+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | | May 24 | | | | 1949 - A metallic disc with a tail fin was viewed through binoculars | | as it moved on a horizontal flight course in Rogue River, Oregon at | | 5:00 p.m. It gradually increased its speed until it reached that of a | | jet aircraft. No propulsion method was apparent. (Source: Project | | Blue files counted in official statistics, May 1949). | | | | 1954 - At 12:25 p.m. a B-17 on a photo mapping mission over Richmond, | | Indiana and flying at an altitude of 18,500 feet, suddenly noticed a | | UFO below and to the right of the plane, moving on a different | | heading. Leo Brubaker, one of the crewmembers, took a photograph of | | the object, directed downward toward the clouds, which shows an | | overexposed bright round blob of light. (Sources: Project Blue Book | | files counted in official statistics, report form dated May 24, 1954; | | UNICAT database, case 604, citing David R. Saunders, UFOs? Yes! Where | | the Condon Committee went wrong, p. 69). | | | | 1954 - A classic disc-shaped, luminous UFO hovered only a meter above | | the ground along Highway 3, 15 kilometers outside of Colonel | | Brandsen, Argentina at 11:50 p.m. Two human-like shadows were seen | | moving around inside the object. There were two witnesses named | | Atencio and Garcia and the sighting lasted for about a minute. | | (Sources: Roberto Enrique Banchs, Phenomenes Spatiaux, September | | 1976, p. 25; UNICAT datbase, case 541, citing Roberto Banchs, OVNIS y | | sus Ocupantes, p. 12). | | | | 1962 - A robot-like being was sighted on a ranch in La Pampa, | | Argentina on this day by a rancher and his wife. Later an 18 foot in | | diameter burnt circle was found in the grass. (Sources: Encounters | | with UFO Occupants, p. 152; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, May | | 1963, p. 36; Ted R. Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO | | Sightings, case 153). | | | | 1964 - Two witnesses in Millinocket, Maine saw a fiery orange object | | which followed their car at 9:00 p.m. When this object, which was now | | seen to be spherical, approached to within 2-3 meters, the engine | | died and could not be restarted. The sphere was a fuzzy "ball of | | fire," only 75 centimeters in diameter. After five minutes, it flew | | away and the car could be started. (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport | | to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 607; Mark Rodeghier, UFO | | Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 22). | | | | 1965 - At 12:05 a.m. a metallic domed saucer, jet black on top, with | | three triangular legs and a bank of floodlights around the main body | | was seen hovering and on the ground in Eton Ridge, Queensland, | | Australia by three men named Tilse, Burgess, and Juden. The object | | was 20-30 feet in diameter, 15 feet in height, and was at a minimum | | distance of 300 meters away. It made a buzzing or hissing sound, and | | made several maneuvers before it sped away. A circle 20 feet in | | diameter, consisting of a 3 foot 2 inch wide ring of flattened grass, | | was found at the landing site the next morning. (Sources: Keith | | Basterfield, citing UFO Research Queensland; Judith Magee, Flying | | Saucer Review, September-October 1965, p. 13; UNICAT database, citing | | Judith Magee and FSR). | | | | 1965 - At 1:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. French of Geraldton, Western | | Australia observed an object in a field at 4 m altitude. It had | | blinding white lights, caused radio interference, and made a | | high-pitched sound. (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A | | Century of Landings, case 647; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence: A | | Thirty Year Report, p. 262). | | | | 1965 - At 6:40 p.m. hunters in Paso de las Carretas, Argentina saw | | through binoculars an object resembling an upside-down plate, very | | luminous, with a red light on top, flying in circles and landing on a | | hilltop. The Lujan police sent a patrol, under Comm. Osvaldo Pagella, | | which found a large, metallic object resting on the hill, but because | | of the difficult terrain they could not get near the object before it | | took off. (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of | | Landings, case 648; Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, December | | 1972, p. 11, citing La Tribuna, May 26, 1965). | | | | 1967 - Remy Deneuville and his family saw a white light to the side | | of the road in Arbonne, France at eleven p.m., but it was turned off | | when they drove to within 150 meters of its location. Minutes later, | | they saw a luminous spherical object fly away for several minutes. | | (Sources: Phenomenes Spatiaux, December 