#1975, January 1
SPAIN, Burgos
At around 6:25, Manolo Agnera, Felipe Sanchez, and Ricardo Iglesias, military personnel in a car, saw a luminous body describe a curve and head towards the ground at great speed. Manolo stopped the car. At the presumed impact site, on the other side of the road, at the crossroads, there was a glare like that of a stadium projector. The witnesses saw the object in the shape of a truncated cone, 2 m high and 3 m wide, emitting a yellowish light, but downwards it seemed to emit streams of light towards the ground, which it did not seem to touch. Suddenly it went out and darkness became total. Not for long, because immediately afterwards 4 identical objects, apparently aligned and separated by barely a few centimeters, lit up one after the other. The witnesses' reaction was according to their personality: one wanted to stay and watch, another to approach, another to leave immediately. This is what they did, but only for 50 m, then they stopped again. Finally they continued their journey slowly. When they arrived at the barracks they informed the superiors. The military personnel found on the observation site a fallow field, a burned area 40 m long and 4 m wide. (Stendek n° 19 - March 1975 - p.3-9)
#1975, January 3
ARGENTINA, Caleta Olivia (extreme south - Patagonia)
At around 9:30am, while driving from Caleta Olivia to Comodoro Rivadavio on a winding and steep road, Juan Carlos Ascensci saw through the windshield, in the center, a dazzling flash. He then saw an object that seemed to be made of chrome metal reflecting the sunlight, coming from the north. He braked, pulled onto the shoulder and the object passed to the right side of the car. It made a noise like when the wind blows through a shutter. It had the size of a large car, flew at 100m distance and at very low altitude. The car radio produced a discharge when the object flew over. The thing was disc-shaped, swollen in the upper middle part. (Cuarta Dimension, #21, 22, 23, 1975)
#1975, January 4
FRANCE, Lorient (Arsenal)
The sailor J.J.C. was driving a service vehicle at the Naval Arsenal at 5:55 PM when, about sixty meters from an intersection, he saw an immobile ball above a tree. The witness started to drive slowly towards the crossroads. The object began to descend very slowly in a gliding motion. It was matte black and resembled a hot air balloon. Continuing its slow descent towards the ground, it took the shape of a crescent, with the points facing down and emitting a slight black smoke to its right. The witness stopped at the intersection, the object descended to 4 or 5 meters from the ground, stabilized for a second or two, then inclined towards the buildings of the headquarters while taking a slight ascent. As it passed between the trees and the buildings, the witness could see two protrusions on its lower part. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet ..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 529, 530)
#1975, January 4th and 5th
BRAZIL, Maranao
The Alves Ferreira family was lying down. During the night a violent light suddenly shone on the house and passed, leaving a pungent smell of burning. The chairs caught fire: for the family it was obvious, a UFO had hit the wall of the house. The next day, Antonio, the 13-year-old son, was playing in the garden when he saw a UFO the size of a "Volkswagen" emerge and emit a beam of white and hot light towards him. A hatch opened, a ladder came out and two creatures descended to the ground. Antonio was frozen in place and without understanding how he found himself inside the machine, surrounded by masked beings whose appearance terrified him. The ship flew off and landed in a place Antonio did not know. "A multitude of people were waiting for us".
He was taken to a white hemispherical building where a humanoid asked him questions in an unknown language. Antonio remained silent. Irritated, the humanoid looked at him fixedly and as if by a click Antonio understood and answered in the same language. Really absurd questions: what is the speed of cars on earth, what do earthlings eat etc. Suddenly, the humanoid punched Antonio in the chest. A red spot appeared, and reappeared with each subsequent "contact". He was brought back around noon. He began to passionately draw dark-skinned entities with large pointed ears, slanted eyes, their helmets from which an abundant brown hair escaped, their uniforms, their ships seen from the inside and outside.
In all, Antonio would have made 11 trips to these aliens. Their writing is somewhat similar to Chinese ideograms, the streets are covered with conveyor belts: the whole panoply of science fiction comics. There money does not exist, there is only one animal, the "antitolilai". The aliens ask to offer them a dog, a cat, a parrot and in exchange Antonio receives a metal statuette representing one of them, medals and a gun. Antonio returned these gifts, because the neighbors accused him of possessing works of the devil. The ETs did not return the animals offered. Unusual detail: for a 36-hour stay of Antonio with these ETs, he was replaced on earth by a "clone" of which the parents would have noticed.
(Marie-Thérèse de BROSSES: "Enquête sur les enlèvements E.T." - Plon 1995, p. 283 to 285) The Aliens would have told Antonio Alvez Ferreira that they had to keep him for thirty-six hours. So that his family could not worry about his absence (the entities usually have no such scruples!) they sent them a double in the meantime instead of the real Antonio! Better (or worse, depending on your choice): on a screen aboard a UFO, Antonio could follow his double confronted with his parents, who would have realized quite quickly that bilocation was not their offspring .. (Jean SIDER: "Ovni, the unmasked invaders" - ed. Ramuel 1999, p 168)
#January 4, 1975
USA, near Cincinnati
Jane Putman was reading, alone in the living room. The curtains were drawn. (...) Suddenly, a high-pitched voice, like a song, broke the silence. Jane dropped her book, and listened. (...) (Her husband Ray) was awake: she heard him walking quickly on the landing at the top of the stairs. At that moment, the singing stopped. "What the devil is going on?" Ray cried out. And without further ado he grabbed the phone and called the police. (...) Agents searched the house and the entire yard, and found nothing. (...) Early the next morning, Jane, unsatisfied, carefully examined the ground under the window facing the lawn. Astonished, she saw a half-circle depression in the grass. The arc, about twelve meters long, went up to the vertical of the ends of the branches of a large oak. (...) (in July 1975 the trace still existed) (Leonard STRINGFIELD: "General UFO Alert", ed. France - Empire, 1978, p. 69, 70)
#1975, January 5
BRAZIL, Bahia Blanca
Carlos Alberto Diaz, 28 years old, was returning from his work in a workshop at the station. It was 4 o'clock in the morning. He was suddenly blinded by an incandescent light that paralyzed him. He wanted to scream, but no sound came out. A force literally sucked him up to the edge of a saucer. Three beings who had no hands at the end of their arms then pulled his hair. He fainted. When he regained consciousness he was in Buenos Aires, 600 km from Bahia Blanca. (GARREAU and LAVIER: "Face aux extra-terrestres" - DELARGE 1975 - J'ai Lu, p. 173, 174). (Jean FERGUSON: "Les Humanoïdes..." ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p.100, 101) He was suddenly blinded by a pulsating light while he heard a kind of whistling resembling a radio wave. He said that the air and even the street seemed to vibrate violently. He felt lifted off the ground. At three meters high, he looked down and fainted. He woke up in what seemed to be a bright, very illuminated sphere. Three silent, somewhat greenish creatures were near him. They pulled out tufts of his hair, but he felt no pain. Four hours after being sucked up into the air in a street in Bahia Blanca, he woke up dazed on the side of a road in Buenos Aires more than 500 miles from his home. Near him was the bag containing his work clothes and the newspaper he had bought that morning. (Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDEL: "The World's Greatest Ufo Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 71)
#1975, January 5
FRANCE, Laulne
Yvon Vildier, 12 years old, went outside to the courtyard to urinate at around 7pm, turning on the outside light. He then saw, 120 meters away from the house in a field, a strange craft: he only saw the dome with a yellow, shining porthole, the rest being hidden by a hedge. He was struck with stupor and a few seconds later the object rose up, spinning, until it reached 100 meters high vertically. It seemed to be composed of 3 or 4 levels, and in the upper part there were 5 portholes the size of a bowl. Three 50 cm tall legs seemed to be connected to the center of the base to form a seat and they retracted into the craft when it left. He estimated the size to be 15 meters by 3 meters, oval-shaped. Without the legs, the height could have been 4 meters. It left to the left at a great speed. Duration of the observation: 30 seconds. The child returned in a state of shock, unable to say a word due to his fear. Ground traces and analyses were carried out. (J.C. BOURRET: "Le nouveau défi des OVNI" - France-Empire 1976, pp. 99-109)
#1975, January 25th to February 5th
FRANCE: Eclaron (Haute Marne)
A small group of people - including ufologists - observe various phenomena multiple times in a wooded area, near the Der-Chantecoq lake. Luminous balls on the water, motionless, then dancing a ballet and seeming to react to the actions of the witnesses; luminous balls on the ground or at high altitude; shape appearing from far away like a military target (circle on a rectangle) but up close like a solid in slow rotation. (Science et Vie, special edition 1997: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, pp. 60 to 63)
#1975, January 14
FRANCE, near Bezolles
At around 7:15 PM, the witness, having left work in Vic-Fezensac, joined Bezolles via D 112 and saw a light that transformed into a large, very white sun, whose rays were spaced and were 5 to 6 m long. This thing was stationary 2 or 3 m above the road. The witness flashed their headlights: immediately they saw nothing. Relieved, they drove off slowly and saw through the curtain of trees a reddish glow. They continued on and when the curtain of trees broke, they saw again a redder, less precise light in a wasteland, behind a small grove. The witness stopped and the light disappeared. Total duration of the observation: one minute. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet ..." - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 532)
#1975, January
USA, Manhattan
After closing his shop in the evening, George O'Barski drove home passing through North Hudson Park. The car radio began to crackle with static. Low in the sky, a bright object passed the car, buzzing, and stopped 3 m from the ground, beginning its descent. O'Barski observed a 9 m long vessel illuminated by a row of windows. A door opened and a dozen small, hooded figures in winter sports attire, all the same color, descended by a kind of ladder. Without paying attention to him, they dug in the ground, collecting soil, roots, and leaves which they put in bags before quickly returning to the UFO which took off and quickly disappeared. The next day O'Barski found the traces on the ground. Budd Hopkins, who collected this testimony, found another witness to the event: Bill Pawlowski, the doorman of a nearby building, was intrigued by the lights coming from a large dark mass. The Wamsley family reportedly went out into the street to watch the spectacle. Frank Gonzales, meanwhile, reported an identical incident occurring a week earlier. (Marie-Thérèse de BROSSES: "Enquête sur les enlèvements E.T." - Plon 1995, p. 66)
#February 10, 1975
Between February 9 and 10, four returns of satellites to the atmosphere were expected: the Soviet space station Saliout-3, whose calculations did not predict observation from the Alpes Maritimes department (France); Titan-D: US military satellite 10 m long, twelve tons; a small German satellite of 170 kg very dense; a solar panel from Skylab. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 539) (vog: for the date of the 10th, the same book relates 22 UFO observations in connection...)
#1975, February 10
LA REUNION, Petite Ile
A man saw a very bright object emerge from the sea and fly away at a dizzying speed. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 167)
#1975, February 14
LA REUNION, Petite-Ile, piton Calvaire
At 12:05 local time, Antoine Séverin, 21 years old, was strongly shocked by a light beam coming from a bright ball on Mount Calvary. The interested party returned home on foot. He saw three little men come out of the craft which did not touch the ground, observed them and was thrown to the ground by a powerful flash from the upper part of the saucer which then rose whistling very loudly. The witness became blind and mute from the shock of the observation. When, regaining his speech after 4 days, the witness explained his observation, he declared to have been disturbed by incessant beeps in his ears since the morning of February 12. Just before the observation these beeps were so loud that he thought his eardrums would burst. He then felt a burning breath and felt paralyzed. That's when he saw the craft in the shape of a large hat, which shone intensely. It had an aluminum color and was hovering 1.50m from the ground. A three-step ladder appeared from below, it inclined at 45° but did not touch the ground. Then a kind of Michelin man, plump and shiny, came out and was carrying a shiny object 30 cm long in his hand. On the stairs he seemed comfortable, but on the ground he moved his feet together. A second, then a third man joined the first. The first one scratched the ground, the witness did not see that he was putting earth in the shiny bag that the second one was holding out to him. All three had antennas on their heads on each side, the witness saw them in profile. To face him, one of the men pivoted and his antennas moved. That's when the powerful flash came that threw the witness to the ground. Faster than they had descended, the men went back up into the craft and the object left whistling. The witness does not know how long he stayed on the ground, does not remember having been blind and mute. Note that between February 19 and 25, each time the gendarmes brought the witness to the observation site, he fainted. Later he said that the cause was "beeps" heard as soon as he approached this place. (J.C. BOURRET: "The New Challenge of UFOs" - France-Empire 1976, p. 110 to 134)
#February 23, 1975
Two 7-year-old boys saw a light in the sky that descended into the garden. They approached and saw the UFO on the ground. It had "Oriental" inscriptions unknown to the boys. A ladder came out of the craft and a silver entity with a large head, quite strange, appeared. Inside they saw another identical creature sitting, with its hand on a lever. As the children were about to flee, the entity that came out of the craft spoke to them with a voice, like that produced by a record spinning too fast on the turntable. They fled and called the parents of one of them. The latter came out and saw the luminous object but did not approach it. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 340)
#February 27, 1975
FRANCE, Malesherbes
At around 6pm, Mrs. G. saw three or four times a "shadow" of human form approach her house, then a large "headless bird". She felt the strange impression that these shadows "came out of her" and that a click happened in her head as if a part of her was going elsewhere. (vog: was she, then, the extraterrestrial?) Numerous poltergeist phenomena occurred in the house: a lamp oil glass disappeared from the kitchen table and reappeared wearing aluminum foil after the witness observed that the dimensions of the room and the light seemed to be modified; the cover of her bed undulated like a snake; the bed vibrated; a pencil moved by itself. All these phenomena happened when the witness was alone. One day she suddenly thought that the responsible for these phenomena could be two African masks adorning her room. She removed them and the phenomena stopped. (vog: you didn't know that these African masks come from another planet?!!) (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 506)
#1975, Late February
USA, unspecified location
Last week of February. It was in the last week of February, while his wife and he were watching an opera on television around 3 pm. Suddenly the image began to flicker and fade. At the same time, both of them heard a hard, sharp, piercing noise - a sound of "cut glass". (...) and lasted for about 5 minutes. Frightened, the W.s got up and looked out the window. They saw nothing out of the ordinary (...) A strange glow was coming from the china cabinet facing the window. Approaching it, Mrs. W. saw that this light - multicolored like a rainbow - was being radiated by a silver salt shaker and pepper shaker placed among the china plates. (...) The two silver objects were burned. The upper half was covered in black powder, but the lower half still sparkled. (...) Then Mrs. W. had suddenly opened the door of the cabinet, seized the two objects, still glowing. For a moment, she had held them out at arm's length, then had run across the room to put them in the sink. "At the moment she passed in front of the window, the luminescence on the lower part of the objects stopped, the piercing noise stopped, and the television image returned to normal". (...) "The silver objects, at the moment she took them, were not even warm". (Leonard STRINGFIELD: "General Alert UFO", ed. France - Empire, 1978, pp. 63-66) (vog: what pranksters these E.T.s must be. They must not have liked the opera and they put their own spice in it.)
