+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  January 7 | | | | 1948 - A very large saucer-shaped object descended over the Clinton | | County, Ohio Air Force Base at 7:20 p.m. It was witnessed by several | | including the control tower staff, who viewed it through binoculars. | | It came so close to the ground that it may have landed. It then | | ascended and shot away to the southwest. (Source: Wilmington (OH) | | News Journal, January 8, 1948). | | | | 1952 - A dot appeared in the western sky over the Apple Valley | | Airport in San Bernardino County, California that grew to a golden | | shining disc, 100 feet in diameter. The UFO cavorted for several | | minutes, made 90 degree turns, and flew away at twice the speed of a | | jet. It also was completely silent. The witness was a 57-year-old man | | named Mattern. (Source: Edward Sullivan, Civilian Saucer | | Intelligence--Los Angeles, letter from witness dated April 13, 1952). | | | | 1958 - At 2:15 p.m. two human looking figures again appeared to Mrs. | | Appleton in Aston, Warwickshire, England and spoke to her in a | | mechanical form of English. Their message stated that "our images are | | projections." Her first encounter occurred the previous November | | 18th, when a man appeared next to her fireplace while a whistling | | sound was audible. He was tall and fair, wore a tight fitting plastic | | garment, and seemed to communicate with her through telepathy. | | (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, | | case 456, citing Charles Bowen, The Humanoids, p. 4; Hans Holzer, The | | UFOnauts, p. 87). | | | | 1966 - An 18-year-old high school student in Georgetown, Alabama was | | returning home from school when he observed a large silver ball about | | 15-20 feet in diameter. The ball was only 15 feet from his car at its | | closest approach. As it hovered near the car the engine died. The | | object was making a whining sound. It then moved behind the car and | | left. The car could then be restarted. The witness's watch also | | stopped working. (Source: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving | | Vehicle Interference, case 158, citing Schopick). | | | | 1967 - At 5:45 p.m. a domed disc with lights on the dome appeared | | over St. Louis, Missouri. It hovered silently, then sped away. The | | entire sighting lasted ten minutes, according to the witness Mr. | | Siebel, who wrote and account of his sighting to the National | | Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (Sources: NICAP files, | | letter dated January 21, 1967; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, | | Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 325). | | | | 1970 - At 3:45 in the afternoon two cross-country skiers, Aarno | | Heinonen and Esko Viljo, heard a buzzing sound and saw a round, ten | | foot wide metallic object with a flat bottom and a dome in the sky | | outside of Imjarvi, Finland. It was wrapped by a reddish-gray mist. | | The UFO descended to within ten feet of the snow-covered ground in a | | forest clearing and the buzzing sound ceased. It was described as | | being so close to Heinonen that he could have touched it with his ski | | pole. | | | | The two men next saw a beam of light come from an opening in the | | bottom of the craft. It created an illuminated area three feet in | | diameter on the snow beneath it, edged with black. A red gray mist | | descended again, and when it cleared both men could see, only 10 feet | | away, a three foot tall little man on the ground standing in the | | illuminated area. He had thin arms and legs, a pale waxy complexion | | with a hook nose, and wore a light green coverall uniform with darker | | green knee boots, white gauntlets, and a conical metallic helmet. | | | | He held a small black box at his chest level with a pulsating yellow | | light from which a beam was emitted. Then the mist descended again, | | and long red, green and purple "sparks" floated out from the lighted | | area. A flame of sorts rose from this spot and the being entered the | | UFO. Then the mist vanished along with the UFO. After this | | experience, Heinonen found that his right leg was numb. He vomited | | and he passed urine that was black in color. Viljo also suffered | | severe physiological effects. Aarno Heinonen would go on to | | experience other close encounters, two years later, in a series of | | contacts with a fair skinned female being. (Sources: Sven-Olof | | Frederickson, FSR, May 1970, p. 23; K. Gosta Rehn, APRO Bulletin, | | July-August 1970, p. 6 & September-October 1970, p. 4; David F. Webb | | & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1970-04 | | (A1075)). | | | | 1971 - In Dennis, Massachusetts a metallic cylindrical object was | | seen descending over a frozen lake at 7:10 a.m. The leading edge of | | the object tipped forward, and a trail of flames issued from the | | rear. The investigating witnesses, two teenage boys, found an | | elongated hole in the ice and steam rising from the agitated water. | | The UFO made no sound. (Source: Walter N. Webb case investigation | | files; NICAP UFO Investigator, February 1971, p. 1; Raymond E. | | Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 357). | | | | Dennis, Massachusetts CE-II Encounter | | | | [image] | | | | 1974 - Driving toward Warneton, Belgium along the French-Belgian | | border, the witness experienced the failure