1967; Jacques Vallee, | | Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 841). | | | | 1967 - At 3:00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. De Carvalho were putting a new tile | | roof on a shed in Parque en Grande, Brazil when they noticed a 15 | | foot long ovoid object with four legs. It was light grey in color. A | | short occupant wearing a helmet leaned out of the craft to observe | | them; it then took off. (Sources: FSR, March-April 1971, p 30, citing | | Ultima Hora, May 30, 1967; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: | | Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0816, citing FSR). | | | | 1971 - In Mendoza, Argentina an incandescent orange Saturn-shaped | | object descended, discharged a dense cloud, then darted sideways at | | 12:10 p.m. It rocked back-forth in the sky while hovering, and then | | shot upward at an angle. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, July-August 1971, | | p. 1; Antonio Baragiola, FSR, March 1972, p. 7; Richard H. Hall, The | | UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 15). | | | | 1973 - On this night physicist Harley D. Rutledge had his second | | sighting of a maneuvering delta-shaped object over the Farmington, | | Missouri airport at 10:00 p.m. (Source: Harley D. Rutledge, Project | | Identification, p. 34). | | | | 1974 - In San Clemente, Cuenca, Spain a four meter long ovoid object | | with four legs was seen on the ground by 53-year-old Demetrio | | Carrascosa at 11:30 a.m. It had six windows. Rocks scattered on | | takeoff. The sighting lasted 15-20 seconds. (Sources: Vicente-Juan | | Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and | | Portugal, case 191, citing E. Villagrasa, Stendek, September 1974, p. | | 25; Ted R. Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, | | case 806; UNICAT database, case 570, citing Stendek). | | | | 1978 - Driving in the city of Tuscaloosa, Alabama at 9:15 p.m. a | | 21-year-old college student saw a metallic object nearby. His car | | radio experienced a burst of static as he sighted the object, which | | was glowing yellow-white with blue, orange, green, and yellow lights | | rotating on its bottom. The driver continued to drive past the object | | and did not see how it departed or when. (Source: Mark Rodeghier, UFO | | Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 72, citing CUFOS). | | | | 1986 - A cigar-shaped object landed in Encounter Bay, Victor Harbour, | | South Australia at 12:10 p.m. and then submerged. It was described as | | having fins and a propeller. (Source: Robert Gribble, National UFO | | Reporting Center, Seattle). | | | | 1990 - At 11 p.m. a woman walking her dog in North Huntingdon, | | Pennsylvania saw a UFO approach and hover momentarily within 150 feet | | of some power lines. It then accelerated out of sight. (Source: Wayne | | Willis, MUFON field investigation files, case 900704). | | | | 1999 - Sereban, Malaysia - A Malaysian boy named Mohd Fami awoke at | | 4:30 a.m. to the sound of his family's tin roof being blown by a | | strong wind. He saw a blindingly bright craft hovering nearby. | | (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle). | | | | 2001 - A silver cigar shaped object landed on a rural road in Ionia, | | Michigan at 4:30 a.m. It ascended and hit in some trees when a car | | approached, then flew off at 70 mph to the west, crossing the road. | | (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 18168). | | | | 2003 - Mr. Martin Tate, an aerospace engineer, sighted a cluster of 5 | | to 6 silver spheres in a triangular formation over Waltham Abbey, | | England at 12:30 p.m. One object hovered in place while the rest flew | | away toward the west. He watched then for 30 seconds before they were | | lost from view behind some clouds. (Source: Martin Tate, UFO Magazine | | (UK), July 2003, p. 15). | | | | 2003 - At 7:20 p.m. a silver, oval-shaped object, high in the sky, | | moved smoothly through the sky over Edbaston Reservoir, Birmingham, | | England and made no sound at all as it turned. It left no smoke or | | contrail. It was in view for three minutes. (Source: Peter Davenport, | | National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2003 archived webpage). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 23 May 2006). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: cigar shaped UFOs, disc-shaped UFOs, domed disc | | s, inside occupants, landings, landing traces: circular ground marks, | | luminous UFOs, maneuvering UFOs, multi-year reports from Argentina, | | nautical UFO, short humanoid, silver metallic colored UFOs, short hum | | anoids, spherical UFOs, vehicle EM effects, wind associated with UFO. | | | | < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+