#1975, February 28
FRANCE, Montbard
The driver Daniel L. was driving in the direction of Chatillon sur Seine towards Montbard, between midnight and 01:00 (night of 27 to 28 February) when 2.5 km from Montbard he saw the phenomenon at the exit of a wood. The device appeared in front of him, coming to meet him in the axis of the road. It had an indescribable mass of metallic gray color and occupied the width of the road (7m40). The object passed at a dizzying speed, skimming the cabin and at the same time there was a violent flash. The appearance lasted only a few seconds and disappeared immediately. Witness emotionally shocked who spent the rest of the night in the hospital. (Robert ROUSSEL: "Ovni, the end of the secret" - Belfond 1978 - p. 37)
#1975, February
FRANCE, somewhere in Haute Marne
Mrs. A.S. begins to make her first UFO observations. From this date she will make more than 300. Each one is noted meticulously in a notebook. Here are some of the singular phenomena she recorded: a very loud buzzing, similar to a multitude of bee hives, one night above her house; white luminous balls entering her living room during UFO passages; two large circular traces in the crushed grass (other witnesses were with her); a large orange ball the size of half the moon, decreasing in size and descending towards the ground... One winter she noticed in a field near her house, footprints in the snow of small feet 10 to 15 cm long, with no trace before or after! (Jean-Francis CROLARD: "The Enigma of the E.T." - ed. Guy Trédaniel 1995, p. 85, 86)
#1975, March 3
Italy, Lecce
Antonio Gianuzzi, a seasonal merchant, had been interested in the UFO phenomenon for several years. On March 3 he felt an internal impulse prompting him to go out and photograph the sky. He set off early and went to a deserted and slightly wooded area 7 km from Lecce. After a few moments, in the direction of the north, he saw, like a flash, an object that first emitted a faint buzzing sound, then a continuous whistle. After recovering from his surprise, he took several shots. Gianuzzi was also able to photograph a curious flaky substance. (Note from vog: "cloudy" in fact. ) (A. SCHNEIDER-H. MALTHANER: "The Secret File of UFOs", ed. De Vecchi, 1978, pp. 129, 130 and 222)
#1975, March 15
FRANCE, Dourlers "Espérance" (Nord)
At 10 pm Mr. Sporta arrived 100 m before the intersection of Espérance and was drawn to an unusual light. In a meadow to his right there was a strong illumination, he slowed down and stopped 50 m from the intersection, turned off the engine, applied the handbrake, but left the headlights on. He got out and could clearly see a saucer shaped like a camembert box topped with a dome. On the ground it was 4 to 4.5 m in diameter, brown-khaki in color, the narrow and high dome was lighter. A strongly luminous nebula was emitted, forming a very bright, white envelope that allowed the grass around it to be seen for a radius of about ten meters. No sound was emitted. Then, multicolored glows appeared on the entire body of the UFO, spinning together giving the impression that the entire craft was rotating slowly at first, then faster. The brown color of the body was no longer discernible, the mass rose gently vertically in a stable manner. At about twenty meters altitude it suddenly took a horizontal trajectory that brought it over a wood, where after accelerating, it quickly disappeared (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 546, 547)
#1975, March 15
CANADA, Grimsby/Hamilton (Ontario)
(Source Ian Haysom from the "Hamilton Spectator") Mrs. Corrie DeJong, her 14-year-old son Charles, and her 9-year-old daughter Sylvia witnessed an incredible spectacle in the evening. Charles came back from church and rushed in saying to his mother to look outside; it was then 9:45 PM. "We were going towards the window," said Mrs. DeJong, "we saw three huge golden balls in the field, in front of the house, about 750 to 800 m away." These balls still hovered for a minute, dropped four or five smaller balls towards the ground and then disappeared. Afterwards, eight huge golden balls flew close to the ground, at 1.5 to 2 m altitude, for a few minutes, and then imploded. But the surprise was not yet over: there was still a large red ball on the ground, looking like a setting sun. (Ufo JOE on the Internet in June 1997)
#1975, March 26
Juan Muniz Feliciano was attacked in the evening around 10pm by an animal covered in grey feathers, with a very large neck, much bigger than a goose. He estimated the weight of the beast to be around 25 to 30 kg. The animal fled when Juan threw stones at it while shouting to call the neighbors. (STENDEK)
#1975, late March
PORTO RICO, entire country
Residents see a "strange bird" flying in the air and simultaneously in the villages there is suspicious slaughter of various animals. Cecilio Hernandez lost 35 chickens in the span of a few days. He was able to see a kind of woolly dog, without legs or head, running off in the direction of the mountains without making any noise. He adds: "I have never seen anything like it, it was like a body of wool running at full speed." (Stendek)
#1975, March 31
FRANCE, St Hilaire de Cambrai (Nord)
At 3:30 the witness was awoken by the furious barking of the dogs: they were unleashed and even climbed onto the table! He got up and saw through the double curtains of the bedroom a red luminosity. He even heard some kind of indistinct murmurs. His stepson who lives at the back of the house, intrigued by the commotion, turns on the light in the courtyard, looks out the window and sees a rectangular mass of intense red, 4.50m long, 2m wide and 2m high, moving around. It progresses at 40 to 60 cm above the ground, hopping. It continues on its trajectory, becoming round with a green and blue color, with a predominant electric blue. At 60m from the witnesses, the first witness' wife and her two daughters join the two men, and the object lands on the left side of the road, taking on a green-white hue. A few moments later the object moves again close to the ground and lands at 80m from the witnesses, on the right side of the road, now being green and spherical. The dogs calm down, the stepson turns off the light in the courtyard and goes back to bed without responding to his stepfather's calls and without witnessing the rest of the observation. The intensity of the sphere decreases and becomes comparable to that of our electric lamps. The witness wants to go out but his wife prevents him. He stays at the window for another half hour, but as nothing happens he goes to bed. At 4:40 the street lights turn on, the dogs start barking furiously again, the five witnesses get up quickly, the object has already moved and is approaching close to the ground in the form of a green sphere emitting a sound like a pot. Then, suddenly, when it reaches the witnesses' home, the phenomenon disappears. The first witness and his wife complain of sore eyes. Strange tracks of "paws" 14cm long, 11cm wide with "3 toes and a spur" are discovered the next day. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 548 à 550)
#1975, April 6
PORTO RICO, Miramar de San Juan
Willie Lopez at the Rock Radio studios on the top floor of the Darlington building heard three knocks clearly at around 10:30 PM at the outside window, just behind the control desks. Through the curtains he saw something bright moving quickly, but being alone he called a friend living in the building to come join him. At 10:45 PM, not having waited for his friend's arrival, he suddenly pulled the curtain and saw, a few centimeters above the cooling tower, a bright yellow object about 12 meters in diameter, stationary and swaying slightly. Frightened, he closed the curtains, interrupted the music program to broadcast on the airwaves the story of his adventure. However, his nerves had been severely tested and he had to be treated for some time afterwards. (STENDEK)
#1975, around April 17
Amphibious UFOs were reportedly seen off Algesiras, crossing the Strait of Gibraltar, according to the Spanish newspaper "El faro de Ceuta". The newspaper writes that a mysterious object projecting a strong light was observed by travelers making the crossing between Europe and Africa. The UFO emerged from the water, traveled a long distance above the waves before diving back in. The phenomenon was observed twice (AFP).
#1975, April 18
San Lucas hospital's concierge, Mr. Orlando Franceschi, saw something pass by the window in the back courtyard around 8:00 PM. Thinking it was a stray dog, he went out with a shovel: he saw a monster, 1.5 meters away from him. It was 1.3 meters tall with big ears and a big nose, a slit for a mouth, two black spots for eyes, vaguely resembling a monkey, walking like a zombie. The witness quickly gave it a shovel blow to the chest, making it retreat, then a second blow with another retreat. As he was about to give a third blow, he fell off balance and couldn't get up: the creature was gone. In the night, five young people coming back from Glenview had seen a strange dwarf to which they had thrown stones. Near Franceschi's house, a dead rooster was found the next morning. A week after the event, the witness "heard voices". He heard them seven times in a row and they told him that on May 31st, churches should remain open all day so people could pray. If this didn't happen, even worse things would happen. In fact, nothing happened at all. (Stendek)
#April 22, 1975
MEXICO, Mexico City and Queretaro
(cf. December 22, 74) Lya waits for Professor Hernandez, sitting in her car and they go to Queretaro, get out, walk a hundred meters, to find themselves in front of a small saucer of 3 meters, landed. Lya manipulates a small box that she holds in her hand, and the saucer opens, they board. Hernandez sees the lights of the city disappear, then realizes they are in orbit, he sees several satellites in space. The conversation is ecological, talks about climate changes and their cause. They talk about the ozone hole, deserts and virgin forests. She asks him to stop nuclear testing. Then she lands and takes the professor back to his car. She announces her departure for a group of extraterrestrials called in her language the Xhumz (note from vog: she read "The Cycle of Tchaï" published in 1968 and 1969 by Jack Vance!) and who have invaded our earth for 6000 years. They are responsible for abductions and animal mutilations. She also explains that the white race on earth comes from Maldek who gave birth to the world of Sion. They are responsible for the disappearance of the Atlanteans. (note from vog: she does Pangermanism and anti-Semitism!) In his diary Professor Hernandez will note several times how his contacts with Lya have changed his way of being and thinking. He will write e.a. "when I talk to her about my life experiences, she believes I'm crazy and I'm going to end up in a psychiatric asylum" On February 2, 1984, Hernandes mysteriously disappeared, leaving no trace (vog: was it looked for in all the madhouses?). (Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998)
#April 25, 1975
France, Marly le Roi
At 9 PM, 4 people from the P. and T. home in Marly le Roi observed an elongated, triangular-shaped light phenomenon moving parallel to the southern horizon towards the north. Initially yellow, the phenomenon took on a green hue and stretched out like a ruler. It then maintained both colors: green in the front, yellow in the back. The object moved like a piece of gum being stretched and shrinking in fits and starts. One of the witnesses observed a small trail of balls following and persisting for a few moments behind the ruler. The object moved faster than an airplane, but slower than a shooting star. Its height on the horizon was 20°, and the angle of vision between appearance and disappearance was 90° to 100°. Apparent dimensions at arm's length: during phase 1 (triangle): 5 mm for the thickest part and 18 mm in length. During phase 2 (ruler): thickness less than 10mm, length 30 mm. Color of the phenomenon: 144 and 358 of the "Pantone" shade card (Christian DE ZAN: "Guide du Chasseur de Phénomènes OVNI", ed. De Vecchi 1980, p 112, 113).
