March 29, 1952; Misawa, Japan.; Small, shiny disc made pass at Air Force plane (section IX). May 1, 1952; Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ.; Two disc-shaped UFOs approached close to B-36 bomber, also seen from ground (section II). December 6, 1952; Gulf of Mexico.; Air Force bomber tracked "mother ship," smaller high-speed objects, on radar (section X). November 14, 1956; Mobile, AL.; Luminous object descended, hovered in front of airliner, then sped away at upward angle (section X). October 15, 1957; Minas Gerais State, Brazil.; Villas Boas abduction, sexual encounter case (section XIII). November 23, 1957; Tonopah, NV.; Air Force officer's car failed, he saw disc-shaped objects on ground (section II). July 13, 1959; Blenheim, New Zealand.; Disc with dome illuminated area in green light, two beings visible in dome (section XII). April 13, 1960; Red Bluff, CA.; State Police encounter with highly maneuverable elliptical object, red light beams swept ground (section V). September 19, 1961; White Mountains, NH.; Barney and Betty Hill vehicle encounter, abduction case (section XIII). April 24, 1964; Socorro, NM.; Whitish elliptical object with legs seen on ground by police officer, left imprints and scorched foliage when it took off (section V). April 24, 1964; Newark Valley, NY.; Farmer found shiny elliptical object in field, confronted by two small humanoids who spoke with him (section XII). April 30, 1964; Canyon Ferry, MT.; Glowing oval object landed, indentations and scorch marks found at site (section VII). May 5, 1964; Comstock, MN.; Object landed in field, physical traces (section VII). May 10, 1964; La Rioja, Argentina.; Domed disc rose from woods, electromagnetic (E-M) effects on van, 10-meter (30-foot) burnt circle found next day (section XII). May 19, 1964; Hubbard, OR.; Rectangular object with legs left flattened wheat and three indentations on the edge of a circle (section VII). June 29, 1964; Lavonia, GA.; Brilliantly lit top-shaped object made head-on passes at car, paced ahead of it, hovering and darting motions (section X11). July 1964; ; NICAP report, The UFO Evidence, released to Congress and news media. July 16, 1964; Conklin, NY.; Humanoid with dark suit and helmet, climbed on top of craft. Physical traces found at site (section XII). July 16, 1964; Houghton Lake, MI.; Pilot observed formation of four white lights joined by two others, paced aircraft for five minutes (section III). July 27, 1964; Norwich, NY.; Aluminum-colored sphere with luminous ring hovered for four to five minutes. Air Force unidentified case (section IV). July 29, 1964; ; Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date). August 10, 1964; Wake Island.; Blinking red light approached air base runway, hovered, reversed direction. Air Force unidentified case (section I). August 11, 1964; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). September 4, 1964; Cisco Grove, CA.; A bow-and-arrow hunter separated from his companions was treed by humanoid and robot-like beings after a UFO was observed descending (section XII). October 11, 1964; Brockton, MA.; Engineer, others, observed dome-shaped object following jet fighters. UFO shot straight up and out of sight (section IV). November 25, 1964; New Berlin, NY.; Two objects landed on hilltop, large group of humanoid beings engaged in apparent repair operation for four hours (section XII). December 21, 1964; Staunton, VA.; Cone-shaped object crossed highway, car engine failed, object landed. Radioactive area found at landing site (section I). December 1964; Washington DC.; To January 1965. sighting concentration around Washington, DC, which led to CIA contact with NICAP to obtain information. January 3, 1965; ; Quadrantid meteor shower (mean date). January 5, 1965; Wallops Island, VA.; Aerospace engineer watched round glowing object move rapidly from horizon to nearly overhead (section IV, Section VIII). January 11, 1965; Washington, DC.; Army Signal Corps communications system specialists observed 12-15 white ovals maneuvering erratically, with jets seen in pursuit (section II). January 12, 1965; Lynden, WA.; Border Patrol officer saw bright disc illuminating ground, swoop down, hover near car, accelerate up into clouds with rushing air sound (section V). January 19, 1965; Brand's Flats, VA.; Humanoid beings emerged from landed object at archery range, approached witness, who froze, apparently paralyzed (section XII). January 23, 1965; Williamsburg, VA.; Metallic-appearing, mushroom-shaped object, red-orange glow, at low level. Sound like vacuum cleaner heard, E-M effects on car (section VIII). January 27, 1965; Hampton, VA.; NASA engineer saw V-shaped object with red-orange lights zigzagging at low level. Object touched down briefly, took off, rapidly climbed out of sight (section IV). February 11, 1965; Pacific Ocean.; Flying Tiger aircrew observed three red oval objects, tracked on airborne radar. Paced aircraft for 30 minutes, departed upward at high speed (section I). March 15, 1965; Everglades, FL.; Hovering cone-shaped object, animal reaction. Witness struck on forehead by light beam, unconscious, eye damage. Damaged foliage found at site (section I). April 4, 1965; Keesler AFB, MS.; USAF weather observer saw black oval with body lights flying in and out of clouds (section I). May 24, 1965; Mackay, Australia.; Circular UFO with three legs on or near the ground, trees illuminated. Departed rapidly with buzzing sound. Circular ring impression found at site (section VII). May 28, 1965; Townsville, North Queensland, Australia.; Elliptical object paced airliner, accelerated and sped away, photographs taken (section III). July 1, 1965; Valensole, France.; Elliptical object with legs observed on ground, two small humanoids pointed pencil-like device at witness, paralyzing him. Strong physical trace evidence at site (section XII). July 2, 1965; Antarctica.; To July 3, 1965. Meteorological observers at scientific research bases watched zigzagging and maneuvering objects, including a lens-shaped disc. E-M effects (sections IV, VIII). July 8, 1965; Sunnyvale, CA.; Police lieutenant and officer saw hovering white object that undulated, darted here and there, zigzagged, and sped away (section V). July 19, 1965; Vaucluse, N.S.W., Australia.; Domed disc with legs on beach, dogs barked loudly. Object took off with sound of rushing air, yellow-orange glow from underside (section IV). July 20, 1965; Chesterville, Ontario, Canada.; Domed object paced car, climbed out of sight (section XII). July 29, 1965; ; Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date). July 31, 1965; US; To September 3, 1965. Summer 1965 sighting wave mostly in Southwestern U.S. and northward through the central tier of states, later in eastern U.S. (See separate chronology, section VIII.) August 3, 1965; US; Denver Post editorial: "Maybe it's time for more people to get serious about the UFO question. . . . If we still choose to be skeptical, we nevertheless are not nearly so ready as we once were to dismiss all reports of variously shaped but elusive flying objects as products of midsummer night dreams." August 3, 1965; Santa Ana, CA; Highway investigator Rex Heflin, three Polaroid photos of domed-disc UFO (section VII). August 4, 1965. Fort Worth Star Telegram (TX) editorial: "They can stop kidding us now about there being no such thing as 'flying saucers. . . .' Too many people of obviously sound mind saw and reported them independently. . . . Their descriptions of what they saw were too similar to one another, and too unlike any familiar object. . . ." August 4, 1965; Abilene, KS.; E-M effects on truck, domed disc swooped overhead, hovered just above road, blocked highway (section VI). August 4, 1965; Michigan—Minnesota.; U.S. Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force radar tracked formations of 7-10 UFOs over Lake Superior and Duluth, MN, moving at about 9,000 mph, altitudes between 5,200 and 17,000 feet (section VII). August 6, 1965; US; Cascade (ID) News editorial: "An objective observer is about forced to the conclusion that there are objects of some sort appearing in the skies that cannot be explained by any conventional circumstances. There is absolutely no reason to deny the UFOs' existence because we don't understand them." August 10, 1965; Seattle, WA.; Boeing aerospace engineer saw two silvery, disc-shaped objects that hovered for several minutes, departed upward at high speed one after the other (section IV). August 10, 1965; Pacific Northwest.; 9:40 P.M. Fireball meteor traveling easterly across northeast sky. August 11, 1965; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). August 13, 1965; Portsmouth, NH.; Portsmouth (NH) Herald editorial: "Perhaps we really do have visitors from somewhere beyond our present ken." August 16, 1965; US; Christian Science Monitor editorial: "[UFOs] sighted early this month over Texas may give scientists something to think about for a long time. . . . They give the clearest evidence of all that something strange actually was in the sky. . . . It makes the clearest case yet for a thorough look at the saucer mystery." August 19, 1965; Cherry Creek, NY.; E-M effects in barn, elliptical object landed nearby, animals reacted, beeping sound. Object shot straight up into clouds. Physical traces at site (section 1). August 21, 1965; US; Science editor, Christian Science Monitor: "Flying saucers are all but literally knocking