+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  August 5 | | | | 1927 - At 9:30 in the morning while climbing in the Humbolt Range of | | the Altai Mountains in Mongolia, explorer Nicholas Roerich and seven | | companions saw a huge, shiny, flying oval-shaped object that | | reflected the sunlight. It flew from north to south, then changed | | direction and flew off to the southeast. The UFO was in view for | | several minutes and was examined through binoculars. Witnesses of the | | daylight UFO included members of the mountaineering expedition, | | Mongols, and Buriat lamas. The lamas believed it was the "Sign of | | Shambala." (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, p. 22; | | J. Allen Hynek, International UFO Reporter, January 1982, p. 10). | | | | 1950 - On this day one of the most famous UFO movies of all time was | | shot in Great Falls, Montana. The 16mm film was shot by Nick Mariana | | and was witnessed by his secretary, Virginia Raunig. It shows | | aluminum colored discs, "like two new dimes", hovering in the sky at | | a distance of two miles. It was sent to the U.S. Air Force for | | analysis, but when it was returned Mr. Mariana claimed many frames | | from the first part of the film, those showing the best closeup | | images of the objects, had been deleted. The existing film consists | | of 280 frames of 16mm film. The UFOs first hovered, then moved | | smoothly at very high speed (400 mph) in an arch beind a water tower. | | The objects estimated diameter was 50 feet. (Sources: Richard F. | | Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 138; UNICAT, case | | 310; Edward U. Condon, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying | | Objects, p. 407). | | | | 1952 - Another famous case, a radar-visual confirmation, occurred in | | Japan on this day. A UFO hovered over the Haneda U.S. Air Force base | | near Tokyo and had several ground military witnesses in addition to | | radar tracking. It looked like a dark shape with a light, and it flew | | at 330 knots, then hovered, then performed a variety of maneuvers. It | | was tracked by airborne radar for 90 seconds.The UFO moved off at | | extreme speed, and then divided into three parts. (Sources: Project | | Blue Book, case # 1827; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, pp. 21, 84; | | Donald E. Keyhoe, Flying Saucers from Outer Space, p. 95; Donald E. | | Keyhoe, Flying Saucers: Top Secret, p. 160; Otto Binder, What We | | Really Know About Flying Saucers, p. 54; Kevin D. Randle, Invasion | | Washington: UFOs over the Capitol, p. 277). | | | | 1952 - At 5:10 a.m. an airline pilot named Quinn, flying a DC-3 for | | PAGA Airlines between Lima and Hueca, Peru, took a photograph of | | three saucer-shaped objects flying in V formation which maneuvered | | around his plane. (Sources: Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History. 1952: | | August, p. 24; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 18). | | | | 1955 - Buzancy, Ardennes, France - At 2:30 p.m. Messrs. Coisin and | | Mahieu saw five brown, disc-shaped craft come down from the sky and | | fly back up again at a high rate of speed. One of them flew under the | | others. Two discs appeared to land 300 meters away near the German | | cemetery. The others flew away toward the south at tremendous speed. | | (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, | | p. 250). | | | | 1955 - A photograph of a spherical UFO was taken at a school in | | Anchorage, Alaska by a man named G. Henning. (Sources: Max Miller, | | Saucers, May 1956, p. 1; J. Bernard Delair, UFO Register, Volume 6, | | 1975, p. 43). | | | | 1955 - At 2:30 p.m. Messrs. Coisin and Mahieu saw five brown, | | disc-shaped machines coming down in Buzancy, Ardennes, France. They | | maneuvered at great speed. One of them flew under the others, then | | two discs appeared to land 300 meters away near the German cemetery. | | The others flew away toward the south at tremendous speed. (Source: | | Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case | | 369). | | | | 1962 - On a highway between Las Armas and General Pirana, Argentina | | in Buenos Aires province at 1:45 a.m., Sr. P. Atilli had his truck's | | engine fail in the presence of a glowing orange, cigar-shaped UFO. | | The object was 25 meters long and 300 meters away, and gave off | | flashes of violet and green light. It shot off toward the | | west. (Sources: Uriondo Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, December 1972, p. | | 10; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. | | 19). | | | | 1963 - Shortly after midnight in Wayne County, Illinois a car with | | several teenagers was followed for 10 