| [On This Day]                                                         |
|  Encounters with Aliens on this Day                                   |
|                                                                       |
|  July 12                                                              |
|                                                                       |
| 1952 - At 3:30 p.m. four elliptical-shaped objects, one-third the     |
| size of a transport plane, flew four abreast in formation at a high   |
| rate of speed over Annapolis, Maryland. They stopped in mid-air,      |
| executed a 90-degree turn, then accelerated and vanished in mid-air.  |
| At 9:00 p.m. an object the size of a B-36 bomber was picked up on     |
| radar flying over Kirksville Air Force Base, Missouri at a speed of   |
| 1,700 mph. (Sources: (1) Project Blue Book files counted in official  |
| statistics, case #1431; Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History. 1952:        |
| June-July 20th, p. 51; Kevin D. Randle, Invasion Washington: UFOs     |
| over the Capitol, p. 269; (2) Donald E. Keyhoe, Flying Saucers from   |
| Outer Space, p. 57).                                                  |
|                                                                       |
| 1956 - On the Pacific island of Levuka in the Fiji Islands, several   |
| people on a fishing boat saw a cigar-shaped UFO. It was close enough  |
| that the witnesses were able to describe square windows visible in    |
| the object. (Source: APRO Bulletin, September 1956).                  |
| 1959 - A military electronic technician named Guerrero saw a          |
| saucer-shaped object hover and maneuver over the desert in            |
| Ridgecrest, California. (Source: Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence       |
| (Volume I), p. 138).                                                  |
|                                                                       |
| 1964 - At 5:25 p.m. a huge domed disc-shaped object paced an airliner |
| flying from Leningrad to Moscow while over the city of Bologoye,      |
| Russia. It then shot away. One of the witnesses was a Russian         |
| scientist named Zaytsev. (Sources: Ion Hobana and Julien Weverbergh,  |
| UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, pp. 284-286; NICAP UFO             |
| Investigator, March 1968, p. 6; J. Allen Hynek & Jacques Vallee, The  |
| Edge of Reality: A Progress Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, p. |
| 292).                                                                 |
|                                                                       |
| 1965 - A UFO was sighted off of Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea on this   |
| night in the same approximate location as the famous CE-III sightings |
| by Father Gill in 1959. A red light changed to blue. It was extremely |
| bright, and was seen swaying from side to side in a broad pendulum    |
| swing, at least a mile in each direction. The witnesses were several  |
| school children and their teacher. (Source: Debbie Payne,             |
| Australasian Ufologist, October 2004, p. 29, citing the RAAF).        |
|                                                                       |
| 1965 - At 4:30 a.m. a group of newspaper boys sighted a silver,       |
| football-shaped object near Kolb Road in Tucson, Arizona. It hovered  |
| for 30 minutes, then shot off to the southeast at a very fast speed.  |
| (Source: APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966).                       |
|                                                                       |
| 1965 - Humberto Aranjo da Silva, a student driving in Bairio Paraiso  |
| dos Barbeiros, Brazil nearly hit a saucer-shaped craft, 6 meters in   |
| diameter, which had two V-shaped landing pads and a dome, and which   |
| had landed on the road. It made a whirring noise. (Sources: Lumieres  |
| dans la Nuit, issue # 84; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A      |
| Century of Landings, case # 653, citing SBEDV, issues 51, 53)         |
|                                                                       |
| 1969 - At 11:00 p.m. a dark gray, metallic inverted bowl-shaped disc  |
| flew over a farm in Van Horne, Iowa during a rainstorm, spinning      |
| counter-clockwise. It had a reddish-orange band two-thirds of the way |
| from its bottom to the top, and made a noise like a jet. The          |
| witnesses were three teenage girls. A 40-foot circle of wilted        |
| soybean plants was found, but the plants were not bent over or        |
| crushed. (Sources: J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 129; UNICAT |
| database, case 394, citing J. Allen Hynek).                           |
|                                                                       |
| 1971 - At 11:00 p.m. Gaetan Paquin, a young man in his twenties, was  |
| just arriving home in Notre-Dame-Du-Nord, Quebec when a white object  |
| flew over the road. He next saw "a completely white being of human    |
| form, with a pointed nose, slanted eyes, and a little puckered mouth" |
| standing near him. He saw the being in profile. "His height did not   |
| exceed 4 feet. He had no hair, and nothing that resembled clothing.   |
| He was very, very visible in the darkness--there was no light, for    |
| the sky was overcast and the electricity was out that night." The     |
| being appeared to be transparent, and Gaetan had the impression that  |
| a stone thrown at him would have passed right through him. Although   |
| the apparition completely ignored the presence of the witness, Paquin |
| became frightened and fled. (Sources: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher,   |
| HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1971-44, citing Jean      |
| Ferguson, UFO Quebec, issue # 9; John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants   |
| and Critters, p. 50).                                                 |
