. Can't  11/8/1956 #13311  
                JOSE IGNACIO, URUG Buzz and UV light. 50M saucer outside. H 3/11/1958 #14924  
       NORTHWEST / EGYPT, PA Radio buzz. 2 cars electro-magnetic effect (EM 8/30/1958 (approximate) #15230  
pan Portable radio emitted strange buzz as green fireball passed (NICAP: 03 10/3/1958 #15309  
  SOUTHEAST / KYGER, OH Blue Book. Buzz / car radio. Lights dim. 6M metal s 3/19/1959 #15650  
west / 30kph. 700M altitude. Light buzz. Changes color(s). 180° turn going  7/21/1959 #15866  
A, ARG 40 / outdoor party. Strange buzz. Luminous saucer goes overhead goin 10/23/1959 #16054  
                      BELMONT, NSW Buzz. Big top-saucer / backyard! Pseudo- 8/1960 #16354  
8 red orbs / rectangular formation buzz car.                                3/26/1962 #17082  
 FR Boy / 8. UFO / 3 legs / field. Buzz like high tension power lines power 7/1962 #17260  
M saucer / antennae outside house. Buzz. / FSR'63#4.                        5/7/1963 #17734  
red light flashing, emitting a low buzz, near the house. After one minute,  5/7/1963 #17735  
mpass off. Underwater night lights buzz ship. 1 turns. / r249p487.          1/23/1964 #18115  
ebook Case #8924. 4+2 night lights buzz and pace airliner. Vanish. / r70p3- 7/16/1964 #18413  
 Armstrong, Richard F. Gordon Jr., Buzz Aldrin, David Scott, and Rusty Schw 2/16/1965 #18819  
gh-pitched hum, which changed to a buzz when a domed disc-shaped object app 9/14/1965 #19561  
p and down. Vanishes. Night lights buzz car..                               12/6/1965 #19754  
s over car. Going up and down. Bee buzz sound. Paralysis..                  1/20/1966 #19860  
minous points / clear sky pace and buzz airliner. Numerous observer(s). Loc 12/7/1966 #21189  
 / edge. Lights blink. Humming and buzz.                                    2/2/1967 #21436  
 rises vertically while emitting a buzz similar to that of a swarm of bees. 8/13/1967 #22873  
NETSK, UKR Saucer and night lights buzz plane / electro-magnetic effect (EM 9/19/1967 #23093  
IEN, WI 2 girls. 4M ovoid / field. Buzz and beam. Object exits. TV Radio Fr 9/30/1967 #23148  
x5M vertical cylinders 5M / field. Buzz. Small object drops. / r8#887.      10/11/1967 #23209  
/ cylinder/cigar-shape. Woods lit. Buzz. Figure / ground vanishes. Ground b 7/21/1968 #24197  
S, NV Group / colored night lights buzz 2 / car. Vague structure visible. G 10/28/1968 #24594  
ace Object apparently not the S4B. Buzz Aldrin recounts encounter. Brad Spa 6/18/1969 #25222  
ts on the moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.                             7/21/1969 #25288  
           VILLALBA DL ALCORES, SP Buzz. 2M halo / light going [to] over wo 9/19/1970 #25841  
     NEAR CARO, MI 2 Brill objects buzz car. Brief Radio Frequency Interfer 10/10/1970 #25873  
                 EL CASTANUELO, SP Buzz. Pyramid with portholes and legs. O 12/1970 #25924  
            IXTAPALAPA, MEXICO Odd buzz. All else silent. Small humanoids ( 8/18/1972 #26926  
adio out. Saucer lands. Emits fog. Buzz. / r79p57.                          6/1973 (approximate) #27542  
      SUONENJOKI, FINL 1 observer. Buzz. Blob / jelly glows over lake. Poss 7/1/1973 #27609  
er(s). 15 objects / colored lights buzz housetops. Impossible maneuvers.    10/10/1973 #27975  
BIA CO, PA 1 / car. Disk overhead. Buzz. Car out of control. Missing time.  10/15/1973 #28035  
FF MONTE GORDO, PORTUGAL 3 saucers buzz fishing boat / 3 hours. Very close. 11/2/1973 #28343  
lane. 5 glowing-objects circle and buzz plane. / Richard Hall.              1/29/1974 #28712  
ffects). 4M saucer / pasture. Soft buzz. Going SSW. Physical trace(s) = 3 r 3/30/1974 #28970  
         ENGLEFONTAINE, FR 2 kids. Buzz. 3 6M metallic saucers with transpa 8/2/1974 #29300  
g bright blue light approach, then buzz the car three times. (New Orleans S 8/13/1974 #29340  
round object / 20M altitude. Muted buzz. Small lights. Going [to] behind mo 10/1974 #29497  
 6 cops. 3 night lights circle and buzz sheriffs cars. Police radio dies /  3/13/1975 #29894  
  RUPPIONE, CORSICA 2 observer(s). Buzz. 3M sphere lands by military statio 8/14/1975 #30266  
     OFF MACKAY, AUST Night lights buzz RAAF plane and enter cloud. RADAR i 8/30/1975 #30328  
in the air, making a high- pitched buzz and floating motionless between the 11/5/1975 #30562  
and pilots and RADAR. Night lights buzz planes. 1 zigzags. / MJ#176.        11/4/1976 #31520  
O CO, CH 3K observer(s). 2 saucers buzz outdoor movie. Heat felt. / r120p21 7/7/1977 #32243  
 2 bright circular lights pace and buzz commuter plane. / MJ#181.           12/8/1977 #32745  
ime. Round and square night lights buzz truck several X. / r241p3.          2/5/1978 #32952  
              NEAR LA PAZ, BOLIVIA Buzz wakens man. Plain silver fuselage h 8/15/1978 #33516  
VORNO, ITL 2 / 5th floor wakened / buzz. Saucer / 30M altitude. Transparent 8/28/1978 #33581  
lackout. 10-15 saucers all over. 8 buzz telecom satellite station.          5/9/1979 #34551  
           UITENHAGE, SOUTH AFRICA Buzz. 120M cylinder/cigar-shape over far 3/11/1981 #35863  
flashing hat-saucers low and fast. Buzz sound. Radio electro-magnetic effec 10/10/1982 (approximate) #36636  
led at treetop level with a slight buzz.  https://thedebrief.org/wp-content 6/28/1984 #37382  
      PARNAIBA R, BRZ Night lights buzz fishermen. UFO lands. Door slams! V 9/23/1984 #37463  
          SAVAH, IN 2 observer(s). Buzz. 50' silver saucer going quickly so 11/17/1984 #37505  
white glowing spheres in formation buzz car.                                1/4/1988 #38400  
n 2 balls / light arrive with 737. Buzz landing strip.                      2/11/1988 #38455  
 KOKOMO, IN 1 / car. Night lights. Buzz / tape player. Blinding saucer goin 3/27/1990 #39487  
ltitude. Return / ground level and buzz car closely.                        3/14/1991 #40011  
    KYEEMAGH, AUSTRALIA 3 / beach. Buzz. UFO 90M overhead. Odd symbols / bo 10/14/1991 #40211  
oon. Small clouds and night lights buzz planes.                             7/29/1994 #41646  
up and down fast. Dart to horizon. Buzz military plane. No further details. 7/25/1995 #42325  
 the horizon, and then appeared to buzz a military plane. Later that night  7/25/1995 #42327  
s. 2M glowing-objects circle farm. Buzz. Animals react. Back 01 March.      2/23/1996 #42773  
             GILMAN, VT 1 / SR135. Buzz sound. Huge vibrant bright boomeran 4/20/1996 #42873  
ter lasted 10 minutes. A deafening buzz could be heard during the passage o 7/21/1997 #43354  
n saw a large, delta-shaped object buzz over her home in Lake Charles, Loui 8/22/1999 #43830  
er, USAF Whitten Peters, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, General Aviation Manufactur 11/27/2002 #44452  
## Word: "buzz-bomb" (Back to Top)
embling a World War II V-1 German “buzz-bomb,” flew over the city of York.  1/4/1988 #38404  
## Word: "buzzard" (Back to Top)
                          LEIGHTON BUZZARD, ENGL 1 observer. 2 men / spaces 7/1957 #13764  
eph Jones claims Project Brilliant Buzzard was a codename used for airborne 6/2013 #45368  
## Word: "buzzards" (Back to Top)
                                   BUZZARDS BAY, MA Ferry crew and more/oth 10/7/1958 #15324  
## Word: "buzzed" (Back to Top)
. An air mail pilot was repeatedly buzzed by a long, cylindrical object. Ea 9/1926 #1062  
        LOCATION UNKNOWN, NV Pilot buzzed. 30M cylinder/cylindrical object  9/25/1926 (approximate) #1063  
t named Colin Murphy is repeatedly buzzed by a huge glowing object one hour Late 9/1926 #1064  
ing saucer at 5:00 a.m. The object buzzed their car ten miles east of town  3/14/1946 #1978  
 Unidentified. USAF C-47 transport buzzed / 3 objects. Type unknown. No fur 5/28/1948 #3658  
hted windows and a red exhaust. It buzzed them head on, veered to the right 7/24/1948 #3735  
cording to airborne radar. It then buzzed several planes and boats. A U.S.  1/22/1950 #4504  
   CHUALAR AND SALINAS, CA 4 / car buzzed / saucer. Brill blue-light. Loops 3/11/1950 #4612  
                         A car was buzzed by a brilliant blue disc at 9:00  3/11/1950 #4614  
e same day two disc-shaped objects buzzed a house in San Francisco, Califor 4/8/1950 #4833  
 California Central Airlines plane buzzed by wing-like UFO. [V] (NICAP: 11  10/5/1950 #5211  
and Flight Officer Jack Conroy, is buzzed by a wing-like UFO with 8 bright  10/5/1950 #5213  
     OVER DODGE CITY, KS AAL pilot buzzed / odd blue night light. 500 going 5/22/1951 #5515  
Radford & Navy Sec. Kimball Planes Buzzed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code 3/14/1952 #5956  
y Sec. Kimball. 2 planes paced and buzzed / saucer. / speech.               3/15/1952 (approximate) #5958  
KSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA USAF C54 buzzed / 35' saucer. Jets chase 55 mile( 4/9/1952 #6047  
ing near Shreveport, Louisiana was buzzed by a disc-shaped UFO estimated to 4/9/1952 #6051  