on the laboratory door. . . . Something definitely is going on that cannot yet be explained." September 3, 1965; Exeter, NH.; Citizen reports of glowing red, elliptical object at low level, verified by police, row of bright pulsating red lights, animal reactions (section V). September 3, 1965; Damon, TX.; Two sheriffs saw huge, brightly illuminated object speed toward their patrol car, hover, illuminate them and the terrain in purple light. Heat felt (section I). September 14, 1965; Langenhoe, Essex, UK.; Domed disc descended, humming sound, blue light. Motorbike engine failed, witness paralyzed, shock, static electricity (section IV). September 16, 1965; Pretoria, South Africa.; Constables in police van encountered domed disc on highway, object lifted off emitting flame. Tar and gravel road severely damaged (section V). September 27, 1965; Columbus, OH.; At 5:15 P.M., scientist saw metallic- appearing, cigar-shaped object that changed course (section IV). September 27, 1965; Northeastern United States.; Fireball meteor sighting at 7:56 P.M. American Meteor Society No. 2389. September 28, 1965; US; Memo from Maj. Gen. E. B. LeBailly, USAF director of information, to USAF Scientific Advisory Board requesting a scientific panel to review the methods and findings of Project Blue Book. LeBailly noted: "Many of the reports that cannot be explained have come from intelligent and technically well-qualified individuals whose integrity cannot be doubted." October 7, 1965; Edwards AFB, CA.; Radar-visual sighting of 12 UFOs, jet interceptor pursuit (section II). November 10, 1965; Northeastern US; Massive power blackout in northeastern United States at about 5:25 P.M. (EST). Some reports of UFOs coincided, with resulting speculation about a possible relationship (section VII). December 20, 1965; Herman, MN.; Domed disc, E-M effects on engine and headlights, truck spun off road into ditch. Object ascended with whistling sound, sparks from underside (section VII). 1966 February 3, 1966; US; USAF Scientific Advisory Board met to review Project Blue Book. Issued report dated "March 1966" recommending contracts to universities to study selected UFO sightings. February 6, 1966; Aluche, Madrid, Spain.; Brightly lighted disc with legs seen landing and taking off again. Imprints and scorch marks found at site (section VII). February 11, 1966; Skowhegan, ME.; Glowing orange object with domed top hovered, maneuvered over area, seen by police and citizens. Tracked on Air Force and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) radar (section VII). February 17, 1966; US; NICAP contacted by United Nations Secretary General U Thant's office requesting information and documents on UFOs. March 1966; US; Midwestern and northeastern U.S. sighting wave (see separate chronology, section VIII). March 14, 1966; Dexter, Milan, and Ann Arbor, MI.; To March 20, 1966. Sheriffs reported disc-shaped objects moving at fantastic speeds and making sharp turns, diving and climbing, hovering. Selfridge AFB confirmed tracking UFOs over Lake Erie (section V). March 20, 1966; Exeter, NH.; To March 21, 1966. Egg-shaped object with flashing lights across the center (red-white-blue-green-red) hovered over power lines, bobbed around, and rocked in a pendulum motion (section V). March 21, 1966; Hillsdale, MI.; Officials, college students saw UFO settle in a hollow, emitting orange, red, and white lights (section VIII). March 23, 1966; Temple, OK.; Huge, elongated craft blocking high-way, flashing body lights, port, door, antenna on top, spindly legs. Human-like figure entered, craft took off, hovered, sped away (section XII). March 27, 1966; Columbus, GA.; Control tower personnel, police. Radar-visual sighting of maneuvering object (section VII). March 28, 1966. Roscoe Drummond, syndicated columnist: "The time has come for either the President or Congress to name an objective and respected panel to investigate, appraise and report on all present and future evidence about what is going on." March 28, 1966; US; Rep. Gerald Ford (R-Mich.) issued call for UFO hearings. March 28, 1966; US; NICAP press conference at National Press Club. March 30, 1966; US; The Christian Science Monitor editorialized that the Michigan sightings had "deepened the mystery" and "it is time for the scientific community to conduct a thorough and objective study of the 'unexplainable.'" March 31, 1966; Vicksburg, MI.; Luminous object hovered, blocked roadway, bobbed up and down, moved quickly. Car buffeted, humming sound. Object rose, sped off at steep angle (section VI). March 31, 1966; Indianapolis, IN.; Editorial, Indianapolis (IN) News: "What is needed, obviously, is more public inquiry conducted under scrupulously objective auspices. . . . Too many people have seen too many things for the subject to be dismissed with mere off-hand explanations." April 5, 1966; US; House Armed Services Committee hearing on UFOs in U.S. Congress. Only Air Force witnesses called to testify. Hearings used as forum to announce that new independent scientific study would be undertaken. April 17, 1966; Ravenna, OH.; Sheriffs confronted by glowing object, light beam illuminated road, humming sound. Chased UFO across state line, other police witnesses en route. Object shot straight up out of sight (section I). April 21, 1966; ; Lyrid meteor shower (mean date). April 21, 1966; US; Rep. Gerald Ford (R-Mich.) issued news release announcing that USAF was arranging for a "study of UFOs by topflight scientists not connected in any way with the Air Force." May 8, 1966; US; Gallup Poll reported 96 percent public awareness of UFOs, and that nearly half of the adult population believed UFOs were real. May 10, 1966; US; CBS Reports "Flying Saucers: Friend, Foe or Fantasy?" presented extremely negative Air Force and "scientific" views, primarily those of Dr. Donald Menzel and Dr. Carl Sagan, both skeptics. May 21, 1966; Willow Grove, PA.; Experienced pilot in light plane encountered disc with dome that made sharp turn, passed beneath his wing (section I). June 19, 1966; Nha Trang, Vietnam.; Brilliantly lighted object illuminated terrain at Army base, widespread E-M effects on vehicles and machinery. Object shot straight up out of sight within seconds (section II). June 24, 1966; Richmond, VA.; Elliptical object with body lights, surrounded by mist or vapor, observed by police officer, led him on cat-and-mouse chase. Object accelerated and sped away (section V). July 26, 1966; Atlanta, GA.; Six FAA personnel observed oval UFOs, radar-visual sighting. One object accelerated rapidly (section VII). August 9, 1966; US; Robert J. Low, later coordinator of the Colorado UFO project, sent a memo to University of Colorado officials suggesting how they could deal with scientific disdain of UFO sightings. "The trick would be" to make it "appear a totally objective study" (section XV). August 22, 1966; US; "Plasma Theory May Explain Many UFOs," by Philip J. Klass, Aviation Week. August 27, 1966; US; Dr. J. A. Hynek released to the press a letter rejected by Science magazine reporting a "pattern" to UFO sightings that "suggests that something is going on" and disputing seven misconceptions about UFOs. Science had a belated change of heart and published the letter on October 21, with the headline, "UFOs Merit Scientific Study." September 1966; Uintah Basin, UT; To December 1966. Local concentration peaking in late 1966 and 1967 (section VIII). September 3, 1966; US; "The Disputed CIA Documents on UFOs," by John Lear in Saturday Review discusses oddities about the January 1953 Robertson Panel report before it was declassified. September 19, 1966; US; Air Force Regulation (AFR) 80-17 promulgated to replace AFR 200-2, placing UFOs under the Research and Development command and reflecting the University of Colorado Project study in progress. September 20, 1966; Sebring, FL.; Private pilot encountered coneshaped object, "singing" noise. Object descended, followed aircraft, accelerated up and away (section III). September 22, 1966; Deadwood, SD.; Hovering object with smaller satellite objects operating independently, emitted light beams, finally sped away (section V). October 3, 1966; US; "Many UFOs Are Identified as Plasmas," by Philip J. Klass in Aviation Week. October 7, 1966; US; USAF public announcement of grant to University of Colorado for a UFO study to be headed by Dr. E. U. Condon. October 11, 1966; US; Project Sign ("Saucer") report of February 1949 declassified from its formerly SECRET status. October 15, 1966; Split Rock Pond, NJ.; Red-orange disc-shaped object followed car, ground brightly illuminated, engine, headlights failed. Physiological effects (section I). November 1, 1966; US; Official contract starting date of Colorado UFO Project. December 17, 1966; US; "Are Flying Saucers Real?" by Dr. J. A. Hynek in Saturday Evening Post, stating that hundreds of puzzling UFO cases exist and urging a serious inquiry December 30, 1966; Peru.; Two luminous objects paced Canadian Pacific Airlines plane at 35,000 feet for seven minutes, emitted light beams up, then down, accelerated away (section III). January 1967; ; To May 1967. Intensive U.S. and international UFO sighting wave (see separate chronology, section VIII). January 3, 1967 (approximate); New Richmond, IN.; Dome-shaped object hovered over car, roadway brightly illuminated. Forward motion slowed, unable to accelerate, loss of steering control (section VI). January 3, 1967; ; Quadrantid meteor shower (mean date). January 16, 1967; Southeastern United States.; Approximately 4:30- 6:30 A.M. Sodium vapor clouds from rocket launched at Eglin AFB, FL, blue-green color, visible over wide area. January 25, 1967; ; Dr. E. U. Condon, scientific director of the Colorado UFO Project, spoke to the Corning, NY, section of the American Chemical Society, stating that the government should get out of the UFO business, since there was apparently nothing to it. January 25, 1967; South Ashburnham, MA.; Betty Andreasson abduction (section XIII). February 2, 1967; Lima, Peru.; Airliner buzzed by maneuvering coneshaped object, took position above tail. Lights in plane dimmed, radio interference, radio compass oscillated (section 1). February 12, 1967; Wharton, TX.; Domed disc with revolving lights at bottom edge flew over car just above phone lines. Later at treetop level, stopped, banked, and took off (section IV). February 14, 1967; Jefferson City, MO.; Disc-shaped object in field, small beings moved around beneath it. Beings disappeared behind shaft, object sped away (section VIII). February 26, 1967; Across U.S.; and some other countries. 