- The 30 inhabitants of the small Inuit village of Angikumi (Canada) disappear. In this region, living conditions are particularly harsh, and only a half-dozen dogs are still tied up, dead from hunger. The graves have even been opened and the corpses they contained have also disappeared. - An aircraft carrying business people enters a dark cloud - the only one in the sky. Farmers suddenly see it fall back, one wing partly torn off. The fuel tanks detach and fall. There was no lightning or thunder, and the drama happened in silence. As lightning cannot tear off an airplane wing, what happened? Did the plane encounter a solid body inside the dark cloud, which it hit? - Doctor Henry Coanda begins his work on lenticular aerodynamic shapes. - **November:** On the occasion of the Idu earthquake (Japan), lights were seen for 1 hour after it occurred. They were sometimes irradiated like the rays of the rising sun, sometimes like the lights of a projector, sometimes like balls of fire, reported Frank Lane. Very bright balls of light were also seen, arranged "in line", bluish, yellow or purple. They shone with such brilliance that at a distance of fifty kilometers from the epicenter, they appeared brighter than the Moon, and in Tokyo, many witnesses declared that they could make out "objects" under their light. These lights can be seen from a distance of 110 km. - **In 1930 or later, one dark evening:** At Setermoen (Norway), Ranveig Alstad observed 2 luminous objects making circles above Setermoen and Lifjell [\[FREMOVER, 10 Dec 1966\] \[UFO-NYT, 1/1967, 10\]]{.source}. - **In the 1930s:** Observation in Norway [\[ØVRE SMÅLENENE, 10 Nov 1966, or later\]]{.source}.