|                                                                       |
| 1975 - Four witnesses were walking up a footpath on Highdown Hill in  |
| Sussex, England when they saw a disc-shaped craft land nearby. A gray |
| figure with a large lemon-shaped head then appeared. When the         |
| witnesses tried to approach the figure a shiny red beam of light hit  |
| one of them, and the man who had been struck screamed in pain and     |
| fell to the ground. He recovered quickly, and then all four of the    |
| witnesses fled the scene. Some glowing powder was allegedly found on  |
| the ground in the area later. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, 1975        |
| Humanoid Contact database, case # 768, citing Norman Oliver, Quest    |
| UFO Magazine (UK), Volume 11, # 6).                                   |
|                                                                       |
| 1975 - At 12:50 p.m. Richard W. and three friends, Pat S., Nancy T.,  |
| and Ross K. were having lunch together at a coffee bar in Dunedin,    |
| New Zealand. The weather that was cold and damp and all of them were  |
| feeling a bit under the weather. They sat around a table located      |
| opposite the stairs and quietly ate their lunches. All of a sudden    |
| time seemed to stand still. The noisy and busy coffee bar, occupied   |
| by 80 people, became absolutely silent, when everything froze in      |
| place like a still frame from a motion picture. People were twisted   |
| in strange and unstable positions, frozen while performing movements, |
| and their bodies looked comic. Richard remembered witnessing a cloud  |
| of steam suspended motionless in a dynamic configuration above the    |
| expreso machine. He also remembered seeing a waitress pulling out hot |
| cakes from the oven, and sustaining their heat in her motionless      |
| hands. In the entire cafe only the four of them seemed to be          |
| unaffected, thus having the occasion to observe what was actually     |
| happening. At the top of the stairs leading down to the coffee bar    |
| from street level an unusual man appeared. He was about 1.75 meters   |
| tall and looked to be about 19 years old. He was dark, slim, thin,    |
| with olive skin and black wavy hair. His clothes looked normal, but   |
| displayed taste and elegance. Everything about him looked strikingly  |
| perfect. The man was surrounded by a beautiful white glow, especially |
| around his head and chest. The light seemed to come not from him, but |
| from the air that surrounded him. He glided down the stairs without   |
| moving his legs. He actually floated in the air slightly above the    |
| level of the stairs. Then he moved to the counter and stood first in  |
| the queue. As soon as he got there, everything started to happen      |
| normally again. People continued their actions from the point when    |
| they had been suspended in motion. Everything looked as though        |
| nothing had happened. The man bought a glass of fruit juice and sat   |
| at the last free chair available at a 12-person table. He             |
| acknowledged the witnesses attention with a smile. They wanted to     |
| talk to him and find out more about his unusual arrival, but there    |
| was no easy access to his chair. So they decided to leave the coffee  |
| bar and wait for him upstairs at the only way out. After five minutes |
| of waiting and not seeing him pass, Richard went back down to         |
| discover that he had gone, yet there was no other exit from the       |
| coffee bar. The group was also quite surprised to find that their     |
| various ailments, which included the flu and a migraine headache,     |
| were gone. About six weeks later they spotted him again. He stood at  |
| the top of the stairs at the same coffee shop again, intent on        |
| entering the cafe. He moved his head in their direction as a kind of  |
| greeting. His clothes were the same, except that this time he was     |
| surrounded by a faint green glow. When he appeared nothing actually   |
| happened. He walked down as normal people do (his steps somehow       |
| lighter than normal humans) unnoticed by anyone but the witnesses. He |
| again bought a glass of fruit juice and again sat in the same place.  |
| A few times he acknowledged their attention by a friendly look. This  |
| time they decided to interrupt him and find out who he was, so they   |
| wanted to stand up and get closer, but none of them could move. When  |
| finally they did manage to stand up, they directed themselves out of  |
| the coffee bar seemingly against their will. Pat tried desperately to |
| turn back, but her efforts failed. After a short while Pat decided to |
| return back inside the coffee bar, only to find that the mysterious   |
| stranger had already gone. They never saw him again. (Source: Albert  |
| S. Rosales, 1975 Humanoid Contact database, citing Jan Pajak).        |
|                                                                       |
| 1975 - On the same day as the two incidents above, a giant hairy      |
| biped was seen sitting in the window of a hog shed in Preble County,  |
| Ohio. watching the ten-year-old witness, who had had a previous UFO   |
| encounter. The boy ran to get his mother, but when they returned the  |
| creature had gone. (Source: Donald Worley, Proceedings of the CUFOS   |
| Conference: 1976, p. 291).                                            |
|                                                                       |
| 1976 - On this evening in Savanna, Oklahoma three boys watched a      |
| white disc-shaped object with beams of light search through some      |
| woods at a low altitude. The air felt warm and they heard a "Whoosh!" |
| sound. (Sources: McAlester Democrat, July 15, 1976; APRO Bulletin,    |
| January-February 1977, p. 1).                                         |
| 1977 - A domed disc passed over a hill in Roseto Degli Abruzzi, Italy |
| at 1:50 a.m. Two kids playing with walkie-talkies experienced RFI     |