round, white lights in a line that buzzed their aircraft.                   5/8/1952 #6277  
 Bennell that an enormous disk had buzzed his car as he drove between Bison 7/29/1952 #7312  
 Bennell that an enormous disc had buzzed his car as he drove between Bison 7/29/1952 #7334  
 lights. T33 chases to Macon. Gets buzzed. 1 changes colors. / r43.         7/30/1952 #7352  
    At 5:25 a.m. five blue objects buzzed a B-29 flying at 5000 mph off the 12/6/1952 #8390  
eddish-orange glowing ovoid object buzzed and then circled the town of Kerr 1/11/1953 #8533  
POLI TO/FROM TUNIS USAF C119 crew. Buzzed / disk. Falls back and follows /  2/11/1953 #8661  
       NEAR GUAM RNZAF flying boat buzzed / metallic 15 Mx4M wingless fusel 7/1953 #8977  
Fireball drops / low altitude. B47 buzzed / fireball just after. / MJ#249.  1/14/1954 #9483  
S Carrier Carrying Nuclear Weapons Buzzed By UFO (USS Curtiss) (NICAP: 10 - 4/7/1954 #9671  
15 balls of light in a V-formation buzzed a University of Georgia professor 4/26/1954 #9727  
                  A huge blue disc buzzed two men, Smith and Beacon, 45 mil 4/28/1954 #9732  
ana State, Brazil was continuously buzzed by an orange fireball for two hou 8/6/1954 #10107  
oke (near), VA Shiny, round object buzzed radio tower; transmitter failed t 9/16/1954 #10321  
      At 8:45 p.m a flaming object buzzed a truck driving in St. Didier-en- 10/19/1954 #11251  
  At 11:45 p.m. a red ovoid object buzzed a man on a motorcycle at a low al 11/1/1954 #11524  
  On this night a round-shaped UFO buzzed an airliner flying over the Parai 11/21/1954 #11685  
o cut out. Their aircraft was then buzzed by a multicolored Saturn or top-s 2/2/1955 #11969  
orted that a white nocturnal light buzzed their plane over Houston, Texas a 2/19/1956 #12733  
sc-shaped object with a green dome buzzed a Varig Airlines C-47 flying near 8/14/1957 #13894  
          CORUCHE, PORT 4 PAF jets buzzed / objects which exit large saucer 9/4/1957 #13975  
          ARARANGUA, BRZ Varig C46 buzzed / red fireball. Electronics fried 11/4/1957 #14259  
 the last names Lee and Duffy were buzzed by a domed, disc-shaped object th 7/24/1963 #17851  
 hour. When Ronnie left the object buzzed his car repeatedly. He felt a coo 8/4/1963 #17864  
her room. He held a black box that buzzed when he pointed it at her. He als 2/3/1964 #18126  
h light. Then a disc-shaped object buzzed their car, coming to within three 4/22/1964 #18185  
              NEAR LAVONIA, GA Car buzzed / saucer. Hiss! Radiation/radioac 6/29/1964 #18378  
               ULYSSES, KS 1 / car buzzed / fast 3' domed saucer. Whoosh so 9/11/1964 #18548  
fter he is alerted by radio. He is buzzed by the UFO, which is low enough t 1/12/1965 #18720  
Patrol officer, had his patrol car buzzed by a bright round flying object i 1/12/1965 #18721  
e to Port Moresby, New Guinea, was buzzed by a UFO at about 3:25 a.m. The p 5/28/1965 #18969  
         NEAR BOUGANVILLE REEF DC6 buzzed / large saucer. Photos and Air Tr 5/28/1965 #18970  
 Case #9971. Pilot / chemist and 1 buzzed / 2 saucers / 3 minute(s). Panic  9/25/1965 #19599  
       KEY WEST, FL Boca Chica NAS buzzed / orange glow saucers. Going quic 3/22/1966 #20025  
d, MI Time not reported. A car was buzzed by a glowing circular object with 3/24/1966 #20065  
 Mrs. E. Smith. One flashing light buzzed their car from the front then hov 3/26/1966 #20091  
      NEAR VICKSBURG, MI Man / car buzzed and beamed / saucer. Low humming. 3/31/1966 #20169  
ed object, as long as an airliner, buzzed the witness' car.  Sighting laste 6/8/1966 #20542  
object appeared out of nowhere and buzzed his car. The UFO was completely s 6/8/1966 #20546  
d the circumference (body lights), buzzed over a car and hovered ahead over 6/11/1966 #20551  
shaped object for 45 minutes as it buzzed, circled, and flipped over severa 1/5/1967 #21262  
 Green River. A red glowing object buzzed their car as they drove away. (Ai 1/18/1967 #21339  
e in get help a red glowing object buzzed their car.                        1/18/1967 #21344  
               Lima, Peru Airliner buzzed by maneuvering coneshaped object, 2/2/1967 #21441  
ct with three lights in a triangle buzzed a car in Davis, California. It ti 2/13/1967 #21540  
) spotlight / 2M silent ovoid. Get buzzed. Object lands / 13 April. / LDLN# 4/7/1967 #22087  
d shone a spotlight on it. The UFO buzzed the witnessed in response.        4/7/1967 #22091  
8:59 p.m MST. A bell-shaped object buzzed a car, which experienced EM effec 4/12/1967 #22119  
    Phoenix, AZ Bell-shaped object buzzed car, banked, turned and flew away 4/12/1967 #22120  
occurred when a bell-shaped object buzzed a car with three witnesses; it ba 4/12/1967 #22125  
     ALBUQUERQUE, NM 3 teens / car buzzed / night light. Car malfunctions d 5/26/1967 #22401  
   Itajuba, Brazil Mushroom-shaped buzzed car, humanoid faces seen through  6/6/1967 #22470  
     At 1:30 a.m. a strange object buzzed a car near Itajuba, Brazil and th 6/6/1967 #22473  
              JEWISH CREEK, FL Car buzzed / fireball again. Dog shakes. San 7/21/1967 #22714  
 flying over Volgograd, Russia was buzzed by a UFO. The aircraft engines qu 9/19/1967 #23096  
HALL, ND Cars O / O / control. Cop buzzed / sphere going north. / r00p101+/ 10/27/1967 #23339  
ear and vanish. Dome / ground. Car buzzed.                                  12/3/1967 #23539  
hts revolving around its perimeter buzzed a car. (UFO Fact & Comment, Goody 12/22/1967 #23598  
       BAURU, BRZ Powerplant guard buzzed / probe. Paralyzed / 3 men. Fly a 7/23/1968 #24207  
 Buildings in Ottawa, Ontario were buzzed by a mysterious red light or craf 3/4/1969 #24970  
           WESTHOPE, ND Police CHF buzzed / 100' saucer. Blinding beam / bo 3/10/1969 #24986  
glowed "brighter than the sun." It buzzed their car and their car headlight 3/12/1969 #25003  
ir Traffic Controller and 3 pilots buzzed / 4 saucers. 1 was 6m wide.       6/1969 #25177  
lights, connected by a white beam, buzzed a motorist. Afterwards three circ 6/4/1969 #25199  
e Canadian Parliament Building was buzzed by a mysterious red light in Otta 6/5/1969 #25203  
ed object, two meters in diameter, buzzed a car driving on a road in Alijo, 9/20/1970 #25844  
ot in diameter disc-shaped objects buzzed a car in Bay City, Michigan at 2: 10/10/1970 #25874  
                 MONTESANO, WA Car buzzed / 3 60cm saucers. Engine quits. W 1/3/1971 #25969  
          OXFORD, MA 4 / reservoir buzzed / dark domed saucer. 8 rectangula 5/29/1971 #26140  
 as if on one object, beside rode, buzzed car; burn marks found where UFO f 4/22/1973 #27439  
red, green, blue and purple lights buzzed a car with three teenagers (NICAP 5/23/1973 #27521  
red, green, blue and purple lights buzzed a car with three teenagers in Mou 5/23/1973 #27522  
NEAR OTTAWA, ON Professor and wife buzzed / car / saucer. Humanoid silhouet 7/29/1973 #27661  
00 p.m. a flying boxcar-shaped UFO buzzed a car with three male occupants e 8/4/1973 #27682  
      At 1:30 a.m. an X-shaped UFO buzzed a car in Launac, France. It ascen 10/5/1973 #27952  
ifteen objects with colored lights buzzed rooftops in New Lebanon, Ohio at  10/10/1973 #27984  
               CHILLICOTHE, OH Car buzzed / 3 lit objects. Cop sees huge ob 10/16/1973 #28064  
          Chillicothe, OH Motorist buzzed by three luminous objects; one wi 10/16/1973 #28079  
ube while making a clanking sound, buzzed their car, and changed colors fro 12/13/1973 #28570  
e middle of the day when they were buzzed by five glowing red UFOs, which c 1/29/1974 #28713  
    SOUTH / LORDSBURG, NM 6 / jeep buzzed / UFO. Blue light beams examine.  12/21/1974 #29650  
Three nocturnal lights circled and buzzed cars from the Sherriff's departme 3/13/1975 #29895  
so 4, 6, 8, 9 April. Knitting mill buzzed / silent no detail. Going quickly 4/4/1975 #29960  
     SOUTH / COLUSA, CA Cessna 172 buzzed / orange sphere. Several-X. Instr 6/4/1976 #31085  
p.m. a man told police he had been buzzed by a round silver, dish-shaped ob 8/1/1976 #31219  
  SOUTHWEST / CHAUMONT, FR FAF jet buzzed 2X. Fireball / mach 1.4. RADAR in 3/7/1977 #31867  
 BODE DAM / TANCOS, PRT Dornier 27 buzzed / 45' saucer. Electro-magnetic ef 6/17/1977 #32168  
            THAXTED, ESSEX 1 / car buzzed / night lights. Near loss / contr 8/3/1977 #32347  
 four-meter in diameter domed disc buzzed an amateur astronomer outside wit 10/2/1977 #32547  
ed with lights crossed a field and buzzed a car at low altitude in Pompey C 3/30/1978 #33102  
           SOURE, PORTUGAL 2 / car buzzed by fireball. White blue and pink. 7/12/1978 #33370  
eported brilliantly lighted object buzzed her car, briefly lifted it off ro 7/27/1978 #33422  
eported brilliantly lighted object buzzed her car, briefly lifted it off ro 7/27/1978 #33425  
OTTER, ARK Physicist / light plane buzzed / night light. Staircase trajecto 9/10/1978 #33654  
