- **January or February:** A bright ball is seen in the East of [France](FR.html). It was also reported in [England](UK.html) (illuminating the ground with a powerful projector), in the east of Europe and in Russia where it was even shot at with a gun. - **April 2** - **20 h :** At Cherbourg (France)[FR.html], one can see, coming from the sea and at an altitude that cannot be determined even approximately, an enormous luminous ball which, after describing a curve above the city. - **11pm:** The ball disappeared in the direction it had come from. The Vice Admiral-Maritime Prefect activated the electric spotlights of the breakwater, but their rays were not powerful enough and the attempt was unsuccessful. Some people, including naval officers, claimed to have seen the light of this [meteor](Meteore.html) take on red and green hues. At the Arsenal Observatory, people were lost in conjecture and, just in case, Vice Admiral Besson gave orders for the torpedo boats to be ready to sail the next and following nights if this mysterious visitor reappeared, and to follow its movements in order to try to penetrate its mystery. In a drawing that occupied him entirely, the cover of issue 1985 of another periodical - *Le Bon Journal* of April 16th - showed a large crowd gathered on the docks. The crescent Moon was clearly visible, as well as a much larger sphere, which was undoubtedly close, that a spotlight vainly tried to reach. The object is described as "an enormous Moon whose colors are changing. [\[*Le Matin*, April 3\]]{.source}. All the port authorities held a council and, for 3 nights, kept watch on Place Napoleon. From their observations, it was concluded that the hypothesis of a balloon or signals at sea had to be abandoned, and that it was undoubtedly a cosmic phenomenon to which human participation was completely foreign [\[*Le Matin*, April 9\]]{.source}. Many newspapers and publications reported the event, including the Bulletin of the French Astronomers Society, which considered that this large luminous object was none other than the planet [Venus](Venus.html). - **Summer Evening**: Doctor I. P. de Craovia sees in Horodnicul de Sus (Romania) near Radauti an elongated object in the shape of a saucer, bigger than the Moon. It emits powerful light of its own and flies horizontally towards the West. - **August 2nd, 1:30**: J. A. Jackson, a respectable citizen of Silshee (California), was heading to his "outdoor facilities" when he saw a very bright light in the sky. It seemed to be attached to a 20m "aircraft" with wings. The mysterious machine seemed to be powered by its wings alone, it rose and fell in rhythm with its wing beats like a giant bird [\[*Brawley News* August 4th\]]{.source}. Other inhabitants of the area also claim to have seen the same thing. - **November 29:** A bolide of lunar diameter is visible for 2 h [\[BSAF, 1906\]]{.source}. - In Portland, Oregon, a "strange object" descends from the high clouds and hovers over the city. [UFO Roundup 4-36]{.source}