# UFO Event Timeline, KWIC Index Page: i [Back to Main timeline](timeline.html) ## Letters Directory: [a](kwic_a.html) [b](kwic_b.html) [c](kwic_c.html) [d](kwic_d.html) [e](kwic_e.html) [f](kwic_f.html) [g](kwic_g.html) [h](kwic_h.html) [i](kwic_i.html) [j](kwic_j.html) [k](kwic_k.html) [l](kwic_l.html) [m](kwic_m.html) [n](kwic_n.html) [o](kwic_o.html) [p](kwic_p.html) [q](kwic_q.html) [r](kwic_r.html) [s](kwic_s.html) [t](kwic_t.html) [u](kwic_u.html) [v](kwic_v.html) [w](kwic_w.html) [x](kwic_x.html) [y](kwic_y.html) [z](kwic_z.html) [numbers](kwic_numbers.html) [misc](kwic_misc.html) ## Words Directory: "i&s" "i&w" "i'd" "i'll" "i'm" "i's" "i've" "i-10" "i-15" "i-16" "i-185" "i-20" "i-210" "i-225" "i-25" "i-270" "i-271" "i-275" "i-280" "i-35" "i-380" "i-40" "i-43" "i-44" "i-5" "i-55" "i-64" "i-68" "i-680" "i-684" "i-695" "i-70" "i-75" "i-77" "i-80" "i-84" "i-85" "i-87" "i-90" "i-93" "i-94" "i-95" "i-beams" "i-cheou" "i-conn" "i-petry" "i-saw-a-flying-saucer-society" "i10" "i129+us77" "i15" "i17" "i195" "i225" "i25" "i290" "i3" "i30" "i35" "i3u56kzbswu" "i40" "i43" "i44" "i5" "i55" "i64" "i680" "i695" "i70" "i75" "i76" "i79" "i8" "i80" "i81" "i84" "i85" "i87" "i90" "i91" "i93" "i94" "i95" "ia" "ia801301" "ia803008" "iac" "iaea" "iaeger" "iaf" "iam" "ian" "iandoli" "iaround" "iasi" "iași" "ib" "ibague" "ibanez" "ibarra" "ibarrola" "ibbotsen" "ibeas" "iberaki" "iberia" "iberian" "iberville" "ibicuitinga" "ibingira" "ibiracy" "ibis" "ibiuna" "ibiza" "ibiúna" "ibm" "ibn-fadlan" "ibouvillers" "ibrahim" "ibstock" "ibáñez" "ic" "ica" "icacos" "icarus" "icarus'" "icbm" "icbms" "ice" "ice-" "ice-blue" "ice-cold" "ice-covered" "ice-cream" "ice-cream-" "ice-cream-cone" "ice-cream-cone-shape" "ice-fishing" "ice-laden" "iceberg" "icebound" "icebox" "icebreaker" "icecaps" "iced" "icel" "iceland" "icelandic" "ich" "ichac" "ichikawa" "ichinan" "ichinoseki" "ici" "icicles" "icig" "icing" "icmb" "icoaraci" "icona" "icufor" "icusesti" "icy" "id" "id=1968-022a" "id=197" "id=98572&page=1" "id=mdp" "id=osu" "id=vomtmqaacaaj" "ida" "idabel" "idaho" "idaho-washington" "idea" "ideal" "ideas" "ideation" "iden" "identical" "identical-looking" "identically" "identifiable" "identificación" "identificados" "identification" "identifications" "identificatión" "identified" "identifiers" "identifies" "identifiés" "identify" "identifying" "identities" "identity" "ideograms" "ideology" "ides" "idf" "idi" "idiom" "idiot" "idiotic" "idiots" "idle" "idleness" "idling" "idomenee" "idris" "idriss" "idro" "ids" "idscp" "idu" "idwal" "idyllwild" "ie-shima" "iena" "iery" "ies" "ieybtchcte4" "iff" "ifo" "ifo-studiengemeinschaft" "ifo-venus" "ifos" "ifos-as-" "ifrane" "ifs#23" "ifs#24" "ifs#24+" "ifs#25+" "ifs#26" "ifs#26+r215p17" "ifs#27" "ifs#28" "ifs#29" "ifs#33" "ifs#35" "ifs#35+" "ifsb" "ig" "igar" "igaupe" "ight-see" "iglesias" "igloo" "igloo-like" "igloo-shaped" "ignace" "ignacio" "ignaciodarnaude" "ignatiy" "ignaço" "ignis" "ignite" "ignited" "ignites" "igniting" "ignition" "ignitions" "ignon" "ignorance" "ignore" "ignored" "ignores" "ignoring" "ignácio" "igo" "igor" "igries" "iguaca" "iguacu" "iguala" "iguape" "iguarapa" "igur" "igy" "ih662+malta" "ih8btreqv4c" "ihase" "ihm" "ii" "ii-4" "ii-9" "iii" "iii's" "iii-iv" "iiiii" "iirg" "iis" "iit" "ijapada" "ijsselmeer" "ijui" "ika" "ika-renault" "ike" "iker" "ikes" "iklef" "ikuri" "il" "il-14" "il-18" "il-62" "il-76" "ilam" "ilanz" "ildefonse" "ildone" "ildrim" "ile" "ile-de-france" "ile-de-montreal" "ile-en-mer" "ile-et-vilaine" "ile-vilaine" "iles" "ilford" "ilfracombe" "ilha" "ilhabela" "ilheus" "iligh-speed" "ilion" "ilker" "ilkeston" "ilkey" "ilkka" "ilkley" "ill" "ill-conceived" "ill-defined" "ill-disposed" "ill-effect" "ill-fated" "ill-informed" "ille" "ille-et-vilaine" "illegal" "illegally" "illegible" "illimani" "illiniois" "illinois" "illiterate" "illness" "illnesses" "illobrand" "illogical" "illovo" "ills" "illum" "illuminate" "illuminated" "illuminates" "illuminati" "illuminating" "illumination" "illuminations" "illuminted" "illusion" "illusionist" "illusions" "illustrate" "illustrated" "illustrates" "illustrating" "illustration" "illustration's" "illustrations" "illustrator" "illustré" "ilmaviomat" "ilona" "ilopango" "ils" "ilus" "ilya" "ilyin" "ilyouchine" "ilyouchines" "ilyushin" "im" "image" "imaged" "imagenesciencia2" "imagery" "images" "imaginable" "imaginal" "imaginary" "imagination" "imaginations" "imaginative" "imagine" "imagined" "imagines" "imaging" "imagining" "imago" "imba-numa" "imbedded" "imbibe" "imbibed" "imbrechies" "imbrogno" "imbued" "imdb" "imelda" "imelda's" "imews" "imf" "img" "imgur" "imint" "imitated" "imitating" "imitation" "imjarvi" "imjãrvi" "imjärvi" "immanuel" "immeasurable" "immediate" "immediately" "immel" "immelman" "immense" "immensely" "immerse" "immersed" "immerses" "immersion" "immigrant" "immigrants" "immigrated" "imminent" "immingham" "immobile" "immobility" "immobilized" "immobilizing" "immodesty" "immokalee" "immortality" "immortalize" "immortalized" "immortalizes" "immouzer" "immunity" "immunodeficiency" "imola" "imolesi" "imp" "impact" "impacted" "impactful" "impacting" "impacts" "impaired" "impairing" "imparted" "impartiality" "imparting" "impassable" "impasse" "impeccable" "impeded" "impediment" "impeller" "impending" "impenetrable" "imperative" "imperceptible" "imperfectly" "imperia" "imperial" "imperialism" "imperialist" "impersonations" "imperturbable" "imperturbably" "impervious" "impilahti" "implant" "implanted" "implants" "implausible" "implement" "implementation" "implemented" "implementing" "implements" "implicated" "implication" "implications" "implicitly" "implied" "implies" "imploded" "implodes" "imploding" "implores" "imploring" "implosion" "implosion-style" "implosion-type" "imply" "implying" "import-export" "importance" "important" "important_memo" "importantly" "impose" "imposed" "imposing" "impossibility" "impossible" "impossibly" "impostor" "impotent" "impracticable" "impractical" "imprecise" "impregnate" "impregnated" "impregnation" "impresario" "impresions" "impress" "impressed" "impresses" "impression" "impressions" "impressive" "imprint" "imprinted" "imprints" "imprison" "imprisoned" "imprisonment" "improbability" "improbable" "improbably" "impromptu" "improper" "improperly" "improve" "improved" "improvement" "improvements" "improves" "improving" "improvise" "improvised" "impulse" "impulses" "impunity" "impurities" "impurity" "imurissu" "in-" "in-and-out" "in-chief" "in-depth" "in-flight" "in-house" "in-law" "in-laws" "in-laws'" "in-line" "ina" "inaba" "inability" "inaccessible" "inaccuracies" "inaccurate" "inacio" "inaction" "inactivated" "inactive" "inadequacy" "inadequate" "inadequately" "inadvertent" "inadvertently" "inanada" "inappropriate" "inari" "inarijarvi" "inattention" "inaudible" "inaugural" "inaugurated" "inauguration" "inavale" "inbound" "inbox" "inc" "inca" "incalculable" "incan" "incandescence" "incandescent" "incapable" "incapacitated" "incapacitating" "incapacitation" "incapacity" "incarcerated" "incarceration" "incarnation" "inceasantly" "incendiary" "incense" "incensed" "incentive" "incessant" "incessantly" "inch" "inch-worm" "inchbonnie" "incheon" "inches" "incheslong" "inchestall" "incheville" "inchon" "inchy" "incidence" "incident" "incident's" "incidentally" "incidents" "incinerated" "incinerator" "incirlik" "incision" "incisions" "incisor" "incite" "incitement" "incites" "inciting" "inclination" "inclinations" "incline" "inclined" "inclines" "inclining" "include" "included" "includes" "including" "inclusion" "inclusions" "inclusive" "incognito" "incoherent" "incoherently" "incoming" "incomparable" "incompetence" "incompetent" "incomplete" "incomprehensible" "incomprehensibly" "inconceivable" "inconclusive" "inconnu" "inconnues" "inconsistencies" "inconsistency" "inconsistent" "incontinence" "inconvenience" "inconvenienced" "incorporated" "incorporates" "incorporating" "incorporation" "incorrect" "incorrectly" "increase" "increased" "increases" "increasing" "increasingly" "incredible" "incredibly" "incredulous" "incredulously" "increments" "incriminated" "incubated" "incubators" "incubi" "incumbent" "incunable" "incurred" "incursion" "incursions" "ind" "inde" "indecipherable" "indeed" "indefinable" "indefinite" "indefinitely" "indelible" "indent" "indentation" "indentations" "indented" "indents" "independance" "independence" "independencia" "independent" "independent-international" "independently" "independently-targeted" "indes" "indescipherable" "indescribable" "indestructible" "indeterminable" "indeterminate" "index" "index2" "indexing" "india" "indian" "indiana" "indianapolis" "indians" "indiantown" "indicate" "indicated" "indicates" "indicating" "indication" "indications" "indicative" "indicator" "indicators" "indicent" "indies" "indifference" "indifferent" "indigenous" "indigestion" "indignant" "indigo" "indio" "indio-guerrero" "indira" "indirect" "indirectly" "indiscernible" "indiscretions" "indispensable" "indisposition" "indisputable" "indistinct" "indistinguishable" "individual" "individually" "individuals" "indns" "indo" "indo-pakistani" "indo-tibetan" "indochina" "indochinese" "indoctrinated" "indoctrinating" "indoctrination" "indonesia" "indonesian" "indons" "indooroopilly" "indoors" "indre" "indre-et-" "indre-et-loire" "indre-loire" "indrid" "induce" "induced" "induces" "inducing" "induction" "industrial" "industrial-based" "industrialist" "industrialists" "industrialized" "industries" "industry" "indy" "ineffective" "ineffectively" "ineffectual" "inefficiency" "inefficient" "ineligible" "inen" "inept" "inert" "inertia" "inertial" "ines" "inet" "inevitability" "inevitable" "inevitably" "inexpensive" "inexperienced" "inexplicable" "inexplicably" "inexplicata" "inexpliqués" "inexpressively" "inez" "infa" "infamous" "infancy" "infant" "infantile" "infantry" "infantryman" "infantrymen" "infants" "infected" "infection" "infections" "infectious" "inference" "inferior" "infernal" "inferniello" "inferred" "infers" "infestations" "infidels" "infiernillo" "infiltrate" "infiltrated" "infiltrates" "infiltration" "infiltrations" "infinite" "infinitely" "infinity" "infirm" "infirmary" "infirmier" "inflamation" "inflame" "inflamed" "inflammation" "inflatable" "inflate" "inflated" "inflation" "inflict" "inflicted" "inflicting" "inflicts" "inflight" "influence" "influenced" "influences" "influencing" "influential" "influx" "info" "infolink" "inforespace" "inform" "informaciones" "informal" "informally" "informant" "informants" "information" "information--" "information-exchanging" "information-gathering" "informations" "informative" "informativo" "informazione" "informazioni" "informed" "informing" "informs" "infovni" "infra-red" "infraero" "infrared" "infrared-sensitive" "infrasonic" "infrasound" "infrastructure" "infrequently" "ing" "inga" "ingall" "ingalls" "ingber" "ingeborg" "ingeniero" "ingenious" "ingersoll" "ingest" "ingests" "ingleside" "inglewood" "inglis" "inglis's" "ingo" "ingolstadt" "ingot" "ingots" "ingraham" "ingrained" "ingram" "ingredients" "ingrid" "ingweiller" "inhabit" "inhabitant" "inhabitants" "inhabited" "inhale" "inhaler" "inheilongjiang" "inherent" "inherently" "inherits" "inhes" "inhibit" "inhibition" "inhibitor" "inhospitable" "inhuman" "inimical" "inis" "inishannon" "inital" "initial" "initially" "initials" "initiate" "initiated" "initiates" "initiating" "initiation" "initiative" "initiatives" "injected" "injecting" "injection" "injections" "injunction" "injured" "injures" "injuries" "injuring" "injury" "injustice" "ink" "inkster" "inky" "inland" "inlet" "inline" "inman" "inmates" "inn" "innards" "inner" "inner-zone" "innerkip" "innerwich" "innerwick" "innes" "innis" "innisfail" "innocent" "innocents" "innocuous-seeming" "innovation" "innovative" "innumerable" "inoperable" "inoperative" "inordinate" "inorganic" "inouye" "input" "inputs" "inputted" "inquery" "inquire" "inquired" "inquirer" "inquires" "inquiries" "inquiring" "inquiry" "inquisition" "inquisition's" "inquisitor" "inr" "ins" "insane" "insatiable" "inscom" "inscribed" "inscribing" "inscription" "inscriptions" "insect" "insect-like" "insecticide" "insectoid" "insectoids" "insects" "insecurity" "inself" "insemination" "insensitive" "insert" "inserted" "inserting" "insertion" "inserts" "inset" "inside" "inside'" "insider" "insider's" "insiders" "insight" "insightful" "insights" "insignia" "insignias" "insignificant" "insist" "insisted" "insistence" "insistent" "insistently" "insisting" "insists" "inslaw" "insofar" "insolent" "insolite" "insolites" "insolito" "insolitos" "insomnia" "inspect" "inspected" "inspected-rejected" "inspecting" "inspection" "inspector" "inspector-general" "inspectors" "inspects" "inspiration" "inspire" "inspired" "inspires" "inspiring" "instability" "instagram" "install" "installation" "installations" "installed" "installers" "installing" "installs" "instamatic" "instance" "instances" "instant" "instantaneous" "instantaneously" "instantly" "instants" "instead" "instigate" "instigates" "instigation" "instill" "instilled" "instinctive" "instinctively" "institut" "institute" "instituted" "institutes" "institution" "institutional" "institutions" "instituto" "institutt" "instrucción" "instruct" "instructed" "instructing" "instruction" "instructions" "instructor" "instructors" "instructs" "instrument" "instrument-carrying" "instrumental" "instrumentally" "instrumentation" "instrumented" "instruments" "instument" "insubordination" "insufficient" "insular" "insularis" "insulate" "insulating" "insulation" "insulin" "insurance" "insurgents" "insurrection" "int" "int'l" "inta" "intact" "intake" "intakes" "intcomm" "integral" "integrate" "integrated" "integrates" "integrating" "integration" "integraton" "integratron" "integrity" "integrity-research" "intel" "intellect" "intellectual" "intellectually" "intelligence" "intelligence's" "intelligence-gathering" "intelligence-russia-programs" "intelligenceandespionage" "intelligences" "intelligent" "intelligentes" "intelligently" "intelligently-controlled" "intelligible" "intelsat" "inteltoday" "intend" "intended" "intending" "intends" "intense" "intense-black" "intense-bright" "intensely" "intensified" "intensifies" "intensifying" "intensities" "intensity" "intensive" "intent" "intention" "intentional" "intentionally" "intentions" "intently" "inter" "inter-base" "inter-dimensional" "inter-dimensionally" "inter-planetary" "inter-service" "inter-solar" "interact" "interacted" "interacting" "interaction" "interactions" "interactive" "interagency" "interarmy" "interbreed" "intercelestial" "intercept" "intercepted" "intercepting" "interception" "interceptions" "interceptor" "interceptors" "intercepts" "intercettatelli" "interchange" "interchanging" "intercom" "intercommunications" "interconnected" "intercontinental" "intercourse" "interdiction" "interdimensional" "interdisziplinäre" "interdite" "interest" "interested" "interesting" "interestingly" "interests" "interface" "interfere" "interfered" "interference" "interferences" "interferes" "interfering" "intergalactic" "interim" "interior" "interiors" "interjected" "interlaced" "interlocked" "interlocking" "interlocutor" "interloper" "interlopers" "intermediaries" "intermediary" "intermediate" "intermediate-range" "interminable" "intermission" "intermittent" "intermittently" "intern" "internal" "internal-security" "internally" "internasa" "international" "internationale" "internationally" "internazionale" "internet" "interoffice" "interpenetrates" "interplanetarios" "interplanetaris" "interplanetary" "interplay" "interpol" "interposed" "interposes" "interpret" "interpretation" "interpretations" "interpreted" "interpreter" "interpreters" "interpreting" "interprets" "interracial" "interrogate" "interrogated" "interrogates" "interrogating" "interrogation" "interrogations" "interrogators" "interrogatory" "interrupt" "interrupted" "interrupting" "interruption" "interruptions" "interrupts" "intersect" "intersected" "intersecting" "intersection" "intersections" "intersects" "interspersed" "interstate" "interstate-5" "interstellar" "intertwine" "intertwined" "interupted" "interurban" "interval" "intervale" "intervalometer" "intervals" "intervene" "intervened" "intervenes" "intervening" "intervention" "interview" "interviewed" "interviewers" "interviewing" "interviews" "interwoven" "intese" "intestine" "intial" "intimate" "intimidate" "intimidated" "intimidates" "intimidating" "intimidation" "intl" "intolerable" "intonations" "intoxicated" "intra" "intra-mercurial" "intravenously" "intrepid" "intricate" "intricately" "intrigue" "intrigued" "intrigues" "intriguing" "intriguingly" "intrinsically" "intro" "introduce" "introduced" "introduces" "introducing" "introduction" "introductory" "intros" "intrude" "intruded" "intruder" "intruders" "intrudes" "intruding" "intrusion" "intrusions" "intrusive" "intuition" "intuitions" "intuitive" "intuitively" "inufor" "inuit" "inundated" "inundating" "inusuales" "inv" "invade" "invaded" "invader" "invaders" "invades" "invading" "invale" "invalid" "invalides" "invariably" "invasion" "invasions" "invd" "invent" "invented" "invention" "invention's" "inventions" "inventive" "inventor" "inventor's" "inventors" "inventory" "invents" "inver" "invercargill" "inverlock" "invermere" "inverness" "inverse-square" "inversion" "inversions" "inverted" "inverted-" "inverted-bowl" "inverted-bowl-saucer" "inverted-v" "inverted-y's" "inverviewed" "invest" "invested" "investigaciones" "investigación" "investigacão" "investigador" "investigadora" "investigate" "investigated" "investigates" "investigating" "investigation" "investigation-coordinator" "investigation-team" "investigations" "investigative" "investigator" "investigators" "investigatory" "investigação" "investigações" "investing" "investment" "investor" "investors" "invisibility" "invisible" "invisibly" "invitation" "invitation-only" "invite" "invited" "invites" "inviting" "invoke" "invoked" "invokes" "invoking" "involuntarily" "involuntary" "involutional" "involve" "involved" "involvement" "involves" "involving" "invovled" "invs" "invulnerable" "inward" "inwardly" "inyo" "inyokern" "io" "ioan" "iodine" "iodine-131" "ioio" "ioka" "iola" "iomoyo" "ion" "ion-lifter" "iona" "ionescu" "ionia" "ionian" "ionic" "ionization" "ionize" "ionized" "ionizing" "ionosphere" "ionospheric" "ions" "iorga" "ioshigawa" "iosif" "iouri" "iovinella" "iowa" "iowa--littleton" "iowa-minnesota" "iowans" "ipaco" "ipad" "ipage" "ipamari" "ipameri" "ipaméri" "ipanema" "ipaucu" "ipava" "ipecac-a" "iphicles" "iphone" "iphpitos" "ipiabas" "ipigua" "ipoh" "iporanga" "ipp" "ipplepen" "ipswich" "ipswitch" "ipu" "iqoibpidx-4" "iquque" "ir" "ir-rih" "ira" "iracauba" "irad" "iran" "iranian" "iranians" "iraq" "iraqi" "iras" "irasema" "irbm" "irbms" "ire" "irel" "ireland" "irena" "irene" "irene's" "ireton" "iretons" "irey" "irey's" "irholm" "iri" "iria" "iria-fatima" "iriart" "iridescent" "irina" "irinie" "iris" "irises" "irish" "irks" "irkutsk" "irl" "irlam" "irleau" "irma" "irna" "iron" "iron-banded" "iron-ore" "iron-plated" "ironclad" "irondequoit" "ironic" "ironically" "irons" "ironwood" "ironworker" "irony" "iroquis" "iroquois" "irp" "irradiated" "irradiating" "irradiation" "irrational" "irrefutable" "irregular" "irregular-shaped" "irregularities" "irregularly" "irregularly-shaped" "irregulars" "irrelevant" "irresistible" "irresistibly" "irresponsibility" "irresponsible" "irreversibly" "irricana" "irridescence" "irridescent" "irrigate" "irrigation" "irritability" "irritated" "irritating" "irritation" "irritations" "irs" "iruma" "irun" "irve" "irvin" "irvine" "irving" "irvington" "irwin" "irwin's" "iryna" "irénée" "isa" "isaac" "isaacov" "isaacs" "isabel" "isabela" "isabele" "isabell" "isabella" "isabelle" "isaia" "isakov" "isaksen" "isbergues" "iscap" "isere" "isfahan" "isfield" "isgp-studies" "ishii" "ishikawa" "ishmael" "isidoro" "isidro" "isidro's" "isis" "iskov" "iskra" "iskuskovs" "isl" "isla" "islagrande" "islam" "islamic" "islamorada" "islampur" "island" "island'" "island's" "islander" "islanders" "islands" "islas" "islay" "isle" "isle-aux-allumettes" "isle-sur-sorgue" "isles" "isles-sur-suippe" "islet" "islev" "isley" "islington" "islip" "isls" "ismael" "ismailovich" "isn" "isn't" "isobel" "isoceles" "isola" "isolated" "isolation" "isonzo" "isophthalate" "isosceles" "isoscoles" "isotope" "isotopes" "isotopic" "isotta" "ispra" "ispwich" "isr" "israel" "israeli" "israeli-american" "israelis" "israelites" "israelites'" "isrl" "issaquah" "issenheim" "isso" "issoire" "issoujon" "issue" "issued" "issues" "issuing" "issuo" "issy" "issyk-kul" "ist" "istanbul" "istapalapa" "istina" "istrana" "istria" "istvan" "isuzu" "isère" "it's" "itabara" "itabira" "itacat" "itacoatiara" "itaguai" "itaipu" "itaipú" "itajai" "itajobi" "itajuba" "italian" "italian-american" "italiano" "italians" "italie" "italo" "italo-ethiopian" "italva" "italy" "itanhaem" "itaparica" "itaparuna" "itaperuna" "itapetininga" "itapeva" "itapirito" "itapua" "itatainia" "itatiaia" "itatiala" "itaucu" "itazuke" "itazuki" "itch" "itched" "itches" "itchiness" "itching" "itchy" "itek" "item" "items" "itenhaem" "iterations" "ithaca" "ithacar" "ithakar" "itibi" "itinerant" "itinerary" "itl" "itr" "its-circumference" "itt" "itufor" "ituporanga" "iturama" "iturbide" "ituzaingó" "iue" "iufo" "iuliu" "iuntil" "iur" "iur-3" "iur-8" "iur-9" "iurchuk" "iurdvd" "iurv2#7" "iurv22#1+" "iurv27#1" "iurv3#1+" "iurv3#4" "iurv3#4+ldln#187" "iurv4#3" "iurv7#1" "iurv9#2" "iurv9#3" "iv" "iv-9" "iva" "ivachko" "ivaldo" "ivalo" "ivan" "ivanciov" "ivangrad" "ivanhoe" "ivanitsky" "ivanku" "ivanoff" "ivanova" "ivanovich" "ivanovitch" "ivar" "iven" "ives" "ivester" "ivins" "ivo" "ivory" "ivs" "ivy" "ivybridge" "iwate" "iwo" "iwuy" "ix" "ix's" "ixelles" "ixtamalapan" "ixtapalapa" "izhevsk" "izhut" "izmailovskiy" "izmajlovo" "izmir" "izquierdo" "iztapa" "izuesta" "izvestkovaya" "izzer" "izzo" ## Word: "i&s", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
) while it was run out of the OUSD(I&S) on his website. The ninth slide des 10/1998 #52447 es (p2) it received input from USD(I&S), DIA, FBI, NRO, NGA, NSA, Air Force 6/25/2021 #54586 USD(I&S) Ronald Moultrie and AARO Director S 12/17/2022 #54687## Word: "i&w", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
responsible for monitoring Soviet I&W that a UAP monitored on radar betwee 9/24/1957 #19258## Word: "i'd", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e saucers are 36 feet in diameter. I'd say between 2,000 and 10,000 mph." 1/1951 #8841 ake about 10 miles south of here. "I'd been skeptical up to then of all the 8/6/1952 #11653 (which was 50' from the witness), I'd say a hundred-150' over the top of t 10/28/1976 #38933## Word: "i'll", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
It was silent (??? note from vog: I'll believe it, at that distance!) lumi 7/10/1947 #5933 asked. "To work" Chubert replied. "I'll be back" said the other. "But now d 10/1973 #34841 n't know what it was, but I'm sure I'll never forget this phenomenon." (Jun 6/1999 #52591 told anyone, who would believe me. I'll never take that road again. The noi 5/14/2000 #52848## Word: "i'm", 53 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tree: the trajectory was straight. I'm sure it wasn't an ordinary balloon! 10/31/1908 #2248 er. Later, Lindback would declare: I'm sure it was a solid object. It measu 7/19/1946 #4598 f its wings, it looked like a bat. I'm not quite sure if there was any move 12/30/1946 #4825 m vog: August 8th was a Sunday, if I'm not mistaken), the Gazette de Lausan 8/2/1947 (approximate) #6182 km/h.Radio message from Mantell: "I'm approaching to better examine it. Th 1/7/1948 #6516 sailor when the latter said: "But I'm keeping it in there." Moore looked a 4/24/1949 #7250 eaming: "Help! Catch him! Help me. I'm in too much pain, help!" But no one 5/1951 #9017 more. Catch him... He's biting me, I'm going to die." So the police called 5/1951 #9017 gree, Bradford Shank replied: "No, I'm free of those encumbrances. That's w 4/8/1952 #9770 ed a path through the bushes. - If I'm not back in ten minutes, call the sh 8/19/1952 #11845 , trembling, he kept stammering: - I'm coming, here I am. He no longer had 8/19/1952 #11845 into the sky at a dizzying speed. "I'm still terrified by the sight!" he to 11/16/1952 #12650 some books and read up on it. Now I'm convinced it was something that is o 11/8/1956 #18462 0 to 45 seconds and then, although I'm not sure of the order of events, it 10/26/1958 #20747 the Aral Sea. The woman cries out: I'm going to catch it and hold it in my 2/17/1961 #22213 windshield. It tried to grab Lew, I'm not sure if it touched him or not. ( 1964 (approximate) #23951 s). Saucer / road. Psh"dont fear.. i'm terrestrial". / r8+/ r67. 6/5/1964 #24212 New Jersey 08857. [note from vog: I'm not advertising the cassette, I'm ju 10/7/1965 #25692 I'm not advertising the cassette, I'm just translating the accounts of the 10/7/1965 #25692 ounces: "We have a UFO next to us. I'm going to ask the pilot to head towar 4/25/1966 #26532 oman gets scared: All these fires, I'm too old, I don't want to see things 6/15/1966 #26699 wo domes... and I saw... note that I'm not sure... it was very dark, one co 1/11/1967 #27534 stars were bright," he added, "But I'm sure it wasn't a star. Other than th 4/4/1967 #28356 other. "But now don't look at what I'm going to do". Real exchange or telep 10/1973 #34841 l. So I joked: "If you don't come, I'm going to hit you on the head!" Immed 7/29/1974 #36354 my life experiences, she believes I'm crazy and I'm going to end up in a p 4/22/1975 #37165 iences, she believes I'm crazy and I'm going to end up in a psychiatric asy 4/22/1975 #37165 ttle English. I answered "yes" but I'm not sure it was the right answer, as 3/7/1977 #39328 ...it seems to be stationary now...I'm orbiting it and it's orbiting me...i 10/21/1978 #41459 .: What are you going to do? F.V.: I'm going to continue towards King Islan 10/21/1978 #41459 John began crying again and said, "I'm telling them I don't want to do this 12/31/1980 #43538 lated from French) (Note from Vog: I'm just transcribing, I'm not making up 5/14/1981 #43750 e from Vog: I'm just transcribing, I'm not making up this story!) Salyut 6 5/14/1981 #43750 t happens then? Operator: Nothing, I'm looking at the type next to me. He l 5/4/1983 #44763 the supervisor... Supervisor: And I'm watching my two operators. I'm looki 5/4/1983 #44763 And I'm watching my two operators. I'm looking at the screen, and I'm not s 5/4/1983 #44763 rs. I'm looking at the screen, and I'm not saying anything. I'm waiting for 5/4/1983 #44763 reen, and I'm not saying anything. I'm waiting for the hypothetical target 5/4/1983 #44763 ly a UFO. No mistake possible. But I'm not saying anything. Operator: He sa 5/4/1983 #44763 ht turn and flew off to the north. I'm used to airplanes, but this thing wa 3/25/1984 #45198 eard a voice say to her (vog: what I'm interested in is to know if she hear Late 6/1987 #46286 ft towards the back. That's when.. I'm unable to say what exactly happened. 12/28/1988 #46916 thirty of them. As for the colors, I'm sure I saw yellow and white, but the 11/5/1990 #48178 ther for a moment, without moving. I'm not ashamed to admit that I was scar Late 8/1991 #48582 cm). It was very close, you know. I'm sure that if this object had been on 10/25/1993 #49762 raft lasted maybe fifteen seconds. I'm sure it wasn't an airplane. It was h 11/3/1993 #49771 er. "UFO over houses / parliament. I'm not joking! ". / daily star. 6/1/1995 #50823 the village. Dionisio said: "Since I'm retired, I walk a lot in the country 7/16/1996 #51611 al shape resembling a missile (but I'm not sure if it was one) came out of 12/5/1998 #52493 my brother about. It was in June, I'm not sure of the exact day, and it wa 6/1999 #52591 up. I don't know what it was, but I'm sure I'll never forget this phenomen 6/1999 #52591 police came and arrested the man. I'm 100% sure this was a UFO." 9/25/2002 #53273 have no idea. This car is new, so I'm kind of mad." Then he heard a hummin 5/13/2003 #53404## Word: "i's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
luminated the hall of King Ecgbert I's palace, startling many of his househ 664 #61## Word: "i've", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
One pilot described it as "nothing I've ever seen before," while another no Mid 7/1945 #4339 r, "It's the strangest looking man I've ever seen." Mrs. Christiansen then 1/9/1967 #27525 Do you know what kind of aircraft I've observed? Is it a military aircraft 10/21/1978 #41459 olleague, Larry Mortenson, added: "I've never seen an airplane hover like t 1/1981 #43546 s." "It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen," said Spurlock. I was in 7/8/1986 #45992 hought it was a Stealth F-117, but I've seen them before and they are quite 5/9/2003 #53400## Word: "i-10", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t 12:30 a.m. a motorist driving on I-10 east of Blythe, California observed 11/8/1973 #35377 just beyond the intersection with I-10. 3/19/1996 #51474 I-10 / JACKSONVILLE, FL 40M glowing sauc 7/29/1998 #52397## Word: "i-15", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e single-seater fighter Polikarpov I-15, 360 km/h, ceiling 10000m, range 72 10/1933 #3216 field about a mile from Interstate I-15 south of Great Falls, Montana. It w 2/22/1976 #38272 field about a mile from Interstate I-15 south of Great Falls, Montana at ar 2/22/1976 #38273 CLEARFIELD, UT 2 / I-15. Triangle going [to] over hill Air 9/6/1997 #52133 wing cylinder/cigar-shape 1km with I-15. 25M altitude. Odd noises and feeli 4/30/1999 #52571## Word: "i-16", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
10000m, range 720km. The Polikarov I-16 model (seen from the side resemblin 10/1933 #3216## Word: "i-185", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ess was driving east on Interstate I-185 in Greenville, South Carolina at a 8/23/2004 #53610## Word: "i-20", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
oon as it had left "the traffic on I-20 came alive and the parking lot beca 1/19/1988 #46529## Word: "i-210", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
erver(s). Red rectangular UFO near I-210. 2 see small humanoids (or Greys). 3/12/1982 #44243## Word: "i-225", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
maneuvered over Interstate highway I-225 near Selma, Indiana, observed by 1 8/9/1983 #44868## Word: "i-25", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a number of vehicles traveling on I-25 south of Springer, New Mexico were 10/3/1996 #51722## Word: "i-270", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
uth. It seemed to be following the I-270 route; At one point, after turning 5/16/1999 #52583## Word: "i-271", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
iled to connect all the way to the I-271 entrance ramp, a distance of 8-10 9/14/2009 #54122## Word: "i-275", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he Detroit Metropolitan Airport on I-275 when he and his wife see two light 2/10/1978 #40518## Word: "i-280", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
WEST / SAN MATEO, CA 2 / car / I-280. 5 bright silent metal orbs travel 4/20/1980 #42999 ical engineer, is driving north on I-280 in San Mateo, California, on a fis 4/20/1980 #43003 lifornia two witnesses in a car on I-280 watched five bright metallic Satur 4/20/1980 #43007## Word: "i-35", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ing low and slowly over traffic on I-35 in Olathe, Kansas at 6:45 p.m. An h 1/22/2004 #53525## Word: "i-380", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rmy Depot in Coolbaugh Township on I-380. They watch a small circular “clou 8/22/1978 #41142 , like "headlights," was seen from I-380, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, near the East 11/23/2007 #53971## Word: "i-40", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ad of the witness's car driving on I-40 near Valdese, North Carolina. It wa 5/7/1980 #43042## Word: "i-43", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Pioneer Road exit off I-43 near Cedarburg, Wisconsin 9:00 p.m. 12/7/1983 #45013 stop at the Pioneer Road exit off I-43 near Cedarburg, Wisconsin, to watch 12/7/1983 #45013## Word: "i-44", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
object while driving eastbound on I-44 near Sullivan, Missouri at 5:15 p.m 4/22/2000 #52829## Word: "i-5", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rcular motion, and traveled up the I-5 freeway. It had circular portholes t 12/2/1973 #35501 Many cars pulled over on I-5 near Payne Field, Everett, Washingto 3/1/1986 #45843 r flying triangle was sighted from I-5 in Weed, California. While driving a 8/20/2001 #53103 white lights was observed crossing I-5 near Fresno, California. A boomerang 5/19/2003 #53412 ating from it was sighted over the I-5 freeway in Silverlake, Los Angeles C 8/30/2010 #54171## Word: "i-55", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
observed over highway intersection I-55 and Union Rd. by three children. KX 7/22/1972 #33661## Word: "i-64", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
At 9:00 a.m. on I-64 southeast of Damiansville, Illinois 7/17/1996 #51618## Word: "i-68", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
otlight going down. Flips. Follows I-68. / MJ#317. 2/20/1994 #49956## Word: "i-680", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
were driving on interstate highway I-680 in Pleasanton, California when the 6/25/1976 #38545## Word: "i-684", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ge V-line / night lights 300' over I-684. Faint humming. 35mph. / Flying Sa 3/24/1983 #44705## Word: "i-695", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Two women in a car driving on I-695 west of Baltimore, Maryland experi 8/14/1983 #44882## Word: "i-70", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
g, from their car while driving on I-70 five miles west of Colby, Kansas. T 6/20/1976 #38517 had reached a point on Interstate I-70 near Goodland, Kansas when they sta 11/6/1989 #47431 gular craft was seen hovering over I-70 in Lewisburg, Ohio. At 10:45 p.m. a 7/17/2004 #53586 le they were driving on east bound I-70, about 50 miles west of Green River 4/25/2006 #53805## Word: "i-75", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
SOUTH / CRIDERSVILLE, OH 2 / I-75. Plain silent silver sphere going [ 11/21/1999 #52712 of light. Two men driving north on I-75 also see the object. 10/31/2000 #52927 A witness driving on I-75 near Naples, Florida at 6:22 a.m. s 3/1/2003 #53367## Word: "i-77", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d Walter Vanscoy is going north on I-77 and sees, in apparent confirmation Early 11/1966 #27278 rked on the berm of the southbound I-77 lanes with a man wearing a knee-len Early 11/1966 #27278 urg, West Virginia intersection of I-77 and State Highway 47 Derenberger ha 11/4/1966 #27283 amela Sue near the intersection of I-77 and State Highway 47 seems to confi 11/4/1966 #27283## Word: "i-80", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ze of the moon rush eastbound over I-80 (and their car) making no noise. Ob 5/8/1977 #39545 business executive was driving on I-80 to Randolph, Nebraska and had reach 9/14/1978 #41279 I-80 southeast of Cozad, Nebraska 3:15 a 1/8/1984 #45064 ast in a van at mile marker 236 on I-80 southeast of Cozad, Nebraska, when 1/8/1984 #45064## Word: "i-84", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and his wife Brenda are driving on I-84 just south of its intersection with 4/6/1980 #42977 ing south on State Highway 32 near I-84 in West Willington, Connecticut, wh 9/11/1980 #43263 I-84 near Brewster, New York 7:00–10:00 3/17/1983 #44694 ct moving slowly and hovering over I-84 near Brewster, New York. 3/17/1983 #44694 leaving the office and driving on I-84 highway. He saw a very bright, circ 7/19/1984 #45370 ost sight of the object. He exited I-84 to take route 52 near Stormville. M 7/19/1984 #45370## Word: "i-85", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
". The UFO followed the traffic on I-85. 1/23/1973 #34144## Word: "i-87", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
iver driving on Interstate highway I-87 south of Albany saw a delta-shaped 3/21/1984 #45189 iver driving on Interstate highway I-87 south of Albany, New York saw a del 3/21/1984 #45193## Word: "i-90", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ust south of its intersection with I-90 in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, when 4/6/1980 #42977## Word: "i-93", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he treetops along Rte 3-A near the I-93 overpass in Concord, Merrimack Coun 3/3/1992 #48795## Word: "i-94", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
7 PM. 1-1.5 mins. Pilot driving on I-94 northbound on a cold, cloudy day (o 4/5/1977 #39414 I-94 northbound near Deerfield, Illinois 4/5/1977 #39416 icago 2:17 p.m. A pilot driving on I-94 northbound near Deerfield, Illinois 4/5/1977 #39416 the lights as he is driving along I-94. He pulls off the road and snaps a 5/26/1985 #45609## Word: "i-95", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ing south on State Highway 128 and I-95. It is moving in an erratic pattern 7/13/1968 #30698 nge ball of light flew parallel to I-95 south of Providence, Rhode Island a 3/27/1973 #34287## Word: "i-beams", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tself without a sign of a wrinkle, I-beams that flex slightly and have some 7/7/1947 #5755 al like Bakelite; and fragments of I-beams with hieroglyphics in a purple-v 3/6/1991 #48386## Word: "i-cheou", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nch) On the third moon and the day I-Cheou at midnight, a great ball of fir 905 #113## Word: "i-conn", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d (D-Nev.) and Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) to attempt to get the BAASS-lik 2/7/2011 #54191## Word: "i-petry", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
om French) The UFO photographed in I-Petry in Crimea. See images/1978.jpg. 12/25/1978 #41841## Word: "i-saw-a-flying-saucer-society", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ation has joined the ranks of the "I-saw-a-flying-saucer-society." H.A. Lat 8/6/1952 #11653## Word: "i10", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I10 NEAR MESQUITE, NM Large saucer going 8/29/1964 #24430 I10 EAST / DEMING, NM Big object over ro 7/1972 #33581 I10 / BLACKWATER BRIDGE, FL 2 observer(s 5/22/1995 #50808 I10 / (SOUTHEAST), AL Perfect silver sph 2/3/1998 #52285 I10 NEAR DEMING, NM Truckers / CB Radio. 2/14/1998 #52293## Word: "i129+us77", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I129+US77 NEAR SOUTH SIOUX CITY, NE 3 ob 12/1/1976 #39018## Word: "i15", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I15 SOUTH / HELENA, MT Large being walks 2/22/1976 #38271 I15 SOUTHWEST / BARSTOW, CA Flash! Grey 11/27/1978 #41629 I15 NEAR SLOAN, NV Cop and 4. Cloud / du 4/8/1993 #49419## Word: "i17", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I17 NEAR RIMROCK, AZ Large disk / ground 5/21/1995 #50806## Word: "i195", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
3+/ I195 EAST / FALL RIVER, MA 5 huge metall 11/4/1974 #36674## Word: "i225", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
SELMA, IN 1 / I225. House-sized extremely bright silen 8/9/1983 #44864## Word: "i25", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
PRINGER, NM Cars and trucks stop / I25. 25' cylinder/cylindrical object hov 10/3/1996 #51721## Word: "i290", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
WORCESTER, MA Several cars / I290. Long cylinder/cigar-shape maneuver 5/2/1986 #45905## Word: "i3", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
seen. Marks on surface look like "I3" or letter "B". No further details. 7/2/1954 #14672## Word: "i30", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ALEXANDER, AR Driver / I30. 2 white disks hover. 1 shimmers. No 11/11/1998 #52473## Word: "i35", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
kids. Large saucer to and fro over I35. 4 men inside. Ozone odor. Area lit. 4/22/1966 #26479 RANCH, TX Ex USAF man and family / I35. Black round object going quickly [t 4/12/1998 #52326## Word: "i3u56kzbswu", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
b” phenomena? * https://youtu.be/I3U56KZbswU?t=100 Note: The term “milab 10/11/1973 #34969 ractor projects. https://youtu.be/I3U56KZbswU?t=100 Note: The term “mi 1980's #42816## Word: "i40", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ight light 20m over field just off I40. Whistles. 4/21/1970 (approximate) #32326 iangle low and slow 1 mile south / I40. / Clinton Daily News 30.11.73. 11/29/1973 #35466 VALDESE, NC 1 observer / I40. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 5/7/1980 #43036 EAST ST. LOUIS, IL Cop / I40. 200' disk 5-10X faster / any jet! G 2/22/1995 #50630 HICKORY, NC 2 / car / I40. Brilliant white disk going [to] ove 12/26/1998 #52500## Word: "i43", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I43 SOUTHWEST / MILWAUKEE, WI Large brig 10/10/1995 #51164## Word: "i44", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
MT. VERNON, MO 4 / I44. Dark delta/triangle/box-like craft 12/25/1999 #52731## Word: "i5", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ere stops and checks out mission / I5 min. Goes back going north. 6/18/1954 #14578 ROCHESTER, WA 1 / car / I5. Ovoid with umbrella-dome seen. No fu 12/24/1973 #35595 I5 SOUTH / LOS BANOS, CA 3 / car. Silent 9/1974 #36487 YNE AIR FORCE BASE, WA Many cars / I5 pull over. 9 large saucers drop night 3/1/1986 #45841 ight green and white lights east / I5. Instantaneous maneuvers. No further 2/9/1995 #50604 FEDERAL WAY, WA PhD and 2 sons / I5. Delta/triangle/box-like craft going 5/19/1995 #50804 inder/cigar-shape 300' altitude by I5 / SR217 interchange. No further detai 2/3/1996 #51375 I5 NORTH / ALBANY, OR 1 / reststop. Blac 4/26/1996 #51533## Word: "i55", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I55 NEAR TANKSLEY, MO Turnip zaps truck 10/3/1973 #34871 I55 SOUTHWEST / LITCHFIELD, IL 8 / car. 1/28/1996 #51360## Word: "i64", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
truck. 6M metal sphere/orb/globe / I64. Legs and antennas and window / top. 1/17/1967 #27580 r(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape crosses I64 several times. Extremely fast. Ends 4/8/1977 #39428## Word: "i680", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I680 SOUTH / PLEASANTON, CA 3 observer(s 6/25/1976 #38543 FAIRFIELD, CA 2 / I680. Vibrant bright perfect circle with 6/11/1995 #50841## Word: "i695", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I695 WITH BALTIMORE, MD 2 / car. One hou 8/14/1983 #44881## Word: "i70", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
US40 / I70 NEAR AGATE, CO 4 observer(s). Red sa 4/23/1968 #30428 I70 EAST / GOODLAND, KS 2+infant abducte 6/20/1976 #38513## Word: "i75", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I75 / MCDONOUGH, GA Silver-metallic feat 9/23/1999 #52679## Word: "i76", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I76 WITH ROXBOROUGH, PA 1 / car. 12M met 5/18/1967 #28706 O 3 / truck. Domed saucer lands by I76. Silent. Going up [to] 30' silent. S 1/20/1975 #36876## Word: "i79", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NEAR HUTCHINSON, WV 1 / car / I79. Cylinder/cylindrical object with do 10/24/1978 #41480## Word: "i8", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
END, AZ 2 / car and separate cop / I8. Domed saucer with arched portholes o 9/1/1994 #50263## Word: "i80", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I80 NORTH / MORRIS, IL 2+2 / separate ca 5/8/1977 #39544 STROUDSBURG, PA 2 / I80. Silent disk going west / 2 minute(s 9/1/1979 #42502 100' blazing disk hovers 80' over I80. 15+colored circles / rim. 1/8/1984 #45061 SACRAMENTO, CA Several cars stop / I80. Silver ovoid reflects sun. Streaks 8/11/1995 #50972 rs electro-magnetic effect (EME) / I80 / separate observer(s). / (unsolicit 8/8/1996 #51629## Word: "i81", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I81 NORTHEAST / RADFORD, VA All traffic 3/15/1995 #50674## Word: "i84", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
DUTCHESS CTY, NY Many cars stop / I84 near Taconic Parkway exit. 300' obje 4/25/1984 #45248 ice phones jammed. Huge boomerang. I84 traffic jam. Absolute(ly) silent. Go 1/9/1986 #45798## Word: "i85", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nking lights / kings mountain from I85. 2/22/1973 #34209 ER, NC 2 / car. Dark UFO 500' over I85 / 5 minute(s). Blue-white-pink glow 5/2/1993 #49455## Word: "i87", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I87 / WOODBURY, NY Trucker. Huge boomera 3/21/1984 #45187## Word: "i90", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I90 NORTHWEST / ELK GROVE VILLAGE, IL Co 5/10/1973 #34388 elta/triangle/box-like crafts over I90. AM and CB radios and electro-magnet 1/5/1979 #41949 A A man driving around dusk on the I90 road saw an object hovering above th 9/1982 #44469 I90 WITH WESTFIELD, MA Repeat adductee. 2/12/1991 #48359 EAR ISSAQUAH, WA Repeat abductee / I90 drives into black void. Missing time 1/11/1992 #48719 AR AMSTERDAM, NY Trucker driving / I90. Vibrant bright white domed disk see 5/3/1995 #50765## Word: "i91", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I91 NORTH / HARTFORD, CT 60 calls / poli 4/10/1978 #40703 I91 SOUTH / WETHERSFIELD, CT Cops and ma 9/20/1999 #52671## Word: "i93", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
SANBORNTON, NH Cops / 4 towns / I93. 40' domed ovoid within 300' / cruis 8/12/1974 #36401## Word: "i94", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I94 45M WITH FARGO, ND 8 observer(s). Sa 8/26/1975 #37542 DEERFIELD, IL Pilot / car / I94. Silent silver mushroom 3X-moon-size 4/5/1977 #39413 range night light over overpass on I94. Rash / sightings / this area. 2/1/1993 #49301## Word: "i95", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
EAR AMESBURY, MA Domed saucer over I95. 3 cars see. 1 passes under. Lights 1/10/1991 #48329 I95 / RAEFORD, NC 50' grey box. 6 lights 9/30/1992 #49113 " with 60° swept wings hovers over I95. Hovercraft? 6/18/1995 #50852 EXIT 15E / I95, NJ 1 / NJ Turnpike. Yellow-orange d 9/12/1995 #51073## Word: "ia", 111 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Sioux City, IA Approximate date. Robert Hibnight bar 3/26/1897 #1642 WESLEY, IA Several reliable observer(s). Conic a 4/2/1897 #1669 SIOUX CITY, IA Great airship looks like cigar-balloo 4/7/1897 #1680 FONTANELLE, IA All / town. Great airship southeast g 4/12/1897 #1724 LINN GROVE, IA 5+many. Large object going north. Lan 4/15/1897 #1782 Linn Grove, IA Morning. A large object was seen to f 4/15/1897 #1784 WATERLOO, IA 13M airship lands. Aviator does not r 4/17/1897 #1846 WEBSTER CITY, IA Small humanoid (or Grey) scoops water 7/1919 #2842 MT. PLEASANT, IA 1 / fishing. Metallic blue milk-can l 6/3/1920 #2867 2 MILES EAST / WEST BEND, IA Brad Steiger. Small humanoid (or Grey 10/15/1940? #3531 NEAR CEDAR RAPIDS, IA Railroad/railway engineer. 10 silver 6/23/1947 #5068 Cedar Rapids, IA Railroad engineer saw 10 shiny disc-s 6/23/1947 #5069 WATERLOO, IA Fast flat 3M saucer going quickly [to 6/28/1947 #5163 US69 EAST / CLARION, IA Bus driver. 17 white saucers. At 1200 6/29/1947 #5198 SR141 SOUTHEAST / SIOUX CITY, IA 2 observer(s). Silver disk high and f 6/29/1947 #5199 Des Moines, IA Line Of Saucers Headed SSE (NICAP: 01 6/29/1947 #5202 KEOKUK, IA 3 flight instructors. 3 fast bright s 7/3/1947 #5334 SIOUX CITY, IA Jacob Kriv and 2 teens. Luminous/glow 7/3/1947 #5346 DES MOINES, IA 1 teen. 3 silver disks / V formation. 7/7/1947 #5720 SIOUX CITY, IA Several separate observer(s). Shiny a 7/8/1947 #5833 DES MOINES, IA Huge vertical metallic column with co 4/7/1949 #7223 SIOUX CITY, IA 5 National Guardsmen. White saucer fo 3/30/1950 #8065 MIDDLETOWN, IA 4 separate observer(s). Silver disk g 4/7/1950 #8118 SIOUX CITY, IA Air Traffic Controllers and pilots. C 1/20/1951 #8880 Sioux City, IA UFO Buzzes DC-3 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 1/20/1951 #8881 SIOUX CITY, IA Gene hays. Saucer stops / 1 second(s) 7/22/1952 #11031 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA Railroad/railway crew. 2-10 silver pi 7/30/1952 #11460 SHENANDOAH, IA 2 observer(s). Silver disk spins and 8/6/1952 #11658 WEST / DAVENPORT, IA 2 cops. Silent 300' sphere/orb/globe 1/27/1953 #13023 SOUTHWEST / MAQUOKETA, IA 2 / car. Small domed saucer / treetop 9/27/1953 #13740 DAVENPORT, IA 3 / Ground Observer Corps (GOC). Alum 6/23/1954 #14607 WINTERSET, IA 2 / T33. White night light buzzes mil 1/29/1955 #16958 Winterset, IA Light Outmaneuvers T-33 (NICAP: 11 - 1/29/1955 #16959 ANITA, IA Blue and white glowing cylinder/cigar 6/15/1955 #17237 COLFAX, IA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Groun 9/7/1955 #17499 SPIRIT LAKE, IA Ground Observer Corps (GOC). Brillian 11/23/1955 #17671 Spirit Lake, IA Ground Observer Corps spotters report 11/23/1955 #17672 WATERLOO, IA 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binocular 6/21/1956 #18026 ANITA, IA Ground Observer Corps (GOC) observer( 10/26/1956 #18435 LE MARS, IA Flash / sky. 2 observer(s). Car light 9/1/1957 #19183 SIOUX CITY, IA Cleric and 2. Moon-size disk going ea 9/4/1957 #19192 WATERLOO, IA Separate observer(s). 10M saucer goin 11/8/1957 #19753 Des Moines, IA UFO hovered, sped away. [NICAP UFOE, 5/14/1959 #21166 SQ / ELKADER, IA 2 blue-white 5M disks skim trees. Fol 7/1959 #21252 RUTHVEN, IA Cops and more/others. Brilliant ovoid 9/26/1959 #21463 DUBUQUE, IA Project Bluebook Case #6667. Pilot an 3/4/1960 #21712 Dubuque, IA 3 elliptical-shaped objects make a sl 3/4/1960 #21713 Waverly AFB, IA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 2/28/1961 #22231 Sioux City, IA Bright red star fly straight and leve 11/23/1961 #22649 object going down [to] near town. IA and MN cops search / miles. Nothing f 6/4/1963 #23561 WEST / CLINTON, IA USAF man / car stops and watches / 1 7/20/1964 #24318 Clinton, IA 60 ft diameter round topped, flat-bot 7/20/1964 #24320 TIPTON TO/FROM BENNETT, IA 24M cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 150 8/30/1964 (approximate) #24431 IOWA CITY AND CORALVILLE, IA Cops and more. Odd object circles res 8/4/1965 #25315 WAVERLY, IA 3 observer(s). Silver saucer whines a 8/10/1965 (approximate) #25373 WAVERLY TO/FROM CEDAR FALLS, IA 20' saucer descends. 3' small humanoi 8/22/1965 (approximate) #25474 YORKTOWN, IA Roar! 60' cylinder/cigar-shape lands 4/23/1966 #26506 Yorktown, IA 2:10 a.m. CDT. A farm family saw a ci 4/23/1966 #26509 Davenport, IA 6:15 p.m. CDT. Several persons saw tw 10/11/1966 #27186 Tabor, IA Early Evening. A man saw a large roun 2/13/1967 #27802 ONAWA, IA Project Bluebook Case #11480. Huge wh 3/9/1967 #28117 st. Separate observer(s) / Eldora, IA / 2030h. / r210p76. 3/9/1967 #28117 Onawa, IA Bright white, saucer-shaped object fl 3/9/1967 #28121 WAPELLO, IA Project Bluebook Case #11541. Observe 3/22/1967 #28237 Wapello, IA Fluorescent, solid, multicolored ligh 3/22/1967 #28241 MONTEZUMA, IA 1 / farm. Silent grey ovoid hovers / 5/2/1967 #28586 Montezuma, IA 8:25 p.m. CDT. A gray misty oval obje 5/2/1967 #28587 Webster City, IA 11:30 p.m. CDT. Two brothers saw a ci 7/19/1967 #29078 OELWEIN, IA Sonic boom. Moon-size object paces 2 10/8/1967 #29619 DUBUQUE, IA Kids / picnic. 3M silver ovoid with l 10/12/1967 #29655 Dubuque, IA 6:30 p.m.CDT. Seven children saw a si 10/12/1967 #29659 (NE), IA Many separate reports and 7 cops. Whi 5/18/1969 #31748 VAN HORNE, IA 2 girls. Classic saucer / farm. 40' c 7/12/1969 #31889 Van Horne, IA Multiple witnesses, HS traces. (#390) 7/13/1969 #31895 MONONA, IA 2 / private plane chase 3' white nigh 12/7/1969 #32148 WESTGATE, IA 15' indent / wheatfield. Dirt sucked 4/24/1971 #32819 BROOKLYN, IA Red-orange night light / ground. 48cm 2/23/1973 #34212 GOING QUICKLY [TO] ROCKWELL CITY, IA 3 / car. Windows fog. Silver saucer w 8/20/1973 #34649 GRINNELL, IA Several observer(s). Amber sphere/orb 11/2/1973 #35323 NEAR SIOUX CITY, IA Farmer. Night light maneuvers / treet 9/4/1974 #36501 Gitchie Manitou Park, IA 9:00 a.m. Two brothers, 8-year-old An 7/5/1976 #38562 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA Several separate observer(s). Silent 7/31/1976 #38616 CEDAR RAPIDS, IA 4 observer(s). 6 distant domed saucer 11/15/1976 #38988 BURLINGTON, IA 1 observer. 2 daytime stars make 6 fi 9/28/1977 #40043 WALCOTT, IA Lighted saucer over farm. All goes si 10/9/1977 #40082 10 MI SOUTH / OTTUMWA, IA Night light flies behind trees. Car d 8/24/1978 #41153 Ottumwa, IA Red-orange object flew in front of ca 8/24/1978 #41156 NORTH / DEXTER, IA 1 observer. Featureless silver cylind 9/23/1978 #41333 ke UAP “off the record” within the IA to prevent Agency interest in the sub 12/15/1978 #41778 NORTHEAST / DES MOINES, IA 2 at home. Night light rises slow. Sp 7/17/1979 #42334 LAMONI, IA Camper. Dog barks. Formation / night 8/30/1979 #42491 Dexter, Ia A silver cigar-shaped object approach 9/23/1979 #42605 KEOKUK, IA 2 USCG men. Intense white domed sauce 12/9/1979 #42760 EAST / DES MOINES, IA 2 / car and several. Huge diamond-obj 12/20/1979 #42788 SOUTH / COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA Car malfunctions due to EME (electro- 2/11/1980 #42877 Council Bluffs, IA Brilliant orange light in field, memo 2/11/1980 #42879 Des Moines (near), IA Looking out the window he was able to 10/1982 #44507 CRESCENT, IA 1 observer. Meteor stops on a dime. M 1/4/1984 #45058 PANORA, IA 2 observer(s). Huge silent ovoid goin 4/19/1989 #47080 WELLMAN, IA 1 observer. Huge silent dark mass wit 1/29/1990 #47668 Casey, IA Dog curious about small object near g 8/1992 #49001 SR144 NEAR PERRY, IA 1 / car. Crescent-sphere/orb/globe ho 12/7/1994 #50450 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA 1 observer. Huge grey triangle with 3 2/21/1995 #50627 MASON CITY, IA 1 observer. Peculiar star zigzags acr 7/26/1995 #50924 IOWA CITY, IA 1 observer. 2 white aircraft meet / s 10/1/1995 #51135 IOWA CITY, IA 1 observer. Flash. Classic saucer wit 10/9/1995 #51162 BURLINGTON, IA Woman startled. Octagon / treetop lev 1/28/1996 #51359 NEAR TIFFIN, IA Shiny disk going northwest into wind. 4/8/1997 #51973 STONE PARK, IA 3 / car. 20M delta/triangle/box-like 8/7/1997 #52106 Sioux City, IA Dogs howled when thin rectangle was i 12/30/1997 #52234 DUBUQUE, IA Pilot. Dark delta/triangle/box-like c 8/23/1999 #52655## Word: "ia801301", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tigation_reporting.pdf * https://ia801301.us.archive.org/view_archive.php 7/21/1966 #26815## Word: "ia803008", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
/Maynard%20Interview.PDF https://ia803008.us.archive.org/4/items/HiddenTr 8/2004 #53594## Word: "iac", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ovember 21 meeting, the December 4 IAC decision, the visit to ATIC by Chadw 1/14/1953 #12979## Word: "iaea", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
circumvent U.S. law. https://inis.iaea.org/search/searchsinglerecord.aspx? 8/1/1993 #49600## Word: "iaeger", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IAEGER, WV 2 / car. Delta/triangle/box-l 12/1/1992 #49209 In 1992, in the town of Iaeger, McDowell county, West Virginia a 12/1/1992 #49210 IAEGER, WV Several / dairy Queen. Large 12/18/1992 #49224 people at the local Dairy Queen in Iaeger, West Virginia saw a large diamon 12/18/1992 #49225 IAEGER, WV Delta/triangle/box-like craft 1/27/1995 #50570## Word: "iaf", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
SHEMIRAN, IRAN IAF jets and RADAR. Weapons electro-magn 9/19/1976 #38825 MEHRABAD, IRAN Beeper signal draws IAF / same spot UFO seen landing earlier 9/19/1976 #38830## Word: "iam", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Martin President Robert J Stevens, IAM Intl. President Tom Buffenbarger, an 11/27/2002 #53320## Word: "ian", 20 instance(s) (Back to Top)
at the time. He was interviewed by Ian d'Aigure, an investigator for the Lu 1906 #2156 u) (Translated from French) Farmer Ian Brunescu, who was leading his horses 1926 #2960 son (CalTech physicist), and Cmdr. Ian Fleming (Admiralty). 9/6/1944 #4025 r Venom, crewed by Flight Officers Ian Fraser-Ker and Ivan Logan, is scramb 8/13/1956 #18208 , Under-Secretary of State for Air Ian Orr-Ewing responds, saying that the 2/15/1957 #18682 . Under-Secretary of State for Air Ian Orr-Ewing replies that 54 reports we 6/10/1958 #20432 p.m. Astronomers Robert Vitolniek, Ian Melderis, and Esmeralda Vitolniek at 7/26/1965 #25181 Park Nova Scotia 3:30 a.m. Seaman Ian Kinsey is on watch at Canadian Force 11/30/1965 #25799 eback, Western Australia 7:40 p.m. Ian McGregor and two other oil drillers 4/29/1967 #28568 table Leslie G. Leek and Constable Ian Barnes responded, arriving in time t 8/16/1971 #33045 At around 8:45 p.m. Barry King and Ian Vinten in Chingford, Essex, England 5/11/1974 #36151 ) (Translated from French) (Source Ian Haysom from the "Hamilton Spectator" 3/15/1975 #37056 In Worlds Beyond, Ian Ridpath discusses ETI, life and huma 1976 #38111 s are due to a drained battery, as Ian Ridpath points out. 2/22/1977 #39299 10 AM An on duty police officer PC IAN MACKENZIE observed two very bright h 8/28/1977 #39931 n 20 minutes, police (including PC Ian MacKenzie, PS James Trohear, PC Alex 8/28/1977 #39932 ch Airport, Powell and his copilot Ian Pirie notice a return on their onboa 12/21/1978 #41830 re, UK Two uniformed officers, PS. Ian Victory and PC Anthony Underwood wer 3/25/1982 #44271 Idaho Daniel Kagan and Ian Summers publish a 500-page book titl 1984 #45042 ite light is Venus, and astronomer Ian Ridpath identifies the rotating colo 10/5/1996 #51727## Word: "iandoli", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Eric Davis tells ufologist James Iandoli that the US government is in pos 4/30/2019 #54458## Word: "iaround", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ending to reach all the UFO groups iaround Paris, France. It soon falls und 4/1976 #38362## Word: "iasi", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IASI, ROMANIA 10M bowl-shape UFO(narrow 8/16/1968 #30869 IASI, ROMANIA Many / ballgame. Domed sau 9/21/1994 #50326 In the middle of the afternoon in Iasi, Romania a domed disc-shaped object 9/21/1994 #50327## Word: "iași", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Iași, Romania Focşani Brăila Târgovişte 1/29/1913 #2563 powerful searchlight is seen over Iași, Romania, coming from the direction 1/29/1913 #2563## Word: "ib", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
6,000 feet and paced a Fokker F-27 IB aircraft for one minute while flying 11/24/1974 #36703## Word: "ibague", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
COLOMBIA, Varones de Ibague (Translated from French) Students 8/10/1973 #34621 IBAGUE, COLOMBIA Several boys and cop. L 8/10/1973 #34622 Ibague, Columbia Four grade-school stude 8/10/1973 #34624 l students and a police officer in Ibague, Colombia saw four small, human-l 8/10/1973 #34625 OVER IBAGUE, COLOMBIA Airline(s)/airliner cre 1/21/1977 #39187## Word: "ibanez", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
At 11:30 a.m. Federico Ibanez, a 54-year-old farmer, was out dr 7/25/1979 #42356 f throwing up a cloud of dust. Sr. Ibanez got back in his car and drove off 7/25/1979 #42356 31-year-old night watchman Marcos Ibanez Ibarrola was driving his Renault 8/29/1991 #48590## Word: "ibarra", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rs Taddeo and Gianco Larre-Borges, Ibarra and Rigoli. They reach Casablanca 2/19/1927 #3003## Word: "ibarrola", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r-old night watchman Marcos Ibanez Ibarrola was driving his Renault 4 truck 8/29/1991 #48590## Word: "ibbotsen", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
LUDLOW, ENGL A. Ibbotsen and more/others. 2 disks maneuv 11/10/1972 #33984## Word: "ibeas", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IBEAS DE JUARROS, SP 7M saucer crosses h 3/30/1974 #36009## Word: "iberaki", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
uranium processing facility Tokai, Iberaki Prefeccture, Japan 10:35 a.m. A 9/30/1999 #52682 ed by JCO in the village of Tokai, Iberaki Prefeccture, Japan. The accident 9/30/1999 #52682## Word: "iberia", 13 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NEW IBERIA, LA Saucer going northeast 450M o 7/10/1962 #22995 New Iberia, LA Disc-shaped UFO with rotating 7/10/1962 #22996 plane and goes to 15,000 feet. An Iberia Airlines jet passes him on the wa 9/17/1965 #25620 UDE & LATITUDE COORDS. UNKNOWN 3 / Iberia airline(s)/airliner crew. Bright 2/25/1969 #31534 NEAR PALMA, MAJORCA Iberia airline(s)/airliner paced / long 3/11/1976 #38311 at an altitude of 14,400 feet. An Iberia airliner in the area is alerted, 2/25/1979 #42105 point in the sea near Gerona. The Iberia flight 350 from Barcelona to Athe 11/11/1980 #43381 O (or UFOs) were over the sea. The Iberia flight 810 from Barcelona to Astu 11/11/1980 #43381 .m. Seven commercial aircraft—four Iberia Boeing 727s, a British airliner, 11/11/1980 #43389 utes. Comandante Ramos, one of the Iberia pilots, says that the object is “ 11/11/1980 #43389 . Red-orange double-sphere follows Iberia airline(s)/airliner 727. 7/25/1981 #43862 rtholes was seen by the crew of an Iberia B- 727 airliner as it flew betwee 7/25/1981 #43864 rtholes was seen by the crew of an Iberia B-727 airliner as it flew between 7/25/1981 #43865## Word: "iberian", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
llorca, Balearic Islands, Spain An Iberian Airlines pilot flying above Palm 3/11/1976 #38315 nte Angel Parreno, the pilot of an Iberian Airlines Boeing 727 on a flight 11/19/1976 #38995## Word: "iberville", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IBERVILLE, QBC 2 observer(s). Brilliant 4/23/1953 #13337 Iberville [now Saint-Jean-de-Richelieu], 4/23/1953 #13339 u River 3:00 p.m. Two witnesses in Iberville [now Saint-Jean-de-Richelieu], 4/23/1953 #13339## Word: "ibicuitinga", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IBICUITINGA, BRZ Teen chased. Saucer hov 9/9/1991? #48602 over a teenager for 15 minutes in Ibicuitinga, Ceara State, Brazil. The sh 9/9/1991 #48604## Word: "ibingira", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ative to the United Nations, Grace Ibingira, asks the Committee on the Peac 11/3/1971 #33231## Word: "ibiracy", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
machine tested by the ranch owner, Ibiracy de Moraes, a wealthy man and for 8/13/1967 #29270## Word: "ibis", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Camp Ibis Dead Mountains Wilderness Needles, 10/1943 #3828 s J. Duzynski is stationed at Camp Ibis on the west side of the Dead Mounta 10/1943 #3828## Word: "ibiuna", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ne-shaped UFO on a highway between Ibiuna and Sao Paulo, Brazil in Sao Paul 4/26/1969 #31698 IBIUNA, BRZ 2 observer(s). 30' domed sau 6/17/1969 #31833## Word: "ibiza", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain The wife 5/22/1974 #36179 Spain The wife of a journalist on Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain, photogra 5/22/1974 #36179 Can Cifre, Ibiza, Spain Two young boys were playing 7/11/1978 #40955 ar the Can Fita farm in Can Cifre, Ibiza, Spain when they heard a loud nois 7/11/1978 #40957 Ibiza, Canary Islands The pilot of a Spa 11/11/1979 #42689## Word: "ibiúna", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil 2:00 a.m. Kane 6/17/1969 #31834 ted window” hovering in the air in Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil. It appears to 6/17/1969 #31834 4 miles northwest of Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil 2:30 p.m. Sr. 6/26/1969 #31851 a trail about 4 miles northwest of Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil, when he hears 6/26/1969 #31851 Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil After a series 7/1969 #31858 es are reported in the area around Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil, the Brazilian 7/1969 #31858## Word: "ibm", 23 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he UFO analysis involves compiling IBM punch cards based on data forwarded 3/31/1952 #9709 ed coding scheme, an example of an IBM punch card that will be used, and pl 6/6/1952 #10307 gh 1951 have been coded and put on IBM punch cards. About 60% of the report 10/10/1952 #12438 valuated by December 10, ready for IBM analysis later. 11/10/1952 #12620 by the Air Force and tabulated on IBM punch cards. The original report by 10/25/1955 #17599 to me. I was the one that had the IBM system tried out. It didn’t prove a 10/25/1955 #17599 NEAR PEEKSKILL, NY 2 IBM programmers abduction / 36 hours. Sp 8/23/1958? #20575 Washington, D.C. Two IBM engineers, C. D. Jackson and Robert 10/4/1961 #22558 IBM engineers C. D. Jackson and Robert E 11/25/1961 #22655 The IBM 7950 Harvest computer, designed to b 1/1962 #22697 Los Angeles, California Two IBM engineers, C. D. Jackson and Robert 11/13/1962 #23305 4. Plus all of Battelle’s original IBM cards have been thrown away. 9/1967? #29373 erritt. The database is kept on an IBM mainframe computer at a nearby compu 1976 #38104 ghting of many this night is by an IBM executive who sees a lighted object 3/24/1983 #44717 assed directly over the home of an IBM engineer in Hawthorne, Westchester C 5/31/1984 #45306 over the home of John Burdett, an IBM engineer in Hawthorne, New York. It 5/31/1984 #45310 assed directly over the home of an IBM engineer in Hawthorne, Westchester C 5/31/1984 #45311 oice and data line connected to an IBM personal computer. CUFON receives mo 1/1/1986 #45785 have American companies (including IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs) reverse 6/1997 #52029 ike Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs and IBM. Corso also states INSCOM provided s 6/1997 #52033 ions from Rockwell, Martin-Boeing, IBM, Lockheed, McDonnell, Ford Aerospace 8/19/1997 #52124 d by the Pentagon with its hire of IBM, but IBM in turn, subcontracted AMS, 6/2004 #53576 Pentagon with its hire of IBM, but IBM in turn, subcontracted AMS, Lockheed 6/2004 #53576## Word: "ibn-fadlan", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
by the mission's secretary, Ahmad ibn-Fadlan, the sky's horizon turned red 5/12/922 #118 continued for some time, and both ibn-Fadlan and ar-Rassi described the oc 5/12/922 #118## Word: "ibouvillers", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
E, between Lormaison and St Crepin Ibouvillers - (Translated from French) ( 10/1/1954 #15357## Word: "ibrahim", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Translated from French) Journalist Ibrahim Sued publishes in the Rio newspa 9/14/1957 #19216 nset. Mullah Umar Siddiq, merchant Ibrahim Khaleb, and physician Muhammad W 2/8/1974 #35763## Word: "ibstock", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IBSTOCK, LEICS 45' saucer / sky. Car rad 5/25/1971 #32875 Ibstock, Leicestershire, UK Luminous whi 5/25/1971 #32876## Word: "ibáñez", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, Spain 11:30 a.m. Farmer Federico Ibáñez Ibáñez, 54, leaves the village of 7/25/1979 #42354 11:30 a.m. Farmer Federico Ibáñez Ibáñez, 54, leaves the village of Turís, 7/25/1979 #42354## Word: "ic", 19 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nar monolithic integrated circuit (IC) chip was demonstrated 1960 #21634 ctions in the Executive branch and IC that were interested in UAP; Vallee n 2/11/1974 #35773 t backdoor in the software used by IC agencies. Riconosciuto also was a sou 5/13/1992 #48915 to Riconosciuto also claimed other IC sources that were unsubstantiated sta 5/13/1992 #48915 n, or purely heard rumors from the IC or even public ufology. He did produc 5/13/1992 #48915 uses the same terminal he used for IC comms, and is told he is part of the 12/1993 #49826 ates a group of current and former IC personnel who believed UAP were demon 3/11/1998 #52308 uals involved are personnel inside IC SAPs, black units inside corporate en 4/2001 #53013 unimpeachable and connected to the IC. They confirm the existence of one hi 3/6/2004 #53544 1940s. Duke claims some in the US IC believed Parsons and his occult pract 3/31/2011 #54200 re able to get from other areas of IC/private industry. DeLonge states he w 3/27/2016 #54324 ittees and helping “glue” the DOD, IC and Congress together. https://twitt 7/12/2019 #54475 n O’Donnell, alleging that certain IC elements improperly withheld or conce 7/2021 #54590 ce and members of the military and IC have “committed crimes” and want to a 11/30/2021 #54619 iation, including denied access to IC elements and personal threats, but st 5/2022 #54641 is NGA security clearances. Former IC IG Charles McCullough III submits a c 5/2022 #54641 aint on Grusch's behalf to current IC IG Thomas Monheim, requesting direct 5/2022 #54641 US IC IG Thomas Monheim deems David Grusch' 7/2022 #54656 y shared this information with the IC IG in June 2022. 8/21/2023 #54729## Word: "ica", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ICA, ICA, PERU 200+. 2 saucers slowly de 9/7/1966 #27037 ICA, ICA, PERU 200+. 2 saucers slowly descend 9/7/1966 #27037## Word: "icacos", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Icacos Trinidad and Tobago (Translated f 1984 #45035## Word: "icarus", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
l and Thomas Murphy on the airship Icarus that is sailing from Salt Lake Ci 12/26/1896 #1608 has quite a few similarities with Icarus, an asteroid 1 km in diameter tha 4/28/1948 #6647 at the widely publicized asteroid "Icarus" passed close to Earth, strange e 6/14/1968 #30554 ann Institute of Science in Israel Icarus Interstellar Popular Mechanics Th 1/9/2018 #54382 Obousy, director of the nonprofit Icarus Interstellar. One of those papers 1/9/2018 #54382## Word: "icarus'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ier de Malmesbury wants to reenact Icarus' flight; he jumps from the top of 1160 #181## Word: "icbm", 26 instance(s) (Back to Top)
first successful long flight of an ICBM, the R-7 Semyorka, from the Baikonu 8/27/1957 #19152 amage the arming devices on Soviet ICBM warheads (they do not). 8/27/1958 #20586 heyenne, Wyoming The first Atlas-D ICBM is successfully launched at Vandenb 9/9/1959 #21425 Power, CINCSAC, declares the first ICBM to be operational. Shortly afterwar 9/9/1959 #21425 ard, the first operational Atlas-D ICBM squadron goes on alert at Francis E 9/9/1959 #21425 or was in the process of obtaining ICBM bases: New York (Plattsburg AFB); K 4/18/1962 #22819 the area of the Lowry AFB Titan I ICBM Complex]. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 8/15/1962 #23071 red feet in the air near where the ICBM storage bunkers are located. It sil 10/2/1962 #23205 h where a UFO allegedly causes the ICBM’s warhead to malfunction over Big S 9/15/1964 #24471 ssile Squadron’s underground Atlas ICBM launch control capsules. Moore was Late 1964 #24503 feels the official need. UFOs over ICBM sites could be one of those officia Late 1964 #24503 more than 70 UFOs near the base’s ICBM Minuteman I launch control faciliti 8/1/1965 #25250 acked on USAF radar over Minuteman ICBM complex.. Two tracking radar system 4/15/1966 #26415 mber night. Schindele, a Minuteman ICBM launch control officer and deputy m 9/1966 #26995 files.) [Note: There is a Titan II ICBM Missile site located near Winfield. 2/21/1967 #27887 Minot AFB, North Dakota Minuteman ICBM missile silos of the 91st Strategic 3/5/1967 #28046 rget descending over the Minuteman ICBM missile silos of the 91st Strategic 3/5/1967 #28046 es.) [Malmstrom AFB, MT, Minuteman ICBM Complex] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 3/23/1967 #28250 NICAP files.) [Minot AFB Minuteman ICBM Complex] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 9/24/1967 #29547 stationed throughout the Minuteman ICBM missile complex at Minot AFB, North 10/24/1968 #31141 key intelligence targets, such as ICBM sites and nuclear test grounds in t 1970 #32186 andenberg AFB launched a Minuteman ICBM to Kwajalein missile range; on its 7/17/1974 #36337 s began tracking a UAP next to the ICBM nose cone. Radar picked up an inver 7/17/1974 #36337 F base in Malmstrom (Montana), the ICBM launch sites in the same state, and 11/7/1975 #37908 ater, the system reports four more ICBM launches headed to the Soviet Union 9/26/1983 #44920 s are designed primarily to detect ICBM or sea-launched cruise missiles dir 1/31/2001 #52995## Word: "icbms", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
capability with up to 10 prototype ICBMs” at “sometime during the period fr 12/1957 #19937 that the USSR has no more than 25 ICBMs and will not possess more in the n 9/1961 #22466 conds, 4– 7 more Minutemen nuclear ICBMs go offline in succession. The USAF 3/24/1967 #28271 re responsible for launching those ICBMs in time of war and comprise the 31 10/23/2010 #54180 h 1967. Most or all of Malmstrom’s ICBMs malfunctioned that night after a r 9/19/2012 #54231## Word: "ice", 130 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Immediately afterwards, blocks of ice were seen falling. (1887, 19th March 3/19/1887 #1450 the object even as solid lumps of ice fall on the deck and the rigging bec 3/19/1887 #1451 is the reflection of sunlight from ice on the surface or ice crystals in cl 6/7/1894 #1510 unlight from ice on the surface or ice crystals in clouds. 6/7/1894 #1510 He set up a large base on the Ross Ice Shelf, called Little America. This w 10/1928 #3041 t and then descended back onto the ice. When one of the witnesses approache 1946 #4431 ing a series of black marks on the ice. (Chapter 8, Ref 333) 1946 #4431 nima Nipissing Lake, Ontario While ice fishing at Anima Nipissing Lake, Ont 4/25/1946 #4468 ay. They come spinning down on the ice, rise 2 feet into the air, then come 4/25/1946 #4468 y find black marks on the snow and ice. 4/25/1946 #4468 object was found when a mysterious ice shower occurred Saturday, confined t 1/7/1947 #4848 French) Sixty people at the local ice cream parlor at the John Cox farm sa 7/10/1947 #5936 ere from, while gesturing with his ice axe. One of the two dwarves put his 8/14/1947 #6241 ound himself on the ground and the ice axe flew towards the dwarves who too 8/14/1947 #6241 ersaries bend down and pick up the ice axe which was bigger than him. At th 8/14/1947 #6241 und and one of the beings took his ice axe. They returned to their craft wh 8/14/1947 #6241 ure Johannis noted the loss of his ice axe and various aluminum elements of 8/14/1947 #6241 na on top, on the ground across an ice field. There were two dwarfs less th 8/14/1947 #6256 o crash helmets. When he waved his ice axe at them in a friendly gesture, o 8/14/1947 #6256 10th Yeager reached Mach 0.94. But ice was forming inside the cockpit. Figh Early 10/1947 #6390 s on the west side of the Filchner Ice Shelf. 12/1947 #6458 at 2:20 pm the UFO looked like “an ice cream cone” through binoculars. Abou 1/7/1948 #6513 by solar reflections on patches of ice crystals on the surface of Mars. 1/16/1950 #7736 flew over and where there was only ice, snow, some Eskimos and, a little fu 1/22/1952 #9547 Os are light reflections caused by ice crystals, refractions, or temperatur 6/9/1952 #10333 vered in the inhospitable snow and ice of northeastern Spitzberg, (...) The Early 8/1952 (approximate) #11557 rouded on a special blanket on dry ice. Heads were hairless, narrow, dispro 1953? #12886 ic to prevent freeze burn from dry ice underneath, with heads disproportion 1953 #12909 hment. They had been packed in dry ice containers to preserve their tissues 5/21/1953 #13397 cial coffins, filled with carbonic ice, on board an airplane that arrived t Summer 1953 #13459 p, Greenland, performing strategic ice reconnaissance. Dropping down below 1956 #17729 erial reconnaissance of the USSR's ice in Greenland, the crew spotted a dis 12/31/1956 #18574 a reconnaissance above a strategic ice region near Greenland. As they emerg 12/31/1956 #18580 J.L. Siverly. A thick disc, of an ice blue color, with a honeycomb (hexago 7/27/1957 #19049 Longmont, CO A thick disc, ice blue, with a top like honeycomb (NIC 7/27/1957 #19052 ss: J.L. Siverly. One thick disc, ice blue, with a top like honeycomb (int 7/27/1957 #19053 as a pneumatically operated poison ice “atomizer” that leaves no wound or o 9/1957 #19181 t lenticular cloud with a trail of ice crystals. 10/16/1957 #19371 e previously seen phenomena on the ice. (Chapter 8, Ref 320) 1958 #20087 and buildings under large slabs of ice in Antarctica from the air. These st 1958 #20088 haped object had landed on the sea ice on McMurdo Sound near Mount Erebus, 12/11/1958 #20861 t, their long arms dangling to the ice. They had very long faces. His radio 12/11/1958 #20861 urther claims that the north polar ice cap melted on Mars, causing the desc 1960 #21644 0 p.m. There was a mystery fall of ice from the sky in Portage, Pennsylvani 7/3/1960 #21889 eologist Vsevolod Charmov examines ice, water, and soil samples but cannot 2/1961 #22199 of the submerged pieces of broken ice. The pellets seem to be an inorganic 2/1961 #22199 ONEGA, RUSSIA UFO breaks dirt and ice / frozen lake. Furrows / lakebed. Cr 4/27/1961 #22292 elia, Russia and broke through the ice. It was heading toward the east when 4/27/1961 #22293 he lake through a huge hole in the ice: the earth that had been excavated t 4/28/1961 #22295 merged part of the broken floating ice was green. On the shore the military 4/28/1961 #22295 seemed to have dug the cliff, the ice and the bottom of the lake, creating 4/28/1961 #22296 ing the frozen ground, pushing the ice into the bottom and advancing 20m on 4/28/1961 #22296 agments of many metals. The broken ice pieces were of an emerald green whos 4/28/1961 #22296 hotos. NASA claims the objects are ice flaking off the aircraft (“fireflies 4/30/1962 #22848 ing of the appearance of pieces of ice, but rather that of drops of steel r 4/21/1963 #23502 enomena originating from under the ice. They heard mysterious rumbling, hum 1965 #24625 t high and shaped like an inverted ice cream cone, 3 feet wide at the botto 4/4/1966 #26338 Two ice cream truck drivers, Armstrong and P 6/8/1966 #26684 W, AK 3+saucers going west. Land / ice offshore. Go over buildings / town. 2/12/1967 #27785 aneuvered and reportedly landed on ice for up to 20 minutes. It also hovere 2/12/1967 #27788 30 seconds. A 15 foot in diameter ice area was found at the landing site, 2/21/1967 #27890 land’s harsh weather. Contaminated ice and debris are buried at the Savanna 1/21/1968 #30166 nd are not frozen at all. The pond ice is dry, even though it has been rain 2/18/1968 #30255 night. Investigators find that the ice is 3 inches thick in some spots, com 2/18/1968 #30255 slucent quality. They "looked like ice." When they got near a table lamp, t 11/24/1970 #32632 rything appeared to be made out of ice. There she met three beautiful femal 1/1/1971 #32689 e has noticed a spot of hard green ice that is not covered with snow. Mauno 1/3/1971 #32695 with snow. Mauno takes some green ice and melts it into dark green water. 1/3/1971 #32695 t wide, in the middle of which are ice needles as big as fingers with a bal 1/3/1971 #32695 s as big as fingers with a ball of ice on top and some soot. The following 1/3/1971 #32695 lindrical object going down / lake ice. Tilts going down. Steaming hole. / 1/7/1971 #32703 o Lake. One boy sees a hole in the ice on the lake; steam is rising from it 1/7/1971 #32705 ys, found an elongated hole in the ice and steam rising from the agitated w 1/7/1971 #32706 re it crossed a drainage ditch the ice in the ditch had melted, and the wat 3/5/1971 #32779 ater, after a snow fall, the white ice had melted both inside and outside o 11/2/1971 #33230 e Road towards Loveland. There was ice on the road and he was driving very 3/3/1972 #33391 uflage hides / mountains. Cab gets ice cold. 7/5/1972 #33601 oy, Mario Mercier, was alone on an ice skating rink on a sunny day when he 11/28/1972 #34023 , ON 50+observer(s). Ovoid lands / ice. Observer(s) fires shots. Clinks. / 3/20/1974 #35946 anoids (or Greys) gather rocks and ice. Quickly going up [to] to clouds. 6/15/1974 #36257 dré was in the presence of a large ice surface with a depression towards th 1/6/1977 #39154 of 6 meters. Two other small oval ice surfaces were placed near the large 1/6/1977 #39154 en walk out and re-enter. Traces / ice. 1/6/1977 #39155 large, elliptical-shaped crust of ice, about 18 feet in diameter, on top o 1/6/1977 #39157 a large elliptical shaped crust of ice, 0.8 inches thick, and about 18 feet 1/6/1977 #39158 cuts smoothly through 14 inches of ice. Eight inches of slush surrounds the 1/10/1977 #39167 t and looks down through the clear ice where the hole has been and to the p 1/10/1977 #39167 enchantment. Witnesses tasted this ice without detecting any difference wit 4/1977 #39401 detecting any difference with the ice from a freezer. The area emitted an 4/1977 #39401 p.m. Four boys are playing on the ice of the Montvale (N.J.) Memorial Elem 1/31/1978 #40478 10 years old) were playing on the ice in the playing field of the Montvale 1/31/1978 #40480 glacier, brightly illuminating the ice. Later that night, at 2:30 a.m. the 12/31/1978 #41893 glacier, brightly illuminating the ice. Later that night, at 2:30 a.m. the 12/31/1978 #41900 had been shot down, being kept on ice by the Air Force Foreign Technology 5/1979 #42199 blue lights were reflected on the ice ... (...) The two women finally stop 2/26/1983 #44671 ery 60 seconds from an upside-down ice cream cone to a rectangle. (NICAP: 0 2/22/1984 #45150 Press Club - Washington, D.C. The Ice Documents Press Conference, at the N 6/25/1987 #46285 st 16 holes were discovered in the ice on the lake the next day. The holes 12/25/1987 #46478 overing over Lake Erie, landing on ice. Smaller triangular objects emerged, 3/4/1988 #46612 0 feet. Somehow it causes the lake ice to rumble and crack. The Bakers get 3/4/1988 #46613 ss 50- mile stretches low over the ice “in the snap of a finger.” They make 3/4/1988 #46613 , which seems to be landing on the ice. They reenter it, the ellipse flashe 3/4/1988 #46613 Suddenly the lights go out and the ice booming stops. The witnesses assume 3/4/1988 #46613 s hovered over, then landed on the ice on Lake Erie, not far from a nuclear 3/4/1988 #46614 e for Tibetan music and strawberry ice cream. Robert Emenegger also appears 10/14/1988 #46816 ervation of a cloud shaped like an ice cream cone with a single scoop (Octo 10/20/1989 #47385 going up / MZHA river. 21M hole / ice. Disc / ice going up [to] and fills 1/7/1990 #47639 MZHA river. 21M hole / ice. Disc / ice going up [to] and fills hole. Pt. tr 1/7/1990 #47639 er to measure the elevation of the ice. It was placed at Wallops (USA) on t 1991 #48310 ft which flew 152 meters above the ice and gave measurements with an accura 1991 #48310 ecret world government, the coming ice age, and a variety of other covert a 1991 #48313 meter circle was discovered in the ice on the Charles River near Waltham, M 1/15/1991 #48334 d strange; they were packed in dry ice; he had not been aware of the book T 7/9/1991 #48527 ions: According to NASA, they were ice crystals, which is physically imposs 9/15/1991 #48609 h is physically impossible because ice crystals could not change direction 9/15/1991 #48609 ture. NASA explains the objects as ice particles reacting to a Space Shuttl 9/15/1991 #48612 ed oddly for any type of particle, ice or otherwise, and Carlotto indicates 9/15/1991 #48612 y-colored humanoids walking on the ice on a nearby glacier. 1/12/1993 #49267 NB Night lights low over unstable ice 1 / 2 miles offshore. Silent. Banana 4/4/1993 #49414 thwest Territories, Canada Highway Ice Road Near Aklavik, Northwest Territo 2/22/1997 #51907 iew as the witnesses turn along an ice road. 2/22/1997 #51907 up with “false cover stories” like ice crystals and temperature inversions. 8/3/1997 #52098 iking on a remote trail called the Ice Age Trail near Lodi, Wisconsin when 8/22/1999 #52653 a City, Indiana 10:00 p.m. Two men ice fishing at Columbia City, Indiana, e 1/31/2005 #53681 l of steam from the surface of the ice. The men try to call the local sheri 1/31/2005 #53681 , they find a two-inch hole in the ice where the object had hovered. 1/31/2005 #53681 a for three minutes and melted the ice. On the same night in Wood River, Ne 1/31/2005 #53683 t reportedly moved like a "puck on ice". 9/30/2008 #54046 ment. After seeing the hole in the ice, an “intelligence-gathering” type of 1/30/2015 #54307 occurring in a facility under the ice are speculation by Howe and unnecess 1/30/2015 #54307## Word: "ice-", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
woman sees a bright object like an ice- cream cone low in the sky ahead, tr 1/25/1969 #31459## Word: "ice-blue", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ough the steady rain, two angular, ice-blue lights pass slowly across his f 1/4/1976 #38122## Word: "ice-cold", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he is thrown to the ground by an “ice-cold invisible force.” Raymond confe 9/27/1954 #15274## Word: "ice-covered", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
appears to be an aircraft land on ice-covered lake Fjosoken, Sorsele, Swed Late 11/1933 #3218## Word: "ice-cream", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
30° up Briniger estimates that the ice-cream cone shaped UFO is as close as 6/11/1978 #40859## Word: "ice-cream-", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ther USAF personnel see a round or ice-cream- cone-shaped white or silver o 1/7/1948 #6526## Word: "ice-cream-cone", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
FAIRMOUNT, IN Silent inverted ice-cream-cone flips over. Big light / l 5/26/1987 #46260## Word: "ice-cream-cone-shape", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
0 feet away, the police can see an ice-cream-cone-shape and a solid body th 7/24/1984 #45381 EDMONDS, WA 2 women. Ice-cream-cone-shape seen / seconds. Win 1/20/1988 #46532## Word: "ice-fishing", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ETAWAWA, ON 2 military observer(s) ice-fishing. 30' round object hovers / 3 2/1964 #23975## Word: "ice-laden", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
net Venus, with radar returns from ice-laden clouds. 3/8/1950 #7864## Word: "iceberg", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Iceberg” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 3/23/1978 #40633 aterrestrials were the “tip of the iceberg” in terms of the revelations he 2012 #54214 ject ʻOumuamua could be a hydrogen iceberg generated by a giant molecular c 5/28/2020 #54532## Word: "icebound", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lete silence and darting above the icebound Amur River, and a black cigar-s 3/21/1990 #47759## Word: "icebox", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Proving Grounds in Utah. A "flying icebox," surrounded by an aura of spears 4/25/1950 #8218## Word: "icebreaker", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r Skyhook balloon launched from an icebreaker, US Coast Guard Cutter Eastwi 8/29/1952 #12033 ADMIRALTY BAY, ANTARC Icebreaker crew. Ovoid northeast going s 3/16/1961 #22247 ica four members of the crew of an icebreaker sighted an oval fireball that 8/16/1961 #22449 . A journalist aboard the Japanese icebreaker Fuji in Antarctic waters sees 1/6/1979 #41963## Word: "icecaps", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
seasonal melting of Martian polar icecaps fuels speculation that an advanc 5/1894 #1509## Word: "iced", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n the deck and the rigging becomes iced. The side of the ship where it fall 3/19/1887 #1451## Word: "icel", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
KEFLAVIK AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ICEL 4 USAF officers. Saucer going quick 10/8/1952 #12425 KEFLAVIK, ICEL Air Force Colonel and 1. 10+60' sau 5/4/1955 #17143 REYKJAVIK, ICEL 3 / airliner. 3 X-bright objects pa 11/1972 #33972 OFF LANGENESS, ICEL Conf. military source. 3 UFO's / RA 12/20/1992 #49227 OFF LANGENESS, ICEL NATO ships and subs search / large 12/24/1992 #49238## Word: "iceland", 45 instance(s) (Back to Top)
h Atlantic, At Sea N Atlantic bet. Iceland and Greenland (NICAP: 01 - Dista 4/18/1948 #6632 f 200 knots at 10,000 feet between Iceland and Newfoundland, saw a UFO asce 2/8/1951 #8913 Keflavík, Iceland Gander, Newfoundland Ocean 9:55 2/9/1951 #8915 ansport flying west from Keflavík, Iceland, at 10,000 feet about 212 miles 2/9/1951 #8915 Keflavik, Iceland Confidential Memo to Air Transpo 2/10/1951 #8916 s plane (Flight 125 from Keflavik, Iceland.) 2/10/1951 #8916 Near Iceland Near collision between Navy plan 2/10/1951 #8917 Keflavik, Iceland Eight Radar Tracks by GCA Team ( 3/13/1952 #9655 North Atlantic Iceland, North Atlantic, between Ireland 9/14/1952 #12187 orth Atlantic, between Ireland and Iceland. Witnesses: military persons fro 9/14/1952 #12187 ORTH ATLANTIC, between Ireland and Iceland (Translated from French) Witness 9/14/1952 #12188 orth Atlantic, between Ireland and Iceland Witnesses: military persons fro 9/14/1952 #12210 orth Atlantic, between Ireland and Iceland. Military witnesses from several 9/14/1952 #12219 AKUREYRI, ICELAND Numerous observer(s). 4 spheres 10/26/1952 #12527 anslated from French) In Keflavik (Iceland), radar operators detect 4 unide 2/3/1953 #13085 Keflavik Airport, Iceland Radar operators tracked 4 uniden 2/3/1953 #13088 Keflavik, Iceland Witnesses: radar operators. Fo 2/3/1953 #13089 300MI SOUTHWEST / ICELAND RAF B29. Long cylinder/cigar-sha 11/19/1953 #13878 Keflavik AFB, Iceland Climbing Blue Light Observed Fro 11/27/1953 #13899 ed from French) Photo at Keflauik (Iceland). (June 30) 6/30/1954 #14650 ervation near the Largafiot River (Iceland). 8/24/1954 #14905 EGILSTADIR, ICELAND Project Bluebook Case #3180. Far 8/24/1954 #14907 Egilstadir, Iceland Flat cylinder, 2-2.5 ft long, 4- 8/24/1954 #14908 Egilstadir, Iceland Witness: one unnamed farmer. A 8/24/1954 #14909 Egilstadir, Iceland. At 8:30 p.m. a farmer saw a sma 8/24/1954 #14910 ) Observation at Keflavik Airport (Iceland). (4 May) 5/4/1955 #17142 Keflavik Airport, Iceland 10 round, white objects, one of 5/4/1955 #17144 Keflavik, Iceland Witnesses: Lt. Col. E.J. Stealy 5/4/1955 #17145 Keflavík Airfield, Iceland Afternoon. Lt. Col. Edward J. St 5/4/1955 #17147 tor Squadron at Keflavík Airfield, Iceland, and 1stLt. Joseph Burt see 10–1 5/4/1955 #17147 at the Keflavik Air Force Base in Iceland, two USAF officers, USAF Lt. Col 5/4/1955 #17148 ranslated from French) Sighting in Iceland. (August 11) 8/11/1955 #17400 Unknown Location in Iceland, Iceland 12 Objects Observed By 8/11/1955 #17404 Unknown Location in Iceland, Iceland 12 Objects Observed By AF Office 8/11/1955 #17404 Iceland Witness: 2nd Lt. E.J. Marlow. T 8/11/1955 #17405 Iceland. At 11:45 a.m. Lt. E. J. Marlow 8/11/1955 #17407 VOPNAFJORDUR, ICELAND Many observer(s). Fireball maneu 1/9/1975 #36854 ll maneuvers fast and slow. Wave / Iceland since March / 74. 1/9/1975 #36854 Akureyi Reykjavik, Iceland Mælifell volcano A Flugfélag Ísl 12/18/1976 #39056 lcano A Flugfélag Íslands [now Air Iceland Connect] airliner in flight from 12/18/1976 #39056 flight from Akureyi to Reykjavik, Iceland, picks up a clear radar target a 12/18/1976 #39056 Between Alaska, Yukon and Iceland, in flight (Translated from Fren 11/17/1986 #46140 e a cross breeding of someone from Iceland with someone from Japan, a rare 7/23/1992 #48986 OFF NE.ICELAND Fishermen. Fast flashing submari 12/21/1992 #49230 ocal residents of Langeness Fjord, Iceland reported seeing small gray-color 1/12/1993 #49267## Word: "icelandic", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
after the end of World War II, the Icelandic whaler "Juliana" encountered a 1946 #4429 OFF NORTH SCOTLAND Icelandic airline(s)/airliner crew. 2 wh 4/21/1993 #49436## Word: "ich", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
) She talked about it in her book "Ich bin ein Berliner" (Goldmann-Verlag). 11/1981 #44042## Word: "ichac", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
on in position but, upon sighting, Ichac had to admit that the object was t 10/1935 #3314 icles of the French student Pierre Ichac, travelling in Ethiopia, one can r 10/1935 #3314## Word: "ichikawa", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
shima Island when Captain Hidezaku Ichikawa and co-pilot Tohei Nakamura saw 10/3/1971 #33175## Word: "ichinan", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
se 1975-10 (A1391), citing Hayashi Ichinan andYoshihiko Honda). (NICAP: 07 2/23/1975 #36974## Word: "ichinoseki", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Ichinoseki, Iwate Prefecture, Japan Sagu 10/4/1957 #19289 a.m. A tadpole-like UFO is seen at Ichinoseki, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Aft 10/4/1957 #19289 Angel hair residue fell on Ichinoseki, Japan at 11:45 a.m. on this 10/4/1957 #19290## Word: "ici", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ed by a beam emitted by a saucer. (Ici Paris, October 11, 1954, p.2). Possi 9/25/1954 #15236## Word: "icicles", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s eat and offer him something like icicles, but he refuses them. The UFO’s 5/10/1978 #40773## Word: "icig", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ded the information he gave to the ICIG. 8/8/2023 #54725 m Burchett about the letter to the ICIG. Timbo says both sides are "comprom 8/23/2023 #54733## Word: "icing", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
om Groom Lake crashes due to pilot icing 14 miles south of Wendover (Utah). 5/24/1963 #23550 "military helicopter" encountered icing problems in bad weather and had to 3/13/1975 #37049## Word: "icmb", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
4:00 a.m. Near the Grand Forks AFB ICMB Complex. Sandra Larson, age 32, and 8/26/1975 #37543## Word: "icoaraci", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ICOARACI, PARA, BRZ Thunder. 2 fireballs 5/17/1977 #39577 Brazil 9:30 PM. In the village of Icoaraci, two fiery balls of light were 5/17/1977 #39579 In the village of Icoaraci, near Belem do Para, Para State 5/17/1977 #39582## Word: "icona", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ning used oil. I thought it was an ICONA container. But it wasn't. The obje 7/16/1996 #51611## Word: "icufor", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Tina Choate, Brian Myers, and the ICUFOR operation in Phoenix, Arizona, is 11/22/1985 #45753## Word: "icusesti", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ICUSESTI, ROMANIA Numerous observer(s). 9/13/1968 #30996## Word: "icy", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ady to touch. But an invisible and icy pressure pushed him to the ground. T 9/27/1954 #15252 es to get closer. An invisible and icy force prevents him and throws him to 9/27/1954 #15254 railing. He feels something like “icy rain” on his hands. The rain seems t 11/17/1954 #16636 ed a white plume emerging from the icy landscape. Upon investigation, it wa 1958 #20087 en send three divers who enter the icy water and first announce that their 2/21/1959 #21004 f them. When she got to him he was icy cold and shivering. All he could say 3/1/1974 #35867 to be 100 feet in diameter and had icy blue discs of light around the rim. 12/17/1978 #41801 istling sound while the air became icy, forcing him to stop. He remained ab 9/30/1980 #43290 ork area. It was a morgue that was icy cold that had corpses inside glass c 1982 #44142 noise. Hexagon beams going down / icy lake. Dangles chain. Zigzags. 3/6/1989 #47034 claims he travels mentally to an “icy planet” where he receives informatio 10/20/2022 #54679## Word: "id", 125 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NORTHWEST / GREER, ID 2 prospector. Huge brilliant gold glo 2/5/1910 #2476 Boise, ID Alfred Rordame attempts to explain th 12/23/1917 #2809 WEISER, ID 2 tiny shiny objects drift. Going up 6/12/1947 #4998 Weiser, ID 6:15 p.m. 2 high speed round objects 6/12/1947 #4999 NORTH / DECLO, ID Night light zigzags. Shines cone / li 6/15/1947 (approximate) #5011 MURTAUGH, ID 2 observer(s). Flat silver-white disk 6/17/1947 #5015 BOISE, ID Lt. Governor and 3. "Daytime comet" h 6/24/1947 #5095 NORTH / CALDWELL, ID 2 observer(s). 9 domed saucers maneuv 6/28/1947 #5167 MOSCOW, ID 5+2 kids. Large shiny flat disk oscil 6/29/1947 #5196 NORTHEAST / HAILEY, ID 2 observer(s). 8-9 extremely bright s 6/30/1947 #5224 WEST / BOISE, ID 2 / car. Silvery half-dome clings to 6/30/1947 #5226 LEWISTON, ID 3+2 kids. 3 shiny white saucers dip a 7/2/1947 #5303 NAMPA, ID C. Hughes and C. Faust. Silent circul 7/3/1947 #5335 NEAR ST. MARIES, ID 15 observer(s). 8 large washtub sauce 7/3/1947 #5342 St. Maries (near), ID Landing, seen by a family of ten in N 7/3/1947 #5352 EAST / MOSCOW, ID 2 / light plane. Very white disk wave 7/4/1947 #5390 TWIN FALLS, ID 60 / picnic. 3 groups / saucers in V 7/4/1947 #5405 BOISE, ID United Press International newsman an 7/4/1947 #5416 HAUSER LAKE, ID Many / fireworks. Metal 30' disk / 20 7/4/1947 #5417 EMMETT, ID Project Bluebook Case #34. United Air 7/4/1947 #5427 Emmett, ID 5 disc-shaped objects with flat botto 7/4/1947 #5443 PAYETTE, ID 3 surveyors. 4 silver saucers with da 7/5/1947 #5484 BOISE, ID Retired airman and several. 3 silver 7/5/1947 #5493 POCATELLO, ID 2 / car. 3' disk with dome and funnel 7/6/1947 #5541 16KM SOUTHEAST / BOISE, ID Airline(s)/airliner passenger. Saucer 7/6/1947 #5552 BOISE, ID 21+observer(s). Silver disk whirls an 7/6/1947 #5574 NEAR MOUNTAIN HOME, ID Motorist. Huge umbrella-saucer covers 7/7/1947 #5715 CALDWELL TO/FROM NOTUS, ID 1 / car. 9-12 dark wiggly 'amoebas' g 7/8/1947 #5834 BOISE TO/FROM MERIDIAN, ID United Airlines (UAL) pilot. Flat bla 7/9/1947 #5891 Boise (Bet. Meridian and), ID A black disc, standing out against th 7/9/1947 #5900 Meridian, ID Black disc made a half-roll and then 7/9/1947 #5901 WEST / BUHL, ID 2 / ranch. 7 saucers going [to] over. 7/10/1947 #5951 BOISE, ID Lester Sherill. 8' silver disk fast / 7/10/1947 #5952 WEST / RIGBY, ID 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. Whirr. 3+ 7/12/1947 #6020 ELBA TO/FROM ALBION, ID 5 / car. Dark object going north. Pos 7/12/1947 #6024 SOUTH / IDAHO FALLS, ID 1 / farm. Small disk / irregular cour 7/14/1947 #6048 NAMPA, ID 2 observer(s). 12 disks circle / W. s 7/14/1947 #6049 MOUNTAIN HOME, ID 2 / car. 1M saucer slowly circles Air 7/16/1947 #6064 BOISE, ID Ex-airman / ground. Brilliant silver 7/21/1947 #6084 NORTHWEST / MOUNTAIN HOME, ID 2 pilots / United Airlines (UAL) flig 7/28/1947 #6122 Bt. Mountain Home & Boise, ID DC-3 Crew Observes Disc (NICAP: 11 - 7/28/1947 #6123 NORTH / WENDELL, ID 2 / car. 2 round silver objects going 7/29/1947 #6136 SOUTH / TAMARACK, ID 1 observer. Blinding silver fireball 7/30/1947 #6148 Boise, ID SHANGLES' PHOTO SHOWS LITTLE. Charles 8/12/1947 #6226 SALMON DAM, ID County officials. 2 saucers very high 8/13/1947 #6231 AUGER FALLS, ID 3 observer(s). Sky blue 7M saucer / 1 8/13/1947 #6233 Twin Falls, ID Two Discs 6' In Diameter Near Dam (NI 8/13/1947 #6235 Snake River, ID Snake River Case (NICAP: 02 - Close E 8/13/1947 #6236 NEAR MOUNTAIN HOME, ID Pilots / United Airlines (UAL) flight 8/18/1947 #6267 Mountain Home (near), ID 2 "skeet target" shaped objects flyin 8/18/1947 #6269 TWIN FALLS, ID 5 observer(s). Several groups / 1 to 8/19/1947 #6274 Twin Falls, ID 55 [?] [luminous?] objects in horizon 8/19/1947 #6275 BRADLEY FIELD, ID 2 pilots / ground. 2 silver domed sau 8/21/1947 #6283 Sawtooth National Forest, ID A high speed object trailing green an 12/30/1947 #6483 BOISE, ID Group / surveyors. 15' saucer going [ 2/20/1948 #6574 WEST / BOISE, ID Air Force man / US20. 1+5 silver disk 5/13/1949 #7358 MOUNTAIN HOME, ID Pilot. 7 dark delta/triangle/box-like 7/24/1949 #7474 Mountain Home, ID Piper Clipper Encounters Seven Delta- 7/24/1949 #7476 TWIN FALLS, ID 2 observer(s). 10M cube going [to] 40 8/11/1950 #8503 NORTH / HAGERMAN, ID 3 / car. 2M sphere with fin lands. Fa 12/14/1950 #8800 MOUNTAIN HOME AIR FORCE BASE, ID 60 military observer(s). 25' saucer 5 7/1951 (approximate) #9091 SOUTHEAST / LEWISTON, ID 2+2 observer(s). 4 large silent disks 7/20/1952 #10958 NORTHEAST / LAPWAI, ID 2 / car. Bright silver disk going eas 7/24/1952 #11142 WEISER, ID Airport manager. Bright metallic ovoi 7/24/1952 #11150 PAYETTE, ID 2 / farm. 5' slate-grey ovoid / 100' 9/6/1952 #12119 EAST / BOISE, ID Ground and air observer(s). Night lig 9/23/1952 #12305 tary personnel in fatigues with no ID patches standing around the craft. T 1953 #12910 DIETRICH, ID 4 Ground Observer Corps (GOC) observe 2/3/1953 #13086 CLARK FORK, ID Ground observers. 2 large "upturned m 7/12/1953 #13520 Moscow, ID Large glowing disc; three F-86s scram 8/9/1953 #13595 MOSCOW, ID 2 Ground Observer Corps (GOC) observe 8/9/1953 #13597 Moscow, ID Three F-86's Chase Disc Spotted By GO 8/9/1953 #13598 Crestline, ID Circling light changed color, white, 8/15/1953 #13613 CASCADE, ID State Highway Patrolman. Glowing blue 10/24/1953 #13817 AEC Plant, ID Air space violation; hovering object 6/26/1954 #14631 BUTTE CO, ID Several observer(s). Brilliant flash 6/26/1954 #14633 SOUTH / ROGERSON, ID 3 observer(s). 60M glowing-saucer spi 9/7/1956 #18338 TELEPHONE RIDGE, ID 4 / rifle scopes / Hells canyon. Proj 10/25/1959 (approximate) #21540 MERIDIAN, ID Project Bluebook Case #8603. Several 10/23/1963 #23829 Meridian, ID Object shaped like a circle from belo 10/23/1963 #23831 US Cascade (ID) News editorial: "An objective observ 8/6/1965 #25347 REXBURG, ID Truck-size glowing-object blocks road 1/29/1966 #25949 Rexburg, ID Flat, well-defined object blocking th 1/29/1966 #25950 cation. Mrs. Kushner described the ID card as having black printing on a du 1/28/1967 #27674 Woodville, ID 9:30 p.m. PST. While driving, a woman 4/11/1967 #28420 SR46 NORTH / GOODING, ID Trucker. 5M grey object follows terra 4/17/1967 #28457 Shelley, ID 9:30-10:00 p.m. PST. A woman and her 4/17/1967 #28462 Shelley, ID 9:35 p.m. MDT (11:35 p.m. EDT). A pri 4/28/1967 #28564 PA Conflicting data on whether to ID this as meteor. (NICAP: 01 - Distant 6/2/1967 #28797 the last call made. The visitor’s ID allegedly said CIA. After his admissi 7/3/1967 #28969 NEAR RIRIE, ID Saucer. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) 11/2/1967 #29836 Ririe, ID Disc with dome above car, two small b 11/2/1967 #29837 Ririe, ID Domed disc, lights along rim, two bei 11/2/1967 #29839 IDAHO FALLS, ID Low saucer turns and tilts. 2 small h 12/8/1967 #30029 Idaho. Falls, ID 7:40 p.m. MST. A 15-year-old girl saw 12/8/1967 #30031 Idaho Falls, ID Bright illumination from domed disc, 12/8/1967 #30032 h. They took his fishing gear, his ID card, and his banknotes. They asked h 5/4/1969 #31716 NEAR TWIN FALLS, ID 2 teens. Orange object flashes and ci 9/22/1971 #33126 ELMORE CO, ID 2 observer(s). 8 saucers over home un 8/5/1972 #33713 Bayview, ID Thirteen UFOs, which appeared as "ste 6/29/1973 #34525 Hailey, ID 11:00 p.m. Two men walking just west 10/19/1975 #37755 NORTHEAST / SODA SPRINGS, ID 2 separate cops. Silent plain 30' ovo 12/18/1976 #39052 Caribou County, ID 12:55 a.m. On Soda Springs Mountain R 12/18/1976 #39054 COEUR D / ALENE, ID Woman abduction / home. Pseudo-human/ 6/20/1977 #39654 s appear. One hour / missing time. Id card gone / purse. 8/3/1977 #39844 d there; Wilhelm states he saw her ID badge and she told him six months bef 8/1978 #41053 HAILEY, ID 3 separate pilots and ground RADAR. 5 5/26/1979 #42254 Hailey, ID G,V, FAA radar, pilot & a/l visuals ( 5/26/1979 #42258 Hailey, ID Pilots enc string of objects, R/V (NI 5/26/1979 #42259 Hailey, ID Private pilot and airline crew saw st 5/26/1979 #42260 POCATELLO, ID 1 observer. Luminous bar of light cru 11/9/1985 #45733 e’s contacts. Moore had sported an ID badge that is identical to other DIS 5/8/1986 #45912 ose Dry Lake known as S-4. Lazar’s ID is prepared, he is given a physical a 12/6/1988 #46899 re admitted to faking a government ID card and passed himself off as an int 6/1989 #47149 WAYAN, ID Rancher. Mutilated cow found. Part / 7/23/1989 #47219 Louis, Missouri. The FAA couldn't ID it. 9/21/1989 #47316 CULDESAC, ID 2 separate observer(s). Huge orange g 10/24/1994 #50368 MCCALL, ID 2 wakened / bright light. Separate ob 12/5/1994 #50444 AMMON, ID Circular object stops right over kids 3/8/1995 #50657 BOISE, ID 3 observer(s). Row / 5-7 night lights 9/5/1995 #51051 BOISE, ID 2 separate observer(s). Black triangu 9/24/1995 #51117 BOISE, ID 2 / city park. Meteor = several tiny 3/9/1996 #51460 abductors had taken her wallet and ID. 9/6/2000 #52896 Challis, ID Mules do not respond to low triangle 9/27/2000 #52905 NEAR CHALLIS, ID Big rounded triangle-delta/triangle/b 10/27/2000 #52921## Word: "id=1968-022a", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
.gov/nmc/spacecraft/display.action?id=1968-022A Note: The presence of t 3/1968 #30296## Word: "id=197", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
0/http://www.waterufo.net/item.php?id=197 Note: Publisher of this accou 10/24/1969 #32073## Word: "id=98572&page=1", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=98572&page=1 https://archive.org/de 5/9/2001 #53045## Word: "id=mdp", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ttps://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=118&s 10/29/1962 #23275## Word: "id=osu", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ttps://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=osu.32435069145381&view=1up&seq=75&sk 2/27/1951 #8956## Word: "id=vomtmqaacaaj", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
p%20Secret%20Revised%20Editio.html?id=VoMTMQAACAAJ (p64-68) 5/1957 #18818## Word: "ida", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
skywatchers in Silverton, Oregon, Ida Pfeifer and Dorothy Sthamann, see an 8/7/1952 #11694 CAIRNS, QLD 8 / car going [to] Mt. Ida. Huge round object. White beams goin 7/11/1981 #43822 arm Sunday morning, two teenagers, Ida Biderman and Alon Eilat, were lookin Late 4/1989 #47098 vers the satellite of the asteroid Ida. It is named Dactyl. (August 28) 8/28/1993 #49669 ts at WPAFB and Jerry Rosenberg of IDA. There are a reported ten Velobind v 3/3/2001 #53006## Word: "idabel", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Subcommittee report filed by Mrs. Idabel Epperson, who interviewed the wit 11/5/1971 #33239## Word: "idaho", 194 instance(s) (Back to Top)
y. So they quickly left for Paris (Idaho) to call for help. Several people 4/1879 #1312 yon 40 km south of Soda Springs in Idaho. (April 1879) 4/1879 #1312 Greer Idaho During the second decade of the 20 2/1910 #2475 UFOs. In February 1910 near Greer, Idaho, a young boy observed a large yell 2/1910 #2475 Idaho A man in Idaho witnessed a high-sp 1938 #3405 Idaho A man in Idaho witnessed a high-speed UFO during 1938 #3405 Weiser, Idaho 6:15 p.m. Lovena Erickson sees two 6/12/1947 #5000 ts at a high altitude over Weiser, Idaho. They move up and down twice and l 6/12/1947 #5000 s seen from the highway in Weiser, Idaho by a Mrs. Erickson and her daughte 6/12/1947 #5001 the banks of the Saint Joe River (Idaho). 6/21/1947 #5033 0mph and more. Dead leaf descent / Idaho side. 6/21/1947 #5038 e shore of the Saint Joe River, in Idaho. 6/21/1947 #5043 e shore of the Saint Joe River, in Idaho. 6/21/1947 #5048 USA, Boise (Idaho) (Translated from French) Lt. Gr. 6/24/1947 #5076 Kenneth Arnold, a businessman from Idaho and a civilian pilot, observes 9 d 6/24/1947 #5082 Boise, Idaho Chehalis, Washington Yakima, Washi 6/24/1947 #5102 Pendleton, Oregon 3:00 p.m. Boise, Idaho, businessman Kenneth Arnold, flyin 6/24/1947 #5102 Idaho Boise, Idaho 3:30 p.m. Idaho Lieut 6/24/1947 #5103 Idaho Boise, Idaho 3:30 p.m. Idaho Lieutenant Governo 6/24/1947 #5103 Idaho Boise, Idaho 3:30 p.m. Idaho Lieutenant Governor Donald S. Whit 6/24/1947 #5103 n office window in downtown Boise, Idaho. It dips from view after about 20 6/24/1947 #5103 Pendleton, Oregon Texas Idaho In a United Press dispatch from Pe 6/27/1947 #5147 all. I wonder what my wife back in Idaho thinks.” 6/27/1947 #5147 USA, St Maries (Idaho) (Translated from French) Mrs. W. 7/3/1947 #5319 ist in aeronautical matters at the Idaho Daily Statesman of Boise, where Ke 7/3/1947 #5323 een by a family of ten in Northern Idaho, of eight huge objects (Bloecher) 7/3/1947 #5352 s Lt. Gen. Nathan F. Twining tells Idaho Evening Statesman reporter David N 7/3/1947 #5357 Saint Maries, Idaho St. Joe River Spokane Army Air Bas 7/3/1947 #5359 sky 6 miles west of Saint Maries, Idaho, over the St. Joe River. The objec 7/3/1947 #5359 Emmet, Idaho (Translated from French) 8:17 p.m. 7/4/1947 #5369 in Twin Falls, Smoke River Canyon (Idaho) saw at least 35 discs demonstrati 7/4/1947 #5375 ilot and a stewardess above Emmet (Idaho). (20 h 17) 7/4/1947 #5380 over Emmet, Idaho Witnesses: United Air Lines Capt. 7/4/1947 #5444 Moscow, Idaho 10:30 a.m. CAA official Irving C. 7/4/1947 #5448 ying a small aircraft near Moscow, Idaho, when he sees a white disc moving 7/4/1947 #5448 Twin Falls Park Twin Falls, Idaho 2:50 p.m. Seven people at Twin Fal 7/4/1947 #5452 k, seven miles east of Twin Falls, Idaho, watch a group of discs in a rough 7/4/1947 #5452 Boise, Idaho 6:30 p.m. United Press corresponde 7/4/1947 #5456 a white disc speeding over Boise, Idaho, at an altitude of about 10,000 fe 7/4/1947 #5456 Hauser Lake, Idaho 7:00 p.m. George Aster and others 7/4/1947 #5457 e Aster and others at Hauser Lake, Idaho, watch a flying disc for 30 minute 7/4/1947 #5457 Boise, Idaho Seattle, Washington Emmett, Idaho 7/4/1947 #5460 Idaho Seattle, Washington Emmett, Idaho 9:12 p.m. United Air Lines Flight 7/4/1947 #5460 lph Stevens are flying from Boise, Idaho, to Seattle, Washington, when they 7/4/1947 #5460 rmation of five discs over Emmett, Idaho, silhouetted against the sunset. S 7/4/1947 #5460 7 a party of surveyors in Payette, Idaho saw four silvery discs that each h 7/5/1947 #5523 Darlington, South Carolina; Boise, Idaho; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Portland, O 7/6/1947 #5618 on were driving through Pocatello, Idaho at dawn when they saw a three-foot 7/6/1947 #5619 a plane flying southeast of Boise, Idaho watched a disc flash by his window 7/6/1947 #5620 Seattle, Washington Boise, Idaho Palm Springs, California Washingto 7/7/1947 #5762 Seattle, Washington; one in Boise, Idaho; one in Palm Springs, California; 7/7/1947 #5762 Boise, Idaho (Translated from French) 12:15 p.m 7/9/1947 #5876 m French) 12:15 p.m. PDT. Witness: Idaho aviation editor and former AAF B-2 7/9/1947 #5876 (Translated from French) In Idaho, former AAF B-29 pilot and "states 7/9/1947 #5880 served for over 10 seconds from an Idaho Air National Guard AT-6 a black di 7/9/1947 #5880 Boise, Idaho THEY MOVE INTO IDAHO. Dave Johnson 7/9/1947 #5881 Boise, Idaho THEY MOVE INTO IDAHO. Dave Johnson, aviation director o 7/9/1947 #5881 Johnson, aviation director of the Idaho Stateman, while flying at 14,000 f 7/9/1947 #5881 ed fast, and was very large. Three Idaho National Guardsmen had seen a simi 7/9/1947 #5881 Meridian, Idaho Witness: Idaho statesman aviation 7/9/1947 #5902 Meridian, Idaho Witness: Idaho statesman aviation editor and form 7/9/1947 #5902 d for more than 10 seconds from an Idaho Air National Guard AT-6 while a bl 7/9/1947 #5902 Boise (Idaho) Municipal Airport The FBI intervi 7/9/1947 #5905 nd copilot Ralph Stevens at Boise (Idaho) Municipal Airport about their Jul 7/9/1947 #5905 US Idaho US Sen. Glen H. Taylor (D-Idaho) s 7/9/1947 #5906 Field [now Boise Airport], Boise, Idaho 12:17 p.m. Idaho Statesman aviatio 7/9/1947 #5913 Airport], Boise, Idaho 12:17 p.m. Idaho Statesman aviation editor and form 7/9/1947 #5913 lot David N. Johnson, flying in an Idaho Air National Guard AT-6 Texan, see 7/9/1947 #5913 Field [now Boise Airport], Boise, Idaho. Johnson takes 10 seconds of 8mm m 7/9/1947 #5913 a huge flat black disc over Boise, Idaho executed a series of staircase man 7/9/1947 #5924 USA, west of Buhl (Idaho) (Translated from French) At 1:20 7/10/1947 #5930 Hotel Owyhee in Boise, Idaho Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed 7/12/1947 #6027 ewed at the Hotel Owyhee in Boise, Idaho, by Lt. Frank M. Brown and Capt. W 7/12/1947 #6027 SOUTH / IDAHO FALLS, ID 1 / farm. Small disk / i 7/14/1947 #6048 all disc flew over a farm south of Idaho Falls, Idaho flying on an irregula 7/14/1947 #6051 over a farm south of Idaho Falls, Idaho flying on an irregular course, low 7/14/1947 #6051 At 2:30 a.m. in Idaho Falls, Idaho Mr. Denton saw a UFO 7/20/1947 #6083 At 2:30 a.m. in Idaho Falls, Idaho Mr. Denton saw a UFO swing back an 7/20/1947 #6083 m. Mr. James E. Petteway of Boise, Idaho briefly sighted an oval object fly 7/21/1947 #6087 Boise, Idaho Intelligence agents from the Fourt 7/25/1947 #6112 on, visit Kenneth Arnold in Boise, Idaho, and tell him to contact them if h 7/25/1947 #6112 Mountain Home, Idaho Boise 8:34 p.m. Capt. Charles F. G 7/28/1947 #6125 nd descending above Mountain Home, Idaho, in preparation for landing in Boi 7/28/1947 #6125 g between Mountain Home and Boise, Idaho had a near collision with a flying 7/28/1947 #6127 ute 95 one mile north of Tamarack, Idaho a 4:00 p.m. when he saw a silver s 7/30/1947 #6153 USA, Twin Falls (Idaho) (Translated from French) A.C. Uri 8/13/1947 #6227 itude over Salmon Dam, Twin Falls (Idaho). (9:30) 8/13/1947 #6228 (Smoke?) River canyon, Twin Falls (Idaho), A. C. Urie and his two sons obse 8/13/1947 #6229 Twin Falls, Smoke River Canyon, Idaho Two boys and their father saw a sk 8/13/1947 #6237 anyon Blue Lakes Ranch Twin Falls, Idaho 1:00 p.m. Albert Clarence Urie and 8/13/1947 #6238 Blue Lakes Ranch near Twin Falls, Idaho. The UFO is moving up and down tow 8/13/1947 #6238 nake River Canyon near Twin Falls, Idaho at about one p.m. when they saw a 8/13/1947 #6240 near Mountain Home Army Air Base, Idaho at around noon. The objects flew o 8/18/1947 #6270 USA, Twin Falls (Idaho) (Translated from French) Mr. and 8/19/1947 #6272 slated from French) In Twin Falls (Idaho), for 50 minutes, multiple sightin 8/19/1947 #6273 Twin Falls, Idaho 9:30 p.m. H. H. Hedstrom (executiv 8/19/1947 #6277 and Richard Scott) in Twin Falls, Idaho, see a formation of 12 objects fly 8/19/1947 #6277 Boise Idaho Mitchel Field, New York Boise Idah 11/18/1947 #6450 daho Mitchel Field, New York Boise Idaho Statesman Aviation Editor David N. 11/18/1947 #6450 US Idaho US Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. C 12/17/1947 #6470 f Staff Gen. Carl Spaatz tells the Idaho Statesman he does not rule out the 12/17/1947 #6470 Boise, Idaho The Emmet Messenger. THEODOLITE ME 2/20/1948 #6573 Emmett, Idaho 1:15 p.m. Six surveyors, including 2/20/1948 #6576 1:15 p.m. Six surveyors, including Idaho Power Company surveyor E. G. Hall, 2/20/1948 #6576 d UFO flying in the sky at Emmett, Idaho. Through his theodolite it looks f 2/20/1948 #6576 Six surveyors working in Emmett, Idaho saw a small flat, heart-shaped UFO 2/20/1948 #6577 Boise, Idaho Day. Charles W. Shangle Jr. watche 7/14/1948 #6746 uvering at 300–600 mph over Boise, Idaho. Two of the objects exhibit a “fal 7/14/1948 #6746 Boise, Idaho IDAHO REPORTS ONE HIDING BETWEEN C 9/23/1948 #6865 Boise, Idaho IDAHO REPORTS ONE HIDING BETWEEN CLOUDS. 9/23/1948 #6865 eling from Mountain Home to Boise, Idaho. The object was between two layers 9/23/1948 #6865 ng along Highway 20 west of Boise, Idaho spotted first one disc, then five 5/13/1949 #7359 USA, Mountain Home, Idaho. (Translated from French) Noon. Wi 7/24/1949 #7470 ted from French) At Mountain Home (Idaho), Henry Clark, an air service mana 7/24/1949 #7471 Boise, Idaho V-SHAPED OBJECTS OVER IDAHO. A Boi 7/24/1949 #7473 Boise, Idaho V-SHAPED OBJECTS OVER IDAHO. A Boise aviator saw seven V-shape 7/24/1949 #7473 Mountain Home, Idaho Witness: Henry Clark, manager of 7/24/1949 #7478 Mountain Home, Idaho 10 miles northwest of Mountain Hom 7/24/1949 #7479 miles northwest of Mountain Home, Idaho 12:03 p.m. Henry Clark, manager of 7/24/1949 #7479 miles northwest of Mountain Home, Idaho, when he sees a tight formation of 7/24/1949 #7479 n engine plane over Mountain Home, Idaho at 12:03 p.m. encountered seven da 7/24/1949 #7482 since the summer of 1947, when an Idaho businessman spotted the first flyi 2/26/1951 #8948 USA, Emmeth (Idaho) (Translated from French) Commande 7/4/1952 #10645 BURLEY, IDAHO Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 1 7/28/1952 #11327 Lost River Sinks Howe, Idaho Evening. Paul Solem has his first Fall 1952 #12311 few miles from his ranch in Howe, Idaho. After watching a metallic object Fall 1952 #12311 de US military jets over Dietrich, Idaho. It then shot off toward the west 2/3/1953 #13091 Moscow, Idaho 9:34 p.m. Supervisor Larry E. Town 8/9/1953 #13599 200 feet in diameter over Moscow, Idaho. At 10:10 p.m., the first of two F 8/9/1953 #13599 turnal lights, flying near Moscow, Idaho at 9:20 p.m., shot up and away whe 8/9/1953 #13600 Idaho Falls, Idaho National Reactor Test 6/26/1954 #14637 Idaho Falls, Idaho National Reactor Testing Station 1 6/26/1954 #14637 ional Reactor Testing Station near Idaho Falls, Idaho, is suddenly lit up b 6/26/1954 #14637 Testing Station near Idaho Falls, Idaho, is suddenly lit up by a blinding 6/26/1954 #14637 Twin Falls, Idaho E. R. Rayburn, Twin Falls, Idaho s 1956 #17715 , Idaho E. R. Rayburn, Twin Falls, Idaho see saucer capture 400lbs steer fr 1956 #17715 anch 40 miles south of Twin Falls, Idaho reported watching a 200-foot diame 9/7/1956 #18344 s, El Paso, Texas Cedar City, Utah Idaho Pfc. Bernard G. “Gerry” Irwin, on 2/20/1959 #21001 ut not forever, as he is living in Idaho in 2013, where David Booher interv 2/20/1959 #21001 echnician, was driving from Nampa, Idaho to his barracks at Fort Bliss in E 2/28/1959 #21034 Idaho Falls, Idaho 9:01 p.m. An explosio 1/3/1961 #22159 Idaho Falls, Idaho 9:01 p.m. An explosion at the US A 1/3/1961 #22159 my’s SL-1 nuclear power reactor in Idaho Falls, Idaho, causes a meltdown, k 1/3/1961 #22159 lear power reactor in Idaho Falls, Idaho, causes a meltdown, killing three 1/3/1961 #22159 t Air Force Plant 77 at Hill AFB); Idaho (Mountain Home AFB); Montana (Malm 4/18/1962 #22819 USA, near Ririe (Idaho) (Translated from French) As they 11/2/1962 #23290 Meridian, Idaho Witnesses: several unnamed studen 10/23/1963 #23832 Rexburg, Idaho Two civilians returning from a spo 1/29/1966 #25951 Idaho Falls, Idaho 2:00 p.m. Kenneth Arn 7/9/1966 #26784 Idaho Falls, Idaho 2:00 p.m. Kenneth Arnold takes a 1 7/9/1966 #26784 ld takes a 16mm film of a UFO over Idaho Falls, Idaho. The object looks lik 7/9/1966 #26784 mm film of a UFO over Idaho Falls, Idaho. The object looks like a weather b 7/9/1966 #26784 Idaho Tennessee At the request of Presid 8/1967 #29154 (Translated from French) In Ririe, Idaho, Will Begay and Clyde Soccie (both 11/2/1967 #29833 Ririe, Idaho Will Begay and Clyde Soccie, in th 11/2/1967 #29838 Navajo ranch Ririe, Idaho US Highway 26 Willard Hammon's far 11/2/1967 #29840 ammon's farmhouse Ririe and Rigby, Idaho 9:30 p.m. Navajo ranch hands Willi 11/2/1967 #29840 th 23, are driving south of Ririe, Idaho, on US Highway 26 when they are bl 11/2/1967 #29840 s driving between Ririe and Rigby, Idaho, sees a landed UFO with a small oc 11/2/1967 #29840 egay, were driving south of Ririe, Idaho when they were blinded by a flash 11/2/1967 #29842 IDAHO FALLS, ID Low saucer turns and til 12/8/1967 #30029 Idaho. Falls, ID 7:40 p.m. MST. A 15-yea 12/8/1967 #30031 Idaho Falls, ID Bright illumination from 12/8/1967 #30032 Idaho Falls, Idaho 7:40 p.m. Marilyn Wil 12/8/1967 #30034 Idaho Falls, Idaho 7:40 p.m. Marilyn Wilding, 15, goe 12/8/1967 #30034 15, goes out on her front step in Idaho Falls, Idaho, to look for a friend 12/8/1967 #30034 on her front step in Idaho Falls, Idaho, to look for a friend. A light ref 12/8/1967 #30034 Fort Hall Indian Reservation Idaho Contactee Paul Solem, who has been 7/12/1969 #31890 at Fort Hall Indian Reservation in Idaho about a migration of Indian people 7/12/1969 #31890 cer beings. Many people, including Idaho State Reporter Barbara Boren, see 7/12/1969 #31890 erhead on this night in Pinehurst, Idaho. It directed a beam of light down 6/21/1971 #32933 That same night in Twin Falls, Idaho two young boys reported that their 9/22/1971 #33132 US Idaho A US Senate committee to investiga 1/27/1975 #36891 Canyon Road east of Soda Springs, Idaho 12:55 a.m. On Wood Canyon Road eas 12/18/1976 #39055 Canyon Road east of Soda Springs, Idaho, police officer Dennis Abrams has 12/18/1976 #39055 s Mountain Road in Caribou County, Idaho three police officers had a close 12/18/1976 #39059 e from a bedroom in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Gayle Bever recalled under hypnos 6/20/1977 #39656 Hailey, Idaho 12:05 a.m. The pilot of a private 5/26/1979 #42261 ivate airplane flying near Hailey, Idaho, spots five orange objects flying 5/26/1979 #42261 inutes after midnight over Hailey, Idaho when a Braniff Airlines crew, as w 5/29/1979 #42265 ea in southeastern Oregon near the Idaho border, near a hunter campsite, a 6/27/1979 #42308 Idaho Daniel Kagan and Ian Summers publi 1984 #45042 e latter incidents occur mostly in Idaho. 1984 #45042 ct passed overhead in Snake River, Idaho. It had black wings that appeared 7/23/1995 #50916 ring and moving slowly near Boise, Idaho. Her son saw the same thing from a 9/24/1995 #51120 USA, near Lava Hot Springs (Idaho) (Translated from French) (Source: 6/20/1999 #52603 :15 p.m. two people in Post Falls, Idaho witnessed a fiery ball of light th 9/21/1999 #52675 Challis, Idaho 9:45 p.m. Four men are camped in a 9/27/2000 #52906 a rural hunting camp near Challis, Idaho. One goes out to the truck for foo 9/27/2000 #52906 At 5:15 p.m. in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho a bright orange-yellow colored obj 11/22/2000 #52936 ed object was witnessed in Weiser, Idaho moving slowly and climbing up into 2/25/2002 #53183 moved through the sky over Boise, Idaho at 11:00 p.m. It shimmered as if e 5/28/2003 #53417 iangular UFO flew over Grand View, Idaho at a slow speed at 10:38 p.m., fly 5/14/2005 #53712 as seen in the sky north of Boise, Idaho. 6/6/2006 #53821## Word: "idaho-washington", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
for approximately 20 mins near the Idaho-Washington border. 9/21/1999 #52675## Word: "idea", 72 instance(s) (Back to Top)
"shooting stars and meteors," the idea of a regular meteor passing multipl 235 #20 of the Vienna Observatory, had an idea on how to establish interplanetary 1840 #1021 movement, ascent, and descent. The idea that it was a comet was not a viabl 8/12/1863 #1164 ver Deveau declared that he had no idea of the origin of this cut. Near thi 11/24/1872 #1242 During the opposition of Mars, the idea that Schiaparelli’s canali are real 5/1894 #1509 nt for the rest of his life of the idea that the canals were built for irri 5/1894 #1509 lose enough for them to get a good idea of its dimensions. Lights could be 4/25/1897 #1942 y were not close enough to give an idea of its dimensions. Light could be s 4/26/1897 #1951 the Royal Navy. Furthermore, this idea does not hold up due to the care ta 5/8/1909 #2287 th Station that evening, he had no idea that the train was about to go on a 12/23/1909 #2446 that I intend to build. (...) The idea of making engines resembling two ov 1939 (approximate) #3454 he can talk the president into the idea. J. Edgar Hoover disapproves of Don 2/10/1945 #4193 ters of this "frozen Fourth Reich" idea often cite Operation High Jump, a 1 1946 #4427 pt. Tom Brown says the army has no idea what the discs are. 6/27/1947 #5146 the crew of the second craft. The idea is to land the first aircraft in a 7/1/1947 #5282 lly eliminated as a UFO source the idea of interplanetary spaceships was be 1948 #6486 UFOs are not extraterrestrial (the idea is hardly noticed). UFOs are probab 12/10/1948 #7011 ntific Investigation dismisses the idea of UFOs as foreign aircraft and sug 3/15/1949 #7175 aid, “I could tell they had a good idea of what the saucers are. One office 1/1950 #7709 ondon Sunday Dispatch, rejects the idea that flying saucers are secret weap 3/26/1950 #8020 d glass tiles and you will have an idea of what was collected that day in I 6/23/1950 #8354 Force Scientist, brushed aside the idea that flying saucers are just balloo 2/26/1951 #8949 ow. There is little wrong with the idea of a circular wing. Before and duri 7/6/1952 #10662 of the universe may be a mistaken idea and "that elsewhere intelligent lif 8/14/1952 #11783 herlands who agrees to promote the idea, together with former Belgian prime 5/29/1954 #14498 Despite the seemingly implausible idea of hidden Nazi bases in Antarctica, 1956 #17733 sighting. Robinson says he has no idea how to launch a balloon, but there 2/15/1957 #18682 and 20,000 feet altitude, with the idea of demonstrating the possibility of 7/19/1957 #19015 en estimated at two tons, gives an idea of the mass of the rocket. 10/4/1957 #19286 director Lou Corbin that he has no idea what the metal is. Some of the mate 11/13/1957 #19820 -U.K. took up the case. He has no idea what happened to the "saucer". He h 12/1957 #19933 this case was a hoax. They had the idea of this "close encounter" betting o 12/20/1958 #20872 le. It finally gives up the entire idea. The program remains at FTD as a sp 1962 #22687 gence (SETI). He comes up with the idea that some galactic civilizations co 1963 #23389 etrics rather than pure power. The idea that the CTA-102 emission is caused 1963 #23389 inks hypnotic regression is a good idea. 11/3/1963 #23859 One of the latter, having had the idea to turn on and off his headlights a 9/1965 #25510 stalled. Then he got out with the idea of trying to push it over by hand. 10/23/1965 #25728 nd none have any sympathy with the idea that UFO reports represent anything 2/3/1966 #25963 orris K. Udall (D-Ariz.) about the idea, asking him to pass the letter on i 3/28/1966 #26224 expresses some enthusiasm for the idea, Brown suddenly realizes that maybe 4/5/1966 #26366 Cosmos 185 could thus lead to the idea that it was hollow. (October 1967) 10/1967 #29574 he leader conveyed to Da Silva the idea that he was expected to help them l 5/4/1969 #31719 u Paizhong ... immediately had the idea to go and get a long view ... The o Early 7/1970 #32419 ecided to leave, the third had the idea of making headlights. To his great 9/20/1972 #33868 stronautical Congress supports the idea of the existence of other intellige 10/1972 #33903 Lewis C. Merletti, claims that the idea of a president escaping his secret 2/19/1973 #34198 t up. After 10 minutes, he had the idea of making beacon calls. At each "co 1/18/1974 #35689 Unfortunately, he did not have the idea of collecting a little of this liqu 1/18/1974 #35689 ck visor over his eyes. Ken had no idea what he was looking at, so he drove 12/31/1976 #39089 himself back in his truck with no idea of how he got there. Along the road 1/27/1977 #39218 t cry she shouted mentally and, an idea, a very surprising argument pushed 2/15/1978 #40524 r 14, 1978. The report rejects the idea that the UFOs are espionage devices 1/20/1979 #42022 , it was difficult to get an exact idea of the object's shape. The back par 12/30/1979 #42808 ment knowledge of UFOs: “I have no idea of who controls the flow of ‘need-t 6/20/1983 #44807 road uphill from the cabin with no idea how he has gotten there. His clothe Summer 1985 #45624 oing to hit the house. They had no idea how the thing disappeared. They saw Early 1/1989 #46935 sight of it in the sky. I have no idea what it was. (February 1989) 2/1989 #46977 of alien abductors contradicts the idea that advanced aliens are conducting 6/1989 #47148 the ministry and the Army have no idea what they are. 12/21/1989 #47590 ity. Later, I suggested to him the idea that his nocturnal encounter might 6/17/1990 #47950 w flying plane, but dismissed that idea because of the shape of the object. 3/26/1993 #49384 s all around it. The doctor had no idea what it was but the tumors were not 2/18/1998 #52296 by private contractors. He has no idea how they are funded. 1/5/2000 #52753 dent of tech company SARA, had the idea to engage Congress to stimulate the 1/24/2000 #52769 t was going on. I said, 'I have no idea. This car is new, so I'm kind of ma 5/13/2003 #53404 ggests SAIC “may have stolen [his] idea…I really do,” adding he had a meeti 7/2003 #53429 of his patients died and he had no idea what kind of technology could do th 2005 #53676 argue that the problem is that the idea of real UFOs challenges anthropocen 5/6/2008 #54008 flock of birds, but dismissed the idea because his friend, who lived there 2/11/2011 #54192 will receive. He comes up with the idea of suggesting a raid on the Nevada 6/27/2019 #54472 eral relativity. He alludes to the idea that if there is an American antigr 2/22/2023 #54702## Word: "ideal", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
-reel French short produced by the Ideal Film Company in Fort Lee, New Jers 4/26/1915 #2681 anches of trees. The atmosphere of ideal purity facilitated observation. Th 10/27/1952 #12530 0 megahertz frequency suggested as ideal by Cocconi and Morrison's paper th 4/11/1960 #21755 was a positive observation, under ideal circumstances, of a definite objec 7/28/1965 #25200 king along the Dell, a low valley, ideal for hide and seek. Alex Butler, 10 1/25/1967 #27634## Word: "ideas", 13 instance(s) (Back to Top)
to make interplanetary trips. His ideas will often be invoked by Soviet sc 1628 #482 in order to promote his books and ideas. 1/26/1931 #3105 supply technology originating from ideas of Nikola Tesla. Carr claims he me 1955 #16896 s project. Witten suggests several ideas were tested including using an iso 1955 #16901 assaults on their egos, cherished ideas, and beliefs are used to cause hig 9/1959 #21412 y October 1962.” One of Lansdale’s ideas is to project a huge image of the 11/30/1961 #22660 ir Force files looking for episode ideas. The first season stars William Jo 2/19/1978 #40537 ute starts sharing information and ideas with UFO-Sweden, creating an atmos 1990 #47623 ocked, unable to think of words or ideas. She doesn't know what happened th Late 3/1994 #50002 ethods to help distinguish between ideas that are considered valid science 1995 #50486 cience. Sagan states that when new ideas are offered for consideration, the 1995 #50486 t abductee personalities, cultural ideas, and investigator influences have 3/1999 #52542 tist Yves Sillard consolidates his ideas on UFOs in the landmark book Phéno 4/2007 #53888## Word: "ideation", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ity for false memories and magical ideation, making abductees more likely t 10/2005 #53754## Word: "iden", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
wn Zellerbach Paper Mill 4:10 p.m. Iden K. Zimmerman is standing just under 11/17/1954 #16636## Word: "identical", 156 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ode, the reaction, was nonetheless identical. 1720 #631 rom French) At 22:50, a phenomenon identical to that of Vence four days ear 3/27/1877 #1288 e as a blue fire. The character is identical to that of "Jack Spring-heeled 5/15/1877 #1291 uld be an improbable succession of identical meteorites falling directly to 9/7/1877 #1295 lighting up, while to the west, an identical wheel moved in the opposite di 5/15/1879 #1315 nd Yiddish, with syntax completely identical to that of the French language 11/2/1898 #2039 em at eye level. Another followed, identical in appearance. The men watched 1906 #2161 orizon to horizon in a practically identical path. Individual fireballs are 2/9/1913 #2579 ralia. 75 years later, on board an identical biplane entirely rebuilt, 3 pe 11/12/1919 #2848 ave been intrigued by the sight of identical human children, one male and o 5/1923 #2919 rcles / cloud opening. 2nd and 3rd identical objects do same. 8/1925 #2956 s 150 m in diameter. They were all identical to each other in size, shape a Late Spring 1936 #3336 10 years later he would observe an identical object. (Summer, on a hot nigh Summer 1938 #3422 lames at its conical back. Drawing identical to that of Chamonix, on March 11/20/1938 #3446 ucer-shaped form. Each "coach" was identical in size and shape except the f 12/1942 #3729 21:40, the same light, or another identical one, was observed 10 miles sou 2/17/1945 #4206 t 22:50, 5 miles south of Pisa, an identical light was seen at a distance o 2/17/1945 #4206 all human-like figures, resembling identical twins with fair complexions, b Mid 1946 #4512 visible for an hour. The Korns saw identical objects again on July 4, 1947. 6/17/1947 #5014 y colored paper. The entities, all identical, had huge round eyes, enormous 7/23/1947 #6090 n flash. Some 22 minutes later, an identical flash rises from the east slop 12/5/1948 #6996 was described as consisting of two identical rectangular-shaped objects whi 6/22/1949 #7436 a.m. 200 spectators watched three identical disc-shaped objects fly over a 7/3/1949 #7451 ere were three, four, five exactly identical ones arranged in a fan, connec 8/1950 #8464 WILLIAMSTOWN, VT 2 identical cylinders hang vertical. Swing 10/9/1950 #8628 were also short creatures wearing identical blue jumpsuits, and a hybrid n 1951 #8828 d again: this time "there were two identical creatures" biting her while th 5/1951 #9017 sm department, says he had seen an identical group of lights several days e 8/25/1951 #9186 ear-old young man, photographed an identical formation. The photos show abo 8/30/1951 #9202 of the character Klaatu is almost identical to that worn by the extraterre 12/27/1951 #9482 , circular object, followed by two identical ones, flying at high altitude 4/5/1952 #9743 sighting and the two reports were identical. It was a multicolored object, 4/17/1952 #9845 elliptical object, followed by two identical ones, then by two more, each w 4/22/1952 #9917 is about 100 feet in diameter. Two identical objects come into view out of 4/25/1952 #9965 Boston at a very high altitude. An identical UFO is following the first som 7/1/1952 #10621 hwest. As they watched they saw an identical UFO was following the first on 7/1/1952 #10623 . This happened twice under almost identical circumstances on two successiv 7/31/1952 #11490 s. Each saucer appears to have two identical shafts of light extending acro 8/1/1952 #11526 ing and making zigzags in the sky, identical and simultaneous movements for 8/7/1952 #11675 distance always strictly constant, identical in all points (lenticular cent 8/14/1952 #11778 tes, whistling, then flew away. An identical phenomenon was observed an hou 8/24/1952 #11917 seven large saucer-shaped objects, identical in appearance, in changing for 9/2/1952 #12087 s from Coltishall) had reported an identical incident, occurring just three 1953 #12896 (Texas), a human figure with wings identical to those of a bat dressed in t 6/18/1953 #13447 cent saucer no balloon. Stops. 2nd identical behind it. / Blue Book. 8/3/1953 #13574 and hovered in the sky. A second, identical object was seen behind it. The 8/3/1953 #13579 EN, FR Fighter pilot photos saucer identical to McMinnville, or craft / 195 3/5/1954 #14216 ded towards a nearby river, but an identical object still rested on the gro 5/5/1954 #14400 es. Two or three minutes later, an identical craft was observed 150 km away 8/16/1954 #14868 gh; at its foot, there are 2 holes identical to the previous ones. (Septemb 9/28/1954 #15284 d its position remained rigorously identical, moreover the sky was perfectl 10/10/1954 #15733 e photographed a hat-shaped saucer identical in appearance to the McMinnvil 3/5/1957 #18694 of the first object. They were all identical: discoid, luminous, with a dia 11/23/1957 #19881 1995, p. 139) In January 1958, two identical characters appeared at her hom 1/7/1958 #20121 . His First Officer is watching an identical object off the right wing, and 1962 #22688 heir description of the entity was identical and also corresponded to that 1963 #23388 rginia), report having observed an identical UFO. (December 21) 12/21/1964 #24593 ghts / 2 hours. Photographs show 4 identical irregular shapes. 8/21/1965 #25468 roups of students had separate but identical meetings with aliens. The stud 8/21/1965 #25473 rge of the four abductees and were identical in appearance. The room was fi 9/3/1965 #25554 st and disappeared. The same or an identical object was seen again several 4/23/1966 #26512 ly as in the previous entry saw an identical oval or discoidal object with 4/24/1966 #26524 ring Sunday clothes protected by 2 identical new raincoats. Next to them ar 8/19/1966 #26929 , 1966) A SECOND CRAFT, APPARENTLY IDENTICAL IN ALL RESPECTS TO THE FIRST, 11/2/1966 #27270 hich was followed by several other identical satellites, launched at a vari 1967 #27470 than 2 km away, Phil Patton saw an identical object that came within 30 m o 1/17/1967 #27587 the same time, Phil Patton saw an identical object that came within 30 met 1/17/1967 #27589 losed door. The beings were nearly identical in appearance, with large bald 1/25/1967 #27650 es it an expensive hoax. Soon five identical objects are found in fields an 9/4/1967 #29407 tened chico bush, and there were 6 identical holes, 2 inches wide and 4 inc 9/13/1967 #29460 e two other Soviet satellites with identical characteristics: Cosmos 185 la 10/1967 #29574 routine mission. Soon he sees two identical white discs, about 6–10 feet i 1968 #30113 sses independently recalled nearly identical accounts of their abduction ex 8/7/1968 #30839 nce. They gave separate but nearly identical accounts of what happened to t 8/7/1968 #30839 ccounts of recalling seeing nearly identical instrument panels and other in 8/7/1968 #30839 tion of 62°. The following day, an identical rocket, launched from the same 10/19/1968 #31124 f the object and its occupants was identical. He ran to the mayor of the to 11/1/1968 #31175 physiological phenomena, including identical triangular shaped red marks ap 11/2/1968 #31186 (Translated from French) A light identical to the one from the previous n 12/16/1968 #31343 the UFO has been joined by another identical object. They are moving about 7/11/1969 #31886 portholes going quickly northeast. Identical object crosses going quickly s 9/11/1969 #32002 t one, still motionless. It had an identical structure, but the fuselage wa 9/24/1969 #32018 ame time, two other UFOs, entirely identical to the first, with two humanoi 11/15/1969 #32109 t that same moment two other UFOs, identical to the first, also with visibl 11/15/1969 #32114 take its initial form of a stain, identical to what it was at the beginnin 1/24/1970 #32221 . On the underside four absolutely identical supports were as if they had c 7/25/1970 #32447 in Centralia, Illinois had nearly identical experiences with a UFO while d 11/24/1970 #32633 den, 3 m from the house, an object identical to the one from his first cont 10/11/1971 #33192 linking red light on top. Two more identical objects then appeared alongsid 11/5/1971 #33239 y, Lincolnshire, England. A second identical object appeared, and the two h 11/13/1971 #33250 feet deep, around which are three identical impresions 4.5 feet apart. Hun Early 9/1972 #33826 l of luminescent blue-green color, identical to the one seen by Moreno four 9/28/1972 #33899 uld now see a second occupant with identical features and clothing. Their e 12/30/1972 #34075 turned toward it. A simultaneously identical light appeared to their right. 4/12/1973 #34338 ew meters distant, could see three identical looking figures of small statu 5/27/1973 #34455 move away, walking with abrupt and identical gestures, without seeming both 1/7/1974 #35660 ransparent in form, showing a face identical with the other's but with a sm 1/7/1974 #35666 Then 1M fireball seems to land. 3 identical imprints. 5/28/1974 #36195 he looks around and sees four more identical domes “like brushed stainless 9/1/1974 #36499 k Gonzales, meanwhile, reported an identical incident occurring a week earl 1/1975 #36789 , because immediately afterwards 4 identical objects, apparently aligned an 1/1/1975 #36794 oe Davis had a helicopter sighting identical to that of the previous night. 2/7/1975 #36920 appeared. Inside they saw another identical creature sitting, with its han 2/23/1975 #36972 in front of him on the freeway. An identical car appears behind, forcing hi 5/3/1975 #37199 im to his right. There was another identical looking craft on his left. A t 5/3/1975 #37202 an orange light at its tip. Three identical lights were placed one below t 6/27/1975 #37308 MENDOZA, ARG Student photographs 6 identical luminous metallic disks going 9/4/1975 #37591 ove her and a UFO hovering. It was identical to the one she had seen in Gil 9/15/1975 #37619 n Claude ran home. Note: An almost identical humanoid was seen in Chamouill 1/5/1976 #38126 ned the window and heard a message identical to the one received by Massero 1/10/1976 #38151 m, another one of these creatures, identical to the previous ones, also tot 5/2/1976 #38423 ess frightening experience with an identical UFO. (September 22 (19?) 1976) 9/22/1976 (approximate) #38844 the imaginary accounts are all but identical to the real accounts. He then 1977 #39101 . Five more minutes passed when an identical object appeared on the horizon 1/22/1977 #39199 . There, they were joined by other identical lights, as if another entity w 7/12/1977 #39747 ere several beings, all rigorously identical, aligned in two rows on each s 9/15/1977 #39988 l encounter of 1968 another nearly identical incident transpired, again ove 8/22/1978 #41144 lands / hills. Beams going up. 2nd identical object going down [to] and joi 10/26/1978 #41492 og ran home barking. (For a nearly identical incident, but one involving mi 2/21/1979 #42099 the front of his house, he sees an identical form 70 feet up and moving sil 6/26/1979 #42303 rom the waist up and looked nearly identical to each other. Both men ran be 8/26/1979 #42465 ck, the other white, who resembled identical twins; they wore tight-fitting 9/25/1980 #43283 gates and determines that either 7 identical UFOs are involved or a single 11/11/1980 #43389 her witness, Robert France, saw an identical creature in the Chesnut area, 6/10/1982 #44363 lives. Debbie and her mother have identical scars on their lower legs from Early 7/1983 #44824 of these children who all gave an identical description. (1984, exact date 1984 (approximate) #45034 or a long stay. Two hours later an identical object was again observed for 5/23/1985 #45607 re had sported an ID badge that is identical to other DIS badges Graham has 5/8/1986 #45912 in: it had happened again, with an identical scenario, at the time when her Late 6/1987 #46286 l field. The two smaller ones were identical in shape, but not in size. All 12/15/1988 #46906 r suits. Their faces were pale and identical like twins, their hair long an 6/4/1989 #47154 oard. The entities have absolutely identical faces—extremely pale, long blo 7/4/1989 #47193 he beings looked very pale and had identical faces, like identical twins. T 7/4/1989 #47195 pale and had identical faces, like identical twins. The had long blond hair 7/4/1989 #47195 ly, both of the witnesses recalled identical details from their abduction e 11/6/1989 #47431 the witness makes a 2nd encounter, identical to the 1st. When he arrived ho 11/29/1989 #47497 . Simultaneously they saw a second identical object, much further away to t 12/27/1989 #47610 g, equipped with 2 MHD propellers, identical to the one that Jean-Pierre Pe 4/5/1990 #47824 ck two white headlights were seen, identical to those observed at the front 11/22/1990 #48264 the same spot to investigate under identical night conditions. The "UFO" wa 3/12/1991 #48396 ed an arc of white light. A second identical triangle then appeared, and th 11/13/1991 #48658 n his head. All the humanoids were identical to each other; he could not te 3/5/1992 #48805 CARBONDALE, CO 2 separate and identical reports. 30m saucer hovers / t 11/6/1992 #49172 t Sopris. There were two separate, identical accounts of the sighting. A la 11/6/1992 #49173 ialized, a second object appeared, identical in shape and size. Their size 3/20/1993 #49373 OLTON, ENGLAND 2 kids see and draw identical photograph / domed saucer west 8/27/1993 #49666 mily in Biskupice, Poland, see two identical large discs with rotating ring 10/7/1994 #50351 se. Considering the two objects as identical, they conclude that the UFOs s 1996 #51286 rding to the officers, nine lights identical to the first appeared out of n 4/15/1996 #51516 is object was another smaller one, identical to the first, but this one con 9/23/1996 #51708 ace known as BUKEYE MOA. There are identical exercises every quarter, Wedne 3/13/1997 #51936 ved a phenomenon they qualified as identical to "Foo Fighters", round in sh 3/19/1997 #51944 ss. The description of the Yeti is identical to that made by Lt. Col. C.K. 9/17/1998 #52438 erpool, Brazoria County, Texas; an identical looking object followed the wi 10/27/2008 #54053 eet above his neighbor’s house. An identical object, also about 1 foot in d 5/10/2012 #54221 provenance of 1947. The two nearly identical slides show what appears to be 5/5/2015 #54315## Word: "identical-looking", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
something from the ground a second identical-looking being joined the first 9/27/1973 #34825## Word: "identically", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
oble than the others, were dressed identically. One was tall and ruddy-face 8/13/1491 #323 e 6 inches in diameter, all spaced identically about 12 inches apart. He de 7/1985 #45633 ts. Then the process started again identically. The UFO stayed there statio 11/29/1989 #47483 her two but all three were dressed identically. The shorter ones were about 8/11/1995 #50976 ia. Two deputies find 39 bodies of identically dressed, androgynous-looking 3/26/1997 #51951## Word: "identifiable", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ell that the UFO phenomenon is not identifiable and that no concrete physic 11/8/1948 #6945 ed. (9/19/1952, cont’d) It was not identifiable with any known aircraft and 9/20/1952 #12270 UFO signals against the separately identifiable Duncanville radar signals, 7/17/1957 #19007 e, and dissemination of personally identifiable information about individua 12/31/1974 #36771## Word: "identificación", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
spaciales is renamed the Centro de Identificación Aéroespacial. 4/4/2019 #54452## Word: "identificados", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, publishes the first issue of Los Identificados, a journal focusing on Arg 4/1993 #49411## Word: "identification", 60 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e discovery strongly suggested the identification of an intra-Mercurial pla 7/29/1878 #1306 d had brought the skin to town for identification. The fact of not finding 4/19/1897 #1869 for any information leading to the identification of the individuals operat 10/18/1917 #2807 numbers and letters of the day for identification. Several pilot's fur-line 11/23/1944 #4072 ef. 3; Harley D. Rutledge, Project Identification, 1981, p. 251.) (NICAP: 1 5/25/1945 #4303 lthough the ceiling was unlimited. Identification remains a great mystery." 2/1950 #7768 elevision station whose call sign (identification mark) was made up of the 7/13/1950 #8427 and the U.S. NAVY announced: "The identification remains a great mystery." 12/1950 #8739 though the ceiling was unlimited." Identification of the missile remains a 2/19/1951 #8931 e further steps to obtain positive identification of UFOs. Mid 6/1952 #10369 e further steps to obtain positive identification” of UFO reports. Mid 6/1952 #10387 er near Kutztown, Pennsylvania. No identification or data concerning the pi 7/31/1952 #11488 ase. That was his last message. No identification of the object has been an 8/20/1952 #11868 arch into the question of positive identification is the responsibility of 10/13/1952 #12456 ve the problem of instant positive identification of unidentified flying ob 12/2/1952 #12749 d state that, although no positive identification has been made, further an 2/9/1953 #13116 further analysis will result in an identification. Gen. Garland approves th 2/9/1953 #13116 results down based on whether the identification is considered certain or 10/25/1955 #17599 and another one made a 180° turn. Identification requested by I.F.F.: no r 2/13/1957 #18666 onders that transmit an electronic identification signal from aircraft to g 1960 #21647 examining the craft which bore the identification "TL 4768" (see case 417). 3/23/1966 #26152 examining the craft which bore the identification "TL 4768." When the witne 3/23/1966 #26160 d flashed what appeared to be USAF identification. Mrs. Kushner described t 1/28/1967 #27674 a shiny metal sphere devoid of any identification marks. After exhausting r 3/9/1967 #28110 T. A man with training in aircraft identification and his wife saw a bright 8/25/1967 #29322 ional field. The resulting Project Identification commences in April, loggi 4/1973 #34304 publishes a final report, Project Identification, on his field research in 4/1973 #34304 bserved by four members of Project Identification team. (NICAP: 01 - Distan 5/24/1973 #34444 three other members of his Project Identification team at the municipal air 5/24/1973 #34447 onds by Harley Rutledge of Project Identification (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 6/19/1973 #34495 get close enough to make positive identification possible. 10/20/1975 #37764 local flight services for possible identification, without results. The 42n 10/27/1975 #37804 ach time it attempted to close for identification. The UFOs flew away at 1, 10/30/1975 #37844 of lights on the craft". Positive identification of the UFOs as helicopter 11/7/1975 #37917 lesey, which can offer no positive identification. 2/16/1977 #39281 m “government men bearing official identification” had opened the box and c 9/29/1982 #44502 craft and activates the automatic identification system which, upon receiv 9/13/1990 #48073 ere. The media are informed of the identification of the celestial bolide t 12/9/1990 #48300 mber. The automatic and electronic identification system stopped working. T 12/13/1990 #48302 ge anything that could lead to his identification. 6/16/1991 #48502 ng black shirt and black pants, no identification was found on her remains. 12/2/1997 #52204 from the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) while it 10/1998 #52447 rked; the man proclaimed he had no identification and wasn’t going to provi 2/24/2001 #53001 t a plane entering the Air Defense Identification Zone around Washington, D 5/11/2005 #53711 program (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP) 2007 #53866 d as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a Pentag Fall 2007? #53943 r of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a small 2008 #53980 driving a black sedan, produce no identification, one of them is armed, an 5/8/2009 #54095 e men is armed and they produce no identification. They tell him not to me 5/8/2009 #54096 y as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) has made such ex 6/24/2009 #54102 has made “much progress” with the “identification of several highly sensiti 6/24/2009 #54102 ring the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a secret 12/16/2017 #54372 d as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) that was disband 12/16/2017 #54373 ilitary’s Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program [in reality, the 1/9/2018 #54382 ks establishes the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchroniz 11/23/2021 #54617 ) to synchronize the detection and identification of UAPs. It is to be over 11/23/2021 #54617 nd directed by the Airborne Object Identification and Management Executive 11/23/2021 #54617 a new office, the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchroniz 12/27/2021 #54623 atrick to head the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchroniz 5/12/2022 #54644 the newly created Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchroniz 5/17/2022 #54647## Word: "identifications", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lumping “probable” and “possible” identifications into “identified.” At th 10/1958 #20658 ses. They fail to produce positive identifications. In a priority message s 11/11/1975 #37954## Word: "identificatión", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Centro de Identificatión Aerospaciale in Argentina 11/19/2021 #54615 gentina The governmental Centro de Identificatión Aerospaciale in Argentina 11/19/2021 #54615## Word: "identified", 129 instance(s) (Back to Top)
light rays flashing from his eyes, identified himself as the star-god Yungh 3/260 #25 the sky, carrying a female entity identified as the goddess Zigu. The clou 1036 #151 ference to this event has not been identified, its widespread mention acros 1361 #259 , and curiously at the time nobody identified her with the Holy Virgin. Thi 6/10/1430 #292 for this account has not yet been identified. 1590 #441 celestial procession of beings he identified as "angels" moving through th 1635 #485 terious satellite was subsequently identified as "Neith," marking a signifi 1/25/1672 #561 igmatic and was never definitively identified. It was confirmed that Neith 1/4/1768 #735 hemous behavior. The parish priest identified the figure as the Blessed Vir 9/19/1846 #1061 the air. Through the telescope he identified them as masses of hay two met 8/8/1849 #1087 ged two shorter, attractive beings—identified as a man and a woman—who atte 1880's #1323 sible means of propulsion could be identified. (Chapter 1, Ref 11) 4/14/1897 #1769 as out of order and one of the men identified himself as Professor Charles 4/15/1897 #1813 g the California Aero Club members identified by Charles Dellschau in his n 4/23/1897 #1936 nding gracefully. The inventor was identified as E. H. Benjamin, a former d 11/22/1897 #2015 signals to pulsars, which are not identified until 1968. 1899 #2040 several weeks later, the wheel was identified as a piece of a target used i 5/7/1909 #2286 me, to test my mental faculties, I identified by name various details of th 1933 #3174 ns and roughly 1/4 mile away, they identified a large cigar-shaped object a 1945 #4145 he ball emitted sparks. It was not identified by the Mosquito Mark XXX as a 2/17/1945 #4206 out twenty were clear enough to be identified as flying saucers. 10/9/1946 #4794 ions, without any cause ever being identified. 12/1/1946 #4815 rmy Air Field officer (Newton) has identified the Roswell debris as a weath 7/8/1947 #5869 n around 3:30 pm killing the pilot identified as Thomas F. Mantell (Jr.), 3 1/7/1948 #6516 it also cautions that they are not identified. (Read: You may not identify 11/3/1948 #6939 views of an AMC resident engineer (identified only as “Mr. E”) with the Nuc 1/10/1949 #7076 law Ulam), the green fireballs are identified as probably atmospheric in or 10/14/1949 #7617 ts of Spa saw an object which they identified as a UFO! One of the witnesse 3/16/1950 #7927 ed from French) 10:49 a.m. Witness identified as "credible". Two large, bri 9/20/1950 #8586 Kit Carson, Colorado Witness identified only as a "reliable source". 9/20/1950 #8591 ions were explained and positively identified as a very common natural phen 8/25/1951 #9171 ilver dot. This sighting was later identified as a balloon. (3:15 PM) 9/10/1951 #9236 he problem that Col. Harold Watson identified with the CIRVIS reporting sys 10/22/1951 #9358 andia Base. Manzano has since been identified as the first of six original 2/22/1952 #9612 hwest into the US. Three are later identified as off-course civilian airlin 4/17/1952 #9859 It is taken to Narvik, where it is identified as either a Russian or extrat 6/1952 #10243 fridge AFB, Michigan Witnesses not identified. Two big lights, estimated a 7/3/1952 #10640 and a mysterious “Dr. Gee,” later identified as Leo GeBauer, a con man wit 9/1952 #12052 especially since Presque Isle was identified as the planet Jupiter. 12/16/1952 #12833 ype, or which cannot be positively identified as a familiar object.” It lis 8/12/1954 #14857 54) IN REALITY: this phenomenon is identified as a meteor for a set of test 10/18/1954 #16106 ossible cases are merged into the “identified” category. 2/15/1955 #17020 t to poor. For a case to be called identified, two analysts must independen 10/25/1955 #17599 3,201 cases, 69% are judged to be identified, 22% are unidentified, and 9% 10/25/1955 #17599 A second, smaller target appears, identified as an Air France DC-3 airline 2/17/1956 #17825 stein’s Field Theory, a destroyer (identified by some as the USS Eldridge a 4/1956 #17884 it was a hoax. Allende was later identified as Carl Allen, who also admit 4/1956 #17886 aircraft. I told them Syracuse and identified the flight number. Then they 4/16/1956 #17920 ustrial Organisation. It cannot be identified, although six scientists rule 7/10/1956 #18077 like object which was subsequently identified as probably being Mars. At 10 8/13/1956 #18208 s office since 1940, 97% have been identified satisfactorily and the other 11/8/1957 #19763 owing balls" from the ground, were identified as helicopters tonight by aut 11/23/1957 #19880 dscape. Upon investigation, it was identified as a potent-smelling steam cl 1958 #20087 d “possible” identifications into “identified.” At the same time, a secret 10/1958 #20658 w away. A separate witness was not identified. 5/18/1959 #21173 on only if an object is positively identified. Air Force personnel are not 9/14/1959 #21440 Os “must be rapidly and accurately identified as serious USAF business in t 12/24/1959 #21627 manganese content, although it was identified as the “normal product of a f 6/12/1960 #21867 ation is later rejected when it is identified as one of the many varieties 1963 #23389 l erroneous UFO reports. (Aircraft identified by NICAP Adviser, Walter N. W 7/1963 #23612 a Medanos." A large airship (never identified) was sighted from the stern o 11/12/1963 #23866 he object had landed, which Zamora identified as those of the craft's feet. 4/24/1964 #24047 who probably never saw the film, “identified” the object as “nothing to do 9/15/1964 #24471 s with the boots. The UFO occupant identified himself as "Zeeno" and said t 1/30/1965 #24735 n a TV screen another such vessel, identified as their “navigating craft.” 1/30/1965 #24735 t towels. A small notebook is also identified, on which were written the cr 8/20/1966 #26948 wait signal mask.” The two men are identified as Manoel Pereira da Cruz and 8/20/1966 #26948 US "Many UFOs Are Identified as Plasmas," by Philip J. Kla 10/3/1966 #27146 . (Philip J. Klass, “Many UFOs Are Identified as Plasmas,” Aviation Week an 10/3/1966 #27147 announce that the US Air Force had identified the nature of this Soviet spa 1967 #27470 be analyzed. This case is cited in Identified Flying Saucers, published in 1/15/1967 #27556 ange men arrived at the door. They identified themselves as military invest 1/28/1967 #27674 ion 1-2 minutes. [Note: Positively identified as a satellite re-entry.] (NI 2/15/1967 #27824 40 p.m. EST). Three witnesses, one identified as a colonel, saw a bright ob 2/16/1967 #27837 lived very close to nature, nature identified with God. Pallmann visited th 2/17/1967 #27848 reported about the same time were identified as RCAF aircraft. (Edmonton J 2/27/1967 #27952 publishes his first UFO book, UFOs—Identified, in which he theorizes that s 1968 #30108 seen. The hitchhiker could not be identified and was therefore unavailable 10/15/1968 #31114 10147 cases, the Condon Commission identified 9501, leaving 646 unidentifie 12/17/1968 #31347 t ascended vertically. The witness identified the beings from various drawi 5/5/1969 #31721 ort of watch on his wrist. The man identified himself as Freddy Miller, a w 9/22/1972 #33884 s.” Puthoff stated by late 1973 he identified the leader of a CIA UAP group 10/7/1972 #33918 author Duncan Lunan claims he has identified and deciphered a hidden radio 4/1973 #34303 lond, short cropped hair and later identified themselves as "Alton" and "To 3/20/1974 #35949 gedly photographed and tentatively identified as an "Army Bell Ranger". 7/27/1975 #37409 with a human-like entity, whom he identified as "Bob C", telepathically fo 9/11/1975 #37609 ated cow was discovered, 3 objects identified as helicopters were seen flyi 12/1976 #39016 se included scenes of farmlands he identified as being in England, which we 1/27/1977 #39218 categories: perfectly or probably identified (26%), insufficient informati 6/1978 #40828 reau notes that “the part has been identified as having come from a Cessna 10/21/1978 #41470 clear whether these were marked or identified. 1/1979 #41919 sor Corradi for analysis. Corradi, identified as director of the Institute 5/1/1979 #42203 ft in the air should be able to be identified. He described a black triangl 5/26/1979 (approximate) #42251 ts. The supposed landing marks are identified by police and foresters as ra 12/28/1980 #43524 more than 20 military helicopters identified by the women as CH-47 Chinook 12/29/1980 #43528 g in the opposite direction that I identified as the headlight of a one-eye 3/10/1983 #44680 of 14.3 miles. The object is later identified as a balloon launched from ea 4/26/1983 #44757 s are successfully intercepted and identified. Almost half of the total are 1986 #45781 fied. Almost half of the total are identified by further Air Traffic Contro 1986 #45781 d further in early 1987 to 87 “Not Identified” REMs by additional intellige 1986 #45781 ed by JUFOF, this UFO could not be identified. 6/19/1987 #46276 closely; later this phenomenon was identified as the excess fuel ejected fr 8/27/1987 #46344 icial lake of Guarapiranga. He was identified, but his family asked for his 9/29/1988 #46797 retending to be him) and “Condor” (identified by some as DIA employee Col. 10/14/1988 #46816 an airplane appeared. It could be identified by its noise. It approached t 7/28/1989 #47224 nd a VIP political dignitary later identified as UN Secretary General Javie 11/30/1989 #47533 A jet aircraft tentatively identified as a U.S. Air Force F-14 Tomc 4/28/1992 #48886 research, it is confirmed that no identified craft had flown over the area 3/13/1993 #49362 ctor Fortunato Badan Palhares (who identified the funeral remains of Mengel 1/20/1996 #51327 its inside the main rings, was not identified, the other, Prometheus, accum 1/30/1996 #51368 Institute. The object could not be identified there and eventually the obje 1/22/1997 #51869 takes a 911 call from a man later identified as Richard Ford, reporting a 3/26/1997 #51951 trolled by a clandestine group. He identified an uncontrolled airpark named 4/2/1997 #51963 ght? so as long as the body is not identified.... Apart from that, I find i 12/2/1997 #52204 arth. However, the object is later identified as a thermal blanket that bec 12/11/1998 #52495 nt and the negative. The three men identified themselves as employees of In 2/15/1999 #52529 nd became privately funded and was identified as Jehovah in 1992 and at one 7/7/1999 #52616 m behind the trees. When an expert identified the position of the flashing 5/5/2000 #52841 earch through available titles has identified a number of documents graded 1/25/2001 #52990 ts. She also saw human adults that identified themselves as the "instructor 8/2/2001 #53083 then vanishes. Although it is not identified, officials argue it is caused 4/27/2005 #53698 ts in the former Soviet Union have identified the close connection between 5/15/2006 #53814 amateur astronomers claims to have identified the spacecraft in orbit. It l 4/22/2010 #54152 APES), the latter of which is also identified here by its callsign “Giant K 11/18/2013 #54273 ations conducted thus far have not identified a mechanism of injury, proces 8/2020 #54544 irborne objects that have not been identified” and the potential threats th 12/27/2020 #54557 llis, who runs the online site UFO Identified, compiles a breakdown of 484 1/2021 #54559 ations conducted thus far have not identified a mechanism of injury, proces 1/15/2021 #54562 UK England Ash Ellis of UFO Identified issues a summary report on 41 1/2022 #54625## Word: "identifiers", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
well as the location data, unique identifiers, time of call, and duration 6/5/2013 #54248## Word: "identifies", 42 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s lady amidst the flashes, whom he identifies as the Virgin Mary. Witnessin 4/25/1001 #141 longer stay where I was... Jeanne identifies the voices as those of Saint 1425 #287 llector of curiosities arrives. He identifies the articles as being of Asia 3/26/1880 #1330 ey fill and return. One of the men identifies himself as “Wilson” and says 4/19/1897 #1882 asks him to put his rifle down. He identifies himself as “Smith” and gives 4/22/1897 #1920 talks to one of the aeronauts, who identifies himself as Prof. Charles Davi 4/24/1897 #1938 ing a powerful searchlight, but he identifies it as the planet Venus. 12/24/1909 #2452 e erratic. Two miles out, the ship identifies a “tight formation of more th 4/22/1945 #4282 issile Activity over Scandinavia,” identifies eight types of ghost rocket s 9/9/1946 #4749 from E. G. Fitch to D. Milton Ladd identifies either Brown or Davidson as a 8/6/1947 #6206 ynek, for Project Blue Book, later identifies it as an “atmospheric eddy.” 8/13/1947 #6238 1952, Ruppelt reopens the case and identifies the object as a secret Skyhoo 1/7/1948 #6527 ip Mystery and Its Solution, which identifies UFOs as emanating from the et 1950 #7698 time Bryant can hear them, and he identifies them as plovers. When he hear 8/25/1951 #9185 probably Washington.” Brad Sparks identifies the scientist as Stefan T. Po Mid 7/1952 #10797 ere Anatomy Professor Marion Hines identifies it properly as a shaved Capuc 7/7/1953 #13514 s to hear a voice in her head that identifies itself as “J.W.,” a resident 9/1953 #13683 don Thayer of the Colorado project identifies the objects as superior mirag 6/29/1954 #14649 nidentified aircraft, which Atkins identifies as an Air Force C-47. The con 7/2/1954 #14678 h flight and even space flight. He identifies 1877–1887 as an “Incredible D 3/1955 #17040 the late 1970s, Robert A. Goerman identifies Allende as Carl Allen, who li 4/1956 #17884 Pittsburgh. The Air Force quickly identifies the objects as the three Orio 2/24/1959 #21012 l” of Castro. James O’Connell, who identifies himself as Maheu’s associate 9/1960 #22002 ty. The flight test report further identifies a range of control problems. 6/9/1961 #22362 er reviews the U-2 photographs and identifies objects that they interpret a 10/15/1962 #23226 ould be behind him in a second. He identifies an object on radar 350 miles 1965? #24613 to "one" single luminous ball, and identifies it as the last stage of the c 7/18/1967 #29063 ing. The British Geological Survey identifies the source of the explosion a 1/23/1974 #35702 he telephone rings, and the caller identifies himself as vice president of 9/11/1976 #38801 ateur astronomer Alberto Caballero identifies a Sun-like star in the region 8/15/1977 #39901 of the family car. However, Hendry identifies the source of the sighting as 4/29/1978 #40750 North York Moors, England, quickly identifies it as the reentry of a booste 12/31/1978 #41896 "transponder" which automatically identifies airplanes and helicopters. Th 10/10/1985 #45706 on the horizon ahead. Initially he identifies it as the star Antares but so 12/23/1985 #45770 a 51 KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada, identifies and interviews Robert Lazar, 11/10/1989 #47440 to the Brasilia airport. Later, it identifies the object as a meteorologica 4/11/1991 #48433 Venus, and astronomer Ian Ridpath identifies the rotating colored lights a 10/5/1996 #51727 ea around 10:00 p.m. The Air Force identifies this group as magnesium LUU2 3/13/1997 #51938 k to Beijing to meet Cao Gong, who identifies her as the girl he met. 12/1999 #52718 k book Phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifies: Un défi à la science, writte 4/2007 #53888 ly worked with low-powered lasers, identifies the green color as exactly 53 10/6/2013 #54267 nd 22,000 feet. The pilot visually identifies one at 20,000 feet that “appe 3/13/2018 #54403## Word: "identifiés", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
de des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non Identifiés (GEPAN) is founded as a secti 5/1/1977 #39519 rt sur les “Phénomènes Aeriens Non Identifiés, which is translated into Eng 6/20/1977 #39655## Word: "identify", 93 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ads.” For many years, no one could identify the event. Then in 2000, Texas 7/20/1860 #1143 the crowd of sightseers unable to identify the unknown metal the craft was 1897 #1613 flying over the city if they don't identify themselves. There have been num 4/17/1917 #2770 ities to make multiple attempts to identify and locate the aviator responsi 4/18/1917 #2771 e of the planes was approaching to identify them. The plane disappeared int 1920 #2856 efforts, officers onboard couldn't identify it as any recognized aircraft. 1942 #3599 g their opinion. No one is able to identify the crash debris. 7/8/1947 #5854 aj. Irving Newton, is called in to identify the debris as from a balloon. A 7/8/1947 #5867 enger and will probably be used to identify his remains, if they are found. 8/2/1947 #6181 o request Mantell to intercept and identify the object. The object maintain 1/7/1948 #6527 enwood and Robert Todd tentatively identify the balloon as one launched fro 1/7/1948 #6527 not identified. (Read: You may not identify them as extraterrestrial craft. 11/3/1948 #6939 concrete physical proof exists to identify it. At the same time it drops a 11/8/1948 #6945 n. Then they are asked if they can identify the film of the object they pho 7/1950 #8397 nd was trying to close in on it to identify it. No mention was made of what 11/10/1950 #8702 told the section leader to try to identify the object. The two F-86s set o 9/23/1951 #9272 hey saw lights that they could not identify in the places indicated by the 7/19/1952 #10902 try to intercept such objects and identify them, but so far we have been u 7/21/1952 #11000 Lockbourne AFB, but were unable to identify the objects. Approximately 90 p 7/23/1952 #11115 ets are scrambled at 8:15 p.m. and identify them as a balloon cluster. The 7/23/1952 #11124 relevant Swedish radar stations to identify the object, and the Defence Res 12/15/1953 #13945 ugh police investigation failed to identify the cause of the phenomenon. 10/21/1954 #16233 ugh police investigation failed to identify the cause of the phenomenon. 10/21/1954 #16242 defense system be able to detect, identify, intercept and destroy a bomber 12/1954 #16718 nting merely a failure to properly identify prosaic phenomena that can alre 10/25/1955 #17599 turn his lights off and on to help identify aircraft. He is told the airlin 4/8/1956 #17914 s our next point of landing and to identify the aircraft. I told them Syrac 4/16/1956 #17920 One year later, NORAD still cannot identify any malfunction that could poss 9/20/1957 #19247 eorge Ward what action is taken to identify unexplained UFOs. Ward replies 7/30/1958 #20513 was perplexed in not being able to identify a submarine. It had the shape o 6/1959 #21189 kly. It was impossible for them to identify it and we do not know the rest 6/1959 #21189 vectors B-47 and F-89 aircraft to identify it. Redmond FAA controllers los 9/24/1959 #21457 ect Blue Book evaluators correctly identify the object as a probable U-2 ai 6/3/1961 #22356 ctly over the airport. Attempts to identify it are unsuccessful. 7/9/1965 #25079 Carswell AFB, TX RAPCON Fails To Identify Low Flying Manta Ray (NICAP: 09 7/28/1965 #25199 which asks the mapping aircraft to identify the object. The Cruzeiro plane 3/27/1967 #28304 resented to Swann, who is asked to identify the objects inside. During a lu 8/1972 #33701 in Miami–Dade County to locate and identify the object. The UFO disappears 9/14/1972 #33849 300 MHz to 3GHz, Sharp is able to identify words that are broadcast withou 1973 #34092 ious instruments that he could not identify were visible, but there were ne 10/11/1973 #34940 he Maine State Police in trying to identify the unknown craft, which they p 10/27/1975 #37804 Me. The alert helo was launched to identify the object but was unable to ma 10/31/1975 #37848 he alert helicopter is launched to identify the object but is unable to mak 10/31/1975 #37849 psychologically tested. No one can identify the object, but the members of 11/7/1975 #37916 tors ask the unidentified craft to identify themselves. Instead they take o 3/15/1976 #38322 lot asks the Soviet authorities to identify the source, but they come back 9/10/1976 #38791 record of an event they could not identify and that might be related to UF 1/1977 #39112 approaches the light asking it to identify itself. He advances and gradual 4/25/1977 #39492 aches the lights, ordering them to identify themselves. At this point a bri 4/25/1977 #39497 ached the lights, ordering them to identify themselves. At this point a bri 4/25/1977 #39498 is closed after the Air Force can identify no unusual phenomena. The offic 7/1977 #39705 ho has seen a red object he cannot identify. Choate then sees the red objec 10/26/1977 #40141 Gersten of Ground Saucer Watch to identify broadly all categories of UFO d 8/17/1978 #41116 e. Can you confirm that you cannot identify the aircraft? F.V.: Affirmative 10/21/1978 #41459 still hovering above me... M.F.S.: Identify it!... (Then a long metallic so 10/21/1978 #41459 round him. Valentich was unable to identify the object. His own engine bega 10/21/1978 #41459 riencing engine problems. Asked to identify the aircraft, Valentich radios, 10/21/1978 #41470 ent and personnel to intercept and identify such aircraft.” Stratton sends 12/20/1978 #41818 ent and personnel to intercept and identify such aircraft. Stratton writes 12/20/1978 #41821 Air Base [now Valencia Airport] to identify the target, but the track soon 3/13/1979 #42137 as another pilot, to intercept and identify. The other pilot did not find t 5/26/1979 (approximate) #42251 chuessler tried without success to identify the helicopters and where they 12/29/1980 #43537 t, but it is still too far away to identify it. Eckard Pohl, the astronomer 4/26/1983 #44757 on of whether or not the MoD could identify them), 600 in 1981, 250 in 1982 3/9/1984 #45176 military spends 6 months trying to identify it. 8/18/1985 #45673 th FAA permission, in an effort to identify the objects. Two rectangular-ap 11/17/1986 #46145 ot them on their radars but cannot identify them because they do not make m 1/22/1990 #47660 ussia Jet interceptor scrambled to identify radar target, saw two flashing 3/21/1990 #47758 ot respond to a radio challenge to identify itself. The pilot turns steeply 3/21/1990 #47759 m for identifying friends or foes (Identify Fried or Foe or IFF) stops work 12/13/1990 #48303 rt lights are turned off to better identify the glowing object, which remai 6/8/1991 #48495 that none of the crew members can identify. From this object a beam of lig 8/20/1991 #48578 rected to intercept the object, to identify it if possible, to try to make 8/28/1991 #48588 ities claim to have been unable to identify the object, which, according to 6/5/1994 #50095 l, by four men in suits who do not identify themselves. After hearing her d 4/29/1996 #51538 civil aviation, does not allow to identify the intruder who, moreover, was 8/9/1997 #52108 s old (...) The police will try to identify her by her fingerprints. The au 12/2/1997 #52204 hey couldn't believe their eyes or identify what they were seeing. The ligh 1/10/1998 #52259 ating her room. No one was able to identify the source of the light. 7/31/2000 #52882 ne on their walkie-talkie saying, "Identify yourself." This was followed by 7/28/2002 #53232 sey tells Grossman AFOSI could not identify many nuclear base UAP overfligh 2010 #54139 acknowledges that AFOSI could not identify many of the UFOs associated wit Late 1/2010 #54144 g south, but the Navy is unable to identify it. 11/18/2013 #54273 within 1,000 feet of it and cannot identify it. After that pass, they lose 3/26/2014 #54283 nternal opposition. He declines to identify his successor. He states there 10/4/2017 #54361 ia towards Oregon. In an effort to identify the aircraft, the FAA contacts 10/25/2017 #54365 the F-15s are unable to locate or identify the vehicle. FAA and NORAD both 10/25/2017 #54365 y.” The Airprox board is unable to identify the object, but decides there w 12/30/2018 #54434 at 6,000 feet. It is impossible to identify, although it is large enough to 3/30/2019 #54449 volved appear to have been able to identify the drones. The Navy, Coast Gua 7/15/2019 #54477 en the observer cannot immediately identify what he or she is seeing. 8/4/2020 #54545 tificial intelligence, in order to identify potential interstellar traveler 7/26/2021 #54592 designation “CARDINAL” was used to identify known extraterrestrial craft. D 6/13/2022 #54654## Word: "identifying", 20 instance(s) (Back to Top)
reports of gray monoplanes without identifying markings that are reported o 12/24/1933 #3224 is, France, issues a press release identifying the fireballs as a “new Germ 12/13/1944 #4096 rts. In all cases, no insignias or identifying marks were visible on the ai 1945 #4158 rwise explainable. These errors in identifying real stimuli result chiefly 2/1950 #7769 aises the upcoming article in Look identifying UFOs as balloons. 2/19/1951 #8936 ed radar operators have no trouble identifying such phenomena. 7/26/1952 #11236 ivilian clothes wearing black ties identifying as “intelligence officers” n 4/12/1954 #14318 win-engine, delta-wing jet with no identifying marks plunge into the Altafj 6/1/1958 #20417 silent "unknown aircraft" with no identifying markers crashed into the Alt 6/1/1958 #20418 rs, propellers, jets, insignia, or identifying marks of any kind. It has an Mid 10/1965 #25707 was a gray star with some type of identifying letters. The boys ran back a 6/3/1966 #26665 to find out if NORAD can help with identifying satellites that might be mis 3/28/1967 #28309 Owatonna, Minnesota A man identifying himself as Maj. Richard Fren 5/1967 #28575 ations with named governments, and identifying details of ongoing operation 3/1972 #33386 rved it, they couldn't discern any identifying marks. The chase ended when 8/21/1975 #37520 d on them. Helicopters without any identifying numbers are seen in the area 2/16/1979 #42087 LIKE THE F-117 ONLY FLEW AT NIGHT, IDENTIFYING THEMSELVES AS CORSAIR II TYP 7/11/1986 #46002 utomatic and electronic system for identifying friends or foes (Identify Fr 12/13/1990 #48303 on UFOs. Among them are documents identifying the government’s System of I 10/31/2008 #54055 hat the DoD is either incapable of identifying and evaluating what should n 4/15/2021 #54571## Word: "identities", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
samples to establish the victims' identities." Paul Simpson was reportedly 8/2/1947 #6181 al, even to other US agencies, the identities of affected officers. Federal 11/9/2018 #54426## Word: "identity", 29 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nner, repeated inquiries about his identity and that of the divine. St. Fra 9/14/1224 #206 ng on an airship and keeping their identity hidden to prevent theft of thei 4/10/1897 #1698 izens puzzled about its nature and identity. (Chapter 1, Ref 9) 4/13/1897 #1744 ft. One of the characters gave his identity: Wilson, from Groshen (New York 4/20/1897 #1890 culated on its intentions, but the identity of the airship remained unknown 7/1908 #2227 Despite a desire to cooperate, the identity of the aircraft remains uncerta 8/13/1917 #2786 to 2,000,000 people, or a mistaken identity raid, or a raid to lay a politi 2/24/1942 #3610 nslated from French) C.J.J. (known identity of Leonard Stringfield) was a m 11/1942 #3717 Test Center, 12000 m up, a pilot (identity not provided in the report) is 9/29/1944 #4030 4:47 a renowned astronomer (whose identity is not mentioned in the magazin 7/10/1947 #5933 d on the spot. On him was found an identity card with the name Rudolf Fentz 1950's #7691 SHAPE. A resident, who wanted her identity kept secret, saw a white streak 2/14/1952 #9593 s not nearly so positive about the identity of the object he saw scoot acro 7/10/1952 #10697 fatigues with no insignia or rank identity. KA states later he was told b 4/12/1954 #14318 es for his intrusion. He gives his identity and address. One of the group r 1955 #16891 d asked them questions about their identity, what time it was, etc. They lo 11/6/1957 #19681 d asked them questions about their identity, what time it was, etc. They lo 11/6/1957 #19704 an. However, speculation as to the identity of the Kecksburg object (if the 12/9/1965 #25822 lice said they had no clues to its identity. Meanwhile, city police receive 10/9/1972 #33925 d around with no memory of his own identity until a passerby took him to a 10/28/1973 #35290 rst contacted on September 5. (The identity of the colonel has not been est 9/30/1980 #43296 wouldn’t specify to protect their identity) showed him the film. Mills al 1984 #45049 t inform observers of the probable identity of the objects seen.” 4/19/1985 #45593 Walters (initially concealing his identity as “Mr. X”) and his family clai 11/11/1987 #46422 et is obtained from a source whose identity AFOSI has decided must remain c 9/15/1988 #46778 LAS-TV in silhouette using assumed identity “Dennis”. Sometime after this, 5/24/1989 #47139 eorge Knapp, revealing Bob Lazar’s identity to the public. 11/1989 #47415 also alleges her supervisor’s real identity was declared dead years earlier 8/30/1996 #51664 a spectrum analyzer to verify the identity of the UFOs, but they cannot tr 8/1/2012 #54228## Word: "ideograms", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hem that reminds Brazel of Chinese ideograms. The Proctors suggest he take 7/5/1947 #5516 ing is somewhat similar to Chinese ideograms, the streets are covered with 1/4/1975 #36825## Word: "ideology", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ry claims futurist John Petersen’s ideology (see 3 December 1999) is at pla 12/10/1994 #50451## Word: "ides", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
m French) "On the first day of the Ides of December at the third hour of th 12/13/1547 #369## Word: "idf", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Israeli police and the IDF followed a boomerang-shaped UFO from 12/6/1991 #48692## Word: "idi", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
OFF ENTEBBE, UGANDA Idi Amin and several. Odd tailed object 3/3/1973 #34231 Kampala, Uganda President Idi Amin was among a large number of peo 3/3/1973 #34232 e shore of Lake Victoria President Idi Amin and his entourage saw a UFO lan 3/3/1973 #34233## Word: "idiom", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nown language, which resembled the idiom of a Hungarian who had stayed for 2/20/1969 #31522## Word: "idiot", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
shouting "Stop shooting at us you idiot." He also heard a hissing sound li 1/30/2000 #52772## Word: "idiotic", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ly drops. Flashes and shoots off / idiotic speed. 10/13/1954 #15879## Word: "idiots", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
orenzens might prove to be “useful idiots.” Weitzel admits to investigator 7/1980 #43130 on to see if APRO would be “useful idiots” and admitted AFOSI was targeting 7/1980 #43131## Word: "idle", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
humming like that of an engine at idle. At one point the spotlight stopped 4/21/1974 #36098 e rotors or a diesel locomotive at idle, drew our attention. The three of u 11/25/1989 #47469 ing sound, like that of a train on idle. Then a bright light hurt their eye 3/9/1992 #48813## Word: "idleness", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
isobedience to parents, profanity, idleness, excessive visits to taverns, a 1660 #519## Word: "idling", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ound and making a sound like a car idling. He touches it and feels a hard m 4/24/1964 #24062 iled along with the engines of the idling Skyraiders, bulldozers and trucks Summer 1966 #26734 tops the car and leaves the engine idling. As it approaches, the light chan 1992 #48707 pavement, no brakes, no engine, no idling or anything. After 30 minutes the 2005 #53675## Word: "idomenee", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “Idomenee” Yield: 5KT 7/26/1978 #41010## Word: "idris", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Castel Idris Tripoli Libya British pilot Mike L 9/26/1953 #13739 a Supermarine Swift F 4 at Castel Idris, Tripoli, Libya. 9/26/1953 #13739 Moula Idris, Saudi Arabia Moulay Idriss Zerhou 1970 #32188 feet, encounters a UFO over Moula Idris, Saudi Arabia [=Moulay Idriss Zerh 1970 #32188## Word: "idriss", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Moula Idris, Saudi Arabia Moulay Idriss Zerhoun, Morocco The crew of a US 1970 #32188 Moula Idris, Saudi Arabia [=Moulay Idriss Zerhoun, Morocco?]. An RAF office 1970 #32188## Word: "idro", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Lago d’Idro, Brescia, Italy A 16-year-old UFO b 7/27/1973 #34586 ge marks on the ground near Lago d’Idro, Brescia, Italy. In 1977 he undergo 7/27/1973 #34586## Word: "ids", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
dent Reagan implements the program IDS, or Star Wars. (March 23) 3/23/1983 #44698## Word: "idscp", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ites were put into service in the "IDSCP" (Initial Defense Satellite Commun 6/1966 #26646 kilos instead of 45) replaced the IDSCP satellites. (...) They are compati 11/1971 #33220## Word: "idu", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rom French) On the occasion of the Idu earthquake (Japan), lights were seen 11/1930 #3090## Word: "idwal", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Gen. Robert W. Harper, Lieut. Gen Idwal H. Edwards, Vice Adm. Ralph Riggs, 1947 #4837## Word: "idyllwild", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IDYLLWILD, CA Large fireball drops / sky 1/14/1955 #16938 Idyllwild, California March Air Reserve 1/14/1955 #16940 minous UFO drops from the sky near Idyllwild, California. Immediately after 1/14/1955 #16940## Word: "ie-shima", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
th Army on board a C 46 going from Ie-Shima to Iwo Jima where it was to mak 8/28/1945 #4378## Word: "iena", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Iena, Germany A significant sighting occ 6/13/1554 #388 aversed the skies over the city of Iena. These objects displayed rapid chan 6/13/1554 #388## Word: "iery", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
arquette, Michigan 7:00 p.m. Peggy Iery sees a large central white light wi 1/27/1983 #44656## Word: "ies", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
y facilities” and “nuclear facilit[ies] or equipment” in the U.S. and abroa 10/1998 #52447## Word: "ieybtchcte4", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ccording to him. https://youtu.be/IeyBTChcTe4?t=4632 Note: No specific 4/30/2019 #54457## Word: "iff", 18 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ject that appears to be a mode-one IFF response from an AN/APX-6 transponde 8/26/1951 #9194 ritish Columbia, responds to coded IFF Mode 1 signals from the Naselle Air 6/21/1954 #14596 aveling twice as fast. There is no IFF response. The objects hover and move 2/13/1957 #18675 get responds to encrypted military IFF transponder signals and transmits en 7/16/1957 #18998 get responds to encrypted military IFF Mode 3 transponder signals and trans 7/18/1957 #19012 sco, CA Radar detected a target on IFF Mode 2 transponder only (NICAP: 09 - 8/3/1957 #19086 aircraft, detect a radar target on IFF Mode 2 transponder only. At 7:56 p.m 8/3/1957 #19087 ransponder only. At 7:56 p.m., the IFF target becomes a direct radar “skinp 8/3/1957 #19087 dar “skinpaint.” At 8:02 p.m., the IFF equipment APX-6/APX-7 is turned off, 8/3/1957 #19087 wa. The UFO sends radio replies to IFF interrogation signals, on different 9/20/1957 #19247 e the radar targets agree with the IFF signals. 9/20/1957 #19247 jects can only be painted with the IFF on. The radar is an APS-95. 9/27/1961 #22536 fect flight maneuvers. Send proper IFF signals. 5/15/1964 #24141 mbles, radar/vis, UFOs sent proper IFF (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, R 5/15/1964 #24143 displayed as skin paints. However, IFF transponder codes are also received 5/15/1964 #24145 tape. See 15 May.. UFO sends phony IFF! 5/22/1964 #24167 he ship for 3 minutes. There is no IFF response. One object to starboard ap 5/6/1965 #24896 or foes (Identify Fried or Foe or IFF) stops working, preventing the contr 12/13/1990 #48303## Word: "ifo", 16 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Murray, KY Dog cowers at bolide (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 9/20/1950 #8590 ral Pilots Saw Fireballs (Probable IFO) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 7/1/1951 #9093 Fort Stockton, TX (Now an IFO) B-50 Radarscope / Scope Photos (Dow 3/26/1952 #9681 embarrass the CIA with sensational IFO cases dressed up as “best” unknown U 12/22/1952 #12849 -shape drops / fireball and passes Ifo trees! 11/12/1954 #16593 both the astronomical and aircraft IFO categories, 12% are considered certa 10/25/1955 #17599 Walsh, IL Cows’ behavior supports IFO theory (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions 10/5/1970 #32576 on reactive to quad search lights (IFO). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 11/23/1987 #46433 n and coincidental barking of dog (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 11/16/1999 #52710 eact as large fireball flies over (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 11/16/1999 #52711 that lights terrain and is heard (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 1/22/2002 #53172 ring sighting of nocturnal lights (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 8/12/2002 #53244 gs non-reactive to lights in sky. (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 11/14/2003 #53485 Dog excited as people see meteor (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 12/14/2003 #53498 s small white lights are observed (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 6/10/2004 #53580 earful as distant light is viewed (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 8/25/2005 #53736## Word: "ifo-studiengemeinschaft", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rl L. Veit founds the Deutsche UFO/IFO-Studiengemeinschaft in Wiesbaden, Ge 10/1956 #18396## Word: "ifo-venus", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Admiralty Islands (near), At Sea (IFO-Venus) Sailors and Marines on the Ba 3/1945 #4222## Word: "ifos", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t as two separate but coincidental IFOs—a weather balloon and a jet. Ruppel 8/1/1952 #11550 ful. Overall, of the 69% listed as IFOs, 42% are thought to be solved with 10/25/1955 #17599 ation category, separate from both IFOs and UFOs. A key feature is to stati 10/25/1955 #17599 eature is to statistically compare IFOs and UFOs by six characteristics: co 10/25/1955 #17599 omena that can already account for IFOs. On the other hand, if the differen 10/25/1955 #17599 tically significant, this suggests IFOs and UFOs are indeed distinctly diff 10/25/1955 #17599 aracteristics ascribed to UFOs and IFOs, but perhaps not as significant as 10/25/1955 #17599 dings involve 99% UFOs and only 1% IFOs, primarily because the system does 8/1968 #30814 t it is unlikely that all UFOs are IFOs in various degrees of exaggeration. 12/31/1978 #41896 n, Illinois. The first part covers IFOs, showing how normal objects can be 8/1/1979 #42377 ceiving many calls per day, mostly IFOs. 1/1/1986 #45785## Word: "ifos-as-", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the USAF trickery involved in the IFOs-as- UFOs deception and will just re 12/22/1952 #12849## Word: "ifrane", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IFRANE, MOROCCO Time unknown. Saucers ov 7/14/1952 #10767 MOROCCO Time unknown. Saucers over Ifrane going quickly northwest toward(s) 7/14/1952 #10767## Word: "ifs#23", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ls. / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) IFS#23 p35. 8/23/1015 #145 eum / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) IFS#23 p35. 1/1034? #150 th. / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) IFS#23. 10/27/1180 (approximate) #191 ay' / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) IFS#23. 9/24/1235 #211 Large elegant ship. Paris also. / IFS#23. 1/1/1254 #221 rals and twists upward and gone! / IFS#23. 11/1/1461 #308## Word: "ifs#24", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
oo? / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) IFS#24. 12/5/1557 #391 le. / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) IFS#24. 5/1/1606 (approximate) #452## Word: "ifs#24+", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
many black disks. Aerial combat? / IFS#24+/ r221p14. 8/7/1566 #406## Word: "ifs#25+", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ams going down. Going northeast. / IFS#25+/ r30. 2/10/1975 #36933## Word: "ifs#26", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rles Fort / Book of the Damned and IFS#26. 4/15/1752 #688 in sky. Coordinates approximate. / IFS#26. 6/1/1752? #690## Word: "ifs#26+r215p17", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and rheumatism cured. Abduction? / IFS#26+r215p17. 12/9/1968 #31320## Word: "ifs#27", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rns 5X. Going quickly northwest. / IFS#27. 9/27/1954 #15259 t and reboard. Going quickly SSE / IFS#27. 9/27/1954 #15261 / sky. Going quickly northeast. / IFS#27. 9/27/1954 #15268 r UFO's orbit in all directions. / IFS#27 / r171. 9/27/1954 #15269## Word: "ifs#28", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
iature lights / roadside hollow. / IFS#28. 9/1/1768 (approximate) #738## Word: "ifs#29", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Outhouse burns. Animals frantic. / IFS#29. 4/29/1975 #37178## Word: "ifs#33", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
m hangs vertical and lights sky. / IFS#33. 3/29/1905 #2138 s 12M overhead. Engine restarts. / IFS#33 p6. 11/1966 #27260## Word: "ifs#35", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
. Photographs / physical traces. / IFS#35 / r210v25#9. 8/1933 (approximate) #3211 umanoids (or Greys) visit later? / IFS#35. 9/1965 #25517## Word: "ifs#35+", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
er lifts car / road. "Hypnosis". / IFS#35+/ r184p180. 2/18/1969 #31517## Word: "ifsb", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nder announces the creation of the IFSB in the letter column of Other World 4/7/1952 #9765 , England. When Bender closes down IFSB in late September 1953, the branch Summer 1952 #10480 lated from French) Creation of the IFSB. 12/29/1952 #12867 K. Bender appoints Gray Barker as IFSB’s chief investigator. 2/1953 #13081 et in East New Haven, Connecticut. IFSB investigator August C. Roberts and 8/19/1953 #13626 ation by Naval Ordnance personnel. IFSB sends the sample to Col. Robert B. 8/19/1953 #13626## Word: "ig", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
UFO sightings would increase. The IG brief was headed “UFOs - SERIOUS BUSI 12/24/1959 #21628 eal the DOD Inspector General (DOD/IG) interviewed several officers from th 11/5/2015 #54317 Directorate (MID) connected to the IG’s evaluation of DOD handling/response 11/5/2015 #54317 hares classified UAP info with DoD IG Sean O’Donnell, alleging that certain 7/2021 #54590 h, after sharing UAP info with DoD IG in 2021, alleges he faced retaliation 5/2022 #54641 NGA security clearances. Former IC IG Charles McCullough III submits a comp 5/2022 #54641 t on Grusch's behalf to current IC IG Thomas Monheim, requesting direct com 5/2022 #54641 US IC IG Thomas Monheim deems David Grusch's M 7/2022 #54656 hared this information with the IC IG in June 2022. 8/21/2023 #54729## Word: "igar", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, William Gomez, John Rabuyo, Jude Igar, and Rolly de Gracia. 6/14/2005 #53718## Word: "igaupe", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
(Translated from French) At Igaupe (Brazil), a disc plunged into the 10/31/1958 #20779## Word: "ight-see", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
da North Bay Daily Nugget. SAUCERS IGHT-SEE OVER CANADIAN TOWN. Villi Lefeb 4/11/1952 #9789## Word: "iglesias", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
RODEO AND IGLESIAS, SAN JUAN, ARG White spheres se 12/12/1972 #34044 Truck driver Maximiliano Iglesias Sanchez, age 21, was driving to 3/21/1974 #35953 2:00 a.m. Truck driver Maximiliano Iglesias sees a strange object like a pl 3/26/1974 #35995 gnera, Felipe Sanchez, and Ricardo Iglesias, military personnel in a car, s 1/1/1975 #36794 lo Aguera, Felipe Sánchez, Ricardo Iglesias, and José Laso) are driving nea 1/1/1975 #36799## Word: "igloo", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t. diam.; metallic; looked like an igloo; topped with a clear glass dome ab 1944 #3862 ported hovering 100–150 feet above igloo bunkers housing nuclear weapons. T 10/1973 #34851## Word: "igloo-like", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Oahu. Diameter: 50 feet, metallic, igloo-like, with a completely glassed do 1944 #3865## Word: "igloo-shaped", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
u, Hawaii, reported discovering an igloo-shaped UFO near Kaneohe in 1944. T 1944 #3894## Word: "ignace", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
OFF ST. IGNACE, MI 3 separate observer(s). 60cm 3/30/1950 #8068 ST. IGNACE, MICH 2 Ferrymen. Saucer races al 4/7/1950 #8117 Two ferrymen in Saint Ignace, Michigan watched a flying saucer 4/7/1950 #8128 OFF ST. IGNACE, MI Cops and several / 2 nights / 3/29/1995 #50705 ST. IGNACE AND ST. JOHNS, MI 4+separate FAA 4/14/1996 #51513## Word: "ignacio", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
JOSE IGNACIO, URUG Buzz and UV light. 50M sau 3/11/1958 #20248 Fernandez and his 15-year-old son Ignacio, were on a high plateau and saw 11/5/1965 #25753 he ground and, of course, José and Ignacio ran away. 11/5/1965 #25753 Goias (Brazil) to the ranch where Ignacio, a 41 year old illiterate, works 8/13/1968 #30854 (Translated from French) Ignacio De Souza, who had a reputation f 10/11/1968 #31105 Sr. Eduardo Ignacio Calle was driving on the higway 5/14/1973 #34402 egón, Mexico City, Mexico Evening. Ignacio Sanchez Munoz, 19, is walking al 5/15/1978 #40795 On this cloudy evening Ignacio Sanchez Munoz, age 19, was walki 5/15/1978 #40798 0. Trad: Phil ovnipage npdc.) Jose Ignacio Prieto and 4 friends had just fi 4/24/2000 #52832 a letter to Spanish UFO researcher Ignacio Darnaude, admitted Ummo hoaxer J 11/5/2010 #54182## Word: "ignaciodarnaude", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d or was sought after. http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR,1957,Ja 7/5/1956 #18071 on I know about that.” http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/avistamientos_ovnis/ 8/13/1979 #42422## Word: "ignatiy", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
At 7:00 p.m. Ignatiy Aleksandrovich Srartsev and two 7/25/2000 #52880## Word: "ignaço", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nta Maria (Translated from French) Ignaço da Souza, an agricultural worker, 8/13/1967 #29266 67) Returning home around 4:00 PM, Ignaço and Maria da Souza noticed a stra 8/13/1967 #29266 ren, but in silence. When they saw Ignaço they pointed at him and started r 8/13/1967 #29266 g a sound like that of bees. (...) Ignaço da Souza fell ill, his condition 8/13/1967 #29266## Word: "ignis", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ckering lights, reminiscent of the ignis fatuus phenomenon, often held sign 7/23/1830 #963## Word: "ignite", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
elter, fearing their vessels might ignite." 12/15/1547 #371 es think their houses are about to ignite. When last seen over the Gulf of 8/13/1874 #1270 emperatures of the explosion could ignite an air combustion that would set 12/18/1943 #3859 third stage of the rocket did not ignite and Pioneer II did not reach even 11/8/1958 #20814 ize night vigils, light fires, and ignite fireworks. Mayor José Ildone Fava 7/1977 #39705## Word: "ignited", 13 instance(s) (Back to Top)
un, the sky, and on the earth that ignited fervor for an upcoming Crusade. 1100 #167 halation" emerged from the sea and ignited the hay with a subdued blue flam 12/1693 #594 time as an illuminating charge is ignited before slowly descending, maybe 1807 #869 y a loud banging noise. The impact ignited vegetation and resulted in the d 3/1828 #956 about two hours. The matter, when ignited, burned and carbonized. Seen und 10/16/1883 #1406 been saturated in kerosene oil and ignited, except that it created a much b 6/13/1891 #1484 or a balloon. Suddenly the balloon ignited and what seemed to be a gondola 8/17/1910 #2495 ckets were then to be electrically ignited one after the other. It was fina 7/11/1928 #3039 aft was driven by a set of rockets ignited two by two and reached a speed o 9/30/1929 #3065 the American bombers inexplicably ignited and exploded in mid-air. (Chapte 1944 #3889 on the image carrier that is then ignited. 5/16/1953 #13381 swamp) gas that had spontaneously ignited. 4/1/1966 #26299 oisonous substances were routinely ignited. Las Vegas Review-Journal, Mar. 3/20/1994 #49998## Word: "ignites", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a, England UK Europe Evening. Fire ignites Windscale Pile Number One, an ai 10/9/1957 #19318 his glove is burned. A hot breath ignites his clothes and makes him spin, 5/20/1967 #28710## Word: "igniting", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
metal that is glowing orange- red, igniting the grass. Police and firemen w 12/17/1977 #40322## Word: "ignition", 41 instance(s) (Back to Top)
anuscript: 1529: Two-Stage Rocket (ignition in both), 1529: Three-Stage Roc 1529 #356 xperimentation of the principle of ignition in the multi-stage rocket, 1555 1529 #356 Propulsion was obtained not by the ignition of powder, but by that of alcoh 10/3/1942 #3709 unknown operation mechanisms. Upon ignition, the first machine roared into 7/1945 #4327 in 1954, a well-known UFO vehicle ignition interference case occurred in F 11/14/1954 #16625 way from US Highway 70. Radios and ignition systems of passing cars go dead 9/1956 #18302 ght, and which interfered with car ignition. 11/2/1957 #19464 hich interfered with car and truck ignition and electrical systems. 11/3/1957 #19508 light on the bottom. There was no ignition interference noted. 11/5/1957 #19601 light on the bottom. There was no ignition interference noted. 11/5/1957 #19612 took off straight up. There was no ignition interference. An 8-year-old gir 11/7/1957 #19731 straight up. There was no vehicle ignition interference. An eight-year-old 11/7/1957 #19738 ant close encounter case involving ignition interference with the engine of 8/11/1960 #21936 here was an influence on the car's ignition. One witness felt a slight disc 1/22/1961 #22185 ange object. Interference with car ignition was noted. One witness was said 1/22/1961 #22190 p.m. Interference with their car's ignition was noted. One witness was said 1/22/1961 #22192 s down on their car. The radio and ignition go dead. The UFO looks like a t 8/18/1965 #25439 e witnesses stopped. Paralysis and ignition interference were then noted wh 3/8/1967 #28098 is car engine stops by itself. The ignition is on but the warning lights on 7/5/1967 #28982 returns to the vehicle, tries the ignition, and the motor works. There is 7/5/1967 #28982 it left with a jolt. I turned the ignition key and the engine started, I w 4/3/1968 #30386 et. The family television, the car ignition, and the telephone behave stran 7/4/1970 #32422 ghts of the car went out, even the ignition light. I pulled over to the sid 8/13/1970 #32479 ,” a constant rhythm. He tries the ignition key but nothing happens, not ev 11/30/1972 #34026 ly without his having to touch the ignition switch. 10/23/1973 #35227 on without his having to start the ignition. 10/24/1973 #35242 on without him having to touch the ignition switch. 10/24/1973 #35247 oving at the same speed. After the ignition system failure he coasted to th 10/7/1974 #36589 UFO hovered near the car the car's ignition system cut out. 5/6/1975 #37217 , he gets in his car and turns the ignition on, but the engine is dead. Moo 8/13/1975 #37485 hen the vehicle had a breakdown of ignition. The small cloud was on his lef 3/27/1976 #38342 ng in a car when it experienced EM ignition interference effects. This was 12/10/1977 #40288 could be restarted by turning the ignition key. The cone-shaped UFO was si 8/30/1978 #41202 topped at 08:01 a.m. and her car's ignition key, that she believed had been 12/12/1978 #41733 topped at 08:01 a.m. and her car's ignition key, that she believed had been 12/12/1978 #41735 power and stops. He turns off the ignition and the lights, then gets out o 7/6/1982 #44406 und the car, door open, key in the ignition, and on the ground, a small bun 6/16/1991 #48502 his car with the keys still in the ignition. Next to the door are his shoes 6/16/1991 #48503 r outage and cars to experience EM ignition interference. 8/11/1995 #50975 An EM vehicle ignition interference effect case occurr 9/13/2000 #52899 ars suddenly stopped because of EM ignition interference. The main witness 5/13/2003 #53404## Word: "ignitions", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ts that interfered with automobile ignitions, lights, and radio and TV rece 3/30/1966 #26275## Word: "ignon", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Poncey-sur-l’Ignon, Côte-d’Or, France 8:00 p.m. In Po 10/4/1954 #15531 , France 8:00 p.m. In Poncey-sur-l’Ignon, Côte-d’Or, France, Mme. Yvette (o 10/4/1954 #15531## Word: "ignorance", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd fearful. In their confusion and ignorance of its significance, the obser 10/14/1253 #217 show “maneuvered motion” and says ignorance of them could lead to a “worse 2/27/1951 #8957 en credence solely on the basis of ignorance.” Also, “Abnormal predispositi 5/23/1955 #17185 om war, hatred, disease, want, and ignorance. According to King, the civili 8/1956 #18166 against a nation left in relative ignorance could have serious consequence 2/27/1960 #21701 and coolly notes Tacker’s apparent ignorance of basic physics. The show gen 12/5/1960 #22119 us reasons, pure emotional outlet, ignorance, or possibly to use the organi 12/27/1960 #22136 element and that it is in absolute ignorance of what could have happened, g 1/25/1968 #30185## Word: "ignore", 18 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ERU (Translated from French) If we ignore a more than legendary Peruvian, n 1895 #1516 oids (or Greys) take soil samples. Ignore numerous motorists! 10/1930 (approximate) #3089 general that USAF policy is not to ignore UFO reports, but to collect, eval 12/30/1947 #6484 shoot down any such objects which ignore orders to land. 7/29/1952 #11377 hovers low. Figure(s) move inside. Ignore fisherman. Quickly going up. 11/1/1954 #16475 rom the earth, but the public must ignore it for security reasons. McDivitt 6/4/1965 (approximate) #24962 ge dome (5 m high). They seemed to ignore the witness's presence. The objec 9/11/1968 #30991 her about it, but she continued to ignore the light. Thinking this was abno 1/6/1969 #31407 d with lit edge loops. Lands. Cows ignore! Going quickly northwest. / LDLN# 10/11/1969 #32055 om Space, in which he continues to ignore occupant cases but finally admits 12/1973 #35484 he sees two of these beings. They ignore his command to halt, so he opens 11/16/1977 #40203 manoids (or Greys) examine car and ignore riders. / r41p495. 9/17/1978 #41297 ker skin, and appear elderly. They ignore him. Frightened, he runs behind a 10/25/1978 #41487 hange for technology the USG would ignore abductions and the EBEs told them 12/29/1987 #46484 0-800' altitude. Many passing cars ignore. 8/1993 #49597 shapes passed near him, seeming to ignore him, heading towards the barn on 1/5/1997 #51860 tack. However, the being seemed to ignore him. It looked humanoid but was a 4/25/2007 #53896 werful white light. They seemed to ignore the tent and walked “peacefully” 9/16/2007 #53932## Word: "ignored", 26 instance(s) (Back to Top)
or. His mechanism remained largely ignored by the scientific community. 1923 #2912 B29 who had heard of the fall but ignored the case of the broken ribs, pre 10/14/1947 #6401 f this case was lost, purposefully ignored or forwarded to a higher-level i 12/18/1953 #13965 in out, and Loedding’s efforts are ignored. 10/10/1954 #15759 shermen called out but the figures ignored them, except the last three, who 8/1/1962 #23047 anoid asked numerous questions and ignored the witnesses when they asked an 11/17/1966 #27339 at the Air Force Base pretty much ignored these lights on the first night, 1968 #30103 ts,” especially NICAP. The project ignored old cases because they only offe 10/31/1968 #31164 en Hynek later wrote the Committee ignored key evidence and could not expla 11/15/1968 #31222 Although the apparition completely ignored the presence of the witness, Paq 7/12/1971 #32975 gs with them. The being completely ignored the witness for the 30 minute pe 10/20/1973 #35190 et go the steering wheel." Justice ignored this instruction and the order w 8/1/1974 #36370 neighboring house. The beings, who ignored the witness, were visible only f 12/22/1974 #36760 ound helmet. The little man simply ignored the trio and kept digging. Frigh 2/17/1978 #40529 kin and appeared elderly, and they ignored him. 10/25/1978 #41489 cials were called but more or less ignored the reports. 11/27/1978 #41627 in of the incident, but the cousin ignored them and went back to bed. The g 7/21/1991 #48541 the muzzle of a wolf. The creature ignored Ortega and flew away. 4/23/1995 #50757 ng his arms, but he was apparently ignored. Two smaller bright spherical ob 5/19/1997 #52024 Note: Quasicrystals were largely ignored by mainstream science until they 1998 #52240 thought it was a shooting star and ignored it. Forty minutes later, when he 3/15/1999 #52551 ed on a fraudulent MIT report that ignored findings of a successful cold fu 5/17/1999 #52584 ure exit the craft, who completely ignored them and walked around the objec 11/13/1999 #52708 sort of decorative lighting, they ignored it and kept walking. Then they h 3/12/2000 #52805 the presence of the students. They ignored them and after several minutes r 8/1/2001 #53080 reporting sightings, but are being ignored, and if this continues they will 6/3/2022 #54650## Word: "ignores", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
from inside the building, but this ignores the fact that the window is open 7/16/1952 #10816 crosses road / 2M altitude. Horse ignores! Maneuvers / farms. 1/29/1960 #21666 nd spin. Crowd / tourists sees and ignores!! 8/25/1965 #25484 her public persons.” The Air Force ignores their recommendations. ( 2/3/1966 #25963 rror-ball buzzes just outside. Dog ignores all! 2/15/1970 #32256 es over road. Semi transparent man ignores observer(s). 7/12/1971 #32974 A, ITL Luminous sphere going down. Ignores farmers lamp. Changes color and 12/13/1978 #41742 Fast-moving-star circles airport. Ignores landing instructions.. 2/9/1988 #46564## Word: "ignoring", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the road and smashed into a tree. Ignoring his car, he proceeded to the ne 6/21/1952 #10463 ng on short metal feet. Apparently ignoring the witness's presence, two sma 4/24/1964 #24047 e of NORAD’s high priority for not ignoring unpredictable, UFO-like maneuve 3/28/1967 #28309 or. The beings stood by the object ignoring the witness, so he pedalled his 8/25/1968 #30913 nterview witnesses. But this means ignoring the most compelling cases of th 10/31/1968 #31164 to the kitchen door of the house, ignoring a German shepherd dog that grow 11/2/1973 #35331 dly around the vehicle, completely ignoring the witnesses. For some time th 2/7/1989 #46986 orrelative with the UAP sightings, ignoring key evidence. In 2020 a local r 3/8/1994 #49987 the distance, which intrigued her. Ignoring the plane, which was what it wa 1/3/1995 #50505 ok out transparent containers and, ignoring the shepherds, collected many s 1/31/1996 #51370 wing otherwise. He suggests DOE is ignoring successful cold fusion experime 5/17/1999 #52584## Word: "ignácio", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
er at the Estancia de Santa Maria, Ignácio da Souza, is returning home from 8/13/1967 #29270## Word: "igo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
stria (Translated from French) Dr. Igo Etrich flies his first airplane; lik 1908 #2191## Word: "igor", 16 instance(s) (Back to Top)
b. The project is led by physicist Igor Kurchatov. 8/29/1949 #7547 e Heinrich Ludwig, Nikolai Zhirov, Igor Bestuzhev-Lada, Valentin Akkuratov, 5/17/1967 #28703 or. According to one of his aides, Igor Sinitsin, it is KGB Chairman Yuri A 10/1977 #40060 zurin sketches the object, Captain Igor Cherkashin contacts air traffic off 9/7/1984 #45435 This news spread around the world; Igor Yadigin, 29 years old, an aviation 9/1989 #47277 se located on the airport grounds. Igor started his work at 8 pm and, to ta 9/1989 #47277 el. Quickly glancing at his watch, Igor noted that it was 7:40 pm. He kept 9/1989 #47277 the man's visor and something made Igor turn back towards the sphere. He wa 9/1989 #47277 (about 45 km from Voronezh), where Igor had been several times. (...) (note 9/1989 #47277 m vog: re-projection catastrophe). Igor lost consciousness. When he came to 9/1989 #47277 eared. A month after the incident, Igor made an interesting discovery. He n 9/1989 #47277 ft defense headquarters, Gen. Col. Igor Maltsev, who says that the object i 3/21/1990 #47759 (Translated from French) Igor Yadigin, a mechanic from the Naval 8/20/1991 #48577 same night near Glasgow, Scotland Igor Terzic was driving his vehicle when 5/7/1995 #50777 oland Polish journalist and author Igor Witkowski publishes Prawda o Wunder 2000 #52740 Rivne, Ukraine Igor Kalytyuk begins publishing Novosti 7/2011 #54207## Word: "igries", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IGRIES, SP "Twice-moon-size" saucer land 8/7/1967 #29229 m. a motorcyclist named Alcazar in Igries, Huesca province, Spain saw a dis 8/7/1967 #29233## Word: "iguaca", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of the Coenze neighborhood in Nova Iguaca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil witnessed 3/31/1969 #31642## Word: "iguacu", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NOVA IGUACU, BRZ Silent UFO spirals going dow 2/28/1969 #31540 FOZ DO IGUACU, BRZ Hundreds / observer(s). Pan 8/22/1986 #46063 local football field in Quedas do Iguacu, Parana, Brazil. The two witnesse 7/29/2001 #53076## Word: "iguala", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IGUALA, GUERRERO, MEXICO Intensely lumin 3/25/1967 #28275 Iguala, Mexico An intensely luminous obj 3/25/1967 #28282 bject woke up several residents in Iguala, Mexico at dawn. People in trains 3/25/1967 #28285## Word: "iguape", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NEAR IGUAPE, BRZ Silver 8M saucer hits tree. 10/31/1963 #23844 Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil Rio Peropava E 10/31/1963 #23848 ject coming towards her house near Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil. It soars abov 10/31/1963 #23848 um ball near the Peropava River in Iguape, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. It "wri 10/31/1963 #23850 IGUAPE, CEARA, BRZ 3 / boat. Bright UFO 7/17/1992 #48976 above the ocean off the coast near Iguape, Brazil. It sucked up a wide colu 7/17/1992 #48979## Word: "iguarapa", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NORTH / IGUARAPA, BRZ Domed saucer on / over sma 11/20/1954 #16651## Word: "igur", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ral local residents, including Tal Igur, a 23-year-old student, reported se 7/22/1997 #52089## Word: "igy", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NEAR INVERCARGILL, NZ Igy RADAR's. Many unidentified blips dar 6/1957 #18883 International Geophysical Year (IGY). It marked the end of a long period 7/1/1957 #18961 ty-seven countries participated in IGY projects. The IGY encompassed eleven 7/1/1957 #18961 participated in IGY projects. The IGY encompassed eleven Earth sciences: a 7/1/1957 #18961 solar activity. The timing of the IGY was particularly suited for studying 7/1/1957 #18961 er significant achievements of the IGY included the discovery of the Van Al 7/1/1957 #18961 (Translated from French) The IGY begins with Antarctica the main effo 7/1/1957 #18962 s of the Deepfreeze operation. The IGY is notably organized by Doctor Lloyd 7/1/1957 #18962 oat crew. Silver ovoid hovers near Igy radiosonde. 2nd signal. 11/27/1957 (approximate) #19914 , underwater photos, photos of the IGY activities, and the ship’s operation 1/16/1958 #20144## Word: "ih662+malta", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n flash" buzzes commercial flights IH662+Malta Airline. Rocket? 3/9/1978 #40578## Word: "ih8btreqv4c", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ysics 1968-1991. https://youtu.be/iH8btReqv4c?t=6561 https://journals.ap 1955 #16901## Word: "ihase", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
deceased empress, returned to the Ihase palace. That night, at the top of 661 #58 e deceased empress, returns to the Ihase palace. That night, at the top of Autumn 661 #59## Word: "ihm", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
teaching is mystical and concerns IHM, the Cosmic Christ. On August 7, Osc 8/2/1975 #37442## Word: "ii", 238 instance(s) (Back to Top)
in the death of their king, Alaric II. Following this triumph, Clovis reloc 507 #42 stle was discovered. King Alphonse II designated Saint James as the patron 813 #93 E (Translated from French) Charles II, the Bald (823 - 877) was one day tak 877 #107 Reconquest of Spain, King Alfonso II and his soldiers witnessed a perplexi 1171 #187 s in a letter addressed to Charles II in June 1297. These luminous manifest 9/8/1296 #242 d a significant victory over Selim II, the Sultan of Turkey, near Lepanto's 9/20/1571 #416 assed in magnificence. King George II had asked Gaetano Ruggieri, assisted 4/27/1749 #682 slated from French) (8 Messidor an II) The balloon "L'Entreprenant" piloted 6/26/1794 #821 . (NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, II) (These were apparently fireball mete 2/28/1904 #2123 . 216) IN REALITY: THE ZEPPELIN Z. II AIRSHIP COVERED 230 KM IN 4 H 10 MINU 9/24/1909 #2431 m Roosevelt (Texas) to Santa Maria II from New York to Rome. (February 8th 2/8/1927 #3002 t. Tage Andersen are flying an H.M.II (Heinkel HE 8) seaplane over eastern 1932 #3143 from French) Launch of the "Mirak II" rocket by Germany. (1932, July and A 7/1932 #3164 rry Clark Encyclopedia, 1992, Vol. II, p. 380.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun Spring 1940 #3508 to its formal entry into World War II on the side of the Allies the next da 12/7/1941 #3580 United States entry into World War II, widespread panic resulted, and five 2/25/1942 #3619 TO UFO INCIDENTS DURING WORLD WAR II., 1987, 8. Listing by Ole Johny Braen 3/14/1942 #3634 involved in a top-secret World War II experiment. Sailors who served on the 8/15/1943 #3810 r Kaneohe, Hawaii During World War II, a Navy enlisted man stationed in Oah 1944 #3894 Spanish border During a World War II mission on the night of Feb. 10, 1944 2/10/1944 #3910 over Anzio, Italy during World War II. The two members of the crew reported 4/30/1944 #3938 Argentina After World War II, unusual U-boat activity was observed 7/1945 #4328 Shortly after the end of World War II, the Icelandic whaler "Juliana" encou 1946 #4429 se used by Hitler during World War II. It was speculated that the Russians 1946 #4437 Florida Following World War II, there was a surge in UFO sightings w 4/1946 #4463 ds Pad 33, 79.3km altitude (Hermes II prototype with dummy Organ ramjet tes 5/29/1947 #4966 Juárez, Mexico 7:30 p.m. A Hermes II test missile (a modified V-2) is laun 5/29/1947 #4968 n obtained at the end of World War II. One craft allegedly contains living 7/1/1947 #5282 apanese detainees during World War II. Allegedly, aerospace physician Willi 7/5/1947 #5515 hysician William Randolph Lovelace II travels there from Albuquerque to exa 7/5/1947 #5515 the armed forces during World War II, stated this day that the saucers are 7/7/1947 #5651 5:17 p.m. Special Agent Percy Wyly II in the Dallas, Texas, FBI office send 7/8/1947 #5868 the origin of UAP after World War II. 12/16/1947 #6469 sisted in Argentina post-World War II that German U-boats carrying Nazi war Late 1940's #6499 Mantell was a veteran of World War II and participated in the June 6, 1944 1/7/1948 #6516 at White Sands Pad 33 (1st Hermes II test) 1/13/1949 #7078 as blocked by observers. World War II flyer, Vernon Leverett, estimated the 3/25/1949 #7189 hes 8.85km attitude (Second Hermes II ‘Organ’ test of ramjet diffuser in pl 5/5/1949 #7308 d by Capt. R. B. McLaughlin, USN) [II] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 6/10/1949 #7416 is H. 1988, 17) The monkey, Albert II, reached an altitude of 134 km in the 6/14/1949 #7421 ated from French) Launch of Viking II. Stopped at 51 km altitude, escape in 9/6/1949 #7559 at White Sands Pad 33 (2nd Hermes II test) 10/6/1949 #7603 Sands Pad 33 (3rd and Final Hermes II test) 11/11/1950 #8705 gia Day. USAF Lt. George H. Kinmon II, stationed at Lawson AFB [now Lawson 7/9/1951 #9106 B in Montgomery, Alabama World War II air intelligence records are transfer 1952 #9500 he Soviets at the end of World War II. 1/3/1952 #9526 g to the foo fighters of World War II. 2/8/1952 #9580 ference since the end of World War II. Maj. Gen. John A. Samford, director 7/29/1952 #11436 ng them since the end of World War II and never found anything substantial. 7/30/1952 #11481 rcled airliner verttically. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/28/1952 #12011 ta The US Army Chemical Corps’ Dew II project involves the secret release o 4/1953 #13295 nterference” than Minneapolis. Dew II is described in a 1953 Army report th 4/1953 #13295 smaller satellite objects. [NICAP, II] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/8/1954 #14698 an Australian Navy Hawker Sea Fury II was paced on either side by two dark, 8/31/1954 #14963 ear), France UFO paced car. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/3/1954 #15484 Disc with four body lights. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 11/26/1954 #16686 ed direction and shot away. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 5/25/1955 #17192 California, in a C-124 Globemaster II cargo plane, accompanied by Lockheed 7/24/1955 #17330 objects "like small moons." [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/18/1957 #18930 ging position in formation. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/22/1957 #19385 October 3rd, the launch of Sputnik II (Beta 1 rocket) which exceeded 508 kg 11/4/1957 #19510 ston, Texas 4:30 a.m. William Rush II is driving on Long Point Road in Hous 11/6/1957 #19690 in straight line formation. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 1/9/1958 #20125 ied object followed behind Sputnik II while orbiting over Brooklyn Park, So 1/24/1958 #20154 lights moving around them. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 3/3/1958 #20237 into two groups (5 and 4). [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 4/9/1958 #20298 when light was shone at it. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 5/17/1958 #20381 consultant Dr. Charles S. Sheldon II, who thus maneuvers Keyhoe out of app 8/8/1958 #20535 nfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Argus II” Yield: 1KT YieldMax: 2KT 8/30/1958 #20589 ite Area 51 The Operation Hardtack II series of 37 nuclear tests takes plac 9/12/1958 #20626 rocket did not ignite and Pioneer II did not reach even 1000 KM in altitud 11/8/1958 #20814 44 a.m. The first launch of a Juno II, carrying Pioneer 3, at LC-5 at Cape 12/6/1958 #20857 iled launch of Pioneer 3 by a Juno II rocket on December 6, 1958: “We find 1/1/1959 #20928 Charles S. Sheldon II, technical director of the House Scie 6/13/1959 #21206 r, 25-30 miles away.) [NICAP UFOE, II] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/8/1959 #21273 ) SUCCESS WAS ACHIEVED WITH "LUNIK II" ON THE FOLLOWING SEPTEMBER 12. THE A 9/12/1959 #21428 65, p. 53) THE ROCKETEERS OF LUNIK II ANNOUNCED SHORTLY AFTER DEPARTURE THA 9/12/1959 #21428 ics Committee). Charles S. Sheldon II, technical director of the House Scie 7/15/1960 #21896 ing year with their craft "Mariner II" 1961 #22142 ated from French) Launch of "Samos II", a retrograde moving satellite. 2/1/1961 #22200 rees at low altitude. [NICAP UFOE, II] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/17/1961 #22451 ed, shot away upward. [NICAP UFOE, II] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/21/1961 #22587 a McDonnell-Douglas F4H-1F Phantom II over Edwards AFB, California. 11/22/1961 #22646 ed. Country: USA Name: “Chinchilla II” YieldMax: 20KT 3/31/1962 #22789 Country: USA Name: “Little Feller II” YieldMax: 20KT 7/7/1962 #22987 r at the not-yet-operational Titan II launch complex of the 570th Strategic 8/7/1962 #23064 ut the second (launch) of "Mariner II" on August 27 was a complete success. 8/27/1962 #23110 27 was a complete success. Mariner II was a small spacecraft of 202 kg (gol 8/27/1962 #23110 to trigger his apparatus. Mariner II received the order, acknowledged rece 8/27/1962 #23110 presently attained on earth”; Type II (stellar civilization), “a civilizati 1963 #23389 d. Country: USA Name: “Clean Slate II” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 0KT 5/31/1963 #23559 rea is the Davis Monthan AFB Titan II Missile Site, home of the 390th Strat 7/2/1963 #23618 awrence (near), OH Close encounter II, no details. (UFOI-2,7) (NICAP: 07 - 5/17/1964 #24150 rapidly climbed out of sight (UFOE II, Section IV). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 1/27/1965 #24720 und GT-1 put into orbit by a Titan II launcher on April 8 1964, are pieces 1/28/1965 #24726 , Alexis Leonov, left his "Voskhod II" craft and gravitated into space wher 3/18/1965 #24820 VOSKHOD II LOSES CONTACT / GROUND CONTROL Crew s 3/19/1965 #24826 an Australian veteran of World War II, and Eric Jurdin, an engineer. Tilse 5/24/1965 (approximate) #24923 ing impression found at site (UFOE II, Section VII). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cas 5/24/1965 #24928 s that it is most likely the Titan II second stage of the craft. 6/4/1965 #24964 re, zigzagged, and sped away (UFOE II, Section, V). (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 7/6/1965 #25062 ed car, climbed out of sight (UFOE II, Section, XII). (NICAP: 02 - Close En 7/20/1965 #25144 .S. (See separate chronology, UFOE II, Section, VIII.) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 7/30/1965 #25213 d object that changed course (UFOE II, Section, IV). (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 9/27/1965 #25656 nfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Plaid II” YieldMax: 20KT 2/3/1966 #25962 in NICAP files. (E,L) car. Section II (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/23/1966 #26148 mbat air missions during World War II. He received 5 Air Medals and 12 cita 5/8/1966 #26588 a” [the site of a former World War II munitions plant and now part of the M 11/15/1966 #27326 nfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rivet II” YieldMax: 20KT 1/26/1967 #27659 e found without much effort. (UFOE II, p. 326) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 2/5/1967 #27724 th, took off, and sped away. (UFOE II, p. 327) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 2/14/1967 #27813 AP files.) [Note: There is a Titan II ICBM Missile site located near Winfie 2/21/1967 #27887 raight up and disappeared (section II). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 6/3/1967 #28799 8:40 p.m. CDT. A former World War II paratrooper and others saw an object 6/6/1967 #28813 ll, 1964-1967, pages 474-482, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence) (NICAP: 06 - Trace 6/13/1967 #28849 e of the witnesses was a World War II flier. (NICAP report form, Stokesberr 7/18/1967 #29071 ll, 1964-1967, pages 474-482, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence) (NICAP: 07 - Entit 7/31/1967 #29142 ty devices at the end of World War II, testing disc-shaped and tubular craf 1968 #30107 d passes at car (Section XII, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence). (NICAP: 02 - Clos 1/20/1968 #30162 enly disappeared (Section IV, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence). (NICAP: 02 - Clos 2/13/1968 #30245 OVER AUSTIN, TX Henry Ford II and several. 600' saucer paces plane 4/16/1968 #30417 At 12:10 p.m. Henry Ford II sighted a very large UFO while flying 4/16/1968 #30418 s in the Italian army in World War II. The hermit had predicted he would so 7/1968 #30634 nt years later (Section XIII, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence). (NICAP: 07 - Enti 8/7/1968 #30835 rd out of sight (Section VII, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence). (NICAP: 02 - Clos 8/18/1968 #30883 up out of sight (Section IX, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence). (NICAP: 02 - Clos 11/22/1968 #31243 ately blacked out (Section V, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence). (NICAP: 02 - Clos 11/27/1968 #31285 tnesses, including two in Alouette II helicopters, visually tracked a green 2/25/1969 #31536 res visible in upper portion (UFOE II, Section XII). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 1/1/1970 #32197 ical effects (Humcat 1970-4 ; UFOE II, Section XII). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 1/7/1970 #32207 1965, Santa Ana, CA, photos (UFOE II, Section VII). (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 4/15/1970 #32318 an Baker, aboard their boat the Ra II, radioed in that they had watched a U 6/11/1970 #32390 in an arc, headed out to sea (UFOE II, Section V). (NICAP: 08 - Photographi 6/27/1970 #32407 departed rapidly straight up (UFOE II, Section VI). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 10/29/1970 #32603 , light beam upward from top (UFOE II, Section VI). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 4/14/1971 #32808 acceleration upward at angle (UFOE II, Section VI). (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 5/24/1971 #32870 ya I family, the first Molnya Type II is launched. 11/1971 #33221 ht at car, engine lost power (UFOE II, Section VII). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases 7/10/1972 #33622 d. UFO reacted to flashlight (UFOE II, Section VI). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 8/12/1972 #33754 ing" noise, shot straight up (UFOE II, Section - V). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 8/19/1972 #33779 ction, three types of beings (UFOE II, Section XIII). (NICAP: 07 - Entity C 11/26/1972 #34015 lysis supported authenticity (UFOE II, Section VII) (NICAP: 08 - Photograph 2/8/1973 #34171 round or egg-shaped objects (UFOE II, Section VIII). (NICAP: 01 - Distant 4/1/1973 #34307 ellipse hovered near house. (UFOE II, page 341) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 9/16/1973 #34769 d occupant case. No details. (UFOE II, Section XII). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 9/27/1973 #34823 ntered, and object took off. (UFOE II, page 341) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 10/10/1973 #34933 like transparent "bell jar" (UFOE II, Section XII) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 10/12/1973 #34976 , legs, standing on the road.(UFOE II, Section VIII) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 10/15/1973 #35014 darted around at high speed (UFOE II, Section V, VIII). (NICAP: 02 - Close 10/15/1973 #35019 und it moving away to south. (UFOE II, Section VIII) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 10/16/1973 #35040 with humanoid figures inside (UFOE II, Section VIII, XII) (NICAP: 07 - Enti 10/16/1973 #35043 graphed during sighting wave (UFOE II, Section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photograp 10/17/1973 #35084 highly maneuverable objects. (UFOE II, Section VIII) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 10/17/1973 #35086 d flight, erratic maneuvers. (UFOE II, Section V) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 10/24/1973 #35238 manoid encounter, abduction. (UFOE II, Section XIII). (NICAP: 07 - Entity C 10/28/1973 #35287 effects on cars in province (UFOE II, Section VIII). (NICAP: 07 - Entity C 11/1973 #35306 cumference hovered near car. (UFOE II, Section VIII) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 11/1/1973 #35315 ight emitted from underside. (UFOE II, VIII) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 11/7/1973 #35366 head and two bright red eyes (UFOE II, Section XII). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 11/7/1973 #35367 tor, shot straight up in sky (UFOE II, Section II). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 11/8/1973 #35373 raight up in sky (UFOE II, Section II). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 11/8/1973 #35373 g up and down, side to side. (UFOE II, Section VIII) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 11/8/1973 #35374 kamura are flying an F-4EJ Phantom II interceptor over the northern perimet 6/9/1974 #36235 bject took off (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Section II). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 1/2/1975 #36805 ff (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Section II). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/2/1975 #36805 7, 1989, case (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photograp 1/2/1975 #36806 Mariemont, OH Close Encounter II listed by CUFOS. No details. (NICAP: 1/4/1975 #36830 flash of light (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Sections IX, XII). (NICAP: 07 - Enti 2/14/1975 #36946 ed up and down (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Section I). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 2/17/1975 #36954 olossal speed" (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Section VI). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 2/26/1975 #36993 hard Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 19). (NICAP 4/9/1975 #37145 ght in seconds (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Section IV). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 4/15/1975 #37152 July 6-7, 1989 (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photograp 7/2/1975 #37334 ard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 122 & 264) 7/6/1975 #37355 ard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 122 & 264) 7/6/1975 #37356 traces at site (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Section XII). (NICAP: 05 - Medical I 7/31/1975 #37421 ogical effects (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Section VI). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 8/29/1975 #37562 ted from a British Airways Trident II airliner near the Portuguese Coast, 6 7/30/1976 #38615 ect, which seems to be a World War II–era bomber. The tips of each wing app 8/1976 #38627 scrambles an Air Force F-4 Phantom II interceptor piloted by Capt. Aziz Kha 9/18/1976 #38821 and triangular objects (NICAP UFOE II, Section VIII). (NICAP: 02 - Close En 12/18/1976 #39054 light beam, time loss (NICAP UFOE II, Section VI). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 1/21/1977 #39191 any Humanoid encounter (NICAP UFOE II, Section XII). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 2/24/1977 #39305 . Everett Miller, Mrs. W. E. Runge II, and Robert Smyth) watch a red ball o 3/8/1977 #39341 craft. (Case B-13 in Status Report II, Leonard Stringfield; SYMPAP, 1978,77 Spring 1977 #39383 und like swarm of bees (NICAP UFOE II, NICAP UFOE II, Section II). (NICAP: 7/1/1977 #39711 of bees (NICAP UFOE II, NICAP UFOE II, Section II). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 7/1/1977 #39711 AP UFOE II, NICAP UFOE II, Section II). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/1/1977 #39711 nearby, car lost power (NICAP UFOE II, Section VII). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases 8/3/1977 #39845 ght colors. Sheep fled (NICAP UFOE II, Section VI). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 11/29/1977 #40231 ght colors. Sheep fled (NICAP UFOE II, Section VI). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Rea 11/29/1977 #40232 170A) and Jim Victor (in a Mustang II 4954) are flying over Santa Monica, C 1/1/1978 #40379 t very high rate of speed (section II). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/23/1978 #41004 ic of Korea Air Force F-4D Phantom II jets, piloted by Lt. Col. Seungbae Le 3/1979 #42111 ng control of them after World War II. Contactees are manipulated by human 6/1979 #42270 shore of), Italy The yacht Rainbow II was heading for Corsica,. On board wa 6/22/1979 #42296 iful summer day, the yacht Rainbow II was heading for Corsica, after leavin 6/22/1979 #42297 /Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II, New Sources, New Data, presenting th 6/1980 #43079 by the pilot of an RAF F-4 Phantom II aircraft. It vanishes as quickly as i 10/1980 #43301 Forest, physical evidence (section II). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 12/27/1980 #43517 is flying a Piper PA-28-181 Archer II near the San Luis Reservoir, Californ 4/8/1981 #43684 nd Center, and Adm. Harry D. Train II gives the order to force down the obj Early 5/1981 #43737 ime, physiological effects (Volume II, The UFO Evidence, Section VII). (NIC 7/31/1981 #43873 ime, physiological effects (Volume II, The UFO Evidence, Section VII). (NIC 7/31/1981 #43875 concentration of sightings (Volume II, The UFO Evidence, Section VIII). (NI 10/1981 #43983 blocked road ahead of car. (Volume II, The UFO Evidence, Section XII). (NIC 12/19/1981 #44112 Projects Phoenix, Phoenix II and Rainbow allegedly occur at Camp H 1983 #44640 beam downward. (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Section IX) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 3/24/1983 #44709 essdalen, Norway Project Hessdalen II is launched to study the recurring li 1/13/1985 #45558 onald T. Regan, George A. Keyworth II, Alfred H. Kingon and John A. Svahn. 6/11/1985 #45617 V BADGES ARE THOSE OF THE CORSAIRS II TYPES STATIONED AT NELLIS (USA). THEY 5/8/1986 #45911 IDENTIFYING THEMSELVES AS CORSAIR II TYPE FIGHTERS. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE 7/11/1986 #46002 recisely the same. Two F-4 Phantom II jets appear and give chase to the lig 3/1987 #46205 ped object, resembling a World War II V-1 German “buzz-bomb,” flew over the 1/4/1988 #46513 ssociated with the LTV A-7 Corsair II for training, flying the T-38 superso 11/10/1988 #46856 ipsoidal object circling the Fermi II nuclear reactor. The object paced in 2/11/1990 #47692 ues Vallée states Prince Hans-Adam II, head of state of Liechtenstein, fund 5/22/1991 #48477 000 to Robert Bigelow for it. Adam II is deeply Catholic, Vallee added, and 5/22/1991 #48477 lic, Vallee added, and stated Adam II believed ET controlled humanity’s eff 5/22/1991 #48477 discovers 5 bombers from World War II, lined up on the ocean floor. One of 6/1991 #48481 in North Port, Florida a former WW II fighter pilot and his neighbor saw a 11/24/1991 #48670 d, said it was debris from a Delta II missile used to launch a satellite in 1/22/1997 #51869 gs Colorado: the body of the Delta II missile, launched on April 24, 1996, 1/22/1997 #51869 base of the second stage of Delta II, 80 cm in diameter and weighing about 1/22/1997 #51869 r Seguin, other debris from Detlta II were also found. 1/22/1997 #51869 ckage of Button’s A-10 Thunderbolt II, which had apparently crashed into a 4/2/1997 #51963 ePalma, Hayasaka and Cowlishaw. (II) Acoustical with no moving parts and 1/1998 #52242 FB in Montgomery, Alabama Archives II facility in College Park, Maryland Wi Early 3/1998 #52303 ly makes available at the Archives II facility in College Park, Maryland. Early 3/1998 #52303 Congress. The UFO Evidence, Volume II covers UFO sightings since 1964. 2000 #52735 lroad tracks. Two A-10 Thunderbolt II fighter aircraft appear and try to fo 11/4/2000 #52930 Second Persian Gulf War (Gulf War II) 3/2003 #53366 e the group was known as “Quantico II.” The meetings were held using the co 2004 #53508 had worked for MI5 after World War II. His father had told him in 1959 when 1/15/2005 #53679 ir propellor-driven Mooney Ovation II flying at 7,480 feet. Shortly after t 2/18/2012 #54217 l Air Station. EMPRESS and EMPRESS II were EMP generators on barges. https 8/18/2014 #54292 told him that just after World War II she had seen some 15 human “guinea pi 6/2017 #54350 cturally Embedded Thermal Spreader II (ASETS-II), which measures the perfor 10/27/2019 #54500## Word: "ii-4", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
er and torpedo launcher Ilyouchine II-4, first of a long line of increasing 1935 #3283## Word: "ii-9", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
straight course, S-NE (Bloecher,17,II-9) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/20/1947 #5030## Word: "iii", 114 instance(s) (Back to Top)
During the reign of Emperor Henry III in Rome, an event is documented invo 1045 #152 Federico Barbarossa by Pope Eugene III, three lights and a cross formed by 1155 #180 ams of an overhead star. Pope Paul III granted the location a consecrated s 5/31/1536 #359 nor of the King of Sweden, Gustave III, rises in Lyon in the presence of th 6/4/1784 #780 reconnaissance aircraft Albatros D.III, maximum speed 175 km/h, ceiling 550 10/1917 #2795 commanding a squadron of 4 Fairey III F, left Cairo for the Cape. On 15 Ja 2/1930 (approximate) #3080 . [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, III] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/29/1942 #3691 . [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 3/1944 #3926 . [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 8/10/1944 #3990 on over Köln, Germany. His Halifax III is flying at 19,000 feet above the c 10/30/1944 #4056 . [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 11/1944 #4059 . [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 12/1944 #4087 gton Night. Navy Lt. George Arents III and copilot Lt. Elon Forster are fly 12/23/1944 #4115 . [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 1/1945 #4162 . [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 8/1/1946 #4642 Col. Robert Taylor III, Collection Branch of Army Air Force 8/22/1947 #6285 t carried in the frame of "Blossom III N" the rhesus monkey Albert A. malfu 6/11/1948 #6698 ays. LeMay predicts that World War III will last no longer than 30 days. 3/1949 #7159 er promises to investigate. (Clark III 542) April 16 and 18 — Mysterious fl 4/14/1949 #7238 l Electric 09/1959) Monkey "Albert III" killed in the explosion. 9/16/1949 #7572 draws from Project Twinkle. (Clark III 544) February 5 — 5:10 p.m. Four peo 2/2/1950 #7776 French) At 14:45, launch of Viking III, altitude 80 km. With measuring inst 2/9/1950 #7790 rfare staff headed by Joseph Bryan III, a future president and board chairm 3/27/1950 #8036 rfare Staff headed by Joseph Bryan III to confuse the American public. Tayl 3/27/1950 #8037 ological warfare head Joseph Bryan III later became President and Board Cha 3/27/1950 #8037 ter was also a Board member. Bryan III’s background in psyops was not known 3/27/1950 #8037 ficer saw aluminum-like oval UFO. [III] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 12/1950 #8742 is diary, "It looks like World War III is here. I hope not--but we must mee 12/6/1950 #8764 object hovering at high altitude. [III] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/14/1951 #8925 ial watched disc make sharp turn. [III] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/1/1951 #9056 Donald F. Stewart and George Tyler III are driving northbound on the Govern 3/29/1952 #9705 rge group of circular UFOs. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 4/17/1952 #9854 ant, covert CIA agent Joseph Bryan III) receive a secret one-hour briefing 5/8/1952 #10086 ed direction and sped away. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Summer 1952 #10471 ed direction and sped away. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Summer 1952 #10474 e course directly overhead. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/12/1952 #10735 ed direction and sped away. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 7/24/1952 #11158 ay disappearing in seconds. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/13/1952 #12455 e meet. [AP story, Mar. 9th; UFOE, III] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/7/1953 #13212 e meet. [AP story, Mar. 9th; UFOE, III] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 5/7/1953 #13370 l saw two maneuvering UFOs. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 1954 #14013 tos, which no longer exist. (Clark III 42; Leonard G. Cramp, Space, Gravity 2/15/1954 #14163 wide area, jets scrambled. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/16/1955 #17305 CIA agent Joseph Bryan III writes to Ruppelt, saying that while 4/3/1956 #17888 ess, due to the Army, of "Explorer III" (Gamma 3), on March 26. [continued 3/26/1958 #20278 ion of unidentified lights. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 4/14/1958 #20315 ed from French) Launch of "Sputnik III", third Russian satellite which impo 5/15/1958 #20367 w Member Observes Object / Spuynik III Rocket? (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 6/12/1958 #20434 of circling reddish light. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5 7/17/1958 #20495 nfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Argus III” Yield: 1KT YieldMax: 2KT 9/6/1958 #20615 t to launch a lunar probe. Pioneer III (Theta 1) falls back in Africa after 12/6/1958 #20853 made on October 4, 1959 by "Lunik III" this vehicle circled the Moon -unfo 10/4/1959 #21486 ch) TEST LAUNCH OF THE LUNA RANGER III PROBE. LAUNCHED AT AN EXCESSIVE SPEE 1/26/1962 #22707 Col. Joseph J. Bryan III, special assistant to the Secretary Summer 1962 #22960 ated from French) LAUNCH OF VOSTOK III AND VOSTOK IV, 4730 KG EACH, FIRST F 8/11/1962 #23068 adiated by its own star”; and Type III (galactic civilization), “a civiliza 1963 #23389 d. Country: USA Name: “Clean Slate III” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 0KT 6/9/1963 #23567 nd NICAP board member Joseph Bryan III appear on the Les Crane Show and are 1/27/1965 #24724 ort 1, no. 2 (July 1965): 8; Clark III 209–218; Jerome Clark, “Passport to 3/2/1965 #24787 . MacGowan and Frederick I. Ordway III publish Intelligence in the Universe 1966 #25862 Vol. 12, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1966, p. iii; from the Castlegar News.) (NICAP: 0 6/8/1966 #26679 later. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. III, No. 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 3; Keyho 6/24/1966 #26752 ol. 12, No. 6, Nov. -Dec. 1966, p. iii.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/2/1966 #26881 , p. 34; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. III, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, p. 4.) (NIC 9/21/1966 #27094 te in the Colorado project. (Clark III 1193) September 22 — Hynek appeals t 9/22/1966 #27104 lloway [possibly Louie A. Galloway III] is driving through a wooded area ne 12/30/1966 #27465 he sky. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. III, No. 11, Jan.-Feb., 1967, p. 4.) (NI 1/5/1967 #27501 nfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rivet III” YieldMax: 20KT 3/2/1967 #28007 s board chairman Col. Joseph Bryan III, who takes over as acting president. 12/3/1969 #32139 ty. Nichols claims Project Phoenix III worked on time travel aspects of con 1/1971 #32686 than the previous ones: the Titan III B. An important step is taken, as th 8/16/1972 #33763 In Orbit, Skylab Skylab III Photo Incident (NICAP: 08 - Photogra 9/20/1973 #34791 orbit in outer space aboard Skylab III saw and photographed a strange red o 9/20/1973 #34793 the base is communicating a DEFCON III alert to conventional and nuclear fo 10/25/1973 #35262 from French) The first Molnya Type III is launched. Nearly 70 Molnyas are l 11/1974 #36664 hased by a French Air Force Mirage III jet. (Source: Dominique Weinstein, A 9/23/1975 #37648 hased by a French Air Force Mirage III jet. It made four appearances. 9/23/1975 #37652 ff. Retired USAF Maj. George Filer III, who later serves as MUFON New Jerse 1/18/1978 #40439 d. Retired USAF Maj. George Filer III claims he was there, the recovery te 1/18/1978 #40440 maneuvered near his plane (section III). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 6/11/1978 #40855 . 10/11 (Oct./Nov. 1978): 5; Clark III 1189) 7/7/1978 #40938 and staff, among them Joseph Bryan III, Karl T. Pflock, Stuart Nixon, John 1/1979 #41917 About 6:00 p.m. A1C John W. Mills III is with a second lieutenant conducti Early 1/1979 #41930 is ordered, and a Dassault Mirage III fighter takes off from Manises Air B 3/13/1979 #42137 at the time of the facts, a Mirage III pilot within the 2nd fighter squadro 12/9/1979 #42759 refueling stop. A1C John W. Mills III and a few other airmen are on top of 5/1980 #43021 a (Translated from French) A Titan III B rocket launches a secret reconnais 2/28/1981 #43640 ed. The carrier rocket was a Titan III B. 3/16/1981 #43658 arolina 8:20 p.m. Carl (Eddie) Cox III steps outside his rural home near Wa 1/9/1982 #44151 Technical Sgt. John W. Mills III, of the 394th Intercontinental Balli 1984 #45049 classified film of three Minuteman III dummy warheads (Multiple Independent 1984 #45049 nd flight consists of three Mirage III fighters equipped with Sidewinders a 5/19/1986 #45941 Cruz AFB, followed by three Mirage III jets from Anapolis AFB. The first vi 5/19/1986 #45942 s) were chased by the three Mirage III fighters. Only one of the jets was a 5/19/1986 #45942 ty and consular Affairs John Hanes III, robotics expert Charlie Rosen and a 11/10/1986 #46131 ty, WI John Salter, Jr., and John, III, abduction (section XIII). (NICAP: 0 3/20/1988 #46642 consin John Salter, Jr., and John, III, abduction 3/20/1988 #46643 ull glow like copper. The CINDACTA III radar still finds nothing. The UFO b 12/1/1988 #46884 e Soviet Union launches the Thread III Project, a wide-ranging scientific a 1991 #48318 Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine III, when he was retired and around the 5/22/1992 #48923 acility Night. T/Sgt John W. Mills III is driving back to Malmstrom AFB nea 1/1993 #49256 pearing triangular object (section III). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 5/20/1993 #49478 n and Tibetan stone levitation. (III) Rotating disc/cone using stationary 1/1998 #52242 scheduled by the new Boeing Delta III rocket. The 225 million dollar commu 8/26/1998 #52425 d TV channels worldwide. The Delta III rocket, 12 stories high, began its a 8/26/1998 #52425 le, Reme Baca, William F. Hamilton III, and Ken Storch. 11/4/2005 #53771 Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III that AATIP has made “much progress” 6/24/2009 #54102 Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III, Under Secretary of Defense for Inte 11/2009 #54127 mmunicate with 50 of its Minuteman III nuclear missiles. The five Missile A 10/23/2010 #54180 s communications with 50 Minuteman III nuclear missiles, affecting five Mis 10/23/2010 #54181 mer USAF Sgt. Daniel Brad MacBolen III claims to have participated in a SAP 7/8/2012 #54226 s. Former IC IG Charles McCullough III submits a complaint on Grusch's beha 5/2022 #54641 e Navy and former Sen. John Warner III, states his father was at the Navy’s 10/14/2022 #54675 e Navy and former Sen. John Warner III, states the “Cosmos Club” was a fore 10/14/2022 #54676## Word: "iii's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
In Space, In Space Skylab III's crew photographed a strange red ob 9/20/1973 #34790## Word: "iii-iv", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n Flying Saucer Review, 12(4), pp. iii-iv.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 4/12/1966 #26405## Word: "iiiii", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, a purring of a cream separator: "iiiii..." It passed over me, at about fi 6/15/1929 #3057## Word: "iirg", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hensible language (like: Verren... iirg... unch) by three "men" dressed in 11/16/1952 #12650## Word: "iis", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s made operational with 18 Corsair IIs (A-7) and 12 Stealth F-117As at Nell 10/1983 #44922## Word: "iit", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e were Armour Research Foundation, IIT Research Institute, United Aircraft 8/2004 #53594## Word: "ijapada", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nbhum district, West Bengal, India Ijapada Chatterjee, the manager of the K 9/15/1954 #15079## Word: "ijsselmeer", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IJSSELMEER, HOLLND Ships crew. Disk goin 9/8/1996 #51673## Word: "ijui", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
vatay, Brazil While driving toward Ijui about 1:30 a.m., a group of motoris 9/13/1973 #34755 While driving toward Ijui, Brazil at about 1:30 a.m., a group 9/13/1973 #34756## Word: "ika", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
iguez was making a delivery to the Ika Renault plant four and a half hours 9/28/1972 #33899## Word: "ika-renault", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
scene of the observations was the IKA-RENAULT factory. At 05:40 Merlo head 9/21/1972 #33873 ge 56, a maintenance worker at the Ika-Renault car factory, unlocked and en 9/21/1972 #33879 anslated from French) Again at the IKA-RENAULT factory. Around 10:30 PM, th 9/27/1972 #33892 Santa Isabel, Córdoba, Argentina Ika-Renault factory 5:40 a.m. Teodoro Me 9/27/1972 #33894 oro Merlo, maintenance man for the Ika-Renault factory in Santa Isabel, Cór 9/27/1972 #33894 no was delivering documents to the Ika-Renault factory in Santa Isabel, Cor 9/27/1972 #33895 ame of Quiroga, saw near the local Ika-Renault auto plant in Santa Isabel, 9/27/1972 #33896 ck driver Rodriguez arrived at the IKA-Renault factory to unload some sheet 9/28/1972 #33897## Word: "ike", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
thern sky. According to dispatcher Ike Chidsey, it is moving west at 60 mph 2/26/1897 #1635 office has fueled the rumors, but Ike’s dental history is thoroughly cover 2/20/1954 #14176## Word: "iker", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
sh magazine "Enigmas" published by Iker Jiminez, devotes an article to Ribe End of 1930 #3094 noid Contact Database 1976, citing Iker Jimenez, Enigmas Sin Resolver). (NI 4/23/1976 #38408 rinidad Pastrana, Sean O’Connelly, Iker J.) who sent letters from distant p 11/5/2010 #54182## Word: "ikes", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IKES FORK, WV Silent silver wingless cyl 4/23/1994 #50043## Word: "iklef", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
apparition, including Mr. and Mrs. Iklef and Lepot. The luminous object alt 5/10/1957 #18837 for the sighting including Messrs. Iklef and Lepot and their wives. The cra 5/10/1957 #18840## Word: "ikuri", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
local time a 69-year old woman in Ikuri, Finland suddenly awoke to see thr 1/15/1967 #27567 9-year-old woman awoke abruptly in Ikuri, Tampere, Finland at 6:30 a.m., an 1/15/1971 #32712## Word: "il", 447 instance(s) (Back to Top)
CHICAGO, IL Great airship. Enormous. Seen from sk 4/2/1897 #1668 CARLINVILLE, IL Domed cylinder/cigar-shape lands / fi 4/10/1897 #1691 CHICAGO, IL Cylinder/cigar-shape? / wavy motion g 4/10/1897 #1692 ROGERS PARK, IL W. McCann and 3. Big cylinder/cigar-s 4/11/1897 #1703 GIRARD AND NILWOOD, IL 2 separate landings. Cylinder/cigar-s 4/12/1897 #1722 Nilwood, IL 2:30 p.m. On the property of Z. Thack 4/12/1897 #1725 Girard (near Green Ridge), IL 6:00 p.m. A large crowd of miners saw 4/12/1897 #1726 Springfield, IL Two farm workers, Adolph Winkle and J 4/15/1897 #1788 Downs Township, IL Approximate date. While working in hi 4/16/1897 #1816 Northern Wayne County, IL Early Humanoid Report (NICAP: 07 - En 6/1923 #2923 WESTMONT, IL Large disk going west. 5 small disks 8/1926 #2973 WEST FRANKFORT, IL Boy. Bright metallic 12M sphere/orb/g 4/1927 (approximate) #3004 Hinsdale, IL William T. Powers (later associated w Spring 1940 #3508 HINSDALE, IL 1 observer. 5 disks / 200kph. Enter c 4/1940 (approximate) #3511 Unknown City, IL Light gray, sharply defined rectangle Spring 1942 #3638 e name supposedly comes from the L’il Abner comic strip, which has a place 7/1943 #3804 MATTOON, IL Pseudo-human/entity looks through win 8/8/1944 #3987 Mattoon, IL A mysterious man appeared at windows, End of 8/1944 #4003 10 MI EAST / JOLIET, IL Railroad/railway engineer. 9 saucers 6/24/1947 #5086 ROCKFORD, IL Farmer. 7 blue disks over farm. 2 hou 6/28/1947 #5169 SPRINGFIELD, IL Cop and several motorists. 4 disks sh 7/3/1947 #5344 hoot across sky. Later in Decatur, IL. 7/3/1947 #5344 KANKAKEE, IL 2 observer(s). 5 saucers / row roll / 7/6/1947 #5594 CHICAGO, IL Dozens / separate observer(s). Large 7/6/1947 #5603 WILLOW SPRINGS, IL 2 observer(s). 13 house-sized saucers 7/7/1947 #5692 GLASGOW, IL Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) tele 7/7/1947 #5696 CICERO, IL 1 observer. Very large silver saucer. 7/7/1947 #5699 ROCKFORD, IL Farmer Luckey. Shiny disk "electric c 7/7/1947 #5723 EAST PEORIA, IL 1 observer. 25-30 disks hover in stra 7/7/1947 #5724 Willow Springs, IL Robert Meegan and his 14 year old son 7/7/1947 #5746 CHICAGO, IL 3 separate report(s) to 9 July going 7/8/1947 #5806 SPRINGFIELD, IL 2 observer(s). Shiny grey disk whizze 7/9/1947 #5887 Danforth, IL Specimens of an alleged “Flying Sauce 8/1947 #6168 Alton, IL (38.90° N, 90.17° W). Siegmund. (NICA 4/11/1948 #6626 Belleville, IL Scott AFB (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 6/20/1948 #6707 SR22 AT SR59, IL 2 truckers. 12M ovoid lands. 1M windo 8/1948 (approximate) #6816 Chanute AFB, IL (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 12/8/1948 #7004 PINCKNEYVILLE, IL 2 / private plane. 20m saucer / 1500m 2/22/1950 #7802 Coulterville, IL Object in the shape of a discus appro 2/27/1950 #7825 ORLAND PARK, IL Man photographs 30m pie-plate saucer. 3/18/1950 (approximate) #7955 BRADFORD, IL Several / private plane. Very fast me 3/18/1950 #7957 Bradford (near), IL Fisher Case (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 3/18/1950 #7960 RED BUD, IL Several separate observer(s). Huge re 4/23/1950 #8202 Red Bud, IL Red Bud, IL (NICAP: 08 - Photographic 4/23/1950 #8203 Red Bud, IL Red Bud, IL (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 4/23/1950 #8203 NORTH CHICAGO, IL Several separate observer(s). 2 15M g 4/28/1950 #8240 EAST / WILMETTE, IL 25m meteor-saucer going quickly south 5/13/1950 #8280 CAIRO, IL 5 observer(s). Chrome-ovoids maneuver 6/28/1950 #8381 OVER WILLIAMSVILLE, IL Air and ground observers. 3M glowing- 7/29/1950 #8457 RIVERDALE, IL 1 observer. Saucer going [to] overhea 8/6/1950 #8492 LAKE STOREY, IL 7+observer(s) / (seen thru) binocular 8/6/1950 #8493 Effingham (5 miles SW of), IL Red Lights On Collision Course With A 9/13/1950 #8577 CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE, IL 30 / 10 theodolites. Large ovoid by b 10/1950 (approximate) #8611 OVER BRADFORD, IL TWA pilot. Night light / violent turn 12/27/1950 #8821 Bradford (near), IL Shutts Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 12/27/1950 #8822 GALENA, IL 12m baseball-bat / 90M altitude. Skir 2/3/1951 #8908 Chicago, IL Chicago Daily News. SAUCERS MORE THAN 2/26/1951 #8949 VANDALIA, IL 2 pilots and Air Traffic Controller. 8/27/1951 #9198 Vandalia, IL Large blinding orange light to the SW 8/27/1951 #9199 EAST / MOKENA, IL Man rolling tractor tire abduction. 5 9/24/1951 #9284 EAST / PARIS, IL Blue Book 985. Private pilot and sepa 10/9/1951 #9315 Paris, IL Hulman Fld (IN); Paris (IL); Newport 10/9/1951 #9318 Paris, IL Hulman Fld (IN); Paris (IL); Newport atomic plant Unknown (NICAP 10/9/1951 #9318 Chicago, IL Chicago Herald-American. UNDER THE GR 11/1951 #9373 Granite City, IL The 3903rd Radar Bomb Scoring Group o 2/13/1952 #9590 CHICAGO, IL 2 saucers exit cloud. Flip over compl 3/27/1952 #9686 HOMEWOOD, IL 2 women. Silver parachute canopy circ 4/28/1952 #9989 Homewood, IL Two civilian witnesses reported to th 4/28/1952 #9991 PROSPECT HTS, IL 12m saucer hovers / 30M altitude near 5/1952 #10016 Chicago, IL Ten Targets With Gnd Radar / No Visua 6/3/1952 #10278 Chicago, IL Bright yellow-white, egg-shaped objec 6/25/1952 #10536 PARK RIDGE, IL 3 military cops. 10M saucer over 2 ra 6/29/1952 #10585 O'Hare Airport, Chicago, IL A bright silver smooth surfaced, flat 6/29/1952 #10586 CHICAGO, IL Project Bluebook Case #1382. 1 observ 7/3/1952 #10637 Chicago, IL 2 bright pastel green discs fly strai 7/3/1952 #10639 WHEATON, IL 2 observer(s). 2 yellow disks pace ai 7/8/1952 #10672 LINCOLNWOOD, IL Lt. Col. Weig sees flying saucer / Ch 7/11/1952 (approximate) #10707 NEAR ARLINGTON, IL Jets chase. Mystery radio says pilots 7/12/1952 #10725 CHICAGO, IL Air Force Officer and many. Large red 7/12/1952 #10728 Arlington, IL F-86 On Scramble Mission / Strange Ra 7/12/1952 #10732 Arlington, IL Oblong yellowish lighted object with 7/12/1952 #10733 Chicago, IL Air Force weather officer, many other 7/12/1952 #10735 Belleville, IL Five Radar Tracks In 50 Minutes (NICA 7/12/1952 #10740 Yreka CA, Chicago IL, and Dayton OH PACIFIC COAST AND ROCK 7/17/1952 #10825 CHICAGO, IL 1 observer and more. 6 luminous sauce 7/19/1952 #10918 Belleville, IL Four Large Objects Tracked On Ground 7/27/1952 #11274 CAIRO, IL Ground Observer Corps (GOC) observer( 7/28/1952 #11322 ROCKFORD, IL Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) bino 7/28/1952 #11330 Chicago, IL Chicago Daily News. EXPERTS DOUBT RAD 7/30/1952 #11456 NORTHWEST / BELVIDERE, IL 3 / US20. Flattened silver sphere hov 8/1/1952 #11533 ROCKFORD, IL Pilot / ground and 16. Series 54+whit 8/10/1952 #11721 Rockford, IL Fifty - four "flying saucers" were si 8/11/1952 #11736 NORTHEAST / MATTOON, IL Thin silent disk going down [to] betw 8/15/1952 #11807 NORTH / URBANA, IL Air Force Lt. Col. and 4 / drive-in m 8/15/1952 #11811 SOUTHEAST / PITTSFIELD, IL Dull-red 6M ovoid going south. Stops 8/15/1952 #11812 CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE, IL 8 military observer(s). 4 blue-glowin 8/16/1952 #11819 Elgin, IL AF jets pursuing yellow light. 8/22/1952 #11892 Elgin, IL USAF jets, guided by Ground Observer 8/22/1952 #11900 CHICAGO, IL 2 airport/apartment RADAR's. 40 blips 9/2/1952 #12078 Chicago, IL Midway Airport 40 targets flying in m 9/2/1952 #12083 EAST / QUINCY, IL WX man and more/others / airport/apar 9/5/1952 #12107 CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE, IL Air Traffic Controllers. Blue blob re 9/16/1952 #12235 NEAR JOLIET, IL 2 / car. 20M silver half-dome hovers. 9/25/1952 (approximate) #12325 SOUTHEAST / HARMONY, IL 2 / US20. Bright dish-saucer zigzags. 10/9/1952 #12428 Momence, IL CAP Pilot Sees Silver Ball At 1000' ( 10/19/1952 #12501 KANKAKEE, IL Saucer passes over town. Angel hair f 11/1952 #12581 CHICAGO AND NAPERVILLE, IL Row night lights. Plane chases. Easil 12/8/1952 #12789 Chicago, IL Thorpe/Plowe (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 12/8/1952 #12791 Vandalia, IL Navy pilots (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 9/7/1953 #13708 SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, IL White sphere/orb/globe stands still / 10/7/1953 #13768 Scott AFB, IL 2 oval extremely brilliant silver obj 12/24/1953 #13977 ROCKFORD, IL CAA Air Traffic Controller. Saucer fl 2/21/1954 #14177 WEST / ROCKFORD, IL 1 / car. Saturn saucer south / road. 3/23/1954 #14261 CHICAGO, IL Project Bluebook Case #2962. 3 observ 4/8/1954 #14307 Chicago, IL Lady Observes Saucer / Small Entity G 4/8/1954 #14308 PISTAKEE LK, IL Architect. Object whistles and flutte 4/21/1954 #14332 CHICAGO, IL 2 orbs appear / photograph / solar ec 6/30/1954 #14653 DANVILLE, IL TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) 7/1954 #14661 NEW BADEN, IL Electric eng. fishing. Glowing car-si 9/18/1954 #15113 NORTH / KANKAKEE, IL Several observer(s). 3 fast white dis 10/19/1954 #16164 HUNTLEY, IL Car followed 10 / min by 3 7M "balloo 3/2/1955 #17047 Huntley, IL Car Followed By Three Black Objects W 3/2/1955 #17048 PARIS, IL 2+observer(s). Silver bell-shape "swa 3/9/1955 #17057 CHERRY VALLEY, IL Air Force jets shoot weather balloon. 4/8/1955 #17108 Rockford, IL Silver Disc Shot Down Over Rockford ( 4/8/1955 #17109 EAST ST. LOUIS, IL Several observer(s). Silver "weather 8/4/1955 #17378 MARENGO, IL 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binocular 8/8/1955 #17393 CAIRO, IL Lady. Vibrant bright triangle going q 8/11/1955 #17403 SPRINGFIELD, IL Ground Observer Corps (GOC) flash. Gl 9/18/1955 #17533 INGLESIDE, IL Deep rumble. Glowing ovoid going [to] 10/27/1955 (approximate) #17603 SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, IL Military observer(s). Orange fireball 1/3/1956 #17740 EAST / DANVILLE, IL Blue Book. Civil observer(s) = Nicoso 8/12/1956 #18194 LITCHFIELD, IL 2 / US66. 3 saucers. Big saucer / mid 9/13/1956 #18355 ur Research Foundation in Chicago, IL for four years before being recruited Late 1956 #18423 SOUTH / ALBION, IL 4 / car and several / farm. Saucer bu 11/22/1956 #18491 ITALY, "il buco del Preto Santo" near San Ruffil 7/7/1957 (approximate) #18976 r. Around 2:30 PM they arrived at "il buco del Preto Santo" where a flying 7/7/1957 (approximate) #18976 CAIRO, IL 2 ovoids below clouds / 45 min. 1 bli 8/14/1957 #19101 GOREVILLE, IL Sheriff and 1. 6 luminous/glowing sil 8/15/1957 (approximate) #19113 US51 NORTH / MENDOTA, IL Long gold cylinder/cigar-shape drops. 9/24/1957 #19256 WEST / MORRIS, IL Gold egg hovers. 2 jets arrive and di 9/28/1957 #19268 ELMWOOD PARK, IL Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Ovoid 11/4/1957 #19519 Elmwood Park, IL Squad car lights and spotlight dimmed 11/4/1957 #19530 Elmwood Park, IL Police and witness saw red-orange cig 11/4/1957 #19535 GALESBURG, IL Dog barks. Fiery orange ovoid hovers. 11/5/1957 #19560 EAST ST. LOUIS, IL 3 railroad/railway men. 2 silvery ovo 11/5/1957 #19565 ANTIOCH, IL 2 / car. Luminous/glowing saucer foll 11/5/1957 #19578 Ringwood, IL UFO followed car returning to town. T 11/5/1957 #19596 East St. Louis, IL Three Alton & Southern Railroad emplo 11/5/1957 #19599 EAST / RICHMOND, IL 60M ovoid changes color(s) / 600M alt 11/6/1957 #19632 NEAR DANVILLE, IL Cops chase glowing-ovoid / 15 mile(s) 11/6/1957 #19648 SOUTH / ROSCOE, IL Local wave / night lights etc. Huge b 11/6/1957 #19654 Danville, IL Police chased UFO, unable to notify h 11/6/1957 #19665 TAMAROA, IL Moon saucer. Beams and flashes and bo 11/14/1957 #19826 Tamaroa, IL Power failed for 10 minutes in a four 11/14/1957 #19830 Joliet, IL (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar Co 11/23/1957 #19884 WEST / JOLIET, IL ANG F86 chases yellow flat metallic o 11/26/1957 #19904 Joliet, IL Pilot saw a stationary yellowish obje 11/26/1957 #19911 Marion, IL Three reports of seven red lighted ob 1/9/1958 #20125 Crystal Lake, IL Pilot saw a white disc the size of a 6/20/1958 #20449 Aurora, IL Police reported several yellowish UFO 10/12/1958 #20707 OBLONG, IL Large round silver object ringed by 6 10/30/1958 #20773 SOUTHEAST / ATLAS, IL 2 / car. 2 saucers "dogfight" all ove 12/29/1958 #20898 MARKHAM, IL 2 observer(s). Sparkling glowing-saus 1/6/1959 #20940 ELBURN, IL Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Unite 8/19/1959 #21388 Elburn, IL Airline pilot saw a string of 3-4 whi 8/19/1959 #21391 OAK FOREST, IL Former Air Force pilot. Saucer hovers 8/16/1960 #21955 Oak Forest, IL Former Air Force pilot saw disc-like 8/16/1960 #21963 CHICAGO, IL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars / planetar 8/25/1960 #21984 CRETE, IL Project Bluebook Case #6929. Unidenti 8/29/1960 #21995 Crete, IL Shiny, round, silver object fly strai 8/29/1960 #21996 LONG POINT, IL Minister and several. Golden football 10/9/1960 #22065 Longpoint, IL Minister and others saw a golden, ell 10/9/1960 #22066 CHICAGO HEIGHTS, IL Night lights = running lights / 2 lar 11/7/1960 #22081 MOLINE, IL AND MORE/OTHERS Airport weathermen an 11/11/1960 #22083 Hanna City AFS, IL Object at 97,000' Tracked on FPS-6A ( 4/20/1961 #22282 Arlington Heights, IL (McDonald list) Sharp Radar Returns a 11/7/1961 #22628 NEAR POPLAR GROVE, IL 2 observer(s). 3 metallic discus sauc 11/8/1961 #22630 NAPERVILLE, IL Project Bluebook Case #7841. 2 observ 3/26/1962 #22779 Naperville, IL 6-8 red balls, arranged in a rectangu 3/26/1962 #22781 Chicago, IL City of Chicago official watched circ 10/3/1962 #23206 DES PLAINES, IL Blue Book. Separate observer(s). Dome 10/4/1962 #23207 CHICAGO, IL Grey sphere/orb/globe. Row of lights 6/21/1963 #23590 Chicago, IL A student saw a gray, apparently sphe 6/21/1963 #23592 GLEN ELLYN, IL Project Bluebook Case #8434. 1 observ 7/1/1963 #23615 Glen Ellyn, IL Theodolite saw a light, the size of a 7/1/1963 #23616 SPRINGFIELD, IL Shiny silver UFO goes left and right 7/20/1963 #23642 Springfield, IL About 7:50 p.m., a shiny silver objec 7/20/1963 #23643 WAYNE, IL 7 observer(s). Fireball paces car / 6 8/4/1963 #23664 Wayne City, IL The Wayne City Car Chase (EM & NUCAT) 8/4/1963 #23665 Fairfield (4 miles E of ), IL Dogs Sense UFO, Object Approaches Wit 8/7/1963 #23684 MT. VERNON, IL Fireball paces and circles car / 30 m 8/8/1963 #23687 Mount Vernon, IL Big As A Washtub (NICAP: 02 - Close E 8/9/1963 #23689 Warrenville, IL Boersma saw a light move around the s 8/11/1963 #23693 CHICAGO, IL Project Bluebook Case #8788. 1 observ 5/9/1964 #24124 Chicago, IL 3 light green crescent-shaped objects 5/9/1964 #24126 WEST / LAWRENCEVILLE, IL 15' silent domed saucer with porthole 6/8/1964 #24219 WEST / LITTLETON, IL Project Bluebook Case #8942. 1 / car. 7/20/1964 #24317 LAKE FOREST, IL Noise. Transparent glowing-bubble ove 7/1965 #25016 TINLEY PARK, IL Project Bluebook Case #9680. 2 teens. 8/4/1965 #25319 Tinley Park, IL Unnamed 14 year-olds saw a light move 8/4/1965 #25323 Chicago (area), IL Two Objects Picked Up On Radar (NICAP 8/5/1965 #25342 TRIVOLI, IL East / Farmington. Domed saucer circl 2/26/1966 #26012 Farmington (5 miles E of), IL Flying oval object, the size of a car 2/26/1966 #26013 Normal, IL 7:15 p.m. CST. At least 10 witnesses 3/22/1966 #26128 JOPPA, IL ~12 observer(s). Ovoid with cluster / 3/23/1966 #26139 Joppa, IL Night, CST. An oblong object surround 3/23/1966 #26149 Forest Park, IL 5:40 p.m. CST. A Navy technician watc 8/15/1966 #26908 CICERO, IL Engineer. Saturn shaped disk seen. No 8/27/1966 #26988 Civero, IL 9:30 p.m. CDT. A production engineer 8/27/1966 #26989 NEAR NEWTON, IL 6 / farm. 6m x 2m cylinder/cigar-shap 10/10/1966 #27175 NEWTON, IL Saucer near house. Static / phone lin 10/14/1966 #27195 Newton, IL 6:45 p.m. CDT. A yellow-orange disc-s 10/14/1966 #27196 Galesburg, IL One Knoxville farmer and several moto 1/1967 #27484 CAIRO, IL TO/FROM CHARLESTON, MO Cops. Saucer h 1/19/1967 #27603 COFFEEN, IL Minister. 20 Mx3M slow silent saucer 1/26/1967 #27652 Coffeen (near), IL 60 ft object, flat on the bottom, rou 1/26/1967 #27653 GRANITE CITY, IL Classic domed saucer seen / 6 cops an 1/28/1967 #27668 WEST FRANKFORT, IL Room size domed saucer with windows j 2/2/1967 #27700 Sumner, IL A well-known craftsman, who requested 2/2/1967 #27705 Alton, IL 7:30 p.m. CST. A couple saw a round, 2/10/1967 #27768 West Frankfort, IL 8:20 p.m. CST. A woman saw an object 2/14/1967 #27817 MARION, IL Red ovoid hovers over truck then a ca 2/23/1967 #27901 Carterville, IL 8:10 p.m. CST. Two women saw a light 2/23/1967 #27904 Marion, IL 9:30 p.m. CST. A woman saw a red oval 2/23/1967 #27905 LEWISTOWN, IL Ovoid with windows hovers over trees. 3/3/1967 #28014 Wheaton, IL 7:00 p.m. CST (8:00 p.m. EST). Two pe 3/3/1967 #28017 Lewiston, IL 10:20 p.m. CST. A couple saw a large 3/3/1967 #28021 HENDERSON, IL Project Bluebook Case #11460. Cop. Do 3/6/1967 #28053 Galesburg-Moline, IL Object shaped like a rubber cup place 3/6/1967 #28056 KEENEYVILLE, IL 15' saucer west light beams over US20 3/7/1967 #28063 Keeneyville & Bartlett, between, IL Dog in car alarmed as disc directs li 3/7/1967 #28068 Aurora, IL 12:00 Noon CST. A couple saw a brilli 3/8/1967 #28088 Westmont, IL 6:55 p.m. CST (7:55 p.m. EST). About 3/8/1967 #28089 Henderson and Galesburg, IL Domed circular object with red body l 3/8/1967 #28099 MOLINE, IL Cop. 25' / 8mm film / luminous ovoid. 3/9/1967 #28114 GALESBURG, IL 2 women. Domed pancake nears. Blindin 3/9/1967 #28115 Galesburg, IL Object shaped like a pancake with a r 3/9/1967 #28119 Moline, IL Policeman spotted two UFOs in the aft 3/9/1967 #28123 Savanna, IL 8:35 p.m. CST (9:35 p.m. EST). Police 3/9/1967 #28125 Champaign, IL 7:30 p.m. CST (8:30 p.m. EST). Three 3/18/1967 #28208 NEW BADEN, IL 2 observer(s). Heat. Saucer / ground. 3/21/1967 #28224 New Baden, IL Multiple witnesses, landing, (#268). 3/21/1967 #28228 EAST / LAWRENCEVILLE, IL Silver wingless DC3 fuselage maneuver 3/23/1967 #28246 Lawrenceville, IL 11:30 a.m. Man requesting his name be 3/23/1967 #28251 Canton, IL 6:25 p.m.CST. A man and his 11-year-o 3/25/1967 #28280 Westmont, IL 8:25 p.m. CST. Three people saw a dis 3/30/1967 #28320 Elizabeth, IL 12:15 a.m. CST. A man saw a very larg 4/23/1967 #28528 Champaign, IL Evening. Two people saw a white-light 5/9/1967 #28628 ing," some local boys were saying "il disco," and pointing skyward. I snapp 7/18/1967 #29069 HUEY, IL Red night light pulses / 45 minute(s) 8/15/1967 #29274 Rockford, IL Time not reported. A policeman, an FA 10/2/1967 #29588 HERRIN, IL College student and mother. Classic s 10/12/1967 #29656 Aurora, IL Evening. An oval shaped light, red at Spring 1968 #30352 CENTRALIA, IL Electric fence charger and clock elec 5/1968 #30444 Centralia, IL Eveing. Several minutes. Several stra 5/1968 #30445 SR100 SOUTH / NUTWOOD, IL 3 / separate cars. Silent 40cm 'wheel 1/17/1969 #31443 YORKVILLE, IL Long cone going [to] backwards. Car m 1/25/1969 #31456 Plattevillie, IL Cone-shaped object approached, outsid 1/25/1969 #31458 NEAR PALATINE, IL 3+separate observer(s). 15M helmet-sa 5/12/1969 #31735 LADD AND PERU, IL Pilot. 4 50x30cm glowing footballs pa 6/17/1969 #31832 15 MI SOUTHEAST / QUINCY, IL SR96. Rounded triangle lifts car 3m. 11/30/1969 #32134 QUINCY, IL 3 / car. 2 red orbs hover 10 minute(s 10/4/1970 #32570 EAST / WALSH, IL Farmer. Silent circular disk hovers / 10/5/1970 #32573 Walsh, IL Cows’ behavior supports IFO theory (N 10/5/1970 #32576 Carlyle, IL 11:50 p.m. Herb Williams was filling 4/30/1971 #32825 Springfield, IL Evening. Seven reports from Illinois 10/5/1971 #33183 Norris City, IL Evening. Former Navy weather observer 11/7/1971 #33247 Germantown, IL Three sisters who live on a farm abou 5/14/1972 #33508 Belleville, IL 10:00 p.m. Couple from Millstadt, IL, 6/11/1972 #33541 10:00 p.m. Couple from Millstadt, IL, were driving on 59th St. Lady notice 6/11/1972 #33541 CHICAGO, IL Aerospace writer. Night light / crazy 7/19/1972 #33648 Chicago, IL 10:42 p.m. Peter Reich, aerospace wri 7/19/1972 #33649 Belleville, IL 9:45 p.m. 3-4 Mins. Four people obser 7/31/1972 #33688 Bensonville, IL 5:30 a.m. "It was shaped like a footb 8/11/1972 #33740 Elgin, IL 5:30 a.m. Orange "football-shaped" ob 8/11/1972 #33741 strange object. (See Bensonville, IL) (SL-59, page 11) (NICAP: 02 - Close 8/11/1972 #33741 Oak Brook, IL 5:30 a.m. Same object seen. (SL-59, p 8/11/1972 #33742 GALVA, IL Various Ind civil defense groups by r 8/20/1972? #33781 Lorraine, IL 9:00 p.m. A gentleman, while driving 10/14/1972 #33939 Patoka, IL 6:45 p.m. A lady was on her way to Pa 11/24/1972 #34009 Pana, IL Evening. Three boys reported they saw 2/8/1973 #34172 GRAND TOWER, IL 2+1 observer(s). Silent 8m saucer ove 3/22/1973 #34264 MURPHYSBORO, IL 1 observer. Low-flying disk going [to 3/22/1973 #34265 Grand Tower, IL 9:15 p.m. Object approximately 1,500' 3/22/1973 #34266 I90 NORTHWEST / ELK GROVE VILLAGE, IL Cop and hundreds. Erratic night light 5/10/1973 #34388 PEKIN, IL Several observer(s). Low-flying domed 5/18/1973 #34418 Pekin, IL 10:00 p.m. A large "unidentified flyi 5/18/1973 #34421 Divernon, IL 2:15 to 2:30 a.m. The UFO had a serie 6/2/1973 #34467 Princton, IL UFOs were sighted by three young girl 6/14/1973 #34487 Sandoval, IL At 9:00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Sanders saw a 6/28/1973 #34516 Fairfield, IL Four boys (ages 14-18) saw an illumin 7/6/1973 #34542 GRIGGSVILLE, IL 3 observer(s). Saucer-cylinder/cigar- 8/1973 (approximate) #34598 GREENUP, IL 2 / car and several separate observer 8/4/1973 #34609 Greenup, IL The fast moving object was rectangula 8/4/1973 #34610 Greenup, IL Evening. Man saw the object across th 8/4/1973 #34611 Greenup, IL Patty Markwell, 13, was in her mother 8/4/1973 #34612 Greenup, IL One report report came from a Charles 8/19/1973 #34647 Morris, IL 11:30 p.m. 20-mins. Discoid object ho 9/5/1973 #34706 Quincy, IL 8:30 p.m. Sheriff's officers trailed 9/29/1973 #34832 Red Bud, IL 2:30 p.m. Four-engine prop plane took 10/1973 #34847 Polo, IL Evening. Police officer saw object ov 10/3/1973 #34874 ZEIGLER, IL 1 observer. Disk going [to] over pine 10/5/1973 #34888 Ziegler, IL 3:00 a.m. 15 mins. Lady saw object em 10/5/1973 #34897 CAMBRIDGE, IL 2 observer(s). Silent UFO / treetops. 10/15/1973 #35005 CARBONDALE, IL UFO over city center and grain elevat 10/17/1973 (approximate) #35064 Clinton, IL Police and citizens saw as many as ei 10/17/1973 #35086 PEORIA, IL 4 / car. Luminous 50'"giant green hot 10/22/1973 #35208 Mauni, IL Unconfirmed date & insufficient data 10/22/1973 #35211 Okawville, IL Time not given. About 20 miles southw 10/31/1973 #35304 DEKALB AND OGLE COS, IL Several separate cops report orange n 11/3/1973 #35336 DAVIS JCT., IL AND OREGON AND MT. MORRIS AND FORREST 11/3/1973 #35337 Berwyn, IL 5:15 p.m. Two women were driving, saw 1/4/1974 #35644 st. News and big debate follows. / Il Giorno. 4/3/1974 #36033 LINCOLNSHIRE, IL 2 boys photograph saucer-cylinder/cig 5/5/1974 #36131 Lincolnshire, IL Six photos taken. Boys sight UFO, Hyn 5/5/1974 #36134 , Hynek called in. (Review Vernon, IL, May 23, 1974 clipping) (NICAP: 08 - 5/5/1974 #36134 Calhoun, IL 10:00 p.m. State Police at Parkersbur 5/23/1974 #36181 Lincolnshire, IL No details but recorded as close enco 6/11/1974 #36236 METCALF, IL 3 small humanoids (or Greys) / bedroo 6/16/1974 #36261 Metcalf, IL Midnight. Beginning of a series of ab 6/18/1974 #36271 Metcalf, IL 4:30 a.m. Second elderly farmer watch 6/18/1974 #36272 Sparta, IL Time not given, or other details. CE- 8/21/1974 #36452 Melrose Park, IL CE-1. No details (CUFOS) (NICAP: 07 - 10/29/1974 #36659 Barrington, IL Evening. Two 7th graders and one of t 10/31/1974 #36663 Kampsville, IL 6:00 p.m. Lady and her son saw sharpl 11/1974 #36665 NEAR SHABBONA, IL Private pilot paced / 36m silver sauc 11/24/1974 #36701 Between Dekalk & Mendota, IL Pilot Says Compass Affected (NICAP: 0 11/28/1974 #36714 Shabonna, IL Pilot reported object and E-M effects 11/28/1974 #36715 MARISSA, IL 3 / car. White dome with antennas. Cy 12/21/1974 #36752 Darmstadt, IL 11:30 p.m. Three Illinois youths repo 12/21/1974 #36755 BOND CO, IL Location approximate. 100m x15m yello 1/1/1975 #36795 Kankakee, IL 9:00 p.m. Two witnesses (William Cald 1/1/1975 #36798 Bloomington, IL CE-1, one witness. No other details ( 1/5/1975 #36840 Brownstown, IL 2:30 p.m. 15-year old David Mahon was 1/5/1975 #36841 Pike, IL 5:00 a.m. Awakened by a brilliant red 1/20/1975 #36877 Carmi, IL 7:20 p.m. Witness reported he and his 2/9/1975 #36924 LINCOLNSHIRE, IL 2 observer(s). Silent dark saucer spi 6/30/1975 #37319 Oak Brook, IL On this night in 1975 in Oak Brook, I 11/19/1975 #37992 Nashville, IL Evening. Humanoid report. Woman encou 2/25/1976 #38281 Villa park, IL No details on this close encounter (C 3/28/1976 #38353 CHILLICOTHE, IL 14 calls / police. Cylinder/cigar-sha 4/25/1976 #38414 CHARLESTON, IL 200+observer(s) call WEIC disk-jockey 8/19/1976 #38693 . Flying-boxcar back. See Greenup, IL. 8/19/1976 #38693 LONG GROVE, IL Crackling noise. Strong spotlight hit 3/9/1977 #39345 DEERFIELD, IL Pilot / car / I94. Silent silver mush 4/5/1977 #39413 Deerfield, IL 2:17 PM. 1-1.5 mins. Pilot driving on 4/5/1977 #39414 I80 NORTH / MORRIS, IL 2+2 / separate cars. Straw-hat or Sat 5/8/1977 #39544 Joliet, IL 2:00 PM. Adult couple driving westbou 5/8/1977 #39545 Joliet, IL 2:30 PM. Adult couple experienced obj 5/8/1977 #39546 MT. CARMEL, IL 2 / car. Night lights going down. Spl 6/9/1977 #39632 Crystal Lake, IL Time not given nor any details except 6/12/1977 #39637 Mt. Vernon, IL 2:10 AM. Our local police dispatcher 7/12/1977 #39752 NORMAL, IL Art professor and 2. Silent plain cyl 7/31/1977 #39819 Normal, IL 6:30 PM. University professor called 7/31/1977 #39822 Champaign, IL 3:55 PM. Retired ploice officer, ex-p 10/13/1977 #40091 CHICAGO, IL 1 observer. Silent double-domed rever 1/10/1978 #40405 Chicago, IL A 31-year-old paramedic was driving t 1/10/1978 #40410 ension power lines lines. Lands? / Il Resto. 6/23/1978 #40885 SCHAUMBURG, IL School principal. Metal sphere/orb/gl 7/4/1978 #40915 Schaumburg, IL 34-year old school principal watched 7/4/1978 #40920 PEORIA, IL 2 / car. Fireball flies behind buildi 8/7/1978 #41075 Peoria, IL 9:00 PM. Light with whirring noise pa 8/7/1978 #41077 CARPENTERSVILLE, IL 2m figure outside window. 1m domed sa 9/15/1978 #41280 Carpentersville, IL A 26-year-old woman was awakened by a 9/15/1978 #41283 GURNEE, IL 2 observer(s). Night lights passing g 9/27/1978 #41356 Rapatee, IL Two teenage girls from London Mills r 12/1978 #41657 going quickly northeast to sea. / Il Tempo. 12/13/1978 #41738 SR116 WITH FAIRVIEW, IL 2 teens. Small delta/triangle/box-lik 12/14/1978 #41750 Park Ridge, IL Two 12-year-old girls in Park Ridge w 12/14/1978 #41753 London Mills, IL On Highway 116 a tubular-shaped craft 12/14/1978 #41754 ng west from sea in small jumps. / Il Diario. 12/17/1978 #41796 WHEELING, IL 1+dog. Silent 6' balloon glows and ho 6/26/1979 #42300 Wheeling, IL A dog started barking when a six-foot 6/26/1979 #42302 CRYSTAL LAKE, IL 2 / car. Silent metallic ovoid hovers 7/1/1979 #42316 SOUTHWEST / WENONA, IL 1 / car. Dark pyramid going east / lo 7/28/1979 #42361 SYCAMORE, IL 2+observer(s). Orange night light zig 8/29/1979 #42477 lso 2 separate observers / Weedon, IL. Cop chases. Going west. Big news. 8/29/1979 #42477 STREAMWOOD, IL 5 observer(s). Silver disk with black 9/9/1979 #42532 Chicago, IL The silver disc had angular size abou 9/9/1979 #42537 POPLAR GROVE, IL 1 / car. Night light hovers. Swoops g 9/20/1979 #42592 WESTMONT, IL 2 observer(s). Flat-bottom saucer hov 10/25/1979 #42655 North Area, IL We had a call from the sheriff's depa 12/29/1979 #42807 nd, very fast. 8001or02 Evansville Il 2 Woman walking dog sees blimp-like U 12/29/1979 #42807 SOUTH / KEITHSBURG, IL Several observer(s). Gold UFO hovers 3/19/1980 #42937 Mt. Vernon, IL 11-year-old boy reported a disc-shape 7/4/1980 #43134 FRANKFORT, IL Cops. "Teardrop-on side" maneuvers fa 11/25/1980 #43425 NEW LENOX AND MOKENA, IL 2 cops. Teardrop object rises. Bright 11/25/1980 #43426 Alton, IL Huge bright light went to very dim, h 3/30/1981 #43676 Port Byron, IL 10:30 PM. 5-1/2 mins duration. Girl S 7/11/1981 #43824 BOLINGBROOK, IL 1+4 observer(s). Noises. Domed saucer 4/3/1982 #44293 Bolingbrook, IL A woman schoolteacher in Bolingbrook 4/3/1982 #44294 ROMEOVILLE, IL Fireball going quickly east near powe 6/15/1982 #44373 Romeoville, IL A fireball with an odd shape flew rap 6/15/1982 #44374 Lombard, IL 3:45 PM. A brilliant round, intense l 11/6/1982 #44567 Palatine, IL Police Commander Michael McDonald was 11/27/1982 #44583 PALATINE, IL Cop car lit / object overhead. Big ch 11/27/1982 #44585 Palatine, IL Luminous object brightly illuminated 11/27/1982 #44586 Palatine, IL Luminous object brightly illuminated 11/27/1982 #44588 McHenry, IL 7:30 PM. A disc-shaped object with a 5/23/1983 #44778 Byron, IL A triangular flying object was sighte 12/12/1983 #45015 CARBONDALE, IL 3 observer(s). White wingless "footba 12/7/1985 #45767 METCALF, IL 1 observer. Silent 12m cylinder/cylin 6/8/1986 #45966 PARK RIDGE, IL 2 observer(s). Wingless white cylinde 6/16/1986 #45973 PARK RIDGE, IL 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape / 7/16/1986 #46008 METCALF, IL 1 observer. Shiny object turns bright 7/19/1986 #46012 METCALF, IL Abductee. Silver saucer hovers / old 8/20/1986 #46062 METCALF, IL Farm cart shakes violently. Lights el 9/4/1986 #46080 SR53 WITH CHICAGO, IL Many observer(s). 50'"horseshoe" floa 9/12/1986 #46093 JOLIET, IL 2 observer(s). 8' ovoid paces car in 2/9/1987 #46195 NEW HAVEN, IL 1 observer. Cylinder/cigar-shape with 5/10/1988 #46691 BELLEVILLE, IL Several observer(s). Circular object 1/12/1989 #46939 OLYMPIA FIELDS, IL 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape l 2/2/1989 #46981 DU QUOIN, IL Multiple observer(s). Object with red 2/9/1989 #46993 METCALF, IL Power out. Repeat abductee fires 4 sh 5/1/1989 #47102 IPAVA, IL Jet passes. 2 cottony forms appear. A 10/4/1989 #47348 Beavercreek, IL Brilliant white pulsating oval paced 3/2/1990 #47721 Beavercreek, IL Brilliant white pulsating oval paced 3/2/1990 #47722 SOUTH CHICAGO, IL 1 observer. Domed silver ovoid hovers 4/16/1990 #47847 CALUMET CITY, IL Cop and 3. 10m grey domed saucer hove 5/30/1990 #47929 CARBONDALE, IL Silent pyramid / night lights just ov 11/29/1990 #48285 DELAVAN, IL Round silver object flew 12m over car 3/11/1992 #48817 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL Report abductee feels pulled going [t 6/1993 #49493 French) The next day's newspaper "Il Tempo" reported that a mysterious fly 3/6/1994 #49978 INVERNESS, IL Also Barrington. Several observer(s). 6/9/1994 #50105 USA, Bloomington, IL (McClean County) (Translated from Fre 2/6/1995 #50594 US136 NEAR MCLEAN, IL Truckers. 3 slashes / light hang / ro 2/6/1995 #50595 WARREN, IL Many observer(s). 3 phony space-shutt 2/18/1995 #50624 EAST ST. LOUIS, IL Cop / I40. 200' disk 5-10X faster / a 2/22/1995 #50630 LEBANON AND CASEYVILLE, IL 2+1 separate observer(s). Ovoid zigza 3/15/1995 #50676 COLLINSVILLE, IL Red-orange disk-ovoid northwest going 3/15/1995 #50677 LITCHFIELD, IL 2 observer(s). 10' orange-green ovoid 3/15/1995 #50679 BELLEVILLE, IL Disk-ovoid surrounded / plasma going 3/15/1995 #50682 WASHINGTON PARK, IL 1 observer. Fireball north going quic 3/15/1995 #50683 HINSDALE, IL 2 / car. 50M delta/triangle/box-like 4/20/1995 #50746 OREGON, IL 2 observer(s). Domed saucer going qui 4/21/1995 #50748 MASCOUTAH, IL Storm and power outage. Large Brill o 5/15/1995 #50794 WEST CHICAGO, IL Round object hovers / 15 minute(s). S 5/15/1995 #50796 SPRINGFIELD, IL 2 observer(s). Small glowing cylinder 7/22/1995 #50911 I55 SOUTHWEST / LITCHFIELD, IL 8 / car. Formation / 5 night lights g 1/28/1996 #51360 BATH, IL Several observer(s) / home. Big orang 3/1/1996 #51437 HILLSBORO, IL 2 observer(s). 2 silent white balls h 7/16/1996 #51613 OKAWVILLE, IL 1 / car. Silent metal triangle with f 7/17/1996 #51616 DES PLAINES, IL 1 observer. Domed pancake saucer goin 6/14/1998 #52369 BELLEVILLE, IL 4 separate cops and more/others. 30M 1/5/2000 #52751 Des Plaines, IL Dog raises alarm and barks at hoverin 2/28/2006 #53798 International Airport in Chicago, IL as a “weather phenomenon” despite O’H 1/1/2007 #53869## Word: "il-14", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
VOLGOGRAD, RS UFO buzzes Aeroflot IL-14. Engines quit. Restart / object go 9/19/1967 #29510 At 7:30 p.m. Aeroflot IL-14 airliner flying over Volgograd, Ru 9/19/1967 #29516## Word: "il-18", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
crew / daytime. Pearly disk passes IL-18 / 8km altitude. 90° turn quickly g 2/1967 #27689 amin Gabrian is flying an Ilyushin Il-18 airliner at 22,800 feet in the vic 8/17/1968 #30879## Word: "il-62", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
itions at the Magadan airport, the IL-62 flight, registration number 86457 10/20/1982 #44542## Word: "il-76", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ts runway. The crew of an Ilyushin Il-76 cargo plane refuses to take off, c 1/22/2001 #52986## Word: "ilam", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Leek, Staffordshire, England Ilam 9:30 p.m. Two young student teacher 1/3/1974 #35643 inexplicably finding themselves in Ilam 12 miles away. Seconds later there 1/3/1974 #35643 light follows 2 / car. Suddenly in Ilam, Derbyshire. 4 hours missing time. 1/15/1974? #35685## Word: "ilanz", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ball going quickly west toward(s) Ilanz / 3km altitude. Suddenly turns qui 8/18/1954 #14875 neuvered in the western sky toward Ilanz at three kilometers altitude, maki 8/18/1954 #14877## Word: "ildefonse", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d, slowly advancing towards the St Ildefonse church, from the first belt of 6/10/1430 #292## Word: "ildone", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, and ignite fireworks. Mayor José Ildone Favacho Soeiro officially request 7/1977 #39705## Word: "ildrim", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ildrim” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT 7/16/1969 #31901## Word: "ile", 17 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ame time that it appeared in Belle Ile, inhabitants who went to Vannes assu 3/1636 #486 BELLE ILE, FR Luminous ball spins and wobbles. 11/23/1952 #12701 MILLINOCKET AND PRESQUE ILE, ME Several jets. Plain dark grey sa 1/29/1953 #13060 FRANCE, Ile de Ré (Translated from French) At 10 9/30/1954 #15310 p.m. near La Flotte-en-Re, on the Ile de Re, France when he saw a brillian 9/30/1954 #15339 FRANCE, Ile d'Oléron (Translated from French) Ju 10/11/1954 #15775 blue ovoid going quickly west over Ile de Oleron. 8/31/1972 #33818 ILE ROUSSE, CORSICA 2 observer(s). Silen 12/23/1973 #35594 LA REUNION, Petite Ile (Translated from French) A man saw a 2/10/1975 #36926 PETITE ILE, REUNION 12' saucer going down. Smal 2/14/1975 #36943 town of Le Delus on the island of Ile D'Oleron, France when they noticed a 8/2/1979 #42383 ILE DE GROIX, FR Night lights / delta/tr 9/7/1993 #49690 At Ile de Groix, Morbihan department, Franc 9/7/1993 #49691 SALAZIE, ILE / REUNION 1+3 observer(s). Domed sau 8/15/1997 #52118 In Ile Salazie on the island of Reunion in 8/15/1997 #52119 amond-shaped UFOs flew over Grosse Ile, Michigan. They changed shape and co 3/19/1998 #52309 d many colored lights hovered over Ile des Soeurs, Ile-de-Montreal, Quebec, 9/19/2004 #53631## Word: "ile-de-france", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ry fast over Taverny, Bessancourt, Ile-de-France, France. The object appare 9/4/2008 #54039## Word: "ile-de-montreal", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ights hovered over Ile des Soeurs, Ile-de-Montreal, Quebec, Canada at 8:30 9/19/2004 #53631## Word: "ile-en-mer", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rench) November 24, 1952. At Belle Ile-en-Mer, Friday evening, Mr. Pascal G 11/24/1952 (approximate) #12703## Word: "ile-et-vilaine", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nts in the village of Saint-Armel (Ile-et-Vilaine) sees, on the communal ro 3/25/1978 #40639 s the Vitré Gendarmerie Company of Ile-et-Vilaine to report the observation 3/26/1978 #40643## Word: "ile-vilaine", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s driving his car in Chateaugiron, Ile-Vilaine department, France observed 10/26/1990 #48161 es during its descent over Rennes, Ile-Vilaine department, France. It seeme 8/13/1995 #50982## Word: "iles", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NORTHEAST / SEPTEMBER ILES, QB BOAC crew and more/others. Huge 6/29/1954 #14647 ILES DE GLENAN, FR Boat crew. Faintly gl 10/3/1973 #34873 PR138 EAST / SEPTEMBER ILES, QBC 2 / car going east. Panel / li 8/7/1995 #50964## Word: "ilford", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Ilford, Essex, England During the early 11/30/1660 #530 Between Ilford and Romford, England Around 10 P. 4/1661 #537## Word: "ilfracombe", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ILFRACOMBE AND WESTLEIGH, ENGL Separate 6/27/1957 #18948## Word: "ilha", 13 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Ilha da Trindade, Brazil Atlantic Ocean 1/16/1958 #20144 a is anchored on the south side of Ilha da Trindade, Brazil, 730 miles off 1/16/1958 #20144 Ilha da Trindade The Brazilian Navy, aft 3/2/1958 #20233 fter an analysis of the January 16 Ilha da Trindade sighting and photos, of 3/2/1958 #20233 ILHA GRANDE, BRZ Vasp pilot. Fireball ma 7/24/1961 #22418 Ilha Grande, Brazil An intensely luminou 7/24/1961 #22419 Atlantic Ocean Ilha Cagarras Ipanema, Brazil 5:45 p.m. 3/16/1966 #26069 to the Atlantic Ocean close to the Ilha Cagarras off Ipanema, Brazil. Some 3/16/1966 #26069 ILHA BELA, BRZ Metallic cone with halo h 9/7/1971 #33082 Ilha do Major Rio Piaçabuçu São Vicente 10/1/1995 #51140 Silva Oliveira are fishing off the Ilha do Major, a mangrove area near the 10/1/1995 #51140 Ilha da Sarangonha São José do Norte Rio 10/5/1996 #51728 2 Tupi (Piper PA-28 Cherokee) over Ilha da Sarangonha, near São José do Nor 10/5/1996 #51728## Word: "ilhabela", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a, São Paulo, Brazil São Sebastião Ilhabela 7:00 p.m. Lawyer (or law profes 7/16/1956 #18091 the sea between São Sebastião and Ilhabela and land only a few yards away 7/16/1956 #18091## Word: "ilheus", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
OFF ILHEUS, BRZ Luminous sphere/orb/globe sc 6/27/1959 #21239## Word: "iligh-speed", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tly metallic Saturnshaped objects, Iligh-speed flight in formation at low a 4/20/1980 #43002## Word: "ilion", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ILION, NY UFO hovers overhead near roadw 7/23/1993 #49576## Word: "ilker", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Aegean Sea in western Turkey. 1Lt. Ilker Dinçer and his student Lt. Arda Gu 8/6/2001 #53090## Word: "ilkeston", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ILKESTON, NOTTS 1 observer. 17 red disks 9/26/1973 #34815## Word: "ilkey", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
(Translated from French) At Ilkey Moor (Yorkshire), Philip Spencer o 11/30/1987 #46443## Word: "ilkka", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
. No further details. / UFO-Finl / Ilkka Serra. 11/1947 (approximate) #6427## Word: "ilkley", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Ilkley Moor, England William Butterfield 1815 #905 NORTHWEST / ILKLEY, YORKS 4 hikers. Bright orange sp 9/24/1956 #18380 ILKLEY MOOR, YORKS 4 / royal observer(s) 2/23/1977 #39301 ILKLEY, WEST YORKS Ex-cop / abduction vi 12/1/1987 #46446 London Ilkley Moor in West Yorkshire, England E 12/1/1987 #46448 Philip Spencer) is walking across Ilkley Moor in West Yorkshire, England, 12/1/1987 #46448 owing this, Spencer is returned to Ilkley Moor, where he then takes his pho 12/1/1987 #46448 orning in 1987 on the outskirts of Ilkley Moor, West Yorkshire, England ex- 12/1/1987 #46449 ILKLEY MOOR, WEST YORKS 2 / car and 2 se 4/21/1994 #50040## Word: "ill", 98 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e dragons observed were seen as an ill omen. (January) 1/793 #86 ople died of fear; the others fell ill. It appeared to be of excessive leng 1528 #351 so terrifying that many were made ill from the fear they had. They saw som 8/1/1608 #455 , Fort Wayne, Indiana Springfield (Ill.) Fort Wayne, Indiana Early evening. Mid 4/1897 #1799 g wind. (“He Saw It,” Springfield (Ill.) News, April 26, 1897, p. 1) Mid-Ap Mid 4/1897 #1799 anwhile he suddenly fell seriously ill and died in a few weeks leaving his 4/21/1897 #1902 also talks to her. Peveto becomes ill and apparently moves away from the p 10/4/1898 #2037 mer USS Supply is transporting the ill Governor of Guam, William Elbridge S 2/28/1904 #2124 ed by a white mist. The boy became ill and had huge blisters on his hands. 1932 #3140 hours, a resident woke up feeling ill and went to the bathroom to vomit. H 8/31/1944 #4007 ed extreme thirst and the boy felt ill for days. Later, they noticed a circ Spring 1947 #4887 se the pilot and crew “suffered no ill effects,” the Air Force decides that 5/15/1948 #6674 CTIVE LAW. Leon Faber of Sandwich, Ill., sighted a bright shining object mo 4/28/1949 #7276 egetarian and that they never grow ill. Thompson also claims the Venusians 3/28/1950 #8046 heard on short wave from Monmouth Ill., police talking about a strange mov 5/31/1951 #9041 ightly illuminated UFOs and became ill for several days because of the odor 9/22/1952 #12303 e, he is offered a drink to soothe ill feelings. Gottlieb surreptitiously s 10/1952 #12389 Paroux was so scared that he fell ill and had to see a doctor. 9/28/1954 #15283 alcoholic, or drugged or mentally ill. This case should therefore be taken 10/16/1954 #16030 g nearby. The next day he was very ill, taken to the hospital, and the doct 11/1954 #16458 tor visited the witness, he became ill and had to flee, pursued by 4 men in 3/1955 #17035 encountered a UFO, which made him ill and affected his senses of smell, ta 10/2/1956 #18401 ally because his wife is seriously ill, but also because of the ridicule ge 4/10/1957 #18774 over civilian populations without ill effects. 7/19/1957 #19015 who tells him that he might become ill from the experience. 8/13/1959 #21372 meter away. Mr. Johansson suffered ill effects to his health and the maple 9/29/1959 #21471 e, Italy. The pontiff is seriously ill and dies three days later. Adamski c 5/31/1963 #23560 CENTRALIA, ILL Luminous UFO flies slow over railroa 8/7/1963 #23683 s. UFO / type unknown passes. Cows ill. / news. 12/24/1963 #23938 UFO flew by. His cows also became ill. 12/24/1963 #23939 terward, Bryant unexpectedly takes ill and dies from a brain tumor on June 4/24/1965 #24883 report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 6, Jan.-Feb. 1966, p. 2.) (NICA 1/3/1966 #25870 P notes; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 6, Jan.-Feb. 1966, p. 3; New Yo 1/11/1966 #25897 nd off. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 6, Jan.-Feb 1966, p. 3.) (NICAP 1/18/1966 #25922 oments. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 7, Mar.-Apr. 1966, p. 4.) (NICA 3/26/1966 #26194 report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 7, Mar.-Apr. 1966). (NICAP: 03 3/30/1966 #26264 , p. 23; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 7, Mar.-Apr. 1966, p. 3) (NICAP 3/31/1966 #26282 fects). (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 8, May-June 1966, p. 7.) (NICAP 4/18/1966 #26449 report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 8, May-June 1966, pp. 7-8; Fowl 4/24/1966 #26524 rt form; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 8, May-June 1966, p. 8 ). (NICA 4/24/1966 #26525 peared. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 5) (NICA 6/1/1966 #26654 1966; I/. P.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 3.) (NIC 6/23/1966 #26742 cially. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug. -Sept. 1966, p. 4.) (NI 8/1/1966 #26874 P notes; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug. -Sept. 1966, p. 4.) (NI 8/19/1966 #26933 report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, p. 4; Fowle 9/17/1966 #27075 PEORIA, ILL Large blue object flies over car. Ta 9/24/1966 #27108 moved. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, p. 6; NICAP 10/10/1966 #27177 report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, pp. 5-6.) ( 10/12/1966 #27193 a, p. 45; U.F.O Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 11, Jan. - Feb., 1967, p. 4.) ( 1/15/1967 #27563 be huge. (U.F.O Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 12, Mar.-Apr., 1967, p. 5.) (NI 1/16/1967 #27574 7, p. 4; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 11, Jan.-Feb., 1967, p. 4, date 1/19/1967 #27604 chives; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol.. Ill, No. 12, March-April 1967, p. 6; Fow 2/17/1967 #27854 e road. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 12, March-April 1967, p. 6). (N 2/17/1967 #27855 e line. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 12, Mar.-Apr. 1967, p. 8.) . (N 3/9/1967 #28122 nearby, fell to the ground, became ill and died some time later from leukem 8/13/1967 #29266 f bees. (...) Ignaço da Souza fell ill, his condition only worsened, his wh 8/13/1967 #29266 inous trail. He felt no subsequent ill effects. 7/17/1968 #30713 m, they disappear. The cattle seem ill for weeks afterwards. 7/28/1968 #30773 the observation Arcesio felt very ill, he was cold, his temperature droppe 7/4/1969 #31866 ays later Sr. Bermudez became very ill, and within a few days he died of ga 7/4/1969 #31873 ge phenomenon. The next day I fell ill and, for three days, I had a headach 3/1970 #32271 f the students, who then felt very ill. Later there was another flash, the 9/15/1972 #33855 is man drove Herrera, who now felt ill, to Salta. He entered a medical clin 3/13/1973 #34248 something, burning her, making her ill. This is the "Ordeal In Arkansas" ca 4/1973 #34306 rawl. Physical traces. Observer(s) ill. / LDLN#138. 10/6/1973 #34907 ide. Returning, the daughter feels ill with headache and nausea. A month la 10/6/1973 #34912 physical examinations. Debbie was ill at the time, and reportedly was heal 10/17/1973 #35101 changes. For instance, they became ill if they ate meat. Both John and Elai 10/27/1974 #36652 BAKERS LAKE / BARRINGTON, ILL Dozens / observer(s). Wingless white 11/1/1974 (approximate) #36669 CARLYLE, ILL Big yellow 'bunch of moons" clusters 1/1975 (approximate) #36790 pes found on car. Observer(s) gets ill. 2/19/1975 #36961 ted. The witness became physically ill after the sighting. There were marks 2/19/1975 #36964 a light beam hits him in the face. Ill and confused, he tries to avoid the 7/31/1975 #37423 night of his observation, he fell ill & was taken by friends to Pueblo. Ra 9/22/1975 #37642 ed; 4 other cows also seemed to be ill. Wisconsin Dept. of Agriculture diag 10/6/1975 #37710 e hours of missing time. Both were ill for three days, and had a number of 10/27/1975 #37805 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL 3 4' small humanoids (or Greys) emer 6/12/1977 #39636 after her return the abductee felt ill and experienced vertigo. 7/19/1977 #39785 nt to work. Two days later he fell ill with a high fever and a burning sens 9/15/1977 #39988 and Wayne Nurenberg at the Aurora (Ill.) Air Route Traffic Control Center. 6/24/1978 #40893 sconnected, when he suddenly feels ill and faint. The working generator’s d 12/24/1978 #41838 d to him. Two days later, he falls ill. The skin on his arms and back peels 2/1981 #43598 dog is lying on the ground looking ill. Its eyes are red and its coat is so 2/9/1988 #46565 y from the brightness and he feels ill. There is a sunburn-like rash on his 12/4/1988 #46894 On this night a terminally ill patient staying in the cardiology wa 4/18/1989 #47078 y along the body of the terminally ill patient, who then heard a loud clear 4/18/1989 #47078 . Noise. Missing time. Face burnt. Ill. 10/22/1991 #48642 happened next, and they both felt ill. 12/16/1992 #49223 nched with rain. He begins to fall ill. 1/21/1996 #51342 ends of author Lucy Pringle became ill with nausea, fatigue, and memory pro 7/9/1996 #51605 meters from his home. Feeling very ill and dizzy he returned home and calle 9/14/1996 #51684 d, since the witness claimed to be ill, to have him examined in Houston by 9/14/1996 #51684 through it. She woke up violently ill, and with a scar on her face. While 4/15/1997 #51978 when one of the them began to feel ill. Seven members of the group then acc 11/7/1998 #52472 f the group then accompanied their ill friend down to the nearby road. As t 11/7/1998 #52472 d the car over and the driver felt ill. Two minutes later there was another 9/24/2002 #53268 he next morning, and his wife felt ill enough to stay in bed for most of th 6/7/2008 #54020 al Security Council suddenly falls ill with symptoms similar to those previ 11/2020 #54550## Word: "ill-conceived", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
own conclusions are unverifiable, ill-conceived, grandiose, and dismissive 1975 #36779## Word: "ill-defined", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
motion of the whole about a rather ill-defined center, with light rays like 1949 #7042 is ship. It is revolving around an ill-defined center with streaks of light 11/11/1949 #7639 arked nose, the lips very thin and ill-defined, just a small slit in the fa 5/1992 #48888## Word: "ill-disposed", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
under the aegis of CNES, which is ill-disposed toward UFOs, Guérin says, i 11/1984 #45489## Word: "ill-effect", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
eam from this special radar had an ill-effect on the control system of the 3/25/1948 #6592## Word: "ill-fated", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
history. Three pilots of the eight ill-fated jets were killed, and two were 6/9/1951 #9062## Word: "ill-informed", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Davis states the BAASS source is “ill-informed” and not “in the know” abou 4/29/2020 #54530## Word: "ille", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
France, Ille et Vilaine (Translated from French) 1/5/1997 #51860 C., a 57-year-old farmer living in Ille et Vilaine, Chantepie, France was a 1/5/1997 #51861## Word: "ille-et-vilaine", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ing studies in Louvigne-Du-Desert, Ille-Et-Vilaine, France was approaching 10/18/1954 #16147## Word: "illegal", 25 instance(s) (Back to Top)
al released a statement confirming illegal air traffic over secret military 1945 #4158 ce in this barn to make "bagosse" (illegal moonshine). He had already heard Early Summer 1950 #8326 anded mail openings, resumption of illegal break-ins, electronic surveillan 7/23/1970 #32443 hting involves pilots flying in an illegal formation. 3/21/1985 #45584 horized the arbitrary and hitherto illegal seizure of lands around Groom La 12/2/1987 #46451 up UFO retrievals and engaging in illegal activities, by putting radium in 9/28/1989 #47334 nd the project that makes them was illegal. “No money was ever appropriated 5/22/1992 #48922 Vallee the triangular UAP were an illegal human program. Mellon stated on 5/22/1992 #48922 nal oversight through the usage of illegal security controls, possibly thro 7/22/1993 #49575 ecurity controls, possibly through illegal use of unacknowledged Special Ac 7/22/1993 #49575 is worth looking into the possibly illegal use of Native American land for 8/1/1993 #49600 ht be to check any testimony of an illegal control group and see if oil com 1994 #49865 iangular UAP were the result of an illegal human program. Former SSCI Staf Late 1990's #52239 maintains secrecy using force and illegal means, (9) has no oversight from 8/22/1998 #52422 es for a clandestine (and possibly illegal) UAP management group were the “ 11/1998 #52467 and Light and asserted that it was illegal to take photos of the power line 2/15/1999 #52529 nd HUD. Fitts believed some of the illegal funding was for domestic “clande 12/3/1999 #52720 lated and diverted from DOD/HUD to illegal programs. * https://msutoday.m 12/3/1999 #52720 cts protected by corporate NDA and illegal special access programs (SAPs) p 4/2001 #53013 derground facilities, and that the illegal drug trade using smuggling opera 2004 #53508 ram(s) were legal, or if they were illegal. He claims the advisors showed h 4/2016 #54326 lated and diverted from DOD/HUD to illegal programs. https://msutoday.msu. 12/11/2017 #54370 non-human origin craft. He alleges illegal withholding of this data from Co 6/2023 #54714 omplaint alleging that he suffered illegal retaliation for his confidential 6/5/2023 #54715 als as Grusch. Klippenstein denies illegal information leaks, countering Ro 8/9/2023 #54726## Word: "illegally", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ed ship in 1920 and entered the US illegally. To support himself he promote Summer 1951 #9082 zone, effectively (and apparently illegally) closing the land to public us 3/1984 #45166 a fraudulent scheme to acquire and illegally sell a valuable collection of 4/12/1988 #46668 ing and other financial crimes and illegally gaining the controlling intere 7/5/1991 #48518 a group of radio pirates who were illegally tuning in to its frequency. Un 12/4/1993 #49838 on of the nation’s wealth is being illegally diverted…into secret, unaccoun 6/2004 #53576 Ancestry.com, the owner of Fold3, illegally demands that Greenewald remove 1/27/2015 #54305 The information, he says, has been illegally withheld from Congress, and he 6/5/2023 #54715## Word: "illegible", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e NICAP copy and 1,537 pages (some illegible) are available on the Blue Boo 2/11/1949 #7123## Word: "illimani", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
MT. ILLIMANI, BLV Numerous observer(s). Top 11/8/1973 #35368## Word: "illiniois", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hyllis Bruce's home in Wayne City, Illiniois when they had a close encounte 8/4/1963 #23667 y in tight formation over Chicago, Illiniois from east to west. They were o 5/9/1964 #24130 over a wooded area near New Baden, Illiniois. The light made a sharp turn, 8/5/1969 #31947 ate aircraft flying over Shabbona, Illiniois. It suddenly tipped and shot a 11/24/1974 #36704## Word: "illinois", 602 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ted by Professor Swift in Mattoon, Illinois, and by individuals in Shelbyvi 8/7/1869 #1208 SOUTH-SOUTHWEST TOWARDS PEORIA IN ILLINOIS. At this point the winds caused 10/14/1881 #1372 Mt. Carmel, Illinois Edward J. Pennington, a success 1890 #1477 Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Nora, Illinois An electrician in Chillicothe, 4/1897 #1653 echanism for an airship near Nora, Illinois. (Chapter 1, Ref 55) 4/1897 #1653 Elburn, Illinois Pacific Atlantic Chicago and No Early 4/1897 #1671 rship allegedly lands near Elburn, Illinois, where some farmers run across Early 4/1897 #1671 , Niles Center, and Schermerville, Illinois, see an airship earing multicol 4/9/1897 #1687 a quarter of an hour in Galesburg (Illinois). The object had a very bright 4/10/1897 #1688 Jacksonville, Illinois 10:30 p.m. Policemen, firemen, 4/10/1897 #1695 y other residents of Jacksonville, Illinois, see a bright light moving swif 4/10/1897 #1695 Quincy, Illinois Mississippi River South Park 11 4/10/1897 #1696 erved by many residents of Quincy, Illinois, flying low above the Mississip 4/10/1897 #1696 Lanark, Illinois A farmer reported an airship cr 4/10/1897 #1697 wood Park in Rogers Park, Chicago, Illinois 5:30 a.m. An alleged photo of a 4/11/1897 #1705 wood Park in Rogers Park, Chicago, Illinois, by an ex-policeman named Walte 4/11/1897 #1705 Bloomington, Illinois 12:15 p.m. Gary Carlton Jr. wat 4/11/1897 #1706 low canvas” pass over Bloomington, Illinois, at a high altitude toward the 4/11/1897 #1706 Decatur, Illinois 11:15 p.m. A bank clerk in Deca 4/11/1897 #1711 1:15 p.m. A bank clerk in Decatur, Illinois, sees an object “like two monst 4/11/1897 #1711 USA, Nilwood (Illinois) (Translated from French) On Mo 4/12/1897 #1717 USA, Girard (Illinois) (Translated from French) At ar 4/12/1897 #1718 Nilwood, Illinois On the property of Z. Thacker, 4/12/1897 #1727 Girard, near Green Ridge, Illinois A large crowd of miners saw an 4/12/1897 #1728 Burlington Quincy Railroad Lisle, Illinois Morning. F. L. Bullard, enginee 4/12/1897 #1729 and by the time it reaches Lisle, Illinois, the object is far ahead. Bulla 4/12/1897 #1729 Lincoln, Illinois Pulaski Street 8:00 p.m. During 4/12/1897 #1730 .m. During a rainstorm in Lincoln, Illinois, more than 50 people stand on P 4/12/1897 #1730 hips" on this day, including 25 in Illinois alone. Below are summarized two 4/12/1897 #1731 Nilwood, Illinois - At 2:30 p.m. on the property 4/12/1897 #1732 iners in Girard, near Green Ridge, Illinois saw an unknown object land thre 4/12/1897 #1733 Lincoln, Illinois The night after the Benton Harb 4/12/1897 #1735 cident, over 50 people in Lincoln, Illinois, witnessed a brightly-lit V-sha 4/12/1897 #1735 telegraph operator between Girard, Illinois and Carlinville got a message f 4/13/1897 #1742 le got a message from Carlinville, Illinois that an airship was headed his 4/13/1897 #1742 Girard, Illinois A telegraph operator received a 4/13/1897 #1745 Jefferson Street Springfield, Illinois Just after 9:00 p.m. Farmhand J 4/14/1897 #1762 t three miles west of Springfield, Illinois. They supposedly converse with 4/14/1897 #1762 Mount Vernon, Illinois Night. Many persons in Mount Ve 4/14/1897 #1763 ght. Many persons in Mount Vernon, Illinois, including Mayor Barton C. Well 4/14/1897 #1763 USA, Springfield (Illinois) (Translated from French) At th 4/15/1897 #1775 Springfield, Illinois Two farm workers, Adolph Winkle 4/15/1897 #1792 and one each in Texas, Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan. Two of these repo 4/15/1897 #1801 ield near the city of Springfield, Illinois around midday. They had a discu 4/15/1897 #1803 Wabash line heading toward Quincy, Illinois had just passed Perry Springs, 4/15/1897 #1805 Outside Springfield, Illinois Two farm workers claimed to hav 4/15/1897 #1809 Downs Township, Illinois Approximate date. While working 4/16/1897 #1818 Danvers, Illinois 12:03 a.m. An airship and a sma 4/16/1897 #1819 are seen by residents of Danvers, Illinois. The objects are made of alumin 4/16/1897 #1819 ng in his field in Downs Township, Illinois farmer Haney Savidge saw an aer 4/16/1897 #1828 Elburn Illinois Farmers encountered a landed ai 4/16/1897 #1835 Decatur, Illinois During the late 19th century, a 4/16/1897 #1838 a newspaper reporter from Decatur, Illinois, claimed to have been taken on 4/16/1897 #1838 s on this afternoon in Greenfield, Illinois when he saw an airship in the s 4/19/1897 #1883 Greenfield, Illinois The postmaster of Greenfield, I 4/19/1897 #1884 nois The postmaster of Greenfield, Illinois, witnessed an airship flying ab 4/19/1897 #1884 9 miles from Greenfield, Illinois A piece of paper with a message 4/19/1897 #1885 rom the April 19, 1897 Greenfield, Illinois sighting. The message was writt 4/19/1897 #1885 Beloit, Illinois Late at night, a mysterious air 4/14/1917 #2766 Benton, Illinois In 1923, a family residing in B 1923 #2916 1923, a family residing in Benton, Illinois, witnessed an unexpected aerial 1923 #2916 Benton, Illinois, USA In May 1923, in Benton, Il 5/1923 #2919 inois, USA In May 1923, in Benton, Illinois, Esther Fay Hungate, a nine-yea 5/1923 #2919 Mount Erie, North of Wayne County (Illinois) (Translated from French) (Sour 6/1923 #2920 (Indiana, USA) 12.8.1998) Title: "Illinois Man Convinced He Saw a UFO 75 Y 6/1923 #2920 USA, Mattoon (Illinois) (Translated from French) An en Late 8/1924 #2942 Chicago, Illinois 2:30 a.m. A driver stops his Fo 6/1925 #2952 bject flying south toward Chicago, Illinois. Red sparks are peeling away fr 6/1925 #2952 Westmont, Illinois Dusk. Frank Tezky and his fathe 8/1926 #2974 6 disc-shaped objects in Westmont, Illinois. Five smaller discs are trailin 8/1926 #2974 West Frankfort, Illinois In 1927, a young individual in 1927 #2996 oung individual in West Frankfort, Illinois, had a close encounter with a d 1927 #2996 Oak Park, Illinois Medical student William Walton 9/1929 #3064 is crossing a street in Oak Park, Illinois, when he sees a very bright yel 9/1929 #3064 USA, Peoria (Illinois), Cleveland (Ohio) (Translated 1934 #3232 Chicago, Illinois Raymond A. Palmer is hired as e 2/1938 #3415 e, owned by Ziff-Davis in Chicago, Illinois. He immediately sets out to enl 2/1938 #3415 Hinsdale, Illinois A man saw five disc-shaped airc 1940 #3501 Hinsdale, Illinois Afternoon. Walking down a stree Spring 1940 #3509 Walking down a street in Hinsdale, Illinois, William T. Powers sees five di Spring 1940 #3509 ern Theological Seminary Evanston, Illinois Northern part of town Rev. Robe Spring 1942 #3639 Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois, watch a small, light-gray, rec Spring 1942 #3639 ranslated from French) In Mattoon (Illinois), several witnesses (mostly wom End of 8/1944 #4002 Mattoon, Illinois A mysterious man appeared at wi End of 8/1944 #4004 USA, Mattoon (Illinois) (Translated from French) In th 8/31/1944 #4007 US Highway 136 Havana, Illinois Dusk. Paul Cummings Jr. is driv 3/14/1946 #4456 136 about 10 miles east of Havana, Illinois, with Douglas Gowdy. A bright o 3/14/1946 #4456 owdy, driving on a road in Havana, Illinois had a close encounter with a fl 3/14/1946 #4457 Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Dr. Oliver J. Lee, director of 7/5/1946 #4535 Highway 41 Lake Michigan Chicago, Illinois Day. Charles A. Johnson is driv 8/1946 #4635 ng Lake Michigan north of Chicago, Illinois, when he sees three silver disc 8/1946 #4635 In Oak Lawn, Illinois a V-shaped formation of five si 9/11/1946 #4756 Chicago, Illinois Dahl claims he is visited by a 6/22/1947 #5054 Dahl mails Ray Palmer in Chicago, Illinois, some fragments. 6/22/1947 #5054 Joliet, Illinois 1:50 p.m. Railroad engineer Cha 6/24/1947 #5101 air about 12 miles east of Joliet, Illinois. They are a string of flat circ 6/24/1947 #5101 4639 South Oakenwald, Chicago, Illinois 2:00 a.m. Mrs. J. M. Harrison w 6/26/1947 #5129 at 4639 South Oakenwald, Chicago, Illinois. It breaks up into two dozen sm 6/26/1947 #5129 ch) Similar UFOs are later seen in Illinois (reported by evening radio news 6/28/1947 #5158 a; Patterson, New Jersey; Chicago, Illinois, Darlington, South Carolina; Bo 7/6/1947 #5618 328 South Emerald Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 1:00 a.m. William Valetta sees 7/9/1947 #5903 8 South Emerald Avenue in Chicago, Illinois. They make a swishing noise and 7/9/1947 #5903 through the sky over Springfield, Illinois. Its estimated speed was 500 mp 7/9/1947 #5923 Chicago, Illinois University of Iowa At the Ameri 12/26/1947 #6476 ent of Science meeting in Chicago, Illinois, University of Iowa astronomer 12/26/1947 #6476 anslated from French) In Glendale (Illinois), 12 year old James Trares exci 1/1948 #6505 AFB operations room in Belleville, Illinois during the chase and he states 1/7/1948 #6514 Chicago, Illinois Ray Palmer and Flying magazine Spring 1948 #6588 ark Publishing Company in Chicago, Illinois. It features a first-hand story Spring 1948 #6588 nd, Richmond Heights and Freeport (Illinois), witnesses see a kind of giant 4/4/1948 #6607 m French) A couple from Caledonia (Illinois) saw a monstrous bird (...) lar 4/9/1948 #6621 anslated from French) In Overland (Illinois), 3 inhabitants see a sort of l 4/10/1948 #6625 Chicago, Illinois ILLINOIS SEES ONE DISINTEGRATE. 2/29/1949 #7155 Chicago, Illinois ILLINOIS SEES ONE DISINTEGRATE. Ben Cole 2/29/1949 #7155 RATE. Ben Cole, Jr. of Northbrook, Illinois saw a flaming object hurtle out 2/29/1949 #7155 Bradford, Illinois 8:40 a.m. Private pilot Robert 3/18/1950 #7962 Beechcraft Bonanza over Bradford, Illinois, encounters an oval object with 3/18/1950 #7962 five miles northeast of Bradford, Illinois at 8:40 a.m. 3/18/1950 #7966 USA, Red Bud (Illinois) (Translated from French) Dean 4/23/1950 #8200 Mount Joy, Illinois IOWA REPORTS ONE EXPLODING. Lou 4/30/1950 #8244 Springfield, Illinois CHIEF PILOT COLLIDES WITH ONE, 7/29/1950 #8456 peller of DC-3 over Williamsville, Illinois. There was no damage to the air 7/30/1950 #8462 Illinois Korea Henry Holt publishes Fran 9/8/1950 #8571 Chicago Kansas City Bradford, Illinois Sunset. A TWA flight, piloted b 12/27/1950 #8824 ago to Kansas City. Near Bradford, Illinois, Shutts notices a bright white 12/27/1950 #8824 Galesburg, Illinois GALESBURG COPS LOSE TRAIL. City 5/31/1951 #9041 imilar incident occurs near Paris (Illinois), 15 miles northwest, also list 10/9/1951 #9313 ppened 3 minutes later near Paris, Illinois (15 miles NW) and was also list 10/9/1951 #9321 ast of Terre Haute, Indiana Paris, Illinois 1:42 p.m. A fast-moving, silver 10/9/1951 #9322 lying at 5,000 feet east of Paris, Illinois, sees a silvery “flattened oran 10/9/1951 #9322 ed three minutes later near Paris, Illinois (15 miles NW) and was also list 10/9/1951 #9323 aight up out of sight. In Chicago, Illinois two discs were seen exiting fro 3/27/1952 #9687 minutes later two men in Westmont, Illinois, Mr. Harvey and Mr. Hall, track 4/17/1952 #9864 USA, Prospect Heights (Illinois) (Translated from French) At an 5/1952 #10013 O'Hare Airport in Chicago, Illinois 6:44 p.m. Two round objects, da 6/11/1952 #10337 east of O’Hare Airport in Chicago, Illinois. One passes the other before di 6/11/1952 #10337 USA, Chicago, Illinois. (Translated from French) 8:30 6/25/1952 #10528 ranslated from French) In Chicago, Illinois, Ms. Norbury and Mr. Matheis ob 6/25/1952 #10530 Chicago, Illinois Witnesses: Mrs. Norbury, Mr. M 6/25/1952 #10538 Chicago, Illinois 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Daniel Norbury a 6/25/1952 #10541 , make seven circles over Chicago, Illinois. 6/25/1952 #10541 han the planet Venus over Chicago, Illinois. Occasionally had a red tail li 6/25/1952 #10542 USA, O'Hare Airport, Chicago, Illinois. (Translated from French) 5:45 6/29/1952 #10582 nch) At O'Hare Airport in Chicago (Illinois), 3 USAF air policemen observe 6/29/1952 #10583 O'Hare Airport, Chicago, Illinois witnesses: three USAF air poli 6/29/1952 #10587 military policemen in Park Ridge, Illinois near O'Hare Airport sighted a t 6/29/1952 #10589 ranslated from French) In Chicago (Illinois), Mrs. J. D. Arbuckle observed 7/3/1952 #10632 Chicago, Illinois Witness: Mrs. J. D. Arbuckle. 7/3/1952 #10641 Chicago, Illinois O'Hare Airport 11:50 p.m. Mrs. 7/3/1952 #10643 y fast for 6 seconds over Chicago, Illinois. The next day the Air Force pub 7/3/1952 #10643 ranslated from French) In Chicago (Illinois), an Air Force weather officer 7/12/1952 #10719 ’Hare AFB Montrose Beach, Chicago, Illinois O’Hare Airport 8:42 p.m. O’Hare 7/12/1952 #10743 feet over Montrose Beach, Chicago, Illinois, from the west-northwest. They 7/12/1952 #10743 Arlington Heights, Illinois Elgin, Illinois 9:04 p.m. Two U 7/12/1952 #10744 Arlington Heights, Illinois Elgin, Illinois 9:04 p.m. Two USAF F-86 Sabre j 7/12/1952 #10744 e mission) over Arlington Heights, Illinois. Capt. Robert W. Casey Jr., aft 7/12/1952 #10744 bout 15 miles away south of Elgin, Illinois, at 22,000 feet traveling at 80 7/12/1952 #10744 Chicago, Illinois Elgin, Illinois 10:00 p.m. Six 7/19/1952 #10937 Chicago, Illinois Elgin, Illinois 10:00 p.m. Six luminous round o 7/19/1952 #10937 und objects are seen by a Chicago, Illinois, woman moving horizontally and 7/19/1952 #10937 ps post at the city hall in Elgin, Illinois. 7/19/1952 #10937 Chicago, Illinois SAUCERS REAL OR GOVERNMENT HOAX 7/28/1952 #11307 1231 Widergren Drive, Rockford, Illinois Rockford airport O’Hare Airport 8/10/1952 #11729 at 1231 Widergren Drive, Rockford, Illinois, when he sees a disc-shaped obj 8/10/1952 #11729 Elgin, Illinois Chicago Filter Center O’Hare Ai 8/21/1952 #11888 at 2,000 feet northeast of Elgin, Illinois. Several times it rises to 5,00 8/21/1952 #11888 (Translated from French) In Elgin (Illinois), USAF jets, guided by the GOC, 8/22/1952 #11891 USA, Chicago, Illinois. (Translated from French) 3 a.m 9/2/1952 #12076 ranslated from French) In Chicago (Illinois), the Turason radar detector (c 9/2/1952 #12077 Chicago, Illinois Witness: radar tracker Turason 9/2/1952 #12084 trol at Midway Airport in Chicago, Illinois picked up 40 targets flying in 9/2/1952 #12086 ranslated from French) In Chicago (Illinois), an aircraft is accompanied by 12/8/1952 #12788 near Moose Creek, Alaska Chicago, Illinois Illinois Roswell Weapons engine Mid 2/1953 #13141 se Creek, Alaska Chicago, Illinois Illinois Roswell Weapons engineer Cheste Mid 2/1953 #13141 is about to give birth in Chicago, Illinois. Blanchard offers to personally Mid 2/1953 #13141 n a bomber to an air force base in Illinois so he can get home quickly. Dur Mid 2/1953 #13141 Oak Park, Illinois Detroit, Michigan Oak Park, Ill 4/1954 #14289 linois Detroit, Michigan Oak Park, Illinois, contactee Dorothy Martin has b 4/1954 #14289 USA, Chicago (Illinois) (Translated from French) 4:30 4/8/1954 #14305 ranslated from French) In Chicago, Illinois, Lelah Stoker observed a round 4/8/1954 #14306 Chicago, Illinois Witness: Lelah Stoker. One whi 4/8/1954 #14309 3121 N. Sheridan Road, Chicago, Illinois Lake Michigan 4:30–5:00 p.m. Le 4/8/1954 #14310 of 3121 N. Sheridan Road, Chicago, Illinois, sees a brilliant white round- 4/8/1954 #14310 In Chicago, Illinois Lelah Stoker sighted a white, d 4/8/1954 #14311 Oak Park, Illinois Detroit, Michigan Europe Contac 8/20/1954 #14884 tactee Dorothy Martin of Oak Park, Illinois, and Charles and Lilian Laughea 8/20/1954 #14884 MOON 3 amateur astronomers / Illinois. 2.5mile disk-sphere/orb/globe 9/5/1954 #15005 Oak Park, Illinois A group of Dorothy Martin’s fol 12/20/1954 #16842 wers has gathered at her Oak Park, Illinois, home to await the midnight arr 12/20/1954 #16842 Huntley, Illinois A car was followed for 10 min b 3/2/1955 #17049 riving ten miles north of Huntley, Illinois was followed for ten minutes by 3/2/1955 #17050 d Metcalfe on the ground in Paris, Illinois reported seeing a bell-shaped f 3/9/1955 #17058 Rockfield, Illinois Air Force jets fired at a UFO c 4/8/1955 #17111 nd missed the UFO, over Rockfield, Illinois. This was a story about the fis 4/8/1955 #17111 Cairo, Illinois 9:30 p.m. A witness in Cairo, I 8/11/1955 #17406 nois 9:30 p.m. A witness in Cairo, Illinois, sees a triangular-shaped UFO l 8/11/1955 #17406 triangular object flew over Cairo, Illinois at 9:30 p.m. and rapidly flew o 8/11/1955 #17408 southwest part of Springfield, Illinois 11:30 p.m. A cigar-shaped UFO w Summer 1956 #18031 the southwest part of Springfield, Illinois. The car driven by one of the w Summer 1956 #18031 were observed over Cherry Valley, Illinois by Mr. & Mrs. L. L Leonard, and 9/30/1956 #18393 es east of St. Louis, Missouri, in Illinois Witness: USAF Capt. W..M. Lyon 11/1/1956 #18449 dison, Wisconsin Ontario, Michigan Illinois Iowa Russia 3:05 p.m. A nationa 9/20/1957 #19247 It passes over Ontario, Michigan, Illinois, and Iowa. The UFO sends radio 9/20/1957 #19247 ored on radar between New York and Illinois traveling Mach 3 (twice that of 9/24/1957 #19258 Elmwood Park, Illinois Two policemen, Joseph Lukasek a 11/4/1957 #19538 Elmwood Park, Illinois 3:12 a.m. At Elmwood Park, Illi 11/4/1957 #19543 llinois 3:12 a.m. At Elmwood Park, Illinois, three policemen (Clifford Shaw 11/4/1957 #19543 Antioch, Illinois Ringwood 6:30 p.m. Larry and Ma 11/5/1957 #19607 n Beaman are driving near Antioch, Illinois, when they notice a ball of fir 11/5/1957 #19607 Woodstock, Illinois Genoa City Delavan, Wisconsin 8 11/5/1957 #19608 8:43 p.m. A witness in Woodstock, Illinois, sees a large, red, triangular 11/5/1957 #19608 d at high speed in East St. Louis, Illinois at 11:45 a.m. 11/5/1957 #19614 Danville, Illinois Night. Two state policemen in D 11/6/1957 #19697 . Two state policemen in Danville, Illinois, observe a brilliant white ligh 11/6/1957 #19697 Tamaroa, Illinois US Highway 51 Du Bois Afternoon 11/14/1957 #19831 ling into her driveway in Tamaroa, Illinois. She looks outside and sees a b 11/14/1957 #19831 ars later, at Tamaroa, in southern Illinois, there was another occurrence o 11/14/1957 #19832 ying over Crystal Lake in Chicago, Illinois at 5:07 p.m. sighted a white di 7/20/1958 #20500 Kankakee, Illinois Early morning. A couple driving 7/2/1960 #21886 iving in the vicinity of Kankakee, Illinois, see the landscape light up wit 7/2/1960 #21886 Adler Planetarium Chicago, Illinois 9:00 p.m. Director Robert I. Jo 8/26/1960 #21993 the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, Illinois, observe a faint reddish object 8/26/1960 #21993 ed from French) Sighting in Crete (Illinois). (August 29) 8/29/1960 #21994 Crete, Illinois Witness: farmer Ed Schneeweis. 8/29/1960 #21997 At 4:05 p.m. in Crete, Illinois farmer Ed Schneeweis sighted a 8/29/1960 #21998 French) Observation in Naperville (Illinois). 3/26/1962 #22777 Naperville, Illinois Witnesses: Mrs. D. Wheeler, Cla 3/26/1962 #22783 om French) Sighting in Glen Ellyn (Illinois). (July 1st) 7/1/1963 #23614 Glen Ellyn, Illinois Witness: R.B. Stiles, ll, usin 7/1/1963 #23617 Mount Vernon, Illinois Wayne City State Highway 15 11: 8/4/1963 #23666 Highway 15 past the Mount Vernon, Illinois, airport when they notice a bri 8/4/1963 #23666 nslated from French) In Fairfield, Illinois, an entire family is trapped fo 8/5/1963 #23669 ly after midnight in Wayne County, Illinois a car with several teenagers wa 8/5/1963 #23674 Centralia, Illinois Five persons observed a luminou 8/7/1963 #23685 Mount Vernon, Illinois An oval, luminous object coming 8/8/1963 #23688 the former major of Mount Vernon, Illinois, watched a large, bright red ov 8/9/1963 #23690 Warrenville, Illinois Witness: R.M. Boersma. One lig 8/11/1963 #23694 In Warrenville, Illinois at ten o'clock in the evening R 8/11/1963 #23696 Evanston, Illinois Jacques Vallée meets J. Allen H 11/17/1963 #23882 time at his residence in Evanston, Illinois. He begins actively assisting H 11/17/1963 #23882 om French) Observation in Chicago (Illinois). 5/9/1964 #24121 Chicago, Illinois Witness: J.R. Betz, U.S. Distr 5/9/1964 #24128 Lawrenceville, Illinois Helen Reed observed a spinning 6/8/1964 #24220 Mrs. Helen Reed of Lawrenceville, Illinois observed a 15-foot-wide, domed, 6/8/1964 #24221 hting in Clinton, Iowa--Littleton (Illinois). (July 20) 7/20/1964 #24316 Littleton, Illinois Witness: J.J. Winkle. One 60' 7/20/1964 #24321 Mr. J.J. Winkle in Littleton, Illinois reported to the Air Force that 7/20/1964 #24322 Lake Forest, Illinois 11:30 p.m.–midnight. Talking on 7/1965 #25019 cond-floor bedroom in Lake Forest, Illinois, Pat Harvey sees a flash and he 7/1965 #25019 lated from French) In Tinley Park (Illinois), 2 14-year-old teenagers see a 8/4/1965 #25307 Tinley Park, Illinois Witnesses: two unnamed 14 year 8/4/1965 #25331 At 11:35 p.m. in Tinley Park, Illinois two 14-year-olds watched a ligh 8/4/1965 #25340 ral asphalt road near Des Plaines, Illinois. Then she came to a spot where 9/3/1965 #25554 iving two miles north of La Harpe, Illinois on Rte. 94 at 8:15 a.m. when sh 1/5/1966 #25873 Hanna City, Illinois A civilian witness was driving 2/26/1966 #26014 Hanna City, Illinois - An oval object about 15-20 fe 2/26/1966 #26015 LaSalle, Illinois Evening. Mrs. Robert Gorisek of 3/25/1966 #26188 g. Mrs. Robert Gorisek of LaSalle, Illinois, sees a triangular object hover 3/25/1966 #26188 sical Research Center in Evanston, Illinois McDonald visits Hynek at the Li 6/8/1966 #26682 sical Research Center in Evanston, Illinois, saying heatedly that he should 6/8/1966 #26682 Rockford, Illinois Night. A young couple parking i Autumn 1966 #27107 ing in a rural area near Rockford, Illinois, see a bright light that appear Autumn 1966 #27107 Peoria, Illinois 3:30 a.m. A man named Gaines is 9/24/1966 #27111 ing his girlfriend home in Peoria, Illinois, when they see a large, luminou 9/24/1966 #27111 USA, Newton, Illinois (Translated from French) Mrs. A 10/10/1966 #27173 5:20 p.m. six witnesses in Newton, Illinois saw a metallic oval-shaped obje 10/10/1966 #27180 Newton, Illinois A adolescent first saw a bright 10/14/1966 #27197 rthwestern University in Evanston, Illinois Hynek writes to Condon, telling 1/5/1967 #27504 orthwestern University in Evansto, Illinois. He mentions that there is enou 1/5/1967 #27504 Coffeen, Illinois A Methodist minister was drivin 1/26/1967 #27658 driving on Route 185 near Coffeen, Illinois at 9:00 p.m. when he saw an obj 1/26/1967 #27664 . CST nine people in Granite City, Illinois reported sighting a cup-shaped 1/30/1967 #27684 Alton, Illinois 7:30 p.m. A couple in Alton, Il 2/10/1967 #27774 inois 7:30 p.m. A couple in Alton, Illinois, sees a round, rotating, 25-foo 2/10/1967 #27774 over the witness's car in Marion, Illinois. A glowing halo surrounded the 2/23/1967 #27912 At 5:40 p.m. in Urbana, Illinois a chemical engineering teaching 2/25/1967 #27923 g assistant from the University of Illinois saw a bright unexplained light 2/25/1967 #27923 rth to south over Chicago Heights, Illinois at around 8 p.m. They changed c 3/3/1967 #28025 Galesburg-Moline, Illinois Witness: Deputy Sheriff Frank C 3/6/1967 #28059 lice officer Courson of Galesburg, Illinois witnessed a domed disc while dr 3/6/1967 #28061 US Highway 20 Keeneyville, Illinois Bartlett, Illinois 12:30 a.m. L 3/7/1967 #28069 20 Keeneyville, Illinois Bartlett, Illinois 12:30 a.m. Lucille Drzonek and 3/7/1967 #28069 Highway 20 just past Keeneyville, Illinois. Their beagle is with them. The 3/7/1967 #28069 n off the highway toward Bartlett, Illinois, the object descends into a woo 3/7/1967 #28069 A UFO pursued a car near Elgin, Illinois and then landed in some woods a 3/7/1967 #28070 That night in Galesburg, Illinois a domed disc-shaped object with 3/8/1967 #28104 USA, Galesburg, Illinois. (Translated from French) 7:10 3/9/1967 #28106 Galesburg, Illinois Witnesses: two housewives. On 3/9/1967 #28129 At 1:30 p.m. Moline, Illinois police officer Mr. Fisher, age 3/9/1967 #28132 Observation in Galesburg, Moline (Illinois). (6-11 March) 3/11/1967 #28146 USA, New Baden (Illinois) (Translated from French) At 02 3/21/1967 #28221 bout 480 miles south of Canton, >> Illinois (see previous entry), two witne 3/25/1967 #28281 Northwestern University, Evanston (Illinois), was in Grand Haven most of Fr 4/4/1967 #28356 feet above a pasture in Elizabeth, Illinois before dawn. Cattle in the area 4/22/1967 #28526 s 11 north-northeast of Champaign, Illinois, a woman heard a hissing sound, 5/9/1967 #28629 vening two witnesses in Champaign, Illinois saw a white-lit object that cha 5/9/1967 #28632 Belleville, Illinois Southwestern Illinois College S 12/19/1967 #30073 Belleville, Illinois Southwestern Illinois College Scott AFB 10:30 p.m. A 12/19/1967 #30073 nd on the east edge of Belleville, Illinois, when he sees a triangular obje 12/19/1967 #30073 oses track of it near Southwestern Illinois College. Because it appears to 12/19/1967 #30073 from a basketball game in Breese, Illinois at 9:30 p.m., four teenagers wa 12/29/1967 #30098 Villa Park, Illinois 9:00 p.m. Janice, Denise, and L 1/15/1968 #30149 are playing records in Villa Park, Illinois, when their father’s “Saucer Se 1/15/1968 #30149 a UFO passed over in Carol Stream, Illinois. At 6:15 p.m. a cigar-shaped ob 3/4/1968 #30322 Galesburg, Illinois 10:00 p.m. Grant Callison of Ga 5/10/1968 #30467 p.m. Grant Callison of Galesburg, Illinois, looks out his kitchen window a 5/10/1968 #30467 On this night in Galesburg, Illinois Grant Callison and his wife not 5/10/1968 #30468 transcript of press conference in Illinois, October 16, 1973. "I don't kno Summer 1968 #30587 University of Illinois at Chicago UC-Berkeley UCLA The 7/29/1968 #30783 gan, Robert L. Hall (University of Illinois at Chicago), James A. Harder (U 7/29/1968 #30783 Plattville, Illinois 12:30 a.m. A young couple is dr 1/25/1969 #31459 couple is driving near Plattville, Illinois. The woman sees a bright object 1/25/1969 #31459 ly over the Lake Zurich suburbs in Illinois. It was reportedly seen over a 5/12/1969 #31738 Quincy, Illinois Wisconsin State University The 5/31/1969 #31785 UFO Network) is founded in Quincy, Illinois, by Walter H. Andrus Jr., who l 5/31/1969 #31785 ed over Gary, Indiana and Chicago, Illinois. 6/20/1969 #31844 Flying from Chicago, Illinois to Cleveland, Ohio a passenger 9/11/1969 #32005 hirteen miles southeast of Quincy, Illinois on State Highway 96, three peop 11/30/1969 #32137 ay for a short distance in Quincy, Illinois 12/19/1969 #32163 Peoria, Illinois MUFON holds its first annual co 6/13/1970 #32393 first annual conference in Peoria, Illinois. Shortly afterwards, Walt Andru 6/13/1970 #32393 bright light was sighted in Walsh, Illinois. 10/5/1970 #32577 Beckemeyer (Illinois) Elementary School Evening. One 11/16/1970 #32619 g a basketball game at Beckemeyer (Illinois) Elementary School when they no 11/16/1970 #32619 same evening two men in Centralia, Illinois had nearly identical experience 11/24/1970 #32633 am of light was sighted in Quincy, Illinois at seven p.m. 1/18/1971 #32714 he Vermillion River Observatory in Illinois at 11:15 a.m. 5/9/1971 #32844 itary Vietnam veteran, told Alton, Illinois police that at 8:55 this evenin 6/15/1971 #32922 ld, IL Evening. Seven reports from Illinois State Troopers over 2 hour peri 10/5/1971 #33183 ess out for a walk in Tinley Park, Illinois saw three lights in the sky tha 10/31/1971 #33219 Bartelso, Illinois Night. High school senior Donna 1/1972 #33331 ing in a rural area near Bartelso, Illinois, with a boyfriend when they see 1/1972 #33331 h of a hovering UFO in Beckemeyer, Illinois at about ten p.m. 1/8/1972 #33343 s over Lake Michigan from Chicago, Illinois. It made instantaneous turns. 7/19/1972 #33653 .m. CDT four people in Belleville, Illinois observed a yellow discoid, 50-6 7/31/1972 #33691 driving down the highway in Rural, Illinois on this night when a bright lig 8/26/1972 #33804 o witnesses southeast of Sandoval, Illinois saw a UFO moving toward their c 9/14/1972 #33854 near Percy, Randolph County, ILLINOIS Exact date unknown. Farmer saw 1973 #34097 Jersey County, ILLINOIS A "white, unmarked cargo-type h 1973 #34098 om Tolly's Supermarket in Decatur, Illinois. 2/11/1973 #34183 USA, Enfield, Illinois (Translated from French) Late a 4/25/1973 #34357 USA, Murphysboro (Illinois) (Translated from French) A lit 6/25/1973 #34510 e driving on Route 51 in Sandoval, Illinois. The UFO made two circles over 6/28/1973 #34524 ee male occupants east of Greenup, Illinois. It then hovered over a nearby 8/4/1973 #34614 ster and Red Bud, Randolph County, ILLINOIS A helicopter was observed which 8/20/1973 #34652 Union County, ILLINOIS A Mr. Peters fired two warning 8/21/1973 #34654 Union County, ILLINOIS Witness heard sound of an appar 8/22/1973 #34655 Pike County, ILLINOIS Lights on a helicopter suddenly 8/28/1973 #34668 At 11:30 p.m. in Morris, Illinois a discoid object hovered over t 9/5/1973 #34708 Evanston, Illinois J. Allen Hynek and Sherman J. L 10/1973 #34850 enter for UFO Studies in Evanston, Illinois, with Larsen’s existing Public 10/1973 #34850 mmer 1968 at a press conference in Illinois. (October 16) 10/16/1973 #35024 Illinois Pleiku At a press conference in 10/16/1973 #35047 is Pleiku At a press conference in Illinois, USAF Chief of Staff Gen. Georg 10/16/1973 #35047 Hamilton, Illinois 3:30 p.m. A witness in Hamilton 10/18/1973 #35140 s 3:30 p.m. A witness in Hamilton, Illinois, sees a huge gray oval or oblon 10/18/1973 #35140 Milton Road Alton, Illinois 8:00 p.m. A witness sees a tria 10/20/1973 #35189 vering above Milton Road in Alton, Illinois. A second triangle is above the 10/20/1973 #35189 Upton, Indiana Maunie, Illinois 6:50 p.m. A man is farming in U 10/22/1973 #35214 en flying above a train at Maunie, Illinois, the same evening. 10/22/1973 #35214 Sauk Village, Illinois 1:00 a.m. A witness in Sauk Vil 11/1973 #35308 00 a.m. A witness in Sauk Village, Illinois, is sitting in her dark living 11/1973 #35308 n this night in 1975 in Oak Brook, Illinois, a boy saw a domed disc hoverin 11/19/1973 #35434 gs approached a home in La Grange, Illinois rapidly from the west. The obje 12/31/1973 #35621 llowed a low flying UFO in Berwyn, Illinois at around 5:15 p.m. The object 1/4/1974 #35646 of their living room in Grayslake, Illinois when everyone but Keith became 3/12/1974 #35906 Lincolnshire, Illinois Coatesville, Pennsylvania 5:30 5/5/1974 #36135 th 11, leave home in Lincolnshire, Illinois, to play basketball. As they wa 5/5/1974 #36135 p.m. State Police at Parkersburg, Illinois, took this call and relayed the 5/23/1974 #36181 , Antigo, Wisconsin, and Rockford, Illinois. A cattle mutilation case occur 11/13/1974 #36688 Shabbona, Illinois 11:43 a.m. Hugo W. Feugen is fl 11/28/1974 #36717 aft on a bright day over Shabbona, Illinois, and he is checking his positio 11/28/1974 #36717 o W. Feugen, flying over Shabonna, Illinois at 12:10 a.m. had a close encou 11/28/1974 #36718 Darmstadt, IL 11:30 p.m. Three Illinois youths report UFO descended int 12/21/1974 #36755 Quincy, Illinois Seguin, Texas MUFON moves its h 1975 #36777 oves its headquarters from Quincy, Illinois, to Seguin, Texas. 1975 #36777 French) Observation at Browstone (Illinois). See images/1975-01-05.jpg. (J 1/5/1975 #36834 was in his backyard in Brownstown, Illinois photographing his dog when he h 1/5/1975 #36843 s driving his truck near Rockford, Illinois around 1:00 a.m. when he had an 9/11/1975 #37609 n this night in 1975 in Oak Brook, Illinois, a boy saw a domed disc hoverin 11/19/1975 #37992 hted by a young couple in Chicago, Illinois at 4:50 p.m. on a clear evening 11/23/1975 #38007 Evanston, Illinois David Saunders gives his UFOCAT 1976 #38104 enter for UFO Studies in Evanston, Illinois, where it is updated by Fred Me 1976 #38104 Eight miles north of Nashville, Illinois at 7:30 p.m. that same evening, 2/25/1976 #38286 Hyatt House in Lincolnwood, Illinois The Center for UFO Studies hold 4/30/1976 #38421 at the Hyatt House in Lincolnwood, Illinois. The proceedings are published 4/30/1976 #38421 La Salle County, ILLINOIS Sightings of a helicopter manne Early 11/1976 #38954 Beecher, Illinois 9:00 p.m. A couple in Beecher, 11/25/1976 #39011 ois 9:00 p.m. A couple in Beecher, Illinois, watch an oblong, glowing, oran 11/25/1976 #39011 Warren County, ILLINOIS A few nights before a classical 12/1976 #39016 Marshall County, ILLINOIS A helicopter with two occupants 12/4/1976 #39021 Long Grove, Illinois 10:40 p.m. Four adult witnesses 3/9/1977 #39351 our adult witnesses in Long Grove, Illinois, are attracted outside by a lou 3/9/1977 #39351 I-94 northbound near Deerfield, Illinois Chicago 2:17 p.m. A pilot drivi 4/5/1977 #39416 on I-94 northbound near Deerfield, Illinois, sees an object coming toward h 4/5/1977 #39416 Interstate 80 in Joliet, Illinois 2:00 p.m. A couple driving west 5/8/1977 #39547 g west on Interstate 80 in Joliet, Illinois, watch an object like a silver 5/8/1977 #39547 ound on Interstate 80 near Joliet, Illinois saw a silver object, described 5/8/1977 #39549 Deerfield, Illinois A woman in Deerfield, Illinois, 6/10/1977 #39635 ld, Illinois A woman in Deerfield, Illinois, watches a gray-white light pro 6/10/1977 #39635 of his colleagues in Crystal Lake, Illinois to discuss the matter. During t 6/12/1977 #39639 ss Plaza Hotel Grant Park Chicago, Illinois Fate magazine holds an Internat 6/24/1977 #39672 om Grant Park in downtown Chicago, Illinois, in commemoration of the 30th a 6/24/1977 #39672 al lights to police at Mt. Vernon, ILLINOIS, which is 60 miles to the NW. ( 7/12/1977 #39752 Glenview, Illinois 10:05 p.m. Witnesses in Glenvie 7/21/1977 #39790 10:05 p.m. Witnesses in Glenview, Illinois, watch a light move from the no 7/21/1977 #39790 Normal, Illinois 6:30 p.m. A university art prof 7/31/1977 #39823 niversity art professor in Normal, Illinois, calls his wife and secretary t 7/31/1977 #39823 Chester, Illinois Marauding UFOs destroy the town 8/2/1977 #39842 UFOs destroy the town of Chester, Illinois, according to a hoax concocted 8/2/1977 #39842 Mississippi River near Galena, Illinois Chesterton, Indiana A nearly pe 8/7/1977 #39865 the Mississippi River near Galena, Illinois. The ring is caused by a substa 8/7/1977 #39865 Wheaton, Illinois 2:00 p.m. A witness in Wheaton, 8/9/1977 #39867 is 2:00 p.m. A witness in Wheaton, Illinois, sees 8–16 pinpoints of light “ 8/9/1977 #39867 Chanute AFB [now closed] Rantoul, Illinois 10:15 p.m. S/Sgt Steven N. Haid 10/13/1977 #40093 ute AFB [now closed] near Rantoul, Illinois, where he is looking at the moo 10/13/1977 #40093 Chicago, Illinois 12:25 a.m. A 31-year-old parame 1/10/1978 #40411 a policeman) from work in Chicago, Illinois, when her 3-year-old son draws 1/10/1978 #40411 Peoria, Illinois 6:00 p.m. Two Bradley Universit 2/5/1978 #40508 versity security guards in Peoria, Illinois, are making their rounds when t 2/5/1978 #40508 Aurora, Illinois Chicago Night. Ten persons call 4/29/1978 #40750 ight. Ten persons call the Aurora, Illinois, police department to report a 4/29/1978 #40750 nsin New Lisbon, Wisconsin Aurora, Illinois 10:48 p.m. The pilot and passen 6/24/1978 #40893 Schaumburg, Illinois 3:45 p.m. A 34-year old school 7/4/1978 #40922 ld school principal in Schaumburg, Illinois, watches a distinctly outlined 7/4/1978 #40922 Peoria, Illinois 10:00 p.m. A couple is driving 8/7/1978 #41078 Assembly of God church in Peoria, Illinois when they see a shooting star f 8/7/1978 #41078 Carpentersville, Illinois 4:00 a.m. A 26-year-old secreta 9/15/1978 #41286 ry is awakened in Carpentersville, Illinois, by a whirring sound. She goes 9/15/1978 #41286 year-old woman in Carpentersville, Illinois was awakened by a whirring soun 9/15/1978 #41287 Gurnee, Illinois 7:25 p.m. Two witnesses see a f 9/27/1978 #41365 uburban forest preserve in Gurnee, Illinois. One steady red light is on top 9/27/1978 #41365 roached their car as they drove on Illinois Rt.11 near Rapatee. It came wit 12/1978 #41657 In Illinois in the early evening hours two 12/14/1978 #41763 Chicago, Illinois 10:00 a.m. Two witnesses on an 5/7/1979 #42216 r about one hour south of Chicago, Illinois, notice two bright-white rectan 5/7/1979 #42216 er the yard of a home in Wheeling, Illinois. The object flew toward the sou 6/26/1979 #42302 Wheeling, Illinois 3:00 a.m. A 77-year-old man in 6/26/1979 #42303 .m. A 77-year-old man in Wheeling, Illinois, is awakened by his border coll 6/26/1979 #42303 er the yard of a home in Wheeling, Illinois. The object flew toward the sou 6/26/1979 #42305 Crystal Lake, Illinois 3:40 p.m. A factory supervisor 7/1/1979 #42317 wife are driving in Crystal Lake, Illinois, when they see an aluminum- col 7/1/1979 #42317 Evanston, Illinois Astronomer Allan Hendry publish 8/1/1979 #42377 enter for UFO Studies in Evanston, Illinois. The first part covers IFOs, sh 8/1/1979 #42377 rand Forks, North Dakota Evanston, Illinois 1:40 a.m. Deputy Sheriff Val Jo 8/27/1979 #42470 enter for UFO Studies in Evanston, Illinois, takes Johnson to Grand Forks, 8/27/1979 #42470 Chicago, Illinois 10:00 p.m. A 47-year-old housew 8/29/1979 #42484 in a southwest suburb of Chicago, Illinois. The blimp-like UFO is so huge 8/29/1979 #42484 Sycamore, Illinois 10:30 p.m. Charles Weeden and h 8/29/1979 #42485 the sky to the west over Sycamore, Illinois. They call the police, and Depu 8/29/1979 #42485 n residence, southwest of Chicago, Illinois as she watched a huge blimp-lik 8/29/1979 #42490 Streamwood, Illinois 4:30 a.m. A driver sees a brigh 9/9/1979 #42538 dshield to the west in Streamwood, Illinois. It approaches, then moves back 9/9/1979 #42538 0 a.m. in Streamwood, Cook County, Illinois. 9/9/1979 #42541 d witness in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois when he observed a silver disc 9/9/1979 #42542 Poplar Grove, Illinois Beaverton and Poplar Grove Road 9/20/1979 #42595 woman is driving in Poplar Grove, Illinois, when a pear-shaped blue light, 9/20/1979 #42595 ing home employee in Poplar Grove, Illinois. The surrounding area was lit u 9/20/1979 #42596 Westmont, Illinois 5:56 p.m. A young man and his s 10/25/1979 #42656 ster are driving through Westmont, Illinois, and see a flat-bottomed object 10/25/1979 #42656 er for 50 minutes near Keithsberg, Illinois. It moved back and forth, desce 3/19/1980 #42938 Palatine, Illinois 8:20 p.m. Sam Puccinelli is par 4/20/1980 #43004 his car in his garage in Palatine, Illinois, when he sees a crescent-shaped 4/20/1980 #43004 In the suburbs of Palatine, Illinois at 8:20 p.m. a father and son v 4/20/1980 #43008 Evanston, Illinois NICAP is disbanded after the la 6/1980 #43076 enter for UFO Studies in Evanston, Illinois. 6/1980 #43076 Oak Park, Illinois 2:00 a.m. A 70-year-old woman i 6/15/1980 #43105 . A 70-year-old woman in Oak Park, Illinois, sees an object like a white ha 6/15/1980 #43105 Assumption, Illinois 1:30 a.m. Janet McLeod notices 6/21/1980 #43117 ks west of her home in Assumption, Illinois. They stop and hover at treetop 6/21/1980 #43117 In Assumption, Illinois at 1:30 a.m. Ms. McLeod reporte 6/21/1980 #43118 New Lenox, Illinois Around 10:00 p.m. A teenager in 11/24/1980 #43424 0:00 p.m. A teenager in New Lenox, Illinois, sees two green light sources f 11/24/1980 #43424 ew Lenox Manhattan Joliet Ellwood, Illinois Early morning. Policemen in New 11/25/1980 #43429 x, Manhattan, Joliet, and Ellwood, Illinois, watch a bright white light tha 11/25/1980 #43429 Normal, Illinois subdivision of Normal, Illinois 12/5/1980 #43465 l, Illinois subdivision of Normal, Illinois 10:00 p.m. Two teenagers parked 12/5/1980 #43465 g pool in a subdivision of Normal, Illinois, see a stationary bright white 12/5/1980 #43465 Edwardsville, Illinois 12:45 a.m. A man is driving wes 12/6/1980 #43467 a few miles north of Edwardsville, Illinois, when a disc-like object cuts a 12/6/1980 #43467 Evanston, Illinois The Center for UFO Studies can 2/28/1981 #43642 tion ends. It closes its Evanston, Illinois, office and moves to Allen Hyne 2/28/1981 #43642 West Granville Avenue Chicago, Illinois 1:00 a.m. A registered nurse li 3/6/1981 #43655 enue on the north side of Chicago, Illinois, watches a triangular array of 3/6/1981 #43655 Alton, Illinois 10:00 p.m. A huge bright light 3/30/1981 #43677 ver trees for 10 minutes in Alton, Illinois. The UFO moves towards two witn 3/30/1981 #43677 camp headquarters near Port Byron, Illinois 10:30 p.m. A camp director at G 7/11/1981 #43826 camp headquarters near Port Byron, Illinois, suddenly hears his dog barking 7/11/1981 #43826 pi River bridge in Muscatine, Iowa Illinois side of the river 3:10 a.m. Al 7/22/1981 #43852 ising from behind the trees on the Illinois side of the river. It is about 7/22/1981 #43852 ouger Road County Road 7 Lockport, Illinois Lockport locks and dam 5:45 p.m 2/12/1982 #44195 outh of County Road 7 in Lockport, Illinois, when he sees a light similar t 2/12/1982 #44195 orners three miles east of Joliet, Illinois. It had an X-shaped, coal-black 2/12/1982 #44196 Bolingbrook, Illinois 3:00 a.m. A woman schoolteacher 4/3/1982 #44295 oman schoolteacher in Bolingbrook, Illinois, is awakened by a high-pitched 4/3/1982 #44295 oman schoolteacher in Bolingbrook, Illinois was awakened by a high pitched 4/3/1982 #44296 ard the power plant in Romeoville, Illinois. It stopped and hovered, then f 6/15/1982 #44374 ard the power plant in Romeoville, Illinois. It stopped and hovered, then f 6/15/1982 #44375 Libertyville, Illinois 2:30 a.m. Kathy Freeman watches 6/25/1982 #44390 ght-angle turns near Libertyville, Illinois. 6/25/1982 #44390 was seen in the sky over Lombard, Illinois. There appeared to be very smal 11/6/1982 #44567 was seen in the sky over Lombard, Illinois at 3:45 p.m. There appeared to 11/6/1982 #44568 hway and Smith Street in Palatine, Illinois Lincoln Avenue Busse Woods (Ned 11/27/1982 #44590 hway and Smith Street in Palatine, Illinois. Two other officers (Ron Roszak 11/27/1982 #44590 'clock in the morning in Palatine, Illinois in the suburbs of Cook County, 11/27/1982 #44591 Coffeen, Illinois Brighton, Illinois 8:19 p.m. A 2/7/1983 #44665 Coffeen, Illinois Brighton, Illinois 8:19 p.m. A witness in Coffeen, 2/7/1983 #44665 is 8:19 p.m. A witness in Coffeen, Illinois, sees a triangular object with 2/7/1983 #44665 er 10 miles southwest of Brighton, Illinois, around 8:27 p.m. 2/7/1983 #44665 maneuvered over trees in McHenry, Illinois. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 5/23/1983 #44778 McHenry, Illinois 7:30 p.m. A high school art tea 5/23/1983 #44779 maneuvering over trees in McHenry, Illinois. It then rocks violently, level 5/23/1983 #44779 maneuvered over trees in McHenry, Illinois at 7:30 p.m. It was witnessed b 5/23/1983 #44781 Road South Ashland Avenue Beecher, Illinois 12:15 a.m. Terry Conner is at t 8/1/1983 #44855 ut 1.5 miles southwest of Beecher, Illinois, when he sees a cluster of red 8/1/1983 #44855 FAA radar at the Greater Rockford, Illinois airport. (Source: APRO Bulletin 12/12/1983 #45015 Byron, Illinois 6:30 p.m. Mike and Jeff Goodwin 12/12/1983 #45016 rt Blanchard are driving in Byron, Illinois, when they see a triangular “fa 12/12/1983 #45016 ing object was sighted over Byron, Illinois by three men. It moved erratica 12/12/1983 #45017 FAA radar at the Greater Rockford, Illinois airport. 12/12/1983 #45017 Illinois Highway 70 Eddie Road Rockford, 12/30/1983 #45031 is Highway 70 Eddie Road Rockford, Illinois 6:30 p.m. Four witnesses are dr 12/30/1983 #45031 . Four witnesses are driving along Illinois Highway 70 near Eddie Road abou 12/30/1983 #45031 out 8 miles northwest of Rockford, Illinois, when a red domed-shaped object 12/30/1983 #45031 Scottsdale, Arizona Evanston, Illinois Phoenix Glenview, Illinois J. A 8/1984 #45397 anston, Illinois Phoenix Glenview, Illinois J. Allen Hynek moves to Scottsd 8/1984 #45397 cottsdale, Arizona, from Evanston, Illinois, under the influence of entrepr 8/1984 #45397 he CUFOS office moves to Glenview, Illinois, where Sherman J. Larsen operat 8/1984 #45397 was seen in a red mist in Metcalf, Illinois at 8:30 p.m. It was seen for 30 6/8/1986 #45967 occurred on this night in Florida, Illinois, and Washington State. At 4:30 7/19/1986 #46013 tions toward the west. In Metcalf, Illinois at 8:10 p.m. a shiny object tur 7/19/1986 #46013 County Verona Green County Aurora, Illinois Monroe New Glarus Verona 8:00 p 1/15/1987 #46175 hey call the FAA Center in Aurora, Illinois, which admits it has a slow-mov 1/15/1987 #46175 Glenview, Illinois 2457 West Peterson Avenue, Chic 5/1/1987 #46250 r UFO Studies moves from Glenview, Illinois, to 2457 West Peterson Avenue i 5/1/1987 #46250 At 2:30 a.m., in Metcalf, Illinois the mother of the principal wit 5/1/1989 #47104 g in the farm community of Blyton, Illinois saw some yellowish orange light 12/6/1989 #47557 e night at 11:00 p.m. in Highland, Illinois a married couple in their mid-f 3/2/1990 #47723 his wife to work in South Chicago, Illinois and then saw a silver, oval-sha 4/16/1990 #47848 e resting at home in Calumet City, Illinois at 10:15 p.m. when they noticed 5/30/1990 #47930 Chicago, Illinois Mark Rodeghier, Jeff Goodpaster 1991 #48314 Center for UFO Studies in Chicago, Illinois. They conclude from the data th 1991 #48314 ass were found in a field in Troy, Illinois. No one could provide an explan 6/6/1991 #48488 co Sofitel Chicago Hotel Rosemont, Illinois The Center for UFO Studies and 2/15/1992 #48776 Sofitel Chicago Hotel in Rosemont, Illinois, in order to examine the nature 2/15/1992 #48776 o'clock in the morning in Cicero, Illinois a woman was lying in bed next t 4/3/1992 #48856 in a residential area of Chicago, Illinois was confronted by eight faceles 12/29/1992 #49243 l of the Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois Laramie, Wyoming Ordinary Conve 6/3/1993 #49497 l of the Art Institute of Chicago. Illinois. It features interviews with at 6/3/1993 #49497 In Oregon, Illinois a young man and his friend witn 4/21/1995 #50749 a.m. several women in Bolingbrook, Illinois saw an "orange or yellow arrow- 10/2/1995 #51143 OL) dimmed and reappeared in Bath, Illinois. It blinked and then shot off f 3/1/1996 #51440 riphery, was sighted in Frankfort, Illinois at seven o'clock in the evening 3/6/1996 #51456 Four youths camping in Charleston, Illinois saw a large white light in the 5/21/1996 #51554 on I-64 southeast of Damiansville, Illinois a low-flying triangular UFO app 7/17/1996 #51618 Smithton, Illinois 9:40 p.m. A witness in Smithton 8/12/1996 #51640 s 9:40 p.m. A witness in Smithton, Illinois, sees a faint, dull-red, glowin 8/12/1996 #51640 ly exploded into small pieces over Illinois in the USA on this date. A spec 9/7/1997 #52138 ghted in Orland Park, Cook County, Illinois at 5:40 a.m. It moved slowly, a 9/19/1997 #52149 At 8:45 p.m. outside Bartelso, Illinois an oval-shaped object was seen 1/26/1998 #52274 Three friends in Manito, Illinois saw a light, which broke into t 4/25/1998 #52339 m. a husband and wife in Chebanse, Illinois each observed flying discs. 5/12/1998 #52345 Phoenix, Arizona Illinois St. Clair Triangle Peter Gerste 1/22/1999 #52515 (later) the St. Clair Triangle in Illinois in 2000. The Department of Defe 1/22/1999 #52515 the St. Clair Triangle incident in Illinois, both were triangular UAP sight 1/22/1999 #52517 Summerfield, Millstadt, O’Fallon, Illinois Shortly after 4:00 a.m. The “St 1/5/2000 #52752 he “St. Clair Triangle,” “UFO Over Illinois,” “Southern Illinois UFO,” or “ 1/5/2000 #52752 e,” “UFO Over Illinois,” “Southern Illinois UFO,” or “Highland, Illinois UF 1/5/2000 #52752 thern Illinois UFO,” or “Highland, Illinois UFO” sighting takes place over 1/5/2000 #52752 merfield, Millstadt, and O’Fallon, Illinois. Five on-duty police officers a 1/5/2000 #52752 iscovery Channel special UFOs Over Illinois, an episode of the 2004 Syfy se 1/5/2000 #52752 entary titled The Edge of Reality: Illinois UFO, January 5, 2000 by Darryl 1/5/2000 #52752 lice Officer Stevens in Millstadt, Illinois took a photograph of a huge arr 1/5/2000 #52754 in St. Clair and Madison counties, Illinois, which are both eastern suburbs 1/5/2000 #52754 At 9:15 a family in Rockford, Illinois witnessed five objects, three t 2/11/2000 #52781 Two witnesses from Rockford, Illinois reported that at 10:00 p.m. a b 2/12/2000 #52783 ew in from the east over Rockford, Illinois. They maneuvered vertically and 2/16/2000 #52786 his way to work in East St. Louis, Illinois got a good look at a silent, ar 1/5/2001 #52977 Saturday, two people in Palatine, Illinois saw a metallic, cigar-shaped ob 5/19/2001 #53048 In Niles, Illinois Walter Lawrence witnessed a for 11/28/2002 #53324 lth Services Building in Winfield, Illinois the witness noticed three flash 3/14/2003 #53371 en returning from a bonfire in the Illinois countryside and had just finish 5/2/2003 #53390 ts flying overhead in Springfield, Illinois. The objects seemed to be "chas 10/25/2003 #53482 At Lake in the Hills, Illinois at 10:25 p.m. a flying triangle 8/20/2004 #53606 Tinley Park Oak Forest Illinois Three red lights hovering in a 8/21/2004 #53608 ses in Tinley Park and Oak Forest, Illinois. Further observations take plac 8/21/2004 #53608 2008, and in the episode “Invasion Illinois” of the television series UFO H 8/21/2004 #53608 ing on Interstate 57 near Peotone, Illinois. 11/13/2004 #53654 eth Arnold Phoenix lights Southern Illinois Roswell incident UFOs: Seeing I 2/24/2005 #53687 ting, the Phoenix lights, southern Illinois triangle-shaped UFOs, and the R 2/24/2005 #53687 International Airport in Chicago, Illinois Charlotte, North Carolina 4:15 11/7/2006 #53853 International Airport in Chicago, Illinois, receive a report that a group 11/7/2006 #53853 isc-shaped object over Round Lake, Illinois. Then both vanished in a second 1/30/2007 #53875 ted among the clouds over Chicago, Illinois. It stay still long enough for 12/23/2007 #53977 In Yorkville, Illinois a bright round-shaped object wa 2/11/2008 #53992 rist in Lebanon, St. Clair County, Illinois reported that a triangle-shaped 9/19/2008 #54043 ct hovered in the sky over Roscoe, Illinois for 30 seconds, and then shot o 9/25/2008 #54045 ring the daylight hours in Skokie, Illinois at 3:40 p.m. The sighting laste 11/28/2008 #54067 rizon in Chebanse, Iroquis County, Illinois at around 10 p.m. According to 8/14/2009 #54110 w over Petersburg, a small central Illinois town in Menard County. It had t 11/28/2009 #54133 Chicago, Illinois Albuquerque, New Mexico The ext 11/2020 #54551 ies) are transferred from Chicago, Illinois, to Albuquerque, New Mexico, wh 11/2020 #54551## Word: "illiterate", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
7 - pp. 175 and 179) A 14-year-old illiterate cowherd, Maximo Munoz Hernaiz 7/1/1953 #13504 Villares del Saz, Cuenca, Spain an illiterate cowherd, 14-year-old Maximo M 7/1/1953 #13508 es Saz, Spain Approximate date. An illiterate boy cowherd, Maximo Munos Oli 7/2/1953 #13511 ranch where Ignacio, a 41 year old illiterate, works as a laborer, 240 km f 8/13/1968 #30854 d women, Anita and Geralda, and an illiterate farmer of 30 years old, Cicil 8/9/1976 #38660 ince, Arg Jose Fermin Albornoz, an illiterate shephard, awoke at 4:00 a.m. 2/18/1981 #43622 Jose Fermin Albornoz, an illiterate shephard, awoke at 4:00 a.m. 2/18/1981 #43623## Word: "illness", 21 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Naples, Italy During an illness that occurred around the year be 1273 #232 dday. This object caused panic and illness among the populace, leading to d 10/9/1528 #355 which caused her great fright and illness. During her sickness, she began 4/1646 #506 from Goult, suffering from a cruel illness, saw a child of wonderful beauty 1661 #532 (an equestrian recovering from an illness) are camped in Coyote Canyon [no 9/2/1891 #1487 xtraterrestrial dies of an unknown illness. The origin of the crashed craft Summer 1937 #3381 that he showed no signs of mental illness. The case is listed as an "unkno 11/2/1954 #16500 3 small humanoids (or Greys) cure illness. Gets psychic talent. 11/8/1954 #16558 okhlov suffers a sudden and severe illness while attending an anti-Communis 9/1957 #19181 ns begins experiencing a recurring illness (the reason for his story appear 10/15/1966 #27205 iological effects included chronic illness, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, 10/15/1966 #27207 ht vomiting. From that day on, the illness never leaves him. Unable to do a 8/9/1976 #38660 d despite a brief remission of the illness, he dies. His family immediately 8/9/1976 #38660 se weapons would be able to induce illness or death at little or no risk to 12/1980 #43450 Landrum suffer apparent radiation illness after watching a flame-spewing U 12/29/1980 #43536 and that Landrum’s only documented illness is developing a cataract in one 12/29/1980 #43536 lelland said in an interview, "The illness that she suffered after her expo 12/29/1980 #43537 odes of abuse, trauma, and serious illness. One consequence is the developm 5/1/1992 #48892 anifestly hallucinating due to his illness] 9/14/1993 #49701 AS study, titled “An Assessment of Illness in U.S. Government Employees and 8/2020 #54544 e the symptoms associated with the illness to be “genuine and compelling,” 2/2/2022 #54630## Word: "illnesses", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d upon her the knowledge of curing illnesses and predicting the future. Dur 1613 #461 rom minor “accidental” injuries or illnesses to airplane crashes and catast 11/1943 #3839 other symptoms could be caused by illnesses that started before the incide 12/29/1980 #43536 that has been implicated in these illnesses. 8/3/2012 #54229## Word: "illobrand", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and later discussed by researcher Illobrand Von Ludwiger, acknowledging sk 4/8/1665 #553 y-Anhalt, Germany Future ufologist Illobrand von Ludwiger sees an object li Summer 1945 #4320 cific ufological topics. Edited by Illobrand von Ludwiger in Feldkirchen-We 1975 #36786 nstruct their positions. Ufologist Illobrand von Ludwiger’s group MUFON-Cen 8/24/1990 #48044 ichard F. Haines, German ufologist Illobrand von Ludwiger, CUFOS director M 9/29/1997 #52163## Word: "illogical", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
10 m, he feels a cold sweat and an illogical panic. The creature flies next 4/5/2001 #53016## Word: "illovo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
SPATCH AND JO-BURG AND INANADA AND ILLOVO AND KEW AND MORE/OTHERS, RSA Fan 7/6/1972 #33611## Word: "ills", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
explain reports of painful sounds, ills, and traumas than do other possible 9/1/2018 #54419## Word: "illum", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Ohura Beacon (area), NZ Sphere illum. cabin, E-M (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 2/2/1973 #34163## Word: "illuminate", 43 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e shore and it is strong enough to illuminate the inside of a room through 1811 #888 floating on the water: it did not illuminate anything but seemed lit up wi 6/5/1880 #1343 zky saw a glistening ball of light illuminate the countryside in Szuhabaran 12/24/1903 #2110 ), emitting 4–5 rays of light that illuminate the ground and startle cattle Early 11/1928 #3044 ns watched a very bright oval glow illuminate the Aristarchus-Herotodus cra 3/30/1950 #8072 n they see a bright flash of light illuminate the sky. Bernadotte stops the 12/5/1951 #9444 ed a “Hell Roarer” flare) that can illuminate a battlefield for nighttime p 4/7/1952 #9768 n (Arizona), where huge spotlights illuminate a large disc embedded in the 5/21/1953 #13397 Road intersection, his headlights illuminate three short figures kneeling 5/25/1955 #17193 side as it shone bright enough to illuminate a huge area. [NICAP UFO Evide 9/20/1962 #23171 ed toward their patrol car, hover, illuminate them and the terrain in purpl 9/3/1965 #25546 oward their patrol car, hover, and illuminate them and the surrounding terr 9/3/1965 #25553 eir police van headlights suddenly illuminate a domed, disc- shaped object 9/16/1965 #25614 Rodeo, NM Two Lights Illuminate Car At 30-50' Altitude (NICAP 9/25/1965 #25645 field and maneuvered their car to illuminate the area. In their headlights 8/19/1967 #29288 so close it caused a green glow to illuminate the cockpit. The UFO made an 10/27/1967 #29803 d turned on all the floodlights to illuminate the area, but could see nothi 8/22/1969 #31964 a "washtub" object to light up and illuminate her back yard. (NICAP: 02 - C 10/24/1973 #35240 two-meter wide disc-shaped object illuminate the area for miles around. It 8/26/1975 #37545 nessed more than 20 luminous cones illuminate the roads, etc; then fly off 8/11/1976 #38671 , Italy when he saw a yellow light illuminate the cab. The light originated 5/5/1977 #39531 , Italy when he saw a yellow light illuminate the cab. The light originated 5/5/1977 #39534 cruiser's spotlight to attempt to illuminate a cigar-shaped UFO he was vie 8/11/1978 #41101 m. attempted to use a spotlight to illuminate a vaguely defined, silver bli 8/11/1978 #41103 y. The object was bright enough to illuminate the clouds and the surroundin 12/14/1978 #41760 atrol boat uses its searchlight to illuminate the object, which appears to 8/12/1979 #42419 , when bright red flashes of light illuminate the inside of her truck and t 5/9/1980 #43045 intense, steady, blue-white lights illuminate its dark shape. He sees windo 12/6/1980 #43467 as bluish in color, and it did not illuminate the surroundings. 2/18/1981 #43623 d a silent glittering ovoid object illuminate a large engine factory comple 12/21/1981 #44121 out 150 feet away. The blue lights illuminate the area as bright as day. A 4/3/1982 #44295 rful white lights on its base that illuminate the ground below it. Ron Marc Late 10/1983 #44954 in front of its source and did not illuminate anything. They had the impres Early 7/1989 #47188 he clearly perceives 3 beams that illuminate the ground and a dark triangu 11/29/1989 #47487 ium, watch two enormous spotlights illuminate the area. A huge trapezoid-sh 4/22/1990 #47862 y they saw two enormous spotlights illuminate them and their surroundings. 4/22/1990 #47864 rds the ground, as if it wanted to illuminate something very far behind its 11/5/1990 #48177 t its light was powerful enough to illuminate the water below. It vanished, 2/12/1995 #50613 t coming from the triangle did not illuminate the ground or even the roof o 2/6/1996 #51385 was sufficiently bright enough to illuminate the bottom of the canyon. The 6/4/1996 #51572 eep, luminous blue, but it did not illuminate anything and was apparently a 5/23/1997 #52026 glowed a white color, but did not illuminate anything around them. No eyes 11/13/1998 #52475 ight; the lights did not appear to illuminate anything under it. It was nea 5/3/2006 #53810## Word: "illuminated", 647 instance(s) (Back to Top)