 France a domed disc-shaped object buzzed two witnesses in a car at 80 mete 10/15/1978 #33838  
ina, Abruzzi, Italy when they were buzzed by a one-meter in diameter, inten 11/9/1978 #33942  
          GOULBURN, NSW, AUSTR Car buzzed / UFO type unknown. Electro-magne 11/22/1978 #33976  
                         A car was buzzed by a UFO in Goulburn, New South W 11/22/1978 #33981  
   RUNCORN, CHESHIRE Boy / bicycle buzzed / large night light overhead. "Tr 12/31/1978 #34236  
vers for 15 minutes. Eight of them buzzed the telecom satellite station.    5/9/1979 #34553  
             Wilmington, NC Object buzzed car, jet-like sound, bright illum 3/8/1980 #35203  
             Wilmington, NC Object buzzed car, jetlike sound, bright illumi 3/8/1980 #35204  
HWEST / SEATON DELAVAL, ENG 2 cars buzzed / 20' saucer. 5+independent obser 8/21/1980 #35470  
           San Jose, CA Red object buzzed Cessna 150 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  2/9/1981 #35819  
, CA Plane invisible / RADAR while buzzed / Saturn UFO. Radio and instrumen 4/8/1981 #35886  
toring Soviet military activity is buzzed by a huge object (larger than the 10/19/1982 #36654  
ected by a nozzle with four tubes, buzzed a light aircraft being flown by a 10/24/1982 #36664  
           NEAR KENT, NY Man / car buzzed / boomerang. Voice in head says.  12/31/1982 #36730  
s driving in Riverside had his car buzzed by a 7" wide sphere that had pegs 12/20/1983 #37079  
alifornia at 5:30 p.m. had his car buzzed by a 7” wide sphere that had pegs 12/20/1983 #37080  
ibed as blimp like with red lights buzzed two cars on US Highway 395 south  1/9/1984 #37120  
ibed as blimp like with red lights buzzed two cars on US Highway 395 south  1/9/1984 #37127  
hone spotlights on a trailer park, buzzed the witnesses, and then rose vert 4/22/1984 #37282  
7:30 p.m. several nocturnal lights buzzed fishermen fishing in the Parnaiba 9/23/1984 #37467  
hts in a circle on top of the disc buzzed a witness driving in a car (NICAP 10/23/1984 #37489  
hts in a circle on top of the disc buzzed a witness driving in a car north  10/23/1984 #37490  
ree-foot diameter disc with lights buzzed a car with three witnesses travel 5/11/1986 #37867  
d object skimmed over treetops and buzzed a car, then vanished. Later that  11/21/1986 #38074  
ON, a silent triangular shaped UFO buzzed Corydon, Indiana at 11:30 p.m.    3/10/1987 #38135  
ly encounter with oval object that buzzed car, car lifted off road, physica 1/20/1988 #38420  
ly encounter with oval object that buzzed car, car lifted off road, physica 1/20/1988 #38421  
 took a dramatic turn when the UFO buzzed the car from behind and somehow l 1/20/1988 #38423  
SBECH, CAMBRIDGES 4 on lonely road buzzed / saucer. Many cops and helicopte 12/1988 (approximate) #38731  
nely road in Wisbech, England were buzzed by a disc-shaped UFO at around 7: 12/12/1988 #38753  
rnia for about 30 minutes. One UFO buzzed a pickup truck. The witnesses sai 12/8/1989 #39306  
        A domed disc-shaped object buzzed a car in Thornlands, Queensland,  7/28/1990 #39665  
e landed in a field, and the other buzzed a car. Both UFOs were completely  11/6/1990 #39879  
They descended to ground level and buzzed their car. The close encounter la 3/14/1991 #40012  
se bluish-white oval-shaped object buzzed a Japanese airliner, then paced a 6/8/1991 #40093  
Possible abduction / 2 women. Home buzzed.                                  3/9/1992 #40366  
wings, and a clear dome or cupola, buzzed UFO investigator Christopher O'Br 9/17/1992 #40626  
ct, the color of brushed aluminum, buzzed a car being driven by two women b 2/24/1993 #40858  
tains. 6 November same observer(s) buzzed / same object. Vanishes.          11/4/1994 #41833  
UNTAINS, ENG Ba 747 with 60 aboard buzzed / bright triangle. Veers away. /  1/6/1995 #41954  
t with 60 passengers when they are buzzed by a bright wedge-shaped object a 1/6/1995 #41956  
ight with 60 passengers aboard was buzzed by a bright wedge-shaped object a 1/6/1995 #41957  
 square-shaped object with stripes buzzed a car at 1:30 a.m., then followed 2/5/1995 #42020  
in the evening a huge bright light buzzed a car driving on U.S. Highway 160 8/15/1995 #42388  
         A large bright blue light buzzed a car on Interstate 43 southwest  10/10/1995 #42545  
 10:00 p.m. an intense white light buzzed a car in Red Cloud, Nebraska, ill 8/15/2001 #44235  
 of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They buzzed the car only four feet away and j 3/5/2005 #44819  
## Word: "buzzed-spins" (Back to Top)
oing [to] overhead. Power out. Car buzzed-spins out. / r156#7.              5/29/1969 #25168  
## Word: "buzzes" (Back to Top)
Large dark airship / low altitude. Buzzes. Going quickly southwest. Flathea 2/9/1915 #923  
minute(s). Vanishes / 1 minute(s). Buzzes.                                  8/7/1915 #931  
   NAMBOUR, AUSTRALIA Small object buzzes boy. Boy faints. Feels sick. Gets 4/1932 (approximate) #1139  
spook. Cylinder/cylindrical object buzzes 4 riders. / r215p81.              1/15/1950 #4490  
lip. RADAR / visual (observation). Buzzes planes and boats. Silent. Going q 1/22/1950 #4500  
ve Complex] near Dallas, Texas. It buzzes a high- flying B-36. It hovers un 3/16/1950 #4656  
ud object hits car / bright light. Buzzes car repeatedly.                   3/22/1950 #4699  
 Sounds / unexpected plane. Saucer buzzes tower. Quickly going up [to] and  3/29/1950 #4757  
 Blue-glowing cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes DC6. Going quickly [to] ahead. Tu 5/29/1950 #4968  
           PROVINCETOWN, MA Object buzzes F86's. 1200mph. Air and ground RA 9/21/1950 #5189  
 20' ovoid passes school-bus stop. Buzzes. Investigation.                   12/14/1950 (approximate) #5347  
                Sioux City, IA UFO Buzzes DC-3 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 1/20/1951 #5406  
er night light makes 3 360° loops. Buzzes F82. Quickly going up [to] and aw 2/1/1951 #5425  
BANGUI, FR. EQT.AFR White fireball buzzes Air Force Base. Fast and silent.  3/1951 #5466  
 9+observer(s). 2' orange fireball buzzes B29. Flashes blue-white and shoot 3/10/1951 #5474  
 saucer south going quickly north. Buzzes. Photographs. Main southwest radi 7/19/1951 #5577  
ntroller. Large orange night light buzzes plane. Going west. Returns and ci 8/27/1951 #5634  
REST, CA 2 observer(s). 10M saucer buzzes forestry jeep. Vanishes like magi 11/2/1951 #5759  
 Case #1082. 2 pilots. 20cm saucer buzzes AT6+F84! / r111p38+/ r242p5.      3/29/1952 #5984  
EA 20' flat disc spins tumbles and buzzes F86. 250mph. / r136#2p5.          6/6/1952 #6451  
TH / RUMFORD, ME 3.5M silver ovoid buzzes. Hovers near junkyard / 3 hours!  8/22/1952 #7676  
ORTH KOREA 7' cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes B29 / weather reconnaissance. Glo 8/23/1952 #7685  
er(s). Humming. Blue-glowing ovoid buzzes airliner. Continues.              9/14/1952 #7919  
Marine pilot. 20cm orange fireball buzzes interceptor. Shoots going quickly 10/12/1952 #8119  
BASE, TX Night light circles town. Buzzes T28. Head-on passes. 90° turns. G 12/4/1952 #8371  
ns. Huge red-orange glowing-ovoid. Buzzes. Circles town. Odd TV Radio Frequ 1/11/1953 #8532  
light crew. 30cm white night light buzzes and paces C47. Makes 90-turn upwa 2/13/1953 #8672  
ir Traffic Controller. Night light buzzes C47. 90+180° turns. No plane. / r 9/2/1953 #9134  
WLING GREEN, OH 30cm diameter disk buzzes and circles small plane then shoo 12/11/1953 #9357  
74. 2 observer(s). Domed coin-disk buzzes flashes and maneuvers. Stones mov 4/23/1954 #9707  
ILAND 4 pilots. 6' orange fireball buzzes and paces T6 trainers. Rapid mane 5/1954 #9737  
 delta object 10' wide. Fin / top. Buzzes plane formation.                  5/10/1954 #9768  
BOURNE, AUST 12 observer(s). Ovoid buzzes over suburbs. Size = railroad car 6/10/1954 #9884  
er tree. 2 green beams going down. Buzzes / 30 seconds. Going quickly north 7/24/1954 #10045  
OFF PARANAGUA, BRZ Orange fireball buzzes DC3 / 2 hours. Turns blue / accel 8/5/1954 #10100  
          DOANOKE, VA Shiny saucer buzzes radio tower. Transmitter malfunct 9/16/1954 #10317  
END, ENG 3 large silver saucers. 1 buzzes Salandin / RAF MK8. / NICAP v1#1+ 10/14/1954 #11015  
ng east in sequence. Orange object buzzes motorbikes that quit / electro-ma 10/16/1954 #11134  
   ST. DIDIER-EN-VELAY, FR 'Flame' buzzes truck. Motor and lights out. AOK  10/19/1954 #11234  
Several observer(s). Flying saucer buzzes going quickly west. No further de 11/20/1954 #11677  
SET, IA 2 / T33. White night light buzzes military plane. Counters all T33  1/29/1955 #11950  
icers. Domed orange-glowing saucer buzzes car / desert. 20cm apparent size. 1/31/1955 #11953  
DESIA 2 / car. Night light / ovoid buzzes car 3x. Separate observer(s). / r 4/2/1955 (approximate) #12078  
