// utils.h // Copyright (C) 2023 Richard Geldreich, Jr. #pragma once #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning (disable:4100) // unreferenced formal parameter #pragma warning (disable:4505) // unreferenced function with internal linkage has been removed) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define NOMINMAX #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pjson.h" #include "libsoldout/markdown.h" #include "json/json.hpp" using json = nlohmann::json; typedef std::vector string_vec; typedef std::unordered_set unordered_string_set; typedef std::vector uint8_vec; typedef std::pair string_pair; typedef std::vector int_vec; typedef std::vector uint_vec; const uint32_t UTF8_BOM0 = 0xEF, UTF8_BOM1 = 0xBB, UTF8_BOM2 = 0xBF; // Code page 1242 (ANSI) soft hyphen character. // See http://www.alanwood.net/demos/ansi.html const uint32_t ANSI_SOFT_HYPHEN = 0xAD; template inline void clear_obj(T& obj) { memset(&obj, 0, sizeof(T)); } void panic(const char* pMsg, ...); //------------------------------------------------------------------ inline bool string_is_digits(const std::string& s) { for (char c : s) if (!isdigit((uint8_t)c)) return false; return true; } inline bool string_is_alpha(const std::string& s) { for (char c : s) if (!isalpha((uint8_t)c)) return false; return true; } std::string combine_strings(std::string a, const std::string& b); // Convert an UTF8 string to a wide Unicode String std::wstring utf8_to_wchar(const std::string& str, UINT code_page = CP_UTF8); // Convert a wide Unicode string to an UTF8 string std::string wchar_to_utf8(const std::wstring& wstr, UINT code_page = CP_UTF8); inline std::string ansi_to_utf8(const std::string& str) { return wchar_to_utf8(utf8_to_wchar(str, 1252)); } // Code page 437 to utf8. WideCharToMultiByte etc. doesn't do the expecting thing for chars<32, and we need them. std::string dos_to_utf8(const std::string& str); // utf8 string format bool vformat(std::vector& buf, const char* pFmt, va_list args); // utf8 printf to FILE* void ufprintf(FILE* pFile, const char* pFmt, ...); // utf8 print to stdout void uprintf(const char* pFmt, ...); std::string string_format(const char* pMsg, ...); void panic(const char* pMsg, ...); // Open a file given a utf8 filename FILE* ufopen(const char* pFilename, const char* pMode); // like tolower() but doesn't assert on negative values and doesn't factor in locale inline char utolower(char c) { if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) return (c - 'A') + 'a'; return c; } inline uint8_t utolower(uint8_t c) { if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) return (c - 'A') + 'a'; return c; } // like toupper() but doesn't assert on negative values and doesn't factor in locale inline char utoupper(char c) { if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) return (c - 'a') + 'A'; return c; } inline uint8_t utoupper(uint8_t c) { if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) return (c - 'a') + 'A'; return c; } // like isdigit() but doesn't assert on negative values and doesn't factor in locale inline bool uisdigit(char c) { return (c >= '0') && (c <= '9'); } inline bool uisdigit(uint8_t c) { return (c >= '0') && (c <= '9'); } // like isupper() but doesn't assert on negative values and doesn't factor in locale inline bool uisupper(char c) { return (c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z'); } inline bool uisupper(uint8_t c) { return (c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z'); } // like islower() but doesn't assert on negative values and doesn't factor in locale inline bool uislower(char c) { return (c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z'); } inline bool uislower(uint8_t c) { return (c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z'); } // like isalpha() but doesn't assert on negative values and doesn't factor in locale inline bool uisalpha(char c) { return uisupper(c) || uislower(c); } inline bool uisalpha(uint8_t c) { return uisupper(c) || uislower(c); } inline int convert_hex_digit(int d) { if ((d >= 'a') && (d <= 'f')) return (d - 'a') + 10; else if ((d >= 'A') && (d <= 'F')) return (d - 'A') + 10; else if ((d >= '0') && (d <= '9')) return d - '0'; return -1; } inline std::string string_lower(std::string str) { for (char& c : str) c = (char)utolower((uint8_t)c); return str; } inline std::string string_upper(std::string str) { for (char& c : str) c = (char)utoupper((uint8_t)c); return str; } std::string& string_trim(std::string& str); std::string& string_trim_end(std::string& str); // Case sensitive, returns -1 if can't find int string_find_first(const std::string& str, const char* pPhrase); int string_ifind_first(const std::string& str, const char* pPhrase); int string_icompare(const std::string& a, const char* pB); // Case insensitive bool string_begins_with(const std::string& str, const char* pPhrase); // Case insensitive bool string_ends_in(const std::string& str, const char* pPhrase); std::string string_slice(const std::string& str, size_t ofs, size_t len = UINT32_MAX); inline char to_hex(uint32_t val) { assert(val <= 15); return (char)((val <= 9) ? ('0' + val) : ('A' + val - 10)); } std::string encode_url(const std::string& url); uint32_t crc32(const uint8_t* pBuf, size_t size, uint32_t init_crc = 0); uint32_t hash_hsieh(const uint8_t* pBuf, size_t len); bool read_binary_file(const char* pFilename, uint8_vec& buf); bool read_text_file(const char* pFilename, string_vec& lines, bool trim_lines, bool* pUTF8_flag); bool read_text_file(const char* pFilename, std::vector& buf, bool *pUTF8_flag); bool write_text_file(const char* pFilename, const string_vec& lines, bool utf8_bom = true); bool serialize_to_json_file(const char* pFilename, const json& j, bool utf8_bom); bool load_column_text(const char* pFilename, std::vector& rows, std::string& title, string_vec& col_titles, bool empty_line_seps, const char *pExtra_col_text); bool invoke_curl(const std::string& args, string_vec& reply); void convert_args_to_utf8(string_vec& args, int argc, wchar_t* argv[]); bool invoke_openai(const std::string& prompt, std::string& reply); bool invoke_openai(const string_vec& prompt, string_vec& reply); std::string get_deg_to_dms(double deg); bool load_json_object(const char* pFilename, bool& utf8_flag, json& result_obj); inline bool load_json_object(const char* pFilename, json& result_obj) { bool utf8_flag = false; return load_json_object(pFilename, utf8_flag, result_obj); } void string_tokenize(const std::string& str, const std::string& whitespace, const std::string& break_chars, string_vec& tokens, uint_vec* pOffsets_vec = nullptr); double deg2rad(double deg); double rad2deg(double rad); // input in degrees double geo_distance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2, int unit = 'M'); std::string remove_bom(std::string str); int get_next_utf8_code_point_len(const uint8_t* pStr); void get_string_words(const std::string& str, string_vec& words, uint_vec* pOffsets_vec, const char *pAdditional_whitespace = nullptr); void get_utf8_code_point_offsets(const char* pStr, int_vec& offsets); void init_norm(); void normalize_diacritics(const char* pStr, std::string& res); std::string normalize_word(const std::string& str); bool is_stop_word(const std::string& word); std::string ustrlwr(const std::string& s); std::string string_replace(const std::string& str, const std::string& find, const std::string& repl); bool does_file_exist(const char* pFilename); int get_julian_date(int M, int D, int Y); // Returns 0-6: // Sun 0 // Mon 1 // Tue 2 // Wed 3 // Thu 4 // Fri 5 // Sat 6 int get_day_of_week(int julian);