+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  April 3 | | | | 1948 - At 6:35 a.m. in San Martino, Lombardy, Italy bus driver | | Guiseppe Langiano and railway stationmaster Sr. Bavota saw a luminous | | orange domed disc hovering about 10 meters above the ground at Fara | | Di Cigno which stopped 12 meters away from them. It was shaped like | | an inverted bowl, about 10-15 meters in diameter, and surmounted by a | | transparent looking dome or “upside-down cup.” It was also emitting a | | very bright beam of white light. A humanoid being floated down to the | | ground from the object. He wore a stiff, metallic looking one-piece | | garment with heavy metallic gauntlets. He looked like a "big puppet" | | about 1.5 meters (5 feet) in height. He had "two round holes in place | | of eyes.” When Sr. Langiano approached, it re-entered the UFO, which | | then took off. (Sources: Solas Boncompgni, UFO in Italia, p. 94; | | David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, | | case 1948-06 (A0145), citing Solas Boncompgni; Verga Maurizio, | | ITACAT: Italian UFO Catalogue). | | | | 1949 - In Dillon, Montana construction company owner Gosta Miller and | | three others watched an unidentified flying object shaped like two | | plates attached face-to-face at 11:55 a.m. The object had a matte | | bottom and a bright aluminum top. The dimensions of the object were | | estimated to be 20-feet in diameter by 4-5 feet thick. It rocked or | | rotated in six cycles, descended, rocked, flew, and rocked. All of | | these maneuvers happened very fast. (Sources: Don Berliner, Project | | Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History. Volume 2: | | 1949, p. 60). | | | | 1956 - A flying humanoid, described as a "silver-colored angel" was | | sighted flying north over a coal and iron plant in Birmingham, | | Alabama on this night. (Source: Alexander Mebane, Civilian Saucer | | Intelligence--New York Newsletter, May 1956, p. 5). | | | | 1962 - In Wurtland, Kentucky on the Ohio River at 9:50 p.m. EDT | | witnesses G.R. Wells and J. Lewis, using a 117x telescope, watched a | | small stationary object in the sky change in brightness and give off | | smoke. It remained in the same position for six minutes. (Sources: | | U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book files counted in official | | statistics, case #7851; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; | | Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 106.) | | | | 1964 - At 9:00 p.m. Mr. R. Wold, a graduate student in anthropology, | | his wife, and two others in their car saw four huge red lights in a | | rectangular formation near the ground in Monticello, Wisconsin. There | | was an intense white light above the four red lights, apparently | | attached to a large object that came to very near ground level, | | hovered, tilted, and flew off very fast as they were driving about | | two kilometers west of Monticello. The sighting lasted from three to | | four minutes. (Sources: Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; | | Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 51; Jacques | | Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 594; Thomas | | M. Olsen, The Reference for Outstanding UFO Reports, case 88; UNICAT | | database, case 384, citing Thomas Olsen and others). | | | | 1965 - Two traveling salesmen were driving toward Fortaleza, Ceara | | State, Brazil at 11:20 p.m. when they saw something in the sky that | | looked like a bright red infrared lamp. It shined a beam of light | | down on their car. The object then descended just above the car, and | | the car then began to vibrate and its lights went out. They then saw | | another ray of light come down from the UFO onto their vehicle, | | whereupon the driver lost driving control and the vehicle skidded | | sideways and came to a stop. The red globe-shaped object then landed | | in front of the car, and two humanoids that resembled robots came out | | from the UFO and began to approach. Both men got out; one had a rifle | | that he fired at the entities. Suddenly there was a terrific | | explosion and the two men were blinded and could hear nothing. | | Fifteen minutes later they could see again, but the object and the | | two entities had already gone. (Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: | | Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next?, p. 219; Richard F Haines, | | CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 222). | | | | 1968 - On this afternoon at around 1:45 p.m. Mrs. Mabel Walch and her | | nephew, John were driving toward Newport by the shore of one of the | | Narrabeen Lakes in New South Wales, Australia. They saw a strange | | creature standing near the road in shallow water. The being was just | | over four feet tall and had a tough leathery dark gray skin, like an | | elephant. Its legs were round and thick. Its arms, or forelegs, were | | small, and as they watched it ambled out of the water with "a strange | | shuffling walk, but quite fast." They only saw it briefly before it | | ran into the scrub. Mrs. Walch said "it's head reminded me of an | | anteater's trunk." The chin or probiscus was rigid and squared off at | | the end, and "stuck down and out at an angle." It had no ears nor a | | tail, but it had small eyes. