- Observation of an Iraqi Plane Passing. See images/1985.jpg. - [Paul Bennewitz](BennewitzPaul.html) is in a psychiatric hospital. - Demonstration of SRI's "psychic seers" (project [Aquarius](Aquarius.html)). - **January 7:** Japan launches its first probe, Sakigake, towards Halley's Comet. - **April 12:** American Senator Garn is the 1st non-professional astronaut in history. - **April 29:** *Challenger* completes its 7th flight. - **June 11:** Above the province of Gansu (China), the captain of a Boeing 747 en route from Beijing to Paris sees a UFO crossing its trajectory, prompting him to consider a crash landing. The width of the object is estimated to be 10 km. - **July 2:** The European probe *Giotto*, launched by *Ariane 1*, begins its journey to Halley's Comet. - **July 22, 5:45 PM:** Residents of 6 nearby towns report seeing an UFO above Boulawayo (Matabeleland, Zimbabwe). 2 *Hawk* interceptor planes from the [ZAF](orgsMilitaires.html#ZAF) take off from Thornhill airbase to investigate. Boulawayo airport picks up the UFO on its radar, which is observed by spectators on the ground. Round in shape, topped with a small cone, it is so brightly lit in the afternoon light that other details are indistinct. The [ZAF](orgsMilitaires.html#ZAF) *Hawk* planes approach the UFO as it hovers at an altitude of 2000 m, but it then rises to 21000 m in less than 1 minute. The *Hawks* pursue it up to 9500 m before abandoning the chase as the UFO levels off. It then follows the jets back to their return to Thornhill before finally speeding off. - End of the observation wave starting in December 1981 in Hessdalen (Scandinavia). - [Groom Lake](Area51.html), end of the *Tacit Blue* stealth aircraft program [\[USAF Press Release, January 4th 1996\]]{.source}. - **October 24:** Launch of the satellite *Nimbus 7*, which detects the "hole" in the ozone layer. - **4 December:** Declaration of [Ronald Reagan](ReaganRonaldWilson.html). - **December 27th, early morning hours:** Abduction of [Whitley Strieber](StrieberWhitley.html).