| [On This Day]                                                         |
|  Encounters with Aliens on this Day                                   |
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|  December 27                                                          |
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| 1954 - Alerted by some children to the presence of a UFO around ten   |
| o'clock in the morning, Elizabeth Klarer ran to a nearby hill in Mooi |
| River, South Africa. Twenty yards away was a domed disc-shaped        |
| object, about 60 feet in diameter, that silently descended to 10-12   |
| feet above the ground. It had a flat hull rotating around a flattish  |
| dome, which contained portholes. In one of the porthole windows she   |
| saw a man "with a thin face, aquiline nose, and high cheekbones," who |
| looked at her with hypnotic intensity. Then, with a blast of hot air, |
| the craft rose and shot away at tremendous speed. Ms. Klarer had a    |
| contactee experience 18 months later. (Sources: Cynthia Hind, Fate,   |
| August 1969; John Wallace Spencer, World Atlas of UFOs, p. 146; David |
| F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case   |
| 1954-146 (A0359), citing Cynthia Hind).                               |
|                                                                       |
| 1963 - A shiny white object was seen on the ground at Bank's Stables, |
| Epping, England at four o'clock in the afternoon. It was about 3.5    |
| meters long, a meter in height, and had something like a windshield   |
| more brilliant than the rest of the craft. When it took off it flew   |
| horizontally for 30 meters and was hidden from view. Grass was        |
| flattened over a circular area, and four ground marks were found      |
| suggesting imprints from landing gear. (Source: Jacques Vallee,       |
| Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 593).                |
|                                                                       |
| 1969 – In the early hours after midnight Miss Mary Smith and her      |
| mother were in their parked car near Atlanta, Georgia talking. They   |
| were parked along the side of the road in the suburbs, and it was     |
| about two a.m. when her mother first noticed a black, saucer-shaped   |
| flying object with a flat bottom hovering some distance away. The     |
| bottom opened slowly and from it descended a “plastic bubble” with a  |
| glowing light inside. It drifted downward, and then separated into    |
| three glowing, arrow-shaped objects that came to rest in a parking    |
| lot across the street. Shortly afterwards they saw three dark         |
| humanoid forms at the spot. They looked like men with wide shoulders  |
| and narrow hips, but with arms shorter than normal. One was much      |
| larger than the others. All three were “sweeping furiously” with      |
| tools like lawn rakes over a spot about nine feet in diameter. What   |
| they swept up was put into a basket-shaped container in the center.   |
| At one point the larger figure chased after something to the edge of  |
| the street and caught it in his hand, picking it up and running back  |
| to put it in the basket. When two teenaged boys drove up in a car and |
| saw the beings they drove into the parking lot. The figures then      |
| abruptly vanished. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT:     |
| Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-57, citing Ted Phillips for  |
| MUFON).                                                               |
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| 1977 - Two very bright cones of bright light moved rapidly through    |
| the sky over Charlotte, North Carolina at 10:45 p.m., tracked by a    |
| Charlotte Police helicopter and appearing on radar. Allan Hendry, the |
| investigator at the time for the Center for UFO Studies, suggested a  |
| prank balloon might be the explanation, but the UFO was too bright    |
| and emitted an energetic ball of light. (Sources: Charlotte Observer, |
| December 31, 1977; APRO Bulletin, February 1978, p. 1; Allan Hendry,  |
| International UFO Reporter, March 1978, p. 8; Dominique Weinstein,    |
| Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 41).                                      |
|                                                                       |
| Charlotte, North Carolina Helicopter-UFO Encounter - 1977             |
|                                                                       |
| []                                                                    |
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| 1980 - Bentwaters AFB, England - A famous close encounter landing with |
| radar confirmation, and a possible encounter with humanoids occurred  |
| in the early morning hours between Bentwaters and Woodbridge RAF/USAF |
| Bases. The case involved many military personnel, including the base  |
| commander, Colonel Halt. A nocturnal light had been sighted           |
| repeatedly over several nights prior to this encounter. On the night  |
| in question a 12 foot wide cone-shaped object was encountered near    |
| the ground outside the west gate of the Bentwaters base. According to |
| several of the military witnesses, the UFO shone light beams into the |
| nuclear weapons storage area, them landed or hovered quite close to   |
| the ground in the forest outside the base. A USAF security patrol     |
| outside the back gate of RAF Woodbridge likely had the closest        |
| encounter. The UFO they saw hovered at treetop level, and was         |
| described as being round with a red light on top and several blue     |
| lights underneath. It was surrounded by a yellow mist. It landed in a |
| field, illuminating the ground, then shot up. Larry Warren, one of    |
| the military enlisted men present, claims that UFO occupants were     |
| seen on this occasion. At the same time, in nearby Martlesham in      |
| Suffolk county, a nocturnal light followed a car and then shot up     |
| into the air, causing a herd of cows to stampede. (Sources: Richard   |
| H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 26,   |
| 77, Jenny Randles, From Out of the Blue, p. 16; Illobrand von         |
| Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. 15; Michael David Hall, UFOs: A  |
| Century of Sightings, p. 320; Peter Brookesmith, UFO: The Complete    |
| Sightings, p. 123).                                                   |
|                                                                       |
| Bentwaters AFB, England Close Encounter - 1980                        |
|                                                                       |
| []                                                                    |
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| 1991 - On this evening five young witnesses watched a large silvery   |
| sphere land in a field very close to them in Longwy, France. Two      |
| human looking figures with blue eyes emerged from the sphere. They    |
| wore gray coveralls, and one figure was carrying something resembling |
| a transparent cylindrical canister. That humanoid proceeded to walk   |
| around the object and collect various plant and soil samples, placing |
| them inside the canister. After awhile the humanoids re-entered the   |
| sphere, which then rose up silently and shot away at high speed.      |
| Ground traces were found. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid        |
| Contact Database 1991, citing Ecol # 91, Denys Breysse Project        |
| Becassine).                                                           |
|                                                                       |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 13 July 2005).           |
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| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database.                           |
|                                                                       |
| Themes: cone-shaped UFOs, disc-sha                                    |
| ped UFOs, domed discs, ground imprints and circular flattened area, h |
| umanoids with wide shoulders, inside occupant, landings, radar visual |
|  confirmations, sample collecting behavior, thin UFOnaut, white UFO.> |
|                                                                       |
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