6:30- 9:30 P.M. Objects with streams of lights, erratic motions. No USAF unknowns or Colorado Project cases for this date. Suspected extraordinary phenomenon (meteor train?) or military maneuvers. March 2, 1967; White Sands Missile Range, NM.; Radar-visual sightings of three to four silvery discs traveling about 2,000 mph. News blackout invoked by military (section I). March 5, 1967; Minot AFB, ND.; Radar tracked object descending over missile sites, security teams saw disc with flashing lights hover about 500 feet off ground. Object departed straight up (section II). March 8, 1967; Henderson and Galesburg, IL.; To March 9, 1967. Domed circular object with red body lights approached witnesses, gave off burst of brilliant white light, hissing sound, accelerated away (section V). March 16, 1967; Malmstrom AFB, MT.; Security guards saw glowing red disc hover near missile site, weapons shut down (section II). March 31, 1967; Wellington, TX.; Carroll Watts contactee case. Cylindrical craft hovering just above ground, voice communicated with witness (sections VIII, XII). April 4, 1967; US; FAA Notice N7230.29 published, establishing procedures for "Reporting of Unidentified Flying Objects" to the Colorado UFO Project. April 5, 1967; US; Jonestown/Lickdale, PA. Disc passed over car, gave off sparks, car rocked, engine failed, humming sound heard. Sulphur-like smell. Physiological effects (section VI). April 21, 1967; ; Lyrid meteor shower (mean date). April 22, 1967; US; American Society of Newspaper Editors sponsors panel discussion on UFOs at its annual meeting in Washington, DC. Panelists included Dr. James E. McDonald, Dr. Donald Menzel, and Maj. Hector Quintanilla. May 4, 1967; ; Eta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date). May 20, 1967; Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada.; Witness approached landed object, violet light, rushing air sound, voices heard. Experienced severe burns on chest, weight loss, and vomiting (section VI). June 3, 1967; Extremadura, Spain.; Two Spanish Air Force fighter pilots chased UFO, radios failed. Cat and mouse pursuit. Object shot straight up and disappeared (section II). June 7, 1967; US; Dr. James E. McDonald, University of Arizona atmospheric physicist, gave a presentation on UFOs to the Outer Space Affairs Group of the United Nations. Secretary General U Thant expressed deep concern over UFO situation. June 11, 1967; Da Nang, Vietnam.; Silvery cylinder seen for several minutes, chased by two F-102 interceptors (section II). July 1967; ; To December 1967. Intensive U.S. and international sighting wave. (See separate chronology, Section VIII.) July 25, 1967; Garrison, ND.; Round, blue-white object hovered near missile site, animals reacted. Object started, stopped, moved up and down. changed color to red when accelerating (section VI). July 28, 1967; Gilroy, CA.; Oval object approached fire lookout tower, hovered, illuminated ground (section IX). July 29, 1967; ; Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date). August 4, 1967; La Guaira, Federal District, Venezuela.; Saturn-shaped object with rotating ring emerged from sea, hovered, ascended slowly, accelerated into sky and out of sight (section I). August 11, 1967; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). August 23, 1967; Joyceville, Ontario, Canada.; Huge disc on or just above ground in field, three small humanoid beings emerged, apparently gathered specimens. Physical traces (section XII). August 24, 1967; Wodonga, Victoria, Australia.; Two humanoid beings in silvery suits, round helmets, emerged from disc with dome (sections IX, XI15. August 26, 1967; Eagle Lake, Allagash Waterway, ME.; Campers saw glowing oval that beamed light down, engulfed canoe. Memory loss and abduction. (See section XIII bibliography, Fowler, 1990a.) August 1967; UK.; To November 1967. Hundreds of sightings in wave that peaked in October. House of Commons took interest in November. September 10, 1967; Barcelona, Spain.; Cone-shaped object, haze or mist around lower portion, approached airliner from west, passed under starboard wing, turning and maneuvering (section III). September 23, 1967; Amherst, MA.; Geology professor watched flight of two silvery cigar-shaped objects (section IV). October 2, 1967; Melville, NY.; Aircraft engineer sighted disc-shaped object with windows, blinking lights, light beam illuminating ground (section IV). October 20, 1967; ; Orionid meteor shower (mean date). October 24, 1967; Newfield, NY.; UFO with windows approached, tilted down. Two humanoid figures and control panels visible. Object tilted back up, shot out of sight in seconds (section XII). October 27, 1967; Parshall, ND.; Sphere rose, paced car, which began steering hard. Object hovered near missile base, shot straight up out of sight in seconds (section V). November 2, 1967; Ririe, ID.; Domed disc, lights along rim, two beings visible in clear dome, hovered above car. Car drawn into adjacent field, witnesses confronted by beings (section XII). December 3, 1967; Ashland, NE.; Officer Herbert Schirmer vehicle encounter and abduction case (section XIII). December 8, 1967; Idaho Falls, ID.; Bright illumination from domed disc, object tipped forward, two humanoid figures visible inside. Object rotated, moved away (section XII). December 13, 1967; ; Geminid meteor shower (mean date). January 20, 1968; Vermillion, SD.; Round orange-red object hovered near ground, moved abruptly to position behind car, road illuminated. Made repeated passes at car (section XII). February 4, 1968; Redlands, CA.; Barking dogs, unusual sound, attracted attention to round object with ports, flames from underside. Object moved jerkily, rising and falling, hovered briefly, sped away (section VI). February 9, 1968; US; Dr. David Saunders and Dr. Norman Levine, members of Air Force-sponsored Colorado UFO project, fired by Dr. E. U. Condon for alleged "incompetence" in controversy over project management (section XV). February 13, 1968; Missoula, MT.; Luminous elliptical object followed car for 30 minutes, moved back and forth across road, made sharp turns and unusual maneuvers, suddenly disappeared (section IV). February 19, 1968; Bengough, Saskatchewan, Canada.; Witness felt "tingling sensations", domed disc with ports maneuvered around farm, emitting high-pitched whine. Dog cowered in snow, tattle bolted (section I). March 3, 1968; Northeastern and Central United States.; About 9:50 P.M. (CST). Hundreds of people reported fiery objects streaking across the sky, some showering sparks, leaving bright trails. Zond IV Soviet satellite reentry and decay (Sagan and Page, 1972, 155-161). May 14, 1968; US; LOOK article, "Flying Saucer Fiasco" by John Fuller, reporting internal controversy in the Colorado UFO Project and the Low "trick" memo. July 26, 1968; US; "UFO Project: Trouble on the Ground" by Philip M. Boffey in Science magazine, reporting on the internal problems of the Colorado UFO Project. July 29, 1968; ; Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date). July 29, 1968; US; House Science and Astronautics Committee symposium on UFOs chaired by Rep. Edward Roush (D-Ind.). Witnesses included Robert M. Baker, Robert L. Hall, James A. Harder, J. Allen Hynek, James E. McDonald, and Carl Sagan. July 30, 1968; Claremont, NH.; Dome-shaped object hovered low over ground, grayish light beam cast sharp shadows. Humming sound, dogs reacted strongly (section I). August 7, 1968; Buff Ledge, VT.; Dual abduction of male and female summer camp staff members. Independent recall of event years later (section XIII). August 18, 1968; Cluj, Romania.; Round silver object flew overhead, reversed direction, three photos taken. Object finally shot upward out of sight (section VII). August 22, 1968; Kalgoorlie, Australia.; Luminous white UFO emitted six smaller "satellite objects" (section X). October 31, 1968; US; Colorado UFO Project final report submitted to secretary of the Air Force for review by the National Academy of Sciences. November 22, 1968; US; To November 27, 1968. Flurry of sightings primarily in the southeastern and northwestern United States. November 22, 1968; Biloxi, MS.; Domed disc descended, flew over shrimp boat. Hovered briefly, shone light down on boat, then took off straight up out of sight (section IX). November 22, 1968; Albany, GA.; Oval object beamed light down on car, electrical system failed. After it departed rapidly straight up, electrical system resumed functioning (section VII). November 26, 1968; Bismarck, ND.; Pilots saw two luminous objects join up, hover about 10 seconds, then speed out of sight in seconds. Confirmed by Air Force radar (section III). November 26, 1968; Lake Cyprus, FL.; Four bright, oval objects paced aircraft. Pilot turned plane toward them, objects formed vertical stack, shot up and out of sight (sections III, X). November 27, 1968; Belcourt, ND.; Round object with body lights hovered, shone red light beam to ground. When officer shone flashlight at object, it immediately blacked out (section V). December 8, 1968; Grey, South Australia.; Top-shaped object paced car, sped away (section XII). January 8, 1969; US; National Academy of Sciences letter by Dr. Frederick Seitz, president, to secretary of the Air Force, stating that the NAS review panel "unanimously approved" the Colorado University (Condon Committee) report. January 9, 1969; US; University of Colorado "Condon Report" publicly released. January 11, 1969; Washington US; Press conference at National Press Club. Donald Keyhoe, NICAP director, Richard Hall, N1CAP assistant director, Dr. James E. McDonald, and Dr. David R. Saunders disputing conclusions of the Condon Report. February 1, 1969; US; Roscoe Drummond, syndicated columnist, in Christian Science Monitor (response to University of Colorado report): "I find it hard to escape the conclusion that there are too many unexplained and presently unexplainable unidentified flying objects from too many credible and responsible witnesses to banish the subject from public concern." March 4, 1969; Atlanta, MO.; Object emitting blinding light beam paced ahead of vehicle, heat felt. Light beam associated with E-M effects. Object rose and fell, veered off, flew out of sight (section I). March 6, 1969; Lancaster, MO.; Light beam shone on road ahead of car, dog reacted. Witness drove beneath domed disc, car motion slowed. Eye irritation (section I). March 10, 1969; Westhope, ND.; Disc with dome passed overhead, stopped, emitted light beam onto road, illuminating police chief's car. Finally ascended, flew away to south (section V). March 14, 1969; Thailand.; Flight surgeon, crew of KC-135, observed huge black cylinder hovering, inclined in vertical position. Fighter aircraft sent to investigate, object disappeared (section II). April 1969; US; "The Condon Report and UFOs" by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, called the report: "a strange sort of scientific paper [that] does not fulfill the promise of its title. . . [It] leaves the same strange, inexplicable residue Of unknowns which has plagued the U.S. Air Force investigation for 20 years." April 3, 1969; Southern UK.; 7:38 P.M. Bright fireball meteor traveling south-southeast to north-northwest, leaving long trail, sparks. June 19, 1969; Docking/Bircham Newton, UK.; E-M effects on car, static electricity. Bluish object shaped like inverted mushroom hovered overhead. Took off at high speed (section IV). October 30, 1969; Waipukurau, New Zealand.; Circular object with lights hovering over airport sped away making high, whining sound when security guard shone spotlight on it (section VI). December 17, 1969; US; Secretary of the Air Force Robert C. Seamans, Jr., announced termination of Project Blue Book UFO study. December 26, 1969; Boston, MA.; To December 30, 1969. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting, in Boston, MA, included panel discussion on UFOs. Scientists joined in statement asking for preservation of Air Force UFO files for future study. January 1, 1970; Duncan, B.C., Canada.; Hospital nurse saw craftlike object hovering near building, two humanoid figures visible in upper portion (section XII). January 3, 1970; ; Quadrantid meteor shower (mean date). January 7, 1970; Imjarvi, Finland.; Two skiers saw disc-shaped object approach, hover, humanoid appeared in light beam from object. Memory loss, extensive physiological effects (section XII). April 15, 1970; Mar,del Plata, Argentina.; Daylight disc photo similar to August 3, 1965, Santa Ana, CA, photos (section VII). June 27, 1970; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.; Domed disc on ocean surface, two humanoid figures visible, took off in an arc, headed out to sea (section V). August 11, 1970; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). August 13, 1970; Haderslev, Denmark.; Egg-shaped object approached police car, engine, lights, and radio failed. Object took off at high speed (section V). October 29, 1970; Helleland, Norway.; Disc with dome descended, hovered over car, driver blinded by strong blue-white light, physiological effects. Object departed rapidly straight up (section VI). November 1970; US; The UFO Subcommittee of the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) published its report, UFO, An Appraisal of the Problem, recommending continued investigation of UFO sightings. April 14, 1971; Callery, PA.; Close-range sighting of disc with windows, two humanoid figures visible inside, light beam upward from top (section VI). May 24, 1971; Mendoza, Argentina.; Saturn-shaped object darted around, rocked back and forth while hovering, rapid acceleration upward at angle (section VI). August 6, 1971; ; U.S. KH-9 "Big Bird" spy satellite incinerated on reentry into atmosphere. August 9, 1971; Minas Gerais region, Brazil.; Airline flight paced for 20 minutes by glowing orange disc ("like two round basins, one on top of the other") (section III). August 11, 1971; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). September 4, 1971; Lago de Cote, Costa Rica.; Aerial survey plane photo showing disc on edge (section VII). October 11, 1971; ; Soviet Salyut 1 space station burned up during atmospheric reentry. November 2, 1971; Delphos, KS.; Brilliantly lighted, mushroomshaped object hovered just off ground, sheep reacted, light beam, landing traces, physiological effects (section I). June 9, 1972; Algodonales, Cadiz, Spain.; Motorist experienced engine failure, pulsating yellow oval object visible on road ahead. Object illuminated trees as it departed (section XII). July 10, 1972; Alcaracejos, Cordoba, Spain.; Luminous object beamed light at car, engine lost power (section VII). August 10, 1972; Western United States.; Bright daylight fireball meteor filmed lasting up to 45 seconds or more. August 11, 1972; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). August 12, 1972; Taize, France.; Elliptical object with bright lights hovered near ground emitting light beams downward, satellite objects emerged. UFO reacted to flashlight (section VI). August 19, 1972; Colby, KS.; Luminous, bowl-shaped object hovered near ground. Blinding white light brightly illuminated terrain. Object made "whooshing" noise, shot straight up (section V). November 26, 1972; Between Bedoga Bay and Woodland, CA.; Judy Kendall abduction, three types of beings (section XIII). February 2, 1973; Auckland, New Zealand.; Intense blue-white light paced airliner for 20-25 seconds, navigation instruments malfunctioned (section III). February 8, 1973; Conejo, CA.; Youths photographed disc-shaped object, analysis supported authenticity (section VII). February 14, 1973; McAlester, OK.; Disc with dome maneuvered around DC-8 aircraft, confirmed by airborne radar. Shadowy figures seen in dome (section III). April 1, 1973; Los Angeles Basin, CA.; To April 8, 1973. At least 16 sightings of round or egg-shaped objects (section VIII). April 6, 1973; Ellsinore, MO.; Domed disc with ports and legs hovered in a grove of trees, physical traces found (section VII). June 28, 1973; Columbia, MO.; Mobile home park UFO landing, sound, E-M, animal reactions, light beams, bright illumination, physical traces (section I). August 11, 1973; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). August 31, 1973; US; To December 1973. Flurry of sightings in Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Ohio. Fast-moving oblong objects with bright flashing or revolving lights witnessed by local and state police. (See separate chronology, section VIII.) October 4, 1973; Chatsworth, CA.; Elliptical object with dome hovered about 10 feet off ground, swaying back and forth. Humanoid being appeared, reptered craft when observed (section XII). October 11, 1973; Pascagoula, MS.; Charles Hickson and Charles Parker abduction case (section XIII). October 15, 1973; Pine, LA.; To October 16, 1973. Sheriffs saw and chased pulsating orange objects that alternately hovered, swinging like pendulum, darted around at high speed (section V). October 17, 1973; Elkhorn, WV.; Pulsating object photographed during sighting wave (section VII). October 18, 1973; Mansfield, OH.; Army Reserve helicopter encountered domed, craftlike object that beamed green light into cockpit, lifted helicopter off course (section II). October 20, 1973; ; Orionid meteor shower (mean date). November 1973; Quebec, Canada.; Numerous reported landings, humanoids, and E-M effects on cars in province (section VIII). November 8, 1973; La Paz, Bolivia.; Top-shaped object with windows moved with "incredible speed," darted behind jet interceptor, shot straight up in sky (section II). November 28, 1973; US; Gallup Poll showed that 51 percent of Americans believe UFOs are "real," 11 percent claim personal