+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  January 9 | | | | 1963 -  On this day in Trail, Oregon a large, bright UFO emitted a | | cone-shaped tail and humming sound. A dog reacted to the UFO's | | presence by howling. (Source: Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects | | from UFOs, p. 68). | | | | 1964 -  At 10:30 p.m. several green saucer-shaped UFOs maneuvered | | offshore over the surface of the sea near Nicastro, Calabria, Italy | | for ten minutes. As fishermen approached in a boat dove under the | | sea. (Source: Larry Hatch, case  # 6460, citing ITACAT, case # 56). | | | | 1966 - On this night the engine and lights of a car with three women | | passengers suddenly died in Chascomus, Argentina. At the same time | | they saw an object flying slowly away from their car. It was emitting | | a blue beam of light. After the object had disappeared from view the | | car could be restarted. (Source: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports | | Involving Vehicle Interference, citing FSR Case Histories, Supplement | | No. 17) | | | | 1967 - At 5:30 p.m. there was a knock at Edward Christiansen's home | | in Wildwood, New Jersey. Seventeen-year-old Connie Christiansen went | | to the door. Stunned, she reported back to her mother, "It's the | | strangest looking man I've ever seen." Mrs. Christiansen then went to | | the door and unlatched it and looked outside. It was growing dark and | | was bitter cold out. There was no car in view and this seemed unusual | | because the Christiansen home was in an isolated area and guests were | | unlikely to be arriving on foot. A tall man stood at the door and | | asked if Edward Christiansen lived there. He then said he was from | | "the Missing Heirs Bureau" and asked to be let in. They invited the | | stranger inside. The visitor must have been at least two meters (six | | and a half feet) tall, and was enormously broad shouldered. He wore a | | Russian fur hat with a black visor on it and a very long black coat | | that seemed to be made out of thin material--too thin for the cold | | weather. He told the family "this will only take forty minutes." As | | he removed his hat he revealed an unusually shaped head that was | | large and round, while his face seemed angular and pointed. He had | | black hair, which was closely cropped. There was a perfectly round | | spot on the back of his head as if that area had been shaved | | recently. His nose and mouth seemed relatively normal, but his eyes | | were large, protruding, like "thyroid eyes," and set wide apart. One | | eye appeared to have a cast, like a glass eye, and did not move in | | unison with its companion. | | | | During the course of the conversation Mr. Christiansen noticed a | | badge on the stranger's shirt pocket, which he quickly covered with | | his hand and removed, placing it in his coat pocket. It resembled a | | gold or brass badge and it seemed to have a big K on it with a small | | x alongside and letters and numbers around the edge, according to | | Connie Christiansen. Underneath his thin outer coat he was wearing a | | short-sleeved shirt made of a Dacron like material. His trousers were | | of a dark gray or black material, and were a little too short. He | | wore dark shoes with unusually thick rubber soles. A strange feature | | on his leg fascinated Connie and Mrs. Christiansen. When he sat down | | they could see a long thick green wire attached to the inside of his | | leg. It came out or his socks and disappeared under his trousers. At | | one point it seemed to be indented into his leg and was covered with | | a large brown spot. The Christiansen's noted that the visitor had an | | unnatural pallor. His speech was also strange, with a high "tinny" | | voice that seemed especially peculiar coming from such a large man. | | He also spoke in a strange, hard to understand, sing-song manner. At | | one point when his face reddened he asked for a glass of water, and | | swallowed a large yellow capsule which he gulped down. He then | | returned to normal. After about 40 minutes he donned his hat and coat | | and told Mr. Christiansen that he would be in touch. When he reached | | the road, he made a gesture and a black 1963 Cadillac drove through | | the trees and pulled up. He climbed into the car and it drove away | | with its headlights off. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 1967, case 22, citing John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies). | | | | 1967 - On the same night Jules Derome, age 60, of Acton Vale, Quebec, | | Canada reported that he encountered and photographed several | | 90-centimeter tall luminous humanoid forms in his garage. The strange | | forms disappeared by moving through the wall of the garage and | | presumably outside. The photos only show a vague luminous area. The | | witness apparently has had additional subsequent encounters. (Source: | | Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case 23, citing | | CASUFO and Denys Breysse, Project Becassine). | | | | 1970 -  On this night a disc-shaped object was seen in the sky over a | | farm in Rouillac, Charente district, France followed by a flash. The | | next day a big hole in the ground was found in a field on the farm, | | and some soil was missing. (Sources: Ion Hobana and Julien | | Weverbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 64; Lumieres dans | | la Nuit, October 1970). | | | | 1974 -  A UFO with a red light on top, and with green, orange, yellow | | and white flashing lights around the middle traveled west to east | | over the Deschutes River Canyon, then stopped over Grass Valley, | | north of Madras, Oregon at 1:30 a.m. It was joined by a second | | object. That night a UFO with a multi-colored ring of lights was seen | | descending slowly near Route V eight miles south of Sedalia, | | Missouri. It disappeared behind a ridge at 8:20 p.m., and may have | | landed remotely. (Sources: (1) Bend Bulletin, January 9, 1974; (2) | | Ted R. Phillips, Skylook,  February 1974, p. 13). | | | | 1976 -   Jean Dolecki, age 55, was driving home after sunset at 7:10 | | p.m. near Echevis, Isere department, France when a luminous object | | appeared in the sky and landed 100 yards away in a farm field beside | | the road. It had the form of a "coffee pot", a 50-60 foot high | | cylinder with a narrow waist, the upper portion larger than the lower | | one, and was about 40 to 45 feet in diameter. From the bottom a | | bright white light turned on, which illuminated it. The top surface | | seemed to be vibrating, and on each side near the top was attached a | | relatively small vertical helix, which also vibrated. A door opened | | in the upper portion, and three beings that looked like “robots” | | resembling “aluminum diving suits,” 6.5-7.0 feet tall, descended. | | They had square heads, disproportionately small legs, and in lieu of | | arms, a telescopic “pole” about 7 feet long, mounted on their chests. | | These entities moved about near the UFO for about ten minutes, | | walking in a mechanical manner and wagging their poles up and down. | | They then re-entered, and the machine took off, disappearing at a | | rapid speed. (Sources: Gil Bil Helaar, Skylook, May 1976, p. 4; David | | F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case | | 1976-16 (A1445), citing Gil Helaar). | | | | 1978 - Two members of the Gould family were sitting in their living | | room in South Middleton, Massachusetts at 7:30 p.m. when they saw an | | approaching large yellow ball of light angling towards the ground | | through their window. One of them ran out the back door to glimpse | | the object disappear behind some trees. Telephone interference was | | experienced in the home at about this time. Later one of the children | | in an upstairs bedroom reported seeing a white figure at the foot of | | his bed that tried to touch him. Moments later the father heard a | | noise coming from an empty room, and when he went to investigate he | | then heard a noise at the window. Pulling back the curtains, he saw a | | white figure standing on top of the back porch roof, only four feet | | away. The figure was hooded and seemed to be wearing a mask. Later | | while investigating a noise at the door to the front porch he again | | saw the white suited figure standing just outside the glass door. | | (Sources: David F. Webb, MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 143; Richard H. | | Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 22; David | | F. Webb, FSR, June 1981, p. 23, citing Raymond E. Fowler; David F. | | Hall & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case | | A1905). | | | | 1979 -  At three o'clock in the morning a milkman at the Willow Grove | | Exit of the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania | | suddenly encountered a bright orange circular UFO hovering over his | | truck. It vanished abruptly. Other witnesses reported UFO sightings | | in Norristown, Lower Merion, and Lower Gwynedd, Pennsylvania. | | (Source: King of Prussia Today's Post, January 11, 1979). | | | | 1979 -  Three police officers driving on a highway in Castel D'Asso, | | Latium, Italy