+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  December 29 | | | | 1954 - At 9:00 p.m. a red oval-shaped object was seen on the ground | | near a river in Bru, Gironde, France, 50 meters away from witnesses. | | The main witness, a Mr. Gamba, tried to approach it but was unable to | | move. The object rose up into the air, and as it did it changed color | | from white to red. Traces found at the site showed that the ground | | had been dug up, and some small trees had been cut. (Sources: Jacques | | Vallee, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. 20; Jacques | | Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 358, citing | | Sud Quest, December 31, 1954). | | | | 1954 - In Bergamo, near Clusone, Italy a cigar-shaped object was seen | | hovering 25 meters from the ground at midnight. Several figures could | | be seen inside a transparent compartment. (Sources: Jimmy Guieu, | | Flying Saucers Come from Another World, p. 240; Lumieres dans la | | Nuit, issue #326). | | | | 1967 -  Coming home from a basketball game in Breese, Illinois at | | 9:30 p.m., four teenagers watched a motionless bright light in the | | sky and got out of their car. They felt an intense heat, and heard a | | humming sound. The sensation of heat became very strong, even in the | | car. The UFO left after 10 minutes. (Sources: Skylook, April 1969, p. | | 11;  Jay Rath, The I-Files: True Reports of Unexplained Phenomena in | | Illinois, p. 52). | | | | 1974 -  Multiple reports of a UFO with bright colored lights came | | about the same time that a family of four called the Lumberton County | | Sheriff's dispatcher to report seeing a humanoid figure wearing "a | | silver and black suit with some sort of helmet" in the Forest Acres | | area of Lumberton, North Carolina. The figure would jump into bushes | | and vanish when observed. The callers sounded sober, according to | | dispatcher Fred Barnes. Four deputies checked the woods around Forest | | Road and Barker Ten Mile Road but found nothing.  (Sources: Ted | | Bloecher, CUFOS case files, report dated June 5, 1975; David F. Webb | | & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # | | 1974-60, citing Lee Spiegel). | | | | 1980 - Shortly after 9 p.m. Betty Cash, age 52, was driving through a | | pine forest on a rural road near her home in Dayton, Texas with her | | friend Vickie Landrum, age 57, and Landrum's grandson, six-year-old | | Colby. They watched as a brilliant diamond-shaped object descended | | over the road directly in front of them, spitting flames from its | | underside. Betty Cash slammed on the brakes and brought the car to a | | halt about 150 feet away from the UFO. They immediately felt an | | intense heat inside the car and heard a loud roaring sound. They got | | out of the car and stared at the blinding light and a metallic | | structure as big as the 200 foot-tall water tower in Dayton. It was | | shaped like a diamond with a blunt top. The UFO seemed to be | | struggling to climb above the treetops, and it was emitting blasts of | | fire and a continuous roar that reminded the women of a shrill | | welding torch, only much louder. After ten minutes the object rose | | above the trees, tilted onto one side, and began moving off slowly | | toward the south. They then saw up to 23 large, Chinook style | | helicopters show up in the sky, apparently in pursuit of the object. | | | | (Continued.) On the drive home Betty and Colby said they suffered headaches and | | later nausea, and over the next several days experienced bouts of | | vomiting, diarrhea, and skin burns. Betty Cash also lost most of her | | hair, and on January 2, 1981 was admitted to Houston's Parkway | | General Hospital as a burn patient. She spent four of the next five | | weeks in the hospital. | | | | Cash and Landrum contacted the state police and nearby military | | bases, but no one could or would provide them with an explanation. | | Cash was advised to contact John F. Schuessler, a NASA contractor and | | employee of McDonnell Douglas Aircraft, who was a project manager for | | the Space Shuttle Flight Operation, and is now the Director for | | MUFON. Schuessler and NASA physicist Alan Holt interviewed the | | witnesses, who took them to the encounter site. Where the UFO came | | down over the highway the yellow line had swiggled from the melting | | heat. "A roughly 20-foot circle of the road surface appeared to have | | melted and then resolidified," said Schuessler. Trees in the vicinity | | were blackened twenty feet above the ground on the side facing the | | road. | | | | Schuessler also found five other witnesses who had observed the same | | or a similar UFO the same night. Another eight witnesses, including a | | Dayton police officer, claimed to have seen the swarm of helicopters | | but not the UFO. For the next several years Schuessler tried without | | success to identify the helicopters and where they came from, but | | there were unconfirmed rumors that the helicopters came from a Texas | | Air National Guard base. | | | | Health problems continued to plague Betty Cash, Vicky Landrum and | | Colby. Cash moved to Birmingham, Alabama where, as Dr. Bryan | | McClelland said in an interview, "The illness that she suffered after | | her exposure was an absolute classic radiation injury in which she | | lost skin and hair, then had diarrhea and vomiting. She could not | | have made it up. Vicky Landrum has subsequently died. (Sources: John | | F. Schuessler, MUFON case investigation files; Randy Fitzgerald, | | Reader's Digest). | | | | 1992 -  A woman arriving home from work in a residential area of | | Chicago, Illinois was confronted by eight faceless men in her parking | | lot at about 7:00 p.m. They carried hand-held devices like black | | flashlights. One spoke in a computer-like voice. She developed a | | blinding headache, and then lost consciousness. (Source: Albert S. | | Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992, case # 1046, citing Ann B. | | Livingston). | | | | 1994 -  Two witnesses driving in a car at 7:30 p.m. in Plerin, France | | observed flashing blue lights, occurring successively and changing | | place. They tried to approach but were stopped by a luminous barrier | | 1.5 meters above the ground. They also felt a sensation of heat. | | (Source: French GEIPAN database, case 194). | | | | 1994 -  A woman decided to take a short cut home on a dirt road | | through a wheat field in Lacrosse, Washington at 9:45 p.m.  She had a | | close encounter with three black, wedge-shaped flying objects, with | | lights on their leading edge, that passed in front of her car.  The | | objects were about 20 feet long and emitted strong beams of light. | | They made a humming sound as they flew along very low and slowly, | | then turned and flew off to the north. The event frightened her | | badly. (Sources: Gerald Rowles, MUFON Field Investigations Database, | | case 950106S;  T. David Spencer, MUFON UFO Journal, June 1996, p. | | 16). | | | | 1996 -  Two men out trapping in the woods in Hartsburg, Missouri at | | around 7 p.m. witnessed a silent, black triangular object overhead. | | It had 3-4 white strobe lights, and also blue and red lights. It made | | no sound. (Source: Francis L. Ridge, UFO Intelligence Newsletter; | | Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17508). | | | | 2005 -  Several large glowing orange balls of light came up from | | horizon east of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada at around 8:15 p.m. | | They stopped in the sky, then circled, then dropped from view. A | | photograph was taken. (Sources: Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO | | Survey, case # 133, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting | | Center, Seattle). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 20 December 2007). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: cigar-shaped UFO; diamond-shaped UFO; h | | umming, landing traces; physiological effects: headaches, vomiting, d | | iarrhea, skin burns, loss of hair; roaring sound; sensation of heat; | | symptoms of acute radiation poisoning, triangle or wedge-shaped UFOs. | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+