sightings, and 93 percent are aware of the subject. November 30, 1973; Turin, Italy.; UFO hovered and darted around near CaseIle Airport, seen by pilots and tracked on airport radar (section III). December 10, 1973; Hochries, Germany.; Egg-shaped object with body lights sped toward witnesses, hovered. Reacted to light signals, sped off to south, departed upward at steep angle (section 1). January 7, 1974; Warneton, Belgium.; UFO landed, humanoid encounter (section XII). January 26, 1974; Lisbon, Portugal; V-formation of luminous orange discs observed by airline crew (section III). February 14, 1974; Ely, NV.; Round orange object paced, approached truck, E-M effects on lights and engine, truck lifted off road, steering control lost, feeling of vacuum (section VI). March 9, 1974; Milan, Italy.; Luminous saucer-shaped object with colored rings ahead of plane confirmed by Milan radar, chased by pilot (sections III, VII). March 13, 1974; En route San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Cordoba, Argentina.; Argentine Airlines plane flanked by two glowing objects that paced it for several minutes, then sped away (section III). March 17, 1974; Taiwan.; TWA airliner crew observed shiny oval or cigar-shaped object, five smaller spherical-appearing satellite objects (section X). March 1974; Spain.; To June 1974. Concentration of UFO sightings, including vehicle encounters (section VIII). March 30, 1974; Hombreiro, Lugo, Spain.; Blinding light from hovering object, car engine quit, lights went out. Object flew away with whistling sound, car then functioned normally (section XII). April 16, 1974; Casale Monferrato, Italy.; Disc with dome descended, three beings visible inside transparent dome (section XII). July 9, 1974; Kingston, NY.; Elliptical object with body lights hovered low, moved toward police car. Officer turned spotlight on it, brilliant white beam from object illuminated patrol car (section I). September 1, 1974; Langenburg, Saskatchewan, Canada.; Five dome-shaped objects in pasture, spinning and swirling grass. Objects took off, aligned in formation, climbed into clouds (section I). October 17, 1974; Maitland, N.S.W., Australia.; Dogs barked furiously, circular yellow-white object emitted two light beams to ground, illuminated terrain brightly (section IX). October 20, 1974; ; Orionid meteor shower (mean date). October 25, 1974; Rawlins, WY.; Carl Higdon abduction (section XIII). October 27, 1974; Aveley, UK.; Abduction case (section XIII). January 2, 1975; Navarra, Spain.; Dome-shaped object observed on ground by guard at Air Force base. Body lights visible, ground illuminated as object took off (section II). January 2, 1975; Kauai, HI.; Photo of Saturn-shaped object with squarish ring, similar to July 7, 1989, case (section VII). January 3, 1975; ; Quadrantid meteor shower (mean date). February 14, 1975; Petite-Ile, Reunion, France.; Three humanoid beings in protective gear emerged from domed disc, witness injured, paralyzed, by flash of light (sections IX, XII). February 17, 1975; Harlowton, MT.; Sheriff, county and state officials observed bright, round object hovering near missile base. Object made rapid darting movements, bobbed up and down (section 1). February 26, 1975; Lake Sorell, Tasmania.; Intensely bright domed disc, orange glow, emitted conical light beam down on lake, illuminated terrain, sped away at "colossal speed" (section VI). March 1975; US; Project Blue Book files transferred from Maxwell AFB, Alabama, to Natignal Archives in Washington, DC. April 3, 1975; Lumberton, NC.; To April 9, 1975. Concentration of sightings of Vshaped objects, hover-acceleration, bright illumination (section VIII). April 15, 1975; San Jose, CA.; Disc-shaped object with dome, light beam, made right-angle turn, approached, hovered. Began to oscillate, shot straight up out of sight in seconds (section IV). May 3, 1975; Tequesquitengo Lake, Mexico.; Three domed discs paced small aircraft, one off each wing and one behind, confirmed by radar. E-M effects on radio, aircraft lifted (section III). May 3, 1975; San Antonio, TX.; Saturn-shaped UFO, E-M effects on truck, two humanoids visible through transparent dome (section XII). May 4, 1975; ; Eta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date). July 1975; Northern U.S. and Canada.; To November 1975. Concentration of sightings (section VIII). July 2, 1975; Hawaii.; Photos of Saturn-shaped object, very similar to Hamazaki videotape of July 6-7, 1989 (section VII). July 29, 1975; ; Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date). July 31, 1975; Loxton, South Africa.; Oval object, occupants visible; light struck witness in face, nose bleed and vomiting. Physical traces at site (section XII). August 11, 1975; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). August 13, 1975; Alamogordo, NM.; Sgt. Charles L. Moody abduction case (section XIII). August 14, 1975; Stockton, CA.; Pilots and air traffic controllers at airport observed red-orange disc, gray mist formed, object shot out of sight (sections III, IX). August 29, 1975; Muret, Haute-Garonne, France.; Gray, disc-shaped UFO, bright illumination, darted above car, hovered, cast pulsating light beam down on it. Physiological effects (section VI). September 30, 1975; Corning, CA.; Domed disc hovered, illuminated area "like daylight," cows fled. Emitted bright red light, humming sound, took off at high speed (sections IX, X). October 17, 1975; Helena, MT.; Large object with green flashing lights passed over truck from behind, hovered ahead, lights and engine failed, light beam directed toward truck (sections VII, IX). October 20, 1975; ; Orionid meteor shower (mean date). October 27, 1975; Loring AFB, ME.; October 28, 1975; Objects with body lights penetrated security areas on two consecutive nights, hovered near weapons storage area, tracked on radar (section II). October 30, 1975; Wurtsmith AFB, MI.; Security police and others watched objects breach security areas, hover low over weapons storage area (section II). November 5, 1975; Heber, AZ.; Travis Walton abduction case (section XIII). November 7, 1975; Malmstrom AFB, MT.; To November 8, 1975. Base personnel saw orange disc that breached security area, illuminated missile site, tracked on radar (section II). November 11, 1975; Falconbridge, Ontario, Canada.; Civilians, police officers, military officers, and NORAD radar saw and tracked UFOs that alternately hovered and darted around at high speed (section II). January 3, 1976; ; Quadrantid meteor shower (mean date). January 6, 1976; Stanford, KY.; Domed disc with body lights descended, illuminated car interior with blue light. Missing time, abduction, physiological effects (section XIII). June 11, 1976; Le Martinet, Drome, France.; Dome-shaped object hovered above road, E-M effects on car. Missing time, abduction (section XIII). July 29, 1976; ; Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date). September 10, 1976; Colusa, CA.; Low-hovering disc with dome, rotating rim and bright lights, power failure. Object moved away, shone beams of light down (section I). September 19, 1976; Tehran, Iran.; F-4 fighter aircraft attempted intercept of radar-visual UFO, E-M system failures, physiological effects (section II). October 7, 1976; New York, NY; Sir Eric Gairy, Prime Minister of Grenada, addressed the UN General Assembly urging recognition of UFOs as a serious international scientific problem. October 17, 1976; Akita Airport, Japan.; Control tower and airline pilot on runway observed glowing disc like "two plates placed together" hovering to south. Object then flew away. (section Ill). January 1977; UK.; To May 1977. Miniwave of UFO sightings, including round and triangular objects (section VIII). January 21, 1977; St. Bernard Parish, LA.; Boat brightly illuminated by round glowing object, abnormal silence, heat, boat held back as if by invisible force, light beam, time loss (section VI). January 21, 1977; Bogota, Colombia.; Brilliant white light zigzagging erratically at high speed, confirmed on ground and airborne radar. Responded to pilot flashing his landing lights. (section III). February 18, 1977; Salto, Uruguay.; Disc hovered, illuminated barnyard, farm animals reacted, watchdog later died. Witness felt electric shock, heat, paralysis. Physiological and physical effects. (section VI). February 24, 1977; Langenargen, Lake Constance, Germany.; Humanoid encounter (section XII). March 7, 1977; Chaumont, Haute-Marne, France.; Radar-visual UFO approached Mirage bomber, sped away (section II). March 9, 1977; Nelson, North Lancashire, UK.; Brightly lighted ellipse hovered, car engine failed, lights dimmed. Pressure, tingling sensation felt, physiological effects (section VI). May 1977; France.; Groupe d'Etude des Phenomenes Aerospatiaux Non-Identifies (GEPAN) organized under the auspices of the French national space agency for the study of UFOs. July 1, 1977; Aviano, Italy.; Luminous round object with dome hovered above a NATO base security zone, spinning. Changed color, emitted sound like swarm of bees (section II). July 29, 1977; ; Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date). August 3, 1977; Thaxted, North Essex, UK.; Orange-red objects hovered nearby, car lost power (section VII). September 22, 1977; El Paso, TX.; Object with row of "windows" overtook airliner, accelerated, made 90-degree turn, soared upward out of sight (section III). September 22, 1977; Omaha, NE.; Three