lowing saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes B17+airline(s)/airliner. Fast 180 5/25/1955 #12157  
ALLS, NY Saucer rises / Lake Erie. Buzzes 2 families. Cars inoperative. 4 s 7/30/1955 #12306  
Corps (GOC) and several. "Big moon buzzes town". Fast. Over airport. No pla 1/25/1956 #12682  
ne crew. Intense white night light buzzes and paces / 28 minute(s).         2/19/1956 #12730  
LA 2 / USAF. Stub-winged Lima-bean buzzes T33 2X. Fantastic maneuvers.      5/22/1956 #12863  
CROW RESERVATION, MT Black dogbone buzzes plane. Going quickly northwest /  8/21/1956 #13107  
4 / car and several / farm. Saucer buzzes car. Circles area counterclockwis 11/22/1956 #13344  
, TX 2 / DC3. Object with 2 lights buzzes DC3. Maneuvers all over/all about 3/8/1957 #13525  
 MI SOUTH / ROCHESTER, KENT Saucer buzzes airliner. All radio malfunctions  5/31/1957 #13687  
M PTO CABELLO, VNZ Luminous saucer buzzes DC3. Extremely fast. Ground obser 6/9/1957 #13714  
  NEAR JOINVILLE, BRZ Domed saucer buzzes Varig C47. Engines and electric e 8/14/1957 #13890  
d going northwest. Southwest radio buzzes. / r242p165.                      11/3/1957 #14235  
D 14 observer(s). Saucer paces and buzzes truck. Turns going quickly northe 11/8/1957 #14473  
VILLE, TN Flashing red night light buzzes car. Going northwest. Cops can't  11/20/1957 #14583  
       PAN DE AZUCAR, URG 18m cone buzzes light plane. Great heat. Going so 5/5/1958 #15014  
 observer(s). Bright luminous disk buzzes lonely house. Fast reversal and a 10/25/1958 (approximate) #15374  
ELLEN, NJ Silent 25M glowing-ovoid buzzes cops. Extremely fast. Quickly goi 12/20/1958 #15483  
F pilot. Bright yellow night light buzzes T33. Dims and gone. / r242.       10/19/1959 #16038  
' saucer going [to] 800MPH / 36K'. Buzzes USAF RB-57. / r249p484. / r120p16 11/15/1960 #16504  
US60 / DATIL, NM 2 / car. Fireball buzzes car. Splits / 4 night lights. Man 10/21/1961 #16920  
. Thin silver cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes USAF F105. MACH 2.7 / 4000' altit 3/26/1962 #17081  
T / NECHE, ND Bright orange saucer buzzes 2 girls / car. Shoots going quick 11/20/1963 #18050  
ig nose and holds a black box that buzzes and clicks as he points it. The w 2/3/1964 #18125  
 car. Entire desert lit. 4M saucer buzzes car. Whines. Going quickly north. 4/22/1964 #18182  
        FLEMINGTON, NJ White ovoid buzzes car. Lands / field. Nears observe 7/27/1964 (approximate) #18442  
AINE AIR FORCE BASE, WA 10M saucer buzzes car and lands. Goes when observer 1/12/1965 #18712  
e, Queensland, AU Flattened Sphere Buzzes DC-6 / Photos Confiscated (NICAP: 5/28/1965 #18971  
SE TO/FROM WALL, SD Classic saucer buzzes Air Force helicopter. Forced secr 9/30/1965 (approximate) #19625  
er(s) / car. Vibrant bright object buzzes car. Returns and follows car goin 11/17/1965 #19727  
r(s). 3 silent car-size saucers. 1 buzzes school. / r235p18+/ r83p128.      4/22/1966 #20359  
 WILLOW GROVE, PA 20' domed saucer buzzes 2 Navy jets and private plane. /  5/21/1966 #20501  
 Wingless 60M cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes car. Absolute(ly) silent. Flies l 6/8/1966 #20538  
SIA Scientist/science. Huge saucer buzzes airliner. Turns. Maneuvers. Chang 7/12/1966 #20641  
                FREMONT, IN Saucer buzzes car. 2 exit car. Saucer comes wit 7/22/1966 #20666  
/ taxi and several cops. Big donut buzzes cab. Woman aboard hysterical.     9/26/1966 #20926  
            GUSHER, UT Night light buzzes plane. Makes noise and vanishes.  10/21/1966 #21022  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Buzzes. Going northeast. / r41p250.      11/30/1966 #21162  
ILADELPHIA, PA 4 observer(s). Disk buzzes and circles and flips vertical se 1/5/1967 #21254  
cer. White lit portholes / bottom. Buzzes. Going quickly east. / r24v3#11.  1/15/1967 #21304  
cer with lights / bottom/underside buzzes car. Going quickly southwest. / r 2/13/1967 #21529  
HU LAI, VIETN Silent silver object buzzes Army convoy. Gi takes fuzzy photo 3/15/1967 (approximate) #21888  
BORO, KS Domed flat glowing-saucer buzzes and rocks car. Car malfunctions d 3/21/1967 #21930  
/ EPHRATA, WA 4 / car. Night light buzzes and paces. Car malfunctions due t 4/22/1967 #22202  
Orange-glowing saucer rises / sea. Buzzes. Hovers. Going quickly west and u 8/8/1967 #22843  
         SOUTH / VOLGOGRAD, RS UFO buzzes Aeroflot IL-14. Engines quit. Res 9/19/1967 #23090  
LAKE, BC 2+1 observer(s). Huge UFO buzzes 2 lodges. 2 rows / windows. Night 10/15/1967? #23239  
L 2 / car. 4' vertical bullet-dome buzzes and follows car. 2 arch-portholes 11/13/1967 #23440  
 PINE BUSH, NY 3 / car. 22M saucer buzzes car crossing bridge. Cylinder/cig 7/1968 #24098  
and separate observer(s). Fireball buzzes bus. Stops. Continues north going 7/25/1968 #24223  
oids circle. 1 going down [to] and buzzes car. Near collision. Brilliant be 8/15/1968 #24329  
r(s). Green night light maneuvers. Buzzes plane when radio used. 90 turn. G 9/15/1968 #24463  
                 MARCELLUS, NY UFO buzzes car 2X. Engine and radio electro- 11/25/1968 #24700  
      NEAR MERIDA, SP Domed saucer buzzes car. Headlights fail. Separate ob 3/12/1969 #24999  
lmet-saucer seen widely / 2 hours. Buzzes. Dog barks.                       5/12/1969 #25130  
observer(s). Night light paces and buzzes car northbound / PR95 repeatedly  10/15/1969? #25415  
AM, ENGL 4' dance-hall mirror-ball buzzes just outside. Dog ignores all!    2/15/1970 #25583  
purple light. One of their sensors buzzes, indicating a strong magnetic fie 3/28/1970 #25613  
        LARNED, KS Big white light buzzes car the way to farm. Hovers / cor 2/26/1972 #26582  
          OFF NORTH / LABRADOR UFO buzzes Romanian ship. Changes shape. Goe 12/24/1972 #27186  
trees / 60M altitude. Lights glow. Buzzes / moving away.                    3/28/1973 #27384  
 Colored beams quickly going down. Buzzes.                                  4/1973 #27394  
D MANOR, PA 12 observer(s). Saucer buzzes car. Headlights dim / same time.  4/15/1973 #27429  
BBOT, ENGL 2 observer(s). Red disk buzzes airliner. Plane turns. Disk going 7/28/1973 #27658  
l separate observer(s). Boxcar UFO buzzes car. Going down / cornfield. Hove 8/4/1973 #27677  
/ GERENA, SPN 35M white domed disk buzzes 7 farm workers 4X at head level i 8/18/1973 (approximate) #27710  
TER AIRFIELD, GA 2 MPs. 75' saucer buzzes jeep 2' overhead. Paces / 1 mile. 9/8/1973 #27776  
ALIJO, PORTUGAL 2 / car. 2M saucer buzzes car. Object / road. 2 5' figure(s 9/20/1973 #27842  
ORO, ARK 2+1 observer(s). Triangle buzzes car. Observer(s) sick next day. 2 10/1/1973 #27905  
EL, IN 5 observer(s). Domed saucer buzzes and maneuvers / trees. Going quic 10/11/1973 #27988  
         FORT SMITH, ARK 8' saucer buzzes car. Engine radio and lights elec 10/20/1973 #28203  
Duck hunters. Fireball-night light buzzes all around. 2 bands / burnt weeds 12/1973 #28493  
adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Buzzes ski lodge. Responds / flares. / r 12/10/1973 #28546  
      MOUNT OLIVE, NC Domed object buzzes newsman / car. Beams. 3 photograp 4/1/1974 #28985  
OUTH / GLADSTONE, TASM Night light buzzes car. 13cm / arms length. Responds 6/13/1974 #29185  
 20M cone-torus saucer chases car. Buzzes farm. 3 2M men in clear torus.    6/14/1974 #29187  
with red and white lights flashing buzzes capitol airline(s)/airliner DC8.  10/11/1974 #29516  
rver(s). Classic saucer hovers and buzzes. North going quickly south over b 1/3/1975 #29706  
       NNE / AGEN, FR Glowing-dome buzzes 1 / car. Diesel and lights and ra 3/1975 #29856  
crescent makes U-turn. Follows and buzzes car. Going southwest. Night light 3/26/1975 #29918  
, NC Delta/triangle/box-like craft buzzes patrol car. Cop flashes and objec 4/4/1975 #29962  
 FLORENCE, KY 1 observer. 8' manta buzzes and bobs going up [to] going down 5/10/1975 #30049  
N 3 observer(s). 4M vertical ovoid buzzes car 2X. Hovers / cemetery. Beams  8/22/1975 (approximate) #30295  
(s). Bright silent red night light buzzes car. Lights and engine electro-ma 8/25/1975 #30305  
 Military C47 crew. Grey 20M ovoid buzzes C47. Changes shape and size. Mane 9/5/1975 #30345  
ver car. Follows observer(s) home. Buzzes police car. Hums.                 11/20/1975 #30645  
O/FROM OLIVARES, SP Moon-size ball buzzes tractor 2X. Colored lights / edge 8/1976 #31210  
         ESE / DIEPHOLZ, GER Ovoid buzzes private pilot. Compass spins. Los 8/16/1976 #31272  
ark grey 14M ovoid rises / ground. Buzzes car. Figure / window waves arm!   5/5/1977 #32056  
ed saucer hovers 15cm over street. Buzzes and jumps.                        10/1977 #32536  
, ENGL UFO inv. and 1. Night light buzzes car 4X. Fast 90° turn. Thin blue  11/20/1977 #32690  
    NEAR ANCONA, ITL "Green flash" buzzes commercial flights IH662+Malta Ai 3/9/1978 #33020  