| radio interference. (Source: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT: Italian UFO      |
| Catalogue).                                                           |
|                                                                       |
| 1977 - At 8:30 p.m. Adrian De Olmos Ordones, age 42, was resting on   |
| the balcony of his house in Quebradillas, Puerto Rico when he saw a   |
| very small figure across the road. It was about 40 feet away, and it  |
| slipped under a farm's barbed wire fence and walked toward a lamp     |
| post only 20 feet away. The little man was only three and a half feet |
| tall and wore a green garment that seemed to be inflated with air. He |
| also wore a large metallic helmet with a glass face plate encasing    |
| the head that came to a slight point on top. The helmet was           |
| surmounted by a short extension with a luminous point on top. On the  |
| being's back was a box like a knapsack. Sr. De Olmos also observed    |
| that he had only four fingers, that his feet were webbed like a       |
| duck's, and that he had a short tail, not long enough to reach the    |
| ground. In his right hand he carried a small shiny object. The        |
| witness told his daughter bring him a pencil and paper so he could    |
| make a sketch, but by mistake she turned on the balcony light. When   |
| she did the being ran back to the fence, passed under it, and then    |
| stopped and put his hand on his belt. Two red and two blue lights     |
| appeared on the backpack with two downward jets of sparks came out,   |
| accompanied by a sound like an electric drill. The being ascended 10  |
| feet into the air and flew horizontally to a grove of trees 150 yards |
| away. Mr. Olmos, his family, and neighbors watched the lights of the  |
| figure as he moved about the trees for 10 minutes, in company with    |
| another light. During this period the cattle on the adjacent farm     |
| "went crazy," running about and bellowing. The next day humanoid      |
| tracks were found and photographed at the site. A neighbor woman had  |
| seen a luminous object descend into the woods two days before.        |
| (Sources: Sebastian Robiou Lamarche, MUFON UFO Journal, March 1978,   |
| p. 3; FSR, April 1978, p. 9; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT:  |
| Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1977-36 (A1741), citing Sebastian |
| Robiou Lamarche; Jorge Martin; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close         |
| Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 232).                                |
|                                                                       |
| 1978 - A watch stopped when an orange glowing domed disc-shaped UFO   |
| came out from under the clouds 13 kilometers from the mountain town   |
| of Wiener Neustadt, Austria at 10:15 p.m. The two witnesses reported  |
| that the object then simply vanished. (Source: Ernst Berger, MUFON    |
| UFO Journal, June 1978, p. 3).                                        |
|                                                                       |
| 1978 - At around 11:00 p.m. a reddish-orange disc-shaped object,      |
| making a whistling sound, was sighted by several witnesses five       |
| kilometers away from Estacio Rambion in San Juan, Argentina. At the   |
| railway station the telephone stopped working and there was a         |
| television blackout. The batteries of some road machinery equipment   |
| were also damaged. A dog howled during the incident, which lasted     |
| about 15 minutes, and it later lost its hair. Three horses were also  |
| reported missing and never found. (Sources: Lumieres dans la Nuit,    |
| March 1981; UNICAT database, case 595, citing Guillermo Roncoroni).   |
|                                                                       |
| 1981 - At 12:50 a.m. five observers driving in a vehicle, including a |
| college professor and a social worker, in South Canterbury, New       |
| Zealand saw a brightly lit domed disc-shaped craft with gold, red and |
| green lights. It paced their car along a back road, making no sound.  |
| The object had several brightly lit windows and slot like             |
| indentations on its surface. A heavyset squat figure was seen at one  |
| of the windows. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, May 1982, p. 3; Richard      |
| Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 26,       |
| citing the Timaru Herald, July 31, 1981; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid  |
| Contact Database 1981, case # 2438, citing the MUFON UFO Journal,     |
| November 1981, p. 6).                                                 |
|                                                                       |
| South Canterbury, New Zealand Close Encounter - 1981                  |
|                                                                       |
| [image]                                                               |
|                                                                       |
| 1981 - A nocturnal light hung stationary in the sky over the Dee      |
| Estuary in Cheshire, England on this night, and then shot off at high |
| speed. It was sighted by an air crew that corroborated the ground     |
| level sighting. (Source: John Wallace Spencer, UFO Encyclopedia, p.   |
| 89).                                                                  |
|                                                                       |
| 1984 - On this night hundreds of witnesses in the Hudson Valley,      |
| Westchester County, New York saw a number of small round lights which |
| hovered, made abrupt right angle turns, disappeared and reappeared.   |
| The objects changed colors, made a faint humming sound, and moved     |
| from one shaped-formation to another. (Sources: Richard F. Haines,    |
| Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 71; Peter Brookesmith,     |