saw a 10 meter in diameter glowing disc-shaped object | | at or near the ground at 5:30 a.m. They tried to use their two-way | | radios but experienced radio interference. The saucer shaped craft | | rose to one meter altitude and moved away rapidly in a horizontal | | direction. (Source: Verga Maurizio, ITACAT, case # 143). | | | | 1979 -  A domed ovoid-shaped UFO chased a car driving along Route 26 | | for three hours between Tacuarembo, Argentina and Melo, Uruguay | | during the day. There were four people in the car, two of them | | police. The UFO changed color and brightness, from red to bluish | | white, formed over a base ring of plasma. It made no sound. (Source: | | Jane Thomas, UFO Newspaper Clipping Service, April 1979, p. 14, | | citing El Heraldo, January 17, 1979 & La Razon, January 12, 1979). | | | | 1984 - Mr. & Mrs. Sprinster had a close encounter with a | | multi-colored triangular shaped UFO 10 miles west of Torrington, | | Connecticut on Route 4 at 9:30 p.m. The object moved very slowly, and | | dropped in altitude to pace their car. Its underside was | | criss-crossed with tubes and grill work. A red light in the center of | | the object detached, circled the object three times, then returned | | back to its original position. It left by making a sharp turn to the | | south. The encounter lasted 10 minutes. (Source: Philip J. Imbrogno, | | Contact of the 5th Kind, p. 9). | | | | 1984 - Two witnesses in a car driving north of Hawthorne, New Jersey | | at 9:33 p.m. saw two silent 75-foot in diameter parabolic discs 200 | | feet above SR 208. The objects seemed to be avoiding being seen by | | passing cars. (Source: Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, December | | 1983, p. 5). | | | | 1984 -  At 7:30 p.m. a metallic object described as blimp like with | | red lights buzzed two cars on US Highway 395 south of Pearsonville, | | near the China Lake Weapons Center in Kern County on a clear night. | | At 10:30 p.m. several independent witnesses reported seeing a huge | | silent cigar shaped object over the highway on SR 14 15 miles north | | of Mojave, Kern County, California. It was only 100 feet over the | | road and had red lights on the bottom; it flew off to the north. | | (Sources: (1) APRO Bulletin, November 1984, p. 1; Larry Hatch, U | | computer database, case # 14071; (2) Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO | | Journal, December 1984, p. 5). | | | | 1986 -  Multiple cars stopped along Interstate 84 in Hartford, | | Connecticut at 9:00 p.m. to watch a silent boomerang-shaped object, | | estimated to be the size of a Boeing 747, with white, red, blue and | | green lights as it moved low through sky, then hovered for 15 seconds | | before heading off to the west. The boomerang seen over Hartford and | | New Britain was also seen by dozens of witnesses in Torrington, | | Connecticut. A family reported the UFO, with 10 white lights, hovered | | directly over their house, engulfing their home in a brilliant white | | light. They were so frightened they fled to the basement. (Sources: | | Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14294, citing Dale Goudie, | | CUFON; Philip J. Imbrogno, Contact of the 5th Kind, pp. 5-7). | | | | 1993 - Popudinske Mocadliny, Slovakia - The witness saw first an | | orange ball of fire at a minute before midnight, resting in a field. | | Later they saw a flying triangle only 30 cm in diameter that landed | | on top of a nearby pigeon house. A door opened and a tiny smoky | | humanoid exited the object. Two weeks later the witness saw a similar | | humanoid in his bedroom. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 1993, citing Dr. Milos Jesensky). | | | | 1995 -  A young girl noticed lights outside her house in Marion, New | | York at 3:30 a.m. She then saw a four-foot tall humanoid being and | | weird lights in the yard. (Source: Peter Davenport, UFO Reporting | | Center, Seattle, January 1995 webpage). | | | | 1999 -  A black disc-shaped object, 10 meters in diameter, hovered | | over houses in the town of Cava Dei Tirreni, Campania, Italy at 10:30 | | p.m. The UFO circled the town twice, then flew away. (Source: Joseph | | Trainor, UFO Roundup, January 25, 1999). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 28 December 2007). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: blue beam, disc-shaped UFOs, MIB visitation, | | multi-year reports from Italy, RF interference, short luminous human | | oids, tall humanoids, tiny humanoid, vehicle EM interference effects. | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+