driven together, for they appeared illuminated at night but vanished when v 187 #13 ed with the cathedral of Poitiers, illuminated his path, leading him to vic 507 #42 night, an unusual pillar of light illuminated the hall of King Ecgbert I's 664 #61 rose from the ground and its light illuminated the ground. A number of smal 814 #94 China A bright object ascended and illuminated the terrain below. Numerous 814 #97 r. It came close to the ground and illuminated it for some time. Then, it d 1067 #157 und to the sky appeared. Lightning illuminated the earth, and thunder resou 2/11/1110 #170 shape resembled a cross, brightly illuminated the city of Krakow and its s 12/6/1269 #225 ightness shone high in the sky and illuminated the city of Krakow. (Decembe 12/6/1269 #226 ect, described as "a great light," illuminated the sky above his burial sit 1320 #246 e sighting of a large, black cloud illuminated by flames and lights. The cl 2/5/1355 #254 and upon his return, the site was illuminated by the beams of an overhead 5/31/1536 #359 mishing musketeers. The ground was illuminated by sparkling fire, creating 9/26/1568 #411 ky. This object emitted light that illuminated both the sky above and the g 1/29/1574 #423 , China The walls of a temple were illuminated by intense lights originatin 2/15/1609 #459 s." Subsequently, an immense light illuminated the area for a duration of o 7/3/1642 #500 red the room, causing it to appear illuminated and wider. These entities en 1656 #517 very bright light in the sky that illuminated his way through the darkness 10/3/1660 #524 intense. The water of the lake is illuminated to a depth of 30 feet, and f 8/15/1663 #546 he lake. The water in the lake was illuminated to a depth of 30 feet. The f 8/15/1663 #547 ed. The phenomenon's radiant light illuminated the vicinity, and by 2:00 A. 11/2/1730 #641 a kind of amphitheater wonderfully illuminated. In a tubular space shone an 9/1768 #737 ed in the sky, emitting light that illuminated the area and lasted for appr 2/5/1780 #754 ight it emitted was prodigious. It illuminated any object on the ground. Be 10/18/1783 #771 ame dissipated, leaving a brightly illuminated plate that ascended vertical 9/1/1808 #877 ndoner claims to have seen a "dome illuminated like the sun" moving for hal 12/16/1821 #935 that all around them was suddenly illuminated. Turning their eyes eastward 8/12/1825 #947 sting an intense reddish glow that illuminated the fields. 8/29/1837 #1000 masses alternately. The phenomenon illuminated a significant portion of the 12/10/1855 #1125 are at 9:45 p.m. a pale blue light illuminated a 200-foot long cloud-like o 7/13/1860 #1141 seemed to spit fire and there were illuminated stripes on its sides. The ob 1866 #1177 d, and a dead rat came out. It was illuminated 2 to 3 times by the purple l 10/4/1871 #1237 emitting any fires, but appearing illuminated by gigantic luminous beams. 6/1880 #1341 rcled the harbor. Altitude: 5-6 m. Illuminated the whole town. Duration: 1 11/2/1885 #1434 rcled the harbor. Altitude: 5-6 m. Illuminated the whole town. Duration: 1 11/2/1885 #1435 de of 56 meters for 90 seconds. It illuminated the entire town with a bluis 11/2/1885 #1436 and a dazzling light that brightly illuminated the inside of the house. Com 10/24/1886 #1442 dazzling light, which brilliantly illuminated the interior of the house. ( 10/24/1886 #1444 Venezuela. A vivid, dazzling light illuminated the inside of the hut. The f 10/24/1886 #1446 in front of the heroine's door. It illuminated the facade for a few moments 1/6/1896 #1532 the edge of a low cloud, which it illuminated. All could clearly see the s 4/1/1897 #1663 the edge of a low cloud, which it illuminated. All said they could clearly 4/1/1897 #1667 d a bright and dazzling light that illuminated a metallic hull and wings on 4/8/1897 #1682 th a narrow, rectangular shape and illuminated windows flew over a dairy fa 4/8/1897 #1684 s and William Chadburn observed an illuminated object flying overhead at al 4/12/1897 #1721 nesses claimed to have observed an illuminated airship that suddenly explod 4/12/1897 #1734 proached within 50 m of it. It was illuminated and equipped with a searchli 4/19/1897 #1876 ide. There were bright lights that illuminated much more than electric bulb 4/21/1897 #1903 . Looking outside, he saw a heavy, illuminated object land in his wheat fie 4/22/1897 #1923 the night, around 11:30 PM, a huge illuminated object coming from the north 4/29/1897 #1962 France on a steady trajectory. It illuminated the surrounding area a red c 4/27/1899 #2046 in Helmer, Indiana. Its inside is illuminated, and it has 8 windows in two 3/17/1903 #2105 anche lighthouse observed a white, illuminated balloon in the sky. They mad 4/11/1905 #2143 with two men, and its searchlight illuminated the surroundings as it trave 4/1909 #2277 UK 9:45 PM. A cigar-shaped object illuminated the terrain brightly in King 5/13/1909 #2302 ndependent witnesses of a brightly illuminated, 80 to 100 foot long, dark a 5/13/1909 #2305 s, it headed towards another boat, illuminated it in turn and then flew off 5/14/1909 #2306 g above Newport Bridge. Spotlights illuminated each end of the bridge. Afte 5/15/1909 #2310 note from vog: a white light that illuminated the tops of the trees, befor 6/16/1909 #2351 n playing on the beach saw a large illuminated object in the sky. The craft 7/24/1909 #2364 n playing on the beach saw a large illuminated object in the sky, near Mr. 7/24/1909 #2365 the maneuvers of an aerial craft, illuminated by various lights and equipp 7/31/1909 #2389 was observed at 3:00 a.m., clearly illuminated by the moon. Two figures wer 8/2/1909 #2399 in. The powerful beam of the craft illuminated all the train cars and this 12/23/1909 #2446 and gracefully circled around the illuminated Metropolitan Life Insurance 1910 #2456 d a large black pear-shaped object illuminated by the Moon and swaying abov 7/1910 #2488 h) Express Train whose windows are illuminated. 3/4/1913 #2588 bject in the shape of a cigar with illuminated windows. Next to this craft 6/1914 #2628 shining cigar- shaped object with illuminated windows. Near it were four o 6/1914 #2630 a shining cigarshaped object with illuminated windows. Near it were four o 6/1914 #2631 a glowing, cigar-shaped craft with illuminated windows. As the man approach 6/1914 #2633 he Skjaervaer lighthouse, which it illuminated with its projector. The glid 11/21/1914 #2667 dark object appear in front of the illuminated horizon, far ahead in the di 8/20/1915 #2696 A/c Encounters Object With Row of Illuminated Windows (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 1/31/1916 #2722 of Svanoen, by a Zeppelin. It was illuminated and the sound of its engines 4/20/1916 #2735 re visible behind what seemed like illuminated windows. 10/13/1917 #2802 hen notices his neighbor’s farm is illuminated with bright white light. Sev 1/22/1919 #2836 hout wind. The red searchlight had illuminated a very large area on the gro 10/1920 #2875 it left. Some clouds, no wind. It illuminated the entire area on the groun 10/1920 #2876 essed a 200 foot long "comet" with illuminated windows on side make a hissi 7/14/1925 #2955 cend from the village of Cârța. An illuminated globe moves toward him with 6/1926 #2971 a pasture and sees in the night a "illuminated lance" the size of the Moon. 11/1926 #2986 ed disc pass above their heads. It illuminated the entire valley and eventu 1927 #2990 r than the Moon. It was yellow and illuminated the streets so much that it 1927 #2993 d, producing a dazzling light that illuminated the surroundings. It landed 1927 #2998 l moon. Yellow in color, its light illuminated the streets so brightly that 7/1927 #3009 rhead emitting rays of light which illuminated the ground and startled catt 11/1928 #3043 thwest above the park. The disc is illuminated and leaves a trail behind it Summer 1932 #3162 e silence. The orange-tinted light illuminated the entire region. After hal 1933 #3175 ven, New Jersey. Suddenly they are illuminated by a searchlight coming from Summer 1933 #3203 Spain, a farmer witnessed a large, illuminated round object descending to h 1935 #3290 tely the red and green lights that illuminated the object went out and a cl 2/11/1937 #3366 ind of low humming. The object was illuminated by itself, with a kind of op 4/1937 #3373 ter and faster. The whole area was illuminated. The noise became unbearable Summer 1938 #3421 speed. The whole area then became illuminated, the sound gaining in streng Summer 1938 #3422 again and circled the area, again illuminated by the things resembling exh Summer 1938 #3422 ompanied by his aide were suddenly illuminated by a dazzling white light. B 7/25/1938 #3428 Spanish Civil War battlefront were illuminated by a bright glow, then saw a 7/25/1938 #3430 and damp evening. A strange light illuminated the area around them for a f Autumn 1939 (approximate) #3481 as awoken by an intense light that illuminated his room. Going to the windo 1940 #3493 km/h above the witnesses, brightly illuminated some nearby barns and disapp 1940 #3494 in the morning, they were suddenly illuminated by a light that seemed to be 1941 #3537 Sea, a crew member spotted a large illuminated disc flying at a high speed 1942 #3599 Timor Sea Illuminated disk; terrific speed. Non-US 2/26/1942 #3626 e, on Route 30, a string of highly illuminated objects which, she says she 12/1942 #3729 . The underside appeared even more illuminated. Puzzled by the presence of 1944 #3877 ticed that the whole landscape was illuminated by this light. She had a fee 10/1944 #4034 m. a man on a bicycle was suddenly illuminated by a light beam from the woo 10/10/1944 #4040 four very bright balls, completely illuminated red, yellow, white and blue 12/1944 #4090 , luminous disc topped with a dome illuminated by a greenish light. The UFO 1945 #4131 uggesting individual control. They illuminated the trees below as they flew 1945 #4150 e to the fences. At one fence, two illuminated clouds appeared, moving towa 7/16/1945 #4343 30 m from the ground. It brightly illuminated the whole school with its bl Spring 1946 #4460 her curious purple shade and which illuminated not only the object but also 5/1946 #4470 round. On the ground, outside this illuminated zone, a man dressed in a tig 5/1946 #4470 nd. She approached the edge of the illuminated zone and, through this kind 5/1946 #4470 erved: it had the appearance of an illuminated milk jug. The observation la 7/19/1946 #4597 meantime the object was no longer illuminated and it was pitch black. 8/26/1946 #4729 Filho, 39 years old, was suddenly illuminated by a strong beam of light wh 12/1/1946 #4815 ght after, a bright flash of light illuminated the sky above the ocean." 12/30/1946 #4824 d night. The surroundings suddenly illuminated brightly, prompting the boys Early 1947 #4842 y, around 3 pm, a white-blue flash illuminated the entire right side of his 6/24/1947 #5078 man reports the observation of two illuminated discs in Oklahoma. The same 6/25/1947 #5110 a blinding white searchlight that illuminated the sky from the bottom of t 6/30/1947 #5211 er object going quickly east. Self illuminated. 7/4/1947 #5421 r there was a rounded protuberance illuminated by a soft and silvery light. 4/3/1948 #6604 an cars, with seven square windows illuminated and emitting sparks. The obj 1/27/1949 #7086 m the rear. The craft seemed to be illuminated by an incandescent trail run 7/24/1949 #7469 Hatchville, Massachusetts] see two illuminated cylindrical objects in the w 2/2/1950 #7776 Otis AFB, and two others. Two thin illuminated cylinders, one of which drop 2/5/1950 #7778 two other people observe two thin, illuminated cylinders. A glowing ball em 2/5/1950 #7779 Teaticket, MA 2 thin, illuminated cylinders, one dropped a fir 2/5/1950 #7781 is AFB, and two others. Two thin, illuminated cylinders, one of which drop 2/5/1950 #7782 potlight towards him, a blue light illuminated the craft, there was an incr 3/18/1950 #7953 n his direction while a blue light illuminated the craft; the vapor increas 3/18/1950 #7961 n his direction while a blue light illuminated the craft. The vapor increas 3/18/1950 #7967 ht at the camera shows clearly the illuminated cloud surrounding it. 9/1950 #8551 rew the co-pilot's attention to an illuminated object approaching directly 10/5/1950 #8619 E. Sweeney, and two militiamen. An illuminated object of yellow color, in t 6/1/1951 #9051 t four o'clock in the morning that illuminated the countryside like a full 8/26/1951 #9195 d. In the halo, an oval shape soon illuminated the entire field on which it Early 10/1951 #9291 east-west line saw an object that illuminated the countryside like the ful 10/26/1951 #9361 west line saw a flying object that illuminated the countryside like the ful 10/26/1951 #9362 ject, white-gray in color, but not illuminated, flew low over the installat 12/7/1951 #9445 large red lights at each side, an illuminated dome, and smaller lights alo 3/1952 #9637 haped object with truncated front, illuminated sides and a red back, maneuv 6/15/1952 #10374 had some type of exhaust, and were illuminated from the inside. 7/19/1952 #10941 ta Falls, TX 2 disc-shaped objects illuminated by a phosphorus light (NICAP 7/27/1952 #11281 an Ellis. Two disc-shaped objects, illuminated by a phosphorus light, flew 7/27/1952 #11285 m them, but there was a light that illuminated all the meadows. Strongly im 9/1952 #12046 that she watched several brightly illuminated UFOs and became ill for seve 9/22/1952 #12303 west of Craig, Montana a disc with illuminated windows was seen over the Mi 1/1/1953 #12926 louds. The sun's rays had strongly illuminated it and I had been able to no 2/15/1954 #14156 was that they saw this thing still illuminated under the water and this for 3/24/1954 #14265 aryland 10:11 p.m. An unidentified illuminated object is seen above the Sec 4/29/1954 #14377 e morning, when a terrifying light illuminated the nearby fields. Stunned, 5/20/1954 #14470 the light of his bicycle no longer illuminated. To his great surprise he re 9/17/1954 #15094 t eight o'clock when a brilliantly illuminated egg-shaped object landed on 10/1/1954 #15398 an egg-shaped object, brilliantly illuminated, landed on the left side of 10/2/1954 #15431 s motor scooter when a brilliantly illuminated egg-shaped object landed on 10/2/1954 #15443 minous spots and became completely illuminated when it took off. It was abo 10/3/1954 #15489 minous spots and became completely illuminated when it took off. It was abo 10/3/1954 #15499 topped in a vertical position when illuminated by car headlights. Landing t 10/4/1954 #15540 something. Suddenly a strong light illuminated the object and the woman saw 10/6/1954 #15589 It looked like a fieryorange ball, illuminated the vinyard for nearly 3 hrs 10/12/1954 #15856 t looked like a fiery orange ball, illuminated the vineyard for nearly 3 ho 10/12/1954 #15866 it emitted a blinding light which illuminated the field for about 600' aro 10/14/1954 #15936 d gave off a blinding light, which illuminated the countryside for about 20 10/14/1954 #15942 t gave off a blinding light, which illuminated the countryside for about 20 10/14/1954 #15964 Kingfisher, OK 50 objects with illuminated bottoms were seen flying (NI 10/15/1954 #16001 6 and 17, 1954. Fifty objects with illuminated bottoms were seen flying in 10/15/1954 #16011 ext two nights, fifty objects with illuminated bottoms were seen flying ver 10/15/1954 #16024 ards the west. The countryside was illuminated for a distance of 2 to 3 km. 10/18/1954 #16112 ate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 km. 10/18/1954 #16137 ate locations. The countryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 kilometers. 10/18/1954 #16148 rocket shaped device with several illuminated portholes following a comple 10/18/1954 #16149 ch was a series of portholes, some illuminated with a very bright, bluish-w 10/19/1954 #16167 motorcycle on the N 43. He saw an illuminated craft in front of him. His m 10/22/1954 #16247 Segre, Maine-et-Loire, France. It illuminated the road like daylight. 10/22/1954 #16260 ques, France. When it dove down it illuminated the surface of the water. It 10/22/1954 #16262 BANI, SOUTH RHODESIA Miners panic. Illuminated object hovers over gold mine 10/23/1954 (approximate) #16270 achine gun barrels. The object was illuminated as if it were in broad dayli 10/25/1954 (approximate) #16315 roached the light, two featureless illuminated humanoid forms emerged from 10/25/1954 #16346 taly. It had a blinding light that illuminated the area. 11/1/1954 #16485 s inside, entering a circular room illuminated by a soft light. On a table 11/2/1954 #16498 t in. He saw a large circular room illuminated by a soft light. He saw no l 11/2/1954 #16500 ed sweeping the countryside. As it illuminated two tractors, one of them st 11/14/1954 #16621 nd then hovered for 20 minutes. It illuminated the surface of the water in 12/18/1954 #16823 prise, or by a blue-green ray that illuminated him immediately, he distingu 5/14/1955 #17160 about to crash. Then the ground is illuminated with two brilliant lights ai 8/1/1955 #17367 d in waves and at times this light illuminated the whole forest. 1956 #17718 flying, 120 foot long ovoid object illuminated an area 15 acres in size; it 1/30/1956 #17784 made instantaneous maneuvers, and illuminated a farm as it flew over. 5/28/1956 #17984 ely 7m, and a very powerful beacon illuminated 300m to the south. The noise 9/1956 #18291 a golf course in Dayton, Ohio. It illuminated an area 40 feet wide. The si 9/2/1956 #18309 les, about 50 cm in diameter, were illuminated with a yellowish light, and 2/9/1957 #18658 that the objects were toy balloons illuminated by a flashlight bulb release 2/15/1957 #18682 A disc with brightly illuminated windows followed a REAL airl 7/4/1957 #18973 come aboard the craft. Inside the illuminated compartment, he sat on a cir 7/25/1957 #19039 come aboard the craft. Inside the illuminated compartment, he sat on a cir 7/25/1957 #19044 , at dawn or at dusk, while it was illuminated by the sun and the ground wa 10/4/1957 #19286 to Ceres, saw a bright object that illuminated the countryside and came dow 10/10/1957 #19328 when they saw a bright object that illuminated the countryside and flew dow 10/10/1957 #19333 , Santa Catarina state, Brazil. It Illuminated the area with beams of light 10/22/1957 #19388 dying one. Suddenly a strong light illuminated the right side of the house. 10/25/1957 #19394 words, by telepathy. The men then illuminated the girl's belly with a whit 10/25/1957 #19394 to die when the house was suddenly illuminated by a strong light, as if a s 10/25/1957 #19398 death when the house was suddenly illuminated by a strong light, as if a s 10/25/1957 #19401 llow light from the craft suddenly illuminated the area, and it flew off "l 11/5/1957 #19602 llow light from the craft suddenly illuminated the area, and it flew off "l 11/5/1957 #19613 and bottom issued light cones that illuminated the countryside and the clou 11/6/1957 #19686 he object came cones of light that illuminated the countryside and the clou 11/6/1957 #19710 isible, and a thin, 15 m high rod, illuminated, which seemed to shorten and 1/1958 #20095 Falls, New York, when she sees an illuminated 50-foot pole in the center p 1/1958 #20100 em. The ground around their car is illuminated for a few seconds, and they 2/19/1958 #20200 object with a row of portholes. It illuminated the trees, was about 5 m wid 3/31/1959 #21104 five meters (16 feet) wide, and it illuminated the trees. He drove around t 3/31/1959 #21107 ot straight up into the clouds and illuminated the clouds a reddish color. 6/6/1959 #21201 and encircling the object and four illuminated domed portholes under the da 7/6/1959 #21266 enheim, New Zealand Disc with dome illuminated area in green light, two bei 7/13/1959 #21292 nly 15 meters above the ground. It illuminated the countryside "like daylig 7/13/1959 #21295 . It had a dark, concave base, and illuminated dome, and traveled on its si 7/25/1959 #21330 Kadena AFB, Okinawa Radar Target Illuminated By Rotating Beacon (NICAP: 0 9/15/1959 #21444 ded by rivets. Inside, brilliantly illuminated by a white light, he could s 9/29/1959 #21471 ect for ten minutes. The craft had illuminated portholes. At approximately 10/7/1959 #21504 a silver domed disc with a yellow illuminated dome. It was spinning, and h 11/24/1959 #21587 cle at 1:30 in the morning when an illuminated object appeared above the ed 3/2/1960 #21706 fteen miles east of Globe, Arizona illuminated a small figure standing 300 6/10/1960 #21866 e, with a red luminous bottom that illuminated the road. the UFO paced thei 8/2/1960 #21928 appears, and the sky and water are illuminated for several minutes. 9/18/1961 #22504 ad. It took off at high speed when illuminated by the headlights. Farther a 1/8/1962 #22698 Argentina Two navy pilots see illuminated object rise, split in two se 5/12/1962 #22870 looked like a railroad car and was illuminated. As they came close to it, t 5/12/1962 #22872 rectangular object shaped like an illuminated railroad boxcar. As they cam 5/12/1962 #22876 ng with her three children when an illuminated oval object landed near the 10/28/1962 #23264 ces it starting to move across the illuminated portion of the Moon, then co 12/1/1962 #23330 with orange spots. The street was illuminated as if it was day by this thi 5/1963 #23509 was observed in silhouette, partly illuminated by a white light on top and 6/26/1963 #23600 A transparent illuminated sphere ten feet in diameter 8/28/1963 #23741 tes in an affidavit he saw a fully illuminated round UAP hovering silently Late 1963 #23813 n glow hovered emitting beam which illuminated hilltop; house radio failed, 11/14/1963 #23871 man suddenly found the countryside illuminated and saw an object, 15 m in d 12/14/1963 #23923 an, found the countryside suddenly illuminated all about them and saw an ob 12/14/1963 #23925 bed, sat up and saw the whole room illuminated. Suddenly, an entity of abou 2/3/1964 #23976 Player wakes up to see her bedroom illuminated near Gum Creek, Kangaroo Isl 2/3/1964 #23978 Lordsbury when the entire area was illuminated by a bluish light "as bright 4/22/1964 #24042 New Mexico the entire area became illuminated as bright as day by a bluish 4/22/1964 #24044 to the south-southwest when it was illuminated by car headlights. 6/3/1964 #24208 er part. As it left, a green light illuminated the countryside. A powerful 7/7/1964 #24284 2 foot diameter circle. The object illuminated the yard, trees, and the sid 1/12/1965 #24665 with a red dome on top with three illuminated tails was sighted. It flew o 3/21/1965 #24832 legs on or near the ground, trees illuminated. Departed rapidly with buzzi 5/24/1965 #24928 legs on or near the ground, trees illuminated. Departed rapidly with buzzi 5/24/1965 #24931 hulea, Papua New Guinea. Its light illuminated the beach. 5/25/1965 #24936 ory, Australia on this evening. It illuminated its surroundings. 5/27/1965 #24938 sh 40-foot disc-shaped object with illuminated portholes was seen in Smithf 6/15/1965 #24980 DS Scientists and many. Flat round illuminated object seen widely. 6/30/1965 #25010 s were found afterward. The object illuminated a wide area. 8/4/1965 #25329 s were found afterward. The object illuminated a wide area. 8/4/1965 #25338 with green and yellow flames, and illuminated the clouds when it flew into 8/5/1965 #25343 fiery red cigar-shaped object with illuminated windows flew over, making a 8/6/1965 #25350 the craft, who looked human, were illuminated by an interior green light a 8/14/1965 #25413 uld be seen moving inside the UFO, illuminated by a green light. Finally, w 8/15/1965 #25423 ght up into the clouds, which were illuminated with green light. Five min l 8/20/1965 #25462 eentered the machine, which became illuminated and took off, first vertical 9/1/1965 #25520 et off the ground. The bright glow illuminated the interior of the car and 9/3/1965 #25525 area in front of him was suddenly illuminated by a blinding red light, the 9/3/1965 #25526 a falling-leaf motion. The lights illuminated the countryside and flashed 9/3/1965 #25541 and 100' in the air. Purple light illuminated ground beneath object and in 9/3/1965 #25544 TX Two sheriffs saw huge, brightly illuminated object speed toward their pa 9/3/1965 #25546 car, McCoy and Goode, saw the huge illuminated object speed toward their pa 9/3/1965 #25553 an area that was suddenly brightly illuminated from a door opening in a cra 9/3/1965 #25554 tspruit Road when their headlights illuminated a disk 10 m in diameter, cop 9/15/1965 #25606 ore midnight when their headlights illuminated a disc-shaped object resting 9/15/1965 #25607 ect changed to a blue color. Light illuminated the car interior. 9/25/1965 #25650 seeing clearly a row of portholes illuminated with a greenish light. 11/1965 #25744 It cast a pulsating red glow that illuminated their lawn. Their house ligh 2/6/1966 #25977 nted by glowing object, light beam illuminated road, humming sound. Chased 4/17/1966 #26437 Johnson farm in Clarinda, Iowa. It illuminated the area surrounding it with 4/23/1966 #26515 stance, it shone on the night sky, illuminated by the sun, with the brightn 6/1966 #26647 ject resembling a flaming tree, an illuminated shell. Everything disappeare 6/15/1966 #26699 Vietnam Brilliantly lighted object illuminated terrain at Army base, widesp 6/19/1966 #26731 ley and surrounding mountains were illuminated by the hovering UFO for abou Summer 1966 #26734 reading when an intense red light illuminated the ground near her house. S 6/23/1966 #26743 New York when an intense red light illuminated the ground near her house. S 6/23/1966 #26748 I Navy officer) and his son saw an illuminated, 25-foot diameter disc with 7/22/1966 #26819 d retired WWII Navy officer see an illuminated, 25-foot diameter disc with 7/22/1966 #26821 range it shows an elliptical shape illuminated by a faint glow. 9/17/1966 #27077 h binoculars could see that it had illuminated yellow square windows. Next, 10/2/1966 #27142 ject followed car, ground brightly illuminated, engine, headlights failed. 10/15/1966 #27203 ide, and a central light beam that illuminated a field. During the sighting 10/26/1966 #27237 me was dark, the base of the craft illuminated with a mixture of red, yello 11/1966 #27258 jectory towards the fields that it illuminated. When G.P. saw this thing up 11/1966 #27258 ong the lower portion. The object, illuminated by a faint glow, first hover 11/12/1966 #27309 ine the engine when a bright light illuminated the whole area and there was 1967 #27472 hovered over car, roadway brightly illuminated. Forward motion slowed, unab 1/3/1967 #27491 hovered over car, roadway brightly illuminated. Forward motion slowed, unab 1/3/1967 #27492 suit stood in the door, sometimes illuminated by a rotating red light. The 1/13/1967 #27549 sound, and the sky and ground are illuminated by white light. Red flame je 1/15/1967 #27566 on a cloudy night. The ground was illuminated (environmental illumination) 2/16/1967 #27839 tnesses, Mr. & Mrs. Max Recod, was illuminated by a beam of light that also 2/16/1967 #27847 saw around or disc-shaped brightly illuminated object. It moved higher gain 2/25/1967 #27921 ee a round or disc-shaped brightly illuminated object only a few feet in di 2/25/1967 #27922 e around midnight when they saw an illuminated clam-shaped object going up 3/3/1967 #28027 bject emittina a bright light that illuminated the ground for oerhaps 5 min 3/5/1967 #28041 it passed low over the car and it illuminated the ground with a bright lig 3/5/1967 #28049 5 p.m.MST. A couple saw the ground illuminated in front of their car. Looki 3/12/1967 #28161 ound the object. Its dark mass was illuminated by a nearby street lamp. A w 3/12/1967 #28168 9:15 p.m. EST. A woman reported an illuminated bell-shaped object, estimate 4/1/1967 #28345 it pursued the witnesses' car and illuminated it with a light beam, a whis 4/26/1967 #28540 it pursued the witnesses' car and illuminated it with a light beam, a whis 4/26/1967 #28544 d by the railroad tracks, and then illuminated the surrounding area. 5/10/1967 #28639 come toward her from the South. It illuminated the ground and appeared to l 5/31/1967 #28769 ctrical system. Through a brightly illuminated transparent surface of the o 6/7/1967 #28823 tted a blue-white light beam which illuminated the ground. As the object ci 7/28/1967 #29128 ached fire lookout tower, hovered, illuminated ground 7/28/1967 #29129 tuck together. The whole garden is illuminated and a rumbling sound is hear 8/3/1967 #29165 seemed to respond. An object which illuminated the whole area was seen rest 8/3/1967 #29172 glued together. The whole yard was illuminated and a humming sound was hear 8/3/1967 #29173 d. A domed disc-shaped object that illuminated the whole area was next seen 8/3/1967 #29177 s in diameter. The entire yard was illuminated and a humming sound was hear 8/3/1967 #29178 he saw in a field. His headlights illuminated a large, metallic-appearing 8/23/1967 #29293 he saw in a field. His headlights illuminated a large, metallic-appearing 8/23/1967 #29294 o the rear of the car. The car was illuminated by light beams and was repor 8/28/1967 #29342 50 p.m. A round, bright, uniformly illuminated light yellow disk was seen d 8/30/1967 #29361 -old radio technician, observed an illuminated object at 10:30 p.m. in Tibi 10/1/1967 #29585 feet long, with half a dozen oval illuminated windows, and had on top a sq 10/1/1967 #29585 ere extinguished, showing only the illuminated portholes. The object then r 10/1/1967 #29585 A white light beam from the bottom illuminated the ground. (light reaction) 10/2/1967 #29589 n ears, and only the container was illuminated by a light. Then the contain 10/11/1967 #29637 ow lights (body lights). Its light illuminated the ground as bright as day. 10/11/1967 #29646 th a rim around the center and had illuminated portholes. (Stanway and Pace 10/17/1967 #29674 a bright red ellipse followed and illuminated the interior of their patrol 10/20/1967 #29709 Falkirk, Scotland, saw a brightly illuminated white object with a contrail 11/21/1967 #29954 ea Liepāja, Latvia Night. A large, illuminated hemispherical object appears Late 11/1967 #29975 r-old girl saw a very bright white illuminated circular object (disc) the s 12/8/1967 #30031 uptly to position behind car, road illuminated; made repeated passes at car 1/20/1968 #30162 uptly to position behind car, road illuminated. Made repeated passes at car 1/20/1968 #30163 e red object was so bright that it illuminated the road. It had a band of d 3/19/1968 #30351 tchen window and sees a giant bird illuminated by a streetlight. He and his 5/10/1968 #30467 arlier on August 10, 1968. The UFO illuminated the ground behind a small hi 8/12/1968 #30851 ota, report a very large, brightly illuminated aerial object, alternating c 10/24/1968 #31141 ttern, the pilots observe a large, illuminated UFO ahead of the aircraft fo 10/24/1968 #31141 walked toward the left side of the illuminated square. Next, from the oppos 1/6/1969 #31407 n 200 meters of it he could see an illuminated rectangle in which several f 1/15/1969 #31437 e a man and his dog encountered an illuminated rectangle on or near the gro 1/16/1969 #31440 tude, from north to south. The UFO illuminated the area like daytime. 1/28/1969 #31463 ts went out and he saw the faintly illuminated silhouettes of two small fig 3/22/1969 #31637 Negru Vodă, Romania 5:30 p.m. An illuminated triangular object moves soun 5/1/1969 #31709 o Nobutoshi witness a “brilliantly illuminated window” hovering in the air 6/17/1969 #31834 eam of his flashlight towards this illuminated part and glimpsed "a small p 7/5/1969 #31875 rapidly about. Each one carried an illuminated pear-shaped implement, held 8/19/1969 #31962 bject flew towards him. The object illuminated the reservoir and the countr Early Autumn 1969 #31985 al structure, but the fuselage was illuminated. This second object stayed m 9/24/1969 #32018 reformed around the object and the illuminated circle emitted green and red 1/7/1970 #32204 light beam is emitted, creating an illuminated area of 3 feet in diameter o 1/7/1970 #32209 humanoid creature standing in the illuminated area, carrying in its hands 1/7/1970 #32209 bottom of the craft. It created an illuminated area three feet in diameter 1/7/1970 #32210 man on the ground standing in the illuminated area. He had thin arms and l 1/7/1970 #32210 this insolent apparition violently illuminated the whole landscape, as well 1/24/1970 #32221 rs from Avenue de la Réserve, were illuminated in their entire height, as i 1/24/1970 #32221 ters. A dozen powerful light beams illuminated the ground: a very particula 3/26/1970 #32284 . The central part was brilliantly illuminated as if there was a powerful l Early 7/1970 #32419 ur witnesses was a two-dimensional illuminated 2 m by 1 m rectangle, hoveri 8/5/1970 #32470 as it moved about. The trees were illuminated by the close approach of the 8/29/1970 #32512 er she found herself inside a room illuminated by an orange light. The room 9/7/1970 #32534 At 7:45 p.m. a disc-shaped UFO, illuminated green from the inside, flew 3/2/1971 #32773 d, 20 Mins. House size silver ball illuminated brilliant red, green, blue,a 5/16/1971 #32855 dy of the object was a silver ball illuminated by brilliant red, green, blu 5/16/1971 #32856 the house with the dog. She saw an illuminated, rectangular-shaped object d 6/7/1971 (approximate) #32904 New Zealand had his car's interior illuminated by a big, low flying, circul 6/9/1971 #32908 ter in diameter dome-shaped object illuminated an area 250 meters wide as i 6/9/1971 #32909 he judged was about 200 feet away, illuminated from within by a white light 6/9/1971 #32910 ocal time a domed oval-shaped UFO, illuminated by lightning flashes during 8/1/1971 #33016 Kadina, S. AU Glowing orange disc illuminated area, buzzing sound. See Sec 8/8/1971 #33028 died at the same time the car was illuminated by an orange glow that lit u 8/8/1971 #33030 when his car was suddenly brightly illuminated by multiple beams of light a 9/20/1971 #33117 ne, whose interior was brilliantly illuminated by white light. There was li 9/22/1971 #33131 by the crew of a fishing boat. It illuminated the surface of the sea as if 9/23/1971 #33133 f trees) an object become suddenly illuminated with a mass of blue, red, an 11/2/1971 #33229 the morning. Outside a pasture was illuminated by a UFO that looked like an 11/4/1971 #33237 transparent, ovoid shaped, and was illuminated from within by a blue light. 12/20/1971 #33304 several beings emerged from a red illuminated interior. They wore white co 12/31/1971 #33319 ject visible on road ahead. Object illuminated trees as it departed 6/9/1972 #33537 sture panicked. The whole area was illuminated by the UFO, and a strong win 6/16/1972 #33544 ree bright orange-red lights which illuminated the "saucer" which appeared 8/1/1972 #33705 air outside. She saw a very bright illuminated shape the size of a Fiat Iso 8/9/1972 #33725 , making beeping sounds. Its light illuminated the surrounding field. On th 8/12/1972 #33758 und; blinding white light brightly illuminated terrain; object made "whoosh 8/19/1972 #33779 und. Blinding white light brightly illuminated terrain. Object made "whoosh 8/19/1972 #33780 me time their bedroom was suddenly illuminated by an orange light. A few mi 9/18/1972 #33861 or 5 flashes of silver light that illuminated the bottom of the object. Th 10/29/1972 #33965 ees, and the light from the object illuminated the immediate area with an i 4/15/1973 #34342 . The object itself was completely illuminated but apparently solid in cons 4/15/1973 #34342 n and her son Robert saw an object illuminated by a red light hovering over 5/3/1973 #34378 closer and appeared to be a large, illuminated spherical object, hovering i 6/23/1973 #34507 er, like a "garage doors opening." Illuminated brightly from within, she ob 6/23/1973 #34507 foot long oval object, brilliantly illuminated with orange and blue bands. 6/28/1973 #34523 , IL Four boys (ages 14-18) saw an illuminated object shaped like a "flat f 7/6/1973 #34542 ilted at a 45 degree angle. It had illuminated, square windows. It then lev 8/20/1973 #34651 gar-shaped object flew over it and illuminated it with a green light. Durin 10/18/1973 #35111 me-shaped craft on the ground that illuminated the area. It was making a lo 10/25/1973 #35264 ow of small windows. It was weakly illuminated by a yellowish light. Inside 10/31/1973 #35305 irections. The whole area was next illuminated by a bright glow, and two hu 11/3/1973 #35344 ee o'clock in the morning numerous illuminated objects appeared, one of whi 11/18/1973 #35428 ladder emerged, leaving a narrow, illuminated opening from which a human s 11/18/1973 #35428 tensely. A yellowish beam of light illuminated the man from an unknown sour 12/12/1973 #35553 rior of the helmets appeared to be illuminated. A third entity was seen sta 1/7/1974 #35666 facial features. The UFO brightly illuminated the surrounding terrain and 1/8/1974 #35673 littering red-colored objects like illuminated sign, blinking at random, ve 1/25/1974 #35714 qual distance from it. Their light illuminated the main body well. They fle 2/1974 #35728 It was a good night, the full moon illuminated the landscape. One could cle 2/1974 #35728 about 500 meters away. A blue glow illuminated the countryside. There were 3/1/1974 #35866 ee observers saw a nearby hillside illuminated by a bright yellow light in 3/1/1974 #35868 a strong orange light so bright it illuminated a nearby house. A few moment 3/7/1974 #35891 sighted a 30 meter long, brightly illuminated "trolley" in a field in Comb 3/7/1974 #35895 ectangles of a violent white light illuminated. With the binoculars, Mr. Co 3/24/1974 #35977 red in color. Half of the dome was illuminated. It too emitted a siren soun 4/21/1974 #36103 s old. The scene is well lit by an illuminated dome on the roof of the buil 5/5/1974 #36135 ecause the area was well lit by an illuminated dome on the roof of the buil 5/7/1974 #36144 aceres, Spain when a bright object illuminated the highway. He saw three ta 6/16/1974 #36264 , brilliant white beam from object illuminated patrol car (Reference 1, Sec 7/9/1974 #36317 , brilliant white beam from object illuminated patrol car 7/9/1974 #36318 t boots. He was very handsome, and illuminated by a strange light. Justice 8/1/1974 #36370 th eight white rectangular windows illuminated from inside. A photograph wa 9/4/1974 #36504 etween the luminous object and the illuminated ground. Still later, nocturn 9/8/1974 #36519 emitted two light beams to ground, illuminated terrain brightly (Reference 10/17/1974 #36627 emitted two light beams to ground, illuminated terrain brightly 10/17/1974 #36628 There was a curious figure inside, illuminated by a diffuse light source. T Early 12/1974 #36728 owing down to look, his headlights illuminated an object with a curved, tra 12/2/1974 #36732 'Barski observed a 9 m long vessel illuminated by a row of windows. A door 1/1975 #36789 base. Body lights visible, ground illuminated as object took off (NICAP UF 1/2/1975 #36805 base. Body lights visible, ground illuminated as object took off 1/2/1975 #36809 e on the craft, and the ground was illuminated as the UFO took off. The sig 1/2/1975 #36813 ht. Described as semi-convex, self illuminated with dim yellow light on top 1/3/1975 #36821 n what seemed to be a bright, very illuminated sphere. Three silent, somewh 1/5/1975 #36832 orange glowing ball flew over and illuminated the area. It stopped and hov 1/24/1975 #36886 ent, England at a low altitude and illuminated the area. It stopped and hov 1/24/1975 #36887 d conical light beam down on lake, illuminated terrain, sped away at "colos 2/26/1975 #36993 d conical light beam down on lake, illuminated terrain, sped away at "colos 2/26/1975 #36995 tion. The dome was transparent and illuminated from the inside. Visible ins 3/12/1975 #37044 an octagonal flying object with an illuminated cross-member, moved very slo 5/31/1975 #37248 ove a gasoline service station. It illuminated the ground as bright as day. 6/27/1975 #37311 -a-Mousson, France at 3:30 a.m. It illuminated the ground as bright as day. 6/27/1975 #37313 rrain. Although they were brightly illuminated by a white light, they had n 8/8/1975 #37458 side. The figures were completely illuminated by the light from the object 8/22/1975 #37530 rcular room with an emerald floor, illuminated by a milky white light. The 9/15/1975 #37619 Corning, CA Domed disc hovered, illuminated area "like daylight," cows f 9/30/1975 #37676 disc that breached security area, illuminated missile site, tracked on rad 11/7/1975 #37915 several times. Soon a bright light illuminated his truck's cab and surround 12/11/1975 #38061 d disc with body lights descended, illuminated car interior with blue light 1/6/1976 #38136 d disc with body lights descended, illuminated car interior with blue light 1/6/1976 #38137 right white light turned on, which illuminated it. The top surface seemed t 1/9/1976 #38150 itnesses see an oblong object with illuminated windows hovering about 100 f 7/31/1976 #38617 the city for several minutes, and illuminated the surrounding area. An add 7/31/1976 #38618 Uruguay at 10 p.m. when a yellow, illuminated rectangular flying object wa 10/30/1976 #38944 es out of view, revealing a row of illuminated windows around the circular 11/10/1976 #38975 ire interior of the car had become illuminated. He then also noticed that h 12/6/1976 #39028 d a small woods that was strangely illuminated by a white light. When she t 12/10/1976 #39035 . Bernard Parish, LA Boat brightly illuminated by round glowing object, abn 1/21/1977 #39191 . Bernard Parish, LA Boat brightly illuminated by round glowing object, abn 1/21/1977 #39193 Salto, Uruguay Disc hovered, illuminated barnyard, farm animals react 2/18/1977 #39287 slowly traveling car. The car was illuminated with a blue light and static 3/23/1977 #39391 and there was a bright light that illuminated the interior that came from 4/4/1977 #39409 ge noise as the area around him is illuminated. Looking up, he sees a small 4/19/1977 #39467 round its rim, and a beam of light illuminated the ground for two minutes. 7/9/1977 #39742 ther person in the area reports an illuminated UFO. 7/12/1977 #39754 ctions for the next two hours. Its illuminated surface reflected on the sur 7/15/1977 #39768 tree, not far away, his flashlight illuminated a UFO which quickly sent a b 7/25/1977 #39803 ainy weather when their headlights illuminated a strange figure walking by 8/28/1977 #39939 he abandoned quarry appeared to be illuminated as if by a halo, and they be 8/31/1977 #39947 an a bus and suddenly a blue light illuminated the place. Three silhouettes 9/15/1977 #39988 is DC-10. It has a row of brightly illuminated windows running front to rea 9/22/1977 #40023 ng slowly inside the length of the illuminated object. The other witnesses 10/6/1977 #40076 rs du Taillon, France A domed disc illuminated the area of Saint Ciers du T 12/15/1977 #40306 At 8:45 p.m. a domed disc illuminated the area of Saint Ciers du T 12/15/1977 #40307 ran into the woods, which were now illuminated by a bluish glow. Upon enter 1/6/1978 #40396 ran into the woods, which were now illuminated by a bluish glow. Upon enter 1/6/1978 #40397 dark, and the school's floodlights illuminated the field. The boys then not 1/31/1978 #40480 med warmer and dense. The room was illuminated by a bright light. It was at 5/10/1978 #40776 ming out of the water. It had 8-10 illuminated windows, and each window was 5/15/1978 #40796 c blue like one can see on certain illuminated signs. It was magnificent. T 5/28/1978 #40820 o men watch a distinctly outlined, illuminated white ball with a short coni 6/11/1978 #40859 aluminum container. The container illuminated the yard in a bizarre yellow 7/11/1978 #40958 Lake Sorell, Tasmania the area was illuminated by a flying object. A noctur 8/5/1978 #41070 aly Orange domed disc ahead of car illuminated area, light beams humanoid e 9/17/1978 #41300 za, Calabria, Italy, sees the area illuminated as if by daylight. The surro 9/21/1978 #41324 , Italy when the area was suddenly illuminated by a bright light and he cou 9/21/1978 #41326 rticipating in road rally brightly illuminated by glowing object, lifted of 9/22/1978 #41329 rticipating in road rally brightly illuminated by glowing object, lifted of 9/22/1978 #41330 werful light emitted by the object illuminated the ground and the landscape 10/3/1978 #41399 ar Sayama City, Japan was suddenly illuminated. An orange beam of light cam 10/3/1978 #41405 nknown aircraft that appears to be illuminated by four bright landing light 10/21/1978 #41470 Two bright rotating beams of light illuminated the area around them and the 10/30/1978 #41513 swooped down over the roadway and illuminated a car and the surrounding ar 11/12/1978 #41569 of an extremely bright orange. The illuminated edges were sharp. See images 12/1/1978 #41660 nd could not have had such a large illuminated surface. (7:50 PM) 12/1/1978 #41662 man named Isabel D. saw a brightly illuminated blue-greenish rail in her ba 12/4/1978 #41689 he ground in Rome. It had a row of illuminated portholes, and three beams o 12/14/1978 #41760 und himself in a circular brightly illuminated room crammed full of instrum 12/15/1978 #41772 re emitted from their helmets that illuminated the cab of the truck. The be 12/15/1978 #41776 ght. They first noticed a brightly illuminated rhomboid object that passed 12/25/1978 #41847 the evening when everything became illuminated behind him, turning the dark 2/26/1979 #42107 fter 8 p.m. when everything became illuminated behind him, turning the dark 2/26/1979 #42108 mmed tree-tops, moved up and down, illuminated area. Similar object hovered 3/6/1979 #42129 immed treetops, moved up and down, illuminated area. Similar object hovered 3/6/1979 #42130 domed disc descended and brightly illuminated the surrounding area near a 3/6/1979 #42132 time, the inside and outside were illuminated as if it were broad daylight 3/11/1979 #42135 ange lights on road ahead, terrain illuminated, lights shot straight up at 5/6/1979 #42213 rotating underside. The object is illuminated with colors ranging from bur 6/26/1979 #42304 ai, Russia. They notice a brightly illuminated object approaching erratical 8/12/1979 #42419 tanding on the roadway, completely illuminated by his vehicle's headlights. 8/15/1979 #42425 ngulfed by a dense white "fog" and illuminated by bright light. They both f 9/20/1979 #42597 s in the sky. They assume it is an illuminated tower, but when they pull ov 3/25/1980 #42956 mits “an intense luminous ray that illuminated the surface of the river.” A 6/14/1980 #43100 and crew observed a huge, brightly illuminated hemispherical object with a 6/20/1980 #43113 and crew observe a huge, brightly illuminated hemispherical object with a 6/20/1980 #43114 , Mrs. A. woke up: flashing lights illuminated the window. She thought it w Winter 1980 #43499 oodbridge. Being early morning, it illuminated the entire forest with a whi 12/27/1980 #43508 exchange light beams. The sea was illuminated by the UFO display, and the 1/8/1981 #43561 exchange light beams. The sea was illuminated by the UFO display, and the 1/8/1981 #43566 diate area around their vehicle is illuminated. Overhead they see a large “ 6/10/1981 #43778 h white, red, and green lights. It illuminated the ocean and made a humming 8/23/1981 #43915 Alpine (near), CA UFO brightly illuminated car, witness badly frightene 8/30/1981 #43923 El Cajon, CA UFO brightly illuminated car, witness badly frightene 8/30/1981 #43924 ed at 10:35 p.m. A luminous object illuminated the interior of his car. The 8/30/1981 #43925 erference was experienced. The UFO illuminated the surrounding terrain, man 10/25/1981 #44030 t. Fiacre, Seine-Marne, France. It illuminated the ground with a beam of li 11/1/1981 #44047 L) flew at a very low altitude and illuminated a farm in Woodstock, Queensl 3/14/1982 #44248 ay. The blue light from the object illuminated the area as bright as day. A 4/3/1982 #44296 riving home to Kent and noticed an illuminated object above the treeline, p 8/2/1982 #44436 r Lake Sawyer when they noticed an illuminated object above the tree line, 8/10/1982 #44445 uld see a large bubble like window illuminated by a soft white light. Insid 11/19/1982 #44580 atine, IL Luminous object brightly illuminated police car, changed directio 11/27/1982 #44586 atine, IL Luminous object brightly illuminated police car, changed directio 11/27/1982 #44588 th brilliant illumination brightly illuminated a police patrol car, then ch 11/27/1982 #44591 ws of lighted window panels and an illuminated rotating dome that is bright 10/28/1983 #44967 bors house. The glow from the ball illuminated the entire ground area. (NIC 1/22/1984 #45094 by a UFO in Waycross, Georgia. It illuminated the interior of the car with 1/22/1984 #45099 d humming sound and finds his room illuminated by a bright light. He goes t 2/7/1984 #45133 tco, New Jersey and a bright light illuminated the bedroom. Outside a brigh 2/7/1984 #45134 by an invisible wave. Many lights illuminated its bottom portion. The crew 6/15/1984 #45331 g 300 feet above the trees and was illuminated by yellow and white bands of 7/19/1984 #45370 ow lights connected to a partially illuminated structure. Suddenly it flips 10/5/1984 #45458 hts on the back, and like a window illuminated from the inside with a yello 11/26/1984 #45500 ground. The inside of the car was illuminated by the light from the thing. 3/15/1985 #45580 t at a very high speed. The object illuminated an area of twenty-five to th 6/11/1985 #45616 oval object, body lights, brightly illuminated the area, moved up, down, an 2/28/1986 #45838 oval object, body lights, brightly illuminated the area, moved up, down, an 2/28/1986 #45839 upon a large transparent, brightly illuminated bluish disc-shaped object pa 6/20/1986 #45978 around perimeter, terrain brightly illuminated (section IX). (NICAP: 02 - C 2/7/1987 #46192 around perimeter, terrain brightly illuminated 2/7/1987 #46193 mountainside terrain was brightly illuminated by its presence. 2/7/1987 #46194 a house near Vejle in Denmark was illuminated from above. Three metallic d 8/24/1987 #46342 aft with darkened portholes and an illuminated orange ring on the bottom. H 12/2/1987 #46453 the lake level and turned off all illuminated like a light turned off with 12/25/1987 #46478 e, OH Coast Guard witnesses, large illuminated ellipse hovering over Lake E 3/4/1988 #46612 e, Ohio. At 8:35 p.m. a very large illuminated ellipse or cigar-shaped obje 3/4/1988 #46614 windows?) were visible on its very illuminated upper part. It was neither m 11/11/1988 #46857 edible! The right triangle was now illuminated in yellow and the other one 12/28/1988 #46916 extremely bright white light that illuminated the surrounding area. Worrie 5/10/1989 #47119 seen in Hubei Province, China. It illuminated the surrounding landscape a 5/12/1989 #47123 3–17 feet in diameter, its hull is illuminated with a dim green, phosphorus 7/28/1989 #47226 The three of us went out onto the illuminated terrace behind the house and 11/25/1989 #47469 Eupen, Belgium Police patrol car illuminated by brilliant light beam, hov 11/29/1989 #47517 Eupen, Belgium Police patrol car illuminated by brilliant light beam, hov 11/29/1989 #47518 olice officers in a patrol car are illuminated by a brilliant light beam fr 11/29/1989 #47520 ). But the object, although matte, illuminated the slag heap with its brigh 12/21/1989 #47583 ight from an extended antenna that illuminated the surroundings quite clear 2/7/1990 #47690 ion at a range of 1,000 meters. It illuminated a cloud, hovered, made S-tur 3/21/1990 #47760 enter. Passing under the clouds it illuminated them, so it must have had li 4/22/1990 #47859 y from him, a pyramidal or conical illuminated object topped by a “bright w 5/4/1990 #47883 . One of the witnesses saw windows illuminated in yellow. Others saw a yell 5/16/1990 #47900 ana Díaz, Puerto Rico, is suddenly illuminated by a powerful white light. A 7/19/1990 #47990 there when their military base was illuminated by a low flying, disc-shaped 7/19/1990 #47991 being in the bedroom. A dim light illuminated the being, which the witness 7/29/1990 #48008 rmansk Oblast, Russia, see a large illuminated ball above the Arctic Ocean. 9/2/1990 #48061 und passes 10 m above the station. Illuminated by the spotlights, it destro 9/13/1990 #48073 l portals. He remembered seeing an illuminated moon-like crater and a pyram 1/26/1991 #48349 but not lit. The large white light illuminated the ground. It moved away sl 3/14/1991 #48399 circles arranged in a triangle and illuminated in white but not emitting an 3/24/1991 #48415 a light, like a giant torch, which illuminated the whole area. For a moment 6/16/1991 #48502 prised to see a huge, disc-shaped, illuminated object in the sky right in f 7/8/1991 #48522 wo, then three strong white lights illuminated the place as if it were broa 8/23/1991 #48581 weeks the vegetation that had been illuminated by the phenomenon grew in an 9/28/1991 #48623 the interior of his patrol car is illuminated with a green glow. The objec 3/20/1992 #48840 saw a brilliant white lights that illuminated the Alamosa valley in Colora 7/18/1992 #48981 ions, hovered, light beam brightly illuminated terrain (section VI). (NICAP 8/19/1992 #49042 ions, hovered, light beam brightly illuminated terrain 8/19/1992 #49043 upants moving behind a large, wide illuminated window. She described the ob 11/9/1992 #49177 Noeske observes a large, brightly illuminated disc with a large triangular 12/16/1992 #49222 with a dome on top at 8:10 p.m. It illuminated the farm with light beams th 1/31/1993 #49299 and escorted him inside a brightly illuminated dome-shaped room. The witnes 3/16/1993 #49367 ns of all ages. A large golden sun illuminated the city. He was taken to a 3/20/1993 #49377 ike rectangular portholes strongly illuminated along a fuselage. At a certa 3/31/1993 #49390 imonies, an immense triangular UFO illuminated at each of its angles. Many 3/31/1993 #49392 eard a humming sound. The room was illuminated with an intense blue light t 4/17/1993 #49429 ea. It rose above the treetops and illuminated the ground with a powerful b 5/28/1993 #49484 and multicolored lights below. It illuminated the ground with a red glow. 7/26/1993 #49588 lamp, towards the ground, the lamp illuminated. When the sound stopped, sud 11/19/1993 #49797 Liguria, Italy Cigar-shaped object illuminated car with light beam, E-M eff 2/1/1994 #49922 Liguria, Italy Cigar-shaped object illuminated car with light beam, E-M eff 2/1/1994 #49923 rtments), observation of a diamond illuminated at the back of multiple spot 8/1/1994 #50198 on (Val d'Oise), observation of an illuminated diamond with multiple spots 8/1/1994 #50199 m with "Gothic" looking arches and illuminated walls. He was met by a dark 9/11/1994 #50287 foot diameter circular object that illuminated the ground in Memphis, Tenne 9/17/1994 #50315 . It had a cockpit and window, and illuminated the ground as it flew off to 4/22/1995 #50755 when everything around him became illuminated by multicolored lights of bl 5/15/1995 #50799 in the center, and very powerfully illuminated, according to the captain. A 7/31/1995 #50944 the road. A beam of light suddenly illuminated his car, and Edson felt a wa 9/24/1995 #51119 o be blinking. The witness briefly illuminated the creatures with the flash 12/9/1995 #51268 at 8:45 p.m. It was a brilliantly illuminated object, possibly cigar shape 1/14/1996 #51320 object. The flight of the objects illuminated the whole valley in an eerie 1/31/1996 #51370 sticks" extended to the ground and illuminated the surrounding terrain. 2/15/1996 #51407 ey now spotted a large transparent illuminated capsule-shaped object, that 9/23/1996 #51708 ole area around him was completely illuminated, as if the full Moon was ove 11/9/1996 #51791 steel gray” on one side, which is illuminated. 11/17/1997 #52196 sky after a loud zipping noise and illuminated the Judd house. 2/1/1998 #52280 ghts of the car directly behind it illuminated the interior. The witnesses 9/25/1998 #52443 r no apparent reason. His room was illuminated by a light from an unknown s 10/25/1998 #52462 e balloon-shaped object with three illuminated triangular windows became vi 11/25/1998 #52480 e balloon-shaped object with three illuminated triangular windows became vi 11/29/1998 #52485 -shaped object that was completely illuminated. Near the object where six s 3/15/1999 #52551 30 a.m. It had glowing lights that illuminated the low clouds overhead, as 4/8/1999 #52564 the side of the object. It was an illuminated advertising blimp. 5/16/1999 #52583 Louisiana. A blue beam came down, illuminated her yard. She then experienc 8/22/1999 #52652 nsational because it shows a large illuminated object with a powerful and b 9/24/1999 #52681 ead in Matawan, New Jersey. It was illuminated by pale orange lights. It mo 11/6/1999 #52702 h rate of speed. It was completely illuminated by a self-luminous glowing l 1/23/2000 #52767 airport for information about the illuminated object, flying slowly in the 5/5/2000 #52841 was 2 to 3 times brighter than the illuminated vapor trails [by the setting 11/22/2002 #53317 y at 10:40 p.m. They were slightly illuminated but not bright. The objects 7/18/2003 #53435 At 12:15 a.m. four elliptical, illuminated objects each surrounded by h 8/30/2003 #53457 . from Berkeley, California a huge illuminated object with flashing lights 11/23/2003 #53490 t “it may be coincidental that the illuminated plane of the object passes t 1/27/2004 #53527 right. At this point his plane is illuminated by a beam of light. Seconds 2/20/2004 #53538 ritish Columbia so low that it was illuminated by streetlights. 4/25/2004 #53561 ength. The bottom of the craft was illuminated from three flame-like symmet 10/2/2004 #53636 triangular in shape with three red illuminated areas like tips. The outer p 12/4/2004 #53666 uld see the smoke puff up from the illuminated hilltops again, and once aga 1/30/2006 #53792 standing upright. It looked fully illuminated as if it had an internal lig 2/12/2006 #53794 om the underside, and was slightly illuminated underneath. 3/14/2006 #53802 y like a submarine. The object had illuminated windows. The sighting lasted 1/13/2007 #53873 ut and followed behind the dog, he illuminated the area with his handheld s 8/29/2007 #53923 of light, that was faint but only illuminated their heads and hands, as if 8/29/2007 #53923 yellow and oranges lights. It only illuminated itself, not the surroundings 5/4/2009 #54093 A multi-colored, illuminated, circular object hovered nea 1/24/2010 #54143## Word: "illuminates", 64 instance(s) (Back to Top)
l's radiance is so intense that it illuminates the surroundings, and it eve 1059 #156 the northwest to the southeast. It illuminates the ground and emits heat so 8/13/1874 #1270 rt, at an altitude of 5 or 6 m. It illuminates the entire city for 1 h 30, 11/2/1885 #1432 ng noise and a dazzling light that illuminates the interior. The people beg 10/24/1886 #1445 luku Mountains. It is so bright it illuminates the cane fields below, then 1/4/1906 #2163 vel. It carries a searchlight that illuminates the road, farm buildings, tr 5/13/1909 #2304 on a blinding white spotlight that illuminates the sea and reveals a 300 m 6/30/1947 #5217 light underneath its surface that illuminates the balloon in flight so tha 7/26/1952 #11199 pede once again. The object’s glow illuminates the ground as it passes, and 9/14/1952 #12214 feet above the ground. The object illuminates the surrounding landscape wi 11/11/1956 #18469 Mexico City when a brilliant light illuminates his cockpit. He turns off th 12/11/1957 #20003 A sudden violet-orange brightness illuminates the sky over Rome, Italy, fo 8/3/1958 #20528 rear, and its luminous green skin illuminates the terrain. It rises again 9/29/1958 #20649 d radio go out. The object’s light illuminates an area about 300 feet in fr 1/13/1959 #20954 on the south side. A bright light illuminates the entire area. Three objec 3/24/1960 #21735 s around its perimeter. The object illuminates a truck ahead of them. The t Late 8/1962 #23107 nge-red glow extends downwards and illuminates the ground some 75 feet arou 3/15/1965 #24817 100 feet in the air. Purple light illuminates the ground beneath the objec 9/3/1965 #25548 TX TV blurs. Spinning night light illuminates whole house. Then flies off. 9/3/1966 #27015 im. When the light from the object illuminates the ground around him, his c 10/15/1966 #27205 car in New Richmond, Michigan. It illuminates the road, and the car draws 1/3/1967 #27494 an object in the shape of a cigar illuminates the environment, silently ap 2/5/1967 #27716 ottom center that moves around and illuminates the desert. The lights disap 2/16/1967 #27842 ts seem to respond. An object that illuminates the entire area is seen rest 8/3/1967 #29164 y a blinding blue-white light that illuminates the road. As he stops, a bri 8/24/1967 #29315 nd light like a welding-torch that illuminates the ground. The object moves 10/27/1967 #29797 5 to 6 m of height, which brightly illuminates the ground with a white beam 12/10/1967 #30040 h a blue-green ring around it that illuminates the surrounding woods. They 7/20/1968 #30721 tripod under which a bluish light illuminates the ground, and it has a rec 9/26/1968 #31061 d light about 5–6 feet across that illuminates the trees and causes his eng 11/23/1968 #31256 eet in diameter, 10 feet high, and illuminates a small part of the ground. 6/17/1969 #31834 A light from a tube on the bottom illuminates a broad stretch of water abo 11/5/1970 #32615 car when suddenly, a beam of light illuminates a barn located about 50 m fr 5/22/1973 #34433 s up in a brilliant red light that illuminates the entire area. It rises th 11/16/1973 #35419 ible from the house. The spotlight illuminates a house located about 2 km a 4/21/1974 #36098 adura, Spain, when a bright object illuminates the highway. He sees three t 6/16/1974 #36263 unded by a dazzling red light that illuminates the area. The engine, lights 9/26/1974 #36567 coming from a welding machine that illuminates the trees for miles around. 12/11/1974 #36738 ge, football field-sized disc that illuminates the missile site. The SAT te 11/7/1975 #37916 lue beams of light and one of them illuminates the car. Louise, the driver, 1/6/1976 #38129 ance Night. French AF T-33, object illuminates aircraft. Testimony of Frenc 3/3/1976 #38299 a green phosphorescent light that illuminates the aircraft for several sec 3/3/1976 #38300 g grows agitated. A flash of light illuminates the area, followed by a stra 9/9/1976 #38780 heir home in Gaberke, Slovenia. It illuminates the room briefly then goes o 2/11/1977 #39270 round its rim, and a beam of light illuminates the ground for 2 minutes. Th 7/9/1977 #39741 orne when a brilliant orange light illuminates the interior of his car. He 3/12/1978 #40594 Martires, as a car comes along and illuminates them with its headlights. Th 11/20/1978 #41588 underneath it is so bright that it illuminates the entire object. It makes 11/15/1979 #42694 ates the interior of the cabin and illuminates it with a bluish tint. The U 2/8/1982 #44182 ect with brilliant lights brightly illuminates a police patrol car driven b 11/27/1982 #44590 above a neighbor’s house. Its glow illuminates the ground. After a minute, 1/22/1984 #45095 light. The glow from the red light illuminates the car interior. The object 1/22/1984 #45097 Rio Seco also see the light, which illuminates the village. 5/5/1984 #45279 t at a very high speed. The object illuminates an area of 25–30 square mile 6/11/1985 #45615 hile radiating a bright light that illuminates the trees. It goes out short 4/22/1986 #45885 casts such a bright light that it illuminates the cockpit, and Terauchi ca 11/17/1986 #46145 so bright at the same time that it illuminates half the sky. It emits rays 10/23/1988 #46823 sodium vapor lamps of the motorway illuminates the underside. Taking the st 11/29/1989 #47499 tness, equipped with a flashlight, illuminates it: they see that the materi 3/16/1990 #47746 ve this extraordinary event, which illuminates the garden and the inside of 10/18/1991 #48639 for 20 seconds. It moves away and illuminates a large area of trees behind 8/19/1992 #49044 a stroboscopic flash of light that illuminates a large area. The officers d 1/8/2013 #54237 apparently solid with a glow that illuminates the trees as it passed by. T 8/20/2013 #54262 11:00 p.m. A bright green fireball illuminates the night sky over Izmir, Tu 7/30/2021 #54593## Word: "illuminati", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ert activities associated with the Illuminati’s declaration of war upon the 1991 #48313## Word: "illuminating", 178 instance(s) (Back to Top)
were reports of mysterious flames illuminating the skies over Caledon Wood Winter 80 #10 t that evolved into a fiery globe, illuminating the night brighter than day 540 #44 Adomnan, observed the sky suddenly illuminating. An immense pillar of fire 6/9/597 #53 sembled fire, burning fiercely and illuminating the surroundings. The pheno 1067 #158 o the moon, soared across the sky, illuminating the surroundings. The extra 9/12/1271 #231 heir course at the same time as an illuminating charge is ignited before sl 1807 #869 mbinations. In broad daylight this illuminating charge is replaced by a smo 1807 #869 t spread over the town of Amherst, illuminating one of the walls of the roo 8/13/1819 #915 eflected on the cloud masses, thus illuminating the flying object whose eve 4/1/1897 #1658 . It was also reported in England (illuminating the ground with a powerful 1/1905 #2134 red Harrison, suddenly saw a light illuminating the road for nearly 200 met 5/12/1909 #2295 moments above the ship, violently illuminating the deck, then, according t 5/14/1909 #2306 ghts floating above their boat and illuminating it as if it were broad dayl 5/14/1909 #2307 abama and Chattanooga (Tennessee), illuminating the cities with its powerfu 5/4/1910 #2480 over a town for about 20 minutes, illuminating houses with a searchlight b 2/1913 #2569 d slowly, vanished gradually after illuminating the whole countryside for 3 7/1929 #3059 d slowly, vanished gradually after illuminating the whole countryside for 3 7/1929 #3060 brilliant white light on its front illuminating treetops on the shore of Mu 1/1/1931 #3104 s it broke on the shore, the waves illuminating the entire coast with a sof 3/3/1933 #3189 y. It then circled above the ship, illuminating the deck with a bright sear 1/1934 #3239 ose again, spinning in the sky and illuminating a large part of the area wi Summer 1938 #3421 "blap-blap" and a strong red light illuminating the open window of her bedr 10/1944 #4034 . A powerful beam shone on Mr. F., illuminating an area of 50 m in diameter 9/20/1945 #4393 upwards, and a less intense light illuminating downwards, on the base. A d 7/4/1947 #5371 ite lights parallel to the ground, illuminating everything, hanging in the Summer 1954 #14594 lew over the boat before going up, illuminating and agitating the clouds. ( 8/11/1954 #14835 flew through the clouds, the light illuminating and "agitating" the cloud l 8/11/1954 #14835 nter. Flew over ship and climbed, illuminating and agitating the clouds. 8/11/1954 #14841 off Yoron-Jima, Japan, and climb, illuminating and agitating the clouds. 8/11/1954 #14844 er the ship it climbed vertically, illuminating and agitating the clouds. 8/11/1954 #14845 to oscillate. The thing reddened, illuminating the heather and the first t 10/13/1954 #15871 5.50m and emitted a blinding light illuminating the countryside in a radius 10/14/1954 #15895 emanated from the object’s “stem” illuminating the surrounding area. The o 11/1/1954 #16483 an saw an oval light, very bright, illuminating the countryside. After some 12/1/1954 #16724 one point it flies over the lake, illuminating the surface. It disappears 12/26/1954 #16857 tion, brighter than the moonlight, illuminating the whole ground around. It 10/5/1957 #19291 00 meters, and it was a red light, illuminating a large portion of the grou 10/14/1957 #19342 reddish oval crossing the road and illuminating the pavement. Ronald Martin 11/2/1957 #19442 at low altitude. It moved slowly, illuminating their car and producing a h 11/6/1957 #19679 front of their car, its neon glow illuminating the landscape. They estimat 11/9/1958 #20818 ilbert Smith speaks on UFOs at the Illuminating Engineering Society’s Canad 1/11/1959 #20949 ight approaching from the east and illuminating the ground. It stops above 1/13/1959 #20954 eams of light inside their car and illuminating the area like daylight. The 8/20/1959 #21392 nier was awakened by a green light illuminating his room. He went to the wi 11/13/1960 #22087 45, was awakened by a green light illuminating his room. He went to the wi 11/13/1960 #22089 passes directly above their house, illuminating the bedroom. The lights tha 2/28/1961 #22233 entered the rooms without windows, illuminating them as if it were broad da 10/21/1963 #23819 ed with a dome landed on the base, illuminating the entire area with a gree 12/10/1963 #23910 feet above their car from behind, illuminating the interior and emitting a 4/22/1964 #24043 light then shines from the bottom, illuminating the trees. A foul odor “lik 7/7/1964 #24285 ht that maneuvers around her yard, illuminating her property in Brimfield, 10/29/1964 #24515 entered through the wooden walls, illuminating the entire interior. Carlos 1/1965 #24627 der Patrol officer saw bright disc illuminating ground, swoop down, hover n 1/12/1965 #24660 e a light beam coming from a cloud illuminating an area about 33 feet in di 7/26/1965 #25182 dow I realized that a red glow was illuminating the whole neighborhood. (.. 2/6/1966 #25965 ol when an UFO stopped above them, illuminating them and the surroundings ( 4/17/1966 #26422 through a corn field, at one point illuminating the terrain. Then the light 4/18/1966 #26449 ped object with lights at each end illuminating the ground with red light. 4/23/1966 #26509 d not touch anything without first illuminating it with these beams. They w 5/10/1966 #26601 d not touch anything without first illuminating it with these beams. They w 5/10/1966 #26605 rove toward it with his headlights illuminating the object, which took off 6/13/1966 #26696 ve towards it, with his headlights illuminating the object, it took off lik 6/13/1966 #26697 an altitude between 90 and 150 m, illuminating the entire valley. At this 6/15/1966 #26700 bserved a fantastic spinning light illuminating the house. It came from an 9/3/1966 #27018 bserved a fantastic spinning light illuminating the house. It came from an 9/3/1966 #27021 as observed at low level, its glow illuminating the ground. Static interfer 10/14/1966 #27196 ct rose out of the woods, its glow illuminating the terrain (environmental 2/16/1967 #27838 eft with a hushed whistling sound, illuminating the forest with intense lig 3/4/1967 #28030 eft with a hushed whistling sound, illuminating the forest with intense lig 3/4/1967 #28031 ery bright object at ground level, illuminating the countryside with a pink 3/26/1967 #28296 ometers south of Altona, Manitoba, illuminating the countryside with a pink 3/26/1967 #28300 ending with oscillating movements, illuminating the woods at a distance of 4/27/1967 #28546 me lower with oscillating motions, illuminating the woods 1 km away. It was 4/27/1967 #28553 me lower with oscillating motions, illuminating the woods one kilometer awa 4/27/1967 #28558 ry, emitting a muffled whistle and illuminating the ground with a vertical 5/7/1967 #28614 aking a hushed whistling sound and illuminating the ground with a vertical 5/7/1967 #28619 mes from the bottom of the object, illuminating the ground. They hear a muf 5/7/1967 #28620 ter as the object hovers, its glow illuminating the ground. The object land 5/31/1967 #28771 ts) and windows that emitted light illuminating the ground. The object took 6/30/1967 #28936 light hovering near her house and illuminating the interior of her house. 7/26/1967 #29115 light hovering near her house and illuminating the interior of her house. 7/26/1967 #29116 of a Brazilian rocket, carrying an illuminating or incendiary charge, expla Early 9/1967 #29382 ndows, blinking lights, light beam illuminating ground 10/2/1967 #29591 rom underneath passed near the car illuminating its interior and forcing th 12/12/1967 #30050 vering above some nearby trees and illuminating the road. It has a band of 3/19/1968 #30350 utes over Poopo at a low altitude, illuminating the village like daylight. 6/19/1968 #30571 traveled from north to south while illuminating the ground with a vertical 6/21/1968 #30591 orizontal antenna and a white beam illuminating the fog beneath the disks, 11/1/1968 #31170 ng a tube about 35 cm long and was illuminating the henhouse with this inst 2/20/1969 #31522 a bright blue-white beam of light illuminating the road and a domed disc 1 3/6/1969 #31573 ot, Alicante, Spain saw three UFOs illuminating a mountainside for three mi 3/6/1969 #31575 ped, emitted light beam onto road, illuminating police chief's car. Finally 3/10/1969 #31585 ped, emitted light beam onto road, illuminating police chief's car. Finally 3/10/1969 #31586 openings were of a dark red color illuminating the black rectangular mass. 3/21/1969 #31633 s strange scene. Immediately after illuminating the landscape, which lasted 1/24/1970 #32221 r light appears on top of the UFO, illuminating the upper part of the cloud 11/5/1970 #32615 over the city of Marseille, France illuminating the area below it yellow in 9/22/1971 #33130 t. They pass through a cloud bank, illuminating it. About the same time, ot 7/4/1972 #33598 3:10 AM by a bright flash of light illuminating the area as if it were broa 7/15/1972 #33635 diameter disc hovered over a car, illuminating the car's interior and the 10/5/1972 #33914 ngry swarm of bees. He saw a light illuminating the whole region and distin 12/30/1972 #34072 se from behind them and flew over, illuminating the entire landscape. After 2/26/1973 #34218 ers about 60 feet above the first, illuminating it. A “catfish-like” creatu 10/16/1973 #35049 red about 60 feet above the first, illuminating it with a light. Both craft 10/17/1973 #35106 o surrounded the visitor partially illuminating the ground and the left wal 12/1973 #35479 teep hill they saw a strange light illuminating the chapel. They abandoned 12/6/1973 #35518 d obliquely towards the ground and illuminating the gorse and juniper that 2/21/1974 #35799 ight came down from the top of it, illuminating him. From out of the oval-s 2/28/1974 #35849 red over the farmhouse he entered, illuminating the area "like daytime". It 6/14/1974 #36253 an intensely bright light that is illuminating a hill on an adjacent golf Summer 1974 #36281 mitting a humming sound, its light illuminating the terrain. (Ouranos No. 1 9/8/1974 #36517 mitting a humming sound, its light illuminating the terrain.After a while t 9/8/1974 #36519 around near the ground, its light illuminating a dock, a distillery, grape 9/8/1974 #36519 e suddenly aware of a bright light illuminating the area around them. (MUFO 12/21/1974 #36755 and sweeps it toward the terrain, illuminating the side of a mountain. The 2/26/1975 #36996 lake and swept across the terrain, illuminating the side of the mountain. T 2/26/1975 #36997 ond shape that was shining but not illuminating the surroundings, 4 meters 6/14/1975 #37282 hour) an enormous object that was illuminating all around it. ... a very p 9/27/1975 #37666 s south of Corning, California and illuminating the dairy "like daylight". 9/30/1975 #37677 ter shining a light on the ground, illuminating what she thought were two m 10/8/1975 #37719 aneuvered above a neighbor's house illuminating the ground with beams of li 9/10/1976 #38792 ters above a sloping field. It was illuminating a foggy mist around it and 1/1/1977 #39114 once, it reappears right over him, illuminating him and a large area around Mid 2/1977 #39277 t shines down from the right side, illuminating the trees. An enormous obje 5/7/1977 #39542 me part had green and white lights illuminating the surface of the object. 7/1/1977 #39708 t came out of the top of its head, illuminating the surroundings and blindi 8/30/1977 #39940 have directed 5 beams at the city, illuminating the city for 12 minutes. Pa 9/20/1977 #40009 the witness like a shooting star, illuminating like an enormous projector 1/7/1978 #40398 an oblong object with body lights, illuminating the terrain, observed by ci 5/14/1978 #40786 e street and moves toward his car, illuminating the interior like “40 flash 7/11/1978 #40956 shaped object is seen hovering and illuminating the trees. Other independen 9/1/1978 #41219 es of light dance around the road, illuminating a nearby farmyard. The car 11/22/1978 #41601 over the alpine glacier, brightly illuminating the ice. Later that night, 12/31/1978 #41893 over the alpine glacier, brightly illuminating the ice. Later that night, 12/31/1978 #41900 ct comes within 150 feet, its glow illuminating the area. Oconee County Dep 3/6/1979 #42131 thing flashing outside the window, illuminating the entire area outside. A 6/1979 #42271 ge bright light appear above them, illuminating the area like daytime. They 8/26/1979 #42465 and 2m in altitude. The object was illuminating the entire forest with a wh 12/27/1980 #43509 yellow mist. It landed in a field, illuminating the ground, then shot up. L 12/27/1980 #43522 led to see a huge fire like light, illuminating a mass clump of trees a few 12/17/1981 #44108 ow beam of light descends from it, illuminating the area. More than 30 othe 3/23/1983 #44700 imal reaction. UFO rose from field illuminating area, body lights visible, 4/10/1983 #44746 ss than 200 feet above the ground, illuminating the area behind her house a 2/22/1984 #45151 stop, moving over a power line and illuminating the cables below. The ambul 4/22/1986 #45885 the last moment that this light is illuminating another vehicle. He swerves 1/21/1988 #46538 hovering above a residential area, illuminating the roofs of the houses wit 3/1988 #46601 g time after seeing a strong light illuminating three blocks in his neighbo 7/1988 #46731 by a bright light approaching and illuminating the trees beneath it. They 12/15/1988 #46906 t 5 m altitude, the beams strongly illuminating the ground. The device cont 11/22/1989 #47460 erent directions, one horizontally illuminating, the other obliquely at an 3/31/1990 #47811 f pale, bright but dull light, not illuminating the surroundings, total hei 5/4/1990 #47878 ng for something—this is the light illuminating the perimeter. Two F/A-18 H 7/19/1990 #47990 er than normal. Suddenly the light illuminating the object turned off, and 8/13/1991 #48566 vertical beams of light shot down, illuminating the vehicle and its interio 8/15/1992 #49037 m that completely bathes the area, illuminating the ground. At this point t 8/19/1992 #49044 h side). None of these lights were illuminating. They were the size of a te 11/19/1993 #49797 very close to landing in a field, illuminating the entire area. Three figu 1/4/1994 #49879 he object suddenly became brighter illuminating the nearby trees. A white l 4/7/1994 #50019 disk with several rings of lights illuminating a tree and causing it to wh 5/21/1994 #50078 mething was lit up inside, without illuminating the outside. When the objec 10/2/1994 #50337 tionless 80 cm from the ground and illuminating the entire field with a yel 5/19/1995 #50801 passes straight above their unit, illuminating the ground from a height of 6/22/1995 #50858 nd, although it did not seem to be illuminating the ground. The bottom of t 4/8/1996 #51504 a beam of light around the ground, illuminating them at one point. 8/17/1996 #51645 t, sweeping from left to right and illuminating the houses and boats of the 8/11/1997 #52114 and noticed that the beam was now illuminating the interior. She continued 9/9/1997 #52140 ts seem to float above the garden, illuminating the rooms. Spoor then buys 9/27/1997 #52159 12 rectangular stationary lights, illuminating the whole alley of the neig 4/27/1999 #52570 te light at the back of the house, illuminating the whole Dogwood Park area 4/27/1999 #52570 abama awoke to bright white lights illuminating their farmyard. The lights 12/5/1999 #52722 nly a bright light came from above illuminating the car and the whole area 3/7/2000 #52801 the witness noticed a green light illuminating her room. No one was able t 7/31/2000 #52882 f light shone down from the object illuminating both of them. Fresia felt a 10/19/2000 #52919 zzed a car in Red Cloud, Nebraska, illuminating the cab of the car while dr 8/15/2001 #53098 bject suddenly rose and sped away, illuminating the area like daylight. Rec 7/21/2002 #53226 reenish light is extended from it, illuminating the lake. He sees small obj 10/10/2007 #53945 aircraft. The UFO then projects an illuminating beam of bright white light 3/19/2020 #54524 ve measures, but the beam of light illuminating the aircraft ceases, and th 3/19/2020 #54524## Word: "illumination", 66 instance(s) (Back to Top)
South to East and then to West. An illumination shows a kind of cigar surro 1034 #149 rth, providing a brief but intense illumination, then began to revolve and 1067 #158 ence and its impact on the natural illumination. 4/7/1567 #409 towards Earth, casting a brighter illumination than the sun. This descendi 9/14/1641 #499 household tasks indoors using its illumination. One credible individual re 10/30/1660 #528 among the gathered people, and its illumination affected the lake's waters. 8/15/1663 #548 et.” Later, he speculates that the illumination is caused by burning jungle 1824 #943 m the sea, casting a wide-reaching illumination. The object rises and falls 8/12/1825 #949 lity of sun dogs or mock suns. The illumination caused by the objects made 9/24/1860 #1148 had its own distinct and brilliant illumination. Witnesses learned that two 11/10/1860 #1150 ialized follow-the-leader pattern. Illumination seemed to emanate from an e 12/1942 #3729 saw nine strange disks with a dull illumination visible beneath the evening 7/10/1949 #7457 ions as they fly. The power of the illumination remains constant throughout 9/26/1949 #7588 ing internal inconsistency” in the illumination and dismisses the photos as 5/7/1952 #10076 ghting up like suns at each start, illumination that totally disappears whe 11/22/1952 #12693 , France, when he notices a sudden illumination. He sees an object like an 8/23/1954 #14902 ls with tops (dark, with dark blue illumination) flew higher. 5/23/1955 #17184 igures, their bodies surrounded by illumination, are busy with some unknown 6/26/1959 #21234 om the UFO, which assumes a bright illumination and shoots off. The Todd Co 10/23/1965 #25727 hen he suddenly perceived a strong illumination that made him look up to th 4/2/1966 #26315 light over the area (environmental illumination). The glow lasted for about 8/18/1966 #26925 lit up the terrain (environmental illumination). The UFO hovered, and move 10/10/1966 #27177 s engulfed in light (environmental illumination). The object departed strai 2/9/1967 #27756 inating the terrain (environmental illumination). The object followed two w 2/16/1967 #27838 und was illuminated (environmental illumination) by a moving light beam emi 2/16/1967 #27839 look at it only brieflv (brilliant illumination). The object hovered over h 3/17/1967 #28201 weden, when she notices a greenish illumination outside her car. Slowing do 3/22/1967 #28244 as a “submergible UFO with its own illumination.” 7/30/1967 #29135 Idaho Falls, ID Bright illumination from domed disc, object tip 12/8/1967 #30032 tinual wave acquisition radar, and illumination radar. The system picks up 1/31/1969 #31469 the beings moved a control and the illumination increased in brightness to 5/20/1969 #31759 -cotta stone, and there was a soft illumination that emanated from the wall 8/15/1970 #32488 white disc passed over car, bright illumination; lights dimmed, engine lost 5/25/1971 #32876 mal reactions, light beams, bright illumination, physical traces 6/28/1973 #34519 ights around it. From the object's illumination he could see a ladder and t 10/19/1973 #35169 as if it were broad daylight. The illumination does not vary during the as 12/31/1973 #35614 ow to his right there was a strong illumination, he slowed down and stopped 3/15/1975 #37055 bjects, hover-acceleration, bright illumination 4/3/1975 #37112 ance Gray, disc-shaped UFO, bright illumination, darted above car, hovered, 8/29/1975 #37562 ance Gray, disc-shaped UFO, bright illumination, darted above car, hovered, 8/29/1975 #37563 the aircraft, extinguishing their illumination when they approach, and re- 11/7/1975 #37916 Lawitta, Tasmania Brilliant illumination of car, E-M effects. Driver 2/5/1979 #42062 ustralia experienced the brilliant illumination of his car at 9:50 p.m. by 2/5/1979 #42064 buzzed car, jet-like sound, bright illumination; dog howled as if his ears 3/8/1980 #42918 buzzed car, jetlike sound, bright illumination. Dog howled as if his ears 3/8/1980 #42919 ched, turned, followed car, bright illumination. Object finally shot away ( 7/12/1981 #43828 ched, turned, followed car, bright illumination. Object finally shot away 7/12/1981 #43829 dow. The object was issuing bright illumination about 400-500 feet from the 1/31/1982 #44171 n a luminous object with brilliant illumination brightly illuminated a poli 11/27/1982 #44591 chlight, rotates north, casting an illumination on the water, which is seen 1/3/1984 #45056 vestigate the area turned red with illumination, and a bright red disc-shap 5/6/1984 #45284 vestigate the area turned red with illumination, and a bright red disc-shap 5/6/1984 #45286 object paced alongside car, bright illumination of area (section IX) (NICAP 9/15/1985 #45689 object paced alongside car, bright illumination of area 9/15/1985 #45690 ere was a crash, with a tremendous illumination of the whole area. Just bef 7/11/1986 #46002 ighted maneuvering objects. bright illumination, heat, radar-visual, E-M ef 11/17/1986 #46144 ery oval object hovered, brilliant illumination, physiological effects. UFO 12/4/1988 #46891 ery oval object hovered, brilliant illumination, physiological effects. UFO 12/4/1988 #46892 Coast Guard helicopters to provide illumination from above; command/control 9/28/1989 #47336 bject approached car, hovered, red illumination, heat felt. MUFON UFO Journ 3/20/1990 #47754 strange "vehicle" with a beautiful illumination, crossing the road at 150 m 11/6/1991 #48648 meteor, wavered, split up, bright illumination, sonic boom. (NICAP: 01 - D 2/24/1992 #48779 meteor, wavered, split up, bright illumination, sonic boom. 2/24/1992 #48780 bject approached police car, green illumination, chill, wind felt. See Sect 3/19/1992 #48834 e west. Ten minutes later a bright illumination was seen ahead of two witne 7/16/1994 #50173 jelly and is surrounded by a misty illumination. 11/2008 #54059## Word: "illuminations", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
at this appearance might come from illuminations or reflections, etc... But 9/19/1952 #12259 . Other witnesses observed bizarre illuminations above Lake Nahuel Huapi. I 4/12/1998 #52325## Word: "illuminted", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ped object with a dark base and an illuminted dome on the top at a low alti 7/22/1959 #21322## Word: "illusion", 13 instance(s) (Back to Top)
eel and that the doubling was pure illusion. He estimated that the objects 5/15/1879 #1315 ey fly people can have the optical illusion of seeing round objects." 6/27/1947 #5135 Aldergrove, BC OPTICAL ILLUSION, OR DO THEY CHANGE SHAPE. A res 2/14/1952 #9593 ns. Although it turns out to be an illusion, the location is still known as 7/30/1953 #13551 crescent in the southwest. Optical illusion caused by a stratus cloud forma 10/3/1954 #15449 ucer maneuvers 3km / airfield. "No illusion". / r138#9. 10/9/1954? #15684 was not a phenomenon or an optical illusion, it was decided to carry out a 10/10/1954 #15733 t spatial disorientation due to an illusion of the tilted horizon caused hi 10/21/1978 #41458 t was one. The rest was an optical illusion. 4/22/1987 #46244 es that are undetected; create the illusion of being extraterrestrial being 11/25/1991 #48673 nd from top to bottom, to give the illusion that the "UFO" was flying... 8/29/1995 (approximate) #51032 nap by unearthly beings breaks the illusion that the world is under our con 1999 #52505 impressive sudden departure is an illusion; the object does not actually m 11/14/2004 #53655## Word: "illusionist", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ious onlookers were in front of an illusionist performing a special act 5/3/1995 #50764## Word: "illusions", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
attributing such events to mental illusions to "true believers" embracing 1526 #350 these were not man-made or optical illusions but were flying saucers from a 1944 #3893 ould not be laughed off as optical illusions. Theirs was the complete chang 4/16/1952 #9828 reported before 1947. Were optical illusions and weather changes invented i 8/2/1952 #11561 of balloons, birds, etc., optical illusions or hoaxes. The Americans have 8/9/1952 #11703 among the list of those who fancy illusions was a professor at North Carol 8/12/1952 #11739 flying saucers are either optical illusions or atmospheric phenomena. He p 10/27/1952 #12544 are not “conventional phenomena or illusions.” 10/24/1954 #16306 viewing point to rule out optical illusions, the appearance remained consi 1956 #17733## Word: "illustrate", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and it includes 17 documents that illustrate the “potential threat of the 9/28/1981 #43977 present the two videos together to illustrate the 2004 USS Nimitz UFO incid 11/14/2004 #53655## Word: "illustrated", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
marking a bizarre occurrence that illustrated the dramatic consequences be 1551 #377 aircraft in the 1850s. Dellschau's illustrated notebooks detail their activ 1850's #1092 American monthly magazine Mechanix Illustrated features its cover with the 5/7/1947 #4933 MIT Wright-Patterson AFB Mechanix Illustrated publishes a story on the Avr 3/1956 #17848## Word: "illustrates", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tually returned home. This account illustrates the complex beliefs surround 1526 #350 the symbol of Burgundy. This event illustrates how celestial occurrences co 1528 #354 ars, but the MND's warning clearly illustrates that UFOs are a potential da 1/16/2000 #52762## Word: "illustrating", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
visible bolts like in the drawings illustrating Jules Verne's novels" and w 11/1988 #46843 Cook allegedly sees a large chart illustrating the lineage of every Skunk Late 1990's #52239## Word: "illustration", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d and extinguished". As the period illustration shows, the observation took 8/7/1566 #405 ent was captured through a woodcut illustration. 5/11/1710 #619 tigation, the 6-page manual’s only illustration is of an Air Force plane ac 5/1953 #13348 time, and Ted Seth Jacobs’s cover illustration of an alien with large blac 2/1987 #46184 le of seconds. There is a cut-away illustration that shows oxygen tanks and 11/12/1988 #46860 the set of TF1's Temps X show. An illustration describes the parietal acce 4/5/1990 #47824 2, SOBEPS 1994, p. 95 with a color illustration 1.38, but I personally do n 9/14/1993 #49701## Word: "illustration's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
eloped around the same period. The illustration's source and accuracy remai 1479 #319## Word: "illustrations", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e Classification Board blesses the illustrations of matter that “should be 8/9/1947 #6221 even includes three UFO photos as illustrations of these techniques. Green 2/24/2014 #54280## Word: "illustrator", 17 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a.m. Witnesses: Fairchild Aircraft illustrator Don Patrick. A translucent l 11/5/1950 #8684 nch) At Oak Ridge (Tennessee), the illustrator of Fairchild Aircraft Don Pa 11/5/1950 #8685 OAK RIDGE, TN Aircraft illustrator. Translucent pear-shape dart 11/5/1950 #8688 Oak Ridge, TN Aircraft Illustrator Reports Darting Pear-Shaped 11/5/1950 #8690 nessee Witness: Fairchild Aircraft illustrator Don Patrick. One translucent 11/5/1950 #8691 At 11:55 a.m. Fairchild Aircraft illustrator Don Patrick in Oak Ridge, Te 11/5/1950 #8693 rocco), E. J. Colisimo, a civilian illustrator for the USAF Intelligence, o 9/9/1952 #12141 itness: E.J. colisimo, a civilian illustrator with USAF Intelligence. One 9/9/1952 #12147 co 9:00 p.m. US Air Force civilian illustrator E. J. Colisimo sees a disc w 9/9/1952 #12148 .m. Mr. E. J. Colisimo, a civilian illustrator with USAF Intelligence, sigh 9/9/1952 #12149 quoit, New York Witness: technical illustrator W.D. Neva. One thin, cresce 7/25/1959 #21329 t, New York W.D. Neva, a technical illustrator, saw a thin, crescent-shaped 7/25/1959 #21331 s Crowe, professional aeronautical illustrator, of a disc-shaped vehicle he 7/16/1965 #25103 S Congress on the issue. Aerospace illustrator Mark McCandlish testifies th 5/9/2001 #53044 Aerospace illustrator Mark McCandlish testifies at 5/9/2001 #53045 e. It is unclear if McCandlish, an illustrator, was simply wrong about the 5/9/2001 #53045 released that interviews aerospace illustrator Mark McCandlish, who claims 12/2014 #54303## Word: "illustré", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
estrial" enters the Petit Larousse Illustré, with the following definition: 12/29/1980 #43532## Word: "ilmaviomat", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
et of the Finnish Air Force Suomen Ilmaviomat based at Lapin Lennosto 400 k 3/31/1997 #51958## Word: "ilona", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rom French) Just before 5 o'clock, Ilona Johansson Paasonen was awoken by a 8/1945 #4353 ke Längelmävesi, Finland 5:00 a.m. Ilona Johansson-Paasonen, staying in a s 8/1945 #4360## Word: "ilopango", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
El Salvador’s Ilopango Airport Nicaragua The Kerry Com 4/13/1989 #47075 ting cocaine through El Salvador’s Ilopango Airport. Castillo tried to bust 4/13/1989 #47075 dering confused along the shore of Ilopango Lake. Under interrogation he re 2/29/1996 #51431 later taken to the shores of Lake Ilopango where the beings told him that 2/29/1996 #51431## Word: "ils", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
canular… étant des E.T. eux-mêmes, ils devaient le savoir n'est-il pas? ".] 8/20/1954 #14880## Word: "ilus", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “Ilus” Yield: 20KT 6/21/1980 #43116## Word: "ilya", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ench) First flight of the Sikorsky Ilya Mourometz, heavy bomber and transpo 5/1913 #2593## Word: "ilyin", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e material is obtained by Vadim K. Ilyin from the late Vyacheslav Shtyepa o 10/1991 #48629## Word: "ilyouchine", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r-seat bomber and torpedo launcher Ilyouchine II-4, first of a long line of 1935 #3283## Word: "ilyouchines", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ng line of increasingly performing Ilyouchines. The first one reaches 410 k 1935 #3283## Word: "ilyushin", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
apt. Benjamin Gabrian is flying an Ilyushin Il-18 airliner at 22,800 feet i 8/17/1968 #30879 g above its runway. The crew of an Ilyushin Il-76 cargo plane refuses to ta 1/22/2001 #52986## Word: "im", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NEAR PENRITH,, AUST Im fireball paces car closely / 13 minut 1/5/1971 #32700## Word: "image", 179 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Cova area, where they discover an image of a black virgin emitting a magic 4/25/880 #110 s claimed to have seen an airborne image of a city, with diverse troops con 1100 #167 ," revealing a large cross and the image of a crucified man, resembling chu 8/9/1189 #197 en treasure: a bell and a sculpted image of the Virgin Mary. Grateful for t 1237 #213 (Translated from French) The first image of a firework display near Nurembe 1270 #228 lthough it's uncertain whether the image was specifically created for the b 1478 #318 ight, led Michelangelo to paint an image of the phenomenon. Unfortunately, 1513 #338 servation took place in Basel; the image shows the "Munster" square, the ca 8/7/1566 #405 he breach. Moving, they formed the image of a bloody battle. A red vapor sp 2/13/1575 #425 were shown on the left side of the image. This event has been preserved as 11/15/1667 #557 ct the exact form, but conveyed an image of a flaming eye within a circular 7/16/1676 #569 with a camera obscura and sent the image to the Royal Academy of Sciences i 8/9/1762 #721 e aircraft observed that year. See image at images/1896.jpg. 1896 #1527 observed during the 1897 wave. See image at images/1897.jpg. 2/1/1897 #1629 ch) Drawing of an observation. See image at images/1897-04-12.jpg. 4/10/1897 #1690 able to talk to the occupants. See image at images/1897-2.jpg. 4/20/1897 #1893 ter 29 minutes and 30 seconds. See image at images/1901-07-12Santos-Dumonta 7/12/1901 #2076 can be seen in the background. See image at images/1907.jpg. 1907 #2173 of "dirigibles" over England. See image at images/1909.jpg. 1909 #2249 g the observation of March 23. See image at images/1909-03-23_200.jpg. 3/23/1909 #2272 French) Photo taken in France. See image at images/1910_France.jpg. 1/1/1910 #2465 gel Hair" recovered in Fatima. See image at images/Fatima.jpg. 7/13/1917 #2783 passing clouds, causing the sun’s image to alternately brighten and dim an 10/13/1917 #2805 aken in April by Edward Pline. See image at images/1929-04SlideWardColorado 1929 #3048 om French) Francis Chichester. See image at images/ChichesterFrancis.jpg. 6/10/1931 #3125 minous sphere in the center of the image measures 9600 m in diameter, and t 3/24/1933 #3191 hes from its keel and displayed an image of a grinning Cheshire cat on the 1942 #3598 hotograph of the UFO. Although the image was given to military intelligence 1942 #3602 a Ki 36 reconnaissance planes. See image at images/foofig_1.jpg. 2/26/1942 #3623 f which I thought I recognized the image of a grimacing cat. (note of vog: Summer 1942 #3657 nce of Hopeh (Northern China). See image at images/1942.gif. 8/1942 #3666 showing what is likely a lamp. See image at images/1945LeMondeJack2.jpg. 1945 #4136 st Rocket" in 1946, in Sweden. See image at images/1946GhostRocketSweden.jp 1946 #4422 ave a good view of the object. The image is circulated to newspapers throug 7/9/1946 #4550 ng in the air, preventing a stable image.) The men are then told by their s 7/1950 #8397 as oscillating preventing a stable image. They are told by their superiors 7/1950 #8399 m distance, gives exactly the same image as that of the UFO reproduced by t 8/1/1952 #11514 igar-shape-shape just east / moons image / 18 minute(s). Shoots away / terr 9/13/1952 #12176 BASE, TX Night light circles moons image / wavering trajectory. 2nd night l 2/27/1953 #13183 oon becomes aware that this was an image of something flying right behind t Spring 1953 #13249 e fluid deliberately poured on the image carrier that is then ignited. 5/16/1953 #13381 ht leaves (something behind) moons image. Navigates and returns.. 10/19/1953 #13806 o objects that suggested to us the image of a balance" report the motorists 10/18/1954 #16107 ined figure inside a “screen-like” image in the sky. The figure had a defin 10/20/1955 #17592 people. At one point a huge video image projected on the wall allows her t 4/7/1956 #17907 e fourth the diameter of the sun's image was seen rapidly approaching Hollo 7/14/1956 #18087 ds. The photo shows capsule-shaped image near bank of cumulus clouds. A few 8/20/1957 #19126 known. Military observer(s). RADAR image and more/others. 1 UFO / 5+minutes 10/22/1957 #19382 her what seems to be a holographic image of two spaceships. She has other v 11/16/1957 #19849 materializes a kind of holographic image to show her two UFOs (Adamski sauc 11/18/1957 #19854 ses it to produce a single unified image of airspace over a wide area. SAGE 6/26/1958 #20465 / runway / 20 minute(s). No RADAR image. Quickly going up. / r24v1#7. 2/26/1959 #21027 hrough a telescope and captures an image of two groups of multiple objects. 3/18/1959 #21066 nch) At 5:30 PM two hunters saw an image that appeared to be that of a disc 5/20/1959 #21174 6 (DELTA 1) TRANSMITTED THE FIRST IMAGE OF OUR PLANET. THIS FIRST DOCUMENT 8/7/1959 #21351 sdale’s ideas is to project a huge image of the Second Coming of Christ abo 11/30/1961 #22660 pear on the spot like a television image when the device is turned off. 6/1962 #22932 pear on the spot like a television image when the device is turned off. 6/12/1962 #22945 appears. Shrinks and vanishes / TV image! / FSR'63#2. 6/26/1962 #22969 ition shrink and vanish "like a TV image when one turns off the set." 6/26/1962 #22970 m were submitted to NICAP, but the image is too small to show detail.) [Rep 7/18/1963 #23637 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/nelson_01.jpg Late 1963 #23813 he time was what appears to be the image of a man standing behind her, dres 4/26/1964 #24075 wever, one possibility is that the image is an overexposed view of the back 5/24/1964 #24174 Texas in 1967. He says the filmed image of the UFO is extraordinarily clea 1965 #24623 s / riverback = spiral or multiple image. / r164p40. 7/5/1965 #25056 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FEWarren1965_1.jpg ht 7/31/1965 #25230 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FEWarren1965_2.jpg ht 7/31/1965 #25230 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FEWarren1965_3.jpg ht 7/31/1965 #25230 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FEWarren1965_4.jpg ht 7/31/1965 #25230 p. 250, 251). IN REALITY: when the image is turned over, a wide-brimmed hat 8/2/1965 #25256 y running across the center of the image suggesting there are separate phot 4/2/1966 #26321 tific community, would present the image of a group of nonbelievers trying 8/9/1966 #26894 YO, JP Man photographs moon. Sharp image / ovoid alongside. 1 / 16th moon-s 2/13/1967 #27797 in Tokyo, Japan. On developing one image, he finds a luminous, oval-shaped 2/13/1967 #27805 DUPUYER, MT TV image malfunctions due to EME (electro-m 5/6/1967 #28605 ggestions for improving the public image. Saunders argues that the public c 9/18/1967 #29504 Movie scene footage. Pale circular image drifts R going [to] L across frame 12/27/1967 #30092 JACKSON, NJ TV image fades. Lights dim. Large bowl-sauc 1/8/1968 #30139 ications, misidentifications, poor image quality, and clear images that lac 10/31/1968 #31164 ientifico Espacial states that the image is not caused by a lens flare, dam Late 12/1968 #31365 (Translated from French) Image taken from the "KGB film". See ima 3/1969 #31546 (having pre-exposed a spurious UFO image), as is the individual who operate 3/28/1970 #32292 nse whistling sound was heard, the image blurred. It was impossible to rest 8/16/1970 #32489 nly ones who were able to catch an image of a UFO using a camera that night 12/24/1970 #32670 ng in a "buttonhook" effect on the image. Both photographs are reproduced b 12/24/1970 #32670 4 years later...). The telepathic image takes shape under his pencil: he d 1971 #32675 t when at 8:25 a.m. it captured an image of a conical, disc-shaped UFO emer 4/9/1971 #32805 n the morning. After 3 minutes the image faded and he then saw the scenes i 9/21/1972 #33873 developed photographs there was an image of an ovoid object. 10/23/1972 #33954 ssion she was asked to examine her image of a gray interior more closely. S 8/4/1973 #34615 -Haute-Provence, France. The color image shows a red object like a domed di 3/23/1974 #35974 ns of metals and minerals, a color image close up of Saturn displayed on a 5/26/1974 #36190 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-11-18/sask-star-phoenix-1974_ 7/17/1974 #36337 levision around 3 pm. Suddenly the image began to flicker and fade. At the Late 2/1975 #36984 noise stopped, and the television image returned to normal". (...) "The si Late 2/1975 #36984 t. When he develops one photo, the image shows an odd object tilted at an a 5/3/1975 #37198 the blip is a radar angel, but the image still comes through clearly. The c 8/20/1975 #37519 xam onboard a craft, with a screen image of the inside of the woman's body. 2/7/1976 #38228 rs / brick wall / park. Entities / image converse / observer! 10/29/1976 #38937 avenue to Antonio. After this last image he was expelled from the disk, fal 9/15/1977 #39988 r entity. The next slide showed an image of a big dog attacking one of the 9/15/1977 #39992 "factory" was displayed in another image; then a train entering a tunnel; a 9/15/1977 #39992 r. Night light-saucer. Unstable 2d image / pseudo-human/entity fades and dr 11/13/1977 #40194 away, an unstable, two-dimensional image of a human-like entity of a phosph 11/13/1977 #40196 ut. They compared the form to a TV image. The couple associated the lights 11/13/1977 #40196 ewing screens in front of them. An image appeared of an older looking man. 2/5/1978 #40510 f the sounds were like coughs. The image disappeared from the viewing scree 2/5/1978 #40510 barded with stones. Gradually, the image shrinks until it becomes unreadabl 9/10/1978 #41248 ith a Kodak instamatic camera. The image in the newspaper shows a black bod 9/21/1978 #41325 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/afteletype1967-03-17los 12/20/1978 #41821 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/minotafb1966-08-25_01.j 12/20/1978 #41821 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/minotafb1966-08-25_02.j 12/20/1978 #41821 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/minotafb1966-08-25_03.j 12/20/1978 #41821 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/affoiaresponse1977-10-0 12/20/1978 #41821 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/affoiaresponse1977-10-0 12/20/1978 #41821 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/affoiaresponse1977-10-0 12/20/1978 #41821 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/affoiaresponse1977-10-0 12/20/1978 #41821 . On the object dos Santos sees an image of the planet Earth and other plan 5/16/1979 #42233 the object the witness then saw an image of the planet Earth and other plan 5/16/1979 #42234 ked to him more like a holographic image than a solid figure. The being app 1/5/1980 #42835 80KM / RIGA, LATVIA Image / observer(s) as baby and her moth 9/1980 #43232 e original and determines that the image shows an unknown three-dimensional 10/8/1981 #44005 vision for several minutes and the image was very disturbed. Instead of a l 1/31/1982 #44169 was all black for the rest of the image. 12/31/1982 #44623 unseen, was sitting there. Soon an image of a beautiful woman became visibl 1984 #45035 the size of a small car. He saw an image like a man next to the object. (NI 2/7/1984 #45132 ize of a small car. A human- like “image” is standing next to it, but that 2/7/1984 #45133 ng television when suddenly the TV image faded and became dark. She was una 12/6/1984 #45515 developed, one shot shows a blurry image of a UFO. 9/9/1985 #45683 arplane on the Moon. (!!!???) This image shows a bomber from the Second Wor 3/1988 #46602 y through the universe, she saw an image of America cut into two parts, acr 3/1989 (approximate) #47021 short protrusion. This is the last image taken by the probe. On March 27 it 3/25/1989 #47050 , VOLOGDA Big sphere/orb/globe has image / woman's face / side. Image goes 6/17/1989 #47170 e has image / woman's face / side. Image goes when sphere/orb/globe moves. 6/17/1989 #47170 uses a zoom lens to get a clearer image. The object has a central ring lik 7/6/1989 #47199 apan by a Mr. & Mrs. Hamazaki. The image is similar in appearance to the L 7/7/1989 #47200 lm available for analysis. The UFO image measures about 3.3 cm on the film, 8/10/1989 #47248 lthough one hypothesis is that the image is that of a research balloon, the 8/10/1989 #47248 ised to see a "living" and perfect image on its screen: that of the Chernob 9/1989 #47277 etc... explosions etc...) Then the image was replaced by that of the Novovo 9/1989 #47277 of his television, he reversed the image. note from vog: what interest? yet 9/1989 #47277 esk officers from DI55 suspect the image might show a US Air Force black pr 8/4/1990 #48021 bjects appears near the top of the image, near the Earth's horizon. The enl 9/15/1991 #48609 the Earth's horizon. The enlarged image shows the object moving to the lef 9/15/1991 #48609 took photo of church, unexplained image showed up in picture when develope 9/19/1991 #48617 took photo of church, unexplained image showed up in picture when develope 9/19/1991 #48618 e sky almost above the church. The image is sharp and silhouetted against a 9/19/1991 #48620 slated from French) First close-up image of an asteroid, Gaspra, by Galileo 10/29/1991 #48643 y and two days prior. An anomalous image did appear on the developed film. 8/18/1993 #49649 ear. Brandenburg claims he sees an image of a mile wide linear structure th 1994 #49869 ape shoots up from mountains. Weak image on videotape. 8/6/1994 #50208 isplays a three dimensional visual image in a desired location; the example 5/1996 #51539 at God was giving them a sign. The image, two stories high, appeared on Dec 12/19/1996 #51834 xplanation invokes an error in the image processing software. See images/go 4/16/1997 #51979 ras toward the UFO and records its image for 2 hours. Through binoculars th 7/14/1997 #52083 old man recognizes the girl in the image. They locate her and she turns out 12/1999 #52718 gs. She suddenly received a mental image of a flying object with five being 1/3/2000 #52749 ng chaos and cataclysm. She saw an image of a huge explosion and many injur 8/2/2001 #53083 rrow road to capture the brilliant image on filme. Despite having a camera 10/31/2001 #53132 ious two years. McKinnon claims an image held at the Johnson Space Center’s 11/2002 #53296 ling formation. He has a recurring image of a needle piercing his left eye. 4/28/2003 #53388 ace” is inserted. Green claims the image was from Los Alamos National Lab. 8/19/2003 #53445 ining one transparency he finds an image that appears to be an elliptical U 1/27/2004 #53527 pages, each one an individual JPG image. 2007 #53867 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/salas_01.jpg https:// 9/27/2010 #54176 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/salas_02.jpg https:// 9/27/2010 #54176 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/mcdonough_01.jpg http 9/27/2010 #54176 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/mcdonough_02.jpg http 9/27/2010 #54176 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/jamison_01.jpg https: 9/27/2010 #54176 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/jamison_02.jpg https: 9/27/2010 #54176 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/arneson_01.jpg https: 9/27/2010 #54176 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/fenstermacher_01.jpg 9/27/2010 #54176 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/fenstermacher_02.jpg 9/27/2010 #54176 ield near Cotulla, Texas, snaps an image of what appears to be a 60-foot-di 7/5/2012 #54225 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-11-04/fergus-cty-sherrif-blot 9/19/2012 #54231 /www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/afteletype1967-03-17los 9/19/2012 #54231 shares a seemingly non-public FLIR image dated 11 November 2014 and states: 3/27/2017 #54344 lying Objects Research Guide". The image at the top of the guide is a 1952 1/12/2021 #54561## Word: "imaged", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
h as attempting to measure objects imaged on photographs,” but it will be s 2/20/1967 #27881## Word: "imagenesciencia2", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenesciencia2/flyingobjects17407.jpg 3/1/1955 #17045 https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenesciencia2/flyingobjects17404.jpg 3/1/1955 #17045 https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenesciencia2/flyingobjects17409.jpg 3/1/1955 #17045## Word: "imagery", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, accompanied by rising smoke. The imagery includes an elongated form resem 4/14/1561 #397 ) to the National Security Agency, imagery intelligence (IMINT) to the Nati 9/6/1961 #22475 ed to have been the source of some imagery of the Soviet Union and China ma 12/19/1976 #39063 and shown a film with apocalyptic imagery, including nuclear explosions, f 12/1/1987 #46448 s likewise regarding the “Old Hag” imagery of sleep paralysis. 6/13/1992 #48945 lide to the Defence Geographic and Imagery Intelligence Agency for analysis 1/27/2004 #53527 Sentient that ingests and analyzes imagery data with AI capabilities. Accor 2/27/2023 #54703## Word: "images", 314 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e observation of Byland Abbey, see images/1290.jpg. 1290 #238 ing Celestial Object observed. See images/1463.jpg. 1463 #311 obes seen in the sky of Basel. See images/1566-Bale_400.jpg. 1566 #404 ch) Jack "Spring Heeled Jack". See images/SpringHeeledJack_2.jpg. 9/1837 #1001 m French) Jack "Spring Heels". See images/SpringHeeledJack.jpg. 1838 #1009 rom French) Giffard's Airship. See images/1852Giffardairship.jpg. 1852 #1108 0-1871 above Mount Washington. See images/1870-WinterMtWashingtonNewHampshi 1870 #1210 und abandoned near the Azores, see images/MarieCeleste_300.jpg. 1872 #1240 y of Greenwich in August 1900. See images/1900-08GreenwichObservatoireRoyal 1882 #1376 nch) Photography of August 12. See images/1883-08-12BonillaZacatecas_Mexico 1883 #1390 ski's telescope, 5 March 1951, see images/austriansteelcube.jpg. 1885 #1421 a sound near Saint Petersburg, see images/febchin.jpg. 1888 (July 30th) 7/30/1888 #1465 t observed that year. See image at images/1896.jpg. 1896 #1527 during the 1897 wave. See image at images/1897.jpg. 2/1/1897 #1629 ng of an observation. See image at images/1897-04-12.jpg. 4/10/1897 #1690 alk to the occupants. See image at images/1897-2.jpg. 4/20/1897 #1893 nutes and 30 seconds. See image at images/1901-07-12Santos-Dumontairship.jp 7/12/1901 #2076 en in the background. See image at images/1907.jpg. 1907 #2173 y the Tunguska explosion, in photo images/1908_250.jpg. (7:15) 6/30/1908 #2217 gibles" over England. See image at images/1909.jpg. 1909 #2249 ervation of March 23. See image at images/1909-03-23_200.jpg. 3/23/1909 #2272 hoto taken in France. See image at images/1910_France.jpg. 1/1/1910 #2465 recovered in Fatima. See image at images/Fatima.jpg. 7/13/1917 #2783 ood.” Other scientists suggest the images are caused by static discharge fr 8/22/1924 #2940 pril by Edward Pline. See image at images/1929-04SlideWardColorado.jpg. 1929 #3048 ) Francis Chichester. See image at images/ChichesterFrancis.jpg. 6/10/1931 #3125 ris (Ohio) in summer. See photo at images/1932-SummerStParisOhio.jpg. Summer 1932 #3161 elles in CBS Studios. See photo at images/welles.jpg. Summer 1938 #3423 econnaissance planes. See image at images/foofig_1.jpg. 2/26/1942 #3623 peh (Northern China). See image at images/1942.gif. 8/1942 #3666 Photo above the Sea of Japan. See images/1942_MerDuJapon.jpg. 9/1942 #3696 hat is likely a lamp. See image at images/1945LeMondeJack2.jpg. 1945 #4136 " in 1946, in Sweden. See image at images/1946GhostRocketSweden.jpg. 1946 #4422 pted, but resulted in poor quality images. 7/9/1947 #5924 found in Glen Burnie. See photo at images/images/1949_GlenBurnie.jpg. 8/1949 #7498 n Glen Burnie. See photo at images/images/1949_GlenBurnie.jpg. 8/1949 #7498 1 hour on their screens "Russian" images with Swedish music. 2/8/1950 #7786 n April 23 at Redbud. See photo at images/1950-04-23.jpg. 4/14/1950 #8164 as also witnessed by his wife. The images show a dark metallic, asymmetric 5/11/1950 #8277 lm, those showing the best closeup images of the objects, had been deleted. 8/5/1950 #8491 " The film contains 290 successive images. On the first 35 one sees a kind 8/15/1950 #8511 ally. Or rather: one saw. These 35 images were confiscated by the Air Force 8/15/1950 #8511 anging down is responsible for the images of the bright circles. Calculate 1/1951 #8841 raphed in New Jersey. See photo at images/1951-09.jpg. 8/31/1951 #9209 red" near the Azores. See photo at images/saopaulo_300.jpg. 10/2/1951 #9293 hoto of Guy Marquand. See photo at images/1951-11-23BakersfieldMarquand.jpg 11/18/1951 #9408 he Crash Near Mexico. See photo at images/1951.jpg. 12/27/1951 #9475 , but also containing entirely new images. For example, one can see a circu 12/27/1951 #9482 UFO", in Oloron in 1952 (see file images/1952OloronAngelHair.jpg) 5/31/1952 #10223 photographed on July 19, see file images/1952-07-1916-30PuertoMaldonado_Pe 7/19/1952 #10905 ford, Bower and Griffing. See file images/1952-07-29.jpg. 7/29/1952 #11365 observed on March 3. See photo at images/1953-03-03.jpg. 3/1953 #13193 from September 15th. See photo at images/1953-09-15_NewYorkTimes.jpg. 9/17/1953 #13729 graph on December 29. See photo at images/1953.jpg. 11/23/1953 #13888 n St. Peter's Square. See photo at images/1953-12-25_Vatican.jpg. 12/24/1953 #13973 Radar Echoes of July 3" (photo at images/1954-07-03.jpg - not archived) (J 7/3/1954 #14679 o taken in Taormina (Sicily) (file images/1954-10-16_Maubeuge.jpg) 10/16/1954 #16035 r view of Taormina (Sicily)" (file images/1954-10-28_Aurore.jpg). 10/28/1954 #16401 fake by double exposure (see file images/1954-11-19_Taormina.jpg). 11/19/1954 #16641 June 5th near Namur. See photo at images/1955-06-05Namur2.jpg. 5/27/1955 #17196 Namur, Belgium Namur, Belgium (images) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 6/5/1955 #17223 bservation of July 3. See photo at images/DESSINDSTOCK.jpg. 7/1955 #17263 ed by the RCAF pilot. See photo at images/1956-08-27RCAFUFO.jpg. 8/27/1956 #18262 by Donald Keyoe. It contains many images similar to those that Betty and B 12/31/1956 #18578 n McMinville in 1951. See photo at images/1954-03.jpg. (March 5) 3/5/1957 #18693 inversion caused light to bend the images of the stars, or, alternatively, 3/22/1957 #18728 rench) See photo taken in Japan at images/1957-05-07.gif. (May 7) 5/7/1957 #18836 h. Lenticular cloud?. See photo at images/1957-10-16_Tularosa.jpg. 10/16/1957 #19361 ervation in Missouri. See photo at images/1957-10-20.jpg. 10/16/1957 #19363 sh. Their message stated that "our images are projections." Her first encou 1/7/1958 #20123 e during the Summer!. See photo at images/1958-summer-holloman-airfor.jpg. 6/1958 #20406 o take three photos of it, but the images show a speed blur. 6/29/1958 #20474 by Dr. Kowalezewski. See photo at images/1958-12-22-03ZegiestowaKowalezews 10/31/1958 #20781 ariety of reports and photographic images of flying saucers and unknown aer Spring 1959 #21074 French) Explorer 6 sends the first images of Earth. (August 7) 8/7/1959 #21352 exposed during sighting showed no images of the objects. 3/4/1960 #21714 chette 1965, p. 63) THE FIRST GOOD IMAGES (.. OF THE EARTH) WERE THOSE OF T 4/1/1960 #21742 ely successful mission and returns images of the Mys Schmidta airfield in S 8/18/1960 #21975 confesses that he had superimposed images painted on glass over the backyar 2/1962 #22718 UFO photographed in April-May. See images/1962-05_2.jpg. 5/1962 #22850 elected by DIA analysts, capturing images of what turn out to be an SS-4 MR 10/14/1962 #23225 pictures and for him to have nice images, they even do a kind of flight to 6/16/1963 #23577 to soon deliver another series of images. These series appeared in the Jan 6/16/1963 #23577 n motion near a dry river bed. See images/1963-07-16.jpg. (Sunday, June 16t 6/16/1963 #23579 ound of the plane and the UFO. See images/1963_kettelkamp.jpg. 8/7/1963 #23682 hite screens, gray screens, double images, or snow and lines. Still other s 9/19/1963 #23765 with an Eastman color l6mm film, 6 images per second. McDivitt has publicly 6/4/1965 (approximate) #24962 d by Meier [probably a model]. See images/1965.jpg. 7/7/1965 #25070 e Beach (Sydney) on July 19th! See images/1965-07-19_Sydney.jpg. 7/16/1965 #25103 servation in Tulsa (Oklahoma). See images/1965-08-0201-45Tulsa_Oklahoma.jpg 8/1/1965 #25236 ter as a hand holding a plate. See images/1965-08-08_Beavar.jpg. 8/4/1965 #25309 rvation in Gibbon (Minnesota). See images/1965-10-21.gif. (October 21st) 10/21/1965 #25716 ing the November power outage. See images/1965-11.jpg. 11/8/1965 #25756 nests" were discovered nearby. See images/tully.jpg. 1/19/1966 #25931 ) The Balwin UFO photographed. See images/balwin.jpg. 3/30/1966 #26253 high speed towards the North. See images/1966-04-02.jpg. (April 2, 14 h 20 4/2/1966 #26316 er at Giant Rock (California). See images/1966-10GiantRockAnnualSpacecraftC 10/1966 #27132 her bed. Inside the globe were the images of five "non-human, hairless head 10/2/1966 #27142 in Woonsocket (Rhode Island). See images/1966-11-09.jpg. (November 9) 11/9/1966 #27297 ati (New York) on December 18. See images/1966-12-18LacTioratiNewYork.jpg. 12/12/1966 #27424 ect she observed on January 3. See images/1967-01-03LewisSarnia_Ont.jpg. (J 1/3/1967 #27488 St. Clair. After they release the images to a wire service, the Air Force 1/9/1967 #27524 in Baton Rouge on January 12. See images/1967-01-12BatonRougeLouisiane.jpg 1/12/1967 #27540 t frames seem to show low-contrast images of four human-like beings apparen 2/17/1967 #27857 Photo in Fargo (North Dakota). See images/1967-02-26.gif (February 26) 2/26/1967 #27927 d in March by Augusto Arranda. See images/1967-03.jpg. 3/1967 #27959 ear Picacho Peak (New Mexico). See images/1967-03-1214-00PicachoPeak.jpg. 3/9/1967 #28108 on of June 10th in Woonsocket. See images/1967-06-10.jpg. 6/1/1967 #28783 of June 16th in Rhode Island. See images/1967-06-16.jpg. 6/11/1967 #28834 ation of June 27th in Wichita. See images/1967-06-27.jpg. (June 27) 6/27/1967 #28916 ion of July 7th at Cumberland. See images/1967-07-07.jpg. (July 7) 7/7/1967 #28991 ishes. Photograph shows 144 strobe images / 60° slope. / r164p49. 9/23/1967 #29538 ) Photo of the observed being. See images/DESSINSANFELU.jpg. (End of Septem End of 9/1967 #29561 e other witnesses at 7:15 p.m. The images showed a slightly off-centered, l 1/23/1968 #30172 so stopped and hovered. One of the images can be viewed at http://www.nicap 5/17/1968 #30485 be viewed at http://www.nicap.org/images/680517andes.pdf 5/17/1968 #30485 , ARG Pseudo-human/entity show man images / 30cm sphere/orb/globe. "These w 6/30/1968 #30620 e some 30 cm in which he could see images of people walking about. Speaking 6/30/1968 #30621 himself. The people he saw in the images were all tall and human like, wit 6/30/1968 #30621 h) Photo taken by Emil Barnea. See images/cluj.jpg. 8/13/1968 #30855 (or Greys). Abduction and contact. Images etc. 9/1/1968 #30956 and see a screen full of dystopian images. The beings prick their fingers a 9/1/1968 #30960 ons, poor image quality, and clear images that lack sufficient data. Great 10/31/1968 #31164 ecember 6th in Sicuani (Peru). See images/1968-12-06_SicuaniPeru.jpe. (Dece 12/6/1968 #31311 rldly manifestations are fantastic images propelled via psychic technology 1969 #31386 e had noticed interferences in the images received by his television. This 2/20/1969 #31522 station were sometimes replaced by images showing women with strange clothe 2/20/1969 #31522 the phrases badly pronounced. The images received were unstable, blurry, r 2/20/1969 #31522 age taken from the "KGB film". See images/1969-03.jpg 3/1969 #31546 great speed.” Indeterminate radar images are also later reported 125 miles 4/12/1969 #31658 s in front of it. There he saw 3-D images flash through his mind at very hi 8/15/1970 #32488 ) Observation in Mahwah (USA). See images/1971-01.jpg. (13 h) (January) 1/1971 #32681 C craters. They report a series of images of this experience (Robert Dean). 1/31/1971 #32733 ated from French) Photo taken. See images/1971-02-12.jpg. (February 12) 2/12/1971 #32746 from French) Photo in Austria. See images/1971-05-23.jpg. (May 23) 5/23/1971 #32864 e air, but when Loiaza reviews his images, he discovers in frame 300 what s 9/4/1971 #33078 otograph of an Australian UFO. See images/1971_300.jpg. 9/20/1971 #33112 Photo taken in Salt Lake City. See images/1972-03-08.jpg (March 8) 3/8/1972 #33396 on the pavement (see picture). See images/1972_300.jpg. 4/27/1972 #33483 ated from French) Photo taken. See images/1972-09-16.jpg. (September 16) 9/16/1972 #33856 n by Paul Villa in New Mexico. See images/1972-09-24.jpg. (September 24:) 9/24/1972 #33888 d during an accident in Japan. See images/1973.jpg. 1973 #34088 f March 7th in South Carolina. See images/1973-03-07.jpg. (March 7) 3/7/1973 #34239 "June Sightseeing in Canada"). See images/1973-06.jpg. 5/22/1973 #34434 nd had a sense of presence. These "images" came in grays and browns, and sh 8/4/1973 #34615 bright colors. She found the gray images unpleasant, and had the sense of 8/4/1973 #34615 phed in Tokyo on September 19. See images/1973-09-19.jpg. 9/18/1973 #34773 n by the Sheriff of Falkville. See images/1973-10-11_150.jpg. 10/11/1973 #34945 he beings returned to the UFO. The images of the men changed in color to da 10/29/1973 #35298 from French) Photograph taken. See images/albiosc.jpg. 3/22/1974 #35956 ma at Kapiolani Park (Hawaii). See images/1974-04-25Hawaipar_TsutomuNakayam 4/25/1974 #36108 ation in Belotie (Yugoslavia). See images/1974-07-17.gif, images/1974-07-17 7/17/1974 #36332 lavia). See images/1974-07-17.gif, images/1974-07-17_2.gif. (July 17) 7/17/1974 #36332 gentina), Mr. Antonio Le Pere. See images/1974-07-19BalcarceArgentine.jpg. 7/19/1974 #36339 e No. 50 of the Condon Report. See images/1974-11-17.jpg. (November 17) 11/17/1974 #36694 Tully near Forbes (Australia). See images/1974-12-21.gif. (December 21) 12/21/1974 #36751 ation at Browstone (Illinois). See images/1975-01-05.jpg. (January 5th) 1/5/1975 #36834 in Hamilton (Ontario, Canada). See images/1975-04-18.gif. (March 18) 3/18/1975 #37063 Photo taken in Chiba (Japan). See images/1975-05-11.jpg. (May 11th, 09:00) 5/11/1975 #37224 h) Photo taken in Switzerland. See images/1975.gif. 7/31/1975 #37419 nd 12–15 feet high. He can see 3–4 images moving back and forth inside the 1976 #38112 their story contains elements and images echoed in other accounts before a 1/6/1976 #38138 y 12 near Paso Fondo (Brazil). See images/1976-05-12_1.gif. 5/12/1976 #38441 s (or Greys) probe dirt. Telepathy images? / r76p268. 7/17/1976 #38578 e early hours of September 19. See images/1976-09-19.jpg. 9/11/1976 #38794 ember photograph in Indonesia. See images/1976-11.jpg. 9/11/1976 #38797 ision screen in front of him. Soon images of apparently extraterrestrial fi 10/29/1976 #38939 suffered from insomnia, and vivid images repeatedly came into her mind. Sh 12/10/1976 #39035 H-11 are highly classified, as are images they produce. The satellites are 12/19/1976 #39063 ion and China made public in 1997; images of Sudan and Afghanistan made pub 12/19/1976 #39063 ch) Photo taken in New Mexico. See images/1977-05.jpg. (May 9th) 5/9/1977 #39550 s earlier in Ontario (Canada). See images/1977-06-211.gif, images/1977-06-2 6/21/1977 #39657 nada). See images/1977-06-211.gif, images/1977-06-212.gif, images/1977-06-2 6/21/1977 #39657 6-211.gif, images/1977-06-212.gif, images/1977-06-213.gif, images/1977-06-2 6/21/1977 #39657 6-212.gif, images/1977-06-213.gif, images/1977-06-213.gif. (June 21) 6/21/1977 #39657 les around him multiple times. See images/1977-07-11FloradadUruguay.jpg. (1 7/11/1977 #39746 taken in Maldonada (Uruguay). See images/1977-07-26.gif. (July 26) 7/26/1977 #39807 h) Recording the "WOW" signal. See images/WOW_450.jpg. 8/12/1977 #39887 o a circular room: they showed him images in which he was the main characte 9/15/1977 #39988 on a "piano" the beings showed him images, in the following order: Antonio 9/15/1977 #39988 Zapped / blue-beam. Blood sample. Images shown. / r86p44. 9/15/1977 #39989 still naked, standing alone. Other images included a view of him dressed an 9/15/1977 #39992 k observation on September 20. See images/1977-09-20_250.jpg. 9/18/1977 #40003 e object before it disappears. See images/1978-01-04.jpg, images/1978-02-04 1/4/1978 #40392 ppears. See images/1978-01-04.jpg, images/1978-02-04.gif, images/1978-02-04 1/4/1978 #40392 -01-04.jpg, images/1978-02-04.gif, images/1978-02-04_1.gif 1/4/1978 #40392 0110521172809/http://www.nicap.org/images/fortdix2.gif https://web.archiv 1/18/1978 #40440 0110521172805/http://www.nicap.org/images/fortdix3.gif http://www.paradig 1/18/1978 #40440 -human/entity. Telepathy / violent images. Saucer / 2 separate observer(s). 3/3/1978 #40570 of April 17th in Hot Springs. See images/1978-04-17.gif. (April 17) 4/17/1978 #40716 . See http://membres.tripod.fr/rr0/images/1978-04-17.gif. (April 17) 4/17/1978 #40717 e object is so close in one of the images that some details of its lower su 4/19/1978 #40724 m French) Photograph in Spain. See images/1978-06.jpg. 6/1978 #40824 Photo taken in Rio de Janeiro. See images/1978-06-20RioJaneiroBresil.jpg. ( 6/20/1978 #40876 rvation in Las Vegas (Nevada). See images/1978-07-13.gif. (July 13th) 7/13/1978 #40967 Observation in Purugia, Italy, see images/1978-09-16.gif. (September 16) 9/16/1978 #41289 h) Observation of November 15. See images/1978-11-15.jpg. 11/10/1978 #41562 illuminated edges were sharp. See images/1978-12-01Eragny1.jpg. 12/1/1978 #41660 beats (it was always visible). See images/1978-12-02Eragny1.jpg. (7 h 55) 12/2/1978 #41672 ee-branched star with two feet See images/1978-12-02Eragny2.jpg. 12/2/1978 #41673 hts pointed towards the ground See images/1978-12-02Eragny3.jpg. Above the 12/2/1978 #41674 https://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/17f7ee96ee7e.gif * https 12/20/1978 #41821 https://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/97c8c30ee9f4.gif * https 12/20/1978 #41821 https://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/484a10c214d8.gif * https 12/20/1978 #41821 https://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/0c1216a7ed6d.gif * https 12/20/1978 #41821 ographed in I-Petry in Crimea. See images/1978.jpg. 12/25/1978 #41841 onsoles and monitors. He was shown images of three pyramids joined by a thi 1/3/1979 #41944 and sketches of Robert Taylor. See images/1979.jpg. 1/14/1979 #41993 ated from French) Photo taken. See images/1979-05-09_Eragny.jpg 5/9/1979 #42218 en and presented with a variety of images before being forced to mate with 6/28/1979 #42311 ch) Photo taken in Charleston. See images/1980-04-0417-30Charleston.jpg (Ap 4/4/1980 #42970 ce left by a UFO in Australia. See images/1980-09-30_300.jpg. 9/1980 #43231 (...) Photo interpretation of the images obtained by satellites is carried 2/28/1981 #43640 PHOTOGRAPHIC ESPIONAGE SATELLITES (images sent to a telecommunications sate 3/31/1982 #44279 light. Bruce Maccabee analyzed the images. 8/13/1982 #44454 ome movie film of the UFO, but the images are of low quality (NICAP: 01 - D 12/31/1982 #44628 ome movie film of the UFO, but the images are of low quality. 12/31/1982 #44630 rch in Jaroslavl, near Moscow. See images/1983_2.jpg. 1983 #44635 alysis of Tony Dodd's Picture. See images/1983_GSW.jpg. 5/4/1983 #44764 in which he was taken aboard. See images/1983-08AldershotHampshire.jpg. 8/12/1983 #44874 UFO observed above Sao Paulo. See images/SaoPaulo2.jpg. 1984 #45037 . Gotsiridsé on September 7th. See images/1984-09-07.jpg. 8/4/1984 #45402 ion of an Iraqi Plane Passing. See images/1985.jpg. 1985 #45547 ucture that remains submerged. See images/1986-10-25_LagoDeCote.jpg. Appro 10/25/1986 #46123 he roof. Photos were taken but the images came out blank. The incident last 8/24/1987 #46342 zzing in his ears, a female voice, images of a dog. When he got home, he to 11/11/1987 #46417 resisting, his mind is filled with images of dogs. The light is no longer t 11/11/1987 #46418 voice and a female voice, he sees images of dogs. Then he falls hard on th 11/11/1987 #46422 r radio starts to malfunction. See images/Knowles_300.jpg. (1h 30) 1/21/1988 #46537 ographed in Dalbegorsk (USSR). See images/1989_200.jpg. 1989 #46928 ared in Saint-François-Xavier. See images/1990.jpg. 1990 #47617 , in an aerodrome near Moscow. See images/19902400.jpg. 3/30/1990 #47781 Belgian F-16 Radar Recording. See images/1990-03-30.jpg. 3/31/1990 #47800 d from French) The Tagsek UFO. See images/tagsek.jpg. 4/5/1990 #47825 riotte on November 5th at 7:15 PM, images/1990-06-15WallonieHenrardiJS.jpg. 6/1990 #47934 crop circle appeared in July. See images/1990-07.jpg. 7/25/1990 #48000 5th observed in Gennevilliers, see images/1990-11-05-1.jpg 11/5/1990 #48182 vation on November 5th at 7:15 PM, images/1990-11-05.jpg 11/5/1990 #48189 bserved in Montreal on November 7, images/1990-11-07.jpg and images/1990-11 11/5/1990 #48194 ember 7, images/1990-11-07.jpg and images/1990-11-07.jpg, and this photo. 11/5/1990 #48194 tation of December 13th in Samara, images/1990-12-13_1000.jpg, and this pho 12/13/1990 #48303 zed advanced technology to project images of loved ones to convince souls t 1/1991 #48324 e population was able to see these images on a television channel broadcast 3/12/1991 #48396 Photo taken around Sao Paulo. See images/foret.jpg (April 20) 4/20/1991 #48442 vation of July 11th in Mexico. See images/1991-07-11.jpg. 7/9/1991 #48526 vening newspaper. Then other video images appeared, some of Mexicans who, w 7/11/1991 #48528 , filmed a little at random. These images were taken in the municipalities 7/11/1991 #48528 g on a new crop circle design. See images/BowerChorley.jpg. 9/15/1991 #48610 In Space, In Space STS-48 Images (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 9/15/1991 #48611 tion in the object’s brightness in images obtained during its close passage 11/6/1991 #48650 hrough which symbolic language and images are expressed. 5/1/1992 #48892 French) Photo taken in Mexico. See images/1992-12-08.jpg and http://membres 12/8/1992 #49215 g and http://membres.tripod.fr/rr0/images/92-12-08.jpg (December 8) 12/8/1992 #49215 graph of March 8th in Germany. See images/1993-03-08BraunschweigGermany.jpg 3/8/1993 #49359 ) April Observation in Mexico. See images/1993-04.jpg. 3/31/1993 #49396 The UFO filmed in Sebastopol. See images/sebastop.jpg. 8/8/1993 #49615 on September 26th at 9:30 PM. See images/1993-09-26.jpg (September 26, 9:3 9/26/1993 #49716 urity clearance” that analyzed the images taken on the dark side of the Moo 1994 #49869 illage of Avebury (Wiltshire). See images/1994.jpg 1/25/1994 #49901 cle (to the right) in England. See images/1994_2.jpg 1/25/1994 #49902 omenon disappeared in a flash. See images/1994-02-19_300.jpg. (February 19) 2/19/1994 #49953 nge shape before disappearing. See images/avranche.jpg. (May 14) 5/14/1994 #50068 t is rebuffed. The aliens show him images of Mars (or Jupiter), which they Early 6/1994 #50092 was not a promotional balloon. See images/1994-06-05.jpg and images/1994-06 6/5/1994 #50095 oon. See images/1994-06-05.jpg and images/1994-06-05.jpg. (June 5th) 6/5/1994 #50095 servation at Hessdalen Norway. See images/1994-09-15.jpg and images/1994-09 9/15/1994 #50304 way. See images/1994-09-15.jpg and images/1994-09-15.jpg. (September 15, 12 9/15/1994 #50304 ular UFO for about 30 minutes. See images/1994-12-03.jpg. (December 3, 5 PM 12/3/1994 #50439 al Institute says that indeed, the images obtained are very different from 8/29/1995 (approximate) #51032 nce after more than 5 minutes. See images/kapyong.jpg. (September 4) 9/4/1995 #51047 Shuttle of the STS80 mission. See images/STS80cre.jpg and images/STS80.jpg 10/8/1995 #51158 ssion. See images/STS80cre.jpg and images/STS80.jpg. 10/8/1995 #51158 is seen rising into the sky. These images will be authenticated by several 10/8/1995 #51159 e the one from the other day". The images were transmitted by a regional Ar 7/14/1996 #51610 aldo de Athayde analyzes the video images and finds that the object is real 11/16/1996 #51793 at showed strange holographic like images, including dinosaur like animals. 12/9/1996 #51818 da) (Translated from French) Large images appeared at a window, CNN reporte 12/19/1996 #51834 on Institute in Haifa. Having seen images of the creature on a television s 12/21/1996 #51838 French) The UFO Above Phoenix. See images/1997-03-13_2.jpg 2/11/1997 #51891 the image processing software. See images/goes91.jpg and images/goes91.jpg. 4/16/1997 #51979 oftware. See images/goes91.jpg and images/goes91.jpg. (April 16) 4/16/1997 #51979 at Burderop Down (Wiltshire). See images/1990-05. and images/1990-05.jpg. 5/1997 #52004 iltshire). See images/1990-05. and images/1990-05.jpg. 5/1997 #52004 of a crop circle (see above). See images/1997-07Crop.jpg and images/1997-0 7/4/1997 #52077 e). See images/1997-07Crop.jpg and images/1997-07Crop.jpg. 7/4/1997 #52077 800m in diameter at Cley Hill. See images/1997-07-14_300.jpg and http://mem 7/14/1997 #52082 g and http://membres.tripod.fr/rr0/images/1997-07-14.jpg. (July 14) 7/14/1997 #52082 0 witnesses have come forward. See images/1997-08-06.jpg. (August 6) 8/6/1997 #52103 right) near Bethal (New York). See images/1997-09-27.jpg. (September 27) 9/27/1997 #52158 annels make it their headline. See images/1997-11-14.jpg. (November 14) 11/14/1997 #52190 on the other side of the sky. See images/1997-12-07.jpg and images/1997-12 12/7/1997 #52206 sky. See images/1997-12-07.jpg and images/1997-12-07.jpg. (December 7th) 12/7/1997 #52206 ful blue lights shone on them. See images/1998-01-09.jpg. (January 9th) 1/9/1998 #52258 e frame in less than a second. See images/1998-01-18.jpg anjd images/1998-0 1/18/1998 #52267 nd. See images/1998-01-18.jpg anjd images/1998-01-18.jpg. (January 18th) 1/18/1998 #52267 ful blue lights shone on them. See images/1998-01-20.jpg and http://membres 1/20/1998 #52269 g and http://membres.tripod.fr/rr0/images/1998-01-20.jpg. (January 20th) 1/20/1998 #52269 filmed over Mexico since 1992. See images/1998-01-272.jpg, images/1998-01-2 1/27/1998 #52275 1992. See images/1998-01-272.jpg, images/1998-01-272.jpg, images/1998-01-2 1/27/1998 #52275 1-272.jpg, images/1998-01-272.jpg, images/1998-01-271.jpg, images/1998-01-2 1/27/1998 #52275 1-272.jpg, images/1998-01-271.jpg, images/1998-01-271.jpg. (January 27th) 1/27/1998 #52275 ng to a conventional aircraft. See images/1998-02-02.jpg, images/1998-02-02 2/2/1998 #52281 rcraft. See images/1998-02-02.jpg, images/1998-02-02.jpg, etc. (February 2) 2/2/1998 #52281 French) Observation in Brazil. See images/1998.jpg. 2/2/1998 #52283 https://www.johnclarkson.com.au/images/downloads/DrGreen_Article.pdf 7/31/1999 #52635 at the same time. The 50,000 video images were brought to the meeting and e 9/24/1999 #52681 . In Adriano two people took video images and are convinced they filmed a f 10/23/1999 #52689 to her home she remembered seeing images of famous persons flash around he 5/2/2001 #53036 https://www.johnclarkson.com.au/images/downloads/DrGreen_Article.pdf * 4/28/2006 #53808 tina. The photo shows clear, sharp images. 2/17/2008 #53994 redence to the authenticity of the images as possibly related to the Roswel 5/5/2015 #54315 the documentary with a barrage of images of atomic age archival footage an 12/4/2018 #54431 a Beach, Virginia, takes cellphone images of a UAP out of his cockpit in th 3/4/2019 #54447 arian Emeritus Bill Ross shows off images of aliens from Betty and Barney H 8/24/2023 #54735## Word: "imaginable", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
light that was "the brightest blue imaginable," and the bottom portion had 4/25/1969 #31692 or light being "the brightest blue imaginable." The top portion of the UFO 4/24/1971 #32820## Word: "imaginal", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
otherworldly entities exist in an imaginal realm, a “third kingdom” betwee 5/1/1992 #48892 it is the key to experiencing the imaginal realm, a shamanic journey throu 5/1/1992 #48892## Word: "imaginary", 15 instance(s) (Back to Top)
al success: for many listeners the imaginary piece became a reality and in 10/30/1938 #3444 flying saucer situation is not all imaginary or seeing too much in some nat 7/1947 #5241 flying saucer situation is not all imaginary or seeing too much in some nat 7/30/1947 #6152 SAUCERS OBSERVING 'POLICE ACTION'. Imaginary or real, those flying saucers 8/4/1952 #11599 of my profession for chasing these imaginary objects.” But Burgess persuade 1/13/1954 #14088 visible with in the center of the imaginary circle of about 1.40 m formed 10/17/1954 #16069 D, OH 3 night lights trace perfect imaginary triangle / sky! Fly / separate 1/5/1958 #20117 ings, that the speed of light was "imaginary." He received the impression t 8/15/1970 #32488 OMANIA Night light maneuvers about imaginary central point in sky. No furth 1/30/1971 #32729 iles away, the humanoid figure was imaginary, and the photo was a blurry st 3/20/1973 #34257 opposed to 27% who think they are “imaginary.” And 11% claim to have seen a 11/28/1973 #35462 lunteers, Lawson declares that the imaginary accounts are all but identical 1977 #39101 ight they began rotating around an imaginary center, stopped with one ahead 6/26/1986 #45985 ncentrated, as if channeled by two imaginary tubes. At the back, a third ye 11/22/1990 #48265 Wolf 424 as the home star for the imaginary planet. “I wrote the reports o 4/1993 #49409## Word: "imagination", 16 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ts that captured the attention and imagination of the populace. 12/21/1578 #431 l, indicating its existence beyond imagination, and similar light processio Late 12/1667 #558 hting might have been a product of imagination, potentially due to clouds a 10/12/1796 #829 and “Martians” capture the public imagination. Lowell publishes his views 5/1894 #1509 presented are only due to popular imagination. (December 1st) 12/1/1946 #4812 so. Natural phenomena and popular imagination are considered the causes. 1/20/1947 #4859 maneuvers the product of Gorman’s imagination, since ground observers do n 10/1/1948 #6892 on were not a figment of someone's imagination," said R.L. Farnsworth, pres 7/28/1952 #11307 are “probably based on flights of imagination,” but indicates he will “cau 8/14/1952 #11796 flying saucers are not figments of imagination but something real. In the b 8/20/1952 #11869 that saucers are “figments of the imagination of western warmongers.” 12/7/1953 #13925 about 90% of the reports are pure imagination, with the rest unexplained. 5/15/1954 #14456 lying saucers are a figment of the imagination.” Shortly afterwards, the sk 10/10/1954 #15759 errestrials, he had a very fertile imagination...] 10/17/1973 #35058 and San Diego, California Carnival Imagination 8:39 p.m. The USS Rafael Per 7/15/2019 #54477 passing cruise ship, the Carnival Imagination, notifying them that the dro 7/15/2019 #54477## Word: "imaginations", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
smissed it as a product of drunken imaginations and urged the villagers to 8/1700 #606## Word: "imaginative", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s could not simply be dismissed as imaginative nonsense. Among the 30 cases 4/17/1952 #9846 never produced. However, he has an imaginative vision of what Venus looks l 3/1953 #13196## Word: "imagine", 14 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n aeronautical experts. As one can imagine, there was great confusion and a 3/17/1949 #7177 usually found after an explosion. Imagine violently hammered glass tiles a 6/23/1950 #8354 igns - Hello, Hello! - and you can imagine how surprised we were when they 6/27/1959 #21237 of us that we saw what it was. And imagine that this torpedo silently enter 1/29/1960 #21665 cover what it is that makes people imagine they see things.” 10/8/1966 #27168 human-like creature one could ever imagine." Waht he saw was a humanoid cre 1/26/1972 #33354 It was more beautiful than I could imagine, this kind of disk hovering, mot 2/12/1972 #33373 . We were both stunned, as you can imagine. The surprise was even greater f Summer 1976 #38518 es told by others who are asked to imagine an abduction under hypnosis. Aft 1977 #39101 he most absurd creatures one could imagine. These creatures were no more th 11/10/1984 #45493 the strangest creatures you could imagine standing there, on my balcony! T 8/13/1991 #48562 ght had the size of a car, can you imagine? At arm's length? Impossible to 10/25/1993 #49762 "Imagine a a 30-foot wide strand of silk 8/9/2004 #53599 uctees more likely than average to imagine, be led by investigators, and in 10/2005 #53754## Word: "imagined", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and solemn spectacles that can be imagined! (June) 6/1880 #1341 most solemn spectacles that can be imagined". (June 5, 1880) 6/5/1880 #1343 of their shots. (...) Andreas Epp imagined a plate with eight propellers f 1939 (approximate) #3454 dent, suggesting the witnesses had imagined it. (Chapter 8, Ref 349) 1946 #4433 about every half second. As can be imagined, the effect was strange and ext 1949 #7042 with the astonishment that can be imagined. 6/10/1952 #10334 ay and Anthony Pace that she "half imagined" she could see shadowy figures 9/2/1967 #29391 at moment it was not yet very well imagined that the USSR had undertaken th 11/1/1968 #31169 a shock, but thought he might have imagined it. Armstrong also said that th 7/21/1969 #31914 s more beautiful than I could have imagined, this kind of disc hovering, mo 2/12/1972 #33372 ymmetrical. As it made no noise, I imagined it was a glider decorated with 11/5/1990 #48178 thing because of the fog, but they imagined that this aircraft could be in 12/20/1996 #51837## Word: "imagines", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lates on extraterrestrial life. He imagines Venusians to be “little black p 1686 #580## Word: "imaging", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
working on jet engines and thermal imaging a decade before the West. Lusar 1958 #20092 n Burleson enhanced it by computer imaging techniques, turns out to contain 8/3/1962 #23053 ers who suggest that the telescope imaging system is not adequate enough to 9/15/1964 #24471 ght of the equipment used, and the imaging systems operating at that shoot, 9/15/1964 #24471 and Engineers [now the Society for Imaging Science and Technology], which h 5/29/1970 #32368 ite to use electro-optical digital imaging that offers real- time optical o 12/19/1976 #39063 Chalker for analysis. Microscopic imaging by indicates it is spider web. A 8/10/1998 #52410 with the aircraft’s multi- sensor imaging system, the Target Acquisition D 11/6/2018 #54424## Word: "imagining", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
returns, with excitable witnesses imagining the glow. But locals notice th 9/24/1959 #21457 ore times, each time when Swann is imagining the device. Puthoff is intrigu 6/6/1972 #33530## Word: "imago", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
trand MEHEUST: In Flying Saucers - Imago 1992, p. 33, 34) The beings, of sm 9/15/1977 #39988 rand MEHEUST: "In Flying Saucers - Imago 1992, p. 36, 37) (Jan Aldrich 10/9 8/21/1980 #43212## Word: "imba-numa", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Tokyo, Japan Lake Imba-numa 5:55 p.m. Wilfred S. Hardy, an 11/10/1957 #19801 with lighted portholes above Lake Imba-numa 10 miles away. He estimates it 11/10/1957 #19801## Word: "imbedded", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ouple. White sphere bigger / moon. Imbedded with orange dots. Streaks away. 1/27/1996 #51354 with white hair and glowing rings imbedded in its wrists like shiny cuffli 3/12/2000 #52805## Word: "imbibe", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
y to find that the entities do not imbibe. He asks why, and they reply, “Pe 5/1978 #40753## Word: "imbibed", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
from all the cheap red wine I had imbibed the night before, my first night 7/18/1967 #29069## Word: "imbrechies", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
BELGIUM, Monceau Imbrechies (Hainaut) (Translated from Fr 10/13/1954 #15867 clock, near the village of Monceau Imbrechies on the Franco-Belgian border. 10/13/1954 #15867## Word: "imbrogno", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
k. (Source: J. Allen Hynek, Philip Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, Night Siege: Th 3/30/1983 #44733 ational Guard Base Pozzuoli Philip Imbrogno and Peter Gersten convene a pub 8/25/1984 #45415 a mysterious man who has met with Imbrogno and claims to be from the Natio 8/25/1984 #45415 nied by field investigators Philip Imbrogno and Dennis, saw a "Ferris wheel 10/1984 #45451 NEAR OSSINING, NY Hynek and Imbrogno. "Ferris wheel" / night lights. 10/5/1984 #45457 her and UFO investigator Philip J. Imbrogno and Fred Dennis are returning f 10/5/1984 #45458 nied by field investigators Philip Imbrogno and Dennis, saw a "Ferris wheel 10/5/1984 #45459 s 1987 book Night Siege, Philip J. Imbrogno lists 12 reasons for rejecting 11/1984 #45488 son Valley Interstate 95 Philip J. Imbrogno and his team of investigators ( 3/21/1985 #45584 echnology on 30 October 1989. Phil Imbrogno states published NASA data show 9/28/1989 #47336## Word: "imbued", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ices that his hair and clothes are imbued with static electricity. 9/14/1965 #25600## Word: "imdb", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
/RID-11-1-95-2.htm#2 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6723782/ (34:45) 11/1/1995 #51197## Word: "imelda", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, when the witness, a woman, drove Imelda Victor, 12 years old, home. They 8/10/1975 #37464 d and badly frightened 12-year-old Imelda Victor and another woman as they 9/15/1975 #37622## Word: "imelda's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e witnesses rushed into the house. Imelda's mother was alerted by their scr 8/10/1975 #37464## Word: "imews", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ert satellites since Spring 1960) "IMEWS" (Integrated Early Warning System) 1970 #32179 of Guam or Australia. (...) These IMEWS are placed in geostationary orbit 1970 #32179## Word: "imf", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
in the UN and controls 25% of the IMF. 12/1/1946 #4814 up were the “33 investors” and the IMF. The accuracy of this document has n 11/1998 #52467## Word: "img", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
fgc5MgxO1g6yBYO41r1CQCLcBGAs/s1600/img.jpg (Note: Bad URL?) Note: CIA p 3/27/1950 #8037## Word: "imgur", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Mellon was an advisor. * https://imgur.com/a/4TxNMVI * https://youtu.be 5/22/1992 #48922 ngular UAP were human. * https://imgur.com/a/4TxNMVI 12/22/1992 #49235 we had on the books.” * https://imgur.com/a/4TxNMVI * https://ufos-sci Late 1990's #52239 were never investigated. https://imgur.com/a/7D5xIGk https://richarddol 7/31/1999 #52635 ds/DrGreen_Article.pdf * https://imgur.com/a/7D5xIGk Note: In 1985 Col. 4/28/2006 #53808 the wingship program. * https://imgur.com/a/tYbWkBa * https://apps.dti 9/3/2021 #54599## Word: "imint", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rity Agency, imagery intelligence (IMINT) to the National Geospace-Intellig 9/6/1961 #22475## Word: "imitated", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
f these rays can be almost exactly imitated by agitating from a boat, a lan 5/1880 #1336 rance of these rays can be exactly imitated by shaking a lantern horizontal 5/1880 #1337 s it stopped and the little beings imitated it. Everything seemed to conver 7/2/1950 #8401 hts everywhere, it was really well imitated!" The direction of movement was 11/5/1990 #48178 place to change direction, the UFO imitated her. She was really panicked, a 3/7/2000 #52801## Word: "imitating", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of the military warning of persons imitating military officers and harassin 3/1/1967 #27981## Word: "imitation", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Kansas City, Mo AIR FORCE IMITATION DOESN'T FOOL THESE GIRLS. Bett 1/16/1951 #8868## Word: "imjarvi", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IMJARVI, FINL 2 skiers. 3M saucer. Odd 9 1/7/1970 #32206 Imjarvi, Finland Two skiers saw disc-sha 1/7/1970 #32207 Imjarvi, Finland Two skiers saw disc-sha 1/7/1970 #32208 m and a dome in the sky outside of Imjarvi, Finland. It was wrapped by a re 1/7/1970 #32210 Aarno Heinonen was at home in Imjarvi, Finland at 10:15 p.m. when he h 5/5/1972 #33496 ry small to very tall, had visited Imjarvi. She also told him that she was 5/5/1972 #33496## Word: "imjãrvi", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
find themselves in the forest near Imjãrvi (Finland). They decide to rest i 1/7/1970 #32205## Word: "imjärvi", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
FINLAND, Imjärvi (Heinola) (Translated from Frenc 1/7/1970 #32204 Imjärvi, Finland 4:45 p.m. Two skiers, l 1/7/1970 #32209 Heinonen and farmer Esko Viljo, at Imjärvi, Finland, watch a disc- shaped, 1/7/1970 #32209## Word: "immanuel", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Jupiter German philosopher Immanuel Kant publishes Universal Natura 3/1755 #697## Word: "immeasurable", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ell extraterrestrial material, "of immeasurable value". It is not said when 2/13/1948 #6568## Word: "immediate", 44 instance(s) (Back to Top)
to east and was followed by almost immediate light. Shortly afterwards it w 3/19/1886 #1439 that this could be achieved in the immediate future... This new phenomenon 8/2/1939 #3472 l and non-technical information of immediate operational significance and v 2/23/1944 #3918 nt of defective tractor parts. The immediate outcome of the 2nd World War g 5/31/1945 #4305 ecial live radio broadcast on “The Immediate Need for World Law” next Thurs 7/12/1947 #6008 ecial live radio broadcast on “The Immediate Need for World Law” 7/24/1947 #6103 he Pentagon that it will launch an immediate investigation of the green fir 1/31/1949 #7103 Army Intelligence has been put “on immediate high alert for any data whatso 12/8/1950 #8782 gests policies and agendas for the immediate future. Garland mentions that 1/3/1952 #9526 held on this date. UFOs must have immediate attention. UFOs have been sigh 11/25/1952 #12713 OSI is proceeding to establish an immediate PRIORITY research and developm 11/25/1952 #12713 something going on that must have immediate attention.” 12/2/1952 #12748 something going on that must have immediate attention. The details of some 12/2/1952 #12749 concepts." The panel recommended "immediate steps to strip the Unidentifie 1/17/1953 #12984 have been every reason to make an immediate public announcement. What is k 1/17/1953 #12984 d maintaining a steady course. His immediate reaction is to curse the “anom Spring 1953 #13249 hill. Nothing was found during the immediate search. (July 13, 1954) 7/13/1954 #14709 es a new directive that orders the immediate reporting of UFO sightings (FL 7/23/1954 #14744 Louhans, France In the immediate vicinity of case 175, Mr. Nico 10/2/1954 #15430 In the immediate vicinity of the sighting on th 10/2/1954 #15439 ures got on board. The takeoff was immediate, with a deafening noise, but w Early 1956 #17735 the industrial zone. There are no immediate fatalities, though up to 200+ 9/29/1957 #19273 he national security agencies take immediate steps to strip the Unidentifie 3/1958 #20226 accident in the US that results in immediate fatalities. 1/3/1961 #22159 a NICAP letter to Congress urging “immediate congressional action to reduce 8/22/1961 #22453 the Air Force Department citing an immediate and urgent need for a secret p 1/15/1962 #22702 ht from the object illuminated the immediate area with an intense white col 4/15/1973 #34342 rown's car, forcing him to make an immediate stop. Two small 4 1/2 foot tal 10/17/1973 #35105 which flattens the rapeseed in the immediate area. The objects then form a 9/1/1974 #36499 abnormal noise had occurred in the immediate surroundings. It was a buzzing 5/10/1975 #37222 right enough to light up clouds in immediate area. (National Research Counc 11/11/1975 #37946 beginning with the right side. An immediate search of the area showed noth 10/30/1976 #38943 s seen on the ground. There was an immediate failure of the electrical syst 10/30/1976 #38944 ve the roofs. Her astonishment was immediate: she knew nothing similar to t 1/6/1977 #39154 they stared at him. One was to his immediate left. They began to question h 1/27/1977 #39218 nt bright UFO seen / type unknown. Immediate power outage. No further detai 6/8/1978 #40845 HONDURAS Octopus-shape over city. Immediate power outage. No further detai 10/27/1978 #41497 on State are driving west when the immediate area around their vehicle is i 6/10/1981 #43778 was dispatched but a search of the immediate vicinity failed to find anythi 12/8/1989 #47561 red in a flash of white light. The immediate memory that follows is the sig 3/4/1992 #48796 n County Trojans in the event that immediate and emergency dissemination of 3/11/1998 #52308 ed formation at 28,000 feet in the immediate vicinity of Catalina and San C 11/10/2004 #53652 also appears just below and to the immediate left of the solid red light. T 10/6/2013 #54267 mittee of 19 experts says that the immediate symptoms that patients reporte 8/2020 #54544## Word: "immediately", 509 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the church door. The congregation immediately rushed outside and saw a man 950 #128 the general, an investigation was immediately launched to shed light on th 9/24/1235 #209 ts, very courageous, the villagers immediately informed him of the presence End of 1200's #237 uths of the scholars: their mouths immediately became black and none of the 1523 #347 nd, disappeared. Others reappeared immediately and marched in the same dire 6/1686 #581 lights of which I have been told. Immediately I fell to my knees and I ble 1699 #601 l, a film was found which dried up immediately and disappeared. Often, when 5/16/1808 #873 Tuileries on April 2, and the king immediately granted him a private audien 1/15/1816 #908 r help, dropping his cape which is immediately picked up by another shadow 2/20/1838 #1015 to a very bright flash and turning immediately in the direction from which 8/12/1852 #1110 e meteorites were collected almost immediately after their fall within a qu 7/28/1860 #1144 s above the ground, all the colors immediately extinguished, but the roofs 1862 #1155 ray, but their devotion was almost immediately interrupted by violent nause 10/24/1886 #1442 th a rumble and a splash of waves. Immediately afterwards, blocks of ice we 3/19/1887 #1450 help, freezing everyone. Everyone immediately thought a wolf had appeared. 12/24/1890 #1479 ar. A large dark frame was visible immediately above the basket and the wit 4/1/1897 #1658 es, a strong light blinded him. He immediately got out of bed and went to l 4/15/1897 #1776 the occupants had had to repair it immediately. The voice asked the witness 4/15/1897 #1776 nst the windmill of Judge Proctor. Immediately there was an explosion, debr 4/16/1897 #1814 oming from the cattle enclosure. I immediately got up thinking it might be 4/19/1897 #1869 noise drew our attention and they immediately turned their projector towar 4/19/1897 #1869 tle. I was more than surprised and immediately understood that it was the f 4/20/1897 #1891 bject in the sky, heading west. He immediately got up, dressed, and went ou 4/21/1897 #1902 and went outside with binoculars. Immediately he realized it was the wonde 4/21/1897 #1902 el turning and the object took off immediately. It disappeared at lightning 4/21/1897 #1903 Tesla writes that it has not been immediately apparent to him that he is h 1899 #2040 ended up on the sand, screaming he immediately fired a shot from his Colt 4 9/1899 #2052 t, a large star approach the boat. Immediately the ship shone a red light i 10/1908 #2242 and to his great astonishment, it immediately lit a fire of the same color 10/1908 #2242 d flare, and to his surprise he is immediately answered with a red flare ab 10/1908 #2243 erfect calling card and E. S. Free immediately thought of a German spy diri 5/7/1909 #2286 bird that plunged into the ocean, immediately emerged again before falling 7/1910 #2487 . The commander of Ostre Slide was immediately alerted, and with four men h 7/13/1915 #2689 ed. The sheriff of Østre Slidre is immediately notified of the event and wi 7/13/1915 #2690 servation, this lamp went out, and immediately the craft turned and "floate 8/20/1915 #2695 something they had sent. The Baron immediately opened fire and the thing fe 1917 #2759 plane falling into the water. They immediately jumped into a motorboat and 9/9/1922 #2908 e of the wooden partition made him immediately understand where he had to r Autumn 1927 #3017 en by panic, the driver of the car immediately accelerated while the being 10/1932 #3165 burst and, inside, the Virgin Mary immediately appeared. 11/29/1932 #3169 for his stay in Great Britain. He immediately went out, heading towards th 7/14/1934 #3268 he "Fram" headed in its direction. Immediately the red and green lights tha 2/11/1937 #3366 iff-Davis in Chicago, Illinois. He immediately sets out to enliven the peri 2/1938 #3415 circle that reached the witnesses. Immediately, without knowing if it was f 7/25/1938 #3428 e spinning in opposite directions. Immediately the object was surrounded by 7/25/1938 #3428 . S., S. O. S., S. O. S... 2 ships immediately head towards the source of t 2/1939 #3463 gnetic separation, and the section immediately recommends granting it. MIT 12/18/1941 #3584 The "air whale" as Captain Fischer immediately nicknames it, maintains a ho 2/26/1942 #3624 e aerial whale, as Captain Fischer immediately nicknamed it, maintained its 3/14/1942 #3634 fle when the alarm was sounded. He immediately entered his foxhole sitting, 8/12/1942 #3676 he war against the Japanese and he immediately thought that they were Japan 8/12/1942 #3676 the Germans had invented again. He immediately went back into his guardhous 9/1942 #3694 in front of the window. The mother immediately closed the shutter to calm h 1943 (approximate) #3739 losing speed quickly. The British immediately called the Troop Commander a 11/23/1944 #4072 ar at the end of his left wing. He immediately checks with the Allied radar 11/23/1944 #4073 witness, he was very impressed and immediately went back home. As he ran th 1945 #4132 he ground, rose to the ceiling and immediately fell back onto the floor. Th 1945 #4132 stian Sr. orders the guns to stop. Immediately the object shoots up and awa 3/22/1945 #4246 ome 78,000 people die instantly or immediately afterward in the firestorm. 8/6/1945 #4365 hey disappeared into a cloud bank. Immediately the failing engine started t 8/28/1945 #4378 ch of help. Maria's neighbors were immediately called, and Prestes Filho ke 3/5/1946 #4450 ts an intense light: “As it passed immediately overhead, it grew so bright 8/24/1946 #4723 hind the clouds never to reappear. Immediately after, a flood of color ran 12/30/1946 #4825 a sound like an airplane followed immediately by an awful crash. She went 4/17/1947 #4911 responsible for base security, to immediately inspect the debris field, le 7/6/1947 #5533 estigate the debris report. Marcel immediately drives to the sheriff’s offi 7/6/1947 #5615 xact moment he saw the object, but immediately afterwards he called the Civ 7/9/1947 #5876 wn that it could not be understood immediately...Therefore it would be nece Mid 7/1947 #6052 . Clingerman Jr.) to Stephenville “immediately” and report directly to the 7/28/1947 #6124 of Information will be formulated immediately for transmittal thru channel 9/23/1947 #6357 nformation” (EEI) to be formulated immediately so that all agencies will ha 9/23/1947 #6359 ble, flying near the house. Almost immediately there was a great explosion. 1/7/1948 #6516 . Very down-to-earth Stevens could immediately judge that the object was re 2/1/1948 #6558 e impressed, and indicates he will immediately submit his report to Doctor 4/28/1948 #6646 n is ordered to get into the field immediately and investigate the Chiles-W 7/25/1948 #6779 ific intelligence. Problems almost immediately involve recruitment and fill 1/1/1949 #7059 ded close to secret bases. Alerted immediately, the authorities surrounded 3/17/1949 #7177 -third of the area visible to him. Immediately in from the leading edge wer 3/18/1950 #7954 Adickes suddenly made a turn, but immediately the mysterious craft veered 4/27/1950 #8221 lysis. It was brief, calm returned immediately. (Michel BOUGARD: "Des S.V. 5/20/1950 #8291 yllables resembling German) Almost immediately the witness felt movement un Early Summer 1950 #8326 nstrument towards the witness, who immediately feels "mortified". (note fro Early Summer 1950 #8326 ightly tapped it with his hand and immediately felt a tingling in his finge 7/4/1950 #8407 horizontal position these machines immediately passed to the vertical and t 7/23/1950 #8446 e memo added, would be telephoned, immediately, to Air Force Intelligence. 12/3/1950 #8756 tached a black plate to his chest. Immediately the witness felt as if he wa 5/15/1951 #9022 this incredible sight. The object immediately started up with a slight whi Summer 1951 #9080 the ground. Pierre Monnet did not immediately notice the beings standing i 7/1951 #9089 tness. Two jet fighters F. 86 were immediately charged to intercept it, and 8/1/1951 #9140 "leader" made a kind of salute and immediately the six creatures returned t 8/14/1951 #9155 ouetted against the ground. Rogers immediately turned left and descended to 9/10/1951 #9242 were the same as the DC 4. Almost immediately after passing it, the craft 11/2/1951 #9377 nd to the left of his aircraft. He immediately turns to follow but loses si 11/24/1951 #9424 door to listen for sounds. They go immediately to the Stockholm Criminal In 12/5/1951 #9444 icers at every base to report UFOs immediately to ATIC and all major USAF c 4/29/1952 #10002 became orange with green remains. Immediately, while the silhouette on the 5/1952 #10013 -east at Potawotami Park. Lorenzen immediately enters the drugstore and cal 5/21/1952 #10166 " has just appeared. The three men immediately think they have got themselv 6/7/1952 #10310 orange and incandescent disk that immediately escapes at a dizzying speed. 6/7/1952 #10310 he bodies of three occupants, were immediately shipped to Wright Patterson Summer 1952 #10460 e a film was made with views taken immediately at the crash site or later a Summer 1952 #10460 found, although a rescue plane was immediately sent to the area concerned a Summer 1952 #10462 aight down, but its course changed immediately as it moved to the northeast 7/14/1952 #10779 traight line at constant speed. He immediately takes two photos when the ob 7/18/1952 #10891 ndrews AFB is alerted and confirms immediately. At 11:30 p.m. jet intercept 7/26/1952 #11191 rs. XXXXXXX observed a white light immediately over the Pentagon, then it m 7/27/1952 #11283 radar device. Officials could not immediately agree whether or not this wa 7/29/1952 #11374 Warren AFB, WY Object immediately stop without appearing to de 8/8/1952 #11701 distress. He and the three scouts immediately set out to search. After cov 8/19/1952 #11845 light bulbs.” Church turns around immediately, but the figure is gone, eve 10/1952 #12387 strange-shaped luminous object. We immediately compared its shape to that o 10/6/1952 #12410 e similar to that of a jet engine. Immediately going to his window, he saw 11/27/1952 #12727 l. Jere Boggs. This is to be done “immediately” through a National Security 12/4/1952 #12765 ter exclaimed: "I see four craft!" Immediately he radioed: "Unknown objects 12/6/1952 #12770 Robertson Panel to be carried out immediately. A rush-to-judgment panel wi 12/22/1952 #12849 enormous flame shot out. The craft immediately took on a considerable speed 1953 #12895 shouted to warn his commander, who immediately veered left. For a fraction 1/9/1953 #12951 , hovers for about 2 seconds, then immediately resumes flight at a new alti 1/17/1953 #12991 0°. It appears to be very thin and immediately begins to form a heavy conde 3/3/1953 #13202 wly diminished and it disappeared. Immediately after, we heard a loud rustl 6/18/1953 #13447 ly returned to his craft which had immediately left with a roar. 6/20/1953 #13454 bodies of the five occupants were immediately loaded, in special coffins, Summer 1953 #13459 w exactly where it had fallen, had immediately alerted a nearby air base wh Summer 1953 #13459 lerted a nearby air base which had immediately sent a rescue team. (1953, S Summer 1953 #13459 radar had detected the target, but immediately, the thing took altitude and 8/5/1953 #13581 F-84 returns, followed by the UFO. Immediately, another F-84 is sent up. Be 8/5/1953 #13586 ish and metallic. The search order immediately launched yielded nothing; th 8/6/1953 #13587 s alarm the pilot so much he lands immediately. Jet fighters are scrambled 8/6/1953 #13592 at an altitude of about 1250 m. I immediately asked my mechanic, Olle Joha 12/17/1953 #13955 ting. One reporter issues and then immediately retracts a wire story that t 2/20/1954 #14174 ght. It brought its hand to it and immediately from this object held in bot Spring 1954 #14257 f white light came out.The witness immediately felt paralyzed. He could no Spring 1954 #14257 long with 3 other witness names is immediately published by the BSRA. Einst 4/13/1954 #14319 y authorities. A squadron took off immediately. The pilot, co-pilot and fli 6/1/1954 #14517 red, ran away. The others followed immediately. (1954, Summer (or 1956)) Summer 1954 #14584 fighter jet armed with missiles is immediately sent to intercept it. As it 7/1/1954 #14667 back on board. The craft took off immediately without making any noise, le 8/1954 #14778 , who headed towards the "saucer". Immediately after, the saucer rose. The 9/1954 #14967 hines a green ray at him. The disc immediately ascends vertically, then mov 9/12/1954 #15052 front of their car. Having stopped immediately, they saw the silhouette dis 10/1/1954 #15358 tch in the side of the craft which immediately rose without a sound. The wa 10/3/1954 #15450 tail, enormous eyes. The young man immediately called his boss for help, bu 10/5/1954 #15545 e-entered its craft which took off immediately, leaving one to believe that 10/5/1954 #15545 nto his machine. This one took off immediately and it disappeared in the cl 10/5/1954 #15546 s, and it was lost to sight almost immediately. 10/8/1954 #15665 s, and it was lost to sight almost immediately. 10/8/1954 #15669 r, and then jumping into a meadow. Immediately stopping, the witnesses saw 10/9/1954 #15679 and jump into a pasture. Stopping immediately, the witnesess saw a large c 10/9/1954 #15710 meters in front of them. Stopping immediately, the witnesses saw a large c 10/9/1954 #15728 about 2 m and a height of 1 m and immediately moved away. 10/10/1954 #15732 diameter and 1 m high. It took off immediately. 10/10/1954 #15753 er and one meter high. It took off immediately. 10/10/1954 #15765 when they approached. It took off immediately. It is said that unknown see 10/14/1954 #15893 they were approached. It took off immediately. It is claimed that "unknown 10/14/1954 #15937 they were approached. It took off immediately. It is claimed that "unknown 10/14/1954 #15958 craft left towards the group which immediately disappeared. But the witness 10/16/1954 #16030 efly onboard the object. The craft immediately took off again and disappear 10/19/1954 #16176 om it, and went back inside almost immediately. The craft took off vertical 10/21/1954 #16230 om it, and went back inside almost immediately. The craft took off vertical 10/21/1954 #16239 of the lighthouse. The sentry was immediately paralyzed and felt the premo 10/28/1954 #16400 e platform of a lighthouse. She is immediately paralyzed and feels the prem 10/28/1954 #16402 r away in a meadow, which took off immediately. Mrs. Lotti filed a complain 10/30/1954 #16438 anded on edge, very gently. Almost immediately it rose into the sky at grea 11/3/1954 #16508 anded on edge, very gently. Almost immediately it rose into the sky at grea 11/3/1954 #16509 back on board their vehicle, which immediately took off. (Jean FERGUSON: "A 11/4/1954 #16513 ght light struck him in the chest, immediately setting fire to his clothes. 11/14/1954 #16613 me out of the turret on the craft. Immediately a very strong wind was felt, 12/4/1954 #16741 rged from the turret on the craft. Immediately, a very strong wind was felt 12/4/1954 #16742 ny outside planet or other place.” Immediately after the press conference, 12/15/1954 #16805 isk-shaped machine, which flew off immediately. It was flat and shiny and h 12/16/1954 #16814 he sky near Idyllwild, California. Immediately afterwards, a B-47 pilot rep 1/14/1955 #16940 lue-green ray that illuminated him immediately, he distinguished two small 5/14/1955 #17160 hes them for about 10 seconds then immediately drives to police headquarter Late 6/1955 #17250 the neighbors. The dog barked and immediately the two craft flew away quic 8/1955 #17355 The visitor had a sudden jerk and immediately disappeared into the night. 8/21/1955 #17437 d a second trace on his screen. He immediately contacted the transport plan 6/6/1956 #17999 e and he and one of their officers immediately drove back to the scene. On Summer 1956 #18028 2-year-old girl lost consciousness immediately after feeling herself floati End of 1956 #18529 70-100 tons of TNT. Radiation was immediately spread throughout the region 1957 #18586 h a "quizzical" expression. Almost immediately the object left toward the s 5/1957 #18813 rs per hour. The accident site was immediately surrounded by security servi Summer 1957 #18936 which were about 1.20m long, were immediately sent to Wright Patterson whe Summer 1957 #18936 t scared, Galli entered it and was immediately "photographed" and went on a 7/7/1957 (approximate) #18976 of the approach of the Fijians, he immediately directed a beam of light so 10/8/1957 #19302 his statements, which he will not immediately make public. (October 15) 10/15/1957 #19352 emergency power is switched on but immediately gives out. Only a few minute 11/4/1957 #19542 ary of Defense requested that ATIC immediately submit a preliminary analysi 12/4/1957 #19957 low with scintillating brilliance. Immediately, there rose from the nearer 12/16/1957 #20030 e UFOs flashing across the sky and immediately grabs his camera. He is care 1/3/1958 #20108 ion, and the McClellan effort dies immediately. 1/31/1958 #20170 applied a jelly to his hand which immediately restored the skin. The extra 2/7/1958 #20191 object that the investigator could immediately decode. It was a piece of me 8/18/1958 #20567 tor shines a bright light on them. Immediately the objects speed away, but 10/3/1958 #20678 to intercept them. Tacker responds immediately that the UFOs are natural ph 12/19/1958 #20870 tunity to run to the car and honk. Immediately they let go of Hans who fell 12/20/1958 #20872 off at high velocity. The test is immediately postponed by senior AEC pers 1959? #20909 uted "Fire!" A pilot from the crew immediately came with an extinguisher, b Spring 1959 #21075 SATELLITE, WHICH THE SOVIETS DENY IMMEDIATELY. IT MUST BE RECOGNIZED, INDE 8/1959 #21337 . The pilot, W. D. “Spud” Potocki, immediately shuts down all engines. Chan 9/29/1959 #21470 undred meters away from it. Almost immediately, he and his wife saw, on the 1960 (approximate) #21637 pot. Aiming at Epsilon Eridani, he immediately recorded a pulsing signal of 4/11/1960 #21755 go of the accelerator and the car immediately slowed down as if they were 6/10/1960 #21861 y turns at the same time. (...) He immediately climbs back up. The object r 7/1960 #21877 kind of helmet on their heads, who immediately turned around. The truck acc 8/1960 #21915 NESS OF ONLY 12/1000 OF MM, WHICH, IMMEDIATELY AFTER INJECTION INTO ORBIT, 8/12/1960 #21937 a perigee of about 300 miles. They immediately produce a proposal to the US 8/25/1960 #21986 wn the window and looks up. Almost immediately, the Hills hear a rhythmic s 9/19/1961 #22516 a polar orbit 3500 km from Earth. Immediately after separation from the ro 10/21/1961 #22585 acing the door he just crossed. He immediately calls his father who also se 8/24/1962 #23100 horities so much that the child is immediately put under psychiatric observ 8/24/1962 #23100 pit, whose appearance scared them. Immediately one of these beings flew awa 11/2/1962 #23290 he being returned to the UFO which immediately took off with a rumble, emit 11/2/1962 #23290 is watching the airliner. The UFO immediately rises about 30 feet, hovers, 12/22/1962 #23373 call the University of Louisville immediately after she had phoned the Nat 1963 #23388 " in a pleasant but urgent tone. I immediately knew I had to look out the w 4/21/1963 #23502 nly kept their shape for a moment, immediately losing their steel-like colo 4/21/1963 #23502 ad, the driver stops the Fiat 2300 immediately. The UFO, about 65 feet diam 8/20/1963 #23728 enomenon, I screamed in terror and immediately called my parents who ran an Winter 1963 #23935 e, who notify the military. Almost immediately, men in uniform cordon off t 4/25/1964? #24069 his arms are beginning to burn. He immediately reports his sighting to the 6/30/1964 #24271 anded on a wooded hill. Militiamen immediately rushed into the forest to se Mid 8/1964 #24384 ness gave it to them and they left immediately. 9/6/1964 #24454 which they loaded the saucer. They immediately took it away, without even t 12/10/1964 #24581 und. It took off at a right angle, immediately gaining great speed. Profess 12/21/1964 #24592 ists who eventually hear the story immediately associate Yamski with George 4/24/1965 #24883 efore coming out again. The object immediately resumed its flight afterward 7/1965 #25012 bed straight into the device which immediately rose to a height of about 30 7/20/1965 #25133 colored and about 30 ft. in diam. Immediately the UFO lifted off, emitting 9/16/1965 #25609 Groom Lake, an A-12 (#126) crashes immediately after takeoff. The pilot, Vo 12/28/1965 #25853 ain, then took off and disappeared immediately. On the ground, the area was 2/6/1966 #25966 landed in front of them and almost immediately took off, leaving three rect 2/6/1966 #25967 ge girls and their family members, immediately after their sighting. 3/16/1966 #26070 m. He notified Selfridge AFB which immediately sent out MP’s, well armed. A 3/21/1966 #26112 llet hit the craft. His car lights immediately dimmed and the radio stopped 3/23/1966 #26162 s fields heard an explosion sound. Immediately a kind of suffocating and bu 7/15/1966 #26796 ons and flying above the treetops. Immediately they jumped off the tractor 9/30/1966 #27125 in the manner of a helicopter and immediately circled above my car. It the 10/8/1966 #27166 that scared them so much that they immediately went back into the house. Th 1/6/1967 #27509 that scare them so much that they immediately go back into the house. The 1/6/1967 #27510 a beam of light and a UFO, and was immediately paralyzed. A humanoid entity Late 1/1967 #27637 ng. His wife was scared and almost immediately went back inside. As it appr 2/5/1967 #27715 10 or 1 meter 20. My granddaughter immediately went back inside and I follo 2/5/1967 #27715 bject. Monin and his granddaughter immediately went back into the house to 2/5/1967 #27730 eep River, Ontario. The television immediately stops working properly. Abou 2/8/1967 #27750 ified aircraft from the northeast. Immediately, 2 MIG-21 fighters were sent 3/9/1967 #28110 it within the hour and that it be immediately recorded in the surveillance 3/9/1967 #28110 he wall is 18 inches thick. Almost immediately the opening closes. When his 5/20/1967 #28718 he Vietnamese move their SAM sites immediately after flyovers. 5/30/1967 #28764 whirlwind was confined to the area immediately around their house and did n 6/30/1967 #28939 be hanging from a tree. The driver immediately drove into Coventry and noti 7/5/1967 #28979 Low apparently disapprove of this immediately. 8/27/1967 #29340 g Command Headquarters in Winnipeg immediately comes out to investigate. 8/28/1967 #29344 and in the same area. The R.C.M.P. immediately called the Canadian Coast Gu 10/4/1967 #29598 r, and watch. The object lifts off immediately, looking like a half-moon in 10/14/1967 #29670 bject and immerses the car. Almost immediately, the car stops dead. However 10/30/1967 #29818 ht. Their car comes to a stop, and immediately in front of them they see an 11/2/1967 #29840 ine stalled and came to a stop and immediately ahead of them, hovering just 11/2/1967 #29842 e Dome operations are discontinued immediately after the accident, which hi 1/21/1968 #30166 ft and shone his flashlight on it. Immediately he was enveloped in a fog or 2/2/1968 #30214 bright light made him look up and immediately he felt immobilized: he trie 3/14/1968 #30339 y enter a kind of thick cloud, and immediately lose consciousness. (May 3rd 5/3/1968 #30451 oment, after which it fell and was immediately lifted again and placed with 5/17/1968 #30477 The headlights of the car came on immediately, and the motor could be star 5/27/1968 #30504 but their automatic weapons jammed immediately and they too felt completely Summer 1968 #30579 t the soldiers who were paralyzed. Immediately the strange visitors returne 7/25/1968 #30747 One of them spotted the farmer and immediately there was a blinding light t 7/31/1968 #30793 eing mocked, Luce Fontaine did not immediately inform the authorities. 7/31/1968 #30793 en their car stopped inexplicably. Immediately they were surrounded by thre 8/31/1968 #30942 through the air, shaking the car. Immediately, the lights begin to group, 9/6/1968 #30973 the witness's presence. The object immediately flew away at great speed. (S 9/11/1968 #30991 cer shone flashlight at object, it immediately blacked out (Section V, Vol. 11/27/1968 #31285 cer shone flashlight at object, it immediately blacked out 11/27/1968 #31286 ficer shined a spotlight at it, it immediately blinked out. 11/27/1968 #31288 thout emitting any sound. The crew immediately contacts the Elmendorf Air B 12/16/1968 #31343 llic-looking suit and short boots. Immediately the craft took off. Duration 2/20/1969 #31522 ir attacks. Operation Freedom Deal immediately follows Operation Menu. Unde 3/18/1969 #31624 ildren. He told the children to go immediately to the landing site to assis 3/31/1969 #31642 rew the attention of the being. It immediately emitted a growl and turned a 5/19/1969 #31751 hic message to “leave the hospital immediately,” which he obeyed, being tra 8/11/1969 #31954 re broad daylight. The old man Wei immediately returned to the village and Early Autumn 1969 #31985 ed in front of this strange scene. Immediately after illuminating the lands 1/24/1970 #32221 ds went back into their saucer, it immediately started off at a fantastic s 2/18/1970 #32258 llage chief. The responsible (...) immediately mobilized hundreds of militi Summer 1970 #32394 nd. My colleague Zhou Paizhong ... immediately had the idea to go and get a Early 7/1970 #32419 o, she entered the first cloud and immediately felt her throat seized. A ho 10/5/1970 #32571 vering just above the ground. They immediately went to the house to tell th 1/22/1971 #32720 terror to such a degree that they immediately packed their gear and return 3/14/1971 #32782 crazy inside his cage. The dog ran immediately towards some nearby building 3/25/1971 #32789 sed up against his kitchen window. Immediately he is “sucked out” through t 4/2/1971 #32801 isappeared inside as if sucked in. Immediately the craft took off without a 5/30/1971 #32885 door to attract attention. He was immediately rushed to a local military h 9/20/1971 #33118 en the UFO moved away, but stalled immediately. Panicked and sweating, the 9/22/1971 (approximate) #33123 o whom he asked for help. (...) He immediately went to tell his story to th 9/22/1971 (approximate) #33123 hlight at one of the tall figures. Immediately it vanished, only to reappea 10/28/1971 #33215 und was crystallized. Mrs. Johnson immediately felt that her fingers had be 11/2/1971 #33224 er leg where she had rubbed became immediately insensitive like the tip of 11/2/1971 #33224 on and the engine running. Almost immediately, the UFO rises and slowly he 11/14/1971 #33253 void it. As he stopped, the animal immediately stood up and in the headligh 3/3/1972 #33391 again and disappear into the dome. Immediately the craft took off in a pend 4/1972 #33444 getting up, opened the window and immediately saw the object while it was 7/25/1972 #33667 the small sinks. He was surprised. Immediately a second lamp burst with a s 9/21/1972 #33873 ing on the lights, as per routine. Immediately the lights turned on and off 9/27/1972 #33892 rnational Airport] the two men are immediately taken to a “clean room used 5/1973 #34373 aneously converged on the witness, immediately paralyzing her. Feeling some 5/27/1973 #34455 in a strange way. These characters immediately fled as soon as the witness 5/29/1973 #34458 lights a cigarette and the room is immediately engulfed in a bright light, 6/4/1973 #34470 er our heads, it made no noise. We immediately alerted the other fighters o 7/1973 #34529 The third being seized Parker, who immediately went limp. Once inside Hicks 10/11/1973 #34965 his leg, his leg bone was visible! Immediately he was seized with a violent 10/15/1973 #34994 high. Gabriella stopped struggling immediately. The device caused numbness 10/16/1973 #35052 es come out of a flying saucer and immediately start walking on all fours. 10/25/1973 #35252 rned to bed, where she fell asleep immediately. There was no confirmation o 10/28/1973 #35291 led out to them. They "disappeared immediately, only to return to show them 10/29/1973 #35298 ribed by the boys as a clear grey, immediately came to life. The taps made 11/16/1973 #35411 ol on the way back ordering him to immediately leave the area. Local farmer 1/23/1974 #35699 sey, Wales, are in the area almost immediately and cordon off access to the 1/23/1974 #35702 sual flying object in the sky. She immediately ran to her house to call her 2/1974 #35728 eters away, had heard the gunshot. Immediately armed with a 6-shot revolver 2/6/1974 #35751 h and Jackson Streets. The witness immediately called the local newspaper t 2/17/1974 #35793 feeling a sense of danger. Almost immediately the fog raised a cottony wal 2/22/1974 #35806 arkling with all its lights, which immediately described a large circle and 2/26/1974 #35824 ed by a light colored garment." It immediately disappeared. It left footpri 4/11/1974 #36047 ct land in the countryside. Almost immediately a yellow beam was directed t 7/10/1974 #36323 I'm going to hit you on the head!" Immediately the man started glowing brig 7/29/1974 #36354 ple of times at the object, and it immediately darted toward him and stoppe 9/8/1974 #36517 adlights a couple of times, and it immediately shot toward them and stopped 9/8/1974 #36519 IM-23 Hawk guided missile which is immediately shot down by a “white ray” f Autumn 1974 #36555 task is to be “prepared to respond immediately to any type of radiological Late 1974 #36619 e. "Yes, a little" says Higdon who immediately finds a box with 5 pills in 10/25/1974 #36643 overed. When she saw the light she immediately felt a wave of heat coming f 11/15/1974 #36693 ." The teen reported the encounter immediately to his father, who took him 11/21/1974 #36698 ecame total. Not for long, because immediately afterwards 4 identical objec 1/1/1975 #36794 ther to approach, another to leave immediately. This is what they did, but 1/1/1975 #36794 is back door to let the dog in. He immediately noticed four very bright lig 1/2/1975 #36808 witness flashed their headlights: immediately they saw nothing. Relieved, 1/14/1975 #36866 ey saw a helicopter which took off immediately. 2/24/1975 #36983 only a few seconds and disappeared immediately. Witness emotionally shocked 2/28/1975 #37001 emed surprised by her presence and immediately disappeared into the wall. T 3/6/1975 #37027 ng particular in this area. Almost immediately they heard a slight rustling 5/1/1975 #37186 in the direction of the volcanoes, immediately followed by the one on the r 5/3/1975 #37190 leting normal surveys and that had immediately signaled the fact to the Nat 6/20/1975 #37294 ly dog was upset for a few minutes immediately following the sighting. 7/1/1975 #37333 grass. It then “merges” into them. Immediately afterward, the boy suffers a 7/22/1975 #37397 g a color slide of the phenomenon. Immediately after the photo is taken, th 7/26/1975 #37407 was taken back to "his" UFO, which immediately set off towards South Americ 7/29/1975 #37414 it. The sheriff radioed for help. Immediately the group of people ran to a 8/1975 #37436 ere's a flying saucer..." This was immediately met with general hilarity. ( 8/22/1975 #37524 demand it, he should surrender it immediately. He then found himself back 9/11/1975 #37609 ned his wife and the beeping sound immediately stopped. When they looked ag 9/25/1975 #37656 eve fired his rifle several times. Immediately they heard a loud "wow-wow-w 10/26/1975 #37791 ed the base perimeter. The base is immediately put on major alert status, a 10/27/1975 #37803 inutes after the initial sighting. Immediately other units of the 42nd Poli 10/27/1975 #37804 eve fired his rifle several times. Immediately they heard a loud "wow-wow-w 10/27/1975 #37807 then took off again at high speed. Immediately afterwards, a small blue car 11/8/1975 #37927 coming toward the car. The deputy immediately stopped the car and turned o 1/25/1976 #38192 ings returned to their craft which immediately took off obliquely. This man 1/28/1976 #38197 threw away the yellow cloth which immediately caught fire. She got back in 3/22/1976 #38332 etition to build a stealth bomber. Immediately it begins manufacturing two 4/1976 #38361 trikes the donkey and Barroso, who immediately become paralyzed. A door ope 4/3/1976 #38374 ere making no gesture. The witness immediately turned around and went back 5/2/1976 #38423 iately turned around and went back immediately to his brother's and told hi 5/2/1976 #38423 o the red glows of the eyes, so he immediately turned around. Finally, as h 5/2/1976 #38423 r, the engine and lights going out immediately. He guides the coasting vehi 6/21/1976 #38522 it, between 900 and 2100 km. It is immediately recovered. For Cosmos 886, o 7/1976 #38550 is a star or planet.” Fighters are immediately scrambled from Lisbon. 7/30/1976 #38614 ters altitude. The lights went out immediately on the object, then came bac 8/2/1976 #38634 f the illness, he dies. His family immediately burns the body, as no doctor 8/9/1976 #38660 rectangle, “like a TV screen.” She immediately thought of the strange “spie 8/10/1976 #38665 utes and the dog wandered off. She immediately began to search for her dog, 9/3/1976 #38754 white light in front of them. They immediately contacted the control tower 9/19/1976 #38839 They turned down a narrow lane and immediately their car began to "shudder 11/14/1976 #38986 suddenly started up spontaneously. Immediately the UFO's lights went out an 12/10/1976 #39035 sky, and return to the craft which immediately took off. Traces on the snow 1/6/1977 #39154 g from the block of houses located immediately at the southeast corner of C 1/6/1977 #39154 street from her only 60 feet away. Immediately two figures appear on the ro 1/6/1977 #39157 treet from her, only 60 feet away. Immediately two figures appeared on the 1/6/1977 #39158 e right and stopping again. Almost immediately they spot another hazy objec 1/21/1977 #39196 s within the beam; the noise stops immediately. 3/9/1977 #39351 Randall Jones Pugh, and the police immediately, but the figure had gone bef 4/23/1977 #39486 UFORA investigator, and the police immediately, but the figure had gone bef 4/24/1977 #39490 and the recovery of the chaser is immediately achieved, without explosion. 5/1977 #39511 ware and possibly bodies. The book immediately prompts dozens of alleged fi 5/1977 #39515 could be determined. A report was immediately made to the local UFO invest 5/3/1977 #39527 s about the event, the police were immediately called. The police officers 5/18/1977 #39584 from the device to get back in it immediately. The witness went to the gen 6/6/1977 #39624 tel for some fresh air. Outside he immediately saw approaching him three sm 6/12/1977 #39639 go plane, he banks to the left and immediately radios to ask if there is an 6/17/1977 #39650 raft, and though a back- up system immediately kicks in, minor power fluxes 7/1/1977 #39713 d indicated with one hand the sky. Immediately after, an intense beam of wh 8/30/1977 #39940 up the ceiling and the beings were immediately standing up, but Antonio cou 9/15/1977 #39988 e. The object stopped abruptly and immediately returned to "merge" into the 9/18/1977 #40002 nd. Their teacher, Mrs. Hindmarsh, immediately separates them and asks them 10/4/1977 #40071 of, badly frightening her. She was immediately attended to by military doct 10/26/1977 #40142 s. The trawler's radar station was immediately rendered inoperative. (NICAP 12/1977 #40246 places the impact point on Canada!Immediately the six large carriers C 141 1/24/1978 #40458 their vehicle and the car stopped immediately. A tall being dressed in bla 2/13/1978 #40523 another explosion, which is almost immediately determined to have been a ma 4/2/1978 #40685 took our place all three and were immediately drawn into the flanks of the 5/10/1978 #40769 ments later, Alain shouted to him "immediately turn off your light". By doi 6/22/1978 #40881 the body and large red eyes. They immediately panicked and while Ken ran t 7/8/1978 #40940 han their boat, emerge. The object immediately submerged again. 10/1978 #41386 ilm were so perfect that they were immediately declared false by the offici 12/30/1978 #41864 s to the right and vanishes almost immediately. Other radars pick up target 12/31/1978 #41894 ground. It was about to land then immediately rose again. It disappeared i 5/9/1979 #42217 ut any noise or dust cloud. (…) He immediately phoned the Petroleum Fields Late Spring 1979 #42227 cannons, the soldiers of this unit immediately went east of the reservoir. Late Spring 1979 #42227 land again on the desert (…) they immediately dispersed to encircle the un Late Spring 1979 #42227 ysterious object which disappeared immediately. Arlindo then saw a second s 5/16/1979 #42228 Santa Clarita Valley, CA Ed knew immediately that the object was not a he 7/13/1979 #42326 l shot out of the first one, which immediately became a crown of light and 7/28/1979 #42359 floor and two others on the floor immediately below. It moves north and ma 10/4/1979 #42630 very clear all of a sudden. (…) I immediately saw an orange-red object flo 5/16/1980 #43063 ar parked near her home, where she immediately returns carrying the little 8/21/1980 #43212 t in their pens. They settled down immediately after the object cleared the 10/26/1980 #43343 erates to approach, but the object immediately speeds up. The control tower 10/31/1980 #43352 tangular mark on her lower abdomen immediately after the experience. 11/19/1980 #43420 ly approached the area. A call was immediately placed to Palmdale's regiona 12/18/1980 #43493 t 150 feet away from the UFO. They immediately felt an intense heat inside 12/29/1980 #43537 chine. The object takes off almost immediately, rising above the tree line 1/8/1981 #43564 ky to the south a bright object. I immediately left my bowl on the table an 4/13/1981 #43699 s shouting (...) We rushed out and immediately saw a flying object in the s 7/1/1981 #43808 and calls him up from a pay phone. Immediately afterward, he sees two men w 10/2/1981 #43990 Ireland awoke trying to scream and immediately became aware of two unusual 4/20/1982 #44312 t and are lost to view, but almost immediately a family living a quarter mi 3/24/1983 #44714 and plunge deep before detonating. Immediately afterward, an Orion aircraft 4/27/1983 #44758 nual: Controllers MUST report UFOs immediately to AIS (Military), LATCC. A 1984 #45032 nt reports and documents. The book immediately sells out and is unavailable 7/1984 #45351 ting in late August also sells out immediately. 7/1984 #45351 , the light jumped to the side and immediately disappeared. Immediately aft 2/14/1985 #45567 side and immediately disappeared. Immediately after the station, the ball 2/14/1985 #45567 Sabo and George Lesnick) see a UFO immediately after leaving the University 3/21/1985 #45584 t going up [to] 7K going [to] 70K' immediately. / r11p91. 7/22/1985 #45652 ne of my boat "Dniepr" stopped. It immediately started again and I was then 11/3/1985 #45731 h, at the "Petroperu" stadium, was immediately interrupted. "We saw the wid 3/12/1986 #45846 ELVES AS CORSAIR II TYPE FIGHTERS. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CRASH, LOCAL AUTHO 7/11/1986 #46002 as on the dashboard and he used it immediately. At the Air Force they start 7/11/1986 #46002 in-Chief of NORAD, but the object immediately disappears. Two searches are Mid 12/1986 #46156 red stone, took it in his hand: it immediately changed color, became white 9/28/1987 #46389 on it, the light seemed to appear immediately in front of them, about 150 1/19/1988 #46529 e and Myers are scam artists. They immediately bar anyone from using the fi 4/12/1988 #46668 eings in her room and she had gone immediately to sleep. 6/29/1989 #47180 ards the craft. The UFO takes off. Immediately, the child "re-materializes" 9/27/1989 #47325 y commanded the figures to depart. Immediately they vanished, and the lumin 10/31/1989 #47412 hospitals of Eupen and Aachen, but immediately wonders why this aircraft is 11/29/1989 #47486 empted interception, the gendarmes immediately take the ridge road (Hochstr 11/29/1989 #47490 y of the Bierset military base, he immediately thinks it is an airplane, wi 11/29/1989 #47497 band is already asleep. She almost immediately begins to feel a paralyzing 11/30/1989 #47526 under a high tension line and was immediately returned towards the luminou 12/11/1989 #47565 tly in a fraction of a second. She immediately stopped and got out of the c 2/14/1990 #47693 the north, and the original object immediately shoots laterally southward, 4/5/1990 #47827 bove a quarry, the UFO stopped and immediately took off at full speed. At t 4/27/1990 #47868 , were killed. Colonel Kurkchy was immediately relieved of his duties by th 5/25/1990 #47917 n receiving the response pulse, is immediately disabled. The triangle from 9/13/1990 #48073 er than a normal aircraft, and she immediately thought it could be a UFO. T 9/13/1990 #48077 e 11th floor of a building, and he immediately went out onto the balcony to 11/5/1990 #48176 parked the car in the driveway and immediately went into the house to let t 9/11/1991 #48606 nostrils seemed to be burned. She immediately knew (vog: how did she know 5/1992 #48888 watt security lamp on the nearby: immediately the noise stopped and did no 5/18/1992 #48918 round. He tried to catch it but it immediately ran away and was lost from v 9/22/1992 #49102 d along the Tulkarem-Netanya road. Immediately after the village of Kfar Yo Late 2/1993 #49334 g a bit. Kelly has a strange dream immediately after the encounter, and two 8/8/1993 #49620 to her house outside Dallas, Texas immediately, because there were somethin 8/18/1993 #49649 eather balloon. His observation is immediately confirmed by the co-pilot. P 1/28/1994 #49907 nd a beam of light from the object immediately disabled it. The beings and 12/11/1994 #50453 bed where she was able to move and immediately checked her stomach and ches 12/15/1994 #50458 it was gone. Vanished! By radio I immediately alerted the Tampa Approach C 1/27/1995 #50569 ined totally empty of traffic, but immediately after the disappearance of t 2/6/1995 #50594 e earlier one and have black hair. Immediately afterward, soldiers come out 1/20/1996 #51333 tors order his body to be cremated immediately, but his family will not all 2/15/1996 #51406 take one last look at the fields. Immediately he noticed a small orange sp 3/7/1996 #51459 Stunned, Maximovitch stops filming immediately after capturing the explosio 6/24/1996 #51589 lt a rush of air. He turned around immediately and saw something on the roa 7/8/1996 #51602 cle from their. Rusu reported that immediately after Mancu had left and gon 7/8/1996 #51602 ntains was one of four such bases. Immediately after hearing this Ricardo b 9/15/1996 #51687 uld have crashed. The rescuers are immediately called and Dingy becomes a r 11/21/1996 #51795 ng the outer windshield. The pilot immediately declares an in-flight emerge 12/19/1996 #51836 ound explosion on their equipment, immediately after the observation in Sou 3/24/1997 #51949 craft two seconds later. The crew immediately reported the incident to air 6/7/1997 #52042 tent flashes. This flash light was immediately followed by a strange whistl 9/4/1997 #52131 om French) Four UFOs were observed immediately before and during a general 4/12/1998 #52325 e the being had joined the UFO, it immediately shot off at a dizzying speed 8/8/1998 #52402 s soon as you leave this room." He immediately granted me an unsolicited we 11/25/1998 #52479 , they started up and disappeared. Immediately all our devices were working 2/20/1999 #52531 o one meter long, did not dissolve immediately and it was thus possible to 11/8/1999 #52704 was a gray ellipse floating above. Immediately the camera took another view 1/1/2000 #52746 sed the event and was shocked. She immediately lifted his shirt but could n 4/1/2000 #52816 tall humanoids were seen to enter. Immediately after boarding, the object b 7/2/2001 #53066 s Esici temporarily lost her voice immediately after the sighting. Students 6/5/2002 #53211 Something had fallen from the sky. Immediately, all possibilities are consi 9/25/2002 #53271 f the UFO and struck the forklift. Immediately the electrical system of the 4/21/2003 #53386 m for the driver to leave the area immediately. Terrified, they drove away 5/2/2003 #53390 ocean at some distance from shore. Immediately the alarm was sounded and th 6/22/2003 #53426 med to dissolve into thin air, but immediately following this a bright beam 8/2/2004 #53595 area and the four objects vanished immediately as the aircraft came into vi 1/22/2005 #53680 ns from the ground, as Guernsey is immediately behind it. The reflection of 4/23/2007 #53895 seeing and points out a second UFO immediately behind the first: Bowyer est 4/23/2007 #53895 er female dog got out the door and immediately ran down a hill as if to att 8/29/2007 #53923 ght being waved back and forth. He immediately thought it was the park rang 9/16/2007 #53932 . The light was getting closer. He immediately ducked down and lay low in h 9/16/2007 #53932 d. The eyes were shiny and the men immediately thought it was a dog, but it 4/12/2008 #54002 loping sound like that of a horse; immediately after that they heard the so 4/12/2008 #54002 beam at the triangle, it responds immediately with a beam of intense bluis 5/8/2009 #54095 on the bottom of the object, which immediately blink out. The car starts ag 11/25/2009 #54132 h an epicenter near Honshu, Japan. Immediately after the earthquake, the el 3/11/2011 #54196 same thing I did." He reports that immediately following the incident he lo 8/6/2013 #54259 s his daughter to look up, and she immediately sees the object as it speeds 10/6/2013 #54267 mente Island, California. The ship immediately activates its photo expert t 7/14/2019 #54476 overy. Five nuclear scientists die immediately and three suffer from burns. 8/8/2019 #54488 d as UAPs when the observer cannot immediately identify what he or she is s 8/4/2020 #54545## Word: "immel", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
from French) German soldier Erich Immel was entrenched with five comrades 9/1944 #4011## Word: "immelman", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
g, South Africa Messrs. Muller and Immelman suddenly found the countryside 12/14/1963 #23923 a.m. in France, Messrs. Muller and Immelman, found the countryside suddenly 12/14/1963 #23925## Word: "immense", 87 instance(s) (Back to Top)
be is seen in the sky. Its size is immense and from this ball of fire two b 457 #38 the sky suddenly illuminating. An immense pillar of fire ascended from the 6/9/597 #53 report the majestic passage of an immense cross, high in the sky, from eas 8/9/1186 #195 t, observers in Forli witnessed an immense celestial object, referred to as 9/2/1394 #276 in. Numerous witnesses observed an immense cross-shaped object suspended in 3/5/1555 #389 as "three moons." Subsequently, an immense light illuminated the area for a 7/3/1642 #500 s in which he details sightings of immense trees, forests, and pastures, co 1783 #767 exceptional beauty, radiance, and immense size, soared in an arch from 55 9/1/1808 #877 anomalous sighting occurred as an immense celestial body transited the Sun 10/9/1819 #918 rigin by observing the shape of an immense stone sent onto the side of a mo 9/1864 #1167 itself, although a fragment of an immense body, must have been used for so 9/1864 #1167 g like burning coals, covered with immense wings that beat with a metallic 7/1868 #1190 Vultur observe for 35 minutes two immense wheels spinning in the air and s 5/15/1879 #1316 , when he spots an object “like an immense sheet” moving against the wind a 11/20/1896 #1559 t first glance it appeared like an immense star. On closer inspection it wa 1/24/1897 #1621 A mystery airship with an immense artificial bright light was sigh 1/30/1897 #1624 ing up the houses and city like an immense meteor.” It hovers for 20–30 min 3/23/1897 #1639 frame was visible. It was like an immense cigar and half the town's inhabi 4/1/1897 #1658 00 feet long and 20 feet wide. Two immense wings on either side are moving 4/10/1897 #1694 0 p.m. An airship looking like an “immense bird” approaches Gas City, India 4/14/1897 #1758 ed airship. He described it as an "immense cigar-shaped vessel" with large 4/16/1897 #1830 r officer and two other people, an immense object sinking into the ocean. T 10/28/1902 #2089 erland) observed the passage of an immense dirigible equipped with five sea 5/14/1909 #2306 the Norwegian ship St. Olaf saw an immense dirigible equipped with 5 search 5/14/1909 #2307 n was opposite the ship. Soon, the immense sphere slowly approached the cru 6/1909 #2348 ived in an "airplane of light", an immense globe, flying east at a moderate 9/17/1913 #2610 fu and the Maldives, these men see immense yellowish light beams rising fro 3/1931 #3109 vehicle. The object looked like an immense disk, wider than the road and it 9/1943 #3812 ethel (Alabama), two pilots saw an immense black object, larger than a C-54 8/8/1947 #6215 citizens of the same state, saw an immense circular and shining object. The 1/7/1948 #6516 emov describes the discovery of an immense cemetery of tens of thousands of 4/28/1948 #6648 ights, with an oversized forehead, immense faceted eyes, nose and ears redu 5/15/1951 #9022 ench) The Nahon family observes an immense silver leaf bordered by a kind o 6/12/1952 #10342 ting him towards it by means of an immense suction system. (...) He found h 7/16/1952 #10801 them. They rushed into it and the immense object disappeared in turn. (Jea 12/6/1952 #12770 and was convinced the topic was of immense significance. He said the govern 10/2/1953 #13761 rail of white smoke, describing an immense circle over the town. Several of 1/18/1954 #14099 le trail of white smoke, making an immense circle over the town. Several of 1/18/1954 #14101 truncated haystack covered with an immense overturned plate. The apparatus 9/7/1954 #15013 s driving near the village when an immense light shone on the road in front 10/20/1954 #16186 lack trousers, a black jacket, and immense red goggles over his eyes. He st 11/23/1954 #16673 lack trousers, a black jacket, and immense red goggles over his eyes. He st 11/23/1954 #16675 o Childers would also have had the immense privilege of taking a trip in a 4/1955 #17092 he discovered the silhouette of an immense dirigible at least 600 m long. T 7/7/1957 (approximate) #18976 w it rise, hover, and shoot off at immense speed toward the south. They had 3/13/1959 #21056 ington DC). His car stalls when an immense cone-shaped UFO begins to hover 12/21/1964 #24593 es and then seems to explode in an immense white light that lasts 10 second 3/9/1967 #28106 90) Two hunters were patrolling an immense field of freshly mechanized whea Early 9/1967 #29383 Brazilian highway patrolman saw an immense object near Americana, Sau Paulo 11/28/1967 #29982 peed, enveloping the witness in an immense light beam, then in "fumigations 1/31/1968 #30199 like a large transformer and by an immense, suffocating heat. Fearing a sho 5/18/1968 #30486 t saw in the middle of the road an immense white mushroom-like object, 3 m Winter 1969 #32165 a raised part. She looked on with immense curiosity but without any fear. 1/1/1970 #32194 . Then, according to Heinonen: The immense disc began to descend with the r 1/7/1970 #32205 edulous because he knew there were immense temperatures contrasts on that p 11/18/1973 #35428 d shape and presented itself as an immense vertical cylinder of metallic ap 1/18/1974 #35689 gan to fade next, and there was an immense light around the car. As they dr 5/31/1974 #36206 .. It was metallic gray and it was immense. It was there motionless in the 8/10/1975 #37464 instruments. She had a feeling of immense beauty. To her left was a door. 9/15/1975 #37619 aw in the sky in front of them, an immense object in the shape of a saucer. Late Autumn 1975 #37964 cal shapes and forms, but they are immense. She also has had the feeling li 9/3/1976 #38754 lowly towards them. The object was immense, made no sound, nor emit any smo 12/6/1976 #39028 film, Alert on the Danube Delta. 2 immense orange UFOs suddenly descend fro 7/7/1977 #39729 f Sciences of the USSR contains an immense body of visual observations, rad 9/20/1977 #40012 rye Park. This reservoir covers an immense area of water, and is composed o 6/22/1978 #40881 the base of which was hidden by an immense brightness, so blinding that he 12/6/1978 #41690 lgium, when he sees to his left an immense stationary object at about 325 f 11/29/1989 #47522 0, two witnesses. It was something immense that took up more than the entir 12/21/1989 #47583 rvation starting at 11:30 PM of an immense triangular object, with a spearh 3/16/1990 #47746 slit for a mouth, a tiny nose, and immense white almond-shaped eyes. As he 8/31/1990 #48049 slit for a mouth, a tiny nose and immense white almond-shaped eyes. Figuer 8/31/1990 #48050 he cockpit. The crew points out an immense luminescent white milky hemisphe 8/20/1991 #48578 ructure better: "It was all black, immense, it had red-orange reflections". 9/28/1991 #48623 impression of being in front of an immense camera with a huge red lens. Onc 11/28/1991 #48678 o the side of the road and sees an immense triangular object with pulsating 3/3/1992 #48793 on of more precise testimonies, an immense triangular UFO illuminated at ea 3/31/1993 #49392 esses. The aliens were beneath the immense flying craft. They seemed to con 8/8/1993 #49621 found himself right underneath an immense diamond-shaped craft. "It was th 10/25/1993 #49762 e-shaped UFO, flying discs, and an immense cylindrical object were observed 11/24/1993 #49814 e young man got out. He observed 3 immense red light sources, each with a d 2/28/1994 #49963 PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 3 observer(s). Immense ovoid with hundreds / lights. Ha 1/9/1995 #50533 classified as hostile. (...) Three immense vessels assembled of 13 units wh 1/30/1996 #51368 ularly around the neck. It had two immense, slanted yellow eyes. The driver 7/13/2000 #52874 djusted noticed that she was in an immense room with about 20 floating cots 5/2/2001 #53036 his mobile phone. At this point an immense light rose from an adjacent fiel 7/21/2002 #53226 Arkansas City, Kansas observed an immense boomerang-shaped craft at 9:30 p 11/9/2002 #53305 letely silent. K. is struck by its immense size, which he estimates is seve 8/12/2018 #54417## Word: "immensely", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e, flying east at a moderate speed immensely luminous. A few other witnesse 9/17/1913 #2610 d lights fly slow, then accelerate immensely (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 11/18/1959 #21578 lights flew slow, then speeded up immensely. Sighting lasted 5-6 minutes. 11/18/1959 #21579## Word: "immerse", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tty move to Prescott, Arizona, and immerse themselves in UFO literature. Spring 1952 #9667## Word: "immersed", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d "seemed to be their chief." They immersed a hose in the lake, then took o 7/2/1950 #8403 nd seemed to be their leader. They immersed a hose in the lake, apparently 7/2/1950 #8405 silver-foil reflective suit. It is immersed in orange light. Stunned, they 10/8/1978 #41425## Word: "immerses", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
es from a “tube” on the object and immerses the car. Almost immediately, th 10/30/1967 #29818## Word: "immersion", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ithout any noise accompanying this immersion. (November 2, 1885) 11/2/1885 #1431 e water and this for an hour after immersion. The trail changed color, it b 3/24/1954 #14265 resolves into fibers during a soil immersion test. Vallée says the material 1965 #24621 r submarine "Redoutable" was on an immersion mission under the "Foch". The 1/7/1974 #35658## Word: "immigrant", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
m French) Albert Humburg, a German immigrant, owned a mine in Sleight's Can 4/1879 #1312 ue to the presence of large German immigrant communities and sympathetic go 1945 #4155 staqui Zogorwski, age 63, a Polish immigrant, claimed that on this date he 6/20/1968 #30576 rs Froml asked the cabbie, a Greek immigrant, to stop the taxi, but instead 4/25/1969 #31692 . Mrs F. asked the cabbie, a Greek immigrant, to stop the taxi, but he acce 4/24/1971 #32820 he, in his sixties and alert, this immigrant from the former USSR claims to 9/14/1996 #51684## Word: "immigrants", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he morning, the Vas family, recent immigrants, were awoken by their dog's f 1/14/1969 #31424## Word: "immigrated", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
orn on May 3, 1924 in Austria, who immigrated to the USA on January 7, 1952 11/1944 #4057## Word: "imminent", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
o warn the supposed aircraft of an imminent collision and is surprised to w 9/13/1951 #9252 se to avoid a collision that seems imminent. 12/10/1952 #12808 ar activity that might indicate an imminent attack, noting that the Air For 10/20/1953 #13812 a mercury lamp. As a crash seemed imminent, the car slowed down by itself 12/8/1957 #19979 the sightings unless there was an "imminent danger." 10/10/1973 #34938 that Jack thought an accident was imminent. But suddenly the craft righted 1975 #36774 rs on board who all believed in an imminent collision. The co-pilot Armindo 9/22/1976 (approximate) #38844 ently much larger. A crash appears imminent, but the object soars up in fro 1/1978 #40374## Word: "immingham", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IMMINGHAM, ENGL 2+observer(s). Oval nigh 11/16/1970 #32618 IMMINGHAM, ENGL Several observer(s). Yel 1/4/1998 #52251## Word: "immobile", 28 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d by multiple observers, stationed immobile at the center of the sun. 1/19/1793 #815 visible but the being had like two immobile wings like spread arms (in term 1906 #2156 a collision, as the UFO is nearly immobile. Since none of the pilots obtai 1/22/1952 #9553 PM, about forty witnesses saw two immobile balls of fire in the sky at 500 10/3/1954 #15449 le (working at Riche-Hôtel) saw an immobile saucer, spinning on itself, the 10/9/1954 #15682 w a tall blond haired man standing immobile in a nearby field. Thinking tha 10/23/1954 #16285 trical system goes out. He remains immobile for more than 30 seconds even a 3/8/1967 #28100 o sit in a chair that rendered him immobile. There was a time lapse in his 1/24/1968 #30180 She becomes paralyzed, her face is immobile, and her hands and feet ache. T 2/27/1968 #30282 they are flying over, there is an immobile bright light, as big as Venus, 11/14/1969 #32107 und semi-transparent UFO perfectly immobile over rooftops. 10/1971 (approximate) #33159 PM and for 3/4 of an hour a large, immobile sphere, so bright that Mrs. Dug 3/12/1972 #33407 t of us on the left of the road an immobile object at about 200 m of height 9/14/1973 #34757 nous white crescent / low altitude immobile behind trees near house. Not mo 3/28/1974 #36002 ous/glowing, sphere/orb/globe ball immobile / sky / 2-3 minute(s). Suddenly 1/1975 #36791 rs from an intersection, he saw an immobile ball above a tree. The witness 1/4/1975 #36824 around, the young boy had seen an immobile object, about seven meters high 5/10/1975 #37222 successive calls of spotlights. An immobile yellow-orange scaphandre, with 1/26/1976 #38193 very high speed and then remained immobile, leaning against a wall for mor 12/15/1978 #41774 ree other similar figures standing immobile about 50 meters away. Apparentl 10/7/1979 #42641 ate to be 150 meters, there was an immobile object. According to the triang 11/25/1989 #47469 eet and about 300 feet away. It is immobile and silent, but it suddenly emi 11/29/1989 #47523 R 4 observer(s). White ball hovers immobile. Shoots white beam going down. 3/23/1990 #47762 2 observer(s). Bright yellow star immobile. Then jumps going up [to] into 7/11/1993 #49555 ges late in the evening. First, an immobile light in the sky attributed to 2/14/1994 #49940 deo cassette, taking a shot of the immobile thing, sequence duration 3 minu 2/14/1994 #49940 lights in an oblique position and immobile, in the background two small re 2/14/1994 #49940 the road. At first it was like an immobile cloud, but they quickly realize 4/10/1994 #50025## Word: "immobility", 13 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the appearance of a comet, but the immobility of the disc made it clear tha 8/2/1863 #1161 in the air. After a few seconds of immobility, it took off again, describin 8/31/1953 #13674 rounded it. After a few seconds of immobility it tilted like the first four 8/23/1954 #14893 from them. After a few minutes of immobility it took off vertically in a s 10/15/1954 (approximate) #15976 Vellacca recovered from her frozen immobility, the visitor had vanished. Sh 8/22/1969 #31964 all day, with a period of complete immobility. It seemed to change shape bu 9/10/1969 #31997 or 1000m away. After 20 minutes of immobility, the object approached a rock 6/26/1970 #32402 ses to 2 m, after a few seconds of immobility, flies towards the window and 6/22/1972 #33552 50 cm and after 3 or 4 seconds of immobility it rose horizontally and disa 1/7/1974 #35659 er was 20 cm. During the prolonged immobility they observed it with binocul 5/1/1975 #37186 f the rainbow. After 30 seconds of immobility, the object moved west in a s 1/22/1977 #39199 ently alive but frozen in complete immobility. I was beginning to panic whe 5/10/1978 #40769 terrace to get a better look. The immobility of the two lights lasted for 1/4/1995 #50514## Word: "immobilized", 28 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t day, the servant found his stick immobilized. The phenomenon left a lasti 1161 #182 ot John E. Janssen was stopped and immobilized in mid-air by a flying sauce 7/23/1947 #6091 at he felt a paralysis effect that immobilized him until the object left. ( Late 4/1954 #14359 ay from a group of people who were immobilized due to a breakdown on a depa 9/15/1954 #15069 a bit and saw a cigar-shaped craft immobilized at 1.50m from the ground. Th 10/9/1954 #15680 es that he and his companions were immobilized by fear. The surprise passed 10/13/1954 #15871 d drops near / ground. Observer(s) immobilized. 9/1956 #18297 uickly freed himself, but 3 others immobilized him by lifting him off the g 10/15/1957 #19351 t at Masse. He was thus completely immobilized. For 60 seconds the creature 7/1/1965 #25020 ed. Her son in the back seat looks immobilized with his eyes “bugged out.” 12/12/1967 #30053 river of the car felt sluggish and immobilized until the UFO went away. The 3/4/1968 #30322 im look up and immediately he felt immobilized: he tried to back away, in v 3/14/1968 #30339 diated by them," which temporarily immobilized him, but he was able to brea 7/1/1968 #30644 He tried to flee but found himself immobilized. He could still see, hear an 7/17/1968 #30710 letely unable to move. She remains immobilized for a number of minutes unti 7/22/1968 #30732 etely unable to move. She remained immobilized for a number of minutes unti 7/22/1968 #30733 ed his gun at them, a luminous ray immobilized him. He was later hospitaliz 8/9/1968 #30844 armed with a flashing weapon that immobilized him. Three beings were stand 10/9/1968 #31101 armed with a flashing weapon that immobilized him. Three beings were stand 10/9/1968 #31102 e mainly from the fact that he was immobilized for half an hour while norma 4/13/1972 #33459 5-30 meters distant. Rodriguez was immobilized in his seat. Although he cou 9/28/1972 #33899 a pain in his left shoulder. This immobilized him and allowed his captors 10/11/1973 #34965 t to his wife and children but was immobilized. He saw "pinwheels of odd-sh 5/26/1974 #36190 its legs and wings but seems to be immobilized. Wolski is then examined wit 5/10/1978 #40773 engine stalled and the vehicle was immobilized. There were strange lights i 10/3/1978 #41400 truck" by a beam of blue light and immobilized. There is a strong smell of 11/11/1987 #46418 s said that he felt at that moment immobilized, as if drained of his energy 2/19/1994 #49952 ness says he felt, at that moment, immobilized, as if drained of his energy 2/19/1994 #49953## Word: "immobilizing", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
as directed at the witness's face, immobilizing him. He saw a hatch open, l 12/26/1960 #22133 crossed her car from side to side, immobilizing the engine and producing in 3/9/1974 #35899## Word: "immodesty", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ing, excessive clothing adornment, immodesty in attire, lack of respect in 1660 #519## Word: "immokalee", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NEAR IMMOKALEE, FL 25M saucer zaps observer(s 3/15/1965 #24813 Everglades Immokalee, Florida East Fort Myers Aroun 3/15/1965 #24817 his swamp buggy, somewhere east of Immokalee, Florida, with his four huntin 3/15/1965 #24817## Word: "immortality", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
0 years. When questioned about the immortality of the soul they said nothin 8/13/1491 #323 e added that if they possessed the immortality once enjoyed by Adam and Eve 8/8/1952 #11696 fered a lecture on the prospect of immortality and a different, brighter wo 11/21/1975 #38000## Word: "immortalize", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
(a decorative motif often used to immortalize great events) but with a glo 193 #15 time they went to get a camera to immortalize this vision, everything had 8/31/1992 #49059## Word: "immortalized", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
on its sides. The observation was immortalized by a popular song. 1866 #1177## Word: "immortalizes", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ional Flying Saucer Bureau. Barker immortalizes the episode in a 1956 book, 9/28/1953 #13745## Word: "immouzer", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
AZROU AND IMMOUZER, MAROC Separate observer(s). 50 6/8/1952 (approximate) #10323## Word: "immunity", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n signed an Executive Order giving immunity to Gordon Cooper and Ingo Swann 3/31/1995 #50712## Word: "immunodeficiency", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a young man to quickly acquire an immunodeficiency followed by an attack o 2/15/1996 #51406## Word: "imola", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Bologna and Bari and Vercelli and Imola and Modena and more/others. 9/22/1946 #4774## Word: "imolesi", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
A witness named Imolesi had a close encounter with a 15 7/8/1974 #36312## Word: "imp", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Imp” YieldMax: 20KT 8/9/1968 #30843## Word: "impact", 108 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ltimately demolishing a house upon impact. 5/15/1544 #365 astrophe. This occurrence's social impact and its connection to subsequent 1/13/1553 #383 perplexed by its presence and its impact on the natural illumination. 4/7/1567 #409 zed the opportunity to harness the impact of these signs to promote a moral 1660 #519 flying object that left a profound impact on those who witnessed it. 10/3/1660 #524 il it disappeared. The explosion's impact and the ensuing panic reverberate 9/5/1814 #904 ng whirlwind, as if coming from an impact. Pastor Köllner collects testimon 4/1/1826 #952 anied by a loud banging noise. The impact ignited vegetation and resulted i 3/1828 #956 orrectly trimmed. At the moment of impact against the sandbank, the masts v 1883 #1389 m them, causing a wave of water to impact the ship. Electrical discharges r 2/25/1885 #1424 hand. The incident left a lasting impact on his life. (Chapter 2, Ref 95) 1893 #1500 meteoroid. It is classified as an impact event, even though no impact crat 6/30/1908 #2222 as an impact event, even though no impact crater has been found. The object 6/30/1908 #2222 for the event include a black hole impact, antimatter, a UFO crash (as rece 6/30/1908 #2222 e been either an asteroid or comet impact, but it has sometimes been interp 6/30/1908 #2223 o explain the event, including the impact of a comet, meteor, or asteroid. 6/30/1908 #2224 e such as the absence of a typical impact crater, the presence of elevated 6/30/1908 #2224 into the water, which fizzed upon impact and sank. Although he didn't witn 8/2/1909 #2400 g off a brilliant white flash upon impact, leaving no subsequent noise or s 1925 #2950 OF V2 NO. 40, TEST, RANGE 236 KM, IMPACT NOT OBSERVED 6/29/1943 #3801 take cover. After the anticipated impact didn't occur, she noticed a petri 1945 #4154 ler is thrown from the aircraft on impact and dies from his injuries two we 2/18/1945 #4210 and sounded like an explosion upon impact with the water. A Swedish militar 7/1946 #4531 d the site and reportedly found an impact crater at the bottom of the lake 7/1946 #4531 each. Several people rushed to the impact point of the "bomb". A 2 meter lo 7/11/1946 #4563 at the Berg farm when a deafening impact was heard. A large splash of wate 7/11/1946 #4564 d a water column 66 feet high upon impact. 7/19/1946 #4607 the sea and the horizon. After the impact, nothing was observed for the fol 8/24/1946 #4713 board the d/s Hekkingen. After the impact nothing was seen for 30 s, then a 8/24/1946 #4716 the lake and possibly explodes on impact. 10/21/1946 #4803 tons, explodes into fragments that impact a large area, digging more than 1 2/12/1947 #4869 ell, New Mexico, stumble across an impact site where an object has crashed. 7/5/1947 #5512 st civilians to stumble across the impact site. 7/5/1947 #5512 e allegedly found on the site. The impact site is cleaned and secured by 11 7/5/1947 #5514 Thomas and his crew proceed to the impact site. The bodies, originally cove 7/5/1947 #5515 allowed close to the center of the impact. Guards are posted, facing out, t 7/5/1947 #5515 out 400 meters from the shore. The impact created a column of water. Then i 7/7/1947 #5654 AM - Noon: Sightings of discs had impact on EOTS. A round silver or alumin 7/8/1947 #5847 Lincoln County, New Mexico Roswell impact site approximately 40 miles north 7/8/1947 #5854 ed by Blanchard about the separate impact site approximately 40 miles north 7/8/1947 #5854 ckett Carlsbad, New Mexico Roswell impact site north of Roswell 9:00 a.m. C 7/8/1947 #5855 w Mexico, drive a staff car to the impact site north of Roswell, followed b 7/8/1947 #5855 e diverted from the more important impact site north of Roswell by acknowle 7/8/1947 #5861 rter of a mile around the point of impact. Several people in Franklin say t 1/7/1948 #6516 re nuclear tests would have little impact on the American people or the Ame Late 1948 #6912 angles. Will attempt to locate the impact point, if any. (Possible search t 1/31/1949 #7099 t. Payload released but damaged on impact.) 10/29/1951 #9365 gle with the ground. Following the impact, the object sank 50 cm into the g 5/21/1953 #13397 ner is tasked with calculating the impact speed of the object. Inside there 5/21/1953 #13397 to determine from the angle of the impact how fast the vehicle was going at 5/21/1953 #13405 e vehicle was going at the time of impact; he states the vehicle had no lan 5/21/1953 #13405 wooden rifle butt cracks from the impact. Gómez faints from fright, and bo 12/9/1954 #16773 wooden rifle butt cracked from the impact. Gomez fainted from fright, and b 12/10/1954 #16785 adies itself to counter the film’s impact. The documentary analyzes two fam 5/3/1956 #17939 ationed to gauge the psychological impact of the bomb. The flash is visible 7/5/1957 #18975 nto the Alta fjord, Norway. At the impact site, 70 meters deep, a column of 6/1/1958 #20418 OF TRAVEL AND WAS PULVERIZED UPON IMPACT. (following October 4, 1959) ("As 9/12/1959 #21428 ER 13 AT 10:05 PM MOSCOW TIME. THE IMPACT OCCURRED, INDEED, WITH ASTONISHIN 9/12/1959 #21428 get into a canoe and travel to the impact area. They find an area of burned 6/22/1960 #21872 uly 19 and August 15 and finds the impact area as Person has described but 6/22/1960 #21872 his hood and windshield. The noisy impact generates a tremendous amount of 5/10/1961 #22315 al cracks, which would suggest the impact of a bullet. The same type of imp 8/27/1962 #23111 pact of a bullet. The same type of impact appears on a prehistoric bison sk 8/27/1962 #23111 n two of the weapons detonate upon impact with the ground, resulting in the 1/17/1966 #25919 ridges and 14 bullets flattened by impact with something solid, as well as 6/14/1968 #30551 en bullets apparently flattened by impact, as well as equally spaced indent 6/14/1968 #30553 vil.” The symposium has no lasting impact, as Congress does nothing about t 7/29/1968 #30783 n his own time, and has no adverse impact on his regular teaching and resea 9/30/1968 #31072 ext day he looked for the point of impact on his car: the hood was intact. Winter 1969 #32165 lake turned orange at the point of impact. The engines of the cars could be 4/1972 #33443 Turin. The case has a great media impact. (November 30th, 7 PM) 11/30/1973 #35470 o stopped the car. At the presumed impact site, on the other side of the ro 1/1/1975 #36794 -defined contours and its point of impact on the asphalt in front of us for 8/6/1976 #38647 fari turns to the left to avoid an impact with the small object, which appr 9/18/1976 #38821 -green fireball. They drive to the impact site and see a crashed UFO. The A 1977 #39102 rashes into the group but feels no impact. They simply disappear as they to 3/4/1977 #39319 rks, but no traces of blood or any impact marks on Siegal’s car. 3/4/1977 #39319 around 7 o'clock, which places the impact point on Canada!Immediately the s 1/24/1978 #40458 followed this descent, locate the impact point of the pieces that would ha 1/24/1978 #40458 er publicity, the meetings have no impact and no other nation backs Grenada 12/8/1978 #41709 t-ended object had made a forceful impact with the hood and then tilted tow 8/27/1979 #42470 bus driver runs over the point of impact as the vehicle is shaking. No las 8/30/1979 #42493 from their car. They can feel the impact. 12/20/1979 #42789 llision, they brace themselves for impact. The object then moves rapidly in 7/4/1981 #43814 nd its occupants were damaged upon impact. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) ( 11/9/1981 #44058 mi Island in Washington State. The impact sent a plume of water 100 feet in 7/27/1984 #45392 mi Island in Washington State. The impact sent a plume of water 100 feet in 7/27/1984 #45393 y struck by an unknown object. The impact is so strong that one of the engi 8/4/1984 #45400 tal fragments will be found at the impact site, ruling out the hypothesis o 8/4/1984 #45400 sturb the small objects, but their impact on the wing nearly destabilizes h 7/1985 #45633 e on February 3. Some rocks at the impact site have drops of silvery metal, 1/29/1986 #45819 shed to the ground with a terrible impact, which literally cracked and open 10/13/1987 #46397 e arrived at the site of the first impact. The place was carefully delimite 11/12/1987 #46423 the outside... (???) At the second impact site, it was the army that came t 11/12/1987 #46423 , and fell onto its right side. On impact, one of the tires burst. The fami 1/20/1988 (approximate) #46530 me and stopped only 15 m after the impact site: he and the car were covered 6/26/1989 #47176 t he had never felt such a violent impact. (July 28) 7/28/1994 #50191 rt of a cleanup detail sent to the impact site north of Roswell and that th 3/1999 #52543 70 km northeast of Cape Town, the impact preceded by a double "bang", acco 4/27/2000 #52834 ke it had been heated white at the impact and the witnesses could not touch 4/27/2000 #52834 reddish-brown particles. Meteorite impact expert Alan Hildebrand the Univer 4/1/2001 #53015 e sea. As he braced for a possible impact the creature suddenly shot up ver 8/2/2001 #53082 oeing states this technology could impact space launch systems, artificial 7/29/2002 #53235 with their satellites the point of impact and its energy, estimated at 0.2 9/25/2002 #53271 reaking claims and the devastating impact it has had on his life over the c 12/4/2018 #54431 en region of the brain may have an impact on UAP contacts. https://youtu.b 12/12/2018 #54432 equipment. It remains unknown what impact, if any, this training and equipm 7/30/2019 #54484 ers by a US jet. It shattered upon impact, suggesting it wasn't a balloon. 2/10/2023 #54698## Word: "impacted", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
dly, the latter star descended and impacted a village. 6/24/1784 #784 r to aluminum [magnesium?]. It had impacted 20 inches into the sand without 5/21/1953 #13396 ir was warm near the craft, it had impacted the soil and stood at a tilt, w 12/10/1964 #24582 feels a jolt as if the object has impacted. He pulls the landing gear leve 5/3/1975 #37199 tegrated, or survived re-entry and impacted the Earth. The SSN typically tr 6/23/2019 #54471## Word: "impactful", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
orted collisions and the sounds of impactful crashes in the distance. The o 11/4/1322 #249## Word: "impacting", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
g sound as it passed low overhead, impacting a teenager and his horse. (Cha 1900 #2060 ss its skies, with some reportedly impacting the terrain. Concerned by the Mid 1940's #4159 he northern part of the island and impacting the ground and sea with extrem 4/2/1978 #40685## Word: "impacts", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
sh military reports that about 100 impacts were investigated by the Defense 12/3/1946 #4817 le. He could hear the sound of the impacts before the object disappeared fr 1/29/1953 #13057 At first glance, the number of 26 impacts recorded in 36 hours of interpla 1/2/1959 #20930 top to bottom, with four apparent impacts; it looks as if a cluster of sma 8/27/1979 #42470 , it was a “vast program” to study impacts and possible reactions against a 10/23/1988 #46825 interested about the consciousness impacts such an event would have. Bigel 1/11/1998 #52264## Word: "impaired", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
time into a population of mentally impaired sadists known as “Deros”— short 11/1943 #3839 his sense of taste and touch were impaired and he had only been able to wo 10/2/1956 #18401 blinded him. His hearing was also impaired by a loud noise, and he needed 9/9/1970 #32539 ertad, Peru a man had his eyesight impaired, and others reported that heada 4/16/1972 #33466 everal days he has blurred vision, impaired speech, and a medical diagnosis 2/14/1975 #36948 nt flash of light that temporarily impaired his vision, and the airplane's 5/5/1977 #39533 operly. At first his memory was so impaired that he could not even remember 11/15/1978 #41580## Word: "impairing", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Force reduces funds for the unit, impairing its investigative ability. 7/1957 #18958## Word: "imparted", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
with an entity named "Zekiel" who imparted secrets and knowledge to him. T 1521 #346 ut by a man with a grey beard, who imparted upon her the knowledge of curin 1613 #461 sed on the rejuvenation techniques imparted to him by space aliens from Ven 1954 #14015 at the disc. Among the information imparted telepathically to Julio by the 2/5/1978 #40510## Word: "impartiality", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Os to an American university whose impartiality could not be called into qu 10/5/1966 #27151## Word: "imparting", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e refracting the sunlight and thus imparting a variety of colors.” 10/13/1917 #2805## Word: "impassable", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ield to examine any traces, it was impassable due to the mud and he gave up 2/4/1977 #39243 t the presence of an invisible and impassable barrier (at the frequency of 5/1978 #40751## Word: "impasse", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
bout the project. The two reach an impasse. 1/19/1968 #30158## Word: "impeccable", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ce device to ensure his rockets an impeccable vertical ascent. His rockets 1932 #3139## Word: "impeded", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
cts confronted car, forward motion impeded, physiological effects 1/5/1979 #41953 hovered over truck, forward motion impeded, truck lifted off road 6/12/1981 #43785 car, buzzing sound, forward motion impeded. Chalker, 1987, p. 176 (E,L) car 10/20/1986 #46120 oval ahead of car, forward motion impeded 10/20/1986 #46122## Word: "impediment", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and to state his opinions without impediment,” concluding “Dr. Mack remain 5/1994 #50052## Word: "impeller", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
engines, a very large center rotor/impeller with Lundstrom compressor turbi 3/1956 #17848## Word: "impending", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ally gazed at them, speculating an impending doom for the emperor. Concurre 1/195 #16 ervention occurred just before his impending fate. A radiant sphere, compar 9/12/1271 #231 reted as a sign of God's wrath and impending destruction, the Christians la 5/29/1453 #297 ed it as a positive omen for their impending success. The sky sign, resembl 1528 #354 , interpreting it as a sign of the impending death of Count Luigi Fieschi, 1546 #366 rances signifying apprehension and impending catastrophe. This occurrence's 1/13/1553 #383 these signs seriously as omens of impending turmoil and danger, emphasizin 7/3/1612 #460 village, which stirred fears of an impending apocalypse. For two days, the 8/1700 #606 ue exploring new areas. Due to the impending involvement of America in the 1939 #3452 ght to be of danger because of the impending possibility of hysteria and pa 6/1958 #20412 who says he has visions about the impending end of the world and after the 10/25/1973 #35263 make Bennewitz believe there is an impending alien invasion because Bennewi 11/26/1980 #43433## Word: "impenetrable", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nslated from French) Darkness more impenetrable than that of the eclipse of 8/19/1763 #724 ing is that the darkness was quite impenetrable to the light of candles or 8/19/1763 #724 eads; hull of craft paper-thin but impenetrable by conventional tools. Priv 1948 #6487## Word: "imperative", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
f Germany, McDonald recognized the imperative need for the creation of a ne 2/23/1944 #3918 n UFOs” report, saying that it is “imperative to end the risk of accidental 8/31/1960 #21999 “UAP & Government: The Innovation Imperative” at the SCU AAPC conference n 6/3/2022 #54650## Word: "imperceptible", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
an intense brightness to an almost imperceptible red, and it was huge and s 11/1885 #1427## Word: "imperfectly", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Working Party concludes they have imperfectly viewed some conventional air 9/5/1950 #8569## Word: "imperia", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
OFF IMPERIA, ITL 12 astronomers and more. Sa 8/9/1977 #39866 bright ovoid object fly east over Imperia, Alpes-Maritime, France and Geno 12/5/1984 #45514## Word: "imperial", 20 instance(s) (Back to Top)
igh in the sky. He refused to obey imperial orders and robbed people. 200 #17 first day of the eighth month. The imperial prince, after coming to bow ove 661 #58 ay of the 8th month. In China, the imperial prince, after coming to bow to Autumn 661 #59 peared above the rich hills of the imperial city. On Friday, January 13, 52 1/13/1553 #382 oon from Paris, decorated with the Imperial Crown. Unmanned, at the mercy o 12/16/1804 #861 California's Imperial Valley There were Witnesses obs 1905 #2132 night, H. E. Abott, postmaster of Imperial, was abruptly awakened from his 8/2/1905 #2145 Silsbee El Centro Imperial, California Northeast 1:30 a.m. 8/3/1905 #2147 6 miles southwest of El Centro) to Imperial, California, when a bright ligh 8/3/1905 #2147 BRAWLEY AND IMPERIAL, CA Several separate observer(s 8/4/1905 #2148 a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon 12/7/1941 #3580 IMPERIAL BEACH, CA 2 / Navy lookout towe 11/16/1952 #12656 NUEVA IMPERIAL, CHL Hundreds / observer(s). Sa 12/20/1954 #16838 ionosphere. Michael Gadsden of the Imperial College in London is in New Zea 6/20/1957 #18935 IMPERIAL BEACH, CA 2 observer(s). Bright 2/9/1959 #20989 Imperial Beach, CA Bright UFO with halo 2/9/1959 #20990 and more. Dark 10' saucer circles imperial palace / 10 minute(s). / LDLN#1 7/14/1976 #38573 ified object that circled over the Imperial Palace, about 400 yards from th 7/16/1976 #38576 Davies Valley Imperial County California After 12:00 m 11/1982 #44559 wife are camping in Davies Valley, Imperial County, California, when they a 11/1982 #44559## Word: "imperialism", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the CIA in the service of American imperialism. 6/12/1974 #36240## Word: "imperialist", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ers in the sky, which were part of imperialist propaganda. 2/27/1968 #30280## Word: "impersonations", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ef of staff, circulates a memo on “Impersonations of Air Force Officers,” w 3/1/1967 #27991 tt T. Wheless writes a memo about “Impersonations of Air Force Officers,” w 3/1/1967 #27997## Word: "imperturbable", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ed some bullets, but continued its imperturbable flight towards the east. G 2/25/1942 #3611## Word: "imperturbably", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
. These beings continued their way imperturbably without undoing their hair 2/12/1969 #31501## Word: "impervious", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ter studied. He said the piece was impervious to diamond saws and torches, 1952 #9511## Word: "impilahti", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Impilahti, Karelia [now Russia] Lake Lad Late 7/1944 #3973 l officer stationed on a farm near Impilahti, Karelia [now Russia], by Lake Late 7/1944 #3973## Word: "implant", 18 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Cecil claimed to have received an implant in his skull. At the time this n 10/1952 #12384 rwent a medical examination and an implant was inserted into his sex. (...) 9/1955 #17485 d into his sex. (...) In 1989, the implant broke: part of it was expelled t 9/1955 #17485 ritchard was interested in it: the implant would be metallic, coated with a 9/1955 #17485 hile, Pritchard announced that the implant was not metallic but organic: 90 9/1955 #17485 anted in her nose - in Alsace this implant was later removed from her). (19 Summer 1966 #26735 contains the first reference to an implant in abduction literature, a motif 1/25/1967 #27647 emitted a greenish liquid. A small implant was also apparently inserted bet 9/7/1970 #32534 n different humanoid types, a body implant, and communication to the woman 2/7/1976 #38228 ects) and lifted / 30m saucer. Dvc implant. Tour / space. / APRO Dec'79. 8/28/1979 #42473 with extraterrestrials, through an implant he had in his ear. During the in 1988 (approximate) #46487 ducted during this time and if the implant that warned him of an approachin 5/1/1988 #46677 nd 2011. She also believes that an implant was inserted into her head throu 3/1/1990 #47718 l having his tooth drilled and an "implant" possibly having been inserted. 7/29/1990 #48007 es were examined and apparently an implant was removed from behind one of t 11/9/1991 #48654 ined her and reportedly located an implant deep within her brain case. 5/18/1993 #49475 cal tests, and apparently given an implant. She witnessed another woman als 6/5/1997 #52036 apparently inserting some kind of implant. 11/1/1998 #52468## Word: "implanted", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ed from her calf and something was implanted in her nose - in Alsace this i Summer 1966 #26735 r head told her that she was being implanted in order to facilitate future 9/7/1970 #32534 exam, and allegedly had something implanted into her head. During the exam 1/22/1982 #44159## Word: "implants", 13 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ans. Over the next two decades, he implants electrodes in some 25 subjects. 1952 #9499 n groups. In one demonstration, he implants a stimoceiver (a tiny electrode 1952 #9499 ns of targets. It is claimed these implants were placed in subjects during 1952 #9508 ichard Price age 8 first abducted. Implants and long story.. 9/15/1955? #17524 ormal panoply). She claims to have implants in her face. The investigation 1960 #21640 ieves that Debbie and her son have implants inserted near their brains, one Early 7/1983 #44824 , abductions were the insertion of implants, implementation of posthypnotic 12/29/1987 #46484 nda? What have they told you? What implants have you received? What procedu 1994 #49863 reviews his investigation of alien implants since 1995. Leir has performed 1998 #52238 UFO experiences, remove or insert implants, and perform medical examinatio 1999 #52504 nterface, alleged extraterrestrial implants, abductions, antigravity propul 10/17/2008 #54049 is unknown of the MATE studies on implants, etc. made its way into the han 10/17/2008 #54049 cility for creating nanotechnology implants put into abduction victims. He 4/18/2016 #54329## Word: "implausible", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
len Hynek) as an explanation. This implausible explanation is not even beli 1/7/1948 #6527 Antarctica Despite the seemingly implausible idea of hidden Nazi bases in 1956 #17733## Word: "implement", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Iowa Mather & Gregg’s building An implement dealer named U. G. Griffith is 9/29/1903 #2108 scientific capabilities, and then implement an effective public relations 9/28/1959 #21467 minutes and announces his plan to implement a naval blockade of Cuba. US m 10/22/1962 #23239 s. One of them carries a tube-like implement, and the other has a probe sti 9/14/1967 #29475 carried an illuminated pear-shaped implement, held by a small rod; these gl 8/19/1969 #31962 raft, who pointed a small box-like implement in his direction. The witness 10/11/1971 #33194 sed one by one. A small knife like implement was used to take a nail paring 10/16/1973 #35052 where she was examined by a gloved implement that was passed over her. She 3/20/1974 #35949 into the roadside with a T-shaped implement and a large horseshoe shaped t 3/21/1974 #35954 at shorter. Each had an egg-shaped implement attached to a belt around thei 5/9/1985 #45604 es not have the necessary votes to implement and fund the resolution, the a 12/1/1993 #49829## Word: "implementation", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t his own expense to lobby for the implementation of the peacetime Communic 1947 #4837 ly to Blue Book. Though ATIC urges implementation of the plan, Air Force He 10/1958 #20658 ns were the insertion of implants, implementation of posthypnotic suggestio 12/29/1987 #46484## Word: "implemented", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
gned in Spain, Franco's troops had implemented "propaganda rockets". These 1938 #3399 t believed, to the success of its’ implemented policies. Some sightings sti 12/8/1953 #13926 ect that researched, developed and implemented alien spacecraft technology 1972 #33320## Word: "implementing", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s to find out how the Air Force is implementing the recommendations of the 9/16/1957 #19224## Word: "implements", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nch) The American President Reagan implements the program IDS, or Star Wars 3/23/1983 #44698 hat were carrying long needle-like implements. The creatures grabbed the th 1/7/1997 #51862 ey were all holding metal rod-like implements which emitted a powerful whit 9/16/2007 #53932## Word: "implicated", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ere employed in mutilation events. Implicated in this scenario were famed b 4/8/1979 #42166 y’s typewriter at Kirtland AFB was implicated in the July 1980 Craig R. Wei 6/1989 #47149 the thymus, a gland that has been implicated in these illnesses. 8/3/2012 #54229## Word: "implication", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hich exploited by Defense staff by implication and lack of frankness possib 8/24/1946 #4721 he request gingerly because of the implication of a congressional hearing a 7/2/1963 #23619 est a defence or national security implication.” 5/2/1984 #45273## Word: "implications", 17 instance(s) (Back to Top)
uestions about its true origin and implications. 6/18/1178 #188 is noteworthy due to its physical implications, especially in light of sim 6/7/1846 #1059 ocal commanders [are] perturbed by implications of phenomena.” LaPaz speaks 1/31/1949 #7103 y Board that “Flying Saucers” have implications for psychological warfare a 1952? #9485 hat sets out two national security implications of UFOs for the government 9/10/1952 #12152 ormation and its national security implications. He quotes Adm. Hillenkoett 6/1/1960 #21857 ASA titled Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activitie 12/14/1960 #22126 The report includes a section on “Implications of a Discovery of Extraterr 12/14/1960 #22126 s responsible only for air defense implications of UFOs, he would allocate 7/19/1966 #26808 cate the assessment of their wider implications to another department. Wils 7/19/1966 #26808 en the potential national security implications. They emphasized that the t 6/25/1987 #46285 ys In briefing notes on the safety implications of UFO close approaches for 2/20/1995 #50626 then drafts a report examining the implications of the UFO phenomenon in te 12/5/1995 #51267 omenon is warranted, and that “the implications have already been briefed t 5/15/2006 #53814 he War Zone summarizes the defense implications of drone and UAP interferen 4/15/2021 #54571 tsville AL: “The National Security Implications of Scientifically Studying 6/4/2022 #54652 iscuss potential national security implications of UAP (Unidentified Anomal 8/17/2023 #54728## Word: "implicitly", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Air Staff is concerned, we believe implicitly that the unexplained UFOs are 7/22/1985 #45653## Word: "implied", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and dark, shadowed top. Motion is implied by the different angles in the p 6/5/1955 #17225## Word: "implies", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s proper translation as “channels” implies that the observed features are n 10/1877 #1298 w to recognize flying saucers, but implies they are all reflections. 2/20/1951 #8938 ion Officer Capt. Irving Rappaport implies it could be mistaken for a flyin 4/7/1952 #9768 arly negative, as the 1958 summary implies, there would have been no reason 1/17/1953 #12984 ded an angle of about 1/4 °, which implies a real diameter less than 0.90 m Summer 1960 #21868 o “sun rays on the lens.” Jacobsen implies it was the A-12 test the same da 4/30/1962 #22848 nders, who realize that it clearly implies that the project is a “whitewash 7/1967 #28954 a “scenario-selecting agent” which implies humanity’s acceptance of it will 1/8/1999 #52510 d to its collection efforts.” This implies UAP are being detected on NRO pl 11/5/2015 #54317 managed by TRW in the 1960s, that implies compartments of it could have ex 9/15/2021 #54602## Word: "imploded", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
itude, for a few minutes, and then imploded. But the surprise was not yet o 3/15/1975 #37056 error. In some streets the windows imploded and exploded, alternating from 11/12/1987 #46423## Word: "implodes", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ipped off the wall, the television implodes, strong surges manifest and thr 4/2/1978 #40678 and a shower of sparks. The light implodes on itself and disappears. [vog: 10/23/1988 #46823## Word: "imploding", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
room, then a center of blue light imploding without sound. Out of this lig 7/1980 #43128## Word: "implores", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
him. He refuses to wear it and he implores them to let him go. One of the 1/18/1979 #42017## Word: "imploring", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
es A. Maney writes to Gerald Ford, imploring him to contact NICAP for proof 3/29/1966 #26245 have to raise his arm to touch it. Imploring God and his saints, Cicilio ro 8/9/1976 #38660## Word: "implosion", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
is abandoned. Designing a workable implosion design (Fat Man) becomes the t 7/4/1944 #3968## Word: "implosion-style", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
detonation of a nuclear weapon (an implosion-style plutonium-based bomb) ta 7/16/1945 #4346## Word: "implosion-type", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
11:01 a.m. Another atomic bomb (an implosion-type plutonium weapon, Fat Man 8/9/1945 #4370## Word: "imply", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e taken to avoid speculation or to imply Air Force interest beyond security 11/11/1975 #37954 ons of UFO phenomena. It would not imply that the country has suddenly star 7/29/2008 #54026## Word: "implying", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
smoke over Merthyr, 48 km away --- implying a very high speed of travel for 1/17/1913 #2555 t, "We're going to need hot guns," implying the need for armed weaponry. Th 1/7/1948 #6515 served by workers in Buenos Aires, implying a speed of 24000 km/h. They are 7/17/1952 #10821 are “vital for further progress,” implying the Agency may have monitored U 4/26/1976 #38419 d states the story is “laughable,” implying that Haines’ report was created 8/3/1997 #52100## Word: "import-export", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
G. U. Donadio, a translator for an import-export firm, observed an object t 6/12/1957 #18910## Word: "importance", 24 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hed for by multiple witnesses. The importance of subsequent events added we 5/21/70 #7 ery secret message, of the highest importance for the king. The next day, a 1/15/1816 #908 ions with top scientists about the importance of this technology and recogn 1944 #3895 boration emphasizing the continued importance of defense planning and effor 2/12/1947 #4870 “these incidents are of such great importance, especially as they are occur 1/13/1949 #7080 ho says the project is “of extreme importance” because “these occurrences r 4/27/1949 #7271 ge of BSRA's “second memorandum of importance” on flying discs. 5/13/1949 #7357 rning BSRA’s “second memorandum of importance”, concerning a solution to th 5/18/1949 #7363 are now regarded as of such vital importance that they will be the subject 1950 #7696 e has been ordered to minimize the importance of the 'flying saucers'. But 1950 #7696 US authorities to be of the utmost importance. (November 21) 11/21/1950 #8715 all other explanations lost their importance.] 8/25/1951 #9171 ain UNEXPLAINED. UFO’s are of such importance that the matter should be bro End of 7/1952 #11297 onsider this problem to be of such importance that it should be brought to 9/24/1952 #12323 cers are regarded as of such vital importance that they will be the subject 2/15/1954 #14161 raft. They do not find anything of importance except some ashes that might 4/18/1962 #22819 UFO “phenomenon could be of great importance and concern to this country.” 11/30/1967 #29990 o 3 m and compared its mass to the importance of a Renault Estafette. On th 7/25/1970 #32447 pers released so far are of little importance. Pratt gives GSW 60 days to p 9/19/1979 #42587 and. It was impossible not to give importance to the testimonies of these c 1984 (approximate) #45034 ation into these incidents and the importance of protecting UAP whistleblow 4/2/1997 #51963 of hybrid children emphasizes the importance of emotion, and the otherness 1999 #52505 all in the name of UFOs and their importance to National Security.” Note: 7/31/1999 #52635 ery or ridicule. Mace stressed the importance of transparency and accountab 9/8/2023 #54745## Word: "important", 52 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tales, indicating burial or other important sites. 7/23/1830 #963 nd. Distances are almost no longer important; thus, at 12:10 less than an h 4/21/1897 #1902 what do you want? - My name is not important, call me Smith. I would like s 4/21/1897 #1903 rtsmouth Naval Ship Yard, the most important base on the East Coast. (April 4/14/1917 #2767 d on 28 June 1919. One of the most important treaties of World War I, it en 6/28/1919 #2841 in the rear of the mansion are as important as those who dwell in the mans 5/4/1932 #3157 three security levels for the most important documents: Restricted, Confide 3/22/1940 #3510 s well as a substantial portion of important documents and personnel of the 2/23/1944 #3918 icial FBI UFO files, addressed to “important aeronautical and military auth 7/8/1947 #5780 needs to be diverted from the more important impact site north of Roswell b 7/8/1947 #5861 out 30 seconds. The case is deemed important enough to send Alfred Loedding 4/5/1948 #6614 ers, English Electric, Napier) and important test stations at Farnborough a 4/1951 #9000 aucer Watch against the CIA and is important because it is a confirmed case 7/29/1952 #11438 f this disc in Spitzberg is a very important event (Frank EDWARDS: "UFOs a Early 8/1952 (approximate) #11557 ole Project". The Congress made an important decision and resolved to dedic Summer 1954 #14582 was busy and didn't find the event important enough to come down. I rushed 5/1955 #17133 of mid-ocean submarine ridges, an important confirmation of plate-tectonic 7/1/1957 #18961 CORAOPOLIS, PA Important woman / car. 8M metallic sauce 11/17/1957 #19852 a Brisbane car park and offers him important information on UFOs. At the me 8/1959 #21341 An important close encounter case involving 8/11/1960 #21936 day. On July 9th (?), an extremely important message arrived from the South 7/7/1965 #25069 , saying, “History will record the important role you have played in helpin 4/6/1966 #26375 ver. This report is potentially an important sighting, because it is at the 2/16/1967 #27846 An important close encounter with physiolog 8/28/1967 #29346 neral Stolyarov because it was too important for him. (November 10) 11/10/1967 #29891 On this day in 1967 three important UFO cases occurred. In the mid 12/3/1967 #30016 hey telepathically say contains an important message, telling him to dip it 7/2/1968 #30656 On this date a very important and well investigated abductio 8/7/1968 #30839 240 km from Brasilia. The place is important enough to have a landing strip 8/13/1968 #30854 previous ones: the Titan III B. An important step is taken, as these are ma 8/16/1972 #33763 the means employed were much more important, in proportion to the stakes. 10/1973 #34840 ges and was interested in meeting "important officials". He ate raw meat, c 11/15/1973 #35410 e end downwards. It seemed to have important edges or welds, but too small 12/2/1973 #35488 red-orange ovoid going north over important railroad/railway station. 60kp 12/20/1974 #36750 ct with its red glow. She added an important detail: a face observing them 4/30/1977 #39509 for “open discussions on the very important subject [of UFOs] … a matter o 7/7/1978 #40938 30 a.m. the witness, a 50-year-old important Communist Party politician, wa 10/15/1978 #41445 Three important UFO sightings occurred on this 12/23/1978 #41836 answer he received was, "The most important attribute of matter is its abi 9/20/1979 #42597 ld her that she would perform some important task in the future. 1/22/1982 #44159 ew rings around a town, buzzing an important army base (NICAP: 02 - Close E 7/22/1983 #44844 gs rising going quickly north from important AFB#112. 9/1986 (approximate) #46075 such an invasion. It is much more important to think about the problems th 2/16/1987 #46198 ent Reagan is asked about the most important “need” in international relati 5/4/1988 #46684 order, in Raeren, M. G., with very important technical responsibilities for 11/3/1989 #47425 47 near Roswell, NM. Schiff states important documents from Roswell Army Ai 7/28/1995 #50933 ormed debate; that some secrecy is important to minimize inappropriate diff 3/3/1997 #51922 cy is respected, and that the most important secrets remain secret, is for 3/3/1997 #51922 e province of Coquimbo (Chile), an important group of ufologists sent a let 2/2/1998 #52282 le seated in it. These people were important to the experiencer, although t 9/3/2003 #53461 the study’s conclusions. Some saw important new evidence; others say it is 7/2019 #54473 in that the Mansfield Amendment is important to understand with respect to 10/13/2022 #54674## Word: "important_memo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/important_memo.pdf 7/7/1999 #52616## Word: "importantly", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
“collection responsibilities,” and importantly, divorces these responsibili 11/13/1961 #22635## Word: "impose", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
to collateral controls, an SAP may impose more stringent investigative or a 3/8/1972 #33398## Word: "imposed", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
II", third Russian satellite which imposed itself by its mass of 1.3 tons. 5/15/1958 #20367 and that the secrecy and ridicule imposed on the subject are dangerous. (A 8/22/1960 #21977 ing prospect of a world government imposed on the American people against t 1991 #48313 high speed. Due to the limitations imposed by the use of the tripod, Spoor 1/27/1998 #52275## Word: "imposing", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
animal about 1.5 meters tall with imposing wings. Its face was that of a b 1/7/1976 #38140 htness of the movement for such an imposing mass. The witness also describe 11/22/1990 #48264 craft, towards the center of this imposing triangular surface, small red l 11/22/1990 #48265 motionless. The object was round, imposing, the size and shape of the top 1/21/1991 #48346 come there, it must have been very imposing. Many other people then came to 3/5/2000 #52800## Word: "impossibility", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
han a military weapon, and, in the impossibility of attributing the paterni 8/8/1947 #6213## Word: "impossible", 118 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ver, both explanations were deemed impossible. 10/4/1861 #1154 ing a lunar eclipse. It was almost impossible to resist the conviction that 1878 #1299 d, and then shot straight up at an impossible speed. 3/14/1942 #3636 regular string. At that moment the impossible happened: B-17 No. 26 was qui 10/14/1943 #3830 ased to more than 4000 km/h. It is impossible to make any hypotheses about 2/14/1945 #4199 was only 1.50m to 2m deep, it was impossible to locate the fallen object d 7/19/1946 #4596 observed through binoculars it was impossible to accurately estimate its di 5/19/1947 #4952 arrive, which is difficult but not impossible,' Lt. Col. Bustos said." Arge 8/2/1947 #6181 bject shot westward so fast it was impossible to gain any clear impression 2/1/1949 #7113 claim, the Air Force admits it is impossible to “deny categorically” that 4/8/1949 #7227 quickly southwest. 6-7km altitude. Impossible climb. 3/18/1950 #7958 00 feet altitude. It then made an "impossible climb." 3/18/1950 #7965 mission system is different. These impossible delayed receptions are part o 7/13/1950 #8427 e passing beneath the plane. "It's impossible to say how fast it was going 10/5/1950 #8619 [to] 30K' altitude / 5 second(s). Impossible turns. 11/10/1950 #8703 0 miles per hour, so bright it was impossible to look at. Then there was an 12/2/1950 #8747 rmed maneuvers and turns at speeds impossible to known aircraft, according 1/20/1951 #8879 clear sky. Suddenly "at a distance impossible to appreciate, but relatively 3/1951 #8958 five minutes approximately. It was impossible to distinguish the outlines o 3/1951 #8958 been properly ballasted and it was impossible for it to capsize before the 10/4/1951 #9307 res or the shape of the hands were impossible to distinguish. There were se 5/1952 #10013 he hedge, but so faint that it was impossible to recognize words or a langu Summer 1952 #10459 hat they were witnessing Mars, was impossible at the time. 6/29/1952 #10590 n high altitudes. There is nothing impossible about the story, although to 7/6/1952 #10662 oving around so quickly that it is impossible to vector in on a single targ 7/29/1952 #11427 y writing that it is “not entirely impossible that the objects sighted may 7/29/1952 #11432 1. Saucer hovers / high altitude. Impossible accelerations. Absolute(ly) s 8/10/1952 #11722 Silver sphere hovers. Shoots up / impossible speed as plane nears. 8/31/1952 #12044 / B25. Large blimp glows and makes impossible going up [to] going down [to] 10/14/1952 #12462 ard Helms, it is difficult, if not impossible, for investigators to gain a 4/13/1953 #13314 em 3 years prior. It is physically impossible that they were randomly refle 9/17/1953 #13728 n origin and for reasons currently impossible to determine. (14-17 Septembe 9/17/1953 #13728 Force pilot and 4. Silent saucer / impossible maneuvers. Going quickly west 2/18/1954 #14169 d the derailleur, and got back on: impossible to make it move forward. 500m 10/10/1954 #15731 blimp hovers / 1 minute(s). Away / impossible speed/velocity. 12/10/1956 #18545 and disappears, travelling at an "impossible" speed. 12/31/1956 #18580 t, with great difficulty as it was impossible to twist or cut the metal it Summer 1957 #18936 ds were severely burned and it was impossible to distinguish their features Summer 1957 #18936 n on the radar plots and making it impossible to explain as a malfunction o 9/20/1957 #19247 n or interference. Interception is impossible at these speeds and altitudes 9/20/1957 #19247 t it soon became clear that it was impossible to undress this creature beca 2/21/1959 #21004 nd maneuvered very quickly. It was impossible for them to identify it and w 6/1959 #21189 and many and RADAR's. Red ovoid / impossible maneuvers. Radio Frequency In 8/13/1960 #21944 t, the world will never know! It's impossible..." Then nothing more. (...) 5/24/1961 (approximate) #22335 ude proves dangerous if not nearly impossible due to inherent instability. 6/9/1961 #22362 gaining valuable insight otherwise impossible. PJ was puzzled by the lack o 1962 #22694 pass the entire bison skull, it is impossible to detect this re-calcificati 8/27/1962 #23111 g?! Curse! I can't succeed... It's impossible. I can't, I tell you! Underst 11/8/1962 #23299 observed in any dimension so it is impossible to determine whether it is ro 3/1963 #23459 ntil it shot straight up making an impossible L-shaped maneuver. (Houston T 2/21/1967 #27884 ak through the sky, maneuvering in impossible ways. The NCO phones his comm 3/24/1967 #28271 traterrestrial UFOs to be a priori impossible because they do not follow th 9/15/1967 #29486 d red beam directed at him made it impossible for him to move. He remembere 12/3/1967 #30017 to advance: in vain. To call out: impossible, no sound came out of his mou 3/14/1968 #30339 was an accident. It is materially impossible for the couple to have made t 5/5/1968 #30455 had bright eyes. The eye color was impossible to determine in the moonlight 8/27/1969 #31971 e by fear. Fear mixed with another impossible to describe emotional respons 8/27/1969 #31971 s heard, the image blurred. It was impossible to restore it. As it was late 8/16/1970 #32489 is conducting searches, but it is impossible to find the body of Captain S 10/7/1970 #32581 r all over/all about big TV tower. Impossible maneuvers. / r156#7. 2/3/1971 #32737 e completely breaks down and it is impossible to restart it. (February 20) 2/20/1971 #32758 To jump through it would have been impossible, as it was only 32 inches wid 4/2/1971 #32802 ering space debris, although it is impossible to confirm. (Swords 401) Last 12/20/1971 #33303 binoculars. Oval night light makes impossible maneuvers / all directions / 1/22/1972 #33350 lfunction, all navigation rendered impossible... Request position by gonio. 3/16/1972 #33412 dentified blimps maneuver. Away at impossible speed. 4/10/1973 #34330 s / colored lights buzz housetops. Impossible maneuvers. 10/10/1973 #34929 the object but soon static made it impossible to communicate by radio. She 10/19/1973 #35170 , Italy as it was making seemingly impossible maneuvers. Jets were later se 11/24/1973 #35450 hing saucer near Lake Norman pier. Impossible speed. / r95v5#3. 8/1974 (approximate) #36362 wever, the blip accelerates to an “impossible” speed in one minute. The ope 6/23/1975 #37301 00 mph or has executed a seemingly impossible vertical maneuver at high spe 8/20/1975 #37519 er. It was clearly something huge, impossible to define, it was already nig 9/27/1975 #37666 but as it had no calendar, it was impossible to know how many days the sol Late Autumn 1975 #37964 nce of an autopsy, it is therefore impossible to determine the cause of dea 8/9/1976 #38660 round or not, as well as it seemed impossible to me to realize if it was fa 12/12/1976 #39036 red a strange bright shape: it was impossible to discern what it could be, 4/24/1977 #39488 nd his digital watch indicates the impossible date of April 30. He is almos 4/25/1977 #39497 nd his digital watch indicated the impossible date of April 30. He was almo 4/25/1977 #39498 bike is far hotter than normal and impossible to touch without risking seri 6/6/1977 #39629 phere make several 90-degree turns impossible for any conventional aircraft 9/23/1978 #41335 phere make several 90-degree turns impossible for any conventional aircraft 9/23/1978 #41341 winds it up by saying, “Nothing is impossible in this world or this univers 1/18/1979 #42016 rse. It is just that the seemingly impossible takes a little time to come a 1/18/1979 #42016 crew considers an evasive maneuver impossible, the captain decides to go of 11/11/1979 #42690 ies. Saucer hovers and zips about. Impossible turns. 2/1980 #42864 rratic movements, however, make it impossible to follow, and the object is 5/7/1980 #43041 motorcycle the engine died and was impossible to restart. The object then m 7/31/1980 #43166 that has been released, it is just impossible to get anything on it.” 10/19/1981 #44021 Night light swerves around stars. Impossible maneuvers going north. No sat 10/2/1982 #44510 n the west of Leyte Island. It was impossible not to give importance to the 1984 (approximate) #45034 skyward in a maneuver they judged impossible for aircraft. (NICAP: 02 - Cl 4/19/1984 #45232 skyward in a maneuver they judged impossible for aircraft. It climbed 3000 4/19/1984 #45235 t / 40K' altitude. Extremely fast. Impossible maneuvers and 90° turns. 12/28/1986 #46161 at great speed. At what distance? Impossible to say, but I estimate about 4/22/1987 #46244 K 5 pregnant cows found mutilated. Impossible laser like cuts. No UFO seen. 3/10/1989 #47039 , but the isolated location seemed impossible to access. The zone was decla 9/16/1989 #47309 oomerang going quickly northeast / impossible speed/velocity. Big beam goin 10/24/1989 #47391 ld / 5 second(s). Rises and away / impossible speed. 3/2/1990 #47720 ice crystals, which is physically impossible because ice crystals could no 9/15/1991 #48609 destroy data and generally make it impossible for Congress to find out what 5/22/1992 #48922 e that "Bob Lazar's story has been impossible to confirm, but also curiousl 10/1992 #49121 can you imagine? At arm's length? Impossible to tell you the size, I shoul 10/25/1993 #49762 s him “they” thought it previously impossible for a “water human” or “water 9/1994 #50261 household was awake and panicked. "Impossible to see it, you can only feel 4/1995 #50713 adds: its speed and movements are impossible to describe. The object, whic 7/31/1995 #50939 NORTH / DENISON, TX Night lights / impossible maneuvers over Red River belo 11/18/1995 #51228 est / 600M altitude. Type unknown. Impossible speeds. Zigzags. 4/8/1996 #51502 f the observation is unfortunately impossible to verify. (NUFORC, B. Davenp 3/13/1997 #51936 night lights / blatant acrobatics. Impossible maneuvers. 6/15/1997 #52049 nts and I made calculations) It is impossible that it was only a projection 4/3/1998 #52317 rcraft traveling in formation made impossible maneuvers above Oxford, Ohio. 9/11/2001 #53122 ardware. Bush Sr. told him it was “impossible” and “the two topics were cle 3/26/2004 #53551 moved straight up until it became impossible to see. 11/24/2004 #53660 emerged from the first and perform impossible manuevers for 15 minutes. 7/15/2010 #54163 that hovered before moving off in “impossible” velocity. Within 24 hours, t 2/2011 #54190 controlled) can perform manoeuvres impossible for a manned aircraft. The US 2013 #54234 the aircraft at 6,000 feet. It is impossible to identify, although it is l 3/30/2019 #54449## Word: "impossibly", 17 instance(s) (Back to Top)
iameter hovers. Quickly going up / impossibly. 3/14/1942 #3635 rate groups / fake planes maneuver impossibly. 1200mph. Going north. / LDLN 4/20/1952 #9899 observer(s). UFO like aircraft but impossibly fast. No further details. 11/12/1952 #12623 ll objects join formation and rise impossibly going quickly northeast. 9/24/1954 #15224 ers hover. Dirt and animals melted impossibly. Slag. 11/1954 #16462 e night lights circle and maneuver impossibly. No form seen. 7/31/1957 #19073 . 1 white and 2 red balls maneuver impossibly / all directions. Extremely f 11/25/1957 #19895 heets going down [to] and maneuver impossibly. Night lights maneuver overhe 1/8/1959 #20943 the impression that the craft was impossibly larger inside than what it lo 8/15/1970 #32488 bjects. Phony helicopter maneuvers impossibly. 9/26/1973 #34813 ight near fishing boats. Maneuvers impossibly. Responds / light signals. 10/5/1973 (approximate) #34893 observer(s). Domed ovoid maneuvers impossibly. Telephoto shots. Jets chase. 11/24/1973 #35449 y helicopter hovers. Shoots away / impossibly. / BFJ v4#3p28. 12/15/1973 #35570 bserver(s). Round object maneuvers impossibly. 3 jets chase. Car malfunctio 8/1975 #37429 ucer exits cloud. Hovers and moves impossibly. 8/15/1994 #50228 K 3 teens. 3 night lights maneuver impossibly all over / 90 minute(s). Hove 1/19/1995 #50555 s speed going quickly east weaving impossibly. 2/9/1995 #50603## Word: "impostor", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Naundorff from then on is only an impostor. The "dwarf" who would have con 1/15/1816 #908 Rex Heflin’s accounts of the NORAD impostor and another case in which it re 3/1/1967 #27991## Word: "impotent", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n a pasture. The billy-goat became impotent as a result, and his dogs start 2/9/1969 #31497 and to make these nuclear weapons “impotent and obsolete.” This paves the w 3/23/1983 #44699## Word: "impracticable", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ks of Andrews AFB were temporarily impracticable. When they arrived, around 7/19/1952 #10902## Word: "impractical", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, and they ultimately reject it as impractical and unjustified. 12/26/1954 #16856 levision subsystem is cancelled as impractical, but an infrared subsystem r 8/3/1956 #18173## Word: "imprecise", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he central part, the witnesses are imprecise, and cannot say with certainty 11/5/1990 #48177## Word: "impregnate", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ough telepathy that he intended to impregnate her. After sexual intercourse 8/11/1966 #26900 nclude an instance when the beings impregnate her by artificial inseminatio 4/1987 #46234## Word: "impregnated", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
cluded a light metal and cardboard impregnated with "unknown substances." 7/28/1956 #18145 tables. Although celibate, she was Impregnated, and later had a miscarriage 1/30/1990 #47671 human doctor), where she had been impregnated. The father of her child was 9/3/2003 #53461## Word: "impregnation", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a threat, genetic experiments and impregnation; he claims in 1979 there wa 12/29/1987 #46484## Word: "impresario", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Sydney. The team consists of Tait Impresario, Defries Pilot, Marc Pourpe M 11/18/1909 #2438## Word: "impresions", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, around which are three identical impresions 4.5 feet apart. Hundreds of c Early 9/1972 #33826## Word: "impress", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Uranus, since 1954. She manages to impress her next-door neighbor, retired 6/8/1954 #14542## Word: "impressed", 32 instance(s) (Back to Top)
g this, Aedh Mac Ainmuire, greatly impressed, recognized the divine mission 575 #46 enomenon in his logbook: This view impressed me so much that I gained the p 1739 #656 eace of Aix-la-Chapelle. He was so impressed that a complete description wa 4/27/1749 #682 m French) The British were greatly impressed by the rocket army during the 1792 #813 f globe it seemed to him, he, very impressed, said that it could be a celes 9/13/1917 #2793 his strange spectacle. We were not impressed, knowing at the time that the 9/1944 #4010 ove the young witness, he was very impressed and immediately went back home 1945 #4132 rvice inspectors. He appears to be impressed, and indicates he will immedia 4/28/1948 #6646 Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia. They are impressed with their account. Mulling th 7/26/1948 #6784 ton, D.C., with Von Kármán, who is impressed enough to write Gen. Charles P 2/11/1949 #7122 bove a flashing orange light. Very impressed, Botta left (he had only been 5/10/1950 #8267 uminated all the meadows. Strongly impressed, the witnesses did not dare to 9/1952 #12046 histle. Traces. Witnesses strongly impressed. (Jimmy GUIEU: Black-out sur l 9/26/1954 #15239 ns were visible. The witness, very impressed, looked back ten meters furthe 8/22/1956 #18239 ings. Hines leaves ATIC “favorably impressed.” Mid 8/1961 #22447 ICAP is given the photo but is not impressed. In 1989, physicist Irwin Wied 11/22/1966 #27363 the photo. The committee is again impressed with the technical work perfor 5/5/1967 #28598 stones. The heel marks seem deeply impressed in the soil. Fortney also expe 10/22/1967 #29729 interview is denied, but they are impressed with Cassie’s ability to recal 6/20/1968 #30574 the meadow. They also find circles impressed in the grass, the largest 15–2 7/4/1970 #32422 a, two hunters find a 42-foot ring impressed in the grass. Investigator Sta 11/3/1973 #35343 e beings arms or legs. Cravero was impressed by the furtive, evasive nature 11/8/1974 #36682 er of a circle 30 feet in diameter impressed in the ground, with crisscross 7/31/1975 #37423 scared them. The authorities were impressed by these consistent testimonie 7/8/1978 #40940 width of its shoulders especially impressed the witnesses (about 75 cm wid Late 2/1981 #43633 mbulance. They returned home late, impressed by this surreal incident which 1/1988 #46492 hen developed, the photos were not impressed. (June 1988) 6/1988 #46709 ay and dirty. The witness was very impressed by the absence of noise and th 11/22/1990 #48264 o watch. UFO investigators are not impressed with the video, which might be 8/27/1995 #51026 ary, doctors, firemen) and were so impressed that they called for a congres 1/20/1996 #51327 ned by expert astronomers who were impressed by the high quality of the dig 9/24/1999 #52681 vy a tour of his lab and they were impressed but as of 2005 he did not have 7/2003 #53429## Word: "impresses", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
exhaust trail. The sighting later impresses Project Sign personnel to the 7/10/1947 #5974## Word: "impression", 160 instance(s) (Back to Top)
become a rarity, leaving a lasting impression on the witness due to its unc 7/7/1015 #143 zed. The phenomenon left a lasting impression, leading to the construction 1161 #182 m ac Ostentorum Chronicon, left an impression of both wonder and mystery. 1520 #344 tually departed, leaving a lasting impression on those who witnessed the ev 1523 #348 ric event unfolded, leaving a deep impression on the people. Above Porco, t 1/13/1553 #383 e lights. The phenomenon gives the impression that the main sun-like object 10/13/1621 #478 is to Caudan, leaving an indelible impression on the 60-year-old man and th 1635 #485 ng the zodiacal light, left a deep impression on the people. The authoritie 1660 #519 of an anomalous event that left an impression on those who witnessed it. 8/1660 #522 umanoid figure that left a lasting impression on the witness. 11/10/1660 #529 ts and wildlife, leaving a lasting impression on the witnesses. 8/15/1663 #548 s-shaped entity, leaving a lasting impression on the many thousands of spec 11/4/1697 #600 g from sight, leaving an indelible impression. 8/7/1806 #866 icle. However, the witness had the impression that the characters were sitt 1906 #2156 he ground. Apart from this curious impression felt by the witness in front 1906 #2156 ls as they flew, leaving a lasting impression on the witnesses. (Chapter 4, 1912 #2518 s phenomenon." vog: do you get the impression that it is a UFO? not me. 10/22/1914 #2663 ees all this very clearly, and her impression is that the machine and the a 7/13/1915 #2690 r seen again. "This cloud gave the impression of being solid. A group of 22 8/21/1915 #2697 circular brim, leaving an enduring impression on the witness. (Chapter 5, R 1922 #2897 to the blue sky, leaving a lasting impression on the witnesses. (Chapter 6, 8/5/1926 #2978 nd no visible mouth. Henry had the impression that they were benevolent des 11/1926 #2984 nd no visible mouth. Henry has the impression that they are benevolent desp 11/1926 #2985 craft. The witnesses then had the impression that the two plates were spin 7/25/1938 #3428 and slowly took off. They had the impression of hearing laughter or happy 1942 #3596 vated by the stormy weather and my impression of not being able to move.. S Summer 1944 #3955 se, there is one. They give us the impression of a kind of warm friendship. 1947 #4832 to read my thoughts and I had the impression of hearing "clicks" like a ca Spring 1947 #4886 ction of Washington, and I had the impression that the military planes were Spring 1947 #4886 der normal conditions and my first impression was that it was one. However, 7/3/1947 #5321 to us to be a parachute. Our first impression was that an ejection seat had 7/8/1947 #5783 k clouds, the object gave a strong impression of self-luminosity. (...) The 7/10/1947 #5941 ficult to evaluate, now I have the impression that it was bigger), of a bri Late 7/1947 #6110 n. Nathan Twining, who leaves “the impression that the AAF instituted this 7/27/1947 #6120 ject's trajectory and then had the impression that it was moving away. The 8/4/1947 #6188 d while the witnesses then had the impression of feeling very hot. On the u 4/3/1948 #6604 t was impossible to gain any clear impression of its shape or size. It hove 2/1/1949 #7113 a cooling off period from the deep impression the New Mexico witnesses had 7/13/1949 #7460 rom the swirling effect he got the impression the object was spinning like 6/17/1950 #8343 ife and I stepped back, we had the impression that the rock was protecting 7/2/1950 #8401 ered, locking the doors. I had the impression that the metal of the machine 7/23/1950 #8446 alfway back when it took off. "Our impression was that something fell off w 9/1950 #8552 e We Visitors from Space? makes an impression (350 newspapers will take up 4/7/1952 #9764 he object to the right, giving the impression that the object was resting o 5/1952 #10013 I heard a faint humming. I had the impression that the cylindrical tube dis 6/30/1952 #10592 disappearance, the witness had the impression that it disintegrated. (Henry 7/18/1952 #10855 his power completely. He gave the impression of great strength.” Soon the 7/27/1952 #11289 I soon stopped, feeling a strange impression. It seemed to me that I was n 8/19/1952 #11845 oportions: it gave the witness the impression of a single piece, very tight Spring 1954 #14257 Their slow speed and size gave the impression of an enormous mass. Two of t 4/24/1954 #14353 into a state of stupor and has the impression of pedaling in the void. His Summer 1954 #14586 sts. The sisters are struck by the impression of kindness he gives them. As 8/20/1954 #14881 he edge of the craft gave them the impression of fringe. It passed over at 9/4/1954 #14997 egetation, but the witness had the impression of "something bagged." The he 5/1955 #17134 nct, the top of the skull gave the impression of painted hair, apparently c 5/1955 #17134 e round again, giving a very clear impression of a rotating lighthouse; and 9/16/1955 #17526 , with no more success. He had the impression that they wanted to show him 4/1956 (approximate) #17878 the woman grunted and gave him the impression of being lying with an animal 10/15/1957 #19351 took the shape of a red disc. The impression of the witnesses was to see a 10/31/1957 #19414 or several minutes, but we had the impression that it was revolving, like a 6/12/1958 #20435 aped like a fried egg. It gave the impression of a huge size at extreme ran 8/17/1958 #20566 wavy blond hair, smiling, with an impression of laughter. The craft gave t End of 10/1959 #21546 on of laughter. The craft gave the impression of a boat cutting through the End of 10/1959 #21546 d the plane has crashed. Under the impression that the pilot has died and t 5/5/1960 #21799 ined than the head and she had the impression of hair or fur. 6/10/1960 #21861 of interest and giving a distinct impression of intelligent behavior. Then Summer 1960 #21868 ical bands of darker tone gave the impression of "windows." The object flew 8/25/1961 #22458 bands of darker tone that gave the impression of windows. The UFO flew up a 8/25/1961 #22460 at gave Blackburn a rather strange impression when he observed it. An openi 1/19/1965 #24689 tered. At that moment they had the impression that the shed was lifted and 1/28/1965 #24725 with buzzing sound. Circular ring impression found at site (UFOE II, Secti 5/24/1965 #24928 with buzzing sound. Circular ring impression found at site 5/24/1965 #24931 no point was it blurry. We had the impression that it was a solid body, lik 1/11/1966 #25893 its a tree. Police find a circular impression about 2–5 inches deep and 5 f 4/4/1966 #26338 ry and science. Villagrasa has the impression he is talking to an “electron 11/28/1966 #27384 ery large cigar-shaped object; the impression was that of an ocean-going ve 5/17/1967 #28704 ision background music. He had the impression that he was being told to com 7/18/1967 #29062 of iron, magnesium, and silica. An impression like a large footprint is als 9/14/1967 #29475 nce of 100–200 feet. Gould has the impression it has swept wings. 11/22/1967 #29961 lternate red and green, giving the impression that the object is rotating. 2/4/1968 #30221 doubt.” McDonald makes the biggest impression, presenting 30 pages of UFO r 7/29/1968 #30783 w of changing lights that gave the impression of it rotating, and beneath i 11/21/1968 #31236 d through this beam which gave the impression of a solid inclined plane. Th 2/1969 #31471 ound, 600 feet from his house. The impression is 32 feet in diameter and is 5/11/1969 #31730 two small bodies, while the other impression outlined one other small body 5/11/1969 #31733 ons inside the bell. This gave the impression of terrible nervousness. When 1/24/1970 #32221 und. Some of the observers get the impression that the beams originate on t 4/29/1970 #32335 t was "imaginary." He received the impression that the craft was impossibly 8/15/1970 #32488 t spinning quickly, giving her the impression that it was a camera. Thirty 10/5/1970 #32571 in the rearview mirror he had the impression that he was being shot at poi 3/5/1971 #32777 e of what he was doing. He had the impression that his car was driving alon 3/5/1971 #32777 be transparent, and Gaetan had the impression that a stone thrown at him wo 7/12/1971 #32975 of two hours, and it gave her the impression of an "astronaut landing on t 4/24/1972 #33481 l grass. The witness felt a morbid impression as if the shape wanted to neu 8/9/1972 #33725 rather than saw them. She had the impression they were "talking" to each o 6/23/1973 #34507 d not understand. She also had the impression there were two people present 6/23/1973 #34507 of the passengers said she had the impression something or someone was tryi 9/13/1973 #34756 a 100 foot drop, giving Ramos the impression that they had frightened the 10/20/1973 #35193 t. While climbing, I had the clear impression (my control devices confirmed 11/30/1973 #35470 the ground. Mme Jendreaux had the impression that it was made of a transpa 12/25/1973 #35597 e phenomenon. She had the distinct impression that she was rising, that her 12/25/1973 #35597 bject went up and down, giving the impression of a helicopter in difficulty 1/18/1974 #35689 ntrast in this light give them the impression that something is moving arou 4/19/1974 #36092 circles at a low altitude gave the impression of being horizontal, but seen 10/8/1974 #36591 adless bird". She felt the strange impression that these shadows "came out 2/27/1975 #36998 UFO, spinning together giving the impression that the entire craft was rot 3/15/1975 #37055 te. The entity's movement gave the impression of gliding. In a turn, it dis 7/15/1975 #37373 ive further, they receive a mental impression indicating that “We’re not do 10/27/1975 #37802 ransparent, as the two men had the impression of seeing the stars through t 6/22/1976 #38526 FO descends and the farmer has the impression that he would just have to ra 8/9/1976 #38660 two Spanish couples had the strong impression that someone had just photogr 8/10/1976 #38665 a semicircular shape and gives the impression that it is resting on the hor 11/19/1976 #38996 d no attention to her. She had the impression that might have been female, 4/4/1977 #39409 e silhouette were still there. The impression was so strong that the fright 8/30/1977 #39940 of single leg, and Antonio had the impression that they were sitting on a k 9/15/1977 #39988 lashes. Others, circular, give the impression of being adorned on their per 9/30/1977 #40045 defined. The witness then had the impression that something or someone was 6/16/1978 #40867 ight source in the sky and has the impression that the soft purring that ac 9/16/1978 #41290 eature gave the witness an overall impression of curiosity and benevolence 9/28/1978 #41372 icked up the objects and I had the impression that they were entering the m 3/4/1979 #42122 lepathy with him. He was given the impression that they were conducting gen 6/18/1979 #42289 er Olmos concludes: “My considered impression is that the witness sincerely 7/25/1979 #42354 illating more strongly, he has the impression that M is leaning slightly fo 12/9/1979 #42759 off and paced her car. It was her impression that the UFOs wanted to be se 7/18/1980 #43153 ights dim. The driver then has the impression of taking off. She sees the t 8/21/1980 #43212 les on her body. She will have the impression of having stayed on board for 8/21/1980 #43212 metal anywhere. The woman gets the impression that the lights are connected 10/26/1980 #43343 ng balls. At that moment I had the impression of crossing a very bright zon 3/10/1983 #44680 f the train. The mechanics had the impression of hitting a wall, the speed 2/14/1985 #45567 n Gulf Breeze, Florida. He had the impression that they wanted to be photog 12/23/1987 #46476 he ends and underneath, giving the impression of spinning, on two-thirds of 2/10/1988 #46567 lton Green looked west and had the impression of seeing a communication sat 2/10/1988 #46568 he body, but the witnesses had the impression that it was oval and all alon 4/20/1988 #46669 ght were coming out, giving me the impression that this lower part was flat 6/1/1988 #46710 illuminate anything. They had the impression that this phenomenon was skim Early 7/1989 #47188 the middle of a field. He had the impression that someone was tapping his 7/25/1989 #47220 moved along the horizon. I had the impression that sometimes it descended t 7/28/1989 #47224 9:15 p.m. when he suddenly had the impression that someone was watching him 8/10/1989 #47249 twenty meters. The witness had the impression of contemplating a material b 12/12/1989 #47571 e was 20 to 30 meters and gave the impression of a three-story structure, t 5/2/1990 #47874 n Pepinster, Belgium. The have the impression that the object is taking off 10/23/1990 #48155 ive UFO comes into view. His first impression is of a huge crane with many 11/5/1990 #48236 was observed. The witness had the impression of being in front of an immen 11/28/1991 #48678 appeared to curve away, giving the impression that the lights were attached 5/3/1992 #48899 , a flashing red light. He had the impression of seeing a "ham" flying... A 8/31/1992 #49060 on one after the other, giving the impression of movement in the darkness. Late 2/1993 #49334 m in altitude. The witness had the impression that this thing had a very th 2/15/1994 #49941 ject was 600 meters away I had the impression that it was going up and then 10/2/1994 #50337 ng in the desert. The depth of the impression of their 8 km long tracks in 1/3/1995 #50512 route quickly descending. My first impression was that of an airplane fusel 1/27/1995 #50569 going quickly east / 15 second(s). Impression = solid glowing-object. 3/7/1995 #50655 "native planet." He was given the impression that the planet was Mars. The 12/9/1996 #51818 material. Lt. Mark Bentzel has the impression that this substance fell from 1/18/1998 #52266 o time, but Spoor admits that this impression may be the effect of sudden c 2/2/1998 #52281 ights. As they drove, they had the impression that the object was gliding. 5/16/1999 #52583 ng the trail toward her. His first impression was that it was someone dress 8/22/1999 #52653 in her face, and she then had the impression that she was being lifted. It 1/16/2000 #52763 hite in color, and it gave her the impression of being in a hospital. Insid 8/2/2001 #53083 low intensity. He had the distinct impression that the corner lights were u 9/15/2002 #53262 se lights were steady and gave the impression of looking like brake lights, 6/1/2013 #54247## Word: "impressions", 23 instance(s) (Back to Top)
next day, the witnesses found deep impressions and a burned circular area w 1933 #3180 She discovers what seem to be the impressions of an intelligence report ab 1/1952 #9518 and together we later compared our impressions. I had never seen anything l 12/17/1953 #13955 ey found 3 clearly defined concave impressions in the sand. Summer 1956 #18028 urned and charred. Large claw-like impressions were also found. 7/30/1957 #19072 nutes. Shallow, bowl-shaped ground impressions in the shape of a triangle a 11/23/1957 #19888 in diameter and three rectangular impressions in the shape of a triangle. 8/11/1965? #25385 behind a smell like ozone and deep impressions in the ground, with 20 impri 4/23/1966 #26515 takes off, the object leaves three impressions of landing pads about 4 feet 5/22/1966 #26638 nce the object was at rest. Ground impressions (physical traces) were found 4/26/1967 #28539 nce the object was at rest. Ground impressions (physical traces) were found 4/26/1967 #28543 and had three legs. Burn marks and impressions (physical traces) were found 8/23/1967 #29293 smoke, flame, or haze. It left two impressions. 10/9/1967 #29628 ppears in 12 seconds. He finds two impressions in the hard surface of the w 10/9/1967 #29629 ves up to a height of 35 feet, and impressions on the ground as deep as 2 f 6/28/1973 #34522 object itself left four triangular impressions 15 inches on a side, arrange 10/29/1973 #35298 eyes and body aches. He had vague impressions of having been inside a craf 5/26/1974 #36190 sychics in New Jersey stated their impressions around this time (Mar-Apr. 1 4/8/1979 #42166 red-orange flames. Small circular impressions are found, although they get 11/15/1979 #42693 of the forest and find three small impressions on the ground in a triangula 12/26/1980 #43507 ed out again, this time to see the impressions, which they think could have 12/26/1980 #43507 ... I draw no conclusion as to the impressions we felt when this thing pass 11/5/1990 #48180 e officials find large rectangular impressions in the snow. 3/12/1996 #51465## Word: "impressive", 32 instance(s) (Back to Top)
11pm and midnight, one of the most impressive supernatural performances in 6/10/1430 #292 an to climb the trellis in a truly impressive silence. The glow sank about 1/22/1919 #2834 eir activity was carried out in an impressive silence. The orange-tinted li 1933 #3175 dola. This aircraft established an impressive series of records on the air 7/1938 #3427 eneath it. The rocket rose with an impressive slowness before accelerating 5/28/1946 #4490 e effect was strange and extremely impressive; the ship seemed to occupy th 1949 #7042 e was no explanation. Then came an impressive silence. Paralyzed, the witne Summer 1952 #10459 se to them stood a metal saucer of impressive size, measuring at least 8 me 6/30/1952 #10592 se-colored metal saucer (and of an impressive size). They thus arrived at 2 7/7/1952 (approximate) #10669 d soar over countryside / seconds. Impressive turns. 8/10/1952 #11718 d a column to Charles Fort and his impressive roundup of saucer sightings d 8/14/1952 #11780 in Vernon (Eure) witnessed a quite impressive spectacle. Among the witnesse 8/31/1953 #13674 f the F-102 Delta thus obtained is impressive: wingspan 11.6 meters, length 10/24/1953 #13815 restrial intelligences. Both claim impressive credentials from past lives. 2/1954 #14130 ere going to live in, thanks to an impressive linguistic transformer-conver 3/1956 #17846 light. Then came a third, equally impressive vision: a hail of fire began 4/21/1963 #23502 "space brothers". In contrast, an impressive interview with Carl Sagan, wh 5/10/1966 #26599 t, could and probably would add an impressive body of evidence that there i 8/9/1966 #26894 d in Air Force uniforms or bearing impressive credentials from government a 2/1967 #27694 y" and without noise. Very slowly, impressive to behold. The spectacle last 3/26/1970 #32284 n, then the object takes off at an impressive speed. 7/7/1971 #32962 f and vanished into the sky "at an impressive speed." 7/7/1971 #32963 tos of some of the lights. "It was impressive," she was quoted as saying, i 3/20/1973 #34258 GRENADA, MSP "Impressive sightings" / cop;minister;sal 10/4/1973 #34880 the object. (...) The silence was impressive, except for a dull noise at r 8/6/1976 #38647 nd AFB Robert Hastings lines up an impressive case against Bill Moore, sayi 6/1989 #47149 ent, with all these lights, and so impressive! It was advancing at the pace 11/5/1990 #48180 and change direction twice, in an impressive silence. 11/5/1990 #48191 disappear into the night sky at an impressive speed. (July 8) 7/8/1991 #48523 s a UFO in the shape of a disk, of impressive size and equipped with circul 8/8/1993 #49614 k West of Metabunk claims that the impressive sudden departure is an illusi 11/14/2004 #53655 n. The sightings, he says, include impressive radar-visual cases and landin 9/29/2005 #53752## Word: "imprint", 35 instance(s) (Back to Top)
any individuals displayed a divine imprint of the cross on their clothing, 1100 #167 watch is found. On a cushion, the imprint of a small child's head can be g 11/24/1872 #1242 n area of singed grass and a light imprint in the soil. Autumn 1961 #22529 he Murder of Marilyn Monroe, of an imprint to the left of the "TOP SECRET" 8/3/1962 #23053 near the top of the document; the imprint, when Burleson enhanced it by co 8/3/1962 #23053 nator for the U.S. Air Force. (The imprint also refers to General Schulgen' 8/3/1962 #23053 ument known to have existed.) This imprint or "bleed-in," however it came t 8/3/1962 #23053 high boots that left a triangular imprint, and carried a box emitting flas 8/28/1963 #23737 high boots that left a triangular imprint, and carried a box emitting flas 8/28/1963 #23741 eft at the site formed equilateral imprint triangles, 4.6 meters and 6.1 me 11/25/1964 #24563 f snow, they find a large circular imprint about 10–12 feet in diameter. Th 1/12/1965 #24664 hich were very compact. The ground imprint marks were in the arrangement of 9/13/1966 #27064 y at one flattened area showed the imprint of two small bodies, while the o 5/11/1969 #31733 ct ascended vertically, leaving an imprint. 7/1/1969 #31861 ating headaches. A semi-elliptical imprint was found in the meadow the next 3/5/1971 #32779 nding site. Four months later this imprint was still perfectly clear. (1971 6/7/1971 (approximate) #32904 Ohio Roy Hiltner discovers an odd imprint in his soybean field near North 4/29/1974 #36119 area of crushed straw. Within each imprint are two small pieces of lead. 8/12/1974 #36411 s two further monographs under the imprint of the Interdisziplinäre Gesells 1975 #36786 g on a farm. It left behind ground imprint marks and an odor like petroleum 1/5/1975 #36838 eet long and 3–7 inches wide. Each imprint is made by something with a curv 11/1/1977 #40175 g physical traces including a deep imprint were found at the site and separ 6/4/1978 #40839 en took off flying frontways. 140' imprint left in soybean field. (NICAP: 0 9/25/1978 #41349 ape lands / soybeans. Long obvious imprint / ground. Seen / 40 minute(s). 11/8/1978 #41542 of the holes in the center. These imprint marks were within a 50 cm circle 9/19/1979 #42589 little further they discovered the imprint of the UFO: its exact profile in 9/28/1987 #46389 ers long, four high. (...) and the imprint of an astronaut sitting facing t 9/28/1987 #46389 rranged in a diamond pattern. Each imprint was two inches deep and six inch 9/21/1989 #47315 report of the CNES, left a strong imprint on the ground and caused deep tr 12/14/1990 #48304 back into her backyard and saw the imprint of the craft. It was a circle 22 3/30/1993 #49389 vegetation. Plant life outside the imprint area had died. 3/30/1993 #49389 eared through the wall, leaving an imprint of its silhouette on the wall. T 2/13/1997 #51892 f its silhouette on the wall. This imprint disappeared after two minutes. T 2/13/1997 #51892 ower back with a triangular shaped imprint on it. 10/15/1997 #52176 rovince, Chile a circular scorched imprint 30 meters in diameter was found 11/15/2002 #53311## Word: "imprinted", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he circle of scorched grass it had imprinted on the ground. 8/1960 #21915 he car with such force that it was imprinted in the glass that covered it. 3/8/1967 #28072 e car, with such force that it was imprinted in the glass that covered it.. 3/8/1967 #28073 e car, with such force that it was imprinted in the glass that covered it.. 3/8/1967 #28074## Word: "imprints", 90 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of it. Round marks resembling cane imprints were left on the soil where it 1919 #2830 nights later they return and find imprints and burn marks, which they phot Summer 1933 #3201 going up and down a ladder. Square imprints and burned areas were discovere Summer 1935 #3307 eet, hovers, and speeds away. Five imprints on three wooden railroad ties a 9/10/1954 #15046 ts. No faces or arms were visible. Imprints were made by an object, that an 9/10/1954 #15048 meters in diameter and landing pad imprints 16 cm long. 9/30/1954 #15335 a luminous trail. There were three imprints found in the ground and some bl 10/2/1954 #15444 the road, 3 semi-circular and deep imprints of 8 to 10 cm are visible with 10/17/1954 #16069 of about 1.40 m formed by these 3 imprints, a 20 cm diameter carbonized ci 10/17/1954 #16069 unison when UFO pulses over house. Imprints / ground. 8/25/1955 #17466 landing site, where they find deep imprints and some “mysterious green resi 11/5/1957 #19605 The next day four deep rectangular imprints were found in the ground at the 9/2/1958 #20611 und in the ground at the site. The imprints were five meters apart, and arr 9/2/1958 #20611 ng two of them. There were landing imprints and footprints at the site. 7/18/1963 #23638 ground marks were found suggesting imprints from landing gear. 12/27/1963 #23946 with a deafening noise. Four deep imprints were found in the ravine where 4/24/1964 #24047 on ground by police officer, left imprints and scorched foliage when it to 4/24/1964 #24059 asymmetrically placed, trapezoidal imprints 12–16 inches long, 6–8 inches w 4/24/1964 #24063 Phone pole. Scorch marks and four imprints were found, according to Police 4/26/1964 #24073 ephone pole. Scorch marks and four imprints were found, according to Police 4/26/1964 #24076 ing up [to] into cloud. Cavity and imprints / ground. / r8#602. 5/5/1964 #24111 oval, and it left a depression and imprints in the ground. 5/5/1964 #24113 a depression and four rectangular imprints in the ground. 5/5/1964 #24116 arks were found at the site: three imprints forming a 90 cm equilateral tri 5/18/1964 #24161 ells an odor like gas fumes. Three imprints in the shape of an equilateral 5/19/1964 #24164 r or burning rubber and find three imprints in a triangle with the dimensio 6/14/1964 #24239 aw find two equilateral triangular imprints on the site, as well as a cable 11/25/1964 #24562 ts. There were later found landing imprints and footprints at the landing s 2/14/1965 #24767 ook off, leaving three rectangular imprints in the ground forming an equila 2/6/1966 #25967 and taking off again. Rectangular imprints of the legs (15 cm x 30 cm) and 2/6/1966 #25971 seen landing and taking off again. Imprints and scorch marks found at site 2/6/1966 #25974 f time. Grass was found depressed (imprints) at the landing spot. (Phillips 2/25/1966 #26007 y under it swayed. Three elongated imprints are found in the form of a tria 3/29/1966 #26246 rom the object, which left landing imprints in the soil. 3/29/1966 #26249 e was in the air. Later they found imprints in the field where the object h 4/23/1966 #26509 impressions in the ground, with 20 imprints. 4/23/1966 #26515 of sight. No footprints or landing imprints were found in the snow where th 3/1/1967 #27993 ts). Radio static. UFO going up. 3 imprints / triangle. 4/8/1967 #28402 restart it. They find three round imprints, about 6 inches in diameter and 4/8/1967 #28405 d nearby and then flew away. Three imprints in the shape of an equilateral 4/8/1967 #28406 t up into the sky. There were four imprints on the asphalt road forming a r 4/21/1967 #28515 all object left behind six landing imprints in the ground after it departed 4/26/1967 #28543 rea 100 feet in diameter with four imprints in its center. Inside are many 6/1967 #28778 r. They also find three triangular imprints forming an equilateral triangle 9/20/1967 #29521 behind by the tripod landing gear: imprints 7m x 6.8m x 5.45m apart, and ma 7/1/1968 #30645 180 m there were several of these imprints. 7/20/1968 #30719 om the waist up only. Landing gear imprints were found at the landing site 7/22/1968 #30733 ation found three apparent landing imprints, arranged in a triangle six fee 1/16/1969 #31440 g. Later, investigators find three imprints in an equilateral triangle at t 2/7/1969 #31491 NJ Glowing ball bounces / meadows. Imprints / grass = perfect triangle. 7/4/1970 #32421 nd brother-in-law later find three imprints 30–40 feet apart in the shape o 7/4/1970 #32422 h” as well as “two sets of a dozen imprints which were about two feet apart 7/4/1970 #32422 disappears behind a mountain. Four imprints are found forming an irregular 7/25/1970 #32449 y. It left burns on the ground and imprints arranged in a triangle, with si 11/29/1970 #32638 wn. Flash knocks observer(s) down. Imprints found / soil. 5/30/1971 #32886 they found three 12"-14" circular imprints arranged in a triangle 12 feet 11/13/1971 #33251 . Night light skims ground. 3 38cm imprints / 18' triangle. Burnt bush. 11/25/1971 #33260 gation revealed three 38" diameter imprints in an 18 foot triangle, and a 11/28/1971 #33266 a humming sound. It also left four imprints in the ground forming a square 3/19/1972 #33430 NORWAY 3M and triangular and round imprints found. 30cm deep / rocky soil. 6/12/1972 (approximate) #33542 evidence. They find nine circular imprints of its supposed landing gear fo 6/26/1972 #33567 l samples and plaster casts of the imprints. 6/26/1972 #33567 ass. In the center are three small imprints, each sowing an extension or “t 9/14/1972 #33851 sowing an extension or “toe.” The imprints are about 2.5 inches long; one 9/14/1972 #33851 a triangle is in the center of the imprints. 9/14/1972 #33851 conscious memory. There were seven imprints at the site, nonsymmetrically a 3/13/1973 #34248 rees. Brilliant white light / top. Imprints found. / r237p38. 10/1/1973 #34856 ccurred during a thunderstorm, and imprints were later found at the site. 10/1/1973 #34862 ay consisting of three rectangular imprints arranged in a triangle with 34 10/6/1973 #34913 en crossing the road. Landing gear imprints were found at the site. 10/11/1973 #34967 ncing over the field. The next day imprints were found in the field where t 10/22/1973 #35218 glow and chases them. Later, four imprints in a 51-inch square are found, 12/6/1973 #35526 en flew off to the southwest. Four imprints were found in the ground at the 12/6/1973 #35528 ing site investigators found three imprints, each 85 cm wide, arranged in a 2/8/1974 #35764 oad, buzzing sound; three squarish imprints found. Ballester Olmos, 1976, p 3/30/1974 #36011 ireball seems to land. 3 identical imprints. 5/28/1974 #36195 s included three large landing pod imprints, irregularly spaced in a triang 1/5/1975 #36845 , and three small center clustered imprints. The entire event from first ob 1/5/1975 #36845 Argentina. In a remote area, three imprints are found forming a 12-foot equ 4/20/1975 #37163 down / gravel road. 4 landing gear imprints. / r157v1#3. 6/12/1975 #37277 ichfield family. Four landing gear imprints were found at the site. (Source 6/12/1975 #37278 ichfield family. Four landing gear imprints were found at the site. 6/12/1975 #37279 evening at 7 p.m. they found three imprints arranged in a triangle, 18 inch 10/25/1975 #37788 foot wide burn mark, landing gear imprints, and a "greasy granular materia 1/23/1977 #39204 and what looked like landing gear imprints were found in the quarry with t 8/31/1977 #39947 t at great speed, leaving circular imprints behind. 9/6/1978 #41236 or about 6 minutes. Three circular imprints about 20 inches in diameter are 9/18/1978 #41309 whirled counterclockwise, U-shaped imprints 20 cm long and 3 cm deep, and u 11/24/1978 #41618 hone and they took photos and made imprints of the footprints left by the c 6/10/1982 #44363 d weighed on it, with three deeper imprints still. 8/18/1991 #48574## Word: "imprison", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
which would ultimately be used to imprison them. They ran inside the house 9/3/2003 #53461## Word: "imprisoned", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
in 1528, subjected to torture, and imprisoned. Despite his release and the 1521 #346 as Newcomb were later arrested and imprisoned for attempting to sell extrat 2/13/1948 #6568 MONTE ALEGRE, BRZ Man imprisoned / cone-beam going down / UFO. 3/1981 #43647## Word: "imprisonment", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ng KA a law that referred to fine, imprisonment with hard labor and general 4/12/1954 #14318## Word: "improbability", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
es with mathematical arguments the improbability of an extraterrestrial vis 5/10/1966 #26599## Word: "improbable", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
iple times over the army is highly improbable. 235 #20 n for this observation could be an improbable succession of identical meteo 9/7/1877 #1295 ous maneuvers that were considered improbable for pilots of the time, such 1930's #3068 This capability might have seemed improbable then, but a Swedish defense e 8/1946 #4639 light of white pelicans is equally improbable. Researcher Martin Shough con 6/24/1947 #5102 udes that nuclear-powered UFOs are improbable. 2/1/1949 #7114 ena." But Hynek said it is "highly improbable" that the saucers come from a 7/28/1952 #11307 eriority is such that it is highly improbable that such objects have a terr 12/26/1954 #16856 the media as saying it is “highly improbable” that UFOs exist. “The view t 10/8/1966 #27168## Word: "improbably", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ect. Moments later he came upon an improbably placed viewing plate in which 8/15/1970 #32488## Word: "impromptu", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
evelopment Board) who organizes an impromptu scientific team. Team meets at 3/25/1948 #6593## Word: "improper", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
operators. The direct cause is the improper withdrawal of the central contr 1/3/1961 #22159## Word: "improperly", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
oes untied, and his shirt buttoned improperly. At first his memory was so i 11/15/1978 #41580 rai, Russia. A reactor tank lid is improperly replaced, which quickly resul 8/10/1985 #45666 alleging that certain IC elements improperly withheld or concealed materia 7/2021 #54590## Word: "improve", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)
mpanies have constructed “rigs” to improve the performance of Thomas Townse 11/30/1955 #17679 He felt like a stallion who had to improve the herd: the woman grunted and 10/15/1957 #19351 le new tethers are investigated to improve the ability to control the probl 9/29/1959 #21470 ices Subcommittee how the USAF can improve UAP sightings. ATIC states the b 3/17/1961 #22252 uries to interbreed with humans to improve the stock. He follows this up wi 1968 #30106 ffer advice on how Blue Book could improve its scientific methods. Hynek la 9/4/1968 #30966 e to train his officers in ways to improve their psychic performance. In 19 1983 #44639 than an hour. The next night, they improve their headlight signaling. An en 6/18/1997 #52055 ured her that things were going to improve in her life. She further describ 10/19/2000 #52919 ere was a belief that trauma could improve a user’s psi abilities. Of note, 8/4/2008 #54029 capability continues to evolve and improve. This work is being undertaken a 1/2018 #54378 ys it is establishing the UAPTF to improve its understanding of the nature 8/4/2020 #54545## Word: "improved", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t this material had been seriously improved, since the chronicle states of 1806 #863 , 170 km/h, ceiling around 5000 m. Improved versions were built until 1926 Summer 1916 #2741 e, probably concerns a test of V6, improved model (by the Americans) of V2. 9/10/1946 #4750 esentation on Project Blue Book’s “improved” methods. The hearings were to 8/8/1958 #20535 E ACCURACY OF THE SHOT HAVING BEEN IMPROVED, ESPECIALLY BY TELEGUIDANCE, TH 9/12/1959 #21428 had sustained in the Algerian war improved dramatically in the days that f 11/1/1968 #31178 rate-level effort with emphasis on improved data collection by objective me 11/1970 #32610 changed to green and her breathing improved. All of the sudden, two short e 2/18/1990 #47700 alled for a government inquiry and improved energy-sensing technologies: “A 11/7/2006 #53853 report released in 2021. He cites improved sensors, an increase in drones 5/17/2022 #54647 s ranging from decreased stigma to improved reporting systems or an actual 8/17/2023 #54728## Word: "improvement", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ng 4100 m. From transformation and improvement it will become the CA-133 ty 1913 #2546 ngine noise, infrared emission and improvement of ECM electronic warfare eq 1973 #34085 ypertension seemed to have made an improvement to the degree where she was 5/27/1973 #34455 st resumed his evening classes for improvement the day before for the first 6/7/1974 #36230## Word: "improvements", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ct sheet states that investigative improvements have reduced unsolved sight 10/1958 #20658 is questionable that these meager improvements were the best the USAF coul 3/17/1961 #22252## Word: "improves", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n of the sighting report in detail improves its evident internal consistenc 6/24/1947 #5102 ers a melanoma on his legs, but it improves. Under hypnosis they recall see 11/19/1980 #43419## Word: "improving", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
discuss Saunders’s suggestions for improving the public image. Saunders arg 9/18/1967 #29504 ith his fishing net in the hope of improving his daily fare, he was taking 2/1981 #43598 urgery in May, his health gradualy improving by the end of 2008. 5/1/2005 #53699## Word: "improvise", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
viduals with no hands-on expertise improvise search and decontamination pro 1/17/1966 #25919## Word: "improvised", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
on. Hardly arrived in front of the improvised office on a deserted ground, Early 7/1970 #32419## Word: "impulse", 17 instance(s) (Back to Top)
21) One day Villa suddenly felt an impulse and felt compelled to go to the 1953 #12893 Desert Center) Driven by an inner impulse, Adamski went to Los Angeles and 2/18/1953 #13154 mazement. Then, driven by the same impulse, they both got out and approache 11/28/1954 #16694 53, New Mexico) Villa receives the impulse to take his camera and go to a c 6/16/1963 #23577 a feels a shock in her neck and an impulse in her right arm. They drive to 4/24/1966 #26528 up by a strange sound and has the "impulse" to go down the stairs and look 7/18/1967 #29064 AN, OH Noise. Minister goes out on impulse. Silhouette / luminous suit vani 7/18/1967 #29066 ed by a strange sound and had the "impulse" to go downstairs and look outsi 7/18/1967 #29072 ) In the night, seized by a sudden impulse, José Antonio da Silva left the 5/21/1969 #31760 Jose Antonio Da Silva had a sudden impulse to get out of bed and go into hi 5/21/1969 #31762 rs. On March 3 he felt an internal impulse prompting him to go out and phot 3/3/1975 #37020 wanted to talk to me." Obeying an impulse, he turned off onto a side road. 1/27/1977 #39218 ect at about 300 feet altitude. On impulse, she waves at the object, which Early Autumn 1977 #39959 ude while waiting for a bus. On an impulse, she waves at the object, which Fall 1977 #40028 rds an unknown place. Some kind of impulse forced him to drive his car down 2/5/1978 #40504 . Costa stopped the car and, on an impulse, flashed the headlights. "Sudden 3/1981 #43643 ; high-power experiments using an “impulse gravity generator” can produce a 7/29/2002 #53235## Word: "impulses", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
aval demonstration, the same three impulses that Tesla hinted at hearing in 1899 #2040## Word: "impunity", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ge area and they stayed there with impunity for up to two and three hours o 1975 #36773 the military chain of command with impunity, spend money earmarked for othe 7/31/1999 #52635## Word: "impurities", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
that it was silicone with various impurities. After this episode the witne 5/1946 #4470 ck substance was thorite with some impurities of iron, aluminum, and titani 7/9/1947 #5875 e laminated an unusually free from impurities. In 2017, David Clarke discov 11/21/1957 #19873## Word: "impurity", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
se of pu-240 isotope present as an impurity in the pu-239). 4/5/1944 #3933## Word: "imurissu", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
te aluminum globe rests / field by Imurissu River Bridge. 9/9/1968 #30986## Word: "in-", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
first spotted, the UFOs are in an in- trail formation, and shortly thereaf 9/1/1952 #12070 oject investigations as well as an in- depth examination of the RB-47 and L 12/26/1969 #32168 nder Norman Hutchinson conducts an in- depth investigation of all the sight 10/5/1996 #51727## Word: "in-and-out", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ew over La Grande, Oregon, weaving in-and-out of formation. There were also 6/26/1947 #5132 ve witnesses saw a sphere maneuver in-and-out of clouds (NICAP: 01 - Distan 7/5/1947 #5510 ve witnesses saw a sphere maneuver in-and-out of clouds. 7/5/1947 #5521## Word: "in-chief", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ds a flash alert to the Commander- in-Chief of NORAD, but the object immedi Mid 12/1986 #46156## Word: "in-depth", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ews columnist Bob Considine for an in-depth interview on flying saucers. Wa 11/16/1950 #8711 were able to carry out a series of in-depth analyses and photometric studie 9/4/1971 #33071 ques Vallée proceed to a series of in-depth analyses and photometric studie 12/21/1989 #47586 , is published as the result of an in-depth study of UFOs carried out over 7/16/1999 #52624 Utah James T. Lacatski provides an in-depth briefing to Jim Bell and Sacha 2/7/2011 #54191## Word: "in-flight", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
CA Blue Book. Air Force navigator in-flight. Night light makes every maneu 10/14/1950 #8639 ircuit. There is no evidence of an in-flight fire. Kevin Randle suspects a 7/2/1954 #14678 mation but cannot lock on with his in-flight radar. The interceptor comes w 11/15/1978 #41578 to the right. He tracks it on the in-flight radar as it flashes two white 3/21/1990 #47759 The pilot immediately declares an in-flight emergency and radios Beijing’s 12/19/1996 #51836## Word: "in-house", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
onse that the Army briefly had an “in-house” group known as the “Interplane 5/16/1984 #45292 o claims Psi-Tech personnel had an in-house project for ten years on a UAP 3/9/1992 #48814 The US Navy’s In-House Laboratory Independent Research 3/2014 #54281## Word: "in-law", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
me see. She also called her mother in-law on the telephone. The boy observe 2/11/1980 #42881## Word: "in-laws", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
. Gary Hull is on the patio of his in-laws’ home in Stamford, Connecticut, 7/27/1979 #42358## Word: "in-laws'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
longer saw anything. But from his in-laws' house, he could see the object 3/31/1974 #36015## Word: "in-line", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rtly thereafter that changes to an in-line abreast grouping. Finally, the U 9/1/1952 #12070 Orbit one Anther. Turn going south in-line. 1/5/1954 #14055 s saw four brilliant white lights, in-line formation; trailing object large 1/24/1957 #18642 NH Ex-USCG man. 3 luminous objects in-line. 2 more join. Going quickly nort 2/3/1960 #21672 pher and policemen saw three UFOs, in-line formation, which landed in a hea 5/24/1960 #21850 c-shaped objects with domes flying in-line, traveling with a bobbing motion 3/23/1966 #26145 c-shaped objects with domes flying in-line, traveling with a bobbing motion 3/23/1966 #26156## Word: "ina", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
own, Connecticut Approximate date. Ina Salter was driving on Route 53 in a 2/9/1957 #18658## Word: "inaba", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ma Tokyo 7:06 p.m. Capt. Yoshiharu Inaba is flying a TOA Airlines Convair 2 3/18/1965 #24824 ect appears and follows the plane. Inaba makes a 60° turn to avoid a collis 3/18/1965 #24824## Word: "inability", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
al stimuli result chiefly from the inability to estimate speed, distance, a 2/1950 #7769 t Wood’s recommendation due to its inability to project a technological pay 1967 #27478 the UFO; respiratory difficulties; inability to work; EC: swellings, rednes 1/7/1970 #32204 launch control facilities, and the inability of Air Force equipment and per 12/20/1978 #41818 launch control facilities, and the inability of Air Force equipment and per 12/20/1978 #41821 e set aside along with the media’s inability to give serious treatment to t 2/20/1995 #50626## Word: "inaccessible", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ical reaction; subliminal messages inaccessible to conscious recall; the wi 12/31/1956 #18578 nown history are hidden in various inaccessible places (“secret places of t 1957 #18595 k and hovers a few meters above an inaccessible savannah where it stops and 7/1960 #21877 irplane dropping medicine boxes in inaccessible areas for rescue. The thing 5/1963 #23509 e observer(s). Night lights play / inaccessible mountains. 1 dome shaped. N 12/18/1970 #32664 overs 100 Sq M / ground / 3 hours. Inaccessible. 4/19/1974 #36091 conducted, in an area "practically inaccessible" due to the terrain. 5/6/1978 #40765 GL Guards. Hooded figure / new and inaccessible bridge. Vanishes when lit. 9/8/1987 #46370 saw a hooded figure standing on an inaccessible bridge near the road juncti 9/8/1987 #46371 er(s). 100M metallic saucer down / inaccessible mountains. / Flying Saucer 10/31/1990 #48168 s voluminous files, have been made inaccessible to the public which pays th 1995 #50486## Word: "inaccuracies", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
k cases have been spot-checked for inaccuracies because “Condon hasn’t foun 3/1967 #27974 es, points out numerous historical inaccuracies and falsehoods, some of whi 1/8/2019 #54438## Word: "inaccurate", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
an RAF base near Ashford in 1948. (Inaccurate date, between 1953 and 1955) 1953 (approximate) #12897 people (note from vog: this seems inaccurate, there was only one witness, 5/16/1953 #13379 nhower says that it is “completely inaccurate to believe that they came fro 12/15/1954 #16805 nterpretations in Fish’s map to be inaccurate, and she rejects her hypothes 1/1974 #35639 er, Cosimo, in 2017 after finding “inaccurate or embellished” testimony. In 12/28/1980 #43524 statements about failure rates are inaccurate according to their own scient 5/17/1999 #52584 tem was also said to be inherently inaccurate due to its dated design. 10/1/2013 #54266## Word: "inacio", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
anslated from French) Meeting with Inacio De Souza near Brasilia. (August 1 8/13/1967 #29267 bout four o'clock in the afternoon Inacio De Souza, age 41, and his wife Ma 8/13/1967 #29271 (Translated from French) Death of Inacio De Souza. 10/11/1967 #29639 (Translated from French) Inacio de Souza and his wife Louisa retu 8/13/1968 #30854## Word: "inaction", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ot down, no AA or Navy planes were inaction. (AA Document, OCS 21347–86.) 2/26/1942 #3620 l and his dissatisfaction with AMC inaction on UFO study at Wright-Patterso 9/8/1950 #8572## Word: "inactivated", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Colorado The Air Defense Command, inactivated since July 1, 1950, is reins 1/1/1951 #8846## Word: "inactive", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
BI. One minute after he retired to inactive duty last midnight Navy Command 8/18/1952 #11834 , he proposes to call the project “inactive” and devote only one part-time 5/1953 #13347 igation, this transmitter had been inactive for 3 years. A BBC spokesperson 9/17/1953 #13728 t deny that all investigations are inactive, and separate explainable UFOs 8/8/1955 #17394 a far wall where the "robot" stood inactive. To her right was a console cov 10/16/1973 #35052 r frequent glances towards the now inactive "robot" the examiner now spoke 10/16/1973 #35052 8 inches above the field. It seems inactive. One of the boys cautiously app 11/16/1973 #35419## Word: "inadequacy", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t Project Blue Book, UFOs, and the inadequacy of Menzel’s theories. He clai 3/1953 #13197 ican Meteorological Society on the inadequacy of military UFO investigation 10/19/1966 #27215## Word: "inadequate", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
; unfortunately, the resolution is inadequate to decisively “deblur” the te 7/8/1947 #5867 rong: the project suffers from (1) inadequate execution, (2) inadequate sta 10/7/1968 #31096 from (1) inadequate execution, (2) inadequate staff, (3) lack of open consu 10/7/1968 #31096 ses and not exceptional cases, (6) inadequate data provided by local Air Fo 10/7/1968 #31096 s, (7) biased evaluations, and (8) inadequate use of the project’s own scie 10/7/1968 #31096 a loss-of-coolant accident due to inadequate training and computer interfa 3/28/1979 #42156 tion (which it claims conducted an inadequate search for its UFO records). 5/1980 #43020 meteorological balloon, deemed an inadequate explanation by witnesses. 4/11/1991 #48433## Word: "inadequately", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
or test. Flawed reactor design and inadequately trained personnel lead to t 4/26/1986 #45895## Word: "inadvertent", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
bvin), a nuclear explosion, and an inadvertent experiment by Nikola Tesla. 6/30/1908 #2222## Word: "inadvertently", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
os. In their terrified state, many inadvertently harmed or killed their fel 776 #83 are no apparent legs or arms. She inadvertently makes a noise, and the out Late 8/1944 #4001 d’s chief test pilot, Tony LeVier, inadvertently becomes airborne after acc 8/1/1955 #17366 lated from French) James Templeton inadvertently photographed a humanoid in 5/9/1964 #24122 al operations on U.S. citizens who inadvertently saw classified aerospace p 10/11/1973 #34969 rayfish Bay, Cape Otway, Victoria, inadvertently takes two photos of peculi 10/21/1978 #41470 al operations on U.S. citizens who inadvertently saw classified aerospace p 1980's #42816 ft side with a quiet whoosh sound. Inadvertently he begins driving more slo 8/20/1980 #43211 he news that the term “Aurora” has inadvertently been included in the 1985 3/1990 #47714 of the existence of the committee (inadvertently revealed during the solici 5/1994 #50052 ry 1975 that the National Archives inadvertently makes available at the Arc Early 3/1998 #52303## Word: "inanada", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NHAGE AND DESPATCH AND JO-BURG AND INANADA AND ILLOVO AND KEW AND MORE/OTHE 7/6/1972 #33611## Word: "inappropriate", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e secrecy is important to minimize inappropriate diffusion of details of we 3/3/1997 #51922## Word: "inari", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
discs towards the west up to above Inari, where, after a failed interceptio 3/31/1997 #51958## Word: "inarijarvi", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he frozen tundra southeast of Lake Inarijarvi, the pilot suddenly saw three 3/31/1997 #51958 speed and high altitude above Lake Inarijarvi. At the moment the formation 3/31/1997 #51958## Word: "inattention", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ards Santa Rosa. I had a moment of inattention and when I looked up again, 7/3/1947 #5321 hed. For a fraction of a second of inattention, the object disappeared, as 3/21/1984 #45186## Word: "inaudible", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
heard for 3 or 4 seconds an almost inaudible sound. The object had several 7/8/1947 #5788 ggests he might have heard a noise inaudible to humans. 3/7/1967 #28069 portable radio: the broadcasts are inaudible. They hear noises of objects f 9/10/1978 #41248## Word: "inaugural", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
w years after the Wright brothers' inaugural flight, when most air travels 1909 #2256 n UFO “initiative group” holds its inaugural seminar at Moscow University i 11/1978 #41523## Word: "inaugurated", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ly restored. A chapel was erected, inaugurated on January 3, 1663; "miracle 1661 #532 f launching in groups of eight was inaugurated, with the Cosmos 336 to 343. 4/1970 #32295## Word: "inauguration", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
USA-USSR (Translated from French) Inauguration of a Regular Service, by me 1/1/1914 #2624 (Translated from French) Inauguration of Cap Canaveral. (July 24) 7/24/1950 #8449 (Translated from French) Inauguration of the Baikonour Cosmodrome 5/15/1957 #18849 ssmate Stansfield Turner after the inauguration. 11/19/1976 #38994## Word: "inavale", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Inavale, Nebraska Big Springs, Nebraska 2/4/1897 #1631 ning home from a prayer meeting in Inavale, Nebraska, see a bright light pa 2/4/1897 #1631 ard plainly. (“Air Ship Is Seen at Inavale,” Omaha (Neb.) Daily Bee, Februa 2/4/1897 #1631## Word: "inbound", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he vicinity of Rosalia, Washington inbound to Spokane AFB when a round whit 2/6/1953 #13104 Las Vegas, NV Radar tracked an inbound target at average speed of about 6/16/1957 #18924 Las Vegas, NV Radar tracked an inbound target at average speed of about 7/16/1957 #18997 A L-band search radar and track an inbound target at about 6,200 mph when i 7/16/1957 #18998 llen's sighting. An Air Force T-33 inbound to Nellis AFB also confirmed its 1/3/1960 #21653 tion showing FAA aware of multiple inbound calls about “disc” seen by emplo 1/1/2007 #53869 ing outbound flights and diverting inbound ones to other airports. Normal o 7/7/2010 #54162## Word: "inbox", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rg/web/20001025094433/www.isso.org/inbox/ubd/app/congress.htm 4/5/1966 #26370## Word: "inc", 32 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a, "Flying Forts" Ballantine Books Inc. Ed. 1968, pages 10-12). . 11/23/1944 #4072 by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 57) July 8, 1947; Muroc A 7/8/1947 #5782 by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 65) July 10, 1947; Harmon 7/10/1947 #5938 , with the assistance of Land-Air, Inc., has set up its first operations po 2/21/1950 #7798 contract is signed with Land-Air, Inc. which operates the phototheodolites 3/16/1950 #7940 (Translated from French) Land-Air Inc. is officially commissioned to condu 4/1/1950 #8089 e camera crew supplied by Land-Air Inc., sees, tracks, and manages to film 4/27/1950 #8236 cian-analyst employed by Land-Air, Inc.; she conjectured the object had bee 7/1950 #8397 an AFB, and an analyst at Land-Air Inc. states the object was oscillating p 7/1950 #8399 for Advanced Studies (RIAS), Lear Inc., Jansky & Bailey, Brush Development 1952 #9507 t. Col. Doyle Rees states Land-Air Inc. was contracted by Air Materiel Comm 2/19/1952 #9601 ) and media, including Walt Disney Inc. animated cartoons. Blue Book should 1/17/1953 #12990 by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 210) It was in 1953 that o 8/5/1953 #13581 by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 226) On June 30, 1954, Cap 6/29/1954 #14643 by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 226) The captain of a Dutc 7/30/1954 #14767 Division of United Aircraft, Lear Inc., Clarke Electronics, the Sperry Gyr 11/20/1955 #17664 pany, Convair, Bell Aircraft, Lear Inc., Clarke Electronics, and Sperry Gyr 11/30/1955 #17679 Electric, Bell Labs, Convair, Lear Inc., Sperry-Rand, Curtiss-Wright, Lockh 2/25/1956 #17843 bed in "the Fund for UFO Research, Inc. -The UFO Evidence, Vol.1, by Richar 4/8/1956 #17908 irm, the Subliminal Projection Co. Inc., announced that it was patenting it 12/31/1956 #18577 rary, a division of Penguin Putnam Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, N.Y. 8/6/1977 #39861 rary, a division of Penguin Putnam Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, N.Y. 8/6/1977 #39862 and radiation damage. Cash/Landrum inc (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 12/12/1980 #43475 NY-based Veritay Technology, Inc. submits a technical report under co 4/1988 #46653 ngton DC The Fund for UFO Research Inc. provides $500 in funding to Elaine 9/19/1988 #46780 Riconosciuto, who provided Inslaw Inc. with an affidavit in support of the 5/13/1992 #48915 aro and was involved in the Inslaw Inc. trial, but it is unknown if any of 5/13/1992 #48915 hows Decision Science Applications Inc. (DSAI), which he claims consists of 8/19/1997 #52124 a company Light City Technologies Inc. where he mentions doing UAP related 4/2001 #53014 . Davis of EarthTech International Inc., an astrophysicist who is a member 10/16/2002 #53284 formation Systems, Dyncorp and AMS Inc. were responsible for the obfuscatio 6/2004 #53576 CSETI and Aero Inc. allegedly briefs someone in the Oba 2/13/2009 #54087## Word: "inca", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Inca” Yield: 15.2KT 6/21/1956 #18029 Tiny small humanoids (or Greys) / Inca ruins see observers. Going quickly 8/20/1965 #25455 d a strange craft landing near the Inca ruins that they were visiting. Two 8/20/1965 #25461 rved a strange craft land near the Inca ruins that they were visiting. The 8/20/1965 #25466 ed on a terrace of the Sacsahuaman Inca site. Two luminous dwarfish beings, 8/20/1965 #25466## Word: "incalculable", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lly lit. In a pipe-shaped space an incalculable number of small lights were 9/1768 #736 nated. In a tubular space shone an incalculable number of small lights plac 9/1768 #737## Word: "incan", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Peru Garcilaso de la Vega, the Incan, documented the sighting of an unu 8/1533 #357## Word: "incandescence", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he Sandia Crest antenna tower. The incandescence increased with movement. H 6/23/1966 #26736 tion when it landed, surrounded by incandescence. Steve observed it for 30 5/20/1967 #28710## Word: "incandescent", 33 instance(s) (Back to Top)
mets traveled 1 million km in this incandescent crown and emerged unscathed 1543 #363 ted sparkles similar to those from incandescent iron struck on an anvil. He 1619 #466 th a mystery airship equipped with incandescent lamps on its sides. As the 1/1897 #1617 ct lit up on each side by electric incandescent lamps, coming from the sout 3/26/1897 #1640 southwest. Its light looks like an incandescent lamp. 4/16/1897 #1823 -foot cabin with reclining chairs, incandescent lamps, and a unique propuls 4/19/1897 #1888 ball, like a sphere of fire of an incandescent red, crossing the street ob 4/27/1899 #2044 r plane and were yellowish like an incandescent bulb. The objects were ciga 12/1942 #3729 hape, pale blue, with a bright red incandescent flange along the top leavin 8/13/1947 #6227 aft seemed to be illuminated by an incandescent trail running along its cen 7/24/1949 #7469 t carrier saw on the deck a triple incandescent wake. 2/2/1952 #9575 oment in the form of an orange and incandescent disk that immediately escap 6/7/1952 #10310 horizontally, these devices seemed incandescent; it was as if molten metal. 7/14/1952 #10763 on. It is the color of an ordinary incandescent light bulb. After about 60 8/15/1952 #11816 ething horrible, with two huge red incandescent eyes, with a hypnotic power 11/27/1966 #27377 e a saucer-shaped object, like two incandescent platters inverted one on to 2/20/1967 #27877 gar-shaped metallic object with an incandescent glow and portholes, and hea 10/22/1967 #29728 a cloudy nucleus surrounded by an incandescent white ring having at its ba 8/11/1969 #31954 sc about 1 inch in diameter, of an incandescent white luminosity, and appli 8/11/1969 #31954 ses most of the sighting. It is an incandescent dark orange in color and mo 5/24/1971 #32872 In Mendoza, Argentina an incandescent orange Saturn-shaped object 5/24/1971 #32873 l in shape, very bright yellow and incandescent red in the center. To finis 2/26/1974 #35824 ing. He was suddenly blinded by an incandescent light that paralyzed him. H 1/5/1975 #36832 globe, described also like a large incandescent ball, was seen to fall into 6/20/1975 #37292 globe, described also like a large incandescent ball, was seen to fall into 6/20/1975 #37294 t high, and it was the color of an incandescent lamp. No additional structu 9/20/1976 #38843 sappeared, pouring onto the ground incandescent fragments resembling embers Late 7/1977 #39804 several lights emitting a whitish incandescent light. Some of them have a 9/30/1977 #40045 thwest followed by a long trail of incandescent fragments. (...) Beginning 1/24/1978 #40458 The entire object was glowing and incandescent like coal in a stove. The o Winter 1980 #43499 without really lighting up and the incandescent lamps became all pale. Five 6/7/1981 #43775 t approached became a more or less incandescent disc. [Note from vog: Simul 7/25/1996 #51621 t before it bathes the airliner in incandescent light. The object comes to 2/3/1999 #52519## Word: "incapable", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hen the object touched the ground. Incapable of moving, Dr. Robert saw a fi 10/16/1954 #16055 ent the object touched the ground. Incapable of moving, Dr. Robert watched 10/16/1954 #16061 me by a strange lassitude and were incapable of using their guns. Only afte 7/25/1968 #30755 n a very thin branch that appeared incapable of supporting his weight. The 2/11/1980 #42881 e, it seems that the DoD is either incapable of identifying and evaluating 4/15/2021 #54571## Word: "incapacitated", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
devices, which are used to capture incapacitated soldiers. The drones opera 8/22/2023 #54730## Word: "incapacitating", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
fensive-use agents with a focus on incapacitating agents. The purpose of th 1964 #23952## Word: "incapacitation", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the crippled aircraft despite his incapacitation in an abrupt emergency la 5/6/1949 #7331## Word: "incapacity", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
dismissed on 01/07/85 for physical incapacity (source OR, page 165). 9/7/1984 #45432## Word: "incarcerated", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
mainland China until 1982. Yeh is incarcerated for four years and undergoe 11/1/1963 #23855## Word: "incarceration", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n work release, after drug-related incarceration. Reported his ex-wife woul 7/1984 #45350## Word: "incarnation", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ation and describes Phylos’s final incarnation in 19th century America wher 1905 #2131 an karma plays itself out. In that incarnation (as Walter Pierson, gold min 1905 #2131## Word: "inceasantly", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the ground. Her dog began barking inceasantly. She decided to get up and l 7/31/2000 #52882## Word: "incendiary", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
’ about a foot long and similar to incendiary bombs, coming up from a direc 1/15/1943 #3757 lying from the Marianas on a night incendiary mission, some crews reported 4/3/1945 #4264 ocket, carrying an illuminating or incendiary charge, explains the facts we Early 9/1967 #29382## Word: "incense", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t looks like a rice cooking pot or incense burner in Hitachi province, Japa 2/22/1803 #856## Word: "incensed", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
onald B Rice, was to say the least incensed by the renewed speculation…that 12/22/1992 #49235## Word: "incentive", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ant to, reassign them, etc. So the incentive was not to report events. htt 8/30/1996 #51667## Word: "incessant", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hips flying over the clouds during incessant rain. These ships carried two 1523 #348 declared to have been disturbed by incessant beeps in his ears since the mo 2/14/1975 #36942 It seems that we are witnessing an incessant carousel on a scale of a few m 1/30/1996 #51368## Word: "incessantly", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
arently no effect. His dogs barked incessantly during the close encounter. 4/28/1964 #24083## Word: "inch", 41 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rfect flakes or rags; some near an inch broad, and five or six long, which 9/21/1741 #661 describe the objects as “about one inch thick and three inches in diameter… 10/14/1943 #3833 g Grounds). He said he found a 5x8 inch piece of crinkled tin foil, heavier 7/1/1947 #5255 ear Laredo, Texas. One dead 4 ft 6 inch alien found with no thumbs. Craft a 1948 #6489 rightness, and size (less than one inch). After a few minutes, it moves in 7/4/1951? #9095 Arkansas two in car watched six 6- inch diameter discs overhead. One passed 7/24/1952 #11167 shrinks from 3 inches to one-half inch in an air-tight container. 10/9/1953 #13779 n 10 mile scope gave a return of 1 inch. Copy of this report sent to: CSAF, 2/6/1954 #14148 e) watched in astonishment as a 12 inch wide metallic disc flew past their 2/29/1956 #17845 d other witnesses observe with a 6 inch telescope --- others with a 55-200x 4/4/1956 #17891 o after flight issues. Two dead 42 inch alien bodies recovered and taken to 1962 #22683 Rust family. It leaves four 8 x 10 inch rectangular indentations in the gro 4/30/1964 #24099 ts, and four roughly equidistant 6 inch holes, left by the landing gear. Th 3/2/1965 #24788 diameter, consisting of a 3 foot 2 inch wide ring of flattened grass, was f 5/24/1965 #24933 ee indentations of 5” x 12” and an inch deep. The encounter lasted about a 8/13/1965 #25405 from French) A purple liquid, 2x2 inch marks, and pieces of grass were fou 8/20/1965 #25451 measure 7 inches at the top and 1 inch at the bottom. 10/4/1966 #27149 They are about 6 inches apart, 7/8 inch in diameter, and about one inch dee 4/21/1967 #28510 /8 inch in diameter, and about one inch deep. The four feet are about 11.5– 4/21/1967 #28510 rt and the diagonals are 16 feet 1 inch and 16 feet 6 inches, respectively. 4/21/1967 #28510 ngles upwards and he sees a 9-by-6 inch gridlike vent with a uniform patter 5/20/1967 #28718 a pouch on his belt a disc about 1 inch in diameter, of an incandescent whi 8/11/1969 #31954 ach of the objects emerged a three inch tall humanoid. As he approached the 8/19/1970 #32499 t on the ground, and several three inch tall ugly humanoids stood around th 8/20/1970 #32502 n the meadow the next day about an inch deep, with a long axis of about 36 3/5/1971 #32779 id so, and encountered a 4 foot, 8 inch tall young woman with blond hair, w 5/5/1972 #33496 nge. Three odd rocks, about a half inch in diameter, of iron pyrite were fo 12/13/1973 #35565 re six inches across and nearly an inch deep, as if made by a heavy biped t 11/8/1975 #37927 man named T. White saw a 5 foot, 6 inch tall humanoid in his backyard in Da 5/31/1976 #38473 boy. The third entity was about an inch taller than the boy. The beings app 8/25/1976 #38716 at the tall figure was a 6 foot, 5 inch fireman dressed in a high-temperatu 3/17/1978 #40607 ike it has been scorched about one inch from the ground. 7/21/1978 #40999 t-bottomed, circular dent, half an inch in diameter. A crack in the windshi 8/27/1979 #42470 r holes 4 inches in diameter and 1 inch deep are found in an area of somewh 10/9/1984 #45468 from unexplained mutilations. A 6 inch, perfectly circular coring had been 9/26/1995 #51123 easuring 4 by 6 inches and half an inch deep. Researchers from the Institut 10/1/1995 #51140 all, and the smallest 2 feet and 1 inch. Chinese ethnologists will attempt 11/2/1995 #51199 d two pages of information, and an inch of remaining pages are a psychologi 8/30/1996 #51667 nd. He also briefly saw a 4 foot 8 inch tall figure apparently standing on 9/25/1998 #52442 ize of something one-quarter of an inch long held at arm's length. Other ob 11/22/2002 #53317 f energy derivation obsolete. “One inch of air could power the US for hundr 10/26/2017 #54366## Word: "inch-worm", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
TOUS, SP 4 8-shaped 80cm figure(s) inch-worm uphill to 5M saucer! / r50p17. 9/11/1968 #30992## Word: "inchbonnie", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
INCHBONNIE, NZ Hundreds / observer(s). R 2/6/1955 #16986## Word: "incheon", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
US Incheon, South Korea The US seaplane ten 12/1950 #8743 ay is steaming up the channel from Incheon, South Korea, when the crew sees 12/1950 #8743## Word: "inches", 338 instance(s) (Back to Top)
dressed in green, no more than 18 inches high, making jabbering noises and 1815 #905 from the meteorite. It is about 8 inches in diameter, resembles an upside- 8/13/1819 #916 t two deep footprints of 7.5 cm (3 inches), suggesting some kind of "spring 10/1837 #1005 nd appears to be 2 feet long by 18 inches wide. After a short time, a small 9/15/1850 #1102 14 footprints, each 2 feet long, 6 inches wide, “arranged seven on each sid 4/13/1897 #1741 t footprints, two feet long by six inches wide, were found at the site. 4/13/1897 #1743 Russia, see a blue sphere about 28 inches in diameter flying silently from 6/1/1899 #2048 ovepipe with a diameter of 9 or 10 inches. Initially, one object was seen f 1906 #2161 was around six feet long and eight inches in diameter, with a dark shell fr 1907 #2174 ped object about 6 feet long and 8 inches in diameter suspended in the air 7/2/1907 #2184 ated to be about 6 feet long and 8 inches in diameter. It was dark, with re 7/2/1907 #2185 sky. It has an apparent size of 6 inches and looks to be about 50 feet up. 8/3/1911 #2516 le man, dark green in color and 18 inches high, who “looked like he was sit 5/1913 #2594 onstant altitude. Some pieces, 6–8 inches long, fall to earth and leave no Summer 1914 #2634 ne sounds and see a tiny (12 or 15 inches wide) biplane coming over the fen 1929 #3049 rs as a silvery-blue ball about 14 inches in diameter. It travels in a loop 6/1932 #3158 as “about one inch thick and three inches in diameter…gliding down slowly i 10/14/1943 #3833 nz, Germany A green ball about six inches in diameter; motionless and did n 12/28/1944 #4123 tings: yellow ball of fire about 6 inches in diameter; orange and red flash 3/24/1945 #4249 fire emanating from object, twelve inches in diameter, followed through eva 4/3/1945 #4265 nder” with a diameter of about 1–2 inches. Military authorities take over t 7/10/1946 #4561 says that the object is “6 feet, 3 inches tall, like a large man, and rathe 8/15/1946 #4695 ng it. It was a small flat disc 16 inches in diameter (40 cm) to which two 7/7/1947 #5652 ghter than aluminum foil” about 30 inches long and 24 inches wide. There ar 7/25/1947 #6114 foil” about 30 inches long and 24 inches wide. There are two small holes i 7/25/1947 #6114 sees a cluster of 25 small (24–30 inches) brass- colored discs with a spot 7/29/1947 #6143 with a flat discus shaped object 8 inches in size (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 4/18/1948 #6633 the crash site as “about 4 feet, 6 inches tall, completely hairless, with h 7/7/1948 #6737 st. He describes it as a light 6–8 inches in diameter displaying incredible 10/1/1948 #6892 king violet light no more than 1.5 inches in diameter and only 10–12 feet f 4/27/1949 #7274 omer, MI Pursued 6 flying discs 10 inches diameter by car (FOIA) (NICAP: 02 4/28/1949 #7279 s a bright canary yellow, 15 to 18 inches long, diameter around 4 inches at 9/25/1949 #7583 18 inches long, diameter around 4 inches at its widest part. It looked lik 9/25/1949 #7583 aped nose. This needle was about 6 inches long and resembled a lead pencil. 9/25/1949 #7583 It was 100 feet in diameter and 72 inches high". Scully adds that "sixteen 10/12/1949 #7608 l about. Two beings about 5 feet 5 inches emerge from the UFO wearing togas 12/4/1949 #7663 uely human appearance and about 35 inches tall had been found dead in the w Early 1950 #7703 treamer about 200 feet long and 10 inches wide trailed. The disk seemed to 3/18/1950 #7954 . The pilot estimates it is only 8 inches in diameter. There is a ripple ar 3/29/1952 #9702 idge, Tennessee, sees a small (6–8 inches in diameter), slow-moving UFO nea 6/21/1952 #10479 cts which appeared between 3 and 4 inches in diameter (at arm’s length), mo 7/9/1952 #10687 language. All were about 4 feet 8 inches to 5 feet tall. They were not dwa 7/27/1952 #11289 go off and he sees a man about 30 inches tall standing next to it. He asks 8/6/1952 #11671 ix feet high. A little man only 30 inches tall was standing beside it. When 8/6/1952 #11674 ects appear to be approximately 18 inches in diameter and are observed one 8/7/1952 #11693 Force show root damage extending 4 inches or more into the soil, suggesting 8/19/1952 #11861 dge are a series of propellers 6–8 inches in diameter, spaced closely toget 8/25/1952 #11965 particles or flashes, some up to 3 inches in diameter, following the aircra 9/24/1952 #12315 and the huge round eyes, nearly 3 inches in diameter, glow. Inside them ar 10/1952 #12387 four rectangular windows, 8 to 12 inches wide. It made a dull sound when i 10/27/1952 #12547 ht but thin, estimated at 5 feet 7 inches tall. They all had slender builds 3/22/1953 #13260 m [magnesium?]. It had impacted 20 inches into the sand without any signs o 5/21/1953 #13396 cket.” Footprints and four holes 2 inches deep, forming a perfect square 13 7/1/1953 #13507 deep, forming a perfect square 13 inches in size, are found by police. Pos 7/1/1953 #13507 n, and silicon.” It shrinks from 3 inches to one-half inch in an air-tight 10/9/1953 #13779 ches a blinking red light about 18 inches in diameter moving slowly over a 12/30/1953 #13999 numerous pear-shaped footprints 2 inches wide x 4.5 inches in length, with 9/2/1954 #14982 ped footprints 2 inches wide x 4.5 inches in length, with very narrow heels 9/2/1954 #14982 feet away. A blond man, 5 feet 10 inches tall, appears, speaks in a strang 9/21/1954 #15163 hree hairy dwarves, about 3 feet 9 inches tall, walking “crab-wise,” or sid 10/17/1954 #16096 he sees a humanoid about 4 feet 3 inches tall in a scaly, luminous suit st 10/19/1954 #16171 eing on the edge of the road, just inches from her handlebars. The figure w 10/19/1954 #16180 hts at him. The entity is 5 feet 3 inches tall and dressed in a diver’s sui 10/26/1954 #16361 y bright disc come down to just 20 inches above the ground, where it remain 12/4/1954 #16743 me upon the small (3 feet high, 18 inches in diameter), red, rubbery, motio 9/7/1956 #18340 age height, around five foot eight inches tall, was seen in the elevator. T 5/1/1957 #18824 f frightened teenagers came within inches of a spaceship. Jack Stephens, a 7/30/1957 #19069 charred areas, each about 1 foot 3 inches in diameter, forming a four- side 7/30/1957 #19071 is about 3 feet in diameter by 40 inches high and is unevenly oval, with t 10/10/1957 #19331 . Two smallish men, about 5 feet 5 inches tall and wearing black leather pa 11/6/1957 #19691 ss) two perfectly formed holes six inches in diameter, and unusual footprin 11/6/1957 #19700 d an object shaped like a bar, 3.5 inches long, sending out blue flashes, e 11/8/1957 #19740 “large flattish spinning top,” 18 inches in diameter and weighing 33 pound 11/21/1957 #19873 r end a kind of antenna, about six inches long. It oscillated and sparkled. 12/16/1957 #20030 so that it measured two and a half inches by three. It exactly reproduced t 1958 #20075 e sees a football-shaped object 20 inches long and 8 inches high, lined wit 2/28/1958 #20219 shaped object 20 inches long and 8 inches high, lined with “thousands of mi 2/28/1958 #20219 follows car going west. Maneuvers. Inches / diameter. No further details. 7/20/1959 #21313 ot above his bed. They are about 3 inches in diameter. Then a second group 8/1959 #21343 p of a maple tree, until it was 18 inches above the street and only ten fee 9/29/1959 #21471 h the branches and hovers about 18 inches above the ground. Only about 10 f Late 10/1959 #21542 he water. There was grass about 18 inches high were the object hit and it a 6/22/1960 #21873 nded him three small cakes about 3 inches in diameter with small holes in t 4/18/1961 #22274 ur ordinary pancakes or cookies, 3 inches in diameter, perforated with smal 4/18/1961 #22279 verse a ditch 6 feet across and 18 inches deep. Flight above the critical a 6/9/1961 #22362 pidly. But when they move it a few inches away from the shiny spots, it dro 9/19/1961 #22516 66, saw a gold-colored box, 12-14 inches x 3-4 feet, fly straight and leve 3/1/1962 #22765 own to its roots to a depth of 3–4 inches. They find a carbonized residue a 1/1963 #23393 h a diameter of 8 feet and about 4 inches deep. At the center of this depre 7/16/1963 #23628 ession is a deep hole 3 feet and 5 inches in diameter, according to various 7/16/1963 #23628 lds. It is about 8 feet wide and 4 inches deep. A hole in the center is 3 f 7/16/1963 #23631 a man approximately five feet four inches tall with a red face and a big no 2/3/1964 #23979 placed, trapezoidal imprints 12–16 inches long, 6–8 inches wide, and 4–6 in 4/24/1964 #24063 al imprints 12–16 inches long, 6–8 inches wide, and 4–6 inches deep. An FBI 4/24/1964 #24063 hes long, 6–8 inches wide, and 4–6 inches deep. An FBI agent, D. Arthur Byr 4/24/1964 #24063 r depressions, one of them 8 by 12 inches in size. The charred area is in t 4/26/1964 #24074 hing like a sheet. It was 6 foot 5 inches tall and sort of egg-shaped." 4/27/1964 #24077 ar indentations in the ground, 4–8 inches deep, about 13 feet apart, and a 4/30/1964 #24099 on, about 3 feet in diameter and 6 inches deep at the center, at the spot w 5/5/1964 #24115 s on Leam Lane. They were about 31 inches tall, were dressed in bright gree 6/2/1964 #24203 s of green-turquoise color about 8 inches long. When they poke it with a st 8/9/1964 #24370 ight. Where the object lands in 16 inches of snow, they find a large circul 1/12/1965 #24664 een scorched. Oval-shaped tracks 8 inches long and 8 inches apart, in a sin 1/12/1965 #24664 -shaped tracks 8 inches long and 8 inches apart, in a single file, are foun 1/12/1965 #24664 . The circle was melted in snow 16 inches deep, and the ground beneath was 1/12/1965 #24665 he circle is a depression about 28 inches in diameter. It is explored with 6/30/1965 #25009 soft soil is found to a depth of 9 inches. A good part of the wheat has bee 6/30/1965 #25009 included, and clods of earth a few inches long have been scattered. The ear 6/30/1965 #25009 esembled a shrub,” who was only 31 inches tall, and had one golden colored 8/30/1965 #25504 in the road. It was short, only 31 inches tall, and had only one eye. It al 9/29/1965 #25669 d 3 feet high that is open about 2 inches. His horse is extremely skittish, Mid 10/1965 #25707 ugh it seems to be suspended 18–20 inches off the ground) or seams of any k Mid 10/1965 #25707 tin cans on tripods, and were six inches tall, came from behind the rocket 10/23/1965 #25728 of the witness's car, and hovered inches off the road. The driver slammed 3/14/1966 #26055 nd a circular impression about 2–5 inches deep and 5 feet in diameter in th 4/4/1966 #26338 gator finds landing indentations 7 inches deep and [possibly] radiation lev 9/13/1966 #27063 shes and a globe of light about 21 inches in diameter appears at the foot o 10/2/1966 #27141 hed, and a globe of light about 21 inches in diameter appeared at the foot 10/2/1966 #27142 ject was seen. The holes measure 7 inches at the top and 1 inch at the bott 10/4/1966 #27149 at the object in the photos is 3–4 inches in diameter, not 30 feet as claim 11/13/1966 #27313 k the creature its eyes, about two inches in diameter, glowed red. It final 11/15/1966 #27328 ts struck its eyes, which were two inches in diameter, they glowed red. It 11/16/1966 #27330 10-foot wing spreads and bills 5-6 inches long. They kept them in sight for 11/26/1966 #27376 ular footprints, some of them 9.75 inches long and others 8.5 incheslong. 3/26/1967 #28299 find three round imprints, about 6 inches in diameter and 2 inches deep, in 4/8/1967 #28405 , about 6 inches in diameter and 2 inches deep, in the shape of an equilate 4/8/1967 #28405 football cleats. They are about 6 inches apart, 7/8 inch in diameter, and 4/21/1967 #28510 s are 16 feet 1 inch and 16 feet 6 inches, respectively. Powers concludes t 4/21/1967 #28510 previous November. He is 5 feet 9 inches with an olive complexion and hair 5/1967 #28575 d back, noting that the wall is 18 inches thick. Almost immediately the ope 5/20/1967 #28718 and drifts downward, stopping just inches from the ground near their front 8/3/1967 #29175 rings. The marks vary from 5 to 7 inches wide and from 31 feet 9 inches to 8/5/1967 #29204 o 7 inches wide and from 31 feet 9 inches to 36 feet 3 inches, and each is 8/5/1967 #29204 from 31 feet 9 inches to 36 feet 3 inches, and each is incomplete on its we 8/5/1967 #29204 curred a circular burned patch six inches in diameter, and he was also diag 8/13/1967 #29271 odd three-toed footprints about 6 inches long. 8/23/1967 #29302 feet away. The being was 4 feet 4 inches tall, and its face was at first c 8/23/1967 #29305 house were deep, odd footprints, 6 inches long and with three-toe marks. 8/23/1967 #29305 e four small black beings about 47 inches tall with large heads and pointed 8/29/1967 #29357 l on the ground and tracks about 2 inches wide in the flattened grass. 9/11/1967 #29458 nd there were 6 identical holes, 2 inches wide and 4 inches deep, in the gr 9/13/1967 #29460 entical holes, 2 inches wide and 4 inches deep, in the ground. A quarter of 9/13/1967 #29460 the hard surface of the wash, 13.4 inches across and about 42 inches apart 10/9/1967 #29629 h, 13.4 inches across and about 42 inches apart (measuring from the outer e 10/9/1967 #29629 ke footprints in the moist soil, 7 inches long and under 3 inches wide, lea 10/22/1967 #29729 st soil, 7 inches long and under 3 inches wide, leading to and from a pecul 10/22/1967 #29729 itted a small fiery object about 8 inches in diameter with manv swirling co 12/7/1967 #30027 e humanoid was about four foot six inches tall and had a luminous, oblong-s 12/16/1967 #30072 The shaft of light was about four inches wide and lighter in color than it 1/24/1968 #30179 vestigators find that the ice is 3 inches thick in some spots, composed of 2/18/1968 #30255 g, 2 feet high, with three legs 19 inches high. The men give him an envelop 7/2/1968 #30656 nd finds three holes, each about 5 inches deep and forming an isosceles tri 7/2/1968 #30656 greenish entities not much over 20 inches tall, wearing something like head 7/17/1968 #30713 only. A lead- gray stain, 31 x 12 inches, that smells of sulfur is found a 7/22/1968 #30732 the witness, about five foot five inches in height. 7/23/1968 #30742 als a depression in the ground 5–7 inches deep, apparently made by a vehicl 8/25/1968 #30912 cture tubes turn on, each about 22 inches in diameter. A small black arm-li 10/5/1968 #31092 rying a cylinder 2 feet long and 3 inches thick, with a thinner tube of alu 11/21/1968 #31236 long and a meter wide, hovering 18 inches above the ground. A door in the t 1/31/1969 #31470 es out his hand. The pack floats 8 inches up to his hand and disappears. Su 2/7/1969 #31491 triangle at the site, each about 5 inches in diameter. Soil samples taken s 2/7/1969 #31491 ds him. They passed Maslund within inches and he found that he could not mo 3/12/1969 #31600 15 feet on a side. The holes are 8 inches in diameter and 3 inches deep. He 5/11/1969 #31730 les are 8 inches in diameter and 3 inches deep. He finds a second, slightly 5/11/1969 #31730 six small humanoid beings only 31 inches tall. They had big heads and they 5/20/1969 #31759 , oval, depressed spot less than 2 inches deep and 10 feet across in the mi 10/30/1969 #32088 0 foot oval-shaped depression, 1-2 inches deep. 10/30/1969 #32089 arks, one foot in diameter and 1.5 inches deep, burned into the ground in t 4/29/1970 #32335 ttle men described as merely three inches tall emerged from the object. One 8/19/1970 #32499 ntity are clearly visible, about 6 inches wide. Possible hoax. 2/5/1971 #32741 been impossible, as it was only 32 inches wide and only 10 inches in height 4/2/1971 #32802 as only 32 inches wide and only 10 inches in height, and fronted upon the k 4/2/1971 #32802 nted holes in the ground about 6–8 inches in diameter. The nearby grass see 5/1971 #32832 ground at the site. They were 2.5 inches wide at the top and a foot deep i 5/15/1971 #32852 concave shaped spike at least six inches long. The mouth was gaped open an 8/16/1971 #33049 tall, with big, staring eyes 8-12 inches apart and extending around the si 9/27/1971 #33152 nd finds four deep tracks, about 8 inches deep, separated exactly from each 3/19/1972 #33429 tween five foot and five foot four inches tall, and wore a tight fitting me 3/25/1972 #33435 about 6 feet above the floor to 15 inches above it. A beam of solid light e 6/22/1972 #33556 th about 2 feet in diameter and 15 inches high. In the middle of this is a Early 9/1972 #33826 “toe.” The imprints are about 2.5 inches long; one is 1.5 inches deep. A b 9/14/1972 #33851 about 2.5 inches long; one is 1.5 inches deep. A blackened area in the sha 9/14/1972 #33851 ite two rectangular "footprints" 8 inches x 16 inches were found and the so 9/27/1972 #33895 angular "footprints" 8 inches x 16 inches were found and the soil there was 9/27/1972 #33895 shape, but was suspended some 2-3 inches above the ground. He floated into 2/4/1973 #34170 a saw beside it a being 5 feet two inches tall, dressed in a white "diving 3/13/1973 #34248 humming. Then a man about 5 feet 3 inches tall appeared in front of him. He 5/16/1973 #34412 ces a blue circle of light about 8 inches in diameter moving around inside 5/22/1973 #34438 two tracklike marks, each about 6 inches wide. Returning, the daughter fee 10/6/1973 #34912 heir faces was something about two inches long that came out to a point and 10/11/1973 #34965 out the same height, five feet six inches to five feet eight inches tall. F 10/16/1973 #35052 feet six inches to five feet eight inches tall. Fair skinned and slim in bu 10/16/1973 #35052 igh. It emitted a beam of light 15 inches in diameter that struck Balvidare 10/29/1973 #35298 triangular footprints four to five inches long, showing four claw marks at 10/29/1973 #35298 eft four triangular impressions 15 inches on a side, arranged in a square 1 10/29/1973 #35298 trail of three-toed footprints—11 inches long and 5 inches wide—some 250 y 11/3/1973 #35343 ed footprints—11 inches long and 5 inches wide—some 250 yards from the ring 11/3/1973 #35343 ter, and emitted an amber beam 4-6 inches in diameter. It was moving at 4-6 11/6/1973 #35361 y, see two beings, about 4 feet 11 inches tall, dressed in white. Further a Mid 11/1973 #35408 is a dark object hovering about 18 inches above the field. It seems inactiv 11/16/1973 #35419 , with large round glowing eyes 18 inches wide, was seen in Korning Wood, Q 12/2/1973 #35500 she saw a floating box about three inches long and very shiny, it seemed to 12/12/1973 #35553 ind numerous scoop marks, about 33 inches wide, in an area in the form of a 2/8/1974 #35763 an was described as about 5 feet 8 inches tall with a small nose and small 4/26/1974 #36113 pression 8 feet in diameter and 12 inches deep, with seven 4-foot-long groo 4/29/1974 #36119 the center are two holes, each 12 inches in diameter and 12 inches apart. 4/29/1974 #36119 each 12 inches in diameter and 12 inches apart. Local and state officials 4/29/1974 #36119 e to avoid it, missing the UFO by “inches.” The object then makes high-spee 6/9/1974 #36235 ery disc. The object is 16 feet, 5 inches in diameter, and equally convex o 8/25/1974 #36463 darting up and down the road a few inches above the road surface. One figur 9/3/1974 #36500 he bottom. The craft passed barely inches from the windshield of her car, a 9/3/1974 #36500 cylinder” about 3 feet long and 14 inches in diameter, standing with its en 11/1974 #36667 ong, narrow, beam of light about 2 inches in diameter and 3 feet long. The 11/1974 #36667 her. He seems to be about 6 feet 6 inches tall and dressed in a shiny, one- Mid 11/1974 #36692 calf-like ears stretch out about 3 inches. The mouth and nose seem flat. Bo 12/2/1974 #36730 a, when a red ball of light, 14–16 inches in diameter, swoops low over his Early 2/1975 #36910 re noted. Seven mushrooms nearly 8 inches tall are found growing there the 4/20/1975 #37163 ge three-toed footprints, fourteen inches long and spaced 50" apart. 5/4/1975 #37206 ed grass, 5 feet in diameter and 6 inches thick on the outside edge. The RC 5/12/1975 #37227 by two Grey aliens about 4 feet 8 inches tall. (Sources: Coral E. Lorenzen 8/13/1975 #37483 by two Grey aliens about 4 feet 8 inches tall, with large eyes and heads, 8/13/1975 #37486 out a foot in diameter hovering 12 inches off the ground in front of his pa 9/25/1975 #37656 mprints arranged in a triangle, 18 inches x 24 inches and 20 feet apart. Th 10/25/1975 #37788 nged in a triangle, 18 inches x 24 inches and 20 feet apart. They heard a h 10/25/1975 #37788 ie. These circular tracks were six inches across and nearly an inch deep, a 11/8/1975 #37927 -8 feet high, and extended about 9 inches from the body, with a less lumino 1/11/1976 #38155 suits and their waists were 20-22 inches above the ground. (Source: James 2/10/1976 #38239 suits and their waists were 20-22 inches above the ground. When the boys f 2/10/1976 #38240 sharp edges, and formed a circle 6 inches in diameter where it struck the r 8/6/1976 #38653 two green men, one about 5 feet 7 inches, the other shorter. They put thei 8/7/1976 #38655 hts two green men, five foot seven inches tall. The beings put their hands 8/7/1976 #38657 of the man were measured to be 20 inches long, 8 inches wide, and five fee 8/16/1976 #38686 e measured to be 20 inches long, 8 inches wide, and five feet apart where h 8/16/1976 #38686 s and their waists were only 20-22 inches above the ground. When the boys f 8/16/1976 #38687 t onto the tundra where a small (3 inches in diameter) white "beach ball" s 9/3/1976 #38754 front of their car, hovering 12-18 inches from the ground. They were both b 11/14/1976 #38986 lit, small portholes, less than 8 inches in diameter. Later, she felt hers 12/10/1976 #39035 nds four small footprints only 6.5 inches long. 1/6/1977 #39157 lliptical shaped crust of ice, 0.8 inches thick, and about 18 feet in diame 1/6/1977 #39158 round and cuts smoothly through 14 inches of ice. Eight inches of slush sur 1/10/1977 #39167 ly through 14 inches of ice. Eight inches of slush surrounds the hole. Peer 1/10/1977 #39167 t. The beings were about 4 feet 10 inches tall, with small, slender bodies 6/12/1977 #39639 ar ring, 12 feet in diameter and 8 inches wide is discovered in someone’s b 8/7/1977 #39865 ive feet tall and not more than 30 inches wide, and was hopping in front of 8/11/1977 #39881 bject is an entity about 7 feet 10 inches tall. It has two red-orange light 8/31/1977 #39946 f a dozen men each, about 5 feet 5 inches tall. They are wearing football-s 9/15/1977 #39991 rounded corners, and measures 5.5 inches by 1.2 feet with a depth of 4 inc 10/25/1977 #40133 ches by 1.2 feet with a depth of 4 inches. The tracks are arranged in a tri 10/25/1977 #40133 the ground, 1.2 feet long and 3–7 inches wide. Each imprint is made by som 11/1/1977 #40175 head. It was about five-foot eight inches tall, "advancing and retreating," 11/13/1977 #40196 two humanoid beings about 4 feet 8 inches in height with slim builds. They 12/2/1977 #40256 es of slight build, about 4 feet 8 inches tall; they were carrying off one 12/2/1977 #40257 e, who find a melted hole about 28 inches in diameter. Samples of snow, inc 2/2/1978 #40498 sees a bright white light about 20 inches wide high above the palm trees. S 3/24/1978 #40637 ia, when a narrow beam of light, 2 inches in diameter, comes from above som 4/6/1978 #40694 sement. 1 sees oid's face / window inches over soil level. 4/19/1978 #40723 face was staring back at her, just inches above the ground level. it was ov 4/19/1978 #40725 upward to the left. Two dents, 22 inches apart, are found in the upper edg 7/27/1978 #41020 s a domed disc come near and float inches from the ground. The dome opens u 9/17/1978 #41302 oot-tall beings emerge, floating 4 inches from the ground. They are wearing 9/17/1978 #41302 e earth carbonized to a depth of 8 inches. Soil samples are taken to the Eu 9/17/1978 #41302 . Three circular imprints about 20 inches in diameter are found in the dry 9/18/1978 #41309 scratches on the shutters about 4 inches apart. The soldiers all decide to 9/23/1978 #41338 out 4 feet tall, the other about 8 inches shorter. They are suspended in th 11/24/1978 #41616 covers two U-shaped traces about 8 inches long. 11/24/1978 #41616 tallic sphere. A small man only 20 inches tall, wearing a silvery white sui 1/13/1979 #41990 nd three feet long, hovering a few inches above the schoolyard ground. Two 1/13/1979 #41991 t. The creatures were only about 4 inches tall. One of the students attempt 5/19/1979 #42237 n. The creatures were only about 4 inches tall. One of the students attempt 5/19/1979 #42239 is smashed. On the hood, 4 feet 4 inches behind the smashed light and clos 8/27/1979 #42470 ield on the driver’s side about 18 inches behind the dent runs top to botto 8/27/1979 #42470 ngle. The large “bubble” lamp just inches in front of the antenna is unscat 8/27/1979 #42470 d. The rotating object is about 12 inches in diameter, shaped like a doughn 8/27/1979 #42471 sed 114 gallons of fuel. The top 2 inches of the CB antenna are melted off, 8/29/1979 #42486 CB antenna are melted off, and 30 inches of the AM/FM antenna has broken o 8/29/1979 #42486 rey, faceless woman, five-foot ten inches tall who communicated with him vi 12/11/1979 #42772 ure shrink to something only a few inches tall outside her house in Lumut, 6/18/1980 #43112 were very hairy and only about two inches tall. Both carried backpacks and 6/18/1980 #43112 , circular object not more than 12 inches in height. Two officers walk arou 12/28/1980 #43524 e elongated scratch marks about 12 inches long, are uniform in shape, and g 1981 #43543 white circle of light,” about 1.5 inches in diameter, moving slowly around 1981 #43543 , and two feet that extend about 8 inches below the body of the machine. Th 1/8/1981 #43564 prints had four toes, measured 14 inches long and 8 inches wide, and were 4/1981 #43679 oes, measured 14 inches long and 8 inches wide, and were two inches deep in 4/1981 #43679 ng and 8 inches wide, and were two inches deep in the hard ground. Captain 4/1981 #43679 found 22 of them. Each one was 14 inches long, 7 inches wide and spaced 6 6/10/1982 #44363 em. Each one was 14 inches long, 7 inches wide and spaced 6 to 8 feet apart 6/10/1982 #44363 Switzerland, notes a red globe 5–6 inches in diameter closely following his 12/21/1982 #44616 epression 8 feet in diameter and 8 inches deep, and at the center of this d 3/11/1983 #44686 this depression is a small hole 2 inches in diameter that goes down to a d 3/11/1983 #44686 nd greener buffalo grass that is 4 inches wide. This is a characteristic of 5/20/1983 #44776 gs approach him. They are 4 feet 6 inches tall, dressed in green overalls, 8/12/1983 #44878 bright red ball of light, about 10 inches in diameter, maneuvering around h 3/25/1984 #45203 d depressions in the soil about 10 inches deep and 36 inches in diameter. T Late 9/1984 #45447 e soil about 10 inches deep and 36 inches in diameter. They are at the corn Late 9/1984 #45447 by 260 feet. Each depression is 20 inches deep. The case is investigated by 10/1984 #45452 s, described as bird-like, about 8 inches tall with v-shaped heads and huma 10/8/1984 #45460 or 2 weeks. Three circular holes 4 inches in diameter and 1 inch deep are f 10/9/1984 #45468 lifted off the ground more than 12 inches and slams into the road face down 3/1985 #45572 ls. The pilot estimates they are 6 inches in diameter, all spaced identical 7/1985 #45633 r, all spaced identically about 12 inches apart. He decides to penetrate th 7/1985 #45633 he holes were between one and five inches in diameter and were within 200 f 12/25/1987 #46478 toward him. In moments it is just inches away from him, seemingly surveyin 8/1989 #47232 mond pattern. Each imprint was two inches deep and six inches in diameter. 9/21/1989 #47315 mprint was two inches deep and six inches in diameter. Holes in the ground 9/21/1989 #47315 as being at least seven feet, five inches tall, thin, with large heads and 12/8/1989 #47561 this night a woman ran out into 11 inches of fresh snow in her front yard i 3/1/1990 #47718 His vehicle had two splotches, 4-5 inches long and wide, on the front drive 11/9/1991 #48654 rry bipedal creature, covered in 6 inches of shiny black fur. One of the wi 8/5/1992 #49008 dress with a short sash about four inches wide. On the sash he could see tw 4/23/1993 #49437 en, they found huge footprints, 16 inches in length. After the encounter Ha 5/30/1993 #49489 right side of the road floating 18 inches above the grass. It is pulsating 8/13/1993 #49638 to her bed. The creature was only inches away from her as see felt a sucti 9/6/1993 #49689 one of the girls, lifting her six inches from the ground. She also heard a 6/15/1994 #50113 creature's height at six feet four inches tall, based on where it stood nex 2/10/1995 #50607 parent cylindrical object, only 14 inches long and 3 inches wide, suspended 5/15/1995 #50799 object, only 14 inches long and 3 inches wide, suspended in the air. It ap 5/15/1995 #50799 hen stopped talking. One was a few inches taller than the other two but all 8/11/1995 #50976 ck had been picked up and moved "6 inches", based on the altered location o 8/15/1995 #50990 also found, each measuring 4 by 6 inches and half an inch deep. Researcher 10/1/1995 #51140 were described as only 1 foot, 10 inches tall, wearing coverall garments, 9/8/1996 #51674 se. It seemed to be about 5 feet 8 inches tall. The witness could not move 9/16/1996 #51693 iced a small figure about 4-foot 8 inches tall standing next to the TV; it 2/13/1997 #51894 xt to it stood a being four feet 8 inches tall with a large bald head who w 2/16/1997 #51897 with a ball on the end, about 1/2 inches in diameter and six inches long, 12/14/1997 #52218 out 1/2 inches in diameter and six inches long, appeared and scanned his bo 12/14/1997 #52218 ee a small luminous sphere about 8 inches in diameter moving up and down in 1/2/1998 #52245 ess estimated to be about 6 feet 6 inches in height. The witness quickly le 1/25/1998 #52273 ged. The UFOnaut was only about 40 inches tall, with two huge black eyes. T 3/8/1998 #52307 car, forming a streak about 12–13 inches long that is broken in several sp 11/27/1998 #52482 hite, grayish figure standing just inches away from him that suddenly disap 7/18/1999 #52626 long, and the creature glided six inches above the ground. Another unusual 8/3/2000 #52885 akes soil samples. The crater is 6 inches deep, with an inside diameter of 4/1/2001 #53015 , surrounded by a mound of dirt 16 inches high. He notes four indentations 4/1/2001 #53015 e window. The object was about 12 inches in diameter or less. A cat notice 4/15/2004 #53558 phosphorescent green ball about 12 inches wide roll slowly down the side of 5/16/2006 #53815 bes a male, 60–70 pounds, 4 feet 3 inches high, with no hair. McMoneagle sa 3/2010 #54146 aircraft. He estimates it is 20–40 inches long, although it is only in sigh 7/5/2018 #54414## Word: "incheslong", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
em 9.75 inches long and others 8.5 incheslong. 3/26/1967 #28299 small, narrow footprints only 6.5 incheslong. 1/6/1977 #39158## Word: "inchestall", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rt, chubby beings approximately 20 inchestall, with fair complexions and sl 9/22/1971 #33131## Word: "incheville", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
INCHEVILLE, FR 2 observer(s). House lit. 4/1978 (approximate) #40674## Word: "inchon", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t was steaming up the channel from Inchon. Under the title "Sighting Flying 2/1950 #7768 KOREA, at sea, Inchon Channel (Translated from French) 12/1950 #8739 r Gardiners Bay was heading up the Inchon Channel in Korea when its crew sp 12/1950 #8739 Near Inchon, Korea Navy crews see two fast, s 12/1950 #8740 WEST / INCHON, KOREA US Navy ship. 2 objects hi 12/15/1950 #8804 s steaming through the channel off Inchon when two "mysterious missiles, tr 2/19/1951 #8931## Word: "inchy", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NEAR INCHY, FR 2 / car. 25M saucer tilts 50M 11/9/1954 #16573 tilted, 50 meters over a field in Inchy, Nord department, France. It then 11/9/1954 #16579## Word: "incidence", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ly along Florida’s Gulf Coast. The incidence of whooping cough triples this 3/1955 #17042 e problems sleeping, and a greater incidence of sexual abuse as children. 1991 #48314## Word: "incident", 748 instance(s) (Back to Top)