#1975, May 1
FRANCE, Lezay "Vaugru"
Gendarmes Dutel and Stroka of the Lezay brigade saw, during a patrol, near the Bois de La Trouille (vog: !) at 23:10 a bright yellow ball of 20 cm moving from east to west and approaching the ground at a regular speed. This object seemed to want to land at a short distance from them. They moved towards the supposed landing site and saw through the hedges 3 or 4 m from the ground a sparkle. At 23:17 they got out of the vehicle not seeing anything particular in this area. Almost immediately they heard a slight rustling of wings and noticed that a machine, whose shape and color they could not distinguish, was rising quickly from east to west, showing two faint red luminosities horizontally distant from each other by about 60 cm. The estimated distance of the object was about thirty meters. At 23:20 the object regained its bright yellow color and stabilized at an altitude they could not appreciate. The apparent diameter was 20 cm. During the prolonged immobility they observed it with binoculars, and saw two fins of 10 cm one above, the other below the disk which seemed to be dotted with black spots. At 23:25 they went in search of other witnesses. Around 23:45 the object quickly disappeared towards the west. (J.C. BOURRET: "Le nouveau défi des OVNI" - France-Empire, p. 135 to 139)
#May 3, 1975
MEXICO, in flight, above the Ajusco Mountains
Carlos Antonio de Los Santos Montiel, 23 years old, pilot, aboard his Piper Aztec PA-24, found himself accompanied to the left and right of his aircraft by a saucer topped with a dome with a small porthole and an antenna, all of a mouse gray color. In front came a third saucer at high speed, just diving under the plane. There was a strange noise, like a shock. The pilot realized that the saucer was trying to lift the plane and the pilot tried rolling movements, but the controls did not respond. He nevertheless managed to establish radio contact with the Mexico control tower at 12:15. The three objects raised the Piper 200 m and slowed its speed to 40 km/h. Vertically from Tlalpan, the object on the left went in the direction of the volcanoes, immediately followed by the one on the right. The pilot does not know what became of the third saucer. On approach to the airport, the aircraft responded again to the controls, except for the landing gear which refused to come out. After 40 minutes of attempts, finally the gear came out and the plane was able to land without further damage. It is 13:34. (Inforespace n° 30 of 1976, pp. 15-18)
#May 10, 1975
USA, Florence, Kentucky
(between 9 and 10 pm) Chuck (15 years old) had gone out, after turning on the outside lamp, to bring in his horse. (...) Suddenly an abnormal noise had occurred in the immediate surroundings. It was a buzzing, similar to that of a swarm of bees. Having turned around, the young boy had seen an immobile object, about seven meters high, above his neighbor's vegetable garden, some 25 meters away. (...) According to Chuck, the UFO had started to go up and down like a bobbing cork in the water. At that moment the ground had vibrated. There were two distinct sources of light on the object. One, radiant and green, came from a rectangular section, under the craft, near the front. (...) The rectangle, about three meters long by one meter twenty wide, was faceted or rather had rows of circular lenses, but the whole gave off a stable and green light. (...) The other light came from the tail of the craft which narrowed down to a needle point. It shone by pulsations, with flashes of brick red. (...) On the top, towards the front, there was a kind of dome without a source of light, without portholes or other particularities. (...) The porch lamp of the villa and the lights coming from the windows were reflected on the body of the craft, which thus appeared of a beautiful metallic green. (...) "Then a ray of light came out of the green rectangle. It was a darker green, perhaps olive green and it lit up the bushes in the neighbor's courtyard. (...) It was a beam of light, like a laser". (...) The beam came towards me and touched me. It was as if someone had thrown a bucket of very cold water at me? I suddenly felt frozen. I could not move anymore (...) I was like cast in plaster (...) "I did not lose consciousness, but I had strange thoughts coming from outside" (...) "I saw mathematical equations apparently without sense, and I remember having seen the omega symbol" (...) "Then the ray went out and I fell face down on the ground". (the UFO had turned off its ray but was still there) "The buzzing became more intense, then there was a very high pitched metallic sound, through which I heard another sound, regular, like a drum beat. (...) The craft suddenly turned around, pointing vertically towards the sky, tail down. It stayed in this position for 4 to 5 seconds, then the brightness of the tail intensified, and everything became like a confused cloud". Chuck still remembered a soundless purple flash, followed by three or four seconds of silence, then a loud clap of thunder. The UFO had gone. (...) (Leonard STRINGFIELD: "General UFO Alert", ed. France - Empire, 1978, pp. 71 to 77)
#1975, May
GREAT BRITAIN, Norfolk (at sea)
A dredger located at sea 30 miles from Gorleston in Norfolk had its propeller severely damaged by an object located 50 meters deep. The ship returned to the site using its echo sounder system, but nothing was found. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 164, 165)
#1975, June 9
FRANCE, Saint-Tudel (Tudec?) (Finistère)
At around 11:45 PM, returning from a hay errand in a tractor, André François, a farmer, observed a luminous ball about 60 cm in diameter. He parked the tractor in the barn and sat on a hill to observe the thing, which was about 250m away, for 5 minutes. When it began to rise very, very slowly, he called his wife and for another 5 minutes they observed together the slow ascent of 1m up to 100m as it moved away to the NNO in complete silence. Then, returning home, his wife went to bed. The farmer went back out and still saw the ball at the same altitude, when after a minute he received two violet reflections directly in his eyes. It hurt so much that he could only see black and he was very scared. (Robert ROUSSEL: "OVNI, la fin du secret" - Belfond 1978, p. 48, 49) André François, a farmer, was returning to Quémestéfan when his attention was drawn to the northwest by a strange light. Intrigued, he approached and was able to better make out the configuration of the phenomenon. "It looked like a cylinder about 60 centimeters in circumference. The craft was very bright. At first it was stationary, then it moved on a horizontal trajectory that I estimate to be 60 meters. Its speed was constant and regular. Then, before disappearing, it emitted two violet rays that completely blinded me. Its altitude was about 15 meters." (Jean François BOEDEC: "Les OVNI en Bretagne, Anatomie d'un Phénomène", ed. Fernand Lanore 1978, p. 76)
#1975, June 14
FRANCE, St Nicolas d'Acy "Les Moroseaux"
At around 11:40 PM, Jean-Pierre Narlot had just parked his car along the wall that encloses the castle park. He was accompanied by Sylviane Uyttersprit. It was pitch black, the moon had set about an hour ago. They saw a light, the UFO crossed a path, passed behind a small hedge and appeared in its entirety: two triangles joined together forming a cream-colored diamond shape that was shining but not illuminating the surroundings, 4 meters wide and 2.50 meters high, 50 cm from the ground. It moved slowly without making any noise above a field of broom. It stopped after a few minutes, a dark band seeming to come from the back of the object on the right side, which was the blurriest, unrolled downwards on the left side. Then the shadow disappeared and the object resumed its original shape. Mr. Narot then turned around... (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 558, 559)
#1975, June 26
FRANCE, Laguiole "Alcorn" (Aveyron)
Miss Maria M. saw in her courtyard around 8 pm, while it was still light out, a very thin shape (about 20 cm) luminous, about 1.50m tall, wearing a brightly colored jumpsuit in yellow and red resembling the color of flames. It resembled the character from the old advertisement for the thermogene. This human shape leapt over the wall of the courtyard, apparently without touching the ground, and disappeared into the path leading to the M farm. A few seconds later Miss Maria saw the character jump from a meadow about 120 m away. She did not see its head or limbs but is sure it was not a real human person. (J.C. BOURRET: "Le nouveau défi des Ovni" - France-Empire 1976, p. 140 to 153)
#1975, June 27
FRANCE, Bouillancourt-la-Bataille
At around 11:15 PM, Mr. Plaquet was closing the shutters and saw a dark cylindrical object in a vertical position at 10 meters altitude. At the top of the object were two antennas, like butterfly antennas spreading outwards. Each antenna had an orange light at its tip. Three identical lights were placed one below the other on each side of the walls. A non-blinding white light was emitted at the base of the cylinder. The object was above a cement post. The object pivoted and the witness only saw a vertical row of orange lights. Then the object moved at the speed of a car for 200 meters, stopped just before disappearing behind the roof of a house and made the same journey in the opposite direction, stopping above the post. There it then made a vertical jump and moved away to the west. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "OVNI, le premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 561, 562)
#July 1975
It was only in July 1975 that "China 3" was launched. It was, in this case, a real giant, whose weight, although never revealed, must have been around 3 and a half tons. A more powerful rocket, derived from a long-range missile, had therefore been used. From then on, the Chinese were able to launch satellites that were no longer just symbolic. ("The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 17)
#1975, July 4
USA, Tarsigny (New Jersey)
At 12:05, Mr. Cahill and Miss Tiger were driving when they saw a general deltoid shape, with a translucent green turret protruding, with vertical metallic stripes, spotlights and a very large blue-green light at the slightly concave front and rounded back, as well as red and white lights distributed along the belt line, flying at 9 or 10 km/h at about 25 m from the ground. Suddenly it rose so quickly that in less than a second it completely disappeared. The witnesses then alerted the Parsippany-Troy Hills police. (Skylook No. 94 Sept. 1975 p. 3-5)
#1975, July 6
CANADA, near London (Ontario)
(Source: Canadian Northeastern Ufo Organization) A UFO landed on the land of farmer Joseph Borda. The provincial police arrived to investigate and took samples of a strange blue-green substance. According to the ufology group investigator, Thomas Grey, this farmer had seen a UFO topped with a luminous dome in his field while he himself was busy on a tractor doing a spreading. Two days later, while inspecting his tobacco field, he finds a circular area where all the plants were burned. The police found no other trace of vandalism. The soil samples with the blue-green material were analyzed and it appears to be an unknown silicone-based oily substance. A similar incident occurred in another farm in the area in 1962. However, in this case, Mr. Borda had not alerted the police and was surprised to see a limousine registered in Arizona heading directly to the damaged area without asking for his permission. Angry at this intrusion, he followed them and found the three occupants busy taking samples. When he asked them what they were doing there, they replied that he could go back to his work as this did not concern him. So Borda called the police. (Gateway to Oblivion" Hugh Cochrane; Flying Saucer Sightings, Harry Foell from the Hamilton Spectator)
#July 12, 1975
(cf: June 1966) Many amateur astronomers had taken to following the passages of "Pageos". On the evening of July 12, they were surprised to see in place of the satellite, a multitude of small luminous bodies. The best equipped observers, particularly in England, counted up to 27 of them, of which only 5 or 6 were visible to the naked eye. (...) The calculation of the speed of the different fragments led to the estimation that the explosion occurred at 10 minutes past. At that moment, Pageos was off the coast of Peru, above the Pacific, in the firing line of a missile fired from Kwajalein... ("The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 147, 148)
#July 15, 1975
FRANCE, Saint Julien la Brousse
Shortly after the 14th. Eric Darnaud, 17 years old, and his friend were walking to Lamastre between 10 and 11 PM. They were 100 m away from the village of St Julien la Brousse when they saw a dark silhouette walking towards Lamastre. It was a human-like figure wearing a large robe. The silhouette changed from dark to white. The entity's movement gave the impression of gliding. In a turn, it disappeared. Then, to their great terror, they saw it come back at great speed, still gliding. The young men ran to the village, knocking on several doors that remained closed, except one. They told the old man their adventure and asked him to host them for the night. Without success. They sat on the terrace of a closed café facing the washhouse. They saw a round, red-orange, very bright light, the size of half a full moon, leaving a white smoke. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "OVNI, le premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 565, 566)
#1975, July 29th and 30th
CANADA, Toronto
Having been warned of a UFO landing near his usual camping spot, Oscar Magocsi went there and prepared himself physically. On July 29th he finally dared to enter the saucer (without a pilot). The next day, July 30th, the UFO took off with Magocsi, flew over Canada, New York and the ocean towards Egypt. Finally the UFO landed, probably in Syria. Magocsi got out, noticed a military column with tanks and heard artillery fire. So he got back on board and when he was at 3000 m altitude, he was chased by three "Arab" planes that shot at the UFO. But the UFO sent out a blue ray that made the planes explode. The next stop was Tibet. There Oscar was introduced to an "extraterrestrial" convent. (vog: ouf! I could feel this enormity coming...) He received instruction there, as there were other people present, whites, Asians, blacks. The next day he was taken back to "his" UFO, which immediately set off towards South America. At the height of Peru, other UFOs joined them. The journey ended at Mount Shasta in California around 11 pm. (continued on August 2nd, 1975). (Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse" Berlin, January 1998)
#1975, July
FIJI, Lautoka
At the Methodist mission school the students saw small dwarves appear, 50 to 60 cm tall, covered in black and thick fur, who fled when the boys approached them. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 329)
#1975, July 31
SOUTH AFRICA, Loxton (Cape Town)
