+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  June 20 | | | | 1952 - Central Korea. At 3:03 p.m. four Marine Corps Captains and | | pilots of F4U-4B Corsair fighter planes of the 7302nd Squadron | | sighted a 10-20 foot diameter white to silver oval object for 60 | | seconds. The daylight UFO made a left-hand orbit of the target area, | | and then shot away to the east outdistancing pursuit aircraft at a | | terrific speed. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official | | statistics, case #1313; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). | | | | 1953 - Brush Creek, California. John Q. Black, one of two miners who | | witnessed a landing and humanoid at Brush Creek on May 20th of this | | year, witnessed a complete repetition of the scene, including the | | "little man" with the pail of water. The little man was dressed in a | | suit like a parka, and he descended from a 8-foot wide landed | | lens-shaped silver craft with tripod landing gear. The "midget" | | scooped up a pail of water, saw that he was being watched, then | | scurried back to the craft and zoomed away. His partner Mr. John Van | | Allen only saw the tripod landing gear marks, which were about 30 cm | | wide and resembled "elephant tracks." (Sources: The Humanoids, p. 53; | | Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 202; | | Leonard H. Stringfield, Situation Red, The UFO Siege!, pp. 49-51). | | | | 1958 - At 11:05 p.m. Fort Bragg, North Carolina Battalion | | Communication Chief SFC A. Parsley observed a silver, circular | | object, its lower portion seen through a green haze, hover, then | | oscillate slightly, and then move away at great speed. He watched it | | for 10 minutes. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official | | statistics, case # 5857; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO | | Unknowns). | | | | 1967 - Farmer Arvi Juntunen in Suomussalmi, Finland heard a loud | | humming sound at noon and saw a round, shiny gray object 50 cm above | | ground, 6 meters away. It had a domed top with a fin and measured 75 | | cm in diameter. As he was about to seize it, the object rose with a | | blast, circled and flew away. (Sources: Gordon Creighton, FSR, | | May-June 1968, p. 25; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century | | of Landings, case 851). | | | | 1968 - Eustaqui Zogorwski, age 63, a Polish immigrant, claimed that | | on this date he was drugged by a man who drove up to his house in | | Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina in a black car. When he recovered | | consciousness he found himself in an otherworldly environment, where | | giant beings were dwelling in an aerial city.Two of these beings, | | over two meters tall, conducted Mr. Zogorwski to a tower in the | | center of the city, seemingly suspended in space. He was seated at a | | table around which sat 12 similar giants. They took his arms and he | | began to "trace signs automatically." He believed that they had | | "brainwashed" him. He was finally released between the towns of | | Brinkmann and Cotagaita, in Cordoba province, where the mysterious | | man in the black car picked him up and drove him to his home. | | (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of | | Humanoid Reports, case 1968-35 (A0936), citing La Nacion, August 7, | | 1968). | | | | 1968 - Peasants in Bulnes Nuble, Chile saw a five-foot tall being | | with a white head and torso, from whose arms wings extended. It was | | sighted several times in the vicinity of the village. (Source: David | | F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case | | A1094, citing El Comercio, June 25, 1968) | | | | 1969 - On this evening numerous witnesses in and around the Michigan | | City, Indiana area, bordering Lake Michigan, saw a series of | | multi-colored, maneuvering lights for a period of at least two hours. | | Among the witnesses were policemen, Coast Guardsmen, a harbor | | patrolman, a local newspaper photographer, and an electronics | | engineer. The first report was at 9:35 p.m. "The objects appeared | | solid and yet were a source of their own light," US Coast Guardsman | | Vernon Kleman stated. "They appeared as if from nowhere and could | | brighten up to a size much larger than when originally seen. They | | moved at a variety of speeds, some fast, some slow and at times they | | were stationary for a minute or more...The objects were colored | | white, green or orange and they changed colors at will." A roughly | | oval-shaped UFO appeared to have a rotating rim with red, green and | | yellow lights around its center. Increasing in intensity, the object | | was in view for about a minute before it "quickly diminished in size | | and brilliance" and disappeared. "Once a smaller object seemed to | | enter the water," Kleman continued. "It was submerged for 4-6 | | seconds. Then it traveled straight upward at an excessive speed." | | | | 1969 - At 10:25 members of the Michigan City Police Department and Port | | Authority began seeing the UFOs. Robert G. Howington, harbor | | policeman, said the objects he saw disappeared to the "northwest with | | terrific speed." Officer Ted Stantz saw lights that erratically "went | | back and forth across the sky." Policeman James R. Coughlin and | | others saw the objects at the same time. "We saw about 9 or 10 such | | objects over a span of about two hours," Police Sgt. Lance M. Hilberg | | stated in his report to NICAP. "One seemed to approach very close. | | The others were quite high and very distant. All objects appeared | | very bright and solid. The closest one was extremely bright [and] | | faded away at tremendous speed--much faster than any aircraft..." | | | | Officer Tony C. Ragle said he was cruising in his squad car when he | | got a call to assist