have any scruple in believing this incident; its truth is affirmed by what 300 #26 nal-Bishop of Ostium, documents an incident involving the abduction of a fi 1010 #142 ting in the Skraling's death. This incident, although debated as a possible 1050 #153 along with the conversation. This incident serves as a unique link between 9/14/1224 #206 -century chronicler, noted another incident involving a dragonfall, during 5/1295 #241 An intriguing account describes an incident where a drum-shaped object, mea 1361 #259 Bologna, Italy A peculiar incident is reported involving an observ 1390 #272 o, a Vatican canon, documented the incident in his Diarium Romanum (Diary o 9/16/1408 #281 ni, a renowned artist, recounts an incident in his autobiography. While he 1537 #361 rmer, experienced an extraordinary incident in which he vanished from his v 11/15/1572 #422 are available for this intriguing incident, underscoring the need for addi 12/21/1576 #427 fazed. It's worth noting that this incident is sometimes conflated with unr 8/1/1608 #456 n Schoole," experienced a baffling incident. While walking across the "down 1634 #484 bitants of London, attested to the incident, contributing to the reliabilit 10/3/1660 #524 . This account presents a peculiar incident involving the observation of tw 10/12/1660 #526 rance descending from the sky. The incident remains a remarkable account of 1/20/1667 #556 Lisbon, Portugal A significant incident occurred where a dark cloud-lik 9/17/1680 #577 Edo (now Tokyo), Japan A striking incident occurred during daylight hours. 5/6/1692 #591 hshire, Wales An unexplained fiery incident occurred. A "fiery exhalation" 12/1693 #594 hti, Eastern Finland In a peculiar incident, an elderly blacksmith named Ti 8/1700 #606 urged the villagers to forget the incident. 8/1700 #606 wift clouds were also present. The incident, documented in official records 4/2/1716 #625 Martinique (at sea) An intriguing incident occurred where a solid object r 3/6/1717 #627 departed by flying southward. The incident presents a peculiar narrative o 1729 #639 smoke and a cannon-like sound. The incident stands as a remarkable account 10/1/1729 #640 ealis due to its similarities. The incident remains an intriguing blend of 11/2/1730 #641 rary writer, further described the incident, noting the presence of peculia 12/9/1731 #644 inues on toward the southwest. The incident takes place in the North Atlant 11/4/1749 #683 ed it as only a brief absence. The incident left an uneasy feeling in him, 9/16/1759 #711 o south across the sun's path. The incident involved a single unidentified 5/1764 #727 efront, seemingly guarding it. The incident took place against a serene eve 6/13/1765 #728 Oxford, England An unusual incident involved the sighting of an obj 10/24/1769 #740 earance, caught her attention. The incident culminated with the woman asser 9/1810 #886 oximately 15 minutes. Although the incident coincided with the usual timing 11/14/1832 #970 feet) wall. Shortly after the car incident, Jack accosted a woman near Cla 10/1837 #1004 French) Shortly after the carriage incident, Spring Heeled Jack accosted a 10/1837 #1005 or. Sir W. S. Harris reported this incident. 1848 #1074 hips rather than dirigibles. In an incident from 1865 in western Montana, a 1865 #1171 ench) Twenty-four hours after this incident, a similar craft was seen at Fo 11/20/1873 (approximate) #1259 SA A newspaper reported a peculiar incident where a young man observed a la 2/1/1878 #1304 able farmer, recounts a remarkable incident involving section men from the 7/30/1878 #1308 American West In the 1880s, an incident in the American West involved a 1880's #1323 after a heavy rain, suggesting the incident may have been a hoax. (Chapter 6/6/1884 #1412 re descending into the water. This incident introduces the concept of Unide 1892 #1488 rmanent paralysis in his hand. The incident left a lasting impact on his li 1893 #1500 ture wounds on their throats. This incident, paralleled by similar reports 1896 #1531 ent when it neared the ground. The incident left citizens astonished by the 11/18/1896 #1555 th of Aurora, Texas The Aurora UFO incident of 1897, involving the crash of 1897 #1612 In the aftermath of the Aurora UFO incident, eyewitnesses from the Lewisvil 1897 #1613 ot being torn up and killed in the incident. The townspeople who gathered h 1897 #1614 e of the most curious describes an incident that began on April 9. In the M 4/9/1897 #1686 The night after the Benton Harbor incident, over 50 people in Lincoln, Ill 4/12/1897 #1735 searchlight. Similar to a previous incident, the witness was informed that 4/15/1897 #1811 Beaumont, Texas In another incident in 1897, a farmer and his son d 4/19/1897 #1889 aintance named Sheriff Akers. This incident brought to mind previous intera 4/20/1897 #1901 ere were exceptions. In a specific incident near Cassville, Indiana, on May 5/3/1897 #1971 n from the group investigating the incident disappeared after approaching a 9/1899 #2054 eet. After supper, I spoke of this incident to the men and of the Udehe tri 7/11/1908 #2229 e to resist writing about a little incident that happened to me in Duncan, Late Summer 1908 #2238 Russian correspondent reported an incident in which an unidentified contro 1909 #2252 in vain in the days following the incident. 8/17/1910 #2495 g School is nearby. Reports of the incident lead to a strengthening of air 10/12/1912 #2537 raft in case it needs to land. The incident comes up in a debate in Parliam 10/14/1912 #2540 some authorities conclude that the incident is caused by the intrusion of t 10/14/1912 #2540 and bending trees, and during one incident, it caused burns to a woman ins 1914 #2619 of Haytor rocks on Dartmoor. This incident is followed by others at Hexwor Late 6/1915 #2687 on and I made a full report on the incident back to Headquarters and they t 1917 #2759 kly disappeared from the area. The incident was notorious, as it occurred i 4/14/1917 #2767 ghting after this encounter. This incident can be categorized as a typical 5/1923 #2919 Dade City, Florida In a bizarre incident from 1924 in south Florida, an 1924 #2930 ed grass and bushes remaining. The incident of a purported Army officer ret 1924 #2931 e ordered to keep silent about the incident due to national security. 6/13/1933 #3197 ly-controlled objects. In one such incident from March 1934, a Norwegian te 3/1934 #3258 ever attempted, either during the incident or afterwards, to make contact 1936 #3321 seen following it. A report on the incident is sent to Foreign Minister Gal 8/17/1936 #3342 downed in 1939 after the Nomonham incident. The three-seat bomber Nakajima 10/15/1936 #3351 eports on his investigation of the incident in 1996. Early 10/1941 #3575 Los Angeles In a notable UFO incident of that year, over Los Angeles, 1942 #3597 enemy aircraft spreading fear. The incident led to speculation about censor 1942 #3597 tress of the hour-long action. The incident is front-page news along the Pa 2/24/1942 #3610 ress conference, saying the entire incident was a false alarm due to anxiet 2/24/1942 #3610 orge C. Marshall’s belief that the incident was caused by commercial airpla 2/24/1942 #3610 umber of fake documents about this incident have been circulated by Timothy 2/24/1942 #3610 o types of objects involved in the incident. Witnesses see small, red or si 2/25/1942 #3614 then disappear. Smith reports the incident to local police, who then infor 3/5/1942 #3632 watch. In the years following this incident, Lancashire will have a number 9/1942 #3695 terrestrials. He only reported the incident from his 70s. 9/1942 #3695 sifies for 50 years an alleged UFO incident because of fears it could creat Late 1942? #3715 rs it could create mass panic. The incident allegedly involves an RAF recon Late 1942? #3715 seeking to find out more about the incident. He describes how his grandfath Late 1942? #3715 n curiosity, the UFO departed. The incident was reported to the FBI due to 1944 #3875 H. H. ("Hap") Arnold described an incident where multiple small, silvery d 1944 #3888 h agent in Switzerland reported an incident over the German city of Wurtemb 1944 #3889 arized by the FBI, he described an incident where a tractor he was on stall 1944 #3891 , they eventually disappeared. The incident was reported upon returning to 2/10/1944 #3910 e, but nothing is seen. In another incident, Lt. JG Clarence R. Clem accomp 12/23/1944 #4115 945, Summer: At sea, off Adak. The incident was observed by members of the Summer 1945 #4316 visor to the NICAP ... The Delarof incident occurred in the summer of 1945 Summer 1945 #4316 dynamite and decided to forget the incident. This described device closely 7/1945 #4327 becoming stormy by the end of the incident. None of the Avenger bombers ha 12/5/1945 #4410 having made the call. Although the incident appears to be a hoax, few peopl 1946 #4426 s might tie in with the “Westerham Incident.” 1946 #4426 the Swedish military dismissed the incident, suggesting the witnesses had i 1946 #4433 ted by individuals who claimed the incident was related to a secret governm 1946 #4434 orwegian military investigated the incident but did not disclose their find 7/1946 #4530 , northern Sweden The day after an incident in Norway, a similar event was 7/1946 #4531 a under the cover of darkness. The incident then seemingly faded from publi 7/1946 #4532 ffont 1979, p. 58, which dates the incident to June 20, 1946 and locates Mj 7/18/1946 #4587 happened very quickly. After this incident which had another witness by th 7/19/1946 #4598 at details LaPaz will have of this incident by the end of 1948. As unlikely 2/12/1947 #4869 Mexico, creating an international incident. It leaves a crater 50 feet wid 5/29/1947 #4968 lated from French) The first "UFO" incident above the Oak Ridge atomic base 6/1947 #4973 Maury Island Incident 6/21/1947 #5032 ack. This man described the Tacoma incident as clearly as if he had been st 6/21/1947 #5034 Maury Island, WA Maury Island Incident (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 6/21/1947 #5040 lated from French) "Kenneth Arnold Incident". Against the whiteness of the 6/24/1947 #5078 Mt. Adams, WA Prospector Compass Incident (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E 6/24/1947 #5097 Sands, NM Days before the Roswell Incident on June 29, 1947, Dr. C. J. Zoh 6/29/1947 #5181 White Sands, NM This alleged incident is listed for-the-record only a 7/1/1947 #5274 eport an "unusually well-supported incident," the Air Force had no explanat 7/3/1947 #5362 cerning the Shreveport, Louisiana, incident. 1:55 p.m. Leo and Gen. Curtis 7/7/1947 #5760 ol. Warren calls back and says the incident is a hoax. 7/7/1947 #5760 r article in England: Maury Island incident fragments sent for analysis to 7/8/1947 #5781 ed report on the Ernest Harmon AFB incident is sent to the Pentagon. 7/21/1947 #6085 rying ‘Flying Disc’”. Maury Island incident metallic fragments were reporte 8/3/1947 #6184 ahl and announces the Maury Island incident is a hoax. The FBI file notes t 8/7/1947 #6212 atly disturbed the population. The incident occurred on September 20 and wa 9/20/1947 #6350 adar locations and a rocket firing incident observed in the Petsamo region 10/14/1947 #6410 age 26 reports on the Maury Island incident metallic fragments, described a 1/1948 #6503 ztec area NM landing and retrieval incident near Hart Canyon. UFO detected 3/25/1948 #6592 may have been the White Sands 1948 incident mentioned by Virgil Armstrong. 3/25/1948 #6592 rup in his 2015 book The Aztec UFO Incident. Ramsey thinks the object was t 3/25/1948 #6595 Fairbanks (Translated from French) Incident reporting a flat, round object, 4/18/1948 #6631 sturbed even more than the Mantell incident, according to Ruppelt. Capt. Sn 7/26/1948 #6784 in passing that the Kenneth Arnold incident was not the first. When Hoyt Va 8/1948 #6812 and that in the second part of the incident he was chasing a mirage of the 10/1/1948 #6885 rews AFB Report from Project SIGN, incident ?207 in Blue Book files: at app 11/18/1948 #6955 harmful effects were observed. The incident repeated itself three times at 1949 #7040 CA An analysis of the Maury Island incident metal fragments appears in the 3/1949 #7156 ench) Mexico experienced a strange incident. "Aviation from Beyond Space" b 3/17/1949 #7177 Bend, OR Rogue River Incident (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 5/24/1949 #7384 of Garney and Fitzgerlad about the incident from the day before is publishe 8/20/1949 #7535 on remains constant throughout the incident (no pulses or flashes). Once th 9/26/1949 #7588 an American airship off Korea. The incident occurred in December of 1949, a 2/1950 #7768 with a fishbowl style helmet. The incident reportedly occurred in a forest 2/15/1950 #7793 uperiors at Holloman to forget the incident. http://www.project1947.com/fo 7/1950 #8399 investigated and evaluated incident and have found nothing of value 10/18/1950 #8657 rambled. Truman even mentioned the incident in his memoirs, not published u 12/6/1950 #8764 y this high. (This may be the same incident as the August 30, 1950, case at 3/14/1951 #8985 ghts. Later that evening a similar incident was observed and over a period 8/25/1951 #9171 nmouth, NJ The Fort Monmouth Radar Incident (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 9/10/1951 #9239 ndy Hook, NJ The Sandy Hook / T-33 Incident (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 9/10/1951 #9240 ed target joins the other two. The incident lasts more than 15 minutes. 9/13/1951 #9252 ck then joined the first two. This incident lasted longer than 15 minutes. 9/14/1951 #9256 slated from French) A very similar incident occurs near Paris (Illinois), 1 10/9/1951 #9313 15 seconds. Note: a very similar incident happened 3 minutes later near P 10/9/1951 #9321 izon in 15 seconds. A very similar incident happened three minutes later ne 10/9/1951 #9323 OK, various Green fireball. (LIFE Incident 10; [FUFOR Index?]) (NICAP: 01 11/2/1951 #9381 gation Department, who reports the incident to the Security Police and the 12/5/1951 #9444 Albany, NY Minimum 3-5 Minute Incident Described As Possible Meteor??? 2/26/1952 #9627 in his best interest to forget the incident definitively if he wanted to ke 4/1952 #9715 ientists decided not to report the incident to Moffett Field for fear of ri 4/25/1952 #9959 rcraft guns loaded after the first incident. When fighters are scrambled fr 5/1952 #10018 New Ellenton, SC UFO Incident at Savannah River (AEC) Plant ( 5/10/1952 #10109 buquerque, NM Famous F-86 shooting incident. Date unknown. Case report dest Summer 1952 #10470 OSI doc confirms Nash/Fortenberry Incident (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 7/14/1952 #10778 Wendell Swanson explain the radar incident as a temperature inversion and 7/29/1952 #11427 eliever out of me.” He reports the incident to Lincoln LaPaz, University of 8/1/1952 #11553 arrived at the clearing where the incident had taken place, he noticed tha 8/19/1952 #11845 Albuquerque, NM F-86 Shooting Incident / 700 MPH Target (NICAP: 09 - R 9/1952 #12048 base, who is about to forward the incident report to ATIC but the commandi 9/1952 #12049 d. The topic is the Washington UFO incident. 9/3/1952 #12095 his hypothesis that the Flatwoods incident was only one small part of a ma 9/12/1952 #12169 asms and vomiting because of their incident. 9/13/1952 #12185 ed on the same night of the Sutton incident, at a spot not far from the sam 9/13/1952 #12186 cows were badly frightened by the incident, and there was a 33% reduction 9/14/1952 #12224 h) The most troubling case was the incident at the Drum military camp durin 9/22/1952 #12293 fence surrounding the airport. The incident occurred around 2:30am. (Frank 10/27/1952 #12529 bsequent retrieval of the UFO. The incident lasted seven minutes. 12/4/1952 #12767 shot away at 9,000 mph. The entire incident lasted ten minutes. 12/6/1952 #12785 tishall) had reported an identical incident, occurring just three minutes a 1953 #12896 Salisbury Plain, UK Daytime. This incident, witnessed by none other than G 1953 #12900 ays he was told not to discuss the incident and after he talked to Leonard 1953 #12911 red from his sight. Following this incident, numerous cows and other livest 1/29/1953 #13057 riefed and told not to mention the incident. 2/11/1953 #13128 pectedly mentions the 1947 Roswell incident and that a crashed alien spacec Mid 2/1953 #13141 riefed and told not to mention the incident to anyone. http://files.afu.se 2/19/1953 #13155 ier USS Oriskany, but this earlier incident took place on November 18, 1952 3/14/1953 #13233 pears to be no open record of this incident. The F-94C models, especially a 6/1953 #13432 n Q. Black, witness of the May. 20 incident, observed an exact repetition o 6/20/1953 #13456 les, Hynek writes that the “entire incident…has too much of an Alice-in-Won 8/5/1953 #13586 . Francis A. Purcell. However, the incident is not reported in the press, a 2/20/1954 #14176 boat, and created an international incident nearly severing diplomatic rela 3/1/1954 #14208 ny of the newspapers reporting the incident at the time. 3/1/1954 #14208 e officers” not to speak about the incident, and reading KA a law that refe 4/12/1954 #14318 charge if he told anyone about the incident. KA states he heard the saucer 4/12/1954 #14318 ect. Shortly after they report the incident, a helicopter suddenly appears 4/18/1954 #14329 ever given them trouble before the incident or since. They watched as the l 6/21/1954 #14598 ssued an official statement on the incident of the previous day: the plane 7/2/1954 #14670 was heard and the duration of the incident is estimated to have been a few 8/1954 #14779 :01 p.m. Project Magnet’s only UFO incident of note occurs when the Shirley 8/8/1954 #14831 , then crossed in front of it. The incident lasted five minutes. 8/15/1954 #14867 Nowra, AU O'Farrell Case (Sea Fury Incident), G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 8/31/1954 #14959 Nowra, AU O'Farrell Case (Sea Fury Incident) (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 8/31/1954 #14960 he saw these objects.” News of the incident leaks out in December, but the 8/31/1954 #14961 d moves away to the northwest. The incident lasts 4–5 minutes. 10/2/1954 #15435 ralyzed during the duration of the incident. The being had a hairy chest an 10/9/1954 #15678 ess was "paralyzed" throughout the incident. The entity had a hairy chest a 10/9/1954 #15709 d was unable to movethroughout the incident. The entity had a hairy chest a 10/9/1954 #15727 l Peter Townsend. In any case, the incident caused some excitement in the v 10/13/1954 #15867 in his flight path. He reports the incident to the airbase. (4:15 PM) 10/14/1954 #15899 from a skin disease following the incident. (Jacques Vallée: "Chronique de 10/16/1954 (approximate) #16029 from a skin disease following the incident. 10/16/1954 #16052 ho promptly fainted. Following the incident the witness suffered from a ski 10/16/1954 #16058 n the direction of Lyon. After the incident the witness had to lie prostrat 10/18/1954 #16152 h suffered from insomnia after the incident. Police reportedly found myster 10/19/1954 #16180 There was an investigation of the incident by the local police. 10/29/1954 #16434 animals were frightened by it. The incident lasted 30 minutes. 11/4/1954 #16530 takes a personal interest in this incident, interviews Briggs, and searche 2/23/1955 #17031 ntbatten’s signed statement on the incident is held with many of his other 2/23/1955 #17031 zoom to the north. They report the incident to the Columbus Filter Center. 5/24/1955 #17189 police headquarters to report the incident. Late 6/1955 #17250 ed into Hopkinsville to report the incident to the police. A state patrolma 8/21/1955 #17444 ington (Virginia) (= previous SAC incident?) 8/23/1955 #17452 terson AFB spokesperson denies the incident to the press and claims to know 8/23/1955 #17461 cle, accelerate and disappear. The incident is tracked by SAC radar: Strate 8/25/1955 #17464 that he had experienced a similar incident involving a "little man" about 8/26/1955 #17476 e ran to the jeep and reported the incident by radio to Missile Control, wh 3/1956 #17847 llers" talk show in Canada and the incident is described in "the Fund for U 4/8/1956 #17908 famous 1952 Washington, D.C., UFO incident, in which Chop played a central 5/3/1956 #17939 he reached Nellis, he reported the incident to intelligence and he and one Summer 1956 #18028 om French) Start of the Lakenheath incident. (August 13, 9:30 PM) 8/13/1956 #18199 ch) Some time after the Lakenheath incident, 2 pilots from the RAF were fly 8/13/1956 #18200 l Aeronautics Board describing the incident: “Pilot took evasive action, ob 3/9/1957 #18715 and flies almost 90 miles without incident when suddenly the paint causes 4/4/1957 #18762 f the object. The main part of the incident occupies 30 minutes over the Fo 7/17/1957 #19007 more than 126 minutes. The RB -47 incident is the first conclusive instrum 7/17/1957 #19007 side town. Additional proof of the incident came after an analysis was made 7/30/1957 #19069 id it just faded away.” The entire incident lasts several minutes. 8/30/1957 #19168 Lt. Cmdr. W. F. Norris reports the incident to Salt Lake City Airport. 10/10/1957 #19330 s than 2 km away; and reported the incident. The car, a 1956 Ford, was comp 11/1957 #19428 White Sands, NM MP incident, taped radio report (NICAP: 10 11/3/1957 #19493 Itaipu, near Santos, Brazil— This incident tells of a luminous orange UFO 11/4/1957 #19549 strange object. As a result of the incident, she suffered body rash, failin 11/10/1957 #19805 oes not even mention the UFO photo incident. A 1999 analysis by Martin J. P 1/16/1958 #20144 that the Armstrong Circle Theater incident was Air Force censorship. A few 2/1958 #20175 est US, In Airspace Radar Confirms Incident (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: Summer 1958 #20457 d red and it “vanished.” After the incident, Grusinski states crew members 10/1958 #20659 Wasco, IN The Monon RR UFO Incident (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, 10/3/1958 #20677 nslated from French) Following the incident of October 31, the Péropava riv 11/7/1958 #20812 hich fell to the ground during the incident. 12/10/1958 #20860 ght. Because of the recent Killian incident, he is asked about UFOs. Referr 2/25/1959 #21022 found unconscious. Sequels of the incident (fainting, amnesia and his retu 2/28/1959 #21032 im with the details of the initial incident. Shortly afterwards Irwin's cas 2/28/1959 #21034 dicule, the witnesses reported the incident one month later. 4/29/1959 #21152 deviation. The pilot reported the incident and was later interrogated by t 8/13/1959 #21375 cended vertically at daybreak. The incident began at 4:15 a.m. and continue 10/31/1959 #21556 en, only to turn up elsewhere. The incident goes on for an hour before the 1960 #21646 to approach the landing site. The incident lasted 20 minutes. 1/6/1961 #22162 ding business, on whose estate the incident occurred. 6/11/1961 #22365 re Betty and Barney Hill abduction incident in Lincoln, New Hampshire. Thre 9/19/1961 #22505 alls Pease AFB and reports her UFO incident (without mentioning the figures 9/21/1961 #22526 ht nights a couple weeks after the incident. 10/21/1961 #22589 not to say anything more about the incident. In January 1968, US Border Pat Late 11/1961 #22653 ut the headlights remained on. The incident lasted five minutes. 2/9/1962 #22730 sighting forms in the event of an incident. One technician recalls there i Spring 1962 #22773 associate his malaise with the UFO incident. 3/25/1962 #22774 rous sources concerning this major incident, including Project Blue Book do 4/18/1962 #22819 e area at the time because of this incident. 8/20/1962 #23091 es hypnosis and discovers that the incident was an abduction in which he is 8/26/1962 #23108 Palermo AFB, NY UFO Incident During the Cuban Missile Crisis 10/1962 #23201 flight crews do not talk about the incident afterward and act as if nothing Late 10/1962 #23251 o shoot down Anderson’s plane. The incident prompts both leaders to realize 10/27/1962 #23260 to the road. When they reached the incident, all four of them got out of th 10/28/1962 #23261 man confronted the pilot about the incident, he said, “I wouldn’t dare risk 7/17/1963 #23633 re risk telling the airline of the incident. If I could tell you of some of 7/17/1963 #23633 engers are told not to discuss the incident with anyone. 10/1963 #23787 be seen. At the conclusion of the incident, in the area where the closest 10/21/1963 #23823 FO report. Combined visual and E-M incident involved the Navy transport A.R 11/12/1963 #23866 Ohio) (Translated from French) The incident had taken place on a road, abou 1964 (approximate) #23951 n (about 6 miles away). The entire incident takes place in less than 2 minu 4/24/1964 #24063 rol tower. Holloman AFB denies the incident occurred. Shortly afterward, an 4/30/1964 #24098 t of the astonished observers, the incident could be either an attack of th 5/3/1964 #24109 Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin incident in Vietnam 8/2/1964 #24366 like chewing gun. They report the incident to the authorities, but no one 8/9/1964 #24370 event, the major confirms the UFO incident in writing. The controversy cen 9/15/1964 #24471 stems operating at that shoot, the incident could have occurred as describe 9/15/1964 #24471 ems return. No one talks about the incident for 16 years, when the father s 11/26/1964 #24564 dia try to find out more about the incident from the Department of Defense, 1/11/1965 #24645 The Defense Department denies the incident, but the witnesses publicly mai 1/11/1965 #24652 se / Hoax”; “The Florida ‘Landing’ Incident,” APRO Bulletin, March/April 19 3/2/1965 #24787 he last they could remember of the incident. They failed to report to their 3/5/1965 #24801 h dismissal if he talked about the incident. 5/28/1965 #24939 anberra later denies that any such incident took place. However, an officia 5/28/1965 #24943 told to "shut his mouth" about the incident or face dismissal. 5/28/1965 #24944 t. She had headaches following the incident. She would have another UFO enc 5/30/1965 #24947 journalists' questions about this incident. (June 4, 1965 (July?)) 6/4/1965 (approximate) #24962 (Translated from French) Valensole Incident (Alpes de Haute-Provence). (Jul 7/1/1965 #25021 drivers flee. Tenopir reports the incident to the Abilene police, but neit 8/4/1965 #25308 e humming noise. Total duration of incident was 30 minutes. 8/20/1965 #25467 , pale and shaken, and reports the incident at 2:24 a.m. Officer Bertrand d 9/3/1965 #25547 e Muscarello’s report, the earlier incident causes him to pay attention. At 9/3/1965 #25547 se] in Portsmouth to reconfirm the incident. By 1:00 p.m., 2–4 police offic 9/3/1965 #25547 was told she would not recall the incident. The next thing she remembered 9/3/1965 #25554 mandant of Pretoria North said the incident was “highly secret”, and inquir 9/16/1965 #25609 ia North, tells the media that the incident is considered “as being of a hi 9/16/1965 #25614 onfused as to the actual date this incident occurred.) 11/1965 #25739 men on the scene also observed the incident. Near the object were two dwarf 11/13/1965 #25773 men on the scene also observed the incident. Near the object were two dwarv 11/13/1965 #25775 atures were very brightly lit. The incident lasted 30 minutes. 11/13/1965 #25775 key witness (John Murphy ) to this incident was struck and killed by a car 12/9/1965 #25818 n Gordon kept the research of this incident alive. The Blue Book report cha 12/9/1965 #25818 (Translated from French) Kecksburg incident. (December 9) 12/9/1965 #25819 to the scout hall without further incident. On the return trip, they saw a 1/11/1966 #25901 mp during the night of Sunday. The incident took place in Ann Harbor (Michi 3/21/1966 #26114 eph Hynek, summoned to explain the incident of March 21st, out of arguments 3/23/1966 #26136 bulbs in his headlights after the incident. 3/28/1966 #26225 im thoroughly before reporting the incident to authorities. His first-degre 3/29/1966 #26241 im thoroughly before reporting the incident to authorities. His first-degre 3/29/1966 #26247 e car headlights were OK after the incident. 4/4/1966 #26339 approached it in a motor boat. The incident was reported to NICAP by Richar 6/1/1966 #26656 flying at 3000 km/h. [vog: so this incident has absolutely nothing to do wi 6/8/1966 #26675 appeared in about 3 sec. After the incident a plane load of officials from Summer 1966 #26734 est Chelmsford, Massachusetts. The incident took place in the pre-dawn hour 6/23/1966 #26746 tell Faieta not to speak about the incident any further. 7/13/1966 #26794 less than five seconds. The entire incident lasted an hour. 7/25/1966 #26838 from the Minot base experienced an incident in the Minot missile field in w 9/1966 #26995 trol center near Mohall, where the incident occurred. 9/1966 #26995 the two boys three days after the incident. They tell him that the man is 10/11/1966 #27189 azy. … a few meters from the first incident, his engine had misfires again. Mid 10/1966 #27199 that in perspective, the Chernobyl incident released 1 million. 1967 #27468 y the abductee being the last. The incident included automatic writing, spe 1/25/1967 #27650 E of Cuba, Cuba The 1967 Cuban Jet Incident (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 3/1967 #27969 County, Florida, is monitoring the incident and sends a report to the NSA a 3/1967 #27978 An officer who stayed close to the incident site gets sick for 3 days, seve 3/5/1967 #28034 hite lights. After he reported the incident, four young men went to the are 3/12/1967 #28167 the jets far behind, and that the incident takes place in the Judith Basin Mid 3/1967 #28183 trom AFB, MT "Echo Flight" Missile Incident (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E 3/16/1967 #28193 car Flight / Malmstrom AFB Missile Incident (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E 3/24/1967 #28265 ehind a hill. Ferguson reports the incident to Deputy Sheriff George Hooten 3/24/1967 #28268 witnesses were badly shaken by the incident. 4/21/1967 #28511 the object intensified. The entire incident lasted two and a half hours. 6/30/1967 #28938 . The local police do not take the incident seriously. However, the acciden 7/13/1967 #29028 as the object grew dim. The entire incident lasted for more than 25 minutes 8/2/1967 #29162 Brogan and Mr. & Mrs. Turner. The incident lasted about one minute. 8/4/1967 #29194 ish for several days following the incident. 9/22/1967 #29536 He and the other men reported the incident to the military authorities, an 10/24/1967 #29750 by Pantex, in Amarillo, Texas. The incident causes outrage and protests in 1/21/1968 #30166 arest police station to report the incident. 2/27/1968 #30283 xico City contains a denial of the incident by the Argentine embassy, and s Early 5/1968 #30449 menstrual cycle stopped after this incident and did not return again for a 5/3/1968 #30453 eared towards the ocean. After the incident all four men suffered from naus 5/17/1968 #30483 eyebrows. Da Silva, who before the incident had had an abundant head of hai 5/17/1968 #30483 ps are involved in a friendly fire incident in which the Hobart is hit by 3 6/15/1968 #30560 nt with an armed patrol in case of incident, but without any aggressive int Summer 1968 #30579 fered from nervous shock after the incident. 7/15/1968 #30705 light and a burst of hot air. The incident is investigated by Capt. Maljea 7/31/1968 #30801 n the heart of the city. After the incident, the child suffered fits of wee 8/4/1968 #30828 time. They never talked about the incident because the camp ended the next 8/7/1968 #30839 to New England and talk about the incident. She agreed, and through hypnos 8/7/1968 #30839 disappeared in seconds. The entire incident lasted about seven minutes. Oth 8/28/1968 #30930 He did not stop, but reported the incident at the next service station nea 9/21/1968 #31039 port on their investigation of the incident. It estimates that the UFO was 10/18/1968 #31123 ear the site of the first reported incident at 11:00 a.m. He saw the same " 11/1/1968 #31176 alyzed. After this close encounter incident he found that the swelling and 11/1/1968 #31178 atricia Lagos also saw the bizarre incident, which she described as a ball 11/9/1968 #31209 sight. The duration of the entire incident was about 15 minutes. 11/21/1968 #31236 g toward the northeast. The entire incident lasted more than five minutes. 11/26/1968 #31281 at time had experienced a peculiar incident, which left him with a scar. He 12/28/1968 #31377 with sleeves and turtlenecks. The incident lasted for five minutes. As the 1/6/1969 #31407 he craft took off. Duration of the incident: 3 minutes. (CICOANI - Brazil) 2/20/1969 #31522 d her for three days following the incident. 3/6/1969 #31574 eyes hurt for three days after the incident. 3/10/1969 #31587 The UFO made a purring sound. The incident lasted about five minutes. Ring 5/11/1969 #31732 is stool. On the 7th day after the incident his family took him to Bogota(. 7/4/1969 #31866 l Collins makes no mention of this incident. 7/21/1969 #31914 ear-old woman named Scott, and the incident lasted much long, about an hour 8/5/1969 #31947 her about his encounter. After the incident, Tiihonen was unable to sleep f 4/15/1970 #32320 this date at 9:30 p.m. a shooting incident occurred in Itatainia, Rio de J 8/30/1970 #32521 come to until 10:15 p.m. After the incident Valeria suffered from strange d 9/7/1970 #32534 le deciding whether to report this incident or not, the witness was peering 9/25/1970 #32559 hag Harbour. (This Close Encounter incident was investigated separately by 11/25/1970 #32634 een rendered powerless. The entire incident lasted 20 minutes. A tree died 5/16/1971 #32856 rcise in the Caribbean Sea when an incident occurs following an 18-hour per 6/1971 #32897 ed to. You shall not remember this incident until we meet again." He also r 8/17/1971 #33051 nt. He was only able to recall the incident on a later date. 8/25/1971 #33064 ter he had further memories of the incident, recalling that he saw numerous 9/20/1971 #33118 l over his body. 10 days after the incident, his left hand was still shakin 9/22/1971 #33124 mors Of Red Alert & Possible Major Incident (Unfounded) (NICAP: 10 - Nuclea 1/15/1972 #33344 h a blinding red light. The entire incident had lasted more than five minut 5/2/1972 #33494 above a police cruiser. The entire incident lasted 15 minutes. In Malmesbur 7/16/1972 #33642 on, Shasta County, California. The incident occurred at 6:10 p.m., lasted t 11/13/1972 #33993 1 years old, the main witness. The incident concerns Mario, but the whole f 11/28/1972 #34018 in the exact year of the Homestead incident with Gleason, 1973, Nixon tries 2/19/1973 #34198 ring at 50' altitude. (Reggie Bone incident) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/21/1973 #34204 he water when he rejoined her. The incident lasted about 15 minutes. 3/29/1973 #34296 r Cherokee, same night as Piedmont incident. (PID,18) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 4/12/1973 #34337 d at the same time as the Piedmont incident. The object gave off heat waves 4/12/1973 #34338 pped off a nearby tree. During the incident, which lasted 55 minutes, their 6/28/1973 #34523 In Orbit, Skylab Skylab III Photo Incident (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases 9/20/1973 #34791 s were told not to speak about the incident under penalty of court-martial. 10/1973 #34852 Pascagoula, MS Hickson/Parker Incident (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, Code 10/11/1973 #34951 eneral George S. Brown recounts an incident from early summer 1968 at a pre 10/16/1973 #35024 be reunited with her children. The incident took between 45 minutes to an h 10/16/1973 #35056 ly on to Cleveland without further incident. Other witnesses on the ground 10/18/1973 #35141 nesses on the ground have seen the incident. 10/18/1973 #35141 nown parties some months after the incident. 10/20/1973 #35193 to descend towards a pasture. The incident began when the principal witnes 10/25/1973 #35264 miles East of), IN 7:15 p.m. This incident involved three witnesses who re 11/28/1973 #35459 a calming effect on her. After the incident she went into a fit of hysteric 12/12/1973 #35553 ind a police station to report the incident and find that it is now 3:30 a. 1/3/1974 #35643 , and for several weeks after this incident she was extremely fatigued and 3/20/1974 #35949 n regresses him to the time of the incident (twice, on April 1 and May 20). 3/23/1974 #35973 brant auras, and premonitions. The incident is apparently witnessed by anot 3/23/1974 #35973 ffered from severe shock after the incident. 3/23/1974 #35975 d regressed him to the time of the incident. He related how a beam of light 3/23/1974 #35976 y, who was driving nearby when the incident occurred. The landing spot was 5/7/1974 #36143 irs at a control panel. After this incident he claims to have become a prol 5/26/1974 #36190 told they have witnessed a “Soviet incident” and are to keep their mouths s 5/28/1974 #36197 ted in the area at the time of the incident. At about the same time or appr 7/9/1974 #36322 her family had awakened during the incident. Other strange incidents subseq 7/17/1974 #36336 xercises the previous year. In one incident in August 1973, he stated, Vand 7/17/1974 #36337 led, and then vanished. The entire incident lasted five minutes. 8/5/1974 #36382 his car and drove off. The entire incident lasted one hour, although the m 8/20/1974 #36450 ocument alleges that the following incident took place. Military radar at C 8/25/1974 #36463 nesses from three families and the incident lasted 15 minutes. 9/7/1974 #36512 ht up. The witness felt sick after incident. 9/22/1974 #36554 years because of the nature of the incident. Witnesses feel that the UFO kn 10/4/1974 #36586 y type of radiological accident or incident anywhere in the world.” Since 1 Late 1974 #36619 Northern area, IN Incident similar to "Disappearance of Fl 10/24/1974 #36642 "Disappearance of Flight 412". UFO incident date coincides with emergency l 10/24/1974 #36642 man-looking albinos. Following the incident John had a nervous breakdown, w 10/27/1974 #36652 e east, followed by the light. The incident has lasted 15 minutes. Mid 11/1974 #36692 lse appeared to have witnessed the incident. 11/27/1974 #36712 , meanwhile, reported an identical incident occurring a week earlier. 1/1975 #36789 er, also of MUFON, investigate the incident and take soil samples. 1/12/1975 #36863 isiana. The exact location of this incident is unconfirmed but is believed 2/24/1975 #36981 period of "good fortune" after the incident. Previously, she reportedly saw 3/6/1975 #37027 memory was poorer than before the incident. 4/6/1975 #37137 shot off rapidly to the east. The incident lasted approximately eight minu 4/26/1975 #37175 , and they go home without further incident, although the object still is v 7/1975 #37330 ne-based oily substance. A similar incident occurred in another farm in the 7/6/1975 #37349 ck approached. The chopper in this incident was allegedly photographed and 7/27/1975 #37409 lower body. His memories about the incident eventually return, and the Lore 8/13/1975 #37485 h the morning daylight. During the incident the witnesses noticed there was 8/18/1975 #37515 witnesses eyes hurt following the incident. Writer & investigator Ann Druf 9/3/1975 #37590 ton, about 25 miles from the first incident, the bright light again appears Fall 1975 #37651 e lake. He was badly shaken by the incident. "It's all right to think what 10/7/1975 #37715 e Parsons An NBC-TV movie, The UFO Incident, on the Betty and Barney Hill a 10/20/1975 #37760 ons Center Near 12:00 midnight. An incident occurs near Cheyenne Mountain, Late 10/1975 #37786 the same time as a Loring AFB UFO incident. It stayed for 5-10 minutes, th 10/27/1975 #37806 ocating UFO. NORAD informed of the incident by SAC. Received authority to p 10/29/1975 #37824 ecessary, to locate UFO. A similar incident was reported the evening before 10/29/1975 #37824 nslated from French) Travis Walton incident. Early in the evening, loggers 11/5/1975 #37886 came home, and my father shared an incident with me. The previous Tuesday, End of 1975 #38034 tario. They tell him the October 7 incident was a “mistake” caused by the m 12/12/1975 #38064 extraterrestrials since the March incident.” 3/5/1976 #38307 independent observer witnessed the incident. 3/19/1976 #38328 ng away at a tremendous speed. The incident is reported to the MOD and Manc 4/2/1976 #38370 P orders Toffan not to discuss the incident. 4/22/1976 #38401 tells the crew not to discuss the incident. 4/23/1976 #38409 it had disappeared. Following this incident by about a month, the same witn 9/3/1976 #38754 anded in a desert area. The entire incident lasted two hours. 9/19/1976 #38837 ber 30, 1976, published about this incident: The 707 passenger plane almost 9/22/1976 (approximate) #38844 led hole possibly connected to the incident. Nothing is found but old logs. 10/1976 #38867 let pockmark. A few days after the incident Trejo lost his vision, and then 11/12/1976 #38977 ind a nearby billboard. The entire incident lasted about 15 minutes. 11/12/1976 #38978 horse farm. His last memory of the incident was of looking behind his car a 12/6/1976 #39028 ight for almost two days after the incident. The witness also claims that, 12/6/1976 #39028 at the debriefing of his 1977 UFO incident over a nuclear silo at Ellswort 1977 #39091 e corroborated the 1968 Nellis AFB incident. [Retrievals of the Third Kind 1977 #39104 om severe headaches soon after the incident, and his dog died with no obvio 1/4/1977 #39139 om severe headaches soon after the incident, and his dog died with no obvio 1/4/1977 #39141 5 minutes of missing time, and the incident was followed by many days of pe 1/18/1977 #39181 5 minutes of missing time, and the incident was followed by many days of pe 1/18/1977 #39182 es, and fever for 2 days after the incident (it is flu season). 1/21/1977 #39197 ward the south, then vanished. The incident lasted five minutes. 1/26/1977 #39209 to Washington, D.C. to report the incident officially. He went to the Depa 1/27/1977 #39218 . Despite the seeming drama of the incident, the light seems to have been V 2/22/1977 #39299 in is the only one to mention this incident...] 4/22/1977 #39477 ed it as a disc-shaped object. The incident occurred near a Nike missile ba 4/29/1977 #39505 ed it as a disc-shaped object. The incident occurred near a Nike missile ba 4/29/1977 #39508 Mr. Gouws was so fearful after the incident that he was shaking like a leaf 6/16/1977 #39645 could not come into action. As the incident was later reported to NATO head 7/1/1977 #39708 nothing more. He then reported the incident to his sergeant. 8/9/1977 #39868 a. No UFO was associated with this incident. 8/25/1977 #39923 A major UFO incident involving 17 police occurred in 8/28/1977 #39935 ake up your own mind regarding the Incident At Fort Benning." A description 9/1977 #39949 ohn Vasquez’s claims of a 1977 UFO incident at Ft. Benning in which the U.S 9/1977 #39949 materials on the 1952 Ralph Mayher incident and the Durant report on the 19 9/21/1977 #40015 nkin tells his men to remember the incident, so that no one will be able to 10/7/1977 #40080 t, communications is restored. The incident raises some concern in the Sovi 10/7/1977 #40080 suffered from depression after the incident. 10/29/1977 #40157 uty, but everything else about the incident is bogus. Raeke has suffered no 11/16/1977 #40203 prints were found at the site. The incident also occurred during a rash of 12/2/1977 #40257 Ft. Dix shoots and kills an Alien. Incident report sent to Col. Landon and 1/18/1978 #40434 F) also witnessed and reported the incident (Sept. 16, 1980). 1/18/1978 #40434 Alleged USAF Incident/Complaint Form shows a UAP sigh 1/18/1978 #40440 omplaint Form shows a UAP sighting incident and body recovery at Ft. Dix an 1/18/1978 #40440 cted like it had seen that type of incident before, and states he was denie 1/18/1978 #40440 ials found no corroboration of the incident. NIDS suggests the Incident/Com 1/18/1978 #40440 of the incident. NIDS suggests the Incident/Complaint form may have been ho 1/18/1978 #40440 morning. At some point during the incident, a brightly lighted object pass 2/5/1978 #40509 A carbon copy of an apparent USAF incident report is received at the offic 2/9/1978 #40516 and “revealing” the Ellsworth AFB incident of November 16, 1977. 2/9/1978 #40516 , and made a noise on takeoff. The incident lasted several hours. 2/19/1978 #40538 bout the 1947 Roswell, New Mexico, incident. Marcel says the debris was lik 2/28/1978 #40558 least 62 witnesses to the Roswell incident. 2/28/1978 #40558 34 miles away in Cape Broyle. The incident is investigated by John Warren 4/2/1978 #40685 miles) beyond the point where the incident had begun. Their pickup's engin 7/6/1978 #40935 o damaged. A dog howled during the incident, which lasted about 15 minutes, 7/12/1978 #40966 r of 1968 another nearly identical incident transpired, again over Western 8/22/1978 #41144 ble barrier. Six days prior to the incident the witness's father had found 9/6/1978 #41237 on reaching the summit. During the incident the boys noticed a strange sile 10/2/1978 #41396 (Translated from French) Valentich Incident. Late in the afternoon, Frederi 10/21/1978 #41459 p. 96) Three weeks after the first incident, he was driving in the same pla 12/1978 #41654 uffered severe headaches after the incident. 12/14/1978 #41762 irls, Ralph Brashear, reported the incident to the police. 12/14/1978 #41763 Gen. Charles C. Blanton requesting incident reports. 12/20/1978 #41818 C. Blanton requesting UAP nuclear incident reports, to which USAF Legislat 12/20/1978 #41821 ardit, Aveyron district, France An incident involving missing time and vehi 2/18/1979 #42092 At 2:30 a.m. an incident involving missing time and vehi 2/18/1979 #42093 e barking. (For a nearly identical incident, but one involving missing time 2/21/1979 #42099 re at least two witnesses, and the incident lasted five minutes. 4/16/1979 #42175 olds cited a helicopter/mutilation incident which had occurred in previous 7/8/1979 #42323 en flying silently away. After the incident the mother and daughter develop 8/19/1979 #42441 r. She later reported a subsequent incident with another entity. 9/3/1979 #42516 slated from French) Cergy-Pontoise Incident. At 4:30 in the morning a spher 11/26/1979 #42708 attened for several days after the incident, and samples are taken to Paul 11/27/1979 #42715 e outskirts of the city. The first incident occurred when he filled up at t 12/2/1979 #42733 extremely reluctant to discuss the incident any further. 4/1980 #42962 al Investigations at Kirtland. The incident is subsequently investigated by 8/8/1980 #43185 files a preliminary report on the incident. The document is leaked to Will 8/8/1980 #43185 the Manzano area who says that the incident never took place (which contrad 8/8/1980 #43185 w 62 people related to the Roswell incident, such as Bill Brazel, Loretta P 9/1980 #43230 and Bill Moore publish The Roswell Incident, the first major review of the 9/1980 #43234 US The Roswell Incident by Charles Berlitz and William 9/1/1980 #43235 tory soon emerges that the Roswell incident involved alien bodies and that 9/8/1980 #43251 observation site shortly after the incident noticed that at the place where 11/28/1980 #43436 hen Godfrey was a child. After the incident, he had a split in the sole of 11/28/1980 #43442 Translated from French) Rendlesham Incident: While serving as base commande 12/27/1980 #43512 rad provides a statement about the incident to UFO researcher David Clarke. 12/28/1980 #43523 nrad also suggests that the entire incident was a hoax. 12/28/1980 #43523 eviously expressed doubts that the incident was caused by extraterrestrial 12/28/1980 #43524 north of Houston, TX Cash-Landrum incident. It was investigated by ex-Col. 12/29/1980 #43527 anslated from French) Cash/Landrum Incident. (December 29) 12/29/1980 #43530 lthough there is no doubt that the incident occurred, it is now considered 12/29/1980 #43536 illnesses that started before the incident, and that Landrum’s only docume 12/29/1980 #43536 ing, dark blue outfits. During the incident some nearby horses stampeded aw 2/18/1981 #43623 ff to the south toward Oregon. The incident lasted slightly less than a min 5/1/1981 #43735 ff to the south toward Oregon. The incident lasted slightly less than a min 5/1/1981 #43736 A missing time incident occurred in Uppington, England 7/15/1981 #43837 forcing a detour onto SR 148. The incident lasted more than 20 minutes. 11/28/1981 #44082 B. Alexander and the Cash-Landrum incident: "In 1982, Department of the Ar 1982 #44131 licopters were involved in the C-L incident, but his mission was not to inv 1982 #44131 m and was told not to speak of the incident. In 1973, two witnesses saw a 1982 #44144 ots can see nothing. Following the incident, British authorities launch a s 10/19/1982 #44541 llowed an RAF investigation of the incident. 12/2/1982 #44599 enly about the 1977 Ellsworth AFB “incident” that he claims AFOSI and the F 1/10/1983 #44643 c Phenomena. Popovich declared the incident definitely had taken place. 3/27/1983 #44727 Petrov, who is on duty during the incident, correctly dismisses the warnin 9/26/1983 #44920 silent throughout. He reports the incident to the sheriff’s department. 10/26/1983 #44960 fused to speak to anyone about the incident. It was only a year later that 11/11/1983 #44987 cases, such as the 1980 Rendlesham incident, Defence Undersecretary for Pro 3/4/1984 #45170 e lights go out. He videotapes the incident, but nothing shows up on the ta 3/25/1984 #45204 tion connection in this particular incident (although animal mutilations ha 6/3/1984 #45312 July. Witness later reported this incident while in prison and again when 7/1984 #45350 ner. They estimated that the total incident took about two minutes to trans 7/15/1984 #45368 guards came forward to report the incident, reporting there were a total o 7/24/1984 #45383 in the late 1980s, and created an incident file. No formal investigation a 7/24/1984 #45385 men are possibly boiled alive. The incident is covered up by Soviet authori 6/27/1985 #45628 shire) (Translated from French) An incident reported this day in Darwin rep 10/30/1985 #45726 w 92 people related to the Roswell incident. 1986 #45780 t 2800° it did not melt. After the incident, the blood of the researchers c 1/26/1986 (approximate) #45812 suffered from headaches after the incident. 3/21/1986 #45854 all the published research on the incident and finds that at present, fewe 4/26/1986 #45895 he following day. A summary of the incident is sent to the Joint Chiefs of Mid 12/1986 #46156 but the images came out blank. The incident lasted three minutes. 8/24/1987 #46342 se missile. Three hours before the incident, Japan launched an H-1A 600 mil 8/27/1987 #46344 perior to anything on Earth". This incident shows that when cornered, extra 10/13/1987 #46397 Spencer’s original account of the incident changes. Singleton calls it a g 12/1/1987 #46448 l problems must be fixed after the incident. 12/14/1987 #46469 le lights come on again. After the incident, the teams are debriefed and or Winter 1987 #46475 d, according to his account of the incident. 12/23/1987 #46476 me late, impressed by this surreal incident which one of them reported to h 1/1988 #46492 ning state, even 5 hours after the incident. Returned ... you can even say 1/21/1988 #46538 e during the encounter. The entire incident lasted ten minutes. 11/9/1988 #46854 headache, and neck pain after the incident. He notes that the paint on his 12/4/1988 #46894 s in his car were blown during the incident. 12/4/1988 #46895 hat it had had no knowledge of any incident with a UFO, but that it knew th 12/28/1988 #46916 fidence: I know nothing about this incident, but even if it was the case, a 12/28/1988 #46916 ars later, Caviness came across an incident report in ufology media that st 1/1989 #46934 craft were lost at the time of the incident. http://www.cavinessreport.com 1/1989 #46934 e three witnesses on board and the incident lasted several minutes. 1/30/1989 #46974 nsions. A few nights prior to this incident the same witness recalled also 6/29/1989 #47180 off and on for the next hour. The incident is plausibly explained by Vicen 8/10/1989 #47244 had disappeared. A month after the incident, Igor made an interesting disco 9/1989 #47277 ialist Industry slightly after the incident, a self-proclaimed UFO speciali 9/27/1989 #47328 RUSSIA 100-120 UFO's seen / single incident. No further details. / Ashasha 10/5/1989 #47351 ject then quickly disappeared. The incident lasted 20 minutes and left Kirs 11/2/1989 #47422 a series of nose bleeds after the incident. 11/6/1989 #47431 center. Throughout the three hour incident they were in constant communica 11/29/1989 #47524 near a shopping center, a strange incident occurred. She was alone in the 2/14/1990 #47693 three hours after the start of the incident. She took a few steps and vomit 2/18/1990 #47700 ion. The documents related to this incident would have been classified secr 5/25/1990 #47919 e grass, she decided to report the incident. 7/18/1990 #47988 briefings since the 1988 Cabo Rojo incident. 7/19/1990 #47990 ge circular ring on the grass. The incident lasted 15 minutes, and there wa 7/30/1990 #48012 ers takes color photographs of the incident. Desk officers from DI55 suspec 8/4/1990 #48021 Za Rodinu who is investigating the incident that nothing has happened. In N 9/13/1990 #48075 fense Gen. Ivan Tretiak claims the incident was all a newspaper hoax. 9/13/1990 #48075 contact with the targets, and the incident lasted 20 minutes. 10/8/1990 #48115 d the family never to speak of the incident again. (1991, No precise date) 1991 (approximate) #48312 te that a potentially catastrophic incident occurred at this site in 1991. 3/17/1991 #48405 and was told not to talk about the incident; the uncle claims he was brainw 4/12/1991 #48437 and reconstruction of the Roswell incident of 1947. They publish an update 7/1991 #48509 on Radio Borders the day after the incident. (July 8, 1991) 7/8/1991 #48522 been aware of the book The Roswell Incident at that time. Mary Groode, Hen 7/9/1991 #48527 ted to tell an older cousin of the incident, but the cousin ignored them an 7/21/1991 #48541 wer plant 1 day after near nuclear incident.. 10/12/1991 #48637 lth problems a few weeks after the incident, and he noted that he had exper 11/9/1991 #48654 ing site. A dog reacted during the incident. 12/1/1991 #48685 , and later by another frightening incident. A few months later other famil 5/5/1992 #48905 er, and their dog became sick. The incident lasted 30 minutes. 8/29/1992 #49057 the phenomenon had gone. The whole incident lasted 15 seconds. She remains 9/17/1992 #49090 John Ford, an investigator of this incident, stated he was worried for his 11/24/1992 #49197 foot of the bed watched the whole incident but did not react in any notice 1/19/1993 #49277 ared to vanish in plain sight. The incident was interpreted as a "demonic" 1/22/1993 #49285 ed a drastic weight loss after the incident but recovered. Other local resi 3/20/1993 #49377 rtedly went missing soon after the incident. Several days before this incid 5/12/1993 #49466 incident. Several days before this incident a huge dark object that nearly 5/12/1993 #49466 ortunately, Kelly’s account of the incident is the only one that has come t 8/8/1993 #49620 und. Two cars were involved in the incident. 8/9/1993 #49623 ecords related to the 1947 Roswell incident in New Mexico. 10/1993 #49722 information about the 1947 Roswell incident on behalf of his constituents a 1/12/1994 #49888 Roswell incident The Secretary of the Air Force’ Late 1/1994 #49903 ny official records on the Roswell incident. Late 1/1994 #49903 its investigation into the Roswell incident, the GAO officially warns Secre 2/15/1994 #49942 er information on the 1947 Roswell incident in New Mexico, airline pilot Ke 3/1994 #49967 Derby, UK A major Flying Triangle incident occurred with the possible cras 3/12/1994 #49991 bout their UFO sightings, like the incident where an enormous saucer crosse 4/16/1994 #50035 f the landing strip, or that other incident where a UFO hit the landing gea 4/16/1994 #50035 en felt extremely hungry after the incident. 6/15/1994 #50113 UFO sighting and the missing time incident is reported to the RCMP. 7/21/1994 #50180 d from French) One month after the incident of July 28th, a similar disaste Late 8/1994 #50240 of Special Investigations Roswell Incident Roswell In response to Rep. Ste 9/8/1994 #50279 ce Research Regarding the “Roswell Incident,” a 23-page executive summary ( 9/8/1994 #50279 Ruwa, Zimbabwe Ariel school incident 9/16/1994 #50307 e a total of 62 witnesses, and the incident lasted eight minutes. In anothe 9/16/1994 #50312 account of the same or a parallel incident, at 10:18 in nearby Harare, Mas 9/16/1994 #50312 pp. 25, 26) Was it following this incident that the BBC received an order 1/6/1995 #50519 cancer was somehow related to the incident. 3/14/1995 #50672 he object, and felt paralyzed. The incident lasted 75 minutes. 4/25/1995 #50760 ain. They prefer not to report the incident. 5/5/1995 #50767 ft him with marks on his skin. The incident reportedly lasted five minutes, 8/6/1995 #50961 eature had disappeared. The entire incident lasted about a minute. 8/11/1995 #50976 he UK as a segment of “The Roswell Incident.” London-based entrepreneur Ray 8/28/1995 #51029 A police report was filed over the incident. 8/28/1995 #51030 , some were related to the Roswell incident on the recovery of an unknown d 10/8/1995 #51155 rigues and Claudeir Covo about the incident to tell them that the area has 1/13/1996 #51315 in June, dedicated entirely to the incident. (Jan HERTOGHS "Humo" of 24.9.9 1/20/1996 #51327 ell water has been affected by the incident. 7/17/1996 #51617 r, while checking the scene of the incident, UFO investigators found circul 9/23/1996 #51708 in puzzled as to the cause of this incident. However, as even civilian vess 10/27/1996 #51775 erience anything. A week after the incident, the witness suffered a nervous 11/24/1996 #51803 ned and told not to talk about the incident by unknown men. https://youtu. 3/1997 #51921 inct events involved in the entire incident: a triangular formation of ligh 3/13/1997 #51938 h Army denies all knowledge of the incident, but Col. Zdzislaw Czekierda of 3/15/1997 #51941 just after the Phoenix Lights UFO incident raised questions, with the Air 4/2/1997 #51963 The crew immediately reported the incident to air traffic control, suggest 6/7/1997 #52042 e Ottawa Citizen 13.67.1997) - The incident occurred at 9000 feet altitude 6/7/1997 #52042 on and height 72 minutes after the incident. 8/9/1997 #52111 ber of videotapes were made of the incident. It ascends when police shine s 8/11/1997 #52116 ing, analyzing, and studying every incident involving anomalous aerial phen 10/3/1997 #52168 rienced severe headaches after the incident and reported seeing strange bla 4/13/1998 #52328 witnesses felt nervous during the incident. 8/24/1998 #52424 Zenit-2 launcher departed without incident, but after 5 minutes of flight 9/10/1998 #52431 pot" and then vanished. During the incident, there was a strong wind blowin 9/14/1998 #52435 roup was later told to fill out an incident form, and told it “never happen 10/1998 #52447 e entire staff saying there was no incident the night before. While at Area 10/1998 #52447 ike daytime. The guards report the incident to the Flight Chief, who tells 12/1998 #52490 blue jumpsuit. The night after the incident she awoke to find her room very 1/7/1999 #52509 headaches and toothaches after the incident. She also felt hypervigilant. 1/7/1999 #52509 ents related to the Phoenix Lights incident and the St. Clair Triangle inci 1/22/1999 #52517 ncident and the St. Clair Triangle incident in Illinois, both were triangul 1/22/1999 #52517 by several witnesses prior to the incident. 3/5/1999 #52545 writes: "I would like to share an incident that I have only told my brothe 6/1999 #52591 ts resembling banknotes. The whole incident unfolded in complete silence. A 8/14/1999 #52643 n 10:35 a.m. A serious criticality incident takes place in the Tokaimura ur 9/30/1999 #52682 streaked off. An FAA report on the incident was filed. The planes were abou 10/26/1999 #52692 es and nausea for a week after the incident. 11/13/1999 #52708 roid photograph of the object. The incident is examined in the ABC special 1/5/2000 #52752 knowledges that the Phoenix Lights incident “has never been fully explained 3/1/2000 #52794 no physiological effects from the incident. His wife, who was on the phone 4/1/2000 #52816 ears and slightly curly hair." The incident happened around 7 in the evenin Mid 4/2000 #52825 ogical aftereffects soon after the incident. 7/5/2000 #52868 not remember anything else of the incident. The next day his neighbor ment 10/15/2000 #52918 ols became visible. Soon after the incident the witness suffered from sever 10/28/2000 #52922 licopters involved in a mutilation incident to Logan-Cache Airport. As Simm 2/24/2001 #53001 s a lengthy investigation into the incident. 5/5/2001 #53039 ere was no sound during the entire incident, which lasted five minutes. The 10/2/2001 #53128 were overcome with shock after the incident. 6/5/2002 #53211 en to rotate and then descend. The incident lasted three minutes. 9/25/2002 #53274 A missing time incident also occurred at 8:30 p.m. loca 9/25/2002 #53275 wn how many of them are tracked in incident reports like described in Octob 10/2002 #53279 ve police cars are involved in the incident. 11/28/2002 #53322 g growled for 20 minutes after the incident, after which he was able to go 1/26/2003 #53349 . There were two witnesses and the incident lasted three minutes. 2/12/2003 #53358 There were three witnesses and the incident lasted from five to six minutes 8/6/2003 #53440 inoco River at Ciudad Bolivar. The incident was witnessed by workers at the 5/15/2004 #53572 h other through a dark object. The incident is examined in a Dateline NBC e 8/21/2004 #53608 hen entered the larger object. The incident lasted 90 minutes. Earlier that 9/19/2004 #53631 illustrate the 2004 USS Nimitz UFO incident, the GIMBAL video is unrelated 11/14/2004 #53655 x lights Southern Illinois Roswell incident UFOs: Seeing Is Believing, a tw 2/24/2005 #53687 angle-shaped UFOs, and the Roswell incident, which Jennings sneeringly dism 2/24/2005 #53687 feeling on his head and hair. The incident lasted three minutes. 5/9/2005 #53709 would not start an hour after the incident and had to be jump started. The 2/15/2006 #53795 ncy would not be investigating the incident. 11/7/2006 #53853 l unwellness within 18 days of the incident. In October he develop lumps on 5/8/2009 #54095 ell advised not to talk about this incident in the future…it will be in you 2/2011 #54190 interests not to speak about this incident again” in a threatening tone. T 2/2011 #54190 t. Robert Salas states another UAP incident occurred in the same area, abov 9/19/2012 #54231 rts that immediately following the incident he lost all cellphone reception 8/6/2013 #54259 Lidingö in Stockholm, Sweden. The incident remains unconfirmed but has bee 10/31/2014 #54300 e footage from the 2004 USS Nimitz incident. Five pilots from the VFA-11 “R 2/2015? #54308 John Burroughs, Rendlesham Forest incident witness, were legally classifie 3/13/2015 #54313 as possibly related to the Roswell incident, since they seem to have a prov 5/5/2015 #54315 and argues that while the Roswell incident remains shrouded in mystery, it 8/11/2016 #54335 air traffic controllers report the incident 20 minutes later to the RCAF in 9/19/2016 #54337 lution 8648 about the Maury Island Incident. It stated “The FBI’s conclusio 4/18/2017 #54346 avoiding action is needed, but the incident is reported to Gatwick control. 5/5/2018 #54407 . The UK Airprox Board places this incident in the highest risk category. 4/28/2019 #54455 y factors that can arise during an incident, and cautions and recommendatio 6/2019 #54466 ontinue to maneuver throughout the incident. By 9:20 p.m., the USS Kidd log 7/15/2019 #54477 six drones maneuvering nearby. The incident continues into the night, with 7/15/2019 #54477 and videos said to pertain to this incident are released by filmmaker Jerem 7/15/2019 #54477 20 a.m. Another unidentified drone incident, lasting 32 minutes, is reporte 7/25/2019 #54483 . The USS Kidd reports another UAV incident. Its SNOOPIE team remains activ 7/30/2019 #54484 ll, where crewmembers report a UAP incident. A team known as “ghostbusters” 7/30/2019 #54485 the symptoms stop. She reports the incident to the Secret Service because i 8/2019 #54487 do Homeland Security later say the incident is unrelated to the drone activ 1/8/2020 #54510 s the senior advisor to the Health Incident Response Task Force, which was 3/12/2021 #54568 icials are still investigating the incident. 11/16/2021 #54614 . Jim Penniston, Rendlesham Forest incident witness, and Kit Green with his 10/20/2022 #54680 23. Unlike the Chinese spy balloon incident on Feb 4, no media of these thr 2/17/2023 #54701 the early work on the 1947 Roswell Incident crash debris. His investigation 8/8/2023 #54724 of the first investigators to the incident because of his rocketry knowled 8/8/2023 #54724 memo also mentions that the Yukon incident was the 23rd 'UAP' occurrence t 9/5/2023 #54743## Word: "incident's", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
found near the same location. The incident's connection to his murder wasn 7/23/1830 #963 ord and raises questions about the incident's true nature and objectives. B 1/7/1948 #6515## Word: "incidentally", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
had altered Bennewitz’s photos and incidentally found them to be authentic. Summer 1981 #43801## Word: "incidents", 200 instance(s) (Back to Top)
On this date in 1833 a series of incidents involving a luminous aerial ob 11/13/1833 #975 California In the 1896 California incidents preceding the 1897 airship wav 1896 #1530 es were torn. (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 3/26/1897 #1642 an affidavit. (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 8/21/1915 #2699 ains uncertain. Reports of similar incidents have been received throughout 8/13/1917 #2786 information is available on these incidents. Documents from the early 1930 1933 #3183 er conditions. While some of these incidents might have astronomical explan 3/1934 #3258 President Roosevelt regarding the incidents of the previous day in Los Ang 2/26/1942 #3622 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF REFERENCES TO UFO INCIDENTS DURING WORLD WAR II., 1987, 8. 3/14/1942 #3634 Henry H. “Hap” Arnold to look into incidents of unusual aerial phenomena in 10/28/1944 #4053 89-93 Ref.1) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 11/24/1944 #4078 bold operation is one of the many incidents that will feed the underground 5/31/1945 #4305 sues instructions on how to report incidents with “certain kind of light ph 6/26/1946 #4519 gating the Operation Charlie radar incidents at RAF Neatishead, England, is 1/27/1947 #4862 203-79, “Analysis of Flying Object Incidents in the U.S.” 6/9/1947 #4987 ed to investigate five flying disc incidents with “qualified” observers and 7/7/1947 #5762 s the possibility that some of the incidents may be caused by natural pheno 9/23/1947 #6357 ng 180° turns, and about 33 of the incidents are considered factual. 10/7/1947 #6394 lligence for all files on “Swedish incidents” in 1946 and 1947. He receives 1/23/1948 #6551 ion and Reporting of ‘Flying Disc’ Incidents.” It specifies that Air Force 2/4/1948 #6563 arged with evaluating military UFO incidents, in cooperation with CIC perso 2/4/1948 #6563 the EEI “Analysis of Flying Object Incidents in the United States” (100-203 7/27/1948 #6790 3-79, “Analysis of Fly- ing Object Incidents in the U.S.” (AIR 203) [Some c 12/10/1948 #7011 ansmits Project Sign’s list of UFO incidents to the Air Weather Service for 1/5/1949 #7069 a scientific study because “these incidents are of such great importance, 1/13/1949 #7080 t velocities. He says there are 10 incidents that strongly fit the pattern 2/16/1949 #7132 : “It seems unlikely that domestic incidents can be attributed to the activ 2/18/1949 #7143 A spokesman says that some unknown incidents are placed in a classified cat 4/8/1949 #7227 mon characteristics of most of the incidents are: “a. Green color, sometime 4/19/1949 #7243 cal development. A few unexplained incidents surpass these limits of credul 4/28/1949 #7283 203-79, “Analysis of Flying Object Incidents in the United States,” bear th 4/28/1949 #7284 o be a concentration of New Mexico incidents near weekends, especially on S 8/17/1949 #7520 ve activity on unidentified aerial incidents.” AMC hands green fireball rep 9/1/1949 #7554 . For the next 10 days, another 21 incidents of off-scale cosmic-ray detect 10/14/1949 #7618 s of off-scale cosmic-ray detector incidents occur at scattered times, fitt 10/14/1949 #7618 ernment agencies for reporting UFO incidents, though routine intelligence c 1/12/1950 #7724 cial handling and reporting of UFO incidents, “Reporting of Information on 9/8/1950 #8572 ground and air operations, unusual incidents, and UFO reports in Korea. The 1951 #8836 , the Air Force still investigates incidents and sends them to AMC if neces 1/29/1951 #8898 otes that “there have been several incidents, during the last six months, w 1/29/1951 #8898 ood Still, inspired by a series of incidents involving flying saucers in th 12/27/1951 #9482 lsop examine the January 29 Korean incidents in their syndicated column, “P 2/20/1952 #9607 ation on the January 29 Korean UFO incidents in a letter to Secretary of th 2/21/1952 #9608 curity has materialized from these incidents.” 4/17/1952 #9861 timeframe prior to the report. The incidents have never been released by ON 4/24/1952 #9958 and his documentation for specific incidents and conditions is somewhat con 9/12/1952 #12169 told by RAF Intelligence that the incidents of the past three days caused 9/21/1952 #12280 igence, CIA: “The reports of (UFO) incidents convince us that there is some 12/2/1952 #12748 FOs: “At this time, the reports of incidents convince us that there is some 12/2/1952 #12749 tion. The details of some of these incidents have been discussed by AD/SI w 12/2/1952 #12749 GESAG INFOLINK of April 1996, "Les incidents de type I en Belgique dans le 11/14/1954 #16613 propagation anomalies, etc.). The incidents began at Bentwaters Base, prec 8/13/1956 #18198 es that there are actually several incidents at different times and places 8/13/1956 #18208 y detailing more than 143 aircraft incidents in the Far East. 8/15/1956 #18216 a.m. Some earlier ELINT and visual incidents are noted as early as about 4: 7/17/1957 #19007 he best documented unexplained UFO incidents in history, and it has the pot 7/17/1957 #19007 al Reactions) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 11/10/1957 #19796 nd speeds away. This and other UFO incidents cause Sen. Jim Cavanagh to ask 6/28/1963 #23608 Mexico A series of at least three incidents at Walker AFB [now closed] at Winter 1963 #23937 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 6/29/1964 #24264 gical effects (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents, BB: BBU) 9/4/1964 #24441 es Flynn Case (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents, Code: M, Rating: 5) 3/15/1965 #24814 ts on Witness (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents, Code: M, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) 8/13/1965 #25399 5, BB: 9806) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) (NI 8/19/1965 #25445 Argentine navy reports fifteen UFO incidents since 1963. Non-US military. 9/1965 #25513 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 2/25/1966 #26007 full-blown investigation of these incidents, which some persons allege hav 3/25/1966 #26186 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 3/29/1966 #26241 AFB, Guam Radar Sighting, #6 of 24 Incidents (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 4/5/1966 #26351 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 4/7/1966 #26381 1966, p. 7.) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 4/18/1966 #26449 AFB, Guam Radar Sighting, #7 of 24 Incidents (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 4/27/1966 #26548 1996, p. 42). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 4/28/1966 #26549 han a second. (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 6/27/1966 #26763 anders are charged with evaluating incidents, but they’re to be passed to l 7/21/1966 #26815 tigation disclosed several earlier incidents and an organization to which t 8/20/1966 #26947 tigation disclosed several earlier incidents and a mysterious organization 8/20/1966 #26951 al Reactions) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 10/12/1966 #27193 had been the site of repeated UFO incidents for a year. 1/11/1967 #27539 USAF personnel hearing about such incidents should report them to AFOSI. 3/1/1967 #27991 In a series of night-time incidents that began on March 28th, in C 4/1/1967 #28348 1967, p. 12.) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 5/3/1967 #28592 lak Encounter (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents, Code: M, Rating: 5) 5/20/1967 #28713 NICAP files.) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 5/25/1967 #28735 rred during a spate of several UFO incidents in the same area. 9/2/1967 #29391 1994, p. 24.) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 12/8/1967 #30030 ervention team” to investigate UFO incidents involving physical evidence. T 1968 #30110 in Hawaii after a series of tragic incidents on June 15–17, including a mis 6/20/1968 #30573 2, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 6/25/1968 #30604 onia #921, 1) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 11/2/1968 #31183 (Translated from French) FRONTIER INCIDENTS OPPOSED SOVIET TO CHINESE. ON 3/1969 #31544 our (Translated from French) Again incidents occurred between Soviet soldie 6/1969 #31787 In one of a series of incidents involving Stella Lansing, she 11/9/1969 #32105 of the eyes and there were strange incidents with the lights in the changin 9/21/1972 #33873 er 1980, three days of bizarre UFO incidents take place. Warren says that G 2/19/1973 #34198 le Webb case. (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 10/3/1973 #34875 having three more close encounter incidents, one of which apparently invol 10/11/1973 #34965 bat Air Activities file of 16 such incidents between 1967 and 1969, especia 10/16/1973 #35047 zzy and numb. (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 11/2/1973 #35328 emic of strange cattle deaths. The incidents first receive wide publicity i 12/1973 #35483 during the incident. Other strange incidents subsequently occurred. 7/17/1974 #36336 On the same day as the two incidents above, a giant hairy biped was 7/12/1975 #37368 Section XII). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 7/31/1975 #37421 . Gualberto.) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 10/25/1975 #37783 er 27, 1975). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 10/25/1975 #37784 Two close encounter incidents occurred within an hour of eac 10/25/1975 #37787 Loring AFB The Loring AFB incidents are extremely well documented, 10/27/1975 #37792 s one of the most interesting such incidents, not only for the abduction it 10/27/1975 #37799 1976, p. 19). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 12/17/1975 #38076 idst a series of cattle mutilation incidents, at 4:00 a.m. two workers at t 8/5/1976 #38644 erranean can shed any light on the incidents. 8/8/1976 #38659 ing overhead toward the west. Both incidents are timed by stopwatch at 12 s 12/16/1976 #39051 of the light. (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 1/1/1977 #39126 pped working. (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 1/1/1977 #39127 al Reactions) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 1/4/1977 #39139 , issue 317). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 1/18/1977 #39181 eer, BUFORA). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 3/7/1977 #39332 volved in previous close encounter incidents. 3/20/1977 #39385 had been involved in two other UFO incidents prior to this encounter. 4/23/1977 #39486 d in several other close encounter incidents prior and after this encounter 4/24/1977 #39490 ry dust of their driveway. Further incidents occur on July 25 and August 1. 7/23/1977 #39797 n about the 1975 Northern Tier UFO incidents. The Air Force admits they do 10/31/1977 #40166 ir Defence Forces reported several incidents where aircraft were scrambled Late 1970's #40356 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 1/6/1978 #40396 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 1/10/1978 #40409 rive on Earth (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 5/15/1978 #40794 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 6/14/1978 #40862 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 8/30/1978 #41196 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 10/30/1978 #41509 Oil Fields, Kuwait Major UFO/E-M Incidents Over Kuwait (NICAP: 03 - EME C 11/9/1978 #41552 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 12/12/1978 #41733 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 12/14/1978 #41752 re a series of close encounter UFO incidents in Italy on this date in 1978. 12/15/1978 #41772 lso shows 33 different UAP nuclear incidents occurred over a two-week perio 12/20/1978 #41821 There were two incidents involving missing time or abdu 1/3/1979 #41943 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 1/18/1979 #42014 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 1/24/1979 #42032 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 1/28/1979 #42045 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 2/18/1979 #42092 , though it pays some attention to incidents in other states. 4/25/1979 #42187 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 5/19/1979 #42237 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 5/26/1979 #42256 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 6/19/1979 #42292 hoots straight up. These and other incidents result in a report being filed 8/8/1980 #43185 ee witnesses. (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 8/17/1980 #43203 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 9/11/1980 #43259 pearing at a dizzying speed. These incidents, which forced the pilot of the 11/11/1980 #43381 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 12/4/1980 #43459 h/Landrum inc (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 12/12/1980 #43475 Section VII). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 7/31/1981 #43875 (section IV). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 8/30/1981 #43923 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 1982 #44136 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 2/19/1982 #44208 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 2/20/1982 #44213 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 3/4/1982 #44231 e Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 7/23/1982 #44422 It is the first of some 52 further incidents. 10/1983 #44926 mutilations of two kinds: copycat incidents where pranksters cut up the bo 1984 #45042 llings by cult members. The latter incidents occur mostly in Idaho. 1984 #45042 al Reactions) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 4/25/1984 #45250 experienced many other mysterious incidents in his house, was sleeping in Winter 1984 #45533 g the 12/1980 Bentwaters and other incidents. Exon is described as concerne 3/3/1985 #45576 dditionally, the speakers detailed incidents at Kirtland Air Force Base in 6/25/1987 #46285 ategic military installations. The incidents included visual sightings and 6/25/1987 #46285 onal hearings to investigate these incidents fully. The presenters argued t 6/25/1987 #46285 se encounters, including abduction incidents, and Walters continues to prod 11/11/1987 #46422 (section V). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 12/4/1988 #46891 s claimed to know nothing of these incidents. 12/28/1988 #46915 System (TIMS) reports that similar incidents occurred affecting three other 9/9/1989 #47293 Reporting database includes 7,000 incidents since 1971, averaging about 35 1990 #47619 igation reveals that two unrelated incidents contributed to the sightings: 12/16/1992 #49222 ornia reported a series of bizarre incidents beginning at 3:55 a.m. during 1/14/1993 #49270 y surgically removed-but most such incidents happened in the 70's and 80's. 3/1993 #49344 lloon, aircraft, and similar crash incidents” to find out whether “proper p 2/9/1994 #49937 lloon, aircraft, and similar crash incidents. (February 15) 2/15/1994 #49942 illem, GA provides EOD response to incidents involving “high technology dev 1996 #51292 t the site. Numerous other strange incidents were reported in subsequent da 2/23/1996 #51418 rrested in connection with hacking incidents related to USAF, NASA and NATO 6/21/1996 #51588 e appear to have been two separate incidents. Earlier in the evening what m 3/13/1997 #51939 thorough investigation into these incidents and the importance of protecti 4/2/1997 #51963 hospital are a combination of two incidents: the June 26, 1956, crash of a 6/24/1997 #52065 that summarizes more than 100 UFO incidents reported by pilots and their c 10/15/2000 #52915 exhibition area that showcases UFO incidents in both Turkish and English. 1/18/2002 #53171 (SUAS) assessment that classifies incidents into one of four categories: d 2017 #54340 found in major UFO airborne safety incidents doesn’t support the notion of 1/1/2017 #54341 y Review Board to “review security incidents involving diplomatic personnel 1/9/2018 #54381 defining symptom of the diplomatic incidents—the perception of loud noises, 9/1/2018 #54419 real government program, and real incidents. It then mixes in absurd and i 1/8/2019 #54438 encounters, highlighting increased incidents of unauthorized aircraft in mi 4/23/2019 #54453 An investigation into the UAS incidents is routed to the Chief of Nava 7/18/2019 #54480 d in reaction to the earlier drone incidents. 7/24/2019 #54482 igation” of the mysterious medical incidents suffered by US personnel in Cu 1/15/2021 #54562 inate the response to the spate of incidents. 3/12/2021 #54568 UAP sightings from 2004-2021. Most incidents were unexplained, with no evid 6/25/2021 #54584 nce, though in a limited number of incidents, UAP reportedly appear to exhi 6/25/2021 #54585 sess the nature and extent” of UAP incidents. It requires the office to sub 12/27/2021 #54623 rts of UFOs now includes about 400 incidents, up from 143 assessed in a rep 5/17/2022 #54647 balloons as causes for the uptick. Incidents in the 2021 report date as far 5/17/2022 #54647 ial told CBS News that none of the incidents have yet been definitively lin 1/12/2023 #54694 om FOIA. Despite two mental health incidents in 2014 and 2018, Grusch kept 8/9/2023 #54726## Word: "incinerated", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
U.S. KH-9 "Big Bird" spy satellite incinerated on reentry into atmosphere. 8/6/1971 #33022 rsonal possessions, are seized and incinerated. 9/13/1987 #46376## Word: "incinerator", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
glowing-saucer hovers 300M / city incinerator. Going quickly northwest. 2/25/1950 #7819## Word: "incirlik", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Incirlik Air Base Adana Turkey 3:00 a.m. 4/1974 #36024 urity Police Squadron stationed at Incirlik Air Base, Adana, Turkey, witnes 4/1974 #36024 Adana, Turkey Incirlik Air Base Mediterranean Sea 7:53 1/14/1983 #44648 ined by two US Air Force jets from Incirlik Air Base. One of the jets flies 1/14/1983 #44648## Word: "incision", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ody was mutilated: tongue excised, incision under the chin extended to the 3/1956 #17847 ies were mutilated, showed a clear incision around the anus and one of thei 1975 #36775 them with needles, also making an incision on the child’s thigh. The next 3/7/1987 #46209 g sound. One of the beings made an incision on the child's thigh that was q 3/7/1987 #46210 d been cut following an elliptical incision of 3.5 cm by 1.5. The testicles 9/29/1988 #46797 it is in time." They then made an incision on his left wrist. His next mem 5/13/1993 #49467 ar mark near her navel and a small incision in her stomach skin resembling 8/7/1993 #49610## Word: "incisions", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
mutilated in Kiowa, Colorado. The incisions appeared to be of a surgical n 9/7/1975 #37600 killed and mutilated with surgical incisions. The right ear and tail had be 12/13/1977 #40300 ans had been removed with surgical incisions. 8/31/1978 #41206 can work unseen to humans; create incisions and perform medical procedures 11/25/1991 #48673 on the ground, laser-like "zipper" incisions in the corpse and parts of the 3/1993 #49344 from ranchhouse. Classical smooth incisions. Wave. 4/29/1993 #49444 d cooked hemoglobin and cauterized incisions. Both animals also had had pne 5/10/1994 #50063## Word: "incisor", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ain cap of his “upper left central incisor” and has it repaired by Dr. Fran 2/20/1954 #14176## Word: "incite", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
k of experimentation that fails to incite the men to attack each other, the 7/1968 #30632## Word: "incitement", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r. Fittkau-Garthe was charged with incitement to suicide. He added that the 1/8/1998 #52256## Word: "incites", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
cute radiation syndrome. The blast incites international reaction over atmo 3/1/1954 #14203## Word: "inciting", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Network. The episode is famous for inciting a panic by convincing some memb 10/30/1938 #3443## Word: "inclination", 19 instance(s) (Back to Top)
p of segments to which the desired inclination was given by maneuvering the 1939 (approximate) #3454 ject turned east, with very little inclination, and headed towards Santa Ro 7/3/1947 #5321 FIRST UNDER 10°, THEN UNDER 63° OF INCLINATION. (August 6, 1960) 8/6/1960 #21930 bit, rather than west to east. Its inclination to the equator is about 135° 8/25/1960 #21986 ject on top. It took a 45 (degree) inclination, rose, made a right-angle tu 6/11/1966 #26691 l dome on top. It took a 45-degree inclination, rose, made a right-angle tu 6/11/1966 #26693 ACE ITSELF IN AN ORBIT OF THE SAME INCLINATION WITH AN INITIAL ALTITUDE OF 11/2/1966 #27270 ing, New York, and says: “It is my inclination right now to recommend that 1/25/1967 #27646 ng the four, had a relatively high inclination (64°) and performed maneuver 10/1967 #29574 rotates clockwise, maintaining its inclination. It begins moving away; as i 12/8/1967 #30034 and began to orbit the Earth at an inclination of 62°. The following day, a 10/19/1968 #31124 lace, reached an orbit of the same inclination, but much higher; it evolved 10/19/1968 #31124 between 1400 and 1500 km under an inclination of 74°. under the same incli 4/1970 #32295 inclination of 74°. under the same inclination, and at a lower altitude (ar 4/1970 #32295 around 260 km of altitude under an inclination of 65°. It is a spy satellit 9/16/1977 #39993 ch) China 8 placed itself on a low inclination orbit. It is a photographic 1/1978 #40368 e danger.Because, under an orbital inclination of 5° the undesirable satell 1/24/1978 #40458 average altitude of 225 km, at an inclination of 50.7°. The Russians had j 6/3/1982 #44359 airplane turning at 45 degrees of inclination. Very quickly, however, all 1/28/1994 #49907## Word: "inclinations", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, skirts the clouds, makes various inclinations, stops at low altitude abov 8/20/1955 #17431 e diamond seemed to take different inclinations and it was drowned in a str 11/28/1989 #47473## Word: "incline", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
er travels like a surfboard on the incline of a wave that is kept moving by 4/8/1952 #9770 en loses power as it travels up an incline, and everything goes dead—car li 9/16/1974 #36543 feels his bike being pulled up the incline and notices steam pouring off hi 6/6/1977 #39629 glide along a fence along a steep incline a short way before vanishing. Th 10/2/1978 #41395## Word: "inclined", 57 instance(s) (Back to Top)
med to be about 1200 toises and it inclined towards the earth. It threw an 6/13/1819 #913 visible sky, the phenomenon being inclined towards the ground at an angle 8/12/1852 #1110 opped above the church of Domrémy, inclined to the left and came to rest in 1/6/1896 #1532 er them. Rutter specified: "It was inclined at an angle of 45°, which made 4/15/1897 #1778 uth, Nova Scotia. It looks like an inclined cylinder with rounded ends and 11/2/1897 #2012 machine falls like lightning in an inclined trajectory, pointing towards Vo 7/13/1915 #2690 had a wingspan of 5 meters. A 30° inclined catapult was provided for launc 2/1936 #3330 flying very slowly, swaying in an inclined position towards the ground. It 3/1945 #4217 lying at low altitude. It hovered, inclined at 45°. At its lower part there 8/1946 #4629 which first rose vertically, then inclined a bit, and left at an enormous 8/14/1947 #6241 ansparent, because when the saucer inclined slightly, he could make out a s 2/1/1948 #6558 in. The younger age group was more inclined to believe in saucers than olde 1/12/1950 #7721 h of a B-36. The wing was strongly inclined towards the back, almost taking 8/25/1951 #9172 of a "silver plane with wings very inclined to the rear" except one who spo 9/23/1951 #9272 the sky and descended as if on an inclined slope with small jerks. 5/10/1952 #10099 .149) Many witnesses saw a strange inclined cigar passing through the blue 10/17/1952 #12470 -shaped structure in the blue sky, inclined at a 45° angle. The witnesses i 10/17/1952 #12484 inding light at the top. The disk, inclined towards the ground, appeared co 8/30/1954 #14947 ectangular coins of 10 cm section, inclined at 45°. A mast, erected on the 9/28/1954 #15284 i outfit. The object hovered at an inclined angle, while the two occupants 10/21/1954 #16215 which took off vertically, buzzed, inclined and disappeared silently at ver 10/28/1954 #16400 it arrived about 180 m from us, it inclined on its side and then returned t 8/20/1955 #17431 e object rose, described a spiral, inclined and moved away in absolute sile 6/1956 #17986 LIGHTNING PROTOTYPE with the wing inclined at about 30°, giving it a gener 4/4/1957 #18757 ground. When it stopped, one side inclined towards her, she saw a man dres 5/1957 #18811 rrived close to the bust the being inclined his head to the left and right 10/19/1959 #21514 dissipating a white luminosity. It inclined at 45° presenting its dome wher End of 1959 #21596 ach end. It swayed back-and-forth, inclined at a 45-degree angle. 10/2/1965 #25684 le Creek, MI 8:20 a.m. EDT. A disc inclined at an angle was observed by a r 8/24/1966 #26971 tness heard a whistling. The shell inclined at 45° and left at a vertiginou 1/11/1967 #27533 15,000 feet observed a vertically inclined, huge, black metallic cylinder 3/14/1967 #28176 hat slid out of the craft along an inclined plane. The answers to his quest 9/27/1968 #31062 ich gave the impression of a solid inclined plane. They could not distingui 2/1969 #31471 thout coming into contact with the inclined ground. These three silhouettes 3/1969 #31545 rved huge black cylinder hovering, inclined in vertical position. Fighter a 3/14/1969 #31610 ters in diameter. It floated at an inclined angle 3 to 4 meters above the g 8/19/1969 #31962 sparks. It was facing me slightly inclined. How long did I stay there? I d 9/24/1969 #32018 and 650 km altitude approximately, inclined at 81°. Their launch frequency 1970 #32180 inous object in the shape of a hat inclined of 90°: its apparent diameter w Early 7/1970 #32419 about 1.50 m, the one on the left inclined to the left 60 cm and the one i 7/25/1970 #32447 nched on a slightly lower and less inclined orbit (74°) appeared in 1973 wi 1973 #34081 retracted its legs, returned to an inclined position, and took off. Herrera 3/13/1973 #34248 of the electric cabin, the object inclined towards the right and moved awa 9/14/1973 #34757 ower hatch of the craft opened and inclined towards the ground, unfolding l 12/13/1973 #35555 rcinelle, Belgium at 10:30 p.m. It inclined toward the witness, a single wo 4/25/1974 #36111 abilized for a second or two, then inclined towards the buildings of the he 1/4/1975 #36824 tep ladder appeared from below, it inclined at 45° but did not touch the gr 2/14/1975 #36942 ound after a click, it was on this inclined plane that the tall being appea 1/5/1976 #38123 to Frank Press, saying that he is “inclined to agree” with his recommendati 9/6/1977 #39967 had entered. One of them slightly inclined his head and made a smile. As s 5/10/1978 #40769 d luminous yellow triangular eyes, inclined upwards. On the forehead someth 12/6/1978 #41690 had the shape of a cross, then it inclined and he saw a small dome on the 2/10/1988 #46568 as if catapulted. It slowed down, inclined slightly and turned. It exposed 11/29/1989 #47483 ed to the underside which was then inclined towards the witnesses. Wingspan 3/12/1991 #48394 owly, seeming to follow a downward inclined trajectory towards the Woluwe v 3/22/1991 #48414 non-flashing light, one rear beam inclined at 45°, which moved at 10km/h a 5/17/1991 #48466 ral axis, she sees a ray of light, inclined on 45°, coming from an opening 5/17/1991 #48468## Word: "inclines", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hen an airplane, to turn, suddenly inclines and offers the radar beam all t 6/19/1951 #9073 hich takes off vertically, buzzes, inclines and disappears silently at very 10/28/1954 #16402 tness hears a whistling. The shell inclines at 45° and leaves at a vertigin 1/11/1967 #27534 see a bright object in the sky. It inclines towards them, and they can see 10/24/1967 #29733 then the device takes off slowly, inclines and is then seen as a very lumi 12/10/1967 #30040## Word: "inclining", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e, and made a perfect turn without inclining. During the 10 minute observat 7/24/1949 #7470 d make a perfect turn, but without inclining. During the 10 minutes of obse 7/24/1949 #7471 ving continuously in formation and inclining in unison every 12 to 15 secon 4/6/1952 #9757 e the fields to a wood, in a bend, inclining as an airplane or helicopter w 4/3/1998 #52317 100 km/h. Then the object rose up, inclining, and I could see its amazing s 4/3/1998 #52317## Word: "include", 116 instance(s) (Back to Top)
las Church for one hour. Witnesses include several fishermen who later comp 4/8/1665 #552 he sphere is still warm. Witnesses include two mayors, a doctor, and three 6/12/1790 #809 essel by its wheels. The witnesses include streetcar workers Charles Lusk a 11/17/1896 #1553 t a rapid rate of speed. Observers include Deputy Secretary of State George 11/25/1896 #1581 00 feet in altitude. The witnesses include Harry M. Grimes, William E. Soll 4/22/1897 #1919 century, UFO reports continued to include a mix of both dirigible-like air 1900 #2060 d central Tennessee. The witnesses include a farmer named W. A. Smith, Walt 4/20/1907 #2178 exotic explanations for the event include a black hole impact, antimatter, 6/30/1908 #2222 ered alternative explanations that include psychological suggestibility of 10/13/1917 #2805 a silver disc. Other possibilities include an alteration in the density of 10/13/1917 #2805 y Materiel Command. Its operations include the evaluation of foreign aircra 12/1942 #3732 ces and documents, which allegedly include a prototype flying saucer, are k 5/1945 #4289 PORTLAND, OR Hundreds include/including police. 1 saucer then 7/4/1947 #5401 base. Cities with multiple reports include St. Louis, Missouri: Birmingham, 7/6/1947 #5618 ther witnesses to recovered bodies include T/Sgt Ernest R. Robbins, Maj. Ed 7/8/1947 #5868 a detailed study of this matter to include the preparation of complete sets 9/23/1947 #6357 the cases in the Garrett Estimate) include “extreme rates of climb, maneuve 9/23/1947 #6359 the world together. Plot elements include a trio of staged saucer crashes 1948 #6496 ace vessels. This version does not include UFOs. It is tabled shortly after 10/1/1948 #6891 ature story for Time, which was to include them. But Mayo’s story and Mille 10/23/1949 #7624 in the western sky. The witnesses include Marvin R. Odom, owner of the air 2/2/1950 #7776 GUATEMALA, GUAT 4 / US include/including fed Judge and big crow 3/24/1950 #8003 thing). The offices with UFO files include the Technical Capabilities Branc 1/29/1952 #9565 nvestigation of Los Angeles. These include aeronautical consultant Felix W. 4/2/1952 #9730 JAEN, PERU Several include/including submersible/USO-prefec 8/1952 (approximate) #11501 ined at a 45° angle. The witnesses include the family of Yves Prigent, gene 10/17/1952 #12484 RCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 Sergeants include/including Koonce. Big silent sil 1/27/1953 #13020 a major focus. Experimental goals include: the creation of “hypnotically i 5/11/1953 #13376 “Subproject 8” on LSD. Experiments include administering LSD to mental pati 6/9/1953 #13440 clearance from Ruppelt and Chop to include 51 classified UFO reports from t 10/1/1953 #13760 near Landers, California. Speakers include Orfeo Angelucci, Truman Bethurum 4/4/1954 #14296 GRAZ, AUSTRIA 10 including/include 3 cops. Saucer east going west. 9/5/1954 #15002 tails for about an hour. Witnesses include aeronautical engineer Vladimir A 10/25/1954 #16332 Richard Helms at the CIA. Members include Nelson Rockefeller, Robert McNam 12/28/1954 #16868 and Allan Dulles, and topics often include science and technology, and the 12/28/1954 #16868 test personnel. The few amenities include a movie theater and volleyball c 5/4/1955 #17146 ry at most; corporate IPP partners include Glenn L. Martin Co., Convair, Be 11/20/1955 #17664 e controversy. The chemical agents include VX, sarin, mustard gas, atropine 1/1956 #17737 e out of date and continued to not include physical debris. https://archiv 1/24/1956 #17779 ands Proving Ground, NM. Witnesses include dozens of base personnel and wat 9/1956 #18304 Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 6 include/including USAF plane. RADAR-visu 8/21/1957 #19130 lities in the main cantonment area include workshops and buildings for stor 8/1961 #22423 nal stakeholders. Other objectives include more efficiently allocating scar 10/1/1961 #22548 y given NICAP by Argentine Embassy include four sightings by Argentine Navy 5/1962 #22853 ect Bluebook Case #unknown. 2 cops include/including chief. Night lights / 6/12/1964 #24226 TOLEDO, OH 2 cops include/including chief. 27M object blin 6/12/1964 #24227 ralia are in attendance. Witnesses include Rev. William Gill and Charles Br 2/27/1965 #24783 clouds green. Others in the house include William Butcher Jr. and Kathleen 8/19/1965 #25449 ering low over the city. Witnesses include the governor of Morelos state, E 9/23/1965 #25633 ct (if there was one—reports vary) include an alien craft; debris from Kosm 12/9/1965 #25822 open in the craft. Other observers include soldiers at a nearby ammunition 2/6/1966 #25976 F. Goldman is moderator. Panelists include astronomer Donald H. Menzel, pla 2/27/1966 #26016 SHARON, MASS 7+2+1 include/including cops. Car size ovoid w 4/18/1966 #26445 te and narrator Bill Stout. Guests include Carl Sagan, Donald Menzel, Harol 5/10/1966 #26604 MEDFORD, MASS 2 observer(s) include/including former Air Force man. 10/10/1966 #27176 CROSBY, ND 5+2 observer(s) include/including commercial pilot. Ovoi 1/30/1967 #27678 hers and the information it should include. The release is basically a rewr 5/1/1967 #28583 Kenneth Arnold sighting. Speakers include Gray Barker, John A. Keel, Mosel 6/22/1967 #28887 hering Data on UFOs.” Participants include Harold Greenwald, Richard H. Hal 9/4/1967 #29408 ees to be deputy chairman. Members include author Alexander Kazantsev, engi 10/18/1967 #29700 marily because the system does not include human anecdotal accounts. Pacifi 8/1968 #30814 over three hours. Other witnesses include Capt. Thomas Goduto, S/Sgt James 10/24/1968 #31141 ies is the chairman; other members include Jerald M. Bidwell of Martin Mari 12/1968 #31303 Unexplained. Its holdings in 2020 include a reference library of more than 8/1972 #33702 ederal military records collection include 80% loss to records of US Army p 7/12/1973 #34561 les at Maxwell AFB, Alabama, which include many witness names that are late 1/1974 #35638 he regulatory work, which does not include regulation of defense nuclear fa 10/11/1974 #36609 y to the Justice Department, these include 18 issues that are of legal conc 12/31/1974 #36770 o NARA facilities. These files now include an added set of AFOSI files of U 12/1975 #38033 , and humanoid reports. Presenters include Ted Bloecher, Ann Druffel, Loren 4/30/1976 #38421 ry in Madrid, Spain. The documents include photos and clips of gun-camera f 10/30/1976 #38942 inessman Guillermo Bravo. Speakers include J. Allen Hynek, Jacques Vallée, 4/17/1977 #39454 enneth Arnold’s sighting. Speakers include Roberto Pinotti, Antonio Ribera, 6/25/1977 #39677 ear material. Its responsibilities include the nation’s nuclear weapons pro 8/4/1977 #39855 aucer Watch amend its complaint to include requests for virtually all CIA- 7/7/1978 #40939 from Stringfield’s alleged sources include: * AFOSI interrogated Cecil Te 8/1978 #41053 ls itself BPVTS for short. Members include Lev M. Gindilis of the Sternberg 11/1978 #41523 a telexed Moon Dust reports, which include translations of two Bolivian new 8/10/1979 #42403 s of UFO sightings. The proponents include Bruce Maccabee, J. Allen Hynek, 9/6/1980 #43247 investigators. The physical traces include evidence of vegetation and soil 1/8/1981 #43564 US version of this BBC production include skeptics Philip Klass, James Obe 10/12/1982 #44525 Congress in Genoa, Italy. Speakers include J. Allen Hynek, Roberto Pinotti, 5/4/1984 #45274 on. This first meeting’s attendees include Robert M. Wood (McDonnell Dougla 5/20/1985 #45605 an whose long series of abductions include an instance when the beings impr 4/1987 #46234 istics stories are “legendary” and include moving only at night, purchasing 12/29/1987 #46484 o] Kent. 3+independent observer(s) include/including woman driving. 8/10/1989 #47238 ed for “mind control weaponry” and include research in hallucinatory and me 2/21/1990 #47705 eetings. Other members of Psi-Tech include David Morehouse, Col. John Alexa 3/9/1992 #48814 r with lights. Film roll all blank include/including family photograph! 11/4/1993 #49775 g the government facilities listed include: Edwards AFB, Haystack Butte, Ch 8/30/1996 #51665 fecture, Japan. Symposium speakers include Richard F. Haines, Jesse A. Marc 3/21/1997 #51946 ean, causing some alarm. Witnesses include civil servants and aeronautical 3/30/1997 #51956 s should concentrate on cases that include as much independent physical evi 9/29/1997 #52163 AP “control group” with names that include MJ, Majestic, Majority, PI-40, e 11/1998 #52467 ce. Locations of recoveries listed include New Mexico, off the coast of Den 7/31/1999 #52635 oned in the notes but are relevant include others involved in SAPOC or the 10/16/2002 #53285 the time of the SAP restructuring include John Deutch, Walter Slocombe, Wi 10/16/2002 #53285 rsity in Washington, D.C. Speakers include astrophysicist Richard Conn Henr 11/8/2002 #53304 nology. Members of the commission include George W Bush senior advisor on 11/27/2002 #53320 eagan. Alleged Study Group members include Gordon Dean, Zbigniew Brzezinksi 2004 #53508 ulsion system. It suggests clients include military and NASA, and the Power 3/2004 #53541 ringly dismisses as a myth. Guests include James McGaha, Seth Shostak, Jill 2/24/2005 #53687 have seen. The sightings, he says, include impressive radar-visual cases an 9/29/2005 #53752 ram.” Some of the ongoing projects include power and propulsion systems (nu 6/24/2009 #54102 nuclear missiles. Those appearing include former Capt. Robert Salas, retir 9/27/2010 #54175 ested and perfected in this locale include the U2 spy plane, the SR-71 and 2013 #54234 (semi-officially termed "Area 51") include Groom Lake Air Force Base. Film 2013 #54234 ns, capabilities, and resources to include cyber and geospatial forces and 9/29/2014 #54293 range annually. Topics apparently include both reverse engineering and ext 2018 #54377 lition on Extraterrestrial Contact include Don Schmitt (US), Roberto Pinott 10/15/2018 #54421 ling “core characteristics.” These include “the acute onset of… sound or pr 2/2/2022 #54630 . While the military database does include some civilian reports, the vast 5/17/2022 #54647 y. The trained observers mentioned include United Airlines Capt. Joe Vallej 10/20/2022 #54679 atterson Air Force Base. Attendees include DNI Avril Haines, CIA's William 4/21/2023 #54710 feforms. Other supporting senators include Mike Rounds, Kristen Gillibrand, 7/13/2023 #54716 s in Earth's atmosphere. Witnesses include David Grusch, a military whistle 8/26/2023 #54736## Word: "included", 117 instance(s) (Back to Top)
er and December. The diverse forms included a burning revolving wheel, a ro 10/14/1387 #266 he message. Valdivia's report also included an account of a comet falling w 10/15/1550 #375 r Switzerland. Notable occurrences included the appearance of three suns, t 7/3/1612 #460 judge and general vicar. Witnesses included D. Gastao Coutinho, a provincia 5/9/1641 #498 essed to a series of offenses that included sex crimes and witchcraft. Thom 1648 #511 he spectacle, witnessed by crowds, included a fiery cannonball-shaped objec 11/4/1697 #600 s traversing the Sun's disk. These included one near the Sun's center and t 6/26/1819 #914 Le Verrier. Lescarbault's account included a detailed duration of the pass 3/26/1859 #1131 "man from the sky," and the debris included lightweight, unscratchable meta 1888 #1461 ked glasses, and the ship's design included bulging sides, sharp edges, and 5/13/1897 #1988 gned. Unique features of his plane included its uncapsizable design, the pl 1909 #2258 , spanning from August to October, included a sighting near Glen Innes wher 8/1909 #2398 rote several books on the subject, included descriptions by witnesses who b 10/13/1917 #2805 ars. Witnesses of the daylight UFO included members of the mountaineering e 8/5/1927 #3015 he rear. The total weight of 30 kg included a bit more than 20 kg of propel 2/2/1931 #3107 oss the Rhine River, the Ho 229 is included in the Jäger-Notprogramm (Emerg 3/12/1945 #4237 that the Killeen Base in Texas be included. Kaplan, who says the project i 4/27/1949 #7271 Towles. Hynek’s April analysis is included as an appendix. Based on 237 ca 8/10/1949 #7514 reball’ category will no longer be included in HQ Air Materiel Command and 9/1/1949 #7554 ied. The group is rumored to have included a Col. Kieling, USAF civil serv 4/24/1952 #9958 Book. AFOIN offices doing UAP work included the Technical Capabilities Bran 4/24/1952 #9958 vation) wore full-body suits, head included, except for the face. The light 5/1952 #10013 r Lancaster, California. Witnesses included sheriff deputies. One light swu 8/1/1952 #11554 the skies for the past two nights. Included among the list of those who fan 8/12/1952 #11739 underneath it. (More details were included in report, see 02/23/1955, See 8/23/1952 #11904 at high speed. The landing traces included crushed bushes and broken stick 8/17/1953 #13620 Wright-Patterson AFB, it was never included in any declassified Project Blu 12/18/1953 #13965 ass ring on the rim. Ground traces included burnt soil in a circle 14 feet 10/20/1954 #16210 hs of the scene were taken. Traces included a whitish substance and a circl 11/5/1954 #16546 sychological operations. The Board included representatives from DOD and DC 11/20/1955 #17664 or the Allen letters and these are included in a special printing of the an Summer 1956? #18030 es found in the orchard reportedly included a light metal and cardboard imp 7/28/1956 #18145 ignificant achievements of the IGY included the discovery of the Van Allen 7/1/1957 #18961 ng mission. The evidence he shared included a variety of reports and photog Spring 1959 #21074 ogy Division. Project Blue Book is included in the reorganization. 7/1/1961 #22383 ase. Other recreational facilities included a gymnasium, a movie theater, a 8/1961 #22423 he sighting lasted ten minutes and included numerous witnesses. 8/12/1963 #23699 of the wheat has been moved, roots included, and clods of earth a few inche 6/30/1965 #25009 the underside. The physical traces included a burned five foot diameter dep 9/16/1965 #25615 lane for about 40 miles. Witnesses included newsmen and state officials. Wh 4/25/1966 #26543 ttee report.) The time probably is included in the NICAP file report.) (NIC 6/16/1966 #26709 hanics. His physiological effects included chronic illness, fatigue, anore 10/15/1966 #27207 g a humming sound. Physical traces included some burn damage to a tent as w 11/22/1966 #27366 uctee being the last. The incident included automatic writing, speaking in 1/25/1967 #27650 Bay City, and Lane City. Witnesses included businessmen and prominent citiz 2/19/1967 #27869 n windy weather with choppy waves, included a former aircraft carrier pilot 4/12/1967 #28435 eting in Washington, DC. Panelists included Dr. James E. McDonald, Dr. Dona 4/22/1967 #28524 id, Spain at 11 p.m. Ground traces included three holes in the ground and b 6/1/1967 #28793 Physical traces found at the site included a burned area, disturbed grass, 6/15/1967 #28857 organizations and US citizens are included on the Project MINARET watch li 8/1967 #29154 woods. Physiological after-effects included headaches, dizziness, and jaund 8/3/1967 #29177 e job of selecting which cases are included and how they are written up (pe 11/13/1967 #29900 off at high speed. Physical traces included the ground marks left behind by 7/1/1968 #30645 . Edward Roush (D-Ind.). Witnesses included Robert M. Baker, Robert L. Hall 7/29/1968 #30782 he aftereffects of their encounter included headaches, depression, and skin 2/10/1969 #31499 AS) annual meeting, in Boston, MA, included panel discussion on UFOs. Scien 12/26/1969 #32167 e ground marks at the landing site included 3 leg marks and 2 skids. 12/31/1971 #33319 in central and western Ohio. These included reports made by both citizens a 10/14/1973 #34993 y some unseen force. Other effects included EM interference with the engine 10/19/1973 #35168 nd 8:30 p.m. Independent witnesses included a Spanish Air Force Lt. Colonel 11/24/1974 #36703 ipped and shot away. The EM effect included a magnetic compass deflection. 11/24/1974 #36704 a petroleum odor. The ground marks included three large landing pod imprint 1/5/1975 #36845 in Groton, Connecticut. Witnesses included an American Airlines crew and t 1/15/1975 #36872 that their various ailments, which included the flu and a migraine headache 7/12/1975 #37367 eturn. Their physiological effects included chills, swollen feet and ankles 10/27/1975 #37805 opters were seen over a wide area. Included were overflights over missile i 11/2/1975 #37869 features. Electromagnetic effects included damage of the CB radio and burg 7/31/1976 #38618 f areas of mass devastation. These included scenes of farmlands he identifi 1/27/1977 #39218 aked, standing alone. Other images included a view of him dressed and carry 9/15/1977 #39992 of energy. His subsequent symptoms included weakness, a headache, dizziness 10/15/1977 #40100 ting in 1978. By 1982, the network included 5 satellites - one in reserve - 1978 #40357 mong the features of the abduction included a physical exam on a table insi 3/18/1978 #40615 a. Ground traces found in the area included a 12-foot wide burnt circle, wi 11/24/1978 #41618 mmittee meetings on UFOs. Speakers included J. Allen Hynek, Jacques Vallee, 11/27/1978 #41631 n or teleportation experience that included five minutes of unexplained mis 1/30/1979 #42051 ack into the clouds. The witnesses included a young woman and the Police Ch 2/13/1979 #42079 an engine. Other partial memories included a man and a woman entering thei 12/11/1979 #42772 by the three Manzano guards. Doty included these reports and several other 8/1980 #43167 and wobbled. Physiological effects included red burning eyes, swollen gland 9/11/1980 #43259 speed. The EM effects experienced included the plane's engine stopping tem 11/3/1980 #43368 investigators. The physical traces included evidence of vegetation and soil 1/8/1981 #43565 the burn. Electromagnetic effects included interference with the radio and 1/23/1981 #43583 mmaging through the garbage, which included very smelly catfish waste. The 2/6/1981 #43607 ficially exist and whose budget is included in that of the USAF. (...) It i 2/28/1981 #43640 ssing time followed. After effects included intense nightmares and disrupti 7/31/1981 #43880 to Bennewitz. This disinformation included “verification” of Bennewitz’s b 1982 #44130 and materials cloaking. The group included Pharos Technologies, Alexis Pez 1983 #44639 R) and Army R&D. Reported effects included the deformation of a molybdenum 1983 #44639 along the South Wales coast. They included a class of schoolchildren and a 2/19/1983 #44669 aboard a UFO by Grey aliens, which included a physical exam in a chair with 3/24/1983 #44711 aboard a UFO by Grey aliens, which included a physical exam in a chair with 3/24/1983 #44718 light took off. Traces at the site included a fine, glassy metallic fabric 1/29/1986 #45820 itary installations. The incidents included visual sightings and radar conf 6/25/1987 #46285 exico. The papers inspired and are included in The Matrix series of six boo 12/1987 #46445 eeping. In some episodes this also included sexual experiences. 1988 #46489 er plant. Among the many witnesses included personnel from the local US Coa 3/4/1988 #46614 . Futhermore, additional sightings included objects that were engaged in zi 10/26/1988 #46842 to Wright Field. He states members included USAF Sec. Stewart Symington, US 7/1989 #47186 rm “Aurora” has inadvertently been included in the 1985 US budget, as an al 3/1990 #47714 National Monument. Missing organs included the udders, rectums, and ears. 9/20/1994 #50324 ponse, body normalization were all included. Sherman next decides to reque Mid 1995 #50848 he telepathic messages he received included warnings about future events. 3/19/1997 #51945 igh, 10 feet (3 m) wide with wings included, and weigh 1250 pounds (600 to 5/17/1997 #52018 er one document was not, which was included. The author said everything is 6/23/1999 #52605 t sizes and quality, some of which included live occupants of Nordic, small 7/31/1999 #52635 i-official” scenario exercise that included role playing in various situati 9/14/2003 #53471 tiative in Monterrey, Mexico, that included high-level US and Russian parti 9/20/2005 #53748 tc. Duke claims members eventually included AFOSI, NSA and CIA, and other a 3/31/2011 #54200 ace craft and if the UAP issue was included in study. Recall claims of “int 2012 #54215 he materials Bushman suggests were included in the UAP could be used to cre 8/2014 #54291 rt of the US Department of Energy, included this report in their 9/2023 UAP 3/19/2018 #54404 it has not yet passed, it has been included in drafts of a Defense Departme 10/8/2021 #54607 on that theory, as the group oddly included several scientists like astrono 2/7/2022 #54632 direction of Hal Puthoff. Subjects included antigravity, cloaking, quantum 3/25/2022 #54638 either specified if their comments included UAP sighted over British airspa 8/12/2022 #54661 News: “Hundreds more UFO sightings included in latest report”. “On Thursday 1/12/2023 #54694 ficantly up from the 144 sightings included in the initial report in 2021. 1/12/2023 #54694## Word: "includes", 87 instance(s) (Back to Top)
anied by rising smoke. The imagery includes an elongated form resembling a 4/14/1561 #397 ike many similar stories, this one includes a specific date and location – 1613 #461 fs” of Richard Shaver’s claims and includes four of his novellas. Vincent G 4/1947 #4896 eds of witnesses, Blue Book Report includes state and local police witnesse 7/4/1947 #5365 Confidential. The former category includes “certain selected human adminis 8/9/1947 #6221 bell and Vandenberg on the ETH. It includes Sneider, and perhaps Deyarmond, 11/12/1948 #6949 t is over the restricted area that includes the X-10 plant. 1/21/1951 #8885 states the project’s obstacle, and includes a list of 15 cases reported to 1/31/1952 #9572 strophysicist Peter M. Millman and includes Wilbert B. Smith and representa 4/22/1952 #9925 rting after 20 seconds. Case file includes three vague photographs. 7/9/1952 #10689 btain relevant documents. The team includes Robertson himself, CIA Assistan 12/12/1952 #12814 Estimates Board by the CIA on UFOs includes the showing of the Utah and Mon 1/29/1953 #13068 he accident. Its distribution list includes the fledgling National Security 6/24/1953 #13493 f Lake Manitou, Ontario. Equipment includes am ionospheric reactor, electro 8/1953 #13566 rley’s Bay, Ontario. His equipment includes an ionospheric reactor, electro 12/1953 #13906 ee. Within this organization—which includes such familiar names as Nelson R 12/28/1954 #16866 in Exercise Desert Rock VI, which includes an armored task force Razor mov 2/18/1955 #17026 uld be explained. This report also includes summaries of the best unexplain 5/1955 #17135 the greater part of the night and includes heavy gunfire at times. Sutton 8/21/1955 #17444 nalysis and commentary. The report includes 3,201 reported UFO sightings. B 10/25/1955 #17599 d Wright-Patterson AFB. The design includes eight Armstrong Siddeley Viper 3/1956 #17848 lifelong romantic attachment that includes sexual activity. 4/7/1956 #17907 NICAP’s initial board of governors includes T. Townsend Brown (founder), Fr 10/19/1956 #18428 a transparent dome, is rotary, and includes a footboard. A Brazilian resear 10/15/1957 #19352 cker. The subcommittee, which also includes Kenneth Keating (R-N.Y.) and Le 8/8/1958 #20535 k, Ohio NASA begins operations. It includes three major labs: Langley Aeron 10/1/1958 #20661 fers in the Pentagon. This meeting includes, besides Hynek, Maj. Robert J. 2/17/1959 #20997 d and made sharp turns. Case file includes other reports from Mrs. Clark f 4/25/1960 #21782 tics on March 24, 1961. The report includes a section on “Implications of a 12/14/1960 #22126 o the National Security Agency. It includes Tractor, a large automated tape 1/1962 #22697 e northwest of Austin, Texas, that includes two buildings. Equipment eventu 1964 #23953 wo buildings. Equipment eventually includes radar, a laser system, magnetom 1964 #23953 government agencies". ITS PROGRAM INCLUDES HIGH-ENERGY PROPULSION SYSTEMS 4/24/1964 #24047 uine. His press conference display includes false UFO photos and fake debri 2/11/1965 #24763 in gravity propulsion. The project includes laboratory evaluation of hypoth 1967 #27478 in gravity propulsion. The project includes laboratory evaluation of hypoth 1967 #27480 succession. The USAF investigation includes full-scale tests on- site, as w 3/24/1967 #28271 project’s goals and procedures. It includes acquiring data on new cases, co 4/21/1967 #28508 erational deployment. Black Shield includes reconnaissance flights to North 5/22/1967 #28723 lly antiempirical. The report also includes summaries of field studies, pho 10/31/1968 #31164 Redstone Arsenal. He claims DISC includes the security division of NASA a 1970 #32189 the security division of NASA and includes awareness among a tight group o 1970 #32189 of the BBC’s Man Alive series and includes the “man from the ministry” eng 1/1972 #33330 according to a later CIA account, includes “names of agents, relations wit 3/1972 #33386 is found by a rescue party, which includes Fleming, the Carbon County sher 10/15/1974 #36618 t for classified UFO documents and includes the date and time information, 1/19/1978 #40444 n article in UFO Investigator that includes some of the documents. As Barry 2/2/1978 #40497 of the border. One of the flights includes a Bolivian astronomer, who sees 5/6/1978 #40764 ly 300 requests for documents, and includes 60 CIA documents attached as ex 6/1978 #40827 s a FOIA request with the CIA that includes information about a crashed spa 7/13/1978 #40971 and air search is undertaken that includes oceangoing ship traffic, an RAA 10/21/1978 #41470 in range of serial numbers.” which includes Valentich’s aircraft. At least 10/21/1978 #41470 O sightings within the country. It includes freelance ufologists but seems 1979 #41906 UFO files are not maintained, but includes some memos, messages, and log e 2/9/1979 #42073 sighting to Gen. Denis Letty, who includes the case in the 1999 COMETA rep 12/9/1979 #42761 UFO that exploded over U.S.’” that includes a portion of a December 1979 in 2/28/1980 #42900 from FOIA requests. The suit also includes the Defense Intelligence Agency 5/1980 #43020 s examinations. His testimony also includes the description of small gray e 11/28/1980 #43436 at Were They? in 2017, a book that includes his speculations regarding the 11/29/1980 #43444 third time he has written, and it includes 17 documents that illustrate th 9/28/1981 #43977 ogation by the FBI and AFOSI. This includes polygraph tests, which she fail 10/1981 #43986 far as 9 miles from the plant. It includes iodine-131, fragments of uraniu 9/9/1982 #44480 forest preserve. The police report includes a tape recording of the radio c 11/27/1982 #44583 study group in Silicon Valley that includes Jacques Vallée, Eisenhower/JFK 11/10/1986 #46131 used as a conduit by MJ-12 (which includes Edward Teller, Henry Kissinger, 12/29/1987 #46483 na, New Mexico. The 10-member team includes Mark Rodeghier, Mimi Hynek, Don 9/15/1989 #47304 D Unknown Track Reporting database includes 7,000 incidents since 1971, ave 1990 #47619 in superconductivity. The article includes a photo of a launch built by th 4/5/1990 #47824 t is coherent and well crafted and includes many plausible technical detail 10/1992 #49121 Larry King Live at Area 51,” which includes a prerecorded interview with fo 10/1/1994 #50336 ts and appendices. A photo section includes photos of various Air Force per 7/1995 #50878 r a Scientific Advisory Board that includes ufologist Jacques Vallée, parap 12/1995 #51260 “GCHQ and the UFO Cover-Up,” which includes information on radar/visual enc 3/1997 #51920 Searloss, and the crew, the voyage includes: 1514 larval crickets, 18 pregn 4/19/1998 #52330 ciency of a vehicle in motion that includes sketches of a disc. Several yea 8/22/1998 #52423 nline discourse. The document even includes three UFO photos as illustratio 2/24/2014 #54280 cated to R&D and operation SWEEP includes the fraudulent tagging of priva 4/5/2016 #54327 n possess a “massive arsenal” that includes AR-15 rifles, Glock handguns, a 10/27/2016 #54338 UFO phenomena. Its executive board includes Robert Powell, Richard Hoffman, 10/27/2017 #54367 or signs of nuclear explosions. It includes 60 infrasound stations that mon 11/19/2018 #54428 t related to Havana Syndrome. This includes both audio/video signals and th 11/29/2018 #54430 s Davis is referring to, and if it includes his current employer, Aerospace 4/30/2019 #54457 US national security. Its mandate includes examinations of incursions that 8/4/2020 #54545 ions,” or ETCs. The project, which includes Luis Elizondo, Christopher Mell 7/26/2021 #54592 Authorization Act for FY 2022. It includes an amendment, “Establishment of 12/27/2021 #54623 ir database of reports of UFOs now includes about 400 incidents, up from 14 5/17/2022 #54647 nt crash debris. His investigation includes first-ever interviews, FOIA doc 8/8/2023 #54724## Word: "including", 815 instance(s) (Back to Top)
th. This led to a mass evacuation, including the Emperor. With the city ult 396 #35 shing session, multiple witnesses, including the narrator Adomnan, observed 6/9/597 #53 ibited numerous unusual phenomena, including human figures, ships with sail 760 #79 in many other places the same year including Gravesend in Kent (England) or 1211 #200 ly performing intricate maneuvers, including acrobatic movements, while emi 7/20/1349 #252 and stories of miraculous events, including teleportation and instances of 1384 #263 England Historical accounts, including Raphael Holinshed's chronicle, Winter 1394 #277 al signs were observed in the sky, including a remarkable event on the 19th 2/19/1465 #312 ing a flying butterfly. Witnesses, including peasants with loaded carts hea 8/1487 #321 ssed various philosophical topics, including the nature of the universe and 8/13/1491 #325 watch for it. He offered a reward, including a silken jacket, to the first 10/11/1492 #326 on was observed in multiple areas, including the village of Caranza near Pa 1546 #366 s connection to subsequent events, including the demise of key figures, fur 1/13/1553 #383 arge, broad hats in various colors including red, blue, green, and notably, 12/5/1577 #429 versing various parts of the city, including over the Saint Vincent Abbey a 1/23/1603 #447 near Nijo Castle, Japan Witnesses, including samurais, reported seeing ball 5/1606 #451 eading to various adverse effects, including the death of individuals such 8/15/1608 #457 lected testimonies from witnesses, including Father Simao Alvares, the apos 5/9/1641 #498 a series of otherworldly elements, including airborne vehicles, occupants, 5/1646 #508 nge entities on various occasions, including a fiery "coach" that took them 1648 #511 ial phenomena observed in the sky, including a spear-like form descending t 1660 #519 lation. The phenomena, potentially including the zodiacal light, left a dee 1660 #519 ral reputable individuals in Hull, including eyewitnesses and informed inha 10/3/1660 #524 n the sky over Stralsund, Germany, including ships, large flocks of birds, 4/8/1665 #552 urch until evening. The observers, including fishermen who initially saw a 4/8/1665 #553 ed in various historical accounts, including Erasmus Francisci's writings, 4/8/1665 #553 intricate details of the village, including the church and a few houses, w 11/15/1667 #557 of unusual occurrences in the sky, including ships, mythical creatures, and 8/18/1671 #560 by the presence of three entities, including a fierce female who pricked he 3/22/1677 #571 multaneously in various locations, including Schmitza. Kirch's notes indica 7/9/1686 #583 bserved in the air by 27 witnesses including a magistrate. 6/23/1744 #674 d A group of twenty-six witnesses, including a judge, reported an astonishi 6/23/1744 #675 company of short-statured people, including a chubby man with a red cap an 9/16/1759 #711 things in the air. More witnesses, including Polly and a Negro woman, join 8/7/1806 #866 about an hour, witnessed by many, including Mr. Robert Siercy, who initial 8/7/1806 #866 ide effects akin to UFO abductees, including amnesia, thirst, fatigue, and 8/1810 #885 at 8:35am, in Geneva, many people including members of the faculty of scie 5/11/1811 (approximate) #889 rs from various dates in May 1820, including the 27th and 28th. This intrig 5/27/1820 #926 Haunted house phenomena reported, including globular lights, poltergeist e 7/1/1836 #992 eastern horizon. The entire event, including the movement of its train, las 10/3/1850 #1103 Jay, Ohio, USA Witnesses, including Mr. Henry Wallace, observed a 1858 #1127 ovative work spanned a wide range, including radio waves, remote control dr 7/10/1858 #1129 l available ballast is thrown out, including the mail (which will be recove 7/1/1859 #1133 ing rapidly in various directions, including horizontal movement, ascent, a 8/12/1863 #1164 arkable event occurred. Witnesses, including James E. Beveridge, observed n 12/1867 #1184 . The machine performed maneuvers, including a curved descent. Birmingham d 7/25/1868 #1197 ntral ball of fire. Two witnesses, including the doorman of Pike's Opera Ho 6/8/1869 #1201 r flights were executed that year, including one under an exhibition hangar 7/2/1869 #1202 ter, the sextant and the logbooks, including the nationality certificate, a 11/24/1872 #1242 scribed in detail in various ways, including as a “beam,” “spindle,” “defin 11/17/1882 #1387 ms of apparent radiation exposure, including vomiting, hair loss, swelling, 10/24/1886 #1446 anomalous Victorian-era airships, including streamlined metallic vehicles 1888 #1460 next to the ship. The ship's crew, including the captain, was unable to exp 1892 #1488 d forms. They were various colors, including red, green, black, and red. 8/26/1893 #1505 een printing falsehoods about him, including an interview with another atto 11/22/1896 #1566 an Indian canoe with light wings, including two triangular ones. It appear 1/1897 #1616 und scattered 3 km away in Scotts, including a large coil of metal wire lik 4/12/1897 #1721 reports of "airships" on this day, including 25 in Illinois alone. Below ar 4/12/1897 #1731 persons in Mount Vernon, Illinois, including Mayor Barton C. Wells, alleged 4/14/1897 #1763 reports of "airships" on this day, including 13 in Michigan alone. Below ar 4/14/1897 #1766 nch) At Dunkirk, railroad workers, including Messrs. French and Willis Maho 4/15/1897 #1777 reports of "airships" on this day, including 18 in Michigan alone. There we 4/15/1897 #1801 and interactions in great detail, including their gestures and the inside 4/16/1897 #1834 ) Several authorities of the city (including the judge) had discussed for a 4/17/1897 #1841 0 feet wide, had four men outside, including one named Wilson. Wilson expla 4/19/1897 #1889 r Uvalde. The airship's occupants, including one named Wilson, requested wa 4/20/1897 #1901 lina 7:30 p.m. Prominent citizens, including the mayor, observe a low-flyin 4/22/1897 #1918 ip with lights in several windows, including a bright front light resemblin 4/25/1897 #1948 lliant lights and unique features, including tubular wires that were both s 4/25/1897 #1949 was corroborated by older people, including their teacher, in relation to 4/27/1899 #2044 rsons aboard the "Fort Salisbury," including Second Officer A. H. Raymer, s 10/28/1902 #2093 rsons aboard the "Fort Salisbury," including Second Officer A. H. Raymer, s 10/28/1902 #2094 f of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean, including Second Officer A. H. Raymer, s 10/28/1902 #2095 least three sailors as witnesses, including the main witness named Schofie 2/28/1904 #2125 deals with deep esoteric subjects including karma and reincarnation and de 1905 #2131 mpt was unsuccessful. Some people, including naval officers, claimed to hav 4/2/1905 #2142 d publications reported the event, including the Bulletin of the French Ast 4/2/1905 #2142 gton, Vermont, prominent citizens, including a clergyman, ex-Governor Moodb 1907 #2174 een proposed to explain the event, including the impact of a comet, meteor, 6/30/1908 #2224 t of Ford’s efficient fabrication, including assembly line production inste 10/1/1908 #2246 g boat-like structures. Witnesses, including two workmen, observed a large 7/15/1909 #2359 aft, exhibited distinct behaviors, including a reflective appearance resemb 12/23/1909 #2448 ary of that year, two individuals, including a policeman, noticed an unfami 1/1913 #2549 hts was spotted by three witnesses including police as it flew over Dover, 1/4/1913 #2553 rmuda, and from many ships at sea, including eight off Brazil, giving a tot 2/9/1913 #2579 lated from French) Several people, including the 3 children, observed the f 5/18/1913 #2596 ch) In Skien (Norway) many people, including the Solum sheriff, "reliable" 12/20/1914 #2672 ution of its Christian minorities, including Armenians, Assyrians and Greek 5/24/1915 #2682 ightings of unidentified aircraft, including at night. Due to concerns over 1916 #2712 heast. Several people observed it, including the entire rescue team based i 1/13/1916 #2715 s made by many credible witnesses, including the entire rescue team based i 1/13/1916 #2716 heard. Numerous Beloit residents, including Patrolman William Van Ostrand, 4/14/1917 #2766 ful. The sky turned rainbow colors including pink, yellow, and blue. There 8/13/1917 #2788 French) The crowd is 30000 people, including two perfectly skeptical priest 9/13/1917 #2793 last hour has come. Many of them, including detractors, kneel in the mud a 10/13/1917 #2803 ssibly between 30,000 and 100,000, including reporters and photographers, g 10/13/1917 #2805 orama of visions during the event, including those of Jesus, Our Lady of So 10/13/1917 #2805 ee the radiant colors, and others, including some believers, see nothing at 10/13/1917 #2805 cts are “a combination of factors, including optical effects and meteorolog 10/13/1917 #2805 1:00 p.m. A group of young people, including sisters Louise and Marie Grass Summer 1920 #2872 in the area have seen the lights, including Tito Bengoa, the brother of Fr 1922 #2896 d colorful lights around its edge, including red, blue, green, and ecru, wi 1923 #2916 mitted a series of colored lights, including red, blue, green, and ecru. T 5/1923 #2919 layground in Dade City. Witnesses, including a young girl, reported that ro 1924 #2930 ht conditions. Multiple observers, including an engineer, reported the obje 1927 #2997 r the RAF and 500 for other users, including South Africa which built under Early 1927 #2999 re carried out from various sides, including by the "Gesellschaft Fur Raket 11/1927 #3022 ssolini regarding UFO information, including a reference to a crashed UFO n 1933 #3183 hibited curious movement patterns, including rising and settling like a fal 1938 #3407 ircraft, they found the crew dead, including the pilot (having survived lon Late Summer 1939 #3475 er human figures of normal height, including an apparent captain with dark Late Summer 1942 #3686 forces. 28 Allied ships are sunk, including the US Liberty ship SS John Ha 12/2/1943 #3849 in 628 patients and medical staff, including blindness and chemical burns. 12/2/1943 #3849 . For 15 minutes various witnesses including engineers Farmacke and Zmeuran 1944 #3866 , in a party of four Army officers including a Lt. Col., watched a pulsatin Summer 1944 #3957 Nazi regime wanted for war crimes, including concentration camp director Ad 1945 #4157 reportedly sent high-tech weapons, including disassembled V-1 guided missil 7/1945 #4327 mp). Involved 4,700 men, 13 ships (including the aircraft carrier Philippin 1946 #4416 ine the nature of these phenomena, including radar tracking, definite concl 1946 #4435 y. It had all the characteristics, including sound, of a German V1 bomb. 5/26/1946 #4489 makers, even scientists, generals, including some British, to a spectacular 5/28/1946 #4490 6:00 p.m. three military witnesses including the pilot named Puckett, flyin 8/1/1946 #4648 states that English radar experts, including Reginald Victor Jones, having 8/23/1946 #4712 iet rocket research and operations including launches from submarines. 9/11/1946 #4753 hat surpassed those of the Allies, including stealth technology, ballistic 1947 #4839 from the Richmond Weather Bureau, including Walter A. Minczewski, launch a 4/15/1947 #4906 other Pike’s Peak Railway workers (including Ted Weigand, Marion Hisshouse, 5/19/1947 #4958 of the A.A.F. of the Maxwell Base, including Air Force Intelligence officer 6/28/1947 #5153 the result of his close encounter, including numbness, chest pain, and diff 6/28/1947 #5177 2 firing grounds A party of three, including two scientists, reported seein 6/29/1947 #5209 w of the steamer Landovery Castle, including the captain, observe a huge da 6/30/1947 #5217 id reports for this day in UFOCAT, including the alleged discovery of the f 7/3/1947 #5361 Edward Island, Canada at 5:45 p.m. including the sighting of a black cigar- 7/3/1947 #5361 and (Oregon), nearly 300 witnesses including police officers see 9 discs de 7/4/1947 #5381 PORTLAND, OR Hundreds include/including police. 1 saucer then groups. 7/4/1947 #5401 m. Many people in Portland, Oregon—including KOIN newsman Frank Cooley, dep 7/4/1947 #5451 adio reports alert other officers (including Walter Lissy, Robert Ellis, an 7/4/1947 #5451 Roswell 5:00 a.m. Archaeologists, including William Curry Holden, working 7/5/1947 #5512 was recovered by the Joint Chiefs, including the airframe, propulsion equip 7/5/1947 #5514 15 p.m. local time, two witnesses, including the program director of WRDO R 7/5/1947 #5522 lies in West Hartford, Connecticut including a physician, saw a reddish bro 7/6/1947 #5630 n. Others witnesses independently, including Muroc CO Col. Signa A. Gilkey 7/8/1947 #5848 dland, Canada) 3 ground personnel, including Mr. Leidy, for Pan American Ai 7/10/1947 #5940 Witnesses: three ground crewmen, including Mr. Leidy, for Pan American Ai 7/10/1947 #5965 d 5:00 p.m., three ground crewman, including Mr. Leidy, a mechanic for Pan 7/10/1947 #5982 oreign reports concerning UFOs and including the Roswell crash case. Koroly 7/26/1947 #6116 hat is going on in the hotel room, including conversations with Smith when 7/30/1947 #6149 afts were observed by 5 witnesses, including 2 police officers. (August 19, 8/19/1947 #6273 Four sailors, including a Richard Cruthers, onboard th 9/6/1947 #6323 0 p.m. It was witnessed by several including the control tower staff, who v 1/7/1948 #6531 ore than 100 stones are recovered, including one weighing about one ton. 2/18/1948 #6571 tt, Idaho 1:15 p.m. Six surveyors, including Idaho Power Company surveyor E 2/20/1948 #6576 ng on airport operational systems, including radar. He has been accumulatin Spring 1948 #6589 y located radars in the southwest, including a powerful experimental radar 3/25/1948 #6592 At 3:45 p.m. several witnesses including Kaiser and Bray in Memphis, Te 5/7/1948 #6666 undish head. Many UFO researchers, including Ron Schaffner and Kevin Randle 7/7/1948 #6737 e separate, independent witnesses, including one named Geshorn. 7/31/1948 #6809 warfare, preventive direct action, including sabotage, antisabotage, demoli 9/1/1948 #6850 subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resi 9/1/1948 #6850 allations from 1930 to 2330 hours, including guards at Sandia Base, New Mex 12/5/1948 #6997 fornia. He and a few other people, including some command pilots, are sitti 1949? #7045 guards at Sandia Base, New Mexico, including the officer of the guard, see 2/17/1949 #7140 take place at Killeen Base, Texas, including the previously skeptical Capt. 3/17/1949 #7182 ers of yarns about flying saucers, including a score or so of Air Force pil 5/9/1949 #7347 to the crowd of 150–200 observers, including pilots, who watch a metallic d 7/3/1949 #7450 ther by Scully himself and others, including the famous Doctor G. alias GeB 10/12/1949 #7608 section of the 4th Army (possibly including some members of the IPU), the 10/14/1949 #7614 ncreased UFO activity in the area (including a sighting about the same time 10/14/1949 #7618 0 minutes later. About 50 persons, including newspaper reporters observe th 10/23/1949 #7624 Three military witnesses, including one named Zimmerman, were flyi 1/6/1950 #7715 GUATEMALA, GUAT 4 / US include/including fed Judge and big crowd. Brigh 3/24/1950 #8003 rnia, Berkeley, graduate students, including Garniss H. Curtis, Robert Scot 4/10/1950 #8153 inceton, Missouri several farmers, including one named Kincaid, saw a flyin 4/22/1950 #8199 Gloria Henshaw and 11 passengers (including Boeing engineers C. H. Jenkins 4/27/1950 #8237 from French) At 3:45 PM witnesses, including FBI agents, saw a very high ob 6/29/1950 #8382 enced ballistic arsenal employees, including Mr. Washburn. An object, in th 7/13/1950 #8425 two experienced Arsenal employees, including Mr. Washburn, observed an obje 7/13/1950 #8426 ses: two skilled Arsenal employees including Mr. Washburn. one object, shap 7/13/1950 #8433 s: three people from the locality, including Kaeel and Alexander, from the 8/30/1950 #8535 dland, Canada), 3 local employees, including Kaeel and Alexander from the U 8/30/1950 #8537 Witnesses: three local employees, including Kaeel and Alexander, of the Ai 8/30/1950 #8543 Sandy Point, Newfoundland, Canada including Kaeel and Alexander sighted a 8/30/1950 #8545 r balloon. Several navy personnel, including one using a theodolite to view 12/23/1950 #8817 h. Everyone onboard began ducking, including the relief crew. "It stopped i 2/8/1951 #8913 oundland Ocean 9:55 p.m. The crew (including Lt. Fred W. Kingdon Jr. and US 2/9/1951 #8915 e witnesses flying in an airliner, including two men name Bicknell and Merr 2/19/1951 #8937 tical installations in New Mexico, including Los Alamos, and argues that th 2/25/1951 #8946 ), the crew of a USAF B-29 bomber, including the scanner operators or the t 3/10/1951 #8971 nesses: crew of USAF B-29 bomber, including scanners and tail gunner. A l 3/10/1951 #8975 sses: 25 members of a flying club, including the chief aerial engineer and 3/15/1951 #8987 5 members of an aeronautical club, including the chief aeronautical enginee 3/15/1951 #8988 ses: 25 members of a flying club, including the chief aerial engineer and 3/15/1951 #8992 n, but from the evidence examined, including reports by RAF pilots, explana 6/1951 #9050 Three witnesses including police from Beausoleil, France 8/1/1951 #9142 Five witnesses including an engineer watched maneuverin 8/15/1951 #9163 ck (Texas). A group of professors, including Dr. W. I. Robinson, a geologis 8/25/1951 #9177 d repeats the performance. Others, including Carl Hemminger at Texas Tech, 8/25/1951 #9186 2 such flights through November 1 (including on September 1 and 5), sometim 8/25/1951 #9186 and John Brand. Some researchers, including Ruppelt and Hynek, think the w 8/25/1951 #9186 loon researchers of General Mills, including aeronautical engineer J. J. Ka 10/11/1951 #9331 General Mills balloon researchers, including aeronautical engineer J.J. Kal 10/11/1951 #9335 General Mills balloon researchers, including aeronautical engineer J. J. Ka 10/11/1951 #9337 ation for intelligence collection, including the detection and tracking of 1/29/1952 #9566 ning procedures in UFO situations, including the scrambling of interceptors 3/19/1952 #9662 Army weather observation students, including several graduate engineers. O 4/17/1952 #9857 , a group of meteorology students, including some graduated engineers, obse 4/18/1952 #9866 A. Freytag and 3 other adult men, including a minister, observe for 45 min 4/27/1952 #9971 Freytag and three male relatives, including a minister. One silver oval r 4/27/1952 #9983 Freytag and three male relatives, including a minister, sighted a silver o 4/27/1952 #9985 , Australia at least 13 witnesses, including pilots and the RAAF, witnessed 5/3/1952 #10050 ow obvious disc shape. More trees, including a very tall palm, can be seen 5/7/1952 #10076 ry Thomas Finletter and his staff (including his special assistant, covert 5/8/1952 #10086 , S.W. Cypress, a group of persons including a noted British Scientist sigh 5/10/1952 #10097 eattle, and was witnessed by many, including Northwestern Airlines pilot Be 5/12/1952 #10119 9:15 p.m. Witnesses: seven people including John Hoffman, his family and f 5/25/1952 #10176 Walnut Lake (Michigan), 7 people, including John Hoffman, his family and f 5/25/1952 #10177 Michigan Witnesses: seven persons, including John Hoffman, his family and f 5/25/1952 #10187 on his permanent Blue Book staff (including Lt. Anderson G. Flues, Robert 6/1952 #10241 number of scientific consultants, including Hynek. In the Pentagon, Maj. D 6/1952 #10241 t Russia some of our top secrets, "including a project for a platform 3,000 6/26/1952 #10545 l Guard Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio, including visiting Capt. Eugene E. McMan 7/23/1952 #11124 dars of 3 different installations, including those of the Andrews base. (3: 7/27/1952 #11248 rted seen by hundreds of Hoosiers, including police and military personnel, 7/28/1952 #11308 lamos Scientific Labs, New Mexico (including Robert B. Leachman, W. Schafer 7/29/1952 #11430 es and finds a number of officers, including his commander and the UK Minis 7/30/1952 #11480 JAEN, PERU Several include/including submersible/USO-prefect. Glowi 8/1952 (approximate) #11501 ight UFO seen by ground observers, including police. (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 8/1952 #11510 sheriff officers and other people, including one named Mallette, observed t 8/1/1952 #11515 hift around into various patterns, including a perfect V at one point. Thei 8/1/1952 #11553 nslated from French) The children, including Eddie and Fred, sons of Mrs. K 9/12/1952 #12160 lide on the ground. General panic, including the dog who takes off first. ( 9/12/1952 #12160 Five men in a RAF Meteor aircraft, including John W. Kilburn, were flying a 9/19/1952 #12269 eed with those observed in Oloron, including the fall of glass wool (Jean P 10/27/1952 #12530 rrestrial and from higher spheres (including archangels!) Some of these cor 11/1952 #12578 wo operators of the control tower, including one Lemaster, saw for 3 to 4 s 11/3/1952 #12589 ses: two control tower operators, including Lemaster. One long, elliptical 11/3/1952 #12594 o establish a panel of scientists (including astronomer Thornton Leigh Page 12/10/1952 #12807 uthorities enact a law, JANAP 146, including the directive AFR 200-2. 12/29/1952 #12865 erican people all UFO information, including the AF conclusions. This in 19 1/1953 #12916 om the 82nd Interceptor Battalion, including their leader, all on the groun 1/8/1953 #12943 82nd Fighter Interceptor Squadron, including the squadron leader, observed 1/8/1953 #12944 82nd Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, including the squadron commander; all we 1/8/1953 #12948 ts (suggested by Hynek) and media, including Walt Disney Inc. animated cart 1/17/1953 #12990 FORCE BASE, CA 2 Sergeants include/including Koonce. Big silent silver sauc 1/27/1953 #13020 investigations and staff of seven, including Ruppelt’s assistants Lt. Ander 3/8/1953 #13215 ut on livestock across the region, including those grazing at Papoose Lake, 3/24/1953 #13266 US Army reconnaissance observers (including pilot Lt. Julius T. Morgan, Lt 4/19/1953 #13331 , numerous unidentified civilians, including one Jacobson, observe for abou 5/27/1953 #13420 ses: many unidentified civilians, including Jacobson. Nine separate meande 5/27/1953 #13423 strange halo frightened 3 people, including Mrs. Hilda Walker: "I could se 6/18/1953 #13447 an exact repetition of the scene, including the "little man." Van Allen sa 6/20/1953 #13456 complete repetition of the scene, including the "little man" with the pail 6/20/1953 #13457 9:45 p.m. several ground witnesses including an Air Force pilot, Sergeant a 8/27/1953 #13668 r biological and chemical weapons, including sulfur mustard and nerve agent 9/15/1953 #13725 e General Mills research engineers including Bartholomew. One glowing grey 10/15/1953 #13793 with USAF headquarters personnel (including Col. George E. Perry) and ATIC 10/22/1953 #13813 tnesses: two high school students, including Morrison. One blue object with 10/29/1953 #13827 utes by four aircraft technicians, including Sgt. H. Waller, who says it is 11/3/1953 #13847 head. He wore a one-piece garment, including shoes, but no helmet. He also 2/18/1954 #14166 and distributing them to readers, including Charles and Lilian Loughead fr 4/1954 #14289 ng is initiated by several people, including Polish politician-in-exile Józ 5/29/1954 #14498 he has been required to report on, including AFL interests and George Meany 8/11/1954 #14842 ., two additional tower operators (including A1C William N. Watson) view th 8/11/1954 #14843 GRAZ, AUSTRIA 10 including/include 3 cops. Saucer east go 9/5/1954 #15002 Ten witnesses including three police officers saw a di 9/5/1954 #15009 the sky by over a thousand people including military witnesses near the Ci 9/17/1954 #15107 lly aligned from Bayonne to Vichy (including Ussel) will be spotted by Aimé 9/24/1954 #15216 r that he made up the whole story, including making some physical trace mar 9/27/1954 #15274 in the pasture, he had 40 of them including 10 white oxen. "I counted 11," 10/1/1954 (approximate) #15354 id reports on this date in UFOCAT, including six CE-III reports. One report 10/4/1954 #15532 recorded for this date in UFOCAT, including nine close encounters. Five re 10/5/1954 #15577 In Alès (Gard), several witnesses, including Mr. Taurelle (working at Riche 10/9/1954 #15682 rom French) A group of young boys, including one named Bastiaan, were retur 10/13/1954 #15871 Several witnesses including one named Chasseurs in Saint-A 10/14/1954 #15958 ecisions come out of this meeting, including the creation of a secret commi 10/15/1954 #15978 many of the city's personalities, including the head of the hospital. The 10/28/1954 #16403 ght. On a table he sees some maps, including one of South America with mush 11/2/1954 #16498 3:45 a.m. several hundred people, including sentries guarding the Catete P 12/18/1954 #16823 , Austria. There were many reports including several from police witnesses. 12/19/1954 #16832 on a trip to see the Solar System, including the planet Venus, the location 1955 #16898 e also served as their messengers, including Jesus Christ. Adamski further 1955 #16898 suggests several ideas were tested including using an isotope of bismuth, b 1955 #16901 ssess cases from Project Blue Book including films and photos that led them 1955 #16902 terial, approximately 1,000 items, including items from the interior of a r 1955 #16903 project examined some UFO reports (including Willis Sperry’s) and UFO books 3/1/1955 #17044 des deal with UFO or alien themes, including the season opener, “Beyond,” i 4/5/1955 #17102 , about 90 cm tall, gray in color, including their clothing. These clothes 5/1955 #17134 At 2:30 p.m. several witnesses including one name Estes saw a UFO land 7/22/1955 #17325 avity-control propulsion research, including Glenn L. Martin Company, Conva 11/30/1955 #17679 At 7:32 a.m. several observers including a Ground Observer Corp member, 5/3/1956 #17940 eral people in South Bay, New York including witnesses named Winchell, Gree 5/17/1956 #17967 retext of checking for Communists, including the NAACP, women’s rights grou 8/1956 #18164 ning patterns for about 5 minutes, including sharp 30° turns. One man takes 8/1956 #18167 passing cars go dead, as witnesses—including two USAF colonels, two sergean 9/1956 #18302 worth went with a crowd of others, including a BBC recording van, and was d 11/28/1956 #18510 s. There they attract new members, including Williamson’s later coauthor Jo 12/2/1956 #18535 Six witnesses in Stafford, England including a man named Roestenberg sighte 1/10/1957 #18617 tnesses confirmed this apparition, including Mr. and Mrs. Iklef and Lepot. 5/10/1957 #18837 r witnesses vouch for the sighting including Messrs. Iklef and Lepot and th 5/10/1957 #18840 ma City, with 8 officers on board, including Commander Mac Clure and Major 7/17/1957 #18999 Widely separate observers, including more than 150 school children, 8/2/1957 #19084 Bluebook Case #unknown. 6 include/including USAF plane. RADAR-visual. Elec 8/21/1957 #19130 obertson Panel. The briefing book (including Special Report no. 14 as well 9/16/1957 #19224 king behind him to the northeast), including a Mr. Duncan and Allan D. Bake 11/4/1957 #19544 well as those of three other cars, including those of Ronald Burke from Red 11/6/1957 #19619 inburgh, Scotland Fourteen people, including Mrs. Maty Home, reported to po 11/8/1957 #19755 inburgh, Scotland fourteen people, including Mrs. Maty Home, reported to th 11/8/1957 #19766 earth satellites and space probes, including US and Soviet payloads, booste 11/29/1957 #19925 cal portions of Keyhoe’s material (including references to the Estimate of 12/1957 #19942 e commander and many crew members, including photographer Almiro Baraúna, s 1/16/1958 #20144 other visits since the first two, including one where an entity appeared a 2/7/1958 #20191 The Flying Saucer Conspiracy, even including the 1953 Moncla case. The scri 6/1958 #20412 xperienced a complete car failure, including his dashboard clock, when he s 8/8/1958 #20536 vro Canada employees are laid off, including those with the Special Project 2/20/1959 #21002 the WS-606A and all related work (including the Avrocar) be cancelled. How 2/20/1959 #21002 ur humanoids of differing heights, including a taller six-foot tall being t 3/19/1959 #21072 ut stock sales by OTC Enterprises, including a block of 21,000 shares to Fr 5/4/1959 #21157 hours, to several dozen witnesses, including Father W. Gill. Silhouettes ar 6/26/1959 #21228 questions were put to the psychic, including whether Catholics were the cho 7/9/1959 #21276 6:27 p.m. Five military witnesses including control tower officer Capt. J. 2/27/1960 #21702 hes schemes to assassinate Castro, including the use of a poisoned cigar, a 3/17/1960 #21724 There were over 20 UFO sightings including two close encounters in Brazil 5/13/1960 #21812 of UFO sightings, mostly in north, including -many police witnesses. (NICAP 8/13/1960 #21945 test facility construction begins, including a new 8,500-foot runway (Runwa 9/1960 #22001 (Translated from French) UFO wave. Including observation of "mother ships" 10/1960 #22047 witnesses in Warminster, England, including among them three men in the Br 11/11/1960 #22086 ravda asserts that “some regions” (including Uzbekistan and Tajikistan) of 1/8/1961 #22164 ongolese leaders who kill Lumumba, including Mobutu Sese Seko and Joseph Ka 1/17/1961 #22179 estrial but tasteless ingredients, including hydrogenated oil and buckwheat 4/18/1961 #22279 Over 20 high qualified witnesses including several doctors watched a 30 m 5/22/1961 #22330 w and the electricity was cut off, including that supplied by the emergency 6/21/1961 #22373 e dangers from secrecy about UFOs, including accidental war and the Russian 8/22/1961 #22453 2–3 seconds. Several other people, including airport controller Jay Galbrai 10/2/1961 #22551 ards the Hill AFB official report, including transcripts of interviews, to 10/2/1961 #22551 a overthrow the Communist regime,” including Castro, and it aims “for a rev 11/30/1961 #22660 object; ADC alerts several bases, including Nellis AFB near Las Vegas, Nev 4/18/1962 #22819 es concerning this major incident, including Project Blue Book documents, a 4/18/1962 #22819 . and dawn there were 11 sightings including seven close encounters from si 5/13/1962 #22882 dissolved, everything had vanished including his father. The police investi 8/20/1962 #23091 Three people, including a man named Bellantoni in Dolo 8/28/1962 #23119 technology from the A-12 project, including titanium construction and rada 10/1962 #23202 c consequences to the whole world, including the aggressor.” 10/22/1962 #23239 al contact with Earth in the past, including the ancient Mesopotamian myth 11/15/1962 #23308 wo years, packets of information-- including some details of specific cases 1963 #23386 ev scale have since been proposed, including the use of metrics rather than 1963 #23389 nt observation, several residents, including an official of the Ministry of 2/5/1963 #23424 te observation, several residents, including an official of the Ministry of 2/5/1963 #23425 f other people in the London area, including an air traffic controller four 8/1/1963 #23663 ity, sighting of various witnesses including 2 police patrols. 8/13/1963 #23702 nesses: several unnamed students, including Gordon. One object shaped like 10/23/1963 #23832 of muddy water and mud. Fishermen, including Tetsuo Ioshigawa, also view th 10/31/1963 #23848 first time. He meets other humans, including the Italian mechanic Luciano G 4/1964 #24005 ives, and they find burning brush (including a badly damaged creosote bush) 4/24/1964 #24063 he next morning, but state police (including Capt. Martin E. Vigil, David K 4/26/1964 #24074 on the same night five witnesses, including Sheriff L. C. Brinkerhoff of t 6/8/1964 #24222 book Case #unknown. 2 cops include/including chief. Night lights / 110min. 6/12/1964 #24226 TOLEDO, OH 2 cops include/including chief. 27M object blinks diffe 6/12/1964 #24227 rsons from three different houses, including J. Ivester, described an objec 7/7/1964 #24284 63) THREE RUSSIANS ARE SATELLITES, INCLUDING, remarkably, TWO ARE "CRAWLING 10/12/1964 #24498 icaded himself with several people including his younger brother, said that 1/1965 #24627 and 4:20 p.m. At least 12 persons, including six Army Signal Corps communic 1/11/1965 #24652 A group of teenagers, including Steve Miller, age 16, were dri 1/26/1965 #24717 strangers. The police sent 10 men, including a photographer, to investigate 1/28/1965 #24725 , Argentina About 50 Toba Indians, including policemen, saw three little me 2/21/1965 #24778 e persons in Mount Airy, Maryland, including an instrument maker for the U. 3/8/1965 #24810 urns June 7 and leaves some items, including several pieces of metal, alleg 4/24/1965 #24883 igzagging and maneuvering objects, including a lens-shaped disc. E-M effect 7/2/1965 #25036 or changing UFOs for 8-10 minutes, including a lens-shaped disc. 7/2/1965 #25038 s, Antarctica 7:42 p.m. 17 people (including three visiting Chilean personn 7/3/1965 #25051 At 10:50 a.m. eight witnesses including air traffic controllers at Can 7/15/1965 #25100 any UFO visuals and radar reports, including several from the AFBs. 8/2/1965 #25257 the UFOCAT database for this date, including many UFO visual sightings with 8/2/1965 #25279 Cuzco, Peru Several tourists, including Alberto Ugarte and Elwin Voter 8/20/1965 #25461 . several tourists in Cuzco, Peru, including Alberto Ugarte and Elwin Voter 8/20/1965 #25466 ere three military guards on duty, including the main witness, Robert Mark. 9/3/1965 #25550 omed object was seen by thousands, including the mayor. 9/23/1965 #25635 mpanions. There are 300 witnesses, including four officers on the Junon, th Late 9/1965 #25648 edly lands. Others from Kecksburg, including local volunteer fire departmen 12/9/1965 #25822 ennsylvania, 4 witnesses in a car (including 1 nurse) observe for 10 minute 1/11/1966 #25893 confesses to hoaxing his sighting, including the landing marks and physical 2/6/1966 #25976 ters. Then, everyone in the force, including he and “C”, were transferred t 3/21/1966 #26112 21.4.1966: At least forty people, including twelve policemen, said they sa 3/21/1966 #26113 rnational mentions that 40 people, including 12 police officers, reported s 3/21/1966 #26114 shire, several professional people including a deputy sheriff and a teacher 3/29/1966 #26240 over a period of nearly two hours, including an object with amber body ligh 3/30/1966 #26263 LT. As a strange light phenomenon (including an oval with a cone containing 4/4/1966 #26334 lia numerous independent witnesses including dozens of schoolchildren and t 4/6/1966 #26376 ots saw a constellation of lights, including a large white "beacon" with 4- 4/7/1966 #26383 ng a power failure many residents, including Robert Moses and Robert McCamb 4/12/1966 #26407 how there were 2 other witnesses, including Frank Panzanella of the Conway 4/17/1966 #26423 SHARON, MASS 7+2+1 include/including cops. Car size ovoid with ring 4/18/1966 #26445 tnesses in Beverly, Massachusetts, including two police officers, see a pla 4/22/1966 #26498 d Allen, there where 30 witnesses, including a group of 19 who were on the 5/11/1966 #26608 es: members of a Boy Scout group, including Sterrett. One bell-shaped obje 6/18/1966 #26724 adicts many now declassified files including a 1957 memorandum where SAC Ka 7/21/1966 #26815 and was witnessed by two families, including the Brockleys. 8/22/1966 #26958 t, North Dakota Air Force members, including Capt. David Schindele, from th 9/1966 #26995 At 10:30 p.m. six men, including Mr. C. Murdock, sighted an ora 9/1/1966 #27010 EDFORD, MASS 2 observer(s) include/including former Air Force man. Ring of 10/10/1966 #27176 35 p.m. EST. A number of witnesses including a former Navy radarman reporte 11/12/1966 #27309 J 5:35 p.m. EST. Several witnesses including a private pilot saw a very bri 11/13/1966 #27312 A 9:30 p.m. EST. Several witnesses including the chief of police saw a dark 11/18/1966 #27343 vantage from studying UFO reports (including reports by abductees and conta 1967 #27469 CROSBY, ND 5+2 observer(s) include/including commercial pilot. Ovoid rises 1/30/1967 #27678 Wharton, TX Evening. Many people, including an airport manager, saw a bell 2/12/1967 #27787 ndent reports from five witnesses (including two policemen) of a glowing br 2/16/1967 #27836 ation on UFOs classified up to and including Secret is to be provided to th 2/23/1967 #27909 rd, MA 6:30 p.m. EST. Five people, including a newspaper reporter, saw a br 2/26/1967 #27932 ne people in southeastern Ontario, including four provincial policemen, saw 2/26/1967 #27933 e people in Oxford, Massachusetts, including a newspaper reporter, saw a br 2/26/1967 #27938 At 7:30 p.m. nine witnesses including four policemen in Wiarton, sou 2/26/1967 #27940 nd Haven, MI Night. Twelve people, including six deputy sheriffs, observed 2/28/1967 #27957 al witnesses at Tillamook, Oregon, including police and sheriff’s deputies. 3/11/1967 #28151 erous reports came from this area, including one of a landing observation. 3/24/1967 #28266 us reports came from Belt, Montana including one of an unknown object landi 3/24/1967 #28273 olorado project members on June 6, including Condon. 3/28/1967 #28309 und. Other sounds also were heard, including a voice requesting that he und 3/31/1967 #28325 ckettstown, NJ Night. Five people, including a policeman, watched a revolvi 4/12/1967 #28426 ar a fish hatchery, five witnesses including a police officer had a UFO enc 4/12/1967 #28438 9:00 p.m. It stood 4.9 meters high including the legs, which were an estima 4/21/1967 #28515 .m. It was seen by five teenagers, including a 14-year-old named Ricky Bany 5/7/1967 #28623 m, quiet evening several witnesses including S.V. Ostrovskiy saw a bright p 5/17/1967 #28700 n 4:00 and 4:30 a.m. EDT four men, including the main witness named Schmidh 5/19/1967 #28709 t landed and left physical traces, including a burned area and radioactive 5/31/1967 #28768 CAN 11:30 p.m. EDT. Two witnesses, including a graduate student in psycholo 6/11/1967 #28839 & Uruguay Thousands of witnesses, including military, report UFOs. Non-US 6/24/1967 #28891 server or person making the call,” including “reports of sightings of objec 6/28/1967 #28925 n, S. Africa Evening. Four people, including a retired U.S. Air Force major 7/3/1967 #28964 object executed various maneuvers, including 180-degree turns, and twice fo 7/7/1967 #28996 object executes various maneuvers, including 180° turns and twice follows A 7/7/1967 #28998 g, PA 10:30 p.m. EDT. Two couples, including an ex-military pilot, saw an o 7/14/1967 #29030 n, NH 1:00 a.m. EDT. Three people, including an electronics technician and 7/27/1967 #29121 are seen in many states of Mexico, including Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, 8/6/1967 #29220 not specified. Multiple witnesses, including a pilot, saw a cigar- shaped o 9/13/1967 #29462 and no “case book.” He insists on including everything in which the Colora 11/13/1967 #29900 been handled within the ministry, including the Falcon Lake and Shag Harbo 11/14/1967 #29908 he Brazilian defense establishment including General Uchoa. 11/28/1967 #29981 e of prominent figures in ufology, including Donald Keyhoe, and containing 12/10/1967 #30038 dialogues. Most of the contacted, including the majority of the Madrid gro 12/10/1967 #30039 the Madrid group, literally flee, including Dominguez, Aguire and many oth 12/10/1967 #30039 , despite the searches undertaken, including with Commander Cousteau's divi 1/25/1968 #30185 Several independent witnesses, including two named Hendrickson and Sinc 2/23/1968 #30272 Cochrane (Wisconsin), 2 witnesses (including an air hostess) observe a UFO 4/3/1968 #30386 Ocna, Romania by several witnesses including the principal witness, a Mr. D 5/5/1968 #30459 l Science Services Administration (including Gordon David Thayer). Franklin Late 5/1968 #30498 and lost consciousness. Neighbors, including police officers, saw the UFO m 6/19/1968 #30571 of tragic incidents on June 15–17, including a missile attack on “unidentif 6/20/1968 #30573 At 11:15 p.m., five skeptical men (including Police Sgt. Raúl Coronel) from 7/2/1968 #30656 At 9:00 p.m. five young people, including Paul Sauve, age 20, and his si 7/28/1968 #30774 lifornia. Four of the ship’s crew, including Maj. W. J. Draper, see a group 8/21/1968 #30900 Nellis AFB, NV Two military ATCs including supervisor saw nocturnal light 9/17/1968 #31016 rita, Romania a group of observers including a man named Rusu watched a dis 9/19/1968 #31029 around the doctor and his family, including poltergeist activity and unexp 11/1/1968 #31178 ent teleportation and time travel, including a distressing episode with alt 11/1/1968 #31178 d various physiological phenomena, including identical triangular shaped re 11/2/1968 #31186 gs was a crowd of about 20 people, including three police officers, who had 11/21/1968 #31236 were other independent witnesses, including the crew of a Capital Aviation 11/26/1968 #31281 licidad yelled to two other women, including a woman called Paquita. All th 1/6/1969 #31407 rance at 8:00 p.m. four witnesses, including two in Alouette II helicopters 2/25/1969 #31536 the beings from various drawings, including Da Silva's that were shown to 5/5/1969 #31721 r cars failed during the sighting, including both the lights and motor. 5/31/1969 #31786 ldren and adults. Thirteen people, including their father, return to see th 7/4/1969 #31871 flying saucer beings. Many people, including Idaho State Reporter Barbara B 7/12/1969 #31890 He later learns that other people, including his parents, watched an elonga 8/30/1969 #31977 from French) Very many witnesses, including military personnel, observed t 11/6/1969 #32102 ong a tight group of key personnel including J. Edgar Hoover, Wernher Von B 1970 #32189 Over 400 people including school students in Maraenui, N 5/7/1970 #32349 and to be watched by 5 civilians, including 2 Americans. They note that th 10/7/1970 #32581 veral people driving west of town, including witness Judith Dingler, saw "a 10/28/1970 #32601 . There were five witnesses total, including independent witnesses. 3/2/1971 #32773 t all ship communications are out, including the radar, compasses, and elec 6/1971 #32897 ng traces were found at the sight, including a 10-foot wide irregularly sha 6/5/1971 #32902 to two, making five objects in all including the blue moon. The last two we Summer 1971 #32930 lock in the evening six witnesses, including a 46-year-old woman, watched a 8/14/1971 #33043 ilar UFO flying low over the area, including a man who reported vehicle int 9/20/1971 #33118 everal witnesses during the night, including police officers. Shortly after 9/23/1971 #33133 s satellites launched in parallel, including the British Army's "Skynet" la 11/1971 #33220 veral residents (near Hagerstown), including a Maryland State Trooper and a 12/14/1971 #33290 n, MI A large number of witnesses, including police officers, FAA officials 3/8/1972 #33397 later. There were numerous traces, including a cow in the meadow near the w 4/1972 #33444 ng, PA Three city police officers, including a sergeant, observed an oval-s 8/20/1972 #33786 his night, at least two witnesses, including a woman named Benger, had a cl 8/28/1972 #33813 ng, PA Three city police officers, including a sergeant, observed an oval-s 8/29/1972 #33816 ing, Pennsylvania police officers, including a sergeant, observed an oval-s 8/29/1972 #33817 itional security officers arrived, including Sgt. Darren Alexander and his 10/14/1972 #33941 e object. There were 15 witnesses, including 40-year-old Daryl Brown. The e 10/23/1972 #33955 Two Coast Guardsman, including one named Whiteley, viewed a h 2/11/1973 #34182 Six witnesses, including Mrs. Jack Huffman, observed an 2/11/1973 #34183 For three hours many observers including police witnessed a procession 3/1/1973 #34227 training in the physical sciences, including a large array of equipment at 4/1973 #34304 ich are scientifically anticipated—including the existence of a planetary r 4/27/1973 #34363 l also have access to their files, including those of the Department of Def 5/1973 #34373 de. Here the proposal takes place, including the promise of using 3,200 fee 5/1973 #34373 n Gladston, Queensland, Australia, including a woman named Korn, sighted a 5/6/1973 #34384 rt on “potential flap activities,” including surveillance of journalists, O 5/9/1973 #34386 chigan. There were four witnesses, including Mr. Peacock. 9/16/1973 #34770 the UFOCAT database for this day, including ten reports of nocturnal light 10/11/1973 #34960 ed a variety of strange phenomena, including a gloved hand apparition and a 10/14/1973 #34992 re were 10 reports from California including six close encounters. The stat 10/17/1973 #35100 Washington received many reports, including a landing report with traces i 10/17/1973 #35100 off. There were several witnesses, including a separate independent witness 10/24/1973 #35249 a window and various instruments, including a screen showing a display of 10/28/1973 #35290 show knife marks on the carcasses, including the apparent butchering of sex 12/1973 #35483 he Linden Avenue area of the city, including some who viewed it through bin 12/2/1973 #35499 metallic gray one-piece coverall, including gloves and heavy, pointed boot 1/7/1974 #35666 in Concentration of UFO sightings, including vehicle encounters 3/1974 #35854 e. Extraordinary abilities follow, including his ability to disrupt a compa 3/23/1974 #35973 the morning, four people in a car, including Karl Heinz N., observed a disc 4/11/1974 #36046 Marcinelle, Belgium 11 witnesses, including a 16-year old teenager who was 4/21/1974 #36103 a garment covered his entire body, including his head. The garment was volu 5/20/1974 #36168 Several hundred witnesses including 15 police saw a luminous cigar 6/20/1974 #36280 ting the pros and cons of the map, including one by Cornell astronomer Carl 12/1974 #36723 tudies find independent witnesses, including a doorman at the high-rise Sto 1/12/1975 #36863 French) A small group of people - including ufologists - observe various p 1/25/1975 #36888 rench) A small group of people --- including ufologists --- observe various 1/25/1975 #36889 dubbed the “Year of Intelligence,” including its House counterpart, the Pik 1/27/1975 #36891 round marks were found at the site including a burnt area 25 feet in diamet 5/4/1975 #37206 . At 9:45 p.m. more than 40 people including police saw the same or similar 6/2/1975 #37252 County, California four witnesses, including a 19-year-old woman, saw a 40 8/10/1975 #37466 ere were at least seven witnesses, including police. 8/16/1975 #37504 red in the county during the week, including one discovered 9-3-75. 9/2/1975 #37583 es. Authorities and organizations, including the FBI and the Cattle Raisers 9/25/1975 #37655 avis, CA 8:20 p.m. Seven witnesses including the main witness named Landero 10/16/1975 #37736 ornia at 8:20 p.m. seven witnesses including the main witness named Landero 10/16/1975 #37737 a number of paranomal experiences, including a stocky Man in Black (MIB) wh 10/27/1975 #37805 . Witnesses in Medford, Minnesota, including Helen Kay, see a brilliant ora 11/2/1975 #37867 riodically over the next few days, including at least seven members of the 11/11/1975 #37952 revealed an abduction experience, including a table exam onboard a craft, 2/7/1976 #38228 42) About fifty serious witnesses including a doctor and three astronomers 6/22/1976 #38526 r Ministry investigates UFO cases, including those involving pilots. He adm 6/26/1976 #38547 were other independent witnesses, including the local mayor who saw it fro 7/15/1976 #38575 Five witnesses, including a Mrs. Lucas, age 25, saw a do 8/15/1976 #38684 Four men--Weiner, Foltz, and Rak (including a set of twins)--had gone out 8/26/1976 #38721 in multiple locations in Morocco, including Agadir, El Kelaa des Sraghna, 9/19/1976 #38835 was felt by the several witnesses, including the main witness, Isabel Cardo 10/30/1976 #38944 le sightings in the early evening, including a silver helmet-shaped (domed 11/14/1976 #38984 rom this. Her memory of the event, including the missing time, gradually re 12/10/1976 #39035 es UK 1 Miniwave of UFO sightings, including round and triangular objects ( 12/18/1976 #39054 s from various provinces of Spain, including Granada, Malaga, Valencia, Mur 12/20/1976 #39070 UK Miniwave of UFO sightings, including round and triangular objects 1/1977 #39110 and issue policy recommendations, including one to end military and intell 1/1977 #39113 They also told him of dire events including major catastrophes that would 1/27/1977 #39218 m. Eleven witnesses in six groups (including Thelma Lowe, Harold Wilson, Sa 3/8/1977 #39341 he whole part of this environment, including the vegetation, was completely 4/1977 #39401 Two witnesses, including a 31-year-old woman named Coom 4/26/1977 #39501 In the Hainault forest witnesses, including two police officers, make obse 5/3/1977 #39521 to break almost all of the limbs, including snapping off the central branc 5/3/1977 #39527 ge over an area of about 100 yards including singed trees and underbrush. 5/18/1977 #39587 alf meters tall, dressed in green, including feet, and a helmet with a tran 7/12/1977 #39747 An abduction by aliens including a physical exam occurred aroun 7/19/1977 #39785 on and was seen by five witnesses, including police. There was something th 8/11/1977 #39878 Perugia, Italy, several witnesses, including Bruno Vitali, see a cone-shape 8/11/1977 #39880 on and was seen by five witnesses, including police. There was something th 8/11/1977 #39883 For more than 20 minutes, police (including PC Ian MacKenzie, PS James Tro 8/28/1977 #39932 ships, inhabited and uninhabited, including 18 Soyuz ships with crews, two 9/1977 #39950 did not respond: all instruments, including the radio, refused to work wit 9/18/1977 #40002 , Norway 5:30 PM. Three witnesses, including two deaf 14 year olds, Johny M 10/25/1977 #40132 school 5:30 p.m. Three witnesses, including two deaf 14-year-olds, Johny M 10/25/1977 #40133 rway at 5:30 p.m. three witnesses, including two deaf 14 year olds, Johny M 10/25/1977 #40134 a two-volume report of 290 pages, including three general presentations, t 12/1977 #40247 the dome, also very vividly clear, including all the windows, about 16–20 e 1/1/1978 #40379 ches in diameter. Samples of snow, including some with carbon spots, are ta 2/2/1978 #40498 ight deck, sniffing at everything, including at least one of the aliens, wh 2/5/1978 #40510 an unintelligible mental response, including the expression "three seven, s 2/5/1978 #40510 mples had been extracted from him, including blood, semen, urine, spinal fl 2/5/1978 #40510 and found numerous ground traces, including the ditch. 2/17/1978 #40529 ions, MN Widespread UFO sightings, including formations and disc-shaped obj 3/1978 #40562 innesota Widespread UFO sightings, including formations and disc-shaped obj 3/1978 #40563 splays “classic” mutilation signs, including the removal of the rectum and 3/24/1978 #40636 Luis, where 6 doctors examine him, including neurologist Antônio Saldanha, 3/24/1978 #40637 a.m. a group of several witnesses, including police, observed 25-30 luminou 5/6/1978 #40765 eter. Next morning physical traces including a deep imprint were found at t 6/4/1978 #40839 to police over two days, probably including Delta Aquarid meteors (section 7/27/1978 #41017 to police over two days, probably including Delta Aquarid meteors 7/27/1978 #41019 s, Wisconsin, Coast Guard station, including Doug Wangen and Seaman Gary Ra 7/28/1978 #41029 lesey, Wales, UK Several villagers including a man hunting rabbits watched 9/1/1978 #41218 in Llanerchymedd, Anglesey, Wales, including some teenagers and a man hunti 9/1/1978 #41219 Anglesey, Wales several villagers including a man hunting rabbits watched 9/1/1978 #41220 were reportedly several witnesses, including the main witness, a 14-year-ol 9/2/1978 #41224 seen by hundreds for five minutes, including police, guards, and airline wo 9/14/1978 #41276 een by four men at the lighthouse, including the main witness, a 47-year-ol 9/17/1978 #41303 ad. and was seen by five witnesses including a 30-year-old woman named Stev 9/29/1978 #41382 te witnesses in Jenkins, Missouri, including a 71-year-old couple, watched 10/8/1978 #41427 :50 a.m. The UFO caused EM effects including the disruption of all telecomm 11/9/1978 #41556 ther close encounters in the area, including a car pacing, a 24-year-old ta 11/9/1978 #41557 m. three military Coast Guardsmen, including the main witness named Valenti 11/9/1978 #41558 slated from French) 7 technicians, including 1 expatriate American citizen, 11/10/1978 #41561 within a day or two of each other, including one done on the night of Novem 11/13/1978 #41573 ’s headlights, and all the lights (including the car’s) go out. The witness 11/20/1978 #41588 ations into extraterrestrial life, including unidentified flying objects, a 12/8/1978 #41703 ark side” of psi and ESP programs, including maintaining contact with the h 1979 #41910 ries of witnesses are represented, including 33% scientists. Among these ar 1/14/1979 #41997 Carolina. There were 14 witnesses, including police. The UFO emitted a ligh 3/6/1979 #42132 l action. About 200 people attend, including Fort Worth (Tex.) Star-Telegra 4/20/1979 #42181 Hudon, Wisconsin four more people, including a 40-year-old salesman, witnes 8/25/1979 #42458 gon-shaped UFOs were seen by many, including 10 police officers. (NICAP: 01 9/17/1979 #42582 gon-shaped UFOs were seen by many, including 10 police officers. One object 9/17/1979 #42584 At 7:00 p.m. four witnesses, including two 11-year-old boys with the 9/19/1979 #42589 sual display like a "time tunnel," including people in costumes of bygone d 9/20/1979 #42597 ered lasting physiological effects including headaches, itching, thirst, an 11/9/1979 #42683 nomenon without daring to testify, including his neighbors and their childr 12/9/1979 #42759 n the area over the next two days, including what looked like National Guar 12/10/1979 #42765 The first car with six witnesses, including Marilyn Anderson, sees a clust 1/21/1980 #42853 er that same night five witnesses, including Rafael Tobajas, spotted a low 2/11/1980 #42882 Thirty-two people, including the mayor of Ahilinco, Neuquen 2/11/1980 #42884 12:45 a.m. At least 10 witnesses, including city police and county sheriff 3/12/1980 #42926 and it caused burns on his hands, including one that left a permanent mark 3/13/1980 #42930 es have been used in this program, including radar calibration satellites l 4/1980 #42961 O sightings by numerous witnesses, including airport personnel and meteorol 6/14/1980 #43097 nos Aires, and Rosario, Argentina, including airport personnel and meteorol 6/14/1980 #43100 IA directors who served as knights including William Casey and John McCone. 7/1980 #43132 re are most likely other documents including a longer report that he had wr 8/8/1980 #43185 rs onboard a Piper Aztec airplane, including Wendy and Michael Gannon, witn 9/21/1980 #43272 uffered from physiological effects including headaches and vomiting, and di 9/30/1980 #43297 coast in a ship on the Yellow Sea, including a witness named Hung, saw a re 10/5/1980 #43305 coast in a ship on the Yellow Sea, including a witness named Hung, saw a re 10/5/1980 #43307 o high ranking Air Force personnel including Brigadier General William Broo 11/10/1980 #43377 ts with a small group of officials—including Brig. Gen. William Brooksher, 11/10/1980 #43379 people in north-central Missouri, including a dozen police officers, saw a 11/18/1980 #43412 d from French) Numerous witnesses, including Timothy Good, observe a lumino 12/15/1980 #43484 States Air Force. USAF personnel, including deputy base commander Lieutena 12/26/1980 #43507 involved many military personnel, including the base commander, Colonel Ha 12/27/1980 #43522 anding site with 20–30 servicemen (including John Burroughs, Sgt. Adrian Bu 12/28/1980 #43523 a large number of helicopters (23) including some Chinooks and possibly Hue 12/29/1980 #43526 is time there were more witnesses, including Lieutenant Colonel Charles Hal 12/29/1980 #43529 me night. Another eight witnesses, including a Dayton police officer, claim 12/29/1980 #43537 lure of an aircraft's electronics, including the transponder, DME, navigati 4/4/1981 #43682 lure of an aircraft's electronics, including the transponder, DME, navigati 4/8/1981 #43685 ight shift (eight people in total, including myself) (...) The object flew 6/6/1981 #43769 ve observers driving in a vehicle, including a college professor and a soci 7/12/1981 #43831 tes. Most city residents saw them, including some with binoculars. 11/12/1981 #44066 was asked to feed disinformation, including the forged “Aquarius Document” 1982 #44130 vestigation, the results of which (including a transcript of the RC-135 cre 10/19/1982 #44541 Two hundred people, including school students, a boys soccer 1/18/1983 #44649 reams of a UFO abduction encounter including a physical exam. 2/3/1983 #44664 engers and crew aboard are killed, including Rep. Larry McDonald (D-Ga.) an 9/1/1983 #44900 wide range of entity experiences, including UFO events, and explains them 1984 #45043 Screven, Georgia several witnesses including police watched a W-shaped obje 4/26/1984 #45266 in UFO investigations and secrecy, including many FOIA-released recent repo 7/1984 #45351 delta-shaped objects with lights, including a possible abduction. 8/20/1984 #45412 motion. It was witnessed by many, including physicist Bruce Maccabee. 9/2/1984 #45431 ther witnesses at rocket launches, including amateur observers of the Sovie 9/7/1984 #45435 ekistan 11:45 p.m. Five witnesses, including missile technician Shamil Yuai 10/1984 #45452 ividuals in AFOSI at Kirtland AFB, including special agent Master Sgt. Rich 12/11/1984 #45522 and potential future developments” including magnetotelluric surveys, local 1/10/1985 #45556 of the Centro Ufologico Nazionale, including Paolo Toselli, Gian Paolo Gras 12/1985 #45764 Brazil Concentration of sightings including many physiological effects cas 3/19/1986 #45851 site. Armed guards prohibit entry, including firefighters, and a helicopter 7/11/1986 #46003 ks the UAP doing complex maneuvers including loops, crash dives and fast cl 12/1986 #46152 eam tracks the object’s maneuvers, including loops, backtracks, crash dives Mid 12/1986 #46156 Belleville, WI Flurry of sightings including cigar-shaped objects, a radar 1/1987 #46167 Ping Wu, Szechwan Province, China, including a young child, was awakened by 3/7/1987 #46210 A headquarters to two dozen people including Ron Pandolfi and Kit Green; Ma 7/7/1987 #46293 in Corydon, Indiana at 11:45 p.m., including the main witness, a 36-year-ol 8/18/1987 #46334 een witnesses in Corydon, Indiana, including five UFO field investigators, 8/23/1987 #46340 shdown, AR Sighting concentration, including 60 reports to sheriff's office 9/1987 #46358 Five witnesses, including three police, witnessed a meta 9/3/1987 #46367 objects from within those houses, including personal possessions, are seiz 9/13/1987 #46376 lated from French) Four witnesses, including 3 from the Goodwin family of U 9/22/1987 #46383 l North Dakota Flurry of sightings including oval objects with flashing bod 11/1987 #46413 ering variety of close encounters, including abduction incidents, and Walte 11/11/1987 #46422 disruption of electrical circuits, including TVs and computers. More than 1 11/28/1987 #46441 n a film with apocalyptic imagery, including nuclear explosions, famines, a 12/1/1987 #46448 the facility is warm to the touch, including the soil. But there are no int Winter 1987 #46475 Into 1989, more body marks appear, including a solid red triangle on her ar 1988 #46491 t no one can answer this question, including scientists: "How can such a pr 3/1988 #46602 people were television personnel, including Wu Wanjun, Shmed Jiang (Uigur) 3/18/1988 #46636 be published in many publications, including Popular Science and the Lazar 7/17/1988 #46739 ted from French) Dozens of people, including those from the state meteorolo 8/30/1988 #46764 gue sectioned, the eyes and ears - including the inner part - removed. The 9/29/1988 #46797 of scientists ufologists believed including Menzel and it reported to Trum 10/23/1988 #46825 ane to perform an uncrewed flight, including landing in fully automatic mod 11/15/1988 #46862 tizens in surrounding communities, including Dawson and Dog Town, Alabama, 2/10/1989 #46998 re than an hour by four witnesses, including police. It flew over the polic 2/10/1989 #46999 htings in surrounding communities, including De Kalb City, Dawson, Dog Town 2/10/1989 #46999 At 10:45 p.m. several witnesses, including 53-year-old A. D. Golovatskaya 4/24/1989 #47097 0 p.m. by four military witnesses, including the two main witnesses named V 7/28/1989 #47227 3+independent observer(s) include/including woman driving. 8/10/1989 #47238 zh, Russia as many as 40 children, including some young boys named Lukin, L 9/21/1989 #47315 ding traces were reportedly found, including a 60-foot wide circle in which 9/21/1989 #47315 vestigation commission (scientists including nuclear physicist S. Kadmenski 9/27/1989 #47325 ble to lift her. A crowd gathered, including some local militia, and the po 10/8/1989 #47356 programs flying out of Groom Lake including a silent triangle. “Unconventi 1990 #47627 ench) A patrol of the gendarmerie, including Captain Pinson, is on site and 3/30/1990 #47780 vl Highway, Russia Many observers, including a journalist with Sovetskaya E Early 4/1990 #47817 ined by several humanoid entities, including a reptilian-like humanoid, sev 8/15/1990 #48032 d his various vital organ systems, including his heart, and they then used 8/15/1990 #48032 down soon afterward]. Five people, including nuclear physicist Ludmilla Iva 8/24/1990 #48044 lurry of suppressed UFO sightings, including the tracking on radar of a UFO 9/1990 #48056 ta at least four ground observers, including two police, saw 3-5 glowing li 10/10/1990 #48121 t the same time". 500 testimonies, including from military personnel and ge 11/5/1990 #48175 51 insiders allegedly contact him, including someone who claims he transpor 1991 #48315 roaches, his instruments go crazy, including his automatic direction finder 6/8/1991 #48495 es Blue Book that were UAP related including Project Black Book or Project 7/1991 #48512 oked into historical UAP sightings including some from the Vatican back to 7/1991 #48512 or a variety of covert operations, including transfers of money and weapons 7/5/1991 #48518 Juan Ballester Olmos has supplied, including those used by the US Air Force 3/31/1992 #48851 n Lansing, Michigan six observers, including the main witness who was a 25- 8/10/1992 #49025 lagers in Pedrera, Sevilla, Spain, including a woman named Paca and two loc 9/24/1992 #49106 odd movements northeast of Buzău, including sharp 180° turns near Săpoca. 11/1992 #49169 ter tank. The object has 9 lights, including a row of lights on one side. T 2/1/1993 #49305 numerous ground traces were found, including an unknown smelly substance th 3/20/1993 #49376 ens had several bases in the area, including one at the Ixtamalapan Lagoon. 3/20/1993 #49377 sses from San Marcos, Tula, Mexico including Maria de Lourdes Uribe, age 34 5/12/1993 #49466 turned gradually without hypnosis, including tall beings who abducted them 8/8/1993 #49618 turned gradually without hypnosis, including tall beings who abducted them 8/8/1993 #49619 ustralia three carloads of people, including the principal witness 27-year- 8/8/1993 #49621 ights. Film roll all blank include/including family photograph! 11/4/1993 #49775 l oil companies in the early 1990s including Pennzoil, Texaco, Tenneco, Mar 1994 #49865 or DOE owned laboratory facilities including but not limited to Sandia Nati 1994 #49867 , has instructed only three cases, including that of flight AF 3532, in the 1/28/1994 #49907 Six witnesses, including a Mr. Giulo, observed a strang 2/3/1994 #49934 erall that covered his entire body including his unusually long feet. The f 2/3/1994 #49934 Three 12-year-old boys including Diego Percebal were walking ne 4/15/1994 #50034 arise from the academic community (including Harvard Professor of Law Alan 5/1994 #50052 At 11:00 p.m. several witnesses including police in Salisbury, North Car 8/13/1994 #50222 of UFOs and paranormal phenomena, including cattle mutilations, bigfoot, f Fall 1994 #50330 o be checking her internal organs, including her heart, which she saw movin 12/15/1994 #50458 near Managua, Nicaragua four boys including 6-year-old Royllin Reyes Marti 2/23/1995 #50634 a round object with several rooms, including a main control room with large 3/14/1995 #50672 ses took place and 15 F 16 planes, including those from the Florennes base, 5/3/1995 #50763 shes to remain anonymous. Experts, including pathologist Cyril Wecht, speci 8/28/1995 #51029 as made all the auxiliary footage, including that of the homeless man. The 8/28/1995 #51029 ilitary analysts, defense experts, including Bill Sweetman, an expert in st 10/8/1995 #51159 nvolving “high technology devices” including nuclear, chemical, biological, 1996 #51292 f consciousness on 7 January 1996, including Ron Blackburn and “De Angelo” 1/7/1996 #51304 shepherds, collected many samples, including soil, grass, alpine weeds, and 1/31/1996 #51370 y specified. The police officers, (including chief Anatoly Dobrynin) after 6/25/1996 #51590 ber 24 and is signed by 71 states, including five of the eight then- nuclea 9/10/1996 #51679 Thousands including police saw a huge disc maneuve 9/17/1996 #51696 est. At 11:15 p.m. many witnesses, including the entire local police force 11/25/1996 #51806 d strange holographic like images, including dinosaur like animals. When he 12/9/1996 #51818 the NSA’s “Core Secrets” programs including Sentry Eagle. https://exonews 1/1/1997 #51856 nvestigator spoke with the locals, including one Gonzales Cabrio. People sa 2/9/1997 #51887 700 witnesses who call her office, including police officers, pilots, and f 3/13/1997 #51938 nd a trail of smoke. Other people, including a group observing the Hale-Bop 3/24/1997 #51949 urces and have American companies (including IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Lab 6/1997 #52029 midnight several local residents, including Tal Igur, a 23-year-old studen 7/22/1997 #52089 al locals of Vegas de Diuca, Chile including Jose and Nicolasa Estrada witn 7/23/1997 #52092 ts of Selected Nonlethal Weapons,” including microwave, acoustic, and radio 2/17/1998 #52295 chnologies often mistaken for UAP, including “materialization/dematerializa 8/22/1998 #52422 ovah” and discusses several items, including: the assassination of a Russia 11/1998 #52467 Fifteen people, including members of a Puerto Rican UFO 11/7/1998 #52472 es themselves state several things including that UAP questions from NSC, J 1/23/1999 #52518 e rest of the family was woken up, including the parents, so that as many p 3/29/1999 #52556 rtedly saw three humanoid figures, including a female figure. Whereabouts o 4/15/1999 #52567 ing with different zodiacal signs, including Aquarius. It states the CIA ha 7/31/1999 #52635 holds a board meeting with members including former CIA director R. James W 12/3/1999 #52720 eported by pilots and their crews, including 56 near misses, all affecting 10/15/2000 #52915 operation at five units worldwide including Beale AFB near Marysville, Cal 1/31/2001 #52995 there is “a lot” going on in Utah, including where some of “our” associate 4/2001 #53014 f famous persons flash around her, including John F. Kennedy, Adolph Hitler 5/2/2001 #53036 Jacques Vallée meets with a group including Jim Westwood, an intelligence 5/5/2001 #53040 ration Shocker used disinformation including false UAP data to trick Soviet 5/5/2001 #53040 bjects. Witnesses number about 50, including the owner of the cafe, but not 7/14/2001 #53071 Parana, Brazil. The two witnesses including Rubem Bastos de Brito reported 7/29/2001 #53076 beach in Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, including Luis Carlos Prima, reported se 8/1/2001 #53080 angle sightings have been recorded including one that took off from Wright- 11/3/2001 #53134 y mission) recovered crashed craft including the F-117; Miller states he kn 4/25/2002 #53197 Antalya, Turkey. Several students, including Murat Esici, 11, saw an "alien 6/5/2002 #53211 avel to Eastern European countries including the USSR to discuss UFOs. The 6/29/2002 #53218 large area of Alessandria, Italy, including roofs, cars, and trees. A samp 10/18/2002 #53286 website documents related to UFOs, including those related to the Rendelsha 11/28/2002 #53321 ts to showcase their HFGW research including Robert M. Baker, Heinz Dehnen, 5/6/2003 #53395 s working with materials recovered including a metallic piece with symbols 7/21/2003 #53436 ens were shown a series of slides, including one in which a photo of an “al 8/19/2003 #53445 m of geologists and glaciologists (including Rajiv Kalia, Sunil Dhar, Sushi 9/27/2004 #53632 icapped humans, possibly Japanese, including sufferers of progeria. She cla 6/2005 #53717 had several sore spots on his body including his anus. At first he thought 9/21/2007 #53939 and contains several sub-projects, including Advanced Aerospace System Conc 6/2008 #54018 s of making several serious errors including a failure to review all availa 10/2008 #54047 than that; several key Congressmen including Harry Reid want to see it go f 10/29/2008 #54054 ion and select members of Congress including Sen. Bob Smith on breakthrough 2/13/2009 #54087 s UFO files and makes them public, including records of 40 cases that remai 6/2009 #54099 ormal phenomena plague his family, including a humanoid shape, phantom foot 7/2009 #54104 n UAP from different perspectives, including the Collins Elite on the demon 3/31/2011 #54200 . All of the electrical equipment (including the computer) suddenly turns o 2/18/2012 #54217 declassified a trove of documents, including records of a secret program to Late 2012 #54233 whichever individuals it targets, including the use of what GCHQ itself ca 2/24/2014 #54280 worked on UAP technology projects, including that the UAP craft contained t 8/2014 #54291 apart, with the audio of the pair including voices of military personnel w 2/2015? #54308 mmonplace among multiple squadrons including the nearby E-2 Hawkeye squadro 2/2015? #54308 nnel who pose as government agents including for the EPA “Alien” abductio 4/5/2016 #54327 eportation of biological materials including humans. Basiago claimed milit 7/16/2016 #54334 aerial vehicles (UAVs), balloons (including toys and weather), model aircr 2017 #54340 seen some 15 human “guinea pigs,” including Japanese prisoners and handica 6/2017 #54350 experience lasting health effects, including one unidentified diplomat who 8/2017 #54355 materials. The video, one of three including 'FLIR' and 'GIMBAL', is offici 3/11/2018 #54402 aff. Some are evacuated to the US, including security engineering officer M 5/23/2018 #54408 nts—the perception of loud noises, including ringing, buzzing, and grinding 9/1/2018 #54419 r the course of the last 30 years, including rare and never before revealed 12/4/2018 #54431 lance Network lists 44,336 objects including 8,558 satellites launched into 6/23/2019 #54471 the world’s most powerful radars (including the Solid State Phased Array R 6/23/2019 #54471 te symptoms that patients reported—including strange sensations of pain, pr 8/2020 #54544 les of the Center for UFO Studies (including files originating from the Nat 11/2020 #54551 er of long-anticipated provisions, including an Intelligence Authorization 12/27/2020 #54557 n as ‘anomalous aerial vehicles’), including observed airborne objects that 12/27/2020 #54557 on UFOs. Several are obvious UAVs, including one reported by a caller to po 1/1/2021 #54560 r, with more than 30 police forces including Police Scotland saying they ha 1/1/2021 #54560 in 1947, gathered extensive data, including textual records, motion pictur 1/12/2021 #54561 it unusual flight characteristics, including high velocity, breaking the so 6/25/2021 #54585 ed by different sensor mechanisms, including visual observation. The report 6/25/2021 #54585 gation of the topic will continue, including development of reporting proto 6/25/2021 #54585 of people, not all in government, including people in aerospace, intellige 8/1/2021 #54595 analyze, and report on UAP cases, including those with “adverse physiologi 12/27/2021 #54623 nnot rule out foreign involvement, including many of the cases that origina 1/19/2022 #54628 five potential causal mechanisms, including “acoustic signals, chemical an 2/2/2022 #54630 t planning by the U.S. government, including building underground bunkers a 2/7/2022 #54632 partnership on airspace security, including UAPs, as stated by U.S. Depart 2/22/2022 #54634 021, alleges he faced retaliation, including denied access to IC elements a 5/2022 #54641 LYN database has 17,500 signatures including non-terrestrial signatures. It 8/23/2022 #54662 ard several different explanations including they are false but based on so 9/2022 #54665 ces of information in an interview including: that he was told of a compart 12/20/2022 #54691 gy, and mentions no whistleblower, including Grusch, has ties to AARO. The 7/27/2023 #54721 ton DC A group of House lawmakers, including Rep. Tim Burchett, has request 8/23/2023 #54732## Word: "inclusion", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd websites has contributed to its inclusion within anomalous sighting reco 1361 #259 ts potential relevance prompts its inclusion for consideration. 6/7/1846 #1059 s been rendered meaningless by the inclusion of vague and incomplete cases. 1963 #23386 that’s based on project-controlled inclusion and not government oversight, 8/22/1998 #52422 filiated subject matter due to its inclusion in the AAWSAP program. It is 10/2008 #54047## Word: "inclusions", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
on dust, grit, shale with feldspar inclusions, and thaumasite. Nothing grow 7/31/1975 #37423 olid metal and slag with white ash inclusions. 12/17/1977 #40322## Word: "inclusive", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
oto of UFO following C-5A aircraft inclusive. Photo analysis of Cylinder Sh 11/17/1980 #43403## Word: "incognito", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of that extraterrestrials can live incognito among us. 10/1952 #12383 by two extraterrestrials who live incognito among us. On the outskirts of 2/18/1953 #13154## Word: "incoherent", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ad. That's when the story becomes "incoherent". Albert Lancashire followed 9/1942 #3694 stal sits in his office, dazed and incoherent, repeating, “You are a loyal 3/28/1949 #7195 Maryland Frank Olson is depressed, incoherent, and uncommunicative after hi 11/28/1953 #13902 TONE, AUSTR 2+railroad/railway men incoherent. Fireball seen. Burnt sugar c 11/5/1971 #33238 Two railroad men were dazed and incoherent in South Johnstone, Queenslan 11/5/1971 #33240 local hospital where he was found incoherent and bleeding from the head wh 3/24/1978 #40638 the sky. He was later found lying incoherent next to his car. (NICAP: 07 - 12/28/1978 #41859 overing nearby. He was later found incoherent next to his car. His pistol h 12/28/1978 #41860 een presence. The couple was found incoherent and suffering various burns a 12/11/1979 #42772 th tattoos who both appeared to be incoherent. He saw tables and cows in th 9/20/1994 #50322## Word: "incoherently", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rgers staggering out of the grove, incoherently saying he has been zapped i 8/19/1952 #11861 rs / 8km altitude. Fireball orbits incoherently. 12/1/1968 #31305## Word: "incoming", 16 instance(s) (Back to Top)
U.S. Navy fleet radar detected an incoming unidentified object which also 10/9/1942 #3713 Fukuoka, Japan Radar Tracks Incoming Object (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 9/16/1947 #6335 Fukuoka Airport] Fukuoka, Japan An incoming radar target is picked up at It 9/16/1947 #6336 of G-2 Air, received a Top Secret incoming TWX from 3rd Army Headquarters, 1948 #6487 55 she was assigned to catalog all incoming UAP material, approximately 1,0 1955 #16903 Science Division retains files for incoming raw reports that might provide 2/9/1956 #17804 then left. Other passengers on an incoming train saw the entity leaving. 12/17/1963 #23933 eut. Anspaugh logs the reports and incoming telephone calls for three hours 8/1/1965 #25250 a silver sphere that approached an incoming aircraft on an apparent collisi 9/3/1967 #29396 o the Weapons Storage Area, and an incoming C-130 is asked to do a fly-by o 10/1973 #34851 s intruding into the base, and the incoming KC-135 confirmed seeing two UFO 10/30/1975 #37844 ded and crossed the flight path of incoming airliners. 11/12/1978 #41570 g along the same glide path as the incoming jets but seem to slow down, com 7/15/1986 #46007 from French) (Taiwan MND Confirms Incoming UFOs From China - From: Diane L 1/16/2000 #52762 they can see a luminous object. An incoming Yakovlev Yak-40 passenger plane 1/22/2001 #52986 way from the windows to protect an incoming classified aircraft. Walker st 2005 #53675## Word: "incomparable", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
aw very distinctly a human face of incomparable beauty, inside his room. Af 10/4/1975 #37700## Word: "incompetence", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d by Dr. E. U. Condon for alleged "incompetence" in controversy over projec 2/9/1968 #30235 ere fired for insubordination, not incompetence. 2/9/1968 #30236 he Air Force with indifference and incompetence in its UFO investigations. 7/1972 #33583## Word: "incompetent", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e would label this as reckless and incompetent. Colorado project investigat 7/17/1957 #19007## Word: "incomplete", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rines docked in Argentina carrying incomplete cargoes of cigarettes and liq 7/1945 #4328 is, TX In The Paris News, an oddly incomplete article with the title "Groun 8/25/1950 #8527 ite admitting an investigation was incomplete, and despite White House inte 9/24/1957 #19258 eared!” The ship’s log is provably incomplete since it does not even mentio 1/16/1958 #20144 less by the inclusion of vague and incomplete cases. Formerly the term "unk 1963 #23386 s to 36 feet 3 inches, and each is incomplete on its western side. He is pu 8/5/1967 #29204 e death of Casey, leave the record incomplete.” 11/18/1987 #46429 er good visibility conditions. The incomplete file does not deal with any p 7/28/1989 #47223## Word: "incomprehensible", 44 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ouble file and praying aloud in an incomprehensible jargon for the inhabita 6/10/1430 #292 e crowd, this person muttered some incomprehensible words and fled into the 6/12/1790 #808 talking among themselves but in an incomprehensible way due to the speed of 4/19/1897 #1870 is last word will therefore remain incomprehensible, like the disappearance 8/2/1947 #6183 itude. (...). Suddenly, he saw an "incomprehensible" aircraft, lower than h 5/6/1949 #7317 oment, he heard words spoken in an incomprehensible language (like: Verren. 11/16/1952 #12650 is good intentions. While uttering incomprehensible words he grasped Mazaud 9/10/1954 #15035 very small and had an inhuman and incomprehensible voice. The witness was 9/17/1954 #15094 small and had a voice "inhuman and incomprehensible." The witness could not 9/17/1954 #15104 small and had a voice "inhuman and incomprehensible." The witness could not 9/17/1954 #15109 on the shoulder, mutters something incomprehensible, and returns to the obj 9/19/1954 #15137 ng to another version they uttered incomprehensible words). They petted the 10/4/1954 #15503 ed, who spoke to him in a language incomprehensible to the fisherman. The s 10/5/1954 #15544 ng his shoulder while articulating incomprehensible words. Mr. Lucas kept h 10/5/1954 #15545 nt in hand, speaking to them in an incomprehensible language. (18:30) 10/9/1954 #15683 was standing next to it, emitting incomprehensible sounds. Mr. Laugère wen 10/12/1954 #15830 appeared in front of her, babbling incomprehensible words and seizing the f 10/30/1954 #16438 t the craft, but she answered with incomprehensible words and it seemed to 3/1955 #17035 ors pick up a faint voice rambling incomprehensible words. They manage to m 10/20/1961 #22582 approaching within 2 m, and spoke incomprehensible words. They wore yellow 12/9/1962 #23339 a UFO on the ground. They spoke an incomprehensible language that resembled 9/20/1965 #25622 he UFO, talking in a high-pitched, incomprehensible "gibberish" at 2:05 a.m 6/25/1967 #28910 e with him, twice saying something incomprehensible in a high, chirruping v 11/2/1967 #29842 a very pretty bottle engraved with incomprehensible motifs. Dona Maria then 8/27/1968 #30919 a tube at its base. They spoke an incomprehensible language in a hoarse an 2/6/1969 #31486 they talked among themselves in an incomprehensible language with many "R" 5/4/1969 #31719 e leader then addressed him in his incomprehensible language, simultaneousl 5/4/1969 #31719 l green man who spoke to him in an incomprehensible language and offered th 2/1970 #32237 on the hill it started to emit an incomprehensible music. Finding this str Summer 1970 #32394 ion to join them. They spoke in an incomprehensible language. She declined 5/5/1974 #36136 n't see their faces. They spoke an incomprehensible language for Carasco, b 1/28/1976 #38197 s and visors, and spoke in a loud, incomprehensible language. The boy was t 3/24/1978 #40638 gure 8. The are making sounds like incomprehensible radio chatter. They dep 9/6/1978 #41236 e street. They made sounds like an incomprehensible radio dialogue, e.g. "b 9/6/1978 #41238 he lower branches of nearby trees. Incomprehensible grumblings come from th 11/24/1978 #41616 poke among themselves in a strange incomprehensible language. The beings wo 12/31/1978 #41898 ited, speaking to each other in an incomprehensible language. (Janet and Co 1/3/1979 #41933 uth, and large eyes. They spoke an incomprehensible language. He was made t 6/28/1979 #42309 ainted. He went home in a state of incomprehensible fatigue. Soon after, fl 1989 #46927 lood tests, and state they find it incomprehensible that if he were going t 8/10/1991 #48560 window. Someone was mumbling in an incomprehensible gibberish. I opened the 8/13/1991 #48562 as flying really slowly and it was incomprehensible that it didn't spread o 3/16/1995 #50685 s in a babble that was audible but incomprehensible. After which, brought b 9/14/1996 #51684 bulbs and thin limbs. They emitted incomprehensible sounds and seemed to ha 9/14/1996 #51684## Word: "incomprehensibly", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d away in the air, disappearing as incomprehensibly as it had appeared. All 6/10/1430 #292## Word: "inconceivable", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
bout 3 m in diameter, diving at an inconceivable speed and seeming to land 6/30/1947 #5214 ves two circular objects diving at inconceivable speed and landing 25 miles 6/30/1947 #5235 d's plane before moving away at an inconceivable speed, as testified by the 4/1952 #9715 nto a flat turn. He writes, “It is inconceivable to me that any human being 4/23/1952 #9933 out television broadcasting. It is inconceivable that these signals could h 9/17/1953 #13728 is possible at this time. It seems inconceivable that an anomalous propagat 5/13/1967 #28670 could remain almost motionless was inconceivable. According to its size, it 12/28/1988 #46916## Word: "inconclusive", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
world, has faced skepticism due to inconclusive metal fragment analysis and 1897 #1612 he investigation that followed was inconclusive, as no aircraft had been re 9/9/1922 #2908 . The cause of death is remarkably inconclusive, and the investigation leav 5/31/1949 #7400 White Sands, NM Inconclusive photograph of object streak 4/27/1950 #8225 eport is the “most poorly written, inconclusive piece of unscientific tripe 10/1/1951 #9290 aint samples from explosion proved inconclusive. Sighting lasted 2-3 second 4/12/1960 #21761 samples from the explosion proved inconclusive. 4/12/1960 #21762 y. Lord Gladwyn deems the evidence inconclusive, but Lord Kings Norton favo 1/18/1979 #42016 cover story. The experiments were inconclusive and the methods unethical, 6/2017 #54350## Word: "inconnu", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hes a quarterly newsletter, Siècle Inconnu, which continues under the names 11/1976 #38951## Word: "inconnues", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
de l'Univers, Forces intelligentes inconnues, is convinced that evolved bei 1628 #482## Word: "inconsistencies", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s. Anomalies in the blurred grain, inconsistencies in orientation, and the 6/5/1955 #17224 m a detailed letter, outlining the inconsistencies and shortcomings of Quin Late 4/1966 #26541## Word: "inconsistency", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
project finds a “glaring internal inconsistency” in the illumination and d 5/7/1952 #10076## Word: "inconsistent", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
menon. While the description seems inconsistent with a typical comet, the p 989 #133 scription of the Garden of Eden is inconsistent with what Earth is like, an 1960 #21644 ts internal organs are found to be inconsistent with a normal case of death 3/24/1978 #40636 determines that the car damage is inconsistent with anything an airplane c 8/27/1979 #42470 story” as well as problematic and inconsistent testimony. A summary report 2/15/1992 #48776 he Intelligence Community has been inconsistent, and this issue has lacked 6/23/2020 #54536## Word: "incontinence", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
His treatments result in victims’ incontinence, amnesia, forgetting how to 2/1957 #18652## Word: "inconvenience", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e back here for dinner without any inconvenience. The man then saluted Harr 4/21/1897 #1902## Word: "inconvenienced", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
er of the jeep Amauri Barboso were inconvenienced by a dazzling UFO standin 8/3/1967 #29163## Word: "incorporated", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he Council on Foreign Relations is incorporated. Founded by corporate lawye 7/29/1921 #2889 student. The association later is incorporated into the China UFO Research 5/1980 #43022 to be understood, documented, and incorporated into current or future know 6/26/2008 #54021## Word: "incorporates", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ch Center] in Brook Park, Ohio. It incorporates elements of the Army Ballis 10/1/1958 #20661 version is published in 1999 that incorporates Webb’s response to the CIA 8/18/1996 #51647## Word: "incorporating", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ims this was a composite character incorporating 8 informants, one of whom 3/25/1948 #6595## Word: "incorporation", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
gton, D.C. T. Townsend Brown files incorporation papers for a new UFO group 8/29/1956 #18282 cut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. Incorporation is granted on October 24. 10/19/1956 #18428## Word: "incorrect", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of the planetary surface. From the incorrect translation into the term “can 10/1877 #1298 ember 10. The JIC report gives the incorrect date as August 6. 7/27/1948 #6790 Yaak (near), MT This entry has the incorrect date. Go the the entry for Sep 7/31/1952 #11496 Rapid City, SD Date is incorrect - see 530805-06 entry (NICAP: 8/12/1953 #13604 ie calls him up to suggest this is incorrect, Ward tells him: “I know it wa 11/3/1953 #13846 nd others may be disinformation or incorrect. Deacon states Montauk was a “ 10/2006 #53842 melo Melchizedek (rg: this name is incorrect, it's actually Drunvalo Melchi 10/20/2022 #54679## Word: "incorrectly", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
this sound, resembling that of an incorrectly adjusted household mixer-bea 4/4/1949 #7211 survive Helms’s purge, as they are incorrectly stored in a financial-record 4/13/1953 #13314 om the fore section. (Note: Vallee incorrectly lists the date as October 1. 9/30/1954 #15334 urvives Helms’s purge, as they are incorrectly stored in a financial-record 1973 #34091 th the Cutler-Twining memo: it was incorrectly filed; no other researchers 7/22/1987 #46299 n the lights, however correctly or incorrectly, as planted ‘rockets,’ ‘subm 10/6/2006 #53843 the JPG conversion to PDFs is done incorrectly so that documents with many 1/10/2015 #54304## Word: "increase", 41 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, and lighting them up at night to increase their visibility. Both Gauss an 1840 #1021 ke plumes. The report indicated an increase in speed towards the end of the 5/19/1947 #4953 ke plumes. The report indicates an increase in speed at the end of the obse 5/19/1947 #4954 lluminated the craft, there was an increase in vapor and red-green flames s 3/18/1950 #7953 tion on October 23, an unexplained increase in alpha-beta background radiat 10/12/1950 #8636 9 sighting, an alpha and gamma ray increase is correlated with unidentified 10/12/1950 #8636 k Ridge that indicated an abnormal increase in alpha and gamma ray radiatio 11/29/1950 #8736 thick sheet metal, are weighted to increase the power of gravity, and launc 6/1952 #10237 am M. Garland states his desire to increase the use of thoroughly briefed U 1/15/1953 #12981 Test Site in Kazakhstan. A tenfold increase in explosive power is achieved 8/12/1953 #13606 ters filter out smaller echoes and increase the strength of those created b 1954 #14018 Cruces, New Mexico. He predicts an increase in UFO sightings and tells the 2/13/1954 #14153 ranslated from French) Significant increase in observations in France and I Summer 1954 #14585 oint appear in the sky and quickly increase in size, revealing an oval shap 9/15/1954 #15070 pe, but attributes the cause to an increase in “meteorite activity” and ove 12/7/1954 #16756 s Announced that they had found an increase in background radiation in the 1955 #16899 wly up to 6000 feet, then suddenly increase their speed in horizontal fligh 10/4/1955 #17561 wport (near), UK Bright white star increase in brightness in the E at “high 4/28/1956 #17927 e other ears around. An incredible increase in the size of insects was obse 6/1957 #18882 d level, and took off with a great increase in brightness at very high spee 10/31/1957 #19419 ground and takes off with a great increase in brightness, silently, at hig 10/31/1957 #19421 d level, and took off with a great increase in brightness as it flew away a 10/31/1957 #19423 e ‘Sputnik’ there has been a great increase in the number of flying saucers 11/12/1957 #19813 ly warned that UFO sightings would increase. The IG brief was headed “UFOs 12/24/1959 #21628 devices registered a considerable increase in static electricity.. (Ion HO 11/10/1961 #22632 ngs whose tips could be lowered to increase lateral stability at supersonic 9/21/1964 #24477 rom the base, and the UFO’s lights increase in intensity and it speeds away 1/26/1967 #27660 The atmospheric pressure seems to increase. Then the rays disappear and th 9/20/1971 #33111 n Capră, who detects a substantial increase in gamma radiation in the cente Early 9/1972 #33826 scent with short bursts. With each increase in the rotation speed, the obje 11/24/1975 #38008 really caused by an uncontrollable increase in the steam void coefficient. 11/30/1975 #38031 ly the unidentified lights seem to increase in luminosity in response to si 8/3/1977 #39849 ce captain Fernando Cámara, has to increase his speed to 920 mph just to ac 11/11/1979 #42690 ound the larger ones. They seem to increase to as many as 100. Suddenly the 1/27/1984 #45109 apartment building. The instances increase as he researches Whitley Strieb 3/1987 #46204 nces a huge wake turbulence and an increase in outside air temperature to 3 1/4/2004 #53513 nations.” Orb sightings are on the increase, with up to 408 counted at the 10/6/2006 #53843 made in England. There is a sharp increase in March and April due to the l 1/2021 #54559 UFO Reporting Center, there was an increase of some 1,000 sightings in the 4/13/2021 #54570 021. He cites improved sensors, an increase in drones and other non-militar 5/17/2022 #54647 ved reporting systems or an actual increase in activity. 8/17/2023 #54728## Word: "increased", 103 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of the arrow was thus considerably increased. 970 #131 out great rays of light. Its speed increased and it disappeared into space. 11/4/1322 #247 beams of light. The object's speed increased as it flew through the air, le 11/4/1322 #249 nd vanished, while the smaller one increased in brightness. Unfortunately, 2/1661 #534 omena, the intensity of the lights increased, revealing the figures and arm 8/5/1748 #679 ) (cf. 1766) His son, Tippoe Sahib increased the force to 5000 fuseens. The 1782 #756 luish and pale, but its luminosity increased and soon it started moving eas 10/18/1783 #771 ing through the cloud. One of them increased in size until it reached the b 8/10/1809 #881 . At the moment when these meteors increased in size, it seemed as if they 8/10/1809 #881 ons Aquila and Anser et Vulpecula, increased in brightness before disappear 9/7/1877 #1295 lmost vertical, its dimensions had increased considerably and it seemed to 1/22/1878 #1300 then saw a brightness that quickly increased in intensity. Against the star Summer 1923 #2924 ring WWII, stateside UFO sightings increased. In one instance in 1944, two 1944 #3872 gan to be shaken, the oil pressure increased, and when I leaned on the wind 12/23/1944 #4111 gineers, the speed could have been increased to more than 4000 km/h. It is 2/14/1945 #4199 right evening sky. The pilots then increased their plane's altitude to 400 8/8/1947 #6215 , Oregon at 5:00 p.m. It gradually increased its speed until it reached tha 5/24/1949 #7387 George Adamski claims he has seen increased UFO activity in the area (incl 10/14/1949 #7618 t illuminated the craft; the vapor increased and flames (alternately reddis 3/18/1950 #7961 t illuminated the craft. The vapor increased and flames, alternately red an 3/18/1950 #7967 evelopment of a hydrogen bomb, and increased military aid to US allies for 4/7/1950 #8127 t great speed while its brightness increased. It had an orange-red color an 4/27/1950 #8221 und started. As the glow and sound increased, the tower was retracted into 6/17/1950 #8343 de Layne to Frank Scully. Mentions increased volume of correspondence since 11/10/1950 #8701 On either occasion, a red fireball increased in brightness and then faded o 3/23/1952 #9672 nderside. The craft's ascent speed increased rapidly. Suddenly, it stopped 6/30/1952 #10592 at about 7:40 a.m., noting it has increased distance “considerably,” but f 7/1/1952 #10621 ll flame at the rear, periodically increased in brightness. It moved very 7/18/1952 #10886 ear of the craft that periodically increased in brightness, and its rim gav 7/18/1952 #10897 t flew very fast, paused, and then increased speed during a 3-4 second obse 11/3/1952 #12594 erated, flew parallel to the F-94, increased its speed and blinked out afte 4/8/1953 #13303 94 over Fukuoka, Japan. The object increased its speed and blinked out afte 4/8/1953 #13304 t stopped momentarily, and then it increased its rotation, quickly rising u 8/20/1954 #14886 blue. Flew in line formation and increased speed during the 2 minute sigh 8/27/1954 #14926 made harsh shrieking noise, volume increased; then reddish disc seen circli 10/23/1954 #16273 t 6,000 feet, where its speed then increased sharply as it headed north,” t 10/4/1955 #17564 id Eat Popcorn. Sales of Coca-Cola increased by 18%, and those of Popcorn b 12/31/1956 #18577 e it emitted a rumble or buzz that increased and decreased regularly. Under 3/6/1957 #18695 ld be restarted. The humming sound increased in pitch when the objects took 11/23/1957 #19890 Arg Light aircraft (Piper) engine increased its revolutions abnormally dur 8/31/1958 #20591 ce, Argentina an airplane's engine increased revolutions when a UFO was sig 8/31/1958 #20592 from his flash camera. The object increased in luminosity as it took off. 2/21/1965 #24778 e northeast while the engine noise increased, then, with a very rapid accel 1/7/1966 #25875 sound came over the car radio and increased in frequency when the UFO got 3/30/1966 #26277 t antenna tower. The incandescence increased with movement. He estimated it 6/23/1966 #26736 r as he drove down the highway. He increased his speed to between 70-75 mil 11/25/1966 #27373 ject passed by the stalled car and increased in altitude to between 500-100 11/30/1966 #27395 ening act, and the light intensity increased several fold. At this point th 1/25/1967 #27649 continue running. The witness felt increased heat, so turned the car around 4/6/1967 #28392 west to east. It threw off sparks, increased in size, stopped, became an eg 8/2/1967 #29162 and its driver felt a sensation of increased heat. The object moved out of 1/2/1968 #30127 ring which time the witnesses felt increased heat and "weightless." The obj 3/4/1968 #30323 ring which time the witnesses feel increased heat and weightlessness. The o 4/4/1968 #30400 peared to be spinning. It suddenly increased in speed and left. Calcination 6/21/1968 #30591 ad, a luminous spot that gradually increased in size. The engine of his car 7/25/1968 #30756 d about 5 minutes. Then, the light increased even more in intensity and the 5/20/1969 #31756 ved a control and the illumination increased in brightness to such a point 5/20/1969 #31759 lyzed, with the results showing an increased level of gamma radiation in th 8/29/1970 #32511 ng. Every time the light intensity increased, the witness went higher, up t 9/22/1971 #33124 he glow from the bottom of the UFO increased as it began to shoot up into t 11/2/1971 #33230 ort, Yugoslavia at 7:30 p.m. as it increased speed, and then disappeared. 2/7/1972 #33364 ightness. This light decreased and increased: it never went out. Only its i 11/30/1973 #35470 lgium? Really amazing!). The noise increased to the point of piercing her e 8/28/1974 #36470 nd the witness felt a sensation of increased heat in its presence and a pri 2/19/1975 #36964 iented. The intensity of the sound increased and the object took off quickl 7/31/1975 #37417 in some undergrowth, but the light increased intensity. When the blue light 10/25/1975 #37787 hen came on again. Then the object increased in speed and raised to a high 10/28/1975 #37809 tory, emitting a stridulation that increased as it moved away. Wanting to k 1/10/1976 #38151 eath failed him, his nervous state increased, and he kept this tension for 1/6/1977 #39154 power. The motorcyclist also felt increased heat and the motorcycle's meta 6/6/1977 #39631 ss. The glow around the man's body increased and he flew up into the air an 1/2/1978 #40386 as flowing in the wind. Their fear increased when they realized both figure 7/11/1978 #40957 vince, Argentina. Their luminosity increased and decreased. After the two s 8/31/1978 #41208 of sight while the whistling sound increased. He managed to take a photogra 10/15/1978 #41445 ight in the center decreased, then increased like heartbeats (it was always 12/2/1978 #41672 of them, who are apparently under increased suspicion and surveillance. 10/1980 #43299 first thought was an airplane. It increased in brightness and stopped in m 6/12/1981 #43787 witness to feel an electric shock, increased body heat, loss of speech, par 10/31/1981 #44041 at first, then climbed rapidly and increased speed. At about the same time 6/18/1982 #44383 kes no longer responded. The speed increased and the locomotive became unco 2/14/1985 #45567 d. Moments later the humming sound increased and the glow brightened. Then 5/9/1985 #45604 deaths are likely attributable to increased exposure to radiation. Determi 4/26/1986 #45895 owly, disappearing as the distance increased. No physical evidence was foun 10/1989 #47340 bject went up turning, the buzzing increased producing an acceleration soun 1/19/1990 #47653 5 billion (although by 2012 is has increased to $52.8 billion, according to 9/1990 #48057 aller and more distant ball, which increased in intensity"... (...) It was 11/8/1990 #48250 make evasive zigzag maneuvers, and increased its speed from 960 km/hour to 8/28/1991 #48588 re of this thing, the sound almost increased to a shrill whistle. Total dur 2/28/1994 #49963 sition. The pilot, unable to land, increased power and made another turn to 7/31/1995 #50938 into a diffuse ring of light that increased in intensity as it approached 8/14/1996 #51641 tered the craft and its brilliance increased, and it then vanished in a mat 9/26/1997 #52157 right light in a nearby field that increased rapidly in size as it approach 12/16/1997 #52220 ain, to approach the object, which increased its speed to reach 24,000 mph 4/25/1998 #52338 d be achieved with only moderately increased power, but it’s beyond the sco 6/2001 #53052 y the other two, and together they increased speed and went into the clouds 5/7/2003 #53396 l crash; it is later digitized and increased in size in 2004 and states the 2004 #53509 ad closed in 2008, as a result of “increased sightings of anomalous aerial 10/2013 #54265 are “part of a larger issue of an increased number of training range incur 2/2015? #54308 and that would have exponentially increased our knowledge base and underst 6/24/2018 #54412 aircraft encounters, highlighting increased incidents of unauthorized airc 4/23/2019 #54453 planation of the root cause is the increased use of fumigation as pest cont 5/24/2019 #54463 n briefed on Navy pilots reporting increased sightings of UFOs. Trump raise 6/15/2019 #54467 because it is outgassing hydrogen increased by the solar flux. 5/28/2020 #54532## Word: "increases", 38 instance(s) (Back to Top)
orthumberland, England. It rapidly increases in brightness, changing from a 9/10/1798 #835 per plating is blistered. The wind increases to “hurricane force.” 3/19/1887 #1451 the lights match his maneuvers. He increases his speed to 260 mph and gradu 12/1942 #3733 attempts an intercept, but the UFO increases speed and disappears. 12/12/1951 #9461 a rotation movement, the wobbling increases and from time to time the craf 9/2/1952 #12075 rsh shrieking noise and the volume increases. Dogs begin barking in the nei 10/23/1954 #16279 d speed, the significance actually increases with the revised test. Hynek l 10/25/1955 #17599 eet of the closest object, the hum increases in intensity and Long’s ears b 11/23/1957 #19888 meter and has portholes. The whine increases in pitch after about two minut 12/8/1957 #19980 has indistinct, hazy edges, and it increases in size as they approach at ab 5/13/1958 #20366 settling in with a click. The hum increases in intensity, and the object a 8/11/1960 #21935 10 feet in the air. The noise also increases to a level approximating a son 8/19/1965 #25449 from the inside, while the buzzing increases. Then, unable to move, the wit 9/14/1965 #25596 up. On the final ascent, the sound increases in pitch and loudness. The wit 3/29/1966 #26246 ly through the sky. Its brilliance increases and decreases as it maneuvers 8/18/1968 #30885 vement. The intensity of its light increases and Milakovic feels like his e 11/20/1968 #31232 radio go out. Heat inside the car increases. He sees a conical light comin 8/13/1970 #32483 nly it seems to him that the light increases in intensity. He puts down his 6/22/1972 #33552 uickly the luminosity of the cigar increases in intensity, it quickly tilts 12/31/1973 #35614 iented. The intensity of the sound increases, and the object takes off quic 7/31/1975 #37418 nd he starts vomiting. The humming increases to a sharp whine, and the obje 7/31/1975 #37423 h regions. The Wing Commander then increases local security posture and req 10/27/1975 #37804 control column forward. Air speed increases to 160 mph then 207 mph as the 6/17/1977 #39650 ips” in position slightly once and increases in brightness when lightning f 7/13/1977 #39759 500 feet away at treetop level. He increases his speed to 120 mph, but the 9/27/1977 #40041 n in Orange, California. The sound increases in volume until it hurts her e 2/4/1978 #40503 continue to watch the light, which increases in size and is still hovering 10/8/1978 #41424 e in the same direction. The light increases speed, still bobbing and spinn 12/13/1980 #43476 ome more frequent when their speed increases. One speeds away, but the othe 7/23/1981 #43855 Directive 84, which substantially increases governmental control over fede 3/11/1983 #44685 es into three parts, each of which increases in speed and flies to the west 11/1983 #44978 ct begins to revolve. As its speed increases, the colors blend into one ano 4/22/1984 #45240 ouded with a blue-green mist as it increases its rotation. He hears an unus 3/1985 #45572 in official custody are released, increases the momentum of the process, a 11/16/1992 #49184 him. The intensity of this emotion increases as the light approaches, to th 6/1993 #49491 airfield. After several minutes it increases in size and becomes a round, o 5/5/1995 #50767 ms to be following it. Their speed increases as they are lost to sight with 8/12/1997 #52117 arded a patent for technology that increases aerodynamic and hydrodynamic e 8/22/1998 #52423## Word: "increasing", 64 instance(s) (Back to Top)
to Manresa prove futile due to its increasing weight, leading to the establ 4/25/880 #110 s Venatici towards Coma Berenices, increasing in brightness. After approxim 3/29/1845 #1043 d gradually along a straight path, increasing in apparent size to about one 2/5/1850 #1099 tes, the object alternated between increasing and diminishing in magnitude, 3/17/1877 #1285 y. It moved towards the north and, increasing its speed, it quickly disappe 4/12/1897 #1719 dy approaching from the South with increasing speed. The object rises 40° a 5/4/1910 #2478 in a gliding flight, considerably increasing its range. From April 1934 he 4/1931 #3114 noticed a sound, like a generator increasing its speed. The whole area the Summer 1938 #3422 lane in a perfect arc. Despite the increasing proximity of these mysterious 2/10/1944 #3910 se and he hears a humming sound of increasing intensity. After it rises to 3/1945 #4229 e phenomenon descended vertically, increasing in intensity, and stopped abo 9/20/1945 #4393 ves off to the southeast with ever increasing speed. 8/17/1947 #6266 It moved away in a level flight at increasing speed, reaching that of a jet 5/24/1949 #7382 ike an aircraft are picked up with increasing regularity over the next 45–6 3/9/1950 #7871 or bluish light ahead of them and increasing in size. Sperry makes an evas 5/29/1950 #8316 ench) Beginning of the Korean War, increasing fear of a Soviet attack in We 6/25/1950 #8363 12, 1950. The action reflects the increasing interest by AFOIN Director Ge 9/8/1950 #8572 ticed that the marks of bites were increasing on Clarita's arms. The police 5/1951 #9017 r jet observe twice a red fireball increasing in brightness and then fading 3/23/1952 #9671 h a lever, which had the effect of increasing the emission of vapor. This o 5/1952 #10013 ain height, it began to spin at an increasing speed. Then it moved away vib 6/30/1952 #10592 ll flame at the rear, periodically increasing in brightness. It moves swift 7/17/1952 #10848 for home. The UFO follows the jet, increasing in apparent size as it draws 8/12/1952 #11752 lying very quickly, stopping, then increasing its speed. (November 3, 6:29 11/3/1952 #12589 assy in Moscow are first detected, increasing in intensity by 1975. Detecte 1/1953 #12915 ting, flying parallel to the F-94, increasing its speed and blinking before 4/8/1953 #13299 induced anxieties,” “hypnotically increasing ability to learn and recall c 5/11/1953 #13376 ygraph examinations, “hypnotically increasing ability to observe and recall 5/11/1953 #13376 speed on the approach is 430 mph, increasing to 483 mph on the short leg o 10/9/1953 #13780 realized that his malaise was not increasing but that he was simply paraly 9/17/1954 #15094 ld child started crying. They felt increasing pain as the car went on, and 10/21/1954 #16234 ld child started crying. They felt increasing pain as the car went on, and 10/21/1954 #16243 ight spot in the clear sky that is increasing in apparent size. As it comes 7/25/1957 #19041 n orange light coming from the sea increasing in size. As they watched, the 11/3/1957 #19473 menal rate of speed from the West, Increasing rapidly in size, then coming 12/20/1958 #20871 emitting a loud buzzing sound and increasing in luminosity. Ground traces 10/16/1959 #21513 denly they were shaken by waves of increasing amplitude. They then saw the 6/3/1961 #22352 ect when he hears a very load roar increasing in volume and sees a smokeles 4/24/1964 #24063 nd forth. The lights blinked in an increasing and decreasing sequence: 1-2- 9/3/1965 #25526 descend and hover, the sound level increasing. The UFO had a very bright li 2/14/1966 #25991 , and a pulsating sound was heard, increasing in frequency as the object ca 3/30/1966 #26269 arted making a loud whining noise, increasing to a high pitch, peaking and 11/15/1966 #27328 . The UFO speeds away to the east, increasing its luminosity by 50%, but re 2/2/1967 #27707 ght line from the cemetery and was increasing in intensity: it was dazzling 2/5/1967 #27715 later it moves upward to the west, increasing its speed. The triangular sha 10/14/1967 #29669 h, and the object climbs away with increasing speed. The craft appears tran 10/26/1967 #29778 d yellow lights around its center. Increasing in intensity, the object was 6/20/1969 #31843 , and then then shot upwards while increasing in luminescence. 10/20/1973 #35192 away from my plane more and more, increasing its speed compared to mine. T 11/30/1973 #35470 g closed): a deep modulated sound, increasing in intensity. During all this 1/7/1974 #35659 kes off to the east with the noise increasing in volume. It climbs away at Late 2/1976 #38283 ghtens and begins to pulse with an increasing frequency, then shoots forwar 11/5/1980 #43374 they felt a sensation of cold and increasing atmospheric pressure, heard b 8/1/1983 #44856 escend at a high speed, noticeably increasing in size. It was round and sil 9/13/1990 #48077 isappears around 10:10 p.m. due to increasing cloud cover. Other people aro 11/7/1990 #48249 t it, but it starts zigzagging and increasing its speed. Soon they see othe 8/4/1991 #48555 g a snowstorm, making a sound like increasing rain on a canvas tent. 3/3/1992 #48795 bject distances the Dutch F-16s by increasing its speed up to 38400 km/h, b 4/20/1998 #52331 anada at 10:45 p.m. The object was increasing and lowering its altitude, an 4/18/2006 #53804 y one they left formation, rapidly increasing in altitude. 6/2/2006 #53818 ly the UFO task which is consuming increasing resources, but produces no va 11/2009 #54126 htings annually from 2000 to 2007, increasing to 643 in 2009. This is suppo 6/21/2013 #54252 ,” DoD Open Government) 2017 — The increasing number of drone cases posing 2017 #54340 military uses AI to track rapidly increasing UFOs. To the People’s Liberat 6/4/2021 #54581## Word: "increasingly", 22 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, followed by a long tail becoming increasingly darker towards the end. The 12/16/1743 #669 ream between them. The object grew increasingly bright with each transforma 9/10/1798 #836 ally shrinking, the music becoming increasingly faint. When the object was 1920 #2858 hine II-4, first of a long line of increasingly performing Ilyouchines. The 1935 #3283 hips then form spirals on the sea, increasingly wider. They send radio mess 2/1939 #3463 ast from Fort Lauderdale, and made increasingly frantic radio calls announc 12/5/1945 #4411 the three witnesses had seen them increasingly in profile. The whole of th 8/20/1949 #7534 ot answer because he is getting an increasingly severe headache as he watch 1/12/1953 #12975 (DRF) and intends to overthrow the increasingly communist government of Fid 4/17/1961 #22273 ing object seemed to land and grew increasingly bright causing the witnesse 5/10/1967 #28636 d at about thirty meters it became increasingly red and finally a disc-shap 7/7/1967 #28990 il slick was spotted, as there are increasingly more in the Atlantic. 1300 5/21/1968 #30489 es in for 4 minutes. He watches it increasingly brighten from a row of wind 9/20/1972 #33872 le. It moves toward him, making an increasingly loud roaring-engine noise, 9/4/1977 #39963 from the road heard a violent and increasingly loud noise coming from behi 12/1/1978 #41661 e the object still following them. Increasingly fearful, they request a des 11/17/1986 #46145 ure of the craft, Mrs. Springsteen increasingly felt a presence and became 8/31/1987 #46354 asingly felt a presence and became increasingly frightened. A close neighbo 8/31/1987 #46354 hey could not reproduce. They were increasingly becoming sterile, but by in 12/14/1997 #52218 eemingly no place for her to hide. Increasingly agitated, the witnesses sea 8/2/2004 #53595 main suspect and that the team is increasingly sure the diplomats have suf 9/1/2018 #54419 ese anti-drone countermeasures are increasingly being used by security forc 7/24/2019 #54482## Word: "incredible", 199 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nch) Flavius Josephus described an incredible size demonic ghost. Before da 5/21/70 #5 the discovery on February 8 of an incredible amount of strange and mysteri 2/8/1855 #1121 snow). Again, there is talk of the incredible multiplicity of footprints fo 2/8/1855 #1121 ho dare to lift pieces evoke their incredible lightness, as well as their s 6/6/1884 #1410 weather. (...) it was moving at an incredible speed" Why does this machine 11/25/1896 #1578 ile continuing its rotations at an incredible speed... We await its eventua 1/25/1897 #1622 irds with a net and indicating the incredible speed of the airship, which h 4/19/1897 #1885 arrying a powerful projector. This incredible aircraft was visible in Willi 8/14/1914 #2650 it was) was crossing the sky at an incredible speed, which made him think i 8/20/1915 #2695 swiftly accelerated forward at an incredible speed, estimated to be around 1916 #2710 al observations: “It seems no more incredible that up in the seemingly unoc 10/1923 #2927 of his bag. That's when he saw an incredible thing: a group of creatures s 1924 #2928 s windows / side. Darts going up / incredible speed. 7/14/1925 #2954 t up vertically into the sky at an incredible speed. 7/14/1925 #2955 lage of Piatra-Olt (Romania) at an incredible speed and without any noise. 1927 #2993 hen, in a dazzling flash and at an incredible speed, it flew away." (1931, 6/1931 #3121 . "I looked back and saw something incredible," said Anderson. A mile behin 1932 #3138 on Earth. The Nazi scientists have incredible success in dissecting and und 12/1938 #3447 a 1939 magazine to establish this incredible story... Flying Saucer Review Late Summer 1939 #3475 on its ventral side. It left at an incredible speed and plunged into the Pa Summer 1942 #3657 flying machine attacked them at an incredible speed, destroying them in sec 1944 #3890 ich subsequently accelerated at an incredible pace and vanished from sight. 1945 #4145 bomb pass over the airfield at an incredible speed. The altitude must have 7/22/1946 #4612 direction twice, maneuvering at an incredible speed. (Donald KEYHOE: "Flyin 5/19/1947 #4952 identified flying object moving at incredible speeds. 7/1/1947 #5260 . 1+2 objects going quickly west / incredible speed. 20K' altitude. Type un 7/6/1947 #5572 NA, GA 1 / car. "Flying tin lid" / incredible speed. Brilliant reflections 7/10/1947 #5956 ct flew over Smyrna, Georgia at an incredible speed. It reflected sunlight 7/10/1947 #5983 ing the central part, flying at an incredible speed towards the north. The 7/11/1947 #5988 ing disk west going quickly east / incredible speed. / news. 7/11/1947 #6001 ect fly off to the northeast at an incredible speed. Ten minutes later, the 8/19/1947 #6272 6–8 inches in diameter displaying incredible movements. He repeatedly give 10/1/1948 #6892 t to sea in an arch-like flight at incredible speed. 2/1/1950 #7770 he objects, which went away at "an incredible speed," causing a rush of air 7/20/1950 #8444 he objects, which flew away at "an incredible speed," causing a rush of air 7/20/1950 #8445 overs / seconds. Shoots to cloud / incredible speed. 10/15/1950 (approximate) #8642 in the sky and began to spin at an incredible speed. It had the appearance 10/30/1950 #8679 es 100–200 feet above his plane at incredible speed. He again tails it and 11/7/1950 #8699 trails that struck the water at an incredible speed. Two huge columns of wa 12/1950 #8739 eet wide, turned north and flew at incredible speed. Two minutes. 3/13/1951 #8978 de, turning north and flying at an incredible speed. (March 13, 2:30 PM) 3/13/1951 #8979 tails. Turns going quickly north. Incredible speed. 3/13/1951 #8980 90' wide, turned north and flew at incredible speed. Two minutes. 3/13/1951 #8982 rn to the north and flew off at an incredible speed. A Project Blue Book "u 3/13/1951 #8983 called the others to witness this incredible sight. The object immediately Summer 1951 #9080 hereupon it shoots off silently at incredible speed. About 15 minutes later 9/1951 #9219 over 1100 km/h --- 700 miles/h, an incredible performance for the time, eve 9/10/1951 #9234 ct 10 to 20 feet in size making an incredible left turn at a speed of 60 se 6/20/1952 #10446 est. These discs were flying at an incredible speed. 7/4/1952 #10644 00' altitude. Tilts. Rises. Away / incredible speed. 7/16/1952 #10809 isappeared visually and on radar. "Incredible speed of the object," said th 7/27/1952 #11288 “credible observers of relatively incredible things,” which keeps the Air 7/29/1952 #11436 we still are left with numbers of incredible reports from credible observe 8/15/1952 #11815 #2087. Saucer follows meteor jet. Incredible acceleration. / r70p3+r242+r1 9/19/1952 #12264 n axis. Suddenly accelerated at an incredible speed. (9/19/1952, cont’d) It 9/20/1952 #12270 re and Adelaide. Shoots going up / incredible speed. 10/18/1952 #12489 ed at that moment), then making an incredible 45° ascent at the end of the 10/31/1952 #12570 MT Military RADAR. Blip / 250mph. Incredible 150K' altitude / 70 minute(s) 11/13/1952 #12632 en. They seemed to be moving at an incredible speed of 8700 km/h. Then a th 12/6/1952 #12770 minutes. Going quickly southwest / incredible speed. 1/19/1953 #12995 at “many credible people have seen incredible things.” 3/1953 #13197 t moment the UFO disappeared at an incredible speed, but when the pilot ret 8/5/1953 #13581 on and flew off to the north at an incredible speed. 10/6/1953 #13765 . Shoots going quickly southwest / incredible speed. 1/4/1954 #14047 flying disc in Van Nuys that made incredible maneuvers but no sound. It fl 2/18/1954 #14171 bishop of Los Angeles. After that incredible event, McIntyre flew to Rome 2/19/1954 (approximate) #14172 r terrace. There he came across an incredible sight. About ten meters in fr Spring 1954 #14257 12M saucer hovers flips and gone / incredible speed. 7/26/1954 #14755 and at high altitude. They move at incredible speeds, or sometimes remain m 8/4/1954 #14809 r at a high altitude. They move at incredible speed, at times remaining mot 8/4/1954 #14811 its rotation and disappeared at an incredible speed. [note de vog: ce cas e 8/20/1954 #14880 t shoots ahead and zooms upward at incredible speed. Carswell tells them to 9/3/1954 #14988 ng told, telephoned his editor the incredible story which was widely dissem 10/7/1954 #15609 silent whirl. The narrator of this incredible story, aged 37, was considere 10/20/1954 #16185 slightly bluish object” moving at incredible speed. Maxim Cicaida, a profe 12/14/1954 #16795 ellites orbit around the Earth, at incredible speeds, and of which we have 1/9/1955 #16931 r(s). Circular object races over / incredible speed. 1/19/1955 #16943 ht. He identifies 1877–1887 as an “Incredible Decade,” in which astronomers 3/1955 #17040 hase, but the UFO disappears at an incredible speed. The Greater Cincinnati 8/23/1955 #17461 Ansel E. Talbert writes about an “incredible program” to solve the “secret 11/20/1955 #17664 William Neff as first officer. As incredible as it may seem, the civilian 4/8/1956 #17908 AR target. 180-turn / 5 second(s). Incredible acceleration. 7/17/1956 #18092 envers, would later declare. By an incredible luck, only the tail had recei 7/22/1956 #18120 d on its side and moved away at an incredible speed. A few moments later, t 8/13/1956 #18200 4 yellow-to-red round objects with incredible trails flying in a vague form 9/14/1956 #18357 e craft rose and disappeared at an incredible speed. 12/31/1956 #18574 cer descends going east to jungle. Incredible black. 2/10/1957 (approximate) #18661 ous than the other ears around. An incredible increase in the size of insec 6/1957 #18882 encia, Venezuela. It flew by at an incredible speed and was seen by several 6/9/1957 #18906 ssing the American territory at an incredible speed, recorded on radar and Summer 1957 #18936 n soil composition at the site was incredible. Topsoil dug up from the land 7/30/1957 #19069 y saw a flying disc approach at an incredible speed and rise to avoid hitti 9/14/1957 #19216 round object flashes. Shoots up / incredible speed. / news. 12/10/1957 #19991 red and then rose vertically at an incredible speed, without making any noi 10/28/1958 #20767 e and the saucer begins to perform incredible maneuvers. The world Koldas i 1960 #21641 t the object shoots straight up at incredible speed before they reach it. T Early 1960 #21649 and white-glowing-disks maneuver / incredible speeds. / r242p61. 8/13/1960 #21942 6 objects dip and dive and hover. Incredible speeds. / r28p348. 8/16/1960 #21960 r mysteriously disappear. Then the incredible happens. On the radar screens 10/21/1961 #22585 or a short time then moves away at incredible speed. 1962 #22689 g store in Alamogordo and spins an incredible story of a UFO parked in a ha 4/30/1964 #24098 RAS, OR Cops and many. Umbrellas / incredible speeds. Silent clam-saucers i 7/20/1964 #24319 bed it as a solid object moving at incredible speeds, executing maneuvers, 1965 #24624 xtends / 2 minute(s) and retracts. Incredible speed. 4/26/1965 #24886 oving at a frightening speed doing incredible maneuvers. It was something s 7/3/1965 #25040 cer follows / 14 minute(s). Away / incredible speed/velocity. / R. hall lis 9/6/1965 #25562 rns. It suddenly darted away at an incredible speed, faster than any aircra 4/17/1966 #26440 ollers announce that, following an incredible acceleration, the UFO had sud 3/9/1967 #28110 hat cornfield. (...) And then this incredible object - which had a bit of t 4/17/1967 #28453 hat cornfield (...). And then this incredible object - which had a bit of t 4/17/1967 #28454 n't even seem to be a shield. It's incredible, a light so intense. When I l 4/17/1967 #28454 inutes, the object takes off at an incredible speed to the northwest. One r 6/18/1967 #28869 med the surface of the water at an incredible speed. Shortly after this obj Summer 1968 #30578 then opened the window and saw an incredible scene: on a field only 30 met 1/6/1969 #31407 xico 9:30 p.m. Witness reported an incredible UFO sighting in Mexico while 4/13/1971 #32806 lic object fly away. It flew at an incredible speed in a northeasterly dire 8/11/1971 #33036 a UFO and wrote 4 column article. Incredible high-speed of object that loo 7/19/1972 #33649 / harbor / one hour. Going north / incredible speed. 7/20/1972 #33654 south and flew over the lake at an incredible speed: in one minute they cov 10/11/1972 #33928 , ARK 1 observer. 2 solid ovoids / incredible speed / low altitude going qu 12/1972 #34029 e craft, six beings of strange and incredible appearance approached and for 10/17/1973 #35058 ed object with windows moved with "incredible speed," darted behind jet int 11/8/1973 #35373 ed object with windows moved with "incredible speed," darted behind jet int 11/8/1973 #35376 and disappeared into the sky at an incredible speed. Gendarmerie alerted an 12/31/1973 #35614 er car. High-pitched whine. Away / incredible speed. 4/8/1974 #36040 into the object, which took off at incredible speed. 8/31/1974 #36484 r-old daughter Sylvia witnessed an incredible spectacle in the evening. Cha 3/15/1975 #37056 y and moves away to the east at an incredible speed. When the UFO disappear 10/18/1975 #37750 w a strange object disappear at an incredible speed into the clouds. [vog: 3/22/1976 #38332 es at least once in our lives). As incredible as it may seem, as soon as I Summer 1976 #38518 around the object. Then it took an incredible speed and left towards Setena 10/19/1976 #38908 thout sound, then it started at an incredible speed towards the north, made 1/1/1977 #39114 ently for 3–4 minutes. It moves at incredible speed away to the west. 2/1/1977 #39234 ill in mid air, pulsate, travel at incredible speeds, and fly erratically. 7/21/1977 #39791 , then the lights approach them at incredible speed and hover above the car 9/17/1977 #40000 aw an undefined shape moving at an incredible speed and suddenly stopping, Late 1/1978 #40462 ly silent. Then it shot away at an incredible speed without a sound. Years 3/1978 #40559 that we were witnessing something incredible. (...) 4/18/1978 #40720 e car lose speed, then she felt an incredible circular shadow that engulfed 9/13/1978 #41267 g, turning pattern and falls at an incredible speed. This sequence Crockett 12/31/1978 #41894 iend, Fernando Marti, watched this incredible ascension. In the sky a large 1/3/1979 #41932 bject moves on to the southwest at incredible speed. 9/3/1979 #42514 then flew straight up and away at incredible speed. 9/26/1979 #42619 er several minutes it shot away at incredible speed parallel to the horizon 2/11/1980 #42886 tude. They suddenly took off at an incredible speed. 5/14/1980 #43060 (Translated from French) The most incredible case of contact with extrater 7/28/1980 #43162 eks later, the witness reported an incredible story. (...) was blocked by a 11/28/1980 #43436 ed itself from the boomerang at an incredible speed, but returned after a f 1/1981 #43546 looked like a plate. It flew at an incredible speed towards the south. Emit 6/17/1981 #43793 es up brightly and zips away at an incredible speed. 4/1/1982 #44290 e 200 people present stared at the incredible sight before them. (Source: F 4/28/1983 #44759 e 200 people present stared at the incredible sight before them. 4/28/1983 #44760 . Question : Is it huge? Operator: Incredible! And rest assured that we che 5/4/1983 #44763 FO for ten minutes. Then something incredible happened: the lights went out 3/25/1984 #45196 econds, then silently shot away at incredible speed. 5/9/1985 #45604 er a short time, it shoots away at incredible speed. Autumn 1985 #45692 int disappeared from the screen". (Incredible and Scientific, date?? p. 71 5/19/1986 #45929 a very high altitude flying at an incredible speed. They saw an aerial tri 11/15/1986 #46135 e object suddenly moved away at an incredible speed, making erratic movemen 2/5/1988 #46555 en more and almost stopped. It was incredible!That something so big could r 12/28/1988 #46916 ngular parts in the middle. It was incredible! The right triangle was now i 12/28/1988 #46916 ian sea! Going quickly northwest / incredible speed. 9/3/1989 #47286 ons, who was also a witness to the incredible scene that night. Another ind 11/30/1989 #47525 10 (= 9000, 10000 or 11000 km/h). Incredible. The radar only indicates mac 3/31/1990 #47796 rs, amazed. As for me, I was in an incredible state of excitement. I didn't 11/5/1990 #48180 oject, it must be controlled by an incredible level of fear because nobody 1991 #48319 nd investigators who attended this incredible wave of UFO sightings that to 2/10/1992 #48771 ng, it shot off to the right at an incredible speed and stopped above the c 1/16/1993 #49272 ake Erie making no sound and at an incredible rate of speed. It was being c 5/5/1993 #49457 ar-old daughter first witnessed an incredible display of lights, then aroun 10/17/1993 #49744 red lights. Hovers / 15 minute(s). Incredible speed/velocity. 10/21/1993 #49758 MT. AUDIBERGUES, FR 2 observer(s). Incredible white ball hovers between 2 s 8/7/1994 #50209 opped dead; it then took off at an incredible speed. At 10:45 p.m. over Yor 8/10/1994 #50218 0M triangle over farmhouse. Away / incredible speed. 9/22/1994 #50328 ously, and the UFO shot away at an incredible speed. The sighting lasted 3 9/22/1994 #50329 ight lights hover then shoot off / incredible speed. 3/29/1995 #50705 maneuver. 2 going quickly north / incredible speed. 1/21/1996 #51341 s going quickly [to] over airport. Incredible speed. No radar. 3/24/1996 #51485 t up into the sky vertically at an incredible speed. B. C. was now able to 1/5/1997 #51861 bject approach at a rapid (but not incredible) speed, then slow down near o 2/17/1997 #51898 zag, do loopings, execute a lot of incredible maneuvers, for more than ten 4/8/1997 #51972 /box-like crafts dart to and fro / incredible speed. 4/24/1997 #51993 ccelerates past the airplane at an incredible speed. RAF radar stations tra 2/3/1999 #52519 stopped his truck and watched the incredible scenario for awhile. Apparent 5/10/1999 #52579 ch then shot up into the sky at an incredible speed leaving a luminous trai 5/10/1999 #52579 at 10:55 p.m. They then performed incredible acrobatics for the next 20 mi 1/13/2000 #52760 hiny cufflinks. It leapt away with incredible speed. With a blur it vanishe 3/12/2000 #52805 The UFO shoots across the road at “incredible speed,” then stopped abruptly 3/30/2000 #52811 . The UFO shot across the road at "incredible speed", then stopped abruptly 3/30/2000 #52813 t. It tilted and disappeared at an incredible speed. During the whole obser 4/8/2000 #52819 ered, then shot off to the east at incredible speed towards the Atlantic Oc 1/22/2002 #53173 and deceleration of the light was incredible. 11/6/2002 #53303 e craft took off at an angle at an incredible speed. The sighting lasted te 9/14/2003 #53470 foot-long wingless craft flying at incredible speeds in an erratic pattern. 11/14/2004 #53655 , which took off straight up at an incredible speed. They then drove away, 10/27/2007 #53953 llton, Texas traveling north at an incredible rate of speed for 20 seconds. 5/17/2008 #54015 the UFO swiftly shoots away at an incredible speed. 2/18/2012 #54217 time, the object bolts away at an incredible speed and disappears in a few 1/12/2013 #54238 they disappear and reappear at an incredible speed. One of the orbs is in 11/11/2021 #54613## Word: "incredibly", 36 instance(s) (Back to Top)
reature with a human form, with an incredibly long nose; it frequents mount 637 #54 cler Ralph Niger recounts that an "incredibly large dragon" was observed, l 3/9/1170 #185 in Sussex (South East England), an incredibly large dragon was observed, le 3/9/1170 #186 powerful, resembling claws. He was incredibly agile. He wore a long flowing 9/1837 #1002 ssian planes watch dogfights. Away incredibly fast. / LDLN#204. 9/1943 #3816 ebris is as thin as newsprint, but incredibly strong. There is foil that, w 7/7/1947 #5755 ude of seven thousand meters in an incredibly short time and then disappear 12/3/1948 #6981 oint. Their shifts in position are incredibly swift and fantastically viole 8/1/1952 #11553 measuring about 1.20 m tall, with incredibly large heads and skin like par 5/21/1953 #13397 sun 2X. Quickly going up [to] up / incredibly fast. Contrail. 10/1953 #13756 isk hovers. Tilts. Circles. Away / incredibly fast. 2/1954 #14123 l test center. Fireball going up / incredibly fast. 6/26/1954 #14633 2 downtown. 3 silver disks pass / incredibly fast. Instant 45° turn. Separ 8/1954 (approximate) #14783 isk hovers close / 2 minutes. Away incredibly fast. / APRO. 4/1955 #17096 ng east. Shadow above object. Away incredibly fast. 11/22/1955 #17668 hovers low. Tilts / edge and away incredibly fast. 9/15/1956 #18362 US50. Silver cylinder/cigar-shape incredibly fast. Red flame / rear. 90° t 10/10/1957 (approximate) #19324 r sphere going quickly northwest / incredibly fast. Jet noise. ~12km altitu 7/26/1958 #20504 y disk hovers. Dims. Shoots away / incredibly fast. / Disk Digest. 7/30/1958 #20509 through the sky, and then sped up incredibly fast. His sighting lasted fro 11/18/1959 #21580 ar was only driving at 20 km/h and incredibly, it regained its regime on it 3/5/1971 #32777 a group of men reported seeing an incredibly huge, black bird-like creatur 5/21/1973 #34430 nd merges. Going quickly southwest incredibly fast. 11/7/1973 #35365 it began moving towards them using incredibly long jumps. Both boys ran tow 7/11/1978 #40957 through an opening in the wall at incredibly speed and quickly disappeared 12/15/1978 #41774 im at 8:00 p.m. It lit up the area incredibly brightly as it hovered over t 10/25/1983 #44956 aring and it began to glow with an incredibly bright light for 20 to 30 sec 2/18/1990 #47700 airliner. 3 saucers in formation. Incredibly fast! Not planes. 9/8/1991 #48601 the gas in order to get away, but incredibly the short gray creature was a 4/3/1995 #50721 ral / light. Going quickly south / incredibly fast. Rocket? 5/15/1995 #50792 he patrol car, before accelerating incredibly and disappearing in the sky. 3/19/1997 #51944 vers. Shoots going quickly north / incredibly speed. 2/3/1998 #52285 gh-tension line, then they rose up incredibly fast and disappeared. I even 6/1999 #52591 liner. Its speed was described as "incredibly fast". The USNTA said another 8/9/1999 #52639 about ten feet down the hill, and, incredibly, seemed to crawl up into an u 8/29/2007 #53923 nd about five feet tall. It seemed incredibly thin and had a very pointed c 4/12/2008 #54001## Word: "incredulous", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
daylight, nobody knows and so the incredulous will continue to make fun of 11/25/1896 #1578 uickly in the sky. Astronomers are incredulous. They think that these light 4/11/1897 #1699 d show it to him, but he is a very incredulous person, and he said it was b 10/5/1957 #19291 es came from Mercury. Castillo was incredulous because he knew there were i 11/18/1973 #35428## Word: "incredulously", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rump raises his eyebrows and grins incredulously when asked what he makes o 6/15/2019 #54467## Word: "increments", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ming sound, and moving westward in increments for only a few seconds at a t 3/8/1997 #51929## Word: "incriminated", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rated over the Ardennes during the incriminated periods from November 1989 3/30/1990 #47776## Word: "incubated", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
m to the apparent problem with the incubated hybrid. His memory ends at thi 8/26/1972 #33804## Word: "incubators", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rent cylinders, which looked to be incubators with infants inside them. As 8/26/1972 #33804 uses, and grow hybrids in vats and incubators. When those hybrids become ch 1/1998 #52241## Word: "incubi", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
der the names of Fauns, Satyrs and Incubi. I am sent to represent my people 300 #26## Word: "incumbent", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e believed a threat, it would seem incumbent on the armed forces to waste n 2/27/1960 #21701## Word: "incunable", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n humanist Hartmann Schaeden in an incunable written in 1493. On this docum 1034 (approximate) #148 flames flying over green valleys. Incunable (printed book or phamplet) fro 1034 #149## Word: "incurred", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hould be paid for medical expenses incurred for the injury done by the UFO. 10/2/1956 #18398 sound like buzzing bees. De Souza incurred a circular burned patch six inc 8/13/1967 #29271## Word: "incursion", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
is “clear evidence” of a submarine incursion in Swedish waters in October. 11/14/2014 #54302## Word: "incursions", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
disc-shaped planes might be making incursions into US airspace and returnin 1/24/1949 #7084 US intelligence services note UFO incursions in the People's Republic of C 4/9/1968 #30405 old Green “the stories about alien incursions, recoveries and information a 1982 #44145 is to protect both countries from incursions by UFOs, he alleges. 9/20/2005 #53748 for data on the Northern Tier UFO incursions of October–November 1975. Ang 12/11/2009 #54138 increased number of training range incursions by unidentified aerial phenom 2/2015? #54308 elligence collection regarding UAP incursions and encounters with active mi 5/1/2020 #54531 s mandate includes examinations of incursions that are initially reported a 8/4/2020 #54545## Word: "ind", 16 instance(s) (Back to Top)
going quickly southeast. / Gallup Ind and Albuquerque Journal 01 Jul. '47. 6/27/1947 #5142 en Dayton, Ohio, and Indianapolis, Ind, various Air Force pilot, major, saw 10/14/1948 #6901 Indianapolis, Ind St. Louis Post Dispatch. HOOSIERS SE 7/28/1952 #11308 ELKHART, IND Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) tel 7/28/1952 #11325 LAFAYETTE, IND Chemist with telescope. 3 bright/bri 10/26/1958 #20748 IND. OCEAN White object descends to sea. 9/18/1961 #22500 d. (Brown Co. Democrat, Nashville, Ind., 2/9/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NIC 2/1967 #27691 d lights. (Richmond Palldium-ltem, Ind., 3/3/67, copy in NICAP files; Keyho 2/22/1967 #27894 NEW DELHI, IND 6 geologists / (seen thru) binocular 7/21/1969 #31918 GALVA, IL Various Ind civil defense groups by radio. Sauce 8/20/1972? #33781 ELKHART, IND Orange and green ball hovers. Auto e 10/20/1974 #36633 YAKIMA IND. RSV, WA 2 / car. Badge-shape overhe 6/10/1981 #43777 MAHOPAC, NY 20 ind. observer(s). Large boomerang shines 3/26/1983 #44722 WALSALL, STAFFORDS 2 Ind police patrols. Huge silent ovoid / 2/16/1988 #46592 NAVARRE, FL 1+3+1+2 ind. observer(s). Ed takes stereo photog 3/17/1988 #46635 TIRUVANMIYUR, IND 2 / beach. Huge cloud-boomerang goin 5/19/2003 #53409## Word: "inde", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
INDE, Seringapatam (Translated from Fren 1792 #813## Word: "indecipherable", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
found on the pilot were written in indecipherable hieroglyphics, sparking s 4/17/1897 #1862 d of parchment paper, covered with indecipherable hieroglyphs. The Ministry 12/1957 #19933 dropping two sheets of paper with indecipherable writing, and leaving inde 3/2/1965 #24787 he “raw radio energy” is coming in indecipherable “blips and dashes.” Nothi 10/22/1965 #25721## Word: "indeed", 90 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the north... not quickly, nor fast indeed, but precisely as if it wanted to 7/24/1239 #214 at night (All Saints' Night 1461), indeed, he (Sir Jean Du Clercq, advisor 11/1/1461 #305 wo hours before midnight" Columbus indeed distinguished a light. He called Mid 10/1492 #327 had little military consequences. Indeed, Nelson's victory at Trafalgar ov 10/8/1806 #867 is 17) who died on June 8, 1795 is indeed the DNA of the son of Louis 16 an 1/15/1816 #908 sity to the highest degree. It can indeed be seen in broad daylight and ver 3/1843 #1030 o have acted in panic. The men had indeed left their personal possessions, 11/24/1872 #1242 nts. The witness was told this was indeed "The Airship" and that it used co 4/20/1897 #1897 tal. The witness was told this was indeed "The Airship" and that it used co 4/20/1897 #1900 If the wonderful flying machine is indeed the fruit of Tilinghast's brain.. 1/1/1910 #2464 he object she had seen in 1923 was indeed a UFO. Esther never had another U 5/1923 #2919 V-2 was officially born this day. Indeed, today was the final test. It pre 10/3/1942 #3709 nvince them to make a field visit. Indeed, the intelligence officers believ 1946 #4426 rumors, confirming that there were indeed genuine instances of German U-boa 1946 #4430 situation to be extremely serious; indeed, the observed objects, real, are 7/30/1946 #4625 ho assures him that the object was indeed from another world. Others in San 10/9/1946 #4797 avid N. Johnson that officials are indeed looking into the discs and that W 7/3/1947 #5357 determine if the flying discs are indeed fact and whether or not they are 7/10/1947 #5928 was a kind of meteorite". Strange indeed, since it looks very much like a 9/20/1947 #6350 g day: the remains of Mantell were indeed found and evacuated from the cras 1/7/1948 #6516 ughlin writes that the saucers are indeed “spaceships from another planet, 3/1950 #7828 t be reinstated because pilots are indeed seeing something that could be ex 1/29/1951 #8898 iously. The scout leader's arm was indeed very red, his hat burned, and whe 8/19/1952 #11845 hat a crashed alien spacecraft had indeed been recovered. He tells Lytle th Mid 2/1953 #13141 ying Saucers from Outer Space were indeed cleared for release by ATIC. 2/25/1953 #13175 he British Embassy in Brussels has indeed declared that the aircraft in que 10/13/1954 #15867 rtian landed from a flying saucer. Indeed, the young man was disheveled, di 10/13/1954 #15867 one of the witnesses. Ottoviani is indeed prosecuted in the Correctional Co 10/15/1954 #15973 r stunned the unfortunate peasant: indeed, his watering trough had been emp 10/18/1954 #16109 lying objects are being observed…. Indeed, the superiority is such that it 12/26/1954 #16856 ober 7, 1954: 1° Instructions have indeed been given to the air force forma 1/11/1955 #16933 t, this suggests IFOs and UFOs are indeed distinctly different phenomena. I 10/25/1955 #17599 ion of magnesium isotope Mg-26 had indeed been found and knowingly misrepre Early 9/1957 #19187 MMEDIATELY. IT MUST BE RECOGNIZED, INDEED, THAT THESE LATTER HAVE THEN NO S 8/1959 #21337 MOSCOW TIME. THE IMPACT OCCURRED, INDEED, WITH ASTONISHING PRECISION, AT 1 9/12/1959 #21428 e. In this type of detection it is indeed necessary to have a minimum of di Spring 1960 #21725 K. Flerov, claim that this hole is indeed from that time because its edges 8/27/1962 #23111 this re-calcification. But one can indeed see a neat round hole at the fore 8/27/1962 #23111 , first of all, that the observers indeed saw what they described. They wil 5/3/1964 #24109 is a quarter full. But the tank is indeed nearly empty, and the propellant 6/25/1965 #25002 tape and he confirms that this is indeed what he said. The UFOs are descri 10/7/1965 #25692 he later learned that Andrews did indeed have a UFO on its radar but would 8/1/1966 #26878 house. It would seem that she was indeed pregnant but this state was never 8/11/1966 #26898 DETECTION NETWORK IS FORMAL: IT IS INDEED A SOVIET SATELLITE. OFFICIALLY, S 9/17/1966 #27073 e fruit of an intelligence that is indeed far superior to ours.” The articl 2/1967 #27695 that seemed to come from there was indeed the one that had awakened her. Fr 5/18/1968 #30486 y look in certain directions (when indeed it looks for many types of potent 7/29/1968 #30783 She saw that both tent and men had indeed gone. Shortly afterward the boys 2/6/1969 #31488 reasonable to think that they were indeed debris from one or the other sate 11/14/1969 #32107 ould have produced such an effect. Indeed, it was logical, only a powerful 1/24/1970 #32221 ana, east of Grand Isle, the pilot indeed enters a cloud formation. He then 1/1971 #32682 CHINA (Translated from French) Indeed, it took a year before a second s 3/1971 #32767 lites appeared late. The first was indeed "Cosmos 520" in 1972, deployed te 1972 #33321 object was directly overhead, and indeed the saucer-shaped object was hove 10/14/1972 #33941 e swarm of Beta Taurid meteors was indeed passing over the equatorial Afric 6/30/1973 #34526 a metal door. He turned around and indeed saw in the lower part of the ball 8/1973 #34595 that the thickness of the wall was indeed 5cm. In the frame appeared 30 sec 8/1973 #34595 d that the car had left. There was indeed a car breakdown by Cliff Fulmer o 10/12/1973 #34970 that it was something very strange indeed.” 11/30/1973 #35477 alyzed witnesses. A strange object indeed always manifests itself at nightf 10/1975 #37679 in-law Marcel Solvini to get milk: indeed, following the events of the prev 1/6/1976 #38128 ides of a fault) of a farm. He was indeed at the Agropecuaria Planalto live 5/4/1976 #38425 shouted (...) Everyone rushed and indeed saw a huge crescent, several tens Late 12/1978 #41839 poke with a South American accent. Indeed this man told Cardenas that he wa 1/3/1979 #41944 omenon.” He asserts that “we have, indeed, been contacted—perhaps even visi 5/1979 #42197 r Marchetti, writes that “we have, indeed, been contacted — perhaps even vi 5/1979 #42199 hing about the encounter. This was indeed the case. However, memories retur 7/28/1980 #43162 water of the river began to boil, indeed. Slowly a disc-shaped object emer 5/16/1981 #43753 open. (Note from Vog: Huge proof, indeed!) She talked about it in her book 11/1981 #44042 at follows reveals that the system indeed has malfunctioned, and false alar 9/26/1983 #44920 c. Green assures Vallee “there was indeed an MJ12,” which had employed the 10/23/1988 #46825 reported that she felt no fear and indeed had a euphoric feeling as she beg 9/16/1989 #47308 by patrols in nearby communities. Indeed, 150 eyewitness accounts were gat 11/29/1989 #47524 they all regarded with amazement. Indeed, an enormous mass, whose contours 11/5/1990 #48177 hildren say that it made no noise. Indeed, if it was accompanied by any noi 11/5/1990 #48180 rification was made, and there was indeed a reentry that night, but from a 11/5/1990 #48192 took the boy to the clinic where, indeed, something was removed from that 1991 (approximate) #48312 which was only half-closed; it was indeed the same little creatures again! 8/28/1991 #48586 light. "We went to the scene and, indeed, we saw the object that we tried 11/6/1991 #48648 ' son confirms that his father had indeed gone to the United States at that 8/10/1992 #49022 that Mara's story was discovered. Indeed, Mara's husband, Torbatian, told 4/24/1993 #49438 do not add any credibility to it. Indeed, when from 1992 to 1995 I was in 9/14/1993 #49701 he generic name of "Night Flight". Indeed, trying to get confirmations from 5/3/1995 #50763 e Astronomical Institute says that indeed, the images obtained are very dif 8/29/1995 (approximate) #51032 a team of 1644 extraterrestrials: indeed, 6 extraterrestrials on average p 10/8/1995 #51157 frey, who concludes that Marcel is indeed describing weather balloon debris 1/10/1997 #51864 acts of Corso’s public service. He indeed had served honorably as a Lieuten 7/23/1997 #52090 e concerning a UFO. They said that indeed a symposium would be held in June 4/25/1998 #52338 space debris is quickly discarded: Indeed, surveillance satellites detect a 9/25/2002 #53271 mits in a press release that there indeed were 10 F-16s performing training 1/8/2008 #53986## Word: "indefinable", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ings like portholes, through which indefinable movements passed. A reddish 5/17/1968 #30477## Word: "indefinite", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
A trio of brilliant white dots of indefinite shape, at an altitude of an e 8/5/1952 #11637 dome visible on top. It had a hazv indefinite lower part at least as large 4/1/1967 #28344 looked out the window she saw "an indefinite figure which seemed to be cov 4/11/1974 #36047 t in the form of a ball ... "of an indefinite color green blue mauve. It wa 3/11/1979 #42135 ite, but planned to return at some indefinite time in the future. 8/28/1991 #48588## Word: "indefinitely", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ppear. Sometimes, it seems to stay indefinitely. Question : What does that 5/4/1983 #44763 ep a program in existence, perhaps indefinitely. Political leaders come and 2018 #54377 ves to extend the staff reductions indefinitely. 3/2/2018 #54400## Word: "indelible", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
over a thousand people and left an indelible mark on its observers, prompti 2/1/1554 #385 m Port-Louis to Caudan, leaving an indelible impression on the 60-year-old 1635 #485 isappearing from sight, leaving an indelible impression. 8/7/1806 #866## Word: "indent", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
YAGOONA, NSW Smelly circular indent / swamp. Possible UFO-nest. Reeds 2/14/1966 #25990 rumble / night". Sharp perfect 12M indent / ground. Dogs avoid. 11/1/1967 #29832 RVAN, FR 12M ovoid going down. 25M indent. Dead sheep and slugs / FSRv15#4+ 6/21/1968 #30583 WESTGATE, IA 15' indent / wheatfield. Dirt sucked up and 4/24/1971 #32819 WIMBORNE, DORSET Machine noise. 3 indent / ground. One is [a] 17'. Grass t 5/6/1971 #32842 id with portholes / dome lands. 3' indent / burns. / r180p85+/ APRO 9'72. 8/16/1972 #33765 rver(s). Domed saucer low / homes. Indent / ground 250° F hours later. / r1 9/9/1973 #34732 shiny domed saucer going down. 6M indent / crops. Oily traces. / r28p445. 7/6/1975 #37352 round object hovers 500' away. 6M indent / ground. FSRv26#4. 7/6/1980 #43138 ject lands / field. Large circular indent found next day. No further detail 3/8/1999 #52546## Word: "indentation", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e been inside the UFO, and a large indentation was found in the earth. She 8/11/1966 #26900 lugs were found in a 25 meter wide indentation area left by the UFO. 6/21/1968 #30592 morning, he finds a large circular indentation in the ground, 600 feet from 5/11/1969 #31730 A circular indentation five meters across was found 6/3/1973 #34469 60 feet in diameter with a concave indentation on its underside. It is cove 5/1974 #36125 dog hid in fear. A six-meter long indentation was discovered on the ground 7/6/1980 #43140 dog hid in fear. A six-meter long indentation was discovered on the ground 7/6/1980 #43142## Word: "indentations", 35 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d at the landing site, with ground indentations. At the time Mr. Linke live 6/17/1950 #8343 and and take off. Four rectangular indentations were found at the landing s 4/29/1964 #24087 take off, leaving four rectangular indentations. 4/30/1964 #24096 ry, MT Glowing oval object landed, indentations and scorch marks found at s 4/30/1964 #24097 eaves four 8 x 10 inch rectangular indentations in the ground, 4–8 inches d 4/30/1964 #24099 d, then take off. Four rectangular indentations were found at the landing s 4/30/1964 #24102 egs left flattened wheat and three indentations on the edge of a circle 5/19/1964 #24163 he NICAP investigator, with tripod indentations. The US Air Force was calle 9/4/1964 #24446 ndecipherable writing, and leaving indentations and footprints in the groun 3/2/1965 #24787 e silver saucer low / trees. Round indentations. Going quickly [to] fast. / 7/26/1965 #25176 rnt glass, within which were three indentations of 5” x 12” and an inch dee 8/13/1965 #25405 speed. Flickinger finds three odd indentations in the field in the form of 8/19/1966 #26938 r Force investigator finds landing indentations 7 inches deep and [possibly 9/13/1966 #27063 probably fungal infestations, and indentations are probably weathered hoof 9/9/1967 #29439 ion, and there are porthole-shaped indentations in the side. Suddenly the l 10/7/1967 #29616 g solid, as well as equally spaced indentations on the ground. Tests reveal 6/14/1968 #30551 impact, as well as equally spaced indentations in the ground, indicating t 6/14/1968 #30553 landed. At the landing site three indentations were found suggesting tripo 6/14/1968 #30553 t, again with scorched grass and 3 indentations. A third ground marking, a 5/11/1969 #31730 the circle, he finds three ground indentations, positioned so as to form t 9/4/1969 #31991 the landing site, with deep tripod indentations at the center. 9/4/1969 #31992 the middle and 6 regularly placed indentations. Later, another set of simi 5/25/1971 #32878 ons. Later, another set of similar indentations is found, roughly in the sh 5/25/1971 #32878 residual material present in three indentations at the site. Analysis shows 8/16/1974 #36439 burnt patch, and four landing pad indentations. 9/9/1974 #36523 feet across. It has small, square indentations in patterns along its sides 10/13/1977 #40093 t. Plaster casts were taken of the indentations (footprints), powder - like 5/28/1978 #40820 e site on February 25 and find odd indentations in the snow in two places. 2/22/1979 #42102 brightly lit windows and slot like indentations on its surface. A heavyset 7/12/1981 #43831 a flattened grass circle with four indentations in the garden. The circle w 4/24/1993 #49438 le was 4.30 m in diameter, and the indentations were respectively 325 cm., 4/24/1993 #49438 lan, Chile. It left three circular indentations in the ground 1.7 meters ap 7/9/1996 #51605 t it was amber in color, with dark indentations all around it. It rotated s 9/23/1996 #51708 hat rippled on the outside and had indentations like the crenulations of a 9/23/1996 #51708 dirt 16 inches high. He notes four indentations inside the circle that he s 4/1/2001 #53015## Word: "indented", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
sers. At one point it seemed to be indented into his leg and was covered wi 1/9/1967 #27525 base of the dome. These ports are indented and white in color, resembling 2/19/1968 #30259 bottom rows of waffle-like squares indented into the metal. It was the leng 9/8/1968 #30982 es heard / house only! 8' circular indented / grass. 1/4/1975 #36828## Word: "indents", 14 instance(s) (Back to Top)
llic saucer wavers / 25M altitude. Indents / dome. Follows railroad/railway 8/1947 (approximate) #6165 races / carrot patch. Flat ground. Indents and burns. / r217p116. 10/22/1954 #16252 (or Grey) / field. Burnt grass and indents. / APRO Jan. '75. 8/10/1965 (approximate) #25373 or Grey) vanishes. Burnt grass and indents. 8/22/1965 (approximate) #25474 . No radiation/radioactivity. 20cm indents. / r8+/ r180p43+/ r112p29. 9/13/1966 #27059 ds / field. Rises going up. Tripod indents scorched. 2/1969 #31474 e / burnt brush found. Deep tripod indents / center. / Flying Saucer Review 9/4/1969 #31990 ver(s). Red ovoid lands / woods. 3 indents. Mild 600 KeV radiation/radioact 8/29/1970 #32510 / 4 legs. 6' figure exits in fog. Indents with red gunk. 5/20/1974 #36171 nds / field. 35' burnt patch and 4 indents. 9/9/1974 #36521 with a disabling beam observer(s). Indents and burns / ground. Sheep avoid 7/31/1975 #37420 lmet hovers / low altitude. Square indents all over/all about. Slow and fas 8/27/1975 #37549 ate pilot photographs 30M circle / indents / lakebed. See reference photogr 1/2/1979 #41928 gle lands / field. 3 circular 10cm indents 1.7M apart. 7/11/1996 #51608## Word: "independance", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
35 discs demonstrating strength on Independance Day. 7/4/1947 #5375## Word: "independence", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r crew on the aircraft carrier USS Independence frequently notices strange 4/1945 #4261 different times on the occasion of Independence Day multiplied the observat 7/4/1947 #5367 Cruces to see the fireworks of the Independence Day celebration and missed 7/4/1950 #8407 NEAR RANDLETT AND INDEPENDENCE, UT Many observer(s) / 5 se 10/16/1968 #31115 all your efforts to preserve your independence and your personality as a h 6/17/1990 #47950 4, again on the anniversary of our Independence, a kind of mothership lande 9/16/1994 #50308 dream-like state a local woman in Independence, Missouri remembered seeing 5/17/2000 #52851## Word: "independencia", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
eral witnesses and themselves from Independencia Park. One was shaped like 6/14/1980 #43103## Word: "independent", 223 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ied dark celestial body with swift independent motion across the Sun. The s 2/7/1802 #848 Shasta County, California several independent witnesses saw an airship fly 11/30/1896 #1596 There were several independent witnesses of a brightly illu 5/13/1909 #2305 Helena, MT The Helena Independent newspaper is offering a $100 10/18/1917 #2807 ared in 10 seconds. There were two independent witnesses. 12/22/1941 #3587 d from French) In Oslo (Norway), 2 independent witnesses see a bright lumin 8/24/1946 #4717 French) Glen Bunting and two other independent witnesses observed a single 6/26/1947 #5124 confirmed the observation. Another independent witness in Cedar City, Charl 6/26/1947 #5124 tting a faint buzzing sound. Other independent witnesses reported the same 6/29/1947 #5182 flew toward the east. A woman, an independent witness, also saw the same t 7/5/1947 #5524 ld 9:00 p.m. William A. Rhodes, an independent scientist and inventor in Ph 7/7/1947 #5767 saw a luminous craft fly south. An independent witness, J.C. Penman, saw in 7/10/1947 #5938 lacing the CIG) and the USAF as an independent entity from the National Mil 7/26/1947 #6115 lumbus, Ohio. There were separate, independent witnesses, including one nam 7/31/1948 #6809 and trail behind it. Thanks to an independent observation at another site, 12/20/1948 #7027 six o'clock in the morning several independent observers in Montecarotto, I 10/28/1949 #7628 nd 8:00 p.m. police and five other independent witnesses in Savannah, Georg 4/30/1950 #8246 tnesses together and an additional independent observer, and the event last 5/4/1950 #8252 (see below) and photographed by 2 independent observers. The case is decla 8/5/1950 #8489 0-30 feet long and 2-6 feet thick. Independent and erratic movements for 5 9/3/1950 #8563 eated his UFO sighting, sets up an independent Navy probe of UFOs under Lt. 4/1952 #9723 near Victorville, California, five independent witnesses in the base contro 5/1/1952 #10042 er and more. 6 luminous saucers in independent. Horizontal and vertical man 7/19/1952 #10918 yon (New Mexico), observation by 5 independent witnesses for 5 minutes of a 7/29/1952 #11362 ot one in a thousand is capanle of independent thought", Dr. Sprowls slavis 8/4/1952 #11596 disappear in 1–2 seconds. Multiple independent witnesses across a baseline 1/1/1954 #14042 olicemen in Plombieres and several independent witnesses observed the objec 9/23/1954 #15203 en in Plombieres and several other independent witnesses observed the objec 9/23/1954 #15210 Geoffroy and Miss Gisèle Fin, gave independent accounts of a dark gray disc 9/24/1954 #15213 Geoffroy and Miss Gisele Fin) made independent reports of a dark gray disk, 9/24/1954 #15225 isc-shaped object was seen by many independent observers spinning over the 10/25/1954 #16339 no physical traces, but there were independent witnesses to the event, who 11/2/1954 #16499 ain in San Sebastian, Spain. Three independent witnesses saw the object com 1/5/1955 #16926 mely fast. There were at least two independent witnesses, and there were ph 5/12/1956 #17958 in Panorama City, California three independent witnesses claimed to have se 7/19/1956 #18109 bvious aerial phenomena to justify independent evaluation.” 11/4/1956 #18451 large, circular object is seen by independent witnesses in Wardle, Lancash 2/15/1957 #18682 Oxnard AFB, CA Several independent witnesses saw maneuvering li 3/22/1957 #18726 were made along the same course by independent witnesses. 5/1/1957 #18822 here are 6 other sightings made by independent witnesses. 5/1/1957 #18823 he UFO made no noise. There was an independent witness to the UFO. 1/13/1958 #20135 om 1961 to October 2004. Initially independent, it is run by Naval Space Co 1959 #20910 ses Killian of being drunk. But an independent sighting of the UFOs by an A 2/24/1959 #21012 e has a piece of it analyzed by an independent metallurgist, who finds that 6/12/1960 #21867 ght. There were at least two other independent witnesses to the UFO that ni 8/13/1960 #21949 group consisting of the head of an independent news agency, a photographer 9/24/1962 #23189 O passed within 100 feet. Multiple independent witnesses. 8/5/1963 #23674 rned and vanished. There were many independent witnesses. 6/3/1965 #24960 epec (Translated from French) Four independent witnesses saw a strange silh 9/1965 #25511 At 2:00 a.m. several independent witnesses as well as two pol 9/3/1965 #25552 The buyer can also send a check to Independent International, Box 565, Dept 10/7/1965 #25692 tigation and the possibility of an independent study. Early 11/1965 #25747 onds the UFO flew away rapidly. An independent witness later corroborated t 1/7/1966 #25879 vers. Sightings by up to a hundred independent witnesses continued for more 1/11/1966 #25900 uds leaving a comet-like trail. An independent witness confirmed the sighti 3/29/1966 #26244 flashing lights was seen by three independent groups in the same area of R 3/30/1966 #26274 book defending the necessity of an independent scientific study of the phen 4/2/1966 #26317 oject Blue Book and was seeking an independent analysis. This assurance wa 4/3/1966 #26327 ndon Commission, represented by an independent university) conducting a sci 4/5/1966 #26344 used as forum to announce that new independent scientific study would be un 4/5/1966 #26363 yton, Victoria, Australia numerous independent witnesses including dozens o 4/6/1966 #26376 hysical and psychological effects. Independent observation: Same day at Lig 4/7/1966 #26381 eries of sightings was reported by independent witnesses. An oval object wi 4/17/1966 #26433 e red lights. The two reports were independent. 4/19/1966 #26465 enced pilot and navigator, and two independent witnesses saw a glowing elon 6/23/1966 #26742 t engineer Julian Sandoval and two independent witnesses see a glowing elon 6/23/1966 #26744 est to conduct a comprehensive and independent examination of the UFO probl 8/31/1966 #26994 in. Photographs / circular traces. Independent observer(s) / saucer / US19. 12/4/1966 #27409 sed upon the times reported by the independent witnesses, was 15 minutes. T 1/24/1967 #27633 -45° elevation. Two other men were independent witnesses, driving by car we 1/30/1967 #27685 ti, OH 11:45 p.m. EST. A number of independent sightings were reported of a 2/10/1967 #27771 Amherst, MA 10:15 p.m. EST. Three independent reports from five witnesses 2/16/1967 #27836 Wharton, TX Night. A series of independent sightings was reported overn 2/19/1967 #27869 Piggott, AR Night. Several independent reports overnight. A 21-year 2/28/1967 #27958 each end was reported by multiple independent witnesses in Goodland, Kansa 3/8/1967 #28105 n Onawa, Iowa. It was also seen by independent witness in Eldora, Iowa at 8 3/9/1967 #28135 ned by the Air Force to conduct an independent investigation of such sighti 4/4/1967 #28356 e TV interference. There were five independent reports of the close encount 4/17/1967 #28469 ely silent, and there were several independent witnesses. 4/27/1967 #28556 ing the car headlights. There were independent witnesses. 4/28/1967 #28567 y DuPont for the US space program. Independent analyses by French space sci 6/1/1967 #28792 . At least five witnesses from two independent locations saw an odd oblong, 7/4/1967 #28972 Corning, California two independent locations about 5 miles west 7/4/1967 #28975 . At least five witnesses from two independent locations about 5 miles west 7/4/1967 #28975 ject appears bright blue. A second independent observation from Naval Air W 7/30/1967 #29136 LT (6:00-6:30 p.m. EDT). Multiple independent witnesses had a complex seri 8/30/1967 #29362 re together plus two other single, independent witnesses saw red, greenish 10/2/1967 #29590 y evening until 11:30 pm, numerous independent witnesses observed unexplain 10/4/1967 #29602 evening until 11:30 p.m., numerous independent witnesses observe unexplaine 10/4/1967 #29603 anada. There were at least a dozen independent witnesses to the event. Cana 10/4/1967 #29604 on, distance less than 150 m, by 2 independent witnesses, one of them a pol 10/27/1967 #29781 Many independent witnesses at 7:30 a.m. in th 12/10/1967 #30044 FOB), in Liverpool, England, as an independent publication from the openly 1/1968 #30121 Several independent witnesses, including two nam 2/23/1968 #30272 female summer camp staff members. Independent recall of event years later 8/7/1968 #30835 female summer camp staff members. Independent recall of event years later 8/7/1968 #30836 nations on a table. They both gave independent accounts of recalling seeing 8/7/1968 #30839 oke on the dock it was evening. An independent witness, a camper who had ru 8/7/1968 #30839 On this night a number of independent witnesses reported and descr 9/9/1968 #30988 urice Clemence and charged with an independent assessment of its scope, met 11/15/1968 #31221 nesses. There was a total of seven independent witnesses. 11/25/1968 #31269 han five minutes. Their were other independent witnesses, including the cre 11/26/1968 #31281 r a number of nights. G. Testa, an independent investigator from Lismore, v 4/17/1969 #31668 multicolored lights. There was an independent witness. 1/29/1970 #32231 g, Sweden Around midnight. Several independent groups of witnesses to the w 4/29/1970 #32335 Two independent sets of photographs showing 12/24/1970 #32670 egations in a book in 1992 with no independent sourcing. Over the next deca 1/1971 #32686 hree hours later, at 4:15 GMT, two independent witnesses in Corfton, Englan 1/2/1971 #32691 re five witnesses total, including independent witnesses. 3/2/1971 #32773 e tailings at 7:40 p.m. There were independent witnesses. 9/4/1971 #33079 SAMDU Hospital to be examined. An independent witness, the driver of the a 9/25/1971 #33147 n Derry, New Hampshire. There were independent witnesses to the event, and 10/3/1971 #33179 Shortly after midnight five independent witnesses had a close encoun 8/5/1972 #33715 At 11:30 p.m. independent witnesses, one a woman with 9/27/1972 #33896 s disclosed there were a number of independent UFO observations in the area 9/28/1972 #33899 nd no traces were found. Two other independent witnesses were subsequently 2/4/1973 #34170 y, there were several reports from independent witnesses and photographs of 5/15/1973 #34410 anished. There were at least three independent witnesses to the event. 7/19/1973 #34572 The first in a series of three independent observations of two silver-s 10/22/1973 #35218 al witnesses, including a separate independent witness nearby. 10/24/1973 #35249 ng lasted four minutes. There were independent witnesses. 5/15/1974 #36158 arina, Brazil at 3:30 p.m. several independent observers watched a saucer s 6/13/1974 #36246 ing disc-shaped object was seen by independent witnesses in Nashua, New Ham 6/14/1974 #36252 ecorded at 8:20 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Independent witnesses included a Spanish 11/24/1974 #36703 th the Center for UFO Studies find independent witnesses, including a doorm 1/12/1975 #36863 There were over 29 separate, independent UFO sightings and close enco 4/3/1975 #37114 e with portholes was seen by three independent witnesses at 9:10 p.m. It ma 8/6/1975 #37454 , COLORADO On Sunday, the 21st, an independent investigator set up a mobile 9/22/1975 #37642 US Project SIGMA becomes an independent project from Project xxxxxxx 1976 #38097 reached a highway intersection. An independent observer witnessed the incid 3/19/1976 #38328 from April 23 to April 27. Another independent witness, Frederickson, saw a 4/22/1976 #38403 . The document says the efforts of independent researchers are “vital for f 4/26/1976 #38419 ention of the Agency’s interest in independent researchers or DCI working g 4/26/1976 #38419 ed around a bend. There were other independent witnesses, including the loc 7/15/1976 #38575 s 2 teens to car. Shoots going up. Independent report(s). 8/1976 (approximate) #38623 ved over it. A truck driver was an independent witness. The UFO had a solid 9/2/1976 #38743 ora, California 7:30 p.m. Multiple independent witnesses in Sonora, Califor 10/12/1976 #38892 ed suits were verified by multiple independent witnesses. One classic mutil Early 11/1976 #38954 f a landed craft. There were other independent witnesses of UFOs descending 2/20/1977 #39293 switched off." At least six other independent witnesses saw mysterious lig 2/24/1977 #39307 Gatchelville, PA 7:30 PM. Nine independent witnesses watched a red ball 3/7/1977 #39334 Nine independent witnesses watched a red ball 3/8/1977 #39342 urring" sound. There were multiple independent witnesses. The UFO eventuall 8/28/1977 #39935 At 8:30 p.m a number of independent witnesses in Healdsburg, Cal 8/30/1977 #39943 and disappears in the distance. An independent group of witnesses several s 10/17/1977 #40105 ortheast. There were several other independent reports of the same phenomen 11/28/1977 #40229 and close encounters from several independent witnesses in Pittsburgh, Pen 3/1/1978 #40567 n-cup saucer. The episode had many independent witnesses with accompanying 6/4/1978 #40840 behind a new housing estate. Other independent witnesses saw a large silver 9/1/1978 #41218 and illuminating the trees. Other independent witnesses see a large silver 9/1/1978 #41219 behind a new housing estate. Other independent witnesses saw a large silver 9/1/1978 #41220 hree separate cops plus many other independent witnesses saw the fireball a 11/3/1978 #41534 acked on radar. There were several independent witnesses. At 7:15 p.m. a ma 11/23/1978 #41611 bottom. During the same time other independent witnesses had watched a simi 11/24/1978 #41618 n Cataldo, also in Sicily, several independent witnesses watched a luminous 12/17/1978 #41800 ambulances. There were two sets of independent witnesses to the fly-by, for 12/25/1978 #41848 omenon together with several other independent witnesses. The object was a 1/26/1979 #42040 veloping into a huge, bright dome. Independent sets of clear photos are obt 3/5/1979 #42127 d in the sky, and there were other independent witnesses. (NICAP: 01 - Dist 8/31/1980 #43228 d in the sky, and there were other independent witnesses. 8/31/1980 #43229 In Grays, South Carolina several independent observers reported seeing a 5/13/1981 #43749 two witnesses in the car and other independent witnesses to the event. 12/19/1981 #44115 Latrobe, PA Several independent witnesses reported seeing a 7/25/1982 #44425 ral sounds. Later that day several independent witnesses reported seeing a 7/25/1982 #44427 CB radio just has static. Another independent witness, Rita Rivera, probab 2/26/1983 #44675 xperience RF interference. Another independent witness that night saw proba 2/26/1983 #44676 y (north of), CA 10:30 PM. Several independent witnesses reported seeing a 1/9/1984 #45074 clear night. At 10:30 p.m. several independent witnesses reported seeing a 1/9/1984 #45078 arly two hours of missing time. An independent witness verified seeing the 2/3/1984 #45129 ible witnesses, “some of whom were independent of each other but observed t 5/29/1984 #45303 Many independent witnesses from Plymouth, Dev 8/4/1987 #46316 a statement on ParaNet that he has independent confirmation of a secret und 12/29/1987 #46483 nnsylvania 7:45–8:30 p.m. Numerous independent observers on the border of C 2/10/1988 #46575 , pp. 23, 24) Paul Van Brabant, an independent Belgian researcher, tried in 11/29/1989 #47483 credible scene that night. Another independent witness, a woman in her sixt 11/30/1989 #47525 ow, to a large hovering UFO. Three independent witnesses to the abduction a 11/30/1989 #47533 asted 15 minutes, and there was an independent witness. 7/30/1990 #48012 meters in diameter. At 7:55 PM two independent testimonies 1/21/1991 #48346 uare or elliptical shape. A second independent auditory witness was found. 3/29/1991 #48418 ee the UFO is Lt. Damasceno of the Independent Company of the Military Poli 4/11/1991 #48433 Galicia, Spain El Ojo Crítica, an independent and skeptical newsletter, be 1992 #48709 . This was confirmed by a separate independent observer. 9/20/1992 #49100 encounter by three witnesses--one independent of the other two--with a hug 10/10/1992 #49141 er nose was bleeding. There were 2 independent witnesses of a UFO in the ar 11/25/1992 #49201 At 7:10 p.m. two independent male witnesses, one with fie 12/20/1992 #49228 st for 20 minutes. There were five independent witnesses to the event. 8/11/1993 #49632 At 11:30 p.m. several independent observers in a car and on a 8/14/1994 #50226 ard the northeast. There were many independent witnesses and the sighting l 4/22/1995 #50756 in about 10–15 seconds. A group of independent witnesses at another locatio 7/15/1995 #50895 servation corroborated by multiple independent observers, in flight and on 7/31/1995 #50938 Several independent witnesses reported watching 11/23/1995 #51245 the UFO or UFOs were witnessed by independent witnesses. A pilot of a smal 2/27/1996 #51428 ast 20 minutes." There was a third independent witness and dozens of other 10/15/1996 #51744 rate on cases that include as much independent physical evidence as possibl 9/29/1997 #52163 the program is funded by NASA and independent of the Breakthrough Propulsi 8/1998 #52400 rried out over several years by an independent group of former advanced wor 7/16/1999 #52624 At 2:20 p.m. three independent witnesses in Berks County, P 8/16/1999 #52645 ced its first ever department-wide independent audit in its history. Years 12/3/1999 #52720 es Proof Positive, and a 30-minute independent documentary titled The Edge 1/5/2000 #52752 ledged. They often have completely independent systems of classification, w 1/5/2000 #52753 hen sped away. There were multiple independent reports called into the UFO 2/16/2000 #52786 n Manzanita, Oregon there were two independent reports of orange colored li 6/3/2000 #52856 a of New Zealand by 12. There were independent reports to the Auckland Obse 1/26/2001 #52991 Independent witnesses reported a large f 7/15/2001 #53072 ounty, New York - At 3:15 p.m. two independent witnesses in nearby towns ob 5/5/2002 #53203 just outside of Washington, D.C., independent witnesses 8 miles apart beco 7/26/2002 #53231 pilot disorientation. However, an independent investigation finds numerous 10/23/2002 #53290 ervals. The other report was of an independent sighting of yellowish orange 4/8/2004 #53555 New Victoria, Nova Scotia multiple independent people observed large lights 8/20/2006 #53828 t also witness the object. Several independent witnesses outside of the air 11/7/2006 #53853 pearing and disappearing. A second independent report was filed at 10:45 p. 8/6/2007 #53917 Independent lights forming a chevron pas 9/17/2007 #53934 itary base at Taverny, and several independent witnesses from separate loca 9/4/2008 #54039 Kraków Rzeszów, Poland Dozens of independent witnesses in Kraków and Rzes 3/8/2010 #54148 The US Navy’s In-House Laboratory Independent Research Program mentions in 3/2014 #54281 e it as what we call an “IRAD” or “Independent Research and Development Act 5/9/2016 #54330 ced its first ever department-wide independent audit in its history. Fitts 12/11/2017 #54370 ep Black programs can become quite independent of any given administration, 2018 #54377 Area 51 The independent documentary Bob Lazar: Area 12/4/2018 #54431 60 scientists in JASON who provide independent technical advice and review. 4/25/2019 #54454 t for 2020, is signed, creating an independent space service by renaming an 12/20/2019 #54507 US NASA's UAP Independent Study Team, led by David Spe 10/2022 #54672 to discuss the findings of its UAP Independent Study Report. The report rec 9/14/2023 #54748## Word: "independent-international", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
y, Samuel M. Sherman, president of Independent-International Pictures Corp. 3/4/2002 #53186## Word: "independently", 83 instance(s) (Back to Top)
both with and without instruments independently notice a bright object bel 8/7/1869 #1205 n.” Adam Thielen, a nearby farmer, independently sees a dark object with re 4/13/1897 #1741 h) Irene Skram and her cousin, and independently the husband of the cousin Summer 1941 #3560 ts & resembling zeppelins & moving independently of the wind & not intercon 2/24/1944 #3919 . They resemble Zeppelins but move independently of the wind. 2/24/1944 #3920 stensibly on private business, and independently of each other. The officia 8/19/1946 #4703 ctrical worker and another witness independently saw a disk-shaped object, 6/17/1947 #5018 ctrical worker, and another person independently witnessed a disc-shaped ob 6/27/1947 #5150 roc AFB, CA Noon. Others witnesses independently, including Muroc CO Col. S 7/8/1947 #5848 ore, if directed, should be set up independently of existing projects. h. D 9/23/1947 #6357 cs, 20-30' long, 2-6' thick. Moved independently and erratically for 5 minu 9/3/1950 #8567 craft near Long Beach, California, independently of each other observe a bl 12/16/1953 #13953 rs. Geoffroy and Miss Gazelle Fin, independently witnessed a dark gray disc 9/24/1954 #15229 wo persons in neighboring villages independently reported observing the obj 10/1/1954 #15398 er, two women (Janiki and Lacotte) independently reported to police that a 10/2/1954 #15428 wo persons in neighboring villages independently reported observing the obj 10/2/1954 #15431 single women (Janicki and Lacotte) independently reported to police that a 10/2/1954 #15437 ers saw the same object and stated independently that it came within 10 m o 10/7/1954 #15632 vet saw the same object and stated independently that it came within 10 met 10/7/1954 #15646 til the object left. Mr. Chaumeau, independently of the other two witnesses 10/11/1954 #15770 lled identified, two analysts must independently agree on a solution; for a 10/25/1955 #17599 e additional witnesses reported it independently. The object was a disk abo 4/8/1956 #17913 e additional witnesses reported it independently. The object was a disc abo 4/8/1956 #17915 a City, California Three witnesses independently claimed that they observed 7/20/1956 #18111 orhood of Los Angeles, California, independently observe a huge, ball-shape 7/20/1956 #18114 esses in Panorama City, California independently claimed to have observed a 7/20/1956 #18115 ly women: Mmes Garcin and Rami and independently of them an apiarist Louis 4/14/1957 #18780 Atlanta (near), GA Three truckers independently reported seeing reddish el 11/6/1957 #19662 nce. An 8-year-old girl from Honse independently reported a round object cr 11/7/1957 #19731 r-old girl from Honse, Mississippi independently reported a round object cr 11/7/1957 #19738 Albury, Wangaratta and Tallangatta independently observed an unknown object 3/10/1961 #22243 Albury, Wangaratta and Tallangatta independently observed an unknown object 3/10/1961 #22244 British, fly over the Pacific and independently observe a huge round craft 9/21/1961 #22521 AMAGASAKI, JAPAN 5 students independently draw Saturn-saucer seen. N 12/12/1962 #23344 City, Japan Five students saw, and independently sketched, Saturn-shaped UF 12/12/1962 #23345 tly glowing UFO. All five students independently sketch a Saturn-shaped obj 12/12/1962 #23348 land behind a hill. Two witnesses independently reported a maneuvering lig 10/31/1963 #23846 behind a hill. Two other witnesses independently reported a maneuvering lig 10/31/1963 #23849 y sound mind saw and reported them independently. . . . Their descriptions 8/3/1965 #25300 wo witnesses in separate locations independently reported watching a hoveri 3/28/1966 #26218 wo smaller white objects operating independently approached and hovered nea 9/22/1966 #27101 maller satellite objects operating independently, emitted light beams, fina 9/22/1966 #27102 wo smaller white objects operating independently approach and hover nearby. 9/22/1966 #27103 m. Parts of the UFO seemed to move independently. The sighting lasted more 1/26/1967 #27662 neuvered and hovered, together and independently. Many other area sightings 1/28/1967 #27670 a del Monte, Spain Three witnesses independently saw a craft emitting light 2/1/1967 #27696 nesses in Boadilladel Monte, Spain independently saw a craft emitting light 2/1/1967 #27698 s, and everything had disappeared. Independently, a couple of motorists had 4/1967 #28331 EDT (9:30 p.m. CDT). Three adults independently saw a dirigible- shaped (e 4/27/1967 #28551 dsection. Two men north of Corning independently see the object. The witnes 7/4/1967 #28975 Many people, singly and in groups, independently reported seeing a brillian 10/11/1967 #29646 ler objects that maneuvered around independently. 1/12/1968 #30143 satellite objects that maneuvered independently. The larger UFO was 40 to 1/13/1968 #30145 nd through hypnosis both witnesses independently recalled nearly identical 8/7/1968 #30839 lasted about seven minutes. Others independently reported seeing the object 8/28/1968 #30930 digenous intelligence that evolved independently in the oceans. 1970 #32184 gional members are told to operate independently from one another; cooperat 5/29/1970 #32368 of a lake. The object was observed independently by two school boys on the 1/7/1971 #32704 Massachusetts Scargo Lake Two boys independently observe a metallic object 1/7/1971 #32705 riving between Laurel and Meridian independently reported to police that th 8/13/1974 #36414 and a B-52 maintenance supervisor independently report the objects to thei 10/14/1974 #36614 r had each child confirm the story independently. One child, witnessing it End of 1975 #38034 another direction. 2 other people independently saw the UFO. (November 5) 11/5/1976 #38959 chool in Plymouth, Devon, England, independently see a cigar-shaped object 2/16/1977 #39280 . 2 other people have seen the UFO independently. (November 5) 11/5/1977 #40183 hree smaller objects that operated independently. One of these zigzagged, a 12/13/1977 #40295 hree smaller objects that operated independently. One of these zigzagged, a 12/13/1977 #40299 private pilots flying in the area, independently reported sighting five ora 5/29/1979 #42265 ing lights. The event is witnessed independently by the crew of two other a 9/22/1980 #43275 ng lights. The event was witnessed independently by the crew of two other a 9/22/1980 #43276 wo satellite lights which operated independently, flew over the stern of a 7/31/1981 #43880 ts hover and sway. Change color(s) independently. Silent. 2/16/1982 #44203 hoes were due to a computer error! Independently on the ground, other witne 11/17/1986 #46140 lar objects emerged, zipped around independently 3/4/1988 #46612 with red lights emerged, operated independently, departed at high speed (s 8/31/1989 #47274 with red lights emerged, operated independently, departed at high speed 8/31/1989 #47275 er. Hypnotic regressions (obtained independently) reveal abduction scenario 11/7/1989 #47435 e were small red lights that moved independently "like fireflies". 11/29/1989 #47484 uminous objects that darted around independently, and later took on these o 9/9/1994 #50286 the alleged autopsy has never been independently verified. Philip Mantle of 8/28/1995 #51029 glowing lights or eyes. They moved independently from one another. Terrifie 4/21/2003 #53386 side of the aircraft. The wingman independently sees the same object as it 1/15/2019 #54439 eir work in various agencies, have independently provided similar, corrobor 6/5/2023 #54715## Word: "independently-targeted", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
teman III dummy warheads (Multiple Independently-targeted Reentry Vehicles, 1984 #45049## Word: "indes", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
famous with the publication of Des Indes à la Planete Mars (From India to t 1900 #2059## Word: "indescipherable", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a message of some kind, written in indescipherable markings. 4/25/1959 #21148## Word: "indescribable", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e garden that did not receive this indescribable visit. (...) It is said th 2/8/1855 #1121 went to an upper door and saw two "indescribable" shadows go away from the 12/1953 #13905 MANOCCHIO: eye burns for DOUGLAS: indescribable sensations and loss of mem 10/12/1963 (approximate) #23807 ace and body. It was dressed in an indescribable manner. Others saw the sam 2/27/1971 #32765 d goes to open the door. There, an indescribable being is looking at him. I 4/25/1973 #34357 beings of human appearance, of an indescribable beauty. They seem to be dr 10/21/1974 #36637 in the axis of the road. It had an indescribable mass of metallic gray colo 2/28/1975 #37001 , the two couples began to feel an indescribable malaise, so they quickly f 8/10/1976 #38665 ived at 4:15. "Halfway through, an indescribable noise hit my mind and last 11/25/1979 #42705 ng up to the sky, she discovers an indescribable thing flying so low that s 11/29/1989 #47498 's bed. Her fear for her child was indescribable. She wanted to scream to c Late 3/1994 #50002## Word: "indestructible", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d by doctors. The saucer itself is indestructible - a characteristic report 12/27/1951 #9482## Word: "indeterminable", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
there were elliptical things of an indeterminable material that kept burnin Late 4/1989 #47098## Word: "indeterminate", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nette Scotte. They observed for an indeterminate amount of time two silver, 7/8/1947 #5782 . It was entering the clouds at an indeterminate altitude, shining like a s 7/10/1947 #5939 te away from him “at great speed.” Indeterminate radar images are also late 4/12/1969 #31658 n bathed in an intense light of an indeterminate color of blue, green, and 3/11/1979 #42135 and an American federal agency of indeterminate nature. (...) On November 11/6/1995 #51206## Word: "index", 149 instance(s) (Back to Top)
titude (McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index; Bloecher 1967) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 6/12/1947 #4999 speed (McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index; Bloecher 1967) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 6/28/1947 #5172 bjects (Ruppelt p. 19; FOIA; FUFOR Index; Bloecher 1967). (NICAP: 11 - Avia 6/28/1947 #5173 eflecting white light (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/7/1947 #5752 t 1947; McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code 8/4/1947 #6194 ft wide(McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 8/14/1947 #6249 00 mph (McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 10/8/1947 #6397 e indicated altitude. (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 4/19/1948 #6636 utzenreuter. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 6/30/1948 #6720 PA Jannicky. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/4/1948 #6733 y and Geltz. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/8/1948 #6738 WA Caramia. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/9/1948 #6739 PA Griebel. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/24/1948 #6771 ground. (Vallée Magonia 67; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB 8/29/1948 #6843 n Simeon, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 9/28/1948 #6875 ), KS Huber. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/24/1948 #6919 AZ Peterson. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 10/24/1948 #6920 WA Kunsman. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) ADC Directs F-82 to 10-20 EggShap 10/30/1948 #6926 n basketball (McDonald list, FUFOR index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 11/3/1948 #6937 rious Young. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 11/26/1948 #6970 nute AFB, IL (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 12/8/1948 #7004 Project 1947; McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code 1/1/1949 #7058 t about 10-15 ft size (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 1/23/1949 #7081 d throwing sparks (Berliner; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 1/27/1949 #7089 ff from Elko airport. (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 5/2/1949 #7298 y on a straight path. (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 5/3/1949 #7305 ches its metallic surface with her index finger, getting a mild electric vi 8/16/1949 #7519 t high speed. (Project 1947; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 12/29/1949 #7684 level flight. (Project 1947; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code 1/6/1950 #7714 e with trailing flame (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 1/7/1950 #7717 Listed as "unidentified" in folder index, but no supporting data could be f 10/15/1950 #8650 ). Thompson. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 11/23/1950 #8721 W). Folean. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 12/27/1950 #8823 over AFB, MA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Three Uncorrelated Targets Like A 1/24/1951 #8890 dar / Visual (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 7/14/1951 #9115 idge AFB, MI (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) CPS-6B Picks Up High Speed Object 7/30/1951 #9134 land AFS, MN (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 8/20/1951 #9166 McDonald files; Jan Aldrich; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 10/21/1951 #9353 ireball. (LIFE Incident 10; [FUFOR Index?]) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 11/2/1951 #9381 ove 54,000 ft (Project 1947; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 4/3/1952 #9733 thune. (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 43; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 4/9/1952 #9778 ght. (Willy Smith pp. 25-29; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 4/16/1952 #9837 hort, dark trail. (Berliner; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 4/18/1952 #9876 cked At 2,700 MPH (Berliner; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 4/18/1952 #9877 -side oscillation (Berliner; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: 1167) 4/29/1952 #9998 orge AFB, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 5/11/1952 #10117 5 p.m. (PST) (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 5/20/1952 #10162 Aldrich; cf. Ruppelt p. 140; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 5/25/1952 #10184 by ground radar. (Weinstein; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 5/26/1952 #10193 unknown location, MI (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 6/25/1952 #10537 t [and Wolf?]. (Jan Aldrich; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 6/30/1952 #10596 lmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/5/1952 #10655 jet aircraft they have seen (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/9/1952 #10687 lmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK (FUFOR Index) F-94 Makes Radar Contact (NICAP: 7/24/1952 #11157 Hallock, MN (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB 7/28/1952 #11334 Atlanta, GA (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/30/1952 #11473 olloman AFB, Alamogordo, NM (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/30/1952 #11477 Delaware, OH (NARA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 8/25/1952 #11960 West Hokkaido, Japan (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 11/4/1952 #12602 illa AFS, NM (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) FPS-3 Tracks Maneuvering Object ( 11/8/1952 #12619 s (near), TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 1/6/1953 #12940 trom AFB, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Unidentified Return For 19 Minute 1/23/1953 #13004 a.m. (CST). (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 2/1953 #13080 a AFB, Japan (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 2/10/1953 #13123 k and Stern. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 2/16/1953 #13144 arleston, WV (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) FPS-3 Sights Unusual Target (NICA 2/25/1953 #13174 alls AFB, MT (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 2/27/1953 #13184 AFB), Japan (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 3/9/1953 #13217 Pasadena, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Object On Radar 25 Seconds (NICAP 3/23/1953 #13263 huria, China (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 5/4/1953 #13359 0 pairs of stones. She pointed her index finger at him, at her, and at the 3/1955 #17035 riggs. (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 44; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 4/6/1955 #17104 Fordland, MO (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Catch-Me-If-You-Can UFO on Radar 8/25/1955 #17470 NW of ), TN (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) F-86 Unable to Close on Radar/Vis 10/19/1955 #17588 nd Complaer. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) F-89 Has Radar LockOn (NICAP: 09 1/11/1956 #17751 ipoli, Libya (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Object Tracked For 12 Minutes (NI 1/24/1956 #17778 ler AFB), MS (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 2/7/1956 #17798 Spokane, WA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 3/3/1956 #17851 an Diego, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Object Tracked At 59,000' (NICAP: 6/29/1956 #18046 vestigations and create a Security Index of over 200,000 dangerous American 8/1956 #18164 (Jan Aldrich; McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar / Visual With CPS6B (NICAP: 8/10/1956 #18190 OR Camillo. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Object Tracked At 54,000 Feet (NI 8/20/1956 #18232 Island, Den (McDonald list; FUFOR Index); Objects Orbiting Location & Trac 8/22/1956 #18244 ess Pollock. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) GCA Targets Big As B36's (NICAP: 10/6/1956 #18405 ipoli, Libya (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) F-86's Had Radar Contact With Slo 10/17/1956 #18426 nt Arena, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Two Objects Tracked By Ground Rad 11/4/1956 #18450 s Cruces, NM (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 54 Targets / Two Ground Radars & 2/7/1957 #18656 o, LA Martin (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Nebulous Targets At High Altitude 2/13/1957 #18672 S, NM Meyer. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Two Objects On AN/FPS-3 (NICAP: 0 2/13/1957 #18673 stle AFB, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 6,000 MPH Objects On Three CPN-18 2/27/1957 #18689 Airport, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Rectangular Targets Tracked On Ra 3/22/1957 #18725 hord AFB, WA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) One Vertical Descending Radar Tar 6/14/1957 #18919 bria AFS, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar/Visual; F2H Fighter & FPS-6 8/22/1957 #19136 Tulsa, OK (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) APS-64 Tracks Object At 24,000 MP 9/12/1957 #19213 den, Germany (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) AN/TPS-1D Tracks Object Three Tim 10/22/1957 #19386 , CA Zibello (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 11/5/1957 #19587 ngen AFB, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 11/7/1957 #19728 gets Tracked (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 11/14/1957 #19829 Joliet, IL (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar Contact On Visuals By Five 11/23/1957 #19884 Mesa AFS, NM (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 11/26/1957 #19909 Minot, ND (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) FPS-6 Blip Travels 100 Miles in 2 11/30/1957 #19929 kaido, Japan (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Jets Scrambled After Radar/Visual 12/12/1957 #20008 rstock. (Hynek UFO Rpt p.43; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 1/3/1958 #20107 ggs AFB), TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Uncorrelated Targets on Gnd radar 1/9/1958 #20124 undland, CAN (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 2/25/1958 #20212 gging Object (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 2/25/1958 #20213 F3D Aircraft (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 5/3/1958 #20344 hof, Germany (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 5/28/1958 #20399 0-2.” https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-observed-by-us-a 1960 #21648 rget. https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and 9/1964 #24435 eds.” https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/three-former-u-s-air- Late 1964 #24503 .jpg https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/three-former-u-s-air- 7/31/1965 #25230 before the sighting, and his left index finger swelled and bled freely. Af 9/3/1965 #25542 arm; an alligator bite on his left index finger is suddenly relieved of pai 9/3/1965 #25548 before the sighting, and his left index finger swelled and bled freely. Af 9/3/1965 #25553 & Gnd Radar (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 9/5/1966 #27027 case[Same as Oct. 23 case?] (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 10/30/1966 #27253 sgow AFB, MT (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) MG-13 Radar Confirms Two Separate 2/23/1967 #27902 Houma, LA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar Visuals / MPS-14 & FPS-10 R 4/10/1967 #28414 nek-CUFOS-Willy Smith files; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/23/1967 #29103 ernville, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/30/1967 #29134 eloe AFB, MI (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 17 Unknowns In 80 Minute Period ( 9/11/1967 #29451 Amarillo, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 3/6/1968 #30327 lson AFB, AK (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Fairbanks RAPCON Has Returns (NIC 7/11/1968 #30693 by these beings who pricked their index and middle fingers to take a few d 8/31/1968 #30942 nor are there microfilm copies. No index of these records was made prior to 7/12/1973 #34561 ents. https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufo-fired-upon-as-it- 10/1973 #34852 a nail paring from her right hand index finger. A blood sample was taken w 10/16/1973 #35052 usted a small black box around the index finger of his left hand and instan 10/28/1973 #35282 . The other placed a device on the index finger of my left hand, they appli 10/28/1973 #35282 is hand and forming a "V" with his index and middle finger (note from vog: 12/1973 #35479 war. https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufo-activated-one-of- 3/1974 #35856 .png https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and 7/17/1974 #36337 id Shert, Type: G High Strangeness Index: 8 Reliability of Source: 7) [Comm 1/5/1975 #36841 lity. https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/former-usaf-missile-s 11/1977 #40172 aises a hand to his face: when his index finger comes into contact with his 9/10/1978 #41248 ast/ https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ex-cia-official-says- 5/1979 #42199 y. A black spot was printed on the index of his right hand, as if he had un 6/1980 #43073 oint. https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and 1984 #45049 http://members.aol.com/KFrnkovich/index.htm 5/1992 #48888 html https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/JohnE.Brandenburg 1994 #49869 at arm's length between thumb and index finger, the bell flew with a large 11/16/1994 #50410 ally. https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/triangular-shaped-ufo 10/1998 #52447 ing) https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/the-ufos-nukes-connec 9/27/2010 #54176 .htm https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/huge-ufo-sighted-near 10/23/2010 #54181 vent. https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-reported-near-ma 9/19/2012 #54231 n. * https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-reported-near-ma 9/19/2012 #54231 -states.html http://www.xvis.org/index.php/Main_Page https://www.sandia 5/2/2018 #54406 p://canadiannewsnetwork.net/mobile/index.html#p=1 (rg - can't access) 2/26/2019 #54445## Word: "index2", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
cejo - Source: http://www.elsur.cl/index2.html - 'Cronica' Newspaper, Chile 4/24/2000 #52832## Word: "indexing", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ial Institute is to handle machine indexing of all official reported sighti End of 7/1952 #11297## Word: "india", 128 instance(s) (Back to Top)
vision, the Emperor sent envoys to India to understand Buddhism better. The 61 #3 rlier he was in Goa, east coast of India, in the street, in front of his sh 1655 #516 INDIA, Mysore (Translated from French) I 1766 #729 Mysore (Translated from French) In India, rockets retained their favor and 1766 #729 INDIA, Symore (Translated from French) ( 1782 #756 ringapatam in the southern part of INDIA. "A single rocket killed three men 1792 #813 Balasore, India At 7:45 P.M., a group of observers 8/20/1794 #822 INDIA (Translated from French) A prolong 1838 #1008 India G. Pettitt reported a flying disk 1838 #1011 Delhi, India An exceptionally slow object obser 4/4/1849 #1085 BANGALORE, INDIA Lt. Hershel. Luminous disks stream 10/17/1849 #1091 vast superconstruction hovers over India. (Summer) Summer 1860 #1139 Dharamsala, India Following the day when a notable m 7/17/1860 #1142 INDIA, Dhurmsalla (Translated from Frenc 7/28/1860 #1144 INDIA, Calcutta (Translated from French) 12/1875 #1276 tna, a steamer of the British East India Company, suddenly see two huge lum 5/1880 #1337 Des Indes à la Planete Mars (From India to the Planet Mars) by Théodore Fl 1900 #2059 , Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Pakistan, India, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatr 11/12/1919 #2848 , ski, floats, 80 Wapiti flying in India survived in 1945. From 1969 the WE Early 1927 #2999 companions and was trying to reach India. He crossed the Himalayas between 2/1942 #3608 Himalaya Mountains, India Army Pilot Charles F. Lane reporte 1944 #3871 Kharagpur, India Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia Shor 8/11/1944 #3993 a B-29 bomber based at Kharagpur, India, on a bombing mission over Palemba 8/11/1944 #3993 BOMBAY, INDIA Dazzling fireball then round blue 6/6/1947 #4984 ing fireball was seen over Bombay, India. Then a round blue ball of light a 6/6/1947 #4985 INDIA, Bombay (Translated from French) A 6/7/1947 #4986 French) According to the "Times of India" UFOs were seen above Bombay. 6/7/1947 #4986 gh the Strait of Hormuz, bound for India. The night was clear and beautiful 1949 #7042 INDIA New Delhi (Translated from French) 3/15/1951 #8987 lying cigar" traversing the sky of India. George Franklin Floate, chief eng 3/15/1951 #8987 m Littéraire 1972 p.36) New Delhi, India. 10:20 a.m. Witnesses: 25 members 3/15/1951 #8987 nslated from French) In New Delhi (India), 25 members of an aeronautical cl 3/15/1951 #8988 NEW DELHI, INDIA Project Bluebook Case #908. 25 obs 3/15/1951 #8989 ALLAHABAD, INDIA Cylinder/cigar-shape leaves queer 3/15/1951 #8990 New Delhi, India 20+ Top Shelf Witnesses / Metallic 3/15/1951 #8991 New Delhi, India Witnesses: 25 members of a flying 3/15/1951 #8992 New Delhi, India 10:20 a.m. George F. Floate, chief 3/15/1951 #8993 ar the club’s hanger in New Delhi, India. The cloud is about 700 feet in le 3/15/1951 #8993 object over the city of New Delhi, India at 9:50 a.m. It gave off a black e 3/15/1951 #8994 New Delhi, India INDIA PILOT SEES CIGAR-SHAPED SAUC 3/18/1951 #8995 New Delhi, India INDIA PILOT SEES CIGAR-SHAPED SAUCER. AP 3/18/1951 #8995 NEW DELHI, INDIA Same observer(s). Same craft parks 3/29/1951 #8999 andra Bose International Airport], India Jagalgori BOAC Flight 783, a de Ha 5/2/1953 #13357 andra Bose International Airport], India, killing all 43 on board. Witnesse 5/2/1953 #13357 MANBHUM, INDIA Hundreds / observer(s). Saucer hov 9/15/1954 #15073 Bihar, India Gray disc hovered, emitted smoke a 9/15/1954 #15077 lda Manbhum district, West Bengal, India Ijapada Chatterjee, the manager of 9/15/1954 #15079 the Manbhum district, West Bengal, India. It hovers, then soars upwards at 9/15/1954 #15079 n this afternoon in Kadori, Bihar, India a noisy disc-shaped object approxi 9/15/1954 #15081 DHUBRI, INDIA Woman. "Luminous plate" lands in f 10/1/1954 #15360 Dhubri, India A woman reported to police she had 10/1/1954 #15377 re is one from the Assam region of India, two are from Italy, and the remai 10/1/1954 #15392 A woman in Dhubri, Assam, India reported to police that she had se 10/1/1954 #15393 PATNA, BIHAR, INDIA 800 observer(s). 15' saucer going 10/3/1954 (approximate) #15451 AT for this day. There is one from India, one from Lebanon, one from Quebec 10/3/1954 #15495 BOMBAY, INDIA 100+observer(s). Dark silent disk 10/8/1954 #15653 SHAMSABAD, INDIA 5M saucer / ground. Small humanoid 10/14/1954 #15905 NEAR CALCUTTA, INDIA Airport Air Traffic Controller and 10/31/1954 #16450 RUPAR, INDIA Hundreds / observer(s). Saucer goi 11/26/1954 #16683 INDIA, Kariambkam (Madras) (Translated f 11/27/1954 #16688 KARUMBAKHAM, INDIA 100 observer(s). Saucer lands / ro 11/27/1954 #16691 dred people in Kariambkam, Madras, India saw the passage of a UFO described 11/27/1954 #16693 VUYYURU, INDIA Numerous observer(s). 5 silent cig 4/27/1956 #17925 over Vuyyuru, Andra Pradesh State, India in a delta formation at 8:30 p.m. 4/27/1956 #17926 BOMBAY, INDIA Many observer(s). Blue saucer hove 2/4/1957 #18654 Russia India Mars Between 6:38 and 6:40 p.m. Al 12/6/1958 #20856 .m. Along the border of Russia and India, an observer sees a bright UFO cro 12/6/1958 #20856 Kolkata, India Varanasi, India George Adamski mee 4/17/1959 #21138 Kolkata, India Varanasi, India George Adamski meets with Sisir Ku 4/17/1959 #21138 nasi during a stopover in Kolkata, India. 4/17/1959 #21138 New Delhi, India (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 7/14/1959 #21299 Indian Ocean southwest of India 8:39 p.m. In the Indian Ocean sout 6/15/1963 #23576 . In the Indian Ocean southwest of India, 3rd Mate R. C. Chamberlin of the 6/15/1963 #23576 INDIA, between Bombay and Madras (Transl 1964 #23950 Lima (Translated from French) (cf: India, between Bombay and Madras, 1964) 1/1967 #27483 LAITKROH AND DYMPEP, INDIA 25' saucer going down / river. Suc 10/13/1967 #29663 On this day in Shillong, India an object at 500 feet altitude swo 10/17/1967 #29680 Translated from French) At Dympep (India), a 7.5 m diameter rotating object 10/27/1967 #29782 Dympep, India A spinning object, 7.5 m in diamet 10/27/1967 #29794 In Dympep, India a spinning multicolored object emi 10/27/1967 #29800 ston "that between the capsule and India they are flying over, there is an 11/14/1969 #32107 ternative medicine, made a trip to India and the Himalayas. In 1971 he rece 1971 #32675 northwest of Sidney, Nebraska LCC India, southwest of Sunol, Nebraska Late Autumn 1973 #34805 HF radio, he hears the crew at LCC India, southwest of Sunol, Nebraska, ord Autumn 1973 #34805 to investigate an alarm at one of India’s 10 launch sites. The guards find Autumn 1973 #34805 INDIA, Mahabaleswar (near Bombay) (Trans 5/16/1974 #36159 : Underground, confirmed. Country: India Yield: 12KT 5/18/1974 #36164 Central India, India DC-10 encountered object wi 6/22/1976 #38529 Central India, India DC-10 encountered object with wind 6/22/1976 #38529 INDIA, Madras (Translated from French) A 7/1/1976 #38553 BOMBAY TO/FROM CALCUTTA, INDIA DC10 pilot. Large object with brig 7/22/1976 #38587 India 3 and India site, MT 10:03 p.m. Wh 9/8/1976 #38772 India 3 and India site, MT 10:03 p.m. White, triangu 9/8/1976 #38772 42 miles west of Varanasi, India The crew of an Indian Air Force je 1/11/1977 #39169 flying 42 miles west of Varanasi, India, when it encounters three luminesc 1/11/1977 #39169 se International Airport] Kolkata, India 11:15 p.m. As Air India Flight 9, 7/16/1977 #39771 ] Kolkata, India 11:15 p.m. As Air India Flight 9, piloted by Capt. Dingra, 7/16/1977 #39771 International Airport] in Kolkata, India, air traffic controllers notice a 7/16/1977 #39771 NEW DELHI, INDIA Metal sphere/orb/globe trails stea 3/17/1978 #40603 Mumbai, India Many residents of Mumbai, India, s Mid 4/1978 #40715 i, India Many residents of Mumbai, India, sight a bright white, streak-like Mid 4/1978 #40715 ISLAMPUR, INDIA Fireball yanks tin roofs and trink 7/10/1979 #42324 Hyderabad, India 9:00 p.m. A group of nine family m 4/20/1980 #43005 on their front lawn in Hyderabad, India, and see a bell-shaped cloud formi 4/20/1980 #43005 (Translated from French) India launches its Rohini satellite and 7/18/1980 #43149 NEAR GUWAHATI, INDIA Air Force pilot. Shiny white round 8/5/1981 #43887 ndian Air Force jet near Guwahati, India. 8/5/1981 #43890 KANKER, INDIA Many observer(s). Hazy round objec 2/16/1982 #44203 CHIKALTANA WEATHER OBSERVER(S), INDIA Separate observer(s). Thin blue cy 3/18/1982 #44254 India, Mudumalai Reserve (Translated fro 4/1982 #44281 n Mysore and Otacamund in southern India, noticed a bright white light blin 4/1982 #44281 PONDA, GOA, INDIA 2 girls. Silent saucer / 25M altit 4/7/1996 #51501 igned but not ratified the treaty; India, North Korea, and Pakistan have no 9/10/1996 #51679 India, Bombay (Translated from French) J 11/9/1996 #51790 he Order of St. Anne in Bangalore, India, said that God was giving them a s 12/19/1996 #51834 KHIMSAR, INDIA 12+observer(s). Orange-yellow glow 12/24/1997 #52231 ground, confirmed, salvo. Country: India Name: “Shakti-1” 5/11/1998 #52344 ground, confirmed, salvo. Country: India Name: “Shakti-4” Yield: .6KT 5/13/1998 #52346 spots" in the Middle East, China, India, and Pakistan. 8/12/1998 #52414 INDIA, New Delhi (Translated from French 4/8/2000 #52819 nternational Airport in New Delhi, India at 11:55 p.m. It flew at a high al 4/8/2000 #52820 ted in the village of Anand Vihar, India on this night. Hundreds of village 5/1/2001 #53035 ed for 7-8 minutes over New Delhi, India. It looked like two saucers invert 8/15/2001 #53097 st, flew inland over Tiruvanmiyur, India at 9:50 p.m. local time. It then f 5/19/2003 #53410 over Yamuna Nagar, Haryana State, India. Stationary at first, the UFO flew 7/31/2004 #53592 dra Tapu valley, Himachal Pradesh, India Ahmedabad Early morning. A five-me 9/27/2004 #53632 dra Tapu valley, Himachal Pradesh, India, at an elevation of 17,000 feet. T 9/27/2004 #53632 In Northern India (exact location not given), the wi 4/25/2007 #53896## Word: "indian", 140 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the middle, with the colors of an Indian cockerel's throat that the specta 1586 #436 the color akin to the throat of an Indian rooster. The cloud eventually rea 1586 #438 e the light wheels observed in the Indian Ocean or the Persian Gulf. The ca 1739 #656 ted Colonel Gerrard of the British Indian Army. 1792 #813 -to-30-foot-long car resembling an Indian canoe with light wings, including 1/1897 #1616 ng and its shape evoked that of an Indian canoe. Four luminous wings emerge 4/1/1897 #1658 e team, which was led by an Apache Indian from the San Carlos reservation, 9/1899 #2052 ngos laughed skeptically, only the Indian believed Jorge and even showed fe 9/1899 #2052 ather was nowhere to be found. The Indian guide then remarked that there we 9/1899 #2052 ts of Mather in the sand. Then the Indian mounted his horse and returned to 9/1899 #2052 Fort Washakie, Wyoming Wind River Indian Reservation Earl J. Duncan and a 1933 #3177 shakie, Wyoming, on the Wind River Indian Reservation. As they reach the cr 1933 #3177 Fort Washakie, WY INDIAN RESERVATION HAS THREE SPACE VISIT 1934 #3231 objects in the sky above Shoshone Indian Reservation near Fort Washakie. T 1934 #3231 Indian Ocean Greenish globe. Non-US mili 9/1941 #3570 Indian Ocean An American B-29 over the I 1944 #3886 an Ocean An American B-29 over the Indian Ocean was closely observed by a U 1944 #3886 Papago Indian Reservation W.H. (initials) of Yu 1/1947 #4843 to buy they came upon the Papagos Indian Reservation, north of the rugged 1/1947 #4843 tion. They arrive near the Papagos Indian Reservation, on the north side of 1/1947 #4844 g quickly north / great speed over Indian reservation. 5K' altitude. 7/1/1947 #5261 INDIAN LAKE, OH 1 observer. Large silver 8/29/1948 #6842 n sky at 40,000 feet altitude over Indian School Road southeast of Phoenix, 3/10/1950 #7884 00 km/h)." Two jet fighters of the Indian Air Force were ordered to take of 3/15/1951 #8987 sound." Varma mentioned 20 fellow Indian pilots also noticed the sudden ap 3/18/1951 #8995 rt for special duty the next day. (Indian Springs AFB.) 5/20/1953 #13388 nt” that day and “got picked up at Indian Springs AFB…for a job I can’t wri 5/21/1953 #13405 itness thought they were pilots of Indian race. One of them spoke to him in 8/18/1953 #13622 e he is in a meditative trance, an Indian yoga master enters his flat and t 5/8/1954 #14410 USA, Indian Lake, Ohio. (Translated from Fren 6/25/1954 #14622 (Translated from French) At Indian Lake (Ohio), the experienced priv 6/25/1954 #14623 INDIAN LAKE, OH Project Bluebook Case #3 6/25/1954 #14624 Indian Lake, OH Navion Encounters Flat-B 6/25/1954 #14626 Indian Lake, Ohio Witnesses: experienced 6/25/1954 #14627 as sighted by a private pilot over Indian Lake, Ohio at 4:05 p.m. Jets were 6/25/1954 #14629 lahoma (Translated from French) An Indian woman met a dark-skinned, long-ha Mid 8/1954 #14860 night in 1957, members of a local Indian tribe saw a luminous object land 6/5/1957 #18898 7 MILE(S) SOUTHEAST / INDIAN HEAD, SSK 2 / farm. 3M and blue-w 10/7/1958 #20689 Indian Ocean Fourth Officer G. Gendall o 9/18/1961 #22504 cargo ship Queensland Star, in the Indian Ocean, sees a white UFO through a 9/18/1961 #22504 Indian Head, NH Betty & Barney Hill Case 9/19/1961 #22509 Indian Head, New Hampshire Mr. and Mrs. 9/19/1961 #22511 onia Notch Old Man of the Mountain Indian Head (north of Lincoln) 10:30 p.m 9/19/1961 #22516 Mountain. About one mile south of Indian Head (north of Lincoln), the obje 9/19/1961 #22516 hrough the White Mountains. Around Indian Head, New Hamsphire they stopped 9/19/1961 #22517 local time, a weather observer at Indian Springs AFB, Nevada saw several o 9/30/1961 #22541 ed from French) Observation in the Indian Ocean (14' -17" North, 69' 57" Ea 6/15/1963 #23571 INDIAN OCEAN 69° 57E-14° 17N Project Blu 6/15/1963 #23573 Indian Ocean southwest of India 8:39 p.m 6/15/1963 #23576 outhwest of India 8:39 p.m. In the Indian Ocean southwest of India, 3rd Mat 6/15/1963 #23576 ed large luminous masses above the Indian Ocean during his flight. (Philipp 10/3/1963 #23793 Shirra. Large luminous masses over Indian ocean. Lightning clouds? 10/3/1963 #23794 ite "TRANSIT 5" fell back into the Indian Ocean, very close to Madagascar; 4/1964 #24006 nd to bring peace to the world. An Indian who tried to approach the machine 2/21/1965 #24776 At least 50 members of the Toba Indian tribe in Chalac, Formosa Province 2/21/1965 #24779 LAPOINT, UT Indian. Silver disk = classic saucer see 9/15/1966 #27069 INDIAN LAKE, MICH 14 observer(s). UFO se 10/7/1966 #27162 rris-wheel night light hovers over Indian Reservation / hours. Going east. 10/11/1966 #27184 ine-des-Cafres, La Reunion Island, Indian Ocean 9:00 a.m. Luce Fontaine, 31 7/31/1968 #30799 La Plaine des Cafres Réunion Indian Ocean Madagascar La Soucoupe Vola 7/31/1968 #30801 s on the island of Réunion (in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar), when h 7/31/1968 #30801 a farmer on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, was picking some grass for 7/31/1968 #30802 Fort Hall Indian Reservation Idaho Contactee Paul 7/12/1969 #31890 shone-Bannock Indians at Fort Hall Indian Reservation in Idaho about a migr 7/12/1969 #31890 tion in Idaho about a migration of Indian peoples and the coming of a True 7/12/1969 #31890 naged to convince a number of Hopi Indian elders, among them Chief Dan Katc 8/7/1970 #32475 e red object over the southwestern Indian Ocean. It was not more than 30-50 9/20/1973 #34793 ton du Calvaire Petite Île Réunion Indian Ocean 12:05 p.m. Antoine Séverin, 2/14/1975 #36948 e southern coast of Réunion in the Indian Ocean, when he hears a deafening 2/14/1975 #36948 Toppenish Ridge Yakama Indian Reservation Washington State Late 12/14/1975 #38071 long Toppenish Ridge in the Yakama Indian Reservation in Washington State w 12/14/1975 #38071 Reunion, a French territory in the Indian Ocean, while in the presence of a 3/27/1976 #38345 Reunion, a French territory in the Indian Ocean while in the presence of a 3/27/1976 #38347 e two craft. They were "dressed in Indian or gypsy clothing" and talked in 6/9/1976 #38494 Indian Air Force Pakistani border Two In 7/11/1976 #38568 ian Air Force Pakistani border Two Indian Air Force MiG 21 jets are scrambl 7/11/1976 #38568 relook at Satus Peak on the Yakima Indian Reservation in Washington State a 8/5/1976 #38645 of Varanasi, India The crew of an Indian Air Force jet transport is flying 1/11/1977 #39169 5' small humanoid (or Grey) visits Indian farmer"comes often. with night li 10/18/1977 #40108 Indian Ocean South China Sea Malacca Str 8/23/1978 #41148 n board the tanker MV Ficus in the Indian Ocean [or the South China Sea] 26 8/23/1978 #41148 tern Cape, South Africa A resident Indian woman sees a disc-shaped object t 9/29/1978 #41380 associated with a UFO sighting in Indian Lake, Hamilton County, New York s 11/1/1978 #41526 ies, NEW MEXICO On the Santa Clara Indian Reservation, two cows were mutila 11/13/1978 #41573 INDIAN TRAIL, NC 2 / US74. Red night lig 6/7/1979 #42273 the sky were made from the Yakima Indian Reservation, Washington State fro 9/11/1979 #42549 tus Peak tower Yakama, Washington, Indian Reservation Goat Rocks Wilderness 9/12/1979 #42554 k tower on the Yakama, Washington, Indian Reservation sees a large orange b 9/12/1979 #42554 South Africa Indian Ocean Western Cape 6:00 p.m. Russ 5/5/1981 #43743 South Africa and moving toward the Indian Ocean. After doing some gymnastic 5/5/1981 #43743 Yakama Indian Reservation Washington State 12:1 6/10/1981 #43778 ion Washington State 12:15 a.m. An Indian couple on the Yakama Indian Reser 6/10/1981 #43778 .m. An Indian couple on the Yakama Indian Reservation in Washington State a 6/10/1981 #43778 atus Peak fire tower on the Yakima Indian Reservation in central Washington 6/22/1981 #43803 opelia Tower station on the Yakima Indian Reservation in Washington State r 7/4/1981 #43815 Yakama Indian Reservation in Washington State 1 7/15/1981 #43835 re control lookouts, on the Yakama Indian Reservation in Washington State, 7/15/1981 #43835 shot straight up when chased by an Indian Air Force jet near Guwahati, Indi 8/5/1981 #43890 the Moon had splashed down in the Indian Ocean. Precisely, Cosmos 1374 lan 6/3/1982 #44359 ecisely, Cosmos 1374 landed in the Indian Ocean, 550 km south of the Cocos 6/3/1982 #44359 ights light canyon. Object lands / Indian family land. 8/10/1982 #44441 Indian Ocean 7:30 p.m. An ultrasensitive 5/5/1984 #45278 , and then flies below it over the Indian Ocean. The encounter lasts 9 minu 5/5/1984 #45278 t, and then flew below it over the Indian Ocean. The unknown object changed 5/5/1984 #45281 te before flying below it over the Indian Ocean. It is moving 22,000 mph, c 5/5/1984 #45282 INDIAN POINT, NY Guards. Dark 30' saucer 6/14/1984 #45325 Indian Pt Nuclear Plant, NY 10:30 PM. Gu 6/14/1984 #45326 Plant, NY 10:30 PM. Guards at the Indian Point nuclear power plant on the 6/14/1984 #45326 New York State Power Authority Indian Point Nuclear Plant Buchanan, New 6/14/1984 #45327 r Authority security police at the Indian Point Nuclear Plant near Buchanan 6/14/1984 #45327 At 10:30 p.m. guards at the Indian Point nuclear power plant on the 6/14/1984 #45328 nd / SR 35. Delta object seen. See Indian Point Nuclear Facility. 6/24/1984 #45342 INDIAN PT. REACTOR, NY Very large delta/ 7/24/1984 #45378 Indian Pt Nuclear Plant, NY 9:00 PM. A v 7/24/1984 #45379 00 feet over an active vent of the Indian Point Nuclear Plant cooling tower 7/24/1984 #45379 Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, 7/24/1984 #45381 skill 9:00 p.m. Security police at Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, 7/24/1984 #45381 00 feet over an active vent of the Indian Point Nuclear Plant cooling tower 7/24/1984 #45383 Security police at Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, 7/24/1984 #45385 Groom Lake Indian Springs Air Force Base [now Creec 4/6/1989 #47065 work at Groom Lake and is taken to Indian Springs Air Force Base [now Creec 4/6/1989 #47065 uarius. Also alleges the Jicarilla Indian Reservation is being used for tes 5/13/1992 #48915 es Wackenhut Corp. and the Cabazon Indian Reservation used a joint venture 8/1/1993 #49600 ovoid-shaped object hover over the Indian Ocean for 85 minutes, emitting ra 4/2/1994 #50012 rver. Disks and triangles fly over Indian reservation. "Dramatic". 1/1/1995 #50497 ck in the morning, several Quechua Indian shepherds tending their flocks wa 1/31/1996 #51370 sins, Réunion, on the shore of the Indian Ocean a six-meter long luminous g 3/1/1996 #51439 llation is beneath Cheech AFB near Indian Springs, NV as well. * https:// 8/30/1996 #51665 eam going down [to] over / ancient Indian ruins. 6/23/1997 #52061 ie on the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean a luminous tortoise-shaped 8/15/1997 #52119 Lincoln, New Hampshire Indian Head Resort UFO researchers Karl 9/2000 #52894 se in depth. It takes place at the Indian Head Resort in Lincoln, New Hamps 9/2000 #52894 yer, are compiled in Encounters at Indian Head. 9/2000 #52894 Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field Late 9/2002 #53272 uard an entry control point at the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field Late 9/2002 #53272 At 2:10 a.m. three witnesses in Indian Mountain, New Brunswick, Canada s 2/9/2003 #53354 gh) led by Anil V. Kulkarni of the Indian Space Research Organization’s Spa 9/27/2004 #53632 Creech Air Force Base in Nevada Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field 10/2005 #53753 Force Base in Nevada, formerly the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field 10/2005 #53753 Thakung Lake Pangong Tso Himalayas Indian Army troops deployed along the Ch 8/1/2012 #54228## Word: "indiana", 444 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA Around 2:30 A.M., a large o 6/8/1869 #1201 sylvania Columbus, Ohio Rochester, Indiana 8:30–8:45 p.m. A bright bolide t 12/21/1876 #1282 ls 3 miles northwest of Rochester, Indiana, at the same time. 12/21/1876 #1282 USA, Bloomington (Indiana) (Translated from French) A ligh 9/7/1877 #1294 Bloomington, Indiana, USA Mr. John Graham observed a 9/7/1877 #1295 USA, South Bend (Indiana) (Translated from French) The Le 12/24/1890 #1478 from the small town of South Bend (Indiana), Tom Lerch, his family and his 12/24/1890 #1479 Fort Wayne, Indiana During the same period, an objec 4/1897 #1656 ed flying rapidly over Fort Wayne, Indiana. Another observer noted a slight 4/1897 #1656 Atkinson (Wisconsin) and Winemac (Indiana). It was also observed for a qua 4/10/1897 #1688 this night a farmer in Lock Mills, Indiana claimed he was visited by a man 4/11/1897 #1712 Lock Mills, Indiana During April 1897, amidst the ai 4/11/1897 #1715 visible occupants. In Lock Mills, Indiana, a man claimed to have been visi 4/11/1897 #1715 USA, Gas (Indiana) (Translated from French) At aro 4/14/1897 #1748 Gas City, Indiana An object landed 2 km south of G 4/14/1897 #1754 Burlington Frankfort, Indiana Middle Fork of Wildcat Creek Ear 4/14/1897 #1756 kmen from Burlington to Frankfort, Indiana. When they are at the middle for 4/14/1897 #1756 Gas City, Indiana 3:00 p.m. An airship looking lik 4/14/1897 #1758 immense bird” approaches Gas City, Indiana, from the northwest. As it draws 4/14/1897 #1758 Marion, Indiana 3:00 p.m. A brownish cigar-shape 4/14/1897 #1759 with wings passes south of Marion, Indiana, coming from the northwest. Six 4/14/1897 #1759 lock in the afternoon in Gas City, Indiana an object landed two kilometers 4/14/1897 #1767 ell, Iowa Barr Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana Springfield (Ill.) Fort Wayne, I Mid 4/1897 #1799 ana Springfield (Ill.) Fort Wayne, Indiana Early evening. J. W. Lansing see Mid 4/1897 #1799 ment on Barr Street in Fort Wayne, Indiana, when he notices a yellowish lig Mid 4/1897 #1799 Bluffton, Indiana A cigar-shaped airship descended 4/16/1897 #1836 Upland, Indiana An airship landed at a feed mill 4/17/1897 #1859 landed at a feed mill near Upland, Indiana. A heavyset man with long whiske 4/17/1897 #1859 Muncie, Indiana an airship landed near Muncie, a 4/17/1897 #1860 Kokomo, Indiana 10:10 p.m. A ball of fire is see 4/22/1897 #1919 outhwest to northeast over Kokomo, Indiana. Some people can distinguish the 4/22/1897 #1919 Cassville, Indiana 1:00 a.m. Edwin Shaffer is drivi 5/2/1897 #1970 t one-half mile west of Cassville, Indiana, when he encounters a landed air 5/2/1897 #1970 Cassville, Indiana During the 1896-1897 mystery air 5/3/1897 #1971 specific incident near Cassville, Indiana, on May 3, 1897, a man encounter 5/3/1897 #1971 Helmer, Indiana In 1903, a farm family in Indian 1903 #2101 Indiana In 1903, a farm family in Indiana observed a large, glowing object 1903 #2101 USA, Helmer (Indiana) (Translated from French) Madge 3/17/1903 #2103 Helmer, Indiana Mid-evening. Madge Brosius, 12, 3/17/1903 #2105 s” over the family farm in Helmer, Indiana. Its inside is illuminated, and 3/17/1903 #2105 some trees over a farm in Helmer, Indiana. As the man ran toward the objec 3/17/1903 #2106 USA, Stratford (Indiana) (Translated from French) E.A. P 9/13/1903 #2107 h) E.A. Perkings, President of the Indiana Labor Federation, was observing 9/13/1903 #2107 Rolling Prairie, Indiana Tom Darby, with his brother and 1904 #2116 Rolling Prairie, Indiana 10:00 p.m. When Tony Darby goes 6/1904 #2126 5 miles north of Rolling Prairie, Indiana, he notices two round, orange-co 6/1904 #2126 Indianapolis, Indiana Irvington Late afternoon. Hundre 9/16/1906 #2166 undreds of people in Indianapolis, Indiana, see a “cigar-shaped object” lik 9/16/1906 #2166 Indianapolis, Indiana 5:00 p.m. An airship again float 10/7/1906 #2168 theastern portion of Indianapolis, Indiana, and is seen by many as it turns 10/7/1906 #2168 La Porte, Indiana In 1906, the crew of a cargo shi 1909 #2255 ears later in 1909, churchgoers in Indiana witnessed a strange craft resemb 1909 #2255 Bloomingdale, Indiana 9:00 a.m. Several hundred reside 9/3/1909 #2429 hundred residents of Bloomingdale, Indiana, see a “dirigible balloon” pass 9/3/1909 #2429 Edinburgh, Indiana Taylorsville Evening. A balloon 9/30/1909 #2433 om Chicago” passes over Edinburgh, Indiana. Its anchor somehow gets entangl 9/30/1909 #2433 La Porte, Indiana 10:30 p.m. Rev. Ruth Smith and s 10/1909 #2435 are riding in a wagon in La Porte, Indiana, when the horses rear and a blin 10/1909 #2435 USA, Lafayette (Indiana) (Translated from French) In the Summer 1913 #2601 USA, Rensselaer (Indiana) (Translated from French) One da Summer 1916 #2742 DePauw University Greencastle, Indiana Two DePauw University college st 1923 #2914 red object pass over Greencastle, Indiana. The object, round and glowing, 1923 #2914 Richmond, Indiana In 1923, an Indiana farm boy cla 1923 #2917 Richmond, Indiana In 1923, an Indiana farm boy claimed to have encount 1923 #2917 ench) (Source: Evansville Courier (Indiana, USA) 12.8.1998) Title: "Illinoi 6/1923 #2920 , now geological consultant to the Indiana Soil Testing Laboratory of Griff Summer 1945 #4316 il Testing Laboratory of Griffith, Indiana. Crawford is a graduate of the U Summer 1945 #4316 nd, were seen heading northeast to Indiana, bypassing Chicago. They were th 9/11/1946 #4756 r. Miller, a farmer in Logansport, Indiana heard a whining roar that drew h 7/6/1947 #5623 uickly northwest. Seems to land in Indiana. 7/7/1947 #5732 ivate pilot flying over Westfield, Indiana reporting seeing a small "Graf-Z 5/12/1948 #6669 USA, Indianapolis (Indiana) (Translated from French) 9:55 a 7/29/1948 #6792 ated from French) In Indianapolis (Indiana), James Toney and Robert Huggins 7/29/1948 #6793 Indianapolis, Indiana An object swept over a road at 1 7/29/1948 #6796 Indianapolis, Indiana Witnesses: James Toney, Robert H 7/29/1948 #6797 Indianapolis, Indiana 9:18 a.m. James Toney and Robert 7/29/1948 #6798 both employees of an Indianapolis, Indiana, rug cleaning firm, are in a tru 7/29/1948 #6798 rug cleaning firm in Indianapolis, Indiana saw a shiny aluminum object, sha 7/29/1948 #6799 USA, Indianapolis, Indiana. (Translated from French) 8:25 a 7/31/1948 #6800 ated from French) At Indianapolis (Indiana), Vernon Swigert, an electrician 7/31/1948 #6801 Indianapolis, Indiana Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon 7/31/1948 #6806 south-central Indianapolis, Indiana 8:25 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sw 7/31/1948 #6807 ert of south-central Indianapolis, Indiana, see a cymbal-shaped or domed- d 7/31/1948 #6807 In Indianapolis, Indiana at 8:25 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon 7/31/1948 #6808 USA, South Bend (Indiana) (Translated from French) At 11: 10/13/1948 #6899 Gary, Indiana INDIANA SEES ONE DEFY PERSPECTIV 4/28/1949 #7276 Gary, Indiana INDIANA SEES ONE DEFY PERSPECTIVE LAW. L 4/28/1949 #7276 Indiana State Prison in Michigan City, I 4/28/1949 #7286 ana State Prison in Michigan City, Indiana 8:00 a.m. Businessman and privat 4/28/1949 #7286 r is flying at 3,000 feet near the Indiana State Prison in Michigan City, I 4/28/1949 #7286 ana State Prison in Michigan City, Indiana, when he sees a metallic disc mo 4/28/1949 #7286 a flooded quarry north of Delphi, Indiana saw two 40-foot long metallic UF 7/23/1949 #7468 two miles east of the junction of Indiana State Hwy 66 and 261 north of Ne 3/4/1950 #7845 USA, Kokomo, Indiana. (Translated from French) 2 a.m. 4/8/1950 #8129 cf. Don Berliner). Above northern Indiana, another T.W.A. DC3 saw a UFO re 4/8/1950 #8129 Translated from French) In Kokomo, Indiana, Earl Baker is awoken by his dog 4/8/1950 #8130 Kokomo, Indiana A metal worker was awakened by h 4/8/1950 #8138 Kokomo, Indiana Witness: Earl Baker. One grey m 4/8/1950 #8140 l Baker, a metal worker in Kokomo, Indiana was awakened by his dog and obse 4/8/1950 #8142 USA, Goshen (Indiana) in flight (Translated from Fren 4/27/1950 #8221 nslated from French) Above Goshen (Indiana), sighting by pilot Robert Adick 4/27/1950 #8222 South Bend, Indiana TWA PILOTS SEE ONE GO BY ON EXPR 4/27/1950 #8224 Goshen, Indiana 8:25 p.m. TWA Flight 117 pilot C 4/27/1950 #8237 F. Manning are flying near Goshen, Indiana, when they see a bright-red disc 4/27/1950 #8237 liner being flown over South Bend, Indiana by the crew named Adickes, Manni 4/27/1950 #8238 of what was collected that day in Indiana. (June 23, 1950) 6/23/1950 #8354 lated from French) At Terre Haute (Indiana), Roy Messmore, Director of Comm 10/9/1951 #9312 Terre Haute, Indiana Witness: CAA Chief Aircraft Com 10/9/1951 #9321 t] five miles east of Terre Haute, Indiana Paris, Illinois 1:42 p.m. A fast 10/9/1951 #9322 ], five miles east of Terre Haute, Indiana. At 1:45 p.m., private pilot Cha 10/9/1951 #9322 Municipal Airport in Terre Haute, Indiana sighted a round silver object th 10/9/1951 #9323 Terre Haute, Indiana ZIPPING AGAIN IN THE SKY. Two CA 10/10/1951 #9325 A man from Lincoln was driving to Indiana when he saw a blue light in the 12/1951 #9441 rcled the powerplant in Mishawaka, Indiana. It flew off quickly toward St. 5/9/1952 #10095 lated from French) At Terre Haute (Indiana), 2nd Lieutenant of the USAF C. 6/26/1952 #10543 Terre Haute, Indiana Witness: USAF 2nd Lt. C. W. Pov 6/26/1952 #10552 USA, Rockville, Indiana. (Translated from French) 8:10 p 7/21/1952 #10971 Rockville, Indiana Witnesses: one military officer 7/21/1952 #10998 nslated from French) In Rockville, Indiana, 1 military officer and 2 other 7/22/1952 #11011 lew across the sky over Rockville, Indiana. It stopped to hover about half 7/22/1952 #11061 USA, South Bend, Indiana. (Translated from French) 11:35 7/23/1952 #11066 slated from French) At South Bend (Indiana), the USAF Captain and pilot H. 7/23/1952 #11074 South Bend, Indiana Witness: USAF pilot Capt. H. W. 7/23/1952 #11118 tary personnel, over south central Indiana early today. The objects appeare 7/28/1952 #11308 Alexandria, Indiana 1:10 p.m. Willie Vaught of Alexa 7/30/1952 #11482 p.m. Willie Vaught of Alexandria, Indiana, sees a strange looking cloud an 7/30/1952 #11482 County Tippecanoe River Monterey, Indiana 10:30 p.m. John D. Moorman, depu Mid 8/1952 #11813 out 3 miles northwest of Monterey, Indiana. Moorman looks up and sees 7–8 o Mid 8/1952 #11813 Terre Haute, Indiana St. Louis, Missouri 9:30 p.m. A 2/1/1953 #13084 ying 10 miles west of Terre Haute, Indiana, sights a close group of moving 2/1/1953 #13084 white smoke appeared over Seymour, Indiana. These unusual smoke rings had l 12/10/1953 #13934 anslated from French) At La Porte (Indiana), highway engineer R. W. Dring a 5/22/1954 #14476 LaPorte, Indiana Witnesses: highway engineer R.W 5/22/1954 #14479 Richmond, Indiana 12:25 p.m. While flying on a pho 5/24/1954 #14490 miles west-northwest of Richmond, Indiana, in a B-17, USAF Maj. Leo N. Bru 5/24/1954 #14490 oto mapping mission over Richmond, Indiana and flying at an altitude of 18, 5/24/1954 #14491 Noblesville, Indiana George Hunt Williamson spends a Summer 1954 #14593 pends a few months in Noblesville, Indiana, working at Soulcraft Publicatio Summer 1954 #14593 In East Chicago, Indiana on this day two refinery workers 8/22/1954 #14892 Kentucky (Indiana & Ohio), Various Kentucky (India 11/12/1954 #16595 Indiana & Ohio), Various Kentucky (Indiana & Ohio), G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 11/12/1954 #16595 rmy Airfield at Fort Knox Bedford, Indiana Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton 11/12/1954 #16597 x. It is later sighted at Bedford, Indiana. Kentucky National Guard pilot L 11/12/1954 #16597 orce jets chased it over Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. It was also observed f 11/12/1954 #16599 On this afternoon in Dogtown, Indiana a woman swimming in the Ohio Riv 8/14/1955 #17411 Bedford, Indiana 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Lloyd Wright and 8/25/1955 #17472 nd Mrs. Lester Parsons of Bedford, Indiana, see a huge white object with a 8/25/1955 #17472 rom French) Sighting in Loogootee (Indiana). (October 8) 10/8/1955 #17568 Loogootee, Indiana Witnesses: R.D. Prather, H. Ahe 10/8/1955 #17572 object at 4:38 p.m. in Loogootee, Indiana that zoomed through the sky at a 10/8/1955 #17573 Indianapolis, Indiana Farmer John Hobner was forced by 10/23/1955 #17597 eton University, the University of Indiana’s School of Advanced Mathematica 11/20/1955 #17664 aclav Hlavaty of the University of Indiana, and Stanley Deser and Richard A 11/20/1955 #17664 ield Louisville, Kentucky Bedford, Indiana 3:24 p.m. Kentucky National Guar 1/31/1956 #17785 crashes 10 miles north of Bedford, Indiana, following some confusing inform 1/31/1956 #17785 Salem, Indiana About 6:30 a.m. A married couple 9/15/1956 #18363 arried couple is driving in Salem, Indiana, when they notice a saucer hover 9/15/1956 #18363 1 three miles south of Petersburg, Indiana a Mr. Malott had a close encount 11/30/1956 #18522 ne pilot flying over Indianapolis, Indiana and many others saw four brillia 1/24/1957 #18644 Peru, Indiana Night. A young woman is driving 8/1957 #19078 s driving home after work in Peru, Indiana, and notices people standing alo 8/1957 #19078 In Shelbyville, Indiana at 9:00 p.m. a three-meter long 8/18/1957 #19120 Covington, Indiana Mr. Moudy, a farmer, observed a 10/15/1957 #19357 Franklin County, Indiana Afternoon. Robert Moudy sees a g 10/15/1957 #19359 ve his combine in Franklin County, Indiana, at about 1,500 feet. It appears 10/15/1957 #19359 ed above his tractor in Covington, Indiana. The tractor engine failed when 10/15/1957 #19360 New Castle, Indiana An object looking like "a big me 11/5/1957 #19601 New Castle, Indiana. An object looking like "a big m 11/5/1957 #19612 Merom, Indiana Early evening. Varine “Rene” Gil 11/6/1957 #19695 n outhouse on his farm near Merom, Indiana. The whole farm and surrounding 11/6/1957 #19695 Merom, Indiana Ironworker Rene Gilham saw a bri 11/6/1957 #19712 In Bedford, Indiana a UFO was seen by a Mr. Merry at 11/9/1957 #19785 Hammond, Indiana 7:00 p.m. Many people see a UFO 11/10/1957 #19802 Many people see a UFO at Hammond, Indiana. Two policemen (Sgt. Charles J. 11/10/1957 #19802 nd cloud observed in Indianapolis, Indiana became a rectangular object with 11/25/1957 #19900 Owasco Kirklin, Indiana 3:10 a.m. A Monon Railroad freig 10/3/1958 #20678 veling between Owasco and Kirklin, Indiana, when a formation of four odd wh 10/3/1958 #20678 At 3:20 a.m. in Owasco, Indiana four big, soft white elliptical 10/3/1958 #20679 On this day in Bloomington, Indiana a torpedo-shaped object first ho 6/3/1959 #21199 women at a lake near Ogden Dunes, Indiana saw a glowing domed disc at six 8/13/1959 #21374 ion at Bunker Hill Air Force Base (Indiana). (September 13) 9/13/1959 #21429 Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana Witnesses: at least two control 9/13/1959 #21435 ower operators at Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana plus the pilot of a Mooney priva 9/13/1959 #21439 French) Sighting in Indianapolis (Indiana). (March 23) 3/23/1960 #21730 Indianapolis, Indiana Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. E.I. Lar 3/23/1960 #21733 r their residence in Indianapolis, Indiana that looked like a kite made up 3/23/1960 #21734 Dillsboro, IN S. Indiana/Dillsboro Nike Missile Station, 11/14/1960 #22092 Union Mills, Indiana Approximate date. A hemispherica 5/3/1961 #22308 resting on a road in Union Mills, Indiana. The time was ten o'clock in the 5/3/1961 #22309 La Porte, Indiana Eight km south of La Porte, 16-y 9/30/1961 #22540 ycle four miles south of La Porte, Indiana. It rose up into the sky while s 9/30/1961 #22542 Lafayette, Indiana Jerry Hislope, 20, was driving t 12/21/1961 #22680 t at 9:45 local time in Lafayette, Indiana a 2.5 meter diameter disc dove a 12/21/1961 #22681 French) Sighting in Indianapolis (Indiana). (June 21) 6/21/1962 #22955 Indianapolis, Indiana Witnesses: Lt. Col. H. King and 6/21/1962 #22958 t bomber flying over Indianapolis, Indiana sighted three bright, star-like 6/21/1962 #22962 In Kingsford Heights, Indiana at 8:30 p.m. two families watche 8/22/1962 #23097 e Hartle, Chairman of the LaPorte, Indiana NICAP Subcommittee, on a brief v 8/6/1963 #23677 two school children in Wheatfield, Indiana saw two small humanoids on the t 5/15/1964 #24146 Dale, Indiana Charles Englebrecht went outside 6/14/1964 #24238 Dale, Indiana 8:35 p.m. Charles Englebrecht, 1 6/14/1964 #24239 8, is watching TV at home in Dale, Indiana, when the house lights and TV su 6/14/1964 #24239 went outside at 9:30 p.m. in Dale, Indiana when his TV and all house lights 6/14/1964 #24240 raft crashed near Whitewater Lake, Indiana, as a result of an electrical di 1965 #24610 Noblesville, Indiana 9:50 p.m. Michael S. Henry and a 8/18/1965 #25439 ving 3 miles south of Noblesville, Indiana, when a large red lighted object 8/18/1965 #25439 In Noblesville, Indiana at 10:50 p.m. the engine and rad 8/18/1965 #25440 home between Sheridan and Lamong, Indiana at 1:05 p.m. when he saw a light 12/11/1965 #25825 -shaped UFO hover over Chesterton, Indiana at 2:30 in the afternoon. The UF 3/8/1966 #26042 66, police and others in La Porte, Indiana saw a 40-foot-long luminous foot 3/19/1966 #26091 Lexisburg, Indiana A civilian woman and her four ch 3/30/1966 #26269 9 miles north of Lewisburg, Indiana 8:35 p.m. A woman and her four c 3/30/1966 #26272 about 9 miles north of Lewisburg, Indiana. It comes close to the car and s 3/30/1966 #26272 try nine miles north of Lewisburg, Indiana at 10:35 p.m. when they observed 3/30/1966 #26277 Fremont, Indiana 11:25 p.m. While driving his son 7/22/1966 #26821 om the railway station in Fremont, Indiana, a realtor and retired WWII Navy 7/22/1966 #26821 Rushville, Indiana Several young witnesses reported 8/1/1966 #26875 Rushville, Indiana 7:45 p.m. Several children are p 8/1/1966 #26877 are playing outside in Rushville, Indiana, when they see an object hoverin 8/1/1966 #26877 eral young witnesses in Rushville, Indiana reported seeing an unidentified 8/1/1966 #26880 m. in Leiters Ford, Fulton County, Indiana and was witnessed by two familie 8/22/1966 #26958 d over trees, rose and descended. (Indiana NICAP Subcommittee report; NICAP 9/30/1966 #27129 John Street in Connersville, Indiana 5:00 a.m. Jack Jones is deliveri 10/4/1966 #27149 rs on John Street in Connersville, Indiana. He notices a group of lights in 10/4/1966 #27149 evel from Highway 44 in Rushville, Indiana making a "screaming sound." TV i 10/8/1966 #27171 ite objects was seen in Rushville, Indiana for over an hour by a group of w 10/29/1966 #27251 en door of her house in Arlington, Indiana and saw a lighted object, which 11/5/1966 #27286 m her kitchen window in Arlington, Indiana. The UFO was only 50 feet away. 11/11/1966 #27305 Taylorsville, Indiana - At 5:55 p.m. an egg-shaped obj 11/30/1966 #27395 iving down a road in New Richmond, Indiana had a close encounter with a bri 1/3/1967 #27495 ove a car on a road in Bruceville, Indiana at 8:30 p.m. It had lights on it 1/10/1967 #27532 ncis Bedel, Jr., (23) of Portland, Indiana, was driving on State Highway 13 1/17/1967 #27584 Freetown, Indiana F. Bedel, 23, driving on Route 1 1/17/1967 #27587 State Highway 135 Freetown, Indiana Night. Francis Bedel Jr. is driv 1/17/1967 #27588 135 five miles north of Freetown, Indiana, when a glowing white light dart 1/17/1967 #27588 ut 8 kilometers north of Freetown, Indiana on this night when he saw a plat 1/17/1967 #27589 ternoon, in an undisclosed town in Indiana when he heard a sound like a rum 1/19/1967 #27610 e other observers in Oakland City, Indiana. The UFO flew off to the northwe 2/5/1967 #27728 e 65 eight miles south of Seymour, Indiana at 7:50 p.m. when he encountered 2/9/1967 #27760 Milton, Indiana 6:30 a.m. As Mrs. James A. Cleve 2/22/1967 #27897 nds by her kitchen sink in Milton, Indiana, her collie dog jumps against th 2/22/1967 #27897 In Poland, Indiana at 10:10 p.m. four people in a c 3/1/1967 #27996 tnesses in northeast Indianapolis, Indiana sighted a fat, multi-colored cig 5/15/1967 #28680 INDIANA, PA 1 / car. Saucer with transpa 1/24/1968 #30174 John Everhart was driving home in Indiana, Pennsylvania at 3:30 p.m. when 1/24/1968 #30180 over some woods in Fayette County, Indiana. One of the objects landed, whil 1/24/1968 #30181 een low to the ground in Columbus, Indiana. It directed a searchlight towar 7/15/1968 #30704 iving near the city of Evansville, Indiana when she saw an object hovering 9/8/1968 #30982 tly through the skies over Linton, Indiana. It was half the size of a pea 9/21/1968 #31042 Subcommittee, then turned over to Indiana NICAP Subcommittee. (Ridge files 11/1968 #31167 Whitewater Lake, Indiana A retired Colonel from Wright-Pa 1969? #31382 ucer crashed near Whitewater Lake, Indiana as a result of an electrical dis 1969? #31382 ester Kaiser farm near Rising Sun, Indiana Evening. A localized power black 5/18/1969 #31749 ester Kaiser farm near Rising Sun, Indiana, for 2 hours. The next night, Ge 5/18/1969 #31749 USA, Rising Sun, (Indiana) (Translated from French) In the 5/19/1969 #31751 r, at 7:30 p.m. CDT in Rising Sun, Indiana George Kaiser noticed a strange 5/19/1969 #31755 s in and around the Michigan City, Indiana area, bordering Lake Michigan, s 6/20/1969 #31843 bjects were also viewed over Gary, Indiana and Chicago, Illinois. 6/20/1969 #31844 Vincennes, Indiana Wheatland Road 11:30 a.m. A 7-ye 8/30/1970 #32519 m. A 7-year-old girl in Vincennes, Indiana, sees a metallic disc in the eas 8/30/1970 #32519 seven-year-old girl in Vincennes, Indiana saw a metallic disc in the east- 8/30/1970 #32520 f the Whitlock family in Anderson, Indiana observed an unidentified aerial 5/16/1971 #32856 In Decatur County, Indiana west-northwest of Milhausen a fa 3/10/1972 #33405 n: 10 mins. (FI-4 /Palmiter/ MUFON Indiana) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) Summer 1973 #34499 8 p.m. a supervisor at the Goshen, Indiana rubber plant was called outside 7/10/1973 #34557 older man driving south of Milroy, Indiana a man saw a green, domed disc-sh 9/2/1973 #34688 a residential area of Fort Wayne, Indiana as it moved behind the treeline. 9/23/1973 #34807 ening two patrolmen in Fort Wayne, Indiana saw an unidentified light while 9/24/1973 #34809 this day. At 6:20 p.m. in Laurel, Indiana a disc the size of a house, with 10/5/1973 #34903 ved by the police in Connersville, Indiana about a circle of light that was 10/5/1973 #34903 In Connersville, Indiana at 4:40 p.m. a disc-shaped UFO w 10/11/1973 #34962 ncounter report from Connersville, Indiana 46 people watched an oval-shaped 10/11/1973 #34963 ered between some trees in Laurel, Indiana for three minutes. It made a sou 10/11/1973 #34964 ille, IN Evening. In South Central Indiana, Morgan County Deputy Sheriff Ro 10/15/1973 #35008 untington, IN Dusk. UFO terrorized Indiana farmer and his wife by chasing h 10/15/1973 #35012 ght maneuvering over Connersville, Indiana. The light darted across the sky 10/15/1973 #35022 Mount Vernon, Indiana Caborn, Indiana Belknap Evansvil 10/20/1973 #35187 Mount Vernon, Indiana Caborn, Indiana Belknap Evansville 6:50 a.m. A c 10/20/1973 #35187 ing northeast out of Mount Vernon, Indiana, sees a bright white light comin 10/20/1973 #35187 ding east. When they reach Caborn, Indiana, he notifies the rear conductors 10/20/1973 #35187 car having been found abandoned in Indiana with the hood up by the side of 10/20/1973 #35191 USA, Hartford City (Indiana) (Translated from French) Gary F 10/22/1973 #35201 Upton, Indiana Maunie, Illinois 6:50 p.m. A man 10/22/1973 #35214 50 p.m. A man is farming in Upton, Indiana, when he notices an object that 10/22/1973 #35214 Hartford City, Indiana south of the original encounter 10/22/1973 #35215 ome 9 miles east of Hartford City, Indiana, when they see two strange-looki 10/22/1973 #35215 manoids occurred in Hartford City, Indiana on this night. While driving hom 10/22/1973 #35218 way north-northeast of Evansville, Indiana were levitated by a UFO and lost 2/9/1974 #35769 t on Highway 57 near Mount Vernon, Indiana when they all spotted a large ob 5/9/1974 #36149 e same night in nearby Evansville, Indiana a Mr. Oscar Jordan had a close e 5/9/1974 #36149 itude, IN 8:50 p.m. Near Solitude, Indiana, just a little over three miles 7/30/1974 #36358 nd the pilot ejecting somewhere in Indiana. (Source: UFOFC) (NICAP: 11 - Av 10/24/1974 #36642 nearby creek bed in Connersville, Indiana at 10:55 p.m. It was a mostly da 8/15/1976 #38684 erved. Confidential report. (MUFON Indiana, Ridge files) (NICAP: 07 - Entit 10/1976 #38866 0 feet over a house in Evansville, Indiana. It ascended rapidly, hovering t 10/28/1976 #38935 Indiana New Albany, Indiana Kentucky bor 11/24/1976 #39008 Indiana New Albany, Indiana Kentucky border 10:30 p.m. An In 11/24/1976 #39008 iana Kentucky border 10:30 p.m. An Indiana Gas serviceman sees a 12-foot wh 11/24/1976 #39008 s pickup truck outside New Albany, Indiana. It follows him from the Kentuck 11/24/1976 #39008 truck on a highway in New Albany, Indiana at 10:30 p.m. It went away when 11/24/1976 #39009 Indianapolis, Indiana - A 13-year-old boy with the las 3/10/1977 #39356 at 11 p.m. in Henschen, Indiana a couple were driving to their t 4/12/1977 #39445 e UFO Filter Center at Mt. Vernon, INDIANA, that multiple witnesses were re 7/12/1977 #39752 les SW of the UFOFC at Mt. Vernon, INDIANA. (UFO Filter Center, Ridge files 7/12/1977 #39753 near Galena, Illinois Chesterton, Indiana A nearly perfect circular ring, 8/7/1977 #39865 lar ring is found near Chesterton, Indiana, on August 12. Analysis by the U 8/7/1977 #39865 Sundowner flying from Evansville, Indiana to Cincinnati, Ohio, encountered 1/15/1978 #40427 ed from French) Near Indianapolis (Indiana), 3 truckers driving in convoy a 3/29/1978 #40654 es north of downtown Indianapolis, Indiana 5:30 p.m. A 33-year old housewif 8/21/1978 #41133 es north of downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. Standing outdoors, they see the 8/21/1978 #41133 US Highway 20 near South Bend, Indiana 9:30 p.m. A witness traveling we 11/7/1978 #41540 on US Highway 20 near South Bend, Indiana, notices a bright light in the s 11/7/1978 #41540 a road one-mile south of Abington, Indiana the witnesses’s car engine and r 12/16/1978 #41794 In Rome City, Indiana at eight o’clock in the evening 1/8/1979 #41973 Holton, Indiana 11:00 p.m. Two witnesses in Holt 4/26/1980 #43018 1:00 p.m. Two witnesses in Holton, Indiana, watch a luminous flashing form 4/26/1980 #43018 an and a woman neighbor in Holton, Indiana watched a luminous, golden-color 4/26/1980 #43019 Bargersville, Indiana Empty Fields 9:00 p.m. A woman i 5/9/1980 #43045 with her daughter in Bargersville, Indiana, when bright red flashes of ligh 5/9/1980 #43045 n telephone lines in Bargersville, Indiana then went up another pole on a c 5/9/1980 #43047 Washington, Indiana 4:30 a.m. Susan Southerland, Deb 9/26/1980 #43284 Conolty are driving in Washington, Indiana, when they see a streetlight-sha 9/26/1980 #43284 Lucky Point Monroe City, Indiana A group of people go to Lucky Po 10/1/1980? #43302 Lucky Point, east of Monroe City, Indiana, to look for UFOs. High in the e 10/1/1980? #43302 Knox County, Indiana 11:30 p.m. A Knox County, Indian 10/15/1980 #43318 Indiana 11:30 p.m. A Knox County, Indiana, deputy sheriff stops by the sid 10/15/1980 #43318 Bloomfield, Indiana farm 2 miles southeast of Bloomf 10/26/1980 #43343 m 2 miles southeast of Bloomfield, Indiana 7:00 p.m. An oddly shaped UFO is 10/26/1980 #43343 m 2 miles southeast of Bloomfield, Indiana. The object looks like two full 10/26/1980 #43343 ter on their farm in Green County, Indiana. Moreover, their farm animals we 10/26/1980 #43344 on routine patrol in Lucky Point, Indiana had stopped to rest at 9:00 p.m. 11/1/1980 #43361 B in Oklahoma Grissom AFB in Peru, Indiana 7:30–11:00 p.m. Many people livi 11/18/1980 #43414 5 tanker from Grissom AFB in Peru, Indiana, that evening. The two planes fl 11/18/1980 #43414 Terre Haute, Indiana 9:30 p.m. People in Terre Haute, 1/15/1981 #43577 a 9:30 p.m. People in Terre Haute, Indiana, begin reporting a string of abo 1/15/1981 #43577 Prairieton, Indiana 10:15 p.m. Three sets of witness 1/15/1981 #43578 e sets of witnesses in Prairieton, Indiana, driving past two different fiel 1/15/1981 #43578 USA, near Veedersburg (Indiana) (Translated from French) A youn Late 2/1981 #43633 USA, Spraytown (Indiana) (Translated from French) In the 4/16/1981 #43712 Evansville, Indiana lake near Evansville, Indiana 8: 7/23/1981 #43854 lle, Indiana lake near Evansville, Indiana 8:45 p.m. Louise Betulius is fis 7/23/1981 #43854 fishing in a lake near Evansville, Indiana, when she sees the reflection of 7/23/1981 #43854 Anderson, Indiana Eta Tauri 2:15 a.m. Rupert Pring 8/12/1981 #43902 several miles outside of Anderson, Indiana, taking time-exposure photograph 8/12/1981 #43902 USA, Decker Chapel (Indiana) (Translated from French) At 9am 9/25/1981 #43969 two people in a car in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It had hazy lights and made odd 4/7/1982 #44301 INDIANA, PA Guard. Vertical hot dog. Bea 9/24/1982 #44496 Lowell, Indiana 10 miles southeast of Lowell, In 10/24/1982 #44554 iana 10 miles southeast of Lowell, Indiana 9:20 a.m. Pilot Michael Davis an 10/24/1982 #44554 bout 10 miles southeast of Lowell, Indiana. Just after reaching their cruis 10/24/1982 #44554 ht instructor southeast of Lowell, Indiana. The two men reported that they 10/24/1982 #44555 Pine Township, Porter County, Indiana 4:30 p.m. A man and his two sons 1/12/1983 #44646 e in Pine Township, Porter County, Indiana. Both are floating 2– 3 feet abo 1/12/1983 #44646 in the suburbs near Indianapolis, Indiana a mother, "Kathy Davis" and her 6/30/1983 #44819 Indianapolis, Indiana Debbie Jordan-Kauble (using the Early 7/1983 #44824 family pool house in Indianapolis, Indiana. Some days later they notice a s Early 7/1983 #44824 ts of strangeness. (NUFORC & MUFON Indiana/Ridge files) (NICAP: 01 - Distan 8/9/1983 #44866 terstate highway I-225 near Selma, Indiana, observed by 19-year-old Jennife 8/9/1983 #44868 Cedar Lake, Indiana 4:00 a.m. A Mrs. Zurwaski is awa 8/26/1983 #44892 e east of her house in Cedar Lake, Indiana. She gets up, thinking a thunder 8/26/1983 #44892 her home in suburban Indianapolis, Indiana. She saw a small ball of light f 10/3/1983 #44931 me in the suburbs of Indianapolis, Indiana. He reported that a little man w 11/27/1983 #44993 Indianapolis, Indiana 10:30 p.m. A small disc-shaped o 12/27/1983 #45030 home of a witness in Indianapolis, Indiana. After 10 seconds, the lights go 12/27/1983 #45030 In rural Williams, Indiana at 11:50 p.m. the witness was wo 5/19/1984 #45297 Merrillville, Indiana Gary IN Post Tribune: The U.S. G 3/23/1985 #45585 truck in her driveway in Richmond, Indiana. It zoomed in, and then stopped 7/31/1986 #46026 Indianapolis, Indiana 7:50 p.m. A family of three obse 8/13/1986 #46053 r hospital window in Indianapolis, Indiana, for 4–5 minutes. It passes abov 8/13/1986 #46053 At 7:50 p.m. in Indianapolis, Indiana a silent metallic hamburger-shap 8/13/1986 #46055 While driving in Evansville, Indiana at 3:30 a.m. two military Air Tr 9/6/1986 #46085 angular shaped UFO buzzed Corydon, Indiana at 11:30 p.m. 3/10/1987 #46212 cles at 11:30 p.m. in Terre Haute, Indiana saw a flying pyramid-shaped obje 7/31/1987 #46308 d a disc-shaped object in Corydon, Indiana at 11:45 p.m., including the mai 8/18/1987 #46334 Corydon, IN Corydon, Indiana (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 8/23/1987 #46338 Fifteen witnesses in Corydon, Indiana, including five UFO field invest 8/23/1987 #46340 A 23-year-old man in Hebron, Indiana witnessed a very large, black, b 9/14/1987 #46379 at 35 mph down a road in Corydon, Indiana when he noticed a bright blue li 9/24/1987 #46387 Marysville, Indiana. At 7:50 p.m. a black rectangula 10/1/1987 #46392 near the airport in Indianapolis, Indiana. The witness was driving east wh 12/5/1987 #46455 speed 50 miles east of Fort Wayne, Indiana. 12/12/1987 #46462 farming community of Monroe City, Indiana. 8/22/1988 #46756 ar-old couple driving in Atherton, Indiana saw intensely bright lights appr 9/28/1988 #46794 ffic light at 2:00 a.m. in Carmel, Indiana in suburban Indianapolis when he 12/4/1988 #46895 Two men driving in Underwood, Indiana saw a diamond-shaped object for 1/12/1989 #46941 USA, near Corydon (Indiana) (Translated from French) Mufon, 1/21/1989 #46950 73-year-old couple in Greens Fork, Indiana sighted a UFO shaped like sperm 1/23/1989 #46962 n light appeared over New Harmony, Indiana at 8:15 p.m. and a silent disc-s 7/16/1989 #47210 red lights flew over Mount Vernon, Indiana headed toward St. Louis, Missour 9/21/1989 #47316 ed 50 nautical miles south of Ord, Indiana from a commercial aircraft, CONN 10/24/1989 #47393 In Evansville, Indiana a security guard at 1:30 a.m. sa 11/28/1989 #47475 600 feet altitude in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was escorted by what looked 12/1/1989 #47545 ad in the suburbs of Indianapolis, Indiana at 8:30 p.m. when they saw a dom 1/12/1990 #47647 on her family farm in Henryville, Indiana and then saw a bright silver dis 2/22/1990 #47708 ening at 5:15 p.m. in Charlestown, Indiana an eighteen year old witness dri 3/2/1990 #47723 USA, Floyd Knops (Indiana) (Translated from French) At 10: 3/4/1990 #47724 le in a car driving in New Albany, Indiana watched a huge, manta ray shaped 3/4/1990 #47729 shaped craft flew over Evansille, Indiana at a slow steady pace and low al 5/29/1990 #47928 aight up in the air in Evansville, Indiana at 1:40 p.m. 8/6/1990 #48024 onut hovered over a car in Culver, Indiana at 10:30 p.m. It had colored lig 9/7/1990 #48064 p.m. a 44-year-old woman in Argos, Indiana witnessed a strange, dark, delta 10/29/1990 #48165 A boy in Connersville, Indiana reported being paralyzed in his 5/12/1992 #48914 A witness in Greenwood, Indiana reported one hour of missing tim 8/22/1992 #49048 ect was also observed over Muncie, Indiana at 5:45 a.m. 11/6/1992 #49173 On this evening in Goshen, Indiana two people in a car had their ca 3/2/1993 #49351 m. in the suburbs of Indianapolis, Indiana a 29-year-old man sighted a whit 4/17/1993 #49430 At 9:15 p.m. in Syracuse, Indiana a man on his porch heard a dynam 7/13/1993 #49563 At 9:30 p.m. in Ligonier, Indiana two teenagers driving south on S 7/13/1993 #49564 or five minutes later in Cromwell, Indiana three people traveling south on 7/13/1993 #49564 hts on the bottom in Connersville, Indiana. Three lights emerged from a fog 10/17/1993 #49750 Mongo, Indiana 8:30 p.m. Six witnesses in Mongo 8/31/1994 #50259 8:30 p.m. Six witnesses in Mongo, Indiana, see a light glowing through the 8/31/1994 #50259 ting trip in the woods near Mongo, Indiana saw a UFO behind some treetops. 8/31/1994 #50260 a half hour period over Rockville, Indiana. There were 5 witnesses. 9/6/1994 #50270 54 between Sharkey and Bloomfield, Indiana and with no other cars on the ro 9/9/1994 #50285 bjects was sighted in Racoon Lake, Indiana by five witnesses driving on US 9/9/1994 #50286 ear the tree line in Indianapolis, Indiana. 9/11/1994 #50288 rning at 8 a.m. over Mount Summit, Indiana for less than a minute. It was s 11/20/1995 #51239 7 p.m. a witness in Indianapolis, Indiana drove under a large metallic top 11/23/1996 #51802 over a power plant in Bloomington, Indiana. In response to a flashlight sig 5/18/1997 #52023 and two other men in Bloomington, Indiana saw several bright objects hover 5/19/1997 #52024 tness in Lucky Point, Knox County, Indiana saw a bright light in the northw 2/15/1999 #52529 USA, Gary (Indiana) (Translated from French) Eric C 6/1999 #52591 its narrow end forward over Peru, Indiana 20 miiles south of Grissom Air F 7/7/1999 #52615 ween Martinsville and Mooresville, Indiana for 15 minutes. 8/5/2002 #53240 busy intersection in Bloomington, Indiana. It was flying in a southeast di 11/13/2002 #53309 or 26 minutes over Crawfordsville, Indiana. At 10:00 p.m. a videotape was m 1/22/2003 #53347 red at 12:13 a.m. in Merrillville, Indiana. 2/11/2003 #53355 e multiple reports from Rochester, Indiana on this night to the National UF 4/8/2004 #53555 me, at 10:00 p.m. in Leiters Ford, Indiana another report came in of a UFO 4/8/2004 #53555 aped craft, north of Indianapolis, Indiana at 11:45 p.m. 10/29/2004 #53644 flashes in the sky in Burlington, Indiana were followed by the appearance 12/4/2004 #53666 silently glided over Terre Haute, Indiana heading south at 4:25 a.m. 12/5/2004 #53668 Columbia City, Indiana 10:00 p.m. Two men ice fishing a 1/31/2005 #53681 men ice fishing at Columbia City, Indiana, encounter a large triangle abov 1/31/2005 #53681 er a frozen pond in Columbia City, Indiana for three minutes and melted the 1/31/2005 #53683 At 11:00 p.m. a farmer in Knox, Indiana had a close encounter with a sau 12/18/2005 #53785 m work on rural roads in Franklin, Indiana sighted a triangle shaped object 5/3/2006 #53810 r as he was driving in Greensburg, Indiana. The witness could hear a voom a 9/6/2006 #53831 ct see overhead in Jeffersonville, Indiana; this sighting lasted for about 10/31/2008 #54057 ect was sighted over Indianapolis, Indiana. There was also a smaller spheri 11/1/2008 #54060 rom the southside of Indianapolis, Indiana. The witness saw more objects of 2/11/2009 #54086 .m. two friends in Jeffersonville, Indiana were walking to a gas station on 5/16/2010 #54159 At around 8:00 p.m. in Evansville, Indiana a witness reported to the UFO Re 8/18/2010 #54170## Word: "indianapolis", 109 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Indianapolis, Indiana Irvington Late aft 9/16/1906 #2166 e afternoon. Hundreds of people in Indianapolis, Indiana, see a “cigar-shap 9/16/1906 #2166 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Numerous observer(s). C 10/7/1906 #2167 Indianapolis, Indiana 5:00 p.m. An airsh 10/7/1906 #2168 s over the southeastern portion of Indianapolis, Indiana, and is seen by ma 10/7/1906 #2168 es of the traction station for the Indianapolis, Columbus, and Southern int 9/30/1909 #2433 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 3+2 separate observer(s 7/6/1947 #5601 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Motorist chases low-fly 7/7/1947 #5666 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Project Bluebook Case # 7/1/1948 #6729 USA, Indianapolis (Indiana) (Translated from 7/29/1948 #6792 (Translated from French) In Indianapolis (Indiana), James Toney and 7/29/1948 #6793 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Blue Book. 2 observer(s 7/29/1948 #6794 Indianapolis, IN Shiny propeller-shaped 7/29/1948 #6795 Indianapolis, Indiana An object swept ov 7/29/1948 #6796 Indianapolis, Indiana Witnesses: James T 7/29/1948 #6797 Indianapolis, Indiana 9:18 a.m. James To 7/29/1948 #6798 bert Huggins, both employees of an Indianapolis, Indiana, rug cleaning firm 7/29/1948 #6798 mployees of a rug cleaning firm in Indianapolis, Indiana saw a shiny alumin 7/29/1948 #6799 USA, Indianapolis, Indiana. (Translated from 7/31/1948 #6800 (Translated from French) At Indianapolis (Indiana), Vernon Swigert, 7/31/1948 #6801 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 2 / home. 20' domed cym 7/31/1948 #6803 Indianapolis (central), IN Cymbal shaped 7/31/1948 #6804 Indianapolis, Indiana Witnesses: Mr. an 7/31/1948 #6806 south-central Indianapolis, Indiana 8:25 a.m. Mr. and 7/31/1948 #6807 s. Vernon Swigert of south-central Indianapolis, Indiana, see a cymbal-shap 7/31/1948 #6807 In Indianapolis, Indiana at 8:25 a.m. Mr. a 7/31/1948 #6808 Between Dayton, Ohio, and Indianapolis, Ind, various Air Force pil 10/14/1948 #6901 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Air Force RADAR and civ 7/12/1952 #10723 Indianapolis, Ind St. Louis Post Dispatc 7/28/1952 #11308 pers from three state police posts—Indianapolis, Seymour, and Connersville— 7/28/1952 #11308 sance photographs / 125' saucer. = Indianapolis / r237p159. 5/24/1954 #14485 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Moon-size red sphere go 9/9/1955 #17510 Indianapolis, Indiana Farmer John Hobner 10/23/1955 #17597 INDIANAPOLIS, IN News report. Pilot and 1/24/1957 #18640 night an airline pilot flying over Indianapolis, Indiana and many others sa 1/24/1957 #18644 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Odd round cloud becomes 11/25/1957 #19894 m., an odd round cloud observed in Indianapolis, Indiana became a rectangul 11/25/1957 #19900 ranslated from French) Sighting in Indianapolis (Indiana). (March 23) 3/23/1960 #21730 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 2 observer(s). 20M "kit 3/23/1960 #21731 Indianapolis, IN A series of balls, arra 3/23/1960 #21732 Indianapolis, Indiana Witnesses: Mr. and 3/23/1960 #21733 an object over their residence in Indianapolis, Indiana that looked like a 3/23/1960 #21734 INDIANAPOLIS, IN F. Edwards and hundreds 10/12/1961 #22567 Indianapolis, IN Spherical UFO with a ro 10/12/1961 #22568 ranslated from French) Sighting in Indianapolis (Indiana). (June 21) 6/21/1962 #22955 NEAR INDIANAPOLIS, IN Project Bluebook Case # 6/21/1962 #22956 Indianapolis, IN Three Strange Lights Ob 6/21/1962 #22957 Indianapolis, Indiana Witnesses: Lt. Co 6/21/1962 #22958 B-52 heavy jet bomber flying over Indianapolis, Indiana sighted three brig 6/21/1962 #22962 Indianapolis, IN Editorial, Indianapolis 3/31/1966 #26287 Indianapolis, IN Editorial, Indianapolis (IN) News: "What is needed, 3/31/1966 #26287 NORTHEAST / INDIANAPOLIS, IN Pilot and cops and RADA 5/15/1967 #28675 Indianapolis (NE of), IN 7:30 p.m. EDT. 5/15/1967 #28676 to back underneath (body lights). Indianapolis airport radar reportedly tr 5/15/1967 #28676 veral other witnesses in northeast Indianapolis, Indiana sighted a fat, mul 5/15/1967 #28680 Indianapolis (near), IN 11:00 p.m. 15 mi 7/16/1968 #30707 Indianapolis, IN Cessna pilot, object on 10/19/1973 #35165 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 20' diameter object sto 1/23/1975 #36883 Indianapolis, IN 9:00 p.m. Listed as a C 1/23/1975 #36884 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Boy / 13. 3 photographs 3/10/1976 #38310 Indianapolis, IN 4:00 PM. Hoax photo. (A 3/10/1977 #39354 Indianapolis, Indiana - A 13-year-old bo 3/10/1977 #39356 (Translated from French) Near Indianapolis (Indiana), 3 truckers drivi 3/29/1978 #40654 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 2 large trucks / envelo 3/29/1978 #40658 Indianapolis, IN 9:30 PM. Truckers engul 3/29/1978 #40660 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 1+kids. Car-size silver 8/21/1978 #41130 Indianapolis, IN A 33-year old housewife 8/21/1978 #41131 nt porch 3 miles north of downtown Indianapolis, Indiana 5:30 p.m. A 33-yea 8/21/1978 #41133 nt porch 3 miles north of downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. Standing outdoors 8/21/1978 #41133 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 2 observer(s). Loud rum 9/25/1978 #41348 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Kathy Davis (Debbie Jor 6/30/1983 #44817 Indianapolis, IN Kathy Davis Abduction a 6/30/1983 #44818 At their home in the suburbs near Indianapolis, Indiana a mother, "Kathy D 6/30/1983 #44819 Indianapolis, Indiana Debbie Jordan-Kaub Early 7/1983 #44824 ng around the family pool house in Indianapolis, Indiana. Some days later t Early 7/1983 #44824 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Debbie Jordan abduction 10/3/1983 #44928 Indianapolis, IN 2:00 AM. The second Kat 10/3/1983 #44929 er bedroom at her home in suburban Indianapolis, Indiana. She saw a small b 10/3/1983 #44931 Indianapolis, IN Evening. Humanoid Repor 11/26/1983 #44992 omey in his home in the suburbs of Indianapolis, Indiana. He reported that 11/27/1983 #44993 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 1+1 observer(s). Small 12/27/1983 #45028 Indianapolis, IN 10:30 PM. A small disc- 12/27/1983 #45029 Indianapolis, Indiana 10:30 p.m. A small 12/27/1983 #45030 reet from the home of a witness in Indianapolis, Indiana. After 10 seconds, 12/27/1983 #45030 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 2 observer(s). Silent b 8/13/1986 #46052 Indianapolis, Indiana 7:50 p.m. A family 8/13/1986 #46053 h a sixth-floor hospital window in Indianapolis, Indiana, for 4–5 minutes. 8/13/1986 #46053 At 7:50 p.m. in Indianapolis, Indiana a silent metallic 8/13/1986 #46055 Indianapolis UFO abduction researcher Bu 4/1987 #46234 he pseudonym of “Kathie Davis”) an Indianapolis woman whose long series of 4/1987 #46234 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Silent 30' vertical cyl 12/5/1987 #46454 ft and hovered near the airport in Indianapolis, Indiana. The witness was d 12/5/1987 #46455 NEAR INDIANAPOLIS, IN 2 / car. Delta/triangle 12/4/1988 #46888 .m. in Carmel, Indiana in suburban Indianapolis when he saw a silent bright 12/4/1988 #46895 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Several observer(s). Wh 12/1/1989 #47542 uver at about 600 feet altitude in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was escorted b 12/1/1989 #47545 Five Points Road in the suburbs of Indianapolis, Indiana at 8:30 p.m. when 1/12/1990 #47647 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 1 / car. White object w 4/17/1993 #49428 At 9:45 p.m. in the suburbs of Indianapolis, Indiana a 29-year-old man 4/17/1993 #49430 Indianapolis (near), IN Pilot Spots Unid 12/2/1993 #49832 up and down near the tree line in Indianapolis, Indiana. 9/11/1994 #50288 NORTHWEST INDIANAPOLIS, IN 3+observer(s) / (seen t 9/19/1994 #50319 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 12+observer(s). 20-30 s 10/22/1995 #51182 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Observer(s) drives unde 11/23/1996 #51800 At around 7 p.m. a witness in Indianapolis, Indiana drove under a larg 11/23/1996 #51802 ntified themselves as employees of Indianapolis Power and Light and asserte 2/15/1999 #52529 oving cigar-shaped craft, north of Indianapolis, Indiana at 11:45 p.m. 10/29/2004 #53644 haped gray object was sighted over Indianapolis, Indiana. There was also a 11/1/2008 #54060 was sighted from the southside of Indianapolis, Indiana. The witness saw m 2/11/2009 #54086## Word: "indians", 20 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tatives. He recounted that Mapuche Indians encountered two enigmatic figure 10/15/1550 #375 ite garments, appeared to warn the Indians against retaliating. The woman d 10/15/1550 #375 the devil followed to instruct the Indians to gather a large force. This en 10/15/1550 #375 r from the sky, of whom the Nootka Indians spoke. The stranger was dressed 1778 #749 of metal. The stranger warned the Indians saying that he came from the sky 1778 #749 craft alongside beings resembling Indians, wearing shiny clothing, creatin 1888 #1460 Venus and tells Solem to work with Indians in North America in preparing fo Fall 1952 #12311 the western states, speaking with Indians and contactees, gathers a small Fall 1952 #12311 too strange in Mexico, where many Indians are very small, and he concluded 8/21/1953 #13638 six feet above the ground. The two Indians with him fled in terror, but he 11/4/1954 #16533 . Small humanoids (or Greys) exit. Indians attack. 1 gets cut / arm. / MJ#2 6/5/1957 #18892 e driving around 21:30, two Navajo Indians, Willie Begay and Guy Tossie, we 11/2/1962 #23290 t and one of them landed. About 50 Indians from the Toba tribe remained ast 2/21/1965 #24776 e craft and approached slowly. The Indians knelt and paid homage to them, r 2/21/1965 #24776 CHALAC, ARG 50 indians and cops. 3 tall pseudo-human/en 2/21/1965 #24777 Chalac, Argentina About 50 Toba Indians, including policemen, saw three 2/21/1965 #24778 gestures that dissuaded one of the Indians from coming any closer to the UF 2/21/1965 #24779 t 9:30 p.m. two 23-year-old Navajo Indians, Guy Tossie and Willy Begay, wer 11/2/1967 #29842 been speaking to Shoshone-Bannock Indians at Fort Hall Indian Reservation 7/12/1969 #31890 ch he said were observed by nearby Indians. They also seemed to come out of 5/26/2000 #52853## Word: "indiantown", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nt inquiries with Goodyear and Ft. Indiantown Gap officials confirmed that 10/31/1975 #37846## Word: "indicate", 56 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Trans-Rhenan Germany Reports indicate the sighting of burning iron gl 944 #126 rompting speculation that it might indicate the presence of land. Columbus 10/11/1492 #326 r moving at a slow rate that might indicate a planet beyond Uranus. It is n 5/11/1835 #982 s of time. If accurate, this would indicate a speed of over 200 miles per h 4/19/1897 #1885 Mebane, is that several appear to indicate a second meteor procession on t 2/9/1913 #2579 not a soul on board. Empty davits indicate that boats have been launched. 1/31/1921 #2885 er boots in an adjacent locker may indicate that other men have used the ca 1/31/1921 #2885 as the day before, but newspapers indicate that the object turned around t 6/10/1946 #4501 patched to the scene, Krinov, will indicate a trajectory from the North-Nor 2/12/1947 #4869 tness and show him Uranus as if to indicate where they come from. 7/23/1947 #6094 testing base. Everything seems to indicate an accident or a landing. (Janu 1/30/1949 #7094 selectivity of direction seems to indicate that some group was trying to p 11/3/1949 #7633 osely. Neither of them was able to indicate its exact shape because, accord 3/31/1950 (approximate) #8075 rns with apparent size changing to indicate ascent and descent. 8/30/1950 #8544 imultaneous, but Blue Book records indicate they are separate. 6/19/1952 #10441 ut his motion studies of UFOs that indicate controlled flight. Physicist Ll 1/16/1953 #12983 with a long tail. Recent analyses indicate that the photos are likely the 5/16/1953 #13381 gence in radar activity that might indicate an imminent attack, noting that 10/20/1953 #13812 exhumed in 1994, cranial injuries indicate that Olson was knocked unconsci 11/28/1953 #13902 the same day. Some of the reports indicate that the object was headed Sout 8/30/1954 #14948 he second one, Edgar Smith's notes indicate: A transport plane with 26 peop 6/6/1956 #17999 miles distance (later calculations indicate it has a diameter of 600 feet). 8/30/1956 #18287 f 20 times a minute. (Calculations indicate that this showed a flying speed 11/8/1956 #18462 lysis by Martin J. Powell seems to indicate that the object photographed is 1/16/1958 #20144 ir Force requesting any cases that indicate intelligent maneuvers by UFOs. 6/1958 #20410 ve other commercial airline pilots indicate that they can see the objects. 2/24/1959 #21012 nd small boots appeared. Witnesses indicate that one of them had in their h 7/26/1965 #25175 d white ---but no noise that could indicate that it was an airplane. This o 4/22/1966 #26477 t as time goes by, other postmarks indicate mailings from London, Germany, 5/31/1967 #28770 3 miles in one minute, which would indicate a speed of 12,780 mph. At 12:47 10/24/1969 #32071 ti and Marks reject the demand and indicate they will go to court to print 3/1972 #33386 is 95% organic. Two other analyses indicate slightly different composition. 10/22/1973 #35213 , zinc, and lanthanum. Other tests indicate the sample is spider silk produ 10/23/1973 #35224 ort Victoria, the couple's watches indicate 7:30, an hour late, and they ha 5/31/1974 #36202 merous discrepancies that strongly indicate a hoax. 1/4/1975 #36831 tely 0345 EDT, the ANMCC called to indicate they had received several repor 7/30/1976 #38611 n photos UFO from his car. Studies indicate 1 mile altitude. 36' size. 6/5/1977 #39623 hakes hands with them and tries to indicate the mushrooms are edible and th 9/27/1978 #41364 . Timings on Halt’s tape recording indicate that the light he saw, which la 12/28/1980 #43524 n grammar and punctuation oddities indicate that Spanish, not French, is th 1983 #44637 rs’ first language. Other analyses indicate a British origin. 1983 #44637 nd attaches percentages to each to indicate how often a given feature occur 1987 #46164 ce of any trace of blood seemed to indicate that an instrument cauterizing 9/29/1988 #46797 cy’s telephone conversations which indicate she is having an affair. 4/6/1989 #47065 r an investigation, the SEPRA will indicate 4 days later that it was the at 11/5/1990 #48183 ) Death of Villa Boas. Rumors then indicate that he had gone to the United 8/10/1992 #49022 metallic suits glow. 8km / tracks indicate 1 ton weight! 1/3/1995 #50509 heir arms out above their heads to indicate the size of the object, which m 2/2/1995 #50580 ute for Discovery Science. Results indicate that the number of potential ab 1998 #52237 't even a trace of dust that could indicate that a vehicle had left the asp 2/5/1999 #52521 further claims there is nothing to indicate that anyone in the Setka progra 2000 #52741 and 12:55 a.m. Unconfirmed reports indicate that radars in the New York are 7/15/2001 #53072 t UFOs and abductions. The results indicate that two-thirds think there are 8/2002 #53237 her abduction in 1961. The samples indicate protein and oily materials from 7/22/2005 #53727 and misinformation. Other reports indicate the “disappearance” took place 10/13/2010 #54179 be a meaningful omission, and may indicate classified aerospace programs o 6/25/2021 #54586## Word: "indicated", 80 instance(s) (Back to Top)