A farmer saw a UFO on the ground and small creatures with slanted eyes. He received a beam of light in his face. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 351) Danie van Graan approached what he initially thought to be a caravan in his field, but it had no wheels. He heard a buzzing and saw four strange occupants in the object. A light beam hit him, he was disoriented. The intensity of the sound increased and the object took off quickly. Traces were discovered on the ground, as well as gray powder, and the vegetation was affected. (Science et Vie, special edition: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, p. 60 to 63) At dawn on this foggy July 31, Danie van Graan headed towards the water reservoir surrounded by a 3 m high earth wall, when he saw the roof of a caravan in the sheep enclosure. He knew that sometimes government prospectors come to search there (uranium) and surprised that they had not asked for his permission, he headed towards the thing, to offer a cup of coffee to the visitors. That's when he saw that the caravan had no wheels, but rested on three crutches. He saw four men inside the object and was struck by the slowness of their movements, their small size (1 m high), their thinness and their paleness. They wore a cream-colored jumpsuit with a hood pushed back from the head. They had blond hair, slanted eyes, prominent cheekbones, and a pointed chin. Three of them seemed to be dealing with an instrument, the fourth was near a panel with flashing triangular lights. Intermittently the device emitted a low buzzing. When Danie had approached to about 3 meters, he heard the sound of a click. He saw that the four occupants were looking at him and a beam of light hit his eyes. He was swaying, felt like he was drowning, nauseous and tried to escape the light. The beam suddenly stopped and Danie then realized that he was bleeding from his nose. The buzzing intensified and the UFO took off at a dizzying speed, brushing the windmill at a few centimeters. In 20 seconds the device was invisible, on a 45° trajectory. The vision problems (double vision and lazy vision in the morning upon waking) lasted for several months. (Cynthia Hind, Mufon Ufo Journal n° 353 page 15 - Sept. 97)
#End of July, 1975
AT SEA off Spain
Around 11 PM. The observation was made on board a fishing boat whose home port is the island of Yeu. The captain was at the helm when he noticed that his boat was being followed by a luminous disc of metallic appearance. The size of the object was estimated at 5 meters, although its distance from the boat could not be appreciated. The object was topped with three antennas, one of which carried a green light. It swayed in the air and approached the boat when the latter turned off its lights. The captain, who was alone at the helm, woke up his crew who in turn observed the object. A strong smell of sulfur was so strong that the captain checked that his box of matches had not caught fire. After two hours of observation, the object became red and moved away at very high speed, faster than any plane could do. A few days before, another fishing boat from the island of Yeu had observed a similar phenomenon in the same area. (Christian DE ZAN: "Guide du Chasseur de Phénomènes OVNI" - ed. De Vecchi 1980, p. 127)
Jack Dyball was driving in the fields near the town in a tractor. He saw
a silver-gray craft descending from the sky. The craft was coming so fast that
Jack thought an accident was imminent. But suddenly the craft righted itself
and flew away. "It had no wings," he said. "I saw five burners at the back spitting out blue flames." (Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDELL: "The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 139)
#August 2, 1975
CANADA, Toronto
(cf. July 29 and 30, 1975) (note from vog: there is a gap because he was at Mount Shasta in California and suddenly back in Canada, but with a personal UFO anything is possible...) On August 2, Oscar Magocsi boards the UFO that takes him to the mothership. On board the mothership, the journey continues and two days later Oscar arrives on a planet called Argona. The taxi driver previously encountered in Toronto now presents himself as Argus and takes him to a training center where there are other participants in the course. (vog: probably pre-Taliban!) Oscar obviously meets Quentin whose real name is Spectron, he is the commander. (...) The teaching is mystical and concerns IHM, the Cosmic Christ. On August 7, Oscar will be back in Canada. Argus warned Oscar against the MIB, who are adversaries. (continued in Nov. 85)
(Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998)
#August 10, 1975
USA, Gilroy
The observation began shortly after 11 pm, when the witness, a woman, drove Imelda Victor, 12 years old, home. They saw a lit object that was initially quite far away. The object quickly descended and approached their truck. Leaving the vehicle in front of the Victor's garage, the witnesses rushed into the house. Imelda's mother was alerted by their screams. (...) "The thing I saw was round, with 4 equidistant arms, like a landing gear. The central round section was bigger than a car but smaller than a house. Between the 4 arms there were 4 small protuberances similar to antennas coming from the center of the circle and on each one a headlight was mounted, similar to those on the top of a police car, with the difference that the lights were red and green and they were spinning." (...) testimony of the first witness. Mrs. Victor: "I ran into the street and saw this gigantic round flying machine with 4 antennas forming a kind of landing gear and, coming out of it, all these blinking white and red lights... It was metallic gray and it was immense. It was there motionless in the sky. It was much higher than the trees." Mrs. Victor's husband witnessed the last part and said: "It was very big and I saw it just as it was moving away. I could see from the panel where all the lights were to the top, it had the shape of a triangle. At the moment it disappeared, the object was going very fast in the NNE direction, heading towards San José. (continued on September 15, 1975) (Jacques VALLEE: "Confrontations" - Laffont 1991, p. 114 to 123)
#1975, August 18
FRANCE, between La Colle sur Loup and Cagnes sur Mer
Patrice Labonne, Bernard Gregory, Marion Towroslo, Claude Jouhan, Marylin Morin, Michel Pequeur (all aged 19 to 25) were camping at the "Hameau du Soleil". Two witnesses were in a tent, the others in the cars: the tent was separated from the cars by a curtain of trees. Between 2:30 and 3:00 the witness came out of the tent and saw 15 meters in front of him, four phosphorescent masses, two to his right, two to his left: two meters high, one meter wide each. Believing himself to be the victim of a hallucination, he called Patrice Labonne, who in turn observed the strange phenomenon. Frightened, the two of them rushed towards the cars. Starting a car, everything began to light up: all the electrical equipment began to behave like a warning in action without any intervention, to make the phenomenon stop, he turned off the engine. Marylin Morin declared that the moon (which had set at 2:02) was behind a single elliptical cloud in the sky. It was of an opaque hue and a kind of trumpet, similar to a water spout, descended towards the ground behind the trees. The high-voltage line that crossed the place emitted a loud buzzing, no more night insects made noise, but the dogs barked and the roosters sang during the presence of the elliptical cloud. Three luminous points arranged in a triangle above the ground: the trumpet descended on its left side. The next day a substance ", similar to lime, formed an ellipse on the ground: it disappeared as soon as the sun appeared. (M. FIGUET/J.L. RUCHON: "OVNI, le premier dossier complet..." - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 568, 569)
#1975, August 22
FRANCE, Saint-Evarzec
Around 8:15 pm, two regular customers of the local bar burst in: - "Come quickly, there's a flying saucer..." This was immediately met with general hilarity. (...) Then they all decided to go out onto the sidewalk, near the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nabucet. They just had time to join the previous witnesses when suddenly an "object in the shape of an overturned ashtray" appeared above the "Gouffès" wood. This object was hovering at the height of the roof of a nearby house: it was moving quite slowly and then suddenly stopped a little further away. That's when the witnesses saw a "beam of light coming from the craft, like a flashlight" but much more powerful, of a raw, very bright white color. (...) the observers agree to describe this beam as cut off at its end. (...) The phenomenon lasted a few moments without a sound and nothing could be seen except for some bright points. And suddenly, as if the light source was cut off, everything went out! (Jean François BOEDEC: "Les OVNI en BRETAGNE, Anatomie d'un Phénomène, ed. Fernand Lanore p. 67) At 8:55 pm, about ten people saw an object in the shape of an overturned ashtray above the Gouiffès wood. The object emitted a beam of light that seemed to be looking for something. (Philippe SCHNEYDER: "Ovni, premier bilan" - ed. du Rocher 1983, p. 85)
#1975, late August
FRANCE, Cazères
To early September. Between 9:30 and 10:00 PM, Maria-José Araignon and Miss Turban were getting ready for bed. Maria-José went out to the balcony on the first floor and heard guttural voices that seemed to be coming from a microphone. Suddenly, she could no longer hear the voices, but she saw a dark, elongated mass silently gliding down the road in front of the gate, 15 meters away from her. The object was about 2 meters high and had two chrome-like bands running along its length. The craft passed by and Maria-José heard the guttural voices again, fading away. Her friend inside asked her what it was. (N.D.A.: a prank cannot be ruled out) (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "OVNI, le premier dossier complet..." - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 575, 576)
#1975, September 9
BELGIUM, Brussels-Jette
While hanging laundry to dry on the back terrace, Mrs. Delgouffe saw an object with clear edges, gray and elliptical, 2 m long, with headlights shining horizontally, approach to within 40 m of her at an elevation of 15°. At the moment of its sudden disappearance, the witness heard a noise "like a sink draining". (Inforespace n° 27 - 1976 - p. 21)
#1975, September 15
USA, Industrial City (California)
(cf: August 10, 1975, Gilroy) Mrs. Victor was at a family member's house. After watching television for a while she went to sleep in a room at the front of the house. Suddenly, she woke up and found two beings standing near her. They were wearing silver suits and had small slits for eyes, nose and mouth. Their suit covered their whole body as if it had been painted and molded rubber. The surface was smooth and without wrinkles. She felt very calm when she saw them. They seemed to communicate telepathically, asking her to "come with them". (...) One of the two lifted Mrs. Victor by the elbows. Together they went to the front door. Mrs. Victor felt like she was flying. She clearly saw the flat roof, the garage. She saw the stars above her and a UFO hovering. It was identical to the one she had seen in Gilroy. They floated inside, passing through the heart of the object through its material and followed a ramp that went up at least three levels. One of the beings stayed with her, leading her into a circular room with an emerald floor, illuminated by a milky white light. The walls were silver, smooth, with large round instruments. She had a feeling of immense beauty. To her left was a door. Suddenly something traumatic happened. She was blinded by a white light, remembers nothing else and prefers not to know the end of the story. She woke up in her bed and realized it was day. (...) (continued on May 15, 1978, Gilroy) (Jacques VALLEE: "Confrontations" - Laffont 1991, p. 119, 120)
#1975, September 26
France, Assevent - Maubeuge
At 9:40 PM several inhabitants of the village and the surrounding area saw an enormous light disk - estimated to be 250 to 300 m - slowly oscillating on the edge of a private airfield in Salemagne, where no aircraft was present at the time. Coming from different directions, about ten witnesses converged towards the field in their cars. The motorists were about 500 m away when the engines of their vehicles stalled, their headlights went out and their car radios suddenly went silent. The witnesses approached on foot, amazed and a bit worried at the sight of this mysterious hovering craft, about twenty meters above the ground and whose countless portholes emitted, they report, a not very dazzling light. An officer of the reserve, witness like the others, saw a kind of cone detach itself from the central dome of the UFO, take altitude, pirouette like a top, then land again on the base hull which disappeared into the night sky in five seconds, leaving behind a kind of fluorescent cloud which did not dissipate until after about ten minutes. No trace: no footprint or trace of combustion. ("Historia" special issue no. 46 of 1976: Flying Saucers, p. 58)
#1975, September 27
France, Harcy (Charleville-Mézières)
"At 7:20 PM, on my way back from Charleville-Mézières, while driving on the RN 51 towards Maubert Fontaine where I live, my daughter, my wife and I were able to observe for several minutes (about a quarter of an hour) an enormous object that was illuminating all around it. ... a very powerful light like a lightning bolt through the trees, from the exit of Lonny to the top of the Harcy hill where I stopped to look better. It was clearly something huge, impossible to define, it was already night. The sky was cloudy and covered, it was not cold. I turned off the headlights. The phenomenon seemed solid, it projected light rays in all directions that seemed white to orange, then blue. It projected luminous sparks. The multiple projections occurred at intervals of about every 20 seconds. The brightness and luminosity were quite bearable." The object disappeared in the distance. (Jean-Michel LIGERON: "Ovni en Ardennes" 1981, p 85, 86)
#1975, October 4
The author was unable to sleep at an advanced hour of the night, when he suddenly saw very distinctly a human face of incomparable beauty, inside his room. After a certain time this face took an expression inspiring confidence. The lips moved as if something was being said, but no sound came out. He felt at that moment as if hypnotized by the apparition and felt detached from his body. Unsettled by this unusual phenomenon he made a mental effort of resistance and after a certain time the vision faded. (vog: eh ben, mon pauv'vieux…)
It should be noted that at the same time there were UFO manifestations in the north of France. (Pierre DELVAL: "Contacts of the 4th type" - De Vecchi 1979, p. 65)
#1975, October 7
CANADA, Utterson, Bushkong Lake
At around 8:30 PM, Robert A. Suffern's sister called him to say that her barn seemed to be on fire. Robert went out and saw nothing. Shortly after, taking the car to check on the livestock which seemed to be restless, he saw in the middle of the road an object of a matte aluminum surface, with an irregular and wavy texture, without any lights. Its height was around 2.50m, its width between 3.60m and 3.80m, in the shape of a saucer, resting very close to the ground. He accelerated and the object took off.
