+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  January 21 | | | | 1933 - At 10:50 p.m. a luminous white object, with the apparent size | | of a 12 cm coin held at arms length, hovered over Bondy, | | Seine-St-Denis, France for five minutes, rose higher in the air, then | | shot overhead. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 316). | | | | 1952 - Two pilots of a Navy TBM plane from Mitchel AFB on Long | | Island, New York chased a white, circular, domed disc at 9:50 a.m., | | which finally accelerated and outdistanced them, climbing away. The | | TBM torpedo plane was flying at 6000 feet altitude when the crew | | first spotted the object. The disc was very light on top, but dark on | | the underside. It was estimated to be from 20 to 30 feet in diameter, | | at a minimum distance of only 2000 feet. When it was first seen it | | was at 200 feet, and then climbed to the plane's altitude. It started | | a rapid climb from there and soon vanished from sight. The official | | Air Force explanation at the time was that it was a balloon, which | | nearly everyone who has reviewed the case doubts. (Sources: Project | | Blue Book files counted in official statistics, Richard M. Dolan, | | UFO's and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up | | 1941-1973, p. 401; Richard H. Hall, Radar-Visual UFO cases in 1952: | | The UFO sightings that shook the government, p. 9; Terrence Wright, | | Intelligent Man's Guide to Flying Saucers, p. 139; UNICAT case 807, | | citing Edward J. Ruppelt, Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, p. | | 161). | | | | 1957 - A l arge shiny metallic sphere hovered over an Army military | | installation in Arlington, Virginia at 10:45 a.m. It vanished and | | reappeared twice. Meanwhile, some small brown discs were also seen | | maneuvering in the sky. (Source: Loren E. Gross, The Fifth Horseman | | of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1957: January-March 22, p. 28; | | Richard M. Dolan, UFO's and the National Security State: Chronology | | of a Cover-up 1941-1973, p. 409). | | | | 1958 - Two white, silent, hat-shaped saucers flew over the Tumacacori | | Mountains in Arizona at 4:00 p.m., heading toward the southwest. They | | flipped over, then flew in a sawtooth trajectory and entered a cloud. | | (Source: Loren E. Gross, The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: | | A History. 1958: January-February, p. 33). | | | | 1959 - A luminous object was seen falling into the harbor of Gdynia, | | Poland on this night. Divers were sent to retrieve it and brought | | back a piece of un-rusted metal whose composition was not publicly | | disclosed. Several days later, a strange male figure wearing "a sort | | of uniform" was encountered dragging himself along the beach. Part of | | his face appeared to be burnt and his hair singed. After being taken | | to hospital it was discovered that the uniform he wore was made of | | metal, and the being's organs were quite different from those of a | | human being. It had six digits on its hands and feet. The creature | | died after an armband was removed, and the body was sent to the | | Soviet Union. An autopsy allegedly revealed a different structure of | | internal organs and a spiral system of blood circulation. It had six | | fingered extremities and was about 1.60 meters in height. The body | | was placed in a freezer and stored in an underground bunker, | | supposedly in the Moscow area. The divers apparently also found | | another half of the object that crashed, embedded in the underwater | | mud. | | | | According to additional details revealed later, a second alien body | | was recovered on shore a short time after the first recovery. The | | alien that had still been alive was treated at the Gdynia-Redlow | | hospital, but soon fell into a coma-like state after an arm bracelet | | was removed. Both aliens had six digits on their hands and feet. An | | autopsy was conducted on one of the dead aliens; the one in a coma | | was put in a special chamber aimed at supporting its vital functions. | | The six-fingered being taken to the U.S.S.R. is allegedly being | | stored in an isolated top-secret underground bunker, located under a | | building on a biomedical research center facility east of | | Solnechnogorsk. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: | | Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1959-02, citing Ion Hobana and | | Julien Weverbergh; Anton Anfalov, Lenura Azizova, Larissa Chora, and | | Bronislaw Rzepecki). | | | | 1966 - At around midnight near Shearwater Lake in Crockerton, | | Wiltshire, England a resident of Frome, riding on a motorcycle, saw | | three "gray garbed and white faced" figures, looking like frogmen, | | jump into a hedgerow. They had wide-spaced eyes and no apparent | | mouths. One figure was seen to have fair hair. They were shorter than | | normal humans, but with big shoulders, rather large heads, and thin | | legs. He turned around and came back, and saw a "large saucer of | | light" rise from the lakeside. The saucer hovered briefly before | | flying off in the direction of Cley Hill. Ground traces were found at | | the site. (Sources: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case #7058, | | citing Arthur Shuttlewood, The Warminster Mystery, pp. 156-158; David | | F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case | | 1966-02 (A0692)). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 14 January 2006). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database | | | | Themes: disc-shaped UFOs, domed discs, military retri | | eval of alive and dead alien humanoids, pallid humanoids, white UFOs. | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+