including Schmitza. Kirch's notes indicated the object's position and its 7/9/1686 #583 the debris. However, later reports indicated that the debris dissolved into 6/6/1884 #1412 cated using an "alphabet." The man indicated he lived in the Montezuma Moun 12/7/1896 #1602 red, and the letters found on them indicated a possible origin from San Fra 4/7/1897 #1681 tion and functionality. The letter indicated that the airship's inventor ha 12/7/1897 #2020 resence of characters in the place indicated by the witness. In addition to 5/18/1909 #2324 s the north, towards Bulgaria. The indicated regiment was declared missing 8/21/1915 #2697 ss to find an explanation: Nothing indicated the cause of the abandonment. 1940 #3499 which the "Juliana" later found as indicated. (Chapter 8, Ref 327) 1946 #4429 o this area. Additionally, reports indicated that a Soviet ship was monitor 1946 #4437 ing white smoke plumes. The report indicated an increase in speed towards t 5/19/1947 #4953 ed that the outer edge of the disc indicated that it was spinning rapidly a 6/29/1947 #5184 he discs. Col. L. R. Forney of MID indicated that it has been established t 7/10/1947 #5928 seven circles on the ground, then indicated the seventh circle as well as 7/23/1947 #6090 ts in this country along the lines indicated would be extremely expensive, 9/23/1947 #6357 isc. (Armstrong’s book confusingly indicated the craft landed inside the se 1948 #6487 y smaller than a 42 ft AT-6 at the indicated altitude. (FOIA; FUFOR Index) 4/19/1948 #6636 er a few minutes the radar station indicated that the object was now at 150 4/23/1948 #6638 e concludes that the best evidence indicated an extraterrestrial origin for 9/30/1948? #6878 , FL Syracuse Herald-Journal. LIFE INDICATED ON OTHER PLANETS. AP - Dr. Har 11/1950 #8682 restricted area of Oak Ridge that indicated an abnormal increase in alpha 11/29/1950 #8736 oods. Her father heads towards the indicated spot. He recounts: Thinking it 6/30/1952 #10592 y could not identify in the places indicated by the radar operators. Mr. Ch 7/19/1952 #10902 d, said that advanced aerodynamics indicated the saucers were probably inte 7/31/1952 #11489 ing him unconscious. Charred roots indicated possible electric induction. 8/19/1952 #11864 s of the GCI site. So close is the indicated range the radar personnel leav 9/1/1952 #12070 was to decide whether the evidence indicated UFOs were interplanetary, whet 1/12/1953 #12974 . Wreckage of one was found, which indicated an explosion was followed by f 1/1954 #14034 re they could get some ammonia. He indicated the nearest town. With blue an 3/1954 #14193 An unintelligible shout behind him indicated that whatever creature it was, 4/10/1954 #14314 all we saw was a blip which rather indicated a stationary target.” At the t 8/13/1956 #18208 Pacific Ocean An Air Force pilot indicated that his plane was "shot at" i 1958 #20086 re “remarkably clear and certainly indicated a phenomenon for which he had 7/1958 #20479 xchange the answer to one question indicated that the UFOs acknowledged dif 7/9/1959 #21276 with only limited success. It was indicated by the few answers that the Co 7/9/1959 #21276 , fingers joined. In the direction indicated the witness saw a small man of 10/19/1959 #21514 miles during the 45–50 minutes at indicated airspeed of 184–218 knots. 4/20/1964 #24039 ent directly to bed. Self-hypnosis indicated that a medical examination had 9/3/1965 #25554 Lear, located near Winslow. He had indicated that he saw a red light, first 1/13/1967 #27544 and passed over the airport at an indicated height of 200 feet. The object 5/13/1967 #28670 Press 6/7/67 with date of sighting indicated as June 6, copy in NICAP files 6/5/1967 #28807 ation from the Academy of Sciences indicated that the Tunguska disaster in 8/8/1967 #29236 experienced a violent surprise, as indicated by the telemetry controls. His 12/25/1968 #31363 g out more abductions than what is indicated in the lists provided to them. 1973 #34089 f a Syrian message to the USSR had indicated a Soviet build-up). 10/25/1973 #35262 d 8:30 a.m. although their watches indicated it was only 7:30 a.m. Peter wa 5/31/1974 #36206 the potatoes to the place and time indicated. He then left, ambushing with 1975 (approximate) #36776 arks on the ground and his counter indicated a certain degree of radiation. 1975 (approximate) #36776 nts pointed a gun in the direction indicated by the boy, who then announced 8/4/1976 #38643 h had advanced fifteen minutes and indicated April 30! 4/25/1977 #39491 an hour ago, and his digital watch indicated the impossible date of April 3 4/25/1977 #39498 e the witnesses to come closer and indicated with one hand the sky. Immedia 8/30/1977 #39940 "three seven, squared." The aliens indicated that they would like to examin 2/5/1978 #40510 claimed he saw a TS document that indicated a landing occurred at Nellis A 8/1978 #41053 odometer reset to zero in Viedma, indicated 50 km. However, the distance t 9/23/1978 #41331 see the object to no avail. Radar indicated all was normal, said controlle 12/16/1978 #41779 l generate huge media interest, as indicated by the following press release 12/31/1978 #41879 le. An analysis of the soil sample indicated nothing unusual in the chemist 8/2/1979 #42381 inistered psychological test, that indicated their personalities were norma 9/20/1979 #42597 air traffic control center, it was indicated that this light had also been 11/12/1980 #43390 lew in tandem at 20,000 feet at an indicated air speed of 250 knots beginni 11/18/1980 #43414 ble, but whose heads and shoulders indicated they were humanoid in shape. ( 8/16/1981 #43909 no sound. A geiger counter reading indicated a radiation level of 5-7 rads. 9/17/1982 #44487 no sound. A geiger counter reading indicated a radiation level of 5-7 rads. 9/17/1982 #44489 ales, Australia. The plane's radar indicated it was at 100,000 feet altitud 9/5/1985 #45682 ilot, was vectored toward a target indicated by radar to be 35 miles (56 km 5/19/1986 #45942 eir weather radar. The radar track indicated an object "about the size of a 5/16/1987 #46256 ojects was misleading, as evidence indicated otherwise. One significant pie 6/25/1987 #46285 Walker, whom Robert Sarbacher has indicated was a behind-the-scenes partic 8/30/1987 #46353 observed it for 20 minutes. In the indicated direction there were at that m 2/10/1988 #46568 disappeared from sight. The source indicated that the driver died soon afte 2/7/1989 #46986 s to the right of the tower at the indicated time and not to the left. [vog 11/29/1989 #47483 of desiccation of the terrain, as indicated by botanist Jean-Pierre Auquiè 4/7/1990 #47830 se minima and maxima alternated as indicated by the arrows on the drawing, 11/5/1990 #48176 eir 8 km long tracks in the ground indicated their weight was more than a m 1/3/1995 #50512 although nothing on the dashboard indicated a failure. I was looking towar 1/27/1995 #50569 e planet Sunas (vog: Sun-as?, very indicated as a name) made a forced landi Late 5/1996 #51560 samples of to analyze. The results indicated that it was composed of 60% al 9/14/1996 #51684 autics Administration and promptly indicated to them to pay great attention 1/16/2000 #52762 oadcasts. New York radar operators indicated that dozens of anomalous targe 7/15/2001 #53072## Word: "indicates", 91 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ltifaceted nature of the phenomena indicates an intricate interplay of high 1/13/1553 #383 es on a clear, dry night. Analysis indicates that the meteor has entered th 8/18/1783 #770 pposition. While the term “canals” indicates an artificial construction, it 10/1877 #1298 rview, the sheriff of Østre Slidre indicates that no trace of the mysteriou 7/13/1915 #2690 a beautiful and luminous woman who indicates his mission on Earth, making h 1932 #3137 ted from French) A military report indicates that a "ghost bomb" fell into 6/29/1946 #4522 ghost rocket, but an investigation indicates that the pilot lost control. 8/12/1946 #4675 Air Force, who reveals that radar indicates the ghost rocket launch site i 8/19/1946 #4702 adio equipment. However, the story indicates that the Chief of the Swedish 8/19/1946 #4703 ing white smoke plumes. The report indicates an increase in speed at the en 5/19/1947 #4954 him to lunch. During the meal, he indicates to Dahl that he is aware of ev 6/22/1947 #5050 Chilean radio operator in Santiago indicates that the signal was received l 8/2/1947 #6183 Aeronautics as National Assets. He indicates that he does not plan to dupli 9/24/1947 #6364 rement from the Air Force in 1955, indicates that he believes UFOs are a wa 12/30/1947 #6484 m radar. In many cases, the target indicates a small solid target flying ar Spring 1948 #6589 s. He appears to be impressed, and indicates he will immediately submit his 4/28/1948 #6646 e USAF Directorate of Intelligence indicates that “publicity of this nature 11/24/1948 #6969 ch) A report from the Sign project indicates that only 20% of the 210 cases 1/25/1949 #7085 French) A memorandum from the FBI indicates that according to a confidenti 3/25/1949 #7188 e Blue Book project (May 31, 1952) indicates that the object was also detec 3/23/1952 #9671 o Frank Edwards. The Condon Report indicates that there is no official conf 7/1952 #10602 ed on flights of imagination,” but indicates he will “cause a thorough inve 8/14/1952 #11796 port or comment” about UFOs, which indicates official censorship. It percei 8/19/1952 #11858 or International Studies. Stratton indicates that Lab Director Albert G. Hi 12/2/1952 #12749 service summary of April 5, 1953, indicates that luminous objects travelin 3/20/1953 #13248 A declassified MKUltra document indicates hypnosis is a major focus. Exp 5/11/1953 #13376 Force Intelligence in the Pentagon indicates that “flying objects” are seen 6/24/1953 #13493 y do not disintegrate. An analysis indicates in is a “pure white, silky, od 5/12/1954 #14430 isenhower, to Gen. Nathan Twining, indicates that an MJ-12 briefing should 7/14/1954 #14716 Shirley’s Bay, Ontario, gravimeter indicates a greater deflection in the gr 8/8/1954 #14831 y representing planets. He finally indicates he wants the women to accompan 8/20/1954 #14885 ng results between 3% and 5%. This indicates that there is a statistically 10/25/1955 #17599 vision. The Gravity Research Group indicates these companies have construct 11/30/1955 #17679 aircraft’s (peak 2,200 mph). Radar indicates the object is about 12 miles a 10/14/1957 #19347 ir who comes and sits near him and indicates that she is willing to answer 11/16/1957 #19844 n Tacoma. Their last radio message indicates that they hit something or tha 4/1/1959 #21115 ity Intelligence Organisation, who indicates he knows quite a bit about the 8/1959 #21341 George Paul Miller (D-Calif.) who indicates he will not order UFO hearings 9/16/1961 #22498 adiation level in 13 days possibly indicates a radionuclide with a 3–4 day 12/21/1964 #24600 ell the story as a real event. She indicates that the supposed items relate 4/24/1965 #24883 s sunburned. A medical examination indicates exposure to ultraviolet radiat 8/13/1965 #25403 ord information from the Pease AFB indicates frequent radar blips and fight 10/2/1965 #25683 , the Central Maine Power Company, indicates that it apparently was an equi 1/13/1966 #25903 . USAF investigation/investigators indicates RADAR too. 2/17/1966 #25998 Chief of the Indonesian Air Force, indicates that UFOs sometimes pose a pro 5/5/1967 #28595 t solid in nature. Carter’s report indicates that it is witnessed by about 1/6/1969 #31406 y in the log book, dated July 2nd, indicates excellent weather. (July 6th) 7/6/1969 #31877 esar Esmerald Barros, from Bogota, indicates: The victim's temperature had 7/12/1969 #31887 the Joint Intelligence Bureau, he indicates he is working with John Morton 11/8/1969 #32103 estead, but everything checked out indicates it could very well have happen 2/19/1973 #34198 the metal cube discovered in 1885, indicates that the famous "cube" had nev 10/1973 #34842 it had been proclaimed. He finally indicates that an analysis carried out i 10/1973 #34842 orescence and diffraction analysis indicates sodium, aluminum, silicon, sul 10/22/1973 #35213 ustin. A neutron activation survey indicates high concentrations of sodium, 10/23/1973 #35224 tempts, Fish creates a 3D map that indicates the relevant stars are the two 1/1974 #35639 ntific interest of the problem and indicates the procedure to send observat 2/21/1974 #35800 . In 2012, an analysis by Skeptoid indicates that the sphere is a ball chec 3/27/1974 #36000 ephens’s testimony is complete. It indicates an abduction scenario similar 10/27/1975 #37802 representative. The Geiger counter indicates a reading alarmingly above nor 1/10/1977 #39167 an hour ago, and his digital watch indicates the impossible date of April 3 4/25/1977 #39497 angle of depressions is found that indicates something as heavy as 40 tons 8/31/1977 #39946 Scientific Committee, Claude Poher indicates that the observed objects are 6/1978 #40825 rive away without more concern; he indicates that they have been exposed to 7/4/1978 #40923 ve them. A report in the CIA files indicates it is flying at 20,000 feet, v 10/23/1978 #41477 m anything visually, but the radar indicates the object has streaked off to 12/21/1978 #41830 ell’s materials testing laboratory indicates that flying particles were res 8/27/1979 #42470 ber how he got there. The odometer indicates he has only traveled 17 miles, 8/29/1979 #42486 s for 30 minutes. A Geiger counter indicates a radiation level of 5–7 rads 9/17/1982 #44488 Investigation of the landing site indicates that a heavy circular object a 4/10/1983 #44747 as named “Richard,” which probably indicates USAF intelligence agent Richar 5/8/1986 #45912 Pernambuco, Brazil, when his radar indicates traffic about one mile from hi 12/1/1988 #46884 tte. Gendarme v. M. slows down and indicates this unexpected light spot to 11/29/1989 #47489 A Gallup survey this year indicates that the belief in “real” UFOs 1990 #47621 km/h). Incredible. The radar only indicates mach 2 (1800 km/h) and the ind 3/31/1990 #47796 lated from French) An AFP dispatch indicates that the UFO rain as titled by 12/9/1990 #48300 le, ice or otherwise, and Carlotto indicates that no thruster was fired in 9/15/1991 #48612 terrestrial abductions. His report indicates that 5 million Americans claim 10/8/1995 #51157 sis conducted in the United States indicates that it cannot be a natural ph 1996 #51287 nslated from French) A Gallup poll indicates that 71% of Americans think th 12/11/1996 #51820 r analysis. Microscopic imaging by indicates it is spider web. Another witn 8/10/1998 #52410 West Belfast. The size of the echo indicates that the object is 10 miles lo 2/15/1999 #52527 was supposed to observe. The NASA indicates a navigation error. (September 9/23/1999 #52678 aves to attend a meeting. Analysis indicates that the object is most likely 2/20/2002 #53182 been split. The final NTSB report indicates that the accident is caused by 10/23/2002 #53290 curity guards are accurate, but he indicates a fifth individual is present. 3/2010 #54146 of any carbon-based molecules and indicates that ʻOumuamua is at least 10 10/26/2018 #54422 Twenty minutes later, the timeline indicates two UASs are seen with one of 7/17/2019 #54479 cts are spotted. The timeline also indicates that the bridge was able to se 7/17/2019 #54479 onal rigorous analysis. The report indicates that, in some cases, the UAP r 6/25/2021 #54585 formation about the US. The report indicates that investigation of the topi 6/25/2021 #54585 porting protocols. The report also indicates that, of the sightings reporte 6/25/2021 #54585## Word: "indicating", 71 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ts added weight to these accounts, indicating that they were not mere tales 5/21/70 #7 uently burned by terrestrial fire, indicating the dragons' aversion to fire 5/1295 #241 at least 15 minutes, with reports indicating that the miraculous light was 9/14/1641 #499 iger, acknowledging skepticism but indicating the significance of the sight 4/8/1665 #553 h the phenomenon upon his arrival, indicating its existence beyond imaginat Late 12/1667 #558 ld significance in medieval tales, indicating burial or other important sit 7/23/1830 #963 g, with clear, well-defined points indicating distance from the telescope. 8/7/1869 #1208 as distinct from that of a meteor, indicating that it was not a typical met 8/31/1872 #1241 e of catching birds with a net and indicating the incredible speed of the a 4/19/1897 #1885 nd fly circular courses, seemingly indicating radio control. Most informati 8/1/1946 #4646 he leader draws a map in the dirt, indicating a seventh planet, presumably 7/23/1947 #6099 ver at the FBI for comment, subtly indicating that investigating a domestic 7/30/1947 #6152 dential message from the Air Force indicating that the army should take car 9/15/1947 #6332 Japan A preliminary EEI document, indicating that the radar detection of U 10/21/1947 #6419 right-Patterson, rewrite a new EEI indicating a potentially serious but puz 12/18/1947 #6471 tions the books of Charles Fort as indicating that this has been going on f 11/8/1948 #6945 o to a large number of FBI offices indicating that “flying discs are believ 3/25/1949 #7190 Base AL with filter paper samples indicating a Soviet nuclear weapons test 9/3/1949 #7555 normal radio-active contamination” indicating “An atomic explosion on the c 9/9/1949 #7564 to his government on geomagnetism indicating, that following a discreet in 11/21/1950 #8715 seconds. No shock waves were felt, indicating the craft to be in the strato 8/27/1951 #9197 5, Ducker sends Ruppelt a telegram indicating that he has figured out that 8/30/1951 #9205 n tongue. Bethurum shook his head, indicating he could not understand. Then 7/27/1952 #11289 Deputy Director Robert Amory Jr., indicating that the agency will be looki 7/29/1952 #11433 of the CIA with a witness, clearly indicating that there was CIA interest i 7/29/1952 #11438 ailey receive coded radio messages indicating the saucer intelligences inte 8/24/1952 #11942 y’s April 8 letter to Lee Metcalf, indicating serious interest in UFOs. Mid 7/1957 #18996 vations by a/c numerous times thus indicating positively the object being t 7/17/1957 #19007 e Rio newspaper O Globo an article indicating that witnesses saw a UFO expl 9/14/1957 #19216 Chief of Research and Development indicating its interest in the flying sa 10/22/1957 #19387 nicate with her through telepathy, indicating he was looking for titanium a 11/18/1957 #19859 nicate with her through telepathy, indicating he was looking for titanium a 11/18/1957 #19861 etonated in April 1957, with signs indicating “do not enter / nuclear mater 1958 #20081 hite with two dark spots, possibly indicating a structure. The object angle 7/1958 #20478 generator. When he made a gesture indicating he was interested in the prep 4/18/1961 #22274 ves it an almost solid appearance, indicating that it is optically opaque. 3/1963 #23459 . He then heard an English message indicating that the blackout was a "demo 11/9/1965 #25763 wo automobiles had their hoods up, indicating possible E-M effects. (Don Wo 3/1/1967 #27990 side Brooks. Her ears are pricked, indicating she is worried about the soun 10/26/1967 #29778 spaced indentations in the ground, indicating that a heavy device had lande 6/14/1968 #30553 d lights that blinked in a pattern indicating a square shape. A nebulous fi 10/28/1968 #31154 ight. One of their sensors buzzes, indicating a strong magnetic field, and 3/28/1970 #32292 he left just before passing a sign indicating Port Alma, 40 km from Calliop 8/12/1971 #33038 ing system is showing a red light, indicating there is a train to the rear. 10/20/1973 #35187 ion of five red lights in a curve, indicating something round. (NICAP: 02 - 11/23/1973 #35447 hield of a journalist, with a note indicating the date and location of the 3/23/1974 #35962 hlorophyll and an unknown element (indicating pheophytins associated with t 5/20/1974 #36173 , they receive a mental impression indicating that “We’re not done with you 10/27/1975 #37802 lmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana, indicating that something is violating s 11/7/1975 #37916 ce collection activities, possibly indicating the Agency was considering fu 4/26/1976 #38419 ers on the lunar surface—all of it indicating alien mining operations. Leon 8/1976 #38625 the object up on radar, the return indicating something the size of a Boein 9/18/1976 #38821 essentially no thermoluminescence, indicating t had been subjected to stron 10/22/1976 #38919 were of a highly personal nature, indicating that he must already know a g 4/4/1977 #39409 feet away and beckoned, as though indicating for the witnesses to follow. 8/30/1977 #39942 it was beginning to rain, the time indicating 10:15 PM when both considered 6/22/1978 #40881 New York Times reported the event, indicating that the US government, throu 1/14/1979 #41992 ara is told of a new radar target, indicating that another object might be 11/11/1979 #42690 ound, strong physiological effects indicating radioactivity. Mystery helico 12/29/1980 #43535 lowing passage: There were reports indicating that the instruments or perso 11/1983 #44975 Gallup releases a report indicating that there are three adult Am 3/12/1987 #46216 their own and hit the metal post, indicating that the post had been magnet 3/23/1987 #46231 was classified as a “Green Base,” indicating it had the highest priority t 3/16/1991 #48404 DNA from the root shows sequences indicating rare Basque/Gaelic and Asian 7/23/1992 #48985 ociated Press publishes an article indicating that some 120 "dwarves" were 11/2/1995 #51199 es away at 22.5 degrees elevation, indicating an altitude of about 10,000 f 11/3/1998 #52469 s through the centre of the frame, indicating a possible lens anomaly, [for 1/27/2004 #53527 art, who has published USN sources indicating Navy involvement in UAP crash 10/2006 #53842 e lights are in a pyramidal shape (indicating rotation of the object that c 1/12/2013 #54238 NORAD releases figures indicating that radar Tracks of Interest 7/1/2016 #54333 d the check-engine light comes on, indicating reduced engine power and trac 11/8/2021 #54612## Word: "indication", 15 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ther, seven men follow the light's indication to Santa Cova area, where the 4/25/880 #110 looking into it, but there is “no indication” that the discs are “new or u 7/8/1947 #5859 tronic intercept) has provided an “indication” of ominous Soviet military a 4/16/1952 #9838 in magnetic theory but have a good indication of the direction in which to 6/25/1952 #10540 s strongly urged, however, that no indication of CIA interest or concern re 8/1/1952 #11512 ue to cooperate with ATIC, but “no indication of CIA interest or concern re 8/1/1952 #11551 nd interference with watches as an indication of what happened. 12/31/1956 #18578 ig as an airliner, but without any indication of a company... My body react 5/8/1966 #26588 ticle that there appeared to be no indication of a hoax. Unfortunately, it 1/9/1967 #27522 ets are scrambled, and there is no indication that radar installations are 3/4/1969 #31566 Blue Book system.” This is a clear indication that Blue Book is only a fron 10/20/1969 #32067 I doubt it was a hoax. There’s no indication anything had been wheeled in 9/1/1974 #36499 suit, although the records gave no indication that the fighters fired on th 10/1975 #37678 quiries have failed to provide any indication of what the sighting may have 4/21/1991 #48447 fell from much higher. "We have no indication" said Moss. The woman was wea 12/2/1997 #52204## Word: "indications", 14 instance(s) (Back to Top)
sm and a remark saying that if the indications were correct, the wheels mus 5/1880 #1337 story is not known. He also found indications of a British legend from the 8/1887 #1452 yle slow down aging. She gives him indications about his future mission and 6/1946 #4495 periments commence. There are some indications that many other tests are co 12/2/1949 #7660 feet altitude and higher. Further indications of what Parker describes as 3/9/1950 #7871 re made at targets, all with radar indications, but they cannot be complete 1/21/1951 #8885 diation backgrounds. Now there are indications that there may be some corre 11/4/1952 #12606 ermit the admission that there are indications of the existence of the UFO. 3/2/1958 #20233 got bibles and prayed. No landing indications in frozen ground. (Browning) 1/24/1968 #30177 tracted their story, but there are indications that they were coerced into 9/1/1968 #30961 lowing two nights there were again indications that someone had been around 4/11/1974 #36047 speed reductions, and other clear indications of control. The object desce 8/25/1974 #36463 tory, Canada, witness a giant UFO. Indications are that it may be the size 12/11/1996 #51824 manmade advanced craft in a “false indications and warnings scenario” in wh 8/22/1998 #52422## Word: "indicative", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lack of response “astounding” and indicative of a cover-up. 1/12/1994 #49888## Word: "indicator", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
mittent target on the height range indicator (HRI) scope of the CPS-4 radar 3/9/1950 #7871 targets on the PPI (Plan Position Indicator) scope. (See report and refere 9/13/1951 #9251 the blue sky. Suddenly, the radio indicator lit up: "Unidentified flying o 12/20/1951 #9466 en he rushed in its direction, the indicator of his sight lit up: the on-bo 8/5/1953 #13581 device that controls the airspeed indicator, froze when the A-12 entered a 5/24/1963 #23551 dd change in the gravity reference indicator, requiring it to be re-leveled 1/18/1966 #25925 e and notice the gravity reference indicator exhibits an “odd” change. “A 1/18/1966 #25928 g slowly, while the Radio Magnetic Indicator is functioning normally. They 10/18/1973 #35141 ndicators. In particular, a hidden indicator light leads to an operator man 3/28/1979 #42156 dicates mach 2 (1800 km/h) and the indicator estimates the speed based on t 3/31/1990 #47796 bduction phenomenon might be. Five indicator questions in the survey assess 5/1992 #48889## Word: "indicators", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
crew. 6 red night lights. Magnetic indicators go crazy. 4/1950 #8086 can no longer read the dials. The indicators are no longer clear. There ar 5/24/1961 (approximate) #22335 relating to ambiguous control room indicators. In particular, a hidden indi 3/28/1979 #42156 rvey on abductions, using the same indicators as its 1991 survey. This one 1998 #52237## Word: "indicent", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
o within 75 feet of the child. The indicent lasted about five minutes. 12/4/1992 #49213## Word: "indies", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Netherlands Indies (Translated from French) Approxim 1890 (approximate) #1476 een hovering above the Netherlands Indies. Most reports say they were rough 1890 (approximate) #1476 trait of Malacca in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) A German U-boat, 1944 #3892 CURACAO, WEST INDIES KLM airline(s)/airliner man and 1 8/23/1958 #20576 Grand Bahama Island, West Indies (McDonald list) UFO Maneuvers ON 3/10/1959 #21047 GRAND CAYMAN ISLAND, CAYMANS, WEST INDIES Observer(s) = Baker and Ralston. 10/19/1961 #22579 CURACAO, DUTCH WEST INDIES Project Bluebook Case #unknown. D 8/7/1962 #23060 caused by the calling song of the Indies short-tailed cricket (Anurogryllu 1/4/2019 #54436## Word: "indifference", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hich he charges the Air Force with indifference and incompetence in its UFO 7/1972 #33583## Word: "indifferent", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e (11%) have seen a UFO, seven are indifferent to the subject, more express 8/6/1952 #11670 ith her arms, both beings remained indifferent to the witness's presence. F 8/3/1977 #39852 Gulf Breeze, FL Cats indifferent to triangle at tree level. ( 8/22/1989 #47262 Trenton, NY Blind dog on porch indifferent to boomerang (NICAP: 04 - An 5/21/1990 #47908 New Hartford, CT Dogs were indifferent to hovering domed disc (NICA 7/18/1990 #47987 North Branch, MN Puppy indifferent to presence of domed, hat sh 1/31/1991 #48351 tities, were "cold, and completely indifferent, maybe a little curious." Th 8/20/1993 #49651 Depoe Bay, OR Cat indifferent to glowing, yellow orange ob 9/5/1993 #49687 nowledge. Experience anomalies are indifferent to truth narratives, support 6/26/2008 #54021## Word: "indigenous", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
borealis, occurring at 7 A.M. The indigenous reactions to this event were 1/13/1553 #383 lation that an advanced alien race indigenous to Mars has built the canals 5/1894 #1509 ial astronaut story, connecting to indigenous legends of small beings from 1938 #3413 liberation groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in th 9/1/1948 #6850 ems out of the question to me: the indigenous populations of these regions 6/26/1959 #21228 ght. Mrs. Napau Abednego and other indigenous people on Prince of Wales Isl 7/8/1959 #21274 ages, hovers 50–100 feet away from Indigenous observers in the village of E 5/19/1960 #21839 extraterrestrials, but possibly an indigenous intelligence that evolved ind 1970 #32184## Word: "indigestion", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Silva was awakened at 1:50 a.m. by indigestion and a noise in his backyard. 11/29/1982 #44595## Word: "indignant", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Khrushchev sends an indignant letter to Kennedy, accusing hi 10/24/1962 #23246## Word: "indigo", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
had orange, yellow, green and blue indigo lights. He could now see a large 8/15/1970 #32488 n feet overhead. The craft emitted indigo beams from lamps on the bottom, w 9/29/1995 #51131## Word: "indio", 13 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NEAR INDIO, CA 4 / car. Red light / valley. M 12/1940 #3533 USA, El Indio Guerrero, border between Texas and 12/6/1950 #8767 El Indio, Texas Guerrero, Coahuila, Mexico 12/6/1950 #8779 e US border in the area between El Indio, Texas, and Guerrero, Coahuila, Me 12/6/1950 #8779 INDIO, CA Ground Observer Corps (GOC) ob 7/14/1952 #10770 Indio, CA Los Angeles Times. SAUCERS WAV 8/2/1952 #11562 erved by a woman supervisor at the Indio Ground Observation Post, Col. O.S. 8/2/1952 #11562 day in 1954, while driving between Indio and Brawley, California on US high 6/7/1954 #14537 NEAR INDIO, CA Miner. Disk hovers / mountain. 2/24/1957 #18686 Indio, CA 2:30 a.m. PST. Three glowing y 3/11/1966 #26043 ts paced a car for 3 hours between Indio, California, and Salome, Arizona. 3/11/1966 #26043 hill somewhere in the vicinity of Indio, California she began to receive p 8/4/1973 #34615 sed / domed disk / low altitude. / Indio Daily News 8.11.73+/ r41p345. 11/8/1973 #35369## Word: "indio-guerrero", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
second flying saucer crashes in El Indio-Guerrero area. The saucer is recov 12/6/1950 #8765 the ground at high speed in the El Indio-Guerrero zone, in the Del Rio regi 12/6/1950 #8768 near the Texas-Mexico border at El Indio-Guerrero in December 1950 to respo 1952 #9509## Word: "indira", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nge UFO was slowly approaching the Indira Gandhi International Airport and 4/8/2000 #52819## Word: "indirect", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ents, and five civilians die as an indirect result of the anti-aircraft fir 2/24/1942 #3610 ut opening. The place is lit up by indirect light as he does not see any la 1955 #16891 oom with a white floor, lighted by indirect blue white light. In a later se 6/25/1967 #28912 photographic evidence, direct and indirect physical evidence, optical and 10/31/1968 #31164 Note: Pharis Williams has several indirect ties to UAP research. Los Alamo 4/1988 #46654## Word: "indirectly", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
oids admitting he was responsible (indirectly) for McDonald’s having the me 2/7/1968 #30226 then James Fox asks him if he can indirectly answer the question by discus 12/4/2020 #54555 ever, in the latest email, Hineman indirectly suggested he did work in the 9/26/2022 #54670## Word: "indiscernible", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Night light distant in sky. Shape indiscernible. 5/1967 #28570## Word: "indiscretions", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ins audio recordings of his sexual indiscretions and a letter telling him, 11/21/1964 #24556## Word: "indispensable", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ampaign to denigrate Allende—were ‘indispensable ingredients of Frei’s succ 9/4/1964 #24445## Word: "indisposition", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ess was said to have felt a slight indisposition and to have heard or someh 1/22/1961 #22190 ess was said to have felt a slight indisposition and to have heard or someh 1/22/1961 #22192## Word: "indisputable", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ve an observable presence that is “indisputable,” but also that no evidence 5/15/2006 #53814## Word: "indistinct", 32 instance(s) (Back to Top)
except at the far end, where it is indistinct and nebulous. It is visible f 9/30/1880 #1360 m and with wings that vibrated. An indistinct noise of an engine and music 4/12/1897 #1719 th definite shape and 3D depth but indistinct edges and no smoke or trail. 8/31/1950 #8550 ernors Island, NY 4 photos of some indistinct light (NICAP: 08 - Photograph 7/6/1952 #10666 Muhr. Four pictures taken of some indistinct light which was admittedly no 7/6/1952 #10667 ) Charles Muhr takes 4 shots of an indistinct light that appeared on the ne 7/12/1952 #10717 rown tint. Open eyes, small mouth, indistinct nose, hands and feet. Wore ti 1953? #12886 ding to another version they spoke indistinct words.) They gave a pat on th 10/4/1954 #15526 ding to another version they spoke indistinct words.) They gave a pat on th 10/4/1954 #15535 eyes had no eyebrows, the nose was indistinct, the top of the skull gave th 5/1955 #17134 s with a wide slit for a mouth, an indistinct nose, and normal eyes without 5/25/1955 #17193 ide of the plane—enormous in size, indistinct in outline, and lit in some a 2/17/1956 #17825 nge area, NM A pale yellow ball of indistinct outline and approximately one 7/14/1956 #18087 denly cease working. The cloud has indistinct, hazy edges, and it increases 5/13/1958 #20366 ed it as an "elongated circle with indistinct edges" and said it had been f 3/31/1959 #21106 d portholes, behind which she sees indistinct shadows moving. It takes off, 12/9/1960 #22124 ting out a bright light jet and an indistinct shadow entering the cabin. Th 12/26/1960 #22133 me on top. Inside the dome are two indistinct figures. The object rotates c 12/8/1967 #30034 tness. However, the upper edge was indistinct and blurred: the object did n 3/14/1968 #30339 BRASOV, ROM Large indistinct UFO has bright crescent dish 4/18/1971 #32814 -object from Tokai bank building. (Indistinct.) 5/26/1972 #33514 r(s) / (seen thru) telescope. Dark indistinct ovoid with lights hovers / 20 5/14/1973 #34400 of the craft. They then noticed an indistinct "egg-shaped" figure moving ar 4/30/1974 #36121 nosity. He even heard some kind of indistinct murmurs. His stepson who live 3/31/1975 #37086 ow outside and then heard strange, indistinct murmurs and voices. Her son-i 3/31/1975 #37088 right yellow in its center with an indistinct flame-orange boundary. Sudden 8/13/1976 #38674 ness. The UFO had a solid top, but indistinct bottom; it was 7-8 meters in 9/2/1976 #38743 noon light that other details were indistinct. The ZAF Hawks approached the 7/22/1985 #45648 rnoon light that other details are indistinct. The ZAF Hawk planes approach 7/22/1985 #45649 s over school. Loud humming. Shape indistinct. Videos taken. / r147. 12/9/1992 #49218 t or objects behind the lights was indistinct, but there was a loud hum ass 12/9/1992 #49219 later sighted two more craft with indistinct lights. They could hear the s 6/8/2002 #53213## Word: "indistinguishable", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e light “attached to some dark and indistinguishable object” as it flies fr 1/10/1898 #2025 it, there were words too that were indistinguishable; he tried to photograp 4/12/1954 #14318 e the light, which finally becomes indistinguishable with a star by 1:10 a. 8/4/1963 #23666 the police, the lights in the sky indistinguishable from stars. Both witne 7/23/1977 #39797 olice, the lights in the sky being indistinguishable from stars. Both witne 7/23/1977 #39798 -death experiences are emotionally indistinguishable, with childhoods that 5/1/1992 #48892 their noses and mouths were almost indistinguishable. They had thin bodies 12/15/1994 #50458 ate-stage hybrids, who are all but indistinguishable from ordinary people ( 1/1998 #52241## Word: "individual", 81 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Hashiro-Kima-Washi. He was a large individual who had wings on his body so 200 #17 they said nothing survives of the individual that is personal to them. The 8/13/1491 #323 ing him as an honest and reputable individual who was willing to take an oa 1656 #517 Hertford, England An individual of high reputation and credib 10/11/1660 #525 ing its illumination. One credible individual reported observing the object 10/30/1660 #528 t they soar above traffic on their individual fly-cycles and seem particula 1873 #1250 Nebraska An individual named Anton Pallardy claimed 1897 #1610 p inventor circulated in 1897. The individual was said to be working on an 4/10/1897 #1698 Lancaster, Ohio A prominent individual claimed to have encountered a 4/25/1897 #1949 San Francisco, California An individual claimed to have encountered a 11/22/1897 #2016 and falling as if controlled by an individual, and then it moved steadily e 10/1908 #2244 ssembly line production instead of individual handcrafting. 10/1/1908 #2246 n in a practically identical path. Individual fireballs are visible for at 2/9/1913 #2579 ft was being protected by an armed individual. 8/11/1917 #2784 n Bernardino county line. An armed individual was safeguarding the machine, 8/11/1917 #2785 trapped between rocks. The trapped individual wore a silver, leather-like s 1920 #2864 its edge, and on it stood a single individual. The witness described the fi 1925 #2949 ankfort, Illinois In 1927, a young individual in West Frankfort, Illinois, 1927 #2996 rt A. Goerman revealed the elusive individual to be Carl Allen, a "master l 8/15/1943 #3810 by the FBI) This paper concerns an individual born on May 3, 1924 in Austri 11/1944 #4057 ter, moved erratically, suggesting individual control. They illuminated the 1945 #4150 Two men, one a U.S. Navy enlisted individual on leave and the other recent 1/1947 #4846 be investigated to see whether an “individual might be desirous of seeking 7/30/1947 #6150 n or any Governmental activity, or individual, or would cause administrativ 8/9/1947 #6221 at 1/10". On each photograph, the individual luminescences of the formatio 8/30/1951 #9202 ngs of one object by more than one individual.” 500 copies of a final versi 11/10/1952 #12620 between two hedges, a normal-sized individual wearing a helmet walking towa 9/10/1954 #15035 was carrying on his shoulder. The individual quickly advanced towards him, 9/10/1954 #15035 ade friendly gestures to him. This individual was very small and had an inh 9/17/1954 #15094 man was approached by a mysterious individual of human appearance, dressed 10/5/1954 #15544 a double beam of light at him. The individual had boots without heels and v 10/9/1954 #15709 a double beam of light at him. The individual had boots without heels and v 10/9/1954 #15727 the ground near a gas-oil tank. An individual covered with hair was standin 10/12/1954 #15852 euver, manage to apprehend a small individual, with a shaggy beard and ulti 10/15/1954 #15977 ous sphere landed 30 m away and an individual in a diving suit walked aroun 10/15/1954 #16002 lves face to face with a corpulent individual, of human appearance, but no 10/18/1954 #16110 claimed that Pugina was a “normal” individual not known to drink or to suff 10/18/1954 #16153 ALITY: it was a hoax set up by the individual who wanted to make himself in 10/21/1954 #16216 in the presence of a normal-sized individual (1.60m) wearing a kind of sui 10/26/1954 #16347 on either side of the helmet. This individual directed two blue beams of li 10/26/1954 #16347 r, was suddenly confronted with an individual of normal height (1.60 m) wea 10/26/1954 #16357 on either side of the helmet. The individual aimed at the witness the beam 10/26/1954 #16357 suddenly confronted by an unusual individual of normal height (1.60 m) wea 10/26/1954 #16365 that of a sewing machine. Another individual was examining the fence, whil 12/9/1954 #16763 dstock police officers and another individual in Genoa City see the same ob 11/5/1957 #19608 ory and special types of evidence. Individual chapters are devoted to sight 5/1964 #24107 g of dangerous burglars, led by an individual nicknamed "The Pygmy". They h 8/7/1965 #25351 , three creatures that looked like individual tin cans on tripods, and were 10/23/1965 #25728 light. The thread breaks into 7–8 individual blue lights, which exit in se Spring 1967 #28219 ee witnesses plus another separate individual reported a dark object with 2 4/21/1967 #28500 d a spurious UFO image), as is the individual who operated the bogus magnet 3/28/1970 #32292 ate of two per year, but these are individual satellites. (April 1970) 4/1970 #32295 d one of his abductors as the same individual he had given a ride to in thi 5/22/1973 #34439 e he had given a ride to this same individual previously on the night of hi 4/26/1974 #36113 . ANMCC was requested to have each individual write a statement on the sigh 7/30/1976 #38606 the top of the ladder was another individual who assured Julio that he had 2/5/1978 #40510 one wore black. The black dressed individual appeared to be pointing to th 9/18/1978 #41310 in his chest and at this point an individual approached him and told him h 1/3/1979 #41944 and told him he was welcomed. The individual appeared totally human and sp 1/3/1979 #41944 30 objects in a V- formation. Each individual light of the group is pale wh 1/17/1980 #42848 r happened. Green never named the individual but it was revealed he passed 1982 #44145 of the shape is covered with 12–20 individual lights. All sounds from insec Early Autumn 1987 #46364 f drug smuggling... on the part of individual Contras, Contra suppliers, Co 4/13/1989 #47075 trol group” cannot occur unless an individual knows about their “seventh se 1990 #47626 “Y,” with some spheres performing individual movements. Some of them move 8/24/1990 #48044 tall blond-haired, Nordic-looking individual emerged from the smoke. He wa 9/22/1992 #49103 ld to kill the story by an unknown individual. In 2022, the NWS radar opera 3/8/1994 #49987 s deserted. They saw there a small individual (1.5m) but very obese in a re 10/23/1996 #51764 x face without any expression. The individual was coming in their direction 10/23/1996 #51764 ence made him stop in front of the individual and he asked if he could help 10/14/1997 #52175 ,” adding he had a meeting with an individual from SAIC in 1995-96; he stat 7/2003 #53429 ere on the bigot lists. An unnamed individual “The General” was believed to 9/10/2003 #53464 osecution, but an unnamed powerful individual in the DOD squashed it. Bowsh 8/7/2004 #53598 nearly 130,000 pages, each one an individual JPG image. 2007 #53867 ghts seemed to consist of a row of individual blue lights that first were t 4/17/2007 #53891 a full circle; it had maybe 24-30 individual blue lights around the perime 4/17/2007 #53891 accurate, but he indicates a fifth individual is present. He describes a ma 3/2010 #54146 of green lights. There were three individual lights in each set, and the f 6/1/2013 #54247 n “intelligence-gathering” type of individual sat his crew down and told th 1/30/2015 #54307 objects and not false readings, as individual instances had been detected b 6/25/2021 #54585 idn’t have a need to know. Another individual, the son of a retired Western 9/28/2021 #54603## Word: "individually", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
territory. These spheres are seen individually or in clusters and sometime 12/14/1944 #4097 color, and brightness; apparently individually controlled. (Page 153-154 R 3/25/1945 #4251 e not in strict formation and seem individually controlled. John G. Norris 3/25/1945 #4253 understanding of the more than 150 individually funded research subprojects 4/13/1953 #13314 ad. Thin beams light 2 observer(s) individually. 8/9/1969 #31949 French) French ufologists receive, individually, an invitation to a bi-part 9/1978 #41209 ounty, New York. They proceeded to individually dive, climb, and zigzag. Th 8/30/2003 #53457## Word: "individuals", 127 instance(s) (Back to Top)
sails, and warring armies. Several individuals even claimed they were abduc 760 #79 aires'. In one notable event, four individuals, three men and a woman, were 815 #98 Northumbria, England Numerous individuals witnessed an inexplicable fi 1067 #158 n it from various directions. Many individuals displayed a divine imprint o 1100 #167 uliar behavior, often accompanying individuals and remaining stationary whe Winter 1394 #277 a remarkable sweetness. While some individuals did not see the lights, they 6/1444 #295 the gathering, he witnessed famous individuals pledging allegiance to the D 1526 #350 investigator. A total of nineteen individuals recounted the event to notar 3/5/1555 #389 captured the attention of numerous individuals in Paris, commencing at two 2/18/1579 #432 se effects, including the death of individuals such as the son of Sr. Gaspa 8/15/1608 #457 Boston, Massachusetts Three individuals arriving in Boston from the 1/18/1644 #502 oston, several credible and devout individuals claimed to hear a chilling v 1/18/1644 #502 inary event occurred where unknown individuals and animals were observed in 5/1646 #508 gh the darkness. Several reputable individuals in Hull, including eyewitnes 10/3/1660 #524 rs and was also witnessed by other individuals in the town. This account de 10/11/1660 #525 ar occurrence was observed by five individuals traveling from Hertford to L 10/30/1660 #527 he early hours of the morning, two individuals witnessed a remarkable pheno 11/30/1660 #530 " At around 10 o'clock that night, individuals near Pickadilly also reporte 4/23/1661 #538 ation and was observed by multiple individuals across the surrounding regio 9/1693 #593 rmany In an intriguing occurrence, individuals witnessed the sky adorned wi 1704 #610 ccording to a local account, three individuals descended from a cloud, visi 1729 #639 hours, during which all twenty-six individuals, residing within a mile's ra 6/23/1744 #675 y throne" was observed by numerous individuals around 8 to 9 PM. The specta 6/13/1765 #728 . The event, witnessed by numerous individuals, lasted around twenty minute 6/12/1788 #805 enomenon. Despite skepticism, some individuals believed the account, while 10/12/1796 #829 France After departing a theater, individuals witnessed a luminous globe s 2/13/1821 #933 e. Concurrently, tall unidentified individuals emerged in the town, gesturi 3/1828 #956 Aero Club, comprised of inventive individuals, reportedly secretly built a 1850's #1092 ft was manned by several very tall individuals. Speculation arose that the 1858 #1127 Swift in Mattoon, Illinois, and by individuals in Shelbyville, Kentucky, ob 8/7/1869 #1208 ns. However, recent testimony from individuals who lived in the Aurora area 1897 #1612 of their invention by unscrupulous individuals. (Chapter 1, Ref 70) 4/10/1897 #1698 the crew composed of six or eight individuals. The machinery was so compli 4/22/1897 #1912 as many explanations as there are individuals. Those who have not seen it 4/22/1897 #1913 spoke with a crew of six or eight individuals. The crew claimed the aerial 4/22/1897 #1927 Kountze, Texas Two individuals claimed to have found a land 4/23/1897 #1936 by a crew of smaller-than-average individuals who spoke an unfamiliar lang 5/3/1897 #1971 . The witness could not detail the individuals, but he is certain of the fo 1906 #2156 large, boat-shaped object with two individuals inside before it swiftly dep 1909 #2253 sles. In January of that year, two individuals, including a policeman, noti 1/1913 #2549 s Canadian side, witnessed by nine individuals. A peculiar craft, about nin 8/1914 #2642 ading to the identification of the individuals operating an unidentified ae 10/18/1917 #2807 ar, around 1920, approximately 200 individuals witnessed a sizeable cylindr 1920 #2861 nd filled the clearing. A group of individuals, some dressed in black busin 1924 #2931 US spies, saboteurs, or suspicious individuals. 5/21/1940 #3515 were police officers, plainclothes individuals, and military personnel. Thr 1941 #3544 s, military men, and plain-clothes individuals are sifting through the wrec Early Spring 1941 #3548 Ontario, Canada Two individuals were alerted by an unusual h 1944 #3878 . Later, they were interrogated by individuals who claimed the incident was 1946 #4434 The businessman observed multiple individuals, totaling 11, near the UFO. 5/1946 #4475 , totaling 11, near the UFO. These individuals wore white overalls, transpa 5/1946 #4475 San Diego, California In 1946, two individuals observed a UFO near San Dieg Mid 1946 #4511 Oconomowoc Lake, Wisconsin Three individuals witnessed a shiny object, re Mid 1946 #4513 inding any trace of what the three individuals had seen. (July 19th, just b 7/19/1946 #4598 ural or artificial or inspired by “individuals of Communist sympathies with 7/9/1947 #5917 BI in locating and questioning the individuals who first sighted the discs. 7/10/1947 #5928 rations, universities, and private individuals. 5/14/1948 #6673 nd changed course. observations by individuals varied from 3 seconds to 2 m 2/25/1950 #7821 e. The observations by the various individuals lasted from three seconds up 2/25/1950 #7822 effects of stimulation not only on individuals but also on groups. In one d 1952 #9499 (cf: August 1952, Bakersville) Two individuals appeared in the backyard of 10/1952 #12384 r Cardoso and three others saw two individuals, 2.5 m tall, dressed in shin 9/24/1954 #15226 r Cardoso and three others saw two individuals, 2.5 meters (8.3 feet) tall 9/24/1954 #15230 from French) Two witnesses saw two individuals dressed in shiny clothes eme 10/13/1954 #15870 then opened a narrow door and both individuals disappeared into the cabin. 10/24/1954 #16309 e object. After he got up, the two individuals entered the UFO through a re 12/28/1954 #16867 the witness was seized by unknown individuals and carried aboard the craft 10/16/1957 #19369 t he was quickly seized by unknown individuals who dragged him aboard the c 10/16/1957 #19373 00 feet from the back porch. Three individuals come out of the craft and wa 12/30/1957 #20070 that neither this network nor the individuals on the program were authoriz 1/22/1958 #20151 rsonnel are not to contact private individuals on UFO cases or discuss thei 9/14/1959 #21440 ht, he could see two small, seated individuals. They had very high crowned 9/29/1959 #21471 reupon they see four human-looking individuals standing around it. At this Late 11/1961 #22653 ised to see that two human looking individuals, about 5.7 feet tall, wearin 9/1/1962 #23132 t a Chilean base in Antarctica, 17 individuals observed a "lens-shaped" aer 1965 #24624 away. Inside the globe are several individuals who look like normal human b 7/1965 #25019 ent and technically well-qualified individuals whose integrity cannot be do 9/28/1965 #25662 2 1⁄2-month-long search. Some 800 individuals with no hands-on expertise i 1/17/1966 #25919 10,000 files on more than 300,000 individuals and 100 domestic groups. The 8/1967 #29154 Russia 400 individuals attend the first meeting of 10/18/1967 #29700 phone booth is repainted and other individuals seem to be examining the pla 11/7/1967 #29871 ough which could be seen two small individuals, only 3 feet tall, dressed f 7/31/1968 #30802 and in the tunnel he saw about ten individuals: they looked like clouds wit 3/12/1969 #31596 knees. He was seized by two masked individuals, about one meter twenty tall 5/3/1969 (approximate) #31713 contacting a small group of select individuals to help prepare for future c Early 1970's #32177 out 500 feet altitude. Three other individuals living in the area reported 6/26/1971 #32945 vermore National Laboratory; these individuals saw orbs in their homes, ent 1974 #35636 lly identifiable information about individuals maintained in systems of rec 12/31/1974 #36771 al agencies. The act also provides individuals with a means by which to see 12/31/1974 #36771 el chronicles are not-quite- human individuals (men in black) who intimidat 1975 #36778 , North Dakota Late night. Unknown individuals penetrate the flight line at 11/3/1975 #37875 ter, and Intelligence. These three individuals considered the report a UFO 11/14/1975 #37963 and his wife Maureen, meet two odd individuals, “Bill” and “Jane,” who have 9/24/1976 #38851 reation Area, Louisiana Dusk. Five individuals—Dale Schexnaider and his wif 6/17/1977 #39651 logist Jacques Vallée, a number of individuals are reportedly killed as a r 7/1977 #39705 e their presence known to selected individuals and world governments throug 11/17/1977 #40206 very interested in the dog. These individuals invited the witness to follo 2/5/1978 #40504 ss entered it, escorted by the two individuals. He found himself in a circu 2/5/1978 #40504 geny Khrunov. At the seminar, some individuals storm into the auditorium an 11/1978 #41523 and he turned around and the three individuals rejoined their machine, clim 5/13/1980 #43053 ington, D.C. It is managed by such individuals as Henry Kissinger, Sally Sh 11/18/1983 #44989 the package is most likely sent by individuals in AFOSI at Kirtland AFB, in 12/11/1984 #45522 B in Dayton, Ohio, invites several individuals—Harold E. Puthoff (Partridge Fall 1986 #46102 nts and mails it to many prominent individuals in ufology. He claims “Falco 3/1/1989 #47028 ce Nov 89. The credibility of some individuals making the reports is good… 3/1990 #47715 o, as well as 614 testimonies from individuals and 5 reports from civilian 11/5/1990 #48183 They show the journalist photos of individuals killed during psychotronic w 11/25/1991 #48673 an minds, monitor them and possess individuals; that NHI seek to deceive hu 11/25/1991 #48673 uld see the silhouettes of several individuals with large heads. He attempt 5/19/1997 #52024 interesting stories to share with individuals interested in military histo 6/1997 #52029 and massive breeding program using individuals from childhood onward and fa 1/1998 #52241 est form could be used to distract individuals; if refined, it could also b 2/17/1998 #52295 ty, corporate community, etc). The individuals involved are personnel insid 4/2001 #53013 , undisclosed, and meets the three individuals in a secure vault and is giv 10/16/2002 #53285 harassment by seemingly invisible individuals and this may be connected to 7/2003 #53429 dar technicians state two “unknown individuals” boarded and retrieved the d 11/14/2004 #53656 by the vessel’s AEGIS system. The individuals showed up by helicopter and 11/14/2004 #53656 t involved compiling a database of individuals suffering injuries, burns, s 2005 #53676 t he asks for additional security (individuals “specialized in the areas of 6/24/2009 #54102 es on the internet about whichever individuals it targets, including the us 2/24/2014 #54280 report hearing anything. Affected individuals describe symptoms such as he 8/2017 #54355 loss, and nausea. Some US embassy individuals reportedly experience lastin 8/2017 #54355 l, in a SCIF, meeting with several individuals about UAP. Elizondo states a 7/19/2020 #54540 ocuments and interviewing affected individuals. They determine the symptoms 2/2/2022 #54630 new Congressional language allows individuals in those programs to come fo 9/2022 #54664 agon has not refuted these claims, individuals involved may consider whistl 9/1/2023 #54741 of The Good Trouble show, multiple individuals have circumvented The Pentag 9/4/2023 #54742## Word: "indns", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NORTHEAST / JAKARTA, INDNS Several / military boat. Flat silv 2/1954 #14123## Word: "indo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Saigon, French Indo China Witnesses: many in crowd watc 5/28/1952 #10204## Word: "indo-pakistani", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rom French) On the occasion of the Indo-Pakistani conflict, eight Cosmos sa 12/1971 #33270## Word: "indo-tibetan", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
headquarters about sightings by an Indo-Tibetan Border Police unit in the T 8/1/2012 #54228## Word: "indochina", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ted from French) In Saigon (French Indochina), many people in the crowd att 5/28/1952 #10196 SAIGON, FR INDOCHINA Project Bluebook Case #1232. M 5/28/1952 #10198 Saigon, Indochina White-silver disc-shaped objec 5/28/1952 #10201 Translated from French) End of the Indochina War. (August 1st) 8/1/1954 #14795 entries of ships into the ports of Indochina as well as the arrivals of fis 10/12/1954 #15833 eastern Cambodia Indochina Cambodia Laos Vietnam The US b 3/18/1969 #31624 record of US bombing activity over Indochina from 1964 to 1973 is declassif 3/18/1969 #31624## Word: "indochinese", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
wo sheets of a brochure written in Indochinese which mentioned the entries 10/12/1954 #15833## Word: "indoctrinated", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
PD commander, who tells him he was indoctrinated into PPD and would not be Mid 1995 #50848## Word: "indoctrinating", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Way paper that theorizes radically indoctrinating population with belief an 3/11/1998 #52308## Word: "indoctrination", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
is reached disclosure and intense indoctrination of faith and values at pl 3/11/1998 #52308 of the Lincoln County fallings and indoctrination may be only viable altern 3/11/1998 #52308## Word: "indonesia", 33 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ed abduction cases in Malaysia and Indonesia involving beings from a coexis 8/1810 #885 ralia Battle of Badung Strait Bali Indonesia Timor Sea Royal Netherlands Na 2/26/1942 #3629 ttle of Badung Strait (off Bali in Indonesia), reports a large, aluminum di 2/26/1942 #3629 acca in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) A German U-boat, sunk by the 1944 #3892 over the ocean between Palembang, Indonesia and Ceylon (Sri Lanka) at a lo 8/10/1944 #3992 aragpur, India Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia Shortly after midnight. Capt. 8/11/1944 #3993 g mission over Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia, when his right gunner and cop 8/11/1944 #3993 Kaoe Bay, Indonesia Very brilliant light appearing 8/13/1944 #3996 MALANG, JAVA, INDONESIA (Up) many observer(s). Metal s 2/21/1953 #13161 In Malang, Indonesia on the island of Java a metall 2/21/1953 #13162 CORONTALO, CELEBES, INDONESIA Strange ovoid radiates gray-gr 2/23/1953 #13166 BONDOWOSO, JAVA, INDONESIA Numerous observer(s). Disk goe 7/25/1954 #14749 Os flew over Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia. 10/19/1954 #16181 BAGANSIAPIAPI, INDONESIA 2 / boat / malfunctions due to 11/6/1957 #19645 Bagansiapiapi, Sumatra, Indonesia 5:00 p.m. Two Malay fisherman 11/6/1957 #19694 erway near Bagansiapiapi, Sumatra, Indonesia, when they see a black and red 11/6/1957 #19694 Surabaya Malang Bangkalan Java, Indonesia Malaysia Numerous high-speed U 9/18/1964 #24474 baya, Malang, and Bangkalan, Java, Indonesia. Antiaircraft batteries and Ai 9/18/1964 #24474 BALI ISL.INDONESIA Man photographs Mt. Gning-Agun 8/17/1976 #38689 rom French) November photograph in Indonesia. See images/1976-11.jpg. 9/11/1976 #38797 tion (see below) at South Herwang (Indonesia). (November, 2 PM) 11/1976 #38948 ARJUNA OILFIELD, INDONESIA Large UFO with beams / light c 3/10/1977 #39353 Arjuna Oil Field Java Sea, Indonesia 7:40 p.m. Ten crew members of 3/10/1977 #39355 Arjuna Oil Field in the Java Sea, Indonesia, see an object the apparent si 3/10/1977 #39355 Jakarta, Indonesia Eastern part of Jakarta, Indon 5/3/1977 #39525 Indonesia Eastern part of Jakarta, Indonesia 6:35 p.m. Several people in th 5/3/1977 #39525 le in the eastern part of Jakarta, Indonesia, are watching the sky with bin 5/3/1977 #39525 Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia 6:30 p.m. At Bondowoso, East J 7/6/1977 #39727 6:30 p.m. At Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia, a ham radio operator reports 7/6/1977 #39727 Wowoni Island, Sulawesi, Indonesia 12:15 p.m. A dredge master and 9/27/1977 #40042 coast of Wowoni Island, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Consisting of a cone of trans 9/27/1977 #40042 Mahakam River Borneo, Indonesia 8:27 p.m. Malcolm Smith is tra 7/19/1981 #43848 at up the Mahakam River in Borneo, Indonesia, when he sees an odd star that 7/19/1981 #43848## Word: "indonesian", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
urjadin, Commander-in-Chief of the Indonesian Air Force, indicates that UFO 5/5/1967 #28595 Indonesian Air Marshal Roesmin Noerjadin 5/5/1967 #28599## Word: "indons", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
JAKARTA, INDONS Air Force patrol. Disk hovers. Su 9/20/1959 #21448 LK POSO, INDONS Many observer(s). Glowing-ball go 5/4/1968 (approximate) #30454 MEDAN, INDONS 2 / home. Power out. Silent white 11/4/1968 (approximate) #31189## Word: "indooroopilly", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
INDOOROOPILLY AND BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA Fi 12/6/1965 #25812## Word: "indoors", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
re able to conduct household tasks indoors using its illumination. One cred 10/30/1660 #528 tunately, the witness was summoned indoors and couldn't observe the conclus 2/1661 #534 izarre event. "I wanted to go back indoors and watch TV," she told reporter 8/4/1968 #30828 to locals who advised them to stay indoors when "these things" were around. End of 1975 #38034 t for a short while and Britt went indoors, but his son Richie continued to 10/28/1976 #38936 try when her dog leaps up and runs indoors. A ball of light appears in the 4/25/1984 #45253## Word: "indre", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
VATAN, INDRE, FR Vertical hangs vertical. Going 10/2/1954 #15415## Word: "indre-et-", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
on workers at Marcilly-sur-Vienne, Indre-et- Loire, France, see a disc-shap 9/30/1954 #15331## Word: "indre-et-loire", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Marcilly-sur-Vienne, Indre-et-Loire, France Around 4:30 p.m. 9/30/1954 #15331 Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Night. French AF 3/3/1976 #38299 Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Night. Claude Bos 3/3/1976 #38300 light in the distance near Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France. In 1–2 seconds, 3/3/1976 #38300## Word: "indre-loire", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
topped over the town of Montbazon, Indre-Loire department, France, hovered 1/29/1990 #47669 aughter on the highway in Cormery, Indre-Loire, France had their vehicle pa 5/16/1993 #49474## Word: "indrid", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s name and saying that his own is “Indrid Cold” from a planet called Lanulo Early 11/1966 #27278 enberger has further meetings with Indrid Cold and his companion Carl Ardo, 11/4/1966 #27283## Word: "induce", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ing them with knives and trying to induce violent behavior in them using di 7/1968 #30632 nt, these weapons would be able to induce illness or death at little or no 12/1980 #43450## Word: "induced", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
o were deeply affected by the fear induced by the phenomenon. 8/15/1608 #457 misses flying saucers as “a mirage induced by mass self- hypnosis” in stori 1/31/1948 #6554 ude: the creation of “hypnotically induced anxieties,” “hypnotically increa 5/11/1953 #13376 ns, revealing apparent pregnancies induced by aliens. Early 7/1983 #44824## Word: "induces", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ence. A strobe light on the object induces dizziness and nausea; the copilo 6/28/2005 #53720## Word: "inducing", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
reports of close encounters due to inducing perceptual alterations or hallu 5/15/2006 #53814## Word: "induction", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lly credited with the discovery of induction 1831 #964 magnetic flux density (or magnetic induction) in the International System o 7/10/1858 #1129 roots indicated possible electric induction. 8/19/1952 #11864 nospheric sounding device), and an induction magnetometer, are used to stud 1993 #49252## Word: "industrial", 40 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ccupation of German scientific and industrial sites revealed the Allies' si 1945 #4151 Stanley Parker and Robert Cadaret, industrial art students, report seeing a 10/19/1951 #9347 Butler, MO Chairman of Industrial Commission of Missouri saw cy 3/29/1952 #9696 .m. Carl J. Henry, chairman of the Industrial Commission of Missouri, along 3/29/1952 #9704 Lancaster, Ohio Industrial engineer Jack W. Grant gives 10/2/1953 #13761 CA Meeting of a private “industrial group” discussing matters tha 12/1953 #13904 ards AFB. He also records that an “industrial group” discussing matters tha 1/24/1954 #14103 bly lint from waste cotton used in industrial plants.” John B. Diffenderfer 2/21/1955 #17027 by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organisation. It cannot be id 7/10/1956 #18077 ve ash and debris settles over the industrial zone. There are no immediate 9/29/1957 #19273 ly resembles Hiroshima in size and industrial concentration. When he finds 12/14/1960 #22127 otential influence of the military–industrial complex, a term he is credite 1/17/1961 #22180 erman AFB [now the Clinton-Sherman Industrial Airpark] Burns Flat, Oklahoma Spring 1962 #22773 erman AFB [now the Clinton-Sherman Industrial Airpark] near Burns Flat, Okl Spring 1962 #22773 disc-shaped object passed over an industrial plant in Danvers, Massachuset 10/1/1964 #24484 (Translated from French) Industrial draftsman William Blackburn w 1/19/1965 #24689 rd (psychologist Launor F. Carter, industrial psychologist Jesse Orlansky, 2/3/1966 #25963 g 50 feet over the roof of the RCA industrial plant, 400 feet away from the 10/30/1966 #27254 da Polish-born Steve Michalac, 52, industrial mechanic and prospector, saw 5/20/1967 #28715 sh-born Steve Michalac, age 52, an industrial mechanic and prospector, saw 5/20/1967 #28720 The Industrial Psychologists’ section of the 9/4/1967 #29408 , Santa Catarina, Brazil 6:00 a.m. Industrial chemist Henrique Schneider Jr 9/26/1968 #31061 UAP-related) projects: the Defense Industrial Security Command and a CIA fr 1970 #32189 Industrial Research magazine publishes t 4/1971 #32796 netic effects). Huge ovoid surveys industrial zone. Possible landing. / r30 2/28/1974 #35836 blob-light going down [to] slow / industrial complex. Stops / 20M altitude 7/12/1975 #37365 USA, Industrial City (California) (Translated 9/15/1975 #37619 INDUSTRIAL CITY, CA Gilroy observer(s) a 9/15/1975 #37621 m French) (cf: September 15, 1975, Industrial City) Mrs. Victor (nurse) was 5/15/1978 #40790 IUM 1 observer. Diamond-shape over industrial park. R and G and west beams 11/29/1989 #47512 ops and remains hovering above the industrial area of Bet Shean. That's whe 11/6/1991 #48648 d 6:15 pm he observed in the local industrial area an object flying around 5/4/1992 #48900 of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) using 7/23/1992 #48985 Large UFO hovers over quarry near industrial park. 5/12/1994 #50067 ndreds of Chinese workers from the industrial zone adjacent to Canton saw a 12/23/1997 #52228 by a halo of light flying over an industrial area with many factories. The 12/23/1997 #52229 ransnationally, and is centered in industrial “work for others” contract pr 4/2001 #53013 out losing control to the military industrial complex, states he heard from 7/21/2003 #53436 Stan Romanek Industrial chemist Phyllis Budinger repo 7/22/2005 #53727 ware that had been distributed to “industrial labs.” The Corso testimony wa 10/17/2006 #53848## Word: "industrial-based", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ould likely exist as a deep, black industrial-based SAP. A program involvin 2018 #54377## Word: "industrialist", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
alier succeeded in interesting the industrialist Fritz von Opel, automobile 3/12/1928 #3032 (Translated from French) A Swedish industrialist, Gösta Carlsson, told jour 5/1946 #4470 ht while walking home, a prominent industrialist saw a light in the woods a 5/1946 #4472 o men, James Pfeiffer, an American industrialist, photographed it. Then the 5/8/1966 #26589 the sea) (Translated from French) Industrialist Stefan Danaerde is at anch 7/1967 #28941 PALENCIA, SP Industrialist. Landed UFO / roadside. Ob 11/30/1968 #31296 On this day an industrialist driving in Palencia, Spain 11/30/1968 #31298 logist and pilot John Lear, son of industrialist and Learjet founder Bill L 3/29/2022 #54639## Word: "industrialists", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ogether with lawyers, bankers, and industrialists to engineer foreign polic 7/29/1921 #2889 At 5:45 a.m. two industrialists in Spain saw a bright blu 3/22/1950 #7992 eneral (and a disgruntled group of industrialists and scientists) about the 9/15/1951 #9257 edly represented a group of top US industrialists and scientists.” The meet 10/1/1951 #9290## Word: "industrialized", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
month, a UFO made headlines in an industrialized country generating some 2 12/15/1896 #1606## Word: "industries", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ake away Southern California’s war industries.” The Japanese government, af 2/24/1942 #3610 Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, said it gives a reasonable b 1/7/1947 #4848 School, North Carolina Burlington Industries Afternoon. Hosea D. Lambeth, 10/27/1955 #17604 t the same time. Nearby Burlington Industries tests a sample and declares i 10/27/1955 #17604 after a few minutes. The city has industries that manufacture explosives a 2/23/1967 #27912 Shipbuilding, then owned by Litton Industries, creator of advanced space su 10/11/1973 #34969 : Northrop Grumman acquired Litton Industries in 2000, but any UAP work cou 10/11/1973 #34969 when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other co 1995 #50486 w part of Northrop Grumman), Kaman Industries, Rockefeller Company, Wackenh 8/19/1997 #52124 litary personnel or from aerospace industries, their own doctors were cluel 2005 #53676## Word: "industry", 30 instance(s) (Back to Top)
by the son of a Japanese aircraft industry technician. In mid-1945, after 7/1945 #4327 ri), the President of the Missouri Industry Commission observes a silver cy 3/29/1952 #9691 L, working on applied research for industry and government. It is unclear i Late 1956 #18423 ighter, the He 280; Belluzo was an industry minster in Italian Prime Minist 1958 #20092 he American public and the airline industry into a false sense of security. 12/21/1958 #20887 a source in the British aerospace industry, states in 2002 that the Pentag 1968 #30114 AF requests the American aerospace industry to construct or present a new p 1973 #34085 OHIOVILLE AND INDUSTRY AND MIDLAND, PA AND NJ Disk / l 11/1/1973 #35311 On this night witnesses in Industry, Pennsylvania reported to the l 11/3/1973 #35346 . In a work published by Socialist Industry slightly after the incident, a 9/27/1989 #47328 f USG, USG contractors and private industry since the 1940s. The theory all 7/22/1993 #49575 UFO reports. The EP’s committee on industry, external trade, research, and 12/1/1993 #49829 ess of the conduit between private industry and government UAP work. Peters 12/10/1994 #50451 a rogue faction in USG and private industry, etc; Rockefeller told ufologis 11/1/1995 #51197 om a crashed spacecraft to private industry (without saying where the items 6/1997 #52029 rials and helped seed them into US industry. Corso states in the 1950s he w 6/1997 #52033 witness has worked in the aviation industry for many years, and attests tha 9/13/1999 #52669 lington Institute (TAI), a defense industry non-profit, holds a board meeti 12/3/1999 #52720 s, and several media and financial industry executives. Meeting minutes sho 12/3/1999 #52720 behalf of a USG client with media industry executives present. John L. Pet 12/3/1999 #52720 n the Future of the U.S. Aerospace Industry delivers its final report to Co 11/27/2002 #53320 cy reforms to enable the aerospace industry to create superior technology. 11/27/2002 #53320 nior flag officers, one is defense industry/high OSD official and one is ci 3/6/2004 #53544 d CIA liaison to the entertainment industry Chase Brandon states he saw a b 7/8/2012 #54227 FOIA because it’s held in private industry. The film also states “free en 12/2014 #54303 intelligence, military and private industry was pooled together. “They’ve” 3/27/2016 #54324 get from other areas of IC/private industry. DeLonge states he was told “th 3/27/2016 #54324 are not breaking Colorado law, but industry experts note that the drone ope 12/2019 #54505 pheric phenomena, US government or industry development technology, foreign 6/25/2021 #54585 subrosa operation in the aerospace industry or “under the CIA” that has bee 9/2022 #54664## Word: "indy", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t Spots Unidentified Aircraft Near Indy (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 12/2/1993 #49832## Word: "ineffective", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
orsened, and for which aspirin was ineffective. This lasted eight days befo 12/30/1972 #34072## Word: "ineffectively", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
UFO was ascending rapidly, pursued ineffectively by four military planes. T Spring 1947 #4887## Word: "ineffectual", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
erior aerial weapon by a prolonged ineffectual penetration of the United St 4/28/1949 #7283 ome “disaffected with the apparent ineffectual progress of the Junta.” Varo 9/1960 #22002## Word: "inefficiency", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd downright ludicrous displays of inefficiency ever displayed in a governm 8/18/1952 #11834 le a Kentucky farmer more than the inefficiency of his firearms and soon th 8/21/1955 #17437## Word: "inefficient", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Gay. The weapon is considered very inefficient, with only 1.7% of its mater 8/6/1945 #4365 obe. They consider it possible but inefficient. 5/1971 #32829## Word: "ineligible", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
enemy aliens in Britain, they are ineligible to participate in secret war 3/1940 #3507## Word: "inen", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
omic scientist and director of the INEN (National Institute of Nuclear Ener 11/14/1972 #33994## Word: "inept", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
," Lott said, "was one of the most inept, disgraceful, and downright ludicr 8/18/1952 #11834 nd Brown has proven so financially inept that the NICAP board asks him to s 1/14/1957 #18620 sts are popularizing through their inept investigations as anomalous. Setka Late 1/1979 #42038## Word: "inert", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rom French) Launch of a V-2 No. 1, inert model. 1942 #3588 a cloud of short-lived isotopes of inert gases that drift out over the Atla 3/28/1979 #42156 cloning rooms in which living but inert humans are suspended in liquid-fil 1994 #49863## Word: "inertia", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
his machine seemed to be struck by inertia, despite his owner's efforts. In 10/10/1954 #15731 IATION WHILE OPPOSING ONLY A SMALL INERTIA TO THEIR PUSH. (August 12, 1960) 8/12/1960 #21937 cow, pulls ufologists out of their inertia and encourages some scientists t 12/30/1966 #27458 s of antigravity at this time: (1) inertia change through sudden energy den 2002 #53165## Word: "inertial", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d the plane. First, the aircrafts' inertial navigation systems fluctuated a 9/19/1976 #38837 ed by bright light. They both felt inertial effects as if rising up into th 9/20/1979 #42597 re is a possibility to “manipulate inertial mass” and find applications to 2/1/2007 #53877 five-year contract will focus on “inertial mass reduction, mechanical/stru 10/17/2019 #54497## Word: "ines", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
f Lujan de Cuyo, the city of Santa Ines, Mendoza province, Argentina. The o 9/19/1979 #42589## Word: "inet", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
neuver. Type unknown. Local news / inet. 9/12/1996 #51682 oing quickly east. / Le Figaro and Inet. 9/17/1996 #51695## Word: "inevitability", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ed a movement in 1962 based on the inevitability of nuclear war, has procla 6/26/1968 #30608 tings have opened our minds to the inevitability of direct contact with non 1/2011 #54189## Word: "inevitable", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
gence agencies. Such sightings are inevitable, and under wartime conditions 2/11/1949 #7123 also floats into the UFO with the inevitable medical examination etc.. 1/25/1967 #27635## Word: "inevitably", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ther tenants of the buildings who, inevitably, could have been potential sp Late 8/1987 #46343## Word: "inexpensive", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ram) for accelerated production of inexpensive “wonder weapons.” The protot 3/12/1945 #4237 a snapshot of the objects with an inexpensive camera as they race over. En 6/18/1947 #5024 , Alan snaps a photograph with his inexpensive camera, using ASA 64 film. A 8/2/1965 #25273 rive closer and look at it through inexpensive binoculars as it flies down 12/27/1979 #42805## Word: "inexperienced", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
. T states the film was shot by an inexperienced camera man with poor color 1953 #12910 He was 20 years old and relatively inexperienced for a night flight. At aro 10/21/1978 #41459## Word: "inexplicable", 33 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Numerous individuals witnessed an inexplicable fiery sign in the sky that 1067 #158 , adds to the historical record of inexplicable phenomena in the skies abov 12/9/1731 #644 ear a location known as Knott. The inexplicable spectacle continued for a d 6/23/1744 #675 Upon returning, he encountered an inexplicable phenomenon. A road appeared 9/16/1759 #711 ATION UNKNOWN Astronomer Harrison. Inexplicable object maneuvers 3.5 hours. 4/13/1879 #1314 nt observers. The case is declared inexplicable by physicist Mr. L. Baker. 8/5/1950 #8489 ssified this observation among the inexplicable cases. 7/13/1951 #9111 reported sightings which today are inexplicable within the resources availa 4/1954 #14288 orce Base experienced a sudden and inexplicable engine failure. He tried to Summer 1956 #18028 s applied to the most detailed and inexplicable cases from the best observe 1963 #23386 nd 24 other witnesses hear a loud, inexplicable explosion at his father Jos 6/25/1965 #25003 . . [It] leaves the same strange, inexplicable residue Of unknowns which h 4/1969 #31645 le…. [It] leaves the same strange, inexplicable residue of unknowns which h 4/1969 #31646 ) During the Apollo 12 mission, an inexplicable malfunction prevents Conrad 11/19/1969 #32117 , Saint-Pierreville experienced an inexplicable power outage. The gendarmes 2/12/1972 #33372 , Saint-Pierreville experienced an inexplicable power outage. The police an 2/13/1972 #33378 ation by passing out. Seized by an inexplicable urge, another camper expres 10/20/1973 #35193 er/cigar-shape 80M away. Cops find inexplicable traces. 12/29/1973 #35609 LMES, SWITZ Several photographs / "inexplicable" round night light. Going s 2/18/1974 #35795 ative to the horizon. Despite this inexplicable position the object did not 5/1978 #40751 ithout any trace of carbonization, inexplicable chlorophyll mutations of wi 1/8/1981 #43557 th of them then became aware of an inexplicable anomaly: in this neighborho 7/1983 #44820 ould suddenly disappear in such an inexplicable manner. They estimated that 7/15/1984 #45368 . What happened next was even more inexplicable, because the car with the t 8/6/1987 #46320 es through a series of bizarre and inexplicable experiences, some of them u 11/11/1988 #46858 previous close encounters, saw an inexplicable beam of light coming down t 8/15/1990 #48032 lean. Eye gone. No tracks / blood. Inexplicable. 8/26/1993 (approximate) #49663 g suddenly at a hundred meters. An inexplicable breakdown occurs: As I was 8/1/1995 #50947 the city, where it made a sudden, inexplicable turn and finally made a lin 8/28/2003 #53454 r, Fife says: “It was enormous and inexplicable. Who knows where it came fr 3/18/2007 #53885 miles south of the city, reporting inexplicable bright lights and moving ob 8/6/2007 #53917 anomalies” (which are effectively inexplicable). Event anomalies require a 6/26/2008 #54021 ject with horizontal slits showing inexplicable lights was sighted while dr 4/17/2010 #54150## Word: "inexplicably", 28 instance(s) (Back to Top)
elf transported to a hillside that inexplicably opened before her. Inside, 1613 #461 hortly after, the American bombers inexplicably ignited and exploded in mid 1944 #3889 ectrical symptoms, which discharge inexplicably. As he heads towards Los An 5/23/1952 #10171 ckground radiation count had risen inexplicably. Here we run out of even ‘b 8/15/1952 #11815 rous cows and other livestock died inexplicably. 1/29/1953 #13057 feel paralyzed. Then suddenly and inexplicably, it is 4:20 a.m. Shaw, who 3/22/1953 #13259 ed. Their trip home to Albuquerque inexplicably takes 4 hours instead of th 2/17/1958 #20196 nd 15– 20 feet thick. Suddenly and inexplicably, he finds his clothes are s 12/1959 #21594 , the vegetation inside the pit is inexplicably lush but, in spite of so ma 4/28/1961 #22296 ase's power returns as quickly and inexplicably as it had disappeared. (9:4 6/15/1966 #26700 Vet / RCAF. Night lights maneuver inexplicably. 10/20/1966 #27217 urning home when their car stopped inexplicably. Immediately they were surr 8/31/1968 #30942 r gave a horrible cry. (...) Then, inexplicably, in front of the three men, 12/1968 #31300 , this silence, which Apollo 8 had inexplicably just shown, can be explaine 12/25/1968 #31363 car comes back to life, but Patric inexplicably reaches Windsor one hour la 12/28/1969 #32171 ter, England when she suddenly and inexplicably became apprehensive. Upon t 10/28/1971 #33215 His motorcycle eventually stopped inexplicably, facing the being. It was 2 9/27/1972 #33892 yne realized that his aircraft had inexplicably risen 700 meters. 10/18/1973 #35111 later they run over a cattle grid, inexplicably finding themselves in Ilam 1/3/1974 #35643 r, a house near the store had been inexplicably bombarded with stones. Grad 9/10/1978 #41248 e felt uneasy and could not sleep. Inexplicably, around three a.m. he decid 9/11/1981 #43943 e felt uneasy and could not sleep. Inexplicably, around three a.m. he decid 9/12/1981 #43945 seconds, the witness finds himself inexplicably lying over the blankets of 6/1993 #49491 here, unable to speak - his tongue inexplicably stuck to the roof of his mo 9/14/1996 #51684 its front and back. The witness is inexplicably frightened. 6/8/1997 #52044 , he sped along road, but then was inexplicably overcome by the urge to sto 3/23/2000 #52807 ated up into the UFO. Suddenly and inexplicably, both the cow and the ufo v 9/5/2009 #54117 tationed in Havana.” The report is inexplicably withheld from congressional 8/2020 #54544## Word: "inexplicata", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Scott Corrales begins publishing Inexplicata: The Journal of Hispanic Ufo 10/1998 #52446## Word: "inexpliqués", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d'Etude des Phénomènes Aériens non inexpliqués (Gepa) all information on UF 3/7/1970 #32277 es et de Recherches des Phénomènes Inexpliqués in Saintes, France. It publi 11/20/1975 #37998## Word: "inexpressively", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n which was a large device. Ra was inexpressively sad. He told Pallmann tha 1/15/1969 #31436## Word: "inez", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
INEZ, TX Several observer(s). Cloud-sauc 11/25/1949 #7651 witnesses driving between Edna and Inez, Texas at 2:30 p.m. It flew off rap 11/25/1949 #7653## Word: "infa", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
erospace Phenomena Investigations (INFA); Rafael Cury, from the Núcleo de P 12/7/1997 #52207## Word: "infamous", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Cosmopolitan magazine, titled "The Infamous Flying Saucer Hoax", blames Ken 1/20/1951 #8878 wed live in Roswell, NM, about the infamous UFO crash in 1947. 7/4/2001 #53067## Word: "infancy", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
his time aviation was still in its infancy. In 1910 there were 36 licensed 8/30/1910 #2496 ed in PPD; Earth is in “geological infancy” and humans should expect “much Early 1995 #50490## Word: "infant", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n North Lansing, New York with her infant daughter when she noticed that sh 12/12/1967 #30054 -year-old married couple and their infant occurred at around one o'clock in 6/20/1976 #38517 the bedroom picked up the witness infant daughter and struck her hard on t 12/1984 #45509 reeze, Florida A woman feeding her infant in Gulf Breeze, Florida, notices 3/7/1990 #47734## Word: "infantile", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rushed aside by authorities. as an infantile hallucination. The site where 8/25/2004 #53612## Word: "infantry", 15 instance(s) (Back to Top)
on, an army of cavalry followed by infantry and gunners. (May 3rd, 6pm) 5/3/1848 #1077 m French) Hugh. D. Wise of the 9th infantry regiment, made a flight with a 1/22/1897 #1620 mpany L of the Sixth Massachusetts Infantry are stationed on the bridge lin 4/13/1917 #2765 , Russia, soldiers of the US 339th Infantry Regiment watch a round object t 10/1918 #2821 Brest, France Two men of the 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Divisio 7/1944 #3965 the 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, saw a large rectangul 7/1944 #3965 Todt of the 38th Regiment, Second Infantry Division, is between Saint-Lô a 8/1944 #3985 nesses were two men from the 175th Infantry Regiment, entrenched a good kil Late 8/1944 (approximate) #3999 e mine-laying platoon of the 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Divisio Late 8/1944 #4000 the 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, see a large rectangul Late 8/1944 #4000 . Company A of the US 44th Armored Infantry Battalion is bivouacked on a hi 3/25/1945 #4253 limb was Argentina's 11th Mountain Infantry Regiment. On Monday, January 24 8/2/1947 #6181 Wall is on maneuvers with the 27th Infantry Regiment near Cheorwon, South K Early Spring 1951 #8965 atoon, Heavy Mortar Company, 180th Infantry Regiment at the front lines aro 4/30/1952 #10011 xiles in the Miami, Florida, area. Infantry training is carried out at a CI 5/1960 #21788## Word: "infantryman", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
France A German infantryman and his company spotted a me 1944 #3880 owing orbs during WWII. A Canadian infantryman described seeing several glo 9/1944 #4023## Word: "infantrymen", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
es as well. In 1916, three British infantrymen stationed in France witnesse 1916 #2710 Killeen Base, Texas 1:03 a.m. Two infantrymen half a mile apart at Killeen 3/8/1949 #7171## Word: "infants", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
which looked to be incubators with infants inside them. As the witness star 8/26/1972 #33804## Word: "infected", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
arns, close to Harlech. This thing infected the grass but it was not danger 1692 #589## Word: "infection", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
were affected by a mysterious skin infection. One of the most unusual aspec Late Summer 1939 #3475 k of blood and organs. He finds an infection in the horse’s right flank tha 9/9/1967 #29439 an earth-like substance. A vaginal infection subsequently resulted from thi 12/10/1976 #39035 s had health problems: respiratory infection, and her hands so swollen she 3/7/1977 #39328 The baby is suffering from an ear infection and a skin rash. As her condit 8/21/1980 #43212 half weeks, and at the hospital an infection was detected. 8/7/1993 #49610 h pains, and another for a uterine infection. The witnesses all had a two 2 8/8/1993 #49621 rms septicemia caused by a urinary infection, but the cause of death is unc 2/15/1996 #51406 e left side of his face and an eye infection. 1/10/1998 #52259 oy that they were going to cure an infection that was brought to Earth by a 7/12/2000 #52873## Word: "infections", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ible culprits—sonic attacks, viral infections, and contagious anxiety. In p 9/1/2018 #54419## Word: "infectious", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
at were contaminated with a highly infectious disease. 1997 #51845## Word: "inference", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
criticizing Project Sign, and any inference that the Air Force and Navy ar 3/2/1949 #7161## Word: "inferior", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
liest explanation is that they are inferior mirages of distant fishing boat 2/24/1893 #1503 the pilots, this aircraft was far inferior to the Skystreak with which How 12/1948 #6976 minutes. Gordon Thayer calls it an inferior mirage. 3/1953 #13195 pears below the waves. Probably an inferior mirage of an island in combinat 1/10/1958 #20127 lson intently. Wilson somehow felt inferior when the humanoids watched him. 11/28/1967 #29981## Word: "infernal", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n the sky... these observations of infernal armies are nocturnal, and somet 3/842 #105 ing what could have caused such an infernal racket. The neighing and stampi Autumn 1927 #3017 was not luminous but it emitted an infernal noise. It moved in a zigzag abo Mid 11/1942 #3723 were five more similar dwarfs. "An infernal din" commenced and believes the 9/22/1971 #33131 e to the alleged appearance of the infernal elf in the office. Aguero, age 7/5/2000 #52867## Word: "inferniello", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
al at the University of Chile's El Inferniello Observatory, in the Andes Mo 5/17/1968 #30485## Word: "inferred", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
itations for bravery, so it can be inferred that he was not easily frighten 5/8/1966 #26588## Word: "infers", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a triangle Princeton encounter and infers AATIP and those speaking about a 11/30/2020 #54552## Word: "infestations", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t marks” found are probably fungal infestations, and indentations are proba 9/9/1967 #29439## Word: "infidels", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
de. They left to fight against the infidels and all disappeared. The explan 1212 #201## Word: "infiernillo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
INFIERNILLO OBSERVER(S), CHL Astronomers 5/16/1968 #30476## Word: "infiltrate", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ger that the Russians might try to infiltrate civilian UFO groups (such as 8/19/1952 #11858## Word: "infiltrated", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
covert operations. It has already infiltrated many US labor, business, chu 1/1952 #9519 owy human group, some of whom have infiltrated UFO organizations like NICAP 6/1979 #42270## Word: "infiltrates", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nformation, the agent subsequently infiltrates the group and causes dissens 8/1959 #21341 omestic groups. The operation also infiltrates foreign intelligence targets 8/1967 #29154## Word: "infiltration", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
questions about the extent of Nazi infiltration in the region. (Chapter 8, 7/1945 #4328 make themselves scarce, fearing an infiltration and possible assassination. 10/1975 #37686 ol the situation and prevent enemy infiltration and deception beyond presen 3/11/1998 #52308 ounty discoveries — can halt enemy infiltration.” “This writer remains gre 3/11/1998 #52308 sist in holding off the deception, infiltration and final invasion. This wr 3/11/1998 #52308 and WPAFB-1T to prevent widespread infiltration and enemy deception fail th 3/11/1998 #52308 t reason and likelihood that enemy infiltration will not be thwarted by STA 3/11/1998 #52308## Word: "infiltrations", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Cuba Most guerrilla infiltrations and supply drops directed 10/31/1960 #22076## Word: "infinite", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nded in Vaux his little Vatican of Infinite Love. He claims to hold the 3rd 1951 #8830 or yellowish. They get lost in the infinite. None of them change shape or c 9/30/1977 #40045## Word: "infinitely", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
someone. Outside, all was utterly, infinitely peaceful.” He was moving arou 8/10/1976 #38665## Word: "infinity", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the streets and it seemed as if an infinity of people had been slaughtered 8/1/1608 #455 ng movement catapulted itself into infinity, gaining more and more speed. 3/8/2000 #52802## Word: "infirm", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
an go now. You are too old and too infirm to serve our purpose”. When he re 8/12/1983 #44873 (or Greys). Released. "Too old and infirm" they say. / r120p106. 8/12/1983 #44876 telling him that he is too old and infirm for their purposes. They then let 8/12/1983 #44878## Word: "infirmary", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
paralyzed all day, and was in the infirmary. That night, he was awaked in 11/9/1954 #16578 ite noise" and... I woke up in the infirmary. This whole affair is quite di 8/16/1980 #43199 s. He awoke much later in his base infirmary, not knowing how he had gotten 8/16/1980 #43201 nder his left arm. At the barracks infirmary, physician Robson Ferreira Mel 2/6/1996 #51384## Word: "infirmier", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Brest (Translated from French) An infirmier from Brest was on Rue Traverse 1920 #2853## Word: "inflamation", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r down. She reported having an eye inflamation and pain as a result, which 11/1/1966 #27269## Word: "inflame", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
our part with STAC is unlikely to inflame situation beyond present levels 3/11/1998 #52308## Word: "inflamed", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tly disturbed, and the witness had inflamed eyes for several days. 8/20/1966 #26946 tly disturbed, and the witness had inflamed eyes for several days. 8/20/1966 #26949 5 hours. The next day his back was inflamed and he discovered a small punct 8/13/1975 #37479 notices his bare feet are red and inflamed. The redness fades away by the 8/20/1980 #43211 ?) She felt unhappy, her eyes were inflamed and tearful, and later her hair 3/1989 (approximate) #47021## Word: "inflammation", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ly west. Observer(s) treated / eye inflammation. 11/6/1957 #19659 on Française" clinic with a kidney inflammation. Around 3 o'clock in the mo 1/1967 #27483 nowing how he got there. He had an inflammation of the eyes lasted a month, 5/20/1969 #31759 onfirms that her son suffered from inflammation of the eyes and skin of bot 1/27/1977 #39210 iting strange symptoms and notices inflammation and a small abscess under h 2/6/1996 #51384 ce in his arm. This product caused inflammation and he had to undergo an op 4/29/1997 #52003## Word: "inflatable", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of rubber inflated with air, like inflatable boats, or like the lower edge 8/31/1992 #49060 ears, along with what resembled an inflatable orange raft at the being's fe 9/15/1996 #51688## Word: "inflate", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
gas lighting for the first time to inflate a balloon. (July 19, 1821) 7/19/1821 #934 umbers of the missile gap start to inflate. 12/1957 #19937## Word: "inflated", 19 instance(s) (Back to Top)
es and the Robert brothers. It was inflated with hydrogen. The balloon, not 8/27/1782 #758 ttle. The balloon had been brought inflated from Maubeuge to Fleurus (appro 6/26/1794 #821 witnesses thought it was a balloon inflated with gas. That it was the same 4/1/1897 #1658 lindrical vessel that looked to be inflated. 5/1/1897 #1968 train" had landing gear resembling inflated pillow-like wheels and made a s 1944 #3873 suits covering head and body, and inflated like rubber bags," as well as " 7/23/1947 #6090 astronauts wearing transparent and inflated scuba suits like automobile tir 7/23/1947 #6090 l pivot looked like a bellows that inflated to give the object a horizontal 4/1960 #21739 LY AFTER INJECTION INTO ORBIT, WAS INFLATED BY THE EXPANSION OF A SMALL VOL 8/12/1960 #21937 iangular tips. His shining garment inflated as soon as he was on the ground 8/28/1963 #23735 med to vibrate, then it swelled or inflated, a bit like a balloon, first la 1/24/1970 #32221 flat on the ground, then suddenly inflated. The luminous bell thus formed 1/24/1970 #32221 wearing dark gray clothing made of inflated "rolls," joined together, simil 12/30/1972 #34075 nd a mouth and was wearing a white inflated "astronaut" suit and a round wh 3/31/1975 #37089 y hands or feet. This figure in an inflated suit was about four feet tall a 2/10/1977 #39268 o, see a small humanoid in a green inflated suit with a pointed helmet that 7/12/1977 #39754 a green garment that seemed to be inflated with air. He also wore a large 7/12/1977 #39756 omewhat resembling a zeppelin, all inflated with helium, carrying a light e 7/12/1984 #45357 sides seemed to be made of rubber inflated with air, like inflatable boats 8/31/1992 #49060## Word: "inflation", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the bomb’s price tag, adjusted for inflation, is $28 billion. 7/16/1945 #4346 of excitement….and resulted in an inflation of stories by some witnesses.” 11/5/1957 #19552## Word: "inflict", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
eed that the young woman could not inflict these bites on herself, for exam 5/1951 #9017 osion was estimated to potentially inflict 3rd degree burns at 100km distan 10/3/1961 #22553## Word: "inflicted", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
never to be seen again. This event inflicted significant distress upon the 8/15/1608 #457 victim of a serious accident that inflicted severe burns all over his body Summer 1976 #38518 arvalho who witnessed the injuries inflicted by mysterious UFO attacks. 7/7/1977 #39730 he similarities between the wounds inflicted on the man of the Guarapiranga 9/29/1988 #46797## Word: "inflicting", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
The tiny creatures surrounded him, inflicting pinches and emitting curious 1634 #484 wing it several times against her, inflicting slight cuts on her arms. Each 3/1968 (approximate) #30290## Word: "inflicts", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
to him like a boomerang, after it inflicts superficial cuts on her arms. T 3/10/1968 #30332## Word: "inflight", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
At around noon, inflight over Rockhampton, Queensland, A 8/14/1952 #11800 of sight in several seconds. Both inflight and ground radars detect the ob Fall 1956 #18378 known targets. This was tied to an inflight sighting of 7 UFOs over Duluth, 7/21/1965 #25154 Ago Today A Cessna 182 Disappeared Inflight Over Australia's Bass Strait", 10/21/1978 #41458## Word: "influence", 27 instance(s) (Back to Top)
es how celestial occurrences could influence the emotions and beliefs of pe 1528 #354 unexplained occurrences and their influence on public perceptions even in 2/13/1821 #933 , as if it had been under the sole influence of gravity. It left behind a l 8/20/1880 #1355 body which had been under the sole influence of gravity. The small falling 8/20/1880 #1355 k. These local committees serve to influence local leaders and shape public 1938 #3402 because of their potentially great influence on mass thinking if widespread 1/17/1953 #12990 retrograde amnesia while under the influence of such drugs. 5/11/1953 #13376 slope of the hill (...) under the influence of great panic. At the same ti 7/16/1953 #13525 lassified information from outside influence. 11/5/1953 #13853 that the Air Force does not try to influence public opinion on the matter. Early 4/1955 #17100 oute. It eventually fell under the influence of the Sun and was condemned t 1/2/1959 #20930 nation guard against the potential influence of the military–industrial com 1/17/1961 #22180 shiny, orange object. There was an influence on the car's ignition. One wit 1/22/1961 #22185 that the CIA, especially under the influence of Allen Dulles, has engineere 3/1962 #22756 or a halt in nuclear testing could influence public opinion in a test ban t 3/1962 #22756 gather intelligence about foreign influence on American dissent. Its missi 8/1967 #29154 ARG 2 3M figure(s) Exert telepathy influence to stay. Raul Salcedo runs. / 7/1/1968 #30635 t the man transmitted some kind of influence that caused them to remain cal 11/14/1976 #38986 hine. All four then felt under the influence of a strange force. Nicolaev l 1978 #40359 an ionization of the air under the influence of variable electric fields (" 1/1979 #41912 or hallucinate the event under the influence of the current publicity for t 7/25/1979 #42354 as if the object has a compelling influence on them. The object is egg-sha 9/30/1982 #44505 from Evanston, Illinois, under the influence of entrepreneurs Tina Choate a 8/1984 #45397 ogy of perception and processes of influence. He questioned the "paradoxica 12/5/1995 #51267 rder to penetrate U.S. facilities, influence decision makers, and compromis 10/1998 #52447 gues that UFOs have had a positive influence on public support for space ex 1/2011 #54189 orking their way into positions of influence. Their growing numbers on eart 9/2015 #54316## Word: "influenced", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
emains elusive and might have been influenced by the Comte De Gabalis writt 760 #79 ing of alien technology could have influenced these advancements. Similarly 1947 #4839 ossibly be of Russian manufacture, influenced by German technology. However 1947 #4840 ry high speed, it is thought to be influenced in its course by the attracti 4/28/1948 #6647 ottmeyer alleges that this episode influenced Barney Hill’s hypnotic recoun 2/10/1964 #23980 refers to think that Betty’s dream influenced Barney’s memories. The Hills 3/7/1964 #23998 ach underwent sleep paralysis, was influenced by some abduction accounts ov 10/16/1973 #35051 gh genetic manipulation, they have influenced the course of human evolution 4/9/1983 #44741 that TTSA is sponsored or heavily influenced by the Department of Defense 9/2017 #54358## Word: "influences", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the problem, such as the possible influences of the UFOs on the malfunctio 10/1977 #40060 , cultural ideas, and investigator influences have coalesced to create fals 3/1999 #52542 ms this lets “things” like beings, influences and “all kinds of weird stuff 10/2006 #53842## Word: "influencing", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
God exists and Star Visitors were influencing Earth civilizations for a lo 1992 #48711 perpowers. I even believe they are influencing us and expecting something i 2/11/1997 #51890## Word: "influential", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
fied his legacy as one of the most influential scientists of all time. 3/14/1879 #1311 ant from the Carnegie Corporation. Influential men are chosen in several ci 1938 #3402 the magazine until 1982, its most influential period. 10/22/1964 #24509 racy theories” and one of the most influential due to its popularity in mil 1991 #48313## Word: "influx", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ive glasses still on. There was an influx of observations and phone calls t 7/1/1947 #5256 998). The police had noted a large influx of Germans and Belgians this week 1/8/1998 #52256## Word: "info", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
l view, search and confirmation of info, and to determine if Afghanistan au 1/24/1956 #17779 Air Force RADAR. Huge saucer. USAF info officer blabs to local papers! 9/22/1957 #19251 ndu was a “fishing expedition” for info on “space objects.” Another cable 3/1968 #30296 cks / saucer. Telepathy = "seeking info". See reference. 9/15/1975 #37621 ly southeast / 20 second(s). / UFO info service. No further details. 1/26/1986 #45814 rench) (Cufon Report n° 0302 - Ufo Info Service) Subject: ONEIDA, KY) Roose 7/8/1986 #45992 evon (Translated from French) (UFO Info Service - Cufon, source "Western Ti 8/7/1986 #46037 ter Bernard Cazeneuve tells France Info radio that a judicial investigation 10/5/2014 #54294 David Grusch shares classified UAP info with DoD IG Sean O’Donnell, allegin 7/2021 #54590 US Grusch, after sharing UAP info with DoD IG in 2021, alleges he fac 5/2022 #54641## Word: "infolink", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
which did not report it. cfr GESAG INFOLINK of April 1996, "Les incidents d 11/14/1954 #16613## Word: "inforespace", 22 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s nose and mouth. (Michel BOUGARD, Inforespace n° 23, p. 35) That year, one 1125 #173 red when the journalists arrived. (Inforespace #48 of 1979, p. 29) Two poli 7/7/1947 #5653 und radar had followed the chase. (Inforespace No. 8, p. 2 - 1973 - SOBEPS) 1/28/1953 #13028 nopy of filaments above the road. (Inforespace #52 of 1980 p. 8) During a f 10/22/1954 #16245 it disappeared in a few seconds. (Inforespace n° 10 - p. 4 -1973 - SOBEPS) 10/24/1954 #16289 reams seemed to come out of it... (Inforespace n° 10 p. 4) In fact, it was 11/9/1954 #16571 ng behind a small luminous trail. (Inforespace n° 11, p. 4) the photos are 6/5/1955 #17219 variation of the magnetic field. (Inforespace n° 12, p. 5 - 1973 - SOBEPS) 9/4/1957 #19190 e of 550 km. The capsule is lost. (Inforespace #49, 1980, p. 14, 15) Capsul 12/13/1958 #20863 HEY ARE RECOVERED SAFE AND SOUND. (Inforespace n° 49, 1980, p. 14, 15) FLIG 5/28/1959 #21185 site and were sick for two days. (Inforespace n° 22, p. 2 and 3) Arno HEIN 1/7/1970 #32204 the witnesses lost sight of them. (Inforespace n° 8, p. 34, 35) Mrs. Maria 6/26/1970 #32402 larebaut. It publishes the journal Inforespace from 1972 to 2007. 5/1971 #32830 . (follow-up on October 11, 1971) (Inforespace n° 56 of 1981, pp. 38 to 41) 9/22/1971 (approximate) #33123 llow pigmented spots on the body. (Inforespace n° 11 - p. 36, 37 - 1973 - S 5/22/1973 #34431 altitude (estimated 100 meters). (Inforespace, No. 22, August 1975; transl 6/14/1974 #36250 er to the corner of the platform. (Inforespace No. 36 pp. 17, 18 and No. 53 1/6/1977 #39154 2 no. 4 - 1977 p. 6, 7 reported by Inforespace, Belgium) A 19 year old youn 1/27/1977 #39210 woman leaving the meadow running. (Inforespace n° 78, p. 33,34) The childre 6/6/1989 #47159 int humming sound. (Franck Boitte, Inforespace n° 85 p. 37) The witnesses n 12/1/1989 #47540 o them: 10 meters. (Franck Boitte, Inforespace n° 85, p. 37) This cluster p 12/11/1989 #47565 hts were blinking. (Franck Boitte, Inforespace n° 85 p. 40) 1:15am, single 11/22/1990 #48264## Word: "inform", 21 instance(s) (Back to Top)
me your royal name and then I will inform you of mine." The emperor answere 460 #39 incident to local police, who then inform Naval Intelligence. 3/5/1942 #3632 . Despite the witness's attempt to inform authorities, they dismissed the c Mid 1946 #4513 wn device. Only on July 7th did he inform the sheriff who alerted the milit 6/14/1947 #5005 Those left at the base are told to inform the reporters that the colonel is 7/8/1947 #5863 e all sightings but reminds him to inform AMC. 5/6/1949 #7329 saucer". He hopes that someone can inform him. 12/1957 #19933 in and disappears. Scanlon runs to inform Riney Farris, the sergeant of the 9/29/1958 #20649 enkoetter’s request that “Congress inform the public as to the facts.” Base 8/31/1960 #21999 Luce Fontaine did not immediately inform the authorities. 7/31/1968 #30793 htened, he flees to Aznalcóllar to inform his employers, who do not take hi 9/12/1971? #33091 ars. Mr. Swanner was instructed to inform the public. He claims to possess 2/9/1974 #35770 Father finds it necessary that you inform men of science that the vehicles 4/13/1974 #36053 ntario, to investigate reports and inform the public. It begins publishing 1977 #39097 the CD man and the police leave to inform their superiors. By 4:00 p.m. the 1/10/1977 #39167 nidentified flying objects, and to inform the Secretary-General of observed 12/8/1978 #41703 misled Domenici because it did not inform him of the disinformation targete 11/17/1980 #43405 tem for weaknesses but neglects to inform the Department of Energy beforeha 1982 #44137 their normal duties… and we cannot inform observers of the probable identit 4/19/1985 #45593 ote: If Ingo Swann’s testimony did inform the Clinton Administration and la 3/31/1995 #50712 . Paul Nakasone. The purpose is to inform intelligence officials about acti 4/21/2023 #54710## Word: "informaciones", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
published in the Spanish newspaper Informaciones declaring that soon a spac 5/20/1967 #28719 r. On May 20, 1967, the newspaper "Informaciones" of Alicante reported that 6/1/1967 #28779## Word: "informal", 24 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Air Materiel Command organizes an informal project at Wright Field in Dayt 6/30/1947 #5237 . McDonald. Rhodes actually has an informal top-secret clearance because of 7/7/1947 #5767 igence Report on “Flying Discs”—an informal estimate of the situation based 7/30/1947 #6152 eballs inspires the creation of an informal group, the Los Alamos Astrophys 12/20/1948 #7026 aPaz and Lt. Col. Rees started the informal Los Alamos Astrophysical Associ 2/19/1952 #9601 at Buckingham Palace and begins an informal study that lasts until 1955. 9/19/1952 #12268 whether, based on its “preliminary informal investigation,” it would state 2/28/1958 #20217 j. Gen. Arno Luehman writes he had informal discussions with the Senate Com 2/28/1958 #20220 lusions are reached as a result of informal meetings and zero investigation 2/28/1958 #20220 Ky. Mass. N.Y. Mont. An informal two-hour hearing on UFOs is hel 8/8/1958 #20535 ) Joseph Hynek sets up a number of informal meetings between members of the 12/24/1959 #21624 en Bank, West Virginia At a small, informal conference on SETI at the Natio 11/1/1961 #22615 it might be willing to consider an informal briefing by NICAP. 1/19/1965 #24695 the USAF provided Condon with an “informal liaison” to assist with “certai 4/3/1966 #26327 und this time, Condon agrees to an informal question-and-answer session abo 9/21/1966 #27097 that he is thinking of creating an informal “invisible college” to discuss 1/5/1967 #27504 , and Augustin Moraru establish an informal group called “Romanian UFO Rese 7/17/1977 #39777 Italy After many years of informal contacts with the Italian milit 1978 #40362 Attorney R. E. Thompson convene an informal public hearing on cattle mutila 4/20/1979 #42181 Research Australia is formed as an informal information-exchanging network. 1984 #45044 Operative Command, establishes an informal agreement of cooperation with V 11/16/1992 #49184 ying them. I am also aware that an informal group exists in the xxxxxxxxxxx 10/18/1993 #49756 dying them…I am also aware that an informal group exists in the US intellig 12/2/1993 #49834 of Naval Intelligence, as was its informal predecessor program, the Advanc 6/23/2020 #54536## Word: "informally", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Colorado McDonald informally visits several Colorado proje 11/22/1966 #27362 ch Public Organization is launched informally by Russian science-fiction wr 1980 #42823## Word: "informant", 30 instance(s) (Back to Top)
During WWII, an undercover Allied informant reported that a dozen American 1944 #3890 started in 1943. The double agent informant is denounced and executed. (Sp Spring 1944 #3929 sert According to Annie Jacobsen’s informant, EG&G engineer Alfred O’Donnel 7/1/1947 #5282 Morello calls Arnold and says his informant knows that Brown and Davidson 7/31/1947 #6154 . Morello calls again and says his informant told him everything about what 7/31/1947 #6154 story is corroborated by a German informant named Prof. George, who descri 11/1947 #6430 B writes on 17 August 1949 that an informant, prone to exaggeration but tru 8/17/1949 #7522 ge of a crashed flying saucer. Her informant is a “British official of Cabi 1950 #7696 an attempt to gain Kilgallen as an informant. Kilgallen was a friend of Mar 1950 #7696 to an Air Force investigator. This informant told him that the Air Force ha 3/22/1950 #7986 on, “According to Mr. [redacted], informant, the saucers were found in New 3/22/1950 #7991 ic] mechanism of the saucers." The informant is probably Silas M. Newton or 3/22/1950 #7991 fornia Palomar Gardens Café An FBI informant meets with George Adamski at A 8/20/1950 #8520 e occasions. In 1965, the American informant is revealed to be Rolf Alexand Summer 1951 #9082 o have worked on the retrieval. An informant in 1977 tells Leonard Stringie 5/21/1953 #13403 Keyhoe hears from an informant that the 4602nd AISS has a “cr 10/14/1954 #15949 ge of a crashed flying saucer. Her informant is a “British official of Cabi 5/22/1955 #17180 ard’s Special Branch, thanks to an informant on the newspaper. King writes 5/26/1957 #18870 anneled communications from cosmic informant Ashtar. The astral entities ar 1958 #20084 BLACK HATE establishes the Ghetto Informant Program and instructs 23 FBI o 8/1967 #29154 A Chilean informant claims a Chilean Navy destroye 10/24/1969 #32073 ty Option 5 Alert. According to an informant at the center interviewed by F Late 10/1975 #37786 Anonymous informant claims in a forested area in s 6/27/1979 #42308 legedly occurred on this date. The informant was charged with loading crate 6/27/1979 #42308 al America for several months; the informant also states he viewed UAP “art 6/27/1979 #42308 om French) William Moore meets his informant Falcon. He and Stanton Friedma 9/1980 #43230 Shortly afterward, according to an informant, US and UK Air Force personnel 8/16/1981 #43910 g a colleague, Peter A. Hough. The informant (“John”) is in his late 20s an 10/28/1986 #46126 Informant Third Class Petty Officer S.M. 7/1991 #48513 Nick Redfern, it's mentioned by an informant that James Jesus Angleton's UF 12/20/2010 #54185## Word: "informants", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he brothers allegedly takes place; informants like Austrian physicist Adolf 7/5/1947 #5514 omposite character incorporating 8 informants, one of whom is said to be ge 3/25/1948 #6595 aws on speculation, rumor, unnamed informants, and paranoia to defend and e 3/25/1948 #6595 eld with their stories. One of his informants is a medical doctor (“Doctor 5/1977 #39515 d, who now has about 20 first-hand informants to various crash/retrievals, 10/1980 #43299## Word: "information", 608 instance(s) (Back to Top)
inary phenomenon, but with limited information provided, a complete interpr 1/314 #28 of ancient Asian sources for more information on this peculiar sighting. 5/655 #57 shaped clouds." Due to the limited information available, the event remains 9/6/670 #63 wever, the original source of this information remains elusive and might ha 760 #79 k of an original quote or detailed information, further analysis of this ev 7/1096 #163 e. Mantovano, a writer who sourced information from records dating back to 9/8/1296 #242 e an aurora borealis, insufficient information is available to confirm, nec 9/26/1568 #411 n the sky. Unfortunately, detailed information from an original source is c 3/4/1614 #463 nister living nearby, who received information directly from the witnesses 8/1660 #522 are not specified in the provided information. 5/11/1845 #1046 ish and provides him with abundant information about his planet, all of whi 1891 #1482 t, who, according to foreign press information not confirmed, would have al 1895 #1516 hio. Hoaxes and pranks pollute the information pool in a major way during t 2/1897 #1627 rédaniel, 1993, p. 27) (vog: false information, it was a biplane, bad note 11/12/1906 #2172 iction, Nelson Bond exploited this information in 1960, by publishing "And 6/27/1910 #2486 is offering a $100 reward for any information leading to the identificatio 10/18/1917 #2807 beds tables & chairs.” Much of her information seems to be derived from art Summer 1931 #3128 outside the United States. Limited information is available on these incide 1933 #3183 rom Benito Mussolini regarding UFO information, including a reference to a 1933 #3183 ver, he is cautious and wants more information to evaluate. 12/30/1933 #3230 heir speakers conversations giving information about mysterious flying obje 1/1/1934 #3240 invasions, it is believed that the information from these crashes could hav 1937 #3356 h apparently provided some kind of information to the Germans and desperate Summer 1937 #3381 Cygni, at 73.1 al away. Among the information given to the Germans by the Summer 1937 #3381 On both coasts, observation posts, information centers, and filter centers 5/1941 #3555 s the Office of the Coordinator of Information, a forerunner of the Office 7/11/1941 #3569 ng and analyzing national security information. 7/11/1941 #3569 the medical crisis worsens, little information is available about what is c 12/2/1943 #3849 be a new type of enemy device and information was requested; but agents of 2/12/1944 #3911 be a new type of enemy device and information is requested; but agents of 2/12/1944 #3912 ollection of priority intelligence information of value in the prosecution 2/23/1944 #3918 Japan; technical and non-technical information of immediate operational sig 2/23/1944 #3918 ir intelligence requesting further information on the “Night Phenomenon.” 1/16/1945 #4172 MPH, was insufficient to catch up. Information taken: no Ack Ack operation 2/17/1945 #4206 t representing the most up-to-date information and theories on the balls of 4/26/1945 #4285 cooperate in sharing ghost rocket information with the British military at 7/12/1946 #4569 on January 1, 1947. It categorizes information on atomic energy as “born cl 8/1/1946 #4644 ain Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information. In this way, a document can 8/1/1946 #4644 ta- Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information (S//RD-CNWDI), depending on 8/1/1946 #4644 D-CNWDI), depending on the type of information it contains. 8/1/1946 #4644 gly indicating radio control. Most information comes from the military atta 8/1/1946 #4646 gence, to ask Budapest for further information. Top-secret requests are sen 8/13/1946 #4682 requires naval attachés to forward information on Soviet rocket research an 9/11/1946 #4753 dish collaboration on ghost rocket information designed to keep the US from 9/12/1946 #4759 British “may not have given us all information on reported rockets over Sca 10/1/1946 #4790 at the end of the observation. The information will not be made public unti 5/19/1947 #4954 evening General Ramey denied this information saying it was a weather ball 6/14/1947 #5005 antitative detail against the best information than they may appear at firs 6/24/1947 #5102 swell NM White Sands, NM Contested information: Military officials, both of 7/1/1947 #5254 Army Air Force needs more concrete information. German scientists working a 7/3/1947 #5357 radio, asking to gather any local information, and tells him what he has f 7/6/1947 #5530 oger Ramey concerning “flying disc information”: “Maj. Curtan, HQ 8th AF, t 7/8/1947 #5778 ed near Roswell, N.M., this date...Information provided this office because 7/8/1947 #5778 out the Roswell recovery to Public Information Officer Lt. Walter Haut, who 7/8/1947 #5857 yndon B. Johnson (D-Tex.) requests information on the flying discs from the 7/8/1947 #5859 ds a teletype headed “Flying Disc, Information Concerning” to J. Edgar Hoov 7/8/1947 #5868 r examination.” Wyly receives this information from Maj. Edwin M. Kirton at 7/8/1947 #5868 swell Army Air Field as the Public Information Officer and received a call 7/8/1947 #5871 Emmett O’Donnell Jr., director of information for the Army Air Force. 7/9/1947 #5915 et. This would mean containing all information about it within some small g Mid 7/1947 #6052 Oregonian, informs the FBI of this information. He also calls Lieut. Gen. N 7/27/1947 #6120 t rules: “CONFIDENTIAL: Documents, information or material, the unauthorize 8/9/1947 #6221 d Development. Taylor requests any information on AAF projects that might g 8/22/1947 #6285 set up a system for evaluating the information being received.” These four Late 8/1947 #6296 Security Code Name copies of this information will be sent to Army, Navy, 9/23/1947 #6355 on. Detailed Essential Elements of Information will be formulated immediate 9/23/1947 #6357 onds to Schulgen’s request for UFO information with a classified letter com 9/23/1947 #6359 a detailed “Essential Elements of Information” (EEI) to be formulated imme 9/23/1947 #6359 ncludes that there is insufficient information to state that they involved 9/26/1947 #6371 Bulletin No. 59 from the FBI: All information related to UFOs must now be 10/1/1947 #6386 F Colonel, gives USAF headquarters information about two radar locations an 10/14/1947 #6410 aché in Sweden, disputes Therien’s information. He says only two ghost rock 10/14/1947 #6410 er at Mitchel Field, New York, for information and asking eight questions a 11/18/1947 #6450 n DC Project SIGN formed to obtain information about saucer performance cha 12/30/1947 #6478 h collecting the maximum amount of information possible on these devices, t 12/30/1947 #6479 collect, evaluate, and act on the information. He establishes Project Sign 12/30/1947 #6484 nton A. Blackwell provided crucial information about the January 7, 1948 Ma 1/7/1948 #6515 collate, evaluate, and distribute information on sightings in the atmosphe 1/22/1948 #6550 the responsibility for collecting information on “flying disks” should be 2/12/1948 #6566 y. He orders all bases to send UFO information to Wright-Patterson AFB in O 3/3/1948 #6581 ng radar. He has been accumulating information on unidentified radar target Spring 1948 #6589 verbal reports on the state of UFO information and research. He does so to Spring 1948? #6590 aline blue light. A voice gave him information in German about upcoming cat 5/25/1948 #6679 iles) south of Laredo (Texas). The information comes from one named Todd Ze 8/1948 #6811 SAF Europe document transmits some information on the Swedish ghost rockets 11/4/1948 #6941 FB Dayton, Ohio The USAF Technical Information Division at Wright-Patterson 1/5/1949 #7069 s specializing in national defense information (FBI, CIA, etc.) as well as 2/15/1949 #7129 memo outlines the USAF's needs for information on UFO sightings. (February 2/15/1949 #7129 he Air Force is his sole source of information (although it is), a quote by 3/2/1949 #7161 Pentagon Office of Public Information A 22-page memorandum for the 4/27/1949 #7273 d by the Pentagon Office of Public Information, scheduled deliberately to c 4/27/1949 #7273 n report, with some green fireball information added. It recommends sending 4/28/1949 #7283 fications, hoaxes, or insufficient information. That leaves 23% (55) classe 8/10/1949 #7514 An alleged CIA OSI information report on the analysis of UA 8/17/1949 #7521 Beach bases received this amazing information from a private pilot and his 8/31/1949 (approximate) #7550 s are real, alien, and covering up information from the public in order to 12/24/1949 #7673 legrams, and phone calls demanding information about flying saucers. 12/24/1949 #7673 ormer NASA employee, had access to information regarding a crash retrieval 1950 #7702 ined through confidential channels information that a flying saucer had cra Early 1950 #7703 ting, per AFCIR-CC7, “Reporting of Information on Unconventional Aircraft.” 1/12/1950 #7724 me, but the Bureau’s files have no information to verify that theory.” 3/22/1950 #7991 for collecting and reporting basic information with respect to aerial pheno 5/25/1950 #8308 ens. The air ministry withheld all information. 6/7/1950 #8329 of UFO crash retrieval reports or information, making this newspaper artic 8/25/1950 #8527 time of war in Korea. USAF Public Information Officer Clare Welch estimate 9/8/1950 #8571 ng of UFO incidents, “Reporting of Information on Unconventional Aircraft,” 9/8/1950 #8572 reality, government withholding of information, and the extraterrestrial hy 10/1950 #8613 ush.” Sarbacher later verifies the information, saying the small group exis 11/21/1950 #8718 anton Friedman used the Freedom of Information Act to procure a previously 12/3/1950 #8756 “any data on flying saucers.” Any information, the memo added, would be te 12/3/1950 #8756 Cosmopolitan USAF Public Information Officer Author and journalis 1/1951 #8843 ings to the Air Force. USAF Public Information Officer Clare Welch, who has 1/1951 #8843 and became blue-white. No further information in files. 3/10/1951 #8975 rg College has been a collector of information on flying saucers since 1947 6/6/1951 #9061 ordered "to give out absolutely no information regarding the plane crashes. 6/9/1951 #9062 Ohio for the first time to gather information on “Project Saucer” for an a 6/22/1951 #9084 s-catching pursuit plane. However, information is lacking on this case and 7/1951 #9092 Langley, Virginia SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION: CIA, (not dated): Walter B. 1952? #9485 rvices Committee, requests further information on the January 29 Korean UFO 2/21/1952 #9608 quarters at the Pentagon to gather information for his UFO article. He talk 2/25/1952 #9626 discuss methods of obtaining more information on green fireballs using a s 3/7/1952 #9648 US Al Chop appointed public information officer for UFO's. 4/1952 #9713 nighttime photography. USAF Public Information Officer Capt. Irving Rappapo 4/7/1952 #9768 nknown length of time. No further information in files. 6/2/1952 #10272 served for 15 seconds. No further information in the files. 6/17/1952 #10404 level for 10 minutes. No further information. 6/23/1952 #10510 Location unknown, but information came via Japan Hq. "CV 4359" 6/23/1952 #10514 Grid area CV 4, Korea. Information came via Japan H.Q. "CV 4359 6/23/1952 #10520 Tokyo, Japan No information (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 6/25/1952 #10534 p.h. and then stopped. No further information in files. 6/26/1952 #10552 that UFOs are interplanetary, and information must be withheld at a top-se 6/30/1952 #10598 The next day the Air Force public information office at O’Hare Airport say 7/3/1952 #10643 p. 133, 134 for the contradictory information in parentheses) This fantast 7/7/1952 (approximate) #10669 g light went downward. No further information in files. 7/22/1952 #11047 into the category of "insufficient information." All but five come from the 7/29/1952 #11440 sition that UFO reports contain no information of value, he writes: “The Ai 7/31/1952 #11497 ng to which a saucer (etc ...) The information comes from an article in the Early 8/1952 (approximate) #11557 henomenon or a mirage. He said the information in his official report was r 8/14/1952 #11782 ssians, too, according to reliable information here, are becoming concerned 8/20/1952 #11869 e file showed completely different information. 9/14/1952 #12213 e file showed completely different information. 9/14/1952 #12220 ing, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign intelli 10/24/1952 #12522 was also a second witness but the information about his or her sighting is 11/24/1952 #12712 f Scientific Intelligence to share information on compelling UAP data. CIA 12/9/1952 #12799 here he claims to have come across information that could solve the UFO mys Early 1953 #12913 y give the American people all UFO information, including the AF conclusion 1/1953 #12916 me time was explained. No further information in the files. 1/28/1953 #13050 king recommendation means that UFO information should be released to the pu 1/29/1953 #13067 USAF Public Information Officer Albert M. Chop claim 2/9/1953 #13119 probably again reliable first-hand information, communicated only to a Fren 3/11/1953 #13221 and allegedly left them with some information about future events. 3/22/1953 #13260 an soil and were likely to provide information on enemy capabilities. But n 5/21/1953 #13397 Washington DC Security Information, Confidential Message to Adj 7/27/1953 #13548 her restricting the release of UFO information and superseding Air Force Le 8/26/1953 #13660 e source is already known, but any information about this is being withheld 10/1953 #13758 els to further insulate classified information from outside influence. 11/5/1953 #13853 must not communicate any sighting information to unauthorized persons. Rep 12/16/1953 #13952 bject, personnel should state “The information on this sighting will be ana 12/23/1953 #13971 ht-Patterson AFB Reporters seeking information on UFOs were banned from Wri 1/6/1954 #14061 longer allow reporters seeking UFO information into Wright-Patterson AFB in 1/6/1954 #14063 sightings. That’s why we want the information copied. We will file them un 1/13/1954 #14088 with the aim to get every possible information about Aliens and how they in 2/19/1954 (approximate) #14172 shop Edward Mooney became the main information co-ordinators between the US 2/19/1954 (approximate) #14172 e), in this suburb of Syracuse, an information specialist and his wife see Spring 1954 #14259 elligence and the Office of Public Information, after which his superiors c 4/11/1954 #14315 by the top ‘brains’ in the country…Information regarding the discs propulsi 6/4/1954 #14528 Force ease its restrictions on UFO information and blasts its policy on Lou 6/9/1954 #14547 ht-Patterson AFB in Ohio to gather information for his upcoming book. He is 7/20/1954 #14732 ng to not disclose any UFO-related information to the public. (August 12) 8/12/1954 #14850 54) constituted the only source of information for ufologists who cited thi 10/3/1954 #15448 no need to take into account this information in this particular case". Th 10/10/1954 #15733 liaison with the USAF to exchange information and verify Keyhoe’s claims; 12/26/1954 #16856 Evans Colton and sends out regular information bulletins to investors. 1955 #16896 The Air Force Information Services Letter warns that s 1/7/1955 #16930 on of these reports and verifiable information of all origins is ensured by 1/11/1955 #16933 and some objects fell. No further information in file. 1/26/1955 #16951 m.” As long as there is sufficient information, most cases “will fit to som 2/15/1955 #17020 USAF Air Technical Information Center The Douglas Aircraft 3/1/1955 #17044 ystems” for the USAF Air Technical Information Center from 1954 to 1955, he 3/1/1955 #17044 sited the earth and that with more information all observations could be ex 5/1955 #17135 te from vog: I have not found this information in Elizabeth Klarer's biogra 7/17/1955 #17306 rom vog: Otto Binder seems to have information no other American author pos 8/25/1955 #17464 of sky in 15 minutes. No further information. 9/3/1955 #17494 d a third category of insufficient information. They also break down knowns 10/25/1955 #17599 entified, and 9% have insufficient information to make a determination. The 10/25/1955 #17599 , it is placed in the insufficient information category, separate from both 10/25/1955 #17599 twelve members with access to the information, allegedly pertaining to UAP 11/20/1955 #17664 OCS.pdf Note: FTD swept up UAP information in its Project Moon Dust, an 1956 #17734 Indiana, following some confusing information from various sources about a 1/31/1956 #17785 ing raw reports that might provide information on foreign weapons R&D. Othe 2/9/1956 #17804 mental Sciences Area for review of information on foreign science developme 2/9/1956 #17804 cretary of the Air Force Office of Information to “delete all evidence of U 5/1/1956 #17934 egulation in 1962 when former USAF information spokesman Maj. William T. Co 5/1/1956 #17934 cretary of the Air Force Office of Information to delete all evidence of UF 5/1/1956 #17936 r going from skeptical USAF public information officer to Pentagon UFO pres 5/3/1956 #17939 it does not intend to withhold UFO information from the public. 6/25/1956 #18035 of the Subcommittee on Government Information, complains that the USAF “Bl 7/5/1956 #18070 strategy. See 5 May 1955 entry for information on how the report also withh 7/5/1956 #18070 n how the report also withheld key information on physical evidence; metall 7/5/1956 #18070 for flights over the Pacific. This information does not seem to have been s 7/5/1956 #18071 s, false defamatory or threatening information, forged signatures, and othe 8/1956 #18164 dering the high credibility of the information and the coherence and contin 8/13/1956 #18198 eputy for Scientific and Technical Information Walter Blados can locate the 9/1956 #18301 critical role in providing crucial information on the world’s first satelli 9/11/1956 #18352 UFOs. They seek “confirmation, not information” and tell the pilots not to 10/7/1956 #18407 t “not discuss or disseminate such information to persons or agencies other 1/31/1957 #18649 ically based system for extracting information from ‘resistant sources.’ In 2/1957 #18652 H. Leuhman, director of Air Force information, tells the press that “There Early 4/1957 #18755 y neglects to secure the sensitive information in the buildings with securi 7/5/1957 #18975 we did not know, from our earlier information, what Captain Gregory unders 7/17/1957 #19007 note from vog: the source of this information: New Zealand Herald of 21.10 10/8/1957 #19302 the DOE have ever declassified any information related to this event. http 11/7/1957 #19739 n unidentified due to insufficient information. 11/8/1957 #19763 Denmark Skandinavisk UFO Information is founded in Denmark by Han 12/17/1957 #20040 etersen under the name Sydjysk UFO Information. It publishes the journal UF 12/17/1957 #20040 ms for UAP) had no connection with information found by OTS in Germany, in 1958 #20092 ed. Vesco claims he obtained this information from British Intelligence Ob 1958 #20092 ns about the Air Force withholding information are “entirely in error.” Peo 1/1958 #20098 10, a major TV show in Brazil airs information stating that the original ph 1/16/1958 #20144 nia Capt. G. H. Oldenburgh, public information officer at Langley AFB, Virg 1/23/1958 #20153 nate subcommittee USAF Director of Information Gen. Arno H. Luehman naively 2/28/1958 #20217 stigating UFOs and not withholding information. 2/28/1958 #20217 razilian Air Force’s General Staff information service, tells O Globo that 2/28/1958 #20218 USAF Director of Information Services Maj. Gen. Arno Lueh 2/28/1958 #20220 investigation and not withholding information from the public. These concl 2/28/1958 #20220 n has founded the Skandinavisk UFO Information group in December with five 4/25/1958 #20332 orce will ask him for “certain UFO information. Think it over carefully bef 6/1958 #20410 also says that USAF has “concealed information which was thought to be of d 6/1958 #20412 not, North Dakota Skandinavisk UFO Information in Denmark begins publishing 11/1958 #20793 iscuss NICAP strategy. USAF Public Information Officer Lawrence J. Tacker h Spring 1959 #21080 ting Chief of Police and by Public Information Officer at McChord AFB. Seve 4/1/1959 #21110 e that he would be glad to furnish information on the UFOs to APRG, but cha 4/1/1959 #21110 el meets to “determine the type of information which should be used for cor 5/22/1959 #21182 e and requests NICAP’s most recent information. He says the Air Force is gi Late 5/1959 #21183 was given the following background information. A Canadian woman, Mrs. Swan 7/9/1959 #21276 car park and offers him important information on UFOs. At the meeting he f 8/1959 #21341 ASIO could offer them significant information, the agent subsequently infi 8/1959 #21341 ll paragraphs to public release of information, which is now restricted to 9/14/1959 #21440 etary of the Air Force’s Office of Information Services at the Pentagon. Lo 9/14/1959 #21440 Local base commanders can release information only if an object is positiv 9/14/1959 #21440 fe, and an astronomer. (A point of information.) I have listed over 171 dif 6/1960 #21856 Force’s unilateral control of UFO information and its national security im 6/1/1960 #21857 cuses the Air Force of withholding information and wants to be kept informe 7/15/1960 #21896 governmental agency is withholding information on the subject of UFOs from 7/26/1960 #21909 US "Air Force Information Policy Letter; For Commander 8/15/1960 #21951 Air Force Information Policy Letter for Commanders 8/15/1960 #21953 t the Air Force is withholding UFO information. 12/27/1960 #22136 e “has not been giving out all the information it has on UFOs.” A year earl 2/16/1961 #22212 ency or department was withholding information on the subject. McCormack’s 2/16/1961 #22212 should have a more straightforward information policy that releases all fac 5/1961 #22305 ikonour base (I couldn't find this information from authors talking about a 5/24/1961 (approximate) #22335 emembers seeing) and asks for more information. She mentions that she and B 9/26/1961 #22533 . However, there is quite a bit of information from numerous sources concer 4/18/1962 #22819 e continues to channel post-mortem information through a medium named Nada- 9/1962 #23128 egulation 11-30, where withholding information “in the public interest” is 10/29/1962 #23273 11-7, which states that sometimes information requested by Congress may no 10/29/1962 #23273 citing AFR 11-30 where withholding information “in the public interest” is 10/29/1962 #23275 allowed and AFR 11-7 which states information requested by Congress may no 10/29/1962 #23275 tioned separately according to the information in the NICAP files, their de 1963 #23388 n, He attends the Skandinavisk UFO Information Congress in Frederica, Denma 4/30/1963 #23507 SAF along with his own request for information on Blue Book. The Air Force 7/2/1963 #23619 ated from French) "Luciano sent me information about a landing that took pl 8/20/1963 #23724 e Hill case, claiming insufficient information, although they strongly susp 9/27/1963 #23779 rigate Omar R. Pagani of the Naval Information Service of the Argentine Mil 10/21/1963 #23819 officer is able to exchange basic information with the two extraterrestria 4/25/1964 #24066 elgium BUFOI magazine (Belgian UFO Information) is launched by a George Ada 6/1964 #24196 c relations no longer receives any information on the subject. 8/19/1964 #24403 o CIA contact with NICAP to obtain information. 12/1964 #24576 agent and passes on some UFO case information and other materials to OSI f 1/19/1965 #24694 arat Astronomical Society to share information and remove some of the stigm 2/27/1965 #24783 A are clandestinely leaking "house information" related to UFOs outside of 9/2/1965 #25523 . E. B. LeBailly, USAF director of information, to USAF Scientific Advisory 9/28/1965 #25662 ght-Patterson AFB USAF Director of Information Gen. Eugene B. LeBailly writ 9/28/1965 #25663 that “reliable, but off-the-record information from the Pease AFB indicates 10/2/1965 #25683 bled to pursue these objects. This information is not official, but it come 10/2/1965 #25683 uired per sighting so studied. The information provided by such a program m 2/3/1966 #25963 eneral U Thant's office requesting information and documents on UFOs. 2/17/1966 #25999 ephone local news outlets, seeking information. However, local newspapers a 4/18/1966 #26451 altitude above the base to collect information on the supersonic bang. Ther 6/8/1966 #26675 The Freedom of Information Act, requiring the full or p 7/4/1966 #26779 isclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by 7/4/1966 #26779 rland, deputy chief of USAF Public Information at the Pentagon, again denie 7/7/1966 #26783 n seriously when there is adequate information. 7/19/1966 #26808 ther publicity not be given to the information that the [Robertson] panel w 8/15/1966 #26910 investigate UFO reports to release information if there is an explanation, 9/19/1966 #27084 t if there is none to withhold the information, even from the Colorado proj 9/19/1966 #27084 and the Air Force’s concealment of information. His colleagues respond nega 10/5/1966 #27158 ge from the UFO not to pass on any information about the close encounter. 10/10/1966 #27181 thing: they wanted every shred of information about the girl's experience. 1/28/1967 #27674 tablished the policy that all USAF information on UFOs classified up to and 2/23/1967 #27909 caco Park, NM Photograph. No other information available at this time. (NIC 3/27/1967 #28303 oenix Program in Vietnam to gather information on the Viet Cong, whose memb 5/1967 #28574 tions to the photographers and the information it should include. The relea 5/1/1967 #28583 and in the vicinity of Madrid. The information came from a certain F. Sesma 6/1/1967 #28779 ndum while searching for unrelated information in the files. He shares it w 7/1967 #28954 black who offered to exchange UFO information and it was the last call mad 7/3/1967 #28969 sion is to gather and evaluate all information about foreign links to racia 8/1967 #29154 e Merlyn Rees what exchange of UFO information between the UK, US, and Russ 11/22/1967 #29959 d) established to evaluate all UFO information pertinent to space technolog 1968 #30099 362) are due to lack of sufficient information. 1/22/1968 #30168 should cooperate, starting with an information exchange. Ziegel and 12 othe 2/1968 #30207 on how to handle UFO reports. The information is rated confidential. 12/26/1968 #31367 cretary of the Air Force Office of Information representative Maj. David J. 3/1969 #31551 “under any circumstances give any information on UFO activity to any press 7/1969 #31858 active duty USAF pilot asking for information. 1970's #32174 ligence community sources give him information on a group running counterin 1970 #32189 the national gendarmerie, contain information that could interest the Air 3/7/1970 #32277 Aériens non inexpliqués (Gepa) all information on UFOs in the world. Exploi 3/7/1970 #32277 ber 1992 with little corroborating information. A MUFON report at the time 1/1971 #32685 ages that it claims are classified information and demands their deletion. 3/1972 #33386 by the CIA on the grounds that the information in them is not properly or p 3/1972 #33386 ols that provide highly classified information with safeguards and access r 3/8/1972 #33398 or regular (collateral) classified information. SAPs can range from black p 3/8/1972 #33398 ubscription to, files a Freedom of Information Act request with Homestead A 2/19/1973 #34198 Homestead AFB newspaper soliciting information. The public affairs officer 2/19/1973 #34198 government to court to release all information on alien crash retrievals. G 2/19/1973 #34198 unication only and the transfer of information that has not been disclosed. 10/11/1973 #34965 og was barking furiously. No other information. 10/16/1973 #35053 own outfits. The witness was given information about upcoming Earth changin 11/3/1973 #35344 states he was denied access to UAP information at Wright-Patterson AFB when 12/28/1973 #35608 Washington DC Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) renewed 1974 #35622 icial at Camp San Luis Obispo that information of a crashed saucer and reco 1974 #35635 is, took this call and relayed the information to CUFOS.Three witnesses rep 5/23/1974 #36181 purpose (collecting and analyzing information about foreign governments, c 6/12/1974 #36240 is asked about his sources for the information. Carr says there are three w 11/2/1974 #36673 y intelligence agencies to collect information on the political activities 12/22/1974 #36761 . Ford, establishes a Code of Fair Information Practice that governs the co 12/31/1974 #36771 ination of personally identifiable information about individuals maintained 12/31/1974 #36771 nt Donald E. Flickinger, acting on information supplied to him by a writer 1975 #36787 d they plan to release some of the information in the near future and hope 3/28/1975 #37081 Patterson Air Force Base where the information is stored that has been coll 3/28/1975 #37082 tes to a researcher and states UAP information was “still classified above 3/28/1975 #37084 cess to a room at WPAFB where some information is stored, and states he hea 3/28/1975 #37084 to release some if not all of the information in the “near future.” [Retr 3/28/1975 #37084 is ye~r, but without more definite information on dates, times, etc., they 5/1975 #37185 have caused the crash, but Public Information Officer Major Arne Anderson 10/7/1975 #37716 ate on the cause or to release any information on the investigation. Howeve 10/7/1975 #37716 nce denied having any knowledge or information about such an investigation. 10/30/1975 #37845 chard E. Quimby, the base's public information officer, stated they didn't 11/16/1975 #37977 a.m. MST. NMCC Memo: The following information was received from the Air Fo 1/21/1976 #38181 n “not to be afraid” and felt that information was being inserted into her 1/23/1976 #38190 es an eight-page newsletter of UFO information and rumor. Its title varies, 2/1976 #38217 ctober 24, 1977, the Tasmanian UFO Information Centre takes soil samples of Late 2/1976 #38283 acquires more precise and definite information, it will be possible to rele 6/26/1976 #38547 State Department, asking for more information. A reply comes in October fr 9/19/1976 #38835 bout. But Bush explains that this “information was information that existed 11/19/1976 #38994 xplains that this “information was information that existed on a need to kn 11/19/1976 #38994 Secrecy), a non-profit freedom of information activist group that advocate 1977 #39090 ates for the release of classified information regarding UFOs, is founded. 1977 #39090 member. They also gave him certain information: they told him they "were em 1/27/1977 #39218 disclosures” about UFOs, “based on information from the CIA.” Later, the Wh 4/18/1977 #39460 ductee, they believe, has specific information of value to the aliens. 12/1977 #40248 nts and includes the date and time information, transmittal numbers, and me 1/19/1978 #40444 hat it cannot locate the specified information. 1/19/1978 #40444 Washington DC NASA Information Sheet claims NASA is not inv 2/1/1978 #40490 the US State Department with more information regarding UFO documents that 2/2/1978 #40497 o look back at the disc. Among the information imparted telepathically to J 2/5/1978 #40510 ) and there was then an additional information: such as a beam of light, or 3/1978 #40560 er UFO data through the Freedom of Information Act, lawsuits against govern 4/1978 #40675 ainst the CIA using the Freedom of Information Act for release of UFO docum 4/1978 #40675 bly identified (26%), insufficient information (36%), and unidentified (38% 6/1978 #40828 s a sounding board and pass on the information to our UFO Department in San 7/9/1978 #40947 request with the CIA that includes information about a crashed spacecraft. 7/13/1978 #40971 llected more than 50 sources with “information relative to the subject of r 7/29/1978 #41042 ield was a ufologist who published information relayed to him from sources, 8/1978 #41053 field was in a position to receive information because he was the “Early Wa 8/1978 #41053 CIA Information and Privacy Coordinator Gene 8/10/1978 #41089 ident Jimmy Carter establishes the Information Security Oversight Office th 12/1/1978 #41670 ve Order 12065, “National Security Information.” The office is under the ju 12/1/1978 #41670 ublic by ensuring that the minimum information necessary to the interest of 12/1/1978 #41670 al security is classified and that information is declassified as soon as i 12/1/1978 #41670 in all. The letter, signed by CIA Information and Privacy Coordinator Geor 12/14/1978 #41759 riod in 1975, which is the sort of information Rep. Stratton was seeking. T 12/20/1978 #41821 urnal of UFO and ancient astronaut information, in Halver, North Rhine–West 1/1979 #41918 and decide to formally define UFO information as classified, rather than c 3/3/1979 #42121 n January to provide access to UFO information collected by the Spanish arm 3/3/1979 #42121 ver about UAP; Weaver gave him the information of Thompson. Thompson stated 4/5/1979 #42162 A. Everyone knew that this kind of information was considered extremely sen 5/1979 #42194 Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public.” He 5/1979 #42197 Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public. He 5/1979 #42199 consciousness and a rushing in of information. He could look down and see 6/6/1979 #42272 scientific UFO research and public information projects. It remains active 8/1/1979 #42376 ringfield and states he discovered information about a “UFO crash” 30 miles 8/13/1979 #42422 tified flying objects (unconfirmed information says that the pilot heard vo 11/11/1979 #42685 ing the crew. The captain requests information about the lights, but neithe 11/11/1979 #42690 and what controlled access to UAP information after Project Blue Book. 1980's? #42815 echnology development, and collect information about UFOs and anomalous eve 1980 #42823 y 2 hours. A Department of Defense information release gives an erroneous d 4/11/1980 #42993 FOSI sources and provide them with information. They tell him there is cons 9/8/1980 #43251 two affidavits to explain why UFO information is to be withheld from the p 11/18/1980 #43413 ation; and no meaningful amount of information can be declassified without 11/18/1980 #43413 ithout giving foreign intelligence information regarding US time and method 11/18/1980 #43413 n regarding US time and methods of information interception. The second aff 11/18/1980 #43413 ity because they contain sensitive information regarding the interception o 11/18/1980 #43415 t of the abduction experience. The information comes primarily from hypnoti 1981 #43541 ently, researchers have teleported information between atoms dozens of kilo 1981 #43545 ometers apart and have transferred information between clouds of gas atoms. 1981 #43545 der to retain his access to inside information. The document is the first t Summer 1981 #43801 for its collection of unencrypted information flowing through the data cen 12/4/1981 #44093 nnewitz astray by giving him false information. He claimed that he was give 1982 #44130 ropriates a Prosecutors Management Information System (PROMIS) developed by 1982 #44138 t alien incursions, recoveries and information are true.” He told Green he 1982 #44145 kip Atwater discovers intelligence information generated by contractor SRI 7/1982 #44399 at a certain base, in exchange for information about advanced UFO technolog 1/10/1983 #44643 employees with access to sensitive information are now subject to lifetime 3/11/1983 #44685 fied test craft,” but it leaks the information on the MiG testing program t 4/26/1984 #45262 Leduc begins publishing Bulletin d’Information Ufologique in Saint-Bruno-de 9/1984 #45428 ly has an autistic child. No other information. 11/1984 #45487 can public, nor did it provide any information to the GAO report requested 5/20/1985 #45606 Dale Goudie takes over the online information service Computer UFO Network 1/1/1986 #45785 103 of which offer both extensive information and reliable investigation. 1987 #46164 icularly in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. The pr 6/25/1987 #46285 n advocating for the disclosure of information related to UFOs and Project 6/25/1987 #46285 to nose around and find secret UAP information and projects. Maccabee doesn 7/7/1987 #46293 d; no other researchers have found information on MJ-12; the classification 7/22/1987 #46299 ssification “Top Secret Restricted Information” was not in use until the Ni 7/22/1987 #46299 htings. We VIOLATED the Freedom of Information Act by hiding Government doc 9/4/1987 #46368 hands of the CIA, according to the information). "They possess weapons and 10/13/1987 #46397 Moore’s source for much of his UFO information. He cites the disparity betw 12/1987 #46444 of supposed documents and insider information discuss the alien visitors a 12/1987 #46445 ssibly John Poindexter) to release information about the alien presence on 12/29/1987 #46483 ride, cfr Bob Fletcher of Para Net Information) During the night, a white l 1/20/1988 (approximate) #46530 sort of promises to declassify the information. Later, Huffer declines to s 3/7/1988 #46619 rces. Lear claims that most of his information comes from confidential sour 5/4/1988 #46683 into position to collect telemetry information from the launch, Hopkins obs 10/1988 #46803 AFOSI and FBI agents, who request information about the MJ-12 documents. T 11/30/1988 #46878 ter the encounter, but provided no information as to the cause of death. 2/7/1989 #46986 uments also mention an exchange of information and hardware between the US 3/1989 #47024 et ufologists could not access any information, which did not prevent the W 5/7/1989 #47114 . Moore says he provided Doty with information about Bennewitz’s thinking a 7/1/1989 #47187 , Krasnodar Krai, Russia, receives information from a Tupolev Tu-154 airlin 7/26/1989 #47222 chard L. Huff in the FBI Office of Information and Privacy affirms in a let 8/2/1989 #47234 publishing a newsletter, Lettre d’Information Ufologique, in Lac-Beauport, 9/1989 #47281 n for several minutes. The Traffic Information Management System (TIMS) rep 9/9/1989 #47293 the objects have gone. Subsequent information reveals that on the craft’s 9/27/1989 #47328 d the objects had gone. Subsequent information revealed that on of the craf 9/27/1989 #47330 with the “group” that manages UAP information. Oechsler gets the intro to 10/1989 #47345 time, the institute starts sharing information and ideas with UFO-Sweden, c 1990 #47623 and alluded he had to protect that information as he was in contact with an 1990 #47629 vation of ufological documents and information. It publishes a SCEAU Bullet 2/1990 #47678 t of Defense document, Joint Staff Information Report #5049, “Belgium and t 3/1990 #47715 er provides some vague and bizarre information involving MJ-12, ESP, and te 3/8/1990 #47735 ock-on but we still had a bit more information on the recording band. (arti 3/31/1990 #47796 lly doubt the reality of this last information... nowhere taken up by the S 4/7/1990 #47830 sed to $52.8 billion, according to information revealed by Edward Snowden), 9/1990 #48057 yee to knowingly disseminate false information to the public is an offense 1991 #48319 of Roswell was a “cover story” and information regarding the event was “mor 9/16/1991 #48615 ez who told him if he released the information, his station’s license would 12/30/1991 #48706 OM-12 was allegedly trying to leak information damaging Aquarius. Also alle 5/13/1992 #48915 he National Archives, which has no information. 3/1993 #49348 ies direct knowledge of any inside information re: UAP and states if he wer 4/15/1993 #49423 tates he doesn’t have any relevant information on MJ-12 publicly, despite t 4/15/1993 #49423 chard L. Huff in the FBI Office of Information and Privacy informs research 7/22/1993 #49574 chard L. Huff in the FBI Office of Information and Privacy tells ufologist 7/22/1993 #49575 to MARAUDER appear after 1993. No information about the fate of the projec 8/1/1993 #49599 e, says the message. In fact, this information is broadcasted by the local 12/4/1993 #49838 mms were as follows: “Prepare for information string.” Sherman provides t Early 1994 #49870 fense Department when he requested information about the 1947 Roswell incid 1/12/1994 #49888 by the US Defense Department over information on the 1947 Roswell incident 3/1994 #49967 er declassifying any US government information on the existence of UFOs or 3/1994 #49967 f Practice on Access to Government Information, a limited right to access g 4/1994 #50008 s a precursor to a full freedom of information act. 4/1994 #50008 , went to the control tower to get information about the collision: They to 7/28/1994 #50191 o Rep. Steven Schiff’s request for information, Col. Richard L. Weaver, dir 9/8/1994 #50279 the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the 1995 #50486 rk too. He begins periodic numeric information string intcomm which like be Early 1995 #50490 system to automatically declassify information more than 25 years old, unle 4/14/1995 #50734 the ground. In vain I tried to get information from our national aviation: 5/3/1995 #50763 der a classification review of UAP information. Ufologist Grant Cameron la 11/1/1995 #51197 h witnesses, consolidates the best information, and presents its research t 1996 #51289 protecting even innocuous-seeming information from disclosure.” 3/1996 #51432 di Libre of June 30, 1996) For the information added in parentheses: (1996, 6/25/1996 #51590 covering "bodies" and the official information was that it was again a mete 8/16/1996 #51642 that would investigate, gather the information, and in the beginning it was 8/30/1996 #51666 ort he could file had two pages of information, and an inch of remaining pa 8/30/1996 #51667 nd license this device. No further information about this university resear 1997 #51847 the UFO Cover-Up,” which includes information on radar/visual encounters r 3/1997 #51920 r procedure relating to classified information or granting security clearan 3/3/1997 #51922 Sgt. Rolla Suttmiler, denied this information. (Aufora News Update 16.3.19 3/13/1997 #51936 special division that has gathered information about UFO sightings since th 3/15/1997 #51941 d to their knowledge of classified information. Warwick emphasized the nee 4/2/1997 #51963 histleblowers who might have vital information. The article underscored the 4/2/1997 #51963 d circuits were developed by using information taken from the craft. Corso 6/1997 #52029 h’s favor. The book concludes with information about Project Horizon, a 195 6/1997 #52029 vision technology was derived from information taken from a UAP crash at Ro 6/1997 #52033 ngton also notes that he requested information from the commander of Luke A 6/19/1997 #52058 citizens and UFO groups to obtain information on sensitive US weapons deve 8/3/1997 #52098 AC created the CEFAA to centralize information related to unexplained aeria 10/1997 #52165 RAAF and Australian Army provided information that discounts the possibili 10/13/1997 #52173 they presented "a request" for the information related to unidentified flyi 2/2/1998 #52282 license the device but no further information is made public. Torr later f 3/1/1998 #52302 conducted a reasonable search for information requested by Gersten’s group 1/22/1999 #52515 conducted a reasonable search for information and could not find any resul 1/22/1999 #52517 me and were not able to share that information with staff at WPAFB until th 7/31/1999 #52635 ssion to study the film and obtain information about the film. 9/24/1999 #52681 contractor to HUD, exposed her to information that suggested slush funds w 12/3/1999 #52720 artment of Defense, even though no information was found. 3/30/2000 #52812 already contacted the airport for information about the illuminated object 5/5/2000 #52841 984. Kit believes only half of the information in the briefing is true. ht 5/8/2000 #52845 The UK Freedom of Information Act 2000 is given royal asse 11/30/2000 #52951 ates a public “right of access” to information held by public authorities. 11/30/2000 #52951 Only’ caveat because it contained information about the UK air defence gro 5/3/2001 #53037 exist, or if he is fabricating the information. * http://www.cufos.org/UF 5/9/2001 #53045 Ringsted, Denmark Skandinavisk UFO Information begins publishing UFO-Mail i 4/2002 #53193 he could do this without touching information that is classified. Miller a 4/25/2002 #53197 two key officers who could provide information on UAP crash retrievals. He 4/25/2002 #53197 laimed he was revealing Top Secret information when he mentioned a “chamele 7/2003 #53429 4 personnel who made him prove the information was in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. S 7/2003 #53429 AP R&D; he also states he believes information about the UAP issue has been 7/2003 #53429 Einsenhower was being kept out of information regarding UAP later in his t 7/21/2003 #53436 hilean Chamber of Deputies analyze information on UFOs for the first time. 8/26/2003 #53453 ause he may have leaked privileged information to Davis. Vallee also states 10/2/2003 #53479 ation system and was considered an information leak having to do with a pow 2004 #53510 ches a campaign called “Freedom of Information Now!” with the goal of convi 4/15/2004 #53557 nment to publicly release official information on the Varginha case, the Of 4/15/2004 #53557 systems providers Lockheed Martin Information Systems, Dyncorp and AMS Inc 6/2004 #53576 happening. Maynard claims some UAP information is controlled by three famil 8/2004 #53594 time, a company that used genetic information to analyze chronic condition 2005 #53676 UK The UK Freedom of Information Act 2000 comes into full for 1/1/2005 #53677 aerd says his group has been shown information on three specific cases: the 5/20/2005 #53715 iven the name Groupe d’Études et d’Information sur les Phénomènes Aérospati 9/22/2005 #53749 nymity, passes on a huge volume of information each month for the next thre 11/1/2005 #53769 corporate email address about UAP information, recovered biological materi 4/28/2006 #53808 (after a September 2005 Freedom of Information Act request by David Clarke 5/15/2006 #53814 s spreading of “possibly spurious” information regarding the assassination 5/18/2006 #53817 iles and remove sensitive personal information. This is described as “the l 9/2006 #53829 that he didn’t go public with the information. In an interview with Leslie 3/18/2007 #53885 to the visitor center and got the information he needed, and set off on hi 9/16/2007 #53932 rial human lineage and time travel information.” He claims Project Looking 2008 #53983 by witnesses, Lewis volunteers the information that there were no F-16s fro 1/8/2008 #53986 er, the FAA releases its raw radar information in mid-February. It is clear 1/8/2008 #53986 ould find no tactical or technical information that would corroborate this 12/22/2008 #54072 an 209,551 UFO reports and related information. 2009 #54075 Union to have its own centralized information center where anyone can acce 6/14/2010 #54161 ion center where anyone can access information on UFOs, even records held b 6/14/2010 #54161 ernments should go public with the information they hold and stop what he b 6/14/2010 #54161 Ufologist Chuck Wade presents information at the 14th Annual Aztec UFO 3/26/2011 #54198 contacted. Redfern was given this information by a “Richard Duke” and was 3/31/2011 #54200 utside of Washington, D.C. and the information learned caused him to “cry h 2012 #54214 stablished by the law on access to information. More than 10,000 pages of p 4/18/2013 #54242 tracking objects based on existing information. However, the system was als 10/1/2013 #54266 urnalist Glenn Greenwald publishes information in The Intercept about a sli 2/24/2014 #54280 gh media for USG disclosure of UAP information. DeLonge wrote to Podesta t 1/24/2016 #54321 possible the NNSA has relevant UAP information that it has not reported to 3/5/2016 #54323 raded companies to keep the secret information “protected” through organiza 3/27/2016 #54324 ” review his publicly disseminated information. DeLonge also states he met 3/27/2016 #54324 cutive Branch helped him shape the information in it and it is fiction with 4/5/2016 #54327 written after a leak of classified information because “it had some very in 4/5/2016 #54327 possible the NNSA has relevant UAP information that it has not reported to 3/22/2017 #54343 former DoD counterintelligence and information specialists associated with 9/2017 #54358 o carry out slow disclosure of UAP information to the American public from 10/26/2017 #54366 eing restrained from releasing all information government insiders were tel 10/26/2017 #54366 nor his US Navy colleagues had any information on Pais or what he was worki 11/2/2017 #54368 need to know. Moreover, Freedom Of Information Act requests cannot penetrat 2018 #54377 new phase of its “UFOs: Freedom of Information Now” campaign called “We Hav 2/2018 #54383 accuses the US Navy of withholding information about reports of unidentifie 9/6/2019 #54490 cuses the U.S. Navy of withholding information about UAP reports. Walker te 9/6/2019 #54491 ted 16th Air Force responsible for information warfare. Its headquarters is 10/11/2019 #54496 beamed energy propulsion,” and any information or technology related to “ac 10/17/2019 #54497 s the investigators of both hiding information from her and lying to her ab 12/3/2019 #54506 eople to Brush, Colorado, to share information and strategy on the mystery 1/6/2020 #54509 Colorado Colorado Information Analysis Center State agenci 1/13/2020 #54511 er 23 and January 13, the Colorado Information Analysis Center received 90 1/13/2020 #54511 re threatened about the release of information pertaining to “anti-energy” 2/8/2020 #54516 e claims of Lockheed receiving UAP information from the AEC in 1977 are fal 4/29/2020 #54530 less, the Committee finds that the information sharing and coordination acr 6/23/2020 #54536 rd utilized by the Navy’s Chief of Information and the Office of Informatio 7/24/2020 #54542 f of Information and the Office of Information tells all personnel to “not 7/24/2020 #54542 ls with “retrieved materials”, all information is classified 7/28/2020 #54543 d Police Scotland Using Freedom of Information requests, UK reporter Dean K 1/1/2021 #54560 missile at a surface target using information from a combination of manned 4/19/2021 #54572 ely suggesting he believes key UAP information is held there, given the nat 5/5/2021 #54577 f they are foreign craft gathering information about the US. The report ind 6/25/2021 #54585 a weather balloon) lack sufficient information to attribute a specific expl 6/25/2021 #54585 September 2019) of withholding UAP information. It is possible that even th 9/3/2021 #54599 t even though elements are sharing information with UAPTF, deeper black pro 9/3/2021 #54599 2021, DARPA put out a Request for Information for new approaches for the w 9/3/2021 #54599 on the apparatus that controls UAP information. Sheehan states at the end o 10/2021 #54605 this technology and monopolize the information about the UAP occupants, etc 10/2021 #54605 rt states sources who provided UAP information for his recently published b 12/17/2021 #54622 “centralized repository” for such information and will coordinate with US 12/27/2021 #54623 hat such a theory is riddled with “information gaps.” Addressing the possib 2/2/2022 #54630 interview that materials sciences information is definitely being withheld 2/11/2022 #54633 telligence Sumner Shapiro for more information on UAP crash recoveries. Sha 3/16/2022 #54635 rned by it and concluded they knew information “above my pay grade.” When t 5/9/2022 #54643 exists and it does not report UAP information to Congress because of secur 5/16/2022 #54645 will commit to declassifying more information when possible and when it do 5/17/2022 #54647 al signatures. It also states this information was not shared with the UAPT 8/23/2022 #54662 ear of reprisal and share whatever information they have. https://youtu.be 9/2022 #54664 ing UAP craft Navy allegedly has information on an underwater UAP hotspot 9/26/2022 #54671 An organization that collects UAP information and managed it/destroyed it/ 9/26/2022 #54671 e who may have controlled some UAP information. Interestingly, a declassifi 10/14/2022 #54676 an “icy planet” where he receives information from a “higher consciousness 10/20/2022 #54679 o “hang on” and wait to report the information to the public. https://www. 10/20/2022 #54683 onal committees have been privy to information he’s been told “has been lif 12/18/2022 #54689 mirez states several new pieces of information in an interview including: t 12/20/2022 #54691 US David Grusch submits information to the Defense Department’s 4/4/2023 #54707 ector General extensive classified information about deeply covert programs 6/5/2023 #54715 act craft of non-human origin. The information, he says, has been illegally 6/5/2023 #54715 ly provided similar, corroborating information, both on and off the record. 6/5/2023 #54715 ilitary personnel who provided the information he gave to the ICIG. 8/8/2023 #54725 rusch. Klippenstein denies illegal information leaks, countering Ross Coult 8/9/2023 #54726 Grusch had previously shared this information with the IC IG in June 2022. 8/21/2023 #54729 g Rep. Tim Burchett, has requested information from the intelligence commun 8/23/2023 #54732 benefits of disclosing UFO-related information for humanity's understanding 8/26/2023 #54736 (AARO) to provide the public with information about their efforts to under 8/31/2023 #54740 AARO has not discovered verifiable information to substantiate claims of pr 9/1/2023 #54741 to the public through a freedom of information request. The heavily redacte 9/5/2023 #54743## Word: "information--", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
In the past two years, packets of information-- including some details of 1963 #23386## Word: "information-exchanging", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Australia is formed as an informal information-exchanging network. 1984 #45044## Word: "information-gathering", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he latest logical step in an alien information-gathering process. Each abdu 12/1977 #40248 GEIPAN) in order to emphasize the “information-gathering” aspect of the age 9/22/2005 #53749## Word: "informations", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
in 1951. It begins publishing UFO Informations, edited by Michel Dorier, i 1973 #34094 ich continues under the names GEPO Informations and OVNI et Cie through 198 11/1976 #38951## Word: "informative", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
UFO archives are kept), issues an Informative Note to the Chief of Staff o 5/22/1991 #48476## Word: "informativo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
publish three issues of a boletín informativo. 1980 #42822## Word: "informazione", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ts official journal UFO–Rivista di Informazione Ufologica through autumn 20 6/1986 #45963## Word: "informazioni", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nce Agency named S.I.V.: "Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano" After one yea 2/19/1954 (approximate) #14172## Word: "informed", 84 instance(s) (Back to Top)
isor to Shogun Yoritsune Fujiwara, informed the palace of peculiar luminous 10/2/1235 #212 rageous, the villagers immediately informed him of the presence of the myst End of 1200's #237 ians of the temple of Telzatlipoca informed the emperor Moctezuma that in t 1509 #336 n Hull, including eyewitnesses and informed inhabitants of London, attested 10/3/1660 #524 d a being resembling a "bear," who informed him that his father had flown a 8/1700 #606 ity of this strange phenomenon and informed him of the similar observation 4/27/1863 #1159 previous incident, the witness was informed that the airship was heading to 4/15/1897 #1811 ghly condensed electricity. He was informed that five of these flying machi 4/22/1897 #1912 nstead. The naval authorities were informed of the flight, and coast guard 4/18/1917 #2771 nonymous) seems to be the only one informed of this state of affairs... ] 1937 #3355 over Germany. The plane's crew was informed that these might be experimenta 1944 #3882 ransferred, the U-boat's commander informed the captain about the location 1946 #4429 lves and the director (Hoover) was informed the next day, July 8, that the 7/7/1947 #5652 reports in a memo that he has been informed by the 4th Army's G-2 division 1/31/1949 #7102 emphasize that Grudge is not to be informed. 4/25/1949 #7262 sted in “psychological warfare” be informed of the findings. Appendix D is 8/10/1949 #7514 yone who has the opportunity to be informed and to look into this thing bel 2/13/1951 #8921 r. Barnes, the main controller. He informed Andrews Air Force Base, since t 7/19/1952 #10902 lls him that the space people have informed him a physical encounter will t 11/18/1952 #12668 s, are not volunteers, and are not informed of the tests. In a 1975 Pentago 9/15/1953 #13725 en at night by Bernard Miserey. He informed the police station the next mor 8/23/1954 #14893 ad to be provided with clothes and informed about Earth customs. They broug 3/1956 #17846 air on her ears. Mrs. Appelton was informed that they only appeared to her 2/7/1958 #20191 with substantial interest and made informed remarks. He seemed to know a go Spring 1959 #21074 an unexpected turn when the woman informed one of the Naval officers that 7/9/1959 #21276 of the AF Chief of Intelligence is informed of ARDC’s rejection (by Maj. Ge 2/5/1960 #21676 g information and wants to be kept informed of sightings and investigations 7/15/1960 #21896 it was about 1000 cubic meters. He informed the military authorities who ar 4/28/1961 #22295 ficial in the Peruvian police, who informed reporters. 8/9/1965 #25368 riff Dale F. Spaur, (...) they are informed by radio that a resident of Sum 4/17/1966 #26423 ility employees were debriefed and informed that what they had witnessed wa 5/11/1966 #26608 ringing him outside, the abductors informed him that after their departure 7/17/1968 #30710 The Nakhon Phanom Command Post was informed that the sightings "definitely 11/28/1968 #31290 ll transmitted: "We have just been informed that Santa Claus exists!". As i 12/21/1968 #31355 eard announcing: We have just been informed that Santa Claus does exist! Th 12/25/1968 #31363 ited inside by one of the men, who informed him that the other two were als 3/17/1969 #31619 stol at about 3.2 km. The radar is informed. The UFO flies very slowly, fro 9/4/1969 #31989 st day of the trip, the astronauts informed the Ground Control that two fla 11/14/1969 #32107 watch had stopped at 11:13 PM. He informed the guards of the events. The n 9/27/1972 #33892 he called "sky charts". Enrique is informed he is at a point some 100,000 k 10/22/1972 #33951 . Haldeman, also attends. Helms is informed by Nixon that his services in t 11/20/1972 #34001 the craft at the crash site, I was informed that a large craft had crashed 1/24/1974 #35704 et bomber. After takeoff, they are informed that they are actually being se 6/1974 #36209 they arrived at the barracks they informed the superiors. The military per 1/1/1975 #36794 ran to one of the boy's homes and informed their parents, who could at fir 2/23/1975 #36976 B penetration. At 290200 EST, AFOC informed NMCC that an unidentified helic 10/29/1975 #37824 n to assist in locating UFO. NORAD informed of the incident by SAC. Receive 10/29/1975 #37824 morning. Some teachers noticed and informed my father. He thought it odd an End of 1975 #38034 ) Around noon, the gendarmerie was informed by H.G., manager of the La Beke 3/24/1976 #38336 ng, in fact, that they had somehow informed him they would not harm him. He 6/12/1977 #39639 nd drove towards the village. They informed other people and returned to th 8/30/1977 #39940 d its mission is to provide for an informed American public by ensuring tha 12/1/1978 #41670 le) in which it commits to keeping informed about the UFO dossier and in wh 12/8/1978 #41703 gers to fasten their seatbelts and informed them "that he could not continu 11/11/1979 #42685 raterrestrials and the government, informed of their violations of the trea 12/24/1979 #42799 ad a mission to accomplish. Forber informed his friend Henry de Greef and t 7/1980 #43128 out 288 miles/h. The control tower informed the police pilot that they had 10/10/1985 #45706 eparing to land, the control tower informed him of UFO targets on their rad 5/19/1986 #45928 d about the documents, which he is informed was the “creation of an educate 10/28/1986 #46126 t was her ovum. Later the entities informed her that it was their time to l 1/25/1987 #46180 UAOs should be disclosed to ensure informed decision-making in a democratic 6/25/1987 #46285 mes from open sources and his own “informed speculation.” 5/4/1988 #46683 legedly interviews at EG&G, but is informed that he is overqualified for th 12/1/1988 #46883 m the area. The youngest son later informed his parents that that same nigh 10/27/1989 #47400 their relief, the dispatch officer informed them that he too had seen the t 11/29/1989 #47524 s later (April 7), the gendarmerie informed the Sobeps of a presumed landin 4/7/1990 #47830 ing Operation Desert Shield. He is informed by a superior officer that his Late 1990 #48134 s of the atmosphere. The media are informed of the identification of the ce 12/9/1990 #48300 ty, is called by radar control and informed that a strange object has follo 6/8/1991 #48495 hat it was a taxi driver who first informed him of the sighting. It was abo 11/6/1991 #48648 hic communication the abductee was informed that the Grey aliens were andro 7/25/1992 #48991 Q at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, who informed ATC that NORAD was tracking a “ 5/25/1995 #50818 ing that the public should only be informed of facts concerning space if th 1/30/1996 #51368 t when policy makers are not fully informed, the government is not held acc 3/3/1997 #51922 s, and the public cannot engage in informed debate; that some secrecy is im 3/3/1997 #51922 r navel. Then, telepathically, she informed him that their society was dyin 12/14/1997 #52218 During a press conference, the MND informed the Civil Aeronautics Administr 1/16/2000 #52762 ing to their unit, some of the men informed senior officers of what had tak 8/25/2004 #53611 fern states Duke and other sources informed him that CIA and Office of Nava 3/31/2011 #54200 the media reports have responsibly informed the public is disputed. In Janu 6/14/2013 #54250 niel Sheehan told him Lue Elizondo informed Sheehan he was in a facility wh 5/19/2021 #54579 s,” something that Congress wasn’t informed of and wasn’t appropriated/fund 9/2022 #54664 versight, based on interviews with informed officials. Fravor and Graves sh 7/26/2023 #54719 h claimed to have interviewed that informed his conclusions. 8/22/2023 #54731## Word: "informing", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
McMullen of Strategic Air Command informing him of an object recovered out 7/8/1947 #5873 vilian and military UFO sightings, informing them of the crash and that all 10/4/1967 #29603 she heard a weird chorus of voices informing her of the approaching death o 12/12/1967 #30054 o received a radio call from Gross informing him of five "strange looking" 10/4/1975 #37702 is reported to the authorities, an Informing Judge is appointed by the corr 1/16/1979 #42006 ogy enthusiast, received a message informing him of the landing of extrater 3/8/1980 #42916 unicated with her using telepathy, informing her that the short beings want 3/11/1992 #48818## Word: "informs", 38 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ictine at St. Peter's Westminster, informs us that "in the early hours of t 11/4/1322 #247 n Aerial Phenomena, Washington. It informs us that in "The Diary of Andrew 8/12/1825 #947 m French) General Brehon Somervell informs Colonel Leslie Richard Groves th 9/17/1942 #3697 being dressed in a pink tunic, who informs him of his upcoming trip to Japa 1944 #3864 ritish Air Attaché Capt. Henderson informs the Foreign Office in London, En 7/27/1946 #4620 hé Maj. Gen. Alfred A. Kessler Jr. informs the War Department that the Ghos 8/24/1946 #4721 entists and air force authorities, informs the American naval attaché in Lo 1/20/1947 #4859 editor of the Portland Oregonian, informs the FBI of this information. He 7/27/1947 #6120 niversity of New Mexico Capt. Neef informs Lincoln LaPaz, director of meteo 12/9/1948 #7009 e San Antonio, Texas, AFOSI office informs headquarters that the “matter ha 5/6/1949 #7329 io, businessman Thomas B. Eickhoff informs Keyhoe that Flying Saucers from 3/1954 #14199 the apparition. In Ponthierry, he informs the village's appariteur, who ob 9/22/1954 #15169 have done: 13687. - Mr. de Léotard informs Mr. the Secretary of State for t 10/7/1954 #15611 Denmark Russia Frederick C. Durant informs the Sixth Congress of the Intern 8/2/1955 #17374 CIA Director Allen Dulles informs the joint Intelligence Advisory 10/18/1955 #17586 8. In September 1958, the spaceman informs her that she is pregnant, which 11/16/1957 #19849 r and James W. Moseley. The letter informs Adamski that the State Departmen 12/6/1957 #19966 his is three years after USAF ATIC informs Congress and the American public 10/30/1958 #20778 Lt. Col. Spencer Whedon from ATIC informs NICAP that the Air Force spends 5/25/1962 #22916 t the foot of Morro do Vintem Hill informs the police and firefighters of h 8/20/1966 #26940 o, Brazil, the Brazilian Air Force informs local officials who are investig 7/1969 #31858 ated. The yardmaster in Evansville informs them that there never was any tr 10/20/1973 #35187 hoate then sees the red object and informs the pilot of its position. The o 10/26/1977 #40141 uary 19, 1978, the USSR ambassador informs the American authorities that th 1/24/1978 #40458 icly announced. NORAD headquarters informs Washington on the 19th that the 1/24/1978 #40458 o State Police Officer Gabe Valdez informs the FBI that cattle in New Mexic 2/16/1979 #42087 the US Embassy in La Paz promptly informs the US Defense Intelligence Agen 8/10/1979 #42403 t for data on UFO trackings, NORAD informs them that it will require 18,383 9/1979 #42499 ers a second circle on July 31 and informs the media on August 13. 7/21/1980 #43157 g the radar contact. The CRC Glons informs, at the moment of the "break loc 3/31/1990 #47798 about 20 minutes later. Damasceno informs Sgt. Petronius, a CINDACTA fligh 4/11/1991 #48433 document on a “Blue Fire” sequence informs associated groups and operations 7/28/1991 #48549 Office of Information and Privacy informs researcher Nick Redfern that it 7/22/1993 #49574 AF Wing Commander Brett Biddington informs civilian UFO groups in Australia 1/4/1994 #49878 e to inspect those files. As Greer informs a Portland, Oregon, audience in 4/10/1997 #51977 one by recent developments. STAC-5 informs this writer STAC totally rejects 3/11/1998 #52308 for STAC to back down. STAC-5 also informs that WPAFB sources have had some 3/11/1998 #52308 me to act. After landing, the crew informs Air Traffic Control, who tells t 9/1/2020 #54547## Word: "infovni", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
(Translated from French) Sources: infOvni Ufotel - CISU (Edoardo Russo) - 11/8/1999 #52704## Word: "infra-red", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ane passes. Going down [to] after. Infra-red photographs. 7/30/1952 #11463 elicopter - with green & red (like infra-red) lights hovering a directing a 4/8/1979 #42166 red multiple objects (11) with its infra-red sensors. The objects were not 3/5/2004 #53543## Word: "infraero", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e at great speed. Operators at the Infraero control room at Pelotas Airport 10/5/1996 #51728## Word: "infrared", 44 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Henry H. “Hap” Arnold, saying that infrared devices are now available to ta 4/17/1945 #4276 he same date, a photographer using infrared film with a red filter obtained 11/14/1953 #13869 BALDWIN HILLS, CA Domed saucers / infrared film. No visual. Nevada atomic 3/5/1955 #17052 s cancelled as impractical, but an infrared subsystem requires much lower d 8/3/1956 #18173 ushing the Air Force to develop an infrared tracking satellite. The infrare 8/3/1956 #18173 n infrared tracking satellite. The infrared system actually begins as plann 8/3/1956 #18173 ociate named James Woods take many infrared photos of the desert sky over s Summer 1957 #18938 for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infrared Radiation” in which he discusse 6/3/1958 #20420 from their star would be the muted infrared glow of radiation heat. Such a 6/3/1958 #20420 d from French) The first "midas 2" infrared alert satellite is satellited. Spring 1960 #21725 om French) A SECOND GENERATION (OF INFRARED ALERT SATELLITES) MUCH MORE PER 8/6/1960 #21930 sky that looked like a bright red infrared lamp. It shined a beam of light 4/3/1965 #24852 laser range-finder, video camera, infrared, nightscope, and telescope are 8/1968 #30814 ) were launched, equipped with two infrared cameras, one of which was equip 1970 #32179 ture, visualization, engine noise, infrared emission and improvement of ECM 1973 #34085 NORAD now has infrared sensor satellites covering 100% 1973 #34090 nslated from French) Launch of the infrared astronomy satellite Iras. (Janu 1/26/1983 #44654 eismograph, Geiger counter, radar, infrared viewer, laser, magnetograph, an 6/3/1983 #44791 een or inside. If you look through infrared waves, you can see the distorti 10/28/1983 #44964 htings, but the Geiger counter and infrared viewer prove unhelpful. Researc 1/21/1984 #45087 Mach 1.6. The pilot activates his infrared search and track system when he Spring 1984 #45185 oviet Mars probe Phobos 2 takes an infrared photograph of what appears to b 3/25/1989 #47050 s is probably due to the effect of infrared light around the UFO. 3/31/1990 #47814 lets the object enter the camera’s infrared spot beam, then switches the be 4/26/1991 #48451 BELLINGHAM, UK 2 separate infrared alarms trip. Dome going quickly 8/21/1994 #50235 lis Budinger for Fourier Transform infrared spectrometry analysis. She find 11/11/1999 #52706 ts flying a C-26A Metroliner using infrared equipment to search for drug-sm 3/5/2004 #53542 record 11 unidentified objects on infrared video and radar near Ciudad del 3/5/2004 #53542 rned on their laser rangefinder to infrared mode. The humanoid figures seem 8/25/2004 #53611 s able to pick up the object on an infrared channel. Two objects emerge fro 11/14/2004 #53655 his time equipped with an advanced infrared camera (FLIR pod). This camera 11/14/2004 #53655 ove except when the aircraft’s own infrared camera moves. West thinks the o 11/14/2004 #53655 d at a distance. [A second film of infrared footage, known as the GIMBAL vi 11/14/2004 #53655 cinity, so they film the object on infrared thermal video. The object is 3– 4/25/2013 #54243 ro in on unidentified targets with infrared targeting cameras. 3/26/2014 #54283 Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) system. While investig 4/23/2014 #54285 iles away. He zooms in on it using infrared film. The naval pilot sees it a 11/11/2014 #54301 aval Station Norfolk, Virginia Two infrared video recordings, known as the 2/2015? #54308 rogram about UFOs. Radar contacts, infrared detections, and visual sighting 2/2015? #54308 11 satellites carrying Space-Based Infrared System or Space Tracking and Su 1/2018 #54378 vide continuous global coverage of infrared energy sources. Originally desi 1/2018 #54378 he Air Force’s Overhead Persistent Infrared Battlespace Awareness Center at 1/2018 #54378 o is taken with a forward- looking infrared (FLIR) system that is of extrem 7/17/2019 #54479 pher Mellon states the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) has recorded uni 2/20/2020 #54519## Word: "infrared-sensitive", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
couldn't believe my eyes. I had an infrared-sensitive camera around my neck 1964 #23948## Word: "infrasonic", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
’s atmosphere, which are caused by infrasonic waves. These waves have a low 11/19/2018 #54428## Word: "infrasound", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Jonathan, this sound must contain infrasound which he had learned to know 3/4/1995 #50653 nuclear explosions. It includes 60 infrasound stations that monitor for mic 11/19/2018 #54428## Word: "infrastructure", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
cal transformers that upgraded the infrastructure of the town. Mover told B 2/2011 #54190 , the government's vast hidden COG infrastructure has inspired paranoid myt 2/7/2022 #54632## Word: "infrequently", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
edges), resting in a field near an infrequently used road. The only activit 5/10/1950 #8267## Word: "ing", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
mber 100-203-79, “Analysis of Fly- ing Object Incidents in the U.S.” (AIR 2 12/10/1948 #7011 from Royan, saw a little man cross ing the road in front of their car. Havi 10/1/1954 #15382 ting blue light in the sky nearby. ing in river felt burning, saw oscillati 10/25/1975 #37787## Word: "inga", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Usta, Örebro, Sweden 10:00 p.m. Inga Eriksson is in her garden in Usta, 7/12/1946 #4571 15-year-old boy and girl, Erik and Inga, were walking together in the eveni 8/23/1967 #29305## Word: "ingall", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
MOON Astronomer Ingall. Perfect point / Steller light / 4/10/1865 #1172## Word: "ingalls", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ccurred near a shipyard managed by Ingalls Shipbuilding, then owned by Litt 10/11/1973 #34969## Word: "ingber", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e Air Force: I.J. Shapiro and E.C. Ingber. For 5 minutes, two thin rectangl 5/23/1955 #17181 Airman/Basic I.J. Shapiro and E.C. Ingber. During a 5 minute period, two sl 5/23/1955 #17184## Word: "ingeborg", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
.m. Meteorologist Vasile Coţoi and Ingeborg Vityi observe a white conical o 3/30/1968 #30378## Word: "ingeniero", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Daniel de Solier street, Ingeniero White, near Bahía Blanca, Arge 1/4/1975 #36831 top along Daniel de Solier street, Ingeniero White, near Bahía Blanca, Arge 1/4/1975 #36831 late night at 3:30 a.m. in Puerto Ingeniero, a town outside Bahia Blanca, 1/5/1975 #36842 d on Route 22 between the towns of Ingeniero Huergo and Cervantes in Rio Ne 2/11/1980 #42883## Word: "ingenious", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
elf-winding double clock) are very ingenious, while others (a Martian airsh 8/1895 #1520 ntact hidden from the public by an ingenious cover-up. 11/17/1977 #40206 y be among the most successful and ingenious intelligence-gathering plays o 4/15/2021 #54571## Word: "ingersoll", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
alifornia Witness: USN Cmdr. J.L. Ingersoll. One highly polished sphere, 2/2/1955 #16976 rnia at 11:50 a.m. USN Cmdr. J. L. Ingersoll sighted a highly polished sphe 2/2/1955 #16980 INGERSOLL, ON Several observer(s) and ph 12/1/1955 #17681 INGERSOLL, ON Several / farm. Several la 4/16/1958 #20324## Word: "ingest", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e at the specified location. 18:30 ingest capsules, after the effect protec 8/20/1966 #26948## Word: "ingests", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s a program known as Sentient that ingests and analyzes imagery data with A 2/27/2023 #54703## Word: "ingleside", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
INGLESIDE, IL Deep rumble. Glowing ovoid 10/27/1955 (approximate) #17603## Word: "inglewood", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lery (Anti-Aircraft) Regiment from Inglewood and the 205th Anti-Aircraft Re 2/25/1942 #3611 ontinued towards Redondo Beach and Inglewood, then towards Santa Ana and Hu 2/25/1942 #3611## Word: "inglis", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ench) At three o'clock, Sir Robert Inglis saw thousands of bright objects, 8/8/1849 #1087 cts are observed by the astronomer Inglis in a clear sky. Some seem to have 8/8/1849 #1087 " - I read 1971, p. 36) Sir Robert Inglis saw at 3 o'clock thousands of bri 8/8/1849 #1087 ust 8 at 3 o'clock, the astronomer Inglis, from Gais, saw thousands of lumi 8/8/1849 #1087 ially the same phenomenon. Mr. Max Inglis, who had passed Brian and Sharon 2/4/1973 #34170 ie, PS James Trohear, PC Alexander Inglis, and PC David Wild) and citizens 8/28/1977 #39932## Word: "inglis's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of the flakes fell to the ground. Inglis's servant thought he saw some of 8/8/1849 #1087## Word: "ingo", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Ingo Swann meets Hal Puthoff and partici 6/1972 #33522 a New York City artist and psychic Ingo Swann visits the Stanford Research 6/6/1972 #33530 nstitute in Menlo Park, California Ingo Swann returns to the Stanford Resea 8/1972 #33701 ute Pioneer 10 space probe Jupiter Ingo Swann, in a remote-viewing experime 4/27/1973 #34363 ornia Alaska New York City psychic Ingo Swann receives a phone call from a 2/1975 #36906 ving immunity to Gordon Cooper and Ingo Swann to talk about “what they knew 3/31/1995 #50712 hengreerexcerptsfrom/ Note: If Ingo Swann’s testimony did inform the Cl 3/31/1995 #50712## Word: "ingolstadt", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
gers flying 30 kilometers north of Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany at 9:30 p.m 9/9/1979 #42540 INGOLSTADT, GER Cops and many / factory. 9/16/1979 #42575## Word: "ingot", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ingot” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 3/9/1989 #47037## Word: "ingots", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e day with Xiti, who gave him gold ingots. (vog: isn't she generous, and we 1/1967 #27483## Word: "ingraham", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Phoenix, Arizona 7:00 p.m. Jason Ingraham sees a flying triangle with a d 11/28/2000 #52943## Word: "ingrained", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
his unsettling occurrence remained ingrained in local memory, passed down t 3/1828 #956 wide. On the sash he could see two ingrained faces. Ernani interpreted the 4/23/1993 #49437## Word: "ingram", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
2:20 a.m. by witnesses Gibbons and Ingram in Nelson, New Zealand. It has b 9/9/1954 #15034 n. (CHR- 74-04, W.A. Darbro, ANLEY Ingram) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 2/4/1974 #35749 Becky Ingram, age 14, heard "voices" in her he 3/20/1974 #35949 At around 7 p.m. Ms. Becky Ingram was driving alone on a country ro 5/5/1974 #36136## Word: "ingredients", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
from skunks, old shoes, and other ingredients. 7/1943 #3804 -secret nuclear facility producing ingredients for atomic bombs. Fighter pl Mid 7/1945 #4339 and the report concludes that the ingredients do not come from another pla 4/18/1961 #22275 made of terrestrial but tasteless ingredients, including hydrogenated oil 4/18/1961 #22279 igrate Allende—were ‘indispensable ingredients of Frei’s success,’” and the 9/4/1964 #24445## Word: "ingrid", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e Marmen Sunnanå, Sweden 3:40 p.m. Ingrid Hansson is sunbathing with her fa 7/19/1946 #4607 o minutes. Mrs. Douglas's daughter Ingrid joined her, and also saw the UFO 7/20/1967 #29092## Word: "ingweiller", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Ingweiller, Germany A large orange glow 1/14/1945 #4171## Word: "inhabit", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ves of UFOs as living animals that inhabit the ionosphere and are attracted 9/1955 #17487 looking for terrestrial bodies to inhabit—they select the evolving apes. T 1957 #18595## Word: "inhabitant", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
theless realized that he was not a inhabitant of this world. Mr. T. J. Weem 4/16/1897 #1814 e first to hear the greeting of an inhabitant of another planet. It is Mars 8/10/1899 #2051 d a hill. That same night, another inhabitant saw a boat-shaped craft at a 8/3/1909 #2402 n, would have made contact with an inhabitant of Venus. (cfr all ufological 11/20/1952 #12673 that it lit up the whole area. An inhabitant of Hokianga Road, already in 7/13/1954 #14709 arth woman to have a child from an inhabitant of another planet. Frozen wit 8/11/1966 #26898 (Translated from French) The inhabitant living at the foot of Morro d 8/20/1966 #26940 rth's atmosphere and as a noun, an inhabitant supposed to be from another p 12/29/1980 #43532## Word: "inhabitants", 113 instance(s) (Back to Top)
I am a mortal being and one of the inhabitants of the Desert whom the Genti 300 #26 vent was widely seen by the city's inhabitants and was later commemorated a 438 #37 esieged the city of King Thai. The inhabitants of the city used kites to se 549 #45 " very powerful and terrifying the inhabitants... they were lights like nev 793 #85 orthumbria, greatly afflicting its inhabitants. These were exceptional ligh 1/793 #86 ptivated by these appearances, the inhabitants construct a "Pearl Pavilion" 1059 #156 marked "End of 13th century".) The inhabitants of a large village were one End of 1200's #237 an incomprehensible jargon for the inhabitants of the city. Then there was 6/10/1430 #292 il throughout the country. All the inhabitants of Kyoto expect disasters to 3/7/1458 #301 non created panic among the town's inhabitants while the attackers interpre 1528 #354 slated from French) At sunrise the inhabitants of Nuremberg had a very frig 4/14/1561 #395 Constantinople, Turkey The inhabitants of Constantinople were aston 2/16/1572 #419 h caused great astonishment to the inhabitants of Lyon. Most of them, looki 10/12/1621 #477 e time previously mentioned by the inhabitants of the said city, principall 10/12/1621 #477 , which greatly astonished all the inhabitants of the said city and other s 10/12/1621 #477 ime that it appeared in Belle Ile, inhabitants who went to Vannes assure th 3/1636 #486 8 o'clock in the evening, several inhabitants of the Boston area by the se 1/18/1644 #501 ght appeared to the east. Then the inhabitants witnessed a curious game of 1/18/1644 #501 ncluding eyewitnesses and informed inhabitants of London, attested to the i 10/3/1660 #524 ct emitted such intense light that inhabitants were able to conduct househo 10/30/1660 #528 he intelligence level of a world’s inhabitants; thus, the people who live o 3/1755 #697 n, in Beauce, is a village of 1800 inhabitants, three leagues to the west o 1/15/1816 #908 ) claimed to have had contact with inhabitants of Venus. They traveled in a 1820 #922 y of Many Distinct Traces of Lunar Inhabitants, Especially of One of their 1824 #943 hts and the appearance of what the inhabitants described as a lady in white 1836 #987 olar System contains 21.9 trillion inhabitants, 53.5 billion of them on Ven 1838 #1010 MAICA (Translated from French) The inhabitants witness a true rain of fireb 1/16/1860 #1136 Liège (Translated from French) The inhabitants of Liège saw a strange reddi 5/9/1861 #1153 of living creatures not unlike the inhabitants of earth.” 1871 #1228 urry) (Translated from French) The inhabitants saw at 1 o'clock a kind of h 12/7/1872 #1243 to the southwest of the town. The inhabitants watched it for a moment, not 11/20/1873 (approximate) #1258 wport (Translated from French) The inhabitants of Newport shot at Spring He Autumn 1877 #1296 s several communications about the inhabitants and the canals. Martian reve 8/1895 #1520 : Redbluff, November 26th. Several inhabitants affirmed to have seen the pr 11/25/1896 #1578 ort is somewhat different: Several inhabitants of Hastings reported having 1/24/1897 #1621 (Translated from French) Several inhabitants of Hastings (Nebraska) said 2/1/1897 #1628 immense cigar and half the town's inhabitants were watching it. The airshi 4/1/1897 #1658 ring towards the south. The town's inhabitants propose to look at the sky v 4/1/1897 #1658 t again in the early morning. Many inhabitants of Everest will spend the ni 4/1/1897 #1659 lated from French) About a hundred inhabitants saw at the same time a round 4/5/1897 #1675 icago (Translated from French) The inhabitants saw the ship cross Lake Mich 4/9/1897 #1685 ranslated from French) Hundreds of inhabitants saw the craft hovering above 4/11/1897 #1701 at the time: "Around 6:00 a.m. the inhabitants of Aurora were surprised by 4/16/1897 #1814 utler (Translated from French) The inhabitants observed a huge flying machi 4/18/1897 #1863 ing beats like a giant bird. Other inhabitants of the area also claim to ha 8/2/1905 #2146 on of the southwest. Several other inhabitants observed flashes of light an 5/15/1909 #2313 lored lights. Another one, made by inhabitants of Mount Rochefort and Chris 7/29/1909 #2379 isappearing at a high speed. Other inhabitants of the town also observed th 9/1/1909 #2426 isappearing at a high speed. Other inhabitants of the town also observed th 9/1/1909 #2427 bama) (Translated from French) The inhabitants saw at 9:00 a huge whitish o 1/12/1910 #2466 (Translated from French) The 30 inhabitants of the small Inuit village o 1930 #3072 e off twice without success. Eight inhabitants of the valley climbed the sl 2/7/1934 #3256 tens of meters away from him. The inhabitants of the region were not parti 1939 #3453 hey come from another planet whose inhabitants formerly gave to the Aztecs 1942 #3592 slated from French) At 4:30 pm two inhabitants saw an elongated cone-shaped 5/16/1945 #4300 "dumbbell" model was reported: The inhabitants of Nancy saw strange meteors 9/13/1946 #4761 US Space Law, “Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies” 6/1947 #4971 d by a kind of halo. Several other inhabitants of Richland saw the same thi 6/29/1947 #5184 slated from French) At 2:20 AM the inhabitants of Codroy saw a flying sauce 7/11/1947 #5986 did not differ in any way from the inhabitants of our planet. (A. RIBERA: " 7/23/1947 #6090 In the early afternoon hundreds of inhabitants of Madisonville, then thousa 1/7/1948 #6516 French) In Overland (Illinois), 3 inhabitants see a sort of large bird-man 4/10/1948 #6625 craft. On Thursday morning several inhabitants of Spa saw an object which t 3/16/1950 #7927 remain stationary high in the sky. Inhabitants of Chambéry reported a sauce 4/7/1950 #8113 gy. This was also the case for the inhabitants of Atlantis, but the two rac 7/28/1950 #8453 ained above it. At 7:35 PM several inhabitants of Blackstone (about 120 km 6/15/1952 #10371 arke Street and Oxford Street, the inhabitants saw in the evening a light s 6/30/1952 #10591 anslated from French) At 6 pm, the inhabitants reported seeing a fuselage w 7/18/1952 #10857 iège) (Translated from French) The inhabitants saw, around 12:45, clouds em 8/6/1952 #11644 necessary to gradually prepare the inhabitants of the Earth for the visit o 5/23/1953 #13408 ants of the Earth for the visit of inhabitants of other worlds. It said in 5/23/1953 #13408 g at great altitude. At 2:30 p.m., inhabitants of Sétif see an object arriv 1/18/1954 #14101 lout spreads around the world. The inhabitants of the islands are not evacu 3/1/1954 #14203 (Translated from French) 3 inhabitants of Haard (Austria), on Lake 8/19/1954 #14878 Moon but larger than a star. Other inhabitants of East Africa claim to have 9/7/1954 #15016 Near Grosseto (Tuscany, Italy), 2 inhabitants of Pitigliano observe a roun 9/14/1954 #15057 At 8:30 p.m. several inhabitants of St-Michel-sur-Meurthe, Fr 10/1/1954 #15399 t also by the visitors, and by the inhabitants of Metz up to the suburbs of 10/10/1954 #15733 64 km from Metz, 43 km from Nancy) inhabitants of an isolated farm, a few h 10/10/1954 #15734 ted from French) In the night, the inhabitants of an isolated farm a few hu 10/11/1954 #15769 er and his wife, Mr. & Mrs. Vitre, inhabitants of the village of Chevigny-e 10/14/1954 #15963 f Atacama (Translated from French) Inhabitants of these sparsely populated 1956 #17719 t without any glows or flames. The inhabitants of Barre des Cévennes had be Early 1956 #17735 ree o'clock in the afternoon, four inhabitants of the Fiji Islands saw (... 10/8/1957 #19302 ure rises inside the house and the inhabitants smell a strong sulfurous odo 10/21/1963 #23825 cense plates appeared in town: the inhabitants said it was visible as the n 1/19/1965 #24689 y telephone his first message from inhabitants of the planet Ummo. The call 11/28/1966 #27384 Nikitenko as well as several local inhabitants saw a cascade of lights cros 5/17/1967 #28691 ers off Shag Harbour. Many coastal inhabitants had seen it. Then, a bubblin 10/4/1967 #29598 m a world with no cities where its inhabitants were born in the wilderness. 6/23/1968 #30596 intervene, to collaborate with the inhabitants of the Earth to overcome mis 6/26/1968 #30608 ead fear and panic among the local inhabitants. 6/26/1968 #30609 rench) At 5:30 in the morning, the inhabitants of a small town were disturb 7/15/1968 #30699 dying customs and languages of the inhabitants of the system...mathematics 9/1/1968 #30961 ame orbit as the Moon, sent by the inhabitants of a planet orbiting Epsilon 4/1973 #34303 ed from French) At 9:40 PM several inhabitants of the village and the surro 9/26/1975 #37660 ce the beginning of the month, the inhabitants of Tururu, Urubumetama and S 10/1975 #37679 the town for two hours, while the inhabitants had run to take shelter. Sta 10/1975 #37679 nd and goes to a nearby house. The inhabitants say their TV set just blacke 6/22/1976 #38531 equipment. In vain. (...) Yet the inhabitants of Yellowknife saw in the ni 1/24/1978 #40458 planets) of which all the resident inhabitants perished in a chain atomic e 12/12/1978 #41729 r in order to reduce the number of inhabitants on that planet. He also warn 1/5/1980 #42835 d test. During this period several inhabitants of Rosario said they had obs 6/1980 #43073 Translated from French) At 8pm the inhabitants noticed a red ball flying wi 1/26/1986 (approximate) #45812 stkovaya) Tunguska event 7:50 p.m. Inhabitants of Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Kra 1/29/1986 #45819 French) At 7:45 pm almost all the inhabitants saw a large UFO. They all sa 12/28/1988 #46915 a rural village: Metepec. All the inhabitants saw it and from the closest 9/16/1994 #50308 irport controllers and part of the inhabitants of San Carlos witnessed, stu 7/31/1995 #50938 s) In fact, at 1:45 pm hundreds of inhabitants of Salta saw a huge beam of 8/16/1996 #51642 anslated from French) More than 30 inhabitants of the Yukon Territories (Ca 12/11/1996 #51819 wall of an apartment complex. The inhabitants heard a loud crash and went 12/2/1997 #52204 nd search among the area’s 400,000 inhabitants. On the second day, an old m 12/1999 #52718 go and held the approximately 1000 inhabitants of Kampung Gobek in awe. The 3/5/2000 #52800## Word: "inhabited", 17 instance(s) (Back to Top)
udes that the Moon is likely to be inhabited by living beings, whom the cal 1638 #488 ng the certainty of a plurality of inhabited worlds “peopled with myriads o 1756 #699 concludes that the planets are all inhabited and that such an enormous unde 1758 #704 very planet in the Solar System is inhabited. At his home in Broughty Ferry 1838 #1010 what is believed, there is a vast inhabited land. He also explained that h 4/24/1897 #1937 machine with lights all around it, inhabited by five occupants, one of whom 1923 #2917 he writes that “The Planet mars is inhabited by human spirits like us can t Summer 1931 #3128 ranean realms, which he claims are inhabited by the Black Brotherhood and p 10/1946 #4787 s inside Mount Shasta, California, inhabited by Atlantean masters. He equat 10/1946 #4787 detect the trouble fail. The next inhabited place is far away, so the trav 2/24/1958 #20209 irst in December 1965 with the two inhabited spacecrafts "Gemini VI" and "G 12/15/1965 #25829 eived no less than 32 space ships, inhabited and uninhabited, including 18 9/1977 #39950 ing 18 Soyuz ships with crews, two inhabited Soyuz and 12 Progress cargo sh 9/1977 #39950 e Russians had just tested a small inhabited spacecraft. The recovery opera 6/3/1982 #44359 ecretive city in central Argentina inhabited by ex-Nazis and their families 1986 #45783 sonable to assume that there is an inhabited planet somewhere 3 billion yea 6/10/2003 #53424 on any map, and the nearest really inhabited place was the hamlet of Gorodi 8/25/2004 #53611## Word: "inhale", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
uard Richard Mingus manages not to inhale any particles. A radiological sur 4/24/1957 #18798## Word: "inhaler", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ise, as he does not have an oxygen inhaler. This is his last message. Aroun 1/7/1948 #6516## Word: "inheilongjiang", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t the Bishui Forestry Center, also inHeilongjiang Province, China a beam sh 6/18/1982 #44383## Word: "inherent", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
us if not nearly impossible due to inherent instability. The flight test re 6/9/1961 #22362## Word: "inherently", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
earch Center” (DARC) that would be inherently linked to the Jet Propulsion 1998 #52240 er, the system was also said to be inherently inaccurate due to its dated d 10/1/2013 #54266## Word: "inherits", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
counterintelligence purposes. NSA inherits Project Shamrock from the AFSA. 10/24/1952 #12522 ct Shamrock from the AFSA. It also inherits collection of UFO data, at leas 10/24/1952 #12522## Word: "inhes", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d are four orange spheres about 18 inhes in diameter and grouped two-by-two 9/9/1974 #36522## Word: "inhibit", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
own. The officer quickly flips the inhibit switch, which puts the system of 3/1974 #35855 launch mode again, followed by an inhibit order that does not work. But th 3/1974 #35855 tarted, and the officer flips the “inhibit” switch to turn the system offli 3/1974 #35856 o launch mode; the officer’s next “inhibit” order doesn’t work. Fortunately 3/1974 #35856## Word: "inhibition", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
aim a small device at him, causing inhibition of movement. They spoke among 7/1/1965 #25027## Word: "inhibitor", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
er Mach 2 speed, a hydromechanical inhibitor activates, preventing him from 4/26/1984 #45262## Word: "inhospitable", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
they could not find wood in their inhospitable lands, they had built aeria 4/24/1897 #1937 lying saucer was discovered in the inhospitable snow and ice of northeaster Early 8/1952 (approximate) #11557## Word: "inhuman", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
dividual was very small and had an inhuman and incomprehensible voice. The 9/17/1954 #15094 He was very small and had a voice "inhuman and incomprehensible." The witne 9/17/1954 #15104 ng was very small and had a voice "inhuman and incomprehensible." The witne 9/17/1954 #15109 field growling and screaming near inhuman screams. His own dog approached 10/25/1973 #35264 he opens his eyes to see a small, inhuman creature rushing toward his bed. 12/26/1985 #45773 oved very quickly and emitted loud inhuman screams. The creature apparently 4/22/2003 #53387## Word: "inimical", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd help us differentiate them from inimical (Soviet) foreign developments? 10/7/1948 #6895 c of the total lack of evidence of inimical forces behind the phenomena."Ex 1/17/1953 #12984## Word: "inis", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d to circumvent U.S. law. https://inis.iaea.org/search/searchsinglerecord. 8/1/1993 #49600## Word: "inishannon", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Mount Prospect, Inishannon, Ireland A remarkable phenome 6/13/1765 #728## Word: "inital", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
saw a "flattened walnut" UFO. The inital sighting lasted just a short time 8/28/1977 #39936## Word: "initial", 91 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ths later brings into question the initial interpretation. The Flemish chro 4/14/1054 #155 " Historians note that despite the initial siege by Emperor Charles V, he w 3/1551 #380 Brussels, in the 1880s. Fontana's initial sighting marked the discovery of 11/11/1645 #505 as he closed the door. Despite his initial reluctance, he shared the experi Late 12/1667 #558 ics of a fireball with a tail. Its initial brightness was so intense that r 7/9/1686 #583 tigates a ghostly apparition after initial skepticism. He describes witness 7/1806 #865 ssage to King Louis XVIII. Despite initial disbelief from his wife, Martin 1/15/1816 #907 y pillar and then reverting to its initial spherical shape, the object disp 12/5/1822 #939 southwards while maintaining their initial arrangement. The sky was clear w 9/24/1860 #1148 earing slightly to the east of its initial position. Following this, three 9/7/1877 #1295 traversed the sky, maintaining its initial shape the whole time. (Charles F 11/3/1886 #1448 , and they continue long after the initial excitement subsides. To all appe 2/1897 #1627 t shaped like a stovepipe. From an initial altitude of 60 feet, the object 11/1906 #2171 ntsville, around 75 miles from its initial sighting location. (Chapter 4, R 1/1910 #2461 , Ontario, reports seeing both the initial meteor procession and a second o 2/9/1913 #2579 Niagara Falls A month after initial sightings, there were continued 1914 #2621 the aircraft. This comes after the initial sighting in the city on April 1, 4/18/1917 #2771 r. The phenomenon soon resumed its initial trajectory and the luminous trai 5/16/1940 #3514 he 384th Group had just passed the Initial Point, the fighter attacks sudde 10/14/1943 #3830 t abruptly accelerated back to its initial speed, making another right angl 1945 #4147 Ernest Harmon AFB Newfoundland An initial report on the Ernest Harmon AFB 7/16/1947 #6065 is an upbeat Sneider report on the initial investigation of the Gorman dogf 10/7/1948 #6894 at the factory, where it made its initial flight. The X-4 program experien 12/1948 #6976 axis inversion and returned to its initial position. The object then made a 7/13/1950 #8425 turn of 70-80°, returned to their initial speed, covered 1/4 of the distan 5/1/1952 #10019 urned to the right and resumed its initial route after having made the same 6/1/1952 #10246 mmed; they had only regained their initial color during the acceleration ph 7/14/1952 #10763 higher than at any time since the initial flood of sightings in 1947, the 7/22/1952 #11016 la, and finally move away in their initial direction from the south, toward 8/14/1952 #11778 e Sputnik 1 on 4 October 1957, the initial Project Orbiter program was revi 1954 #14004 ut of sight, then returning to the initial spot in the form of a spinning t 10/3/1954 #15449 its side and then returned to its initial position, parallel to the ground 8/20/1955 #17431 inctly different phenomena. In the initial results, all characteristics exc 10/25/1955 #17599 perhaps not as significant as the initial results suggested. For two chara 10/25/1955 #17599 ly begins as planned in 1968, with initial operational status in 1970. 8/3/1956 #18173 ue, N.W., Washington, D.C. NICAP’s initial board of governors includes T. T 10/19/1956 #18428 rm of distant light; the witness's initial skeptical reaction; subliminal m 12/31/1956 #18578 nt that Miss Stichler overcame the initial shock, the object moved towards 5/1957 #18811 s he approached. Chase resumed his initial course but the "target" reappear 7/17/1957 #18999 s and physicist Freeman Dyson, its initial focus is to send astronauts to M 1958 #20082 of air base commanders conducting initial investigations of sightings in t 2/5/1958 #20189 ghts flying in a precise line. The initial detection takes place when the a 2/24/1959 #21012 ovided him with the details of the initial incident. Shortly afterwards Irw 2/28/1959 #21034 ion tour, the disc returned to its initial position and vanished forever. ( Spring 1959 #21075 are replaced by a plan to mount an initial amphibious assault with a minimu 10/31/1960 #22076 Aériens in Paris, France, with an initial group of 60 interested members. 1962 #22691 gainst the missiles.” The ExComm’s initial discussions focus on a massive U 10/16/1962 #23229 n, Massachusetts The Hills have an initial meeting with Benjamin Simon, a w 12/14/1963 #23924 Capt. R.W. (initials) and Capt. W.(initial) observed 3 UFOs on radar 5 mile 2/11/1965 #24755 ontrol Tower and talked to Mr. O. (initial). Description: slightly spherica 5/28/1965 #24939 alk out to inspect the area of the initial sighting, they notice a pungent 8/19/1965 #25449 Driver felt heat on his left arm. Initial sighting lasted 5-10 minutes. S 9/3/1965 #25544 Dexter, Michigan, and officer “C” (initial) on patrol sighted a landed sauc 3/21/1966 #26112 e put into service in the "IDSCP" (Initial Defense Satellite Communication 6/1966 #26646 the north suddenly lights up. The initial reactions are that it is an enem 6/15/1966 #26700 IT OF THE SAME INCLINATION WITH AN INITIAL ALTITUDE OF EXTREME 140 AND 756 11/2/1966 #27270 within 100 yards of their car. The initial light resolved itself into three 2/13/1967 #27803 ng any noise, then returned to its initial position. It then resumed its ad 9/18/1967 #29496 emission of light returned to its initial orbit. The UFO produced a sound 11/22/1967 #29955 collapsed or deflated to take its initial form of a stain, identical to wh 1/24/1970 #32221 o about 12 mph, then recovered its initial speed when he reached the outski 3/5/1971 #32779 esent a new prototype F 117 A. The initial project is renamed "Experimental 1973 #34085 erve personnel who performed their initial active duty for training in the 7/12/1973 #34561 le orange sphere. Then it took its initial shape and its first colors, the 1/7/1974 #35658 s storage area 7 minutes after the initial sighting. Immediately other unit 10/27/1975 #37804 hovered for one minute over their initial position, 50-100 feet above the 9/25/1976 #38857 from what the pilot believes is an initial stationary position. The Dornier 6/17/1977 #39650 ty fall below one millionth of its initial value. An atmospheric entry can 9/18/1977 #40001 y issue a "shower of sparks". This initial sighting lasted for about 20 min 1/10/1978 #40409 y issue a "shower of sparks". This initial sighting lasted for about 20 min 1/10/1978 #40412 e lights for 15 minutes. After the initial surprise, the partygoers enthusi 11/22/1978 #41603 not move a muscle. Strangely, his initial fear upon sighting the huge obje 12/14/1978 #41762 cal failures are compounded by the initial failure of plant operators to re 3/28/1979 #42156 ed cone-shaped object. Despite his initial efforts, the object quickly disa 11/11/1979 #42690 s ring for another 3 days from the initial noise. 9/11/1980 #43261 scend without being braked, on its initial trajectory, flying too high and 12/27/1980 #43510 ombination of several factors. The initial sighting on December 26, when th 12/28/1980 #43524 ppeared in its full dimension. Its initial shape resembled a sombrero seen 7/4/1981 #43809 echnical intelligence works on 813 initial Unknown targets this year (whitt 1986 #45781 alysis, leaving roughly 10% of the initial amount unidentified. 1986 #45781 t angle, then again, to resume its initial trajectory but slightly displace 5/2/1990 #47874 place on this date. The project’s initial success leads to it becoming cla 8/1/1993 #49599 1997. They conclude that while the initial contact may have occurred, the s Early 6/1994 #50092 and an ellipse. In reaction to the initial report, Krzesiny AFB sends two M 10/8/1994 #50353 ht, around 11:20, Olga Booker, the initial witness, was driving towards her 6/17/1997 #52050 homas Townsend Brown served on the initial board of governors for U.S. civi 5/9/2001 #53045 pace Studies (BAASS) A $10 million initial contract for the Advanced Aerosp 9/22/2008 #54044 the left side of the aircraft. His initial reaction is that he has seen an 2/1/2018 #54384 y), some as small as a marble. The initial Space Fence facility is located 3/28/2020 #54527 the 144 sightings included in the initial report in 2021. Department of De 1/12/2023 #54694 rounded by controversy since their initial discovery in 2017 and are widely 9/12/2023 #54747## Word: "initially", 157 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Italy A new and distinctive star, initially observed at midnight towards t 393 #33 iery cloud appeared from the East, initially small, but as it neared the ci 396 #35 g the early night. The first lamp, initially the size of a begging bowl, gr 840 #103 liness as the second lamp emerged, initially resembling a rain straw hat an 840 #103 ed in the first hour of the night. Initially, the fiery pillar hovered over 2/11/1110 #170 as large, and the other was small. Initially appearing as one unit, they la 12/25/1167 #183 Leonard. This luminous phenomenon initially hovered at a higher altitude b 1320 #246 tnessed every night over the city. Initially interpreted as a sign of God's 5/29/1453 #297 wo hours before midnight. Columbus initially saw the light on the quarter-d 10/11/1492 #326 ior for two hours. The phenomenon, initially resembling a blazing staff or 2/1/1554 #385 ted in Gilbert's Annalen for 1806. Initially clear, the sky's complexion sh 3/1/1564 #401 and twelfth hours in the evening. Initially, luminous circles resembling f 9/26/1568 #411 on struck on an anvil. Herr Schere initially mistook it for a meteor but up 1619 #466 omenon. They observed a dark cloud initially, followed by a bright white cl 3/14/1660 #521 e resembling a bishop at the door. Initially not too frightened, he called 11/10/1660 #529 observers, including fishermen who initially saw a swarm of starling birds 4/8/1665 #553 lights that flickered on and off. Initially assuming it to be the Viaticum Late 12/1667 #558 awe-inspiring and gentle, Lead was initially astonished. This encounter mar 4/1670 #559 e description details how the star initially appeared overhead, then descen 2/8/1672 #565 eled across the sky, with its stem initially appearing to be around a foot 9/20/1676 #570 wilderness during a magical sleep. Initially surrounded by tranquil nature, 3/22/1677 #571 essed an unidentified planetoid he initially considered a Venusian satellit 10/23/1740 #659 a valley located west of the city. Initially believed to be meteorological 8/5/1748 #679 llowing this, a pale ball of fire, initially resembling a cloud-covered sun 12/26/1761 #716 eported a remarkable UFO sighting. Initially appearing as a small star in t 9/10/1798 #836 event occurred involving an object initially perceived as a meteor. This ob 7/1799 #839 lizabeth and son Morgan. Elizabeth initially sees a man on Chimney Mountain 8/7/1806 #866 , including Mr. Robert Siercy, who initially doubts the strangeness but lat 8/7/1806 #866 f light originating from the East. Initially mistaken for a meteor due to i 7/22/1808 #876 encountered a peculiar phenomenon. Initially appearing as an overturned shi 4/8/1813 #900 ter appeared in the northwest sky. Initially thought to be a "cloud," it de 9/5/1814 #904 orff witnessed an intriguing event initially thought to be a "comet" in pro 6/26/1819 #914 e vanishing behind Jersey's woods. Initially accompanied by a luminous trai 7/17/1829 #960 hinny Park, owned by James Millie. Initially observing one peculiar light, 7/23/1830 #963 's connection to his murder wasn't initially considered; a report noted tha 7/23/1830 #963 eptionally slow and bright object, initially positioned slightly to the rig 3/16/1833 #971 to the right of Venus. The object, initially moving northward, defied expec 3/16/1833 #971 observed on four consecutive days. Initially mistaken for an eighth magnitu 5/11/1835 #983 rpassed the brightness of the sun. Initially stationary, it then displayed 4/9/1843 #1032 resembled the distant roars he had initially heard. The men, seemingly sail 10/1843 #1035 s reported a small luminous object initially stationary near Orion. It move 2/5/1850 #1099 at 8 P.M. The third-degree object initially appeared near "nu" of Capricor 10/10/1852 #1111 wo minutes in diameter. The object initially appeared beneath the guards in 1/21/1855 #1119 n-like appendix on its upper part. Initially stationary, the object eventua 8/12/1863 #1164 towards the north-east. The object initially appeared motionless but later 8/15/1870 #1221 ished suddenly. While the observer initially considered it a falling star, 9/26/1870 #1225 ce persisted for about 10 minutes. Initially sighted in the North above the 11/30/1873 #1260 ed a bright light on a creek bank, initially intense but diminishing as it 1/12/1876 #1277 ern sky while hunting. The object, initially the size of an orange, rapidly 1/22/1878 #1302 the morning, a very bright flame, initially bluish, then rather green, mov 11/2/1885 #1431 oot-long object with a canopy that initially appeared to be another ship. A 4/14/1897 #1772 California A San Francisco lawyer initially claimed to know the inventor b 11/22/1897 #2015 craft to shore, and despite being initially ordered to leave, they were la 12/2/1897 #2017 ille, Garland, and Blossom, Texas. Initially moving in an easterly directio 10/4/1898 #2036 Francisco and Hawaii. The meteors initially appeared near the horizon and 1904 #2118 with a diameter of 9 or 10 inches. Initially, one object was seen flying ar 1906 #2161 -like flames sporadically emerged. Initially stationary, the object began m 1907 #2174 rved moving quickly over the city, initially mistaken for bright stars. The 12/23/1909 #2448 n't a conventional balloon as they initially thought. (Chapter 4, Ref 165) 1910 #2454 in the direction of Rauer. What he initially thought to be a small dark clo 8/20/1915 #2696 in France witnessed an object that initially resembled a zeppelin hovering 1916 #2710 and also had a powerful headlight. Initially, it moved in the direction of 1/1916 #2714 he sky toward Tamalpais. While she initially thought it could be a dirigibl 1927 #2995 g a UFO with strange occupants. He initially mistook the object for a blimp 1938 #3411 and searchlights engaged what were initially thought to be Japanese intrude 1942 #3597 in diameter at around 10,000 feet. Initially flying horizontally, the UFO a 1942 #3601 ice, flame, smoke, or vapor trail. Initially thought to be a jet, it was la 1943 #3745 ends. She chose not to mention it initially and later questioned her own e 1943 #3751 ovakia A young man spotted what he initially believed to be a dirigible abo 1944 #3877 nary but kept pace with the plane. Initially thinking they were a German cr 1944 #3885 who was 18 years old at the time, initially took the object for a German d 9/1944 #4009 tal intelligence to German forces, initially attempted to conceal the cause 9/7/1944 #4026 n. He saw 5 dark objects (which he initially thought were cannonballs or so 6/20/1945 #4314 ltic coast. Though this theory was initially dismissed by various governmen 1946 #4437 he and his crew spotted what they initially believed to be a shooting star 4/1946 #4463 d a luminous point on the horizon. Initially mistaking it for an airplane, 8/1946 #4638 Southwest, the Soviet investigator initially dispatched to the scene, Krino 2/12/1947 #4869 superior Fred L. Crisman, who was initially skeptical before seeing a sauc 6/21/1947 #5034 ircraft flying near Mount Rainier. Initially thinking they were reflections 6/24/1947 #5107 esident. Much of the CIA’s funding initially comes from wealthy Americans. 7/26/1947 #6118 see a sort of large bird-man. They initially believe it to be an airplane, 4/10/1948 #6625 tips” from the Pentagon. Keyhoe is initially skeptical, but after talking t 5/9/1949 #7348 tos. Although the Colorado project initially thinks the photos seem genuine 5/11/1950 #8276 50–100 feet above the surface. It initially moves 25 mph, makes no noise, 8/4/1950 #8487 hybrid named Crescent who appeared initially as a mother figure. Crescent h 1951 #8828 FO showing a high speed of flight, initially detected at 40 km distance and 2/2/1952 #9575 irtland AFB at 1:20 p.m. The craft initially moved slowly and silently to t 6/28/1952 #10579 son G. Flues and Lt. Robert Olsson initially declare the case an “unknown,” 8/1/1952 #11550 lear blue sky at 9:45 a.m. The UFO initially seemed to be a cloud, but it m 5/5/1953 #13368 sson, "when I saw something that I initially thought to be a jet fighter. I 12/17/1953 #13955 untains in the direction of Howth. Initially he thinks he is looking at a m 8/1/1954 #14798 iams, and E.J. Ash. A thin object, initially translucent, then in the shape 9/22/1954 #15167 ld in a plastic bag, which she had initially taken for a scarecrow. It had 9/26/1954 #15239 simply as the Special Group, is an initially secret, but later public, subc 12/28/1954 #16866 base support facility. The “Ranch” initially consists of little more than a 5/4/1955 #17146 ers.”) Only 100 copies are printed initially, but scientist Leon Davidson p 10/25/1955 #17599 a bright object in the sky. It is initially at about a 45° elevation and s 5/2/1957 #18828 thholding the best cases, at least initially. Keyhoe asks Ruppelt, who is n 7/1957 #18960 er. Litvinenko’s poisoning is also initially mistaken for thallium. A uniqu 9/1957 #19181 ptoms (nausea, vomiting, rash) are initially more irritating but subside su 2/17/1958 #20196 sholm. An extremely bright object, initially resembling a bell, then a sauc 8/17/1958 #20558 r NORAD from 1961 to October 2004. Initially independent, it is run by Nava 1959 #20910 Webb, initially skeptical, winds up interviewi 10/21/1961 #22589 he Hills’ insurance company, which initially declines to pay, until Simon e 1/4/1964 #23960 orbit around the Earth. There were initially three (with Cosmos 38 to 40) i 8/1964 #24356 me... because here, the young man initially claims that one of his friends 1/28/1965 #24725 Hillsdale (Michigan), which Hynek initially explained as "swamp gas" (will 3/20/1966 #26096 e County, Ohio, police chase case. Initially they telephone local news outl 4/18/1966 #26451 Radar contact with the object was initially confirmed but later discounted 1/16/1967 #27578 . It made a sound like "a hot-rod" initially, which later changed to a swis 3/7/1967 #28070 lighted grillwork and an open top. Initially, the object approached in the 7/15/1967 #29036 e landing strip of the ranch. They initially think it is some flying machin 8/13/1967 #29270 anoid, child-size beings that they initially think are naked children befor 8/13/1967 #29270 general numbness. Burns are noted, initially attributed to a toxic plant, b 8/13/1967 #29270 ving opposite to the plane. It was initially higher, then half a mile below 9/10/1967 #29446 ts approaching from the northeast, initially only 10° above the horizon. Th 8/21/1968 #30900 at was behind a nearby chimney. He initially had no reaction, but when he t 11/15/1969 #32114 ame spot on the beach where he was initially picked up. 8/15/1970 #32488 nd two exhaust nozzles. The object initially looked like a bat, with wings 1/22/1971 #32717 he Earth on a scale of our planet. Initially launched at 170 km altitude, t 6/1971 #32893 gular size as half a degree. It is initially stationary and there is no ass 10/25/1973 #35262 outhern horizon towards the north. Initially yellow, the phenomenon took on 4/25/1975 #37168 Danie van Graan approached what he initially thought to be a caravan in his 7/31/1975 #37417 me. They saw a lit object that was initially quite far away. The object qui 8/10/1975 #37464 copters hovering over a cornfield, initially believing they were state poli 10/31/1975 #37846 raft that stood 40 feet tall. They initially had several hours of missing t 6/20/1976 #38517 i border to intercept what appears initially on radar to be a Pakistani jet 7/11/1976 #38568 light was projected downward, but initially the beam was truncated before 9/10/1976 #38792 timated to be about 23 miles away. Initially, the light is brilliant and ap 10/26/1977 #40141 de at the time of the blast. It is initially thought to be caused by ball l 4/2/1978 #40685 ous bands of hemispherical shapes. Initially oval in appearance, it gradual 5/16/1980 #43063 fied Boeing KC-135 refueler plane. Initially, it seems that air-air missile 12/1980 #43447 England at the time. The observers initially think it is a downed aircraft 12/26/1980 #43507 ed home, the young people were not initially believed by their parents, but 8/1981 #43881 he being had very large dark eyes. Initially frightened, the witness became 9/20/1981 #43967 bright light descend from what he initially took to be an army helicopter. 8/12/1983 #44873 ng about 300 yards from his house. Initially - although it was hovering and Late 11/1985 #45759 sees a light on the horizon ahead. Initially he identifies it as the star A 12/23/1985 #45770 ts. The witnesses were camping and initially they thought it was a UFO pass 7/11/1986 #46002 izon, thinking he had visitors, he initially saw nothing. Then he heard a n 8/24/1986 #46067 Over the next few months, Walters (initially concealing his identity as “Mr 11/11/1987 #46422 t (BOL) larger than 3 car lengths. Initially she saw it through the windshi 5/9/1988 #46689 lorida at 8:00 p.m. for 8 minutes. Initially there was one yellowish-orange 5/11/1988 #46693 visible on the undersides. BUFORA initially attributes the sighting to two 5/16/1988 #46700 n claim any interest in UFOs. They initially believe that they never left t 11/7/1989 #47435 re so close to the ground that she initially thought it was a truck, but th 11/29/1989 #47484 co-pilot. P, who sees it in turn, initially thinks it is an airplane turni 1/28/1994 #49907 aircraft whose transponder is not initially operative. 5/25/1995 #50816 le, Robertson, Blue Book, Condon). Initially motivated by the fear that the 12/5/1995 #51267 outh to east. One of the witnesses initially thought it was a helicopter ab 11/30/1996 #51809 o rapid moving almond-shaped discs initially flew in from the Gulf of Mexic 3/26/2004 #53550 ge, bright, diamond-shaped object, initially stationary, that moved quickly 9/7/2005 #53741 cy UAP programs, access, etc, that initially made those in AAWSAP feel like 4/26/2009 #54091 in the W-72 warning area. The crew initially detects two UADs on radar, one 4/23/2014 #54285 some UAP sightings. The patent was initially rejected but Naval Aviation En 11/2/2017 #54368 ng ringing, buzzing, and grinding. Initially, experts cited those symptoms 9/1/2018 #54419 xaminations of incursions that are initially reported as UAPs when the obse 8/4/2020 #54545## Word: "initials", 20 instance(s) (Back to Top)
During WW2, E.L. (initials), serving as Carpenter Mate, 1s 1944 #3862 Papago Indian Reservation W.H. (initials) of Yucca Valley, Calif., while 1/1947 #4843 U.S. Navy, was on leave with C.C. (initials) who was just out of the U.S. a 1/1947 #4843 saucer crash-landed on Mr. H.D.’s (initials) property. H.D. and family were 3/25/1948 #6592 olk, Louisiana. US Army Pvt. H.J. (initials) under Sgt. R.S. (initials) in Summer 1953 #13458 . H.J. (initials) under Sgt. R.S. (initials) in Company B ordered to stay b Summer 1953 #13458 r crashed in the desert, NM. K.A. (initials) and Rescue Team 4 were sent fr 4/12/1954 #14316 andelier, NM, as reported by K.A. (initials) of the Roswell, N.M. Rescue Te 4/24/1954 #14351 ds approaches the witness with the initials M.P. and tore off his trousers. 9/25/1954 #15238 Roswell, NM K.A. (initials) from Rescue Team 4, Roswell AF 3/7/1955 #17053 tterson AFB Flight Commander P.J. (initials), attached to TAC Fighter Wing 4/1962 #22790 ey, KA Recovery of Saucer by A.K. (initials). 12/10/1964 #24580 ce Museum in Fairborn, Ohio, R.M. (initials), a government employee of 23 y 1965 #24610 al Interview report by Capt. D.M. (initials): Aerial encounter of three UFO 2/11/1965 #24755 chorage, AL, to Japan. Capt. R.W. (initials) and Capt. W.(initial) observed 2/11/1965 #24755 , MI Law enforcement officer F.B. (initials) at Dexter, Michigan, and offic 3/21/1966 #26112 mp Pendleton, San Diego, CA R. T. (initials), with ALPHA RED TOP SECRET CRY 7/3/1967 #28958 . The reporting officer was S. W. (initials), Lt. 1st Class. Sgt. J.M. (ini 1/18/1978 #40434 itials), Lt. 1st Class. Sgt. J.M. (initials), Security Police Squad (PACAF) 1/18/1978 #40434 McGuire AFB, NJ Sgt. J.M. (initials) of the PACAF writes to Len Str 9/16/1980 #43269## Word: "initiate", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
vy witnesses. Kimball threatens to initiate Naval reports on UFOs through O 3/14/1952 #9658 issell Jr. and DCI Allen W. Dulles initiate talks with two leading figures 9/1960 #22002 the UN in a three-member panel to initiate a formal UFO study program, but 11/27/1978 #41632 from the University of New Mexico initiate an archaeological dig at the de 9/16/2002 #53265## Word: "initiated", 24 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ompostela." After an investigation initiated by Bishop Teodomiro, the tomb 813 #93 the night. In response, Yoritsune initiated an inquiry, engaging his astro 10/2/1235 #212 German dictator Adolf Hitler, who initiated World War 2 and was closely in 4/20/1889 #1470 r chain reaction (criticality) was initiated during an experiment led by En 12/2/1942 #3734 nitoring colonization efforts they initiated long ago. Another sailor obser 1944 #3894 military historian Fletcher Pratt initiated rumor waves in the press by an Early 1950 #7703 SEBASTIO, Swiss, and the Sicilian initiated by Asthar Sheron and Adoniesis 1951 #8830 s selected a panel of consultants, initiated a news clipping service, and d 4/25/1952 #9966 , Dayton OH Study of UFO maneuvers initiated, to determine whether objects 8/1952 #11498 effort toward its solution may be initiated.” His CIA scientific consultan 9/24/1952 #12323 tion of fusion energy and neutron- initiated fission. Scholars dispute the 8/12/1953 #13606 with their plane. Townsend-Withers initiated a wide sweeping turn and lost Winter 1953 #13966 nd the globe. The first meeting is initiated by several people, including P 5/29/1954 #14498 velop a nuclear-thermal rocket, is initiated at the Los Alamos Scientific L 1955 #16894 grant goes to a scientist who has initiated it or is at least vitally inte 11/1/1966 #27265 The CIA’s Operation Often is initiated by the chief of the CIA’s Tech 1969 #31384 ot to fire on the object unless it initiated a hostile act.” 4/1974 #36024 nd no request for fighter scramble initiated. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rat 11/12/1975 #37957 Chinese endeavor to study UFOs is initiated in Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, 5/21/1990 #47909 down and withdraws from the action initiated in 1991. 12/4/1993 #49839 t them, a cover up could have been initiated by higher level officials. The 7/28/1995 #50933 gton, D.C. The press conference is initiated by Steven M. Greer, founder of 5/9/2001 #53044 program, called Project 1794, was initiated in the 1950s, and a team of en Late 2012 #54233 Administration. Project Blue Book, initiated in 1947, gathered extensive da 1/12/2021 #54561## Word: "initiates", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tern Europe, and North America. It initiates its biannual meetings in Octob 7/1973 #34534 is KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov who initiates these programs. 10/1977 #40060## Word: "initiating", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
erged from two vertical cylinders, initiating an apparent aerial battle. Th 4/14/1561 #397 the T-2 department within the AAF, initiating the movement towards a balanc 7/1/1945 #4329 n "Ouragan" was preparing to land, initiating his turn when he saw two obje 6/24/1954 #14614 l, then slowed down progressively, initiating an upward spiral around the p 9/14/1954 #15055 ense William Perry that the GAO is initiating a review of “DOD’s policies a 2/9/1994 #49937 efense William J. Perry that it is initiating an audit of the methods and p 2/15/1994 #49942 on the base and its history, thus initiating a considerable interest of th 4/1994 #50006## Word: "initiation", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hat night, Aho undergoes a “cosmic initiation.” 5/11/1957 #18844 ying saucer concept and requesting initiation of a feasibility study of a “ 10/22/1957 #19387 efense Intelligence Agency, at the initiation of Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) a Fall 2007? #53943## Word: "initiative", 16 instance(s) (Back to Top)
folding it into Project Stork, an initiative to examine the Soviet Union’s 3/31/1952 #9709 es Spatiales, and later a European initiative. But the project is postponed 1967 #27477 gan, and the Colorado project. The initiative is terminated in 1969 at Wood 1967 #27478 or for the USG’s Strategic Defense Initiative “Star Wars program” over the 4/1974 #36025 National d’Études Spatiales on the initiative of CNES Director Yves Sillard 5/1/1977 #39519 Genome Project originated in a DOE initiative. 8/4/1977 #39855 situation and will not pursue its initiative any further. 12/27/1977 #40346 tute in Moscow A new civilian UFO “initiative group” holds its inaugural se 11/1978 #41523 His wife was not pleased with the initiative, saying that the bottle debri 12/31/1982 #44623 es the way for a Strategic Defense Initiative as an alternative to a prolif 3/23/1983 #44699 hievement of the Strategic Defense Initiative.” Though regarded as one of t 11/1986 #46127 s. Missing time. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) plant near. 4/17/1990 #47850 s seen. 1 mile / Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) research center. 3/9/1992 #48811 als and that the Strategic Defense Initiative project in the 1980s was part 6/1997 #52029 onference on the Strategic Defense Initiative in Monterrey, Mexico, that in 9/20/2005 #53748 elves into a government covert UFO initiative, highlighting persuasive visu 8/26/2023 #54736## Word: "initiatives", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ined to Markale that Collins Elite initiatives prepared ot ensure a reasona 3/11/1998 #52308 its operations to “scale back its initiatives in science and commercializa 2/17/2021 #54566## Word: "injected", 15 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rtments in which compressed air is injected during flight. The ballast cont 4/19/1897 #1871 h which oxygen passed before being injected into the combustion chamber. 1934 #3232 n Project, 18 people in the US are injected with plutonium in doses ranging 4/10/1945 #4272 5)...measured 2.70 m. Its face was injected with blood, its green body emit 9/12/1952 #12160 ee months. During the stay, he was injected with a needle where he felt dru 4/12/1954 #14318 his work with radar. Then a woman injected some green fluid into his arm, 5/13/1954 #14443 red and black earth, and his eyes injected with blood. He was treated at h 9/22/1971 #33124 a green beam of light before being injected with a yellow substance. He is 6/28/1979 #42311 rooms and “shelters” where he was injected with a white liquid and where o 11/4/1984 #45492 to lie down on a bed and the being injected the liquid into one of his vein 12/14/1984 #45523 ot hurt, a dark colored liquid was injected into him. The witness was later Winter 1984 #45532 was a "soul" the gray entities had injected into his body. After that he ex 4/3/1995 #50720 ined him, taken blood samples, and injected him with a substance in his arm 4/29/1997 #52003 ck. He felt the clear liquid being injected into his body. He then felt par 10/15/1997 #52176 e witness esophagus and through it injected a liquid. He was then able to m 7/12/2000 #52873## Word: "injecting", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd plunged his hand into it. After injecting himself with white light to pr 2/7/1958 #20191 le device began sucking instead of injecting. It then moved back and the se 10/15/1997 #52176## Word: "injection", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
zes field trials of psilocybin for injection into 9 black inmates at the Ad 2/1957 #18652 00 OF MM, WHICH, IMMEDIATELY AFTER INJECTION INTO ORBIT, WAS INFLATED BY TH 8/12/1960 #21937 ing drawn from the animal after an injection of an anti- coagulant.” In som 2/16/1979 #42087 go an operation as a result of the injection 4/29/1997 #52003## Word: "injections", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t was terrible with suffering, the injections had no effect, and the whole 10/25/1957 #19394## Word: "injunction", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the article and decides to seek an injunction against its publication. The 3/1972 #33386 lication. The basis for seeking an injunction against Marchetti is the secr 3/1972 #33386 for the CIA and issues a permanent injunction requiring Marchetti to submit 3/1972 #33386 publication. Marchetti appeals the injunction to the Fourth Circuit Court o 3/1972 #33386## Word: "injured", 57 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ater's edge, several warriors were injured. (between 1368 and 1399) 1368 #261 escaped, apparently without being injured. (Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDEL: Autumn 1877 #1296 of a high mountain. Ju Tan was not injured but terrified beyond words: he d 5/8/1880 #1339 ct, leading to the discovery of an injured man amid debris. The man, who sp 1888 #1461 ny. The two occupants were fatally injured, and the letters found on them i 4/7/1897 #1681 ed from it, almost naked, and even injured one of the witnesses of the phen 4/14/1897 #1749 wreckage, no boats, no corpses or injured, no traces of oil or fuel. The t 2/1939 #3463 ity appear and perform operation / injured man! 2/1941 #3546 are killed, and 60,000 others are injured. 8/9/1945 #4370 oid creatures, one of which seemed injured. Later, they were interrogated b 1946 #4434 USA, same person) Howard Menger is injured in Okinawa and is in the presenc 4/1946 #4461 o their chests, with one appearing injured. The same witness later claimed 5/1947 #4922 chests. One of them appeared to be injured. The occupants were of small hei 5/31/1947 #4970 Canyon: 2 dead grays, one heavily injured, one surviving 7/4/1947 #5364 tion, he fell onto the ballast and injured both of his legs. He fainted, lo 5/25/1948 #6679 the two parts. David Lightfoot was injured on his face and hands by a burni 4/9/1950 #8145 ted jets were killed, and two were injured as the planes tumbled out of the 6/9/1951 #9062 n saucer. Small humanoid (or Grey) injured. Detailed conversation (any comm 12/25/1952 (approximate) #12855 DC6 & UFO / same size. Passengers injured. 10/19/1953 #13805 e as the aircraft. Passengers were injured in the avoidance maneuver. 10/19/1953 #13809 pilot, very shocked, to go see the injured and explain what happened to the 7/1/1954 #14667 a wild dance in which it seriously injured itself. 10/18/1954 #16109 of the road. Thinking there was an injured person, he stopped to offer his 5/1955 #17134 humanoid (or Grey) / ground badly injured. Converses. Dies. 7/1955 #17266 thought he saw something, but was injured when he went to investigate it, 10/2/1956 #18400 o hospitalize one passenger who is injured during the maneuver. 7/22/1957 #19018 door and asked her to bandage his injured hand. 2/7/1958 #20191 val Academy]. A few days later, an injured occupant of the craft is alleged 1/21/1959 #20964 ds up in the ditch. Shaken but not injured, he gets out of the vehicle and 10/12/1963 #23811 wore greenish clothing. He looked injured and appeared to be bleeding. He 5/15/1964 #24146 t. Meanwhile, one of the guards is injured when he approaches the UFO and h 3/24/1967 #28271 e plane to crash. The pilot, badly injured, kept transmitting until he fade 7/27/1967 #29125 tones at the creature, and she was injured when she was thrown to the groun 5/14/1968 #30474 e assured, you are only apparently injured…you will feel no physical pain…I 8/11/1969 #31954 what had happened to Paulo who was injured on the elbow, nor could he expla 11/17/1971 #33256 t some of the figures look old and injured. Gleason cannot sleep or eat for 2/19/1973 #34198 Jackson, MO 6:15 a.m. Truck driver injured by UFO: The Eddie Doyle Webb cas 10/3/1973 #34875 r emerged from domed disc, witness injured, paralyzed, by flash of light (N 2/14/1975 #36946 r emerged from domed disc, witness injured, paralyzed, by flash of light 2/14/1975 #36947 rd with a monkey head attacked and injured one named Armand Grimaldo. The u 1/3/1976 #38118 exit. Missing time. Man and horse injured and sick. 5/1977 #39513 p, with its back toward him, as if injured. He also noticed a strange absen 6/12/1977 #39639 sues, and allegedly 300 people are injured and two children killed. 7/7/1977 #39733 nd dozens of other bystanders were injured. 7/7/1977 #39735 refight. He says he was there, was injured in the firefight, and says he ha 9/1977 #39949 o the hands of the officer. As the injured officer hid, the other officer a 11/13/1977 #40197 inful bump. I was stunned, but not injured. When I looked up, the thing was 2/1978 #40481 p.m. Medical technicians taking an injured man in an ambulance to Debrecen, 4/22/1986 #45885 nd had no teeth. It seemed to have injured its left arm, which ended in cla 8/24/1986 #46067 ent, no passengers, no drivers, no injured, no ambulance. They returned hom 1/1988 #46492 ter and 12 m deep in the sand. Two injured extraterrestrials were extracted 5/7/1989 #47111 d that day. One was dead, two were injured, and five were supposedly taken 1/20/1996 #51336 in which Capt. Joseph Kittinger is injured. The Project Mogul balloon is st 6/24/1997 #52065 is rabbits decapitated and another injured, one of his neighbors heard rabb 8/2/2001 #53081 image of a huge explosion and many injured persons. 8/2/2001 #53083 ent personnel have been physically injured in a way consistent with the sym 7/2019 #54473 th claw-like attachments to abduct injured Russian soldiers from the battle 8/22/2023 #54730## Word: "injures", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
(s). Lands. 9' man exits. Bellows. Injures farmer. 4/17/1897 #1847## Word: "injuries", 39 instance(s) (Back to Top)
um foil. The beings had no evident injuries despite the crash. (Chapter 7, 1941 #3544 sfortunes, from minor “accidental” injuries or illnesses to airplane crashe 11/1943 #3839 us on personnel with blast or fire injuries. Within a day, the first sympto 12/2/1943 #3849 rcraft on impact and dies from his injuries two weeks later. The prototype 2/18/1945 #4210 is flesh detaching from his bones, injuries on his feet and ankles, and his 3/5/1946 #4452 Mr. Klotzbach suffered severe leg injuries and experienced a lot of bleedi 5/25/1948 #6681 rts that he was attacked suffering injuries by a saucer, and his neighbor a 2/25/1951 #8945 ed about the cabin, many suffering injuries. Kidd radios Washington Nationa 10/19/1953 #13808 s body is exhumed in 1994, cranial injuries indicate that Olson was knocked 11/28/1953 #13902 dren). The disaster causes 5 other injuries, 2 of them seriously. The 2 avi 7/1/1954 #14667 into a tree. Hobner suffered minor injuries. 10/23/1955 #17597 tail had received the shock and no injuries were reported. Something unknow 7/22/1956 #18120 n out of their seats, resulting in injuries. Copilot Dion W. Taylor and Fli 3/9/1957 #18715 them. Two passengers suffer slight injuries and are taken to the hospital o 7/17/1957 #19008 of its passengers were treated for injuries. 7/24/1957 #19030 ank. The driver escaped with minor injuries. 1/1/1961 #22156 ned onto a sandbank, causing minor injuries to the driver. 1/1/1961 #22157 to slow and flip over. No serious injuries were reported. 1/4/1966 #25872 d the chronic after effects of the injuries he had sustained in the Algeria 11/1/1968 #31178 reviously been in good health. His injuries suggest a fatal whole-body ioni 7/4/1969 #31871 disappeared. Migueres had multiple injuries and broken bones but reported f 8/11/1969 #31954 k-tracked. It caused eight serious injuries and the death of a little girl. 8/7/1970 #32476 ng” fired at them by the UFOs, and injuries are consistent with radiation e 7/1977 #39705 e Cecim Carvalho who witnessed the injuries inflicted by mysterious UFO att 7/7/1977 #39730 nt is bogus. Raeke has suffered no injuries and does not even know Jenkins. 11/16/1977 #40203 suffering various burns and other injuries that they never fully recovered 12/11/1979 #42772 k financial compensation for their injuries. With attorney Peter Gersten ta 12/29/1980 #43536 cigarette chased / Chupa twice. No injuries. 8/1984 #45396 d 49 other people suffer radiation injuries. The explosion releases a massi 8/10/1985 #45666 xic fuel. There were no reports of injuries. Built by Lockheed Martin Corp. 8/12/1998 #52414 pilot who ejected was treated for injuries. 9/13/1999 #52668 y damaged by flying debris, but no injuries were reported. Radiation levels 4/18/2003 #53385 database of individuals suffering injuries, burns, skin lesions, cancer an 2005 #53676 ectromagnetic radiation caused the injuries, the data is sparse and it is n 3/13/2015 #54313 forensically assessing accounts of injuries that could have resulted from c 1/9/2018 #54382 e of brain damage that mirrors the injuries of some of their US counterpart 3/2018 #54399 cannot determine the nature of the injuries nor the cause, according to its 1/15/2021 #54562 port for personnel suffering brain injuries. However, while funding for it 10/8/2021 #54607 e disappeared. She had unexplained injuries. Tracking dogs lost her scent n 11/16/2021 #54614## Word: "injuring", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
on England killing 557 people and injuring 1358 others. (July 2, 1900) 7/2/1900 #2063 and an auto, killing 4 people, and injuring 5 others. Atkins tells reporter 7/2/1954 #14678 ary Reservation, killing 5 men and injuring five. Speculation was that high 10/7/1975 #37716 gain and keeps kicking the object, injuring its leg. Inside, he sees a pane 9/6/1978 #41235## Word: "injury", 27 instance(s) (Back to Top)
to approach the being resulted in injury, further adding to the mysterious 4/17/1897 #1861 or Condon], eject, landing without injury. At 11:27 a.m., the plane crashes 7/2/1954 #14678 unned but with no apparent serious injury. 8/29/1955 #17480 medical expenses incurred for the injury done by the UFO. 10/2/1956 #18398 the animal would have survived its injury. As the photograph is taken from 8/27/1962 #23111 ed, I am not here to cause you any injury or harm.” The man told the witnes 9/4/1965 #25556 flash and a buzzing sound when the injury occurred. The objects had red, bl 3/29/1966 #26251 the swelling and pain from his leg injury had vanished, and the chronic aft 11/1/1968 #31178 an veteran, Dr. X, has suffered an injury to his leg while chopping at a st 11/2/1968 #31185 gists could not detect any serious injury. The investigation revealed that 8/30/1970 #32513 lue color. He had some lasting eye injury as the result of his encounter. 10/29/1970 #32606 is colleagues and sustains a minor injury. 2/1975 #36906 que, where doctors find no sign of injury. He recovers after a few days. 9/3/1976 #38752 was an absolute classic radiation injury in which she lost skin and hair, 12/29/1980 #43537 er(s). Power outage. Missing time. Injury healed. Suspected multiple abduct 5/9/1986 #45913 lure that occurred at 9:30 p.m. An injury the witness had suffered was also 5/9/1986 #45914 ns traumatized and sustains an eye injury. 5/12/1991 #48458 heat and cold and suffered an eye injury. 5/12/1991 #48460 ralia as a result of a recent work injury and was on pain medication. Sudde 7/23/1992 #48986 diplomats appear to have sustained injury to widespread brain networks.” So 3/2018 #54399 d director of the Center for Brain Injury and Repair at the University of P 9/1/2018 #54419 the diplomats have suffered brain injury. Strikes with microwaves, some ex 9/1/2018 #54419 group, the US diplomats who report injury in the Havana, Cuba, embassy have 7/2019 #54473 sion on the cause or source of the injury. The New York Times reports: “Out 7/2019 #54473 have not identified a mechanism of injury, process of exposure, effective t 8/2020 #54544 have not identified a mechanism of injury, process of exposure, effective t 1/15/2021 #54562 been deliberate attempts to cause injury to people who are working on the 5/2022 #54642## Word: "injustice", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
mine in some countries, the social injustice in his own, in such vibrant te 1955 #16891## Word: "ink", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
aid's finger, mixed her blood with ink, and had the maid write in a book. O 1650 #513 ffair has been the subject of much ink: UFO or not UFO? Recovery of some sm 6/14/1947 #5005 itten in three different colors of ink, apparently by three persons, A, B, 4/1956 #17884 opies of the book in black and red ink, which shows the annotations. Meanwh 4/1956 #17884 The symbol apparently is drawn in ink. 6/1/1967 #28792 t the sky was covered and black as ink. (...) But after an hour, the flying Summer 1970 #32394 anish, and Ferri sees a stationary ink light with three jets projecting dow 10/9/1984 #45468## Word: "inkster", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
INKSTER, ND Bright 10' "cube" over field 11/4/1973 #35348## Word: "inky", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
his plane less conspicuous in the inky colored sky. The UFO flew by him an 1/22/1950 #7741## Word: "inland", 38 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ovince, Japan. Fishermen bring her inland to investigate further, but the w 2/22/1803 #856 on. After 15 minutes it disappears inland. 1/1892? #1489 lows train as it turns going north inland. Lights and beams. 8/16/1897 #2004 Ontario, Canada and then flew off inland to the north >N inland. It had bo 8/16/1897 #2005 en flew off inland to the north >N inland. It had body lights and light bea 8/16/1897 #2005 xhaustive mapping of the coast and inland areas is developed. Over 70000 ae 1/1947 #4845 OUTH, NS RADAR blip hovers. Shoots inland. Hovers / oil refinery. Aims beam 6/30/1950 #8386 eling soundlessly toward them from inland at great speed and in a straight 5/31/1952 #10232 arance, the "object" had come from inland, above Port-Gentil. It stopped, t 6/1/1952 #10246 ). Several silver disks going west inland over firing range. Maneuver / hig 7/25/1952 #11177 rs. Flashes and going quickly east inland. 8/4/1952 #11604 OCKVILLE, SI, NZ Saucer going west inland from golden bay. Red glow / rim. 11/3/1952 #12591 offshore. Meteor flares going [to] inland. Circles city and flares again. F 11/23/1952 #12702 . Flash. U-turn going quickly west inland. / r136#4p4. 1/6/1953 #12937 NE, NJ Large saucer going [to] WNW inland. 5-6 small spin-disks exit. All s 10/16/1953 #13796 fire. Sounds. Going quickly north inland. 10/25/1954 #16327 ilvery, cigar-shaped object moving inland at a high speed. Two observers se 2/6/1955 #16988 cer hovers / oil jetty. Going [to] inland. Going quickly east. / r141#19p11 9/1957 (approximate) #19179 (Translated from French) 1500 km inland, in a remote corner of Brazil nea 10/15/1957 #19352 east low over dunes. Stops. Shoots inland. 9/1962 (approximate) #23125 e "ghost plane" may have been seen inland before it reached the sea, for a 2/12/1965 #24766 south. 90° turn going quickly west inland. / time / life / Newsweek. 5/8/1966 #26590 itched whining sound, and sped off inland to the west. The color photograph 5/8/1966 #26595 station near Berzasca about 1 mile inland from the Danube River. At 4:00 p. 3/30/1968 #30378 g north slow. Turns going west and inland. Back 27+28 June. R213p45. 6/25/1968 #30601 re/orb/globe underwater going [to] inland. / r222p100. 6/21/1970 #32395 FO emerges / sea. Rises going west inland. Shape unknown. 12/19/1971 #33300 Bright sphere/orb/globe going [to] inland. Turns going southeast toward(s) 3/23/1973 #34267 semi-transparent square going [to] inland. Going down / woods / Garden Isla 11/16/1973 #35413 minute(s). Going quickly northeast inland. 5/3/1975 #37192 (EME). Huge silver tube going [to] inland. Pounding vibration. 10/18/1978 #41452 red sphere going southwest slowly inland. 12/30/1978 #41866 r. Large fireball exits going [to] inland. Returns going quickly south. / r 3/30/1979 #42158 r Atlantic Ocean. Sea roils. Turns inland going southeast. Heat felt. 12/25/1980 #43501 ver(s). Huge silent V-shape glides inland going north. Several box-shapes g 7/22/1998 #52395 up over the ocean, and then travel inland. 6/3/2000 #52856 cloud-boomerang going quickly [to] inland. Going quickly east / sea. Silent 5/19/2003 #53409 urrounded by a cloud or mist, flew inland over Tiruvanmiyur, India at 9:50 5/19/2003 #53410## Word: "inlet", 17 instance(s) (Back to Top)
RIVERS INLET, BC 2 observer(s). Luminous 'pear' 7/10/1897 #1993 COOK INLET, AK Glowing UFO crosses bay 4X. Fi 4/21/1954 #14333 Hawk Inlet, AK Diesel Generator Disrupted On 12/16/1958 #20864 Saanich Inlet, British Columbia Evening. Mrs. R. 3/25/1962 #22775 50 feet above the water at Saanich Inlet, British Columbia. They have flash 3/25/1962 #22775 British Columbia Saanich Inlet Mrs. R. H. Chappell and her sister 3/25/1966 #26187 hovering 40–50 feet above Saanich Inlet, British Columbia. Ruby-red lights 3/25/1966 #26187 (Translated from French) At Hawk Inlet (Alaska), 2 sailors from the cargo 12/15/1968 #31336 HAWK INLET, AK Seamen. White 6M glowing-ball 12/15/1968 #31339 HAWK INLET, AK 2 observer(s). Silent glowing- 12/16/1968 #31345 ligence letter” program, codenamed INLET. This program is not only intended 6/1969 #31795 ed three observers at Chesterfield Inlet, Northwest Territory, Canada to wi 2/5/1970 #32246 GTON, NC Large cone hovers / Bogue Inlet / 10 minute(s). Rises fast when pl 6/29/1974 #36293 At Bogue Inlet, Washington, North Carolina at 9:3 6/29/1974 #36295 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Inlet” Yield: 200KT YieldMax: 1000KT 11/20/1975 #37997 iner over the Gulf of Çandarli, an inlet of the Aegean Sea in western Turke 8/6/2001 #53090 30 feet of a campsite in Bayfield Inlet, Ontario. It approached the witnes 9/16/2007 #53931## Word: "inline", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, they have a Maybach water-cooled inline engine, between January 1915 and 7/2/1900 #2063 group. 90° turn going quickly east inline. 5/21/1950 #8297## Word: "inman", 16 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ad New York Herald Evening. Thomas Inman and his son are traveling home fro Late 3/1873 #1252 aces and steps into a buggy, which Inman has not noticed before. The buggy Late 3/1873 #1252 oject under retired Adm. Bobby Ray Inman. Wood says the meetings are top se 5/20/1985 #45605 Teller, Henry Kissinger, Bobby Ray Inman, and possibly John Poindexter) to 12/29/1987 #46483 he intro to Shapiro from Bobby Ray Inman, former NSA Director and CIA Deput 10/1989 #47345 y. He claims former Adm. Bobby Ray Inman leads DSAI. Wilson claims there w 8/19/1997 #52124 eer Bob Oechsler and ADM Bobby Ray Inman, Inman states Deputy Director for 7/7/2007 #53910 Oechsler and ADM Bobby Ray Inman, Inman states Deputy Director for S&T at 7/7/2007 #53910 at had crossover between Bobby Ray Inman in SAIC and MAJIC; and Wackenhut d 4/18/2016 #54329 Adm. Bobby Ray Inman, former NSA Director and CIA Deput 3/16/2022 #54635 gested recovered vehicles existed. Inman also discussed UAP “recovered vehi 3/16/2022 #54635 engineer Bob Oeschler by Bobby Ray Inman as someone familiar with crash ret 9/26/2022 #54670 ject” existed under Adm. Bobby Ray Inman (see 16 March 2022) Joe Braddock 9/26/2022 #54671 e: At the time this was published, Inman had left the NSA and CIA and was t 9/26/2022 #54671 d Computer Technology Corporation. Inman would join the Boards of SAIC, Wac 9/26/2022 #54671 (before nomination was withdrawn). Inman also managed Limestone Ventures, a 9/26/2022 #54671## Word: "inmates", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
or Schauberger, who has been using inmates from the Mauthausen concentratio 5/1945 #4289 n Somers, Connecticut, are with 13 inmates in the yard when they hear an od 9/6/1952 #12126 locybin for injection into 9 black inmates at the Addiction Center in Lexin 2/1957 #18652## Word: "inn", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
riage preferred to stop at the bad inn of the Quatre-Tours rather than come 3/20/1812 #893 cided to halt their journey at the inn of Quatre Tours instead of continuin 3/20/1812 #894 lle, IN 2:09 a.m. Owner of Stadium Inn saw huge glowing object from front o 11/6/1973 #35358 cer Symposium at the International Inn in Tampa, Florida, on the 1948 Aztec 11/2/1974 #36673 Connecticut Norwich Sheraton Motor Inn 4:25 p.m. Yvette Godfrey is assistan 11/27/1979 #42716 y above the Norwich Sheraton Motor Inn about 30 feet above the Sheraton sig 11/27/1979 #42716 Memphis, Tennessee Admiral Benbow Inn 4:30 a.m. A witness is driving towar 3/1981 #43653 She turns into the Admiral Benbow Inn parking lot and alerts the night wat 3/1981 #43653 ve her car and then rise above the inn. 3/1981 #43653 hat shook their house near Strines Inn. Having found nothing after their pe 3/24/1997 #51949## Word: "innards", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
f aliens had green fluid and black innards; Mike’s companion later disappea 1/1989 #46932## Word: "inner", 34 instance(s) (Back to Top)
itude, 6 machines resembling giant inner tubes with portholes. 5 of them we 6/21/1947 #5034 ated with a great hissing whistle. Inner and largest part of the disk was a 3/18/1950 #7954 if under the effect of an intense inner fire. They took on a green hue, th 6/30/1952 #10592 ion of a cigar-shaped UFO, with an inner green light, visible through windo 1953 #12896 13, 52 Desert Center) Driven by an inner impulse, Adamski went to Los Angel 2/18/1953 #13154 a door opened, revealing a violet inner light. He also noted a shrill soun 5/20/1967 #28710 and challenge the concept that the inner reaches of the mind are beyond rea 1969 #31384 al-shaped object with a small blue inner ring descended at a 45-degree angl 6/29/1970 #32416 . The light did not go out but its inner surface rose in such a way that th 8/13/1970 #32479 AGAB QI, INNER MONG, CH Many observer(s). Luminou 9/13/1971 #33096 ome on top. It appeared to have an inner hemisphere that appeared to be wob 2/22/1973 #34210 ch sites. The guards find that the inner security alarm has also been trigg Autumn 1973 #34805 , Montana, when both the outer and inner alarms go off. A security alert te 3/1974 #35855 ribed a row of gyroscopes along an inner wall. "Pinwheels" of light energiz 5/26/1974 #36190 friend home. All along the way, an inner tearing weighed on me more and mor Summer 1976 #38518 ree feet larger in radius than the inner ones, and the entire area was abou 10/24/1976 #38926 a rooftop terrace across from her inner house court in Vienna, Austria. Th 6/26/1978 #40900 CHINA, Chutoulang (Inner Mongolia) (Translated from French) 4/13/1981 #43704 . Black saucer slowly flips around inner harbor area. 9/2/1984 #45429 Light Street Pavilion Inner Harbor Baltimore, Maryland 7:28 p. 9/2/1984 #45430 r the Light Street Pavilion in the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Maryland, whe 9/2/1984 #45430 or six minutes flipping around the Inner Harbor area of Baltimore, Maryland 9/2/1984 #45431 kes to find small punctures on her inner wrist and three white circles on h 1988 #46491 the eyes and ears - including the inner part - removed. The absence of any 9/29/1988 #46797 e fluorescent - they had a kind of inner luminescence. Two of these creatur 7/1989 #47182 ovement in Poland. The fall of the inner German border took place shortly a 11/9/1989 #47436 report, UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum. 7/1991 #48510 with a hypnotic rhythm. He felt an inner state of euphoria. Without warning 4/17/1993 #49429 und. The bottom of the disc had an inner circle of many red lights. Inside 4/8/1996 #51504 s to Jacques Vallée that he has an inner certainty that a dramatic developm 1/11/1998 #52264 0 in the outer circle and 7 in the inner circle. The diameter must have bee 4/3/1998 #52317 s were round and bright, while the inner lights were dimmer. The sighting l 9/25/2001 #53127 like MJ-12. He describes it as an “inner circle” of intelligence people who 10/14/2022 #54676 r of Wernher von Braun's technical inner circle, General Laurence Craigie, 8/8/2023 #54724## Word: "inner-zone", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ter the B-52 lands, both outer and inner-zone intrusion alarms are activate 10/24/1968 #31141## Word: "innerkip", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
INNERKIP, ONT 2 observer(s). 8 chrome di 7/12/1955 #17299 SOUTH / INNERKIP, ON Truck malfunctions due to E 8/28/1956 #18274 57, was driving two miles south of Innerkip, Ontario, Canada on this night 8/28/1956 #18278## Word: "innerwich", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ongitude, the captain of the ship "Innerwich" was awakened by his second wh 2/24/1885 #1423## Word: "innerwick", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Captain John Waters of the barque Innerwick and his mate see the sky turni 2/25/1885 #1424## Word: "innes", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Glen Innes, Australia Mystery airship sightin 8/1909 #2398 ber, included a sighting near Glen Innes where residents described an objec 8/1909 #2398 (Translated from French) In Glen Innes, witnesses can follow with binocul 8/13/1909 #2415 in a northerly direction over Glen Innes, New South Wales, Australia. Its l 8/13/1909 #2416 s). Huge wing-shape object. / Glen Innes Examiner. 2/1/1973 #34157## Word: "innis", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
SOUTHEAST / INNIS, LA Fisherman photographs double-d 1/12/1967 #27541## Word: "innisfail", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
INNISFAIL, AUSTRALIA Brilliant green ovo 11/15/1978 #41577 that night near the ocean shore in Innisfail, Queensland, Australia. The wi 11/15/1978 #41579## Word: "innocent", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, killing himself and murdering 43 innocent people in the process. 11/8/1957 #19764 ge-scale and lengthy detentions of innocent civilians, excessive use of fir 5/1967 #28574## Word: "innocents", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he French crops. In vain, the four innocents defended themselves by saying 840 #102## Word: "innocuous-seeming", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ilege is absolute, protecting even innocuous-seeming information from discl 3/1996 #51432## Word: "innovation", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t Berkeley. It is intended to spur innovation and provide competition to th 1952 #9498 T, AND COSMOS 404, HUNTER, A SMALL INNOVATION APPEARS: THE INTERCEPTION, TH 4/4/1971 #32803 note titled “UAP & Government: The Innovation Imperative” at the SCU AAPC c 6/3/2022 #54650## Word: "innovative", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
in the history of science. Tesla's innovative work spanned a wide range, in 7/10/1858 #1129 us types of missiles, helicopters, innovative aircraft designs, radioactive 1947 #4839## Word: "innumerable", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of meters (...) and that there are innumerable worlds which all possess a d 5/23/1953 #13408 back and forth, the witnesses find innumerable white balls one-quarter-inch 10/21/1963 #23825## Word: "inoperable", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
cars completely failed and stayed inoperable for thirty minutes. The tempe 9/8/1968 #30981 day. He had been suffering from an inoperable brain tumor. 4/27/1986 #45899## Word: "inoperative", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Lake Erie. Buzzes 2 families. Cars inoperative. 4 small humanoids (or Greys 7/30/1955 #17354 g. UFO's seen. Alarms. 10 missiles inoperative. / r120p302. 4/1966 (approximate) #26294 AFB, MT UFOs, alarms, 10 missiles inoperative (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, NC) 4/1966 #26298 ile it followed, the car radio was inoperative due to heavy static. 7/29/1970 #32456 r station was immediately rendered inoperative. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 12/1977 #40246 components to their vehicle become inoperative as a saucer about 3 m in dia 4/15/1981 #43709 lashlight. Cameras and instruments inoperative! 2/1/1993 #49304## Word: "inordinate", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
mo confirming the meeting shows an inordinate amount of interest in NICAP, 1/19/1965 #24694 udy of a UFO phenomenon.” And, “an inordinate amount of maneuverability was 9/19/1976 #38822## Word: "inorganic", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ken ice. The pellets seem to be an inorganic substance. 2/1961 #22199 o study any unexplained organic or inorganic sample and publish the results 12/21/1977 #40329 polymer with possible presence of inorganic silicate compounds; and epoxy 10/23/2002 #53290 unds; and epoxy material with some inorganic silicate filters. 10/23/2002 #53290## Word: "inouye", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) and Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), Reid secures $22 mill Fall 2007? #53943## Word: "input", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
-founder with significant creative input. Frawley was a knight of the Sove 7/1980 #43132 reas of the animal that relate to “input, output, and reproduction.” To sup 1997 #51845 rammed address book or with manual input calling. He kept getting "call fai 9/14/2009 #54122 e UAPTF discloses (p2) it received input from USD(I&S), DIA, FBI, NRO, NGA, 6/25/2021 #54586 tion. This meeting was prompted by input from representatives of potential 9/7/2023 #54744## Word: "inputs", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tring intcomm which like before he inputs into his terminal and is presumab Early 1995 #50490## Word: "inputted", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
at NSA was receiving them once he inputted them into the terminal or what Early 1994 #49870## Word: "inquery", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ly northeast. Sparks. / diplomatic inquery. / r26p86. 9/19/1976 #38827## Word: "inquire", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nds. Crew / 3 ask sheriff / water. Inquire about local man.. 4/20/1897 #1895 e few members of the press who did inquire about what the Air Force was doi 7/31/1947 #6155 white in space-suit exits. Police inquire. 10/19/1954 #16158 ey stop at an open gas station and inquire: they have traveled about 130 km 8/12/1971 #33038 Turns going quickly south. Police inquire / news. 8/17/1980 #43202 Ufologists inquire with anonymous intelligence comm 9/15/2021 #54602## Word: "inquired", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d being from Goshen, New York, and inquired about an acquaintance named She 4/20/1897 #1901 nt that you would get today if you inquired about the number of thermonucle 7/31/1947 #6155## Word: "inquirer", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s use it (such as the Philadelphia Inquirer on June 26), and reporters star 6/25/1947 #5120 Reading, PA Philadelphia Inquirer. SAUCERS SPOTTED NEAR READING, 11/16/1951 #9405 top it. (Newsclipping, Messenger & Inquirer, Owensboro, KY) (NICAP: 01 - Di 10/10/1974 #36597 sales of their magazine, Skeptical Inquirer. 4/30/1976 #38420 tagon and CIA for the Philadelphia Inquirer. Weiner shows that the funding 9/1990 #48057## Word: "inquires", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lson” (from Goshen, New York), who inquires after an acquaintance, C. C. Ak 4/20/1897 #1899 ject at tremendous velocities. Ott inquires about radar and a Lt. Martin te 3/22/1957 #18728 ation Gen. Arno H. Luehman naively inquires of the McClellan Senate subcomm 2/28/1958 #20217 ly disappeared from sight. Further inquires revealed additional witnesses, 8/31/1990 #48052## Word: "inquiries", 27 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ncis, in a humble manner, repeated inquiries about his identity and that of 9/14/1224 #206 genuine lights in the sky. Despite inquiries among the local population, th 7/17/1860 #1142 itor of Journal du Ciel, conducted inquiries that corroborated the reported 11/30/1873 #1260 lized burns". The police made some inquiries that led to nothing that could 3/5/1946 #4450 rtician Glenn Dennis, intrigued by inquiries from the base about small cask 7/8/1947 #5868 ng around.” Also, “Lack of topside inquiries . . . give more than ordinary 7/30/1947 #6152 although the FBI continues its own inquiries. 10/1/1947 #6388 ly being relevant to Congressional inquiries into the origin of UAP after W 12/16/1947 #6469 0 UFO reports in a single day. UFO inquiries are jamming the Pentagon telep 7/28/1952 #11347 inga shuts down from all the press inquiries, and soon the Brazilian milita 11/22/1954 #16667 clusions. Subsequent Congressional inquiries in the 1960s relied on conclus 1/24/1956 #17779 t them in dealing with constituent inquiries related to UAP. Briefing notes 6/20/1958 #20453 be useful in responding to public inquiries and thinks that restricting th 8/16/1966 #26918 he Ministry ever makes on-the-spot inquiries or field investigations. 9/27/1967 #29559 Argentine embassy, and subsequent inquiries can find no one in Maipú that Early 5/1968 #30449 American public and Congressional inquiries. https://archive.org/details/ 5/1972 #33491 where there any traces. Subsequent inquiries disclosed there were a number 9/28/1972 #33899 eenwood later stated he filed FOIA inquiries for records and Vandenberg rep 7/17/1974 #36337 A helicopter flew near the object. Inquiries to determine the origin of the 3/4/1975 #37023 gible-shaped craft, and subsequent inquiries with Goodyear and Ft. Indianto 10/31/1975 #37846 White House is receiving numerous inquiries about UFOs and wonders if NASA 7/21/1977 #39789 me the focal point for further UFO inquiries. 7/21/1977 #39789 nd standard response to UFO public inquiries you requested. I sincerely hop 9/1/1977 #39957 lling to continue to answer public inquiries and examine any bona fide new 12/21/1977 #40335 given by the U. S. Air Force when inquiries were made. At about the same t 3/1/1986 #45843 the staff is overwhelmed by public inquiries, which are at a 10-year high. 12/1/2009 #54135 2021 that he made a few “discrete inquiries” related to the triangle craft 11/2/2017 #54368## Word: "inquiring", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a bearded man emerging from it and inquiring about the place. Another man a 4/15/1897 #1809 letter from Gen. Charles P. Cabell inquiring about his April visit to Los A 7/13/1949 #7460 teinman calls Walker, saying he is inquiring about “meetings that you atten 8/30/1987 #46353## Word: "inquiry", 37 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n response, Yoritsune initiated an inquiry, engaging his astrology consulta 10/2/1235 #212 the judge's room for some kind of inquiry." The mines were never worked ag 4/1879 #1312 oundings will also observe (as the inquiry will establish later). The child 8/19/1917 #2790 Gen. Curtis LeMay answers an inquiry from Assistant Secretary of War 12/10/1946 #4820 mes Forrestal creates by decree an inquiry commission on UFO sightings, the 12/30/1947 #6479 icating, that following a discreet inquiry by the Canadian Embassy, it has 11/21/1950 #8715 ntine Navy establishes a temporary inquiry commission dedicated to the UFO 1952 #9501 onse to Sen. Russell’s February 21 inquiry. It offers two possible explanat 3/5/1952 #9645 road! Vanish and truck AOK. Police inquiry. 10/13/1954 #15880 n L. McClellan (D-Ark.), begins an inquiry into UFOs. Ruppelt is called to Mid 11/1957 #19842 d in a thousand pieces. Subsequent inquiry found that there had been no fir 9/29/1959 #21468 o in response to the Congressional inquiry. 3/17/1961 #22252 is intrigued enough to conduct an inquiry. They rule out a double exposure 5/24/1964 #24174 incident was “highly secret”, and inquiry is being conducted in top circle 9/16/1965 #25609 g of a highly secret nature and an inquiry is being conducted in top circle 9/16/1965 #25614 needed, obviously, is more public inquiry conducted under scrupulously obj 3/31/1966 #26287 O cases exist and urging a serious inquiry 12/17/1966 #27436 UFO cases exit and urges a serious inquiry, appears in the Saturday Evening 12/17/1966 #27437 irl, who interpreted them to be an inquiry about the edibility of the corn. 7/19/1967 #29080 n, but supports genuine scientific inquiry. 7/1968 #30631 s The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry, in which he charges the Air For 7/1972 #33583 estigation. ( Easter UFO: A SOBEPS Inquiry by Frank Boitte, Brussels, Belgi 4/14/1974 #36066 R-Ariz.) writes, in response to an inquiry from UFO researcher Shlomo Arnon 3/28/1975 #37082 kly northwest up coast. Diplomatic inquiry. / NICAP May'77. 9/19/1976 #38828 , NASA wants to be assured that an inquiry is “justified,” and that if fund 9/6/1977 #39967 ases from the civilian groups. The inquiry will be handled by Hinners, Will 10/31/1977 #40167 gency for cattle mutilations), the inquiry focuses on New Mexico cases, tho 4/25/1979 #42187 ject / front shifts / ground RADAR inquiry. / MJ#186. 11/11/1979 #42686 utside their established fields of inquiry.” 1/5/1982 #44149 bogus and the FBI should cease its inquiry. 11/30/1988 #46878 aircraft, stating that he made the inquiry despite knowing that “the allege 3/1990 #47715 ead my arms to the maximum (at the inquiry this was 110 cm). It was very cl 10/25/1993 #49762 ter on its descent path." But upon inquiry, the control tower firmly denied 9/12/1999 #52667 rt and has called for a government inquiry and improved energy-sensing tech 11/7/2006 #53853 Intelligence Agency responds to an inquiry by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) an 1/9/2018 #54382 In response to the inquiry by Mark Walker, Navy Undersecret 7/31/2019 #54486 and lying to her about what their inquiry has uncovered. The director ques 12/3/2019 #54506## Word: "inquisition", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
iel attracted the attention of the Inquisition, which accused him of hereti 1521 #346 , prompting the involvement of the Inquisition of Cuenca, who dispatched an 3/5/1555 #389 tugal (Translated from French) The Inquisition was called upon due to the a 1655 #516 ng him with diabolical powers, the Inquisition condemned him to the stake. 1655 #516## Word: "inquisition's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ion of lights: In the midst of the inquisition's attention, Juan Munoz, a t Late 12/1667 #558## Word: "inquisitor", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Rome, Italy Inquisitor Paulus Grillandus recounted a 1526 #350## Word: "inr", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
reau of Intelligence and Research (INR). * https://foia.state.gov/Search/ 2/25/1982 #44225## Word: "ins", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
looking into the flying discs. An INS dispatch states that Commander of th 7/3/1947 #5357 film, according to Darrel Garwood, INS Washington correspondent. Maj. Gen. 7/29/1952 #11377 ty after dispatching UFO reports! (ins.) 9/21/1952 #12285 and veers about. Rises and gone. (Ins.) 12/28/1952 #12859 's speed over city. Type unknown. (Ins). / r242p122. 12/19/1954 #16826 A senior INS Border Patrol officer and his dog wi 1/31/2002 #53177## Word: "insane", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he event, fearing they'd be deemed insane. (Chapter 7, Ref. 240) 1943 #3746 sses sky going quickly southeast / insane speed. Absolute(ly) silent. 10K' 7/4/1947 #5416 ad after falling 16 floors from an insane asylum window, supposedly shoutin 5/22/1949 #7377 fight / 30cm night light-fireball. Insane speeds and maneuvers. / r50p68. 11/7/1950 #8697 e year earlier too) in the Atlanta insane asylum: at the autopsy it was fou 7/16/1952 #10801 , driving many of them permanently insane. 7/1963 #23613 es. One of the men reportedly went insane, dove overboard, and was drowned. 2/10/1982 #44191 tantaneous acceleration going [to] insane speed. / NUFORC. 1/20/2001 #52985 he saw her, and she thought he was insane...fornot mentioning it sooner! Th 4/12/2008 #54001## Word: "insatiable", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
from sporadically high fevers and insatiable thirst. 9/15/1977 #39992## Word: "inscom", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) analyzes the “Hutchison Effect,” 1983 #44639 eport-research/ Note: The head of INSCOM at the time was Gen. Albert Stubb 1983 #44639 mos National Laboratory, CIA, NSA, INSCOM, McDonnell Douglas, BDM, Lockheed 5/20/1985 #45606 us work done by Gondola Wish (Army INSCOM 1977-1999) with F. Holmes “Skip” 6/30/1995 #50876 and Murray Watt, Grill Flame (Army INSCOM/AMSAA) with Joe McMoneagle, Ken B 6/30/1995 #50876 h Trent and Wat, Center Lane (Army INSCOM) with McMoneagle, Atwater, McNear 6/30/1995 #50876 and Foreman, Dragoon Absorb (Army INSCOM and DIA) with Charlene Shufelt, P 6/30/1995 #50876 ll Labs and IBM. Corso also states INSCOM provided some funding to a UAP wo 6/1997 #52033 mos National Laboratory, CIA, NSA, INSCOM, McDonnell Douglas, BDM, Lockheed 4/28/2006 #53808## Word: "inscribed", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
circular shape with a half circle inscribed divided into four parts, the d 3/22/1870 #1214 night a disc with a Maltese cross inscribed on it flew on a straight, nort 7/6/1947 #5630 n saw a diffuse halo, in which was inscribed a shape resembling a dirigible 9/1952 #12046 t the copper base of the object is inscribed with a mystery script. The top 11/21/1957 #19873 Da Silva for a piece of paper, and inscribed upon it a message of some kind 4/25/1959 #21148 Silva for a sheet of paper, and he inscribed upon it a message consisting o 4/26/1959 #21149## Word: "inscribing", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd suggesting tripod landing gear, inscribing a circle about four meters in 6/14/1968 #30553## Word: "inscription", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
bottom, who claims the 2,000- word inscription is from an alien named Ulo, 11/21/1957 #19873 chest, by straps. The box bore an inscription. The apparition had normal p 5/30/1976 #38471 l, no visible engine, and bears no inscription. Compared to elements in the 8/4/1990 #48021 ht is reflected on it. There is no inscription either, the flying phenomena 1/4/1995 #50514 so low that if there had been any inscription the witness could have read 1/4/1995 #50514## Word: "inscriptions", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ue paper covered with drawings and inscriptions were also discovered. To cl 5/18/1909 #2324 and contained embedded alloys. The inscriptions suggested an ancient extrat 1938 #3413 in diameter (etc ... with Russian inscriptions, always according to the Sa Early 8/1952 (approximate) #11557 like a soldering iron, was making inscriptions on the doors, windshield, a 9/1/1968 #30961 with what appeared to be colorful inscriptions and drawings on them. They 2/12/1969 #31506 O on the ground. It had "Oriental" inscriptions unknown to the boys. A ladd 2/23/1975 #36972 eight. On one side he noticed some inscriptions, part of which resembled "I 7/16/1996 #51614 s discovered at the crash site had inscriptions. He did not know about any 3/1/2002 #53184## Word: "insect", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
distinct from that of a bird or an insect passing before the telescope. 10/11/1847 #1071 e substance is produced by a small insect or some strange kind of single-ce 11/2/1959 #21561 cloak it was carrying three small insect creatures at least a foot long. T 8/16/1971 #33049 rms and were described as somewhat insect like. The men were made to undres 8/26/1976 #38721 d by a tall creature resembling an insect, thin and white in color, wearing 8/1/1978 #41055 d by a tall creature resembling an insect, thin and white in color, wearing 8/1/1978 #41057 eing was four-foot tall and almost insect like in nature. It had a domed he 10/31/1984 #45483 se shape resembles that of a large insect. (September 19) 9/19/1990 #48080 ct that the light was caused by an insect interacting with the beam. 4/26/1991 #48451## Word: "insect-like", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
are from her childhood in which an insect-like being holds her hand and tel 1988 #46491 leged South African UFO crash with insect-like aliens. Walker hints that th 1/26/1990 #47663 mall pallid skinned humanoids, and insect-like robotic creatures. He recall 8/15/1990 #48032 y. The alien hierarchy consists of insect-like entities as the leaders, tal 9/2015 #54316## Word: "insecticide", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ass as if it had been treated with insecticide and the black substance had 2/1990 #47674## Word: "insectoid", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hey appeared to be the same as the insectoid humanoid that was on the float 8/16/1971 #33049 their car by large mantis-shaped, insectoid beings. One was given a medica 11/20/1992 #49193## Word: "insectoids", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e a variety of alien types: grays, insectoids, humanoids, blue humanoids, a 1994 #49863## Word: "insects", 27 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ruled out the possibility of local insects or wind-carried seeds as explana 8/7/1869 #1208 e as big as a barn, and moved like insects. Their color was described as th Summer 1939 #3468 ig as barns, and moved like flying insects. Their color was described as th Summer 1940 #3523 y explained the event as "birds or insects". This sighting was also one of 7/3/1947 #5362 he targets have been attributed to insects, but he is skeptical. Later, he Spring 1948 #6589 ue to atmospheric microstructures, insects, equipment malfunction, or other 4/5/1948 #6614 can exist there would be advanced insects. A US edition is published in Ap 12/1950 #8744 ct rose up buzzing like a swarm of insects and the second followed quickly. 9/1951 (approximate) #9215 incredible increase in the size of insects was observed. A spider, by chanc 6/1957 #18882 sewhere in the field. Finally, the insects there had undergone a certain in 7/30/1957 #19069 ures, looking like animals or huge insects were observed near the pole. The 1/1958 #20097 60 m in radius, grass was burned, insects were carbonized, and the ground 5/12/1962 #22872 radius circle at the landing site, insects were carbonized, and the ground 5/12/1962 #22876 . They looked like large elongated insects, as if wrapped in a dark plastic 5/22/1973 #34433 tted a loud buzzing, no more night insects made noise, but the dogs barked 8/18/1975 #37509 Back west going quickly east. All insects quiet. 7/26/1976 #38595 o other children who were catching insects in the fields suddenly saw a bri 6/17/1981 #43793 ese strangers were built like some insects of our Earth (...) 11/1983 #44975 ens “were constructed like certain insects we have on Earth.” 11/29/1983 #45001 possible “aliens” constructed like insects here on Earth, according to rumo 11/29/1983 #45002 individual lights. All sounds from insects, tree frogs, and distant dogs st Early Autumn 1987 #46364 much slower and requires many more insects than four. 1/1988 #46494 Ft. Walton Beach, FL Insects silent as lights are seen (NICAP 10/30/1989 #47407 da saw a group of lights hovering. Insects were silent as the dark object w 10/30/1989 #47408 e "talking with a sound similar to insects" and had what appeared to be ant 2/23/1995 #50634 ughout the woods, so that even the insects were completely quiet. The next 8/5/2006 #53824 o blame and even look into whether insects might be the culprits but find n 10/24/2017 #54364## Word: "insecurity", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
But suddenly, a sudden feeling of insecurity overwhelmed me and I hurried Summer 1937 #3380 rvous depression with a feeling of insecurity. 2/1969 #31471 ster, feeling a strange feeling of insecurity, so much was he taken aback b 3/26/1973 #34283## Word: "inself", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
stopped. The car engine restarted inself when the sphere rose vertically i 2/9/1973 #34179## Word: "insemination", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
eings impregnate her by artificial insemination aboard a UFO, then return a 4/1987 #46234## Word: "insensitive", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hine guns. The thing, which seemed insensitive and invulnerable, the fighte 8/1950 #8464 she had rubbed became immediately insensitive like the tip of her fingers. 11/2/1971 #33224## Word: "insert", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
.V." - Laffont 1970 - photographic insert, ref. Capt. E. Ruppelt, The Repor 8/30/1951 #9202 1973 - p.269-270 and photographic insert) (Science et Avenir n° 307 -1972. 7/18/1952 #10855 0 - p.105-106-251 and photographic insert) - July 19th and 26th 1952: Durin 7/19/1952 #10902 for The American Weekly newspaper insert. He covers Secretary of the Navy 11/22/1953 #13884 Os" - De Vecchi 1975, photographic insert between pages 96 and 97) IN REALI 11/22/1966 #27354 eam’s neurosurgeon and neurologist insert tiny electrodes into their brains 7/1968 #30632 eat them respectfully. He wants to insert a clause to that effect into a UN 11/3/1971 #33231 t their UFO experiences, remove or insert implants, and perform medical exa 1999 #52504 s she was told by her superiors to insert false numbers to make Navy budge 11/18/2013 #54274## Word: "inserted", 31 instance(s) (Back to Top)
o open the door to the spa and had inserted the keys in the lock when it sp 1815 #905 of Life's April 7, 1952 issue, was inserted in the lower right-hand corner 4/7/1952 #9766 cal examination and an implant was inserted into his sex. (...) In 1989, th 9/1955 #17485 cal exam during which a needle was inserted in Betty Hill's navel and Barne 9/19/1961 #22517 a physical exam, and had a needle inserted in her nostril and another in h 1/25/1967 #27650 in its hand a black object that it inserted into the ground, The entity the 7/21/1967 #29101 forced her onto an exam table. He inserted a long needle into her navel. A 5/3/1968 #30453 small implant was also apparently inserted between her eyes. Moments later 9/7/1970 #32534 exam in which several needles were inserted into her body. She was left bri 10/20/1973 #35191 d with a painful liquid and a tube inserted into her stomach. (1:25) 1/6/1976 #38130 nd felt that information was being inserted into her brain at high speed. S 1/23/1976 #38190 later a long needle was painfully inserted into her belly. She then passed 8/1/1978 #41057 a light blinded him something was inserted into his ear. From the wall the 1/3/1979 #41944 duction. Examined all over. Object inserted / leg? 7/25/1979 #42348 ile lying on her back. A probe was inserted into her leg, and her eyes were 7/25/1979 #42355 n her hands and wrists. A tube was inserted into her body and she could fee 1/22/1982 #44159 t Debbie and her son have implants inserted near their brains, one through Early 7/1983 #44824 one point a large long needle was inserted in the witness navel, which did Winter 1984 #45532 l three abductees' arms. They then inserted long needles into their knees a 3/7/1987 #46210 also believes that an implant was inserted into her head through one of he 3/1/1990 #47718 an "implant" possibly having been inserted. 7/29/1990 #48007 elt as if a small object was being inserted into his nose. He was then rele 4/12/1992 #48862 several medical tests on her. They inserted a long thin tube into her nose, 5/18/1993 #49475 igan. They probed his esophagus or inserted something inside. 9/9/1994 #50284 a wrinkled appearance. This being inserted some type of rod-like instrumen 3/6/1996 #51452 n the left side. A needle was then inserted and his left testicle was drawn 12/14/1997 #52218 ube came out of the sphere and she inserted it into her navel. Then, telepa 12/14/1997 #52218 and put his head on my shoulder. I inserted another 40-bullet magazine. Whe 11/25/1998 #52479 Earth by another alien race. They inserted a long tube down the witness es 7/12/2000 #52873 er stomach and something was being inserted in her rectum. When her fear re 1/27/2003 #53350 hich a photo of an “alien face” is inserted. Green claims the image was fro 8/19/2003 #53445## Word: "inserting", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
pistol and returns to the kitchen, inserting more cartridges. On his master 11/3/1973 #35334 rforms medical experiments on him, inserting items into his nose and mouth. 12/1/1987 #46448 ne of his wife's knees, apparently inserting some kind of implant. 11/1/1998 #52468 med she saw similar looking beings inserting needles into her body. 11/28/2000 #52944 eir sustained fission reactions by inserting control rods in a safety proce 3/11/2011 #54196## Word: "insertion", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ring; in fact, abductions were the insertion of implants, implementation of 12/29/1987 #46484## Word: "inserts", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
pieces are paired with triangular inserts made of radar- absorbing composi 4/26/1962 #22835## Word: "inset", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
th even more intense, small panels inset all around it. It is as wide as th Late 7/1975 #37403 the base, which has three glowing inset lights or bumps. After 30 seconds, 10/29/1978 #41504## Word: "inside", 1576 instance(s) (Back to Top)
anifested itself above the church, inside the fortress. Those who were on g 776 #81 s. These lights were observed both inside and outside a church. Don Massimo 6/1444 #295 hot that passengers cannot remain inside the ships. Thinking the vessels a 12/15/1547 #370 the middle of a circular halo, and inside it two blue and red arcs. Two oth 1/13/1553 #382 at inexplicably opened before her. Inside, she spent three days in what she 1613 #461 re extraordinarily large and white inside and the arms which were a bit sho 3/1636 #486 is strong enough to illuminate the inside of a room through the windows. Li 1811 #888 over road. 4 figure(s) with lights inside. Volcano active. 4/1812 (approximate) #895 round on its own accord. He looked inside and saw numerous little creatures 1815 #905 he rescue to bring her sister back inside. The visitor sends a burning gas 2/20/1838 #1015 - Mame) "We saw a light open, and inside, the Lady..." 1846 #1056 hall with a retractable lid. From inside emerged two shorter, attractive b 1880's #1323 larger in the middle, straight on inside, curved on outside, tapering both 7/3/1884 #1415 ight that brightly illuminated the inside of the house. Completely terrifie 10/24/1886 #1442 id, dazzling light illuminated the inside of the hut. The family suffered s 10/24/1886 #1446 foot unmanned model of his airship inside a Chicago exhibition hall, which 1891 #1483 a door in the side, and disappear inside. The ship flies quickly out of si 11/25/1896 #1582 who preferred to remain anonymous. Inside the object were two characters co 4/3/1897 #1673 powerful electric light in front. Inside he can see men, women, and childr 4/11/1897 #1710 that their was an occupant visible inside the craft. 4/11/1897 #1713 higan, and some go to investigate. Inside the craft is a “strange man” dres 4/14/1897 #1757 st. Two men can be distinctly seen inside, one carrying a lantern that he w 4/14/1897 #1760 cientist who is outside the craft. Inside, they can see another man and a w 4/14/1897 #1762 lace. Another man and a woman were inside the car. The bearded occupant men 4/15/1897 #1809 sses reporting hearing voices from inside it. (Chapter 1, Ref 16) 4/16/1897 #1832 , including their gestures and the inside of the airship. His account was s 4/16/1897 #1834 to which an envelope was attached. Inside was a distress message: "To whoev 4/17/1897 #1840 rial. It was brightly lit from the inside and everything was clearly visibl 4/19/1897 #1869 bands, hovering 10 m above ground. Inside it were "six of the strangest bei 4/19/1897 #1875 d and equipped with a searchlight. Inside it were "six of the strangest bei 4/19/1897 #1876 , which seems as large as a house. Inside he can see two men conversing, so 4/21/1897? #1908 ector and X-rays, they inspect the inside of houses and can even see what t 4/22/1897 #1913 amily farm in Helmer, Indiana. Its inside is illuminated, and it has 8 wind 3/17/1903 #2105 ve an engine. There was a dome and inside one could see silhouettes. (Septe 9/13/1903 #2107 physical form remains at a temple inside Mount Shasta, California. 1905 #2131 door rolls back and he is welcomed inside by two human-like occupants who a 1906 #2158 man-like occupants who are sitting inside on camp stools. They converse wit 1906 #2158 ell. He stated that he was invited inside by normal-looking men who explain 1906 #2159 shaped object with two individuals inside before it swiftly departed at a f 1909 #2253 void passes. 2 men dressed / white inside. / La Nazione. 4/24/1909 #2281 n dressed in white suits were seen inside. 4/24/1909 #2283 its speed. Two figures can be seen inside. It disappears into the mist, lea 7/30/1909 #2385 appearing occupants could be seen inside the clear dome. It circled, it as 7/30/1909 #2387 the moon. Two figures were visible inside the craft, and the object flew "a 8/2/1909 #2399 ; others detect one or two figures inside. The airship is attributed to a W 12/22/1909 #2445 eball field with strange occupants inside. The craft had colorful windows, 1910 #2455 r and over again. Then they return inside. The object rises slowly and disa 1914 #2618 cident, it caused burns to a woman inside a house it had hovered over. (Cha 1914 #2619 lk around the machine, and go back inside. The object takes off. 3/1914 #2627 e walks toward them, but they flee inside the ship, which ascends and disap 6/1914 #2632 h a hose leading from the water to inside the UFO. Three other figures, dre 8/1914 #2641 end, but one being has not made it inside and is hanging on. After hovering 8/1914 #2641 n astonishing height and is moving inside the country, then turns south and 12/20/1914 #2672 ct attached to it. Three “men” are inside the craft, one of them sitting in 2/29/1916 #2725 without result. Voices were heard inside the unknown craft. (February 22, 2/22/1922 #2900 A human looking occupant was seen inside a window. The object shot away ex 10/18/1927 #3020 s scouts road. Pseudo-human/entity inside window. Going [to] extremely fast 5/1928 (approximate) #3033 iar dark cloud with a yellow light inside resting on a hillside. Approachin 1929 #3050 ack cloud with a yellowish opening inside... like you could see a flash of 6/15/1929 #3057 nd then, passing over me, it spoke inside. It spoke in a small voice, then 6/15/1929 #3057 d the plane encounter a solid body inside the dark cloud, which it hit? 1930 #3073 ghter, they can see figures moving inside it. The witnesses think it is a g 1930 #3077 the head and shoulders of a figure inside wearing a tight-fitting outfit an 5/1930 #3084 irproof fireproof, waterproof. The inside must be like a room, 2 beds table Summer 1931 #3128 meters in diameter. It burst and, inside, the Virgin Mary immediately appe 11/29/1932 #3169 d it swings open. Putting his head inside, he cannot see much because of th Summer 1933 #3202 ming from the ceiling. The chamber inside is about 6 feet in diameter, 4 fe Summer 1933 #3202 und. Door ajar. Dials and controls inside. 8/1933 (approximate) #3210 e seen people with strange helmets inside a gondola on the craft. (Chapter 1936 #3326 l. The farmers said "We all stayed inside all night, trembling with fear to 3/1937 #3372 et with a slight bulge underneath. Inside the circular cabin are 3 small se Summer 1937 #3381 the center to the outside, spirals inside which are engraved some kind of h Summer 1938 #3424 igures could be seen moving around inside the column. A blue beam of light 7/25/1938 #3432 verlapping plates, the hollow part inside - was exploited by the military a 1939 (approximate) #3454 ent involves placing uranium oxide inside an ionization chamber and irradia 1/25/1939 #3461 s, stopping from time to time. The inside of the globe was dotted with mult 1940 #3493 esign and a shiny metallic finish. Inside, he observed what seemed like a m 1941 #3544 at her without moving, so she goes inside to get her husband, but by the ti 1942 #3595 un flashes, possibly from a helmet inside. The craft emitted greenish-blue 1942 #3598 an detailed his alleged experience inside one of the saucers. According to 1942 #3604 y disassembled. He recounted being inside a saucer measuring 100 feet in di 1942 #3604 mitted a beam, pulling him aboard. Inside, he encountered both small and av 1942 #3606 front of the dome, a white circle inside of which I thought I recognized t Summer 1942 #3657 or in the object opens. She crawls inside, the door closes, and the object 7/18/1943 #3807 weather vane-like device spinning inside. 1944 #3862 e-foot high golden-colored screen, inside of which something was rotating. 1944 #3865 ith a spinning gold-colored device inside, resembling a weather vane. Surro 1944 #3894 beings, not quite 4 feet tall, are inside, visible through a rectangular wi Late 8/1944 #4001 over automatically, and it drifts inside the object, which rises up and di Late 8/1944 #4001 ing globe, cloudy gas with a light inside; & three to four feet in diameter 9/1944 #4020 h it was cloudy glass with a light inside.” It disappears from view, then i 9/1944 #4022 saw another man operating a motor inside a large transparent bulb. The "La 8/1945 #4353 ees it. By the time Tîrulescu goes inside to get his colleague and comes ba 8/1945 #4354 hey can see entities moving around inside. They collect two shiny metal par 8/16/1945 #4374 noticed a dark cylindrical object. Inside the prow of object stood a slende 8/28/1945 #4386 was apparently steering the craft inside a glass dome. Their Black Labrado 8/28/1945 #4386 dow that has shadows moving around inside. It takes off horizontally at gre 10/1945 #4399 fused but manages to get up and go inside. He summons Araci Gomide, a nurse 3/5/1946 #4452 windows, humanoid figures visible inside, hovered at low altitude. After a Late 8/1946 #4726 oreal claims to have visited caves inside Mount Shasta, California, inhabit 10/1946 #4787 my mother, who was screaming, back inside, telling her that he "would kill Spring 1947 #4886 entified woman who saw an occupant inside an object who looked like "a Navy 6/19/1947 #5026 he last disc was moving laterally, inside a lateral arc, very quickly. They 6/30/1947 #5216 round and there is a dome on top. Inside there are Cyrillic letters stampe 7/5/1947 #5514 ossed in a ring running around the inside. Army intelligence officers suspe 7/5/1947 #5514 s saw two figures through a window inside the craft. Later three beings in 7/23/1947 #6100 hed Mach 0.94. But ice was forming inside the cockpit. Fighter pilots Bob H Early 10/1947 #6390 usingly indicated the craft landed inside the secure area of White Sands.) 1948 #6487 30 miles inside the Mexican border near Laredo, T 1948 #6489 ter crashed in 1948 about 30 miles inside the Mexican border near Laredo, T 1948 #6489 ly, he could make out a silhouette inside. The occupant of the saucer seeme 2/1/1948 #6558 nto the hands of the US Air Force. Inside, the bodies of 34 small men, 0.80 3/25/1948 #6594 heat-ray. Small humanoid (or Grey) inside. 4/3/1948 #6605 med to have regained consciousness inside a flying saucer, in a cabin bathe 5/25/1948 #6679 in the moss of a small wood, 6 km inside Luxembourg, 10 km from the place 5/25/1948 #6679 y when he woke up he found himself inside a UFO. The UFO occupants spoke to 5/25/1948 #6681 licy Coordination (OPC) is created inside the new CIA. Frank Wisner, the he 6/18/1948 #6705 t two humanoid beings were visible inside its transparent dome. The object 9/13/1948 #6858 and they can see light coming from inside. The lights descend into the open 1949 #7046 ce by subdividing. They invite him inside the disc, which from the inside h 2/1949 #7112 im inside the disc, which from the inside has transparent walls. He sees no 2/1949 #7112 estern horizon. At 9:00 p.m., from inside the base boundary, Sgt. Hubert Vi 3/6/1949 #7164 men" with charred skin were found inside the cabin and that the craft was 10/12/1949 #7608 construction resembling a gondola, inside a slightly colored halo. This obj 3/10/1950 #7874 Pennsylvania. There were humanoids inside the craft that were visible throu 3/15/1950 #7924 a skullcap on his head. She dashes inside to call a friend, then runs outsi 4/1950 #8088 en in diving suits and helmets are inside. One seems to be welding a pipe. 4/24/1950 #8210 I then saw, right in front of me, inside the object totally transparent li 5/1950 #8247 ssed, Botta left (he had only been inside for 5 minutes) and returned the n 5/10/1950 #8267 yells for her husband Paul, who is inside the house; he comes out and also 5/11/1950 #8276 . After a short time, he goes back inside to get a camera and manages to ta 5/11/1950 #8276 cer and 3 dead pseudo-human/entity inside. Ashes. / APRO Aug'55+Flying Sauc 5/15/1950 #8281 an open door in its side. He goes inside and sees a “curved divan with thr 5/15/1950 #8282 in her neck. The lockkeepers were inside the house and had been blinded by 5/20/1950 #8291 et high. The two men suddenly jump inside. The inside lights up, the object 6/17/1950 #8342 two men suddenly jump inside. The inside lights up, the object starts humm 6/17/1950 #8342 the conning tower and disappearing inside. The outer rim of the disc in whi 6/17/1950 #8343 is machine and opened it. From the inside a formidable lighting burst out. 7/23/1950 #8446 ll / grey edge going south. Saucer inside? Separate saucers / Albuquerque a 9/17/1950 #8582 bjects, and three smaller objects "inside". The two large ones hovered for 9/20/1950 #8586 uminous objects and 3 smaller ones inside. The 2 objects remained stationar 9/20/1950 #8587 aller ones came out from behind or inside the 2 larger ones. All of them qu 9/20/1950 #8587 gave her the feeling of floating. Inside there was a creature standing in 1951 #8829 lake bed known as Frenchman Flat, inside the Nevada Test Site. 1/27/1951 #8896 ct with a transparent dome on top. Inside the dome she could see three men, 2/4/1951 #8910 ing in a field, and he felt pushed inside through the door that had just op 5/15/1951 #9022 ft and hovered above it. Other men inside the craft and on its deck appeare 6/19/1951 #9076 and float above it. Other figures inside the craft and on its deck appear 6/19/1951 #9077 ft and hovered above it. Other men inside the craft and on its deck appeare 6/19/1951 #9078 NGE, VA Blue Book. 3 teens. Saucer inside haze / black smoke. Violent stops 9/30/1951 #9286 disk, with a human-shaped occupant inside. Coley was reportedly questioned 12/1951 #9436 hovers / low altitude. Human-shape inside. / r67p144. 12/1951 #9438 ample, one can see a circular room inside a flying saucer, lit by an invisi 12/27/1951 #9482 being who paralyzes him, pulls him inside a UFO, and flies him to an otherw 1952? #9502 irst "V." Three formed a smaller V inside the first. They came at terrific 4/24/1952 #9941 lit by other elements of the UFO. Inside the dome there were two small ver 5/1952 #10013 object like a "glass lit from the inside" moved silently across the sky in 5/16/1952 #10155 looking at the sky. They went back inside, and shortly thereafter the "flee Summer 1952 #10475 d three smaller UFOs appear and go inside the bigger one. 7/1952 #10605 orcycle when they had a flat tire. Inside the woods the girl noticed two me 7/11/1952 #10714 had a flashing box. Both men went inside, and the disk vibrated, rose alon 7/11/1952 #10714 creen (no glass) from his position inside the photo lab at Coast Guard Air 7/16/1952 #10816 reflections of light sources from inside the building, but this ignores th 7/16/1952 #10816 ar clearing / clouds. Cloud saucer inside! 7/18/1952 #10872 ust, and were illuminated from the inside. 7/19/1952 #10941 ifornia. Rohrer claims he has been inside a 100-foot-diameter disc in 1942, 7/22/1952 #11053 to the metal rim around the edge. Inside he met the woman captain, Aura Rh 7/27/1952 #11289 eet high, 8 feet long, and lighted inside strike the chimney of his home in 8/6/1952 #11671 white light. 2 night lights wobble inside. Silent. Pass going west / 30 sec 8/11/1952 #11733 the seat with a nice sum of money inside. The police follow the tracks tha 8/15/1952 #11801 handles decoded teletype messages inside a high-security building at the D Late Summer 1952 #11817 A bluish light seemed to come from inside. Squires later specified that the 8/25/1952 #11947 (s). Portholes. Vague figure moves inside. 8/25/1952 #11957 nearly 3 inches in diameter, glow. Inside them are reticulations “resemblin 10/1952 #12387 are enhanced when they are placed inside a Faraday cage. His experimental 10/1952 #12388 an interior source very white and inside 5 or 6 living beings (they were m 10/15/1952 #12464 were seen through lighted windows inside a bright yellow, cigar-shaped obj 10/15/1952 #12466 y a saucer lands and he is invited inside to meet its crew and examine the 11/1952 #12584 urns / bottom. Pseudo-human/entity inside! 11/16/1952 #12653 n-appearing occupants were visible inside. They wore rubber suits with mask 11/16/1952 #12659 On the upper surface was a turret inside which three occupants were visibl 11/18/1952 #12665 r surface was a transparent turret inside which three occupants were visibl 11/18/1952 #12669 1) With his group Adamski is 16 km inside the desert. They see a cigar-shap 11/20/1952 #12673 rea”. He was sure that it was just inside the Arizona border. He also saw t 1953? #12886 bodies about 4 feet tall on tables inside a tent. 1953 #12888 e showed two dead bodies on tables inside a tent, small with large heads th 1953 #12910 was light gray in color and lit up inside. It resembled a half egg. The wit 1/29/1953 #13066 was light gray in color and lit up inside. It resembled an egg sliced in ha 1/29/1953 #13072 r-shape-UFO has fluorescent lights inside. Passes silently. P296. 3/10/1953 #13218 -shaped object, with blue sparkles inside, flying at low altitude from sout 5/1953 #13345 ting a whistle. A second being was inside the craft, who took the bucket th 5/20/1953 #13389 oid (or Grey) passes pails / water inside. / r113p170. 5/20/1953 #13391 ith water and handed it to someone inside the craft. He then appeared to no 5/20/1953 #13392 ail with creek water and goes back inside the craft (which has one small wi 5/20/1953 #13393 ith water and handed it to someone inside the craft. He then appeared to no 5/20/1953 #13394 3 1/2 ft. long and 1 1/2 ft. wide. Inside the craft were 2 swivel seats, ov 5/21/1953 #13396 ng the impact speed of the object. Inside there are 2 swivel chairs in an o 5/21/1953 #13397 s, he manages to take a quick look inside a tent. That's when he sees a bei 5/21/1953 #13397 ived at the Wright-Patterson base. Inside were the bodies of 3 strange bein 5/21/1953 #13397 um, was oval, and had an entrance; inside, he was told there were swivel st 5/21/1953 #13405 ven intrigue her and she went back inside to take care of the dogs and cats 5/22/1953 #13406 ed, and possibly a figure was seen inside one of them. 8/6/1953 #13593 e sees something dark and odorless inside, so she refuses it. The beings th 8/17/1953? #13619 raining he invited them to shelter inside his taxi, where they had a conver 8/18/1953 #13623 like landing gear. He was invited inside, but declined to go. The two men 8/18/1953 #13623 gets to step, for the first time, inside a flying saucer, when an extrater 8/24/1953 #13656 the other in the elongated object inside which the witness sees 2 or 3 oth 9/4/1953 #13698 os a strange disc-shaped apparatus inside which they were able to distingui 11/28/1953 #13900 d two young women sitting in a row inside the craft. They all had red hair 11/28/1953 #13903 to recover craft/entities that are inside foreign territory. The manual al 1954 #14021 rport, France at 9:00 p.m. He went inside and called the control tower to r 1/5/1954 #14059 orth and follows river. Glows from inside. 2/2/1954 #14136 river upstream. It glowed from the inside, and scared the two boys named Mo 2/2/1954 #14137 ce and no helmets. One of them was inside the device and the other was coll 3/1954 #14193 wnish, wearing no helmets. One was inside the object while the other collec 3/1954 #14196 the bodies. More dead bodies were inside a small hatchway in the crashed d 4/12/1954 #14318 left the boy felt a wave of heat. Inside this second object he could see t 5/5/1954 #14400 g out a bright light. He was taken inside to a room, which had some control 5/13/1954 #14443 stop and hover over a nearby tree. Inside the dome are five helmeted men st Late Spring 1954 #14455 1M altitude. 2 human-like shadows inside.. 5/24/1954 #14487 ke shadows were seen moving around inside the object. There were two witnes 5/24/1954 #14492 hat look like human-shaped shadows inside the craft. 5/30/1954 #14504 t looked like human-shaped shadows inside the craft. 5/30/1954 #14505 hovers near ground. Figure(s) move inside. Dives. Spins on edge. Leaves (so 6/1/1954 (approximate) #14520 ther, gray-blue in color. He slips inside through a hatch after making them 8/20/1954 #14881 e to observe regulatorlike devices inside the machine through a vertical li 8/30/1954 #14952 e to see regulator-looking devices inside the machine through a vertical li 8/30/1954 #14953 opened" and the little man jumped inside, the "thing" lit up and moved awa 9/2/1954 #14977 pened up" and the creature "popped inside." The craft became luminous and w 9/14/1954 #15063 pened up" and the creature "popped inside." The craft became luminous and s 9/14/1954 #15068 . A little man with large eyes was inside, resembling "a child in a plastic 9/26/1954 #15248 the direction of the clock hands. Inside, 4 holes resulting from the sinki 9/28/1954 #15284 rs 50M over garage. Figure(s) move inside. Going up [to] when neared. / r30 10/2/1954 #15426 rance saw two shadows moving about inside a flat luminous, metallic, three- 10/4/1954 #15542 A farmer saw a humanoid occupant inside a UFO on this evening in Cote du 10/5/1954 #15586 ll humanoid (or Grey) / black suit inside. Man pulled going up. Crowd gathe 10/8/1954 #15654 e rear and the sides of the craft, inside which could be seen a small man d 10/8/1954 #15665 ar and the sides of the craft, and inside there was a small man dressed in 10/8/1954 #15669 of human appearance were standing inside. The craft quickly rose and heade 10/9/1954 #15676 wo humanlike figures were standing inside. It took off rapidly, flying east 10/9/1954 #15707 d he sees two human-shaped figures inside. As he approaches, the object tak 10/9/1954 #15713 manlike figures were seen standing inside. It took off quickly, flying away 10/9/1954 #15725 ashbasin, four meters in diameter. Inside the green dome he could see that 10/10/1954 #15764 the machine. The creatures rushed inside when the witnesses arrived within 10/11/1954 #15807 figures around it. The figures go inside the object, which then leaves rap 10/11/1954 #15811 the machine. The creatures rushed inside when the witnesses arrived within 10/11/1954 #15824 he ground and 60 to 70 m from her. Inside this object she saw two silhouett 10/12/1954 #15829 d lands. Large and small figure(s) inside. Shoot up valley. 10/12/1954 #15839 ench not to touch it. He went back inside the craft, which flew in loops an 10/12/1954 #15854 ench not to touch it. He went back inside the craft, which flew in loops an 10/12/1954 #15864 200 meters. It was transparent and inside one could see a dark silhouette. 10/14/1954 #15895 6M saucer going down. Dark figure inside. Going up [to] and going quickly 10/14/1954 #15913 rk shape could be seen silhouetted inside it. For approximately 10 minutes, 10/14/1954 #15936 t, and a dark figure could be seen inside. After remaining at ground level 10/14/1954 #15942 t, and a dark figure could be seen inside. After remaining at ground level 10/14/1954 #15964 covering their heads could be seen inside. A kind of fog was observed at bo 10/15/1954 #15974 ts covering the head could be seen inside. A sort of haze was observed at b 10/15/1954 #16007 covering their heads could be seen inside. A sort of haze was observed at b 10/15/1954 #16023 closer, but the beings rushed back inside the object at surprising speed. J 10/17/1954 #16096 . The saucer was on the ground and inside was a small being covered in hair 10/18/1954 #16104 all humanoid (or Grey) / owls eyes inside. Going quickly SSE. 10/18/1954 #16117 felt like his legs were paralyzed. Inside the object he could see a small b 10/18/1954 #16152 ook off vertically at great speed. Inside the woods, the heat had become in 10/20/1954 #16202 shot up vertically at great speed. Inside the woods the heat had become int 10/20/1954 #16211 " He also felt a sensation of heat inside his vehicle. The craft looked lik 10/20/1954 #16213 ll, emerged from it, and went back inside almost immediately. The craft too 10/21/1954 #16230 ns barking and the entity retreats inside and takes off. 10/21/1954 #16235 ll, emerged from it, and went back inside almost immediately. The craft too 10/21/1954 #16239 cle suddenly stopped. He could see inside the craft, which resembled a subm 10/22/1954 #16247 r/cigar-shape / field. 4+figure(s) inside. 1 speaks chinese. / r30p195. 10/22/1954 #16255 der. Four of more beings were seen inside the craft. One spoke an unintelli 10/22/1954 #16261 doors and spent a sleepless night inside. They did not observe the object' 10/23/1954 #16286 t had stopped moving about it went inside the object, entering a sort of ca 10/24/1954 #16307 radiated with a halo of about 4 m. Inside, 6 men were fully dressed in yell 10/25/1954 (approximate) #16315 at lowered a kind of casing on it. Inside, seats, control consoles, and a k 10/25/1954 (approximate) #16315 rown coveralls. This creature went inside the machine, which took off at ve 10/25/1954 #16330 s at a barbed wire fence. Hée goes inside. At 11:00 p.m., his son-in-law Re 10/25/1954 #16334 rown coveralls. This creature went inside the machine, which took off at ve 10/25/1954 #16337 ed from the object, then went back inside. The object then took off at high 10/25/1954 #16344 an outdoor cinema, noticed a glow inside a sports field surrounded by a ra 10/28/1954 #16399 -transparent saucer hovers. Figure inside watches men work. Going down [to] 10/29/1954 #16427 nd and then hover above them. From inside of the object an unknown creature 10/29/1954 #16435 2, a craft, with an open door, and inside a "Michelin Man" seeming to move 11/1954 #16457 saucer hovers low. Figure(s) move inside. Ignore fisherman. Quickly going 11/1/1954 #16475 pace. Two small seats were visible inside the lower cone. From behind the o 11/1/1954 #16477 wers from her hands and throw them inside the UFO. Dainelli flees, glancing 11/1/1954 #16479 pace. Two small seats were visible inside the lower cone. From behind the o 11/1/1954 #16481 liding door on the object. He goes inside, entering a circular room illumin 11/2/1954 #16498 k fog in Palavas, Herault, France. Inside was a hovering blue, disc-shaped 11/3/1954 #16510 ows in size before their eyes. The inside of the plane smells of burnt rubb 11/4/1954 #16515 ing in a strange language. He runs inside to grab his gun and tries to pull 11/14/1954 #16624 o is operating controls is visible inside. He wears black trousers, a black 11/23/1954 #16673 was operating controls was visible inside. He wore black trousers, a black 11/23/1954 #16675 ade glances off. One of the dwarfs inside the UFO points a tube at Gonzáles 11/28/1954 #16704 ining the fence, while a third was inside the apparatus, head and arms visi 12/9/1954 #16763 d arms of a third one were visible inside the craft. As the witness dropped 12/9/1954 #16769 -shouldered man with pale skin was inside the craft. Another was outside ex 12/9/1954 #16774 bank. They take two buckets’ worth inside the craft, which then takes off. 12/15/1954 #16804 ght. Several figures could be seen inside a transparent compartment. 12/29/1954 #16876 of the object was transparent and inside he could see two short beings dre 12/30/1954 #16881 ch a ramp of 4m in length emerges. Inside everything is lit up, Wanderka ta 1955 #16891 akes courage and crosses the ramp. Inside there are 6 people, all about 1.8 1955 #16891 uthern California George Adamski’s Inside the Space Ships, ghostwritten by 1955 #16898 les and the ladder. When they were inside it was raised. I then felt a kind 5/14/1955 #17160 ff buys a copy of George Adamski’s Inside the Space Ships. Upset with Adams 6/1955 #17209 e. Smoke and beams. Figure(s) move inside. Going quickly east. / r139. 6/10/1955 #17232 igures could be seen moving around inside the haze. The objects took off fl 6/10/1955 #17233 The windows were brightly lit and inside he could see several humanoid fig 7/17/1955 #17312 s and to his home. The witness hid inside his house, and he last saw the ob 7/17/1955 #17312 of a dome lit up with tiny lights inside. It hovers there for 5 minutes th 8/1/1955 #17367 nd was knocked off their roof, but inside of falling normally it "floated d 8/21/1955 #17445 ucer / terrific speed. "All lit up inside". Seen / 15 second(s). 8/24/1955 #17463 , making 76 portholes lit from the inside. Two curious wings in the shape o 9/15/1955 #17523 er they saw an undetermined figure inside a “screen-like” image in the sky. 10/20/1955 #17592 ame close to a patrol car; the men inside felt that their arms and legs "we 11/2/1955 #17624 object facing them lights up from inside with a pale green light and they 6/1956 #17992 t with square windows going south. Inside lit. / APRO 9'56. 7/13/1956 #18086 encourage him to enter the craft. Inside, the saucer takes off and the cre 7/16/1956 #18091 e with 3 figure(s) with antennas / inside. Going quickly east. / LDLN#123. 8/1956 #18158 ty or for converting rotary motion inside a spaceship to a translational dr 9/1956 #18301 others could steeer NICAP from the inside in any direction they wanted. 10/24/1956 #18431 d nearby. There were two witnesses inside the car, Mr. Edberg and Mr. Sjobe 11/11/1956 #18470 ight. She saw shadows moving about inside. After a short while the UFO took 2/3/1957 #18653 d of elevator emerged at the base. Inside, a man of about 1 m 70 made a ges 4/1957 #18749 the man to enter the UFO with him. Inside, he sees 5–6 screens and intricat 4/1957 #18754 itting helmet, was facing her from inside the object. He seemed of average 5/1957 #18813 n by the lower part of the object. Inside the open vehicle, she can see lev 5/1957 #18816 itness entered the machine and saw inside several people seated before inst 5/1/1957 #18822 he machine and sees several people inside seated in front of instrument pan 5/1/1957 #18823 craft or not, and he decided to go inside the craft. Inside there were anot 5/1/1957 #18824 he decided to go inside the craft. Inside there were another five or six me 5/1/1957 #18824 ground. Tilts. Pseudo-human/entity inside studies observer(s). / Flying Sau 5/25/1957 (approximate) #18867 n tilted. A human-looking occupant inside the craft, with bronze-colored sk 5/25/1957 #18868 hically" to come aboard the craft. Inside the illuminated compartment, he s 7/25/1957 #19039 hically" to come aboard the craft. Inside the illuminated compartment, he s 7/25/1957 #19044 uilino, Argentina An Air Force man inside a tent heard a loud, shrill sound 8/20/1957 #19125 ordoba, Argentina an Air Force man inside a tent heard a loud, shrill sound 8/20/1957 #19129 in its holster." A voice came from inside the craft, telling him in Spanish 8/20/1957 #19129 H. Stringfield privately publishes Inside Saucer Post…3-0 Blue that summari 10/1957 #19279 tinguished the silhouette of a man inside the apparatus (...) and as soon a 10/8/1957 #19302 nd. There must have been something inside the light, but I cannot affirm it 10/14/1957 #19342 th a white light: everyone saw the inside of the belly. With an instrument 10/25/1957 #19394 ngs emerge from a landed UFO, come inside the house, examine the girl for a 10/25/1957 #19399 shouts of alarm rouse his comrades inside the fort, where the lights sudden 11/4/1957 #19542 low and her two children, who were inside their car. It had a flickering li 11/5/1957 #19601 ng in a field. He is soon escorted inside the spaceship, which turns out to 11/5/1957 #19605 low and her two children, who were inside their car. It had a flickering li 11/5/1957 #19612 ught he was dreaming and went back inside. Twenty minutes later, he saw tha 11/6/1957 #19620 ORDELE, GA Rangers. Ovoid lit from inside. Turns without turning. Smoke ins 11/6/1957 #19656 side. Turns without turning. Smoke inside? Going north. 11/6/1957 #19656 llowish-green skin. They went back inside the craft, which left rapidly, an 11/6/1957 #19681 t-coloured jerseys. They went back inside the craft, which left rapidly, an 11/6/1957 #19704 similar to German. They went back inside the craft in a manner the witness 11/6/1957 #19706 can see two figures walking around inside. The object is about 30 feet long 11/7/1957 #19737 overhead going northwest. Lit from inside. / r141#2p37. 11/8/1957 #19743 and there were two figures visible inside. 11/8/1957 #19758 and there were two figures visible inside. 11/8/1957 #19769 O photos and a UFO film taken from inside a military plane. Moore is asked 11/17/1957 #19853 id" flies over road. 2 regular men inside. 11/20/1957 #19863 nt 3M globe hovers / field. Lights inside. Quickly going up [to] when lit. 11/21/1957 #19869 parent, and he can see two figures inside. He stops the car to watch as it 11/21/1957 #19872 illed out, they find a heap of ash inside the cavity, as well as pieces of 11/21/1957 #19873 ly rolled cylinder of copper. Also inside is a tiny booklet of 17 sheets of 11/21/1957 #19873 rial, the light diffusing from the inside out, all over the body of the obj 11/23/1957 #19881 d with a knife managed to open it. Inside they found 17 pages of an unknown 12/1957 #19933 can see some strange-looking heads inside. An opening becomes visible, and 12/1957 #19941 passes overhead. In addition, the inside dome lights come on, even though 12/8/1957 #19981 Strangely, the dome lights came on inside both cars during the engine and h 12/8/1957 #19986 rtholes. Robot(s)/android(s) float inside. Antenna going up [to] and sparkl 12/16/1957 #20026 e her clothesline. She can see men inside. The object is approximately 20–3 12/16/1957 #20029 the figures, she had seen nothing inside the object. The men could not hav 12/16/1957 #20030 irst two, then all lights went off inside the craft while it glowed like br 12/18/1957 #20045 "man". She vaguely remembers being inside the flying object, but is complet 1958 #20076 tar. The astral entities are based inside the earth, but they can leave it 1958 #20084 e tall grass, the other three from inside the house through a slightly open Early 1/1958 #20103 to] by / 15 second(s). Silver dots inside dark "eyes". 8/11/1958 #20538 15 seconds; there were silver dots inside dark "eyes" according to the sepa 8/11/1958 #20544 humanoid (or Grey) lying / ground inside. 8/18/1958 #20570 object with portholes and figures inside looking out. Grusinki can feel he 9/1958 #20596 Sheffield Lake, OH Woman inside her house saw a circular, aluminu 9/21/1958 #20634 d egg,” dull red with purple waves inside it, flying in a descending path t 2/24/1959 #21013 et. As the object returns, he goes inside to get a gun, but as he goes outs 2/24/1959 #21013 king a third pass and he goes back inside. When the parents return home, th 2/24/1959 #21013 dogs began howling and ran to get inside the house. They also reported tha 2/24/1959 #21015 y when suddenly a glow was noticed inside the passenger cabin, near the cor Spring 1959 #21075 finds his missing jacket, a pencil inside, and burns a paper rolled around 4/19/1959 #21141 emed to look at something specific inside the craft. Then he sat down next 7/13/1959 #21288 d the rim, emitting orange flames. Inside a glass dome on top were two men 7/13/1959 #21291 orange flames. She can see two men inside, dressed in close-fitting suits o 7/13/1959 #21293 r location, shining beams of light inside their car and illuminating the ar 8/20/1959 #21392 ind of explosion and fire, and the inside was completely charred. Noticeabl 9/26/1959 #21465 large window surrounded by rivets. Inside, brilliantly illuminated by a whi 9/29/1959 #21471 er the object and appeared to look inside. All the time the witness was not 10/16/1959 #21513 hair stood on end. He wanted to go inside, but as soon as he stood up he he 10/19/1959 #21514 man-looking occupants were visible inside the transparent dome, and appeare 10/30/1959 #21553 eeling as if he is getting crushed inside. He also feels as if he is being 12/1959 #21594 ggers backward, but manages to get inside. Looking out the right-door windo 12/1959 #21594 range 7M bowl-saucer. Shadows move inside. / r143#4+/ FSRv6#3. 12/23/1959 #21619 sc. Shadows were seen moving about inside the craft. 12/23/1959 #21621 an intelligence gathering network inside Cuba, and develop a paramilitary 3/17/1960 #21724 ail of bluish light behind it. The inside of the car heats up uncomfortably 7/2/1960 #21886 d. Afraid, the witnesses went back inside. When a little later they looked 8/1960 #21914 ous ball. A silhouette was visible inside. (?????) The ball gradually went 8/2/1960 #21926 s. Hiot saw a human-looking figure inside the saucer. 8/2/1960 #21928 An electric hum seems to come from inside the object. The section where the 8/11/1960 #21935 the smoke is issuing is withdrawn inside, and a new section appears to rep 8/11/1960 #21935 . A panel on the craft was rotated inside and replaced. Ater the repair was 8/11/1960 #21936 CO Pilots and many. Square object inside round object. Flashes color(s). 6 9/20/1960 #22033 meted small humanoids (or Greys) / inside. UFO going southwest. 10/20/1960 (approximate) #22070 er and one could see vague shadows inside. It flew away in a northerly dire 12/9/1960 #22121 ucer rests / park. Vague figure(s) inside. Going quickly north. / Flying Sa 12/9/1960 #22122 , luminous craft, 4 m in diameter, inside which vague shadows were seen. It 12/9/1960 #22123 us craft, four meters in diameter. Inside the glowing object vague shadows 12/9/1960 #22125 itish were joined by the Russians. Inside the object were 12 small corpses. 1961 (approximate) #22143 buried. 12 small bodies are found inside, similar to the description of th 2/27/1961 #22219 ground and Simonton saw three men inside the craft. One was wearing a two- 4/18/1961 #22274 some kind of flame-less grill. The inside of the craft was black like raw i 4/18/1961 #22274 the side. Two figures were visible inside the object. Simonton filled a jug 4/18/1961 #22278 ide. Two other figures are visible inside. The creature is holding a metall 4/18/1961 #22279 hed he saw three human-looking men inside. They asked him for some water. T 4/18/1961 #22280 origin. Since then, the vegetation inside the pit is inexplicably lush but, 4/28/1961 #22296 urple several times. Darnaude runs inside, but the disc turns bright white 6/11/1961 #22364 light with a faint rotating beacon inside was sighted at 11:00 p.m. It had 7/8/1961 #22398 d three red and three white lights inside. It descended to tree top level, 7/8/1961 #22398 arly defined circle is discovered, inside of which the grass is scorched an 8/7/1961 #22432 eet of him, he could see occupants inside. Frightened, he ran back to his c 9/19/1961 #22505 r where Betty waited. They climbed inside and sped away. Soon, two hours of 9/19/1961 #22505 figures working at control panels inside, when they stopped to investigate 9/19/1961 #22511 figures working at control panels inside. One of the occupants seemed to s 9/19/1961 #22517 cylindrical object / bottom bigger inside than out! Going quickly south. 11/1961 (approximate) #22613 the car, the two who have remained inside insist the rifle had not been rem Late 11/1961 #22653 through a door lighted by a source inside the cylinder. A low voice similar 4/10/1962 #22804 l shape flies. 2 figure(s) visible inside via 2 portholes. 5/31/1962 #22930 wearing a diver suit with a hood. Inside was seated a second man. They dro 6/3/1962 #22935 the light gets larger. Both men go inside and contact Davis-Monthan AFB out 8/7/1962 #23064 d "human-like figures moving about inside the machine." Three witnesses in 8/28/1962 #23119 so he climbed the ladder and went inside. The interior had a control panel 9/1/1962 #23132 truck and walked into a blue beam. Inside the craft he met the same four en 9/23/1962 #23188 ppearance, were seen moving around inside the craft. They wore metallic sui 11/22/1962 #23319 ge square. Dark figures are moving inside the transparent dome. He tries to 1/11/1963 #23403 owed two dark figures moving about inside. Two minutes later the craft, 4.5 1/11/1963 #23404 oval portholes he could see light inside. A man with a fair complexion, we 3/13/1963 #23476 oval portholes he could see light inside. A man with a fair complexion, we 3/13/1963 #23477 a foot in diameter. All vegetation inside the circle is burned, leaving onl 7/16/1963 #23631 able to see 5 or 6 rows of people inside the sphere. An opening appeared i 8/28/1963 #23735 re packet that emitted light jets. Inside the sphere, still suspended, occu 8/28/1963 #23735 rent sphere/orb/globe hovers. Many inside. 2M and Cyclops walks / garden. / 8/28/1963 #23736 y observed "several rows of people inside" and a thin, 3 m tall being, whho 8/28/1963 #23737 four human-like passengers sitting inside, one of whom sits in front of a m 8/28/1963 #23739 .m. There were four seated figures inside, who wore divers suits with trans 8/28/1963 #23741 HIDBEY ISLAND, WA UFO. 3 figure(s) inside. Tilts. Sinks partly / soil. Grow 10/1963 #23782 a strange craft with 3 silhouettes inside. It bows, partially sinks into th 10/4/1963 #23796 ings, pursued by these heat beams. Inside the houses the temperature began 10/21/1963 #23819 strong beam. The temperature rises inside the house and the inhabitants sme 10/21/1963 #23825 strong beam. The temperature rose inside the house and they could smell a 10/21/1963 #23826 better look at the object and saw inside, like an entity looking at him fi 1964 #23948 over making a "tick-a-tick" sound. Inside the transparent dome of the craft 2/19/1964 #23987 upant was seen through the windows inside the craft. 2/29/1964 #23994 from one observer’s body to metal inside the fuselage. The haze vanishes a 4/20/1964 #24039 when he sees a shiny object on the inside edge of a nearby patch of woods. 4/24/1964 #24062 ned in his direction and then went inside the UFO. A loud roar was heard du 4/24/1964 #24065 appearance, were reportedly taken inside the base and received in a specia 4/26/1964 #24070 de. It is still there when he goes inside, where no one else believes him. 4/26/1964 #24074 Night light maneuvers frantically inside white halo. West going quickly ea 7/3/1964 (approximate) #24279 M altitude. Figure and instruments inside. Telepathy? 8/1964 #24360 stimated to be over 200 feet long. Inside 12 "large people" could be seen m 9/7/1964 #24458 nd nobody knew if there was a crew inside. After a few hours, specialized t 12/10/1964 #24581 t even trying to find out what was inside, and nobody ever saw it again. (D 12/10/1964 #24581 t and he was not aware of any life inside the craft; he went back to his ba 12/10/1964 #24582 —and the three smaller objects fly inside. A US Air Force sergeant with a t 1965 #24623 e open door showed a strange light inside. The object was so highly polishe 1/19/1965 #24692 estigate. Weaver is walking around inside when something hits him on the he 1/26/1965 #24716 ground level. Roderick was invited inside, which was at least two stories h 1/30/1965 #24731 wore an elegant blue-white outfit. Inside the ship the light was also bluis 1/30/1965 #24731 resting on the shoulders. The head inside was covered with a dark material 3/1965 #24784 e of only 65 feet from the ground. Inside she could see a human-appearing p 3/6/1965 #24803 / 20 second(s). Extremely bright. Inside / car lit up. 3/28/1965 #24837 ld a small box that he opened, and inside the box was a dark-colored crysta 5/30/1965 #24947 owing-bubble over lawn. Normal men inside move oddly. 7/1965 #25016 bble of light about 100 feet away. Inside the globe are several individuals 7/1965 #25019 ushroom or a top, was lighted from inside, rested on the ground silently, f 7/19/1965 #25127 d and took a look through a panel. Inside he saw a second man sitting at a 7/20/1965 #25133 seemed to study a piece of paper. Inside the craft was another man seated 7/20/1965 #25145 ushroom or a top, was lighted from inside, rested on the ground silently, f 7/20/1965 #25148 d to be studying a piece of paper. Inside the craft was another man seated 7/20/1965 #25149 a second shot. He takes his camera inside the house and runs back outside j 8/2/1965 #25273 tall figure with yellow eyes, and inside the dome was another figure movin 8/3/1965 #25305 f light came down from the object. Inside the beam descended two 7-8 feet t 8/7/1965 #25356 veral little figures could be seen inside the craft. Three men in another n 8/8/1965 #25359 lobe / golf course. Figure(s) move inside. Gone / bang. / r53p116. 8/9/1965 #25364 w object, with a silhouette moving inside the glow. There were five other w 8/9/1965 #25365 a row of windows below, and a room inside with bright lights. Rotating flas 8/9/1965 #25369 as wide as the road. Three beings inside the craft, who looked human, were 8/14/1965 #25413 ht and could be seen moving around inside the craft. Finally, with a burst 8/14/1965 #25413 cer lands / road. 3 figure(s) move inside. Up and away. / r67p42+/ r8. 8/15/1965 #25419 off, three human beings were seen inside. 8/15/1965 #25421 oking figures could be seen moving inside the UFO, illuminated by a green l 8/15/1965 #25423 d her car door. They conducted her inside the craft, assuring her telepathi 8/16/1965 #25431 hat she would not be hurt. The air inside the UFO was “heavy” and difficult 8/16/1965 #25431 difficult to breathe. Once she was inside they flew the ship over a nearby 8/16/1965 #25431 radio of a car with two occupants inside died when a top-shaped object wit 8/18/1965 #25440 disappears, the clouds turn green. Inside, the boy’s mother, Mrs. William B 8/19/1965 #25449 cal mouths." They quickly got back inside into their craft, which then flew 8/20/1965 #25466 pen doorway instruments and lights inside it. Three human-like figures were 8/26/1965 #25489 [to] just over trees. Vague figure inside moves. 8/31/1965 #25508 ith very high foreheads, and bald. Inside the vessel were two “normal appea 9/3/1965 #25554 g, topped with a dome lit from the inside, while the buzzing increases. The 9/14/1965 #25596 shaped machine with a dome on top, inside which three creatures were clearl 10/4/1965 #25688 of any kind. He realizes he can go inside the door but is a bit too scared Mid 10/1965 #25707 the two witnesses to flee in panic inside their farmhouse. 11/11/1965 #25768 ry paralysis of the four witnesses inside the vehicle. 1/20/1966 #25940 sawing noises, rose-colored lights inside, small rings of light that crawl 3/1966 #26022 approached, the "pilot" went back inside, a sound resembling that of a hig 3/23/1966 #26152 approached, the "pilot" went back inside, and a sound resembling that of a 3/23/1966 #26160 stinguish two figures moving about inside it. He chased the UFO to police h 3/24/1966 #26179 sts / construction area. Figure(s) inside. Post St. 3/31/1966 #26279 . Silhouettes could be seen moving inside, one of them gesturing as the cra 3/31/1966 #26284 ouettes could be seen moving about inside, one of them gesturing as the cra 3/31/1966 #26291 saucer to and fro over I35. 4 men inside. Ozone odor. Area lit. 4/22/1966 #26479 olid, coherent light beams retract inside the object. Finally, it shot away 4/22/1966 #26501 fore. Thinking it is going to come inside her bedroom, Judy screams. Seemin 4/23/1966 #26514 y are being observed, they go back inside and the object takes off. 5/16/1966 #26613 , and they could see people moving inside. On one side, there was a gray st 6/3/1966 #26665 ry. Light flashes / 15 minute(s) / inside wall / crater Plato. 6/27/1966 #26759 saw a "cloud" expand with a light inside (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 6/27/1966 #26764 One "cloud" expanded with a light inside, and then accelerated away after 6/27/1966 #26765 ng noise which seemed to come from inside. Observed for 1 hour. 7/11/1966 #26789 ing noise that seemed to come from inside the craft. They watched it for an 7/11/1966 #26790 fireball skirts walls and ceiling inside cabin. Ball-lightning? 8/10/1966 #26895 kirted about the walls and ceiling inside a cabin. 8/10/1966 #26897 tible force to follow the creature inside the saucer where he raped her. Ju 8/11/1966 #26898 pot where she claimed to have been inside the UFO, and a large indentation 8/11/1966 #26900 erwards. There was no sign of life inside or outside the craft. (September 9/3/1966 #27012 RANDLETT, UT House lit up red.. inside and out! Humming saucer 11M over 9/20/1966 #27086 er appears at the foot of her bed. Inside are 5 “non-human, hairless heads” 10/2/1966 #27141 r appeared at the foot of her bed. Inside the globe were the images of five 10/2/1966 #27142 ooking man and two women were seen inside the craft. The man stared directl 11/11/1966 #27305 popped out." She screamed and ran inside her house. In Lowell, Ohio during 11/26/1966 #27376 enna bearing a flashing red light. Inside the dome was a small human form d 12/13/1966 #27431 nd on the road, and locked himself inside the cabin. The craft settled on a 1/5/1967 #27503 and on the road and locked himself inside the cab of his truck. The craft s 1/5/1967 #27506 humanoid figure was seen standing inside the luminous shaft. The being com 1/6/1967 #27515 let in. They invited the stranger inside. The visitor must have been at le 1/9/1967 #27525 g thick green wire attached to the inside of his leg. It came out or his so 1/9/1967 #27525 arent domes at the top, and lit up inside with a green light with fog insid 1/11/1967 #27533 inside with a green light with fog inside or outside, and he thought he saw 1/11/1967 #27533 , and he thought he saw two people inside. With green aviator suits with wh 1/11/1967 #27533 th 2 transparent domes at the top: Inside... it seemed to me that it was li 1/11/1967 #27534 say that there was a kind of fog, inside or outside... I don't know... ins 1/11/1967 #27534 side or outside... I don't know... inside or outside of the 2 domes. In any 1/11/1967 #27534 ht on top of the dome. A man stood inside the dome looking out, and another 1/13/1967 #27553 ples saw a yellow glow coming from inside a dome- shaped object estimated t 1/15/1967 #27565 d and almost immediately went back inside. As it approached, the object too 2/5/1967 #27715 randdaughter immediately went back inside and I followed her. I asked my wi 2/5/1967 #27715 itness, collect the balls, and run inside the UFO, which takes off. 2/5/1967 #27727 ls, scurry behind the craft and go inside. The farmer throws one stone, but 2/14/1967 #27820 and 45 minutes chatting with them inside their craft, over coffee. His hos 2/16/1967 #27844 ple could be seen looking out from inside the windows of the craft. 2/19/1967 #27871 ights. She lets the frightened dog inside and it promptly hides. She goes o 2/22/1967 #27897 ng the course of a creek. She runs inside and calls her neighbor Mrs. Judd 2/22/1967 #27897 at 200 feet. Her fox terrier runs inside at full speed and hides under a c 2/22/1967 #27897 e. Seeing the witness, he got back inside the machine, which took off at gr 2/24/1967 #27915 paceship” behind a barn. They rush inside and wake their parents and a sibl 3/5/1967 #28044 Signs of life reportedly were seen inside. (Glens Falls Times, 3/14/67, cop 3/12/1967 #28162 im (disc) with a transparent dome. Inside the dome were two moving figures. Spring 1967 #28214 ened and Watts was invited to come inside by the occupants and he agreed to 3/31/1967 #28330 ng an unidentified map on the wall inside the craft. The encounter with jou 3/31/1967 #28330 of a full moon, deep green and red inside. Boys from the village arrived an 4/1967 #28331 a revolving rim. She found herself inside an octagon-shaped room with light 4/2/1967 #28354 ug up some dirt and then placed it inside the craft. The doorway then close 4/14/1967 #28442 o land. It appeared to have lights inside and a red light on top (body ligh 5/1967 #28573 ee luminous rods point towards the inside of the trapezoid, whose two non-p 5/6/1967 #28600 o cool down. Michalak takes a look inside and touches the wall of the objec 5/20/1967 #28710 going down. 3 pseudo-human/entity inside. Observer(s) burnt / chest. Physi 5/20/1967 #28712 s to 60 feet away and hears voices inside. Thinking it is a US aircraft, he 5/20/1967 #28718 lenses over his glasses and looks inside, where he sees a series of flashi 5/20/1967 #28718 or opened, revealing a purple glow inside. A high-pitched humming sound and 5/20/1967 #28720 and. She became frightened and ran inside her house. The next morning she a 5/31/1967 #28772 with four imprints in its center. Inside are many black minerals that are 6/1967 #28778 id to have landed and left "tubes" inside which a "plastic" material was fo 6/1/1967 #28779 itnesses had another big surprise. Inside the caravan, a carrot placed on t Summer 1967 #28875 ed guard duty. RT states he looked inside the hangar and saw a metallic dis 7/3/1967 #28969 the white light emitted came from inside the object. At the height of the 7/7/1967 #28990 eir driveway. One ball disappeared inside the other t (objects merged), whi 7/12/1967 #29026 th windows and with glowing lights inside. First seen on the ground (landed 7/16/1967 #29040 ee the shadowy silhouette of a man inside the object working controls. When 7/17/1967 #29058 make out the form of the occupant inside the object. The object made no so 7/17/1967 #29058 ect made no sound. While they went inside the house the UFO disappeared. Th 7/17/1967 #29058 nedito Do Sul, Pernambuco, Brazil. Inside the object she could see a humano 7/19/1967 #29080 intense white light came from the inside. A humanoid with slim torso, an e 7/20/1967 #29087 t seemed to be burnt wood, but the inside looked like fused glass. Chemical 7/20/1967 #29091 t nobody would believe him, he ran inside his home and obtained a small Kod 7/21/1967 #29101 itude of 1,200 feet would have fit inside this ring. It was observed for ov 8/5/1967 #29202 s near TV tower. 2 men under and 2 inside. Repairs? Going quickly east. 10/1/1967 #29584 her green light is rotating slowly inside the top portion, and there are po 10/7/1967 #29616 lettering. They report having seen inside two extraterrestrials, and contro 10/24/1967 #29733 th lights and knobs, could be seen inside. It vanished on the spot. 10/24/1967 #29742 electronic equipment were visible inside the lighted section. The domed di 10/24/1967 #29749 that he was not going to be hurt. Inside the object there was a misty weir 10/24/1967 #29750 ide and somehow put his whole hand inside the upper left side of his chest. 10/24/1967 #29750 rom the bottom. Hammon lets Tossie inside his farmhouse, where he eventuall 11/2/1967 #29840 road. 5 small humanoids (or Greys) inside. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). M 11/9/1967 #29886 llow color, and in part ash black. Inside the object they could see five da 11/9/1967 #29890 or open. Suddenly his chickens run inside the house, terrified. Looking up, 11/22/1967 #29960 . Rogov was listening to the radio inside his home when a bright green ligh 11/25/1967 #29974 ow opened and Wilson could see the inside of the craft clearly. He saw four 11/28/1967 #29981 uminous ball follows train. Lights inside / cars. 15 minute(s) / panic. 12/1967 #29993 feet wide with flashing red lights inside. (Hall, 2001, p. 530-32, from: Bl 12/3/1967 #30010 feet wide with flashing red lights inside. Under hypnosis, the officer reca 12/3/1967 #30011 ward, two humanoid figures visible inside. Object rotated, moved away 12/8/1967 #30032 it has a transparent dome on top. Inside the dome are two indistinct figur 12/8/1967 #30034 like sticks. The witness went back inside to let her panic pass. She then w 1968 #30101 alls and black helmets and gloves. Inside the dome a third figure was movin 1/6/1968 #30137 t they think it is the moon and go inside, but as Robert and Lynn are leavi 1/20/1968 #30165 arent front. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside see observer(s). Work controls an 1/24/1968 #30174 ance, wearing light gray coveralls inside. He could also see levers and lit 1/24/1968 #30180 the UFO by a slender man in black. Inside were four seats on pedestals, and 1/24/1968 #30180 seats on pedestals, and the light inside the craft was so bright that it h 1/24/1968 #30180 more, making a total of four: two inside the craft and two outside. When t 1/31/1968 #30199 ing." There were two other figures inside the tower. When he shone a light 2/1/1968 #30210 r two could be seen as silhouettes inside the transparent tower. After tele 2/1/1968 #30211 r two could be seen as silhouettes inside the transparent tower. After phon 2/2/1968 #30214 minosity that he could move around inside without turning on the lamp and o 2/9/1968 #30229 d to be interested in looking down inside the building through a skylight. 2/21/1968 #30266 amble toward the UFO and disappear inside. The object emits a high-pitched 2/27/1968 #30283 and a kind of net was covering it. Inside the enclosure she saw a small man 3/1968 (approximate) #30290 me plastic-like material, and that inside the pen is a helmeted being, 3.5 3/10/1968 #30332 . It approached her and lifted her inside with a beam of light, after which 5/3/1968 #30453 with some form of plastic net, and inside was a short being 3.5 feet tall, 5/14/1968 #30474 g from the object. Dos Santos goes inside and finds a hole in the roof, til 5/17/1968 #30482 figures were visible moving about inside. A reddish light emanated from th 5/17/1968 #30483 Mr. Pan Chen Hsiang, who was inside his house at 6:00 a.m. in the cit 5/27/1968 #30503 hen he recovered, he found himself inside the machine, with three other peo 6/4/1968 #30521 igate. He saw nothing and returned inside. He heard the noise again and wen 6/10/1968 #30533 t in the corner of her bedroom and inside the light stood two strangely dre 6/24/1968 #30600 not go further. He sees two beings inside a transparent cupola on the top w 7/1968 #30634 ese landing devices were retracted inside the object, and the object rose a 7/1/1968 #30645 elieved she saw up to 20 small men inside, all of green color with rather p 7/2/1968 #30660 city street! Never sees UFO except inside! 2 figure(s). See reference. 7/3/1968 #30664 d flashes of light. The girls fled inside their house. Marks of four finger 7/9/1968 #30688 ight light outside. Furniture etc. inside all glows. 7/15/1968 #30701 g him by the arms, they pulled him inside the craft, which looked like a la 7/17/1968 #30710 ater, after the witnesses had gone inside their cabin, they saw a bright or 7/20/1968 #30722 ld make out two small, wide shapes inside the unknown vehicle, about 1 m ta 7/31/1968 #30793 itnesses. Two beings could be seen inside the dome. They had large elongate 8/7/1968 #30839 tude. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) inside. Man zapped and dies! . 8/9/1968 #30842 gs then run to the machine and get inside; it takes off vertically, buzzing 8/13/1968 #30854 a Maria turned around and ran back inside the sanatorium, where, with other 8/27/1968 #30919 KALGOORLIE, WEST AUSTRALIA Car lit inside. 2 rays / light in V-shape follow 8/27/1968 #30920 e, and not tall enough to stand up inside. Itr hovered near the municipal a 9/8/1968 #30982 . Hums and spins. Lands. Figure(s) inside. 9/9/1968 #30985 Sohail Saud, said he saw occupants inside the object, who were wearing helm 9/9/1968 #30988 nst wind. Hovers / 4 hours. Lights inside. Going quickly west. / r84p139. 9/19/1968 #31025 ms going down. Pseudo-human/entity inside each. All float going up [to]! 9/20/1968? #31031 and human-looking beings appeared inside each beam. All ascended back up t 9/20/1968 #31033 3:00 a.m. two beings emerged from inside the UFO on the sea. [vog: what do 9/21/1968 #31034 t in diameter at the landing site. Inside this is a smaller circle of compr 9/26/1968 #31061 hich the device rested were found. Inside this triangle, a circle of 65 cm 9/27/1968 #31062 be a fog or mist in the canyon and inside the fog they could make out a lum 10/1968 #31080 he top a transparent dome is open. Inside there are four stools and an inst 10/2/1968 #31085 ractor’s engine, and the fourth is inside the object at the instrument pane 10/2/1968 #31085 h, paralyzing him. The entities go inside, and a transparent dome encloses 10/2/1968 #31085 mself paralyzed. He could see that inside the cigar, which had a “glass roo 10/2/1968 #31086 omewhat radioactive and the plants inside the circle were bone-dry as if co 10/7/1968 #31097 ent violet object with 2 figure(s) inside hovers / 10'. / r203p63. 10/8/1968 #31098 ry suits and headgear were visible inside the UFO. 10/8/1968 #31100 re appeared to be using a keyboard inside the transparent top part. The obj 10/9/1968 #31102 lhouettes of passengers sitting up inside were visible. After this, a dark 10/15/1968 #31114 er / ground. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside. Rolls and flies! / r113p207. 11/1/1968 #31171 ormal Caucasian, the other man was inside the object. Both wore white cover 11/1/1968 #31176 ." He would hear a whistling noise inside his head and would feel guided to 11/1/1968 #31178 hat appeared to be a small “woman” inside the luminous sphere. The strange 11/9/1968 #31209 electro-magnetic effect (EME). All inside lights on. 11/21/1968 #31234 umanoids (or Greys) exit. Fourth / inside. 1 scratches / dirt. 11/25/1968 #31262 s emerged, while a fourth was seen inside the craft. One of the beings scra 11/25/1968 #31268 ee if there was anyone or anything inside. Nevertheless, he "knew" that som 12/10/1968 #31323 ed a car with five teenage hunters inside near Coorong, South Australia for 12/15/1968 #31341 was an intense orange-white color. Inside the luminous square they saw the 1/6/1969 #31407 he craft, and two others remaining inside. The beings were 1.1 meters tall, 2/6/1969 #31486 he ground. Two others were visible inside the craft, through windows. The b 2/6/1969 #31487 ll humanoids (or Greys) exit and 2 inside. Fear (seen thru) binoculars. / F 2/7/1969 #31489 . Machado can see two other beings inside. The men walk toward him, making 2/7/1969 #31491 eings were visible through windows inside the craft. The beings were 4.5 fe 2/7/1969 #31492 hing red lights above and slightly inside the gates to Rideau Hall. One lig 3/4/1969 #31566 ing the ravine behind the station. Inside the object was a tunnel, glowing 3/12/1969 #31596 had the feeling the entities were inside the boxes and did not want to be 3/12/1969 #31600 e a woman. The witness was invited inside by one of the men, who informed h 3/17/1969 #31619 was seen peering out from a window inside the craft. After a short while UF 3/17/1969 #31620 . Pseudo-human/entity and 2 humans inside. Tour. 3/20/1969 #31631 wakens. Small humanoids (or Greys) inside. Missing time. Abduction? Ankle w 4/1969 #31644 of the witnesses remembered being inside a circular room lying on a white 4/5/1969 #31652 from above. He soon found himself inside some kind of dark, drum-like obje 4/20/1969 #31676 he object was tilted downward, and inside the object could be seen three ta 4/25/1969 #31692 ne resembling a vertical cylinder. Inside, the beings gave him a mask simil 5/3/1969 (approximate) #31713 r-colored costumes and masks. Once inside, he was restrained and forced to 5/4/1969 #31716 mouths. The room is made of stone. Inside, on a low shelf seemingly fashion 5/4/1969 #31718 six feet high and nine feet wide. Inside was a cubical room, brilliantly l 5/4/1969 #31719 g of scorched grass 2.5 feet wide. Inside, the vegetation is not damaged, b 5/11/1969 #31730 e meter diameter and he was sucked inside into a circular compartment of ab 5/20/1969 #31756 ds. 3+3 small humanoids (or Greys) inside. 6 hours missing time. 5/20/1969 #31757 ng" into the ship, finding himself inside a small elevator, which went up i 5/20/1969 #31759 es were slanted. Each entity stood inside a cylinder three feet in diameter 5/20/1969 #31759 ng at him. He quickly stepped back inside and bolted the door, without sayi 5/21/1969 #31762 ut he lost consciousness. He awoke inside a strange craft where he was told 6/1969 #31788 . Lands near building. 2 figure(s) inside. Traces. / r180p66. 7/1/1969 #31860 eters and they could see an entity inside the object) The children called t 7/4/1969 #31866 meters, he had seen a small being inside the upper part of the object whic 7/4/1969 #31866 feet of the craft. He saw a being inside the object whose upper body looke 7/4/1969 #31873 lar section in the center. She saw inside this transparent part the silhoue 7/4/1969 #31874 ut a foot wide. Grass is flattened inside the circle, but the rings themsel Mid 7/1969 #31898 t plant. An occupant could be seen inside the object through a window. It l 7/18/1969 #31910 raft stops over car. Stars visible inside edges. One hour / missing time. 7/25/1969 (approximate) #31932 ions, positioned so as to form the inside points of a triangle. Off to one 9/4/1969 #31991 tside, who were bent over, and two inside the craft, with their backs to th 9/22/1969 #32015 outside of the object and two men inside. The men were described as very t 9/22/1969 #32017 town. 1 observer sees several men inside. No further details. 10/13/1969 #32059 itness reported seeing several men inside. 10/13/1969 #32060 O seem to be moving back and forth inside the craft, visible through a half 10/24/1969 #32071 emerged, while two others remained inside in a kind of glass cabin. Their c 11/6/1969 #32102 mile, then their heads disappeared inside the craft. In front of a tall chi 11/15/1969 #32109 rent cupola with two heads visible inside that was behind a nearby chimney. 