To return home he took the road along the lake, when he saw the creature: it pivoted and without any effort jumped the fence and disappeared into the meadow. It was stocky, broad-shouldered, moving like a monkey or a dwarf, full of agility. Its head was covered with a helmet, its costume was of a single piece of silver-colored material, but the helmet was whiter. Back home, suddenly the sound of the television disappeared and the screen went black. He went out and saw behind the barn an orange fluorescent light that followed the contours of the terrain to head towards the lake. (Flying Saucer Review, vol 22 n° 1 1976, p 18-19) (...) there was a kind of black ribbon that was spinning around the vehicle and a small platform at the lower part. The object was parked on the road that leads to the lake. He only saw the object on the ground for a few seconds, as it rose vertically, without noise, smoke or steam. Mr. Suffern turned around in his car to return home. When he arrived at the top of the hill, he had to brake abruptly to avoid colliding with "some kind of creature" that was not taller than the height of the car's bumpers. It had two arms and two legs and it was wearing a costume of light metal, deflated. It had a helmet on its head, a bit lighter than the color of the costume. The creature turned around, took two or three steps, and jumped a fence. It disappeared from his sight. When he returned home, he could just barely see the saucer hovering near his house, before it left beyond the lake. The witness was badly shaken by this experience. (NUFORC, "Looking Back" by Bob Gribble)
#1975, October
BRAZIL, Ceara State
Since the beginning of the month, the inhabitants of Tururu, Urubumetama and Sao Gonçalo do Amarante have been living in fear and no longer dare to go out after 6 pm. UFOs have appeared that have paralyzed witnesses. A strange object indeed always manifests itself at nightfall, moving at very low altitude, spinning on itself, emitting blue and orange beams. Many people were affected and some had to be hospitalized, suffering from second degree burns. On October 29th it appeared in Sao Gonçalo around 10 pm and stayed spinning above the town for two hours, while the inhabitants had run to take shelter. Stationary above a gas station, the UFO caused a general short circuit in the establishment (Inforespace n° 26 of 1976 p. 38, 39).
#1975, Late Autumn
CHINA, Jianshui, Yunnan
The barracks were guarded by two soldiers. Suddenly they saw in the sky in front of them, an immense object in the shape of a saucer. The object was red-orange. It was spinning above their heads (...). One of the two guards went into the camp to give the alarm and the other, Zhang Ke-Tao, stayed in front of the door. A few minutes later, when the battalion commander arrived with his men at the entrance, the soldier who had stayed outside had disappeared. (...) They searched for him meticulously: in vain. A few hours later, 4 soldiers (the guard had been reinforced) were surprised by a moaning coming from behind them. They turned around and to their astonishment they saw their missing comrade sighing at the foot of the door. They headed towards him to lift him up, and all were astonished to see that his eyebrows, his hair and his beard were long as if several days had passed. When he woke up the soldier had lost his memory, he remembered nothing. Another astonishing phenomenon: his watch had stopped, but as it had no calendar, it was impossible to know how many days the soldier had spent "elsewhere". (SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p.58)
#November 1975
China 4 took off for space four months to the day after China 3. It weighed 3 and a half tons, but had the particularity of being able to be - at least partially - recovered. Six days after its orbit, after 96 revolutions, a capsule detached from the main body to be recovered. ("The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 18)
#November 5, 1975
USA, Sitgreaves Forest near Heber (Arizona)
Travis Walton incident. Early in the evening, loggers in a truck were driving on a forest road when they saw a UFO hovering. Mike Rogers, 28 years old, stopped the truck. One of the loggers, Travis Walton, jumped out of the truck and ran towards the UFO, his comrades shouted for him to come back, but he did not listen. He threw himself flat on the ground in the bushes and crawled towards the object. He then heard a shrill noise, stood up, and a bright beam of light from the object hit him in the chest, he lost consciousness. The driver drove off in a hurry, stopping a little further away, the bright light between the trees gradually disappeared. They returned to look for Walton, but there was no trace of him. He reappeared after 5 days, exhausted, upset, having lost his memory. Under hypnosis he spoke of a medical examination on board the craft. (Johannes von BUTLAR: "UFO, We Are Not Alone" - Presses de la Cité 1979, pp. 183-185 and almost all other authors)
#November 6, 1975
FRANCE, Merxheim (Haut Rhin)
Three young children from the area, questioned by the gendarmes, never varied in their statements: Denis Dubich, 10 years old, was lying down around 10 pm when he heard the dog howling. He got up and when he was with the dog he saw a ball like a big balloon coming from Guebwiller. The UFO was whistling like a siren. It eventually landed in his parents' cabbage plantation, 50 m from the house. It was round, about 2 m high, with a belt of square, luminous portholes and topped with a dome. Three hatches opened up below and three legs unfolded to land. At one point the dome lifted and a form emerged that looked like the head and torso of a human. The form turned towards him, then went back into the craft and the dome closed. At the same time a claw came out from under the craft at the end of an arm and this claw took three cabbages in three times, which it brought back up into the machine. The craft began to rumble, rose up, folded its legs and took off diagonally towards Reguisheim. This lasted 15 minutes. (J.C. BOURRET: "Le nouveau défi des OVNI" - France Empire 1976 - p. 208 à 214)
#1975, November 6
France, Merxheim
The young K., 10 years old, recounts that while lying down around 9:45 PM, he woke up because it was too hot. He opened the windows and shutters and saw a ball coming from Guebwiller, descending gradually to land in a field 200m from the house. This is how he saw that it was a flying saucer. He closed the shutters and went back to bed. (J.C. BOURRET: "Le nouveau défi des OVNI" - France Empire 1976 - pp. 208-214)
#November 6, 1975
France, Merxheim
Little Christine, 9 years old, said that she had just come home with her parents around 10 pm and had gone to bed right away. When closing the shutters, she saw a round, quite large object with multicolored lights all around it, but she didn't look at it long enough to say if the object was stationary or not.
(J.C. BOURRET: "Le nouveau défi des OVNI" - France Empire 1976 - p. 208 to 214)
#1975, November 7
PORTUGAL, Senhora do Monte-Leiria
A doctor from Leira saw, while driving, an odd object flying in front of him at 10 meters altitude. The object flew over the car and the doctor stopped 150 meters away from the craft and got out of his car. The object then hovered above the trees. The underside was circular, and on the upper part, in the shape of a cone, there were four rectangular windows. The diameter of the UFO was around 15 meters. The doctor smelled an ozone odor during the observation. He did not want to stay in that place for too long but had difficulty starting the engine. He called his friends on CB, but there were also interferences there. (collaboration of Larry Fenwick, CUFORN, Joaquim Fernandes, CNIFO, Willy Smith, UNICAT Project; listing of Victor Lourenço; "Seculo Ilustrado" 7.1.76)
#November 14, 1975
France, Nouzonville
Around 3:30 or 4:00 pm. About ten employees working at the Lebon factories had the opportunity to observe, at the place called Davant Nouzon, in the direction of the "Maroc" or "Chesnois" quarters, an unusual object in the shape of a disk composed of two plates seeming to be glued together with the lower part dark, of a blackish color. It stabilized, remained still, allowing to observe that the upper part was of a grayish color and a series of white flashing lights on the edge, with a kind of fixed red light at the base. It seemed to be stationed about ten meters above the treetops. After a good quarter of an hour it rose slowly, progressively moving towards the northwest. The sky was clear, sunny. It was smaller than the diameter of the moon and one could see a kind of small halo around it. (Jean-Michel LIGERON: "Ovni en Ardennes" 1981, p 87, 88)
#1975, November 14
France, Nouzonville
Around 6 or 7 pm, a single witness reported having observed a luminous, elongated mass, resembling a kind of flying cigar. The observation lasted about 5 minutes. The object was lit on the side by a series of 8 white lights, and at the back there was a fixed light of red-orange color around which several small lights were blinking intermittently. (Jean-Michel LIGERON: "Ovni en Ardennes" 1981, p 88)
#1975, November 15
FRANCE, Marseille
At the Phare de la Couronne, at 4:00 PM, while the witnesses were having coffee, facing the sea, at the foot of the radio transmitter antenna, a silver disc of about 10 m in diameter emerged from the water and rose to a height of 120 meters, making two loops. It stayed at that altitude for 90 seconds and then headed south at high speed after making a 90° angle. Seventeen witnesses. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "OVNI, le premier dossier complet..." - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 588)
#November 20, 1975
USA, Cherry Grove
At around 4 in the morning, L.B., having finished his night shift, was driving home in his truck when he was followed at low altitude by an object shaped like a cigar, about 5 meters long. A white light blinded him. L.B. tried to get away, but the UFO, emitting a kind of buzzing sound, kept close to the truck. "It was about 10 meters above my windshield," the unfortunate driver said. L.B. arrived home and woke up his wife and three teenage children. They all noticed the UFO hovering above their house. Its shape was now that of a disc. Soon it rose up again and stopped, still emitting the same buzzing sound. The police were called. Two patrol officers confirmed the presence of the UFO; one of them shone his spotlight on the object as it approached the truck. The dog kept barking as long as the UFO hovered above the house. (Leonard STRINGFIELD: "General UFO Alert", ed. France - Empire, 1978, p. 44)
#1975, November 24
FRANCE, Sagy - "Cruzille"
At 7:15 PM, the Breon couple got into their car and saw, at the edge of a stable 50 meters away, an oval object hovering a few meters above the ground. The object was spinning silently and emitting four beams of light towards the ground. It then rose towards a vineyard and came back towards the witnesses, gaining altitude up to 10 or 15 meters above the ground. Mr. Breton's father and the Lugny gendarmes, who had been alerted, observed the object's ascent with short bursts. With each increase in the rotation speed, the object rose. On its upper part, it had a small dome and at one point a phosphorescent square light lit up under the dome during the ascent. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "OVNI, le premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 588, 589)
#November 24, 1975
France, Sagy
A witness who was at the gendarmerie when Mr. Breton made his declaration wanted to see the thing up close: they saw an object of rectangular shape with rounded edges, half red and half dark, rising above a wood. This thing was of great size. His father-in-law, a passenger in the vehicle, observed it with her. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "OVNI, le premier dossier complet..." - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 588, 589)
#November 30, 1975
FRANCE, Quend-plage
Mr. Greband, a fisherman, was at 4 o'clock on the beach to retrieve his nets. He saw a bluish beam coming out of the water and turning like a lighthouse, falling back and repeating five times with an interval of 2 seconds between each emission. After observing the thing, despite his fear, the fisherman decided to set his lines. He moved towards a reference point that a friend kept near the trammel stakes. He then noticed that the blue beam was moving, covering a meter with each flash, up to his height. (...) He then directed the flashlight towards the glow that he no longer saw, but saw a luminous trail coming out of the water and leaving at a dizzying speed towards the open sea. Strangely, the flashlight went out quickly, despite the new battery. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "OVNI, le premier dossier complet..." - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 589, 590)
#1975, end of the year
USA, near Toledo, Oregon
The story is recounted by the son of the head schoolteacher: "It happened at the end of 1975 when I was attending college at the University of Oregon. One weekend, I came home, and my father shared an incident with me. The previous Tuesday, several students from Toledo Jr. High School, where he was principal, had acted strangely all morning. Some teachers noticed and informed my father. He thought it odd and spoke to the three affected children, two boys and a girl, all living in the same area east of Toledo, near Pioneer Mountain. They seemed reluctant to share, so my father didn’t press further. On Wednesday, the girl was absent, but the boys continued their strange behavior. Thursday, the girl returned, and along with a fourth child from near Pioneer Mountain, all acted even more bizarrely, seemingly scared of everything. Finally, one of the boys decided to tell my father what had happened.
On the night of Monday, they had seen strange lights on the north side of the mountain, accompanied by odd noises. He further claimed a spaceship had landed near his house. The next morning, the ship was gone, leaving only a large patch of burnt grass. The parents advised their children to keep quiet for fear of ridicule. But on Wednesday night, the ship returned, this time with apparent extraterrestrial beings in shiny suits, collecting plants and even taking a cow with them. They seemed scared but didn't approach the beings. The following morning, the beings were still present. At this point, my father had each child confirm the story independently. One child, witnessing it for the first time the previous night, added they had stolen chickens and rabbits, describing the beings as log-like figures with limbs.
Thinking the children had misinterpreted some event, my father called the police. Jerry, the Toledo police chief whom my father knew, accompanied by a local newspaper editor, decided to investigate. Upon reaching the location, they noticed an odd atmosphere – every house was shut, and no dogs were outside. Venturing further, they saw a UFO with three small beings around it, collecting items. The journalist tried to take photos, but his camera malfunctioned after one of the beings pointed a "magic device" at it. The beings continued their collection undisturbed. The two men later spoke to locals who advised them to stay indoors when "these things" were around. They shared that aside from the cow, the beings didn’t take much. This was the longest they had stayed. Eventually, the UFO departed and was never seen again in the area. (Reported by Don Ecker, UFO Magazine, based on the account of T.G. Browning, the school principal's son)."
USA, Cripple Creek (Colorado)
A horse tethered in a corral and 4 others at liberty were found dead: their bodies were mutilated, showed a clear incision around the anus and one of their eyes was covered with a whitish skin. In the year there were 203 cases of animal mutilations in Colorado. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 360)
#Around 1975
In the mid-1970s. (Source: Organization: OzEmail Pty Ltd - Australia) A taxi driver from Adelaide came to find Colin from the ufology organization, asking him if extraterrestrials eat potatoes? Because for the last 30 days of this period he received every morning an envelope without address, white, containing cash and written instructions. It was mentioned a place in the hills of Adelaide, where, every evening at 6:15 pm he had to deliver a ton of potatoes in 20 bags of 50 kilos. The first time such an envelope reached him, he did not believe the story, but as the money attached to the envelope was real, he left with a van to deliver the potatoes to the place and time indicated.