objects like aircraft tracked on FAA radar in V-formation at almost 17,000 mph (section VII). October 26, 1977; Between Abilene and Dallas, TX.; Red sphere ahead of airplane, navigation instruments and radio E-M effects. UFO changed color to white, climbed vertically at high speed (section III). November 29, 1977; Waimata Valley, Gisborne, New Zealand.; Hovering dome-shaped object sped toward witness, stopped, beamed blue light onto dead tree, which fluoresced in bright colors. Sheep fled (section VI). December 8, 1977; Los Angeles, CA.; Four UFOs tracked on radar; bright, circular objects maneuvered around airliner (section III). December 13, 1977; ; Geminid meteor shower (mean date). December 17, 1977; Colorado and South Dakota.; Two UFOs tracked on radar giving "strong" returns, at speeds in excess of 1,000 mph. One made head-on pass at an aircraft, observed on radar (section V11). December 22, 1977; North Atlantic.; White disc, red blinking lights top and bottom, paced airliner for 20 minutes. Emitted green "smoke" from underside, sped out of sight (section III). January 1, 1978; Santa Monica, CA.; Veteran pilot observed domed disc with portholes (section III). January 3, 1978; ; Quadrantid meteor shower (mean date). January 9, 1978; South Middleton, MA.; To January 10, 1978. Humanoid case (section XII). January 18, 1978; McGuire AFB, NJ.; Formations of UFOs seen, MP at adjacent Fort Dix shot humanoid being, AF security police found body on deserted runway (section 10. January 28, 1978; US; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics held symposium on Space and UFOs in Los Angeles, CA. March 1978; Minnesota.; Widespread UFO sightings, including formations and disc-shaped objects with windows (section VIII). March 18, 1978; Summerville, SC.; William J. Herrmann abduction case (section XIII). April 2, 1978; Strinestown, PA.; Round object with body lights hovered ahead of car, made pulsating sound. Tilted down, beamed a bright light from the top onto car. (section XII). May 14, 1978; Ocala, FL.; Navy radar tracked an oblong object with body lights, illuminating the terrain, observed by citizens. Object alternately hovered and accelerated (section I). June 11, 1978; Los Angeles, CA.; Cessna pilot observed small silvery oval that maneuvered near his plane (section III). July 1978; ; To December 1978. Italian, South American, Middle Eastern, and Asian UFO wave. (See separate chronology, section VIII.) July 6, 1978; Mendoza, Argentina.; Car levitated, altered environment, memory loss, translocation of vehicle (sections XII, XIII). July 23, 1978; Lake Michigan.; Several Coast Guard stations observed cigar-shaped object with same pattern of body lights, moving at very high rate of speed (section II). July 27, 1978; Union, MO.; Woman reported brilliantly lighted object buzzed her car, briefly lifted it off road (section VII). July 27, 1978; Union, MO.; To July 28, 1978. Rash of UFO sightings reported to police over two days, probably including Delta Aquarid meteors (section VIII). July 29, 1978; ; Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date). August 11, 1978; Roosevelt, UT.; Silver dome-shaped object, green glow, hovered overhead, began circling. E-M effects, dogs whined. UFO finally took off at high speed (section V). August 11, 1978; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). August 22, 1978; Adelaide to Perth, Australia.; Object ahead of airliner, opening appeared, smaller objects emerged, maneuvered around it, reentered and "departed at a tremendous speed." (sections III, X). September 17, 1978; Torrita di Siena, Italy.; Car engine and lights failed, domed disc descended onto road. Two small humanoids emerged, examined car, reentered object, took off (section XII). September 18, 1978; Melaria, Porto Nogaro district, Italy.; Whistling sound, disc-shaped object with dome on mudflat. Small humanoid emerged, made repair to craft, took off with loud explosive sound (section XII). September 22, 1978; Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.; To September 23, 1978. Car participating in road rally brightly illuminated by glowing object, lifted off road, driver and passenger blinded, steering control lost (section VI). October 20, 1978; ; Orionid meteor shower (mean date). October 21, 1978; Bass Strait, Australia.; Cessna pilot Frederick Valentich aerial encounter with elongated object, plane and pilot disappeared (section III). October 30, 1978; Tobalaba Airfield, Santiago, Chile.; Pilots and air traffic controllers saw shiny objects, one sped away, circled, maneuvered, descended in distance (sections III, IV). November 9, 1978; Kuwait.; Technicians observed landing of discshaped object in oil field, E-M effects on oil pumps and communications (section IV). November 21, 1978; Newfoundland.; Two airliner crews encountered disc with dome, structural features, emitting light beams (sections III, IX). November 27, 1978; New York, NY; Also December 8, 1978. UN committee meetings on UFOs. Speakers included J. Allen Hynek, Jacques Vallee, Stanton Friedman, Lawrence J. Coyne. December 21, 1978; New Zealand; Also December 22 and 31, 1978. New Zealand radar-visual and photo cases. January 3, 1979; ; Quadrantid meteor shower (mean date). January 3, 1979; Mindalore, South Africa.; Dog barked, mother and child saw craft on ground, humanoid encounter (section XII). January 5, 1979; Auburn, MA.; Three glowing, red triangular objects confronted car, forward motion impeded, physiological effects (section VII). February 5, 1979; Lawitta, Tasmania.; Brilliant illumination of car, E-M effects. Driver shocked and dazed, memory loss (section XII). March 6, 1979; Westminster, SC.; Dome-shaped object skimmed treetops, moved up and down, illuminated area. Similar object hovered over highway, swept area with light beam (section VI). May 1, 1979; Vizcacheras, Argentina.; Oil field landing, reaction to light, landing traces (sections VII, X). May 4, 1979; ; Eta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date). May 26, 1979; Hailey, ID.; Private pilot and airline crew saw string of orange objects maneuvering and changing formation, tracked on radar (section III). July 1979; Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley, CA.; To December 1979. Flurries of sightings (section VIII). July 29, 1979; ; Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date). August 4, 1979; Canoga Park, CA.; Large, glowing disc with bubblelike dome on top, two humanoid beings visible through transparent dome (section X11). August 9, 1979; Hayfork, CA.; Pilot observed two disc-shaped objects below his plane, contour flying "on the deck" through hills and valleys (sections III, X). August 11, 1979; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). August 29, 1979; Ernestowo, Poland.; Silvery cigar with orange light and square windows approached, hovered, finally sped away over horizon (section IX). September 14, 1979; Canoga Park, CA.; Disc with flamelike jets around perimeter hovered ahead of car, darted from point to point. Took off at "very high speed" (section X). March 8, 1980; Wilmington, NC.; Object buzzed car, jetlike sound, bright illumination. Dog howled as if his ears hurt (section XII). March 22, 1980; Burlington, VT.; Three smaller objects were observed on airport radar joining a larger, brighter object, then separating again (section VII). April 2, 1980; Pudasjarvi, Finland.; Car drove into "fog," headlights deflected upwards, driver abducted onto silvery domed object with portholes, examined on metallic table (section XIII). April 10, 1980; Lincolnton, NC.; Red disc-shaped object emitted light beam to ground. Took off with intense humming sound leaving exhaust trail (section IX). April 20, 1980; San Mateo, CA.; Five apparently metallic Saturnshaped objects, Iligh-speed flight in formation at low altitude, visible against local terrain (section IV). April 21, 1980; ; Lyrid meteor shower (mean date). May 2, 1980; San Jose, California.; Shiny sphere flying with rapid up and down motions observed through binoculars. Stopped, spinning, over Lick Observatory, accelerated rapidly and sped away (section VI). May 4, 1980; ; Eta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date). May 7, 1980; Valdese, NC.; Disc with dome maneuvered near car, E-M effects on radio (section XII). May 14, 1980; Simpson County, MS.; Glowing disc cast light beam onto road. Car entered beam, headlights flickered off and on several times, afterwards worked normally (sections VII, IX). August 21, 1980; East Texas.; Young woman and daughter driving home, E-M effects on car, car lifted off road onto craft, humanoids examined them on tables in room with "fog" on floor (section XIII). September 30, 1980; Rosedale, Victoria, Australia.; Spinning topshaped object with body lights, whistling sound, landed near water tank, vibrations felt, uncomfortable sound, livestock reacted. Physical traces (section I). October 20, 1980; ; Orionid meteor shower (mean date). October 23, 1980; Morenci, AZ.; Boomerang-shaped object with body lights shone brilliant light beam down smoke stacks, accelerated, made noninertial turn. Satellite objects (section 1). November 16, 1980; ; Leonid meteor shower (mean date). November 19, 1980; Longmont, CO.; Light beamed onto car, lights and radio failed, car levitated on board domed craft surrounded by dense cloud or mist, couple examined. Car placed back on road (section XIII). November 24, 