11/15/1969 #32114 y that you see it.” The two beings inside the dome then looked at themselve 11/15/1969 #32114 Their heads then disappeared from inside the objec, and at that same momen 11/15/1969 #32114 e first, also with visible figures inside transparent domes fly over the ro 11/15/1969 #32114 astic bubble” with a glowing light inside. It drifted downward, and then se 12/27/1969 #32169 multi-colored aura 100 feet ahead. Inside the glow is a domed object. A lou 12/28/1969 #32171 t, made of glass and she could see inside. There were two figures, men, she 1/1/1970 #32194 clearly see two tall male figures inside the craft wearing tight-fitting d 1/1/1970 #32200 ing and swarming in all directions inside the bell. This gave the impressio 1/24/1970 #32221 ve at a car with two teenage girls inside. 1/26/1970 #32226 wind. Sphere/orb/globe with spokes inside. Sucks water. 4/9/1970 #32309 ere 40 cm in diameter, with spokes inside, was seen rotating close to the g 4/9/1970 #32310 posed to rest on the moon forever. Inside its sides, however, was a small n 4/11/1970 #32312 rance of the two entities who were inside. 6/7/1970 #32386 ds were reported to have been seen inside the craft. 6/10/1970 #32389 and they saw two passengers seated inside. It disappeared silently. At the 6/26/1970 #32402 arly see the two occupants sitting inside. 6/27/1970 #32409 ed as if there was a powerful lamp inside. The luminosity remained stable d Early 7/1970 #32419 we did not see the details of the inside of the luminous hat, which was he Early 7/1970 #32419 o go and walked up the steps. Once inside the craft he heard no sound, but 7/4/1970 #32423 er road near airport. 3 see figure inside and drive thru. 7/11/1970 #32429 te smokey cloud above the roadway. Inside of it a thin, human-like figure c 7/11/1970 #32430 ctric bulbs, which lit up in turn. Inside, it seemed that there were many i 7/12/1970 #32431 lucent, so that he could see a man inside the dome wearing a gray uniform. 8/10/1970 #32477 quipment on board. The temperature inside the car rose and became pleasantl 8/13/1970 #32479 a few seconds the light was drawn inside. It is difficult to explain how. 8/13/1970 #32479 t of the cone of light disappeared inside the lower part of the thing, thro 8/13/1970 #32479 er. When the light had disappeared inside the object it began to move. It d 8/13/1970 #32479 car lights and radio go out. Heat inside the car increases. He sees a coni 8/13/1970 #32483 it, large cartouche-shaped window. Inside he caught a glimpse of some figur 8/15/1970 #32488 the walls. It was comfortably cool inside and the air smelled of sage and c 8/15/1970 #32488 ctions until it disappeared beyond inside walls. Various small openings wit 8/15/1970 #32488 d to be at the controls. He looked inside the control room and saw five fig 8/15/1970 #32488 at the craft was impossibly larger inside than what it looked like from the 8/15/1970 #32488 d. Moments later she found herself inside a room illuminated by an orange l 9/7/1970 #32534 around Saturn and the Sun and even inside the earth's interior. Soon awoke 9/7/1970 #32534 the size of a cabin" at 8:20 p.m. Inside the craft could be seen two human 9/25/1970 #32560 rounded by a sparkling white halo. Inside the circle she saw a small black 10/5/1970 #32578 ing effect upon her. She went back inside, fainted, came to 10-15 minutes l 10/5/1970 #32578 in diameter came down on a slope. Inside was a shiny, domed disc-shaped ob 10/29/1970 #32606 f Bimini to Andros in the Bahamas. Inside the cloud was a glowing circular 12/4/1970 #32642 ings of the same stature were seen inside the object. 12/20/1970 #32666 ought he could make out a creature inside the object. In the back of the co 1/22/1971 #32717 nths later. The humanoid gets back inside, and the UFO takes off with a hum 2/5/1971 #32741 nce. As soon as the being was back inside the object it ascended with a sli 2/5/1971 #32742 onded to their flashlight signals. Inside a lighted dome were 6-10 occupant 2/26/1971 #32764 1 observer. Saucer lit green from inside going quickly north low and fast 3/2/1971 #32771 ed UFO, illuminated green from the inside, flew low and fast over the town 3/2/1971 #32773 ura, was seen in Dorking, England. Inside the object was a red ball, which 3/2/1971 #32773 with a long axis of about 36 feet. Inside the circle dandelions, abundant e 3/5/1971 #32779 They were separated once they were inside, and Scott was led by a 7 foot ta 3/14/1971 #32782 disposition, that was going crazy inside his cage. The dog ran immediately 3/25/1971 #32789 oing up. Square windows. Figure(s) inside! / r41p215. 4/14/1971 #32807 dows, two humanoid figures visible inside, light beam upward from top (UFOE 4/14/1971 #32808 dows, two humanoid figures visible inside, light beam upward from top 4/14/1971 #32809 saucer 20' over road. Hums. Figure inside and out. Observer(s) hit / shotgu 5/21/1971 #32860 mitted an reddish orange glow from inside. It also emitted a faint humming 5/21/1971 #32862 er the object where he disappeared inside as if sucked in. Immediately the 5/30/1971 #32885 m. He made a sign to the other one inside, slightly leaning out to the righ 6/7/1971 (approximate) #32904 ic, was pulling her back. She went inside to call her brother and when she 6/7/1971 (approximate) #32904 own / field. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside. 1 out gathers rocks. / r184p183 6/9/1971 #32905 human- like forms are moving about inside. A third figure is outside in a c 6/9/1971 #32907 ing drab-green coveralls. She goes inside briefly, but the object is gone w 6/9/1971 #32907 , the dog forced his mistress back inside the house. After the object left 6/9/1971 #32910 angle after drawing its two wings inside the main body. Some 50 witnesses 7/17/1971 #32985 e ground. The little men went back inside the object, closing the door behi 7/27/1971 #32999 er hypnosis, Renz remembered being inside some kind of object in a cockpit 8/16/1971 #33049 rge, like wasp eyes, and had slits inside that looked like pupils. It had w 8/16/1971 #33049 een them. The being told him to go inside and sit in the left seat. On what 8/16/1971 #33049 e. He could see numerous creatures inside. They appeared to be scrambling b 8/16/1971 #33049 e ground. Two figures were visible inside, would could be seen apparently s 9/18/1971 #33107 taken by the trio and transported inside the craft where he was examined w 9/22/1971 (approximate) #33123 s in blue one-piece suits took him inside a luminous disc. He was driving t 9/22/1971 (approximate) #33123 und and the witness was taken back inside the truck. It took him a quarter 9/22/1971 #33124 s little in the way of furnishings inside, but inside were five more simila 9/22/1971 #33131 the way of furnishings inside, but inside were five more similar dwarfs. "A 9/22/1971 #33131 Three of the witnesses were taken inside the object and tested with numero 10/16/1971 #33204 surprise, it was still there. The inside and outside of the ring were damp 11/2/1971 #33230 all, the white ice had melted both inside and outside of the ring, but the 11/2/1971 #33230 When she opened the door they ran inside and hid under the living room cou 11/3/1971 #33232 standing erect. She retreated back inside her house, and when she looked ou 11/3/1971 #33232 Brazil at 7:00 p.m. He was invited inside the UFO and heard its occupants " 12/5/1971 #33280 a force, from the top, head first. Inside there were at least two other bei 12/20/1971 #33302 were two other short beings seated inside. The craft then flew away. 12/20/1971 #33304 I am sure I heard something moving inside. At the same time I realized that 4/13/1972 #33459 Willow Point, British Columbia Inside Passage Quadra Island Day. A man 4/24/1972 #33480 ow Point, British Columbia, on the Inside Passage takes a photo of a disc-s 4/24/1972 #33480 that it is hat-shaped. Mathar runs inside to get a camera and takes two pho 7/19/1972 #33650 ts in which office supplies hidden inside a box are presented to Swann, who 8/1972 #33701 o is asked to identify the objects inside. During a lunch break one of the 8/1972 #33701 capturing it alive, and sealing it inside a box. When Swann looks at the bo 8/1972 #33701 e out and closed the tent from the inside. 8/9/1972 #33725 After a few seconds, she runs back inside the tent. 8/9/1972 #33729 oked to be incubators with infants inside them. As the witness stared at th 8/26/1972 #33804 m. He checked everything up to the inside of the metal cabinets: there was 9/21/1972 #33873 e faded and he then saw the scenes inside the bus. Around 22:30 he started 9/21/1972 #33873 for 5 minutes, and the temperature inside the car rises. Suddenly the light 9/25/1972 #33889 eep humming noise like a generator inside a closed room. The sound bores in 10/8/1972 #33921 it and entered the compound. Once inside, they began their systems check o 10/14/1972 #33941 ls. Then they fly through the air, inside an apparently invisible beam, int 10/22/1972 #33951 o a hovering saucer-shaped object. Inside the craft Mercado is surprised at 10/22/1972 #33951 s being held and lit up everything inside, causing everyone to panick. A st 11/6/1972 #33979 up and there are no vehicle tracks inside or outside. A eucalyptus tree at 11/12/1972 #33990 oward Mario, who attempted to hide inside the rink's hockey net. The UFOnau 11/28/1972 #34023 om with 6–8 glass-topped freezers. Inside “were the mangled remains of what 2/19/1973 #34198 lands. Stick figure(s) move around inside. / r231'74. 3/28/1973 #34288 night they awoke to stifling heat inside their house. Mr. Silva went to th 3/29/1973 #34296 eavesdrop” on events taking place inside. Here the proposal takes place, i 5/1973 #34373 obert thought he could see two men inside. As it got closer, its light beca 5/3/1973 #34378 outline of a vein running down the inside of one of the arms. The feet were 5/12/1973 #34395 aid he had a camp on the mainland. Inside the hut he removed his hat to rev 5/15/1973 #34408 eyes. He then stopped the vehicle. Inside, the heat was so intense he was s 5/22/1973 #34431 The man was taken to the hospital. Inside the car, the briefcase had been o 5/22/1973 #34431 their eyes globular. He was taken inside the UFO where he underwent variou 5/22/1973 #34433 8 inches in diameter moving around inside his car. It passes in front of th 5/22/1973 #34438 ced a circle of light moving about inside his car and he pulled over to the 5/22/1973 #34439 n its front part there were lights inside as bright as an electric arc. The 7/1973 #34529 y glows over lake. Possible figure inside. 3+hours / missing time. 7/1/1973 #34536 ought he could see a strange being inside the light. The next thing he reme 7/1/1973 #34537 gh which a dim light came from the inside. There were some "strange figures 7/9/1973 #34553 seeing some shadows moving around inside the same or similar object while 7/9/1973 #34553 eral humanoid figures moving about inside. Some appeared to be peering down 7/10/1973 #34557 sed and felt he had been sucked up inside a hovering object from below. He 7/27/1973 #34587 coming from the shoes towards the inside of the UFO. In 5 strides it advan 8/1973 #34595 ad pushed the drapes aside to look inside. The creature moved back awkwardl 8/21/1973 #34653 / roadside. Pseudo-humans/entities inside and out. / r96#161. 9/6/1973 (approximate) #34709 A second occupant was seen seated inside the object, through a squarish wi 9/6/1973 #34714 behind them several occupants were inside and they appeared to be looking d 9/15/1973 #34767 ribed it as a "starship." She went inside the object and saw several of her 9/26/1973 #34817 the strange character disappeared inside the object, which then rose up, m 9/30/1973 #34838 an rotating faster and disappeared inside the object, which emitted a whirr 10/4/1973 #34886 ter she unexpectedly found herself inside a circular control room, onboard 10/5/1973 #34904 ned to them. Hickson recounts that inside there was a white luminescence wi 10/11/1973 #34940 r, who immediately went limp. Once inside Hickson was nearly blinded by the 10/11/1973 #34965 out 10 m away from the car. It was inside a shield of light: it was like a 10/12/1973 #34970 ntly at the witnesses, who cowered inside the van in great fear. A man appe 10/14/1973 #34992 in a trance. The witness was taken inside and glided around with the short 10/15/1973 #35022 as well as beautiful curved walls inside the craft. 10/15/1973 #35022 A Landed UFO with humanoid figures inside (UFOE II, Section VIII, XII) (NIC 10/16/1973 #35043 d out for a second time. She awoke inside a strange room.It was circular, a 10/16/1973 #35052 the cold surface of the table. The inside of the craft was freezing. She gl 10/16/1973 #35052 -8 feet high. On top was a bubble. Inside she saw a human figure standing u 10/17/1973 #35080 -8 feet high. On top was a bubble. Inside she saw a human figure standing u 10/17/1973 #35102 s. Moments later she found herself inside the object where she saw walls, l 10/19/1973 #35170 nsparent. She saw two dark figures inside the UFO. The object descended ver 10/20/1973 #35192 vering above a nearby parking lot. Inside this light she observed a gray "a 10/21/1973 #35200 with an "open cockpit" at one end. Inside she was able to see three "hooded 10/24/1973 #35245 illuminated by a yellowish light. Inside it they could make out a group of 10/31/1973 #35305 th antennas / low and slow. Figure inside waves. White powder going down. 11/2/1973 #35325 humanoids. He was then transported inside the object where he saw two more 11/3/1973 #35344 ral fear, he followed the dog back inside. He watched the creatures through 11/4/1973 #35347 strange humanoids when she looked inside one of the windows of the Siles f 11/15/1973 #35410 ver bay. Jerks around. 4 figure(s) inside. 11/17/1973 (approximate) #35421 from which came an intense light. Inside the mother ship Castillo was led 11/18/1973 #35428 t holding what looked like an egg. Inside this object Castillo also encount 11/18/1973 #35428 aucer and small humanoid (or Grey) inside. Paces truck. Cone-beam going up. 11/19/1973 #35430 near truck, small humanoid visible inside object. See Section XII (E) truck 11/19/1973 #35433 d clearly see a small human figure inside. The truck functioned normally af 11/19/1973 #35434 king back and forth. She went back inside the house and she next heard a lo 12/12/1973 #35553 ..) (Vorilhon follows the stranger inside the saucer) At the request of the 12/13/1973 #35555 en ladder-shape with yellow lights inside "frame". No further details. 12/24/1973 #35596 out a kind of vertical "stovepipe" inside. On either side of this pipe, the 12/25/1973 #35597 thout thinking to call her husband inside the house a few metres away from 12/25/1973 #35597 e. The shoes were big and pointed. Inside the helmets there was a soft ligh 1/7/1974 #35659 ripod disappeared, the beings were inside the thing which rose 50 cm and af 1/7/1974 #35659 d slightly above. He could now see inside the oval object. It was a golden- 1/8/1974 #35667 down. 5 small humanoids (or Greys) inside. Pager malfunctions due to EME (e 1/8/1974 #35668 car. The light is coming from the inside of the object, where he can see a 1/8/1974 #35672 outage. Glowing bus with figure(s) inside floats going east. / LDLN#161. 2/3/1974 (approximate) #35746 m back up to the house and he went inside to lie down on a daybed. He staye 3/1/1974 #35867 rent. Two forms were distinguished inside. After a while, the object began 3/14/1974 #35918 altitude. 2 helmeted heads visible inside! 3/19/1974 #35942 d heads of little men were visible inside the craft. 3/19/1974 #35943 she next remembers finding herself inside a brightly lit room as a ramped d 3/20/1974 #35949 apparently studied by these beings inside a UFO. He suffered from severe sh 3/23/1974 #35975 to the observer's truck, then went inside again, and both vehicles flew awa 3/26/1974 #35996 pe of a small car was lit from the inside where shapes seemed to move. (vog 3/31/1974 #36015 s. Neon glowing and figure(s) move inside. Night lights above. 3/31/1974 #36017 igures could be seen moving around inside it. The principal witness, his wi 3/31/1974 #36020 ular-box shaped window / top. Dark inside. 4/1/1974 #36027 R Huge red fireball with trapezoid inside hovers / 50M altitude. Quickly go 4/13/1974 #36055 ce of 3 or maybe 4 helmeted beings inside and something near their mouths l 4/16/1974 #36078 me descended, three beings visible inside transparent dome 4/16/1974 #36083 ing red, green, and yellow lights. Inside the dome are three human- like be 4/16/1974 #36085 as 30 feet wide and six feet high. Inside the cabin there were three seated 4/16/1974 #36087 s able to see three shadows moving inside. Then this part went out too. At 4/21/1974 #36098 single woman named Bouchez who was inside the building, and then shot three 4/25/1974 #36111 "egg-shaped" figure moving around inside the craft. Another employee of th 4/30/1974 #36121 them with a handshake and entered. Inside she saw five or six more humanoid 5/5/1974 #36136 iving off heat. All the passengers inside except for the principal witness 5/9/1974 #36149 going up / 25M over valley. Figure inside? Going quickly west. Telepathy = 5/18/1974 #36163 He had the feeling of having been inside a UFO, but his memory refused to 5/26/1974 #36189 sating light that reflected on the inside of the camper wall. He tried to c 5/26/1974 #36190 d vague impressions of having been inside a craft but could not recall any 5/26/1974 #36190 ypnosis the witness recalled being inside a UFO and described a row of gyro 5/26/1974 #36190 low over the field with two beings inside. Five other humanoids were walkin 5/26/1974 #36191 Peter, however recalled seeing the inside of the "spacecraft" which had thr 5/31/1974 #36206 Three humanoid beings are visible inside the object. Early the next mornin 6/14/1974 #36251 emitted a brilliant yellow light. Inside the turret he could see three bei 6/14/1974 #36253 se of the UFO. Once everything was inside, the humanoids and the ladder, he 6/15/1974 #36255 ng snow and rocks and putting them inside the UFO. After 5 minutes, they cl 6/15/1974 #36259 car / several km. 3 fat figure(s) inside. Responds / lights. 6/16/1974 #36260 ee tall, helmeted figures standing inside the craft. When the witness turns 6/16/1974 #36263 ree tall helmeted figures standing inside the craft. When the witness turne 6/16/1974 #36264 pseudo-human/entity stares / stove inside. Gone / seconds. / Cifex Group. 6/25/1974 #36285 ter with a 2-foot width. The grass inside the rings did not appear to be di 6/25/1974 #36288 hrough which figures could be seen inside the craft. It left by shooting of 8/1/1974 #36368 tended its feet and then something inside the craft made the earth and ston 8/16/1974 #36433 w continued, but Mrs. M. went back inside to set the table and Mr. Moret le 8/26/1974 #36464 in helmets were seen moving about inside. A sort of veil was drawn across 8/26/1974 #36469 farmer was sucked with his vehicle inside an enormous disk, parked about 15 9/1974 #36485 own [to] pulls man in truck up and inside. Neither seen again! 9/1974 #36486 ghting, the witness heard a voice "inside her head" telling her to turn lef 9/3/1974 #36500 ctangular windows illuminated from inside. A photograph was taken. When the 9/4/1974 #36504 continue to watch the display from inside the cottage until midnight when t 9/9/1974 #36522 cubicle. Suddenly he finds himself inside it, strapped to a seat with a hel 10/15/1974 #36618 n his head. Two humanoids are also inside, as well as four seats, a control 10/15/1974 #36618 the cubic structure, finds himself inside in the company of 5 other charact 10/25/1974 #36643 ach the object, everyone goes back inside. The object is gone 30 minutes la 11/1974 #36667 between 4 square portholes. Lit / inside. 11/10/1974 #36684 overs / high winds. Brilliant disk inside. 3 night lights exit going quickl 11/14/1974 #36690 ehicle. There was a curious figure inside, illuminated by a diffuse light s Early 12/1974 #36728 C, WI Saucer / foggy road. Ape-man inside "scared". / r133P196+/ r249p217. 12/2/1974 (approximate) #36729 t holds his attention is something inside the object’s “curved front of gla 12/2/1974 #36730 object’s “curved front of glass.” Inside stands a figure with its arms rai 12/2/1974 #36730 understanding how he found himself inside the machine, surrounded by masked 1/4/1975 #36825 niforms, their ships seen from the inside and outside. In all, Antonio woul 1/4/1975 #36825 zed by a beam of light. He revives inside a UFO where three greenish, 6-foo 1/4/1975 #36831 ainted, and when he came to he was inside a spherical room about 8 feet in 1/5/1975 #36842 omed UFO with legs. 3 shadows move inside. Going [to] over hills. / MJ#177. 1/8/1975 #36851 a transparent, brightly lit dome, inside of which 3 dark shadowy moving fi 1/8/1975 #36852 a man and a woman saw an occupant inside a small domed disc-shaped UFO. 1/8/1975 #36853 rge head, quite strange, appeared. Inside they saw another identical creatu 2/23/1975 #36972 t of a car with the Forster family inside, while the children in the car sc 3/2/1975 #37019 t of a car with the Forster family inside, while the children in the car sc 3/8/1975 #37031 ansparent and illuminated from the inside. Visible inside the craft stood t 3/12/1975 #37044 luminated from the inside. Visible inside the craft stood two human-looking 3/12/1975 #37044 t light stops / barn. Pregnant cow inside loses calf. No calf / afterbirth! 4/1/1975? #37093 He received a mental message to go inside the house and not fear anything. 4/19/1975 #37162 the craft became visible. They got inside and embarked on a journey. Hernan 4/22/1975 #37166 lly, a small glowing dome appeared inside a room. 4/25/1975 #37172 een on the ground with two figures inside the dome. The witness, who was in 5/5/1975 #37210 Pleasanton, Texas with two figures inside the dome. The witness, who was in 5/5/1975 #37211 fect circle of dead grass, with an inside diameter of 3.3m and an outside d 5/6/1975 #37215 cer / field. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside. Observer(s) hits invisible barri 6/15/1975 (approximate) #37285 ants about 30–40 feet in diameter. Inside the circle are two spots of some 7/6/1975 #37357 t while Pat decided to return back inside the coffee bar, only to find that 7/12/1975 #37367 S Boy. 40' dome / ground. Jellymen inside move. Saucer slowly going [to] in 7/22/1975 #37395 us, and constantly changing shape. Inside each entity are hundreds of 6-inc 7/22/1975 #37397 et away from him, and he could see inside the UFO that there were what look 7/22/1975 #37398 ght on top of the object and those inside the base began to glow and pulsat 7/22/1975 #37398 on three crutches. He saw four men inside the object and was struck by the 7/31/1975 #37417 oval-shaped object on the ground. Inside the craft were four beings. They 7/31/1975 #37424 silhouette of an occupant was seen inside the transparent dome. 8/18/1975 #37516 ces again, fading away. Her friend inside asked her what it was. (1975, lat Late 8/1975 #37538 A fluorescent blue light came from inside it. He walked away, but then hear 8/28/1975 #37551 e had seen in Gilroy. They floated inside, passing through the heart of the 9/15/1975 #37619 e roof of the house and the stars. Inside, she had a sensation of intense b 9/15/1975 #37622 fectly ovoid-shaped cloud lit from inside hovered over the airport in Zaven 9/20/1975 #37637 sight "in the blink of an eye." An inside occupant was also seen. 9/30/1975 #37677 dark and the witness could not see inside. 10/1975 #37687 te light, with smaller blue lights inside, hung stationary over Quincy. (So 10/3/1975 #37697 te light, with smaller blue lights inside, hung stationary over Quincy, Mas 10/3/1975 #37698 human face of incomparable beauty, inside his room. After a certain time th 10/4/1975 #37700 sky nearby. She managed to escape inside her house, but she had a high bod 10/25/1975 #37783 he ran home. She managed to escape inside her house, but she had a high bod 10/25/1975 #37787 p of the weapons storage perimeter inside and out. An additional sweep is m 10/27/1975 #37804 anel. There were eight crewmembers inside, but only one spoke to him. This 11/3/1975 #37876 f tree stumps in a clear cut area. Inside the greenish glow they could see 12/8/1975 #38054 e 3–4 images moving back and forth inside the craft. After about 3 minutes, 1976 #38112 ving opened, he saw a yellow light inside and a man 2m tall came out, weari 1/5/1976 #38123 ience. She could only recall being inside a room with a tall blond or albin 1/23/1976 #38190 ugh a second floor bedroom window. Inside the transparent dome they could s 2/5/1976 #38223 om window at their home in France. Inside the transparent dome they could s 2/5/1976 #38225 craft, with a screen image of the inside of the woman's body. There were s 2/7/1976 #38228 disc paced a car with three people inside very closely in Big Run, Pennsylv 3/19/1976 #38328 erged from the saucer and took him inside the craft. He said he spent some 4/5/1976 #38377 some distance away from her house. Inside the UFO she was put on a slab and 4/18/1976 #38392 Huge orange object, figures moving inside, blue flash, witness stunned; TV 4/22/1976 #38400 open side panel, something moving inside it. The object has several partia 4/22/1976 #38402 movement of figures moving around inside the craft. When the UFO flashed a 4/22/1976 #38403 t was topped by a crystal dome and inside the dome several very tall, human 4/23/1976 #38408 nly a row of lights became visible inside an opening in the craft. Fidel wa 4/23/1976 #38411 s and other unidentified apparatus inside the craft. The craft was topped b 4/23/1976 #38411 t was topped by a crystal dome and inside the dome several very tall, human 4/23/1976 #38411 t Fidel heard unintelligible words inside his head, as if the humanoids wer 4/23/1976 #38411 y four searchlights were turned on inside the object, and directed at the g 4/25/1976 #38416 ts bridge. Truck and driver pulled inside. 5/14/1976 #38446 re somehow picked up and abducted. Inside the craft he saw a luminous horse 5/14/1976 #38448 from which a red light shone. From inside the porthole a dark, shadowy, man 5/18/1976 #38456 from which a red light shone. From inside the porthole a dark, shadowy, man 5/18/1976 #38457 h she enters through an iron door. Inside a high, round room, they place he 6/11/1976 #38501 about one meter above the ground. Inside this sphere one could see two str 6/22/1976 #38526 varied greatly. Occupants visible inside object operating instrument panel 6/22/1976 #38530 Islands. The taxi radio cuts out. Inside the light, which is actually like 6/22/1976 #38531 and the witnesses felt very cold. Inside the sphere, which was transparent 6/22/1976 #38533 rent sphere with two tall entities inside was seen hovering for 20 minutes. 6/22/1976 #38534 his senses he was lying on a table inside an enormous unknown craft that se 6/23/1976 #38535 pe / ground. Men / grey suits move inside! Likely hoax. 8/1976 #38619 could see seven-foot tall entities inside that had big eyes. 8/5/1976 #38646 to diminish. We were able to look inside. My wife gave one of those scream 8/6/1976 #38647 aces they could see that the light inside had gone out. Two beams of blue-g 8/6/1976 #38653 enough time for Cicilio to glimpse inside - through a "door" that briefly o 8/9/1976 #38660 which had flashing panels of light inside. The tall figure floated up into 8/16/1976 #38686 nd a gold-colored, engraved amulet inside. There is no mention of what he d 8/23/1976 #38708 blinked he suddenly found himself inside it, where two greenish beings sat 8/25/1976 #38716 peared to be a star-map on a wall. Inside the craft he met human-like occup 8/26/1976 #38720 a hollow tube-like beam of light. Inside the they encountered several shor 8/26/1976 #38721 ats going [to] backyards. 3 lights inside. Maneuvers. Telepathy! See refere 8/30/1976 #38728 the area of the sighting. She went inside for a couple of minutes and the d 9/3/1976 #38754 e beam of red light from its base. Inside this beam three small beings levi 9/3/1976 #38758 , revealing a “spotlight.” He goes inside and wakes up his wife Lenda, who 9/10/1976 #38790 altitude. Pseudo-human/entity move inside. Away very fast. 9/20/1976 #38842 hadows could be seen moving around inside. The object departed slowly at fi 9/20/1976 #38843 5.5 meters in diameter. The grass inside the circles had been swirled and 10/5/1976 #38878 ce. A figure was seen moving about inside the dome. The object turned extre 10/6/1976 #38881 evoid of cattails and heavy grass. Inside the oblong is a smaller, irregula 10/22/1976 #38919 d it appeared to turn transparent. Inside, she was able to see three or fou 10/31/1976 #38945 that there were three other people inside. The one who had stared at us ent 11/1976 #38947 d one hand on the roof, and looked inside. His eyes were pink "like an albi 11/14/1976 #38986 ched it from behind the windshield inside. As they kept asking what it was, 12/6/1976 #39028 was cut off where the light ended inside the car. He looked again at the s 12/6/1976 #39028 observer(s). Oval glow with saucer inside. Goes going south overhead / 250' 12/18/1976 #39053 val glow with a disc-shaped object inside fly to the south, passing over th 12/18/1976 #39060 Huge ovoid. Shadowy figure(s) move inside. Going northwest. / MJ#114. 12/31/1976 #39087 a crashed UFO. The Australian goes inside and sees two aliens, one dead and 1977 #39102 trieve a black object and place it inside a van, which quickly leaves the a 1/10/1977 #39167 on the side that reveal a corridor inside. On one end is a tube-like struct 1/21/1977 #39196 e was very scared. (...) We rushed inside the buildings and we didn't dare 1/23/1977 #39202 iverbank. Pseudo-human/entity move inside. Landing traces. 1/23/1977 #39203 tiffly, could be seen moving about inside the object "slowly and in a robot 1/23/1977 #39204 s, however, he related being taken inside the object and examined by three 1/27/1977 #39214 r hypnosis, he relates being taken inside the object and examined by three 1/27/1977 #39216 s, however, he related being taken inside the object and examined by three 1/27/1977 #39217 t any transition, he found himself inside a solid white oval-shaped room, o 1/27/1977 #39218 toward him. Next he found himself inside the object with no recollection a 2/2/1977 #39239 d yards. Small figure / space-suit inside. 2/10/1977 #39265 ght she could see a shadowy figure inside. She also saw the helicopters. 2/10/1977 #39268 pears. The teacher takes them back inside, separates them, and tells them t 2/16/1977 #39281 out of the object and then go back inside. 2/17/1977 #39285 art. There appeared to be a figure inside the object." (Sources: Sturgeon B 3/15/1977 #39370 art. There appeared to be a figure inside the object." After three minutes 3/15/1977 #39373 he couple and apparently took them inside the UFO. The eyes of the aliens w 3/20/1977 #39385 eads were completely hairless. The inside of the craft resembled a doctor's 3/20/1977 #39385 e horizon, with a small bright arc inside. In only 3 minutes it has reached 3/24/1977 #39393 he next thing she remembers she is inside the ship, with no recollection of 4/4/1977 #39409 O'Connor reported seeing occupants inside a UFO from the Veterans Administr 4/18/1977 #39461 eru-Chile border), 5 km from Putre inside Arica, a military patrol of 8 sol 4/25/1977 #39492 overall and a helmet could be seen inside one of the openings. It seemed to 5/5/1977 #39531 overall and a helmet could be seen inside one of the openings. It seemed to 5/5/1977 #39534 / canyon. Back / 0930h. "Figure(s) inside". 5/6/1977 #39537 d said that they could see figures inside the craft. It was seen again one 5/6/1977 #39538 d said that they could see figures inside the craft. It was seen again one 5/6/1977 #39540 water. Two occupants could be seen inside the object, viewed through window 6/24/1977 #39671 water. Two occupants could be seen inside the object, viewed through window 6/24/1977 #39673 t. The woman screamed and ran back inside her house to alert the others, bu 8/31/1977 #39948 erged and seized him, dragging him inside the ovoid object, into a circular 9/15/1977 #39988 y two men. Suddenly he is floating inside the UFO, surrounded by two rows o 9/15/1977 #39991 nded La Rubia, and he was captured inside an invisible glass or "bell jar." 9/15/1977 #39992 ect. The next thing he knew he was inside the craft with no recollection of 9/15/1977 #39992 igures visible almost to the waist inside the dome. The object hovers above Late 9/1977 #40031 igures could be seen moving slowly inside the length of the illuminated obj 10/6/1977 #40076 / field. Small humanoid (or Grey) inside. Traces. / International UFO Repo 11/1/1977 #40173 ield. They see a human-like figure inside the object behind one of its wind 11/1/1977 #40175 cer. Jumps all over/all about. Lit inside. Curves going north / sea. 12/1977 #40242 . It was a bright glowing blue and inside the craft the light was intense r 12/2/1977 #40252 joined them. Two figures were seen inside each dome. All flew away to the n 12/2/1977 #40258 t followed a car with three people inside. The headlights on the car dimmed 12/7/1977 #40270 t followed a car with three people inside. The headlights on the car dimmed 12/7/1977 #40272 amber that extended to the ground. Inside the object was a 14-meter wide ci 12/18/1977 #40327 h smooth walls. Mr. Herrero stayed inside for approximately three hours, co 12/18/1977 #40327 ne of the men felt a buzzing sound inside his head, and later suffered from 1/6/1978 #40397 Wisconsin 8:30 p.m. Four witnesses inside a house in Delavan, Wisconsin, se 1/14/1978 #40423 ct hover near ground. Figures move inside clear dome. 2/1978 #40487 ts top. Suddenly she heard a voice inside her head that said: "We will pick 2/15/1978 #40526 lking around the car, he goes back inside and finds his girlfriend crying. 2/23/1978 #40553 ilvery calf-length boots, met them inside. He communicated with her by tele 3/11/1978 #40592 ncluded a physical exam on a table inside the UFO, being given messages and 3/18/1978 #40615 ugh one of the windows head-first. Inside he drops to the floor, still para 3/24/1978 #40637 ndow and fell softly on the floor. Inside the craft he encountered three sh 3/24/1978 #40638 . She hears her horses scream, and inside they seem dazed and frightened. S 4/6/1978 #40694 At 2:15 a.m. a UFO with an inside occupant was sighted by a Mr. Hak 4/25/1978 #40739 poke to the witness, then took him inside the craft. Once inside he started 5/10/1978 #40776 en took him inside the craft. Once inside he started having difficulty brea 5/10/1978 #40776 short time later her son Adas came inside to tell her that he had seen a bo 5/17/1978 #40801 short time later her son Adas came inside to tell her that he had seen a bo 5/17/1978 #40803 had a transparent dome on top and inside he could see three short humanoid 6/16/1978 #40866 ng intervals. The father went back inside and Theresa, curious about the wa 7/8/1978 #40940 umbrella-top / field. Human shapes inside / helmets and spacesuits. Traces. 7/8/1978 #40941 a blue dimly lit area. Their faces inside the helmets appeared yellowish, a 7/11/1978 #40958 ed that the car was then levitated inside a beam and brought up inside the 7/16/1978 #40980 tated inside a beam and brought up inside the craft through an opening. (NI 7/16/1978 #40980 ed that the car was then levitated inside a beam and brought up inside the 7/16/1978 #40984 tated inside a beam and brought up inside the craft through an opening. 7/16/1978 #40984 arm near Uniopolis, Ohio. She goes inside and around 10:00 p.m. notices tha 7/21/1978 #40999 own / abandoned house. 3 figure(s) inside. Going up [to] and dissolves. 8/1978 #41048 e witness noticed no signs of life inside the craft. The object emitted a k 8/15/1978 #41109 atterson's car. The witnesses fled inside the house and called the sheriff' 8/21/1978 #41135 e a UFO was seen by two motorists. Inside the craft were two figures wearin 8/23/1978 #41150 few moments later he found himself inside the object, without knowing how i 8/30/1978 #41188 athing apparatus. It invites Perez inside the craft, so he ties his horse t 9/6/1978 #41235 king the object, injuring its leg. Inside, he sees a panel with buttons and 9/6/1978 #41235 ouching the tall being and objects inside but is prevented by an invisible 9/6/1978 #41235 apparatus. He invited Juan to come inside. They boy then tied his horse to 9/6/1978 #41237 the craft's ladder and climbed in. Inside, he was able to see a panel with 9/6/1978 #41237 ature of his report was that while inside the UFO the young witness attempt 9/6/1978 #41237 ts was elevated up into the craft. Inside, five short humanoid beings surro 9/26/1978 #41355 e object. The two entities go back inside and the object takes off and disa 9/27/1978 #41364 ound. 6 small humanoids (or Greys) inside with Pope-hats. Samples? / Intern 10/25/1978 #41485 d saw six to seven humanoid beings inside. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) ( 10/25/1978 #41486 feet and sees 6–7 humanoid beings inside. They are small and humanlike, bo 10/25/1978 #41487 d saw six to seven humanoid beings inside. These were described as small an 10/25/1978 #41489 t appeared to be music coming from inside the craft. No other sound was det 11/11/1978 #41566 tholes. Small humanoids (or Greys) inside! Dupl? 11/14/1978 #41574 on the ground. Humanoids were seen inside the craft. 11/14/1978 #41575 ss became frightened and went back inside. 11/28/1978 #41637 oving figures could be seen moving inside through a large opening. (NICAP: 12/3/1978 #41685 oving figures could be seen moving inside through a large opening. 12/3/1978 #41686 hort dwarf-like humanoid was found inside, which was delivered for autopsy 12/6/1978 #41696 hort dwarf-like humanoid was found inside, which was delivered for autopsy 12/6/1978 #41698 light reflected from the glassware inside the house. She investigated and f 12/6/1978 #41700 t jammed. One of the men then went inside the UFO and came back out holding 12/6/1978 #41702 e UFO paced a car with three women inside. The object had two transparent b 12/14/1978 #41755 e UFO paced a car with three women inside. The object had two transparent b 12/14/1978 #41765 they had transparent face plates. Inside human-like faces could be seen. T 12/15/1978 #41776 d. Door opens. Pseudo-human/entity inside. Observer(s) pulled going up [to] 12/20/1978? #41814 ciousness. Later, he found himself inside the object, next to a corridor. H 12/31/1978 #41898 Mr. L. M. went to open a window inside his house in Nuoro on the island 1/2/1979 #41931 s the witness recalled being taken inside the object where she saw chairs, 1/5/1979 #41955 other room and the other went back inside the object. A reddish beam of lig 1/13/1979 #41991 t with door. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside. Observer(s) pulled going up [to] 1/15/1979? #42003 bright hovering oval-shaped craft. Inside could be seen two human-looking m 1/29/1979 #42047 bright hovering oval-shaped craft. Inside could be seen two human-looking m 1/29/1979 #42049 nt dark. But at the same time, the inside and outside were illuminated as i 3/11/1979 #42135 er through a rectangular door. The inside of the craft was brown in color a 5/16/1979 #42228 a gloved hand and pulls dos Santos inside the craft through a square doorwa 5/16/1979 #42233 h a square doorway. The atmosphere inside the craft is pleasant and cool, a 5/16/1979 #42233 d a gloved hand and pulled Arlindo inside the craft through a square shaped 5/16/1979 #42234 are shaped doorway. The atmosphere inside the craft was pleasant and cool, 5/16/1979 #42234 ended from the sky, and pulled him inside the craft by means of a blue beam 5/17/1979 #42236 own [to] near huts. Figure(s) move inside. / International UFO Reporter (CU 5/20/1979 #42240 s figures could reportedly be seen inside the craft. (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 5/26/1979 #42257 s figures could reportedly be seen inside the craft. 5/26/1979 #42263 board the craft alongside and once inside he believed he passed out. (NICAP 6/18/1979 #42287 board the craft alongside and once inside he believed he passed out. Howeve 6/18/1979 #42289 meter in diameter, at close range. Inside the dome were two very small crea 6/19/1979 #42292 on their chests depicting a cross inside a circle. Antonio lost consciousn 6/28/1979 #42309 nio lost consciousness and woke up inside a small, oval-shaped, red capsule 6/28/1979 #42309 towards the witness, who ran back inside his house. There were three other 7/15/1979 #42329 oid beings with oversize heads are inside. The object stops and hovers abov 8/4/1979 #42393 ic saucer with a transparent dome. Inside the clear dome two humanoid figur 8/4/1979 #42394 indow of her home in Surry, Maine. Inside it is an entity sitting on a box Late 8/1979 #42455 ds them. They could see two beings inside the craft through a transparent w 8/26/1979 #42465 hears glass breaking and sees the inside of the patrol car light up. After 8/27/1979 #42470 he scene shortly. Johnson is still inside the car with a red bump on his fo 8/27/1979 #42470 patrol car back to the garage. The inside light on the driver’s side is sma 8/27/1979 #42470 ding next to it. Another being was inside the transparent dome on the top o 8/29/1979 #42487 t, and then were somehow sucked up inside it. The UFO subsequently took off 9/2/1979 #42505 small metallic disc- shaped object inside her bedroom. (NICAP: 02 - Close E 9/3/1979 #42512 small metallic disc-shaped object inside her bedroom. A dozen small dwarfs 9/3/1979 #42516 rby and a beam of light lifted her inside. The interior of the craft consis 9/14/1979 #42571 ility begins at Tonopah Test Range inside Area 52, Nevada. The facility at 10/1979 #42625 and an intense blue light appeared inside the room. It brightened and then 10/6/1979 #42637 towards a black cloud with a light inside. He next remembered being in a ro 10/6/1979 #42637 nths according to priest. All stay inside. 11/1979 #42669 mselves to his legs and taking him inside the UFO. He saw no entities, only 11/5/1979 #42674 ZABETH, NJ 8+cop. 4cm red fireball inside and outside airport/apartment bui 11/8/1979 #42676 pe and hook. 3 pseudo-human/entity inside. Tears free. / r123. 11/10/1979? #42684 point the witnesses returned back inside and did not see the object depart 11/30/1979 #42730 ylinder filled with a blue liquid, inside of which floated a huge hairy ape 12/2/1979 #42737 strange sensations when he walked inside the light dome. He was met there 1/12/1980 #42843 er eyes. Scared, she locks herself inside the car and passes out. When she 1/21/1980 #42853 ring black clothing. She went back inside and looked at the creature again 2/11/1980 #42881 s with a luminous rectangular form inside. The edges of the luminous "L's" 2/11/1980 #42883 which has colored lights blinking inside it. After 5–10 minutes, it begins 3/24/1980 #42953 looks as though it has been turned inside out, and only the head, feet, and 4/1980 #42962 er stricken nephew and dragged him inside the house. From inside the house 4/20/1980 #43006 dragged him inside the house. From inside the house they could still see th 4/20/1980 #43006 d the 4 women while they "floated" inside this cloud. Worried, they went to 5/5/1980 #43030 while the women seemed to "float" inside a "cloud". Very worried, as soon 5/7/1980 #43043 ed flashes of light illuminate the inside of her truck and the surrounding 5/9/1980 #43045 approached a car with five people inside from behind, forcing the driver t 6/14/1980 #43101 ntersection. Bizarre hairy monster inside. 8/1980 (approximate) #43170 side. She could see two men seated inside, who were of normal height and wo 8/4/1980 #43178 k. Maccabee also meets Russ Curtis inside the Manzano area who says that th 8/8/1980 #43185 occurred when a car was levitated inside of a hovering circular craft. Mea 8/22/1980 #43219 s in a bright circular room, still inside the car, which sat on the flat me 8/22/1980 #43219 erver(s). UFO with 3 rings / light inside hovers motionless / 2 minute(s). 9/8/1980 #43250 object with flashing white lights. Inside, he entered an egg-shaped chamber 9/25/1980 #43283 erclockwise. Grows clouds and lost inside them! 10/14/1980 #43317 and seemed to direct its headlight inside. It moved away, shot south, stopp 10/23/1980 #43331 h stack and shine the bright light inside. It then moves off at 5–10 mph to 10/23/1980 #43336 akes. Two figures were seen moving inside a window in the craft. 11/1/1980 #43360 e humanoids could be seen standing inside from the waist up. The beings wer 11/1/1980 #43361 netic effect (EME). Abduction. Dog inside and small humanoid (or Grey) name 11/28/1980 #43438 s coming out of it. They could see inside the object, it was yellow and app Winter 1980 #43499 ims he can see large-headed beings inside. He sees Col. Williams approach t 12/28/1980 #43524 y immediately felt an intense heat inside the car and heard a loud roaring 12/29/1980 #43537 and seemed to want to examine the inside of one of them by projecting a po 1/1981 #43546 e chimney, and projected its light inside," said worker Randell Rogers, 20. 1/1981 #43546 en the projector was examining the inside of the chimney, one of the small 1/1981 #43546 owly faded from the outside to the inside until its complete disappearance. 1/23/1981 #43582 n like beings cold be clearly seen inside, one them glanced briefly at the 2/1981 #43600 rms with an insignia of a triangle inside a circle on the chest. Another be 2/10/1981 #43614 e closer to his home. The man went inside and woke his wife and son, and th 2/13/1981 #43618 point of an equilateral triangle. Inside the craft two humanoid beings cou 2/14/1981 #43619 e in the bottom of the black disc. Inside the opening the witnesses see “th 3/30/1981 #43677 ly witness, the person rushed back inside to call the others. When they cam 4/16/1981 #43712 Sandra remembered seeing humanoids inside the object, described as of norma 5/1981 #43733 wear the same costume as they had inside the UFO. The cosmonauts film the 5/14/1981 #43750 roached to a distance to 300 feet. Inside the cosmonauts saw three brown sk 5/14/1981 #43751 object with 8 windows and well-lit inside. At first it is 1/2 mile away but 5/14/1981 #43752 eventually approaches to 300 feet. Inside, the cosmonauts see three brown-s 5/14/1981 #43752 armchairs, some devices, and walls inside the craft. Using a pair of powerf 5/14/1981 #43752 , in order to retain his access to inside information. The document is the Summer 1981 #43801 dway. Dimly outlined from the glow inside the "windows" of the central mass 8/16/1981 #43909 t. As she grabs the doorknob to go inside, a lime-green pencil of light com 9/10/1981 #43941 s off, she opens the door and goes inside. The UFO then lifts into the sky 9/10/1981 #43941 His next recollection was of being inside a sphere where he was able to per 9/11/1981 #43943 His next recollection was of being inside a sphere where he was able to per 9/12/1981 #43945 ding over the surface of the lake. Inside the light appeared to be a gray m 10/8/1981 #44003 emembers seeing a desk with people inside. Suddenly it was all over. In the 11/1981 #44042 ding over the surface of the lake. Inside the light appeared to be a gray m 11/8/1981 #44056 or green coveralls were apparently inside. Apparently the craft and its occ 11/9/1981 #44058 gression he remembered being taken inside a room with mirror like walls, wh 12/15/1981 #44105 that was icy cold that had corpses inside glass cases, with humanoids who w 1982 #44142 n intact revealing a huge corridor inside; the pilot was blindfolded and ta 1982 #44144 lindfolded and taken into the jeep inside the underground complex, inside a 1982 #44144 ep inside the underground complex, inside a long corridor and interrogated 1982 #44144 of the intermediaries of “Falcon.” Inside are Air Force documents signed by 2/1982 #44174 overhead. Silent. Observer(s) runs inside. / MJ#286+J. Nyman. 2/8/1982 #44179 hen flew overhead. The witness ran inside his house to hide. The UFO made n 2/8/1982 #44181 hen flew overhead. The witness ran inside his house to hide. The UFO made n 2/8/1982 #44184 e blue and is shaped like a cloud, inside of which is an elliptical bright 2/19/1982 #44211 second being somehow had its head inside the witness's mouth. The beings w 4/20/1982 #44312 1M. 15M away. Pseudo-human/entity inside. Away fast. 5/1982 #44323 - like figures staring at her from inside the craft, and a small table insi 6/3/1982 #44360 nside the craft, and a small table inside the object. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 6/3/1982 #44360 n-like figures staring at her from inside the craft, and a small table insi 6/3/1982 #44362 nside the craft, and a small table inside the object. The two men began mov 6/3/1982 #44362 with them began barking, then ran inside. The women next heard a peculiar 7/22/1982 #44421 he women became frightened and ran inside. The police were called and searc 7/22/1982 #44421 , but the rockets remained blocked inside the planes and exploded there. Fi 8/26/1982 #44459 rough then stalled, and the lights inside flashed as the object approached. 9/1982 #44469 ck-size orange glowing-ball. Solid inside. Over power lines. 10/4/1982 (approximate) #44515 l" body was taken into the object. Inside he encountered several short bein 11/18/1982 #44574 l" body was taken into the object. Inside he encountered several short bein 11/18/1982 #44575 three humanoid silhouettes visible inside. Object rose, flew directly over 11/19/1982 #44578 three humanoid silhouettes visible inside. Object rose, flew directly over 11/19/1982 #44579 illuminated by a soft white light. Inside the window she could see three da 11/19/1982 #44580 here/orb/globe follows car. Lights inside. Laser prank? 12/21/1982 #44613 llowing his car. The light spreads inside the car as the object apparently 12/21/1982 #44616 ile. She could see 20-30 occupants inside through the windows. (NICAP: 02 - 2/3/1983 #44663 ama. She could see 20-30 occupants inside through the windows. They appear 2/3/1983 #44664 Sant, judge of Putnam County, was inside his home when he saw, along with 3/17/1983 #44690 from the center of the object and inside there was a small reddish object 3/24/1983 #44701 er watching for 5 minutes, he goes inside his house to alert his family, bu 3/24/1983 #44713 targeted Howe to find out who her inside sources were. 4/9/1983 #44741 down to cross its threshold. Once inside the craft he was asked his age an 8/12/1983 #44873 ndows and a brightly lit interior. Inside they see human-looking beings mov 8/12/1983 #44879 seemed to be behind the screen or inside. If you look through infrared wav 10/28/1983 #44964 of light approaching her. She goes inside to get her boyfriend and two chil 11/28/1983 #44996 him toward the object. He wakes up inside the UFO and an abduction scenario 12/14/1983 #45019 n a cursory briefing while sitting inside the cockpit with an instructor. J 4/26/1984 #45262 s a field and stops again. He goes inside to get his mother, who sees the o 5/6/1984 #45285 arked at him and would not let him inside. 5/6/1984 #45286 urday night. His wife was sleeping inside, and two of this neighbors had ju 5/19/1984 #45297 t, no craft could be seen. He went inside to call his two neighbors to come 5/19/1984 #45297 up with it by walking. An officer inside the plant watching security monit 7/24/1984 #45381 like a window illuminated from the inside with a yellowish light on the und 11/26/1984 #45500 object. She then noticed movement inside and saw a large round sphere pass 11/26/1984 #45501 ed light ; he was then transported inside a small hovering object. There he 12/14/1984 #45523 g an object. He then found himself inside a round white room lying on a tab Winter 1984 #45532 so of a figure was reportedly seen inside one of the discs. All object flew 12/26/1984 #45537 and abducted, and remembers being inside a blue shaft of light. 3/1/1985 #45575 and descending to the ground. The inside of the car was illuminated by the 3/15/1985 #45580 to go with the woman, who took him inside the UFO. it was very bright insid 1/15/1986 #45805 inside the UFO. it was very bright inside the craft and he saw two men wear 1/15/1986 #45805 rver. 9M saucer / ground. 6 5' men inside. Hooded tunics hide faces! 6/20/1986 (approximate) #45977 sc was about 9 meters in diameter. Inside the object he could clearly see s 6/20/1986 #45978 gave back his camera with the film inside. Some time later, he received the 7/11/1986 #46002 rned of two humanoid beings, views inside a craft (section XIII). (NICAP: 0 8/15/1986 #46056 rned of two humanoid beings, views inside a craft 8/15/1986 #46057 em on board without touching them. Inside they are laid down and given a me 8/15/1986 #46058 wearing gray coveralls, and views inside the craft. 8/15/1986 #46059 (like numerous exhaust pipes). The inside cockpit shined brightly and I fel 11/17/1986 #46139 sending beams of light heating the inside of the cockpit. When the plane fl 11/17/1986 #46140 pace Command’s Surveillance Center inside the Cheyenne Mountain Complex nea 12/1986 #46152 pace Command’s Surveillance Center inside the Cheyenne Mountain Complex nea Mid 12/1986 #46156 witnesses were able to see two men inside the craft. One was dressed in blu 1/29/1987 #46182 ccording to the remaining officer. Inside, they discover two armchairs, two Early 8/1987 #46312 all that two adults can hardly fit inside. Investigators who collect “rod-l Early 8/1987 #46312 who collect “rod-like items” from inside experience mild burns on their ha Early 8/1987 #46312 , and a bright white light is seen inside. The object hovers and maneuvers 8/11/1987 #46328 re were fir trees burning from the inside of the trunk to the outside... (? 11/12/1987 #46423 e center. Devine shoos the animals inside (no reaction to the display) and 11/23/1987 #46434 protruding circle with a red light inside blinking once per second. The bot 1/5/1988 #46514 is 45 feet high and 15 feet wide. Inside are four much brighter lights in 1/5/1988 #46515 one. An ash residue was also found inside the car. 1/20/1988 #46536 through the lowered window, swirls inside and there is a smell of decomposi 1/21/1988 #46538 k ash or dust. There was even some inside. Where could it come from? Out th 1/21/1988 #46538 lt her hair stand on end; she went inside, with her husband watched for two 2/10/1988 #46569 object hovers close to the ground. Inside the transparent midsection the wi 3/3/1988 #46608 by field. He recalled walking back inside the house. Under hypnosis he reca 5/21/1988 #46704 e in the air. They were both taken inside the object and given medical exam 5/21/1988 #46704 he lawn, into their house and back inside through the unopened front door. 5/21/1988 #46704 w, and lights can be seen flashing inside. The object emits a mist toward t 9/2/1988 #46767 ro-magnetic effects) and gets cold inside! / Dickenson & McGhee. 9/22/1988 #46781 nd the driver reported it got cold inside the car when a red light hovered 9/22/1988 #46782 cer saw another automobile nearby; inside was another witness who appeared 12/4/1988 #46896 placed in the back had disappeared inside the UFO because, in my binoculars 12/28/1988 #46916 first one had seemed to disappear inside the UFO. After having "swallowed" 12/28/1988 #46916 duced speed. Both jets disappeared inside the UFO! The UFO then split into 12/28/1988 #46922 disc a hundred meters in diameter. Inside were other naked giants, male and 1989 #46927 osted into opening of the disc and inside looked to be 10 times the size of 1/1989 #46932 yes, white skin and blue uniforms; inside of aliens had green fluid and bla 1/1989 #46932 men in white coats in a small room inside the secret S-4 facility. The docu 3/1989 #47024 disappears after the witnesses go inside to get a camera or binoculars. 3/12/1989 #47040 aircraft pilots of Regiment 57 are inside a building at the base planning f Late 3/1989 #47049 shape / rooftops. 4 figure(s) move inside. Car malfunctions due to EME (ele 4/24/1989 #47095 , tight-fitting uniforms were seen inside the object, two in the rear and t 4/24/1989 #47097 nce. Lazar claims the power plants inside the craft are so advanced they de 5/15/1989 #47131 rtal." She was then taken onboard. Inside the ship she saw an enormous zigg 6/29/1989 #47180 u, we will find others." They went inside the craft by using a ladder with 7/4/1989 #47195 h three steps. The ladder withdrew inside, the door automatically closed on 7/4/1989 #47195 . Due to the rain, a couple stayed inside their home. They received a stran 7/18/1989 #47213 minutes later, they had to go back inside due to a violent storm in the are 7/18/1989 #47213 e” that has a white, feathery mass inside floating slowly about 12 feet abo 8/1989 #47232 last long. She hesitantly accepts. Inside are three chairs, one of them occ 9/13/1989 #47298 h two eyes and a broad mouth stood inside a glowing ovoid UFO wth two landi 10/11/1989 #47369 but her voice sounded like an echo inside a “barrel.” When she tried to jum 10/11/1989 #47370 orb/globe objects by house. Figure inside landed UFO? 10/31/1989 #47409 nov was invited aboard the object. Inside, he communicated with beings thro 11/2/1989 #47422 ape. Slight dome / one end. "Fluid inside". 11/3/1989 #47426 ne end. It appeared to have "fluid inside." 11/3/1989 #47427 d rectangular windows lit from the inside. This object headed north. (VOB 1 11/29/1989 #47483 city of Euphen leaves from a point inside the city to go to Eynatten. A col 11/29/1989 #47487 Big rectangular openings lit from inside. 11/29/1989 #47507 there is as expected need-to-know inside that. Sherman is told by a Cpt. 1990 #47625 vity. Her next memory was of being inside a huge "Embryo Fertilization Room 1/30/1990 #47671 Carine P. was woken up because the inside of her room was lit up like it wa 4/16/1990 #47846 from leg pain, the woman went back inside after five minutes, but Joseph we 5/4/1990 #47878 ervous and scared, so he went back inside. The next day he would find trace 5/4/1990 #47878 of Dima's teachers. They appeared inside her house and invited her to go w 5/18/1990 #47903 , and a dark line seemed to rotate inside the windows. The object emitted a 5/30/1990 #47930 FORT ALLEN, PR Men ordered inside. Base lit / big low saucer. Jets 7/19/1990 #47989 ho were outside were ordered to go inside and remain there when their milit 7/19/1990 #47991 , which changed color to blue, the inside to the buckle was black. The witn 7/29/1990 #48008 ct appeared to be transparent, and inside three dark human-like figures wit 9/13/1990 #48078 nd a quarter moon at the back, the inside of the silhouette was filled with 11/5/1990 #48177 t looked like the tail of a comet. Inside the "empty triangle", nothing cou 11/5/1990 #48180 lights of variable intensity. The inside of this triangle is opaque, since 11/5/1990 #48181 like figure was seen moving around inside a cabin-like structure. It flew t 11/5/1990 #48240 nt of the craft, as if coming from inside, two beams of very intense light, 11/22/1990 #48265 memory was onboard a craft. He was inside a room with a window about 1 mete 1/26/1991 #48349 program during the 1940s; everyone inside had to have a Q clearance. Mary 3/16/1991 #48404 figures could be seen moving about inside and looking out. The UFO vanished 5/18/1991 #48472 mored to be locked in a vault room inside the Vatican Basilica and even the 7/1991 #48512 its top. The needles on the gauges inside the truck went wild. Steve stoppe 7/8/1991 #48522 and interior features were visible inside the object through a gap made by 8/28/1991 #48588 ructure and horizontal light beams inside the triangle; in between it appea 8/30/1991 #48596 ich illuminates the garden and the inside of the house. They go about their 10/18/1991 #48639 d who took him onboard the object. Inside the craft his eyes were examined 11/9/1991 #48654 hat he was taken to an upper floor inside the craft, and there he encounter 11/9/1991 #48654 ess rectangular shape lit from the inside with a bright white yellowish lig 11/27/1991 #48675 ed 45 minutes later he was sitting inside in his work chair. He left the ro 12/4/1991 #48688 r portholes with a yellowish light inside. These craft, as big as helicopte 12/5/1991 #48689 ed going up. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside. Point/port/platinum metal rivets 12/26/1991 #48701 , and he was apparently brought up inside the beam. He found himself inside 12/26/1991 #48702 inside the beam. He found himself inside the object looking out a window a 12/26/1991 #48702 ant and soil samples, placing them inside the canister. After awhile the hu 12/27/1991 #48703 ada" spins between hills 2km away. Inside lit. Back / late FEB'92. 1/5/1992 (approximate) #48714 on the ground. She entered it, and inside she found herself in a large gray 1/24/1992 #48741 ound. Several figures were visible inside the object, who also shone beams 2/24/1992 #48781 humanoids emerge and take Ribeiro inside the craft. The beings communicate 3/5/1992 #48804 ls worldwide. Luis was then placed inside a gas-filled sphere in the middle 3/5/1992 #48805 road. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) inside. Missing time. Possible abduction 3/9/1992 #48812 ed craft with a triangular bottom. Inside were two figures. They had long h 3/9/1992 #48813 members is sitting back in a chair inside the craft, feeling dizzy and numb 4/12/1992 #48862 me, observations of unusual lights inside a room, and puzzling body scars. 5/1992 #48889 he History Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation that 5/22/1992 #48922 Dark delta/triangle/box-like craft inside.. 5/24/1992 #48924 in humanoid behind a control panel inside the object. A nearby tree was sco 6/3/1992 #48938 th her truck that was now freezing inside. She had two hours of unaccounted 11/25/1992 #49201 he east. It had a triangular shape inside or on the side of the object that 1/30/1993 #49296 e woman is taken into a white van. Inside the van are two men dressed in bl 3/16/1993 #49366 c instruments and automatic rifles inside the van. 3/16/1993 #49366 rough the bottom of the object and inside was met by a being that seemed to 3/16/1993 #49367 gently by the arm and escorted him inside a brightly illuminated dome-shape 3/16/1993 #49367 Zsiporet felt compelled to go back inside the house and when she came out t 3/20/1993 #49373 ace." She then heard a clear voice inside her head that spoke in Hebrew, te 3/20/1993 #49376 g for him to enter the craft. Once inside he noticed that the humanoids had 3/20/1993 #49377 ce Advisor. Notes made by someone inside OSTP state that Kit Green was inv 4/15/1993 #49423 nes denies direct knowledge of any inside information re: UAP and states if 4/15/1993 #49423 what appeared to be a control room inside an enormous object. He felt motio 4/17/1993 #49429 ing he suddenly then found himself inside an oval room with a console with 4/17/1993 #49429 tanding guard. They soon went back inside. Large circular ground traces and 5/12/1993 #49466 t. He does not remember how he got inside, but realized that the object's i 5/13/1993 #49467 de, but realized that the object's inside dimensions seemed larger, by far, 5/13/1993 #49467 used her to feel a strong pressure inside her head. She was eventually rele 5/18/1993 #49475 ect and kept there for five hours. Inside she was met by two three foot tal 5/19/1993 #49477 be a robber when she heard a voice inside her head that said, "You think I 5/30/1993 #49489 oid figures were seen moving about inside. Their next conscious memory was 8/8/1993 #49621 t to a huge triangular craft. Once inside she was taken to an exam by sever 11/8/1993 #49778 ed object going north. Sky visible inside. See reference dwg. 11/19/1993 #49798 ntire area. Three figures are seen inside a doorway, one of them exited fro 1/4/1994 #49879 engine of a car with two witnesses inside died when a white sphere, the siz 2/12/1994 #49939 -up portholes with a whitish light inside appeared under the craft, which w 2/15/1994 #49941 towards the witness who went back inside to call his wife and daughter and 2/15/1994 #49941 A radio died inside the house of the witness at 10:50 3/5/1994 #49976 pt his mouth shut” due to ridicule inside the NWS. https://www.woodtv.com/ 3/8/1994 #49987 , resembling a translucent bubble. Inside they could see eight to ten figur 4/7/1994 #50019 ject was more deafening heard from inside the house than perceived from out 4/11/1994 #50028 several of whom responded and went inside the shrine to investigate. The ad 4/15/1994 #50034 Car enveloped / glow and lights / inside / car-roof. 4/21/1994 #50040 the four children huddled together inside the apartment entrance. They told 6/15/1994 #50113 the ground. She also heard a voice inside her head. The craft then moved aw 6/15/1994 #50113 He ran to his hut and watched from inside, but then the walls and roof of h 6/27/1994 #50133 act. Two or three young pines were inside these circles but had no damage. 7/13/1994 #50162 circles but had no damage. I went inside the circles and saw that the fern 7/13/1994 #50162 is esophagus or inserted something inside. 9/9/1994 #50284 o a large triangular-shaped craft. Inside the object, he found himself in a 9/11/1994 #50287 It was as if something was lit up inside, without illuminating the outside 10/2/1994 #50337 d. On the dome was a porthole, and inside a human-like head could be seen l 11/23/1994 #50424 d a “human-looking alien” standing inside his house. His next memory was ab 12/23/1994 #50467 stinctively reacts by ducking down inside the cockpit. It has small lights, 1/6/1995 #50524 tinctively reacted by ducking down inside the cockpit. It had small lights, 1/6/1995 #50525 ded crystal, with two other beings inside, "tumbled" across the road about 1/17/1995 #50552 se. She begins to panic and rushes inside her house, switching off the ligh 2/21/1995 #50629 hypnosis, Little remembered being inside a round object with several rooms 3/14/1995 #50672 blue beam 300M away. Shadows move inside! No further details. 4/5/1995 #50723 recalled being abducted and taken inside the object. There he saw two kind 5/7/1995 #50777 ucer, the witness was able to look inside. There were at least 25 small ent 5/19/1995 #50801 5 small humanoids (or Greys) stand inside! 5/19/1995 #50805 to outer space. He was then placed inside a transparent tub or tank filled 9/6/1995 #51054 Later, he vaguely remembered being inside a room with smooth walls and of l 9/24/1995 #51119 he object had numerous windows and inside she was able to see several gray- 12/13/1995 #51271 arrying a net with a strange being inside it. One of its feet is brown, and 1/20/1996 #51332 n, and military police. The bodies inside the three trucks go to the Escola 1/22/1996 #51345 t present: one, "Pan" which orbits inside the main rings, was not identifie 1/30/1996 #51368 object with luminous/glowing halo inside "bubble". Going / 30 minute(s). D 2/15/1996 #51404 r a short while and then went back inside the UFO, which promptly took off. 2/28/1996 #51430 owly. His next memory was of being inside a completely white room, where he 2/29/1996 #51431 witnesses recalled being paralyzed inside their vehicle and seeing two huma 3/6/1996 #51452 arently taken onboard a UFO, where inside they were given some form of medi 3/6/1996 #51452 Another witness remembered flying inside an object and seeing tall buildin 3/6/1996 #51452 re he could see the sphere better. Inside the transparent sphere he could s 3/7/1996 #51459 n inner circle of many red lights. Inside were four rocket-like cones, givi 4/8/1996 #51504 d two or three bright lit windows. Inside one of these he was able to see s 5/6/1996 #51546 and scaly bodies are moving around inside it. The object is top-shaped, 15– 7/9/1996 #51604 hear their voice with my ears, but inside my head. Then I felt bad. When I 7/16/1996 #51611 eared to be moved down by somebody inside the craft, while at the same time 8/20/1996 #51648 he described as an egg-shaped UFO inside of which he saw several small bei 9/14/1996 #51684 pulled into an egg-shaped object. Inside he found himself in a strange cry 9/16/1996 #51694 ns of small creatures were visible inside, apparently carrying small boxes 9/23/1996 #51708 were some very small, thin beings inside it. Next to this object was anoth 9/23/1996 #51708 if something was pulling her from inside. At the same time some kind of ap 11/24/1996 #51803 anish, invited the witness to come inside. The witness agreed and was escor 12/9/1996 #51818 he witness agreed and was escorted inside. Once inside he noticed that the 12/9/1996 #51818 reed and was escorted inside. Once inside he noticed that the interior had 12/9/1996 #51818 him a second time and disappeared inside the luminous form. The light shot 1/5/1997 #51861 0 a.m. When they got home they ran inside and woke up their father. He firs 2/16/1997 #51897 rtical cloud with streamers. Ovoid inside vanishes. 2/23/1997 #51909 this point he began to hear voices inside his head. Now having stomach pain 2/26/1997 #51915 iousness. He woke up an hour later inside his vehicle. 2/26/1997 #51915 time. She can recall seeing a man inside a plastic looking column filled w 4/15/1997 #51978 ed in white clothing moving around inside the craft. The object was circula 4/28/1997 #52002 and told that he had found himself inside a luminous room, where three mons 4/29/1997 #52003 he described as "beautiful beings" inside. After about five minutes the obj 5/14/1997 #52016 low to amber colored light within. Inside the craft he could see the silhou 5/19/1997 #52024 lf, red in color, with a black dot inside". Viewed through binoculars, the 8/11/1997 #52114 watched. Frightened, she went back inside her house and noticed that the be 9/9/1997 #52140 /h. The light appears to come from inside the UFO. Spoor rules out the poss 12/7/1997 #52206 g like a small figure was taken up inside the beam. Lights around its edge 12/14/1997 #52217 some type of helmet could be seen inside. Frightened, he ran inside his ho 1/11/1998 #52263 be seen inside. Frightened, he ran inside his house but could still see the 1/11/1998 #52263 around briefly and then went back inside the object. The object then rose 2/14/1998 #52294 light hovering above the trailers. Inside the light she saw the face and ey 2/27/1998 #52299 bout 10 minutes. Then it went back inside and the object shot vertically in 3/8/1998 #52305 ar old Antonio McCoy found himself inside a round, whitish-blue room, lying 4/13/1998 #52328 appear. It had several windows and inside several figures could be seen mov 8/15/1998 #52418 down and seemed to land somewhere inside the forest on Ardittos hill. They 9/14/1998 #52435 to pick up strength. She went back inside her house at 8 p.m., and soon aft 9/21/1998 #52441 ight. Then a figure became visible inside the white light. The figure moved 9/21/1998 #52441 on History Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation show 10/1998 #52447 triangular windows became visible. Inside the window he could see the head 11/25/1998 #52480 triangular windows became visible. Inside the window he could see a humanoi 11/29/1998 #52485 itness could see several “shadows” inside. 2/14/1999 #52526 ure with a very large head looking inside his car through a rear passenger 2/21/1999 #52535 for aerospace vehicles that travel inside self-generated air-buoyant struct 5/17/1999 #52584 ong arms. Frightened, he went back inside his house. He looked out again to 5/23/1999 #52587 gular formation with a black shape inside to the left of the highway, shini 7/15/1999 #52622 ter. Two human occupants were seen inside the craft. 7/20/1999 #52628 f Alamosa, Colorado on highway 60. Inside the cloud was a disc-shaped objec 7/24/1999 #52632 . He could not see any instruments inside the craft, but he could see five 8/14/1999 #52643 t, but he could see five occupants inside a well-lit white dome. He describ 8/14/1999 #52643 no sound. An occupant was observed inside the craft. 1/2/2000 #52747 ry strong and the beams bathed the inside of my house. "As I noticed someth 3/5/2000 #52800 ed on a small mountain. The plants inside the triangle were twisted at the 4/24/2000 #52832 om Orlando, Florida, found himself inside a huge craft surrounded by blindi 5/3/2000 #52839 Base, New Jersey. He found himself inside a very misty room surrounded by a 7/5/2000 #52868 the air. Frightened, the woman ran inside the house and summoned her husban 8/2/2000 #52884 emory was suddenly finding himself inside a very bright place, but someone 8/10/2000 #52887 ame time; it was hard to describe. Inside the enclosure he briefly met a sh 8/10/2000 #52887 focus, he saw two figures already inside the room and a third coming insid 10/15/2000 #52918 inside the room and a third coming inside. The figures appeared to be sligh 10/15/2000 #52918 m. When his vision returned he was inside a capsule-shaped craft. The insid 10/28/2000 #52922 inside a capsule-shaped craft. The inside of the capsule was dull and featu 10/28/2000 #52922 capsule was dull and featureless. Inside he was met by a tall being who ha 10/28/2000 #52922 ong that they knocked over objects inside the house. 10/29/2000 #52924 hrough a skylight and materialized inside the bedroom. The figure and the b 12/31/2000 #52969 individuals involved are personnel inside IC SAPs, black units inside corpo 4/2001 #53013 sonnel inside IC SAPs, black units inside corporate entities and select lia 4/2001 #53013 e crater is 6 inches deep, with an inside diameter of 7.9 feet, surrounded 4/1/2001 #53015 s high. He notes four indentations inside the circle that he suspects are c 4/1/2001 #53015 are caused by rainwater. The dirt inside is cracked and sere, and he finds 4/1/2001 #53015 launched from a Predator explodes inside one of the replica’s rooms; it is Early 6/2001 #53053 ee it as a dark red cloud lit from inside by squares of light. The display 6/30/2001 #53062 e (3 feet wide), that was hovering inside his barn. It was black with gray 8/1/2001 #53078 impression of being in a hospital. Inside the building she saw numerous chi 8/2/2001 #53083 ut an hour the creatures went back inside their spacecraft, and took off in 9/11/2001 #53121 tude, and had several white lights inside a red rectangular outer rim. 12/31/2001 #53164 shaped object; he then disappeared inside of it. Then the craft emitted a l 3/26/2002 #53190 ecame extremely hysterical and ran inside. The other two girls quickly foll 7/28/2002 #53232 ilent. He grabbed his video camera inside the house and began filming the o 9/15/2002 #53262 widely separated in location both inside and outside the aircraft. The eng 10/23/2002 #53290 e grass, and scorched tree trunks. Inside were four smaller circles, equidi 11/15/2002 #53311 arts screaming for him to get back inside. He retreats to the kitchen, wher 2/8/2003 #53353 at a rate of one a second. Lights inside and outside the car were also fla 2/13/2003 #53359 ked like a red rectangular window. Inside he could see movement, but at tha 5/3/2003 #53392 s her husband, Mark Murphy, who is inside. By the time he gets to the porch 8/11/2003 #53443 ated 1.8 miles away. Murphy rushes inside to get a camcorder and gets the r 8/11/2003 #53443 be used to imprison them. They ran inside the house and there the phone was 9/3/2003 #53461 thstand the wind. Everyone crowded inside, but the experiencer believed tha 9/3/2003 #53461 of them they would all be trapped inside. Between them they managed to kee 9/3/2003 #53461 es he is told that the program was inside government but under Nixon it was 10/2/2003 #53479 received an envelope from a source inside DIA that contained notes about “f 3/26/2004 #53552 e saw it she screamed and ran back inside, locking the door behind her, but 7/26/2004 #53587 red to blue. They were able to see inside the craft through a small window 7/27/2004 #53589 s an underground alien base hidden inside Ayu-Dug (Bear) Mountain, just to 8/2/2004 #53595 SAF personnel were advised to stay inside and away from the windows to prot 2005 #53675 t foot tall creature. He came back inside running and out of breath, report 10/26/2005 #53765 y. Petrified, they shut themselves inside but continued to listen intently. 1/30/2006 #53792 air of quality 20x binoculars from inside the house. What he next saw raise 4/17/2007 #53891 seemed to vibrate through him. The inside of his tent was also lit up by a 5/4/2009 #54092 ndow with small human-like figures inside looking out. 9/11/2010 #54173 ified and the reasons were because inside the doctors notes, nursing, etc. 3/13/2015 #54313 f History Channel’s “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” 5/31/2019 #54465 UAP data while AATIP was operating inside OUSDI&S. Elizondo states there is 5/26/2021 #54580 r aerospace vehicles that traveled inside self-generated “air-buoyant struc 6/25/2021 #54586 tes he came across a lot of people inside the Agency who were interested in 1/30/2022 #54629 ed a “neural interface” in a chair inside a saucer. In the book, ret. CIA a 10/20/2022 #54679 he used Merkabah meditation to go inside a “spaceship from a civilization 10/20/2022 #54679 D.,” sent him photos of a painting inside the old Hughes Aircraft building 10/20/2022 #54683 t Christopher Sharp states sources inside the Department of Defense and int 12/18/2022 #54689 deos. Ramirez also states dialogue inside the USG from official channels he 12/20/2022 #54691## Word: "inside'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
er(s). Object 'like glass lit from inside'. Silently crosses sky. 5/16/1952 #10154## Word: "insider", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
who qualified himself as a Vatican insider. From those e-mails rose up the 2/19/1954 (approximate) #14172 to contact possible crashed-saucer insider Eric A. Walker, whom Robert Sarb 8/30/1987 #46353 ilations of supposed documents and insider information discuss the alien vi 12/1987 #46445 elation, delved into the case. The insider claimed to have been the person 4/2/1997 #51963 An anonymous “government insider” tells ufologist Joe Murgia that 5/1/2021 #54576## Word: "insider's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
st William Warwick, inspired by an insider's revelation, delved into the ca 4/2/1997 #51963## Word: "insiders", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
disinformation. The FBI blackmails insiders to spread false rumors or promo 8/1956 #18164 cusses UFO stories from government insiders. Merv Griffin asks him about oc 3/27/1978 #40650 ation and maneuverability. Area 51 insiders allegedly contact him, includin 1991 #48315 collects testimony from government insiders and works on UAP communication 12/10/1994 #50451 leasing all information government insiders were telling him, but that TTSA 10/26/2017 #54366 Alleged USG “insiders” tell journalist Christopher Sh 10/14/2022 #54678## Word: "insight", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ouched hers. This account provides insight into the accusations of witchcra 1650 #513 Ann Connors, “Alfred Loedding: New Insight on the Man behind Project Sign,” 12/30/1947 #6484 to fully research gaining valuable insight otherwise impossible. PJ was puz 1962 #22694## Word: "insightful", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Music critic Greg Sandow writes an insightful analysis of the case in 1997. 11/30/1989 #47533## Word: "insights", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ours and left Cardan with profound insights and intriguing perspectives. 8/13/1491 #325 ells Jarrold this, along with some insights into a geological cataclysm and 12/1953 #13908 surely be one of the most stunning insights into our universe that science 8/7/1996 #51628## Word: "insignia", 41 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tall) in military uniforms (but no insignia), each wearing an odd-looking c Summer 1901 #2075 a matte metallic gray. There is an insignia on the dome resembling the lett Summer 1937 #3381 rical, painted gray-green, with no insignia, and rested on two wide skids. 1945 #4153 shoe with a Royal Air Force (RAF) insignia that may have belonged to one o 8/2/1947 #6181 of a running greyhoud. This is the insignia of a King's Messenger and will 8/2/1947 #6181 d crew wore green fatigues with no insignia or rank identity. KA states la 4/12/1954 #14318 outfits with a dark triangle-like insignia on their chest. They glided abo 11/15/1959 #21573 stands. There were no markings or insignia on the saucer. It had no rivet 4/1962 #22790 e desert of New Mexico. It bore an insignia that strangely resembled the lo 4/24/1964 #24047 n 30 m of the object, he saw a red insignia on its aluminumlike surface. It 4/24/1964 #24057 oming from beneath. He notes a red insignia or lettering on the side of the 4/24/1964 #24063 he sees an egg shaped UAP with an insignia on the side on the ground; a ha 4/30/1964 #24103 cientist or doctor, and he wore an insignia of three rings on his chest. An 8/16/1965 #25431 visible motors, propellers, jets, insignia, or identifying marks of any ki Mid 10/1965 #25707 ht it was a sergeant... he had the insignia on his right arm and some kind 3/23/1966 #26137 and wearing clothing with a square insignia on the torso. As they leave the Autumn 1966 #27107 both arms. On his chest he wore an insignia of white dots, and he wore a wh 5/15/1967 #28679 ras, Spain. The photo shows an "H" insignia on the bottom of the craft. The 6/1/1967 #28793 with what appeared to be a Russian insignia" as well as what seemed to be f 6/15/1967 #28858 site were men in fatigues without insignia. RT was assigned guard duty. RT 7/3/1967 #28969 meter, and bearing a black mark or insignia. Next to it appear two figures 8/24/1967 #29307 meter, and bearing a black mark or insignia. Near it appeared two figures a 8/24/1967 #29312 eter. It also bore a black mark or insignia. Next to it appeared two human 8/24/1967 #29316 them he could see a small flag or insignia showing a crowned seahorse foll 12/30/1972 #34075 six meters in diameter, and had an insignia shaped like a black circle with 12/19/1973 #35582 er car, and she was able to see an insignia on the UFO that resembled "math 9/3/1974 #36500 re a black uniform with a belt and insignia. Mr. Higdon could not remember 10/25/1974 #36648 id zigzags and hovers over school. Insignia / side. 10/29/1974 #36658 s chest there is a white trapezoid insignia. The entity is carrying somethi 12/14/1975 #38071 ed boxes on their backs and had an insignia on their chests. He was floated 6/18/1979 #42287 ed boxes on their backs and had an insignia on their chests. He was floated 6/18/1979 #42289 -piece white garment with a golden insignia: a triangle with a 7-branched s 7/1980 #43128 of 37 ft. diameter with trilateral insignia on object. USAF still has an in 11/17/1980 #43403 lic blue coverall uniforms with an insignia of a triangle inside a circle o 2/10/1981 #43614 way to work, who removes the rank insignia from Bond’s flight suit with a 4/26/1984 #45262 reported as similar to the “Ummo” insignia reported in Western Europe in t 9/27/1989 #47328 to have been similar to the "UMMO" insignia reported in Western Europe in t 9/27/1989 #47330 Russia. A horizontal "H" symbol or insignia was seen on the craft. 10/11/1989 #47369 te tunics which they had a strange insignia over the right breast. He was l 2/29/1996 #51431 alls and had some type of red-star insignia on their uniforms. 6/26/1997 #52070 ng white coveralls with a red star insignia on their chests. Another tall h 7/11/1998 #52382## Word: "insignias", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
numerous reports. In all cases, no insignias or identifying marks were visi 1945 #4158## Word: "insignificant", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
al functions deemed “too subtle or insignificant to be evident.” 5/12/1969 #31736 itional savings of $300 million is insignificant. Analysts point out that s 11/22/1989 #47464## Word: "insist", 17 instance(s) (Back to Top)
but before agreeing to it we must insist upon full access to discs recover 7/10/1947 #5966 tion of crashed saucers)...we must insist upon full access to discs recover 7/15/1947 #6053 ore disappearing." These witnesses insist that these aerial lights moved mu 9/12/1947 (approximate) #6327 before it vanishes. All observers insist these are not meteors and are mor 3/8/1949 #7171 personnel deny this accusation and insist that they have removed only a sin 8/15/1950 #8513 ng at high velocity. The engineers insist the objects are not geese, which 3/14/1951 #8985 affected by the earth’s wars, and insist they are on a mission to rescue a 8/17/1953? #13619 aucer. We refused and they did not insist. They got into their craft which 9/24/1954 #15212 / 4M altitude. Several observer(s) insist.. no plane. / r8#431. 11/6/1957 #19647 , the two who have remained inside insist the rifle had not been removed an Late 11/1961 #22653 viet missiles in Cuba and does not insist on his demands concerning the rem 10/28/1962 #23268 t the base. Coral and Jim Lorenzen insist they heard the story from a relia 4/30/1964 #24098 imals had been agitated. Then they insist that the figure was just a passer 5/24/1964 #24174 ehind an opaque window. He did not insist, turned around and disappeared in 4/24/1977 #39488 eir captive for a ride, which they insist will not last long. She hesitantl 9/13/1989 #47298 o see what was happening, I didn't insist on waking him up. The big white s 10/2/1994 #50337 ck the spheres on radar. Officials insist the objects are not Chinese drone 8/1/2012 #54228## Word: "insisted", 13 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e he saw his "gentleman" again who insisted: - Trust me, Martin, my friend. 1/15/1816 #908 nly the ground settling. But Henry insisted that what he had heard sounded 4/1879 #1312 uary 1996, Jorge Hernandez, dying, insisted on making a declaration to the 9/1899 #2052 oadcasting Company, Joseph Rohrer, insisted he was telling the truth when h 7/22/1952 #11006 ree San Pedro policemen last night insisted they saw an object glowing with 7/27/1952 #11254 it a flying saucer. The L.A. Times insisted the next day it was something t 8/6/1952 #11655 the answer to the UFO mystery, and insisted that he will go to jail if he r 9/28/1953 #13745 , at 06:30 P.M. One passenger, who insisted on remaining anonymous, succeed 2/2/1967 #27703 etc. Lya told him that the aliens insisted that all nuclear tests must com 4/22/1975 #37166 was no other hair on his body. He insisted that humans on our planet were 10/28/1976 #38934 his superior, the soldier Tichaev insisted on the absence of noise caused 7/28/1989 #47223 just flown over their house. They insisted that it wasn't a "stealth aircr 11/22/1994 #50421 into the sky when discovered. They insisted that what they saw could not ha 9/9/2005 #53742## Word: "insistence", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
und and looked at its pursuer with insistence and curiosity. Then, without 10/20/1967 #29707 which was looking at its calf with insistence. The calf also began to bello 10/25/1970 #32598 e cemetery after 10 minutes at the insistence of the daughter, the mother w 11/28/1989 #47473## Word: "insistent", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ain when a second call became more insistent. This time he distinctly saw a 1/15/1816 #908 nned. The men were polite but very insistent about one thing: they wanted e 1/28/1967 #27674## Word: "insistently", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
oor. She heard a voice clearly and insistently calling. She got up, went to 3/7/1972 #33395 Călin Turcu hears his dog barking insistently in the backyard of his home 12/11/1974 #36738## Word: "insisting", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
edge of the Deros and their caves, insisting he had been their prisoner for 11/1943 #3839 her senior staff because he is now insisting on no old cases and no “case b 11/13/1967 #29900 essive," she was quoted as saying, insisting they were not normal aircraft. 3/20/1973 #34258 ceman continued on his way without insisting. (April 17, 2000) 4/17/2000 #52827## Word: "insists", 27 instance(s) (Back to Top)
from Maine, Elmer H. Benjamin, who insists his only inventions are dental f 11/22/1896 #1566 s. His companion is frightened and insists on returning to the village. 5/1931 #3117 sylvania 2:30 a.m. A man who still insists on anonymity in 1964 is driving Summer 1933 #3202 en, although Swedish Defense Staff insists that they are rockets.” 8/16/1946 #4697 President Truman. General Marshall insists that its contents remain secret. 9/19/1947 #6343 ls it a “ray or blob of light” and insists it is not a meteor. 2/20/1948 #6575 ickly west. 6K' altitude. No plane insists observer(s). 4/2/1950 #8094 te at Lund, though Captain Rudbuck insists the object was lit and was obser 1/26/1951 #8892 z about the green fireballs and he insists they are not meteors. 8/28/1951 #9201 “J.W.,” a resident of Jupiter. Lee insists on a physical visit. Not long af 9/1953 #13683 they can see nothing. Ground radar insists the blip is right there with the 10/1954 #15353 sees nothing unusual, but Neasham insists a spaceship is hiding behind som 7/5/1959 #21264 behind some fluffy clouds. He also insists that he later contacted Washingt 7/5/1959 #21264 missiles, which the Soviet leader insists “are intended solely for defensi 10/23/1962 #23244 erts is unaware of that one. Jones insists on keeping an open mind about re 2/27/1965 #24783 about “this mirage you saw.” Spaur insists he has seen a clearly defined me 4/18/1966 #26451 gth at 500,000, while the military insists it is only 270,000. No amount of 9/1967 #29377 o old cases and no “case book.” He insists on including everything in which 11/13/1967 #29900 in “revelations” that he afterward insists on keeping secret. He apparently 5/4/1969 #31718 a rare public address in which he insists that the CIA does not surveil do 4/14/1971 #32810 o not take him seriously. He later insists that the object and the “soldier 9/12/1971? #33091 ed over to the US Air Force, which insists it only has one memo from USAF L 9/18/1976 #38821 ng an abduction experience, but he insists the experience is real. Summer 1985 #45624 mment on these photos. Dr. Makeyev insists and says that the photographs ar 3/1988 #46602 entrepreneur in the region and he insists on the strictest anonymity. In t 6/16/1991 #48502 pated in the alleged operation. He insists to journalists that nothing unus 5/8/1996 #51548 es, they use a priori logic, which insists that if extraterrestrials exist, 5/6/2008 #54008## Word: "inslaw", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Inslaw Israel Ronald Reagan Fabrizio Cal 1982 #44138 (PROMIS) developed by private firm Inslaw to aid prosecutors in tracking ca 1982 #44138 aid prosecutors in tracking cases. Inslaw claims that the feds withheld pay 1982 #44138 Washington, D.C., in the 1980s—the Inslaw case, about a software manufactur 8/10/1991 #48560 Michael Riconosciuto, who provided Inslaw Inc. with an affidavit in support 5/13/1992 #48915 y Casolaro and was involved in the Inslaw Inc. trial, but it is unknown if 5/13/1992 #48915## Word: "insofar", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
The flying saucers, long grounded insofar as Colorado is concerned, were a 10/15/1951 #9338## Word: "insolent", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t reached its maximum height, this insolent apparition violently illuminate 1/24/1970 #32221## Word: "insolite", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rançois Breuil begins publishing L’Insolite in Mâcon, Saône-et-Loire, Franc 7/1975 #37328## Word: "insolites", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
founds the Sciences et Phénomènes Insolites du Ciel et de l’Aéronautique i 5/2001 #53034## Word: "insolito", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
gins publishing a monthly journal, Insolito, in 1975. 1972 #33326 Ufologici begins publishing Cielo Insolito, a journal of UFO history edite 6/2016 #54332## Word: "insolitos", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
studos Astronomicos e de Fenómenos Insolitos is founded in Porto, Portugal. 1972 #33326## Word: "insomnia", 14 instance(s) (Back to Top)
not moved. They both suffered from insomnia after the incident. Police repo 10/19/1954 #16180 observer(s). Partial paralysis and insomnia later. / r30. 10/1/1967 (approximate) #29583 r, an elderly woman suffering from insomnia, was up late in her apartment i 4/24/1972 #33481 d. For two weeks she suffered from insomnia, and vivid images repeatedly ca 12/10/1976 #39035 h suffered from conjunctivitis and insomnia after the encounter. 7/24/1977 #39802 his head, and later suffered from insomnia. The next day an eight meter in 1/6/1978 #40397 s from nervousness, headaches, and insomnia. Not long afterward, he is hypn 3/18/1978 #40614 in Boardman, Ohio, suffering from insomnia. She sees something flashing ou 6/1979 #42271 of time. They experience anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and bewilderment 11/7/1989 #47435 hough he is not usually subject to insomnia. Glancing out the window, he wa 3/22/1991 #48414 mely bright. Lights area. Pain and insomnia after. 10/4/1992 #49129 Ain, France who was suffering from insomnia observed a very shiny luminous 8/11/1999 #52641 nose; she was later to suffer from insomnia. They may have experienced miss 10/19/2000 #52919 owed by excruciating headaches and insomnia. 5/23/2018 #54408## Word: "inspect", 38 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ith the projector and X-rays, they inspect the inside of houses and can eve 4/22/1897 #1913 eaking a foreign language" came to inspect the area around the spot where t 5/7/1909 #2286 he air. These characters seemed to inspect the perimeter of the object and 3/1935 #3294 for base security, to immediately inspect the debris field, led by Brazel, 7/6/1947 #5533 clear and calm night. Search teams inspect the site where the plane is supp 12/27/1948 #7028 +12 Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) inspect. Metal saucer circles base / err 2/24/1950 #7809 PALEMBANG, SUMATRA, INSPECT 3+1 observer(s). Ovoid larger / 4/7/1953 #13298 mes out of the maintenance room to inspect a power unit that has caused a m 6/30/1953 #13499 SOUTHEAST / JAKARTA, INSPECT Several observer(s). Metal sauce 12/4/1956 #18539 e crossed the road and appeared to inspect the craft. He wore a blue covera 11/23/1958 #20839 e crossed the road and appeared to inspect the craft. The UFOnaut wore a bl 11/23/1958 #20840 rminator” visits them, offering to inspect their rented premises for free. 1960 #21643 EAST / SUNBURST, MT 4 inspect men. 3 saucers going west. Stop. 10/1963 (approximate) #23781 hereafter. As they all walk out to inspect the area of the initial sighting 8/19/1965 #25449 1964 Chevy truck, had to stop and inspect the vehicle when its engine stal 1/5/1967 #27503 y truck when he had to get out and inspect his vehicle when the engine stal 1/5/1967 #27506 A 2 observer(s). Odd shadows / men inspect septic excavation. Strange voice 2/1970 #32239 del Este, Uruguay. Fuentes goes to inspect the electrical generators and di 10/28/1972 #33961 nged. The witness wanted to go and inspect the area but his wife held him b 2/28/1974 #35834 BERHALA STRTS, INSPECT Steamship Shinto Maru. 2 10M dom 4/6/1975 #37135 .m. Farmer Danie van Graan goes to inspect his sheep enclosure at Loxton, N 7/31/1975 #37423 ure(s) / white plastic suits exit. Inspect bomb shelter! 4/19/1977 #39462 ey circled the car and appeared to inspect it. Their skin also appeared gre 9/17/1978 #41304 nt out. He took a flashlight to go inspect the villa. He saw no one, only t 12/6/1978 #41690 their corral. The engineers go to inspect the landing spot and find a larg 5/1/1979 #42203 t back in his car and drove off to inspect his vines. A subsequent investig 7/25/1979 #42356 an anything else. They appeared to inspect the craft, and then were somehow 9/2/1979 #42505 n. I then got out of my vehicle to inspect the surroundings and check the d 11/25/1979 #42705 witness calls the Gendarmerie, who inspect the garden and take some samples 10/21/1982 #44548 of the Toolern Vale stables (they inspect the paddock but find no traces), 7/22/1983 #44846 a red beam of light that seemed to inspect the water, like a probe. Sometim 10/28/1983 #44964 James Doolittle went to Sweden to inspect a saucer that crashed in Spitsbe 12/29/1987 #46484 und an open walkway. It appears to inspect a garbage bin, climbs a wall, an 2/1991 #48353 EL PAPAYO BEACH, PR Inspect agents. Several observer(s). Hug 11/1991 #48644 e the proper security clearance to inspect those files. As Greer informs a 4/10/1997 #51977 DENPASAR, BALI, INSPECT Multi-color sphere stops over to 2/3/2000 #52775 ng. Many other people then came to inspect the site. 3/5/2000 #52800 f one of the objects and seemed to inspect their craft. When they turned ar 11/28/2000 #52944## Word: "inspected", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
is so remote that the site is not inspected until 1927 by a team led by Ru 6/30/1908 #2222 ircled strategic installations and inspected them with searchlights. An air 1945 #4158 emed to be floating. This creature inspected their vehicle. 9/13/1952 #12172 away. They locked the car as "it" inspected the vehicle, glided away and w 9/13/1952 #12181 witness fled in fear. The area was inspected later and circular traces of b 6/1970 #32371 s vehicle, a Ford Cortina 71TC, is inspected and found to have a dead batte 2/5/1979 #42063 ures descended from the object and inspected the surroundings, at one point 9/13/1986 #46095## Word: "inspected-rejected", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
minutes of conscious memory; felt "inspected-rejected." 8/26/1984 #45418## Word: "inspecting", 25 instance(s) (Back to Top)
May 16 he had seen five strangers inspecting the Caerphilly Mountain area. 5/18/1909 #2324 d cold, ammonia-scented air. After inspecting it for around 10 minutes, he 1933 #3178 ident of the Shell Oil Company, is inspecting Shell branch offices in Europ 8/19/1946 #4703 his secretary Virginia Raunig are inspecting the Great Falls, Montana, bas 8/15/1950 #8513 he morning Mrs. X. made her rounds inspecting the livestock, accompanied by 1951 #8829 ree figures in tight-fitting suits inspecting the ground with the help of l 11/14/1954 #16622 ed from French) Three workers were inspecting and repairing the Canadian Na 7/1960 #21877 bject on the northwest side, as if inspecting it.” One seems to turn in a s 4/24/1964 #24063 ds were standing around apparently inspecting the area except for one that 7/20/1968 #30723 ench) Mountaineer Keo Wha Unan was inspecting a rock formation in the upper 6/15/1974 #36255 bet Mountain guide Keo Wha Unan is inspecting the outer perimeter of a rock 6/15/1974 #36259 open at once. The humanoids, after inspecting the interior of the craft, re 9/3/1974 #36500 a spreading. Two days later, while inspecting his tobacco field, he finds a 7/6/1975 #37349 scene from Ellsworth. As Raeke is inspecting the rear fence line, he (alle 11/16/1977 #40203 Jean noticed that the aliens were inspecting the ornaments on the Christma 1/4/1979 #41948 Jean noticed that the aliens were inspecting the ornaments on their Christ 1/5/1979 #41956 to see five strange looking beings inspecting the cages. Two of the beings 3/3/1980 #42908 eet. After returning from his tour inspecting telephone wires, fighter Zhan 6/7/1981 #43775 rom the north in a zigzag pattern, inspecting the ground and making a brigh 7/15/1988 #46736 a great distance. It seemed to be inspecting the surrounding clouds. (11 P 3/31/1990 #47811 f the situation and were intent on inspecting the terrain and plants, const 3/11/1992 #48818 ts and his ears were buzzing. Upon inspecting his vehicle he noticed that p 9/24/1995 #51119 k eyes. The humanoids seemed to be inspecting a silverware tray, sliding it 10/19/1997 #52180 seen walking back and forth as if inspecting the area. 9/18/1998 #52439 n and continues driving home. Upon inspecting her car, she finds a cream- c 11/27/1998 #52482## Word: "inspection", 22 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ed like an immense star. On closer inspection it was noticed that the fanta 1/24/1897 #1621 ked like a big star, but on closer inspection, the light emanating from it 2/1/1897 #1628 airship was publicly presented for inspection. (Chapter 1, Ref 61) 11/22/1897 #2015 rs, William D. Proctor. During the inspection, Brazel discovers a large deb 7/5/1947 #5516 eed radar target appears during an inspection visit at Goose Bay AFB [now C Summer 1948 #6713 rmelo Papotto was making his usual inspection tour of the farm guards in th 10/25/1954 (approximate) #16315 The object moves off to the west. Inspection of the house the next day rev 2/1959 #20980 ightest movement. After making its inspection tour, the disc returned to it Spring 1959 #21075 dson to President Eisenhower over “inspection of secret aircraft” rumors of 1/31/1960 #21667 iberately and intentionally in its inspection of the tree, making short sto Summer 1960 #21868 nter two Martians. "I was doing my inspection round when I heard a whistlin 12/12/1962 (approximate) #23343 ning down to examine the hull. The inspection finished, they got back into 7/26/1965 #25173 shortly afterwards. A preliminary inspection of the site revealed that the 11/6/1967 #29861 hill about a mile away. On closer inspection, it proves to be a hovering U 7/11/1969 #31886 e finds he can restart the car. An inspection of the vehicle the next day r 11/30/1972 #34026 I took to be children.” On closer inspection, he sees that some of the fig 2/19/1973 #34198 the ground, all sounds stopped. On inspection, she found no ground marks or 9/3/1976 #38754 ned upwards. Hardly had this quick inspection finished when the terrifying 12/6/1978 #41690 of high-powered binoculars. Closer inspection revealed that it was a disc o 12/16/1978 #41779 r’s engine and leaves the area. An inspection of the car finds nothing to a 7/6/1982 #44406 own one of the chimneys. After its inspection, it flies straight through th 3/12/1991 #48398 ating in the wind. But upon closer inspection, there was something strange. 6/1999 #52591## Word: "inspector", 54 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ted from French) Report written by Inspector of Police Liabeuf: "At five o' 6/12/1790 #808 from a June 17 report by a Police Inspector Liabeuf and forwarded to the F 6/12/1790 #809 nslated from French) In the night, Inspector Hemer of the Liverpool police 7/6/1838 #1017 BROME, SUFFOLK Government inspector. Cylinder/cigar-shape flies in 5/16/1909 #2318 he ends. At 7:45 p.m. a government inspector named Hervey in Broome, Suffol 5/16/1909 #2320 i, Annam, by Mr. Delingette, chief inspector of the local meteorological st 6/16/1909 #2351 nel for December 24, 1909.) Police Inspector Frank Metcalf (Springfield, Ma 12/23/1909 #2446 LOS ANGELES, CA Aircraft inspector. "Lima-bean" flies over Elysia 7/4/1947 #5423 ning to the city to the southeast. Inspector Frazier of the police arrived 8/19/1947 #6272 pt. James F. Duesler Jr., Base Air Inspector Lt. Col. E. Garrison Wood, and 1/7/1948 #6526 os, NM AFOSI Case 26; 00:10 - AESS Inspector Reports High Speed Light (NICA 3/2/1949 #7160 Martinez Soto, government airport inspector, saw an object moving in a str 3/13/1950 #7900 rench) In Oakland (California), an Inspector of Metal Engineering observed 3/10/1952 #9650 Oakland, CA An engineering metals inspector watched two dark wing (or hemi 3/10/1952 #9652 a 6:45 a.m. Clarence K. Greenwood, inspector of engineering metals, sees tw 3/10/1952 #9653 os Alamos (New Mexico), a security inspector sees 4 red-white-green lights 11/12/1952 #12622 amos, New Mexico Witness: security inspector. Four red-white-green lights 11/12/1952 #12627 d of the tests. In a 1975 Pentagon Inspector General’s report, the military 9/15/1953 #13725 as. According to Jean-Luc Bruneau, inspector general at the Commissariat à 8/16/1954 #14872 INTE-AUX-OIES, FR Railroad/railway inspector takes 2 photographs / saucer. 10/24/1954 #16295 ins 7:30 p.m. A Texas state border inspector is driving 3 miles southeast o 11/4/1957 #19545 burg, S. Africa Airport instrument inspector, others watched reddish-white 4/11/1958 #20306 A short time later a fish and game inspector did stop and took the note to 2/28/1959 #21034 case came to the attention of the inspector general, who ordered a new inv 2/28/1959 #21034 US Air Force Inspector General brief to Operations an 12/24/1959 #21622 j. Gen. Richard E. O’Keefe, acting inspector general of the Air Force, issu 12/24/1959 #21627 General Richard E. O’Keefe, Acting Inspector General, recently warned that 12/24/1959 #21628 hanic in Durban. His firm hired an inspector named George. George lived in 1960 #21641 LEXINGTON, KY Postal inspector. Large saucer east going west. 1/24/1963 #23406 on 1:00 a.m. Department of Justice Inspector Robert E. Kerringer [or is it 1/12/1965 #24661 SANTA ANA, CA Highway inspector. 3 good photographs / 4' hat-s 8/3/1965 #25289 The investigation was entrusted to Inspector José Venancio Bittencourt of t 8/20/1966 #26941 etermine the cause of their death. Inspector Bittencourt is categorical on 8/20/1966 #26941 or 17, was natural (heart attack). Inspector Bittencourt did not make the l 8/20/1966 #26941 t UFO project, to be led by former inspector general at the Commissariat à 1967 #27477 result is a 133-page report by CIA Inspector General John S. Earman, transm 4/24/1967 #28532 s’s own. He says he described the [inspector general’s] conclusions and tha 5/10/1967 #28638 his Agency.” The CIA Office of the Inspector General compiles these into a 5/9/1973 #34386 John B. Alexander on behalf of the inspector General of the Pentagon. 12/29/1980 #43527 : "In 1982, Department of the Army Inspector General (DAIG) ordered Lt. Col 1982 #44131 police Sgt. Barry Harman and Chief Inspector Hickman also see the UFO above 7/22/1983 #44846 ian Perrin de Brichambaut, general inspector of the National Meteorology Of 9/1/1983 #44899 flee to the basement. The building inspector for Torrington sees a “cigar w 1/9/1986 #45802 At 2:45 a.m. a police inspector in Hendale, England saw a brig 11/24/1990 #48276 ho are quickly on the scene. Chief Inspector Yitzhak Mordechai is also aler 11/6/1991 #48648 o, half embedded in the wall, said Inspector Delrish Moss. Nearby there is 12/2/1997 #52204 te: The emails also reveal the DOD Inspector General (DOD/IG) interviewed s 11/5/2015 #54317 ees, with committee lawyers and an Inspector General representative present 12/2022 #54685 ess and the Intelligence Community Inspector General classified data on cov 6/2023 #54714 ess and the Intelligence Community Inspector General extensive classified i 6/5/2023 #54715 written to Intelligence Community Inspector General Thomas Monheim followi 8/21/2023 #54729 from the intelligence community's inspector general regarding an alleged U 8/23/2023 #54732 ts to the Intelligence Community's Inspector General. Pentagon spokesperson 9/1/2023 #54741 ly with the Intelligence Community Inspector General. Matt Ford had previou 9/4/2023 #54742## Word: "inspector-general", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e CIA allegations conducted by CIA Inspector-General Frederick Hitz, an inv 8/18/1996 #51647 allegations by Justice Department Inspector-General Michael Bromwich, and 8/18/1996 #51647## Word: "inspectors", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
C project and AEC Security Service inspectors. He appears to be impressed, 4/28/1948 #6646 At 1:15 p.m. 16 A.E.S.S. inspectors watched an aluminum colored, 2/24/1950 #7816 55 p.m. Witnesses: twelve security inspectors from the Atomic Energy Commis 2/25/1950 #7817 os Alamos, New Mexico, 12 security inspectors from the AEC observe a silver 2/25/1950 #7818 Atomic Energy Commission security inspectors. One cylinder with tapered e 2/25/1950 #7821 Atomic Energy Commission security inspectors sighted a cylindrical UFO at 2/25/1950 #7822 line and military pilots, security inspectors and “many other persons of va 2/19/1952 #9601## Word: "inspects", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the rain the night before, Brazel inspects the pastures surrounding the J. 7/5/1947 #5516 he room and tell their father, who inspects the room but finds nothing. 7/4/1951? #9095 COJUTEPEQUE, EL SALVADOR 6.5' man inspects 12M UFO then flies. Men in Blac 11/23/1958 #20838 /visual of landed UFO; strike team inspects; four hours. 8/24/1966 #26969 not allowed to conduct semiannual inspects of the aerospace contract in qu 7/24/1986 #46016 s in a state of disorientation. He inspects the damaged tire, sees dents in 1/20/1988 #46535## Word: "inspiration", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Flying Saucers which freely draws inspiration from the UFO research conduc 12/31/1956 #18578 he Swiss Alps. Semjase will be his inspiration for music and other inventio 1971 #32675## Word: "inspire", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e natural occurrences were used to inspire societal change. 1660 #519 r Ottawa, Ontario, but it does not inspire any UFO reports. 9/8/1952 #12140## Word: "inspired", 15 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ses... Jerome Clark and John Keel, inspired by an old fiction story in a 19 Late Summer 1939 #3475 d by Lieutenant-General Massey and inspired by the reports of a spy who, in 12/18/1943 #3858 they are natural or artificial or inspired by “individuals of Communist sy 7/9/1947 #5917 aska Gen. Charles Cabell, possibly inspired by the Kodiak, Alaska, case, se Late 1/1950 #7756 vie The Day the Earth Stood Still, inspired by a series of incidents involv 12/27/1951 #9482 le "Have We Visitors From Space?", inspired by several top officers in the 4/7/1952 #9763 black eyes but he had a face that inspired trust and invited friendliness. 7/7/1957 (approximate) #18976 n Baltimore) declares that Carr is inspired by the “Divine Master St. Germa 4/19/1959 #21142 e in Dulce, New Mexico. The papers inspired and are included in The Matrix 12/1987 #46445 c before it is revealed as a hoax. Inspired by the Tully, Australia, crop c 9/9/1991 #48603 lor, “the pictographs they created inspired a second wave of crop artists. 9/9/1991 #48603 t. Col. Ángel Bastida admits it is inspired by several questionnaires that 3/31/1992 #48851 French) GARZA: I don't know if it inspired American filmmakers, but for th 9/16/1992 #49085 gative journalist William Warwick, inspired by an insider's revelation, del 4/2/1997 #51963 vast hidden COG infrastructure has inspired paranoid myths about alleged un 2/7/2022 #54632## Word: "inspires", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Jacobsen, the confusion allegedly inspires Joseph Stalin to create a simil 10/30/1938 #3445 h. The interest in green fireballs inspires the creation of an informal gro 12/20/1948 #7026 aporates in 25 minutes. This event inspires producer Jack H. Harris to ask 9/26/1950 #8608## Word: "inspiring", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
time this face took an expression inspiring confidence. The lips moved as 10/4/1975 #37700## Word: "instability", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ects there had undergone a certain instability and peculiarity in character 7/30/1957 #19069 nearly impossible due to inherent instability. The flight test report furt 6/9/1961 #22362## Word: "instagram", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lished by mistake and removed from Instagram soon after it goes live. A tec 8/8/2019 #54489## Word: "install", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ell Jr. authorize FBI break-ins to install bugs during national security in 5/20/1954 #14473 o break into homes and offices and install surveillance microphones without 5/20/1954 #14473## Word: "installation", 37 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ght arc-light source at a military installation on Eiswerder island. 9/26/1870 #1224 name Oz, takes control of the Nazi installation containing the disk, and br 7/1941 #3566 vered saucers, saucer near a radar installation, exotic metals, acclimation 1/6/1950 #7712 trange craft in the sky at a NORAD installation. The UFO swung like a pendu 1/1/1952 #9524 US Every Air Force installation in U.S. swamped with UFO re Mid 7/1952 #10785 A U.S. Air Force radar installation in Port Austin, Michigan pi 8/6/1952 #11673 d of Groom Lake. Work began on the installation under the direction of Lock 4/12/1955 #17116 k” had begun “on a small satellite installation” within the Las Vegas Bombi 5/18/1955 #17172 ties and modifications” to a small installation near Groom Lake (now known 5/18/1955 #17172 ection of Fort Campbell, a US Army installation. City, county, state, and m 8/21/1955 #17444 here hovered over an Army military installation in Arlington, Virginia at 1 1/21/1957 #18639 5pm. Airman at the Air Force radar installation at Angel's Peak, 30 miles N 6/17/1959 #21211 He thinks it might be a new light installation and moves on. The next day, 10/4/1966 #27149 n and American governments for the installation of a JDSRF at Pine Gap (Aus 12/9/1966 #27422 old, security guard in a military installation was working that night and 1/31/1968 #30199 r the US Air Force radio telescope installation at Sagamore Hill, Highway 1 4/17/1968 #30419 rimarily as a Cosmic Ray measuring installation. The operators of the obser 5/17/1968 #30485 arley Peterson, was working on the installation of a pump at the dam. (...) 8/1969 #31937 assified aerospace projects at the installation. Doty states the 7602nd wou 10/11/1973 #34969 g lights descended over a military installation in Ventorro, Spain. It was 6/13/1974 #36246 are being flown to a “secret naval installation” on an island in the Pacifi 3/14/1975 #37054 ra Aitana, Spain 6:00 a.m. A radar installation in the mountains had a clos 7/28/1975 #37412 six o'clock in the morning a radar installation in the mountains of Sierra 7/28/1975 #37413 ce interest beyond security of the installation.” 11/11/1975 #37954 assified aerospace projects at the installation. Doty states the 7602nd wou 1980's #42816 ered just 30 feet over a large oil installation. It emitted beam of light t 6/5/1980 #43084 rted to the Top Secret underground installation within Fort Hood, Texas. Th 12/29/1980 #43526 from Norton AFB to an underground installation and told he was to photogra 1/1989 #46932 area, right in front of the radar installation. He said that one day he wa 1991 #48311 r briefly near NSA M-wave facility/installation. 2/7/1992 #48766 through the windows of his modest installation, a strange light floating 2 6/1993 #49491 zern, Switzerland A military radar installation near Luzern, Switzerland, d 3/8/1995 #50658 r telephone device and on the bell installation in the building. Anecdote: 5/3/1995 #50763 rds AFB. Wolf suggests underground installation is beneath Cheech AFB near 8/30/1996 #51665 GCHQ) facility known as the Oakley Installation. He issues an unpublished r 3/1997 #51920 s and James H. Newman during their installation of antennas on the Internat 12/11/1998 #52495 equipment issues at a NORAD radar installation on Canada’s north Atlantic 11/21/2018 #54429## Word: "installations", 50 instance(s) (Back to Top)
1 during a bombing raid on the oil installations of Sumatra, a strange gray 8/10/1944 #3988 liers frequently circled strategic installations and inspected them with se 1945 #4158 mbing mission against Japanese air installations on Truk [now Chuuk] Atoll 5/3/1945 #4294 lamogordo, NM Roswell, NM Military installations at White Sands, Alamogordo 7/1/1947 #5253 d Disc-Like Aircraft near Military Installations in the State of New Mexico 9/19/1947 #6346 ted by a requirement that all USAF installations “provide a minimum of one 2/12/1948 #6566 west and in particular the nuclear installations of New Mexico. They could 10/1948 #6879 uth by security guards at military installations from 1930 to 2330 hours, i 12/5/1948 #6997 ench) Beginning of construction of installations at Groom Lake on a zone of 1949 #7044 rring in the vicinity of sensitive installations.” 1/13/1949 #7080 memo on UFOs, “Protection of Vital Installations.” It is sent to Hoover, G- 1/31/1949 #7104 ature in the vicinity of sensitive installations.” 2/16/1949 #7132 mmunication on Protection of Vital Installations, emphasizing that USAF and 3/22/1949 #7187 ature in the vicinity of sensitive installations is a cause for concern.. ( 10/14/1949 #7614 ries about the protection of vital installations such as Oak Ridge and requ 5/12/1950 #8278 the phenomena seen over sensitive installations. It reiterates that Lincol 8/1950 #8472 used when UFOs are reported at its installations. 10/12/1950 #8635 reminds the nation of the critical installations in New Mexico, including L 2/25/1951 #8946 not illuminated, flew low over the installations up to the clouds and back, 12/7/1951 #9445 roblems posed by UFOs at sensitive installations. Ruppelt reveals that his 12/19/1951 #9465 ar weapons. The other original NSS installations similar to Manzano are: Si 2/22/1952 #9612 distributed at atomic and military installations, a picture of a flying sau 6/19/1952 #10431 d and flat. As it hovered over the installations, it gained speed, reversed 7/5/1952 #10648 re were reported above the Hanford installations. 7/5/1952 #10648 eared on the radars of 3 different installations, including those of the An 7/27/1952 #11248 onds above the Cessna Aircraft Co. installations. (0 h 35) 7/29/1952 #11369 the vicinity of major U.S. defense installations and can NOT be attributed 11/25/1952 #12713 the vicinity of major U.S. defense installations are of such nature that th 12/2/1952 #12749 onstone and visits the underground installations. Howard Menger gives lectu 9/1956 #18289 mage is reported afterwards on the installations. (August 17) 8/17/1959 #21380 led pictures of certain regions or installations of interest to the America 5/5/1960 #21797 US military assault on the nuclear installations and other bases in Cuba, a 10/16/1962 #23229 o the point that optical and radar installations could locate them precisel 1967 #27470 end to very low altitude above the installations. At these two last strateg 3/9/1967 #28109 ll the wireless telecommunications installations of the four patrol boats b Summer 1968 #30578 there is no indication that radar installations are asked about unidentifi 3/4/1969 #31566 re was a power outage in the dam's installations. (Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nos 3/26/1970 #32284 since January, some near military installations and usually around 7:00–7: 3/7/1975 #37029 which involved craft over military installations, occurred at about the sam 8/1975 #37438 of similar activity over military installations in Montana, Maine and Mich 8/21/1975 #37522 s and missile control complexes at installations across the northern United 10/1975 #37678 uded were overflights over missile installations. Some objects seen were re 11/2/1975 #37869 s) UFOs were reported over missile installations. In a reply to press queri 11/7/1975 #37917 e at any of the airports, military installations or local agencies would cl 8/27/1976 #38723 unctioning of military devices and installations; the ministry names specia 10/1977 #40060 interest in all UFO sightings over installations and test ranges. Several o 11/17/1980 #43403 rs landing near strategic military installations. The incidents included vi 6/25/1987 #46285 m French) South Africa Case: NORAD installations detect an unidentified obj 5/7/1989 #47112 ble interest of the media in these installations. (April) 4/1994 #50006 progress and checks with military installations in the area, but no explan 5/25/1995 #50816## Word: "installed", 17 instance(s) (Back to Top)
g out of the waves up to the camps installed on the water's edge, several w 1368 #261 low altitude since the astronomers installed in Mexico and Puebla were neve 8/1/1883 #1398 ntrusions, but that radar has been installed and an arrangement made with t 8/7/1945 #4366 s. Radio-controlled autopilots are installed in eight B-17 bombers, convert 7/1/1946 #4533 t the Metz fair (...) the army had installed a radar system as well as anti 10/10/1954 #15733 journal….) Defensive missiles were installed around Moscow. At one of the b 6/21/1961 #22373 rench) A gigantic alarm network is installed in France. It is installed on 8/19/1964 #24405 work is installed in France. It is installed on the roofs of French gendarm 8/19/1964 #24405 ms acquired in the Middle East are installed around Groom Lake (to aid stea 3/1968 #30294 refutes the claim that the CIA has installed an agent within the project. H 10/31/1968 #31164 s, a special Baker Nunn camera was installed by the French in Ouagadougou. 1973 #34082 pe of satellites, the Soviets have installed on board a mini nuclear power 9/16/1977 #39993 (Translated from French) Installed on the roof of a farm he is re 9/16/1978 #41290 asbestos in this secret NATO base installed two steps away from Eben Emael 5/13/1980 #43053 wer of 1 MW and small enough to be installed on board a modified Boeing KC- 12/1980 #43447 in the USA, called "Aurora". It is installed at the Harry Diamond Laborator 1982 #44133 isplaced, and a barbwire fence was installed in the area. Aircraft flying o 9/16/1989 #47309## Word: "installers", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
6.5MI EAST / SPOONER, WI 4 antenna installers. Metal saucer very fast north 3/29/1953 #13280## Word: "installing", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a Northrop-recommended change for installing eight jet engines in each of 6/1/1945 #4307 f Florida, American scientists are installing a submarine television camera 8/21/1968 #30896 wore blue uniforms. They were seen installing some type of aerial on a tree 8/19/1970 #32499 iduciary and control practices by “installing its own equipment and softwar 6/2004 #53576## Word: "installs", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
terrorizes his cage-mates. Delgado installs a lever in the cage that, when 1952 #9499## Word: "instamatic", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
haken all day. Photo taken with an Instamatic camera. (J. Allen HYNEK: "UFO 5/8/1966 #26588 s, he takes a color photo with his Instamatic, which shows a disc reflectin 9/14/1972 #33850 a UFO during the day with a Kodak instamatic camera. The image in the news 9/21/1978 #41325 of Florence, Arizona with a Kodak Instamatic camera. There were six milita 1/30/1981 #43597## Word: "instance", 16 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and at other times physically. One instance, as recounted in Chartruis' Lif 998 #139 ear 1092 marked the first recorded instance of the Devil's Hunt phenomenon 1092 #161 Darmstadt, Germany A reported instance of an object descending from th 6/7/1846 #1059 actual landing, this is the first instance of close observation of an unkn 7/1868 #1194 he nighttime skies of England. One instance involved the craft hovering ove 2/1913 #2569 de UFO sightings increased. In one instance in 1944, two women near St. Pau 1944 #3872 San Francisco, CA The first instance of the ET hypothesis to appear 7/3/1947 #5317 ull access to discs recovered. For instance in the La. Case the Army grabbe 7/10/1947 #5966 ull access to discs recovered. For instance in the Soc. (Socorro, N.M.) cas 7/15/1947 #6053 to 15 miles long. In at least one instance, the targets fly in formation w 9/2/1952 #12085 onality and lifestyle changes. For instance, they became ill if they ate me 10/27/1974 #36652 stigators suspect it may be a rare instance of a small cumulus cloud that h 11/17/1974 #36695 ng series of abductions include an instance when the beings impregnate her 4/1987 #46234 Lake Naval Weapons Center. In one instance, an unidentified triangular cra 10/1/1990 #48104 with the strange occurrences. For instance, after one sighting episode whe 8/15/1995 #50990 dewinder missile. However, in this instance, neither one makes visual conta 4/24/2014 #54286## Word: "instances", 17 instance(s) (Back to Top)
vents, including teleportation and instances of attracting luminous phenome 1384 #263 ns, especially in light of similar instances where unidentified flying obje 6/7/1846 #1059 6 California airship wave, feature instances where futuristic craft landed 1888 #1460 ing that there were indeed genuine instances of German U-boat activities oc 1946 #4430 task of tracking down all the many instances which turned out to be ash-can 9/3/1947 #6313 Absence of trail, except in a few instances when the object apparently was 9/23/1947 #6357 associated sound, except in three instances a substantial rumbling roar wa 9/23/1947 #6357 , CA Radar Tracks Objects In Three Instances (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 2/2/1956 #17792 f reports, it was possible in some instances to determine that the same UFO 11/8/1956 #18461 haped UFOs on or near ground, nine instances of car interference (NICAP: 03 11/2/1957 #19460 ons asks the Air Ministry how many instances of UFOs were reported in the p 6/10/1958 #20432 he northern United States. In some instances, as radar sightings of the obj 10/1975 #37678 nly on every second sweep. In most instances (33 in all), when radar shows 1/21/1984 #45087 around his apartment building. The instances increase as he researches Whit 3/1987 #46204 a NIDS meeting that more than 150 instances of black triangle sightings ha 11/3/2001 #53134 lying above the sea, which “in two instances discharged some type of gas or 11/11/2014 #54301 not false readings, as individual instances had been detected by different 6/25/2021 #54585## Word: "instant", 103 instance(s) (Back to Top)
were to stop doing it, even for an instant, the world would perish. 8/13/1491 #323 ections and lost their light in an instant. And this figure of the castle w 10/12/1621 #477 g-heeled Jack in the alley!" In an instant, Alsop runs out with a candle an 2/20/1838 #1015 ibed by the natives, whose bite is instant death. It leaps or flies only ab 1841 #1023 he fog and flew over the river. An instant later, this thing had disappeare 7/11/1908 #2229 RWICK, RI Family / car. 12 disks / instant accelerations. Hover and maneuve 5/1936 (approximate) #3335 moves vertically and is gone in an instant. Suddenly his aircraft loses its 4/25/1945 #4284 ect going north. Fast 90° turn and instant acceleration going quickly east. 6/1947 #4975 ound silver metallic silent ovoid. Instant 90° turn going west. / AFU Swede 7/1947 #5249 -glow saucers going quickly south. Instant 90° turn going quickly east. / r 7/3/1947 #5328 at the co-pilot saw it at the same instant. They made a 45° turn to leave t 8/4/1947 #6188 saucer. Reflects sun / underside. Instant speed. 7/27/1950 #8452 round. Saucer going quickly south. Instant 80° turn going quickly north! / 4/16/1952 #9835 s). 1 going east. Other going SSE. Instant acceleration. 6/28/1952 #10568 night light. White lights / side. Instant 180° turn back going quickly [to 7/12/1952 #10728 owing-object descends going north. Instant reversal going south! 7/14/1952 #10772 descend to the north, then make an instant reversal in direction and head s 7/14/1952 #10784 /all about flight / 10 planes. 1 / instant 180° turn. 8/14/1952 #11789 20M silver half-dome hovers. Near instant moves. Sharp edges and lights. 9/25/1952 (approximate) #12325 er lands / tarmac. Windows / side. Instant stop! Going quickly northwest. / 10/27/1952 #12533 s required to solve the problem of instant positive identification of unide 12/2/1952 #12749 rstrip / 7K' altitude. Flips over. Instant 90-turns! 12/4/1952 #12757 mains motionless in the sky for an instant, after which it flies away and d 1/7/1954 #14070 lying toward the west, but made an instant turn to the north at an estimate 2/18/1954 #14171 as close to him. He stopped for an instant to glance back toward his pursue 4/10/1954 #14314 / 20K' altitude near steam-plant. Instant speed going quickly west. 5/27/1954 #14495 ). Group / planes going southwest. Instant reversal going northeast. Repeat 7/1954 #14662 lver disks pass / incredibly fast. Instant 45° turn. Separate observer(s) / 8/1954 (approximate) #14783 pin very fast and disappears in an instant. (August 20) 8/20/1954 #14881 lier ones and remains still for an instant, swaying slightly. During this t 8/23/1954 #14902 and RADAR's. Cylinder/cigar-shape. Instant acceleration going [to] 300kph. 9/17/1954 #15098 Hunter. Saucer crosses sky. Makes instant turn without slowing. 10/7/1954 #15626 y close. Bars protrude. Vanishes / instant! / LDLN#321. 10/18/1954 #16120 e. Shoots 3mi going quickly north. Instant turn then gone. 3/28/1955 (approximate) #17084 al maneuvers, with sharp turns and instant stops. Using equipment, the scie 1956 #17733 on edge paces 2 / car going south. Instant shifts. Lights farms. 5/28/1956 (approximate) #17982 observer(s). Fireball then 2 more. Instant 180° turn going quickly south. P 8/20/1956 #18229 oid disks descend going southeast. Instant turn going quickly south and awa 7/3/1957 #18970 Large white disk going northeast. Instant turn going south. Accelerations. 10/13/1958 #20710 a phenomenon the technicians call “instant taxidermy.” Oak trees turn brown 6/1959 #21193 ind at the time. It vanished in an instant. 7/23/1959 #21324 ards his car at a 45° angle. In an instant it appears right in front of his 6/30/1964 #24271 ent light that moves very quickly (instant stop and instant go) back and fo Late 1964 #24502 ves very quickly (instant stop and instant go) back and forth between Site Late 1964 #24502 phere/orb/globe going quickly NNE. Instant turn going southwest. Flash and 8/2/1965 #25265 me time, the room is filled for an instant with brilliant white light; then 10/2/1966 #27141 ing-boomerang / erratic maneuvers. Instant stops. Extremely fast.. 1/21/1967 #27617 op and several. Large night light. Instant 90° turn. Darts. Hovers over roa 2/27/1967 #27945 STAMER, SWEDEN 6M ovoid jumps car. Instant motions. Glows and hums. Lands. 3/1967 #27962 fast and silent. Orbit each other. Instant 90-turn going quickly northwest. 8/25/1968 #30911 e far ahead in what seemed like an instant. 7/23/1969 #31927 ep backwards and disappeared in an instant. Tiihonen again heard the noise 4/15/1970 #32320 nd "millions of stars" go by in an instant. Soon the craft was hovering ove 7/4/1970 #32423 lored lights. Fast. High altitude. Instant 180° turn. 7/28/1971 #33000 lent pyramid going south / 600mph. Instant 90° turn away. 5/5/1972 (approximate) #33495 light / crazy maneuvers over lake. Instant turns. / r166p39. 7/19/1972 #33648 tumbles and blinks / 60M altitude. Instant acceleration away. / NICAP 12'72 9/29/1972 #33901 e pearly ovoid hovers /. Zigzags / instant acceleration. Helicopters follow 2/1973 (approximate) #34155 from close range, which caused the instant disappearance of the entity, in Summer 1973 #34498 ing quickly south. Near collision. Instant 90° turn going quickly east. 12/15/1973 #35569 . Luminous ball going quickly SSE. Instant 90° turn going quickly [to] east 8/15/1974 #36423 craft / 3' altitude. Floodlights. Instant acceleration going up. 9/1974 #36487 server(s). Hemisphere going north. Instant turn going quickly south. 2nd ob 9/18/1974 #36547 na-tin / roadside. Going up / 20M. Instant 90° turn / horizontal. / r30p546 3/15/1975 #37059 hem they fired 40-50 shots. At the instant the firing began the apparition 11/12/1976 #38977 light coming out of the UFO. In an instant, the beam touched the ground, en 4/1977 #39401 le until the driver stops. At that instant, the object veers off into the h 12/6/1977 #40266 ves straight up out of sight in an instant. Duration is 5–8 minutes. 8/21/1978 #41133 nd from one place to another in an instant. 10/7/1979 #42641 low ball going up [to] over house. Instant speed. Circles area. Stops. 12/17/1980 #43490 hted object made pass at aircraft, instant relocation. "Very tight turns," 2/9/1981 #43611 vanishes, but then reappears in an instant. It seems to be metallic, but it 5/14/1981 #43752 NH Wedge-shape hovers / reservoir. Instant relocations. Going [to] over hou 6/10/1982 #44365 rvoir, lights reflecting in water; instant relocation, red light beam shone 6/10/1982 #44367 rvoir, lights reflecting in water. Instant relocation, red light beam shone 6/10/1982 #44368 t. It has no exhaust trail. At the instant that it passes, the vortex hits 10/24/1982 #44554 NC 2 observer(s). "Meteor" loops. Instant 90-turns. Going up and down. Hig 1/7/1984 #45059 les distant, the object came to an instant stop. The bright orange glow fad 1/30/1984 #45117 about 10,000 feet, it comes to an instant stop. The orange glow fades and 1/30/1984 #45118 and back. 1 going south and back. Instant acceleration. 2/17/1984 (approximate) #45142 red, as if it had evaporated in an instant. 3/21/1984 #45186 urns. Going up and down [to] fast. Instant stops. 4/26/1986 #45892 UFO going [to] through contrails. Instant stop and start. 7/10/1986 #45999 pe. Larger / 747. Altitude = 30K'. Instant 90 turn. 3/12/1988 #46626 he object has an oily look. At the instant he thinks about popping the bubb 8/1989 #47232 al paced truck, hovered over road, instant relocation over truck; cast ligh 3/2/1990 #47721 al paced truck, hovered over road, instant relocation over truck, cast ligh 3/2/1990 #47722 ertically, which disappeared in an instant after about ten minutes. 4/16/1990 #47846 ows man. Observer(s) hides / tree. Instant headaches and thirst. 5/1991 #48453 [to] 40° / second(s). Sharp edges. Instant turn. 6/10/1991 #48497 ends. Portholes. Hovers. 300mph / instant. 12/4/1991 #48687 ds. Thin beam / light hits ground. Instant crop circle. 7/7/1992 #48971 ver(s) and video. Bell-shape makes instant turn. Flips upside down. No furt 10/1992 (approximate) #49122 tronomer. Silent night light makes instant 60° and 90° turns. Shoots going 7/7/1994 #50158 e and red lights / corners. Gone / instant. 9/1995 #51043 ghts / triangle south going north. Instant turn going quickly ESE. Faint hu 1/8/1996 #51307 grab his hair and shoulders. In an instant he found himself being pulled in 9/16/1996 #51694 amed for her husband. At that same instant the creature ran out the door an 4/27/1998 #52340 / 140kph and 400M altitude. Slows. Instant 90° turn going west. 6/21/1998 #52371 little boy, but it was gone in an instant. The terrified witness covered h 1/17/2000 #52764 nt of lights, which sped off in an instant. At 11:35 p.m. in Terrace, Briti 5/13/2003 #53405 pped around, and disappeared in an instant. At 11:00 p.m. three orange glow 9/11/2009 #54120 to the white color, and within an instant it was gone, almost as if it sho 5/16/2010 #54159## Word: "instantaneous", 22 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rs in height. Disappearance almost instantaneous vertically. (April 1947) 4/1947 #4891 changed direction, the turn seemed instantaneous, and it went west, another 5/31/1952 #10221 taneous, and it went west, another instantaneous change of direction to go 5/31/1952 #10221 ter flying very quickly, making an instantaneous 90° turn, followed by a ge 8/26/1952 #11971 , flew very fast, hovered, made an instantaneous 90 turn, followed by a gen 8/26/1952 #11980 fast, stopped and hovered, made an instantaneous 90-degree turn, and began 8/26/1952 #11981 n towards it. The acceleration was instantaneous, and the UFO was gone from 10/27/1952 #12547 vers. Shoots going quickly north / instantaneous speed. No acceleration. 1/21/1956 #17772 in what was then Rhodesia. It made instantaneous maneuvers, and illuminated 5/28/1956 #17984 hovering was reported by crew as “instantaneous” movement from Site 6 to S Late 1964 #24503 ts seen to the sides. Made almost instantaneous 90^ turn to left, shot out 2/27/1967 #27953 an from Chicago, Illinois. It made instantaneous turns. 7/19/1972 #33653 a southerly direction, but made an instantaneous ninety-degree turn and sho 12/15/1973 #35573 oise or other reaction. After this instantaneous disappearance the radio wo 6/7/1974 #36230 s ahead of the plane, and makes an instantaneous right-angle turn upward, i 4/8/1981 #43684 s said to be whirling, and made an instantaneous 90 degree turn. 4/8/1981 #43685 use its disappearance seemed to be instantaneous. 1/4/1988 #46513 green and white lights east / I5. Instantaneous maneuvers. No further deta 2/9/1995 #50604 Saucer going southeast very fast. Instantaneous acceleration going [to] in 1/20/2001 #52985 ravity-like” energy that can exert instantaneous force of 1,000g on any obj 7/29/2002 #53235 suddenly streaked away in a nearly instantaneous acceleration. 4/15/2004 #53558 for three minutes, it departed at instantaneous speed and disappeared out 11/15/2011 #54212## Word: "instantaneously", 19 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ng. After 2 minutes, it disappears instantaneously. 4/1946 #4462 ility to reverse their course 180° instantaneously. Through binoculars, the 6/29/1949 #7444 -angle turns and reverse direction instantaneously. The duration is about 3 3/21/1950 #7983 speeding off in excess of 500 mph instantaneously, and had portholes or or 8/15/1951 #9163 nd then back north. It accelerates instantaneously to a speed faster than a 6/29/1952 #10588 he object went out of sight almost instantaneously. The car battery was fou 8/22/1957 #19137 he object went out of sight almost instantaneously. The car battery was fou 8/22/1957 #19140 us burst of speed" and left nearly instantaneously towards the northwest. T 1/11/1966 #25901 rcept the light, which accelerates instantaneously to 800 mph, moving up an 10/12/1973 #34978 red. It moved rapidly and vanished instantaneously when chased by a French 9/23/1975 #37648 p.m. It moved rapidly and vanished instantaneously when chased by a French 9/23/1975 #37652 d at distance of 200 meters almost instantaneously. 4/7/1976 #38382 (3,600 mph) and moves vertically “instantaneously.” 2/19/1978 #40536 at 300 feet and then shoots upward instantaneously. 4/21/1979 #42183 e 1.5 miles separating them almost instantaneously. It makes no sound and s 8/27/1979 #42470 had dozens of flashing lights. It instantaneously moved away to the east. 1/30/1984 #45119 tnesses aboard seemed to have been instantaneously transported several mile 8/6/1987 #46320 reference photograph-Q. Disappears instantaneously. 11/6/1989 #47430 and at one point moved over a mile instantaneously. 9/20/1993 #49711## Word: "instantly", 90 instance(s) (Back to Top)
10 degrees. Its color was red. It instantly changed shape, taking the form 10/14/934 #123 the road, this strange little man instantly vanished in place. (1930, late Late Autumn 1930 #3093 e the city. Some 78,000 people die instantly or immediately afterward in th 8/6/1945 #4365 r a few minutes before it vanished instantly. (Chapter 8, Ref 330) Early 1946 #4439 eds in excess of 500 mph. The blip instantly reverses course four times, br 7/1/1947 #5277 minute(s). Going quickly [to] away instantly. 6/13/1950 #8336 he nose of the plane and seemed to instantly appear on the other side, glid 1/20/1951 #8876 h portholes going [to] lone cloud. Instantly 800kph. / MJ#280. 8/15/1951 (approximate) #9159 e military UFO desk. The report is instantly classified, even though the ob 12/5/1951 #9444 , or 6, appearing and disappearing instantly. Suddenly one of the objects a Late 5/1952 #10189 to the south, but picked up speed instantly speed and climbed vertically. 6/28/1952 #10579 ail smoke going quickly northwest. Instantly turn straight up! 7/19/1952 #10915 jet interceptor pilots to take off instantly in pursuit of any flying sauce 7/28/1952 #11348 wly. Flash. Going quickly [to] WNW instantly. 8/8/1952 #11697 object emitted a hissing sound and instantly shot off at a lightning speed 10/27/1952 #12529 s and the Baileys. Adamski becomes instantly famous, and Williamson moves t 11/24/1952 #12711 The UFO reversed direction almost instantly, did a chandelle in front of t 12/10/1952 #12809 lanes to get to the same altitude. Instantly, the UFO tilted in such a way 1953 #12895 cylindrical object going west then instantly going quickly north. 1200MPH. 2/18/1954 #14168 n. The craft vanished silently and instantly with blue and yellow flames. 3/1954 #14196 ign language. The craft disappears instantly, without a sound. 3/12/1954 #14238 with his woodsman’s axe, and he is instantly thrown about 18 feet away towa Late 4/1954 #14361 southwestern Washington State, and instantly transmits back the correct cod 6/21/1954 #14596 t was directed at the witness, who instantly felt paralyzed when struck by 10/18/1954 #16153 reddish-brown coloring, fell, then instantly accelerated to 1,000-1,500 m.p 2/2/1955 #16976 lot banks toward the rotating UFO. Instantly the object whirls downward, th 2/2/1955 #16978 to be falling in the sky, then it instantly accelerated to between 1,000-1 2/2/1955 #16980 trange craft came up behind it and instantly made it disappear from my sigh 3/9/1955 #17056 and doctor. Very large white globe instantly reverses course. 11/25/1955 #17674 object shoots out of sight almost instantly. The car battery is completely 8/22/1956 #18245 he object goes out of sight almost instantly. The car battery is completely 8/22/1957 #19139 ked to check out the object, which instantly shoots back toward China and d 1958 #20085 t then shot away, vanishing almost instantly, and the witnesses' car could 2/24/1958 #20210 lliptical orbit. No wind. Vanishes instantly. / NICAP. 7/23/1959 (approximate) #21323 ands / pasture. Rises and vanishes instantly. Busy area! 4/1961 #22260 s roads when the purplish UFO shot instantly towards them to within 150 fee 9/3/1965 #25525 aniff airline plane landed. Almost instantly, the mysterious object still i 5/13/1967 #28659 ids with his Winchester 44. He was instantly paralyzed by a green beam comi 8/13/1967 #29266 over his head (at 2 m) and he had instantly dreamed that he was levitating Early 9/1967 #29383 not respond. The object disappears instantly. 3/4/1968 #30320 went away. The object disappeared instantly. 3/4/1968 #30322 h each other, hover together, then instantly zoom off to the northeast. Air 11/26/1968 #31280 straight up and disappeared almost instantly. Hickson "heard" a message in 10/11/1973 #34965 Red night light / ground / desert. Instantly going [to] 800MPH. Skims groun 10/12/1973 #34972 But to his amazement it reappeared instantly at the side of its companions, 10/20/1973 #35193 index finger of his left hand and instantly Llanca became relaxed. In a fe 10/28/1973 #35282 aking a sound like metal on metal. Instantly, the object’s dome lights up i 11/16/1973 #35419 ntly at low altitude, accelerating instantly, and turning without banking. 4/3/1975 #37113 takes off straight up and vanishes instantly. 5/3/1975 #37200 airport. Turns going quickly south instantly. 8/8/1976 #38658 ed at the Colonel. The Colonel was instantly paralyzed, according to the re 1977 #39104 0 seconds, all the lights vanished instantly, along with the force field. T 6/17/1977 #39651 ht going down / car and road. Gone instantly. 7/11/1978 #40954 ingers up their noses and vanished instantly, reappearing in a different lo 9/10/1978 #41255 e UFO moves off and is gone almost instantly. After about 5 minutes, a seco 6/12/1979 #42281 cloud blocking the road. I almost instantly came out of it and hit a road 11/25/1979 #42705 inking dot. His wife joins him but instantly becomes nauseous and throws up Early 3/1980 #42904 his windshield. The steering wheel instantly becomes hot, causing him to li 3/13/1980 #42929 ding flash that gives off no heat. Instantly, about 25 away, Warren claims 12/28/1980 #43524 ion, the object moves away, almost instantly. They see it again hovering ab 6/10/1982 #44369 n altitude, right above the house. Instantly all the colored lights disappe 12/31/1982 #44623 o vanishes, and the object is gone instantly. 3/23/1983 #44700 raft at Mach 5 or Mach 10 or more. Instantly, the place where the object ha Early 9/1983 #44901 red up, like a spark, and was gone instantly. 6/15/1984 #45331 , come to a dead stop, then vanish instantly. 7/15/1986 #46007 1 mile altitude. Going quickly NNW instantly. 8/1/1986 #46029 ed turns and stop at the same time instantly. Other launch control faciliti Fall 1986 #46103 aw the creature on the hill he was instantly paralyzed, lifted up a few fee 12/1/1987 #46448 smania. The engine and lights fail instantly, and the driver brakes to a st 12/14/1987 #46469 the mysterious object seemed to be instantly "sucked" in the direction of t 6/1/1988 #46710 -foot sudden descent, more or less instantly. 2/21/1990 #47703 hen so quickly that it disappeared instantly. "The light in the ball was st 11/8/1990 #48250 Suddenly, after 5 seconds the UFO instantly reappears far away, its blinki 5/17/1991 #48468 ltitude. Whistles. Going [to] away instantly. 8/4/1992 (approximate) #49006 SLAND, AK Night light vanishes and instantly reappears nearby several times 11/21/1992 #49194 oing [to] town / US84. Shoots away instantly. 1/21/1993 #49282 over farm. Swings around. Vanishes instantly. 1 observer. 9/1/1993 (approximate) #49677 ape. Shines light and moves 1 mile instantly. Lots / aerobatics. 9/20/1993 #49710 on the left of the aircraft almost instantly, as if it had suddenly become 1/28/1994 #49907 cer going down / slant. Levels off instantly over town. Electro-magnetic ef 1/27/1995 #50571 creature in the chest, killing it instantly. Others saw Army trucks near t 1/20/1996 #51336 er metallic ovoid spins. 2 / US20. Instantly vanishes! 3/22/1996 #51478 shape that disappeared vertically instantly. Then B.C. went back with diff 1/5/1997 #51860 igars hover over old hotel. Vanish instantly. 11/24/1997 #52197 Puget Sound for 5–10 seconds, jump instantly to another location, and hover 4/22/1998 #52336 emitted a shower of red sparks and instantly shot out of sight. 4/20/1999 #52568 forms a line and disappears almost instantly to the south. As they leave se 1/1/2001 #52973 lowly over the city, then vanished instantly. One side of the "V" was short 11/1/2002 #53302 t apart, came together again, then instantly vanished. 2/11/2003 #53356 egree turns, starting and stopping instantly without acceleration, over Rea 8/16/2007 #53921## Word: "instants", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
g "green birds" came out for a few instants, then took off again. 5/16/1966 #26619 g "green birds" came out for a few instants, then took off again. 5/16/1966 #26620 g "green birds" came out for a few instants, before the object took off aga 5/16/1966 #26622## Word: "instead", 131 instance(s) (Back to Top)
aid: "Woe to you, Alexandria, who, instead of God, have worshiped monsters! 300 #26 that speak of Christ, and you who, instead of God, worship monsters..." He 300 #26 rs to flee, fearing a forest fire. Instead of joining them, the Count decid 4/25/1001 #141 their decision to execute Shonin. Instead, they opted to exile him to Sado 9/12/1271 #231 grayish skin without scales. .... instead of legs, two fish tails made lik 3/1636 #486 of the bodies fell to the ground. Instead of a fall, a film was found whic 5/16/1808 #873 journey at the inn of Quatre Tours instead of continuing to Manosque. 3/20/1812 #894 er flew very far, usually crashing instead, the phenomenon remains unexplai 9/12/1880 #1358 seemed to make erratic movements. Instead of moving in a straight line, it 4/1/1897 #1658 t had an unpredictable trajectory. Instead of moving in a straight line, it 4/1/1897 #1659 tward, maintaining a straight line instead of dropping down. (Chapter 3, Re 10/1908 #2244 including assembly line production instead of individual handcrafting. 10/1/1908 #2246 Cova da Iria Valinhos, Portugal Instead of the promised apparition in th 8/19/1917 #2791 nd no trace of the phantom fliers. Instead, two of their own planes crashed 1930's #3068 f the water, stopping its engines. Instead of landing, it began to make lar 4/1/1934 #3260 aid expected. Silver saucer hovers instead. (Balloon?) 10/1935 #3315 would have started months behind. Instead, they are able to begin thinking 6/26/1941 #3564 gure coming, which seemed to float instead of walk. The mother didn't see a 1943 (approximate) #3739 to return what they have taken but instead send a shipment of defective tra 5/31/1945 #4305 rements. The missile travels south instead of north and lands in the Tepeya 5/29/1947 #4968 e the story to a “weather balloon” instead of a flying saucer. https://ufo 7/8/1947 #5872 bling a roll or barrel roll, which instead of completing, stopped at around 7/9/1947 #5876 ependent witness, J.C. Penman, saw instead "a round fluorescent lamp" headi 7/10/1947 #5938 his chest.” The wings do not flap; instead they retract close to his body d 1/6/1948 #6510 is chest.” The wings did not flap, instead they retracted close to his body 1/6/1948 #6511 to find the buildings on fire, but instead there is a large, domed flying s 2/1948 #6557 rman noticed a strange phenomenon. Instead of discerning the silhouette of 10/1/1948 #6885 e. Charles Moore Jr.- Mc Laughlin, instead of Moore?- is cited by: A. RIBER 4/24/1949 #7250 f strange extraterrestrial animals instead of superior entities (!). (April 4/27/1949 #7268 Vannever Bush during WW2, but was instead given by Silas Newton at the las 3/8/1950 #7855 field, Massachusetts, to see them. Instead, he sees a perfectly circular ob 4/6/1950 #8108 al major aerospace contractors and instead chose to subcontract to several 1952 #9507 t have had a leak since it stopped instead of going up to 25,000 or 30,000 6/15/1952 #10371 knees, large open eyes with holes instead of a nose and ears, and a grayis Summer 1952 #10460 bject no disk. Resembles dirigible instead.. 7/14/1952 #10769 on of human anecdotal UFO reports. Instead, they would be “going on instrum 7/28/1952 #11346 a flight center in Middletown, PA, instead of through the Air Force base ar 7/29/1952 #11372 of awning, large open eyes, holes instead of nose and ears, and skin of a Summer 1953 #13459 Vanishes and 3 small saucers seen instead! 10/20/1953 #13811 nd found himself 3 km behind them, instead of at their level! "The two obje 6/24/1954 #14614 ded his hand towards the women but instead of shaking hands he slightly bru 8/20/1954 #14886 spot with rifles but find nothing. Instead, they discover a strange quadril 10/4/1954 #15531 t him a punch, he had noticed that instead of hands, it had webbed and claw 11/28/1954 #16694 tively new US Air Force term “UFO” instead of flying saucer. He engages in 3/1955 #17040 defense to get closer. (1955, May (instead of March)) 5/1955 #17134 ne in trouble so they went closer. Instead of plane wreakage they found the 10/8/1957 #19313 rned a dull bluish gray again, and instead of portholes small circular ligh 12/16/1957 #20030 querque inexplicably takes 4 hours instead of the normal 2 hours. Both witn 2/17/1958 #20196 w and directed towards the ground. Instead of shooting to give the alarm or 3/1958 #20222 ts, may not correspond to reality: instead of shooting to alert the others 3/14/1958 #20252 tion for the Killian case and says instead that the pilots saw B-47 bombers 3/19/1959 #21070 ed has also added twin canted fins instead of a single right-angle one. Pro 9/14/1959 #21441 chest. They glided above the floor instead of walking. The witness was late 11/15/1959 #21573 Several satellite watchers see UFO instead. Type unknown. / O Seculo. 9/13/1960 #22022 g the end of the overrun can abort instead of plunging into the sagebrush. 10/1960 #22051 radar tracking locked onto the UFO instead of the missile.The UFO stayed on 1/10/1961 #22176 contemplated but never came about. Instead, Air Force Congressional Liaison 6/1961 #22344 s cycle would not steer correctly; instead, it drove right up to the creatu 7/26/1962 #23022 t it, which could have led to war. Instead, Kennedy decides to let the Buch 10/25/1962 #23250 hich the Soviet leader disregards. Instead, Khrushchev sends a letter to Ke 10/26/1962 #23254 egins to congeal in the cold air). Instead of losing altitude, it maintains 4/20/1964 #24039 size of a regular flashlight, but instead of a hole in it, it had some sor 9/4/1965 #25556 nslated from French) Hynek states: Instead of investigating UFO sightings, 11/8/1965 #25755 ting the craft to take to the air. Instead, it submerged and vanished. 6/3/1966 #26665 ess heads” with oval, sunken eyes. Instead of noses, there are slits, and t 10/2/1966 #27141 ss heads" with oval, sunken eyes. "Instead of noses, there were slits, and 10/2/1966 #27142 first appeared to be an airplane. Instead it was a flying humanoid. It was 12/4/1966 #27410 to ram the plane from behind, but instead shot away very fast. The sightin 5/12/1967 #28656 enwich Meridian Time or Zulu time) instead of local time. 7/30/1967 #29136 craft with four metallic legs, but instead of resting on the landing gear i 8/15/1967 #29280 rles Bowen in London, England, and instead goes to Loch Ness, Scotland, “be 8/22/1967 #29289 oat around. Photographs show disks instead. 10/26/1967 #29769 hwan Bay near Wonsan, North Korea. Instead of war plans, the US proceeds wi 1/26/1968 #30189 hing the earth. They were floating instead of walking. (...) (1968, Summer) Summer 1968 #30580 k immigrant, to stop the taxi, but instead he accelerated away from the par 4/25/1969 #31692 s a loud roar, and none was heard. Instead, the noise gained in shrill freq 8/22/1969 #31964 rom the strange being out of fear. Instead, he went towards it. He was disc 4/2/1971 #32802 s a plane that was going to crash. Instead, they saw a cigar-shaped object 8/12/1971 #33039 d motioned for him to come closer. Instead, Renz turned and ran. His next r 8/16/1971 #33049 arger satellite network (520 kilos instead of 45) replaced the IDSCP satell 11/1971 #33220 o stand and raise their hands, but instead both creatures moved towards Ale 10/14/1972 #33941 rs Puddy, but she did not respond; instead, she appeared to lose consciousn 2/22/1973 #34210 shows no streak. = scattered spots instead. 5/4/1973 #34381 r and turned on the outside light. Instead of a dog, she found herself face 2/6/1974 #35751 rived there around 11:15 pm. (...) Instead of two, there were now three sau 3/20/1974 #35944 ball field in Lewisburg, Tennessee instead of taking the school bus home. A 3/20/1974 #35949 s, and what looked like long claws instead of fingers. His legs appeared ra 5/5/1974 #36135 sent them a double in the meantime instead of the real Antonio! Better (or 1/4/1975 #36825 "balloon / California". UFO's show instead. 1/25/1975 #36890 fied craft to identify themselves. Instead they take off and disappear over 3/15/1976 #38322 ny eyes, nose, mouth, or neck, and instead of fingers they had pincers like 8/25/1976 #38716 she stopped and tried to back up. Instead the car was pulled forward onto 12/10/1976 #39035 upon the glass of the closed door, instead of opening it. Abruptly, the UFO 2/24/1977 #39307 alanges in the middle of his hands instead of three. He claims that the fou 4/1977 #39400 igures that glowed a silvery white instead of green. After observing them f 8/1/1977 #39841 h appeared lit up as if by a halo. Instead, they sped back to Sturno, retur 8/30/1977 #39942 emala, when a UFO comes into view. Instead, they videotape the UFO, which i 10/5/1977 #40074 eings dressed in silver suits who, instead of walking, silently glided over 10/2/1978 #41392 UFO acronym was banned until 1989, instead “Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena End of 1978 #41659 in the right direction, the yacht instead drifted about 12 miles south and 6/22/1979 #42296 in the right direction, the yacht instead drifted about 12 miles south and 6/22/1979 #42297 a cow that is about to give birth. Instead, he sees two nonhuman creatures 4/1980 #42962 d. He thought about resisting, but instead lay down on the bed, where a bea 11/28/1980 #43442 yes, gill like ears, and two holes instead of a nose. One appeared to be si 2/14/1981 #43619 otices the pool lights are not on. Instead, directly above the pool, and hi 7/11/1981 #43824 otices the pool lights are not on. Instead, directly above the pool, and hi 7/11/1981 #43826 nd, searched for the light switch. Instead of a switch, her hand encountere 11/13/1981 #44067 and the image was very disturbed. Instead of a landing, visited the next d 1/31/1982 #44169 Soviet aircraft flown for testing. Instead of the usual 2 weeks of training 4/26/1984 #45262 r Józsa, this time with 6–7 flames instead of 3. It speeds over the village 4/22/1986 #45885 remain still. She felt no fear but instead had an overwhelming sensation of 1/25/1987 #46180 ic trainer for travel and training instead. 11/10/1988 #46856 not visible on the film, however; instead, the object appeared to undergo 8/10/1989 #47248 saw the three humanoids enter, but instead of a light blast he saw one carr 1/12/1993 #49268 the object was going to crash, but instead it vanished. At RAF Cosford an a 3/30/1993 #49388 blessed virgin. 6 25M saucers show instead / 900M altitude. 10/1/1994 #50335 o (low frequency) began to "pulse" instead of emitting its usual noise. At 1/27/1995 #50569 even more peculiar characteristic: instead of a beak it had what looked lik 4/23/1995 #50757 rstanding how it was dated July 23 instead of July 22: they had a missing d 7/21/1995 #50906 e west. He refused and drove north instead. He then lost control of the car 3/19/1997 #51945 re, he saw that there were 5 discs instead of 3. He alerted the base by rad 3/31/1997 #51958 te the needle device began sucking instead of injecting. It then moved back 10/15/1997 #52176 e abduction phenomenon and arguing instead that abductee personalities, cul 3/1999 #52542 ound expecting to see a co-worker. Instead he saw a large purple light eman 4/21/2003 #53386 t was like going to a veterinarian instead of a human doctor), where she ha 9/3/2003 #53461 but the phone was not working and instead made an unusual buzzing sound. T 1/30/2006 #53792 He did not get out of the car, but instead blew the car horn for several mi 2/15/2006 #53795 n a quick, back-and-forth movement instead of what is usually a slow circle 4/17/2007 #53891 vacuum technology privately known instead of in the public. https://youtu 12/24/2013 #54277 phasize scientific development and instead use investor funding on entertai 10/26/2017 #54366 documents from the 1980s suggest. Instead, he speculated MJ-12 likely stud 2/7/2022 #54632## Word: "instigate", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a threat to US defenses and could instigate mass paranoia if they gained c 7/7/1999 #52616## Word: "instigates", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
or disrupt a bona fide group, and instigates hostile actions through third 8/1956 #18164## Word: "instigation", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a new regression took place at the instigation of investigators Keith Baste 3/1978 #40560## Word: "instill", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tended to land in North America to instill fear and terror. About 300 are f 11/3/1944 #4061## Word: "instilled", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ering above the church. This sight instilled panic among the Saxons, causin 776 #83## Word: "instinctive", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the shutters, perhaps pushed by an instinctive desire to put something betw 5/6/1967 #28600 roplane losses have been caused by instinctive maneuvering to avoid a confl 2/20/1995 #50626## Word: "instinctively", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rote - cfr John KEEL) The peasants instinctively recoiled, frightened, and 6/12/1790 #808 lit through which we were looking. Instinctively we stepped back. Glancing 7/2/1950 #8401 chickens cackle in a strange way. Instinctively she looked up thinking tha 10/27/1952 #12530 But the dog starts barking again. Instinctively I look in the direction wh 9/10/1954 #15036 the little being has disappeared. Instinctively I accelerate and have time 10/16/1954 #16030 sky was all clear. On the porch, I instinctively looked up and saw, in the 3/1970 #32271 towards the Peugeot, whose driver instinctively braked. Less than a second 5/1972 #33486 eemed to be resting on the ground. Instinctively I slowed down, shaking my 2/22/1974 #35806 y bald skull emerged from it. José instinctively moved towards this strange 6/23/1976 #38535 0 feet. It is so close that Stuart instinctively reacts by ducking down ins 1/6/1995 #50524 it was so close that the co-pilot instinctively reacted by ducking down in 1/6/1995 #50525## Word: "institut", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Berlin, Germany Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für Chemie The process of nucle 12/17/1938 #3451 z Strassmann at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für Chemie in Berlin, Germany, 12/17/1938 #3451 ones each year. A committee of the Institut des Hautes Études de Defense Na 1974 #35625 ced workshop participants from the Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Na 6/20/1977 #39655 Former East Germany The TNS Emnid Institut in Bielefeld, Germany, conducts 6/1994 #50088 France The Institut des Hautes Études de la Défense 1996 #51289 anced workshop participants at the Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Na 7/16/1999 #52624## Word: "institute", 194 instance(s) (Back to Top)
glider from the Rhon-Rositten test institute, in which two Sander slow comb 7/11/1928 #3039 Olof Kempe from the Defense Radio Institute. They hold at least 12 meeting 7/6/1946 #4536 Swedish National Defense Research Institute Chemist Gustaf Ljunggren of th 9/21/1946 #4773 Swedish National Defense Research Institute summarizes for the Swedish Def 9/21/1946 #4773 ench) A young African saw near the Institute of Education and Research, loc 1947 #4834 Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital P 7/4/1947 #5459 . K. Leisy, a junior intern at the Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital a 7/4/1947 #5459 r. Lincoln La Paz, Director of the Institute of Meteoritics and Department 7/10/1947 #5981 Brig. Gen. Edgar P. Sorenson (Air Institute of Technology commander). They Mid 9/1947 #6333 nce between personnel from the Air Institute of Technology, Intelligence T- 9/23/1947 #6357 article in the United States Naval Institute Proceedings, by Commander J.R. 1949 #7042 sent him to a psycho-neurological institute where he was given electroshoc 5/6/1949 #7320 balloon released from the Physical Institute at Lund, though Captain Rudbuc 1/26/1951 #8892 , Ohio Witness: Battelle Memorial Institute graduate physicist Howard Cros 10/2/1951 #9299 University of New Mexico Institute of Meteoritics Since October 3 11/9/1951 #9400 or of the University of New Mexico Institute of Meteoritics, says that freq 11/9/1951 #9400 earch think tank Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio (which event 12/19/1951 #9465 h members of the Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio, and ask the 12/26/1951 #9472 n proposes using Stanford Research Institute (SRI), University of Chicago, 1952 #9507 niversity of Chicago, The Franklin Institute, the Glenn L. Martin Co’s Rese 1952 #9507 the Glenn L. Martin Co’s Research Institute for Advanced Studies (RIAS), L 1952 #9507 Battelle Memorial Institute Columbus, Ohio Battelle Memori 1/8/1952 #9531 e Columbus, Ohio Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio, agrees to h 1/8/1952 #9531 roject "Vortex") at the California Institute of Technology here, disappeare 7/14/1952 #10765 PTIONS of UFO’s. Battello Memorial Institute is to handle machine indexing End of 7/1952 #11297 ison Farm [now Osborn Correctional Institute] in Somers, Connecticut, are w 9/6/1952 #12126 B Columbus, Ohio Battelle Memorial Institute The CIA, having learned that A 12/12/1952 #12814 h personnel from Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio, which has b 12/12/1952 #12814 lligence Center, Battelle Memorial Institute’s Dr. Howard C. Cross proposes 1/9/1953 #12964 e object, and the Defence Research Institute spends many hours reconstructi 12/15/1953 #13945 bninsk Nuclear Power Plant, at the Institute of Physics and Power Engineeri 6/27/1954 #14641 Florence, Italy Institute of Chemistry at the University 10/27/1954 #16392 and takes it to Prof. Cozzi at the Institute of Chemistry at the University 10/27/1954 #16392 Martin Company, into the Research Institute for Advanced Studies (RIAS). W 1955 #16901 TIC declassifies Battelle Memorial Institute’s 1951–1954 study of UFOs, com 5/5/1955 #17152 C and contractor Battelle Memorial Institute publish “Special Report No. 14 5/5/1955 #17153 d by analysts at Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio, using cases 10/25/1955 #17599 is reportedly being studied at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeto 11/20/1955 #17664 the Roger Babson Gravity Research Institute of New Boston, NH, and the Ins 11/20/1955 #17664 stitute of New Boston, NH, and the Institute of Pure Physics (IPP) at the U 11/20/1955 #17664 Richard Arnowitt of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study. https://w 11/20/1955 #17664 Lexington, Kentucky Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University in Montre 2/1957 #18652 administered at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University in Montre 2/1957 #18652 t on patients who have entered the institute for minor problems such as anx 2/1957 #18652 ts, which he sends to the Agronomy Institute of Campinas. 9/1957 #19182 ium on Aerospace Technology by the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences a 1/28/1959 #20975 inder/cylindrical object. Hovers / institute. Turns into saucer!! 3/25/1959 #21087 e been examined by the Polytechnic Institute and the Polish Navy, but part 6/18/1959 #21214 ngton, D.C. The Brookings Research Institute in Washington, D.C., releases 12/14/1960 #22126 e. A report by the Moscow Aviation Institute claims that a UFO was tracked 1961 #22148 ke and Franklin, from the Carnegie Institute, detect a transmitting source 12/13/1961 #22667 ver was physics student at Georgia Institute of Technology. (NICAP report f 1/26/1964 #23971 Swedish National Defence Research Institute The Swedish Defense Staff tran 10/1/1965 #25679 Swedish National Defence Research Institute [now the Swedish Defence Resea 10/1/1965 #25679 eston, Massachusetts Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5:55 p.m. After 1/14/1966 #25907 boratory director at Massachusetts Institute of Technology goes outside wit 1/14/1966 #25907 o at the Congress of the Brazilian Institute of Astronautics affirm: UFOs e 11/8/1966 #27291 ersity of Florence's Mineralogical Institute Night. Giuseppe Aldini, 17, is 6/1967 #28778 ersity of Florence’s Mineralogical Institute and found to be quartz crystal 6/1967 #28778 fellow of the Kurchatov scientific institute, observed a strange object alo 7/17/1967 #29054 French) A large UFO flies over the Institute of Astrophysics of Kislovodsk 8/8/1967 #29234 ion of the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute; and seven members of a biolog 8/8/1967 #29242 Institute for Aerospace Studies at the U Late 1967 #29672 University of Toronto, Ontario The Institute for Aerospace Studies at the U Late 1967 #29672 Shag Harbour University of Toronto Institute of Aerospace Studies Keyhoe wr 11/14/1967 #29908 ifically the University of Toronto Institute of Aerospace Studies, might fi 11/14/1967 #29908 Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa, Ont 1968 #30111 cil, from its base at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa, Ont 1968 #30111 -founder of the Integrity Research Institute. [rg: Also see books/presentat 1968 #30114 Pantex, in Amarillo, Texas Danish Institute for International Studies A fi 1/21/1968 #30166 bomb was lost. However, the Danish Institute for International Studies conc 1/21/1968 #30166 Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia University of Colorado 2/1968 #30207 t professor at the Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia, writes an article on 2/1968 #30207 Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute James E. McDonald presents a p 3/12/1968 #30338 the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, analyzing in depth Philip Kla 3/12/1968 #30338 os Angeles Chapter of the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronauti 3/26/1968 #30362 Aerospace Corporation Georgia Institute of Technology NASA Goddard Spa 12/1968 #31303 d Space Flight Center The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic 12/1968 #31303 ries, Howard D. Edwards of Georgia Institute of Technology, Paul MacCready 12/1968 #31303 eau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology, N 1969 #31390 alifornia, section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic 5/28/1969 #31777 e UFO Subcommittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic 1/21/1970 #32217 e UFO Subcommittee of the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronauti 11/1970 #32609 e UFO Subcommittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic 11/1970 #32610 by an aircraft of the Geographical Institute flying at 3200 m altitude abov 9/4/1971 #33071 New York City Stanford Research Institute Menlo Park, California New Yor 6/6/1972 #33530 Swann visits the Stanford Research Institute [now SRI International] in Men 6/6/1972 #33530 Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California Ingo 8/1972 #33701 n returns to the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California, as 8/1972 #33701 n experimental vessel from the Oil Institute allows for the creation of an 8/11/1972 #33736 Stanford Research Institute Menlo Park, California The CIA 10/1/1972 #33905 e CIA awards the Stanford Research Institute [now SRI International] in Men 10/1/1972 #33905 and director of the INEN (National Institute of Nuclear Energy) is giving a 11/14/1972 #33994 alifornia, Chapter of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic 4/9/1973 #34329 Stanford Research Institute Pioneer 10 space probe Jupiter 4/27/1973 #34363 ng experiment at Stanford Research Institute, concentrates on the Pioneer 1 4/27/1973 #34363 GORKY, RUSSIA Tass. Radio institute gets intelligent signals. Appa 10/1973 #34844 e UFO Subcommittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic 1974 #35630 zakhstan for the Stanford Research Institute [now SRI International] in Men 7/9/1974 #36320 e Sciences Meeting of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic 1/20/1975 #36879 Swedish National Defence Research Institute, finds the work a waste of tim 4/14/1975 #37149 s Angeles, California The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic 9/27/1975 #37667 Swedish National Defence Research Institute. 1976 #38110 Swedish National Defence Research Institute Målilla, Kalmar County, Sweden 10/1976 #38867 Swedish National Defence Research Institute, Sture Wickerts, travels to Må 10/1976 #38867 Stanford Research Institute [now SRI International] in Men 1/1977 #39113 al Policy at the Stanford Research Institute [now SRI International] in Men 1/1977 #39113 opter from the National Geographic Institute landed in a field where a youn 6/6/1977 #39624 Sternberg State Astronomical Institute in Moscow USSR The Russian Aca 1/1978 #40373 f the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute in Moscow. Data processing and 1/1978 #40373 htm Note: In 2002 the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), 1/18/1978 #40440 US American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic 1/28/1978 #40472 ussia Sternberg State Astronomical Institute in Moscow A new civilian UFO “ 11/1978 #41523 f the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute in Moscow, Vice Admiral M. M. 11/1978 #41523 appoint a committee of the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research to inv 11/9/1978 #41555 autopsy to the scientific research institute in Novosibirsk. (NICAP: 02 - C 12/6/1978 #41696 autopsy to the scientific research institute in Novosibirsk. When first dis 12/6/1978 #41698 the director of the meteorological institute at the University of Naples in 12/23/1978 #41836 ed from French) The Cosmic Studies Institute and the Academy of Sciences of 1/14/1979 #41997 Kuwait Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research The Ku 1/20/1979 #42022 for Scientific Research The Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research commit 1/20/1979 #42022 adi, identified as director of the Institute for Extrahuman Studies, says t 5/1/1979 #42203 events of this night the Technical Institute was temporarily closed and the 8/11/1979 #42413 vainly chase. Andropov orders the Institute of Studies of Magnetism and Ea 6/14/1980 #43093 Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa, Can 8/15/1980 #43198 to A. G. McNamara of the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa, Can 8/15/1980 #43198 Namara that the astronomers at the institute will soon be the targets of Fr 8/15/1980 #43198 tics and Astronomy Moscow Aviation Institute Felix Zigel for an Italian new 1/1981 #43548 Moscow Aviation Institute An interview with Russian UFO 7/31/1981 #43877 rts on file in the Moscow Aviation Institute and has compiled eight volumes 7/31/1981 #43877 ubblebine, who utilized the Monroe Institute to train his officers in ways 1983 #44639 Chairman of the Board, Washington Institute of Technology, in a letter to 11/29/1983 #44997 New York Psychiatric Institute Night. Novelist Whitley Strieb 12/26/1985 #45773 Klein of the New York Psychiatric Institute beginning in March 1986. Strie 12/26/1985 #45773 Arbel who must go to the Technion Institute, Israeli version of MIT. (...) 9/28/1987 #46389 nclassified paper at the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patter 6/1989 #47150 Swedish National Defence Research Institute Mathematician Arne Gjärdman re 1990 #47623 Swedish National Defence Research Institute. He holds the position until 1 1990 #47623 until 1999. During this time, the institute starts sharing information and 1990 #47623 versity and former chairman of the Institute for Defense Analysis, of which 1990 #47626 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacks 2/1/1990 #47680 ns is held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacks 2/1/1990 #47680 remote viewing group the Farsight Institute, who calls it a “Death Trap.” 1/1991 #48324 Ms. Heck, a nurse at a psychiatric institute, observed at 1:30am at 100m fr 5/17/1991 #48466 Kharkiv, Ukraine The Research Institute on Anomalous Phenomena is esta 1992 #48710 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massa 6/13/1992 #48945 ingdom Australia The Massachusetts Institute of Technology hosts an Abducti 6/13/1992 #48945 School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois Laramie, 6/3/1993 #49497 e theatre of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Illinois. It featu 6/3/1993 #49497 poration, NACA and the Rockefeller Institute also played “major roles” foll 1994 #49867 uired by Robert Bigelow’s National Institute for Discovery Science in 1996 Fall 1994 #50330 also the founder of The Arlington Institute (TAI), a group connected to cl 12/10/1994 #50451 " Mr. Souren from the Astronomical Institute says that indeed, the images o 8/29/1995 (approximate) #51032 Robert Bigelow founds the National Institute for Discovery Science in Las V 12/1995 #51260 in São Paulo, Brazil Legal Medical Institute at the Cemitério dos Amarais i 1/23/1996 #51348 e is referred to the Legal Medical Institute at the Cemitério dos Amarais i 1/23/1996 #51348 ia engineer Marty Pilch, Arlington Institute head John Petersen, Sen. Harri 1/28/1996 #51365 the fifth meeting of the National Institute for Discovery Science scientif 8/1996 #51625 s sent for autopsy to the Technion Institute in Haifa. Having seen images o 12/21/1996 #51838 nhauer, from the Toxic Chirgurchie Institute of Munich, contests this expla 1/1997 #51851 o the New Braunfels Meteorological Institute. The object could not be ident 1/22/1997 #51869 ke. The KNMI (Dutch Meteorological Institute) finds no explanation. Suddenl 5/1/1997 (approximate) #52006 f Claudeir Covo, from the National Institute of Aerospace Phenomena Investi 12/7/1997 #52207 ioned by Robert Bigelow’s National Institute for Discovery Science. Results 1998 #52237 K. Leir Robert Bigelow’s National Institute for Discovery Science Podiatri 1998 #52238 ductees. Robert Bigelow’s National Institute for Discovery Science provides 1998 #52238 ment. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)’s Tom Passell tells Plo 5/17/1999 #52584 three partners: Battelle Memorial Institute, Texas A&M University and the 5/17/1999 #52584 The Arlington Institute (TAI), a defense industry non- 12/3/1999 #52720 was the Chairman of the Arlington Institute at the time and is who Fitts c 12/3/1999 #52720 Swedish National Defence Research Institute Mathematician Karsten Jöred re 2000 #52742 Swedish National Defence Research Institute. He holds the position until 2 2000 #52742 001 John Petersen of the Arlington Institute tells Vallee the same story. 5/9/2000 #52846 st who is a member of the National Institute for Discovery Science and an a 10/16/2002 #53284 worked with Davis at the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDSci) 10/16/2002 #53285 ntists commissioned by the Irkutsk Institute attempt to reach the site of t 10/21/2002 #53287 and John Petersen of the Arlington Institute “assure” him there is only one 8/23/2003 #53450 of John Petersen and the Arlington Institute’s “semi-official” scenario exe 9/14/2003 #53471 US Belgium The National Institute for Discovery Science releases 8/2004 #53593 Research Foundation, IIT Research Institute, United Aircraft Research Labo 8/2004 #53594 ve John Petersen and the Arlington Institute. Those in attendance “went muc 12/6/2005 #53780 roject under study by the National Institute for Discovery Science. He want 6/19/2007 #53909 o make all reports coming into the institute available to the organization’ 2008 #53981 ters” in the European Space Policy Institute Perspectives newsletter. Altho 1/2011 #54189 Arizona Rhode Island Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel Icarus In 1/9/2018 #54382 hardt, a professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. Yet anot 1/9/2018 #54382 In an interview at The Arlington Institute with John Petersen, Hal Puthof 2/8/2020 #54516 launches a new effort, the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies, to 6/2020 #54533 lee states it is Battelle Memorial Institute. He then won’t answer any more 12/4/2020 #54555 three partners: Battelle Memorial Institute, The Texas A&M University Syst 6/25/2021 #54586 old scientist & co-founder of the Institute for Exotic Science in Huntsvil 6/15/2022 #54655 Reeves was also involved with the Institute; her brothers Michael Eskridge 6/15/2022 #54655 to Japan and trained in The Monroe Institute who held 40 out of body sessio 10/20/2022 #54679 t who worked for Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, OH from 1939-1957 8/8/2023 #54724## Word: "instituted", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
awarded to Alberto Santos-Dumont, instituted by oil magnate Henri Deutsch 10/19/1901 #2080 eaves “the impression that the AAF instituted this investigation to wash ou 7/27/1947 #6120## Word: "institutes", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
eparate military units, scientific institutes, and the Ministry of Defense. 1991 #48318## Word: "institution", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Carnegie Institution of Washington Fifth Washingt 1/26/1939 #3462 oretical Physics D.C. The Carnegie Institution of Washington holds a press 1/26/1939 #3462 ional Bureau of Standards Carnegie Institution of Washington Columbia Unive 10/21/1939 #3487 d Brooke Roberts from the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and Szilárd, 10/21/1939 #3487 Carnegie Institution of Washington The Joint Rese 7/3/1946 #4534 like Lloyd Berkner of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. The original 7/3/1946 #4534 vestigated by the Defense Research Institution and not found to be rockets. 12/3/1946 #4817 f the few published by an academic institution, and the first UFO book by a 3/1953 #13196 Jahn, who contacts the Smithsonian Institution in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 8/20/1975 #37519 Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution UFO proponents and debunkers 9/6/1980 #43247 kers square off at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., for a d 9/6/1980 #43247 thout a trial and sent to a mental institution because of his paranoid cons 9/28/1989 #47334## Word: "institutional", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
uvers. Nuclear facility (military, institutional etc.) submersible base nea 2/12/1976 #38242 cientists could be productive; and institutional support for research in th 9/29/1997 #52163## Word: "institutions", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
by any of the German air research institutions.” 12/16/1947 #6468 by any of the German air research institutions.” http://www.project1947.c 12/16/1947 #6469 timidate, harass, jail, confine to institutions, and destroy military caree 9/4/1987 #46368 ovah overseen by a group of twelve institutions within military, intelligen 7/7/1999 #52616## Word: "instituto", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Argentine Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas 1991 #48316 study of UFO sightings within the Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas 1991 #48316 an inch deep. Researchers from the Instituto Nacional de Investigações de F 10/1/1995 #51140## Word: "institutt", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Trondheim, Norway The Norsk Institutt for Vitenskapelig Forskning og 1981 #43544## Word: "instrucción", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Ramón Fernández Sequieros, issues Instrucción General 40-5, a 28-page set 3/31/1992 #48851## Word: "instruct", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
erged, while the devil followed to instruct the Indians to gather a large f 10/15/1550 #375 , he meets with God and Jesus, who instruct him to undertake the spiritual 5/1928 #3034 en, received knowledge, and had to instruct the population.... (1930, end o End of 1930 #3094 The CIA and USAF instruct Lockheed to study a high-speed, 10/1962 #23202## Word: "instructed", 28 instance(s) (Back to Top)
on, resembling a 14-year old girl, instructed him to build a temple dedicat 9/29/1504 #335 mysterious small-caped figure who instructed him to deliver a message to K 1/15/1816 #907 as born in 1916, and was allegedly instructed by extraterrestrials from his 1921 #2880 to a secret government project and instructed them to remain silent about w 1946 #4434 ppearance. Monitored by planes now instructed not to approach within 15 km, Summer 1952 #10462 s eventually evaporated. Mr. Y was instructed not to send the documents con Summer 1952 #10462 o credit and the officer in charge instructed the viewers to “think about t 1953 #12910 raphs of UFOs. Air Force personnel instructed to discuss sightings only wit 8/26/1953 #13658 caused by radiation vapor. He was instructed to keep silent about his phot 8/2/1956 #18171 UFO reports in a nearby town. Base instructed them to return because their Late 1956 #18418 IA counterespionage activities, is instructed to hire the Mafia to kill Cas 9/1960 #22002 al recovered from ET craft. He was instructed to use these items for “utili 1961 #22138 released after being hypnotically instructed to totally forget their exper 9/19/1961 #22506 arately, and for the most part are instructed not to remember their experie 1/4/1964 #23960 e to each other in English. He was instructed to sit in a chair that render 1/24/1968 #30180 im that she was 180 years old, and instructed him not to mention the contac 5/5/1972 #33496 AFB, WA 2:00 p.m. Two airmen were instructed to check the tactical air nav 10/14/1972 #33938 in Pierce County, Washington, were instructed to check the tactical air nav 10/14/1972 #33941 . After arriving there he was then instructed to go to a clearing in the wo 11/3/1973 #35344 gy Laboratory is located. They are instructed not to stop for anyone. Milit 1/23/1974 #35702 een 125-175 years. Mr. Swanner was instructed to inform the public. He clai 2/9/1974 #35770 as "Alton" and "Tombo." Becky was instructed to lie on a hospital-like bed 3/20/1974 #35949 as taken onboard a UFO after being instructed to go to an isolated area. He 8/26/1976 #38720 recoveries at the Pentagon but was instructed NOT to remove them from his o 11/29/1983 #44997 lant watching security monitors is instructed to film the object using a ca 7/24/1984 #45381 m Floyd Parkway; local police were instructed to reroute traffic at 4:22am 9/28/1989 #47336 ndles 3,000 movements per day, has instructed only three cases, including t 1/28/1994 #49907 encounter a UAP. They are clearly instructed to complete the Air Force rep 5/2021 #54574## Word: "instructing", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, and communicated telepathically, instructing him not to look up as they d Spring 1947 #4887 when he heard a voice in his head instructing him to cross the road. Next 3/23/1974 #35976 s given a post-hypnotic suggestion instructing her to defend herself from a 4/5/1993 #49416 ers being given a telepathic order instructing him to forget the whole epis 9/24/1995 #51119## Word: "instruction", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ocumented an anomalous event in an instruction to his representatives. He r 10/15/1550 #375 g. Gen. Edwin “Pa” Watson with the instruction: “Pa, this requires action!” 8/2/1939 #3474 e reporting network, Communication Instruction for Reporting Enemy Sighting 1942 #3594 ion of the peacetime Communication Instruction for Reporting Enemy Sighting 1947 #4837 roject HT-304 under USAF Technical Instruction no. TI-2185) in a memo title 12/30/1947 #6484 NEAR PAYERNE, SWZ Military flight instruction. Metallic saucer going south 9/6/1949 #7560 m long roll. At the same time, his instruction by the extraterrestrials beg 3/25/1952 #9677 JANAP 146(E), a joint Canadian–US instruction, adds that photos should be 3/31/1966 #26289 Island, Florida A NASA management instruction issued by Kurt H. Debus, dir 6/28/1967 #28925 ering wheel." Justice ignored this instruction and the order was repeated, 8/1/1974 #36370 is enormity coming...) He received instruction there, as there were other p 7/29/1975 #37414## Word: "instructions", 43 instance(s) (Back to Top)
that time. On the label there were instructions written in French. A piece 5/18/1909 #2324 rs, directing us in accorance with instructions received - from Somewhere e 1919 #2826 m the early 1930s in Italy suggest instructions from Benito Mussolini regar 1933 #3183 led these machines based on German instructions, resulting in a wingless, b 7/1945 #4327 istrict in Morjärv, Sweden, issues instructions on how to report incidents 6/26/1946 #4519 ate UFOs, per General LeMay’s 1946 instructions. 8/1947 #6171 ker funeral home awaiting official instructions.Captain Mantell was a veter 1/7/1948 #6516 , to open fire. Carrying out these instructions, Apraksine maneuvered for i 6/16/1948 #6700 d the object on radar and given it instructions to land, but it does not re 6/16/1948 #6703 system, is issued. It consists of instructions for military and civilian p 10/1/1948 #6891 erything is okay. Awaiting landing instructions. The DC-3 disappears from t 12/27/1948 #7028 146(A) is issued: “Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelli 9/25/1950 #8603 sues JANAP 146(B), “Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelli 9/6/1951 #9229 JANAP 146 (C), “Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelli 3/10/1954 #14232 aller man seemed to be giving them instructions. About 80 m away was a craf 9/30/1954 #15324 to be their leader and giving them instructions. About 80 meters away from 9/30/1954 #15333 if not to worry it; he asks: 1° if instructions have been given for these p 10/7/1954 #15611 Jean Nochet of October 7, 1954: 1° Instructions have indeed been given to t 1/11/1955 #16933 n in the UK House of Commons: What instructions have been sent to RAF stati 1/21/1959 #20965 plies that RAF units have standing instructions for handling reports, and t 1/21/1959 #20965 s Canada into the CIRVIS reporting instructions. The Canadian Department of 2/1/1959 #20981 aunches a series of Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelli 2/1/1959 #20981 r general of the Air Force, issues instructions pertaining to “UFO business 12/24/1959 #21627 US In private instructions briefing Air Force for Oper 12/24/1959 #21628 ine with our plans... according to instructions... Why do we have to stay? 5/18/1961 #22320 and adds special CIRVIS reporting instructions for unidentifiable objects. 3/31/1966 #26289 on which were written the cryptic instructions, “16:30 be at the specified 8/20/1966 #26948 October 11. In accordance with his instructions, his wife burns the bed, th 8/13/1967 #29270 an outside and following his son's instructions could see a strange, dark d 5/27/1968 #30503 part abruptly as if in response to instructions. 7/17/1968 #30712 atements from the eyewitnesses, on instructions from the Brazilian Air Forc 7/18/1969 #31910 atements from the eyewitnesses, on instructions from the Brazilian Air Forc 7/18/1969 #31911 white, containing cash and written instructions. It was mentioned a place i 1975 (approximate) #36776 the story. Colin asked to see the instructions, and the taxi driver took t 1975 (approximate) #36776 cube-like device (or crystal) with instructions that if anyone should deman 9/11/1975 #37609 inue the investigation, waited for instructions and kept watch until nightf 3/24/1976 #38336 ) In Saint-Denis (Reunion), on the instructions of the Lieutenant Colonel c 3/30/1976 #38356 he object leaves. He follows these instructions and does not see the object 5/16/1979 #42233 the object left. He followed these instructions and did not see the object 5/16/1979 #42234 r circles airport. Ignores landing instructions.. 2/9/1988 #46564 . Ramón Fernández Sequieros passes instructions to the Spanish Air Regions 7/26/1991 #48547 cret sensitive site “Zhitkur” with instructions on the location of all site 1996 #51283 the Home Office to cancel standing instructions to police forces who have, 1/2010 #54140## Word: "instructor", 65 instance(s) (Back to Top)
:15 a.m. Capt. Mario Rossi, flight instructor at the airfield at Orbetello, 10/10/1936 #3350 each, California A military flight instructor and his student observed a fa 1943 #3745 Long Beach, CA Flight instructor and student pilot saw a glowi 4/5/1943 #3772 Beach, California 9:50 a.m. Flight instructor Gerry A. Casey and a student 4/5/1943 #3773 French Air Force detachment as an instructor on P-47 Thunderbolts, accepts 7/1945 #4326 ranslated from French) At 11:45 an instructor and a trainee, saw during a t 7/7/1947 #5641 onsin Koshkonong 11:30 a.m. Flight instructor Kenneth Jones out of Elkhart, 7/7/1947 #5759 rtland control tower, and a flight instructor observe an object with 1 whit 7/30/1949 #7493 ol tower operators, and one flying instructor. One object with one white l 7/30/1949 #7497 At 10:12 a.m. a military flight instructor flying over Payerne, Switzerl 9/6/1949 #7561 air, a commercial pilot and flight instructor, watches six elliptical objec 11/27/1950 #8730 was seen by Mr. Y.R. Bahn Darkar, instructor of the local flying club. (Ji 3/15/1951 #8987 one like polished aluminum. Flight instructor Paul Wilkerson said it was to 4/4/1952 #9736 Tucson, Arizona 9:00 a.m. Instructor pilot Donald L. McCraven and 9/3/1952 #12094 At 9:00 a.m. a flight instructor and one other witness witness 9/3/1952 #12096 RAF Communications Instructor Fred Threlfall claims a “dema 1953 #12908 AFB near Glendale, Arizona, is an instructor pilot flying an F-84 at 25,00 3/3/1953 #13202 BILOXI, MS USAF radar instructor. 1+1+2 small objects join for 9/24/1954 #15224 Cochise, New Mexico Witnesses: instructor and student pilot in USAF B-2 1/1/1955 #16912 of Cochise, New Mexico Witnesses: Instructor Capt. D.F. Ritzdorf, aviation 2/1/1955 #16968 Cochise, Arizona 7:55 p.m. Instructor Capt. Delwyn F. Ritzdorf and 2/1/1955 #16969 BANNING, CA USAF flight instructor and doctor. Very large white 11/25/1955 #17674 he receives a message from a Great Instructor who disembarks from a UFO. (1 8/1956 #18153 MARION CO, GA Flight instructor and ground RADAR. Silver lens 3/1958 #20224 s: Capt. F.A. Henney, engineering instructor at USAF Academy, flying a T-3 10/19/1959 #21522 ptain F. A. Henney, an engineering instructor at the USAF Academy in Colora 10/19/1959 #21523 S air space. An F-89J Scorpion jet instructor pilot and his radar observer, Early 1960 #21649 tion of Navy planes, led by flight instructor Lt. Rodolfo César Galdos, nea 5/22/1962 #22903 UK A former RAF pilot, and flying instructor, observed a triangular UFO wh 8/1/1963 #23662 ing. A former RAF pilot and flight instructor sees a triangular UFO that li 8/1/1963 #23663 fornia 3:15 p.m. US Forest Service instructor Edward A. Grant and his son s 9/14/1963 #23756 ng, Essex, England, trainee riding instructor Pauline Abbott sees a shiny w 12/27/1963 #23945 ok - cfr Don Berliner). Laxson, an instructor at the US Air Force, was driv 3/23/1966 #26135 Temple (Oklahoma), an electronics instructor from Sheppard Air Force Base 3/23/1966 #26137 Temple, Oklahoma An electronics instructor, who was driving to work at a 3/23/1966 #26152 ear Wichita Falls, Texas) civilian instructor William E. “Eddie” Laxson is 3/23/1966 #26155 An electronics instructor who was driving to work at a 3/23/1966 #26160 r RCAF Flight Lieutenant and pilot instructor, was cruising with a friend, 6/1/1966 #26656 Boston, MA 2:30 p.m. EST. An art instructor saw a thin disc with flat dom 8/15/1966 #26907 Louisiana Night. Centenary College Instructor John O. Williams has taken hi Spring 1967 #28219 Islagrande, PR 11:15 a.m. A flight instructor and student in a U.S. Navy Ce 4/1967 #28336 ear-old daughter of an engineering instructor saw a luminous disc for 1 min 6/29/1967 #28929 :35 a.m. RAPCON alerts the pilots (instructor pilot Maj. Bradford Runyon an 10/24/1968 #31141 reporting witness is Chief Flight Instructor José Américo C. Medeiros, 23, 10/5/1971 #33184 BETHESDA, MD Flight instructor / ground. Dull silent object 4/20/1973 #34346 Great Lakes Naval Base instructor RK states a UAP was shot down 6/1973 #34464 Hawaii At Great Lakes Naval Base, Instructor R. K., Gunnery School Grade E 9/1973 #34674 A flight instructor and his student were flying o 1/29/1974 #35724 8 jet trainer, 1st Lt Seth Bryant (instructor pilot) and 1st Lt Choate (stu 10/26/1977 #40141 ucky. The pilot accompanied by his instructor and girlfriend, related that 1/15/1978 #40427 Key West 12:00 midnight. A flight instructor is flying his Cessna 172 to O 1/27/1978 #40468 e base. On March 28, a college art instructor and a shipping company owner 3/27/1978 #40651 9:40 p.m. Chinese Air Force flying instructor Sha Yongkao is piloting a pla 7/26/1978 #41011 9:10 p.m. Chinese Air Force flight instructor Sha Yangkao is flying a night Late 2/1979 #42106 nch) During a training flight, the instructor and student pilot saw an unid 5/26/1979 (approximate) #42251 USA who says the 29th). On May 26, instructor Danilo Catalan Farias, a pilo 5/26/1979 (approximate) #42251 gland Basingstoke 2:30 p.m. Flying instructor Laurie Adlington has just lef 8/27/1979 #42471 land Winter Hill 11:45 a.m. Flight instructor Leslie Groves is tutoring a p 12/11/1979 #42771 Bluff, California 1:15 p.m. Flight instructor Lloyd List is flying northbou 9/4/1980 #43240 eing flown by Mr. Dennis, a flight instructor, while flying over San Luis R 4/8/1981 #43685 wn by a student pilot and a flight instructor southeast of Lowell, Indiana. 10/24/1982 #44555 sitting inside the cockpit with an instructor. Just as he is flying at 40,0 4/26/1984 #45262 essna 337 Super Skymaster with his instructor, US pilot David Patterson, so 9/9/1985 #45683 College instructor College instructor Karla Turn 1988 #46491 College instructor College instructor Karla Turner and her husband 1988 #46491## Word: "instructors", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
KEOKUK, IA 3 flight instructors. 3 fast bright silver disks 7/3/1947 #5334 Translated from French) A group of instructors from the Mississippi Aeronau 4/27/1948 #6643 OMAHA, NE 3 college instructors. Saucer hovers / 2 minute(s) 5/11/1968 #30469 that identified themselves as the "instructors". The children looked human 8/2/2001 #53083## Word: "instructs", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
urtyard to lift her. However, Zigu instructs the girl to remove her dusty s 1036 #151 s the Ghetto Informant Program and instructs 23 FBI offices to “disrupt, mi 8/1967 #29154 the Senate Intelligence Committee, instructs the director of national intel 6/23/2020 #54536## Word: "instrument", 94 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ry Celeste: grooves from a cutting instrument, on both sides and a few feet 11/24/1872 #1242 temporarily paralyzed her with an instrument, and took her aboard the craf 1933 #3182 . A cockpit with a chair facing an instrument panel remains intact. Police Early Spring 1941 #3548 ntists agree to set up a series of instrument stations to photograph and an 2/16/1949 #7132 minutes, after which he handed the instrument to a sailor. Shortly afterwar 4/24/1949 #7250 ed that the sailor had pointed the instrument in another direction. Letting 4/24/1949 #7250 rses Moore was about to snatch the instrument from the sailor when the latt 4/24/1949 #7250 an awkward gesture he directs the instrument towards the witness, who imme Early Summer 1950 #8326 t. Shortly after the men focus the instrument on the object to take a film, 7/1950 #8397 en, and the pilot pointed the thin instrument at him again. It was midnight 5/15/1951 #9022 ndent, and Sgt. D. V. Crandell, an instrument technician, reported sighting 1/1/1952 #9520 hen, upon release of the parachute instrument package from the balloon, the 8/29/1952 #12033 stered to the right of the Skyhook instrument package at 74,000 feet for so 8/29/1952 #12033 TUCSON, AZ Flight instrument and 1. Dark ovoid / 2 separat 9/3/1952 #12089 oses Lake, Washington 7:30 p.m. An instrument technician driving toward Lar 12/22/1952 #12850 uss the difficulties of setting up instrument watches to monitor sightings. 1/15/1953 #12981 iewing conditions are good and the instrument is large enough, the feature 7/30/1953 #13551 ooks at the stars to calibrate his instrument, he notices a yellow-white li 1/25/1954 #14107 ne and an occupant with a luminous instrument in hand, speaking to them in 10/9/1954 #15683 0' saucer. 5 pseudo-human/entity / instrument panels. 6 separate observer(s 5/1/1957 #18819 nside several people seated before instrument panels, lighted by an extraor 5/1/1957 #18822 l people inside seated in front of instrument panels, lit by an extraordina 5/1/1957 #18823 milar to diving suits working some instrument panels. He was taken for a 30 5/1/1957 #18824 w the inside of the belly. With an instrument that made a squeaking sound p 10/25/1957 #19394 g a bluish-white light and another instrument, in what appeared to be radia 10/25/1957 #19401 Johannesburg, S. Africa Airport instrument inspector, others watched red 4/11/1958 #20306 lts. One seems to be working at an instrument panel. They are only the size Late 10/1959 #21542 (...) IT CONTAINS NO FRAMEWORK OR INSTRUMENT, NOT EVEN THE USUAL RADIO TRA 8/12/1960 #21937 hem scratching his forearm with an instrument, then he blacks out. When he Late 11/1961 #22654 ON, HERTFORDS RAF pilot and flight instrument and tower Air Traffic Control 8/1/1963 #23659 second figure stood in front of an instrument panel. At the time, the witne 3/6/1965 #24803 y, Maryland Witness: J.H. Martin, instrument maker for U.S. Bureau of Stan 3/8/1965 #24808 aryland 7:40 p.m. J. H. Martin, an instrument maker for the National Bureau 3/8/1965 #24809 Mount Airy, Maryland, including an instrument maker for the U.S. Bureau of 3/8/1965 #24810 t was another man seated before an instrument panel. Shortly thereafter the 7/20/1965 #25145 t was another man seated before an instrument panel. Shortly thereafter the 7/20/1965 #25149 he pilot has difficulty seeing his instrument panel. It maintains its posit 1/13/1967 #27552 he pilot had difficulty seeing his instrument panel, and it maintained a po 1/13/1967 #27554 nd. It appeared to be some kind of instrument with a dial on it, like a clo 1/26/1967 #27663 of their men. Furthermore, no such instrument described by Jones was in use 1/26/1967 #27663 s) = Nethken. CE2. Photographs and instrument readings. UFO. No further det 2/13/1967 #27796 advanced towards her with the same instrument that had been used to bleed t 3/1968 (approximate) #30290 ht cuts on her arms. Each time the instrument returned to his right hand, l 3/1968 (approximate) #30290 killing her sheep using a tubular instrument with a hook on the end. Flore 3/10/1968 #30332 ing, whereupon he walks over to an instrument resembling a radio and, movin 3/10/1968 #30332 l, upon which the being throws its instrument at her several times; it retu 3/10/1968 #30332 hrown to the ground. The tube like instrument absorbed the net, and the ent 5/14/1968 #30474 recalling seeing nearly identical instrument panels and other instruments. 8/7/1968 #30839 nside there are four stools and an instrument panel. Pereira sees four bein 10/2/1968 #31085 fourth is inside the object at the instrument panel. The being with the wea 10/2/1968 #31085 green coveralls and had on a broad instrument belt on which was a large dev 1/15/1969 #31436 lluminating the henhouse with this instrument that emitted a pink light up 2/20/1969 #31522 he upper portion. One stands at an instrument panel, with the other behind 1/1/1970 #32199 ed to be peering over a console or instrument panel. The craft descended si 8/15/1970 #32488 dy and arm to conceal some sort of instrument panel. He seemed to be trying 6/9/1971 #32910 iling. Behind him was some sort of instrument panel. Several other humanoid 3/25/1972 #33435 one of his fingers using a kind of instrument resembling a fat pencil. Then 10/4/1972 #33909 background. There was also a long instrument panel bearing "a lot of instr 12/30/1972 #34075 aucer going down. Figure(s) work / instrument panel. Telepathy? Fragmentary 1/1/1973 #34104 be seen on board working behind an instrument panel. 1/1/1973 #34110 lace where she couldn't see and an instrument of some sort was placed on he 6/23/1973 #34507 e man pointed a flashlight kind of instrument at him and him in the eyes wi 5/1/1974 #36128 ng hours and are caused by a sharp instrument that can punch through flesh 2/1975 #36905 them seemed to be dealing with an instrument, the fourth was near a panel 7/31/1975 #37417 animals with "a very sharp cutting instrument". Richard Boom reported that 10/6/1975 #37710 ngs and figure(s) / cabin. Colored instrument panel. 10/19/1975 #37754 lips. They took a strange looking instrument that emitted light and scanne 4/2/1976 #38371 he saw a luminous horseshoe-shaped instrument panel 3-4 meters long. A cask 5/14/1976 #38448 ts visible inside object operating instrument panel. Object departed out to 6/22/1976 #38530 maneuver. When he next checks his instrument panel, he discovers that his 8/13/1976 #38674 e is within 4 miles, the radio and instrument panel go out again. The light 9/18/1976 #38821 emembered seeing a hand holding an instrument like a toy windmill, a spiral 12/10/1976 #39035 like a shovel, when he turned this instrument towards me the headlights wen 10/18/1977 #40107 appears to be “a sharp and precise instrument,” and its internal organs are 3/24/1978 #40636 e a UFO detector (a magnetic field instrument) starts buzzing. Dains himsel 8/18/1978 #41120 y illuminated room crammed full of instrument panels. He did not see any oc 12/15/1978 #41772 device with a tube and clock-like instrument attached. They entered the sc 1/13/1979 #41991 g and the other standing behind an instrument panel. (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 2/14/1981 #43619 years old. She carried a Y-shaped instrument about a foot long. As she gra 11/29/1982 #44595 was tanned or dark, and carried an instrument about a foot long. When she g 11/30/1982 #44596 it appears to be using a T-shaped instrument to explore the ground. There 10/8/1984 #45462 ints and holes left by the strange instrument, as well as landing marks app 10/8/1984 #45462 t creature was holding a wand-like instrument, which it dipped into a gold 12/1984 #45509 ont of them. They duck beneath the instrument panel. When they get up, they 9/9/1985 #45683 f blood seemed to indicate that an instrument cauterizing by heat, such as 9/29/1988 #46797 the ionosphere. The most prominent instrument at HAARP is the Ionospheric R 1993 #49252 HAARP is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high-power radio fre 1993 #49252 ometimes poking her with an unseen instrument. She sensed hostility from th 7/24/1993 #49580 h antennas. One carried a pen-like instrument, which he pointed towards the 8/26/1995 #51021 ing inserted some type of rod-like instrument into their eyes. Unusual phys 3/6/1996 #51452 c clothing and holding a cane-like instrument in his left hand. The humanoi 11/25/1999 #52714 an average man. It was carrying an instrument that looked like a crystal cu 4/25/2007 #53896 cube with a handle. It raised the instrument and waved it around briefly, 4/25/2007 #53896 nd then took out a box and put the instrument in it. It then approached the 4/25/2007 #53896## Word: "instrument-carrying", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
o land without first retracting an instrument-carrying pole extending from 3/1/1944 #3928## Word: "instrumental", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tions. In this position, Wisner is instrumental in supporting pro-American 8/23/1951 #9170 lowed him aboard the craft past an instrumental panel into a "wildly furnis 8/11/1966 #26900 d from analysis of the aircraft is instrumental to the successes achieved b 8/16/1966 #26917 ness testimony with no physical or instrumental evidence to support the sto 2/15/1992 #48776## Word: "instrumentally", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
os of many of them, and track them instrumentally. On three occasions, ligh 1/21/1984 #45087## Word: "instrumentation", 13 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ered the dome-shaped interior with instrumentation and cold, ammonia-scente 1933 #3178 1958] — Early afternoon. Aircraft instrumentation engineer Victor G. Didel Summer 1948 #6713 policy that emphasizes the use of instrumentation for intelligence collect 1/29/1952 #9566 ivel seats, oval cabin and lots of instrumentation and displays. A tent pit 5/21/1953 #13396 arget. One of the planes is having instrumentation problems, but the other Spring 1959 #21082 officer-in-charge of photo-optical instrumentation for the 1369th Photograp 9/15/1964 #24471 nician working with the Deep Space Instrumentation Facility [now the Harteb 10/22/1965 #25721 ource for future investigations or instrumentation. 1/13/1967 #27550 aboratory begins to set up a field instrumentation lab at Con Thien combat 8/1968 #30814 ked helicopters with sophisticated instrumentation on board and are dispatc 3/14/1975 #37054 ervational hardware and monitoring instrumentation, he maintained watch for 9/22/1975 #37642 lliant UFO, all communications and instrumentation were suddenly lost. As t 9/19/1976 #38822 hich strongly disturbs the airport instrumentation, is observed by a milita 7/31/1995 #50939## Word: "instrumented", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
before he recommends a full-scale instrumented program. He says that Norri 7/13/1949 #7460 es and consider the creation of an instrumented network. AMC is directed to 9/14/1949 #7568 and he suggests that ATIC begin an instrumented radiation program. 11/4/1952 #12606 7 incident is the first conclusive instrumented proof for the existence of 7/17/1957 #19007 s. He establishes a Laboratory for Instrumented Research on a 400-acre site 1964 #23953 they have witnessed or obtained an instrumented record of an event they cou 1/1977 #39112 Project Hessdalen ends its instrumented study in the Hessdalen Vall 2/26/1984 #45157 r Travis S. Taylor, sends up three instrumented small rockets to locate the 6/15/2019 #54468## Word: "instruments", 157 instance(s) (Back to Top)
eadily refuted using more powerful instruments. Gruithuisen also thinks tha 1824 #943 are up to date and the navigation instruments remain in perfect condition. 1850 #1097 nion], Iowa, both with and without instruments independently notice a brigh 8/7/1869 #1205 e a silver, leather-like suit with instruments on the chest. After rescuing 1920 #2864 ed with a violet light and various instruments while an ammonia smell fille Summer 1933 #3198 of violet light and observed many instruments, no occupant. Smell of ammon Summer 1933 #3200 rmans think they are Allied firing instruments and the English know that th 12/18/1943 #3858 t his plane motors stopped and the instruments froze when he was approached 1944 #3871 inutes the radio and other onboard instruments of the bomber refused to wor 2/1944 #3905 bject tails bomber / 20 minute(s). Instruments electro-magnetic effect (EME 2/1944 #3906 me its radio and direction-finding instruments fail. It shoots away at 700 2/1944 #3908 fighter crew. Huge orange sphere. Instruments electro-magnetic effect (EME 11/27/1944 #4082 magnetic needles of the navigation instruments had gone wild. The C 46 was 8/28/1945 #4378 owed by radars and special optical instruments taken from the Germans, afte 5/28/1946 #4490 p.m. David A. Kenney, an aircraft instruments engineer, and two others wat 7/6/1947 #5613 has transparent walls. He sees no instruments, only a padded ledge. 2/1949 #7112 avy. They had set up the recording instruments that preluded the launch of 4/24/1949 #7250 an observation posts equipped with instruments to obtain directional bearin 5/4/1949 #7307 an observation posts equipped with instruments), is revealed to the intelli 5/19/1949 #7369 ich paralyzed the plane motors and instruments over the Muroc Air Force Bas 1950 #7700 II, altitude 80 km. With measuring instruments for the upper atmosphere. (F 2/9/1950 #7790 ike Cellophane, working on various instruments. He was particularly struck 3/18/1950 #7953 ike cellophane, working at various instruments. They saw him and shone a li 3/18/1950 #7961 ike cellophane, working at various instruments. When they saw him they shon 3/18/1950 #7967 id). In front of them were control instruments and a kind of television scr 5/10/1950 #8267 on to check the reliability of the instruments and... the poor technician i 5/12/1950 #8278 plastic balloons carrying delicate instruments to study cosmic rays. Scully 2/26/1951 #8948 . Instead, they would be “going on instruments,” as worded in his briefing, 7/28/1952 #11346 l. In this dome there were several instruments. There was also enough space Early 8/1952 (approximate) #11557 in Madden was checking his onboard instruments when a sudden light caught B 1/9/1953 #12951 tographic coverage, plus all other instruments necessary or helpful in obta 1/9/1953 #12959 trained scientists; that tracking instruments be established all over the 1/17/1953 #12984 rong targets.” Strand looks at his instruments briefly and when he looks up 3/1953 #13195 an ovoid cabin equipped with many instruments. A tent is set up nearby to 5/21/1953 #13397 there were swivel steps, a cabin, instruments and displays. Werner states 5/21/1953 #13405 ts had come out of the device with instruments. They set something up on th 9/1954 #14967 the six men, apparently busy with instruments. Reliable investigations wer 10/23/1954 #16277 inutes he watches them fiddle with instruments. The object then rises to 15 10/23/1954 #16280 ix men, apparently busy with their instruments. Reliable investigations wer 10/23/1954 #16283 ll over/all about light plane. All instruments electro-magnetic effect (EME 3/24/1955 #17076 e craft stays with it. The plane’s instruments stop working. The pilot make 3/24/1955 #17079 lands, Okinawa, Japan. The plane's Instruments ceased to function, and the 3/24/1955 #17080 s flying at 15,000 feet when three instruments go out after it breaks away 10/3/1955 #17560 rbulence and its compass and other instruments spin wildly. All communicati 6/1956 #17991 strange flying object, their plane instruments went crazy (magnetic field?) 9/1956 #18303 ismologists using ordinary seismic instruments. 9/19/1957 #19238 on going [to] cloud. Exits without instruments. Saucer exits going west. / 1/6/1958 #20120 turns upon the object’s departure. Instruments like radio transmitters and 1/16/1958 #20144 like eyes to a room that had many instruments, and was given a medical exa 11/15/1959 #21573 Texas Instruments establishes the Southwest Ce 1961 #22150 iron. He could make out panels for instruments and heard a sound like that 4/18/1961 #22274 ace, and drop a capsule containing instruments and a small rocket onto the 8/23/1961 #22454 B, California, to Ely, Nevada, the instruments photograph 5–6 cylindrical o 4/30/1962 #22848 r took a photo of the balloon with instruments, ejected from the capsule. O 5/24/1962 #22908 ng. The batteries are damaged. The instruments don't work anymore. Oxygen! 11/8/1962 #23299 ausing the body to vibrate and the instruments to go crazy, then reverses c 8/20/1963 #23728 object / 12M altitude. Figure and instruments inside. Telepathy? 8/1964 #24360 m. They were packed with measuring instruments that could measure 36 differ 9/21/1964 #24477 heir forehead. On their heads were instruments emitting flashes of differen Early 2/1965 #24743 strange short creatures, who poked instruments into his eyes, ears, and mou 3/5/1965 #24801 nd), J. H. Martin, manufacturer of instruments for the NBS, observed 6 ligh 3/8/1965 #24804 arrangement. There are no visible instruments or seats. The object bobs up 7/1965 #25019 Argentina, Arg UFO interfered with instruments measuring magnetic fields (N 7/3/1965 #25047 iometers (magnetic field measuring instruments) register sudden and strong 7/3/1965 #25049 could see through an open doorway instruments and lights inside it. Three 8/26/1965 #25489 Through it he can see complicated instruments (knobs, dials, and switches) Mid 10/1965 #25707 l strength is now so high that the instruments are clicking as they max out 10/22/1965 #25721 human/entity examine plants etc. / instruments and lights. Beam aboard! 5/10/1966 #26600 of light beams. They used strange instruments to examine a number of objec 5/10/1966 #26601 ht beams. The creings used strange instruments to examine a number of objec 5/10/1966 #26605 It was the jamming of the on-board instruments that cost the lives of two o 6/8/1966 #26675 unit to gather data using various instruments and also employed a psychic. 1967 #27469 ction involved a medical exam with instruments used during the exam, commun 1/23/1967 #27624 y bags, men at work with technical instruments. 7/3/1967 #28958 at work and tables with technical instruments. A large walk-in refrigerato 7/3/1967 #28969 eemed to have been done with laser instruments. 9/9/1967 #29435 . 2 small humanoids (or Greys) and instruments. / r109p179. 10/24/1967 #29736 eem to be examining the place with instruments. About a week later, on the 11/7/1967 #29871 critical moment, the communication instruments began to function normally a Summer 1968 #30578 ntical instrument panels and other instruments. There sketches of the alien 8/7/1968 #30839 going quickly [to] over. Magnetic instruments act up. 2 power outages. 10/7/1968 #31095 tripod. 3 figure(s) / catwalk work instruments. FSRv18#1. 2/20/1969 (approximate) #31525 umming noise. The ship’s power and instruments go dead as the large object 10/24/1969 #32071 as from filming, while all onboard instruments are functioning perfectly. ( 11/19/1969 #32117 window. 2 pseudo-human/entity and instruments / dome. / MJ#261+/ r184p4. 1/1/1970 #32195 de, it seemed that there were many instruments. The object flew quickly spi 7/12/1970 #32431 regulations, most of the on-board instruments have been removed. A few hou 10/7/1970 #32581 he object and tested with numerous instruments. At one point the aliens tol 10/16/1971 #33204 nnel going quickly [to] WSW. Plane instruments go crazy. / r209#7. 3/18/1972 #33421 to red. The aircraft's electronic instruments all went haywire during this 3/18/1972 #33427 ght side. He saw a large number of instruments and dials. A blinding flash 12/30/1972 #34072 instrument panel bearing "a lot of instruments and clocks." A powerful flas 12/30/1972 #34075 iner for 20-25 seconds, navigation instruments malfunctioned 2/2/1973 #34164 s that appeared to be busy working instruments. She next heard a humming so 6/23/1973 #34507 t looked like a large eye. Various instruments that he could not identify w 10/11/1973 #34940 bed took a number of gray colored instruments, which he used one by one. A 10/16/1973 #35052 umanoids (or Greys) / silver suit. Instruments / belt. / MJ#246. 10/17/1973 #35078 s out at 3,800 feet. Reviewing his instruments, Coyne notices that the magn 10/18/1973 #35141 w a room with a window and various instruments, including a screen showing 10/28/1973 #35290 oys. Domed saucer / ground. TV and instruments electro-magnetic effect (EME 11/16/1973 #35415 he burst throws all the facility’s instruments off. A trajectory of an appa 5/17/1974 #36162 60 minutes. All the control panel instruments go haywire, and the pilot lo 5/6/1975 #37214 e silver, smooth, with large round instruments. She had a feeling of immens 9/15/1975 #37619 very, smooth, and with large round instruments. She was then blinded by a w 9/15/1975 #37622 minous/glowing object follows DC9. Instruments electro-magnetic effect (EME 10/28/1975 #37810 buzzed / orange sphere. Several-X. Instruments crazy. Radio Frequency Inter 6/4/1976 #38484 ld and large scanning machine like instruments. Samples of bodily fluids we 8/26/1976 #38721 he object, but the jet’s radio and instruments give out. Only when Khani pu 9/18/1976 #38821 unctions, as well as his radio and instruments. Jafari turns to the left to 9/18/1976 #38821 their jet lost control of all its instruments. The second jet just lost we 9/19/1976 #38837 NTAINS, GREECE Pilots / 2 F5 jets. Instruments go crazy near UFO / type unk 9/25/1976 #38852 as strapped down and observed many instruments, one of which made a buzzing 3/20/1977 #39385 TABIO, COLOMBIA Cessna instruments electro-magnetic effect (EME 4/29/1977 #39503 the controls did not respond: all instruments, including the radio, refuse 9/18/1977 #40002 here ahead of airplane, navigation instruments and radio E-M effects. UFO c 10/26/1977 #40139 ite after effecting the navigation instruments and producing a large amount 10/26/1977 #40144 . He has no trouble with the other instruments. 11/18/1977 #40212 o a general about aircraft losses, instruments going haywire, and something 3/27/1978 #40651 ject going [to] to Saveh. Airliner instruments electro-magnetic effect (EME 7/16/1978 #40978 l interference with the aircraft's instruments. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NI 7/16/1978 #40979 reports unusual readings on their instruments. 7/16/1978 #40982 l interference with the aircraft's instruments. 7/16/1978 #40983 opens. Observer(s) enters! Full / instruments. Goofy. 12/15/1978 #41766 utes while the central power plant instruments went "haywire." Several had 12/28/1978 #41861 all around and a dashboard full of instruments. He was then taken to a larg 6/28/1979 #42309 AR LAC SIMON, QBC 2 / light plane. Instruments go crazy. 300' fireball over 8/18/1979 #42434 man laid on another table nearby. Instruments connected her to the man, an 12/10/1979 #42767 s and studied his toes. Meanwhile, instruments were placed on his arms and 11/28/1980 #43442 ile buzzed / Saturn UFO. Radio and instruments electro-magnetic effect (EME 4/8/1981 #43683 San Jose, California on this day. Instruments onboard the plane experience 8/8/1981 #43895 San Jose, California on this day. Instruments onboard the plane experience 8/8/1981 #43897 t regarding the functioning of the instruments and the airport service. On 10/20/1982 #44542 shine more brightly. His airplane instruments start to go haywire. He pull 5/23/1983 #44780 e were reports indicating that the instruments or persons piloting these ma 11/1983 #44975 aphs by scientific field team with instruments 1/1984 #45051 rence of a UFO in the air with the instruments on board the plane. The comp 9/23/1984 #45440 variations noted in other onboard instruments. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NI 9/23/1984 #45443 variations noted in other onboard instruments. 9/23/1984 #45446 re poking the witness with several instruments. He was able to hear radio-l Winter 1984 #45532 and probing her torso with medical instruments. She had seen a strange ligh 1/1988 #46494 approach the jet and suddenly his instruments begin to fail. A red light i 12/1/1988 #46884 rightened. When it approaches, his instruments go crazy, including his auto 6/8/1991 #48495 to have a dome on top. The truck's instruments go haywire. He stops, mesmer 7/8/1991 #48523 saucer hovers near TV transmitter. Instruments go crazy. 7/8/1991 #48524 ters, the men's hair stood on end. Instruments showed an unusually high lev 8/28/1991 #48588 ited area of the ionosphere. Other instruments, such as a VHF and a UHF rad 1993 #49252 epathy and flashlight. Cameras and instruments inoperative! 2/1/1993 #49304 e. She remembers seeing electronic instruments and automatic rifles inside 3/16/1993 #49366 allic table with several different instruments. One of the humanoids showed 3/20/1993 #49377 e devices on their heads, and held instruments in their hands. The nearby s 6/27/1994 #50133 Javier Mayorga confirmed that the instruments in the tower had failures fo 7/26/1995 #50922 9:30 p.m. The lights, engine, and instruments of his car malfunctioned whe 9/29/1995 #51131 as probed with several needle-like instruments. On the way to the being's h 12/9/1996 #51818 d. Simultaneously, their vehicle's instruments malfunctioned. 9/30/1997 #52164 like a donut. He could not see any instruments inside the craft, but he cou 8/14/1999 #52643 seen dark figures carrying strange instruments. When the daughter woke up, 7/12/2003 #53432 bject, the radio, radar, and other instruments become jammed. Finally, the 10/28/2004 #53643## Word: "instument", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
g a bluish-white light and another instument, in what appeared to be radiat 10/25/1957 #19398## Word: "insubordination", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Saunders and Levine were fired for insubordination, not incompetence. 2/9/1968 #30236## Word: "insufficient", 21 instance(s) (Back to Top)
could involve an aurora borealis, insufficient information is available to 9/26/1568 #411 non remains ambiguous, and there's insufficient data to definitively attrib 1704 #610 ensional power of the aerostat was insufficient. The authentic passengers o 6/29/1785 #797 e speed of the plane, 300 MPH, was insufficient to catch up. Information ta 2/17/1945 #4206 er 16). It concludes that there is insufficient information to state that t 9/26/1947 #6371 her misidentifications, hoaxes, or insufficient information. That leaves 23 8/10/1949 #7514 and so fall into the category of "insufficient information." All but five 7/29/1952 #11440 st 12, 1954, and removing cases of insufficient evidence, the percentage of 6/30/1955 #17260 unknowns, and a third category of insufficient information. They also brea 10/25/1955 #17599 22% are unidentified, and 9% have insufficient information to make a deter 10/25/1955 #17599 adequate data, it is placed in the insufficient information category, separ 10/25/1955 #17599 ther 8% remain unidentified due to insufficient information. 11/8/1957 #19763 atement on the Hill case, claiming insufficient information, although they 9/27/1963 #23779 rier rocket having communicated an insufficient speed to it. The radioactiv 4/1964 #24006 ook, and that 10% of the cases are insufficient evidence. 7/15/1964 #24299 tterson any of the unidentified or insufficient evidence cases that he want 2/23/1968 #30271 Mauni, IL Unconfirmed date & insufficient data report of an object se 10/22/1973 #35211 ctly or probably identified (26%), insufficient information (36%), and unid 6/1978 #40828 blic, and resolve the UFO mystery. Insufficient funding dooms the effort to Summer 1983 #44810 ate that the available evidence is insufficient to consider such a premise 10/26/2018 #54422 . Many cases are unresolved due to insufficient data. 4/19/2023 #54709## Word: "insular", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r skims ground. Red edge. / Diario Insular. 4/1/1960 #21744 orange object lights bay. / Diario Insular. 5/23/1965 #24920## Word: "insularis", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
four southern chinch bugs (Blissus insularis) that he says can cause simila 1/1988 #46494## Word: "insulate", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
“special access” labels to further insulate classified information from out 11/5/1953 #13853## Word: "insulating", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d the aviators did not yet have an insulating suit. So the strongest and br 1932 #3138 sation of heat, an odor like burnt insulating tape, and one of the cars was 10/19/1973 #35168## Word: "insulation", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ops as the object passes over, and insulation from some electrical wires is 8/14/1914 #2651 air smells of ozone and smoldering insulation. After about 10 minutes the o 11/11/1956 #18469 with some thin aluminum strips and insulation. Around 4:55 a.m., one UFO sh 11/25/1964 #24562 r attributed to a breakdown in the insulation of the wiring at a point very 4/24/1966 #26524 object might have been a piece of insulation material. Neil Armstrong and 7/20/1969 #31912## Word: "insulin", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
30 days, he undergoes a regimen of insulin sub-shock combined with psycho-t 4/9/1949 #7228## Word: "insurance", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ssouri, W. H. Hopkins, a traveling insurance agent, spots a landed airship 4/16/1897 #1822 the illuminated Metropolitan Life Insurance Company tower, its silhouette 1910 #2456 William Washburn, president of an insurance company, observed four large e 7/12/1952 #10718 Annapolis, MD 3:30 p.m. Insurance company president William Wash 7/12/1952 #10731 Annapolis, Maryland Witness: insurance company president William Wash 7/12/1952 #10741 nt and are more concerned about an insurance claim than a UFO encounter. Late 8/1962 #23107 submits a statement to the Hills’ insurance company, which initially decli 1/4/1964 #23960 e court to drop the charge and the insurance company pays for the damages. 9/10/1968 #30989 nd that is what they report to the insurance agency, but there is no thunde 7/31/1976 #38617 color of mud but not granular. Our insurance agent ordered an analysis". Ro 1/18/1998 #52266## Word: "insurgents", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
dispersal of four machine guns to insurgents in the Dominican Republic. Pr 5/15/1961 #22318## Word: "insurrection", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
(Translated from French) Insurrection in Algiers. (May 13) 5/13/1958 #20365## Word: "int", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nue to this day. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/87260.htm 1958 #20091 the road and runs barking straight int a swirling, yellowish, glowing mist 2/9/1988 #46565## Word: "int'l", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
itude. Military report(s). / quest INT'l. 7/23/1995 (approximate) #50912## Word: "inta", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
joint operation by CNES (France), INTA (Spain), and the Italian space agen 8/10/1989 #47244## Word: "intact", 34 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nough to contain a whole crew, was intact after the flight it had just made 6/12/1790 #808 sails are hoisted and the cargo is intact. 1840 #1022 ovisions are missing, the cargo is intact, and the ship is in excellent con 2/26/1855 #1122 n is that the house was absolutely intact, all doors and windows being clos 10/24/1886 #1442 facing an instrument panel remains intact. Police officers, military men, a Early Spring 1941 #3548 damaged the other almost perfectly intact. Description: Each consisted of 2 1/16/1950 #7734 . This flying saucer, found almost intact, had been spotted by the radar of Summer 1953 #13459 their silver suits were absolutely intact, despite the terrible temperature Summer 1957 #18936 of an accident. Their heads were intact, they had high brows, long blond 1959 #20918 Major: At Wright-Patterson AFB saw intact UFO, damaged UFO parts, and dead 1960's (approximate) #21632 MERICAN SATELLITE RETURNS TO EARTH INTACT. (...) ONLY A FEW DAYS LATER, DIS 8/11/1960 #21933 ring in a dense forest, completely intact. The authorities state that it lo 1961 #22148 gently from above. All the mail is intact, and there is no sign of anyone o 1961 #22148 y. The UFO remained stationary and intact in the same place. A second attac 6/21/1961 #22373 OBOLSK, RS Plane and 7 lost. Found intact / small clearing! 7 men gone! / F 8/1961 #22422 to the Mediterranean, is recovered intact after a 2 1⁄2-month-long search. 1/17/1966 #25919 ng he checked his tires: they were intact. He continued on his way without 1/19/1966 #25929 grams of plutonium) WAS RECOVERED, INTACT, BY A POCKET SUBMARINE. 1968 #30100 of impact on his car: the hood was intact. (1969, Winter) Winter 1969 #32165 his module is supposed to still be intact in the sea, off the Fiji Islands) 4/11/1970 #32312 the cockpit and ejection seat are intact, but that in violation of regulat 10/7/1970 #32581 round ahead of her. It seems to be intact and is large, circular, and glowi 1/23/1974 #35702 ound ahead of her. It seemed to be intact and was very large, circular and 1/23/1974 #35703 earby with the remains of a nearly intact, shiny, silvery disc. The object 8/25/1974 #36463 iant sliding doors with vegetation intact revealing a huge corridor inside; 1982 #44144 while the rest of the sky remained intact. 4/1982 #44281 er (of separation), the ferns were intact. The two circles were separated f 7/13/1994 #50162 stance of one meter of ferns, also intact. Two or three young pines were in 7/13/1994 #50162 uld not explain how the ferns were intact around the circles, in the hypoth 7/13/1994 #50162 l had been kept. It was apparently intact and was subjected to analysis. Du 8/10/1998 #52408 past,” technological hardware, an intact craft they believed could fly thr 10/16/2002 #53285 y retired, the F-117 fleet remains intact and photos show the aircraft care 4/22/2008 #54004 ams that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non 6/5/2023 #54715 ess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin. The in 6/5/2023 #54715## Word: "intake", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e entire width of the Jaguar's air intake (180 cm). The witness cannot make 11/29/1989 #47497 ail, no rudder, no cockpit, no air intake, nothing at all. At one point, it 11/30/1995 #51256## Word: "intakes", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he “Organ,” a series of ramjet air intakes designed to take pressure measur 5/29/1947 #4968 ngine rods or large wing pods [or] intakes” flying at 56,000–62,000 feet fo 12/10/1956 #18547## Word: "intcomm", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
that aimed to develop people with “intcomm” (intuitive communications) abil 1/1963 #23394 is. He then claims he is “taught” intcomm in classes that consisted of lis 1990 #47625 he is part of the “first wave” of intcomm personnel. https://www.amazon.c 12/1993 #49826 periodic Project Preserve Destiny intcomm duties, he receives his first co Early 1994 #49870 s planes” again when receiving NHI intcomm and the NHI asks him if he did i 9/1994 #50261 man” or “water vessel” to maintain intcomm on that plane. https://www.amaz 9/1994 #50261 performed and a select few perform intcomm work too. He begins periodic num Early 1995 #50490 eriodic numeric information string intcomm which like before he inputs into Early 1995 #50490 begins to receive “startling” PPD intcomm data that he believed had to do Mid 1995 #50848## Word: "integral", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tions — and possibly others — were integral in working together to communic 7/1982 #44399 ng a backpack that seemed to be an integral part of the vest. He walked lik 10/23/1996 #51764 logical material to be crucial and integral in terms of revealing the “Troj 3/11/1998 #52308## Word: "integrate", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ion publicly later in the month to integrate “the air defense capabilities 8/2/1954 #14805 veloping a concept plan that would integrate the military intelligence effo 2/17/1961 #22215 se Secretary Robert S. McNamara to integrate all military intelligence oper 10/1/1961 #22548 gine, be led by investigators, and integrate cultural scripts like the abdu 10/2005 #53754## Word: "integrated", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ained strength despite their size, integrated with the Eskimo community, le 1913 #2548 aft with a semi-circular wing that integrated into the fuselage. This aircr 1945 #4152 ments such as transistors, lasers, integrated circuits, fiber optics, bulle 1947 #4839 acquired." The panel suggested "an integrated program designed to reassure 1/17/1953 #12984 The first planar monolithic integrated circuit (IC) chip was demonst 1960 #21634 ningrad Hiroshima The first Single Integrated Operational Plan, titled SIOP 12/14/1960 #22127 n, fiber optics, food irradiation, integrated circuits, and lasers. 1961 #22138 llites since Spring 1960) "IMEWS" (Integrated Early Warning System) were la 1970 #32179 s. At 8 pm, according to Cindacta (Integrated Defense and Air Traffic Contr 5/19/1986 #45929 Defense Center, which operates an integrated civil-military radar ATC syst 5/19/1986 #45942 echnology such as fiber optics and integrated circuits were developed by us 6/1997 #52029 k. Corso claims some fiber optics, integrated circuits, and night vision te 6/1997 #52033## Word: "integrates", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Canada JANAP 146(D) integrates Canada into the CIRVIS report 2/1/1959 #20981## Word: "integrating", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
processing, evaluating, analyzing, integrating, producing, and disseminatin 10/1/1961 #22548## Word: "integration", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ng the movement towards a balanced integration between engineering and tech 7/1/1945 #4329 is also explained the principle of Integration, a device that produces nega 12/29/1954 #16869 ly human in appearance, capable of integration into society. Hybrids have b 9/2015 #54316 eral officers from the NRO Mission Integration Directorate (MID) connected 11/5/2015 #54317## Word: "integraton", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
mpletes the outer structure of the Integraton at Giant Rock, California, a 1959 #20916 ion, Van Tassel discovers that the Integraton functions as a time machine. 1959 #20916 y to go by car at 2 pm to see the "Integraton", a building in the shape of 1985 #45546## Word: "integratron", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rge Van Tassel begins building the Integratron at Giant Rock, California, b 1954 #14015## Word: "integrity", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
y well-qualified individuals whose integrity cannot be doubted." 9/28/1965 #25662 nths, bluntly attacking McDonald’s integrity and calling him a habitual lia 12/16/1967 #30071 at the USPTO and co-founder of the Integrity Research Institute. [rg: Also 1968 #30114 raises doubts about its scientific integrity. He writes to Air Force Secret 4/30/1968 #30441 volume, cerebellar microstructural integrity, and functional connectivity i 7/2019 #54473## Word: "integrity-research", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
logy/dp/0964107007 * https://www.integrity-research.org/ 1968 #30114## Word: "intel", 31 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ly northwest / 400mph / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 6/10/1947 #4991 Roswell, NM Intel. Officer Maj. Marcel reports Roswe 7/8/1947 #5775 lling stars' subject of USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) query / Blue Book 12/13/1947 #6466 AFOSI Case 13; LaPaz, Captain, CAP Intel Officer Observed Green Fireball (N 12/12/1948 #7015 Asbury, NJ CONFIDENTIAL Air Intel REPORT: Maj. Ballard and Lt. Roger 9/10/1951 #9232 , MT Message going [to] USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) / wright-Pat / oh. 7/14/1952 #10766 rilliant orange glow. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) report to Blue Boo 7/21/1952 #10980 ee. Stroganov claimed that Russian intel chiefs met with counterparts from 1955 #16885 s" with 8 red lights. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC). No further detail 3/2/1955 #17047 researcher Yuri Stroganov, Russian intel chiefs met with counterparts from 1956 #17716 TAMPA, FL USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) observer(s). Civil 3/2/1958 #20230 outh toward(s) Rugby. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 1/28/1963 #23409 former Air Force man. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 1/28/1963 #23410 landing / schoolyard. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 2/5/1963 (approximate) #23420 . No further details. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 8/20/1963 #23725 t until it flies off. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 5/24/1964 #24170 40 minute(s). Flies. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 7/28/1964 #24349 ce. Oily spots found. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 3/4/1965 #24793 lake. No traces found / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 8/2/1965 #25258 r car / ground level. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 8/4/1965 #25316 uffers / UV exposure. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 8/13/1965 #25395 turn and drive back. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 1/29/1966 #25949 . No further details. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 2/16/1966 #25992 ltitude. Goes slowly. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) report. 4/5/1966 #26346 . No further details. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) records. 4/5/1966 #26348 Flashes and whistles. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 4/11/1966 #26399 nd car / 5M altitude. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) report. 4/17/1966 #26426 ar. Truck tire noise. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 4/18/1966 #26444 ishbowl helmet exits. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 1/25/1967 #27639 85 near Coffeen Lake. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.) 1/26/1967 #27652 -3A, Oct. 15, 1955, from Air Tech. Intel. Ctr., file no. TS5–2862, has been 6/28/1985 #45629## Word: "intellect", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
realizes its own existence and has intellect has a soul; NHI has visited Ea Early 1995 #50490## Word: "intellectual", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
m, (2) seized under section 181 of intellectual property law for national s 2/13/2009 #54087## Word: "intellectually", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tall. The witness was transformed intellectually, with subsequent psychic 5/3/1965 #24892## Word: "intelligence", 892 instance(s) (Back to Top)
stance from the Sun determines the intelligence level of a world’s inhabita 3/1755 #697 ust, so much so that British Naval Intelligence sends two officers out to i Late 6/1915 #2687 ngland 9:30 p.m. Two British Naval Intelligence officers, Lt. Col. William 9/4/1915 #2702 ce approved by the Office of Naval Intelligence, 16 days before the US Army 7/10/1940 #3526 e Germans in 1937. The US military intelligence, under the code name Oz, ta 7/1941 #3566 Naval Intelligence Officer Bernard M. Baruch J 1942 #3594 gh the image was given to military intelligence, it was never publicly disc 1942 #3602 ocal police, who then inform Naval Intelligence. 3/5/1942 #3632 e of Strategic Services, a wartime intelligence agency, with Gen. William J 6/13/1942 #3655 plant in Peenemünde, Germany. RAF intelligence officer Michael Bentine deb Autumn 1943 #3826 engines or the aircraft body. The intelligence officers tried to learn mor 10/14/1943 #3830 ignificant threat, certain wartime intelligence reports suggested otherwise 1944 #3888 teraction and reported it to naval intelligence. After being interrogated, 1944 #3894 inted assistant chief of staff for intelligence for the newly created US St 2/23/1944 #3918 for the creation of a new type of intelligence activity to investigate and 2/23/1944 #3918 ity to investigate and exploit air intelligence objectives in Germany and l 2/23/1944 #3918 lted in the collection of priority intelligence information of value in the 2/23/1944 #3918 llied command creates the Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CI 8/17/1944 #3998 London, England The Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee hol 9/6/1944 #4025 eorge C. McDonald (AAF Director of Intelligence), Lt. Col. Lewis F. Powell 9/6/1944 #4025 reading panic or giving away vital intelligence to German forces, initially 9/7/1944 #4026 Meiers, and on board by Lieutenant Intelligence Service F. Ringwald, observ 11/23/1944 #4071 nant Fred Ringwald, the squadron's intelligence officer, flying as an obser 11/23/1944 #4073 415th Night Fighter Squadron, and intelligence officer Capt. Fred B. Ringw 11/29/1944 #4085 f the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, sends SHAEF in Paris a cla 1/2/1945 #4168 memo to the assistant chief of air intelligence requesting further informat 1/16/1945 #4172 Capt. Fred B. Ringwald, intelligence officer for the 415 Night F 1/30/1945 #4180 bert. Their motto: "Serving Higher Intelligence since 1945". 2/1945 #4181 Bill Donovan’s plans for a postwar intelligence agency and publishes a secr 2/10/1945 #4193 s LeMay’s XXI Bomber Command’s Air Intelligence staff produces a 5-page rep 4/26/1945 #4285 heatre Truk XXI Bomber Command Air Intelligence issues an Air Intelligence 6/9/1945 #4310 and Air Intelligence issues an Air Intelligence Report on the balls of fire 6/9/1945 #4310 ween engineering and technical air intelligence. (July 1st) 7/1/1945 #4329 Service Command is moved into T-2 Intelligence. 7/1/1945 #4330 stwar military research. The Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency is establ 7/20/1945 #4349 slands, Japan Twelve 5th Air Force intelligence specialists flying on a C-4 8/28/1945 #4384 e War Department takes over Secret Intelligence (SI) and Counter Espionage 9/20/1945 #4394 the former OSS Deputy Director of Intelligence who oversees the OSS liquid 9/20/1945 #4394 eorge C. McDonald, AAF director of intelligence, writes to Maj. Gen. Elwood 10/9/1945 #4401 pears in American Legion Magazine. Intelligence officers have ordered him n 12/1945 #4406 gland, calls the British Technical Intelligence staff asking that the Air M 1946 #4426 which has fallen on his farm. The intelligence officers ask for directions 1946 #4426 few people can reach the Technical Intelligence staff and convince them to 1946 #4426 to make a field visit. Indeed, the intelligence officers believe that forme 1946 #4426 e officers believe that former Air Intelligence scientist Reginald Victor J 1946 #4426 in England. The other Director of Intelligence on the Air Staff, Air Commo 1946 #4426 Approximate date. A secret British intelligence report analyzed visual obse 1946 #4436 resident Truman creates a National Intelligence Authority (State, War, Navy 1/22/1946 #4444 icy and coordination and a Central Intelligence Group for operations under 1/22/1946 #4444 ads the CIG as Director of Central Intelligence. 1/22/1946 #4444 is transferred to the new Central Intelligence Group and becomes the Offic 4/2/1946 #4464 s it and wins the right to collect intelligence in Latin America. 6/10/1946 #4503 cts brought to the attention of US intelligence services. (July 9) 7/9/1946 #4545 Stockholm, Sweden Swedish Intelligence agrees to cooperate in shar 7/12/1946 #4569 Stockholm Two British intelligence officers arrive in Stockhol 7/18/1946 #4591 nch of the Directorate of Military Intelligence. 7/18/1946 #4591 ountry. As per a declassified U.S. intelligence report, the object was arou 8/1946 #4639 executive assistant at the Central Intelligence Group, sends a memorandum t 8/1/1946 #4646 nclusions are from the director of intelligence for the War Department gene 8/1/1946 #4646 Army assistant chief of staff for intelligence, to ask Budapest for furthe 8/13/1946 #4682 ass on all reports to the military Intelligence Department. In Sweden, the 8/21/1946 #4705 of Bothnia Director of the Central Intelligence Group (CIG) Lt. Gen. Hoyt V 8/22/1946 #4710 a social panic phenomenon. An RAF Intelligence report, “Investigation of R 9/9/1946 #4749 The Chief of Naval Intelligence requires naval attachés to 9/11/1946 #4753 ia Halle, Germany A top secret Air Intelligence report, “Significant Develo 11/29/1946 #4811 US A U.S. Air Force intelligence report suggested that the o 1947 #4840 US The US Defense Department’s Intelligence Review, no. 49, contains a 1/9/1947 #4849 taché in London, England, sends an intelligence report to the Chief of Nava 2/17/1947 #4872 gence report to the Chief of Naval Intelligence about his conversation with 2/17/1947 #4872 Sweden USAF Office of Air Intelligence Capt. Emmet O’Beirne, Chief 2/28/1947 #4877 he chief of the USAF Office of Air Intelligence about the branch’s intervie 2/28/1947 #4877 taché in Stockholm issues a secret intelligence report, “Sweden: Guided Mis 4/15/1947 #4909 Vandenberg as Director of Central Intelligence. Dr. Leon Davidson notes th 5/1/1947 #4923 Vandenberg as Director of Central Intelligence. 5/1/1947 #4926 Siberia U.S. A still-unlocated air intelligence summary is released, allegi 6/9/1947 #4987 rect, more detailed summary of the intelligence report is published in Dece 6/9/1947 #4987 published in December 1948 in Air Intelligence Report Number 100-203-79, “ 6/9/1947 #4987 Chamberlin, head of War Department Intelligence, authorizes three electroni 6/19/1947 #5028 uthorizes three electronic signals intelligence flights between July 1 and 6/19/1947 #5028 Maxwell Base, including Air Force Intelligence officers. For 5 minutes the 6/28/1947 #5153 Montgomery (Alabama), 2 pilots, 2 intelligence officers and 4 other witnes 6/28/1947 #5159 abama 9:20 p.m. Two pilots and two intelligence officers (Capt. Wilson H. K 6/28/1947 #5176 from French) General Ramey and his intelligence director give press intervi 6/30/1947 #5218 orce Brig. Gen. Roger M. Ramey and intelligence officer Col. Alfred Kalbere 6/30/1947 #5236 Conclusion to an FBI/ARMY Intelligence Report: Based on a detailed 7/1947 #5241 e calls Lieutenant Frank Brown, an intelligence officer from the Hamilton A 7/1/1947 #5259 and Davidson. He contacts another intelligence officer, a certain Major Sa 7/2/1947 #5298 t Wright Field, Ohio, and the army intelligence service are looking into th 7/3/1947 #5357 s. Johnson reports the sighting to intelligence officers at the Spokane Arm 7/3/1947 #5359 ng running around the inside. Army intelligence officers suspect that the c 7/5/1947 #5514 p, orders Jesse A. Marcel, the air intelligence officer, to investigate the 7/6/1947 #5615 chulgen, chief of the Requirements Intelligence branch of Army Air Force In 7/7/1947 #5762 elligence branch of Army Air Force Intelligence. It is decided to investiga 7/7/1947 #5762 few weeks later, an Army Air Corps Intelligence officer from Hamilton Army 7/7/1947 #5767 says that the disc is recovered by intelligence officers of the 509th Bomb 7/8/1947 #5862 ted and passed on to T-2 Technical Intelligence at Wright Field, Ohio, with 7/9/1947 #5907 irectly to the Air Force Office of Intelligence at the Pentagon. 7/9/1947 #5907 chulgen, chief of the Requirements Intelligence branch of Army Air Force In 7/9/1947 #5917 elligence branch of Army Air Force Intelligence, requests FBI help with the 7/9/1947 #5917 ial Agent S. Wesley Reynolds. Army intelligence claims they are not Army or 7/9/1947 #5917 Navy craft. He says that Air Corps Intelligence is utilizing all its scient 7/9/1947 #5917 orge F. Schulgen (Chief of the Air Intelligence Requirements Division) orga 7/10/1947 #5928 Assistant Director of the Domestic Intelligence Division D. Milton “Mickey” 7/10/1947 #5966 ritten statement to Army Air Force intelligence, referring to the objects a 7/12/1947 #6027 wfoundland is written up by a base intelligence officer. 7/16/1947 #6065 Boise, Idaho Intelligence agents from the Fourth Air 7/25/1947 #6112 restructuring of the military and intelligence agencies. It creates a unif 7/26/1947 #6118 vise the president and the Central Intelligence Agency, the first peacetime 7/26/1947 #6118 igence Agency, the first peacetime intelligence agency in the US. The CIA i 7/26/1947 #6118 eates the first black military and intelligence budget. 7/26/1947 #6118 M. McCoy, deputy commander of T-2 intelligence at Wright Field, Ohio, to s 7/28/1947 #6124 arrett Estimate, an Air Force Base Intelligence Report on “Flying Discs”—an 7/30/1947 #6152 T-2 Intelligence and Army Air Force Intellig 8/1947 #6171 -2 Intelligence and Army Air Force Intelligence hold meetings over the next 8/1947 #6171 Command headquarters replaces T-2 Intelligence with the Technical Intellig 8/1947 #6172 -2 Intelligence with the Technical Intelligence Department, tasked with pro 8/1947 #6172 Tacoma, Washington, to speak with intelligence officer Maj. George Sander, 8/1/1947 #6178 tain William Davidson of Air Force Intelligence died when their plane crash 8/1/1947 #6180 assistant chief of staff for army intelligence at the Fourth Air Force, wh 8/8/1947 #6220 ton Bureau hears a rumor from a US intelligence source that Soviet agents h 8/13/1947 #6239 Assistant Director of the Domestic Intelligence Division D. Milton “Mickey” 8/15/1947 #6259 An Anglo-American intelligence team releases a report on s 8/20/1947 #6280 ollection Branch of Army Air Force Intelligence, summarizes the findings of 8/22/1947 #6285 The reorganization of military and intelligence agencies under the National 9/18/1947 #6341 “Military Assessment of the Joint Intelligence Committee,” or MAJIC. http 9/19/1947 #6349 US The Chief of Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) sent a letter 9/23/1947 #6356 m the Air Institute of Technology, Intelligence T-2, Office, Chief of Engin 9/23/1947 #6357 to AMC, designates T-2 and the Air Intelligence branch of the US Navy Burea 9/24/1947 #6364 ot plan to duplicate air technical intelligence assets within the CIA. 9/24/1947 #6364 ommand designating T-2 and the Air Intelligence branch of the Navy Bureau o 9/24/1947 #6368 . James F. Olive Jr., Chief of Air Intelligence Division, to the Assistant 9/26/1947 #6371 George F. Schulgen, Chief of USAF Intelligence Requirements Division, writ 10/28/1947 #6424 iminary EEI of October 21. Titled “Intelligence Requirements on Flying Sauc 10/28/1947 #6424 s a memo to the Deputy Director of Intelligence in Berlin stating that the 12/16/1947 #6468 Pretty writes to the Dep. Dir. of Intelligence (Deputy G-2, U.S. Army) in 12/16/1947 #6469 rn this over to Chief of Air Force Intelligence McDonald for his signature. 12/18/1947 #6471 ports,” is issued by Chief of USAF Intelligence George C. McDonald, who con 12/22/1947 #6474 p. 896; “Report by the Director of Intelligence, USAF, to the Joint Intelli 12/30/1947 #6484 f Intelligence, USAF, to the Joint Intelligence Committee on Unidentified A 12/30/1947 #6484 Riley F. Ennis, chief of the Army Intelligence Division, in a memo reitera 1/21/1948 #6545 Col. Albert Deyarmond (analyst in Intelligence Analysis Division). Also in 1/22/1948 #6550 . Col. George Garrett of Air Force Intelligence for all files on “Swedish i 1/23/1948 #6551 harles P. Cabell, chief of the Air Intelligence Requirements Division, send 2/12/1948 #6566 orge C. McDonald, director of USAF intelligence, to the AMC commander, cons 3/17/1948 #6584 on the ground with military brass, intelligence guards and officers, and sc 4/1948 (estimated) #6596 ff Hoyt Vandenberg and Director of Intelligence Charles P. Cabell. The Rhod 4/23/1948 #6640 n Command HQ sends the director of intelligence at the US Forces in Austria 5/7/1948 #6665 tlanta, Georgia Chief of Air Force Intelligence Gen. Charles Cabell phones 7/25/1948 #6779 , assuming that a similar order of intelligence exists on other planets? Yo 7/26/1948 #6785 Air Intelligence Memorandum on “Pattern of F 7/27/1948 #6790 es that a study be made by the Air Intelligence Division to examine the pat 7/27/1948 #6790 “Estimate of the Situation.” Every intelligence operation’s task is ultimat 9/30/1948? #6878 in New Mexico. Two prominent USAF intelligence officers (Ruppelt and Dewey 9/30/1948? #6878 it really is meant for Director of Intelligence Gen. Charles Cabell. It is 9/30/1948? #6878 d. With a pro-ETH Wright-Patterson intelligence group on one side, an anti- 9/30/1948? #6878 on one side, an anti-ETH Pentagon Intelligence Requirements Office on the 9/30/1948? #6878 oney, goes out to the CIA, US Army Intelligence, and the Office of Naval In 10/7/1948 #6895 elligence, and the Office of Naval Intelligence. The query: What domestic t 10/7/1948 #6895 llatory path, up and down motions. Intelligence report missing. (Fund Repor 10/14/1948 #6901 USAF Europe Sweden Armament Intelligence Branch A USAF Europe docume 11/4/1948 #6941 ly beyond the scope of our present intelligence thinking.” One of the objec 11/4/1948 #6941 l. USAF officers visit Swedish Air Intelligence officials who have reached 11/4/1948 #6941 equest claims no record), Armament Intelligence Branch, and AMC. 11/4/1948 #6941 e Record,” the USAF Directorate of Intelligence indicates that “publicity o 11/24/1948 #6969 November 24 by Cabell, Director of Intelligence. 11/24/1948 #6969 s, is accidentally destroyed. USAF Intelligence later requests a replacemen 11/30/1948 #6973 e, the crew was questioned by USAF intelligence agents. (21 h 35) 12/5/1948 #6989 Dayton, OH Top Secret Air Intelligence Report 100–203–79 issued 12/10/1948 #7010 Project Sign report is issued, Air Intelligence Report Number 100-203-79, “ 12/10/1948 #7011 and two USAF officers (Sandia Base Intelligence Officer Lt. Allan B. Clark 12/12/1948 #7016 ry of the Chiles-Whitted case, Air Intelligence Report number 102-122-79, t 12/20/1948 #7025 S A once-classified U.S. Air Force intelligence assessment from 1949 stated 1949 #7048 eir duties and reassigned to other intelligence tasks within T-2. For Loedd 1/1949 #7054 same. After a few further years of intelligence work, both he and Truettner 1/1949 #7054 The CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence is established. Willard Mac 1/1/1949 #7059 assistant director for scientific intelligence. Problems almost immediatel 1/1/1949 #7059 opment Board writes a memo to USAF Intelligence on the green fireballs. It 1/7/1949 #7075 ckley, chief of the R&DB Technical Intelligence Branch. 1/7/1949 #7075 s Col. Eustis L. Poland of US Army Intelligence (G-2) sends a memo on behal 1/13/1949 #7080 io, Texas, to the Director of Army Intelligence concerning the green fireba 1/13/1949 #7080 y and is “considered TOP SECRET by Intelligence Officers of both the Army a 1/31/1949 #7100 on UFOs, “considered top secret by intelligence officers of both the army a 1/31/1949 #7104 d assistant director of scientific intelligence at the CIA. 2/1949 #7111 d Maj. William Godsoe (Fourth Army Intelligence liaison officer at Sandia B 2/8/1949 #7117 Ohio State University USAF Intelligence Directorate Cambridge Labs 2/11/1949 #7123 lingerman (chief of USAF Technical Intelligence Division) and Col. Howard M 2/11/1949 #7123 nd Col. Howard McCoy (chief of the Intelligence Department). 72 pages are v 2/11/1949 #7123 s a necessary activity of military intelligence agencies. Such sightings ar 2/11/1949 #7123 report is distributed to AMC, USAF Intelligence Directorate, ONR, Cambridge 2/11/1949 #7123 Cabell, head of the US Air Force's intelligence services (USAF), signs a me 2/15/1949 #7129 ell sets out a revised list of Air Intelligence reporting requirements for 2/15/1949 #7130 t provides the USAF Directorate of Intelligence a draft of his upcoming art 3/2/1949 #7161 r the matter “secret.” Fourth Army Intelligence is now calling UFOs “unconv 3/22/1949 #7187 , having been directed there by AF Intelligence Director Maj. Gen. Charles 4/25/1949 #7262 inary study related to UFOs to the Intelligence hierarchy of the USAF. The 4/27/1949 #7268 USAF Directorate of Intelligence briefs the USAF Deputy Chie 4/27/1949 #7272 Joint Intelligence Committee USAF Director of 4/28/1949 #7283 ligence Committee USAF Director of Intelligence Charles Cabell sends a repo 4/28/1949 #7283 ified Aerial Objects” to the Joint Intelligence Committee. It summarizes th 4/28/1949 #7283 Some printed copies of Air Intelligence Report 100-203-79, “Analysi 4/28/1949 #7284 ingerman, Chief Analysis Division, Intelligence Department. Memorandum was 5/18/1949 #7363 Wright-Patterson Air Material Intelligence Wright-Patterson Air Materi 5/19/1949 #7368 ence Wright-Patterson Air Material Intelligence Commander Col. Howard McCoy 5/19/1949 #7368 h instruments), is revealed to the intelligence community at one of its wee 5/19/1949 #7369 it on April 28, the trip that USAF Intelligence had arranged to explore the 5/31/1949 #7399 to mention the involvement of USAF Intelligence. 5/31/1949 #7399 OIN writes to the director of USAF Intelligence: “reports that fall in the 9/1/1949 #7554 ateriel Command and Directorate of Intelligence, HQ USAF, investigative act 9/1/1949 #7554 US Major Jeremiah Boggs, Air Force Intelligence, said that some pilots had 12/30/1949 #7685 US An Air Force Intelligence Analysis showing "controlle 1950 #7701 ter, the airline head reports that intelligence officers quizzed the pilots 1/1950 #7709 The AF Directorate of Intelligence quietly cancels the special 1/12/1950 #7724 igence quietly cancels the special intelligence collection directives to va 1/12/1950 #7724 ting UFO incidents, though routine intelligence channels still require UFO 1/12/1950 #7724 hs later Cabell discovers that AMC Intelligence under Col. Harold E. Watson 1/12/1950 #7724 own UFO investigations via his AF Intelligence staff. 1/12/1950 #7724 s will be processed through normal intelligence channels. Late 1/1950 #7756 bama, he is interrogated by a USAF intelligence officer and told: “Listen, 3/15/1950 #7923 ol. John V. Hearn Jr. of Air Force Intelligence, who tell him that most UFO 3/28/1950 #8045 with other military and government intelligence and investigative agencies 5/25/1950 #8308 undergoes a debriefing by squadron intelligence, he finds out that four RAF 6/1/1950 #8327 story to a judge and U.S. Military intelligence when he was able to cross i 6/17/1950 #8343 USAF Director of Intelligence Maj. Gen. Charles P. Cabell 7/1950 #8394 Col. Barber, sends a notice to AMC Intelligence Chief Col. Harold E. Watson 7/7/1950 #8415 by Hugh Young, deputy director of intelligence, and attended by representa 8/15/1950 #8514 d by representatives of the Secret Intelligence Service and Wing Commander 8/15/1950 #8514 by of the Air Ministry’s technical intelligence branch. Young explains that 8/15/1950 #8514 gon Wright-Patterson AFB Air Force Intelligence Collection Division’s Colle 9/8/1950 #8572 CC-1) at the Pentagon issues a new intelligence reporting directive requiri 9/8/1950 #8572 s Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings from Aircraft,” t 9/25/1950 #8603 The Air Force Intelligence office, apparently at the r 9/25/1950 #8604 has five members, representing UK intelligence branches. Its charge is to 10/1950 #8615 takes over as director of central intelligence. 10/7/1950 #8627 ording to Auerbach, of the Counter Intelligence Corps, his office had been 12/3/1950 #8756 ephoned, immediately, to Air Force Intelligence. 12/3/1950 #8756 eadquarters saying that local Army Intelligence has been put “on immediate 12/8/1950 #8782 m L. Langer, special assistant for intelligence analysis to US Secretary of 12/26/1950 #8820 ates, a forerunner of the National Intelligence Council. 12/26/1950 #8820 Korea The intelligence unit of the 1st Marine Airc 1951 #8836 ne Aircraft Wing puts out periodic intelligence reports through 1953 that c 1951 #8836 The Air Intelligence Training Bulletin publishes 2/20/1951 #8938 fense, and the Director of Central Intelligence, or their designated repres 4/4/1951 #9004 USAF Director of Intelligence AMC at Wright-Patterson AFB 4/23/1951 #9015 tes a memo to the USAF Director of Intelligence, explaining his view that “ 4/23/1951 #9015 tagon Wright-Patterson’s Technical Intelligence Department (T-2) becomes th 5/21/1951 #9026 nt (T-2) becomes the Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) and is assign 5/21/1951 #9026 is assigned to the Directorate of Intelligence in the Pentagon. Project Gr 5/21/1951 #9026 efence’s Directorate of Scientific Intelligence, DSI/JTIC Report number 7, 6/1951 #9050 Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson 6/22/1951 #9084 ett Ginna Jr. visits Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson 6/22/1951 #9084 y first moments, manipulated by an intelligence foreign to his own, which e 7/1951 #9089 ed of 2700 km/h! The Air Technical Intelligence Center, an agency of the Ai 7/13/1951 #9111 flying in formation. An Air Force Intelligence team, now admitted to be co 8/30/1951 #9204 s Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings from Aircraft.” A 9/6/1951 #9229 ton, OH Project Grudge is on hold, Intelligence Officer Capt. Edward J. Rup 10/1951 #9287 Battle Creek, MI Air Intelligence Report: Mr. (name withheld) 10/21/1951 #9350 The Directorate of Intelligence provides answers to the pro 10/22/1951 #9358 replaced as director of Air Force Intelligence by Maj. Gen. John A. Samfor 11/1951 #9374 eplaced Cabell as USAF director of intelligence and who seems “familiar wit 12/19/1951 #9465 d Mrs. Hank Fine, former Air Force Intelligence Major, of Hollywood Califor 12/23/1951 #9468 ychological warfare as well as for intelligence and operations. Suggests di 1952? #9485 sh said a woman who worked in Army Intelligence told Stringfield in 1957 of 1952 (approximate) #9489 ntgomery, Alabama World War II air intelligence records are transferred fro 1952 #9500 fighters during his trips to USAF intelligence to locate reports not forwa 1952 #9500 n. Soon, a man claiming to have an intelligence background becomes an activ 1/1952 #9518 t seem to be the impressions of an intelligence report about her on one of 1/1952 #9518 d, Assistant for the Production of Intelligence, writes a secret memorandum 1/3/1952 #9526 7:30 PM two Chief Sergeants, both intelligence specialists, were walking d 1/20/1952 #9535 gton DC), two sergeants-chiefs --- intelligence specialists --- observed fr 1/20/1952 #9536 ILD AIR FORCE BASE, WA 2 Air Force intelligence OFFs. Silent blue-white sph 1/20/1952 #9538 20 p.m. Two master sergeants, both intelligence specialists, are walking do 1/20/1952 #9540 Wonsan and Sunchon, Korea Army Intelligence Report from Korea. THEY LOO 1/29/1952 #9559 , USAF Assistant for Production of Intelligence, and his staff are briefed 1/29/1952 #9566 meeting, Garland introduces a new intelligence policy that emphasizes the 1/29/1952 #9566 zes the use of instrumentation for intelligence collection, including the d 1/29/1952 #9566 erminating Project Blue Book as an intelligence function). As an interim la 1/29/1952 #9566 bled scientists to study ways USAF intelligence methodology can be revoluti 1/29/1952 #9566 and Sunchon as stated in the Army Intelligence report. 2/25/1952 #9624 The 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron is activat 3/1/1952 #9638 ed under ADC to collect air combat intelligence. 3/1/1952 #9638 t the details with the Director of Intelligence for the ADC, Brigadier Gen. 3/19/1952 #9662 ained in the files of the American intelligence services states that a smal 3/29/1952 #9688 saucers are real, controlled by an intelligence rather than a pilot and cap 4/8/1952 #9770 IENTISTS. No longer scoffing, RCAF Intelligence and top Canadian scientists 4/16/1952 #9828 close to a joke. The RCAF said its intelligence was investigating as a bona 4/16/1952 #9828 possible Soviet attack. Air Force Intelligence warns Brig. Gen. Woodbury B 4/16/1952 #9838 ith and representatives from Naval Intelligence, Military Operations and Pl 4/22/1952 #9925 An Air Force Intelligence memorandum to Col. Frank Du 4/24/1952 #9957 ts reported to the Office of Naval Intelligence. 4/24/1952 #9957 ecial study group within Air Force Intelligence assesses nine undersea UAP 4/24/1952 #9958 ersea UAP with the Office of Naval Intelligence. ONI received the reports f 4/24/1952 #9958 a Col. Kieling, USAF civil service intelligence specialist Dr. Stefan T. Po 4/24/1952 #9958 Force Letter 200-5, which directs intelligence officers at every base to r 4/29/1952 #10002 Europe USAF Intelligence An Air Force memorandum wri 4/29/1952 #10003 mentions that their work for USAF Intelligence’s “Special Study Group” is 4/29/1952 #10003 tal, Tucson, Arizona 9:10 a.m. Air intelligence officer Maj. Rudolph Pestal 5/1/1952 #10041 acting chief of the Directorate of Intelligence Study Group under Maj. Gen. Early 5/1952 #10047 Paphos, Cypress RESTRICTED USAF Intelligence Report signed by Col. Willi 5/10/1952 #10097 Col. William L. Travis, Chief USAF Intelligence Division. stating: at 2030 5/10/1952 #10097 be heard on any street corner. An intelligence officer at McChord Air Base 5/12/1952 #10119 Europe USAF Intelligence Special Study Group Chief L 5/15/1952 #10150 ocative Life magazine article, CIA intelligence experts Sidney N. Graybeal 6/1952 #10242 ent Division, Office of Scientific Intelligence) and Irl D’Arcy Brent (Chie 6/1952 #10242 d on the past several years of OSI intelligence (and OSI predecessor docume 6/1952 #10242 is planted by either Soviet or US intelligence. 6/1952 #10243 RESTRICTED USAF Intelligence Report. 6/4/1952 #10279 iefed General Samford, Director of Intelligence, others; given directive to Mid 6/1952 #10369 nnagy of the 4704 Air Defense Wing Intelligence tells him that the objects 6/27/1952 #10563 cal Liaison Office, Directorate of Intelligence for the Far East Air Force, 7/11/1952 #10715 r the Far East Air Force, prepares Intelligence Report #29-52, detailing Ai 7/11/1952 #10715 Andrews AFB Classified Spot Intelligence Report (dated 7/23/1952): 3 7/20/1952 #10944 briefing with Capt. Berkow, a USAF intelligence officer from Bolling AFB in 7/21/1952 #10999 orts are sent to the Air Technical Intelligence Center (Project Blue Book) 7/21/1952 #11000 had no closing speed.” A USAF air intelligence report later states that th 7/26/1952 #11236 all Chadwell, Office of Scientific Intelligence stating: ATIC has set up a End of 7/1952 #11297 rects, through Deputy Director for Intelligence Loftus E. Becker, that a CI 7/28/1952 #11350 ut together to review the USAF UFO intelligence program at ATIC. Truman’s i 7/28/1952 #11350 ucers,’ were the subject of a full Intelligence study in 1951” [presumably 7/28/1952 #11352 EYES ONLY MEMO to Deputy Director/Intelligence from Ralph L. Clark, Acting 7/29/1952 #11358 g Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence stating: In the past severa 7/29/1952 #11358 he police that, according to their intelligence center at Wright Patterson, 7/29/1952 #11366 Gen. John A. Samford, Chief of Air Intelligence, headed a big force of top 7/29/1952 #11377 Cmdr. Randall Boyd Jr. of the Air Intelligence Estimates Division to Norma 7/29/1952 #11432 ch as Mars,” but he adds that “air intelligence is fairly certain that thes 7/29/1952 #11432 or of the CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence, sends a memo to OSI Deputy 7/29/1952 #11433 John A. Samford, director of USAF intelligence, leads it. He is accompanie 7/29/1952 #11436 l Analysis Division, Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC), Wright-Patte 7/29/1952 #11436 ons to the Directorate of Military Intelligence for reply. That office has 8/1/1952 #11521 of the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence, writes a letter to OSI Dep 8/1/1952 #11551 processed by the 27th Air Division intelligence officer at Norton Air Base. 8/6/1952 #11650 ch had been permitted by Air Force Intelligence to view a saucer, that had 8/6/1952 #11652 A special CIA/Office of Scientific Intelligence team consisting of Philip G 8/8/1952 #11702 ion of a National Security Council Intelligence Directive for submission to 8/20/1952 #11879 up’s reports at his regular Friday intelligence briefing. 8/22/1952 #11902 Ruppelt is given this report by an intelligence officer (probably Lt. Glen 9/1952 #12049 civilian illustrator for the USAF Intelligence, observed for 5 seconds a d 9/9/1952 #12141 , a civilian illustrator with USAF Intelligence. One disc with lights along 9/9/1952 #12147 , a civilian illustrator with USAF Intelligence, sighted a disc with lights 9/9/1952 #12149 or 17] — CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence Director H. Marshall Chadwe 9/10/1952 #12152 memorandum to Director of Central Intelligence Walter Bedell Smith that se 9/10/1952 #12152 re developed and examined by naval intelligence officers. Ruppelt says they 9/20/1952 #12277 apt. Ruppelt was later told by RAF Intelligence that the incidents of the p 9/21/1952 #12280 A Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence H. Marshall Chadwell writes 9/24/1952 #12323 s Maj. Vernon L. Sadowski, the ADC Intelligence liaison to Blue Book, who s Late 9/1952 #12328 ys that “no one can understand why Intelligence is so hesitant to accept th Late 9/1952 #12328 , Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence: ATIC is the only group dev 10/2/1952 #12401 CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence Director H. Marshall Chadwe 10/2/1952 #12404 memorandum to Director of Central Intelligence Walter Bedell Smith recomme 10/2/1952 #12404 . Reber, assistant director of CIA intelligence coordination, writes a memo 10/13/1952 #12456 memo to the CIA deputy director of intelligence, arguing that fundamental r 10/13/1952 #12456 er goes on to recommend that when “intelligence has submitted the National 10/13/1952 #12456 0 or 21 to work out a research and intelligence program on UFOs. 10/14/1952 #12463 1949 to unite all military signal intelligence operations and creates the 10/24/1952 #12522 c. Due to its ultra-secrecy the US intelligence community refers to the NSA 10/24/1952 #12522 f information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence pur 10/24/1952 #12522 Dayton, OH Air Intelligence Memo: “Some military offici 10/27/1952 #12528 e the negative opinion of the USAF intelligence services, military personne 10/27/1952 #12532 m Victor P. Keay reports that “Air Intelligence still feels that the so-cal 10/27/1952 #12544 responsible for all communications intelligence. The existence of the NSA i 11/4/1952 #12607 , Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence, CIA: “The reports of (UFO) 12/2/1952 #12748 l Studies CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence Director H. Marshall Chadwe 12/2/1952 #12749 e study. Attached is a draft of an intelligence directive by Chadwell on be 12/2/1952 #12749 rmulate and carry out a program of intelligence and research activities req 12/2/1952 #12749 The CIA Intelligence Advisory Committee recommen 12/4/1952 #12765 ends that “the Director of Central Intelligence will ‘enlist the services o 12/4/1952 #12765 hrough a National Security Council Intelligence Directive and is essentiall 12/4/1952 #12765 A to give its Office of Scientific Intelligence certain UFO cases in prepar 12/9/1952 #12798 visiting CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence to share information on com 12/9/1952 #12799 lls CIA Acting Deputy Director for Intelligence Robert Amory Jr. that he is 12/16/1952 #12833 de into USAF jurisdiction over air intelligence matters such as unidentifie 12/22/1952 #12849 ok, Capt. Ruppelt stated: “Two RAF Intelligence Officers who were in the US 1953 #12885 s later Mr. T was approached by an intelligence officer on the base and tol 1953 #12910 lated from French) A group of USAF intelligence officers linked to the UFO Early 1953 #12912 do Springs, Colorado The 4602d Air Intelligence Service Squadron (AISS) is 1/3/1953 #12931 ntractor to the USAF Air Technical Intelligence Center, Battelle Memorial I 1/9/1953 #12964 with the assistance of the Central Intelligence Agency) convened a panel of 1/12/1953 #12974 the use of thoroughly briefed USAF intelligence officers to investigate UFO 1/15/1953 #12981 The CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence convenes a series of meetin 1/18/1953 #12994 vailable to him from Air Technical Intelligence records. 1/26/1953 #13017 Conway, SC AF intelligence officer sees gray disc; fir 1/29/1953 #13058 io, and consisting of military and intelligence officers, as well as Wilber 2/25/1953 #13176 t to the Directorate of Scientific Intelligence. 2/25/1953 #13176 efense Command and the director of intelligence at Ent suggesting that fiel 3/5/1953 #13209 Neptune spy plane on an electronic intelligence (ELINT/ferret) mission over 4/14/1953 #13315 erritory in Korea. An official G-2 Intelligence Report says the object is i 4/19/1953 #13331 ual 200-3, titled Handbook for Air Intelligence Officers. It is classified 5/1953 #13348 ntended as a general guide for air intelligence officers conducting any typ 5/1953 #13348 the caption is “The Air Technical Intelligence center is responsible for t 5/1953 #13348 Point, Rhode Island USAF EMERGENCY Intelligence Report: Two jets out of Quo 6/24/1953 #13478 sent to the Director of Air Force Intelligence in the Pentagon indicates t 6/24/1953 #13493 Dayton, OH USAF Intelligence Report, EMERGENCY JEDUP JED 6/26/1953 #13495 C, ARMY, NAVY, JCS, CIA, NSA, Tech Intelligence Center Wright Patterson AFB 6/26/1953 #13495 es. This is classified as a “Vital Intelligence Sighting” and sent to the A 7/26/1953 #13547 oyal Australian Air Force and USAF intelligence are said to have studied th 8/23/1953 #13652 issued by Secretary of Air Force: "Intelligence. Unidentified Flying Object 8/26/1953 #13658 e sent electronically to air force intelligence. Tangible evidence must go 8/26/1953 #13660 vestigations to three groups: USAF intelligence at the Pentagon, the 4602nd 8/26/1953 #13660 orts must now be sent to Air Force Intelligence, and reports by USAF person 8/26/1953 #13661 UFO reports from the Air Technical Intelligence Center, which runs Project 10/1/1953 #13760 Menzel writes to USAF Director of Intelligence Gen. John A. Samford that h 10/16/1953 #13799 etter and faster use of electronic intelligence in radar activity that migh 10/20/1953 #13812 y heard up by ex-Naval aviator and intelligence officer George Williams. Re Mid 11/1953 #13870 ll would have “possible scientific intelligence value”. The CIA concluded t 12/8/1953 #13926 e are some of “possible scientific intelligence value.” 12/8/1953 #13928 British Air Ministry air intelligence branch DDI (Tech) The Briti 12/16/1953 #13952 s. Reports must be sent to the air intelligence branch DDI (Tech) that is n 12/16/1953 #13952 he case file to USAF Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson 12/18/1953 #13965 USAF Intelligence Ent AFB Colorado Springs, C 12/23/1953 #13971 do Springs, Colorado Air Technical Intelligence Center at Dayton, Ohio USAF 12/23/1953 #13971 igence Center at Dayton, Ohio USAF Intelligence Col. George E. Perry writes 12/23/1953 #13971 oodbury M. Burgess, ADC Deputy for Intelligence at Ent AFB [now the US Olym 12/23/1953 #13971 l be analyzed by the Air Technical Intelligence Center at Dayton, Ohio,” an 12/23/1953 #13971 have succeeded in 1964 when a USAF intelligence officer met two other alien 1954 #14005 al in the UK Deputy Directorate of Intelligence (Technical) mentions to inv 1954 #14016 Secret Research and Development - Intelligence Group; goals of MJ12 are th 1954 #14021 New York Civilian Saucer Intelligence of New York is founded by T 2/1954 #14127 hair sample / jar taken / military intelligence. 2/1/1954 #14131 ith Military Air Transport Service intelligence officers to discuss speedin 2/13/1954 #14152 up the story of a presumed Vatican Intelligence Agency named S.I.V.: "Servi 2/19/1954 (approximate) #14172 s Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings from Aircraft and 3/10/1954 #14232 fied UFO reports came from both AF Intelligence and the Office of Public In 4/11/1954 #14315 wearing black ties identifying as “intelligence officers” not to speak abou 4/12/1954 #14318 office of ATIC Deputy Commander of Intelligence Col. John O’Mara and demand 6/7/1954 #14536 Espe, head of the Office of Naval Intelligence. He encloses some of Affa’s 6/8/1954 #14542 Howard and Boyd were debriefed by intelligence officers and their flight l 6/29/1954 #14642 a lieutenant colonel in Air Force intelligence. He writes in an August 3 l 7/20/1954 #14732 of Eastern ADC, director of Naval Intelligence, commanding officer of the 7/23/1954 #14744 of Eastern ADC, director of Naval Intelligence, commanding officer of the 7/23/1954 #14745 c can now know that the 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron was brough 8/12/1954 #14857 on top.” The Directorate of Naval Intelligence at the time writes that O’F 8/31/1954 #14961 O’Mara, USAF Deputy Commander for Intelligence, who tells him that flying 9/21/1954 #15164 ver Commission’s recommendation on intelligence oversight. It says: “We mus 9/30/1954 #15329 gate. Brazilian Air Force Chief of Intelligence Col. João Adil de Oliviera 10/24/1954 #16306 h) Creation of the Civilian Saucer Intelligence organization in New York, o 11/1954 #16460 originally called Civilian Saucer Intelligence of New York. (November) 11/1954 #16460 ustralian Directorate of Air Force Intelligence. Now in England, he sends t 12/26/1954 #16856 . He writes: “If one assumes these Intelligence reports are authentic, then 12/26/1954 #16856 zing reports. The Director of RAAF Intelligence checks with USAF on the rel 12/26/1954 #16856 are piloted by beings of superior intelligence.” He suspects that they mig 2/2/1955 #16977 County, Texas Witness USAF Wing Intelligence Officer Maj. L..J. Pagozals 4/30/1955 #17130 In Travis County, Texas USAF Intelligence Officer Major L. J. Pagozal 4/30/1955 #17132 ing the commission’s task force on intelligence, notes the CIA’s lack of ac 6/29/1955 #17258 ity and recommends establishing an intelligence oversight committee. 6/29/1955 #17258 l Security Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency. A small group of fo 7/1955 #17268 rganization called Civilian Saucer Intelligence (Civil Intelligence Service 9/16/1955 #17526 ivilian Saucer Intelligence (Civil Intelligence Service on Flying Saucers), 9/16/1955 #17526 tor Allen Dulles informs the joint Intelligence Advisory Committee about Se 10/18/1955 #17586 ment of a Majestic-12 Group, a R&D intelligence operation allegedly establi 11/20/1955 #17664 ed very closely with the Technical Intelligence Office at Wright Field (whi 1956 #17734 oast” funded through the technical intelligence operation out of Wright Fie 1956 #17734 dridge. West Wing analyzed foreign intelligence from the Soviet Union and f 1956 #17734 r Program (1956–1975) is driven by intelligence requirements and the need f 1/1956 #17737 was assigned to the Air Technical Intelligence Center as director of Proje 2/1956 #17789 to Siberia, probing for electronic intelligence. 4/5/1956 #17899 tion to delete all evidence of UFO intelligence control, which contradicts 5/1/1956 #17936 ellis, he reported the incident to intelligence and he and one of their off Summer 1956 #18028 number of Soviet bomber bases, the intelligence suggests the Soviets are al 7/9/1956 #18074 that the CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence Deputy Director Gen. Philip 8/3/1956 #18173 photos, logs, and equipment to an intelligence unit after landing. Fall 1956 #18378 Captain W. M. Lyons, Chief of the Intelligence Division (Air Weather Recon 11/1/1956 #18447 Witness: USAF Capt. W..M. Lyons, Intelligence Division Chief (Aerial Weat 11/1/1956 #18449 a. It publishes the Interplanetary Intelligence Report from 1965 to 1966. 1957 #18600 APO Army Base Intelligence personnel see large shiny o 1/21/1957 #18636 longs to the Deputy Directorate of Intelligence (Technical), which employs 6/15/1957 #18922 The crew detects on its Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) equipment an airbor 7/17/1957 #19007 55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing Intelligence report states that the Wing 7/17/1957 #19007 states that the Wing’s director of intelligence “has no doubt the electroni 7/17/1957 #19007 igh-level meetings of CIA and USAF intelligence, and the Intelligence Advis 9/20/1957 #19247 CIA and USAF intelligence, and the Intelligence Advisory Committee meet in 9/20/1957 #19247 rector of the Office of Scientific Intelligence, Herbert Scoville Jr., sugg 9/20/1957 #19247 Dir. of Air Force Intelligence Gen. Millard Lewis advised 9/24/1957 #19258 Ohio Spencer Whedon, chief of Air Intelligence at Wright-Patterson AFB nea 11/8/1957 #19763 radiation and confiscated by army intelligence officers at Fort George G. 11/13/1957 #19820 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) 11-10-57 pre 12/1957 #19937 ial studies group within Air Force Intelligence headed by Stefan Possony to 1958 #20092 ined this information from British Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (BI 1958 #20092 S) and US-UK administered Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CI 1958 #20092 Pakistan to establish a secret US intelligence facility at Badaber (Peshaw 7/1958 #20476 time, a secret staff study by USAF intelligence officers addresses the publ 10/1958 #20658 scripts, photos, rumors, and false intelligence. 1959 #20914 s Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings in line with the 2/1/1959 #20981 it going, he meets with Air Force Intelligence, Secretary of the Air Force 2/17/1959 #20997 officer to the CIA’s Photographic Intelligence Center in Washington, D.C., 7/5/1959 #21264 es to director of the Photographic Intelligence Office, Arthur C. Lundahl, 7/5/1959 #21264 y in Washington, DC by the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. Naval Intel 7/9/1959 #21276 Intelligence Agency and U.S. Naval Intelligence. It was held at an office i 7/9/1959 #21276 ct with the aliens. With two Naval Intelligence officers present, she went 7/9/1959 #21276 through him, a Navy commander and intelligence officer--with no prior expe 7/9/1959 #21276 n agent of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, who indicates 8/1959 #21341 The Air Technical Intelligence Center is renamed the Aeros 9/21/1959 #21451 is renamed the Aerospace Technical Intelligence Center. 9/21/1959 #21451 so far as to describe “classified intelligence” as placing the Soviet miss 10/13/1959 #21508 h (AF Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence). 11/10/1959 #21571 UAP events to be sent to Air Force Intelligence. It is likely the interroga 1960 #21648 The office of the AF Chief of Intelligence is informed of ARDC’s rejec 2/5/1960 #21676 upport for the movement, create an intelligence gathering network inside Cu 3/17/1960 #21724 oetter, former head of the Central Intelligence Agency, stated that the “un 5/1960 #21789 Congress Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles tells Congress 5/9/1960 #21803 Eisenhower has lost control of the intelligence agencies. 5/10/1960 #21804 apidly. Thomas M. Conrow, chief of intelligence at a nearby Air Force Base, 5/19/1960 #21839 lying saucers are “operating under intelligence control,” and they’re not U 6/22/1960 #21874 USAF Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence turns down ATIC’s request f 9/1960 #22004 Cuba Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles and CIA Deputy 11/18/1960 #22097 life: “It is possible that if the intelligence of these creatures were suf 12/14/1960 #22126 . Evans, write a memo to Air Force Intelligence in the Pentagon. Friend com 12/27/1960 #22136 is decision to establish a Defense Intelligence Agency and charged it with 2/17/1961 #22215 that would integrate the military intelligence efforts of all elements of 2/17/1961 #22215 US American US Air Force Intelligence Collection Guidance Letter 4/25/1961 #22290 ATIC is removed from USAF Intelligence and added to the new Air Fo 7/1/1961 #22383 he directive DoD 5105.21, *Defense Intelligence Agency.* (August 1st) 8/1/1961 #22424 A National Intelligence Estimate concludes that the 9/1961 #22466 government, and provides satellite intelligence to several government agenc 9/6/1961 #22475 ent agencies, particularly signals intelligence (SIGINT) to the National Se 9/6/1961 #22475 National Security Agency, imagery intelligence (IMINT) to the National Geo 9/6/1961 #22475 ncy, and measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT) to the Defense Int 9/6/1961 #22475 telligence (MASINT) to the Defense Intelligence Agency. Its existence remai 9/6/1961 #22475 les resigns as director of central intelligence; John A. McCone replaces hi 9/27/1961 #22535 The Defense Intelligence Agency, created at the requ 10/1/1961 #22548 McNamara to integrate all military intelligence operations, begins work wit 10/1/1961 #22548 ducing, and disseminating military intelligence for the Department of Defen 10/1/1961 #22548 more efficiently allocating scarce intelligence resources, more effectively 10/1/1961 #22548 more effectively managing all DoD intelligence activities, and eliminating 10/1/1961 #22548 acetime functions of the 4602d Air Intelligence Service Squadron at Ent AFB 11/13/1961 #22634 and other items of great technical intelligence interest). These three func 11/13/1961 #22634 lve “employment of qualified field intelligence personnel on a quick reacti 11/13/1961 #22634 M. Rosner to Col. Betz writes that intelligence team personnel are needed t 11/13/1961 #22635 im. He presumes they are Air Force intelligence officers who say they have Late 11/1961 #22653 USAF Maj. James McDonald, a former intelligence officer. He suggests that B 11/25/1961 #22655 apt. Luis Sanchez Moreno, chief of intelligence at the Puerto Belgrano Nava 5/12/1962 #22875 investigations involve hundreds of intelligence officers, as well as “the b 5/25/1962 #22916 also refers to General Schulgen's Intelligence Collection Memorandum, a do 8/3/1962 #23053 in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). He comes up with th 1963 #23389 lities to community with non-human intelligence. https://www.amazon.com/Ab 1/1963 #23394 Holloman AFB USAF Intelligence officer meets with 2 Aliens 4/15/1964 #24033 a in the evening. He notifies army intelligence at White Sands Missile Rang 4/24/1964 #24063 a classified article in Studies in Intelligence that “This is the best-docu 4/24/1964 #24063 (Translated from French) An Intelligence Officer from the USAF meets 4/25/1964 #24066 IA’s mandate for acquiring foreign intelligence. 1/19/1965 #24694 enour, “UFO Lands?” Interplanetary Intelligence Report 1, no. 1 (May 1965): 3/2/1965 #24787 Project Blue Book,” Interplanetary Intelligence Report 1, no. 2 (July 1965) 3/2/1965 #24787 ers one hour. Observer(s) = ex.Mil.intelligence. / r78. 3/22/1965 #24833 Hayden C. Hewes’s Interplanetary Intelligence of Unidentified Flying Obje 5/1965 #24890 first issue of the Interplanetary Intelligence Report, which lasts through 5/1965 #24890 ated. The Directorate of Air Force Intelligence in Canberra later denies th 5/28/1965 #24943 nd Frederick I. Ordway III publish Intelligence in the Universe, discussing 1966 #25862 solar system, and speculations on intelligence. 1966 #25862 ection. Royal Australian Air Force intelligence officers find a variety of 1/19/1966 #25936 e sent to the US Director of Naval Intelligence and adds special CIRVIS rep 3/31/1966 #26289 school teacher, ex-member of Army intelligence saw a flattened ellipse wit 6/24/1966 #26753 Helms becomes director of central intelligence. He is the first DCI since 6/30/1966 #26771 ions Division Office of Scientific Intelligence Deputy Director Karl H. Web 8/15/1966 #26910 r loaned to the US for testing and intelligence analysis at Area 51. Knowle 8/16/1966 #26917 es to the Directorate of Air Force Intelligence requesting reconsideration 8/16/1966 #26918 nology can only be the fruit of an intelligence that is indeed far superior 2/1967 #27695 into a turn in unison. (Air Force Intelligence Report in Colorado Project 2/25/1967 #27920 VO TANH, SAIGON, VIETNAM Intelligence report. 5 huge ovoids / clu 4/17/1967 #28455 on of the US Army’s 524th Military Intelligence Detachment is stationed in 4/17/1967 #28465 ving threats, he was visited by an intelligence agent and reminded of his S 7/3/1967 #28969 sets up Operation CHAOS to gather intelligence about foreign influence on 8/1967 #29154 operation also infiltrates foreign intelligence targets and domestic radica 8/1967 #29154 Allen testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee in 1975 that the 8/1967 #29154 ppey in the Thames Estuary. A USAF intelligence officer takes photos of one 9/4/1967 #29407 torate of Scientific and Technical Intelligence (part of the Joint Intellig 1968 #30110 al Intelligence (part of the Joint Intelligence Bureau) cooperates with oth 1968 #30110 eau) cooperates with other defense intelligence scientists to form a “rapid 1968 #30110 Moscow, Russia DIA Intelligence Report from Liaison in Mosc 1/19/1968 #30155 The Defense Intelligence Agency monitors a crashed “ 3/1968 #30296 facility in Colorado by Air Force Intelligence. It has been previously use 3/1/1968 #30299 as been previously used to collect intelligence on Soviet missile launches 3/1/1968 #30299 (Translated from French) US intelligence services note UFO incursion 4/9/1968 #30405 n Pinar del Rio while the military intelligence services went to the scene. 6/14/1968 #30544 eek. At the site, Cuban and Soviet intelligence specialists find 48 spent c 6/14/1968 #30551 had been posted, Cuban and Soviet intelligence investigators found forty-e 6/14/1968 #30553 efore losing consciousness. Soviet intelligence specialists subjected Puent 6/14/1968 #30553 y, Viet Nam In 1968, when I was an Intelligence Officer, I briefed General Summer 1968 #30587 rth projects, and extraterrestrial intelligence) and speculates what each a 10/1968? #31081 A former intelligence officer tells Jacques Vallé 1969 #31390 accepts the FBI’s help through an “intelligence letter” program, codenamed 6/1969 #31795 memo to the director of the Joint Intelligence Bureau, he indicates he is 11/8/1969 #32103 g satellites "ELINT" (Electronical Intelligence) and deny possessing them. 1970 #32180 trials, but possibly an indigenous intelligence that evolved independently 1970 #32184 fly a reconnaissance UAV over key intelligence targets, such as ICBM sites 1970 #32186 lawyer in Waco, TX) claims several intelligence community sources give him 1970 #32189 with the Inter Agency Committee on Intelligence (H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrli 7/23/1970 #32443 in 1974 as The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence. It is printed with blanks 3/1972 #33386 eks later he is visited by two CIA intelligence analysts who want Puthoff a 6/6/1972 #33530 ark, California, as do the two CIA intelligence analysts. With Swann in a F 8/1972 #33701 owledge of radio technology and my intelligence." Nearby were two slender m 9/22/1972 #33884 inger is named director of central intelligence. 2/2/1973 #34165 employees and contractors from the intelligence community in 2017 whose rel 5/1973 #34374 Colby is named director of central intelligence to succeed James R. Schlesi 9/4/1973 #34700 hard C. Doty states the 7602nd Air Intelligence Group at Fort Belvoir, VA c 10/11/1973 #34969 tudy. It was merely a non-thinking intelligence that was programmed to do c 10/16/1973 #35052 AFB for interrogation by civilian intelligence agents. They are told they 5/28/1974 #36197 publishes The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence by Victor Marchetti and Joh 6/12/1974 #36240 hetti uses the expression “cult of intelligence” to denounce what he views 6/12/1974 #36240 composed by someone within the US intelligence community who either person 8/25/1974 #36463 , the article discusses efforts by intelligence agencies to collect informa 12/22/1974 #36761 of a series of investigations into intelligence abuses in 1975, dubbed the 1/27/1975 #36891 buses in 1975, dubbed the “Year of Intelligence,” including its House count 1/27/1975 #36891 nent US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in 1976. 1/27/1975 #36891 Director Space Defense Center, and Intelligence. These three individuals co 11/14/1975 #37963 UAP would provide value to its own intelligence collection activities, poss 4/26/1976 #38419 the pilot interviews. A US Defense Intelligence Agency evaluation rates the 9/18/1976 #38821 s. Stringfield also claims another Intelligence source corroborated the 196 1977 #39104 including one to end military and intelligence secrecy. He is referred to 1/1977 #39113 es played by military and civilian intelligence agencies in the UFO cover-u 2/6/1977 #39252 es are declassified by the Defense Intelligence Agency and CIA, suggesting 1/19/1978 #40445 The article winds up in US Defense Intelligence Agency files and is release 5/13/1978 #40780 ngfield, who was US Army Air Force intelligence during WW2, gave his first 7/29/1978 #41033 legedly served in Nike Missile Air Intelligence (ADCAP), told Stringfield W 8/1978 #41053 are from the Office of Scientific Intelligence in the 1950s, leading CAUS 8/10/1978 #41089 with respect to “extraterrestrial intelligence research.” Hinners makes ex 9/19/1978 #41311 US The US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act creates a 10/25/1978 #41488 a “secret federal court” (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) for iss 10/25/1978 #41488 sitting element of the DOD or U.S. intelligence community spoke in support 12/8/1978 #41712 usly employed former Dir. of Naval Intelligence RADM Sumner Shapiro, who to 2/16/1979 #42089 1974 book The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, writes an article in Secon 5/1979 #42197 the NSA may have picked up signals intelligence related to crashed UAP. Mar 5/1979 #42199 US Air Force Intelligence is redesignated the Electro 8/1/1979 #42375 az promptly informs the US Defense Intelligence Agency via telexed Moon Dus 8/10/1979 #42403 hard C. Doty states the 7602nd Air Intelligence Group at Fort Belvoir, VA c 1980's #42816 Enquirer runs an article, “Former Intelligence Officer Reveals ‘I picked u 2/28/1980 #42900 The suit also includes the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Federal Avia 5/1980 #43020 dowy group connected with military intelligence and supposedly opposed to t 9/8/1980 #43251 FO investigation “outside official intelligence channels” called the Aquari 11/17/1980 #43404 ity because they contain sensitive intelligence regarding the interception 11/18/1980 #43413 eclassified without giving foreign intelligence information regarding US ti 11/18/1980 #43413 n 1968 while in the Army attending intelligence school in a remote desert a 12/14/1980 #43483 lize “time viewing” technology for intelligence purposes and a secret space 1981 #43545 is document on behalf of Air Force Intelligence, knowing it has been altere Summer 1981 #43801 records containing communications intelligence (COMINT) reports which were 11/3/1981 #44049 r 12333 extending the powers of US intelligence agencies. It is regarded by 12/4/1981 #44093 es. It is regarded by the American intelligence community as a fundamental 12/4/1981 #44093 difications to allow it to monitor intelligence operations, then giving or 1982 #44138 trical wiring as an antenna, to US intelligence satellites” as part of an e 1982 #44138 lue Fly with OES and the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR). * htt 2/25/1982 #44225 ing program Skip Atwater discovers intelligence information generated by co 7/1982 #44399 John B. Alexander and the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCO 1983 #44639 ists tasked with writing a Defense Intelligence Reference Document for the 1983 #44639 places Stubblebine, a former VP of Intelligence Systems at BDM Intl. and ev 1983 #44639 wer. In 2008, Doty claims that the intelligence community targeted Howe to 4/9/1983 #44741 in altitude. The Australian Signal Intelligence facility at Rockbank is ale 7/22/1983 #44846 fficers throughout the defense and intelligence community. His intent is to 5/20/1985 #45605 . Puthoff (SRI), Ed Speakman (Army Intelligence), Howell McConnell (NSA), W 5/20/1985 #45605 NORAD technical intelligence works on 813 initial Unknow 1986 #45781 Not Identified” REMs by additional intelligence correlation analysis, leavi 1986 #45781 rd,” which probably indicates USAF intelligence agent Richard C. Doty. 5/8/1986 #45912 s (Hawk), who works at the Foreign Intelligence Division at Wright-Patterso Fall 1986 #46102 er (Kit) Green (Blue Jay), Defense Intelligence Agency officer Dale E. Graf Fall 1986 #46102 r. Houser states he will ask Naval Intelligence to study UAP photos from Co 11/10/1986 #46131 in The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, addressing UFOs in a large 1987 #46166 US US Army Intelligence letter: The IPU (Interplane 3/12/1987 #46214 ific and Technical Branch, Counter intelligence Directorate, Department of 3/12/1987 #46214 laced contacts within the American intelligence community.” He provides a c 5/1987 #46249 grapher and an elite member of the intelligence community. 6/11/1987 #46272 the DScI (Department of Scientific Intelligence) taking the debris and enjo 11/12/1987 #46423 om confidential sources within the intelligence community, while a lesser p 5/4/1988 #46683 working as a quartermaster with an intelligence team for Adm. Bernard A. Cl 12/18/1988 #46908 ature relating to extraterrestrial intelligence in order to provide a basis 3/1989 #47023 son AFB. A South African Air Force Intelligence officer leaks photos of the 5/17/1989 #47132 lous group of covert CIA and other intelligence operatives actually runs th 5/23/1989 #47138 card and passed himself off as an intelligence operative for two years. 6/1989 #47149 of others who “were the subject of intelligence community interest between 7/1/1989 #47187 etired as former director of Naval Intelligence, and works as an executive 10/1989 #47345 to the abduction are two security intelligence agents (“Richard” and “Dan” 11/30/1989 #47533 before ATC analysis and NORAD/FTC intelligence whittles down the numbers f 1990 #47619 onducted under the Office of Naval Intelligence at locations such as Area 5 2/21/1990 #47705 (Translated from French) 6 intelligence specialists from the US Arm 7/9/1990 #47974 em to the Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre at RAF Brampton [now 8/4/1990 #48021 ier of evidence was shared with US intelligence after the British expressed 8/4/1990 #48021 s was brought to the US by British Intelligence officials to be examined by 8/4/1990 #48021 Harold E. Phillips” of the Defense Intelligence Agency (actually a pseudony 9/1990 #48056 hose name was linked to a Canadian intelligence report alleging an RDB conn 9/6/1990 #48062 Alleged former intelligence community member “John Grac 1/1991 #48324 mand is redesignated the Air Force Intelligence Command and reacquires the 10/1/1991 #48630 harness those NHI for military and intelligence purposes. The scientists cl 11/25/1991 #48673 ed responsibility is placed in the intelligence section, commanded by Lt. C 1/15/1992 #48723 for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence), left the United States to 2/10/1992 #48771 perations, corporate, military and intelligence — this hybrid MJ12 successo 3/9/1992 #48815 ed stated there was a “war” in the intelligence community between a group c 5/13/1992 #48915 wn as COM-12 centered around Naval Intelligence. COM-12 was allegedly tryin 5/13/1992 #48915 oney was ever appropriated for it. Intelligence groups like AFOSI continue 5/22/1992 #48922 mmended by the Director of Central Intelligence. 9/18/1992 #49095 t. Col. Ángel Bastida, head of the Intelligence Section of the Spanish Air 11/16/1992 #49184 ered from UAP technology.] British intelligence writes the situation caused 12/22/1992 #49235 likely advice received by the USAF intelligence community by astronomical e 4/1993 #49408 Division becomes the National Air Intelligence Center. 10/1993 #49723 ragraph 2 reads: “I am aware, from intelligence sources, that xxxxx believe 10/18/1993 #49756 is “Russia” and the second is “US intelligence.” 10/18/1993 #49756 NNR2/113” states “I am aware from intelligence sources that Russia believe 12/2/1993 #49834 an informal group exists in the US intelligence community and it is possibl 12/2/1993 #49834 he Horten brothers, as well as an “Intelligence Requirements on Flying Sauc 1994 #49860 or at least three Presidents, used intelligence satellites to look for UAP 1994 #49866 stence of UFOs or extraterrestrial intelligence” and a release from the sec 3/1994 #49967 ann claims through his work in the intelligence community, he was tasked by 3/31/1995 #50712 es officers of the Military Police Intelligence Service, one of them Marco 1/20/1996 #51335 MERIDIAN, MS Ex USAF intelligence Officer. Silver metallic ov 3/22/1996 #51478 rilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.” This drug ring “op 8/18/1996 #51647 tigation into the CIA by the House Intelligence Committee. After his resign 8/18/1996 #51647 February 2000 report by the House Intelligence Committee in turn considers 8/18/1996 #51647 Thomas R. Wilson, vice director of intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Sta 4/10/1997 #51977 have a need to know.’ The head of intelligence Joint Staffs. You don’t hav 4/10/1997 #51977 aines in a CIA journal, Studies in Intelligence, that Project Blue Book had 8/3/1997 #52098 An Army intelligence document summarizes the “Bi 2/17/1998 #52295 harness those NHI for military and intelligence purposes. “STAC remain c 3/11/1998 #52308 ed to orbit to provide the US with intelligence on "hot spots" in the Middl 8/12/1998 #52414 to and separate from conventional intelligence projects and black projects 8/22/1998 #52422 om technology corporations and the intelligence community/military, (6) has 8/22/1998 #52422 nstitutional chain of command. One intelligence source tells CSETI the “pro 8/22/1998 #52422 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher K. Mellon publi 10/1998 #52447 , is disinformation from a foreign intelligence service, or is misinformati 11/1998 #52467 elve institutions within military, intelligence and science; the highest cl 7/7/1999 #52616 ixon approved a SCEO that required intelligence community to purge all refe 7/7/1999 #52616 t report is completed for military intelligence in Stockholm. 7/27/1999 #52634 activities and only members of the intelligence community with specific psy 7/31/1999 #52635 ace weapons section of the Defence Intelligence Staff, has completed a stud 12/4/2000 #52956 o some members of Congress and the intelligence community, CSETI’s founders 4/2001 #53013 a group including Jim Westwood, an intelligence consultant who had done ext 5/5/2001 #53040 al space support, missile defense, intelligence, and planning. 10/1/2002 #53280 retired as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency on July 29, has a me 10/16/2002 #53284 one of the top ones in the US with intelligence in its portfolio.” Wilson s 10/16/2002 #53285 lson is told it was not a weapons, intelligence or special ops program, it 10/16/2002 #53285 The National Air Intelligence Center becomes the National 2/15/2003 #53360 becomes the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC), which coord 2/15/2003 #53360 s announces that Turkey’s National Intelligence Service has received a top- 6/2003 #53420 secret request from the US Central Intelligence Agency for details on all i 6/2003 #53420 round bases under control of Naval Intelligence utilize cooperation between 2004 #53508 the Defence Geographic and Imagery Intelligence Agency for analysis. The ag 1/27/2004 #53527 ector for scientific and technical intelligence. https://www.amazon.com/Fo 3/26/2004 #53552 igorous training exercises. Later, intelligence personnel interviewed the m 8/25/2004 #53611 runs a discussion list for retired intelligence people who are interested i 11/1/2005 #53769 age report compiled by the Defence Intelligence Agency in the late 1970s. T 11/1/2005 #53769 internet message board for retired intelligence community people interested 11/1/2005 #53770 age report compiled by the Defense Intelligence Agency in the 1970s classif 11/1/2005 #53770 A Office of Scientific and Weapons Intelligence and Life Sciences Division 4/28/2006 #53808 UK The UK Defense Intelligence Staff releases (after a Sep 5/15/2006 #53814 torate of Scientific and Technical Intelligence (DSTI) within the Defence I 5/15/2006 #53814 lligence (DSTI) within the Defence Intelligence Staff. The report concludes 5/15/2006 #53814 The US Air Intelligence Agency is redesignated the 6/8/2007 #53907 ency is redesignated the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnai 6/8/2007 #53907 Skinwalker Ranch, Utah Defense Intelligence Agency intelligence officer 6/19/2007 #53909 , Utah Defense Intelligence Agency intelligence officer and scientist James 6/19/2007 #53909 as Vegas Alaska Hawaii The Defense Intelligence Agency, at the initiation o Fall 2007? #53943 the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, claims that he is the dire 2008 #53980 ame as the nickname of the Defense Intelligence Agency’s secret Aerospace A 2008 #53980 The Defense Intelligence Agency issues a small-busin 8/18/2008 #54033 ugust solicitation, by the Defense Intelligence Agency. The program contrac 9/22/2008 #54044 ct through September 30, 2010. DIA intelligence officer James T. Lacatski b 9/22/2008 #54044 HFGW was the subject of a Defense Intelligence Reference Document produced 10/2008 #54047 Document produced for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace 10/2008 #54047 rd Burkhalter, once Chief of Naval Intelligence, “doctored” authentic docum 1/23/2009 #54083 ASS), a contractor for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace 5/8/2009 #54096 eas of advanced sciences, sensors, intelligence, counterintelligence, and a 6/24/2009 #54102 Program status for the US Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace 11/2009 #54127 II, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Gen. James R. Clapper, spec 11/2009 #54127 Affairs Marcel Lettre, and Defense Intelligence Agency defense warning offi 11/2009 #54127 Austin, Texas The Defense Intelligence Agency’s AAWSAP program iss 12/1/2009 #54136 t Physics position papers (Defense Intelligence Reference Documents) that d 12/1/2009 #54136 sman, a contractor for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace 2010 #54139 amison, Col. Charles I. Halt, Navy Intelligence Command Master Chief Southw 9/27/2010 #54176 house The contract for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace 9/30/2010 #54177 eme, publishes “UFOs and Exogenous Intelligence Encounters” in the European 1/2011 #54189 tski, a contractor for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace 2/2011 #54190 te,” a group of current and former intelligence community personnel who bel 3/31/2011 #54200 d him that CIA and Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) personnel attempted t 3/31/2011 #54200 ries of other meetings in the U.S. intelligence community beyond DHS to det 6/2011 #54205 ane Holl Lute, Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis Phyllis Green, 6/2011 #54205 oswell” in the Agency’s Historical Intelligence Collection; he states there 7/8/2012 #54227 ally released its overall level of intelligence spending since 2007, it doe 2013 #54235 “most catastrophic loss to British intelligence ever.” 6/14/2013 #54250 merly secret Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group concerning “online co 2/24/2014 #54280 National Security Agency and other intelligence partners and reveals existi 2/24/2014 #54280 Alleged Vietnam-era intelligence analyst Harry Howard claims 6/22/2014 #54289 e “enemy helicopters” described on intelligence reports of the era were act 6/22/2014 #54289 look for the intention behind that intelligence. However, the group conclud 7/31/2014 #54290 , San Antonio, Texas The Air Force Intelligence agency is restructured as t 9/29/2014 #54293 Its primary mission is to provide intelligence, surveillance, and reconnai 9/29/2014 #54293 nce was sent to a “dedicated” USAF intelligence officer. https://wikileaks 3/6/2015 #54312 employees and contractors from the intelligence community. 1/24/2016 #54321 ors” that when UAP crashes happen, intelligence, military and private indus 3/27/2016 #54324 created a “pickup game” of counter intelligence, DeLonge claims, and adds t 4/2016 #54326 claims his “advisors” from the US intelligence community and Executive Bra 4/5/2016 #54327 ess. Greer adds that all military intelligence divisions have compartments 4/18/2016 #54329 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon speaks p 5/9/2016 #54330 Lacatski retires from the Defense Intelligence Agency, following failed at 5/13/2016 #54331 to the RCAF in Ontario as a “vital intelligence sighting.” The RCAF reviews 9/19/2016 #54337 epartment and the RCAF’s secretive Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnai 9/19/2016 #54337 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher K. Mellon and f 10/26/2017 #54366 onfirms the existence of a Defense Intelligence Agency program used to coll 12/16/2017 #54373 considered technology rather than intelligence and most likely fall under 2018 #54377 a program, even someone having an intelligence “ticket” at the highest lev 2018 #54377 es of many within the military and intelligence communities, and as a resul 2018 #54377 llar Popular Mechanics The Defense Intelligence Agency responds to an inqui 1/9/2018 #54382 the black budget that bankrolls US intelligence operations. $59.9 billion i 2/27/2018 #54395 lion is earmarked for the National Intelligence Program for non-military ef 2/27/2018 #54395 2 billion would go to the Military Intelligence Program for the Defense Dep 2/27/2018 #54395 d of the sighting. An unclassified intelligence report is then faxed to Tra 1/6/2019 #54437 ’s talents were used to further an intelligence operation’s goal; in this c 2/26/2019 #54445 ), the ranking member of the House Intelligence and Counterterrorism subcom 7/16/2019 #54478 xas The Twenty-Fifth Air Force for intelligence activities is merged with t 10/11/2019 #54496 ts" to staff members of the Senate Intelligence Committee 10/23/2019 #54499 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon states t 2/20/2020 #54519 The US Office of Naval Intelligence holds a classified briefing 5/1/2020 #54531 he UAP problem and to promote more intelligence collection regarding UAP in 5/1/2020 #54531 Senator Marco Rubio and the Senate Intelligence Committee request a compreh 6/23/2020 #54535 ysis from the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and related agencies. 6/23/2020 #54535 Pentagon Florida The US Senate Intelligence Committee, apparently distu 6/23/2020 #54536 t attached to the 2020–2021 Senate Intelligence Authorization Act, Sen. Mar 6/23/2020 #54536 a.), acting chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, instructs the di 6/23/2020 #54536 instructs the director of national intelligence, the secretary of defense, 6/23/2020 #54536 ttee understands that the relevant intelligence may be sensitive; neverthel 6/23/2020 #54536 haring and coordination across the Intelligence Community has been inconsis 6/23/2020 #54536 the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in collaboration with the O 6/23/2020 #54536 aboration with the Office of Naval Intelligence, as was its informal predec 6/23/2020 #54536 Task Force”; M. J. Banias, “Senate Intelligence Committee Confirms the US N 6/23/2020 #54536 Wire, May 23, 2022) June 24 – The Intelligence Committee votes to require 6/23/2020 #54536 Committee votes to require the US Intelligence Community and the Departmen 6/23/2020 #54536 task force are to be issued to the Intelligence Committee every six months. 6/23/2020 #54536 the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, will lead the 8/4/2020 #54545 Aerial Phenomena, Civilian Saucer Intelligence of New York, and J. Allen H 11/2020 #54551 issue and controls study of it in intelligence agencies (like the CIA) is 12/4/2020 #54555 ticipated provisions, including an Intelligence Authorization Act for 2021. 12/27/2020 #54557 requires the Director of National Intelligence (Avril Haynes under the Bid 12/27/2020 #54557 hat the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was concerned that the US g 12/27/2020 #54557 ocess for collecting and assessing intelligence data about unidentified aer 12/27/2020 #54557 ts publicly available. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National 1/12/2021 #54561 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher K. Mellon state 5/5/2021 #54577 ied air conditions’ and artificial intelligence is the best way to keep up 6/4/2021 #54581 US The U.S. Senate approved the Intelligence Authorization Act for 2021, 6/23/2021 #54583 task force in the Office of Naval Intelligence for a coordinated UAP intel 6/23/2021 #54583 Intelligence for a coordinated UAP intelligence approach. 6/23/2021 #54583 Office of the Director of National Intelligence releases a summary 6-page r 6/25/2021 #54585 The ODNI’s report to Congressional Intelligence and Armed Services Committe 6/25/2021 #54586 gn new algorithms using artificial intelligence, in order to identify poten 7/26/2021 #54592 nt, including people in aerospace, intelligence and corporate financial com 8/1/2021 #54595 ke Kobitz and former Dir. of Naval Intelligence Sumner Shapiro (see 16 Marc 9/3/2021 #54599 Ufologists inquire with anonymous intelligence community sources about “Ma 9/15/2021 #54602 be a US Army Long Endurance Multi Intelligence Vehicle, a hybrid blimp, ma 10/9/2021 #54608 by Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security Ronald Moultri 11/23/2021 #54617 ned to detect UAP using artificial intelligence. Professor for Space Techno 12/15/2021 #54621 rdinated by the US Office of Naval Intelligence. The new office will serve 12/27/2021 #54623 Havana An intelligence panel investigating the cau 2/2/2022 #54630 ording to a partially declassified intelligence report. A panel of intellig 2/2/2022 #54630 ed intelligence report. A panel of intelligence community experts drew up t 2/2/2022 #54630 CIA DS&T and former Dir. of Naval Intelligence Sumner Shapiro for more inf 3/16/2022 #54635 The Defense Intelligence Agency releases Defense Int 3/25/2022 #54637 telligence Agency releases Defense Intelligence Reference Documents on 37 o 3/25/2022 #54637 The Defense Intelligence Agency releases Defense Int 3/25/2022 #54638 telligence Agency releases Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRDs) 3/25/2022 #54638 munication of Grusch's concerns to intelligence committees and an investiga 5/2022 #54641 suffering harassment from overseas intelligence services." “In Huntsville, 5/2022 #54642 fficials choose Deputy Director of Intelligence and physicist Sean Kirkpatr 5/12/2022 #54644 US The House Intelligence Committee's subcommittee ho 5/17/2022 #54646 9:00 a.m. The House Intelligence Committee’s Counterterroris 5/17/2022 #54647 ie, under secretary of defense for intelligence and security, who is involv 5/17/2022 #54647 W. Bray, deputy director of naval intelligence. Bray testifies that their 5/17/2022 #54647 Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, pushes for the P 5/17/2022 #54647 sks Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security Ronald Moultri 5/17/2022 #54648 dies in Huntsville, AL. Retired UK intelligence officer Franc Milburn claim 6/15/2022 #54655 mptly sent to Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, and to both 7/2022 #54656 ines, and to both House and Senate Intelligence Committees. 7/2022 #54656 mer chief scientist at the Defense Intelligence Agency's center, becomes AA 7/15/2022 #54657 nymous site with possibly specific intelligence details on UAP in the PUBLI 8/23/2022 #54662 Former UK intelligence officer Franc Milburn state 10/7/2022 #54673 scribes it as an “inner circle” of intelligence people who may have control 10/14/2022 #54676 Counsels of both House and Senate Intelligence Committees, with committee 12/2022 #54685 1961 requests a review of “MJ-12” intelligence operation plans as they rel 12/17/2022 #54688 ovember 1961 is a Special National Intelligence Estimate on MJTWELVE operat 12/17/2022 #54688 epared for the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. The documen 12/17/2022 #54688 side the Department of Defense and intelligence community told him certain 12/18/2022 #54689 Office of the Director of National Intelligence released an unclassified ve 1/12/2023 #54694 O cases have been reported to U.S. intelligence agencies since March 2021" 1/12/2023 #54695 US Top US intelligence leaders attend a security b 4/21/2023 #54710 Nakasone. The purpose is to inform intelligence officials about activities 4/21/2023 #54710 ector, holds a forum for Five Eyes intelligence, confirmed by Canadian Mili 5/2023 #54711 Grusch, a whistleblower and former intelligence official, who claims to hav 6/2023 #54714 have shared with Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General 6/2023 #54714 US Intelligence Officials say U.S. Has Retr 6/5/2023 #54715 ean and Ralph Blumenthal. A former intelligence official turned whistleblow 6/5/2023 #54715 eblower has given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General 6/5/2023 #54715 ted here for the first time. Other intelligence officials, both active and 6/5/2023 #54715 ds on UAPs and potential non-human intelligence lifeforms. Other supporting 7/13/2023 #54716 epartment of Defense and by former intelligence officials.” He also stated 7/24/2023 #54718 allegations by referencing the 40+ intelligence and military personnel who 8/8/2023 #54725 that his sources are similar-level intelligence officials as Grusch. Klippe 8/9/2023 #54726 n, Mace, and Ogles have written to Intelligence Community Inspector General 8/21/2023 #54729 n which members or entities of the intelligence community are involved with 8/21/2023 #54729 has requested information from the intelligence community's inspector gener 8/23/2023 #54732 US According to U.S. intelligence and defense sources, the Pe 9/1/2023 #54741 er whistleblower complaints to the Intelligence Community's Inspector Gener 9/1/2023 #54741 rting mechanism, directly with the Intelligence Community Inspector General 9/4/2023 #54742## Word: "intelligence's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
US The Director of National Intelligence's 2022 Annual Report on UAP 1/12/2023 #54696## Word: "intelligence-gathering", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
er seeing the hole in the ice, an “intelligence-gathering” type of individu 1/30/2015 #54307 the most successful and ingenious intelligence-gathering plays of all time 4/15/2021 #54571## Word: "intelligence-russia-programs", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/intelligence-russia-programs/2022-09-13/ 2014 #54278## Word: "intelligenceandespionage", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
an.net/texts/governmentinformation/intelligenceandespionage/homebrew.milita 1979 #41910## Word: "intelligences", 17 instance(s) (Back to Top)
me suggested that extraterrestrial intelligences were trying to communicate 8/13/1883 #1403 dio messages indicating the saucer intelligences intend to land, inviting t 8/24/1952 #11942 Bailey attempt to meet the saucer intelligences for a landing somewhere in 9/28/1952 #12353 psychically from extraterrestrial intelligences. Both claim impressive cre 2/1954 #14130 l Channel for messages from cosmic intelligences who are visiting Earth. 5/8/1954 #14410 to know a great deal about the UFO intelligences. They mention space people 4/1956 #17884 ersons who claim to know about UFO intelligences, deep space origin, underw 4/1956 #17885 are contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences, whom he refers to as “Cos 8/1956 #18166 l processes as opposed to nonhuman intelligences. Jerry Clark writes that t 1969 #31386 be in two-way contact with saucer intelligences. 1969 #31387 ia to believe that we are the only intelligences in the universe! 11/27/1971 #33264 the idea of the existence of other intelligences in the universe. (October) 10/1972 #33903 to a relationship with possible ET intelligences between 1969 and 1971 and 12/29/1987 #46483 that attempt to control non-human intelligences (NHI) and harness those NH 11/25/1991 #48673 that attempt to control non-human intelligences (NHI) and harness those NH 3/11/1998 #52308 ty of direct contact with nonhuman intelligences. 1/2011 #54189 at dolphins were the most “clever” intelligences on Earth. Col. John Alexan 7/2011 #54208## Word: "intelligent", 63 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ed worlds “peopled with myriads of intelligent beings, formed for endless p 1756 #699 ittrow reasoned that, if there was intelligent life out there, those beings 1840 #1021 s as a sign that Earth had its own intelligent beings. Math would be the un 1840 #1021 d fiction about the possibility of intelligent life on Mars—the Martians. 10/1877 #1298 e really irrigation canals made by intelligent beings is first hinted at, a 5/1894 #1509 ls were built for irrigation by an intelligent civilization. 5/1894 #1509 se, but also Martians who are less intelligent than earthlings. 1895 #1517 said: "Well, you seem to be a very intelligent man and if you promise not t 4/21/1897 #1902 nces observed could be due to some intelligent control, he will note, and h 8/10/1899 #2051 y and recognizes the potential for intelligent extraterrestrial life. He ho 1944 #3895 object sound extremely unusual and intelligent in behavior. This is almost 10/7/1948 #6894 estrial, biological, gas-breathing intelligent animals with larger craniums 1949 #7049 lose- range examination by living, intelligent observers from another plane 12/24/1949 #7673 here he meets a group of friendly, intelligent and good-looking men. He was Early 1950's #7690 other planet, operated by animate, intelligent beings.” The Navy, having go 3/1950 #7828 d that the human race was the most intelligent form of life. 11/1950 #8682 ons on Mars being severe, the only intelligent beings that can exist there 12/1950 #8744 her American nor Soviet and under “intelligent control.” In 1957, Brown wa 1952 #9507 etermine whether objects displayed intelligent control. 8/1952 #11498 mistaken idea and "that elsewhere intelligent life may have occurred equal 8/14/1952 #11783 t “even though we might admit that intelligent life may exist elsewhere and 8/15/1952 #11815 movements show that UFOs are under intelligent control. 12/1952 #12746 Dallas (near), TX Intelligent Behavior / Object Tracked by 12/24/1952 #12854 g the object performing apparently intelligent maneuvers. 8/23/1953 #13645 ere sent back to us voluntarily by intelligent people of unknown origin and 9/17/1953 #13728 k that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of 10/24/1954 #16304 had beautiful eyes and seemed very intelligent and friendly. They had big p 10/30/1954 #16438 te all evidence of UFO reality and intelligent control, which would, of cou 5/1/1956 #17934 sts that the “apparently rational, intelligent behavior of the UFO suggests 8/13/1956 #18208 h he announces that UFOs are under intelligent control, but that they are n 1/14/1957 #18620 requesting any cases that indicate intelligent maneuvers by UFOs. Keyhoe re 6/1958 #20410 e piloted by higher forms of life, intelligent beings who have been observi 10/31/1958 #20780 omes a space ship controlled by an intelligent being.” However, he remains 1959 #20912 ft propulsion. He mentions that if intelligent extraterrestrials do exist, 1/28/1959 #20975 no one else in the universe is as intelligent as we are.” Asked years late 3/11/1959 #21048 nknown objects are operating under intelligent control.” He added, “I know 5/1960 #21789 nd giving a distinct impression of intelligent behavior. Then, as we absolu Summer 1960 #21868 re given a medical examination by “intelligent, humanoid beings.” 9/29/1961 #22537 chapter is devoted to evidence of intelligent control and another to physi 5/1964 #24107 aw it. We all saw it. It was under intelligent control, and it was certainl 5/28/1965 #24943 ng sightings have been reported by intelligent and often technically compet 7/1965 #25018 cannot be explained have come from intelligent and technically well-qualifi 9/28/1965 #25662 astrophysicist Iosif Shklovsky on Intelligent Life in the Universe (an exp 1966 #25861 omer. Saucer circles city. Obvious intelligent control. 4/24/1966 #26521 that a flying vehicle operated by intelligent alien beings was responsible 1968 #30105 cument. It notes the likelihood of intelligent life in the universe, specul 11/27/1968 #31287 in areas close to the Galaxy where intelligent life could have developed in 2/9/1971 #32745 ere sure it was under some form of intelligent control because when the far 6/26/1972 #33568 ther forms of life are likely more intelligent than ours, which may explain 11/1972 #33970 cannot say for sure that it was an intelligent being, since I only saw half 3/29/1973 #34296 RUSSIA Tass. Radio institute gets intelligent signals. Apparently from spa 10/1973 #34844 buta says appears to be piloted by intelligent beings. The object maneuvers 6/1974 #36209 going through maneuvers suggesting intelligent control, the object quickly 8/25/1974 #36463 a sighting, and 51% think there is intelligent life on other planets. A Rop 1978 #40360 oving on its own, apparently under intelligent control. Matsushita adjusts 1/4/1978 #40392 d humanoid who asked him if he was intelligent and educated. He answered no 5/16/1979 #42228 nd seemed to be piloted, given the intelligent maneuvers it was performing. 2/1990 #47674 nt astronomers on the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life in the 4/1993 #49408 rds think there are other forms of intelligent life in the universe, 56% th 8/2002 #53237 ents believe that the existence of intelligent life in space is either like 5/2008 #54006 is likely or somewhat likely that intelligent life has visited earth. Only 5/2008 #54006 rington allegedly stated “there is intelligent life in the universe; it’s h 2012 #54214 witnesses believe UFOs demonstrate intelligent behavior, it is the governme 7/31/2014 #54290## Word: "intelligentes", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
work Volonté de l'Univers, Forces intelligentes inconnues, is convinced th 1628 #482## Word: "intelligently", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
pparent to him that he is hearing “intelligently controlled signals” and th 1899 #2040 dirigible-shaped craft, controlled intelligently, which advanced in concert 6/30/1947 #5211 ts are. About 70% believe they are intelligently controlled devices, either 8/1951 #9139 er and concludes that a flight of “intelligently controlled objects flew ov 9/12/1952 #12169 , all the way to town, maneuvering intelligently around them, especially wh 12/21/1957 #20054 scores of reliable observers, are intelligently controlled machines from o 5/1960 #21789 lenkoetter’s opinion that UFOs are intelligently controlled and are neither 6/1/1960 #21857 ct, which was really being piloted intelligently taking into account the nu 4/25/1998 #52338## Word: "intelligently-controlled", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
explanations, others seemed to be intelligently-controlled objects. In one 3/1934 #3258## Word: "intelligible", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d at, and then adopted as the only intelligible explanation, by American as 5/1894 #1509 is most interested in “accounts of intelligible contacts between human bein 2/26/1957 #18687## Word: "intelsat", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ranslated from French) Creation of Intelsat. 8/1964 #24357 nch) Launch of the first satellite Intelsat 2. 10/26/1966 #27233## Word: "inteltoday", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
B0916JQDCS (p136-p137) * https://inteltoday.org/2021/10/04/on-this-day-so 4/25/2019 #54454## Word: "intend", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
have built myself, or those that I intend to build. (...) The idea of makin 1939 (approximate) #3454 ndicating the saucer intelligences intend to land, inviting them to help. 8/24/1952 #11942 Report no. 14 and that it does not intend to withhold UFO information from 6/25/1956 #18035 ittee confirming that it “does not intend to investigate the United States 3/8/1958 #20243 tness and told him that he did not intend to harm him or anybody else. This 2/28/1974 #35849## Word: "intended", 38 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rsisted until the cross was in its intended location, suggesting a connecti 1384 #263 imed to be an airship inventor and intended to create a large aluminum airs 1890 #1477 ur since 4:30 Friday afternoon and intended to reach Nashville by Sunday at 4/1897 #1655 a large coil of metal wire likely intended for electrical use. (April 12, 4/12/1897 #1721 e aerial ship damaged a large tent intended for shows and on board were see 4/19/1897 #1870 et, especially its location, as he intended to compete in upcoming Boston a 1909 #2258 d be suspended 300 m of metal wire intended to entangle in the propellers o 1938 #3400 vey, which is carrying mustard gas intended for retaliation in case German 12/2/1943 #3849 sual phenomenon. After finding the intended drop site covered by clouds, th 2/10/1944 #3910 0 Fu-Go bomb-bearing fire balloons intended to land in North America to ins 11/3/1944 #4061 31km (Deviated 181 kilometres from intended flight path) 10/20/1947 #6413 tion Laboratory at Berkeley. It is intended to spur innovation and provide 1952 #9498 cers. It is classified Restricted. Intended as a general guide for air inte 5/1953 #13348 active fallout from the detonation—intended to be a secret test—poisoned so 3/1/1954 #14208 3820, and Directive 3820.2 and is intended to plug leaks coming from navy 7/23/1954 #14744 er Naval Command. The directive is intended to stop leaks from Navy and Mar 7/23/1954 #14745 io Free Europe that carry leaflets intended to be dropped in the Soviet blo 12/3/1954 #16737 testing of atomic weapons.” It is intended to counter the antinuclear acti 3/28/1957 #18743 , which could only be an invention intended to prove the virility of the he 10/15/1957 #19351 der in the US. The document is not intended for public distribution, but NI 12/24/1959 #21627 ilot Louis Schalk at the controls. Intended as only a taxi run, the A-12 un 4/25/1962 #22829 ich the Soviet leader insists “are intended solely for defensive purposes.” 10/23/1962 #23244 James Oberg), a Soviet space probe intended for Venus that fails and never 12/9/1965 #25822 entially terminal experiments. The intended victim of the experiment is Fid 6/30/1966 #26771 which is not sent to Condon and is intended to show university officials th 8/9/1966 #26894 derstood through telepathy that he intended to impregnate her. After sexual 8/11/1966 #26900 hanged rooms to get a coat, as she intended to flee, but when she returned, 7/1967 #28940 ed INLET. This program is not only intended to provide the president with d 6/1969 #31795 owing day his staff denies that he intended to comment on official investig 9/1977 #39956 activity followed by quiet periods—intended to lead human consciousness int 6/1979 #42270 onfesses that the story was a hoax intended to promote a spiritual message. 11/26/1979 #42711 is," he thought to himself and he intended to pull over at the same time t 12/31/1980 #43538 was most unusual for her. She had intended to stop for coffee when she see 3/1981 #43650 ropulsion Concept. The contract is intended to explore the Biefield-Brown e 4/1988 #46653 ix feet away. They believe the UFO intended to harm them. 3/9/1991 #48391 ch of the European satellite Soho, intended for the study of the Sun. (2 De 12/2/1995 #51262 arget of financial scams and traps intended to bankrupt the inventor, (5) t 2/13/2009 #54087 t trespassing. The event, although intended as a joke, has an effect on bus 9/20/2019 #54494## Word: "intending", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ay with an occasional fin. Despite intending to investigate further, the cr 4/8/1813 #900 ence descended. Jan got out of bed intending to get dressed to go outside a 5/22/1953 #13406 an was about to leave his shelter, intending to report the thing to the aut 3/18/1966 #26082 led, so he walks over with his dog intending to help. But he finds a globe- 8/16/1968 #30875 Giordano went out with the tractor intending to move this "truck". But.. it 7/25/1972 #33667 it open, and then picked up a rock intending to smash it open, but he abrup 8/26/1972 #33804 nt of him at a low altitude, as if intending to land in a nearby field. 1/6/1973 #34122 utside in Lemon Grove, California, intending to play in a vacant lot or fie 11/16/1973 #35419 ing Ufologie Contact, a newsletter intending to reach all the UFO groups ia 4/1976 #38362 down as she feared the "thing" was intending to pass through the windscreen 2/24/1977 #39302 were green. When the man went out, intending to take this small thing and b 8/2/1989 #47233 ld. When he approached the figure, intending to reprimand it for being out 4/17/2000 #52828## Word: "intends", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tia secomba” over the airwaves. He intends for it to be picked up by Martia 10/27/1926 #2983 ia announces on October 27 that it intends to launch an official investigat 10/15/1954 #16016 n artificial satellite that the US intends to launch during the Internation 9/11/1956 #18352 atic Revolutionary Front (DRF) and intends to overthrow the increasingly co 4/17/1961 #22273 ia, as a senior policy analyst. He intends to develop an “extraterrestrial 1/1977 #39113 ty Administration (NNSA) states it intends to take over the contract for th 4/25/2019 #54454## Word: "intense", 616 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nt Benedict of Nursia witnessed an intense light that evolved into a fiery 540 #44 men scattered along the river. The intense light was then followed by profo 6/9/597 #53 ke shape, emphasizing the object's intense brightness and duration, while t 4/14/1054 #155 i Lake. The pearl's radiance is so intense that it illuminates the surround 1059 #156 o the earth, providing a brief but intense illumination, then began to revo 1067 #158 ed by two smaller stars nearby. An intense celestial conflict unfolded, res 10/14/1253 #217 ront of the pillar, accompanied by intense beams of light. The object's spe 11/4/1322 #249 in a clear sky. The cloud emitted intense light, seemingly collecting all 10/18/1482 #320 The phenomenon was accompanied by intense lightning and unsettling thunder 1494 #331 t descended towards the Earth, its intense heat caused damage to various ob 1520 #344 ng the rosary when he witnessed an intense light. Within this light, the Vi 5/31/1536 #359 r direction. If the Sun emits such intense heat, how is it that they did no 1543 #363 rg witnessed a luminous globe with intense heat, resembling the Sun, moving 12/15/1547 #371 enous reactions to this event were intense, marked by astonishment and utte 1/13/1553 #383 a blazing staff or torch, emitted intense brightness and fiery spurts akin 2/1/1554 #385 t toward the Earth, accompanied by intense smoke and apparent combustion. 4/14/1561 #397 s and St. Denis at night, emitting intense light. These clouds moved toward 1/12/1589 #440 ls of a temple were illuminated by intense lights originating from a celest 2/15/1609 #459 outh-east of France is the site of intense aerial activity revolving around Mid 10/1621 #479 y once more. Its brilliance was so intense that it could be seen from a dis 4/1639 #493 nveyed a sense of an invisible and intense battle, although no visual evide 5/4/1641 #497 il behind. The object emitted such intense brilliance that it enabled them 10/3/1660 #524 hing event. Following a sudden and intense flash of lightning, the night sk 10/30/1660 #527 nent star-like object emitted such intense light that inhabitants were able 10/30/1660 #528 t close to it, but the heat is too intense. The water of the lake is illumi 8/15/1663 #546 moving to the southeast, emanating intense light that deceived the crew int 12/30/1677 #573 ail. Its initial brightness was so intense that reading could be done by it 7/9/1686 #583 k red, luminous cloud that emitted intense beams of light (solid light). Th 12/5/1737 #650 luminous body beneath it, emitting intense beams of light that moved slowly 12/5/1737 #651 g. The phenomenon's heat became so intense that Short had to remove his shi 12/5/1737 #651 full moon's was witnessed emitting intense, blinding beams of light as it d 8/15/1754 #696 ts along the slope. The heat is so intense that grass and small trees start 6/12/1790 #809 h) In Canada, there is suddenly an intense darkness in the middle of the da 11/19/1819 #921 watch crew. Its fiery red hue and intense brightness, akin to a red-hot ca 8/12/1825 #949 d closer to the ground, casting an intense reddish glow that illuminated th 8/29/1837 #1000 abrupt calm ensued accompanied by intense heat and a sulfuric smell. Three 6/18/1845 #1053 slowly in the west, accompanied by intense brilliance. As it reached a posi 3/19/1847 #1069 ow (lenticular). The colour was an intense blue and it occupied at least a 8/12/1852 #1110 nates the ground and emits heat so intense that some witnesses think their 8/13/1874 #1270 t light on a creek bank, initially intense but diminishing as it seemed to 1/12/1876 #1277 satellites, displayed a sharp and intense black appearance. Notably, it co 8/11/1878 #1309 d fusing the sand. The light is so intense it blinds one of them. The newsp 6/6/1884 #1411 s seen, its color changing from an intense brightness to an almost impercep 11/1885 #1427 AW, POL Balloon going east. Sweeps intense beam around. Hovers until O100hr 3/23/1892 #1492 carried egg-sized objects emitting intense light and attempted to communica 11/1896 #1545 he shape of a cigar and carried an intense light. Miss L. Remme, an artist 4/23/1897 #1930 itive, but many people noticed the intense light and an old lady "La Mélie" 4/27/1899 #2044 er Dolan Brothers' store, emitting intense red flames from ruptures on its 1907 #2174 med to open in places, letting out intense flames. (July 2, 1907) 7/2/1907 #2182 nd through these ruptures came the intense red flames. 7/2/1907 #2185 e. The sightings are at first most intense over the southern end of South I 7/1909 #2358 sappeared from her sight. She felt intense fear when she saw it. It looked 7/23/1909 #2361 hip that caught the eye due to the intense light it carried. Those who saw 7/31/1909 #2390 level flight slow. Windows / side. Intense blue-green light / front. 8/3/1909 (approximate) #2403 It had windows on each side and an intense blue-green light in front. Later 8/3/1909 #2406 ed from French) I saw an object of intense black, like a raven, cut out aga 1/27/1912 #2520 rything. The Sun then becomes less intense although there are no clouds in 9/13/1917 #2793 istortion caused by staring at the intense light of the Sun, a sundog, and 10/13/1917 #2805 , DERBYSHIRE 40 observer(s). 2 Ft. intense glowing-ball slow / low altitude 1/22/1919 #2835 A two foot wide, intense glowing ball flew slowly at a lo 1/22/1919 #2837 blue light at the rear and a more intense blue light with a rectangular gr 1924 #2929 d we saw how it disappeared in the intense blue sky. We even had time to ta 8/5/1927 #3014 ere then literally blinded by this intense light that surrounded them for a 6/1937 #3378 ly the object was surrounded by an intense white light and it disappeared, 7/25/1938 #3428 k up, and the object glows with an intense white light and flies away. 7/25/1938 #3431 rom French) M. B. was awoken by an intense light that illuminated his room. 1940 #3493 COVENTRY, ENGL Intense blackness. Writhing 2' fireball 11/10/1940 #3532 ere evident. The experience evoked intense fear in the witness. (Chapter 7, 1943 #3743 r the roofs it lit them up with an intense light. It left in the direction Summer 1943 #3799 . The UFO responded by emitting an intense light and then vanished. (Chapte 1944 #3880 in diameter, of a very bright and intense red or orange in color. (Page 71 8/1/1944 #3986 6 feet in diameter, and of a very intense and luminous red-orange color. I 8/10/1944 #3988 in diameter, of a very bright and intense red or orange in color. (Page 71 8/10/1944 #3991 in diameter, of a very bright and intense red or orange in color” that con 8/11/1944 #3993 ices a blinding light and feels an intense heat. It goes away quickly, but 11/24/1944 #4079 nd faster and the hum becomes very intense. Suddenly one end spews a shower 3/1945 #4229 haracteristics: their great speed, intense associated light, silent operati 1946 #4436 oked, as if it had been exposed to intense microwave energy, and started a 3/5/1946 #4453 from him, and he is blinded by the intense light. He thinks it crashes into 7/9/1946 #4555 star. The light is bigger and more intense than that of a usual star, and i 7/13/1946 #4573 two violent aerial explosions. An “intense white light” accompanies the bla 7/28/1946 #4621 bject made no sound. It emitted an intense light when it exploded, but ther 8/1946 #4638 GRANTS PASS, OR Intense red and green flares sway betwee 8/12/1946 (approximate) #4672 Over Grants Pass, Oregon an intense red and green object, flaring in 8/12/1946 #4678 resembles a full moon and emits an intense light: “As it passed immediately 8/24/1946 #4723 me. They saw a bright object of an intense green color surrounded by white 8/26/1946 #4729 ng boat when they saw an object of intense green emitting sparks, moving fr 8/26/1946 #4731 t, which shone upwards, and a less intense light illuminating downwards, on 7/4/1947 #5371 TOWANDA, PA 2 20cm disks / intense light bob and weave 5M from hous 7/7/1947 #5691 n pilot who is badly disfigured by intense heat following a plane crash. Th 7/7/1948 #6737 not surprising at that speed. – An intense dark blue glow emanated from the 7/23/1948 #6762 lit like by a magnesium flash. An intense dark blue light emanated from it 7/23/1948 #6762 olina Beach, NC saw a huge ball of intense white light while traveling from 9/23/1948 #6865 es and sometimes exploded emitting intense flashes. A certainly natural but 10/1948 #6879 OSI Case 11; Agents In T-7 Observe Intense Green Fireball At 13,000' (NICAP 12/8/1948 #7003 anomalous characteristics were the intense lime-green color, low altitude o 12/20/1948 #7026 t two are in New Mexico and are an intense white or greenish- white light. 12/29/1948 #7033 g to within a few hundred feet. An intense flash of white comes from its ta 1949 #7047 eir two daughters are awoken by an intense light shining through the shutte 2/1949 #7108 erced, CA Witness and dog heard an intense clicking sound coming from the s 4/4/1949 #7215 tal in Saratov. He again undergoes intense interrogation, psychotherapy, an 5/6/1949 #7328 ed from French) Around midnight an intense phosphorescence accompanied by v 1/30/1950 #7765 Witness: 1st Lt Frank Mattson. An intense and huge yellow light descended 3/3/1950 #7838 eutenant Frank Mattson observed an intense light of a dull yellow descendin 3/3/1950 #7839 Selfridge AFB, MI An intense, dull yellowish light descend ve 3/3/1950 #7841 Witness: 1st Lt Frank Mattson. One intense, dull yellowish light descended 3/3/1950 #7842 itted a bluish-green vapor and an "intense smell of burning gasoline" and s 3/18/1950 #7953 off a greenish-blue vapor and "an intense smell of burning benzine." A lar 3/18/1950 #7961 ve off a blue-green vapor with "an intense smell of burning benzene." A lar 3/18/1950 #7967 bject appeared as a bright ball of intense brightness. Two jet fighters F. 8/1/1951 #9140 ular formation of 20–30 lights, as intense as bright stars but larger. Blue 8/25/1951 #9186 its aplomb, the object stopped. An intense beam of light came out of it and 3/25/1952 #9677 the witness, three windows emitted intense light and at each window Mrs. So 5/1952 #10013 ept for the face. The light was so intense that the facial features or the 5/1952 #10013 brate as if under the effect of an intense inner fire. They took on a green 6/30/1952 #10592 OFF NORWALK, CT 2 / boat. Intense low star becomes 2 small night l 7/5/1952 #10654 REN AIR FORCE BASE, WY 2 / ground. Intense fireball going west. Stops over 8/8/1952 #11698 observer(s). 2 saucers / dogfight. Intense light / 1 side only. 1 going qui 8/17/1952 #11824 e going quickly south / jet speed. Intense blue light. 8/17/1952 #11829 s pulsating in intensity from very intense to normal. They reported observi 8/23/1952 #11915 in in front. Windows lighted by an intense blue light and a throbbing sound 8/24/1952 #11937 ndows on the object were lit by an intense blue light and a throbbing sound 8/24/1952 #11943 titude of 5400 m. The moonlight is intense. (5:24) 12/6/1952 #12771 iles W of), TX Extremely large and intense bright round bluish-white light 12/29/1952 #12874 and 300 mph when they see a large, intense, bluish-white light near Vega, T 12/29/1952 #12878 first one. Their luminosity was so intense that we soon had to put on sungl 8/31/1953 #13674 explosion was followed by fire and intense heat. Flying saucer and cigar-sh 1/1954 #14034 ween UFO sightings and “periods of intense meteorite activity.” 1/28/1954 #14116 ter and protruding top. It made an intense roaring sound that lasted five s 4/26/1954 #14369 SHOBLEY, HAMPS Intense glare. 50' sphere/orb/globe goin 5/19/1954 #14466 Forest, Hampshire, England saw an intense glare in the sky at around 11 p. 5/19/1954 #14467 the cylindro-conical body and the intense glow spinning at the top of its 5/20/1954 #14470 ce violation; hovering object with intense light, rises at great speed. 6/26/1954 #14631 it. As it approaches the craft, an intense heat suddenly fills the cockpit. 7/1/1954 #14667 Walesville, NY F-94 pursues UFO; intense heat forces ejection; fatalities 7/1/1954 #14668 car. He is suddenly blinded by an intense light. Then he hears a detonatio 7/2/1954 #14671 d green coloration at the back, so intense that it lit up the whole area. A 7/13/1954 #14709 with my flashlight. A beam of very intense light, much hotter and brighter 7/30/1954 #14766 shape and its red luminosity, more intense in the center, attenuated on the 8/23/1954 #14893 at an altitude of 300 m, emits an intense light and leaves a reddish smoke 9/14/1954 #15056 observer(s). Saucer object / 800M. Intense light and trail / red smoke. / r 9/14/1954 #15061 ltitude of 800 meters, gave off an intense light and left a trail of reddis 9/14/1954 #15062 ing at 2,600 feet, it gives off an intense light and leaves a trail of redd 9/14/1954 #15066 ree seems to have been affected by intense heat at its upper part. (23 h) 9/24/1954 #15215 ange. The yellow light became more intense and began to shine brightly. The 9/30/1954 #15307 e shooting star. Later, he sees an intense light in his yard and rushes out 10/1/1954 #15391 BERUGES, FR Intense heat. Saucer lands. Sweeps area 10/7/1954 #15618 truckdriver, Mr. Tremblay, saw an intense, blue light coming toward him. T 10/7/1954 #15635 ant tickling at the same moment an intense greenish light is emitted from a 10/7/1954 #15639 e N138 at 6:20 a.m. when he saw an intense, blue light coming toward him. T 10/7/1954 #15644 have landed, discovered traces of intense calcination on a dirt road. Samp 10/10/1954 #15734 got out of their car to observe an intense red sphere in the sky. Then they 10/11/1954 #15807 on a deep red color, turned to an intense white light with a red aura, and 10/11/1954 #15808 got out of their car to observe an intense red sphere in the sky. Then they 10/11/1954 #15824 on a deep red color, turned to an intense white light with a red aura, and 10/11/1954 #15825 ters from their house, emitting an intense light. The two men go to the pla 10/12/1954 #15828 approach it the object produced an intense "screen of light" and vanished w 10/14/1954 #15941 when an egg-shaped object emitting intense heat swoop over his house at an 10/14/1954 #15951 approach it the object produced an intense "screen of light" and vanished w 10/14/1954 #15962 meters from the ground. It was an intense source of heat. The small pond w 10/15/1954 (approximate) #15976 15 m above the ground, and emitted intense heat. The little pond was found 10/15/1954 #16003 0 feet above the ground, and emits intense heat. The little pond is found d 10/15/1954 #16013 ters above the ground, and emitted intense heat. The little pond was found 10/15/1954 #16019 BELESTA, FR Intense bright ovoid quickly going up [t 10/16/1954 #16044 ace, obviously under the effect of intense fear. For several weeks the witn 10/18/1954 #16103 NY FOREST, FR 6M ovoid / treetops. Intense heat. Rain going [to] dense stea 10/20/1954 #16197 m long, at treetop level, and felt intense heat from it. It took off vertic 10/20/1954 #16202 hovered at treetop level. He felt intense heat coming from it. It shot up 10/20/1954 #16211 evel. At the same time he feels an intense heat that also seems to be creat 10/22/1954 #16258 any Ernst Jung and his wife saw an intense red, luminous object descending 12/9/1954 #16770 IN TO/FROM COLONNE, FR 1 observer. Intense light and heat / road from dark 12/17/1954 #16819 rned brighter; the witness felt an intense heat wave and thought he was goi 12/17/1954 #16820 ht became brighter the man felt an intense wave of heat and he thought that 12/17/1954 #16821 c saucers over city / 8 minute(s). Intense silvery light. 12/30/1954 #16878 SAINT-PAIR, MANCHE, FR Intense light. Saucer lands / field / to 8/18/1955 #17423 rlines Super Constellation sees an intense white light moving 4 to 5 times 2/19/1956 #17832 #3977. Unidentified. Airline crew. Intense white night light buzzes and pac 2/19/1956 #17833 Airlines Super Constellation. One intense white light, moving 4-5 times th 2/19/1956 #17835 er(s) = Nicoson. Large red saucer. Intense beam going down. Hovers / 30 min 8/12/1956 #18194 ce Base, Dayton, Ohio, launches an intense program to coordinate research i 9/1956 #18301 500 m it was followed by a big and intense white/bluish light: An Air Force 7/17/1957 #18999 ght of Granada, which changed from intense green to bright red. Behind him, 9/4/1957 #19190 GREENLAND 2 observer(s) wakened / intense red glow. Silent object glides w 9/25/1957 #19259 as a UFO lands nearby. They see an intense light as they begin a steep asce 10/10/1957 #19331 ound was heard and the men felt an intense heat. One of them collapsed, whi 11/3/1957 #19473 nous object changing color from an intense green to bright red. The object 11/4/1957 #19539 arger one and the light grows more intense. The two objects fly away. The n 11/6/1957 #19695 d interfere with Allied craft with intense EM fields. The Kugelblitz was al 1958 #20092 nd shiny appearance, it emitted an intense light of clear red, causing a bu Early 1/1958 #20103 was not the object itself, but the intense conical beam of a light green em 3/1958 #20222 ered over Uruguay and created such intense heat that he was forced to open 5/5/1958 #20352 the direction of the southeast, an intense red light appeared on the horizo 8/17/1958 #20559 after hitting a palm tree with an intense whistling in front of a group of 10/31/1958 #20779 air and just south of a main road. Intense shafts of light are shining from 3/22/1959 #21085 he clouds. (...) she saw two large intense green lights quickly descending 7/13/1959 #21288 t was about 10 m diameter, had two intense, green lights and two rows of je 7/13/1959 #21291 t 20–30 feet in diameter, with two intense green lights on its underside de 7/13/1959 #21293 reland saw a round object with two intense green lights come down out of th 7/13/1959 #21294 binoculars, its radiation now less intense: at the circumference of the dis 9/24/1959 #21452 , the light beams disappeared, but intense radiation came from its lower pa 9/24/1959 #21452 long tube at him which emitted an intense light. The witness then experien 4/1960 #21739 eared and swept the ground with an intense beam of light. 6/10/1960 #21863 e object lit up the ground with an intense beam of light. His dog ran away 6/10/1960 #21866 passed by slowly. Its light was so intense it caused eye irritation for the 7/31/1960 #21913 BOULDER, CO Radio astronomers. Intense artificial white noise / 29.75MH 1/10/1961 #22169 chcraft pilot and passenger saw an intense bright light rise (NICAP: 09 - R 3/23/1961 #22259 as the "Black Bird", is of a very intense dark blue color that does not re 4/26/1962 #22832 sighting, a woman was awoken by an intense cold sensation and saw near the 6/1962 #22932 sighting, a woman is awoken by an intense cold sensation and sees a bald b 6/12/1962 #22945 them was awakened by a feeling of intense cold and perceived a greenish li 6/26/1962 #22970 night, Luisa Peregozzo awoke to an intense cold feeling and saw out her bed 6/26/1962 #22971 Hallett, East Antarctica, sees an intense light followed by two smaller li 7/7/1962 #22989 races in the grass and evidence of intense heat. Police investigation. A wh 1/31/1963 #23415 races in the grass and evidence of intense heat. There was a police investi 1/31/1963 #23416 Colonia Yerua, Argentina After an intense rainfall Pablo Michalowski and R 3/12/1963 #23473 ad and flew away. The light was as intense as that of a welder's torch. The 5/20/1963 #23536 ad and flew away. The light was as intense as a welder's torch. The witness 5/20/1963 #23537 BEDFORD, OH 1 observer. Intense Oblong cylinder/cigar-shape with 10/4/1963 #23798 Bedford, OH Intense oblong light with tapered ends ( 10/4/1963 #23800 Witness: R.E. Carpenter, 15. One intense oblong light with tapered ends a 10/4/1963 #23801 from leave. It bathes the area in intense green light from a height of 10 12/10/1963 #23914 an object, 15 m in diameter, with intense orange and blue lights, emitting 12/14/1963 #23923 Barney’s sessions are particularly intense. However, by the end of the sess 1/4/1964 #23960 observed a rigid configuration of intense red and white lights, apparently 4/3/1964 #24012 onticello, Wisconsin. There was an intense white light above the four red l 4/3/1964 #24015 t work in a field when they saw an intense light, cone-shaped, emitted from 7/28/1964 #24351 helan, Washington when they saw an intense light, cone-shaped, emitted from 7/28/1964 #24352 descriptions of an object emitting intense light. It was from lumberjack Lo 8/11/1964 #24377 earing. As its luminosity was very intense, the witnesses did not dare to l Mid 8/1964 #24384 , NZ Saucer 17M / ground. 2 rows / intense lights. Green light / dome. Door 12/28/1964 #24607 s glued together, with two rows of intense lights, and a turret with a gree 12/28/1964 #24608 about 9:00 p.m. It had two rows of intense lights on the body of the craft, 12/28/1964 #24609 on. The four lights merge into one intense white light, which moves in a st 1/12/1965 #24664 r 10.5 minutes. Unfortunately, the intense radiation environment causes one 6/25/1965 #25002 onin Lien first saw a large, blue, intense flame behind the ship at high sp 7/6/1965 #25064 captain, and other officers see an intense blue, fiery tongue of light appr 7/6/1965 #25066 in Lien first saw the large, blue, intense flame behind the ship moving at 7/6/1965 #25067 looked out the window, and saw an intense red object about 10-12 meters in 7/20/1965 #25148 ned as a blue source came on, very intense for about 3 sec then all lights 8/13/1965 #25400 as a blue light comes on, which is intense for about 3 seconds. Then all th 8/13/1965 #25403 iles. It is emitting a light of an intense color that shifts to radiant whi 9/6/1965 #25563 as the flashing blue light becomes intense, fluctuating in rhythm with his 9/14/1965 #25600 moments before disappearing in the intense light. The object rose straight 10/23/1965 #25726 ” Witnesses further report that an intense military presence, most notably 12/9/1965 #25822 he ground has been subjected to an intense rotary force. 1/19/1966 #25936 as the size of a truck and cast an intense yellow-orange light on the groun 1/29/1966 #25951 ating light, varying from white to intense blue (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 3/20/1966 #26104 g light which varied from white to intense blue made a jerky ascent and the 3/20/1966 #26107 een again going south going north. Intense white lights. P324. 3/24/1966 #26168 und that it hovered and showed two intense white lights, as well as a green 3/24/1966 #26175 it was hovering and displayed two intense white lights, as well as one gre 3/24/1966 #26178 t with waffle like surface glowing intense red light (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 3/26/1966 #26193 flelike surface and glowed with an intense red light. 3/26/1966 #26196 le-like surface and glowed with an intense red light. 3/26/1966 #26201 on the bottom, and glowed with an intense red light. 3/27/1966 #26209 vering at 1 m altitude. It had one intense white light and three colored fl 3/31/1966 #26283 up, then moving away. It beamed an intense light onto the road. They chased 4/17/1966 #26439 It had brilliant white lights and intense red body lights. When he turned 4/18/1966 #26449 ork. A blinding bright object with intense red lights landed on a road in L 4/18/1966 #26453 y High School building. There were intense, flashing blue, green, and red l 4/22/1966 #26503 at its height. The Braniff sees an intense light, alternately red, green an 5/4/1966 #26566 HAMBURG, NY 4 observer(s). Intense red light. 1M saucer outside hou 6/23/1966 #26740 Hamburg, NY An intense red light lit the ground near a 6/23/1966 #26741 civilian woman was reading when an intense red light illuminated the ground 6/23/1966 #26743 ading in Hamburg, New York when an intense red light illuminated the ground 6/23/1966 #26748 light emitted by the sphere was so intense that it lit up the whole country 7/28/1966 #26842 s over some nearby trees. It is so intense that it hurts their eyes, so the Autumn 1966 #27107 le in the bottom tier. Suddenly an intense white light shoots out from the 11/1/1966 #27266 p.m. by a family of three. A very intense beam of light from the UFO knock 11/1/1966 #27269 alled. Only then did he observe an intense light to his right, coming close 1/5/1967 #27503 alled. Only then did he observe an intense light to his right, coming close 1/5/1967 #27506 on. The UFO floods the jet with an intense red light so bright that the pil 1/13/1967 #27552 e object flooded the Lear Jet with intense red light so bright the pilot ha 1/13/1967 #27554 pe going northeast / 15 second(s). Intense blue light / entire length. 1/30/1967 #27676 heast for 15 seconds. There was an intense blue light the entire length of 1/30/1967 #27683 Getting out, she sees overhead an intense greenish-blue light. She feels h 2/13/1967 #27806 ound, illuminating the forest with intense light. 3/4/1967 #28030 ound, illuminating the forest with intense light. 3/4/1967 #28031 rge dome-shaped object emitting an intense light that had landed in a ravin 3/24/1967 #28273 hield. It's incredible, a light so intense. When I looked at my hands, it w 4/17/1967 #28454 ject come over a car bathing it in intense light (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 4/17/1967 #28463 above their cars, bathing them in intense light. Metz observes it through 4/17/1967 #28466 low me, it's huge!" It gave off an intense, bluish-white, cold light from t 4/17/1967 #28470 ct (EME). 12M hidden saucer nears. Intense heat. Vision loss see reference. 5/1/1967 #28581 tical object hovered close to car, intense heat felt; later headaches and v 5/1/1967 #28582 uge goes off the dial. He feels an intense wave of heat when he puts his he 5/1/1967 #28584 as the moon. The object emitted an intense orange-reddish light and approac 5/1/1967 #28585 out 500 feet away and gives off an intense white-orange light from its cone 5/7/1967? #28621 Ribas was suddenly awakened by an intense light coming from the patio. She 7/1967 #28940 ralia 10:00 p.m. A witness sees an intense orange light through the window 7/1967 #28955 At 3:00 a.m. an intense light coming from their patio ha 7/7/1967 #29000 finish and five square windows. An intense white light came from the inside 7/20/1967 #29087 , gray bell-shaped object, with an intense light coming from five square wi 7/20/1967 #29092 200 feet above the ground, and an intense white light came on. It flew awa 7/20/1967 #29092 iquely and disappears. It makes an intense buzzing sound. 8/8/1967 #29241 creature’s ankles and give off an intense white light. They run home again 8/23/1967 #29302 tion, Nova Scotia. Putnam feels an intense blast of radiation, forcing him 10/25/1967 #29764 got out of their car. They felt an intense heat, and heard a humming sound. 12/29/1967 #30098 tells him that a loud buzzing and intense heat had wakened her, both emana 5/17/1968 #30482 tricity. At that moment she saw an intense bluish light in the bathroom and 5/18/1968 #30486 entina sighted a UFO with two very intense beams of red light while walking 6/14/1968 #30552 a Raiva, Santa Fe, Argentina by an intense humming sound. She then noticed 6/24/1968 #30600 ary personnel were intrigued by an intense glow on a rescue track. They wen 7/25/1968 #30747 ir Force later subjected him to an intense interrogation. 10/2/1968 #31086 t followed the train. This ball of intense brightness moved on a trajectory 12/15/1968 #31334 ION UNKNOWN, GREENLAND Fr. pilots. Intense 20M ovoid passes. Heat. Mirage d 12/22/1968 #31360 square 4-5 meters wide. It was an intense orange-white color. Inside the l 1/6/1969 #31407 d 4 o'clock in the morning when an intense light coming from outside woke u 2/1969 #31471 80cm sphere/orb/globe near ground. Intense yellow light. Night light / sepa 2/2/1969 #31479 theroad it was shining on. He felt intense heat from the direction of the U 3/4/1969 #31560 entral light that was flashing and intense, and two smaller green lights se 4/21/1969 #31680 BUCHAREST, ROM Intense white 35cm sphere/orb/globe flie 6/1/1969 #31796 SANTA BARBARA, BRZ 2 observer(s). Intense light. 5M ellipse outside. Odd n 6/10/1969 (approximate) #31820 inutes later, he seems to be in an intense fear. Pressed with questions, he 7/5/1969 #31875 eral groups at the time; localized intense heat or radiation is listed as m 7/12/1969 #31891 had a close encounter with a small intense light over a wooded area near Ne 8/5/1969 #31947 meter, from which suddenly came an intense beam of light. I suddenly felt a 1/7/1970 #32205 g hovering object, with its top an intense blue, and the bottom a neon yell 6/2/1970 #32381 lowing object descends / treetops. Intense silence / area. 7/16/1970 #32435 ded below some nearby treetops. An intense silence seemed to fall over the 7/16/1970 #32437 RES MILITARY CAMP, SP Object beams intense white light. Physical traces. "D 7/20/1970 #32438 t. Etienne's curiosity turned into intense fear. He felt paralyzed, unable 7/25/1970 #32447 ion film had just finished when an intense whistling sound was heard, the i 8/16/1970 #32489 ut being discovered, but heard the intense whistling sound again as the obj 8/16/1970 #32493 tted a light in the form of a very intense white-blue ray that blinded and 8/30/1970 #32513 temporary blindness and paralysis; intense heat sensation (August 30, 1970) 8/30/1970 #32513 , Brazil, when he claims to see an intense light beginning to descend. He s 1/25/1971 #32726 appeared a flash of white light so intense that the had to shut his eyes. W 2/16/1971 #32751 d himself standing in same spot in intense cold, one hour later. 2/22/1971 #32759 ddenly finds himself surrounded by intense light radiation. The car headlig 9/20/1971 #33111 f blackness and then surrounded by intense vertical beams of light. The car 9/20/1971 #33120 the glow at the base becomes more intense and the object takes off at an a 11/2/1971 #33229 nway. He approached: it was a very intense light blue light. At twenty mete 12/20/1971 #33302 Mr. da Silva e Souza, 60, saw an intense blue-lighted object on the groun 12/20/1971 #33304 ash of white light, accompanied by intense heat; when he could look again h 8/28/1972 #33814 rchill, Manitoba. There was a very intense beam coming from in front of the 10/23/1972 #33955 run down the side, and it emits an intense, high-pitched whistle. The next 12/30/1972 #34074 denly and intermittently projected intense beams of light, moved east, zigz 1/10/1973 #34127 SOUTHEAST / OHURA, NZ Airliner. Intense blue-white fireball paces. Compa 2/2/1973 #34160 Auckland, New Zealand Intense blue-white light paced airliner 2/2/1973 #34164 minated the immediate area with an intense white color. The witness pulled 4/15/1973 #34342 stuttering at the same time as an intense blue light began to sweep throug 5/22/1973 #34431 e vehicle. Inside, the heat was so intense he was suffocating and he opened 5/22/1973 #34431 om a single source it emitted this intense light. Then a kind of tube desce 5/22/1973 #34431 y, prickling sensation felt, later intense headaches. Flying Saucer Review 6/7/1973 #34477 sses felt "prickly." They also had intense headaches later. The object even 6/7/1973 #34478 .m. At one point during 2 hours of intense grilling by Sheriff Fred R. Diam 10/11/1973 #34957 t with blue and red lights and one intense white light which blinded him. ( 10/24/1973 #35239 A hatch opened, from which came an intense light. Inside the mother ship Ca 11/18/1973 #35428 bject that looked like a sphere of intense and very white brightness. This 11/30/1973 #35470 ect which had the appearance of an intense yellow window of 3.50m long by 1 12/2/1973 #35487 t the site they were blinded by an intense light that prevented them from s 12/6/1973 #35518 when the lights on the UFO became intense. Deputy sheriffs came in respons 12/6/1973 #35529 ular, like a flying saucer, had an intense red light." Hovered for about 15 12/11/1973 #35549 ylinder/cigar-shape rises / field. Intense yellow-orange color on takeoff. 2/1974 #35730 at it, whereupon they both get an intense feeling of isolation that lasts 2/14/1974 #35788 and Algeciras, Spain, see a round, intense torch-like light rise out of the 4/15/1974 #36073 geciras, Cadiz, Spain saw a round, intense torch-like light rise from the o 4/15/1974 #36077 a harvested field a half-sphere of intense red color, 8 meters wide, 4 mete 7/10/1974 #36323 t 150 feet away. The whine becomes intense. As the object settles down, it 8/16/1974 #36439 BIZENEUILLE, FR Intense red 12M dome. Yellow beams going 9/8/1974 #36515 and sees it again, closer and more intense. Suspended in the air only 10 fe 11/1974 #36667 as, Navarre, Spain, see a group of intense lights moving slowly then remain 1/2/1975 #36812 dow and sees a rectangular mass of intense red, 4.50m long, 2m wide and 2m 3/31/1975 #37086 ircles water tower. Stops. Hovers. Intense light / front. Going quickly wes 4/5/1975 #37130 20 a.m. in 1975. The object had an intense yellow pulsating light, and a ro 5/4/1975 #37206 ll there) "The buzzing became more intense, then there was a very high pitc 5/10/1975 #37222 glowing intensely, with even more intense, small panels inset all around i Late 7/1975 #37403 LONGAGES, HGR Lady. 2 intense lights near ground. Form not vis 8/29/1975 #37561 ALG Several military observer(s). Intense moon-size sphere/orb/globe going 9/1975 #37570 rs. Inside, she had a sensation of intense beauty, with emerald colored flo 9/15/1975 #37622 lightheaded. Stephens experienced intense thirst, and both men slept very 10/27/1975 #37805 . Salles de Andrade encountered an intense beam of light while walking home 12/17/1975 #38076 . Salles de Andrade encountered an intense beam of light while walking home 12/17/1975 #38077 el "Vladimir Vorobyev" observed an intense, white, underwater point of ligh 1976 #38101 ull showed a bulge. He also saw an intense yellow light behind a wall and h 1976 (approximate) #38102 e real Route 78. The trio feels an intense heat. (11:30 PM) 1/6/1976 #38129 nville, Kentucky, when they see an intense red glow in the east. It grows l 1/6/1976 #38138 ing repairs. Blinded by a flash of intense light, he was captured and taken 3/3/1976 #38301 HUESCA, SPAIN Engineer and lawyer. Intense glowing pear-shape hovers near R 4/2/1976 #38367 w feet from the ground emitting an intense light. At about the same time in 4/3/1976 #38374 and at the same time they felt an intense cold sensation while the outside 6/22/1976 #38526 f a mountain to our left, a rather intense glow. (...) This glow had someth 8/6/1976 #38647 through the fog toward the fuzzy, intense light ahead. When they reached i 8/6/1976 #38653 our of the Chiassons suffered from intense itching. 8/6/1976 #38653 lla. The light it emits becomes so intense that the smallest detail of the 8/9/1976 #38660 just ahead of him. It projected an intense beam of red light from its base. 9/3/1976 #38758 owish sodium vapor lamp and is too intense to view directly. It lights up t 9/10/1976 #38791 .m. a round, bright object with an intense blue glow passed only 12 feet ov 9/17/1976 #38816 0-year-old man named Ryan, felt an intense heat from the object, and his wa 9/17/1976 #38816 it is flashing like a strobe with intense red, green, orange, and blue lig 9/18/1976 #38821 5,000 feet altitude encountered an intense bluish light, which suddenly tur 9/19/1976 #38838 turned off, then became many less intense lights. There were three or four 9/19/1976 #38838 k brown-green oval shape, with six intense orange lights and topped with a 10/19/1976 #38908 RIVES, FR 2 observer(s). Intense white disk going quickly southwe 11/5/1976 #38963 . From their balcony they watch an intense white light speed across the sky 11/5/1976 #38965 periphery, and is surrounded by an intense green halo. It is moving silentl 11/5/1976 #38965 of small points of light, and more intense around its periphery. The small 11/12/1976 #38977 light and light up the sky with an intense luminosity in Malaga, Spain. A f 12/20/1976 #39070 te, Venezuela. A circular UFO with intense multicolored flashing lights, em 1/23/1977 #39204 Gorsek and her two children see an intense beam of light come through a bed 2/11/1977 #39270 rom a freezer. The area emitted an intense cold that extended to the witnes 4/1977 #39401 oing routine work when at 04:00 an intense light appeared at a short distan 4/25/1977 #39491 gy light surrounding a triangle of intense bright light. She watches it wit 5/10/1977 #39557 ienced amnesia when exposed to the intense light source and may have possib 6/16/1977 #39645 them in the solar plexus. It is an intense, electric, silver-blue, thin bea 6/17/1977 #39651 light above his truck. He sees an intense light, which is directed onto th Summer 1977 #39661 the sky, flying low. They emit an intense orange glow and are only a few f 7/7/1977 #39733 irview, Pennsylvania 12:05 a.m. An intense blue-white glow hovers 200–300 f 7/18/1977 #39783 down and ran it over, "feeling an intense sensation that he had killed a l 8/25/1977 #39923 and the sky. Immediately after, an intense beam of white light came out of 8/30/1977 #39940 During an evening of intense UFO activity in the skies above 10/26/1977 #40142 to view from the north. It has one intense headlight in front, 4–6 blue lig 12/1/1977 #40251 and inside the craft the light was intense red. Two entities were busy kidn 12/2/1977 #40252 urns and rashes as a result of the intense light, and eye irritations after 12/17/1977 #40323 ORANGE, CA 4 observer(s). Intense humming. Dog hides puppies. Flat 2/4/1978 #40499 ntreal, Quebec, Canada. She saw an intense light emanating from outside her 2/15/1978 #40526 Newcastle, California. Seeing two intense lights moving slowly in the sky, 2/22/1978 #40546 SAN BERNARDINO, ITL 7 teens. Intense whistle. Large ovoid spins over 4/20/1978 #40726 delineated edges, no trail, and an intense white light in Clavarazza, Genoa 5/10/1978 #40774 presence, as he thought that this intense light came from another boat tha 6/22/1978 #40881 iangle. All agree that there is an intense white light flashing at one-seco 7/20/1978 #40997 blackout occurred, followed by an intense light. A domed oval-shaped objec 9/8/1978 #41245 nd the witness felt a sensation of intense heat while the object oscillated 9/8/1978 #41245 trail of light behind it gave off intense light beams. The craft's lights 9/14/1978 #41277 IACENZA, ITL Air Force F104 pilot. Intense point / light grows and nears. G 9/21/1978 #41322 cylinder-shaped. Both gave off an intense luminosity. (NICAP: 01 - Distant 10/3/1978 #41403 cylinder-shaped. Both gave off an intense luminosity. Traffic halted throu 10/3/1978 #41404 b/globe hovers low by phone lines. Intense cold felt. Shoots going up. 10/24/1978 #41482 Yonne, France. The driver felt an intense cold in the presence of the UFO, 10/24/1978 #41484 :45 p.m. The witness in a car felt intense cold. The object shot straight u 10/26/1978 #41495 it a very large object emitting an intense rotating light suddenly appeared 10/30/1978 #41513 OFF SILVI MARINA, ITL Navy boat. Intense red night light quickly going up 11/9/1978 #41549 buzzed by a one-meter in diameter, intense red ball of light that caused ra 11/9/1978 #41558 CHIVA, VALENCIA, SP 1 / car. Intense white night light lands nearby. 12/2/1978 #41677 d Emilio Carrascosa Atienza saw an intense white light land 200 meters away 12/2/1978 #41681 a. When she stepped on it she felt intense cold, but at the same time it wa 12/4/1978 #41689 ame time it was like she was in an intense energetic state. She then saw tw 12/4/1978 #41689 haped object that was directing an intense beam of energy at the ground. Th 12/11/1978 #41723 haped object that was directing an intense beam of energy at the ground. Th 12/11/1978 #41726 from end to end and emitted a very intense light. Going up and down, it mov Late 12/1978 #41839 na when they were approached by an intense light from a hill and suddenly f 12/28/1978 #41862 pped out, and its body gave off an intense heat. Moments later the creature 12/30/1978 #41873 of Sardinia, Italy because of the intense humidity when he noticed two sho 1/2/1979 #41931 site direction. As a result of the intense cold the witnesses had to leave 1/3/1979 #41942 ral thin leg-like protrusions. The intense pink glow emanated from the top 1/5/1979 #41955 l object / low altitude by school. Intense light. Shoots away. / r237p67. 1/8/1979 #41967 tude near a school. The UFO had an intense light, and shot away at a high s 1/8/1979 #41973 t. In 101 cases the luminosity was intense, even blinding in 9 cases. The m 1/14/1979 #41997 itta, Tasmania, AU Car engulfed in intense white light, memory loss, dazed, 2/5/1979 #42061 car radio stops. Seconds later, an intense white light envelops the car, an 2/5/1979 #42063 alerted, and the pilot reports an intense, elongated light above his posit 2/25/1979 #42105 he light emanating from it was too intense to capture much detail. The shap 2/26/1979 #42108 entire agglomeration bathed in an intense light of an indeterminate color 3/11/1979 #42135 ST. JACQUES / NEHOU, FR Intense red-orange 4M sphere with stiff 4/27/1979 #42188 , France A four meter in diameter, intense reddish-orange colored sphere wi 4/27/1979 #42189 morning a four meter in diameter, intense reddish-orange colored sphere wi 4/27/1979 #42190 O. As he gets near, he can feel an intense cold surrounding it. Another hel 5/16/1979 #42233 As he got near it he could feel an intense cold surrounding it. Another hel 5/16/1979 #42234 "Black Bird", because it is a very intense dark blue antireflective color. 5/26/1979 (approximate) #42251 as a control system—manifested in “intense activity followed by quiet perio 6/1979 #42270 f apprehension overcame him and an intense blue light appeared inside the r 10/6/1979 #42637 30 p.m. a circular object gave off intense blue flashes of light while it h 11/27/1979 #42719 elevision. A few minutes later an intense white light flooded their living 11/30/1979 #42730 KEOKUK, IA 2 USCG men. Intense white domed saucer lights Missis 12/9/1979 #42760 back towards the beings he saw an intense flash of light that blinded him 2/6/1980 #42873 BARI, ITALY Saucer with intense light. 2 observer(s) burnt. 1 un 3/31/1980 #42959 the object. It was emitting a very intense yellow light. On the edge of the 4/9/1980 #42981 ight beam to ground; took off with intense humming sound leaving exhaust tr 4/10/1980 #42985 ight beam to ground. Took off with intense humming sound leaving exhaust tr 4/10/1980 #42986 rolls down the window, he hears an intense humming sound. He watches it for 4/10/1980 #42988 ff at a 45 degree angle, making an intense humming sound. A red sphere was 4/10/1980 #42989 unds. Juan Gomez explained that an intense light had "absorbed" him while h 6/1980 #43073 haped, and a sphere that emits “an intense luminous ray that illuminated th 6/14/1980 #43100 d 3am James Forber woke up with an intense thirst. To his dismay he was una 7/1980 #43128 wide and cylindrical in shape. An intense light beam was coming down from 8/16/1980 #43199 reddish cone-shaped object with an intense bluish-green electric-arc glow f 10/5/1980 #43305 reddish cone-shaped object with an intense bluish-green electric-arc glow f 10/5/1980 #43307 feet in diameter, and the white is intense but nothing around lights up. Th 10/26/1980 #43343 om French) A kind of ball, with an intense luminosity tending towards emera 11/12/1980 #43390 eacher and his wife encountered an intense blue beam of light and felt the 11/19/1980 #43420 diameter and 9–13 feet thick. Five intense, steady, blue-white lights illum 12/6/1980 #43467 s shingles to look out, seeing an “intense twinkling light descending in ra 12/14/1980 #43483 hea, skin rashes, stomach ache and intense thirst. The driver had to be hos 12/29/1980 #43528 the UFO. They immediately felt an intense heat inside the car and heard a 12/29/1980 #43537 te globe hovers 100M over paddock. Intense flash. Going down. 2/20/1981 #43629 . HELENS, OR Cops and more/others. Intense night light. Columbia River like 3/17/1981 #43660 t over its circumference due to an intense white light at its center. It sp 4/3/1981 #43681 e followed. After effects included intense nightmares and disruption of bal 7/31/1981 #43880 350M altitude 2500M away. Rotates. Intense glowing. 10/8/1981 #44001 s. It was rotating and gave off an intense glow. 10/8/1981 #44006 Maranhao State, Brazil emitted an intense glare that caused the witness to 10/31/1981 #44041 of a large star. It is steady and intense with no halo. It is flying nearl 12/20/1981 #44118 EDEN 1+2+1 separate observer(s). 2 intense night lights. Saucer paces jogge 2/2/1982 #44175 övde, Sweden, when she notices two intense blinking lights that seem to be 2/2/1982 #44176 27 for VASP Flight 169, notices an intense light source while flying over P 2/8/1982 #44182 Willernie, MN A UFO with an intense, lime green light hovered just s 2/10/1982 #44186 ortly after midnight a UFO with an intense, lime green light hovered just s 2/10/1982 #44190 ng up with very slow movements. An intense and diffuse white light ball, 3 4/1982 #44281 ebec, CAN Four 16 year olds saw an intense beam of white light from a multi 7/23/1982 #44422 range eyes. They all suffered from intense stomach pain (NICAP: 02 - Close 7/23/1982 #44422 beau, Cousineau, and Labre--saw an intense beam of white light from a multi 7/23/1982 #44423 range eyes. They all suffered from intense stomach pain. 7/23/1982 #44423 rd, IL 3:45 PM. A brilliant round, intense light was seen in the sky over L 11/6/1982 #44567 A brilliant round, intense light was seen in the sky over L 11/6/1982 #44568 ar formation of 3 white lights, so intense that everything was lit up like 12/31/1982 #44623 the village of V... In a state of intense anxiety I then got out of the ve 3/10/1983 #44680 hear a loud, high-pitched sound so intense that it causes headaches and dis 7/25/1983 #44850 een on the front door flooded with intense light. Her husband is also awake 8/26/1983 #44892 ps. Very quickly, radiations of an intense blue took hold of the ground, pr Early 9/1983 #44901 placed was covered with frost. An intense cold penetrated Mr. Puyrabaud's Early 9/1983 #44901 round. A jogger reports a light so intense that it hurts his eyes. Another 2/22/1984 #45151 and the light became more and more intense". Then he lost sight of it. Ther 3/21/1984 #45186 ve the highway. The lights were so intense that they cast shadows on the gr 3/25/1984 #45196 ming from the south. "I saw large, intense white lights, about ten of them, 3/25/1984 #45199 , boomerang-shaped object with six intense white lights and a green light i 3/25/1984 #45204 e as a football field.” It directs intense beams of light toward the ground 7/19/1984 #45373 op, but the ventral light was more intense. 5/23/1985 #45607 at the whole area was bathed in an intense blue light. The object seemed to 7/1985 #45631 HACA VALLEY, CHILE Several / road. Intense red object lands / hill. 20M cir 8/19/1985 #45674 plane or helicopter, and it has an intense white light at its center, a wea 12/23/1985 #45770 hased another UFO which was a very intense light, changing from white to gr 5/19/1986 #45928 objects have distinct borders and intense multicolored flashing lights in 5/19/1986 #45938 eber Caldas Marinho, chases a very intense red light that changes to white, 5/19/1986 #45941 hat time. Later, he did see a very intense reddish light that changed color 5/19/1986 #45942 saw a large round object with two intense lights raising a lot of dust, pr 7/9/1986 #45995 , and the driver brakes to a stop. Intense light comes from the base of the 12/14/1987 #46469 A very intense, pink or reddish-orange light li 12/25/1987 #46478 rkshire, England, when she sees an intense orange, egg-shaped light to the 2/4/1988 #46554 ambique Pilot saw hovering object, intense lights like searchlights in a tr 2/11/1988 #46580 r witnessed a hovering object with intense lights like searchlights arrange 2/11/1988 #46581 e size of a basketball, from which intense flashes of light were coming out 3/18/1988 #46636 ion Corps. He then learned that an intense activity of combat planes had be 12/28/1988 #46916 irly wide angle (15° to 195°) with intense lights at the top and bottom and 2/11/1989 #47000 of large dimensions, was bathed in intense light. Mr. Dupuis stopped the ca 11/22/1989 #47460 urprised by the presence of a very intense light spot to the right of the r 11/29/1989 #47489 ct. The flashing red light is less intense, but clearly visible. The freque 11/29/1989 #47489 ll and Hubert von Montigny, see an intense light in a nearby field. Above t 11/29/1989 #47519 s. Some moments later, it emits an intense and well-defined shaft of light 12/12/1989 #47573 casionally send out brief and more intense light signals. Meanwhile, two we 3/30/1990 #47784 ving gotten up, she saw three very intense white lights arranged vertically 4/16/1990 #47846 ical object hovers / low altitude. Intense blue-red light. 4/18/1990 #47853 eld. Beams going down. Grass turns intense blue-green. / LDLN#302. 5/4/1990 #47879 beams of light turned the grass an intense blue-green color. Four hours lat 5/4/1990 #47884 man in Gulf Breeze, Florida saw an intense blinking light over the Santa Ro 5/9/1990 #47897 ST. MARCEL, FR 1 observer. Intense blue ball shoots sparks / all di 10/21/1990 #48149 GRUISSAN, FR 1 observer. Intense white / blue fireball low and sl 10/21/1990 #48150 emisphere over town / 4 minute(s). Intense light. No further details / news 10/24/1990 #48156 Germain, Aube, France during this intense regional wave of UFO reports tha 11/5/1990 #48240 ing from inside, two beams of very intense light, comparable in intensity t 11/22/1990 #48265 ack, a third yellowish light, less intense, was directed towards the ground 11/22/1990 #48265 eurus, Belgium, when she senses an intense light. She looks out the window, 11/22/1990 #48269 Braine l’Alleud, Belgium, hears an intense hum and looks out her window to 5/17/1991 #48468 NORTH / ASUNCION, PARAGUAY Intense fireball buzzes Lap liner and 3 6/8/1991 #48490 nutes within about 1,300 feet. Its intense light tends to conceal its exact 6/8/1991 #48495 the plane. At around 6:00 p.m. an intense bluish-white oval-shaped object 6/8/1991 #48496 veral separate observer(s). Silent intense moon-size blob lights ground blu 6/14/1991 #48498 ONT Several observer(s). Circle / intense red lights. Noisy "air-brakes" s 7/21/1991 #48538 DE VENCE, FR 2+observer(s) / bus. Intense red Saturn-ball skims mountain-t 1/18/1992 #48726 - a kind of deep rumble, a low and intense vibration, just above our car. T 2/10/1992 #48771 is in any case formal: no low and intense vibration. Not the slightest tra 2/10/1992 #48771 the morning, he was woken up by an intense blue light. In the dazzling ligh 3/4/1992 #48796 FR 1 observer. 2 long cigars with intense yellow beams all over/all about. 3/12/1992 #48820 ghts / top and bot strobe in turn. Intense slab / light below. 8/1992 #49000 e dress with a white blouse and an intense sky blue scarf on its head, whic 9/24/1992 #49106 ona around its mid-section. It had intense beams of light coming from the t 9/30/1992 #49119 CURU, CE, BRZ Several / UFO group. Intense white ball appears. Blue sparks 10/21/1992 #49154 . The room was illuminated with an intense blue light that seemed to pulse 4/17/1993 #49429 e morning, Batya is woken up by an intense light coming from the kitchen wi 5/1993 #49450 ch closer but could not due to the intense heat. Three of the children then 2/23/1995 #50634 th blue clouds. Rises and flashes. Intense. 6/11/1995 #50841 l de Minas, Brazil, suffering from intense pain in the lower back and fever 2/12/1996 #51401 , PA Airbus crew and NY FAA RADAR. Intense fireball paces liner. Jumps 20 m 4/12/1996 #51509 At 11:50 p.m. an intense fireball paced an airliner while 4/12/1996 #51510 e lights were elongated and had an intense yellow glow. The lights remained 4/15/1996 #51516 h larger than an airplane, aims an intense white light at their car for 20 10/15/1996 #51743 s flying in N. One object aimed an intense white beam at their car and bath 10/15/1996 #51744 beam at their car and bathed it in intense light for "at least 20 minutes." 10/15/1996 #51744 tiple callers reported a number of intense bright orange fireballs travelin 11/25/1996 #51806 y, Australia watched at least four intense bright-orange "fireball" type li 11/25/1996 #51806 ll return when the storms are less intense, since we have already lost five 12/9/1996 #51818 time. It was a red light of a very intense tone hovering above the trees. B 2/20/1997 #51901 ere several people saw 4 or 5 very intense white lights pass by at 8:17 PM. 3/13/1997 #51936 us, black, thin object with a very intense light in one corner. The object 12/8/1997 #52208 p at 12:20 a.m., pulsating with an intense orange glow. Seconds later it di 12/31/1997 #52236 al stage is reached disclosure and intense indoctrination of faith and valu 3/11/1998 #52308 Michigan, when she sees a “highly intense,” basketball-sized ball of white 11/27/1998 #52482 in Mount Clemens, Michigan saw an intense white ball of light (BOL) come d 11/27/1998 #52483 t he saw high in the sky a big and intense orange light in the shape of a b 3/29/1999 #52556 p and bottom. The craft had a very intense and flashing light at the top an 5/16/1999 #52583 again, her house was bathed in an intense blue-white light. The trees were 6/20/1999 #52603 counts having been woken up by the intense light. "At first I thought it wa 3/5/2000 #52800 flashed her high beams at the two intense lights and she began to slow dow 7/13/2000 #52874 anded on the beach. It directed an intense red beam, then a blue-colored be 10/1/2000 #52908 and numb and he was overcome by an intense sensation of fear. He found hims 4/23/2001 #53023 to the sky she fell asleep, but an intense cold wave woke her up and she he 5/2/2001 #53036 Columbia, Canada. At 10:00 p.m. an intense white light buzzed a car in Red 8/15/2001 #53098 and Sampacho, Argentina, notice an intense red light in the sky moving from 9/9/2001 #53116 om the southwest. It looks like an intense red beam with bright flashes beh 9/9/2001 #53116 spero, they begin noticing “a very intense red light in the sky” in the sou 9/9/2002 #53257 outhwest. The object looks like an intense red beam with an arc of light on 9/9/2002 #53257 8:30 p.m. when they encountered an intense purple flash of light for 4-5 se 9/24/2002 #53268 irst noticed a very bright tube of intense white light 30 degrees above the 11/22/2002 #53317 th it." The video did not show the intense white cigar in it, but rather a 11/22/2002 #53317 end to his dog in the backyard. An intense white light comes down about 23 2/8/2003 #53353 a feeling of weightlessness and an intense feeling of calm. He remembered s 4/28/2003 #53388 r, and the stranger's stare was so intense and penetrating that she could n 10/27/2004 #53641 3,000 feet. The plane experiences intense waves of heat and wake turbulenc 6/28/2005 #53720 rom him the man fainted due to the intense pressure he was feeling, like a 4/25/2007 #53896 ted to F-16 activity, but there is intense Air Force activity that night. T 1/8/2008 #53986 esponds immediately with a beam of intense bluish-white light about 2–3 fee 5/8/2009 #54095 xperience an odd temperature drop, intense anxiety, and a menacing dark ova 7/2009 #54104 ead that is facing the window. The intense pressure in her head is accompan 8/2019 #54487 gh-pitched ringing in her ears, an intense headache, and a tingling on the 11/26/2019 #54503 leged underground alien bases. The intense secrecy enables ongoing conjectu 2/7/2022 #54632 ity has become the focus of a very intense espionage effort by overseas spy 5/2022 #54642## Word: "intense-black", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