personnel at the Port Authority. Looking through | | his windshield, he saw the large bright object that "hovered over | | Lake Michigan for approximately 90 seconds, then went up and darted | | toward Chicago.” Bill Allen, a photographer-reporter for The Michigan | | City News-Dispatch, saw an object over the lakefront at 11:30 p.m. It | | looked like an upside down saucer with a pulsating red light around | | the bottom. The top was an orange-yellow color. The objects were also | | viewed over Gary, Indiana and Chicago, Illinois. (Source: Bill Laas, | | NICAP UFO Investigator, September-October 1969, p. 1). | | | | 1974 - Several hundred witnesses including 15 police saw a luminous | | cigar-shaped object fly back and forth over the city of Sao Bernardo | | da Campo, Sao Paulo state, Brazil at 7:30 p.m. It reportedly | | responded to light signals. (Source: Inforespace, October 1975). | | | | 1975 - A luminous globe, described also like a large incandescent | | ball, was seen to fall into the sea some miles off the coast of the | | port of Genova, Italy. The report arrived from a geophysicist of the | | university that was completing normal surveys and that had | | immediately signaled the fact to the National Fire Departments. | | (Source: Marco Bianchini, USOCAT by Italian Center for UFO Studies | | (CISU), citing Liberta, June 22, 1975 and La Stampa, June 21, 1975). | | | | 1976 - The alien abduction of a 19-year-old married couple and their | | infant occurred at around one o'clock in the morning, from their car | | while driving on I-70 five miles west of Colby, Kansas. The Delduca | | family reported they had encountered a UFO that was a 150-foot wide | | saucer-shaped craft that stood 40 feet tall. They initially had | | several hours of missing time, but were able to recall their | | experience through the aid of hypnotic regression. They recalled that | | there were three 5.0 to 5.5 foot tall humanoids, matching the | | description of short Grey humanoids, wearing helmets. They were given | | physical exams and communicated with via telepathy. They had body | | marks and rashes subsequent to their encounter. (Sources: Richard | | Sigismonde, CUFOS field investigation report dated July 12, 1976; | | UNICAT database, case # 197, citing Richard Sigismonde; David F. Webb | | & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1477; | | International UFO Reporter, December 1976, p. 12). | | | | 1977 - A year later another abduction occurred, this time from a | | bedroom in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Gayle Bever recalled under hypnosis | | that during a two hour period of missing time she had been taken from | | her bedroom shortly before midnight by human-looking beings wearing | | coveralls. She was also given a physical exam. She has a small | | circular scar, 1 cm in diameter, on her shoulder in the shape of a | | wheel with spokes. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, November 1977, p. 1; R. | | Leo Sprinkle, MUFON Conference Proceedings: 1980, p. 57; Thomas E. | | Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, case 142, citing | | APRO Bulletin). | | | | 1986 - At 4 a.m. Cesar Locatelli was driving through a brushy | | isolated area in Mentrux-en-Joux, Jura, France searching for a swarm | | of wild bees he believed was nearby when he made a turn under some | | trees and came upon a large transparent, brightly illuminated bluish | | disc-shaped object partly resting on top of a large boulder. The disc | | was about 9 meters in diameter. Inside the object he could clearly | | see six human-like figures of short to average height, perhaps 5 feet | | tall. These figures were wearing white hooded tunics with cowls like | | the kind worn by monks. These covered their heads and obscured their | | faces. They all were standing around an oval table, apparently bent | | over it. He attempted to drive away but his car engine stalled. At | | the same time he could hear a high-pitched humming sound. He was | | finally able to restart the car and drove away. When he returned to | | the site several months later he was surprised to see that the large | | boulder was gone. (Source: Joel Mesnard & Michael Morel Seythoux, | | Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 305; FSR, Vol. 37, No. 1) | | | | 1989 - At noon two girls in Lesozavodsk, Siberia, Russia encountered | | a strange being that floated above the ground towards them. It left a | | silvery trail behind him that faded slowly. The creature was | | described as humanoid but robot-like in appearance, and it had | | silvery gray hair. As it passed the girls it emitted a strange | | squeaking sound and a bright light in their direction which caused | | one of them a headache. A number of bus passengers also saw the | | humanoid. As it passed in front of a car it turned a strange silvery | | color. It continued on and disappeared towards a nearby bridge. | | (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # | | 670, citing Yaroslavl Investigations, FSR, Volume 35, No. 3). | | | | 2002 - Another missing time experience was reported in Landover, | | Maryland to the National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle. (Source: | | Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, June 2002 webpage | | archive). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 9 June 2006). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: abductions, aircraft UFO encounters, body marks, | | Grey UFOnauts, human looking UFOnauts, humming sound, landing, lumin | | ous UFOs, nautical UFOs (UFOs diving into bodies of water), short hum | | anoid, landing traces, MIB, missing time, physical exams, silvery or | | shiny gray UFOs, small UFO, tripod landing gear, very tall humanoids. | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+