miles between Wayne City and | | Mount Vernon by white light. The UFO made a humming sound as it | | followed them. The car radio went crazy and the engine stalled as the | | object passed over, and the witnesses felt a sensation of cold when | | the UFO passed within 100 feet. Multiple independent witnesses. | | (Sources: Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth | | Kind, p. 179; Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1963, p. 24; | | Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 26). | | | | 1967 - At two o'clock in the afternoon three teenagers in Porthmadog | | near Mount Snowdon, Wales witnessed a metallic, 10-foot long, beer | | keg-shaped object flying low and hugging the rough terrain in a | | silent flight up and down the mountains. (Source: FSR, February 1978, | | p. 30). | | | | 1967 - In Duhamel, Alberta, Canada four rings created by pressure | | from a heavy force or object were found in a pasture and were | | believed to have been caused by a landed UFO. The smallest measured | | 31.75 feet in diameter and the largest 36.25 feet. (Source: Gene | | Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Spring 1968, p. 5). | | | | 1967 - At 11:30 p.m. two men, Ronald Sherven and Robert Bodine, saw a | | glowing, white flying object head from the west towards the east, | | north of Sawyer, North Dakota. The UFO was hidden from view by a | | hill, but suddenly appeared again over the cemetery, came down to | | ground level, and then sped away to the north. (Sources: NICAP UFO | | Investigator, October 1967, p. 3; Jacques Vallee, Passport to | | Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 864, citing NICAP). | | | | 1969 - On this day two cops among several civilians witness a UFO | | over Camarthen, Wales, U.K. It was spherical and silvery in color. | | The second officer saw it later than the first. It was confirmed not | | to be RAF aircraft. (Source: Gary Hezeltine, Police Reports of UFOs, | | p. 35, from a newspaper clipping dated August 6, 1969). | | | | 1969 - (1) At 3:30 a.m. a U.S. Marine Corp Colonel named Brandmeyer | | driving on Route 161 had a close encounter with a small intense light | | over a wooded area near New Baden, Illiniois. The light made a sharp | | turn, approached, drew alongside, and then paced his car for a few | | minutes. (2) That night, at 10:15 p.m., a metallic UFO approached a | | car 15 miles northwest of Raleigh, North Carolina on Highway 50, | | being driven by a Mrs. McWhite with one passenger. The car headlights | | dimmed, and their was interference on the car radio. Both were | | okay and the lights and radio functioned properly againafter the UFO | | left, about 30 seconds later. (3) Two and a half hours later, at | | 10:45 p.m. Mountain Time, five woman driving fourteen miles west of | | Ponoka, Alberta, Canada had a similar UFO close encounter with | | electromagnetic effects; the driver was a 38-year-old woman named | | Scott, and the incident lasted much long, about an hour. (Sources: | | (1) Jay Rath, The I-Files:  True Reports of Unexplained Phenomena in | | Illinois, p. 48, Skylook, August 1970, p. 4; (2) NICAP UFO | | Investigator, October 1969, p. 3; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports | | Involving Vehicle Interference, p. ; (2) John Brent Musgrave, field | | investigation case files, report dated September 19, 1969).  | | | | 1970 - Around 4:30 a.m. between Plasencia and Bejar, Caceres, Spain a | | man was driving through a forest when he sighted a brightly lit, | | yard-wide sphere in the sky that stopped, descended vertically into a | | clearing in the forest, and then darkened. At 10:45 p.m. a UFO in | | Cazalla de la Sierra, Seville, Spain caused the furious barking of | | two dogs. What appeared before the four witnesses was a | | two-dimensional illuminated 2 m by 1 m rectangle, hovering in the sky | | only ten meters away, perpendicular to the ground, which blocked the | | view of the vegetation behind it. It vanished when a gun was pointed | | in its direction. (Source: (1) Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, | | Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 131, | | citing Manuel Osuna Llorente, and (2) case 132; UNICAT, case # 472, | | citing Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, OVNIs: El Fenomeno Aterrizaje, | | p. 105; Stendek, December 1970, p. 18). | | | | 1970 - A 17-year-old teenager named Sivaraman left home at 7 p.m. to | | attend an evening class in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He experienced | | missing time, and when he woke up 12 hours later, he was 140 miles | | away from his home. (Source: Ahmad Jamaludin, Summary of Unidentified | | Flying Objects and Related Events in Malaysia, p. 44). | | | | 1972 - Shortly after midnight five independent witnesses had a close | | encounter with a cone of light, two miles south of Evant, Texas. It | | was between 100 and 500 feet away, and the sighting lasted five | | minutes. (Source: newspaper clipping, August 24, 1972; DataNet, | | January 1973, p. 9). | | | | 1972 - At 10:50 p.m. a driver in Yankallila, South Australia saw an | | object like a white cloud just above the telephone lines to the east. | | It was oblong shaped, with a hazy outline, and it was travelling at | | the same speed as the car, which was 80 km/h. It was lost from sight | | to the west. (Source: Keith Basterfield, South Australia UFO | | Reports - Project 1947 Website, citing UFORSA). | | | | 1974 - At 8:20 p.m. nine witnesses northwest of Bully-les-Mines, Pas | | de Calais, France spotted a brilliant, lens-shaped disc hovering over | | an electric pylon. It rose, wobbled, and then vanished. The entire | | incident lasted five minutes. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue | | 144). | | | | 1974 - An apparent abduction attempt that was thwarted by two other | | UFOs occurred shortly after dusk in Maracaibo, Venezuela. Two | | peasants in their twenties, named Sr. Chiaka and Sr. Monteil, were | | returning home when they were blinded by a round object in the sky | | that was "flattened at the sides, and of a silvery color." They found | | themselves paralyzed and unable to move as the object landed. Two | | humanoid beings, who were more than two meters tall, emerged from the | | craft, wearing "lead colored clothing like the skin of sardines." | | They also had on blue colored goggles and dark belts. They approached | | the witnesses slowly, making gestures, while a whistling sound came | | from their machine. What happened next was completely bewildering. | | Two other UFOs descended from the sky "and took the first UFO and its | | occupants in tow." The witnesses were then able to move again, and | | made their escape. (Sources: La Razon, August 6, 1974; David F. Webb | | & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1974-39; | | FSR, April 1975, p. 33). | | | | 1975 - At 6:15 a.m. a 5 meter in diameter disc-shaped object was | | sighted in Brussels, Belgium. It tilted, then "hid" in clouds near | | the center of the city at low altitude. (Source: Lumieres dans la | | Nuit, April 1977). | | | | 1976 - Amidst a series of cattle mutilation incidents, at 4:00 a.m. | | two workers at the Sterling, Colorado feedlot saw three human-like | | figures glide over one of the feedlot fences. The ground had been | | muddy at the time but no footprints were found anywhere near the | | fence. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of | | Humanoid Reports, case A1488, citing Dorothy Aldridge, Colorado | | Springs Gazzette Telegraph). | | | | 1976 - At 9:15 a.m. PDT the firelook at Satus Peak on the Yakima | | Indian Reservation in Washington State again reported seeing mystery | | ghost lights. (Source: Greg Long, Examining the Earthlight Theory: | | The Yakima UFO Microcosm, p. 130). | | | | 1976 - At ten o'clock in the morning the Chiasson family were driving | | in the Gaspesie Provincial Park in Quebec when they encountered a | | thick fog. The vehicle's lights and engine failed, and the car's | | interior began to feel very hot. A red light beam struck the road in | | front of car, and it was then that they saw a 40-foot wide, | | scallop-shell shaped object sitting on legs. The craft had windows, | | and through the windows they could see seven-foot tall entities | | inside that had big eyes. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, | | HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1634, citing Jean | | Ferguson). | | | | 1977 - A red disc-shaped object hovered at 30 meters altitude for | | about a minute on this night in Reguengo do Fetal, Leiria, | | Portugal, and then it took off fast. (Sources: PORTUCAT, case 182; | | Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 12279). | | | | 1978 - (1) On an overcast day at 11:30 a.m. a group of witnesses on a | | boat on Lake Crescent, Tasmania encountered a 30-meter long, dark | | brown cigar-shaped object, half a meter wide and only a meter or two | | above the water. It moved away quickly. (2) That evening on Lake | | Sorell, Tasmania the area was illuminated by a flying object. A | | nocturnal light maneuvered back and forth for 30 minutes, then faded | | away. (Sources: (1) Xenolog, December 1978, p. 19; Larry Hatch, U | | computer database, case # 12755; (2) Allan Hendry, International UFO | | Reporter, August 1978, p. 2). | | | | 1978 - At one p.m. a large, dark cigar-shaped object with a white | | spot flew toward the northwest over Gatwick International Airport in | | England. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 12756, | | citing FSR). | | | | 1978 - At 11:15 p.m. a TV director and another 40-year-old man had a | | close encounter with a whirring, gray triangular object while driving | | two miles southeast of Laurie, Missouri on Highway 5. Their close | | encounter lasted three minutes. (Sources: Allan Hendry, International | | UFO Reporter, September 1978, p. 8; UNICAT, case 572, citing IUR). | | | | 1979 - Waynesburg, Pennsylvania: two cops in a police helicopter | | reported that a two-foot wide disc-shaped object passed them at 4:05 | | p.m. It flew slowly at first, then sped up. Their helicopter could | | not catch up with it. (Source: MUFON UFO Journal, September 1979, | | p. 13). | | | | 1980 - At around 1:00 a.m. a 130-meter in diameter disc-shaped | | object descended to the ground at the Oktyabriski oil field in | | Russia. It flew off to the north, but it left a big hole with | | vitified sand glass walls: 20 tons of sand were reportedly missing. | | (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case #  13506, citing | | FSR). | | | | 1981 - At 10:30 a.m. a shiny white round object shot straight up when | | chased by an Indian Air Force jet near Guwahati, India. (Source: | | Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 44; MUFON UFO | | Journal, February 1984). | | | | 1981 - At 10:30 p.m. a cone of light maneuvered at 20 meters | | altitude, only 30 meters away from three young witnesses in | | Bruscarella, Italy. The UFO had orange beams of light, and cause an | | electrical power outage. The witnesses watched a large disc-shaped | | object with three bright lights land in a field. Another man reported | | seeing three human-like figures dressed in black exit the object and | | walk around. A scorched area on the ground was found where the object | | had landed.(Sources: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT, case 155; Albert S. | | Rosales, citing UFO Pavia). | | | | 1983 - In the mountains of Cerros Colorados, Argentina on Highway 74 | | on this night truck drivers encountered a gigantic disc-shaped UFO | | radiating flashing lights of various colors; it was seen at 400 | | meters for 3 minutes, then vanished as it sped away at a staggering | | speed. (Source: Jane Thomas, FSR, December 1983, p. 9, citing Tiempro | | Argentina, August 9, 1983). | | | | 1986 - Vibration caused a house to shake in St. Petersburg, Florida | | at 4:30 a.m. There was also radio interference and the house lights | | flickered. Outside a low flying disc-shaped UFO passed overhead, | | flying very fast to the southeast. (Source: Robert Gribble, UFO | | Reporting Center, case # 1146). | | | | 1987 - On this night in Gainesville, Florida a huge, silent circular | | disc-shaped object stopped 100 feet over an observer. (Source: | | Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1990, p. 198). | | | | 1990 - At 3:45 a.m. the Martens family of Owens Sound, Ontario | | awoke to see "dancing lights" that were apparently disturbing their | | cattle. The lights were yellowish-orange in color and looked like | | their were connected to something very large. The lights gradually | | changed to a deep "crimson red", and began revolving around each | | other. Some kind of green haze or fog formed, and the object suddenly | | vanished. That same night one son had a nightmare about a "shining | | angel", in the house, and the eldest daughter saw a brightly lit | | being in the house, who almost blinded her with light. (Source: | | Albert S. Rosales, 1990 Humanoid Sighting Reports Database, addition | | # 2820, citing Barry Arnold). | | | | 1992 - At 1:45 p.m. a United Airlines Boeing 747 crew flying 50 miles | | northeast of George AFB in San Bernardino County, California sighted | | a 50 foot-long object looking like the fuselage of a Lockheed SR-71. | | (Source: Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 47, citing | | Jan Aldrich). | | | | 1993 - In Dunajska Streda, Slovakia about 10 children saw two strange | | looking humanoids with large cucumber-like heads in a field at 10:30 | | p.m. They were wearing all silver clothing. They glided over the | | field and disappeared from sight. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, | | Humanoid Contact Database 1993, citing Dr. Milos Jesensk). | | | | 1993 - At sometime after two o'clock at night, the daughter of a UFO | | investigator watched two silent helicopter-shaped craft hover outside | | her bedroom window in the town of Baca in the San Luis Valley of | | Colorado. A beam of red light passed from one helicopter to the | | other. (Source: Christopher O'Brien, The Mysterious Valley, p. 186). | | | | 1995 - On this day in Turin, Italy Mr. Rohner, a MUFON-CES member, | | saw a luminous triangle-shaped craft while on vacation in the city. | | At 10:55 p.m. a 35-year-old couple in Dortmund, Germany saw the sky | | brighten, and then sighted a huge 20-meter triangular object with | | 8-10 circular yellow-orange radiators. It sounded like a transformer, | | flew from north to south, made an abrupt turn to the southwest | | at 150-200 m altitude, and 10 minutes later was seen again. (Source: | | Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. 36). | | | | 1997 - Taxi driver Ramon Velazquez Luna had just dropped off a fare | | at 12:45 a.m. and was driving on the Villa de Reyes highway in San | | Luis Potosi, Mexico when he began to see whitish orange lights | | following him. The lights turned off and then appeared this time in | | front of his taxicab. The lights then disappeared into a nearby | | field. Approaching the village of Chirimoya, he noticed what appeared | | to be a "power plant," well lighted, on the side of the road. | | Confused by their presence, he stopped his cab and noticed that the | | lights were oval shaped. Quickly a fog-like smoke approached the | | vehicle, causing him to get scared and drive away. As he drove away | | he saw a strange vehicle on the side of the road nearby, and it had | | several large headless dark humanoid figures milling around it. The | | figures seemed to be signaling Luna to stop his vehicle. When he | | arrived at his destination he noticed that he had almost three hours | | he could not account for. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid | | Contact Database 1997, citing Ruben Manrique, Contacto OVNI). | | | | 2002 - At 10:00 p.m. a triangular shaped object, large and with | | exterior lights, was sighted near the water in West Vancouver, | | British Columbia. It rose vertically. Starting at around 11:15 p.m., | | many triangle crafts, with lights, were seen flying at tree top level | | and hovering between Martinsville and Mooresville, Indiana for 15 | | minutes. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, | | August 2002 web archive). | | | | 2006 - At around 11:00 p.m., while night hunting for wild boar, three | | men in Bonaire, Georgia came upon a stand of oak trees alongside a | | field where they had just run their dogs, and saw some lights coming | | from the woods. They decided to investigate and walked into the woods | | approximately 60 yards before they heard a loud whooshing sound. | | Their dogs then tucked their tails and began whining. When the men | | tried to get a closer look the lights dimmed, and another whooshing | | sound was heard. The men then saw two small green “midgets” run from | | behind a tree toward what appeared to be a large “concrete mixer” | | with lights on it. Later on, after waiting awhile and drinking a | | beer, the men ran back up the hill with their dogs. The light and the | | object had gone, and there was an eerie silence throughout the woods, | | so that even the insects were completely quiet. The next day, the men | | returned to the spot and found nothing out of the ordinary. Later | | that next evening one of the men went to feed his dogs and found that | | “Judo,” his best hunting dog, was sick and would not eat anything. He | | claims the dog died later that week without any apparent reason. | | (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2006, citing | | National UFO Reporting Center). | | | | 2009 - In Valrico, Florida a cigar-shaped object with no wings was | | sighted following a commercial jet airliner at 5:30 p.m. Two hours | | later a line of orange lights was observed appearing and disappearing | | in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO | | Reporting Center, reports uploaded December 12, 2009 and August 27, | | 2009). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 25 July 2012). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: abduction, aerial UFO encounters, barrel-shaped | | UFO, car UFO encounters and pacings, cigar-shaped UFOs, crop circles | | , disc-shaped UFOs, distance to UFO 300 meters, EM vehicle ignition a | | nd electrical system interference effects, fog or smoke, glowing UFOs | | , human-looking aliens, landings or near landings, metallic UFOs, mis | | sing time, multi-year reports from Florida and Wales, mystery helicop | | ters, oval-shaped UFO, red beams of light, sensation of cold, sensati | | on of heat, silver uniforms, tall humanoids, tall headless humanoids. | | | | © Donald A. Johnson | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+