RONOMER F.B.HARRIS 50 mile(s) wide intense-black object crosses moon's brig 1/27/1912 #2521## Word: "intense-bright", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
(NORTHERN), AL USAF T6G pilot. Intense-bright white round object hovers 8/17/1952 #11823## Word: "intensely", 95 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ry coruscations” and turns into an intensely radiant cloud, which moves on 3/19/1847 #1068 here a young man observed a large, intensely bright light moving along a ro 2/1/1878 #1304 LLANGOLLEN, NORTH WALES Intensely dark object flies / 2 miles al 9/2/1905 #2149 An intensely dark object flew over Llangoll 9/2/1905 #2150 from French) Doctor Harris saw an intensely black object 400 km long and 5 6/27/1910 #2486 center of the large body; it shone intensely for about 1 minute and then it 8/20/1915 #2696 we saw how it disappeared into the intensely blue sky. We even had time to 8/5/1926 #2975 we saw how it disappeared into the intensely blue sky. We had time to take 8/5/1926 #2976 topping, while the occupant looked intensely in the direction of the car. T 1928 #3024 ther witnesses saw a light shining intensely which zigzagged, whirled aroun 6/28/1947 #5159 ound turtle-backed object" shining intensely while flying in a straight lin 7/10/1947 #5931 le of his compass watch oscillated intensely from right to left. 8/8/1947 #6216 erical shape at the top that shone intensely, while the bottom was dark. He 4/27/1950 #8221 observed the first object, glowing intensely with a darker core and a halo 10/11/1951 #9331 er Saul Pett about midnight saw an intensely glowing, nonblinking orange ba 7/19/1952 #10926 Athens, GA An intensely bright bright white round obje 8/17/1952 #11830 observed 5 or 6 circular objects, intensely white but not dazzling, flying 9/29/1952 #12356 chanical engineer L.H. Hormer. One intensely white elliptical light changed 8/6/1954 #14817 n Mérida, Venezuela, sees a large, intensely yellow, glowing object moving 8/29/1954 #14944 TRESQUES, GARD, FR 2 observer(s). Intensely bright UFO leaves (something b 10/14/1954 #15911 about 225 feet away. It flashes an intensely bright white light from a “gre 5/22/1956 #17976 Alberta photographed in color "an intensely brilliant, oval-shaped object" 8/23/1956 #18254 Danish ship Dorthe Maersk view an intensely bright fireball giving off wei 12/13/1956 #18551 ernice McIntosh twice encounter an intensely brilliant orange light about 1 2/17/1958 #20196 NEAR HERMOSILLO, MX 2 engineers. Intensely blue object hovers / low altit 3/22/1959 #21083 Arbor, Michigan, when they see an intensely lighted object hovering about 3/22/1959 #21085 efore generally a spheroid. It was intensely bright against the dark sky an 5/15/1960 #21826 refore probably a spheroid. It was intensely bright against the dark backgr Summer 1960 #21868 e on top of a nearby high cliff an intensely red light that remains motionl 7/1961 #22382 Ilha Grande, Brazil An intensely luminous UFO maneuvered sharpl 7/24/1961 #22419 ater in the surrounding area grows intensely bright. Particles of white mat 9/18/1961 #22504 Barney Betty Hill has a series of intensely vivid dreams in which she and 9/29/1961 #22537 them and land on the road. It was intensely luminous. 4/11/1962 #22806 to rotate, its light becoming more intensely red. At last, it moved silentl 8/1/1962 #23047 RN5 / CATRILO, ARG 5 truckers. Intensely bright object rises / ground. 8/12/1962 #23070 ying toward their car. The UFO had intensely bright orange and blue lights 12/14/1963 #23925 0 km away from the airport when an intensely bright object appeared on the 6/5/1964 #24213 circular burned circle, with three intensely burned circles arranged in a t Late 6/1964 #24259 g there for only 3 seconds: he was intensely observing her. During this sho 7/1965 #25013 amily arrived, all they saw was an intensely bright light rising quickly in 9/8/1965 #25569 an object resembling a huge wheel, intensely bright, with two flaming openi 9/8/1965 #25573 nd near them. They described it as intensely bright with two flaming openin 10/8/1965 #25700 fluorescent paint but it became so intensely bright that they could not loo 3/23/1966 #26151 scent paint. However, it became so intensely bright that they could not loo 3/23/1966 #26159 , UK 2:00 a.m. LT. A couple saw an intensely bright glowing disc approach a 8/15/1966 #26906 ey allowed their children to be so intensely grilled by these "government a 1/28/1967 #27674 is, L'Yonne, France when he saw an intensely yellow luminous ovoid object c 2/5/1967 #27730 IGUALA, GUERRERO, MEXICO Intensely luminous object / ground level 3/25/1967 #28275 Iguala, Mexico An intensely luminous object woke up severa 3/25/1967 #28282 An intensely luminous object woke up severa 3/25/1967 #28285 KY 10:45 p.m. EDT. A couple saw an intensely glowing object with shimmering 5/20/1967 #28714 near Beausejour, Manitoba, sees an intensely bright red light with a smalle 5/31/1967 #28771 g position for 5 minutes. Flack is intensely cold and sleepy, so another un 8/27/1967 #29341 f them at 100 m altitude a strange intensely bright craft that suddenly acc 5/17/1968 #30477 owly. The four men then noticed an intensely luminous circular object hover 5/17/1968 #30483 acas, Venezuela, when they see two intensely glowing red discs, each about 9/4/1968 #30968 ide of the river. The object glows intensely and speeds toward the automobi 9/10/1968 #30989 out the kitchen window and saw an intensely bright light. Her daughter, 25 1/6/1969 #31407 nicked by "something shining" with intensely bright eyes "of a very pale, b 2/16/1969 #31514 ied. His luminous wristwatch glows intensely and unnaturally. After about o 6/19/1969 #31840 ont and behind. His clothing shone intensely in the sun. It was difficult t Late 8/1971 #33061 lencia, Spain at 8:24 p.m. when an intensely white UFO paced their aircraft 9/26/1973 #34816 ngine billowing smoke and the hood intensely hot. 10/19/1973 #35171 d holes that stared at the witness intensely. A yellowish beam of light ill 12/12/1973 #35553 thwest of Lodi, Wisconsin, sees an intensely bright light that is illuminat Summer 1974 #36281 g vertically in the sky and had an intensely bright center section. A secon 6/29/1974 #36294 In Bizeneuille, Allier, France an intensely bright red dome, 12 meters in 9/8/1974 #36518 shape of a large hat, which shone intensely. It had an aluminum color and 2/14/1975 #36942 Lake Sorell, Tasmania Intensely bright domed disc, orange glow 2/26/1975 #36993 Lake Sorell, Tasmania Intensely bright domed disc, orange glow 2/26/1975 #36995 and looked out a window to see an intensely red rectangular mass about 4.5 3/31/1975 #37088 t. The object is round and glowing intensely, with even more intense, small Late 7/1975 #37403 Medford, Oregon, when he sees two intensely bright lights “like burning ma 8/1976 #38627 he site later find a stone that is intensely hot 2 days after the encounter 8/11/1977 #39880 of the moon. The object is white, intensely luminous, and shaped like a he 11/24/1977 #40223 ounds when their car lights up. An intensely bright object is ahead of them 2/5/1978 #40508 NORTHPORT, AL 3 observer(s). Intensely bright ovoid with tripod legs. 5/13/1978 #40778 rthport, Alabama, when they see an intensely bright pale- yellow light. It 5/13/1978 #40781 rting an oblong-shaped UFO with an intensely bright, flashing light near Si 5/14/1978 #40787 hree minutes. They said it carried intensely bright lights. (NICAP: 01 - Di 10/23/1978 #41475 hree minutes. They said it carried intensely bright lights. 10/23/1978 #41478 cond-in-Command watched the object intensely. However, the UFO appeared to 6/15/1984 #45331 . It makes a humming sound and has intensely bright lights, mostly white bu 3/26/1986 #45862 in 12 miles and saw a very strong, intensely bright light, continuously cha 5/19/1986 #45942 et high. The dome is projecting an intensely bright orange light that creat 3/23/1987 #46230 ses 1/2 jet-speed. 4000M altitude. Intensely bright. 7/25/1988 #46745 e driving in Atherton, Indiana saw intensely bright lights approach their c 9/28/1988 #46794 Russia. The object is flashing an intensely bright light from its undersid 7/28/1989 #47226 JAHROM, IRAN Irna news. Intensely brilliant saucer west going qu 11/20/1990 #48262 bus in Col de Vence, France saw an intensely red, Saturn-shaped object skim 1/18/1992 #48727 t a single cloud and the sun shone intensely. Around 2:00 pm, while I was w 7/13/1994 #50162 MUSKEGON, MI 1 observer. Intensely bright delta/triangle/box-like 11/18/1995 #51229 ached him. The being stared at him intensely and seemed to analyze him. It 7/16/2000 #52878 ta y Tres, Uruguay many people saw intensely bright "stars" in the afternoo 1/26/2006 #53791 ly 10, Buck, Bo, and Joanna see an intensely blue light at the northern end 7/5/2009 #54105## Word: "intensified", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he sight of this mysterious object intensified Tupac Huallpa's fear of his 8/1533 #357 tning around 2:04 AM. As the storm intensified, at around 4:00 AM, a distin 12/26/1761 #716 fter 5 minutes he felt a fear that intensified so much that he felt uncomfo 10/19/1959 #21514 d so the white light on the object intensified. The entire incident lasted 6/30/1967 #28938 s, then the brightness of the tail intensified, and everything became like 5/10/1975 #37222 leeding from his nose. The buzzing intensified and the UFO took off at a di 7/31/1975 #37417 m all crouch down in the car. This intensified for a short while, and then 8/6/1976 #38653 acting. The white light underneath intensified and a cone of light was proj 9/10/1976 #38792 ot aboard. The whistling sound now intensified and the witness felt an elec 10/15/1978 #41445 rm with light beams that faded and intensified. Sheriff deputies then chase 1/31/1993 #49299## Word: "intensifies", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
dims while it is over the city and intensifies again when it has passed bey 4/19/1897 #1877 ion at its rear. The humming sound intensifies as the object picks up speed 11/22/1966 #27364 nge whistling noise above him that intensifies and becomes a powerful throb 6/19/1969 #31841 e tingling at the back of his neck intensifies. When it is about 20 feet ah 12/27/1979 #42806## Word: "intensifying", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
was accompanied by over 200 rays, intensifying the dazzling effect and cau 12/30/1677 #573 ppear yellowish-white, dimming and intensifying. Only student Barbara Kohn 3/21/1966 #26121 for a fraction of a second before intensifying again. (...) This double fl 9/22/1979 #42601## Word: "intensities", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the central building, with highest intensities between the third and eighth 1/1953 #12915 that the characteristic sounds and intensities of those sounds depend on th 2/17/1998 #52295 bject, that flashed red at varying intensities and intervals, was sighted o 2/8/2004 #53529## Word: "intensity", 120 instance(s) (Back to Top)
o be meteorological phenomena, the intensity of the lights increased, revea 8/5/1748 #679 oise or smoke. Despite the storm's intensity, the weather's unusual behavio 12/26/1761 #716 n had set, it began to diminish in intensity and finally disappeared. (Marc 3/22/1802 #849 about 1 minute, but decreasing in intensity, as if the child was going up, 12/24/1890 #1479 ightness that quickly increased in intensity. Against the starry sky, a tri Summer 1923 #2924 that seemed to be in the air. The intensity and brightness exceeded anythi 1941 #3537 ears a humming sound of increasing intensity. After it rises to a horizonta 3/1945 #4229 appeared to have the same size and intensity in whatever direction they wer 7/1945 #4324 escended vertically, increasing in intensity, and stopped about thirty mete 9/20/1945 #4393 e red and green object, flaring in intensity, swayed back and forth in a ro 8/12/1946 #4678 96 km in altitude. Measurements of intensity and distribution of cosmic ray 3/5/1948 #6582 ect on the ground, shining with an intensity similar to the light of a gree 2/17/1949 #7136 ish color, and of an extraordinary intensity. It was about 300 meters above 3/21/1949 #7186 tail flames suddenly decreased in intensity and two large disks of silver- 10/30/1950 #8678 on. The search continued with more intensity, and airplanes reported black 10/4/1951 #9307 appeared to be portholes dimmed in intensity. It remained there, motionless 4/27/1952 #9970 faster than that of jet aircraft. Intensity of color brightness varies wit 5/12/1952 #10121 as faster than a jet aircraft. The intensity of its color brightness varied 5/12/1952 #10122 a.m. The object changed color and intensity like a diamond, and flew in di 8/18/1952 #11843 Ohio. The object was pulsating in intensity from very intense to normal. T 8/23/1952 #11915 minutes. They varied in color and intensity from fiery red to sparkling di 8/28/1952 #12016 the lower plate. The sound gained intensity, and the craft flew vertically 11/18/1952 #12665 the lower plate. The sound gained intensity, and the craft flew up vertica 11/18/1952 #12669 are first detected, increasing in intensity by 1975. Detected by routine b 1/1953 #12915 AFB), TX 3 bright lights of equal intensity in stacked vertical echelon fo 2/13/1953 #13138 ," who looked at her with hypnotic intensity. Then, with a blast of hot air 12/27/1954 #16863 osest object, the hum increases in intensity and Long’s ears begin to hurt. 11/23/1957 #19888 rters says the light fluctuates in intensity and is about 200 feet from the 2/25/1959 #21023 ly changing colors and varying the intensity of its light. The motor and li 8/13/1959 #21373 with a click. The hum increases in intensity, and the object appears to be 8/11/1960 #21935 y our current lasers) of very high intensity. The workers of an agricultura 10/21/1963 #23819 pair of lights, all with the same intensity. They are comparable to a traf 3/8/1965 #24809 co saw two white lights varying in intensity, approaching and moving away f 12/30/1966 #27457 ish light of a painfully brilliant intensity into the bedroom. When the tri 1/25/1967 #27649 d their opening act, and the light intensity increased several fold. At thi 1/25/1967 #27649 , and the UFO’s lights increase in intensity and it speeds away. 1/26/1967 #27660 the cemetery and was increasing in intensity: it was dazzling like a neon b 2/5/1967 #27715 d its trajectory, shape, and light intensity. 4/7/1967 #28394 d less and the engine responded in intensity to the pulsations of the light 7/7/1967 #28990 ve it, and its light fluctuated in intensity. She could hear no sound, thou 9/2/1967 #29391 whine that has such a penetrating intensity it is similar to a mild electr 2/19/1968 #30259 a pulsating or jerky movement. The intensity of its light increases and Mil 11/20/1968 #31232 size of a basketball fluctuates in intensity and zigzags across the sky. Sh 11/25/1968 #31265 , the light increased even more in intensity and the witness lost conscious 5/20/1969 #31756 s around its center. Increasing in intensity, the object was in view for ab 6/20/1969 #31843 n saw in the air a light of strong intensity that began a wide turn and cam 1/7/1970 #32204 particular light, very similar in intensity to fluorescent light, but of a 3/26/1970 #32284 t under the dome. In any case, the intensity of the light was such that it 7/25/1970 #32447 ted by crickets. The sound rose in intensity until it became unbearable. At 9/7/1970 #32534 ird hovering. Every time the light intensity increased, the witness went hi 9/22/1971 #33124 to him that the light increases in intensity. He puts down his book and loo 6/22/1972 #33552 . Their light changes in color and intensity. Sightings also center on the 8/1972 #33703 he lights come back on but vary in intensity several times. He decides to s 11/30/1972 #34026 ous ball whose light diminished in intensity. For a few seconds 4-6 white l 3/24/1973 #34278 ters away. The light diminished in intensity, and for a few seconds 4-6 whi 3/25/1973 #34281 Ciply. Its light was decreasing in intensity and its contours were fading." 9/14/1973 #34757 ins. Lady saw object emitting high intensity light that hovered near her re 10/5/1973 #34897 nd smaller, dimming and growing in intensity. The light follows them as the 11/18/1973 #35427 eased: it never went out. Only its intensity varied. The object was a bit h 11/30/1973 #35470 hing and glowing. It then faded in intensity to a bright star. It stayed vi 12/2/1973 #35497 minosity of the cigar increases in intensity, it quickly tilts at about 20 12/31/1973 #35614 eep modulated sound, increasing in intensity. During all this time a third 1/7/1974 #35659 g the rest of the observation. The intensity of the sphere decreases and be 3/31/1975 #37086 -in-law went back to bed. Soon the intensity of the sphere lessened, while 3/31/1975 #37088 m hit him, he was disoriented. The intensity of the sound increased and the 7/31/1975 #37417 trikes him, he is disoriented. The intensity of the sound increases, and th 7/31/1975 #37418 dergrowth, but the light increased intensity. When the blue light approache 10/25/1975 #37787 n steps away when two beams of low intensity and similar to the one that ha 8/6/1976 #38647 hite. When the craft is still, the intensity of the light diminishes. The o 9/3/1976 #38752 w six clear orange lights of great intensity flying from west to east. At o 10/19/1976 #38908 e white lights, not very strong in intensity, and which seemed to continue 1/6/1977 #39154 pitched, piercing tone of constant intensity. Lothar ran along the outside 2/24/1977 #39307 bigger than a DC- 10 in size. Its intensity is like that of a flashbulb. B 3/12/1977 #39364 e road was flooded with light, the intensity was painful. The mother drew t 4/30/1977 #39509 e toward her. They are blinding in intensity and flash on and off like a be 10/9/1977 #40085 size of three 747's with a "great intensity of light coming from the cente 2/9/1978 #40517 atomic explosions, detects a large intensity flash in South Africa. The cha 9/22/1979 #42602 nfield about 900 feet away with an intensity that hurts her eyes. Scared, s 1/21/1980 #42853 t was changing colors, diminish in intensity and take a shape, before dropp 12/14/1980 #43483 . Then they gradually decreased in intensity, became smaller and smaller, a 3/1981 #43643 arranged in a boomerang shape. The intensity was so strong that I had to sh 3/25/1984 #45199 f most aircraft, and the power and intensity of the lights is far beyond th 11/1984 #45488 e hill, radiating light of varying intensity as it goes up and down. The li 1/29/1986 #45819 he ground to the saucer. The light intensity was so great that he was given 6/1987 #46263 saw it through the windshield. The intensity of the light dimmed and bright 5/9/1988 #46689 ° above the horizon line, of great intensity and with changes of colors, pa 6/1/1988 #46710 e eyes. It's of constant color and intensity with very sharp edges." 7/15/1988 #46736 ong white-yellowish light of fixed intensity. In the center of this triangl 11/25/1989 #47469 gle there was a red light of fixed intensity as well. We observed this phen 11/25/1989 #47469 40 highway. Their slowness and the intensity of the headlights are quite ab 11/29/1989 #47496 . Some yellow ones, whose luminous intensity fluctuates. This formation pro 11/5/1990 #48181 hite and yellow lights of variable intensity. The inside of this triangle i 11/5/1990 #48181 ll was stationary and decreased in intensity to reveal another, smaller and 11/8/1990 #48250 e distant ball, which increased in intensity"... (...) It was at this momen 11/8/1990 #48250 very intense light, comparable in intensity to the light of an electronic 11/22/1990 #48265 y without leaving a trace, and the intensity of its lights and colors vary. 4/11/1991 #48433 he light passed over him with such intensity that it hurt his eyes. He lost 6/16/1991 #48502 c lighting. The spots decreased in intensity (as if regulated by a regulato 9/28/1991 #48623 hing dangerously close to him. The intensity of this emotion increases as t 6/1993 #49491 Scotland. It glowed with a strange intensity 100 feet above the ground, and 7/24/1993 #49582 veral minutes it lost its blinding intensity, split into two, then split ag 7/24/1993 #49582 ts were dimming and brightening in intensity, pulsing slowly. A red light w 10/25/1993 #49762 ound wasn't constant and varied in intensity. This sound seemed to come fro 10/25/1993 #49762 vering yellow-orange light changed intensity, and then started to look like 3/14/1995 #50673 film has sparked a debate “with an intensity not lavished on any home movie 8/28/1995 #51029 t-ovoid (figure 8) going SSE. Glow intensity varies. 3/6/1996 #51449 in the street seemed to change in intensity. The object descended slowly, 7/8/1996 #51602 ged from red to blue and flared in intensity. On the bottom of the object w 7/8/1996 #51602 earby neon lights to vary in their intensity. Mancu hears a whistling sound 7/9/1996 #51604 se ring of light that increased in intensity as it approached the cities it 8/14/1996 #51641 It then landed on the summit. The intensity of its light diminished to a s 9/26/1997 #52157 the room, as if there was a medium intensity earthquake. However, he quickl 3/29/1999 #52556 r separate flashes of light, of an intensity of one million watts. They onl 6/20/1999 #52603 h tip were solid white, but of low intensity. He had the distinct impressio 9/15/2002 #53262 d sideways, then dropped down. The intensity of its light changed when it m 10/22/2002 #53289 no sound or shockwave. Building in intensity, the explosion keeps growing u 4/2003 #53377 enville see four lights similar in intensity to burning magnesium. They com 1/8/2008 #53986 mmetrical lights that are the same intensity as stars and is about 65 feet 8/3/2013 #54258 e its bright red eyes that vary in intensity. Several people on the other s 8/9/2017 #54356 ees a huge white light growing and intensity and pulsating for 15 minutes. 4/5/2018 #54405## Word: "intensive", 15 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r Base [now Fairchild AFB], and an intensive air search is carried out by t 7/3/1947 #5359 t be wrong and says in that case, “intensive, systematic investigation of t 2/20/1950 #7797 Intensive U.S. and international UFO sig 1/1967 #27485 and decide which ones deserve more intensive analysis. By August, Saunders 6/1967 #28776 Intensive U.S. and international sightin 7/1967 #28953 le the countryside was lit up with intensive reddish light. Another man, 52 6/25/1968 #30604 le the countryside was lit up with intensive reddish light. Another man, 52 6/25/1968 #30605 ne-saucer. 5 hours / missing time. Intensive exams and samples. 5/21/1976 #38464 aboard the UFO where she was given intensive medical examinations and had s 5/21/1976 #38465 aboard the UFO where she was given intensive medical examinations and had s 5/21/1976 #38466 a secrecy agreement that requires intensive monitoring of his activities. 12/6/1988 #46899 of cyanosis. He is transferred to intensive care, where his condition dete 2/15/1996 #51406 . In September, the army begins an intensive search of the lake under the c 7/27/1999 #52634 was working the night shift in the intensive therapy wing on the first floo 8/4/2001 #53088 art states there is a clandestine “intensive effort to shut people up,” add 12/17/2021 #54622## Word: "intent", 30 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ekly paper New World, although his intent is satire, not misinformation. 8/25/1835 #985 ut their knowledge or consent. The intent is to study how plutonium is abso 4/10/1945 #4272 f course, become visible either by intent or by accident, for in their trav 7/3/1947 #5317 Island, New York, states that the intent of USAF cooperation with the FBI 9/3/1947 #6313 Laboratory’s restricted area. The intent is to map the presence of any unu 12/5/1950 #8761 of a disinformation campaign. The intent would be to get the Soviets to co 1954 #14021 convinced that the humanoids were intent on stealing some of his rabbits, 11/14/1954 #16626 overies, study and analysis of the intent of UAP occupants. https://citese 11/20/1955 #17664 on May 25, May 31, and June 9. The intent is to investigate exposure of ani 5/15/1963 #23523 available, and the photographer's intent was to sell it when he had it dev 9/2/1967 #29392 been a ship borne device.) (Clear Intent) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/16/1975 #36950 irs at the same coffee shop again, intent on entering the cafe. He moved hi 7/12/1975 #37367 cett and Barry J. Greenwood, Clear Intent, page 33) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 10/18/1975 #37747 cett and Barry J. Greenwood, Clear Intent, page 34) (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 10/20/1975 #37758 cett and Barry J. Greenwood, Clear Intent, page 35) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 11/11/1975 #37949 sidered as it displayed no hostile intent, had no approved flight plan, and 11/16/1975 #37977 ence: Fawcett and Greenwood, Clear Intent, page 47) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 8/10/1976 #38663 craft. While waiting for a sign of intent, a humanoid was observed to disem 1977 #39104 they ask her to secure a letter of intent from the US government with a leg 4/9/1983 #44741 US The book “Clear Intent”, later renamed to “The UFO Cover 5/1/1984 #45270 Prentice-Hall publishes Clear Intent by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. 7/1984 #45351 lvement in UFOs discussed in Clear Intent. The newsletter continues until N 9/1984 #45427 se and intelligence community. His intent is to credibly gain access to act 5/20/1985 #45605 n charge of the situation and were intent on inspecting the terrain and pla 3/11/1992 #48818 estrum, and conducted in 1991. Its intent is to determine how widespread th 5/1992 #48889 unless UAP display overtly hostile intent and “full disclosure” is required 1/23/1999 #52518 Mars. Burisch claims the P45s are intent on justifying their history and w 2008 #53983 , and directed-energy weapons. The intent is to research technology that co 9/22/2008 #54044 quired by front companies with the intent to shelve them, (2) seized under 2/13/2009 #54087 l need to ascertain capability and intent of these phenomena for the benefi 10/4/2017 #54361## Word: "intention", 22 instance(s) (Back to Top)
from Dublin in a balloon with the intention of crossing the St. George's C 6/17/1785 #796 tter "M" on the car and stated his intention to report to the government wh 4/15/1897 #1809 not to divulge my secret with the intention of harming me, I will tell you 4/21/1897 #1902 ided to build a telescope with the intention of photographing the objects. 10/9/1946 #4794 anual was created in 1954 with the intention it be leaked to Soviet spies a 1954 #14021 uddenly became aware that, without intention, he was backing out of the cra 11/2/1954 #16500 atement to NICAP: It was never the intention of the USAF to provide you wit 11/15/1957 #19833 ark red lines. Thomas Hutchinson's intention was to take it to the police s 9/7/1959 #21417 nced towards the creature with the intention of capturing it. The dwarf pil 4/1960 #21739 nhower approves the plans with the intention of persuading John F. Kennedy 11/29/1960 #22114 ng Saucers Farewell, signaling his intention to refocus his efforts on teac 1961 #22147 uards then approached him with the intention of gently putting him out. The 1962 #22684 ght and opened the window with the intention of closing the shutters, perha 5/6/1967 #28600 I looked up without any particular intention and to my great surprise saw a 10/16/1971 #33201 al. He got out of his car with the intention of moving the corpse off the r 3/17/1972 #33416 r the man's legs, with the obvious intention of abducting him. He managed t 2/1976 #38213 ing worked. So he got out with the intention of lifting the hood, but at th 6/16/1991 #48502 the UFO above the moor. I have no intention of causing hysteria: if you ha 11/8/1992 #49175 on Post announcing Steven Schiff's intention to ask the GAO to shed light o 1/14/1994 #49889 syth to go to Craigluscar with the intention of taking some photos of the s 2/19/1994 #49952 ar Dunfermline, Scotland) with the intention of taking some photos of the s 2/19/1994 #49953 government’s duty to look for the intention behind that intelligence. Howe 7/31/2014 #54290## Word: "intentional", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
towns and causes the cessation of intentional radioactive releases at Hanf 12/2/1949 #7660 report has found no evidence of an intentional sonic attack in Havana, Cuba 1/8/2018 #54380## Word: "intentionally", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
his claims, he gave two examples, intentionally omitting names, places and 6/6/1956 #17999 minutes. It moved deliberately and intentionally in its inspection of the t Summer 1960 #21868 d the alleged NHI asked him if he “intentionally changed planes.” The NHI t 7/1994 #50141 Application Program (misidentified intentionally as the Advanced Aerospace 6/24/2009 #54102## Word: "intentions", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
erson aboard and speculated on its intentions, but the identity of the airs 7/1908 #2227 tched, to convince him of his good intentions. While uttering incomprehensi 9/10/1954 #15035 o communicate any report to NICAP. Intentions at least contradicted on Nove 9/12/1957 #19211 t assured Roderick of the friendly intentions of the visitors. Then, a char 1/30/1965 #24731 cident, but without any aggressive intentions. Then a small humanoid emerge Summer 1968 #30579 raft, perhaps misunderstanding the intentions of the colonel or his men, an Summer 1968 #30579 pne being, hoping to show that his intentions were amicable. He got to with 10/20/1973 #35193 sage saying that they had friendly intentions and wanted to stop us from de 12/12/1978 #41735 to complacency and hide their true intentions. 1/1998 #52241## Word: "intently", 13 instance(s) (Back to Top)
less and continued to stare at him intently. He suddenly became aware that, 11/2/1954 #16500 ars 11 light-years away, listening intently on the 1420 megahertz frequency 4/11/1960 #21755 om a field. He sits down and peers intently at passing cars. Houffer stops 1/26/1965 #24716 eatures with cat-like eyes, stared intently at the stunned witness. 6/7/1967 #28823 them. The beings stared at Wilson intently. Wilson somehow felt inferior w 11/28/1967 #29981 ached them. The younger man stared intently at the woman during the convers 5/2/1968 #30450 re a turtleneck garment and peered intently into the witness's face. At one 4/5/1969 #31652 mousy hair." They appeared to be "intently engrossed." 5/8/1971 #32843 watching the witness’s party most intently. The two men were short in stat 8/10/1976 #38665 in mid-air, gazing at the witness intently, and seemed to be encased in a 9/13/1990 #48077 t seemed to be distracted, looking intently at the passing vehicles on a ne 4/3/1995 #50721 belts and boots. The entity stared intently at Ursulina. Despite her terror 4/27/1998 #52340 ves inside but continued to listen intently. When they next looked out the 1/30/2006 #53792## Word: "inter", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ng saucers are real! And, they are inter planetary!” 8/1954 #14777 al Office meeting in June with the Inter Agency Committee on Intelligence ( 7/23/1970 #32443 (Translated from French) On France Inter, Jean-Claude Bourret interviews th 2/21/1974 #35800 ister Robert Galley for his France Inter radio program, OVNIs: Pas de paniq 2/21/1974 #35805 (Translated from French) On France Inter, Jean-Claude Bourret interviews Je 3/8/1974 #35897 (Translated from French) On France Inter, Jean-Claude Bourret formulates a 3/22/1974 #35955 e didn't see anything. Then an Air Inter captain announced on the radio, in 2/18/1988 #46594 ean-Marie Gilman pilots flight Air Inter IT 426: We are coming from Marseil 11/30/1995 #51256## Word: "inter-base", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e Local Airfield Control. Only the inter-base telephone conversations allow 11/5/1990 #48177## Word: "inter-dimensional", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of Clarita Villanueva attacked by "inter-dimensional" entities. Witnesses: 5/1951 #9017 ree years and that they travel via inter-dimensional portals. A beam of gre 12/26/1991 #48702## Word: "inter-dimensionally", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t was a "light ship" that traveled inter-dimensionally on light particles. 6/29/1989 #47180## Word: "inter-planetary", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
cers can't possibly be vehicles of inter-planetary travel because "the engi 7/28/1952 #11306 ature. Because he can't figure out inter-planetary travel, nobody else coul 7/28/1952 #11306## Word: "inter-service", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
(Translated from French) The US Inter-Service Command publishes the JANA 11/23/1953 #13890## Word: "inter-solar", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ely 5 hours, signifying a peculiar inter-solar journey. 2/12/1820 #925## Word: "interact", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
evolution] when Venusians land and interact with the Lemurians. Records doc 1957 #18595 ther witnesses also see the lights interact with power lines. One reports t 11/20/1989 #47458 bring abductees back to touch and interact with the children. The abductee 1/1998 #52241 ussed specific frequencies used to interact with the quantum vacuum and gen 8/1998 #52400## Word: "interacted", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and a boy on board. The villagers interacted with them, and some members o 4/16/1897 #1836 ed their airship in Conroe, Texas, interacted with locals at a restaurant, 4/17/1897 #1856 ormation about Aliens and how they interacted with the American government. 2/19/1954 (approximate) #14172 Tic Tac” event and the object that interacted with Fravor's squadron was a 11/30/2020 #54552## Word: "interacting", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
FB, Spain were scrambled and began interacting with the lights. “The UFOs s 1960 #21648 the craft. Witnesses observed them interacting with humans. Further, up-to- 2/5/1967 #27724 ime. One of the abductees recalled interacting with an occupant of the UFO, 2/9/1974 #35769 craft" which had three levels, and interacting with physical beings that he 5/31/1974 #36206 d of time loss. She later recalled interacting with Grey aliens and encount 4/2/1980 #42967 the light was caused by an insect interacting with the beam. 4/26/1991 #48451 here is an unidentified phenomenon interacting with the planet that is not 7/31/2022 #54659 y sessions where he was in a craft interacting with beings telepathically; 10/20/2022 #54679## Word: "interaction", 23 instance(s) (Back to Top)
raordinary occurrence of celestial interaction, though noted in ancient tim 7/7/1015 #143 e and dynamic display of celestial interaction captivates observers during Fall 1023 #146 ll of light above him. During this interaction, voices exchanged questions 9/14/1224 #206 haracterized by the appearance and interaction of these shining objects, re 7/20/1349 #252 tar, struck it, and following this interaction, the phenomenon ceased. The 1395 #279 three hundred years. During their interaction, they discussed various phil 8/13/1491 #325 ences believed to be linked to her interaction with the devil. 1551 #377 s engaged in a playful and evasive interaction. Meanwhile, aboard a boat be 1/18/1644 #502 bjects engaging in an otherworldly interaction, leaving witnesses awe-inspi 11/30/1660 #530 er spiritual constraints prevented interaction. Though some might interpret 5/23/1676 #568 nting the hypothesized planet. The interaction between Lescarbault and Le V 3/26/1859 #1131 eroglyphics, suggesting a possible interaction with advanced beings. (Chapt 1865 #1171 electric generator. After a brief interaction with an SS guard and a wait, 1944 #3891 ago. Another sailor observed this interaction and reported it to naval int 1944 #3894 e it is a confirmed case of direct interaction of the CIA with a witness, c 7/29/1952 #11438 r for several nights but he has no interaction with them. 9/1970 #32528 sound. She concluded that psychic interaction between her and the object c 11/28/1990 #48284 cold fusion with zero-point energy interaction can achieve this effect. ( 1/1998 #52242 be associated with quantum vacuum interaction for propulsion purposes. A l 8/1998 #52400 r retirement began to research UFO interaction with military and civilian a 2000 #52734 as directly involved in government interaction with a significant UFO event 4/25/2002 #53197 n Las Vegas. Davis transcribes the interaction where he was told the follow 10/16/2002 #53285 ested in a meeting where long-term interaction with the phenomenon is discu 12/24/2008 #54074## Word: "interactions", 16 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ly account highlights the theme of interactions between human witnesses and 1010 #142 cal authorities who questioned her interactions with supernatural beings. D 4/1646 #506 ect a belief in their supernatural interactions and their deep remorse for 1648 #511 ons of witchcraft and supernatural interactions during that era. 1650 #513 d by the unusual sight and audible interactions in the sky. (Chapter 1, Ref 11/18/1896 #1555 He described their appearance and interactions in great detail, including 4/16/1897 #1834 incident brought to mind previous interactions with a man named Wilson who 4/20/1897 #1901 nd another to physical evidence or interactions, such as electromagnetic ef 5/1964 #24107 orth apparent memories of lifelong interactions with extraterrestrials. Ray 1/25/1967 #27647 stage UAP/alien abductions and/or interactions to traumatize civilians nea 10/11/1973 #34969 ould stage alien abductions and/or interactions to traumatize civilians nea 1980's #42816 tion to reveal the US government’s interactions with aliens and crashed sau Summer 1991 #48506 Wind satellite (study of Sun-Earth interactions). (November 1st) 11/1/1994 #50387 employ vibration to alter nuclear interactions with gravity based on the w 1/1998 #52242 ss of videos showing Navy aircraft interactions with unidentified aerial ob 9/18/2019 #54492 : Elizondo states he never had any interactions with this “group” because m 5/26/2021 #54580## Word: "interactive", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
in In 1901, a British child had an interactive encounter with a box-shaped 1901 #2070 ed a special projection: a kind of interactive virtual reality. He discover 9/1955 #17485 umber of years a woman experienced interactive experiences with extraterres 1988 #46489## Word: "interagency", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e UFO Working Group, a top secret, interagency body headed by “Col. Harold 9/1990 #48056 ner” of the materials paid for via interagency project contracts. Davis sta 10/2/2021 #54606## Word: "interarmy", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s of a launch team to the tower at Interarmy Special Vehicles Test Center a 1/1967 #27486## Word: "interbreed", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ople return every few centuries to interbreed with humans to improve the st 1968 #30106 to resist evil, so they needed to interbreed with humans. 12/4/1975 #38041## Word: "intercelestial", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ndicated the saucers were probably intercelestial in origin. 7/31/1952 #11489## Word: "intercept", 212 instance(s) (Back to Top)
from a nearby air base attempt to intercept it but cannot reach it. After 8/17/1936 #3342 Channel. RAF fighters are sent to intercept, but their crews see nothing a 3/1941 #3547 n a Messerschmitt 109 (fighter) to intercept it. At 3500 m altitude he appr 2/26/1942 #3624 n a Messerschmitt 109 (fighter) to intercept it. At 3,500 meters altitude h 3/14/1942 #3634 scrambled in their F6F Hellcats to intercept unknown flying craft the size Summer 1945 #4315 nearby station were dispatched to intercept the large UFO hovering over th Mid 7/1945 #4339 nion to continue the wartime cable intercept program, both foreign and dome 8/1945 #4359 arrangement made with the Navy to intercept any unidentified aircraft. 8/7/1945 #4366 eflecting nature". He attempted to intercept it twice but could not reach t 7/8/1947 #5785 them were pilots who attempted to intercept it in vain. 7/13/1947 #6031 er the radio to request Mantell to intercept and identify the object. The o 1/7/1948 #6527 Apraksine was given the mission to intercept the craft and order it to land 6/16/1948 #6700 ot respond. Apraksin is ordered to intercept it and open fire if it refuses 6/16/1948 #6703 veral military planes were sent to intercept the object. One of them likene 6/19/1948 #6706 imbed the F-51 in every attempt at intercept. The pilot lost contact with t 10/1/1948 #6884 00 feet but stalled out, unable to intercept the light, which is at about 1 10/1/1948 #6892 tracked UFO on radar and tried to intercept it 6 times without success. It 10/15/1948 #6902 dar going 200 mph. As he closes to intercept, the object speeds up to 1,200 10/15/1948 #6911 AFB, Ger. Radar/visual, attempted intercept; evasive action 11/23/1948 #6962 27,000 feet. An F-80 pilot sent to intercept it describes it as bright red. 11/23/1948 #6967 2 fighter took off on a mission to intercept a flying saucer in the no-fly 5/21/1949 #7372 al Airport] in Washington State to intercept a UFO that is hovering in rest 5/21/1949 #7375 boats. A U.S. Navy plane failed to intercept the UFO because it was too hig 1/22/1950 #7748 als of two glowing objects; failed intercept. 2/22/1950 #7801 ls of bright metallic disc; failed intercept. 3/8/1950 #7859 lsam and Sam F. West were asked to intercept the object when they took off 4/18/1950 #8184 ed and took off from Fort Worth to intercept. On the same day at 10:50 a.m. 4/18/1950 #8184 AEC Plant. Air Force jets fails to intercept them. FBI, anti-aircraft batta 8/4/1950 #8479 hour. A fighter was sent to try to intercept the unknown aircraft, but the 10/12/1950 #8630 dron of F-82 fighters takes off to intercept them, without success: the cra 10/12/1950 #8631 adar catches a UFO on a high-speed intercept course with the planes. Some p 12/6/1950 #8777 about RADAR screens. Full fighter intercept finds nothing. 12/15/1950 #8805 the 663rd AN and C Squadron, F-82 Intercept (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, B 12/20/1950 #8814 Oakridge, TN F-82 Attempts Intercept of UFO Over AEC Plant / Radar 1/21/1951 #8884 ter. The GCI gives the go-ahead to intercept the target. The radar set on t 1/21/1951 #8885 F. 86 were immediately charged to intercept it, and they climbed up to 10, 8/1/1951 #9140 re quickly takes off, but fails to intercept the UFO. 8/25/1951 #9176 ately turned left and descended to intercept the craft, which then banked r 9/10/1951 #9242 O continued to turn. They tried to intercept it but never managed to gain e 9/23/1951 #9272 March AFB, CA Four F-86s attempt intercept of metallic, high-altitude UFO 9/23/1951 #9274 , California, two F-86 jets try to intercept an object in controlled orbit 9/23/1951 #9279 ings. The F-86's tried to climb to intercept the object but it climbed away 9/23/1951 #9281 to the NNW but the jets broke off intercept because they were low on fuel 9/23/1951 #9281 dino Mountains. They broke off the intercept at about 9:25 a.m. A seventh F 9/23/1951 #9281 about 1 foot apart. He attempts an intercept, but the UFO increases speed a 12/12/1951 #9461 all aircraft in the sector, try to intercept and observe. Warning, danger!" 12/20/1951 #9466 ins HTLINGUAL, a secret project to intercept mail destined for the USSR and 1/1952 #9519 ka Multiple radar UFO; three F-94s intercept; near collision. 1/22/1952 #9549 ,000 feet. When an F-94 is sent to intercept, the target stops, slows down, 1/22/1952 #9553 Korea Auto-Sized Cylinder Tries To Intercept B-29? (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 2/24/1952 #9622 g a T-6 target plane on a practice intercept mission for two F-84s. The fir 3/29/1952 #9702 ied source (possibly an electronic intercept) has provided an “indication” 4/16/1952 #9838 erve fighters here were ordered to intercept the mysterious craft. The pilo 4/21/1952 #9909 here was more: a F94 had orders to intercept it. Neither on the radar scree 5/31/1952 #10221 F-94 Starfire fighter takes off to intercept it and engages in an aerial ba 5/31/1952 #10222 ds, climbs, changes course; failed intercept. 5/31/1952 #10226 lsating sound. An F-94 attempts to intercept the brilliant white object, wh 5/31/1952 #10230 turned his F-94 jet to descend and intercept a round, bluish white UFO. The 5/31/1952 #10233 viewed it through a theodolite. An intercept was attempted with a C-47 but 6/2/1952 #10275 Gordonsville, VA An intercept operation took place in Richmo 6/15/1952 #10368 VA. An Air Force T-33 jet tried to intercept a “shiny sphere” south of Gord 6/15/1952 #10368 ircraft from the Navy attempted to intercept "a bright sphere" south of Gor 6/15/1952 #10371 33 from the Army also attempted to intercept a bright sphere south of Gordo 6/15/1952 #10371 fts arrived from Langley to try to intercept it, but at 8:05 PM it had disa 6/15/1952 #10371 County, Virginia, and attempts to intercept a target south of Gordonsville 6/15/1952 #10385 , an Air Force fighter attempts to intercept the same shiny sphere but afte 6/15/1952 #10385 While Operation INTERCEPT was in effect, two North Ameri Summer 1952 #10456 two North American F-86 Operation INTERCEPT Sabre fighters were vectored o Summer 1952 #10456 en 150 km/h. Two F-86s are sent to intercept it, one at 6000 m, the other a Summer 1952 #10462 adar/visual, air space violations, intercept, and near collision. 6/21/1952 #10464 rning two F-94's were scrambled to intercept a UFO that a Ground Observer C 7/1/1952 #10623 ph, that jet fighters scrambled to intercept them have failed, and that “pe 7/18/1952 #10890 ek with the fighter planes sent to intercept them. Other observations took 7/19/1952 #10902 urprisingly, he admits, “We try to intercept such objects and identify them 7/21/1952 #11000 s were made by Air Force pilots to intercept the objects. The Air Force sai 7/22/1952 #11015 Williams, CA F-94 Intercept With ADC Detection (NICAP: 09 7/26/1952 #11225 from New Castle AFB in Delaware to intercept them. National Airport staff h 7/26/1952 #11236 and Minnesota, the Ground Control Intercept Radar, an USAF pilot and membe 7/28/1952 #11303 ghter planes had made an effort to intercept unknown objects in the sky ove 7/28/1952 #11309 Michigan F-94s attempt intercept of fast-moving UFO; radar/visu 7/29/1952 #11381 er, were given the order to try to intercept this craft. It was a round and 8/1/1952 #11514 enant D. Hemer had really tried to intercept a saucer above the airfield. ( 8/1/1952 #11514 at 60,000 feet. They break off the intercept at 11:13 a.m. about 100 miles 8/1/1952 #11550 ght. After F-86s are dispatched to intercept, 6 more objects appear, take u 8/3/1952 #11590 and then moved away. An attempt to intercept it failed. (9:45 PM) 8/13/1952 #11757 las Love Field, Texas. He tries to intercept it, but the light evades him a 8/13/1952 #11772 bethville Airfield was sent out to intercept two Flying Saucers. They had a 8/16/1952 #11818 hem. One Meteor pilot attempted an intercept but was completely outrun by t 9/21/1952 #12280 spherical UFO tracked by RAF jets; intercept fails. Non-US military. 9/21/1952 #12283 Operation Mainbrace. An attempted intercept by three jets and a total of s 9/21/1952 #12292 ght. For 23 minutes he attempts to intercept it as it flies horizontally, t 10/1/1952 #12393 turn during a 23 minute attempted intercept. 10/1/1952 #12399 ts moving at 3,000 mph but fail to intercept them. 10/21/1952 #12512 23,000 feet. Goetting attempts to intercept the object at a speed of 0.8 M 1/29/1953 #13069 F-94 fighter jet was scrambled to intercept it. The F-94 pilot saw the bri 2/7/1953 #13111 arine 1st Lt. Edward Balocco is on intercept stand-by duty when the alert w 2/11/1953 #13128 xiliary Air Station Edenton, NC to intercept an unknown target. A disc with 2/19/1953 #13155 lost many men and planes trying to intercept them.” Late 2/1953 #13177 nal Guard F-51's were scrambled to intercept. The U.S. Air Force attempted 3/5/1953 #13210 Bay], Labrador. Rogers attempts to intercept but cannot make visual contact 5/12/1953 #13378 FB, NJ F-94C Disappears During UFO Intercept Mission (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 6/1953 #13431 three F-86 Sabre jets attempted to intercept them. 8/9/1953 #13600 of large, metallic object; failed intercept; near collision. Non-US milita 11/11/1953 #13860 , MI Kinross AFB, Michigan, G; UFO Intercept/Missing F-89 Case (NICAP: 09 - 11/23/1953 #13893 Alberta After RCAF pilots fail to intercept several UFOs in Canadian air s 1954 #14019 lose to Wright-Patterson AFB, jets intercept 5/12/1954 #14427 own trajectory. He made a turn to intercept them and found himself 3 km be 6/24/1954 #14614 th missiles is immediately sent to intercept it. As it approaches the craft 7/1/1954 #14667 e had taken off in an emergency to intercept an unknown aerial object at al 7/2/1954 #14670 tower orders the plane diverted to intercept an unidentified aircraft. When 7/2/1954 #14678 d Vampire ground attack fighter to intercept a target detected by ground ra 10/1954 #15353 ystem be able to detect, identify, intercept and destroy a bomber or reconn 12/1954 #16718 ambles some jets, but they fail to intercept any of the objects. By 1:00 p. 12/14/1954 #16795 ltitude. We’re sending two jets to intercept the object.’” About the UFO, R 4/16/1956 #17920 MiG fighters unsuccessfully try to intercept the U-2. 7/4/1956 #18068 mouth when they received orders to intercept a target detected by a secret 8/13/1956 #18200 /visual sightings over NATO bases; intercept attempts. Non-US military. 8/13/1956 #18201 disc-shaped UFO; two jets attempt intercept. Late 1956 #18419 Manston, Kent OPERATION INTERCEPT: Two USAF fighters intercept a 5/20/1957 #18854 ATION INTERCEPT: Two USAF fighters intercept a UFO. The F-86D’s fired Might 5/20/1957 #18854 East Anglia, UK Milton Torres / Intercept Mission (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 5/20/1957 #18856 Japan 86 jet fighters scrambled to intercept disc-shaped object (NICAP: 11 7/24/1957 #19026 lots flying F-86s are scrambled to intercept a disc-shaped object over the 7/24/1957 #19028 st ahead of USAF jets scrambled to intercept them. Tacker responds immediat 12/19/1958 #20870 rom French) Another jet is sent to intercept a stationary object detected o Spring 1959 #21076 , Russia. Fighter aircraft sent to intercept them report that the UFOs easi Spring 1959 #21081 equipped F-106s based at Misawa to intercept the target. One of the planes Spring 1959 #21082 ovement during 3 hours. Attempted intercept by USAF T-33 jet trainer faile 9/13/1959 #21435 during the three hour sighting. An intercept was attempted by a USAF T-33 j 9/13/1959 #21439 Redmond, OR Six jets attempt intercept of UFO, near collision; witnes 9/24/1959 #21454 es six F-102 jets from Portland to intercept the object. FAA station observ 9/24/1959 #21457 unsight radar, but the jets cannot intercept. The UFO reappears about 20 mi 9/24/1959 #21457 Scorpion fighters are scrambled to intercept it but they can see nothing. 10/1/1959 #21480 19:45 p.m. a military jet tried to intercept at the location marked as (5) 5/13/1960 #21817 nch) The Judica Cordiglia brothers intercept a S. O. S. sent by a Soviet. A 11/28/1960 #22107 . When the Mig fighters arrived to intercept it, the UFO fled at an approxi 5/1961 #22301 n their F-102 Delta Dagger jets to intercept a radar target that has been h Summer 1961 #22376 ocumenting attempts by aircraft to intercept UFOs. Afterward, the commander Spring 1962 #22773 ex and the USS Gearing, prepare to intercept it, which could have led to wa 10/25/1962 #23250 ifornia), 4 USAF jets attempted to intercept an airborne disc-shaped craft. 7/18/1963 #23634 Susanville, CA Round object intercept a long object &attach to it or 9/14/1963 #23754 round object moves very rapidly to intercept the long object, ejecting a ye 9/14/1963 #23756 ice, sighted a round flying object intercept a longer object and either att 9/14/1963 #23757 e scrambled in pursuit but fail to intercept it. The official explanation i 1/1/1964 #23957 fighter aircraft were scrambled to intercept the unknown object, but were u 1/1/1964 #23958 ilot pursues the object but cannot intercept. The target accelerates out of 11/19/1964 #24554 sas, picks up 12–15 targets on Air Intercept Radar flying toward them at hi 8/1/1965 #25253 Anderson AFB, Guam Air Intercept & Radar Tracks (NICAP: 09 - RA 6/28/1966 #26767 Cuba Two Cuban jets attempt UFO intercept; one UFO "disintegrates". Non- 3/1967 #27960 a F-106 patrol receives orders to intercept it. An officer who stayed clos 3/5/1967 #28034 ly, 2 MIG-21 fighters were sent to intercept the intruder. The 2 pilots soo 3/9/1967 #28110 t two jet fighters have gone up to intercept. Soon he is asked to leave and Mid 3/1967 #28183 ir Force scrambles an F-104 jet to intercept it. The pilot climbs to 50,000 9/5/1968 #30970 Süleyman Tekyildirim is ordered to intercept a UFO above his base in Turkey 6/17/1969 #31835 om the British base in Binbrook to intercept conical UFOs detected by radar 9/8/1970 #32535 litary hunt intervened in order to intercept it, but as soon as the planes 6/20/1972 #33548 Beach, FL Two F-106s scrambled to intercept glowing UFO. 9/14/1972 #33843 est Palm Beach Airport, Florida to intercept the glowing UFO, but the objec 9/14/1972 #33852 dscape. He changes course again to intercept the light, which accelerates i 10/12/1973 #34978 t high speed. An F-106 attempts to intercept but is unsuccessful and Malmst 3/1974 #35856 perimeter of Japan, apparently to intercept a Soviet aircraft. Ground cont 6/9/1974 #36235 ade with object. Jets scrambled to intercept but objects lights went out, i 10/28/1975 #37809 occasions but a helicopter sent to intercept it cannot make contact with it 10/30/1975 #37834 ichigan). An aircraft takes off to intercept them but also fails to make co 10/31/1975 #37847 they are unequipped to peacefully intercept the unidentified chopper, whic 11/16/1975 #37977 mbled near the Pakistani border to intercept what appears initially on rada 7/11/1976 #38568 n AF scrambled an American F-4 for intercept. As the F-4 was vectored towar 9/19/1976 #38822 ran F-4 fighter aircraft attempted intercept of radar-visual UFO, E-M syste 9/19/1976 #38834 h AIM-9 missiles were scrambled to intercept a UFO, 40 nautical miles north 9/19/1976 #38837 plane. The base authorizes him to intercept it, but when he climbs to 12,0 2/1977 #39230 Air Force jet sighted and tried to intercept a huge luminous rectangular fl 12/16/1978 #41785 F-5Es are sent from Antofagasta to intercept it and they see a large triang 12/16/1978 #41789 Air Force jet sighted and tried to intercept a huge luminous rectangular fl 12/16/1978 #41791 r Force equipment and personnel to intercept and identify such aircraft.” S 12/20/1978 #41818 r Force equipment and personnel to intercept and identify such aircraft. St 12/20/1978 #41821 ordered, as was another pilot, to intercept and identify. The other pilot 5/26/1979 (approximate) #42251 45 minutes (...) and attempted to intercept three unidentified flying obje 11/11/1979 #42685 Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete to intercept the object. The pilot, Spanish 11/11/1979 #42690 jammed. At last, and after a third intercept attempt, the UFO finally disap 11/11/1979 #42690 orders three Saab 105 aircraft to intercept. Once they make visual contact 5/7/1980 #43041 ntact, two of the jets attempt the intercept while the third takes film foo 5/7/1980 #43041 ukhoi-22 warplane was scrambled to intercept a UFO flying near the Mariano 5/9/1980 #43046 ) spotted a UFO twice and tried to intercept and destroy the UFO without su 5/10/1980 #43048 oniki. NATO jets were scrambled to intercept the unknowns, again without su 11/13/1981 #44068 of a cigar. Six Mig's were sent to intercept it. If the unknown did not com 8/26/1982 #44459 ed from a night flying exercise to intercept the object south of Cyprus. As 10/19/1982 #44541 zczałek and another pilot go up to intercept it and get within 660 feet. He 7/7/1983 #44828 pilot in a MiG-23 is scrambled to intercept an object flying at supersonic Spring 1984 #45185 y the radars and jets were sent to intercept them. (Associated Press, 1986) 5/19/1986 #45929 the area to modify their course to intercept the Japanese 747 and confirm t 11/17/1986 #46140 osition. He requests permission to intercept and goes after the brilliant d 12/1/1988 #46884 ights. Two fighters were trying to intercept it, passing in front of the UF 12/28/1988 #46915 West), one of the planes tried to intercept it by passing in front of it. 12/28/1988 #46916 . For 3 times, the planes tried to intercept it: the UFO slowed down even m 12/28/1988 #46916 r Force F-14 fighter jets tried to intercept a very large triangular metall 12/28/1988 #46922 Rico and three F-14s were sent to intercept; two that came too close to it 1/1989 #46934 landing and Government attempt at intercept: Six helicopters circle around 9/28/1989 #47331 aft was scrambled at 10:05 p.m. to intercept a UFO that was being tracked o 3/21/1990 #47760 the CRC, a total of 9 attempts to intercept these UFOs were made by the fi 3/31/1990 #47797 h) Some attempts are made again to intercept the UFOs. The planes only reco 3/31/1990 #47804 already on patrol were directed to intercept it. In addition, a third jet w 8/28/1991 #48588 7. The MIG pilots were directed to intercept the object, to identify it if 8/28/1991 #48588 and six fighters are scrambled to intercept it. The jets circle around the 2/27/1997 #51917 lian and US fighters attempting to intercept them. 3/6/1997 #51928 anes with cameras were launched to intercept the object. Upon its return, o 3/13/1997 #51936 by radio and received the order to intercept the objects. The five UFOs sho 3/31/1997 #51958 of the Royal Air Force was sent to intercept the object, while Dutch air fo 4/20/1998 #52331 o Recife, Brazil. He is ordered to intercept a radar return that he can vis 2/20/2004 #53538 e first known successful satellite intercept test since 1985. The kill prod 1/11/2007 #53871 nwald publishes information in The Intercept about a slideshow document, Th 2/24/2014 #54280 ssing an upcoming article from The Intercept about Grusch's past struggles 8/8/2023 #54725 US The Intercept writes about David Grusch's PT 8/9/2023 #54726## Word: "intercepted", 20 instance(s) (Back to Top)
pockmarked meteor or planetoid, is intercepted by a silver disc bathed in a 10/1917 #2799 lielmo Marconi is convinced he has intercepted wireless signals from Mars w 9/1/1921 #2891 ish coastline when it is allegedly intercepted by a strange metallic object Late 1942? #3715 arried on enemy aircraft that have intercepted US bombers. 3/5/1952 #9645 sked with developing better use of intercepted communications and radars in 7/1953 #13503 Joe Meyer, have just successfully intercepted a B-47 and are descending to Early 1960 #21649 the object to Salt Lake City were intercepted by the McCarran tower. McMil 1/3/1960 #21653 24th the Turin and Bochum stations intercepted a man's voice and a woman's 5/24/1961 (approximate) #22335 sages from cosmonauts are suddenly intercepted, then abruptly cut off. (Oct 10/14/1961 #22570 cosmonaut Belokonev and Earth are intercepted: Attention, attention. Don't 11/8/1962 #23299 ATOLL IN THE PACIFIC SUCCESSFULLY INTERCEPTED AN AGENA D ROCKET STAGE IN O 5/23/1963 #23546 . Forest Service. One round object intercepted a long object and either att 9/14/1963 #23755 0 m, casting a huge shadow when it intercepted the moonlight. They felt a h 9/3/1965 #25542 hem, casting a huge shadow when it intercepted the moonlight . They felt a 9/3/1965 #25553 O sighting. The film is apparently intercepted by the RAAF after Victor Mel 3/2/1968 #30303 ect and the size of table. When it intercepted their course they turned the 5/15/1974 #36157 e scrambled cases are successfully intercepted and identified. Almost half 1986 #45781 irected to shoot it down. The MIGs intercepted the object over the western 8/28/1991 #48588 e to the Russian Baltic fleet), is intercepted the next day. The search inv 10/16/2014 #54295 2 after Canadian and U.S. aircraft intercepted it. The RCMP began recovery 2/11/2023 #54699## Word: "intercepting", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
planets. It is possible that he is intercepting Guglielmo Marconi’s Europea 1899 #2040 ed sound and saw a circular object intercepting starlight. It became brilli 2/22/1922 #2901 ed sound and saw a circular object intercepting starlight. It became brilli 2/22/1922 #2902 nched straight up from the ground, intercepting Allied bomber formations by 8/20/1947 #6280 e two jets, look for what they are intercepting, and see to the east a 100- 7/1/1952 #10621 made statements having seen F 15c intercepting the object and photographin 3/13/1997 #51936## Word: "interception", 54 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Beau put the throttle forward for interception, the lights went out. Nothi 12/28/1944 #4122 ishead in Norfolk, England, for an interception exercise when an unidentifi 1/23/1947 #4861 ructions, Apraksine maneuvered for interception and approached to a distanc 6/16/1948 #6700 g P-51 takes off (s) to attempt an interception, in vain. (March 8) 3/8/1950 #7857 plant at an altitude of 4600 m. An interception attempt by USAF fighters fa 7/30/1950 #8458 above 15,000 feet. Jets attempting interception fail. The AEC says that the 8/4/1950 #8486 ation angle changing. An attempted interception by four F-86 jets from Kirt 8/31/1950 #8550 locked on and the run begins. The interception is unsuccessful, and the fi 1/21/1951 #8885 s had taken off. During the fourth interception pass, the object suddenly s 1/22/1952 #9547 above Washington, new request for interception at Newcastle AFB, new appea 7/19/1952 #10902 ore did not know why no attempt at interception had been made. 7/22/1952 #11015 (Translated from French) A new interception is launched and a pilot, Li 7/27/1952 #11248 om patrol when the observers of an interception station had just picked up 8/1/1952 #11514 s. Meanwhile the radar of a ground interception station had spotted blips o 8/3/1952 #11575 inutes and went out. An attempted interception was unsuccessful. 8/13/1952 #11770 minutes, and go out. An attempted interception is unsuccessful. 8/13/1952 #11774 s more, and went out. An attempted interception was unsuccessful. 8/13/1952 #11776 , might have involved a tragic UFO interception that began three hours earl 9/12/1952 #12169 Japan F-94 attempted interception of UFO tracked on radar. 1/9/1953 #12953 ontrol tower. A white light evaded interception for 30 minutes. 5/1/1953 #13349 utes, but the object escapes their interception attempt. Near Brady (Montan 5/1/1953 #13350 Labrador, CAN Unidentified Evades Interception By F-94 (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 5/1/1953 #13354 operator. One white light evaded interception attempt by F-94 during 30 m 5/1/1953 #13355 (1100 mph). It escapes the F-94's interception attempt after 5 minutes. (J 6/22/1953 #13472 e an F-84 interceptor was sent for interception and managed to get within 3 8/5/1953 #13581 e object. The promised fighter jet interception is never seen. The object d 4/8/1956 #17914 re US nuclear force. At 3:10 p.m., interception is attempted by two F-102 j 9/20/1957 #19247 as a malfunction or interference. Interception is impossible at these spee 9/20/1957 #19247 eturning from an attempted balloon interception in the area around Świdnica 8/1958 #20522 aid. The UFOs are described and an interception decision is taken involving 10/7/1965 #25692 Ohio and Pennsylvania Possible jet interception of UFO; long police chase. 4/17/1966 #26425 ” He hears on his radio that a jet interception is in progress. Now in Penn 4/17/1966 #26438 . RAF fighters took off to attempt interception. The on-board radars also r 8/13/1966 #26902 also tells Johnson about the mail interception program “and some other thi 5/10/1967 #28638 gan in 1968 its tests of satellite interception under the cover of Cosmos. 4/1968 #30379 e glass football. At the moment of interception, the radar operators see on 9/8/1970 #32535 has succeeded in its first missile interception, after five years of develo 12/23/1970 #32667 R, A SMALL INNOVATION APPEARS: THE INTERCEPTION, THIS TIME, IS SLOW, AND ON 4/4/1971 #32803 Operation Chaos, MKUltra, and mail interception. These come to be known as 5/9/1973 #34386 4EJ for what they believe to be an interception mission of a Soviet bomber. 6/1974 #36209 e first, Cosmos 910, makes a quick interception before returning to earth; 5/1977 #39511 as hunter, there was another quick interception followed by recovery. 10/1977 #40055 return to Cosmos 970 with a slower interception of the target bearing the n 12/1977 #40240 w Katowice Airport], Poland During interception exercises, seven MiG-12s fr 1980 #42825 French) A third phase of satellite interception experiments began in April 4/1980 #42961 nsitive intelligence regarding the interception of foreign communication; a 11/18/1980 #43413 US time and methods of information interception. The second affidavit is fo 11/18/1980 #43413 ensitive information regarding the interception of foreign communication; t 11/18/1980 #43415 return to base after attempting an interception. "Above the Yangtze River i 8/27/1987 #46344 gest a response to their attempted interception, the gendarmes immediately 11/29/1989 #47490 jects still unidentified after jet interception, but before ATC analysis an 1990 #47619 above Inari, where, after a failed interception, the UFOs took the course t 3/31/1997 #51958 fighter planes were dispatched for interception, while two Dutch F-16s also 4/25/1998 #52338 firm as a yellow light. During the interception, the light remains stationa 2/20/2004 #53538## Word: "interceptions", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
UFOs. It costs too much and proper interceptions are unlikely. He orders al 3/3/1948 #6581 Fukuoka, Japan Japan, A,V 6 interceptions of objects tracked on airb 10/15/1948 #6908 traffic control tower, saying that interceptions are classified (but Projec 7/26/1952 #11236 ce bases have been ordered to make INTERCEPTIONS of UFO’s. Battello Memoria End of 7/1952 #11297 Washington, D.C. In charge of jet interceptions over Washington, D.C., dur 7/28/1952 #11349 scrambled F-16s attempt 9 separate interceptions. On three occasions, they 3/30/1990 #47794 ITY: military exercises, nighttime interceptions, with a simulated battle a 3/13/1997 #51936## Word: "interceptor", 100 instance(s) (Back to Top)
h) First flight of the single-seat interceptor fighter Nakajima KI-27, 460 10/15/1936 #3351 spices of the Army Air Force’s 1st Interceptor Command based at Mitchel Fie 5/1941 #3555 S is under the auspices of the 4th Interceptor Command based in Riverside, 5/1941 #3555 ventually fired. Pilots of the 4th Interceptor Command are alerted, but the 2/24/1942 #3610 m 200 mph to 1200 mph, leaving the interceptor behind. Description: shaped 10/15/1948 #6902 m French) 5 p.m. Witnesses: former interceptor pilot Harry Lamp and four bo 12/6/1950 #8766 . A few minutes later, an F-94 jet interceptor took off from the base. Sudd 1/22/1952 #9547 ilot and radar operator of an F-94 interceptor jet observe twice a red fire 3/23/1952 #9671 lot and radar operator of F-94 jet interceptor. On either occasion, a red f 3/23/1952 #9672 otices a small disc gaining on the interceptor. The UFO curves toward the F 3/29/1952 #9702 the flight crew of a USAF F-94 jet interceptor, saw a small luminous object 4/5/1952 #9756 nidentified object following a jet interceptor at 6:35 p.m. The object was 5/15/1952 #10153 lerts the crew of an F-94 Starfire interceptor jet over North Korea that an 5/26/1952 #10194 ssachusetts), the pilot of an F-94 interceptor jet observed for 15 seconds 6/17/1952 #10397 ts Witness: pilot of USAF F-94 jet interceptor. A light like a bright star 6/17/1952 #10404 isually near Boston, where an F-94 interceptor was sent up to investigate ( 7/1/1952 #10618 (Translated from French) Interceptor jets, dispatched from NewCas 7/20/1952 #10947 ar operator aboard a USAF F-94 jet interceptor. A round, blue light, rotati 7/22/1952 #11009 nd radar operator of USAF F-94 jet interceptor. One round blue light passe 7/22/1952 #11050 and radar operator of an USAF F-94 interceptor jet observe a round light of 7/23/1952 #11068 n (New Jersey), crews of some F-94 interceptor jets from the USAF base in D 7/23/1952 #11069 At 3:50 a.m. an F-94 interceptor obtained a radar lock-on whi 7/23/1952 #11128 the sky being chased by a USAF jet interceptor. The report was carried by t 7/24/1952 #11162 Williams, California. An F-94 jet interceptor is scrambled and locks onto 7/26/1952 #11237 ir Defense Command has alerted jet interceptor pilots to take off instantly 7/28/1952 #11348 ng with the F-94, outdistanced the interceptor. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 7/29/1952 #11415 1:30 p.m. Witnesses: USAF F-94 jet interceptor pilots lst Lt. W.R. Holder a 8/5/1952 #11617 B, Japan Witnesses: USAF F-94 jet interceptor pilots lst Lt. W.R. Holder a 8/5/1952 #11636 ecture, goes after the object. The interceptor, piloted by 1Lt. Wesley R. H 8/5/1952 #11641 d, but darts “fiercely” toward the interceptor when it approaches. 8/7/1952 #11694 The Air Force scrambles a F-94 jet interceptor to search the area at altitu 8/15/1952 #11814 ramble of two jets from the 4706th Interceptor Wing at O’Hare Airport in Ch 9/2/1952 #12085 pilot. 20cm orange fireball buzzes interceptor. Shoots going quickly north. 10/12/1952 #12445 ley wanted to film. Shortly after, interceptor fighters pursue the saucer. 11/20/1952 #12673 or 10 minutes from their USAF F-94 interceptor (serial number 49-2522) a wh 12/8/1952 #12787 lst Lt. T. Davies in USAF F-94 jet interceptor (s/n 49-2522). One white, o 12/8/1952 #12793 7:15 a.m. Witnesses from the 82nd Interceptor Battalion, including their l 1/8/1953 #12943 USAF base, men of the 82nd Fighter Interceptor Squadron, including the squa 1/8/1953 #12944 15–7:30 a.m. USAF ADC 82nd Fighter Interceptor Squadron personnel at Larson 1/8/1953 #12949 inutes before midnight an F-94 jet interceptor and two other fighter aircra 1/29/1953 #13072 . J. Pichon, pilot of an F-94B jet interceptor of the USAF, observed a brig 4/8/1953 #13299 J. Pichon, pilot of USAF F-94B jet interceptor. One bright blue light desc 4/8/1953 #13303 Pichon, pilot of a USAF F-94B jet interceptor, watched a bright blue light 4/8/1953 #13304 and radar operator of an F-94 jet interceptor as well as the operator at t 5/1/1953 #13349 radar operator of an F-94 USAF jet interceptor spot a white light, as well 5/1/1953 #13350 nd radar operator of USAF F-94 jet interceptor, and control tower operator. 5/1/1953 #13355 1Lt J. R. Morin are flying an F-94 interceptor at 24,000 feet about 10 mile 5/1/1953 #13356 and radar operator of an USAF F-94 interceptor observe a red light flying a 6/22/1953 #13472 nd radar operator of USAF F-94 jet interceptor. One red light, flying at a 6/22/1953 #13475 radar operator of a USAF F-94 jet interceptor flying from Goose AFB, Labra 6/22/1953 #13476 towards Rapid City, while an F-84 interceptor was sent for interception an 8/5/1953 #13581 re scrambled and the same night an interceptor pilot sees a “glowing blob” 8/6/1953 #13592 : radar observer of USAF F-94C jet interceptor. One object tracked at 2,000 9/28/1953 #13743 : radar observer of USAF F-94C jet interceptor. Visual observation one oran 9/28/1953 #13744 r Lake Superior. An F-89C Scorpion interceptor, piloted by Lt. Felix Moncla 11/23/1953 #13894 scort disappeared when an American interceptor came to the scene. The BOAC 6/29/1954 #14643 aly, commander of the 57th Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Keflavík Airfiel 5/4/1955 #17147 tational field and serve as a USAF interceptor with Mach 3 capability. It w 2/25/1956 #17843 New Zealand Air Force Vampire jet interceptor, near Ohakea AFB, New Zealan 6/17/1956 #18022 -33 trainer from the 512th Fighter Interceptor Squadron crewed by 1st Lts. 8/13/1956 #18208 cks up transmissions made by a jet interceptor from the 54th Fighter Interc 11/25/1956 #18500 interceptor from the 54th Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Ellsworth AFB in 11/25/1956 #18500 pan, a USAF pilot flying an F- 86D interceptor picks up a large blip on air 12/17/1956 #18559 tenant Ted Brunson pilots an F-86D interceptor jet and observes a round, wh 12/31/1956 #18571 . Ted Brunson, flying an F-86D jet interceptor. One round, white object fl 12/31/1956 #18584 US Two maneuvering UFOs evade jet interceptor. Summer 1958 #20454 il Lee, based with the 82d Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Travis AFB in Fa Summer 1961 #22376 n-camera films obtained during jet interceptor UFO chases are routinely ref 1962 #22686 A Royal Dutch Air Force F-86 jet interceptor was chased by a UFO over the 1/29/1962 #22712 a YF-12A (#1001) at Groom Lake, an interceptor capable of reaching Mach 3, 8/7/1963 #23680 on of the A-12, the Lockheed YF-12 interceptor, takes place at Edwards AFB 8/7/1963 #23686 n of the Lockheed A-12 built as an interceptor. He says the A-11 can fly mo 2/29/1964 #23993 Capitol, pursued by 2 delta-winged interceptor jets. The UFOs quickly outdi 1/11/1965 #24645 ar-visual sighting of 12 UFOs, jet interceptor pursuit 10/7/1965 #25696 credible speed," darted behind jet interceptor, shot straight up in sky (UF 11/8/1973 #35373 credible speed," darted behind jet interceptor, shot straight up in sky 11/8/1973 #35376 La Paz, Bolivia Airlines crew & interceptor pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 11/11/1973 #35393 traight up at high speed. An F-106 interceptor attempts unsuccessfully to r 3/1974 #35855 ura are flying an F-4EJ Phantom II interceptor over the northern perimeter 6/9/1974 #36235 e and lacks its own helicopters or interceptor aircraft, it can seek assist 11/16/1975 #37977 ambles an Air Force F-4 Phantom II interceptor piloted by Capt. Aziz Khani 9/18/1976 #38821 ject and heads straight toward the interceptor at a high rate of speed. Jaf 9/18/1976 #38821 r Force Col. Giomaria orders a jet interceptor to take off but it fails to 10/27/1977 #40147 k on with his in-flight radar. The interceptor comes within 8 miles of the 11/15/1978 #41578 Shortly after that three military interceptor jets converged on the locati 9/17/1979 #42585 light 007 is shot down by a Soviet interceptor over the Sea of Japan near M 9/1/1983 #44900 e Janeiro, Brazil 5:10 PM. An F-5E interceptor was scrambled by the Brazili 10/31/1983 #44972 An F-5E interceptor was scrambled by the Brazili 10/31/1983 #44973 in on the object. By the time the interceptor is approaching the coastline Spring 1984 #45185 bove Bulawayo. At 5:45 pm two Hawk interceptor planes of the Zimbabwe Air F 7/22/1985 #45648 o (Matabeleland, Zimbabwe). 2 Hawk interceptor planes from the ZAF take off 7/22/1985 #45649 n of triangular UFO sightings, jet interceptor chases, radar-visual sightin 10/1989 #47343 Pereslavl-Zalesskiy, USSR Interceptor pilot enc, R/V (NICAP: 11 - 3/21/1990 #47757 Pereslavl-Zalesskiy, Russia Jet interceptor scrambled to identify radar 3/21/1990 #47758 A. A. Semenchenko is sent up in an interceptor to find it. At 10:05 p.m., h 3/21/1990 #47759 then authorized the takeoff of two interceptor planes. But at a point about 5/25/1990 #47917 . Commander S. Prokoshin orders an interceptor jet scrambled and pilot Maj. 10/8/1990 #48114 Mail reported that the Royal Dutch Interceptor Squadron had pursued a giant 4/25/1998 #52338 ball field landed in the city. Jet interceptor aircraft were scrambled from 6/12/1999 #52601 our minutes after the UFO flyover. Interceptor planes were also reported in 9/1/1999 #52661## Word: "interceptors", 74 instance(s) (Back to Top)
“a good, solid target”). Four F-51 interceptors are sent up. They see it as 3/8/1950 #7864 analysis. USAF notes that two jet interceptors were in the area and might 8/15/1950 #8513 ident Truman had been notified and interceptors scrambled. Truman even ment 12/6/1950 #8764 ft is capable of such a speed (the interceptors in service in the United St 8/26/1951 #9190 early ninety minutes. Two F-86 jet interceptors were scrambled from George 9/23/1951 #9281 l as the on-board radars of 3 F-94 interceptors detect an unidentified obje 1/22/1952 #9548 tions, including the scrambling of interceptors. This is issued, apparently 3/19/1952 #9662 speed in excess of 1,500 mph. Jet interceptors couldn't reach or catch it. 4/20/1952 #9904 the two vapor trails from the F-94 interceptors and looked around the sky t 7/1/1952 #10623 alerted the air defense. Reaction interceptors took off from Newcastle AFB 7/19/1952 #10902 FOs are all gone, just as two F-94 interceptors arrive belatedly from New C 7/19/1952 #10939 es: crews of various USAF F-94 jet interceptors from Dover, Delaware base. 7/22/1952 #11010 s: crews of several USAF F-94 jet interceptors from Dover AFB, Del. Thirte 7/22/1952 #11051 .m. Crews of several USAF F-94 jet interceptors from Dover AFB, Delaware, m 7/22/1952 #11057 Witnesses: crews of two USAF F-94 interceptors at 35-46,000 feet altitude. 7/23/1952 #11065 NJ Crews of several USAF F-94 jet interceptors saw 13 visuals (NICAP: 09 - 7/23/1952 #11108 o-man crews of three USAF F-94 jet interceptors. One large silver object, s 7/23/1952 #11116 two-man crews of two USAF F-94 jet interceptors at 35-46,000' altitude. Th 7/23/1952 #11117 . The crews of three USAF F-94 jet interceptors see a large silver object, 7/23/1952 #11121 50 p.m. Crews of two USAF F-94 jet interceptors flying at 35,000–46,000 fee 7/23/1952 #11122 rms immediately. At 11:30 p.m. jet interceptors are alerted and at midnight 7/26/1952 #11191 ted from French) At the moment the interceptors return to the base, the UFO 7/27/1952 #11247 Airport near Washington, D.C. F-94 interceptors were sent from Deleware, bu 7/27/1952 #11288 n ambiguous public denial that the interceptors have been ordered to shoot 7/28/1952 #11349 The 2-hour delay in sending up jet interceptors after radar watchers report 7/29/1952 #11372 lic object makes 360° turn; evades interceptors. 7/29/1952 #11378 st with a gyrating motion. Two jet interceptors from Kirtland AFB in Albuqu 7/29/1952 #11430 rted them to George AFB but no jet interceptors were sent aloft. Another re 8/2/1952 #11560 rvers in Portland confirm that jet interceptors are at that moment in pursu 8/7/1952 #11694 Chicago, which sends two USAF jet interceptors to the area. They appear ju 8/10/1952 #11729 fire directed at them by Air Force interceptors. Five other objects are obs 9/12/1952 #12169 UFO damaged in dogfights with many interceptors over the Gulf might have tr 9/12/1952 #12169 r Newport News, Virginia. When two interceptors arrive from Langley Air For 10/11/1952 #12443 outmaneuvers one of two F-86D jet interceptors, both of which also radar-t 6/21/1954 #14596 ike motions directly above it. The interceptors give chase, but the UFO dis 8/23/1955 #17461 opley Day. Two RAF Gloster Javelin interceptors, one piloted by E. H. “Wilb 8/30/1956 #18287 diameter is seen by the tower. Two interceptors are scrambled. The object d 10/7/1956 #18407 ir return. Upon the arrival of the interceptors from Oxnard the red objects 3/22/1957 #18728 ational attention.” He admits that interceptors are still sent up “as a mat 4/8/1957 #18770 k the radar. Headquarters sends up interceptors to chase the object, but ev 1960 #21646 ct flies east-going west chased by interceptors. 4/18/1962 #22816 de Tucson, which sends out two jet interceptors. When the aircraft arrive, 8/7/1962 #23064 sighting lasted three minutes. Jet interceptors wereobserved in pursuit. 1/11/1965 #24653 le site. NORAD was alerted and jet interceptors were scrambled. 9/21/1966 #27098 than the capabilities of Air Force interceptors. The local radio station is 4/10/1967 #28416 veral minutes, chased by two F-102 interceptors 6/11/1967 #28841 ed off by two F-102 U.S. Air Force interceptors. 6/11/1967 #28842 Ercüment Gökaydin, flies with the interceptors to 35,000 feet, but the UFO 10/24/1969 #32072 USAF jet interceptors were sent after a UFO track 8/24/1972 #33801 roximately 6:00 a.m. two F-106 jet interceptors were scrambled from West Pa 9/14/1972 #33852 er midnight two successive F-4 jet interceptors flying above Tehran, Iran a 9/19/1973 #34783 ur F-101 Voodoo Air National Guard interceptors are scrambled from Kirtland 11/6/1973 #35360 with emergency landing of two jet interceptors with one crashing and the p 10/24/1974 #36642 ed duty are rolled out of bed. Jet interceptors are scrambled. Unidentified Late 10/1975 #37786 rcept but objects lights went out, interceptors passed and then came on aga 10/28/1975 #37809 p the UFO on radar. Two F- 106 jet interceptors are launched from Great Fal 11/7/1975 #37916 ed. A few minutes later, two F-106 interceptors shoot above the WSA, appare Summer 1977 #39661 ject south of Cyprus. As the three interceptors approach, the RC-135 crew s 10/19/1982 #44541 attempts at communication, so jet interceptors are scrambled. The object d 12/1982 #44597 two-thirds are pursued by fighter interceptors and more than one-third of 1986 #45781 and pilot sightings, military jet interceptors scrambled in pursuit 5/19/1986 #45937 o 21 unidentified objects, and jet interceptors pursued them, making visual 5/19/1986 #45942 ir traffic was put on hold, as jet interceptors were scrambled from Santa C 5/19/1986 #45942 -nuclear system of satellite-based interceptors designed to use high-veloci 11/1986 #46127 ts like an airplane or helicopter. Interceptors approach, but the objects m 1/22/1990 #47660 return about 40 minutes after the interceptors land. Two other fighters ar 1/22/1990 #47660 luminous, high speed objects. Jet interceptors scrambled, multiple radar t 3/30/1990 #47793 re seen kilometers apart. F-16 jet interceptors were scrambled and pursued 3/30/1990 #47795 n decides to take off 2 two-seater interceptors. At about 1 km from the UFO 5/25/1990 #47919 es. Kurkchy then scrambles two jet interceptors, but at a point about 3,200 5/25/1990 #47922 d shipped to WPAFB and US and NATO interceptors were involved. The words NA 7/1991 #48513 ort, Krzesiny AFB sends two MiG-21 interceptors that allegedly experience t 10/8/1994 #50353 ining. The Tornado planes were not interceptors but Gr 1 bombers from the M 3/24/1997 #51949 west, out of town, escorted by the interceptors, security helicopters, and 5/11/2005 #53711## Word: "intercepts", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e head of the FBI in San Francisco intercepts a confidential message from t 9/15/1947 #6332 Unidentified Target Tracked / F-80 Intercepts (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Cod 4/28/1950 #8241 KNOXVILLE, TN RADAR blip. F82 intercepts. Only finds odd small smoke c 12/20/1950 #8812 ls of UFOs over Capitol; attempted intercepts. 7/19/1952 #10910 viet Air Defense Forces but avoids intercepts by a MiG-19 and a Su-9. Power 4/9/1960 #21753 , things become complicated, as it intercepts its target, Cosmos 839, on a 7/1976 #38550 antom jets are performing practice intercepts under strict radar control. A 11/5/1990 #48237 d by others, Douglass also reports intercepts of radio transmissions: “Air- 3/23/1992 #48843 The North Yorkshire radar network intercepts the echo of an unusual aircra 4/20/1998 #52331 nd The Swedish military reportedly intercepts a radio transmission in Russi 10/16/2014 #54295## Word: "intercettatelli", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Italian author Renato Vesco writes Intercettatelli Senza Sparare, making a 1968 #30107## Word: "interchange", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a, Yorkshire, England Hull Paragon Interchange 8:00 p.m. Coast guards at Ho 2/25/1913 #2583 wds in the city center and Paragon Interchange for over an hour. It alters 2/25/1913 #2583 investigation develops. A complete interchange of data should be effected. 9/23/1947 #6357 uring the Cold War when scientific interchange between East and West had be 7/1/1957 #18961 ge glow all over/all about freeway interchange. Dog scared. 12/1/1976 #39018 ks, California Moorpark Olsen Road interchange 9:15 p.m. John Sharwath and 9/18/1981 #43962 feet altitude near the Olsen Road interchange. They stop along the freeway 9/18/1981 #43962 moment in Alleur, near the Loncin interchange. He parks his vehicle on the 11/29/1989 #47495 ttle before arriving at the Loncin interchange, the witness makes a 2nd enc 11/29/1989 #47497 om French) Near Ans and the Loncin interchange, Mrs. B. hears a soft hummin 11/29/1989 #47498 the center of Liège to the Loncin interchange, to join the E40. Mrs. S. is 11/29/1989 #47499 -shape 300' altitude by I5 / SR217 interchange. No further details. 2/3/1996 #51375## Word: "interchanging", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
many "translucent spheres or orbs interchanging within it.” In flew off in 12/15/2001 #53154 as described as a gray saucer with interchanging colors of green, red/orang 7/28/2002 #53232## Word: "intercom", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
John Dee and then announces on the intercom for the passengers to take a lo 2/24/1959 #21012 gnal. Harold calls the house on an intercom, then runs outside. As he appro 8/19/1965 #25449 from the deck tells them over the intercom that something is hovering abov 6/1971 #32897 ally calls for help on a telephone intercom system, but no one takes her se 10/9/1977 #40085## Word: "intercommunications", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
or electric systems also went out. Intercommunications were disrupted and a 11/4/1957 #19549## Word: "interconnected", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ng independently of the wind & not interconnected. (Page 60 Ref.1) (NICAP: 2/24/1944 #3919 ose top resembled a honeycomb ray (interconnected hexagons), hovering and s 7/27/1957 #19050 e blue, with a top like honeycomb (interconnected hexagons), hovered and ro 7/27/1957 #19053## Word: "intercontinental", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
uclear- powered upper stage for an intercontinental ballistic missile. The 1955 #16894 to the development of warheads for intercontinental and intermediate range 5/28/1957 #18874 rench) IN AUGUST 1957 THEY MADE AN INTERCONTINENTAL MULTI-STAGE ROCKET TRAV 8/1957 #19075 om French) The payload of the huge intercontinental missile Atlas exploded 7/9/1958 #20485 (Translated from French) Other intercontinental missile bases, located 3/9/1967 #28109 Colman VonKeviczky, founder of the Intercontinental UFO Galactic Spacecraft 9/28/1981 #43977 , code-named Oko, reports a single intercontinental ballistic missile launc 9/26/1983 #44920 t. John W. Mills III, of the 394th Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Test 1984 #45049 Several intercontinental airline pilots reported 4/9/1984 #45213## Word: "intercourse", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Brazil Villas Boas abduction. Has intercourse with an human-looking female 10/15/1957 #19350 rt stature with whom he had sexual intercourse. Villas-Boas reported that c 10/16/1957 #19369 rt stature with whom he had sexual intercourse. Villas-Boas reported that t 10/16/1957 #19373 ed to impregnate her. After sexual intercourse he escorted her out of the s 8/11/1966 #26900 ice, then undressed and had sexual intercourse with the witness, making ani 12/4/1975 #38041 ody, and forced him to have sexual intercourse with the female. The beings 6/18/1979 #42289 shaped room. The being has sexual intercourse with the witness who later b 11/1984 #45487## Word: "interdiction", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
dar data in support of the US drug interdiction program. 2/20/2002 #53182## Word: "interdimensional", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
um, wants the group to promote the interdimensional science of life expound 2/1954 #14130 ence, and they both lean toward an interdimensional hypothesis. 12/15/1975 #38074 roe states something similar, that interdimensional beings harvest humanity 1/1991 #48324 if on schedule and showed signs of interdimensional travel. * https://www 3/31/1995 #50712 stablished the belief that UAP are interdimensional and demonic when the FB 3/31/2011 #54200 Es to help humanity understand the interdimensional multiverse. https://ww 7/2012 #54224 0s, it was concluded that UAP were interdimensional in nature, higher dimen 9/24/2022 #54669## Word: "interdisziplinäre", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
onographs under the imprint of the Interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft zur Analy 1975 #36786## Word: "interdite", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
photo would be a hoax cfr "Science Interdite - journal 1957-1969" Jacques V 5/16/1953 #13379## Word: "interest", 162 instance(s) (Back to Top)
on phenomena have shown heightened interest in such narratives. 1273 #232 nge meteorological phenomenon, may interest your readers as a new example t 10/24/1886 #1442 at them, dumbfounded, with extreme interest. I had the feeling that my brai 1933 #3174 s a 15-inch telescope to create an interest in astronomy. 3/1940 #3505 though the Navy has shown far more interest in the field, and is already co 10/9/1941 #3576 article stirs considerable reader interest, and the pages of Amazing Stori 11/1943 #3839 anford, Washington A UFO displayed interest in a then-secret nuclear facili Mid 7/1945 #4339 phenomena, especially after public interest was piqued. However, some sight 1946 #4435 ion and lack of frankness possibly interest defense budget and to alert wes 8/24/1946 #4721 ed this office because of national interest in case and fact that (certain 7/8/1947 #5778 lly made the Air Force take a deep interest in UFOs.” At 9:30 a.m., 1st Lt. 7/8/1947 #5856 Navy experiments and should be of interest to the FBI 7/10/1947 #5928 and should be considered of great interest.” Other deletions and additions 10/28/1947 #6424 l's testimony has prompted renewed interest in the case and calls for furth 1/7/1948 #6515 , and others as assigned. How much interest Col. Howard McCoy takes in the 1/22/1948 #6550 ll be less harmful to the national interest if a degree of guidance in thei 11/24/1948 #6969 n and off like a light switch. The interest in green fireballs inspires the 12/20/1948 #7026 e of “priority Counterintelligence interest.” 2/8/1950 #7789 gations Division, expresses strong interest to acquire motion pictures of U 7/6/1950 #8412 to arouse public suspicion of USAF interest. 7/6/1950 #8412 merican population to know of USAF interest in the subject. https://archiv 7/6/1950 #8413 The action reflects the increasing interest by AFOIN Director Gen. Cabell a 9/8/1950 #8572 out of step with Cabell’s renewed interest. 1/1951 #8843 members of the club, observed with interest the strange phenomenon which la 3/15/1951 #8987 l Research (ONR) documents show an interest of USAF Maj. Gen. Victor E. Ber 1952 #9507 o him that it would be in his best interest to forget the incident definiti 4/1952 #9715 ke of mass public and governmental interest in UFOs kindled by the provocat 6/1952 #10242 arly indicating that there was CIA interest in the subject. 7/29/1952 #11438 however, that no indication of CIA interest or concern reach the press or p 8/1/1952 #11512 He also urged that CIA conceal its interest from the media and the public, 8/1/1952 #11513 larmist tendencies" to accept such interest as confirming the existence of 8/1/1952 #11513 th ATIC, but “no indication of CIA interest or concern reach the press or p 8/1/1952 #11551 ubject, more express at least some interest, and a few are very interested 8/6/1952 #11670 akes it. Eventually, the UFO loses interest and flies away to the south. 8/12/1952 #11752 1952 memo suggests Lincoln had an interest in flying saucer cases beginnin 12/2/1952 #12750 not mention UAP despite Stratton’s interest. USAF Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt l 12/2/1952 #12750 he American people, and Stratton’s interest contradicts the findings of the 12/2/1952 #12750 After a period of apparent serious interest in gathering better data (which 1/17/1953 #12984 uld “result in reduction of public interest in flying saucers” with the hel 1/17/1953 #12990 ng writes: “Apparently, an eye and interest are also directed to the USSR f 2/9/1953 #13117 nce her that it is in the national interest for her to reduce excitement ab 6/1953 #13434 of Aeronautics develops a personal interest in the Frances Swan contact cas 7/24/1954 #14747 hts went out, and the witness lost interest and went home. Two hours later, 10/27/1954 #16388 ect went out, and the witness lost interest and went home. Two hours later, 10/27/1954 #16396 peed. Mountbatten takes a personal interest in this incident, interviews Br 2/23/1955 #17031 CRIFO Orbit. But when he tries to interest the Cincinnati newspapers, they 8/23/1955 #17461 Mexico Much UFO activity and interest in Mexico. 1956 #17713 to Lee Metcalf, indicating serious interest in UFOs. Mid 7/1957 #18996 rried by the plane. The particular interest of this case lies in the simult 7/17/1957 #18999 ncomplete, and despite White House interest in the matter. https://archive 9/24/1957 #19258 rch and Development indicating its interest in the flying saucer concept an 10/22/1957 #19387 : Artificial satellite spurs Alien interest in mankind. Other Angle: Artifi 11/12/1957 #19813 that hearings are “not in the best interest of the air force,” nor necessar 1/1958 #20098 release. As a consequence, public interest was served.” 1/22/1958 #20151 that the Senate Committee “show no interest in any hearings.” This is news 3/8/1958 #20243 “something is being seen,” but his interest is more in what they think they 8/9/1958 #20537 ct Committee would take no further interest in UAP. https://files.afu.se/D 8/13/1958 #20551 ied to “protect official Air Force interest in the recovery of UFOs from un 10/30/1958 #20778 Ground, Maryland, show significant interest in deploying a new drug, 3-quin 1959 #20911 looked them over with substantial interest and made informed remarks. He s Spring 1959 #21074 “The Queen showed an extraordinary interest in the whole subject.” Royal Ne 5/18/1959 #21172 ertain regions or installations of interest to the American secret services 5/5/1960 #21797 e, making short stops at points of interest and giving a distinct impressio Summer 1960 #21868 lationship between the Air Force's interest in space surveillance and its c 8/15/1960 #21951 lationship between the Air Force’s interest in space surveillance and its c 8/15/1960 #21953 hank you, and since Simonton shows interest in what is being cooked, the pi 4/18/1961 #22275 n Dust reporting. Several items of interest appear in the document: classif 4/25/1961 #22290 dozen scientists who have shown an interest in SETI. It is there that Drake 11/1961 #22609 ms of great technical intelligence interest). These three functions involve 11/13/1961 #22634 holding information “in the public interest” is allowed, and AFR 11-7, whic 10/29/1962 #23273 holding information “in the public interest” is allowed and AFR 11-7 which 10/29/1962 #23275 r asks him to discuss his personal interest in hypnosis. After the meeting 11/23/1962 #23321 ting shows an inordinate amount of interest in NICAP, given the CIA’s manda 1/19/1965 #24694 ificant role in the renaissance of interest in UFOs as scientists express a 6/1965 #24948 then, as Spaur said, “kind of lost interest.” 4/18/1966 #26451 Stanton (R-Ohio) has expressed an interest in the UFO chase, NICAP investi Late 4/1966 #26541 who was pushed into it, had little interest and apparently no experience, a 11/1/1966 #27265 s that there is enough underground interest in UFOs among his scientific co 1/5/1967 #27504 ck-like patterns a subject of some interest. 2/17/1967 #27857 in October. House of Commons took interest in November. 8/1967 #29153 eated seriously but the Ministry’s interest is solely in national defense. 9/27/1967 #29559 every five years as of transitory interest. The MoD confirms that it will 11/8/1967 #29882 investigations. The NRC’s primary interest is in tracking meteors and mete 1968 #30111 or 1967 “reflects a wave of public interest in UFOs, reaching a peak toward 1/22/1968 #30168 oject coordinator, that Low has no interest in UFO sightings or reports, an 2/22/1968 #30269 of nuclear war, has proclaimed an interest in UFOs as entities with the ab 6/26/1968 #30608 sonalities which may be of special interest to the President.” Nixon orders 6/1969 #31795 und of national security or in the interest of science.” Bolender adds that 10/20/1969 #32067 und of national security or in the interest of science.” Technically, Blue 12/17/1969 #32158 ie, contain information that could interest the Air Force or put it in ques 3/7/1970 #32277 he aliens told him that their main interest in coming to earth was water. H 8/15/1970 #32488 : “We’re sorry, but we have had no interest in the UFO matter for many year 7/29/1971 #33003 riosity about human emotion, their interest in gynecology, and human partic 10/16/1973 #35051 of UFOs. He admits the scientific interest of the problem and indicates th 2/21/1974 #35800 sproves the longstanding denial of interest in UFOs by the CIA, FBI, and mi 12/31/1974 #36771 lassified as "unfounded" but is of interest in view of the other report in 2/6/1975 #36918 tinuation of a policy to deny USAF interest in the subject: “News media que 11/11/1975 #37954 speculation or to imply Air Force interest beyond security of the installa 11/11/1975 #37954 es that the NSA “does not have any interest in UFOs in any manner.” 2/20/1976 #38268 olvement with UAP downplays Agency interest in UAP in the 1970s and 80s and 4/26/1976 #38419 d makes no mention of the Agency’s interest in independent researchers or D 4/26/1976 #38419 t of his bathrobe,” attracting the interest of conspiracy theorists. 7/1977 #39705 . The letter mentions a revival of interest in UFOs and paranormal phenomen 10/31/1977 #40167 wake again. The crewmembers showed interest in Julio's gun and, passing it 2/5/1978 #40510 s. Leave me, spirituality does not interest me. (...) After a time difficul 2/15/1978 #40524 s. Leave me, spirituality does not interest me". After about an hour of wha 2/15/1978 #40526 d on radar, but adds, “It’s in the interest of national security that not t 9/1978 #41215 itical Committee. Grenada seeks to interest the UN in a three-member panel 11/27/1978 #41632 nimum information necessary to the interest of national security is classif 12/1/1978 #41670 d” within the IA to prevent Agency interest in the subject from being discl 12/15/1978 #41778 The film will generate huge media interest, as indicated by the following 12/31/1978 #41879 my, pieces of a flying saucer that interest him." (3:10 PM) 12/31/1978 #41879 naments on the Christmas tree with interest. They also probed into her mind 1/4/1979 #41948 ments on their Christmas tree with interest. She said they also probed her 1/5/1979 #41956 merican senator then takes a close interest in the case but suddenly interr 1/14/1979 #41996 tilation phenomenon. FBI monitors interest in the phenomena from Sen. Harr 2/16/1979 #42089 hts on and off. The witnesses lost interest for a short time and left their 11/30/1979 #42730 hey tell him there is considerable interest in Paul Bennewitz and that he i 9/8/1980 #43251 ignia on object. USAF still has an interest in all UFO sightings over insta 11/17/1980 #43403 s radio host Art Bell that AFOSI’s interest in Bennewitz has nothing to do 11/17/1980 #43404 g). Gesell states that “the public interest in disclosure is far outweighed 11/18/1980 #43413 ortheast and accelerates. He loses interest and drives away, but another ob 5/20/1981 #43759 Bennewitz. However, he soon loses interest and drops the matter. 7/30/1981 #43870 d because they were of “no defense interest,” and if so, who decided that. 3/4/1982 #44232 o in Montauk, NY. Remote viewer of interest to the CIA Uri Geller claims th 1983 #44640 & Pierce Counties) - but it is of interest because of the description of t 6/3/1984 #45312 rock band C.E.IV (because of their interest in UFOs) are in the garden outs 7/14/1985 #45640 reports that there is an enormous interest in UFOs in China and that the C 8/1985 #45659 oundings, at one point they showed interest in a large ceramic jar near the 9/13/1986 #46095 itnesses, they noticed the lack of interest of the hundreds of other tenant Late 8/1987 #46343 ised the witnesses was the lack of interest of the hundreds of motorists wh 11/1988 #46843 intervention draws a large public interest in the Groom Lake area. 5/7/1989 #47113 subject of intelligence community interest between 1980 and 1984”: Leonard 7/1/1989 #47187 sed the image. note from vog: what interest? yet I ask to see, and if it wo 9/1989 #47277 a result. Neither women claim any interest in UFOs. They initially believe 11/7/1989 #47435 UFOs could be considered with some interest. Jean-Jacques Velasco rides the 3/31/1991 #48421 ith its standing stones. He had no interest in archaeology and had never vi 6/16/1991 #48502 illegally gaining the controlling interest in a major American bank. In ad 7/5/1991 #48518 ief that Rockefeller and Bigelow’s interest in MJ-12 was irrelevant because 4/15/1993 #49423 not the whole story of oil firms’ interest in possible UAP-related energy 1994 #49865 ry, thus initiating a considerable interest of the media in these installat 4/1994 #50006 and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when 1995 #50486 , in particular: the role, origin, interest and conclusions of the differen 12/5/1995 #51267 - the first to officially take an interest in the subject) and the differe 12/5/1995 #51267 cant consequences for the national interest when policy makers are not full 3/3/1997 #51922 nd), David Spoor has no particular interest in the UFO phenomenon. That day 8/19/1997 #52123 ckefeller, who has a long-time UFO interest, English physicist Peter A. Stu 9/29/1997 #52163 ane grew stronger the witness lost interest in the object and its occupant, 9/21/1998 #52441 he scientific community has little interest. Plotkin also claims MIT chief 5/17/1999 #52584 outlets report on the conference, interest quickly dies down, and no heari 5/9/2001 #53044 tation, Chase expressed scientific interest in the energy of thought and ne 4/28/2006 #53809 ed a letter from the DIA expressed interest in UAP research at Skinwalker R 10/21/2007 #53951 DIA sponsor could change and lose interest, but that won’t stop the projec 10/29/2008 #54054 t a sociological experiment in the interest of western culture. 11/5/2010 #54182 Note: BAE Systems has expressed an interest in UAP-derived technology and w 12/2015 #54319 es indicating that radar Tracks of Interest have averaged 1,800 per year si 7/1/2016 #54333 holds Unknown tracks and Tracks of Interest data because the release of any 7/1/2016 #54333 ce Corp. Other legacy companies of interest are TRW, Lockheed, Northrop, BA 4/30/2019 #54457 world that goes beyond government interest. You are talking about banking. 10/21/2021 #54609 to showing up by exploiting their “interest in nuclear materials.” McMillan 3/18/2022 #54636 ating Aurora didn’t exist. British interest in triangular UAP stems from se 8/12/2022 #54661 . Lawmakers from both parties show interest in further investigation into t 7/26/2023 #54719## Word: "interested", 96 instance(s) (Back to Top)
f rockets, the British Army became interested in this new weapon. The first 1812 #891 beam. All the passengers were very interested in the thing and regretted no 12/23/1909 #2446 f State Dean Acheson is “very much interested” in the ghost rockets. 8/14/1946 #4690 s no secret that he “was extremely interested in asking the two generals ad 8/19/1946 #4703 ear Oslo, and the US Navy is “very interested.” 8/24/1946 #4722 he Pentagon in Washington was very interested because at that time very few 7/1/1947 #5258 t military and government agencies interested in “psychological warfare” be 8/10/1949 #7514 lls 500,000 copies. It brings many interested civilians and military people 10/1950 #8613 s together all people of good will interested in the phenomenon. 12/27/1951 #9477 hat President Truman is personally interested and wants a full investigatio 7/21/1952 #10999 some interest, and a few are very interested but wary of publicity. 8/6/1952 #11670 Andrija Puharich, a medical doctor interested in parapsychology, discovers 10/1952 #12388 st Carl Jung, who says he has been interested in UFOs since 1946, but he ha 7/9/1954 #14701 g in the Forbach region (Moselle). Interested in this case, Jean Sider wrot 10/7/1954 #15612 n offers a discount to any Martian interested in a book about flying saucer 12/27/1954 #16858 writes to Claude H. Marck Jr., an interested citizen in Colorado, that Dew Early 4/1955 #17100 incinnati newspapers, they are not interested. A Wright-Patterson AFB spoke 8/23/1955 #17461 r. At MIT, Professor Pritchard was interested in it: the implant would be m 9/1955 #17485 Cmdr. George W. Hoover, who become interested and get permission (as long a 4/1956 #17884 he Varo edition; Jessup isn’t much interested but tells him about the Allen 4/1956 #17884 rk of amateur scientists and other interested citizens plays a critical rol 9/11/1956 #18352 mat Alberto Perego that he is most interested in “accounts of intelligible 2/26/1957 #18687 anet Saturn. They also claim to be interested in the recently launched Russ 11/5/1957 #19605 so tells her that his race is very interested in "Titium". Before dissipati 11/18/1957 #19854 being intimidated, he is just not interested in UFOs anymore and too busy. 7/30/1958 #20512 e of his company, nor does he seem interested in his occupation. He talks w 1960 #21643 e made a gesture indicating he was interested in the prepared food, one of 4/18/1961 #22274 o this. Therefore, he is no longer interested in holding hearings. He tells 8/28/1961 #22461 drive took. They are mysteriously interested in whether nitrates or chemic 11/25/1961 #22655 rance, with an initial group of 60 interested members. The following year G 1962 #22691 ange encounter. He is particularly interested in the missing time of the Hi 11/23/1962 #23321 theast Asia. The USAF, however, is interested in the Q-12 as both a reconna 12/7/1962 #23337 y as “9” and “11.” They are mostly interested in finding out if any nearby 5/24/1964 #24174 to the authorities, but no one is interested. One of the witnesses returns 8/9/1964 #24370 . They asked the boys if they were interested in seeing a UFO. They walked 9/4/1964 #24446 J. Allen Hynek writes to a citizen interested in the Socorro, New Mexico, c 11/5/1964 #24527 . Because of this event he becomes interested in UFOs and joins NICAP’s Mas 6/1966 #26652 ts director, Walter Orr Roberts is interested, but William W. Kellogg, asso Late 7/1966 #26836 J. Allen Hynek writes to a citizen interested in UFOs and says that he thin 7/29/1966 #26850 Colorado Graduate School, is also interested in the UFO project. He consul 8/9/1966 #26894 A. Scott and David R. Saunders are interested. Around this time, Condon agr 9/21/1966 #27097 nitiated it or is at least vitally interested and experienced in the field, 11/1/1966 #27265 lts with lights on them. They seem interested in the birds Cammarata is kee 4/4/1967 #28361 rationale on why the CIA might be interested in UFOs, just to see if it ge 10/10/1967 #29632 a football match, looking up, were interested in the maneuvers of this aeri 11/20/1967 #29944 AUNCH OF COSMOS 198, SPY SATELLITE INTERESTED IN EVERYTHING THAT MOVES ON T 12/1967 #29991 rent directions and appeared to be interested in looking down inside the bu 2/21/1968 #30266 ing a discontinuous sound. Mr. G., interested in UFOs, took his car and fou 4/1972 #33444 esler AFB in Biloxi, but no one is interested; then they drive to the offic 10/11/1973 #34957 he young man meets a friend who is interested in the UFO phenomenon. He tal 10/19/1973 #35146 anoid spoke four languages and was interested in meeting "important officia 11/15/1973 #35410 Executive branch and IC that were interested in UAP; Vallee noted he could 2/11/1974 #35773 n and out of an opening and acting interested in the terrain. (Ouranos No. 2/14/1974 #35786 alley says his department has been interested in UFO reports since the Fren 2/21/1974 #35805 eeting of scientists and academics interested in the UFO phenomenon is taki 3/8/1974 #35898 hey entered the house and appeared interested in Mrs. Booth's electric orga 7/17/1974 #36336 acquaintance, Budd Hopkins, who is interested in UFOs. Hopkins and two othe 1/12/1975 #36863 bright ball on Mount Calvary. The interested party returned home on foot. 2/14/1975 #36942 zzi, a seasonal merchant, had been interested in the UFO phenomenon for sev 3/3/1975 #37020 he subject of UFOs is one that has interested me for some long time. About 3/28/1975 #37082 UFOs to some of the actors who are interested (Bob Balaban, Richard Dreyfus 7/23/1976 #38594 their heads, and seemed to be very interested in the dog. These individuals 2/5/1978 #40504 Political Committee, which is not interested in the formal study of UAP. P 12/8/1978 #41712 o people but they don't seem to be interested.” Finally, when she showed th 1/4/1979 #41948 o people but they don't seem to be interested." Finally, when she showed th 1/5/1979 #41956 , meandering about, apparently not interested in her. She runs into the bed 6/1979 #42271 cting genetic experiments and were interested in reproduction. 6/18/1979 #42289 SI’s surveillance of U.S. citizens interested in UAP by claiming “NASA” inv 1980's? #42815 exam, the aliens were particularly interested in her hands and wrists. A tu 1/22/1982 #44159 ugh, and Choate and Myers are more interested in the commercial aspects tha 11/22/1985 #45753 a voice say to her (vog: what I'm interested in is to know if she heard th Late 6/1987 #46286 ns, John Gille, PhD. John Gille is interested in the Dulce area due to rumo 10/23/1988 #46823 TREDANIEL 1995, p. 70) (vog: those interested in the Ummo case, say that th 9/27/1989 #47324 er Shapiro under the pretext he is interested in working with the “group” t 10/1989 #47345 ginning of the Belgian wave. Those interested in all observations will find 11/29/1989 #47476 1991 mentioned that the RAF is now interested in acquiring F-117A, but that 4/1991 #48423 Huge silver saucer rises. / nobody interested. 4/8/1993 #49419 t be harmed, that "they" were only interested in studying him and his femal 11/29/1993 #49822 signed by more than 20,000 people interested in finding out the truth. 3/1994 #49967 r making machine. They seemed very interested in it for some reason. It was 8/11/1995 #50976 s reported to have said: "UFOs are interested in all of humanity, but I bel 2/11/1997 #51890 believes the extraterrestrials are interested in the state of mind and beha 2/11/1997 #51890 stories to share with individuals interested in military history, espionag 6/1997 #52029 ment) will happen soon. Bigelow is interested about the consciousness impac 1/11/1998 #52264 f the Navy was the client, who was interested in helping the Navy “adjust t 12/3/1999 #52720 s stepped out. They appeared to be interested in the vegetation around the 7/1/2001 #53064 etired intelligence people who are interested in UFOs. This person, in retu 11/1/2005 #53769 ired intelligence community people interested in UAP, receives what alleges 11/1/2005 #53770 ne for different outcomes they are interested in. Deacon claims Project Loo 10/2006 #53842 t followed. It didn't appear to be interested in him. He had two memories o 4/12/2008 #54001 ues Vallée that the White House is interested in a meeting where long-term 12/24/2008 #54074 responded “going” and 1.5 million “interested” on the event page, which sub 6/27/2019 #54472 ding to Halleaux, the Army is also interested in the results of a collabora 10/17/2019 #54497 people inside the Agency who were interested in UAP but he claims he never 1/30/2022 #54629 o stating Life Sciences used to be interested in the subject (Kit Green’s a 1/30/2022 #54629 have done to this planet, they are interested in our nuclear weapons, they 1/30/2022 #54629## Word: "interesting", 51 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of ejected explosives but is still interesting. (At noon) 1812 #892 fact seems to me to be especially interesting in that it undeniably denote 8/20/1880 #1355 low are summarized two of the more interesting close encounter cases. 4/12/1897 #1731 low are summarized two of the more interesting cases involving occupants. 4/14/1897 #1766 ndusky (Translated from French) An interesting observation of this flying o 4/17/1897 #1842 elp but think that this was a very interesting phenomenon. (January 27th, N 1/27/1912 #2520 d from French) Valier succeeded in interesting the industrialist Fritz von 3/12/1928 #3032 to comment that the discs are “an interesting study in human psychology.” 7/1/1947 #5278 lifornia) (Translated from French) Interesting observation because it takes 7/3/1947 #5321 ated by Jean Sider) Among the most interesting observations, a large disc w 7/6/1947 #5528 im Brazel is in his office with an interesting story. Brazel allegedly gets 7/6/1947 #5610 contact them if he runs across any interesting UFO evidence. 7/25/1947 #6112 e object at about 10:00 p.m. It is interesting to note that the Canadian At 4/17/1952 #9845 two magazine writers who wanted an interesting story. 5/7/1952 #10076 t line. Below are some of the more interesting reports on this day: 10/1/1954 #15392 ividual who wanted to make himself interesting.] 10/21/1954 #16216 linkages in the PUBLIC DOMAIN are interesting. Hubert Goenner of Goettinge Late 1956 #18423 for public relations, and the most interesting reports were secretly forwar Spring 1959 #21074 hile he thinks UFOs are “extremely interesting,” they do not pose a nationa 6/13/1959 #21206 An interesting parapsychological experiment 7/9/1959 #21276 G. Holzman at ARDC in the hopes of interesting him in assessing UFO reports 2/17/1960 #21692 ting listing for April 1962. It is interesting that every one of these stat 4/18/1962 #22819 An interesting photograph was taken this da 4/26/1964 #24075 tern United States. Among the more interesting reports, a young man saw an 8/3/1965 #25304 take any action. The case bears an interesting resemblance to the encounter 8/4/1965 #25308 to their stories and sometimes add interesting details. 11/15/1966 #27326 fornia) (Translated from French) … interesting film taken by Roger Patterso 10/20/1967 #29707 Aerospace Studies, might find them interesting. 11/14/1967 #29908 es that 1,000–3,000 (10%–30%) are “interesting” unexplained cases (“unknown 3/3/1969 #31558 ectacle was becoming more and more interesting, but also frightening, when 11/28/1972 #34018 ffstown, NH There was another very interesting report involving two glowing 11/4/1973 #35349 s the “wiggly clouds to the right” interesting. 1/18/1974 #35691 ites: “What makes the Larson story interesting, in retrospect, however, is 8/26/1975 #37544 duction case. It's one of the most interesting such incidents, not only for 10/27/1975 #37799 [note from vog: as all this is so interesting... was it really necessary t 3/1978 #40560 tes the USAF purposefully debunked interesting cases as balloons, stars, et 1979 #41908 mountains to the west that has an interesting cumulus cloud above it. When 10/8/1981 #44005 ncludes that the existence of some interesting cases in the files is not su 1982 #44141 Dzuris ranch near Calhan - a most interesting case (see reference plus the 9/29/1982 #44501 vich [note from vog: all extremely interesting characters...] 11/1985 #45728 h after the incident, Igor made an interesting discovery. He noticed that w 9/1989 #47277 in the vicinity of Gatchina. It is interesting to note that a potentially c 3/17/1991 #48405 ib. Kenneth Ring also presents his interesting view comparing abductions an 6/13/1992 #48945 reen and red lights in between. An interesting feature was that the rain st 9/16/1992 #49089 nusual aerial ballet. This case is interesting for more than one reason: - 7/31/1995 #50938 ide. Thurmond writes, “He has many interesting stories to share with indivi 6/1997 #52029 Several interesting cases occurred on this day. 1/16/2003 #53345 deaccession rules, especially for interesting Argentine reports. 2009 #54077 states he worked at TA-33 and some interesting things happened there but “n 2/15/2011 #54195 ormation because “it had some very interesting data in it.” Semivan later s 4/5/2016 #54327 ts proposition…you now have a very interesting scenario where whatever is k 6/10/2021 #54582## Word: "interestingly", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
eport that was redacted in Prague. Interestingly, there is no corresponding 10/15/1595 #445 repeating its ascent and descent. Interestingly, the object's luminosity d 6/1688 #587 ing a punctured "air compartment." Interestingly, there was also a member n 4/23/1897 #1936 traveling at an estimated 400 mph. Interestingly, the missile had no visibl 8/1946 #4639 at Roswell and Albuquerque. (R.G.: Interestingly, this case was deleted and 7/1/1947 #5254 he orders of President Eisenhower. Interestingly, USAF still contracts Lock 1958 #20090 e controlled some UAP information. Interestingly, a declassified NSA docume 10/14/2022 #54676## Word: "interests", 14 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d his role is to “consolidate both interests.” Hart asserts that the airshi 11/22/1896 #1566 hio, to collect UFO reports in the interests of national security. The proj 6/30/1947 #5237 urity, would be prejudicial to the interests or prestige of the Nation or a 8/9/1947 #6221 market Western capitalism and its interests around the globe. The first me 5/29/1954 #14498 quired to report on, including AFL interests and George Meany’s personal ou 8/11/1954 #14842 ween corporate, contractor and USG interests. https://en.wikipedia.org/wik 12/28/1954 #16868 roject in order to pursue academic interests. 9/17/1967 #29494 t they had known of McDonald’s UFO interests and have no objections to his 9/30/1968 #31072 ays that it is in the NSA’s direct interests not to have the documents publ 11/18/1980 #43413 r perceived threats to US national interests. Fabrizio Calvi and Thierry Pf 1982 #44138 https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~abatko/interests/conspiracy/mj12/ 2004 #53508 t in the future…it will be in your interests not to speak about this incide 2/2011 #54190 on UAP has been shaped by private interests and his “advisors” review his 3/27/2016 #54324 ou’re talking about big, big money interests. You are talking about things 10/21/2021 #54609## Word: "interface", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nks the photos seem genuine, three Interface Pilote pour l’Analyse de Clich 5/11/1950 #8276 o inadequate training and computer interface oversights relating to ambiguo 3/28/1979 #42156 ms at Andrews AFB he was taught to interface with ET and relay those messag 1992 #48711 UAP lift, power generation, human interface, alleged extraterrestrial impl 10/17/2008 #54049 o claims she experienced a “neural interface” in a chair inside a saucer. I 10/20/2022 #54679## Word: "interfere", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s; another in Stuttgart used EM to interfere with vehicle motors. Cook sug 1958 #20092 berammergau in Bavaria (OBF) could interfere with Allied craft with intense 1958 #20092 two phone calls telling him not to interfere. On October 12 at 3:00 a.m. Su 10/7/1975 #37714 in which an aircraft’s own radars interfere with each other. After 12:30 a 3/30/1990 #47794 tine mission was completed “not to interfere” with “an elite department tea 1994 #49869 some significance to EMPs…[it] can interfere with whatever this technology 6/10/2021 #54582## Word: "interfered", 13 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a very high powered Radar Station interfered with their control mechanisms 3/22/1950 #7984 moved in from the south but clouds interfered and further observation was n 4/11/1952 #9788 ped with a bright light, and which interfered with car ignition. 11/2/1957 #19464 ped with a bright light, and which interfered with car and truck ignition a 11/3/1957 #19508 llowed him to the village where it interfered with the street lighting, cha 10/12/1963 (approximate) #23807 sclosed city in Argentina, Arg UFO interfered with instruments measuring ma 7/3/1965 #25047 dull black, quiet and its presence interfered with their radio. They also h 1/18/1966 #25928 ed by electromagnetic effects that interfered with automobile ignitions, li 3/30/1966 #26275 ow illuminating the ground. Static interfered with the telephone, and TV in 10/14/1966 #27196 craft. They were already aware UAP interfered with combustion engines due t 1969 #31390 econds. During the sighting static interfered with television reception, an 7/1/1975 #37333 P that flew over nuclear bases and interfered with launch controls were sec 2010 #54139 identally or purposefully may have interfered with some of the alleged UAP, 3/26/2011 #54198## Word: "interference", 431 instance(s) (Back to Top)
g wingless object. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 180° turn away. / Ci 11/1942 #3719 sive in size; no wings; electronic interference. (Page 35-36 Ref. 1) (NICAP 11/1942 #3721 oing quickly east. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Back 8 July 1500h go 7/7/1947 #5707 uthwest / 2300kph. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 7/7/1947 #5712 one of the first cases of “vehicle interference” UFO cases involving an air 7/23/1947 #6098 nd was moving at 300 mph. No radio interference. The object appeared dark a 8/4/1947 #6188 turns. Small fin. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r2p73+/ r151p6. 4/1/1948 #6598 es per second or 39,000 mph. Radio interference was reported at the time. 4/1/1948 #6601 pears without descending. He notes interference on the telephone line when 3/31/1949 #7200 -shaped object caused severe radio interference (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 5/8/1949 #7340 able by equipment failure or radio interference from aircraft. Two represen 10/14/1949 #7618 askey, reported intermittent radar interference of a type he had never reco 1/22/1950 #7742 ern Canada when they pick up radar interference coming from an unidentified 9/18/1951 #9268 2; Kerrville, Texas. Odd 'roaring" interference on radio as UFO circled tow 1/9/1952 #9532 engineer Britt Lamb says the radio interference is the weirdest he has ever 1/9/1953 #12961 The radar observer reports unusual interference on the set throughout the m 1/9/1953 #12962 rcles town. Odd TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r171. 1/11/1953 #12972 nd 6 p.m. causing odd TV and radio interference. 1/11/1953 #12973 y reports “much less curiosity and interference” than Minneapolis. Dew II i 4/1953 #13295 rs were unable to quell the strong interference, which lasted 3 to 4 minute 9/17/1953 #13728 DANVILLE, IL TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Metallic saucer outs 7/1954 #14661 r. There was TV and aircraft radio interference reported, but an amateur ra 8/6/1954 #14819 c effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and radiation/radioac 8/8/1954 #14830 all observed; radio and television interference noted over wide area (NICAP 9/18/1954 #15117 Beam stops engine. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Vertical exit. / r21 10/8/1954 #15659 in A Coruña is affected by severe interference and static. Probable meteor 11/1/1954 #16480 rver(s). Car radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Large silver saucer 11/14/1954 #16616 a well-known UFO vehicle ignition interference case occurred in Forli, Ita 11/14/1954 #16625 Maryland, another electro-magnetic interference effect case occurred. 11/14/1954 #16626 out 5° above the horizontal. Radio interference prevents Ritzdorf from repo 2/1/1955 #16969 gs paces airliner. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r173p249+/ FSRv1#2 2/2/1955 #16971 nction, and the engine experienced interference. 3/24/1955 #17080 eports that heavy shortwave and TV interference accompany the appearance of 4/5/1955 #17101 pass over New Mexico. Radio and TV interference are reported over a wide ar 4/6/1955 #17106 / 10 minute(s). TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 6 fade. 1 flares. 2 5/17/1955 #17168 e, CA Nine Moving Red Objects / TV Interference (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Cod 5/17/1955 #17170 passed over witnesses reported TV interference. The object gave off green 7/28/1956 #18145 d by a period of unexplained radio interference. 10/28/1956 #18439 jet pilot. Radar jammed by strong Interference (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 12/1956 #18526 1956, a round, reddish UFO caused interference on a police radio while bei 12/1/1956 #18532 h the pilot and his wingman report interference resembling ECM (radar jammi 12/17/1956 #18559 ed and was tracked on radar. Radio interference between the warplane and th 12/17/1956 #18561 recall; the witnesses' torpor; and interference with watches as an indicati 12/31/1956 #18578 atch stopped working and there was interference on their car radio during t 6/5/1957 #18898 oundry. Silent. No Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 8/17/1957 #19116 ble to explain as a malfunction or interference. Interception is impossible 9/20/1957 #19247 rce Captain and 5. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro-magnetic 10/29/1957 #19404 near ground, nine instances of car interference (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Cod 11/2/1957 #19460 near Levelland. Reports of vehicle interference followed a similar pattern, 11/2/1957 #19472 t 15M over school. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) = 'dit-dit'. / r46p14 11/4/1957 #19528 Kodiak, AK A "steady dit-dit-dit" interference on police radio during UFO 11/4/1957 #19532 Toronto, Ont., CAN TV interference (audio); viewers called out 11/4/1957 #19534 dio in a report but his radio gets interference for 2 minutes after the sig 11/4/1957 #19546 a heat wave and created electrical interference with the so-called “halluci 11/4/1957 #19548 n. Swish noise. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / Ringwood. / r141. 11/5/1957 #19578 the bottom. There was no ignition interference noted. 11/5/1957 #19601 the bottom. There was no ignition interference noted. 11/5/1957 #19612 arate observer(s). Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Silver sphere hovers 11/6/1957 #19644 p and down. Strong Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 1 frequency. Going 11/6/1957 #19655 d Air Force Base reported electric interference with his car motor and head 11/6/1957 #19714 straight up. There was no ignition interference. An 8-year-old girl from Ho 11/7/1957 #19731 up. There was no vehicle ignition interference. An eight-year-old girl fro 11/7/1957 #19738 ket'. Radio and TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and beeps. / r79p13. 11/10/1957 #19793 mond, IN Loud beeping caused radio interference as police chased UFO. TV bl 11/10/1957 #19795 hear a beeping sound and there is interference on the police radio while t 11/10/1957 #19802 occurrence of an electro-magnetic interference case. Mrs. John Riead, wife 11/14/1957 #19832 mall lights blink. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) = dot dot dash.. 12/1/1957 #19944 e light source glided overhead, TV interference noted (NICAP: 03 - EME Case 12/18/1957 #20044 . There were many witnesses and TV interference was noted at the time. 12/18/1957 #20048 Casino, N.S.W, AU Interference on car radio as UFO followe 1/13/1958 #20132 a speed exceeding 100 km/h. Radio interference was noted, but no noise. 1/13/1958 #20133 hone poles. His car radio develops interference when the UFO approaches him 1/13/1958 #20134 speed in excess of 100 km/h. Radio interference was noted but the UFO made 1/13/1958 #20135 s car / 3 mile(s). Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Separate observer(s) 1/14/1958 #20136 reported that the UFO caused radio interference. and made a humming sound. 2/24/1959 #21015 y sound. Strong TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and outages. / NICAP. 7/14/1959 #21297 t they are not exactly terrestrial interference, either. The rate at which 4/8/1960 #21752 encounter case involving ignition interference with the engine of a tracto 8/11/1960 #21936 ossible maneuvers. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r11p272+/ r242p170 8/13/1960 #21944 elongated, glowing, orange object. Interference with car ignition was noted 1/22/1961 #22190 estas-Gazinet, France at 6:30 p.m. Interference with their car's ignition w 1/22/1961 #22192 unications, thus shielded from any interference. But such an accomplishment 10/1/1961 #22545 e. Lights cockpit. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro-magnetic 5/22/1962 #22900 off about six min later, and radio interference was noted. 3/13/1963 #23476 about six minutes later, and radio interference was noted. 3/13/1963 #23477 E 2 cars stall. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Military jets chase 10/2/1963 #23790 Argentine naval vessel; electronic interference. Non-US military. 11/12/1963 #23863 y ship "Punta Medanos." Electronic interference was reported at the time. 11/12/1963 #23869 hovers / NWW sky. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Beam lights hilltop. 11/14/1963 #23870 R KALISPELL, MT TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 3 cigars going south 6/24/1964 #24255 an object like "a flying top." TV interference was associated with the obj 7/7/1964 #24284 orgia, are watching TV when sudden interference prevents them from further 7/7/1964 #24285 in. All vanish. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / BFJ v1#3. 11/30/1964 #24572 light, and causing electromagnetic interference at a nearby Argentine base. 1965 #24624 iner / 55 mile(s). Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and Radio Direction F 3/18/1965 #24822 ct, which appeared metallic. Radio interference was noted. 4/8/1965 #24863 ighbors noted unusual TV and radio interference, and a horse and dog reacte 5/20/1965 #24915 . Blinding lights. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Whines. Type unknown 5/24/1965 #24926 linding white lights, caused radio interference, and made a high-pitched so 5/24/1965 #24929 linding white lights, caused radio interference, and made a high-pitched so 5/24/1965 #24934 glowing blue-green and causing E/M interference with our equipment. Lenticu 7/3/1965 #25040 tine base reports large UFO; radio interference. Non-US military. 7/3/1965 #25043 and caused strong radio frequency interference beginning at 7:14 p.m. Anot 7/3/1965 #25052 inute(s). Wobbles. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quickly north. 7/12/1965 #25085 allic disk hovers. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / mariner-4 Mars sign 7/18/1965 #25115 c effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / NICAP. 8/18/1965 #25435 her, notes that there is “definite interference” in her radio reception. Ha 8/19/1965 #25449 ents working on a farm noted radio interference and a peculiar "beeping sou 8/20/1965 #25462 northwest. There was no electrical interference when the UFO was actually i 1/11/1966 #25901 itude turning red when descending. Interference with the lights in the hous 2/6/1966 #25965 er circles car 2X. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) = signal and noise. G 2/26/1966 #26012 green light on top, produced radio interference, and made a strange "signal 2/26/1966 #26014 f a car around 8:00 p.m. There was interference on the car radio as it pass 2/26/1966 #26015 mming sound and created television interference. It hovered just thirty fee 4/22/1966 #26503 / island / canal. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 2 small humanoids (o 7/13/1966 #26792 ight lights. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). RADAR blips. Objects 8/24/1966 #26970 ree different missile sites. Radio interference was noted by teams sent to 8/24/1966 #26973 ree different missile sites. Radio interference was noted by teams sent to 8/24/1966 #26975 ana making a "screaming sound." TV interference was reported, and German sh 10/8/1966 #27171 Lights ground. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / r98#60. 10/10/1966 #27175 erfered with the telephone, and TV interference also was experienced (EM ef 10/14/1966 #27196 ALTON, VA TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and blackout. Large r 11/4/1966 #27281 oman saw her set experience severe interference, then black out completely 11/4/1966 #27282 It made no sound and there was no interference with the car's radio. 12/13/1966 #27431 Cabin lights dim. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / APRO 1'67. 2/2/1967 #27702 ail. Lights in plane dimmed, radio interference, radio compass oscillated 2/2/1967 #27706 in a report, but experiences some interference. 2/10/1967 #27772 ound when it moved off. Television interference was also reported during th 2/10/1967 #27776 ue body lights. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / news. 2/27/1967 #27943 3 minutes. A neighbor reported TV interference (EM effects) at that time. 2/27/1967 #27947 he noted that there was electrical interference on his television at the ti 2/27/1967 #27954 gine, radio, and lights experience interference. 3/1967 #27980 es stopped. Paralysis and ignition interference were then noted while the o 3/8/1967 #28098 Hatch open. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Follows car going no 3/16/1967 #28188 Carolina. Their radio experienced interference and their car's engine quit 4/8/1967 #28406 ight, and there was also severe TV interference. There were five independen 4/17/1967 #28469 T33s cat & mouse. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Jets chase. Quickly 6/9/1967 #28824 radios cease to function and emit interference noises. The UFO soon moves 6/9/1967 #28826 fighters experience the same radio interference and maneuvers until the obj 6/9/1967 #28826 imbs burnt. Strong Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quickly [to] W 6/18/1967 #28863 ring over the city. Communications interference (EM effects) was reported b 6/24/1967 #28900 ring over the city. Communications interference is reported by the airport 6/24/1967 #28904 omed saucer. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Traces / ground foun 6/25/1967 #28907 dome. Their car radio experienced interference when the object was in view 6/25/1967 #28911 e Karoonda Highway when he notices interference on the car radio, which bec 7/5/1967 #28982 or works. There is no longer radio interference. 7/5/1967 #28982 ting the interior of her house. TV interference was reported (EM effects). 7/26/1967 #29116 Beams going down. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quickly northw 7/28/1967 #29127 . Police radar reportedly suffered interference (EM effects) at the time of 9/3/1967 #29395 low hovering near his cabin. Radio interference. (September 18, 1 AM) 9/18/1967 #29497 owing saucer near. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro-magnetic 9/18/1967 #29498 n glow hover near his cabin. Radio interference. 9/18/1967 #29503 s cabin. He also experienced radio interference during the sighting. 9/18/1967 #29506 . Object exits. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). All going quickly no 9/30/1967 #29572 over in formation. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 2235hrs. Extremely 10/21/1967 #29715 4:00 a.m. LT (12:00 midnight EDT). Interference on VHF radio (EM effects) c 10/22/1967 #29728 BACUP, LANCS Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / police radio. 15M m 10/27/1967 #29783 tholes. Whines. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). No physical traces. 11/16/1967 #29927 op. "UFO's show at random to avoid interference..". / NICAP v4#5. 12/3/1967 #30007 c effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Globular / red light 12/24/1967 #30080 icos, The Azores experienced radio interference, then had a close encounter 1/30/1968 #30197 ieira Sebastião, notices a strange interference on his transistor radio. Lo 1/31/1968 #30202 n Viera Sebastiao, age 36, noticed interference on his transistor radio the 2/1/1968 #30211 rito on the Azores Islands noticed interference on his transistor radio and 2/2/1968 #30214 urs. Low-frequency Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) fades at higher frequ 3/28/1968 #30365 nty minutes later a second vehicle interference case occurred in Waukesha, 4/3/1968 #30391 es. Thumping radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). White beam. 4/23/1968 #30428 away. No windows. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)? 6/18/1968 #30563 tic speed. There is a possible VHF interference (“frequency fading”) when t 6/18/1968 #30564 and a tape recorder experienced EM interference effects during the sighting 8/1/1968 #30817 plane going west. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r175p28+/ FSRv14#5 8/22/1968 #30902 winds, and caused electromagnetic interference effects at a nearby radio s 9/19/1968 #31029 transparent dome. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and NH3 odor. / r171. 10/1968 #31076 s maneuver. Strong Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 10/24/1968 #31134 neuvers / 5000kph. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Night light. 14 Blue 10/24/1968 #31135 ight lands / road. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Car engine dies unti 11/13/1968 #31211 c effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 12/16/1968 #31345 eball / ground. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / nearby. / LDLN#301. 12/18/1968 #31349 was able to witness these strange interference phenomena. (...) radio broa 2/20/1969 #31522 c effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Magnifying cone beam 3/4/1969 #31562 r(s) TV static and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 3/12/1969 #31597 her television reception had heavy interference and static. 3/12/1969 #31601 er outage / 1900h. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and garbage gone thro 4/10/1969 #31654 Minas Gerais state, Brazil noticed interference on his TV. He looked out hi 4/10/1969 #31656 -ovoid chases car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro-magnetic 5/19/1969 #31752 and circles. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Car / malfunctions d 6/5/1969? #31814 ide. Odd noise and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Vanishes. 6/10/1969 (approximate) #31820 ARACENA, SP TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). All power out. 7-80c 7/6/1969 #31880 WALDO, ME Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and static. Car paced 7/21/1969 #31917 dlights dim. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). AOK afterward. / r79 8/5/1969 #31944 r headlights dimmed, and their was interference on the car radio. Both were 8/5/1969 #31947 ss the airplance experienced radio interference, he felt a sensation of hea 9/11/1969 #32005 nd egg-shaped, and electromagnetic interference was reported. The next morn 10/24/1969 #32073 ng. 2 antennas. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 2/28/1970 #32270 he object had two antennae, and TV interference was noted in the area at th 3/2/1970 #32272 one / light / car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro-magnetic 8/13/1970 #32480 whistling sound accompanied by TV interference at one o'clock in the morni 8/16/1970 #32493 ts buzz car. Brief Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Near collision. / r7 10/10/1970 #32582 2:15 a.m. The car radio developed interference as they flew over. 10/10/1970 #32583 Motor dies. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 1/3/1971 #32694 e car stopped, the radio had heavy interference, but the headlights remaine 1/3/1971 #32696 st horizon. Slight Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 3200 KHz. Going qui 5/15/1971 #32850 cluding a man who reported vehicle interference as a result of the passage 9/20/1971 #33118 Changes color(s). Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Away fast. / r79p52. 10/1971 (approximate) #33163 ows car / 2 hours. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Hides as others pass 12/22/1971 #33307 ince, Spain. There was heavy radio interference on the car radio, and their 12/22/1971 #33309 ounter, and there was some unusual interference with the investigation by a 3/10/1972 #33405 es / 10M altitude. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Arcs going northeast 3/20/1972 #33431 o and tape player. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r193#38. 6/22/1972 #33554 is [a] neon disk. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 30 minute(s). Not r 7/14/1972 #33629 her was a neon-colored disc. Radio interference was experienced for 30 minu 7/14/1972 #33633 2 observer(s). TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and night light. 0300 9/14/1972 #33846 their portable TV is disturbed by interference. It is larger than a star a 9/14/1972 #33851 TRES ARROYOS, ARG Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Pseudo-human/entity 11/25/1972 (approximate) #34012 zil, when his set experiences some interference. He goes out on the porch a 12/13/1972 #34050 TRES ARROYOS, ARG Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Saucer going down. S 12/30/1972 #34073 ar paced / saucer. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Hundreds / report(s) 1/19/1973 #34142 car / miles. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Delta/triangle/box-l 2/20/1973 #34200 d night lights. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going north to sea. 3/23/1973 #34269 gular beams. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 2 vague figure(s). / 3/24/1973 #34275 treetop level. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Flash / kitchen. / r 4/6/1973 #34316 TOSNY, FR 1 / car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Saucer arcs going do 5/15/1973 #34403 ent, France a car experience radio interference in the presence of a UFO. T 5/15/1973 #34407 atanduva. The car radio had strong interference, the engine was stuttering 5/22/1973 #34431 his car's radio filled with static interference. He noticed a circle of lig 5/22/1973 #34439 about light plane. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and power outages. / 7/16/1973 #34563 s, Georgia first experienced radio interference and then encountered an egg 9/3/1973 #34695 the Pascagoula area call to report interference on their television sets. 10/11/1973 #34942 town, Ohio at 7 p.m. and a vehicle interference CE-II report from Midland, 10/17/1973 #35100 n force. Other effects included EM interference with the engines of both ca 10/19/1973 #35168 elpre, Ohio the witness noticed TV interference at 8:40 p.m. and it alerted 10/28/1973 #35293 e. The case is listed as having EM interference effects. A UFO abduction is 11/14/1973 #35405 ALVERT, TX Chronic Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) as night lights and o 11/15/1973 #35407 d / mountain peak. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Buzzes ski lodge. Re 12/10/1973 #35540 h Dakota causing electrical system interference. The UFO followed the witne 1/5/1974 #35652 t light maneuvers. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Camper flashes light 1/13/1974 #35682 o longer use the radio because the interference made it unusable. For at le 2/26/1974 #35824 obilizing the engine and producing interference on the on-board radio. Shor 3/9/1974 #35899 tal trajectory. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quickly southw 3/18/1974 #35933 aused static electricity and radio interference. 5/30/1974 #36201 ' saucer over car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Beam shines into car 6/5/1974 (approximate) #36222 quickly southwest. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / Bagotville Airport. 7/1974 #36298 s it in sight for 7 minutes. Radio interference is reported. At the same ti 7/14/1974 #36327 n Saguenay, Quebec, reports strong interference on a frequency of 121.5 MHz 7/14/1974 #36327 ll is quiet after both the UFO and interference are gone. 7/14/1974 #36327 ORTO, ITL 1 / car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Domed saucer / 10M a 7/15/1974 #36329 s / laser. Strange Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) effects. 9/14/1974 #36537 . Hovers near car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Observer(s) sick. / 9/22/1974 #36553 reported, as well as TV and radio interference. 10/15/1974 #36620 c effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Watchdial extremely 11/4/1974 #36675 ast. Swoosh. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 1/3/1975 #36817 ier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 376, citing APRO). (N 1/6/1975 #36847 ier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 64). (NICAP: 07 - Entit 1/12/1975 #36862 und when it took off, and CB radio interference was noted. Ground marks. 1/12/1975 #36864 CARCES, FR TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Dark phony helicopte 2/10/1975 #36933 itted beams of light, an caused TV interference at the time. 2/10/1975 #36937 aucers going down. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Search lake / extrem 2/26/1975 #36992 direction at the same time. Radio interference was reported at the time. 2/26/1975 #36997 om/underside. Wild Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going up [to] when c 3/2/1975 #37013 observer(s). Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Strong beam searches 4/4/1975 #37116 s turn / rim. Much Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 6/21/1975 #37296 over treetops. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Dog upset. 7/1/1975 #37331 . Going northeast. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r186#35. 7/4/1975 #37340 y 46. Police radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r71p156+/ r150. 7/4/1975 #37344 ard the northeast. There was radio interference noted at the time. 7/4/1975 #37347 lands / field. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quickly east a 9/12/1975 #37610 ier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 66). (NICAP: 02 - Close 11/25/1975 #38015 ier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 391). (NICAP: 03 - EM 12/23/1975 #38088 ier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 392, citing ACOS Bull 2/13/1976 #38246 ier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 392, citing CUFOS). ( 2/18/1976 #38258 ier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 394, citing MUFON cas 2/20/1976 #38267 ier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 395, citing CUFOS) (N 3/5/1976 #38306 (s) hypnotized? TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Local wave / MJ#104. 4/4/1976 #38375 orb was 12-15 feet in diameter. RF interference consisted of CB radio stati 4/21/1976 #38398 e, blue flash, witness stunned; TV interference coincided. Rodeghier, 1981, 4/22/1976 #38400 ight in Elmwood. There was also TV interference reported in the area. 4/22/1976 #38403 76; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 77; Thom 5/14/1976 #38447 ier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 398, citing personal 6/3/1976 #38480 Instruments crazy. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Static. 6/4/1976 #38484 r and the witness's TV experienced interference when a 30-meter wide disc-s 9/11/1976 #38803 Portholes / front. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quickly northw 10/5/1976 #38875 . The car is subject to electrical interference as the engine roars, and th 11/14/1976 #38985 d trees. Car radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Type unknown. 11/22/1976 #39000 d behind some trees, causing radio interference. 11/22/1976 #39001 ier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 406, citing CUFOS; IU 1/27/1977 #39213 ier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 406, citing CUFOS; IU 1/27/1977 #39214 radios / 72-102MHz Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Orange night light h 2/4/1977 #39245 ier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 407, citing Northern 2/4/1977 #39247 view. There was simultaneous radio interference at the Stafford police head 2/4/1977 #39250 quickly [to] over. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / TV screens. No furt 2/9/1977 #39260 NIA 2 / car. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Saucer circles. Beam 3/20/1977 #39382 ies on the block experienced total interference with their TV reception dur 4/6/1977 #39420 tially obliterated by high-powered interference” that returns to normal onc 5/21/1977 #39597 adar operator reports jamming-type interference. Camera film from the aircr 5/26/1977 #39609 with 2-way radios. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Domed saucer passes 7/12/1977 #39748 lkie-talkies experienced RFI radio interference. (Source: Maurizio Verga, I 7/12/1977 #39751 lkie-talkies experienced RFI radio interference. 7/12/1977 #39755 es? Power dims and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Back 2X. 7/21/1977 #39787 e and distant. Not Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / MJ#181. 9/22/1977 #40018 up [to] to space. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro-magnetic 10/26/1977 #40135 It changed colors and caused radio interference. There was a 10 minute powe 11/24/1977 #40224 ar when it experienced EM ignition interference effects. This was followed 12/10/1977 #40288 ppear behind some trees. Telephone interference was experienced in the home 1/9/1978 #40404 on/depot/facility. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Many fast unidentifi 1/12/1978 #40421 rm. 300' altitude. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Dog barks. 1/17/1978 #40430 ereo when they began getting heavy interference on the radio. Mr. Morello g 2/23/1978 #40551 ce Italy 11:45 p.m. A couple hears interference on their car radio in Sesto 2/23/1978 #40553 ereo when they began getting heavy interference on the radio. Mr. Morello g 2/23/1978 #40554 c effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Traces. Same thing / 3/29/1978 #40659 POMPEY, NY Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)? Flying boxcar covere 3/30/1978 #40663 es. He learns that some connect TV interference and power failures with the 4/29/1978 #40750 ina, when it picks up some strange interference for about 10 minutes, They 6/1978 #40829 ce of the object caused electrical interference with the aircraft's instrum 7/16/1978 #40979 ce of the object caused electrical interference with the aircraft's instrum 7/16/1978 #40983 feet above the ground, causing TV interference and setting off the buzzing 8/18/1978 #41122 t large UFO. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) until they rejoin. 8/22/1978 #41136 ter. RADAR out and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Red sphere. Odors. 1 8/23/1978 #41147 essel had radar malfunction and TV interference when it encountered a red b 8/23/1978 #41152 the car stalls out to a stop. The interference lasts only a few seconds, a 8/24/1978 #41158 ntina when they starting having TV interference. They next attempted to use 9/10/1978 #41255 d the car, causing electromagnetic interference effects. The object flew of 9/29/1978 #41383 to transmit radio messages without interference, leaving his two-year-old s 10/3/1978 #41400 Y, WEST AUST Noisy Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / TV then blank and s 10/7/1978 #41412 ight light on top caused car radio interference in a vehicle being driven n 10/29/1978 #41505 churns. Odd RADAR Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Large dark object fl 11/7/1978 #41538 ast. Not on RADAR. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r200v4#3. 11/9/1978 #41549 ed ball of light that caused radio interference. The UFO first rose up from 11/9/1978 #41558 Return and merge. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 12/12/1978 #41730 MA, ITL Man / car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 4M cone-saucer going 12/14/1978 #41747 UBIA, ITL Trucker. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 2 2M figure(s) exit 12/15/1978 #41769 driver suddenly experienced radio interference and stopped to fix it. He t 12/15/1978 #41770 , Italy suddenly experienced radio interference and stopped to fix it. He t 12/15/1978 #41776 nd / 30 minute(s). Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Observer(s) flee. 12/20/1978 #41813 wo witnesses fled in terror. Radio interference was experienced at the same 12/20/1978 #41819 g-saucer / ground. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Saucer going up / 1M 1/9/1979 #41974 o-way radios but experienced radio interference. The saucer shaped craft ro 1/9/1979 #41977 ITL Newsman / car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Metal-grey disk / fi 2/13/1979 #42077 ally into the sky very fast. Radio interference was reporeted. 2/13/1979 #42078 time and vehicle electrical system interference occurred. Dark objects flew 2/18/1979 #42092 time and vehicle electrical system interference occurred in Lardit, Aveyron 2/18/1979 #42093 2 observer(s). TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Big ovoid with 2 wea 3/23/1979 #42149 MARTHAS VINYD, MA Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 30' cylinder/cylindr 3/27/1979 #42153 Wheatridge, CO Radio interference was experienced over a wide 8/11/1979 #42409 Radio interference was experienced over a wide 8/11/1979 #42415 r 2nd small plane. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / MJ#257. 9/10/1979 #42544 , hello,” they say in Spanish. The interference lasts 30 seconds. 11/17/1979 #42698 ion. Low-frequency Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Flashes. News. 11/27/1979 #42714 ntersection, and experienced radio interference while the UFO hovered above 11/27/1979 #42719 1 observer / I40. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 12m domed hat-saucer 5/7/1980 #43036 technician Ruth Weaver experiences interference on her car radio while driv 5/7/1980 #43040 away. The car's radio experienced interference during the close encounter. 5/7/1980 #43042 ylons / reservoir. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 1 going up. 1 going 7/11/1980 #43143 und-looking "vessel" in diathermic interference on SHF frequencies. Suddenl 8/16/1980 #43199 e encounter they experienced radio interference on their VHF mobile transce 9/21/1980 #43272 police radio displays intermittent interference and his patrol car’s engine 10/15/1980 #43318 and it seems to cause strong radio interference as the airliner touches dow 10/16/1980 #43324 at 100 meters altitude, causing TV interference in Orebro, Sweden at 10:00 11/3/1980 #43367 shes UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, a comprehensive catalog an 1981 #43542 a. TV sets in the area experienced interference. 1/14/1981 #43572 . Electromagnetic effects included interference with the radio and vehicle 1/23/1981 #43583 Beams / front. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 3/1981 #43646 television, but there was a strong interference. I went out to the courtyar 6/27/1981 #43804 O, SHANDONG, CH TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 3 orbs going southwe 7/27/1981 #43867 llows car / miles. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Lights area. Maneuve 10/25/1981 #44029 South Australia, for miles. Radio interference was experienced. The UFO il 10/25/1981 #44030 and yellow smoke. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro-magnetic 1/10/1982 #44152 ed nearby trees to sway, TV static interference, and streetlights in the ar 1/29/1982 #44168 s passage was accompanied by radio interference effects. (Source: Richard H 2/24/1982 #44218 s passage was accompanied by radio interference effects. 2/24/1982 #44221 c effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Brill object becomes 6/18/1982 #44380 altitude. CB Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / International UFO 2/26/1983 #44673 hts. Their car radio experience RF interference. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 2/26/1983 #44674 ide. Their car radio experience RF interference. Another independent witnes 2/26/1983 #44676 c effect (EME). TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Brief power outage. 4/10/1983 #44742 io, but the radio picks up strange interference like an “intermittent bleep 1/8/1984 #45064 SERVOIR, TX 1+boy. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Car O-O-control. Nig 1/26/1984 #45103 when they first encountered radio interference. UFO stops car, car out-of- 1/26/1984 #45104 / 50' altitude. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 2/29/1984 #45159 50 feet altitude. He also reported interference on his TV set. (NICAP: 02 - 2/29/1984 #45161 50 feet altitude. He also reported interference on his TV set. (NICAP: 03 - 2/29/1984 #45162 50 feet altitude. He also reported interference on his TV set. 2/29/1984 #45165 earance, the base notices a strong interference on VHF and short wave radio 8/23/1984 #45413 gers. At 9 pm everyone noticed the interference of a UFO in the air with th 9/23/1984 #45440 ght on cars and a house, and radio interference was reported. 8/31/1985 #45679 en / 10 minute(s). Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / AM and CB radios. 11/18/1985 #45740 rectangle hovers. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 10 min. No further 1/19/1986 #45807 , FL House shakes. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and lights blink. Qui 8/5/1986 #46035 at 4:30 a.m. There was also radio interference and the house lights flicke 8/5/1986 #46036 3 minute(s). From Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Back 09 September. 9/7/1986 #46087 2 observer(s). TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) = thick black lines / 10/8/1986 #46109 e/others. CB Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Lights electro-magne 2/5/1988 (approximate) #46556 ushroom saucer. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Flashes.. 11/6/1988 #46849 ted in Vittsjo, Sweden. Television interference and flashing lights were re 11/6/1988 #46850 st. Lights dim. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 12/27/1988 #46914 and work / UFO. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro-magnetic 5/10/1989 #47117 a greenish tinge. Electromagnetic interference effects were reported. 5/10/1989 #47118 result of a well-known atmospheric interference called Bragg scattering, in 3/30/1990 #47794 s going [to] over. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Radio changes statio 4/4/1990 #47819 BETTIGNIES, NORD Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Car lights dim. Huge 1/16/1991 #48336 and the car radio experience radio interference when a huge black, delta-sh 1/16/1991 #48337 was only 360 feet away. Electrical interference was reported in the form of 1/19/1991 #48345 bserver(s) frozen. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 15M cylinder/cigar-s 3/14/1992 #48824 caused witness paralysis and radio interference. 3/14/1992 #48826 rking lot. There was also CB radio interference experienced. The sighting l 8/10/1992 #49025 long object caused electromagnetic interference effects on a car in Enkoppi 2/15/1994 #49948 making a humming sound and causing interference on local TVs. It glided off 8/10/1994 #50218 evision when he noticed electrical interference on the TV set. He then noti 12/23/1994 #50467 / 23m altitude. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Hovers and flies. / 3/15/1995 #50675 zag pattern. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 6/28/1995 #50869 0 feet.. The driver reported radio interference at the time. 6/28/1995 #50871 saucer. Portholes? Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 6/30/1995 #50874 He experienced radio communication interference during his UFO sighting. 6/30/1995 #50875 and cars to experience EM ignition interference. 8/11/1995 #50975 2 observer(s). TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / all stations. Fast 9/12/1995 #51072 E, DORSET 1 / car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) pulses 5 / second(s). 1/2/1996 #51297 side as car nears. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro-magnetic 3/22/1996 #51479 ections / 3 hours. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 2/9/1997 #51888 ickly going up. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 20 minute(s) _. 6/1/1998 #52359 p vertically. There was television interference in the town for 20 minutes. 6/1/1998 #52360 s overhead. Police Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 155.565Mhz. Saucer 8/23/1999 #52654 ar. Their police radio experienced interference at 155.65 Mhz. The disc wen 8/23/1999 #52656 An EM vehicle ignition interference effect case occurred on thi 9/13/2000 #52899 cuments cases with electromagnetic interference on navigation and operating 10/15/2000 #52915 EAR EGMONT VLG, NZ Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Orange 12M disk foll 1/1/2001 #52972 e power outage and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Large saucer going s 1/11/2001 #52981 power outage accompanied by radio interference occurred in Sao Vicente, Sa 1/11/2001 #52982 , Pennsylvania, causing some radio interference. 2/19/2001 #52998 nly stopped because of EM ignition interference. The main witness was drivi 5/13/2003 #53404 fail and there was sudden heavy RF interference. This was remarkable since 10/27/2004 #53641 arch Association publishes Vehicle Interference Report, compiled by Geoff F 2018 #54375 ense implications of drone and UAP interference with military aircraft, shi 4/15/2021 #54571## Word: "interferences", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n several occasions he had noticed interferences in the images received by 2/20/1969 #31522 friends on CB, but there were also interferences there. 11/7/1975 #37907## Word: "interferes", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controlling [sic] me 3/22/1950 #7991 camp in rural Ontario. The object interferes with the operation of their M 8/28/2013 #54263 questions, such as whether the UAP interferes with their radar operation. T 5/2021 #54574## Word: "interfering", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nslated from French) Wave of Disks Interfering with Andrew-Field Radars (Wa 8/7/1952 #11676 d and changes of color, apparently interfering with police radio. lt went d 5/17/1964 #24152 d and changes of color, apparently interfering with police radio. It went d 5/17/1964 #24153 ian Space Station Object descends, interfering with tracking of Mariner 4. 7/14/1965 #25093 lla, Australian Capital Territory, interfering with its tracking of Mariner 7/15/1965 #25099 pitch whining noise (EM effects), interfering with any effort to communica 7/28/1967 #29128 services of unusual aerial systems interfering with military weapon platfor 10/4/2017 #54361 s some “elements'' of a group were interfering with AATIP’s ability to coll 5/26/2021 #54580## Word: "intergalactic", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
l that the commander Ashtar of the intergalactic vessel Schare, would come Early 7/1952 #10624 thar, a high-ranking member of the Intergalactic Federation. The entity tol 12/21/1954 #16844## Word: "interim", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tuart Symington about establishing interim projects at the Air Materiel Cen 12/10/1946 #4820 his own volition may establish an interim project; however, to continue th 12/10/1946 #4820 Patterson AFB National Archives An interim report by Project Sign, one that 11/30/1948 #6973 s an intelligence function). As an interim last-chance measure to prove whe 1/29/1952 #9566 Wilbert B. Smith writes an “Interim Report on Project Magnet,” in wh 6/25/1952 #10540 had been considerable rain in the interim. Soil samples taken at the site 5/31/1967 #28769 n results in the appointment of an interim government, followed by democrat 10/25/1983 #44955## Word: "interior", 149 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nap that, when removed, causes the interior to liquefy and form a starchy s 8/13/1819 #916 which brilliantly illuminated the interior of the house. (NICAP: 02 - Clos 10/24/1886 #1444 azzling light that illuminates the interior. The people begin to pray but t 10/24/1886 #1445 great curiosity. They show him the interior of the ship but take off shortl 4/16/1897 #1822 had not yet had time to enter the interior of the object, it suddenly rose 8/14/1914 #2649 s portholes emitting ligt from the interior and a smooth surface. Moments l Late Summer 1917 #2789 ss briefly entered the dome-shaped interior with instrumentation and cold, 1933 #3178 e made from a single material. The interior was mostly empty, but featured 10/1946 #4788 a nearby field. The UFO had a dark interior, and the experience involved an 2/15/1950 #7793 ysis. Craft had strange symbols on interior control panel. 1952 (approximate) #9489 es or windows brightly lit from an interior source very white and inside 5 10/15/1952 #12464 right to left, had to porthols and interior lighting, and was faster than a 10/27/1952 #12546 nel examining it. Film also showed interior panels and 3 dead alien bodies 1953 #12888 craft. The next scene showed the interior of the craft, a panel with leve 1953 #12910 ing ship, giving him a tour of the interior and a technique for rejuvenatin 8/24/1953 #13656 door and spread onto the road. The interior was a non-blinding white. The w 11/1954 #16457 00 items, including items from the interior of a recovered UAP brought to t 1955 #16903 ind. Multi-color beams going down. Interior lit. 5/20/1955 #17176 pse with smoky rim going west. Lit interior. 9/29/1956 #18392 de Andrade, then-Secretary of the Interior and justice of the State of Goi 10/10/1957 #19331 (A schematic drawing of the ship’s interior in Schmidt’s later booklet depi 11/5/1957 #19605 ger Ernst, Deputy Secretary of the Interior, requisitioning 38400 acres (60 6/20/1958 #20445 s USAF business in the ZI [Zone of Interior]” and specifies that UFO invest 12/24/1959 #21627 angle/box-like craft seen clearly. Interior lit up. Sharp turn and away. / 8/18/1960 #21974 ed the ladder and went inside. The interior had a control panel but no occu 9/1/1962 #23132 an official of the Ministry of the Interior, saw an object flying at very h 2/5/1963 #23424 an official of the Ministry of the Interior, saw an object flying at very h 2/5/1963 #23425 car from behind, illuminating the interior and emitting a whirring, whinin 4/22/1964 #24043 den walls, illuminating the entire interior. Carlos Souriou, who had barric 1/1965 #24627 ng a slight noise and revealing an interior light. Three figures, each 3 fe 1/19/1965 #24696 oked human, were illuminated by an interior green light and could be seen m 8/14/1965 #25413 r a nearby field, which caused its interior lights to change from white to 8/16/1965 #25431 d. The bright glow illuminated the interior of the car and the surrounding 9/3/1965 #25525 uminated ground beneath object and interior of police car. Driver felt hea 9/3/1965 #25544 ground beneath the object and the interior of the police car, and the obje 9/3/1965 #25548 it the ground and bathed the car's interior.The UFO hovered within 30 meter 9/3/1965 #25553 e color. Light illuminated the car interior. 9/25/1965 #25650 orts with a hazy appearance in the interior. After a while the object slowl 3/19/1966 #26090 Interior, SD UFO tracked on USAF radar o 4/15/1966 #26415 ther man could see anything in the interior. The small being descended the 11/17/1966 #27339 OLPE, KS Blue-green cone with lit interior going [to] over house. Circles 3/6/1967 #28054 wly. It was described as a lighted interior. The sighting lasted ten minute 3/6/1967 #28062 eared over the horizon towards the interior. 3/27/1967 #28301 s on the side, revealing a lighted interior. Michalak walks to 60 feet away 5/20/1967 #28718 15,000 feet altitude. (La Voz Del Interior 6/26/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 6/24/1967 #28899 ange hue. (See above reports.) The interior appeared to be partly visible, 7/17/1967 #29051 ear her house and illuminating the interior of her house. The color changed 7/26/1967 #29115 ear her house and illuminating the interior of her house. TV interference w 7/26/1967 #29116 lipse followed and illuminated the interior of their patrol car. Later poli 10/20/1967 #29709 ssed near the car illuminating its interior and forcing the car off the roa 12/12/1967 #30050 dragged him into their craft, the interior of which “looked like a laborat 7/17/1968 #30713 cm fireball paces airliner. Lights interior blue. Zigzags. 9/17/1968 #31015 c color, like gun metal. It had an interior light that was "the brightest b 4/25/1969 #31692 e gets out of the car, causing the interior light to go on, and the object 7/13/1969 #31896 the outside and 77% copper in the interior, combined with tin and traces o 10/30/1969 #32088 ilt down and provide a view of its interior. Kendall calls for other witnes 1/1/1970 #32199 ing that appeared in his path. The interior of the ship resembled terra-cot 8/15/1970 #32488 he Sun and even inside the earth's interior. Soon awoke back in the car. 9/7/1970 #32534 object was "football shaped," the interior light being "the brightest blue 4/24/1971 #32820 Dunedin, New Zealand had his car's interior illuminated by a big, low flyin 6/9/1971 #32908 he car and into the machine, whose interior was brilliantly illuminated by 9/22/1971 #33131 ngs emerged from a red illuminated interior. They wore white coveralls with 12/31/1971 #33319 over a car, illuminating the car's interior and the surrounding area in a g 10/5/1972 #33914 assengers aboard and turns out the interior lights so they can see the obje 10/23/1972 #33953 e light began to sweep through the interior of the car. As the vehicle jolt 5/22/1973 #34431 e wheel gears, the engine, and the interior of the body. Pátero faints. An 5/22/1973 #34438 the road, and at the same time the interior of his car began to heat up. Pa 5/22/1973 #34439 npleasant, and had the sense of an interior, with gray green walls, which h 8/4/1973 #34615 ked to examine her image of a gray interior more closely. She described the 8/4/1973 #34615 opened to reveal a brilliantly lit interior. Three beings came out and floa 10/11/1973 #34965 y a 47-year-old man. It caused the interior of the car to heat up. The car 10/17/1973 #35103 this planet. He could describe the interior of the spacecraft, saying that 10/28/1973 #35282 st. Both beings had long arms. The interior of the helmets appeared to be i 1/7/1974 #35666 t 6 ft in diameter, apparently tht interior of the object. Five small (3-4 1/8/1974 #35671 . The object departs suddenly, the interior blinking out and the colored li 1/8/1974 #35672 n diameter, apparently showing the interior of a UFO. He could see five sma 1/8/1974 #35673 surrounding terrain and his car's interior. After five minutes the interio 1/8/1974 #35673 s interior. After five minutes the interior light went out and the UFO asce 1/8/1974 #35673 car radio emitted static. The car interior became extremely hot and she fe 9/3/1974 #36500 he humanoids, after inspecting the interior of the craft, requested that sh 9/3/1974 #36500 s basement window, lighting up the interior of his room. The neighborhood d 9/8/1974 #36520 gland a motorist reported that the interior of his car became cold and ther 9/24/1974 #36559 observer(s). Classic saucer lights interior / car near Lake Murray hydro da 3/15/1975 (approximate) #37057 Airport, Cambridge, Tasmania. The interior of the car becomes hot, the eng 7/1975 #37330 the steps and was invited in. The interior was a single round compartment, 11/3/1975 #37876 ngated UFO appears behind him. The interior of the truck is flooded with li 12/14/1975 #38071 lights descended, illuminated car interior with blue light; missing time, 1/6/1976 #38136 lights descended, illuminated car interior with blue light. Missing time, 1/6/1976 #38137 lows car over winding road. Lights interior. 10M altitude. 1/28/1976 #38203 report sent to the Ministry of the Interior, they wrote that the light emit 6/12/1976 #38503 s and engine failed, and the car's interior began to feel very hot. A red l 8/5/1976 #38646 it was, he noticed that the entire interior of the car had become illuminat 12/6/1976 #39028 looking up. He then looked at his interior light and saw that it was not l 12/6/1976 #39028 shone a flashlight on the object's interior. It left behind a 12 foot wide 1/23/1977 #39204 und it, and an antenna on top. The interior was a bright red, and it contai 4/4/1977 #39408 bright light that illuminated the interior that came from no visible sourc 4/4/1977 #39409 und it, and an antenna on top. The interior was a bright red, and it contai 4/4/1977 #39410 onto the truck at a 45° angle. The interior of the truck cab seems to glow Summer 1977 #39661 rway, disappearing in the darkened interior, and then reappearing once agai 10/30/1977 #40163 ad to drag him in. What was now an interior elevator rose silently, stoppin 2/5/1978 #40510 liant orange light illuminates the interior of his car. He sees a large ova 3/12/1978 #40594 es, but he refuses them. The UFO’s interior is black with a grayish tint, s 5/10/1978 #40773 gular vehicle hovering nearby. The interior looks like a completely black r 5/17/1978 #40802 s toward his car, illuminating the interior like “40 flash cameras.” The re 7/11/1978 #40956 Madagascar Interior Ministry Fort-Dauphin Marketpla 8/21/1978 #41134 Marketplace Night. The Madagascar Interior Ministry announces that a UFO h 8/21/1978 #41134 he car began to rise and the whole interior was flooded with light. The eng 9/23/1978 #41331 nated the area around them and the interior of the Jeep. They could also he 10/30/1978 #41513 rotruding from the bottom, and the interior is lit by bright red and green 6/28/1979 #42311 am of light lifted her inside. The interior of the craft consisted of one l 9/14/1979 #42571 does the repair work says that the interior looks like a fire has gone thro 10/6/1979 #42636 t covered the vehicle, but not its interior; it seems to be stronger at the 2/11/1980 #42883 obs about, a light comes on in the interior. Smith yells at it and the ligh 6/15/1980 #43107 and shines directly down into the interior of the stack. 10 seconds later 10/23/1980 #43336 sensation of “passing through the interior of a ball.” He walks past them, 8/8/1981 #43896 A luminous object illuminated the interior of his car. The luminous object 8/30/1981 #43925 nating from the UFO penetrates the interior of the cabin and illuminates it 2/8/1982 #44182 n minutes and lit up the vehicle's interior. The luminous ball was estimate 12/21/1982 #44615 n minutes and lit up the vehicle’s interior. The luminous ball was estimate 12/21/1982 #44617 e round windows and a brightly lit interior. Inside they see human-looking 8/12/1983 #44879 yellow smoke swirled around in the interior of the object. It shot up into 12/15/1983 #45021 al. UFO chases 2 / car. Lights car interior red. Many night light reports. 1/22/1984 #45088 the red light illuminates the car interior. The object follows them for ab 1/22/1984 #45097 cross, Georgia. It illuminated the interior of the car with a red light. Th 1/22/1984 #45099 aines in the US concludes that the interior dust is different from the exte 1/20/1988 #46535 rder between the two counties. Its interior is like a “swirling liquid (or 2/4/1988 #46554 rd. Yerygina sits in the dimly lit interior, then suddenly finds herself in 7/6/1990 #47972 who points to a screen showing the interior of a spaceship. The screen and 2/6/1991? #48358 center of the explosion. Decks and interior features were visible inside th 8/28/1991 #48588 and a colleague are hunting in the interior of Ceará state, Brazil, when a 3/5/1992 #48804 20 feet overhead, and he felt the interior of his vehicle become cold. 3/19/1992 #48836 to crash. Just seconds later, the interior of his patrol car is illuminate 3/20/1992 #48840 ines a bright white light into the interior. He exits and begins to walk ba 3/20/1992 #48840 , illuminating the vehicle and its interior with brilliant white light. The 8/15/1992 #49037 to emerge through the brightly lit interior wall of the craft. The humanoid 3/16/1993 #49367 gh a door that opened upwards. The interior was dimly lit. A three-foot-tal 7/24/1993 #49580 ge flames or beams coming from its interior like three pencils of light. 8/14/1993 #49642 light hovers. 2nd joins. Boy draws interior / ship in detail after. 9/29/1995 #51127 e. Once inside he noticed that the interior had a metallic bluish sheen to 12/9/1996 #51818 the beam was now illuminating the interior. She continued to watch the UFO 9/9/1997 #52140 ested. The Spanish Minister of the Interior, Mr. Antonio Lopez Ojeda, said 1/8/1998 #52256 directly behind it illuminated the interior. The witnesses then saw in the 9/25/1998 #52443 ance and behavior of the entities, interior and exterior descriptions of th 7/2/1999 #52607 low them for 2 miles. Suddenly the interior of the car begins to get hot, a 12/13/2000 #52960 and provides a line drawing of its interior. The diagram closely resembles 5/9/2001 #53044 ine died, his dashboard lights and interior lights began turning on and off 7/21/2002 #53226 material" of an unknown alloy, and interior bracing and piping composed of 4/18/2003 #53385 which is about 360 feet wide. The interior lights dim (power drain) and th 1/4/2004 #53514 er seven nuclear plants in France. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve tell 10/5/2014 #54294## Word: "interiors", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
-around eyes with hazy, light gray interiors. They had "scar like" mouths a 1/25/1967 #27650## Word: "interjected", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
eral times during the interview he interjected with the statement: "I will 7/16/1996 #51611## Word: "interlaced", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a dome on top; the white light was interlaced with smaller colored lights. 6/8/1966 #26684## Word: "interlocked", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nose was flattened and their teeth interlocked with each other. Crushed veg 11/6/1969 #32102## Word: "interlocking", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
er that the ship is constructed of interlocking sections pinned together, b 1948 #6495 signals, provide a unique, tight, interlocking web of intricately fitted e 7/17/1957 #19007 ies. Shapiro states the crafts had interlocking components that has to be t 10/1989 #47345## Word: "interlocutor", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tasy talking aloud to an invisible interlocutor. (September 1224) 9/1224 #205 aft, the extraterrestrial gave his interlocutor a piece of unknown metal "t 8/12/1965 #25387## Word: "interloper", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nce from the Navy dubbed Operation Interloper. Fournet used his access and 1951 #8839 ey were held in personal archives. Interloper briefed the CIA in 1953 but i 1951 #8839 But no F-16s pursue this potential interloper. 1/8/2008 #53986## Word: "interlopers", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s us its property, warning off all interlopers. It receives positive review 12/1/1919 #2849 any “spaceships,” interplanetary “interlopers,” or “extraterrestrial vehic 7/7/1966 #26783## Word: "intermediaries", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s a plain envelope from one of the intermediaries of “Falcon.” Inside are A 2/1982 #44174## Word: "intermediary", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
milies and the aerospace world. If intermediary funding mechanisms are used 8/2004 #53594## Word: "intermediate", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
warheads for intercontinental and intermediate range missiles, they also t 5/28/1957 #18874 ctiniomycete nocardia, which is an intermediate organism between bacteria a 11/2/1971 #33230## Word: "intermediate-range", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Klyuchi, Kamchatka Krai. The 1988 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty 10/1988 #46803## Word: "interminable", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ralysis. After what seemed like an interminable journey, the aircraft lande 5/3/1969 (approximate) #31713 The machine took off and, after an interminable time, landed. Da Silva's ey 5/4/1969 #31716 rpor. (...) After what seemed like interminable seconds, the witness finds 6/1993 #49491 lasted a few seconds but it seemed interminable. Everything started working 5/5/2000 #52840## Word: "intermission", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
se in Key West, Florida, during an intermission, see three UFOs ringed with 3/22/1966 #26133## Word: "intermittent", 57 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ted for four hours, accompanied by intermittent whispers in Welsh that urge 1656 #517 ights were distinctly visible, and intermittent rays of light were thrown t 10/5/1914 #2660 reflector when he sees a series of intermittent bright flashes across the s 5/30/1937 #3377 g wing, giving off a yellowish-red intermittent glow. (Page 149 Ref.1) (NIC 2/1945 #4182 early morning on a sunny day with intermittent clouds, a B-17 bomber was e 5/25/1945 #4303 oud. Descends going quickly north. Intermittent exhaust. 6/12/1946 #4506 dar operator, Lt. Gaskey, reported intermittent radar interference of a typ 1/22/1950 #7742 The contact was then lost, but the intermittent echo persisted. At 04:40 Sm 1/22/1950 #7742 Carthy, and Cpl. Melton observe an intermittent target on the height range 3/9/1950 #7871 eet altitude. They hear deep, soft intermittent noise. 5/25/1952 #10190 o Munos-Olivares Hernaiz, heard an intermittent whistling soung behind him. 7/1/1953 #13508 ir movements appear mechanical and intermittent. The report is forwarded to 10/24/1954 #16306 st. Visual contact is disrupted by intermittent fog. 10/2/1959 #21484 diving suits, with belts emitting intermittent yellow-green blue light, wh 4/30/1962 #22846 s suits, and had belts emitting an intermittent yellowish-green and blue li 4/30/1962 #22849 passes overhead north going south. Intermittent humming heard. / r78p197. 8/18/1963 #23720 nd silently, putting on sudden and intermittent bursts of speed, before dis 9/19/1963 #23765 the entities was white and emitted intermittent flashes of light. 9/20/1965 #25622 hat he is seeing. The object makes intermittent sounds and movements in the 3/29/1966 #26246 n, and settles back on the ground. Intermittent electric-like humming sound 3/29/1966 #26246 An electronics technician heard an intermittent sound that changed in pitch 1/10/1967 #27531 nd her husband were awakened by an intermittent roaring sound. They sighted 2/26/1967 #27930 verhead to a saucer-shaped object. Intermittent unexplained radar targets a 3/2/1967 #28009 tar- like orange light flashing an intermittent red-blue through a 30x 40mm 4/17/1967 #28466 r Roxbury, Massachusetts making an intermittent roaring sound. The closest 5/28/1968 #30506 " and that the strange man emitted intermittent sparks. In a nearby field t 9/21/1968 #31041 me / bottom hovers / 30 minute(s). Intermittent beams going down. 4/8/1969 #31653 glowing bright red, then flashing intermittent red. The boys are now frigh 11/16/1973 #35419 “I see a shining thing giving out intermittent flashes of light, four mile 11/30/1973 #35477 e above and below it: they emitted intermittent flashes of light. The witne 1/18/1974 #35689 sonnel. Sounded like jet aircraft. Intermittent radar contact made with obj 10/28/1975 #37809 ar-shape / lights / bottom. Shines intermittent beams down / 5 minute(s). Z 1/6/1976 #38134 , Meknes, and Fez. It gives off an intermittent trail and is completely sil 9/19/1976 #38835 6 distant domed saucers maneuver / intermittent rasping sound. 11/15/1976 #38988 ave a metallic texture and make an intermittent sound like a “belt sander o 11/15/1976 #38989 l civilizations, detects a strong, intermittent signal lasting for 72 secon 8/15/1977 #39901 nging the road. They also heard an intermittent "beep-beep" sound. Continui 8/30/1977 #39942 coming and going with emissions of intermittent light from its helmet. When 8/30/1977 #39942 oking the road, They also heard an intermittent "beep-beep" sound. Continui 8/31/1977 #39947 was still there with emissions of intermittent light from its helmet. When 8/31/1977 #39947 atched a multi-colored object with intermittent flashing lights. When spotl 12/9/1978 #41715 atched a multi-colored object with intermittent flashing lights at 6:00 a.m 12/9/1978 #41716 icked up by Wellington's radar, as intermittent spots. (0 h 10) 12/31/1978 #41875 ntina saw a trangular object shine intermittent green, red, yellow lights t 2/11/1980 #42887 ighting, his police radio displays intermittent interference and his patrol 10/15/1980 #43318 ghts around the rim. They heard an intermittent beeping on the van's CB rad 1/8/1984 #45063 s up strange interference like an “intermittent bleeping.” 1/8/1984 #45064 ghts around the rim. They heard an intermittent beeping on the van's CB rad 1/8/1984 #45066 vo, Italy when they started to see intermittent circular flashes of light a 2/7/1989 #46986 ration and describes the lights as intermittent, blinking out and reappeari 11/20/1989 #47458 ss, the latter perceives a curious intermittent sound, whose cadence is reg 6/1993 #49491 usually in a triangular array. An intermittent fourth signal blinks in and 3/8/1994 #49986 d have been. The creatures emitted intermittent screeches of varying freque 3/10/1997 #51933 noticed a dazzling light emanating intermittent flashes. This flash light w 9/4/1997 #52131 the communications problem, while intermittent, lasts several hours. These 10/23/2010 #54180 a circular movement and casting an intermittent short beam of light. She wa 3/19/2013 #54240 ips’ logs show a sustained, but an intermittent pattern of drone sightings 7/30/2019 #54484## Word: "intermittently", 46 instance(s) (Back to Top)
za near Passo del Bocco, occurring intermittently. Chronicler Father Antoni 1546 #366 DARK LIMB OF MOON Light flashes intermittently / 30 minute(s). / observa 2/11/1824 #944 ed appearance. This secondary tail intermittently disappeared and reappeare 8/15/1870 #1221 ed distance of 8 miles. The lights intermittently dimmed and reappeared ove 2/17/1875 #1272 the night, which had been reported intermittently for months and doubted by 8/11/1917 #2784 in wide circles, reflecting light intermittently, suggesting a changing an Mid 5/1947 #4943 rfield that appears and disappears intermittently. Fighter pilot USAF Capt. 1/7/1948 #6529 t was observed four times, when it intermittently emerged from the clouds a 7/20/1948 #6755 dition, a white light was flashing intermittently at the top of the craft. 3/31/1950 (approximate) #8075 r-like night light moves and stops intermittently. 7/28/1952 #11317 under visual and radar observation intermittently for 45 minutes. 1/26/1953 #13019 n to slow down, and stop and start intermittently. Above was an gray oval-s 7/17/1955 #17311 ched to a solid body, visible only intermittently as a grayish shape in the 9/16/1955 #17526 cations fail and the engine spurts intermittently for 25 minutes before eve 6/1956 #17991 rom north to south, emitting a hum intermittently. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 8/18/1963 #23722 rom north to south, emitting a hum intermittently. 8/18/1963 #23723 ide. A smaller disc-like object is intermittently visible maneuvering aroun 5/26/1964 #24187 he sky; it stopped for 2-3 minutes intermittently, then rose vertically and 3/20/1965 #24829 al Airport] in Kansas and continue intermittently until after 6:00 a.m. Mos 8/2/1965 #25275 s lights go out. They come back on intermittently. A UFO passes just above 8/4/1965 #25334 object to the south. They watch it intermittently after turning south on St 7/13/1968 #30698 FO, which is as wide as the house. Intermittently, some of the figures bend 11/20/1968 #31232 fett Field, California, will still intermittently receive a signal from thi 3/2/1972 #33389 the blunt edge forward and hovers intermittently for 40 minutes. It emits 6/29/1972 #33574 t. But when the light suddenly and intermittently projected intense beams o 1/10/1973 #34127 ove closer and hover, then recede, intermittently obscured by clouds. Each 2/26/1975 #36996 to him and hovered, then receded, intermittently obscurred by clouds. Each 2/26/1975 #36997 inated in white light which pulsed intermittently in an irregular pattern. 7/14/1975 #37371 l with flashing triangular lights. Intermittently the device emitted a low 7/31/1975 #37417 beams of white light shooting out intermittently. 11/2/1975 #37868 altitudes from 42,000–72,000 feet intermittently for 6 hours. Two F-106 je 11/11/1975 #37952 several small lights were blinking intermittently. 11/14/1975 #37961 uld enlarge, then decrease in size intermittently. The beam of light was di 7/11/1978 #40958 issouri. For 2 hours it is watched intermittently by his wife Dora, son Nor 10/8/1978 #41420 tely. Other radars pick up targets intermittently. The object returns in vi 12/31/1978 #41894 e object follows him, touching him intermittently with its red beam. This g 2/1981 #43598 erved an object on the ground that intermittently gave off bright flashes o 2/13/1981 #43618 e lights on the poles are blinking intermittently. A strong light blinks ne 8/12/1983 #44879 ourth, smaller, blue light blinked intermittently in front of the two white 3/24/1991 #48415 red, and green lights that flashed intermittently. Later a "long black thin 8/30/1991 #48595 or, going from red-orange to white intermittently. Again, the chase is orde 3/5/1993 #49358 e light in the center that blinked intermittently. As the pilot began the f 7/31/1995 #50938 ow lights that lit up and went out intermittently). "At the same time a str 6/25/1996 #51590 lights coming from the object came intermittently, like flashes of lightnin 3/5/2000 #52800 ropped to the ground, then flashed intermittently for 45 minutes. It finall 8/25/2001 #53109 lowing his truck. His truck engine intermittently lost power over the cours 11/8/2004 #53649## Word: "intern", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
phia Sunset. M. K. Leisy, a junior intern at the Institute of the Pennsylva 7/4/1947 #5459## Word: "internal", 44 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and tear him to pieces. Blood and internal organs spew out, but it doesn’t 5/1913 #2594 ceiling 8000m, normal autonomy on internal tanks around 700 km. Many other Early 9/1935 (approximate) #3312 rmarine Spitfire series, 580 km/h, internal tank range 637km. This is the f 3/5/1936 #3332 goes off course. Reaches 135.2km, internal explosion at 64.3s. Commanding 5/15/1947 #4939 ort in detail improves its evident internal consistency, rather than degrad 6/24/1947 #5102 ntil much later in 1973, during an internal survey of the AIAA. (9-10 h) 7/1947 #5245 es to the site with Lane and Dow’s internal security chief Edward Fales. Sp 7/9/1947 #5918 te Sands Pad 33, 156.1km altitude (Internal explosion at 83.5s) 10/9/1947 #6398 y approved Project Sign because of internal USAF politics. 12/30/1947 #6484 me changed to "Grudge." Because of internal disagreement about the signific 2/11/1949 #7120 cians are not aware of mirages and internal reflections in optical devices. 2/27/1951 #8955 Colorado project finds a “glaring internal inconsistency” in the illuminat 5/7/1952 #10076 he CIA/OSI study group prepares an internal 6-page document of its findings 8/19/1952 #11858 ickly. Each airline is to have an “internal security specialist” as a liais 2/23/1954 #14182 d. The crew was so busy around the internal mechanisms of the craft that Pa 10/25/1954 (approximate) #16315 proaches, the engine that works by internal combustion fail, but the diesel 11/14/1954 #16623 revealed a different structure of internal organs and a spiral system of b 1/21/1959 #20966 ed. One cheek, the tongue, and all internal organs were removed. This "surg 9/9/1967 #29435 Fiasco" by John Fuller, reporting internal controversy in the Colorado UFO 5/14/1968 #30473 Science magazine, reporting on the internal problems of the Colorado UFO Pr 7/26/1968 #30762 Os: What to Do?” is produced as an internal document. It notes the likeliho 11/27/1968 #31287 ounced “clinically dead.” After an internal hemorrhage with bursting of the 8/11/1969 #31954 Internal McDonnell Douglas documents sta 4/5/1970 #32307 Colorado A CIA internal memo reports that a citizen nam 7/29/1971 #33003 (Translated from French) The Internal Review of the National Gendarme 11/27/1971 #33265 veral years. On March 3 he felt an internal impulse prompting him to go out 3/3/1975 #37020 An internal NASA memo admits the agency is 1/17/1978 #40432 p and precise instrument,” and its internal organs are found to be inconsis 3/24/1978 #40636 munications cease functioning. The internal phone system works, however, an 11/21/1978 #41595 in diameter and is glowing with an internal yellow light, which goes out as 7/22/1981 #43852 ng could give the witness a little internal heat for about ten days. In sho Early 9/1983 #44901 was also noted that almost all the internal organs had been removed, probab 9/29/1988 #46797 omen. Hide udder vagina rectum and internal organs gone. 11/27/1989 #47471 et. The case is investigated by an internal commission of the Brazilian Air 1/22/1990 #47660 killed, with empty eye sockets and internal organs missing. 3/31/1991 #48422 st two equal parts and bending its internal structure outwards from the cen 8/28/1991 #48588 rade UFO documents from secret to “internal reserve” (confidential). 4/22/1992 #48877 dead with puncture wounds and with internal organs missing. He then saw a s 11/13/1993 #49784 rt. They seemed to be checking her internal organs, including her heart, wh 12/15/1994 #50458 was hired by HUD in 1996 to manage internal accounting and financial contro 6/2004 #53576 ntact the pilot, the White House’s internal threat level goes from yellow t 5/11/2005 #53711 fully illuminated as if it had an internal light source, and made no sound 2/12/2006 #53794 t he says is excessive secrecy and internal opposition. He declines to iden 10/4/2017 #54361 al reaction is that he has seen an internal reflection, but the First Offic 2/1/2018 #54384## Word: "internal-security", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
poena, law- enforcement powers, or internal-security functions” over mail f 9/20/1955 #17535## Word: "internally", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
glowing objects and three smaller, internally lit objects. Two hovered for 9/20/1950 #8591 glowing objects and three smaller, internally lit objects. The two large ob 9/20/1950 #8592 to be moving against the wind and internally lit. 9/19/1968 #31028 ted from French) The NSA publishes internally a document titled The UFO Hyp 12/27/1968 #31370 nd other anomalous experiences are internally generated and shaped entirely 1969 #31386 remains near the craft. They wear internally lit cube- shaped helmets with 1/7/1974 #35665 ing its altitude, and seemed to be internally lit. It also had a line of br 4/18/2006 #53804## Word: "internasa", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
or his involvement in a firm named InterNASA. Kiviat claims he was recruite 2/26/2019 #54445 ruited to perform media duties for InterNASA and told it had CIA backing fo 2/26/2019 #54445## Word: "international", 461 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ity (or magnetic induction) in the International System of Units. One tesla 7/10/1858 #1129 down. Levels. Quickly going up. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 10/1932 #3167 ssor Goddard carried out the first international rocket mail link between t 7/2/1936 #3339 Unknown City, CA Object, international orange in color, elliptica 1943 (approximate) #3742 Mullinix Field [now Bonriki International Airport] on Tarawa Atoll i 12/1943? #3848 ent to Mullinix Field [now Bonriki International Airport] on Tarawa Atoll i 12/1943? #3848 uth of Juárez, Mexico, creating an international incident. It leaves a crat 5/29/1947 #4968 saucers pass summit. / r187#220+/ International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 7/4/1947 #5392 BOISE, ID United Press International newsman and 3. White disk 7/4/1947 #5416 rnest Harmon AFB [now Stephenville International Airport] Stephenville Cros 7/10/1947 #5974 rnest Harmon AFB [now Stephenville International Airport] are returning fro 7/10/1947 #5974 ly going up. Going quickly west. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 4/5/1948 #6611 4:30 p.m. A representative of the International Petroleum Company, a subsi 2/1949 #7112 Moses Lake AFB Grant County International Airport Washington State H 5/21/1949 #7375 m Moses Lake AFB [now Grant County International Airport] in Washington Sta 5/21/1949 #7375 ord Municipal Airport Rogue Valley International–Medford Airport Oregon 11: 8/8/1949 #7512 ipal Airport [now the Rogue Valley International–Medford Airport] in Oregon 8/8/1949 #7512 Hubbard Field Reno–Tahoe International Airport Reno, Nevada 8:50 3/26/1950 #8023 t of Hubbard Field [now Reno–Tahoe International Airport] outside Reno, Nev 3/26/1950 #8023 nch) The duty officer of the Logan International Airport control tower and 4/7/1950 #8111 fireballs / FBI. 150k' altitude. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 5/24/1950 #8304 International Falls, Minnesota STRANGE O 5/20/1951 #9024 quite a few people on a lake near International Falls, Minnesota, and that 5/23/1951 #9034 Mexico City International Airport Cuernavaca New Zea Summer 1951 #9082 FOs had appeared above Mexico City International Airport at the same time a Summer 1951 #9082 Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airport] Moses Lake, Washi 8/26/1951 #9194 on at Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airport], near Moses Lake, 8/26/1951 #9194 f Duluth reported two saucers over International Falls, Minnesota. 10/19/1951 #9348 anslated from French) Birth of the International Commission for the Investi 12/27/1951 #9477 ut, announces the formation of the International Flying Saucer Bureau. 4/1952 #9725 ared to land at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. "It was at about 5/12/1952 #10119 Kimpo Air Base Gimpo International Airport Seoul, Korea 8:42 6/6/1952 #10306 adron at Kimpo Air Base [now Gimpo International Airport] in Seoul, Korea, 6/6/1952 #10306 Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airport], Louisville, Kent 6/15/1952 #10386 f Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airport], Louisville, Kent 6/15/1952 #10386 itish branch of Albert K. Bender’s International Flying Saucer Bureau in Br Summer 1952 #10480 Geiger Field [now Spokane International Airport] Spokane, Washingt 6/23/1952 #10518 tes over Geiger Field [now Spokane International Airport], Spokane, Washing 6/23/1952 #10518 object hovers above the Palm Beach International Airport, then is followed 7/15/1952 #10787 ed muddy. Hovered over Palm Beach International Airport, then followed an 7/15/1952 #10795 pursuit of any flying saucers. The International News Service amplifies thi 7/28/1952 #11348 Washington DC International News Service. FLYING SAUCE 7/29/1952 #11377 ill be contacted via radio with an International Morse Code message on Augu 8/2/1952 #11573 Haneda AFB Tokyo International Airport Tokyo Bay Johnson 8/5/1952 #11641 s place at Haneda AFB [later Tokyo International Airport], Japan. Control t 8/5/1952 #11641 Isle and Limestone AFB [now Loring International Airport], Maine Florida AT 11/25/1952 #12719 Isle and Limestone AFB [now Loring International Airport], Maine, on the ni 11/25/1952 #12719 Lincoln Laboratory MIT Center for International Studies CIA Office of Scie 12/2/1952 #12749 through Millikan’s MIT Center for International Studies. Stratton indicate 12/2/1952 #12749 Princeton Cal Tech MIT Center for International Studies In another “Flying 12/3/1952 #12752 Max Millikan at the MIT Center for International Studies. 12/3/1952 #12752 Laredo AFB Laredo International Airport Texas 8:46 p.m. US 12/4/1952 #12766 ining Wing, Laredo AFB [now Laredo International Airport], Texas, is flying 12/4/1952 #12766 Moses Lake AFB Grant County International Airport Hanford nuclear pl 12/10/1952 #12808 ses Lake AFB [now the Grant County International Airport] spots a light ove 12/10/1952 #12808 Larson AFB Grant County International Airport Moses Lake, Washin 12/22/1952 #12850 oward Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airport] near Moses Lake, 12/22/1952 #12850 s Meacham Field Fort Worth Meacham International Airport Oklahoma City Pari 1/6/1953 #12942 cham Field [now Fort Worth Meacham International Airport] about a UFO north 1/6/1953 #12942 Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airport], Moses Lake, Wash 1/8/1953 #12949 el at Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airport], Moses Lake, Wash 1/8/1953 #12949 shington Geiger Field [now Spokane International Airport] 1:34 a.m. A B-36 2/6/1953 #13103 hed from Geiger Field [now Spokane International Airport]. 2/6/1953 #13103 The International Flying Saucer Bureau decla 3/15/1953 #13238 m [now Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport], India Jagalgori 5/2/1953 #13357 m [now Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport], India, killing a 5/2/1953 #13357 le Range Norton AFB San Bernardino International Airport, California Night. 6/1953 #13432 rom Norton AFB [now San Bernardino International Airport], California, ther 6/1953 #13432 -sized quarterly of Flying Saucers International in Los Angeles, California 6/1953 #13435 Harmon Air Force Base Stephenville International Airport Stephenville, Newf Summer 1953 #13470 n Air Force Base [now Stephenville International Airport], near Stephenvill Summer 1953 #13470 Landers, California Flying Saucers International holds the first UFO confer 8/16/1953 #13616 s him, and he decides to close the International Flying Saucer Bureau. Bark 9/28/1953 #13745 ational Airport [now Ronald Reagan International Airport] 12:10 a.m. Capt. 10/19/1953 #13808 ational Airport [now Ronald Reagan International Airport] to report a near 10/19/1953 #13808 53 and August 1953) (K.Bender) The International Flying Bureau and its fore 11/5/1953 #13850 perior Kinross AFB Chippewa County International Airport Sault Ste. Marie, 11/23/1953 #13894 m Kinross AFB [now Chippewa County International Airport], south of Sault S 11/23/1953 #13894 ic satellite into orbit during the International Geophysical Year. The prop 1954 #14004 iation syndrome. The blast incites international reaction over atmospheric 3/1/1954 #14203 Carrasco International Airport Montevideo, Urugua 3/1/1954 #14207 ay 2:30 p.m. Employees at Carrasco International Airport in Montevideo, Uru 3/1/1954 #14207 anese fishing boat, and created an international incident nearly severing d 3/1/1954 #14208 Laredo AFB [now Laredo International Airport], Texas San Antoni 3/8/1954 #14226 flies over Laredo AFB [now Laredo International Airport], Texas. It tilts 3/8/1954 #14226 Amarillo AFB Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport Texas Gen. Nathan 5/15/1954 #14456 llo AFB [now Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport], Texas, says that 5/15/1954 #14456 ism in Western Europe, proposes an international conference at which leader 5/29/1954 #14498 o Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airport] 3:00–6:00 p.m. A 11/12/1954 #16597 f Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airport] follows the objec 11/12/1954 #16597 ORMINA, SICILY Famous United Press International photograph / 2 white sauce 11/19/1954 #16645 a scientific satellite during the International Geophysical Year. The prog 7/29/1955 #17349 informs the Sixth Congress of the International Astronautical Federation i 8/2/1955 #17374 ific satellite during the upcoming International Geophysical Year. Not to b 8/2/1955 #17374 eze, which was sent to support the International Geophysical Year (1957–58) 11/1955 #17614 f Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airport] in Louisville, Ke 1/31/1956 #17785 ons Study Unit of Aviation Studies International, Ltd. delivers an examinat 2/25/1956 #17843 any, New York Schenectady Griffiss International Airport, Rome, New York Sy 4/8/1956 #17914 ontacts Griffiss AFB [now Griffiss International Airport], Rome, New York, 4/8/1956 #17914 he US intends to launch during the International Geophysical Year. The anno 9/11/1956 #18352 metallic saucer. Ground RADAR's. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 11/1956 (approximate) #18443 quipment in the FAA shops at Miami International Airport. Surprised by the 11/8/1956 #18462 frequencies. Going up / 3000kph. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 12/17/1956 #18557 klahoma Hayden C. Hewes founds the International UFO Bureau in Edmond, Okla 1957 #18600 picked up on radar at Los Angeles International Airport. The targets were 3/22/1957 #18727 Pajas Blancas International Airport in Córdoba, Argent 5/1/1957 #18823 e about 9 miles from Pajas Blancas International Airport in Córdoba, Argent 5/1/1957 #18823 isiana England AFB [now Alexandria International Airport] 9:35 p.m. Shortly 6/3/1957 #18889 site, England AFB [now Alexandria International Airport], which confirms t 6/3/1957 #18889 n London is in New Zealand for the International Geophysical Year and he sa 6/20/1957 #18935 Norton AFB [San Bernardino International Airport], California The A 7/1957 #18958 AISS at Norton AFB [San Bernardino International Airport], California. Soon 7/1957 #18958 International Geophysical Year (IGY). It 7/1/1957 #18961 Naples International Airport, Italy An Italian 8/4/1957 #19088 uty in the control tower at Naples International Airport, Italy, and about 8/4/1957 #19088 a Kinross AFB [now Chippewa County International Airport] south of Sault St 9/20/1957 #19247 m Kinross AFB [now Chippewa County International Airport] south of Sault St 9/20/1957 #19247 aurora and meteor watches for the International Geophysical Year, is obser 11/6/1957 #19699 tric power out. Going northeast. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 1/16/1958 #20142 Desejado Around 12:00 noon. As the International Geophysical Year research 1/16/1958 #20144 ian Navy ship participating in the International Geophysical Year explorati 1/16/1958 #20145 pitán de Corbeta Carlos A. Curbelo International Airport San Carlos, Urugua 5/5/1958 #20350 pitán de Corbeta Carlos A. Curbelo International Airport] near San Carlos, 5/5/1958 #20350 orld Report from 1959 to 1961, UFO International from 1962 to 1965, and Fly 7/1959 #21255 m 1962 to 1965, and Flying Saucers International from 1966 to 1969. 7/1959 #21255 Lambert–St. Louis International Airport Missouri Two polic 3/24/1960 #21735 the vicinity of Lambert–St. Louis International Airport in Missouri, one o 3/24/1960 #21735 ated from French) Over England, an international Irish flight flying at an 5/21/1962 #22894 Unknown City, UK Irish International Airlines pilot watched sph 5/21/1962 #22897 w Doctor Fernando Piragine Niveyro International Airport] Corrientes, Argen 8/2/1962 #23051 w Doctor Fernando Piragine Niveyro International Airport], near Corrientes, 8/2/1962 #23051 Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airport] Moses Lake, Washi 10/2/1962 #23205 ol at Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airport] near Moses Lake, 10/2/1962 #23205 nslated from French) At the Ezezia International Airport, near Buenos Aires 12/22/1962 #23367 Ezeiza International Airport Ezeiza Partido Gre 12/22/1962 #23373 rgentina About 3:00 a.m. At Ezeiza International Airport [now Ministro Pist 12/22/1962 #23373 al Airport [now Ministro Pistarini International Airport] at Ezeiza Partido 12/22/1962 #23373 way also observed the UFO. [FLIGHT International, 15 August 1963.] (NICAP: 8/1/1963 #23662 etween Barcelona and the Maiquetia International Airport (Venezuela). The p 8/7/1963 #23681 etween Barcelona and the Malquetia International Airport (Venezuela). Note 8/7/1963 #23682 Stanford founds Project Starlight International to document the existence 1964 #23953 were driving about 30 km from the international airport when the engine st 6/5/1964 #24209 olina Myrtle AFB [now Myrtle Beach International Airport] 10:45 p.m. Privat 11/22/1964 #24557 ly to Myrtle AFB [now Myrtle Beach International Airport] and reports them. 11/22/1964 #24557 ntarctic In that decade, a team of international scientists in Antarctica r 1965 #24625 n also send a check to Independent International, Box 565, Dept. GF, Old Br 10/7/1965 #25692 - p. 25) Ann Harbor. United Press International report of 21.4.1966: At le 3/21/1966 #26113 nch) A telex from the United Press International mentions that 40 people, i 3/21/1966 #26114 later. (NICAP notes; United Press International story.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 3/30/1966 #26265 ighter plane." (Brief United Press International story.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 4/3/1966 #26324 the Pacific Ocean near Los Angeles International Airport, a Coast Guard hel 4/3/1966 #26325 ania Pittsburgh Greater Pittsburgh International Airport 5:00 a.m. Portage 4/17/1966 #26438 to contact the Greater Pittsburgh International Airport. Beighey calls Pan 4/17/1966 #26438 l of the organization to set up an international study commission on UFOs. 9/28/1966 #27118 Intensive U.S. and international UFO sighting wave (see sep 1/1967 #27485 Chiclayo Lima Jorge Chávez International Airport in Callao 6:30 p.m 2/2/1967 #27707 es before it lands at Jorge Chávez International Airport in Callao. 2/2/1967 #27707 three in 1969 from Eastman Kodak’s International Division. The circumstance 3/1967 #27977 rates. Object going quickly SSE. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 3/15/1967 #28178 rande do Sul, Brazil Salgado Filho International Airport Day. The crew of a 3/27/1967 #28304 ting to the tower at Salgado Filho International Airport, which asks the ma 3/27/1967 #28304 ashington Star, D.C. (United Press International), 4/2/67; Flying Saucer Re 3/31/1967 #28325 launches a newsletter first called International Sky Scouts Newsletter, the 4/1967 #28337 estern Airlines Edmonton, Alberta, International Airport 9:45 p.m. A Pacifi 4/6/1967 #28390 med by radar at Edmonton, Alberta, International Airport. 4/6/1967 #28390 s meeting in New York City on the “International scientific aspects of the 6/7/1967 #28822 Manchester, UK A group of International Sky Scouts in England saw 6/24/1967 #28901 Intensive U.S. and international sighting wave. (See separa 7/1967 #28953 Winnipeg International Airport Manitoba Kenora, O 7/7/1967 #28998 ir traffic controllers at Winnipeg International Airport in Manitoba, while 7/7/1967 #28998 ke Pátzcuaro Michoacán Mexico City International Airport Salamanca, Guanaju 8/6/1967 #29220 st. Many people at the Mexico City International Airport watch a group betw 8/6/1967 #29220 l tower operators at Mexico City's international airport, and thousands of 8/6/1967 #29225 the XIIIth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Prag 8/22/1967 #29289 Kincheloe AFB [now Chippewa County International Airport] Sault Ste. Marie, 9/11/1967 #29459 Kincheloe AFB [now Chippewa County International Airport] south of Sault St 9/11/1967 #29459 Maiquetia International Airport Simón Bolívar Inte 9/28/1967 #29568 nternational Airport Simón Bolívar International Airport Venezuela 1:30 a.m 9/28/1967 #29568 chief dispatcher at the Maiquetia International Airport [now the Simón Bol 9/28/1967 #29568 nal Airport [now the Simón Bolívar International Airport], Venezuela, watch 9/28/1967 #29568 lytheville Air Force Base Arkansas International Airport Blytheville, Arkan 10/21/1967 #29720 ville Air Force Base [now Arkansas International Airport] in Blytheville, A 10/21/1967 #29720 Băneasa Airfield Aurel Vlaicu International Airport Bucharest, Romania 12/2/1967 #30000 Băneasa Airfield [now Aurel Vlaicu International Airport] near Bucharest, R 12/2/1967 #30000 arillo, Texas Danish Institute for International Studies A fire breaks out 1/21/1968 #30166 However, the Danish Institute for International Studies concludes in Augus 1/21/1968 #30166 UFO Study Group and concludes that international cooperation in studying UF 2/20/1968 #30261 Donald presents a paper, “UFOs: An International Scientific Problem,” at an 3/12/1968 #30338 ets Spatiaux, which publishes GEOS International from July 1969 to July 197 1969 #31385 de the president with domestic and international security issues, but also, 6/1969 #31795 ghting was was investigated by the International UFO Bureau, Hayden Hewes. 10/1969 #32031 (Translated from French) At the International Congress of Biurakan (Arme 2/9/1971 #32745 r radar. Officials at the McCarran International Airport control tower said 6/26/1971 #32945 Sarajevo International Airport in Bosnia 7:00 p.m Early 2/1972 #33359 rport in Bosnia 7:00 p.m. Sarajevo International Airport in Bosnia picks up Early 2/1972 #33359 anford Research Institute [now SRI International] in Menlo Park, California 6/6/1972 #33530 lations Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment holds hearings 7/25/1972 #33672 enate Resolution 281, proposing an international treaty to ban weather modi 7/25/1972 #33672 Palm Beach (Florida) International Airport Homestead AFB [now 9/14/1972 #33849 e Base] in Miami–Dade County Miami International Airport 4:20 a.m. An unide 9/14/1972 #33849 radar at the Palm Beach (Florida) International Airport by FAA air traffic 9/14/1972 #33849 d cigar-shaped. Officials at Miami International Airport, which also tracks 9/14/1972 #33849 ed on radar at the West Palm Beach International Airport by FAA air traffic 9/14/1972 #33852 d cigar shaped. Officials at Miami International Airport also tracked the s 9/14/1972 #33852 slated from French) At Vienna, the International Astronautical Congress sup 10/1972 #33903 anford Research Institute [now SRI International] in Menlo Park, California 10/1/1972 #33905 extraterrestrials for national and international problems. He gets less tha 11/7/1972 #33980 e Base San Bernardino, California, International Airport Holloman AFB, New 5/1973 #34373 e [now San Bernardino, California, International Airport] the two men are i 5/1973 #34373 ia Contact (UK) expands to Contact International, after establishing many o 1974 #35627 Colombia, and elsewhere. It has an international membership of 2,000. 1974 #35627 anford Research Institute [now SRI International] in Menlo Park, California 7/9/1974 #36320 itary and civilian witnesses, made international news. 10/11/1974 #36601 the Flying Saucer Symposium at the International Inn in Tampa, Florida, on 11/2/1974 #36673 Loring AFB Loring International Airport Limestone, Maine 7 10/27/1975 #37803 ons dump at Loring AFB [now Loring International Airport] near Limestone, M 10/27/1975 #37803 duty at the Loring AFB [now Loring International Airport] tower near Limest 10/27/1975 #37804 at Falls, MT 7:00 p.m. Great Falls International Airport. UFO sighted, oblo 12/11/1975 #38060 at Falls, MT 6:00 a.m. Great Falls International Airport. Egg-shaped UFO on 12/23/1975 #38087 of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data. Maybe wh 6/26/1976 #38547 uvers over airport. Gone / Dawn. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 7/14/1976 #38572 overing over their heads. (Source: International UFO Reporter, November 197 7/28/1976 #38598 Djerba-Zarzis International Airport, Tunisia 11:48 p.m 8/7/1976 #38656 control tower at the Djerba-Zarzis International Airport, Tunisia, tracks a 8/7/1976 #38656 overhead. Stops. Trails sparks? / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 9/16/1976 #38811 / 5 minute(s). 30' crop circle. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 9/25/1976 #38855 g recognition of UFOs as a serious international scientific problem. 10/7/1976 #38883 circles peak. Angel hair found. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 10/12/1976 #38891 The first issue of the International UFO Reporter (IUR) is publ 11/1976 #38950 t [now Louis Armstring New Orleans International Airport] 3:30 a.m. A loung 11/23/1976 #39005 t [now Louis Armstring New Orleans International Airport]. 11/23/1976 #39005 nvestigations file, December 1976; International UFO Reporter, February 197 12/18/1976 #39054 anford Research Institute [now SRI International] in Menlo Park, California 1/1977 #39113 anford Research Institute [now SRI International] in Menlo Park, California 1/1977 #39113 as if covered with a rough skin. (International Ufo Reporter vol. 2 no. 4 1/27/1977 #39210 ge-glowing saucer over hillside. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 2/4/1977 #39246 / 30'. Red light flashes / top. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 3/9/1977 #39344 xico Mexico City United Nations An International Congress on the UFO Phenom 4/17/1977 #39454 ashes south going quickly north. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 4/18/1977 #39457 Vancouver International Airport British Columbia R 4/18/1977 #39459 of the weather office at Vancouver International Airport in British Columbi 4/18/1977 #39459 Middleton Island, Alaska Anchorage International Airport 9:30 p.m. Pilot Wi 4/23/1977 #39485 y Siegrist and others at Anchorage International Airport see a linear fligh 4/23/1977 #39485 -day beard. Watch says 30 April! / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 4/25/1977 #39493 ssile base. (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, June 1977, p 4/29/1977 #39505 Bogotá, Colombia El Dorado International Airport Manuel Lopez, the 4/29/1977 #39506 own to a safe landing at El Dorado International Airport by radio. He is ru 4/29/1977 #39506 ctangular. (Sources: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, November 197 5/7/1977 #39541 n a second. (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, June 1977, p 5/11/1977 #39561 way slowly. (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, June 1977, p 5/11/1977 #39562 d the east. (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, July 1977, p 5/26/1977 #39607 neral Assembly with a call for a n international investigation of UFOs. He 6/14/1977 #39641 Loring AFB Loring International Airport Limestone, Maine A Summer 1977 #39661 age Area at Loring AFB [now Loring International Airport] near Limestone, M Summer 1977 #39661 o, Illinois Fate magazine holds an International UFO Congress at the Pick-C 6/24/1977 #39672 night light / Greece, NY / 0245h / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 6/26/1977 #39678 ose to him. (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, January 1981 6/28/1977 #39684 rt [now Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport] Kolkata, India 11 7/16/1977 #39771 rt [now Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport] in Kolkata, India 7/16/1977 #39771 one? Back days and months later. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 7/23/1977 #39795 lumbus Airport John Glenn Columbus International Airport Columbus, Ohio 8:5 8/6/1977 #39863 s Airport [now John Glenn Columbus International Airport] in Columbus, Ohio 8/6/1977 #39863 tend. 2nd saucer stops over 1st. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 8/11/1977 #39877 e recognition of UFOs as a serious international scientific problem. He say 10/7/1977 #40079 manoid (or Grey) inside. Traces. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 11/1/1977 #40173 og. Farmer shoots 1. Footprints. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 12/2/1977 #40254 indows. Going quickly northwest. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 1/1/1978 #40376 the "NEST" take off from Mc Carren International Airport, and from the Amer 1/24/1978 #40458 s puppies. Flat disk over trees. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 2/4/1978 #40499 The International UFO Reporter reported that 2/7/1978 #40512 confirms. Blip = 20X size / 747! / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 4/15/1978? #40713 Ciampino–G. B. Pastine International Airport Rome, Italy Two wi 4/27/1978 #40746 es near the Ciampino–G. B. Pastine International Airport in Rome, Italy, wa 4/27/1978 #40746 neuver. Blast and traces. Crash? / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 5/6/1978 #40763 lash & apparent microwave burns. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 5/13/1978 #40777 going [to] over car. 180° turn. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 5/14/1978 #40784 5' men. Many birds / 5M box-UFO. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 5/17/1978 #40800 r passes. 2 pseudo-human/entity. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 7/4/1978 #40916 nd animals hide. Found in shock. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 7/12/1978 #40962 ction try? Separate observer(s). / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 7/27/1978 #41012 w away. Trouble restarting engine. International UFO Reporter, September 19 7/27/1978 #41016 olor rise. 2 small objects join. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 8/3/1978 #41059 toward the northwest over Gatwick International Airport in England. 8/5/1978 #41071 ishes as jets near / can't find. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 8/17/1978 #41115 ms. Flashes beam going [to] car. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 8/24/1978 #41154 sound, light beam shone onto car. International UFO Reporter, December 197 8/24/1978 #41155 ed up; engine restarted by itself. International UFO Reporter, December 197 8/24/1978 #41156 / low altitude. Truck OK after. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 8/30/1978 #41194 ct with body lights flew overhead. International UFO Reporter, December 197 8/30/1978 #41197 g up / cornfield. Crushed crops. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 9/2/1978 #41221 make odd speech sounds. Traces. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 9/6/1978 #41231 French) During the South American International Rally with a start on Augu 9/23/1978 #41331 [to] and <. From static / radio. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 9/26/1978 #41351 FM radio, headlights out briefly. International UFO Reporter, July 1979; s 9/26/1978 #41352 reno airport Andrés Sabella Gálvez International Airport Antofagasta Easter 10/1978? #41390 airport [now Andrés Sabella Gálvez International Airport] in Antofagasta pi 10/1978? #41390 inside with Pope-hats. Samples? / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 10/25/1978 #41485 duration of the sighting, Kuwait's international telecommunications network 11/10/1978 #41561 here/orb/globe. 3rd follows 1st. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 11/19/1978 #41584 ucer / 02 December. / United Press International. 11/23/1978 #41608 nose. Tusks. Going up / saucer. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 11/24/1978 #41615 box-like craft. Traces. / MJ#248 / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 12/6/1978 #41695 near McCarran International Airport, NV Las Vegas Sun: 12/16/1978 #41779 hite lights hovering near McCarran International Airport (now called Harry 12/16/1978 #41779 nal Airport (now called Harry Reid International Airport) before disappeari 12/16/1978 #41779 plane / 12 mile(s). Loop / film. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 12/22/1978 #41833 ralian television. This sparked an international debate about the possible 12/31/1978 #41879 a history of UFOs and stresses the international character of the phenomeno 1/18/1979 #42016 ear huts. Figure(s) move inside. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 5/20/1979 #42240 c figure(s) flash / edge. Burns. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 5/22/1979 #42243 ). Several separate observer(s). / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 8/1/1979 #42371 wo-way and portable radios failed. International UFO Reporter, September-Oc 8/1/1979 #42373 dome. Tilts. Going quickly west. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 8/4/1979 #42389 ck and watch off / 17 minute(s). / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 8/27/1979 #42467 ers. Suddenly shoots to horizon. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 8/29/1979 #42474 t cylinder/cigar-shape. / MJ#261+/ International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 12/5/1979 #42751 (Translated from French) International treaty governing the activ 12/18/1979 #42782 Burlington (Vermont) International Airport Malletts Bay 10:00 3/22/1980 #42945 00–11:00 p.m. Burlington (Vermont) International Airport radar tracks three 3/22/1980 #42945 Tianjin Binhai International Airport, China Evening. Op 10/16/1980 #43324 ening. Operators at Tianjin Binhai International Airport, China, are observ 10/16/1980 #43324 urns / fireball. Shoots going up / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 11/5/1980 #43373 ne smell. Medical exams. Wounds. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 11/19/1980 #43416 r Force Base [now Austin-Bergstrom International Airport] 9:00 p.m. While d 12/29/1980 #43536 r Force Base [now Austin-Bergstrom International Airport]. In August 1981, 12/29/1980 #43536 River like day! Dims and vanishes. International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 3/17/1981 #43660 e overhead. Rises and blows fog. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 6/10/1981 #43777 anomalies were recorded. (Source: International UFO Reporter, November-Dec 1/18/1982 #44156 Department’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientif 2/25/1982 #44225 n Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on International Security & Scientific Affa 3/1/1982 #44229 mation generated by contractor SRI International and a remote viewer, Pat P 7/1982 #44399 azil Uruguay Paraguay US The Third International Congress of Extraterrestri 12/8/1982 #44601 ar Gate were run by contractor SRI International in the 1970s and 1980s. No 1983 #44640 io Frequency Interference (RFI). / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 2/26/1983 #44673 . Beams going down. Going north. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 3/17/1983 #44691 east. Faint humming. Back / 9PM. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 3/24/1983 #44702 Nuclear Test Site in Nevada At the International Symposium on Multiparticle 6/22/1983 #44812 search Association holds its Third International UFO Congress in High Wycom 8/27/1983 #44894 holes. (Source: Donald R. Schmitt, International UFO Reporter, March-April 1/3/1984 #45055 lumbus Airport John Glenn Columbus International Airport 4:00 p.m. Five wit 2/23/1984 #45154 s Airport [now John Glenn Columbus International Airport]. 2/23/1984 #45154 Grantley Adams International Airport Barbados Northern 4/12/1984 #45217 ic control radar at Grantley Adams International Airport in Barbados tracks 4/12/1984 #45217 fologico Nazionale holds its Third International Congress in Genoa, Italy. 5/4/1984 #45274 aces. Rotates. Goes over 2nd ship. International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 6/15/1984? #45329 unding a new UFO organization (the International Center for UFO Research in 8/1984 #45397 Otopeni Airport Henri Coandă International Airport Bucharest, Romania 8/23/1984 #45413 Otopeni Airport [now Henri Coandă International Airport] near Bucharest, R 8/23/1984 #45413 gins to take over as editor of the International UFO Reporter as Hynek dist 1/1985 #45552 es two weeks notice and leaves SRI International to work for Bill Church an Summer 1985 #45625 Port Columbus International Airport John Glenn Columbu 7/1985 #45633 tional Airport John Glenn Columbus International Airport Ohio 3:00 p.m. As 7/1985 #45633 n AA TR-2 toward the Port Columbus International Airport [now the John Glen 7/1985 #45633 rport [now the John Glenn Columbus International Airport] in Ohio, the airp 7/1985 #45633 ile Santiago Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport Afternoon. For sev 8/17/1985 #45670 hem, and the Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport tracks them on rad 8/17/1985 #45670 , Arizona Hynek writes a letter to International UFO Reporter Editor Jerome 11/22/1985 #45753 ut Torrington, Connecticut Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks 9 1/9/1986 #45802 with square windows” near Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks. 1/9/1986 #45802 McDonnell Douglas, Rockwell International and General Dynamics were 4/1986 #45866 ing Office’s National Security and International Affairs Division, Frank C. 7/24/1986 #46016 cles) existed of both American and international types. Civilian access to 1987 #46162 heir weather radar. A Canadian Air International Boeing 737 was en route fr 5/16/1987 #46256 he MJ-12 documents. The book is an international exposé of UFO investigatio Summer 1987 #46283 fly aboard Cosmos 1887 (Bion) for international biological experiments. (S 9/29/1987 #46390 John Grace founds the Leading Edge International research group after recei 12/1987 #46445 Science Applications International Corp (SAIC) studies electr 4/1988 #46654 nd Brian Myers, with their dubious International Center for UFO Research, c 4/12/1988 #46668 about the most important “need” in international relations. He replies: “I’ 5/4/1988 #46684 Air Force Base Mihai Kogălniceanu International Airport southeast Romania Late 3/1989 #47049 Force Base [now Mihai Kogălniceanu International Airport] in southeast Roma Late 3/1989 #47049 ittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations, shows that Lt. 4/13/1989 #47075 in the morning a Canadian Airlines International crew watched a dark grey o 6/11/1989 #47166 Sochi International Airport, Krasnodar Krai, R 7/26/1989 #47222 n, air traffic controller at Sochi International Airport, Krasnodar Krai, R 7/26/1989 #47222 apartment, allegedly witnessed by international figure and security guards 11/30/1989 #47531 apartment, allegedly witnessed by international figure and security guards 11/30/1989 #47532 se, Husøya, Norway. The ship sends international warning signals but gets n 9/19/1990 #48082 International Hilton Bonaventure Hotel i 11/7/1990 #48249 wimming in the rooftop pool of the International Hilton Bonaventure Hotel i 11/7/1990 #48249 Bank of Credit and Commerce International Customs and bank regulator 7/5/1991 #48518 of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, which has been investigat 7/5/1991 #48518 0' away. 100mph going southeast. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, 7/15/1991 #48533 t Iran Bank of Credit and Commerce International Martinsburg US freelance w 8/10/1991 #48560 rawling collaboration involving an international cabal, primarily featuring 8/10/1991 #48560 of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, and Iran–Contra. Casolaro 8/10/1991 #48560 crop circles have evolved into an international phenomenon, with hundreds 9/9/1991 #48603 Benito Juárez International Airport Mexico City, Mexic 3/4/1992 #48799 UFO sightings at the Benito Juárez International Airport in Mexico City, Me 3/4/1992 #48799 ster, Hampshire, England The First International Conference of the Center f 7/17/1992 #48978 About 15 members of an international UFO group had gone to the 9/22/1992 #49103 Los Angeles International Airport in California 6:00 6/3/1993 #49498 ight 15 minutes out of Los Angeles International Airport in California sees 6/3/1993 #49498 Henri Coandă International Airport at Otopeni, Romani 8/14/1993 #49640 at low altitude above Henri Coandă International Airport at Otopeni, Romani 8/14/1993 #49640 Benito Juárez International Airport Mexico City, Mexic 9/16/1993 #49705 preparing to land at Benito Juárez International Airport in Mexico City, Me 9/16/1993 #49705 of AT&T and the former head of SRI International to discuss UAP. Greer stat Mid 1990's #50489 g Airport [now Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport] Guizhou province, 2/1995 #50578 g Airport [now Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport], Guizhou province 2/1995 #50578 rates al-Hamriya Fish Market Dubai International Airport 6:20 p.m. Mohammad 11/27/1995 #51249 Fish Market southeast toward Dubai International Airport. 11/27/1995 #51249 lision with a UFO: according to an international official, we could be deal 7/17/1996 #51615 she worked at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) in San 8/30/1996 #51664 Beijing Wuhan Capital International Airport A Boeing 757-200 o 12/19/1996 #51836 gency and radios Beijing’s Capital International Airport, requesting permis 12/19/1996 #51836 ca, Chile Pacific Ocean Chacalluta International Airport Aerial lights are 3/30/1997 #51956 aeronautical experts at Chacalluta International Airport. The Directorate G 3/30/1997 #51956 s future vocation will be to be an international space station for crews in 7/1997 #52072 Henri Coandă International Airport at Otopeni, Romani 7/14/1997 #52083 raffic controllers at Henri Coandă International Airport at Otopeni, Romani 7/14/1997 #52083 Queens, New York John F. Kennedy International Airport 5:07 p.m. Swissair 8/9/1997 #52111 ns, New York, near John F. Kennedy International Airport, when pilots Capt. 8/9/1997 #52111 Air traffic control at Manchester International Airport said they had noth 9/21/1998 #52440 Launch of the first element of the International Space Station, the Russian 11/20/1998 #52478 ir installation of antennas on the International Space Station. 12/11/1998 #52495 ts, flying near Dallas-Forth Worth International Airport, Texas saw three g 10/26/1999 #52692 gon Bill Sweetman writes in Jane’s International Defence Review that there 1/5/2000 #52753 f Taiwanese air traffic as well as international traffic. During a press co 1/16/2000 #52762 owly approaching the Indira Gandhi International Airport and the Palam Regi 4/8/2000 #52819 cigar shaped UFO approached Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi, Indi 4/8/2000 #52820 ies and select liaisons within the international community, religious group 4/2001 #53013 , are picked up on radar at Newark International Airport. 7/14/2001 #53071 Terminal 2 in Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Sabah, Malaysia 7 10/4/2002 #53281 era at Terminal 2 in Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Sabah, Malaysia, 10/4/2002 #53281 a, with Eric W. Davis of EarthTech International Inc., an astrophysicist wh 10/16/2002 #53284 EarthTech International employee Dr. Eric Davis, a 10/16/2002 #53285 ere seen north-northeast of O'Hare International Airport for 45 seconds. Th 11/28/2002 #53324 ic Organization, Kosmopoisk, as an international association. 2004 #53506 rojet General Corporation, Physics International Company and Pratt and Whit 8/2004 #53594 airliners taking off from Portland International Airport must have seen thi 9/3/2004 #53616 airliners taking off from Portland International Airport must have seen thi 9/5/2004 #53618 Ronald Reagan Washington International Airport Arlington, Virgini 4/27/2005 #53698 pace near Ronald Reagan Washington International Airport in Arlington, Virg 4/27/2005 #53698 Dulles International Airport Virginia Washingto 5/3/2005 #53700 ossing the flight path into Dulles International Airport in Virginia, west 5/3/2005 #53700 irport Nevada Afghanistan Kandahar International Airport The 30th Reconnais 9/1/2005 #53738 where one was sighted at Kandahar International Airport in late 2007. This 9/1/2005 #53738 ard is interviewed on Radio France International about GEIPAN. He states th 9/29/2005 #53752 O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illino 11/7/2006 #53853 p.m. Federal authorities at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illino 11/7/2006 #53853 FAA dismisses disc at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, IL as 1/1/2007 #53869 Louisville International Airport in Kentucky 1:55 p 6/24/2009 #54103 m. A package handler at Louisville International Airport in Kentucky sees a 6/24/2009 #54103 arold E. Puthoff, CEO of EarthTech International in Austin, Texas, to choos 12/1/2009 #54136 Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport Hangzhou, Zhejiang 7/7/2010 #54162 n hovering above Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport near Hangzhou, Zhe 7/7/2010 #54162 s publishes the final issue of the International UFO Reporter. 3/2012 #54218 led by Eric W. Davis of EarthTech International, which was founded by Haro 1/9/2018 #54382 ough Harold E. Puthoff’s EarthTech International in Austin, Texas. 7/26/2018 #54415 ork sought Hal Puthoff’s Earthtech International to study the properties of 8/16/2018 #54418 e Russian Kosmopoisk group and the International Chinese UFO Association. 10/15/2018 #54421 break a public health emergency of international concern on 30 January 2020 3/11/2020 #54523 Los Angeles International Airport in California 6:45 8/29/2020 #54546 3,000 feet coming into Los Angeles International Airport in California. Abo 8/29/2020 #54546 Los Angeles International Airport, California 1:45 p 10/14/2020 #54549 ven miles northwest of Los Angeles International Airport, California. The a 10/14/2020 #54549 son, Arizona Davis- Monthan Tucson International Airport 10:30 p.m. An unid 2/9/2021 #54565 ce surrounding the base and Tucson International Airport after the Tucson P 2/9/2021 #54565 ckenhut, Evolutionary Technologies International, Massey Energy and SBC ove 9/26/2022 #54671 Tim Burchett attended MUFON's 2023 International Symposium to discuss the t 8/26/2023 #54737## Word: "internationale", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
FO group in France, the Commission Internationale d’Enquêtes sur les Soucou 1951 #8838 nos is published by the Commission Internationale d’Enquêtes sur les Soucou 6/24/1952 #10527 first UFO organization, Commission Internationale d’Enquêtes sur les Soucou 1973 #34094## Word: "internationally", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
PLANETS. AP - Dr. Harold C. Urey, internationally known physicist and Nobe 11/1950 #8682 authenticity, and distributes them internationally. (February 25) 2/25/1958 #20211 promote contact between ufologists internationally. It launches a newslette 4/1967 #28337## Word: "internazionale", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ni and Piero Mantero of the Centro Internazionale Richerche e Studi sugli U 8/3/1977 #39849## Word: "internet", 21 instance(s) (Back to Top)
author only lists as a reference "Internet posting", with no URL provided. 1943 #3752 author only lists as a reference "Internet posting", with no URL provided. 1944 #3891 author only lists as a reference "Internet posting", with no URL provided. 1944 #3892 author only lists as a reference "Internet posting", with no URL provided. 1944 #3894 author only lists as a reference "Internet posting", with no URL provided. 1945 #4153 author only lists as a reference "Internet posting", with no URL provided. 2/19/1945 #4211 like a mother hen and her chicks. (Internet, May 1997). 7/7/1947 #5650 " - De Vecchi 1977 - p. 101, 102) (Internet, WUFOC site, which reproduces t 6/21/1961 #22373 in a disordered way. (APRG, on the Internet in May 1997) It could be 13 met 3/28/1967 (approximate) #28305 lowing through the data centers of internet communications giants Google an 12/4/1981 #44093 5 minute(s). No further details. / Internet. 1/30/1989 #46972 . Low altitude. Engine problems. / Internet. 12/30/1994 #50478 st, in an article published on the Internet "Ufo Folklore Center" under the 9/14/1996 #51684 nport- News 002 collected from the Internet by CAAP - Roulers, Belgium) A v 3/13/1997 #51936 tness reported, "My friends own an Internet café, and I closed up late that 9/25/2002 #53273 y all night. His cellphone and the internet in his building goes out when t 1/22/2004 #53524 r Martinez, a civilian who runs an internet message board for retired intel 11/1/2005 #53770 on visitors in the first few days. Internet searches on UFOs triple overnig 5/12/2008 #54011 deliberately spreading lies on the internet about whichever individuals it 2/24/2014 #54280 mistake and later removed from the internet by To The Stars Academy of Arts 12/2015 #54319 tion and makes the event become an internet meme. 6/27/2019 #54472## Word: "interoffice", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s / 48 hours according to NBC-news interoffice memo. More. See reference. 10/18/1973 #35129## Word: "interpenetrates", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ric world, which coexists with and interpenetrates ours. The etherians must 1950 #7698## Word: "interplanetarios", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lona, Spain The Centro de Estudios Interplanetarios is founded in Barcelona 1957 #18603## Word: "interplanetaris", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ivilian UFO group Centre d’Estudis Interplanetaris in Barcelona had solicit 3/3/1979 #42121## Word: "interplanetary", 69 instance(s) (Back to Top)
kovski will seek the means to make interplanetary trips. His ideas will oft 1628 #482 y, had an idea on how to establish interplanetary communication. He propose 1840 #1021 . It was the first serious work on interplanetary rocketry. On paper, the c 1903 #2097 0° turn away. / Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO.) 11/1942 #3719 igation, conclusions UFOs real and interplanetary. 1947 #4830 culation that they might represent interplanetary craft. (Chapter 8, Ref 31 1947 #4840 Mexico, crash could “represent an interplanetary craft of some kind.” Howe 7/30/1947 #6151 he object may in fact represent an interplanetary craft of some kind…. The 10/28/1947 #6424 inated as a UFO source the idea of interplanetary spaceships was becoming m 1948 #6486 ation and concluding that UFOs are interplanetary vehicles, noting in passi 8/1948 #6812 oject Sign concludes that UFOs are interplanetary, is probably too early. S 8/5/1948 #6828 e Situation", concluding UFOs were interplanetary, sent from ATIC to Air Fo 9/1948 #6847 he possibility that UFOs represent interplanetary probes, is accidentally d 11/30/1948 #6973 some time ago in Scandinavia were interplanetary vehicles driven by men be 12/1949 #7657 that the Earth is being watched by interplanetary travelers. (January) 1/1950 #7706 from him. Clément XV proclaims his Interplanetary Church, for he is aware t 1951 #8830 t medical scientist” that UFOs are interplanetary and friendly, but they ha Summer 1951 #9082 ing officers to conclude UFOs were interplanetary. 1952 #9487 right: There are arguments for the interplanetary origin of flying saucers. 4/7/1952 #9764 d-faced type: "There is a case for interplanetary saucers." The ad copy wen 4/7/1952 #9766 possibly Russian. 4) Spaceships or interplanetary missiles. 6/19/1952 #10431 Oberth in 1922 in "The Rocket Into Interplanetary Space," and as late as 19 6/26/1952 #10545 eth Gatland, Fellow of the British Interplanetary Society said, "Such a con 6/29/1952 #10584 s. One group assumes that UFOs are interplanetary, and information must be 6/30/1952 #10598 environment different from that of interplanetary space: 1. The bulk of the 7/27/1952 #11253 ce of UFOs. Tauss used the phrase "interplanetary aspects and alien origin" 8/1/1952 #11513 ble reports remain unexplainable. “interplanetary aspects and alien origin 8/1/1952 #11551 orts as "natural and considers the interplanetary origin explanation for th 8/4/1952 #11602 at Saucerians must have licked the interplanetary fuel consumption problem 8/6/1952 #11649 ng the possibility of (UFOs being) interplanetary ships.” 10/27/1952 #12528 sly considering the possibility of interplanetary ships.” 10/27/1952 #12544 ata released strongly points to an interplanetary answer. At the last momen Early 1953 #12912 r the evidence indicated UFOs were interplanetary, whether it was all expla 1/12/1953 #12974 euvers concluding the objects were interplanetary was presented to the pane 1/12/1953 #12974 Los Angeles, California Giant Rock Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention nea 8/16/1953 #13616 orge Van Tassel’s first Giant Rock Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention lau 8/16/1953 #13616 ublishing the contactee newsletter Interplanetary News Digest in Joshua Tre 9/1953 #13684 ingfield founds Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO) in 3/10/1954 #14233 Tassel holds the first Giant Rock Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention at 4/4/1954 #14296 been chosen to be the voice of the Interplanetary Parliament. Several days 5/8/1954 #14410 ts. Too fast. / Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO) NL 10/19/1954 #16155 halo circles. / Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO.) 10/22/1954 #16250 rge Van Tassel’s second Giant Rock Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention in 3/12/1955 #17065 he Situation that stated UAP were “interplanetary” in origin created by the 2/1956 #17789 os Angeles At the third Giant Rock Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention nea 4/28/1956 #17928 l lack of evidence that [UFOs] are interplanetary vehicles.” 5/1/1956 #17933 Edmond, Oklahoma. It publishes the Interplanetary Intelligence Report from 1957 #18600 Green establishes the Los Angeles Interplanetary Study Groups, which in 19 1/1957 #18605 human beings and the occupants of interplanetary ships.” 2/26/1957 #18687 nia While attending the Giant Rock Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention in 5/11/1957 #18844 as director of Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects. 10/1957 #19279 The Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU) was Late 1950's #20072 Rock Landers, California The fifth Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention tak 5/31/1958 #20404 xplanation is that the saucers are interplanetary.” It also says that USAF 6/1958 #20412 26 impacts recorded in 36 hours of interplanetary flight per square meter o 1/2/1959 #20930 French) Launch of Pioneer 5, first interplanetary probe. (March 11) 3/11/1960 #21720 , 3; Joan Whritenour, “UFO Lands?” Interplanetary Intelligence Report 1, no 3/2/1965 #24787 May 1965): 4; “Project Blue Book,” Interplanetary Intelligence Report 1, no 3/2/1965 #24787 Hayden C. Hewes’s Interplanetary Intelligence of Unidentif 5/1965 #24890 s publishes the first issue of the Interplanetary Intelligence Report, whic 5/1965 #24890 s have picked up any “spaceships,” interplanetary “interlopers,” or “extrat 7/7/1966 #26783 han a jet aircraft. (Fowler, UFOS: INTERPLANETARY VISITORS, December 1979, 3/24/1967 #28262 15, 1968; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 354). (NICAP 8/12/1968 #30850 t of sight. (Raymond Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, pages 175-180, 5/31/1971 #32891 upiter and Saturn then plunge into interplanetary space. (September 5) 9/5/1977 #39964 to the U.N., states that UFOs are interplanetary vehicles and crewed by al 11/9/1978 #41545 an “in-house” group known as the “Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit” that uno 5/16/1984 #45292 Army Intelligence letter: The IPU (Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit) of the S 3/12/1987 #46214 h concluded HFGW could be used for interplanetary navigation. It is unknown 10/2008 #54047## Word: "interplay", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e phenomena indicates an intricate interplay of highly unusual atmospheric 1/13/1553 #383## Word: "interpol", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
all members of the sect. Thanks to Interpol, the operation was successful, 1/8/1998 #52256## Word: "interposed", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
small planet, the size of Mercury, interposed itself between the Sun and th 807 #89## Word: "interposes", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he lower part of the Sun, where it interposes its mass. (October) 10/1882 #1382 wife runs onto the scene shouting, interposes herself between the beings an 8/13/1967 #29270## Word: "interpret", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
false and absurd. Some ufologists interpret this as a visitation from an a 812 #92 r among witnesses, leading them to interpret the event as an ominous sign. 989 #133 other clear signs, led the crew to interpret it as a divine message, signal 4/1518 #342 d unrest. Attempts by the Turks to interpret the event led to suspicions of 2/16/1572 #419 ted interaction. Though some might interpret this as a manifestation of sch 5/23/1676 #568 ss saw movements that he could not interpret as either human or mechanical, 8/25/1952 #11947 s and identifies objects that they interpret as medium-range ballistic miss 10/15/1962 #23226 laims two psychics were present to interpret the responses from an alien in 2/1997 (approximate) #51879 d an explanation, and difficult to interpret given the small number of pati 7/2019 #54473## Word: "interpretation", 32 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d information provided, a complete interpretation would require access to t 1/314 #28 meteors, adds to the challenge of interpretation. 827 #101 to say the least, a rocambolesque interpretation of what was really happen 840 #102 so does not seem to be the correct interpretation: Agobard was neither wise 840 #102 f rain clouds challenge a meteoric interpretation of the event, if the desc 9/9/967 #130 r brings into question the initial interpretation. The Flemish chronicler's 4/14/1054 #155 fires, and deaths, leading to the interpretation of demonic activity. 1092 #161 event's symbolic significance and interpretation leave room for debate reg 1320 #246 iking spectacle. While a potential interpretation could involve an aurora b 9/26/1568 #411 rs had been victims of an error of interpretation. These fishermen had obse 2/1939 #3463 ked with providing an astronomical interpretation of each case, makes a rep 4/30/1949 #7291 ce Laboratory and the Navy’s Photo Interpretation Laboratory. Both analyses 7/2/1952 #10630 am and Harry Woo of the Navy Photo Interpretation Laboratory report on thei 1/14/1953 #12979 cques Vallee didn't agree with the interpretation. 3/3/1953 #13203 that it is difficult to assume any interpretation other than that unidentif 12/26/1954 #16856 are flying much too fast for this interpretation of the facts to be accept 12/27/1954 #16859 ttelle report a “shamefully biased interpretation of statistics to support 10/25/1955 #17599 script based on a straightforward interpretation of Keyhoe’s The Flying Sa 6/1958 #20412 CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center According to a “fo 1962 #22686 to the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center (established in 19 1962 #22686 to the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center. The source allege 1962 #22693 showing, spliced together without interpretation, five or six gun-camera c Spring 1962 #22773 CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center The CIA’s National 10/15/1962 #23226 er The CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center reviews the U-2 ph 10/15/1962 #23226 over to the National Photographic Interpretation Center, which takes a ser 1/9/1967 #27524 it the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center in Fort Belvoir, F 2/20/1967 #27881 ertain conditions...” One possible interpretation is that high-energy stimu 11/2/1971 #33230 enberg Air Force Base. (...) Photo interpretation of the images obtained by 2/28/1981 #43640 ed out by the NPIC (National Photo Interpretation Center), an organization 2/28/1981 #43640 reports that 2 UFO cases defy all interpretation. These "real UFOs" as the 12/14/1990 #48304 . A photograph confirms the latter interpretation. 12/16/1992 #49222 ther balloon debris. However, this interpretation is disputed. 1/10/1997 #51864## Word: "interpretations", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
it. Later observations reveal some interpretations in Fish’s map to be inac 1/1974 #35639 ring ability of the craft, witness interpretations of the sound produced an 11/7/1975 #37917 ious sightings, controversies, and interpretations from the mid-20th centur 1/12/2021 #54561## Word: "interpreted", 30 instance(s) (Back to Top)
or an apparition. This figure was interpreted as a flying Apsara (Buddhist 61 #3 e of the air. These sightings were interpreted as unignited clouds being dr 187 #13 dy. These celestial phenomena were interpreted as omens, thought to presage 5/698 #73 ion, this celestial phenomenon was interpreted as a sign, prompting the war 1171 #187 sed. While the phenomenon could be interpreted as an unconventional meteor 9/16/1408 #281 ery night over the city. Initially interpreted as a sign of God's wrath and 5/29/1453 #297 throughout the city. The event was interpreted as a sign of divine wrath, u 1491 #322 even more dazzling vision that he interpreted as the Virgin Mary. This lum 9/29/1504 #335 ed by twelve other figures that he interpreted as the Virgin Mary and the A 3/19/1509 #337 's inhabitants while the attackers interpreted it as a positive omen for th 1528 #354 ing star appears in the sky. It is interpreted as an omen announcing profou 1/3/1569 #412 d admiration among observers. Many interpreted the fiery column as a positi 9/20/1571 #416 hese enigmatic hats. The event was interpreted as a divine sign, prompting 12/5/1577 #429 hots against them. These signs are interpreted as a warning from God who wo 8/1608 #454 milar sightings in the past, often interpreted as signs commemorating local Late 12/1667 #558 o a thermonuclear blast, sometimes interpreted as the crash of an interstel 6/30/1908 #2221 impact, but it has sometimes been interpreted as the crash or mid-air expl 6/30/1908 #2223 enomena. The Miracle of the Sun is interpreted by others as a UFO event. In 10/13/1917 #2805 zigzag fashion. Catholics present interpreted these events as a sign from 10/13/1917 #2806 s, and on board what could only be interpreted as an airplane, there was a 1/23/1934 (approximate) #3247 ?) recommendations might have been interpreted by saucer believers as “debu 12/8/1953 #13926 ity made gestures at the girl, who interpreted them to be an inquiry about 7/19/1967 #29080 oving lights. At the time they are interpreted as North Vietnamese Russian- 6/15/1968 #30560 the other in white. The witnesses interpreted the object as "witch doctors 1/29/1987 #46182 w-orange color, with what could be interpreted as portholes all around; its 5/25/1990 #47917 h in plain sight. The incident was interpreted as a "demonic" manifestation 1/22/1993 #49285 ld see two ingrained faces. Ernani interpreted the being as an apparition o 4/23/1993 #49437 humanoids made a gesture, which he interpreted as a salute. The humanoids w 8/14/1999 #52643 oly city of An Najaf, Iraq. It was interpreted as a religious sign, protect 3/27/2003 #53375 ed in the projects believe ET were interpreted as “Greek gods” in ancient h 4/5/2016 #54327## Word: "interpreter", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
o get Mr. Efron [Reuben Efron, his interpreter] and Col. Hathaway [Col. E. 10/4/1955 #17564 heads. One acted as their guide or interpreter, and he communicated with th 9/19/1961 #22517 oks, a former BOAC pilot and photo interpreter, is walking his Dalmatian an 10/26/1967 #29778## Word: "interpreters", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
an, Polish, Italian, English, etc. interpreters pass in front of him one af 10/15/1954 #15977## Word: "interpreting", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ntonio Cesena recorded this event, interpreting it as a sign of the impendi 1546 #366 tes to Ruppelt at ATIC for help in interpreting the Korean sightings. Ruppe 2/8/1952 #9580## Word: "interprets", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of the lunar Mare Crisium that he interprets as a giant natural bridge. Th 7/30/1953 #13551 . Mexican journalist Jaime Maussan interprets the videotape as “proof of al 3/5/2004 #53542## Word: "interracial", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
from their vacation in Canada, the interracial Hill couple was driving late 9/19/1961 #22506## Word: "interrogate", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ilm in, three officers show up and interrogate them. Future astronaut Gordo 5/2/1957 #18828 speed. The Air Force officers who interrogate them tell them the object wa Summer 1958 #20459 acked when Jorge Martin set out to interrogate the responsible units of the 12/28/1988 #46916 why military groups would need to interrogate abductees about alien intrus 1994 #49863 abducted by military personnel who interrogate them about their UFO experie 1999 #52504## Word: "interrogated", 25 instance(s) (Back to Top)
to naval intelligence. After being interrogated, the witness revealed the U 1944 #3894 h seemed injured. Later, they were interrogated by individuals who claimed 1946 #4434 smoke. Witnesses were extensively interrogated by the FBI. (doc. FBI - Bru 8/4/1947 #6188 ten brothers have been located and interrogated by US officials. Walter Hor 3/12/1948 #6583 aft to a safe landing. Apraksin is interrogated several times and the aircr 6/16/1948 #6701 er the UFO disappears. Apraksin is interrogated heavily. 6/16/1948 #6703 rookley] in Mobile, Alabama, he is interrogated by a USAF intelligence offi 3/15/1950 #7923 ents and... the poor technician is interrogated about his alcoholic backgro 5/12/1950 #8278 at the base in the morning. He is interrogated there for 30 minutes, and o Autumn 1953 #13735 TTON, MT Saucer crash? Observer(s) interrogated / USAF. Bodies in laundry b 10/1953 (approximate) #13757 aken to a security post and vainly interrogated for more than 2 hours, he m 10/15/1954 #15977 med Forces?]. He is kept there and interrogated for several days. Officers 11/17/1957 #19853 land at Kirtland AFB, where he is interrogated by a USAF major, who tells 8/13/1959 #21372 eported the incident and was later interrogated by the U.S. Air Force. 8/13/1959 #21375 ies of 4 other humans. He was then interrogated by 15 tiny creatures. They 5/4/1969 #31716 told they didn’t see anything and interrogated for two days until they sig 10/24/1969 #32073 e of a heart attack". The men were interrogated again and again in the foll 10/11/1973 #34940 ched to her body and the creatures interrogated her at length. She was late 10/20/1973 #35191 fter the UFO departs. The pilot is interrogated after his landing by “milit 8/13/1976 #38674 alleged sources include: * AFOSI interrogated Cecil Tenney after seeing a 8/1978 #41053 senge was notified and the witness interrogated. In the afternoon he receiv 5/13/1980 #43053 omplex, inside a long corridor and interrogated by two men. He was blindfol 1982 #44144 he has been detained at a base and interrogated about the documents, which 10/28/1986 #46126 to take a lie detector test and be interrogated under hypnosis. No doubt: h 6/25/1988 #46725 evidence and Mirabal, the officer interrogated by Jorge Martin, made him t 12/28/1988 #46916## Word: "interrogates", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
can reach the Cova da Iria. Santos interrogates and threatens the children 8/13/1917 #2787 he Seattle, Washington, FBI office interrogates Crisman and Dahl and announ 8/7/1947 #6212 fast. Back in September. Air Force interrogates boy / hours! 10/28/1992? #49164## Word: "interrogating", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ce a perfect truth drug for use in interrogating suspected Soviet spies, an 4/13/1953 #13314 s disgust with the USAF methods of interrogating civilian pilots and compla 12/21/1958 #20885## Word: "interrogation", 19 instance(s) (Back to Top)
almost unrecognizable. During his interrogation, he recounted his unsettli 11/15/1572 #422 s returned home after an extensive interrogation at Roswell AAF, New Mexico 7/15/1947 #6058 ed below. This opinion is based on interrogation report data furnished by A 9/23/1947 #6357 aratov. He again undergoes intense interrogation, psychotherapy, and medica 5/6/1949 #7328 Denver, CO Secret tape of an AFOSI interrogation of radio time salesmen Geo 3/31/1950 #8073 in subjects, as a way of exploring interrogation methods. 8/20/1951 #9167 he need for new and more effective interrogation techniques. Overall, about 1/1956 #17737 The UFO sends radio replies to IFF interrogation signals, on different freq 9/20/1957 #19247 study of brainwashing and enhanced interrogation techniques. 9/1959 #21412 as the “KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation” handbook, which cites the 7/1963 #23613 as the scientific basis for their interrogation methods. Donald Ewen Camer 7/1963 #23613 who conducted the hypnosis and the interrogation. 12/3/1967 #30003 e. Observer(s) tells nobody.. USAF interrogation. 1/1968 (approximate) #30118 subjected Puentes to a fifty-hour interrogation after which he was examine 6/14/1968 #30553 later subjected him to an intense interrogation. 10/2/1968 #31086 Diamond, they are left alone in an interrogation room where they are unknow 10/11/1973 #34957 up being taken to Kirtland AFB for interrogation by civilian intelligence a 5/28/1974 #36197 er, and Mendez finds herself under interrogation by the FBI and AFOSI. This 10/1981 #43986 the shore of Ilopango Lake. Under interrogation he related a bizarre story 2/29/1996 #51431## Word: "interrogations", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Bavaria During WWII, interrogations of captured German aircra 1945 #4152 onnel valuable experience in field interrogations and cooperating with othe 3/23/1953 #13264 ychoactive drugs during “terminal” interrogations under a program code-name 11/28/1953 #13902 d by OTS in Germany, in documents, interrogations or facility visits. Raw 1958 #20092 etc.), and how they can be used in interrogations. Latin American paramilit 7/1963 #23613 four years and undergoes numerous interrogations. Although some claim he w 11/1/1963 #23855 on, and medication. There are more interrogations over the next few months, 10/1981 #43986## Word: "interrogators", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
their parents, and thinking their interrogators are their parents. The Can 2/1957 #18652 rce Intelligence. It is likely the interrogators were AFOSI, given Rogers r 1960 #21648## Word: "interrogatory", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he CIA. His motion consists of 635 interrogatory questions, nearly 300 requ 6/1978 #40827## Word: "interrupt", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ly look. This time they decided to interrupt him and find out who he was, s 7/12/1975 #37367## Word: "interrupted", 39 instance(s) (Back to Top)
in the Faubourg St. Antoine. Rain interrupted the experience. The apparatu 9/12/1782 #759 ir devotion was almost immediately interrupted by violent nausea, while swe 10/24/1886 #1442 loating above it. The sighting was interrupted when the witness' team of ho 1/1897 #1618 s was pointed out to him. Jules B. interrupted us by saying: - "Yes, but th 1906 #2156 oon, as close as possible". Clouds interrupted the observation. "I can't he 6/27/1910 #2486 dnight. In March 1968, having read Interrupted Journey about the Betty and 1930 #3075 investigate. Later the program was interrupted again and quite a few detail 7/8/1947? #5860 sonal history. His activities were interrupted by prison sentences for mail Summer 1951 #9082 contact with the control tower was interrupted when the plane's radio opera 2/3/1954 #14142 d in orchard, television reception interrupted (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 7/28/1954 #14758 d. Television reception is briefly interrupted. Sheriff’s deputies and rese 7/28/1956 #18144 n East and West had been seriously interrupted. Sixty-seven countries parti 7/1/1957 #18961 the airplane's radio was suddenly interrupted when the red disc approached 8/14/1957 #19107 rea between Tamaroa and Du Bois is interrupted for 10 minutes. Power is res 11/14/1957 #19831 power in a four-mile wide area was interrupted for about ten minutes. Servi 11/14/1957 #19832 cy, long-distance communication is interrupted across the Pacific. Due to t 8/1/1958 #20525 jectory, its whistling momentarily interrupted, seemed to accelerate its pa 10/1958 #20652 ity, the U-2 spy plane program was interrupted. (May 5th, 1960) 5/5/1960 #21797 of the city's station was suddenly interrupted. The electric lights in the 11/10/1961 #22632 crew, finds his radio transmission interrupted by static, even though he is 8/24/1966 #26974 ty and Barney Hill abduction case, Interrupted Journey, appear in a two-par 10/3/1966 #27147 their passage, radio signals were interrupted and the light in the cabin w 2/2/1967 #27699 phenomena. (...) radio broadcasts interrupted and replaced by an unintelli 2/20/1969 #31522 , Lyan entered the room. Hernandez interrupted his lecture to go to her, bu 1/1973 #34100 rightened, he closed the curtains, interrupted the music program to broadca 4/6/1975 #37132 rsons. It is based on the book The Interrupted Journey by John G. Fuller. 10/20/1975 #37760 talking on the phone when they are interrupted by another conversation on t 3/27/1978 #40651 minutes before being dramatically interrupted. The conversation was comple 10/21/1978 #41459 g around him. The communication is interrupted. (19:06) 10/21/1978 #41461 ircraft.” His transmission is then interrupted by unidentified noise descri 10/21/1978 #41470 the beautiful and tranquil day was interrupted by a bewildering and disturb 6/22/1979 #42297 ted a dull noise, and its presence interrupted electrical light power and a 5/5/1980 #43033 the Cordoba radio station had just interrupted its normal broadcast at 03:1 3/12/1986 #45845 etroperu" stadium, was immediately interrupted. "We saw the wide beams of g 3/12/1986 #45846 TOWNSHEND, VT Allagash-Jack. Dream interrupted. Small humanoid (or Grey) / 1/6/1990 #47636 lesser magnitude. He was suddenly interrupted in his search by the arrival 2/2/1990 #47681 erated a circular sweep, sometimes interrupted by other non-circular moveme 9/28/1991 #48623 licopter. The searches, which were interrupted at 5 pm, will resume tomorro 12/20/1996 #51837 O in sight. His chase was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of an old 4x4 1/12/1997 #51865## Word: "interrupting", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
eka, Utah, apparently crashing and interrupting electrical service from a p 4/18/1962 #22819 left its orbit at the end of May, interrupting communication services and 8/26/1998 #52425## Word: "interruption", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
iscs crossing a clear sky, without interruption for twenty-five minutes. So 8/8/1849 #1087 . They send radio messages without interruption. In vain. An investigation 2/1939 #3463 per minute. Sometimes there is an interruption of about 10 minutes, and th 10/10/1946 #4801 tage failed due to propellant flow interruption) 8/19/1948 #6838 rrville, Texas, blames a 75-second interruption in its operation on a red-o 1/9/1953 #12961 . The observation was marked by an interruption of the radio link. At the s 9/4/1957 #19190 es not cause a large communication interruption; however, some commercial f 8/11/1958 #20542 COMPRESSION OF THE SPACECRAFT. THE INTERRUPTION OF THE SOVIET HUMAN FLIGHT 4/1971 #32794 at that point of the road, nor any interruption in the row of trees that li 2/5/1999 #52521 simultaneously as if from a power interruption. Finally, the craft approac 8/2/2004 #53595## Word: "interruptions", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
akes, forming a single entity with interruptions whose ends were like cut o 1/24/1970 #32220## Word: "interrupts", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
interest in the case but suddenly interrupts his research. He has since al 1/14/1979 #41996## Word: "intersect", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lington Road or Jackson Road [they intersect] south of Suffolk, since local 3/1951 #8962 FB. Thus the visual sighting lines intersect from opposite directions. A co 7/30/1967 #29136## Word: "intersected", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rth to south. UFO's line of flight intersected aircraft path at right angle 1/24/1963 #23407 e of flight of the disc-shaped UFO intersected the aircraft's path at a rig 1/24/1963 #23408 a wall and drew three red circles intersected with an "L". The next thing 9/15/1977 #39992## Word: "intersecting", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
raft with row of yellow lights and intersecting lines on bottom hovered (NI 10/15/1973 #35016## Word: "intersection", 99 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ck. The phenomenon passed over the intersection of Eleventh and Scott Stree 5/17/1897 #1991 LES, CA Silver 7M saucer 600M over intersection. Jerks. Flips. Smokes. Goin 8/3/1949 #7503 enly they saw in the middle of the intersection a man who seemed from anoth 1950's #7691 He was there, in the middle of the intersection, looking with an astonished 1950's #7691 same age as the man who died at an intersection of another era than his own 1950's #7691 ), as the Ayvalik-... approach the intersection with the Bergana road, pass 8/17/1954 #14873 Several disks in formation seen. = intersection / 3 ortho-lines / A. Michel 10/2/1954 #15407 mare returned home and saw near an intersection, an engine of blue color co 10/11/1954 #15773 ning" who were at that time at the intersection of the roads of Fronton and 10/11/1954 #15773 nce Mr. Labonde was driving at the intersection of D14 and D104 when he was 10/11/1954 #15802 nce Mr. Labonde was driving at the intersection of D14 and D104 when he was 10/11/1954 #15818 Buchy, France At intersection of Routes N28 and N319, Mr. 11/13/1954 #16606 At the intersection of Routes N28 and N319 in B 11/13/1954 #16610 de science and technology, and the intersection between corporate, contract 12/28/1954 #16868 ea of Loveland, Ohio Hopewell Road intersection Around 3:30 a.m. Robert Hun 5/25/1955 #17193 veland, Ohio. At the Hopewell Road intersection, his headlights illuminate 5/25/1955 #17193 or 3 m above the ground, over the intersection of the departmental road 24 4/14/1957 #18781 m one of the two road signs at the intersection, which is also vibrating vi 4/14/1957 #18781 Vins-sur-Caramy, France At an intersection, two women, Mrs. Garcin and 4/14/1957 #18784 now 114] south of Pettit (near its intersection with Five Mile Road). They 11/2/1957 #19467 co. It then hovered over a highway intersection for fifteen minutes. 1/4/1959 #20939 d maneuver slowly over or near the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and La 2/5/1960 #21677 s of several businesses around the intersection, with people gaping at the 2/5/1960 #21677 service- station attendants at the intersection, Jerry Darr and Charles Wal 2/5/1960 #21677 rac and Bordeaux, beyond the Yvrac intersection, 2.5 km from Maille. They s 5/15/1963 #23521 rac and Bordeaux, beyond the Yvrac intersection, 2.5 km from Maille, Girond 5/15/1963 #23524 ting multi-colored lights near the intersection of Route 51 and Nissen Road 6/12/1964 #24230 driving a '64 Cadillac was at the intersection of U.S. Highway 60 and Stat 1/23/1965 #24703 erent direction stall out near the intersection of US Hwy 60 and State Rout 1/23/1965 #24706 At 8:40 a.m. cars stalled near the intersection of US Highway 60 and State 1/23/1965 #24707 ARG 2 observer(s). 1M top lands / intersection. Emits blue light. Up and a 8/1/1965 #25245 rk on Route 65 and approaching the intersection with Highway 70: "At about 3/23/1966 #26137 70: "At about 1500 meters from the intersection, I saw a very bright light 3/23/1966 #26137 MICH 2 cops. Phony plane on street intersection! Going quickly southeast wh 6/13/1966 #26694 machine on the ground at a street intersection. He drove toward it with hi 6/13/1966 #26696 machine on the ground at a street intersection on this day. As he drove to 6/13/1966 #26697 50 near Parkersburg, West Virginia intersection of I-77 and State Highway 4 11/4/1966 #27283 d her daughter Pamela Sue near the intersection of I-77 and State Highway 4 11/4/1966 #27283 r 20 miles west of Crosby near the intersection of Highways 5 and 85 and se 1/30/1967 #27681 ing by car west of Crosby near the intersection of Highways 5 and 85, where 1/30/1967 #27685 ant sighting, because it is at the intersection of two orthotenic lines of 2/16/1967 #27846 lights. It hovered over a highway intersection, then moved away after 10-1 3/15/1967 #28181 Five witnesses at the intersection of Highway 30 and Highway 2 4/9/1967 #28410 y and Avon. He was approaching the intersection near a bridge crossing the 11/6/1967 #29861 t is hovering only 3 feet above an intersection. It keeps following them at 1/20/1968 #30165 CARCOUET, FR Luminous ball stops / intersection. Paces tractor / 90° turn. 7/11/1968 #30692 ers / low altitude spin over Major intersection. / O Dia. 4/21/1969 #31678 cs were seen spinning over a major intersection at a low altitude in Guanab 4/21/1969 #31681 ndulum motion over a major highway intersection. 3/2/1971 #32774 ending towards the ground near the intersection of two roads, 60 m from the 6/7/1971 (approximate) #32904 s. Large UFO observed over highway intersection I-55 and Union Rd. by three 7/22/1972 #33661 ake him to Greasy Corners, a local intersection. The dwarf's head was featu 11/11/1973 #35394 shaped UFO was seen over a highway intersection. It made no sound, and “jus 12/3/1973 #35507 ing-leaf motion over Major freeway intersection. 3/2/1974 #35876 linder/cylindrical object hovers / intersection. 3/26/1974 #35991 d object was seen hovering over an intersection. At 9:00 p.m. another hemis 3/26/1974 #35997 lling her to turn left at the next intersection, which she did. Then her ca 9/3/1974 #36500 it disappeared before reaching an intersection. Then Jacques showed up in 11/30/1974 #36720 M when, about sixty meters from an intersection, he saw an immobile ball ab 1/4/1975 #36824 right. The witness stopped at the intersection, the object descended to 4 1/4/1975 #36824 te(s). Swings to and fro. Flies at intersection. 2/20/1975 #36965 r. Sporta arrived 100 m before the intersection of Espérance and was drawn 3/15/1975 #37055 wed down and stopped 50 m from the intersection, turned off the engine, app 3/15/1975 #37055 way when the car reached a highway intersection. An independent observer wi 3/19/1976 #38328 (Translated from French) At the intersection formed by Lacaussade Boulev 3/27/1976 #38343 grassy median at the center of the intersection, on the side of La Rivière. 3/27/1976 #38343 r brigade on patrol stopped at the intersection of the D 105 and saw in the 8/21/1976 #38696 i 4:00 p.m. A driver stopped at an intersection in Biloxi, Mississippi, wat 1/10/1977 #39168 blue).(...) When they reached the intersection with a road called Old Redw 4/30/1977 #39509 s of lights for 30 minutes. At the intersection of Joy and Whitmire Lake Ro 8/11/1979 #42411 lmost 6 miles further ahead at the intersection of Beaverton and Poplar Gro 9/20/1979 #42595 server(s). Saucer hovers over busy intersection. Low-frequency Radio Freque 11/27/1979 #42714 ile it hovered over a busy traffic intersection in Madrid, Spain. Two polic 11/27/1979 #42719 . Two police cars were sent to the intersection, and experienced radio inte 11/27/1979 #42719 The driver stops just north of the intersection with US Highway 44. The obj 12/4/1979 #42749 driving on I-84 just south of its intersection with I-90 in Sturbridge, Ma 4/6/1980 #42977 (Translated from French) Near the intersection of the borders with the Net 5/13/1980 #43053 torscooter/motorbike. Glass cage / intersection. Bizarre hairy monster insi 8/1980 (approximate) #43170 in the north. When they stop at an intersection, they can see the disc tumb 9/9/1980 #43255 t when it moves over the car at an intersection. The car stalls and the lig 10/19/1980 #43327 30° up in the western sky near the intersection of State Highway 30 and Int 11/10/1980 #43380 ey arrive at a restaurant near the intersection of State 12 and US Highway 12/8/1981 #44098 by Cmdr. Michael McDonald near the intersection of West Northwest Highway a 11/27/1982 #44590 12:15 a.m. Terry Conner is at the intersection of West County Line Road an 8/1/1983 #44855 6 and 6:15. When he arrived at the intersection of Cockerham Lane he saw tw 1/5/1988 #46514 ject hovering near the approaching intersection. He lost sight of it when h 10/13/1989 #47377 ht of it when he drove through the intersection because some trees blocked 10/13/1989 #47377 on the Rue Mathieu de Lexhy at the intersection with the Rue Hector Denis n 11/29/1989 #47522 d oval object was hovering near an intersection in the city; it was motionl 4/16/1990 #47848 5-year-old son Stephane are at the intersection of NB47 and N30 near Racham 10/21/1990 #48151 At A Commeny (Val d'Oise), at the intersection of D 43 and N 14, observati 11/5/1990 #48186 zes car. Lights / edge. Glows over intersection. 3/12/1992 #48819 old. After crossing the St Michel intersection in Glimes, at the intersect 2/28/1995 #50640 hel intersection in Glimes, at the intersection of Glimes and Thorembais le 2/28/1995 #50640 New Mexico border, just beyond the intersection with I-10. 3/19/1996 #51474 disc was observed elsewhere at the intersection of Calle Fernando Beschtete 4/12/1998 #52325 ngle was seen moving toward a busy intersection in Bloomington, Indiana. It 11/13/2002 #53309 uge triangular craft. He neared an intersection and got out of his car to w 10/2/2004 #53636 n, Montana, two miles north of the intersection of North Star and Fieldston 9/21/2012 #54232## Word: "intersections", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
he humanoid cases tend to occur at intersections of the major great circle 10/1/1954 #15392 e the firepoint and notes that the intersections of the diagonals deviate 2 4/21/1967 #28510## Word: "intersects", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
uples, even though its orbit never intersects. It crosses the path of the E 4/28/1948 #6647 out 40,000 feet. The object’s path intersects contrails of the two jets hea 7/1/1952 #10621## Word: "interspersed", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ved calm seas and clear skies with interspersed waves of bright light and a 6/1880 #1341 experienced conscious situations, interspersed with moments of unconscious Spring 1947 #4886 haotic farrago of conspiracy myths interspersed with reprints of executive 1991 #48313 , yet leaving some trees that were interspersed untouched. One worker was r 11/30/1994 #50433## Word: "interstate", 123 instance(s) (Back to Top)
That night on Interstate highway 10 south of Las Cruce 4/28/1964 #24084 orce pilot and his wife driving on Interstate 93 in Medford, Massachusetts 10/10/1966 #27183 h Dakota Parkersburg West Virginia Interstate 77 Low and Hynek make the Col Early 11/1966 #27278 to Parkersburg, West Virginia, on Interstate 77 when a low-flying dark obj Early 11/1966 #27278 l as 19 other people driving along Interstate 91 in Cromwell, Connecticut s 1/24/1967 #27633 ay construction on the new Route 9 interstate highway extension. Rinaldi dr 1/24/1967 #27633 fficer D. E. Swider was driving on Interstate 65 eight miles south of Seymo 2/9/1967 #27760 haped UFO landed in a field beside Interstate 70 near St. Louis, Missouri. 2/16/1967 #27844 body lights, hovered low over the interstate highway for three minutes. Th 2/17/1967 #27858 Hunter Road San Marcos, Texas Interstate 35 Luling San Antonio Redwood 9/18/1968 #31022 t great speed. He follows it along Interstate 35 toward Luling and San Anto 9/18/1968 #31022 olorado 70 miles east of Denver on Interstate 76 by a man named Vedaa. The 8/28/1969 #31973 Interstate 80S Interstate 76 Denver Fort 8/29/1969 #31975 Interstate 80S Interstate 76 Denver Fort Morgan, Colora 8/29/1969 #31975 and a passenger are driving along Interstate 80S [now Interstate 76] about 8/29/1969 #31975 driving along Interstate 80S [now Interstate 76] about 70 miles east of De 8/29/1969 #31975 evening a teenage girl driving on Interstate 85 in Gaffney, South Carolina 1/23/1973 #34144 that landed in front of his car on Interstate 90. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 10/16/1973 #35044 that landed in front of his cab on Interstate 90 between Gulfport and Bilox 10/16/1973 #35055 Ashburn, GA A woman was driving on Interstate 75 when her engine, power bra 10/19/1973 #35161 A woman was driving on Interstate 75 near Ashburn, Georgia when 10/19/1973 #35171 iving in northeast Philadelphia on Interstate 95. The object had a rectangu 12/2/1973 #35499 & Mrs. Gerard while driving on the interstate highway near Wilsonville, Ore 12/2/1973 #35501 in 300 feet of a police cruiser on Interstate 93 in Sanbornton. 8/12/1974 #36413 orth Dakota Bismarck, North Dakota Interstate 94 Tower City, North Dakota 3 8/26/1975 #37544 orty-five miles into their trip on Interstate 94, they see a brilliant flas 8/26/1975 #37544 through a field about a mile from Interstate I-15 south of Great Falls, Mo 2/22/1976 #38272 through a field about a mile from Interstate I-15 south of Great Falls, Mo 2/22/1976 #38273 two teenage girls were driving on interstate highway I-680 in Pleasanton, 6/25/1976 #38545 Interstate 494 Woodbury, Minnesota Marsh 10/22/1976 #38919 on is driving home from his job on Interstate 494 where the highway turns t 10/22/1976 #38919 ds about 300–400 feet north of the interstate. They are soft rounded triang 10/22/1976 #38919 Interstate 64 in Lexington, Kentucky 10: 4/8/1977 #39432 ch end darts north to south across Interstate 64 in Lexington, Kentucky, se 4/8/1977 #39432 Interstate 80 in Joliet, Illinois 2:00 p 5/8/1977 #39547 2:00 p.m. A couple driving west on Interstate 80 in Joliet, Illinois, watch 5/8/1977 #39547 ing in separate cars, westbound on Interstate 80 near Joliet, Illinois saw 5/8/1977 #39549 his, Tennessee Norris Road exit of Interstate 240 Collierville 11:00 p.m. O 5/16/1977 #39573 long, near the Norris Road exit of Interstate 240. It is hovering about 200 5/16/1977 #39573 Interstate 70 westbound Nebraska–Colorad 8/17/1977 #39908 p.m. James R. Leming is driving on Interstate 70 westbound about 15 miles w 8/17/1977 #39908 d runs a parallel course along the interstate. Directly over the road it re 8/17/1977 #39908 Interstate 80 Newcastle, California Aubu 2/22/1978 #40546 ontroller, is driving northeast on Interstate 80, approaching Newcastle, Ca 2/22/1978 #40546 Interstate 65 near Ardmore, Alabama 1:00 7/1978 #40907 re driving a U-Haul truck north on Interstate 65 near Ardmore, Alabama. Jus 7/1978 #40907 ast of Bonner Springs, Kansas from Interstate 70, in Wyandotte county. 9/28/1978 #41373 ymouth State College New Hampshire Interstate 93 Pemigewasset River floodpl 10/20/1978 #41456 t flying at 30 mph northward along Interstate 93 at a height of 100 feet ab 10/20/1978 #41456 ngle-shaped UFOs were sighted over Interstate 290 in Auburn, Massachusetts; 1/5/1979 #41958 gen Park, Colorado Soda Creek Road Interstate 70 11:00 p.m. Two 18-year-old 8/11/1979 #42412 ll mountain on Soda Creek Road off Interstate 70. They see a white light ab 8/11/1979 #42412 Interstate 35 east of Barnum, Minnesota 10/6/1979 #42636 9:30 p.m. A couple are driving on Interstate 35 east of Barnum, Minnesota, 10/6/1979 #42636 east side of Saint Paul, Minnesota Interstate 694 6:10 p.m. Two witnesses o 10/16/1979 #42649 ide of Saint Paul, Minnesota, near Interstate 694 see a silvery domed disc 10/16/1979 #42649 Interstate 75 Grayling Army Airfield Gra 6/17/1980 #43111 with four young children north on Interstate 75 near Grayling Army Airfiel 6/17/1980 #43111 State Highway 30 Interstate 270 Sunset Hills, Missouri 9: 11/10/1980 #43380 tersection of State Highway 30 and Interstate 270 in Sunset Hills, Missouri 11/10/1980 #43380 interstate highway in Flagstaff, Arizona 2/12/1981 #43615 na Night. About 25–30 people on an interstate highway in Flagstaff, Arizona 2/12/1981 #43615 Interstate 89 Grantham, New Hampshire 9: 4/16/1981 #43713 e A. Fucci is driving southeast on Interstate 89 in Grantham, New Hampshire 4/16/1981 #43713 Kent Cliffs, New York Interstate 84 Around 11:50 p.m. An off-d 12/31/1982 #44629 same object as he is driving down Interstate 84, just moments later. Hanse 12/31/1982 #44629 staurant near Stormville, New York Interstate 84 8:45 p.m. Several dozen di 3/24/1983 #44716 es down the road. He follows it to Interstate 84 and all the lights go out, 3/24/1983 #44716 dome-shaped object maneuvered over Interstate highway I-225 near Selma, Ind 8/9/1983 #44868 zad (outside), NE 3:15 AM. CST. On Interstate 80 three people driving in a 1/8/1984 #45063 inutes later, at 3:15 a.m. CST, on Interstate 80 three people driving in a 1/8/1984 #45066 7:45 PM. A truck driver driving on Interstate highway I-87 south of Albany 3/21/1984 #45189 Interstate 87 south of Albany, New York 3/21/1984 #45191 :45 p.m. A truck driver driving on Interstate 87 south of Albany, New York, 3/21/1984 #45191 :45 p.m. a truck driver driving on Interstate highway I-87 south of Albany, 3/21/1984 #45193 Interstate 84 in Dutchess County, New Yo 6/21/1984 #45336 ck Ruhl and Richie Petracca are on Interstate 84 in Dutchess County, New Yo 6/21/1984 #45336 dgeport, Connecticut Hudson Valley Interstate 95 Philip J. Imbrogno and his 3/21/1985 #45584 turn in the sky, and chase it down Interstate 95. The object glides effortl 3/21/1985 #45584 Newtown Southbury, Connecticut Interstate 84 9:30–10:15 p.m. More than 5/26/1985 #45609 rmation of lights that passes over Interstate 84, causing many cars to pull 5/26/1985 #45609 Interstate 84 in Hartford, Connecticut T 1/9/1986 #45802 9:00 p.m. Multiple cars stop along Interstate 84 in Hartford, Connecticut, 1/9/1986 #45802 Multiple cars stopped along Interstate 84 in Hartford, Connecticut a 1/9/1986 #45803 toward Fort Chiswell, Virginia on Interstate 81 at 7:30 p.m. looking for U 10/23/1987 #46408 he lot, the street, and the nearby Interstate highway were all in their nor 1/19/1988 #46529 0 a.m. they had reached a point on Interstate I-70 near Goodland, Kansas wh 11/6/1989 #47431 Interstate 70 west of Goodland, Kansas 1 11/7/1989 #47435 women in their 40s are driving on Interstate 70 west of Goodland, Kansas, 11/7/1989 #47435 est of Westfield, Massachusetts on Interstate 90 (The Massachusetts Turnpik 2/12/1991 #48360 bductee drove into a black void on Interstate 90 near Issaquah, Washington 1/11/1992 #48720 rom neighboring South Carolina. On Interstate 95 in Raeford, North Carolina 9/30/1992 #49119 f dust was seen in the desert near Interstate 15 in Sloan, Nevada by police 4/8/1993 #49421 At 4:05 a.m. a trucker driving on Interstate 90 near Amsterdam, New York s 5/3/1995 #50766 Several cars stop along Interstate 80 highway near Sacramento, C 8/11/1995 #50974 bright blue light buzzed a car on Interstate 43 southwest of Milwaukee, Wi 10/10/1995 #51165 in a roofing truck five miles past Interstate 85, two men saw a silver, cig 2/18/1996 #51413 lying triangular UFO approached an interstate ramp and then hovered over so 7/17/1996 #51618 00 p.m. two women driving north on Interstate 95 near Brattleboro, Vermont 9/25/1998 #52443 porting Center, while traveling on Interstate 90 in South Dakota at 5:30 p. 8/11/1999 #52642 ve some construction at Exit 24 on Interstate 91 in Wethersfield, Connectic 9/20/1999 #52673 t that was seen on the side of the Interstate 90 highway for approximately 9/21/1999 #52675 dropped to 75 meters altitude over Interstate 75 near McDonough, Georgia on 9/23/1999 #52680 ima, Ohio two witnesses driving on Interstate 75 saw a plain silver sphere 11/21/1999 #52713 ct was sighted over a rest stop on Interstate 44 in Mount Vernon, Missouri 12/25/1999 #52732 Cygnet, Ohio Cygnet Road Interstate 75 After sunset. A woman deli 10/31/2000 #52927 y moving westward toward and above Interstate 75, which is busy with cars a 10/31/2000 #52927 A truck driver driving south on Interstate 25 in New Mexico reported the 7/27/2004 #53588 The witness was driving east on Interstate I-185 in Greenville, South Ca 8/23/2004 #53610 ern sky, by a witness traveling on Interstate 57 near Peotone, Illinois. 11/13/2004 #53654 Driving west on Interstate 88 in Bainbridge, Chenango Co 12/5/2004 #53670 m a witness's car while driving on Interstate 10 from Albuquerque, New Mexi 1/11/2005 #53678 very brightly, was sighted next to Interstate 15 just north of Scipio, Utah 11/22/2006 #53859 a disc-shaped UFO was sighted over Interstate 270 N in Rockville, Maryland. 1/30/2007 #53875 Interstate 90 Cle Elem, Washington 7:00 10/17/2007 #53950 gton 7:00 p.m. A man is driving on Interstate 90 near Cle Elem, Washington, 10/17/2007 #53950 ving from south to north along the Interstate 5 corridor in Cowlitz County 2/19/2008 #53995 ht from them. They were driving on Interstate 75 about half an hour away fr 5/9/2008 #54009 ft were sighted moving slowly over Interstate 80. The sighting lasted three 9/6/2009 #54118 ed nearby, and crossed over a busy interstate highway in Tampa, Florida at 1/24/2010 #54143 The witness was driving on Interstate 95 near exit 26 in Waltham, M 1/30/2012 #54216 Interstate 10 near Katy, Texas 7:00 p.m. 2/3/2016 #54322 .m. A married couple is driving on Interstate 10 near Katy, Texas, when the 2/3/2016 #54322## Word: "interstate-5", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
as seen travelling north along the Interstate-5 freeway between Eugene and 10/24/2008 #54050## Word: "interstellar", 20 instance(s) (Back to Top)
mes interpreted as the crash of an interstellar vehicle. 6/30/1908 #2221 iscussed the use of microwaves for interstellar communication. They recomme 12/24/1959 #21626 erfine transition emission line of interstellar hydrogen atoms proposed for 4/8/1960 #21752 a promising hailing frequency for interstellar communications. Drake is re 4/8/1960 #21752 neighborhood through an autonomous interstellar space probe (now called a “ 5/28/1960 #21854 re, he explores the feasibility of interstellar spaceflight as a means for 11/15/1962 #23308 e Solar System, the feasibility of interstellar travel, and the possibility 1976 #38111 ien spacecraft and take a 42-month interstellar voyage. He is never seen ag 11/29/1980 #43445 young man recounts, are part of an interstellar alliance for observing Eart 9/15/1996 #51685 t they were part of an alliance of interstellar worlds engaged in observing 9/15/1996 #51687 d Huntsville was where big picture interstellar vision came together. But “ 8/1997 #52096 f a “device” capable of high speed interstellar travel was managed by NASA 8/1997 #52096 i channel sponsors a symposium on “Interstellar Travel and Unidentified Aer 11/8/2002 #53304 amua (1I/2017 U1), the first known interstellar object detected passing thr 10/19/2017 #54363 the Solar System and continue into interstellar space. 10/19/2017 #54363 titute of Science in Israel Icarus Interstellar Popular Mechanics The Defen 1/9/2018 #54382 , director of the nonprofit Icarus Interstellar. One of those papers was re 1/9/2018 #54382 ility that the recently discovered interstellar object ʻOumuamua is an arti 10/26/2018 #54422 st Gregory Laughlin argue that the interstellar object ʻOumuamua could be a 5/28/2020 #54532 ce, in order to identify potential interstellar travelers, alien-built sate 7/26/2021 #54592## Word: "intertwine", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
. These events, rich in anomalies, intertwine with tales from Geoffrey of M Winter 80 #10## Word: "intertwined", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d that similar furrows crossed and intertwined everywhere. The machine stop 10/4/1871 #1237 the microscope it was composed of intertwined filaments, analogous to the 10/16/1883 #1406 At the periphery hung some kind of intertwined luminous rings. The device w 8/30/1954 #14947 arge window, a kind of logo, three intertwined ellipses that made one think 12/12/1989 #47571## Word: "interupted", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
A buzzing sound interupted a witness's piano playing and 4/21/2005 #53696## Word: "interurban", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
dianapolis, Columbus, and Southern interurban rail. It moves south to Taylo 9/30/1909 #2433## Word: "interval", 16 instance(s) (Back to Top)
appearance followed after a brief interval, mirroring its predecessors in 12/24/1299 #243 ime and disappeared after a cloudy interval of 4 hours. 10/10/1802 #851 A light blinking regularly with an interval of 4 seconds flew over the city 9/7/1877 #1294 west of the radiant. After a short interval, a fifth similar meteor appeare 9/7/1877 #1295 Flying in single file, leaving an interval of 3 to 4 times their length, e 5/27/1949 #7390 . They fly in single file, with an interval of 3 to 4 times their length, e 5/27/1949 #7391 y flew in trail formation, with an interval equal to 3-4 times their length 5/27/1949 #7394 ey fly in trail formation, with an interval equal to 3–4 times their length 5/27/1949 #7395 d then faded out over a 3-7 second interval. 2/24/1953 #13172 . There was then a slightly longer interval and finally a fifth disc detach 8/23/1954 #14893 g from the ground at a few seconds interval. (March 4, 9:23 PM) 3/4/1965 #24792 achine lifts off, and after a long interval it lands. Da Silva is carried b 5/4/1969 #31718 k and repeating five times with an interval of 2 seconds between each emiss 11/30/1975 #38029 e launched in pairs, at a few days interval. 9/16/1977 #39993 able to observe, at a few minutes interval, around 8:45 PM, a phenomenon t 8/14/1996 #51641 d followed the first at a 5 minute interval, then 20 minutes passed before 4/26/2001 #53030## Word: "intervale", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
INTERVALE, NH 2 separate observer(s). Or 11/4/1958 #20803 INTERVALE, NH Ex-USCG man. 3 luminous ob 2/3/1960 #21672 Intervale, New Haven, CT Former Air Forc 2/3/1960 #21673## Word: "intervalometer", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd taking automatic photos with an intervalometer. No one sees a thing whil 9/4/1971 #33078## Word: "intervals", 105 instance(s) (Back to Top)
known. 3 glowing-balls trail / 30m intervals. 7/13/1860 #1140 the fall of stones, and at regular intervals, some kind of cannon shots. So 12/1875 #1276 . Six smaller lights are placed at intervals around a larger dark body. Aft 2/4/1897 #1631 in the sky 3 explosions at regular intervals (March 4, 8.25 p.m.) 3/4/1909 #2266 / 60M altitude. 3 booms / regular intervals. 3/4/1909 #2267 hears three explosions at regular intervals. 3/4/1909 #2268 d, rising or descending at regular intervals. The observation lasted twenty 7/24/1909 #2364 the other “at almost evenly spaced intervals … curiously jumped groups each 8/22/1924 #2940 and on the other hand, at regular intervals, signals presenting in groups 8/23/1924 #2941 beam of light shoots down, and at intervals it swings from side to side as 10/1943 #3827 going east overhead / 3 second(s) intervals. 1K' over mountain tops. / r18 6/27/1947 #5138 a single line, separated by equal intervals. They headed towards Portland, 7/4/1947 #5368 boches. They crossed each other at intervals, suggesting a slow rotation or 7/8/1947 #5783 t over steel factory / 1 minute(s) intervals. / r171p39. 7/10/1947 #5960 going quickly south / 15 minute(s) intervals. Meteors? 7/13/1947 #6040 a one after the other at 15-minute intervals. They flew away to the south. 7/13/1947 #6043 ng behind) puffs / smoke / regular intervals. 7/28/1947 #6121 t behind puffs of smoke at regular intervals. 7/28/1947 #6126 rtheast or southwest / 5 minute(s) intervals. 8/19/1947 #6274 ock faces" cross sky / 2 minute(s) intervals. 5/8/1948 #6667 s to pulse its lights at 3- second intervals as it moves away. 7/9/1948 #6743 are windows. Spurts sparks / 250ms intervals. 1/27/1949 #7088 ng quickly northeast / 1 minute(s) intervals. Fly under cloud layers. 7/10/1949 #7458 on an axis and flashing at regular intervals, like smaller air beacons. 5/7/1950 #8260 ng-saucers pass Pikes Peak / 1 min intervals. 5/25/1950 #8307 its chest that flashed at regular intervals. He stealthily approached to a 6/17/1950 #8343 goniometer. Beings turn at regular intervals on the edge. They stop to look 7/2/1950 #8402 ternately bright and then black at intervals of two seconds. It was visible 10/7/1950 #8626 itting a flash of light at regular intervals. Its altitude was approximatel 12/7/1950 #8780 bright photoflashes at one-second intervals and disappears from sight. 1/22/1951 #8888 cal fin at one end, and at regular intervals along the fuselage are vertica 2/19/1951 #8935 ft was a dull silver cover, but at intervals along the fuselage were dark v 2/19/1951 #8937 up [to] very high and blinks / 2s intervals. 8/25/1951 #9178 h altitude, blinking at two second intervals. 8/26/1951 #9196 north slowly, pulsating at regular intervals. The bright white light had a 4/15/1952 #9826 ylinder/cigar-shape puffs smoke at intervals across sky. No jets / balloons 4/29/1952 #9995 st that emitted flashes at regular intervals. In a few seconds, the edges o 6/30/1952 #10592 protuberances, emitting at regular intervals a brief and violent flashing a 7/18/1952 #10857 silver to/from/between red / even intervals. No aerodynamic features. 7/24/1952 #11144 tward across the city at 10-minute intervals. The couple described them as 8/4/1952 #11601 and are observed one at a time at intervals of approximately 20 minutes. W 8/7/1952 #11693 north. Rises. Blinks / 2 second(s) intervals. 8/26/1952 #11976 light commenced flashing at short intervals. 2/6/1953 #13104 t change color to red and green at intervals (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 2/7/1953 #13108 t change color to red and green at intervals and disappear behind a cloud. 2/7/1953 #13110 going quickly north / 3 minute(s) intervals. 1 reverses course. 5/27/1953 #13421 re lights follow at about 5-minute intervals. 10/25/1953 #13821 It pulses in brightness at regular intervals. At the same time, another obs 1/25/1954 #14107 nsas slowly, stopping at irregular intervals. It then dove at a man walking 4/23/1954 #14349 o/from/between south / 5 minute(s) intervals. High and fast / 20x (seen thr 10/26/1954 #16353 30 second(s) passes / 10 minute(s) intervals. 500mph. See Dallas. 6/15/1955 #17236 90 second(s) passes / 10 minute(s) intervals. See Bryan, TX. 6/20/1955 #17244 ff almost vertically at one-minute intervals. The disc-shaped object rises 10/4/1955 #17561 ard-shining white light appears at intervals. 11/25/1956 #18500 g red object flashes / 2 second(s) intervals. Low and below horizon. / r141 11/4/1957 #19523 ickly south. 2 more follow / 2 min intervals. 12/29/1957 #20066 rizon. Going up and down / regular intervals. No further details. 11/4/1958 #20803 at extend and retract at irregular intervals. As the jets approach the obje 9/24/1959 #21457 om 10ʹ to 50ʹ long connected at ¾ʺ intervals by minute particles resembling 10/12/1959 #21507 .m. Six silent objects are seen at intervals over Caroda, New South Wales. 6/6/1962 #22938 ail. At greater and more irregular intervals we also heard a kind of whistl 4/21/1963 #23502 eams lights going up / each end at intervals. 8/13/1963 #23706 going west slow. Pulses / regular intervals. 12/28/1963 #23947 , two minutes each at three-minute intervals. The negatives are carefully e 8/2/1965 #25276 ts emitting very bright signals at intervals. (...) If the object had not c 4/22/1966 #26475 ops and hovers in midair for short intervals. The object gives off a beam o 6/11/1966 #26692 sound. It was repeated at regular intervals about once a second, and she w 6/30/1967 #28939 for about 20 seconds at irregular intervals. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 9/6/1967 #29420 for about 20 seconds at irregular intervals. A bright, glowing orange oval 9/6/1967 #29421 ud. The light flashed at irregular intervals. 9/6/1967 #29422 up and down at regular 2-3 second intervals. (Clausen report, NICAP files. 10/22/1967 #29726 . 8 night lights going north / 30s intervals. Small night lights fall from 12/24/1967 #30079 ng like a church bell rings out at intervals, and mechanical clanking is al Spring 1968 #30353 speed. Turns on and off at regular intervals. 2/1969 #31472 hite flashes of light at irregular intervals, suggesting a round shape. Arr 10/9/1969 #32049 ns. Glow on and off / 30 second(s) intervals. Maneuvers. 2/24/1971 #32762 came on and went off at 30 second intervals. 2/24/1971 #32763 racks 56cm apart. Repeated / 120cm intervals. 2/23/1973 #34212 ard the east. In the next hour, at intervals of some minutes apart, she saw 3/20/1973 #34258 outh. It was flashing at irregular intervals. Suddenly it dropped a small l 5/6/1973 #34384 is flashing regularly at 2-second intervals. The object is skimming over t 10/12/1973 #34978 server. Loud noises / 15 minute(s) intervals. Orange fireball stops. Shoots 8/15/1974 #36425 ng quickly northeast / 1 minute(s) intervals. Back 18 August / r30p507. 8/16/1974 #36437 ds Funchal 7:30 p.m. At two-minute intervals, three bright red lights are s 11/22/1974 #36700 ed four more times at exact hourly intervals. (Soviet scalar EM weapons tes 2/16/1975 #36950 aft going north. Flashes red at 2s intervals. Goes. 4/5/1975 #37128 . 3 UFO's exit cloud / 2 minute(s) intervals. / r30p570. 8/18/1975 #37512 e multiple projections occurred at intervals of about every 20 seconds. The 9/27/1975 #37666 3 red night lights / 40 second(s) intervals. 11/25/1975 #38014 except for a dull noise at regular intervals as if two pieces of wood had b 8/6/1976 #38647 ke wood rubbing on wood at regular intervals. Mrs. Chiasson approached the 8/6/1976 #38653 ular table. Set around the dome at intervals of about one and a half meters 2/5/1978 #40510 o sound its horn in short and long intervals. The father went back inside a 7/8/1978 #40940 white light flashing at one-second intervals in the center, while other lig 7/20/1978 #40997 ng relative to each other at fixed intervals; the smaller and whiter ones s 4/13/1981 #43704 oing west. Tumbles faces / regular intervals. Jets pace. 10/16/1982 #44530 f flashes of red light at constant intervals, then lights of all colors. At 7/28/1989 #47226 3rd joins. Going [to] away / tens intervals. Also night lights / 0620h. 3/8/1991 #48388 y seen. Appears and vanishes / odd intervals under clouds. 3/8/1994 #49985 k out and reappear in three-minute intervals. An airport operator in Jackso 10/16/1996 #51746 white, with a row of portholes. At intervals a beam of light came out from 12/23/1997 #52228 LINSVALE, TASM Flash / 3 second(s) intervals. Triangle hovers outside. Squa 5/31/1998 #52357 hed red at varying intensities and intervals, was sighted over Houston, Tex 2/8/2004 #53529 that went on and off in 20 second intervals. The other report was of an in 4/8/2004 #53555 right light and a buzzing sound at intervals was sighted and photographed o 7/31/2004 #53592## Word: "intervene", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)
inds and finally the Church had to intervene". 760 #78 move from one planet to another to intervene. Throughout his life, Tsiolkov 1628 #482 at least 20 miles, too far away to intervene. It seemed to move near La Spe 2/17/1945 #4206 mmer objects moving around. Clouds intervene and when they clear, he sees t 7/8/1954 #14699 culiar accent, and said they would intervene in the event of a nuclear war. 10/20/1954 #16210 disk hovers / 8km altitude. Clouds intervene.. 10/21/1954 #16227 on. Wanderka asks them if they can intervene to change certain things on Ea 1955 #16891 en-associate Jacques Vallée has to intervene. Hynek replies that if he did, 6/8/1966 #26682 om other planets when they come to intervene, to collaborate with the inhab 6/26/1968 #30608 e broke down and a mechanic had to intervene. Case not solved by Gepan, whi 1/26/1981 #43587 le breaks down and a mechanic must intervene. Case not elucidated by the GE 1/26/1981 #43588 so that the neighbors were able to intervene in time to save her. She was t 9/18/1997 #52147## Word: "intervened", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
forth to be stoned. Saint Agobard intervened and saved their lives, expres 815 #98 splayed an unusual nature. Men who intervened to save the hay noticed that, 12/1693 #594 or who first crossed the Atlantic, intervened in favor of Goddard's tests. 7/17/1929 #3061 ory extraterrestrial visitors have intervened in human affairs. Misraki is 1962 #22692 as photographed. The military hunt intervened in order to intercept it, but 6/20/1972 #33548## Word: "intervenes", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n front of an enraged mob, Agobard intervenes and prevents their lynching, 812 #92## Word: "intervening", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
object is lost to view because of intervening terrain. 1/17/1953 #12991 ts came back on without the driver intervening. (November 1954) 11/1954 #16457 re two a.m., with no memory of the intervening three hours. Under hypnosis 6/25/1967 #28912## Word: "intervention", 22 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ttributing the findings to angelic intervention or divine providence. 1237 #213 or execution. However, a momentous intervention occurred just before his im 9/12/1271 #231 armies was general... without the intervention of celestial or aerial bein 10/25/1415 #282 , and a lost filling requiring the intervention of a dentist). (February 20 2/20/1954 #14175 or Montreal weekly, highlights the intervention of Dr. Tombaugh, astronomer 1/9/1955 #16931 (Translated from French) Soviet intervention in Budapest. (October 23) 10/23/1956 #18430 (Translated from French) Intervention of Doctor James Mac Donald, 10/10/1966 #27174 igence scientists to form a “rapid intervention team” to investigate UFO in 1968 #30110 (Translated from French) Soviet intervention in Prague. (August 21) 8/21/1968 #30895 ther scientists to set up a “rapid intervention team” for the RAAF to inves 11/8/1969 #32103 on its own, without his conscious intervention. He did not stop, continued 3/5/1971 #32777 le in which the possibility of the intervention of gendarmes to collect and 11/27/1971 #33265 ke a warning in action without any intervention, to make the phenomenon sto 8/18/1975 #37509 arge carriers C 141 of the nuclear intervention team of the "NEST" take off 1/24/1978 #40458 on KOAT and remembers the military intervention on the story. William L. Mo 2/28/1978 #40558 e worked by themselves without any intervention on my part. I had not cut t 10/3/1978 #41399 denamed Operation Urgent Fury, the intervention results in an American vict 10/25/1983 #44955 ths starting in December 1988. His intervention draws a large public intere 5/7/1989 #47113 nger looking at the fire fighters' intervention, but were looking up and mo 10/12/1989 #47371 nslated from French) Following the intervention of SOBEPS and Belgian Europ 3/31/1991 #48421 h a mesh of iron. It was a kind of intervention team composed of agents fro 11/6/1995 #51206 Kosovo Kosovo War and NATO intervention 2/28/1998 #52300## Word: "interview", 132 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ts in Sunderland on December 28 to interview witnesses and determine whethe 12/1865 #1176 falsehoods about him, including an interview with another attorney, Frederi 11/22/1896 #1566 d of the day the commander gave an interview to the reporters, noting that 7/13/1915 #2689 searched in all directions. In an interview, the sheriff of Østre Slidre i 7/13/1915 #2690 e’s surface. However, local police interview the witness and suspect that h Late 11/1933 #3218 , July 1983; tape-recorded witness interview.) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Co 10/9/1942 #3713 ual aerial phenomena in Europe and interview pilots. He later moves his inv 10/28/1944 #4053 t US military attaché in Stockholm interview three Swedish Air Force office 8/13/1946 #4684 ir Intelligence about the branch’s interview with H. W. Flickinger, vice pr 2/28/1947 #4877 e FBI conducts a shorter follow-up interview with Capt. Emil J. Smith. 7/12/1947 #6028 teman Capt. Davidson and Lt. Brown interview Richard Rankin. The FBI finds 7/27/1947 #6120 UFOs. I have the recording of the interview with Charles Schwartz, the rad 1948 #6491 Fort Knox, Kentucky USA In a 1996 interview, former Army sergeant Quinton 1/7/1948 #6515 of Project Sign), to New Mexico to interview Project Mogul scientist James 4/5/1948 #6614 Loedding, Deyarmond, and Llewellyn interview Chiles and Whitted in the Henr 7/26/1948 #6784 personnel arrive within hours and interview the witnesses. Eventually they 10/1/1948 #6892 vin E. Neef and John J. Stahl Jr., interview every agency that might know s 12/8/1948 #7005 son to Project Grudge. Most of the interview involves questions for Boggs. 1/1950 #7710 lloon ascent work, suggested in an interview with United Press that some "f 3/25/1950 #8008 another roll of film. In a further interview with the 5th Headquarters, de 10/6/1950 #8625 nist Bob Considine for an in-depth interview on flying saucers. Watson says 11/16/1950 #8711 icer Clare Welch, who has set this interview up, believes the Air Force has 1/1951 #8843 , Doctor Rolf Alexander, during an interview with General Marshall, receive Summer 1951 #9081 at field teams of 4602nd personnel interview UFO witnesses. 3/5/1953 #13209 spatch Journalist Peter H. Wyden’s interview with Ruppelt appears in the St 3/8/1953 #13215 n FBI agent and two AFOSI officers interview George Adamski and ask him to 3/17/1953 #13240 no longer published. Later, in an interview, Bender claimed that three "me 10/1953 #13753 ed the take off of the saucer. The interview had lasted ½ hour. Allingham's 2/18/1954 #14170 y to an aide. A full report of the interview is sent to the duke, who is in Mid 3/1954 #14248 ltazzi, visit Swan and through her interview Affa, who agrees to communicat 6/8/1954 #14542 Edwards find out about the O’Mara interview, and Edwards puts it on his ra 6/12/1954? #14565 gar Hoover sends an account of the interview to Rear Adm. Carl F. Espe and 7/24/1954 #14747 reira, who admitted the hoax in an interview, later published in the newspa 9/24/1954 #15212 In a newspaper interview, Alfred Loedding alludes to th 10/10/1954 #15759 (Translated from French) Interview with MacArthur in the New York 10/9/1955 #17574 n April 16, the two pilots gave an interview on the "Meet the Millers" talk 4/8/1956 #17908 copy of the audio cassette of this interview recorded by Bill Weitzel (Apri 4/8/1956 #17908 Griffiss AFB Syracuse An interview with Ryan and Neff is taped on 4/16/1956 #17920 Ministry sends an investigator to interview the witnesses and tells them n 2/15/1957 #18682 pleted without anyone bothering to interview the teenage daughter or taking 3/22/1957 #18728 . It lit up the whole area.” In an interview in 1977, Sheriff Clem said, “A 11/2/1957 #19442 lian Air Force, fly to the fort to interview them. There is some reason to 11/4/1957 #19542 ity. Willy Smith’s April 20, 1983, interview of Baraúna takes on more signi 1/16/1958 #20144 appears on ABC’s The Mike Wallace Interview and mentions the Estimate of t 3/8/1958 #20243 ged his mind the next day after an interview with an Air Force Colonel. “Th 4/1/1959 #21110 , Maine, to visit Adm. Knowles and interview Frances Swan. Larsen tries his 7/5/1959 #21264 US Interview with USAF Col. Tacker on Westi 12/18/1960 #22128 t] Donald E. Flickinger manages to interview the primary witness, who works Late 11/1961 #22653 . D. Jackson and Robert E. Hohmann interview the Hills. One of them express 11/25/1961 #22655 rsions” in October. However, in an interview on BBC-2 television on October 2/1962 #22718 adcasted the report and planned to interview Cooper, who said nothing and r 5/7/1963 #23512 Pentagon forces a TV crew about to interview the witnesses to shut down tha 1/11/1965 #24652 Pacific Ocean Personal Interview report by Capt. D.M. (initials 2/11/1965 #24755 their necks. AFOSI special agents interview them, but the men cannot remem 3/2/1965 #24787 Reef, Australia Police statement (interview); Bougainville Reef, Australia 5/28/1965 #24939 .m., 2–4 police officers arrive to interview the three witnesses at length. 9/3/1965 #25547 UFO group, as well as a tape of an interview the Hills gave to UFO investig 10/25/1965 #25729 ationally broadcast public affairs interview program, The Open Mind, presen 2/27/1966 #26016 communications. NICAP members also interview some civilians who claim to ha 4/17/1966 #26438 n and tells him to be ready for an interview the next day. 5/8/1966 #26593 n Ravenna, Ohio, to record Spaur’s interview and has brought two reporters 5/9/1966 #26598 d the reporters leave as well. The interview becomes heated at times. 5/9/1966 #26598 ly mirages. This is followed by an interview with a "lunatic" describing hi 5/10/1966 #26599 thers". In contrast, an impressive interview with Carl Sagan, who forcefull 5/10/1966 #26599 clines the offer after a 20-minute interview with Condon, whose negative bi 9/21/1966 #27097 eimer goes to Washington, D.C., to interview witnesses of the National Airp 12/2/1966 #27406 Arizona Daily Wildcat publishes an interview with James E. McDonald, who sa 4/6/1967 #28388 e, 1968, pp. 11,13, 40-43; witness interview transcripts 46i-46xii.) (NICAP 9/2/1967 #29387 assie. Their request to record the interview is denied, but they are impres 6/20/1968 #30574 d was therefore unavailable for an interview by the investigators. 10/15/1968 #31114 rd Helms comes to Camp David to an interview with Nixon about what he think 11/20/1972 #34001 ntacts him. Randle arranges for an interview and hypnosis sessions with APR 10/16/1973 #35051 great detail on a local radio show interview the Aztec crash, had anonymous 10/11/1974 #36601 nces in Tampa, Florida. During the interview, Carr makes the shocking discl 10/11/1974 #36608 TV talk show. As he drives to the interview, a large black Cadillac limous 5/3/1975 #37199 isit by the men in black before an interview with J. Allen Hynek. 5/3/1975 #37199 arlos Castro Cavero declares in an interview that he believes UFOs are extr 6/27/1976 #38548 yes and languid limbs.” In a later interview by the St. John Valley Times, 8/20/1976 #38695 operation, Capt. Hollanda gives an interview to ufologists Ademar José Geva 7/1977 #39705 de his men. Three months after the interview, he is found dead in his home 7/1977 #39705 Norilsk, Soviet Union In an interview, Colonel-General Gennady Reshe Late 1970's #40356 town of Aguas Blancas, Bolivia, to interview witnesses. Velez Orozco is one 5/6/1978 #40764 ludes a portion of a December 1979 interview by Bob Pratt with Jesse Marcel 2/28/1980 #42900 ood. Moore and Bruce Maccabee both interview Doty, who says there are most 8/8/1980 #43185 He and Stanton Friedman managed to interview 62 people related to the Roswe 9/1980 #43230 ve, but none of them could.” In an interview, Conrad criticizes Halt for th 12/28/1980 #43523 as Dr. Bryan McClelland said in an interview, "The illness that she suffere 12/29/1980 #43537 (Translated from French) Interview with the Assistant Professor o 1/1981 #43548 Moscow Aviation Institute An interview with Russian UFO expert Felix 7/31/1981 #43877 om Værnes Air Station in Trondheim interview some witnesses and conclude th 3/26/1982 #44272 twatch had stopped at 4:20 a.m. An interview with his family disclosed a "s 11/29/1982 #44595 lost consciousness. An subsequent interview with his family disclosed that 11/30/1982 #44596 ies to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to interview Sgt. Richard Doty for an HBO s 4/9/1983 #44741 Fred Dennis are returning from an interview with witnesses in Peekskill, N 10/5/1984 #45458 re and Stanton Friedman managed to interview 92 people related to the Roswe 1986 #45780 The date provided in an interview by Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD for t 1989 #46925 d notes taken during the telephone interview that followed, by Mrs. Claire 3/24/1990 #47765 l admits the photo is a hoax in an interview for RTL on July 26, 2011. He a 4/4/1990 #47821 ngrad on June 17, 1990. During the interview he gave me, I was totally conv 6/17/1990 #47950 s Loch, Selkirk, who had noted the interview of Steve Hallett by Jill McPhe 7/8/1991 #48522 , George Roberts, states he did an interview with WW “Mac” Brazel in July 1 12/30/1991 #48706 51,” which includes a prerecorded interview with former Sen. Barry Goldwat 10/1/1994 #50336 ng. 3600 frames of top-saucer over interview. 2/25/1996 #51421 television transmitter. During my interview with the witnesses we agreed t 7/14/1996 #51610 cessary". Several times during the interview he interjected with the statem 7/16/1996 #51611 ferent covert programs. I would go interview people who claimed they had se 8/30/1996 #51666 bruary 1997 Heseman was filming an interview with Yuri where the latter cla 9/14/1996 #51684 S-4, speaks in “Area 51: The Alien Interview” by Rocket Pictures. Claims tw 2/1997 (approximate) #51879 econds. No further details / Email interview. 4/20/1997 #51984 ed that it sent representatives to interview the witness. 2/15/1999 #52529 er pilot, Alex Dietrich, say in an interview that a total of four people (t 11/14/2004 #53655 r for Public Communications. In an interview after the meeting, Gevaerd say 5/20/2005 #53715 public with the information. In an interview with Leslie Kean in the Presco 3/18/2007 #53885 otage for the re-release of “Alien Interview”. “Victor” claims that Donald 2008 #53979 med, and they behave oddly as they interview him for 30–40 minutes. After h 5/8/2009 #54095 e same day the DHS personnel first interview “Jones,” he hears low-flying h 5/8/2009 #54096 to his death, Spiers gave a video interview where he claimed to see a “jum 7/16/2016 #54334 s and law enforcement officers who interview 300 neighbors of diplomats, ex 10/24/2017 #54364 US In an interview, Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD (who ha 4/30/2019 #54456 ker Jeremy Corbell sit down for an interview with Joe Rogan 6/20/2019 #54470 In an interview at The Arlington Institute wit 2/8/2020 #54516 US Interview with ex-USAF Colonel Richard L 2021 (approximate) #54558 eastern coast In a breakthrough interview on CBS-TV’s 60 Minutes, US Nav 8/29/2021 #54596 TIP head Lue Elizondo states in an interview that “Company A” can have an u 10/21/2021 #54609 h founder Hal Puthoff states in an interview that materials sciences inform 2/11/2022 #54633 for all UAP, contradicting a 1989 interview where he suggested recovered v 3/16/2022 #54635 al new pieces of information in an interview including: that he was told of 12/20/2022 #54691 heehan mentions David Grusch in an interview with the Debrief. Ross Coultha 5/19/2023 #54712 ment disinformation campaign. This interview airs on June 11th 2023. 6/2023 #54714 ein, reveals in a Twitter/X Spaces interview that his sources are similar-l 8/9/2023 #54726 eek UFO answers in Washington. New interview with Tim Burchett about the le 8/23/2023 #54733 the July 26 UAP hearings. In this interview on YouTube, Grusch reiterates 9/10/2023 #54746## Word: "interviewed", 72 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s 18 years old at the time. He was interviewed by Ian d'Aigure, an investig 1906 #2156 meet the witnesses: We separately interviewed all the students who saw the 7/27/1909 #2373 war has never been located. He was interviewed by James E. McDonald on Apri 10/28/1944 #4053 ss, author of the report, recently interviewed was Robert S. Crawford, now Summer 1945 #4316 g very quickly. The witnesses were interviewed by the FBI. 6/2/1947 #4977 landed in Pendleton, Oregon he was interviewed at the local radio station w 6/24/1947 #5106 endleton, Oregon Kenneth Arnold is interviewed live on KWRC radio in Pendle 6/26/1947 #5130 ’s, later passes a polygraph test, interviewed by ufologist Stanton Friedma 7/5/1947 #5472 d by 11:30 a.m. Annie Jacobsen has interviewed Alfred O’Donnell, later an e 7/5/1947 #5514 nier, Washington Kenneth Arnold is interviewed at the Hotel Owyhee in Boise 7/12/1947 #6027 inds that the CIC agents have also interviewed Kenneth Arnold, Capt. Emil J 7/27/1947 #6120 when Sign arrives. (They are later interviewed at the USAF Watson Laborator 4/5/1948 #6614 was confirmed by all the witnesses interviewed and undeniably proves the me 3/15/1951 #8987 GS TO DIFFER. Dan Lundberg on KTTV interviewed interviewed a 21-year-old ex 8/3/1952 #11577 . Dan Lundberg on KTTV interviewed interviewed a 21-year-old ex-Air Force s 8/3/1952 #11577 pecify this to the journalists who interviewed him on this point. (…) . (He 8/19/1952 #11845 Gen. John A. Samford is interviewed in See magazine and provides 3/1953 #13197 theasterly direction. Navarrete is interviewed by Judge Gabriel Barbosa de 10/10/1957 #19331 arters arrived at Loveland, TX. He interviewed only two persons who had sta 11/5/1957 #19552 o go with them to Youngstown to be interviewed by military officers. They d 11/10/1957 #19800 board a military helicopter. He is interviewed in Youngstown, then he is re 11/10/1957 #19800 ed, and then landed. The pilot was interviewed by the US Air Force. 1/10/1961 #22177 but private UFO investigators who interviewed Mr. Simonton found him to be 4/18/1961 #22280 45 degrees to disappear." [Witness interviewed by NICAP Adviser Harold H. F 6/16/1963 #23580 orange light on bottom. [Witnesses interviewed by NICAP member Raymond Fowl 6/26/1963 #23600 he object occasionally. [Witnesses interviewed by Walter N. Webb, NICAP Adv 8/13/1963 #23710 ameter. Pickett and Baker say they interviewed base personnel who said the 1966 #25865 tor and lecturer Norman S. Bean is interviewed. States that after enough re 2/22/1966 #26001 s, he or his NICAP associates have interviewed all the police officers, as 4/17/1966 #26438 case. Air Force investigators also interviewed meteorologists and weather a 4/18/1966 #26451 water from a local bar. Upon being interviewed, the waitress from the bar d 8/20/1966 #26948 through a 20x telescope. (Witness interviewed by Richard Hall who was visi 6/26/1967 #28913 al Canadian Mounted Police. Styles interviewed Lawrence Smith while Ledger 11/25/1970 #32634 viewed Lawrence Smith while Ledger interviewed both Smith and Ralph Keeping 11/25/1970 #32634 r so later. Both Ledger and Styles interviewed Colonel Rushton who Ledger t 11/25/1970 #32634 filed by Mrs. Idabel Epperson, who interviewed the witnesses by telephone.) 11/5/1971 #33239 he had been gone. He was therefore interviewed later under hypnosis. In a h 11/30/1974 #36720 ove back to Denver, where they are interviewed by geologist John S. Derr an Fall 1975 #37649 ding to an informant at the center interviewed by Francis Ridge, nobody is Late 10/1975 #37786 seen to newspapers and were never interviewed by anyone.” 4/17/1976 #38390 'Richard' by the Daily Mirror) was interviewed by the local press the follo 2/4/1977 #39243 vestigator Barry King came out and interviewed the officer that very night. 5/3/1977 #39527 othing on earth. Friedman has also interviewed Lydia Sleppy, who worked at 2/28/1978 #40558 1980, Friedman and Bill Moore have interviewed at least 62 witnesses to the 2/28/1978 #40558 aphs Saturn-saucer 2X. Observer(s) interviewed / Sal Giamusso. 6/20/1978 (approximate) #40878 for the Minister of Defence to be interviewed on national TV. Lord Trefgar 1/18/1979 #42016 Author and researcher John Keel is interviewed by David Letterman. Keel say 7/28/1980 #43161 ouched an alien spacecraft; he had interviewed Penniston at the time and he 12/28/1980 #43523 1981, Cash, Landrum, and Colby are interviewed at length by personnel at Be 12/29/1980 #43536 ssler and NASA physicist Alan Holt interviewed the witnesses, who took them 12/29/1980 #43537 y anyone else. However, Sarran had interviewed both Mrs. Cash and Landrum, 1982 #44131 a year later that he agreed to be interviewed. 11/11/1983 #44987 Green tells Jacques Vallée he once interviewed a soldier that specialized i 3/11/1984 #45181 lated from French) Robert Lazar is interviewed for the first time on KLAS-T 5/7/1989 #47113 John Lear’s secure house, is first interviewed by journalist George Knapp. 5/14/1989 #47127 e Groom Lake Robert Lazar is first interviewed by George Knapp on KLAS-TV i 5/15/1989 #47130 hypnotherapist John Carpenter and interviewed separately, both of the witn 11/6/1989 #47431 by Norio Hayakawa, Robert Lazar is interviewed in Las Vegas, Nevada, by Nip 2/1990 #47677 y out of sight. Thomas says he was interviewed by people in civilian clothe 1991 #48321 ated from French) Steve Hallett is interviewed by Jill McPherson on Radio B 7/9/1991 #48525 w on TF1, presenter Jacques Pradel interviewed Valery Pavlovitch Bourdakov, 10/8/1995 #51155 on Coast to Coast AM and again was interviewed by Art Bell. This time, he w 7/23/1997 #52090 ted from French) Jacques Vallée is interviewed on Europe 1 by Marc Menant. 5/20/2001 #53049 lip J. Corso, and Bill Birnes were interviewed live in Roswell, NM, about t 7/4/2001 #53067 ses. Later, intelligence personnel interviewed the men, and appeared to be 8/25/2004 #53611 rome) or radiation effects. He has interviewed elderly whistleblowers—a wom 6/2005 #53717 Space scientist Yves Sillard is interviewed on Radio France Internationa 9/29/2005 #53752 the DOD Inspector General (DOD/IG) interviewed several officers from the NR 11/5/2015 #54317 rs in the Desert. In 2001, Redfern interviewed an elderly woman (the Black 6/2017 #54350 US Christopher Mellon is interviewed on NewsNation. “I’ve been to 7/24/2023 #54718 0 witnesses Grusch claimed to have interviewed that informed his conclusion 8/22/2023 #54731 General. Matt Ford had previously interviewed Senator Gillibrand on the su 9/4/2023 #54742## Word: "interviewers", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
wife Kalliope in Switzerland tells interviewers that his photos are of spac 1997 #51846## Word: "interviewing", 14 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ousands of dollars looking for and interviewing witnesses and trying to pro 3/25/1948 #6595 makes one last serious attempt at interviewing about nuclear propulsion (a 1/1949 #7054 changes, and is in the process of interviewing astronomers about any poten 7/7/1952 #10671 in July 1957. In the 1990s, after interviewing three men (Art Westerman, P 10/25/1955 #17599 locating several crew members and interviewing them, and FOIA searches tha 7/17/1957 #19007 ebb, initially skeptical, winds up interviewing the Hills for 6 hours. He f 10/21/1961 #22589 m that the RCAF would not admit to interviewing him if the case receives an 6/1964 #24195 nek spends three days in Michigan, interviewing witnesses in Dexter and Hil 3/23/1966 #26158 days in New Zealand and Australia interviewing witnesses and analyzing the 12/31/1978 #41894 first hour consists of Larry King interviewing the panelists; then he take 2/7/1981 #43608 General Denis Letty and begins by interviewing French witnesses, consolida 1996 #51289 Bigelow tells Jacques Vallée he is interviewing to hire experts in the area 1/7/1996 #51304 analyzing over 1,000 documents and interviewing affected individuals. They 2/2/2022 #54630 lso provides an audiotape of Green interviewing a woman “CRM” who was alleg 10/20/2022 #54681## Word: "interviews", 85 instance(s) (Back to Top)
o investigate the foo fighters. He interviews the men until 4am, and appear 12/31/1944 #4125 summary by Ted Bloecher, 14 pages. Interviews by Bloecher, Lucius Farish, a Late 8/1946 #4726 s intelligence director give press interviews debunking the phenomenon of f 6/30/1947 #5218 es to the sheriff’s office. Marcel interviews Brazel, examines the pieces o 7/6/1947 #5615 (Idaho) Municipal Airport The FBI interviews Capt. Emil J. Smith and copil 7/9/1947 #5905 Kenneth Arnold interviews Dahl in Tacoma WA, near Maury 7/29/1947 #6128 acker". Several hundred mph. / FBI interviews. 8/6/1947 #6205 s city fast. No description. / FBI interviews. 9/11/1947 #6326 Station in Arcata, California, and interviews Kenneth W. Ehlers, a radar te Spring 1948 #6589 k combined with psycho-therapeutic interviews. Raines says the treatment oc 4/9/1949 #7228 e Office of Special Investigations interviews Conrad, who admits to perpetr 8/1949 #7500 ormer First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt interviews airline pilots Jack Adams and 3/26/1950 #8022 saucers,’ agent S. Wesley Reynolds interviews Maj. Boggs and Lieut. Col. Jo 3/28/1950 #8045 nd disappears. Kenneth Arnold, who interviews her, is convinced of her sinc 4/1950 #8088 ents are revealed in Brad Sparks’s interviews with Brent and Graybeal and o 6/1952 #10242 ct psychologist Michael Wertheimer interviews many of the radar operators; 7/26/1952 #11236 Project Blue Book a report on his interviews with 45 astronomers about the 8/6/1952 #11670 ert’s discovery. Ivan T. Sanderson interviews the witnesses several days la 9/12/1952 #12169 his visit. On July 29 an FBI agent interviews him, and on August 9 J. Edgar 7/24/1954 #14747 ersonal interest in this incident, interviews Briggs, and searches the area 2/23/1955 #17031 en by Lieut. Col. Thomas Ryan, who interviews Russell’s companions in Pragu 10/4/1955 #17564 AFB Ohio Walter N. Webb visits and interviews Project Blue Book head Capt. 6/14/1956 #18020 vestigator and doctor Olavo Fontes interviews Sued. He lets him know that h 9/14/1957 #19216 rber of the Boston Herald features interviews with unnamed Air Force office 11/30/1958 #20846 Idaho in 2013, where David Booher interviews him about his PTSD-like sympt 2/20/1959 #21001 igence at a nearby Air Force Base, interviews the witnesses and concludes t 5/19/1960 #21839 ing motion. USAF Thomas M. Conrow interviews witnesses and says there is “ 5/19/1960 #21842 l report, including transcripts of interviews, to Wright-Patterson AFB in O 10/2/1961 #22551 at the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base, interviews the witnesses. At the landing 5/12/1962 #22875 26. Hynek arrives on April 28 and interviews Zamora and Chavez. Richard H. 4/24/1964 #24063 s several photographs and conducts interviews with witnesses. His former wi 12/9/1965 #25822 me lapse of the Moon and Venus. He interviews two Hillsdale students, Sara 3/23/1966 #26158 nning up to it is steep. John Keel interviews the two boys three days after 10/11/1966 #27189 Newcomb, the school headmistress, interviews the boys and collects their w 1/28/1967 #27672 A CIA report summarizes interviews with unnamed Russian astronom 8/18/1967 #29286 sts, the lack of any evidence, and interviews with the patrolmen left proje 12/3/1967 #30015 through declassified documents and interviews with those involved that one 1/21/1968 #30166 the Boulder Daily Camera; when he interviews Condon, he realizes that Cond 2/9/1968 #30236 e(s). Detailed drawings / separate interviews. 1/20/1972 #33348 France Inter, Jean-Claude Bourret interviews the Minister of the Armies, R 2/21/1974 #35800 dio journalist Jean-Claude Bourret interviews French Defense Minister Rober 2/21/1974 #35805 France Inter, Jean-Claude Bourret interviews Jean-Claude Ribes, then a rad 3/8/1974 #35897 ates a conclusion to his series of interviews on UFOs, alongside Claude Vil 3/22/1974 #35955 feller Commission. It conducts 800 interviews and 250 executive and 21 publ 1/27/1975 #36891 County. Howard conducted follow-up interviews with military personnel and l 11/11/1975 #37949 County. Howard conducts follow-up interviews with military personnel and l 11/11/1975 #37953 . UFO investigator Kevin D. Randle interviews Erenberger on November 27, an 11/17/1975 #37985 Spanish journalist Juan J. Benitez interviews Gen. Carlos Castro Cavero, co 6/26/1976 #38547 oy, who sat in on one of the pilot interviews. A US Defense Intelligence Ag 9/18/1976 #38821 ne, and investigator Barry M. King interviews one of the officers that nigh 5/3/1977 #39524 DS Dept. Dir. Colm Kelleher states interviews of several former key McGuire 1/18/1978 #40440 cel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and interviews him about the 1947 Roswell, N 2/28/1978 #40558 an compare notes from two separate interviews Friedman has conducted about 2/28/1978 #40558 r for UFO Studies and Allan Hendry interviews some of the witnesses. He lea 4/29/1978 #40750 a Regional Emmy award in 1981. She interviews Denver surgeon Arlen Meyers o 5/28/1980 #43071 ritish UFO researcher Timothy Good interviews astrophysicist Pierre Guérin 11/1984 #45489 Cover-Up? Live! Host Mike Ferrell interviews Betty Cash and Vickie Landrum 10/14/1988 #46816 Robert Lazar allegedly interviews at EG&G, but is informed that 12/1/1988 #46883 Robert Lazar interviews at EG&G again for what seems 12/5/1988 #46897 Las Vegas, NV Bob Lazar interviews on KLAS-TV in silhouette usin 5/24/1989 #47139 Las Vegas, Nevada, identifies and interviews Robert Lazar, unmasked and us 11/10/1989 #47440 dehdel (pseudonym Armen Victorian) interviews Eric Walker, former president 1990 #47626 writer James Goodall cites direct interviews conducted over the previous d 1990 #47627 hotos from different observers and interviews more than a dozen witnesses. 8/24/1990 #48044 l, disclosing the results of their interviews and reconstruction of the Ros 7/1991 #48509 what they saw. Attempts to set up interviews outside of the plant were als 6/10/1992 #48944 of Chicago. Illinois. It features interviews with attendees at R. Leo Spri 6/3/1993 #49497 they saw. Researcher Cynthia Hind interviews them on September 17 and psyc 9/16/1994 #50311 or Roswell records; statements and interviews with persons connected with P 7/1995 #50878 US Art Bell anonymously interviews “Victor”, who claimed to have 5/23/1997 #52025 Author Nick Cook claims he interviews former head of Lockheed Marti Late 1990's #52239 or the I 2/Fo52 Värmland Regiment, interviews the witnesses. In September, 7/27/1999 #52634 ment of Geography visits the site, interviews the witnesses, measures the c 4/1/2001 #53015 Roswell, NM Art Bell interviews Linda Moulton Howe, Philip J. 7/4/2001 #53067 o UFO researcher Keith Basterfield interviews a man in Adelaide, South Aust 1/15/2005 #53679 d Rumsfeld has been aware of alien interviews since 1974. 2008 #53979 with intriguing personalities for interviews and investigations. His passi 9/16/2010 #54174 A documentary is released that interviews aerospace illustrator Mark Mc 12/2014 #54303 nd Lieut. Danny Accoin, have given interviews and appeared on a History Cha 2/2015? #54308 nge admitted in several subsequent interviews he would create media for U.S 1/24/2016 #54321 ed, on the history of UFO secrecy. Interviews with George Filer, Tom Bearde 5/9/2017 #54347 O researchers through first-person interviews. 3/3/2020 #54522 personal retaliation. Grusch also interviews with Ross Coulthart for NewsN 6/2023 #54714 Congressional oversight, based on interviews with informed officials. Frav 7/26/2023 #54719 investigation includes first-ever interviews, FOIA documents and reviews o 8/8/2023 #54724## Word: "interwoven", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s rim seems to be “composed of two interwoven parts revolving and moving in 1938 #3403## Word: "intese", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
se in Baldwin, Wisconsin, sees two intese white lights circling countercloc 10/20/1979 #42653## Word: "intestine", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lights / 4h. Time photograph like intestine. / APRO 7'66+/ r211p111. 8/15/1966 #26905## Word: "intial", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
onfirmed the sighting by the three intial witnesses. There was a total of s 11/25/1968 #31269## Word: "intimate", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ilking cows. Allegedly engaging in intimate relations with the entity, she 1551 #376 he “Shaver mystery.” Doreal claims intimate knowledge of the subterranean r 10/1946 #4787## Word: "intimidate", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
sts that the Soviets are trying to intimidate the Swedes. 7/9/1946 #4552 urges him not to let the Air Force intimidate him into retracting. 6/12/1959 #21205 r appealing to reason, but wish to intimidate us.” 10/24/1962 #23246 man individuals (men in black) who intimidate witnesses and seem linked wit 1975 #36778 silence pilots who have seen UFOs, intimidate, harass, jail, confine to ins 9/4/1987 #46368 n,” adding “they’ve never tried to intimidate me, personally.” 5/26/2021 #54580## Word: "intimidated", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n accent contacted the witness and intimidated him. 7/24/1952 #11159 n accent contacted the witness and intimidated him. 7/25/1952 #11188 ena, etc.” He says he is not being intimidated, he is just not interested i 7/30/1958 #20512 ist Linda Moulton Howe that he was intimidated by Wackenhut officials who t 8/30/1996 #51666## Word: "intimidates", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rnment [or] society” exists and it intimidates people into silence. https: 5/26/2021 #54580## Word: "intimidating", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
crew decided against it due to the intimidating nature of the creature. 4/8/1813 #900 ressed in black (M.I.B.) and quite intimidating: "..their faces were unplea 8/1953 #13561 ny farther, clearly fearful of the intimidating appearance of the object. I 11/7/1975 #37916## Word: "intimidation", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Swedish territory specifically for intimidation; self-destruct by small dem 8/22/1946 #4710 rotects them with surveillance and intimidation, and possibly, assassinatio 1970 #32189 imself exactly behind it, made the intimidation maneuver. But then he sudde 3/31/1997 #51958 s" were not simply missiles ... of intimidation?] 1/16/2000 #52762## Word: "intl", 14 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, hosted by defense contractor BDM Intl. BDM also curiously employed former 2/16/1979 #42089 VP of Intelligence Systems at BDM Intl. and eventual Chairman of Psi-Tech 1983 #44639 hairman of Psi-Tech (in 1992). BDM Intl. hosted the ATP Group meetings to d 1983 #44639 BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility hosts the 5/20/1985 #45606 ram. The meetings were held at BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility and classi 4/1988 #46654 and works as an executive with BDM Intl. Shapiro tells Oechsler parties in 10/1989 #47345 in Tysons Corner near the old BDM Intl. headquarters today. 10/1989 #47345 , McDonnell Douglas, TRW, Rockwell Intl., Booz-Allen and Hamilton, MITRE Co 8/30/1996 #51665 co-founder of the ATP Group at BDM Intl. is awarded a patent for technology 8/22/1998 #52423 reeniofii/ Note: TRW acquired BDM Intl. in 1997 (see October 1989 and see 7/31/1999 #52635 P and advised the ATP Group at BDM Intl. on UAP from the perspective of the 5/2002 #53199 in President Robert J Stevens, IAM Intl. President Tom Buffenbarger, and Ho 11/27/2002 #53320 ram. The meetings were held at BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility and classi 4/28/2006 #53808 oretical Working Group held at BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility and classi 9/26/2022 #54671## Word: "intolerable", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ide the woods, the heat had become intolerable and a cloud of dense smoke w 10/20/1954 #16202 side the woods the heat had become intolerable and a cloud of dense smoke h 10/20/1954 #16211 broad silvery belt. Moreno felt an intolerable humming in his ears, a sensa 9/27/1972 #33895## Word: "intonations", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
an unknown language with staccato intonations as if she was having difficu 8/27/1968 #30919## Word: "intoxicated", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
owly and seemed to stagger like if intoxicated. The figure was short and ve 10/26/1977 #40143## Word: "intra", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
LAVENO TO/FROM INTRA, ITL 3 / boat. 2 classic saucers 2 12/19/1962 #23358## Word: "intra-mercurial", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
alculating an orbit for Vulcan, an intra-mercurial planet hypothesized by L 3/26/1859 #1131 lin reported observing a potential intra-mercurial planetoid around 4:25 AM 4/4/1876 #1280 orado, sees what he takes to be an intra-mercurial planet about 3° southwes 7/29/1878 #1305 suggested the identification of an intra-Mercurial planet by Professor Wats 7/29/1878 #1306## Word: "intravenously", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ain. He does not eat, so he is fed intravenously for the 7 days he is hospi 3/24/1978 #40637## Word: "intrepid", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
mped. Mrs. Bordes is a rather more intrepid than average young woman who li 9/16/1955 #17526 blindly sets the Apollo 12 module Intrepid in the Ocean of Storms, 170 m f 11/20/1969 #32118## Word: "intricate", 14 instance(s) (Back to Top)
retreat far towards the east. This intricate and dynamic display of celesti Fall 1023 #146 ul collision, seemingly performing intricate maneuvers, including acrobatic 7/20/1349 #252 ture of the phenomena indicates an intricate interplay of highly unusual at 1/13/1553 #383 le amidst dark nebulosities, while intricate details of the village, includ 11/15/1667 #557 Mr. Wallace described the vessel's intricate mechanical workings as advance 1858 #1127 s, slowed down, and then performed intricate maneuvers around various landm 1923 #2916 dept at tracking the B-29s through intricate maneuvers, changes in altitude 1945 #4149 s when the jet closes in, performs intricate maneuvers, and at one point sp 8/5/1952 #11641 consistent. Both objects performed intricate aerial maneuvers, with sharp t 1956 #17733 m. Inside, he sees 5–6 screens and intricate equipment, at each of which a 4/1957 #18754 en, watched a silent "rocket" make intricate maneuvers in the sky over Reef 8/2/1957 #19084 Unidentified. Red rounded diamond. Intricate maneuvers. Change / shape. 7/29/1962 #23030 c glow. The object tilts to reveal intricate detail on its underside, then 5/19/1979 #42238 1994, and this group exists in an intricate web that receives funding from 8/19/1997 #52124## Word: "intricately", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
unique, tight, interlocking web of intricately fitted evidence.” 7/17/1957 #19007## Word: "intrigue", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd a greenish vapor, adding to the intrigue of the event. 905 #114 of this aerial phenomenon stirred intrigue and wonder among those who witn 2/18/1579 #432 omenon that garnered attention and intrigue among astronomers. 11/11/1645 #505 s the east, sparking curiosity and intrigue among the witnesses. 11/16/1672 #566 d sighting of the object, sparking intrigue in the scientific community. 8/28/1686 #584 is well-documented sighting raises intrigue due to its unusual characterist 1/6/1818 #911 ver a two-month period and sparked intrigue in the region. (Chapter 3, Ref 7/15/1909 #2359 ng, flowing hair. This didn't even intrigue her and she went back inside to 5/22/1953 #13406 "flying cigars" have not failed to intrigue public opinion, if not to worry 10/7/1954 #15611 the policy as a “lesson in lying, intrigue, and the ‘Big Brother’ attitude 12/1958 #20849## Word: "intrigued", 51 instance(s) (Back to Top)
malous atmospheric phenomenon that intrigued witnesses during that time. 1182 #193 on to Pedro Nolasco and the mayor. Intrigued by the possible significance, 1237 #213 ned phenomenon that left witnesses intrigued and puzzled. 5/1652 #515 ssions, leaving multiple witnesses intrigued by the sight. 10/11/1660 #525 ectory, leaving those who saw them intrigued by the mysterious phenomenon. 10/12/1660 #526 speed and the whistling it emitted intrigued them greatly. The globe descen 6/12/1790 #808 Rockland, TX John M. Barclay was intrigued when his dog barked furiously 4/22/1897 #1914 ockland, Texas John M. Barclay was intrigued when his dog barked furiously 4/22/1897 #1916 M. Barclay of Rockland, Texas was intrigued when his dog started barking f 4/22/1897 #1922 eading westward, leaving observers intrigued by its presence. (Chapter 3, R 9/1909 #2424 cream can, and remarkably silent. Intrigued, the man began approaching the 1920 #2863 that the UFO crew might have been intrigued by the sight of identical huma 5/1923 #2919 3 meters in diameter. Curious and intrigued, we approached it. Meanwhile, 6/1931 #3121 not, as it was too big. I was very intrigued and I approached. During my ad Summer 1937 #3380 only a second in total. All three intrigued, yet none made any comment as 1941 #3537 h. Roswell mortician Glenn Dennis, intrigued by inquiries from the base abo 7/8/1947 #5868 it looks to be as large as a C-54. Intrigued, Peck dives on the object as i 8/4/1947 #6195 ness of the object. The shaken and intrigued passengers put their heads to 6/7/1952 #10310 residing on the Toulouse road, was intrigued to hear her chickens cackle in 10/27/1952 #12530 the women to follow him. They did, intrigued. In a clearing they discovered 8/20/1954 #14880 nd was roughly spherical in shape. Intrigued, the witness looked long at th 10/7/1954 #15607 rtia, despite his owner's efforts. Intrigued, he got off his bike, turned i 10/10/1954 #15731 an orange glow in the bushes that intrigued him. Approaching, he saw a rou 10/16/1954 #16031 police, who are puzzled. Kodak is intrigued enough to conduct an inquiry. 5/24/1964 #24174 g 400–500 feet above the cemetery. Intrigued, Wallace places the car in neu 3/8/1967 #28100 ook and Reading (Great Britain) is intrigued when the electrical system of 10/26/1967 #29767 . The four military personnel were intrigued by an intense glow on a rescue 7/25/1968 #30747 h) At around 11:45 PM the witness, intrigued by a glowing shape at the top 9/11/1968 #30991 sest spectator smoked, they seemed intrigued and attracted the packet with 11/6/1969 #32102 ere barely 15 m from him. At first intrigued, he stopped, then driven by cu 7/25/1970 #32447 s imagining the device. Puthoff is intrigued. He writes up his findings and 6/6/1972 #33530 at this hour, the witness was very intrigued. He went to the window, moved 12/1973 #35479 , turning green, yellow, then red. Intrigued, they rushed outside and thus 3/5/1974 #35881 doorman of a nearby building, was intrigued by the lights coming from a la 1/1975 #36789 ho lives at the back of the house, intrigued by the commotion, turns on the 3/31/1975 #37086 the northwest by a strange light. Intrigued, he approached and was able to 6/9/1975 #37271 they saw red and green lights and, intrigued, they stopped and got out of t 8/30/1977 #39940 directed towards the ground. Very intrigued, Mrs. L. woke up her husband, Late 1/1978 #40462 seemed very friendly and appeared intrigued with her clothing. The third w 7/15/1981 #43837 sister, and a sailor named Cal are intrigued and decide to return to the si 8/12/1983 #44879 as a new housing construction and, intrigued, he stopped to look. It looked 7/19/1984 #45370 ources.” Randles is suspicious but intrigued. The two speak again on Octobe 10/28/1986 #46126 ise like that of an airplane. That intrigued me. This is what I saw. An obj 7/28/1989 #47224 eads back towards Eupen. Even more intrigued by this behavior that could su 11/29/1989 #47490 n of the celestial bolide that had intrigued all of Europe by the SEPRA. (D 12/9/1990 #48300 could be the source of this light. Intrigued by what he observes, the witne 6/1993 #49491 ench) A young couple in a car were intrigued by the appearance of a light c 2/28/1994 #49963 a blue one in the distance, which intrigued her. Ignoring the plane, which 1/3/1995 #50505 ng at Zaventem, these fixed lights intrigued him and he went out to the ter 1/4/1995 #50514 ghts as bright as the Moon. He was intrigued by the strange arrangement of 1/10/1998 #52259 were flying parallel to the line. Intrigued, I went outside and noticed th 6/1999 #52591## Word: "intrigues", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ch) A large, spindle-shaped object intrigues an astronomer from Basel, who 1762 #717 e to find his trace and this event intrigues the authorities so much that t 8/24/1962 #23100## Word: "intriguing", 36 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r 661, Japanese chronicles cite an intriguing event: "Autumn, first day of 661 #58 rajectories, creating a unique and intriguing celestial spectacle. 8/3/989 #138 Taichang, China In an intriguing event, a cloud reportedly des 1036 #151 on of the witnesses and remains an intriguing account of a pre-industrial a 1185 #194 Cronaca di Rolandino da Padova, an intriguing event is recounted by a witne 1252 #216 Japan Amidst a parade, an intriguing event unfolded. A red shining 8/3/1294 #240 ium Archiepiscoporum, documents an intriguing celestial occurrence. Employi 12/24/1299 #243 ing objects, remains enigmatic and intriguing. 7/20/1349 #252 guchi Prefecture, Western Japan An intriguing account describes an incident 1361 #259 Messina, Sicily, Italy An intriguing event occurred in Messina dur 1/26/1390 #273 he event lasted only a short time, intriguing those who saw it and sparking 8/1487 #321 Cardan with profound insights and intriguing perspectives. 8/13/1491 #325 hts. Following their departure, an intriguing scene unfolded as figures on 9/26/1568 #411 cal sources are available for this intriguing incident, underscoring the ne 12/21/1576 #427 Geneva, Switzerland An intriguing pamphlet titled "Marvellous a 12/21/1578 #431 original Japanese source for this intriguing event has been found. 5/1606 #451 le, published in 1639, recounts an intriguing occurrence near the town of S 7/1639 #494 nied by fiery elements presents an intriguing and unexplained event that he 1659 #518 disappearance, offers a short but intriguing narrative of an anomalous eve 8/1660 #522 where a luminous object displayed intriguing transformations and movements 10/30/1660 #528 ward the East. The event offers an intriguing account from Asia, though fur 5/26/1666 #555 g, Germany Signs in the clouds: An intriguing event occurred in Regensburg 8/18/1671 #560 Hamburg, Germany An intriguing event unfolded involving a hi 1693 #592 Hamburg, Germany In an intriguing occurrence, individuals witne 1704 #610 outhwest of Martinique (at sea) An intriguing incident occurred where a sol 3/6/1717 #627 unusually leisurely speed adds an intriguing dimension to the phenomenon. 3/19/1719 #629 ilarities. The incident remains an intriguing blend of natural wonder and u 11/2/1730 #641 crafting telescopes, documented an intriguing sight. He believed to have wi 10/23/1740 #659 ronomer J.W. Pastorff witnessed an intriguing event initially thought to be 6/26/1819 #914 including the 27th and 28th. This intriguing phenomenon remains subject to 5/27/1820 #926 its juxtaposition with the planet, intriguing both amateur and professional 5/22/1823 #940 awman was found, leaving behind an intriguing and unexplained story. (Chapt 9/1899 #2054 ebated, leaving it one of the most intriguing and unexplained events in his 6/30/1908 #2224 South Wales, Australia In 1927, an intriguing UFO event occurred in a remot 1927 #2998 sky attributed to an airplane, but intriguing after 10 minutes. The light w 2/14/1994 #49940 wn for connecting researchers with intriguing personalities for interviews 9/16/2010 #54174## Word: "intriguingly", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of fire" hovering above the roofs. Intriguingly, within this fiery object, 1390 #272## Word: "intrinsically", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
l the objects are well defined and intrinsically brighter than Venus. The p 9/9/1914 #2655 o UAPs as UFOs. The latter term is intrinsically linked to the concept of e 7/24/2020 #54542## Word: "intro", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
UAP information. Oechsler gets the intro to Shapiro from Bobby Ray Inman, f 10/1989 #47345## Word: "introduce", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r several unsuccessful attempts to introduce the poison into Castro’s food, 9/1960 #22002 s Tina Choate and Brian Myers, who introduce him to wealthy Englishman Jeff 8/1984 #45397 on several years later, the beings introduce her to a frail little girl, ha 4/1987 #46234 the corner of the room and didn’t introduce himself and told him “Look, I 7/19/2020 #54540## Word: "introduced", 26 instance(s) (Back to Top)
light-brown hair, large eyes, and introduced herself as Gudrid. As the two 1050 #153 man is taken into the airship and introduced to two others, a Mr. Waters a 4/19/1897 #1879 airship landed, and two occupants introduced themselves as Mr. Wilson and 4/19/1897 #1888 width. The occupants of the craft, introduced as Jackson and Wilson, were i 4/23/1897 #1936 nian thinks they are “disturbances introduced by solar or terrestrial cause 8/22/1924 #2940 hter, the Messerschmitt Me 262, is introduced 4/1944 #3931 owerful Type 80 centimetric radars introduced in the UK this year are plagu 1954 #14018 develop a paramilitary force to be introduced into Cuba to organize, train, 3/17/1960 #21724 Upon arriving in Benares, Satu Ra introduced his sister Xiti to Pallmann. 1964 #23950 razil, a little man only 28" tall, introduced himself to a fisherman named 8/14/1965 #25411 in slightly accented Spanish, and introduced himself as "Wirkle, Chief of 5/15/1967 #28679 , and one of the beings, which had introduced himself as "Rubinako," said t 1/25/1968 #30186 r. (UCLA) give testimony. Hynek is introduced by Rep. Donald Rumsfeld (R-Il 7/29/1968 #30783 craft. When the last one was half introduced, he directed a kind of blowpi 11/6/1969 #32102 ared to be a needle on its tip was introduced into her nose. The needle emi 9/7/1970 #32534 a green coverall to wear and he is introduced to the commander of the vesse 10/22/1972 #33951 d scarf, and a headband. The woman introduced herself then a taller man wea 10/5/1973 #34904 a silvery white suit appeared and introduced himself as the captain. There 10/5/1973 #34904 xt stop was Tibet. There Oscar was introduced to an "extraterrestrial" conv 7/29/1975 #37414 ois, Kodois, Adonai Tsabyote." and introduced himself as Karné. He came fro 7/1980 #43128 arné to the saucer where they were introduced to the female commander, Meya 7/1980 #43128 ph Blumenthal, and Leslie Kean, it introduced figures like Lue Elizondo, Ch 12/16/2017 #54372 ons or private companies that have introduced breakthrough technologies tha 7/16/2019 #54478 10:30 a.m. A new term is introduced to the USS Russell log: “ghos 7/24/2019 #54482 hat new terms/language/etc. aren’t introduced that complicate the overall m 7/10/2020 #54538 ess Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” introduced by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D 12/27/2021 #54623## Word: "introduces", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ding into the water. This incident introduces the concept of Unidentified S 1892 #1488 ituated). At this meeting, Garland introduces a new intelligence policy tha 1/29/1952 #9566 ies through automatic writing. One introduces himself as Sananda, who lives 4/1954 #14289 ep. J. Edward Hutchinson (R-Mich.) introduces HR 866 for an investigation i Mid 8/1966 #26911 s of Aquarius, author Brad Steiger introduces the concept of “Star People,” 1976 #38107 ants is razor sharp. The man never introduces himself but sits down and rem 9/11/1976 #38801 The UK government introduces a Code of Practice on Access 4/1994 #50008## Word: "introducing", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
enusian who solicited her in 1953, introducing herself with the surprising 1953 #12898 at plays a role in the story he is introducing. 4/5/1955 #17102 r publishes The Andreasson Affair, introducing the story of Betty Andreasso Spring 1979 #42145 reasingly becoming sterile, but by introducing new blood lines and clones t 12/14/1997 #52218 igence Authorization Act for 2021, introducing a permanent UAP task force i 6/23/2021 #54583## Word: "introduction", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
who sets out a fairly even-handed introduction to the phenomenon. 4/29/1949 #7290 r to use the term “ufology” in his introduction (dated December 31, 1955). 1956 #17728 in a shootout with a chopper. (See INTRODUCTION) Early 10/1975 #37693 ed and broke up a cattle herd (see Introduction). Early 10/1976 #38871 o had a calf of his mutilated (see Introduction). 11/9/1978 #41559 l not delivered on any promises of introduction to legacy UAP programs, acc 4/26/2009 #54091## Word: "introductory", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n use at the US Air Force Academy, Introductory Space Science, for the acad 10/1969 #32032 of the 1,000+-page document is an introductory summary, supported by 31 at 7/1995 #50878## Word: "intros", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s promised. Opening certain doors, intros to potentially key personnel at c 10/2/2008 #54048## Word: "intrude", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and hence no reason for the CIA to intrude into USAF jurisdiction over air 12/22/1952 #12849 mena” appear on radar only if they intrude on flight paths and create a nea 1960 #21647## Word: "intruded", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lso been tracking the UFOs as they intruded over the White House which was 7/19/1952 #10900 ed by his eyes and he felt somehow intruded upon on a mental level. After a 4/25/1978 #40742## Word: "intruder", 31 instance(s) (Back to Top)
k as able to spit blue flames: The intruder was tall, thin and strong. He h 9/1837 #1002 alls: when Miss Alsop screams, the intruder grabs her arm with his fingers 2/20/1838 #1015 he captain glimpsed the mysterious intruder. He described it as a flying di 1943 #3749 ially the radar operators give the intruder a name—Charlie—and when the Air 1/17/1947 #4858 as able to clearly distinguish the intruder: it was a bright canary yellow, 9/25/1949 #7583 nd Romand, 12, threw stones at the intruder. 9/27/1954 #15273 land), age 12, threw stones at the intruder. 9/27/1954 #15279 y paralysis, he runs to attack the intruder, who flees with a soft whirring 10/19/1954 #16171 eemed to free him. He attacked the intruder, who rose and fled with a soft 10/20/1954 #16205 ary paralysis he ran to attack the intruder, who fled with a soft whirring 10/20/1954 #16214 out to see if they had killed the intruder, and as the first in line had m 8/21/1955 #17437 AR OF THE AMERICAN NAVY DETECTS AN INTRUDER ADDING TO THE EIGHT SATELLITES 8/1959 #21337 ighters were sent to intercept the intruder. The 2 pilots soon discovered a 3/9/1967 #28110 n this night by the presence of an intruder who first tugged at the trainer 9/22/1967 #29536 gure. Suspecting it was a criminal intruder, he tried to strike him with a 7/23/1968 #30742 headlights to force the mysterious intruder, which was about 80 m away in h Winter 1969 #32165 A search disclosed no sign of the intruder, nor where there any traces. Su 9/28/1972 #33899 eton.” Roach has a vague memory an intruder and a bright light. Suspecting 10/16/1973 #35051 y, France with the feeling that an intruder was in her house. She next hear 3/6/1975 #37027 he went out to try to capture the intruder who had climbed the mobile home 1/7/1976 #38140 was scared and rushed towards the intruder. He filed a complaint with the 6/6/1977 #39624 ff but it fails to catch up to the intruder. Maj. Francesco Zoppi and copil 10/27/1977 #40147 rthward movement of the mysterious intruder in the direction from which fli 6/1/1988 #46710 es to sleep but is surprised by an intruder in her house, a small figure in 2/6/1991? #48358 r dog did not seem to react to the intruder. Twenty minutes later when she 8/13/1992 #49030 t asked the helicopter to take the intruder in pursuit. The chase began. Af 6/1993 #49492 but ask the helicopter to take the intruder in pursuit. The chase begins. A 6/15/1993 #49511 no apparent flying apparatus. The intruder notices him and disappears in t 5/18/1997 #52021 on, does not allow to identify the intruder who, moreover, was not detected 8/9/1997 #52108 s the bedroom window by an unknown intruder. He looked up to see a very tal 1/4/2003 #53337 icemen in hot pursuit, the unknown intruder seemingly vanishes into thin ai 2004 #53507## Word: "intruders", 23 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s of this city try to disperse the intruders by firing no less than 800 can 8/1608 #454 rs manage to take off to chase the intruders, they prove unable to fulfill 12/1833 #977 threw their sticks at them and the intruders (the explorers) had to retreat 1914 #2617 of their cattle and pigs, mystery intruders, apparitions, circular areas o 1927 #2994 e initially thought to be Japanese intruders. Despite heavy firepower, a la 1942 #3597 , Ukraine, when she sees a trio of intruders cutting branches off her apple 8/17/1953? #13619 his weapon slipped away while the intruders seized some rabbits. They got 11/14/1954 #16612 s, the farmer aimed a rifle at the intruders, but it failed to fire and the 11/14/1954 #16619 rrive on the scene and fire on the intruders, supported by anti- aircraft g 6/15/1968 #30560 São Paulo, Brazil, confronts three intruders who overpower him outside a co 7/23/1968 #30741 led that they needed help because "intruders" were attempting to enter the 10/14/1972 #33941 es an antisubmarine missile at the intruders. 11/21/1972 #34003 d. Helpless, he saw that the three intruders were examining his body with a 10/15/1973 #34994 jumps into attack. Approaching the intruders, he stops in his tracks and re 11/3/1973 #35334 hepherd, leapt forward towards the intruders. But when it got to within 10 11/4/1973 #35347 ion that the fighters fired on the intruders.” 10/1975 #37678 s fire. Security forces pursue the intruders but apparently do not apprehen 11/3/1975 #37875 s unhurt. He then followed the two intruders and saw them enter a landed di 11/13/1977 #40197 researcher Budd Hopkins publishes Intruders, an account of his investigati 4/1987 #46234 cluding the soil. But there are no intruders. A few more APCs approach down Winter 1987 #46475 nding area. Worried about possible intruders, he searched the camper but fo 5/10/1989 #47119 rny (Val d'Oise) the radars detect intruders in the sky near the French nuc 1/28/1994 #49910 res jumped on him and bit him. The intruders were about 60 cm tall. They ha 12/29/1996 #51841## Word: "intrudes", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
to be known. Question : If the UFO intrudes, how long before you alert your 5/4/1983 #44763## Word: "intruding", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s also tracking low-flying objects intruding into the base, and the incomin 10/30/1975 #37844## Word: "intrusion", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
that the incident is caused by the intrusion of the LZ 13 Hansa Zeppelin ov 10/14/1912 #2540 eople, Wanderka apologizes for his intrusion. He gives his identity and add 1955 #16891 2 lands, both outer and inner-zone intrusion alarms are activated at the re 10/24/1968 #31141 ll discs. It acted offended by the intrusion and turned and walked towards 3/1/1974 #35867 for his permission. Angry at this intrusion, he followed them and found th 7/6/1975 #37349 l objects passing over the US. The intrusion occurs above Lake Kickapoo, Te Mid 12/1986 #46156 he woman would later experience an intrusion by an undefined being in the b 7/18/1989 #47213## Word: "intrusions", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
to concerns over these mysterious intrusions, the Canadian government took 1916 #2712 should investigate the ghost flier intrusions. He suspects the military has 2/15/1937 #3371 plant has had problems with aerial intrusions, but that radar has been inst 8/7/1945 #4366 er seem to have a pattern of alien intrusions and disturbances. The women d 1994 #49863 interrogate abductees about alien intrusions. 1994 #49863## Word: "intrusive", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
g time, terrifying flashbacks, and intrusive examinations by entities he ca 12/26/1985 #45773 ack baseball caps. They administer intrusive procedures in her eyes, ears, 3/16/1993 #49366## Word: "intuition", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
pay attention. "We have a kind of intuition," said Ruth. "We feel that the 1947 #4832## Word: "intuitions", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
they have, they say, some kind of intuitions ... hm! not very objective th 1947 #4832## Word: "intuitive", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
to develop people with “intcomm” (intuitive communications) abilities to c 1/1963 #23394 ect Preserve Destiny, to establish intuitive communications with NHI. But h 1990 #47625 which he claims was a cover as an Intuitive Communicator between humans an 1992 #48711 erstand how to train personnel on “intuitive decision making.” https://cit 2012 #54215 cluded in study. Recall claims of “intuitive” communications projects at NS 2012 #54215## Word: "intuitively", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r of humans to communicate with ET intuitively. Sherman claims it was call 1992 #48711## Word: "inufor", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Harrison, Robert Frola UFO Group: INUFOR, UFOIC, UFOR(NSW), UFOICQ) Mrs. E 8/10/1998 #52408 August 11, 1998, Moira McGhee from INUFOR visited the witnesses and was abl 8/10/1998 #52408## Word: "inuit", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
h) The 30 inhabitants of the small Inuit village of Angikumi (Canada) disap 1930 #3072 h McKibben, a British nurse at the Inuit settlement of Black Tickle, Labrad 11/13/1978 #41572## Word: "inundated", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s sky. Melbourne airport/apartment inundated / reports. 1/3/1954 #14044 ater it was Argentina's turn to be inundated with UFO reports. In the early 5/13/1962 #22882 Air Base The Turkish Air Force is inundated with reports of UFOs over Anka 10/24/1969 #32072 l hours. A local radio station was inundated with calls. Nellis AFB officer 7/9/1978 #40947## Word: "inundating", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
spy on Bennewitz and APRO as well, inundating them with disinformation that 9/8/1980 #43251## Word: "inusuales", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ro de Estudios de Fénomenos Aéreos Inusuales in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1972 #33325 ro de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Inusuales in Buenos Aires, Argentina, pu 4/1993 #49411## Word: "inv", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
g quickly southeast fast. / police inv. 8/1948 (approximate) #6817 OVER MEMPHIS, TN 1M inv. bowl passes 2 / United States Navy 4/14/1952 #9815 recent weeks. Ongoing. US military inv. 5/15/1954 #14452 glow edge. Going quickly SSW. USAF inv. 4/5/1957 #18764 official airport opening. Military inv. 11/5/1958 #20807 20 minute(s). Full alert. USAF UFO inv. agency all over. 10/28/1975 (approximate) #37815 BEXLEY, ENGL UFO inv. and 1. Night light buzzes car 4X. F 11/20/1977 #40216 oing [to] east-northeast. Military inv. 3/18/1988 #46639 / video taken / Jeff Willis. MUFON inv. 11/14/1997 #52191## Word: "invade", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
50 nuclear weapons if the Soviets invade the Middle East. It is never offi 6/18/1946 #4514 San Bernardino Sun. 'FLYING DISKS' INVADE MINING FIELD IN DESERT. "Flying D 8/21/1952 #11884 bserver(s). 2 bright domed saucers invade skies. / r120p207+/ r208p46. 7/1965 (approximate) #25017 and she felt a prickling sensation invade her entire body. Meanwhile, Valen 10/19/2000 #52919## Word: "invaded", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ctators, looking at an aerial city invaded by whirls of smoke; and more, a 5/3/1848 #1077 r in London as southern England is invaded by Martians. 1898 #2021 (Translated from French) Britain Invaded! Aircrafts in East Anglia, Wales 5/21/1909 #2344 ototypes existed when the Russians invaded Germany and may have served as m 3/12/1948 #6583 supposedly shouting, “we’re being invaded!” before he fell to his death. S 5/22/1949 #7377 1965, twelve extremely bright UFOs invaded the airspace and descended to lo 10/7/1965 #25692 1969 by Jack Vance!) and who have invaded our earth for 6000 years. They a 4/22/1975 #37165 in an uproar, thinking it has been invaded. At 10:00 p.m., Vivienne Roberts 9/1/1978 #41219 the media. The Scape Ore Marsh is invaded by television teams fighting for 6/25/1988 #46725 eorgia a young woman's bedroom was invaded by short, gremlin-like creatures 3/19/1995 #50691 tuned and then a bright blue light invaded the bedroom. Looking towards the 4/27/1998 #52340## Word: "invader", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ed it) of this defense against the invader.The men then went out to see if 8/21/1955 #17437## Word: "invaders", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