(s). White smoke ball / clear sky. Buzzes plane. Going south. Then turns go 3/10/1978 #33023  
ghts crosses field / low altitude. Buzzes car.                              3/30/1978 #33099  
ers / 100' altitude. Extends legs. Buzzes. Shoots going up.                 4/13/1978 #33144  
/ car temporarily paralyzed as UFO buzzes car. Motor and lights quit. No fu 8/1978 #33454  
ary paralysis when a flying object buzzes their car on a highway between Tu 8/1978 #33459  
bject with 2 antennas going south. Buzzes 2 / car near Eglin Air Force Base 8/12/1978 #33511  
ER, ITL 2 / car. 1M glowing-sphere buzzes car. Stops / mountain peak. Shoot 11/9/1978 #33932  
s going quickly east from coast. 1 buzzes airstrip.                         11/12/1978 #33948  
kids. 2M orange saucer / 2 passes. Buzzes. Lights / ends. Both observer's e 1/18/1979 #34354  
OLM, SWD 2 / car. Blue-white ovoid buzzes car. Car engine malfunctions due  2/20/1979 #34438  
LLION, SD 1 / SR50. Blinding light buzzes car closely. Near collision. Goin 8/29/1979 #34792  
Traffic Controllers. Red 3M saucer buzzes plane. Not / RADAR. / MJ#274+/ r4 2/9/1981 #35818  
ARTMENT / RENO, NV 4' metal saucer buzzes 2 / light plane. Going quickly [t 4/20/1981 #35905  
 ex-USAF pilots. 10' silver saucer buzzes corporate jet closely.            3/8/1982 #36380  
ed bell passes car / low altitude. Buzzes house 4x. Jet noise.              5/27/1982 #36487  
 Many separate observer(s). Saucer buzzes. Emits coil! / light going down.  6/18/1982 #36509  
server(s). Small white night light buzzes observers. Swoosh sound. Hovers / 9/1/1982 #36591  
here/orb/globe with tube structure buzzes light plane / complex trajectory. 10/24/1982 #36661  
ts. Rectangular red lights / ends. Buzzes car / country road.               3/22/1983 #36791  
ARLTON, VCT, AUS Orange hat-saucer buzzes car. Engine sputters. Going [to]  7/1983 #36897  
CT Cops and many. Flying life-raft buzzes military radio towers. Headlights 7/22/1983 #36918  
ice that a transformer that always buzzes is silent. Stray dogs do not bark 8/12/1983 #36949  
. 18cm sphere with pegs protruding buzzes car / eye level closely!          12/20/1983 #37078  
d exits woods by Boeing 747 plant. Buzzes car / MJ#194.                     2/19/1984 #37192  
D, DK 2 / car. Silent domed saucer buzzes car. White lit round portholes. G 2/18/1985 #37557  
/ light. 70' ovoid skims trees and buzzes car. Vanishes.                    11/21/1985 #37714  
            EDMONTON, QLD, AUS UFO buzzes car. Steering lost. Humming heard 10/20/1986 #38050  
down. Moves / jumps. Disk exit and buzzes car.                              11/6/1987 #38318  
   FOMM IR-RIH, MALTA Domed saucer buzzes over car. Car malfunctions due to 11/26/1987 #38337  
server(s) / telephoto lens. Saucer buzzes car. Electro-magnetic effect (EME 1/21/1988 #38426  
der/cigar-shape or rectangular UFO buzzes and paces 2 / helicopter.         2/21/1988 #38472  
   ATHERTON, IN 3 observer(s). UFO buzzes truck. Engine and lights quit. Cl 9/28/1988 #38652  
, GA 2 observer(s). 4m round light buzzes just over ground. Nears house. Sh 3/27/1989 #38882  
le observer(s). Silent grey sphere buzzes helicopter within 25'. Seen / 15  5/28/1989 #38966  
lights over city / 30 minute(s). 1 buzzes truck. Octagon with vee / rear en 12/8/1989 #39303  
, QLD 1+3 kids / car. Domed saucer buzzes car. Sore eyes after.             7/28/1990 #39664  
hover and play. 1 lands / field. 1 buzzes car. Absolute(ly) silent.         11/6/1990 #39878  
SUNCION, PARAGUAY Intense fireball buzzes Lap liner and 3 / Cessna / 25 min 6/8/1991 #40087  
T MYERS, FL Cop. Saucer over field buzzes car. Lights / edge. Glows over in 3/12/1992 #40373  
 20' rectangle low over Birch bay. Buzzes car / 20' altitude. Light humming 11/13/1992 #40709  
copter and 1 / car. Large fireball buzzes helicopter. Releases 3 small fire 3/4/1993 #40877  
Night lights = strange craft which buzzes 2 in car. Shoots skyward.         11/8/1993 #41265  
IFFE WELL, AUSTR Night light back. Buzzes car / malfunctions due to EME (el 8/29/1994 #41699  
er level has portholes. The object buzzes like a “giant electric beater.” H 3/30/1995 #42127  
/ BARILOCHE, ARG Huge white saucer buzzes 727. Power outage. / r159#11+/ r2 7/31/1995 #42344  
ights / concentric circles. Spins. Buzzes car 6X.                           4/3/1998 #43542  
arge delta/triangle/box-like craft buzzes overhead. Blue-beam going down [t 8/22/1999 #43829  
, AR Metallic cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes car / malfunctions due to EME (el 4/9/2000 #43979  
## Word: "buzzin" (Back to Top)
all field. Grey and black stripes. Buzzin.                                  3/10/1988 #38495  
## Word: "buzzing" (Back to Top)
an in Louisville, Kentucky heard a buzzing noise, looked up, and saw a ciga 4/24/1897 #570  
ore moving upward; they can hear a buzzing noise and think the object is ab 10/4/1898 #625  
he steps toward it, and it makes a buzzing sound as if in warning. As he ad Summer 1910 #840  
ue-green haze and making a strange buzzing noise. As the object passes dire 10/1936 #1250  
e of Waterloo, Iowa, see an object buzzing rapidly around some trees. It gr 8/15/1946 #2138  
m. in Wilkesboro, North Carolina a buzzing noise was heard and then a disc  7/14/1947 #3180  
mmed, radio transmitter blocked by buzzing noise each time new frequency tr 9/1950 #5158  
 radio transmitter is blocked by a buzzing noise. The discs are silvery and 9/1950 #5159  
overing and made a sound like bees buzzing.  Only data in files was from Ea 12/2/1950 #5310  
at 10:45 a.m. It reportedly made a buzzing noise like bees. This case is li 12/2/1950 #5312  
ed the other; both took off with a buzzing sound.                           9/1951 #5646  
orizontally. They emit hissing and buzzing sounds. Changes in elevation fro 3/29/1952 #5993  
maller than a DC-3 and is making a buzzing sound. It shows up 4 minutes lat 7/19/1952 #6932  
g in straight line out to sea with buzzing noise (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 8/26/1952 #7742  
d of 30 mph, making a high-voltage buzzing noise, and emitting an odor “lik 9/14/1952 #7938  
2 / farm duck down. Loud invisible buzzing object going [to] WSW just overh 9/16/1952 #7957  
d and green flames. It is making a buzzing noise. KVET engineer Britt Lamb  1/9/1953 #8523  
ted in the press, and rumors start buzzing that he made a secret trip to Ed 2/20/1954 #9560  
over his house, making a "shhh" or buzzing sound for 2 minutes.  9:09 PM  W 6/8/1954 #9876  
r two minutes, making a "shhhh" or buzzing sound.                           6/8/1954 #9878  
s with halo on road. Going up [to] buzzing like bees. / LDLN#319.           10/8/1954 #10807  
anches. The flight produced a soft buzzing noise. Pugina ran after him, but 10/18/1954 #11225  
patch of fog and started hearing a buzzing noise. When the fog became less  10/24/1954 #11366  
om the location, emitting a slight buzzing noise and flying at very low alt 10/24/1954 #11366  
OURNE, VCT, AUSTR 1 observer. Loud buzzing. Enormous saucer just over field 12/9/1954 #11779  
to chromium and made a highpitched buzzing sound.                           8/19/1955 #12373  
ke surface and made a high-pitched buzzing sound.                           8/19/1955 #12375  
 then dives back down in a circle, buzzing the jets.                        12/11/1955 #12605  
                   OFF SANIBEL, FL Buzzing sound. Double-plate saucer hover 12/15/1955 #12611  
 Norfolk, that a strange object is buzzing the base. A de Havilland Venom n 8/13/1956 #13080  
 away. Suddenly there is a strange buzzing noise and the men feel a wave of 11/4/1957 #14284  
CHMOND, BC Boy / 12. 3M ovoid with buzzing arms / 1M altitude. BEAMs toward 2/24/1958 #14886  
r above some pine trees. It made a buzzing sound. There were some other wit 12/17/1958 #15480  
                         Kyger, OH Buzzing static-like sound on car radio.  3/19/1959 #15651  
ime of this close encounter were a buzzing on the car radio and the dimming 3/19/1959 #15653  
de of 700 meters. It made a slight buzzing sound. It changed colors, and th 7/21/1959 #15868  
n ascended slowly, emitting a loud buzzing sound and increasing in luminosi 10/16/1959 #16035  
                         A strange buzzing sound was heard when a luminous  10/23/1959 #16056  
ar a rhythmic series of beeping or buzzing sounds which seem to bounce off  9/19/1961 #16857  
hut, and the craft took off with a buzzing sound.                           3/9/1963 #17695  
en shut. The craft took off with a buzzing sound.                           3/9/1963 #17696  
g light, and it was emitting a low buzzing sound. After a minute, it flew a 5/7/1963 #17736  
eet away from them. The UFO made a buzzing or humming sound as they watched 6/26/1963 #17811  
he city. The object makes a steady buzzing sound and has several lights on  1/26/1965 #18768  