| UFO: The Complete Sightings, p. 128; Discover, November 1984).        |
|                                                                       |
| 1989 - On this night at least six witnesses in Southend, Essex,       |
| England reported that a cone-shaped UFO paced a car. Lights on object |
| turned counter-clockwise. The object shot off when the car stopped.   |
| (Source: Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 228).                  |
|                                                                       |
| 1998 - A female security guard in Lakeland, Florida spotted a strange |
| "alien" entity standing on the corner of Dixie Highway and Lucern     |
| Road on this evening. The humanoid had pasty white skin, reddish      |
| blond hair, and black button eyes. His nose was small, his lips were  |
| very thin, and his eyes were black in color with almost no white      |
| area. He had neither eyelashes nor other facial nor body hair, his    |
| head was unusually large, while his ears were very small. He moved    |
| very slowly with short little steps and was wearing normal human      |
| clothing. The next evening the same or a similar entity appeared      |
| outside the security guard's workplace, over 12 miles away. When a    |
| second witness approached the entity mysteriously disappeared. The    |
| police were notified. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact    |
| Database 1998, case # 3156, citing UFO Magazine (USA), Volume 14, No. |
| 1).                                                                   |
|                                                                       |
| 2000 - A 14-year-old boy had gone to bed late on this night at his    |
| summer cottage in Manooth, Ontario, Canada when he woke up to find    |
| his bedroom door open and someone walking in the living room. Soon an |
| alien figure came to his bedroom door and entered, followed by two    |
| more. The beings were basically humanoid, gray in color, with large   |
| black oval-shaped eyes. One was taller than the others and he was     |
| holding a glowing blue rod, which apparently paralyzed the witness.   |
| He telepathically told the boy that they were going to cure an        |
| infection that was brought to Earth by another alien race. They       |
| inserted a long tube down the witness esophagus and through it        |
| injected a liquid. He was then able to move and was told to follow    |
| them. Outside he was taken aboard a landed disc-shaped object, where  |
| he was scanned and examined. Later he was brought back to his room.   |
| (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2000, case #    |
| 3614, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center,          |
| Seattle).                                                             |
|                                                                       |
| 2002 - A scout troop with their scoutmaster saw 26 orange objects fly |
| from south to north slowly, in single file, over Browns Plains,       |
| Queensland shortly after 10 p.m. The objects were described as        |
| balloon shaped, and glowed orange. There was no sound, and there were |
| no navigation lights on the objects. (Source: Sheryl Gottschall       |
| Sheryl, UFO Research Queensland website).                             |
|                                                                       |
| 2003 - The witness and her mother were driving home down a road in    |
| Ashland, Kentucky at around 10:00 p.m. when they saw a moving light   |
| in the sky. They first assumed it was a plane, but then it started    |
| moving faster. It sped up to an unbelievable speed and shot back and  |
| forth between wo stars, and then stopped as if it had spotted them.   |
| At this point their car stopped running. The UFO had disappeared but  |
| they had a feeling it was still present, watching them. It            |
| reappeared, this time closer. They next saw 20 to 30 lights zooming   |
| across the sky. These all stopped at the same star in the sky as the  |
| first one, and they all vanished in a bright flash. They heard no     |
| sound during any of this. The daughter reports that she then fainted, |
| but her mother continued to watch. She said the light got bigger and  |
| brighter, and in the midst of the light her mother claims to have     |
| seen dark figures carrying strange instruments. When the daughter     |
| woke up, the car was on the side of the road about 20 feet from where |
| it had been. About half an hour had passed, but it seemed to have     |
| been much longer. Her mother was now passed out and outside of the    |
| car. She appeared unharmed, but she did have a scar on the back of    |
| her neck. The mother convinced herself that the mark was from the     |
| back of the car door when she "fell" out of the car. For subsequent   |
| nights the pair have seen strange lights in the sky at night, dashing |
| across the sky. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting      |
| Center, Seattle, July 2003 webpage).                                  |
|                                                                       |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 29 October 2009).        |
|                                                                       |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database.                           |
|                                                                       |
| Themes: abduction, counter-clockwise rotation, domed disc             |
| s, dwarf humanoids, EM effects, Grey humanoids, healing, inside occup |
| ant, multi-year reports from England and New Zealand, orange UFOs, pa |
| llid humanoids, RV interference, sensation of heat, time distortions. |
|                                                                       |
| © Donald A. Johnson                                                   |
|                                                                       |
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