es to defend the city from Martian invaders. Bastos takes the messages seri 11/22/1954 #16667 p. 201). The corporal ordered the "invaders" to surrender and as they did n 7/25/1968 #30747 fect either on the craft or on the invaders. But at the same time the milit 7/25/1968 #30747## Word: "invades", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
orth Korea South Korea North Korea invades South Korea, beginning the Korea 6/25/1950 #8368## Word: "invading", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
onastery was attacked and razed by invading Vikings. The dragons observed w 1/793 #86 are in a tight spot. The air fleet invading England has been very active in 5/21/1909 #2344 ing dropping an atomic bomb on the invading Martians. The color footage com 8/13/1953 #13609 es in Guatemala and Nicaragua, the invading force is defeated within three 4/17/1961 #22273## Word: "invale", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Days later seen 40 mile(s) south = Invale, northeast. 1/30/1897 #1623 ater it was seen 40 miles south of Invale, Nebraska. 1/30/1897 #1624 USA, Invale (Nebraska/Kansas) (Translated fro 2/5/1897 #1632## Word: "invalid", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
A woman and her invalid husband were sitting on their fr 3/1/1974 #35867## Word: "invalides", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, pedestrians on the Esplanade des Invalides see and then disappear in the 9/22/1954 #15170## Word: "invariably", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
age or fall of a meteor on an army invariably foreshadowed its defeat. 235 #19## Word: "invasion", 33 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of 116 new strange bodies. To what invasion was the Earth preparing? It sho 8/1/1883 #1398 listening audience that a Martian invasion was taking place, though the sc 10/30/1938 #3443 led their homes out of fear of the invasion of extraterrestrials. 10/30/1938 #3444 Guadalcanal During the Guadalcanal invasion U.S. Navy fleet radar detected 10/9/1942 #3713 for Operational Plan Olympic (the invasion of Northern Japan). The plan ha 8/7/1946 #4660 ir Force is braced for an expected invasion by UFOs. “Had these rumormonger Mid 7/1952 #10797 y they would have thought that the invasion was in full swing.” He talks to Mid 7/1952 #10797 , just one week after the previous invasion of restricted air space over Wa 7/26/1952 #11189 vania PHOTOGRAPH OF WASHINGTON AIR INVASION. A flying saucer described as l 7/31/1952 #11488 lling of H. G. Wells’s story of an invasion from Mars and features a Northr 8/13/1953 #13609 o the launching of the Bay of Pigs Invasion. 9/1960 #22002 elect John F. Kennedy on the Cuban invasion. Dulles is confident that the C 11/18/1960 #22097 discuss the new concept of a Cuban invasion. No one expresses objections, a 11/29/1960 #22114 presents an outline for the Cuban invasion to the Special Group, while dec 12/8/1960 #22120 s 1,000 men landed in a ship-borne invasion at Trinidad, Cuba, about 170 mi 1/28/1961 #22194 known as Operation Zapata) for the invasion of Cuba because it has an airfi 4/4/1961 #22263 uatemala Nicaragua The Bay of Pigs invasion takes place in Cuba. A counter- 4/17/1961 #22273 White House Bay of Pigs Invasion Cuba Covert operations against 11/30/1961 #22660 ffect after the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion. A document from the Department 11/30/1961 #22660 ld almost surely be followed by an invasion.” However, he also says that th 10/27/1962 #23260 r what he supposes is a subsequent invasion of Earth. He refuses, fingering 5/4/1969 #31718 ), the entire base witnessed a UFO invasion. As many as 1,300 troops were i 9/1977 #39949 elieve there is an impending alien invasion because Bennewitz is actually o 11/26/1980 #43433 ith Hudson Austin as chairman. The invasion results in the appointment of a 10/25/1983 #44955 raised the possibility of an alien invasion during the Geneva Summit in 198 2/16/1987 #46198 s early yet to worry about such an invasion. It is much more important to t 2/16/1987 #46198 ... they were expecting a "massive invasion (by hundreds) of UFOs.. So? Wha 3/31/1990 #47796 (Translated from French) Invasion of Kuwait. (2 August) 8/2/1990 #48017 George Keleti, Do You Fear an UFO Invasion?", Keleti states that the minis 8/18/1994 #50229 deception, infiltration and final invasion. This writer adheres to Collins 3/11/1998 #52308 with an EME/UAP that a “worldwide invasion” is expected to begin by 2030. 7/7/1999 #52616 May 18, 2008, and in the episode “Invasion Illinois” of the television ser 8/21/2004 #53608 have detailed for him how an alien invasion is already underway. The alien 9/2015 #54316## Word: "invasions", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Given the political alliances and invasions, it is believed that the infor 1937 #3356## Word: "invd", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ross road going [to] trees. Head = INVd pear. 4/1966 #26295## Word: "invent", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ists or “harmless cranks trying to invent perpetual motion.” After giving t 4/21/1897? #1908 atest thought is, “Did the witness invent or hallucinate the event under th 7/25/1979 #42354## Word: "invented", 25 instance(s) (Back to Top)
able, in the country of Maine, has invented a four-winged machine to fly". 12/12/1678 #575 sightings are of a flying machine, invented by the novel’s anti-hero Robur, 1886 #1438 km. They used submerged deviators, invented by Herve, to change the directi 9/12/1886 #1441 l radio transmitters and receivers invented in by Guglielmo Marconi using r 1894 #1507 hast came forward, claiming he had invented and built an advanced aeroplane 1909 #2258 Herald on December 12 that he has invented a heavier-than-air monoplane an 12/22/1909 #2445 ous transmission machine” recently invented by Amherst College and Charles 8/22/1924 #2940 ing the device. Miethe and Belluzo invented flying saucers 42 meters in dia 1939 (approximate) #3454 hire wondered what the Germans had invented again. He immediately went back 9/1942 #3694 nt myth. (in brief: the affair was invented by the author Carl Allen, or Ca 8/15/1943 #3810 claimed that a "flying saucer" he invented underwent a significant test fl 2/19/1945 #4211 a perfected version of the vehicle invented by Miethe. Canada has admitted 1952 #9492 ical illusions and weather changes invented in 1947?" 8/2/1952 #11561 ht some day appear” (a phony issue invented by Thornton Page), the Air Forc 1/17/1953 #12990 She told him that her husband had invented the story because he loved to m 10/3/1954 #15448 33, 34) IN REALITY: Mr. Narcy had invented this story to excuse himself fo 10/5/1954 #15546 IN REALITY: the witness would have invented from scratch this alleged encou 10/11/1954 #15775 rous sightings at the time, he had invented this story to explain his bruis 10/26/1954 #16347 ourgeois countries, where they are invented by the capitalist warmongers.” 11/1954 #16470 ey want to know the reasons why he invented this story. (August 24, 7am) 8/24/1962 #23100 cher Roberto E. Banchs that he had invented the Chascomús teleportation as Early 5/1968 #30449 e is Marcos Pinel from Seville who invented the magnetic energy system whic 4/1977 #39400 a classic case of a pseudomystery invented from scratch by clumsy and sens 6/1991 #48481 playing a joke on me, that he had invented a 'thing'. I thought it was str 10/2/1994 #50337 dents. It then mixes in absurd and invented details, while claiming that th 1/8/2019 #54438## Word: "invention", 27 instance(s) (Back to Top)
on solid fuel. The author of this invention of a prodigious technique retu 1529 #356 house with a parachute of his own invention. 1777 #744 d tried out a parachute of his own invention: the dog was released from the 6/3/1785 #794 assumes the airship is his stolen invention. 12/1/1896 #1597 er was testing an "airship" of his invention about 16 km west of the town. 1/24/1897 #1621 y hidden to prevent theft of their invention by unscrupulous individuals. ( 4/10/1897 #1698 p runs on electricity and that his invention was perfected in a small town 4/16/1897 #1825 some point he allegedly brings his invention out for a test flight in front 4/20/1897 #1898 exposition concerning a scientific invention made by a gentleman whose name 4/21/1897 #1902 nd died in a few weeks leaving his invention in secret in a chest. That man 4/21/1897 #1902 the planet Mars before making this invention public. Weight is not a proble 4/21/1897 #1902 ll town in Iowa and that soon this invention would be made public. Others a 4/22/1897 #1912 in 1896 claiming plans to fly his invention to California. (Chapter 1, Ref 11/17/1897 #2013 linghast's promise to showcase his invention at an airshow fell flat when n 1909 #2259 o keep the secret. Compared to his invention, the flying machine of the Wri 1/1/1910 #2464 nting craft was some kind of enemy invention until the "flying saucer" pani 1917 #2759 ued on February 14, 1945 - Prague] invention that all this, there were no m 1939 (approximate) #3454 n, each describing a wonderful new invention that has come to the author, a 7/1946 #4527 op-secret clearance because of his invention of a degaussing device for shi 7/7/1947 #5767 ust encountered a brand new aerial invention. (Michel BOUGARD: "Des S.V. au 7/10/1947 #5933 ized. Everything else was just the invention of a journalist in need of a s 10/9/1954 #15678 Otis T. Carr announces his invention of a fourth-dimensional space 1957 #18597 encounter, which could only be an invention intended to prove the virility 10/15/1957 #19351 The invention of transponders that transmit 1960 #21647 km/h... which does not exclude the invention of propulsion based on phenome 7/1964 #24273 ies and consider Llanca’s story an invention devised to make some money. 10/28/1973 #35288 nversation with an entity about an invention. At sometime after four a.m. h 2/5/1978 #40509## Word: "invention's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd forming a stock company for the invention's public release. (Chapter 1, 4/22/1897 #1927## Word: "inventions", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
re, Conrad Haas. The chronology of inventions is found in the Sibiu Manuscr 1529 #356 H. Benjamin, who insists his only inventions are dental fittings. A promin 11/22/1896 #1566 n working on aerial navigation and inventions related to airships, leading 4/20/1897 #1901 hat he had been working on airship inventions for eight years and revealed 1909 #2251 t by mental telepathy.” One of the inventions is a “circle-winged airplane. 7/1946 #4527 are of reality and not visions or inventions (...) resembling probably the 9/23/1947 #6358 Garland mentions that the aircraft inventions and models by the Horten brot 1/3/1952 #9526 tablish the Office of Research and Inventions in May 1945. * https://www. 3/1/1955 #17045 is inspiration for music and other inventions (note from vog: which he hast 1971 #32675## Word: "inventive", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
own as the Aero Club, comprised of inventive individuals, reportedly secret 1850's #1092## Word: "inventor", 46 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of King John V. of Portugal. This inventor is often confused, rightly or w 8/8/1709 #618 ut disbanded after the substance's inventor died, with mention of a possibl 1850's #1092 born in modern-day Croatia, was an inventor and electrical engineer renowne 7/10/1858 #1129 Mars French poet and inventor Charles Cros is convinced that 1869 #1200 Francisco (Translated from French) Inventor Frederick Marrion constructed a 7/2/1869 #1202 e thing is absolutely certain, the inventor would have ordered engines from 7/20/1882 #1381 facturer, claimed to be an airship inventor and intended to create a large 1890 #1477 er Hermann Ganswindt, known as the inventor of the autogyro, the free wheel 1891 #1480 ces that he represents the airship inventor, a “very wealthy man who has be 11/22/1896 #1566 Francisco, California, area as the inventor deals with technical problems. 11/22/1896 #1566 se a hoax, as they know of no such inventor. On November 24, Collins compla 11/22/1896 #1566 ge H. Carleton, claims to know the inventor but has been sworn to secrecy. 11/22/1896 #1566 on claims to represent the mystery inventor, who has fired Collins for talk 11/22/1896 #1566 He recounted an encounter with an inventor aboard the airship, describing 12/1/1896 #1598 O. Preast was speculated to be the inventor behind the mysterious airship s 1897 #1609 ear Hastings, rumors of an airship inventor circulated in 1897. The individ 4/10/1897 #1698 e been taken on an airship ride by inventor C. Devonbaugh. The airship feat 4/16/1897 #1838 recall specific details about the inventor or the place of origin. (Chapte 4/19/1897 #1887 find the citizen Wilson, alleged "inventor" of the airship. 4/20/1897 #1890 e theory is that it is a brilliant inventor who has solved the problem of a 4/22/1897 #1913 son of Sacramento, California, the inventor of the airship, which can trave 4/24/1897 #1938 e both strong and lightweight. The inventor, referring to the craft as an " 4/25/1897 #1949 , apparently created by an unnamed inventor. The airship was described as r 5/1/1897 #1969 vailing notion was that an unknown inventor or inventors within the United 11/17/1897 #2013 wyer initially claimed to know the inventor behind the mystery airship, des 11/22/1897 #2015 ing and descending gracefully. The inventor was identified as E. H. Benjami 11/22/1897 #2015 etter indicated that the airship's inventor had faced involuntary challenge 12/7/1897 #2020 orado Europe Mars Serbian-American inventor Nikola Tesla is working in his 1899 #2040 1, October 19 France, ST CLOUD The inventor and pilot SANTOS-DUMONT, flew w 11/12/1906 #2172 ars Schenectady, New York Wireless inventor Guglielmo Marconi claims that h 1919 #2828 s Telegraph Company announces that inventor Guglielmo Marconi is convinced 9/1/1921 #2891 del, in the shape of a saucer. The inventor was George De Bay, who was look 1928 #3025 slated from French) In England, an inventor, Harry Grindell Matthews, propo 1938 #3400 (Translated from French) Austrian inventor, Victor Schauberger, who lived 1941 #3539 odes, an independent scientist and inventor in Phoenix, Arizona, takes two 7/7/1947 #5767 raten and Luis Walter Alvarez, the inventor of Ground Control Approach Syst Spring 1948 #6589 tance of the discovery credited to Inventor Townsend Brown is that saucers 4/8/1952 #9770 Palm Springs, California Aviation inventor Bill Lear sees a flying disc gi 12/1954 #16717 Bogotá, Colombia Aviation inventor Bill Lear, during a press confe 2/2/1955 #16977 Miami, FL Miami News: Engineer, inventor and lecturer Norman S. Bean is 2/22/1966 #26001 Miami, FL Engineer, inventor, and lecturer Norman S. Bean is 3/21/1966 #26111 ner von Braun, who is a scientist, inventor, artist and mystic practicing a 1971 #32675 e claims to have become a prolific inventor. 5/26/1974 #36190 a time when Salvatore Pais, later inventor of the Navy’s triangle craft pa 8/1997 #52096 and traps intended to bankrupt the inventor, (5) the target of harassment, 2/13/2009 #54087 the US Army “black shelved” other inventor’s alternative energy device by 11/15/2015 #54318## Word: "inventor's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
electric lights and mentioned the inventor's offer to assist Cuban rebels 4/16/1897 #1838## Word: "inventors", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
(Translated from French) Alleged inventors of the device soon claim its p 11/20/1896 #1557 on was that an unknown inventor or inventors within the United States had a 11/17/1897 #2013 ght technology. Reports of airship inventors date back to the earliest days 11/17/1897 #2013 outh of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina Inventors Orville and Wilbur Wright make 12/17/1903 #2109 st flights of prototypes by German inventors Screiver and Mietehe at the Ha 3/1944 #3921## Word: "inventory", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ere also discovered. To close this inventory that a surrealist would not de 5/18/1909 #2324 ceiling 6096 m, out of operational inventory in 1938. 9/9/1916 #2751 but that is not yet in the Soviet inventory. President Eisenhower is brief 9/20/1957 #19247 460 discrepancies were found in an inventory of 40,000 documents. An estima 7/24/1986 #46016 . Goal of Project Beta: to locate, inventory and propose ways of destroying 6/6/1988 #46714 ft or air vehicle currently in the inventory of the United States or any fo 11/14/2004 #53655## Word: "invents", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ore, and Barbara L. Welther. Moore invents the term “transient lunar phenom 7/1/1968 #30642 from French) An anonymous American invents a tachyon generator which not on 12/4/1993 #49840## Word: "inver", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
INVER GROVE HTS, MN 1 observer. 30m odd 9/11/1990 #48069## Word: "invercargill", 18 instance(s) (Back to Top)
) It was seen again in Dargaville, Invercargill, across the whole island. " 9/1/1909 #2426 NEW ZEALAND, Invercargill (Translated from French) At 1/1910 #2457 overing around thirty meters above Invercargill. A figure then appeared at 1/1910 #2457 INVERCARGILL, NZ Several observer(s). Cy 1/1910 #2458 Invercargill, New Zealand, AU 11:00 p.m. 1/1910 #2459 Invercargill, New Zealand Several witnes 1/1910 #2460 KYEBURN, SI, NZ AND CHRISTCHURCH INVERCARGILL AND WAIPAHI Local wave / UF 12/6/1952 #12778 INVERCARGILL, NZ 5 observer(s). Domed sa 7/23/1956 #18132 INVERCARGILL, NZ Cops and more/others. F 12/28/1956 #18568 igh fence and slowly vanished. The Invercargill Weather Bureau had no expla 1/15/1957 #18621 igh fence and slowly vanished. The Invercargill Weather Bureau had no expla 1/15/1957 #18622 NEAR INVERCARGILL, NZ Igy RADAR's. Many unide 6/1957 #18883 Bluff Hill Invercargill, New Zealand London New Zea 6/20/1957 #18935 gin turning up on Bluff Hill, near Invercargill, New Zealand, for several m 6/20/1957 #18935 INVERCARGILL, NZ Several observer(s). Bl 2/24/1963 #23454 er colored ovoid UFO was seen over Invercargill, New Zealand at 1:00 a.m., 2/24/1963 #23455 ad set out from Bluff, the port of Invercargill, New Zealand, to tend pots 11/13/1965 #25774 ere reports of hovering objects in Invercargill and Gore Matura, New Zealan 12/2/1977 #40257## Word: "inverlock", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
y, Victoria, Australia Bass Strait Inverlock 6:50 p.m. More than 140 reside 9/19/1963 #23765## Word: "invermere", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
SOUTH / INVERMERE, BC 1 / car. Odd green glow / 11/15/1969? #32112 WEST / INVERMERE, BC 4+kids. 22M fireball / 60M 9/14/1974 #36537## Word: "inverness", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Culloden, which had occurred near Inverness on 16 April 1746. Notably, the 8/5/1748 #679 Inverness, Scotland Two large, bright li 9/18/1848 #1081 INVERNESS, SCOTLAND Saucer = cigar-shape 2/13/1953 #13134 lted, darted all over the sky over Inverness, Scotland at 2:00 p.m. 2/13/1953 #13139 Foyers, Inverness, Scotland Loch Ness Jan-Ove Su 8/16/1971 #33046 FO in a cleared area above Foyers, Inverness, Scotland, on Loch Ness. Three 8/16/1971 #33046 Inverness (Florida) Golf and Country Clu 2/19/1973 #34198 xon meets on the 18th green of the Inverness (Florida) Golf and Country Clu 2/19/1973 #34198 Ardersier Croy Inverness, Scotland 11:30 p.m. John Milr 4/19/1979 #42179 re driving from Ardersier to Croy, Inverness, Scotland, when he sees headli 4/19/1979 #42179 USA, Inverness California (Translated from Fr 11/10/1984 #45493 INVERNESS, IL Also Barrington. Several o 6/9/1994 #50105## Word: "inverse-square", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e UFO radar power output using the inverse-square law would be about 40 kil 7/17/1957 #19007## Word: "inversion", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
might be plasmas occurring at the inversion layer, but that does not expla Spring 1948 #6589 t Jupiter, caused by a temperature inversion. Apparently Jupiter descended 10/1/1948 #6885 angle rotated 1/4 turn on its axis inversion and returned to its initial po 7/13/1950 #8425 tors; nearly all disagree with the inversion explanation and maintain that 7/26/1952 #11236 he radar incident as a temperature inversion and the visual sighting as a m 7/29/1952 #11427 adds the theory that a temperature inversion caused light to bend the image 3/22/1957 #18728 thers are explained by temperature inversion that causes the appearance of 10/27/1965 #25733 sappear to the west. A temperature inversion is a possible cause. 4/12/1984 #45217 Davis describe this as topological inversion); photographed control panels; 1/1989 #46932## Word: "inversions", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
stals, refractions, or temperature inversions. 6/9/1952 #10333 bjects? Mirages due to temperature inversions in the atmospheric layers? (n 7/19/1952 #10902 urns are solid and not temperature inversions. In 1969, however, Colorado p 7/26/1952 #11236 radar events involved temperature inversions. He believes the visual sight 7/26/1952 #11236 there were only minor temperature inversions at the time, and these were n 7/27/1952 #11288 cal explanations about temperature inversions that cause radar echoes. Pro- 7/29/1952 #11436 in July and August as temperature inversions. Ironically, on that same day 12/10/1952 #12809 na such as mirages and temperature inversions. It is the first book-length 3/1953 #13196 which pronounces them “temperature inversions” in October. However, in an i 2/1962 #22718 mford’s explanation of temperature inversions. 12/2/1966 #27406 like ice crystals and temperature inversions. Not a single linkage of a re 8/3/1997 #52098## Word: "inverted", 138 instance(s) (Back to Top)
minous body having the shape of an inverted cone was seen, which, moving fr 7/19/1894 #1511 described an object shaped like an inverted top with a lighted lower portio 8/1909 #2398 . A large structure resembling two inverted bowls, separated by a row of li 10/1909 #2435 a, encountered a UFO resembling an inverted soup bowl. The craft, positione 1928 #3029 Milton, ND A UFO, round "like an inverted soup plate," sped overhead emit 11/1928 #3043 eters in diameter shaped like “two inverted plates” hovering near the groun 7/25/1938 #3430 s, looking like flames, in a tight inverted triangle formation. (Page 104-1 12/26/1944 #4119 At 1:30 p.m. an inverted saucer-shaped disc of brilliant 6/2/1947 #4982 Wilmot see an oval object like two inverted saucers pass over their house m 7/2/1947 #5315 . It made a swishing sound. Shape: inverted plate, 7 m diameter and 3.5 m t 8/13/1947 #6237 y saw a sky blue, seven-meter wide inverted plate-shaped flying object 100 8/13/1947 #6240 y from them. It was shaped like an inverted bowl, about 10-15 meters in dia 4/3/1948 #6606 n (1 mile SE of), MT Object like 2 inverted plates-matte blue-grey non-refl 4/3/1949 #7207 2 nights. Upside-down banana like inverted moon. Back next night. 4/20/1950 #8194 ht of the saucers which were in an inverted V formation. Hart released the 8/30/1951 #9204 Lt. jg. Blacky, Lt. jg. O'Neil. An inverted saucer, 3 feet long, 1 foot hig 4/14/1952 #9810 0 seconds an object shaped like an inverted cup, 3 feet long and 1 foot hig 4/14/1952 #9811 Memphis, TN Inverted Bowl Passes Aircraft At 300' (N 4/14/1952 #9816 t. jg. Blacky, Lt. jg. O'Neil. One inverted bowl, 3' long and 1' high, with 4/14/1952 #9819 g disk-shaped machines resembling "inverted soup plates" 200 m away at an a Summer 1952 #10475 t. Looking like “two pie pans, one inverted on top of the other,” they are 7/2/1952 #10630 atches seven silvery objects in an inverted triangular formation for 2 minu 7/17/1952 #10847 LODI, ORAN, ALG Very large "inverted cone" seen / several seconds. N 7/28/1952 #11328 hington County (Skylight Mtn.), AR Inverted tin colored saucers (NICAP: 01 8/1952 #11509 phere/orb/globe with low halo like inverted acorn. Dances-wavers-flies goin 8/24/1952 #11927 Frontenac-Pittsburg, KS 70-75 ft inverted platter-shaped dull aluminum co 8/25/1952 #11959 able formations, from an arc to an inverted "Y". (11:30 PM to 1:20 AM) 9/15/1952 #12225 le, had large heads shaped like an inverted pear, with deep eyebrow arches Summer 1953 #13459 inum or silver appearance, with an inverted cone on top, and a diameter of 6/25/1954 #14622 inum, raised at the front, with an inverted cone at the top, and a diameter 6/25/1954 #14623 a flat bottom, raised front edge, inverted cone on top, and a diameter of 6/25/1954 #14627 l saw a flat craft, shaped like an inverted plate, fly very low toward the 10/15/1954 #16010 saw a flat craft, -shaped like an inverted plate, fly very low toward the 10/15/1954 #16026 rrived 18 m away from this strange inverted cone-shaped object blocking his 10/20/1954 #16186 e wheel." The craft looked like an inverted cone, the lower part phosphores 10/20/1954 #16204 vehicle. The craft looked like an inverted cone, the lower part phosphores 10/20/1954 #16213 ONDON, ONT 2 separate observer(s). Inverted silver bowl going quickly south 11/1954 #16466 UTH / ABERDEEN, SD Newsboy. Orange inverted cup saucer northwest going sout 11/30/1956 #18516 tack of coins, then changing to an inverted "V" formation. (December 13, 9: 12/13/1957 #20013 their car fails. They then see an inverted mushroom-shaped object, about 1 1/30/1958 #20164 and engine of their car failed. An inverted mushroom-shaped object was then 1/30/1958 #20165 and a fifth object shaped like an inverted skittle with a ball handle dove 1/8/1959 #20947 r / 10 minute(s). Going southwest. Inverted mushroom 2 SEPT61. 7/8/1961 #22396 Marshal observed two UFOs "like an inverted umbrella with a number of brigh 10/25/1962 #23249 me day, a thirty-foot wide silver, inverted bathtup-shaped UFO was sighted 4/26/1964 #24076 the golf course. It looked like an inverted saucer with white lights around 9/3/1965 #25551 w a luminous disc, like one saucer inverted on top of another, at relativel 1/11/1966 #25898 e a luminous disc, like one saucer inverted on top of another, at relativel 1/11/1966 #25899 echanic and another witness saw an inverted silvery disc with four projecti 3/8/1966 #26041 me 25 feet high and shaped like an inverted ice cream cone, 3 feet wide at 4/4/1966 #26338 , saw a gray object like one plate inverted on top of the other (disc) with 4/29/1966 #26551 The F-104 flips over, and, rolling inverted, passes over the top of the XB- 6/8/1966 #26683 Time not reported. A disc like an inverted dinner plate, with red and gree 8/19/1966 #26933 object shaped like two plates, one inverted on top of the other (disc), fly 8/31/1966 #26993 ibed the object as looking like an inverted mushroom; it hovered over her c 1/3/1967 #27495 ct, like two incandescent platters inverted one on top of the other and glu 2/20/1967 #27877 Dry Creek Basin, CO Luminous inverted bowl-shaped object approached w 3/1967 #27968 ROCHESTER, MN Blue Book. Inverted mushroom 10M / ground. Car-size 3/12/1967 #28153 Rochester, MN Car-sized inverted mushroom-shaped object hovering 3/12/1967 #28160 spaper saw an object resembling an inverted mushroom hovering 10 m above gr 3/12/1967 #28163 spaper saw an object resembling an inverted mushroom hovering 10 meters abo 3/12/1967 #28165 g red-orange object shaped like an inverted cone hovering just above the gr 3/28/1967 #28308 4:00 a.m. EST. A woman saw a shiny inverted bowl with flashing red lights h 4/10/1967 #28415 ht haze appears that turns into an inverted cone of light that is followed 4/29/1967 #28568 m altitude. It had the shape of an inverted bowl with a dome on top and see 5/11/1967 #28641 m altitude. It was shaped like an inverted bowl with a dome on top and loo 5/11/1967 #28647 tts in Plymouth County sighted two inverted dish-shaped objects with revolv 5/11/1967 #28648 f 30 meters. It was shaped like an inverted bowl with a dome on top and loo 5/11/1967 #28649 low, then an object shaped like an inverted plate emitting a greenish-blue 5/22/1967 #28726 and then an object shaped like an inverted plate emitting a greenish-blue 5/22/1967 #28727 saw a double disc (like one plate inverted on top of the other) that hover 6/26/1967 #28913 ight, cage-like UFO shaped like an inverted bowl, with a row of yellow ligh 8/9/1967 #29248 landed UFO having the shape of an inverted washbasin. De Souza, carrying a 8/13/1967 #29271 the ground. It was shaped like an inverted bowl and had three legs. Burn m 8/23/1967 #29293 the ground. It was shaped like an inverted bowl and had three legs. The wi 8/23/1967 #29294 ilvery-white object shaped like an inverted soup bowl (dome-shaped) that ap 8/31/1967 #29364 acent field. It was shaped like an inverted saucer. It appeared to be on th 9/2/1967 #29391 rhill, Hope and Dunlop, sighted an inverted flying cone, silver on top, wit 9/10/1967 #29446 A man saw an object shaped like an inverted bowl (dome-shaped) flashing red 9/14/1967 #29469 The center light was a bright red inverted teardrop shape that moved up an 10/22/1967 #29726 ted which looked like a white dish inverted upon a dish with a dark ring ar 1/20/1969 #31449 to drink from a stone cube with an inverted pyramid carved into it, a dark 5/3/1969 (approximate) #31713 tricity. Bluish object shaped like inverted mushroom hovered overhead. Took 6/19/1969 #31839 t 11:00 p.m. a dark gray, metallic inverted bowl-shaped disc flew over a fa 7/12/1969 #31892 ead, now appeared as a bright blue inverted plate about 20 meters in diamet 8/19/1969 #31962 he sees the light as a light-pink inverted saucer moving with a jerky moti 10/3/1969 #32042 ibed as looking like a silver bowl inverted upon another silver bowl was si 7/21/1970 #32441 meter and shaped like a large bowl inverted over a smaller one. It had a se 4/14/1971 #32811 LE, DORSET Man photographs glowing inverted hat-saucer. 3 Polaroid shots. S 7/15/1971 #32981 ance of 98 feet. It looks like an “inverted dish” with a small rounded prot 10/5/1971 #33184 TRUJILLO, PERU Several / beach. Inverted bowl very close. Observer(s) su 4/1972 #33446 tices an object in the shape of an inverted bowl with several white, yellow 10/28/1972 #33961 NG, BERKS 2 observer(s). Segmented inverted pie-tin saucer over Crown St. / 9/25/1973 #34811 t were similar in appearance, like inverted cups, and had greenish blue fla 10/17/1973 #35106 GENOVA, ITALY E. Cavanesse. "Inverted parachute". Also UFO's / Perugi 10/29/1973 #35297 tholes two to three feet deep, one inverted C-shaped area with no lights, a 12/2/1973 #35501 broad shoulders, heads shaped like inverted pears, long arms, large eyes, a 1/7/1974 #35665 DEFENSE COMMAND, FR 15M cone like inverted wine-glass. Near ground by town 2/22/1974 #35808 ICBM nose cone. Radar picked up an inverted saucer-shaped object to the rig 7/17/1974 #36337 , 26, FR Luminous-UFO rotates like inverted top. Goes going west toward(s) 8/12/1974 #36410 0 p.m. three witnesses observed an inverted dish-shaped object that flew ov 8/28/1974 #36477 ll gray in color, and resembles an inverted soup plate. The strange contrap 7/26/1975 #37407 , JAPAN O. Tsugaane photos glowing inverted bowl. Original report = Hya Kur 10/10/1975 #37727 placed together, with the top one inverted.” The unidentified object final 10/17/1976 #38905 placed together, with the top one inverted." 10/17/1976 #38906 s were remarkably similar: a large inverted disc with a red light at the to 2/4/1977 #39243 a white object that looked like an inverted plate while flying over Tabio, 5/5/1977 #39532 a white object that looked like an inverted plate while flying over Tabio, 5/5/1977 #39533 ing object that was shaped like an inverted saucer a couple of hundred feet 7/15/1977 #39765 they saw a UFO that looked like an inverted bowl with two long extensions. 10/1/1977 #40064 the ground. It was shaped like an inverted soup plate, had a matt, silvery 2/5/1978 #40510 Argentina. The object resembled an inverted dish or narrow-brimmed hat. 10/8/1978 #41429 CH Odd cloud dissipates revealing inverted top-saucer. Blue rays shoot goi 11/29/1979 (approximate) #42720 Flashing cylinder/cigar-shape and inverted T-shape and saucer going quickl 8/19/1980 #43208 tedly looks like three stars in an inverted T shape with a surrounding halo 8/24/1980 #43223 t in the shape of two saucers, one inverted on top of the other, about 8 fe 1/8/1981 #43564 disc, shaped like two saucers, one inverted on top of the other. The object 4/12/1981 #43694 QINGYUAN, CH Inverted bowl north going south. Glows. 4/13/1981 #43705 n the sky. It had the shape of two inverted triangles. In the middle of the 7/26/1981 #43866 ECOUIS, FR 2 observer(s). Silent "inverted pressure cooker" fires rays and 1/23/1983 #44653 ed a three meter diameter metallic inverted dish-shaped object with a rotat 5/9/1983 #44771 es it as a pattern of lights in an inverted L pattern. As it passes, it blo 3/6/1984 #45173 FAIRMOUNT, IN Silent inverted ice-cream-cone flips over. Big 5/26/1987 #46260 EST / CARCROSS, YK Blue-glowing 5M inverted bowl saucer going down [to] clo 3/16/1988 #46632 fronted by an object resembling an inverted toy top, hovering just above th 9/27/1989 #47329 re lifting bodies that looked like inverted bathtubs that looked like a “po 7/1991 #48512 UEENSLAND Bright light shaped like inverted plate with hump. 5/8/1992 #48911 described as a bright, stationary inverted plate with a hump on top, was o 5/8/1992 #48912 nding pads. It has the form of two inverted soup plates with a pudding bowl 3/30/1995 #50709 allel to the 727. It looks like an inverted flying saucer as large as the a 7/31/1995 #50944 as the 727, and was shaped like an inverted flying saucer. 7/31/1995 #50945 ht and going down. Trajectory like inverted marine anchor. 1/14/1996 #51318 . Delta/triangle/box-like craft = "inverted steam-iron". Jets chase. Near p 1/25/1996 #51349 , Manitoba Night. A woman sees an “inverted triangular object with no wings 11/17/1997 #52196 RHO, ITL 2 / farm. White inverted pear going down. Door opens. Sm 3/8/1998 #52306 r with its head was shaped like an inverted pear. It had no nose, and they 8/24/1998 #52424 r, often described as flying in an inverted V-shaped configuration. Unknown 7/14/2001 #53071 India. It looked like two saucers inverted over each other. It flew low a 8/15/2001 #53097## Word: "inverted-", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
5 a.m. EDT. Four witnesses saw two inverted- -I dish (saucer-) shaped objec 5/11/1967 #28645## Word: "inverted-bowl", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Methuen, MA Inverted-bowl shaped object moving slowl 1/20/1967 #27612## Word: "inverted-bowl-saucer", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ERE, CORSICA Separate observer(s). Inverted-bowl-saucer / complex coastal t 3/18/1974 #35933## Word: "inverted-v", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
re hovering at 45° elevation in an inverted-V formation, switching to echel 8/3/1952 #11591 stack of coins, then changed to an inverted-V formation. Sighting lasted 20 12/13/1957 #20016## Word: "inverted-y's", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
in formations varying from arcs to inverted-Y's, very fast. 9/14/1952 #12212 in formations varying from arcs to inverted-Y's, and moved very fast throug 9/14/1952 #12218## Word: "inverviewed", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ng at several hundred mph. The FBI inverviewed many of these witnesses. 8/6/1947 #6207## Word: "invest", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
-Adam grew paranoid and refused to invest another $1.25 million, telling Ha 5/22/1991 #48477## Word: "invested", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ission of which St. Columcille was invested. 575 #46 tates Boeing and McDonnell Douglas invested in similar experiments as well. 1983 #44639## Word: "investigaciones", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
entina The Circulo de Argentino de Investigaciones Ufológicas in Córdoba, A 6/1974 #36212 Argentine Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas d 1991 #48316 sightings within the Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas d 1991 #48316## Word: "investigación", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the Argentine UFO group Circulo de Investigación Cientifico Espacial states Late 12/1968 #31365 Force agency, the Departamento de Investigación de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómal 12/2001 #53142 u Peru reopens its Departamento de Investigación de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómal 10/2013 #54265## Word: "investigacão", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
founds the Sociedade Pelotense de Investigacão e Pesquiso de Discos Voador 1972 #33328## Word: "investigador", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ander, Cantabria, Spain The Centro Investigador de Objetos Volantes Extrate 1975 #36785## Word: "investigadora", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a founds the Organizacion Nacional Investigadora de Fénomenos Espaciales in 1968 #30112## Word: "investigate", 382 instance(s) (Back to Top)
joining them, the Count decides to investigate the phenomenon. Approaching 4/25/1001 #141 e might be on fire, they got up to investigate. What they saw was a sizable 10/11/1660 #525 pan. Fishermen bring her inland to investigate further, but the woman is un 2/22/1803 #856 casional fin. Despite intending to investigate further, the crew decided ag 4/8/1813 #900 to their husbands, who decided to investigate. They went to the scene... a 1850 #1095 ard of Trade asks Trinity House to investigate the “false lights” of the Du 12/1865 #1176 at 9:00 p.m. Five men went out to investigate, and found the ship with its 12/7/1896 #1601 mething. They turn off the road to investigate and hear a cracking sound fo 4/13/1897 #1741 ard City, Michigan, and some go to investigate. Inside the craft is a “stra 4/14/1897 #1757 farmhouse in the area, he goes to investigate. It is a landed cigar-shaped 4/15/1897 #1793 arby pasture. Barclay goes down to investigate with his Winchester rifle, b 4/22/1897 #1920 ling. The boys stop work and go to investigate. They see a little man, dark 5/1913 #2594 lligence sends two officers out to investigate. Late 6/1915 #2687 rted, and with four men he went to investigate, organizing a search from Sk 7/13/1915 #2689 ting on a hillside. He gets out to investigate and discerns a structured ob 6/12/1929 #3055 ivil experts, not military, should investigate the ghost flier intrusions. 2/15/1937 #3371 o ironically have been assigned to investigate nuclear weapons by Australia 3/1940 #3507 light and drove in several cars to investigate. As they neared the light, a 1943 #3747 w type of intelligence activity to investigate and exploit air intelligence 2/23/1944 #3918 lson is with the 415th Squadron to investigate the foo fighters. He intervi 12/31/1944 #4125 expert General James Doolittle to investigate, framing it as a business tr Mid 1940's #4159 n the Caroline Islands are told to investigate a radar target at 30,000 fee 2/7/1945 #4189 w a light in the woods and went to investigate. He saw a disc with dome and 5/1946 #4472 ated. Military officers from Boden investigate, but the lake is too muddy t 7/19/1946 #4604 a small island. Two men go out to investigate, but the island is too overg 8/12/1946 #4676 closed], New Mexico (presumably to investigate the radar reports claimed by 7/4/1947 #5461 , the air intelligence officer, to investigate the debris report. Marcel im 7/6/1947 #5615 rce Intelligence. It is decided to investigate five flying disc incidents w 7/7/1947 #5762 nd that the Army were moving in to investigate. Later the program was inter 7/8/1947? #5860 almer wires Kenneth Arnold $200 to investigate the Maury Island, Washington 7/27/1947 #6119 s flying to Tacoma, Washington, to investigate the Maury Island mystery. As 7/29/1947 #6143 equesting an authorized project to investigate UFOs, per General LeMay’s 19 8/1947 #6171 emorandum and stresses the need to investigate Soviet development of a jet- 1/21/1948 #6545 at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, to investigate UFO reports. 1/22/1948 #6547 es C. Beam of Project Sign goes to investigate. On the way back, he consult 5/7/1948 #6665 ject Sign officer who had flown to investigate the Hecla case, sees a self- 7/9/1948 #6743 get into the field immediately and investigate the Chiles-Whitted case. By 7/25/1948 #6779 t height. One plane was sent up to investigate, but was hopelessly outdista 2/22/1949 #7145 he Pentagon. Carpenter promises to investigate. (Clark III 542) April 16 an 4/14/1949 #7238 responds quickly and orders him to investigate all sightings but reminds hi 5/6/1949 #7329 urdy asks Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe to investigate the flying saucer mystery fo 5/9/1949 #7348 . Bloom), visit the observatory to investigate the readings, but not before 10/14/1949 #7618 Thomas Dobbins and William Sheehan investigate and find that this and other 1/16/1950 #7736 sks 1st Lieut. Roy L. Jones Jr. to investigate it in his B-29, but he canno 2/1/1950 #7774 West, Florida. A plane is sent to investigate but it is “hopelessly outdis 2/22/1950 #7804 hing near a power line. He goes to investigate and encounters a landed disc 4/24/1950 #8210 f the highway. He stops the car to investigate, approaches it, and sees an 5/15/1950 #8282 Casper, they go into the field to investigate. When they turn their flashl 9/26/1950 #8608 and at Knoxville. AFI was asked to investigate the situation and set up a s 11/29/1950 #8736 on a 60-mile drive on the 23rd to investigate sightings at Maquoketa. He h 5/23/1951 #9034 ge only has one person on staff to investigate UFO reports, Lt. Jerry W. Cu 6/1951 #9049 se AFB visit Brownfield, Texas, to investigate UFO sightings there. 11/8/1951 #9396 . The next day, the police came to investigate and noted that the shrubs pl 1952 #9491 der from Marana Air Base, tried to investigate, but could go no higher than 4/4/1952 #9736 rier. HILL SCIENTIST AND AND CRIER INVESTIGATE SECRET BEHIND WHIRLING DISKS 4/8/1952 #9771 0 mph. A nearby B-29 volunteers to investigate, searching until midnight. T Summer 1952 #10481 ght eluded an F-47 fighter sent to investigate it, flying at 8,000 feet alt 6/21/1952 #10483 University sets up Project "A" to investigate the UFO's. 7/1952 #10599 an F-94 interceptor was sent up to investigate (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 7/1/1952 #10618 EC) plant. 4km altitude. Air Force investigate. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR 7/11/1952 #10711 tored by MacDill tower operator to investigate the UFO. They see a high-spe 7/22/1952 #11056 re, and have been, under orders to investigate unidentified objects and to 7/28/1952 #11348 alter Bedell Smith and asks him to investigate the Air Force’s mishandling 7/28/1952 #11350 . An F-94 in the area was asked to investigate, and its airborne radar lock 7/29/1952 #11415 ying an F-94B on a practice run to investigate. The pilot sees a bright, fl 7/29/1952 #11439 AFB and Bolling AFB are sent up to investigate but rainy weather forces the 8/5/1952 #11639 rom President Truman to the CIA to investigate the Air Force’s mishandling 8/8/1952 #11702 . Whitman, chairman of P&DB, would investigate undertaking R&D studies thro 8/20/1952 #11865 rives in Chickasaw at 9:50 p.m. to investigate and sees the same four objec 8/28/1952 #12015 ll, so they went up to the site to investigate. They were accompanied by be 9/11/1952 #12157 ng as equerry to the duke, that he investigate credible reports of UFOs, es 9/19/1952 #12268 more research is needed on UFOs to investigate their national security thre 10/2/1952 #12404 Kingman, AZ Fritz Werner: Helped investigate crashed oval UFO near Kingma 1953 #12889 efed USAF intelligence officers to investigate UFO reports, declassify as m 1/15/1953 #12981 S on how they might help Blue Book investigate UFOs. He also puts in for a 1/24/1953 #13006 as placed on special assignment to investigate a crashed UAP near Kingman, 5/21/1953 #13405 follows jets. Angel hair. Lockheed investigate / MJ#247 / r70p3-26E. 11/16/1953 #13871 globe / 700M altitude. 700mph. Big investigate. / LDLN#332. 12/17/1953 #13958 mpt to drive toward the objects to investigate. The objects suddenly depart 1/1/1954 #14042 ifornia, so that the Air Force can investigate quickly. Each airline is to 2/23/1954 #14182 am 4 were sent from Roswell AFB to investigate the crashed disc. The saucer 4/12/1954 #14316 a crew of an airliner is asked to investigate; the crew circles under the 6/26/1954 #14638 iloted by WO R. T. Wade is sent to investigate; he locates the object 20 mi 8/11/1954 #14843 ed local helicopter NBR ARMY267 to investigate. Definitely NOT a star. Heli 8/12/1954 #14848 30 p.m. when they were directed to investigate a UFO. It was a missle shape 9/3/1954 #14991 ch police and the French Air Force investigate the case. 9/10/1954 #15046 wing disc crosses state. Air Force investigate. 9/27/1954 #15267 ee. Shortly after, armed neighbors investigate the site and discover a larg 10/4/1954 #15504 French Air Force and local police investigate and learn there are other wi 10/4/1954 #15531 h fright he did not stay longer to investigate and sped away as quickly as 10/6/1954 #15603 he headlights fail. He gets out to investigate and sees a glowing, multicol 10/11/1954 #15810 . Witnesses did not wait around to investigate further. 10/11/1954 #15825 aft land nearby. Getting closer to investigate, he saw a pilot with a divin 10/21/1954 #16231 aft land nearby. Getting closer to investigate, he saw a pilot with a divin 10/21/1954 #16240 n Rio de Janeiro with a request to investigate. Brazilian Air Force Chief o 10/24/1954 #16306 Bousard can move again. Gendarmes investigate and note that his right hand 10/26/1954 #16361 sting in the pasture. He dared not investigate, but he saw cows gathering a 10/27/1954 #16388 ture. He didn't dare get closer to investigate, but he did see cows gatheri 10/27/1954 #16396 iolet glow. Curious, he decided to investigate and approached. He soon real 11/2/1954 #16500 yton, Ohio, which sends an F-86 to investigate. The pilot sees nothing and 11/12/1954 #16597 e the street. When they get out to investigate, they are confronted by a dw 11/28/1954 #16704 Hovers At 500' / Air Force Doesn't Investigate (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 2/14/1955 #17016 h Police from Luzern, Switzerland, investigate a sighting of a shiny metall 8/1955 #17361 rs drive out to the Sutton farm to investigate from 11:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. 8/21/1955 #17444 ard Base], which scrambles jets to investigate. The UFO approaches the towe 8/23/1955 #17461 cKinney. They stopped their car to investigate, but the object took off at 4/6/1956 #17904 , Texas. They stopped their car to investigate, but the object took off at 4/6/1956 #17905 shington, D.C.–based agency should investigate UFOs, and T. Townsend Brown 7/20/1956 #18113 d the media. It enables the FBI to investigate any political organization o 8/1956 #18164 es Metz and Andrew Rowe is sent to investigate the radar contacts, but sees 8/13/1956 #18208 1Kmph going quickly west. Military investigate. 8/22/1956 #18241 to abandon their test exercise and investigate the object. Wright turns nor 8/30/1956 #18287 the Air Force Base sent 3 jets to investigate a hovering UFO over Missoula 9/1956 #18303 g, but was injured when he went to investigate it, which his job required. 10/2/1956 #18400 he landing site is flattened, they investigate further and find a shiny roc 11/11/1956 #18469 Officer Robert Wells, who went to investigate, confirmed sighting. [NICAP 2/13/1957 #18674 fornia. His first assignment is to investigate radar-deflecting technology 8/1957 #19077 he ground. Penteado goes closer to investigate and sees two beings about 4 9/1957 #19182 th African Air Force is sent up to investigate. It climbs to 45,000 feet, b 11/1/1957 #19437 r article on the case, but did not investigate. 12/16/1957 #20030 irming that it “does not intend to investigate the United States Air Force. 3/8/1958 #20243 rs Joseph Scala and Emanuel Mavero investigate and watch the bright disc fo Early 4/1958 #20288 Cedar City, Utah, when he stops to investigate what seems to be a crashing 2/20/1959 #21001 ate Gerry Irwin stopped his car to investigate what he thought was a crashi 2/28/1959 #21032 ing a crash landing, so he went to investigate. Using shoe polish, he wrote 2/28/1959 #21034 ing wheel that read: "Have gone to investigate possible plane crash. Please 2/28/1959 #21034 by Rep. Overton Brooks (D-La.), to investigate Air Force UFO secrecy. 3/1961 #22236 jet fighter that was sent aloft to investigate an UFO that had been plotted 5/1961 #22300 anels inside, when they stopped to investigate a light following their car. 9/19/1961 #22511 cks] on the Moray Firth arrives to investigate. They find a strange box-sha Summer 1962 #22961 g is in his bedroom, so they go to investigate and see a half-dollar-sized Fall 1962 #23186 y 31, and June 9. The intent is to investigate exposure of animals (dogs, s 5/15/1963 #23523 nd Aircraft Company are sent up to investigate but cannot get anywhere near 8/1/1963 #23663 David Kingsbury, and Albert Vega) investigate and find the ground still sm 4/26/1964 #24074 , radio, and engine. He got out to investigate and heard a hum like an elec 1/14/1965 #24678 minum barn,” which they go down to investigate. Weaver is walking around in 1/26/1965 #24716 men, including a photographer, to investigate. After an hour, having found 1/28/1965 #24725 ansas, speed toward the airport to investigate local sightings when they se 8/1/1965 #25254 ung man walked over to the hill to investigate. When about 150 yards from t 8/13/1965 #25405 Air Reserve Station], who come to investigate the report the following aft 8/19/1965 #25449 ining up into the sky. On going to investigate what they believed was a car 8/26/1965 #25489 ck to the field along Route 150 to investigate. When he is called to invest 9/3/1965 #25547 investigate. When he is called to investigate Muscarello’s report, the ear 9/3/1965 #25547 ay in fear. Later they returned to investigate and had another close encoun 9/3/1965 #25553 t the Air Force should continue to investigate UFOs “to assure that such ob 9/28/1965 #25663 stigating UFO sightings, we should investigate the people who report them. 11/8/1965 #25755 hine, a police constable turned to investigate and saw a domed disc (rounde 1/7/1966 #25879 ies to provide scientific teams to investigate promptly and in depth certai 2/3/1966 #25963 hrough swampy, hummocky terrain to investigate flashing lights in the swamp 3/20/1966 #26093 ss release proposing that Congress investigate the rash of UFO reports in s 3/25/1966 #26186 on the roof. Two boys went out to investigate and heard a buzzing noise th 4/7/1966 #26388 assachusetts police were called to investigate two reports of an object res 4/16/1966 #26421 ce, who sent out fighter planes to investigate the UFO. As the officers saw 4/17/1966 #26422 ody lights. When he turned back to investigate, the UFO flew off through a 4/18/1966 #26449 and police called to the scene to investigate saw an oval or egg-shaped ob 4/19/1966 #26459 ficials from Washington arrived to investigate. Summer 1966 #26734 low and green. As he approached to investigate, the UFO began moving away, 6/24/1966 #26752 orders members of the military who investigate UFO reports to release infor 9/19/1966 #27084 th of Newfoundland, New Jersey, to investigate. A flat- bottom, red-orange 10/15/1966 #27205 p a flashlight and went outside to investigate. The dog was sitting on the 11/14/1966 #27317 hlight and went out in the yard to investigate. The dog was sitting at the 11/15/1966 #27328 0 feet away. As jets approached to investigate the object, it took off with 1/26/1967 #27661 aring in one direction. He goes to investigate and sees a landed object abo 2/14/1967 #27820 rby cemetery. They drove closer to investigate and saw the UFO surrounded b 3/8/1967 #28103 ey could get out of the vehicle to investigate they saw a 50-foot wide sauc 3/10/1967 #28145 Edinger, and Charles Warren—to go investigate. On a country road one mile 3/12/1967 #28164 four young men went to the area to investigate. They saw four green lights 3/12/1967 #28167 mming sound and stopped his car to investigate. He got out of his vehicle a 5/6/1967 #28610 ng she and her husband went out to investigate where the object had landed. 5/31/1967 #28772 l in the direction of the sound to investigate. On the other side he saw wh 8/15/1967 #29280 T. A man drove down a side road to investigate a green light he saw in a fi 8/23/1967 #29293 T. A man drove down a side road to investigate a green light he saw in a fi 8/23/1967 #29294 Winnipeg immediately comes out to investigate. 8/28/1967 #29344 nds John Ahrens and Norm Levine to investigate. They check out rumors of vi 9/11/1967 #29459 collapse for “lack of something to investigate.” The study terminates in 19 Late 1967 #29672 fficer B. Earnshaw went outside to investigate. He saw a 50 foot long cigar 10/27/1967 #29801 ht. An Army unit was dispatched to investigate at the request of local poli 11/4/1967 #29852 nic boom and went to the window to investigate. She saw a glimmering, white 11/10/1967 #29893 r along a highway. He pulled in to investigate, then his patrol car engine 12/3/1967 #30017 orm a “rapid intervention team” to investigate UFO incidents involving phys 1968 #30110 awa, Ontario. But the NRC does not investigate reports. 2/1968 #30206 Colorado project will be unable to investigate them adequately before its c 2/23/1968 #30271 troller General Elmer B. Staats to investigate the use of public funds for 4/30/1968 #30441 ini and Otoco, Bolivia and went to investigate. She found the sheep pen cov 5/14/1968 #30474 9:45 p.m. The motorist got out to investigate, then saw a light at tree-to 5/27/1968 #30504 Congress Have a Responsibility to Investigate the UFO Problem?” 6/3/1968 #30516 ise and stepped out of his home to investigate. He saw nothing and returned 6/10/1968 #30533 experience. The police promised to investigate the event but never released 6/13/1968 #30542 g of their dog. When he gets up to investigate, he sees a sparkling, rotati 7/28/1968 #30773 they went out with a flashlight to investigate they encountered a being abo 7/28/1968 #30774 's barking. The father went out to investigate and encountered a sparkling, 7/28/1968 #30775 abin. 1 Polaroid photograph. NICAP investigate. 8/1/1968 #30816 ghbor's home. A sailor went out to investigate but found nothing. However, 9/24/1968 #31054 McDonald’s visits to Australia to investigate UFOs and who would fund his 9/30/1968 #31072 i de Mello, goes into operation to investigate UFO sightings, especially ph 10/1968 #31082 hen stopped the car and got out to investigate a distant light source on th 10/15/1968 #31114 lla province, Spain and got out to investigate a light he saw nearby. When 1/15/1969 #31437 pigs grunting and went outside to investigate. He saw a UFO land about 60 2/20/1969 #31528 position. Fighter aircraft sent to investigate, object disappeared 3/14/1969 #31610 hen a fighter aircraft was sent to investigate the object disappeared. 3/14/1969 #31611 pilot-in-training Tarmo Tukeva to investigate seven air balloons that are 4/12/1969 #31658 d, took the flashlight and went to investigate. When Arceso returned, he wa 7/4/1969 #31866 intervention team” for the RAAF to investigate UFO physical evidence. In a 11/8/1969 #32103 rt’s Ease. When the RCMP arrive to investigate, they go out in a boat but c 8/14/1970 #32485 re very scared and did not stop to investigate if it had left tracks, but d 2/2/1971 #32736 lvania The Citizens’ Commission to Investigate the FBI burgles an FBI field 3/8/1971 #32780 e witness approached the object to investigate he ran into an invisible bar 5/27/1971 #32881 ention of gendarmes to collect and investigate UFO sightings is outlined. 11/27/1971 #33265 ght. Startled, she did not stop to investigate but continued driving on. No 3/7/1972 #33395 alysts who want Puthoff and SRI to investigate remote viewing for espionage 6/6/1972 #33530 ase. Briggs exited the building to investigate the sound. Once outside, Bri 10/14/1972 #33938 de the building, so he went out to investigate. Once outside he observed a 10/14/1972 #33941 Hill. When her husband went out to investigate he encountered a large hairy 8/27/1973 #34663 Hill. When her husband went out to investigate he encountered a large hairy 8/27/1973 #34664 r in Savannah, Georgia was sent to investigate reports from residents of a 9/8/1973 #34725 aska, order its security guards to investigate an alarm at one of India’s 1 Autumn 1973 #34805 said there would be no attempt to investigate the sightings unless there w 10/10/1973 #34938 rport. A helicopter was sent up to investigate, which chased the UFO into M 10/14/1973 #34991 mall mountain called Le Malmont to investigate the sighting of an orangish 10/19/1973 #35168 ard the other side of the field to investigate. They can see an object with 10/22/1973 #35214 d a civilian friend, Gary Flatter, investigate. They see no figures but hea 10/22/1973 #35215 s her husband, who goes outside to investigate but only finds the dog “scar 11/22/1973 #35445 es. On March 27, the Guardia Civil investigate and find a hole in the groun 3/26/1974 #35995 ida Antoine, Jerri, and Terry Betz investigate a small brush fire near thei 3/27/1974 #36000 at they are actually being sent to investigate a brightly colored UFO that 6/1974 #36209 orning he went out with his dog to investigate, and walked toward the landi 6/8/1974 #36233 control explains that they are to investigate a bright orange-red light re 6/9/1974 #36235 ct about 50 feet away and stops to investigate. Walking to within 15 feet o 9/1/1974 #36499 Thomas Feldhan and John Mackanics investigate and file reports. Months lat 1/12/1975 #36863 and Jerry Stoehrer, also of MUFON, investigate the incident and take soil s 1/12/1975 #36863 US Idaho A US Senate committee to investigate abuses by the CIA, NSA, FBI, 1/27/1975 #36891 iagnosis of shock. The Gendarmerie investigate the case and judge him to be 2/14/1975 #36948 nd her husband went to the kitchen investigate, but found nothing. Her husb 3/6/1975 #37027 . The provincial police arrived to investigate and took samples of a strang 7/6/1975 #37349 tried to curb the mutilations and investigate the helicopters to no avail. 9/25/1975 #37655 the craft while driving around to investigate "a glow in the sky" seen by 10/7/1975 #37715 local newspaper editor, decided to investigate. Upon reaching the location, End of 1975 #38034 arrive in Clovis at 11:30 p.m. to investigate. 1/23/1976 #38188 heriff deputies were dispatched to investigate and reported seeing a UFO ho 2/10/1976 #38238 s that an aircraft will be sent to investigate. Little more than 4 minutes 8/13/1976 #38674 e ground so the pilot flew down to investigate it. The landed UFO appeared 9/19/1976 #38822 hovering. They stopped the car to investigate, and saw that the lights wer 10/23/1976 #38920 Network in Willowdale, Ontario, to investigate reports and inform the publi 1977 #39097 ea for a United Nations program to investigate UFOs. 4/17/1977 #39454 reports from official agencies and investigate cases already reported. 5/1/1977 #39519 uctantly to go across the lake and investigate. Then one of them looks up a 5/3/1977 #39524 decided to go across the lake and investigate the spot. As they were doing 5/3/1977 #39527 t the women did not stay around to investigate. There were six other sighti 5/21/1977 #39599 ns the same distance. Students who investigate the site later find a stone 8/11/1977 #39880 tion for a scientific UFO panel to investigate reports. 9/14/1977 #39986 but declines to set up a panel to investigate cases. 12/21/1977 #40335 an empty room, and when he went to investigate he then heard a noise at the 1/9/1978 #40404 nty, New Jersey, is called to help investigate a low-flying UFO over the ne 1/18/1978 #40439 Mr. Morello got out of the car to investigate and found himself engulfed i 2/23/1978 #40551 e, Italy. When the man gets out to investigate, a warm, violet light envelo 2/23/1978 #40553 Mr. Morello got out of the car to investigate and found himself engulfed i 2/23/1978 #40554 ontamination. They do not directly investigate the heart’s unusual color or 3/24/1978 #40636 end two USAF officers to Tarija to investigate. Col. Robert Simmons and Maj 5/6/1978 #40764 neighbors, and together they go to investigate the site. The grass where th 5/10/1978 #40773 reddish glow ahead. He drove up to investigate. Getting closer, he observed 5/13/1978 #40782 ng lights in the woods, stopped to investigate and saw a bright red, revolv 6/4/1978 #40839 her called the police, who came to investigate the scene. On July 10th, the 7/8/1978 #40940 to the topic of using hypnosis to investigate UFO experiences. The present 8/28/1978 #41180 to their house. When they went to investigate, they found some broken bott 9/10/1978 #41255 air. Climbing up the riverbank to investigate, he sees a domed disc about 9/18/1978 #41309 sked a retired police constable to investigate. 9/20/1978 #41318 a clearing. When he rides over to investigate, a door opens and two small 9/27/1978 #41364 stitute for Scientific Research to investigate the reports. 11/9/1978 #41555 ck in the morning. She went out to investigate and saw two short, squat hum 11/28/1978 #41637 in Naples, Italy. When she went to investigate she saw two humanoid figures 11/29/1978 #41648 the water surface. He went out to investigate and noticed a luminous circu 12/6/1978 #41702 car finally stopped, he got out to investigate a nearby strange light in th 12/28/1978 #41859 opped and Mr. Zanfretta got out to investigate a strange light hovering nea 12/28/1978 #41860 s, Quentin Fogarty, and ask him to investigate the case. He then boards the 12/31/1978 #41874 CRIDOVNI, a special commission to investigate all UFO sightings within the 1979 #41906 had left the light on she went to investigate, but it was turned off so sh 1/4/1979 #41948 carport light on, she went out to investigate, but it was still to dark, s 1/5/1979 #41956 kennel. When the woman goes out to investigate, two more lights appear and 2/1979 #42056 ing. Police and two others went to investigate, but found nothing. Later th 2/21/1979 #42099 a and Capt. José Juan Abad Cellini investigate for the Spanish Air Force an 3/5/1979 #42127 a corral. When they go outside to investigate, they see a UFO hovering sil 5/1/1979 #42203 a nearby forest. The woman went to investigate, and saw the object, which w 6/19/1979 #42292 ke him up. He then went outside to investigate, and saw a glowing object ho 7/15/1979 #42329 s had gone outside at 7:30 p.m. to investigate the reason her dog was barki 8/29/1979 #42489 their heads. As they approached to investigate they were engulfed by a dens 9/20/1979 #42597 with a handgun and went outside to investigate. He saw a bright light among 10/6/1979 #42637 ward. Authorities are appointed to investigate the site and find tracks whe 11/9/1979 #42681 ver, after midnight she decided to investigate, drove near the site, and wi 8/8/1980 #43186 t agencies, lead by NASA, actively investigate legitimate sightings through 11/17/1980 #43403 ward Cabansag) enter the forest to investigate they see, according to Halt’ 12/26/1980 #43507 ey were given permission to go and investigate, as they believed it to be a 12/27/1980 #43509 rees. They are given permission to investigate and they leave the base in a 12/27/1980 #43511 he is directed into the woods to “investigate a disturbance.” They soon co 12/28/1980 #43524 a “foreign” language. They do not investigate, but in the morning they fin 1981 #43543 Lear. By 1982, APRO had decided to investigate Bennewitz’s claims. They sen 1982 #44130 cident, but his mission was not to investigate the UFO report. To be thorou 1982 #44131 ia Six Soviet sailors discover and investigate a "disabled ship" in the fog 2/10/1982 #44187 ea six Soviet sailors discover and investigate a "disabled ship" in the fog 2/10/1982 #44191 VA The witness had gone outside to investigate a commotion among his dogs a 3/22/1982 #44266 ms 3 lights down. Follows car. RAF investigate. 12/2/1982 #44598 er, chest, and spine. Local police investigate and find her “visibly shakin 10/13/1983 #44941 announces that the RAAF will fully investigate only those UFO sightings tha 5/2/1984 #45273 ens and whining. As he went out to investigate the area turned red with ill 5/6/1984 #45284 ens and whining. As he went out to investigate the area turned red with ill 5/6/1984 #45286 g. Police Sgt. Hoffman goes out to investigate and sees a giant UFO with mo 7/24/1984 #45381 airport gives him authorization to investigate a “second sun” about two-thi 7/1985 #45633 take off from Thornhill airbase to investigate. Boulawayo airport picks up 7/22/1985 #45649 ed off when the witness stopped to investigate. 4/27/1986 #45900 l house. All three went outside to investigate and were nearly blinded by a 3/7/1987 #46210 -duty officer takes a squad car to investigate as the object moves behind a 3/20/1987 #46228 orth Carolina, and goes outside to investigate. She sees a domed disk in he 3/23/1987 #46230 evening and went to the window to investigate. Though partially obscured b 3/23/1987 #46231 when the control tower asks him to investigate “strange traffic” nearby. Wh 6/19/1987 #46278 approve congressional hearings to investigate these incidents fully. The p 6/25/1987 #46285 s a glow in the woods. He wants to investigate it, but no one will accompan Mid 10/1987 #46402 so they drive down to the beach to investigate. A huge, metallic-gray, foot 3/4/1988 #46613 erning UFOs, we are not allowed to investigate because these investigations 12/28/1988 #46916 army lands with 4 men on board to investigate an event that has just occur 12/28/1988 #46918 nison Scott and two other officers investigate a citizen’s report of a stra 2/15/1989 #47008 e woman was dead and were going to investigate. However, this person, whom 11/30/1989 #47525 endarmerie to send a patrol car to investigate. Ten minutes later, a second 3/30/1990 #47794 ound the rim. As the jets close to investigate, one of the UFOs heads for o 11/5/1990 #48235 ar he returned to the same spot to investigate under identical night condit 3/12/1991 #48396 opean Energy Commission decides to investigate the case and comes to the co 3/31/1991 #48421 xplosion nearby; when they went to investigate they saw the wreckage of a “ 4/12/1991 #48437 s and Time magazine, both of which investigate the case, but find no eviden 8/10/1991 #48560 now banks. When they approached to investigate they saw a tall hairy humano 3/6/1992 #48809 and drove towards the location to investigate. As they neared the area the 3/13/1992 #48823 enate Appropriations Committee, to investigate claims the USG was working o 12/22/1992 #49235 e is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing 1993 #49252 She approached the landed craft to investigate and when she got to within t 3/30/1993 #49389 nificance, and I recommend that we investigate further, within MoD or with 3/31/1993 #49403 or the ufologists who had come to investigate. 4/24/1993 #49438 a in Antwerp, Belgium, to collect, investigate, and document UFO reports. 1994 #49862 on Human Radiation Experiments to investigate US government records on rad 1/15/1994 #49890 er Jeff Velthouse is dispatched to investigate, and he watches some lights 3/8/1994 #49986 nded and went inside the shrine to investigate. The adult witnesses saw the 4/15/1994 #50034 bedroom window. Her father went to investigate but saw nothing. 1/30/1995 #50574 call from someone who asks them to investigate a strange creature seen in a 1/20/1996 #51332 r dogs barking outside and went to investigate. Outside they saw a red-oran 2/23/1996 #51418 e house and went into the woods to investigate alone, on the way there he r 2/23/1996 #51418 . Sr. Barbosa decided to go out to investigate, and he saw a large white cl 5/6/1996 #51546 He stopped his car and got out to investigate. As he approached he saw a l 6/21/1996 #51587 t dancing behind a hill. When they investigate, they find an object moving 8/17/1996 #51645 became part of a group that would investigate, gather the information, and 8/30/1996 #51666 rabbed his shotgun and went out to investigate. Running toward the light, h 1/5/1997 #51861 lson was in a village in Mexico to investigate UFOs. The place is called Co 2/9/1997 #51887 bright yellow lights. Deciding to investigate, he entered the woods, but f 3/9/1997 #51931 his aircraft. This led Warwick to investigate the possibility of Button's 4/2/1997 #51963 from Wilson during the meeting to investigate SAPs involving UFO technolog 4/10/1997 #51977 uva do Sul, Brazil and ran over to investigate. He saw something hiding beh 8/3/1997 #52099 hinking it was her cat she went to investigate. At the entrance to her kitc 10/19/1997 #52180 rby field. He stopped his truck to investigate, and hid behind a bush for a 12/10/1997 #52212 d. Her husband, Francisco, went to investigate while Ursulina remained behi 4/27/1998 #52340 t in the corridor that she went to investigate. At the end of the corridor 6/10/1998 #52367 d proceeded over a nearby ridge to investigate. As they got closer to the a 10/19/1998 #52457 ad seen. They both walked ahead to investigate the point on the path where 8/22/1999 #52653 Chinese UFO Association begins to investigate the Cao case in April 2000 a 12/1999 #52718 hat the relevant authorities could investigate this matter. In the same spi 1/16/2000 #52762 Os?). The narcotics police went to investigate the site, thinking they woul 4/24/2000 #52832 n others in a hiking group went to investigate. When they got to the scene, 9/11/2001 #53121 t Nellis AFB in Nevada are sent to investigate a mysterious light seen in a 2004 #53507 re diverted from their exercise to investigate some unusual radar contacts 11/14/2004 #53655 irections. The planes fly lower to investigate the object, which seems to b 11/14/2004 #53655 nd some trees. They went closer to investigate and came upon a landed cone- 6/14/2005 #53718 epts’ Paul Czysz writes a paper to investigate the development of breakthro 2/1/2006 #53793 ng from the woods. They decided to investigate and walked into the woods ap 8/5/2006 #53824 . FAA tells the public it will not investigate. https://www.chicagotribune 1/1/2007 #53869 by brushes. Two of the men went to investigate, one armed with a powerful f 4/12/2008 #54002 ether, one of them who had gone to investigate reported that he had seen a 4/12/2008 #54002 mall research project in the UK to investigate the control of gravity for a 12/2015 #54319 n Rochester, Minnesota. The police investigate her death as a homicide. 12/22/2015 #54320 d Air Wing in Portland, Oregon, to investigate. Bearing the most advanced t 10/25/2017 #54365 es. The Navy, Coast Guard, and FBI investigate the natter and are unable to 7/15/2019 #54477 ntinues to log sightings and fully investigate the accounts.” 7/31/2019 #54486 d January 13, when state officials investigate drone sightings in the field 1/13/2020 #54511 University, announces that it will investigate evidence that could represen 7/26/2021 #54592 ary who travel around the world to investigate UAP and gather physical evid 11/30/2021 #54619 n on behalf of Sen. Robert Byrd to investigate the existence of Aurora, or 8/12/2022 #54661 committee with subpoena powers to investigate Grusch's claims. 7/27/2023 #54720 nd further pressed for Congress to investigate facilities believed to house 8/17/2023 #54728 t committee with subpoena power to investigate UFO matters further, but Bur 8/23/2023 #54732## Word: "investigated", 121 instance(s) (Back to Top)
by the possible significance, they investigated the site and unearthed a hi 1237 #213 assy meadow. A diocesan commission investigated and found at least 14 witne 8/21/1879 #1321 nd nearby, and a group of five men investigated, finding a bearded man on b 12/7/1896 #1602 town on the 15th. Local residents investigated, but the airship took off a 4/15/1897 #1810 cluding that 42 of the 487 reports investigated by Sweden, Norway, and Finl 7/8/1935 #3309 ch objects. The Norwegian military investigated the incident but did not di 7/1946 #4530 the water. A Swedish military unit investigated the site and reportedly fou 7/1946 #4531 eports that about 100 impacts were investigated by the Defense Research Ins 12/3/1946 #4817 report was one of the early cases investigated by the FBI. 6/14/1947 #5008 as one of the early cases secretly investigated by the FBI. Later that same 6/22/1947 #5058 e Mead, Nevada. This case was also investigated by the FBI at the time. 6/28/1947 #5178 ted at least five minutes, and was investigated by the FBI. 6/28/1947 #5179 ing was also one of the 1947 cases investigated by the FBI. 7/3/1947 #5362 st. Both the Air Force and the FBI investigated the case. 7/6/1947 #5632 of any “saucer-like” objects to be investigated and passed on to T-2 Techni 7/9/1947 #5907 ,” saying that sightings should be investigated to see whether an “individu 7/30/1947 #6150 f the United States” and should be investigated scientifically.” 4/27/1948 #6645 erpent.” Nonetheless, they must be investigated. 3/31/1949 #7199 all green fireball reports it has investigated (39 in all) from December 5 4/19/1949 #7243 leased: About 30% of the sightings investigated to date were said to be exp 4/27/1949 #7266 or third-hand claim “that we never investigated. Some people believe the me 3/22/1950 #7991 orm letter is to be used: “We have investigated and evaluated incid 10/18/1950 #8657 n in Suffolk County, Virginia, and investigated by Nansemond County Deputy 3/1951 #8962 ls were tight-lipped today as they investigated the cause of the crash of e 6/9/1951 #9062 es 6,000 reports, of which 400 are investigated and 40 remain unexplained. 10/1951 #9289 cent flying saucer report is being investigated?” Cabell says there is a gr 10/1/1951 #9290 3 minute(s). Going southeast. Not investigated. 4/28/1952 #9989 ng on a steady course. The case is investigated by the FBI and passed on to 5/10/1952 #10113 l AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investigated radar target, saw glowing e Summer 1952 #10471 l AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investigated radar target, saw glowing e Summer 1952 #10474 catch the objects failed. Of 1,000 investigated reports, Ruppelt said, 38% 7/18/1952 #10866 l AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investigated radar target, saw glowing e 7/24/1952 #11158 , from Racine Coast Guard station, investigated and said he was satisfied i 8/14/1952 #11782 erifies that the files on 41 cases investigated by the Air Force for his up 2/25/1953 #13175 in 1977. These documents are fully investigated during the Senate Hearings 4/13/1953 #13314 bserve UFOs visually and on radar (investigated by the Condon Commission). 8/6/1953 #13588 t all UFO reports “are still being investigated closely and recorded as an 11/20/1953 #13883 Area, Sweden Week of UFO sightings investigated by military authorities. Sc 5/10/1954 #14418 en it is demagnetized. The case is investigated for the RAAF by University 6/5/1954 #14530 s, object and entity had vanished. Investigated by the Royal Canadian Air F 7/7/1954 #14695 entity had vanished. This case was investigated by the Royal Canadian Air F 7/7/1954 #14696 ch police and the French Air Force investigated the case. 9/10/1954 #15048 t exited the craft. His report was investigated by the police. 10/19/1954 #16174 vers. Shimmer and change color(s). Investigated. 3/25/1958 #20275 ts involving national security are investigated but “nothing suggests that 11/5/1958 #20809 s many as 16% of the UFO sightings investigated by USAF are “hoaxes origina 11/30/1958 #20846 l authority, while new tethers are investigated to improve the ability to c 9/29/1959 #21470 and create a near miss of the type investigated by the Civil Aviation Autho 1960 #21647 ust 20, 1963, at 9:32 PM, which he investigated with a team from the secret 8/20/1963 #23724 rned area. The case was personally investigated by Dr. J. Allen Hynek for P 4/24/1964 #24065 tprints in the ground. The case is investigated by MacDill AFB in Tampa. Ri 3/2/1965 #24787 technicians from Niagara Falls AFB investigated the case. They found no tra 8/5/1965 #25343 A police officer investigated a vertically descending lum 3/21/1966 #26123 next morning, she and her husband investigated the area where the object h 5/31/1967 #28769 disc photograph I have personally investigated. That says it all! Warren S 7/3/1967 #28962 eriously. However, the accident is investigated by the state police and hig 7/13/1967 #29028 l effects. The case was thoroughly investigated by the Air Force sponsored 12/3/1967 #30017 2/21/67, copy in NICAP files. Case investigated by Ted Bloecher and J. E. M 12/12/1967 #30050 burst of hot air. The incident is investigated by Capt. Maljean of the loc 7/31/1968 #30801 red, nightscope, and telescope are investigated through April 1969. The UFO 8/1968 #30814 his date a very important and well investigated abduction case occurred on 8/7/1968 #30839 Kent, IN Abduction report. First investigated by Bay Area (CA) Subcommitt 11/1968 #31167 d, dry, and brittle. This case was investigated by several groups at the ti 7/12/1969 #31891 d to read but the sighting was was investigated by the International UFO Bu 10/1969 #32031 (This Close Encounter incident was investigated separately by Don Ledger an 11/25/1970 #32634 lighting storm then in progress. (Investigated by NICAP's Capital Area Sub 8/1/1971 #33014 here a short time later. When they investigated, they found footprints that 9/23/1971 #33137 tes: All UFOs reported to CFHQ are investigated by the Director of Operatio 10/2/1972 #33906 in 1977. These documents are fully investigated during the Senate Hearings 1973 #34091 ext to a spring. The daughter, who investigated, subsequently suffered from 10/6/1973 #34913 (Ouranos No. 14, 2nd Quarter 1975. Investigated by M.J. Bertil. Translated 2/14/1974 #35786 .” It is unknown if this event was investigated by British or U.S. authorit 4/1974 #36025 ) cllaim he was abducted. Jordan. (Investigated by Mike Cristol) (NICAP: 07 5/9/1974 #36147 MARIEMONT, OH Gas smell investigated. Hairy hooved figure walks 7/26/1974 #36350 iological effects. R. Leo Sprinkle investigated the case and performed the 8/22/1974 #36453 (Ouranos No. 14, 2nd Quarter 1975. Investigated by M. Grazzioli and M. De C 9/8/1974 #36517 tion that maybe was not thoroughly investigated. Hypnotic regression might 1/5/1975 #36841 n, who files a report. The case is investigated by the Ministry of Defence. 6/23/1975 #37301 north as Lake George. The case is investigated by Ernest Jahn, who contact 8/20/1975 #37519 and well-known abductee Betty Hill investigated these events and compiled a Late 1975 #37734 went and notified the police, who investigated on the following day and fo 1/26/1976 #38195 AVAK, the national police of Iraq, investigated the case, and during the in 4/5/1976 #38377 1975. Despite knowing it was being investigated for abuses, the CIA still w 4/26/1976 #38419 on his chest and back. The case is investigated by the Swedish Military Hig Early 12/1976 #39019 ying that UFOs are no longer being investigated. 2/6/1977 #39252 in Japan and that they are quietly investigated. However, the following day 9/1977 #39956 n the patrol vehicle as the second investigated the source of the light. As 11/13/1977 #40197 scrambled to chase UFO’s. He also investigated sightings of a cigar shaped Late 1970's #40356 ay in Cape Broyle. The incident is investigated by John Warren and Robert F 4/2/1978 #40685 ure shows night light-saucer. Well investigated. Also 6 August sightings. 8/8/1978 #41080 the account no one appears to have investigated this further. 8/22/1978 #41145 he glassware inside the house. She investigated and found that the source o 12/6/1978 #41700 irring up a whirlwind. The case is investigated in depth in 1979 and reinve 7/25/1979 #42354 terested in UAP by claiming “NASA” investigated Bennewitz. It was later adm 1980's? #42815 itz. It was later admitted the NSA investigated Bennewitz and Doty changed 1980's? #42815 land. The incident is subsequently investigated by agent Richard Doty, who 8/8/1980 #43185 ien creatures. In May, Godfrey had investigated the death of Zigmund Adamsk 11/29/1980 #43444 , TX Cash-Landrum incident. It was investigated by ex-Col. John B. Alexande 12/29/1980 #43527 rance Landing, physical trace case investigated by official French agency 1/8/1981 #43563 ttention of the police and is soon investigated by GEPAN, the French govern 1/8/1981 #43564 est documented and most thoroughly investigated case of physical effects fr 1/8/1981 #43565 tention of the police and was soon investigated by GEPAN, the French govern 1/8/1981 #43565 remote viewing program at the time investigated an anomalous event during c 5/1984 #45269 wife would back him up. Case never investigated. (Ridge files) (NICAP: 07 - 7/1984 #45350 ion is 20 inches deep. The case is investigated by S. P. Kuzionov of the Ru 10/1984 #45452 ed from French) The National Guard investigated the landing of a UFO, obser 7/9/1986 #45995 Western KS Double abduction case investigated by John Carpenter 11/7/1989 #47434 ltitude of 4,800 feet. The case is investigated by an internal commission o 1/22/1990 #47660 erce International, which has been investigated for being involved in massi 7/5/1991 #48518 fted outside and vanished. When he investigated further he found he had a c 1/4/1992 #48712 in Maine (one of the 'Allagash 4' investigated by Raymond Fowler) saw a la 11/22/1993 #49812 a researcher from Vladivostok who investigated the Tunguska affair, UFOs a 12/3/1994 #50440 Lago de Rapel and Llano are being investigated by the ufology group AION. 2/13/1997 #51892 ivilians, most of which were never investigated. https://imgur.com/a/7D5xI 7/31/1999 #52635 nidentified Aircraft and UFO cases investigated from October 1968 to August 10/31/2008 #54055 rnment’s UFO releases, BAASS cases investigated, Skinwalker Ranch database, 9/30/2010 #54177 Out of its 1,170 fully investigated UFO cases, the French UFO a 11/2011 #54211 ied. But um…and they have not been investigated to my knowledge; I’m sorry, 10/28/2018 #54423 rmed that UAP encounters are fully investigated, there is frustration with 9/6/2019 #54490 Navy confirmed UAP encounters are investigated, “there is frustration with 9/6/2019 #54491 ject Blue Book, which specifically investigated UFOs, are housed at the Nat 1/12/2021 #54561## Word: "investigates", 36 instance(s) (Back to Top)
er's degree from Brown University, investigates a ghostly apparition after 7/1806 #865 rland Swiss psychologist Carl Jung investigates his 15-year-old cousin, Hél 1899 #2041 Shell Oil Company, James Doolittle investigates the phenomenon of Ghost Roc 8/1946 #4630 k plugs burned out. When Blue Book investigates the case, they confiscate t 7/24/1949 #7479 Booth, a Holloman AFB contractor, investigates reports of a range station 7/1950 #8399 is disbanded, the Air Force still investigates incidents and sends them to 1/29/1951 #8898 closed] near Uniondale, New York, investigates reports of a UFO seen by bo 1/28/1953 #13053 or three hours. Ruppelt personally investigates and calls it “the best” in 8/5/1953 #13586 recommending that when the 4602nd investigates a UFO sighting and it is no 12/23/1953 #13971 ght at ground level. Lincoln LaPaz investigates, along with J. Stewart Will 5/1/1954 #14389 Columbus (near), OH Airliner Investigates Strange Object (NICAP: 11 - 6/26/1954 #14636 s, and soon the Brazilian military investigates, finding nothing amiss in t 11/22/1954 #16667 length. Journalist John G. Fuller investigates the case during the next mo 9/3/1965 #25547 ’s College of Veterinary Medicine, investigates Lady for the Colorado proje 9/9/1967 #29439 ouston, Texas. C. E. “Gene” Senter investigates and recovers a twig with an 11/6/1968 #31197 oves away. The Brazilian Air Force investigates the landing, and UFO invest 6/26/1969 #31851 on TV to explain how the ministry investigates sightings. The program is p 1/1972 #33330 cian and showman Tony “Doc” Shiels investigates the case, and one of the gi 4/17/1976 #38390 . Maj. Antonio Munáiz Ferro-Sastre investigates the sightings for the Spani 6/22/1976 #38532 ” He says the Spanish Air Ministry investigates UFO cases, including those 6/26/1976 #38547 Antonio Munáiz Ferro-Sastre again investigates, concluding that it was a “ 11/19/1976 #38996 ency. The U.S. Air Force no longer investigates UFOs. (see NASA arrest laws 2/1/1978 #40490 se weapons, The Invisible Machine, investigates the possibility that it may 4/2/1978 #40685 the Center for UFO Studies, which investigates the marking on August 22. T 8/2/1979 #42381 up later in a cabbage field. GEPAN investigates and finds the story problem 11/26/1979 #42711 he sight of one of its crew. GEPAN investigates the landing traces. Grass i 11/27/1979 #42715 ocean. A Spanish Air Force officer investigates and concludes the object is 5/22/1980 #43067 Spanish journalist Juan J. Benítez investigates and determines that either 11/11/1980 #43389 England, Colonel Halt observes and investigates various anomalous objects a 12/27/1980 #43512 e. In December 2018, Brian Dunning investigates the case and reports his fi 12/29/1980 #43536 sighting to the Gendarmérie, which investigates and finds a gigantic circul 12/12/1989 #47573 domed saucer / 12 minute(s). MUFON investigates. Videos. 8/29/1993 #49673 e than the pilot’s estimate. SEPRA investigates the case and determines tha 1/28/1994 #49916 6 Paulding, Ohio John P. Timmerman investigates a mystery crop circle found 7/4/1996 #51597 he northwest. Ufologist Don Ledger investigates and finds that radar at Mon 8/13/2002 #53248 vestigations on older events. CIAE investigates only those UFO sightings su 11/19/2021 #54615## Word: "investigating", 117 instance(s) (Back to Top)
cends towards the mountain grotto. Investigating further, seven men follow 4/25/880 #110 cal researcher James Hyslop begins investigating a case of automatic writin 8/1895 #1520 echanical sound like an air brake. Investigating, he discovers an airship u Mid 4/1897 #1798 ed. Later, a lawman from the group investigating the incident disappeared a 9/1899 #2054 y vanishes. The officers have been investigating reports of similar lights 9/4/1915 #2702 ls, was resolved. Federal officers investigating the matter discovered the 8/11/1917 #2784 s, was unraveled. Federal officers investigating the matter conveyed that t 8/11/1917 #2785 ts are alarmed, and the police are investigating the mystery. Sergeant W. S 8/13/1917 #2786 The story is reported back to the investigating team in Germany. (July) 7/1937 #3384 ranium-238 isotope. Dunning begins investigating gaseous diffusion as a pro 3/1940 #3506 and bright flash near their home. Investigating, the head of the family en 1944 #3896 ittee (CIOS), charged in part with investigating the strange balls of fire. 8/17/1944 #3998 f the Northern Signals Area, after investigating the Operation Charlie rada 1/27/1947 #4862 US The Air Force began investigating UFO reports seriously afte 7/1947 #5242 one, who declares that the army is investigating these affairs. He even ask 7/3/1947 #5323 ckly southeast / 5 second(s). RCAF investigating. / J. Aldrich p6+Internet. 7/3/1947 #5340 or comment, subtly indicating that investigating a domestic project is a wa 7/30/1947 #6152 e adds that the Air Force is still investigating and he still wants people 12/17/1947 #6470 USAF General Orders the AF to stop investigating saucers and Project GRUDGE Early 1949 #7050 San Antonio to offer assistance in investigating green fireballs and the Ki 5/5/1949 #7315 the Twinkle project, charged with investigating the phenomena of "green fi 3/8/1950 #7858 on. Atomic Energy Commission still investigating. 8/4/1950 #8479 ency of the Air Force charged with investigating UFO sightings, classified 7/13/1951 #9111 See also Life, Apr. 7, 1952. While investigating the Lubbock Lights, Ruppel 8/30/1951 #9205 dish Defence Staff responsible for investigating UFO reports. He remains in 10/1951 #9289 n Albert M. Chop. AMC claims it is investigating every serious UFO report, 3/3/1952 #9641 announces that it has not stopped investigating and evaluating UFO reports 4/3/1952 #9734 The RCAF said its intelligence was investigating as a bona fide phenomenon, 4/16/1952 #9828 ITAL RADAR. The Air Force has been investigating reports that several flyin 7/29/1952 #11374 avy officials said Tuesday, "we're investigating thoroughly" reports of a f 7/29/1952 #11375 says the Air Force has had experts investigating them since the end of Worl 7/30/1952 #11481 l Guardsman, and 5 other boys were investigating a landed globe-like UFO ob 9/13/1952 #12185 Defense Department and that while investigating Soviet knowledge of UFO ph 10/13/1952 #12456 , which tightens UFO reporting and investigating procedures, further restri 8/26/1953 #13660 f Germany Scientists were reported investigating a UFO which crashed to the 1954 #14020 the agency responsible to ATIC for investigating UFOs. Cybulski says that “ 1/13/1954 #14088 still is in Dayton OH, military is investigating the saucer, saucer people 2/22/1954 #14178 a French study group involved with investigating UFO cases. 8/16/1954 #14872 rs confessed their trickery to the investigating magistrate. 9/30/1954 #15308 mbers of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries.” 10/24/1954 #16304 order to help out with a guide for investigating and processing UFO reports 11/17/1954 #16637 The 4602nd AISS guide to investigating UFOs is complete and gets 3/15/1955 #17068 g with a Senate committee which is investigating official secrecy on UFOs. 1/22/1958 #20151 wo committees on Capitol Hill” are investigating the UFO controversy. Rep. 1/28/1958 #20161 ampos, and João Manuel Vasquez are investigating the Ponta Porã case from D 2/19/1958 #20200 would state that the Air Force is investigating UFOs and not withholding i 2/28/1958 #20217 sions with the Senate Committee on Investigating Government Operations that 2/28/1958 #20220 chard R. Shoop reassessing its UFO investigating role. It recommends that t 9/28/1959 #21467 an The U.S. Air Force is currently investigating films and movies of “UFOs 6/1960 #21856 e staff of the Senate Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee to keep a clo 7/6/1960 #21891 sc-shaped UFO maneuvered away from investigating aircraft. [NICAP UFOE, I] 10/2/1961 #22549 He radios headquarters that he is investigating a possible car accident. H 4/24/1964 #24063 eat to national security are worth investigating and “there are no document 2/27/1965 #24783 rs, delegates of the Flying Saucer Investigating Committee, accompanied by 6/30/1965 #25009 evolving telescopic appendage. The investigating commission found dark, tri 7/25/1965 #25168 evolving telescopic appendage. The investigating commission found dark, tri 7/25/1965 #25172 tographs / 4' hat-saucer. MIB. Big investigating. / r24v3#5+6. 8/3/1965 #25289 E. McCoy and Robert W. Goode were investigating an UFO in the back-woods r 9/3/1965 #25525 m French) Hynek states: Instead of investigating UFO sightings, we should i 11/8/1965 #25755 that USAF has done a lousy job of investigating UFOs and that UFOs are act 7/20/1966 #26811 entific background responsible for investigating UFOs. 9/19/1966 #27084 d then, so they drove away without investigating further. 3/12/1967 #28167 was in Grand Haven most of Friday investigating the Grand Haven sightings. 4/4/1967 #28356 he said he planned to do some UFO investigating and lecturing. Low forward 6/27/1967 #28922 blue light at 3,000–4,000 feet. An investigating team from RCAF Trainiong C 8/28/1967 #29344 Department of National Defence in investigating Canadian UFO reports. 11/24/1967 #29971 m, specifically for the purpose of investigating and tracking unidentified 8/1968 #30814 another star system, and they are investigating global warming on earth. S 9/26/1968 #31061 about 200 feet above the water. An investigating policeman confirmed the si 11/25/1968 #31269 ached General Moacyr Uchoa and his investigating team on Wilson P. Gusmao’s 1/31/1969 #31470 ce informs local officials who are investigating the reports that they must 7/1969 #31858 f flames issued from the rear. The investigating witnesses, two teenage boy 1/7/1971 #32706 els, plus NATO forces, are already investigating a mystery submarine report 11/13/1972 #33992 om French) In Falkville (Alabama), investigating a UFO report, Sheriff Jeff 10/17/1973 #35060 foot being in a silvery suit after investigating a reported UFO landing. (N 10/17/1973 #35091 crinkly looking silvery suit after investigating a reported UFO landing. Th 10/17/1973 #35108 lapsed onto the ground. Two of the investigating team started to complain t 10/25/1973 #35264 hing light hovers above the trees. Investigating police arrive and find no 2/6/1974 #35756 gure or silhouette while they were investigating noises coming from a parki 3/4/1974 #35880 ed to him by a writer who has been investigating animal mutilations, launch 1975 #36787 ual ground marks. On March 25, two investigating officers from RAAF Base To 3/22/1975 #37074 tee and House Pike Committee began investigating domestic surveillance and 4/26/1976 #38419 receives a visit from a MIB while investigating a UFO sighting in Maine. H 9/11/1976 #38793 .m. Herbert Hopkins, the hypnotist investigating the 1975 Oxford abduction 9/11/1976 #38801 . Police Constable David Swift was investigating an unusual fog in a nearby 8/9/1977 #39868 receives a visit from a MIB while investigating a UFO sighting in Maine. H 9/11/1977 #39984 ho were part of a team in the area investigating the UFO activity. 10/26/1977 #40142 nalyze and a lack of protocols for investigating UFOs as hindrances to NASA 10/31/1977 #40167 the need for global cooperation in investigating them. He is aided in his s 11/28/1977 #40228 to be wearing a mask. Later while investigating a noise at the door to the 1/9/1978 #40404 ernment, through the CIA, has been investigating the presence of UFOs since 1/14/1979 #41992 valley. Military authorities were investigating. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 4/19/1979 #42177 in 1976 at a time when the CIA was investigating Mt. Ararat as a location o 7/1980 #43132 laims. Doty tells him they are not investigating. But Doty later admits wha 11/26/1980 #43433 at he claims AFOSI and the FBI are investigating. He tells Gersten that the 1/10/1983 #44643 t Encarnacion Garcia, who had been investigating cattle mutilations in Braz 9/29/1988 #46797 ary reporter from Za Rodinu who is investigating the incident that nothing 9/13/1990 #48075 s the procedures for reporting and investigating UFO sightings by military 1/15/1992 #48723 Danny Casolaro is found dead after investigating the use of Native American 8/1/1993 #49600 to devote resources to recording, investigating, and attempting to explain 1/4/1994 #49878 thers. Several 911 calls and MUFON investigating. 5/19/1995 #50802 nimals running from the area. Upon investigating they saw a metallic gray s 1/20/1996 #51336 Translated from French) Police are investigating an attempted abduction of 9/18/1997 #52147 ts coming from a field behind him. Investigating more closely, he saw a ver 8/14/1999 #52643 y Naval officer John F. Stratton], investigating the case in 2009 for BAASS 11/14/2004 #53655 n and that the agency would not be investigating the incident. 11/7/2006 #53853 een involved in a Project Aquarius investigating an extraterrestrial entity 2008 #53983 BI, AFOSI and other agencies began investigating physicist Jack Parsons for 3/31/2011 #54200 ng Infrared (ATFLIR) system. While investigating the first pair of UADs, an 4/23/2014 #54285 rdose, but Polish authorities were investigating as manslaughter and Britis 7/16/2016 #54334 ghter and British authorities were investigating as well. Shortly prior to 7/16/2016 #54334 “outer edges of science,” such as investigating UFOs. It employs Luis Eliz 9/2017 #54358 esources the Navy is dedicating to investigating UFO sightings. He also ask 7/16/2019 #54478 -Colo.) says he is glad the FAA is investigating. The Colorado Department o 12/2019 #54505 Havana Russia House The CIA team investigating the Havana Syndrome attack 12/3/2019 #54506 and government officials are still investigating the incident. 11/16/2021 #54614 Havana An intelligence panel investigating the cause of Havana Syndro 2/2/2022 #54630## Word: "investigation", 563 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ht was visible to the latter. Upon investigation, it was discovered that Bi 540 #44 volved into "Compostela." After an investigation initiated by Bishop Teodom 813 #93 Agobard (779-840) had conducted an investigation and discovered that missin 840 #102 at the request of the general, an investigation was immediately launched t 9/24/1235 #209 ones on July 1, 1510, following an investigation by the bishop of Rodez. 3/19/1509 #337 o trace of the ships was found. An investigation was unable to give an exac 1786 #801 e Academy of Sciences delegates an investigation commission led by Jean-Bap 1803 #854 the Feast of the Assumption. Upon investigation, a small statue of the Vir 8/15/1803 #857 ator, the magazine of the National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenom 8/12/1825 #947 force had at that time created an investigation office. (December) 12/1833 #977 m gave no details and directed the investigation towards a Spanish magazine 8/1887 #1452 e magazine "Mâs Allâ" conducted an investigation into the case. It turns ou 8/1887 #1452 bucket was found 2 m further. The investigation led to nothing. (December 12/24/1890 #1479 e case is considered a hoax, a new investigation has allowed the recovery o 4/17/1897 #1845 rench) Foundation of the Bureau of Investigation, which would later become 7/11/1908 #2231 am renames the force the Bureau of Investigation in March 1909. 7/26/1908 #2236 engine. Meanwhile, a journalist's investigation led to a secluded estate c 1909 #2259 nd of polished tin lid. During the investigation, a resident of Cardiff rev 5/18/1909 #2324 hool for a few minutes. A thorough investigation was conducted with the you 7/23/1909 #2360 hill launches the first government investigation into UFOs, following the w 10/12/1912 #2538 nd with 4 other people conducts an investigation at Skogene outside Rognagå 7/13/1915 #2690 16-page confidential report on the investigation and concludes there is “no 9/4/1915 #2702 n vain, as they found nothing. The investigation that followed was inconclu 9/9/1922 #2908 4th Swedish Flying Corps begins an investigation of the ghost flyers. 12/28/1933 #3228 The US Division of Investigation officially becomes the Fed 7/1/1935 #3308 ally becomes the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 7/1/1935 #3308 request for a civilian ghost flier investigation is rejected by Swedish Min 5/19/1937 #3376 without interruption. In vain. An investigation takes place: no submarine 2/1939 #3463 12.80 m side were discovered. The investigation concluded in a triple disa 1941 #3540 all. Walter N. Webb reports on his investigation of the incident in 1996. Early 10/1941 #3575 -Calif.) calls for a congressional investigation, saying, “none of the expl 2/24/1942 #3610 n. There is no one on board. After investigation, it is learned that the di 8/1942 #3667 tographs were taken, and a big CAA investigation followed. 8/13/1942 #3683 No. 5 Group issues a report of its investigation on “Rocket Phenomena,” con 2/9/1944 #3909 terview pilots. He later moves his investigation to the Pacific Theater. Hi 10/28/1944 #4053 hat or who was it? [IN REALITY: an investigation by the Dijon Association o 4/20/1945 #4278 ada in answer to a request for the investigation into wartime “balls of fir 10/9/1945 #4401 llided with a ghost rocket, but an investigation indicates that the pilot l 8/12/1946 #4675 ntorinis is placed in charge of an investigation. He rules out Russian miss 9/1/1946 #4741 an missiles, but the Army ends the investigation in 1947. 9/1/1946 #4741 enon. An RAF Intelligence report, “Investigation of Reported Missile Activi 9/9/1946 #4749 US USAF Investigation Summary: Serious investiga 1947 #4830 SAF Investigation Summary: Serious investigation, conclusions UFOs real and 1947 #4830 alifornia), to ask him to join the investigation. Brown and a certain Capta 7/1/1947 #5259 object out in the desert and, upon investigation, came upon a crashed disc- 7/2/1947 #5296 ary truck arrived to supervise the investigation of the crash site. Barnett 7/2/1947 #5296 ived with personnel to oversee the investigation at the site. Mr. Barnett s 7/2/1947 #5297 e is not enough data to justify an investigation. 7/4/1947 #5377 (Translated from French) A first investigation by the USAF concluded that 7/4/1947 #5378 as no need to make a more thorough investigation. 7/7/1947 #5652 observers in order to continue the investigation. 7/7/1947 #5661 quests the FBI's assistance in the investigation, and simultaneously affirm 7/9/1947 #5879 ating, ”...before agreeing (to the investigation of crashed saucers)...we m 7/15/1947 #6053 ssion that the AAF instituted this investigation to wash out the disc repor 7/27/1947 #6120 iguez is in charge of the forensic investigation and is taking fingerprints 8/2/1947 #6181 2-15 silver saucers over town. FBI investigation/investigators = brushoff. 9/3/1947 #6310 in which he announces to cease any investigation on the subject. From this 9/15/1947 #6332 rthodoxy. However, a more thorough investigation revealed that this darned 9/20/1947 #6350 shore of San Diego, California. An investigation by the U.S. Coast Guard fo 9/20/1947 #6351 rt thereafter every 30 days as the investigation develops. A complete inter 9/23/1947 #6357 ic directive AMC will continue the investigation within its current resourc 9/23/1947 #6357 peration with the Air Force on UFO investigation, although the FBI continue 10/1/1947 #6388 g eight questions about the Army’s investigation. Stratemeyer passes the qu 11/18/1947 #6450 er/bomber flying wing design), his investigation concludes that no saucer d 12/16/1947 #6468 rten Ho 299 flying wing design, an investigation determined no flying sauce 12/16/1947 #6469 C and USAF commanding generals on “Investigation and Reporting of ‘Flying D 2/4/1948 #6563 ions as to the need for scientific investigation of these cases. 4/27/1948 #6644 beat Sneider report on the initial investigation of the Gorman dogfight, ma 10/7/1948 #6894 (Translated from French) The investigation will show that 5 green fir 12/5/1948 #6990 irtland AFB, New Mexico, orders an investigation into the previous night’s 12/6/1948 #6999 left the DC-3 visible. An official investigation is conducted to understand 12/27/1948 #7028 the Air Force commitment to a UFO investigation project will remain until 1/1949 #7054 n that it will launch an immediate investigation of the green fireballs, no 1/31/1949 #7103 an. 31, 1949 read by OSI: “all out investigation of possible crashed saucer 2/4/1949 #7116 rd chairman Von Kármán and urge an investigation. 2/8/1949 #7117 from the CIA Office of Scientific Investigation dismisses the idea of UFOs 3/15/1949 #7175 Arcs going southwest. USAF and FBI investigation. 4/4/1949 #7214 who wants Kaplan to set up a field investigation. They emphasize that Grudg 4/25/1949 #7262 e the possibility of a clandestine investigation separate from Grudge. Thus 5/31/1949 #7399 s remarkably inconclusive, and the investigation leaves many questions unan 5/31/1949 #7400 lf Fentz and old coins. The police investigation will allow to trace the tr 1950's #7691 been called the "Dark Ages" of UFO investigation. Following the Project Gru 1950 #7694 se who believed in a more positive investigation could not win support for 1950 #7694 US USAF Investigation Summary: These conclusions 1950 #7695 Watson is not running a secret UFO investigation, and Cabell is forced to m 1/12/1950 #7724 ork Times. BOSTON PITCHES FOR MORE INVESTIGATION. The Aero Club of New Engl 1/21/1950 #7740 asked the Air Force to reopen its investigation into "flying saucers" and 1/21/1950 #7740 the discontinuance of the "saucer" investigation as "premature and regretta 1/21/1950 #7740 that case, “intensive, systematic investigation of these objects should no 2/20/1950 #7797 altitude trails streamer. Military investigation/investigators. (AP) news. 3/15/1950 #7921 Spins. Goes going west / sea. Army investigation. 4/10/1950 #8150 Bruises and wounds. Traces. Police investigation. Other witnesses (April 24 4/24/1950 #8204 and away. Note in case file: "No investigation." 5/7/1950 #8264 e and requests that an appropriate investigation be conducted to determine 5/12/1950 #8278 s afire. Going quickly west. / OSI investigation/investigators. 5/17/1950 (approximate) #8284 flew to the west. There was an OSI investigation. On the same night a dark, 5/17/1950 #8288 l. Numerous traces on the spot and investigation by the gendarmerie of Four 5/20/1950 #8291 F Technical Analysis Division, on “Investigation of Flying Saucer Reports” 7/19/1950 #8442 ying Saucer Reports” says that UFO investigation takes up too much time. 7/19/1950 #8442 eption fail. The AEC says that the investigation is continuing. 8/4/1950 #8486 rs should not be dismissed without investigation and has asked that a worki 8/15/1950 #8514 id passes school-bus stop. Buzzes. Investigation. 12/14/1950 (approximate) #8801 is own FOIA-exempt extragovernment investigation of undersea and aerial UAP 1951 #8839 ch cannot be explained and further investigation may be necessary.” 1/29/1951 #8898 upcoming article) and urges a full investigation of what could be experimen 2/25/1951 #8946 st balloons and urged a full-scale investigation. He said that as an assist 2/26/1951 #8949 arch organization, he conducted an investigation and recommended a consider 2/26/1951 #8949 e report admits that no systematic investigation has been undertaken, but f 6/1951 #9050 pped a curtain of secrecy over its investigation, and all personnel were or 6/9/1951 #9062 ientists) about the conduct of the investigation. Received orders to set up 9/15/1951 #9257 but it disappeared afterwards. The investigation showed that the battleship 10/4/1951 #9307 r] in Lubbock, Texas, to begin his investigation of the Lubbock lights, acc 11/6/1951 #9390 nomenon. They form Civilian Saucer Investigation to collect reports and for 12/1951 #9443 ediately to the Stockholm Criminal Investigation Department, who reports th 12/5/1951 #9444 e International Commission for the Investigation of Flying Saucers in Franc 12/27/1951 #9477 h) Creation of the Civilian Saucer Investigation in Log Angeles. 12/27/1951 #9479 US USAF Investigation Summary: After review of s 1952 #9487 r review of situation, new serious investigation started; evidence uncovere 1952 #9487 buffs organized as Civilian Saucer Investigation of Los Angeles. These incl 4/2/1952 #9730 ked about details of the Blue Book investigation with a two-and-a-half-page 4/17/1952 #9861 OIN was conducting a more complete investigation of UAP in the field than P 4/24/1952 #9958 hypothesis. The same night, after investigation, it was established that n 6/1/1952 #10246 AF colonel argues that Blue Book’s investigation is biased against the ETH, Mid 6/1952 #10387 nounce the formation of Project A: Investigation of Phenomena, saying that 7/1952 #10606 btain reports from Civilian Saucer Investigation in Los Angeles and other g 7/1952 #10606 ce in Dayton, Ohio assigned to the investigation said he had received about 7/17/1952 #10825 r at Dayton, Ohio, assigned to the investigation said he had received about 7/18/1952 #10868 stle and delayed by a previous UFO investigation in New Jersey, arrive on t 7/20/1952 #10947 onally interested and wants a full investigation, but Bower orders Ruppelt 7/21/1952 #10999 ng quickly east. RADAR's. Military investigation/investigators. 7/22/1952 #11029 gent from the Office of Scientific Investigation borrowed the negatives and 7/29/1952 #11360 t be done in the way of a thorough investigation. All were agreed they saw 8/13/1952 #11758 ndicates he will “cause a thorough investigation to be made.” 8/14/1952 #11796 ce's handling of the flying saucer investigation," Lott said, "was one of t 8/18/1952 #11834 FO groups (such as Civilian Saucer Investigation of Los Angeles) or add UFO 8/19/1952 #11858 o the Council stating the need for investigation and directing agencies con 8/20/1952 #11865 the NSC stating the need for a UFO investigation. 8/20/1952 #11879 Los Angeles Civilian Saucer Investigation in Los Angeles publishes t 9/1952 #12051 ng quickly west in a row. Military investigation. 9/21/1952 #12289 d H. Fulton founds Civilian Saucer Investigation (New Zealand) in Auckland. 10/12/1952 #12450 (1) that the AF quadruple its UFO investigation project, and (2) that they 1/1953 #12916 tes on the Blue Book method of UFO investigation. It is possibly here that 1/14/1953 #12979 very detail of every phase" of the investigation. The scientists believed t 1/17/1953 #12984 rity procedures, and also keep the investigation on a scientific basis. The 1/17/1953 #12984 can be accounted for with further investigation, which is a “great waste o 1/17/1953 #12990 lic meeting of the Civilian Saucer Investigation group in Los Angeles, Cali 2/9/1953 #13117 mselves to a “scientific method of investigation.” It determines that UFOs 2/25/1953 #13176 ot require a Canadian armed forces investigation, but reports should still 2/25/1953 #13176 ce officers conducting any type of investigation, the 6-page manual’s only 5/1953 #13348 ght-Patterson AFB, assisted in the investigation of a crashed UFO. It was c 5/21/1953 #13396 s upward. / USAF Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) and Atomic Energy 8/3/1953 #13576 ccording to the official Air Force investigation. A Project Blue Book "unid 8/3/1953 #13579 teal a piece of the sign during an investigation by Naval Ordnance personne 8/19/1953 #13626 ted 3 to 4 minutes each time. Upon investigation, this transmitter had been 9/17/1953 #13728 ager to know now the result of the investigation opened by the Swedish Air 12/17/1953 #13955 h Armed Forces orders a full-scale investigation. Capt. Ulf Christiernsson 12/17/1953 #13961 red or forwarded to a higher-level investigation like AFOIN-X(SG), but is a 12/18/1953 #13965 US USAF Investigation Summary: Evidence again ch 1954 #14006 cting versions of whether expanded investigation was recommended (and adopt 1954 #14006 fic controllers. A Fighter Command investigation concludes that most of the 1954 #14018 s Ed J. Sullivan‘s Civilian Saucer Investigation Los Angeles disbands. 1/1954 #14032 farmhouse was reported under close investigation. 4/20/1954 #14331 ute(s). Turns going southeast. Big investigation/investigators. / r242p41+/ 6/23/1954 #14609 r Air Force pressure. The official investigation confirms the fire was caus 7/2/1954 #14678 cientific commission to conduct an investigation into these phenomena. No t 8/16/1954 #14868 these phenomena. No trace of this investigation could be found in the arch 8/16/1954 #14868 ded on the open highway. Now under investigation by authorities. 8/27/1954 #14930 ared. The gendarmerie conducted an investigation. 9/7/1954 #15013 feet" about 16 cm long. During the investigation the ground was trampled by 9/30/1954 #15307 nistry allegedly requests a secret investigation into UFOs. 10/1/1954 #15386 Ministry allegedly launches a UFO investigation after 267 citizens come fo 10/2/1954 #15434 minous object in flight. Extensive investigation by French Air Force and po 10/4/1954 #15530 minous object in flight. Extensive investigation by French Air Force and po 10/4/1954 #15543 t if the French army has opened an investigation into "flying saucers", as 10/7/1954 #15611 I LU - p. 273, 274) IN REALITY: an investigation by L.D.L.N. showed that th 10/9/1954 #15678 I LU - p. 277, 278) IN REALITY: an investigation by L.D.L.N. showed that th 10/11/1954 #15772 eet of a heavy machine. Air police investigation. 10/12/1954 #15828 es were partially burned. Official investigation. 10/15/1954 #16006 t it intends to launch an official investigation. 10/15/1954 #16016 es were partially burned. Official investigation. 10/15/1954 #16022 pondent in Turin who conducted the investigation on site. 10/17/1954 #16065 ened object 30 feet long. A police investigation was conducted. 10/18/1954 #16146 th a soft whirring sound. A police investigation finds a spot of oil at the 10/19/1954 #16171 o bed with a high fever. It was an investigation by the Italian police that 10/20/1954 #16185 were burned out." Thorough police investigation failed to identify the cau 10/21/1954 #16233 were burned out. " Thorough police investigation failed to identify the cau 10/21/1954 #16242 l. João Adil de Oliviera heads the investigation, which concludes on Decemb 10/24/1954 #16306 d the ground and then it vanished. Investigation by local police. 10/29/1954 #16431 nd. It then vanished. There was an investigation of the incident by the loc 10/29/1954 #16434 Lu, p. 50 à 55) IN REALITY: a long investigation conducted by Messrs. Barth 11/5/1954 #16534 and become dark. The next morning, investigation disclosed that an area 4 o 11/8/1954 #16563 become dark. The next morning, an investigation disclosed that an area 4 o 11/8/1954 #16569 ins confused, even after the GESAG investigation of 11 and 12.4.70, GS 2481 11/14/1954 #16613 edge. 150m altitude. News and USAF investigation. 2/15/1955 #17019 et out of trouble ... and avoid an investigation.] 3/1955 #17035 the report in March on a five-year investigation into UFOs by the RAF has b 5/1955 #17138 er sky. 3 jets chase. Big military investigation/investigators and news. 5/11/1955 #17157 omic Energy Commission launched an investigation. (The Cincinnati Post 8-26 8/25/1955 #17464 ds. "Spectacular Case". Government investigation. No further details. 7/1956? #18052 by something. However, an accident investigation team finds that a series o 7/22/1956 #18127 anation of this sighting.” A later investigation is conducted by David Clar 8/13/1956 #18208 funded through the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, a CIA cu 2/1957 #18652 es it unexplained after a thorough investigation. 3/9/1957 #18715 to Oxnard and the later Air Force investigation by the 4602nd, these red o 3/22/1957 #18728 utes, and was followed by a police investigation. 4/22/1957 #18796 irport. Quickly going up. Military investigation/investigators. / r46p256+/ 7/14/1957 #18992 of an extremely highly classified investigation can be found and released. 7/17/1957 #19007 ter the event despite admitting an investigation was incomplete, and despit 9/24/1957 #19258 ular UFO badly burns two men; U.S. investigation. Non-US military. 11/4/1957 #19511 ers / airport. Air Defense Command investigation/investigators. / r141#2. 11/9/1957 #19773 ments from a UFO landed, now under investigation. 11/9/1957 #19786 nts on the ground, which are under investigation by the Air Force. 11/13/1957 #19822 an open circuit breaker, although investigation could find no apparent cau 11/14/1957 #19832 east. Cannot catch. Big Air Force investigation. 11/26/1957 #19904 nd “there has never been a serious investigation of any report on file” at 12/1957 #19938 nts found on the ground, now under investigation by the Air Force. 12/15/1957 #20024 rging from the icy landscape. Upon investigation, it was identified as a po 1958 #20087 d to cover-up to shut down further investigation of technology linked to fo 1958 #20092 USAF does not want a congressional investigation, and the McClellan effort 1/31/1958 #20170 based on its “preliminary informal investigation,” it would state that the 2/28/1958 #20217 rce is properly conducting its UAP investigation and not withholding inform 2/28/1958 #20220 sult of informal meetings and zero investigation is performed. https://fil 2/28/1958 #20220 due to stress; however, a thorough investigation was carried out. The offic 3/14/1958 #20252 ign to open another government UFO investigation. This time it approaches t Late 3/1958 #20276 Denmark US The officer for UFO investigation in Denmark, Lt. Col. Hans- 4/25/1958 #20332 status of UFO reports and the USAF investigation. ATIC decides to give Hend 5/8/1958 #20356 islators express confidence in the investigation and agree that publicity i 6/20/1958 #20451 ro-magnetic effect (EME). Big USAF investigation/investigators. / r60#311. 9/1/1958 #20601 onnel be assigned to temporary UFO investigation duty. They would solve rep 10/1958 #20658 rgentina UFO fragments land, under investigation. 12/21/1958 #20886 spector general, who ordered a new investigation. On July 10, Irwin re-ente 2/28/1959 #21034 015), part of the CIA's secret UFO investigation project, claims in the spr Spring 1959 #21074 secretly forwarded to the CIA for investigation. Spring 1959 #21074 nadians had conducted an extensive investigation into Mrs. Swan's claims of 7/9/1959 #21276 ad a project monitoring Earth. The investigation took an unexpected turn wh 7/9/1959 #21276 ed. The dense underbrush prevented investigation of the site. 8/13/1959 #21371 to ground from hovering UFO. Under investigation. 9/7/1959 #21424 to have implants in her face. The investigation revealed that she was a vi 1960 #21640 pictures of the object. Now under investigation. 3/2/1960 #21709 he is pushing for a Congressional investigation. 6/1/1960 #21857 hissing sound. They are now under investigation by the National Aeronautic 9/6/1960 #22012 continues downrange. The original investigation is conducted by McClelland 1/10/1961 #22175 e in denouncing critics of the UFO investigation. Their claims were "absolu 3/1961 #22234 says that critics of the Air Force investigation are “absolutely erroneous, 3/1961 #22235 scientists that calls for an open investigation by UFOs without secrecy. I 5/1961 #22305 uged Congress with requests for an investigation of the Air Force project. 6/1961 #22344 car. Rush / cold air! Big military investigation/investigators. No traces. 7/17/1961 #22408 ourse of an exceptionally complete investigation by military authorities, h 7/17/1961 #22410 where it might have landed, but an investigation by the military finds no t 7/17/1961 #22411 uglas M. Crouch, chief of criminal investigation at Hill AFB, south of Ogde 4/18/1962 #22819 out $10,000 on each major sighting investigation. 5/25/1962 #22916 ything had disappeared. The police investigation, led by Lieutenant Lisboa, 8/19/1962 #23083 f a UFO. It was learned during the investigation that he had fallen a few d 8/20/1962 #23088 d, everything had vanished. Police investigation, headed by Lieutenant Lisb 8/20/1962 #23089 d including his father. The police investigation, headed by Lieutenant Lisb 8/20/1962 #23091 off a few minutes later. Official investigation described it as bright, su 9/15/1962 #23151 a few minutes later. The official investigation described it as bright, su 9/15/1962 #23155 d evidence of intense heat. Police investigation. A whitish powder was also 1/31/1963 #23415 f intense heat. There was a police investigation, during which a whitish po 1/31/1963 #23416 Hill fame later). After a lengthy investigation it is determined that a ti 5/24/1963 #23551 caused the crater. But a military investigation shows no burn or scratch m 7/16/1963 #23631 to the Coast Guard and request an investigation, but the object sinks befo 9/12/1963 #23749 Argentine Military. Following his investigation, the latter declared that 10/21/1963 #23819 ewsletter of the Isle of Wight UFO Investigation Society. It folds in April 1/1964 #23955 een unable, in spite of a thorough investigation, to find the vehicle or ot 4/24/1964 #24063 ng hovers / 4-5 minutes. Blue Book investigation/investigators. No further 7/27/1964 #24332 nd performed a perfunctory, sloppy investigation of the case, but NICAP did 9/4/1964 #24446 pot where the UFO landed. The USAF investigation, conducted after 3 weeks o 12/21/1964 #24593 g Saucer Research Society, the UFO Investigation Centre NSW, and the Flying 2/27/1965 #24783 ing. These sheets were given to an investigation commission of the Mac Dill 3/1965 #24784 Tampa. Richard Hall supervises the investigation for NICAP and concludes it 3/2/1965 #24787 rch Association, which launches an investigation. The various items Bryant 4/24/1965 #24883 iction novel. It is only after the investigation is well along that she rea 4/24/1965 #24883 another disk-shaped device. Police investigation disclosed damaged trees an 5/23/1965 #24921 ear Wagle Mountain Lake. Extensive investigation by the police led to negat 8/2/1965 #25271 rning magnesium land. An extensive investigation by police finds no traces. 8/2/1965 #25278 ear Wagle Mountain Lake. Extensive investigation by the police led to negat 8/2/1965 #25281 bject lands / hill / 45 minute(s). Investigation. No further details. 8/4/1965 #25314 among them military men. Official investigation. 8/4/1965 #25326 ng after it is out of sight. Later investigation shows that part of the roa 9/16/1965 #25614 Hobart, Tasmania The Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre is formed in Hobart 10/1965 #25675 ansfers the responsibility for UFO investigation to the Swedish National De 10/1/1965 #25679 ield about his story. A subsequent investigation by Citizens Against UFO Se 11/1965 #25745 Houston, Texas, to discuss the UFO investigation and the possibility of an Early 11/1965 #25747 ycle / UFO. Type unknown. Official investigation/investigators. No joke. 12/1965 #25802 yards away from them. Upon closer investigation they found the object to b 1/23/1966 #25948 provide opportunity for scientific investigation of selected sightings in m 2/3/1966 #25963 th and northwest over border. USAF investigation/investigators indicates RA 2/17/1966 #25998 verlapped the road. (NICAP report, investigation by John Fuller). (NICAP: 0 3/14/1966 #26055 l better if there was a full-blown investigation of these incidents, which 3/25/1966 #26186 ests in a letter the opening of an investigation into how the USAF is carry 3/27/1966 #26202 ngly recommends” a House committee investigation into the “UFO phenomena.” 3/28/1966 #26223 sped away at a steep angle. (NICAP investigation report; Keyhoe & Lore, 196 3/31/1966 #26282 adian Air Defence Command ends its investigation of UFOs and transfers the 3/31/1966 #26289 im on his call for a congressional investigation, saying, “History will rec 4/6/1966 #26375 ilosophy professor, begins his own investigation, tracking down witnesses. 4/17/1966 #26438 hio The Air Force begins a cursory investigation into the Portage County, O 4/18/1966 #26451 r Ottawa, Ontario, urges a serious investigation of UFOs in the Canadian Ho 4/21/1966 #26474 . The lights come back on. NICAP’s investigation shows that the power failu 4/23/1966 #26514 , 1969b, pp. 45-47; Walter N. Webb investigation report; U.F.O. Investigato 4/24/1966 #26524 t and characterizing the Air Force investigation as “grossly unfair” to Spa Late 4/1966 #26541 ane, flying away to the southeast. Investigation by Selfridge AFB. 6/13/1966 #26696 (R-Mich.) introduces HR 866 for an investigation into Project Blue Book’s m Mid 8/1966 #26911 y, one capsule before bedtime. The investigation was entrusted to Inspector 8/20/1966 #26941 ed to disclose the cause of death. Investigation disclosed several earlier 8/20/1966 #26947 ampos dos Goytacazes. Following an investigation, police reconstruct a plau 8/20/1966 #26948 sclose the cause of death, but the investigation disclosed several earlier 8/20/1966 #26951 ucinatory will be a subject of our investigation, to discover what it is th 10/8/1966 #27168 ct.-Nov. 1966, p. 6; NICAP report, investigation by John Pagano.) (NICAP: 0 10/10/1966 #27177 t will be deemed worthy of further investigation. Vallée recommends standar 11/11/1966 #27304 ect must recommend that scientific investigation of UFOs be continued. 11/11/1966 #27304 lines. Authentic / local Air Force investigation/investigators. 1/25/1967 #27640 der hypnosis and others during the investigation. Betty was found to have s 1/25/1967 #27650 protest NICAP’s support of a sham investigation. 1/31/1967 #27687 or resources to perform a serious investigation. Other than Low and the ju 2/1967 #27693 y in NICAP files; undated Kalapaca investigation report in NICAP files.) (N 2/14/1967 #27815 eturns to normal. Excerpt from the investigation report: Having made a U-tu 3/8/1967 #28073 ett school. Photographs. Air Force investigation/investigators. 3/8/1967 #28081 trom AFB, ND Reported UFO landing, investigation. 3/24/1967 #28253 go offline in succession. The USAF investigation includes full-scale tests 3/24/1967 #28271 firmed that the sighting was under investigation. 4/1/1967 #28347 ir Force to conduct an independent investigation of such sightings. (April 4/4/1967 #28356 going down / field by school. USAF investigation. 4/7/1967 #28396 rector Richard Helms to conduct an investigation. The result is a 133-page 4/24/1967 #28532 analysis of a UFO will stand up to investigation. 5/5/1967 #28598 y, England The newly formed Surrey Investigation Group on Aerial Phenomena 6/1967 #28777 saucer / ground at old mine. USAF investigation. 6/2/1967 #28795 ), and a sample was sent to NICAP. Investigation found no evidence of a hoa 8/4/1967 #29187 right object enters water; RC Navy investigation. Non-US military. 10/4/1967 #29599 ouse Resolution 946 for a full UFO investigation by the House Committee on 10/17/1967 #29679 British-Russian cooperation in the investigation of UFO reports with Stolya 12/12/1967 #30052 d to use scientific methodology in investigation and research. 1968 #30109 he craft vanished, and he fainted. Investigation by American military autho 2/1/1968 #30210 erve Base] in Riverside County. An investigation is conducted for APRO by f 2/4/1968 #30221 n return they be given a “thorough investigation.” He even offers to go to 2/14/1968 #30248 ts farm up. Follows car. Air Force investigation. 4/1968 #30381 AS Hobart, killing two sailors. An investigation reveals that the Air Force 6/20/1968 #30573 ocks access to the site during its investigation. 7/1968 #30633 be seen. There was a local police investigation. 7/31/1968 #30802 s’ unit history clearly states the investigation is about UFOs, not enemy h 8/1968 #30814 oucester. (Raymond E. Fowler, case investigation report dated August 15, 19 8/12/1968 #30850 persists for 4 months. Subsequent investigation reveals a depression in th 8/25/1968 #30912 Brazil Brazil’s System of Investigation of Unidentified Aircraft, 10/1968 #31082 ths later, issue a report on their investigation of the incident. It estima 10/18/1968 #31123 echnology, NIST) once conducted an investigation into UAP as early as 1943 1969 #31390 s the UFO was on the ground. Later investigation found three apparent landi 1/16/1969 #31440 ich has plagued the U.S. Air Force investigation for 20 years." 4/1969 #31645 ich has plagued the U.S. Air Force investigation for 20 years.” 4/1969 #31646 t. Man visible / window. Air Force investigation. 7/18/1969 #31908 ted in the New York Times that his investigation “was a bunch of damn nonse 12/18/1969 #32161 / lights over cemetery. Government investigation. 7/15/1970 (approximate) #32433 not detect any serious injury. The investigation revealed that at the place 8/30/1970 #32513 later, they are asked to end their investigation. Summoned by their superio 10/7/1970 #32581 he Problem, recommending continued investigation of UFO sightings. 11/1970 #32609 lk, England The Borderline Science Investigation Group is founded in Lowest 2/1971 #32734 as seen skimming the ground. Later investigation revealed three 38" diamete 11/28/1971 #33266 some unusual interference with the investigation by a mystery person. 3/10/1972 #33405 as a “front” for a more classified investigation, stating he was told to dr 5/1972 #33491 to determine whether a scientific investigation is warranted. It notes tha 10/2/1972 #33907 e whole family collaborated in the investigation with remarkable spontaneit 11/28/1972 #34018 building a national grassroots UFO investigation network. 1973 #34093 nd the Manchester Aerial Phenomena Investigation Team in the Greater Manche 9/1973 #34679 it, Hubert Malthaner, after a long investigation into the metal cube discov 10/1973 #34842 of La Habra, California, that the investigation of UFOs “is not and never 10/25/1973 #35261 between them. Later that night an investigation team arrived in the area. 10/25/1973 #35264 nd its entities had gone. On later investigation many triangular footprints 10/29/1973 #35298 ends the creation of a special UFO investigation agency. 1974 #35625 ject with portholes / edge. Police investigation. / r232'74. 1/2/1974 #35641 ister Brynmor John if any official investigation was made; John says the on 1/23/1974 #35702 made; John says the only official investigation was made by the RAF Valley 1/23/1974 #35702 on ground. Burnt physical traces. Investigation/investigators / G. Fawcett 3/1/1974 #35863 next day the Guardia Civil made an investigation. They found a hole in the 3/26/1974 #35996 organization conducted a thorough investigation. ( Easter UFO: A SOBEPS In 4/14/1974 #36066 ian Science Monitor, Aug. 2, 1974. Investigation by Raymond B. Fowler.) (NI 6/6/1974 #36227 efused to cooperate in any further investigation. 9/3/1974 #36500 blishes The Mothman Prophecies, an investigation into sightings of a winged 1975 #36778 ng animal mutilations, launches an investigation into a supposed Satanist n 1975 #36787 Ferroviario. However, an extensive investigation by ufologist Roberto Enriq 1/4/1975 #36831 legs / gravel pit. Marks. Military investigation/investigators. 3/22/1975 #37073 iation Administration conducted an investigation in July and August. The Ai 5/1975 #37185 1; Center for UFO Studies, on-site investigation, report dated September 13 7/6/1975 #37355 takes off at a sharp angle. Later investigation reveals 4 marks on the out 7/31/1975 #37423 the Oregon State Police launch an investigation. Other audience members th 9/14/1975 #37617 to release any information on the investigation. However, Lt. Col. S.K. Fi 10/7/1975 #37716 6. Gray becomes upset early in the investigation, so only Stephens’s testim 10/27/1975 #37802 served UFOs on numerous occasions. Investigation began the next day, and hy 10/27/1975 #37805 ere reported. The FAA announced an investigation into the sightings of the 10/30/1975 #37845 ledge or information about such an investigation. 10/30/1975 #37845 communication attempts. An ongoing investigation involving the FBI, the Air 11/16/1975 #37977 time in their long and frustrating investigation, officers arrived on the s 2/5/1976 #38224 d. (Source: James P. Barrett, case investigation files, and HUMCAT: Catalog 2/10/1976 #38239 portion of the sky. (Source: CUFOS investigation file, report dated March 1 2/18/1976 #38257 fluorescent light. (Sources: CUFOS investigation file, report dated May 17, 2/18/1976 #38258 ing a thermoluminescence test. His investigation reveals no significant, sy Late 2/1976 #38283 endarmes, in order to continue the investigation, waited for instructions a 3/24/1976 #38336 estigated the case, and during the investigation they learned that villager 4/5/1976 #38377 The Committee for Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranorma 4/30/1976 #38420 ference, case 398, citing personal investigation). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 6/3/1976 #38480 currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. The 6/26/1976 #38547 he National Police Agency criminal investigation section saw an unidentifie 7/16/1976 #38576 stigators from the Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained (SITU), 8/27/1976 #38723 lah Azerbarzin claims the complete investigation records are turned over to 9/18/1976 #38821 ont / car. Police report. Military investigation. 10/16/1976 #38900 elongated object. (Walter N. Webb investigation report.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 10/23/1976 #38920 ith anyone else until the official investigation is completed. The next day 1/10/1977 #39167 case 1977-68, citing Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre). (NICAP: 02 - Clos 2/3/1977 #39241 with a call for a n international investigation of UFOs. He says he was as 6/14/1977 #39641 into the distance. (Source: MUFON Investigation files, case #890709). (NIC 6/17/1977 #39649 d / field. Traces found later. Big investigation. See r. 8/13/1977 #39893 refound later during a large scale investigation. 8/13/1977 #39899 hat he had killed a living being." Investigation at the site disclosed a ci 8/25/1977 #39923 Minister of Defense, who orders an investigation. 10/27/1977 #40147 nd disappeared into the sky. Later investigation revealed that several comp 11/13/1977 #40197 ents have been stolen. A follow-up investigation by Bob Pratt of the Nation 11/16/1977 #40203 ass, estimated at 35–55 pounds. An investigation concludes that it is not s 12/17/1977 #40322 n Keel states the CIA had a covert investigation of UAP contactees in the 1 1978 #40365 re they notify the police. A later investigation suggests that they have se 1/2/1978 #40384 RADAR and radiation/radioactivity. Investigation/investigators hinted.. 3/27/1978 #40646 s against government agencies, and investigation of high-quality UFO report 4/1978 #40675 nnon (Stark County Deputy Sheriff) Investigation conducted on September 9 a 8/21/1978 #41129 over town. Dod asks ex-cop to stop investigation. 9/20/1978 #41312 the local police who conducted an investigation the next day. Ovoid prints 10/2/1978 #41392 Aircraft Accident Investigation Summary Report: Fredrick V 10/21/1978 #41457 result. A Department of Transport investigation into the disappearance is 10/21/1978 #41470 uly 1983, the Bureau of Air Safety Investigation asks the Royal Australian 10/21/1978 #41470 y Pam Owens abduction case. (MUFON investigation report) (NICAP: 07 - Entit 11/25/1978 #41622 y Pam Owens abduction case. (MUFON investigation report) (NICAP: 07 - Entit 11/25/1978 #41624 e Swedish Air Force had created an investigation bureau during the 1933 air 12/31/1978 #41880 EM effects on car. (Raymond Fowler investigation report) (NICAP: 02 - Close 1/5/1979 #41952 w a spacecraft above the area. The investigation, which is not made any eas 1/14/1979 #41996 ir Region to proceed with a proper investigation. Some reports are caused b 1/16/1979 #42006 e, but Lord Kings Norton favors an investigation. Lord Rankeillour states e 1/18/1979 #42016 ejects the request for an official investigation on the grounds that all UF 1/18/1979 #42016 d calling for a complete US Senate investigation of UFO sightings, dies in 2/1979 #42055 4 calls for a complete U.S. Senate investigation into UAP. It dies in commi 2/1979 #42057 nneth M. Rommel Jr. begins a major investigation of cattle mutilations. Fin 4/25/1979 #42187 to inspect his vines. A subsequent investigation found four circular marks 7/25/1979 #42356 ound by a pilot (December 9, 1979) Investigation by GEPAN/SEPR4 and testimo 12/9/1979 #42759 t Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO Investigation, organized by psychologist 5/23/1980 #43068 SI has decided against any further investigation of his claims. The same da 11/17/1980 #43404 entions MJ-12 and a government UFO investigation “outside official intellig 11/17/1980 #43404 perior. The tape chronicles Halt’s investigation in the forest in real time 12/28/1980 #43523 e forest in real time. During this investigation, a flashing light is seen 12/28/1980 #43523 an 8-minute time exposure. Further investigation prompts Pring to reveal th 8/12/1981 #43902 ment", under the section "The Army Investigation and the Lawsuit", there is 1982 #44131 nts and conduct a detailed on-site investigation, finding no contradictions 2/1982 #44174 ritish authorities launch a secret investigation, the results of which (inc 10/19/1982 #44541 lk, England. There followed an RAF investigation of the incident. 12/2/1982 #44599 h aliens), and the defunct Garnet (investigation of ETs on human evolution) 4/9/1983 #44741 ering houselights and TV problems. Investigation of the landing site indica 4/10/1983 #44747 t going quickly northeast / 35mph. Investigation/investigators / Professor 5/4/1983 #44765 ismisses the reports as false. The investigation that follows reveals that 9/26/1983 #44920 cow, Russia The Commission for the Investigation of Anomalous Atmospheric P 2/1984 #45122 rns and crashes into mountain. Big investigation/investigators and coverup. 2/19/1984 #45144 hape hovers. Psi effects? Military investigation/investigators and flyby. 4/25/1984 #45247 reated an incident file. No formal investigation appears to have been condu 7/24/1984 #45385 xplosion sound before landing. The investigation revealed a small hole in t 7/9/1986 #45995 ing. Reagan recommends a follow-up investigation, but none is known to have Mid 12/1986 #46156 extensive information and reliable investigation. Bullard’s study summarize 1987 #46164 ishes Intruders, an account of his investigation into the abduction experie 4/1987 #46234 n a field at 8:20 p.m. Upon closer investigation he also saw a three meter 11/12/1987 #46425 lant he had in his ear. During the investigation he reported having two exp 1988 (approximate) #46487 near nuclear plant. USAF and NASA investigation/investigators. / MJ#249. 3/4/1988 #46609 ortune teller Arbel, who began the investigation. Fortunately this time the 5/23/1988 #46705 Cabo Rojo, as well as the Criminal Investigation Corps. He then learned tha 12/28/1988 #46916 d. (Note from vog: Tin Vankerkom's investigation says it was 3:45 pm... ban 3/1989 (approximate) #47021 Committee report, the result of an investigation led by Sens. John Kerry (D 4/13/1989 #47075 (city of Akhtubinsk) conducted the investigation. (The care of CISU, Milan 7/28/1989 #47223 physics laboratory travels with an investigation commission (scientists inc 9/27/1989 #47325 iduals making the reports is good… Investigation by BAF [Belgian Air Force] 3/1990 #47715 on (T. V.) whom I charged with the investigation in 1993, after providing m 3/24/1990 #47765 the conclusions reached about the investigation. However, in October 2020 8/4/1990 #48021 Extraterrestrials, describing his investigation—after a tip given him by a 9/1990 #48056 na (Portugal). Despite a very long investigation by Portuguese investigator 9/19/1990 #48080 . Circular / burnt grass. Military investigation/investigators. 9/21/1990 #48089 more recently, C-130. We owe this investigation to Mr. Joël Sauvette. It w 11/5/1990 #48177 Mr. Pierre Bosc who conducted the investigation. The witnesses, who wish t 11/5/1990 #48181 lian and military pilots. After an investigation, the SEPRA will indicate 4 11/5/1990 #48183 lame mimics rocket plume. Military investigation/investigators. 1/19/1991 (approximate) #48344 y visible.... It emerged from this investigation that it was the lights of 3/12/1991 #48396 Staffs. (Translated from French) (Investigation by Doug Pickford of the "G 6/16/1991 #48502 r nightmare. [note from vog: first investigation by Mrs. Claire Hauzeur. On 9/28/1991 #48623 s, who assisted Sen. Byrd into his investigation into USG/USG contractor bl 5/22/1992 #48922 Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation that “I don’t believe thes 5/22/1992 #48922 nal witnesses come forward, but an investigation reveals that two unrelated 12/16/1992 #49222 Sassari) (Translated from French) (Investigation by Antonio Cuccu of CISU - 7/27/1993 #49589 hics Code for Abduction Experience Investigation and Treatment.” It is appr 1994 #49861 slated from French) As part of its investigation into the Roswell incident, 2/15/1994 #49942 ). 2 photographs as it leaves. Big investigation/investigators. 2/26/1994 #49959 Mack’s clinical care and clinical investigation of the people who had shar 5/1994 #50052 professor was subjected to such an investigation.” Upon the public revelati 5/1994 #50052 witz) regarding the validity of an investigation of a tenured professor who 5/1994 #50052 isconduct. Concluding the 14-month investigation, Harvard then issues a sta 5/1994 #50052 above the Kwai River bridge. After investigation, the military authorities 6/5/1994 #50095 ing quickly southwest. Photographs investigation/investigators / R. Haines. 8/31/1994 #50255 ort in Air Forces Monthly. Further investigation is hampered by USAF aircra 9/26/1994 #50332 nd the sun was shining. During the investigation the details provided by Ke 3/9/1995 #50659 in discrete jumps. No planes up / investigation/investigators. 3/16/1995 #50686 for 15 min. Lands / Citrusdal. Big investigation finds nothing. 5/30/1995 #50822 lative session to order a thorough investigation into the deaths and mutila 11/6/1995 #51206 UFO skeptic to believer due to his investigation of cases that seem to be e 1996 #51290 ad run out. (...) In the field, an investigation revealed a triangular trac 7/11/1996 #51607 nistration and the blocking of the investigation. (July 17th) 7/17/1996 #51615 ash site. On the official side, an investigation was carried out by the Uni 8/16/1996 #51642 l investigations are announced: an investigation into the CIA allegations c 8/18/1996 #51647 spector-General Frederick Hitz, an investigation into the law enforcement a 8/18/1996 #51647 ral Michael Bromwich, and a second investigation into the CIA by the House 8/18/1996 #51647 and MP Martin Redmond calls for an investigation by RAF Air Defence. Wing C 10/5/1996 #51727 n Hutchinson conducts an in- depth investigation of all the sightings and r 10/5/1996 #51727 ned. A police officer conducted an investigation and reportedly found a cir 12/9/1996 #51818 ez, he did not see the giants. The investigation was carried out by the Fen 2/20/1997 #51901 han (D-N.Y.), after conducting an “investigation into all matters in any wa 3/3/1997 #51922 lected official to launch a public investigation, but she receives no help 3/13/1997 #51938 emphasized the need for a thorough investigation into these incidents and t 4/2/1997 #51963 Y: Ufologist Joao Cardoso made his investigation and saw the light cannon i 5/23/1997 #52026 longated object without wings. The investigation, opened by the civil aviat 8/9/1997 #52108 e Scalpel, in which he reviews his investigation of alien implants since 19 1998 #52238 Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation show correlations were bei 10/1998 #52447 ding members of a Puerto Rican UFO investigation group, were on a night vig 11/7/1998 #52472 s linked to the UAP subject by his investigation of “ghost rockets” in Swed 12/3/1999 #52720 ared. There was a lengthy official investigation. 5/19/2000 #52852 d disappeared. There was a lengthy investigation into the incident. 5/5/2001 #53039 the object. After a few minutes of investigation, they re-entered the objec 7/1/2001 #53064 io.” Wilson states Perry wanted an investigation into cost overruns at the 10/16/2002 #53285 ientation. However, an independent investigation finds numerous discrepanci 10/23/2002 #53290 the FAA documentation and the NTSB investigation. The composition of the re 10/23/2002 #53290 utes. She has requested a complete investigation by MUFON. During the encou 5/15/2004 #53571 ay 1986; and a Brazilian Air Force investigation of UFOs held in 1977 in Pa 5/20/2005 #53715 the US government engage in a new investigation. 11/12/2007 #53967 ent anomalies require a scientific investigation to be understood, document 6/26/2008 #54021 tifying the government’s System of Investigation of Unidentified Aircraft a 10/31/2008 #54055 n Homeland Security, asking for an investigation of the Stephenville Lights 11/5/2008 #54061 Space Studies (BAASS) Director of Investigation Larry Grossman, a contract 2010 #54139 Space Studies (BAASS) Director of Investigation Larry Grossman meets in Wa Late 1/2010 #54144 with a contrail. CAAC conducts an investigation but refuses to release it 7/7/2010 #54162 e explanation, and funded a deeper investigation into the phenomenon that c 3/31/2011 #54200 they are, exist and are worthy of investigation. The DGAC chief of operati 7/31/2014 #54290 France Info radio that a judicial investigation is underway. The tiny, unm 10/5/2014 #54294 al Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted an investigation 4/18/2017 #54346 reau of Investigation conducted an investigation of the deaths of Davidson 4/18/2017 #54346 report finds that the earlier FBI investigation into the Cuban health atta 11/9/2018 #54426 medical records also hindered the investigation. 11/9/2018 #54426 P program “did pursue research and investigation into unidentified aerial p 5/22/2019 #54462 Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” 5/31/2019 #54465 are unable to provide an adequate investigation. Leaked photos and videos 7/15/2019 #54477 An investigation into the UAS incidents is 7/18/2019 #54480 viation Administration launches an investigation into multiple nighttime si 12/2019 #54505 of Homeland Security also opens an investigation, as Gov. Jared Polis vows 12/2019 #54505 uipped to hunt drones. However, an investigation by Colorado Homeland Secur 1/8/2020 #54510 ram, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Investigation Program. The task force is 6/23/2020 #54536 y (NSA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have all uploaded de 1/12/2021 #54561 onducted a two-year “epidemiologic investigation” of the mysterious medical 1/15/2021 #54562 y. Titled “Cuba Unexplained Events Investigation—Final Report,” the CDC stu 1/15/2021 #54562 the US. The report indicates that investigation of the topic will continue 6/25/2021 #54585 “findings,” presumably of his own investigation, to two Senate committee s 10/2/2021 #54606 ina issues an annual report on its investigation into 45 UFO cases analyzed 11/19/2021 #54615 to intelligence committees and an investigation into the alleged reprisals 5/2022 #54641 nce the US Air Force ended its UFO investigation, Project Blue Book, in Dec 5/17/2022 #54646 h parties show interest in further investigation into the UAP allegations. 7/26/2023 #54719 Bodies Named”. After a years-long investigation, he names eleven scientist 8/8/2023 #54724 Roswell Incident crash debris. His investigation includes first-ever interv 8/8/2023 #54724 ct oversight of the Pentagon's UAP investigation team, AARO, and will hold 8/30/2023 #54739 ng the need for more attention and investigation into the UAP topic. She ex 9/8/2023 #54745## Word: "investigation-coordinator", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
en, who was formerly the chief UFO investigation-coordinator for the U.S. A 8/3/1962 #23053## Word: "investigation-team", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ttps://majesticdocuments.com/about/investigation-team/dr-robert-m-wood/ h 1967 #27480## Word: "investigations", 178 instance(s) (Back to Top)
inea. The world is left wondering, investigations are conducted, the Japane 12/18/1943 #3857 me who will become involved in UFO investigations in the future: Col. John 2/23/1944 #3918 artime “balls of fire.” Exhaustive investigations of German technical perso 10/9/1945 #4401 inistration A special ghost rocket investigations committee is formed with 7/6/1946 #4536 ot believe it should go into these investigations” because many cases are “ 7/10/1947 #5966 nnection with the "green fireball" investigations. 7/10/1947 #5981 out result. (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on Humanoid ETs" - Laffon 8/2/1947 #6181 the findings of Lt. Col. Garrett’s investigations of UFOs in a letter to Ge 8/22/1947 #6285 cially deny any involvement in UFO investigations. (September 15) 9/15/1947 #6332 nts to discontinue all flying disc investigations. 9/27/1947 #6372 Kirtland AFB Office of Special Investigations AEC’s Sandia Base Los Ala 4/27/1948 #6645 the Kirtland AFB Office of Special Investigations, AEC’s Sandia Base, and L 4/27/1948 #6645 y Board, to review UFO reports and investigations from the area. Kaplan and 4/27/1948 #6645 Kirtland AFB’s Office of Special Investigations McCoy sends Capt. Roger G 2/23/1949 #7148 o Kirtland AFB’s Office of Special Investigations to discuss the green fire 2/23/1949 #7148 not worth AFOSI’s time to conduct investigations for AMC. The AMC officers 2/24/1949 #7151 penter, deputy director of special investigations at the Pentagon. Carpente 4/14/1949 #7238 of Staff for Operations on UFOs. “Investigations continue in an effort to 4/27/1949 #7272 The Air Force Office of Special Investigations sends Project Grudge a co 5/31/1949 #7399 y. The Air Force Office of Special Investigations interviews Conrad, who ad 8/1949 #7500 gligence by conducting his own UFO investigations via his AF Intelligence s 1/12/1950 #7724 USAF Office of Special Investigations New Mexico area Lt. Col. 5/25/1950 #8308 Rees of the USAF Office of Special Investigations writes a confidential mem 5/25/1950 #8308 ph F. Carroll, Director of Special Investigations. In part, it states: “In 5/25/1950 #8308 P. Cabell orders secret UFO field investigations to be conducted by his st 7/1950 #8394 McGarrachy, USAF chief of General Investigations Division, expresses stron 7/6/1950 #8412 eleasing no details about UFO case investigations. A form letter is to be u 10/18/1950 #8657 Force spokesman said "In over 500 investigations, we have yet to find one 2/26/1951 #8949 ted to be continuing flying saucer investigations, said, "These photos are 8/30/1951 #9204 ole authorization to carry out UFO investigations for the entire US militar 12/19/1951 #9465 a characteristic reported in later investigations of recovered wreckage. An 12/27/1951 #9482 Cook, Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) and Office of Nav 1952 #9507 6, Brown helped found the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Pheno 1952 #9507 ph F. Carroll, Director of Special Investigations. Brig. Gen. William M. Ga 2/25/1952 #9626 ises by reclassifying certain case investigations as “Restricted,” a relati 3/31/1952 #9710 this afternoon opened its file on investigations made into the mystery of 4/17/1952 #9846 Col. R. J. Taylor that covers USAF investigations over the previous five ye 5/8/1952 #10086 ies concerned to cooperate in such investigations. It was decided that Dr. 8/20/1952 #11865 fficer from USAF Office of Special Investigations, and others. Six objects 8/28/1952 #12013 er from the USAF Office of Special Investigations, and others watched six U 8/28/1952 #12016 the Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations. Col. Howard McCoy is pro 11/24/1952 #12710 d units to conduct Blue Book field investigations. The meeting adjourns at 1/14/1953 #12979 des a good overview of Blue Book’s investigations and staff of seven, inclu 3/8/1953 #13215 er nearly all of Blue Book’s field investigations. (Ruppelt, p. 232) 7/1953 #13502 reat speed. (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations of ET Humanoids" - Laffon 7/1/1953 #13504 unctuation. (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations of ET Humanoids" - Laffon 8/21/1953 #13638 IC in Dayton. It also confines UFO investigations to three groups: USAF int 8/26/1953 #13660 h) that is now responsible for UFO investigations. 12/16/1953 #13952 of the Air Force’s handling of UFO investigations. He suspects that the Air 3/23/1954 #14263 tall bugs during national security investigations. The FBI would seek the A 5/20/1954 #14473 ok) with preliminary and field UFO investigations, and that USAF considers 8/12/1954 #14857 ly busy with instruments. Reliable investigations were made. 10/23/1954 #16277 y with their instruments. Reliable investigations were made. 10/23/1954 #16283 yard alley. (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffon 5/14/1955 #17160 rts for 1955, it has made 23 field investigations and has 25 unsolved repor 6/30/1955 #17260 of UFO sightings but deny that all investigations are inactive, and separat 8/8/1955 #17394 about 5:15 a.m. Clark writes that investigations by “police, Air Force off 8/21/1955 #17444 programs prompt nearly 330,000 FBI investigations and create a Security Ind 8/1956 #18164 Washington DC National Investigations Committee on Aerial Pheno 8/29/1956 #18279 for a new UFO group, the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Pheno 8/29/1956 #18282 that the US Senate Subcommittee on Investigations is considering hearings o 7/1957 #18960 October 14) (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffon 10/5/1957 #19291 l mission.."(Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffon 10/10/1957 #19321 t went out. (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffon 10/14/1957 #19342 takes off. (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on Humanoid ET" - Laffont 10/15/1957 #19351 Knapp, saying that “Congressional investigations have been held and are st 1/28/1958 #20161 he auspices of the Subcommittee on Investigations of the Senate Committee o 1/31/1958 #20170 base commanders conducting initial investigations of sightings in their are 2/5/1958 #20189 our on the status of Air Force UFO investigations in the Capitol building i 6/20/1958 #20451 to transfer responsibility for UFO investigations from ATIC to ARDC are sen 11/10/1959 #21571 Washington, DC The NATIONAL INVESTIGATIONS COMMITTEE ON AERIAL PHENO 5/1960 #21789 sappearing. (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffon 6/10/1960 #21862 be kept informed of sightings and investigations. 7/15/1960 #21896 then passes it on to the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Pheno 4/18/1961 #22279 ], Colorado Springs, Colorado: UFO investigations, Project Moon Dust (an ex 11/13/1961 #22634 nd should no longer criticize USAF investigations. 2/1962 #22716 R. Hart tells NICAP that Air Force investigations involve hundreds of intel 5/25/1962 #22916 F OSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations) to study the possibility 4/26/1964 #24070 on between the RAF and USAF in UFO investigations. Fraser says he is aware 7/15/1964 #24299 ate his UFO (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffon 4/1965 #24845 y flawed photographic analyses and investigations. 8/3/1965 #25301 ay to get the Air Force out of UFO investigations. Shortly after the hearin 4/5/1966 #26366 952 memo that it did “conduct some investigations regarding flying saucers, 7/21/1966 #26815 al wearing a metallic green tunic. Investigations revealed that this case w 8/11/1966 #26898 on the inadequacy of military UFO investigations and the need to take seri 10/19/1966 #27215 ientists to take an active role in investigations, and confirms reports tha 1/6/1967 #27514 nt of his sighting to the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Pheno 1/7/1967 #27519 of UFO data or resource for future investigations or instrumentation. 1/13/1967 #27550 REAU: "Flying Saucers: 20 Years of Investigations" - Mame 1971 - p. 58) (.. 5/13/1967 #28659 m leukemia. (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffon 8/13/1967 #29266 kes on-the-spot inquiries or field investigations. 9/27/1967 #29559 re chopped. (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffon 12/12/1967 #30047 an Mounted Police to do the actual investigations. The NRC’s primary intere 1968 #30111 s, Condon’s failure to conduct any investigations himself, the lack of comm 1/31/1968 #30201 been taken. (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffon 3/1968 (approximate) #30290 72, p. 201) (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffon 4/1968 #30380 ion in Renton, Washington, on “UFO Investigations: Past, Present, and Futur 8/7/1968 #30837 e report in at 4:30 p.m. after SAC investigations, an analysis of the radar 10/24/1968 #31141 noise as the craft descended, and investigations at the site by the milita 3/31/1969 #31642 leaders overseeing activities and investigations. Allen R. Utke, associate 5/31/1969 #31785 the Air Force and Colorado project investigations as well as an in- depth e 12/26/1969 #32168 , exclusion from standard contract investigations (carve-outs), and central 3/8/1972 #33398 erence and incompetence in its UFO investigations. He also critiques the Co 7/1972 #33583 endarmerie charged with conducting investigations,” all of which are forwar 2/21/1974 #35805 er on December 15, 1967. (Official investigations in 1971 determine it was 1975 #36778 e committee is part of a series of investigations into intelligence abuses 1/27/1975 #36891 Tage Eriksson, head of UFO investigations at the Swedish National D 4/14/1975 #37149 a classic history of UFOs and the investigations of the Air Force and othe 6/1975 #37250 ies of all of its UFO documents or investigations. 7/14/1975 #37372 the Colorado border and vanished. Investigations are ongoing. 8/21/1975 #37520 office after discussing mutilation investigations with Deputy David Ellis, 8/21/1975 #37523 an added set of AFOSI files of UFO investigations from 1948 to 1968 release 12/1975 #38033 at Falls, Montana, documenting his investigations of cattle mutilations wit 1976 #38108 laces Tage Eriksson as head of UFO investigations at the Swedish National D 1976 #38110 have monitored U.S. citizens’ own investigations into UAP. Four years lat 4/26/1976 #38419 wrote in 1976 that U.S. citizens’ investigations into UAP would provide va 4/26/1976 #38419 Hynek Center for UFO Studies case investigations file, December 1976; Inte 12/18/1976 #39054 t Research Office, admits that UFO investigations are carried out at a top 1977 #39103 he intended to comment on official investigations. 9/1977 #39956 l in preventing a reopening of UFO investigations. 9/1/1977 #39957 eral presentations, three detailed investigations, an analysis of two UFO p 12/1977 #40247 ed Nations draft resolution on UFO investigations is shelved until next yea 12/7/1977 #40271 umes 2–4 contain 10 detailed field investigations and the fifth volume gath 6/1978 #40828 s some records of unauthorized CIA investigations. ( 8/10/1978 #41089 nal level, scientific research and investigations into extraterrestrial lif 12/8/1978 #41703 sses concern to his Armed Services Investigations Subcommittee about the “a 12/20/1978 #41818 ton tells the House Armed Services Investigations Subcommittee he is concer 12/20/1978 #41821 chel claims that Keyhoe’s National Investigations Committee on Aerial Pheno 1/1979 #41917 avies agree there should be future investigations to settle the question. T 1/18/1979 #42016 e popularizing through their inept investigations as anomalous. Setka-AN ho Late 1/1979 #42038 Canyon Contacts, a report on their investigations into a series of abductio 1980 #42820 AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations) Headquarters in Washingt 8/1980 #43167 th the Air Force Office of Special Investigations at Kirtland. The incident 8/8/1980 #43185 buquerque, New Mexico, about AFOSI investigations into Paul Bennewitz’s cla 7/30/1981 #43870 Ruesga Montiel and featuring case investigations by many Spanish ufologist 1/1983 #44642 s (except APRO) to standardize UFO investigations, educate the public, and Summer 1983 #44810 to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. In 1997, AFOSI told FOIA 5/16/1984 #45292 e, FBI, and CIA involvement in UFO investigations and secrecy, including ma 7/1984 #45351 le of the Italian Air Force in UFO investigations and denies the necessity 7/10/1984 #45356 ucting more serious and secret UFO investigations. More recent declassified Fall 1984 #45444 the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, House Committee on Energ 7/24/1986 #46016 is an international exposé of UFO investigations and secrecy by the govern Summer 1987 #46283 arius and its involvement with UFO investigations. Furthermore, the confer 6/25/1987 #46285 MUFON Director of Investigations Dan Wright poses a set of 5/4/1988 #46683 of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations contacts the Dallas, Texa 9/15/1988 #46778 lowed to investigate because these investigations are reserved to a special 12/28/1988 #46916 aces Sture Wickerts as head of UFO investigations at the Swedish National D 1990 #47623 Top Secret meetings to do with UAP investigations and UAP crash recoveries. 9/6/1990 #48062 afety Section. It mentions that no investigations have been made since 1980 5/22/1991 #48476 the release in France of his book Investigations on Extraterrestrials Who 9/10/1991 #48605 28-page set of procedures for UFO investigations that is issued to all uni 3/31/1992 #48851 1995 I was in charge of the Sobeps investigations, I found in the files a g 9/14/1993 #49701 he RAAF formally concludes its UFO investigations in a revised “RAAF Policy 12/1993 #49824 phérique (SEPRA), to carry out UFO investigations throughout the member cou 12/1/1993 #49829 the crew and the radar scopes. The investigations carried out by the CODA a 1/28/1994 #49907 rado involved in cattle mutilation investigations, arrived at the site with 5/10/1994 #50063 USAF Office of Special Investigations Roswell Incident Roswell 9/8/1994 #50279 ight of the USAF Office of Special Investigations, publicly releases the Re 9/8/1994 #50279 the Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigations on its behalf ceases. Ufo 1995 #50487 ps... where I was in charge of the investigations! ...) In Brussels (Berche 5/3/1995 #50763 e Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Bevan almost started a th 6/21/1996 #51588 he end of September, three federal investigations are announced: an investi 8/18/1996 #51647 l Institute of Aerospace Phenomena Investigations (INFA); Rafael Cury, from 12/7/1997 #52207 laces Arne Gjärdman as head of UFO investigations at the Swedish National D 2000 #52742 ems” and will carry out no further investigations. It will be released in 2 12/4/2000 #52956 y Science releases a report, “NIDS Investigations of the Flying Triangle En 8/2004 #53593 again creates a department for UFO investigations. Another engineer, Jacque 7/2005 #53721 the French office in charge of UFO investigations, begins to put all its UF 3/22/2007 #53886 gathered in more than 30 years of investigations since its creation in 197 3/22/2007 #53886 Space Administration should reopen investigations of UFO phenomena. It woul 7/29/2008 #54026 of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. They brief him on their 12/11/2009 #54138 e was known for conducting on-site investigations into UFO phenomena and au 9/16/2010 #54174 g personalities for interviews and investigations. His passing was mourned 9/16/2010 #54174 of Defense. He recounts the BAASS investigations into UAPs and the paranor 2/7/2011 #54191 of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) at Offutt Air For 3/31/2011 #54200 nnounce that they are scaling back investigations into drone sightings. Bet 1/13/2020 #54511 iles originating from the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Pheno 11/2020 #54551 the previous year, plus occasional investigations on older events. CIAE inv 11/19/2021 #54615## Word: "investigative", 30 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e of the top. According to the FBI investigative report of this case, at ab 8/13/1947 #6240 of these visits was to examine the investigative reports and circumstances 4/27/1948 #6644 ectorate of Intelligence, HQ USAF, investigative activity on unidentified a 9/1/1949 #7554 ry and government intelligence and investigative agencies in December 1948, 5/25/1950 #8308 John A. Samford that lays down the investigative shortcomings of Project Gr 1/3/1952 #9526 t the UFO project be expanded, the investigative force quadrupled in size a 1/17/1953 #12984 the 4602nd AISS and reassigns UFO investigative duties to the 1127th Field 7/1957 #18958 funds for the unit, impairing its investigative ability. 7/1957 #18958 a new USAF fact sheet states that investigative improvements have reduced 10/1958 #20658 rginia The Air Force reassigns UFO investigative duties to the 1127th Field 7/1959 #21254 been a matter that is within [its] investigative jurisdiction.” This contra 7/21/1966 #26815 . By June 1, the date on which the investigative phase ends, there is a sub Late 5/1968 #30498 in October 1969. A report from an investigative commission of the House of 10/1971 #33157 , an SAP may impose more stringent investigative or adjudicative requiremen 3/8/1972 #33398 s been a matter that is within the investigative jurisdiction of the FBI. 10/25/1973 #35251 s been a matter that is within the investigative jurisdiction of the FBI.” 10/25/1973 #35261 New York Times US Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh r 12/22/1974 #36761 of NASA, recommending that a small investigative committee (...) be set up 7/21/1977 #39786 signated as the coordinating state investigative agency for cattle mutilati 4/25/1979 #42187 shly pessimistic assessment of his investigative experience with the Center 8/1/1979 #42377 Trinidad, Colorado Denver KMGH-TV investigative journalist Linda Moulton H 5/28/1980 #43071 nymous letter to U.S. civilian UAP investigative organization APRO. The fak 7/1980 #43131 ct Aquarius, writes to the Defense Investigative Service about Moore’s cont 5/8/1986 #45912 ffice. The GAO states the Defense Investigative Service was not allowed to 7/24/1986 #46016 Iran The US Congress issues its investigative report on the Iran–Contra 11/18/1987 #46429 in the subject) and the different investigative commissions constituted (S 12/5/1995 #51267 tain side known as Gold Dust Peak. Investigative journalist William Warwick 4/2/1997 #51963 the Air Force should establish an investigative agency headed by a colonel 6/2003 #53420 ey suspects that many of the AFOSI investigative records for those cases ha Late 1/2010 #54144 A Popular Mechanics article by UFO investigative writer and retired police 2/14/2020 #54518## Word: "investigator", 272 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ition of Cuenca, who dispatched an investigator. A total of nineteen indivi 3/5/1555 #389 ated from French) Excerpt from UFO Investigator, the magazine of the Nation 8/12/1825 #947 as interviewed by Ian d'Aigure, an investigator for the Lumières dans la Nu 1906 #2156 erpreted by others as a UFO event. Investigator Joe Nickell thinks that the 10/13/1917 #2805 g to send signals to Mars. Psychic investigator Nandor Fodor, who has atten 10/27/1926 #2983 events when he relates them to UFO investigator Bill Chalker in 1985. 1927 #2994 ne of the passengers is future UFO investigator Leonard Stringfield. 8/28/1945 #4384 Stringfield became a life long UFO investigator as a result of this encount 8/28/1945 #4385 ect has been taken over by an Army investigator for examination. The object 1/7/1947 #4848 to the South-Southwest, the Soviet investigator initially dispatched to the 2/12/1947 #4869 f some deliberate deception of UFO investigator Kenneth Arnold by a shadowy 6/21/1947 #5047 US10 ESE / NORTH BEND, WA Private investigator and 1. 24 washtub saucers g 7/2/1947 #5306 ation), New Zealand: A New Zealand investigator receives a letter from a re Early 1950's #7690 ims to have talked to an Air Force investigator. This informant told him th 3/22/1950 #7986 was explained by the Brazilian UFO investigator, Dr. Olavo T. Fontes, as ha 5/7/1952 #10077 points Gray Barker as IFSB’s chief investigator. 2/1953 #13081 e of Jagalgori. A British aviation investigator, J. H. Lett, announces that 5/2/1953 #13357 from M/Sgt Clarence O. Dargie, and investigator Raymond Fowler obtains the 6/1953 #13432 East New Haven, Connecticut. IFSB investigator August C. Roberts and Josep 8/19/1953 #13626 telligence (Technical) mentions to investigator Ronald N. Russell that the 1954 #14016 appointing at least one full-time investigator; publicity to encourage mor 12/26/1954 #16856 t 17 kilometers. Shortly after the investigator visited the witness, he bec 3/1955 #17035 next 23 years when he talks to an investigator. Fall 1956 #18377 pril 17, the Air Ministry sends an investigator to interview the witnesses 2/15/1957 #18682 blishes the first issue of The UFO Investigator. 7/1957 #18959 and incompetent. Colorado project investigator Gordon Thayer declares the 7/17/1957 #19007 t Sued. On the same day, Brazilian investigator and doctor Olavo Fontes int 9/14/1957 #19216 ummarizes his early years as a UFO investigator and as director of Civilian 10/1957 #19279 Loveland, TX A single investigator from Project Blue Book head 11/5/1957 #19552 e". He gave her an object that the investigator could immediately decode. I 8/18/1958 #20567 Later, when Mrs. Appleton met the investigator, she could no longer find t 8/18/1958 #20567 gns and drew them from memory. The investigator recognized signs that Adams 8/18/1958 #20567 ord AFB. Several persons told APRG investigator, R. Gribble, that as the C- 4/1/1959 #21110 er of a Convair-880 related to UFO investigator, James Moseley, that the 4 7/17/1963 #23633 is evening in Sanford, Florida UFO investigator Orville Hartle saw a UFO wi 8/6/1963 #23679 m someone describing himself as an investigator. Templeton agrees to meet w 5/24/1964 #24174 urnt crater was found by the NICAP investigator, with tripod indentations. 9/4/1964 #24446 s was thoroughly documented by UFO investigator Ted Bloecher. Two women in 11/25/1964 #24563 tumor on June 24, 1967. The other investigator, Norman Oliver, visits his 4/24/1965 #24883 Santa Ana, CA Highway investigator Rex Heflin, three Polaroid 8/3/1965 #25300 os Angeles County Highway Accident Investigator Rex Heflin takes four clear 8/3/1965 #25301 he following afternoon. When NICAP investigator Jeffrey Gow arrives on the 8/19/1965 #25449 ing objects. (NICAP report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 6, Jan.-Feb. 1/3/1966 #25870 than an hour. (NICAP notes; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 6, Jan.-Feb. 1/11/1966 #25897 s that blinked on and off. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 6, Jan.-Feb 1/18/1966 #25922 road for several moments. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 7, Mar.-Apr. 3/26/1966 #26194 r, Ohio, Mar. 28, 1966.) A Georgia investigator reports that on this date a 3/27/1966 #26205 NICAP Subcommittee report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 7, Mar.-Apr. 3/30/1966 #26264 eyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 23; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 7, Mar.-Apr. 3/31/1966 #26282 t (physiological effects). (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 8, May-June 4/18/1966 #26449 Webb investigation report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 8, May-June 4/24/1966 #26524 thwest. (NICAP report form; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 8, May-June 4/24/1966 #26525 n interest in the UFO chase, NICAP investigator William B. Weitzel writes h Late 4/1966 #26541 Spalding, who promises to send an investigator. Stanton later writes to De Late 4/1966 #26541 d and quickly disappeared. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug.-Sept 6/1/1966 #26654 e Monitor, July 11, 1966; I/. P.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug.-Sept 6/23/1966 #26742 ea about 40 minutes later. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. III, No. 9, Aug.-Sept 6/24/1966 #26752 d not admit it officially. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug. -Sep 8/1/1966 #26874 a wide area. (NICAP notes; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug. -Sep 8/19/1966 #26933 st it just vanishes.” An Air Force investigator finds landing indentations 9/13/1966 #27063 NICAP Subcommittee report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov 9/17/1966 #27075 t. (Weinstein, 1999, p. 34; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. III, No. 10, Oct.-Nov 9/21/1966 #27094 in its wake when it moved. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov 10/10/1966 #27177 NICAP Subcommittee report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov 10/12/1966 #27193 by a halo of white light. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. HI, No. 11, Jan.-Feb. 11/4/1966 #27282 ft were active in the sky. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. III, No. 11, Jan.-Feb 1/5/1967 #27501 yhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 45; U.F.O Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 11, Jan. - F 1/15/1967 #27563 rted the object to be huge. (U.F.O Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 12, Mar.-Apr 1/16/1967 #27574 3 (3), May-June 1967, p. 4; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 11, Jan.-Feb 1/19/1967 #27604 ar the rear of the object. (U.F.O. Investigator, Jan.-Feb., 1967, p. 8.) (N 1/19/1967 #27606 and report from Ted Thorben, NICAP investigator, 10/20/67.) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 2/5/1967 #27725 ness, 9/14/67, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.- Dec. 2/16/1967 #27839 k files, National Archives; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol.. Ill, No. 12, March-A 2/17/1967 #27854 NE, passed over the road. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 12, March-Ap 2/17/1967 #27855 Later that evening UFO investigator Raymond Fowler received a U 3/7/1967 #28071 ery, an unusual light appears. The investigator recounts: He got out of the 3/8/1967 #28074 over a mountain tree line. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 12, Mar.-Apr 3/9/1967 #28122 ess reports in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.-Dec. 3/11/1967 #28149 ist David R. Saunders, a principal investigator for the Colorado project, l Spring 1967 #28217 r part. (NICAP report form; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2, Oct. 1967, 4/1/1967 #28344 rs after a Northwestern University investigator left Michigan after examini 4/4/1967 #28356 s letter, NICAP files; The l/.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1 4/11/1967 #28420 icks letter in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1 4/17/1967 #28462 eived 7/26/67, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2, Oct. 1967, 4/27/1967 #28551 ddle. (NICAP report 1 form; U.F.O. Investigator, May-June 1967, p. 3.) (NIC 4/28/1967 #28563 dated 5/24/67, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1 4/28/1967 #28564 7/67, copy in NiCAP files; L/.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1 5/6/1967 #28606 E. Keyhoe Archives files; L/.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1 5/7/1967 #28618 derside. (NICAP report form; U.F.O Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.-Dec. 5/25/1967 #28737 n a clearing in the woods. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June f 6/1/1967 #28788 Clausen report, NICAP files; U.F.O Investigator, school bus Vol. IV, No. 1, 6/1/1967 #28790 . This time, Jordán Peña plays UFO investigator, taking statements from wit 6/1/1967 #28792 ll report from the police, a field investigator examined the area and found 7/5/1967 #28979 a spectacular meteor. According to investigator Eric Zurcher, "We now know 7/17/1967 #29059 files; NICAP report forms; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2, Oct. 1967, 7/27/1967 #29121 nicate. (NICAP report form; U.F.O, Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2, October196 7/28/1967 #29128 8/67 copies in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, March 1968, p. 5.) (NICAP: 8/4/1967 #29184 mittee report, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.-Dec. 8/10/1967 #29251 and streaked out of sight. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968 8/25/1967 #29321 geology professor and a NICAP UFO investigator, sighted two silver cylinde 9/23/1967 #29544 ig-zag pattern. (Report from local investigator, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - 10/22/1967 #29724 er clippings and letter from local investigator, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - 10/24/1967 #29739 Journal, Oct. 1987, p. 19; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968 10/27/1967 #29790 report, NICAP report form; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968 11/4/1967 #29851 nessey report, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968 11/5/1967 #29857 etwork report, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 11/15/1967 #29917 from witness, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 11/15/1967 #29918 and had a trapezoid shape. (U.F.O. Investigator, 5 Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb 11/21/1967 #29952 /6/67, copy in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 11/29/1967 #29987 paper clipping, NICAP file; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968 12/7/1967 #30026 aper clipping, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 12/14/1967 #30063 vered over a nearby field. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 12/15/1967 #30067 e object nearby, heat felt. U.F.O. Investigator, MayJune 1968, p. 3; Star, 1/2/1968 #30125 iting Lawrence Fawcett, APRO field investigator). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 2/21/1968 #30262 after the lights come on. A BUFORA investigator takes the radio to his work 3/4/1968 #30321 Years later the man contacted UFO investigator Walter Webb about his missi 8/7/1968 #30839 ate but found nothing. However, an investigator later found “a burned area, 9/24/1968 #31054 ame as Nov. 23, Newton, Ga.; U.F.O Investigator, IV-9, p. 8. (E,R,L) car (N 11/22/1968 #31241 f nights. G. Testa, an independent investigator from Lismore, visits the si 4/17/1969 #31668 investigates the landing, and UFO investigator Hans Bemelmans finds some s 6/26/1969 #31851 d with red lights (6 to 10 for the investigator M. Lesbros) (5 to 6 for MM. 10/11/1969 #32052 g of the 7th on Cape Cod. (The UFO Investigator, Feb.1971, p.1) (NICAP: 02 1/7/1971 #32704 in the hole looks agitated. NICAP investigator Walter N. Webb visits the l 1/7/1971 #32705 ce of approximately 80 yards. (UFO Investigator / May 1971, page 3) (NICAP: 4/18/1971 #32815 d stop, in a jerking manner. ( UFO Investigator, May 1971, page 3) (NICAP: 4/25/1971 #32821 ecreational area near Oxford. (UFO Investigator / July 1971, page 3) (NICAP 5/29/1971 #32883 tern and color of its lights. (UFO Investigator / Aug. 1971, page 3) (NICAP 7/28/1971 #33001 as several hundred feet wide. (UFO Investigator/ Nov. 1971, page 3) (NICAP: 10/12/1971 #33197 he area for about 45 minutes. (UFO Investigator/ Dec. 1971, page 3) (NICAP: 11/6/1971 #33243 e site during the daytime with UFO investigator Anne Druffel, they found th 11/13/1971 #33251 s usually seen around 11 p.m. (UFO Investigator / Jan 1972, page 3) (NICAP: 12/14/1971 #33290 n her on these vigils. CUFOS field investigator John Paul Oswald joins her 1972 #33324 vanished. According to APRO field investigator Donald Worley, the woman su 3/10/1972 #33405 ky above Mt. Penn. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, October 1972, page 3) (NIC 8/29/1972 #33816 e size of a house. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May 1973, page 2) (NICAP: 2/1973 #34156 e objects himself. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May 1973, pages 1, 4) (NIC 3/1/1973 #34225 ecome a national news story. NICAP investigator Marion Webb and others stro 10/17/1973 #35099 the object and creature are gone. Investigator Leonard Stringfield finds t 10/21/1973 #35199 nimal and throws his father and an investigator to the ground. During his a 10/25/1973 #35263 wling, and he threw his father and investigator George Lutz to the ground. 10/25/1973 #35264 ith CARLA RUECKERT, CASE NUMBER 7, Investigator: Liria D. Jauregui, APRO In 10/28/1973 #35282 estigator: Liria D. Jauregui, APRO Investigator) They spoke among themselve 10/28/1973 #35282 lvania. Stan Gordon, the local UFO investigator, reported that there were o 11/1/1973 #35318 ut Mrs. Beaudoin calls the police. Investigator Walter N. Webb finds that t 11/2/1973 #35331 -foot ring impressed in the grass. Investigator Stan Gordon finds a trail o 11/3/1973 #35343 o north. Then shoots back up / UFO investigator. 12/6/1973 #35523 5 minutes, E-M effects (CHR 74-02. Investigator: Leonard Stringfield, CUFOS 1/8/1974 #35671 ighter and larger. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, February 1974, page 2) (NI 1/22/1974 #35697 em terrified. The son-in-law tells investigator Stan Gordon that he had enc 2/6/1974 #35756 ed dome on the top (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1974, page 4) (NICAP 2/13/1974 #35780 like a light bulb. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May 1974, page 2) (NICAP: 2/17/1974 #35793 r bright, beamlike extensions. UFO investigator Jean Bedet receives the sli 3/23/1974 #35974 tings in the area. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 1974, page 1) (NICAP: 4/15/1974 #36072 the following morning, before the investigator could gather samples. The l 5/20/1974 #36174 ure could be seen. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 1974, page 3) (NICAP: 5/28/1974 #36196 rom the ground. The boys run home. Investigator Graham Conway finds residua 8/16/1974 #36439 ely scared.” Later Morier tells an investigator, “There is no way that this 9/1/1974 #36499 r husband, who gave details to the investigator. On the night following thi 9/3/1974 #36500 wo more times to watch the lights. Investigator Malo Martínez later finds t 1/1/1975 #36799 a gliding ladder." (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, February 1975, pages 1-2) 1/2/1975 #36807 the southwest sky. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, February 1975, pages 1- 2) 1/2/1975 #36808 southeast of town. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May 1975, page 3) (NICAP: 1/20/1975 #36878 dated February 27, 1975; NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1975; Skylook, Decem 2/10/1975 #36934 he object. (Source: E. Jahn, field investigator, CUFOS case file report dat 2/24/1975 #36979 rt dated March 11, 1975; NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1975, p. 1). (NICAP 2/24/1975 #36979 ve tree top level. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, October 1975, page 2) (NIC 6/24/1975 #37303 feet in altitude. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, September 1975, pages 1-2 7/4/1975 #37345 ce. According to the ufology group investigator, Thomas Grey, this farmer h 7/6/1975 #37349 due was found. (Sources: NICAP UFO Investigator, October 1975; Canadian UFO 7/6/1975 #37355 Wilkes Barre. (Sources: NICAP UFO Investigator, October 1975; Richard Hall 7/6/1975 #37356 irregular pattern. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, October 1975, page 3) (NIC 7/14/1975 #37371 t following the incident. Writer & investigator Ann Druffel tried to no ava 9/3/1975 #37590 n Sunday, the 21st, an independent investigator set up a mobile trailer in 9/22/1975 #37642 d of five minutes. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR. December 1975, page 1) (NI 10/4/1975 #37702 the Enquirer, and APRO. A private investigator named John McCarthy tests W 11/5/1975 #37896 at of a jet plane. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, January 1976, page 1) (NIC 11/11/1975 #37948 t for a high-school newspaper. UFO investigator Kevin D. Randle interviews 11/17/1975 #37985 ched his home. Another source, UFO investigator Greg Long, reported that at 12/11/1975 #38061 different colors. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May 1976, page 1) (NICAP: 1/25/1976 #38192 oving very slowly. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1976, page 3) (NICAP 1/27/1976 #38196 histling noise. (Source: NICAP UFO Investigator, May 1976). (NICAP: 02 - Cl 2/8/1976 #38232 0 feet in the air. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 1976, page 1) (NICAP: 2/10/1976 #38238 bout five minutes. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 1976, page 3) (NICAP: 2/19/1976 #38262 ey City Reservoir. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1976, page 1) (NICAP 2/19/1976 #38263 pid rate of speed. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1976, page 3) (NICAP 2/26/1976 #38287 found to be open. The next day an investigator visited them and discovered 3/5/1976 #38307 he clear night sky. Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1976, pages 3-4) (NI 3/15/1976 #38321 ers in the sky. (Source: NICAP UFO Investigator, July 1976). (NICAP: 02 - C 6/5/1976 #38486 Kansas, en route to Colorado. UFO investigator Richard Sigismond meets rep 6/20/1976 #38516 s over their auto. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 8/18/1976 #38691 flies directly over them. A CUFOS investigator examines the marshy area tw 10/22/1976 #38919 r car was strongly magnetized. The investigator, who spent a great deal of 12/10/1976 #39035 and just hovered. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, February 1977, page 4) (NI 1/21/1977 #39192 , California 9:00 p.m. An accident investigator in Ontario, California, see 2/26/1977 #39312 as visible. They called the BUFORA investigator Randall Jones Pugh, and the 4/23/1977 #39486 led Randall Jones Pugh, the BUFORA investigator, and the police immediately 4/24/1977 #39490 UFO group, the Essex Hotline, and investigator Barry M. King interviews on 5/3/1977 #39524 immediately made to the local UFO investigator [The Essex Hotline], and fi 5/3/1977 #39527 tor [The Essex Hotline], and field investigator Barry King came out and int 5/3/1977 #39527 days earlier---the reason for the investigator being at the site at the ti 5/8/1977 #39548 bject in the sky. ( Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 1977, page 1) (NICAP: 5/9/1977 #39552 f a harvest moon. ( Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 1977, page 1) (NICAP: 5/9/1977 #39553 mmercial aircraft. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 1977, page 1) (NICAP: 5/9/1977 #39554 lar shaped object. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May 1977, page 4) (NICAP: 5/20/1977 #39591 at random speeds. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, December 1977, page 4) (NI 7/4/1977 #39720 ymond E. Fowler, Casebook of a UFO Investigator, p. 137). (NICAP: 07 - Enti 7/16/1977 #39770 se to their light. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, October 1977, page 4) (NIC 7/21/1977 #39788 Mr. McLean, a UFO investigator, got an anonymous phone cal 11/29/1977 #40234 earing on radar. Allan Hendry, the investigator at the time for the Center 12/27/1977 #40348 t a photocopy of an article in UFO Investigator that includes some of the d 2/2/1978 #40497 nt his story. However, years later investigator Glen Vaudrey discovers that 3/17/1978 #40607 onsin, and Newport, Minnesota. UFO investigator Robert E. Engberg traces th 3/22/1978 #40630 Later that same day UFO investigator Pat De La Franier was in hi 4/25/1978 #40742 . Alain Mainville and Louis Roger) Investigator: Monique Taillon. On the ev 6/22/1978 #40881 same time each night by sheriff's investigator Don Rystrom, who had a calf 11/9/1978 #41559 ea, near Sandia Base. He’s also an investigator for APRO (Aerial Phenomenon 1979 #41901 Massachusetts UFO investigator Raymond E. Fowler publishes Spring 1979 #42145 s circumstantial evidence. Spanish investigator Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmo 7/25/1979 #42354 ar Melville, Saskatchewan, a CUFOS investigator is looking into a cattle mu 10/1979 #42626 mpany Thunder Scientific and a UFO investigator, on May 11 brings psycholog 5/5/1980 #43032 ith a laser; and Lou Girodo, chief investigator for the District Attorney’s 5/28/1980 #43071 ed after the last issue of the UFO Investigator is published, and its files 6/1980 #43076 “useful idiots.” Weitzel admits to investigator William Moore and, later, B 7/1980 #43130 Manzano Test Range Investigator Paul Bennewitz contacts Maj 10/24/1980 #43338 Manzano Test Range Investigator Paul Bennewitz presented hi 11/10/1980 #43377 eep Allan Hendry on as a full-time investigator, so his affiliation ends. I 2/28/1981 #43642 e next day she visits Bob Boyd, an investigator with the Plymouth UFO Resea 9/10/1981 #43941 Albuquerque, NM Investigator Paul Bennewitz was sending 1982 #44130 ists, John Schuessler, the primary investigator; his former VISIT colleague 1982 #44131 tted in 1948, was witnessed by UFO investigator Paul Cerny on SR36 west of 12/10/1982 #44607 nd Doctor Robert Irving Sarbacher, investigator William Steinman managed to 11/1983 #44975 more objects pass above her house. Investigator Shirley Coyne locates 12 pe 2/22/1984 #45151 1:00 a.m. Science teacher and UFO investigator Philip J. Imbrogno and Fred 10/5/1984 #45458 s carcass, but none on the ground. Investigator Ed Teal of the Sheriff's of 4/21/1986 #45881 PERM, RUSSIA UFO investigator. Problems with phone. Pseud 6/1987 #46264 be kept secret. Mr. Hall is an UFO investigator and book author. 12/21/1987 #46474 and April 1988). According to SAIC investigator Dennis Cravens, assistant d 4/1988 #46654 rench) Mufon, Case 1324, #890912 - Investigator: James Clarkson. From their 12/15/1988 #46906 1309, # 890603. Duration: 2 hours. Investigator: Dick Seifreid. At 3:57 am 1/18/1989 #46944 se 1336, #9008222, Time: 10:58 PM; Investigator Fran Ridge. Four women in a 1/21/1989 #46950 Time: 03:40. Duration 12 minutes. Investigator: Charles Flannigan. Awoken 8/2/1989 #47233 lorida that afternoon, a MUFON UFO investigator and three others videotaped 1/28/1990 #47666 . Claire Hauzeur, psychologist and investigator] 3/24/1990 #47765 objects apart from the other F-16. Investigator Wim van Utrecht suspects th 3/30/1990 #47794 and his team all night as well as investigator André Goffard, and even spe 2/10/1992 #48771 veral witnesses called MUFON field investigator George Hoenig, who took pho 8/20/1992 #49047 a clear dome or cupola, buzzed UFO investigator Christopher O'Brien and his 9/17/1992 #49093 en Lab on this date. John Ford, an investigator of this incident, stated he 11/24/1992 #49197 der hypnotic regression, the first investigator was able to recall that the 3/16/1993 #49367 itness remembers seeing the second investigator lying on the floor, as if f 3/16/1993 #49367 ck at night, the daughter of a UFO investigator watched two silent helicopt 8/5/1993 #49607 aca Ranch, Colorado author and UFO investigator Christopher O'Brien videota 12/1/1993 #49830 ated from French) Marco Bianchini, investigator, has just completed his rep 7/13/1994 #50162 ." note from vog: this witness and investigator of Sobeps at the time, is a 7/13/1994 #50162 a Pass, Colorado family called UFO investigator Christopher O'Brien to repo 11/22/1994 #50421 PORTLAND, OR Mother / MUFON investigator. 4 disks fly over in format 7/29/1995 #50935 EAST / PROVO, UT UFO investigator. Silver-white crosses mount 8/26/1995 #51019 At 10:22 p.m. UFO investigator Colman captured a 13 minute 11/29/1995 #51255 ireballs in local flap. Government investigator no longer skeptic. 10/15/1996 (approximate) #51741 argaret DeHarpporte, a MUFON Field Investigator, an abduction occurred on t 11/3/1996 #51782 o mountain at 2793 m. The American investigator spoke with the locals, incl 2/9/1997 #51887 Fenix group from La Coruna. To the investigator, Nunez's wife recounts that 2/20/1997 #51901 At 12:15 a.m. local UFO investigator John Tosti and two other me 5/19/1997 #52024 was given a number of a local UFO investigator. 2/27/1998 #52299 998, same place, same witness) The investigator adds that this military man 11/25/1998 #52479 personalities, cultural ideas, and investigator influences have coalesced t 3/1999 #52542 ed the collaboration of a judicial investigator because, as the mayor of Ta 4/9/1999 #52565 The main witness was a UFO investigator, staying with a known abduc 7/18/1999 #52626 the area. According to MUFON field investigator and pilot Bob Durant, "In t 7/15/2001 #53072 . The mother reported to the MUFON investigator that she had observed a sim 4/16/2004 #53559 It employs Luis Elizondo as a key investigator. Its Virtual Analytics UAP 9/2017 #54358 them takes a photograph. The MUFON investigator suspects the object might b 10/9/2021 #54608## Word: "investigators", 237 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ry, with varying success. However, investigators had to discover that there 4/16/1897 #1814 C. Lethbridge had told his story, investigators came to the scene and foun 5/18/1909 #2324 officer shared this story with UFO investigators before his death in 1997. 1938 #3410 in order and the sea was calm. The investigators admit they are powerless t 1940 #3499 returns to base. A report by Navy investigators concludes that flight lead 12/5/1945 #4410 ke coming out of it is found. Army investigators find “Made in USA” on the 7/7/1947 #5757 a Bethel, Ala. flying service told investigators they spotted a huge black 8/1947 #6159 ce of one kilometer (0.62 miles). "Investigators huffing through the thin a 8/2/1947 #6181 ucers over town. FBI investigation/investigators = brushoff. 9/3/1947 #6310 ction Memorandum,” it lists things investigators should try to determine ab 10/28/1947 #6424 nches at Wright Field. The primary investigators are Capt. Robert R. Sneide 1/22/1948 #6550 Aztec, New Mexico. When Air Force investigators and government scientists 3/25/1948 #6595 "explain-away" approach adopted by investigators. 1950 #7695 Los Alamos, NM AEC Investigators Sighted cylinder with tape 2/25/1950 #7820 s streamer. Military investigation/investigators. (AP) news. 3/15/1950 #7921 quickly west. / OSI investigation/investigators. 5/17/1950 (approximate) #8284 that in addition to Project Grudge investigators, another group of people w 8/30/1951 #9205 er of sightings that the Air Force investigators have been unable to explai 6/4/1952 #10284 t. RADAR's. Military investigation/investigators. 7/22/1952 #11029 cked up a long thin blip on radar. Investigators considered whether the cre 9/16/1952 #12245 e explanation as aircraft, but UFO investigators Richard Hall and Jacques V 3/3/1953 #13203 difficult, if not impossible, for investigators to gain a complete underst 4/13/1953 #13314 for about a year. However, leading investigators suspect structural failure 5/2/1953 #13357 ith extreme skepticism by most UFO investigators. 2/18/1954 #14170 going southeast. Big investigation/investigators. / r242p41+/ MJ. 6/23/1954 #14609 and and then dim, fading to black. Investigators find an area 12–15 feet in 11/8/1954 #16565 US Government Investigators Announced that they had fo 1955 #16899 chase. Big military investigation/investigators and news. 5/11/1955 #17157 rts that “the claim that Air Force investigators showed up the next day at 8/21/1955 #17444 plane from below. According to the investigators, this veteran, with thousa 7/22/1956 #18120 y going up. Military investigation/investigators. / r46p256+/ r141#3p62. 7/14/1957 #18992 rmy and USAF personnel, along with investigators of the Brazilian Air Force 11/4/1957 #19542 Air Defense Command investigation/investigators. / r141#2. 11/9/1957 #19773 fect (EME). Big USAF investigation/investigators. / r60#311. 9/1/1958 #20601 note from vog: IN REALITY: Swedish investigators learned in 1989, 31 years 12/20/1958 #20872 min. Mr. Briggs was questioned by investigators from Woomera Rocket range. 3/13/1959 #21056 (Aerial Phenomena Research Group) investigators determined that from 7:00 4/1/1959 #21110 it them. Bob Gribble and other UFO investigators find witnesses who claim t 4/1/1959 #21115 g with a kerosene smell. Air Force investigators show up and declare it a h 9/7/1959 #21422 Operator, E.H. Tindale, later told investigators that he had plotted an UFO 9/29/1959 #21468 Serious Business." Stated that UFO investigators on base level "should be e 12/24/1959 #21622 Interior]” and specifies that UFO investigators “should be equipped with b 12/24/1959 #21627 spects of the phenomena. Air Force Investigators should use binoculars, cam 12/24/1959 #21628 ...) 22 years later, in 1982, LDLN investigators revisiting the case, the w 12/26/1960 #22133 o trace of the excavated dirt. Six investigators from Leningrad [now St. Pe 2/1961 #22199 with this report, but private UFO investigators who interviewed Mr. Simont 4/18/1961 #22280 ld air! Big military investigation/investigators. No traces. P282. 7/17/1961 #22408 also see the UFO from the airport. Investigators from Hill AFB near Ogden a 10/2/1961 #22551 tures” emerge. Argentine Air Force investigators find a circle of scorched 5/22/1962 #22904 ernment agencies,” also scientific investigators in commercial laboratories 5/25/1962 #22916 ather has disappeared forever. The investigators are unable to find his tra 8/24/1962 #23100 amora to the point of panic.” Some investigators think the case might invol 4/24/1964 #24063 explained reports studied by NICAP investigators through 1963. Sightings ar 5/1964 #24107 5 minutes. Blue Book investigation/investigators. No further details. 7/27/1964 #24332 e. In 1975, Blomqvist contacts UFO investigators and gives them the stone. 8/1964 #24364 etected at the site December 30 by investigators German professor Ernest G. 12/21/1964 #24600 of 16–18 milliR/hr. Two Blue Book investigators—T/Sgt. David N. Moody and 12/21/1964 #24600 any natural phenomena known to our investigators.” He expresses his dislike 1965 #24614 o before joining up with the other investigators. The disposition of the ph 1/26/1965 #24717 items Bryant turns over to the two investigators (a turbine fitting, metal 4/24/1965 #24883 roblems with the story, one of the investigators, Eileen Buckle, rushes int 4/24/1965 #24883 f. The Todd County sheriff and UFO investigators assume that Townsend, a de 10/23/1965 #25727 an interview the Hills gave to UFO investigators after they completed their 10/25/1965 #25729 pe unknown. Official investigation/investigators. No joke. 12/1965 #25802 st over border. USAF investigation/investigators indicates RADAR too. 2/17/1966 #25998 tric shock, and burns on the hand. Investigators rated his story as reliabl 3/26/1966 #26200 ue outlines of the case. Air Force investigators also interviewed meteorolo 4/18/1966 #26451 tment building. Later that evening investigators detected some abnormal rad 4/24/1966 #26524 scene later, with several official investigators, they examined an oval bur 6/1966 #26648 of the "report". Conclusion of the investigators on this observation: The p 8/13/1966 #26902 nistry of Defence is notified, and investigators arrive on the scene and te 9/1966 #27000 don’t look back. Some days later, investigators find three holes, 8 feet a 10/4/1966 #27149 6, representatives of the Ohio UFO Investigators League reinterview several 11/15/1966 #27326 ic / local Air Force investigation/investigators. 1/25/1967 #27640 identified themselves as military investigators and flashed what appeared 1/28/1967 #27674 otographs. Air Force investigation/investigators. 3/8/1967 #28081 isturbing way by Project Blue Book investigators and their consultants” and 4/6/1967 #28388 eport"). Conclusions of the Condon investigators: This case certainly const 5/13/1967 #28659 , however, is regarded by many UFO investigators as a hoax. 6/1/1967 #28793 one when they arrive on the scene. Investigators from the University of Col 7/5/1967 #28981 wamp and land on a hill. Air Force investigators find a large scorched area 7/21/1967 #29093 wamp and land on a hill. Air Force investigators found a very large scorche 7/21/1967 #29097 to the east of the road. Air Force investigators found a very large scorche 7/21/1967 #29100 s widely regarded as a hoax by UFO investigators, with an eggshell used to 7/21/1967 #29101 had blinding, multicolored lights. Investigators found scrape marks and foo 8/6/1967 #29215 nd a glass window. She reported to investigators Roger Stanway and Anthony 9/2/1967 #29391 The following night, Chiszar told investigators he saw two more of the sam 10/24/1967 #29749 that he shows to Colorado project investigators. It turns out to be compos 12/3/1967 #30015 ween Low and Condon and the active investigators, and the failure of the pr 1/31/1968 #30201 ugh it has been raining all night. Investigators find that the ice is 3 inc 2/18/1968 #30255 ted, Cuban and Soviet intelligence investigators found forty-eight spent ca 6/14/1968 #30553 uptly takes off. Reporters and UFO investigators find a considerable area o 8/16/1968 #30875 ses, Guy Lemarque, reported to the investigators that the three beings some 9/23/1968 #31044 a provided by local Air Force base investigators, (7) biased evaluations, a 10/7/1968 #31096 navailable for an interview by the investigators. 10/15/1968 #31114 clock in the morning two local UFO investigators had driven to an isolated 1/12/1969 #31421 black garment. Upon seeing the UFO investigators the being retreated silent 1/12/1969 #31421 ay. Senor Gusmao left the group of investigators and walked up to within a 1/31/1969 #31470 a red swelling on his leg. Later, investigators find three imprints in an 2/7/1969 #31491 va's that were shown to him by the investigators. 5/5/1969 #31721 nd from them. He then explained to investigators that they wanted him to "w 5/21/1969 #31762 ocket is 10000 km away. One of the investigators suggests that the object m 7/20/1969 #31912 ing to one or the other of the two investigators) dotted with red lights (6 10/11/1969 #32052 till visible when last examined by investigators in 1978. 11/15/1969 #32114 . Dispatched on site, the official investigators are surprised to have only 10/7/1970 #32581 nter, and a lady member of the UFO investigators group APRO, went to her wi 5/8/1971 #32843 potatos where the UFO had hovered. Investigators estimated the object had b 7/29/1971 #33004 ge of the object. Later, local UFO investigators discovered dozens of cows 9/20/1971 #33118 itself maintained the snow drift. Investigators experimented with the ring 11/2/1971 #33230 esses were subsequently located by investigators. Mr. Allen Degnor, a Cedun 2/4/1973 #34170 close encounter. She contacted two investigators of the Victorian UFO Resea 2/22/1973 #34210 encounter on April 26, which some investigators think might be a fantasy. 5/22/1973 #34438 an folklore, called the Chaneques. Investigators later learned that two mor 5/22/1973 #34440 che and nausea. A month later, UFO investigators arrive and find additional 10/6/1973 #34912 The photo is regarded by some UFO investigators as a hoax, as showing a ma 10/17/1973 #35108 a hospital. However, Argentine UFO investigators find major discrepancies a 10/28/1973 #35288 ay around but came back later with investigators, who found ground marks an 12/31/1973 #35621 asking for a contact list of APRO investigators for the Center for UFO Stu 2/1974 #35736 l hours. Later at the landing site investigators found three imprints, each 2/8/1974 #35764 rnt physical traces. Investigation/investigators / G. Fawcett / r180p99. 3/1/1974 #35863 utes he left. A few days later UFO investigators found radioactive traces a 3/21/1974 #35954 ith CUFOS, offering its network of investigators to secure raw data for ana 6/1974 #36211 ed as Venus would at sunrise. Some investigators report that the witness ma 6/14/1974 #36250 y filaments hanging from its base. Investigators suspect it may be a rare i 11/17/1974 #36695 ith a carbon-like substance. NICAP investigators have dirt and wood samples 2/10/1975 #36935 pit. Marks. Military investigation/investigators. 3/22/1975 #37073 Two local investigators were driving around northe 3/28/1975 #37083 f attempting to encircle them. The investigators snapped several photograph 3/28/1975 #37083 ove some tall trees. Bennett leads investigators to a potential landing sit 5/13/1975 #37231 und and casting a distinct shadow. Investigators from the Netherlands UFO g 7/1/1975 #37332 overed. Two months later, when the investigators examined the site, the bla 8/8/1975 #37458 Deputy David Ellis, Project Stigma investigators Tom Adams and Gary Massey 8/21/1975 #37523 xperience when they went back with investigators later. 8/22/1975 #37530 tory hit nationwide headlines. UFO investigators began studying their case 1/6/1976 #38127 Cascade County, MONTANA Investigators from the Society for the I 8/27/1976 #38723 , who suffered a nervous collapse. Investigators found a small radioactive 1/3/1977 #39137 officially connected off the farm. Investigators try unsuccessfully to drai 1/10/1977 #39167 than he was willing to divulge to investigators, he claimed. 1/27/1977 #39218 r the adjacent school grounds. The investigators were unable to find any pl 2/10/1977 #39268 rtist, he made a drawing later for investigators, now widely reproduced in 4/21/1977 #39476 parents wish to remain anonymous. Investigators: Ron Schaffner and Betty P 5/18/1977 #39584 e lights and the figures vanished. Investigators reportedly found ground tr 8/26/1977 #39926 phere at vertiginous speeds... The investigators count 7 of them. These uni 9/30/1977 #40045 e is air-evacuated from the scene, investigators discover that the missile’ 11/16/1977 #40203 n took place at the instigation of investigators Keith Basterfield and Bill 3/1978 #40560 d and Bill Chalker (note from vog: investigators like these should be regre 3/1978 #40560 ation/radioactivity. Investigation/investigators hinted.. 3/27/1978 #40646 line, Theresa Kline and Ken O'Neal Investigators: Ron Schaffner, Earl Jones 7/8/1978 #40940 anley, Linda Jones and Henry Colt. Investigators: Ron Schaffner, Earl Jones 8/21/1978 #41129 ic and sweat profusely. Later, UFO investigators triangulate the position o 9/1/1978 #41219 nd in the ground at the scene. UFO investigators found the witness to be we 10/15/1978 #41445 s before losing all radio contact. Investigators speculated that spatial di 10/21/1978 #41458 It quickly disappeared from view. Investigators found unusual tracks at th 12/6/1978 #41700 ire time, was bent. She later told investigators she felt "somebody was try 12/12/1978 #41735 minutes, it wobbles and takes off. Investigators from the Yorkshire UFO Soc 2/22/1979 #42102 techniques that can be used by UFO investigators. 8/1/1979 #42377 uzzing sound everywhere," she told investigators, "and I felt paralyzed. Th 9/1979 #42494 others witness this event. Soviet investigators conclude that the objects 6/14/1980 #43099 ged in a horseshoe shape. This led investigators to assume that it was the 7/28/1980 #43162 , but Godfrey would refuse to tell investigators what they were. The alien 11/28/1980 #43442 overnment’s scientific team of UFO investigators. The physical traces inclu 1/8/1981 #43564 overnment’s scientific team of UFO investigators. The physical traces inclu 1/8/1981 #43565 ring only 3 feet above the ground. Investigators later find seven odd oval 8/8/1981 #43896 ter Domenici, as well as other UFO investigators such as Linda Moulton Howe 1982 #44130 nes Air Station, Trondheim Leading investigators from UFO-Norge hold a town 3/26/1982 #44272 y northeast / 35mph. Investigation/investigators / Professor E. Zeller. 5/4/1983 #44765 gen. Over the course of one month, investigators see numerous lights, take 1/21/1984 #45087 s into mountain. Big investigation/investigators and coverup. 2/19/1984 #45144 si effects? Military investigation/investigators and flyby. 4/25/1984 #45247 Pine Bush, NY UFO investigators went to a Jewish cemetery 6/6/1984 #45317 UFO investigators went to a Jewish cemetery 6/6/1984 #45318 en Correctional Facility 9:30 p.m. Investigators Dick Ruhl and Richie Petra 6/21/1984 #45336 Allen Hynek, accompanied by field investigators Philip Imbrogno and Dennis 10/1984 #45451 Allen Hynek, accompanied by field investigators Philip Imbrogno and Dennis 10/5/1984 #45459 ritated for a few days afterwards. Investigators found extensive ground tra 10/9/1984 #45464 ed. The phenomenon ceases in 1986. Investigators disagree on what the Hessd 1/13/1985 #45558 Philip J. Imbrogno and his team of investigators (Sheila Sabo and George Le 3/21/1985 #45584 ortedly closed off to journalists, investigators, and outsiders. A Japanese 1986 #45783 on the screen but later, when the investigators wanted confirmation, they 11/17/1986 #46140 SECRET, therefore very few federal investigators have the security clearanc 2/15/1987 #46197 two adults can hardly fit inside. Investigators who collect “rod-like item Early 8/1987 #46312 Indiana, including five UFO field investigators, shot a video of an orange 8/23/1987 #46340 the road. The car was damaged and investigators found it covered in a subs 1/20/1988 (approximate) #46530 plant. USAF and NASA investigation/investigators. / MJ#249. 3/4/1988 #46609 At 8:45 p.m. UFO investigators on the A61 highway north o 3/10/1988 #46622 ch) Mufon, Case 1315, No. 890803 - Investigators: Carol and Rex Salisberry. 7/18/1989 #47213 ike a lawnmower, at 15:45, while 7 investigators from Sobeps were searching 12/3/1989 #47549 OAKLAND, PA UC#3039. 8 crop circle investigators. Glow saucer / 9 minute(s) 3/14/1990 #47743 On this evening eight crop circle investigators in Oakland, Pennsylvania s 3/14/1990 #47745 to enlist his help unsuccessfully. Investigators apply a voice stress analy 6/10/1990 #47945 rsuit. The officer later tells UFO investigators that Fort Allen personnel 7/19/1990 #47990 hat few, if any, federal oversight investigators have the security clearanc 9/1990 #48057 y long investigation by Portuguese investigators, specialists and scientist 9/19/1990 #48080 urnt grass. Military investigation/investigators. 9/21/1990 #48089 left on November 3rd! Hundreds of investigators contested the official ver 11/5/1990 #48192 cket plume. Military investigation/investigators. 1/19/1991 (approximate) #48344 s when the beam is turned back on. Investigators suspect that the light was 4/26/1991 #48451 ratch by clumsy and sensationalist investigators. The fate of Flight 19 see 6/1991 #48481 irty residents and a team of MUFON investigators saw a red sphere, and took 10/5/1991 #48633 Two MUFON investigators, Weatherford and Morrison, 11/5/1991 #48647 um and meet the main witnesses and investigators who attended this incredib 2/10/1992 #48771 of Gerald Anderson, who contacted investigators Kevin Randle and Stanton F 2/15/1992 #48776 nse contractor, refused to let UFO investigators talk with any of the witne 6/10/1992 #48944 sistent and disciplined enough for investigators to draw logical conclusion 10/1992 #49121 Two investigators parked out in the remote d 3/16/1993 #49367 e, which appears to have vanished. Investigators suspect it is merely someo 8/1993 #49598 way. No tracks were found outside. Investigators rated the reliability of t 9/1/1993 #49678 hs as it leaves. Big investigation/investigators. 2/26/1994 #49959 uthwest. Photographs investigation/investigators / R. Haines. 8/31/1994 #50255 scientific approach.” However, the investigators admit to “difficulty obtai Fall 1994 #50330 umps. No planes up / investigation/investigators. 3/16/1995 #50686 oes home. His mother will tell the investigators of SOS OVNI Belgium: When 8/24/1995 #51013 nstruction workers also watch. UFO investigators are not impressed with the 8/27/1995 #51026 d then descended into a field. UFO investigators recorded strange magnetic 11/1/1995 #51196 heir remains. Within 24 hours, UFO investigators were on the scene. They qu 1/20/1996 #51327 , p. 47) (note from vog: Brazilian investigators correct this report as fol 1/20/1996 #51327 hat followed some of the UFO field investigators late one night. 2/23/1996 #51418 BOTHELL, WA UFO investigators chase ovoid / 10 minute(s) 3/1/1996 #51436 In Bothell, Washington UFO investigators pursued an ovoid UFO for 1 3/1/1996 #51441 umanoids and the object were gone. Investigators found ground traces at the 7/16/1996 #51614 out taking him very seriously, the investigators still had the product that 9/14/1996 #51684 ing the scene of the incident, UFO investigators found circular marks on th 9/23/1996 #51708 of altitude as the moon. Ohio UFO investigators suspect that the sightings 10/16/1996 #51746 d, London (Translated from French) Investigators are astounded by a near co 6/7/1997 #52042 re was no other plane in the area. Investigators are certain there were no 6/7/1997 #52042 reature in the sky. He told police investigators that he saw the outline of 10/10/1997 #52171 h Wales) (Translated from French) (Investigators: Moira McGhee, Bill Chalke 8/10/1998 #52408 d the strange fog was moving away. Investigators found ground traces and fo 10/24/1998 #52461 resident of the village told Army investigators that spherical and disk-sh 8/25/2004 #53611 than average to imagine, be led by investigators, and integrate cultural sc 10/2005 #53754 ilable to the organization’s field investigators. 2008 #53981 y before it vanishes. Two teams of investigators sent by Robert Bigelow als 7/5/2009 #54105 uban authorities or to allow Cuban investigators access to US diplomats’ ho 10/24/2017 #54364 ng through a layer of clouds. Some investigators conclude it is an F-4 figh 3/2019 #54446 wo sources, after listening to the investigators lay out their evidence tha 12/3/2019 #54506 l challenges them. She accuses the investigators of both hiding information 12/3/2019 #54506 ter WWII, and was one of the first investigators to the incident because of 8/8/2023 #54724## Word: "investigatory", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the Colorado project and find its investigatory procedures “sadly lacking, 10/10/1967 #29632 s hindrances to NASA setting up an investigatory panel: “All in all, undert 10/31/1977 #40167 urbed by the lack of a coordinated investigatory process, asks the Pentagon 6/23/2020 #54536## Word: "investigação", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Irene Granchi founds the Centro de Investigação sobre a Natureza dos Extrat 1982 #44140## Word: "investigações", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ers from the Instituto Nacional de Investigações de Fenômenos Aeroespaciais 10/1/1995 #51140## Word: "investing", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e a reality” and China was already investing in it. The patent was then app 11/2/2017 #54368## Word: "investment", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
irming this. Paul B. Morgan's past investment in a failed Swedish aviator's 1909 #2259 are bogus, and later he runs phony investment scams and becomes a contactee 12/1953 #13907 d” technology. The company obtains investment from local Huntsville busines 3/2004 #53541 p., later Avocent), and additional investment from 2C Computing and local v 3/2004 #53541 telling him, but that TTSA sought investment from private investors to dev 10/26/2017 #54366 ne Ventures, a start-up technology investment firm. Wackenhut and SAIC are 9/26/2022 #54671## Word: "investor", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Los Angeles, CA Real estate investor saw three spherical UFOs reflec 12/27/1956 #18566 nd void.” Funding from the British investor Kaye has fallen through, and Ch 11/22/1985 #45753 ntific development and instead use investor funding on entertainment projec 10/26/2017 #54366## Word: "investors", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
to gain the attention of potential investors in a bogus oil detection schem 9/1952 #12052 t regular information bulletins to investors. 1955 #16896 UAP management group were the “33 investors” and the IMF. The accuracy of 11/1998 #52467 TSA sought investment from private investors to develop said free energy te 10/26/2017 #54366## Word: "invisibility", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
for in their travels they use the invisibility screen.” “This space naviga 7/3/1947 #5317 ull red color, then dimmed to near invisibility. It left a trail of sparks 12/26/1999 #52733 design, claiming it is capable of invisibility, hover and trans medium tra 5/18/2006 #53817 recalculating the Drake Equation, invisibility, and weaponry (pulsed micro 6/24/2009 #54102 e Project. Another project called “Invisibility Cloaking” was headed by Ger 1/9/2018 #54382 r Microwave Source Technology” to “Invisibility Cloaking” and “Antigravity 3/25/2022 #54637## Word: "invisible", 172 instance(s) (Back to Top)
100 steps apart, faded and became invisible around midnight. 840 #103 cis in ecstasy talking aloud to an invisible interlocutor. (September 1224) 9/1224 #205 hese sounds conveyed a sense of an invisible and intense battle, although n 5/4/1641 #497 y from the sun, their tails became invisible again. Their substance was des 5/16/1808 #873 about two minutes before becoming invisible due to its extreme altitude. 9/1/1808 #877 t above their heads. The child was invisible in the black sky. Oliver shout 12/24/1890 #1479 flee, it stopped right next to us, invisible, perfectly still. We stayed li 7/11/1908 #2229 p 83) The shadow in the sky of an invisible object, supposed to be a cloud 4/8/1913 #2591 nanoque, Ontario, reports that two invisible aircraft are heard flying over 2/14/1915 #2678 Lucia, 10 years old, speaks to an invisible entity whose answers are not h 6/13/1917 #2779 crowd can see Lúcia talking to the invisible lady. 9/13/1917 #2794 could disappear at will or become invisible (July 16th, 1918, before) 7/16/1918 #2818 ed so quickly that its feet became invisible. After 100 m of running, this Autumn 1938 #3437 e characterized as radar “angels,” invisible targets in the clear atmospher 3/1941 #3547 said yesterday, may well have been invisible to Philadelphia because it was 8/15/1943 #3810 …) The legend says the ship became invisible on July 22, 1943, but ship rec 8/15/1943 #3810 from the UFO, as if stopped by an invisible shield. The UFO then began to 1945 #4147 ek to explore the mysteries of the invisible world. 2/1945 #4183 . Contrail makes 140° turn. Source invisible. 10/8/1947 #6396 -BARRES, FR Cold hands grab woman. Invisible figure nears. / LDLN#314+/ MJ# 5/20/1950 #8293 , into the object, by some kind of invisible elevator which gave her the fe 1951 #8829 She left the craft floating by the invisible elevator and when the object h 1951 #8829 inside a flying saucer, lit by an invisible source, with an examination ta 12/27/1951 #9482 / great altitude. Light reflects / invisible center. Turkeys panic. 2/25/1952 #9625 BERN, NC 2 / farm duck down. Loud invisible buzzing object going [to] WSW 9/16/1952 #12239 lowing ovoid. Rolls. Passes behind invisible curtain til gone. 9/29/1952 #12359 ets. Plain dark grey saucer. RADAR invisible! / r172p219. 1/29/1953 #13060 branches with his stick, it became invisible, as well as part of his hand. Summer 1953 #13460 dy to play, ready to touch. But an invisible and icy pressure pushed him to 9/27/1954 #15252 at it and tries to get closer. An invisible and icy force prevents him and 9/27/1954 #15254 rown to the ground by an “ice-cold invisible force.” Raymond confesses 6 we 9/27/1954 #15274 literally rooted to the spot by an invisible force. However, I saw it much 9/30/1954 #15308 E-MOUTIER-BRULE, E&L, FR Bike hits invisible wall. 4M saucer. 4 figure(s) i 10/10/1954 #15739 AUS Sheep-man takes 3 photographs. Invisible saucer with invisible teacup a 11/9/1954 #16574 photographs. Invisible saucer with invisible teacup atop. 500' altitude. 11/9/1954 #16574 avy experiment to make a destroyer invisible in October 1943 [the bogus Phi 1/13/1956 #17754 the time) and all its crew became invisible in October 1943, but the sailo 4/1956 #17884 (the USS Eldridge or USS Engstrom) invisible and personnel on board showed 4/1956 #17885 , and the ship and its crew became invisible temporarily, before experienci 4/1956 #17886 's. Bright blips maneuver. Objects invisible to pilots. 10/17/1956 #18425 ks they are some kind of life form invisible to the naked eye. Summer 1957 #18938 by sudden shocks against something invisible, followed by a bright light. ( 6/1958 #20405 LYWOOD, CA Hundreds / observer(s). Invisible cylinder/cylindrical object wi 2/5/1960 #21674 ilts. Rotates / wheel. Structure = invisible. 1/17/1965 #24686 nd said that he came from a planet invisible to us, as it is always behind 1/30/1965 #24735 NITEROI, BRZ Invisible disk ringed / lights maneuvers 3/21/1966 #26115 thinking of creating an informal “invisible college” to discuss the subjec 1/5/1967 #27504 rition. In vain, as something like invisible forces made it slip through th Late 1/1967 #27636 MILLER CO, MO 4M saucer / field. Invisible barrier 5M away. 65cm figure / 2/14/1967 #27811 to 15 feet away, he walks into an invisible wall and can’t see the object 2/14/1967 #27820 colored curved windows / rim. Part invisible? Maneuvers / school. Going nor 3/14/1967 #28175 ound study birds / cage. Reboard / invisible stair. 4/4/1967 #28357 NEAR MOSCOW AIRPORT Invisible whistling-rumbling entity pass 5/11/1967 #28644 antly, the mysterious object still invisible to the naked eye came to the r 5/13/1967 #28659 2500 meters from the tower, still invisible, even with binoculars. 5/13/1967 #28659 rectangle hovers over waves. RADAR invisible. 4/1968 #30384 e grass. She feels the force of an invisible rotating movement and notices 8/25/1968 #30912 portion of the object hat had been invisible to the witnesses thus far. It 1/6/1969 #31407 ers / 10'. 2 observer(s) stopped / invisible wall. Portholes. Heat. / r180p 2/7/1969 #31490 side. 3 pseudo-human/entity behind invisible barrier. Hide faces. / MJ#177+ 2/22/1969 #31530 rong with the woman he ran into an invisible barrier that he likened to a b 2/22/1969 #31531 HIGHCLIFFE, DORSET Large invisible object with lights fore and af 10/23/1969 #32068 A dark or invisible object with lights fore and af 10/23/1969 #32069 e. 5 black shadow figure(s) nearly invisible. / MJ#177. 11/1969 (approximate) #32093 erson publishes his last UFO book, Invisible Residents, which compiles repo 1970 #32184 ows upset. Calf levitates. Becomes invisible. Never found. 10/28/1970 (approximate) #32599 ject to investigate he ran into an invisible barrier ten meters away from i 5/27/1971 #32881 ling that of someone riding on an "invisible" motorcycle. He described the 8/19/1971 #33054 hemselves flying in the air, on an invisible beam to a saucer 10 meters wid 10/22/1972 #33949 ough the air, inside an apparently invisible beam, into a hovering saucer-s 10/22/1972 #33951 / glowing door / field. Structure invisible. / r96#161. 2/4/1973 #34169 s hovering a few yards above them, invisible to the eye. Then he said, "Goo 5/16/1973 #34412 1 observer. Rumble / 3 minute(s). Invisible boxcar of night lights. Red fl 10/18/1973 #35127 t halfway there he encountered an "invisible barrier" and could not proceed 10/29/1973 #35298 n of the compass (J.Vallée Collège invisible p. 72). The boat hit the rocks 12/2/1973 #35487 raphs / tree show saucer / sphere. Invisible / naked eye. See reference. 2/13/1974 #35778 st. No trail / acceleration. RADAR invisible! 3/17/1974 #35926 50 feet from him as if hitting an invisible obstruction. He goes to pick i 10/15/1974 #36618 sks below clouds. Blow steam until invisible. 11/4/1974 #36674 Jacques Vallée publishes The Invisible College, in which he speculate 1975 #36780 wn river from missile sites. RADAR invisible. 2/17/1975 #36951 an/entity inside. Observer(s) hits invisible barrier. Going west. 6/15/1975 (approximate) #37285 ide move. Saucer slowly going [to] invisible! 7/22/1975 #37395 ters. In 20 seconds the device was invisible, on a 45° trajectory. The visi 7/31/1975 #37417 beings, but were prevented by an "invisible" barrier. After the gray compa 8/18/1975 #37515 RAAF plane and enter cloud. RADAR invisible. Fast. / MJ#176. 8/30/1975 #37566 275 km/h and, in doing so, become invisible. (November 8) 11/8/1975 #37918 eral / car. Saucer 30M over trees. Invisible via polarized binoculars! 6/20/1976 #38514 going down / beam and block road. Invisible wall. / r148. 9/3/1976 #38748 s had the feeling like being in an invisible corridor that she is moving do 9/3/1976 #38754 e beings but it seems to strike an invisible wall. The being in the middle 9/3/1976 #38758 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Invisible / dark object over roadside sw 10/1976 #38863 TOL, FL 1 observer. Saturn object. Invisible man. Telepathy = "from another 1/12/1977 #39170 nce, heat, boat held back as if by invisible force, light beam, time loss ( 1/21/1977 #39191 nce, heat, boat held back as if by invisible force, light beam, time loss 1/21/1977 #39193 zed 2X. Fireball / mach 1.4. RADAR invisible. Going quickly northwest. / LD 3/7/1977 #39330 g order: Antonio naked lying in an invisible bed for a medical examination, 9/15/1977 #39988 bia, and he was captured inside an invisible glass or "bell jar." The robot 9/15/1977 #39992 s. 5Kmph. 90° turn going up. RADAR invisible. / MJ#233. 9/22/1977 #40017 pe and color going [to] blue until invisible. 12/23/1977 #40341 electromagnetic pulse weapons, The Invisible Machine, investigates the poss 4/2/1978 #40685 up and down. Follows Cessna. RADAR invisible. 4/6/1978 #40693 he witness felt the presence of an invisible and impassable barrier (at the 5/1978 #40751 owed she was severely beaten by an invisible entity. The old lady reported 5/15/1978 #40790 er ground. Glows. Blows mist until invisible. 8/17/1978 #41114 ects inside but is prevented by an invisible barrier. Perez jumps out the d 9/6/1978 #41235 doing it by what appeared to be an invisible barrier. Six days prior to the 9/6/1978 #41237 m away. Low altitude. Absolute(ly) invisible! 5/26/1980 #43069 buckle that had colored lights. An invisible barrier apparently prevented t 9/25/1980 #43283 utheast going northwest. Structure invisible. Meteor shower? / r98#30p180. 12/8/1980 #43469 low pass overhead then fast. RADAR invisible. / MJ#167. 2/19/1981 #43626 SAN LUIS RESERVOIR, CA Plane invisible / RADAR while buzzed / Saturn 4/8/1981 #43683 ore of Lake Michigan. The lake was invisible due to low clouds, but the sky 7/4/1981 #43809 ike going [to] home. Silent source invisible. 9/27/1981 #43976 at speeds that render them all but invisible. On many occasions the lights 11/1981 #44045 They felt as if they were under an invisible dome and all the familiar soun Summer 1982 #44384 / jeep and 1. Night lights = 100M invisible circular structure. Hovers / 1 3/24/1983 #44703 ghts all over/all about. Structure invisible. 3/26/1983 #44723 ter boils. Visible to/from/between invisible! 4/1983 #44737 ing northwest. Possible attached / invisible cylinder/cylindrical object. 12/2/1983 #45005 p several times, as if moved by an invisible wave. Many lights illuminated 6/15/1984 #45331 ll blond humanoid had a silent and invisible companion that never manifeste 11/1984 #45486 er jet is surrounded by a dozen of invisible UFOs, except on radar, before 5/19/1986 #45934 lights / windows as if attached / invisible object. Silent. 1K' altitude. 8/17/1986 #46061 the emerging parts belonged to an invisible single structure. 2 weeks lat 10/25/1986 #46123 m, as if he was pushing against an invisible wall. From a side pocket he to Late 6/1987 #46286 epot/facility! 4 jets show / film. Invisible / eye. 1/1988 #46493 r ball glows. Follows plane. RADAR invisible. 6/7/1988 #46716 ge jet pilots. Orange-yellow ball. Invisible to air and ground RADAR's. / L 6/17/1988 #46719 sance / ground. When off object is invisible! 7/15/1988 #46737 onal field, causes the craft to be invisible, and shortens the distance to 3/1989 #47024 ears. The entity and sphere become invisible. Three more spheres are said t 6/6/1989 #47161 he craft and beings become briefly invisible but then reappear. One of the 9/27/1989 #47328 he craft and beings became briefly invisible but then reappeared. One of th 9/27/1989 #47330 Sphere/orb/globe overhead. Beam. "Invisible man gets / car. 2 observer(s). 9/28/1989 (approximate) #47332 alone, don’t touch me!” Something invisible appeared to be pulling Anna by 10/8/1989 #47356 claimed to have struggled with the invisible entities. 10/8/1989 #47356 ning flights paced / orange UFO's. Invisible to RADAR. 11/13/1989 (approximate) #47443 nds and suddenly the object became invisible. The observation lasted a good 11/22/1989 #47460 g shape. Lights all about. Surface invisible. 11/28/1989 #47474 en and over houses. Actual surface invisible. / r226#1. 11/29/1989 #47515 like craft? (hazy edges). Zigzags. Invisible between jumps! Northwest going 10/11/1990 #48127 rea in Ferin, Nord, France. It was invisible between jumps. It flew in a tr 10/11/1990 #48129 BRISTOL, AVON 2 girls trapped / invisible bubble. Birds hit it. Bad drea 10/18/1990 #48141 I didn't see the sides. They were invisible. The fact of thinking of a "tr 11/5/1990 #48180 crew. UFO over city / 2 min. RADAR invisible. Shape unknown. 11/5/1990 #48232 verywhere at once enfolded into an invisible timeless medium. They show the 11/25/1991 #48673 crew. UFO / aerobatics / one hour. Invisible to RADAR's. 4/18/1992 #48868 the lights, the object itself was invisible. The UFO then moved on away fr 5/3/1992 #48899 ue light top and center. Structure invisible. 9/19/1992 #49096 nd light ground / roadside. Source invisible. 10/16/1992 #49147 the door but was confronted by an invisible wall: she could literally go n 5/30/1993 #49489 Navy was trying to make the ships “invisible to magnetic torpedoes by degau 1994 #49868 ntly, as if it had suddenly become invisible. (...) This radar track, which 1/28/1994 #49907 ers over jail walls / security TV. Invisible to the eye! 5/15/1994 #50070 CHACON, NM Loud humming. Invisible force drags cow uphill backwar 9/13/1994 #50293 ground level, as if carried by an invisible beam. Gardea fires two shots a 9/13/1994 #50296 oing quickly [to] alongside. RADAR invisible. / r226#30. 7/11/1995 #50888 f his mouth. He felt stopped by an invisible force. He couldn't move anymor 1/5/1997 #51860 his mouth. He next was hit by some invisible force field and was unable to 1/5/1997 #51861 ast low and slow. Object structure invisible. 2/18/1997 #51900 ing at 72,000 feet is “essentially invisible.” Haines also reveals that in 8/3/1997 #52098 tness attempted to resist but some invisible force or paralysis kept him st 4/13/1998 #52328 o much so that it appeared almost "invisible". The lower part consisted of 8/14/1999 #52643 el. Stops. Beam and humming. Turns invisible. 8/7/2001 #53092 in midair without slowing and went invisible for two seconds. Next, it sped 9/19/2001 #53125 developed a technique to make men invisible; his research is more advanced 7/2003 #53429 nsible for harassment by seemingly invisible individuals and this may be co 7/2003 #53429 nly can render a craft or a person invisible but it can project a rendering 7/2003 #53429 ngerdt hears of Fuller’s claims of invisible harassment, he suggests SAIC “ 7/2003 #53429 meleo: A Strange But True Story of Invisible Spies, Heroin Addiction, and H 7/2003 #53429 ir. McMoneagle says this person is invisible to ranch personnel, although h 3/2010 #54146## Word: "invisibly", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lights oscillate/oscillation as if invisibly attached northeast going quick 7/1965? #25015## Word: "invitation", 19 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e with them, but they declined the invitation, arguing that it was far away 7/3/1947 #5326 o rain, they accepted the driver's invitation to take shelter with him in t 8/21/1953 #13638 ct case and accepts Adm. Knowles’s invitation to Eliot, Maine, to visit wit 7/24/1954 #14747 Maine Canada Wilbert Smith, at the invitation of retired Navy Adm. Herbert 7/28/1954 #14760 nearby field. The man accepted the invitation and was allegedly flown on a 2/24/1955 #17033 Obrenovic, arrives in Japan at the invitation of the Cosmic Brotherhood Ass 8/16/1961 #22448 uled lecture tour of Europe at the invitation of Hans C. Petersen, He atten 4/30/1963 #23507 dler were said to have received an invitation from the director of the AF O 4/26/1964 #24070 rado Redmond, Oregon At Saunders’s invitation, Hall and Keyhoe brief the Co 11/28/1966 #27383 l Commodore Condon attends, at the invitation of James W. Moseley and again 6/22/1967 #28887 was frightened of people." At his invitation, the children crawled through 5/15/1973 #34408 few moments after accepting their invitation they flew over San Francisco, 2/9/1974 #35770 d a table, eating. She declined an invitation to join them. They spoke in a 5/5/1974 #36136 hensible language. She declined an invitation for another ride, explaining 5/5/1974 #36136 r planet. The witness declined the invitation and begged to be released. At 5/10/1978 #40776 ologists receive, individually, an invitation to a bi-party meeting GEPAN/p 9/1978 #41209 udy of Flying Saucers produces the invitation letter. Villa Boas' son confi 8/10/1992 #49022 is style, and after he receives an invitation to an Ummo conference in Cuba 4/1993 #49409 h in Utah suburban Virginia At the invitation of Robert Bigelow, naval aero 7/2009 #54104## Word: "invitation-only", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
versity in Blacksburg, Virginia An invitation-only research conference on a 2/1/1990 #47680 and Peter Brookesmith organize an invitation-only symposium to re-evaluate 9/2000 #52894## Word: "invite", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and reproduce by subdividing. They invite him inside the disc, which from t 2/1949 #7112 going down. 2 pseudo-human/entity invite observer(s) / their planet. Retur 12/4/1949 #7661 were laid that Considine will not invite Boyle back as his guest columnist 8/14/1952 #11780 shoes, jump out. Ramos thinks they invite him aboard, but he does not answe 1/12/1953 #12975 BASTIAO, BRZ 4 pseudo-human/entity invite Professor / saucer. 40 minute(s) 7/25/1957 #19035 med saucer / backyard. 4 figure(s) invite 2 tots aboard. Dog frantic. / r17 10/16/1973 #35039 yes started to blink. It seemed to invite the witnesses to come closer and 8/30/1977 #39940 25th. The gendarmes ask Mrs. S. to invite Y. S. and his fiancée to testify 3/26/1978 #40643 they move in a jumping motion and invite him into a “bus-shaped” white rec 5/17/1978 #40802 ong and end in pointed nails. They invite him on board by gestures and he f 1/18/1979 #42017 craft by the side of the road and invite their captive for a ride, which t 9/13/1989 #47298## Word: "invited", 79 instance(s) (Back to Top)
erienced contact with a spirit who invited him aboard the machine. He enter 7/25/1868 #1197 from French) The Lerch family had invited about twenty friends to celebrat 12/24/1890 #1478 and Scott Warren. The witness was invited aboard the airship, where he saw 4/19/1897 #1888 e water from his well. Nichols was invited on board and he spoke freely wit 4/22/1897 #1912 mbrella. The man with the whiskers invited us to come with him, to take us 5/6/1897 #1978 traveling in the airship, and they invited the officers to take a ride. The 5/6/1897 #1985 mily's well. He stated that he was invited inside by normal-looking men who 1906 #2159 nslated from French) Graham White, invited to visit President Taft of the U 11/1910 #2507 d, Wigner, and Teller. Einstein is invited but declines to attend. Adamson 10/21/1939 #3487 o draw water from a nearby stream. Invited onboard, the miner was told by t 1940 #3502 ore thick glasses. The witness was invited to lie down on a table above whi 9/1942 #3694 i Gras day, Joao Prestes Filho had invited his 39-year-old friend Salvador 3/5/1946 #4450 1946 USA, White Sands The US Army invited hundreds of journalists, photogr 5/28/1946 #4490 erke (BMW) in Munich, Germany, are invited by Russian military officers to 9/1946 #4737 t to "advance mankind" and Fry was invited aboard. A panel opened on the lo 7/4/1950 #8407 extraterrestrial named Alan, he is invited on board the craft, which flies 7/4/1950 #8408 nman in November 1983 that he “was invited to participate in several discus 9/15/1950 #8580 French) (cf. May 23, 52) Orfeo is invited to enter an unmanned saucer and 7/23/1952 #11067 ventually a saucer lands and he is invited inside to meet its crew and exam 11/1952 #12584 Pentagon Andrija Puharich, invited by an Army colonel friend who is 11/24/1952 #12710 er disk. The witness ran away when invited to follow them. The object rose 8/18/1953 #13622 helmets. Because it was raining he invited them to shelter inside his taxi, 8/18/1953 #13623 at acted like landing gear. He was invited inside, but declined to go. The 8/18/1953 #13623 one and the mud moved away" He was invited to board, but Villanueva spun ar 8/21/1953 #13638 tion of his planet. Villanueva was invited on board, accepted, and took a t 8/21/1953 #13638 e orbits of the solar system, then invited the women to follow him. They di 8/20/1954 #14880 ots gesticulating in his direction invited him to stay calm. Another one re 10/25/1954 (approximate) #16315 s by his hand, and using telepathy invited him to board a UFO hovering abov 2/24/1955 #17033 Garland, Texas Morris K. Jessup is invited to the Office of Naval Research Summer 1956? #18030 March 1956, USA) Howard Menger is invited to board a saucer, rises to 1500 7/4/1956 #18066 plastic suit. The motorcyclist was invited on board and discovered other pe 4/1957 #18749 had a face that inspired trust and invited friendliness. This man was weari 7/7/1957 (approximate) #18976 rbal answers to his questions, but invited him "telepathically" to come abo 7/25/1957 #19039 rbal answers to his questions, but invited him "telepathically" to come abo 7/25/1957 #19044 ished only with a bed where he was invited to rest. He felt bad, plus there 10/15/1957 #19351 Armstrong Circle Theater Keyhoe is invited to appear on the CBS Armstrong C 12/1957 #19942 old and Clarence S. Chiles. Others invited are Edward J. Ruppelt, Donald Me 12/1957 #19942 waiting for him. This time he was invited onboard the UFO, and supposedly 4/1/1959 #21116 litary officer. Colonel Friend was invited to attend a meeting with this of 7/9/1959 #21276 3:40 a.m., William Stock and four invited policemen spent a half hour watc 9/21/1962 #23177 rtsmouth, New Hampshire, where the invited guest speaker is USAF Capt. Ben 11/23/1962 #23321 The Hills are invited by their Unitarian church to dis 3/3/1963 #23463 door at ground level. Roderick was invited inside, which was at least two s 1/30/1965 #24731 feet of the beach. Mr. Padrick was invited by the voice to come onboard, wh 1/30/1965 #24735 was the captain of his craft, and invited him onboard for a brief tour. 9/4/1965 #25556 rtner Harold Baker claim they were invited to MacDill to write about USAF e 1966 #25865 reau" and asked to be let in. They invited the stranger inside. The visitor 1/9/1967 #27525 cupants emerged from the craft and invited him aboard for breakfast. He sai 2/16/1967 #27844 / ground. Door opens. Observer(s) invited / exam and spaceflight. Unidenti 3/31/1967 #28324 round. A door opened and Watts was invited to come inside by the occupants 3/31/1967 #28330 s, and white coveralls emerged and invited him aboard. He was given some ki 4/11/1967 #28421 best UFO reports. Richard Hall is invited for 2 days of consulting and nar 6/1967 #28776 ning, one a woman. The witness was invited inside by one of the men, who in 3/17/1969 #31619 for the police. The UFOnauts also invited him to take a ride in the UFO, b 6/15/1971 #32922 peruna, Brazil at 7:00 p.m. He was invited inside the UFO and heard its occ 12/5/1971 #33280 ning around its feet." The witness invited the "visitor" home for a drink, 8/16/1972 #33768 our occupants were mentioned. They invited the older boy to look in the obj 10/16/1973 #35053 casion, met him at the doorway. He invited Castillo to walk up the six step 11/18/1973 #35428 Community, Tennessee claims he was invited by two "men" to ride in a UFO. I 2/9/1974 #35770 d met on a previous encounter, who invited her onboard. She greeted them wi 5/5/1974 #36136 ss. A week later, de los Santos is invited to discuss the sighting on a TV 5/3/1975 #37199 door. He climbed the steps and was invited in. The interior was a single ro 11/3/1975 #37876 eings descended from the craft and invited them to get on board. One of the 1/20/1978 #40446 sted in the dog. These individuals invited the witness to follow them, whic 2/5/1978 #40504 me type of breathing apparatus. He invited Juan to come inside. They boy th 9/6/1978 #41237 robot(s)/android(s) exit. Girl / 6 invited aboard. Missing time. / v2#3. 1/25/1979 #42037 o involved. Dr. Sarbacher had been invited by President Eisenhower to atten 11/29/1983 #44997 he late 1940s. He confirms he was “invited to participate in several discus 11/29/1983 #45001 next day, other Air Force officers invited Hoyt, his sister Lisa and nephew 7/11/1986 #46002 otted and the three witnesses were invited to dinner at a restaurant, befor 7/11/1986 #46002 = Wolf? Would this be a Ummite?), invited him to follow her. They arrived 1989 #46927 fter lighting a fire, Kirsanov was invited aboard the object. Inside, he co 11/2/1989 #47422 They appeared inside her house and invited her to go with them, but she ref 5/18/1990 #47903 Translated from French) Yadigin is invited to join the crew in the cockpit. 8/20/1991 #48578 tes in the early 1960s after being invited to study the remains of a flying 8/10/1992 #49022 anguage that sounded like Spanish, invited the witness to come inside. The 12/9/1996 #51818 to understand her directions, and invited her to board their van and accom 9/6/2000 #52896 sclosure in the future. Wilson is invited to a facility, undisclosed, and 10/16/2002 #53285 a shared dream in which they were invited by Saint Germain onto a craft wi 10/20/2022 #54679## Word: "invites", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ARRAMATTA, AUST Dream? Flying head invites observer(s) / flying ark. See re 7/25/1868 #1195 end up in Nashville, Tennessee. He invites the officers to take a ride and 5/6/1897 #1983 ves at Dahl's in a black Buick and invites him to lunch. During the meal, h 6/22/1947 #5050 Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, invites probable UFO photo hoaxer Stephe Mid 3/1954 #14248 to Mercy Hospital on April 17. He invites Long John Nebel to have a brief 4/19/1959 #21142 ME (electro-magnetic effects). Man invites observer(s) to 6M saucer / groun 4/1960 #21740 The DOSAAF Cosmonautics Committee invites the Soviet UFO Study Group to fu 10/1967 #29580 4 days" and he obeys. The stranger invites him to follow him and the witnes 10/25/1974 #36643 me type of breathing apparatus. It invites Perez inside the craft, so he ti 9/6/1978 #41235 r landing at Christchurch, Startup invites the passengers to accompany him 12/31/1978 #41894 ght-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio, invites several individuals—Harold E. Pu Fall 1986 #46102 ows’ milk. The woman then abruptly invites her on a brief excursion that wi 7/6/1990 #47972## Word: "inviting", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s engaged in dancing and feasting, inviting the witness to partake in the f 1656 #517 ucer intelligences intend to land, inviting them to help. 8/24/1952 #11942 they began to make signs to them, inviting them to come near the saucer. W 9/24/1954 #15212 , then take off. They seemed to be inviting the witnesses aboard, but their 9/24/1954 #15226 re they took off they seemed to be inviting the witnesses aboard, but their 9/24/1954 #15230 saying, “We are not hostile,” and inviting him aboard. He enters the craft 1/30/1965 #24734 ry’s press office issues a release inviting citizens to report UFO cases to 12/26/1968 #31367## Word: "invoke", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Las Vegas. “..the Air Force could invoke the common law state secrets priv 3/1996 #51432## Word: "invoked", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ary trips. His ideas will often be invoked by Soviet scientists when they b 1628 #482 ing about 2,000 mph. News blackout invoked by military 3/2/1967 #28006 ude of 7 miles. A news blackout is invoked by the military. Twenty-nine peo 3/2/1967 #28009 secrets at Area 51, and that once invoked, the privilege is absolute, prot 3/1996 #51432 The Project Mogul balloon is still invoked to explain the 1947 debris field 6/24/1997 #52065## Word: "invokes", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
4, while the official explanation invokes an error in the image processing 4/16/1997 #51979## Word: "invoking", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tified that she had witnessed Anne invoking the Devil. Anne created a circl 1650 #513## Word: "involuntarily", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n woman, then back at the witness. Involuntarily, Khoury swallowed the smal 7/23/1992 #48986 nd gaze at her. This caused her to involuntarily close her eyes and step ba 7/31/2000 #52882## Word: "involuntary", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t the airship's inventor had faced involuntary challenges during its flight 12/7/1897 #2020 CIA’s LSD experiments on unwitting involuntary subjects from the Kennedy co 10/1952 #12389 r being threatened with arrest and involuntary commitment. She later founds Early 1/1955 #16916 occurs. These effects, along with involuntary body movements and trouble s 8/12/1979 #42420 ial hypothesis is the voluntary or involuntary collision with a UFO: accord 7/17/1996 #51615## Word: "involutional", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of Raines, who diagnoses him with involutional melancholia and places him 4/2/1949 #7203## Word: "involve", 38 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ngaging in peculiar maneuvers that involve merging and separating. This obs 9/3/881 #111 e a potential interpretation could involve an aurora borealis, insufficient 9/26/1568 #411 ist medium. Her trances frequently involve journeys to other planets. She c 1899 #2041 United Film Service, the film does involve a mysterious airship built by ae 4/26/1915 #2681 ret by the Vatican, but reportedly involve the assassination of "the last P 10/13/1917 #2806 gence. Problems almost immediately involve recruitment and filling position 1/1/1949 #7059 has not been made” and that some “involve configurations and described per 4/28/1949 #7283 days earlier. He thinks they must involve technology because they have bee 5/12/1949 #7355 ting and concludes that both cases involve the same object. 10/9/1951 #9322 ypothetical framework as it didn’t involve several major aerospace contract 1952 #9507 r, they do estimate that about 20% involve “unnatural phenomena.” After uns 7/1952 #10606 he earth from Mars and Venus would involve nearly three years for the Marti 8/6/1952 #11649 ment also says that some sightings involve secret US military devices. The 9/26/1952 #12339 and Huelva provinces that seem to involve wayward balloons released in Ger 12/3/1954 #16737 owever authorized when it does not involve any risk for the material and pe 1/11/1955 #16933 ake part in these experiments that involve exposure to more than 250 differ 1/1956 #17737 east chased / jets. MacDill denies involve. 2/8/1956 #17800 permission (as long as it does not involve official naval personnel) to sen 4/1956 #17884 e interest). These three functions involve “employment of qualified field i 11/13/1961 #22634 ICAP that Air Force investigations involve hundreds of intelligence officer 5/25/1962 #22916 ow closed] at Roswell, New Mexico, involve unidentified aerial craft maneuv Winter 1963 #23937 investigators think the case might involve a test of a Lunar Surveyor modul 4/24/1964 #24063 rity threat because most sightings involve natural phenomena seen by unreli 4/20/1965 #24874 table manpack radars. The findings involve 99% UFOs and only 1% IFOs, prima 8/1968 #30814 peculates that such cases need not involve the presence of extraterrestrial 1970 #32184 berton, North Carolina. Many cases involve an object hovering silently at l 4/3/1975 #37113 er western states. The mutilations involve loss of ears, eyes, and genitali 9/11/1975 #37608 mfortable and strange but does not involve UFOs. 9/24/1976 #38851 e nuclear attack from the US would involve thousands of simultaneous launch 9/26/1983 #44920 ations and denies the necessity to involve outsiders, although it does not 7/10/1984 #45356 several times since and that might involve a plasma that can temporarily di 10/1988 #46803 le, with childhoods that typically involve episodes of abuse, trauma, and s 5/1/1992 #48892 can offer many bizarre shows that involve no shred of alien technology. Th 10/1992 #49121 s show cattle mutilations commonly involve areas of the animal that relate 1997 #51845 ecting aircraft safety. Most cases involve multiple witnesses, and many are 10/15/2000 #52915 ght-Patterson. The cases typically involve slow leisurely movement or trian 11/3/2001 #53134 several workshops he attends that involve John Petersen and the Arlington 12/6/2005 #53780 ons plan to address UAP exists and involve attempts to “coax” UAP into show 3/18/2022 #54636## Word: "involved", 221 instance(s) (Back to Top)
g apparition in the sky. The event involved the appearance of a figure rese 1491 #322 sky over The Hague. This sighting involved a fleet of airships emerging fr 5/1646 #508 the ground. This unusual sighting involved both the presence of a sizeable 5/1652 #515 lying lantern: A sighting in Tokyo involved the observation of an object th 11/16/1672 #566 olsk, Russia An anomalous sighting involved a double object descending from 11/28/1696 #598 cross the sun's path. The incident involved a single unidentified object pa 5/1764 #727 xford, England An unusual incident involved the sighting of an object resem 10/24/1769 #740 dward Hansford had previously been involved in Revolutionary War efforts an 7/25/1813 #901 , an incident in the American West involved a man who encountered a ball-sh 1880's #1323 tiated World War 2 and was closely involved in military operations througho 4/20/1889 #1470 panion. This adventurous exception involved a flight experience in an airsh 1896 #1530 ime skies of England. One instance involved the craft hovering over a town 2/1913 #2569 ny, a less than friendly encounter involved a UFO landing. A local man obse 6/1914 #2633 f engineer Ernest Loebel, was also involved in the development and testing 1934 #3232 een of real, unidentified aircraft involved in a violation of Sweden’s airs 4/30/1934 #3262 lated from French) Mr. Vergani was involved in the construction of a house End of 1937 #3398 o be at least two types of objects involved in the incident. Witnesses see 2/25/1942 #3614 ing at reports that their ship was involved in a top-secret World War II ex 8/15/1943 #3810 ir force.” Among the personalities involved in the operation are some who w 2/23/1944 #3918 operation are some who will become involved in UFO investigations in the fu 2/23/1944 #3918 Prague A scientist involved in the development of America's 2/14/1945 #4201 expedition (Operation High Jump). Involved 4,700 men, 13 ships (including 1946 #4416 flight over the South Pole and was involved in a number of other flights. I 1946 #4416 00 men, 13 ships and 23 planes are involved. A base is set up at Little Ame 1/1947 #4845 Chrisman who claimed to have been involved, but there are still unexplaine 6/21/1947 #5047 w Mexico Troy Pendergrass, who was involved in New Mexico state politics fo 7/1/1947 #5255 a location. Too many civilians are involved, and the press is already alert 7/8/1947 #5861 ent information to state that they involved aircraft or missiles but suppor 9/26/1947 #6371 elligence Analysis Division). Also involved are Maj. Raymond Llewellyn (chi 1/22/1948 #6550 pecially Newton are in later years involved in various swindles and fraudul 3/25/1948 #6595 wood tested in Berkley he was not involved with, and flying disc landings 1949 #7049 ow is that they are soon no longer involved, perhaps not even assigned to t 1/1949 #7054 n Clingerman and McCoy become less involved, perhaps because they have also 1/1949 #7054 and one of his colleagues at NASA involved in security risk related to UAP 1950 #7702 dark interior, and the experience involved an off-Earth journey. The encou 2/15/1950 #7793 tion. The two agents later wind up involved in the Psychological Strategy B 3/1950 #7829 s going to be given by a scientist involved in the retrieval that knew or w 3/8/1950 #7855 n at the time publicly when he was involved with NICAP. * http://ufotrail 3/27/1950 #8037 four hours. This radar-visual case involved the crew of an F-61C as it was 4/18/1950 #8184 d John von Neumann are “definitely involved” in the program and probably J. 9/15/1950 #8580 han one hundred British firms were involved in the project. The known facto 4/1951 #9000 es his story later, denying he was involved. Possible hoax. 3/29/1952 #9705 er concludes that the radar events involved temperature inversions. He beli 7/26/1952 #11236 at military air bases and two more involved aircraft encounters with UFOs. 7/28/1952 #11353 r 2Lt John S. DelCurto, might have involved a tragic UFO interception that 9/12/1952 #12169 to this being USAF KC-97 airplanes involved in a refueling operation. The 9/16/1952 #12243 refueling operation. The sighting involved 20 minutes. 9/16/1952 #12243 had sighted a USAF KC-97 aircraft involved in a refueling operation, but d 9/16/1952 #12245 d of 9,000 mph. Additional crewmen involved are 1st Lt. William W. Naumann, 12/6/1952 #12784 me to reflect on the USAF trickery involved in the IFOs-as- UFOs deception 12/22/1952 #12849 ear physicist. Some of the persons involved with this panel were Capt. Rupp 1/26/1953 #13011 told him the real MJ-12 group was involved in Continuity of Government in 1954 #14021 ngs, such as the type of personnel involved, military or civilian, or air-l 1/13/1954 #14088 ly, to determine technical aspects involved.” 8/12/1954 #14857 proves having a French study group involved with investigating UFO cases. 8/16/1954 #14872 ect there may be some missing time involved. 10/18/1954 #16140 of the UAP issue, but it was long involved in high-altitude reconnaissance 12/28/1954 #16868 vealed, without citing the persons involved. 6/6/1956 #18000 rcraft,” stipulates that personnel involved in sightings must “not discuss 1/31/1957 #18649 oper claims he was there that day, involved with the tracking. 5/2/1957 #18828 some value given the circumstances involved permit the admission that there 3/2/1958 #20233 l objects. The technical obstacles involved in such an endeavor, I am sure, 5/7/1958 #20354 sightings and what departments are involved. Air Minister George Ward repli 11/5/1958 #20809 cante Jr., and Meyer Lansky become involved in the first plot against Fidel 9/1960 #22002 east of Nellis AFB. This Project “involved flight-testing of an UFO which 1961 #22139 r to his enemies in Katanga, he is involved in arranging Lumumba’s transfer 1/17/1961 #22179 g on the project since 1958, which involved launching no less than 350 mill 10/21/1961 #22584 nos Aires province, Argentina that involved several witnesses and reportedl 5/12/1962 #22876 . Combined visual and E-M incident involved the Navy transport A.R.A. "Punt 11/12/1963 #23866 are revealed, this time citing the involved persons. 7/7/1965 #25071 Police from five jurisdictions are involved. Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge A 3/14/1966 #26060 ss than 5 seconds. Entire sighting involved about 1 hour. 7/25/1966 #26835 ull-time and 3 part-time employees involved in the effort, code-named BITBR 1967 #27478 nham, Massachusetts. The abduction involved a medical exam with instruments 1/23/1967 #27624 ncounter lasting over an hour that involved an animal reaction. They watche 4/12/1967 #28438 two 20 year old military witnesses involved. 8/28/1967 #29346 This leads a CIA analyst directly involved in this work to file a formal c 9/1967 #29377 s that the October 24 police chase involved either aircraft or the planet V 11/8/1967 #29881 farmer Wilson Gusmao, who had been involved in previous humanoid encounters 11/28/1967 #29981 ocuments and interviews with those involved that one nuclear bomb was lost. 1/21/1968 #30166 . The scientific research facility involved with this photographic case has 5/17/1968 #30485 :14 a.m. on June 17, the ships are involved in a friendly fire incident in 6/15/1968 #30560 nonsense,” and he is sorry he “got involved in such foolishness.” 12/18/1969 #32161 lthough the Air Force is no longer involved with UFOs, the Foreign Technolo 5/5/1970 #32347 of the second kind with a UFO that involved landing traces and physiologica 9/19/1971 #33110 on and translocation may have been involved. 9/20/1971 #33118 UFOs. It is possible that the UFO involved in the CASH/LANDRUM CASE was bu 1972 #33320 Enrique Mercado, who had been involved in other alien encounters, was 10/22/1972 #33951 olo County. There were two people involved in the abduction. 10/26/1972 #33956 few UFO encounter cases which also involved animal mutilation. (NICAP: 04 - 5/1973 #34371 incidents, one of which apparently involved the same beings. Two involved t 10/11/1973 #34965 ntly involved the same beings. Two involved telepathic communication only a 10/11/1973 #34965 used to run, states a Mary S. was involved too. https://ufos-scientificre 10/27/1973 #35281 st of), IN 7:15 p.m. This incident involved three witnesses who reported tw 11/28/1973 #35459 n experience lasted two hours, and involved missing time and physiological 8/22/1974 #36453 alled an abduction experience that involved three short humanoids who gave 10/25/1974 #36648 eing consistently reported), which involved craft over military installatio 8/1975 #37438 overalls. The abduction experience involved a medical exam on a table, tele 8/13/1975 #37486 or even extraterrestrials might be involved, though no evidence supports th 9/25/1975 #37655 hts. At least two helicopters were involved as there were simultaneous sigh 11/2/1975 #37869 .m. a UFO with multiple lights was involved in a close encounter in Jaca, H 9/2/1976 #38743 floor with some "people" that were involved in a project, which calmed him 1/1/1977 #39132 e similar in appearance to the one involved in Mrs. Bowles earlier close en 3/7/1977 #39332 e similar in appearance to the one involved in Mrs. Bowles earlier close en 3/7/1977 #39337 buzzing sound. The woman had been involved in previous close encounter inc 3/20/1977 #39385 Mrs Coombs and her family had been involved in two other UFO incidents prio 4/23/1977 #39486 rs. Coombs and her family had been involved in several other close encounte 4/24/1977 #39490 ing a trace. It was assumed by all involved that the phenomenon had an appa 5/10/1977 #39558 in Steuben, New York who had been involved in a previous UFO encounter a w 8/1/1977 #39841 sion. As many as 1,300 troops were involved in the event. Most were left wi 9/1977 #39949 formation Sheet claims NASA is not involved in a research program involving 2/1/1978 #40490 and 6:30–8:30 p.m. Some 200 people involved in 67 sighting reports watch a 10/23/1978 #41476 a close encounter with a UFO that involved a lapse of time of 30 minutes e 11/28/1978 #41639 vinced” the USG is still very much involved with UAP, but not limited to co 1979 #41909 he DIA and tabloids suggest he was involved in the “dark side” of psi and E 1979 #41910 volvement of a contractor possibly involved in deep black UAP work, possibl 2/16/1979 #42089 ighter-than-air craft were somehow involved in the mutilations.). 4/8/1979 #42166 emerges that the Roswell incident involved alien bodies and that in 1949 a 9/8/1980 #43251 Monroe City, IN Sheriff deputy involved in CE-III. Organization never p 11/1/1980 #43358 s that either 7 identical UFOs are involved or a single object is responsib 11/11/1980 #43389 oodbridge RAF/USAF Bases. The case involved many military personnel, includ 12/27/1980 #43522 at, so they assume there was a UFO involved. 7/31/1981 #43879 mine whether Army helicopters were involved in the C-L incident, but his mi 1982 #44131 LUEBOYS and it was a special group involved in UAP work. Another son of a m 1982 #44144 th Fort Hood stated the technology involved is “science fiction.” https:// 1982 #44144 ory is true and persons definitely involved in operations of recovered sauc 11/29/1983 #44997 t that Robert Oppenheimer was also involved. Dr. Sarbacher had been invited 11/29/1983 #44997 no direct association with people involved in the “recovery” of UAP, but h 11/29/1983 #45002 s John von Neuman was “definitely” involved, as was Vannevar Bush and Rober 11/29/1983 #45002 Daily reported that 20,000 people involved in UFO research. Professor Reng 1985 #45545 Daily” reports: 20,000 people are involved in UFO research. The first reco 8/27/1985 #45678 y, New York. A huge black disc was involved with the abduction experience. 4/2/1986 #45868 ’ behavior and appearance, the UFO involved in the abduction, and the metho 1987 #46164 evidence that her whole family was involved. After one session, Karla, her 1988 #46491 t would be built on the principles involved in [Williams’] theory.” Shannon 4/1988 #46654 Alamos at the time; Puthoff became involved in AATIP eight years later. * 4/1988 #46654 In 2010–2012, Choate and Myers are involved in a fraudulent scheme to acqui 4/12/1988 #46668 hat Contra leaders were personally involved in drug trafficking.” 4/13/1989 #47075 evealed an abduction scenario that involved small Grey type entities and ta 6/16/1989 #47169 lls Jacques Vallée he was directly involved in the construction of TRESTLE 1990 #47628 the southwest to the northeast was involved with a near collision with a KC 5/21/1990 #47910 otland Edward Carlos, who had been involved in other previous close encount 8/15/1990 #48032 fifteen years, and knowing he was involved in ufology, he finally confided 6/16/1991 #48502 and US and NATO interceptors were involved. The words NATO “artifact” retr 7/1991 #48513 ch has been investigated for being involved in massive money laundering and 7/5/1991 #48518 source for Danny Casolaro and was involved in the Inslaw Inc. trial, but i 5/13/1992 #48915 d the time he was a VP for BDM and involved in contractor Psi-Tech, alleged 5/22/1992 #48923 side OSTP state that Kit Green was involved in briefing OSTP while he was w 4/15/1993 #49423 hout making a sound. Two cars were involved in the incident. 8/9/1993 #49623 see if oil company personnel were involved, or if there was ever crossover 1994 #49865 “big secret” not that Eldridge was involved in space/time experiments. Vall 1994 #49868 by military or civilian personnel involved in UFO cases. Promoted by CUFOS 3/1994 #49967 ness persisted afterward. Animals involved were 5 goats, 4 dogs, 9 geese, 4/12/1994 #50030 veterinarian from Denver, Colorado involved in cattle mutilation investigat 5/10/1994 #50063 ything scientifically. Among those involved are retired US Army Col. John B Fall 1994 #50330 is unique; multiple countries are involved in PPD; Earth is in “geological Early 1995 #50490 Belgium Veronique V., who had been involved in previous UFO close encounter 2/21/1995 #50629 strange events began to unfold. It involved a strange mist or fog, time dis 7/15/1995 #50896 or certain if any missing time was involved. 8/6/1995 #50961 ced him his government was somehow involved with the strange occurrences. F 8/15/1995 #50990 re rounder. He had previously been involved in an abduction experience. 11/8/1995 #51212 23, one of the military policemen involved in the Varginha, Brazil, creatu 2/6/1996 #51384 d from view. Possible missing time involved. 5/22/1996 #51557 ed private entities believed to be involved in UAP work: Northrup Aerospace 8/30/1996 #51665 night in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. It involved two young girls. No further det 11/3/1996 #51782 other federally funded bodies are involved, and they are supported by the 1997 #51845 a Douglas Torr and Timir Datta are involved in the development of a “gravit 1997 #51847 ers. There are two distinct events involved in the entire incident: a trian 3/13/1997 #51938 rliament and specified that it was involved in a low-altitude flight exerci 3/24/1997 #51949 andenberg AFB and Beale AFB and is involved in shooting down unfriendly UAP 8/19/1997 #52124 a a woman named June, who had been involved in previous humanoid close enco 9/11/1997 #52143 a a woman named June, who had been involved in previous humanoid close enco 9/12/1997 #52145 of South Carolina confirm they are involved in the development of a “gravit 3/1/1998 #52302 Oblast, Russia, in March 1969 that involved an alien autopsy. 9/13/1998 #52433 e Department of Energy is possibly involved in “fraud and deceit.” Plotkin 5/17/1999 #52584 s Carter tracked three helicopters involved in a mutilation incident to Log 2/24/2001 #53001 e story of Zodiac, which allegedly involved real people like Dale Graff who 3/3/2001 #53006 ments of the covert group are also involved in disinformation, public decep 4/2001 #53013 e community, etc). The individuals involved are personnel inside IC SAPs, b 4/2001 #53013 the Pentacle Memorandum. Cross was involved in titanium metallurgy as far b 12/17/2001 #53157 nd outside of government that are “involved in that business.” Miller state 4/25/2002 #53197 has particulars on a special team involved in (as a secondary mission) rec 4/25/2002 #53197 flag-rank officer who was directly involved in government interaction with 4/25/2002 #53197 es but are relevant include others involved in SAPOC or the SRG at the time 10/16/2002 #53285 Dick” Williams and Gansler. Others involved in SAPOC who may be aware of th 10/16/2002 #53285 y disappears. Five police cars are involved in the incident. 11/28/2002 #53322 the military police from Alba got involved. A motorboat was sent from San 6/22/2003 #53426 bur, and that Rand Corporation was involved in the construction of undergro 2004 #53508 tic Research Corporation is deeply involved in the UAP matter. TRW, Johnson 8/2004 #53594 ere, given Maynard’s claims it was involved in UAP work. Other companies re 8/2004 #53594 working on a research project that involved compiling a database of individ 2005 #53676 the daughter of one of the locals involved is having nightmares about a UF 2/7/2005 #53684 a “red herring” and suggests he is involved in “misdirection” regarding the 1/25/2006 #53790 s executive told him E-Systems was involved in secret UAP reverse engineeri 4/28/2006 #53807 of BAE Systems is just one figure involved in the UAP issue that he’s look 9/27/2006 #53841 acility/S4 and claims to have been involved in a Project Aquarius investiga 2008 #53983 ” He claims Project Looking Glass involved a reverse engineered time viewi 2008 #53983 ssisted with the Manhattan Project involved in classified R&D work for the 1/1/2008 #53984 t energy, Teller claimed he wasn’t involved in UAP analysis in the 40s. UF 2/15/2011 #54194 s happened there but “none of them involved UFOs.” UFOs: Myths, Conspiraci 2/15/2011 #54195 Col. John Alexander claims he was involved in telepathic experiments and w 7/2011 #54208 aims a friend of his at Boeing was involved in a UAP crash recovery and saw 11/1/2013 #54271 shot it down Military officials involved in the projects believe ET were 4/5/2016 #54327 go claimed military officials were involved in the maintenance of the telep 7/16/2016 #54334 Tom DeLonge states he became “involved” in different groups of people 8/31/2016 #54336 and handicapped persons, who were involved in government experiments invol 6/2017 #54350 stem Application Program] has been involved with. The letter is released on 1/9/2018 #54382 arold E. Puthoff, who was formerly involved in the Stargate Project. Anothe 1/9/2018 #54382 P crash recovery] and who else was involved.” * https://www.amazon.com/UF 4/25/2019 #54454 of the event, none of the warships involved appear to have been able to ide 7/15/2019 #54477 uestion by discussing a contractor involved in the Robertson Panel, and Val 12/4/2020 #54555 ; the new physics would have to be involved.” Puthoff claims something “is 2/11/2022 #54633 intelligence and security, who is involved with the newly created Airborne 5/17/2022 #54647 company” in the US because she was involved in the UAP conversation and wor 6/15/2022 #54655 e’s colleague Dick Reeves was also involved with the Institute; her brother 6/15/2022 #54655 Foundation and Lockheed could get involved with new spending on UAP work a 8/3/2022 #54660 arner IV claims he heard AUTEC was involved in the “craning” of UAP out of 10/14/2022 #54675 clear materials were claimed to be involved. Hal Puthoff states the 1961 SN 12/17/2022 #54688 n a podcast that there are people “involved in high level physics” who work 2/28/2023 #54705 of the intelligence community are involved with UAP crash retrieval and re 8/21/2023 #54729 refuted these claims, individuals involved may consider whistleblower comp 9/1/2023 #54741## Word: "involvement", 40 instance(s) (Back to Top)
remained stationary, prompting the involvement of the Inquisition of Cuenca 3/5/1555 #389 ading to theories about government involvement in the phenomenon. (Chapter 1897 #1611 ed from the sky, suspecting German involvement. Despite the fact that no Ge 1914 #2620 ng new areas. Due to the impending involvement of America in the Second Wor 1939 #3452 rted to the FBI due to the plant's involvement in atomic bomb material prod 1944 #3875 s reveal no confirmation of German involvement with the phenomena. 10/9/1945 #4401 he War Department claim to have no involvement. 8/19/1947 #6276 , the FBI will officially deny any involvement in UFO investigations. (Sept 9/15/1947 #6332 ark, but Rees fails to mention the involvement of USAF Intelligence. 5/31/1949 #7399 lligence program at ATIC. Truman’s involvement is meant to be kept Top Secr 7/28/1952 #11350 suspicious of any MIT Lincoln Lab involvement, and that Princeton or Cal T 12/3/1952 #12752 eclassified in 1958, and the CIA’s involvement is kept secret until 1966. 1/17/1953 #12990 Jr., explaining that the agency’s involvement with UFOs is passive, handin 6/11/1957 #18909 soning. Some theorists connect his involvement with the Allende letters and 4/20/1959 #21144 ake any future denial of direct US involvement more plausible. 4/4/1961 #22263 velopment. Davidson attributes CIA involvement in the claims of George Adam 3/1962 #22756 ebruary 12. Though American combat involvement in Laos is not officially ac 1/22/1969 #31454 story of the US political-military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967 6/13/1971 #32920 ooks to reject the notion of alien involvement in UFO experiences and maint 1975 #36779 around five hours, suspecting its involvement in recent cattle mutilations 8/21/1975 #37520 d. Now going [to] 13 November. FAA involvement / denied. 10/30/1975 #37835 mutilations with a suspected cult involvement. They are not sure whether m 1976 #38108 IA request, claiming that its only involvement with UFOs was with the 1953 3/26/1976 #38341 igmas.” An official CIA history of involvement with UAP downplays Agency in 4/26/1976 #38419 e to develop plans for possible UN involvement in UFO research. 7/14/1978 #40975 any relevant conclusions given the involvement of a contractor possibly inv 2/16/1979 #42089 ays is the government’s top-secret involvement in communications with alien 1/10/1983 #44643 history of Air Force, FBI, and CIA involvement in UFO investigations and se 7/1984 #45351 their documentation of government involvement in UFOs discussed in Clear I 9/1984 #45427 hypnosis, as well as his lifelong involvement with mysterious events. The 2/1987 #46184 stence of Project Aquarius and its involvement with UFO investigations. Fu 6/25/1987 #46285 his base and revealing US Military involvement with the "Greys". Aliens hel 6/6/1988 #46714 ocuments describing the historical involvement of Earth for the past 10,000 11/10/1989 #47440 Cuéllar, who does not confirm any involvement. The UFO then dives into the 11/30/1989 #47533 ase and have since minimized their involvement in the UFO field as well as 12/5/1995 #51267 t contractors who most likely have involvement and knowledge of USG work in 4/25/2002 #53197 lished USN sources indicating Navy involvement in UAP crash retrievals, cla 10/2006 #53842 mer Rep. David D. Marriott for his involvement in a firm named InterNASA. K 2/26/2019 #54445 ory of the Australian government’s involvement with UFOs. 9/5/2021 #54600 the agency cannot rule out foreign involvement, including many of the cases 1/19/2022 #54628## Word: "involves", 28 instance(s) (Back to Top)
China A notable sighting involves the appearance of a sizable fie 905 #114 t in New York City. The experiment involves placing uranium oxide inside an 1/25/1939 #3461 nd multi-part flares. Another type involves “small coloured balls” that cli 9/25/1942 #3703 mass panic. The incident allegedly involves an RAF reconnaissance plane ret Late 1942? #3715 g witnesses and trying to prove it involves a real UFO crash and coverup in 3/25/1948 #6595 s than 3 minutes. This observation involves the first real- time triangulat 6/6/1949 #7411 ject Grudge. Most of the interview involves questions for Boggs. Keyhoe is 1/1950 #7710 es. Almost all of the UFO analysis involves compiling IBM punch cards based 3/31/1952 #9709 near Albuquerque, New Mexico, and involves three B-29s flying at 15,000 fe 5/28/1952 #10208 egion that, according to Feschino, involves a search for a second downed UF 9/12/1952 #12169 ck and Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway. It involves the US Navy and the navies of G 9/14/1952 #12215 ainst an attack from the USSR, and involves 80,000 men, 200 ships, and 1,00 9/14/1952 #12215 er to the United States. The first involves mass psychological consideratio 10/2/1952 #12401 rmy Chemical Corps’ Dew II project involves the secret release of fluoresce 4/1953 #13295 rocket reactor design, while NERVA involves the overall development and dep 1955 #16894 (code-named Operation Pluto) that involves 1,000 men landed in a ship-born 1/28/1961 #22194 s starboard side. This undoubtedly involves some unusual bioluminescence, b 1/23/1964 #23968 e conversations to be recorded. He involves NORAD and other air bases: Nort 10/7/1965 #25693 abduction tale slowly emerges that involves some elements that are little k 10/16/1973 #35051 mbers think the topic is vague but involves something about leaving in a UF 9/14/1975 #37617 emieres in New York City. The plot involves benevolent aliens who make thei 11/17/1977 #40206 adquarters in Casteau, Belgium, it involves NATO forces throughout Western 11/7/1983 #44986 later tells them that the sighting involves pilots flying in an illegal for 3/21/1985 #45584 and size. His assignment, however, involves just one craft he nicknames the 3/1989 #47024 the UFO phenomenon is serious and involves many witnesses who deserve an a 9/29/2005 #53752 tercepted the next day. The search involves stealth ships, minesweepers, an 10/16/2014 #54295 rivate aerospace, and a group that involves aerospace and members of the mi 11/30/2021 #54619 hart states part of this apparatus involves a group of ex-military who trav 11/30/2021 #54619## Word: "involving", 141 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s were thwarted by countermeasures involving crucifixes, episcopal blessing 944 #126 p of Ostium, documents an incident involving the abduction of a five-year-o 1010 #142 II in Rome, an event is documented involving the abduction of a purported " 1045 #152 with a recurring theme of stories involving witches being transported thro 1045 #152 landers Saga recounts an encounter involving Gudrid, who sat beside her son 1050 #153 ebration occurs annually in Thann, involving the burning of three fir-trees 1161 #182 a remarkable celestial occurrence involving dragon-like creatures and the 1169 #184 mius, a peculiar sighting occurred involving the appearance of four suns in 1182 #193 chronicler, noted another incident involving a dragonfall, during which a d 5/1295 #241 ain In 1384, an unusual occurrence involving aerial lights took place. As t 1384 #263 ly A peculiar incident is reported involving an observer of the Asinelli To 1390 #272 reford, England An anomalous event involving thermal effects occurred in wh 1520 #344 d a tale of demonic transportation involving a countryman in Rome. The man' 1526 #350 France An anomalous event occurred involving an object resembling a fiery s 5/15/1544 #365 ported witnessing a peculiar event involving a disk that changed colors fro 1546 #366 rovence and its ruler, potentially involving war, fire, famine, or foreign 2/1/1554 #385 th unrelated atmospheric phenomena involving "bloody rains" reported betwee 8/1/1608 #456 ntinues to burn. Finally, a ritual involving a loaf of rye bread containing 2/1/1620 #469 ate observed a puzzling occurrence involving three prominent 'stars' accomp 5/28/1637 #487 ny speaks of a remarkable sighting involving a heavenly gathering of angeli 4/1645 #504 tinct event of anomalous sightings involving the convergence of terrestrial 5/21/1646 #510 ystical and captivating visitation involving ethereal beings and mysterious 1656 #517 escribes an unexplained phenomenon involving a formation of lights that cap 9/1660 #523 count presents a peculiar incident involving the observation of two objects 10/12/1660 #526 ccount presents an enigmatic event involving multiple celestial phenomena t 10/30/1660 #527 t narrates a mysterious experience involving an enigmatic humanoid figure t 11/10/1660 #529 lsund reported anomalous sightings involving aerial ships and a saucer-shap 4/8/1665 #553 te. an anomalous sighting occurred involving a sizable yellow "umbrella-lik 6/1688 #587 rmany An intriguing event unfolded involving a highly luminous circular "ma 1693 #592 event was documented by Jane Lead, involving a phenomenon she termed an "en 7/23/1694 #596 esses reported a peculiar sighting involving a "strange comet" being traile 5/11/1710 #619 Messier witnessed a peculiar event involving unidentified objects moving in 6/17/1777 #748 tion, a significant event occurred involving an oscillating 'star.' This st 6/24/1784 #784 rvers witnessed a remarkable event involving a fiery globe exceeding the si 9/11/1787 #803 elgium An anomalous event occurred involving an object initially perceived 7/1799 #839 ain, reports a remarkable sighting involving her daughter Elizabeth and son 8/7/1806 #866 on cases in Malaysia and Indonesia involving beings from a coexisting world 8/1810 #885 date in 1833 a series of incidents involving a luminous aerial object and t 11/13/1833 #975 er, recounts a remarkable incident involving section men from the K. P. rai 7/30/1878 #1308 s The Aurora UFO incident of 1897, involving the crash of an alleged airshi 1897 #1612 two of the more interesting cases involving occupants. 4/14/1897 #1766 on explained navigation techniques involving magnetic wheels and propellers 4/19/1897 #1888 nd described its propulsion system involving large wings and propellers pow 4/19/1897 #1889 , he described a hostile encounter involving these mysterious objects. (Cha 8/2/1909 #2400 ir force launched a search mission involving 24 planes in response to these 1930's #3068 f “vehicle interference” UFO cases involving an airplane. 7/23/1947 #6098 An aerial encounter with a red UFO involving radar and visual confirmation 11/23/1948 #6968 are similar to those in dogfights involving two aircraft, but there seems 3/21/1950 #7983 inspired by a series of incidents involving flying saucers in the late 194 12/27/1951 #9482 small part of a major UFO display involving multiple objects (many of them 9/12/1952 #12169 dogfight-type maneuvers with UFOs involving gun-camera film. His stories a 12/1953 #13907 to unforeseen additional reactions involving lithium-7), which leads to the 3/1/1954 #14203 had experienced a similar incident involving a "little man" about the same 8/26/1955 #17476 Corps conducts a tactical maneuver involving the use of a helicopter airlif 7/5/1957 #18975 rd replies in writing that reports involving national security are investig 11/5/1958 #20809 An important close encounter case involving ignition interference with the 8/11/1960 #21936 Eagle River, WI CE-3 case involving ETs giving 'pancakes' for wate 4/18/1961 #22277 ecise flight maneuvers” in tandem, involving separations and rejoins and “u 5/15/1964 #24145 an interception decision is taken involving F-106s. This is without a doub 10/7/1965 #25692 A famous UFO close encounter case involving the bending of a car's headlig 4/4/1966 #26339 encounter, another close encounter involving electromagnetic effects and ph 2/21/1967 #27890 vince, Argentina a close encounter involving four UFOs happened that lasted 5/7/1967 #28622 would experience a massive flyover involving hundreds of extraterrestrial c 6/21/1967 #28882 jects. But the objects are a prank involving 15 engineering apprentices, pr 9/4/1967 #29407 turning at sharp right angles and involving separation and merging of dist 9/11/1967 #29459 team” to investigate UFO incidents involving physical evidence. The effort 1968 #30110 ltiple reports of close encounters involving three strangely dressed humano 6/26/1968 #30609 here were two cases of UFO reports involving animal reactions and burnt lan 11/5/1969 #32101 In one of a series of incidents involving Stella Lansing, she produced t 11/9/1969 #32105 l 24, provoking a widescale search involving 150 aircraft. Many of the pilo 4/24/1970 #32333 Itatainia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil involving a patrol guard and a rectangul 8/30/1970 #32521 in an alarming fashion. UFO report involving physiological effects occurred 10/5/1970 #32578 heir car. A possible UFO abduction involving time loss, a probable transloc 8/1/1971 #33015 out, France there was another case involving fog or mist. A motorcycle stal 10/5/1973 #34902 Another case involving a UFO and mist or fog occurred 10/5/1973 #34903 altitude. A third case of this day involving a UFO surrounded by mist or va 10/5/1973 #34903 as another very interesting report involving two glowing creatures collecti 11/4/1973 #35349 es article. Covert action programs involving assassination attempts on fore 12/22/1974 #36761 1975; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 376 1/6/1975 #36847 p. 33; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 64). 1/12/1975 #36862 his leads to an unlikely adventure involving Swann’s remote viewing of a se 2/1975 #36906 ina Some 57 separate UFO sightings involving triangular or delta-shaped UFO 4/3/1975 #37113 ported close encounter experiences involving disc-shaped UFOs and lapses of 6/2/1975 #37252 d Jackson had a humanoid encounter involving ground traces and the levitati 10/25/1975 #37788 attempts. An ongoing investigation involving the FBI, the Air Force's secur 11/16/1975 #37977 ource: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 66). 11/25/1975 #38015 1975; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 391 12/23/1975 #38088 g an explanation for human origins involving extraterrestrials. Sitchin att 1976 #38106 ource: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 392 2/13/1976 #38246 1976; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 392 2/18/1976 #38258 ource: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 394 2/20/1976 #38267 ource: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 395 3/5/1976 #38306 ource: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 398 6/3/1976 #38480 tigates UFO cases, including those involving pilots. He admits that he has 6/26/1976 #38547 ource: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 406 1/27/1977 #39213 ource: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 406 1/27/1977 #39214 ource: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 407 2/4/1977 #39247 Two close encounters involving UFOs with coherent light beams 5/21/1977 #39599 A major UFO incident involving 17 police occurred in the Wind 8/28/1977 #39935 Los Angeles, CA R/V involving airline crew (NICAP: 11 - Avia 12/8/1977 #40277 not involved in a research program involving UFOs, nor is any other governm 2/1/1978 #40490 of the notable unsolved mysteries involving UFOs and aviation. 10/21/1978 #41458 There were two incidents involving missing time or abductions on 1/3/1979 #41943 eyron district, France An incident involving missing time and vehicle elect 2/18/1979 #42092 At 2:30 a.m. an incident involving missing time and vehicle elect 2/18/1979 #42093 nearly identical incident, but one involving missing time, see the account 2/21/1979 #42099 criminal activity is taking place involving many states and it requires fe 4/20/1979 #42181 d UFO-related events in California involving several women over a period of 1980 #42820 a series of top-secret experiments involving ball lightning and the “use of 12/28/1980 #43524 rk Rodeghier publishes UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, a compre 1981 #43542 pacecraft. The recovery operations involving seven Russian ships were follo 6/3/1982 #44359 d UFO), Aquarius (umbrella project involving all ET contacts), Sigma (an on 4/9/1983 #44741 abduction by Grey aliens followed, involving a medical exam on board the cr 6/30/1983 #44819 nment on whether it would consider involving private and civilian experts a 7/10/1984 #45356 e to report a missing time episode involving three family members associate 5/9/1986 #45914 ation had set up a private network involving the National Security Council 4/13/1989 #47075 some vague and bizarre information involving MJ-12, ESP, and technology fro 3/8/1990 #47735 erground on a “certain test site,” involving military personnel and creatur 1991 #48320 nters on a sprawling collaboration involving an international cabal, primar 8/10/1991 #48560 roups of correlated object motions involving at least a dozen distinct even 9/15/1991 #48612 ydney, New South Wales, Australia, involving a rare case of physical eviden 7/23/1992 #48985 , October 23, and January 1994—all involving entities and a “strange physic 8/8/1993 #49620 t it. An abduction scenario ensues involving tall black beings. They also r 8/8/1993 #49620 Ridge, Tennessee. Certain records involving programs in and around Area 51 1/15/1994 #49890 e encounter with a UFO in Michigan involving physiological effects when at 8/6/1995 #50961 hich means 274 abductions per day, involving a team of 1644 extraterrestria 10/8/1995 #51157 provides EOD response to incidents involving “high technology devices” incl 1996 #51292 cover-up operations are performed involving doctors, nurses, soldiers, fir 1/22/1996 #51345 the Lewis area, a large manoeuvre involving planes, boats and military sub 10/27/1996 #51775 ng the meeting to investigate SAPs involving UFO technology. But Wilson soo 4/10/1997 #51977 yzing, and studying every incident involving anomalous aerial phenomena obs 10/3/1997 #52168 II) Biological antigravity devices involving the human or animal element to 1/1998 #52242 There were two apparent abductions involving missing time in the United Sta 10/15/2000 #52917 ases that remain unexplained, some involving military pilots. Col. Ariel Sá 6/2009 #54099 ining access to military documents involving UFOs. Attendees determine that 4/18/2013 #54242 have been no emergency situations involving Russian military vessels. 10/16/2014 #54295 involved in government experiments involving exposure to high altitudes in 6/2017 #54350 ck industrial-based SAP. A program involving hardware would be considered t 2018 #54377 oard to “review security incidents involving diplomatic personnel.” Retired 1/9/2018 #54381 S Russell reports a final sighting involving multiple pyramid-shaped object 7/15/2019 #54477 specifically, they looked at cases involving a combination of four particul 2/2/2022 #54630## Word: "invovled", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and Michigan. Two of these reports invovled communication with quite human- 4/15/1897 #1801## Word: "invs", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
H / SHEFFIELD, SOUTH YORKS 2 UFO's INVs. Large orange ovoid. 400' altitude. 3/10/1988 #46620## Word: "invulnerable", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and trajectory made it practically invulnerable to anti-aircraft guns and f 9/7/1944 #4026 hing, which seemed insensitive and invulnerable, the fighter pilot seemed t 8/1950 #8464 ble, but the objects appear to be “invulnerable” and can outmaneuver any ai 10/27/1965 #25733## Word: "inward", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
(s). Star spirals counterclockwise inward / northwest sky. Drops. Rises aga 9/25/1971 #33143 a curved low top, sides that slope inward, silent, and a continuous row of 1976 #38112 ut 90 seconds, the “rays” collapse inward in sequence, and the object slowl 7/21/1978 #41000## Word: "inwardly", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
re frantic, and the male friend is inwardly terrified. The parents are back 6/17/1977 #39651## Word: "inyo", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Inyo, Kern County, California. Two coupl 9/27/1952 #12349 ) report 65 UFO's in last 7 days / Inyo and Mono counties. 9/30/1994 #50334## Word: "inyokern", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
(Translated from French) In Inyokern (California), two couples using 9/27/1952 #12342 INYOKERN, CA Project Bluebook Case #2128 9/27/1952 #12344 Inyokern, CA 2 couples using a 5x telesc 9/27/1952 #12346 Inyokern, California Witnesses: two cou 9/27/1952 #12347## Word: "io", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tall, told him that they lived on Io and Ganymede where there were not onl 11/1952 #12579 it.” https://douglasjohnson.ghost.io/uap-related-provisions-of-the-final-p 12/6/2022 #54686## Word: "ioan", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ve been assigne dwork duties, Cpl. Ioan Dörr gets up and goes outside for a 9/23/1978 #41338## Word: "iodine", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
uggests that filters to remove the iodine are disabled during the test. 12/2/1949 #7660 there is a release of radioactive iodine that spreads across the UK, conta 10/9/1957 #19318## Word: "iodine-131", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ources cite 5,500–12,000 curies of iodine-131 are released and an even grea 12/2/1949 #7660 miles from the plant. It includes iodine-131, fragments of uranium dioxide 9/9/1982 #44480## Word: "ioio", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
riptions, part of which resembled "IOIO." From the top of the object there 7/16/1996 #51614## Word: "ioka", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IOKA, UT SR87 10M with Roosevelt. = SEPT 9/1967 #29368## Word: "iola", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
USA, Iola, Kansas (Translated from French) An 1903 #2098 was chased away by the workers of Iola. 1903 #2098 (Translated from French) In Iola (Kansas), large beings 7 feet tall 1903 #2099 IOLA, KS Young boy. 5M domed disk with w 1/13/1967 #27545 Iola, KS 1:30 a.m. CST. A 9-year-old saw 1/13/1967 #27549 . (Report from a dairy farm owner, Iola , KS, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 - 1/13/1967 #27549 p at 1:30 a.m. in his farmhouse in Iola, Kansas to see a round object hover 1/13/1967 #27553## Word: "iomoyo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
o, Japan, both nights, businessman Iomoyo Okado looks up from his air raid 5/5/1945 #4296## Word: "ion", 17 instance(s) (Back to Top)
minutes, then suddenly vanished. (Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI Early 8/1880 #1354 a River Olt After midnight. Farmer Ion Bunescu is with his horses on the Le 6/1926 #2971 At Colun Judetul Sibiu (Romania), Ion Bunescu is with his horses on the ro 11/1926 #2986 ncerns the American wave of 1947. (Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI 6/10/1947 #4988 increase in static electricity.. (Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI 11/10/1961 #22632 exactly as we had done ourselves. (Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI 4/21/1963 #23502 the American astronaut McDivitt. (Ion HOBANA / Julien WEVERBERGH: "UFOs in 10/12/1964 #24498 on in Bucharest, Romania 7:30 p.m. Ion Hobana is at the North Railway Stati 8/30/1969 #31978 HL 3 astronomers and more/others. "Ion cloud" / 1000kph? Lands / local news 12/12/1972 #34045 p.m. Journalists Titus Zăgrean and Ion Moise are driving near Budacu de Jos 8/28/1973 #34667 e Roberto Pinotti, Antonio Ribera, Ion Hobana, Florin Gheorghiţă, W. Raymon 6/25/1977 #39677 size of a distant aircraft fly out ion front of the moon. The object is whi 11/24/1977 #40223 e next evening at 11:45 p.m., Sgt. Ion Radu notices a dark figure about 8 f 9/23/1978 #41338 Lima, Ohio 2:00 a.m. Meteorologist Ion Lazeanu is making routine radar obse 8/1986 #46028 a length of at least 4,920 feet. (Ion Lazeanu, “Unusual Phenomenon Observe 8/1986 #46028 Bucharest, Romania UFO researchers Ion Hobana, Harald Alexandrescu, and Dan 9/28/1998 #52445 es to the following: energy pulse, ion, anti-gravity, anti-matter, ramjet h 6/29/2021 #54588## Word: "ion-lifter", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
vacuum and that Brown’s and other ion-lifter devices produce thrust along 11/30/1955 #17679## Word: "iona", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
l Jones, Jim Carnes Jim Rastetter, Iona Boyce, Barbara Mudrak (Akron Beacon 8/21/1978 #41129 On this night on Iona Island, Scotland Edward Carlos, who 8/15/1990 #48032## Word: "ionescu", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ca. (Translated from French) D. S. Ionescu was then 14 years old. One eveni Autumn 1914 #2658## Word: "ionia", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IONIA, MICH Classic saucer tips and wobb 3/17/1952 #9661 IONIA, MI Amateur astronomers. 3 glowing 9/20/1954 #15143 IONIA, MI Silver cylinder/cigar-shape on 5/24/2001 #53050 d object landed on a rural road in Ionia, Michigan at 4:30 a.m. It ascended 5/24/2001 #53051## Word: "ionian", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IONIAN SEA EAST / SICILY Romanian Navy. 7/3/1964 (approximate) #24279## Word: "ionic", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
French) Two prototypes of such an ionic engine were tested in July 1964, i 7/1964 #24273 cts and attribute the phenomena to ionic drift. NASA has studied Brown’s cl 5/9/2001 #53045## Word: "ionization", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
es placing uranium oxide inside an ionization chamber and irradiating it wi 1/25/1939 #3461 y the winds around the Earth, this ionization can be the origin of plasma b 11/1954 #16459 tices a white glow (“definitely an ionization color”) behind it. It disappe 10/14/1967 #29669 firmed that these moths created an ionization of the air under the influenc 1/1979 #41912 ject could thus be due to a strong ionization of the air calling for an unk 12/21/1989 #47586## Word: "ionize", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ium to the A-12’s fuel in order to ionize the exhaust and mask it from rada 9/14/1959 #21441## Word: "ionized", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
above it. If the air is unusually ionized, it might be the source of the a 12/5/1950 #8761 atomic mushroom which is strongly ionized will fragment and be carried by 11/1954 #16459 hen he notices off to his left the ionized track of what he takes to be a m 2/13/1957 #18676 ents are unusual and suspects that ionized particles are the cause. 6/20/1957 #18935 nder/cylindrical object lands. Air ionized / scientists. Going southwest. / 9/3/1973 #34691 rounding the object was reportedly ionized. 9/3/1973 #34693 bject, then it must be a “strongly ionized gas.” One of the lights is track 1/21/1984 #45087## Word: "ionizing", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e symptoms are similar to those of ionizing radiation syndrome. 10/24/1886 #1445 the Oak Ridge area are related to ionizing effects of radars. The USAF ser 5/12/1950 #8278 njuries suggest a fatal whole-body ionizing radiation dose of 300–500 rems. 7/4/1969 #31871 edges have been subjected to hard ionizing radiation, but this is not conc 11/2/1975 #37867 due to exposure to ultraviolet or ionizing rays. Secret craft? (Science et 12/29/1980 #43528 ome due to absorbing high doses of ionizing radiation. Of these 134 people, 4/26/1986 #45895 s has undergone about 300 grays of ionizing radiation. 5/8/2009 #54095 s, chemical and biological agents, ionizing radiation, natural and environm 2/2/2022 #54630## Word: "ionosphere", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
as living animals that inhabit the ionosphere and are attracted to electric 9/1955 #17487 r and are located somewhere in the ionosphere. Michael Gadsden of the Imper 6/20/1957 #18935 atoli Sazanov, a specialist in the ionosphere; V. A. Tsion of the Leningrad 8/8/1967 #29242 ed by the differential between the ionosphere and the surface of the earth, 7/25/1972 #33672 region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere,” that 1/10/1985 #45556 diation to excite a section of the ionosphere. The patent speculates on “po 1/10/1985 #45556 original purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential 1993 #49252 transmitter used for study of the ionosphere. The most prominent instrumen 1993 #49252 arily excite a limited area of the ionosphere. Other instruments, such as a 1993 #49252## Word: "ionospheric", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
edge in the fields of atmospheric, ionospheric, and extraterrestrial phenom 9/24/1952 #12323 ou, Ontario. Equipment includes am ionospheric reactor, electronic sound me 8/1953 #13566 Ontario. His equipment includes an ionospheric reactor, electronic sound me 12/1953 #13906 osmic rays, geomagnetism, gravity, ionospheric physics, longitude and latit 7/1/1957 #18961 igate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for r 1993 #49252 ominent instrument at HAARP is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a 1993 #49252 gate magnetometer, a digisonde (an ionospheric sounding device), and an ind 1993 #49252## Word: "ions", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n, a device that produces negative ions. 12/29/1954 #16869## Word: "iorga", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
omania Banat Mine 2:30 a.m. Teofil Iorga and 120 other construction workers 3/30/1968 #30377 e object appears in the northeast. Iorga takes a photo of it at 8:00 a.m. a 3/30/1968 #30377## Word: "ioshigawa", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d mud. Fishermen, including Tetsuo Ioshigawa, also view the event. The UFO 10/31/1963 #23848## Word: "iosif", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a book with Russian astrophysicist Iosif Shklovsky on Intelligent Life in t 1966 #25861## Word: "iouri", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
alerted by its president himself, Iouri Andropov, who has just seen the UF 6/14/1980 #43093## Word: "iovinella", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
120 mph before losing them. Vince Iovinella, deputy sheriff at the Morgan 12/31/2019 #54508 ipping around all over the place.” Iovinella himself sees one with red, whi 12/31/2019 #54508## Word: "iowa", 223 instance(s) (Back to Top)
St. Paul's Junction, Iowa About 4:45 p.m. During a total sola 8/7/1869 #1205 p between Maynard and West Union], Iowa, both with and without instruments 8/7/1869 #1205 Ottumwa, Iowa Approximately 25 minutes before a s 8/7/1869 #1208 Osceola Township, Iowa, USA A newspaper reported a peculia 2/1/1878 #1304 Dubuque, Iowa, USA Early morning observers were s 10/10/1879 #1322 it until they reached Linville, in Iowa. The light disappeared behind the d Summer 1896 #1534 Princeton, Missouri Lineville, Iowa Night. Chester N. Crotsenburg, a po Mid 7/1896 #1538 After the train reaches Lineville, Iowa (13.7 miles away), it passes out of Mid 7/1896 #1538 Iowa A farmer in Iowa had a close encoun 1/1897 #1617 Iowa A farmer in Iowa had a close encounter with a myster 1/1897 #1617 Western Iowa A dairy farmer encountered a dark, 1/1897 #1618 USA - Near Sioux City (Iowa) (Translated from French) Mr. Rober 3/26/1897 #1640 living 22 km north of Sioux City (Iowa), observed an "aircraft" but also a 3/26/1897 #1641 Sioux City, Iowa Approximate date. Robert Hibbard wa 3/26/1897 #1643 date Robert Hibbard in Sioux City, Iowa was caught by an anchor dropped fro 3/26/1897 #1644 Wesley, Iowa Evening. People in Wesley, Iowa, vi 4/2/1897 #1670 y, Iowa Evening. People in Wesley, Iowa, view a cone-shaped object with win 4/2/1897 #1670 USA, Wesley, Iowa (Translated from French) "Reliable 4/3/1897 #1672 Wolf Creek Township, Iowa Sioux City 12:15 a.m. Dairy farmer 4/4/1897 #1674 o his farm in Wolf Creek Township, Iowa, after delivering milk in Sioux Cit 4/4/1897 #1674 t was observed above Belle Plaine (Iowa). 4/6/1897 #1677 West Liberty Cedar Rapids, Iowa 8:00 p.m. Many people in towns alon 4/8/1897 #1683 from West Liberty to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, see an object with a “bright glari 4/8/1897 #1683 dairy farm in the western part of Iowa after midnight. It was 30 to 35 fee 4/8/1897 #1684 USA, Newton (Iowa) (Translated from French) 2000 citi 4/10/1897 #1688 and throwing "probes" over Newton (Iowa). In several places, this wonderful 4/10/1897 #1689 Hawarden, Iowa 12:30 a.m. John Peterson, E. K. Row 4/11/1897 #1704 , and other residents of Hawarden, Iowa, see a conical object about 60 feet 4/11/1897 #1704 USA, Fontanella (Iowa) (Translated from French) A flying 4/12/1897 #1719 Birmingham, Iowa meadow three-quarters of a mile wes 4/14/1897 #1760 ters of a mile west of Birmingham, Iowa 7:30 p.m. An airship 100 feet long 4/14/1897 #1760 ters of a mile west of Birmingham, Iowa. A large crowd of men and boys sets 4/14/1897 #1760 USA, Linn Grove (Iowa) (Translated from French) "... Thur 4/15/1897 #1774 Linn Grove, Iowa A large object was seen to fly slow 4/15/1897 #1789 Grinnell, Iowa Barr Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana Sp Mid 4/1897 #1799 -shaped airship twice in Grinnell, Iowa. It moves in various directions, so Mid 4/1897 #1799 were six humanoid reports, two in Iowa and one each in Texas, Wisconsin, I 4/15/1897 #1801 rge object was seen in Linn Grove, Iowa in the morning hours of this day in 4/15/1897 #1802 Lynn Grove, Iowa An airship flew over Lynn Grove, Io 4/15/1897 #1810 a An airship flew over Lynn Grove, Iowa, and seemed to land just outside to 4/15/1897 #1810 Linn Grove, Iowa Morning. A large object passes slow 4/16/1897 #1821 ect passes slowly over Linn Grove, Iowa, heading north. Five men—James Evan 4/16/1897 #1821 and built in a peaceful village in Iowa". (April 19, 1897) 4/19/1897 #1871 ton Beaumont, Texas Gulf of Mexico Iowa Beaumont After 11:00 p.m. John R. L 4/19/1897 #1882 of Mexico and is now headed toward Iowa. Ligon says the airship is 130 feet 4/19/1897 #1882 it is one of five built in a small Iowa town. Rabbi Aaron Levy of Beaumont 4/19/1897 #1882 flight over the Gulf of Mexico to Iowa. (Chapter 1, Ref 88) 4/19/1897 #1889 had been built in a small town in Iowa and that soon this invention would 4/22/1897 #1912 Josserand, Texas Iowa town 12:00 midnight. Frank Nichols, 4/22/1897 #1921 ive airships have been built in an Iowa town. 4/22/1897 #1921 tioned building five such ships in Iowa and forming a stock company for the 4/22/1897 #1927 Kellogg, Iowa Colfax, Iowa 11:00 p.m. A telegraph 11/19/1897 #2014 Kellogg, Iowa Colfax, Iowa 11:00 p.m. A telegraph operator in 11/19/1897 #2014 . A telegraph operator in Kellogg, Iowa, sees a bright, bluish light moving 11/19/1897 #2014 e notifies the operator at Colfax, Iowa, and people in the depot there also 11/19/1897 #2014 Van Meter, Iowa Mather & Gregg’s building An implem 9/29/1903 #2108 h is on his way home in Van Meter, Iowa. As he approaches, he notices a str 9/29/1903 #2108 Webster City, Iowa In 1919, a brother and sister on a 1919 #2830 ister on a farm near Webster City, Iowa, encountered unusual visitors. They 1919 #2830 Webster City, Iowa 11:00 a.m. A young brother and sist 7/1919 #2843 live on a farm near Webster City, Iowa, hear a strange chirping sound whil 7/1919 #2843 USA, Mount Pleasant (Iowa) (Translated from French) Fishermen 1920 #2855 Mount Pleasant, Iowa In 1920, a fisherman in Mount Pleas 1920 #2863 20, a fisherman in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, shared a peculiar UFO encounter fr 1920 #2863 Mount Pleasant, Iowa Day. Jesse Clark Linch is fishing o 6/3/1920 #2868 ing on a pond near Mount Pleasant, Iowa, when he sees a soundless, blue, di 6/3/1920 #2868 nutes northeast of Mount Pleasant, Iowa, then took off and flew away to the 6/3/1920 #2869 Fairbank, Iowa 9:00 a.m. Lavern P. Zewiske and his Mid 5/1940 #3513 corn on their farm near Fairbank, Iowa. A gray object with multiple hooked Mid 5/1940 #3513 east side of Waterloo, Iowa Night. Several residents of the eas 8/15/1946 #4695 ents of the east side of Waterloo, Iowa, see an object buzzing rapidly arou 8/15/1946 #4695 Laube and Fred Platte in Waverly, Iowa. It flew just above the top of a 18 6/2/1947 #4982 USA, Dubuque (Iowa) (Translated from French) Mrs. Loui 6/17/1947 #5014 Cedar Rapids, Iowa In the afternoon, a railroad engine 6/23/1947 #5059 USA, Cedar Rapids (Iowa) (Translated from French) An engine 6/24/1947 #5075 USA, Waterloo (Iowa) (Translated from French) J.E. John 6/28/1947 #5151 ard of a Mr. Johnston in Waterloo, Iowa and hovered less than 25 feet away 6/28/1947 #5177 etween Des Moines and Manson City (Iowa) (Translated from French) At 4:45 p 6/29/1947 #5185 City is about 10 km from Clarion (Iowa) when a group of 5 UFOs passes in h 6/29/1947 #5188 -shaped objects flew over Clarion, Iowa at 4:45 p.m. They made a noise like 6/29/1947 #5208 Chicago, Illinois University of Iowa At the American Association for the 12/26/1947 #6476 n Chicago, Illinois, University of Iowa astronomer Charles C. Wylie propose 12/26/1947 #6476 ver a pen factory in Fort Madison, Iowa. It left a shower of sparks behind 4/7/1950 #8128 Mount Joy, Illinois IOWA REPORTS ONE EXPLODING. Louis and Wi 4/30/1950 #8244 erved in Burlington and Muscatibe, Iowa. 4/30/1950 #8244 ed from French) At the Sioux City (Iowa) airfield, a DC-3 of the Mid-Contin 1/20/1951 #8877 Sioux City, Iowa Mid-Continent Airlines Flight 9 9:2 1/20/1951 #8882 nes Flight 9 9:20 p.m. Sioux City, Iowa, CAA Control Tower operator John M. 1/20/1951 #8882 . the control tower in Sioux City, Iowa warned the Mid-Continental Airlines 1/20/1951 #8883 Maquoketa, Iowa Syracuse Post-Standard COPS, BOTH O 2/26/1951 #8950 seen west-northwest of Maquoketa, Iowa, dropping toward the horizon. Chief 2/26/1951 #8950 Maquoketa, Iowa IOWA HAS A FIELD DAY. Rev. Milton N 5/19/1951 #9023 Maquoketa, Iowa IOWA HAS A FIELD DAY. Rev. Milton Nothdu 5/19/1951 #9023 rst Methodist Church of Maquoketa, Iowa, reported that two saucers were see 5/19/1951 #9023 Maquoketa, Iowa SWEETER, NEW TO SAUCERS, DUMMIES UP 5/20/1951 #9025 Maquoketa, Iowa STUDENTS SPOT ONE TAKE OFF. High sc 5/22/1951 #9027 inding flash of speed near Coggan, Iowa, north of Cedar Rapids, and west-no 5/22/1951 #9027 Maquoketa, Iowa RADIO COMMENTATOR CHECKS SIGHTINGS 5/23/1951 #9034 IO COMMENTATOR CHECKS SIGHTINGS IN IOWA. A letter brought Bill Roberta of W 5/23/1951 #9034 Iowa State University Project Grudge bec 3/25/1952 #9678 ovided for taking college tests at Iowa State University. 3/25/1952 #9678 Council Bluffs, Iowa Nebraska Waverly, Nebraska 1:00–1:3 4/25/1955 #17125 ross the sky above Council Bluffs, Iowa. State Highway Patrolman John Ebert 4/25/1955 #17125 aft zoomed over the town of Anita, Iowa at an altitude under 1000 feet at 9 6/15/1955 #17238 sconsin Ontario, Michigan Illinois Iowa Russia 3:05 p.m. A national defense 9/20/1957 #19247 r Ontario, Michigan, Illinois, and Iowa. The UFO sends radio replies to IFF 9/20/1957 #19247 Waterloo, Iowa Night. Paul Rutledge, a packinghous 11/7/1957 #19737 a packinghouse worker at Waterloo, Iowa, sees an object hovering above his 11/7/1957 #19737 Waterloo, Iowa Paul Rutledge saw an object 16 m lo 11/8/1957 #19758 lying over his garage in Waterloo, Iowa. The top part was bright and there 11/8/1957 #19769 Cedar City, Iowa Private Gerry Irwin stopped his car 2/28/1959 #21032 om French) Observation in Dubuque (Iowa). 3/4/1960 #21711 Dubuque, Iowa Witness: Charles Morris. Three ell 3/4/1960 #21714 cture camera, flying over Dubuque, Iowa at 5:57 p.m. The Air Force claimed 3/4/1960 #21715 igan in February, over Austria and Iowa in March, over Wisconsin in April, 6/1960 #21856 Iowa Congress Rep. Leonard G. Wolf (D-Io 8/31/1960 #21999 om French) Sighting in Sioux City (Iowa). (November 23) 11/23/1961 #22648 Sioux City, Iowa Witness: F. Braunger. One bright r 11/23/1961 #22650 In Sioux City, Iowa at 9:30 p.m. F. Braunger saw a bri 11/23/1961 #22651 Tipton Bennett, Iowa Night. Clifford Runyon and Connie T 8/30/1964 #24432 re driving from Tipton to Bennett, Iowa, when they see a cigar- shaped obje 8/30/1964 #24432 riving between Tipton and Bennett, Iowa sighted an eighty-foot long cigar-s 8/30/1964 #24433 IOWA CITY AND CORALVILLE, IA Cops and mo 8/4/1965 #25315 Waverly, Iowa 3:30 p.m. David Gibson is sitting i 8/11/1965? #25385 ront yard of his house in Waverly, Iowa, with his father and sister. They h 8/11/1965? #25385 clock in the afternoon in Waverly, Iowa when they heard a high-pitched whin 8/13/1965 #25405 uring a minor wave of reports from Iowa and elsewhere. 8/13/1965 #25405 d on the Johnson farm in Clarinda, Iowa. It illuminated the area surroundin 4/23/1966 #26515 Iowa Results of an Iowa Poll, Iowa: 45% Summer 1966 #26733 Iowa Results of an Iowa Poll, Iowa: 45% Iowans queried beli Summer 1966 #26733 Iowa Results of an Iowa Poll, Iowa: 45% Iowans queried believe UFOs to Summer 1966 #26733 In Sioux City, Iowa at 5:25 p.m., Fargo, North Dakota a 2/25/1967 #27926 ed from French) Sighting at Onawa (Iowa). (9 March) 3/9/1967 #28107 rted in the area. (Clinton Herald, Iowa, 3/10/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NI 3/9/1967 #28125 Onawa, Iowa Witness: Jack Lindley. One bright 3/9/1967 #28130 Onawa, Iowa 9:05 p.m. Jack Lindley sees a brigh 3/9/1967 #28131 t and fast to the east over Onawa, Iowa. 3/9/1967 #28131 ng fast towards the east in Onawa, Iowa. It was also seen by independent wi 3/9/1967 #28135 by independent witness in Eldora, Iowa at 8:30 p.m. The case was listed as 3/9/1967 #28135 from French) Sighting in Wapello (Iowa). (March 22) 3/22/1967 #28234 Wapello, Iowa Witness: Douglas Eutsler, 15. Fluo 3/22/1967 #28243 r-old teenager named from Wapello, Iowa reported seeing a domed, disc-shape 3/22/1967 #28245 ight on top was seen in Montezuma, Iowa by a nineteen-year-old named Latcha 5/2/1967 #28589 Van Horne, Iowa 11:00 p.m. Patti Barr and Kathy Mah 7/12/1969 #31891 a loud roaring noise at Van Horne, Iowa, while upstairs in their house. The 7/12/1969 #31891 isc flew over a farm in Van Horne, Iowa during a rainstorm, spinning counte 7/12/1969 #31892 ted over a farm south of Garrison, Iowa shortly after 10 p.m. A 40-foot wid 7/13/1969 #31897 the base of a cloud in Waterville, Iowa and took a snap shot. The UFO appar 10/16/1969 #32066 On this afternoon in Dayton, Iowa an ovoid object w landing gear was 6/6/1972 #33531 Iowa Contactee Gabriel Green runs for US 11/7/1972 #33980 his running mate, on the ballot in Iowa. The party offers solutions recomme 11/7/1972 #33980 Audubon County, IOWA When a deputy saw a helicopter hove 1973 #34096 Near Corydon, Wayne County, IOWA A farmer spotted a helicopter hover 4/1973 #34305 Near Mark, Davis County, IOWA Sometime during Early AM. A non-bub 4/17/1973 #34343 Near Rome, Henry County, IOWA Six witnesses saw a dark green heli 5/3/1973 #34379 -year-old married couple in Fonda, Iowa sighted a bright yellow light in th 7/6/1973 #34543 y over a farm north of Brunsville, Iowa. The object abruptly vanished. Ther 7/19/1973 #34572 oman was alone traveling by car in Iowa when she noticed a bright light ove 10/19/1973 #35170 le driving southwest of Underwood, Iowa. A search showed no landing traces 12/5/1973 #35516 Pottawattamie County, IOWA Twenty shots were fired from a blac 7/1974 #36301 Honey Creek, Iowa Nebraska Two unregistered helicopte 7/15/1974 #36330 ractor on his farm in Honey Creek, Iowa. This attack follows a rash of catt 7/15/1974 #36330 e top level outside of Sioux City, Iowa. A burnt patch of vegetation was fo 9/4/1974 #36505 In Sioux City, Iowa a 16-year-old youth was awakened in 9/8/1974 #36520 Nebraska Kansas Iowa Midwest Newsweek brings the issue o 9/30/1974 #36579 mutilated in Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa,” it lists possible culprits: witch 9/30/1974 #36579 US Highway 30 Mount Vernon, Iowa Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cedar Rapids Mun 11/17/1975 #37985 0 Mount Vernon, Iowa Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cedar Rapids Municipal Airport 7:00 11/17/1975 #37985 quarter mile west of Mount Vernon, Iowa, when they see white lights in the 11/17/1975 #37985 e playing in Gitchie Manitou Park, Iowa when they heard "strange noises fol 7/5/1976 #38563 Council Bluffs, Iowa 11:45 p.m. Debbie Focken and other 7/31/1976 #38617 Service Station in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Apparently the UFO causes extensiv 7/31/1976 #38617 fter 11:00 p.m. in Council Bluffs, Iowa when she had a close encounter with 7/31/1976 #38618 Lake Red Rock Otley, Iowa 2:30 a.m. A conservation officer an 9/24/1976 #38850 fly over Lake Red Rock near Otley, Iowa. It moves noiselessly at 40 mph and 9/24/1976 #38850 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 1:15 a.m. Six distant objects with 11/15/1976 #38989 tterns in the sky at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. They seem to have a metallic textu 11/15/1976 #38989 Burlington, Iowa 2:45 p.m. A grocery store clerk wat 9/28/1977 #40044 light moving west over Burlington, Iowa. A second point of light appears, c 9/28/1977 #40044 rench-Hecht plant east of Walcott, Iowa 8:30 p.m. Holly Prunchak is working 10/9/1977 #40085 rench-Hecht plant east of Walcott, Iowa, when she sees flashing lights risi 10/9/1977 #40085 Council Bluffs, Iowa Northern city limits 7:45 p.m. A re 12/17/1977 #40322 and Carol Drake of Council Bluffs, Iowa, falling to earth near the northern 12/17/1977 #40322 shortly after 1:00 a.m. in Calmar, Iowa. 2/7/1978 #40512 10 miles south of Ottumwa, Iowa Cliffland Road Des Moines River 10: 8/24/1978 #41158 e about 10 miles south of Ottumwa, Iowa. She is on Cliffland Road alongside 8/24/1978 #41158 woman, ten miles south of Ottumwa, Iowa. Mist, fog, and condensation were n 8/24/1978 #41161 Dexter, Iowa 2 miles north of Dexter, Iowa 1:28 9/23/1978 #41337 ter, Iowa 2 miles north of Dexter, Iowa 1:28 p.m. A man is driving past a c 9/23/1978 #41337 attle lot 2 miles north of Dexter, Iowa, when he sees a silver cigar- shape 9/23/1978 #41337 ural area northeast of Des Moines, Iowa 6:00 a.m. A couple in a rural area 7/17/1979 #42335 ural area northeast of Des Moines, Iowa, are fixing breakfast when through 7/17/1979 #42335 Slip Bluff County Park Lamoni, Iowa 2:30 a.m. A student camping out at 8/30/1979 #42492 lip Bluff County Park near Lamoni, Iowa, is awakened by her dog barking. Sh 8/30/1979 #42492 tle lot two miles north of Dexter, Iowa at 1:28 p.m. It was only 150 feet a 9/23/1979 #42609 Mississippi River Keokuk, Iowa 9:45 p.m. US Coast Guard Storekeepe 12/9/1979 #42762 ippi River near the dam in Keokuk, Iowa. It lights up the river below it. T 12/9/1979 #42762 eral witnesses outside Des Moines, Iowa. 12/20/1979 #42790 Council Bluffs, Iowa Pioneer Trail Longview Drive 11:40 1/21/1980 #42853 a bridge game near Council Bluffs, Iowa. The first car with six witnesses, 1/21/1980 #42853 on Highway G66 in Council Bluffs, Iowa encountered an orange UFO at 11:40 2/11/1980 #42888 Urbandale, Iowa 11:00 p.m. A professor and his wife 7/12/1980 #43145 etting ready for bed in Urbandale, Iowa, when they notice three round light 7/12/1980 #43145 issippi River bridge in Muscatine, Iowa Illinois side of the river 3:10 a.m 7/22/1981 #43852 issippi River bridge in Muscatine, Iowa, goes out to feed some wild rabbits 7/22/1981 #43852 A female was abducted in Weaver, Iowa by several 5-foot-tall beings with 1/22/1982 #44159 ermont, Wisconsin (both located in Iowa County) saw a silent nocturnal ligh 1/5/1986 #45792 seen over farm country in Wellman, Iowa at nine o'clock in the evening. 1/29/1990 #47670 ung man driving in Council Bluffs, Iowa at 7 p.m. saw a huge, gray triangle 2/21/1995 #50628 IOWA CITY, IA 1 observer. 2 white aircra 10/1/1995 #51135 IOWA CITY, IA 1 observer. Flash. Classic 10/9/1995 #51162 ce-enclosed patio in Marshalltown, Iowa to get some fresh air. She sighted 9/9/1997 #52140 Driving into Sioux City, Iowa at 11:45 a.m. a 50-year-old woman a 2/9/1998 #52289 and their three children in Ames, Iowa witnessed a huge, silent triangular 5/17/2001 #53047 o witnesses driving in in Dubuque, Iowa had a close encounter with a domed 1/3/2002 #53166 ct on Highway 17 north of Webster, Iowa at 9:30 p.m. The UFO had bright ora 5/23/2003 #53413 re-appeared in the sky over Ryan, Iowa. It made no sound, and was visible 8/31/2003 #53458 nesses at a fooball game in Onawa, Iowa at around 8:00 p.m. watched a light 9/19/2003 #53473 s was sighted flying over Ottumwa, Iowa at 5:00 a.m. The lights appeared to 11/25/2004 #53662 was seen from I-380, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, near the Eastern Iowa Airport at 1 11/23/2007 #53971 dar Rapids, Iowa, near the Eastern Iowa Airport at 11:03 p.m. 11/23/2007 #53971 one red light over Council Bluffs, Iowa. It hovered, moved slowly, then mad 9/7/2008 #54041 In Newton, Iowa at 2:00 a.m. three bright orange, o 9/6/2009 #54118## Word: "iowa--littleton", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
from French) Sighting in Clinton, Iowa--Littleton (Illinois). (July 20) 7/20/1964 #24316## Word: "iowa-minnesota", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ver 3 km wide on both sides of the Iowa-Minnesota border, with no results. 6/4/1963 #23562 a for 3 miles on both sides of the Iowa-Minnesota border but found nothing. 6/4/1963 #23563## Word: "iowans", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Results of an Iowa Poll, Iowa: 45% Iowans queried believe UFOs to be real o Summer 1966 #26733## Word: "ipaco", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hematical and scientific errors in IPACO’s work, which actually supports a 5/11/1950 #8276## Word: "ipad", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t responded, "Look mommy, a flying iPad in the sky!" She looked around and 6/1/2013 #54247## Word: "ipage", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
y 89%. http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/TR-3B 1998 #52240 e/1up http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/Edgar 1998 #52240## Word: "ipamari", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d object was photographed north of Ipamari, Goias State, Brazil as it flew 5/8/1966 #26595## Word: "ipameri", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
BRAZIL, Ipameri (Translated from French) James P 5/8/1966 #26588 About fifteen kilometers north of Ipameri (Brazil), two men in a restauran 5/8/1966 #26589 NORTH / IPAMERI, BRZ 2 observer(s) photograph 75 5/8/1966 #26590## Word: "ipaméri", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
trees on the opposite banks of the Ipaméri River. As the object began to de 5/8/1966 #26589## Word: "ipanema", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Atlantic Ocean Ilha Cagarras Ipanema, Brazil 5:45 p.m. Many people se 3/16/1966 #26069 ean close to the Ilha Cagarras off Ipanema, Brazil. Some see a few smaller 3/16/1966 #26069 boat storage garage in Santana do Ipanema, Alagoas, Brazil when they spott 4/1/1999 #52559## Word: "ipaucu", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IPAUCU, BRZ Row / old cars that look new 2/1974 (approximate) #35735## Word: "ipava", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IPAVA, IL Jet passes. 2 cottony forms ap 10/4/1989 #47348## Word: "ipecac-a", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Ipecac-A” YieldMax: 40KT 5/27/1969 #31775## Word: "iphicles", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “Iphicles” Yield: 20KT 3/28/1981 #43670## Word: "iphone", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
attempted to take a photo with her iPhone, but the camera function wouldn't 6/1/2013 #54247## Word: "iphpitos", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “Iphpitos” Yield: 150KT 6/21/1987 #46282## Word: "ipiabas", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IPIABAS, BRAZIL Farmer. 10M glowing-clou 2/19/1971 #32757## Word: "ipigua", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
In Ipigua, Sao Paulo state, Brazil birds we 3/17/1992 #48831 IPIGUA, BRZ Birds flee. 12M silent metal 3/17/1996 #51471## Word: "ipoh", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IPOH, PERAK, MALAYSIA 5 joggers. Saturn- 1/24/1982 #44161 village of Ipoh in Perak, Malaysia 7:00 AM. Five ea 1/24/1982 #44163 In the village of Ipoh in Perak, Malaysia five early morni 1/24/1982 #44164## Word: "iporanga", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IPORANGA, SP, BRZ 5 / GUG group. Big fla 4/18/1992 #48869## Word: "ipp", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and the Institute of Pure Physics (IPP) at the University of North Carolina 11/20/1955 #17664 t Gordon Gray approved funding for IPP; Gray was formerly Secretary of the 11/20/1955 #17664 er of a century at most; corporate IPP partners include Glenn L. Martin Co. 11/20/1955 #17664 General Dynamics Corp. Among the IPP participants mentioned are: Bryce S. 11/20/1955 #17664 t is suggested RIAS partnered with IPP. Note: Gordon Gray’s presence in IP 11/20/1955 #17664 . Note: Gordon Gray’s presence in IPP anti-gravity studies is noteworthy. 11/20/1955 #17664## Word: "ipplepen", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IPPLEPEN, ENGL Former aircraft mechanic. 9/18/1957 #19229 IPPLEPEN, DEVON Ex RAF mechanic. 90' ovo 9/18/1957 #19230## Word: "ipswich", 26 instance(s) (Back to Top)
und 10 P.M. - Captain Chelmford of Ipswich and a companion witnessed a mane 4/1661 #537 Ipswich, England Mr. Capel Lofft and Mr. 1/6/1818 #911 Crane Beach, Ipswich, Massachusetts Day. A long, silv 7/1946 #4528 out of the haze over Crane Beach, Ipswich, Massachusetts, moves noiselessl 7/1946 #4528 , a school teacher, was driving in Ipswich, Massachusetts when he saw a yel 9/3/1965 #25551 Cranes Beach, Ipswich Bay, MA 4:45 a.m. EDT. A glowing 9/17/1966 #27075 Crane Beach, Ipswich, Massachusetts Ipswich Bay 4:45 9/17/1966 #27077 rane Beach, Ipswich, Massachusetts Ipswich Bay 4:45 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ronal 9/17/1966 #27077 edge of the water at Crane Beach, Ipswich, Massachusetts. Two smaller glow 9/17/1966 #27077 round the area. One flies low over Ipswich Bay toward the witnesses’ home. 9/17/1966 #27077 Ipswich, MA 8:30 p.m. EDT. Four witnesse 10/2/1967 #29590 At 8:20 p.m. in Ipswich, Massachusetts several witnesses 10/2/1967 #29593 way to Junior Achievement class in Ipswich, Massachusetts at around 6:30 p. 1/17/1968 #30150 lew in a triangular formation over Ipswich, Massachusetts. They swung in a 4/10/1968 #30407 In Ipswich, Massachusetts a round gray obje 4/30/1968 #30443 outh Wales RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, Queensland Kygole Darling Downs 8/31/1969 #31982 tched from RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, Queensland, after hundreds of p 8/31/1969 #31982 Gloucester, Massachusetts Ipswich Bay 11:10 p.m. A man in Gloucest 8/30/1978 #41201 d in 5-second bursts. He sees over Ipswich Bay an elongated, fiery red rect 8/30/1978 #41201 Ipswich, Massachusetts Millstone Hill, W 10/6/1980 #43308 d man is resting on his sundeck in Ipswich, Massachusetts, when he sees a s 10/6/1980 #43308 Ipswich, MA While walking his dog, a man 9/17/1982 #44486 preparing for bed at 1:10 a.m. in Ipswich, Massachusetts when she heard a 9/3/1988 #46769 Ipswich Strathclair, Manitoba Crop circl 8/1992 #49002 circles appear in wheatfields near Ipswich and Strathclair, Manitoba. 8/1992 #49002 Ipswich, Queensland, Australia - At 2:00 5/22/1996 #51557## Word: "ipswitch", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IPSWITCH, SUFFOLK Crowd / observer(s). S 4/24/1909 #2282 TTLEHAMPTON MARGATE CHICHESTER AND IPSWITCH, ENG Wave / fireballs and tadpo 11/21/1952 #12684 IPSWITCH, SUFFOLK 2-part UFO = large and 10/22/1963 #23827 SR133 / IPSWITCH, MA Classic saucer. Static elec 9/3/1965 #25535 IPSWITCH, MASS 4+1+1 observer(s). Domed 10/2/1967 #29587 IPSWITCH AND ESSEX, MA 3 / car and more/ 4/4/1976 #38375 IPSWITCH, MA 2+observer(s). Silent 8' sa 9/3/1988 #46768 IPSWITCH, SUFFOLK 2 / car and others. 2 11/9/1994 #50404 IPSWITCH, AUSTR 1+dog. 2 glow small huma 5/22/1996 #51555## Word: "ipu", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rners region. The Army OSI and the IPU put on Red Alert and the ADC activat 3/25/1948 #6592 Aztec, NM IPU Scout Team sights the object 12 mile 3/25/1948 #6593 Marshall. Marshall orders head of IPU to conduct a recovery operation, Mar 3/25/1948 #6593 . 110) The OSI of the Army and the IPU in red alert and all the military mo 3/25/1948 #6594 ibly including some members of the IPU), the Armed Forces Special Weapons P 10/14/1949 #7614 he Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU) was disestablished and all records Late 1950's #20072 to W. S. Steinman stating that the IPU was disestablished in the late 1950s 5/16/1984 #45290 torate denied the existence of any IPU records, but three years later admit 5/16/1984 #45292 FOSI told FOIA requestors that its IPU material had been destroyed. https: 5/16/1984 #45292 S US Army Intelligence letter: The IPU (Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit) of 3/12/1987 #46214## Word: "iqoibpidx-4", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ulating gravity. https://youtu.be/iQOibpIDx-4 2/11/2022 #54633## Word: "iquque", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
northern Chile Arica Iquque 9:30 p.m. Capt. Marcelo Cisternas 9/6/1965 #25563 s with control towers in Arica and Iquque, but no other flights are expecte 9/6/1965 #25563## Word: "ir", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
g the expedition to Spain of Pépin Ir, second son of Louis the Pious, stran 827 #100 Moon colored object scans ground / Ir light? 5/28/1956 (approximate) #17983## Word: "ir-rih", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
FOMM IR-RIH, MALTA Domed saucer buzzes over c 11/26/1987 #46439## Word: "ira", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Alabama 8:45 p.m. Army Staff Sgt. Ira L. Livingston watches a procession o 7/6/1947 #5616 NANAS WITH SAUCERS. Fort Worth AP: Ira Maxey, a veteran of 3,600 flying hou 4/19/1950 #8185 necticut 3:45 p.m. Adult counselor Ira Leifer and 13 teenage boys are resti 7/28/1976 #38600 of the morning, to flush out armed IRA militants. They were near an IRA wea 1993 #49249 d IRA militants. They were near an IRA weapons cache, on the slope of a hil 1993 #49249## Word: "iracauba", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Iracauba, Brazil On this night J. R. B. 7/16/1978 #40981 metallic object land in a field in Iracauba, Brazil. A short humanoid with 7/16/1978 #40985## Word: "irad", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and manage it as what we call an “IRAD” or “Independent Research and Devel 5/9/2016 #54330## Word: "iran", 99 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Abadan, Iran IRAN REPORTS BORDER EXPLOSIONS. Str 7/8/1947 #5795 Abadan, Iran IRAN REPORTS BORDER EXPLOSIONS. Strong, 7/8/1947 #5795 starboard bow, toward the coast of Iran, there was a band of light that see 1949 #7042 NEAR ABADAH, IRAN Metallic hour-glass shape spins / a 10/1950 #8610 Iran Guatemala Frank Wisner succeeds All 8/23/1951 #9170 that toppled Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran in 1953 and Jacobo Árbenz in Guatem 8/23/1951 #9170 IRAN, various locations (Translated from 9/1952 #12047 ABADAN, IRAN Very fast vibrant bright "half moon 5/18/1953 #13384 Abadan, Iran Khuzestan Province 6:55 p.m. A brig 5/18/1953 #13386 minous object is seen over Abadan, Iran. It travels very fast and is visibl 5/18/1953 #13386 TEHERAN, IRAN Saucer hovers. Small humanoid (or G 10/8/1954 #15654 Teheran, Iran Ghaseme Fili, of Amireah Street, wa 10/8/1954 #15665 Fili, of Amireah Street, Teheran, Iran was on the balcony of the second fl 10/8/1954 #15669 arge group of farmers in Mahallat, Iran witnessed a luminous hemispherical 10/10/1954 #15760 IRAN, Tehran (Translated from French) A 10/12/1954 #15831 Tehran, Iran south side of Tehran, Iran Morning. 10/12/1954 #15857 Tehran, Iran south side of Tehran, Iran Morning. A UFO supposedly lands in 10/12/1954 #15857 trict on the south side of Tehran, Iran. It is said to have tried to kidnap 10/12/1954 #15857 Shamsabad, Iran A man coming out of his house saw a 10/14/1954 #15938 Shamsabad, Iran 6:30 a.m. A resident of Shamsabad [ 10/14/1954 #15948 esident of Shamsabad [which one?], Iran, sees a star-like object about 300 10/14/1954 #15948 Shamsabad, Iran. At 6:30 a.m. a man coming out of h 10/14/1954 #15959 Tehran, Iran 8:00 p.m. LT. Reportedly 10,000 peo 6/28/1967 #28924 CHALUS, IRAN Man / woods. UFO descends. 4 figure 4/7/1973 #34322 Teheran, Iran F-4 Phantom radar/E-M Case (NICAP: 9/19/1973 #34781 interceptors flying above Tehran, Iran attempted to catch a radar-visual U 9/19/1973 #34783 Chalus, Iran Mr. Bazargani from Chalus, Iran was 4/2/1976 #38369 s, Iran Mr. Bazargani from Chalus, Iran was walking through a forest near h 4/2/1976 #38369 Mr. Bazargani from Chalus, Iran was walking through a forest near h 4/2/1976 #38371 IRAN, Chalus (Caspian Sea) (Translated f 4/5/1976 #38377 NORTH / TEHRAN, IRAN Many calls and airport/apartment Ai 9/18/1976 #38818 NEAR TABRIZ, IRAN Glittering object lands 100M from c 9/18/1976 #38819 ast portion of the city of Tehran, Iran Mehrabad Airport Shahrokhi Airbase 9/18/1976 #38821 ast portion of the city of Tehran, Iran, watch a multicolored aircraft hove 9/18/1976 #38821 Tehran, Iran Tehran, Iran: Civilians reported an 9/19/1976 #38822 Tehran, Iran Tehran, Iran: Civilians reported an UFO to the A 9/19/1976 #38822 TEHRAN, IRAN Many and RADAR's. F4 jets chase sau 9/19/1976 #38824 SHEMIRAN, IRAN IAF jets and RADAR. Weapons electro 9/19/1976 #38825 SSE / MEHRABAD, IRAN Beeper signal draws IAF / same spot 9/19/1976 #38830 Teheran, Iran Iranian F-4 Phantom Jet Chase, Rada 9/19/1976 #38832 Teheran, Iran F-4 chase (M), R/V with E-M (NICAP: 9/19/1976 #38833 Tehran, Iran F-4 fighter aircraft attempted inte 9/19/1976 #38834 40 nautical miles north of Tehran, Iran at 1:30 a.m. local time. They were 9/19/1976 #38837 IRAN, Lake Tabriz (Translated from Frenc 9/20/1976 #38840 Mehrabad Airport in Tehran, Iran same distance south of Tehran Obser Mid 3/1977 #39371 ers at Mehrabad Airport in Tehran, Iran, see 20–25 UFOs flying from the des Mid 3/1977 #39371 A 16-year-old in Tehran, Iran took three photographs of three lig 6/26/1977 #39680 Abadan and Ahvaz btn., Iran On this night a man with a flat tir 6/28/1977 #39684 highway between Abadan and Ahvaz, Iran when he suddenly felt heat from a " 6/28/1977 #39684 Abadan Ahvaz Khuzestan Iran Night. A man with a flat tire is st 6/28/1977 #39685 tween Abadan and Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Iran, when he suddenly feels heat from a 6/28/1977 #39685 highway between Abadan and Ahvaz, Iran when he suddenly felt heat from a " 6/28/1977 #39686 Translated from French) In Tehran (Iran), alerted by several calls from civ 9/18/1977 #40002 Ahvaz Tehran, Iran Mehrabad Airport An Iranian airline 4/1978 #40676 s flying between Ahvaz and Tehran, Iran, when he sees a glittering flying o 4/1978 #40676 AHVAZ GOING [TO] TEHRAN, IRAN Airliner sees UFO. RADAR confirms. 4/15/1978? #40713 Shiraz, Iran 4:00 a.m. A 16-year-old student, Ja 5/13/1978 #40780 late studying for exams in Shiraz, Iran. He looks through his window and se 5/13/1978 #40780 Shiraz Tehran, Iran Isfahan Tehran airport Spain 10:30 6/11/1978 #40858 707 flying from Shiraz to Tehran, Iran, is descending to 25,000 feet over 6/11/1978 #40858 NORTH TEHRAN, IRAN Many observer(s). Saucer / sky hove 7/9/1978 #40949 NORTH TEHERAN, IRAN Many and RADAR. Glowing object goin 7/16/1978 #40978 In air space, Iran A Lufthansa airliner flying over th 7/16/1978 #40979 r flying over the northern part of Iran encountered a glowing UFO floating 7/16/1978 #40979 Tehran, Iran Saveh Mehrabad Airport Residents sl 7/16/1978 #40982 ces in the northern pat of Tehran, Iran, spot a “strange glowing object” fl 7/16/1978 #40982 r flying over the northern part of Iran encountered a glowing UFO floating 7/16/1978 #40983 Tehran, Iran DoD Staff Message: UFO spotted over 7/18/1978 #40989 ge: UFO spotted over North Tehran, Iran 7/18/1978 #40989 Lake Urmia, Iran 10:30 a.m. Teenager Franklin Youri 10/8/1978 #41421 t behind his home near Lake Urmia, Iran. It appears just above the line of 10/8/1978 #41421 witnesses on the ground in Miradj, Iran reported sighting a big yellow ligh 11/21/1978 #41596 hoots going quickly east toward(s) Iran fast. 1/20/1979 #42021 Iran Iran Hostage Crisis 11/4/1979 #42673 Iran Iran Hostage Crisis 11/4/1979 #42673 Bojnord, North Khorasan, Iran A bright, round object radiating re 9/12/1980 #43265 south of Bojnord, North Khorasan, Iran. It moves very quickly for one hour 9/12/1980 #43265 atives” to make a secret deal with Iran to delay the release of the America 10/15/1980 #43319 nges for Israel to ship weapons to Iran. Sick is never able to prove his cl 10/15/1980 #43319 eagan administration ships arms to Iran, both through Israel and directly, 10/15/1980 #43319 WEST / GARMSAR, IRAN Many observer(s). Orange-glowing ob 7/15/1983 #44836 northeastern Tehran, Iran Iraq 8:15 p.m. Antiaircraft batteri 8/5/1985 #45662 to east over northeastern Tehran, Iran. They apparently miss. The batterie 8/5/1985 #45662 Iran The US Congress issues its investig 11/18/1987 #46429 es its investigative report on the Iran–Contra Affair. It concludes that "t 11/18/1987 #46429 s the role of the President in the Iran–Contra affair. On this critical poi 11/18/1987 #46429 NORTH / SARI, IRAN 50+/ beach panic. 10M orange saucer 9/3/1989 #47286 each of the Caspian Sea near Sari, Iran when suddently this brilliant, oran 9/3/1989 #47287 BENSHAHR, IRAN Police report. Brilliant 1M cylinde 11/14/1990 #48255 e transmission center in Behshahr, Iran. It flew silently and slowly, at a 11/14/1990 #48259 JAHROM, IRAN Irna news. Intensely brilliant sauc 11/20/1990 #48262 rs of money and weapons during the Iran–Contra affair. 7/5/1991 #48518 ashington, D.C. Justice Department Iran Bank of Credit and Commerce Interna 8/10/1991 #48560 er Surprise theory that during the Iran hostage crisis, Iran deliberately h 8/10/1991 #48560 at during the Iran hostage crisis, Iran deliberately held back American hos 8/10/1991 #48560 it and Commerce International, and Iran–Contra. Casolaro’s family argues th 8/10/1991 #48560 ratified the treaty: China, Egypt, Iran, Israel, and the United States have 9/10/1996 #51679 Khondab, Iran Isfahan Night. An Iranian Air Force 10/28/2004 #53643 heavy water reactor near Khondab, Iran, when it picks up an unidentified t 10/28/2004 #53643## Word: "iranian", 15 instance(s) (Back to Top)
smodrome near Tyuratam, Kazakhstan Iranian airstrip at Zahedan The U-2 spy 4/9/1960 #21753 -19 and a Su-9. Powers lands at an Iranian airstrip at Zahedan. A 1994 CIA 4/9/1960 #21753 und 12:30 a.m., Pirouzi alerts the Iranian Air Force command post. Deputy G 9/18/1976 #38821 ns reported an UFO to the AFB. The Iranian AF scrambled an American F-4 for 9/19/1976 #38822 Teheran, Iran Iranian F-4 Phantom Jet Chase, Radar/Vis 9/19/1976 #38832 Two Iranian Air Force F-4 Phantom jets with 9/19/1976 #38837 resident Donald Trump, of a failed Iranian rocket launch. 12/19/1976 #39063 y. The pilots and passengers of an Iranian airliner flying at more than 6 m Mid 3/1977 #39371 z Tehran, Iran Mehrabad Airport An Iranian airline pilot is flying between 4/1978 #40676 its shape is similar to the May 13 Iranian photo. 10/8/1978 #41421 a key participant, and “high-level Iranian and Israeli representatives” to 10/15/1980 #43319 , from 1981 to 1987 as payment for Iranian cooperation. 10/15/1980 #43319 of Turkmenistan, not far from the Iranian border. At this moment, the Mary 5/25/1990 #47919 ll whites” shows up in claims from Iranian officials that “tall whites” con 5/7/2003 #53397 Khondab, Iran Isfahan Night. An Iranian Air Force F-14 is on combat air 10/28/2004 #53643## Word: "iranians", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
y asking him, “Why do you hate the Iranians?” The object draws closer the s 10/15/1980 #43318 rectangular windows. Telepathy / "Iranians". 11/1/1980 #43356 ge asked him, "Why do you hate the Iranians?" He thought to himself that he 11/1/1980 #43361## Word: "iraq", 17 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Iraq, Baghdad (Translated from French) T 7/24/1924 #2938 a Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Abu Ghraib, Iraq The CIA has synthesized many of the 7/1963 #23613 ntanamo Bay, Cuba, and Abu Ghraib, Iraq.) In the aftermath of the 1975 cong 7/1963 #23613 Iraq Israel US Area 51 Iraqi Air Force C 8/16/1966 #26917 d family is smuggled safely out of Iraq to Israel. The MiG-21 fighter is ev 8/16/1966 #26917 The SAVAK, the national police of Iraq, investigated the case, and during 4/5/1976 #38377 own. Going quickly north toward(s) Iraq. Others to 13 Dec. '78. 12/1/1978 #41663 northeastern Tehran, Iran Iraq 8:15 p.m. Antiaircraft batteries op 8/5/1985 #45662 Iraq Operation Desert Shield 8/2/1990 #48016 Iraq (Translated from French) (cf: end o 1/16/1991 #48335 0) At 00:30, the F-117A attacks on Iraq began (Gulf War). 20 aircraft were 1/16/1991 #48335 Iraq Operation Desert Storm 2/28/1991 #48371 Iraq, Haditha (Translated from French) S 8/20/1999 #52649 Iraq Second Persian Gulf War (Gulf War I 3/2003 #53366 ed over the holy city of An Najaf, Iraq. It was interpreted as a religious 3/27/2003 #53375 peared over Zawra Park in Baghdad, Iraq. 4/3/2003 #53378 ight vision goggles, a pistol from Iraq, a DOD laptop and an entire truck; 7/2003 #53429## Word: "iraqi", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Iraq Israel US Area 51 Iraqi Air Force Col. Munir Redfa defects 8/16/1966 #26917 MiG-21 acquired through defecting Iraqi fighter pilot Munir Redfa. Soviet- 3/1968 #30294 Kuwaiti oilfield at Al-Sabriyah Iraqi border 5:30 a.m. A UFO appears ove 11/21/1978 #41595 i oilfield at Al-Sabriyah near the Iraqi border. An employee of the company 11/21/1978 #41595 ted from French) Observation of an Iraqi Plane Passing. See images/1985.jpg 1985 #45547 batteries believe the object is an Iraqi warplane. 8/5/1985 #45662 Iraqi desert Operation Desert Shield A U Late 1990 #48134 S Army captain is stationed in the Iraqi desert with his unit during Operat Late 1990 #48134 ic embarrassment. According to the Iraqi newspaper Al-Alwan, "motorists pas 8/20/1999 #52649## Word: "iras", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
f the infrared astronomy satellite Iras. (January 26) 1/26/1983 #44654## Word: "irasema", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
At ten o'clock in the evening Irasema Margarita Cuevas and others in h 2/23/1996 #51418## Word: "irbm", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Cuba. Construction begins on SS-5 IRBM sites in Guanajay. (Wikipedia, “Cub 9/1/1962 #23131 A U-2 takes the first photo of an IRBM site under construction in Cuba. 10/17/1962 #23230 an hours-long UFO sighting near an IRBM missile base outside the village of 10/4/1982 #44518 SSR has launched an RSD-10 Pioneer IRBM toward the Kura Missile Test Range 10/1988 #46803## Word: "irbms", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ty allows the Soviets to test-fire IRBMs into the sea, rather than breaking 10/1988 #46803## Word: "ire", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
WELLINGTON BRIDGE, IRE 2 boys. Light beam follows roads / s 9/1924 #2944 NEAR DUBLIN, IRE Child burned when strange 25cm disk 11/1952 #12582 PORTGLENONE, NORTH IRE Black 2M flying object cuts 2' tree 12/28/1958 #20892 BELFAST, NORTH IRE Saucer hovers. 2 men / silver suits 7/17/1967 #29047 LURGAN, NORTH IRE Circle / white lights. Rectangular r 3/22/1983 #44697## Word: "irel", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
BELFAST, NORTH IREL Many observer(s). Silent cylinder/c 5/17/1909 #2321 LIMERICK, IREL Amateur astronomer. Luminous saucer 12/24/1909 #2450 NEAR SHANNON, IREL KLM airline(s)/airliner pilot / ear 6/28/1958 #20468 LURGAN, NORTH IREL 3 / isolated park. Noisy 4' saucer 5/1961 #22303 NEAR CAPPOQUIN, IREL 2 / car. Saucer with flame / rear. 12/26/1965 #25851 DONAGHADEE, NORTH IREL 12+observer(s). 2 yellow ovoids / f 11/3/1975 #37871 DUBLIN, IREL 1+dog. Saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape 3/31/1978 #40668 BALLYMENA, NORTH IREL 3 observer(s). Silent 40' object sp 5/15/1995 (approximate) #50793 MILL ISLE, NORTH IREL 3 observer(s). Disk-saucer offshore 1/17/1999 #52514 NEAR BALLINA, IREL Cop and 5. 20M metallic disk appear 11/22/2000 #52935## Word: "ireland", 126 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e, and the other that goes towards Ireland, and ends in fire, like beams. 457 #38 IRELAND (Translated from French) When St 575 #46 Ireland During a nighttime fishing sessi 6/9/597 #53 Ireland Observers reported seeing three 5/698 #73 er that year, herds of cows across Ireland and other parts of Europe faced 5/698 #73 Ulster, Ireland Aerial ships accompanied by thei 749 #77 IRELAND, Cloera (Translated from French) 950 #127 French) In the town of Cloera (old Ireland), on a Sunday when the populatio 950 #128 He arrived in the town of Cloera (Ireland), on a Sunday, while everyone wa 1211 #200 Limerick, Ireland A remarkable event occurred wher 1650 #512 d, England Venice, Italy Kilkenny, Ireland 5:00 p.m. Physician Thomas Short 12/5/1737 #649 me in Venice, Italy, and Kilkenny, Ireland, where it appears as a bursting 12/5/1737 #649 ed to shuttle between Holyhead and Ireland. They could clearly see the bott 1743 #666 Mount Prospect, Inishannon, Ireland A remarkable phenomenon dubbed t 6/13/1765 #728 IRELAND, DUBLIN (Translated from French) 6/17/1785 #796 (Translated from French) In Ireland, hundreds of people witness what 1846 #1057 (Translated from French) In Ireland, hundreds of people witness what 1847 #1066 IRELAND, Cork, BELGIUM, Brussels (Transl 8/1869 #1203 , 13 children disappeared in Cork, Ireland. No signs of kidnapping or hoax. 8/1869 #1203 IRELAND, Knock (Translated from French) 8/21/1879 #1321 WICKLOW CO, IRELAND Extra 3 / 4 moon going [to] over 10/27/1898 #2038 any witnesses in Belfast, Northern Ireland observed a silent cigar-shaped f 5/17/1909 #2323 BALLINASLOE, IRELAND Large luminous body going northw 7/31/1915 #2691 County Donegal, Ireland County Donegal, Ireland: Irish R 1922 #2894 y Donegal, Ireland County Donegal, Ireland: Irish Republic Army man, Lawren 1922 #2894 Ireland In 1922, soldiers hiding in an I 1922 #2898 North Atlantic, 300 miles west of Ireland While operating in the North Atl 1943 #3749 Atlantic, about 300 miles west of Ireland, a German submarine, the U-629, 1943 #3749 landed on the sea off the coast of Ireland. It was surrounded by purple lig 12/25/1945 #4414 rts were logged in Switzerland and Ireland around this time. (Chapter 9, Re Late 9/1946 #4781 CAHERSIVEEN, IRELAND 5 observer(s). 'Flying saucer'. 7/10/1947 (approximate) #5943 NEWBLISS, IRELAND Postman. 8 'table-knives' pass / 12/5/1950 (approximate) #8757 nity of Newbliss, Monaghan County, Ireland watched at 1:00 p.m. as 8 "table 12/5/1950 #8762 Dublin, Ireland A 10-inch “red hot” disk landed 1952 #9506 c Iceland, North Atlantic, between Ireland and Iceland. Witnesses: military 9/14/1952 #12187 NORTH ATLANTIC, between Ireland and Iceland (Translated from Fre 9/14/1952 #12188 ch) In the North Atlantic, between Ireland and Greenland, members of milita 9/14/1952 #12192 North Atlantic, between Ireland and Iceland Witnesses: military 9/14/1952 #12210 North Atlantic, between Ireland and Iceland. Military witnesses 9/14/1952 #12219 IRELAND, near Dublin (Translated from Fr 11/1952 #12580 Dublin, Ireland A child was burned when a strang 11/1952 #12583 Templeogue Tennis Club Dublin, Ireland Dublin Mountains Howth 11:15 p.m 8/1/1954 #14798 Templeogue Tennis Club in Dublin, Ireland, watch an object fly over the Du 8/1/1954 #14798 Dublin Mountains, Ireland River Dargle near Powerscourt, C 8/1/1954 #14799 0 feet above the Dublin Mountains, Ireland, to the south. The trails seem t 8/1/1954 #14799 Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland Bray Head Wicklow 9:35 p.m. Crow 8/26/1954 #14917 of people in Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland. see an object traveling at grea 8/26/1954 #14917 ryhubbert, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland Carrickfergus, County Antrim Bel 9/8/1954 #15029 ryhubbert, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. He thinks it is about 3 feet wi 9/8/1954 #15029 Road Larne, County Antrim Northern Ireland Hundreds of people gather each n 8/1955 #17360 ear Larne, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, to watch a mysterious display o 8/1955 #17360 Belfast, Northern Ireland Cave Hill 3:55 p.m. Mechanic Hug 8/16/1955 #17418 ove Cave Hill in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It is flat and moves swiftly. 8/16/1955 #17418 Lisburn, Northern Ireland 2:00 p.m. A “shining, glittering 8/19/1955 #17428 oss the sky over Lisburn, Northern Ireland. It is seen by many people for a 8/19/1955 #17428 Moneymore, Ireland Hutchinson of Moneymore, Ireland 9/7/1956 #18335 , Ireland Hutchinson of Moneymore, Ireland wrestles with UFO. Disc escapes. 9/7/1956 #18335 Moneymore), County Derry, Northern Ireland 12:30 p.m. Thomas J. and Maud Hu 9/7/1956 #18340 Moneymore), County Derry, Northern Ireland. They wade 600 feet into the bog 9/7/1956 #18340 In Moneymore, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom at noon on this 9/7/1956 #18342 Sibbald, Alberta 7:00 p.m. Edna Ireland is driving with two friends near 11/3/1957 #19505 Northern Ireland, Portglennone (Translated from F 12/28/1958 #20891 Portglenone, Ireland A black flying object, 2 m wide, 12/28/1958 #20893 On this afternoon in Portglenone, Ireland a two-meter wide black flying ob 12/28/1958 #20894 rtglenone, County Antrim, Northern Ireland 3:30 p.m. Joseph Bennett, a farm 12/30/1958 #20901 rtglenone, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, is out walking and hears a nois 12/30/1958 #20901 Northern Ireland, Moneymore (Derry) (Translated f 9/7/1959 #21417 In County Waterford in Cappoquin, Ireland several clear photos were taken 12/26/1965 #25852 d object flew over Dublin Airport, Ireland. It gave off blue and yellow fla 2/26/1967 #27937 from French) In Belfast (Northern Ireland), E. Browne is walking in a wood 7/17/1967 #29044 Belfast, Ireland Evening. Two silver-suited human 7/17/1967 #29053 Belfast, Northern Ireland E. Browne, walking in a wood, sa 7/17/1967 #29056 Mr. E. Browne of Belfast, Northern Ireland was walking in the woods near hi 7/17/1967 #29060 a cigar-shaped object over Dublin, Ireland. It was very bright at one end, 8/28/1967 #29345 nter occurred in Belfast, Northern Ireland at 10:45 p.m. Eugene Browne was 10/6/1967 #29614 the northwestern sky over Dublin, Ireland by several witnesses in the even 10/10/1967 #29636 , flying at 10,000 feet to Dublin, Ireland above Falkirk, Scotland, saw a b 11/21/1967 #29954 Two men in River Bann, Derryvore, Ireland saw a disc land in a field. Seve 1/26/1968 #30190 r Groomsport, North Down, Northern Ireland. It hit a house with light beams 8/11/1969 #31953 Belfast, Northern Ireland John Hind establishes the Irish 1974 #35628 search Centre in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It publishes the Irish UFO News 1974 #35628 west coast of Ireland 12:37 p.m. A British naval vesse 6/23/1975 #37301 is stationed off the west coast of Ireland in a thick fog when the radar op 6/23/1975 #37301 NEAR TIMOLIN, IRELAND 2 observer(s). 6' silver saucer 9/14/1975 #37613 Dublin, Ireland 8:30 p.m. A young man is walking 3/31/1978 #40670 king his dog in a field in Dublin, Ireland, when he spots a silver cigar-sh 3/31/1978 #40670 three a.m. a man in County Tyrone, Ireland awoke trying to scream and immed 4/20/1982 #44312 sant hatchery in County Tipperary, Ireland at 6:30 p.m. when he noticed a y 10/31/1990 #48170 a.m. Rose Mahony of Barnagearagh, Ireland saw a huge aerial craft with mul 9/30/1992 #49117 romkeal. John McManus of Dromkeal, Ireland reported he experienced an abduc 9/30/1992 #49117 Ireland, Armagh (Translated from French) 1993 #49249 In County Wexford, Ireland a woman was taking a morning wal 2/28/1993 #49343 ht fell to the ground in Dromkeal, Ireland; it then split in two, and both 3/14/1993 #49363 , flying to the east of Mullingar, Ireland at ten minutes past midnight, en 3/30/1993 #49387 all South Wales Shropshire central Ireland RAF Cosford RAF Shawbury 1:10–1: 3/31/1993 #49403 uth Wales, Shropshire, and central Ireland see triangular UFOs speeding acr 3/31/1993 #49403 bout sightings at the same time in Ireland and France. 3/31/1993 #49403 Ireland, near Boyle (Translated from Fre Late 5/1996 #51560 h patrol in South Armagh, Northern Ireland saw four small Grey humanoids wa 7/13/1996 #51609 tansted in East England to Dublin (Ireland) had to make an emergency maneuv 6/7/1997 #52042 hrow Airport for Belfast (Northern Ireland). At 2:15 pm, the jet flew over 12/8/1997 #52208 Ireland, Belfast (Translated from French 3/23/2000 #52806 ench) A Belfast worker in Northern Ireland reported that his car was lifted 3/23/2000 #52806 Antrim from West Belfast, Northern Ireland saw an egg-shaped light in sky, 3/23/2000 #52807 Ireland, Blackwater (Translated from Fre Mid 4/2000 #52825 mous beer, and terrible whiskey in Ireland! Mid 4/2000 #52825 s seen by residents in Scartaglin, Ireland. It moved away giving off blue, 4/25/2001 #53027 ng lights in Kanturk, County Cork, Ireland; one reported it looked like a f 9/10/2001 #53119 n over the outskirts of Waterford, Ireland at 10:05 p.m. The two in the rea 8/25/2002 #53251 t EIN 566, taking off from Dublin, Ireland at 2:20 p.m., reported a "paragl 9/10/2002 #53259 At 5:30 p.m. in Dublin, Ireland four black saucer-shaped and shi 9/24/2002 #53269 y and Myers, driving near Lispole, Ireland saw what looked like a light air 8/25/2003 #53451 00 cargo flight flying over Slane, Ireland saw a glaring red UFO accelerate 10/23/2003 #53481 utical miles off the west coast of Ireland at 41,000 feet was paced by a br 10/23/2003 #53481 Dublin Airport Slane east coast of Ireland 8:30 p.m. An Aer Lingus Boeing 7 1/4/2004 #53513 bout 2 miles off the east coast of Ireland approaching Dublin Airport. It i 1/4/2004 #53513 east coast of Ireland Dublin Airport Slane, County Mea 1/4/2004 #53514 0 is approaching the east coast of Ireland, bound for Dublin Airport, when 1/4/2004 #53514 tical miles offshore of Ashbourne, Ireland. The UFO caused a power drain an 1/4/2004 #53515 flashing strobe light over Slane, Ireland. The airliner encountered a tria 1/4/2004 #53515 Dublin Airport, Ireland Malahide, County Dublin London A 6/28/2005 #53720 ied lights above Dublin Airport in Ireland, a UFO 30 feet wide and 10 feet 6/28/2005 #53720 County Kerry, Ireland Dingle peninsula Shannon Airport 11/9/2018 #54425 ust off the coast of County Kerry, Ireland, near the Dingle peninsula at 33 11/9/2018 #54425 Bangor, Northern Ireland Police Scotland Using Freedom of 1/1/2021 #54560 ller to police in Bangor, Northern Ireland, who described a flying object t 1/1/2021 #54560## Word: "irena", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, Ohio 10:00 p.m. Future ufologist Irena Scott and her sister Sue are sleep 7/4/1951? #9095 way 9 State Highway 128 10:00 p.m. Irena Scott and her sister Sue Postle ar 7/13/1968 #30698## Word: "irene", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)
dhordland (Translated from French) Irene Skram and her cousin, and independ Summer 1941 #3560 h) At Marøy/Nordhordland (Norway), Irene Skram and her cousin see a silver 7/1941 #3567 iversity of Vermont coed, and Miss Irene Audette of Hartford, Connecticut, 7/11/1948 #6745 miles away, Don, Minnie, Elmer and Irene Ballheim see two fast-moving objec 9/26/1949 #7588 encouacq, Landes, France 9:00 p.m. Irene Vrignolles sees a “flying cigar” t 9/23/1954 #15207 On this night Mrs. Irene Sarris and Mr. Socrates Caraliamis 10/26/1954 #16368 achusetts 12:00 midnight–3:00 a.m. Irene Page watches a sparkling ball of l 10/29/1964 #24515 Rio de Janeiro Brazilian ufologist Irene Granchi begins publishing a quarte 1978 #40363 Colorado 12:00 midnight–1:30 a.m. Irene Bigelow is outside her home in Den 3/28/1978 #40653 aneiro, Brazil Brazilian ufologist Irene Granchi founds the Centro de Inves 1982 #44140 Mahopac Falls, New York 9:00 p.m. Irene Lunn and her daughter are driving 8/20/1984 #45411 und their necks. Later that night, Irene Mercado and her nine-year-old niec 11/28/1995 #51252## Word: "irene's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
led Cova de Iria (literally: Saint Irene's Cave, an ancient sacred place) t 5/13/1917 #2774## Word: "ireton", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ok, Connecticut 11:30 p.m. Richard Ireton and his wife are driving on US Hi 9/2/1960 #22005## Word: "iretons", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t veers close to the shore and the Iretons drive to the beach to look for i 9/2/1960 #22005## Word: "irey", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
found mutilated the next morning. Irey had also been struck by mutilators 8/15/1975 #37499## Word: "irey's", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ard over a field near rancher Leon Irey's house. One of Irey's calves was f 8/15/1975 #37499 rancher Leon Irey's house. One of Irey's calves was found mutilated the ne 8/15/1975 #37499## Word: "irholm", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
dish Air Force pilot Lieut. Gunnar Irholm and his signaler, Cpl. Möller, ar 8/14/1946 #4691## Word: "iri", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high-power radio frequency trans 1993 #49252 ng in the high frequency band. The IRI is used to temporarily excite a limi 1993 #49252## Word: "iria", 14 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t grassy depression called Cova de Iria (literally: Saint Irene's Cave, an 5/13/1917 #2774 Cova da Iria Fátima, Portugal Three shepherd chi 5/13/1917 #2776 e shepherd children at the Cova da Iria in Fátima, Portugal—Lúcia dos Santo 5/13/1917 #2776 Fátima Aljustrel Portugal Cova da Iria Some 18,000 people have been flocki 8/13/1917 #2787 before they can reach the Cova da Iria. Santos interrogates and threatens 8/13/1917 #2787 ssembled at Fatima, in the Cova da Iria, Portugal to see another monthly ap 8/13/1917 #2788 Cova da Iria Valinhos, Portugal Instead of the p 8/19/1917 #2791 promised apparition in the Cova da Iria on August 13, the children see the 8/19/1917 #2791 Cova da Iria, Portugal With the three children i 9/13/1917 #2794 tendance, the crowd at the Cova da Iria, Portugal, see a “luminous globe” s 9/13/1917 #2794 parture of the Lady of the Cova da Iria. The rain that had not stopped fall 10/13/1917 #2803 Cova da Iria, Portugal After some newspapers rep 10/13/1917 #2805 photographers, gathers at Cova da Iria, Portugal. What happens then become 10/13/1917 #2805 the fields surrounding the Cova da Iria, a grotto in Fatima, Portugal to wi 10/13/1917 #2806## Word: "iria-fatima", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
PORTUGAL, Cova da Iria-Fatima (Translated from French) The 5/17/1913 #2595 PORTUGAL, Cova da Iria-Fatima (Translated from French) Sev 5/18/1913 #2596 PORTUGAL, Cova da Iria-Fatima (Translated from French) Aga 5/23/1913 #2597 PORTUGAL, Cova da Iria-Fatima (Translated from French) New 5/24/1913 #2598 PORTUGAL, Cova da Iria-Fatima (Translated from French) The 6/17/1913 #2599 PORTUGAL, Cova da Iria-Fatima (Translated from French) Thi 7/17/1913 #2606 PORTUGAL, Cova da Iria-Fatima (Translated from French) On 9/17/1913 #2610## Word: "iriart", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ica, Argentina 11:25 a.m. Oscar H. Iriart, 15, saw two men of normal height 7/2/1968 #30652 ica, Argentina 11:25 a.m. Oscar H. Iriart, 15, saw two men of normal height 7/2/1968 #30653 Sierra Chica, Argentina Oscar H. Iriart, 15, saw two men of normal height 7/2/1968 #30655 gentina 11:25 a.m. Oscar Heriberto Iriart, 15, sees two men of normal heigh 7/2/1968 #30656 before reading, then they fly off. Iriart dips the envelope in a puddle and 7/2/1968 #30656 At 11:25 a.m. 15-year old Oscar Iriart was riding his horse in Sierra Ch 7/2/1968 #30658## Word: "iridescent", 19 instance(s) (Back to Top)
large disc-shaped UFO with a green iridescent glow was observed hovering mo 1946 #4432 and metallic, with a straw-colored iridescent radiance or luster. It also h 7/1950 #8397 rved an object shaped like a pear, iridescent, with a flattened top, turnin 12/2/1950 #8746 Nanyika, Kenya, Africa Pearly, iridescent object with a flattened top ( 12/2/1950 #8751 Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott. One pearly, iridescent object with a flattened top, 12/2/1950 #8752 Southeast going quickly northwest. Iridescent. Size = Boeing 707. 10/18/1952 #12490 of Lima, Peru, watch a flight of 5 iridescent silver UFOs for at least 5 mi 12/30/1954 #16880 nd a "gurgling sound," saw a pink, iridescent, mushroom-shaped object rise 9/17/1955 #17531 ling sound." They then saw a pink, iridescent, mushroom-shaped object rise 9/17/1955 #17532 .70 m tall, wearing close-fitting, iridescent clothing, and who walked as i 9/1957 #19180 S, ARG Jose Bellantoni photographs iridescent 75M saucer / local magazine. 8/28/1962 #23116 f a solid material, red and green, iridescent from time to time with yellow 7/7/1965 #25069 00 feet up in the air. It glows an iridescent blue. 10/30/1967 #29818 eter that was pulsating and was an iridescent blue. The car engine failed ( 10/31/1967 #29823 8:45 p.m. in Liverpool, England an iridescent object hung stationary in the 8/6/1972 #33720 ,” while at other times it becomes iridescent with “lights of various color Early 4/1990 #47817 MIR COSMONAUT / RADIO Great iridescent silver sphere hovers / 25km a 9/27/1990 #48093 atmosphere, he sees a glittering, iridescent, perfect sphere. He calls Man 9/27/1990 #48095 f a school bus whose alloys had an iridescent sheen. Adair states there was 1999 #52506## Word: "irina", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
At 8:12 p.m. a local woman named Irina M. was returning home from work in 9/13/1990 #48077## Word: "irinie", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
(Translated from French) Stan Irinie from Sâcele-Brasov saw above the 1812 #892## Word: "iris", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
closed its windows like a camera's iris shutter, and then resumed revolving 1927 #2996 ical line and surrounded by a dark iris. They wore a dark blue tights. To t 8/14/1947 #6241 then he saw a white globe, without iris or pupil. From the left eye a large Spring 1954 #14257 uharich and another witness, named Iris, to wait there and he set off towar 12/6/1971 #33281 fear and ran back to Andrijah and Iris. Before he reached them he realized 12/6/1971 #33281 surrounded by a green edge. On the iris the witness noticed small black and 12/1973 #35479 arily got into a UFO with his wife Iris. Today he refuses to talk about his 1/3/1979 #41932 rricane Georges struck Puerto Rico Iris Rodriguez was outside her home doin 9/21/1998 #52441## Word: "irises", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
es were round and dark, and lacked irises or eyelids. They had small flat n 7/11/1978 #40958## Word: "irish", 15 instance(s) (Back to Top)
while the other aimed towards the Irish Sea, subsequently splitting into s 497 #40 ontrary wind drove him back to the Irish coast. Some claim that Dr. Potain 6/17/1785 #796 , Ireland County Donegal, Ireland: Irish Republic Army man, Lawrence Bradle 1922 #2894 and In 1922, soldiers hiding in an Irish cave during the civil war shot at 1922 #2898 dern and historical UFO reports by Irish occultist Desmond Leslie and publi 9/1953 #13682 -shape loops with puffs / smoke. / Irish news. 9/2/1954 (approximate) #14978 ch) Over England, an international Irish flight flying at an altitude of 17 5/21/1962 #22894 Unknown City, UK Irish International Airlines pilot watch 5/21/1962 #22897 Irish Valley, PA 6:00 p.m. Members of th 1/28/1967 #27670 ir space 2134Z (4:34 p.m. EST). An Irish Airlines flight crew saw an object 3/24/1967 #28260 ving toward the northwest over the Irish Sea. Two witnesses watched it for 9/7/1971 #33083 Ireland John Hind establishes the Irish UFO Research Centre in Belfast, No 1974 #35628 Northern Ireland. It publishes the Irish UFO News from 1976 to 1980. 1974 #35628 London, England Dallas, Texas Irish Sea 7:30 p.m. Charles, the Prince 2/26/1986 #45836 llas, Texas. While flying over the Irish Sea, the pilot of his Vickers VC10 2/26/1986 #45836## Word: "irks", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s in Project Twinkle. His attitude irks everyone in the meeting. When he as Early 5/1952 #10047## Word: "irkutsk", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
USSR, Irkutsk (Translated from French) An engi 1961 #22141 IRKUTSK, BIRYAT, RUSSIA Doctor. Rocket / 1/1961? #22152 ) 4 scientists commissioned by the Irkutsk Institute attempt to reach the s 10/21/2002 #53287## Word: "irl", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ce of Scientific Intelligence) and Irl D’Arcy Brent (Chief, Ground Branch, 6/1952 #10242 tionary again. Radar operator A/2C Irl A. Whitaker visually spots a red-gre 8/28/1952 #12015 MONEYMORE, NORTH IRL 3' saucer going down. Man grabs it. 9/7/1956 #18337 BELFAST, NORTH IRL Man abduction / pseudo-human/entity. 10/6/1967 #29609 BLACKSOD, IRL 1 observer. Power outage. Glowing bu 2/3/1974 (approximate) #35746## Word: "irlam", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ad a close encounter with a UFO in Irlam, Greater Manchester, England at 6: 12/5/1962 #23333 IRLAM, ENGL 2 boys. Long cylinder/cylind 7/5/1977 #39723 IRLAM, ENGL 4 observer(s). Odd huge cyli 11/14/1977 #40198 Irlam, Greater Manchester, England 7:45 11/1/1978 #41525 VHF radio channel at their home in Irlam, Greater Manchester, England. Shor 11/1/1978 #41525## Word: "irleau", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IRLEAU, FR 2+2 observer(s). Big domed sa 10/4/1954 #15519## Word: "irma", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
eenage couple, William O’Brien and Irma (later married surname is Hinz), wa Summer 1922 #2905 t or bulging ends” at 6:45 p.m. by Irma Hudgins and her daughter Pamela Sue 11/4/1966 #27283 ographer is taking pictures of the Irma kød company south of Copenhagen, De 5/3/1975 #37198 n 2021, a woman in Argentina named Irma Rick, after regaining her memory of 11/16/2021 #54614## Word: "irna", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
JAHROM, IRAN Irna news. Intensely brilliant saucer we 11/20/1990 #48262## Word: "iron", 103 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s indicate the sighting of burning iron globes in the sky, with some causin 944 #126 . However, in certain areas, these iron globes were thwarted by countermeas 944 #126 ople who assured that said asud of iron was traversing the air in its own w 9/2/1394 #275 36) would have made a flight of an iron eagle before Emperor Frederic IV. ( 1400's #280 ky an object shining like a bar of iron, long and wide like half the Moon. 11/1/1461 #305 the sky of Arras, "like a kind of iron bar, quite long and thick like half 11/1/1461 #305 1, something burning like a bar of iron, long and thick as half the Moon, w 11/1/1461 #306 of spears and all that is made of iron, without causing any harm to humans 1537 #360 similar to those from incandescent iron struck on an anvil. Herr Schere ini 1619 #466 k cloud in the east. Resembling an iron clamp with a bright shining fire, t 11/28/1696 #598 of a 20 cm long and 4 cm diameter iron tube, stuffed with powder and fixed 1782 #756 rom a speck of light to a "red-hot iron ball," lingered for approximately t 2/5/1850 #1099 ize and turned reddish, resembling iron at a high temperature. This anomaly 3/1/1860 #1138 very modern ship for its time, the Iron Mountain, 60 m long, 10 m wide, car 1872 #1239 ow-covered hill glows like red-hot iron for several feet around, gleaming t 2/16/1885 #1422 ubious fist-size fragments, one of iron and the other two slag-like, after 7/9/1946 #4549 t types of ghost rocket sightings: iron cylinder, magnesium-like light, whi 9/9/1946 #4749 and 90 feet in diameter. Blocks of iron weighing up to 2 tons are scattered 2/12/1947 #4869 as thorite with some impurities of iron, aluminum, and titanium. 7/9/1947 #5875 onymous employee of the Steep Rock Iron Mine claims to have seen a UFO rest 7/2/1950 #8404 Iron Triangle, near Chorwon, Korea Craft 1951 #8833 eter and seemed to be made of cast iron. Thirty cm from the top was a row o 12/1951 #9441 ange object or light (the color of iron heated to 2,000º F) explode into vi 9/7/1952 #12137 und object -- flaming like red-hot iron -- plunged from the sky (NICAP: 06 3/19/1953 #13243 m concussion, in his car atop some iron railings it had knocked down, and w 5/13/1954 #14443 othes were red and had the look of iron. He walked with stiff legs, had lon 10/24/1954 #16288 ed in red, his clothes looked like iron. He walked with his legs stiff, had 10/24/1954 #16302 ed in red, his clothes looked like iron." He walked stiff-legged, and had l 10/24/1954 #16310 ium, silicon, aluminum, magnesium, iron, and boron. 10/27/1954 #16392 aluminum oxide, 11% magnesium and iron, with other trace elements. 12/15/1954 #16804 n, with calcium, silica, aluminum, iron, and 10 other trace elements. He th 2/21/1955 #17027 ghted flying north over a coal and iron plant in Birmingham, Alabama on thi 4/3/1956 #17890 oing up and down. Sound / clanking iron. 4/7/1957 #18768 ling cellulose, and a pencil-thick iron rod runs through a “white metal bea 11/21/1957 #19873 d that the 20m long, several tonne iron bridge located at the entrance of t 12/17/1957 #20033 he road. He went toward it with an iron bar but could not approach because 5/27/1958 #20396 Tigre. He went towards it with an iron bar but could not get close because 5/27/1958 #20397 tly of wood without nails, screws, iron, or steel. Van Tassel claims it wil 1959 #20916 d in it,” likely coming from Sorel Iron Foundries in Sorel, Quebec. Smith r 6/12/1960 #21867 de of the craft was black like raw iron. He could make out panels for instr 4/18/1961 #22274 trometer and conclude it is mostly iron, not a piece of ore, not volcanic, 8/1964 #24364 r Jacobs, steward on the freighter Iron Duke, sees a bright orange object w 3/17/1965 #24819 ght UFO hovering over the Ringwood iron mines. A distant smaller light flas 3/11/1966 #26044 e lead disc glowed red like molten iron, then the glow diminished. The thre 2/25/1967 #27920 ed one time, appearing like molten iron, then the glow diminished. The thre 2/25/1967 #27925 the metal and finds it consists of iron and chromium, with traces of nickel 7/13/1967 #29028 balloon. A strong smell of "molten iron" is detected by all. (2:30) 9/8/1967 #29428 balloon. A strong smell of "melted iron" was detected by all. 9/8/1967 #29432 llic suit, and the odor of "melted iron" lingered in the air. 9/8/1967 #29433 rto Murto, who finds it is made of iron, magnesium, and silica. An impressi 9/14/1967 #29475 rs. It turns out to be composed of iron and silicon. On February 13, 1968, 12/3/1967 #30015 ) like the whistling of a piece of iron spinning, but it was also jerky at 2/9/1968 #30229 CAIRNS GOING QUICKLY [TO] IRON RANGE, QLD, AUSTR Airliner paced / 3/2/1968 #30300 e Lagoon, Tully, Queensland Cairns Iron Range Melbourne, Victoria A magneti 3/2/1968 #30303 lying at 6,000 feet from Cairns to Iron Range is paced by a UFO. About 50 f 3/2/1968 #30303 tool that looked like a soldering iron, was making inscriptions on the doo 9/1/1968 #30961 bare hand. It burns him like a hot iron, and he has to let go. The burns ar 2/5/1971 #32741 that touching it burned like a hot iron and he had to let go at once. As so 2/5/1971 #32742 through a glass window that had an iron bar across it with a clearance of l 4/2/1971 #32802 ad the profile of a huge smoothing iron. Three grayish entities of normal h 8/16/1971 #33047 t like when I touch the [electric] iron and my body goes all jerky." Sudden 8/22/1972 #33797 While driving from Iron Knob to Kimba, South Australia on R 2/4/1973 #34170 IRON ACTON, AVON 1 observer. Huge "Rugby 6/28/1973 #34515 Sainte Genevieve, Reynolds and Iron Counties, MISSOURI Several mystery 7/1973 #34535 e object was simply a mass of cast iron. Finally, it also seems that the cu 10/1973 #34842 lfur, chorine, potassium, calcium, iron, nickel. The substance is 95% organ 10/22/1973 #35213 d flies on photograph flash. Drops iron pyrite. 12/13/1973 #35559 about a half inch in diameter, of iron pyrite were found near the site. La 12/13/1973 #35565 e dull gray, like galvanized sheet iron. The larger one is in front, with a Winter 1974 #36756 NORTHWEST IRON CO, WI 6 cops. 3 night lights circl 3/13/1975 #37047 many UFO reports from Ashland and Iron Counties in northern Wisconsin on t 3/13/1975 #37048 from the Sherriff's department in Iron County at 11:00 p.m. A police radio 3/13/1975 #37048 told the Univ. of Wyoming BRANDING IRON (10-14-75): "I reached the top of t 10/7/1975 #37718 light, which she enters through an iron door. Inside a high, round room, th 6/11/1976 #38501 er shows a black body between some iron bars. 9/21/1978 #41325 se. 3M odd shape / low altitude. 2 iron claws / end! Fires beams. Going qui 12/25/1978 #41842 ia, Italy. It had what looked like iron claws on one end of the object. (NI 12/25/1978 #41845 ia, Italy. It had what looked like iron claws on one end of the object. The 12/25/1978 #41846 anks tin roofs and trinkets loose. Iron twisted. Electro-magnetic effect (E 7/10/1979 #42324 whole object was red like a bar of iron taken out of the fire. Only the low 8/26/1979 #42459 waist where his waist band had two iron studs. 3/21/1980 #42940 oval, resembling a heated electric iron. This red iron suspended in the sky 5/16/1980 #43063 g a heated electric iron. This red iron suspended in the sky of Beijing beg 5/16/1980 #43063 firmed. Country: USA Name: “Miners Iron” YieldMax: 20KT 10/31/1980 #43351 eber had floated in a "dark little iron bed" from his house to aboard a UFO 12/27/1985 #45775 tly composed of lead, silicon, and iron. Some of the drops contain signific 1/29/1986 #45819 y metallic fabric debris, lead and iron pellets, and magnetic anomalies. Te 1/29/1986 #45820 the Berlin Wall and the figurative Iron Curtain and one of the series of ev 11/9/1989 #47436 Dark and massive, it resembles an iron seen from underneath. After a few s Early 1/1990 #47632 , a sound comparable to that of an iron being passed over a nail board. The 3/14/1991 #48399 as seen hovering at 2500 feet over Iron Station, Lincoln County, North Caro 12/10/1991 #48694 nded. It is possible this site was Iron Mountain in New Mexico, which Jacqu 3/9/1992 #48814 KATAHDIN IRON WORKS, ME 1 observer. 8' circle bli 9/30/1992 #49116 1-year-old woman in Mount Katahdin Iron Works Park, Maine had a close encou 9/30/1992 #49120 einforced plexiglas with a mesh of iron. It was a kind of intervention team 11/6/1995 #51206 mposed of 60% aluminum (as well as iron, calcium and potassium, but contain 9/14/1996 #51684 car. The object resembled a large iron pot and flew slowly from south to n 6/17/1997 #52050 adio signals. Calcium, copper, and iron are the most common constituents. C 1998 #52238 ject is described as resembling an iron. He said the extraterrestrials had 1/7/1998 #52255 and finds copper, aluminum, zinc, iron, sodium, manganese, silicon, and ot 6/9/1999 #52598 t of what appeared to be corrugate iron. He recalls that he encountered two 3/11/2000 #52804 4. The metal consisted of zinc and iron in an unusual ratio. Green says the 5/3/2003 #53393 ques Vallée there are four secret “iron post” sources that Hal Puthoff and 3/6/2004 #53544## Word: "iron-banded", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
al-like core encased in an opaque, iron-banded structure. A tail of light f 12/16/1743 #671## Word: "iron-ore", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ongo, Peru A UFO appears above the iron-ore mine of Catalina Huanca, owned 1961 #22149## Word: "iron-plated", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
her dress at the waist as if with iron-plated fingers. The attack left Ada 9/1837 #1002## Word: "ironclad", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
pares its shape to the Confederate ironclad Virginia and it has a thick mas 1904 #2117## Word: "irondequoit", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ranslated from French) Sighting in Irondequoit (New York). (July 25) 7/25/1959 #21325 IRONDEQUOIT, NY Project Bluebook Case #6 7/25/1959 #21326 Irondequoit, NY Thin, crescent moon-shap 7/25/1959 #21328 Irondequoit, New York Witness: technical 7/25/1959 #21329 On this day at about 1:30 p.m. in Irondequoit, New York W.D. Neva, a techn 7/25/1959 #21331 IRONDEQUOIT, NY Housewife. TV on and off 10/22/1977 #40121 Irondequoit, New York 2:40 a.m. A half-m 10/22/1977 #40123 is seen hovering and descending at Irondequoit, New York. Chunks “like tear 10/22/1977 #40123## Word: "ironic", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the creature, and speculated, with ironic skepticism, that the Klines were 7/8/1978 #40940## Word: "ironically", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rsity of Birmingham in England—who ironically have been assigned to investi 3/1940 #3507 ese". His story was published, but ironically, the six lines relating the o 6/24/1947 #5075 August as temperature inversions. Ironically, on that same day unidentifie 12/10/1952 #12809 to deploying hundreds of aircraft. Ironically, the U-2 has actually photogr 7/9/1956 #18074 Technology and Logistics (OUSDAT). Ironically, for such a program, even som 2018 #54377## Word: "irons", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ect of melting the tips of spears, irons, and even horses' bits, without ca 1/16/1538 #362 m it tongues of fire, like red-hot irons, were shooting out. Soon after, th 7/2/1907 #2182 all rod; these glowed like red-hot irons. Renato sped up the car and just a 8/19/1969 #31962## Word: "ironwood", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IRONWOOD, MICH 6 airline(s)/airliner pil 3/29/1950 #8057 IRONWOOD, MI Cylinder/cylindrical object 5/2/1978 #40754## Word: "ironworker", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Merom, IN Gilham Case. Ironworker stood under UFO for ten minut 11/6/1957 #19670 Merom, Indiana Ironworker Rene Gilham saw a brightly lu 11/6/1957 #19712## Word: "irony", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
plomatic relations with Japan. The irony of the name "Lucky Dragon" of the 3/1/1954 #14208## Word: "iroquis", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ming from the horizon in Chebanse, Iroquis County, Illinois at around 10 p. 8/14/2009 #54110## Word: "iroquois", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
watch on the Canadian warship HMCS Iroquois in the Pacific Ocean between Ha Late 5/1952 #10189 IROQUOIS FALLS, ON 3 / farm. Bright sile 1/5/1955 #16924 speed over the local paper mill in Iroquois Falls, Ontario, Canada and then 2/7/2008 #53990## Word: "irp", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ufo-hackers-a94344452083 https://irp.fas.org/congress/1996_hr/s960605b.ht 6/21/1996 #51588 or aerospace purposes. * https://irp.fas.org/dia/aatip-list.pdf * https 4/28/2006 #53809 en disclosed publicly. * https://irp.fas.org/dia/aatip-list.pdf * https 2008 #53982 lt to believe otherwise.” https://irp.fas.org/agency/dod/jason/gravwaves.p 10/2008 #54047## Word: "irradiated", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r it occurred. They were sometimes irradiated like the rays of the rising s 11/1930 #3090 estimated the object had burnes or irradiated the field from a height of 15 7/29/1971 #33004 front part. The object itself was irradiated with yellow light, it was as 3/12/1986 #45846## Word: "irradiating", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e inside an ionization chamber and irradiating it with neutrons, then measu 1/25/1939 #3461 erground shaft with the purpose of irradiating military aircraft as well as 6/1959 #21193## Word: "irradiation", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
: night vision, fiber optics, food irradiation, integrated circuits, and la 1961 #22138## Word: "irrational", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tall and luminous. Seized with an irrational fear, they drove away as quic 2/28/1969 #31543 ar the fir tree and experiences an irrational panic. In 1987, he sees the c Summer 1985 #45624## Word: "irrefutable", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
electronic measurements provide an irrefutable case. When the Colorado Proj 7/17/1957 #19007## Word: "irregular", 105 instance(s) (Back to Top)