He then left, ambushing with the van in a secondary road, under the cover of trees, to see what would happen. He fell asleep around 9 pm and did not wake up until the sun's rays the next morning. He went to see the delivery place: the potatoes were gone! After this first delivery, he thought he would never hear anything from the anonymous customer again. But when he got home, there was a new envelope, with thanks, money, and the order of a new ton of potatoes. This lasted a whole month.
Then the man met Colin to tell him the story. Colin asked to see the instructions, and the taxi driver took them out of his pocket: all were typed on a typewriter. The paper seemed quite old and yellowed, the typewriter characters looked like an old mechanical machine. Then Colin accompanied the driver to the delivery place, with a ton of potatoes. At the place Colin found burn marks on the ground and his counter indicated a certain degree of radiation. Colin set up the camera and with the driver went to ambush on the secondary road. He saw nothing all night, but in the morning, the potatoes were gone! Colin accompanied the driver-deliverer of potatoes for nine evenings, and never, nothing happened, while the potatoes were vaporized. On the ninth night when Colin accompanied the driver, the camera had photographed an orange ball in the sky, while the two men had not seen anything visually. In the morning of that day, the taxi driver found neither envelope nor money in his mail. In 39 days, 40 tons of potatoes had thus taken the key of the fields ... The driver had received nearly $9000 for his services and for the goods .. (note of vog: which was quite well paid in my opinion: because in FB it makes 450,000 fr. of 1975, while the potatoes at the wholesale price were worth about 5,000 to 6,000 francs per ton, or for the whole between 200,000 and 240,000 francs.)
USA, Huntsville, Restone Arsenal
In 1976 it was a success. At Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, a laser managed to shoot down an airplane and a helicopter. Two years later the weapon could be considered operational, as it was able to destroy TOW anti-tank missiles travelling at 800 km/h. (continued: December 1980) ("La Guerre des Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 205)
USA, Nellis (Nevada)
Lockheed receives the contract for the construction of a stealth fighter (F-117A) and carries out the first wind tunnel tests. The components of the first XST prototype - one year after the signing of the contract - leave the Lockheed workshops in Burbank (California) and are assembled at the USAF base in Nellis. (Gesag, bulletin n° 96 sept 97, p. 3)
#1976, January 3
USA, Willacy Texas
A giant white bird with a monkey head attacked and injured one named Armand Grimaldo. The unfortunate had to be hospitalized, suffering from multiple contusions. (vog: is this still a UFO "object" or is disinformation being spread?) (Guy TARADE: "I have tracked down the trail of the extraterrestrials". ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1980, p 249)
#1976, January 5
FRANCE, Domène "Les Mortes" (Isère)
A 10-year-old boy, Jean-Claude Silvente, who was alone at the place called "Les Mortes" saw, around 6 pm, a luminous object of conical shape, about 2.50 m high, resting on the ground and emitting various glows: its appearance was preceded by a hissing sound. The engine having opened, he saw a yellow light inside and a man 2m tall came out, wearing a tight and luminous white suit. He had yellow hair and on the top of his hands a "green circle". The boy did not see his face, nor his feet, his legs seemed stiff like sticks, he walked like a somnambulist with his arms outstretched. When a door opened silently on the left of the device, a kind of undulating carpet descended slowly to the ground after a click, it was on this inclined plane that the tall being appeared. He stretched out his arms towards the child who fled, while hearing a loud noise behind him, like a flush. (Continued on January 6, 1976). (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 591, 592) A child saw an entity come out of a luminous device. It was tall, with long hair and a shiny and tight garment. The face was not visible. It advanced towards the child, both arms outstretched towards him, the latter fled, terrified. (Erich ZURCHER: "Les apparitions d'humanoïdes" - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 205)
#1976, January 6
FRANCE, Domène "Les Mortes"
(cf: January 5, 1976) Around 6 pm, Jean-Claude Silvente was discreetly accompanied by his future brother-in-law Marcel Solvini to get milk: indeed, following the events of the previous day, his mother thought he might have encountered an unbalanced person. Solvini was standing on the opposite sidewalk. On Jean-Claude's left was a garden bordering the road, separated from him by a fence. Suddenly, right in front of a tree, less than 4 m away from him, he saw the silver silhouette, without a face or feet, perfectly still. The boy screamed in terror, his brother-in-law crossed the road but saw nothing. The humanoid had gone out. The child, in a real panic, rushed home. His mother, sister, and brother-in-law went to the site: there was nothing, when suddenly they saw a light source turn on above the house, bright like a rugby ball, staying in place at 1m50 from the ground. It made no sound. Taking fright, the two young girls quickly went home. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 593)
#1976, January 7
USA, Brownsville
Alverico Guajardo, who was sleeping in his camper, heard dull noises on his roof. Armed with a knife, he went out to try to capture the intruder who had climbed the mobile home. In the light of his vehicle's headlights, he discovered a strange animal about 1.5 meters tall with imposing wings. Its face was that of a bat. Two eyes were fixed on Alverico, a long and thin beak like the blade of a sword gave the creature a menacing look. (vog: same observation, unfortunately.) (Guy TARADE: "I have found the trail of the extraterrestrials". Ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1980, p 249)
#1976, January 10
FRANCE, Merville
Between 10 and 11 pm, Mr. Masseron was sleeping alone in his caravan when he was awoken by knocks against the wall and some kind of scratching, then the vehicle was shaken. Believing it to be pranksters, Masseron looked out the window and saw, a few tens of meters away, a luminous object in the shape of an egg, either on or very close to the ground. This object moved in a spiral trajectory, emitting a stridulation that increased as it moved away. Wanting to know more, Masseron went outside. He now heard a kind of message similar to one received by a walkie-talkie, with the characteristic crackling. He didn't understand the message but heard a voice saying: "...L.P.X... L.P.X... L.P.X" On the left, something moved and caught his attention. It was the black silhouette of a man of average height, running across the path in a crab-like fashion: the axis of his body oriented along the extension of his right leg. He passed between the fence and an unoccupied caravan. Next to it in the other caravan was the Zamora family, sleeping. Mrs. Zamora was awoken by voices: "What am I doing?" "You do like me". She eventually opened the window and heard a message identical to the one received by Masseron. Strange footprints were left. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p.600, 601)
#January 12, 1976
BRAZIL, Matias Barbosa
At 11:30 PM, aboard their old Karmanguir from 1965, Herminio and Bianca R. were driving from Rio to Belo Horizonte. Having passed Matias Barbosa, Herminio, tired from the journey, stopped on the side of the road to rest. He dozed off while his wife kept watch. Half an hour passed and Bianca saw through the windshield what she took to be a very pretty glowing balloon. The balloon approached, went dark, and disappeared. Suddenly it lit up again, directing a beam of light towards the car which then went dark again as the balloon stopped. Thinking it was an airplane in trouble about to crash into their vehicle, she screamed, and Herminio woke up with a start. Both of them then experienced a strange feeling of lightness, a kind of emptiness. (...) The car was sucked up, and they found themselves with it in a circular room. (...) Two young people helped them out of the car and then there was a medical examination and a message for contactees. Then there were other contacts. (Jimmy GUIEU: "Our Masters the Extraterrestrials" - Presses de la Cité 1992 - pp. 39-52) They were released 48 hours later. (following January 9, 1977) (Maurice CHATELAIN: "The Messengers of the Cosmos" - Laffont 1980, pp. 58-60)
#1976, January 21
FRANCE, Uriage
At 7 o'clock Albert Meritto arrived at the place called "Les Bessins" and saw on his right a yellow luminous object resting in a field. The object was trapezoidal in shape and of large dimensions. On the perimeter of its upper side and on the right and left sides it was equipped with red lights. A rod was placed obliquely at each of its two upper angles. This machine, as big as a house, rose up and passed over him in the direction of Chamrousse and it hovered above the mountain. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p.603, 604)
#1976, January 26
FRANCE, Bouze-lès-Beaune
At 9:45 PM while driving on the road to Bouze, Claude Crétin (note of vog: sic!) received two successive calls of spotlights. An immobile yellow-orange scaphandre, with arms very detached from the body, the head equipped with a helmet at the top round, barred at the height of the eyes by a rectangular "mirror" surmounted by a headlight emitting a whitish glow. The bottom of the silhouette located at 6 or 7 m from the witness is hidden by the bushes. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 604)
#1976, January 28
SPAIN, Benacazon
Around 00:30, Miguel Fernandez Carasco, 24 years old, was walking back to his village after visiting his fiancée. 1 km from the entrance of the village, he heard a loud noise like a "caterpillar tractor" and when he turned around he saw a very powerful light at a low altitude, coming closer to him. Scared, he started running while the light approached and moved away from him several times. Finally, the craft landed 6m away from the witness: it looked like a telephone booth, 2m wide and 4m high, dark green, with a dome or rotating beacon on top emitting red and white flashes. Just below the dome were semi-circular wings 50cm long, and the whole thing was resting on a tripod. A door opened on its hinges, releasing a ramp and two human beings 2m tall emerged, wearing tight and phosphorescent frogman suits. Their wide belt had a buckle that emitted blinding red and white rays. These beings approached the witness up to 4m, who, dazzled, covered his face with his hands and couldn't see their faces. They spoke an incomprehensible language for Carasco, but with a perfectly human tone. Again scared, Carasco ran away while the beings returned to their craft which immediately took off obliquely. This maneuver was accompanied by the emission of a photographic flash and smoke that stained his cheek, palms, hair and jacket: the whole right side of the witness, who at that moment, fainted. Without knowing how, he found himself in front of his house in a state of confusion so his parents called a doctor. (STENDEK n° 24, June 1976)
#1976, January
England, Bolton, Lancashire
A young woman, Shelley McLenaghan, walking the few hundred meters to the bus stop, is abducted by extraterrestrials in broad daylight and suffers severe consequences. She and her family are continually disturbed by strange phone calls, followed by the visit of two men in black, one of whom has lost an arm and calls himself "commander". Shelley and her parents have had, for two hours, a kind of telepathic mind manipulation. (Jenny Randles 1988)
#1976, February
(cf: April 1968) The second period begins in February 1976 and ends in May 1978, after requiring 7 and 9 satellites respectively as hunter and target. (continued: April 1980) ("The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 148)
#February 12, 1976
The first target of this year is Cosmos 803, launched on February 12, towards which Cosmos 804 is heading, behaving like Cosmos 404 on April 4, 1971: it returns to Earth after passing at the shortest distance from the craft it had to catch up with. Same scenario for Cosmos 814, after a quick approach. (see July 1976) ("The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p.152, 153)
#1976, February
AUSTRALIA, Hobart (Tasmania)
A couple was going to bed, and she fell asleep, leaving him awake.