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, | | HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-23, citing Keith | | Basterfield). | | | | 1968 - A schoolteacher named Mrs. Lietha was driving down the highway | | with her son in Cochrane, Wisconsin when a red-orange object flew | | over and hovered above her car, causing the engine and lights to fail | | as well as that of a second vehicle. The witnesses felt a sensation | | of weightlessness as well as heat from the object. Twenty minutes | | later a second vehicle interference case occurred in Waukesha, | | Wisconsin to a married couple named Blake. (Sources: (1) Brad Sparks, | | Computer Catalog of Type 9 Cases, case 120; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO | | Experience, p. 239; APRO Bulletin, September-October 1968, p. 8; | | UNICAT database, case 385, citing J. Allen Hynek; Geoffrey Falla, | | BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 47; (2) Glenn McWane, | | The New UFO Sightings, p. 55). | | | | 1968 - Late that same night in Itabara, Brazil several teenage girls | | were walking home when they encountered a tall man dressed totally in | | black, who lept out of nowhere and flashed a beam of light at them. | | The figure then disappeared. Several days later two of the girls | | accosted by the stranger began to go into trances and speak in | | strange foreign tongues. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 1968, case #1059, citing Brad Steiger, Saga UFO Report, | | August 1976). | | | | 1975 - There were over 29 separate, independent UFO sightings and | | close encounters in Robeson, Hoke, Sampson, Bladen, Pitt, and | | Columbus counties in the early morning hours and again in the evening | | centered on Lumberton, North Carolina. The first sighting occurred in | | Lumberton at 1:45 a.m. on Highway 301 where a delta-shaped object the | | size of a car was sighted by police officers hovering over a water | | tower. It then shot off to the north. At 2:05 a.m. two sheriff | | deputies in Hoke County pursued a delta-shaped object flying | | northeast toward Sampson County. At 2:20 a.m. a silent object with a | | searchlight flew over Highway 55 in Roseboro, North Carolina at 200 | | feet altitude and lit up some pecan trees. At 3:30 a.m. a police | | officer on Highway 701 in Elizabethtown, North Carolina chased an | | object along Highway 701 before losing it into the cloud cover. That | | night at 10:30 p.m. a police officer named Godley in Grimesland, | | North Carolina sighted a disc-shaped object with red, blue and white | | lights that zigzagged through the sky. At 11:45 p.m. there were | | sightings north of Rowland in Robeson County and in Scotland County | | on Highway 71. At 11:47 p.m. a Sheriff's deputy named Lewis pursued a | | V-shaped craft flying to the northeast toward Red Springs. (Sources: | | Dwight Connelly, Skylook, May 1975, p. 3; Jennie Zeidman, Lumberton | | Report: UFO Activity in Southern North Carolina, pp. 5-8; Raleigh | | News Observer, April 6, 1975). | | | | 1982 - At around three o'clock in the morning a woman schoolteacher | | in Bolingbrook, Illinois was awakened by a high pitched sound "like a | | blender running in a box." She looked out at the cloudy, windy and | | cold weather conditions in her residential neighborhood and saw a | | bright blue domed disc-shaped object land next to some power lines. | | It lifted off and then landed a second time. The UFO had blue lights | | around the rim, and was only about 50 yards away. The blue light from | | the object illuminated the area as bright as day. A street light went | | out. The police received calls of power outages and blue flashes at | | the same time. (Sources: Fred Merritt, International UFO Reporter, | | July 1982, p. 6; UNICAT database, case 25, citing Fred Merritt). | | | | 1988 - A mother and daughter were awakened by a throbbing sensation | | and the sound of a tree falling in Gulf Breeze, Florida at 2:45 a.m. | | They looked out and saw a flying object only 50 feet above the | | ground, with a circle of orange "porthole-like" lights around its | | middle. A beam of light struck the mother, who had a strong feeling | | of being watched. The entire encounter lasted over two hours. The | | mother is also