ooftop of their house making a low buzzing or purring sound, and was estima 5/20/1965 #18947  
eter, flying erratically, making a buzzing sound. It had headlights, a trip 5/23/1965 #18953  
illuminated. Departed rapidly with buzzing sound. Circular ring impression  5/24/1965 #18958  
illuminated. Departed rapidly with buzzing sound. Circular ring impression  5/24/1965 #18961  
rtheast. Burgess and Judin heard a buzzing sound. Total duration is 40 minu 5/24/1965 #18962  
ance of 300 meters away. It made a buzzing or hissing sound, and made sever 5/24/1965 #18963  
out 33 feet in diameter and hear a buzzing noise. The other boys run, but A 7/26/1965 #19181  
s. 9 black orbs pass / groups / 3. Buzzing sound. Light beams to/from/betwe 8/28/1965 #19468  
es and an upright fin. They made a buzzing sound.                           8/28/1965 #19470  
lowing blue domed disc approached, buzzing sound; paralysis and shock See S 9/14/1965 #19558  
ection. The humming becomes a loud buzzing, and his engine sputters and die 9/14/1965 #19560  
ad received an electric shock. The buzzing diminished as the object descend 9/14/1965 #19561  
 South Wales, Australia. It made a buzzing sound like swarming bees and cau 1/20/1966 #19862  
West, Florida. He hears a familiar buzzing in his head.                     3/22/1966 #20031  
iameter descend and land, making a buzzing sound. The objects had a row of  3/29/1966 #20134  
iameter descend and land, making a buzzing sound. The objects have a row of 3/29/1966 #20140  
as burned. There was a flash and a buzzing sound when the injury occurred.  3/29/1966 #20144  
led and left. Three witnoises. Low buzzing sound.                           4/5/1966 #20240  
n a wooded area, and heard a weird buzzing sound. EM effects occurred on th 4/7/1966 #20265  
ent out to investigate and heard a buzzing noise that seemed to surround th 4/7/1966 #20271  
tarted back to their car. When the buzzing started again they saw two blue  4/7/1966 #20271  
ticolored source of light making a buzzing sound as it flew over the road 1 4/22/1966 #20371  
R121. 2 silvery saucers. 1st makes buzzing sound. 2nd follows 1 St.         11/10/1966 #21085  
IN Ellipse approached car, slowed, buzzing sound heard. CUFOS report; see R 11/30/1966 #21163  
een flashing lights. It gave off a buzzing sound like an electric transform 11/30/1966 #21167  
ircled over the area and emitted a buzzing sound. Shortly afterwards, many  1/5/1967 #21256  
g a sound like an electric shaver (buzzing). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 0 1/24/1967 #21372  
ew York when he heard a noise like buzzing bees around 1:30 a.m. He flashed 3/1/1967 #21715  
ast. A sound like a swarm of bees (buzzing) could be heard. (Letter 3/8/67, 3/3/1967 #21741  
ast. A sound like a swarm of bees (buzzing) could be heard. (Letter 3/8/67, 3/3/1967 #21744  
they all have violent headaches, a buzzing in their ears, and a throbbing i 5/1967 #22255  
                      RICHMOND, VA Buzzing saucer. Size / Volkswagen. Obser 6/1/1967 #22441  
tal after observing a disk-shaped, buzzing object, the size of a Volkswagen 6/1/1967 #22447  
tal after observing a disc-shaped, buzzing object, the size of a Volkswagen 6/1/1967 #22450  
om above high tension lines with a buzzing sound. The object gave off a red 8/6/1967 #22826  
 three feet in diameter. It made a buzzing sound and descended from above s 8/6/1967 #22834  
very bright orange glow emitting a buzzing sound, rise out of the sea, hove 8/8/1967 #22846  
nd disappears. It makes an intense buzzing sound.                           8/8/1967 #22847  
 bright orange glow and emitting a buzzing sound, rise out of the sea. It h 8/8/1967 #22849  
 at a high speed with a sound like buzzing bees. De Souza incurred a circul 8/13/1967 #22874  
Other witnesses reportedly heard a buzzing or humming sound. (Arkansas Demo 8/25/1967 #22921  
3:00 a.m. He gets a headache and a buzzing noise in his head. He also has a 12/3/1967 #23545  
ighbors. She tells him that a loud buzzing and intense heat had wakened her 5/17/1968 #23969  
glowing square on its underside. A buzzing sound vibrated the witness's ear 5/28/1968 #23991  
r bulges on the bottom and emits a buzzing sound.                           Summer 1968 #24066  
 few minutes the witnesses heard a buzzing sound and the object disappeared 7/20/1968 #24194  
oid seems / land / closed airport. Buzzing sound heard.                     7/29/1968 #24247  
 the outskirts of Mercedes heard a buzzing sound and her dogs began barking 8/12/1968 #24317  
 the outskirts of Mercedes heard a buzzing sound and her dogs began barking 8/12/1968 #24318  
rts of Mercedes, Argentina heard a buzzing sound and her dogs began barking 8/12/1968 #24322  
 their dog. They also heard a loud buzzing noise like a swarm of wasps. It  1/14/1969 #24842  
on and Rushton, reported hearing a buzzing sound while their dogs barked in 4/28/1969 #25099  
 over a two hour period. It made a buzzing sound, and dogs reacted to its p 5/12/1969 #25133  
ed light. It made a high frequency buzzing sound like mosquitos.            10/11/1969 #25409  
vi, Finland, watch a disc- shaped, buzzing UFO approach them and hover. It  1/7/1970 #25540  
o Heinonen and Esko Viljo, heard a buzzing sound and saw a round, ten foot  1/7/1970 #25541  
round in a forest clearing and the buzzing sound ceased. It was described a 1/7/1970 #25541  
ham, England at 6:30 a.m. making a buzzing noise.                           2/15/1970 #25584  
 and relax. They soon heard a loud buzzing sound similar to those emitted b 9/7/1970 #25828  
lcores, Valladolid, Spain making a buzzing sound. Dogs on the farm acted st 9/19/1970 #25842  
e object it ascended with a slight buzzing or humming sound. Both men felt  2/5/1971 #26015  
wing orange disc illuminated area, buzzing sound. See Section VI (E) (NICAP 8/8/1971 #26272  
r two to three minutes, and made a buzzing or purring sound.                8/8/1971 #26274  
"too much power." After feeling a "buzzing" sensation he found himself back 8/17/1971 #26293  
 beam and made a jet-like noise or buzzing sound. As an animal reaction, a  5/13/1972 #26682  
riangle. The object makes a slight buzzing sound as it moves away.          3/28/1973 #27385  
e steps out of the car and hears a buzzing noise. The UFO is a gray structu 5/22/1973 #27518  
enjoki, Finland when he awoke to a buzzing sound in the early morning hours 7/1/1973 #27610  
        Connersville, IN 7:17 p.m. Buzzing sound heard by some. Police rece 10/5/1973 #27949  
 Pascagoula River when they hear a buzzing noise behind them. Both turn and 10/11/1973 #27997  
ws and two blue lights, and made a buzzing sound. When the object landed an 10/11/1973 #28005  
h speed and efficiency. One made a buzzing sound. The beings then disappear 10/11/1973 #28005  
d look on his face. Meanwhile, the buzzing sound and blue light resumed, an 10/11/1973 #28005  
other domed disc was seen making a buzzing sound. Two children, ages 2 and  10/16/1973 #28090  
anating from the bottom. It made a buzzing sound. As many as four occupants 10/16/1973 #28090  
 language, resembling the sound of buzzing bees. A technical device communi 10/28/1973 #28311  
 appeared to emit an "electronic"' buzzing sound.                           11/15/1973 #28426  
                     ALMONTE, SP 2 buzzing 1M saucers glide 5M over treetop 12/25/1973 #28602  
hovering 6 ft over garden. Emitted buzzing sound and disrupted TV reception 2/4/1974 #28737  
g yellow-green object beside road, buzzing sound; three squarish imprints f 3/30/1974 #28971  
away horizontally. It makes a soft buzzing or whistling sound.              3/30/1974 #28973  
rd department, France. They made a buzzing sound that was heard by the two  8/2/1974 #29303  
 Coquitlam, British Columbia saw a buzzing, multi-colored disc-shaped objec 8/16/1974 #29364  
feet away in a clearing. It made a buzzing sound on descent. It had a squar 8/28/1974 #29398  
 flying out to sea and made a loud buzzing sound. It stopped in the air, an 3/2/1975 #29869  
ered 10 feet over a farm, making a buzzing noise. The silhouette of an occu 8/18/1975 #30289  
n his donkey cart. He soon hears a buzzing sound, and a flying object 10 fe 4/3/1976 #30983  
 from the ground emitting a steady buzzing sound. As the object disappeared 4/23/1976 #31019  
es the area, followed by a strange buzzing sound. He sees a bright object a 9/9/1976 #31362  
. The light goes out again and the buzzing ceases, only to be replaced by a 9/9/1976 #31362  
y instruments, one of which made a buzzing sound. The woman had been involv 3/20/1977 #31921  
d red blinking lights. She heard a buzzing sound like a huge swarm of bees. 4/6/1977 #31953  
ng object, van enveloped in light, buzzing sound, engine restarted by itsel 6/16/1977 #32165  
 time unaccounted for. There was a buzzing sound accompanying the light and 6/16/1977 #32166  