Suddenly, 3 creatures passed through the closed door. One of them
tried to put a bag over the man's legs, with the obvious intention
of abducting him. He managed to wake up his wife, upon which the entities
disappeared through the closed window. (Keith Baskerfield - Australian
Abduction Cases - 1989)
#1976, March 21
FRANCE, Echevis
Traveling on the RN 518 at the place called "The House of the Devil," Jean-Lucien Robert was around 9:10 pm dazzled by a kind of luminous cigar, about 1.20m high, 60 to 80 cm in diameter. Stopping and cutting the contact, he saw an oval object placed vertically with two kinds of dark red portholes spaced about 40 cm apart on the edge, from which very bright lights were escaping. The witness felt a fear like never before. The object being blinding, he protected his eyes with his hands. When he looked again, the object had disappeared. Before going home he entered an establishment shouting "I saw a monster! I saw a monster!" still hiding his eyes with his hands. His eyes were stinging as if someone had thrown sand at him. He made a statement to the gendarmerie and the gendarmes confirmed the state of shock of this witness. (Robert ROUSSEL: "OVNI, la fin du secret" - Belfond 1978 - p. 71, 72) (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 607, 608)
#1976, March 22
AUSTRALIA, Neminga (New South Wales)
Three witnesses: a couple in a car and a driver in his truck were parked in front of the town's hotel when they saw a small white car with its headlights on arrive. At that moment a bright green light descended on the white car, which was then enveloped in a thick white fog, and its headlights went out. After two minutes, the fog dissipated and a woman got out of the car to wipe the windshield with a yellow cloth that seemed to be covered in a white substance. A few moments later the woman was about to get back into her car when the headlights came back on by themselves. Surprised, she threw away the yellow cloth which immediately caught fire. She got back into her car and continued her journey towards Nundle, under the astonished gaze of the witnesses who saw a strange object disappear at an incredible speed into the clouds. (vog: the more spectacular, the more he likes it this author... as if all ufology wasn't already confusing enough) (Maurice CHATELAIN: "Les messagers du Cosmos" - Laffont 1980, p. 177)
#1976, March 24
GUADELOUPE, Pointe-à-Pitre
Around noon, the gendarmerie was informed by H.G., manager of the La Bekere restaurant in Capesterre de Marie Galante, that two bright spheres of approximately one meter in diameter had been discovered on the beach of La Feuillère. The gendarmes noted that these spheres were buried quite deeply, at the edge of the breaking wave and partially covered by the sea water, 14 meters apart from each other. A very thin metal coating covered them, with a thickness of about 0.5 mm. On one of the spheres, the coating seemed to have melted, revealing another very resistant metal that could not be scratched with the tip of a knife. The gendarmes, in order to continue the investigation, waited for instructions and kept watch until nightfall, and cleared the things the next day. It turned out to be two half-spheres that fit perfectly into each other and seemed to have been welded together with a material resembling plastic. At 10 o'clock, the mayor arrived on the beach, claimed ownership of these things for the municipality, and despite the prohibition, had them removed to be exhibited in the municipality. (J.C. BOURRET: "OVNI, l'armée parle" - France Empire 1979, p. 125, 126)
#1976, March 27
LA REUNION, Saint Denis
The gendarme M.G. was stopped by a UFO which presented itself in the form of a stationary fog at the side of the road at the crossroads, before suddenly accelerating and disappearing. At the time of the event it was day, it was between 6:50 and 6:55 when the vehicle had a breakdown of ignition. The small cloud was on his left. Its appearance was like that which one sees on roads in hot weather. (J.C. BOURRET: "OVNI, l'armée parle" - France-Empire 1979, p. 68 to 70)
#1976, April 2
Spain, Angües
Alberto Ballarín and his wife María Josefa Tarrés were driving on the N-240 towards their home in Monzón. Around 10:30 pm they arrived at the village of Angüés, where they made a short stop and filled up with gas. They then set off on a straight 3 km stretch of road. It was then that they realized something very strange was coming towards them. It was a strange light coming at a speed of about 55 km on the other side of the road. But they could clearly see that it was not a vehicle: there were no headlights or wheels and it was moving in a wave-like motion. It was pear-shaped, 3.5 m tall and 7-8 m long and was about 50 cm off the ground. The object thus passed them in the opposite direction and, turning around, they saw that it left a kind of trail of sparks, like a firework. The wife then saw the object quickly ascend into the sky. "Look, look there!" said the husband. The two of them then saw the object ascend surrounded by a brilliant light. They then already arrived at the village of San Roman, without having passed through Lascellas, and arrived home at 10:50 pm, a good quarter of an hour earlier than expected, although they knew the route and the time it took to cover it very well. But the encounter was beneficial: the couple felt better, in better health, more serene, and even the car ran better than before and braked more quickly. (Encuentros con el misterio, OVNIS EN LA CARRETERA, Article appeared in the magazine ENIGMAS, Javier García Blanco)
#April 5, 1976
IRAN, Chalus (Caspian Sea)
Gholam Reza Barzagani, 19 years old, was walking in the woods near the town of Chalus. As he walked, he saw a UFO in the sky that quickly descended and stopped above him. He was then unable to move, while 4 entities emerged from the saucer and took him inside the craft. He said he spent some time being examined by these entities before losing consciousness. He regained his senses early in the morning, not in the woods but in a deserted terrain. He had to walk all morning before finding a dirt road leading to the town of Isfahan. He had been put back on land 480 km south of his walking place. Barzagani was examined by doctors from the Red Lion and Sun Society Hospital in Isfahan. He was declared physically and psychologically healthy. The SAVAK, the national police of Iraq, investigated the case, and during the investigation they learned that villagers from the surroundings of Isfahan had seen a disc-shaped object in the sky. (Tehran Journal for April 7, 1976; Unsolved Ufo Sightings, vol.3 n° 3, Autumn '95: "UFO's and the Persian Gulf War" by Timothy Green Beckley, page 41.)
#April 1976
CANADA, Atwater (Montréal)
At around 6 pm, two young girls noticed a strange man on the Atwater line. He was about 2 meters tall and had an olive complexion. He appeared to be between 60 and 65 years old, not very hairy, with very black hair dyed with gray regrowth. His eyebrows extended to a point on his forehead with a line from the eyelid going up. His eyelids were metallic gray. He had a coarse nose, thin and dark lips. His clothes, in very good condition, were from a fashion of the 1950s. (...) He got off at the Berri de Montigny station. He walked in a very stiff way, arms close to his body, fingers joined together, his strange walk made him look like a robot, he moved in small, very stiff steps and at a rather slow pace. (...) (note from vog: maybe it was just a street "artist" who was used to doing "the automaton"? I couldn't find a Canadian author talking about this case.) (Jimmy GUIEU: "Our Masters the Extraterrestrials" - Presses de la Cité 1992, p. 101, 102)
#May 2, 1976
FRANCE, Le Banel
Dominique Menuge, a butcher-charcutier, was driving between 9:00 PM and 9:30 PM in Le Banel between the woods of Rappes and the Fountain of the Noue des Planes, heading towards the pond. Night was falling, the sky was cloudy, the weather was warm and stormy. Suddenly he saw about fifty small beings, frog-like. They were standing, some facing him, others in profile. They did not seem to be aware of the witness's presence. They were green, did not seem to be wearing a suit, their arms were hanging down their body and reached halfway down their legs. Their hands were webbed like frogs. Their head seemed to be wearing a mask or a diving suit with two big red eyes (diameter 10 cm) resembling road signaling lights. Their size was about 1 m 15, their build average. They were making no gesture. The witness immediately turned around and went back immediately to his brother's and told him about his adventure. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 611, 612) M. D. Ménuge lives in a marshy area. It is 9:15 PM... A large number of small frog-like beings, green, with webbed feet and hands, round head and cut horizontally at the top. They had big round eyes and were totally motionless. The witness fled... (Erich ZURCHER: "Les apparitions d'humanoïdes" - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 230)
The witness's attention was drawn to the red glows of the eyes, so he immediately turned around. Finally, as he was leaving, he saw on his left, about 3 or 4 meters away from him, another one of these creatures, identical to the previous ones, also totally motionless. The witness was very scared and, in panic, quickly fled the scene. (Jean-Michel LIGERON: «Ovni en Ardennes» 1981, p 89)
#May 4, 1976
BRAZIL, Salto Osorio (Mato Grosso)
During his military service, one evening around midnight, while on guard duty at Salto Osorio, Florisval de Jesus saw a dazzling light that then dimmed, allowing him to make out a strange craft and two men wearing metallic clothing. He heard a voice telling him: "We will come to get you on May 4, 1976 at 7 o'clock in the morning, at Mata Burro (a passage connecting the two sides of a fault) of a farm. He was indeed at the Agropecuaria Planalto livestock farm on May 4. He disappeared at 7 o'clock in the morning. His entourage, who had not taken his first warning very seriously, began to search for him alone, then asked for the help of the police. (...) He was located at 6 pm by an army plane 50 km from the place where he had disappeared; he had a broken ankle and could no longer speak. (...) When he regained his speech a week later, he said he had been taken aboard a craft and that on his return he had broken his ankle by jumping from a height of 4 meters, the craft that was bringing him back not being able to descend any lower to drop him off. (...) The extraterrestrial Hitz Mitz had told him he would come back to get him a year later, on May 4, 1977 (following this date) (vog: here again, story told exclusively by Jimmy Guieu) (Jimmy GUIEU: "Our Masters the Extraterrestrials" - Presses de la Cité 1992, p. 90, 91)
#1976, May 30
AUSTRALIA, Daw Park (south of the country)
In the evening, Trevor White had watched television, as usual. Going to bed he put on the radio, which he usually did to fall asleep to music. Around 2 o'clock in the morning, there were a lot of crackles in the radio, which Trevor first attributed to the poor quality of his device. Then his dog, a German shepherd, started barking. Trevor got up to see the reason for this agitation. Through the glass door in his room, he saw part of his garden, where someone of average stature (1 m 75) was in a silver suit, wearing a dark visor helmet, and a box of 30 x 30 cm attached to the chest, by straps. The box bore an inscription. The apparition had normal proportions. So Trevor went out with the dog, but the creature also advanced towards Trevor, which made him turn back quickly. Through the window he saw the creature rise, although it had no motorized device, but a little higher in the sky a cigar-shaped object was waiting for it and it entered it. The cigar was silver and a red light came out of the back, a green light was above it. The object was above the trees to the west and when the occupant had entered it, it left in the direction of the north. (Keith Baskerfield - TUFOIC)
#June 1976
While SALIOUT 4 was still orbiting, another station was set up to be occupied during the month of July by the cosmonauts of SOYOUZ 21. Those of SOYOUZ 22 and SOYOUZ 24 would follow for short stays. Then in August 1977, this SALIOUT 5 disintegrated in the atmosphere. ("The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 217)
#1976, June 12
GERMANY, Ennepetal - Schweflinghausen
(Case No.:: 19760612 A) At 01:45, during their night patrol, the two police officers H.W. Nösler and U. Roschlaub observed an unusual flying object in the sky above a construction site. In the report sent to the Ministry of the Interior, they wrote that the light emitted by the thing was so strong that the security lights placed around the construction site no longer seemed to give any clarity. According to their estimates, the object was at a distance of 200 m and very close to the ground. (JUFOF Nr. 37, 1'1985:2ff) (Hans-Werner Peiniger, GEP e.V., JUFOF - Germany)
#1976, June 22
At around 10:30 pm, Doctor Francisco Julio Padron was admiring the stars, comfortably seated in his car. His driver Francisco Esteves was driving. They were heading to Galdar. (...) Doctor Padron was the first to spot, at about ten meters from the road, a large, luminous globe the size of a three-story building, perfectly circular, of a gray-bluish color. It was transparent, as the two men had the impression of seeing the stars through the craft. The object was a few meters above the ground. The witnesses distinguished two human-like silhouettes in the center of the object and these beings could have been 1.8 meters tall. They were wearing brightly red clothing. Their faces had a distinctly human aspect, in the sense that their complexion and appearance resembled those of the men from here. They were wearing a kind of fabric band around their head, in the manner of a turban, which concealed their ears (...) and which was radiating a luminous halo or aureole. The most curious thing were the hands of these creatures. They were a kind of pointed stumps ending in wings that the beings were slowly moving as if they were hands. (...) The creatures were busy with feathery appendages on what could have been a dashboard. (...) While the two witnesses continued their observation, the car radio went off and at the same time they felt an intense cold sensation while the outside temperature was very mild. Meanwhile, the sphere began to rise slowly and it seemed to grow bigger as it gained altitude. (...) (Jean FERGUSON: "The Humanoids..." - ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p.41, 42)
About fifty serious witnesses including a doctor and three astronomers, suddenly saw, around 10 pm, an enormous transparent sphere of light blue color, through which one could see the stars, descending towards them until it remained hovering about one meter above the ground. Inside this sphere one could see two strange characters, with big bright eyes, wearing red suits and seeming to be busy in front of some kind of dashboard, as if they were trying to repair something that wasn't working and without paying attention to all the witnesses who were looking at them with curiosity. Finally, after hovering above the ground for a few minutes, the mysterious craft took off and disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. (Maurice CHATELAIN: "The Messengers of the Cosmos" - Laffont 1980, p. 177, 178)
#1976, June 23
BRAZIL, Aricanduva
Around 11:30 PM, José Alves Coutinho, 18 years old, was returning home after evening classes. Suddenly he saw in the sky a very bright light coming towards him and stopping a few meters in front of him. He tried to run away but felt paralyzed in place. The light dimmed and a small being with a big head, big eyes, pig-like nostrils, a small mouth, big ears and a completely bald skull emerged from it. José instinctively moved towards this strange being, felt himself lifted off the ground higher and higher until he was floating above the electric poles and lost consciousness. When he came to his senses he was lying on a table inside an enormous unknown craft that seemed to be 200 meters long. He was surrounded by 9 humanoids, 3 of them female. On a screen they showed him his parents and his fiancée who were looking for him everywhere, believing him lost forever. The humanoids explained to him that on their planet there were no sexual relationships and that children were created in laboratories for specific functions in their society. (...) He lost consciousness again and when he came to his senses he was lying in a bed in the hospital of Tatuape, a nearby town of Aricanduva. He learned that he had been missing for 24 hours and his father had finally found him lying in the garden behind his house in a very bad state. (...) The ballpoint pens he had in his pocket had become radioactive. (...) (Maurice CHATELAIN: "The Messengers of the Cosmos" - Laffont 1980, p. 178, 179)
#1976, July 1
INDIA, Madras
A woman saw a humanoid creature close to 2.5 meters tall. The entity had a luminous skin under the moonlight. Then the witness saw a red-orange glowing object rise into the sky. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 334, 335)
#July 1976
(cf: February 12, 1976) With cosmos 843, in July, things become complicated, as it intercepts its target, Cosmos 839, on a very elliptical orbit, between 900 and 2100 km. It is immediately recovered. For Cosmos 886, on the other hand, there was an explosion after passing near Cosmos 880. The eyes and ears of NORAD counted 56 metallic debris in its place. (continued May 1977) ("La Guerre des Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 153)
#1976, July
GREAT BRITAIN, Oakenholt (North Wales)
Little Gaynor Sunderland, 9 years old, came home out of breath and too excited to be able to speak right away. After calming her down and comforting her, her mother listened to her story. She had seen an object land in a field near the house. Terrified but fascinated, looking through the hole in the hedge, she saw two people in silver clothes come out of the object and start arranging various equipment on the ground. These people were small and "angular" and had big pink eyes. Gaynor thinks it was a man and a woman. The craft they had come out of was a little over 10 meters long and less than 2 meters high. Around the craft there was a band of yellow windows, and on top of the object there was a flashing light in the shape of a box. When after a big half hour the object flew away, it made a high-pitched buzzing sound. Gaynor told her mom she was cold and very scared, because she was sure the two people had seen her. (Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDEL: "The World's Greatest Ufo Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p.30 which cite the FSR and Jenny Randles).