1980; China; Official Chinese news agency Xinhua reported that an association to study UFOs had been established in Peking. November 28, 1980; Todmorden, West Yorkshire, UK.; Constable Alan Godfrey encountered craft on road, time loss. Abduction scenario emerged under hypnosis (section XIII). December 4, 1980; Perth, Western Australia.; Radar-visual sighting of four objects at airport (section VII). December 27, 1980; Bentwaters AFB, UK.; To December 30, 1980. Air Force security police encounter with landed craft in Rendlesham Forest, physical evidence (section II). December 29, 1980; Huffman, TX.; Diamond- or spindle-shaped object blocked vehicle. Heat, sound, strong physiological effects indicating radioactivity. Mystery helicopters followed UFO (section VI). January 3, 1981; ; Quadrantid meteor shower (mean date). January 6, 1981; Payson, AZ.; Four silvery discs executed turns, maneuvers, in a diamond formation. Objects flashed in sunlight as they turned, crossed western sky (sections V, X). January 8, 1981; Trans-en-Provence, France.; Landing, physical trace case investigated by official French agency (section I). January 9, 1981; Northern California.; To March 7, 1981. Local concentration of sightings (section VIII). January 25, 1981; Chatsworth, CA.; Hovering cigar- or spindle-shaped object, disc with dome, darting motions, numerous photographs taken (section VII). • February 9, 1981; San Jose, CA.; Red-lighted object made pass at aircraft, instant relocation. "Very tight turns," hovered, accelerated away at "extremely high rate of speed." (section I). April 12, 1981; Goodhue, MN.; Two-foot diameter aluminum-like disc hovered a few feet off road about 40 feet away. Climbed rapidly through sky and disappeared in distance (section IV). April 20, 1981; Reno, NV.; Small, shiny object below private plane. Object fluttered or tilted, accelerated rapidly, sped away (sections III, IX). April 21, 1981; ; Lyrid meteor shower (mean date). June 12, 1981; Alice, TX.; Disc with dome hovered over truck, forward motion impeded, truck lifted off road (section VII). July 4, 1981; Over Lake Michigan.; Major airline L-1011 jumbo jet en route from San Francisco to New York City encountered silvery disc-shaped object (section III). July 12, 1981; Temuka, New Zealand.; Brightly lighted, dome-shaped object with windows approached, turned, followed car, bright illumination. Object finally shot away (section I). July 29, 1981; ; Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date). July 31, 1981; Lieksa, Finland.; Black sphere and satellite lights seen, two approached motorboat, one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiological effects (section VII). August 30, 1981; El Cajon, CA.; UFO brightly illuminated car, witness badly frightened, memory loss. Fired pistol at object circling the car, fled at high speed. Red dots like puncture marks found on wrists (section iy). September 18, 1981; Conejo Valley, CA.; Triangular objects with body lights, humming sound, observed three times over freeway and valley area (section VI). October 1981; Texas Gulf Coast.; Local concentration of sightings (section VIII). October 8, 1981; Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada.; Daylight disc photo (section VII). November 1981; Hessdalen, Norway.; Localized concentration began, continuing off and on for several years. Many structured object cases, photographs (see January—February 1984). November 24, 1981; Marshall, TX.; Domed disc hovered nearby, beamed light down onto truck. Driver fled, object followed and beamed light on truck a second time before departing (section VI). December 19, 1981; Areal, Brazil.; UFO swooped over vehicle, blocked road (section XII). February 19, 1982; Allen, Rio Negro Province, Argentina.; E-M effects on car, dome-shaped object overhead, driver blacked out, taken to hospital with memory loss, physiological effects (section VII). March 1, 1982; Washington DC; To March 5, 1982. A worldwide nuclear war game was directed from the White House (source: House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on International Security & Scientific Affairs hearing, April 2, 1982. Rep. Larry Winn, Jr. ER-Kans.] presiding). May 22, 1982; Cleveland, TX.; Diamond-shaped object with body lights, bright "headlights," flew overhead, seen clearly in police spotlight. Abnormal silence (section V). June 10, 1982; Madbury, NH.; Wedge-shaped object with body lights hovered low over reservoir, lights reflecting in water. Instant relocation, red light beam shone on house, then on car (section I). November 2, 1982; Maxial, Estremadura Province, Portugal.; Shiny disc below two military aircraft darted up to their altitude, rapidly circled one of them, sped out of sight (section II). November 16, 1982; ; Leonid meteor shower (mean date). November 19, 1982; Temperanceville, VA.; Circular object with body lights shone light beam down into field, three humanoid silhouettes visible inside. Object rose, flew directly over car, humming sound (sections IX, XII). November 27, 1982; Palatine, IL.; Luminous object brightly illuminated police car, changed direction when pursued. Domed disc shape seen to east, light beam toward ground, descended behind tree line (section V). Late 1982; New York State and Connecticut.; To Early 1983. "Night Siege" boomerangs, continuing for a long period of time (section VIII). March 24, 1983; Bedford, NY, and vicinity.; Wing or V-shaped UFO hovered, emitted light beam downward (section IX). April 10, 1983; Ross, OH.; Luminous object landed, E-M effects, animal reaction. UFO rose from field illuminating area, body lights visible, accelerated rapidly out of sight, physical traces (section I). October 15, 1983; Altoona, PA.; Silvery disc passed over car, right wheels lifted off road, car lights blinked off and on. Car dropped hard back onto road, engine stalled. Severe physiological effects (section VI). October 20, 1983; ; Orionid meteor shower (mean date). January 1984; Hessdalen Valley, near Roros, Norway; To February 1984. Numerous sightings, radar trackings, photographs by scientific field team with instruments (section VII). Lull in sightings for nearly two years. September 15, 1985; Bagshot Heath, Surrey, UK.; Disc-shaped object hovered ahead of car. Second object paced alongside car, bright illumination of area (section IX). November 16, 1985; ; Leonid meteor shower (mean date). November 19, 1985; Madison, WI.; Silent, triangular object with body lights (section IX). November 22, 1985; DeForest, WI.; Silent triangular object (section IX). December 26, 1985; Ulster County, NY.; Whitley Strieber alien encounter (section XIII). January 3, 1986; ; Quadrantid meteor shower (mean date). January 7, 1986; Butler, PA.; UFO emitted six light beams toward ground. About n minutes later in Pittsburgh, silver-gray disc with body lights hovered, mist formed around it. Object tilted, moved out of sight (section IX). February 28, 1986; New Castle, PA.; Hovering oval object, body lights, brightly illuminated the area, moved up, down, and sideways. Dog agitated during sighting (section VII). March 19, 1986; Brazil.; To June 15, 1986. Concentration of sightings including many physiological effects cases and traumatic effects (section VIII). May 11, 1986; Sedona, AZ.; Cessna pilot and wife saw dome-shaped object make head-on pass at plane (section III). May 19, 1986; Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.; Radar-visual and pilot sightings, military jet interceptors scrambled in pursuit (section II). August 11, 1986; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). August 12, 1986; Eastern United States.; 9:50-10:10 P.M. Lighted object seen over wide area moving SW to NE was Japanese satellite. August 15, 1986; Calalzo di Cadore (Bellino), Italy.; UFO landed, witness had two-hour memory loss, strong physical traces at site. Memory later returned of two humanoid beings, views inside a craft (section XIII). October 20, 1986; ; Orionid meteor shower (mean date). October 20, 1986; Edmonton, Queensland, Australia.; Blue-green oval ahead of car, forward motion impeded (section VII). November 16, 1986; ; Leonid meteor shower (mean date). November 17, 1986; Fort Yukon, AK.; Japan Airlines freighter aircraft encountered lighted maneuvering objects. bright illumination, heat, radar-visual, E-M effects, satellite objects (section III). January 1987; Belleville, WI.; To March 1987. Flurry of sightings including cigar-shaped objects, a radar tracking, and other features (section VIII). February 7, 1987; Potters Mills, PA.; Motorists encountered hovering large oval object, lights around perimeter, terrain brightly illuminated (section IX). May 16, 1987; Airliner en route from Toronto to Winnipeg, Canada.; Huge unidentified target on weather radar for four minutes (section VII). August 11, 1987; Osbornville, NJ.; Shiny oval, hovered; brightened, took off like a shot, left white trail. Stopped abruptly, maneuvered, lights flashed, shot straight up out of sight (sections IX, X). August 11, 1987; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). September 1, 1987; Bangor, WA.; Ellipse with windows beamed light down on children in playground, two humanoids visible in object (section XII). September 1987; Foreman and Ashdown, AR.; To December 1987. Sighting concentration, including 60 reports to sheriff's office in Little River County. November 1987; Central North Dakota.; To December 1987. Flurry of sightings