of the lights, engine, | | and radio of his car. He saw a landed object 150 meters away in a | | field to his right. The UFO was shaped like a World War I British | | helmet, was 7 to 10 meters wide, and stood on tripod landing gear. It | | had patches of orange luminescence on top with a white light | | underneath. Two beings were seen coming from the direction of the | | object, walking slowly and stiffly toward the car. The shorter entity | | wore an outfit with horizontal rings around the torso and a round | | helmet with a large, circular face plate showing a pear shaped, | | grayish head with no hair, round "marble like" eyes, a rudimentary | | nose, and a slit-like lipless mouth. He held an object like a short | | thick ruler with a pointed tip, aimed at the car. The taller entity | | wore a cubical helmet transparent in form, showing a face identical | | with the other's but with a small rectangular box under the chin. His | | suit was a dull metallic gray one-piece coverall, including gloves | | and heavy, pointed boots. He wore a black belt with a luminous disc | | in front and a diagonal "Sam Browne" strap from belt to shoulder, | | with a vertical row of "buttons" on each side of the chest. Both | | beings had long arms. The interior of the helmets appeared to be | | illuminated. A third entity was seen standing guard near the object. | | | | The two beings approached to within four meters of the car and the | | taller was seen opening and closing his mouth. The witness felt a | | slight shock on the back of his head and heard, simultaneously, a low | | pitched, modulated sound. The two suddenly wheeled around and walked | | quickly back to the object, which now pulsated an electric blue color | | on top. The three beings boarded, the landing gear withdrew, and the | | object rose slightly, hovered, then ascended rapidly at a 60 degree | | angle. A car was then seen approaching, whose driver said he had seen | | the object and its occupants. As the primary witness drove off, he | | continued to get poor reception on his car radio. The duration of the | | close encounter was about 20 minutes. (Sources: David F. Webb and Ted | | Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1974-1, citing | | Jean Marie Bigorne, Lumeires Dans la Nuit). | | | | 1986 - At a trailer court in the mountain community of Butler, | | Pennsylvania at 10:54 p.m. a UFO emitted six "solid" light beams | | towards the ground. About 20 minutes later in Pittsburgh a | | silver-grayish disc-shaped UFO with body lights hovered in the sky, | | with a mist forming around it. The object tilted and then moved out | | of sight. (Source: Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A | | Thirty-Year Report, p. 29). | | | | 1997 - Ryan Chapman and two other witnesses were staying in a cabin | | at an undisclosed location in Florida when they saw strange flashing | | lights in the sky late on this night. Feeling apprehensive the | | witnesses decided to make a perimeter check of the area. Suddenly one | | of them screamed when he saw a large disc-shaped craft hovering over | | the cabin. One witness loaded his gun and began firing at the craft, | | but when nothing happened they ran back toward the cabin. Their way | | was blocked by several short thin gray-skinned humanoids that were | | carrying long needle-like implements. The creatures grabbed the three | | men who attempted to escape but were somehow overpowered. Ryan felt a | | pain in the back of his neck as he fell to the ground and blacked | | out. The next day, after coming to, they found strange marks on their | | chins, wrists and behind their ears. A scorched area was reportedly | | found on the roof and walls of the cabin. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, | | Humanoid Contact Database, case # 2572, citing Internet Sightings | | page). | | | | 1999 - At six o'clock in the morning Lindsey Knott of Crawley, West | | Sussex, England reported seeing bursts of lights in her room and then | | finding herself onboard a round object with low continuous windows. | | She saw control panels located at the center of the craft that were | | manned by two metallic robot-like creatures and two dark-hooded | | beings. She also met the apparent leader, who she described as as | | human-looking and tall, with shoulder length blond hair, pale eyes, | | very pale skin, and wearing a dark blue jumpsuit. The night after the | | incident she awoke to find her room very warm and cloying. The air | | appeared distorted and fuzzy, and she also saw more flashes of light. | | She suffered from headaches and toothaches after the incident. She | | also felt hypervigilant. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 1999, case # 3834, citing UFO Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO | | Watch). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 16 November 2005). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: abduction, blue uniform, disc-shaped UFOs | | , domed disc, green uniform, Grey humanoids, human-looking UFOnauts, | | landings, low pitch modulated sound, mist generated by UFOs, physiolo | | gical effects: electric shock or numbness, radio interference, roboti | | c humanoids, short humanoids, silent UFOs, tilted UFOs, tripod landin | | g gear, vehicle EM ignition interference effects, wristwatch stopped. | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+