#August 6, 1976
Canada, Parc de la Gaspésie
Freddy Chiasson recounts: "I was crossing the Parc de la Gaspésie in a thick fog. It was then that something very strange happened. A very bright red beam, coming from the sky, pierced the fog and began to sweep the road in front of the car at the same speed we were driving (...) It had well-defined contours and its point of impact on the asphalt in front of us formed a perfect circle of about fifteen centimeters. (...) The light accompanied us for a few kilometers. (...) Then suddenly, in a curve, this beam began to rise towards the sky in sections. Large sections, however. (...) But just as the light of the beam was almost completely gone, my youngest son showed us on the side of a mountain to our left, a rather intense glow. (...) This glow had something really unnatural about it: there was thick fog, and this glow was of an unbearable whiteness. (...) It stopped above the road, far enough in front of us for me to have time to brake and stop. (...) We got out of the car. My wife complained of having a very bad headache. We had aspirin in the car and I went to get it for her. (...) We decided to go to this device to see what it was. We quickly covered the distance that separated us. As soon as we were close enough, we were very surprised to see an object resting on feet. It had the shape of a scallop shell and it took up more than the width of the road. (...) about twelve meters in diameter and five meters in height. The very solid hull seemed to me to be made of dull metal. The glow seemed to come from square windows like those of a boat and arranged around the object. (...) The silence was impressive, except for a dull noise at regular intervals as if two pieces of wood had been rubbed together. (...) We approached our faces to the openings which were large enough, a little less than a meter square and the more we approached the more the light seemed to diminish. We were able to look inside. My wife gave one of those screams! It was a scream of fear. I followed her finger, because she wanted to show me something. Through the window which seemed to me to be made of soft material, I saw a massive face with large, round, fixed eyes. (...) We ran towards the car. (...) I tried to start the car, but nothing moved. I felt feverish. (...) After a few minutes, my sons and I decided to go out again, my wife tried to hold us back, but we went out anyway. I followed my sons. (...) We were still ten steps away when two beams of low intensity and similar to the one that had preceded us on the road appeared. They were distinct and perfectly oval with the same diameter from beginning to end. The two beams came from behind the device. They were of a bluish-greenish hue. (...) The two beams of light approached and Morris shouted "There are two!" I wiped my eyes because I was crying. I saw my two sons standing stiff in front of me. That's when I "saw" them properly. They turned off their beams. They were not beautiful. They did not move, I looked at their eyes: terrible eyes, round, fixed. They wore a kind of policeman's outfit, but more fitted. No hat and a bald head. They must have been about 2.10 m tall because they were taller than Morris who is 1.80 m. (...) We were like frozen. All this time I wanted to vomit. (...) Then Rony turned on his heels and started running towards the car. I followed him. (...) In the car I vomited again, then I felt better. I wanted to back up, but the car wouldn't start. In front of us there was an unbearable light and all four of us had to bend down as low as possible because we felt a dying heat. My wife started to pray. The heat became unbearable. Then it gradually dissipated. I tried to start and to our great relief, the car left. I drove slowly. There was nothing on the road anymore. We felt unbearable itching that lasted about ten hours." (Jean FERGUSON: "Les Humanoïdes ..." - ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, pp. 225-230)
#1976, night of August 21st to 22nd
FRANCE, Ernolsheim/Dossenheim (Bas-Rhin)
Around midnight, a young couple in a car from Ernolsheim to Dossenheim saw
a luminous ball 3 to 4 m in diameter with some sort of luminous antennas. Above this ball were many luminous points that twinkled forming a half circle. The phenomenon was
observed at a low altitude. Then between Ernolsheim and Monswiller they
observed a white-yellow ball emitting a bluish and reddish light 2 or 3 m above their car, the same phenomenon was
observed above the passenger's house by two young people and
by the parents. Around 1 o'clock, the gendarmes of Saverne, alerted,
observed it as well. Adjudant Le Martret and gendarme Paichelier
of the Bouxwiller brigade on patrol stopped at the intersection of
the D 105 and saw in the direction of Mulhausen a triangle from which
bursts of fire escaped from the base which lit up and took
the shape of a ball, changes occurring every 3 to 4
seconds. Gendarme Paichelier, after 15 minutes of observation, took out a Dacora camera and took two photos (they will
be completely black). (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier
complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 628, 629) Around 01:00 an object
surrounded by multicolored rings approached the car of the two
witnesses, 4 or 5 m from the ground and followed them when they made
a U-turn. It moved silently and changed shape: from
the egg to the elongated cigar becoming dazzling. (Robert ROUSSEL:
"Ovni, la fin du secret" - Belfond 1978, p. 105)
#1976, September 20
IRAN, Lake Tabriz
A university researcher (in history) and his wife were abducted by two entities that emerged from a UFO that had just landed near their car. The entities resembled Egyptian mummies. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 335)
#September 22 (19?) 1976
PORTUGAL, Portela Airport-Lisbon
Two employees of the control tower, an employee of a hotel in Acoteias (Algarve), passengers of a Boeing 707 and people in the whole region, observed the strange maneuvers of a UFO. The object consisted of a main bright blue body surrounded by 5 to 7 horizontal red and white lights. These lights detached from the object and exploded in a huge flash of light. A TAP plane en route to South Africa saw the UFO cut its route and force it to change direction. This maneuver was observed with surprise by the two control tower employees. One of them took binoculars and estimated that the object disappeared at a speed 3 times higher than that of a jet. "The National Enquirer" of November 30, 1976, published about this incident: The 707 passenger plane almost collided with a crazy UFO. There were 101 passengers on board who all believed in an imminent collision. The co-pilot Armindo Pinto made a desperate maneuver and the captain Eloy Weigert saw the UFO so close that its silhouette filled 3/4 of the window. This encounter took place very shortly after the takeoff of the plane, flight 241, in Lisbon at 02:10. Two other planes of the same company had a less frightening experience with an identical UFO. (collaboration of Larry Fenwick, CUFORN, Joaquim Fernandes, CNIFO, Willy Smith, UNICAT Project; listing of Victor Lourenço; "Diario de Noticias" 23.9.76; "National Enquirer" 30.9.76)
#1976, September
GREAT BRITAIN, Fencehouses (Tyne and Wear)
Two women, one 63 years old and the other 18, were walking near their home when they saw a small oval object and felt like they were hypnotized and drawn to it. As they got closer, two entities "the size of a large doll" appeared. They had big round eyes and white hair. They seemed surprised and quickly disappeared. (Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDEL: "The World's Greatest Ufo Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 30)
#1976, October 19
PORTUGAL, Praia das Ratas (Setubal)
José Jorge Lavareda Pinto, 49 years old, and José Antonio da Silva Mascarenhas, 42 years old, were fishing at night, at the top of a rock, their backs turned to the Outao sanatorium. It was 02:10 and they had to go back, but suddenly they saw six clear orange lights of great intensity flying from west to east. At one point this group remained almost stationary. It was a dark brown-green oval shape, with six intense orange lights and topped with a small red light. It was approaching them at an altitude of about 45 to 50 m and at a distance of 200 m. The witnesses were taken by panic because the object made no noise. It was flying at about 10 km/h. When it reached Troia, the orange lights became red and this color spread in a halo around the object. Then it took an incredible speed and left towards Setenave. ("Insolito" #21 February 1977, p. 12-13)
#1976, November
ENGLAND, near Winchester
Mrs. Joyce Bowles, 42, was driving late at night in the countryside near Winchester, accompanied by her friend Ted Pratt, 58. Suddenly, she felt the car being lifted up in the air, before coming to a complete stop. The two people scanned the dark night of the deserted avenue. Then Mrs. Bowles started screaming in terror. An enormous creature with pink eyes was staring at them through the windshield.
"They were horrible eyes, bright like the sun," she remembers. "They belonged to a well-built man dressed in a silver jumpsuit. Just before we saw him, there was a sound, like a rattling of chains. After examining us, he went back to a cigar-shaped craft hovering above a field just a few meters away from us. We could see that there were three other people inside. The one who had stared at us entered the craft, which promptly disappeared." Mr. Pratt, for his part, said "I was scared when the car started shaking, but when the creature looked at me, I felt strangely calm. Maybe it gave me the strength to take care of Mrs. Bowles, who was in a lamentable state. It was a nerve-racking experience." (continued in February 1977 Winchester) (Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDEL: "The World's Greatest Ufo Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 129)
#1976, December 12
FRANCE, Meylan (Isère)
Julien Hermann began his shift as a guard at the "Merlin-Gérin" factory at 6 o'clock in the morning. "A few moments later, in my office, turning my head to the left, I clearly saw through the window a human form of a size of 1.65m to 1.75m and of a fluorescent green color, surrounded by a multitude of small green twinkling lights on its profile. This form was about twenty meters away. I clearly distinguished its legs and arms which it held along its body. On the other hand, I could not see the face, nor even the head and shoulders, but it seemed to me to perceive in the night like a motorcyclist's or astronaut's helmet which formed an aureole towards the head. This human form remained motionless in the center of a luminous circle visible on the ground, of an orange-yellow hue, of a diameter of about two meters. I cannot say if the feet of this human form were in contact with the ground or not, as well as it seemed impossible to me to realize if it was facing me or presented its back. I felt a cold sweat and my radio which was functioning began to crackle and crack. I then rushed outside, going around the corner of the building. I saw the form again still motionless in the same place. Suddenly, it vanished on the spot."
This scene lasted from 5 to 7 minutes. (Pierre DELVAL: "Contacts of the 4th Type" - De Vecchi 1979, p. 66, 67, he dates it September 12, but it was a Sunday morning, the other authors say "December" I opt for this date)
#1976, December 28
AUSTRALIA, Coomlieyna Beach (Ceduna)
A submerged unidentified object was observed by about twenty Aborigines fishing on the beach. The craft measured approximately 30 m and had a white turret, a black line around the center and a red line around the waterline. Given the rocky marine ground at the location, it is excluded that it could be a submarine. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 168)
#1976, December
Launch of China 7 satellite, with recovery. In this case a cabin of 2400 kilos which rotated in space for two days. ("The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 18, 19)
#1976, December
CHINA, Taining (Fujian)
Again at around 9pm, UFO sighting by hundreds of people. (Inforespace n° 55 of 1981, p. 15) (note from vog: see previous "satellite"...)
CHINA, Yichum
Hu Sui Sheng observed an engine in the shape of a spinning top "spewing out a misty gas". (Shi-Bo)
USSR - at sea
The Soviet research vessel "Vladimir Vorobyev" observed an intense, white, underwater point of light, spinning around the ship in a counter-clockwise direction, at a distance of 150 to 200 meters. It fragmented into 8 parts as if under the effect of the propeller blades. It was located by sonar at a depth of about 170 meters and it was revealed that there was an unidentified object under the keel, at a depth of about 29 meters. (Christian Dutheil: "Ovni et Osni à l'Est".)
#1976, unspecified
PORTUGAL, Quebrantoes-Villa Nova de Gaia (Oporto)
At 4 o'clock in the morning, Mr. Lina, 46 years old, was driving when he saw two entities of human-like appearance. They measured a little more than two meters in height, seemed to have a blue-green color and at the level of the ears the skull showed a bulge. He also saw an intense yellow light behind a wall and heard a compressor noise, while the leaves of the trees were shaken. The witness felt very uncomfortable when he noticed that the engine of his car was pulling less well and that the light of his headlights was declining, but he managed to pass this strange phenomenon. (Cassiano Monteiro (CEAFI); collaboration of Larry Fenwick, CUFORN, Joaquim Fernandes, CNIFO, Willy Smith, UNICAT Project; listing of Victor Lourenco)
#1976, exact date unknown
BELGIUM, Leuze (Eghezée)
Véronique V., aged 4, was playing in the attic with her brother. Her mother called them to come eat and the brother went down. Suddenly the mother heard her daughter screaming and ran to her, seeing a white four-fingered hand holding the child's shoulder. She then took the girl in her arms and the hand disappeared (version told to Daniel BUKENS). This phenomenon lasted long enough for members of her family and the famous priest Gendebie, who had come running at the child's cry, to see it (version told to Gérard GREDE) (follow-up on January 4th, 1993) (SOBEPS: investigations).