including oval objects with flashing body lights. November 11, 1987; Gulf Breeze, FL.; First five photos reported taken by builder Ed Walters (section VII). December 12, 1987; ; About 8:50 P.M. (CST). Soviet rocket casing orbital decay and atmospheric re-entry, multiple fiery objects from NW to SE. December 13, 1987; ; Geminid meteor shower (mean date). December 14, 1987; Launceston, Northern Tasmania.; Elliptical object landed ahead of car, blocked road. Headlights and engine failed, blinding light from underside. Car dragged toward object (section XII). January 19, 1988; Foreman, AR.; Glowing red object followed car, moved up and down as if following contours of local terrain (section X). January 20, 1988; Mundrabilla, Western Australia.; Knowles family encounter with oval object that buzzed car, car lifted off road, physical traces (section VI). February 11, 1988; Beira, Mozambique.; Pilot saw hovering object, intense lights like searchlights in a triangle. Climbed vertically out of sight (section III). March 4, 1988; Eastlake, OH.; Coast Guard witnesses, large illuminated ellipse hovering over Lake Erie, landing on ice. Smaller triangular objects emerged, zipped around independently (section I). March 20, 1988; Wisconsin.; John Salter, Jr., and John, III, abduction (section XIII). March 23, 1988; East Tamar Highway, Tasmania.; Motorists saw bright light ahead, engine lost power, radio failed. Four square yellow lights and light beam visible. Car returned to normal after lights disappeared (Basterfield, 1997a). December 4, 1988; Harrisburg, PA.; Silvery oval object hovered, brilliant illumination, physiological effects. UFO maneuvered erratically, emitted silvery white trail when flew away (section V). 1989 February 1989; Fyffe, AL.; Local concentration of sightings. April 21, 1989; Crestview, FL.; Witness aimed rifle at hovering disc, brilliant white light on underside, humming sound. Light beam engulfed him, rifle misfired, object sped away (section IX). April 21, 1989; ; Lyrid meteor shower (mean date). July 1989; Soviet Union.; To October 1989. Several abduction cases. (Vallee, 1992). July 6, 1989; Hakui City, Kanazawa Prefecture, Japan.; Videorecorder film taken of a white, Saturn-shaped object with squarish ring that changed direction, rose at a steep angle at high speed (section VII). July 22, 1989; Blue Hill Bay, ME.; Private pilot saw shiny oval object making quick starts and stops (section III). August 10, 1989; Estepona, Spain.; Videotape taken of hovering object that rotated, split in two, then faded or "dissolved." (section VII). August 11, 1989; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). August 31, 1989; Butler Township, PA; Luminous mushroom-shaped object hovered over field, two smaller objects with red lights emerged, operated independently, departed at high speed (section X). September 21, 1989; Voronezh, USSR.; To October 7, 1989. UFO sighting concentration in vicinity. Four landings and three different kinds of entities reported. Geodesic engineer saw maneuvering airship-like object September 24 (sections VIII, XII and section IV). October 1989; Belgium; To May 1990. Concentration of triangular UFO sightings, jet interceptor chases, radar-visual sightings (see November 29, 1989, March 30, 1990). November 7, 1989; Western KS.; Double abduction case investigated by John Carpenter (section XIII). November 29, 1989; Eupen, Belgium.; Police patrol car illuminated by brilliant light beam, hovering dark triangular object, humming noise, alternately moved and hovered (section I). November 30, 1989; New York City.; Linda Cortile's (pseudonym) abduction from 12th floor apartment, allegedly witnessed by international figure and security guards (Hopkins, 1996). 1990 January 8, 1990; Gulf Breeze, FL.; Dark round or oblong object with red body light photographed by several people (section VII). January 20, 1990; Boyle, MS.; Silvery object with two rows of lights paced just ahead of car for two to three miles. Engine, lights failed until object departed (section XII). January 24, 1990; Central United States.; Fireball meteor observed about 6:15 A.M. arcing from northwest to southeast. January 26, 1990; Eastern United States.; Long-lasting fireball meteor, blue-green with short tail, changing to white and orange as it broke up, observed about 7:10 P.M. moving northeast. February 23, 1990; Northeastern United States.; Prominent fireball meteor changing color from white to green to orange observed about 7:50 P.M. March 2, 1990; Beavercreek, IL.; Brilliant white pulsating oval paced truck, hovered over road, instant relocation over truck, cast light beam down (sections IX, X). March 4, 1990; Wood End, Provincetown, MA.; Sphere with windows seen from boat near lighthouse. Several objects took off at high speed with loud booms, stopped, hovered, flashed bright white lights (section VI). March 21, 1990; Pereslavl-Zalesskiy, Russia.; Jet interceptor scrambled to identify radar target, saw two flashing white lights, locked radar gunsight on object (section I). March 27, 1990; Kokomo, IN.; Blindingly bright oval object approached car, passed low overhead. Driver fled, looked back, saw object hovering over a field (section XII). March 30, 1990; Brussels and Wavre, Belgium.; Gendarmes reported luminous, high speed objects. Jet interceptors scrambled, multiple radar tracks of fast-moving objects (section II). May 24, 1990; North Huntingdon, PA.; Dark, delta-shaped object with large white lights around edge hovered. Departed at high speed (sections IX, X). October 10, 1990; Skibo, MN.; Formations of white objects with red and green body lights alternately hovered and darted around. Unidentified objects also tracked on radar (section IV). January 13, 1991; Pittsburgh, PA.; U.S. Air flight crew saw a rectangular, light-reflective object that flew into clouds (section III). March 6, 1991; Northeastern United States.; (Maine to West Virginia). 2:50 to 3:00 A.M. Fireball meteor, green and red sparks, moving east or north. March 6, 1991; Kingston, Ontario, Canada.; 7:58 A.M. Glowing bluegreen cigar-shaped object crossed path of airliner (section III). April 21, 1991; Heathrow Airport, London, UK.; Alitalia Airlines plane on final approach saw round object cross its path, confirmed by radar (section III). April 21, 1991; ; Lyrid meteor shower (mean date). June 8, 1991; Concepcion, Paraguay.; Pilots encountered and radar tracked reddish oval object that paced a small aircraft and hovered above airport, E-M effects on plane (section III). September 19, 1991; Medjugorje, Yugoslavia.; American tourist took photo of church, unexplained image showed up in picture when developed (section VII). 1992 February 24, 1992; Pacific Northwest (Oregon).; 12:15 A.M. Bright green fireball meteor, wavered, split up, bright illumination, sonic boom. March 19, 1992; Haines City, FL.; Glowing green dome-shaped object maneuvered around patrol car, E-M effects, officer badly frightened (section V). August 11, 1992; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). August 14, 1992; Homer City PA.; Triangular silvery object passed over car, blue flashing body lights. Made sharp turns, moved out of sight (section IX). August 19, 1992; Tucson, AZ.; Manta ray—shaped object with body lights approached car, falling leaf motions, hovered, light beam brightly illuminated terrain (section VI). October 9, 1992; Kentucky to New York State.; About 7:50 P.M. Greenorange fireball meteor southwest to northeast on flat trajectory for about 17 seconds, broke up over southeastern New York. Large meteorite fell in Peekskill, NY. November 1992; San Luis Valley, CO.; To December 1992. Numerous sightings in Saguache County (section VIII). May 20, 1993; Ottawa, Canada.; Airliner crew saw dark blue, metallicappearing triangular object (section III). June 1993; Antelope Valley, CA.; To November 1993. Numerous sightings, photographs reportedly taken (section VIII). June 8, 1993; Antelope Valley, CA.; Round UFO with satellite objects (section X). July 13, 1993; Syracuse, IN.; Cigar-shaped object with red body lights maneuvered at low level (section 1). July 20, 1993; Antelope Valley, CA.; Round UFO with satellite objects (section X). August 8, 1993; Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Five people in two separate cars encountered UFO on road, experienced missing time. Memories returned gradually without hypnosis, including tall beings who abducted them (Chalker, 1996). August 11, 1993; ; Perseid meteor shower (mean date). January 27, 1994; Kazakhstan Republic.; Luminous UFO maneuvered erratically near airliner (section III). January 28, 1994; Paris, France.; Air France airliner—UFO encounter, tracked on military radar (section I). February 1, 1994; Badalucco, Liguria, Italy.; Cigar-shaped object illuminated car with light beam, E-M effects (section I). February 15, 1994; Enkoping, Sweden.; Vehicle encounter with glowing oblong object, E-M effects (section I). July 24, 1994; Near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Motorists encountered glowing orange oblong objects, one followed car. Diamond- shaped object hovered overhead when they stopped to look. Missing time period discovered upon arrival home (Basterfield, 1997b). September 9, 1994; Racoon Lake, IN.; Green- and red-lighted object with satellite objects (section I). May 25, 1995; Bovina, TX.; America West airline crew observed cigar-shaped object with pulsating lights (section I).