employed as a schoolteacher (see the other | | schoolteacher reports in 1968 and 1982 for similarities). (Source: | | Donald M. Ware, MUFON UFO Journal, March 1992, p. 18, citing field | | investigator V. Lyons). | | | | 1992 - At around two o'clock in the morning in Cicero, Illinois a | | woman was lying in bed next to her husband when she heard her bedroom | | window open, making a creaking sound. She then was unable to move. | | Moments later she saw three short humanoid creatures with chalky | | colored skin, big heads, and big eyes walking around her bed. They | | stood next to her. She was completely paralyzed and apparently her | | pet cat was also affected. She does not recall anything else, except | | that she awoke the next morning feeling empty. (Source: Albert S. | | Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992, case # 2159, citing Unsolved | | UFO Sightings, Fall 1994). | | | | 1995 - At around three o'clock in the morning the witness was alone | | in his room in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany when several short | | gray entities appeared. Although frightened, he experienced | | telepathic communication with them and managed to blurt out "I love | | you, I love you!" The entities disappeared and three minutes later he | | had an out-of-body experience in which he experienced himself sitting | | outside his body as it lay on the bed. Suddenly he perceived a stream | | of beautiful golden light pouring forth from the base of his spine. | | He believes that it was a "soul" the gray entities had injected into | | his body. After that he experienced a sensation of sublime happiness. | | (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1995, case # | | 2936, citing Andrew Brough). | | | | 1995 - On this afternoon several children playing at an elementary | | school in La Vega, Orocovis, Puerto Rico noticed a four-foot tall | | creature standing next to a tree nearby their playing field. The | | creature was gray colored with a large oval head and huge dark eyes. | | It seemed to be distracted, looking intently at the passing vehicles | | on a nearby road. It was moving its head rapidly from side to side. | | The frightened children quickly left the area, and when they returned | | later the creature had gone. Later that same night a young man | | driving on State Route 155 on the outskirts of Orocovis, Puerto Rico | | was surprised to see a strange creature standing in the middle of the | | road. The creature was described as gray in color, about 4 feet tall, | | with a large oval shaped head and large black eyes. Momentarily | | stunned, he stepped on the gas in order to get away, but incredibly | | the short gray creature was able to run twice around the moving | | vehicle at terrific speed. Completely frightened, the witness sped up | | some more and drove away from the area. Thinking he had hit the | | creature with his car, he looked back and saw it still standing in | | the middle of the road. It then ran quickly into the woods and | | disappeared. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database | | 1995, cases # 2116 and # 2117, citing Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI, | | issue # 6). | | | | 1998 - Two men names Fisher and Schmidt took five photographs of a | | silent maneuvering silver ovoid or disc, that was oval on the top and | | flat on the bottom. The sighting occurred on a clear day on the Pecos | | River at Route 84 in De Baca County, New Mexico at 11:00 a.m. The UFO | | was rapidly vibrating up and down. (Source: Nicholas Schmidt, MUFON | | UFO Journal, July 1999, p. 8). | | | | 2003 - At 11:57 p.m. several tiny UFOs shaped like tubes with | | rotating spirals around them, appeared over Zawra Park in Baghdad, | | Iraq. (Source: UFO Magazine (USA), June 2003, p. 31, citing Filers' | | Files, April 9, 2003). | | | | 2003 - A dark, flying cross-shaped object with panels of lights on | | the underside flew low over the river in Terrace, British Columbia at | | 10:55 p.m. (Source: Geoff Dittman, Canadian UFO Survey 2003, case | | #134, citing HBCCUFO). | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 7 March 2007). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Theme | | s: aluminum colored or silver colored UFOs; anteater-like creature; b | | edroom visitations; close encounters by schoolteachers; disc-shaped U | | FOs; domed discs; electrical interference and power outages; flying h | | umanoid; Grey humanoids; high pitched buzzing noise; light beams; low | | level UFOs; MIB; oscillating motion; physiological effects: blindnes | | s, paralysis; red UFOs; rocking; sensation of heat; tilting; UFO emit | | ting smoke or fog; UFOs in rectangular formation; vehicle EM effects. | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+