moments the UFO departed, making a buzzing sound when it left. The engine o 6/23/1977 #32186  
he encounter one of the men felt a buzzing sound inside his head, and later 1/6/1978 #32856  
be shaped object that was making a buzzing sound and emitting a yellow beam 5/15/1978 #33216  
ube-shaped object that is making a buzzing sound and emitting a yellow beam 5/15/1978 #33217  
be-shaped object that was making a buzzing sound and emitting a yellow beam 5/15/1978 #33220  
              In La Paz, Bolivia a buzzing sound woke the male witness up o 8/15/1978 #33517  
 magnetic field instrument) starts buzzing. Dains himself is not at home. T 8/18/1978 #33526  
V interference and setting off the buzzing of a magnetic detector.          8/18/1978 #33528  
 Livorno, Italy were awakened by a buzzing noise. They looked out, and saw  8/28/1978 #33586  
the bike is for riding. Suddenly a buzzing sound comes from the object. The 9/27/1978 #33762  
altitude (75m) while making a loud buzzing sound. The object beams two tent 10/8/1978 #33818  
t it was as if a terrifically loud buzzing was coming up through the top of 10/31/1978 #33902  
 person present, Rachel, heard any buzzing. Partially satisfied that they h 10/31/1978 #33902  
allic oval-shaped UFO, which after buzzing him rose vertically at great spe 11/28/1978 #34018  
ectro-magnetic effects). Brilliant buzzing object nears. 1 observer vanishe 1/3/1979 #34283  
r with an ovoid object that made a buzzing sound. Meagan Quezet and her 12- 1/5/1979 #34303  
over two witnesses. The UFO made a buzzing sound and had lights at both end 1/18/1979 #34356  
rance at five p.m.. The UFO made a buzzing sound and had lights at both end 1/18/1979 #34360  
Poros, Greece. He hears a powerful buzzing or shushing noise overhead. Not  7/4/1979 #34646  
ong themselves in quick bursts of "buzzing sounds." They glided quickly acr 4/20/1980 #35281  
nd broad as well, and it emitted a buzzing sound that made the air vibrate. 8/16/1980 #35459  
 domed blimp or ovoid UFO making a buzzing noise. It was purplish metallic  9/11/1980 #35513  
 his blanket. He then heard a loud buzzing sound that appeared to originate 2/18/1981 #35832  
ens of green, blue, and red lights buzzing in the southern sky, apparently  5/5/1981 #35931  
 of the road. He next heard a loud buzzing sound coming somewhere from his  2/19/1982 #36357  
 was unable to see clearly, with a buzzing sound in his ears and still feel 2/19/1982 #36357  
olved counter-clockwise. It made a buzzing sound, then shot up straight up  6/18/1982 #36511  
ing UFOs flew rings around a town, buzzing an important army base (NICAP: 0 7/22/1983 #36919  
easing atmospheric pressure, heard buzzing, and saw a small reddish ellipso 8/1/1983 #36930  
h dogs barking and the transformer buzzing. Later at home, João has a stron 8/12/1983 #36949  
ic shock penetrate her body with a buzzing sound.                           1/3/1984 #37105  
he size of a car, and made a faint buzzing noise. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 6/4/1984 #37351  
he size of a car, and made a faint buzzing noise.                           6/4/1984 #37352  
sa, Argentina when he heard a loud buzzing sound coming from outside. Simul 5/29/1986 #37898  
lue-green oval paced ahead of car, buzzing sound, forward motion impeded. C 10/20/1986 #38051  
d and sped away to the north after buzzing their car.                       10/8/1987 #38300  
ery apprehensive. She had a strong buzzing sensation in her head and became 6/29/1989 #38997  
at time period of objects making a buzzing or purring noise. At 7:00 p.m. i 11/5/1990 #39871  
 triangular UFO flew over making a buzzing noise. At the same time in Angul 11/5/1990 #39871  
   DANDRIDGE, TN Cop videos saucer buzzing light plane / 8 min! 1Kmph and m 3/15/1991 #40013  
hair. He left the room and heard a buzzing sound in his head and then began 12/4/1991 #40254  
ing position on a chair. He felt a buzzing sensation on his face, and felt  4/12/1992 #40414  
ht down from the clouds. It made a buzzing noise. It altered its shaped to  12/31/1992 #40775  
a.m. during which she heard a loud buzzing sound, and then a red light pour 1/14/1993 #40796  
and heard a peculiar low frequency buzzing sound. Two men came into her bed 7/24/1993 #41082  
ss off the road at 7:45 p.m. After buzzing the car the UFO hovered, then sh 11/15/1993 #41277  
r, military helicopters were seen "buzzing" the area.                       10/28/1994 #41817  
om that emits a bluish light and a buzzing sound.                           12/29/1994 #41910  
er(s). Big fireball offloads small buzzing balls / 5 minute(s) over railroa 2/2/1995 #42011  
the same time he could hear a loud buzzing sound. Moments later Sr. Torres  5/15/1995 #42211  
out 150 feet. They can hear a loud buzzing noise. It glides to the northeas 6/22/1995 #42267  
ks on his wrists and his ears were buzzing. Upon inspecting his vehicle he  9/24/1995 #42508  
trange creature and it made a soft buzzing sound, like a bee. The creature  1/20/1996 #42697  
e small creature emitted a strange buzzing like sound. Others saw strange c 1/20/1996 #42697  
      DANVILLE, QBC 3+observer(s). Buzzing noise. 6 rectangular night light 3/19/1996 #42828  
io four times. It made humming and buzzing sounds, and flew off toward the  9/7/1996 #43007  
           REDMOND, WA 1 observer. Buzzing noise. Flat-topped disk hovers o 12/17/1996 #43144  
and accelerated away making a deep buzzing noise.                           12/15/1999 #43898  
burning. He recalls a high-pitched buzzing sound, and has recollections of  4/9/2000 #43980  
 sky. As he approaches, he hears a buzzing sound and sees that it is a tria Early 7/2000 #44008  
 his bedroom. He next heard a loud buzzing sound, and then his entire body  4/23/2001 #44161  
r UFO in the sky that was making a buzzing or humming noise. He reported th 1/16/2003 #44476  
ject emitting a bright light and a buzzing sound at intervals was sighted a 7/31/2004 #44722  
                                 A buzzing sound interupted a witness's pia 4/21/2005 #44825  
minous triangular object, making a buzzing sound. The witness's car would n 5/15/2005 #44842  
orking and instead made an unusual buzzing sound. They both leaned out the  1/30/2006 #44920  
les west of Green River, Utah. The buzzing by the object was brief, and las 4/25/2006 #44933  
of loud noises, including ringing, buzzing, and grinding. Initially, expert 9/1/2018 #45538  
## Word: "buzzsaw" (Back to Top)
climbers. Semi transparent saucer. Buzzsaw sound. Very fast and near.       8/24/1947 #3363  
t saucer-shaped object that made a buzzsaw sound. Very fast and near witnes 8/24/1947 #3365  
## Word: "buzău" (Back to Top)
                                   Buzău, Romania Săpoca After 10:00 p.m. T 11/1992 #40700  
of 93 mph on a night exercise near Buzău, Romania. Col. Marcel Smoleanu not 11/1992 #40700  
return to the military airfield at Buzău. One of the pilots, Lt. Col. Doru  11/1992 #40700  
 making odd movements northeast of Buzău, including sharp 180° turns near S 11/1992 #40700  
## Word: "buzăului" (Back to Top)
ins Buzau River, Romania Întorsura Buzăului 1:00 a.m. Soldiers guarding a m 6/22/1995 #42267  
 over the mountains near Întorsura Buzăului and disappears. The next day th 6/22/1995 #42267  
## Word: "bvpts" (Back to Top)
arty forbids all activities of the BVPTS civilian UFO group, but it persist 12/1979 #35035  
## Word: "bw" (Back to Top)
penetrated Loring AFB. (SOURCE: 42 BW CP LORING AFB 291140Z OCT 75; SAC CP  10/29/1975 #30508  
## Word: "bwi" (Back to Top)
en in Linthicum, Maryland near the BWI airport at around 2:00 a.m. The witn 2/11/2004 #44661  
## Word: "by-pass" (Back to Top)
y guards patrolling a section of a by-pass road under construction in Deepc 9/8/1987 #38280  
## Word: "by-standers" (Back to Top)
ce was about 200-300 feet from the by-standers. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 6/25/1978 #33310  
ce was about 200-300 feet from the by-standers.                             6/25/1978 #33311  
## Word: "by-step" (Back to Top)
and air force crews now have step- by-step procedures for reporting UAPs on 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "bydgoszcz" (Back to Top)
               Sopot Jurata Gdańsk Bydgoszcz Malbork Jastrzębie Olsztyn Świ 8/20/1979 #34763  
s come from Sopot, Jurata, Gdańsk, Bydgoszcz, Malbork, Jastrzębie, Olsztyn, 8/20/1979 #34763  
way over the horizon in Ernestowo, Bydgoszcz, Poland.                       8/29/1979 #34805  
## Word: "bye" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bye” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT         7/16/1964 #18420  
le to the eye. Then he said, "Good bye, brother, I must go" and pushed a wh 5/16/1973 #27496  
## Word: "bygholm" (Back to Top)
                                   BYGHOLM, DK 1 / car. 15M ovoid hovers. G 1/13/1959 #15546  