trail, the object exhibited rapid, irregular, and wavering motions, reminis 7/17/1829 #960 resembling a haystack flies in an irregular trajectory. Sometimes at high 12/7/1872 #1244 t resembling a haystack flew on an irregular course. Sometimes high, someti 12/7/1872 #1246 t resembling a haystack flew on an irregular course. Sometimes high, someti 12/7/1872 #1247 t resembling a haystack flew on an irregular course at one o'clock in the m 12/7/1872 #1248 other times strung out more in an irregular line. The ship’s crew observes 2/24/1893 #1503 . However, from the last traces, 3 irregular holes forming an equilateral t 1941 #3540 red light that looked like a huge irregular mass of neon. (Page 39, Ref. 1 3/13/1943 #3764 to the spot: he then discovered an irregular trapezoidal surface where the 7/21/1946 #4610 GREENFIELD, MASS Fast irregular round silver-white metallic ob 6/22/1947 #5051 00 and 600 mph. The photo shows an irregular shape and looks very much like 7/7/1947 #5642 und white object going northwest / irregular path. 7/13/1947 #6035 O FALLS, ID 1 / farm. Small disk / irregular course low and slow overhead. 7/14/1947 #6048 of Idaho Falls, Idaho flying on an irregular course, low and slow. It tilte 7/14/1947 #6051 tory balloon geophysics, observe 2 irregular, round, white or golden object 4/5/1948 #6609 ervers Alsen, Johnson, Chance. Two irregular, round, white or golden object 4/5/1948 #6613 two hands held together. It had an irregular shape. It "rested" on a small 1/1949 #7051 t 2,000 feet. It was round with no irregular features and about one-tenth a 4/27/1950 #8224 (?) observed 6 orange lights in an irregular formation, flying straight int 9/6/1951 #9224 laremont, CA 6 orange lights in an irregular formation, fly straight and le 9/6/1951 #9227 Duel (?). Six orange lights in an irregular formation, flew straight and l 9/6/1951 #9228 saw six orange lights flying in an irregular formation at 7:20 p.m. They fl 9/6/1951 #9230 hite, circular object flew with an irregular trajectory (NICAP: 01 - Distan 4/17/1952 #9853 hite, circular object flew with an irregular trajectory and a brief trail, 4/17/1952 #9857 white circular object flying in an irregular trajectory with a short trail. 4/18/1952 #9866 hington eight witnesses watched an irregular bluish-white or silver sphere 6/2/1952 #10275 20 feet in diameter, performing an irregular descent. (6 h 08) 6/23/1952 #10497 bject, 15-20' in diameter, made an irregular descent. 6/23/1952 #10514 ameter of 15-20 feet, that made an irregular descent. It flew at a fixed al 6/23/1952 #10520 Beverly, MA Roughly elliptical irregular blobs of light in formation fi 7/16/1952 #10814 era and films 4 roughly elliptical irregular blobs of light in formation th 7/16/1952 #10816 / sky. 2 more join in. All 5 go / irregular motion. 7/28/1952 #11322 hadows on it as if its surface was irregular. The object makes 2 rotations 8/27/1952 #11983 NORTH, NZ Small bright-blue UFO / irregular motion. Angel hair falls. / r1 5/30/1953 #13424 bright-blue object with a strange irregular motion passes overhead at Palm 5/30/1953 #13425 s day a small bright blue UFO made irregular motions in the sky over Palmer 5/30/1953 #13426 NDON, ONTARIO 2 in car. Dull white irregular 30cm chunk hangs / sky. Vanish 9/16/1953 #13727 arcy, Arkansas slowly, stopping at irregular intervals. It then dove at a m 4/23/1954 #14349 of physics and their orbit is very irregular. They are not man-made devices 5/11/1954 #14422 ft a brief smoke trail, flew in an irregular formation, some of them making 5/4/1955 #17145 , SWTZ Several observer(s). Silent irregular ellipse with smoky rim going w 9/29/1956 #18392 he fragments, which are dull gray, irregular, and strongly oxidized. One sa Early 9/1957 #19187 in a single-file formation with an irregular trajectory, frequently turning 10/8/1957 #19303 s flew in trail formation along an irregular path, frequently banking durin 10/8/1957 #19311 t flew in trail formation along an irregular path, frequently banking durin 10/8/1957 #19315 n light that extend and retract at irregular intervals. As the jets approac 9/24/1959 #21457 ickly south / high altitude. Short irregular tail. Stops. Turns. Going [to] 10/15/1959 #21509 period of about 2 s (period quite irregular). The object seemed to examin 5/15/1960 #21826 lors of the spectrum with a fairly irregular period of about 2 s. Given its Summer 1960 #21868 rain and hail. At greater and more irregular intervals we also heard a kind 4/21/1963 #23502 Weymouth, Massachusetts performing irregular maneuvers. It was watched thro 7/29/1965 #25207 ours. Photographs show 4 identical irregular shapes. 8/21/1965 #25468 r and examines it. The exterior is irregular, “like a waffle.” A transparen Mid 10/1965 #25707 e an airplane, but then moved with irregular, jerky, up and down motions, a 2/3/1967 #27710 ey see five figures standing in an irregular semicircle. The man gets into 3/20/1967 #28216 ht flashed for about 20 seconds at irregular intervals. (Stanway and Pace, 9/6/1967 #29420 ht flashes for about 20 seconds at irregular intervals. A bright, glowing o 9/6/1967 #29421 shaped cloud. The light flashed at irregular intervals. 9/6/1967 #29422 rong targets traveling eastward in irregular flight. 10/6/1967 #29612 ESSENTUKI, STAVROPOL, RUSSIA UFO / irregular shape and stars / distinct vol 10/18/1967 #29688 , Poland Three teenagers notice an irregular triangular object flying to th Summer 1968 #30590 uminous/glowing globe seen / days. Irregular maneuvers. Color changes. Nois 6/28/1968 #30615 igator later found “a burned area, irregular but about two meters in diamet 9/24/1968 #31054 ltitude. White flashes of light at irregular intervals, suggesting a round 10/9/1969 #32049 about in the unusual sand pile are irregular bits of pale-green glass-like 10/30/1969 #32088 Four imprints are found forming an irregular figure on the hillside. 7/25/1970 #32449 server(s). Ovoid going northwest / irregular staircase trajectory. Flashes. 2/12/1971 #32747 sees “something small, brown, and irregular, sort of like a leaf…. Except 8/1972 #33701 e to the south. It was flashing at irregular intervals. Suddenly it dropped 5/6/1973 #34384 at once made off, flying in a most irregular fashion, maneuvering in a way 11/30/1973 #35477 euvers / all directions. Whistles. Irregular stops and starts. 3/19/1974 #35939 which pulsed intermittently in an irregular pattern. (Reference: UFO INVES 7/14/1975 #37371 a matte aluminum surface, with an irregular and wavy texture, without any 10/7/1975 #37711 photos. Two of the photos show two irregular light blobs, which he does not Late 10/1975 #37785 UFO / 30 min. Very bright. Flies / irregular patterns. No RADAR. 11/2/1975 #37864 s. Inside the oblong is a smaller, irregular area where he finds exposed so 10/22/1976 #38919 NSBURG, OH 2 observer(s). 2 silent irregular shapes over road and phone lin 11/4/1976 #38957 EDEN 1 observer. Light-bulb shape. Irregular motion. "Boxed-in light beam". 12/28/1976 #39078 fined, luminous yellow, with large irregular wrinkles, on the side some kin 12/6/1978 #41690 er(s). Disk-cylinder/cigar-shape / irregular maneuvers. Stops. Lights up. S 9/14/1979 #42562 ng white light and traveling on an irregular course. It looked like a cresc 8/23/1980 #43222 us sharp-edged boomerang circles / irregular path / 30 minute(s). Going qui 2/20/1981 #43630 rthwest, and finally north, making irregular movements before it disappears 9/26/1981 #43975 eet above a mountain. Its speed is irregular, and it changes both course an 12/20/1981 #44118 tockdale, TX A flashing light with irregular flashes of red and white trave 1/24/1982 #44162 A flashing light with irregular flashes of red and white trave 1/24/1982 #44165 ght lights / flicker and maneuver. Irregular motion and directions. / MJ#23 1/21/1984 #45084 metallic surface. It emits bright, irregular flashes of light. In two minut Mid 6/1984 #45330 Control Center (ARTCC) that he saw irregular lights resembling a spaceship. 1/11/1987 #46172 ular object at a low altitude with irregular structures on the bottom. He w 3/15/1991 #48403 window. The rectangles blink in an irregular, unsynchronized way, and the l 10/18/1991 #48639 MP / 30 minute(s). Silver object / irregular shape. No balloon. 7/17/1992 #48977 nerally rectangular, black, matte, irregular shapes and between these two l 8/31/1992 #49059 shape changed, becoming oblong and irregular, then it began to undulate in 7/27/1993 #49589 red, then it changed to an oblong, irregular shape. The witnesses ran close 7/27/1993 #49590 nd many. Vibrant bright disk makes irregular jumps left and right. Exits go 11/10/1993 #49781 going quickly NNW / 30 second(s). Irregular lights / wings. 11/18/1993 (approximate) #49794 ike craft beams lights going down. Irregular maneuvers. Follows car. 1/22/1995 #50558 A UFO that looked like an irregular triangle with rounded corners 4/11/1998 #52324 om the northeast. Its movement was irregular but slow." A group of people w 4/8/2000 #52819 lights. The formations were in an irregular pattern something like an elon 12/11/2000 #52959 ct with several lights flies on an irregular path above Policeman’s Point, 11/11/2001 #53137 An irregular shaped UFO was seen hovering o 4/21/2004 #53560 the wake of the objects and their irregular, sudden maneuvers suggested th 12/18/2004 #53671 500 feet, the pilot sees a small, irregular object like a “black rock.” Hi 1/12/2007 #53872## Word: "irregular-shaped", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a Mr. Wray took a photograph of an irregular-shaped UFO north of Norton, Ka 2/18/1948 #6572 er and Captain see a fairly large, irregular-shaped, dark-lack object pass 5/5/2018 #54407## Word: "irregularities", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ent away, but she also experienced irregularities with her menstrual cycle. 10/19/2000 #52919## Word: "irregularly", 28 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ly alarmed by bright lights moving irregularly and great gait in the sky. O 6/10/1931 #3124 San Pablo, CA Fast-flying irregularly shaped translucent white “am 9/23/1948 #6868 r blinking regularly and the other irregularly; 2 similar blinking lights, 6/26/1952 #10544 er flashing steadily and the other irregularly; two similarly flashing ligh 6/26/1952 #10553 bia, MO Object at extreme distance irregularly changing color from red to g 6/30/1952 #10595 h a comet-like tail is seen moving irregularly near Hamburg and Kiel, Germa 9/27/1952 #12348 y..." The object was roundish, but irregularly shaped. Finally, at 3:25 p.m 5/16/1966 #26621 red flashing body lights that flew irregularly at high speed. The object ha 3/8/1967 #28086 he sight, including a 10-foot wide irregularly shaped flattened area. 6/5/1971 #32902 three large landing pod imprints, irregularly spaced in a triangle 1 m x 1 1/5/1975 #36845 uple in Martinsburg, Ohio, see two irregularly shaped objects, rounded on t 11/4/1976 #38958 AU A 25-year-old man observed two irregularly shaped bright yellow objects 1/10/1978 #40409 ar-old man name Price observed two irregularly shaped bright yellow objects 1/10/1978 #40412 Palisades, California, watches an irregularly shaped oval glow with shifti 6/22/1978 #40884 and four white lights that appear irregularly and fly without any specific 7/14/1978 #40974 d at high rate of speed. It had an irregularly flashing white light and red 7/29/1978 #41043 lights and a white light flashing irregularly. It flies around the dam and 12/9/1979 #42762 ght head and a tail that undulated irregularly. It flew at a very high spee 6/17/1981 #43793 e objects, which blinks on and off irregularly, appearing in a new location 5/19/1986 #45940 Red and green lights seem to move irregularly around it. Its size is estim 2/5/1992 #48757 At 12:10 a.m. a bizarre, irregularly shaped object, only 300 feet 9/13/1995 #51078 A somewhat round but irregularly shaped object, with a surfac 6/4/1999 #52594 ights in the southern sky blinking irregularly. The object they are attache 11/4/2000 #52931 Calgary, Alberta 6:30 p.m. An irregularly shaped object like a cluster 3/11/2001 #53008 thern coast of Puerto Rico sees an irregularly shaped object like a cloud h 2/20/2002 #53182 "A"-shaped object was seen moving irregularly in the sky over Halifax, Nov 6/4/2004 #53577 orough, Ontario, Canada a big, red irregularly shaped ship with claws was s 10/15/2007 #53949 ijsenburg, Netherlands, sees three irregularly flashing lights flying towar 2/16/2018 #54385## Word: "irregularly-shaped", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
An irregularly-shaped, orange ovoid object 10/28/2005 #53768## Word: "irregulars", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
pped a clandestine army of Laotian irregulars since the early 1950s, under 1/22/1969 #31454## Word: "irrelevant", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
communication with material quite irrelevant to hostile objects that might 1/17/1953 #12990 e written) prove to be mundane and irrelevant to the F-51, according to aer 4/24/1965 #24883 on. Speed-of-light limitations are irrelevant. But Element 115 cannot be ma 3/1989 #47024 nd Bigelow’s interest in MJ-12 was irrelevant because “MJ-12 are bogus” and 4/15/1993 #49423## Word: "irresistible", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
25.3.52) Eugenio Siragusa felt an irresistible urge to go to Etna. He drov 4/30/1962 #22840 rlene Travers felt compelled by an irresistible force to follow the creatur 8/11/1966 #26898 uare of open field. Geller felt an irresistible attraction towards the ligh 12/6/1971 #33281## Word: "irresistibly", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s losing his shoes. This force was irresistibly taking him to a small wood 2/12/1969 #31501 , then more brightly. She now felt irresistibly drawn to it and had to hold 8/11/1971 #33036 t stopped above her. She then felt irresistibly drawn by a force and lost c 4/22/1977 #39477 a white scarf on her head and was irresistibly attracted to a strong beam 5/10/1977 #39558## Word: "irresponsibility", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ghtings should occur. The apparent irresponsibility and the possible use of 1/17/1953 #12990## Word: "irresponsible", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rite a section on the harm done by irresponsible UFO authors. The meeting e 11/13/1967 #29900## Word: "irreversibly", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
forum knowledge of THE THEORY will irreversibly and negatively affect globa 3/11/1998 #52308## Word: "irricana", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n lights on back surface flew over Irricana, Alberta, Canada making a low h 2/27/2001 #53002## Word: "irridescence", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lic grayish-white, and has its own irridescence or glow. The diameter is cl 7/1975 #37330## Word: "irridescent", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
100-foot-long ovoid object with an irridescent moon glow as they drove near 10/26/1958 #20757## Word: "irrigate", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ans have flying machines, and they irrigate the land with canals and artifi 1899 #2041## Word: "irrigation", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t Schiaparelli’s canali are really irrigation canals made by intelligent be 5/1894 #1509 dea that the canals were built for irrigation by an intelligent civilizatio 5/1894 #1509 onverge / opposite directions over irrigation project. Going northeast slow 8/14/1952 #11791 n. It is also noticed that a canal irrigation valve located near the second 4/14/1957 #18781 down / field. Going quickly east. Irrigation water won't run over affected 9/26/1962 #23193 ) Military personnel working on an irrigation project saw a large disc foll Mid 4/1968 #30413 ilometers he threw himself into an irrigation ditch and hid as the four men 3/21/1974 #35954 he was a peasant come to check the irrigation system. I shouted to him: "Wh 7/29/1974 #36354 iver at the point where the Zumiel irrigation canal runs into it south of S 9/18/1978 #41309 ...that's when my gaze fell on the irrigation canal - and that's where I sa Late 8/1991 #48582## Word: "irritability", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
They experience anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and bewilderment as a resu 11/7/1989 #47435## Word: "irritated", 16 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t rubber. His eyes and throat were irritated. The object rose without makin Summer 1938 #3421 the experience, he grows ever more irritated by the stigma attached to UFO 8/1952 #11511 of the witness's eyes were red and irritated for days following the encount 10/28/1954 #16417 conds. He later suffered from red, irritated eyes. 8/6/1955 #17388 ring his rosary. The leader became irritated, snatched the rosary away, and 5/4/1969 #31719 pain in his shoulders and red and irritated eyes. 5/20/1969 #31756 itchiness on his back and stomach. Irritated patches of his skin turn purpl 5/22/1973 #34438 language. Antonio remained silent. Irritated, the humanoid looked at him fi 1/4/1975 #36825 smell a peculiar “acid” odor that irritated their nasal passages. They got 8/6/1976 #38653 t took off the light made his eyes irritated. He drove to the landing site 2/27/1977 #39314 ily blinds him and leaves his eyes irritated. Frightened, he drops the came 5/16/1979 #42233 rily blinded him and left his eyes irritated. Frightened, he dropped the ca 5/16/1979 #42234 e apparently affected and remained irritated for a few days afterwards. Inv 10/9/1984 #45464 d transpired. Very shaken and with irritated eyes, he next drove to the hom 9/24/1995 #51119 ething pungent, like sulfur, which irritated her throat. She kept driving a 1/4/1996 #51300 er, and others looked to be rather irritated at her, for whatever reason. T 6/5/1997 #52036## Word: "irritating", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the mint field. They hear a loud, irritating sound and see a disc about 50 9/1957 #19182 vomiting, rash) are initially more irritating but subside substantially, al 2/17/1958 #20196 a deep, pulsating, loud, extremely irritating sound, for 6 minutes. 10/23/1963 #23832 Three university students heard an irritating noise outside their residence 9/15/1972 #33855## Word: "irritation", 20 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e object, his eyes suffered severe irritation and he had to consult the doc 8/6/1955 #17389 er because of serious eye and skin irritation. 11/10/1957 #19797 er because of serious eye and skin irritation. 11/10/1957 #19804 light was so intense it caused eye irritation for the two witnesses. 7/31/1960 #21913 domed disc, car motion slowed. Eye irritation 3/6/1969 #31572 itness suffered for 3 days from an irritation of the eyes and there were st 9/21/1972 #33873 lves. Sr. Merlo later suffered eye irritation, repeated headaches, and back 9/21/1972 #33879 of the witnesses suffered from eye irritation the next day. Ground traces a 3/31/1975 #37088 the ambulance later feels a strong irritation in his arms. Ballpoint pens i 6/23/1976 #38538 ructure or “attic” with a sense of irritation because one of the lights was 8/10/1976 #38665 norexia, nausea, vomiting, and eye irritation (photopthalmia). 10/30/1976 #38944 n sweeping over them and a prickly irritation in their eyes. They develop s 1/21/1977 #39196 ollowing week, she develops a skin irritation on the palms of her hands. Late 9/1977 #40031 windows; one witness reported eye irritation. APRO Bulletin, July 1978; se 12/17/1977 #40317 ve sound. The witness suffered eye irritation. 9/17/1978 #41304 our witnesses later experience eye irritation, and the boyfriend’s face and 11/28/1983 #44996 LAKE, MI Silent 75m manta-UFO. Eye irritation. Going northeast / nuclear po 8/1/1986 #46031 on his face, and he has severe eye irritation, headache, and neck pain afte 12/4/1988 #46894 the situation caused “considerable irritation” within USAF. https://amp.th 12/22/1992 #49235 re headaches, vomiting, and strong irritation in his eyes. (August 31, 1995 8/31/1995 #51036## Word: "irritations", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
sult of the intense light, and eye irritations after the encounter. 12/17/1977 #40323## Word: "irs", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ol and Tobacco Tax Division of the IRS in Washington and Dow Chemical’s Met Early 9/1957 #19187 e abuses by the CIA, NSA, FBI, and IRS is created by a vote of 82–4. Chaire 1/27/1975 #36891 nd states he was the subject of an IRS audit. He states much of the technol 12/2014 #54303## Word: "iruma", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Airport Tokyo Bay Johnson Air Base Iruma Air Base Saitama Prefecture 11:45 8/5/1952 #11641 from nearby Johnson Air Base [now Iruma Air Base] in Sayama, Saitama Prefe 8/5/1952 #11641## Word: "irun", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IRUN, SP 3M saucer comes north going sou 12/7/1954 #16750 le near a farm in Gainchurizqueta, Irun, Spain saw an object land nearby. I 12/7/1954 #16758## Word: "irve", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
pt, and he agrees. However, writer Irve Tunick cuts out critical portions o 12/1957 #19942## Word: "irvin", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
llege professors (geologist Wilbur Irvin Robinson, chemist Aaron Gustav “Gu 8/25/1951 #9186## Word: "irvine", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
wift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada Irvine, Alberta Medicine Hat, Alberta An 10/27/1910 #2502 ved by people in Swift Current and Irvine. The machine flew over Swift Curr 10/27/1910 #2502 object was seen heading west from Irvine, Alberta, at 4:45 AM. Additionall 10/27/1910 #2502 Swift Current, Saskatchewan Irvine, Alberta Medicine Hat, Alberta 1: 10/27/1910 #2504 urrent, Saskatchewan. Observers at Irvine, Alberta, see it at 4:45 a.m. goi 10/27/1910 #2504 r Jack H. Harris to ask his friend Irvine H. Millgate to come up with a sto 9/26/1950 #8608 ss went out onto his front yard in Irvine, California for a smoke before be 4/17/2007 #53891## Word: "irving", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
an experiment conducted by chemist Irving Langmuir at the General Electric 1919 #2828 cow, Idaho 10:30 a.m. CAA official Irving C. Allen is flying a small aircra 7/4/1947 #5448 l methods. A weather officer, Maj. Irving Newton, is called in to identify 7/8/1947 #5867 s are listed. A comment by chemist Irving Langmuir is appended, noting his 4/23/1948 #6640 oned for an assessment, as well as Irving Langmuir and Project Rand. 11/12/1948 #6949 ation (although it is), a quote by Irving Langmuir criticizing Project Sign 3/2/1949 #7161 F Public Information Officer Capt. Irving Rappaport implies it could be mis 4/7/1952 #9768 Irving, NJ 9:47 p.m. EDT. Three witnesse 7/12/1967 #29024 , observed by 19-year-old Jennifer Irving for ten minutes. It had strange b 8/9/1983 #44868 uch research to find Doctor Robert Irving Sarbacher, investigator William S 11/1983 #44975## Word: "irvington", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Indianapolis, Indiana Irvington Late afternoon. Hundreds of pe 9/16/1906 #2166 over the city. It is seen first in Irvington and then floats over the south 9/16/1906 #2166 Irvington Owensboro, Kentucky Godman Arm 1/7/1948 #6526 trol tower that the object is over Irvington then Owensboro, Kentucky. Godm 1/7/1948 #6526 NEAR IRVINGTON, NY 15 observer(s). Night ligh 8/30/1976 #38731 NEAR IRVINGTON, AL 1 / car. 60M submersible/U 2/3/1983 #44662## Word: "irwin", 35 instance(s) (Back to Top)
USA, Barstow, Camp Irwin (California) (Translated from Fren 12/1/1944 #4092 FORT IRWIN, CA Military observer(s). UFO nort 2/2/1956 #17791 Camp Irwin, CA Radar Tracks Objects In Three 2/2/1956 #17792 CAMP IRWIN, CA 2 observer(s). Silent brillian 2/9/1956 #17802 B, California USAF Capt. Walter W. Irwin reaches 1,404 mph in a Lockheed YF 5/16/1958 #20378 Utah Idaho Pfc. Bernard G. “Gerry” Irwin, on leave from Fort Bliss in El Pa 2/20/1959 #21001 Utah PFC Bernard G. Irwin of Ft. Bliss, Texas reported the s 2/22/1959 #21007 (Translated from French) Gerry Irwin observes a luminous object near Ce 2/28/1959 #21029 Cedar City, Iowa Private Gerry Irwin stopped his car to investigate wha 2/28/1959 #21032 bservation of the luminous object. Irwin deserted, and his subsequent where 2/28/1959 #21032 Private Gerry Irwin, a Nike missile technician, was dr 2/28/1959 #21034 ed a glowing object cross the sky. Irwin decided it could have been an airl 2/28/1959 #21034 f an airplane crash was found, but Irwin was soon found unconscious and tak 2/28/1959 #21034 ious and taken to a hospital. When Irwin finally woke up form a deep sleep, 2/28/1959 #21034 , after which he returned to duty. Irwin behaved strangely: he was plagued 2/28/1959 #21034 h, the day after being discharged, Irwin felt a powerful urge to return to 2/28/1959 #21034 of paper wound tightly around it. Irwin curiously took the paper and burne 2/28/1959 #21034 d a new investigation. On July 10, Irwin re-entered the hospital. On August 2/28/1959 #21034 (Translated from French) Gerry Irwin faints in a street of El Paso. (Ma 3/15/1959 #21062 (Translated from French) Gerry Irwin wakes up, convinced he is February 3/16/1959 #21065 (Translated from French) Gerry Irwin leaves William Beaumont Hospital. 4/17/1959 #21137 (Translated from French) Gerry Irwin leaves Fort Bliss heading to Cedar 4/18/1959 #21139 (Translated from French) Gerry Irwin arrives in Cedar City and goes to 4/19/1959 #21141 (Translated from French) Gerry Irwin re-admitted to hospital. (July 10) 7/10/1959 #21277 (Translated from French) Gerry Irwin does not show up for roll call. (1 8/1/1959 #21344 (Translated from French) Gerry Irwin is declared a deserter. He will ne 9/1/1959 #21413 not impressed. In 1989, physicist Irwin Wieder performs a detailed analysi 11/22/1966 #27363 IRWIN AND JEANNETTE, PA AND MORE/OTHERS 1/25/1973 #34145 IRWIN, PA Moon-size sphere/orb/globe jus 7/25/1973 #34579 iana 8:45 p.m. Robert Melerine and Irwin Menesses are doing some hunting al 1/21/1977 #39197 IRWIN, PA 3 observer(s). Silent saucer c 2/22/1988 #46597 Irwin, PA Cat fearful as disc at treetop 2/22/1988 #46598 In suburban Irwin, Pennsylvania a silent, orange dis 2/22/1988 #46599 IRWIN, PA Car-size ovoid / 15m altitude. 3/28/1992 #48848 ular formation of lights flew over Irwin, Pennsylvania, causing some radio 2/19/2001 #52998## Word: "irwin's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
itial incident. Shortly afterwards Irwin's case came to the attention of th 2/28/1959 #21034## Word: "iryna", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, Anton Anfalov, Lenura A Azizova, Iryna V Volyk & Sergey V Kovalevskiy]. ( Summer 1937 #3381## Word: "irénée", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
978 - p. 230 to 236) French pilots Irénée Prio and Raymond Gallibert, each 6/15/1951 #9067## Word: "isa", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
oncurry line on the Brisbane-Mount Isa route (a passenger train, the Sundow Late 12/1997 #52232## Word: "isaac", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, France Triple sky ships: Captain Isaac Guiton recounted an extraordinary 2/8/1672 #565 In his law "action and reaction", Isaac Newton gives the explanation of th 1687 #585 rites Astronomy Explained upon Sir Isaac Newton’s Principles, proclaiming t 1756 #699 buildings. One of the witnesses is Isaac J. Copenharve, a compositor for th 3/14/1897 #1638 Belgium, Ophain Bois Seigneur Isaac (Brabant) (Translated from French) 1/4/1995 #50514 es, Yukon Territory 5:00 a.m. Leah Isaac, a friend, and their small boy are 3/30/2000 #52811## Word: "isaacov", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lore Center" under the title "Yuri Isaacov - another blow to Israeli ufolog 9/14/1996 #51684 and that for the neighborhood Yuri Isaacov is a pathological liar. [note fr 9/14/1996 #51684## Word: "isaacs", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
mental weather balloons. MP George Isaacs asks, “Will the Minister agree th 11/24/1953 #13897## Word: "isabel", 18 instance(s) (Back to Top)
w York is founded by Ted Bloecher, Isabel Davis, and Alexander Mebane. The 2/1954 #14127 USA, Point Isabel (Ohio) (Translated from French) T 1964 (approximate) #23951 Point Isabel, OH Late evening. A couple saw a Summer 1964 #24250 Point Isabel, OH No time given. One witness (A Fall 1968 #31048 USA, Point Isabel (Translated from French) Around 1 12/1968 #31300 ARGENTINA, Santa Isabel (Translated from French) The scen 9/21/1972 #33873 SANTA ISABEL, ARG Pseudo-human/entity / batman 9/21/1972 #33874 At 5:40 a.m. in Santa Isabel, Cordoba province, Argentina Sr. 9/21/1972 #33879 ARGENTINA, Santa Isabel. (Translated from French) Again a 9/27/1972 #33892 SANTA ISABEL, ARG Several observer(s). Saucer 9/27/1972 #33893 Santa Isabel, Córdoba, Argentina Ika-Renault f 9/27/1972 #33894 r the Ika-Renault factory in Santa Isabel, Córdoba, Argentina, is making ea 9/27/1972 #33894 o the Ika-Renault factory in Santa Isabel, Cordoba, Argentina when the fluo 9/27/1972 #33895 al Ika-Renault auto plant in Santa Isabel, Cordoba, Argentina a luminous ob 9/27/1972 #33896 ARGENTINA, Santa Isabel (Translated from French) At aroun 9/28/1972 #33897 At 3:40 a.m. in Santa Isabel, Cordoba province, Argentina truc 9/28/1972 #33899 esses, including the main witness, Isabel Cardozo de Alvez. At the same tim 10/30/1976 #38944 On this night a woman named Isabel D. saw a brightly illuminated blu 12/4/1978 #41689## Word: "isabela", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NEAR ISABELA, PR Ovoid offloads several small 8/22/1972 #33794 ISABELA, PR 3+observer(s). Huge shining 8/29/1972 (approximate) #33815## Word: "isabele", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
imaru (Translated from French) Ms. Isabele Walmsley was working as a nurse Summer 1935 #3306## Word: "isabell", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ach, Mrs. Charles Colvin, and Mrs. Isabell Hufham see the object emit smoke 5/31/1948 #6692## Word: "isabella", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n, Arizona, former Congress member Isabella King and Bill McClain observed 9/6/1952 #12113 Witnesses: ex-Congresswoman Mrs. Isabella King and Bill McClain. One oran 9/6/1952 #12125 at 4:55 p.m. ex-Congresswoman Mrs. Isabella King and Bill McClain witnessed 9/6/1952 #12129 LAKE ISABELLA, CA 1 observer / lonely road. S 5/10/1957 #18838 driving along the highway in Lake Isabella, California at dusk. The witnes 5/10/1957 #18842 ing for the rendezvous point, Lake Isabella. At 8:43 all the others had thu 6/8/1966 #26675 LAKE ISABELLA, CA Car and motorcycle stop for 7/27/1973 #34584 Lake Isabella, CA Dome-shaped object 15 ft. i 7/27/1973 #34585 e at their mountain home near Lake Isabella, 35 miles from Bakersfield, Cal 12/11/1979 #42772## Word: "isabelle", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
were Mrs. Laporte and her daughter Isabelle. Driving on the RN 56 Mons-Ath, 12/5/1991 #48689 ise, Mrs. L. did some shopping and Isabelle stayed in the car, studying her 12/5/1991 #48689 tens of meters. But at that moment Isabelle did not seem to be aware of see 12/5/1991 #48689 place above the Bonnybridge moor. Isabelle Slogett of Leapark Drive recoun 11/8/1992 #49175## Word: "isaia", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
.m. Fiat Corporation pilot Alfonso Isaia chases a luminous, saucer-shaped o 3/9/1974 #35904## Word: "isakov", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
anslated from French) Youri Iskov (Isakov) is of sound mind and body. (...) 9/14/1996 #51684## Word: "isaksen", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
u (Translated from French) Synnove Isaksen in a car with her children Linda 1/23/1989 #46956 y saw something fall from the sky. Isaksen stopped the car and they then sa 1/23/1989 #46956## Word: "isbergues", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Isbergues, France A steelworker observed 10/15/1954 #16009 A steelworker in Isbergues, France observed a luminous sp 10/15/1954 #16025## Word: "iscap", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
rchives.gov/files/declassification/iscap/pdf/2014-004-doc01.pdf (p197) 12/28/1954 #16868 rchives.gov/files/declassification/iscap/pdf/2009-068-doc212.pdf (p2) ht 3/1968 #30296## Word: "isere", 23 instance(s) (Back to Top)
g rapidly in calm air over Le Pin, Isere, France by four witnesses. 9/16/1954 #15092 HEYRIEUX, ISERE, FR Deputy mayor sees orange disc 10/3/1954 #15454 VIENNE, ISERE White UFO's maneuver dance / cloud 10/18/1954 #16122 CESSIEU, ISERE 1 green globe joins 2nd. 3rd red s 12/15/1955 #17700 FLACHERES, ISERE "Arc-lamp" outside house. 4 depres 3/24/1972 #33433 ST.-JEAN-DE-BOURNAY, ISERE Rectangular UFO / 10M altitude. La 6/1974 (approximate) #36210 CHORANCHE, ISERE Man sees yellow luminous ball goin 8/12/1974 #36406 LUMBIN, ISERE Cone lands / yard. 2M high x 1.5M 9/24/1975 #37654 Domene, Isere, France 5:50 p.m. Jean Claude Silv 1/5/1976 #38125 surrounded by buildings in Domene, Isere, France when he heard a noise, and 1/5/1976 #38125 surrounded by buildings in Domene, Isere, France when he heard a noise, and 1/5/1976 #38126 rning from getting milk in Domene, Isere, France at 6 p.m., Jean Claude Sil 1/6/1976 #38139 DOMENE, ISERE Night light goes behind trees. Obs 1/8/1976 #38143 GRENOBLE, ISERE Night light maneuvers. Going down 1/9/1976 #38145 VEUREY, ISERE 4 observer(s). Fireball-sphere/orb 1/9/1976 #38149 sunset at 7:10 p.m. near Echevis, Isere department, France when a luminous 1/9/1976 #38150 BEAUREPAIRE, ISERE N519. 25M cylinder/cigar-shape 12M 1/15/1976 #38163 VIENNE, ISERE, FR Flattened neon sphere WNW goin 11/5/1976 #38961 Isere, France An oval-shaped or saucer-s 3/27/1979 #42154 lew over the Tabouret Reservoir in Isere, France and then landed on the gro 3/27/1979 #42154 lew over the Tabouret Reservoir in Isere, France and then landed on the gro 3/27/1979 #42155 d in a field in Porcie-Amblagnieu, Isere department, France. It made a whis 11/27/1979 #42718 ded over a garden in Villemoirieu, Isere department, France at 12:50 a.m. T 7/9/1981 #43819## Word: "isfahan", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
man aboard. Missing time. Found in Isfahan. 4/7/1973 #34322 a dirt road leading to the town of Isfahan. He had been put back on land 48 4/5/1976 #38377 d Lion and Sun Society Hospital in Isfahan. He was declared physically and 4/5/1976 #38377 villagers from the surroundings of Isfahan had seen a disc-shaped object in 4/5/1976 #38377 Shiraz Tehran, Iran Isfahan Tehran airport Spain 10:30 p.m. 6/11/1978 #40858 is descending to 25,000 feet over Isfahan. He sees a huge, purple form pas 6/11/1978 #40858 Khondab, Iran Isfahan Night. An Iranian Air Force F-14 10/28/2004 #53643 Predator Tactical Fighter Base in Isfahan. 10/28/2004 #53643## Word: "isfield", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Isfield, Sussex, England 5:20 p.m. A fem Fall 1977 #40028 p.m. A female police constable in Isfield, Sussex, England, sees a silent Fall 1977 #40028 ISFIELD, ENGL Lady cop. Large saucer. 20 10/1977 (approximate) #40056## Word: "isgp-studies", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
-meeting-with-Adm-Wilson https://isgp-studies.com/afio-members-and-biogra 10/16/2002 #53285## Word: "ishii", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n, Kenji Yamada, the co-pilot Akio Ishii, and flight engineer Roye Hopper o 10/3/1971 #33171## Word: "ishikawa", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan 7:00 p.m. Yas 7/6/1989 #47199 t passes nearly overhead in Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. At one point 7/6/1989 #47199 d ring was videotaped in Kanazawa, Ishikawa prefecture, Japan by a Mr. & Mr 7/7/1989 #47200 Cosmo Isle Hakui Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan A Space and U 3/21/1997 #51946 museum of space history in Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. Symposium sp 3/21/1997 #51946## Word: "ishmael", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
GREAT BRITAIN, Broad Haven, St Ishmael (Translated from French) (cf. Fe 2/24/1977 #39302## Word: "isidoro", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
oming in through a window wakes up Isidoro Ferri in his residence on the Vi 10/9/1984 #45468## Word: "isidro", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
machine gun fire in the area where Isidro Puentes was supposed to be, who w 6/14/1968 #30544 and carried out detailed analyses. Isidro remained in a state of shock for 6/14/1968 #30544 val hospital in Havana. (...) When Isidro was finally able to speak, he sai 6/14/1968 #30544 the vicinity where militia member Isidro Puentes Ventura was on guard duty 6/14/1968 #30549 vana Shortly after 12:00 midnight. Isidro Puentes Ventura is on guard duty 6/14/1968 #30551 the vicinity where militia member Isidro Puentes Ventura was on guard duty 6/14/1968 #30553 Rosswood, British Columbia. In San Isidro, Texas at 5:15 a.m. twelve oval-s 1/4/2003 #53336## Word: "isidro's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e scene. They found 48 shells from Isidro's machine gun and 14 flattened pr 6/14/1968 #30544## Word: "isis", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a double name. "Centro Sagrado de Isis" (Sacred Center of Isis) and "Orden 1/8/1998 #52256 Sagrado de Isis" (Sacred Center of Isis) and "Orden del Santuario Solar" (O 1/8/1998 #52256## Word: "iskov", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
eth (Translated from French) Youri Iskov (Isakov) is of sound mind and body 9/14/1996 #51684## Word: "iskra", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Kasimierz Lubertowicz scrambles an Iskra jet trainer on a scouting mission. 7/13/1984 #45362## Word: "iskuskovs", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
yiv, Ukraine Night. Members of the Iskuskovs family are on vacation in the 7/4/1989 #47194## Word: "isl", 22 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Unknown City, Solomon Isl Saucer shaped cigar with round dome 8/5/1942 #3673 Unknown City, Solomon Isl Formation of silvery objects directl 8/12/1942 #3679 OFF PALM ISL., AUSTRALIA 2 fishing. Plain shiny 1 10/1949 #7597 YULE ISL., PAPUA-NG Doctor and wife. Green-gl 5/1955 #17136 OFF CHANNEL ISL.NZ 1 / boat. Saucer blows smoke. Man 4/28/1957 #18803 SAMARIA ISL., PNG Pale-blue disk stops overhead 6/1958 #20407 NORTH FUNEN ISL., DK Girl / motorbike / malfunctions 9/5/1958 #20613 FYN ISL., DK 1 observer. Metallic dome / 1M 4/14/1959 #21132 TIREE ISL.SCOTLAND 1 observer. Night light goi 2/10/1961 #22208 OFF RUGGED ISL., NZ 2 odd craft surface. Float 5M o 11/13/1965 #25771 ASCENSION ISL., ATLANTIC OCEAN. Pilot and ground R 2/16/1967 #27827 OFF CON SON ISL., VIETNAM 30x10M teardrop shape goin 5/1970 (approximate) #32340 SAN ANDRES ISL., COL. Numerous observer(s). 3 lumin 2/9/1973 #34175 DOUGLAS ISL.NR JUNEAU, AK 6 / (seen thru) telesc 8/14/1973 #34633 WHIDBEY ISL., WA 1 observer. Bright blue sphere 12/30/1973 #35610 HVAR ISL., CROATIA 2 observer(s). Brilliant s 6/20/1974 #36279 PALMER ISL., NSW 5 observer(s). 10M disk zigzag 6/3/1975 #37253 BALI ISL.INDONESIA Man photographs Mt. Gning- 8/17/1976 #38689 MARE ISL.NVL SHIPYARD, CA 1 / SR37. 2 3' silv 2/22/1978 #40543 SQUAXIN ISL., WA 1 observer. Disks and triangles 1/1/1995 #50497 GOZO ISL., MALTA Round white object over beac 8/1996 #51624 SINCLAIR ISL., NS Night light hovers. Large dark 10/20/1997 #52181## Word: "isla", 21 instance(s) (Back to Top)
d near Cupor Angus on the water of Isla. Preceded by a dense dark smoke, a 9/8/1767 #733 oupar Angus, Perth, Scotland River Isla River Ericht Blairgowrie A cloud “l 9/9/1767 #734 ling along the course of the River Isla near Coupar Angus, Perth, Scotland. 9/9/1767 #734 Santa Luisa Rio Guayas Isla Puná Ecuador 3:00 p.m. An Air Force 8/3/1952 #11589 t the mouth of the Rio Guayas near Isla Puná, Ecuador. After 5 seconds, one 8/3/1952 #11589 URUGUAY, Isla de Lobos (Translated from French) A 10/28/1954 #16400 (Translated from French) At Isla de Lobos (Uruguay), a sentinel is a 10/28/1954 #16402 ISLA / FRANCES, URUG 4 / boat. 10M lumin 12/7/1954 #16752 Isla La Orchila, Venezuela Capt. Karl Ha 12/13/1956 #18551 of light for 2–3 minutes north of Isla La Orchila, Venezuela. It explodes 12/13/1956 #18551 ARGENTINA, between Monte Maize and Isla Verde (Translated from French) At d 10/12/1963 (approximate) #23807 Monte Maíz Isla Verde, Córdoba, Argentina 3:30 a.m. 10/12/1963 #23811 on the road between Monte Maíz and Isla Verde, Córdoba, Argentina, Eugenio 10/12/1963 #23811 otorboat to a local sandy beach on Isla del Altar, El Salvador. There he no 1/15/1969 #31436 ISLA DE LOBOS, URUG UFO parks by lightho 10/28/1972 #33959 Isla de Lobos Punta del Este, Uruguay 10 10/28/1972 #33961 are stationed at the lighthouse on Isla de Lobos, off Punta del Este, Urugu 10/28/1972 #33961 domed disc at his military base on Isla de Lobos, Rocha province, Uruguay a 10/28/1972 #33963 ISLA ORCHILA, VNZL Woman. 100M saucer ri 10/21/1996 #51760 ISLA BELA, BRAZIL 2 silent 2OM flat ciga 7/7/1999 #52611 o UFOs were seen over the beach on Isla Bela, Sao Paulo State, Brazil by th 7/7/1999 #52614## Word: "islagrande", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Tortuguero, Islagrande, PR 11:15 a.m. A flight instr 4/1967 #28336## Word: "islam", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Racial Equality, and the Nation of Islam. BLACK HATE establishes the Ghetto 8/1967 #29154## Word: "islamic", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Os, which he thinks are piloted by Islamic jinns. 10/1983 #44925## Word: "islamorada", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NEAR ISLAMORADA, FL Night light paces car. Go 7/20/1967 #29085## Word: "islampur", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ISLAMPUR, INDIA Fireball yanks tin roofs 7/10/1979 #42324## Word: "island", 855 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nch) Probable settlement of Easter Island by navigators from the Society Is 500 #41 nce Magonia Mahón, the port of the island of Menorca, Spain Agobard, the ar 812 #92 the city of Mahón, the port of the island of Menorca, Spain. 812 #92 d, they opted to exile him to Sado Island. Despite his exile, Shonin's teac 9/12/1271 #231 ameter had emerged from a Japanese island and had flown over the entire wes 1361 #257 ut 6 m in diameter emerged from an island located west of Japan. 1361 #258 itude calculations) arrives at the island he will name Easter Island. The f 4/5/1722 #633 at the island he will name Easter Island. The first Europeans to set foot 4/5/1722 #633 irst Europeans to set foot on this island, located 4000 km from the Chilean 4/5/1722 #633 000 km from the nearest Polynesian island, discover an arid land, battered 4/5/1722 #633 d from French) A resident of Block Island Sound described in a letter the p 1811 #888 s book entitled A History of Block Island. 1811 #888 BARBADOS ISLAND 2 large colored clouds hover / 12 5/1/1812 #896 Easron Beach, near Newport (Rhode Island), spot a ship, the Seabird, headi 1850 #1097 Berlin, Germany Eiswerder island A luminous object with a tail is 9/26/1870 #1224 military installation on Eiswerder island. 9/26/1870 #1224 (Translated from French) At Coney Island (Brooklyn), a winged human figure 5/15/1877 #1292 USA, Coney Island (Brooklyn) (Translated from Frenc 9/8/1880 #1357 an altitude of 1600 m above Coney Island. 9/8/1880 #1357 the eruption of Perbuatan, on the island of Krakatau (Sunda Strait), 2 ast 8/13/1883 #1403 arth. The explosion pulverized the island. The sound was heard as far as Au 8/13/1883 #1403 Jeju Island, South Korea Korea Strait Hallasa 2/24/1893 #1503 iling about 16 miles south of Jeju Island, South Korea, in the Korea Strait 2/24/1893 #1503 postal clerk on the Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railway, is on a tra Mid 7/1896 #1538 Belleville, Kansas Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railroad depot Night 3/23/1897 #1639 h 25, workers at the Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railroad depot and o 3/23/1897 #1639 encountered an airship on a small island in the Missouri River. The airshi 4/6/1897 #1679 NORWAY, SPITZBERG ISLAND (Translated from French) S.A. And 7/11/1897 #1994 he balloon "Oernen" from Spitzberg Island in an attempt to cross the polar 7/11/1897 #1994 August 6, 1930, fishermen on White Island find the remains of the expeditio 7/11/1897 #1994 Great River, Long Island, New York Late evening. Helen C. 5/1908 #2205 in the sky over Great River, Long Island, New York. The first light stops 5/1908 #2205 New Zealand South Island Australia A mystery airship wave 7/1909 #2358 nse over the southern end of South Island. In the following weeks the repor 7/1909 #2358 t seen in the direction of Urville Island. It then crossed the bay and appr 7/24/1909 #2364 wns along the Otago Coast of South Island (New Zealand). 7/29/1909 #2380 Fishers Island, New York 2:30 a.m. Four men (Cap 8/18/1909 #2417 ation on the south side of Fishers Island, New York, see a winged airship 6 8/18/1909 #2417 le, Invercargill, across the whole island. "An object resembling an aerial 9/1/1909 #2426 A, Providence and Pawtucket (Rhode Island) (Translated from French) At 1:15 12/22/1909 #2442 Providence, Rhode Island In Providence, Rhode Island, auth 12/24/1909 #2452 Rhode Island In Providence, Rhode Island, author H. P. Lovecraft sees what 12/24/1909 #2452 USA, New York, Manhattan Island (Translated from French) At 8:45 8/30/1910 #2496 ng dark object flew over Manhattan Island. Hundreds of people saw it approa 8/30/1910 #2496 East Providence, Rhode Island 5:30 a.m. Two objects flying at a 10/29/1910 #2506 e seen over East Providence, Rhode Island, by newspaper workers and others 10/29/1910 #2506 Pawtucket, Rhode Island 3:00 p.m. Hans M. Schnitzler, 7, 1914 #2618 his front yard in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, when he hears a musical humming 1914 #2618 near Skjaervser lighthouse on the island of Mindlandet, Nordland, Norway. 11/21/1914 #2669 Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Timor Island and finally Australia. 75 years l 11/12/1919 #2848 Bainbridge Island, WA SAUCER SIGHTED YEAR WALL STRE Spring 1929 #3051 On the shore of the Long Island Sound, Connecticut Around 1932 or 1932 #3144 over the Connecticut shore of Long Island Sound. The object emitted a pink 1932 #3144 GERMANY, Borkum (island) (Translated from French) Launch 12/1934 #3277 GERMANY, Borkum (island) (Translated from French) Launch 12/1934 #3278 GERMANY, Peenemunde Island (Translated from French) Beginnin 1935 #3286 nadian Territories, perhaps Baffin Island. This data is provided to Hitler Summer 1937 #3381 crew of a barge on a route to Deer Island, saw a "pack of electric lights" 8/1937 #3390 base but also set up on Stonington Island, near the Antarctic Peninsula. Th 1939 #3452 orway), Lorentz Johnsen saw on the island small discs or luminous balls, ca Autumn 1939 #3484 HOY ISLAND, SCOTLAND Military observer(s) wi 6/1940 #3520 Hoy Island, The Orkneys, Scotland On a brigh 6/1940 #3521 Mozambique, Africa Mozambique and Island of Madagascar strange globe glowi 12/1941 #3577 USA, South Coast, on a small island offshore (Translated from French) 1942 #3591 Over the island of Tulagi, Solomons Islands Durin 1942 #3600 GERMANY, Peenemunde Island (Translated from French) The firs 6/13/1942 #3654 Tulagi Island (Solomon Islands) west of Guadalc 8/12/1942 #3676 with no wings was seen from Tulagi Island in the Soloman Islands in the Pac 8/12/1942 #3681 Germany, Peenemunde Island (Translated from French) (cf. Aug 10/3/1942 #3709 GUADALCANAL ISLAND Thousands / observer(s). 25M silv 10/9/1942 (approximate) #3712 , as if the ball was observing the island. It covered an area of the sky ap 6/1944 #3942 eded up and traveled away from the island towards the direction where the p 6/1944 #3942 Torokina Beach, Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea 12:30 p.m. Davi 6/1944 #3947 nd at Torokina Beach, Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea. They see “a hu 6/1944 #3947 as it attempted to depart from the island of Oahu, Hawaii near Kaneohe. One 6/22/1944 #3963 les northwest of Palembang off the island of Sumatra. There were three witn 8/10/1944 #3992 Unknown Island, Japan White object & egg-shaped 9/1944 #4017 Vancouver Island, CAN Large silvery cylinder or ba 1/18/1945 #4173 distance of 18 to 8 miles from the island. The gunner in a P-61B "Black Wid 4/18/1945 #4277 Fala Island, Truk Atoll Two airborne objects 5/2/1945 #4291 FALA ISLAND, TRUK B29 crew. 2 red circles pac 5/3/1945 #4292 Truk Atoll Micronesia Fala Island Early morning. Nine B-24’s with t 5/3/1945 #4294 in Micronesia. One plane over Fala Island sees two objects at their altitud 5/3/1945 #4294 Force B-24 bomber flying over Fala Island in the Truk Atoll, the Pacific Oc 5/3/1945 #4295 SOUTHEAST / ADAK ISLAND, AK 60M sphere/orb/globe going up 8/1945 (approximate) #4355 CAROLINE ISLANDS, Ulithi Island (Translated from French) The crew 8/20/1945 #4375 Stringfield was flying to Iwo Jima island onboard a U.S. Army Air Force C-4 8/28/1945 #4385 sport plane as they approached the island in the Pacific. The plane's engin 8/28/1945 #4385 and landed in a field on a nearby island, crushing two cows when it came d 12/25/1945 #4414 GOTTLAND ISLAND, SWEDEN Teacher. Object / 800kph. 8/7/1946 #4659 ickly south. Drops & lands / small island / news. / FSRv15#3. 8/12/1946 #4674 and seems to come down on a small island. Two men go out to investigate, b 8/12/1946 #4676 men go out to investigate, but the island is too overgrown to allow a searc 8/12/1946 #4676 ip in the north Baltic Sea Hiiumaa island, Estonia Latvia Peenemünde, Germa 8/13/1946 #4682 forwards on to Chamberlin: Hiiumaa island, Estonia; Latvia; or Peenemünde, 8/13/1946 #4682 Maury Island, WA Harold Dahl sees 6 discs near 6/21/1947 #5031 Maury Island Incident 6/21/1947 #5032 USA, Maury Island, Tacoma (Translated from French) 6/21/1947 #5034 ed from French) Start of the Maury Island affair. An American Coast Guard v 6/21/1947 #5035 . The boat stops in a bay of Maury Island, about 5 km from Tacoma. People o 6/21/1947 #5035 Maury Island, WA Maury Island Incident (NICAP: 6/21/1947 #5040 Maury Island, WA Maury Island Incident (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases 6/21/1947 #5040 Maury Island, near Tacoma, Washington Harold A 6/21/1947 #5042 Maury Island, Washington Log salvager Harold A 6/21/1947 #5045 . Dahl is patrolling east of Maury Island, Washington, with his 15-year-old 6/21/1947 #5045 openings, over a bay next to Maury Island on Puget Sound, Washington. One o 6/21/1947 #5047 Canada, Prince Edward Island, Edmonton, Delaware (Translated f 7/1/1947 #5257 ht and can therefore not visit the island. But he fills a large box with ki 7/1/1947 #5259 SULLIVANS ISLAND, SC 4 observer(s). Red disk north 7/1/1947 #5272 North Bedeque, Prince Edward Island Day. Animal ecologist Charles K. 7/1/1947 #5276 near North Bedeque, Prince Edward Island, when they see a bright, shapeles 7/1/1947 #5276 d organizes an expedition to Maury Island with Crisman and Dahl, but it tur 7/2/1947 #5298 Green Charlottetown Prince Edward Island Augustine Cove 5:45 p.m. Farmer E 7/3/1947 #5358 st of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, sees a black, rocket-shaped proj 7/3/1947 #5358 ee reports came from Prince Edward Island, Canada at 5:45 p.m. including th 7/3/1947 #5361 course over East Providence, Rhode Island. 7/6/1947 #5630 ewspaper article in England: Maury Island incident fragments sent for analy 7/8/1947 #5781 +3 saucers 850mph going south over island. Photographs going [to] mainland. 7/8/1947 #5822 CANADA, Vancouver Island (BC) (Translated from French) Mr. 7/16/1947 #6061 und in various places on Vancouver Island. 7/16/1947 #6061 HATZIC ISLAND, BC 1 observer. Shiny disk going 7/19/1947 #6073 Maury Island, Washington Ray Palmer writes to 7/22/1947 #6089 nold and tells him about the Maury Island, Washington, case, asking him to 7/22/1947 #6089 Maury Island, Washington Ray Palmer wires Kenn 7/27/1947 #6119 nold $200 to investigate the Maury Island, Washington, case. 7/27/1947 #6119 iews Dahl in Tacoma WA, near Maury Island. Retrieved metals sent to Ray Pal 7/29/1947 #6128 shington, to investigate the Maury Island mystery. As he is over Union, Ore 7/29/1947 #6143 Crisman’s place to see some Maury Island fragments. Arnold thinks it looks 7/29/1947 #6143 Maury Island, Washington Tacoma Winthrop Hotel 7/30/1947 #6149 ks him to come listen to the Maury Island, Washington, story. Smith arrives 7/30/1947 #6149 Maury Island Winthrop Hotel room in Tacoma, Wa 7/31/1947 #6154 nts and white metal from the Maury Island case to the Winthrop Hotel room i 7/31/1947 #6154 fers to go home and get more Maury Island fragments. He returns with slight 7/31/1947 #6154 rieved from Harold Dahl near Maury Island WA crashes near Kelso, WA 8/1/1947 #6174 ted Carrying ‘Flying Disc’”. Maury Island incident metallic fragments were 8/3/1947 #6184 Seattle, Washington Maury Island The Seattle, Washington, FBI offi 8/7/1947 #6212 n and Dahl and announces the Maury Island incident is a hoax. The FBI file 8/7/1947 #6212 s of fact.” He adds that the Maury Island crash “did not occur.” 8/8/1947 #6220 JAPAN, Guam Island (Translated from French) At 10:40 8/14/1947 #6242 Shika Island off Fukuoka, Japan Microwave Earl 8/28/1947 #6302 owave Early Warning radar on Shika Island off Fukuoka, Japan, picks up a ta 8/28/1947 #6302 Mitchel Field Long Island New York A memo from Col. R. H. S 9/3/1947 #6313 dquarters at Mitchel Field on Long Island, New York, states that the intent 9/3/1947 #6313 NECKER ISLAND, HI Project Bluebook Case #59. PA 9/13/1947 #6329 Midway Island to Oahu, Hawaii, in airspace A br 9/13/1947 #6330 Antarctica, is based on Stonington Island. He flies over the southern shore 12/1947 #6458 1 #1 page 26 reports on the Maury Island incident metallic fragments, desc 1/1948 #6503 Luzon Island, Philippines Pilot saw a half-moo 4/1/1948 #6599 Wake Island (near), At Sea A ball of fire exp 5/6/1948 #6662 yton Mitchel AFB [now closed] Long Island, New York Letter from Howard McCo 11/30/1948 #6972 nd, Mitchel AFB [now closed], Long Island, New York. “It is requested that 11/30/1948 #6972 Diego, CA An analysis of the Maury Island incident metal fragments appears 3/1949 #7156 TIGVARIAK ISLAND, AK Project Bluebook Case #428. G 8/22/1949 (approximate) #7542 n Alaska, a scientist on Tigvariak Island sighted six disc-shaped object fl 8/22/1949 #7543 KAUAI ISLAND, HI 5 county officials. Silver sa 1/17/1950 #7737 n this day a farmworker in Kailua, island of Oahu, Hawaii sighted a silver 3/14/1950 #7916 USA, Jarvis Island, Santa Barbara Channel. (Translat 5/11/1950 #8270 NUNIVAK ISLAND, AK Aleuts terrorized. Huge fireb 9/1/1950 #8560 McKorryuk, Nunivak Island, Aleutians, AK Strange deep red b 9/1/1950 #8561 Mitchel AFB Long Island, New York Ent AFB Colorado Spring 1/1/1951 #8846 t Mitchel AFB [now closed] in Long Island, New York. The HQ is moved to Ent 1/1/1951 #8846 Cape May, New Jersey Nantucket Island, Massachusetts 11:30 p.m. Operati 3/1951 #8963 hin 35–40 miles south of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, before it zooms s 3/1951 #8963 Tsushima Island (about 20 miles SE of), Japan Rad 3/9/1951 #8970 ak Atoll Marshall Islands Bogullua Island Drones are again used in the seri 4/21/1951 #9014 nd crashes on uninhabited Bogullua Island. The Air Force concludes that unm 4/21/1951 #9014 Hudson Strait to Baffin Island, CAN B-36 Radar Picks Up Object S 9/17/1951 #9260 t northern Canada southwest Baffin Island, Nunavut Labrador 10:20 p.m. USAF 9/18/1951 #9268 18,000 feet over southwest Baffin Island, Nunavut. The object has all-whit 9/18/1951 #9268 Whidbey Island NAS, WA 3 F-94's Encounter Round 10/16/1951 #9341 McChord] Naval Air Station Whidbey Island in Oak Harbor, Washington 11:01 a 10/16/1951 #9342 west of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island in Oak Harbor, Washington. Photos 10/16/1951 #9342 r Mental Diseases in Howard, Rhode Island Bahamas New Mexico José Manuel Ro 1952 #9499 r Mental Diseases in Howard, Rhode Island, where Delgado’s occasional colla 1952 #9499 Mitchel AFB Long Island, New York 9:50 a.m. A Navy pilot 1/21/1952 #9545 r Mitchel AFB [now closed] on Long Island, New York. It accelerates rapidly 1/21/1952 #9545 TBM plane from Mitchel AFB on Long Island, New York chased a white, circula 1/21/1952 #9546 ound at the weather office of Lulu Island. 2/14/1952 #9593 Nunivak Island, Alaska 12:58 a.m. Four high-alti 4/17/1952 #9858 NORAD defense observers at Nunivak Island, Alaska. 4/17/1952 #9858 Korea Strait Kyushu Island, Japan 12:07 p.m. Detachment 21 o 4/18/1952 #9884 r the Korea Strait north of Kyushu Island, Japan, moving at 2,700 mph. 4/18/1952 #9884 re preparing to do a report on the Island of Lovers, and were looking for f 5/7/1952 #10065 Oshima island (Japan Sea, S of), Japan C-54 Cre 5/30/1952 #10219 BAFFIN ISLAND, NWT USAF weathermen / theodolite 6/25/1952 (approximate) #10532 UK Marines. Saucer going [to] over island. Fast. High-altitude. Morning. Re 6/27/1952 #10558 Governors Island, NY 4 photos of some indistinct l 7/6/1952 #10666 making time exposures at Governors Island, New York. He didn't see a UFO at 7/6/1952 #10668 nslated from French) At Governor's Island (New York), Elizabeth (New Jersey 7/12/1952 #10717 uard Air Station Salem [now Winter Island Marine Park], Massachusetts 9:35 7/16/1952 #10816 uard Air Station Salem [now Winter Island Marine Park], Massachusetts, whil 7/16/1952 #10816 VT, South Portland, ME, and Staten Island, N.Y. reported flying saucers ove 7/22/1952 #11016 Jamestown, Rhode Island Camp Hero, Montauk Point, New Yor 7/23/1952 #11120 US Navy radar at Jamestown, Rhode Island, tracks a high-speed target headi 7/23/1952 #11120 flying saucers over parts of Long Island. Balloons are sent up at 5 & 11 p 7/26/1952 #11199 STA.CATALINA ISLAND, CA Group scouts. Metal saucer wi 8/1952 #11504 USS SOUTH LUISA, PUNA ISLAND, ECUADOR Observer(s) = Holmes. 3 8/3/1952 #11582 vers, is located North of Bornholm Island. During the night, Lieutenant Com 9/13/1952 #12174 NORTH / BORNHOLM ISLAND, DK Danish destroyer crew. 3 blue 9/13/1952 #12179 Bornholm island, Denmark Baltic Sea 10:13 p.m. Th 9/14/1952 #12216 ce maneuvers, is north of Bornholm island, Denmark, in the Baltic Sea. Lt.C 9/14/1952 #12216 Tsushima Island, Japan (35°11’ N, 136°45’ E). (Mc 9/28/1952 #12351 Tsushima Island, Japan Itazuke Air Base [now Fuku 9/28/1952 #12354 on the southwest coast of Tsushima Island, Japan, notices unusual targets o 9/28/1952 #12354 Hempstead, Long Island, NY Two F-94's Encounter Controll 10/29/1952 #12562 HempSTEAD, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 5:10 a.m. Two USAF F-94 10/29/1952 #12565 r 20 minutes above Hempstead, Long Island, New York. Lt. William F. Hamilto 10/29/1952 #12565 r / flat bottom/underside hovers / island offshore. Reappears / northeast s 11/5/1952 #12610 TRUK ISLAND, PACIFIC Army weatherman. Bullet 2/6/1953 #13100 Barter Island, AK Object With Falling Leaf Moti 2/8/1953 #13112 XC5555 NORTHEAST / CHO-DO ISLAND, NORTH KOREA Meteor stops and man 2/10/1953 #13121 In Malang, Indonesia on the island of Java a metallic disc-shaped ob 2/21/1953 #13162 SADO ISLAND, JPN 6 / lighthouse. Flat ellipse 2/23/1953 #13167 ver the northeast corner of Honshu Island, Japan. 3/31/1953 #13288 NEAR TINIAN ISLAND, MARIANAS, PACIFIC Several UFO's 4/1953 #13292 Quonset Point, Rhode Island USAF EMERGENCY Intelligence Repor 6/24/1953 #13478 Hampton Bays, Long Island, NY "a large aircraft" of exotic 6/24/1953 #13486 Hampton Bay, Long Island A civilian woman saw something li 6/24/1953 #13489 Simiutaq island, western Greenland 11:30 a.m. A w 6/24/1953 #13492 erver stationed at remote Simiutaq island, western Greenland, is tracking a 6/24/1953 #13492 aining mission over southern Rhode Island when two aircraft in the formatio 6/24/1953 #13493 Wolin Island, Poland 7:00 p.m. Five Poles and 7/31/1953 #13559 eld near a railroad track on Wolin Island, Poland. After several minutes it 7/31/1953 #13559 CKERS TOWN, BERMUDA Saucer circles island during US and UK and FR summit ta 12/5/1953 (approximate) #13919 Heligoland Island, off Germany Scientists were repo 1954 #14020 HECLA ISLAND, MBA 2 observer(s). 30M thin silv 3/18/1954 #14253 Hecla Island Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba 4:25 p.m. 3/18/1954 #14255 vation officers stationed on Hecla Island in Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, are d 3/18/1954 #14255 San Nicolas Island, CA American military personnel s 4/22/1954 #14334 SAN NICHOLAS ISLAND, CA Military observer(s). 120cm c 4/22/1954 #14335 San Nicholas Island, CA 4-6 ft long gray cigar-shaped 4/22/1954 #14337 San Nicholas Island, California American military per 4/22/1954 #14338 . Naval Outlying Field San Nicolas Island, California 2:00 p.m. USN Seaman 4/22/1954 #14339 e Naval Outlying Field San Nicolas Island, California, when they see a 4–6- 4/22/1954 #14339 down to the ground on San Nicholas Island on the California coast. Smoke wa 4/22/1954 #14341 STATEN ISLAND, NY 1 observer. White sphere appe 6/14/1954 #14570 central Vancouver Island, British Columbia Naselle Air For 6/21/1954 #14596 lip located over central Vancouver Island, British Columbia, responds to co 6/21/1954 #14596 ew York City London, England Rhode Island coast Cape Cod, Massachusetts Sep 6/29/1954 #14649 o hold his position over the Rhode Island coast. Howard circles for 10–12 m 6/29/1954 #14649 cers going quickly west. Stop over island / 2 minute(s). Swoosh-gone! 7/22/1954 #14735 MIDDLE SISTER ISLAND, OH Black cylinder scoots just ov 7/25/1954 #14748 Middle Sister Island, CAN Black cylinder, 12:1 length/ 7/25/1954 #14750 Middle Sister Island, on U.S.-Canadian border in weste 7/25/1954 #14752 Middle Sister Island, on U.S.-Canadian border in weste 7/25/1954 #14754 Yoron-Jima Island, Okinawa Line of blue lights unde 8/11/1954 #14839 Yoron-Jima Island, Okinawa S. S. Docteur Close Enco 8/12/1954 #14855 ULITHI / URUSHI, CAROLINE ISLAND United States Navy (USN) ship see 8/20/1954 #14882 the North Atlantic on Santa Maria Island in the Azores, at 11:00 p.m. Vito 9/20/1954 #15149 a.m in the town of Stintino on the island of Sardegna, Italy a single witne 10/8/1954 #15671 TEXEL ISLAND, NETHERLANDS Numerous observer(s) 10/21/1954 #16224 TERCIERA ISLAND, AZORES Project Bluebook Case #32 10/25/1954 #16327 30 p.m. many observers on Terceira Island, The Azores in the Atlantic Ocean 10/25/1954 #16345 ht in the sky over Antimachia, Kos Island, Greece. The UFO had the shape of 10/26/1954 #16368 OFF RHODES ISLAND, GREECE Luminous disk hovers over 10/27/1954 #16381 tionals at the airport on Terciera Island in the Azores sighted a UFO shape 10/29/1954 #16437 past three in the afternoon on the island of Sardinia a domed disc-shaped U 11/4/1954 #16531 Padre Island, TX Ray Stanford contacts spacecr 11/6/1954 #16547 , BRZ Domed saucer on / over small island. Going quickly east as mail plane 11/20/1954 #16651 NEW CALEDONIA ISLAND Gypsum mine. Luminous "fish net" 1/31/1955 #16960 Force C-124 crew flying over Ryuku Island, near Okinawa, Japan sighted a ye 2/11/1955 #17011 elson AFB, Fairbanks, Alaska Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada An 6/7/1955 #17229 ctronic contact southeast of Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada, a 6/7/1955 #17229 US Science fiction movie “This Island Earth” is released. A group of sc 6/10/1955 #17231 NEAR PANTELLERIA ISLAND, ITALY Different tanker crews. Cy 6/30/1955 #17259 crew in a vessel near Pantelleria Island off the coast of Sicily in the Me 6/30/1955 #17261 face of the ocean near Santa Maria Island in the Azores. Project Blue Book' 7/22/1955 #17325 Lake Ronkonkoma Long Island, New York 8:30–9:30 p.m. An aircr 7/29/1955 #17350 Saturn at Lake Ronkonkoma on Long Island, New York. The star moves in a pe 7/29/1955 #17350 GRAND ISLAND, NE Several observer(s). Many dis 8/10/1955 #17397 North Pacific Midway Island Japan 7:45 p.m. W. J. Kyncy is ab 1956 #17731 n the North Pacific between Midway Island and Japan. He and some 30 other s 1956 #17731 ROBERTSON ISLAND, ANTARC 4 CHL scientists. 2 verti 1/8/1956 #17744 ’clock in the morning on Robertson Island, Antarctica a photograph was take 1/8/1956 #17746 clearer in the strait between Bela Island and Sao Sebastiao, then a jet of 4/1956 (approximate) #17878 near Hicksville, New York on Long Island at just after midnight in 1956. T 6/4/1956 #17996 OFF WAKAYA ISLAND, FIJI 10 / boat. Saucer seen / 2 7/12/1956 #18082 On the Pacific island of Levuka in the Fiji Islands, se 7/12/1956 #18085 Mastic, Long Island, NY Brief Sighting By AF Pilot (N 7/17/1956 #18096 ST. LAWRENCE ISLAND, AK Several / USAF. Bright object 8/1956 #18157 Bornholm Island, Den August-September 1956; Bornh 8/1956 #18162 en August-September 1956; Bornholm Island, Denmark, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 8/1956 #18162 Bornholm Island, Den (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 8/22/1956 #18244 mark 8:50–11:59 p.m. Radars on the island of Bornholm, Denmark, first repor 8/22/1956 #18246 jöberg are building a house on the island of Väddö, about 56 miles northwes 11/11/1956 #18469 NORTH / ORCHILA ISLAND, VNZL Swedish ship. Glowing-cone 12/13/1956 #18550 (Translated from French) At the island of Guam, USAF 1st Lieutenant Ted 12/31/1956 #18571 Santa Rosa Island, CA Orange Objects Fly Over & Und 5/5/1957 #18834 and one red light plunge into Long Island Sound. 6/22/1957 #18941 SWEDEN, Gotland Island (Translated from French) A couple 8/5/1957 #19089 are at their summer cottage on the island of Gotland, Sweden, in the Baltic 8/5/1957 #19094 Naval Air Station North Island tower San Diego, California Point 10/14/1957 #19347 0 p.m. The Naval Air Station North Island tower in San Diego, California, d 10/14/1957 #19347 Riverhead, Long Island, New York New York City area West 11/7/1957 #19735 Communications at Riverhead, Long Island, New York. The signal is a contin 11/7/1957 #19735 ated from French) In Merrick, Long Island (New York), Miss L. Dinner observ 11/8/1957 #19740 Merrick, Long Island, NY A bar-shaped object, 3.5 ft l 11/8/1957 #19754 Merrick, Long Island, New York Witness: Mrs. L. Dinne 11/8/1957 #19759 BORNHOLM ISLAND, DK Separate report(s) / many obs 11/20/1957 #19865 TRINIDADE ISLAND, ATLANTIC Boat crew. Silver ovoid 11/27/1957 (approximate) #19914 e fireworks, seen by others on the island as well as Scotland. The crew not 11/29/1957 #19924 only a few hundred feet from Long Island Sound. At the beginning and end o 12/16/1957 #20030 TRINIDADE ISLAND, BRZ Numerous military observer(s 1/1/1958 #20101 hooting away was taken at Trindade Island in the Atlantic Ocean at 7:70 a.m 1/1/1958 #20102 Old Westbury, Long Island, NY Fensterstock. (Hynek UFO Rpt 1/3/1958 #20107 er globes over Diamond Head on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. 1/3/1958 #20109 lars on what appears to be a small island. When he does get focused, he rea 1/10/1958 #20127 does get focused, he realizes the island is getting bigger and is in two p 1/10/1958 #20127 Probably an inferior mirage of an island in combination with a towering ef 1/10/1958 #20127 NORTH / ADAK ISLAND 4 / Navy P2V-5F. RADAR blip hover 1/11/1958 #20128 Atka Island, Aleutian Islands, AK P2V-5F Enco 1/11/1958 #20129 crew of four flying north of Adak Island, Alaska sighted a formation of th 1/11/1958 #20130 Wake Island (W of), At Sea Pilot saw a greeni 1/12/1958 #20131 BRAZIL, Island of Trindade (Translated from Fren 1/16/1958 #20138 vessel, was preparing to leave the Island of Trindade. (...) Captain Viegas 1/16/1958 #20138 ew from the east. It flew over the island, went straight to the Desejado pe 1/16/1958 #20138 ion and photography of the Trinity Island (Brazil). (January 16, 12 PM (6:4 1/16/1958 #20139 Trindade Island (NE of), At Sea Trindade Island P 1/16/1958 #20143 de Island (NE of), At Sea Trindade Island Photo (E-M, Radar, AR) Case (NICA 1/16/1958 #20143 shaped object maneuvering over the island. It reportedly comes toward the i 1/16/1958 #20144 nd. It reportedly comes toward the island from the east, flies towards the 1/16/1958 #20144 cially there to take photos of the island, underwater photos, photos of the 1/16/1958 #20144 e the flying object remains in the island’s proximity. Willy Smith’s April 1/16/1958 #20144 orations, and anchored at Trindade Island in the Atlantic Ocean. Sr. Baraun 1/16/1958 #20145 HOKKAIDO ISLAND, JPN 3 / farm. Location unknown. 2/2/1958 #20181 Wake Island (west of), At Sea Radar Contacts 2/13/1958 #20194 taken on January 16 at the Trinity Island, as well as their history, make t 2/21/1958 #20202 he story and photos of the Trinity Island, ensures that the Brazilian Navy 2/25/1958 #20211 KUNASHIRI ISLAND, JPN / (USSR OCC) Project Blueboo 3/1/1958 #20228 TABOGA ISLAND AND PANAMA CANAL Strong RADAR bli 3/9/1958 #20244 from French) Observation at Bohol Island (Philippines). (May 9) 5/9/1958 #20357 BOHOL ISLAND, PHL Project Bluebook Case #5800. 5/9/1958 #20358 Bohol Island, Philippines Pilot saw object w/s 5/9/1958 #20359 Bohol Island, Phillipine Islands Witness: Phi 5/9/1958 #20360 90 seconds while flying over Bohol Island, The Philippines. A Project Blue 5/9/1958 #20361 up and detonate directly above the island. In a sanitized film record of th 8/1/1958 #20525 mal radiation that had reached the island. While only slight to the crew me 8/1/1958 #20525 raun so greatly that he leaves the island shortly after comms are restored. 8/1/1958 #20525 Osel Island and Gulf of Finland, At Sea (McDo 8/11/1958 #20540 TRINDADE ISLAND, ATLANTIC OCEAN. Brazil Navy sent 10/3/1958 #20674 Stockholm, Sweden Väddö island Älmstä Väddö Bay Linköping Univer 11/9/1958 #20818 m, Sweden, to their cabin on Väddö island, about 20 miles to the northeast. 11/9/1958 #20818 Montauk AFB, Long Island, NY (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - 11/19/1958 #20834 motorcycling on this Mediterranean Island when he observed a missile-shaped 12/17/1958 #20869 Auckland, New Zealand North Island Kaikohe George Adamski arrives in 1/17/1959 #20958 tour where he is received by North Island Adamski Correspondence Group lead 1/17/1959 #20958 HOKKAIDO ISLAND, JP Many observer(s). 2 glowing l 1/26/1959 #20972 On the island of Hokkaido, Japan at 4 p.m. many 1/26/1959 #20973 SOUTH / SWAN ISLAND Pan-AM crew. Red night light zigz 2/4/1959 #20983 Swan Island, Gulf of Mexico, at Sea Reddish L 2/4/1959 #20985 Grand Bahama Island, West Indies (McDonald list) UFO 3/10/1959 #21047 le of 45 degrees towards Hindmarsh Island and soon disappeared." No radioac 3/31/1959 #21107 AMAGER ISLAND, DK 2 young birdwatchers. 3 photo 7/8/1959 #21269 Prince of Wales Island Port Lihou Thursday Island Mapoon 7/8/1959 #21274 f Wales Island Port Lihou Thursday Island Mapoon Mission Cape York Night. M 7/8/1959 #21274 digenous people on Prince of Wales Island in the Torres Strait off Queensla 7/8/1959 #21274 ight, residents of nearby Thursday Island see a green UFO flying low, and a 7/8/1959 #21274 Prince of Wales Island, Australia Hunters reported the l 7/14/1959 #21302 the landing of a red object on the island. Other hunters saw a similar obje 7/14/1959 #21302 bject on a hill on Prince of Wales Island, Queensland, Australia. Other hun 7/14/1959 #21304 anded on a hill on Prince of Wales Island, Queensland. Around 8:00 p.m. a U 7/18/1959 #21310 Charlotte Island, CAN (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - 8/28/1959 #21402 Montauk AFB, Long Island, NY Three Radars Track Blip (McDo 11/5/1959 #21565 ject was stopped on a small marshy island. He added that he saw small men c End of 1959 #21595 La Orchila Island, Venezuela Caribbean Karl Lars De 12/13/1959 #21607 the Mærsk just north of La Orchila Island, Venezuela. He sees a brilliant c 12/13/1959 #21607 ded into the ocean near La Orchila Island in the Dependencias Federales cha 12/13/1959 #21609 S Victoria Island, CAN (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - 12/18/1959 #21613 Flying Saucer” taken at Trinidade Island in 1958. 3/12/1960 #21723 MALLORCA ISLAND, SPN Astronomers. 1 / 4 moon-size 5/5/1960 #21798 Bethpage, Long Island, New York The “dark satellite” is 8/25/1960 #21986 ring Corporation at Bethpage, Long Island, New York. It is supposed to be t 8/25/1960 #21986 y 1 in Westbrook, Connecticut Long Island, New York Chalker Beach in Old Sa 9/2/1960 #22005 kes off at great speed toward Long Island, New York. They see a similar obj 9/2/1960 #22005 been reported from the Australian island state of Tasmania. A Church of En 10/3/1960 #22053 Bailey's Beach, Newport, Rhode Island Ocean Around 4:00 p.m. Contractor 4/29/1961 #22298 to Bailey’s Beach, Newport, Rhode Island. He sees a red spherical object b 4/29/1961 #22298 ley's Beach, Newport County, Rhode Island at around four o'clock in the aft 4/29/1961 #22299 bserver(s) = Freytag. (SE / midway island). No further details [in] at all. 8/6/1961 #22427 NORTHEAST / MIDWAY ISLAND Airliners and ship. 2X moon-size 9/21/1961 #22522 NEAR WAKE ISLAND BOAC and PAA liners and military 9/21/1961 #22523 Pacific Ocean near, Wake Island Airline pilots, ship, reported a 9/21/1961 #22524 Pacific Ocean northeast of Midway Island. 9/21/1961 #22527 Severny Island, Novaya Zemlya Soviet “Tsar Bomba 10/3/1961 #22553 GRAND CAYMAN ISLAND, CAYMANS, WEST INDIES Observer(s) 10/19/1961 #22579 Sukhoy Nos Cape of Severny Island, Novaya Zemla, Arkhangelsk Oblast 10/30/1961 #22606 at the Sukhoy Nos Cape of Severny Island, Novaya Zemla, Arkhangelsk Oblast 10/30/1961 #22606 Second Coming of Christ above the island, spread the word that Castro is t 11/30/1961 #22660 Dauphin Island, AL Reddish-orange object change 2/19/1962 #22736 ermen driving south on the Dauphin Island Toll Bridge Causeway in Alabama s 2/19/1962 #22739 ey stopped the car to call Dauphin Island AFS radar site (693rd Radar Squad 2/19/1962 #22739 rmal height on Mount Mangre on the island of Sicily in Italy. They were cla 4/30/1962 #22849 PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND, AUSTR Silver object / hillside. 6/15/1962 #22949 Prince of Wales Island, Australia Four persons from Thur 6/16/1962 #22951 stralia Four persons from Thursday Island, among them E. Thorpe, were climb 6/16/1962 #22951 outheast of Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, California Before dawn. The skip 7/28/1962 #23027 outheast of Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, California, sees several station 7/28/1962 #23027 At 5:00 p.m. on the island of Bermuda radio station owner Mr 8/18/1962 #23080 spot in Monte Manfre, Italy on the island of Sicily where he met two seven- 9/5/1962 #23138 WEST / RANGITOTO ISLAND, NZ Observer(s) photographs city. 10/16/1962 #23228 NEAR CANTON ISLAND, CENTRAL PACIFIC Project Bluebook 10/25/1962 #23247 projections was seen from Norfolk Island, New South Wales, Australia trave 12/17/1962 #23352 Nantucket Point, Long Island, NY (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 45-46) (NIC 1/5/1963 #23399 g over the Pacific Ocean near Oahu Island, Hawaii when they spotted a very 3/11/1963 #23470 HEYBELI ISLAND, TURK 12 Saturn saucers hide / sm 7/7/1963 #23621 WHIDBEY ISLAND, WA UFO. 3 figure(s) inside. Tilt 10/1963 #23782 Whidbey Island, Washington A middle-aged woman, 10/1963 #23785 Translated from French) At Whidbey Island (Washington), a middle-aged woman 10/4/1963 #23796 Midway Island (800 miles N of), At Sea White li 12/16/1963 #23931 800 miles north of Midway Island (40' N, 175' 54' W) Witness: uns 12/16/1963 #23932 Gum Creek, Kangaroo Island, South Australia 2:00 a.m. Doris 2/3/1964 #23978 luminated near Gum Creek, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Suddenly a 5-fo 2/3/1964 #23978 Flying over Ross Island near McMurdo Sound Naval Air Stat 4/20/1964 #24040 ring above the shallow water of an island he sees something fall from the o 8/1964 #24364 ated from French) Sighting at Wake Island. (August 10) 8/10/1964 #24371 WAKE ISLAND, PAC Project Bluebook Case #9031. 8/10/1964 #24372 Wake Island (on the airstrip), Wake Island Sa 8/10/1964 #24373 ake Island (on the airstrip), Wake Island Saw a reddish, blinking light app 8/10/1964 #24373 Wake Island Witnesses: aircraft commander Ca 8/10/1964 #24374 Wake Island Blinking red light approached air 8/10/1964 #24375 On Wake Island in the Pacific Ocean west of Hawa 8/10/1964 #24376 Wallops Flight Facility Wallops Island, Virginia An engineer and three t 10/1964 #24482 Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Virginia, see a triangular- shap 10/1964 #24482 ar detects a bogey approaching the island from the northeast at speeds exce 11/19/1964 #24554 Waiheke Island, New Zealand Ross Liverton report 1965 #24621 eet wide, in the ground on Waiheke Island, New Zealand, where a UFO is seen 1965 #24621 Wallops Island, VA Large disc hovers over NASA s 1/5/1965 #24634 Wallops Island, VA Bright Yellow Light Flies Ove 1/5/1965 #24637 Wallops Island, VA Aerospace engineer watched ro 1/5/1965 #24639 Wallops Island, Virginia 5:56 p.m. NASA engineer 1/5/1965 #24640 Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Virginia, observes a round, brig 1/5/1965 #24640 e engineer named Bruton on Wallops Island, Virginia watched a round glowing 1/5/1965 #24641 Wallops Flight Facility Wallops Island, Virginia 6:30 p.m. A NASA public 1/12/1965 #24663 Wallops Flight Facility at Wallops Island, Virginia. They watch it for 2 mi 1/12/1965 #24663 Plum Tree Island, VA Zig-Zagging Object Lands / Ta 1/27/1965 #24721 Plum Tree Island Wildlife Refuge Poquoson, Virgini 1/27/1965 #24723 r. observes an object at Plum Tree Island Wildlife Refuge, near Poquoson, V 1/27/1965 #24723 a Piper Apache flying over Dishima Island. 3/18/1965 #24825 in the sea 3 miles east of Fraser Island, 150 miles north of Brisbane, Que 6/6/1965 #24969 t 8 miles while flying over Fraser Island. The weather was clear and the ob 6/6/1965 #24969 tinian Deception Station Deception Island South Shetland Islands Antarctica 6/7/1965 #24970 ian Deception Station on Deception Island in the South Shetland Islands, An 6/7/1965 #24970 e Cerda Research Station Deception Island South Shetland Islands Antarctica 6/18/1965 #24986 n [destroyed in 1967] on Deception Island in the South Shetland Islands, An 6/18/1965 #24986 EAST / FRASER ISLAND, QLD, AUST Long thin metal object 6/21/1965 #24995 d by a pilot flying east of Fraser Island, off Maryborough, Queensland, Aus 6/21/1965 #24997 DECEPTION ISLAND, ANTARC 5 scientists. Green and r 7/2/1965 #25035 tish Antarctic Station B Deception Island South Shetland Islands Antarctica 7/2/1965 #25037 B [abandoned in 1969] on Deception Island in the South Shetland Islands, An 7/2/1965 #25037 English research base on Deception Island in Antarctica watched zig-zagging 7/2/1965 #25038 ANTARCTICA, Deception Island (Translated from French) Technici 7/3/1965 #25041 served a huge disk flying over the island at high altitude with very variab 7/3/1965 #25041 anslated from French) On Deception Island (Antarctica), technicians from se 7/3/1965 #25042 disk-shaped object flying over the island at high altitude with very variab 7/3/1965 #25042 he British troops stationed on the island and the personnel of the Chilean 7/3/1965 #25042 LAURIE ISLAND, ANTARC Arg. scientists. Blue-whi 7/3/1965 #25045 Argentine Orcadas Base on Laurie Island in the South Orkney Islands, Anta 7/3/1965 #25049 e Argentine Orcadas Base on Laurie Island in the South Orkney Islands, Anta 7/3/1965 #25049 an Aguirre Cerda Station Deception Island, Antarctica 7:20 p.m. The meteoro 7/3/1965 #25050 n [destroyed in 1967] on Deception Island, Antarctica, watch for a total of 7/3/1965 #25050 At their base on Deception Island in the South Shetland Islands, An 7/3/1965 #25052 SOUTH MARIA ISLAND, AZORES White cylinder/cylindrica 7/9/1965 #25076 Santa Maria Island Azores islands Portugal Santa Mar 7/9/1965 #25079 ct is seen flying over Santa Maria Island in the Azores islands, Portugal. 7/9/1965 #25079 At 3:00 p.m. at Santa Maria Island Airport on the Azores, airport cl 7/9/1965 #25082 -meteor" falls to sea 16km south / island. 8/3/1965 #25286 YAP ISLAND, US TRUST TERR Project Bluebook C 8/6/1965 #25345 LONG ISLAND, NY Astronomer and 4. Saucer beco 8/9/1965 #25362 Long Island, New York Atlantic Ocean 6:00 p.m 8/9/1965 #25366 hers, are driving eastward on Long Island, New York, when then see a silver 8/9/1965 #25366 re driving in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York when a silvery disc-sha 8/9/1965 #25367 ISLAND PARK, LI, NY Man woken / light. 4 8/21/1965 #25468 LA BLANQUILLA ISLAND, VNZ Top-saucer spins and rises / 8/30/1965 #25497 MERSEA ISLAND, ESSEX 2 motorcycles electro-magn 9/14/1965 #25597 MATSUYKER ISLAND, TASMANIA 6 / lighthouse. Bright 9/25/1965 #25642 ampshire New Jersey New York Rhode Island Pennsylvania Vermont Queenston, O 11/9/1965 #25764 shire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. Over 11/9/1965 #25764 o tend pots in the area of Stewart Island, the southernmost part of New Zea 11/13/1965 #25774 CAGARRA ISLAND, BRZ Explosion. White 'parachute' 3/16/1966 #26066 turns up nothing in the sea or the island itself. 3/16/1966 #26069 SOUTH / SANTA CATALINA ISLAND, CA 10 second(s) filmclip / ovoid 4/15/1966 #26413 Catalina Island, CA Catalina Island, CA (NICAP: 0 4/15/1966 #26416 Catalina Island, CA Catalina Island, CA (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cas 4/15/1966 #26416 While flying near Santa Catalina Island, California a professional Hollyw 4/15/1966 #26417 Long Island, Douglastown, NY Time not reporte 4/22/1966 #26490 PACIFIC NEAR JOHNSTON ISLAND Silent 600' cloud-saucer stops ov 6/27/1966 #26761 Wake Island (Pacific, 400 miles E of), At Sea 6/27/1966 #26764 400 miles east of Wake Island (19' N, 172' E) Witness: Radio O 6/27/1966 #26765 4 observer(s). Saucer going down / island / canal. Radio Frequency Interfer 7/13/1966 #26792 it came from an object on a small island on the Emissario Canal. Two littl 7/13/1966 #26793 ght came from an object on a small island in the Emissario Canal near Ponte 7/13/1966 #26795 Summerside, Prince Edward Island, CAN 6:30 a.m. LT. Eight RCAF pil 9/21/1966 #27093 Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada Burton, Prince Edward Isl 9/21/1966 #27096 land, Canada Burton, Prince Edward Island 6:30 a.m. Eight RCAF airmen are r 9/21/1966 #27096 craft in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada, when they see an object 9/21/1966 #27096 ing catch at Burton, Prince Edward Island, when they see a rapidly moving l 9/21/1966 #27096 University of Colorado Trindade Island At a meeting of the University of 9/21/1966 #27097 on has never heard of the Trindade Island UFO photos. Sigismond applies for 9/21/1966 #27097 speed in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada. It stopped abruptly, rem 9/21/1966 #27098 Southhampton, Long Island, NY Object with arms in front of 10/23/1966 #27229 Southhampton, Long Island, New York Witness: Mr Acquino. O 10/23/1966 #27230 Southhampton, Long Island, NY Same as 10/23 case[Same as Oc 10/30/1966 #27253 n shown above in Woonsocket (Rhode Island). See images/1966-11-09.jpg. (Nov 11/9/1966 #27297 OFF WHITE ISLAND, NH USCG plane. Near collision wi 11/22/1966 #27359 h Columbia Strait of Georgia Keats Island Night. Miss E. R. East, of Gibson 1967 #27476 ce, lighting up the wharf on Keats Island. As she stares at it, her eyes be 1967 #27476 sed visually flying over Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean at 1:05 a.m 2/16/1967 #27843 ornia and as far east as Ascension Island, occurring on this date. To see a 2/16/1967 #27846 CHRISTMAS ISLAND WX observers and scientists and s 3/14/1967 #28174 Cornhusker Ordnance Plant in Grand Island, Nebraska at dusk. 4/9/1967 #28410 Vancouver Island, BC, CAN 10:30 p.m. PDT. Five nei 6/5/1967 #28810 n (see below) in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. (June 10, 12 PM) 6/10/1967 #28829 as taken in East Woonsocket, Rhode Island by UFO contactee Harold Trudel. T 6/10/1967 #28832 Observation of June 16th in Rhode Island. See images/1967-06-16.jpg. 6/11/1967 #28834 ) Observation (see below) in Rhode Island. (June 16) 6/16/1967 #28859 Merritt Island, Florida A NASA management instru 6/28/1967 #28925 of Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island, Florida, on “Processing Reports 6/28/1967 #28925 Woonsocket, Rhode Island 7:15 p.m. Joe Ferriere sees a lar 7/3/1967 #28966 in the sky above Woonsocket, Rhode Island. A peculiar piston-like apparatus 7/3/1967 #28966 ount de Ribas on the Mediterranean island of Palma de Majorca, Balearic Isl 7/7/1967 #29000 lone in her house in Seaford, Long Island, New York when she heard a loud h 9/26/1967 #29556 d by NASA at 7:18 EDT from Wallops Island, Virginia. However, she then saw 10/3/1967 #29597 Shelburne County, near Bon Portage Island. David Kendricks, who was driving 10/4/1967 #29598 th, in the area between Cape Sable Island and Shag Harbour, saw a bright re 10/4/1967 #29598 Nova Scotia Sambro Brier Island Weymouth Shag Harbour Highway 3 G 10/4/1967 #29603 0 and 11:30 pm, northwest of Brier Island, the captain and crew of a fishin 10/4/1967 #29603 ed into the ocean near Bon Portage Island, in the area of Shag Harbour, Nov 10/4/1967 #29604 NEAR DECEPTION ISLAND, ANTARCTICA Chilean Navy man phot 12/4/1967 #30019 KEATS ISLAND, BC 1 observer. UFO's and Men in 1/27/1968 #30191 On this evening over Keats Island, British Columbia in 1968, a dark 1/28/1968 #30192 lone in an isolated cabin on Keats Island, British Columbia had for several 1/29/1968 #30194 us means for getting on or off the island, and she completely disbelieved t 1/29/1968 #30194 edge of a pond in Johnston, Rhode Island at 7:00 p.m. It had pulsating whi 2/11/1968 #30239 SAO MIGUEL ISLAND, AZORES Several observer(s). Grey 2/13/1968 #30244 VASHON ISLAND, WA 3 car / rainy day. 9M metalli 2/18/1968 #30254 in a cabin near the coast on Keats Island, British Columbia saw a single ob 2/21/1968 #30267 wer substation in Pawtucket, Rhode Island and flew off following the power 3/10/1968 #30333 EAST / BRUNY ISLAND, TASM Fr. Navy ship. Luminous rec 4/1968 #30384 TENERIFE ISLAND, CANARIES 2 extra stars hover / U 4/29/1968 #30439 d in a spot near her lake on Keats Island, British Columbia when the same t 5/2/1968 #30450 e coming and going from her remote island location. 5/2/1968 #30450 ized Zone in Vietnam Cồn Cỏ (Tiger Island) El Choro, Poopó, Bolivia Night. 6/15/1968 #30560 ance missions around Cồn Cỏ (Tiger Island) along the north central coast. A 6/15/1968 #30560 WEST / ANDROS ISLAND, BAHAMAS 5 / boat / Miami. 2 ovoi 6/21/1968 #30584 e had with a strange hermit on the island of Rhodes in Greece when he was i 7/1968 #30634 MOCHA ISLAND, CHL 5 / airport. Brilliant white 7/20/1968 #30720 REUNION (ISLAND OF THE ..) Plaine des Cafres. (Tr 7/31/1968 #30793 Plaine-des-Cafres, La Reunion Island, Indian Ocean 9:00 a.m. Luce Font 7/31/1968 #30799 Plaine-des-Cafres, La Reunion Island Luce Fontaine, 31, a farmer, was 7/31/1968 #30800 its at La Plaine des Cafres on the island of Réunion (in the Indian Ocean e 7/31/1968 #30801 taine, age 31, a farmer on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, was picking 7/31/1968 #30802 TERCIERA ISLAND, AZORES Strange disk of light / s 9/14/1968 #31001 an Forces Base Esquimalt Vancouver Island, British Columbia Night. Amateur 9/29/1968 #31067 t at the southern tip of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. One photo show 9/29/1968 #31067 lated area of Mount Misery on Long Island, New York in order to photograph 1/12/1969 #31421 lla of Caltanissetta, Italy on the island of Sicily was looking at the sky 3/19/1969 #31630 HARWOOD ISLAND, NSW, AUST 1 observer. 25' hat-sa 4/20/1969 #31671 Harwood Island, New South Wales 7:30 p.m. A woma 4/20/1969 #31674 .m. A woman out walking at Harwood Island, New South Wales, sees and hears 4/20/1969 #31674 At 7:30 p.m. at a farm on Harwood Island, New South Wales, Australia a 25- 4/20/1969 #31675 ALLUMETTE ISLAND, QBC 3 observer(s). Silver green 9/3/1969 #31988 about 24 km off the coast of South Island, near the Cape Campbell lighthous 9/4/1969 #31989 OFF PADDY ISLAND, TASM Fishermen / 2 boats. Domed 10/28/1969 (approximate) #32075 Fishermen in two boats off Paddy Island, Tasmania sighted a domed disc-sh 10/28/1969 #32078 burnt circle was found on a small island in a pond. 11/5/1969 #32101 On Molokai Island in the Hawaiian Islands at 6:26 a 11/20/1969 #32119 While flying from Toronto Island Airport south over Lake Ontario a 12/5/1969 #32145 han District Hospital on Vancouver Island, British Columbia five nurses saw 1/1/1970 #32200 PADRE ISLAND, TX Teacher / beach. Cloud cylind 6/1/1970 #32378 A teacher on the beach on Padre Island, Texas sighted a cloud cigar, tha 6/1/1970 #32379 SOUTH GUERNSEY ISLAND 3 observer(s). Huge ovoid mirror 10/17/1970 #32589 econds over Castel, South Guernsey Island, The Channel Islands, Great Brita 10/17/1970 #32590 aton, a defense contractor on Long Island. He claims he begins working on a 1/1971 #32685 front of some white clouds on the island of Corsica, France. The photos we 2/12/1971 #32749 maneuver. Beam on ocean backlights island. Seen from coast. 6/1971 (approximate) #32895 4 was at 4500m 25km east of Oshima Island when Captain Hidezaku Ichikawa an 10/3/1971 #33175 in the St. Johns River near Blount Island, Florida when he saw something li 1/26/1972 #33354 looking creature" he saw on Blount Island. 1/26/1972 #33354 ish Columbia Inside Passage Quadra Island Day. A man in Willow Point, Briti 4/24/1972 #33480 d hovering in the sky above Quadra Island. The object has a dull sheen like 4/24/1972 #33480 LANZAROTE ISLAND, CANARIES Luminous disk with very 9/26/1972 (approximate) #33890 to I-95 south of Providence, Rhode Island at 12:15 a.m., pacing a car drive 3/27/1973 #34287 Stony Lane Exeter, Rhode Island 7:00 p.m. Two witnesses see an ob 3/28/1973 #34291 ees on Stony Lane in Exeter, Rhode Island. It glows with brilliant white li 3/28/1973 #34291 ong US highway 1 in southern Rhode Island saw a reddish-orange object move 4/10/1973 #34333 HORNBY ISLAND, BC 4 observer(s). Brill red nigh 4/26/1973 #34360 Masaaki Kudou in Tomakomai, on the island of Hokaido (Japan). 7/10/1973 #34555 Baffin Island, Nunavut 1:35 p.m. A Canadian Pac 7/25/1973 #34580 above the eastern coast of Baffin Island, Nunavut, when the pilot sees a “ 7/25/1973 #34580 FORMENTERA ISLAND, BALEARIC ISLANDS, SPAIN 2 observ 9/1/1973 #34681 Vertical beam / light passes over island. 9/1/1973 #34681 nland. Going down / woods / Garden Island 21.11.73. 11/16/1973 #35413 on abruptly over the city of Grand Island, Nebraska at 9:45 p.m. local time 12/19/1973 #35584 Long Island, NEW YORK Unmarked, charcoal-blac 1974 #35633 Starting at 7:20 p.m. on the island of Corsica in the Mediteranean Se 3/1/1974 #35865 Fort George Island, Florida Jacksonville, Florida An 3/27/1974 #36000 ear their residence on Fort George Island, Florida, and come across a metal 3/27/1974 #36000 MAYOTTE ISLAND, FR. COMOROS Orange moon-size sph 7/7/1974? #36307 NORTHWEST / BARRA ISLAND, SCOTLAND 2 / trawler crews. Lumi 10/16/1974 #36622 ands Hotel on the east side of the island of Maui, Hawaii. His wife notices 1/2/1975 #36811 York-Paris flight, south of Jersey Island. (3 January, 10 PM) 1/3/1975 #36816 ter tank north of Wakefield, Rhode Island. There was a red glow coming from 1/5/1975 #36844 Annadale, Staten Island, New York 7:00 p.m. Two 15-year-o 2/10/1975 #36935 -year-old boys in Annadale, Staten Island, New York, see a glowing ball, 20 2/10/1975 #36935 On Staten Island, New York a silent 20-foot long o 2/11/1975 #36939 nagement Area West Kingston, Rhode Island 10:30 p.m. A couple and their dau 3/2/1975 #37017 ent Area near West Kingston, Rhode Island. It then stops and hovers for 5 m 3/2/1975 #37017 “secret naval installation” on an island in the Pacific Ocean. He also st 3/14/1975 #37054 zig-zagged across a road on Palmer Island, New South Wales, Australia. It i 6/3/1975 #37256 ishing boat whose home port is the island of Yeu. The captain was at the he End of 7/1975 #37410 ore, another fishing boat from the island of Yeu had observed a similar phe End of 7/1975 #37410 MANITOULIN ISLAND, ONT 2 saucers with yellow lights 11/16/1975 #37980 Manitoulin Island, Ontario, CAN 9:30 p.m. EST. 17 N 11/16/1975 #37982 at occurred near a wharf on Talbot Island, in Duval County, Florida at 10 p 2/7/1976 #38228 Long Island, NY 6:15 P.M. Mrs. Audrey Manny o 2/26/1976 #38287 KING ISLAND, BASS STRAIT, AUSTR Silent cross- 4/10/1976 #38384 sky from sea level south of Robben Island in Three Anchor Bay, South Africa 5/4/1976 #38429 In the town of Galdar on the island of Las Palmas also in the Canary 6/22/1976 #38534 near Maspalomas on the neighboring island of Tenerife. A close encounter wi 6/22/1976 #38534 LA PALMA ISLAND, CANARIES 2 red objects spiral / 6/25/1976 #38544 DJERBA ISLAND, TUNISIA 2 airline(s)/airliner pi 8/7/1976 #38654 ALAND ISLAND, FINLAND 2 observer(s). White spo 11/14/1976 #38981 Kolsva and Aland Island, Sweden Multiple sightings in the 11/14/1976 #38984 ANGLESEY ISLAND, WALES Kids. Domed saucer / cylin 2/1977 #39225 ington Anchorage, Alaska Middleton Island, Alaska Anchorage International A 4/23/1977 #39485 . About 50 miles east of Middleton Island, Alaska, they see a bright white 4/23/1977 #39485 CRAB ISLAND, BRAZIL 4 / boat. 5+hours / missi 4/25/1977 #39494 server(s). Cone going down / angel island. Going / Marin. Going west under 7/25/1977 #39805 COLARES ISLAND, BRZ By now island 90% evacuated. 8/1/1977 #39838 COLARES ISLAND, BRZ By now island 90% evacuated. Photographs of sau 8/1/1977 #39838 overed in someone’s backyard on an island in the Mississippi River near Gal 8/7/1977 #39865 Wowoni Island, Sulawesi, Indonesia 12:15 p.m. A 9/27/1977 #40042 off the northwest coast of Wowoni Island, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Consisting 9/27/1977 #40042 MOSQUIERO ISLAND, BRZ Chupa beams burn people / ho 10/29/1977 #40150 On this evening on Mosqueiro Island, near Colares, Para State, Brazil 10/29/1977 #40157 Novy Georgy Island (near), Russia The crew of the fi 12/1977 #40246 State Highway 2 Kenyon, Rhode Island 4:00 p.m. Marguerite Camp is in h 12/17/1977 #40321 State Highway 2 near Kenyon, Rhode Island, when she spots an “ovoid, plate- 12/17/1977 #40321 in the afternoon in Kenyon, Rhode Island a huge domed disc dropped silentl 12/17/1977 #40323 MANOEL ISLAND, MALTA Red going [to] white spher 2/1978 #40488 sphere/orb/globe lights entire 1km island. Hovers 5 minute(s). Away extreme 2/1978 #40488 BELL ISLAND, WA 2 observer(s). 20' ovoid hove 2/9/1978 #40514 SHEMYA ISLAND, AK Air Force Base here. 5 saucer 2/16/1978 #40527 MADEIRA ISLAND, ATLANTIC OCEAN. Pilot near airpo 3/10/1978 #40580 ia Pacific Naval Air Station North Island Palm Springs During a 9-hour peri 3/27/1978 #40651 craft from Naval Air Station North Island explodes and crashes into the oce 3/27/1978 #40651 m French) In Newfoundland, on Bell Island, facing the coastal town of Angle 4/2/1978 #40678 BELL ISLAND, NFL Fireball. Huge unidentified 4/2/1978 #40680 Bell Island, Newfoundland Lance Cove Cape Bro 4/2/1978 #40685 Morning. A loud explosion on Bell Island, Newfoundland, causes damage to s 4/2/1978 #40685 3, 2019, hundreds of people on the island hear another explosion, which is 4/2/1978 #40685 away from the northern part of the island and impacting the ground and sea 4/2/1978 #40685 TERCIERA ISLAND, AZORES 2 fishing. 3 fast saucers 4/14/1978 #40712 Grassy Island Range Lighthouse Green Bay, Wisco 7/29/1978 #41039 oast Guard observers at the Grassy Island Range Lighthouse in Green Bay, Wi 7/29/1978 #41039 .S. Coast Guard craft near Apostle Island, Wisconsin on Lake Superior saw a 7/29/1978 #41043 On the island of Corsica three witnesses in San 8/11/1978 #41100 n Nemuro Channel south of Kunashir Island Eastern end of Hokkaido Nakashibe 8/17/1978 #41117 e Nemuro Channel south of Kunashir Island. It approaches the eastern end of 8/17/1978 #41117 SANTA MARIA ISLAND, AZORES 1M dia UFO radiates red l 9/8/1978 #41244 MAATSUYKER ISLAND, TASMANIA Lighthouse men. Big nig 9/17/1978 #41298 house men. Big night light south / island. Power fails twice. Going south? 9/17/1978 #41298 Maatsuyker Island, Tasmania, AU At the Maatsuyker I 9/17/1978 #41299 nd, Tasmania, AU At the Maatsuyker Island Lighthouse an electrical power fa 9/17/1978 #41299 glowing light flew by south of the island. It was seen by four men at the l 9/17/1978 #41299 At the Maatsuyker Island Lighthouse, Tasmania, Australia e 9/17/1978 #41303 glowing light flew by south of the island. It was seen by four men at the l 9/17/1978 #41303 CURRIE, COUNCILLOR ISLAND, TASM Large yellow night light fo 9/20/1978 #41313 On Councillor Island near the town of Currie, Tasmania 9/20/1978 #41317 ational Airport Antofagasta Easter Island 12:00 noon. Two Chilean F-5 aircr 10/1978? #41390 to the west, heading toward Easter Island, vanishing from all three radar s 10/1978? #41390 Bass Strait from Melbourne to King Island, roughly 125 miles from the Austr 10/21/1978 #41458 hile flying from Melbourne to King Island in a rented Cessna 182 aircraft w 10/21/1978 #41458 AUSTRALIA, King Island, Bass Strait (Translated from Fre 10/21/1978 #41459 essna 182". He was headed for King Island. He was 20 years old and relative 10/21/1978 #41459 I'm going to continue towards King Island...the unknown aircraft is still h 10/21/1978 #41459 in (Melbourne, Australia) for King Island (Bass Strait, Australia). (6:19 P 10/21/1978 #41460 Moorabbin, Victoria King Island Flinders Island Crayfish Bay, Cap 10/21/1978 #41470 bin, Victoria King Island Flinders Island Crayfish Bay, Cape Otway, Victori 10/21/1978 #41470 ween Moorabbin, Victoria, and King Island. He radios Melbourne air traffic 10/21/1978 #41470 is found washed ashore on Flinders Island. In July 1983, the Bureau of Air 10/21/1978 #41470 p.m., six in Victoria, one on King Island, and others further away. Roy Man 10/21/1978 #41470 Random Island Clarenville, Newfoundland Night. 10/26/1978 #41494 about a UFO hovering above Random Island across from Clarenville, Newfound 10/26/1978 #41494 boys were playing in a yard on the island of Sicily, near a large TV antenn 12/15/1978 #41771 in a yard in Catania, Italy on the island of Sicily, near a large TV antenn 12/15/1978 #41773 tial area of Macomer, Italy on the island of Sardinia. At 6:30 p.m. several 12/15/1978 #41774 Back on the island of Sicily at 11:45 p.m. a witness 12/15/1978 #41775 Italy located on the Mediterranean island of Sicily, two people witness a s 12/17/1978 #41800 enheim (south of Wellington, South Island) to Dunedin/Christchurch (New Zea 12/21/1978 #41822 South Island air space, NZ Early morning hours 12/31/1978 #41886 ing off the eastern coast of South Island, New Zealand near the town of Kai 12/31/1978 #41886 ing off the eastern coast of South Island, New Zealand near the town of Kai 12/31/1978 #41897 w inside his house in Nuoro on the island of Sardinia, Italy because of the 1/2/1979 #41931 Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station Dauphi 3/28/1979 #42156 Reactor number 2 of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station in Dau 3/28/1979 #42156 MASBATE ISLAND, PHL Hundreds / observer(s). UFO 4/9/1979 #42168 BOHOL ISLAND, PHL Hundreds / observer(s) / 3 t 4/23/1979 #42186 SOUTHWEST / BRIBIE ISLAND, QLD 4 / car. Car malfunctions du 5/6/1979 #42212 on the southwestern part of Bribie Island, Queensland, Australia at 12:30 a 5/6/1979 #42215 In Bukit Mertajam on the island of Pinang, Malaysia six school ch 5/19/1979 #42239 OF GORGONA ISLAND, ITL 17 / yacht. Huge dark cylind 6/22/1979 #42295 hrough the town of Le Delus on the island of Ile D'Oleron, France when they 8/2/1979 #42383 Motunau River South Island of New Zealand 6:15 a.m. Lou Blac 10/27/1979 #42661 of the Motunau River on the South Island of New Zealand. After it is devel 10/27/1979 #42661 abducted from her bedroom in Rhode Island on this night. She saw a white li 12/10/1979 #42767 BALTIC ISLAND, ESTONIA Longitude & latitude coo 8/18/1980? #43205 was seen on the ground of a Baltic Island off Estonia in the early evening. 8/18/1980 #43206 rb/globe circles 2 / boat. Lands / island. Windows. Tank tracks just end. 9/5/1980 #43243 CHRISTIAN ISLAND, ONT 3 observer(s). Silent orange 11/1/1980 #43355 Brazil, Camaracu Island (Translated from French) Farmer D 1/1981 #43547 OFF FLINDERS ISLAND, AUST 2 / boat. 2 night lights ex 1/8/1981 #43560 Flinders Island (near), Tasmania On a boat near F 1/8/1981 #43561 , Tasmania On a boat near Flinders Island two men saw two nocturnal lights 1/8/1981 #43561 11:00 p.m. on a boat near Flinders Island, Tasmania two men saw two nocturn 1/8/1981 #43566 CHINA, Daju Island (Zhoushan) (Translated from Frenc 6/7/1981 #43775 heath A huge object approaches the island of Cyprus. Radar at a Sovereign B 8/16/1981 #43910 Meinau Island, Bodensee, Germany Midnight the w 9/1981 #43929 Columbia, photography on Vancouver Island. (October 8) 10/8/1981 #43998 Vancouver Island, B.C., CAN Daylight disc photo (s 10/8/1981 #44002 Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada Daylight disc photo 10/8/1981 #44004 Kelsey Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia 11:00 a.m. Hann 10/8/1981 #44005 les north of Kelsey Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. She snaps a co 10/8/1981 #44005 a car through Salen Forest on the Island of Mull, Highland, Scotland encou 10/8/1981 #44007 y on the eastern side of Vancouver Island, British Columbia by Ms. Hannah M 10/8/1981 #44008 Launch sites are located: Wallops Island, White Sands Missile Range, Poker 1982 #44132 from the NASA facility at Wallops Island. She stopped her car and looked i 11/19/1982 #44580 MV PENTLAND / CHRISTMAS ISLAND Wide barrel saucer hovers / 88 mi 1/20/1983 #44652 Hordaland, Norway Leirvik on Stord island Selbjørnfjord Halsenøy Skåneviksf 4/27/1983 #44758 contact south of Leirvik on Stord island. At 5:21 p.m., it fires a Terne r 4/27/1983 #44758 Sea of Japan Moneron Island Sakhalin Island Korean Air Lines 9/1/1983 #44900 a of Japan Moneron Island Sakhalin Island Korean Air Lines Flight 007 is sh 9/1/1983 #44900 over the Sea of Japan near Moneron Island (just west of Sakhalin island) wh 9/1/1983 #44900 eron Island (just west of Sakhalin island) while flying over prohibited Sov 9/1/1983 #44900 Canada, Lone Island, Whiteshell Provincial Park (Tran 10/1983 #44923 f six Caribbean nations attack the island nation of Grenada. Codenamed Oper 10/25/1983 #44955 PHILIPPINES, Leyte Island, Ormoc (Translated from French) C 1984 (approximate) #45034 ded in Ormoc, in the west of Leyte Island. It was impossible not to give im 1984 (approximate) #45034 port Barbados Northern part of the island 2:10 a.m. Air traffic control rad 4/12/1984 #45217 rmation” 30 miles southeast of the island. Authorities notify Prime Ministe 4/12/1984 #45217 t when two targets veer off to the island’s west side, two others move to t 4/12/1984 #45217 a.m. over the northern part of the island. By 4:10 a.m., they disappear to 4/12/1984 #45217 Lummi Island, WA At 3:45 a.m. a spark-tailed f 7/27/1984 #45392 hed down 1000 yards south of Lummi Island in Washington State. The impact s 7/27/1984 #45392 hed down 1000 yards south of Lummi Island in Washington State. The impact s 7/27/1984 #45393 h the trees, moving towards Kettle Island. 11/26/1984 #45500 LIA, at sea, northeast of Flinders Island (Translated from French) At one o 6/21/1985 #45623 NEAR BIMINI ISLAND, BAHAMAS Eastern Airlines 747 pil 8/1985 (approximate) #45657 Arizona Mercer Island, Washington Seattle The Usenet bu 1/1/1986 #45785 O Network. Operating out of Mercer Island, Washington, it functions as a UF 1/1/1986 #45785 ere received from Wakefield, Rhode Island during the evening. A UFO at low 11/25/1986 #46151 NORTH / WAKE ISLAND Steamship Kaiyo Maru. RADAR. Ovoi 12/21/1986 #46158 gion, Zhejiang province. The whole island was suddenly plunged into darknes 8/27/1987 #46344 SHENGSI ISLAND, ZHEJIANG All electric fails. Ora 8/27/1987 #46348 feet above the bridge to the only island on the lake. He estimates it is 4 1/5/1988 #46515 Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington 5 miles north of Nava 1/21/1988 #46542 north of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington 8:00 p.m. Ex-Navy Lt. 1/21/1988 #46542 north of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington, when they see a whit 1/21/1988 #46542 s are "abducted" by a UFO over the island of Puerto Rico. A similar - but d 11/16/1988 #46864 as and Cabo Rojo (Southwest of the island of Puerto Rico, between Santo Dom 12/28/1988 #46916 lt Roads, on the other side of the island, had accomplished military maneuv 12/28/1988 #46916 Long Island Center Moriches, New York The Lon 1/1989 #46931 Center Moriches, New York The Long Island UFO Network begins publishing the 1/1989 #46931 Network begins publishing the Long Island UFO Reporter, which soon changes 1/1989 #46931 soon changes its name to the Long Island UFO Update, edited at first by Ge 1/1989 #46931 USA, Long Island (New York) (Translated from Frenc 1/30/1989 #46970 the ocean off Shagwong Point, Long Island, New York a fishing boat's radar 1/30/1989 #46974 HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC 2 observer(s). 300' Oblong UF 7/16/1989 #47208 away between Bass Harbor and Swans Island. 7/22/1989 #47215 Long Island Moriches Bay, Long Island, New Yo 9/28/1989 #47334 Long Island Moriches Bay, Long Island, New York Brookhaven National Lab 9/28/1989 #47334 unty, Republican Party Night. Long Island UFO Network founder John Ford cla 9/28/1989 #47334 nd retrieved at Moriches Bay, Long Island, New York. Although UFOs are obse 9/28/1989 #47334 rved on the southern coast of Long Island, the crash/retrieval seems to be 9/28/1989 #47334 o down a UAP in Moriches Bay, Long Island; the craft crashed into the “Dune 9/28/1989 #47336 Little Sabine Island Pensacola Beach, Florida Gulf Bre 4/12/1990 #47839 light hovering above Little Sabine Island off Pensacola Beach, Florida. It 4/12/1990 #47839 On this night on Iona Island, Scotland Edward Carlos, who had 8/15/1990 #48032 a farm in Ebenezer, Prince Edwards Island, Canada at ten o'clock in the eve 8/22/1990 #48041 ude. Silent. SSE going [to] Mersea Island. 6/27/1991 #48508 SUNDAY ISLAND, WEST AUSTR 9 campers. Crescent U 8/8/1992 #49018 FENWICK ISLAND, DE 2 observer(s). 2 delta/triang 9/10/1992 #49077 clear, pre-dawn morning on Fenwick Island, Delaware at around 4:00 a.m. a 3 9/10/1992 #49079 IZHUT BAY, AFOGNAK ISLAND, AK Night light vanishes and inst 11/21/1992 #49194 bove the city of Santa Cruz on the island of Tenerife. It covered this dist 1/16/1993 #49272 Finally, it disappeared behind the island. The UFO was seen by all the memb 1/16/1993 #49272 two children in Charlestown, Rhode Island drove under and past a slow-movin 1/23/1993 #49287 MISCOU ISLAND, NB Night lights low over unstabl 4/4/1993 #49414 on a misty night in Kenyon, Rhode Island a woman was abducted into a 50 fo 5/19/1993 #49477 PILLAR MOUNTAIN, KODIAK ISLAND, AK Report / spheres falling / sk 5/27/1993 #49482 tes occurred to a witness on Block Island, off the coast of Rhode Island. 6/18/1993 #49519 ock Island, off the coast of Rhode Island. 6/18/1993 #49519 ch soldiers in St. Joseph, Reunion Island watched a disc or ovoid-shaped ob 4/2/1994 #50012 FUNAN ISLAND, DK Row / windows going west slow 5/29/1994 #50085 wo o'clock in the morning on Funen Island, Denmark a dog whined as a UFO wi 5/29/1994 #50086 From Charron Island in Montreal, Quebec, Canada a whi 8/13/1994 #50221 ho resembled the statues on Easter Island. They were about five feet tall, 9/11/1994 #50287 CANVEY ISLAND, ESSEX Bright colored ovoid hover 10/3/1994 #50339 X Bright colored ovoid hovers over island. Going east toward(s) Southend. V 10/3/1994 #50339 GRIZZLY ISLAND, CA 2 ROTC students. Silver sauce 1/16/1995 #50548 e first time in 1972 and the whole island talked about the sodomizations su 4/1995 #50713 HARWOOD ISLAND, NSW 2 observer(s). White cylinde 6/3/1995 #50825 ky at araound 8:00 p.m. on Harwood Island, New South Wales, Australia. Then 6/3/1995 #50826 VASHON ISLAND, WA Cop / ex-pilot. Blue-green di 8/15/1995 #50986 NYC, NY Many / staten island ferry. Huge craft rises / bay. Ro 9/15/1995 #51084 PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND, AK 1 observer. Moon-size disk we 10/27/1995 #51184 Long Island, NY Lufthansa 405 / Boc Flight 22 11/17/1995 #51226 WEST / WHIDBEY ISLAND, WA 5+observer(s). Flashing objec 2/9/1996 #51393 WHIDBEY ISLAND, WA 3 observer(s). Triangle strea 2/19/1996 #51414 cotia Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Cape Blomidon, Nova Scotia Spring 7/1996 #51595 a, to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, at 3,500 feet. While over Cape B 7/1996 #51595 NORTH / HOORN ISLAND, FR. PLYNS 1 / U.S. Marine Corps 1/1997? #51852 GUADALCANAL ISLAND Domed saucer every 2-3 nights. Be 8/7/1997 #52105 west over bay toward(s) Itaparica Island. 8/8/1997 #52107 In Ile Salazie on the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean a 8/15/1997 #52119 s seen flying over Coventry, Rhode Island at two o'clock in the afternoon. 1/29/1998 #52277 videotape at 10:30 p.m. on Mikonos Island, Greece. 6/25/1998 #52375 light over different parts of the island. 9/21/1998 #52441 San Fernando Cebu Island, The Philippines - At three o'clo 11/25/1998 #52480 wooded area of San Fernando, Cebu Island, the Philippines. There was a sud 11/29/1998 #52485 flight 127 while flying over Long Island, New York at 23,000 feet altitude 8/9/1999 #52639 RABAUL ISLAND, PNG Very large slow cylinder/cig 11/4/1999 #52699 tion approached the beach on North Island in New Zealand from the ocean tra 12/15/1999 #52727 mainland and heading north of the island before disappearing at an altitud 1/16/2000 #52762 ling up a line of traps off Farlon Island near San Francisco, California. T 1/30/2000 #52772 .m. in 2000 near Providence, Rhode Island a westbound commercial airliner f 6/22/2000 #52863 man off the south coast of Viegues Island, Puerto Rico sighted a huge disc 7/25/2000 #52881 e sighted over Jones Beach on Long Island in Nassau County, New York. A dia 10/1/2000 #52908 g along the western shore of North Island, New Zealand near New Plymouth. O 1/1/2001 #52974 ncounter off of Moriches Bay, Long Island, New York by two males in a sailb 9/9/2002 #53258 as seen at 10:50 p.m. on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. It moved overh 9/10/2002 #53260 ered over an old copper mine on an island in the lake. It rose up, stopped, 10/22/2002 #53289 g to the Coast Guard called Peanut Island, a property near a facility owned 2004 #53508 od in Amityville, New York on Long Island. 2/16/2004 #53536 Varginha Trindade Island Ademar José Gevaerd’s Brazilian U 4/15/2004 #53557 ight of the UFOs, and the Trindade Island photos. 4/15/2004 #53557 Over Staten Island, New York four hazy white objects 8/20/2004 #53605 ing around near Glenorchy on South Island, New Zealand when they encounter 8/3/2008 #54028 9:40 a.m. in South Kingston, Rhode Island a stationary gray cylinder slowly 5/16/2010 #54158 Cumberland Island National Seashore in Georgia Jack 8/16/2010 #54168 . Two people camping on Cumberland Island National Seashore in Georgia are 8/16/2010 #54168 friend while camping on Cumberland Island National Seashore in Camden Count 8/16/2010 #54169 ailors, pilots, and divers. On the island of Korsö, Finland, a mysterious m 10/16/2014 #54295 photographed wading off the nearby island of Sandön, Finland. (It later tur 10/16/2014 #54295 ed Resolution 8648 about the Maury Island Incident. It stated “The FBI’s co 4/18/2017 #54346 Arizona Rhode Island Weizmann Institute of Science in 1/9/2018 #54382 ff the western tip of San Clemente Island, California 10:00 p.m. Two unmann 7/14/2019 #54476 ff the western tip of San Clemente Island, California. The ship immediately 7/14/2019 #54476 San Clemente Island San Diego, California Carnival Im 7/15/2019 #54477 entified UAVs between San Clemente Island and San Diego, California, and by 7/15/2019 #54477 San Clemente Island, California 7:56–10:39 p.m. The N 7/17/2019 #54479 al miles southwest of San Clemente Island, California, when it spots a UAS 7/17/2019 #54479 Merritt Island, Florida Shuttle Landing Facility 10/27/2019 #54500 huttle Landing Facility on Merritt Island, Florida, after spending nearly 7 10/27/2019 #54500 eneath the surface the “size of an island.” A month later, a test missile r 9/2022 #54667## Word: "island'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ndle. Very fast. 'Resembles S. sea island'(??) 7/16/1947 #6062## Word: "island's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
i were carved from the tuff of the island's volcano, Rano Raraku. On the ot 4/5/1722 #633## Word: "islander", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
oles" over coast / 15 second(s). / Islander 18.10.95. 9/20/1995 #51101## Word: "islanders", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t test—poisoned some of the Bikini islanders on their return, as well as th 3/1/1954 #14208 Staten Islanders Carteret, New Jersey Arthur Ki 7/14/2001 #53071 nd Evening–night. Dozens of Staten Islanders and residents of Carteret, New 7/14/2001 #53071## Word: "islands", 252 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and by navigators from the Society Islands or the Marquesas Islands, via th 500 #41 e Society Islands or the Marquesas Islands, via the Gambier Islands. 500 #41 Marquesas Islands, via the Gambier Islands. 500 #41 Gjov, Faeroe Islands Jacob Olsen, 24, encountered an 1/20/1667 #556 herworldly encounter on the Faeroe Islands. 1/20/1667 #556 ellington Channel Cornwallis Devon Islands Nunavut Canada 6:20 p.m. Senior 9/15/1850 #1102 annel between Cornwallis and Devon islands, Nunavut, Canada. It is floating 9/15/1850 #1102 CHEJU ISLANDS, KOREA HMS Caroline. Formation / 2/24/1893 #1502 Jeju Port Hamilton [now the Korean islands of Geomundo] 10:00 p.m. Charles 2/24/1893 #1503 from Port Hamilton [now the Korean islands of Geomundo]. This time they are 2/24/1893 #1503 Wandergooge on the East Friesland Islands had exceeded 9500 m in altitude. 11/19/1931 #3133 ver the island of Tulagi, Solomons Islands During a bright morning, a U.S. 1942 #3600 slated from French) In the Solomon Islands, Sergeant-Chief Stephen Brickner 8/1942 #3665 Solomon Islands Guadalcanal Early morning. The N 8/5/1942 #3674 Helm is on its way to the Solomon Islands in preparation for the Guadalcan 8/5/1942 #3674 Tulagi Island (Solomon Islands) west of Guadalcanal (Translated 8/12/1942 #3676 Tulagi Solomon Islands Day. Sgt. Stephen J. Brickner of 8/12/1942 #3680 Division on Tulagi in the Solomon Islands is cleaning his rifle when an ai 8/12/1942 #3680 from Tulagi Island in the Soloman Islands in the Pacific. They were flying 8/12/1942 #3681 WEST / TARAWA, GILBERT ISLANDS Series / 3 RADAR blips going qui 12/1943 (approximate) #3844 Guadalcanal Solomon Islands 2:30 a.m. Two guards of the 3rd 2/20/1944 #3917 sion on Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands see what they first assume are t 2/20/1944 #3917 Ulithi Atoll Caroline Islands Afternoon. Several F6F fighters 2/7/1945 #4189 ed at Ulithi Atoll in the Caroline Islands are told to investigate a radar 2/7/1945 #4189 Aleutian Islands Object rises from ocean, circles 3/1945 #4219 Admiralty Islands (near), At Sea (IFO-Venus) Sailo 3/1945 #4222 U.S.S. New York near the Admiralty Islands at 1:00 p.m. saw through binocul 3/1945 #4222 Aleutian Islands, At Sea Aboard the US attack tra 3/1945 #4225 Aleutian Islands Aboard the US attack transport " 3/1945 #4227 North Fresian Islands, Germany Three lights; had the a 3/9/1945 #4235 Okinawa, Japan Ryukyu Islands During operations around Okinawa 4/1945 #4261 r the Japanese name for the Ryukyu Islands, of which Okinawa is one. 4/1945 #4261 EVERY US B29 BASE IN MARIANAS ISLANDS Fireballs maneuver and follow bo 5/1945 #4288 MARSHALL TO/FROM/BETWEEN CAROLINE ISLANDS 25+observer(s). 60M silver ballo 6/5/1945 (approximate) #4309 AT SEA, near the Aleutian Islands (Translated from French) (or Mar Summer 1945 #4316 Aleutian Islands, At Sea Crew saw large round obj Summer 1945 #4318 Adak Aleutian Islands Alaska Radioman Robert S. Crawfo Summer 1945 #4321 ocean east of Adak in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. The UFO, showing darkly Summer 1945 #4321 CAROLINE ISLANDS, Ulithi Island (Translated from 8/20/1945 #4375 Iwo Jima Ogasawara Islands, Japan Twelve 5th Air Force inte 8/28/1945 #4384 oaching Iwo Jima (in the Ogasawara Islands, Japan) see three white, teardro 8/28/1945 #4384 t. Charles C. Taylor mistook small islands offshore for the Florida Keys af 12/5/1945 #4410 Near Falkland Islands Shortly after the end of World W 1946 #4429 ge German U-boat near the Falkland Islands in 1946. This U-boat, which surf 1946 #4429 Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands Able nuclear test, Bikini Atoll, 7/1/1946 #4533 clear test, Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands. Radio-controlled autopilots are 7/1/1946 #4533 nuclear test Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands Baker nuclear test, Bikini Atoll 7/25/1946 #4617 test, Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. 7/25/1946 #4617 Enewetak Atoll Marshall Islands 6:17 a.m. The X-Ray nuclear devi 4/15/1948 #6630 ear Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands. B-17 pilotless drone aircraft a 4/15/1948 #6630 Enewetak Atoll Marshall Islands Los Alamos, New Mexico During th 5/15/1948 #6674 at Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands, a manned aircraft accidentally 5/15/1948 #6674 Astrakhan Oblast, Russia Estonian islands, possibly Dagö or Osel A possibl 8/21/1948 #6840 missile originating from Estonian islands, possibly Dagö or Osel.” 8/21/1948 #6840 Shemya AFB - Aleutian Islands, AK Bombers see a dull-yellowish 3/29/1949 #7196 as detected approaching the Kodiak Islands at 1,800 mph over Kodiak, Alaska 1/22/1950 #7748 Aleutian Islands (north of), AK 3 ft red and whit 1/31/1950 #7767 Montuïri, Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain 3:00 p.m. Enrique Hausman 4/25/1950 #8217 ion in Montuïri, Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. Probable hoax. 4/25/1950 #8217 Enewetak Atoll Marshall Islands Bogullua Island Drones are again 4/21/1951 #9014 at Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands. During the Easy detonation, two 4/21/1951 #9014 20 MI EAST / BIMINI ISLANDS, BAHAMAS Military observer(s). 5 11/25/1951 #9427 ated from French) Above one of the islands of Barra da Tijuca (Brazil), Edu 5/7/1952 #10067 FARALLON ISLANDS, CA Military Lt. Definite physic 8/4/1952 #11607 iles North-Northwest of the Azores Islands), the pilot, co-pilot, engineer 9/26/1952 #12330 Azores Islands (400 miles NNW of), At Sea Air C 9/26/1952 #12337 400 miles NNW of Azores Islands Witnesses: pilot, copilot, engi 9/26/1952 #12338 Azores Islands 400 miles north-northwest of the 9/26/1952 #12340 iles north-northwest of the Azores Islands 11:16 p.m. The pilot and crew of 9/26/1952 #12340 iles north-northwest of the Azores Islands. At one point, they appear to tu 9/26/1952 #12340 visible until the plane sights the islands. 9/26/1952 #12340 Ocean 400 miles NNW of the Azores Islands. 11:16 p.m. The pilot, copilot, 9/26/1952 #12341 Elugelab Atoll Marshall Islands Night. Radioman Tom Kramer is se Late 10/1952 #12525 at Elugelab Atoll in the Marshall Islands. After an onboard movie, Kramer Late 10/1952 #12525 Elugelab Marshall Islands Nagasaki Nuclear test Ivy Mike i 11/1/1952 #12585 onated on Elugelab in the Marshall Islands yielding 10.4 megatons, almost 5 11/1/1952 #12585 ng between the Nicobar and Andaman Islands: the Holchu. The crew has disapp 2/7/1953 #13105 JAPAN, Iwo Jima, Bonin Islands. (Translated from French) 11:30 6/24/1953 #13479 ed from French) At Iwo Jima (Bonin Islands), the crew of the USAF KB-29 aer 6/24/1953 #13482 Bonin Islands, Iwo Jima Radar tracked an unide 6/24/1953 #13487 Iwo Jima, Bonin Islands Witnesses: crew of USAF KB-29 ae 6/24/1953 #13490 discovered on one of the Hawaiian islands. None of the world powers knew o 8/6/1953 #13587 Dutch Islands, Harwich area, UK Three UFOs Fle 10/9/1953 #13778 Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands "Castle Bravo" hydrogen bomb tes 3/1/1954 #14200 test at the Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands, the most powerful nuclear devic 3/1/1954 #14200 Castle Bravo Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands Rongelap Utirik Daigo Fukuryū Ma 3/1/1954 #14203 st of Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. At the time, it is the most pow 3/1/1954 #14203 the world. The inhabitants of the islands are not evacuated until three da 3/1/1954 #14203 Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands 2:00 p.m. Two male witnesses wat 4/1954 #14287 ve Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. A cone-shaped mist appears on i 4/1954 #14287 oratories Bikini Enewetak Marshall Islands 11:05 p.m. US Navy sailors and M 4/7/1954 #14304 nd Enewetak atolls in the Marshall Islands just hours after the Castle Koon 4/7/1954 #14304 Azores Islands Guard sees UFO land, humanoid oc 9/21/1954 #15154 Santa Maria, Azores Islands Witness: airport guard. One 10' 9/21/1954 #15162 om Denmark and one from the Orkney Islands of Great Britain. The rest are f 10/2/1954 #15436 ACORES, Terciera Islands. (Translated from French) 9 p.m. 10/29/1954 #16423 Terciera Islands, Azores Grey object, shaped like 10/29/1954 #16430 Terciera Islands, Azores Witnesses: four Portugue 10/29/1954 #16432 FUNCHAL, MADEIRA ISLANDS, PORTUGAL / Diario popular. Flyi 11/12/1954 #16594 Manilla, Phillipine Islands Witness: one anonymous medical d 11/28/1954 #16703 RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN USAF Military Air Transpo 2/11/1955 #17007 Ryukyu Islands, South Japan C-124 Encounters 1, 2/11/1955 #17009 RYUKYU ISLANDS, JPN Hat-saucer with windows sco 3/24/1955 #17076 Ryukyu Islands, South Japan Hat-shaped object w 3/24/1955 #17078 Ryukyu Islands, Japan Naha Airport on Okinawa U 3/24/1955 #17079 feet with a student in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. They see a domed disc wi 3/24/1955 #17079 Beechcraft airplane over the Ryuku Islands, Okinawa, Japan. The plane's Ins 3/24/1955 #17080 coast of New Zealand and the Fiji Islands, 5 unknown origin rockets were s 2/3/1956 #17794 cific island of Levuka in the Fiji Islands, several people on a fishing boa 7/12/1956 #18085 Kouril Islands Soviet anti-aircraft batteries f 7/24/1957 #19021 Kuril Islands Sakhalin Oblast Pacific Ocean Ne 7/24/1957 #19028 ntiaircraft batteries on the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin Oblast, Russia, in the 7/24/1957 #19028 USSR, Kuril Islands (Translated from French) Through 7/25/1957 #19031 AHU, NINGINO ISLANDS, PNG Night light changes color(s 8/24/1957 #19144 ent object glides west going east. Islands lit / glow. 9/25/1957 #19259 Fiji Islands, Nawaca (Translated from French) 10/8/1957 #19302 noon, four inhabitants of the Fiji Islands saw (...) a metallic object that 10/8/1957 #19302 Bua Province, Fiji Islands Natives in small boat saw UFO de 10/8/1957 #19308 Nabouwalu, Fiji Islands Two couples going from Nabouwalu 10/8/1957 #19310 om Nabouwalu to Nawaca in the Fiji Islands by motor boat saw a white colore 10/8/1957 #19313 FUNCHAL, MADEIRA ISLANDS Luminous ovoid flies over city. 11/5/1957 #19554 fireball going [to] over Hebrides islands / 17 minute(s). Large flames. 11/5/1957 #19576 FUNCHAL, MADEIRA ISLANDS, PORTUGAL Fast bright sphere nor 11/26/1957 #19906 Atka Island, Aleutian Islands, AK P2V-5F Encounters 3 Lights T 1/11/1958 #20129 d 10 minutes apart in the Kunashir Islands, Japan and the Soviet Union. 3/1/1958 #20229 Bohol Island, Phillipine Islands Witness: Phillipine Airlines pi 5/9/1958 #20360 Fornells de Minorca, Baleares Islands, Spain. Mr. Galvez, a 55-year-ol 12/17/1958 #20869 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, BC 2 ships Captains. White pill 8/27/1959 #21400 captains sailing in the Charlotte Islands off the coast of British Columbi 8/27/1959 #21401 Quezon, Phillipine Islands Witnesses: USN Lt. C.H. Pogson, 10/4/1959 #21492 PRAIA, CAPE VERDE ISLANDS Luminous object surrounded by ha 11/24/1959 #21586 he Dependencias Federales chain of islands belonging to Venezuela. The witn 12/13/1959 #21609 slated from French) In the Solomon Islands, luminous phenomena are observed 2/25/1960 #21696 Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain Washington, D.C. 9:33 a.m 5/22/1960 #21848 n observatory on Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, sees a white, triangular 5/22/1960 #21848 LEWIS TO/FROM HARRIS ISLANDS, SCT Ships crew. Odd object twis 2/27/1961 #22221 o the sea between Lewis and Harris Islands in the Western Isles off Scotlan 2/27/1961 #22228 Admiralty Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica 6:15 p.m. Brazilian 3/16/1961 #22249 over Admiralty Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, in slow, level flig 3/16/1961 #22249 Marianas Islands, Asia Four Small Objects Tracked 4/14/1961 #22271 ending its course off the Hawaiian Islands. There, a Hercules C-130 cargo p 11/22/1962 #23317 on Deception Island South Shetland Islands Antarctica 7:50 p.m. Meteorologi 6/7/1965 #24970 ption Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, when he notices a s 6/7/1965 #24970 on Deception Island South Shetland Islands Antarctica 4:20 p.m. The Command 6/18/1965 #24986 ption Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, Mario Jahn Barrera, 6/18/1965 #24986 VIRGIN ISLANDS Scientists and many. Flat round 6/30/1965 #25010 B Deception Island South Shetland Islands Antarctica 7:15 p.m. Five garris 7/2/1965 #25037 ption Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, have a UFO sighting 7/2/1965 #25037 Laurie Island in the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica 5:03 p.m. Two meteor 7/3/1965 #25049 Laurie Island in the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica, observe for 15 seco 7/3/1965 #25049 ine Deception Station South Orkney Islands, Antarctica 7:42 p.m. 17 people 7/3/1965 #25051 eption Station in the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica. The object changes 7/3/1965 #25051 ption Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica two Chilean scientis 7/3/1965 #25052 ct was spotted by the South Orkney Islands base. It was moving northwest, a 7/7/1965 #25069 sage arrived from the South Orkney Islands base. As a strange object flew o 7/7/1965 #25069 Santa Maria Island Azores islands Portugal Santa Maria Airport 4:3 7/9/1965 #25079 r Santa Maria Island in the Azores islands, Portugal. All electric clocks a 7/9/1965 #25079 FUNCHAL, MADEIRA ISLANDS Slow unidentified object with gr 8/18/1965 #25437 were about half a mile off Rugged Islands when they saw a strange craft co 11/13/1965 #25774 le sailing south of the Santa Cruz Islands. They were closely grouped, and 5/5/1966 #26577 and white lights between two small islands. Thinking another boatman might 6/3/1967 #28803 Spain, Balearic Islands, Palma (Translated from French) 7/1967 #28940 land of Palma de Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. From her window she saw 7/7/1967 #29000 Guam was sailing past the Loyalty Islands at 11:33 a.m. when crewmembers s 12/21/1967 #30074 FUNCHAL, MADEIRA ISLANDS 10 egg-shaped objects / sky. No 2/1968 #30204 y at Cinco Picos AFB on the Azores Islands, Sr. Serafin Viera Sebastiao, ag 2/1/1968 #30211 at Criaco do Cabrito on the Azores Islands noticed interference on his tran 2/2/1968 #30214 ated from French) Near the Bahamas Islands, south of Florida, American scie 8/21/1968 #30896 SOUTHEAST / TENERIFE, CANARY ISLANDS 20cm fireball paces airliner. Li 9/17/1968 #31015 On Molokai Island in the Hawaiian Islands at 6:26 a.m. a US Marine Corps f 11/20/1969 #32119 be intact in the sea, off the Fiji Islands). (April 11, 1970) 4/11/1970 #32312 South Guernsey Island, The Channel Islands, Great Britain. It rapidly shran 10/17/1970 #32590 ed a private plane flying from the islands of Bimini to Andros in the Baham 12/4/1970 #32642 FIVE ISLANDS, ME Several observer(s) with tel 8/20/1972 #33784 McIvers Bay of Islands, Newfoundland 8:50 p.m. Two RCMP 11/17/1972 #33998 rthwest near McIvers on the Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. It disappears in 11/17/1972 #33998 FORMENTERA ISLAND, BALEARIC ISLANDS, SPAIN 2 observer(s). Vertical b 9/1/1973 #34681 r San Francisco, then the Hawaiian Islands. His round trip excursion took o 2/9/1974 #35770 Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain The wife of a journalist 5/22/1974 #36179 of a journalist on Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain, photographs an object de 5/22/1974 #36179 Madeira Canary Islands Funchal 7:30 p.m. At two-minute 11/22/1974 #36700 rom the horizon at Madeira, Canary Islands, after which they create brillia 11/22/1974 #36700 erife and Las Palmas in the Canary Islands. The UFO disappeared when the ai 11/24/1974 #36703 Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain An Iberian Airlines pilot 3/11/1976 #38315 above Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, watches an elongated obj 3/11/1976 #38315 CANARY ISLANDS, Galdar (Translated from French) 6/22/1976 #38526 Galdar, Canary Islands, W. Africa 10:30 p.m. Spherical 6/22/1976 #38530 Gáldar Agaete Gran Canaria Canary Islands 9:27 p.m. Dr. Don Francisco-Juli 6/22/1976 #38531 r and Agaete, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. The taxi radio cuts out. Inside 6/22/1976 #38531 Canary Islands 10:30 p.m. A bright red light li 6/22/1976 #38532 semicircular dome over the Canary Islands. It is transparent with a bluish 6/22/1976 #38532 Guia de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands (Spain) - Three men in a taxi ob 6/22/1976 #38533 d of Las Palmas also in the Canary Islands, at 10:30 p.m., an electric-blue 6/22/1976 #38534 Canary Islands Ejea de los Caballeros, Zaragoza 6/26/1976 #38547 ro Cavero, commander of the Canary Islands division, who tells him: “The na 6/26/1976 #38547 Canary Islands 7:15 p.m. Witnesses from aircraf 11/19/1976 #38996 rcraft and ships around the Canary Islands watch a point of light climbing 11/19/1976 #38996 pejo, chief of staff of the Canary Islands Air Zone, and the crew of the Sp 11/19/1976 #38996 La Palma and Tenerife, Canary Islands Ad Dakhla on the coast of Wester 3/24/1977 #39393 s on La Palma and Tenerife, Canary Islands, see a reddish light emerge from 3/24/1977 #39393 c, almost vertical to the Hawaiian Islands.Then, transformed into a ball of 1/24/1978 #40458 t the level of the Queen Charlotte Islands, almost at the American-Canadian 1/24/1978 #40458 , and is composed of many bays and islands, with different varieties of fis 6/22/1978 #40881 Lake Superior Apostle Islands, Wisconsin 2:40 a.m. A Coast Gua 7/29/1978 #41041 in Lake Superior among the Apostle Islands, Wisconsin, sees a large, yellow 7/29/1978 #41041 in Fontanales on the Grand Canary Islands saw three UFOs at a high altitud 12/10/1978 #41720 Baleares Islands (near), Mediterranean Sea Over 5 2/9/1979 #42072 combreras refinery in the Baleares Islands. The radar of a second ship also 2/9/1979 #42072 combreras refinery in the Baleares Islands. The ship's log reports that clo 2/9/1979 #42075 Gran Canaria, Canary Islands 2:00 a.m. Both Circulación Aérea 2/25/1979 #42105 southeast of Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, flying at an altitude of 14,400 2/25/1979 #42105 SPAIN, Canary Islands, Tenerife (Translated from Frenc 3/5/1979 #42124 Canary Islands Safi, Morocco Dusk. Many residen 3/5/1979 #42127 Dusk. Many residents of the Canary Islands are captivated with the sight of 3/5/1979 #42127 ca, not far from the Prince Edward Islands, two flashes of light burst out 9/22/1979 #42601 om Palma de Mallorca to the Canary Islands (flight JK-297) with 109 Austria 11/11/1979 #42685 the third towards the Columbretes Islands until Mahon. Between 2:30 AM and 11/11/1979 #42685 Ibiza, Canary Islands The pilot of a Spanish jetliner 11/11/1979 #42689 lzburg, Austria Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain Las Palmas in the Canary 11/11/1979 #42690 ds, Spain Las Palmas in the Canary Islands Torrejón Air Base, Madrid Barcel 11/11/1979 #42690 fueling stop on Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, before setting course to 11/11/1979 #42690 se toward Las Palmas in the Canary Islands. Pilot Francisco Javier Lerdo de 11/11/1979 #42690 Gran Canaria Airport Canary Islands Ocean 11:05 p.m. The Air Transit 5/22/1980 #43067 Gran Canaria Airport in the Canary Islands detects some unidentified traffi 5/22/1980 #43067 forming maneuvers over some nearby islands. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases 7/18/1981 #43845 forming maneuvers over some nearby islands. 7/18/1981 #43847 n Ocean, 550 km south of the Cocos Islands, about 2000 km from the Australi 6/3/1982 #44359 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands Late at night Andreas Schneider 11/18/1982 #44574 nta Cruz de Tenerife in the Canary Islands. He lost consciousness and had a 11/18/1982 #44574 nta Cruz de Tenerife in the Canary Islands. He lost consciousness and had a 11/18/1982 #44575 The Orkney Islands, Scotland 5:30 PM. A silver colo 4/25/1984 #45250 garden in Blairgowrie, The Orkney Islands, Scotland. Mrs. Freeman's dog co 4/25/1984 #45250 garden in Blairgowrie, The Orkney Islands, Scotland. Mrs. Freeman's dog co 4/25/1984 #45255 Blairgowrie in The Orkney Islands, Scotland A bright circle traili 6/25/1984 #45345 ing over Blairgowrie in the Orkney Islands, Scotland. A V-shaped object was 6/25/1984 #45347 Las Palmas Arrecife Canary Islands 3:10 a.m. The merchant ferry Man 12/23/1985 #45770 s Palmas to Arrecife in the Canary Islands when the third officer on duty s 12/23/1985 #45770 tween Santo Domingo and the Virgin Islands), a large triangular UFO appears 12/28/1988 #46916 es in Rostock, Greifswald, and the islands of Rügen and Usedom, Germany, se Early 8/1990 #48018 SOLOMON ISLANDS Wave domed 4M saucers. 1 dives / 8/10/1997 #52112 s flew over a river in the Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean One of them, esti 8/10/1997 #52113 Horne Islands South Pacific 3:00 p.m. Sgt. Joh Winter 1997 #52224 of 24,000 feet north of the Horne Islands in the South Pacific. He notices Winter 1997 #52224 Suicide Sect Leader Held On Canary Islands," page A-8). The group had a dou 1/8/1998 #52256 s sighted from Blairgowrie, Orkney Islands, UK at 11:00 p.m. 12/10/2001 #53147 Catalina and San Clemente islands, California Navy Chief Petty Off 11/10/2004 #53652 inity of Catalina and San Clemente islands, California. He is startled by t 11/10/2004 #53652 and Isle of Wight Guernsey Channel Islands Jersey ATC Casquets Alderney Aft 4/23/2007 #53895 rection of Guernsey in the Channel Islands (southwest and 12 o’clock ahead) 4/23/2007 #53895 Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands Western Australia The US Space F 3/28/2020 #54527 at Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, along with an option for anothe 3/28/2020 #54527 erwater UAP base near the Catalina Islands off the coast of Southern Califo 10/20/2022 #54681## Word: "islas", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lors as it moved over Santa Ponsa, Islas Malgrata, Baleares, Spain at 8:00 1/5/1980 #42836## Word: "islay", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Islay” YieldMax: 20KT 8/27/1981 #43918## Word: "isle", 62 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t the same time in the town of the Isle of Martègue, on the twenty-second d 8/1/1608 #455 ts) were undertaken in 1824 on the Isle of Wight by Captain Dennett. When l 10/17/1828 #959 Grand Isle, Louisiana 5:30 p.m. A geophysicist 9/19/1947 #6347 s testing a weather radar at Grand Isle, Louisiana, when the radar detects 9/19/1947 #6347 A Humble Oil geophysicist in Grand Isle, Louisiana was testing radar to det 9/19/1947 #6348 Tremonton Presque Isle and Limestone AFB [now Loring Inter 11/25/1952 #12719 hting of an object seen at Presque Isle and Limestone AFB [now Loring Inter 11/25/1952 #12719 Presque Isle Chadwell tells CIA Acting Deputy Di 12/16/1952 #12833 ok cases, especially since Presque Isle was identified as the planet Jupite 12/16/1952 #12833 Presque Isle, ME F-94, two other fighter aircraf 1/29/1953 #13059 Presque Isle AFB, ME Radar tracking (NICAP: 11 - 1/29/1953 #13064 val-shaped UFO flying over Presque Isle, Maine. 1/29/1953 #13072 Presque Isle, ME (McDonald list) 25 Targets on G 10/16/1953 #13797 SHANKLIN, ISLE OF WIGHT 1 observer. 1 large and 6 7/23/1954 #14739 Isle of Re, France As he was returning h 9/30/1954 #15328 Cape Massulo, Italy. On the Isle of Capri an artist, Raffael Castell 10/17/1954 #16100 re flying over the sea between the Isle of Wight and Bournemouth when they 8/13/1956 #18200 NORTH / ISLE / WIGHT 2 RAF pilots. RADAR visual. 8/30/1956 #18285 English Channel Isle of Wight, England RAF Odiham in Ham 8/30/1956 #18287 r the English Channel south of the Isle of Wight, England, when one of the 8/30/1956 #18287 NEAR SEA ISLE CITY, NJ 2 engineers / boat / (seen 8/30/1957 #19164 oat on the Atlantic Ocean near Sea Isle City, Cape May County, New Jersey w 8/30/1957 #19170 Port Jack, Douglas, Isle of Man Scotland 2:30 a.m. Capt. Fre 11/29/1957 #19924 is 4 miles off Port Jack, Douglas, Isle of Man, when an orange ball of fire 11/29/1957 #19924 Trindade Isle, Brazil Members of naval survey shi 1/16/1958 #20140 Majorca Isle, Mediterranean Sea Palma Observator 5/22/1960 #21847 Isle of Pines Bay of Pigs, Cuba A CIA U- 9/29/1962 #23200 s, Cuba A CIA U-2 mission over the Isle of Pines and Bay of Pigs, Cuba, rev 9/29/1962 #23200 Isle of Wight Lionel Beer begins publish 1/1964 #23955 ing Spacelink, a newsletter of the Isle of Wight UFO Investigation Society. 1/1964 #23955 USA, Presque Isle State Park, Pennsylvania. (Translat 7/31/1966 #26853 rom French) Observation at Presque Isle National Park (Pennsylvania). (July 7/31/1966 #26854 PRESQUE ISLE, PA Project Bluebook Case #10798. T 7/31/1966 #26855 Erie (Presque Isle State Park), PA Square or hexagonal 7/31/1966 #26857 Presque Isle State Park, Pennsylvania Witnesses: 7/31/1966 #26860 At Presque Isle State Park near Erie, Pennsylvania 7/31/1966 #26861 evedon, England Welford, Berkshire Isle of Sheppey in the Thames Estuary Ro 9/4/1967 #29407 west to east from Clevedon to the Isle of Sheppey in the Thames Estuary. A 9/4/1967 #29407 HAMPS Fireball goes down river to Isle of Wight. Maneuvers going up [to] g 2/2/1970 #32242 a). Above Louisiana, east of Grand Isle, the pilot indeed enters a cloud fo 1/1971 #32682 age on the golf course in Sandown, Isle of Wight, England when they heard a 5/15/1973 #34408 SHORWELL, ISLE OF WIGHT, ENGL 5 observer(s). Circu 12/30/1973 #35612 g, as the boat was coming from the Isle of St Kildo and heading towards the 10/16/1974 #36621 f St Kildo and heading towards the Isle of Barra. Manon, a sailor, recounts 10/16/1974 #36621 thing. Its point was as big as the Isle of Barra itself. And it varied at a 10/16/1974 #36621 CE, FR Domed saucer hovers / small isle / river. Back / orange / 17 May. / 5/16/1976 #38453 ISLE OF DOGS, LONDON 8cm white probe man 12/5/1977 #40264 Mediterranean Isle of Majorca, At Sea Spanish Radar Vi 11/11/1979 #42688 ISLE OF MULL, SCOTLAND 3 / car. Sudden f 10/8/1981 #44000 LAXEY BAY, ISLE / MAN 2 observer(s) only. Large dar 5/29/1984 #45302 Fairy Cottage Laxey Isle of Man A huge disc with a flat base 5/29/1984 #45304 ly over Fairy Cottage, near Laxey, Isle of Man. 5/29/1984 #45304 HAPPY ISLE LAKE, ON 2 / camp. Brilliant silent 5/27/1994 #50082 ated from French) Not far from the Isle of Lewis, in the north of Scotland, 10/26/1996 #51773 Cosmo Isle Hakui Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, J 3/21/1997 #51946 Science Symposium is held at Cosmo Isle Hakui, a museum of space history in 3/21/1997 #51946 OFF PRESQUE ISLE, MI Sailboat crew. Bright white sph 7/14/1998 #52386 MILL ISLE, NORTH IREL 3 observer(s). Disk-sau 1/17/1999 #52514 Snaefell, Isle of Man UK Late afternoon. Witnesses 1/14/2001 #52983 nications mast on top of Snaefell, Isle of Man. Two women on horseback see 1/14/2001 #52983 Southampton, England Isle of Wight Guernsey Channel Islands J 4/23/2007 #53895 opilot about 10 miles south of the Isle of Wight. Capt. Ray Bowyer notices, 4/23/2007 #53895## Word: "isle-aux-allumettes", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Chapeau, Quebec L’Isle-aux-Allumettes Ottawa River 2:00 a. 5/11/1969 #31730 e village of Chapeau, Quebec, on L’Isle-aux-Allumettes in the Ottawa River, 5/11/1969 #31730## Word: "isle-sur-sorgue", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ISLE-SUR-SORGUE, FR 2+1 observer(s). 12M 1/25/1977 #39205## Word: "isles", 19 instance(s) (Back to Top)
British Isles Possibly 473 AD. A massive and bri 497 #40 British Isles North Sea east coast of Scotland E 8/18/1783 #770 bolide is observed in the British Isles on a clear, dry night. Analysis in 8/18/1783 #770 35 miles at sea near the British Isles In October 1908, British fishermen 10/1908 #2245 gs were not limited to the British Isles but extended to continental Europe 1909 #2252 n the opposite side of the British Isles. 7/1909 #2357 ps had transitioned to the British Isles. In January of that year, two indi 1/1913 #2549 British Isles A fishing boat's crew reported an 2/1913 #2570 ed from French) Across the British Isles, many viewers saw on their televis 9/17/1953 #13728 E of Seven Isles, Quebec, CAN Large opaque or black 6/29/1954 #14648 ISLES / SUIPPES, FR Flash! 3M cylinder/c 10/6/1954 #15591 nd Avenue, London, England British Isles A report in the UK weekly newspape 6/15/1957 #18922 ile and a large map of the British Isles with thousands of colored pins rep 6/15/1957 #18922 nd several more around the British Isles. 4/18/1959 #21140 Midway Isles, At Sea (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 9/25/1960 #22039 and Harris Islands in the Western Isles off Scotland. On that night at 10: 2/27/1961 #22228 coral sea / 30 minute(s). / Colin Isles. 11/1/1969 (approximate) #32095 holiday in Guernsey in the Channel Isles, England watched four spinning, si 6/26/1971 #32948 L'Ancresse in the English Channel Isles for 10 minutes heading south. A f 11/26/1972 #34017## Word: "isles-sur-suippe", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Isles-sur-Suippe, Marne, France Around 6 10/6/1954 #15601 s riding to work on his bicycle at Isles-sur-Suippe, Marne, France, and see 10/6/1954 #15601 Reims to Rethel, France. Near the Isles-sur-Suippe he noticed a sharp redd 10/6/1954 #15603## Word: "islet", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s an object hovering above a small islet in the canal. Two little men emerg 7/13/1966 #26794 gs with yellow faces on the Cargol islet. They had a device similar to a bu 9/21/1968 #31034 and silently, landing on a nearby islet. Their boat engine fails as the UF 10/1/1995 #51140## Word: "islev", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
SOUTH / ISLEV, DK 2 / car. Silent extremely brig 2/4/1986 #45822## Word: "isley", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ed Nellis AFB radar operator Niara Isley who claims she experienced a “neur 10/20/2022 #54679## Word: "islington", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ISLINGTON, LONDON Fluorescent disk. 2 se 3/20/1992 #48838## Word: "islip", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ISLIP TERRACE, NY 2.5M brilliant egg hov 8/24/1953 (approximate) #13655 enties was driving his car in East Islip, New York on this same night at 6 11/15/1978 #41580## Word: "isls", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd down. Going west behind channel Isls. 2/13/1995 #50620## Word: "ismael", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
On Saturday, April 29, 2000, Jose Ismael Pino, 59, an agricultural worker 4/29/2000 #52835## Word: "ismailovich", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ssia Pulkov Highway 3:40–4:00 a.m. Ismailovich Borovkov wakes up to a brigh 3/14/1995 #50670## Word: "isn", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)
be a message from Mars, but if it isn’t from Mars, where is it from?” Astr 8/22/1924 #2940 edge of the cave world and Lemuria isn’t really a “racial memory,” as the f 4/1945 #4262 inks it is a hoax, but Jerry Clark isn’t 100% sure. 8/19/1952 #11861 ’t say positively because our data isn’t good enough. But we’re not worried 3/8/1953 #13215 sup about the Varo edition; Jessup isn’t much interested but tells him abou 4/1956 #17884 ects employees are rehired, but it isn’t quite business as usual. The USAF 2/20/1959 #21002 r the Pioneer 5 space probe, which isn’t launched until March 11], “which w 3/6/1960 #21717 through the quarantine because it isn’t carrying any contraband. 10/25/1962 #23250 five succeeding nights. The plant isn’t operational for another year. 9/11/1967 #29457 by the Director of Operations. It isn’t a practice to allow the public to 10/2/1972 #33906 tracking anything on radar, but he isn’t. The size of the red light decreas 10/26/1977 #40141 the Air Force. Therefore the Army isn’t aware of what their function was e 5/16/1984 #45290## Word: "isn't", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ILING 12500 METERS. note from vog: isn't this the plane that, according to 2/28/1946 #4448 ssed their path. (note de vog: ??? isn't that a bit "arranged?") Its size w 8/1/1946 #4640 e Ranger I to VI tried before him, isn't it?) fell on the Moon at the plann 7/31/1964 #24355 i, who gave him gold ingots. (vog: isn't she generous, and we would like th 1/1967 #27483 orts these claims. This phenomenon isn't limited to Colorado; states like T 9/25/1975 #37655 a trance. [vog: she is very good, isn't she?] 4/1978 #40671 d beings. [vog: ah? if he says so, isn't it?- ] 1985 #45546 ttling of windows and mild tremors isn't them. Chances of Nellis aircraft c 2/24/1985 #45570 ed by an explosion [note from vog: isn't this contradictory?] 7/11/1990 #47977## Word: "isobel", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Perth, Scotland Isobel Haldane recounted a bewildering e 1613 #461 At around 6:00 a.m. Isobel Nielson saw an object that at fir 9/22/1973 #34798## Word: "isoceles", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
arks were in the arrangement of an isoceles triangle 7.9 m x 6.5 m x 6.5 m. 9/13/1966 #27064## Word: "isola", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ISOLA / ORTONOVO, ITL 3 small humanoids 11/11/1954 #16591 ITALY, Isola (La Spezia) (Translated from Frenc 11/14/1954 #16612 Isola, Italy Amerigo Lorenzini, a farmer 11/14/1954 #16619 Isola, Spezia, Italy 7:45 p.m. Near Isol 11/14/1954 #16624 sola, Spezia, Italy 7:45 p.m. Near Isola, Spezia, Italy, Amerigo (or Americ 11/14/1954 #16624 ISOLA DI GIGLIO, ITL Numerous observer(s 7/13/1957 #18988 two friends were driving home near Isola Verde, Italy when Boscolo stopped 11/9/1996 #51791## Word: "isolated", 101 instance(s) (Back to Top)
erent points of Crete (Candia). An isolated black cloud having exploded, a 7/19/1894 #1511 ental flight. They often landed in isolated places or approached cities whe 4/3/1897 #1673 Malta, Montana 7:30 p.m. At an isolated ranch 60 miles from Malta, Mont Summer 1918 #2817 an is driving the family car in an isolated hilly area of Texas when she ro 1930 #3075 ct" in the sky. At that time, this isolated phenomenon did not attract the 1931 #3099 ed from French) A nurse went to an isolated village to treat a man who had 2/1941 #3545 Members of a family who live in an isolated area on the outskirts of Roches 10/1944 #4037 Carotenuto Bossa is driving in an isolated region in Bahía Blanca Partido 5/15/1950 #8282 y sky on the airfield, where I was isolated more than a kilometer from the 7/23/1950 #8446 th her husband Burt Mc Guire in an isolated motel located in the Arizona de 1951 #8831 Shaw and Jan Whitley, who share an isolated one-bedroom cabin in the forest 3/22/1953 #13259 t two o'clock in the morning in an isolated cabin in Tujunga Canyon, Califo 3/22/1953 #13260 and Jan Whitley were living in an isolated cabin. They were sleeping when 5/22/1953 #13406 nesses drove on this evening to an isolated area near some power lines and 3/28/1954 #14279 omand and two other children on an isolated farm near Prémanon, Jura, Franc 9/27/1954 #15274 3 km from Nancy) inhabitants of an isolated farm, a few hundred meters from 10/10/1954 #15734 n the night, the inhabitants of an isolated farm a few hundred meters from 10/11/1954 #15769 inanced by Glenn L. Martin Co. but isolated from the company’s aircraft bui 11/20/1955 #17664 six hours. The UFOs are sometimes isolated, sometimes in a flight formatio 8/13/1956 #18198 R. is allegedly being stored in an isolated top-secret underground bunker, 1/21/1959 #20966 LURGAN, NORTH IREL 3 / isolated park. Noisy 4' saucer going [to 5/1961 #22303 aped objects were seen entering an isolated cloud over Adelaide Hills, Sout 11/21/1961 #22642 (Translated from French) In an isolated farm in Duas Pantas (Brazil), a 8/24/1962 #23100 ds are bow-and-arrow hunting in an isolated area of Placer County, Californ 9/5/1964 #24452 saw a "strange machine" land on an isolated beach. It was shaped like a mus 7/19/1965 #25127 -12 meters in diameter land on the isolated beach. It was shaped like a mus 7/20/1965 #25148 urned at right angles. Others were isolated and hovered from time to time. 8/2/1965 #25256 In an isolated area of the Green River Gorge, 9/4/1965 #25556 er two witnesses saw it land in an isolated spot between Cuaranga and the S 10/18/1965 #25714 , a 76 year old woman living in an isolated farmhouse observes spherical "f 6/15/1966 #26699 ranslated from French) In a fairly isolated house in Texas, 3 young childre 8/6/1966 #26885 a dark object hovering near their isolated house. It had a square "door" e 8/6/1966 #26888 a dark object hovering near their isolated house. It had a square "door" e 8/6/1966 #26890 . His house is located in a fairly isolated area and he has never spoken of 9/9/1966 #27046 d a week later in the center of an isolated field. The knee-high grass arou 11/20/1966 #27350 se the Christiansen home was in an isolated area and guests were unlikely t 1/9/1967 #27525 the mountains, and in a completely isolated place, a saucer came to pick th 2/17/1967 #27848 looked like they had landed on an isolated section of farmland. The two me 3/26/1967 #28299 MO Domed disk exits and re-enters isolated cloud. / UFOLOG #80. 7/15/1967 #29032 d object was seen emerging from an isolated cloud. It re-entered the cloud, 7/15/1967 #29039 A woman living alone in an isolated cabin on Keats Island, British 1/29/1968 #30194 an electric motor. It landed in an isolated section of Valparaiso, Chile an 3/4/1968 #30325 UFO investigators had driven to an isolated area of Mount Misery on Long Is 1/12/1969 #31421 In one corner of the garden of an isolated farmhouse named Enebacken, they 4/29/1970 #32335 brother. They parked the car in an isolated area at 7:30 p.m. to smoke ciga 9/7/1970 #32534 dults and four children were in an isolated area on a Mediterranean beach i 8/16/1971 #33048 lace, Paul de Brescia walked to an isolated wooded area near Grasse, France 8/25/1971 #33064 9, was returning by truck along an isolated road from a local ranch in Esta 9/20/1971 #33118 nt of a torpedo-shaped UFO over an isolated area, close to a ranch owned by 7/17/1973 #34568 that stepped out of the bush in an isolated area. The three youths fled the 8/4/1973 #34613 with her 5-year-old son Kent in an isolated house on the outskirts of Lehi, 10/16/1973 #35051 nnsylvania bottom of a gully in an isolated section of the woods near Midla 11/3/1973 #35343 ay. At the bottom of a gully in an isolated section of the woods near Midla 11/3/1973 #35343 pathic messages to go to a certain isolated area near a lagoon, 150 kilomet 11/3/1973 #35344 ummoned telepathically to go to an isolated area for possible contact with 11/18/1973 #35428 bec 2:00 a.m. A woman living in an isolated area near Joliette, Quebec, not 11/22/1973 #35445 edfern, U.K.) A UFO crashed in the isolated Clwyd valley and the bodies of 1/24/1974 #35704 ch) Mrs. A., who lived alone in an isolated house in the middle of the wood 2/6/1974 #35751 isolated ranch northeast of Goldendale, 11/1974 #36667 gton 8:00 p.m. Claire Haser, on an isolated ranch northeast of Goldendale, 11/1974 #36667 states underground facilities and isolated areas of military reservations 3/14/1975 #37054 They drove together in a car to an isolated area where he had had previous 4/22/1975 #37166 after being instructed to go to an isolated area. He described everything h 8/26/1976 #38720 r young men are driving through an isolated area known as Simonswood Moss, 1/2/1978 #40384 young men were driving home on an isolated road in a flat boggy area calle 1/2/1978 #40385 creature not far from a mine in an isolated area near Lewiston, California. 8/1/1978 #41056 h Africa had been out hiking in an isolated area, and were now waiting to b 10/2/1978 #41396 ia (Amur region of), Russia In the isolated taiga in the Amur region of Sib 12/6/1978 #41696 In the isolated taiga in the Amur region of Sib 12/6/1978 #41698 oriented by a police officer in an isolated section of the city. A medical 1/3/1979 #41944 Author Ellen Crystal was out in an isolated field near Pine Bush by herself 8/8/1980 #43184 author Ellen Crystal was out in an isolated field near Pine Bush, New York 8/8/1980 #43186 . Huge boomerang / lights 30m over isolated house. 2/3/1981 #43601 Two young men traveling on an isolated stretch of road near Port Linco 10/24/1981 #44028 Ripley, Queensland, AU In an isolated area, some kangaroo hunters wer 5/2/1982 #44327 z Factor,” the “sensation of being isolated, or transported from the real w 9/1983 #44896 telli was driving through a brushy isolated area in Mentrux-en-Joux, Jura, 6/20/1986 #45978 igator: James Clarkson. From their isolated house by the lake, a family was 12/15/1988 #46906 ses were driving together along an isolated section of Route 4 in Sassovivo 2/7/1989 #46986 elderly motorist was driving in an isolated area of Bautista Canyon, Califo 5/10/1989 #47120 were engaged in opal mining in an isolated area of Queensland, Australia o 6/16/1989 #47169 o get near the crash site, but the isolated location seemed impossible to a 9/16/1989 #47309 Two teens playing in an isolated field on this afternoon in Mini 5/14/1991 #48461 gone hunting for wild ducks in an isolated area in the Rio Palhano area, C 3/5/1992 #48805 ual Asian signatures common to the isolated Lahu people of China and Thaila 7/23/1992 #48985 A couple driving on an isolated road at 1:30 a.m. near the town 11/23/1992 #49195 towards the Netanya station on an isolated and unlit road, around 8 pm. Ne Late 2/1993 #49334 The witnesses were out in an isolated area of Victoria, Argentina at 4/7/1994 #50019 a local woman was driving down an isolated dirt road in Grady County, Geor 9/11/1994 #50290 hiking excursion around this large isolated lake, saw an oval-shaped UFO, t 7/21/1995 #50906 g on highway 375 in Nevada down an isolated stretch of desert road watched 2/28/1996 #51430 saucer had landed in Vidra, a very isolated village in the Carpathians. The 6/1996 #51567 our o'clock in the afternoon in an isolated pasture near Paradeseca, Orense 2/20/1997 #51903 ided to drive to Snoddy Road at an isolated location to signal to the objec 5/19/1997 #52024 Enrique Bermudez were parked in an isolated wooded area near Punta Arenas, 9/30/1997 #52164 h) A very large UFO landed near an isolated railway track and was observed Late 12/1997 #52232 ins, Terragona, Spain alongside an isolated field when he noticed a bright 6/21/1998 #52372 ral men were out elk hunting in an isolated area near Vernal, Utah when the 10/19/1998 #52457 8 days later by bloodhounds in an isolated canyon, dehydrated and sufferin 5/4/1999 #52573 recently met on this subject” are isolated from UAP knowledge; “keepers of 2000 #52744 e conducting a “night vigil” in an isolated field at about 350 meters from 4/12/2008 #54002## Word: "isolation", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
sity hospital where he was kept in isolation and examined. But it soon beca 2/21/1959 #21004 for sensory deprivation, prolonged isolation, humiliation, etc.), and how t 7/1963 #23613 th near the deserted grounds of an isolation unit at Hospital da Baleia on 9/14/1967 #29475 hey both get an intense feeling of isolation that lasts about 20 minutes. S 2/14/1974 #35788 rying to scare some students in an isolation building across the road. 3/17/1978 #40607 orbachev takes the USSR out of its isolation. Previously, Soviet ufologists 5/7/1989 #47114 chameleonic cloaking technology in isolation; he states SAIC had a contract 7/2003 #53429 of this results in very effective isolation and virtually no one in a posi 2018 #54377## Word: "isonzo", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
y balloon at ground level near the Isonzo River. Near it, a disk 10 m in di 10/19/1954 #16167 y balloon at ground level near the Isonzo River in Gorizia, Friuli-Venezia 10/19/1954 #16178## Word: "isophthalate", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
is variously found to be tere- and isophthalate polymer with possible prese 10/23/2002 #53290## Word: "isosceles", 18 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ily see a UFO shaped like a silver isosceles triangle to the east of Llandr 7/22/1966 #26820 u-Jiu, Romania, see a whitish-blue isosceles triangle in the southeast sky. 3/29/1968 #30373 terward and finds marks forming an isosceles triangle, two sides measuring 7/1/1968 #30643 about 5 inches deep and forming an isosceles triangle, the base side measur 7/2/1968 #30656 nd 3 holes 5" deep, arranged in an isosceles triangle. 5 local skeptics vis 7/2/1968 #30658 ned circles of burnt straw form an isosceles triangle within an oval area o 8/12/1974 #36411 he ground that were arranged in an isosceles triangle. 8/30/1977 #39942 ry with three holes arranged in an isosceles triangle. 8/31/1977 #39947 he takes evasive action. It is an isosceles triangle shape with a side len 5/16/1980 #43064 another witness see an unfamiliar isosceles triangle–shaped delta aircraft Late 8/1989 #47268 lat. It is horizontal and forms an isosceles triangle, with a wide base. Th 11/29/1989 #47489 dark solid mass in the shape of an isosceles triangle." It carried three bl 11/29/1989 #47524 e an object that looks like a long isosceles triangle with a centered red l 4/10/1990 #47833 in moments it took the shape of an isosceles triangle then took the shape o 9/24/1999 #52681 were found in a field, forming an isosceles triangle. 9/7/2001 #53114 bieszów, Poland, watches a silvery isosceles triangle hovering and rotating 8/20/2008 #54035 goes outside to see a large, black isosceles triangle about 800 feet away a 3/19/2013 #54240 r, and yellowish center. A smaller isosceles triangle seems to be embedded 8/14/2013 #54260## Word: "isoscoles", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
PUISSERGUIER, FR Teacher. Luminous Isoscoles delta/triangle/box-like craft 11/24/1994 #50425## Word: "isotope", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and hints strongly that it is the isotope uranium-235 that is undergoing f 1/25/1939 #3461 y produced in the rare uranium-235 isotope than the abundant uranium-238 is 3/1940 #3506 tope than the abundant uranium-238 isotope. Dunning begins investigating ga 3/1940 #3506 lutrons to perform electromagnetic isotope separation. 11/4/1943 #3840 fission weapon (because of pu-240 isotope present as an impurity in the pu 4/5/1944 #3933 eas were tested including using an isotope of bismuth, but does not give de 1955 #16901 , although it remains unclear what isotope was used, if any. Former KGB off 9/1957 #19181 bnormal concentration of magnesium isotope Mg-26 had indeed been found and Early 9/1957 #19187 led reactor used for plutonium and isotope production at the Windscale faci 10/9/1957 #19318 ive from cesium-137, a radioactive isotope. 4/29/1970 #32335 s, but only a harmless radioactive isotope. 7/19/2017 #54354 the result of a failed test of an “isotope power source for a liquid-fueled 8/8/2019 #54488## Word: "isotopes", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
entirely in a cloud of short-lived isotopes of inert gases that drift out o 3/28/1979 #42156 ater contaminated with radioactive isotopes are released into the Pacific O 3/11/2011 #54196## Word: "isotopic", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd strong metal that had different isotopic ratios from terrestrial metals. 9/3/2021 #54599## Word: "isotta", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
luminated shape the size of a Fiat Isotta in the hills when she heard foots 8/9/1972 #33725## Word: "ispra", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
di Siena, Italy Via Pié agli Orti Ispra 8:00 p.m. Hairdresser Rivo Faralli 9/17/1978 #41302 an Atomic Energy Community labs at Ispra, which finds that the road materia 9/17/1978 #41302## Word: "ispwich", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Ispwich, MA Dog in house curious/alert t 8/31/1989 #47273## Word: "isr", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
MAHANE-YEHUDA AND TEL-AVIV, ISR Many observer(s). Luminous egg or "h 10/18/1954 #16128 ZEFAT, ISR AND LEBANON AND JORDAN Wave / cigars 11/16/1954 (approximate) #16634 BEIT SHE'AN, ISR Cops and hundreds. Glowing-ovoid and 11/6/1991 #48649 EAST / RISHON LETZION, ISR 9' giants / metallic suits glow. 8km 1/3/1995 #50509 PORAT, EAST / KADIMA, ISR 35 chickens and 3 sheep and dog muti 1/7/1995 #50528 TEL AVIV, ISR 3 dark sponge shapes pass / 700M alt 11/26/1997 #52200 surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) products, applications, capabilitie 9/29/2014 #54293## Word: "israel", 82 instance(s) (Back to Top)
were one of the ten lost tribes of Israel. As they could not find wood in t 4/24/1897 #1937 New York City Israel admitted to the UN 5/11/1949 #7351 ISRAEL, Tel-Aviv (Translated from French 12/25/1949 #7674 OVER ACRE, ISRAEL Leb. airliner. Objects going quic 3/26/1950 (approximate) #8013 e ancient city of Acre (now Akko), Israel. They were travelling north and f 3/26/1950 #8024 lying over Jericho and Ramallah in Israel and Palestine. At eleven o'clock 4/7/1950 #8128 HAIFA, ISRAEL 12M ovoid 15K' over Mt. Carmel. B 8/7/1952 (approximate) #11679 ISRAEL, Haifa (Translated from French) A 12/24/1952 #12851 2. There will be no more UFOs over Israel until 1978. 12/24/1952 #12851 HAIFA, ISRAEL 4+several. Very fast cylinder/cig 1/4/1953 #12933 orts. One report is from Tel Aviv, Israel and one of the humanoid reports i 10/4/1954 #15532 SAFAD, ISRAEL Several observer(s). Cylinder/cig 10/20/1954 #16194 ixeira meets with another witness, Israel Pinheiro, president of the New Bu 10/1959 #21476 Iraq Israel US Area 51 Iraqi Air Force Col. M 8/16/1966 #26917 edfa defects by flying a MiG-21 to Israel. In what is considered one of Mos 8/16/1966 #26917 is smuggled safely out of Iraq to Israel. The MiG-21 fighter is evaluated 8/16/1966 #26917 the appointed place near Tel Aviv, Israel around 10:00 p.m. There they saw 12/6/1971 #33281 ed States purportedly arranges for Israel to ship weapons to Iran. Sick is 10/15/1980 #43319 n ships arms to Iran, both through Israel and directly, from 1981 to 1987 a 10/15/1980 #43319 Inslaw Israel Ronald Reagan Fabrizio Calvi Thie 1982 #44138 ions, then giving or selling it to Israel and 80 other countries through Ea 1982 #44138 Sea RAF Troödos on Cyprus coast of Israel or Lebanon Night. A US Air Force 10/19/1982 #44541 effect from lights on the coast of Israel or Lebanon. 10/19/1982 #44541 Israel, Elija's Gate (near Haifa) (Trans 9/28/1987 #46389 ISRAEL, Haifa (Translated from French) A 5/23/1988 #46705 ISRAEL, Tel-Aviv (Translated from French 8/30/1988 #46764 HAIFA, ISRAEL Fireball slowly drops / beach. Bu 4/21/1989 #47084 Israel, Haifa (Translated from French) A Late 4/1989 #47098 this seer in the tragic events in Israel and Palestine from 2000 to 2002? Late 4/1989 #47098 ISRAEL, Burgata (Translated from French) 1991 (approximate) #48312 Israel, Beit She'an (Translated from Fre 11/6/1991 #48648 ome to see a UFO above the city of Israel. District Superintendent Yitzhak 11/6/1991 #48648 border, the UFO turns back towards Israel. After half an hour of this kind 11/6/1991 #48648 east from the city of Beit She'an, Israel. It flew at an estimated 600 mete 11/6/1991 #48651 merang-shaped UFO from Beth Shean, Israel to the Jordanian border on this e 12/6/1991 #48692 Israel, Sfat (Galilee) (Translated from 1/24/1992 #48735 gest wave of UFOs ever observed in Israel. (...) It starts at 10 pm above H 1/24/1992 #48735 Israel, Haifa (Translated from French) L 1/24/1992 #48736 Israel, Tiberius (Translated from French 1/24/1992 #48737 Israel, Negev (Translated from French) A 1/24/1992 #48738 SAFED = ZEFAT, ISRAEL AND AREA Numerous observer(s). Sp 1/26/1992 #48743 Israel (Translated from French) (The Ret Late 2/1993 #49334 (The Return of the Angels; UFO in Israel, Past and Present - Barry Chamish Late 2/1993 #49334 Israel, Kadema (Sharon) (Translated from 3/20/1993 #49373 and went to her kitchen in Kadima, Israel at 6:30 a.m. When she got there s 3/20/1993 #49376 Kadima, Israel - At three o'clock in the morning 3/30/1993 #49389 Kadima, Israel - The neighbor of the UFO witness 3/31/1993 #49404 Israel, Kadima (Translated from French) 4/24/1993 #49438 he Return of the Angels" - UFOs in Israel, Past and Present - Barry Chamish 4/24/1993 #49438 Israel, Rishon LeTzion (Translated from 5/1993 #49450 stless, sleepless night in Kadima, Israel Danny Rotem felt compelled to get 5/13/1993 #49467 Bourgata, Israel - Hannah Somech awoke at three o' 5/30/1993 #49489 Israel, Kadima (Translated from French) 5/31/1993 #49490 (The Return of the Angels; UFO in Israel, Past and Present - Barry Chamish 5/31/1993 #49490 8:30 p.m. east of Rishon Letzion, Israel two nine-foot-tall giants in meta 1/3/1995 #50512 e Yatzitz and Yaziv communities in Israel shook as if an earthquake was hap 1/8/1995 #50530 TEL AVIV, ISRAEL Cops and several. Apple shape fli 3/5/1996 #51445 COAST / ISRAEL Fr. Al. crew. Black 50cm sphere r 6/9/1996 #51579 y landing at Ben Gurion airport in Israel. No Israeli military launches whe 6/9/1996 #51580 Rosh HaAyin central Israel Day. Spasso Maximovitch notices a 6/24/1996 #51589 rn sky over Rosh HaAyin in central Israel. He grabs his video camera to fil 6/24/1996 #51589 Israel, Haifa, Tveria and Arad (Translat 7/25/1996 #51621 ELAT, ISRAEL Police alert. Hundreds / observer 8/4/1996 #51627 ed the treaty: China, Egypt, Iran, Israel, and the United States have signe 9/10/1996 #51679 Israel, Nazareth (Translated from French 9/14/1996 #51684 om French) A resident of Nazareth (Israel) who went to post a letter claims 9/16/1996 #51689 the local post office in Nazareth, Israel when he suddenly heard a loud whi 9/16/1996 #51694 huge disc maneuver over Tel Aviv, Israel at two o'clock in the morning. Th 9/17/1996 #51696 Israel, Jenin (Translated from French) A 10/14/1996 #51738 Israel, Tel Aviv (Translated from French 10/23/1996 #51764 Israel, Rishon Lezion (Translated from F 12/1996 (approximate) #51810 Israel, Achihod-Ahyud (Akko) (Translated 12/21/1996 #51838 Nur-a-Shamat Camp, Israel - Daoud Ahmad awoke a one o'clock 12/26/1996 #51840 Israel, Tel Aviv (Translated from French 1/5/1997 #51859 lvery figure in the sky over Arad, Israel. The figure appeared to have a fr 7/22/1997 #52089 king home from school in Tulkarem, Israel on this late afternoon when he ca 10/10/1997 #52171 Israel, Negev Desert, Tel Sheva (Transla 10/14/1997 #52175 In Dir Al Awsan, Israel a young girl, Miss Suha A'anam, w 10/16/1997 #52177 YAFO, ISRAEL 2 observer(s). Saucer spins / clo 1/8/1998 #52257 cial Haim Eshed who states the US, Israel and ET have a cooperation agreeme 5/7/2003 #53397 d Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel Icarus Interstellar Popular Mecha 1/9/2018 #54382 e Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. Yet another title, “Warp Drive, 1/9/2018 #54382## Word: "israeli", 13 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r. Eichmann was later kidnapped by Israeli agents, while Mengele and Borman 1945 #4157 TYRREHENIAN SEA 12.24E-39.34N Israeli steamship Meir Dizengoff. Small 3/6/1953 #13211 MiG-21 fighter is evaluated by the Israeli Air Force and later loaned to th 8/16/1966 #26917 l to the successes achieved by the Israeli Air Force in the Six-Day War. 8/16/1966 #26917 French) In the Mediterranean, the Israeli submarine Davar, containing 69 s 1/25/1968 #30184 ipant, and “high-level Iranian and Israeli representatives” to make a secre 10/15/1980 #43319 ve been a South African test of an Israeli Jericho-class solid-fuel missile 5/5/1981 #43743 must go to the Technion Institute, Israeli version of MIT. (...) Meanwhile 9/28/1987 #46389 Israeli police and the IDF followed a bo 12/6/1991 #48692 t Ben Gurion airport in Israel. No Israeli military launches where in the a 6/9/1996 #51580 le "Yuri Isaacov - another blow to Israeli ufology" explains that Michael H 9/14/1996 #51684 girl by an "alien" from space. The Israeli magazine Yerushalayim recounts t 9/18/1997 #52147 2014, and tangentially from former Israeli space official Haim Eshed who st 5/7/2003 #53397## Word: "israeli-american", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Israeli-American astrophysicist Mario Li 8/21/1998 #52420## Word: "israelis", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e Yom Kippur War between Arabs and Israelis. This time the means employed w 10/1973 #34840 uary 5, 1997. By the hundreds, the Israelis were on the beaches from the mo 1/5/1997 #51859## Word: "israelites", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
cal column of fire that guided the Israelites. This fiery signal, possibly 507 #42## Word: "israelites'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s to the biblical narrative of the Israelites' desert journey. On October 7 9/20/1571 #416## Word: "isrl", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
JERUSALEM TO HAIFA, ISRL Many observer(s). Night lights and 1/2/1979 (approximate) #41926 KADIMA, ISRL Brilliant 4M metallic tank lands. P 3/20/1993 #49374 NAZARETH, ISRL Man abducted / jumping giants. Smal 9/16/1996 #51690 NORTH TEL AVIV, ISRL Hundreds and cops. Huge saucer hove 9/17/1996 #51695## Word: "issaquah", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NEAR ISSAQUAH, WA Repeat abductee / I90 drive 1/11/1992 #48719 a black void on Interstate 90 near Issaquah, Washington at around 9:00 p.m. 1/11/1992 #48720 ISSAQUAH, WA 3 observer(s). Disk approac 12/14/1996 #51828## Word: "issenheim", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NORTH / ISSENHEIM, FR Luminous UFO lands near N8 10/18/1954 #16119 Issenheim, France Lucien Fisch saw an ob 10/20/1954 #16200 w an object land near Route N83 in Issenheim, Haut-Rhin, France. It was lum 10/20/1954 #16208## Word: "isso", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
archive.org/web/20001025094433/www.isso.org/inbox/ubd/app/congress.htm 4/5/1966 #26370 groups and projects. Joe Firmage’s ISSO is there, which houses former NASA 2/20/2000 #52790## Word: "issoire", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ench) Mr. Pommier (residing on the Issoire road, Landa Observatory) is a pa 1945 #4133## Word: "issoujon", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r comrades, soldier Roch and nurse Issoujon who were returning from the kit 11/1954 #16455## Word: "issue", 147 instance(s) (Back to Top)
h their discovery in the July 2010 issue of Sky & Telescope. 7/20/1860 #1143 ter from the readers of the Nature issue (in volume 22), (pages 290-191). ( 7/29/1880 #1349 Weather Review". In the March 1904 issue, page 115, there is an account of 2/24/1904 #2119 ccupied him entirely, the cover of issue 1985 of another periodical - Le Bo 4/2/1905 #2142 engineer foreign policy. The first issue of Foreign Affairs is published in 7/29/1921 #2889 Tiffany Thayer publishes the first issue of the Fortean Society Magazine (r 9/1937 #3394 to participate in secret war work—issue the Frisch-Peierls memorandum. It 3/1940 #3507 age of Mantong in the January 1944 issue of Amazing Stories and enters into 11/1943 #3839 e-dwelling Dero for the March 1945 issue of Amazing Stories under the title 1/1945 #4163 he title “I Remember Lemuria.” The issue sells out and generates quite a re 1/1945 #4163 alifornia, and publishes the first issue of its newsletter, The Round Robin 2/1945 #4183 t Records of Lemuria,” in the June issue of Amazing Stories. Here it is rev 4/1945 #4262 n, told journalist Eugen Semitjov (issue no. 44, Allers, 1971): "It was one 5/1946 #4470 ort articles in its September 1945 issue by William C. Hefferlin, each desc 7/1946 #4527 ary of the Navy James V. Forrestal issue a memorandum that formally establi 1/29/1947 #4863 The June 1947 issue of Amazing Stories is devoted in i 4/1947 #4896 hotos are reproduced in the July 9 issue of the Arizona Republic. A few wee 7/7/1947 #5767 hat: Headquarters, Army Air Forces issue a directive assigning a priority, 9/23/1947 #6357 objects and recommends that USAF “issue a directive assigning a priority, 9/23/1947 #6359 John Chrisman, publishes a single issue of the first flying saucer fanzine Fall 1947 #6360 or Curtis Fuller publish the first issue of Fate magazine at Clark Publishi Spring 1948 #6588 pseudonym “Robert N. Webster.” The issue sells a healthy 50,000 copies. It Spring 1948 #6588 and retrieval with dead occupants. Issue was near-instantly censored/banned 6/1948 (approximate) #6694 reen fireballs look like a serious issue that needs to be addressed, perhap 2/11/1949 #7122 The April 30 issue of the Saturday Evening Post with 4/29/1949 #7290 ticle on UFOs appears in the May 7 issue of the Saturday Evening Post, whic 5/6/1949 #7330 The January 1950 issue of True magazine is published, wit 12/24/1949 #7673 agazine in its February/March 1952 issue. However, Robert Badgley, a Scarbo 7/2/1950 #8404 000, formerly Milan Rafajko - took issue with the Lexington Herald for play 5/31/1951 #9042 y M. Burgess.” Chidlaw promises to issue a directive to all units explainin 3/19/1952 #9662 the cover of Life's April 7, 1952 issue, was inserted in the lower right-h 4/7/1952 #9766 dline of the French magazine Radar issue with photos taken in Rio de Janeir 5/25/1952 #10178 Paris The first issue of Ouranos is published by the Com 6/24/1952 #10527 The Lorenzens publish the first issue of the APRO Bulletin. 7/15/1952 #10796 CSI Quarterly Bulletin. The final issue appears in early 1954. 9/1952 #12051 at might some day appear” (a phony issue invented by Thornton Page), the Ai 1/17/1953 #12990 Max B. Miller publishes the first issue of Saucers, a digest-sized quarter 6/1953 #13435 . It continues until the Fall 1959 issue. 6/1953 #13435 Space Review", in his October 1953 issue mentioned that he had found the ke 10/1953 #13753 The final issue of Space Review edited by Albert K 10/1953 #13758 Excerpts appear in the October 20 issue of Look. His message is that alien 10/1/1953 #13760 ughly covered in the November 1995 issue of the Bulletin of the History of 2/20/1954 #14176 H. Stringfield publishes the first issue of CRIFO Newsletter. (CRIFO Newsle 4/7/1954 #14303 and he contests in the December 11 issue of Everybody’s Magazine that what 6/29/1954 #14649 UFO reportage may or may not be an issue. 8/11/1954 #14842 rectly with any aspects of the UAP issue, but it was long involved in high- 12/28/1954 #16868 eed upon the necessity to keep the issue top secret and maintain a unified 1955 #16885 wsletter becomes CRIFO Orbit. This issue reviews several airplane crashes a 7/1/1955 #17272 eed upon the necessity to keep the issue top secret and maintain a unified 1956 #17716 Pennsylvania. In the October 1980 issue of Fate, Goerman explains the enti 4/1956 #17884 H. Stringfield publishes the final issue of CRIFO Orbit. 3/1/1957 #18690 lear future. (...) in the May 1958 issue of Transmondia, pages 22 to 24, th 4/14/1957 #18780 NICAP publishes the first issue of The UFO Investigator. 7/1957 #18959 from French) Release of the first issue of Lumières dans la nuit. 2/1958 #20173 pting to guide the Subcommittee to issue a statement certifying the Air For 2/28/1958 #20220 out 1.5 miles away. Exhaust flames issue from its rear, and its luminous gr 9/29/1958 #20649 from discussing the UAP air safety issue for decades and lulled Congress, t 12/21/1958 #20887 Victoria Queensland The first issue of the Australian Flying Saucer Re 1/1960 #21650 US In the May issue of “Fate” magazine, Master Sgt. O. 5/1961 #22300 no. 179-62). In the future it will issue press releases. 2/6/1962 #22721 tured on the cover of the August 3 issue of Life. At the top of his climb h 7/17/1962 #23007 al hypothesis in the December 1955 issue of Fate), but from a reality “so s 9/1962 #23129 s of the Radio Engineers", special issue on computers, dated January 1961. 4/24/1964 #24047 Flying Objects publishes the first issue of the Interplanetary Intelligence 5/1965 #24890 ent of the Argentine Republic will issue an official statement confirming i 7/3/1965 #25042 772, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue #204) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 1966 #25859 " in Flying Saucer Review, Special Issue, Nov. 1967, pp. 26-35.) (NICAP: 08 1/24/1967 #27630 all Cavendish, Paris 1998, Special Issue, p. 29) At 6:35 pm the lighting fl 1/25/1967 #27635 he Colorado project team that they issue technical reports on whatever phas 8/27/1967 #29340 st UFO Network publishes its first issue of Skylook. 9/1967 #29376 t that white world research on the issue stops in the 1960s suggests it was 1968 #30114 of associate editor with the third issue. 1/1968 #30121 gel’s article in the February 1968 issue of Soviet Life, which refers to th 2/20/1968 #30261 Colorado The May 14 issue of Look magazine contains an artic 4/27/1968 #30436 d object hovered over trees. (MUJ, issue and page unknown) (NICAP: 02 - Clo 7/16/1968 #30707 the object and, six months later, issue a report on their investigation of 10/18/1968 #31123 utics and Aeronautics that the UFO issue “cannot be resolved without furthe 12/1968 #31303 ia. It persists through the summer issue of 1979. 1/1969 #31395 they published in their June 1975 issue. They would have obtained these ph 7/21/1969 #31914 French) And June. In its May/June issue, the Flying Saucer Review reports, 5/1970 #32339 It persists until the Summer 1994 issue. 6/1972 #33520 om French) In the January/February issue of the FSR, Gordon Creighton publi 1/1973 #34101 slated from French) In the October issue of Pursuit, Hubert Malthaner, afte 10/1973 #34842 ttention. Ufologists take vigorous issue with his representation of cases a 1974 #35629 ba, Argentina, publishes the first issue of OVNIs: Un Desafio a la Ciencia, 6/1974 #36212 s Iowa Midwest Newsweek brings the issue of cattle mutilations to a nationa 9/30/1974 #36579 ientists about it. Virtually every issue of the magazine in 1975 carries le 12/1974 #36723 ichel Levy, Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 159). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 1/5/1976 #38125 e] in Mannheim, Germany. The first issue of its somewhat skeptical, anti-ET 3/1976 #38290 12, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 163). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 3/2/1976 #38294 The first issue of the International UFO Reporter 11/1976 #38950 advisers to evaluate the data, and issue policy recommendations, including 1/1977 #39113 s. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 317). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Inciden 1/18/1977 #39181 arc Leduc, UFO Quebec, April 1977, issue # 10; HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoi 4/6/1977 #39419 He asks OAS members to support the issue when it comes up at the United Nat 6/14/1977 #39641 ieres dans la Nuit, November 1980, issue # 195). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 7/24/1977 #39800 ion. The group decides to turn the issue over to Space Science Director Noe 8/3/1977 #39848 ario Gene Duplantier publishes one issue of Ufolk in Willowdale, Ontario, a 1978 #40361 ainside. It seemed to periodically issue a "shower of sparks". This initial 1/10/1978 #40409 ainside. It seemed to periodically issue a "shower of sparks". This initial 1/10/1978 #40412 of it, which appears in the May 18 issue of Tehran Magazine. The article wi 5/13/1978 #40780 FO- Phänomens) publishes the first issue of Journal für UFO-Forschung in Lü 1/1980 #42830 NICAP is disbanded after the last issue of the UFO Investigator is publish 6/1980 #43076 o deceive their citizens over this issue. He knows better.” Conrad also dis 12/28/1980 #43523 d by a second part in the August 7 issue. Ziegel claims he has 50,000 UFO r 7/31/1981 #43877 Seville, Spain The first issue of Cuadernos de Ufologia, edited b 1/1983 #44642 s. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 317). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 3/26/1983 #44724 hly, to erratically with the final issue of 158 appearing in 2012. 9/1986 #46076 ic Exploration publishes the first issue of its Journal of Scientific Explo 3/1987 #46203 The final issue of the APRO Bulletin is published 9/1987 #46359 CAUS devotes all of one issue of its Just Cause newsletter to a 9/1989 #47280 Report #5049, “Belgium and the UFO Issue,” states that “Numerous UFO sighti 3/1990 #47715 omer Philip C. Plait discusses the issue in his book Bad Astronomy, agreein 9/15/1991 #48612 es, Argentina, publishes the first issue of Los Identificados, a journal fo 4/1993 #49411 vidence of coordination of the UAP issue at the highest levels of USG, USG 7/22/1993 #49575 urns. Levels. Going quickly NNE. / Issue #15p9. 7/13/1994 #50163 84001 never came, however, and the issue was dropped. Over the following de 8/7/1996 #51628 rock announces that the panel will issue a statement to be drafted later th 9/29/1997 #52163 ETA is published through a special issue of VSD titled OVNI and Defense: Wh 7/16/1999 #52623 ntinues through the September 2002 issue. 9/1999 #52660 controls some elements of the UAP issue using proprietary projects protect 4/2001 #53013 ring before the US Congress on the issue. Aerospace illustrator Mark McCand 5/9/2001 #53044 believes information about the UAP issue has been “leaked” in a controlled 7/2003 #53429 ust one figure involved in the UAP issue that he’s looking into. Green says 9/27/2006 #53841 e people any more. He suggests the issue causes delusion among high-level p 9/27/2006 #53841 After publication of the 99th issue of Magonia, John Rimmer decides to 4/2008 #54000 the biased reportage in the May 26 issue of the New York Times, citing the 7/29/2008 #54026 frame public perception of the UAP issue. A response to the JASON paper fr 10/2008 #54047 elations he learned related to the issue. https://archive.org/details/adaf 2012 #54214 and aerospace craft and if the UAP issue was included in study. Recall clai 2012 #54215 or UFO Studies publishes the final issue of the International UFO Reporter. 3/2012 #54218 nd that they are “part of a larger issue of an increased number of training 2/2015? #54308 nvinces them that this is a safety issue and not a black project. 2/2015? #54308 roups of people working on the UAP issue; he claims there are physicists st 8/31/2016 #54336 Northern UFO News after its 200th issue is published. 1/2019 #54435 anel in 1953 which studied the UAP issue. * https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-A 4/25/2019 #54454 ty has been inconsistent, and this issue has lacked attention from senior l 6/23/2020 #54536 overing certain aspects of the UAP issue; one for crash retrievals, another 6/25/2020 #54537 o affect strategic messaging of an issue as it relates to the American publ 7/10/2020 #54538 “some sense of legacy” of the UAP issue where it was studied at high level 7/19/2020 #54540 UFO sightings from the public. The issue is brought up when Kono meets with 9/15/2020 #54548 t the entity that controls the UAP issue and controls study of it in intell 12/4/2020 #54555 ns that the UAPs could be a safety issue, with regard to a possible collisi 6/25/2021 #54585 collaboration with DOE on the UAP issue are not being disclosed to Congres 9/3/2021 #54599 nst” scientists working on the UAP issue, and states a UK paramilitary grou 10/7/2022 #54673 th sides are "compromised" on this issue, that they won't get a response, a 8/23/2023 #54733 hasized the seriousness of the UAP issue, citing national security and safe 8/30/2023 #54739## Word: "issued", 48 instance(s) (Back to Top)
itain, France, and Russia) jointly issued a statement which for the first t 5/24/1915 #2682 line. Sheriff Miles of Pima County issued an order to fire upon airplanes f 4/17/1917 #2770 alysis of Flying Disc Reports,” is issued by Chief of USAF Intelligence Geo 12/22/1947 #6474 nard Baruch Jr.’s CIRES system, is issued. It consists of instructions for 10/1/1948 #6891 Air Intelligence Report 100–203–79 issued 12/10/1948 #7010 The revised Project Sign report is issued, Air Intelligence Report Number 1 12/10/1948 #7011 A logical explanation has not been issued concerning the origin of the gree 10/14/1949 #7614 avy spokesman, Dr. Brener Liddell issued his report that flying saucers we 2/1950 #7768 AFOSI Letter #85 is issued, directing Air Force personnel to 2/8/1950 #7789 n Wright-Patterson JANAP 146(A) is issued: “Communications Instructions for 9/25/1950 #8603 gy Commission Security Service has issued a questionnaire to be used when U 10/12/1950 #8635 crambling of interceptors. This is issued, apparently in April. Burgess ass 3/19/1952 #9662 US The U.S. Air Force issued a “Shoot 'Em Down” order to pilot 7/26/1952 #11243 he Air Force that orders have been issued to shoot them down if they refuse 7/28/1952 #11348 igh and seven miles away. A report issued a day or two later dismissed the 8/4/1952 #11599 cked on radar, a scramble alert is issued at 11:55 p.m., and an F-94 Starfi 8/5/1952 #11641 ivilian Aeronautics Administration issued its report explaining the radar b 12/10/1952 #12809 Air Force Regulation 200-2 issued by Secretary of Air Force: "Intel 8/26/1953 #13658 US AF Regulation 200-2 issued by Secretary of Air Force; proced 8/26/1953 #13659 he emphatic denials of UFO reality issued by the Air Force shortly after hi 4/18/1954 #14330 (Translated from French) The USAF issued an official statement on the inci 7/2/1954 #14670 An updated version of AFR 200-2 is issued by the Department of the Air Forc 8/12/1954 #14857 ots say this is a standard command issued to pilots on the US to Hawaii run Late 7/1956 #18136 out November 1, "fact sheets" were issued on the letterhead of the Departme 11/1957 #19425 out 4 km away. From top and bottom issued light cones that illuminated the 11/6/1957 #19686 US USAF issues "Fact Sheets" - issued approximately semiannually. 1958 #20074 -testing-in-algeria Note: USAF issued Air Force Regulation 200-2 on 26 1960 #21648 For Commanders," Vol. XIV, No. 12, issued by Office of Secretary of Air For 8/15/1960 #21951 or Commanders, vol. 14, no. 12, is issued by Office of the Secretary of Air 8/15/1960 #21953 US The Air Force issued the last "fact sheet" (No. 179-62 2/6/1962 #22720 d met to review Project Blue Book. Issued report dated "March 1966" recomme 2/3/1966 #25961 US Rep. Gerald Ford (R-Mich.) issued call for UFO hearings. 3/28/1966 #26221 ling. Next, a point of green light issued from one of the objects, and they 4/1/1966 #26313 US Rep. Gerald Ford (R-Mich.) issued news release announcing that USAF 4/21/1966 #26472 rida A NASA management instruction issued by Kurt H. Debus, director of Ken 6/28/1967 #28925 Committee in 1975 that the NSA has issued over 3,900 reports on the watch-l 8/1967 #29154 would be attached before they are issued to the public. A final report mig 8/27/1967 #29340 ped forward, and a trail of flames issued from the rear. The investigating 1/7/1971 #32706 he middle from which yellow lights issued. Gabriella now realized that the 10/16/1973 #35052 dering and cut-outs, and Kit Green issued an “order” to take UAP “off the r 12/15/1978 #41778 t of Columbia. In a brief decision issued barely a week after oral argument 10/28/1981 #44034 lision with conventional aircraft, issued a general alert for air traffic t 8/28/1991 #48588 res for UFO investigations that is issued to all units in June. Lt. Col. Án 3/31/1992 #48851 ay the least: the Vatican had just issued a new stamp, anti-Semitic moreove 2/20/1997 #51901 as a subcontractor, and that DARPA issued a contract to an unknown contract 6/2013 #54246 on, released by Edward Snowden and issued by the UK’s formerly secret Joint 2/24/2014 #54280 orts from the task force are to be issued to the Intelligence Committee eve 6/23/2020 #54536 file. There was a Press ‘D’ Notice issued at the time.” https://www.uapmed 8/12/2022 #54661## Word: "issues", 143 instance(s) (Back to Top)
uing famine is attributed to these issues in what they call the fairy world 1846 #1057 uing famine is attributed to these issues in what they call the fairy world 1847 #1066 and at a distance. The government issues a statement on August 29 that the 8/11/1914 #2646 mmer. In December, GHQ Home Forces issues a 16-page confidential report on 9/4/1915 #2702 proached his plane, causing engine issues within a 50-yard proximity. The p 1926 #2963 of Germany The RAF Bomber Command issues a report on “Phenomena Connected 8/11/1940 #3527 RAF No. 5 Group issues a report of its investigation on 2/9/1944 #3909 is, France SHAEF in Paris, France, issues a press release identifying the f 12/13/1944 #4096 XI Bomber Command Air Intelligence issues an Air Intelligence Report on the 6/9/1945 #4310 iel Command at Wright Field, Ohio, issues a restricted-access document, Ger 1/10/1946 #4441 itary district in Morjärv, Sweden, issues instructions on how to report inc 6/26/1946 #4519 “circle-winged airplane.” In later issues, Hefferlin and his wife Gladys go 7/1946 #4527 Sweden The General Staff in Norway issues a memorandum to the press asking 8/21/1946 #4705 ght Field, Ohio The War Department issues a press release on how German sci 11/1946 #4805 Jacobsson’s ghost rocket committee issues its final report on 987 ghost roc 12/23/1946 #4823 idents at RAF Neatishead, England, issues a report, no longer extant, that 1/27/1947 #4862 The US Naval Attaché in Stockholm issues a secret intelligence report, “Sw 4/15/1947 #4909 The Army Air Force issues a press release saying that, base 7/8/1947 #5858 story. In Fort Worth, Texas, Ramey issues a statement saying the Roswell of 7/8/1947 #5867 hio Pentagon The US Army Air Force issues classified orders requiring repor 7/9/1947 #5907 The FBI issues a policy statement on “Flying Dis 7/30/1947 #6150 USSR The National Security Council issues Directive 10/2, calling for cover 6/18/1948 #6705 ield office in San Antonio, Texas, issues a memo on UFOs, “Protection of Vi 1/31/1949 #7104 eports hits an all-time high. USAF issues another long press release comple 5/6/1949 #7330 USAF’s AMC issues a final 600-page report, “Unident 8/10/1949 #7514 Harry S. Truman issues Executive Order 10104 and creates 2/1/1950 #7773 esearch Directorate headed by Oder issues a letter directive authorizing Pr 3/16/1950 #7940 eBauer. On March 25, 2013, the FBI issues a release saying that the Hottel 3/22/1950 #7991 ranch (AFOIN-CC-1) at the Pentagon issues a new intelligence reporting dire 9/8/1950 #8572 ublishing Ouranos in June 1952 and issues 32 numbers through 1966, reviving 1951 #8838 Air Defense Command issues a memo on “Unconventional Aircraf 4/11/1951 #9008 atterson AFB in Ohio The Air Force issues JANAP 146(B), “Communications Ins 9/6/1951 #9229 The Air Force issues a Ground Observer’s Guide for use 11/1/1951 #9376 Project Grudge issues its first Status Report, classifi 11/30/1951 #9435 Project Grudge issues Status Report #2 and a Special Re 12/28/1951 #9484 1947) February 29 — Project Grudge issues a secret Status Report #4, classi 2/25/1952 #9626 Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #5. 3/31/1952 #9711 the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter issues Air Force Letter 200-5, which dir 4/29/1952 #10002 Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #6. 4/30/1952 #10010 Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #7. 5/31/1952 #10231 Air Force Secretary Finletter issues a press release about his May UFO 6/4/1952 #10284 Battelle issues its second status report on Proje 6/6/1952 #10307 Battelle issues its third status report on Projec 7/7/1952 #10671 of Operations Gen. Roger M. Ramey issues an ambiguous public denial that t 7/28/1952 #11349 s publishes the first of only four issues of its CSI Quarterly Bulletin. Th 9/1952 #12051 Battelle issues its fifth status report on Projec 9/10/1952 #12151 Florida Pittsburg, Kansas Battelle issues its sixth status report on Projec 10/10/1952 #12438 Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #8, classified 12/31/1952 #12884 Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #9. 1/31/1953 #13076 Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #10, classified 2/27/1953 #13187 Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #11. 5/31/1953 #13427 Wilbert B. Smith issues another report on Project Magnet, 8/10/1953 #13601 ATIC in Dayton Pentagon USAF issues Air Force Regulation 200-2, which 8/26/1953 #13660 USAF issues Air Force Regulation 200-2, which 8/26/1953 #13661 Project Blue Book issues its Status Report #12. 9/30/1953 #13751 President Eisenhower issues Executive Order 10501, abolishing 11/5/1953 #13853 rhaps have a meeting. One reporter issues and then immediately retracts a w 2/20/1954 #14174 rce The Royal Australian Air Force issues its first statement of policy on 4/1954 #14288 Eastern ADC The US Navy issues a new directive that orders the i 7/23/1954 #14744 U.S. Navy issues a new directive that orders the r 7/23/1954 #14745 following numerous UFO sightings, issues a police order prohibiting “The o 10/25/1954 #16333 The Air Force issues a statement saying it has a “rese 1955 #16900 NICAP issues its first news release. T. Townse 11/4/1956 #18451 f Defense Office of Public Affairs issues a new UFO fact sheet, emphasizing 11/5/1957 #19606 US USAF issues "Fact Sheets" - issued approximat 1958 #20074 ght to the crew member, it creates issues for the local fauna. Many birds a 8/1/1958 #20525 Carl Jung issues a denial to the Associated Press 8/9/1958 #20537 ATIC issues a staff study by Col. Richard R. 9/28/1959 #21467 nspector general of the Air Force, issues instructions pertaining to “UFO b 12/24/1959 #21627 tinue until December 1972, various issues confusingly sponsored by each gro 1/1960 #21650 rds Air Force Base California NASA issues a press release saying a weather 5/5/1960 #21799 crashed in New Mexico after flight issues. Two dead 42 inch alien bodies re 1962 #22683 USAF issues the last of its UFO fact sheets ( 2/6/1962 #22721 ll journal devoted to professional issues, published in April 1966 in Montr 9/1/1962 #23130 in the January 1964 and April 1965 issues of "Ufo-International" and later 6/16/1963 #23577 ional" and later in the 93 and 113 issues of "Ufo-Nachrichten" 6/16/1963 #23577 nal in Atlanta, Georgia, for seven issues, until fall 1966. 3/1964 #23996 copee, Massachusetts The Air Force issues a press release that gives two ba 10/27/1965 #25733 biological as well as astronomical issues of the subject, its unique format 1966 #25861 ority Leader Gerald Ford (R-Mich.) issues a press release proposing that Co 3/25/1966 #26186 Canadian Directorate of Operations issues Canadian Forces Administrative Or 10/1966 #27137 lorado The Federal Aviation Agency issues N 7230.29, requiring air traffic 4/4/1967 #28360 Colorado Robert J. Low issues a position paper that outlines, a 4/21/1967 #28508 Colorado The Colorado project issues a press release calling for photo 5/1/1967 #28583 dress the scientific and technical issues that will arise from relations wi 8/8/1967 #29236 panish Air Ministry’s press office issues a release inviting citizens to re 12/26/1968 #31367 f Staff Gen. Mariano Cuadra Medina issues the first regulations in Spain on 12/26/1968 #31367 omestic and international security issues, but also, “items with an unusual 6/1969 #31795 a newsletter that continues for 40 issues through late 1982. 2/1971 #32734 lar mark on its rim. A dense cloud issues from the object and surrounds it, 5/24/1971 #32872 which Bryan finds for the CIA and issues a permanent injunction requiring 3/1972 #33386 titles, more than 50,000 magazine issues, some 500,000 clippings, and more 8/1972 #33702 and publishes several special UFO issues. 10/1972 #33904 Oscar A. Galíndez. It runs for 10 issues through February 1976. 6/1974 #36212 stice Department, these include 18 issues that are of legal concern. The do 12/31/1974 #36770 US Attorney General Edward H. Levi issues a set of guidelines to limit the 11/6/1975 #37904 Ground Saucer Watch issues its first newsletter, which is pu 6/1976 #38478 erne, France, which publishes five issues of Groupe 5255 in 1980–1982. 1977 #39100 earchers” (RUFOR). It publishes 27 issues of a RUFOR newsletter between 197 7/17/1977 #39777 etter between 1979 and 1986 and 21 issues of a RUFOR magazine in 1994–1996. 7/17/1977 #39777 Admiral Nikolai Ivanovich Smirnov issues a directive on mandatory reportin 10/7/1977 #40080 a delegation to the United Nations issues a statement calling for “open dis 7/7/1978 #40938 ntil summer 1997, with six special issues thrown in. (Swamp Gas Journal, no 9/1978 #41214 ires, Argentina, and publish three issues of a boletín informativo. 1980 #42822 The NSA issues a general denial of releasing all 3/24/1980 #42952 Court for the District of Columbia issues a per curiam judgment that denies 11/3/1981 #44050 US Google President Ronald Reagan issues Executive Order 12333 extending t 12/4/1981 #44093 President Reagan issues Executive Order 12356, which elim 4/2/1982 #44292 Leonard H. Stringfield issues his third status report, UFO Cras 6/1982 #44356 r effects. On December 29, the FAA issues a report stating, “We are accepti 11/17/1986 #46145 Military Archives Division of NARA issues a list of 10 problems with the Cu 7/22/1987 #46299 Iran The US Congress issues its investigative report on the I 11/18/1987 #46429 da Ufologist and aviator John Lear issues a statement about UFO's. Claims D 12/13/1987 #46463 Leonard Stringfield issues his fifth Status Report. 1/1989 #46930 Mexico, ufologist Robert Hastings issues a 13-page statement with 37 pages 3/1/1989 #47028 (where the UFO archives are kept), issues an Informative Note to the Chief 5/22/1991 #48476 Leonard Stringfield issues his sixth status report, UFO Cras 7/1991 #48510 e, Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros, issues Instrucción General 40-5, a 28-pa 3/31/1992 #48851 Roberto E. Banchs and runs for 15 issues until 1998. 4/1993 #49411 51, Nevada President Bill Clinton issues an executive order to create an A 1/15/1994 #49890 -month investigation, Harvard then issues a statement stating that the dean 5/1994 #50052 public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ab 1995 #50486 President Bill Clinton issues Executive Order 12,958, which est 4/14/1995 #50734 USAF Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory issues a Report on Project Mogul by 1Lt. 9/21/1995 #51106 own as the Oakley Installation. He issues an unpublished report on their fi 3/1997 #51920 or granting security clearances,” issues its final report. It concludes th 3/3/1997 #51922 ectorate General of Civil Aviation issues a public statement confirming the 3/30/1997 #51956 are NORTH material due to security issues that developed from the Nebraska 3/11/1998 #52308 Defense Gen. Gerardo Clemente Vega issues a press release on May 12 accompa 3/5/2004 #53542 meddle in space-time creates more issues; time loops, rips, etc. Deacon cl 10/2006 #53842 The Defense Intelligence Agency issues a small-business set-aside solici 8/18/2008 #54033 telligence Agency’s AAWSAP program issues the first of 38 Project Physics p 12/1/2009 #54136 raft,” biologists studying medical issues with people coming in close proxi 8/31/2016 #54336 s the “spurious data” on equipment issues at a NORAD radar installation on 11/21/2018 #54429 ting Center on Anomalous Phenomena issues an advisory for pilots that offer 6/2019 #54466 ship.” 17 minutes later, the Kidd issues orders for the crew to man what i 7/15/2019 #54477 ecall UFOs ever coming up, nor any issues regarding need-to-know.” Longuema 11/29/2019 #54504 cheduled talk on regional security issues. 9/15/2020 #54548 ficatión Aerospaciale in Argentina issues an annual report on its investiga 11/19/2021 #54615 ngland Ash Ellis of UFO Identified issues a summary report on 413 UFO sight 1/2022 #54625 on to Congress because of security issues. The official states that personn 5/16/2022 #54645 gacy programs” that dealt with UAP issues that he believes whistleblowers a 12/19/2022 #54690 rusch's PTSD and alleged substance issues based on public law enforcement r 8/9/2023 #54726## Word: "issuing", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
140 feet across and has blue smoke issuing from its sides. Two fiery rays e 8/15/1663 #546 ark, with several tongues of flame issuing from it at various points, as if 7/2/1907 #2184 6 feet high on the grass. Light is issuing from a circular door about 1 foo Summer 1933 #3202 w Mexico. The military responds by issuing a statement that operations and 8/1947 #6173 aluminum in color. Bluish smoke is issuing from an apparent gap in its surf 8/11/1960 #21935 ct. The section where the smoke is issuing is withdrawn inside, and a new s 8/11/1960 #21935 beneath it from which a vapor was issuing. In the top left portion of the 11/14/1976 #38986 telligence Surveillance Court) for issuing wiretap warrants in national sec 10/25/1978 #41488 is direction, GEPAN is productive, issuing a series of detailed technical n 12/30/1979 #42809 outh-facing window. The object was issuing bright illumination about 400-50 1/31/1982 #44171## Word: "issuo", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Peropava River, Brazil A farmer, Issuo Oikiti, and two other witnesses sa 10/31/1963 #23847 At two p.m. a farmer, Sr. Issuo Oikiti, another adult, and a child 10/31/1963 #23850## Word: "issy", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
FRANCE, ISSY LES MOULINEAUX (Translated from Fre 1/13/1908 #2197## Word: "issyk-kul", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
red from radar in the area of Lake Issyk-Kul near the border of Kazakhstan. 8/28/1991 #48588## Word: "ist", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)
hor: Dr. Beck, unknown to the "Wer ist Wer" - the German "Who's Who". As fo Early 8/1952 (approximate) #11557 UAP occupants. https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=10.1.1. 11/20/1955 #17664 1up (page 237) https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=10.1.1. 3/1/1967 #27997 cision making.” https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download;jsessionid= 2012 #54215## Word: "istanbul", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey At nightfall, a fiery 396 #35 Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey In the aftermath of a 438 #37 Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey During the reign of Co 6/741 #75 Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey A phenomenon resemblin 989 #133 Istanbul, Turkey Dancers on the roof of 1946 #4424 cers on the roof of a nightclub in Istanbul, Turkey, watch the rapid passag 1946 #4424 (Translated from French) In Istanbul (Turkey), 2 unidentified flying 8/27/1954 #14920 ISTANBUL, TURK Several kids. Huge "chair 11/28/1980 #43439 Istanbul, Turkey The Sirius UFO Space Sc 1/18/2002 #53171 Sciences Research Center opens in Istanbul, Turkey, with an exhibition are 1/18/2002 #53171## Word: "istapalapa", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd two o'clock in the afternoon in Istapalapa, Mexico when they heard a hum 8/18/1972 #33775## Word: "istina", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
mething strange at 8:15 PM in Ziva Istina (Living Truth). The presenter sai 4/27/1997 #51997## Word: "istrana", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ISTRANA AIR FORCE BASE, ITL 2 1.5M small 10/7/1973 #34916 a UFO occupant was sighted at the Istrana NATO Air Base in Campania, Italy 10/16/1973 #35057 Istrana Air Base Veneto province Italy E Mid 11/1973 #35408 a lookout post on the perimeter of Istrana Air Base, Veneto province, Italy Mid 11/1973 #35408 e, Italy Venice Marco Polo Airport Istrana Treviso air bases 6:45–10:30 p.m 3/6/1997 #51928 Polo Airport before heading toward Istrana and Treviso air bases, where the 3/6/1997 #51928## Word: "istria", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
PULA, ISTRIA, CROATIA Saucer carries large cyl 9/29/1971 #33153## Word: "istvan", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Budapest, Hungary King Stephen (Istvan), the crowned King of Hungary fro 998 #139 On January 13, 1991 border guard Istvan Balogh woke up in his bedroom in 1/26/1991 #48349## Word: "isuzu", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ing with her 2-year-old son in her Isuzu Trooper in Campo Rico, Puerto Rico 1/4/1996 #51300## Word: "isère", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
France, Clavaux (near Gavet) Isère (Translated from French) Two littl 1842 #1025 FRANCE, La Sallette (Isère) (Translated from French) Before b 1846 #1056 from French) In Thin-le-Moutiers (Isère), a woman sees a flying saucer lan 10/16/1954 #16032 FRANCE, Domène "Les Mortes" (Isère) (Translated from French) A 10-yea 1/5/1976 #38123 (Translated from French) In Rives (Isère), a physicist observed a white lum 11/5/1976 #38959 Rives, Isère, France Voreppe Massif du Taillefe 11/5/1976 #38965 g television at her home in Rives, Isère, France. She sees a bright light o 11/5/1976 #38965 FRANCE, Meylan (Isère) (Translated from French) Julien H 12/12/1976 #39036 (Translated from French) In Rives (Isère), a physicist observed a white lum 11/5/1977 #40183 France, Vif (Isère) (Translated from French) At 2:20 3/31/1993 #49390 aute Vienne, Haute Loire, Ardèche, Isère, Rhône, Loire, Esonne. (Jean-Franc 3/31/1993 #49390## Word: "it's", 106 instance(s) (Back to Top)
and its credibility is uncertain. It's mentioned in hopes of encouraging f 5/655 #57 e to the limited details provided, it's challenging to determine the exact 11/21/684 #70 mented by two distinct historians. It's worth considering the possibility t 1130 #175 dition depicts the scene, although it's uncertain whether the image was spe 1478 #318 spread fear among the population. It's worth mentioning that another accou 1/3/1551 #379 to the lack of a specific source, it's uncertain whether these two reports 1/3/1551 #379 m, the creatures remained unfazed. It's worth noting that this incident is 8/1/1608 #456 me. I said to myself: "tell me... it's stopped!" And I vaguely distinguish 6/15/1929 #3057 rse and tracked it for 10 seconds. It's height was computed to be 38,000 fe 6/1940 #3521 argo contained 33 tons of mercury. It's noted that German scientists were e 1944 #3892 so, Ringwald replies. Are you sure it's not a reflection of us? Absolutely. 11/23/1944 #4073 then disappeared The army thinks it's a secret German weapon. Yet, after 12/23/1944 #4110 ng. The object had a silver color. It's the way it disappeared that I can't Early 3/1945 #4232 r examine it. The craft looks like it's made of metal and it's huge".At an 1/7/1948 #6516 looks like it's made of metal and it's huge".At an altitude of 5,000 m the 1/7/1948 #6516 ral or Martian about flying disks. It's just the most rational use of recen 3/25/1950 #8009 exclaimed: 'Dad, look at the sun, it's really close? (...) We heard a stra 5/1950 #8247 before passing beneath the plane. "It's impossible to say how fast it was g 10/5/1950 #8619 finishing burning. [note from vog: it's amazing that it's a Frenchman who t 12/20/1951 #9466 [note from vog: it's amazing that it's a Frenchman who tells this story, w 12/20/1951 #9466 The captain reduces the gas. "But it's a glider," he exclaimed a moment la 6/7/1952 #10310 . "If this be the case," he said, "it's time the government quit playing jo 7/28/1952 #11307 or, then zigzagged for 20 minutes. It's estimated altitude was 50,000 feet; 11/28/1952 #12738 s left behind at the landing spot. It's possible the presence of the UFO ma 8/18/1953 #13623 olored lights appeared in the sky. It's apparent size was 30 cm at arms len 10/31/1953 #13833 his watch and said "You're lying, it's 4 o'clock". Then he wanted to know 10/20/1954 #16184 took his watch and said "You lie; it's 4:00." Then he wanted to know how f 10/20/1954 #16201 ook out a watch and said "You lie, it's 4:00." Then he wanted to know how f 10/20/1954 #16209 ar lights outlined the entire rim. It's shape now appeared to be oval, and 12/16/1957 #20030 hit us! MAYDAY, MAYDAY, this time it's it, this time it's it! (April 1st) 4/1/1959 #21112 YDAY, this time it's it, this time it's it! (April 1st) 4/1/1959 #21112 the teacher who said: "I wonder if it's going to land on the playground". I 6/27/1959 #21237 e back, the world will never know! It's hard... (February 17) 2/17/1961 #22213 here, there, there is something... it's difficult... (silence)... if we don 5/24/1961 (approximate) #22335 ake it, the world will never know! It's impossible..." Then nothing more. ( 5/24/1961 (approximate) #22335 I just didn't know what to think. It's hard to say how high up it was, may 11/18/1961 #22637 unless the sun hits it just right. It's the strangest stuff I ever saw." At 11/18/1961 #22637 working. I succeeded. I took one. It's strange, weird, it has no weight... 11/8/1962 #23299 ything?! Curse! I can't succeed... It's impossible. I can't, I tell you! Un 11/8/1962 #23299 hen come back online on their own. It's as if they were taken apart and put 5/26/1964 #24178 US Denver Post editorial: "Maybe it's time for more people to get serious 8/3/1965 #25299 is circulating around here, well, it's there". And he answered me "Bring i 4/17/1966 #26423 run. Then a friend shouted 'Look, it's right above us!' --- I looked up, a 4/22/1966 #26476 nt of me. I said to John: 'My God, it's a flying saucer.' It was almost lik 7/22/1966 #26816 she reported back to her mother, "It's the strangest looking man I've ever 1/9/1967 #27525 announcing his landing: "I see it, it's below me, it's huge". (April 17, 19 4/17/1967 #28453 landing: "I see it, it's below me, it's huge". (April 17, 1967) 4/17/1967 #28453 r didn't even seem to be a shield. It's incredible, a light so intense. Whe 4/17/1967 #28454 Captain Metz exclaimed, "below me, it's huge!" It gave off an intense, blui 4/17/1967 #28470 ant to see it, touch it, make sure it's true, read the analyses that have b 2/12/1968 #30240 n into the scrub. Mrs. Walch said "it's head reminded me of an anteater's t 4/3/1968 #30390 d the underside of the craft. "But it's a saucer," she said out loud. And s 11/15/1969 #32109 from the outside to her ear: "Yes, it's a saucer, don't be afraid, you have 11/15/1969 #32109 s something strange. First of all, it's a strange light. (NICAP: 01 - Dista 10/18/1973 #35133 through the trees for 35 minutes. It's possible that the object made a bri 5/1/1975 #37189 was badly shaken by the incident. "It's all right to think what you would d 10/7/1975 #37715 als of this famous abduction case. It's one of the most interesting such in 10/27/1975 #37799 more. I feel like a marked person. It's not good to talk about it with peop 6/1977 #39618 ee minutes later)... The aircraft! It's not an aircraft, it's... (transmiss 10/21/1978 #41459 he aircraft! It's not an aircraft, it's... (transmission cut off) M.F.S.: C 10/21/1978 #41459 shape. I can't make out any more...it's coming straight towards me now...it 10/21/1978 #41459 ationary now...I'm orbiting it and it's orbiting me...it has a green light 10/21/1978 #41459 of metallic light outside... Wow! It's vanished!... Do you know what kind 10/21/1978 #41459 uniforms, who made him understand "it's better that he had seen nothing". T 5/13/1980 #43053 ntries. What is done in this base? It's top secret, but as it was said in t 5/13/1980 #43053 re are a number of them telling me it's my child, to love it, to feel love 12/31/1980 #43538 more agitated and repeated twice, "It's not right what they are doing...it' 12/31/1980 #43538 's not right what they are doing...it's not right!" 12/31/1980 #43538 lders standing up, like a dog when it's angry. When it saw that I wasn't co 6/10/1982 #44363 og: What is she complaining about? It's always the same ones who have exoti 1983 #44631 r: Several hours. Up to ten hours. It's long, very long, like when you're w 5/4/1983 #44763 ing for a shell to explode. I know it's definitely a UFO. No mistake possib 5/4/1983 #44763 Nobody says anything. We all know it's a UFO, but officially, it doesn't e 5/4/1983 #44763 We don't talk about these things. It's pointless. Question : But are you t 5/4/1983 #44763 the distortion of the background. It's exactly like that." (October 28, 19 10/28/1983 #44964 size of a walnut and he thought: "It's funny, a walnut flying." A plane en 1985 #45546 out. They're specifically cut out. It's very weird." The site of the mutila 4/21/1986 #45881 it? An airplane?" I was certain: "It's shining so much, it's not possible! 2/18/1988 #46594 as certain: "It's shining so much, it's not possible!" and I decided to cal 2/18/1988 #46594 radio, in a very sure voice: "No, it's an airplane!" I replied: "No, it's 2/18/1988 #46594 it's an airplane!" I replied: "No, it's not possible, that's not it..." Nob 2/18/1988 #46594 he said, "it makes the eyes water. It's very hot to the eyes. It's of const 7/15/1988 #46736 water. It's very hot to the eyes. It's of constant color and intensity wit 7/15/1988 #46736 aylight savings time is in effect, it's not that bright at 6 in the morning 3/1989 (approximate) #47022 sed on the rapid elevation it saw. It's as if the thing said: OK guys, that 3/31/1990 #47796 ct, but as Professor Souriau said "it's like measuring the Doppler effect o 3/31/1990 #47796 ng, the wind was blowing in gusts. It's strange, but the rain seemed to sto 9/16/1992 #49086 fluorescent light in formation off it's diagonal corners. A red dot of ligh 8/10/1993 #49625 " with 9 lights / each wing. Folds it's wings! 11/21/1995 #51240 d beginning our descent into Orly. It's what they call a 'blue sky storm', 11/30/1995 #51256 ms to tilt 10-20° to avoid us, but it's possible we were deceived by the pe 11/30/1995 #51256 d: "What is it? We don't know, but it's something quite sophisticated". In 8/16/1996 #51642 what it is, nor does anyone else. It's the color of mud but not granular. 1/18/1998 #52266 It only came off with difficulty. It's like paste or like wax..." The Snel 1/18/1998 #52266 bove the girlfriend's head saying "It's not her fault" and then vanished. v Mid 4/2000 #52825 from his right. At first he thinks it's a large owl, but as it flies direct 4/5/2001 #53016 rectly in front of him he realizes it's a strange creature. As the creature 4/5/2001 #53016 y street lamp, the witness notices it's a humanoid shape with a very large 4/5/2001 #53016 high speed at which the craft and it's very low altitude there was no soni 4/18/2003 #53385 The Face on Mars, by Nick Redfern, it's mentioned by an informant that Jame 12/20/2010 #54185 he other side of the road as well. It's weird that no one else has come for 8/6/2013 #54259 now people are going to think that it's crazy, but I know what I saw." 8/6/2013 #54259 e is now gone as of late 2023, but it's still available on archive.org. His 5/13/2019 #54461 crew safety and national security. It's renamed to AARO in July 2022. 11/23/2021 #54616 zedek (rg: this name is incorrect, it's actually Drunvalo Melchizedek) was 10/20/2022 #54679 and reverse engineering programs. It's mentioned that Grusch had previousl 8/21/2023 #54729## Word: "itabara", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Late that same night in Itabara, Brazil several teenage girls we 4/3/1968 #30392## Word: "itabira", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
SOUTHWEST / ITABIRA, BRAZIL 1 / car. Black silent 90 8/14/1965 #25408 lently over a highway southwest of Itabira, Minas Gerais province, Brazil. 8/14/1965 #25411## Word: "itacat", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
le when a car approached. (Source: ITACAT computer catalogue). (NICAP: 02 - 1/28/1975 #36895 f period. (Source: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT Italian catalogue, case 85) (NICA 5/18/1976 #38456 f light. (Sources: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT: Italian UFO catalogue, case 93; 5/5/1977 #39531 Database 1977, case # 1522, citing ITACAT). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 5/5/1977 #39531 rference. (Source: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT: Italian UFO Catalogue). (NICAP: 7/12/1977 #39751 t passed. (Source: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT Italian UFO catalogue). (NICAP: 0 1/8/1979 #41969## Word: "itacoatiara", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NEAR ITACOATIARA, BRZ 2 / disabled car. Ovoid 7/1969 #31855## Word: "itaguai", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ITAGUAI, BRAZIL 1 observer. Airliner siz 5/15/1966 #26611 he center hovered and wobbled over Itaguai, Rio Janeiro State, Brazil at 5: 5/15/1966 #26612 ITAGUAI, BRZ 2 / truck. Bright 13M sauce 5/31/1969 #31781## Word: "itaipu", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
BRAZIL, Itaipu (Santos) (Translated from French) 11/3/1957 #19473 from French) Two sentinels of the Itaipu fort were on patrol when they saw 11/3/1957 #19473 Fort Itaipu, Brazil Circular UFO badly burns 11/4/1957 #19511 FORT ITAIPU, BRZ Saucer over base. All electr 11/4/1957 #19518 Fortaleza de Itaipu in Praia Grande, São Paulo, Brazi 11/4/1957 #19542 . Two sentries at the Fortaleza de Itaipu in Praia Grande, São Paulo, Brazi 11/4/1957 #19542 Itaipu, Santos, Brazil Brazilian Fortres 11/4/1957 #19549 Santos, Brazil Brazilian Fortress, Itaipu, near Santos, Brazil— This incide 11/4/1957 #19549 150M altitude passes 500M away by Itaipu Rock. 9/9/1968 #30984 ITAIPU, BRZ Several separate observer(s) 9/9/1968 #30985 ed a close encounter with a UFO at Itaipu Beach near Niteroi, Rio de Janeir 9/9/1968 #30988## Word: "itaipú", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lated from French) Meeting of Fort Itaipú (Brazil). (2 h) 11/3/1957 #19475## Word: "itajai", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
OFF ITAJAI, BRZ Several separate observer(s) 6/13/1974 #36242 Off Itajai, Santa Catarina, Brazil at 3:30 p 6/13/1974 #36246## Word: "itajobi", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ee, had dropped off a passenger in Itajobi and was continuing the journey h 5/22/1973 #34431 Itajobi, Brazil Oval object hovering ove 5/22/1973 #34437 chhiker and had dropped him off at Itajobi. At around 3:00 a.m., about seve 5/22/1973 #34439## Word: "itajuba", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Itajuba, Brazil Mushroom-shaped buzzed c 6/6/1967 #28814 a strange object buzzed a car near Itajuba, Brazil and the car's motor and 6/6/1967 #28817 Itajuba, Brazil A vehicle stalled in the 6/7/1967 #28820 eing driven by Geraldo Baqueiro in Itajuba, Minas Gerais state, Brazil and 6/7/1967 #28823 ITAJUBA, BRAZIL 3 opaque spheres maneuve 9/24/1967 #29545 ITAJUBA, BRZ All / town. Luminous object 5/29/1969 #31779## Word: "italian", 95 instance(s) (Back to Top)
a mysterious flying object. In the Italian ufology magazine Clypeus, numism 193 #15 Flanders (Translated from French) Italian historian Fomianus Strada relate 1566 #403 urs. This event is described in an Italian report that was redacted in Prag 10/15/1595 #445 nt witness is Tiberius Cavallo, an Italian natural philosopher who happens 8/18/1783 #770 ITAIN (Translated from French) The Italian Lunardi performs the first ascen 9/14/1784 #791 ONDON (Translated from French) The Italian Lunardi and the British Biggin a 6/29/1785 #797 L, LISBON (Translated from French) Italian Lunardi makes the first ascent i 8/24/1794 #823 TURKEY (Translated from French) Italian Comashi makes an ascent in a bal 7/8/1844 #1038 antinople (Translated from French) Italian Comashi makes an ascent in a bal 6/12/1845 #1048 d from French) From June 10 to 24: Italian Campaign. Frenchman Godard makes 6/10/1859 #1132 m French) At ROME, celebrating the Italian Constitution Anniversary: Ulivel 6/2/1907 #2179 TURKEY (Translated from French) Italian Airships "P.2" and "P.3" (Engine 3/10/1912 #2527 people. Father John de Marchi, an Italian Catholic priest and researcher w 10/13/1917 #2805 lue uniform who "could pass for an Italian in this world". The object moved 1928 #3024 ta, just west of Milan, Italy. The Italian government establishes a top-sec 6/13/1933 #3197 ADDIS ADDABA, ETH Italian air raid expected. Silver saucer 10/1935 #3315 Italian Lt. Col. Mario Pezzi reaches a r 10/22/1938 #3442 litary aeronautical offices. (...) Italian, Russian, German, and English te 1939 (approximate) #3454 ated by the arrival of hundreds of Italian civilians also seeking treatment 12/2/1943 #3849 " - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 228 - for the Italian CISU group: he is only a painter 8/14/1947 #6241 gi Rapuzzi) on an excursion in the Italian Alps, discovered around 9 o'cloc 8/14/1947 #6241 ine, Italy Shortly after 9:00 a.m. Italian artist and author Luigi Rapuzzi 8/14/1947 #6252 r Giuseppe Belluzzo, a 73-year-old Italian turbine engineer, said today tha 3/25/1950 #8009 River, Italy Jul. 24-25, 1952. An Italian named Carlos was fired at by a h 7/24/1952 #11169 rom French) Giampiero Monguzzi, an Italian engineer, went on a mountain hik 7/31/1952 #11484 ars visible, Messrs. Assem and the Italian cavalry colonel Bartolini spend 8/14/1952 #11778 Rome, Italy Italian AF radar tracks disc-like object 9/17/1954 #15097 antua) (Translated from French) An Italian fisherman was approached by a my 10/5/1954 #15544 rman. The stranger left before the Italian had time to call his wife. 10/5/1954 #15544 The Italian Air Ministry allegedly sets up U 10/7/1954 #15640 rench and the best German, Polish, Italian, English, etc. interpreters pass 10/15/1954 #15977 more steps forward, pronouncing in Italian the word “Marte!” (Mars!). He di 10/18/1954 #16153 er. It was an investigation by the Italian police that allowed details of t 10/20/1954 #16185 Probable fabrication according to Italian researchers on the Project 1947 11/8/1954 #16568 ts over Rome. He has contacted the Italian air defense office, which tells 11/12/1954 #16596 is question in French, English and Italian, with no more success. He had th 4/1956 (approximate) #17878 hal Hugh Dowding writes to retired Italian diplomat Alberto Perego that he 2/26/1957 #18687 ey suit, a collar, a tie and spoke Italian fluently. At the wheel was anoth 7/7/1957 (approximate) #18976 es International Airport, Italy An Italian Air Force noncommissioned office 8/4/1957 #19088 s Schriever, Habermohl, Miethe and Italian engineer Bellonzo/Belluzzo. Lusa 1958 #20092 Belluzo was an industry minster in Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini’ 1958 #20092 page/70/mode/1up (p70, p71) Note: Italian author Renato Vesco, citing Ital 1958 #20092 talian author Renato Vesco, citing Italian sources after WWII, claims sauce 1958 #20092 anslated from French) Meeting with Italian jeweler Salvatore Cianci. (Sprin Spring 1960 #21728 the boat, engine stopped, off the Italian coast. Suddenly they were shaken 6/3/1961 #22352 laims his source is a very serious Italian scientific journal….) Defensive 6/21/1961 #22373 (Translated from French) The two Italian wireless operators pick up a fai 10/20/1961 #22582 The photograph was published in an Italian newspaper. 12/15/1961 #22675 elivered to him a peace message in Italian. The voice had a metallic tone. 4/30/1962 #22846 vered to him a message of peace in Italian. The voice he heard had a metall 4/30/1962 #22849 service under the auspices of the Italian government. The witness was the 8/20/1963 #23724 iano Presidential Estate 9:30 p.m. Italian President Antonio Segni’s person 8/20/1963 #23728 meets other humans, including the Italian mechanic Luciano Galli from Bolo 4/1964 #24005 witness. The other “human” looked Italian, and was younger. The four tall 9/3/1965 #25554 olice turn up other witnesses, but Italian and US air force officers from t 7/13/1966 #26794 Germany US Russia Italian author Renato Vesco writes Inter 1968 #30107 ents were reported in the northern Italian province of Abruzzi. A semi-hyst 6/14/1968 #30554 hodes in Greece when he was in the Italian army in World War II. The hermit 7/1968 #30634 At around 12:50 a.m. a classic Italian CE-III case that has defied expl 4/16/1974 #36087 Source: Marco Bianchini, USOCAT by Italian Center for UFO Studies (CISU), c 6/20/1975 #37292 d. (Source: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT Italian catalogue, case 85) (NICAP: 07 - 5/18/1976 #38456 An Italian Air Force F-104 is followed for 2/1977 #39230 (Sources: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT: Italian UFO catalogue, case 93; Albert S 5/5/1977 #39531 USAF security and a unit from the Italian National Police are dispatched, 7/1/1977 #39713 . (Source: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT: Italian UFO Catalogue). (NICAP: 03 - EME 7/12/1977 #39751 Monte Verrugoli La Spezia, Italy Italian researchers Giovanni and Piero M 8/3/1977 #39849 a, Italy, three helicopters of the Italian Army’s Aviazione Leggera dell’Es 10/27/1977 #40147 led report to Attilio Ruffini, the Italian Minister of Defense, who orders 10/27/1977 #40147 i Elmas Airport on Sardinia, Italy Italian Air Force pilots and pilots of t 11/2/1977 #40180 ears of informal contacts with the Italian military, Centro Ufologico Nazio 1978 #40362 in obtaining from the staff of the Italian Department of Defense the first 1978 #40362 ssier of UFO sightings reported by Italian military personnel during 1977. 1978 #40362 , in parallel the French, English, Italian, Japanese and Canadian heads of 1/24/1978 #40458 Italian, South American, Middle Eastern, 7/1978 #40905 Etna, Sicily, Italy Monte Sona Two Italian Air Force sergeants (Franco Pade 7/4/1978 #40923 lero and Attilio di Salvatore), an Italian Navy NCO (Maurizio Esposito), an 7/4/1978 #40923 inous projectile moving northward. Italian ufologists are calling it a UFO 9/14/1978 #41275 p.m.) a bright light approached an Italian Air Force F-104 jet over Piacenz 9/21/1978 #41326 d. (Source: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT Italian UFO catalogue). (NICAP: 02 - Clo 1/8/1979 #41969 ation Institute Felix Zigel for an Italian newspaper. He will claim to hold 1/1981 #43548 expert Felix Ziegel appears in the Italian weekly magazine Gente, followed 7/31/1981 #43877 Italian Parliament Four members of the I 7/10/1984 #45356 ian Parliament Four members of the Italian Parliament—Giancarlo Abete, Publ 7/10/1984 #45356 adolini emphasizes the role of the Italian Air Force in UFO investigations 7/10/1984 #45356 n or black, and is coming from the Italian side of the border. Italian and 8/15/1985 #45668 om the Italian side of the border. Italian and Swiss military deny any test 8/15/1985 #45668 ES (France), INTA (Spain), and the Italian space agency. 8/10/1989 #47244 o 250 meters. (Note from Vog: this Italian woman had sharp eyesight, that's 9/11/1995 #51063 The witness was at an Italian restaurant in Alice Springs, Nor 2/10/1996 #51397 sia), a meeting took place between Italian ufologist Giorgio Bongiovanni an 2/11/1997 #51890 lay repeats several times, despite Italian and US fighters attempting to in 3/6/1997 #51928 e the football field. According to Italian ufologist Antonio Chiumiento, tw 8/8/1998 #52402 mples that will be analyzed by the Italian Center for Ufological Studies. 11/8/1999 #52704 Hessdalen, Norway A third team of Italian researchers, code named EMBLA an 8/5/2002 #53239 Italian engineer Andrea Rossi claims he 11/15/2015 #54318## Word: "italian-american", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
of enriched uranium to Los Alamos. Italian-American physicist Emilio Segrè 4/5/1944 #3933## Word: "italiano", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)
They break off and form the Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici. The newsletter 12/1985 #45764 Turin, Italy The Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici in Turin, Italy 6/1986 #45963 Turin, Italy The Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici launches anothe 7/1988 #46732 Vittoria, Italy The Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici begins publishi 4/1995 #50714 The Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici begins publishi 6/2016 #54332## Word: "italians", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
” with complexions “something like Italians.” All were neatly dressed in un 7/27/1952 #11289 tall, clean-shaven, and resembled Italians: black hair, swarthy skin. Thei 4/18/1961 #22274## Word: "italie", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ITALIE, Polcanto (Translated from French 10/9/1984 #45464 ITALIE, Prata Principato (Translated fro 10/9/1984 #45465## Word: "italo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
er Galeazzo Ciano, and Air Marshal Italo Balbo, with scientific support fro 6/13/1933 #3197## Word: "italo-ethiopian", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
thiopia UFO activity around Second Italo-Ethiopian War 1935 #3280## Word: "italva", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ar Salera Armond took the bus from Italva to Itaperuna at 01:05. The 39 pas 10/11/1971 #33191 passengers were asleep. 8 km after Italva he saw a yellow-orange light abou 10/11/1971 #33191## Word: "italy", 934 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ITALY, ROME (Translated from French) Und 66 #4 Rome, Italy During the reign of Commodus, ther 187 #13 Rome, Italy Bright stars were observed surroun 1/195 #16 Rome, Italy A new and distinctive star, initia 393 #33 Rome, Italy A small spark was observed descend 540 #43 Monte Cassino, Italy At dawn, Saint Benedict of Nursia 540 #44 s. They were called "Rocchetto" in Italy, a name which the French translate 800's #88 Foggia, Italy The Count of Aviemore, seeking she 4/25/1001 #141 Ostium, Italy Peter Damian, the Cardinal-Bishop 1010 #142 Rome, Italy On the day of Pope Leo IX's depart 4/14/1054 #155 Rome, Italy During the coronation of Federico 1155 #180 ITALY, Alverne (Translated from French) 9/1224 #205 Mount Alverne, Italy Brother Leo's account describes a 9/14/1224 #206 Padua, Italy Recorded in the Cronaca di Rolandi 1252 #216 ITALY (Translated from French) Rockets w 1260 #223 ench) Rockets were used in 1260 in Italy to fight against pirates. 1260 #223 Naples, Italy During an illness that occurred ar 1273 #232 Saint Rufiino, Parma, Italy The Chronicon Parmesan, authored b 1284 #235 Loreto, Italy In the period before dawn, an extr 9/8/1296 #242 ITALY, VENICE (Translated from French) J 1300's #244 Florence, Italy Approximate date. During the perio 1347 #250 RAGUSA, ITALY Several friars. Luminous bodies fl 1/8/1388 #268 Bologna, Italy A peculiar incident is reported in 1390 #272 Messina, Sicily, Italy An intriguing event occurred in Me 1/26/1390 #273 ITALY, Forli (Translated from French) "A 9/2/1394 #274 A strange object flew over Forli (Italy) multiple times: At the beginning 9/2/1394 #275 Forli, Italy During the second hour of the nigh 9/2/1394 #276 Rome, Italy Three "stars" were observed flying 9/16/1408 #281 Castle Godego, Treviso, Italy Hungarian merchant Peter Tagliamen 7/1420 #285 ITALY, Forli (Translated from French) Th 3/3/1428 #289 Forli, Italy Around 1:30 A.M., a fiery lamp res 3/3/1428 #291 Bibbiena, Arezzo, Italy Witnesses reported sightings of un 6/1444 #295 Piacenza, Italy The Annali Piacentini by Antonio d Late 12/1456 #298 Italy 19-21 February 1465. In the mornin 2/19/1465 #312 Milan, Italy During a battle, two unexplained f 1478 #318 Albisola, Savona Province, Italy During a territorial dispute betwe 10/18/1482 #320 Forli, Italy Early in the morning, a large star 8/1487 #321 ITALY, Milan (Translated from French) Fa 8/13/1491 #323 Milan, Italy Philosopher Facius Cardan had an e 8/13/1491 #325 Apulia, Italy During the arrival of King Charles 1494 #331 Between Urbino and Gubbio, central Italy In 1501, a phenomenon described as 1501 #334 Tirano, Val Poschiavo, Italy Mario Omodei experienced a remarka 9/29/1504 #335 Rome, Italy The renowned sculptor Michelangelo 1513 #338 Rome, Italy Inquisitor Paulus Grillandus recou 1526 #350 Monte Stella, Brescia, Lombardy, Italy Antonio de' Antoni, a deaf-mute sh 5/31/1536 #359 Near Florence, Italy Benvenuto Cellini, a renowned arti 1537 #361 In Caranza near La Spezia, Italy Farmers reported witnessing a pecu 1546 #366 Near Rome, Italy At 3 P.M., witnesses observed a ro 11/13/1547 #368 ITALY, Rome (Translated from French) "On 12/13/1547 #369 Lepanto, Italy During the night of September 20th 9/20/1571 #416 ITALY, Rome (Translated from French) Sho 10/17/1571 #418 Buchmann had reappeared in Milan, Italy, two and a half months after his d 11/15/1572 #422 slated from French) Between Genoa (Italy) and Marseille a series of demonst 8/1608 #454 Genoa Harbor, Italy Two human-like figures were observ 8/1/1608 #456 Genoa Harbor, Italy Three coaches materialized above t 8/15/1608 #457 Naples, Italy Astronomer Francesco Fontana from 11/11/1645 #505 Near Rome, Italy Witnesses reported the sighting of 5/1652 #515 Cape Passaro, Sicily, Italy Witness C. De Corbin reported a re 1701 #607 ITALY, Bologna (Translated from French) 12/17/1728 #638 ITALY, Florence (Translated from French) 12/9/1731 #642 FIRENZE, ITALY 'Luminous cloud' going quickly [to 12/9/1731 #643 Florence, Italy An unexplained luminous cloud attr 12/9/1731 #644 Sheffield, England Venice, Italy Kilkenny, Ireland 5:00 p.m. Physic 12/5/1737 #649 s seen at the same time in Venice, Italy, and Kilkenny, Ireland, where it a 12/5/1737 #649 ITALY, between Castel-Nuovo and Rome. (T 8/31/1743 #668 ITALY, Turin (Translated from French) An 1/2/1756 #700 annel southwestern France northern Italy Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England 8/18/1783 #770 er southwestern France or northern Italy. Perhaps the most prominent witnes 8/18/1783 #770 ITALY (Translated from French) Italy is 2/25/1784 #774 ITALY (Translated from French) Italy is the second country to witness t 2/25/1784 #774 ITALY, Poniente (Translated from French) 3/22/1802 #849 winds, the balloon headed towards Italy, flew over Rome and, on the way, g 12/16/1804 #861 ITALY, Torre Pelice (Translated from Fre 4/18/1808 #872 ITALY, Naples (Translated from French) A 10/12/1808 #878 campaigns of 1848 and 1859 against Italy. 1814 #902 Spello (Perugia), Umbria, Italy During a sermon by Saint Caspar (S 5/27/1820 #926 Palermo Observatory Italy At the Palermo Observatory in Ital 5/11/1835 #982 taly At the Palermo Observatory in Italy, astronomer Niccolò Cacciatore det 5/11/1835 #982 Sicily, Italy Astronomer Cacciatore reported an 5/11/1835 #983 Cosenza, Italy A pyramid-shaped meteor was observ 10/6/1835 #986 Rome, Italy Astronomer De Cuppis of the Royal 10/2/1839 #1020 Capodimonte Observatory, Naples, Italy Astronomer Schumacher communicated 5/11/1845 #1046 Strait of Sicily Licata, Sicily, Italy Ainab, Lebanon 10:30 p.m. The Brit 6/18/1845 #1052 miles southwest of Licata, Sicily, Italy, when a huge wind suddenly blows f 6/18/1845 #1052 ITALY, SOLFERINO (Translated from French 6/10/1859 #1132 Florence, Italy A white fiery globe, significantly 11/1/1864 #1168 Rome, Italy Camille Flammarion, a French astro 8/31/1872 #1241 Brera Observatory Milan, Italy Astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli r 10/1877 #1298 e from Brera Observatory in Milan, Italy, during the Great Opposition. Whil 10/1877 #1298 he Palermo Observatiory in Sicily, Italy at 8:30 a.m. 11/30/1880 #1362 Italy Greenville Garland Blossom, Texas 10/4/1898 #2036 .m. A brilliant object passes over Italy, Greenville, Garland, and Blossom, 10/4/1898 #2036 Italy, Ruvo (Bari) (Translated from Fren 1901 #2069 ITALY, ROME (Translated from French) At 6/2/1907 #2179 ITALY, Bosa (Sardinia) (Translated from Early 6/1907 #2180 ITALY (Translated from French) First fli 5/23/1908 #2212 t flight of a "Voisin" airplane in Italy by Delagrange. (May 23, 1908) 5/23/1908 #2212 Italy, Centocello (Translated from Frenc 5/29/1908 #2213 nch) Delagrange on "Voisin" Brings Italy Its First Records: Closed Circuit 5/29/1908 #2213 s seen in the skies over Florence, Italy. Two men dressed in white suits we 4/24/1909 #2283 ITALY (Translated from French) First fli 1913 #2546 CODIGORO, ITALY 25cm orange-red luminous sphere / 8/1919 (approximate) #2845 stralia. They pass through France, Italy, Greece, Crete, Egypt, Saudi Arabi 11/12/1919 #2848 d from French) in May in SARDINIA (Italy) in June in MELLE (Belgium, near G 1931 #3098 Paulilatino, Sardinia, Italy Nuraghe Trudumeddu 4:30 p.m. Pasqu 5/1931 #3117 outheast of Paulilatino, Sardinia, Italy. When they reach a megalithic tomb 5/1931 #3117 ITALY, SPANISH LICENSE (Translated from 1932 #3136 Milan, Italy In the 1930s, there are reports of 1933 #3183 Documents from the early 1930s in Italy suggest instructions from Benito M 1933 #3183 Magenta Milan, Italy Vergiate, Varese An unknown aircra 6/13/1933 #3197 es at Magenta, just west of Milan, Italy. The Italian government establishe 6/13/1933 #3197 ITALY (Translated from French) First fli End of 1934 #3279 ITALY, Chiarotorre (Translated from Fren 1935 #3285 Italy A confidential report to Benito Mu 1936 #3325 ibed two types of UFO sightings in Italy. The first was a polished, metalli 1936 #3325 Venice, Italy Mestre, Veneto A metallic disc wit 8/17/1936 #3342 en flying soundlessly near Venice, Italy. It has windows and alternating wh 8/17/1936 #3342 Orbetello, Grosseto, Italy Talamone, Italy Elba 4:15 a.m. Cap 10/10/1936 #3350 betello, Grosseto, Italy Talamone, Italy Elba 4:15 a.m. Capt. Mario Rossi, 10/10/1936 #3350 e airfield at Orbetello, Grosseto, Italy, is flying a Savoia- Marchetti SM. 10/10/1936 #3350 M.62 at 12,465 feet over Talamone, Italy, when he sees an unusual light ahe 10/10/1936 #3350 re were reports of crashed UFOs in Italy, Germany, and Poland. Given the po 1937 #3356 ITALY, Naples, San Pietro a Patierno (Tr 4/1937 #3373 ITALY (Translated from French) First fli 5/1937 #3375 ITALY, (Translated from French) First fl End of 1938 #3450 BRUGINE, ITALY Several observer(s). Lens saucer p 9/15/1940 #3530 ITALY, Bergamo (Translated from French) Mid 11/1942 #3723 Turin, Italy Object two to three hundred feet i 11/28/1942 #3726 Turin, Italy Alps 10:40–10:45 p.m. Capt. Lever 11/28/1942 #3727 ning from a bombing raid on Turin, Italy, when about 10–15 miles southwest 11/28/1942 #3727 gar-shaped object flew over Turin, Italy. It was 200-300 feet in length and 11/28/1942 #3728 Naples, Italy Roman candlelights; bright very la 3/13/1943 #3764 Bari, Italy Night. Some 105 German Junkers Ju 12/2/1943 #3849 8 bombers attack the port of Bari, Italy, a key supply center for Allied fo 12/2/1943 #3849 Naples, Italy Small round bright light. (Page 52 12/14/1943 #3852 Naples, Italy Night. British 255 Night Fighter S 12/14/1943 #3853 on a patrol mission around Naples, Italy, when he and his navigator notice 12/14/1943 #3853 A pilot over Naples, Italy had a dogfight with a bright light 12/14/1943 #3854 600th Squadron flying over Anzio, Italy during World War II. The two membe 4/30/1944 #3938 Unknown City, Italy Egg-shaped, metallically glistenin Summer 1944 #3958 stelfidardo Osimo Ancona province, Italy 10:30 a.m. During Allied operation Early 7/1944 #3967 do, and Osimo, in Ancona province, Italy, Antoni Szachnowsky, of the 2nd Po Early 7/1944 #3967 ITALY, Nago Torbole (Translated from Fre 10/1944 #4034 Po Valley, Italy Red light appearance of an aircraf 10/20/1944 #4047 N. Florence, Italy Two orange balls diving into the h 10/20/1944 #4048 Unknown City, Italy Round amber light, luminous orange 11/24/1944 #4078 Klagenfurt, Austria Trieste, Italy Adriatic Sea Capt. William D. Leet 11/24/1944 #4079 ia. While flying over northeastern Italy near Trieste, Leet notices a blind 11/24/1944 #4079 Villafranca, Italy A steady, seemingly hanging light. 12/2/1944 #4093 ITALY, Livorno (Translated from French) 1945 #4131 etworks in Europe, especially from Italy and Spain, after the war. (Chapter 1945 #4156 Pisa, Italy Multiple sightings: flare; flare t 2/15/1945 #4202 Viareggio, Italy Alleged jet; multiple spurts of fl 2/15/1945 #4203 La Spezia, Italy Possible jet: dropped what looked 2/16/1945 #4205 ITALY, Central Po Valley (Translated fro 2/17/1945 #4206 Po Valley (Central), Italy Observed two very bright lights ap 2/17/1945 #4207 Massa and Po Valley (Central), Italy Red ball of fire that did not appe 2/17/1945 #4208 La Spezia, Italy Multiple sightings:(1) blinking li 2/17/1945 #4209 Po Valley, Italy Alleged flares: cluster of 11 or m 2/21/1945 #4212 Piacenza, Italy Two large red balls of fire; hover 2/21/1945 #4213 Leghorn (near), Italy Three lights red-orange in color t 2/22/1945 #4214 Bologna, Italy Chased three lights in shape of tr 2/27/1945 #4216 Between AUSTRIA and ITALY (Translated from French) As he was 3/1945 #4218 Bologna, Italy Two sightings: (1) 100 hundred bal 3/13/1945 #4238 Florence, Italy Chased light, no radar contact, th 3/18/1945 #4241 25 miles northwest of Florence, Italy Night. A 416th NFS crew is flying 3/18/1945 #4243 to 25 miles northwest of Florence, Italy. Suddenly a light is flying alongs 3/18/1945 #4243 Bergamo/Ghedi, Italy 2 balls of foo fire. (Page 150 Ref 3/23/1945 #4247 ITALY, Foligno (Translated from French) 1946 #4420 OFF ANCONA, ITALY Fishermen. Ghost-bomb falls / sea. 9/2/1946 #4743 FIRENZE, ITALY Cylinder/cigar-shape turns / sky g 9/22/1946 #4774 Florence, Italy Rome 3:15 a.m. A rocket-shaped obj 9/22/1946 #4775 seen for 90 seconds over Florence, Italy. It makes an abrupt turn, then spe 9/22/1946 #4775 ITALY, Raveo (Villa Santina) (Frioul) (T 8/14/1947 #6241 Friuli, Italy Professor Encounters "Lens" & Crea 8/14/1947 #6248 Raveo, Italy R. L. Johannis saw a disk on the g 8/14/1947 #6250 orrente Chiarzò near Raveo, Udine, Italy Shortly after 9:00 a.m. Italian ar 8/14/1947 #6252 orrente Chiarzò near Raveo, Udine, Italy, when he sees a vivid red, metalli 8/14/1947 #6252 e morning R. L. Johannis of Raveo, Italy saw a 10 meter wide, red domed, di 8/14/1947 #6256 w saucer going northeast toward(s) Italy. Antenna and 3 black spots / cente 11/1947 (approximate) #6428 ITALY, San Martino in Pensilis - Fara di 4/3/1948 #6604 FARA DI CIGNO, ITALY Orange domed saucer going east. St 4/3/1948 #6605 :35 a.m. in San Martino, Lombardy, Italy bus driver Guiseppe Langiano and r 4/3/1948 #6606 seminarian in Oristano, Sardegna, Italy watched as a domed disc-shaped obj 9/13/1948 #6858 ITALY, Albera Ligure (Translated from Fr 6/27/1949 #7439 meters altitude in Albera Ligure, Italy at 8:20 p.m. It emitted a gaseous 6/27/1949 #7442 pendent observers in Montecarotto, Italy watched an eight meter long cigar- 10/28/1949 #7628 etery in Veghenza, Emilia-Romagna, Italy a witness witnessed a six-meter in 3/14/1950 #7914 Rome, Italy HITLER STILL FLYING AROUND IN ONE? 3/25/1950 #8009 Mussolini when he fled to northern Italy in 1943. 3/25/1950 #8009 ing boat off the coast of Perugia, Italy watched an ovoid object dive into 4/1/1950 #8092 ITALY, Abbiate Guazzone (Varese) (Transl 4/24/1950 #8204 Abbiate Guazzone, Italy Bruno Facchini heard and saw spark 4/24/1950 #8209 Abbiate Guazzone, Varese, Italy outskirts of Abbiate Guazzone, Var 4/24/1950 #8210 kirts of Abbiate Guazzone, Varese, Italy 10:00 p.m. Bruno Facchini steps ou 4/24/1950 #8210 kirts of Abbiate Guazzone, Varese, Italy, and notices something flashing ne 4/24/1950 #8210 r, at 10 p.m. in Abbiate Guazzone, Italy, Sr. Bruno Facchini heard and saw 4/24/1950 #8212 Crowds of observers in Rome, Italy watched two flashing saucer-shaped 5/6/1950 #8257 ITALY, Voghiera - Voghenza (Translated f 8/14/1951 #9155 legs landed on a farm in Voghenza, Italy. Six four-foot tall humanoids clim 8/14/1951 #9158 ITALY, Catania (Sicily) (Translated from 3/25/1952 #9677 d in the Serchio River in Liguria, Italy. It shot red beams of light at the 4/25/1952 #9967 e Caluso in the Piemonte region of Italy around nine o'clock in the evening 6/28/1952 #10581 Vico, Italy A man who was fishing in the Serch 7/24/1952 #11159 Serchio River, Italy Jul. 24-25, 1952. An Italian named 7/24/1952 #11169 reen ray near the Serchio River in Italy. 7/24/1952 #11169 ITALY, Lucca, San Pietro a Vico (Transla 7/25/1952 (approximate) #11170 io river San Pietro a Vico, Lucca, Italy 3:00 a.m. Carlo Rossi is on his wa 7/25/1952 #11186 ver near San Pietro a Vico, Lucca, Italy. He notices an odd light above the 7/25/1952 #11186 hio River in the Tuscany region of Italy saw a disc hovering for ten minute 7/25/1952 #11188 slated from French) At Poggibonsi (Italy), on a clear moonless night, with 8/14/1952 #11778 ITALY, Signa (Translated from French) Mr 10/14/1952 #12458 SIGNA, ITALY Woman near woods. Silver disk hove 10/14/1952 #12461 ITALY, Castel-Franco (Emilia) (Translate 11/16/1952 #12650 N. Ferrari in Castelfranco Emilia, Italy saw a 20 meter wide plate-shaped d 11/16/1952 #12659 (Translated from French) In Italy, farmer Nello Ferrari of Castelfra 11/18/1952 #12663 Castelfranco, Italy Nello Ferrari, 41, a farmer, found 11/18/1952 #12665 i, 41, a farmer from Castelfranco, Italy found himself flooded with a reddi 11/18/1952 #12669 d in large numbers at that time in Italy, France, England, New Zealand, and 1/1954 #14034 ITALY, Torre de Picenardi (Translated fr 6/1954 #14511 Italy, Rome (Translated from French) Gen Summer 1954 #14582 ease in observations in France and Italy. Besides Europe, the United States Summer 1954 #14585 om French) Near Grosseto (Tuscany, Italy), 2 inhabitants of Pitigliano obse 9/14/1954 #15057 ontrol tower of Ciampino Air Base (Italy) observed a mysterious object in t 9/17/1954 #15096 Rome, Italy Italian AF radar tracks disc-like 9/17/1954 #15097 Rome, Italy Rome, Italy, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADA 9/17/1954 #15103 Rome, Italy Rome, Italy, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rat 9/17/1954 #15103 Rome, Italy Ciampino Airport in Rome Pratica d 9/17/1954 #15105 eds of people see a UFO over Rome, Italy, making staccato thunder sounds as 9/17/1954 #15105 irport, ten miles outside of Rome, Italy. It rotated from a horizontal orie 9/17/1954 #15107 r. At the same time in Pitigliano, Italy in Tuscany two hunters, Bacherini 9/17/1954 #15107 ed from French) Photos in Pescara (Italy) on summer, September 27 9/27/1954 #15255 ssam region of India, two are from Italy, and the remainder are from France 10/1/1954 #15392 zerland, two each from England and Italy, and three from Austria. The rest 10/3/1954 #15495 ITALY, Roverbella (Mantua) (Translated f 10/5/1954 #15544 Roverbello, Italy A fisherman met with a red-clad be 10/5/1954 #15567 Africa, one each from Germany and Italy, and the rest are from France, whi 10/5/1954 #15577 Roverbello, Italy. A red clad being who spoke an unk 10/5/1954 #15578 RIMINI, ITALY Professor sees rotating saucer ove 10/7/1954 #15613 tintino on the island of Sardegna, Italy a single witness named Milia watch 10/8/1954 #15671 Ca’ Pisani, Rovigo, Italy 12:00 noon. Farmer Antonio Crepald 10/14/1954 #15951 to a pond near Ca’ Pisani, Rovigo, Italy, when an egg-shaped object emittin 10/14/1954 #15951 ITALY, Boaria (Rovigo) (Translated from 10/15/1954 (approximate) #15976 Boaria, Italy A farmer leading cows to a pond su 10/15/1954 #16003 Luino, Italy An ovoid object made a pass over a 10/15/1954 #16005 Po-di-Gnocca, Italy Farmers saw a disk-shaped object l 10/15/1954 #16006 Boaria Pisani, Padua, Italy In Boaria Pisani, Padua, Italy, a 10/15/1954 #16013 ua, Italy In Boaria Pisani, Padua, Italy, a farmer is leading his cows to a 10/15/1954 #16013 la Donzella river channel, Veneto, Italy Afternoon. Farmers near the Po del 10/15/1954 #16014 la Donzella river channel, Veneto, Italy, see a disc-shaped object land the 10/15/1954 #16014 In Boaria, Italy a farmer was leading his cows to a 10/15/1954 #16019 In Luino, Italy an ovoid object made a pass over a 10/15/1954 #16021 On this afternoon in Po-di-Gnocca, Italy farmers saw a disc-shaped object l 10/15/1954 #16022 SIENA, TUSCANY, ITALY Several observer(s). Glowing UFO l 10/16/1954 #16049 Quasso, Italy Two objects were seen, one of whic 10/16/1954 #16051 Siena, Italy Several people saw a landed object 10/16/1954 #16057 Two objects were seen in Quasso, Italy one of which made a pass at treeto 10/16/1954 #16063 anded object in a meadow in Siena, Italy. It appeared phosphorescent and to 10/16/1954 #16064 ITALY, Capri (Translated from French) Pa 10/17/1954 #16065 Cape Massulo, Italy On Capri, an artist Raffael Castel 10/17/1954 #16091 uminous orb descended over Naples, Italy. It stopped and hovered just five 10/17/1954 #16099 Cape Massulo, Italy. On the Isle of Capri an artist, R 10/17/1954 #16100 he town of Ascoli Pisceno, Marche, Italy witnessed an umbrella-shaped disc 10/17/1954 #16101 Italy, near Genoa (Translated from Frenc 10/18/1954 #16109 was parking his car in Erba, Como, Italy after returning home from seeing a 10/18/1954 #16153 LIVORNO, ITALY UFO lands / field. Type unknown. 2 10/19/1954 #16154 Livorno, Italy Bruno Senesi saw two shining objec 10/19/1954 #16166 Gorizia, Italy Filippo Corridoni saw a half-empty 10/19/1954 #16167 Fabriano, Italy Two men saw a disk-shaped object, 10/19/1954 #16168 Parravicino, Como, Italy Around 12:00 midnight. Renzo Pugin 10/19/1954 #16171 n his garage at Parravicino, Como, Italy, when he sees a humanoid about 4 f 10/19/1954 #16171 nd in a field in Livorno, Tuscany, Italy. Out of the craft came several sma 10/19/1954 #16175 in Gorizia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy. Near it, a ten-meter wide disc-sh 10/19/1954 #16178 At 10:30 p.m. in Fabriano, Marche, Italy two men, satirist Paolo Cutizi and 10/19/1954 #16182 guage, asked if he was in Spain or Italy and how far away he was from Germa 10/20/1954 #16184 ch) At Parravici d'Erba near Como (Italy), a man had just put his car in th 10/20/1954 #16185 , asked whether he was in Spain or Italy, and how far he was from Germany. 10/20/1954 #16201 Panavicino d'Erba, Italy Renzo Pugina, 37, bad just put his 10/20/1954 #16205 e asked whether he was in Spain or Italy, and how far he was from Germany. 10/20/1954 #16209 s residence in Parravicino d'Erba, Italy when he saw a strange being wearin 10/20/1954 #16214 ITALY, Parravici d'Erba (Como) (Translat 10/21/1954 #16216 POZZUOLI, ITALY Several observer(s). Silver saucer 10/21/1954 #16220 Melito, Italy A young man walking in a field hea 10/21/1954 #16231 Melito di Napoli, Italy A young man hears a rustling sound 10/21/1954 #16235 nded UFO outside Melito di Napoli, Italy. It gives off a powerful bronze-gr 10/21/1954 #16235 man walking in a field in Melito, Italy heard a rustling noise and saw a s 10/21/1954 #16240 Pozzuoli, Italy A silvery UFO object hovered above 10/21/1954 #16244 ve the Rubber Plant near Pozzuoli, Italy. As it rose vertically with a pier 10/21/1954 #16244 San Giovanni Vesuviano, Italy Two persons in a car saw an object 10/23/1954 #16276 Tripoli Verona Italy 3:00 a.m. A farmer named Carmelo P 10/23/1954 #16280 melo Papotto near Tripoli, Verona, Italy, watches a UFO land 150 feet away 10/23/1954 #16280 he road in San Giovanni Vesuviano, Italy. They stopped and walked toward th 10/23/1954 #16281 Della Pescaia, Grosseto, Tuscany, Italy. He entered a patch of fog and sta 10/24/1954 #16307 iving his car in Pancole, Tuscany, Italy saw a luminous globe stop at 20 me 10/24/1954 #16313 Northern Italy, exact place unknown Ulderico Card 10/25/1954 #16330 g the reeds of a swamp in northern Italy. It was two meters in diameter and 10/25/1954 #16337 ield in Colcerasa Di Cing, Marche, Italy at around 5:00 p.m. when their dog 10/25/1954 #16343 ar a witness in Benabbio, Liguria, Italy at around eight o'clock in the eve 10/25/1954 #16344 PRATO, ITALY 2+hundreds. 2 luminous cigars spew 10/27/1954 #16372 Ciolica Alta, Italy A young man named Fabrizio Bruni h 10/27/1954 #16387 Grosseto, Italy Near Grosseto, Ermellina Lanzillo, 10/27/1954 #16391 Florence, Italy Institute of Chemistry at the Univ 10/27/1954 #16392 s discs during a game at Florence, Italy. A large amount of “white filament 10/27/1954 #16392 rs occurred this day in France and Italy, and a photograph was taken of a U 10/27/1954 #16393 in the afternoon in Ciolica Alta, Italy a young man named Fabrizio Bruni h 10/27/1954 #16395 lo was in her house near Grosseto, Italy looking for her cat, when she saw 10/27/1954 #16398 ITALY, outskirts of Milan (Translated fr 10/28/1954 #16399 (Translated from French) In Rome (Italy), observation of Clare Booth Luce. 10/28/1954 #16405 Rome, Italy Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, American Am 10/28/1954 #16411 Tradate, Italy Milan Hoaxed report of a landed UF 10/28/1954 #16414 nded UFO and occupants at Tradate, Italy, near Milan. 10/28/1954 #16414 Rome, Italy Three luminous UFOs soar over Rome 10/28/1954 #16415 hree luminous UFOs soar over Rome, Italy, seen by Associated Press reporter 10/28/1954 #16415 ports for this day from France and Italy and one from Japan. To view the di 10/28/1954 #16416 In Padua (Padova), Italy three witnesses watched an eight m 10/28/1954 #16417 Booth Luce, American Ambassador to Italy, and others sighted a luminous, ro 10/28/1954 #16418 this date, according to the Milan, Italy newspaper Milano Notte dated Octob 10/28/1954 #16420 Monza, Italy A large group of townspeople watch 10/28/1954 #16422 l workers in a field in Palagonia, Italy sighted a luminous translucent dis 10/29/1954 #16435 ITALY, Cennina (Arezzo) or near Florence 10/30/1954 #16438 y years earlier in another part of Italy, a story that was told around the 10/30/1954 #16438 Muro Lucano, Italy Two objects were seen by hunters. 10/30/1954 #16444 Rome, Italy Santa Maria Maggiore 1:00 p.m. UFO 10/30/1954 #16446 h of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, Italy, when he notices a crowd of about 10/30/1954 #16446 re seen by hunters in Muro Lucano, Italy. One touched the ground 50 meters 10/30/1954 #16447 Poggio d'Ambra, Italy A 40-year-old lady going to a ceme 11/1/1954 #16477 at the castle of Cennina, Arezzo, Italy 6:30 a.m. Rosa Lotti Dainelli sets 11/1/1954 #16479 at the castle of Cennina, Arezzo, Italy. As she passes through a wooded ar 11/1/1954 #16479 was walking into Cennina, Toscana, Italy carrying her stockings and shoes, 11/1/1954 #16481 mer in Modigliana, Emilia-Romagna, Italy named Adelmo Monti saw a “dark spo 11/1/1954 #16482 River in Mogliano Veneto, Treviso, Italy on this foggy night placing nets i 11/1/1954 #16483 de on a road near Bucine, Tuscany, Italy. It had a blinding light that illu 11/1/1954 #16485 CREMONA, LOMB, ITALY Small humanoid (or Grey) / tank on 11/2/1954 #16492 Cremona, Italy Two students, Pietro Alberini and 11/2/1954 #16497 Monte Ortobene, Sardinia, Italy 3:15 p.m. A motorcyclist, Gianni C 11/4/1954 #16529 road at Monte Ortobene, Sardinia, Italy. He swerves sharply to avoid it an 11/4/1954 #16529 observed on the roadside in Nuoro, Italy near Monte Ortobene. It had grates 11/4/1954 #16531 Tuscolana district in Rome, Italy Trastevere–Monte Mario district ab 11/6/1954 #16550 in the Tuscolana district in Rome, Italy, when he sees dozens of small, whi 11/6/1954 #16550 ts traveling in the sky over Rome, Italy with short white trails. They flew 11/6/1954 #16551 Tuscolana district of Rome, Italy 11:30 a.m. Alberto Perego is retur 11/7/1954 #16554 om the Tuscolana district of Rome, Italy, when he sees more formations of a 11/7/1954 #16554 In Monte Ortobene, Sardinia, Italy a motorcyclist saw a disc-shaped m 11/7/1954 #16555 ITALY, Monza (Translated from French) Ar 11/8/1954 #16556 Monza, Italy A crowd of about 150 people, destr 11/8/1954 #16562 ad landed in the stadium in Monza, Italy. The object rested on three legs a 11/8/1954 #16568 an Observatory in Castel Gandolfo, Italy 11:30 a.m. Alberto Perego watches 11/12/1954 #16596 an Observatory in Castel Gandolfo, Italy. 11/12/1954 #16596 into the canal in Arqua'Polesine, Italy leaving behind a cloud of vapor. A 11/12/1954 #16598 tel Gandolfo mountain residence in Italy had a close encounter with two UFO 11/12/1954 #16598 ITALY, Isola (La Spezia) (Translated fro 11/14/1954 #16612 Forli, Italy UFO Disables One Tractor But Not T 11/14/1954 #16618 Isola, Italy Amerigo Lorenzini, a farmer, saw a 11/14/1954 #16619 Forli, Italy A shange beam of red light, appare 11/14/1954 #16621 Forli, Italy Two or three tractor drivers in Fo 11/14/1954 #16623 or three tractor drivers in Forli, Italy, watch a bright-red, luminous UFO 11/14/1954 #16623 Isola, Spezia, Italy 7:45 p.m. Near Isola, Spezia, Ital 11/14/1954 #16624 taly 7:45 p.m. Near Isola, Spezia, Italy, Amerigo (or Americo) Lorenzini se 11/14/1954 #16624 terference case occurred in Forli, Italy. Two tractors, one diesel powered 11/14/1954 #16625 On the same day in La Spezia, Italy at 7:45 p.m. a bright cigar-shaped 11/14/1954 #16626 heir flock in Colcerasa, Macerata, Italy when they noticed that the sheep h 11/23/1954 #16674 Calcerosa, Italy Two 12-year-old boys, G. Marziano 11/25/1954 #16680 this evening in Calcerosa, Sicily, Italy two 12-year-old boys, G. Marziano 11/25/1954 #16681 in 1954 in the town of Montebuono, Italy a 10 meter long cigar-shaped objec 12/3/1954 #16738 Caselle di Nogara, Italy For several minutes a waiter saw a 12/4/1954 #16741 in a pasture in Caselle di Nogara, Italy. It remained stationary for severa 12/4/1954 #16742 Gricignano d’Aversa, Caserta, Italy Giovanni Aquilante, a farmer of Gr 12/9/1954 #16771 r of Gricignano d’Aversa, Caserta, Italy, disappears after leaving home to 12/9/1954 #16771 a nearby field in Predale, Casina, Italy. She said that a "man" was watchin 12/11/1954 #16789 In Bergamo, near Clusone, Italy a cigar-shaped object was seen hov 12/29/1954 #16876 near a local church in Sommaprado, Italy at 6:30 a.m. when he heard a sound 12/30/1954 #16881 NEAR PANTELLERIA ISLAND, ITALY Different tanker crews. Cylinder/c 6/30/1955 #17259 PISA, ITALY 6 saucers fly over in backwards V- 8/19/1955 #17425 uth over Villamassargia, Sardegna, Italy and then circled an arriving 60 fo 10/10/1956 #18414 UK Italy UK Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding 2/26/1957 #18687 (Translated from French) In Milan (Italy), G. U. Donadio, a translator for 6/12/1957 #18910 Milan, Italy Object Approaches, Zigzags, Shoots 6/12/1957 #18911 Milan, Italy Witness: G.U. Donadio, translator 6/12/1957 #18912 At 7:30 p.m. in Milano, Italy Mr. G. U. Donadio, a translator fo 6/12/1957 #18913 ITALY, "il buco del Preto Santo" near Sa 7/7/1957 (approximate) #18976 Naples International Airport, Italy An Italian Air Force noncommission 8/4/1957 #19088 r at Naples International Airport, Italy, and about 30 other witnesses see 8/4/1957 #19088 Rome, Italy Luminous UFO observed passing over 8/3/1958 #20527 Rome, Italy Sgurgola Rieti Naples 2:25 a.m. A 8/3/1958 #20528 ess illuminates the sky over Rome, Italy, for about 3 seconds. Lights in th 8/3/1958 #20528 BARI, ITALY Many observer(s). Saucer passes / 12/6/1958 #20855 low over the city of Bari, Apulia, Italy at about 11:00 p.m. A power blacko 12/6/1958 #20858 topped 100 meters over the Torino, Italy airfield at 11:00 p.m. It was puls 3/15/1959 #21064 and circled the town of Brindisi, Italy before continuing on toward the no 5/21/1959 #21181 Zürich, Switzerland Switzerland Italy Austria Denmark Ruppelt tells Keyh Late 5/1959 #21183 remaining lectures in Switzerland, Italy, Austria, and Denmark. Late 5/1959 #21183 Genoa, Italy (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 6/3/1959 #21197 na in the Trastevere area of Rome, Italy Copenhagen, Denmark Adamski, along 6/13/1959 #21207 na in the Trastevere area of Rome, Italy, then go on an all-night taxi ride 6/13/1959 #21207 ITALY, Sicily (Translated from French) J Spring 1960 #21726 Siracusa, Italy Salvatore Cianci, jeweler, and his 5/19/1960 #21838 ear the Sicilian town of Siracusa, Italy when a creature about one meter ta 5/19/1960 #21840 San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily, Italy Capo Carbonara, Sardinia, Italy 7: 4/19/1961 #22281 y, Italy Capo Carbonara, Sardinia, Italy 7:40 p.m. Commanding Officer C. J. 4/19/1961 #22281 iles off San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily, Italy. It is green and leaves an orange 4/19/1961 #22281 south of Capo Carbonara, Sardinia, Italy. 4/19/1961 #22281 rom French) Photograph of Pescara (Italy). (April 27, mid-day) 4/27/1961 #22291 ITALY, at sea (Translated from French) F 6/3/1961 #22352 Savona, Italy Off this town, four people in a bo 6/3/1961 #22354 Savona, Italy 6:35 a.m. Giacomo Barra, Giuseppe 6/3/1961 #22355 nte are in a motorboat off Savona, Italy, when the boat begins to roll badl 6/3/1961 #22355 In the sea off the town of Savona, Italy four people who were taking a ride 6/3/1961 #22357 a photograph of a UFO in Riccione, Italy at 10:40 a.m. The photograph was p 12/15/1961 #22675 and landed in a meadow in Rivoli, Italy. Two beings exited the craft and t 4/9/1962 #22802 San Casciano, Italy Mario Zuccula, 27, was walking hom 4/10/1962 #22804 Sarouno, Italy Between Saronno and Legnano, Benaz 4/11/1962 #22806 ghway between Saronno and Legnano, Italy on this night. It made no noise wh 4/11/1962 #22807 ITALY, Sicily (Translated from French) ( 4/30/1962 #22840 ng of Sweden, and the President of Italy. He did this that same night on hi 4/30/1962 #22840 Mount Eba, Italy Eugenio Siragusa, 43, claimed to h 4/30/1962 #22846 Mangre on the island of Sicily in Italy. They were clad in diver's suits, 4/30/1962 #22849 ITALY, Verona (Translated from French) F 6/1962 #22932 Translated from French) In Verona (Italy), following a UFO sighting, a woma 6/12/1962 #22945 Verona, Italy For about one hour, 20-year-old Ro 6/26/1962 #22970 Verona, Italy -- After observing a flying disc e 6/26/1962 #22971 ITALY, Sicily (Catania) (Translated from 9/4/1962 #23136 Mount Manfre, Italy Second observation by Mr. Siragusa 9/5/1962 #23137 3, went to a spot in Monte Manfre, Italy on the island of Sicily where he m 9/5/1962 #23138 Bologna, Italy Antonio Candau saw a circular obje 12/9/1962 #23339 young man named Candau in Bologna, Italy saw a circular object 18 feet in d 12/9/1962 #23340 ITALY, Milan (Translated from French) A 12/12/1962 (approximate) #23343 Milan, Italy Francesco Rizzi, night watchman, w 12/17/1962 #23351 In Milan, Italy at 2:20 a.m. Mr. Rizzi, a 37-year- 12/17/1962 #23353 Via Santa Valeria Milan, Italy 2:20 p.m. Night watchman Francesco 12/18/1962 #23357 ill on Via Santa Valeria in Milan, Italy. In the center of the mill’s court 12/18/1962 #23357 Verbania, Italy Three sailors on a ship observed t 12/19/1962 #23359 Verbania, Italy. At 7:15 a.m. three men in a boat 12/19/1962 #23360 Rome, Italy A well-known psychiatrist saw an o 1/4/1963 #23397 ing gear landed in a park in Rome, Italy. It was estimated to be five meter 1/4/1963 #23398 San Pietro, Italy A 43-year-old farmer was awakened 1/11/1963 #23402 San Pietro Vernotico, Italy Brindisi At 11:00 p.m., at San Pie 1/11/1963 #23403 :00 p.m., at San Pietro Vernotico, Italy, farmer Antonio de Luca is awakene 1/11/1963 #23403 in San Pietro Vernotico, Sardegna, Italy was awakened by restless farm anim 1/11/1963 #23404 the snowy woods outside of Padua, Italy saw a very large, round luminous U 2/6/1963 #23427 Lecce, Italy A young man saw from a window ,a s 2/20/1963 #23444 Rome, Italy Milan Adamski allegedly has a priv 5/31/1963 #23560 ence with Pope John XXIII in Rome, Italy. The pontiff is seriously ill and 5/31/1963 #23560 ITALY, near Rome (Translated from French 8/20/1963 #23724 ROMA, ITALY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Cl 8/20/1963 #23725 Rome, Italy In a wooded area near Rome, a man 8/20/1963 #23727 Rome, Italy Castel Porziano Presidential Estat 8/20/1963 #23728 ziano Presidential Estate in Rome, Italy. When he sees a metallic domed dis 8/20/1963 #23728 In a wooded area near Rome, Italy a man in a car observed at 9:32 p. 8/20/1963 #23729 ground on a farm in Fano, Marche, Italy at 11:30 a.m. A tube extended from 9/20/1963 #23772 f the sea near Nicastro, Calabria, Italy for ten minutes. As fishermen appr 1/9/1964 #23963 ITALY, Catania (Sicily) (Translated from 4/1964 #24005 Milan, Italy The Centro Ufologico Nazionale is 9/26/1965 #25652 ico Nazionale is founded in Milan, Italy, as a test of cooperation among se 9/26/1965 #25652 is observed vertically over Capri (Italy) and causes a general power outage 1/9/1966 #25886 e same fireball flies over Naples (Italy). (9 January) 1/9/1966 #25886 Pontedera, Italy Camillo Faieta, 35, a lineman, was 7/13/1966 #26793 Fornacette, Pisa, Italy Emissario Canal Camp Darby militar 7/13/1966 #26794 the crossing in Fornacette, Pisa, Italy, when he is dazzled by a powerful 7/13/1966 #26794 he Emissario Canal near Pontedera, Italy. Two little men were seen briefly 7/13/1966 #26795 Gargano promontory southern Italy Night. Bank official Gerardo Bagnu Early 9/1966 #27011 the Gargano promontory in southern Italy. He manages to take one color phot Early 9/1966 #27011 of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, Italy 2:00 p.m. Franz Trautsamwieser tak 9/5/1966 #27030 of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, Italy, from the other side of the canal. 9/5/1966 #27030 local military airport in Fubara, Italy. It carried flashing police type l 11/10/1966 #27301 an Cataldo, Caltanissetta, Sicily, Italy Carlo Cammarata watches a metallic 4/4/1967 #28361 an Cataldo, Caltanissetta, Sicily, Italy. He also sees three humanoids wear 4/4/1967 #28361 ITALY, Brindisi (Translated from French) 5/1/1967 #28580 Montalcino, Siena, Italy University of Florence's Mineralog 6/1967 #28778 h his family in Montalcino, Siena, Italy, when he sees a round, luminous ob 6/1967 #28778 holds the first UFO conference in Italy at Riccione, Rimini. 6/24/1967 #28905 (Translated from French) In Milan (Italy), Antonio Brambila and one other m 7/7/1967 #28992 Milan, Italy Antonio Brambila and another man s 7/7/1967 #28997 Rondò-Torretta quarter Milan, Italy 11:30 p.m. Antonio Brambilla and a 7/7/1967 #28999 e Rondò-Torretta quarter in Milan, Italy. A glow comes from the object, whi 7/7/1967 #28999 Brambila and another man in Milan, Italy saw a glow coming from a domed dis 7/7/1967 #29001 Rome, Italy 10:00 a.m. Drew Wright took this p 7/18/1967 #29069 he night before, my first night in Italy. As I saw the "thing," some local 7/18/1967 #29069 Florence, Italy 2:30 p.m. LT. The pilot and crew o 11/15/1967 #29917 altitude in flight over Florence, Italy. It had a notch in its shortest ed 11/15/1967 #29923 s conducting his rounds in Milano, Italy when he came upon a flat, pancake- 1/6/1968 #30137 ysterical woman phoned the Celano, Italy police station reporting that thre 6/14/1968 #30554 Gardena Pass, South Tyrol, Italy Rhodes, Greece 1:00 a.m. Walter Ri 7/1968 #30634 of the Gardena Pass, South Tyrol, Italy, when he wakes to the smell of som 7/1968 #30634 driving in a car in Colle Orlando, Italy had a tall humanoid jump onto the 7/3/1968 #30665 In Vado Ligure, Italy at around 6 p.m. an eight meter in 1/13/1969 #31423 Renato Bifarella of Caltanissetta, Italy on the island of Sicily was lookin 3/19/1969 #31630 ople driving in a car in Brindisi, Italy stopped when a domed, luminous UFO 7/16/1970 #32437 Turin Piedmont, Italy Caluso French Office National d’Ét 2/23/1971 #32761 urin and other places in Piedmont, Italy, observe a conspicuous red cloud i 2/23/1971 #32761 the local thermal baths in Bobbio, Italy at 7 p.m. when he saw an "object" 8/19/1971 #33054 O fly toward the east over Verona, Italy for 20 minutes beginning at 6:00 p 6/25/1972 #33563 ITALY, Bagnacavallo (Ravenne) (Translate 7/25/1972 #33667 MT. AMIATA, ITALY Double-domed discoid seen. No furt 8/12/1972 #33753 d in the city of Rosetto Abbruzzi, Italy. After about a minute it took off 9/19/1972 #33867 Miliscola Beach, Bacoli, Naples, Italy Two men at Miliscola Beach, Bacoli 5/18/1973 #34422 t Miliscola Beach, Bacoli, Naples, Italy, see a bright disc with a dome 165 5/18/1973 #34422 Lago d’Idro, Brescia, Italy A 16-year-old UFO buff finds and p 7/27/1973 #34586 ground near Lago d’Idro, Brescia, Italy. In 1977 he undergoes hypnotic reg 7/27/1973 #34586 In Lago D'Idro Brescia, Italy a 16-year-old boy found and photog 7/27/1973 #34587 etween Casalincontrada and Chieti, Italy they saw a bizarre figure almost s 8/16/1973 #34640 Istrana NATO Air Base in Campania, Italy. 10/16/1973 #35057 ck of the SS Waalekerk, off Genoa, Italy by S. M. Saunders. 10/24/1973 #35243 GENOVA, ITALY E. Cavanesse. "Inverted parachute" 10/29/1973 #35297 Istrana Air Base Veneto province Italy Evening. Two sentries at a lookout Mid 11/1973 #35408 Istrana Air Base, Veneto province, Italy, see two beings, about 4 feet 11 i Mid 11/1973 #35408 MARTINA FRANCA, ITALY 2 teens. Fireball lands / railroad 11/20/1973 (approximate) #35435 :00 p.m. in the Piedmont region of Italy. A 23-year-old man named Contin to 11/24/1973 #35450 k the photo of the object in Susa, Italy as it was making seemingly impossi 11/24/1973 #35450 Turin, Italy UFO Darts To & Fro, Observed From 11/30/1973 #35475 Turin, Italy UFO hovered and darted around near 11/30/1973 #35476 Caselle Airport, Turin, Italy Turin Rome 7:00 p.m. Pilot Riccard 11/30/1973 #35477 to land at Caselle Airport, Turin, Italy, in a Piper Navajo, when the contr 11/30/1973 #35477 e Torino-Caselle Airport in Turin, Italy; a business pilot named Ricardo Ma 11/30/1973 #35478 TORINO, ITALY Thousands / observer(s) (seen thru 12/3/1973 #35504 ns from all over the area of Pisa, Italy for 30 minutes. One of these light 12/6/1973 #35527 ROMA, ITALY AND WIDE AREA 2 saucers 2x moon-si 12/23/1973 #35593 On this afternoon In Zafferana, Italy a woman was working alone in a sma 1/8/1974 #35675 Milan Bologna, Italy 4:30 p.m. Giuseppe Cardelli is dri 1/18/1974 #35691 driving between Milan and Bologna, Italy, when he sees a “strange shining b 1/18/1974 #35691 Milan, Italy G,V, pilot chase & Milan radar tra 3/9/1974 #35901 Milan, Italy Pilot reports chasing object (rada 3/9/1974 #35902 Milan, Italy Luminous saucer-shaped object with 3/9/1974 #35903 Milan, Italy 9:58 p.m. Fiat Corporation pilot A 3/9/1974 #35904 ect with colored rings near Milan, Italy. The UFO is confirmed by Milan rad 3/9/1974 #35904 MONZA, ITALY Man photographs luminous hemispher 4/3/1974 #36033 ITALY, Casale (Translated from French) A 4/16/1974 #36078 Casale Monferrato, Italy Morning. Disc. Dark ring with tran 4/16/1974 #36082 Casale Monferrato, Italy Disc with dome descended, three be 4/16/1974 #36083 ta Maria del Tempio, Alessandrino, Italy 12:50 a.m. Mauro Bellingeri, 26, a 4/16/1974 #36085 ta Maria del Tempio, Alessandrino, Italy, when they notice a bright object 4/16/1974 #36085 ale Monferrato, Piemonte district, Italy. Mauro Bellingeri and his wife had 4/16/1974 #36087 th a wing over a road in Barbiana, Italy at 10:10 p.m. A 25-foot wide circu 7/8/1974 #36312 ITALY, Pavia (Translated from French) Th 7/10/1974 #36323 Castelleale, Romagna, Italy 5;30 p.m. Giovanna Sensoli is atte Mid 11/1974 #36692 rmhouse near Castelleale, Romagna, Italy, when she notices her chickens and Mid 11/1974 #36692 telleale, Emilia-Romagna Province, Italy when she noticed that some of the 11/15/1974 #36693 Italy, SARDINIA, near Diolianova (Transl End of 1974 #36725 Dolianova, Italy An ovoid-shaped UFO hovered over a 1/28/1975 #36895 ver a football field in Dolianova, Italy. Only 10 meters above the ground, 1/28/1975 #36897 lic sphere descended over Foligno, Italy made a ninety-degree turn at groun 2/10/1975 #36936 Italy, Lecce (Translated from French) An 3/3/1975 #37020 om behind a house in Piano Chiesa, Italy at 7:50 p.m. and shot up into the 4/18/1975 #37159 COAST / ITALY Longitude & latitude coords. = wil 5/1/1975 #37187 in Mosciano Sant' Angelo, Abruzzi, Italy. It moved underwater, then emerged 5/13/1975 #37232 Genova, Italy A luminous globe, described also l 6/20/1975 #37292 f the coast of the port of Genova, Italy. (Source: Marco Bianchini, USOCAT 6/20/1975 #37292 f the coast of the port of Genova, Italy. The report arrived from a geophys 6/20/1975 #37294 in Mosciano Sant' Angelo, Abruzzi, Italy under some electric power lines, m 11/28/1975 #38026 Sant'Onofrio, Abruzzi, Italy 10:30 p.m. A man and his family ob 5/18/1976 #38456 rby hill in Sant'Onofrio, Abruzzi, Italy. The object approached the witness 5/18/1976 #38457 was seen at treetop level in Rome, Italy. It had a transparent cupola bubbl 6/21/1976 #38524 Calignaia, Tuscany, Italy was visited by a USO (unidentified 8/12/1976 #38673 was alone at her home in Ravenna, Italy when she heard a noise outside. Wh 9/3/1976 #38755 ng in La Spezia near Mount Parodi, Italy on this day. The being wore a blac 9/5/1976 #38762 MILANO, ITALY RADAR and jet track red fireball. 2/23/1977 #39300 Ragusa (near), Italy Midnight. The witness, a truck dri 5/5/1977 #39531 on the major highway near Ragusa, Italy when he saw a yellow light illumin 5/5/1977 #39531 on the major highway near Ragusa, Italy when he saw a yellow light illumin 5/5/1977 #39534 Toscolano-Moderno, Brescia, Italy The Centro Ufologico Nazionale hol 6/25/1977 #39677 nce in Toscolano-Moderno, Brescia, Italy, to commemorate the 30th anniversa 6/25/1977 #39677 ITALY, NATO base at Aviano (Ponderone) ( 7/1/1977 #39708 Aviano, Italy Luminous round object with dome ho 7/1/1977 #39711 Aviano, Italy Luminous round object with dome ho 7/1/1977 #39712 NATO’s Aviano Air Base Pordenone, Italy 3:00 a.m. Electronic alarms sudden 7/1/1977 #39713 viano Air Base north of Pordenone, Italy. Something has set off the magneti 7/1/1977 #39713 Roseto Degli Abruzzi, Italy 1:50 AM. A domed disc passed over 7/12/1977 #39751 er a hill in Roseto Degli Abruzzi, Italy at 1:50 a.m. Two kids playing with 7/12/1977 #39755 ITALY, Venice (Translated from French) T Late 7/1977 #39804 ty of Motta San Giovanni, Sicilia, Italy. The city experienced a power outa 7/31/1977 #39824 Monte Verrugoli La Spezia, Italy Italian researchers Giovanni and P 8/3/1977 #39849 Monte Verrugoli west of La Spezia, Italy. The mountain is known for reports 8/3/1977 #39849 en, Alabama Nocero Umbra, Perugia, Italy 8:45 p.m. A couple are driving nea 8/11/1977 #39880 — Night. At Nocero Umbra, Perugia, Italy, several witnesses, including Brun 8/11/1977 #39880 In Nocera-Umbra, Umbria, Italy at 12:10 a.m. Sr. Bruno Vitali was 8/11/1977 #39881 PERUGIA, ITALY Several observer(s). 2-legged cone 8/13/1977 (approximate) #39895 witness in Fontanigorda, Liguria, Italy was having difficulty sleeping and 8/26/1977 #39926 om an outing in Marciano, Livorno, Italy in rainy weather when their headli 8/28/1977 #39939 ITALY, between Sturgo and Frigento (Tran 8/30/1977 #39940 were walking from Sturno, Avelino, Italy to Frigento when they saw three re 8/30/1977 #39942 Sturno Frigento Avellino, Italy 12:30–3:15 a.m. A total of seven w 8/31/1977 #39946 een Sturno and Frigento, Avellino, Italy. Near the object is an entity abou 8/31/1977 #39946 vanelli, were walking from Sturno, Italy to Frigento when they saw three re 8/31/1977 #39947 A housewife in Fiesole, Italy had gone to visit the pediatric wa 10/6/1977 #40076 At 8:00 p.m in Zugliano, Veneto, Italy a huge luminous disc-shaped object 10/15/1977 #40101 king home in Via Lagaccio, Genova, Italy at 9:00 p.m. when she spotted a st 10/26/1977 #40143 agliari Elmas Airport on Sardinia, Italy Decimomannu, Sardinia 5:35 p.m. At 10/27/1977 #40147 agliari Elmas Airport on Sardinia, Italy, three helicopters of the Italian 10/27/1977 #40147 agliari Elmas Airport on Sardinia, Italy Italian Air Force pilots and pilot 11/2/1977 #40180 agliari Elmas Airport on Sardinia, Italy, see a circular or elliptical ball 11/2/1977 #40180 12:30 a.m. in Pontecchio Marconi, Italy a dome-shaped UFO flew slowly at g 12/10/1977 #40287 its top. At 8:00 a.m. in Legnano, Italy a single witness in a car reported 12/10/1977 #40287 Italy After many years of informal conta 1978 #40362 Sesto Fiorentino, Toscana, Italy Mr. & Mrs. Morello were sitting in 2/23/1978 #40551 Sesto Fiorentino Florence Italy 11:45 p.m. A couple hears interfer 2/23/1978 #40553 dio in Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy. When the man gets out to investig 2/23/1978 #40553 car in Sesto Fiorentino, Toscana, Italy listening to their car's stereo wh 2/23/1978 #40554 Vicenza, Italy 75 miles away from Vicenza, Italy 3/9/1978 #40579 Italy 75 miles away from Vicenza, Italy Pilot Luciano Ascione is flying no 3/9/1978 #40579 0 feet 75 miles away from Vicenza, Italy, when a green, rocket-shaped objec 3/9/1978 #40579 her kitchen in Villamare Di Sapri, Italy when she noticed a large luminous 4/25/1978 #40740 on the shore in Vittorio, Sicily, Italy observed through binoculars a glow 4/25/1978 #40741 astine International Airport Rome, Italy Two witnesses near the Ciampino–G. 4/27/1978 #40746 ine International Airport in Rome, Italy, watch a small green object shoot 4/27/1978 #40746 VALBREVENNA AND PIETRA-LAVEZZARA, ITALY Many observer(s). Ovoid hovers nea 5/10/1978 #40770 Clavarazza Genoa Italy Evening. Numerous people watch a m 5/10/1978 #40774 white light in Clavarazza, Genoa, Italy. It remains stationary high in the 5/10/1978 #40774 Bellaria, Italy Motorists observed flashing lights 6/4/1978 #40839 Mt. Etna, Sicily, Italy Saucer-shaped object 40' in diamet 7/4/1978 #40917 Parco dell’Etna, Sicily, Italy Monte Sona Two Italian Air Force s 7/4/1978 #40923 ng in the Parco dell’Etna, Sicily, Italy, when they spot a triangular forma 7/4/1978 #40923 At 11:30 p.m. at Mount Etna, Italy three red objects, one a domed dis 7/4/1978 #40925 Lurate Caccivio, Italy A red-orange object hovered over L 7/18/1978 #40991 ject hovered over Lurate Caccivio, Italy. It resumed revolving and emitted 7/18/1978 #40991 ject hovered over Lurate Caccivio, Italy. It resumed revolving and emitted 7/18/1978 #40992 an apartment building in Livorno, Italy were awakened by a buzzing noise. 8/28/1978 #41181 San Michele, Italy A man heard a hissing sound and sa 9/2/1978 #41222 n suburb of Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy 8:00–8:15 a.m. Roberto Pozzi, 14, 9/2/1978 #41223 n suburb of Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy. He sees an object over a nearby c 9/2/1978 #41223 8:10 a.m. in San Michele, Veneto, Italy. It made a hissing sound. An area 9/2/1978 #41224 Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy 10:00 p.m. Edilia Cresta Gallo and 9/3/1978 #41227 ze field in Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy. The strip morphs into a bright fi 9/3/1978 #41227 ele boarding house Sassello Savona Italy Late evening. Two witnesses at the 9/6/1978 #41236 oarding house in Sassello, Savona, Italy, see two round black objects close 9/6/1978 #41236 man on his way to bed in Sassello, Italy heard strange sounds outside his h 9/6/1978 #41238 oarding house in Sassello, Savona, Italy La Carta Fiat 8:40 p.m. Many peopl 9/7/1978 #41242 oarding house in Sassello, Savona, Italy, see a large luminous object hover 9/7/1978 #41242 Spinetta Marengo, Italy 9:30 p.m. Angelo Ciompi watches a 9/13/1978 #41270 astern sky above Spinetta Marengo, Italy. It stops abruptly, drops down, an 9/13/1978 #41270 Sicily Florence Italy 6:00 a.m. Hundreds of witnesses al 9/14/1978 #41275 .m. Hundreds of witnesses all over Italy, from Sicily to Florence, watch a 9/14/1978 #41275 At 5:55 a.m. in Rome, Italy a triangular shaped object seen by 9/14/1978 #41276 . in Torre del Lago, near Firenze, Italy a cigar-shaped object with a blue 9/14/1978 #41277 :00 p.m. in San Basilio, Sardegna, Italy a big brilliant light in the night 9/14/1978 #41278 om French) Observation in Purugia, Italy, see images/1978-09-16.gif. (Septe 9/16/1978 #41289 Torrita di Siena, Italy Orange domed disc ahead of car ill 9/17/1978 #41300 Torrita di Siena, Italy Car engine and lights failed, dome 9/17/1978 #41301 Torrita di Siena, Italy Via Pié agli Orti Ispra 8:00 p.m. 9/17/1978 #41302 a rifle shot at Torrita di Siena, Italy. He goes to visit his mother on th 9/17/1978 #41302 In Torrita di Sienna, Tuscany, Italy at 8:15 p.m. two witnesses watched 9/17/1978 #41304 Melaria, Porto Nogaro district, Italy Whistling sound, disc-shaped objec 9/18/1978 #41307 Melaria, Porto Nogaro district, Italy Whistling sound, disc-shaped objec 9/18/1978 #41308 iver San Giorgio di Nogaro, Udine, Italy 3:30 p.m. Giorgio Filiputti is fis 9/18/1978 #41309 h of San Giorgio di Nogaro, Udine, Italy, when he hears a whistling sound, 9/18/1978 #41309 Tuscany, Italy 5:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Hundreds of pe 9/20/1978 #41316 ly triangular object over Tuscany, Italy. It moves northeast and turns red. 9/20/1978 #41316 Cosenza, Calabria, Italy 8:00 p.m. A young man walking near 9/21/1978 #41324 near a yard in Cosenza, Calabria, Italy, sees the area illuminated as if b 9/21/1978 #41324 near a field in Cosenza, Calabria, Italy when the area was suddenly illumin 9/21/1978 #41326 jet over Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, Italy. It disappeared after three minute 9/21/1978 #41326 this afternoon in Ostuni, Apulia, Italy two observers watched a disc-shape 9/25/1978 #41350 ITALY, along the coast (Translated from 10/1978 #41386 San Cataldo, Sicily, Italy A woman is driving with her 13-yea 10/7/1978 #41413 d nephew near San Cataldo, Sicily, Italy, when one of her tires has a blow- 10/7/1978 #41413 like a "priest's hat" in Pescara, Italy. It had a very brilliant center wi 10/23/1978 #41479 in a boat in Grottammare, Marche, Italy saw a 20 meter long, dark object e 10/24/1978 #41483 Tagliocozzo, Abruzzi, Italy A 51-year-old farmer name Giovanni 10/25/1978 #41486 an Donato di Tagliacozzo, Abruzzo, Italy 5:00 a.m. Giuseppe di Giovanni, a 10/25/1978 #41487 an Donato di Tagliacozzo, Abruzzo, Italy, when he comes to an open field an 10/25/1978 #41487 his home in Tagliocozzo, Abruzzi, Italy when he came to an open field and 10/25/1978 #41489 Falcone (Principality of Piombino, Italy), 2 fishermen see a luminous bell- 10/27/1978 #41496 San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy Ship Tracks Submerged Object / Boa 11/8/1978 #41543 San Benedetto del Tronto, Marche, Italy Exodus Andrea Padre 5:30 p.m. Whil 11/8/1978 #41544 San Benedetto del Tronto, Marche, Italy, on board the Exodus, three fisher 11/8/1978 #41544 les west of Silvi Marina, Abruzzi, Italy when they were buzzed by a one-met 11/9/1978 #41558 t 1:30 a.m. in Saluzzo, Piedmonte, Italy a yellow and red domed disc-shaped 11/12/1978 #41569 ed spherical UFOs approached Rome, Italy from the sea. One descended and cr 11/12/1978 #41570 rmer in San Donato di Tagliacozzo, Italy saw a dark, beige, three meter wid 11/14/1978 #41575 Gallio, Vicenza, Italy 11:45 a.m. Angelo d’Ambros, 61, is 11/24/1978 #41616 d in a copse near Gallio, Vicenza, Italy, when he comes across two entities 11/24/1978 #41616 woods at 11:45 a.m. near Gastagh, Italy to gather some firewood and had sa 11/24/1978 #41618 e window of her terrace in Naples, Italy. When she went to investigate she 11/29/1978 #41648 ctly over car in Brindisi, Apulia, Italy. Two witnesses in the car got out 11/29/1978 #41649 the shore of Ventimiglia, Liguria, Italy, and then flew away. There were se 11/30/1978 #41653 ITALY, near Genoa (Translated from Frenc 12/1978 #41654 Giulianova, Italy A small dark disc with a luminous 12/1/1978 #41668 coast heading south in Giulianova, Italy. About four hours later, in Milan, 12/1/1978 #41668 About four hours later, in Milan, Italy the entire electrical system of a 12/1/1978 #41668 coast heading south in Giulianova, Italy. About four hours later, in Milan, 12/1/1978 #41671 About four hours later, in Milan, Italy the entire electrical system of a 12/1/1978 #41671 ITALY, Torriglia (Genoa) (Translated fro 12/6/1978 #41690 Marzano Torriglia Genoa, Italy 11:30 p.m. While patrolling at Mar 12/6/1978 #41697 lia, a village northeast of Genoa, Italy, 26-year-old night watchman Piero 12/6/1978 #41697 in the sky over Avezzano, Abruzzi, Italy at the same time that a delta-shap 12/6/1978 #41699 t in Marzano Di Torriglia, Genova, Italy when he noticed some moving "torch 12/6/1978 #41701 Portegrandi, Italy A seven-meter diameter domed disc 12/8/1978 #41708 Milanere, Torino, Italy 11:00 p.m. Two young men walking a 12/8/1978 #41710 ntain slope near Milanere, Torino, Italy, see a blue-white light among the 12/8/1978 #41710 overed over a road in Portegrandi, Italy at 1:30 a.m. It had four windows o 12/8/1978 #41711 2:45 a.m. on a road in Catanzaro, Italy three policemen saw a luminous dom 12/8/1978 #41711 tainside path in Milanere, Torino, Italy when they sighted a bluish white l 12/8/1978 #41711 Reggio di Calabria, Sicily, Italy Police watched a multi-colored obj 12/9/1978 #41715 ice in Reggio di Calabria, Sicily, Italy watched a multi-colored object wit 12/9/1978 #41716 PALERMO, ITALY Police reports / UFO's 11-13 Decem 12/11/1978 #41721 's 11-13 December. 500 sightings / Italy / late 1978. 12/11/1978 #41721 Avellino, Italy A police trooper took a photograph 12/11/1978 #41723 Navelli, Abruzzi, Italy A taxi driving on a road near the 12/11/1978 #41724 noon a police trooper in Avellino, Italy took a photograph of a round, poss 12/11/1978 #41726 near the town of Navelli, Abruzzi, Italy was forced to brake at 10 p.m. whe 12/11/1978 #41727 Marzocca, Italy Luminous UFO emitted light beam, s 12/12/1978 #41732 Navelli (near), Italy Alfonso Marinelli was traveling wh 12/12/1978 #41734 Marzocca, in the Tuscany region of Italy, experienced engine failure, the l 12/12/1978 #41736 Navelli, in the Abruzzi region of Italy when his engine suddenly quit. He 12/12/1978 #41737 Brindisi AFB, Italy Two soldiers on guard duty at the 12/13/1978 #41743 off at high speed towards Puglia, Italy two soldiers on guard duty at the 12/13/1978 #41744 world. The first three occurred in Italy. At four o'clock in the morning a 12/14/1978 #41760 fternoon in San Vito del Normanni, Italy a witness reported seeing flying s 12/14/1978 #41760 s sighted on the ground in Mogoro, Italy. The object was bright enough to i 12/14/1978 #41760 Ragusa, Italy A truck driver suddenly experience 12/15/1978 #41770 Catania, Italy Two young boys were playing in a y 12/15/1978 #41771 f close encounter UFO incidents in Italy on this date in 1978. In Torrebrun 12/15/1978 #41772 this date in 1978. In Torrebruna, Italy a man driving his car shortly afte 12/15/1978 #41772 were playing in a yard in Catania, Italy on the island of Sicily, near a la 12/15/1978 #41773 in a residential area of Macomer, Italy on the island of Sardinia. At 6:30 12/15/1978 #41774 eral witnesses in Collegno,Torino, Italy spotted a bizarre human-like figur 12/15/1978 #41774 landed on a road in Licodia Eubea, Italy. They spoke some kind of unintelli 12/15/1978 #41775 :50 p.m. a truck driver in Ragusa, Italy suddenly experienced radio interfe 12/15/1978 #41776 Francavilla, Italy A college coed saw an ovoid UFO su 12/16/1978 #41783 At 2:30 a.m. in Francavilla, Italy a college coed saw an ovoid UFO su 12/16/1978 #41790 :30 a.m. off the coast of Catania, Italy located on the Mediterranean islan 12/17/1978 #41800 Montebello di Bertona, Italy A single witness reported that a U 12/19/1978 #41808 In Montebello di Bertona, Italy at 6:00 a.m. a single witness repo 12/19/1978 #41810 Sorrento, Italy Three people on the balcony of the 12/20/1978 #41816 use south of the city of Sorrento, Italy watched a huge sphere low in the s 12/20/1978 #41819 0 minutes in the town of Tarranto, Italy. The two witnesses fled in terror. 12/20/1978 #41819 he University of Naples in Naples, Italy saw a luminous object travel from 12/23/1978 #41836 d over a road in Albinia, Tuscany, Italy. It moved off over some woods, and 12/23/1978 #41836 Pietracamela, Terama, Italy Gran Sasso massif 6:50 p.m. Benito 12/24/1978 #41838 r station at Pietracamela, Terama, Italy, in a room with two AC generators, 12/24/1978 #41838 Cicagna, Liguria, Italy A three-meter long, oddly shaped U 12/25/1978 #41845 ow altitude over Cicagna, Liguria, Italy. It had what looked like iron claw 12/25/1978 #41845 ow altitude over Cicagna, Liguria, Italy. It had what looked like iron claw 12/25/1978 #41846 Santa Tecla, Italy A dark disc shaped object rose fro 12/28/1978 #41857 L'Aquila, Italy A luminous object surrounded by a 12/28/1978 #41858 Marzano Di Torriglia, Italy A policeman was out patrolling tol 12/28/1978 #41859 g complex in Marzano di Torriglia, Italy when he suddenly yelled over his r 12/28/1978 #41860 by a red halo flew over L'Aquila, Italy on this night. It stopped several 12/28/1978 #41861 the Plaza Garibaldi in Viareggio, Italy on this night when suddenly he hea 12/30/1978 #41873 Posada, Italy A 3-meter in diameter glowing sphe 12/31/1978 #41888 y, from Brazil, England, Scotland, Italy, Switzerland, and Florida. In Mirr 12/31/1978 #41898 In Posada, Italy at one o’clock in the morning, a 3 12/31/1978 #41899 n Nuoro on the island of Sardinia, Italy because of the intense humidity wh 1/2/1979 #41931 s crossing a roadway in Mirabello, Italy when they noticed a red beam of li 1/3/1979 #41942 San Croce Sull'Arno, Italy In the Tuscany region of Italy a 4 1/8/1979 #41969 no, Italy In the Tuscany region of Italy a 40-meter wide domed disc with an 1/8/1979 #41969 Sull’Arno in the Tuscany region of Italy a 40-meter wide domed disc with an 1/8/1979 #41972 highway in Castel D'Asso, Latium, Italy saw a 10 meter in diameter glowing 1/9/1979 #41977 Viterbo, Italy A farmer spotted a large fiery red 1/13/1979 #41989 d farmer named Mancini in Viterbo, Italy spotted a large blindingly bright 1/13/1979 #41990 Lusiana, Italy A witness's car engine died when a 1/18/1979 #42015 Lusiana, Vicenza, Italy 11:30 p.m. A car driven by a 42-ye 1/18/1979 #42017 tops abruptly in Lusiana, Vicenza, Italy. Its lights go out and the doors o 1/18/1979 #42017 later that same night in Lusiana, Italy a witness's car engine died when a 1/18/1979 #42019 was driving to the town of Bastia, Italy in Liguria province in the evening 1/19/1979 #42020 A newsman driving in Cassola, Italy saw a metallic gray disc in a fiel 2/13/1979 #42078 Fano, Italy A 15 meter in diameter luminous do 2/15/1979 #42082 en over the Metauro River in Fano, Italy during a rainstorm. It shot out "b 2/15/1979 #42082 en over the Metauro River in Fano, Italy during a rainstorm. It shot out "b 2/15/1979 #42084 Gorgona (offshore of), Italy The yacht Rainbow II was heading f 6/22/1979 #42296 his afternoon offshore of Gorgona, Italy in the Ligurian Sea during a beaut 6/22/1979 #42297 ITALY, near Genoa (Translated from Frenc 7/30/1979 #42364 the coast of Siniscola, Sardegna, Italy watched a sphere with luminous ray 9/14/1979 #42570 his way to work in Viggiu Varese, Italy at 3:20 a.m. when he spotted two s 10/4/1979 #42631 ITALY, near Genoa (Translated from Frenc 12/2/1979 #42733 the Corso Europa highway in Genoa, Italy F. Zanfretta, age 27, was approach 12/2/1979 #42737 in his bedroom in Catania, Sicily, Italy and observed a strange phenomenon. 12/30/1979 #42810 round 4 p.m. a woman in Bisuschio, Italy went outside to hang some linen to 2/11/1980 #42881 lose encounter in Gioia del Colle, Italy. One had burn marks on his wrist u 3/21/1980 #42940 BARI, ITALY Saucer with intense light. 2 obser 3/31/1980 #42959 Venice, Italy An unknown cigar-shaped object pas 6/11/1980 #43086 a commercial aircraft near Venice, Italy. 6/11/1980 #43086 Colle Maddalena, Italy A disc was sighted maneuvering ove 1/28/1981 #43594 ind some trees in Colle Maddalena, Italy. A burnt circle of grass and some 1/28/1981 #43594 ind some trees in Colle Maddalena, Italy. A burnt circle of grass and some 1/28/1981 #43595 Bologna, Italy The Centro Ufologico Nazionale beg 3/1981 #43651 ted by Gianfranco Neri in Bologna, Italy, and continues through at least Ma 3/1981 #43651 ITALY, Catania (Translated from French) 4/15/1981 #43707 Catania, Sicily, Italy 12:20 AM. Two police officers in t 4/15/1981 #43709 ee young witnesses in Bruscarella, Italy. The UFO had orange beams of light 8/5/1981 #43891 ill in Trino Vercellese, Piemonte, Italy. He parked his vehicle and proceed 9/11/1981 #43943 Trino Vercellese, Piemonte, Italy A man saw a bright football-shaped 9/12/1981 #43944 ill in Trino Vercellese, Piemonte, Italy. He parked his vehicle and proceed 9/12/1981 #43945 ridge near his residence in Genoa, Italy. As he approached the object he no 9/20/1981 #43967 Praglia, Italy 3:00 PM. Six boys were racing dirt 10/8/1981 #44003 near the city of Licata, Sicilia, Italy around 7:45 p.m. when they noticed 10/24/1981 #44027 six teenagers in Praglia, Liguria, Italy. The six boys were racing dirt bik 11/8/1981 #44056 . two witnesses in Oliveto Lucano, Italy saw a two-meter wide spinning lumi 12/19/1981 #44114 Varzi, Pavia, Italy alfalfa field 5:00 a.m. Retired re 6/5/1983 #44793 outside his home at Varzi, Pavia, Italy. He sees a shining object with an 6/5/1983 #44793 In Varzi, Italy at 5:00 a.m. in 1983 dogs began ba 6/5/1983 #44794 t / 300M altitude. Seen / coast to Italy. Portholes. Contrail. 6/6/1983 #44795 RUBIANA, ITALY Several / balcony. Saucer and ball 7/21/1983 #44841 Turin, Italy The Centro Ufologico Nazionale beg 2/1984 #45123 d by Gian Paolo Grassino in Turin, Italy, and continues until September 198 2/1984 #45123 Macomer, Sardinia (west of), Italy 11:00 AM. A humanoid wearing an od 4/26/1984 #45261 e woods west of Macomer, Sardinia, Italy by two children. A disc-shaped obj 4/26/1984 #45261 e woods west of Macomer, Sardinia, Italy by two children. There was an odd 4/26/1984 #45264 Genoa, Italy The Centro Ufologico Nazionale hol 5/4/1984 #45274 d International Congress in Genoa, Italy. Speakers include J. Allen Hynek, 5/4/1984 #45274 does not rule out cooperation with Italy’s National Research Council. 7/10/1984 #45356 ITALY, Campo Marina (Taranto - Puglia) ( 8/26/1984 #45416 ata di Principato Ultra, Avellino, Italy 7:40 a.m. Giuseppe Cocozza goes in 10/8/1984 #45462 ata di Principato Ultra, Avellino, Italy, to get some fodder for his cow. O 10/8/1984 #45462 und in Prato Principato, Compania, Italy carrying a forked tool. A box-shap 10/8/1984 #45463 n Polcanto, northeast of Florence, Italy 3:30 a.m. A beam of light coming i 10/9/1984 #45468 n Polcanto, northeast of Florence, Italy. He sees that it is coming from th 10/9/1984 #45468 Alpes-Maritime, France and Genova, Italy at 11:30 a.m. giving off bursts of 12/5/1984 #45514 Turin, Italy Some members of the Centro Ufologi 12/1985 #45764 or, Gian Paolo Grassino, in Turin, Italy. It changes the name in February 1 12/1985 #45764 Via Flaminia near Pesaro, Italy 11:00 p.m. Two people are driving 4/22/1986 #45886 g on the Via Flaminia near Pesaro, Italy, when their car engine stops. Afte 4/22/1986 #45886 Turin, Italy The Centro Italiano Studi Ufologic 6/1986 #45963 Italiano Studi Ufologici in Turin, Italy, begins publishing its official jo 6/1986 #45963 Calalzo di Cadore, Italy UFO landed, witness had two-hour m 8/15/1986 #46056 Calalzo di Cadore (Bellino), Italy UFO landed, witness had two-hour m 8/15/1986 #46057 Calalzo di Cadore, Belluno, Italy Pordenone 11:00 p.m. A married cou 8/15/1986 #46058 ion in Calalzo di Cadore, Belluno, Italy, are sitting near a wood outside t 8/15/1986 #46058 In Calalzo di Cadore, Bellino, Italy a witness saw a luminous blue, dom 8/15/1986 #46059 Manzuno, Italy 2:30 a.m. A man is driving home wh 8/31/1986 #46072 n his car engine stops in Manzuno, Italy. He gets out to find out what happ 8/31/1986 #46072 rasimeno off Castiglione del Lago, Italy. water. The three objects flew in 11/3/1986 #46129 Nocera Umbra Valtopina Perugia, Italy 9:00 p.m. Between Nocera Umbra and 11/16/1986 #46138 cera Umbra and Valtopina, Perugia, Italy, two witnesses see a dark disc, 26 11/16/1986 #46138 tic Sea off the shore of Riccione, Italy a luminescent object of ovoid shap 6/16/1987 #46274 ITALY, Sicily, Comiso (Translated from F 6/19/1987 #46276 UK US France Italy Portugal Spain Australia Canada Ch Summer 1987 #46283 governments of the UK, US, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Australia, Canad Summer 1987 #46283 Maria Marzoli was in Domodossola, Italy at 9:45 p.m. when she saw a bright 8/2/1987 #46313 road between Barcis and Cimolais, Italy a car with three occupants encount 8/6/1987 #46320 Turin, Italy The Centro Italiano Studi Ufologic 7/1988 #46732 by Alessandro Cortellazi in Turin, Italy. It continues through December 199 7/1988 #46732 d section of Route 4 in Sassovivo, Italy when they started to see intermitt 2/7/1989 #46986 void landed in Ferrere, Piedmonte, Italy radiating four beams of energy, an 7/30/1990 #48012 Tucson, Arizona Spain Italy Japan Russia Germany UK Mexico Per 5/1/1991 #48454 witnesses, and others from Spain, Italy, Japan, Russia, Germany, the UK, M 5/1/1991 #48454 Italy, Oderzo (Trevisa) (Translated from 4/20/1992 #48873 he Oderzo Army barracks in Oderzo, Italy suddenly found himself paralyzed a 4/20/1992 #48874 Pretore, Ascoli Piceno, Italy Artist and ceramicist Filiberto Ca 5/9/1993 #49462 is home in Pretore, Ascoli Piceno, Italy. He takes six Polaroid photos of t 5/9/1993 #49462 Italy, near Pescara (Translated from Fre 6/1993 #49492 nesses, located throughout Central Italy, report the observation of what co 6/15/1993 #49511 ng low over the terrain near Rome, Italy. It was viewed by a family with bi 7/17/1993 #49566 Italy, Calabona beach (Sassari) (Transla 7/27/1993 #49589 esses at Calabona Beach, Sardinia, Italy sighted a strange object resemblin 7/27/1993 #49590 BADALUCCO, ITALY 1 / car / malfunctions due to EME 2/1/1994 #49921 Badalucco, Liguria, Italy Cigar-shaped object illuminated ca 2/1/1994 #49922 Badalucco, Liguria, Italy Cigar-shaped object illuminated ca 2/1/1994 #49923 hicle engine stalled in Badalucco, Italy as a silvery cigar-shaped craft ho 2/1/1994 #49924 ANCONA, ITALY Small humanoid (or Grey) / spacesu 2/3/1994 #49931 the nearby rocky shore in Ancona, Italy at 9:00 a.m. The humanoid was desc 2/3/1994 #49934 Italy, Guardiaregia (Molise) Campo Basso 3/6/1994 #49977 Italy, Mutria Mountains (Translated from 3/6/1994 #49978 Termoli, Campobasso, Italy Monte Mutria, Campobasso 4:30 p.m. 3/6/1994 #49980 250 feet over Termoli, Campobasso, Italy, see a small, spherical object fly 3/6/1994 #49980 ng area outside of Padova (Padua), Italy at around midnight a robot-like en 6/8/1994 #50103 Italy, Campiglia d'Orcia (SI) (Translate 7/13/1994 #50162 pped down over a road in Avezzano, Italy. It turned, leveled off, and flew 7/13/1994 #50164 British Airways flight from Milan (Italy) piloted by Roger Wills and Mark S 1/6/1995 #50520 Italy, San Quirino (Translated from Fren 1/7/1995 #50526 Italy, Palermo (Translated from French) 1/15/1995 #50543 Vittoria, Italy The Centro Italiano Studi Ufologic 4/1995 #50714 ted by Giuseppe Verdi in Vittoria, Italy. It continues through at least Oct 4/1995 #50714 Italy, Porto Recanati (AN) (Translated f 5/1995 (approximate) #50762 Italy, Campiglione (TO) (Translated from 5/3/1995 #50764 Ghedi Air Force Base Brescia, Italy 4:15 a.m. A senior master sergeant 5/5/1995 #50767 Ghedi Air Force Base near Brescia, Italy. Suddenly they notice an unusual y 5/5/1995 #50767 Italy, between Villanova and Pasiano di 5/19/1995 #50801 ROMA, ITALY Numerous observer(s). Luminous pea 7/28/1995 #50929 UFO was seen zigzagging over Rome, Italy at 11:50 p.m. 7/28/1995 #50932 On this day in Turin, Italy Mr. Rohner, a MUFON-CES member, sa 8/5/1995 #50957 unched by the Milo space agency in ITALY. (1995, 12/13 August) 8/12/1995 #50977 Italy, Rocchetta Sant'Antonio (Foggia) ( 9/11/1995 #51063 (Translated from French) In Italy, a Vatican priest, Monsignor Corra 10/8/1995 #51154 ere seen on the road in La Spezia, Italy. The big UFO flew away to the west 12/15/1995 #51275 In Vicenza, Italy at 10:30 p.m. two local youngsters 7/22/1996 #51619 over a farm in Avellino, Campania, Italy. A circle of dried yellow grass wa 8/10/1996 #51634 VARAZZE, ITALY Campers. Circular night lights / 3 8/17/1996 #51644 ITALY, Valtellina (Translated from Frenc 8/18/1996 (approximate) #51646 NEAR UDINE, ITALY 1 / car. 5 grey spheres hover. Sho 9/2/1996 #51669 ere driving home near Isola Verde, Italy when Boscolo stopped his vehicle t 11/9/1996 #51791 Aviano Air Base, Italy 7:30 p.m. A luminous blue sphere a 2/27/1997 #51917 here appears over Aviano Air Base, Italy, and hovers. After it disappears, 2/27/1997 #51917 Italy, San Martino Spino (Translated fro 3/5/1997 #51925 in San Martino d'Spino, Lombardia, Italy. The craft measured one meter in d 3/5/1997 #51927 Aviano Air Base, Italy Venice Marco Polo Airport Istrana 3/6/1997 #51928 iefly hover above Aviano Air Base, Italy. They zoom toward Venice Marco Pol 3/6/1997 #51928 Italy, Udine region (Translated from Fre 4/29/1997 #52003 Ponte a Mensola Florence, Italy Day. A tradesman sees a “flying en 5/18/1997 #52021 n the hills northeast of Florence, Italy. It descends vertically and lands 5/18/1997 #52021 Ponte a Mensola, east of Florence, Italy a local merchant watched a tall hu 5/18/1997 #52022 a Vittorioin in Cordenons, Fruili, Italy when they noticed a dazzling light 9/4/1997 #52131 ng the same two boys in Cordenons, Italy along with two other friends went 9/5/1997 #52132 . Away very fast. Also fireballs / Italy. 9/7/1997 #52135 NORTH ITALY Hundreds / observer(s). 'Flying bo 9/10/1997 #52142 noon two boys in Siracusa, Sicily, Italy photographed a shiny metallic disc 11/15/1997 #52194 Italy, near Rho (Lombardy) (Translated f 3/8/1998 #52305 ernoon a farmer in Rho, Lombardia, Italy saw a white object in the shape of 3/8/1998 #52307 ITALY, Claut (Pordenone - Giulia) (Trans 8/8/1998 #52402 ive witnesses in Claut, Pordenone, Italy spotted a UFO and a flying humanoi 8/8/1998 #52404 Italy, Citta di Castello, Perugia. (Tran 8/21/1998 #52419 he outskirts of Citta Di Castello, Italy some city residents spotted a smal 8/21/1998 #52421 p.m. several people in Torriglia, Italy watched a luminous blue oval-shape 9/18/1998 #52439 lley of the Tevere River in Rieti, Italy and skimmed the surface of the wat 10/3/1998 #52451 ck driver driving outside Bologna, Italy saw a bright light approach his ve 11/1/1998 #52468 roaring sound awoke a man in Stra, Italy to the close presence outside his 12/19/1998 #52497 own of Cava Dei Tirreni, Campania, Italy at 10:30 p.m. The UFO circled the 1/9/1999 #52512 ng on its major axis over Bologna, Italy. It had lights at both ends. It en 2/27/1999 #52540 pizza parlor in Virgilio, Sicily, Italy at 11:45 p.m. when they spotted a 7/14/1999 #52620 h-northeast of Firenze in Tuscany, Italy, then accelerated quickly and made 7/19/1999 #52627 Attilio B. of Bassano del Grappa, Italy had gone out to the field next to 8/14/1999 #52643 ugal Romania Ukraine Russia France Italy The peer-reviewed European Journal 9/1999 #52660 ania, Ukraine, Russia, France, and Italy. It continues through the Septembe 9/1999 #52660 Italy, Sicily, Mount Etna (Translated fr 10/23/1999 #52689 Italy, Vercelli (Translated from French) 11/8/1999 #52704 motorists on Highway A-1 in Rome, Italy saw a circular luminous object fol 1/12/2000 #52758 eople in Priolo, Siracusa, Sicily, Italy saw a humanoid figure suspended hi 2/2/2000 #52773 lects sun. Photograph publicized / Italy. 2/3/2000 (approximate) #52774 ow altitude in Pontelongo, Veneto, Italy. It had stong beams of light. Sudd 2/10/2000 #52780 ed objects were seen in Novellara, Italy for several minutes flying at extr 2/12/2000 #52782 ano housing development in Naples, Italy during the day, then ascended to a 2/23/2000 #52792 Italy, Lucignano (Arezzo) (Translated fr 3/8/2000 #52802 Italy (Translated from French) (Source: 8/17/2000 #52890 over a farm in Santena, Piemonte, Italy. It made no sound as it flew. 2/23/2001 #53000 . in Caronno Pertusella, Piedmont, Italy two residents saw a luminous domed 4/23/2001 #53024 ht watchman in Caronno Pertusella, Italy saw a domed disc-shaped UFO become 4/30/2001 #53033 different locations in Acquappesa, Italy reported seeing a dog rise up into 7/27/2001 #53075 ct was seen in the sky over Genoa, Italy for 15 minutes. 9/20/2002 #53266 Alessandria, Italy Parma Turin A fall of angel hair c 10/18/2002 #53286 overs a large area of Alessandria, Italy, including roofs, cars, and trees. 10/18/2002 #53286 e Port Authority of San Benedetto, Italy and to the Maritime Offices of Giu 6/22/2003 #53426 he Maritime Offices of Giulianova, Italy. Some spoke of a possible meteorit 6/22/2003 #53426 y, both Angleton and Corso were in Italy at the right time (1944) during WW 12/20/2010 #54185 Moscow, Russia Cosmos Hotel US Italy UK Brazil Argentina Turkey Hungary 10/15/2018 #54421 Don Schmitt (US), Roberto Pinotti (Italy), Gary Heseltine (UK), Ademar José 10/15/2018 #54421 agreements with Australia, Japan, Italy, Canada, France, South Korea, the 3/28/2020 #54527## Word: "itanhaem", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ITANHAEM, SP, BRAZIL 1 / beach. DC3 size 1/15/1954 #14094## Word: "itaparica", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ng quickly west over bay toward(s) Itaparica Island. 8/8/1997 #52107## Word: "itaparuna", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
on the highway between Campos and Itaparuna, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil 1/5/1969 #31403## Word: "itaperuna", 26 instance(s) (Back to Top)
CAMPOS TO/FROM ITAPERUNA, BRZ Judge and 1. Metallic ovo 1/15/1969 #31433 ITAPERUNA, BRZ Ovoid hovers / 10'. 2 obs 2/7/1969 #31490 rent round object on this night in Itaperuna, Brazil. Two other beings of t 12/20/1970 #32666 ish domed disc was seen at dusk in Itaperuna, Brazil. When the witness appr 5/27/1971 #32881 BRAZIL, Itaperuna, Serraria (Translated from Fre 9/22/1971 (approximate) #33123 . 38 to 41) Between Natividade and Itaperuna, RdJ (Br.) on 22/09/71 Paulo C 9/22/1971 (approximate) #33123 inous disc. He was driving towards Itaperuna when the disc blocked the road 9/22/1971 (approximate) #33123 traveling around 24 hours between Itaperuna and Cataguazes, he saw a stran 9/22/1971 #33124 ITAPERUNA, BRZ Saucer malfunctions due t 9/22/1971 #33125 disc while driving to his home in Itaperuna, Brazil. At Tombos he reported 9/22/1971 #33131 was driving on Highway 40 west of Itaperuna, Minas Gerais, Brazil when he 9/25/1971 #33147 cupants vanished. He drove back to Itaperuna and reported his close encount 9/25/1971 #33147 BRAZIL, between Campo and Itaperuna (Translated from French) Omar 10/11/1971 #33191 Armond took the bus from Italva to Itaperuna at 01:05. The 39 passengers we 10/11/1971 #33191 BRAZIL, Itaperuna (Translated from French) (Cont 10/11/1971 #33192 Itaperuna, Brazil - At three o'clock in 10/11/1971 #33194 NORTH / ITAPERUNA, BRZ 20 / bus / panic. Saucer 10/20/1971 (approximate) #33207 one of which depicted the city of Itaperuna and the other an atomic explos 11/17/1971 #33256 BRAZIL, Itaperuna (Translated from French) (Cont 12/5/1971 #33277 dge over the Rio Carangula outside Itaperuna, Brazil at 7:00 p.m. He was in 12/5/1971 #33280 ITAPERUNA, BRZ Numerous observer(s). Lum 12/9/1971 #33283 BRAZIL, Itaperuna (Translated from French) (Cont 12/19/1971 #33299 BRAZIL, Itaperuna (Translated from French) At 9: 12/20/1971 #33302 e Sousa left the military base of Itaperuna when he saw a bright light, li 12/20/1971 #33302 on the ground near the airport in Itaperuna, Brazil. The UFO was about eig 12/20/1971 #33304 ITAPERUNA, BRZ 3 / bicycles chased / hed 9/5/1975 #37594## Word: "itapetininga", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
OVER ITAPETININGA, BRZ Airline(s)/airliner cr 5/7/1959 #21159## Word: "itapeva", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ITAPEVA, SP, BRZ 2 observer(s). Double-s 7/4/1968 #30666## Word: "itapirito", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
three men walking down a street in Itapirito, Minas Gerais State, Brazil sa 8/30/1962 #23123## Word: "itapua", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
BRAZIL, Itapua (Viamao) (Translated from French) 1/22/1977 #39199 VIAMAO AND ITAPUA, BRZ 2 observer(s). Moon-size red 1/28/1977 #39219 ITAPUA, RGS, BRZ 1 observer (same as Via 1/29/1977 #39221## Word: "itatainia", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
m. a shooting incident occurred in Itatainia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil involv 8/30/1970 #32521## Word: "itatiaia", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
O File - Laffont 1973, p. 111-112) ITATIAIA (RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL) 08/30/ 8/30/1970 #32513 ITATIAIA, BRZ Guard / dam shoots / UFO. 8/30/1970 #32516 Itatiaia, Brazil 2145, close approach, h 8/30/1970 #32518## Word: "itatiala", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Brazil, Itatiala (Translated from French) This S 8/30/1970 #32513## Word: "itaucu", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ITAUCU, GOIAS, BRZ Man abduction. Wakens 4/20/1969 #31672 On this evening in Itaucu, Goias state, Brazil, 25-year-old 4/20/1969 #31676## Word: "itazuke", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] F 9/16/1947 #6336 oming radar target is picked up at Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport], 9/16/1947 #6336 Tsushima Island, Japan Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] T 9/28/1952 #12354 two separate outbound tracks from Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport], 9/28/1952 #12354 Itazuke AFB, Japan Five Plots on AN/MPS- 12/18/1952 #12838 Itazuke AFB, Japan Object With No Trail 1/18/1956 #17765 ITAZUKE AIR FORCE BASE, JPN 100M saucer 12/17/1956 #18557 Itazuke AFB, Japan Radar / Visual From F 12/17/1956 #18558 Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] i 12/17/1956 #18559 ] in Fukuoka, Japan 4:20 p.m. Near Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] i 12/17/1956 #18559 At 3:20 p.m. at Itazuke AFB in Japan a brownish-golden c 12/17/1956 #18561## Word: "itazuki", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ITAZUKI AIR FORCE BASE, JPN USAF men. Wh 1/18/1956 #17764## Word: "itch", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
in the air and his tongue began to itch. Both men then heard a loud noise c 3/25/1971 #32789## Word: "itched", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
had red pustules in the neck that itched. After the observation the witnes 12/30/1972 #34072 lls and general weakness. His eyes itched and he couldn't watch television 9/28/1987 #46389## Word: "itches", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
iding a bicycle. He suddenly feels itches running through his body. Surpris 9/17/1954 #15095## Word: "itchiness", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
However, the next day he feels an itchiness on his back and stomach. Irrit 5/22/1973 #34438## Word: "itching", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)
After their departure, Cynthia has itching and buzzing and the room smells 1/7/1958 #20121 who touched it (burning sensation, itching, nausea). According to reports, 10/12/1966 #27193 is eyebrows and was suffering from itching, Da Silva who had a thick head o 5/17/1968 #30477 his ears, a sensation of heat, and itching over his entire body. There was 9/27/1972 #33895 e road anymore. We felt unbearable itching that lasted about ten hours." (A 8/6/1976 #38647 starts again. All four suffer from itching for the next 10 hours. 8/6/1976 #38652 he Chiassons suffered from intense itching. 8/6/1976 #38653 , a burning sensation on his chin, itching on his left thigh, and he felt e 11/9/1979 #42683 gical effects including headaches, itching, thirst, and general weakness. 11/9/1979 #42683 the rest of the night, my body was itching and I was scratching everywhere" 5/31/1993 #49490## Word: "itchy", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
er her eyes were red, swollen, and itchy for two full weeks. 11/27/1966 #27379 h he splits a boot and acquires an itchy, red mark on his foot. Via hypnoti 11/29/1980 #43444## Word: "itek", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
the MISS craft and the USAF hires Itek Corp. to build a high-powered camer 1958 #20090## Word: "item", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
aybe the balloon from the previous item? Early 6/1907 #2180 n't shake it. Rises and away. News item. 12/24/1944 #4116 American Heritage Center (Box #34 Item #17). 3/31/1950 #8073 ulletin publishes a facetious news item on how to recognize flying saucers, 2/20/1951 #8938 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Item” Yield: 45.5KT 5/24/1951 #9036 anned by AFU staff, and was marked item #540801. The letter covers Pan-Amer 8/1/1954 #14794 d its face, for 5-7 minutes. Only item in case file was summary form. 1/1/1955 #16912 quipment and took a double of each item: one of each type of hook, one bank 5/3/1969 (approximate) #31713 1010095840/http://www.waterufo.net/item.php?id=197 Note: Publisher of t 10/24/1969 #32073 three times. (New Orleans States- Item, Associated Press story, Aug, 13, 1 8/13/1974 #36414 ckheed Skunk Works stated the line item was funding for a stealth bomber pr 1985 #45551## Word: "items", 43 instance(s) (Back to Top)
s pulled out, clothes and personal items are scattered on the deck. No trac 2/26/1855 #1122 is a ten dollar bill, go get these items and keep the change for your troub 4/21/1897 #1903 Barclay brought back the requested items (except the sharpening stone which 4/21/1897 #1903 and requested some common hardware items to repair the craft. He paid with 4/22/1897 #1916 and requested some common hardware items to repair the craft. He paid with 4/22/1897 #1922 The farmer managed to gather some items, and upon his return, the aeronaut 4/22/1897 #1925 rival of Soviet troops. The seized items are first sent to Antwerp, then tr 5/31/1945 #4305 geons. No further details / 2 news items. 9/2/1947 #6308 itement. Moments later he put both items back into his tunic through a seam 8/20/1954 #14886 UAP material, approximately 1,000 items, including items from the interior 1955 #16903 proximately 1,000 items, including items from the interior of a recovered U 1955 #16903 vered UAP brought to the base; all items were photographed and tagged. Mrs. 1955 #16903 r analysis. Gibbs-Smith judged the items to be of terrestrial origin, and t 11/21/1957 #19873 AFB: In mid-1950s catalogued 1000+ items from crashed UFO. Saw 2 dead 4-5 f 1959 #20905 , Ontario. He claims that “Various items of ‘hardware’ are known to exist, 1/11/1959 #20949 ft. He was instructed to use these items for “utilization and exploitation, 1961 #22138 oject Moon Dust reporting. Several items of interest appear in the document 4/25/1961 #22290 al Division of Moon Dust and other items of great technical intelligence in 11/13/1961 #22634 goes over the nearby barn. Several items in the backyard have been moved (l 6/14/1964 #24239 cer returns June 7 and leaves some items, including several pieces of metal 4/24/1965 #24883 ches an investigation. The various items Bryant turns over to the two inves 4/24/1965 #24883 t. She indicates that the supposed items related to Mantell were purchased 4/24/1965 #24883 ide of the disc has numerous round items. Green walks toward the object, bu 9/14/1965 #25600 ve.org/view_archive.php?archive=/8/items/bluebook/1950s.zip&file=1950s%2F19 7/21/1966 #26815 tered the same house, taking small items with them. This behavior spread fe 6/26/1968 #30609 s and reportedly they took several items. 7/2/1968 #30662 tional security issues, but also, “items with an unusual twist or concernin 6/1969 #31795 xamines more than 2 million mailed items every year, photographs 30,000 env 4/14/1971 #32810 draws its objections to 171 of the items but stands firm on the remaining 1 3/1972 #33386 that they seemed to be collecting items from the ground. She also noticed 6/1/1972 #33523 g two glowing creatures collecting items from the ground in the front yard 11/4/1973 #35349 small beings around it, collecting items. The journalist tried to take phot End of 1975 #38034 tain “exotic and very closely held items relating to sources and methods.” 11/19/1976 #38994 ivision cataloged thousands of UAP items, photograph and tagging them; ther 8/1978 #41053 nvestigators who collect “rod-like items” from inside experience mild burns Early 8/1987 #46312 ical experiments on him, inserting items into his nose and mouth. He is giv 12/1/1987 #46448 al dealing with emergency response items mentions the US Army 52nd Ordnance 1996 #51292 aceship models he has crafted with items like trashcan lids, carpet tacks, 1997 #51846 industry (without saying where the items came from) to reverse engineer the 6/1997 #52029 et “Jehovah” and discusses several items, including: the assassination of a 11/1998 #52467 https://ia803008.us.archive.org/4/items/HiddenTruthForbiddenKnowledgeSteve 8/2004 #53594 ella, but control of the technical items are in the private sector and the 8/4/2007 #53916 alone generates 196 separate news items and reaches a readership of 25 mil 8/5/2010 #54166## Word: "itenhaem", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
(Translated from French) At Itenhaem (Brazil), a woman is woken up b 6/15/1952 #10372 Itenhaem, Brazil A woman was awakened by Summer 1952 #10475## Word: "iterations", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ted in Project Star Gate’s various iterations, something Dames promptly den 7/2012 #54224## Word: "ithaca", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ITHACA, NY 1 observer. TV electro-magnet 10/20/1967 #29708 USA, Ithaca (New York) (Translated from Frenc 12/12/1967 #30047 Ithaca & Auburn bt., NY 6:45 p.m. EST. A 12/12/1967 #30050 Ithaca, New York 10:00 p.m. Two men are 10/28/1983 #44967 re driving in the countryside near Ithaca, New York, looking for signs of d 10/28/1983 #44967 ITHACA, NY 75 observer(s). 8 odd blimps 5/20/1989 #47136 12 MI WITH ITHACA, NY 3 / car. Red-glowing delta/tr 3/3/1991 #48376 ITHACA, NY Pilot and wife. Large glowing 2/16/1996 #51409 wo more reports were received from Ithaca, New York at the UFO Reporting Ce 10/27/2004 #53642## Word: "ithacar", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
give him a message from Asthar and Ithacar, he must send letters to stop nu 9/4/1962 #23136## Word: "ithakar", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
saying they were Ashtar Sheran and Ithakar (note from vog: it couldn't be m 4/30/1962 #22840## Word: "itibi", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
m the city of Cotosi on the Planet Itibi Ra and that his name was Satu Ra. 1964 #23950 a saucer came to pick them up. On Itibi Ra, they had moved their Moon (Cax 2/17/1967 #27848## Word: "itinerant", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ick Bradley. Suspicion falls on an itinerant dentist from Maine, Elmer H. B 11/22/1896 #1566## Word: "itinerary", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
o be a bit confused about Menger's itinerary and curriculum 1945 #4129## Word: "itl", 454 instance(s) (Back to Top)
MILANO, ITL Fazio Cardano. 7 small humanoids (or 8/13/1491 #324 TORINO, ITL Blast shakes sky. Blue object shoots 1/2/1756 #701 CAPODIMONTE OBSERVER(S), ITL Astronomer. Odd shapes pass suns fac 5/11/1845 #1045 FIRENZE, ITL Numerous observer(s). White ovoid pa 4/24/1909 #2281 PIEVE DI TECO, ITL Teen. Copper 'fish' dives going down 2/1923 #2918 CORBOLA, ITL Girl / 11. 3M glowing-object dives / 7/1927? #3010 MONTEBENICHI, ITL Top saucer lands. Door drops. 2 smal 8/1930 #3088 PORTOFERRAIO, ITL 3 military pilots. Flaming jet going 10/10/1936 #3349 CAPODICHINO, ITL Customs men. Classic 25M saucer quic 4/1937 #3374 BERGAMO, ITL Man walking. Small disk scoots / str 11/1942 #3720 ADRIATIC NORTHEAST / BARI, ITL 3 P38 crews. Silver disk / 50k'. Goi 6/5/1944? #3949 LORETO, ITL AND MORE/OTHERS Allied and German tr 7/5/1944 (approximate) #3969 GARISENDA, ITL Numerous observer(s). Several lumino 7/11/1947 #5998 NEAR RAVEO, ITL 10M domed saucer. Observer(s) faints 8/14/1947 #6245 ALBERA LIGURE, ITL 2 observer(s). Brassy disk with glas 6/27/1949 #7440 CEGLIE MESSAPICO, ITL 80cm wide double-umbrella takes off 3/28/1950 #8042 OFF RICCIONE, ITL Boat crew. Ovoid dives / sea. Column 4/1/1950 #8090 ABBIATE GUAZZONE, ITL 3 pseudo-human/entity weld saucer bo 4/24/1950 #8208 ROMA, ITL Crowds / observers. 2 flashing sauce 5/6/1950 #8256 VOGHENZA, ITL Farm. 6M metallic saucer going down 8/14/1951 #9156 NEAR PALERMO, ITL 3 / outing. Disk hovers / 3km altitu 6/3/1952 (approximate) #10277 CATANIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT AND, ITL Numerous HIQ observer(s) / (seen thr 6/4/1952 #10281 CALUSO, ITL 1 observer. Flashing disk hovers ver 6/28/1952 #10571 SERCHIO RIVER, ITL 25M saucer hovers and drops hose goi 7/25/1952 #11173 CASTELFRANCO EMILIA, ITL Farmer. Plate-saucer hovers. 5M cyli 11/16/1952 #12653 NEAR MODENA, ITL Saucer going down. Opens like clamsh 11/30/1952 #12741 TORRE DE'PICENARDI, ITL 10M teardrop lands / tripod. 2 2M ps 6/1954 #14516 CASTELFRANCO, VITERBO, ITL Several observer(s). Noisy saucer gl 9/14/1954 #15059 PRATICA DI MARE AND ROMA, ITL Thousands / observer(s) and RADAR's. 9/17/1954 #15098 WEST / ROMA, ITL Truncated cone seen / 25km coastline 9/17/1954 #15099 CA' PISANI, ITL 2 observer(s). Dark rectangle going 10/14/1954 #15907 BARBAMARCO, ITL Ovoid maneuvers. Going down / canal. 10/14/1954 #15909 FERRARA, ITL Chemist at factory. Ovoid hovers / 2 10/14/1954 #15927 CA' VENIER, ITL 2 / farm. Saucer on field / several 10/14/1954 #15934 LUINO, ITL Saucer passes over / range of trees. 10/15/1954 #15983 BOARIA, ITL 4 observer(s). Ovoid over house. Bur 10/15/1954 #15984 PO-DI-GNOCCA, ITL Saucer lands and quickly going up. 6 10/15/1954 #15985 TEOLO, ITL 1 observer. Adamski-saucer with 4 ba 10/15/1954 #15986 CAPRI, ITL Painter. Fat silent metallic 4M glow 10/17/1954 #16072 NAPOLI, ITL Several observer(s). Luminous/glowin 10/17/1954 #16080 ASCOLI PISCENO, ITL Several observers. Umbrella saucer s 10/17/1954 #16085 GORIZIA, ITL 10M domed saucer / portholes lands. 10/19/1954 #16161 FABRIANO, MARCHE, ITL 6M saucer / antenna hovers low. Robo 10/19/1954 #16163 ERBA / COMO, ITL Small humanoid (or Grey) zaps man / 10/20/1954 #16198 MELITO, ITL UFO lands. Figure / diving suit ligh 10/21/1954 #16218 AVELLINO, ITL Several observer(s). Saucer over rai 10/22/1954 #16249 SAN GIUSEPPI VESUVIANO, ITL 2M UFO / roadside. White light going 10/23/1954 #16266 CASTIGLIONE D / PESCAIA, ITL Buzz. Small humanoid (or Grey) board 10/24/1954 #16291 PANCOLE, ITL Doctor / car. Luminous/glowing globe 10/24/1954 #16299 BENABBIO, ITL Red 'saucer' / ground. 2 figure(s) e 10/25/1954 #16325 ANCONA, ITL Silent luminous/glowing green cone g 10/26/1954 #16349 RIMINI, ITL Hundreds / observer(s). Dark green c 10/26/1954 #16350 FIRENZE, ITL 15K / ballgame. 2 orbs drops angel h 10/27/1954 #16373 NEAR GROSSETO, TUSC, ITL Woman sees fat ugly being with helme 10/27/1954 #16383 PADOVA, ITL 3 observer(s). 8M ovoid / 12M altitu 10/28/1954 #16407 PALAGONIA, ITL Semi-transparent saucer hovers. Figu 10/29/1954 #16427 BOLZANO, ITL Several observer(s). Large cigar-obj 10/30/1954 #16439 ROMA, ITL 100+observer(s). 2 white dots maneuv 10/30/1954 #16440 MURO LUCANO, ITL 2 UFO's. Rhomboid and cylinder/cylin 10/30/1954 #16442 NEAR CENNINA, ITL 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / small 11/1/1954 #16472 MODIGLIANA, ITL Farmer. Dark object 500M away. Figur 11/1/1954 #16473 MAROCCO, ITL Green glowing saucer hovers low. Fig 11/1/1954 #16475 NEAR BUCINE, ITL Man / mopod/motorscooter/motorbike. 11/1/1954 #16476 GIULIANOVA, ITL 1M small humanoid (or Grey) jerks ab 11/2/1954 #16496 MONTEBOUNO, ITL Several observer(s). Cylinder/cigar- 11/3/1954 #16505 NEAR MONTE ORTOBENE, ITL 3 separate observer(s). 15M domed sa 11/4/1954 #16519 SOUTHEAST / FIRENZE, ITL 6 observer(s). Round glowing-sphere/ 11/4/1954 #16521 CAMPIGLIA MARITTIMA, ITL Farmer / bike. Red-glow torpedo / lo 11/4/1954 #16522 LIVORNO, ITL Fishermen spooked. Waves / night lig 11/8/1954 (approximate) #16557 TRAVERSONE, ITL Red beam / low altitude sweeps 2 tra 11/10/1954 #16586 ISOLA / ORTONOVO, ITL 3 small humanoids (or Greys) / sauce 11/11/1954 #16591 ARQUA'POLESINE, ITL Fisherman. 3M transparent globe goin 11/12/1954 (approximate) #16592 CATANIA, ITL 4 / car. Metallic disk going down [t 11/16/1954 #16635 MONTEBUONO, ITL Several observer(s). 10M cylinder/ci 12/3/1954 #16731 CASELLE DI NOGARA, ITL Saucer / field several min. Observer 12/4/1954 #16739 GRICIGNANO D'AVERSA, ITL Man abduction / 2 days / 2 pseudo-hu 12/9/1954 #16765 PREDALE, CASINA, ITL Luminous/glowing barrel hovers verti 12/11/1954 #16787 CASTELLUCCIO DI NORCIA, ITL Luminous/glowing triangle going down 12/22/1954 #16847 BERGAMO, ITL Cylinder/cigar-shape / 25M altitude. 12/29/1954 #16870 SOMMAPRADA, LOZIO, ITL Fat cylinder/cigar-shape going down 12/30/1954 #16877 RIVOLI, ITL Metallic disk / ground. 3 pseudo-hum 4/1955 (approximate) #17097 BADIA POLESINE, ITL 2 observer(s). Unusual double cone w 7/8/1955 #17284 PERGINE-V, ITL Several observer(s). Silver-green ha 8/10/1955 #17399 TRIESTE, ITL Many observer(s) / coast. Luminous o 6/27/1956 #18037 SOUTH GIUSTINO COSPAIA, ITL Black silent 2.5M cylinder/cigar-sha 7/1957 #18956 ISOLA DI GIGLIO, ITL Numerous observer(s). Long cone hove 7/13/1957 #18988 CASTIGLIONCELLO COVE, ITL 2 observer(s). Big green-glow ovoid 8/1957 (approximate) #19076 SOUTH MICHELE EXTRA, VERONA, ITL Priest. 10M cylinder/cigar-shape goi 10/1957 #19277 GIAVENO, ITL Hunter. Whistle! 2 disks land. 2 pse 11/8/1957 #19744 ADRO, ITL Several observer(s). 2.3M saucer / s 6/1958 #20409 TRIESTE, ITL 2 kids. 25M domed saucer. White stea 8/1958 #20518 ROMA AND MORE/OTHERS, ITL Power outage as fireball going south 8/3/1958 #20526 NEAR VERONA, ITL 1 / train. Metallic disk / 10M altit 1/1959 #20919 TORINO, ITL Red-yellow sphere/orb/globe stops 10 3/15/1959 #21063 BRINDISI, ITL Many observer(s). Huge yellow glowin 5/21/1959 #21179 CAPO PASSERO, ITL Disk sinks 200M offshore. No further 2/8/1960 #21679 SCANDALE, ITL 1 observer. 2M grey metallic torpedo 7/1960 #21878 OFF SAVONA, ITL Sea boils. Glowing-saucer emerges. G 6/3/1961 #22353 ZIBELLO, ITL Man / river Po. 5M red-yellow disk / 3/1962 #22755 RIVOLI, ITL 2 observer(s). 15M metallic saucer g 4/9/1962 #22801 RESCALDINA, ITL 4 observer(s). Silent saucer / stron 4/11/1962 #22805 MT. ETNA, ITL 2 pseudo-human/entity / diving suits 4/30/1962 #22844 VERONA, ITL Many observer(s). Saucer maneuvers. 6/26/1962 #22969 BOLOGNA, ITL 5M saucer lands by observer(s). 2 ps 12/9/1962 #23338 MILANO, ITL Whistle. 5M saucer hovers 1M / groun 12/18/1962 #23354 LAVENO TO/FROM INTRA, ITL 3 / boat. 2 classic saucers 20M over 12/19/1962 #23358 ROMA, ITL 5M odd-shape domed saucer / tripod / 1/4/1963 #23396 SAN PIETRO VERNOTICO, ITL 4.5M saucer lands. Observer(s) froze 1/11/1963 #23401 LECCE, ITL 3M domed saucer offloads "particle". 2/20/1963 #23443 FANO, ITL Metallic cone saucer near ground. Tu 9/20/1963 #23768 BORGOMANERO, ITL 3 observer(s). Strange 1M object nea 1/7/1964 #23961 OFF NICASTRO, ITL Several observer(s). Green saucers m 1/9/1964 #23962 BERGEGGI, ITL 1 observer. Sphere grazes sea surfac 7/10/1964 #24289 PORTOGRUARO, ITL Boy / 10. Transparent domed object / 8/1964 #24360 SIENA, ITL 2 boys. 1M saucer skims roofs / 80kp 8/1964 #24361 MAZARA / VALLO, ITL Boy / 10. Round white object going / 8/1964 #24363 PALERMO, ITL UFO going [to] over open air cinema. 8/24/1964 #24416 OFF CATTOLICA, ITL Radiologist / boat. 5 saucers emerge 8/1965 (approximate) #25231 ARTEGNA, ITL 2 soldiers / railroad/railway tracks 9/1965 #25516 FORNACETTE, ITL 4 observer(s). Saucer going down / i 7/13/1966 #26792 CAVEZZA, ITL Farmer. Fireball stops over trees. T 8/1966 (approximate) #26864 PRA, ITL Strong light. 3M silver saucer comes 9/1966 #26997 OFF SOUTH MARGHERITA LIGURE, ITL Engineer and 6 / boat. Ovoid / sea s 9/14/1966 #27066 NEAR PIACENZA, ITL 4 jet pilots and many. Large metalli 10/17/1966 #27210 SAN CATALDO, ITL 30M saucer / 5M altitude. 3 pseudo-h 4/4/1967 #28357 CAMPOBELLO DI LICATA, ITL 2+2 observer(s). Small metallic ovoi 4/25/1967 #28534 MILANO, ITL 2 observer(s). 6.5M domed glowing-sa 7/7/1967 #28994 FERRARA, ITL 2 observer(s). Ovoid hovers. Going d 8/1967 #29147 CHIARAVALLE, ITL 2 observer(s). Domed ovoid hovers / 8/15/1967 #29277 NEAR FIRENZE, ITL BEA pilot. Slender shiny metallic de 11/15/1967 #29914 ROMA, ITL Woman / zoo. Dog scared. Saucer flas 1/6/1968 #30135 MILANO, ITL Guard. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) 1/6/1968 #30136 GRODNER PASS, ITL 1 / car. 75M saucer / meadow. Robot 7/1968 #30624 CAVENAGO D'ADDA, ITL 3 workmen. Blue luminous disk lands 7/26/1968 #30761 OSTIA, ITL 3 / garden. Round 2M object maneuver 7/31/1968 #30798 SOUTHEAST / TERRACINA, ITL Numerous observer(s). Domed disk wit 8/22/1968 #30901 VADO LIGURE, ITL 8M circular object takes off from la 1/13/1969 #31422 CALTANISETTA, ITL Green turtle with claws / low altitu 3/19/1969 #31627 MARSCIANO, ITL Streak / flame. 2 fast orange globes 6/13/1970 #32391 BRINDISI, ITL 5 / car stop. Domed luminous/glowing 7/16/1970 #32435 COLLESANO, ITL 2 observer(s). Flying gas-bottle hov 5/1972 #33490 VERONA, ITL 2 weather professors. Wingless cylin 6/25/1972 #33561 LOANO, ITL Many observer(s). Saucer hovers. Lig 7/2/1972 #33587 BAGNACAVALLO, ITL 2 observer(s). 7M box with round top 7/25/1972 #33668 SPOLETO, ITL Teacher / car. 20cm sphere/orb/globe 9/1972 #33823 ROSETTO / ABRUZZI, ITL 1+3 observer(s). Sphere with triangu 9/19/1972 #33864 SAN CATALDO, ITL Flash! 2 / car stop. Big disk overhe 4/1973 #34301 MALISCOLA, ITL 2 / beach. Domed saucer / 3M altitud 5/18/1973 #34417 PONZANO MAGRA, ITL 12 observer(s). Fireball follows ter 7/4/1973 #34540 VALERIANO LUNENSE, ITL 4 cops and more/others. Sphere / woo 8/1973 (approximate) #34599 ISTRANA AIR FORCE BASE, ITL 2 1.5M small humanoids (or Greys) ne 10/7/1973 #34916 CHIGNOLO D'ISOLA, ITL Several observer(s). Delta/triangle/ 10/21/1973 #35197 GUBBIO, ITL Green circular object stops. Hovers 10/23/1973 #35221 SS WAALEKERK OFF GENOVA, ITL S. M. Saunders. Spinning top-saucer. 10/24/1973 #35229 NEAR LA SPEZIA, ITL 2 observer(s). Saucer very low / lar 10/26/1973 #35271 ORVIETO, UMBRIA, ITL Several observer(s). Luminous object 11/9/1973 #35379 FORLI, ITL 2 observer(s). Circular object / clo 11/10/1973 #35385 TORINO, ITL 1 observer. Circular object / very l 11/21/1973 #35438 SUSA, ITL 2+observer(s). Domed ovoid maneuvers 11/24/1973 #35449 TUNA, ITL Girl / 10. 10M hexagon-disk nears / 11/28/1973 #35458 TORINO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ITL Pilots and many and RADAR. Luminous/ 11/30/1973 #35472 PISA AND LIVORNO, ITL Airliner delays landing 3X. Night li 12/6/1973 #35521 CONDOVE AND CATTOLICA, ITL Dozens / separate observer(s). CLY c 12/27/1973 #35601 ALTAMURA, ITL 3 / car. Fireball quickly going down 2/6/1974 #35754 CENTO, ITL Odd cloud. Domed Adamski-saucer goin 2/7/1974 #35758 NEAR MILANO, ITL Jet pilot and Air Traffic Controller 3/12/1974 #35905 MILAZZO, ITL 3 college kids. Big glowing 'sponge' 3/18/1974 #35934 SANT'EDIGIO, ITL AND MORE/OTHERS Many observer(s). Sl 6/12/1974 #36238 BARBIANO, ITL 15M saucer with 1 wing quickly going 7/8/1974 #36310 PAVIA, ITL Silent glowing-dome going [to] overh 7/10/1974 #36324 SOUTH ROCCO AL PORTO, ITL 1 / car. Radio Frequency Interferenc 7/15/1974 #36329 MERATE, ITL 2 observer(s). Passing luminous sphe 7/17/1974 #36333 CAGLIARI, ITL Several observer(s). Mini-saucer lan 9/18/1974 #36546 PORTOSCUSO, ITL Soldier. 3M sphere stops 15M over ho 9/26/1974 #36563 SAUZE D'OULX, ITL 2+4 observer(s). Dark round object / 10/1974 #36582 CAGLIARI, ITL 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape 11/10/1974 #36684 CASTELLEALE, ITL Animals frantic. Man / odd suit ride 11/15/1974? #36691 DOLIANOVA, ITL 2 / car. Ovoid hovers 10M over sport 1/28/1975 #36893 FOLIGNO, ITL 1 / home. Silver-metallic luminous s 2/10/1975 #36928 ORANI, ITL 2 women. Red luminous moon-size sphe 3/13/1975 #37045 PIANO CHIESA, ITL 2 observer(s). Glowing-saucer comes 4/18/1975 #37157 MOSCIANO SOUTH ANGELO, ITL 2 kids. Bright red sphere going down 5/13/1975 #37230 ROSETO / ABRUZZI, ITL Night lights. Red sphere maneuvers t 7/1975 #37324 ASSEMINI, ITL 1 / car. Oval blob-light going down 7/12/1975 #37365 SALERNO, ITL 3M 'fusiform' object stops / 5M alti 7/23/1975 #37400 VERTOVA, ITL Odd noise. Round object going down / 9/15/1975 #37620 SINNAI, ITL Brilliant 35cm ball / light / ground 9/29/1975 #37670 SOUTH AGATA / GOTI, ITL 2+2 observer(s). Flash. Odd object g 10/4/1975 #37701 ALBA ADRIATICA, ITL Ovoid with halo rotates counterclock 11/1975 #37855 GROSSETO, ITL Separate observer(s). Red disk arcs 11/26/1975 #38018 MOSCIANO SOUTH ANGELO, ITL 2 observer(s). Orange-red glowing-di 11/28/1975 #38025 ASCOLI PICENO, ITL Fishermen. Brilliant Oblong object r 3/30/1976 #38357 NEAR VITTORIA, ITL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Odd ship 4/25/1976 #38413 SANT'ONOFRIO, ITL 10M ringed-sphere nears. Black shado 5/18/1976 #38455 SOUTH ONOFRIO, CAMPLI, ITL Separate observer(s). Odd moon going 5/19/1976 #38458 SINNAI, ITL 1 observer. 30cm white globe going e 5/27/1976 #38469 ROMA, ITL Many observer(s). Domed saucer / tre 6/21/1976 #38520 PALAGNANO, ITL Oval light nears. Stops 20M away / 1 7/11/1976 #38565 QUERCIANELLA, ITL Crashed transparent cylinder/cigar-s 8/1976 #38619 CALIGNAIA, ITL 3 men / bridge. Dog barks. Colored l 8/12/1976 #38672 MORTARA, ITL Luminous lens saucer descends to 20M 8/21/1976 #38699 FORTE DEI MARMI, ITL 3 kids / beach. 35cm fireball 30M aw 8/27/1976 #38722 RAVENNA, ITL Screech! Red ovoid and white sphere 9/3/1976 #38746 NEAR RAGUSA, ITL 2 / car. Green-glow "being" follows 9/18/1976 #38817 BERRA, ITL 1 / car. Pale-white hemisphere going 10/1976 #38865 MONTENERO, ITL Saucer stops over car. Beam going do 1/3/1977 #39136 SCERNE DI PINETO, ITL Red circular object glides going dow 1/5/1977 #39146 SARNICO, ITL 2 observer(s). Sky-blue washtub sauc 3/1977 #39316 SIRACUSA, ITL Many observer(s). Metallic ball or c 3/17/1977 #39376 MASSENZATICO, ITL 2 observer(s). Fireball maneuvers an 3/30/1977 #39398 NEAR RAGUSA, ITL Dark grey 14M ovoid rises / ground. 5/5/1977 #39530 BOMPORTO, ITL Several observer(s). Flaming 12M sph 6/29/1977 #39687 ROSETO DEGLI ABRUZZI, ITL Night swimmer. 50cm sphere emerges / 7/1977 #39703 AVIANO, ITL 40M disk / low altitude. Hums. Color 7/1/1977 #39709 SOUTH CRISTOFORO, CESENA, ITL 2 kids. Red 25cm ball hovers / field 7/10/1977 #39743 ROSETO DEGLI ABRUZZI, ITL Kids with 2-way radios. Radio Freque 7/12/1977 #39748 MOTTA SAN GIOVANNI, ITL 2 / car and others. 3M glowing-disk 7/31/1977 #39820 ORTONA, ITL Hot wind. Silent luminous/glowing me 8/1977 #39827 OFF IMPERIA, ITL 12 astronomers and more. Saucer goin 8/9/1977 #39866 SEA SOUTHWEST / NAPLES, ITL 3 crewmen. Cylinder/cigar-shape foll 8/12/1977 #39888 AIOLA, ITL Several observer(s). Flash! Luminous 8/13/1977 #39892 SASSO MARCONI, ITL All silent! 45M metallic disk / 20M 8/13/1977 #39894 VICENZA, ITL Blazing 1.5M disk-light / X-low alti 8/13/1977 #39896 PADOVA, ITL 1 / bicycle. Headlight dies. Rounded 8/22/1977 #39917 CARRARA, ITL Sculptor. 20M and plate-saucer hover 8/24/1977 #39918 RIMINI, ITL 2 UFO-types signal going up / sky. G 8/24/1977 #39920 MOTTA SOUTH GIOVANNI, ITL Big umbrella-saucer knocks out stree 8/25/1977 #39921 FONTANIGORDA, ITL Fireball going down. Small humanoids 8/26/1977 #39925 NEAR BOLOGNA, ITL 1 observer. 5M 'UFO' follows railroa 8/27/1977 #39927 NEAR STURNO, ITL 7 observer(s). 2M man / spacesuit an 8/31/1977 #39944 LA SILA, ITL Several saucer landings / days. Each 9/1977 #39952 CASERTA, ITL Science grad. Several small humanoid 9/1977 #39955 MARRUBIU, ITL 2 / parked car. Bright orange 2M sau 9/19/1977 #40007 OSPEDALETTO, ITL 4 / car / toll booth. 3M dome saucer 10/3/1977 #40069 FIESOLE, ITL 3 observer(s). Glowing-disk going do 10/6/1977 #40075 ZUGLIANO, ITL 4 / car. Big luminous disk going dow 10/15/1977 #40098 ELMAS AIR FORCE BASE / CAGLIARI, ITL Many observer(s). Glowing-saucer fol 10/27/1977 #40145 ACERNO, ITL 2 hunting. Blunted cylinder/cigar-sh 12/1977 (approximate) #40241 PONTECCHIO MARCONI, ITL 1 / home. 20M top saucer passes / 10 12/6/1977 #40265 PONTECCHIO MARCONI, ITL Dome going [to] slow / ground level 12/10/1977 #40284 LEGNANO, ITL 1 / car. Bright red ovoid hovers upr 12/10/1977 #40285 SAN MAURO TORINESE, ITL Area lit. 1M light-disk stops / 25M 12/21/1977 #40333 RONCOBILACCIO, ITL Red luminous 25cm ball follows car / 1/1978 #40370 FAEDIS VALLEY, ITL 2 with CB Radio. 20M soup-bowl sauce 2/1978 #40484 PTO.VALTRAVALGLIA, ITL 3 / car. Dark box / road. Paralysis. 2/1978 #40485 SESTO FLORENTINO, ITL 2 / car. Violet cloud. 4 vague figur 2/23/1978 #40550 NEAR ANCONA, ITL "Green flash" buzzes commercial flig 3/9/1978 #40578 CISERNS, ITL 3 radiomen. Round orange object mane 3/11/1978 #40587 SALERNO, ITL Boy / 16. Lampshade saucer stops / 2 3/17/1978 (approximate) #40604 POLICASTRO, ITL 2 grey-green cigars going [to] low a 3/18/1978 (approximate) #40608 VOLTRI, ITL Several observer(s). 3 red saucers. 3/22/1978 #40620 NEAR FAEDIS, ITL 2 / car. 20M saucer 500M away. Much 3/29/1978 #40659 SAN BERNARDINO, ITL 7 teens. Intense whistle. Large ovoi 4/20/1978 #40726 CODROIPO, ITL Numerous motorists. Luminous ball fo 4/24/1978 #40734 VILLAMMARE DI SAPRI, ITL Sphere going down. Pseudo-human/enti 4/25/1978 #40735 VITTORIO, ITL 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Glow boa 4/25/1978 #40736 CIAMPINO AIRPORT, ITL 2 observer(s). Wedge-shape offloads 4/27/1978 #40745 TAVARNUZZE, ITL 2-3 30cm spheres hide / passing car. 5/22/1978 #40811 NEAR BELLARIA, ITL 3+observer(s). Dome / field rotates 6/4/1978 #40838 VILLAMMARE DI SAPRI, ITL 3 dark 60cm objects rise / ground. " 6/9/1978 #40847 TORAZZA COSTE, ITL Cop and separate observer(s). Lumino 6/20/1978 #40877 VILLAFRANCA / LUNIGIANA, ITL Small glowing-triangle follows 3 / m 6/22/1978 (approximate) #40883 FARNETO, ITL Brilliant 4M sphere quickly going do 6/23/1978 #40885 CITANOVA MARCH, ITL 1 / beach. Glowing-sphere going [to] 6/24/1978 #40888 CORSICO, ITL Watchman finds dark domed saucer on 7/1978 #40904 FIRENZE, ITL Classic saucer appears / family phot 7/15/1978? #40976 LURATE CACCIVIC, ITL Orange object spins. Stops / cemeter 7/18/1978 #40990 TORTORETO, ITL 4 observer(s). White globe going dow 8/1978 #41048 VALLENONCELLO, ITL Saucer going down / 3M altitude. Bur 8/2/1978 #41058 MONTE DEL LAGO, ITL Moon-size round object stops. Going 8/19/1978 #41123 BOLZANO, ITL Woman / bicycle. Colored 6M sphere / 8/22/1978 #41138 LIVORNO, ITL 2 / 5th floor wakened / buzz. Saucer 8/28/1978 #41176 PENNA ST. ANDREA, ITL 4 / car. Silent vertical ovoid. Ring 9/1978 #41210 SAN MICHELE, ITL Hiss. 10M cylinder/cigar-shape going 9/2/1978 #41221 SASSELLO, ITL 2 round black objects / street make 9/6/1978 #41231 SPINETTA MARENGO, ITL Many observer(s). Red disk going dow 9/13/1978 #41268 SAN BASILIO, ITL 3 women. Big light becomes huge meta 9/14/1978 #41273 OFF FIUMICINO, ITL Numerous observer(s) / land and sea. 9/15/1978 #41281 OFF CECINA, ITL 12 fishermen. Big 'parachute' going 9/16/1978 #41292 SOUTH TERESA / GALLURA, ITL University Professor and 4. Brillian 9/16/1978 #41293 SPINETTA MARENGO, ITL Dark disk with red lights / bottom/u 9/16/1978 #41294 TORRITA DI SIENA, ITL Electro-magnetic effect (EME). 3M sa 9/17/1978 #41297 NEAR ROMA, ITL Doctor / car. Glassy saucer / dark d 9/18/1978 #41305 COSENZA, ITL Ovoid / hill. Observer(s) paralyzed. 9/21/1978 #41321 PIACENZA, ITL Air Force F104 pilot. Intense point 9/21/1978 #41322 OSTUNI, ITL 2 observer(s). Disk whistles / 25M a 9/25/1978 (approximate) #41347 SAN CATALDO, ITL 20M silver disk 15M over 2 / car. 3- 10/7/1978 #41409 PESCARA, ITL Night lights follow fishing boats. 1 10/12/1978 #41437 NAPOLI, ITL Observatory director. Very luminous 10/22/1978 #41471 OFF GROTTAMARE, ITL 2 / boat. 20M dark object emerges an 10/24/1978 #41481 TAGLIACOZZO, ITL 1 observer. 3M saucer / ground. 6 sm 10/25/1978 #41485 BADIA TEBALDA, ITL 10M circle / light lands / hills. Be 10/26/1978 #41492 OFF GROTTAMARE, ITL 2 / boat. Big dark object going [to] 10/27/1978 #41499 NEAR PIOMBINO, ITL 2 observer(s). Metallic dome going w 10/27/1978 #41500 ACQUAVIVA PICINA, ITL Several observer(s). Red luminous/gl 10/31/1978 #41515 MILANO, ITL 2 boys. Black Havana-cylinder/cigar- 11/1978 #41519 OFF SOUTH BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO, ITL Red night light follows and circles 11/3/1978 #41532 OFF GROTTAMARE, ITL Sea churns. Odd RADAR Radio Frequenc 11/7/1978 #41538 OFF SILVI MARINA, ITL Separate fishing boats. Night light 11/7/1978 #41539 OFF PORTO D'ASCOLI, ITL 3 / boat. Luminous/glowing red-yello 11/8/1978 #41541 NEAR MACOMER, ITL 2 / car. 1M glowing-sphere buzzes ca 11/9/1978 #41548 OFF SILVI MARINA, ITL Navy boat. Intense red night light q 11/9/1978 #41549 SALUZZO, ITL 1+3 observer(s). Domed saucer lights 11/12/1978 #41567 FIUMICINO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ITL Air Force persons and Air Traffic Co 11/12/1978 #41568 TAGLIACOZZO, ITL Farmer. Dark-beige 3M disk / ground. 11/14/1978 #41574 ROZZANO, ITL Fast green luminous sphere/orb/globe 11/19/1978 #41584 ATRI, ITL Saucer lands. Farmer raises pitchfor 11/24/1978 #41614 GALLIO, ITL 1+1 observer(s). 2 small humanoids ( 11/24/1978 #41615 NEAR BRINDISI, ITL 2 / car. Metal-grey domed saucer sto 11/29/1978 #41644 OFF VENTIMIGLIA, ITL Several / boats. 6-9 bright night li 11/30/1978 #41650 TUSCANIA AREA, ITL 2 / car / malfunctions due to EME (e 12/1978 #41655 GIULIANOVA, ITL 2 / car. Dark 1.5M saucer going sout 12/1/1978 #41664 OFF CAPO MELE, ITL Men / boat. 3 white ovoids rise / se 12/1/1978 #41665 MILANO, ITL Car stops. All electrics electro-mag 12/1/1978 #41666 COLOGNA, ITL 2 kids. Luminous colored globe hover 12/1/1978 #41667 AVEZZANO, ITL 10 observer(s). 3 night lights / tri 12/6/1978 #41692 TORRIGLIA, ITL Car malfunctions due to EME (electro 12/6/1978 #41695 BARLETTA, ITL Many and cops. Cone saucer hovers an 12/8/1978 #41704 PORTEGRANDI, ITL 2 / car. 7M disk 3M over road. Dome. 12/8/1978 #41705 CATANZARO, ITL 3 cops / car. Luminous dome tilts. S 12/8/1978 #41706 MILANERE, ITL 2 / mountains. Night light vanishes. 12/8/1978 #41707 REGGIO DI CALABRIA, ITL 3 cops and 3. Frozen / beam! Brill o 12/9/1978 #41714 NEAR NAVELLI, ITL Taxi hits brakes. 2 luminous/glowing 12/11/1978 #41722 MESSINA, ITL Brilliant yellow circular object goi 12/12/1978 #41730 MARZOCCA, ITL Can't find/locate. Car malfunctions 12/12/1978 #41731 CASALBORDINO, ITL Large hemisphere paces car / 10M alt 12/13/1978 #41738 ATRIPALDA, ITL 2 / toll booth and separate observer 12/13/1978 #41739 BRINDISI AIR FORCE BASE, ITL 2 guards. Brilliant object maneuvers 12/13/1978 #41741 AGIRA, ITL Luminous sphere going down. Ignores 12/13/1978 #41742 ROMA, ITL Man / car. Radio Frequency Interfere 12/14/1978 #41747 SOUTH VITO DEI NORMANNI, ITL Hunters. Flying spheres / 15 minute( 12/14/1978 #41748 TORREBRUNA, ITL Saucer lands / road. Door opens. Obs 12/15/1978 #41766 CATANIA, ITL 2 kids. Area darkens. Big saucer til 12/15/1978 #41767 MACOMER, SARDINIA, ITL Luminous/glowing-orange 2M sphere go 12/15/1978 #41768 LICODIA EUBIA, ITL Trucker. Radio Frequency Interferenc 12/15/1978 #41769 FRANCAVILLA, ITL Coed. White cloud-ovoid going down. 12/16/1978 #41781 CATANIA, ITL Separate observer(s) / port. Small o 12/17/1978 #41796 SAN CATALDO, ITL Several separate observer(s). Lumino 12/17/1978 #41797 PORTICO, ITL 3 / car. Power out / 2 towns. Car ma 12/17/1978 #41798 SOMMA VESUVIANA, ITL 2 men. Luminous ovoid with big anten 12/18/1978 #41802 NEAR MESSINA, ITL 2 teachers. Brilliant 1M glowing-ovo 12/18/1978 #41803 CALTAGIRONE, ITL Many separate observer(s). Silent 10 12/18/1978 #41804 CARIATI, ITL 5+observer(s). Luminous domed object 12/19/1978 #41806 MONTEBELLO DI BERTONA, ITL Postman. 'Space capsule' lands. Ligh 12/19/1978 #41807 SOUTH / SORRENTO, ITL 3 / balcony. Huge sphere low / penin 12/20/1978 #41812 TARANTO, ITL 2 / car. Orange ovoid going down [to 12/20/1978 #41813 CASALNUOVO, ITL Domed 30M saucer low over high tensi 12/22/1978 #41832 ALBINIA, ITL Numerous motorists. Luminous 12M sau 12/23/1978 #41835 PIETRACAMELA, ITL Power station and phones electro-mag 12/24/1978 #41837 CICAGNA, ITL Noise. 3M odd shape / low altitude. 12/25/1978 #41842 TORRE ARCHIRAFI, ITL 4M metallic sphere flashes low over 12/26/1978 #41850 GIULIANOVA, ITL 1 observer. Strange glowing-object g 12/26/1978 #41851 TORRIGLIA, ITL Watchman. Mist. Saucer going down. 1 12/27/1978 #41852 SANTA TECLA, ITL Several observer(s). Sea boils. Dark 12/28/1978 #41855 VIAREGGIO, ITL Hobo. Whistle! "Missile" lands. Meta 12/30/1978 #41865 OFF CUPRA MARITTIMA, ITL Several / boats and shore. Big red s 12/30/1978 #41866 NEAR POSADA, ITL 2 / car. 3M glowing-sphere / marsh. 12/31/1978 #41882 PASIANO, ITL Mopod/motorscooter/motorbike malfunc 1/1979 #41915 NAGO, ITL Extremely bright 4M red fireball / r 1/1/1979 #41920 ATRI, ITL Several observer(s). Fireball quickl 1/1/1979 #41922 RIOLO TERME, ITL Nurse. Luminous ovoid follows car / 1/1/1979 #41923 ORROLI, ITL Shepherds. Domed sphere / ground. Sw 1/2/1979 #41927 OFF AMALFI, ITL Several kids. Night lights and orbs 1/3/1979 #41934 MIRABELLO, ITL 2+kids. Flash. Burnt hair odor. 2 ps 1/3/1979 #41936 ALBINO, ITL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Pyramid 1/6/1979 #41959 RUFFIA, ITL 2 / car / malfunctions due to EME (e 1/6/1979 #41962 SOUTH CROCE SULL'ARNO, ITL 40M saucer / 10M altitude. Antenna / 1/8/1979 #41966 CASTEL D'ASSO, ITL 3 cops / car. 10M glowing-saucer / g 1/9/1979 #41974 NEAR VITERBO, ITL Farmer. Blinding 1M disk / light / g 1/13/1979 #41987 ACERRA, ITL 4 observer(s). Plaza lit up. Round o 1/15/1979 #42001 LUSIANA, ITL Car malfunctions due to EME (electro 1/18/1979 #42013 CASSOLA, ITL Newsman / car. Radio Frequency Inter 2/13/1979 #42077 FANO, ITL Several observer(s) / rain. 15M lumi 2/15/1979 #42081 OFF ARONA, ITL Saucer and plasma-beams over Lago Ma 3/3/1979 #42120 SIRACUSA, ITL 2 / beach. 5 luminous/glowing cylind 3/12/1979 #42136 SOPRALACROCE, ITL 2 observer(s). TV Radio Frequency In 3/23/1979 #42149 SIENA, ITL Boy / 10. White flat rounded hexagon 6/1979 #42269 OVER QUINTO, ITL Air Force pilot and ground observer( 6/18/1979 #42286 OF GORGONA ISLAND, ITL 17 / yacht. Huge dark cylinder/cylin 6/22/1979 #42295 SAN LIVERATO, ITL Several observer(s). 1/2 moon-size d 7/24/1979 #42345 CEPARANO, ITL Disk hovers / 6M altitude 30M away. 8/21/1979 #42445 CERESE, MANTOVA, ITL Red flashing night light stops. Turn 9/13/1979 #42556 FAENZA, RAVENNA, ITL Farm family. Circular object going q 9/13/1979 #42557 CROTONE, ITL Workmen. Luminous sphere makes vario 9/14/1979 #42559 OFF SOUTH MARGHERITA, ITL 2 / fishing boat. Swallow-tail delta 9/14/1979 #42560 PERUGIA, ITL Triangular object stops / sky. Takes 9/14/1979 #42561 GENOVA, ITL Several separate observer(s). Disk-c 9/14/1979 #42562 OFF SINISCOLA, ITL Boat crew. Sphere with luminous rays 9/14/1979 #42563 GROSSETO, ITL Luminous triangle stops / sky. Going 9/14/1979 #42564 ROMA, ITL Technician. Triangle zigzags over. E 9/14/1979 #42565 FIUMICINO, ITL Several / shore. Dark object / varie 9/15/1979 #42573 MASARA DEL VALLO, ITL 2+kids. Area lit. 30cm glowing-ball 9/20/1979 #42594 CAVALESE, ITL 2 observer(s). 8M disk 2M over river 9/21/1979 #42598 MARSALA, ITL Several observer(s). 2M ovoid stops 9/21/1979 #42599 FABBRICO, ITL Brilliant orange glow = hat saucer / 1/10/1980 #42838 FOIANO, ITL 2 observer(s). 50cm disk spins / til 3/1980 #42902 SAN RUFFILLO.ITL Several observer(s). Glowing-ball di 4/4/1980 #42972 GIULIANOVA, ITL 5 observer(s). Hiss! Dark 6M cylinde 5/11/1980 #43049 SASSANO, ITL 2 / farm field. Big white "bottle" g 7/1980 #43129 AVIANO, ITL Farmer / mopod/motorscooter/motorbik 8/1980 (approximate) #43170 POZZUOLO / FRIULI, ITL White glowing-disk maneuvers. Stops. 8/31/1980 #43227 COLLE MADDALENA, ITL Noise. Saucer maneuvers over woods a 1/28/1981 #43593 VERONA, ITL Red moon-size sphere maneuvers aroun 3/1981 #43646 BRUSCARELLA, ITL 3 kids. Cone / light maneuvers. Oran 8/5/1981 #43888 GENOVA, ITL Anonymous observer(s). Tall figure / 9/20/1981 #43964 LICATA, ITL 2 / beach. Light going up / water. H 10/24/1981 #44025 PRAGLIA, ITL 6 teens. 15M metallic ovoid lands 15 11/8/1981 #44055 OLIVETO LUCANO, ITL 2 / car. 2M luminous ball spins and 12/19/1981 #44109 GONNOSFANADIGA, ITL Chemist. Luminous object going [to] 3/15/1982 #44250 VOLPAGO, ITL Farmer. Alarm. Dark mass hovers / el 6/10/1982 #44364 45 NM SOUTHEAST / BRINDISI, ITL 737 crew and more/others. Black rect 6/21/1982 #44385 PAVIA, ITL 1 / car / home. Saucer hovers / 20M 1/1983 #44641 VARZI, ITL 3 observer(s). Saucer going down / f 6/5/1983 #44792 PIETRALUNGA, ITL 3 / car. Luminous ovoid? hovers 20M 7/13/1983 #44834 WEST / MACOMER, ITL 2 kids. Small humanoid (or Grey) / w 4/26/1984 #45258 PRATO / PRINCIPATO, ITL 4' figure / helmet probes ground / f 10/8/1984 #45461 POLCANTO, FIRENZE, ITL Figure / hill. Light / head. Observe 10/9/1984 #45466 BORGO SOUTH LORENZO, ITL Odd glowing-man / farm road. Luminou 10/9/1984 #45467 ARCEVIA, ITL Several observer(s). Domed metallic 3/18/1985 #45583 PIANCAVALLO NORTHWEST / AVIANO, ITL Green fog. Car malfunctions due to E 4/14/1985 #45591 FIRENZE, ITL 1 observer. Ovoid near balcony. 2 me 8/8/1985 #45664 BARCIS GOING [TO] CIMOLAIS, ITL Red beam. Car malfunctions due to EM 8/6/1987 #46319 SORRENTO, ITL Greek airline(s)/airliner pilot and 3/29/1989 #47053 ROMA, ITL Hundreds and more/others. Orange bal 4/21/1990 #47857 FERRERE, ASTI, ITL Glowing-ovoid radiates 4 beams. Larg 7/30/1990 #48011 NEAR GENOVA, ITL British 747 crew. UFO over city / 2 11/5/1990 #48232 GUIDONIA, ITL 4 observer(s) and kids. Balloon drop 6/17/1993 #49516 SULMONA, ITL 5 observer(s). 25cm ball going down. 6/20/1993 #49522 SOUTH / MESSINA, ITL Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) tel 6/21/1993 #49523 NEAR PADOVA, ITL Robot with lights etc. Telepathy = ' 7/8/1994 #50160 AVEZZANO, ITL 2 / car. Luminous diamond drops over 7/13/1994 #50163 BERCETO, ITL Several observer(s). Saucer going [t 11/18/1994 #50414 NEAR PORDENONE, ITL Fat 3M saucer hovers / 80cm altitude 5/19/1995 #50805 NEAR LA SPEZIA, ITL 4 / roadside. Ovoid with 10 lights t 1/5/1996 #51301 NEAR AVELLINO, ITL 2 observer(s). Bright red disk going 8/10/1996 #51632 ALASSIO, ITL 12 / (seen thru) binoculars. Unident 8/25/1996 #51656 TROMELLO, PAVIA, ITL 4 / car and more. "Merry-go-round" h 9/9/1996 #51677 CASTELLO D'AGOGNA, ITL Can't find/locate. 1 observer. Lumin 11/25/1996 #51804 SOUTH MARTINO / SPINO, ITL 1 Mx2M cylinder/cylindrical object u 3/5/1997 #51926 RHO, ITL 2 / farm. White inverted pear going 3/8/1998 #52306 GUALDO TADINO, ITL 4 observer(s). Glowing sphere circle 7/13/1998 #52384 GUBBIO, ITL 7 observer(s). Glowing-ball going NN 7/13/1998 #52385 RIETI, ITL Cop. 5M disk low / valley. Brushes t 10/3/1998 #52450 STRA, ITL 1 observer. 6M saucer 300M away low 12/21/1998 #52498 MERLENGO, ITL Large cylinder/cigar-shape going [to 12/26/1998 #52501 CAVA DEI TIRRENI, ITL Teen. 10M black disk hovers / homes. 1/9/1999 #52511 BOLOGNA, ITL Dark cylinder/cigar-shape spins / Ma 2/27/1999 #52539 PONTELONGO, ITL Moon-size orange disk 100M away / lo 2/10/2000 #52779 SANTENA, ITL Silent metallic domed saucer. Numero 2/23/2001 #52999 CARONNO PERTUSELLA, ITL Separate observer(s). Luminous/glowi 4/23/2001 #53022 CARONNO PERTUSELLA, ITL Watchman. Round object with dome bec 4/30/2001 #53032 MONSELICE, ITL 2+1 observer(s). Silent 10M box goin 8/3/2001 #53085 REVELLO, ITL Several observer(s). Luminous rectan 2/19/2002 #53180 ORBASSANO, ITL Electro-magnetic effect (EME) and wh 9/28/2002 #53277## Word: "itr", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ot tall enough to stand up inside. Itr hovered near the municipal airport. 9/8/1968 #30982## Word: "its-circumference", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ct with flashing red lights around its-circumference, and two smaller white 4/18/1966 #26447## Word: "itt", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
y Signal Security Agency persuades ITT, RCA, and Western Union to continue 8/1945 #4359## Word: "itufor", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
igation by Antonio Cuccu of CISU - Itufor 10.7.95) Around 9 pm a dozen peop 7/27/1993 #49589## Word: "ituporanga", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Bela Vista Farm Highway 227 Ituporanga, Santa Catarina, Brazil 2:30 12/12/1995 #51270 off Highway 227 about 5 miles from Ituporanga, Santa Catarina, Brazil, when 12/12/1995 #51270## Word: "iturama", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Iturama, Minas Gerais, Brazil 9 miles fr 12/13/2000 #52960 Minas Gerais, Brazil 9 miles from Iturama, Minas Gerais, Brazil 10:00 pm. 12/13/2000 #52960 swagen on a dirt road 9 miles from Iturama, Minas Gerais, Brazil—João Caian 12/13/2000 #52960## Word: "iturbide", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Juana Villalobos Moreno and Carlos Iturbide Masana home. "300 meters from t 11/26/1997 #52199## Word: "ituzaingó", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
reyra Neuropsychiatric Hospital at Ituzaingó 2837, Mendoza, Argentina 1:20 7/22/1968 #30732 reyra Neuropsychiatric Hospital at Ituzaingó 2837, Mendoza, Argentina, hear 7/22/1968 #30732## Word: "iue", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nslated from French) Launch of the IUE ultraviolet satellite (ESA-NASA). (J 1/26/1978 #40464## Word: "iufo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e craft. On NORAD Doppler radar. / Iufo. 3/3/1996 #51443## Word: "iuliu", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2:00 a.m. Iuliu Marian and his wife wake up abrupt 5/1974 #36124## Word: "iuntil", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
not working accurately. They wait iuntil 11:30 p.m., but do not see it aga 4/29/1967 #28568## Word: "iur", 19 instance(s) (Back to Top)
t on the Man behind Project Sign,” IUR 23, no. 4 (Winter 1998): 24). Craigi 12/30/1947 #6484 deghier elaborately demonstrate in IUR. 1/9/1953 #12959 ome Clark, “Passport to Moniheya,” IUR 20, no. 3 (May/June 1995): 10–19; Sp 3/2/1965 #24787 ge. “A Professional Observation,” IUR 7, no. 2, March 1982 http://www.cu 1/18/1966 #25928 field, “Present at the Abduction,” IUR 17, no. 3 (May/June 1992): 13–14, 23 7/25/1972 #33672 ication System for UFO Occupants,” IUR 24, no. 1 (Spring 1999): 20) July 27 7/25/1972 #33672 riences from the Timmerman Files,” IUR 27, no. 2 (Summer 2002): 23–24) Betw 8/1973 #34603 of the International UFO Reporter (IUR) is published by the Center for UFO 11/1976 #38950 erference, case 406, citing CUFOS; IUR,2,4) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 1/27/1977 #39213 erference, case 406, citing CUFOS; IUR,2,4) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 1/27/1977 #39214 toward Chicago against the wind. (IUR,2,5) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 4/5/1977 #39414 nds, was flying against the wind. (IUR,2,6) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 5/8/1977 #39545 d it, heading eastbound. 30-secs. (IUR,2,6) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 5/8/1977 #39546 in NE and was lost in the trees. (IUR,2,9) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/31/1977 #39822 tion is 5 minutes. (“Case 2-9-89,” IUR 2, no. 10 (October 1977): wrap) Augu 8/11/1977 #39880 straight path w/o sound or trail. (IUR NF, 10/31/77) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 10/13/1977 #40091 Toledo, OH 7:30 PM (IUR,3,12) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 3/10/1978 #40583 all mankind.” (“U.N. Background,” IUR 3, no. 10/11 (Oct./Nov. 1978): 5; Cl 7/7/1978 #40938 se paced car for several minutes. (IUR,3,9) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/7/1978 #41077## Word: "iur-3", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e water level is down three feet. (IUR-3,6) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/11/1981 #43824## Word: "iur-8", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
f a deltoid object with no sound. (IUR-8,1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 10/2/1982 #44512## Word: "iur-9", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Cedar Lake, IN (IUR-9,1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 8/26/1983 #44891## Word: "iurchuk", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tory of the FAO, written by Carlos Iurchuk, was sent to the British by Luis 8/16/1996 #51642## Word: "iurdvd", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
March 1982 http://www.cufos.org/iurdvd.html 1/18/1966 #25928## Word: "iurv2#7", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
l over/all about sky / 44000kph! / IURv2#7. 1/21/1977 #39187## Word: "iurv22#1+", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
-story airport/apartment to UFO. / IURv22#1+/ MJ#296. 11/30/1989 #47528## Word: "iurv27#1", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
quickly west. / r24v2#6+/ MJ#291 / IURv27#1. 7/14/1952 #10774## Word: "iurv3#1+", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
night lights exit large object. / IURv3#1+/ r226#23. 9/19/1976 #38825## Word: "iurv3#4", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ph. 1 going west. 1 going north. / IURv3#4 / r41p89. 10/30/1975 #37838 llows 3 helicopters. Jets chase. / IURv3#4. 10/27/1977 #40145## Word: "iurv3#4+ldln#187", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
seudo-human/entity / schoolyard. / IURv3#4+LDLN#187. 1/31/1978 #40476## Word: "iurv4#3", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ire. Night lights watch firemen. / IURv4#3. 9/13/1978 #41268 . Antennas / helmets. Power out. / IURv4#3. 9/21/1978 #41321## Word: "iurv7#1", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
/ 100M altitude. Radiates heat. / IURv7#1. 11/12/1981 #44063## Word: "iurv9#2", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Going up. Repeats several times! / IURv9#2. 1/21/1984 #45085 area. Shoots going quickly west. / IURv9#2. 1/22/1984 #45089## Word: "iurv9#3", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ts / 4 minute(s)! / Charles Fort / IURv9#3. 11/20/1902 #2096 se away going quickly southeast. / IURv9#3. 2/28/1904 #2122## Word: "iv", 78 instance(s) (Back to Top)
iron eagle before Emperor Frederic IV. (1400's) 1400's #280 s transformed aircraft, Gypsy Moth IV in 1966-1967 when he was nearly 65 ye 6/10/1931 #3124 ies. I was descending towards Camp IV when chance had me look up. I saw two 1933 #3174 . [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, IV] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) Summer 1944 #3957 . [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, IV] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/1944 #3965 . [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, IV] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/1944 #4036 ) [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, IV] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/1945 #4225 d Nieuwenhuis H. 1988, 17) "Albert IV" the monkey is the last to be launche 12/8/1949 #7666 with swaying motion, moved away. [IV] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 3/13/1950 #7904 dozens of discs gyrating in sky. [IV] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 3/17/1950 #7950 rench) At 4:00 PM launch of Viking IV, 169 km altitude, fire in the same ro 5/11/1950 #8270 chased rocket-like object. [UFOE, IV] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 2/9/1953 #13115 pilot observed domed disc. [UFOE, IV] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 1955 #16893 below observer's altitude. [UFOE, IV] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 5/12/1957 #18846 ed disc wobble, climb away. [UFOE, IV] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/15/1957 #19114 ne oscillating up and down. [UFOE, IV] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/17/1957 #19228 from French) Success of "Explorer IV" (Epsilon 4) due to the Army, echoing 7/26/1958 #20503 ns succeeded in making the Pioneer IV carrier rocket function at all levels 3/3/1959 #21043 ert to the Southwest. [NICAP UFOE, IV] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/12/1959 #21286 ndezvous, speed away. [NICAP UFOE, IV] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/20/1959 #21528 ated from French) The LUNAR RANGER IV probe followed an aberrant trajectory 4/23/1962 #22824 ting rapidly. [NICAP UFO Evidence, IV] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/10/1962 #22996 h) LAUNCH OF VOSTOK III AND VOSTOK IV, 4730 KG EACH, FIRST FLIGHT GROUP OF 8/11/1962 #23068 up and out of sight (UFOE Section IV). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 10/11/1964 #24495 bed out of sight (UFOE II, Section IV). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/27/1965 #24720 luminous trail, approaching GEMINI IV. He had time to take a photograph of 6/4/1965 (approximate) #24962 Guy TREDANIEL 1995, p. 35) GEMINI IV June 4, 1965 (James A. McDivitt, Edwa 6/4/1965 (approximate) #24962 d; paralysis and shock See Section IV (E,L) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 9/14/1965 #25598 changed course (UFOE II, Section, IV). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/27/1965 #25656 P files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.- Dec.. 1967, p. 3; Keyho 2/16/1967 #27839 P files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 1; Weinste 3/11/1967 #28149 rt form; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2, Oct. 1967, p. 3; NICAP report 4/1/1967 #28344 es; The l/.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 1.) (NICAP: 4/11/1967 #28420 P files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 1.) (NICAP: 4/17/1967 #28462 P files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2, Oct. 1967, p. 3; Fowler, 1974 4/27/1967 #28551 P files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 3) (NICAP: 4/28/1967 #28564 files; L/.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 6; APRO Bul 5/6/1967 #28606 files; L/.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 3; APRO Bul 5/7/1967 #28618 ort form; U.F.O Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 3.) (NICAP 5/25/1967 #28737 woods. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June f 1967, p. 7; uniden 6/1/1967 #28788 .F.O Investigator, school bus Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June, p. 3.) (NICAP: 02 - 6/1/1967 #28790 t forms; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2, Oct. 1967, p. 3; Fowler, 1974 7/27/1967 #29121 rt form; U.F.O, Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2, October1967, p. 3; Gillmor, 1 7/28/1967 #29128 P files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 3.) (NICAP 8/10/1967 #29251 sight. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968, p. 5.) (NICAP: 02 8/25/1967 #29321 , p. 19; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968, p. 3; McDonald le 10/27/1967 #29790 rt form; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968, p. 3.) (NICAP: 02 11/4/1967 #29851 P files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968, p. 3.) (NICAP: 03 11/5/1967 #29857 P files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 3.) (NICAP 11/15/1967 #29917 P files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 3.) (NICAP 11/15/1967 #29918 hape. (U.F.O. Investigator, 5 Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 3.) [Possi 11/21/1967 #29952 P files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 6.) (NICAP 11/29/1967 #29987 AP file; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968, p. 3.) (NICAP: 02 12/7/1967 #30026 P files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 6.) (NICAP 12/14/1967 #30063 field. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 6.) (NICAP 12/15/1967 #30067 ers, suddenly disappeared (Section IV, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence). (NICAP: 2/13/1968 #30245 parks, leaving bright trails. Zond IV Soviet satellite reentry and decay (S 3/3/1968 #30309 parks, leaving bright trails. Zond IV Soviet satellite reentry and decay (S 3/3/1968 #30311 red about a mile away. See Section IV (E.L.) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 6/19/1969 #31838 ds (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Section IV). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/15/1975 #37152 rance Object made passes at Mirage IV (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 3/7/1977 #39331 Abraham, flying a Dassault Mirage IV supersonic bomber over Chaumont, Haut 3/7/1977 #39336 ies away to the left of the Mirage IV. 3/7/1977 #39336 pumps and communications (section IV). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 11/9/1978 #41550 pumps and communications (section IV). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NIC 11/9/1978 #41551 ble against local terrain (section IV). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/20/1980 #43000 d disappeared in distance (section IV). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/12/1981 #43692 ure marks found on wrists (section IV). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 8/30/1981 #43923 third member of the rock band C.E.IV (because of their interest in UFOs) a 7/14/1985 #45640 like object September 24 (section IV). 890921-1007 Voronezh Russia 7 UFO s 9/14/1989 #47300 like object September 24 (section IV). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 9/14/1989 #47300 might be the payload of the Delta IV Heavy launch designated NROL-15, whic 3/1/1990 #47717 n Greer explains at the 1992 TREAT IV conference, he is pulled into a hotel 3/9/1992 #48815 he had attached what resembled an IV machine. He then saw several humanoid 2/29/1996 #51431 Huaro, Smith and Vril/Shumann. (IV) AC/RF or microwave EM devices based 1/1998 #52242 John Warner IV, the son of Secretary of the Navy and 10/14/2022 #54675 dros, Bahamas “many” times. Warner IV claims he heard AUTEC was involved in 10/14/2022 #54675 John Warner IV, the son of Secretary of the Navy and 10/14/2022 #54676## Word: "iv-9", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
, Newton, Ga.; U.F.O Investigator, IV-9, p. 8. (E,R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME 11/22/1968 #31241## Word: "iva", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
A woman named Iva Gospina, who had previously witnesse 10/31/1989 #47412 room became absolutely dark again. Iva stood up and rushed to the window, f 10/31/1989 #47412## Word: "ivachko", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ections. The event was reported by Ivachko Rievskoi to Saint Cyrille Monast 8/15/1663 #548## Word: "ivaldo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
At the same time 34-year-old pilot Ivaldo Viegas Pantoja was flying from Co 11/23/1977 #40220## Word: "ivalo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
northwest. The F-18 chased them to Ivalo, a town 200 km north of Rovaniemi. 3/31/1997 #51958## Word: "ivan", 26 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ologist and science-fiction writer Ivan Efremov sees dinosaur skulls pierce 2/1939 #3464 ologist and science fiction writer Ivan Efremov describes the discovery of 4/28/1948 #6648 NOMER PHOTOGRAPHS ONE BY ACCIDENT. Ivan Courtright, 14-year-old amateur ast 9/1950 #8551 ours prior to Stewert’s discovery. Ivan T. Sanderson interviews the witness 9/12/1952 #12169 ts over the city at the same time. Ivan Young, 13, and Edgar Rasmussen, 14, 1/9/1953 #12961 Producer Ivan Tors debuts Science Fiction Theatre 4/5/1955 #17102 Flight Officers Ian Fraser-Ker and Ivan Logan, is scrambled at 2:40 a.m. bu 8/13/1956 #18208 t was some sort of mistake,” while Ivan Logan, the second Venom’s navigator 8/13/1956 #18208 nch) 2:30 p.m. Witness: naturalist Ivan Sanderson. A dark grey object, shap 10/2/1958 #20662 Stroudsburg, PA Naturalist Ivan Sanderson saw a dull-grey object w/ 10/2/1958 #20666 , Pennsylvania Witness: naturalist Ivan Sanderson. One dull-grey object, sh 10/2/1958 #20668 Shortly after 5:00 p.m. Naturalist Ivan T. Sanderson sees a dull-gray objec 10/2/1958 #20671 ALLENTOWN, PA Ivan Sanderson and 1. Night light divide 9/25/1965 #25641 , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2:00 a.m. Ivan de Almeida and other medical staff 3/6/1966 #26037 POLKVILLE, NJ Ivan Sanderson and 3. Extremely bright o 7/31/1966 #26856 University of Colorado Col. Ivan C. Atkinson, deputy executive direc 8/31/1966 #26994 At about the same time, fishermen Ivan Collicut and Patrick O’Halloran are 9/21/1966 #27096 rdon Evans, actor Roy Thinnes, and Ivan T Sanderson. Kenneth Arnold and Ray 6/22/1967 #28887 klahoma State Highway 7 10:00 p.m. Ivan Ritter, Jerry Bennet, and two other 10/21/1967 #29721 Ivan T. Sanderson publishes his last UFO 1970 #32184 in Lowestoft, Suffolk, England, by Ivan A. W. Bunn. It publishes Lantern, a 2/1971 #32734 Ivan De Oliviera, age 36, was on the riv 11/3/1977 #40181 of Timothy Good.) Another witness, Ivan Coté, added that it had seemed to h 12/28/1988 #46916 r, Deputy Minister of Defense Gen. Ivan Tretiak claims the incident was all 9/13/1990 #48075 Soviet Deputy Minister of Defense Ivan Tretyak speaks with a writer from L 11/9/1990 #48251 In Penuelas, Puerto Rico Ivan Rivero Morales and several other wi 9/26/1997 #52157## Word: "ivanciov", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Mare, Romania 2:00 a.m. Margareta Ivanciov is walking from the train stati 7/1975 #37329## Word: "ivangrad", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
e was driving his truck at dusk in Ivangrad, Yugoslavia. One object hung cl 11/23/1967 #29965 KOMOVI FOREST NEAR IVANGRAD, MONTENEGRO, YUG November-Decem 12/1967 (approximate) #29994## Word: "ivanhoe", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
HEIDELBURG AND IVANHOE, VCT Separate observer(s). Verti 5/15/1995 #50792 WEST HEIDELBERG AND IVANHOE, AUS Several separate observer(s 7/31/1995 #50940## Word: "ivanitsky", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
r neighbors, and one of them named Ivanitsky hastily takes two photos. The 6/24/1989 #47175## Word: "ivanku", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
A priest named Ivanku Petrovszky saw a glistening ball 12/24/1903 #2110## Word: "ivanoff", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
n 1980 in Pudasjarvi, Finland. Ms. Ivanoff, age 25, was driving her car acr 4/2/1980 #42967## Word: "ivanova", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Shtanivka, Ukraine Lina Ivanova Kravets is in her garden in Shta 8/17/1953? #13619 cluding nuclear physicist Ludmilla Ivanova, videotape the event from Greifs 8/24/1990 #48044## Word: "ivanovich", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ted Soviet Air Force pilot Arkadii Ivanovich Apraksin conducts a test fligh 6/16/1948 #6701 t, Russia Soviet test pilot Arkady Ivanovich Apraksin is flying at an altit 6/16/1948 #6703 ted Soviet Air Force pilot Arkadii Ivanovich Apraksin conducted a test flig 5/6/1949 #7320 r Saratov Soviet test pilot Arkady Ivanovich Apraksin takes a new airplane 5/6/1949 #7328 et Navy, and Fleet Admiral Nikolai Ivanovich Smirnov issues a directive on 10/7/1977 #40080 ssia 9:00 p.m. Militia Capt. Boris Ivanovich Vladimirov is riding in the ri Late 9/1984 #45447 hinese Chang and the Russian Pavel Ivanovich [note from vog: all extremely 11/1985 #45728## Word: "ivanovitch", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ated from French) Test pilot Arcad Ivanovitch Apraksine took off in a serie 6/16/1948 #6700## Word: "ivar", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
andefjord (Translated from French) Ivar Spilde, a college professor, saw at 11/22/1989 #47461## Word: "iven", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Test pilot Iven Carl Kincheloe Jr. reaches an altit 9/7/1956 #18341## Word: "ives", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ST. IVES, CORNWALL Cylinder/cigar-shape / 50 5/25/1954 #14494## Word: "ivester", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ree different houses, including J. Ivester, described an object like "a fly 7/7/1964 #24284 00 p.m. Three members of the Henry Ivester family in Turnerville, Georgia, 7/7/1964 #24285## Word: "ivins", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
glas G. Ludlam and Capt. Joseph W. Ivins say it looks like a balloon about 11/15/1960 #22094## Word: "ivo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
tion. Suddenly quickly going up. / Ivo. 7/24/1952 #11148## Word: "ivory", 11 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST, AFR 3 observer(s). Green ni 10/3/1952 #12405 a.m. a UFO zigzagged over Abidjan, Ivory Coast. That evening, at Cocoa Beac 10/3/1952 #12408 SOUBRE, IVORY COAST Several HIQ observer(s). Sau 9/18/1954 #15115 DANANE, IVORY COAST Domed saucer going quickly [ 9/18/1954 #15116 Danané, Ivory Coast 8:30 p.m. A round glowing UF 9/18/1954 #15122 aching then hovering above Danané, Ivory Coast, by many people: a Catholic 9/18/1954 #15122 s able to determine that the small ivory case contained an extract in Hebre 11/1954 #16456 over a road northwest of Abidjan, Ivory Coast. A car stalled in the presen 7/17/1971 #32986 NORTHWEST / ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST 2 / car going south. Saucer 7/18/1971 #32987 / (seen thru) binoculars. Wingless ivory object drops to trees near FEMA fa 8/4/1995 #50956 ith numerous blinking lights (red, ivory, and green in color) around its pe 9/4/2007 #53925## Word: "ivs", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ch) In the Helva region, 6 Mystère IVs crashed together within minutes of f 7/1966 #26772## Word: "ivy", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)
USS Curtiss, the AEC flagship for Ivy Mike, the first detonation of a hydr Late 10/1952 #12525 ar Eniwetak Atoll for the upcoming Ivy Mike thermonuclear test, is going on Late 10/1952 #12526 hall Islands Nagasaki Nuclear test Ivy Mike is the first successful full-sc 11/1/1952 #12585 e a fresh trail through the poison ivy and honeysuckle growing on the emban 5/11/1969 #31733 bt. Penong and Ivy Tanks, AU The witness was a passenge 9/6/1973 #34713 te to Perth and between Penong and Ivy Tanks, Western Australia. She had be 9/6/1973 #34714## Word: "ivybridge", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IVYBRIDGE, PLYMOUTH, DEVON Glowing UFO j 8/26/1993 #49664 ted hovering just over the moor at Ivybridge in Plymouth, England. Figures 8/26/1993 #49665## Word: "iwate", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Ichinoseki, Iwate Prefecture, Japan Saguramachi Midd 10/4/1957 #19289 le-like UFO is seen at Ichinoseki, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Afterwards, mat 10/4/1957 #19289 JAPAN, Miyako (Iwate) (Translated from French) At 6:14 10/3/1971 #33171## Word: "iwo", 23 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Iwo Jima, Japan An amber light pass para 1/10/1945 #4169 IWO JIMA, JPN Night lights follow fighte 3/26/1945 #4254 Iwo Jima, Japan During an air operation, 3/26/1945 #4255 e away as the crew orbits north of Iwo Jima, Japan. They give chase, obtain 3/26/1945 #4255 t from the 549th NFS squadron over Iwo Jima, Japan, made a few turns, and h 3/26/1945 #4256 on this day from the Far East near Iwo Jima. At three o'clock in the mornin 4/18/1945 #4277 Tinian Northern Marianas Japan Iwo Jima The 9th Bombardment Group on Ti 7/1945 #4324 followed their airplane halfway to Iwo Jima. I saw them on two missions. I 7/1945 #4324 JAPAN, Iwo Jima (Translated from French) A C 46 8/28/1945 #4378 oard a C 46 going from Ie-Shima to Iwo Jima where it was to make a technica 8/28/1945 #4378 Iwo Jima Three bright objects pace trans 8/28/1945 #4380 NEAR IWO JIMA, JAPAN L. Stringfield and 12 ob 8/28/1945 #4381 Iwo Jima (near), At Sea C-46 had engine 8/28/1945 #4383 Iwo Jima Ogasawara Islands, Japan Twelve 8/28/1945 #4384 lists flying on a C-46 approaching Iwo Jima (in the Ogasawara Islands, Japa 8/28/1945 #4384 onard H. Stringfield was flying to Iwo Jima island onboard a U.S. Army Air 8/28/1945 #4385 Iwo Jima Passenger Leonard J. Stringfiel 8/28/1945 #4387 unknown location, Iwo Jima (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RA 6/18/1953 #13449 JAPAN, Iwo Jima, Bonin Islands. (Translated fro 6/24/1953 #13479 (Translated from French) At Iwo Jima (Bonin Islands), the crew of th 6/24/1953 #13482 IWO JIMA, BONIN, JPN Project Bluebook Ca 6/24/1953 #13485 Bonin Islands, Iwo Jima Radar tracked an unidentified t 6/24/1953 #13487 Iwo Jima, Bonin Islands Witnesses: crew 6/24/1953 #13490## Word: "iwuy", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
D114 NEAR IWUY, FR 20M saucer / ground level. Ligh 9/13/1971 #33094## Word: "ix", 24 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Germany The first prototype H.IX V1, an unpowered glider with fixed tr 3/1/1944 #3928 ject followed a plane from the RAF IX Squadron west-southwest of Trondheim, 11/22/1944 #4070 ny Gotha The first flight of the H.IX V2 is made in Oranienburg, Germany. A 2/2/1945 #4186 g one of these test flights, the H.IX V2 undertook a simulated dogfight wit 2/2/1945 #4186 tional jet fighter, and that the H.IX V2 outperformed the Me 262. However, 2/2/1945 #4186 ing the third test flight of the H.IX V2 in Gotha, Germany. Erwin Ziller ta 2/18/1945 #4210 ated from French) Launch of Viking IX, altitude 217 km. 12/15/1952 #12821 rom French) The Soviet craft "Luna IX" made a soft landing on the Moon. Two 2/3/1966 #25959 rged from disc with dome (sections IX, XII). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 8/24/1967 #29309 straight up out of sight (Section IX, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence). (NICAP: 11/22/1968 #31243 ain brightly (Reference 1, Section IX). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 10/17/1974 #36627 t (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Sections IX, XII). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 2/14/1975 #36946 ly sped away over horizon (section IX) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/29/1979 #42478 und leaving exhaust trail (section IX). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/10/1980 #42985 over car, humming sound (sections IX, XII). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 11/19/1982 #44578 d. (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Section IX) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 3/24/1983 #44709 ight illumination of area (section IX) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 9/15/1985 #45689 r object with body lights (section IX). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 11/19/1985 #45742 Silent, triangular object (section IX). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 11/22/1985 #45751 ilted, moved out of sight (section IX). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/7/1986 #45794 rain brightly illuminated (section IX). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/7/1987 #46192 straight up out of sight (sections IX, X). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/11/1987 #46324 ck; cast light beam down (sections IX, X). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/2/1990 #47721 turns, moved out of sight (section IX). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/14/1992 #49032## Word: "ix's", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
Rome, Italy On the day of Pope Leo IX's departure, a remarkable celestial e 4/14/1054 #155## Word: "ixelles", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IXELLES, BELGIUM 2+3 observer(s). Whistl 4/20/1974 #36095## Word: "ixtamalapan", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
in the area, including one at the Ixtamalapan Lagoon. Chagala was warned o 3/20/1993 #49377## Word: "ixtapalapa", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)
MEXICO, Ixtapalapa (Translated from French) Two 8/18/1972 #33772 IXTAPALAPA, MEXICO Odd buzz. All else si 8/18/1972 #33773 On this night in Ixtapalapa, Mexico a 53-year-old woman a 1/8/1997 #51863## Word: "izhevsk", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
NORWEGIAN SEA Soviet ship Izhevsk. White sphere/orb/globe going so 8/2/1967 #29160 r Russian crewman aboard the S. S. Izhevsk saw a white sphere in the dark s 8/2/1967 #29162## Word: "izhut", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IZHUT BAY, AFOGNAK ISLAND, AK Night ligh 11/21/1992 #49194## Word: "izmailovskiy", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
00 p.m. a 40-year-old woman in the Izmailovskiy region of Russia noticed a 9/28/1978 #41372## Word: "izmajlovo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IZMAJLOVO PARK EAST / MOSCOW Saucer land 11/16/1979 #42695## Word: "izmir", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ed from French) In the province of Izmir (Turkey), thousands of witnesses o 7/18/1954 #14722 IZMIR, TURKEY Numerous observer(s). Sile 9/28/1969 (approximate) #32026 On this night in Izmir, Turkey eleven people watched a bl 9/28/1969 #32027 EME) / Havsa / 2135hrs and panic / Izmir / 2330hrs. 12/15/1981 #44101 IZMIR, TURKEY Hundreds / observer(s) / 3 3/11/1996 #51464 At 4:10 a.m. in Izmir, Turkey a man first observed a hug 8/18/1999 #52647 Izmir, Turkey 11:00 p.m. A bright green 7/30/2021 #54593 all illuminates the night sky over Izmir, Turkey. The visual part of the ev 7/30/2021 #54593## Word: "izquierdo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
lege, Geraclio Arana and Sebastian Izquierdo, both around ten years old, we 5/29/1982 #44355## Word: "iztapa", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
IZTAPA, GUATEMALA Pan-AM passengers / ai 7/11/1947 (approximate) #5990## Word: "izuesta", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
0 p.m. Félix Galarraga and Gerardo Izuesta see a red balloon-like object ab 1/3/1955 #16921## Word: "izvestkovaya", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)
ia Height 611 (also known as Mount Izvestkovaya) Tunguska event 7:50 p.m. I 1/29/1986 #45819 es Height 611 (also known as Mount Izvestkovaya) it starts to descend and t 1/29/1986 #45819## Word: "izzer", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Izzer” YieldMax: 20KT 7/16/1965 #25105## Word: "izzo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)
i Settimo, Sergio Conti, Francesco Izzo, Renzo Cabassi, Stelio Asso, and Ma 6/25/1977 #39677