                                   Bygholm, Den Car motor failed as UFO pas 1/13/1959 #15547  
        A witness driving alone in Bygholm, Denmark saw a stationary object 1/13/1959 #15550  
## Word: "bygone" (Back to Top)
," including people in costumes of bygone days. Suddenly they fell, as if f 9/20/1979 #34909  
## Word: "bykovsky" (Back to Top)
                       COSMONAUT V.BYKOVSKY Oval UFO paces Russian space ca 6/18/1963 #17790  
## Word: "bynowhisfear" (Back to Top)
ng of words more than other sounds.Bynowhisfear had returned and he tried t 11/2/1954 #11539  
## Word: "bypassing" (Back to Top)
seen heading northeast to Indiana, bypassing Chicago. They were the size of 9/11/1946 #2178  
ou are, going out there, basically bypassing the national military command  3/9/1992 #40369  
## Word: "byrd" (Back to Top)
             Antarctica Richard E. Byrd’s first expedition to Antarctica. H 10/1928 #1088  
              Antartica Richard E. Byrd and his companions would become the 11/29/1929 #1105  
              Antartica Richard E. Byrd’s 2nd expedition to Antarctica. In  1933 #1150  
              Antartica Richard E. Byrd’s third Antarctic expedition. Presi 1939 #1302  
edition. President Roosevelt asked Byrd to command the U.S. Antarctic progr 1939 #1302  
f America in the Second World War, Byrd was recalled to active duty in 1940 1939 #1302  
     Antarctica Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s fourth Antarctic expedition (Oper 1946 #1955  
ntinent, especially the coastline. Byrd made his second flight over the Sou 1946 #1955  
McMurdo Station Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s fifth Antarctic expedition (Opera 11/1955 #12534  
n (Operation Deep Freeze). By 1955 Byrd was in charge of the United States’ 11/1955 #12534  
ophysical Year (1957–58). This was Byrd’s final visit to Antarctica and alt 11/1955 #12534  
 a lengthy letter to Sen. Harry F. Byrd (D-Va.), criticizing Air Force secr 4/3/1956 #12782  
congressional hearing. Keyhoe asks Byrd to forward his letter to the Air Fo 4/3/1956 #12782  
orwards it himself anyway, as does Byrd. The Air Force’s Gen. Joe W. Kelly  4/3/1956 #12782  
e W. Kelly writes to Sen. Harry F. Byrd (D-Va.) that there is a “total lack 5/1/1956 #12822  
band, aircraft engineer William H. Byrd, summons an ambulance to take her t 9/1962 #17379  
Road 4:15 a.m. Patrolman Arthur H. Byrd sees an object flashing red, blue,  9/18/1968 #24479  
ord, England, until 9:15 p.m. Sgt. Byrd Cormier says they do not have radio 3/15/1983 #36784  
enior staff counsel to Sen. Robert Byrd, Dick D’Amato, tells Jacques Vallée 1991 #39939  
ons Committee under Sen. Robert C. Byrd. D’Amato tells Vallee that he looke 5/22/1992 #40469  
 black aerospace programs for Sen. Byrd, in addition to the triangle UAP wa 5/22/1992 #40469  
mato’s comments, who assisted Sen. Byrd into his investigation into USG/USG 5/22/1992 #40469  
says he was ordered by Sen. Robert Byrd, chairman of the Senate Appropriati 12/22/1992 #40762  
what conclusions were delivered to Byrd in a classified setting considering 12/22/1992 #40762  
ppropriations Committee under Sen. Byrd, Dick D’Amato, allegedly states som 1994 #41346  
aled  Note: Counsel to Sen. Robert Byrd Richard D’Amato (see 22 May 1992) s Late 1990's #43480  
 black aerospace programs for Sen. Byrd and claims “there is no such [secre Late 1990's #43480  
e also states at a camp near Marie Byrd Land, 10-15 scientists “disappeared 1/30/2015 #45429  
is Mellon on behalf of Sen. Robert Byrd to investigate the existence of Aur 8/12/2022 #45762  
existence of Aurora, or efforts by Byrd’s counsel Richard D’Amato (see 22 M 8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "byrne" (Back to Top)
Kinney Bayou, AR Judge Lawrence A. Byrne of Texarkana, Arkansas, was survey 4/23/1897 #563  
 Bayou, Arkansas Judge Lawrence A. Byrne of Texarkana, Arkansas, was survey 4/23/1897 #564  
                 Judge Lawrence A. Byrne of Texarkana, Arkansas was surveyi 4/23/1897 #566  
ed by the Pentagon’s Maj. James F. Byrne.                                   9/16/1957 #14001  
ce is represented by Maj. James F. Byrne, Maj. Joseph E. Boland, and Maj. L 1/31/1958 #14855  
Alex Francis Arcier, Maj. James F. Byrne, Maj. Joseph E. Boland, Maj. Lawre 2/17/1959 #15591  
2:00 midnight. Security guard John Byrne is patrolling Cairo Mill, an old f 10/8/1972 #27058  
lls like a curtain of solid light. Byrne watches for several minutes until  10/8/1972 #27058  
## Word: "byrnes" (Back to Top)
ng. Telegraph repairman Patrick C. Byrnes is operating a railroad handcar a 4/15/1897 #487  
 to US Secretary of State James F. Byrnes, organizes the CIA Office of Nati 12/26/1950 #5364  
ches deep. An FBI agent, D. Arthur Byrnes Jr., who has heard about it on th 4/24/1964 #18200  
## Word: "byron" (Back to Top)
 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 8:30 p.m. Byron B. Savage, an RCA field engineer,  5/17/1947 #2287  
roduced by George Pal, directed by Byron Haskin, and stars Gene Barry and A 8/13/1953 #9068  
Trent Lindsey and his wife and son Byron are driving on US Highway 54 near  11/7/1957 #14460  
4 near Orogrande, New Mexico, when Byron notices that the speedometer is ju 11/7/1957 #14460  
                              Port Byron, IL 10:30 PM. 5-1/2 mins duration. 7/11/1981 #35996  
 Scout camp headquarters near Port Byron, Illinois 10:30 p.m. A camp direct 7/11/1981 #35998  
 Scout camp headquarters near Port Byron, Illinois, suddenly hears his dog  7/11/1981 #35998  
                                   Byron, IL A triangular flying object was 12/12/1983 #37070  
                                   Byron, Illinois 6:30 p.m. Mike and Jeff  12/12/1983 #37071  
nd Robert Blanchard are driving in Byron, Illinois, when they see a triangu 12/12/1983 #37071  
lar flying object was sighted over Byron, Illinois by three men. It moved e 12/12/1983 #37072  
## Word: "bystanders" (Back to Top)
own New Castle, Pennsylvania Dusk. Bystanders in front of the Pearson build 5/2/1898 #621  
om the object that knocks him out. Bystanders from other cars carry him bac 8/27/1967 #22940  
mpled to death and dozens of other bystanders were injured.                 7/7/1977 #32247  
## Word: "byungsun" (Back to Top)
 by Lt. Col. Seungbae Lee and Col. Byungsun Lim, are flying at 15,000 feet  3/1979 #34453  
## Word: "bz" (Back to Top)
w drug, 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate (BZ), as a chemical warfare agent. The dr 1959 #15510  
975, some 2,800 soldiers are given BZ at Edgewood.                          1959 #15510  
## Word: "bzowski" (Back to Top)
treet Old Town 5:00 p.m. Kazimierz Bzowski and other resistance fighters ar 4/9/1943 #1494  
h raspberry and blue-green colors. Bzowski estimates it is at an elevation  4/9/1943 #1494  
## Word: "b¬47" (Back to Top)
        Wichita, KS 8:25 p.m. USAF B¬47 crew and passengers saw an elliptic 11/15/1947 #3490  
## Word: "bâlea" (Back to Top)
                                   Bâlea Lake resort, Romania Around 12:00  9/23/1978 #33736  
. Two cable car technicians at the Bâlea Lake resort, Romania, are awakened 9/23/1978 #33736  
## Word: "békéscsaba" (Back to Top)
                            Fürjes Békéscsaba Hungary 1:30–2:00 a.m. Witnes 10/10/1986 #38044  
 the sky northeast of Fürjes, near Békéscsaba, Hungary. The flashes do not  10/10/1986 #38044  
## Word: "bóbr" (Back to Top)
                   Germany Brzózka Bóbr River Krosno, Poland 4:00 a.m. A wi 7/9/1990 #39640  
f Brzózka near the bridge over the Bóbr River southwest of Krosno, Poland.  7/9/1990 #39640  
## Word: "bölebyn" (Back to Top)
                                   Bölebyn, Sweden 11:15 a.m. In the villag 7/19/1946 #2069  
weden 11:15 a.m. In the village of Bölebyn, Sweden, Leonard Danielsson and  7/19/1946 #2069  
## Word: "búsqueda" (Back to Top)
z begins publishing the newsletter Búsqueda in Gerona, Spain. It folds in M 8/1988 #38612  
## Word: "bălaşa" (Back to Top)
nia 4:00 p.m. Meteorologist Ştefan Bălaşa and a group of skiers watch a shi 3/29/1968 #23870  
binoculars it appears cone-shaped. Bălaşa continues to watch it until 6:40  3/29/1968 #23870  
## Word: "bălcescu" (Back to Top)
     Agricultural engineer Nicolae Bălcescu, Romania Agricultural engineer  7/1927 #1074  
o east over the village of Nicolae Bălcescu, Romania, at an altitude of 650 7/1927 #1074  
## Word: "băneasa" (Back to Top)
                                   Băneasa Airfield Aurel Vlaicu Internatio 12/2/1967 #23533  
is on duty in the radar station at Băneasa Airfield [now Aurel Vlaicu Inter 12/2/1967 #23533  
## Word: "będzienica" (Back to Top)
                                   Będzienica, Poland 9:00 p.m.–5:00 a.m. A Late 7/1987 #38218  
cart, returning to their home near Będzienica, Poland. They notice two huge Late 7/1987 #38218